Me UC SAN DIEGO LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO . . Wwwwwww M ww ........ . w merc.... www. WWW. WWWWWACHE. W VARMM MPISAWAN wwwwwwwwwwwwww. . ..... ........ . wwwwwww SWARAN WENGUSU Www. June 1900 .. www .. OPTICAL SYSTEMS GROUP TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 219 3 1822 04429 6614 June 1990 -.. . son Offsite (Annex-JON rnals) QC 974.5 . 143 no. 219 M PRELIMINARY CLOUD ANALYSIS CONCEPTS FOR APPLICATION TO ASAT ENGAGEMENT SCENARIOS T. L. Koehler J. E. Shields UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO ERSITY SMIN . .. ORNI 8981.) ... The material contained in this note is to be considered proprietary in nature and is not authorized for distribution without the prior consent of the Marine Physical Laboratory. SCRIPPS INSTITUTION "ON OCEANOGRAPHY MARINE PHYSICAL LAB San Diego, CA 92152-6400 OF UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO ww SA w . ..... w www ww. w wwwwwwwwwwwwwww. ww.www.. .... .www. wwwwwww www www V . erc .. www ...... WIR Wyware .. ... 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WWW ... . 3 1822 04429 6614 Preliminary Cloud Analysis Concepts for Application to ASAT Engagement Scenarios Contents Introduction and Overview Bullet Charts Caveats for Demonstration Presentation Demonstration Sequence - Unconditional Probabilities Demonstration Sequence - Conditional Probabilities Data Plots Extracted One-Minute Image Format Frequency Distribution: Start and End Position Frequency Distribution: Arc Length Cumulative Frequency of Arc Length Conditional Cloud Free Arc Probability Simulated Energy Matrix Thresholded Energy Matrix Simulated Percent Kill Data Tables Conditional CFARC Probability Simulated Energy Matrix Decision Matrix (Energy > 7000) Appendices Tech Memo AV90-074t, "25 May Meeting with Michelle Reed and Dick Newton" Simulated Probability of Kill Computation Examples Introduction and Overview The attached plots are a sample calculation intended to demonstrate various cloud free arc (CFARC) probabilities for use with an ASAT model (ref AV90-074t, attached). Statistics have been extracted for a two week sample, for the arc shown in the first figure. Bullet charts showing the resulting plots, and the appropriate caveats, are included. Unconditional Probability Plots The first plot gives the frequency distribution for start and end point of the longest cloud free arc occurring along the selected arc within each image. Only those points which are neither completely clear nor completely cloudy are included on the plot. (The frequencies of clear and overcast cases are printed on the plot.) The shape of this curve is appears reasonable; this may be discussed at the meeting. The second plot on this page gives the frequency distribution for arc length. (Again, clear and overcast are not included.) This is followed by a plot of the cumulative frequency for arc length, both for the total sample, and for am (the 3 hours before local apparent noon) and pm (the three hours after). Unconditional Probability Interpretation From the combined cumulative frequency plot, one can see that the 20% value corresponds, for this sample, to an arc length of 45 degrees. Although these numbers should not be trusted at this point (see the caveats bullet chart), they can be used for illustrative purposes. In this sample, if one wishes an 80% success rate, one must be able to input sufficient energy in 45 degrees. Note that the afternoon was considerably more cloudy than the morning. In the morning one has over 60 degrees available, but in the afternoon only 30 degrees are available, assuming a desired 80% success rate. SAW Conditional Probability Plot The start point can also be quite critical in determinations of whether it is possible to input enough energy. Therefore we also computed some conditional probabilities. One can first compute the probability that the start point is a given position. Then for a given start point, one can compute the conditional probability that the arc length is a given amount. The application of this approach is illustrated in the remaining plots and tables. The first plot and table show the arc length conditional probability, based on this limited data sample, given the start pixel position shown. For illustration only, the arc has been broken into 9 segments. These computations would normally be done at full resolution.) Thus, for example, .7% of the cases had a start point within category 1 and arc length within category 1 (roughly 0-12 degrees). Application of the Conditional Probability Once similar conditional probabilities are computed for sufficiently long periods, these data could be used in the following way. The ASĀT model could be used to generate the amount of energy which can be input for a given start point and arc length. This would be computed for all combinations of start point and arc length. This has been done for a simulated energy profile, in the figure labeled "Simulated Energy Matrix". Heisa If one knows the energy required for kill, the energy matrix is thresholded at this known required energy. The resulting thresholded matrix is 0 if a given start point and arc length do not yield sufficient energy. A sample thresholded energy matrix has been plotted for a kill energy of 7000 relative units. This binary matrix is then multiplied by the conditional cloud free arc length matrix shown earlier, to determine how often success is achieved. The sum of this final matrix yields percent kill rate. The final plot compares the resulting kill rate for the unconditional and conditional probabilities. The unconditional probability gives a somewhat more conservative answer. That is, for a given required kill energy, the unconditional probability will yield a slightly lower success rate. For a required kill energy of 7000, the conditional probability predicts a 2% higher success ratio. For operational purposes, the important question is: how much will we overestimate the energy output requirements of the GBL if we use unconditional probabilities. Answering this directly requires multiple runs with different input energy profiles. However we can approach the problem indirectly by asking a slightly different question: what is the highest kill energy that could be achieved for a given fixed input energy. The unconditional probability implies a kill energy of only 4700 units would be available on target; the conditional probability implies that 7200 units of energy would be available, for the same input profile. Thus in terms of energy, the conditional probability gives a much more favorable answer. Views It should be noted that the stair-step nature of the unconditional percent kill vs. kill energy plot is an artifact of the coarse arc length resolution used for the illustration of concept in this sample. This artifact would disappear when the computations are made at full resolution. Summary The cumulative frequency of arc length. i.e.. the unconditional probability of arc length, yields a very convenient result. One can determine immediately the arc length in which sufficient energy must be input. This is a very convenient format, as it uncouples the cloud statistics from the ASAT model; these distributions may be run for as many cases as desired, and input as distributions to the ASAT model. The conditional probabilities also decoupled the cloud impact computations from the ASAT computations That is, the cloud statistics may be determined independently from many cases, and input as a distribution to the ASAT model. They also , in our opinion, yield a somewhat more accurate result than the unconditional probabilities. They are not as convenient to interpret however, because determination of the final percent kill rate requires use of the an energy matrix from the ASAT model. FUS CAVEATS FOR DEMONSTRATION PRESENTATION • SIMULATED ARC: ROW FROM IMAGE • TWO WEEKS ONLY, 6 HRS, 1 MIN DATA • PREVIOUSLY PROCESSED CLOUD DATA • USED PRELIMINARY CLOUD ALGORITHM • SIMULATED ARC LENGTH USING PIXEL EXTENT . . MPL DEMONSTRATION SEQUENCE UNCONDITIONAL PROBABILITIES • START AND END POINT DISTRIBUTION ARC LENGTH DISTRIBUTION ARC LENGTH CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY (Total, AM, PM) .. ...... . MPL www DEMONSTRATION SEQUENCE CONDITIONAL PROBABILITIES . ARC LENGTH VS START PIXEL MATRIX SIMULATED ENERGY MATRIX • THRESHOLDED ENERGY MATRIX • RESULTING PROBABILITY OF KILL VS KILL ENERGY . . ," MPL FIGURE 1 EXTRACTED ONE-MINUTE IMAGE FORMAT Screen Column Number Ontw^OOOO ULLLLLL 86 100 114 128 142 156 170 184 198 212 Screen Row Number Image Row Number, Y 226 240 254 268 282 296 310 324 338 352 366 380 394 408 422 436 450 Mt 62 464 06 101 112 123 134 145 156 167 178 189 200 211 222 233 244 255 266 277 288 299 310 321 332 343 354 365 376 387 398 409 420 431 dah Image Column Number, X AD CSTATION IMAGE ROW 324 - ONE MINUTE DATA AUG. 10 - 16 AND SEPT. 14 - 20,1989 ... ............. I W ........ .. Cumulative Frequency (%) .. ... .... . . . www .. .. COMBINED AM PM .. .......... ... . .. ...... ...... . .... . .. 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww SIN ... . .. . *** .... " ....... .. w w Arc Length (Degrees) . MPLE HIV ..... .. . . ... .. . . . . ...... .. ............ .. wwwwwwwwwwwww w CSTATION IMAGE ROW 324 - ONE MINUTE DATA AUG. 10. 16 AND SEPT. 14 - 20 1989 WWW . . . . . . ... . . .. ... . ...... wwwwwwwwww Start Pixel End Pixel . wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww .. ... .. .. 58.1 % COMPLETELY CLEAR CASES 5.8 % COMPLETELY CLOUDY CASES Frequency (%) . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Arc Position (Degrees) www. Freq. (%) 1 . www o trattat 70 10 20 TITTI 50 60 70 TITTTTTTTT 80 90 100 L 30 40 110 Arc Length (Degrees) . MPL .. " MPLE PROBABILITY (%) ARC LENGTH W* #040 14+ + 23 U * 16 ** 12V 12 * *** * .. ***** CONDITIONAL CLOUD FREE ARC PROBABILITY Www * * . *.* * * * ..* . .. .*.*.. . . .. .. * . . . *..*. 2.9. . $ .* i list 4 . ir tt + + + + + a . M R . ** ** by 4 WM A 4 . PM . . . . . .. . .1.. . . * . Muk in A nk 4 #8 A ny #wall . * .. . ... .. . * 4 BNL 4 Wh . 4 ** tele TE * RM 44 ** * wat WTO TOV ANE I * * * WH * 1704 7 * 1 *1* 1 TATY way TTV PRIN Diowe WTOWN T *** 1 % $. dr 14. ! 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Conditional CFARC Probability (%) Conditional Probability of ARC length, for each given start point (Derived from Cloud Images) 7 9 3.20 2 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 1 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.5 8 1.60 2.00 6 1.8 0.4 0.4 1.9 CFARC Length Category 3 4 5 1.0 0.7 2.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.4 1.3 1.3 2.1 0.4 2.0 Start Pixel Ooo vau AWN 1.8 Cat. 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.9 0.5 WEEN Simulated Energy Matrix Energy fluence for a given arc length and start point (Normally derived from ASAT model) 7 13220 13600 12810 8 14320 14150 9 14760 Start Pixel Cat. bo vau AWN 1 320 700 1070 1450 1560 1210 830 450 140 CFARC Length Category 3 4 5 6 3260 5820 8820 11380 5090 8090 10650 12490 6630 9190 11030 12140 7070 8840 9950 10740 5950 7060 7940 4150 4940 2610 2 1420 2530 3630 4450 4120 3040 1940 1010 Decision Matrix (Energy > 7000) From Energy Matrix thresholded at a sample required kill energy of 7000 7 1 1 1 8 1 1 9 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 0 90 Start Pixel Cat. bovac AWN 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CFARC Length Category 3 4 5 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 oooooow Summation of the product of the CFARC table with this table yields 22.8% Pk. Addition of clear cases, 58.1%, yields net Pk = 80.9% MARINE PHYSICAL LABORATORY, P-001 of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography San Diego, California 92152-6400 AV90-0741 June 4, 1990 Technical Memorandum To: R.W. Johnson From: J.E. Shields Subject: 25 May Meeting with Michelle Reed and Dick Newton At your request, I will attempt to summarize the meeting with Michelle Reed and Dick Newton, that took place at ASL in New Mexico. These are the people working with the FEL laser site at Oro Grande. For this memo to make sense, I should first summarize the 18 April meeting, which also included Ken White of ASL and Ken Kosaka of TRW. Overview of the Engagement Space Model Dick Newton's work is in systems engineering for the anti-satellite, ASAT system. Essentially, they are trying to predict engagement space for a variety of satellites. His technical report TR90-001 summarizes the current state of the model. Essentially, the characteristics of a the satellite, the atmosphere, and the ground-based laser, are input to determine the irradiance that can be directed at the satellite by the laser as a function of position of the satellite along a track. This, combined with the satellite angular velocity along the track, yields a plot of the cumulative energy which can be deposited on the satellite as a function of time. This is shown in the attached Fig 2.4 from their report. Since the energy deposit rate is relatively low at larger zenith angles, the optimum initiation time is somewhat after the first possible initiation time, as shown in Figure 2.5. A sample output representative of their current model is in the form of Figure 4, which shows the possible engagement space for a sample satellite. The line marked Pd is I believe where the power density is sufficient to initiate burn. The "too late" curve is where there is no longer time to cumulate enough energy for a burn. For example, in Fig 4 near azimuth 180, if one needs to apply sufficient energy before reaching the Pd curve near the bottom, one must start sufficiently above the Pd curve that the cumulative energy equals that required for burn. Dick N.'s report shows how this engagement space depends on satellite altitude, shows the effects of regions which cannot be used (the "keep out zone"), and also shows the curve within the engagement space which represents the optimum initiation time (based on minimizing the required irradiation time). The effect of a cloud can be rather large. As shown in his Figure 10, a cloud represents another region through which significant energy cannot be directed. In order to determine the engagement space, the user must back away from the cloud edge by the amount of time required to deliver the burn energy. This gives a new "too late curve", as shown in Fig 10. AV90-0741 1 June 90 April comments regarding our contribution At the time of the April meeting, they felt we could best help in several arenas. a) Their model gives them a total energy input, or fluence, for a given satellite and GBL. They need to know how that fluence is degraded in the presence of clouds. In particular they need the probability distribution for fluence between 0 and the max (no cloud) case. b) They felt this could be done by running lots of cases with clouds through their model. That is, input a specific cloud sample to their model, determine the resulting fluence for that case, and continue with lots of specific cloud cases, to get a distribution of fluence results. They felt somewhat limited in their ability to handle lots of cases. They suggested using the cloud images for noon for a period of one month. There was some discussion of using hourly images. I got the impression that being able to run a finer time scale would be difficult for them. d) They also wanted to know, in terms of clouds, what are the best and worst months. e) They were interested in knowing whether the inclination angle matters. By inclination angle, they mean the angle of the satellite path with respect to a north-south line (this is equivalent to azimuth if the satellite happens to pass overhead). harland images, and input appropriate stausuu w. I commented that it would be very helpful if we could de-couple the atmospherics from the model. That is, rather than inputting specific cloud images to the model, and running lots of cases to get a distribution of results, it would be very helpful if we could run calculations on the cloud images, and input appropriate statistics to his model. This has the advantage of letting us run lots of cases, to give them better distributions. It also makes transport of the information easier, and means we don't have to get involved in classified details of the model. At the time, he and Tom agreed, but none of us were sure how we could decouple the cloud information from the engagement space model. Decoupling the Clouds At the May meeting, Dick N. proposed a plan for decoupling the cloud behavior from the engagement space model. He suggests that he give us a couple bearings of interest, i.e. a couple of possible satellite tracks. We would identify seasons of interest, such as the least and most rainy seasons, and perhaps some average seasons. These would be based on the data, not on the normal seasons. Similarly, there would be "seasons" of the day, or periods of similar behavior. These could initially be am, noon, and pm. Suppose we choose Aug-Sep, 2-4 pm as a sample. We would process the data along 2 bearings, looking at CFARC. He suggested that we just look at the longest CFARC for now. He also suggested putting the data into bins, by choosing some angular interval, such as 10 degrees. The handwritten Fig 1 shows a sample of 20 cases, with the longest CFARC indicated on each line, with start and end positions indicated in terms of these angular bins. For this sample case, he computed the average and STD for both start time and end time, yielding the plot in Fig 2.1. Then the difference in the averages gives you the average arc length, and the RSS (root sum of squares) can be used to derive the STD in arc length (I'm not sure how, but I'm sure Tom can derive it). INMATE TIME .................. ... . . .......... SIXY.26 1/2 OBUFEN TRAADIATE TIME (SEC) 2.5. OPTIMUM ENGAGEMENT TIME NO TIME FIGURE 2 (continued) LQ (ENERGY) wwwwww 2.4. CUMULATIVE DEPOSITED ENERGY ................. .... .. ..................... ............ (panu juoy) suo joung əwil juawape uz inuts AM in ein SES Alt Alt System O' Az Engagement Space 90° Z Horizon 60ʻZ PO Threshold FIGURE 4 270' Az 90° Az Too Late Curve Cummulative Energy equals Burn 180° AZ 180° Az CURVE LATE TOO SORTE ZONE OUT C. 90° Az 270° Az KEEP . WW FIGURE 10 2.09 C . Space Engagement Threshold O' Az w .. .. .... .. ..... ... ............... L# pnojo aduexs Lidig F මුල්ම වු විල් මුණ ගී යුෂ මී මුෂ ලි මිය D .. . 6° " . ම් " | " " " " -I"" ම් H |) -- D | G D | - | ක ග න ග » මටම s 2 4 2 පුත්‍රයන් 16,bla.... ... Ames ...... .... . : cented an. : 4.85 . : tout 67407 8000 £ 3.05 and . . . . . la ... Fir, 2.2 : 3.6 مادر با otroli6 8=16 V 3.05 UNITS - -**... . . ; --- :. +- 6 : 7 · ... : : 485 . For cloud FREE HORIZOW . START 3.09 8 10 . AFT C. Lood Roa FREE Horizoar i bol Figa.l. . . . . m ...... en. STOP 6.65 CENTER . . . AV90-0741 1 June 90 This gives you a mean and STD of arc lengths, as in Fig 2.2. For his model, he needs to specify a Pk (probability of kill). Say he wants a Pk value of 80%. Then he needs to determine from Fig 2.2 the minimum arc length that is found or exceeded 80% of the time. In this case, the longest arc length was greater than or equal to 3.05 units (unit length referring back to Fig 1) 80% of the time. So he needs to design his system such that he can get enough energy on the satellite within 3.05 arc length units. In particular, he could enter this mean arc length associated with the given Pk to his model, to compute new engagement space diagrams. He is not sure how limiting the atmosphere will actually be. He needs to design the system for something like 80% Pk with an 80% confidence level (the numbers are yet to be determined). He needs to know how much the atmosphere will limit him. For now, we said we would try to make a sample run before the June meeting, and we would at least think about this approach, but the method seemed reasonable. Discussion of the Statistical Approach Several other relevant comments were: a) For our sample runs, we can limit the computations to 0 5 60°. b) We discussed whether arcs with short breaks would be of interest. For example, we could run the statistics for the longest arc with 100% clear, the longest with 95% clear, and so on; this would be like an added dimension to the statistics. This is because a long arc length with a short break in it might be useful. He felt that it would be of interest some time, but since they do not have a good feel for the cooling rate (for how much the satellite would cool during the short break), the 100% cloud free arc is the most important case for now; this would give him the most conservative answer. I suggested that they might later be interested in a conditional probability which includes the start point. That is, we could give him the probability that a given direction is clear, and the conditional probability for arc length, given that that start is clear. This could be important, because the arc length required to input a given energy depends strongly on the position of the start of the arc length. He seemed to feel this would be a useful later addition. d) Sind Since we are probably going to be limited more by Exabyte read time than by processing time, I suggested that we might consider using a continuum in zenith angle, rather than breaking things into 10 degree bins. I believe the binning is only to make computations simpler, but for our automated processing, using the actual angle may be simpler. I'm not aware of any statistical advantage in going with the bins, for this type study. If we do use bins, he said the bin size would somehow be related to cloud size; I suggested it could be based on the spatial coherence. e) Once they really get going, they will be very interested in a real time system at the site. In the meantime, they are interested in the statistics for WSC, WSH, and maybe KAA. Later CL4 may be of interest, as there is talk of a second site there. . ... Ame n .hu in d. vr pow. A. JIWW, AV90-0740 1 June 90 f) Viskas I asked about time intervals. He's not sure what's best to use, although he agrees that if the samples are too close together, they are no longer statistically independent. Since he does not need persistence, the close time interval is not required. Perhaps 10 minute intervals would be reasonable, as it gets us away from the dependent sampling problem a bit, and opens up more choices in tracks to use. We would probably compute the distribution of arc length directly, rather than deriving it from start and end statistics, since the latter probably requires assuming a standard distribution. h) He says that over the next 5 years, they will probably want statistics for 12 satellites. They might also want specific cloud images to try, perhaps as a prototype on how to use the real time system results. In general, they still feel that our data will answer a very crucial question for them. They may or may not like the answer, but they need to know the answer. Simulated Probability of kill Computation Examples To demonstrate the use of the conditional cloud free arc (CFARC) values in the probability of kill computations, a simple energy vs. pixel relationship was assumed. The energy contribution per pixel started at 1 pixel 1 and increased linearly to 122 at pixel 122. It then decreased linearly back to 1 at pixel 243. In these circumstances, a completely clear arc would yield a total energy of 14884 energy units. The following tables illustrate the probability of kill computations for two cases. The first case employs a CFARC probability distribution that is defined without considering the starting pixel position of the arc, and is thus labelled the unconditional case. In the second case, a CFARC probability distribution is defined for each start pixel location. This case is labelled the conditional case. For illustration purposes, we have broken the 243 pixels in the sample arc into 9 categories of 27 pixels each. In practice, the full resolution could be used. Unditional case. For:19.n. start pixel locatie UNCONDITIONAL EXAMPLE 1 140 CFARC Length Category 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 890 2380 4590 7500 10390 12580 14030 14760 1. Simulated Energy 2. Decision Vector (Energy > 7000) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 4.1 3.6 3.9 3.6 5.1 4.5 4.5 3.6 3.2 3. Unconditional CFARC Probability (%) 4. Line 2 times Line 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.1 4.5 4.5 3.6 3.2 Probability of kill = Sum of Line 4 + % of Completely Clear Cases P.K. = 20.9% + 58.1% = 79.0% CONDITIONAL EXAMPLE 1. Simulated Energy ܝܕ ܢܨ ܚ 3 ܩ ܟ Start Pixel Category CFARC Length Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 320 1420 3260 5820 8820 11380 13220 14320 14760 700 2530 5090 8090 10650 12490 13600 14150 1070 3630 6630 9190 11030 12140 12810 1450 4450 7070 88 40 9950 10740 1560 4120 5954 7060 7940 1210 3040 4151 4941 830 1940 2610 450 1010 140 ܗ ܢ 7 ܣ ܩ 2. Decision Matrix (Energy > 7000) 3. Conditional CFARC Probability (%) 8 1.6 2.0 9 3.2 CFARC Length Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 000011111 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Start 4 001111 Pixel 5 00011 Cat. 6 0000 7 000 8 00 9 0 1 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 2 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.9 CFARC Length Category 3 4 5 6 7 1.0 0.7 2.2 1.8 2.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 2.0 0.3 0.3 0.5 1.9 0.5 0.7 1.8 0.4 1.3 1.3 4. Elements of Matrix 3 times the corresponding elements of Matrix 4 8 1.6 2.0 9 3.2 1 2 3 4 : 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CFARC Length Category 3 4 5 6 7 0.0 0.0 2.2 1.8 2.1 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.4 2.0 0.3 0.3 0.5 1.9 0.0 0.7 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 Start Pixel Category 9 Probability of kill = Sum of Matrix 4 Elements + % of Completely clear Cases P.K. = 22.8% + 58.18 = 80.98 * - The events that affect the conditional P.K., but not the unconditional P.K. have been outlined.