UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO m www w www. www acc w ... W....... ww. ......... .. w www. . . .......... .. .wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww www. . www. 3 1822 04429 6655 FEB 1988 ATMOSPHERIC VISIBILITY TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 208 SA Offsite (Annex-JO rinals) QC 974.5 . T45 no. 208 SKY COVER MODELING CONCEPTS: AN ANALYSIS Wayne S. Hering UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO The material contained in this note is to be considered proprietary in nature and is not authorized for distribution without the prior consent of the Marine Physical Laboratory and the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory . NIVS Contract Monitor, Dr. Joseph Snow Atmospheric Sciences Division the CC www posao VINNE hVER *1868 Prepared for Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OCEANOGRAPHY MARINE PHYSICAL LAB San Diego, CA 92152-6400 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 06 . .sw. s www. .. wwwwwwwwwwwwww WEWE . wwwwwwwwwwwww. . atasomwa w w . w Benowoc www okowego. SEASOS www. . CANADA ... www.www.www. . .. ASA w . . YRA 3 1822 04429 6655 S January 20, 1988 MPL File: 88.06 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM To: Richard W. Johnson From: Wayne S. Hering 1 Subject: Sky Cover Modeling Concepts: An Analysis 1. Introduction An AFGL/UCSD field program to provide minute by minute measurements of sky cover will be carried out during the next few years. Solid-state, whole-sky imagery (WSI) systems are to be installed in a network configuration consisting of six sites in the western United States. The primary goal is to develop a data base that is required to evaluate and extend cloud models. The models are to be used for estimating the impact of clouds on ground based systems that depend upon unobscured paths of sight to satellites in space. As a prelude to the planning of the WSI data acquisition and processing procedures, some elements of existing cloud modeling procedures have been reviewed. In particular, the following reports set forth advanced methods that have direct application to the modeling of sky cover and cloud-free-line-of sight, CFLOS: (i) Gringorten, Irving I., "Conditional Probability for an Exact, Noncategorized Initial Condition", Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 100, No. 11, 796-798, 1972. Gringorten presents a model for estimating the conditional probability of an event given an exact noncategorized initial condition. The model assumes a form of Markov process known as the "Ornstein Uhlenbeck" process to give the probability estimates. For immediate reference, let us repeat the basic expression here. For a given cumulative probability distribution of variable, Y, there is a corresponding equivalent normal distribution, y. Thus there is an equivalent normal deviate (END), y, that corresponds to an initial value Y and a later END value, yy, that corresponds to Y. The expression for the stochastic process is Yt =Pty. +(1 - 2227 where p, is the correlation coefficient between y and y. over time interval t, and p is the normalized value corresponding to the conditional probability of y.. . For a Markov process, p=po Where is the correlation over a unit time interval. .. (2) over a Burger, Charles F. and Irving I. Gringorten, "Two-Dimensional Modeling for Lineal and Areal Probabilities of Weather Conditions," AFGL-TR-84-0126, Environmental Research Papers No. 875, 1984. Using simulation methods, Burger and Gringorten have derived analytical expressions for estimating the probability that a given weather condition will cover a given area or length or cover a given fraction of the area or length. The input data are the unconditional point probability of the event and a representative measure of the spatial correlation coefficient. Boehm, Albert, Irving I. Gringorten and Charles F. Burger, "Simulated Duration of CFLOS from Multiple Sites to a Satellite", private communication of AFGL Technical Memorandum No. 125, 1986. Glas . The report by Boehm et al. summarizes a wide range of important and directly relevant research, and in particular describes the development and theory of the CFLOS4D and CFARC models. These complex models simulate the probability of CFLOS from a network of ground sites to a configuration of satellites. The models of necessity consist of a lengthy series of model approximations and assumptions as determined from data analysis procedures. The simulation model has not been tested extensively, although many of the component techniques have been applied successfully during the past few years. (iv) Lund, Iver A. and Donald D. Grantham, "Estimating the Joint Probability of a Weather Event at More Than Two Locations, J. of Appl. Meteor., 19, 1091-1100, 1980. W (3) The basic expression for multisite joint occurrence probability of a given weather conditon as set forth by Lund and Grantham is Pijk =PjPk + (Pij - PjPk)exp - az(dz/25) where P.:1, is the multisite occurrence probability (3 sites in this case), P., is the 2-site occurrence probability, a, and b are constants and the coefficient a d, is a function of the unconditionål event probability and the effective spatial correlation coefficient pe (for 3 stations). Expressions of the form Eq. 3 were applied to independent Sky-cover data for as many as 6 of 8 midwestern stations with excellent results. An attempt is made in this review report to examine further the problem of estimating the joint occurrence probabilities of cloud obstruction as it applies to ground to space line of site communication from a number of sites. The approach is to reassemble some of the techniques presented in the papers cited above into somewhat . different analytical forms. The objectives are to achieve a format which will enable a more direct evaluation of the individual component techniques inherent in the Boehm simulation cloud models and to propose supplementary techniques for estimating the impact of clouds on the ground based systems. 2. General Considerations As emphasized by Boehm, the simulation models do not provide direct estimates of cloud free arc probability. The CFLOS statistics are generated on a point by point basis at specified time intervals from multiple ground sites to a fixed point in space (geostationary satellites) or for a prescribed sequence of viewing angles (for å configuration of orbiting satellites). A "down" condition at a single site occurs if cloud obscures the line of sight to a particular point in time and space. System down time duration at a single site is calculated as a sustained recurrence of the cloud obscured condition. Multiple station down time is determined in an analogous manner. Answers to basic questions are required from the user for the most effective definition of down time duration. For example, what criteria are appropriate for a termination of down time duration at a single site or for multiple sites? Will an isolated open or CFLOS condition at one or two 1-minutes intervals at a single site enable sufficient ground-space communication so as to constitute a down time duration termination? In other words, the time and space sequence of possible cloud observation along a satellite track in relation to the operational system requirements must be a factor in down time definition for the application of simulation LOS models. For some multisite ground-based system operations an alternate scheme might be used that provides the operator with estimates of the joint occurrence probability of a given fraction of sky cover over specified regions of the sky dome or along typical arcs corresponding to satellite traverses. The technology for estimating the unconditional probability that a given area or arc segment will be covered by clouds, or will be obscured by a prescribed cloud fraction is available in the form of the Burger Area Algorithms BAA (Burger and Gringorten, 1984). The problem of estimating the persistence probability of a given fractional sky cover over a subarea of the sky or along a sky arc in time and space presumably can be handled with modeling techniques similar to those applicable to the persistence of sky cover over the entire sky-dome. With this option to provide cloud obscuration probability information, the user is challenged to define his "down" or "non-operable" condition in terms of what fraction of arc or subarea must be covered by clouds to critically limit the quality of communication. To the extent that such operational definition of a down condition can be specified, meaningful down time duration probability statistics can be derived through extension and refinement of existing techniques. As is the case with simulation models, reliable information on mean cloud cover and representative time and space correlation parameters are required input to the analytical modeling scheme. : As the WSI data acquisition program progresses, unique information will become available to define more accurately the time and space persistence of cloud free arcs and cloud free areas. Meanwhile, we may be able to prescribe to a good first. approximation the scaling factors for time and space correlation from conventional sky cover data. rekom Provisional techniques for estimating the joint occurrence (multisite) probability and the persistence of cloud free arc, CFA, and cloud free fields of view CFFOV, over time and space are discussed in the following paragraphs. The BAA (Burger and Gringorten, 1984) for lineal and area probabilities are to be used in combination with conditional probability estimates of the time in space behavior assuming a Markov process as given by Equation 1 (Gringorten, 1972) to yield estimates of down time duration statistics for ground-satellite communication systems requiring CFLOS. The analytical techniques proposed for dealing with temporal and spatial variation of limited-area sky-cover or arc-segment sky-cover are similar to the techniques used by Boehm, et al. (1986) to define the input variables to the CFARC and CFLOS4D simulation models and by Lund and Grantham (1980) to estimate multistation occurrence probabilities. 3. Cloud obscuration probability estimates CU ... 3.1 Climatological probability of CFLOS at a single site Lund and Shanklin (1973) derived methods for estimating CFLOS probability using whole-sky photographs made hourly over a 3-year period at Columbia, Missouri. The resultant graphs yield CFLOS probability for various cloud types as a function of total sky cover and the zenith angle of the path of sight. General empirical expressions representing the composite behavior for the distribution of cloud types in the Lund Shanklin data base are given by Allen and Mahlick (1983). After further examination of the applicability and accuracy of these expressions, Boehm, et al. (1986) utilized the Allen and Mahlick CFLOS equations in their computations of CFLOS site climatology as part of the CFLOS4D simulation process. A step-wise procedure for calculating the climatological probability of CFLOS from the conventional meterological data is given in the report. 3.2 Climatological probability of cloud free fields of view, CFFOV, and cloud free arc, CFA, at a single site Lund, Grantham and Davis (1 )) extended earlier studies of the Lund-Shanklin data base from Columbia, Missouri, to develop models for estimating cloud free fields of view, CFFOV. As is the case for CFLOS, the probability estimates for CFFOV are given as a function of total sky cover and sky dome position for zenith centered areas of increasing size as well as pilot results for areas centered other than overhead. As suggested in Section 2, a more general technique for estimating the probability that a prescribed region of the sky-dome or segment of a satellite track as viewed from the ground will be totally or partially obscured by clouds is the BAA (Burger and Gringorten, 1984). In particular, examples of BAA application to the problem of areal and lineal sky cover are illustrated in the report. Important considerations with respect to the effective use of BAA for limited area sky covering estimates center on specification of the input parameters of mean sky, cover and scale distance and also the designation of area size or arc length. For BAA estimates of total sky cover distribution, it was assumed that the sky dome as viewed by the ground observer has radius of 27.8 km or equivalent floor space area of 2424 km". Probability estimates of sky cover for restricted portions of the sky dome require specification of the floor area that is equivalent to the sky area fraction of interest. In effect, a representative cloud altitude must be prescribed in order to approximate the fractional floor area corresponding to a given subarea of the sky hemisphere or the lineal floor distance corresponding to a segment of a satellite track obscured by clouds as viewed from a ground site. For cloud simulation purposes, Boehm, et al (1986) selected a median cloud height of 15,000 ft for the sawtooth model determinations of CFLOS probability. They observed that the simulation statistics at single site were not very sensitive to the assumed average cloud level, except for elevation angles within 10 degrees of the horizon. The scale distance input parameter to the BAA for the determination of limited area or arc length sky-cover statistics can be handled in the same way as for the determination of whole-sky statistics. The appropriate parametrization is to use "sky- dome" scale distance (Burger and Gringorten, 1984) that reflects the structure and spacing of the individual cloud elements as opposed to the "inter-site" scale distance that refers to the broad cloud system features. The determinations of sky-dome scale distance given by Burger and Gringorten (1984) and Boehm, et al (1986) show that the values usually range from about 0.3 for tropical cumulus conditions to 2 or greater for winter mid-latitude cloud conditions. The other decisive input parameter to the BAA is the unconditional single point probability of cloud cover, accounting for its variations with geographical location, season and time of day. For whole-sky dome determinations, Burger and Gringorten (1984) assumed that the mean sky-cover represented the probability of a cloud presence vertically overhead. For the modeling of the fractional sky cover (from clear to 10/10) as viewed from the ground or limited satellite arc segments, it is appropriate to use the climatological probability of CFLOS for the particular portion of the sky dome of interest as the BAA input variable. In this way the effect of the systematic variations of CFLOS probability with the zenith angle of the viewing path can be introduced into modeling process. In summary, it is reasonable to expect that the BAA coupled with modeling techniques similar to those which are basic to the development of the CFLOS simulation models will yield reliable analytical models for estimating the climatological probability that a specified fraction (0 to 10/10) of an arc or subarea of the sky dome will be obscured by clouds. The accuracy of the estimates is dependent primarily upon the reliability and representatives of the BAA input data as derived from the conventional climatological data base. The WSI program will provide important insight into CFA and CFFOV model performance and its sensitivity to uncertainties in the input variables. 3.3 Persistence and recurrence probability of CFLOS, CFA and CFFOV at a single site Let us consider the application of existing concepts to the modeling the persistence of a prescribed fraction of cloud cover along a designated sky arc or a designated fractional part of the sky dome. The approach is to assume that the Ornstein Uhlenbeck process as expressed by Eq. 1 will model the temporal recurrence probability of the sky-cover condition over a limited area or arc segment. In turn, we must establish a relationship between recurrence (occurrence of a sky condition at both time t, and later time t) and persistence (continuous presence of the sky condition from t to t). Since our major interest is in the down time duration statistics of ground to space communication systems, we must focus on the modeling of the duration of a sky condition or in other words the persistence probability as a function of time interval. The WSI data base will in time provide systematic measurements of sky-cover at 1-minute intervals, so that the persistence probabilities of CFLOS, CFA and CFFOV can be resolved more closely as a function of location, season and time of day, etc. Meanwhile let us examine some available evidence of sky-cover variability with time at a given site. istence probabilities or CFLos, CFA and OFFok First, let us assume a provisional relationship between persistence and recurrence based more on intuition than actual data. Eventually the WSI data base will be of particular interest and importance for the refinement of such relationships. For the moment let us define: P (Y1 rl'ti conditional probability of Y, given Y or in other words the recurrence probabilityº P(Y) = unconditional probability of Y at time =0 P (Y 1 Y) = persistence probability of Y over time interval t. Further let us define y., y, and p, as the END of Y, Y and P(Y | Y) respectively. We note that Eq. 1 gives us a relationship between the normalized recurrence probability p and the normalized unconditional probabilities of initial and final values of sky condition Y. Now we postulate that the expression for persistence probability is P (Y4 YO) = P,(Y| YO) - P(Y!) 1 - P(Y) So that the persistence probability becomes an increasingly smaller fraction of the recurrence probability as the temporal correlation becomes smaller, and becomes zero for p =0, and the persistence probability approaches the recurrence probability as po approaches 1. Before moving ahead to problems of estimating the persistence probability of cloud free arc and cloud free area, let us examine the applicability of Eqs. 1 and 2 for estimates of CFLOS persistence probability. An analytical solution to this problem is in itself important. Data suitable for persistence analysis is very limited. Thus, the data set published by Lund (1973) and used extensively by Boehm, et al (1986) for simulation model development is of special interest and importance. Lund determined both "persistence" and recurrence probabilities of CFLOS from the Columbia, Missouri, whole-sky photographs obtained at hourly intervals (885 days) and from a special subset obtained at 5-min intervals (585 hours). So while the data set does not yield actual persistence (observations of continuous occurrence) The Lund data give the probability of an uninterrupted sequence of cloudy or clear LOS observations at both 5-min and hourly observation intervals as a function of the duration interval. In addition, recurrence probabilities for the 5-min and hourly data for cloudy and clear LOS were determined. is It is important to note that 5-min data base consisted of only observations from the months of June, July, August and September for the year 1969, whereas the 1-hr data base consisted of observations from all seasons over a period of approximately 3- years. The photographs were taken between the hours of 0800 and 1700 (5-min data) and 0900-1500 (hourly data). For our analysis purposes, attention was confined to the summer season when both the 5-min and hourly determinations were made. The lowest of three summer season values is given in the case of the 1-hour data. Recurrence probability, P, of CFLOS, extracted from Fig. 3 of Lund (1973) are listed in column (a) of Table 1. The inconsistency between values listed for time intervals near 55 min and 1-hour are due to the differences in the months and years comprising the 5-min and hourly data sets as discussed in the previous paragraph. Listed in column (b) of Table 2 for comparison are the 5-min persistence probability data, P(5-min), and 1-hour persistence data, P(1-hour), taken from Fig. 2 of Lund (1973). As by definition, we note and expect that for time intervals equal the sampling interval (5-min and 1-hr) the recurrence and "persistence" probability values are identical and the "persistence" probability becomes a smaller fraction of the recurrence probability with increasing time interval. Furthermore, the actual persistence probability is even less. In column (c) of Table 1 are the provisional estimates of persistence probability as calculated from Eq. 4. Input data for the calculations are the recurrence probability, P., from column (a), and an average summer CFLOS probability P(Y) of 0.534. Validation and refinement of these estimates must await appropriate high frequency observations of CFLOS. For this data set we observe that in the case of the 5-minute data, the difference in the 5-min "persistence" probability and the estimated pure persistence is within a few percent after 30 minutes of 5-min observations. .. Before we can apply some form of Eq. 4 to estimate the persistence probability, we must derive reliable estimates of recurrence probability. With some modification, Eq. 1 and Eq. 2 might provide an adequate solution to this problem. Listed in column (d) of Table 1 are calculated values of temporal correlation coefficient, pu, which correspond to the observed values of recurrence probability, P., given in column (a). The determinations were made using Eq. 1. Since the unconditional probability of CFLOS was not available as a function of time of day, an average value of 0.534 was assumed for the final event probability, Y , with a corresponding value of 0.08 for y.. A value equal to one half the category frequency was assumed for these initial evenť probability, Y =0.267 and y. =-0.62. It is apparent that a simple exponential decay function as prescribed by Eq. 2, will not handle adequately the indicated temporal variation of CFLOS correlation coefficient as calculated for the Columbia, Missouri, data sample. This being the case Boehm et al (1986) assumed a 2-term exponential decay function for the simulation model development of the form, po=4%26 + (1 - W43)8€ A similar expression was used by Boehm for modeling the spatial variation for CFLOS. The approach recognizes that for the modeling the collective behavior of cloud systems for CFLOS probability one must account for both the broad-scale/long-term variations in sky cover as represented by Pn and the short term development, motion and decay of individual clouds as represented by P. The weighting factor W t , which siswi Sweet dete ranges from 0 to 1, is large for regions that are dominated by clear sky or extensive stratus cloud cover regimes and small for tropical cumulus type regimes. An important consideration is that the concept of sky dome scale distance as discussed by Boehm et al (1986) can be used effectively to model the weighting factor W.- for both the temporal and spatial variability of CFLOS correlation. The WSI data base will enable important refinement of these relationships. Let us examine some trial determinations which attempt to match the values of Po given in column (d) of Table 1 with calculations of e. to determine if the form of Eqs. 1 and 2 are adequate to reproduce the data sample if we are free to select and adjust the input data. Given that (6) Pb = exp(-1/TV) and Pc =exp(-1/7) where Th and T, are the exponential response times for the large-scale and small-scale variability , respectively. We note that aside from the problems due to differences in the sampling period for the 5-min and 1-hr data basis, one can achieve a close correspondence of calculations shown in column (e) with column (d) by proper selection of the input parameters, 1 TL and W'. The indicated solution to Eq. 5, which may not be the best, was obtained with 90.1 hours Th=8.5 hours, and W.=0.8. WA An alternate set of determinations for the same data sample is shown in columns (f) and (g) in Table 1. The values of p, in (f) were extracted from Fig. 13 of Boehm et al (1986). The observed values of recurrence probabilities, P,, determined by Lund (1973) were transformed into 2x2 contingency tables and the correlations determined by tetrachoric approximation are shown in column (f). We see that the tetrachoric correlation coefficients agree reasonably well with the O-U Markov correlation coefficients in the column (d) for the 1-hour data but are significantly larger for the 5-minute portion of the data set. Such differences between the correlation with normalized and unnormalized data are to be expected and can be managed with appropriate adjustment in the subsequent parameterization of the Markov and tetrachoric correlation coefficients using Eq. 5. Boehm et al. (1986) matched the coefficients in (f) using Eq. 5 with input values of T =0.31 hours and tu =13 hours. The assumed value of W“ was not given in the report but if one uses a value of 0.71 the results shown in column (8) are obtained, which are in close agreement with (f). Thus, we are encouraged to believe with evidence from this limited data set that Po as determined either by Eqs 1 and 2 or by tetrachoric correlation can be represented analytically using Eq. 5. The accuracy depends primarily on the efficacy of techniques used to identify the input parameters T, Th, and W“. A sky-cover relaxation time on the order of 8.5 hours (Markov pa and 13 hours (Tet. p.) for the mid-day summer season in Missouri is commensurate with other estimates for mid- western stations (see Boehm et al., 1986, Table 17). Relaxation times on the order of 5 minutes (Markov) and 15 minutes (Tet.) for the influence of individual cloud motion, development and decay on CFLOS frequency statistics appear reasonable. Key questions remain as to the importance of seasonal and geographical variations in these values and the associated modeling requirements. The appropriate approximations for an the weighting factor W. - are another consideration. It is important to note that Boehm et al assumed the same parameterization of W.- for both time and space (their Eqs. 4.16 and 4.18). Using these expressions, the corresponding values of sky dome scale distance are 0.6 for the pe data set in column (d) of Table 1 calculated from Egs. 1 & 2 and 0.45 for the tetrachoric pe data set listed in column (f). This is a rather reasonable range of values for sky-dome scale distance, for summer daytime in the midwest, however a value of 1.1 (Boehm et al p. 29) was calculated directly from the Lund (1973) June, July, Aug, Sept 1969 data set. Another consideration is that Boehm et al. (1986) found it necessary to modify the relaxation times (cut in half) to accommodate differences in the persistence probability given by the sawtooth model in contrast with the O-U process. Thus, validation of 1 for the simulation model applications requires analysis of additional factors that affect the model differences in persistence, probability. Proposed analytical techniques for the modeling of persistence probability of cloud free arc, CFA, and cloud free field of view, CFFOV, at a single site are essentially the same as those described above for CFLOS. Thus the procedure is as follows: Determine a representative value for the climatological probability of CFLOS as discussed in Section 3.1. The input variables are the climatological sky cover distribution and zenith observing angles. Determine the climatological probability of CFA or CFFOV using techniques described in Section 3.2. The input variables are the climatological probability of CFLOS for the portion of the sky dome of interest, the equivalent floor area or floor distance and the sky-dome scale distance parameter. (c) Determine the recurrence probability of CFA or CFFOV as in 3.3 above. The input variables are the initial and final unconditional probability of CFA and CFFOV, the O-U Markov relaxation times T and I, and the weighting factor . As the area or arc length increases, the value of Wº would increase from the point value associated with a single line of sight to unity for the whole sky dome. (d) Determine the CFA and CFFOV persistence probability from Eq. 4 or equivalent method. The input variables are the recurrence probability of CFA or CFFOV and the unconditional probability of CFA or CFFOV at time t. W 3.4 Multisite joint occurrence probability In the absence of significant spatial asymmetry, there is no compelling reason why the O-U Markov process will not model successfully the recurrence probability of sky cover in space as well as in time. thus, the joint probability of CFLOS or CFFOV at sites 1 and 2 is expressed by Eq. 1 except that po becomes P., the intersite or spatial correlation of the cloud condition, Yg = psyo +(1-P52) Ps (8) where y, is the concurrent END value corresponding to the unconditional probability of the event at a remote site. A straightforward extension to this process for the representation of recurrence probability in both space and time is Yst =Pst yo +(1 - Post?)Pst . where y, is the unconditional event probability at site 1 at initial time and yot is the unconditional event probability at site 2 at later time t, the space-time correlation between y, and yet is Pat, and Pat is the conditional probability of y, given y . As before y Ýst, and'pat áře END Values. Techniques for modeling the intersite correlation coefficient for CFLOS are given by Boehm et al. (1986). For reasons discussed above, the resultant-form of the expression for the spatial variation is the same as the Eq. (5) for temporal variation of the correlation coefficient so that Ps =W221 +(1 - W 37 (10) where o is the spatial correlation coefficient for CFLOS. O, is the correlation corresponding to the sky-dome scale distance and p, is the correlation corresponding to intersite scale distance. Thus the spatial correlation for CFLOS is given by a weighted combination of the small and larger scale correlation components. It is important to note that a simple exponential decay assumption for the large-scale spatial circulation is a reasonable alternative for site separation distances up to a few hundred miles where the correlation remains positive. For example, an assumed exponential relaxation distance of 229 n mi provides a good fit to the spatial variability of p, for mid-western stations in both January and July for time periods near noon and midnight. The plotted data are shown in Figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Boehm, et al. (1986). In any event, the WSI data base will serve to validate and refine these relationships for both p, and pa. SWARAN As pointed out in Section 1, Lund and Grantham (1980) introduced and tested an analytic technique for the specification of the joint occurrence probabilities of a weather event at a number of sites. The input variables are the unconditional event probabilities at each site and a spatial correlation parameter. Their basic expression as shown for a group consisting of 3 stations is given as Eq. 3 above. Tests with independent data gave excellent results for estimates of the joint occurrence of sky- cover conditions at a group of 7 locations in the midwestern United States. cawan mail hest fit for all the pairs of statum.. With a view toward using the same technique as Lund and Grantham (1980) but with equivalent normal variables and Eq. 1, some trial calculations were carried out using the same midwest data set. Starting first with individual pairs of stations as a dependent data set, we established by trial and error a single value of spatial correlation 1. (ore) which gave the overall best fit for all the pairs of stations. With this value of relaxation distance, I =450 miles, calculations were made with Eq. 1 of the joint relative frequencies of skỳ cover equal to or greater than 0.8 in winter at the at the indicated pairs of stations shown in Table 2. The observed joint frequency, P.. as extracted from Table 5 of Lund and Grantham are given in the column labeled "observed frequency" on the right hand side. The estimates from Eq. 2 using in turn each station of the pair as the initial site are given in the adjacent columns on the right. The results are very good, but even so not as good as achieved by Lund and Grantham with Eq. 3 using the data set as independent rather than dependent test data. However, even with round off error due to course interpolation of look-up tables, the results appear to offer encouraging tests of the concept of applying Eq. 1 to the spatial recurrence estimates. A graphical presentation of the observed and estimated frequency data for the pairs of stations is given in Fig. 1. Note the significant underestimates for the station pairs with the shortest separation distances. Application of the two-parameter representation the spatial correlation (see Eq. 10), instead of the single coefficient used here for the trial calculations would enhance the results. 3.5 Determination of the joint occurence probability of sky cover at more than two sites. Lund and Grantham (1980) extended existing techniques for the determination of joint occurence probability for a pair of sites to multiple sites through a stepwise procedure. Given the probability of joint occurrence at an initial pair of stations, another station is added to the determination by calculation of the joint occurence probability of a neighbor station with the closest of the two original stations, and so on. With some modification let us proceed in a similar way using the Markov assumption (Eq. 1) as a basis for the determinations. As a first step let us assume that the conditional probability for the second pair ), is independent of the conditional probability of the first pair, P(j:i). Thus the joint probability of occurence at the 3 stations, P(ijk), is given Pijk) =P(i)*(P(j:i)*P(k:j), (11) where P(i) is the unconditional probability at the initial station. In a similar manner the determination can be extended to 4 or more sites. A preliminary test of the concept was carried out using the data base given by Lund and Grantham (1980). Data were summarized for the frequency of sky cover greater than or equal to 8 tenths in the winter months at 7 stations in the central United States. Determinations of the joint occurrence frequency for combinations of 4 stations are given in Table 3, and for combinations of 6 stations in Table 4. Shown for comparison in Table 3 are (1) calculations of estimated joint frequency by Lund and Grantham (1980) using equations of the form given by Eq. 3, (2) calculations using Eq. 11 above and the Markov joint occurence frequency calculations for station pairs (Eq. 8), (3) calculations using Eq. 11 with the observed joint event occurrence frequency for the individual station pairs, and (4) calculations assuming a Markov process as in (2) except increasing the assumed scale distance for all pairs after the first to account for the interdependence of station pair correlations. CCC Similar results for various combinations of 6 of the 7 pairs are shown in Table 4. As expected the frequency estimates using Eq. 11 without adjustment tend to be low due to the fact that the conditional occurence frequency for adjacent pairs of sites are not independent, but the systematic errors are not large in this case. Lund and Grantham (1980) introduced an adjustment which modified the spatial correlation coefficient as a function of the number of sites which was compatible with other aspects of their modeling procedure. Initial evidence indicates that slight adjustment in the Markov correlation coefficient or relaxation distance, which is held constant regardless of the number of sites, will work well for this sky cover data set and is compatible with the use of alternate Eq. 11 above. For example, if one simply increases the relaxation distance by 15 percent for all station pair calculations beyond the initial pair, the results listed in the last column on the right are obtained. It remains to be seen how well the O-U Markov concept will apply to multisite estimates with independent data. These pilot studies and the immediate extension of the technique using the space-time correlation coefficient as given by Eq. 9 are to be the subjects of a follow-on memorandum. 4. Summary comments The purpose of this memorandum is to review briefly some aspects of cloud modeling procedures that are relevant to problems of ground to space, line-of-sight communication. Our interest is to set the stage for the application of the WSI data base to the validation and refinement of existing cloud modeling techniques and the development of alternative modeling procedures. In summary, the following list is an attempt to isolate some of the individual components of the cloud modeling procedures that can and should be validated as soon as practicable with the WSI data. As expected, many of these components are important for both the simulation models and the purely analytic models. The initial list of validation items includes: a. Lund-Shanklin and Allen-Mahlick techniques for CFLOS estimates as a function of sky cover and zenith angle. b. Determination of the probability of a given fraction of sky cover for a limited area of the sky dome or along a given arc segment as a function of sky-dome scale distance and CFLOS probability (special application of the BAA). c. Determination of pt as a function of location, season and time of day. d. Determination of Ps as a function of location, season, and time of day. e. Determination of Pst as a function of location, season, and time of day. Validation and refinement of Eqs. 2, 8 and 9 for recurrence probability of CFLOS, CFFOV and CFA. g. _ Validation and refinement of Eq. 4 for persistence probability of CFLOS, CFFOV and CFA. h. Direct comparison of CFARC and CFLOS4D simulation model output with WSI data for prescribed satellite configurations. i. Direct comparison (independent data) of CFA and CFFOV analytical model output with WSI data. WA 5. References Allen, J. H. and J. D. Mahlick, 1983: The frequency of cloud-free viewing intervals, Preprint 21st Aerospace Science Meeting, 10-13 Jan. 1983, Reno, Nev. Boehm, Albert, Irving A. Gringorten and Charles F. Burger, 1986: Simulated duration of CFLOS from Multiple sites to a satellite, private communication of AFGL Technical Memorandum No. 125. Burger, Charles F. and Irving I. Gringorten, 1984: Two-dimensional modeling for lineal and areal probability of weather conditions, AFGL-TR-84-0126, Environmental Research Papers No. 875, 1984. Gringorten, Irving I., 1972: Conditional probability for an exact noncategorized initial condition, Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 100, No. 11, 796-798. Lund, I. A., and M. D. Shanklin, 1973: Universal methods for estimating probabilities of cloud-free-line-of-sight through the atmosphere, J. of Appl. Meteor, 12, 28-35. Lund, I. A., D. D. Grantham, and R. E. Davis, 1980: Estimating probabilities of cloud-free-fields-of-view from the earth through the atmosphere, J. Appl. Meteor., 19, 452-463. Lund, I. A., 1973: Persistence and recurrence probabilities of cloud- free and cloudy lines-of-slight through the atmosphere, J. Appl. Meteor., 12, 1222-1228. Lund, I.A., and D. D. Grantham, 1980: Estimating the joint probability of a weather event at more than two locations, J. Appl. Meteor., 19, 1091-1100. Xer lysty.. Table 1. Line of sight recurrence probability statistics based on Columbia, Missouri, summer data (Lund, 1973) (a) (b) (c) (e) (g) (a) Pp (d) ft (9) (b) P(5-min) (F) pt Time (min) Time P (5-min) O-U Markov Tetrachoric 1.00 .87 1.00 .88 1.00 .84 .82 .93 1.00 .87 .85 .82 .93 1.00 .72 .68 .61 .59 .78 .70 .65 .82 .79 . 79 .78 Nñ ñ ñ .60 .77 .74 .73 .76 8 88 87 77 7777 .53 .71 .51 .50 ww in # # # # .70 ñ .67 .65 i .49 .73 in .47 .72 .75 .68 (hours) P(1-hr) o .77 .51 .71 .71 .67 .64 .44 .66 .67 .59 .63 .56 .61 .54 با au WNH wn in . 46 سا .50 .27 .49 .47 40 23 . 44 # H E AD . .... ... . ..... . NG....SWEE Tatil . SWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 00+ ..ojni rokov. 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