UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO UC SAN DIEGO LIBRARY 3 1822 04429 7455 OPTICAL SYSTEMS GROUP TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 231 October 1991 Offsite (Annex-Jo rnals) QC 974.5 . T43 no. 231 WSI Ratio and Cloud Decision Processing Summary T. L. Koehler UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO The material contained in this note is to be considered proprietary in nature and is not authorized for distribution without the prior consent of the Marine Physical Laboratory and the Geophysics Laboratory Contract Monitor, Mr. B. Kunkel Atmospheric Sciences Division ulitiiliui: FORNIA 38. Prepared for The Geophysics Directorate of the Phillips Laboratory Air Force Systems Command, United States Air Force Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 under contract No. F19628-88-K-0005 SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY MARINE PHYSICAL LAB San Diego, CA 92152-6400 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO III III 11 11 III III 1 1 1111 III 1 TIT III I 3 1822 04429 7455 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures ........... List of Tables 1.0 Introduction ....... o Data Tape Quality Assessment .... 2.1 Enter the Field Tape into the Data Base ...... 2.2 The TAPEQC Program ............... 2.2.1 Checks Performed by TAPEQC .. 2.2.2 TAPEQC Program Execution .... 2.2.3 Files Created by TAPEQC ..... 2.3 The DGN Program ......... 2.4 TAPEQC and DGN File Screening Procedures ....... 2.5 Post TAPEQC Procedures. . 3.0 Calibration Data Reduction .................... 3.1 Keeping Track of the Various Calibrations ....... 3.1.1 Field Unit Calibration Log ......... 3.1.2 List of Acquired Calibrations .... 3.1.3 Hardware Log ..... 3.2 Calibration Data Reduction Algorithms .... 3.2.1 Program LINCALC .... 3.2.2 Program FILTER .......... 3.2.3 Program ABSCALC .... 3.3 Absolute Radiance and Ratio Calibration .... 3.4 Preliminary Ratio Calibration and Hardware Version Files ... 4.0 4.1 Ratio Input File Preparation .............. Image Size and Offscale Threshold Determination ............ 4.2 Sensor Azimuth Offset Determination ... 4.3 LAN Image Evaluation and Associated Ratio Input File Entries ... 4.3.1 Running CHECKLAN ........... 4.3.2 DATES.LST Specification ............ 4.3.3 OCCs.DAT Specification ..... 4.3.4 TIMES.COR Specification .... 4.3.5 VERSION.LOG Quality Indicators ... 4.4 . Obstacle Mask Definition ....... 4.5 Final CALsVvw.RAT Adjustments .... 5.0 Red/Blue Ratio Image Construction ........ 5.1 Description of TAPRATPL ...... 5.2 Running TAPRATPL.... 5.3 TAPRATPL Output Files .................. 6.0 Fixed Threshold Cloud Decisions .... 6.1 Ratio Threshold Determination ... 6.2 Program CLDDECM .. 6.2.1 Running CLDDECM. 6.2.2 Format of the Cloud Cover Summary File ...... 6.3 Program CLDDECT.. 7.0 Opaque Threshold and Clear Sky Background Specification ........ 7.1 Opaque Threshold Determinations .......... 7.1.1 Running RATREF ... 7.1.2 Defining Opaque Thresholds with RATREF . 7.1.3 CMPDEC.INP File Entries ... Clear Sky Normalized Background Determination ... 7.2.1 OBSBETA - The Normalized Ratio Extraction Program 7.2.2 Combining the Sample Files Using COMBNORM ..... 7.3 Clear Sky Reference Value Specification .. 7.3.1 Estimate the Reference Parameter for Each Image 7.2 97 99 107 107 7.3.2 Using GETREF erence Parame 7.3.2 Select Representative Clear Sky Reference Values ..... 110 8.0 112 Composite Cloud Decision Image Construction ...... 8.1. Description of CMPDECTP.. 8.2 Running CMPDECTP .... ö 119 121 9.0 Decision Tape Stacking Procedures ........ 9.1 The Tape Copying Program - EXCOPY .. 9.2 Stacked Decision Tape Quality Evaluation .. Acknowledgements References 126 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Number 1-1 WSI image processing steps ............................ 1-2 Symbol legend for WSI procedure conceptual flow charts ......... Tape quality assessment procedure flow diagram. ..... 2-1 sses 3-1 Calibration measurement and file preparation sequences .......... 3-2 Preliminary calibration and hardware version file preparation sequence ................................. 3-3 Spectral filter curves provided by Oriel for the filters in hardware version 7V1 (Columbia, MO initial hardware version).......................................... 4-1 Ratio input file preparations ........ 4-2 Final ratio calibration file entry determinations ... 4-3 Sample sun position plots before and after azimuth ..... correction 4-4 Dark red (Quad 4) image from Columbia, with and without the obstacle mask superimposed. Note the radar tower and the tree in the original image. ....... Ratio processing conceptual flow diagram . 5-1 6-1 Fixed threshold determination and cloud decision processing steps ..... 7-1 Clear sky background distribution and composite decision ..... input file preparation steps 7-2 OBSBETA sample points ........................... 7-3 8-1 Haze loading parameter definition flow diagram ............ Composite cloud decision algorithm input and output specification ....................................... .. Decision tape stacking procedure ......... 113 9-1 LIST OF TABLES Table Number 2-1 Description of diagnostic error summary entries ......... 3-1 Hardware component list from initial Columbia, MO installation ........................................ 19 3-2 Sample linearity calibration log for LINO22 from the Columbia, MO version 7V1 camera 3-3 1 Sample calibration log from a Type 1 (Abs. vs Filter) absolute calibration for the 7V1 sensor fielded at Columbia on 8/FEB/89. 4-1 Revised CAL7V01.RAT image size table . 4-2 ..... 4-3 Sample CHECKLAN summary list............... Sample CHECK.OUT contents ......... TAPRATPL log file entry description ....... . 5-1 7-1 7-2 Sample RATREF processing notes ...... Sample entry into file COL018G.OBB ..... Columbia, MO ratio images processed by OBSBETA in the clear sky background determination ... 7-3 7-4 7-5 Sample output from COLCOMB.OUT ........ COLSKY.DAT (COLCOMB.REV) sample table... Composite decision categories ... 8-1 ............ 9-1 Sample stacked 1-min cloud decision tape summary for March 1989 at Columbia, MO ..... 1.0 Introduction The Whole Sky Imager (WSI) is one of several video based imaging systems that have been developed and fielded by the Optical Systems Group of the Marine Physical Laboratory. A WSI system consists of two major components: a weatherproof sensor package that normally was placed on the top of a building to provide as unobstructed a view of the entire sky dome as possible, and a control and data archival computer ideally placed in an office environment that was connected to the sensor by a set of cables. The system was designed to run unattended for a week, then it would eject the tape containing the radiance imagery, a blank tape would be inserted, and the system would resume collecting more data. The resulting weekly data tape contains up to 1.2 gigabytes of data from 5544 images taken in the red and blue parts of the visible spectrum. As many as 7 WSI imagers were in the field from the time of the deployment of the first system in late March of 1988 to the end of data collection on 31 December 1990. See Tech. Note 226, "WSI Data Base Summary" for more detailed information concerning data format and system deployment schedules. In all about 4500 data days were collected. The primary purpose of collecting this data was to provide a high spatial and temporal resolution set of cloud cover data from several different sites across the country. These data would then be used to validate the statistical parameters used in models of the cloud free line of site and cloud free arc developed by the Air Force. Before this data analysis could be accomplished, the raw radiance information collected in the field had to undergo data quality control assessments, information from the red and blue image pairs had to be combined and sensor calibration information applied to form one red/blue ratio image, and finally, the discrimination of the presence of cloud at each ratio pixel had to be made. This note summarizes the procedures used to perform the data processing. Fig. 1-1 outlines the basic steps in the ratio and cloud decision processing. Numbers in the lower right hand corners of the boxes refer to the section of the report describing that procedure. The programs and instructions for the raw radiance archival and calibration data collection procedures from the top two boxes in Fig. 1-1 are not included in this note. All subsequent steps are presented. Little has changed from earlier data handling overviews, such as Tech. Memo AV88-065t, "Cloud Program Data Handling Overview" from November 1988. Considerable effort was expended in developing the software tools and procedures needed to accomplish the ratio and cloud decision tasks. The algorithms were being upgraded periodically during the data collection and processing. Most of what is presented here refers to the current programs, as they would be employed today. An attempt is made in the following sections to describe to a potential user what function each step in the procedure performs, how to run the computer programs and perform the procedures, and what products do the procedures generate, including disk file, ExaByte tape and handwritten outputs. Descriptions of what appears on the computer screen during execution of a given procedure, or in the associated disk file outputs is presented in a different font that the rest of the text. User responses to program prompts are highlighted in boldface italics (see for example page 7 in section 2). Conceptual flow diagrams outlining the procedural steps and the associated input requirements and output products are provided in each section. The legend for these diagrams is presented in Fig. 1-2. The organization of each flow diagram is tailored to the interelationships of the input and output requirements of the individual steps for each procedure. The starting and ending points for each flow diagram can be ascertained from the flow direction arrows. Radiance Data Acquisition Field Unit Calibrations Data Tape Quality Assessment Calibration Data Reduction 2 Ratio Input File Preparation Ratio Image Construction 1-min data 10-min data Fixed Thin and Opaque Threshold Determination - - - - - - - - Fixed Threshold Cloud Decision Opaque Threshold and Clear Sky Background Determination cision 6 Variable Threshold Cloud Decision 18 Cloud Decision Tape Stacking --- Stacked Tape Quality Assessment ( 1-min only) a Fig. 1-1. WSI image processing steps ExaByte Data Tape Processing Procedure If processing is performed by a computer program, the name of that program appears in brackets. [Program] Input or Output Disk Files If a description of the file is given, the file name appears in parentheses. (File Name ) Handwritten Material Procedure logs or notes. Processing Flow Indicator. Fig. 1-2. Flow diagram legend. 2.0 Data Tape Quality Assessment Since the WSI data were being collected from several sites around the country, and with limited on-site supervision, it was important to develop a procedure to perform diagnostic checks on the field tapes when they arrived at MPL. This enabled us to assess data quality and system performance, so that the necessary corrective action (if any) could be performed in a timely manner. Figure 2-1 provides a summary of the quality assessment operations and resulting disk files and logs available for subsequent steps in the data processing procedure. The only input to this step is a radiance image data tape. The quality control procedure was evolving as the WSI data was being collected. The following discussion outlines the steps that would be performed if a data tape were received today. Many of the steps have remained unchanged since Tech. Memo AV88-046t describing the tape check-in procedures was written in the fall of 1988. 2.1 Enter the Field Tape into the Data Base A tape was received from the stations approximately once a week. It contained data from seven days unless something unusual happened; i.e. power outages or mechanical problems. Each station has been assigned a 3 letter Station ID as well as a 1 digit Station number. These are given in the following table: Station Station Number ID Location MPL WSC WSH KAA CL4 MAG BAR COL CMP POR Marine Physical Laboratory, San Diego, CA C-Station, White Sands Missile Range, NM HELSTF, White Sands Missile Range, NM Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM China Lake NWC, CA Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, MT Malabar Tracking Facility, FL National Weather Service Office, Columbia, MO Composite System, San Diego, CA Portable System, various locations A log book is maintained for each station, containing a summary of the pertinent information for each tape. The tape sequence numbers for each station began with 001. When a tape arrived from a station, it was assigned a tape identifier (LLL###), consisting of the 3 letter Station ID (LLL) and the next available sequence number (###) for that station. Tapes were assigned sequential numbers even if they were received out of date order. Enter Field Tape into Data Base Diagnostic Files for Entire Tape (LLL###.DGN) Radiance Image Field Tape ( Master) Tape Quality Assessment Data Extraction ( TAPEQC) Diagnostic File Error Summary and Day Separation (DGN ] Daily LAN Images (LLL###C.LAN) LAN Image Histograms (LLL#**C.HST) Tape Hourly Dark Signal Values (LLL###.DRK) Daily Diagnostic Files (LLL###c'.DGN) Field Tape Backup (EXCOPY] Manual Screening of TAPEQC and DGN Output and Overall Tape Quality Assessment Tape Catalog Information (LLL###.EXT) Tape Hourly Temperatures ( LLL###.HOT) Radiance Image Field WSI Database Catalog Entry Tape TAPEQC and DGN File Archive Tapes (Copy) | Station Log Entries Fig. 2-1. Tape quality assessment procedure conceptual flow diagram. 2.2 The TAPEQC Program The TAPEQC program (and its predecessor, READTPQC) provides the diagnostic information needed for data quality and system performance assessments. Tech. Memo AV88-043t provides a brief description of the READTPQC program from the fall of 1988. Several features have been added to the current version, TĀPEQC. The current program version is presented because it would be applied to any new field tapes. TAPEQC loads WSI images from the field tapes onto the FG-100 board where the image assessments are made. A variety of diagnostic tools are generated, including flags indicating non-standard performance, average pixel values in certain portions of selected images, and a sample red image from local apparent noon (LAN). 2.2.1 Checks Performed by TAPEQC Information from every image on a FIELD tape is examined by TAPEQC. The frequency and extent of the checking procedures applied to a given image depend on the image type. ment and ents. Time nanges bet TAPEQC examines the header information on each of the 1-minute, subset resolution images. Two types of checks are made: those indicating timing inconsistencies, or those pertaining to filter wheel movement and flux control procedures. The program expects time to proceed forward in 1-minute increments. Time skips ahead of greater than one minute and backward time skips are noted. Time source changes between BIOS and WWV clocks are also flagged. TAPEQC also verifies the spectral filter sequence for the four quadrants. If the sequence is out of order, the program reports a spectral error. TAPEQC senses the IRIS character string for a special character combinations that indicate any of the following: the spectral filter wheel could not be placed in the proper position, the neutral density filter wheel could not be placed in the proper position, or the flux control routine in the FIELD program was unable to converge on a solution in the time allotted. All the checks described above for the 1-minute images are also performed on each 10- minute, full resolution image. TAPEQC also checks if the iris is fully closed when neutral density buffering is activated. If not, the iris may have to be repaired. For every sixth 10- minute image encountered (hourly under normal operating conditions), TAPEQC performs dark signal and onscale checks, and records the temperature inside the camera housing, if available. The dark scale checks are made by averaging 6x6 pixel arrays from the three corners of the bright blue (quadrant 1) image not containing header strings. The averages are saved, and warnings written when certain values are exceeded, indicating deterioration of the video signal. Differences between the corner values are also evaluated to identify vertical or horizontal ramping. The onscale checks evaluate the average brightness level of a 6x6 pixel array near the northern horizon in all four images. Warnings are given if quadrants 1 and 2 are too dark, or quadrants 3 and 4 too bright. This check is often activated on images taken before sunrise or after sunrise, when quadrants 1 and 2 are off scale dark. The hourly TAPEQC checks are performed on LAN and LAN + 3 hour images. The 3 dark scale pixel arrays are also saved. At LAN for each day on the tape, the bright red (quadrant 2) image and its corresponding brightness level histogram are saved on separate output files. 2.2.2 TAPEQC Program Execution Select an available processing computer with at least one ExaByte drive. Each processing computer has a TAPEQC directory with subdirectories for each station denoted by the station identifier (LLL). Place the radiance image tape into the read ExaByte (drive 0). The following example uses tape COL051 from Columbia, MO. To Execute: Enter TAPEQC at the prompt, i.e. D:/TAPEQC/COL>TAPEQC Screen Output: TAPEQC--program version MOD--8.3. 11/6/89 Time/Date: TIME=12:20:03 DATE=01/FEB/90 Station=COL Please Enter Tape Number >> 051 (3 digit sequence number assigned to the tape.) Station + Tape ID=COL051 (If the station ID cannot be read from amLAN=15:20 the first image header then the program LAN=18:20 will request it before the tape pMLAN=21:20 sequence number.) DATE=01/FEB/90 Software Version= 2V2S Hardware Version= 2V6H TIME= --------------TEN From here on the program will continue to run unassisted. Information will continue to scroll on the screen. The time it takes to write to the screen will contribute to the overall run time. To inhibit the screen output depress the SPACE BAR once. To resume screen output depress the SPACE BAR again. When TAPEQC is finished, the screen output should look similar to the sample output below: -------ONE Quad Time Iris Occultor ND SP 23:20 160 164 0 0 #2 23:20 160 164 0 1 23:20 160 164 0 2 23:20 160 164 0 3 Data search in progress NNNN : ON mmm AW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. .... ... .. ... ... ... Finished 23:20:01 Ten Minute Image count= One Minute Image count= Stop - Program terminated. 72 720 D:/TAPEQC/COL> 2.2.3 Files Created by TAPEQC TAPEQC creates three types of files: diagnostic files, LAN files and histogram files. The diagnostic file contains the output from the data checking procedures presented earlier in the TAPEQC program description for all days on the tape. Its filename is in the form LLL###.DGN. Two files are also produced for each LAN on the tape. The quadrant 2 red image pixel values are saved in a file named LLL###c.LAN, where c is a character (A, B, C, ...,G) that indicates the sequence of the LAN image on the tape. A brightness level histogram file for this image is saved under the name LLL###C.HST. The TAPEQC run for COL051 produced the following files: COL051.DGN - for the entire tape COL051A.LAN & COL051A.HST - for the first LAN on tape COL051B.LAN & COL051B.HST . for the second LAN on tape COL051C.LAN & COL051C.HST for the third LAN on tape COL051D.LAN & COL051D.HST - for the fourth LAN on tape COLO51E.LAN & COLO51E.HST - for the fifth LAN on tape COL051F.LAN & COL051F.HST . for the sixth LAN on tape COL051G.LAN & COLO51G.HST - for the seventh LAN on tape 2.3 The DGN Program The DGN program takes the diagnostic file created for the entire data tape by TAPEQC and divides it into separate files (LLL###c.DGN) for each day on the tape. It also creates three special use files (.EXT, .DRK and .HOT). The contents of the special use files are described below: LLL.EXT contains the catalog information: date, start/stop time, hardware/software versions and individual DGN file names. RENAME this file so that the tape sequence number follows the station identifier. These files were used in putting together the WSI Data Base Catalog (Tech. Note 228). LLL###.DRK - intended to contain the hourly dark signal values for all the days. However, a mistake in the DGN program omitted the dark scale print to this file. At present these files contain no useful information. LLL###.HOT - contains the hourly temperatures for all the days. The files are used in the tape quality evaluations. Continuing with the example for tape COL051: To Execute: Enter DGN followed by the TAPEQC diagnostic file name, i.e. D:/TAPEQC/COL>DGN COL051. DGN A diagnostic error summary is appended to the end of each day's DGN output file. Table 2-1 describes the errors listed in the diagnostic summary. The files created by the DGN program for our sample-are: COL.EXT - special use file COL051.DRK - special use file COL051.HOT - special use file COL051A.DGN - the first day on the tape COL051B.DGN - the second day on the tape COL051C.DGN - the third day on the tape COLO51D.DGN - the fourth day on the tape COL051E.DGN .. the fifth day on the tape COL051F.DGN - the sixth day on the tape COL051G.DGN - the seventh day on the tape Table 2.1 Description of Diagnostic Error Summary Entries - the spectral filters are out of sequence. 1) Spectral Errors 2) Occultor Errors - the occultor moves more or less than 15 degrees per hour. If the images are missing this error could be flagged. 3) Signal Errors OIS - the dark signal exceeds a certain threshold in three regions outside the image in Quadrant 1. 4) Image Errors - the signal within the image in a given quadrant is too high or low. - the minute skips to far ahead or back. 5) Minute Errors 6) Hour Errors - the hour skips to far ahead or back. 7) Iris & N.D. not set Correctly Errors - the IRIS reading is greater than 020 and the selected Neutral Density is not equal to zero. 8) No Time for Flux Ctrl - not enough time to do flux control. 9) Can't put filter in Position - the spectral filter could not be put in the proper position. 10) N.D. Runaway 11) Not on WWV time 12) Missing Ten IMG 13) One Minute Errors 14) Ten Minute Errors - the neutral density filter could not be put in the position. - number of times system used BIOS clock. - total number of missing ten minute images. - READ and COUNT values differ for one minute images* - READ and COUNT values differ for ten minute images* READ is the image number from the header and COUNT is a counter that increments when each READ occurs. If they differ, then COUNT resets to the READ value and is flagged. COUNT resets after the first image of the day is read. count gets to the release increments 10 2.4 TAPEQC and DGN File Screening Procedures Certain features of the image quality and system performance must be noted in the individual station log books for each tape received. This information is obtained by examining the files produced by TAPEQC and DGN for each day on the tape. The appropriate entries outlined below are then made to the station log. Step 1: Sort the TAPEQC and DGN output files for the tape. Use NORTON Utilities as shown in Tech. Note 230. This step makes any inconsistencies in the sequence labelling between the LLL###c.DGN files and the LLL###c.LAN and .HST files readily apparent. In our example the day and LAN sequence characters match, i.e. the first LAN occurs on the first day, the second LAN on the second day, etc. This is not necessarily the case for every tape. If the data collection began after LAN on the first day of the tape, then the LLL###A.LAN (the first LAN on the tape) will actually be from the second day, creating an offset in the .LAN and .DGN character sequences. Offsets can also arise from missing LAN images on subsequent days. Step 2: Examine the LAN images, their associated histogram (HST) and diagnostic (DGN) files for each day. Use an image viewing program such as SHOIMG, VIEWIMG or SAMPIMG to examine LAN files, and the DOS LIST Utility to view .HST and .DGN files. a) LAN image entries: - Date (Header) - Occultor position (Header) Number of the occultor arm used (Bands on the arm) - Temperature (Header) Degree of cloudiness (i.e. 10% ... 100%) Cloud type (if you cannot determine, note whether opaque or thin) WWV or BIOS time used (Header) Other things to note: - Is the occultor off-center or tilted? - Is stray light present? (Occultor shadow) Does a bright halo appear in the dark area of the image? (This may indicate an inappropriate flux control threshold in the FIELD program input file.) - Any obstructions on the dome? (birds, dirt, etc.) - Is there noise in the dark area? (grainy or speckly appearance) Are the images too bright? If so, then note the IRIS setting and the Neutral Density (ND) used from the header. Does the temperature on the image differ from the average LAN temperature for all days on the tape by more than £ 5° C? 11 b) Histogram (HST) entries: Are the values distributed properly? (There should be a larger concentration at zero) Is signal compression evident? This occurs when the highest pixel values fall below 240. Note, the character string readable on the image are assigned a value of 255, so the histogram will always register some pixels at that level. - Is the dark signal rising? c) Diagnostic (DGN) entries: - Abnormal start and stop times. - Are there Image Signal errors? (If so, when, location and values.) In the winter these errors occur at the beginning and end of the day due to darkness. - Time gaps (including the missing ten minute midnight image.) - Excessive "NO TIME FOR FLUX CONTROL" errors (more than 100 occurrences) - Note the time of "CAN'T PUT FILTER IN POSITION" errors if any. - If the LAN images are too bright there may be "IRIS AND ND NOT SET CORRECTLY" errors. If so, note the time and quadrant where they occur. - Note any Dark Signal errors over 15.0. All noteworthy items for the tape are summarized in a memo to the group. IA 2.5 Post TAPEQC Procedures All of the files created by TAPEQC and DGN are then backed up to ExaByte tape for use in downstream processing. Each station has numerous backup tapes, with each tape having no more than 10 TAPEQC runs appended to allow for timely future retrieval. The backup procedure is described in detail in Tech. Note 230. If the quality assessment has proceeded normally, a copy of the raw data tape is then made using the program EXCOPY as described in Tech. Note 230. Both the master and the copy are then appropriately labelled. The master and copy tapes are stored in different locations. 3.0 Calibration Data Reduction A significant effort is made by our group to acquire the calibration data needed for converting the raw WSI measurements to useful, radiometrically correct quantities. This section describes the types of calibration information collected, and the procedures used to organize the calibration information into a limited number of input files for the ratio routine. C Figure 3-1 illustrates the four types of calibration data collected and the output products generated by the calibration procedure. While the three computer programs used in the calibration sequence are shown in the figure, instructions for running these programs are the subject of other documents. Descriptions of the four calibration types are provided below. Linearity Calibration - documents the nonlinear response of the camera to changes in the input flux as measured by the distance of a standard lamp to the camera chip. A technique can then be devised to compensate for the nonlinear response. Absolute Calibration - provides the measurements needed to relate the byte value grabbed from the video signal to the irradiance viewed by the sensor for given iris settings, and different spectral and neutral density filter combinations. Rooftop Calibration - determines the image size in different filter combinations and the acceptable dark pixel level for flux control in the FIELD program. Also saves images with the geometric dome in place to aid in the geometric calibration. The image size information is the most important of these parameters for ratio processing. These calibrations are normally performed both before the sensor leaves MPL and after it arrives in the field. Spectral Filter Response - most applications use the half power points provided by the manufacturer. Selected high spectral resolution calibrations have been performed. As shown in Fig. 3-1, results from the calibrations come in three forms: calibration image files, handwritten log entries, and computer text files. A later section will outline the transfer of the handwritten log information to computer text files for input into the data reduction algorithms. 13 Linearity Image Files (LINeee.#) Linearity Archive Tape Linearity Calibration Measurements (JLIN4 ) Linearity Calibration Logs Linearity Input File ( LINIII.# ) Absolute Image Files (ABSaaa.#) Absolute Archive Tape Absolute Calibration Measurements (JABS4) Absolute Calibration Logs Absolute Input File (ABSaaa. INP) Rooftop Calibration Logs Rooftop Calibration Measurement ( at MPL or on-site ) (FLDCAL) Image Edges, Offsets and Magnifications (OFFSET.FLD) Rooftop Archive Tape Rooftop Image Files - ABSaaa or RTPrrr.EDG, .FLX and .GEO Filter Bandwidth Characterization Filter Input File (FILSVV.INP) Fig. 3-1. Calibration measurement and file preparation sequences. 14 3.1 Keeping Track of the Various Calibrations With as many as 9 WSI systems in the field at a given time, and systems being replaced due to intermittent failures, documenting the hardware changes and recording the associated calibration information became a substantial effort. In order to process a given raw radiance data tape through the ratio and cloud decision procedures, a means of identifying the hardware fielded at site on the date specified must be devised, and reference to the proper calibration information must be made. Several calibration logs have been maintained to facilitate this process. These logs have been described in previous Tech. Memos, such as AV90-026t. Excerpts for the Columbia, MO site are described here. 3.1.1 Field Unit Calibration Status Log This first log subdivides the calibration information according to the installation site of the hardware, where each site is assigned a specific field unit number (see Section 2.1). The field unit calibration is stored under the file name CALUNIT.LOG. Contents of the file include dates that hardware changes were made at the site, comments describing the changes, and the linearity, absolute and rooftop calibration sequence numbers associated with that hardware version. A sample from first WSI system (version 1) installed at Columbia (field unit 7) follows. FIELD UNIT CALIBRATION STATUS LOG Updated: 2 April 90 FIELD UNIT # 1 C-STATION Version la, 16 Feb 88: FIELD UNIT #7 COLUMBIA, MO Version 1A, 8 February 89: Full calibration, looks normal. LINO22, ABS120-127. Name ABS120 used for both rooftop and first abs calib. Also brought home field calibrations and local apparent noon check from field, COL001-003. Flux threshold 29000. Version 1B, 23 March 89: New antenna and occultor arms, use same calib as 1A Version 1c, 22 June 89: New FG100, use same calib as 1A Note that many of the hardware changes, such as computer changes and occultor repairs, will not change the radiometric calibration information. Normally, the version number change will accompany new radiometric calibrations. For example, Unit 7 Versions 1A, 1B and 1C may use the same radiometric calibration, but Unit 7 Version 2 implies a camera change, and thus a new radiometric calibration. 15 3.1.2 List of Acquired Calibrations This log file documents all calibrations acquired. The format of the file is outlined below. LIST OF ACQUIRED CALIBRATIONS Updated: 2 Apr 90 LINEARITIES CALIB DATE COMMENTS TAPE ID CAMERA ID FIELD UNIT # LIN001 1/15/88 315 638-8671 1 v1 Designated 019 on files LINO20 11/08/88 348 LIN021 1/06/89 001 LINO22 1/26/89 003 LIN023 3/02/89 008 LINO24 3/24/89011 716-87059 730-87345 638-8669 635-8640 1465-8852 6 v1 1 v4 7 v1 6 v2 1 v5 Calib as 8 vl ABSOLUTES CALIB DATE COMMENTS ТАРЕ ID CAMERA ID FILT CHG FIELD CALIB UNIT TYPE ABS001 1/20/88 315 638-8671 FC3 1 v1 ABS118 1/11/89001 ABS119 1/12/89 002 730-87345 730-87345 FC51 FC5 v4 1 v4 6 7-9 WSC119 on tape 7,8,9 Both calibs 1 called 120 7 vl 7 v1 7 v1 7 v1 7 v1 7 v1 warmer temp ABS120 1/27/89 003 ABS120 2/01/89004 ABS121 2/01/89 004 ABS122 2/01/89004 ABS123 2/01/89004 ABS124 2/01/89004 ABS125 2/01/89 004 ABS126 2/01/89 004 ABS127 2/01/89004 COL001 2/08/89 006 COL002 2/08/89 005 COL003 2/09/89 007 638-8669 638-8669 638-8669 638-8669 638-8669 638-8669 638-8669 638-8669 638-8669 638-8669 638-8669 638-8669 FC8 FC8 FC8 FC8 FC8 FC8 FC8 FC8 FC8 FC8 FC8 FC8 cra AwNNN 7 vl 124 cont 7 v1 7 v1 7 v1 vl 7 v1 7-9 7-9 Grabs at LAN Ck in field Repeat ck 7-9 ABS128A 3/15/89 009 ABS129A 3/16/89 010 635-8640 635-8640 FC9 FC9 6 v2 6 v2 ROOFTOPS (early rooftops were designated absolutes) CALIB DATE TAPE CAMERA FILT FIELD CALIB COMMENTS # ID ID CHG UNIT TYPE RTP001 8/11/89 023 0364-8918 FC11 5 v2 7-9 ABSOLUTE TYPES Starting 6/12/89: ABS VS FILTER AT APER = AT APER=120, ND=1 ABS VS FILTER AT APER = 40 AT APER=160, ND=1 ABS VS FILTER AT APER = 120 AT APER=160, ND=2 ABS VS ND AT APER = 120 ABS VS IRIS AT ND = 0 OFF AXIS ATTENUATION CALIB GEOMETRIC CALIB IMAGE SIZE (FOR FLUX CONTROL) EDGE CHECK, ALL FILTERS FIELD CAL, INCORPORATES EDGE, THEN FLUX, THEN GEO SPECIAL O vous WN 7-9 10 : The first six types are performed during the absolute calibration, while types 7 through 9 are the rooftop calibrations. 3.1.3 Hardware Log The hardware log summarizes the hardware changes and their status, and accompanies the field unit summary memos. The entry from AV90-070t appears below. HARDWARE LOG Updated: 1 May 90 This log documents the general changes to the Eo Camera field units. The changes in specific components are listed in the "Field Unit Major Components" tables kept on file. * = New entry in log FIELD UNIT # 1 C-STA Version 1A, 16 Feb 88: Memo AV88-0050 FIELD UNIT # 7 COLUMBIA, MO Version 1A, 8 February 89: Memo AV89-028t Fielded 8 February, abnormal clock antenna, otherwise system appears normal. Version 1B, 24 March 89: Memo AV89-0450 A new clock antenna and new occultor arms were installed. Version 1c, 22 June 89: Memo AV89-0684 A new computer with new FG100 was installed, due to failure of the Exabyte. This computer included a new modem. This file also provides the cross-listing of the version number with the field status summary memo containing its hardware inventory. A copy of the Unit 7 Version 1A component list (Table 3-1) from AV89-028t is attached. FIELD UNIT #7 MAJOR COMPONENTS Fielded 8 February 89, Columbia Date: 3 Mar 39 AV89-0230 FIELD UNIT #7 (conc.) Date: 3 Mar 39 AV89-0230 Sensor Components Item Ident Item # (Table A) Changed From Previous Version Item Ident Item # (Table A) Changed From Previous Version OCC-08 M-51010-12 M-51010-13 WLH-07 FL-07 FC 08 B-57530-15 R-57610-15 B-57530-17 Boards (Slot #) Video Color Card (1) Hayes Modem (7) DIO 96 (2) CPU & Co-proc (6) FG 100 (4) Hd Disk Control (8) Excamal Drive (9) SCSI Host (10) Com Port (5) Keyboard External Disk Sony Monitor Cock Radio SPSS Sun Occultor Filter. 4.0 ND Filter. 4.0 ND (Spare) Wx- Proof Lens Housing Fisheye Lens Filter Changer Spea I (blue) Spec. 2 (red) Spec. 3 (blue) Spec. 3 grim (0.5) Spec. 4 (red) Spec 4 rim (0.5) ND 1 - donc ND 2 (0.3) ND 3 (0.7) ND 4 (1.0) Wx- Proof Cam Housing Video Camera GC 018536 A05400963598 86A1406 1755 KKM 1298 968644 W7994V-0 3211 20331352-0 518932 26-5045662 2031948 CLK-02 1 NI 19 R-57610-16 NI NR N-50810-09 N-50821-08 N-50830-08 WCH-07 . 638-8669 Peripheral Components Item Item # (Table d) Changed From Previous Version Ident NI Conmol Components N NI Item Ident Item # (Table A) Changed From Previous Version Stand and Shroud Cable Sec 19" Rack Rack Slides Pedestal Air Conditioner Heater NO NI NI Accessory Coagol Panel TM Computer Seagate Hard Disk Exabyte Streamer ACP-08 TMI 2039 147136 4972 NO *NI = No Ident applied, NR = Not Recorded Table 3-1 Hardware component list from initial Columbia, MO, installation 3.2 Calibration Data Reduction Algorithms Three programs have been written to aid in the calibration data reduction: LINCALC, FILTER and ABSCALC. Figure 3-2 shows how these programs fit in the overall ratio calibration file preparation sequence. 3.2.1 Program LINCALC The LINCALC program computes the linearity look-up conversion table (LUT) that will be loaded onto the FG-100 board during ratio processing. The method for creating this table is described in Tech. Memo AV89-056t, Software Documentation: Linearity Processing. The following discussion explains how to run LINCALC. The first step is to create the LINI11.INP file required by the program, where Ill is the linearity sequence number. As indicated in the calibration logs, ill for the Columbia example is 022. A copy of the handwritten linearity calibration log is attached (Table 3-2). The corresponding LINCALC input file (LINO22.INP) appears below. LINO22 Data Log Signal 0.3 o o o 0.6 255.0 253.2 218.6 175.9 140.2 111.1 85.5 · 66.9 51.8 39.1 28.9 21.7 14.4 10.4 7.0 3.9 2.4 1.6 0.0 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 4.0 The first and last entries are set to 255 and 0 respectively, while the remaining 17 entries are made from the linearity log. In this example, the values from the RUN ONE column of the log were chosen. 20 Filter Input File (FILSVV.INP) Effective Filter Irradiance Computations [FILTER Filter Irradiances (FILSVV.OUT) Absolute Input Files ( ABSaaa.INP) Mid Scale Radiance (MSR) Computations (ABSCALC) MSR Values (ABSaaa. OUT) Decimal Linearity LUT ( LINIII.DEC) Linearity Input File (LINeee.INP) Linearity LUT Determination [LINCALC) Compute Absolute Calibration Entries for Ratio Calibration File 21 Integer Linearity LUT ( LINIII.INT) Image Offset and Magnification File ( OFFSET.FLD) Preliminary Ratio Calibration File ( CALsVWW.RAT) NDR, SPR and Absolute MSR Tables Field Unit Version Hardware Log Preliminary Hardware Version Log ( VERSION.LOG) Fig. 3-2. Preliminary calibration and hardware version file preparation sequence. RUN TWO AVG STD SUB ASSEMBLY ASSIGNMENTS E/O CAM: LIN CAL DATA SHEET Camera Serial No. 6:38+8669 Tape Ident. No. LINOO Filler Assembly Serial No. Done Lens Type & Serlal No.. 505 Serial No. Unit 7ul Special Filler TMI: 2039 FG! NKAN 406 RUN ONE Lamp SPECIAL REMARKS Position N.O. N.O. (Log Unils) | AVG STO Lamp Volls Lamp Currents 0.0 6255, 255io 17.51 . 1.001 0.1 2550 255io 0.2 IsF .01255:0 0.3 255.: o: 1255 io 0.4 1253.24 2.5 254.9: 014 0.5 218.6 3.8 1226,4 4,6 0.6 11759: 3.21782.21 3,5 0.7 775.3 1140.27 2.81245.0;3,0 145,0 8 Illi 26 115.4 2.5 Assisi 24 1 88.91 215 .1.0 166.9 2.6 70,0!2.5 1.1 Isl.& 12.6 53.712.4 Szil's 53.7 se 1.2 139.112.91410:34 1.3 1360;3.2 1. 4 21,73.0 73.0 13.4 1.5 14.4 i 1.6 10.7 3. 0 11.5 3.0 177.01 0. 97.5 3.11 1.8 3.912,814,1 17,8 1.9 Tal a l 123 1 - 2.0 TIG aro 11.6 11.9 016 DATE_182/89 START TIME 1430% END TIME / 500 OPERATOR JRV L440 DIA Table 3-2 Sample linearity calibration log for LINO22 from the Columbia, MO, version 701 camera 22 To Execute: Enter the LINCALC at the prompt, i.e. D:\CALIB>LINCALC Screen Output: Enter the name of the linearity you wish to access Sample name is LIN004. This will access a file named LIN004. INP ENTER LIN NAME: lin022 THE INPUT VALUES ARE: 255.0 253.2 218.6 175.9 140.2 111.1 85.5 1.0 66.9 1.1 51.8 1.2 39.1 1.3 28.9 1.4 21.7 1.5 14.4. 1.6 10.4 1.7 7.0 1.8 3.9 1.9 2.4 2.0 4.0 THE LOG VALUE CORRESPONDING TO 128 IS .7419 in'ncininis initsioonis ܩ ܘ ܩ ܩ ܗܘ INTEGER F S BE AND IT IN INT NOW THE INTEGER FORMAT LUT IS BEING GENERATED AND PUT IN FILE lin022.INT NOW THE DECIMAL TABLE IS BEING GENERATED AND PUT IN FILE lin022.DEC Stop - Program terminated. D:\CALIB> Integer and decimal LUTs are written to the two output files, LINIII.INT and LINIII.DĒC, respectively. The decimal LUT has an entry for each tenth of input signal. This file is not used in the downstream processing. The integer LUT is copied into the ratio calibration file, and looks like the following example. Integer Output Data for Linearity lin022 Inp sig Out Sig ONM Econ 235 236 237 238 249 251 253 254 255 255 255 (The entire file for this sample is part of the CALZV01.RAT file presented in a later section of this report.) 3.2.2 Program FILTER Program FILTER computes the effective irradiances of the calibration lamp used in the absolute calibrations as viewed through the 4 spectral filters placed in the spectral filter wheel. Tech. Memo AV89-057t describes an earlier version of the routine. While some of the input parameters changed, the basic methodology did not. FILTER requires an input file named FILsVv.INP. The contents of FIL7V1.INP for Columbia are listed below. Unit 7 v1 Lamp: F12L Filter Ident Lambdl Lambd2 O AWNhd 57530-15 57610-15 57530-17 57610-16 430 615 430 620 480 695 480 690 O O The lamp identification is taken from the absolute calibration logs that will be presented in the next section. The identification numbers for the 4 filters are taken from the component list reproduced in Table 3-1. The final two entries, Lambd1 and Lambd2, are the filter half power points read from the strip charts provided with each filter. The strip charts for the 4 filters in this example are shown in Fig. 3-3. FILTER assumes that the spectral transmittance curve can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution fit to the half power points (see Tech. Memo AV89-074t). This curve is then combined with the lamp irradiance and nominal camera response curves to determine the effective filter irradiances. 24 WAVELENGNI HEIMAH BANDWIDTH RAWIDU 0.18 YETENGTH WAVELENGTE Al met .LOCKIES Hochiile ilmu STANDuis issot Nb:1, 13 0.6 - 25 : c 0.2 IIIIIII: TTTTTTTTTT! : ITTTTTTTTTI.IT UP 0.0 Ulin Fig. 3-3. Spectral filter curves provided by Oriel for the filters in hardware version 711 (Columbia, MO, initial hardware version) To Execute: Enter FILTER at the prompt, i.e. D:\CALIB>FILTER Screen Output: Enter the station or unit number, and then the version number, for the instrument with the filters you wish to process. For example, entering i for both unit and version will cause a file named FIL1V1.inp to be accessed. ENTER UNIT (STATION) NUMBER: ENTER VERSION NUMBER: FILTER FILE FIL7V1. INP Input Data: Lamp: F12L Filter Ident Lambdl Lambd2 ܝܕ ܢ ܚ 57530-15 57610-15 57530-17 57610-16 430 615 430 620 480 695 480 ܩ 690 Output Data: Filter Lambda Delta Trans Cam Sens Lamp SxTXE SxT 10 O 10 O O .00 .00 .03 .11 .26 .50 .78 .97 .97 O O 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 O .0987 .0987 .0987 .1017 .0972 .0965 .1047 . 1085 . 1130 .1152 .1137 .1122 . 1145 .1182 .1197 1.510 1.829 2.163 2.528 2.932 3.362 3.825 4.304 4.823 5.373 5.941 6.545 7.153 7.753 8.366 .003 .017 .075 .272 .733 1.622 3.120 4.542 5.301 4.823 3.377 1.887 .867 .320 .092 .002 .009 .034 .108 .250 .483 .816 1.055 1.099 .898 .569 .288 .121 .041 .011 O O M بر لبه ل 10 O O O 10 10 ON O ON O 10 FILT 1 RESULTS Average Irradiance (UW CM-2 NM-1): Average Irradiance (W M-2 UM-1): 4.677 46.77 26 590 10 .16 .1444 12.190 2.823 .232 730 10 .09 .1354 19.360 2.292 .118 FILT 2 RESULTS Average Irradiance (UW CM-2 NM-1): Average Irradiance. (W M-2 UM-1): Avel H a 15.770 157.70 380 10 .00 .0987 1.510 .003 .002 W . 520 10 .00 .1197 8.366 .092 .092 .011 w FILT 3 RESULTS Average Irradiance (UW CM-2 NM-1) : Average Irradiance (W M-2 UM-1): 4.677 46.77 590 10 .09 .1444 12.190 1.612 .132 730 10 .04 .1354 19.360 1.087 .056 FILT 4 RESULTS Average Irradiance (UW CM-2 NM-1): Average Irradiance (W M-2 UM-1): Stop - Program terminated. 15.758 157.58 D:\CALIB> The output file (FIL7V1.OUT) echoes the screen print, beginning with the line "FILTER FILE FIL7V1.INP" up to the filter 4 results. 3.2.3 Program ABSCALC Program ABSCALC computes the Mid Scale Radiance (MSR) values used to derive the calibration parameters employed in ratio processing. (Tech. Memo AV89-058t describes the calculations.) Data from absolute calibration types 1-5 from the List of Acquired Calibration output presented earlier are used to derive the absolute calibration information entered in the ratio calibration file. These data are extracted from the manual logs recorded during the JABS4 runs, and entered into files named ABSaaa.INP for input to ABSCALC, where aaa is the absolute calibration reference number. Table 3-3 is the type 1 manual log from ABS120. The corresponding input file for ABSCALC (ABS120.INP) is listed below. ABSCALC also uses the corresponding LINIII.INP file, in this case, LINO22.INP. 27 Abs usfilter at Aporao Unit 70l E/O CAM: ABS CAL DATA SHEET ALS 120 Lamp SPECTRAL #1 LAMP POS Pos com of (cm) +N.D.' AVG | STO 40 155 10.3. 28 40 Izss 13./ 30 49.0 1.0 Ho N.D. liso 100 75 SPECTRAL #3 TN.D. AVG 4O 4.2 30 5.9 L SPECTRAL #2 | AVG STD 1 12.3 12. 39.2 l 2.0 l 4.4 l z.7 140. 21 Hol I zas.a I 6.0 STD 2.6 2.2 70 SPECTRAL #4 bene + N.B. AVG STD 100 Gen r o 7 I loob 22 55 376 2.5 40 I 76.0 3.2. 30 1 133,6 I sob 45 5.7 28 120 30 | 7040 40 11 55 148.8 24.9 494 l 3-1 3.1 3.0 | 208. I 1 5.9 ss 114104 l uol 75,1 7. 100 58.7 2.2 1o Tizu 12.5 30 34.? vo | .? 55 1 23.3 75 1 17.0 100 | 20 30 Lor? 40 2.9 Tz. | ..: | 2.2 l 2. 3 SUB ASSEMBLY ASSIGNMENTS Camera Serial No. – 672-26 69 Filter Assembly Serial No. _ o Lens Type & Serial No.. 505 Serial No. IME: 2039 FG: Humovab CALIBRATION LAMP DATA Lamp Serial No.E12L Outputlal HCP) Colorkal Rated V_ VOC Rated Set V_ VOC Read _ CALIBRATION TARGET DATA Target Ident Target Retiectance Attenuation Ident Allenuation Rell. Target Location; dı = dy + Oy:by m 9 DATE 1 Feb START TIME 1130 - END TIME 1700 OPERATIQR 563GMA Table 3-3 Sample calibration log from a Type 1 (Abs. vs Filter) absolute calibration for the 7V1 sensor fielded at Columbia on 8/FEB/89 ABS120 Data Spec ND Aper Lamp 55 40 30 30 40 55 150 100 75 55 45 55 ܢܙ ܙ 75 100 AAAAAAAAAA WWW WNNNNNNNNNNNNNN r > Sig 10.3 25.5 49.0 48.8 24.9 9.4 12.3 39.2 74.4 141.2 208.9 208.1 141.4 75.1 38.7 12.4 4.2 8.9 10.3 2.7 6.6 15.6 37.6 76.0 133.6 134.3 76.7 23.3 17.0 7.0 150 ܢܝ ܢܙ ܩ O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O 40 30 30 40 100 75 55 ܣ ح O 30 O O O 55 75 100 To Execute: Enter the program name ABSCALC at the prompt, i.e. D:\CALIB>ABSCALC Screen Output: Enter the name of the absolute you wish to access Sample name is ABS014. This will access a file named ABS014.INP ENTER ABS NAME: ABS120 Enter the name of the linearity you wish to use with these data Sample name is LINO04. This will access a file named LIN004. INP ENTER LIN NAME: LINO22 THE LINEARITY INPUT VALUES ARE: .3 255.0 4.0 .0 29 Enter the absolute irradiance, in watts/(m* 2 nm) at 50 cm These are computed from the spectral curves of the filters and the lamp irradiance curve Sample values are: Filter 1: 44.6 Filter 2: 159.0 Filter 3: 44.6 Filter 4: 162.0 1 IRRADIANCE: 2 IRRADIANCE: FILTER 46.8 FILTER 157.7 FILTER 46.8 FILTER 157.6 3 IRRADIANCE: 4 IRRADIANCE: Lamp Spec ND Aper Sig MSR 55 10.3 25.5 49.0 48.8 24.9 9.4 87.61 91.93 97.31 97.66 93.71 93.12 150 100 45 O 45 12.3 39.2 74.4 141.2 208.9 208.1 141.4 75.1 · 38.7 12.4 35.34 35.25 36.10 36.68 36.66 36.82 36.63 35.79 35.63 35.13 75 a pa A A A A A wwww NNNNNNNNNN trn 100 150 4.2 8.9 10.3 2.7 255.00 323.75 294.47 313.48 6.6 15.6 37.6 76.0 133.6 134.3 76.7 23.3 17.0 7.0 114.96 120.53 120.68 124.34 130.64 129.92 123.26 175.67 115.32 111.60 30 40 55 75 100 Stop - Program terminated D:\CALIB> 30 The output file, AB$120.OUT, begins by naming the input ABSaaa file, and then lists the irradiance values entered. The remainder echoes the screen output starting with the "Lamp Spec" line. 3.3 Absolute Radiance and Ratio Calibration Constant Determination The conversion factors needed to transform the raw digital WSI signal values into absolute radiance and radiance ratios can be determined from the MSR values computed in ABSCALC. Tech. Memo AV90-049t, "Derivation of Calibration Constants", provides a detailed step-by-step discussion of the ABSCALC data reduction procedure. Two of the resulting factors are of interest in the ratio processing: the Spectral Ratio (SPR) and the Neutral Density Ratio (NDR). Each red filter and each blue filter exhibits some variability in its peak wavelength and bandwidth relative to the nominal values. Thus, the measured signal through two different spectral filters of the same color will vary for the same sky radiance distribution. Similarly, the ratio between the signals from two filters of different color will vary from filter pair to filter pair for the same sky radiances. The SPR converts a ratio of the blue and red signals (corrected for the camera response) to a ratio between the input radiances. As in AV90- 049t, SPR is defined as: SPR = MSR(1) / MSR(2) where 1 represents the blue filter in position 1 on the spectral filter wheel, and 2 represents the red filter in position 2. Due to the limited dynamic range of the video camera, two sets of red and blue images were needed, with the second set buffered from the first by a .5 log neutral density filters. Considering the spectral variability of the color filter response, and the slight non-neutrality of the offset filters, the spectral ratio of the second pair (SPR) will not necessarily match that of the first pair. SPR' is defined as: SPR' = MSR(3) / MSR(4) where 3 and 4 refer to positions on the spectral filter wheel. The ratio routine chooses the 3-4 filter pair if either of the 1-2 pair is off scale bright. Consider two regions of the sky with the same radiance ratio, one region brighter than the other. If the brighter region is off scale bright in the 1-2 pair and the darker region is not, the 3-4 pair would be used in the brighter region ratio computation, while the 1-2 pair would be used in the darker region. If SPR and SPR' differ, the corrected signal ratios in the two regions would also differ despite both region having the same radiance ratio. The NDR factor is designed to compensate for the apparent difference, where NDR is defined as: NDR = SPR /SPR' = [MSR(1)/MSR(2)] /[MSR(3)/MSR(4)] = [MSR(1)*MSR(4)] /[MSR(2)*MSR(3)] The practical effect of applying these constants is as follows. The NDR factor is used to make the corrected signal ratio from the 3-4 pair appear as if it came from the 1-2 pair, while the SPR factor is used to correct the 1-2 corrected signal ratio to a radiance ratio. Since the filters in the neutral density wheel are not perfectly neutral, SPR and NDR ratios are computed where possible for each of the 4 positions on the neutral density filter wheel. The SPR and NDR values computed for the Columbia example are given below. AWNEZ SPR 2.51 2.43 3.34 3.34 NDR .99 99 .92 .92 In this case, the absolute calibrations for ND4 were off scale dark, and the values from ND3 were used for ND4. 3.4 Preliminary Ratio Calibration and Hardware Version Files The next step in the procedure is to enter all the pertinent calibration data on the particular hardware version into one common file, and make the appropriate entry into the hardware version log used by many of the ratio and cloud decision processing programs. The ratio processing calibration files are named CALsVvvv.RAT where s is the station or site number, and vvv is the hardware version identifier. The preliminary version of the CAL7V01.RAT file available at this stage of the procedure is given on the next 7 pages. The file name appears first, followed by the date of the most recent file entry. Other pertinent features of the hardware are then listed. The linearity LUTs from the LINO22.INT file created by LINCALC are next. In most cases, the value of the output LUT at the 0 byte value location must be manually changed to 0. The important ratio correction factors appear in the table of numbers labeled "Absolute Computed Correction Factors" on page 6 of the calibration file. The first column of numbers are the ND filter wheel position. The transition thresholds are in the next column. If the corrected signal in either spectral filter 1 or 2 exceeds this value (offscale bright in 1 or 2), the ratio from the 3-4 pair will be used for the pixel. If either of the spectral 3 or 4 corrected signals exceeds the value in the third column, the ratio pixel output will be assigned a value indicating offscale data. The values 250 and 254 for these thresholds are reasonable for normal cameras. The NDR values are taken directly from the calibration computations. The final column contains the numerical value of 4/SPR. A brief explanation of this factor follows. TU The ratio routine takes this factor and multiplies it by 64. The resulting factor is then used to scale the red/blue corrected signal ratio to an 8-bit integer value (between 0 and 255). In mathematical terms, Ratio Byte Value = 64 [4/SPR) (CorSig(2)/CorSig(1)] = 128 [2] [MSR(2)/MSR(1)] (CorSig(2)/CorSig(1)] where CorSig is the signal corrected for nonlinearity. Using the definition of MSR in AV89-058t, the ratio byte value can be related to the radiance ratio as follows. Ratio Byte Value = 128 [2] [Radiance(2)/Radiance(1)] Our original intent was to have the ratio byte value of 128 correspond to a red/blue radiance ratio of 1.0, which is close to the expected ratio for opaque clouds. In practice, the empirical factor of two was needed to raise the ratios to near the desired level. The reason for the factor of two discrepancy is still open to question. (See the related discussion in AV90-049t.) The next set of entries in the CALsVvvv.rat files are the MSR values and aperture factors at the different ND, SP and aperture settings that would be needed for absolute radiance computations. These values are produced in the post-ABSCALC computations, but have yet to be used. The final series of entries are the image geometry factors taken verbatim from the OFFSET.FLD file of the FLDCAL program. These include, the image edges, horizontal and vertical offsets, magnifications for all the spectral filter position combinations with the first two neutral density wheel positions. Images in ND positions are usually too dark for edge determination, so the values from ND position 2 are assumed to be valid for positions 3 and 4. The ratio routine uses the offset and magnification information to coregister pixels from the 4 spectral filter positions during the ratio computations. The final step in the calibration reduction procedure is to make a preliminary entry of the new hardware version into the VERSION.LOG file, as shown below. File VERSION.LOG Updated 10 Oct 91 List of hardware versions used in field, for access by ratio programs. STATION DATE Mo/Da/Yr HARDWARE DATA Vers Qual QUALITY SOFTWARE Indicators Vers COMMENTS 2 3 2 3 3 4 16 88 19 88 29 88 12 88 M س با ما 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 2A 2B 04 03 90 02 08 89 10 11 91 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 2.60 1.71 2.70 The last two lines pertain to the entries needed for the first version (1A) fielded at Columbia, MO. The DATE column indicates that the station began collecting data on 8/FEB/89 using FIELD software version 1.71. At this point, the data quality values are given default values of 1 for the DATA quality, and ten O QUALITY indicators. The last line was included for smooth exit from the ratio routine. More will be said in the next section about the entries into this log. 33 File CAL7V01. RAT Date: 10/OCT/91 This file contains calibration data for unit and version indicated in file name, for input to ratio programs CALIBRATION CONFIGURATION Field Unit No. Field Version No. Filter Chg No. Camera Type Camera Serial No. TMI Serial No. FG100 Serial No. FC-08 2710 638-8669 TMI 2039 HKM 406 FIELD CONFIGURATION Field Unit No. Field Version No. Filter Chg No. Camera Type Camera Serial No. TMI Serial No. FG100 Serial No. FC-08 2710 638-8669 TMI 2039 HKM 1298 LINEARITY LUT VALUES Data Source: File LINO22.INT, 08/18/89 Original Calibration file: LINO22, 01/26/89 una WWN O vun no WNE File CAL7V01.RAT - Page 1 34 M ا M N N M N N N M ܝܕ ܢ ܚ ܩ ܟ ܗ ܢ ܣ ܩ ܘ ا ܢ ا ܢ ا ܚ ا ܩ ا با لبه ܩ ܗ ܙ ه ܣ ه ܩ ه ه ه ܘ ܢܙ ܝ ه ܚ ه ܩ ه ه ܗ ه ܙ ه ܤ ه 0 ܘ ܘ ܢ ܢܨ ܚ ܚ ܟ ܗ ܢ ܣ ܩ ܘ 0 0 ܝܕ ܢ 0 ܚ 0 ܩ 0 ܟ 0 ܗ 0 ܢ 0 ܣ 0 للا ܩ ܘ ܢ ܢ ܚ ܩ aus W WNH 50 63 66 70 73 74 75 File CAL7001.RAT - Page 2 35 75 76 78 79 80 81 77 78 79 80 82 81 0 O 0 O 0 88 85 86 87 89 90 88 0 89 90 0 91 0 von A WWNA 0 0 0 UAWN Ova 98 ao 99 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 100 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 127 128 File CAL7701.RAT - Page 3 36 129 130 م م م م الا هر ) م م 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 139 140 141 142 143 144 144 145 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 146 ه م ل ه 147 148 ه ) و14 لا لا لا ح م 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 ) و 161 168 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 169 170 171 172 173 لا 174 175 م 176 178 179 179 180 181 182 183 179 180 181 182 لا لا لا لا همه مه وه File CAL7001.RAT - Page 4 17 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 O W 193 194 O 192 O 193 Ur 195 196 O O 197 198 199 200 201 202 O O 203 O O O 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204. 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 O 7 WN fond ܢ 204 205 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 216 217 218 219 220 222 223 224 226 227 ܠ N p ܙ ܗ N ܙ N ܣ N 218 219 N 220 N ܘ ܝܐ 229 221 222 223 224 225 226 لا لا لا لا w w w 228 229 w 230 232 233 235 236 238 239 241 243 244 246 248 249 251 A 231 A A د تا با به File CAL7001.RAT - Page 5 38 W u un 253 254 255 255 255 255 255 255 ол л 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 ол л un un n 255 255 255 255 ABSOLUTE CALIBRATION DATA Data Source: File: Manually derived from AB$120-126.OUT, 08/18/89 Original Calibration data: ABS120-126, 02/01/89 Absolute Computed Correction Factors 2/1 - 4/3 4/3 ND Filter Transition Offscale NDR 250 254 0.99 250 254 0.99 250 254 0.92 250 254 0.92 14/SPR] SPR 1.59 1.65 1.20 1.20 . Absolute Mid Scale Values These parameters are not used unless we are generating a tape of calibrated data, however they were used to generate the above correction factors. Mid Scale Values for APER = 0 SP = 1 2 3 4 ND = 1 ND = 2 ND = 3 ND = 4 104 253 635 1860 41.5 104 190 556 342 832 1780 5210 137 347 652 1907 Absolute Aperture Factors MSR(aper=0) /MSR (aper) File CAL7V01.RAT - Page 6 39 APER = APER 0 1.00 40 2.79 80 5.12 120 9.63 160 16.5 Factor: IMAGE EDGE INFORMATION Data source: Field calib, 8 Feb 89, calib COL002 Selected edges for neutral density = 1 Filter # Top Bottom OM Left Right # Iter. --------- ---- ------------ ----- -- W -------------- i a as WNW is 15 440 465 468 73 443 ir w 468 73 472 72 441 445 W Resulting magnification and offset values ND SP MAG XOFF YOFF لی O لی 1 1 2 3 4 .984 1.001 .996 1.008 P 0 M O لیا and 008 Selected edges for neutral density = 2 from 8 Feb 89 Filter # Top Bottom Left Right # Iter. Iter. ----------------- ------------------------ Standard - 10 470 71 439 1 m را i 1 71 با ب 68 cina O 471 473 474 478 446 448 446 451 ه 68 ه Resulting magnification and offset values ND SP MAG XOFF YOFF لما لا 1 2 3 4 1.013 1.026 1.022 1.035 ۱ مر OBSTACLE INFORMATION Number of Obstacles = 0 File CAL7V01.RAT - Page 7 4.0 Ratio Input File Preparation The processing of the raw radiance image tapes collected in the field to the ratio stage is the most involved part of the entire WSI tape processing procedure. It is at this stage that many of the idiosyncrasies in the data collection are resolved, and data quality specified. Five input files must be prepared before a field tape from one of the stations can be processed to ratio. These files are: VERSION.LOG - defines for all of the sites, when system changes were made either to the EO sensor, or to the control computer. Changes in data quality are also recorded. CALsVvvv.RAT - contains the calibration information for a particular hardware version (site s, version vvv). As noted in Section 3, this information includes the linearity LUT, the spectral pair selection and offscale bright thresholds, the NDR and SPR ratio adjustment parameters, absolute radiance MSR values, image size parameters, and image boundaries of obstacles blocking the field of view. DATES.LST - lists for site s, the tape identifier (LLL###), the first date as it appears on the tape, the number of days with data on the tape, and the date correction factor, if any. OCCs.DAT - documents the dates when the occultor parameters (arm number and/or angular offset) changed at site s. TIMES.COR - lists for site s the dates when the time correction changed, and the magnitude of the correction. Preliminary versions of VERSION.LOG and CALsVvvv.RAT are available at the end of the calibration data reduction described earlier in Section 3. An initial version of the the DATES.LST file can be prepared from the station log books described in Section 2. The following presentation describes the steps taken to verify and complete the information in these preliminary files, and to determine the entries to the remaining files (OCCs.DAT and TIMES.COR). Figures 4-1 and 4-2 outline the steps in this procedure. As noted previously, the procedure was evolving as tapes were being processed, and the summary presented here describes how a new tape would be handled today. Raw Radiance Field Tapes Verify Image Size Parameters and Offscale Thresholds Preliminary CALsVvW.RAT Linearity Calibration Logs Preliminary VERSION.LOG Determine Azimuth Offset of Sensor ( CHECKAZM) Revised CALsVvW.RAT Sun Position File (Ssyymmdd.SUN) Site Azimuth Offset List Determine Occultor Arm and Offset and Time Corrections (CHECKLAN) UCHA LLL###C.LAN Files Prepare Occultor Parameter and Time Correction Ratio Input Files . Handwritten LAN Observations Output File (CHECK.OUT) Occultor Input File (OCCS.DAT) Data Quality Specification Prepare Tape ID Date List and Check for Date Slips Time Correction File (TIMES.COR) . . Station Log Date List File (DATES.LST) Cloud Cover Observation - Form 10 or ETAC Summaries Revised (VERSION.LOG) - Fig. 4-1. Ratio input file preparations. A2 Revised VERSION.LOG DATES.LST OCCS.DAT Preliminary Composite Ratio Processing (TAPRATPN) Raw Radiance Field Tapes TIMES.COR Revised CALSVvvv.RAT Sample Ratio Image Files Adjust NDR and SPR parameters Final CALsVvvv.RAT Specify Obstacle Boundaries Fig. 4-2. Final ratio calibration file entry determinations. 4.1 Image Size and Offscale Threshold Determination The first step in the procedure is to verify the image size and placement information in CALsVvvv.RAT originally obtained from the FLDCAL output file OFFSET.FLD. The verifications are made with full resolution images from raw radiance field tapes. The steps in the procedure are outlined below. Step 1: Use IMFIND to extract several image sets of all four quadrants for both the first and second positions on the ND wheel. The best periods to pick are when the flux control algorithm is alternating in its choice of ND filter between positions 1 and 2. It is also preferable to choose cases for ND 1 when the iris is fully closed (IRIS=0) providing the best focus at the image edge. Choosing periods when the occultor is not obscuring the sky at the top, bottom, left and right edges also helps. WARNING - Use the IMFIND version from 15 May 1989 to access the data instead of earlier versions of IMFIND, or programs RDIMGS or WRIMGS, because the placement of the image by this version of IMFIND agrees with the placement in the ratio program. Continuing with a Columbia example, the following table lists some dates and times when four sets of radiance images were extracted from the radiance data tapes to illustrate this step. Time ND Tape ID 001 001 Date 12/FEB/89 12/FEB/89 6/APR/89 6/APR/89 16:40 17:20 19:20 18:50 009 009 N- Step 2: Locate the image edges. Use a mouse routine (eg., VIEWIMG, SHOIMG, or SAMPIMG) to locate the cursor at the images edges, and record these positions. My preference is to find the outer edge of the visible sky dome, instead of the bottom of the four screws visible in the images. The edges for the sample images are ND = 1 Cases ND = 2 Cases SP lan 16:40 12/FEB/89 Top Bottom Left Right 13 462 79 440 8 466 76 443 13 464 77 439 8 470 75 445 AWNA 17:20 12/FEB/89 Bottom Left Right 468 75 444 473 72 447 471 73 444 4 476 71 450 Awng Awn- SP 19:20 6/APR/89 Top Bottom Left Right 462 438 10 465 76 442 13 464 78 438 10 469 76 444 18:50 6/APR/89 Top Bottom Left Right 468 74 443 5 472 71 447 8 470 72 443 4 476 71 449 2 3 4 44 Step 3: Examine the bright regions on the images with the mouse. While the image edges are being evaluated, the nature of the offscale bright portions of the images can be examined. In the case of the Columbia images above, the offscale pixel values were 255. Thus, the offscale bright thresholds can remain at 254, and the transition threshold can stay at 250. Other cameras have a more pronounced rolloff at the high end. For example, the camera fielded with version 3 at Malmstrom (513) exhibited a significant high end rolloff as shown in a portion of its linearity log sheet (LINO29) copied below. Lamp Position 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Avg. Pixel Value 212.1 216.5 221.3 230.5 235.5 230.5 204.8 168.2 Note how the average pixel value increases from 168.2 at 0.7 logs to 235.5 at 0.4 logs, then decreases to 212.1 at 0.0 logs. A raw pixel value between 212 and 235 could be associated with one of two absolute radiance values. If the peak entry from the linearity log is used, then some regions that should be defined as offscale bright will have ratios that are on scale, but meaningless. If a lower threshold is chosen, then the previously erroneous regions will be identified correctly as offscale bright, but other regions with meaningful ratios will also be designated offscale bright. The latter more conservative strategy was chosen. The other point to remember is that the thresholds entered into CALsVvvv.RAT will be applied in the ratio routine after passing the raw imagery through the linearity LUT. Let's look a little more at the Malmstrom example. The high end of the linearity LUT appears below. Raw Value 210 Corrected Value 223 225 227 230 232 234 Raw Value 218 219 220 221 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 Corrected Value 240 242 244 247 249 251 253 255 222 236 223 224 225 238 If we wanted to exclude the entire rolloff region (above 212 in raw value), the corrected value of the offscale threshold should be set at 227, and the transition threshold would be set 5 to 10 counts below that. 45 Step 4: Compute the image magnification and center offsets After examining the raw sample images with the mouse, the image magnification factors and center position offsets must be computed for all spectral filter positions in ND positions 1 and 2. First, the average edge positions are computed. For the Columbia example, SP SP 1 ND = 1 Averages Top Bottom Left Right 14 462 79439 466 76 443 13 464 78 439 9 470 76 445 ND = 2 Averages Top Bottom Left Right 468 75 444 473 72 447 471 73 444 476 71 450 3 4 The offsets and magnifications are then computed using the following equations. XOFF = 255 - (Left + Right)/2 YOFF = 240 - (Top + Bottom)/2 XMAG = (Right - Left)/368 YMAG = (Bottom - Top)/460 MAG = (XMAG + YMAG)/2 The values for the initial Columbia setup are: ND = 1 SP XMAG YMAG MAG XOFF YOFF 10.978 0.974 0.976 2 0.997 0.994 0.995 3 0.981 0.980 0.981 4 1.003 1.002 1.003 -6 0 ND = 2 SP XMAG YMAG MAG XOFF OFF 1 1.003 0.998 1.000 - 5 2 1.019 1.017 1.018 3 1.008 1.007 1.007 4 1.030 1.026 1.028 -6 0 AWN Step 5: Make changes to the CALsVvvv.RAT file. Appropriate corrections can now be made to the ratio calibration file. In our Columbia example, no changes would be made to the absolute calibration tables at this point in the calibration procedure, because the camera did not exhibit any rolloff at the high end. The image size information would be updated using the values above, as shown in Table 4-1. The image size parameters have to be checked whenever significant hardware changes are made. These include: relocation of the sensor, disassembly of the sensor either at MPL or on site, and replacement of the FG-100 board (including swap out of the entire computer). An FG-100 swap can cause the image to shift in the X direction, while the Y placement remains unchanged. For example, the FG-100 in Unit 1 Version 5A was replaced at C-Station on 6 July 1989, changing the version to 5B. The Y offsets for versions 115A and 115B were the same, but the images shifted 8 or 9 pixels to right, decreasing the X offsets from 5 or 6 for version 1V5A to -2 or -3 for version 1V5B. 46 Table 4-1. Revised CAL7001.RAT Image Size Table IMAGE EDGE INFORMATION Data source: Field Tapes 001 and 009 Selected edges for neutral density = 1 Filter # Top Bottom Left Right tom # Iter. tandard O 10 470 439 I 14 462 466 464 470 76 78 439 443 439 13 76 445 Resulting magnification and offset values ND SP MAG XOFF YOFF 1 1 اسم ال 1 2 .976 .995 .981 1.003 -4 -5 2 ه 4 Selected edges for neutral density = 2 Filter # Top Bottom Left Right # Iter. -------- -- 101 standard 10 O 470 71 i 1 5 468 473 471 476 PWN in 444 447 444 450 Resulting magnification and offset values ND SP MAG XOFF YOFF 2 2 -5 -5 1 2 3 4 1.000 1.018 1.007 1.028 sur un 1 HOC OBSTACLE INFORMATION Number of Obstacles = 0 Revised File CAL7001.RAT - Page 7 4.2 Sensor Azimuth Offset Determination An important step during the installation of a WSI unit is determining a landmark designating true north, and aligning the instrument along the north-south direction. Proper alignment is important for two reasons: keeping the dome shaded from direct sunlight, and accurate specification of a pixel's zenith and azimuth angles in the image products. Neither the landmark selection or the alignment procedure is perfect. Fortunately, the sun provides a well defined landmark within the field of view, and the azimuth offset of a camera setup can be determined. This is done by tracking the sun's position in the WSI images on a clear day, then plotting the observed positions against an anticipated track computed from the solar ephemeris in a program called CHECKAZM. The procedure for running CHECKAZM is described below. Step 1: Find a reasonably clear day If practical, chose a day between the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, preferably in the summer, when the sun is visible for as long as possible, and a greater length of solar arc can be observed. Step 2: Load the appropriate field tape. Select the field tape containing the chosen date and load it onto the read ExaByte. Space over EOFs to the beginning of the selected day using IMFIND, WRIMGS or RDIMGS. I prefer IMFIND for its multiple EOF skip ability. Step 3: Enter a directory containing the VERSION.LOG file and the appropriate CALsVvvv.RAT file with the revised image size information. Then run the CHECKAZM program. The following example is from the first hardware version at Columbia on 20 April 1989. To Execute: Enter CHECKAZM at the prompt, i.e. D:\CALIB>CHECKAZM Screen Output: Welcome to CHECKAZM - Version 2.0 This program Marine Physical Laboratory - Optical Systems Group Scripps Institute of Oceanography University of California, San Diego 1991 - All Rights Reserved Site # Location | Site # Location ---------------------------------------- MPI 1 6 Malabar C-Station Columbia HELSTF Composite 1 Kirtland Portable 1 China Lake I Malmstrom i in A WNHO 48 -> Please enter the site number: 7 Input the start date of the tape as follows: Format: Month Day Year Example: 1 10 89 -> Please enter the starting date: 4 20 89 Calibration File CAL7001B.RAT opened successfully.* Initial header found: Date = 20/APR/89 Sun file 578 90420.SUN opened successfully Time X Y # (Min) Pos Pos Sun Present? (Y or N): At this point, change the monitor to RGB, and respond to the prompts on the screen. If the sun is visible, type Y, if not, type N. Actions taken by the program are N - the program skips the next EOF, loads the next full resolution image, then asks "Sun Present?" again. Y - activates the mouse and writes the "Locate sun with mouse "command to the screen. Place the curser on the center point of the sun, then press any of the three mouse buttons. The following question will then appear. Is this point OK? (Y or N): Responses: N - will return to the "Locate ... " command. Adjust mouse position and press a mouse button. Y • a data line will be printed to both the output file and the computer screen. The next action line will then appear. Get another? (Y or N): Responses: Y - skips the next EOF, loads the next full resolution image, then asks "Sun Present?" again. N - begins the azimuth offset determination. CAUTION - exit to the azimuth offset determination is made only after a new sun position has been defined. If no usable images appear at the end of the day, answer yes at the next "Sun Present?" prompt, and choose a location far off the active image area. Then respond no to "Get another?". The offset determination begins with the nominal WSI active image being highlighted on the RGB screen. The solar arc is then plotted in yellow, followed by the observed sun positions in purple. An initial offset of 0.0° is assumed. The program then prompts Offset = 0.0 Try Another? (Y or N): Responses: Y - requests a new azimuth offset with the prompt Enter new azimuth offset: A positive value will rotate the yellow sun arc counterclockwise, while a negative value will rotate the sun arc clockwise. A value of -1.5 gives the best fit for the Columbia example. The adjusted arc will the be replotted followed by the prompts Offset = -1.5 Try Another? (Y or N): N - ends this CHECKAZM run. The output file is assigned a name of the form Ssyymmdd.SUN, where s is the site number, yy is the year, mm is the month, and dd the day. The output file for the Columbia sample is listed below. Sun file 57890420.SUN opened successfully Time X Y # (Min) Pos Pos 1 790 416 246 2 850 391 216 3 910 361 193 4 970 327 176 5 1030 292 165 6 1090 255 161 7 1150 218 163 8 1210 182 172 9 1270 148 188 10 1390 91 239 М о un N v Uл Final Azimuth Offset = -1.5 The sequence number of the sun observation is in the first column, followed by the time in minutes GMT. The last two columns list the nominal image coordinates of the sun position. The final, best fit azimuth appears on the last line. The top panels of Fig. 4-3 show the CHECKAZM output before and after the sun arc is adjusted. The most extreme offset encountered in our data processing thus far was 7.5° for version 5 at C-Station. The bottom panels of Fig. 4-3 show the effect of azimuth offset adjustment for this case. 50 Columbia, MO - Version 7v1 . . . . . . . O . . . . . . . . . + ... . . ... .. ... .. ...... TIL . . . .. . .. . . DO .. . .. . . . . 6 . 0 . . . . . . . . . .. . . 6 ... . . . 100. . 4 . . 6.. . .. . . . .... . .... . . .... .. . . . . O 1 . . 7 ... . ... ......... ...... ....... . . 18 . . . . . + . . . ... 1 . . . 6. . . . . . . . . - . . . ... . . . . . . ... . . . ••• 6. .... . . . ........... ... ... ... . . . 10.000 . . 1 • . M . . .. ...... . . ... . . . . . . . . . + 1 . . . . . .... . . . . . ........ 1 .... . . . ..... . . . . DOU. . . . . ..... 5 . .... . . . . . .... . 01 . . . . . . . . . . . . ....! . 1 11 TL . . . . . . . TO 11111 . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . !! . ....... .. ......... . + . . . 1 . . . .. . . . 6 . 100 It . . 0 00 . . . . ...... .. .. . .... . 117 . . . $O . . ... . . . : . .. . . . 1 ...... . . .... . . . . .. . ...06 . . . .... . . . . . . .... ... . . . .. . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . 16. - . . . . . .... . ... . . . .. . 1 . . . ..100€ . . . . .. .. . . 0 . . . . . ... . ... . . 1 . .... . O . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . De . . . . .... .. ... . . . . . 4 . . . . . . # . ... ..... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1 . . . DO . . . 10. . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . ....... ... . . .. . . # . 0 1 . . . 6 . I . . . . . . D . . . . . . , + . . . . . . . . ... . . + . . 00 . . . 0 . . + ... .. . . . . . . .. .. .. 10.05 .. ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . LO . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .... . ! . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . * YOYOY . . . 0 . . .. 6 . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . . . TDI. • . . 0 . ... . D .. .. . $ . . . .. . . NO . . $ . 6 : AN 4 . . . ... . 0 . . 99. 00 ... . . A . . ....... . . 109 . . . . .. UDO. 136. . . . .. . . . . . # . . # . . . . . . + ..... . . 90 .. . . . . . . .. . . 0 . . . .......... . tot . . . . 0106 . + . . ... ......... ... . .. . . . 110 + + O2 . . T + .. . . ATTO . . . 1 .. . . * . 1 . . . . . ... H . . . . . . * . .. .0 . . . . . TO !!.00....10 0 . 00 . . . . . .... * .. . . 1 1 1 11 1 . . 1. . . . 0 . . 10.000 . 10 . d . ._001 2. . . . . 2 2017 OTTO C ... .. . 0 . TE . . 10.1 . ... .. . . _ . 1 . 0 . ..... 1000, 14. . CT . 0 . . t . TOT 1 PA DO . I . . ..... .... . . . . . . . .. .. . : .. . + + + . . + . 0 1 . . . . Od O . . . . . . . . .. . . . • 01. . . . .. . .. . .. . 00 . . . 1 _OO. . . .. . . . . . . . C . .. o . O 1.10 1 00 . .... .. OOO . ... + 11 . . 1 116 100.. . ZO t. .. . . . . .6 . O . . ... . O IT . .000 . +0. 12.0 . . . 7. OO . . - ... AO ..10 . +00 1 • . . . .. . . . O . . . . . . On + 1 . .. 2000 ...... T . . . . . . .!.. . . . . . .. 1 . . . . . 2011 . .. . + ftnT 2 1 2017 + . . . + ET 11 12. . . . . . . . . . . . 114 1 1 . .... . 106.. . . i . . 1 . 0 . . .. .. . . . i . 11. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . 06 . . . 1..000 . .... ..... . . . .. X . 1 . . . . 1 1 1 . . + . DOO " .. . . . . . . . 1 . . 7 0 . ...... . . . 1 1 0 . . .. . # . 1 11 . 0.01 .. . 1 . ... OP # 1 111 0 # . . . . . # . . . . ............. . 1 O . . . . . . .. . . . . : .. . . . . . . ..... . .. . . . .. .... .... .. . .. .. . ... . . . . ....... . . .... . . . ..... . . 14 . .. DI .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . DDT . . . 1. . . . 01. . . . . t . & N ...... . 1 - . 10 . . . .. 1 . .. . . . . 1 1 0 1 . 10+ . . . . . 1 C . . . • 1 . .2 . . . . . . . . . PO 1 . . . . 6 ... . •OTO . . . .... . 06 . 4 . . . . . 001 . . 10 1 . SAN Uncorrected Corrected (-1.5 deg ) C-Station - Version 1v5A & B . . . 111 + : . .. . .. . . . .. 0 1 . . . 1 1 . • . . _. . . • . . . . . 1 . .... .. . TOTO . . 1 . 1 . . 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 . . . . .. . . . . . . 1 .. . In Otto 1 1 1 . . .. . 1 • TO Tet . . 0 1 0 1 1 1 OR . . . . 1 1 . AN : . . + . . 0 . 1 . . . 2 . . . do TOT. + + 2q1 . 0 . 1 1 0 ... . 1 . C 2 1 1 . . ... .. 11 2011 . 0 . 0 0 1 . . 1 1121 + . . 000 1 . . . 1 . 1 0 . 1. . . . . . . . . . . I . 11 CC LO . . 2 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 . 1 1 . 0 . 1 - . . . . . .. . ............ . . . . 1 1 + . . ••••• . 1 1 - . . 1 0 . . . 1 . 1 1 . 1 . . . 1 . - . . ... . 1 + . . 1 . . 1 1 1 . . . . 1 1 1 + 1 1 . 1 D . . . #TTO . 1 . + . . 1 . 16.01 . . 1 - . . 2 1 . . 1 + 1 + $ . . 1 . 0 1 + + + . • . . + 1 - . . . F ._ .. . .. ... .. + ... 1 .. + .. + . . 2. . 1 11 1 1 . . . . . . . 1 1 1 . 1 01 . – . 0 .. + 0 0 1 - - . 0. ► . 1 . C . . . 2 . . . . . 1 " C 10000. . . . . • • . 1 1 1 1 OD 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + . 2017 LA21__10_ LALOLU 1 1 1 LA VILL 20_LNC4L LLLL 1 .700 O . . 011 + . . 16 . 10 11 12 . + TO DO . 10_0 6 . . ! 1 A . . . . . . . 19 .. . . . . 1 50 4 + + . . t...! . . ! . . . . . . . . 5 . . 20 #111 1 . + + + + + + . . . .. 1 1 . 1 . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . . . . . . . O . . . . 1 .. . . • 1 . • 0 1 . 1 . - .... . + . . . . 1 . . . . + 1 . • . 1 1 . 1 0. 00 . . 1 4 1 0 0 ..... . . + 1 + + . 0 + . 1 . ... OVAT . 1 1 . . . .0000 . + . . 1 . . + . . . I . . + 1 0 - 11 - . . 1 6 . : . 0 + U . . • + 1 09 + . 1 . . - . . . . + . 1 . . 1 R 1 . . 1. IT TO . 11. . . . 1 . . . 1 . . . 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 . . . . . . + . + + + . . . ...... . . . .... . . . I 11 . ? . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . ••• . . ..... . . ... . . . . . . . OTO.. . . ........ . . ... . . 11. . . . . . . . . . . . .00 . .... A . A . . D 9 LLLL Uncorrected Corrected ( 7.5 deg ) Fig. 4-3. Sample sun position (+) plots before and after azimuth correction. 51 4.3 LAN Image Evaluation and Associated Ratio Input File Entries The ratio input files are used to pass several different types of information to the ratio program, including occultor parameters for the proper placement of the occultor mask, time and date corrections, and image quality assessment indicators. The CHECKLAN program was developed to provide a systematic means of evaluating when the occultor arms were changed at a site, what the offset in occultor angle position was, and how far the clock was off if the WWV clock was not operating normally. The LAN images being extracted from the field tapes during the data quality assessment provided a handy set of once daily image samples that could be used in determining the ratio input parameters. CHECKLAN loads a specified LAN image, then draws the occultor mask. The operator can adjust the occultor arm and occultor angle until the mask covers the occultor visible in the image. The final arm chosen and the angle offset are then recorded to a file CHECK.OUT. If the sun can be seen on the image, a track of the sun position at 10 minute intervals is superimposed on the image, and the operator can change the time until a cursor is centered on the sun. The time recorded on the image is then subtracted from this best fit time to yield the time correction that can be applied by the ratio program on that date. 4.3.1 Running CHECKLAN Download the LAN images to be evaluated onto an appropriate subdirectory containing VERSION.LOG and the revised CALsVvvv.RAT for the images being evaluated. In the example below, we'll assume that these files reside on the TAPRAT directory, where the ratio runs will be made. A CHECKLAN sample run for the first 6 Columbia tapes will now be examined. To Execute: Enter CHECKLAN at the prompt, i.e. D:\TAPRAT>CHECKLAN Screen Output: Welcome to CHECKLAN - Version 1.0 Checks the occultor and sun positions on LAN images Marine Physical Laboratory - Optical Systems Group Scripps Institute of Oceanography University of California, San Diego 1990 - All Rights Reserved Site # Location 1 Site # Location I 6 en A WNroi MPL C-Station HELSTE Kirtland China Lake Malmstrom Malabar Columbia Composite 1 Portable 1 -> Please enter the site number: 7 -> Enter the field tape sequence number (eg, 001):001 Input the start date of the tape as follows: Format: Month Day Year Example: 1 10 89 -> Please enter the starting date: 2 9 89 Calibration File CAL7001. RAT opened successfully. Enter azimuth offset for this site :-1.5 -> Enter the LAN indicator (such as A,B,C...) :A At this point switch to the RGB screen and answer the prompts for each of the LAN images being evaluated. See Tech. Note 230 for a more detailed description of the responses to the prompts. A summary sheet for the CHECKLAN also needs to be filled out, such as that shown in Table 4-2. Record the tape ID number, the date displayed on the LAN image, a visual estimate of the total and opaque cloud cover, and comments pertinent to the data quality assignments. The CHECK.OUT file for the sample run is presented in Table 4-3. The data columns are self explanatory. If the sun was not visible at noon, such as on 13-15 Feb, a 999 is entered into the time correction column. A "W" would appear after the time correction if the WWV clock was accessed. The following subsections describe how the CHECKLAN output is used to update the ratio input files. 4.3.2 DATEs.LST Specification The first file to evaluate is the DATEs.LST file. The procedure to follow is outlined below, using the first 6 Columbia tapes as the example. Step 1: Construct a preliminary version from the station logs. The station logs contain information on the start date of a field tape, and the number of days it contains. This information can be entered into the DATEs.LST file as follows. FIELD TAPE DATE LIST Site Number 7 - Columbia, Missouri Last Update - 18 Oct 1991 by TLK Tape Identifier COL001 COL002 COL003 COL004 COL005 COL006 Start Date Mo/Da/Yr Days Corr. 02 09 89 7 0 02 16 89 02 23 89 03 02 89 03 08 89 03 15 89 ooo Run by TLK 16 OCT 91 Stallon: Columbia, MO - 1989 DATELO, EST TAPE - EST. EST O DATE 186 90 Сонцето 001 2/91 0 2/10 O O 2/11 O O 2/12 100 150 2113100 100 | rain drops 2114 100 100 12/15 100 100 | rain drops DATE TOT.CVRLOPAQUEL COMMENTS 005 3/8 o o locc. shadow 3/9 o o 3/101 10110 I may be ovc thin 3/11100100 3/12 100 100 3/13 100 1 100 |3/14oo II | 3/15 olo |3/16| 100 | 100 3/171 90 130 |3/18 1100 1100 |3/19| 100 | 100 Rain drops. |3/201 10110 13/11 olo 00212/16100 80 sum dimely 201 100 100 2/181100 1 60 Cellular AC 2/18 | 100 | 100 | sun visible 2/201100 11001 Raindrops 2/21 | 100100 2/22 0 0 Oeculler, adoop 0032/23 Oo z/z400 2/25 80 160 2/26 8070 2/27 0 2/281 0 0 3/1 100 100 Few Cu 0041 32 100 313100 100 3/4 1100 100 315100 100 3161100100 | 3171ol ditteunt Джлаа ? 13/7lolo loce, shadow Table 4-2 Sample CHECKLAN summary list 54 Table 4-3. CHECK.OUT Contents O O 1 Odont O Cor O 1 O CO O = 999 OPPO oooo H H H H 1 H H H O 1 COL001A. LAN COL001B. LAN COL001C. LAN COL001D. LAN COL001E. LAN COL001F. LAN COL001G.LAN COL002A. LAN COL002B. LAN COL002C. LAN COL002D. LAN COL002E. LAN COL002F. LAN COLO02G. LAN COL003A. LAN COL003B. LAN COL003C. LAN COL003D.LAN COL003E. LAN COL003F. LAN COL003G. LAN COLO04A. LAN COLO04B.LAN COLO04C. LAN COLO04D.LAN COLO04E.LAN COLO04F. LAN COLO04G. LAN COL005A. LAN COL005B.LAN COLO05C. LAN COLO05D. LAN COL005E.LAN COLO05F. LAN COL005G. LAN COLO06A. LAN COLO06B. LAN COL006C. LAN 006D. LAN COLO06E. LAN COLO06F . LAN COL006G.LAN 9/FEB/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=2 Cor= 10/FEB/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=2 Cor= 11/FEB/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=2 12/FEB/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=2 Cor= 13/FEB/89 ND=1 Occultor: Arm=2 Cor= 14/FEB/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=2 15/FEB/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=2 16/FEB/89 ND=1 Occultor: Arm=2 CO 17/FEB/89 ND=1 Occultor: Arm=2 Cor 18/FEB/89 ND=1 Occultor: Arm=2 Cor= 19/FEB/89 ND=1 Occultor: Arm=2 Cor= 20/FEB/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=2 Cor= 21/FEB/89 ND=1 Occultor: Arm=2 Cor= 22/FEB/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=2 23/FEB/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=3 Cor= 24/FEB/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=3 25/FEB/89 ND=1 Occultor: Arm=3 CO 26/FEB/89 ND=1 Occultor: Arm=3 Co 27/FEB/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=3 Cor= 28/FEB/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=3 1/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=3 Cor= 2/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=3 3/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=3 4/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=3 5/MAR/ 89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=3 6/MAR/89 ND=1 Occultor: Arm=3 Cor= 7/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=3 Cor= 7/MAR/89 ND-O Occultor: Arm=3 8/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=3 Cor= 9/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=3 Cor= 10/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=3 C 11/MAR/89 ND=1 Occultor: Arm=4 12/MAR/89 ND=1 Occultor: Arm=4 13/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=4 Cor= 14/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=4 Cor= 15/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=4 Cor= 16/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=4 17/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=4 Cor= 18/MAR/89 ND=1 Occultor: Arm=4 C 19/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=4 CO 20/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=4 21/MAR/89 ND=0 Occultor: Arm=4 cor Time: Cor Time: Cor= 1 Time: Cor Time: CO Time: Cor 999 Time: Cor 999 Time: Cor Time: Cor Time: CO Time: Cor 0 Time: Cor= 1 Time: Cor Time: Cor Time: Cor Time: Cor= 1 Time: Cor= Time: Cor= 999 Time: Cor= 999 Time: Cor= 1 Time: Cor= 1 Time: Cor= 999 Time: Cor= -1 Time: Cor= 999 Time: Cor= 999 Time: Cor= 999 Time: Cor= 999 Time: Cor= -8 Time: Cor= -9 Time: Cor= -10 Time: Cor= -11 Time: Cor= 1 Time: Cor= 0 Time: Cor= 999 Time: Cor= 999 Time: Cor= 1 Time: Cor= 1 Time: Cor= 999 Time: Cor= 1 Time: Cor= 999 Time: Cor= 999 Time: Cor= 1 Time: Cor= 1 O O Cor O O O O 1 O Old Oo O с O Co O O OPPO 1 co 55 The start date entered here is not yet corrected for any date skips that might have occurred. The date correction is initially set to 0. Step 2: Evaluate CHECK.OUT and the station log for date skips. Do the dates in CHECK.OUT progress in the normal manner? Do duplicate dates occur, or are missing dates evident. In Tables 4-2 and 4-3 for the Columbia example, a duplicate 7/MAR/89 appears. The comment in the handwritten CHECKLAN summary indicates that the second 7/MAR LAN image is different from the first, and that it is a noon image. Sometimes if the clock skips backward over LAN, TAPEQC will produce a second LAN image on the same day, but the sun will not appear near the 180° azimuth in the second LAN. Since this is not the case in the second 7/MAR LAN image, it appears that the control computer did not change the date to 8/MAR after midnight on 7/MAR. The cloud cover estimates in the CHECKLAN summary can be used to verify this possibility. A comparison between the LAN cloud cover estimates and the 1750 GMT weather observations made at Columbia (from the Form 10 sheets) is presented below. LAN Date LAN Total Cloud Cover (tenths) Form 10 Date Form 10 Total Cloud Cover (tenths) 9 (1 opaque) 2/MAR 3/ MAR 4 MAR 5/ MAR OMAR 7MAR 7/ MAR 8 MAR 9MAR 10/MAR 11 MAR 12 MAR 13 MAR 14 MAR 15 MAR 16/ MAR 17/MAR 18 MAR 19/ MAR 20 MAR 21 MAR 2/ MAR 3/ MAR 4/ MAR 5/ MAR 6MAR 7/ MAR 8/MAR 9/ MAR 10/MAR 11MAR 12 MAR 13/MAR 14/MAR 15/MAR 16/ MAR 17/MAR 18/ MAR 19/ MAR 20 MAR 21/ MAR 22 MAR 10 10 This sequence is well matched, supporting the idea of a computer date slip on 8/MAR. 56 Missing dates in the LAN sequence are a more typical problem. Usually these occur at a tape change, and are due to a late start or a premature stop of the FIELD program. This can be verified against the station log. Otherwise, the cloud cover check can be used. Step 3: Update the date corrections, if necessary. As determined in the above example, The computer date slipped on 8/MAR/89 at Columbia. For all tapes started after that date, a date correction of +1 should be entered, until evidence suggests that the problem was rectified. The revised DATE7.LST entries then become: FIELD TAPE DATE LIST Site Number 7 - Columbia, Missouri Last Update - 18 Oct 1991 by TLK Tape Identifier COL001 COL002 COL003 COL004 COL005 COL006 Start # Date Mo/Da/Yr Days Corr. 02 09 89 02 16 89 02 23 89 03 02 89 03 08 89 03 15 89 WWOOOO 4.3.3 OCCs.DAT Specification The entries for OCCs.DAT are straightforward. Whenever the arm or the correction angle changes, an entry into the file is made. Based on the CHECK.OUT occultor information for our sample, the initial OCC7.DAT entries should be: U O O O O OCCULTOR ARM INFORMATION - Last updated 18 Oct 1991 Site #7 - Columbia, MO Beginning Date (* normal schedule, not verified) Mo/Da/Yr Arm Used Offset Angle 02 09 89 02 14 89 02 23 89 02 24 89 03 12 89 03 13 89 03 22 89 03 29 89 04 16 89 05 07 89 08 06 89 08 27 89 09 14 89 10 01 89 10 19 89 11 09 89 O O NW Auravan As WW NN O O * * O * * * 57 Note that I have filled in the normal arm change schedule for the remainder of the year, so that only departures need to be entered in the future. At least one such additional entry is helpful to keep the file read in the ratio program from aborting. CAUTION - the dates entered in this table must be corrected dates, reflecting the date corrections made in DATES.LST. Thus, 1 day has been added to the CHECK.OUT dates after 7/MAR/89, when occultor changes occurred. That is, entries for changes on 11/MAR, 12/ MAR and 21/MAR have been dated 12/ MAR, 13/MAR and 22/ MAR, respectively in OCC7.DAT. 4.3.4 TIMES.COR Specification The system clocks on the control computer exhibit drift. The FIELD program was designed to periodically update the system clock from WWV. At times, WWV was not available, and the system clock was only updated from the more accurate BIOS clock when the system was rebooted. The ratio routine uses the TIMES.COR file to place a better time stamp on the processed images. As seen in Table 4-3, the only significant time discrepancies (greater than 2 minutes) from the Columbia sample occur from 3/MAR to 10/MAR (using corrected dates). The corresponding TIME7.COR entries are: ܘ ܢܝ ܩ TIME CORRECTION INFORMATION - Last updated 18 Oct 1991 Site #7 - Columbia, MO Beginning Date Time Mo/Da/Yr Offset 02 09 89 03 03 89 03 04 89 03 05 89 03 06 89 03 07 89 03 08 89 03 09 89 03 10 89 03 11 89 O ܗ ܢ ܣ ܘ ܘ ܢ ܘ 58 4.3.5 VERSION.LOG Quality Indicators The data quality entries to VERSION.LOG can be made at this stage in the procedure. The entries for Columbia in 1989 are given below. File VERSION. LOG Updated 24 July 90 List of hardware versions used in field, for access by ratio programs. STATION COMMENTS DATE Mo/Da/Yr HARDWARE DATA Vers Qual QUALITY SOFTWARE Indicators Vers O O 02 08 89 03 24 89 05 08 89 05 16 89 05 31 89 06 22 89 11 09 89 89 12 07 89 12 14 89 12 25 89 12 26 89 12 28 89 O HONW ܢܕ ܢܙ ܢܙ ܢܙ ܝ ܝܙ ܢܙ ܝ ܢܕ ܢܝܙ ܢܙ ܢܙ ܢܙ Cam UU UUUUUU 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000001000 0000000000 0000000000 0000001000 0000000000 0000001000 0000000000 HM HNW WWWW 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 17 ♡ O No additional entries for the 6 tape sample period were made. Some comments about subsequent entries are pertinent. As noted in the hardware log (Section 3.1.3), a new occultor and a new clock antenna were installed on on 24/MAR (change to version 1B) and on 22/JUN the computer was swapped, with a new version of FIELD loaded. The general data quality indicators (DATA Qual.) can have one of three values. 1 = Cloud data appear normal, but check the quality indicators 2 = Cloud data may be abnormal 3 = Data missing. Interpreting, these entries in the VERSION.LOG sample, the WSI was either down or a data tape was lost or unreadable for 3 periods in 1989: 8/MAY to 15/MAY, 31/MAY to 21/JUN, and 7/DEC to 13/DEC. The images from 14/DEC to 24/DEC are of questionable quality. Examining the 10 character quality indicator string tells us why. The quality indicator string describes problems with the imagery based on the automated and visual evaluation of the LAN images. Zeroes indicate that no problems are expected. Non-zero flags are explained below. Position 1 - No occultor present if = 1. Position 2 - Stray light. 1 = Wrong occultor arm may lead to stray light problems. 2 = Large time offset displaces occultor off sun producing significant stray light. 3 = Other. Position 3 - Split images, data unusable if = 1. Position 4 - Bad input look up table on FG-100 board in field if = 1, resulting in gaps in field brightness values. During ratio processing, affected pixels are indicated either as "no data" or eliminated by smoothing. Position 5 - Range truncation at top of range, if = 1. Ratio data may be slightly distorted. Position 6 - Range truncation at bottom of range, if = 1. Ratio data may be slightly distorted. Position 7 - Obstruction to vision on dome. 1 = Condensation inside dome. Ratio data may be useful. Other obstruction on dome or portions of dome. 2 = 3 = Dirty dome. Positions 8 thru 10 - Currently unused. Thus, the poor data quality at Columbia in mid-December 1989 was due to heavy condensation in the dome (a 1 in position 7). The date entries in this file must be corrected dates when the information comes from field tapes that needed date adjustment. The data quality specification requires not only the CHECKLAN information, but may also include information from the TĀPEQC and DGN output evaluations. 4.4 Obstacle Mask Definition At many of the sites, structures and other obstacles obscure the field of view, making a cloud decision in that portion of the sky impossible. Since these ol incorrectly identified as cloud, we decided to mask them as no data regions. 4 The obstacle mask is defined using raw radiance images that clearly depict the obstacle. One of the mouse routines is then used to define a polygon (with up to 19 vertices) outlining the image. Up to 10 obstacles can be defined. The top panel of Fig. 4-4 shows a dark red image from Columbia. Two significant obstacles are apparent: the radar tower to the left (west) and the tree near the top of the image (just west of south). The boundaries of the obstacle masks are shown in the bottom panel. The X and Y locations of the points defining the polygons are listed below. Radar Tower Tree Pixel Location Pixel Location X Point X Point 150 167 91 127 128 137 144 146 154 155 135 126 179 180 196 213 Noooo van AWN 230 232 212 202 188 202 230 218 118 220 221 225 226 233 230 178 112 72 76 91 150 Repeating the first point as the last point closes the polygon. These image coordinates must be converted to the nominal ratio image coordinates. If an image with a magnification near 1 is chosen, the conversion to nominal coordinates consists of adding the X and Y offsets to the raw image coordinates. In the example, the magnification is 1.003, the X offset is -6 and the Y offset is 0. The obstacle list appended to the end of CAL7V01.RAT then becomes: . OBSTACLE INFORMATION Number of Obstacles = 2 Obstacle Point 1 - 15 Points on the Perimeter Column Row 85 150 121 122 131 180 167 179 138 139 148 196 213 218 220 221 149 ܩ ܩ ܝ لا لا لا لا هم پسر هم ܢܙ ܢܙ ܘ 225 129 120 112 106 NO 66 226 233 230 178 150 14 70 85 15 Obstacle Point von A WNH 2 - 7 points on the Perimeter Column Row 224 13 226 206 196 182 196 224 wwwur unw . . . . . .. 2 . . .. . . . S . . . . . ... . . . . . A . . .. . 20 . . . 20.. .. . 10000.00 0 . .... . . . . . on. 000 . . . ..... O . O 0 . . . AU 20. ON- VO . A . . . . . . . . * 22 . . O I . . . ! 1 . . . . . . .. 1 .! . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. + . .. ..... . ... . 0 ... ... . .. ... ... ... . ... . ... .. 0 . . . 1 S1 . . . dan . . . Fig. 4-4. Dark red (Quad 4) image from Columbia, with and without obstacle mask outline superimposed. Note the radar tower and tree in the original image. 63 4.5 Final CALsVvvv.RAT Adjustments The final step in the ratio file preparation phase is to run an abridged version of the ratio program (TAPRATPN) and evaluate the many parameters that have been defined, particularly the NDR and SPR-related parameters from the absolute calibrations. Images from both of the first 2 neutral density filter wheel positions should be evaluated. The periods selected for the edge verification could also be applied here. TAPRATPN differs from the operational version of the ratio routine (TAPRATPL) in that the resulting ratio images are not archived to ExaByte. TAPRATPN and TAPRATPL have to be run on a computer equipped with a PL-1250 accelerator board. The steps for the parameter adjustment procedure are as follows. The example shown is for 12 Feb 89, one of the edge checking cases. Step 1: Load the raw radiance tape onto the read ExaByte. Step 2: Move the tape to the desired starting point using IMFIND. Step 3: Run TAPRATPN. Before this program is started, make sure the necessary files reside on the TAPRAT directory. Change directory to TAPRAT. To Execute: enter TAPRATPN at the prompt, i.e. D:TAPRAT>TAPRATPN Screen Output: Welcome to TAPRATPN - TAPRAT Version 2.5 Computes the red/blue ratios - does NOT save results to ExaByte · Marine Physical Laboratory - Optical Systems Group Scripps Institute of Oceanography University of California, San Diego 1991 - All Rights Reserved -> Enter the tape number (such as 001) : 0010 ...WSI Image Selection Enter the letter corresponding to your choice for WSI image processing. T = Ten Minute Images Only O = One Minute Images Only -> Your Selection: T Note: You have several options which may be changed during a run. Options may be changed by entering the appropriate keystroke, without pressing the ENTER key. All of these options take extra time, and are intended only for occasional use during a run to visually check the ratio images. The Key enter options are: S to change Show Color flag C to Change Color D to change Save Radiance flag T to change Save Ratio flag F to change Show Full flag (this shows full 10 min image when process 1 only has been chosen) P to change Print Log flag X exit after current image ? to print current values of flags Any other key will cause the available options to be printed -> Press ENTER to continue Do you want to change the color from default? Note: Default thresholds are thin=120, thick=130. Type O if Ok, or enter new thresholds -> ENTER O or THIN CLD THRESHOLD: 0 * Site # Location | Site # Location ---------------------------- --------- MPL 6 Malabar C-Station Columbia HELSTF Composite 1 Kirtland Portable 1 China Lake Malmstromi 11 und WNHOI -> Please enter the site number: 7 Opened diagnostic file 17001D.DGN Input the start date of the tape as follows: Format: Month Day Year Example: 1 10 89 -> Please enter the starting date: 2 9 89 Field Sequence Number = 001 Confirmed .. Expected number of days on tape is 7. * Results of the Calibration File Selection * 65 Data Qual. rs. 1 Seq. Day Day-Mo-or 406 9/FEB/89 407 9/FEB/89 408 9/FEB/89 409 9/FEB/89 410 9/FEB/89 411 9/FEB/89 412 9/FEB/89 Quality Hard. Indicators Ve 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 Soft. Calibration Vers. File Selected 1.71 CAL7V01. RAT 1.71 CAL7V01. RAT 1.71 CAL7V01.RAT 1.71 CAL7001. RAT 1.71 CAL7001.RAT 1.71 CAL7V01.RAT 1.71 CAL7001. RAT 1 -> Enter the starting day number: 4 -> Enter the starting image sequence number: 1 Input the expected start date as follows: Format: Month Day Year Example: 1 10 89 -> Enter the starting date: 2 12 89 Initial header found: Date = 12/FEB/89 Initial date confirmed. Field tape format confirmed: FLDTYP = 2 Initial Image type = 1 Log file 17001D.LOG opened successfully New calibration file CAL7V01.RAT opened successfully. Calibration file date is :10/OCT/91 Basic Time Information for 12/FEB/89: Estimated Start Time = 1223 GMT Computed Sunrise = 1300 GMT Computed Sunset = 2347 GMT Time Correction = 0 min Occultor Arm 2 selected: Offset = 1 Adding the "D" to the tape number informed the program that it was not starting at the beginning of the tape, making the inquiries after the calibration file selection necessary. In this application of TAPRATPN, the starting image number is not important, so a value of 1 was entered. At this point in the program, the first image is being read. Hit the hotkey T to stop the ratio sequence after smoothing is complete. Switch to the RGB screen and watch the ratio computation. Of particular interest is the boundary between the 1-2 and 3-4 spectral pairs. If this boundary is clearly evident, the NDR input value needs to be changed. If the boundary is not evident, change NDR by a couple of tenths and run again to see if the boundary was present. Step 4: Adjust the NDR value, if necessary. The direction to adjust NDR depends on whether the ratios using the 3-4 pair (usually the bright regions on the raw imagery) are brighter or darker than those from the 1-2 pair. Increasing NDR will darken the 3-4 region, and decreasing NDR will brighten Step 5: Erase the TOO1D.DGN and .LOG files Step 6: If making another try, reposition the input tape and start again at Step 3. The NDR values for both of the lower ND filter settings should be checked, using several different cases, both clear and with clouds. A single NDR value will not necessarily fit all cases, due to the different color temperatures of varying sky backgrounds, so a compromise value is usually chosen. After the NDR values are set, it may be useful to save some sample ratios for both ND positions, and examine the cloud and clear sky ratio levels. It may be desirable to adjust the SPR parameter to bring minimum opaque cloud level to near 130 ratio pixel counts. The results from this procedure for the Columbia case are summarized in the before and after correction factor tables from page 6 of the CAL7V01.RAT file shown below. BEFORE: Absolute Computed correction Factors 2/1 - 4/3 4/3 ND Filter Transition Offscale NDR 250 254 0.99 250 254 0.99 254 0.92 250 0.92 (4/SPR] SPR 1.59 1.65 1.20 1.20 LAWN 250 254 AFTER: Absolute Computed Correction Factors 2/1 - 4/ 3 4 /3 ND Filter Transition Offscale NDR 250 254 0.87 254 0.87 250 254 0.74 250 254 0.74 14/SPR) SPR 1.41 1.46 1.04 1.04 250 ما M با هر In this case, both the NDR and [4/SPR) factors were adjusted downward. The analyst should also examine several other features of the ratio images during the TAPRATPN runs. These include: · Are the red and blue image well registered? This is most evident at cloud edges. - Is the occultor mask working properly? 67 - Are the obstacle masks in the right place? - Are anomalous ratio points being defined in what otherwise would be an offscale bright area? This indicates that the bright end rolloff of the camera has not properly been addressed, and the transition and offscale thresholds should be lowered. 5.0 Red/Blue Ratio Image Construction The data processing discussed heretofore has involved preparing input parameters for the ratio processing program. This section describes the ratio processing procedures. Conceptually, the red/blue radiance ratio computations could have been just one step in a multistep cloud decision procedure. However, the development of the cloud decision algorithms lagged the ratio computation development. Thus, the ratio computation became a separate processing procedure, and an intermediate ratio data base was created. This also provided more flexibility in developing the cloud decision algorithm, in that the time consuming ratio computations did not have to be repeated when improvements to the cloud decision technique were implemented. We found early in the development of the ratio program (TAPRAT) that the procedure required large amounts of computer time. TAPRAT was then modified to run using the PL-1250 Pipeline processor board to accelerate the computations, allowing either the full resolution (10 min) or subset resolution (1 min) images from a single field tape to be processed in about 12 hours on our AT class computers. The accelerated program was named TAPRATPL. The conceptual flow diagram for TAPRATPL runs is presented in Fig. 5-1. 69 Raw Radiance Field Tape Revised VERSION.LOG Final CALsVvvv.RAT 1-min Ratio Image Tape DATES.LST Ratio Computation and Composite Image Construction 10-min or 1-min Resolution (TAPRATPL) Os###c.DGN OCCs.DAT Os###c.LOG TIMES.COR 1-minute runs - - - - - - -| - - - 7 - - - 10-min Ratio Image Tape 15 Ts###c.DGN -- Ts###C.LOG - - - 10-minute runs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Fig. 5-1. Ratio processing conceptual flow diagram. 5.1 Description of TAPRATPL The TAPRATPL program does more than just computing the red/blue ratio. The following discussion outlines the many tasks performed in TAPRATPL. Steps 5, 6 and 7 employ the PL processor. Step 1: Find the next image of the type being processed on the raw radiance field tape. The image is transferred to the FG-100 board with an offset in the column locations. Step 2: Perform limited quality control checks on the radiance headers. This includes checking for improper filter and aperture settings, time and date skips, and mismatches between the time and occultor angle settings. Step 3: Apply time and date corrections, if necessary, and check against the times of sunrise and sunset. The WSI was designed to collect data for a 12 hour period beginning 6 hours before LAN. During the winter months, many images were collected either before sunrise or after sunset, when low light levels made meaningful ratio computations impossible. To avoid expending resources processing these dark images and retaining them in the data base during subsequent processing procedures, images collected before sunrise and after sunset (based on the corrected time and date) were skipped in the ratio processing. Sunrise and sunset were defined to occur when the sun is 1.5° below the horizon. Step 4: Pass all 4 images through the linearity LUT to correct for nonlinear sensor response. This procedure is performed directly on the FG-100 board using the digitize command after loading the appropriate LUT from the CALsVvvv.RAT file. The corrected images are shifted to back to their proper column locations during the LUT pass through. Step 5: Construct the composite ratio images. This includes many more steps than just performing the ratio computation, including: transferring the corrected signals from the FG-100 to the PL board, determining collocated pixels in all 4 quadrants from the magnification and center position offset inputs, checking whether brightness values are off scale bright or dark, selecting the appropriate red/blue filter pair, scaling the resulting ratios, and sending the results back to the FG-100 board. 71 . Step 6: Smooth the ratio images to remove effects of random noise. Two passes over the ratio data are made with the 3x3 smoothing kernel shown below, Off scale dark or bright points are not included. If half or more of the total weight of the kernel comes from off scale points, smoothing is not performed at that location. Smoothing Weights .0625 1250 .0625 .1250 .1250 .0625 2500 1250 .0625 Step 7: Derive the ratio histogram for the active image region. Step 8: Construct the dummy DOS header and ratio header, and imbed the ratio header into the ratio image. Step 9: Transfer the ratio image with its corresponding dark red image (Quad 4) to the output ExaByte drive. TAPRATPL has several hotkey options that modify the image and data display sequences, and allow sample radiance or ratio images to be saved to disk. These options are not normally employed during routine processing. Tech. Memo AV90-042t describes the structure of the ratio headers, and AV90-123t describes the formats of the 1-min and 10-min ratio tapes. 5.2 Running TAPRATPL After all the ratio input files described in Section 5 have been loaded into the TAPRAT directory, a raw radiance tape has been loaded into the input ExaByte (unit 0), and a blank tape has been loaded into the output ExaByte (unit 1), TAPRATPL can be executed. To Execute: enter TAPRATPL at the prompt, i.e. D:\TAPRAT>TAPRATPL Screen Output: Welcome to TAPRATPL - TAPRAT Version 2.5 This program computes the red/blue ratios and saves the resulting images to ExaByte Marine Physical Laboratory - Optical Systems Group Scripps Institute of Oceanography University of California, San Diego 1991 - All Rights Reserved -> Enter the tape number (such as 001) : 035 ...WSI Image Selection Enter the letter corresponding to your choice for WSI image processing. T = Ten Minute Images Only O = One Minute Images Only -> Your Selection: O Note: You have several options which may be changed during a run. Options may be changed by entering the appropriate keystroke, without pressing the ENTER key. All of these options take extra time, and are intended only for occasional use during a run to visually check the ratio images. The Key enter options are: S to change Show Color flag C to Change Color D to change Save Radiance flag T to change Save Ratio flag F to change Show Full flag (this shows full 10 min image when process 1 only has been chosen) P to change Print Log flag X exit after current image ? to print current values of flags Any other key will cause the available options to be printed -> Press ENTER to continue 73 Do you want to change the color from default? Note: Default thresholds are thin=120, thick=130. Type O if Ok, or enter new thresholds -> ENTER O or THIN CLD THRESHOLD: 0 LO Site # Location | Site # Location ----- ------------------------------------- MPL Malabar C-Station Columbia HELSTE 1 8 Composite 1 Kirtland Portable 1 China Lake 10 Malmstrom 11 -> Please enter the site number: 7 Opened diagnostic file 07035.DGN Input the start date of the tape as follows: Format: Month Day Year Example: 1 10 89 -> Please enter the starting date: 10 19 89 Field Sequence Number = 035 Confirmed Expected number of days on tape is 7. * Results of the Calibration File Selection * Data Qual. 1с Day Seq. * Day Day-Mo-or 658 19/OCT/ 89 659 20/OCT/89 660 21/OCT/89 661 22/OCT/89 662 23/OCT/89 663 24/OCT/89 664 25/OCT/89 Quality Hard. Soft. Calibration Indicators Vers. Vers. File Selected 0000000000 2.70 CAL7V01C.RAT 0000000000 2.70 CAL7001C.RAT 0000000000 CAL7V01C.RAT 0000000000 2.70 CAL7001C.RAT 0000000000 1C 2.70 CAL7001C.RAT 0000000000 1C 2.70 CAL7001C.RAT 0000000000 1C 2.70 CAL7001C.RAT Initial header found: Date = 19/OCT/89. Initial date confirmed. Field tape format confirmed: FLDTYP = 3 Initial Image type = 1 Log file 07035.LOG opened successfully Writing initial EOF to target tape *** New calibration file CAL7001C.RAT opened successfully. Calibration file date is :11 / APR/90 Basic Time Information for 19/OCT/89 : : Estimated Start Time = 1153 GMT Computed Sunrise = 1219 GMT Computed Sunset = 2329 GMT Time Correction = 0 min Occultor Arm 2 selected: Offset = 2 The example shown illustrates a 1-min TAPRATPL run. The only changes for a 10- min run is to respond "T" to the WSI image selection request. The output files would then be named T7035.DGN and T7035.LOG. 75 5.3 TAPRATPL Output Files Two output files are generated for each TAPRATPL run. The first contains some of the diagnostic information for the run and is named Os###c.DGN for 1-min runs or Ts###c.DGN for 10-min runs. (The character c does not appear during normal processing. See for example the TAPRATPN run in section 4.5.) The initial output is echoed from the TAPRATPL computer screen output. The error summary tables only appear here in the .DGN file. The sample shown below is from tape 035 at Columbia. 07035.DGN output Starting Mo/Da/Yr on tape is 10 19 89 Field Sequence Number = 035 Confirmed * Results of the Calibration File Selection * Data 659 Day Seq. | Day Day-Mo-or 658 19/OCT/89 20/OCT/89 660 21/OCT/89 661 22/OCT/89 5 662 23/OCT/89 663 24/OCT/89 7 664 25/OCT/89 Quality Hard. Soft. Calibration Indicators Vers. Vers. File Selected 0000000000 2.70 CAL7V01C.RAT 0000000000 2.70 CAL7001C.RAT 0000000000 2.70 CAL7001C.RAT 0000000000 10 2.70 CAL7001C.RAT 0000000000 2.70 CAL7001C.RAT 0000000000 10 2.70 CAL7001C.RAT 0000000000 2.70 CAL7001C. RAT 10 10 Initial header found: Date = 19/OCT/89 Initial date confirmed. FIELD tape format confirmed: FLDTYP = 3 Initial image type = 1 Log file 07035.LOG opened successfully New calibration file CAL7001C.RAT opened successfully. Calibration file date is :11/APR/90 for 153 GM Basic Time Information for 19/OCT/89 : Estimated Start Time = 1153 GMT Computed Sunrise = 1219 GMT Computed Sunset = 2329 GMT Time Correction = 0 min Occultor Arm 2 selected: Offset = 2 Summary for 19/OCT/89 Number of 1 min images processed to ratio = 460 FREQUENCY PROBLEM Time skips ahead : Time skips back : Occultor out of range : Occultor disagrees with time : Neutral density inconsistencies : 76 0 Spectral filter inconsistencies : Quadrant inconsistencies : Basic Time Information for 20/OCT/89 : Basic Time Information for 25/OCT/89 : Estimated Start Time = 1153 GMT Computed Sunrise = 1225 GMT Computed Sunset = 2321 GMT Time Correction = 0 min Occultor Arm 2 selected: Offset = 2 Summary for 25/OCT/89 Number of 1 min images processed to ratio = 657 FREQUENCY PROBLEM Time skips ahead : Time skips back : Occultor out of range : Occultor disagrees with time : Neutral density inconsistencies : Spectral filter inconsistencies : Quadrant inconsistencies : . Ooo The only substantial change in the output for the 10-min run (17035.DGN) is in the line in the summary table indicating the number of images processed. The summary table for the 10-min run on the first day of tape 035 begins: Summary for 19/OCT/89 Number of 10 min images processed to ratio = 46 The second file generated by TAPRATPL is the log file containing numerical information from each of the images processed, named Os###c.LOG for 1-min image, and Ts###c.LOG for the 10-min images. The first 11 lines from the tape 035 1-min output are reproduced below. 07035.LOG sample panen pada OOOOO ooooo 7 8 91019 1 1550 891019 1550 100000 7 8 91019 2 1551 891019 1551 1 00000 7891019 3 1552 891019 1552 1 00000 7891019 4 1553 891019 1553 1 00000 7891019 5 1554 891019 1554 1 00000 7891019 6 1555 891019 1555 1 00000 7891019 7 1556 891019 1556 1 00000 7891019 8 1557 891019 1557 1 00000 7891019 9 1558 891019 1558 1 00000 7891019 10 1559 891019 IS 59 1 00000 7891019 11 1600 891019 1600 1 00000 0 0 0 0 0 Ojo 0 1 0 O 10 0 10 010 0 10 O 10 O 10 0 1 0 0 OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO ooOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO ooOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOO oooooo NNNNNNNN OOOOOOOOOOO 2 8 28 30 13 5 8 27 31 13 5 8 26 31 14 5 2 9 27 30 14 S 2 9 27 29 14 S 2 10 28 27 13 5 NNNNNNNNNNN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ooOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO 10 29 29 13 1 8 28 30 14 5 i 7 27 32 14 1 6 28 32 14 5 1 7 28 33 14 S rostor OOOOO ooooo to po p Table 5-1 describes the entries into this table for the first line. The first 5 entries for the 10- min run are given below. T7035.LOG output 89109 1 00000_ܙ 1559 091019 1550 ܘܕ 0_0_6 ܘܙ ܕ3 33 3 _ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘܘ_ܘ ܕ ܕ 9 oooo0 1 1600 891009 ܘ160 ܐ891019 7 0 ܘ ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ ܘ 113 44 30 ܐ 891013 7 3610891009 3 161o 1 ooooos 0 ܘ1 ܘ 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ܕ 10 38 35 3 8910194 7 0ܙ 6 412 00000 ܀ 1620 891009 1620 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3ܐ 34 32 3 5 891049 7 ܐ 3 oo06ܘ ܐܘ163 891009 91630 ܘ ܘ1 ܘ ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ ܘ ܙ1 37 29 6 ܙ 3 ܘܘܘܘܝܙ ܕ ܘ ܘ_ܘ_ܘ_ܘ ܘ1 ܘ ܘ 1 ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 ܐ 0 0_0_0 ܘܘܘܝܙܘ ܘܘܘܘܘ ܘܘܘܘܘ (Note: These examples are from the actual processing. The histogram results in the 1 and 10 min runs differ slightly for the same times, because small adjustments were made to the scaling factors between the 1 and 10 min runs.) Table 5-1. TAPRATPL Log File Entry Description I New Seq New old old N Flags Off Sca Ratio Histgram (Max-105) D YrModa # Time YrMoDa Time D TONSQ LU HU HL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 7 891019 1 1550 891019 1550 0 00000 1 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ratio Histgram (Max-105) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 >24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0 0 0 0 2 8 28 30 13 5 2 1 0 0 0 0 ID - station number CU New YrMoDa - corrected date (Year Month Day) Seq # - ratio image sequence number for this date New Time - corrected time (GMT) Old YrMoDa - original date Old Time - original time ND - neutral density indicator. Values 0 to 3 correspond to ND filter positions 1 to 4 Flags TONSQ - ratio processing problem flags - 0 values indicate normal operation T - time check indicator Values: 1 - time advanced more than 1 minute 2 - time unchanged or backtracked 8 - date change expected but not found 9 - date changed by more than 1 day O - occultor check indicator Values: 1 - position out of range (0 to 180) 2 - recorded position differs by more than 3° from that expected at Old Time N - ND check: 1 - ND not identical for all 4 quadrants S - spectral filter check: 1 - not in proper order Q - quadrant check: 1 - not in proper order Off Sca LU HU HL - % of active image off scale LU - % offscale dark in 1-2 pair HU - % offscale bright in 1-2 pair HL - % offscale bright in 3-4 pair (before masking) Ratio Histogram (Max 10s) - % of active image in 10 count ranges labeled by 10's digit of top of range. For example, the value under 8 is the % of image with a ratio between 71 and 80, inclusive. O indicates % no ratio due offscale dark, or in occultor or obstacle mask. >24 indicates % off scale bright in the 3-4 pair (after masking). 6.0 Fixed Threshold Cloud Decisions The first-generation cloud decision algorithm employed a relatively simple fixed threshold technique. Two thresholds were defined, one at the clear/thin cloud transition, and the other at the thin cloud/opaque cloud transition. In January 1990, our group was asked to provide a preliminary set of 1-min cloud decision data from 4 sites over a 14 month period. The data were sent to Dr. Charles Medler of The Analytic Sciences Corporation (TASC) for evaluation. The only cloud decision algorithm available at the time was the fixed threshold technique. The CLDDECM program was written to process the TASC 1-min data set. The CLDDECM procedure, outlined in Fig. 6-1, consists of two steps. First, the thin and opaque thresholds must be defined from the ratio imagery. Then the cloud decision is made. Raw Radiance Field Tapes VERSION.LOG CALsVvvv.RAT DATES.LST Ratio Computation - No ExaByte Archive (TAPRATPN) OCCs.DAT TIMES.COR Selected Ratio Images Thin and Opaque Cloud Threshold Selection (DECVIEW) Thin and Opaque Threshold Summary 1-min Ratio Fixed Threshold Cloud Decision ( CLDDECM ) 1-min Cloud Decision Tape Tape Cloud Cover Summary File (LLL###.CVR) *.CVR Archive Tapes Fig. 6-1. Fixed threshold determination and cloud decision processing steps. 81 6.1 Ratio Threshold Determination The TASC data set was processed in two month intervals. Anywhere from 3 to 6 cases per site were selected for the threshold determination. Most of the images were from partly cloudy conditions, some with distinct clear/opaque boundaries, and others with both ihin and opaque clouds present. Ratio images were produced for these cases using TAPRATPN, as presented earlier in section 4.5. Full resolution, 10-min ratio images are required for threshold evaluation. To start, load the raw radiance tape for one of the cases into the read ExaByte, and move the tape to the proper position using IMFIND. TAPRATPN is then executed using the "T" image selection option, and the "T" hotkey, which halts the ratio processing after the composite ratio image has been smoothed, and the header imbedded. The following prompt is then written to the computer screen. If you wish to save the ratio, enter the file name (up to 12 characters). Otherwise press ENTER SAMPLE1.RAT In the example above, the file SAMPLE1.RAT would be created, in which the current 512x480 ratio image would be copied. This procedure would then be repeated for the remainder of the samples. If a hardware version change occurred during the period of interest at a particular site, two ratio samples would be extracted from before and after the change. For the sake of argument, assume that 3 sample ratio images were extracted for one of the 4 sites, named SAMPLE1.RAT, SAMPLE2.RAT, and SAMPLE3.RAT. The next step in the procedure is to run a program called DECVIEW, that color enhances a ratio image using thin and opaque thresholds defined through user input. A run stream from the example is shown below. To Execute: enter DECVIEW at the prompt, i.e. D:\TAPRAT>DECVIEW Screen Output: Enter image filename: SAMPLE1. RAT Define the thresholds: -> ENTER O or THIN CLD THRESHOLD: 120 -> ENTER THK CLD THRESHOLD: 130 Shift to the RGB screen to view the color-enhanced ratio image. Ratio byte values of 0 and 1 are colored black, values from 2 to the thin cloud threshold are shaded blue indicating clear, values from 1 plus the thin cloud threshold to the thick cloud threshold are shaded yellow indicating thin cloud, and values above the thick cloud threshold are shaded gray indicating opaque cloud. If some of the thin cloud region is being defined as clear sky, lower the thin threshold. If clear regions are defined as thin, raise the thin threshold. Likewise, if opaque clouds are defined as thin, lower the thick threshold, or if thin clouds are defined as opaque, raise the thick threshold. Assume in our example that the clear region overlapped the thin, while the thin overlapped the opaque for the 120-130 thresholds selected. Thus, the thin should be lowered and the thick raised. This is done as follows: 82 Enter image filename: Define the thresholds : -> ENTER O or THIN CLD THRESHOLD: 115 -> ENTER THK CLD THRESHOLD: 140 Pressing the enter key at the "Enter image filename: " prompt causes no new file to be loaded on the FG-100 board. The new threshold estimates are then entered, and the image can be viewed again on RGB. Assume for the time being that these thresholds are satisfactory for this image. Now load the next sample image. Enter image filename: SAMPLE2.RAT View the image in RGB. The previously defined thresholds are still active. Assume that a minor modification of the opaque threshold is necessary. Return to the computer screen to modify the thresholds again. Define the thresholds: -> ENTER O or THIN CLD THRESHOLD: 115 --> ENTER THK CLD THRESHOLD: 135 This sequence is repeated for all the sample images until a consensus set of thresholds is selected. Usually, the thin threshold is the more difficult to define. If too low a value is selected, portions of the clear sky near the horizon and the solar aureole will be incorrectly defined as thin cloud, particularly when the sun is near the horizon. Too high a value leads to underestimating thin cloud in the downsun portions of the sky. Our compromise values tended toward the latter. Handwritten notes taken during the DECVIEW processing provide the threshold values for input into the cloud decision routine. 83 6.2 Program CLDDECM The fixed threshold program, CLDDECM is much faster than the ratio program, and conceptually easier to understand. A LUT approach is employed, similar to that used in TAPRATPL to apply the linearity correction. After identifying the input ratio tape, and defining the thresholds, CLDDECM performs the following steps. Step 1: Find the next 1-min ratio image on the ratio tape. The image is transferred to the FG-100 board with a column position offset. Step 2: Pass the ratio image through the cloud decision LUT. The LUT is defined from the threshold input in a manner similar to that used in the DECVIEW color enhancement process. The byte values assigned to the different sky cover categories are outlined below. CLDDECM Output Values Cloud Decision Category Ratio Value Value No Data Ratio = 0 or 1 0. Clear 2 5 Ratio 5 Thin 100 Thin Cloud Thin < Ratio 5 Thick 150 Opaque Cloud Thick < Ratio 5 239 200 Offscale Bright Ratio = 240 202 Step 3: Construct a histogram of the cloud decision image. Sky cover percentages can be computed from the active pixel counts in each of the above 5 categories. Step 4: Imbed the cloud decision header information. The format of the 1-min, fixed threshold header is defined in Tech. Memo AV90-042t. Step 5: Copy the sky cover information to the LLL###.CVR file for every tenth image. Step 6: Transfer the cloud decision image to ExaByte. The format of the cloud decision tapes is outlined in Tech. Memo AV89-082t. 84 6.2.1 Running CLDDECM Having defined the thresholds for each of the sites in the preliminary data sample period, we can now proceed to the fixed threshold cloud decision program, CLDDECM. The 1-min ratio tape to be processed is loaded into the read ExaByte (drive 0), and a blank tape is loaded into the write ExaByte (drive 1). A PL board is not needed for CLDDECM processing. The example is for Columbia, Tape 035. To Execute: enter CLDDECM at the prompt, i.e. D:\CLDDECM>CLDDECM Screen Output: Marine Physical Laboratory - ptical Systems Group Scripps Institute of Oceanography University of California, San Diego CLDDECM Version 2.1 27 Mar 90 Forms Cloud/No Cloud decision from TAPRATPL images. (One minute only) Location O 1 Site # Location | Site # --------------------- MPL C-Station 1 7 HELSTE 1 8 Kirtland China Lake 1 10 Malmstrom Malabar Columbia Composite 1 Portable 1 -> Please enter the site number: 7 -> Enter the field tape sequence number (eg, 001): 035 -> Enter the Thin Cloud Threshold: 115 -> Enter the thick cloud threshold: 135 Note: You have several options which may be changed during a run. Options may be changed by entering the appropriate keystroke, without pressing the ENTER key. All of these options take extra time, and are intended only for occasional use during a run to visually check the ratio images. The Key enter options are: S to change Show Color flag D to change info Display flag I to change Image Save flag X exit after current image ? to print current values of flags Any other key will cause the available options to be printed -> Press ENTER to continue Opening Cloud Cover File COL035.CVR 85 cid Rat Count Sea Total Opaque Number Date Time Cover Cover of Pts 460 images processed for this date. 0 0 15 Total Opaque CLOUD COVER SUMMARY Cloud Cover (Tenths) 2 3 4 5 6 5 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 7 3 1 10 9 Nun N 7 2 3 8 9 10 3 19 416 5 62 351 ***CLDDECM processing finished*** 657 images processed for this date. CLOUD COVER SUMMARY Cloud Cover (Tenths) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total 108 201 87 137 86 27 Opaque 240 156 152 103 4 2 0 10 owv owo Ono Stop - program terminated. D:\CLDDECM> 6.2.2 Format of the Cloud Cover Summary File As noted earlier, CLDDECM creates a cloud cover summary file. The following example of this file continues the Columbia Tape 035 case. Cover File COL035.CVR Selected thresholds: Thin = 115 Thick = 135 cid Rat Count Seq Date 1 1 19/OCT/89 11 11 19/OCT/89 21 21 19/OCT/89 Total Opaque Number Time Cover Cover of Pts 15:50 100.0% 99.0% 17783 16:00 99.9% 99.4% 17822 16:10 100.0% 99.6% 17794 441 451 441 19/OCT/89 451 19/OCT/89 23:10 23:20 62.8% 6.7% 7.9% 1.0% 18457 13144 460 images processed for this date. CLOUD COVER SUMMARY Cloud Cover (Tenths) 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 0 Total Opaque 15 Mno 0 8 9 10 3 19 416 5 62 351 dolal 9 2 2 7 3 3 cid Rat Count Seq Date 1 1 20/OCT/89 Total Opaque Number Time Cover cover of Pts 12:20 35.9% 15.7% 18544 Output for 20 - 25 OCT 646 646 25/OCT/89 23:10 33.8% 656 656 25/OCT/89 23:20 82.5% ***CLDDECM processing finished*** 17:4% 46.2% 19121 18902 657 images processed for this date. CLOUD COVER SUMMARY Cloud Cover (Tenths) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total 108 201 87 137 86 27 4 Opaque 240 156 152 103 4 2 0 7 3 0 8 3 0 9 1 0 10 0 0 The "Number of Pts" column gives the total number of active pixels. While an individual entry is made for only every tenth image, the cloud cover summary tables at the end of each day include every 1-inin image processed. 6.3 Program CLDDECT A 10-min version of the fixed threshold algorithm was also written, but never employed in the standard data reduction procedure. This program was given the name CLDDECT. It differs from CLDDECM in only a few ways. Before starting the run, a 10- min ratio tape must be loaded into the read ExaByte, and a blank tape loaded into the write Exabyte. To Execute: enter CLDDECT at the prompt, i.e. D:\CLDDECM>CLDDECT Screen Output: Marine Physical Laboratory - Optical Systems Group Scripps Institute of Oceanography University of California, San Diego CLDDECT Version 1.0 23 Apr 90 Forms Cloud/No Cloud decision from TAPRATPL images. (Ten minute only) The remaining lines are almost identical to those from the CLDDECM sample, except for the number of images processed. The output file name has the form LLL###T.CVR. The format of the CLDDECT decision tapes is discussed in Tech. Memo AV90-057t. This program was used to produce a sample of 10-min cloud image tapes for the preliminary data release to NRL. 88 7.0 Opaque Threshold and Clear Sky Background Specification The experience gained from applying the fixed threshold algorithm demonstrated several features of the cloud decision problem that needed to be addressed in an improved algorithm. Several of these points are outlined below. Point 1: Ratio values in clear sky situations exhibit some variation across the scene. Generally speaking, the clear sky ratios are lower downsun than upsun, and greater near the horizon than overhead. Point 2: A fixed threshold technique works reasonably well in identifying opaque clouds, if the proper threshold is defined. A single threshold was used in the TASC data set processing. Uncertainties in the SPR behavior as a function of ND setting, and the frequent selection of the darker ND settings at some sites suggest that different opaque thresholds at each ND setting encountered would have improved the opaque cloud decisions. Point 3: The nature of the clear sky background, and thus the appropriate thin cloud threshold, changes not only on a seasonal basis, but also from day to day when weather patterns are changing significantly. Point 4: Under certain conditions, particularly near sunrise and sunset, the red/blue ratio in parts of the clear sky exceed that of opaque clouds, making a meaningful cloud determination impossible. A means of identifying these regions would be helpful. Several contrail cases were studied to gain a better understanding of the behavior of thin cloud red/blue ratios relative to their clear sky backgrounds. Carefully chosen contrail cases are helpful in this endeavor because of their relatively uniform cloud optical depth properties over significant distances. The primary result of these tests was that the variation of the contrail red/blue ratio follows the variation in the clear sky red/blue ratio to the extent that the ratio of these ratios remains relatively constant over considerable extents of the sky dome. . A hybrid cloud discrimination method was then developed. The opaque cloud discrimination is still performed using fixed thresholds that are specified individually for each ND setting. The thin cloud discrimination is done by examining the observed/clear sky ratios. Finally, clear sky ratio estimates are compared to the opaque thresholds to identify those regions of the image where reasonable cloud decisions cannot be made, and categorizing these regions as indeterminate. The success of this composite decision algorithm (CMPDEC) hinges on our ability to define reasonable estimates of the clear sky ratio field at specific locations and times. Either a deterministic approach based on radiative transfer models such as FASCAT, or an empirical approach based on the red/blue ratio imagery data base could be used in determining the clear sky background fields. Several problems were encountered in adapting the FASCAT model to this problem. Considering the time constraints imposed in order to meet the project's schedule, the empirical approach was selected. Experience gathered from studying many clear sky ratio images suggested that the clear sky ratio distributions were driven by two major variables: the position of the sun in the sky, particularly the solar zenith angle; and the haze layer characteristics. We discovered that the haze effect on the clear sky ratio distribution at a given solar zenith angle, could be removed to a reasonable degree of approximation by normalizing the ratio distribution by values taken from specific look zenith angle-solar scattering angle combinations. As shown in Koehler, et al. (1991), normalizing by the ratio value at the 45° look zenith angle and 45° solar scattering angle is quite effective at removing the haze layer dependence. The strategy for empirically modeling the clear sky background became a two step process. First, site-specific normalized clear sky background distributions were extracted from clear sky ratio samples. Then, values of the clear sky ratio at the 45° - 45° points for individual images were estimated. Multiplying the normalized distribution for the observed solar zenith angle by the reference value valid at the time of the ratio image yields a good estimate of the clear sky background for that image. In summary, the composite cloud decision algorithm needs three basic pieces of information: opaque thresholds at each ND setting, normalized clear sky background distributions at selected solar zenith angles, and clear sky reference values for the ratio tape being processed. The following descriptions are organized around the three basic input data sets. 7.1 Opaque Threshold Determinations Fig. 7-1 shows the conceptual flow for determining the first two CMPDEC input parameters. The opaque threshold definition is shown in the bottom half of the diagram. The RATREF program is used in this step of the procedure. In its interactive form, RATREF allows the user to color portions of the image below a certain threshold. The selection of the threshold is performed by moving a vertical line across a ratio histogram display and activating the mouse at the desired value. Comparisons of the color-enhanced ratio image to its corresponding dark red radiance image are also possible. A set of opaque thresholds must be defined for each hardware version being processed. Examine the Ts###.LOG files to find a limited number of periods (at least 2) when ND positions 2, 3 and 4 (1, 2 and 3 in the .LOG output) are in use. Of particular interest are periods with frequent ND changes. 7.1.1 Running RATREF Load one of the selected 10-min ratio tapes onto the read ExaByte (drive 0), and position the tape to the period of interest. RATREF can then be started. The following example is from Columbia, MO on 25/JUN/89. To Execute: Enter RATREF at the prompt, i.e. D:\CMPDEC>RATREF Screen Output: Welcome to RATREF - Version 1.2 This program makes the cloud/no cloud decision after correcting for scattering and zenith angles. * This description The corrected images are written to ExaByte really applies to CMPDECTP (Ten Minute Full Resolution Images Only) Marine Physical Laboratory - Optical Systems Group Scripps Institute of Oceanography University of California, San Diego 1991 - All Rights Reserved Site # Location | Site # Location 1 6 en A WNHO MPL C-Station HELSTF Kirtland China Lake Malmstrom Malabar Columbia Composite 1 Portable: 1 i 10 11 -> Please enter the site number: 7 -> Enter the field tape sequence number (eg, 001): 017D 91 Normalized Ratio Distributions (LLL###c.OBB) Combine Distributions at Same Solar Zenith I COMBNORM) Combined Distibution File (LLLCOMB.OUT) Extract Clear Sky Normalized Background Distributions (OBSBETA) Manually Edit the Combined File 10-min Ratio Tapes Site Azimuth Offset List Normalized Clear Sky Background Distributions (LLLSKY.DAT) Determine Opaque Thresholds for All ND Settings ( RATREFI Composite Decision Input File (CMPDEC.INP) RATREF Processing Notes Fig. 7-1. Clear sky background distribution and composite decision input file preparation steps -> Do you want interactive processing? (Y or N): Y Opening Cloud Cover File COL017D.RRE Always choose interactive processing for threshold determination. At this point in the program, switch to the RGB screen. You should see the image being loaded onto the FG- 100 board from the ExaByte, followed by a histogram plot of the percent of active image area in 3 count ratio bins. A vertical line is also plotted that can be moved left and right to some point of interest on the histogram using the mouse. An information block is written in the top center of the image, giving the date, time, site ID and ND setting A mouse button selection menu (see below) is written in the lower right corner of the screen. BUTTON SELECTION Center: view highlighted image Right : continue to next image If the right button is depressed, the program will load the next ratio image from the input tape. Pressing the center button will cause the color-enhanced ratio image to appear, where the entire region of the sky with ratios less than or equal to the threshold displayed on the previous image is shaded blue. The information block now appears in the upper lefthand corner, while the numerical value of the threshold is written in the upper right. The button selection menu in the lower right corner lists the mouse options. BUTTON SELECTION Left : return to graph Right: view red image Pressing the mouse button on the left returns to the histogram plot with the previous button selection menu, while the rightmost button brings the red image into view. The following instruction appears on the red image. Hit left button to return When the left button is depressed here, the highlighted image and its button selection menu reappears. To exit the program, return to the graph, enter Ctrl C, then press the right button. 7.1.2 Defining Opaque Thresholds with RATREF The ratio histogram distribution of an opaque overcast sky resembles a Guassian distribution. The lower tail of the distribution is where the opaque threshold should be set. For the highest ND settings, it is often difficult to identify a clear/opaque boundary, so the following approach to using RATREF was developed. First find some cases at a lower ND setting where reliable estimates of the opaque threshold can be made. Choose the most representative of these values. Thresholds for the remaining ND values will be defined relative to the chosen threshold using ratios of the center position of the opaque distribution taken from images before and after a neutral density filter change. This procedure is better illustrated in the RATREF processing notes taken during the Columbia, MO opaque threshold determination (Table 7-1). Ratio tape COL017 was loaded onto the ExaByte, and moved to the beginning of the fourth day (25/JUN/89). A good opaque threshold estimate in ND 1 of 135 was obtained 93 on the 16:50 image. The center of the opaque distribution at that time was at 149. The ND changed to 2 on the next image, with the opaque center moving to 164. The ratio between the 17:00 and the 16:50 images was 165/149 = 1.101, as shown in the last column of Table 7-1. The transition ratios were also measured several times on the following day. Averaging the six estimates of the ND2/ND1 transition ratios yields a value of 1.131. Similarly the NDO/ND1 transition ratio was estimated from 27/JUN/89 and 1/SEP/89 images to be 1.079. Next, multiplying the ND 1 threshold of 135 by the two transition ratios yields threshold estimates of 145.7 for ND 0 and 152.7 for ND 2. An independent estimate of the ND O value from the ratio images on 27/JUN/89 was 144. A compromise value of 145 for ND 0 was chosen, while the transition estimate of 153 for ND2 remained unchanged. ND 3 was never reliably chosen for Unit 7V1. 7.1.3 CMPDEC.INP File Entries The final step in the opaque threshold specification is to enter the thresholds into the CMPDEC input table, as shown below for our example. File Name : CMPDEC. INP File Date: 30 Oct 1991 Calibration File Name CALIVO4B Azimuth Correction 3.5 ND=0 173. Opaque Threshold ND= 1 NDE2ND=3 165. 165.* 165.* Thin Cloud Accept Lul 1.20 CAL7001A CAL7001B CAL7V01C -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 145. 145. 145. 135. 135. 135. 153. 153. 153. 153. 153. * 153. . 1.20 1.20 1..20 The * after the ND=3 value indicates that this value is never used. The last column, the thin cloud acceptance level, will be described later in the report. 94 Table 7-1 Sample RATREF Processing Notes ND 2 Opaque Threshold Determination Columbia, MO 2/AUG/91 Opaque Center ND2 / ND1 25/JUN/89 Opaque Time ND Threshold Comments 16:40 Dark cloud problems 16:50 135 better threshold 17:00 17:10 149 1.101 164 172 26/ JUN/89 Opaque Threshold ND Time 16:20 ND2 / ND1 Opaque Center 140 Comments Peak of clear sky 1.157 16:30 Peak of clear sky 162 17:40 1 Overcast 17:50 18:10 18:20 165 1.115 184 176 1.143 154 1.162 179 1.105 162 Average ND2 / ND1 = 1.131 18:30 2 18:40 1 27/JUN/89 ND Opaque Center Comments NDO / ND1 Time 13:40 Opaque Threshold 144 good 19:50 157 1.076 20:00 0. 169 1/SEP/89 Opaque Threshold ND Comments Opaque Center 160 Time 13:50 NDO , ND1 1.088 174 14:00 14:50 171 1.089 15:00 1 157 Table 7-1 Page 1 95 1/SEP/89 (Cont.) Time ND Opaque Threshold Opaque Center Comments ND2 / ND1 16:20 16:30 0 16:40 19:00 19:10 19:20 159 1.044 166 1.051 158 161 1.093 176 1.086 162 1.086 176 1.100 160 161 1.075 173 1.081 160 Average NDO , ND1 = 1.079 19:30 19:40 21:10 21:20 21:30 Columbia, MO - Version 7V1 Estimated Opaque Thresholds ND Threshold 0 145 1 135 2 153 Table 7-1 Page 2 96 7.2 Clear Sky Normalized Ratio Background Determination O The next step in the CMPDEC input file preparation is to build the normalized clear sky ratio distribution tables, as shown in the top portion of Fig. 7-1. Using the Form 10's or some other weather data, a set of possible clear days at a particular site is defined. The normalized distributions are only a function of site, so the sample can be built from data taken with different hardware versions. (Normalizing the data removes the primary influence of hardware version, the SPR selection.) The sample should, as much as possible, include days from different seasons and a broad spectrum of haze conditions. Completely clear days near the summer solstice are often in short supply. Remember also that cases near the horizon are only available between the autumnal and vernal equinoxes, because data collection begins after sunrise and ends before sunset in the summer. 7.2.1 OBSBETA - The Normalized Ratio Extraction Program The OBSBETA program was written to facilitate the normalized data extraction, and to allow the operator to remove nonrepresentative data from the data base. After loading the 10-min ratio tape into the read ExaByte (drive 0), and positioning the tape at the beginning of the day selected, the program can be started. The example below is for 29/JUN/89 at Columbia, MO. To Execute: Enter OBSBETA at the prompt, i.e. D:\CMPDEC>OBSBETA Screen Output: Welcome to OBSBETA - Version 1.0 This program extracts the normalized ratio data from ten minute full resolution data tapes Marine Physical Laboratory - Optical Systems Group Scripps Institute of Oceanography University of California, San Diego 1991 - All Rights Reserved Site # Location Site # Location uns WNHO MPL C-Station HELSTF Kirtland China Lake Malmstromi o ovo Malabar Columbia Composite 1 . Portable 1 1 1 9 10 11 -> Please enter the site number: 7 -> Enter the field tape sequence number (eg, 001): 018G Enter a new azimuth offset:-1.5 97 - At this point in the program, switch to RGB output, and answer the appropriate screen prompts as described below. The RGB display now shows a 10-min ratio image, with the date, time and site ID written in the upper left corner. A yellow * marks the estimated sun position, and the solar zenith angle is written on the lower right of the screen. The option menu appears at the bottom of the screen. MENU: P-Process G-Get new img S-Stop Option Descriptions: S-Stop - stop processing for this data set. This closes the LLL###c.OBB output file. G-Get new img - causes the next ratio image to be read P-Process - continues the processing of this image. Normally this option is chosen if the solar zenith angle displayed is within 1° of an even 5° increment, and if the image is clear enough and of reasonable quality to yield a representative sample. Assume that the P option was selected by keying in P then Enter. The RGB image changes. A blue 1 and possibly a blue 2 are written on the image to indicate the positions of the 45°-45° points. The reference values for these points computed from 5x5 point averages appear in the upper right corner. A new option menu is written at the bottom of the screen. (Several versions of this menu can be written. The example shown here is for the 2 reference point case.) Enter Option 1-#1 2-#2 B-Both N-None R-view, red Option Descriptions: N-None - Discontinue processing of this image and read the next. R-view red - view the corresponding dark red image. Return to the "Enter Option" menu by pressing Enter. 1-#1 2-#2 - normalize using the reference value at point 1. - normalize using the reference value at point 2. - normalize using the average of reference values 1 and 2. B-Both The selection of 1, 2 or B is based upon the visual assessment of whether the reference values are reasonable, and not contaminated by dirt, clouds, or stray light. If 1,2 or B are chosen, the image is normalized, i.e., the individual pixel values are divided by the reference value, then multiplied by 100. After the computations are complete, the normalized ratio sample is extracted from points spaced every 5° in zenith from 0° to 75°, and every 15° in azimuth relative to the solar azimuth from 0° to 345º. The values extracted 98 are averages over the 3x3 arrays centered on these points. This distribution of points is illustrated in Fig. 7-2. A + sign is then plotted on the screen, either in red or green. A red + indicates that all 9 points were off scale, while a green indicates that at least one point is on scale. A blue arrow also appears somewhere on the screen. The user can now use the mouse to position the arrow over green points that do not appear to be representative of the clear sky. This point can be removed from the sample by pressing the center mouse button, which also has the effect of changing the color of the point to red. After all the desired deletions are completed, the user presses the rightmost mouse button, causing the sample to be written to the LLL###c.OBB file then initiating the next image read. A sample entry from 15:20 on 5/JUL/89 at Columbia is provided in Table 7-2. 7.2.2 Combining the Sample Files Using COMBNORM After all the sample days have been processed through OBSBETA, they can be combined into one data set using the COMBNORM program. Table 7-3 lists the times on the 13 sample days used in developing the Columbia, MO normalized clear sky ratio background tables. The LLL###c part of the .OBB filenames are given below the date string. Since two samples per day are possible at a given solar zenith angle, information from up to 26 sample images could be combined. The actual number of cases combined varied from a maximum of 21 for 60° and 65°, to a minimum of 2 for 15º. The COMBNORM program reads each sample distribution from a specified input file, and adds the extracted values of normalized ratio and scattering angle to the appropriate position in the sum arrays. The number of points included in the grid position's sum is incremented if a non-zero normalized ratio was present. Since the distribution should be symmetric about the solar azimuth, the points displaced from solar azimuth be the same amount are also combined. For example, on the 35° zenith line in Table 7-2 both the 90 value from relative azimuth 165º and the 88 value from relative azimuth 195° would be added to the composite sum at 165° relative azimuth. After all the input tables are processed, the average.normalized ratio is computed at each grid location. The following sample run illustrates how the Columbia samples were combined. To Execute: Enter COMBNORM at the prompt, i.e. D:\CMPDEC>COMBNORM Screen Output: Y Y Y Enter the input file name : COL001B.OBB Finished this file - get another? (Y or N): Enter the input file name : COL003A, OBB Finished this file - get another? (Y or N): Enter the input file name : COLO06A.OBB Finished this file - get another? (Y or N): Enter the input file name: COL006G.OBB Finished this file - get another? (Y or N): Enter the input file name : COL010A.OBB Finished this file - get another? (Y or N): Enter the input file name: COL016D.OBB Finished this file - get another? (Y or N): Enter the input file name : COL018A.OBB Finished this file - get another? (Y or N): Enter the input file name: COL018G. OBB Finished this file - get another? (Y or N): 8 fil file met anoi, coco Y Y Y Y Y . 0 . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... A . . . 9 . . . 0 . . . . . . . . ...0 .... . . . . ... . . . ... . . . . . . 1 . . . ... . . ...... .. . .. . • . . 5 .. t .. . . 101 .... ....... . . # . . . OMSO . . # ... . . . ... . . . . .... .. ... 0 .. . ...... . . S .00 . 1 ... : ... iii ... .. .. .. 11 . . O 10. . ... DO ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . ... . . . . . . . C000 .. . . . . . .. . . 010 . . . . .. .. . . ..10 . . . . . . . . - . 10.. . . 100 V DUR ..1 1 . : . . 00 1 . .. .1 . 10 C.RO . . .. + • 10 . . . : 1 Pro0.50. : . . . . +10 . . . ) 00...10 #000 . . ... . .... ..10.2160010.. .. .... .. .. ... . . . . . .. . 0 . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ....... .......... . A 1 000 . . . 07 . . . . . . . . .. ..... 9 . . €0... .... . TOA 0 1 . ... . .. ... . .. . ..... . . i . . . . . . + .. .. . ! . 60 . .. ... . . ... + 0 . 1.005 . 1 . .. .... ..... . . 1 . . .. 0 . . $ ... . .. + . .. . • . • W 11 . • 10 0 0 . . 1 . . O . O 20 . ... .... .. . .. . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . 10. . . . . . .. 1 . . 1 . .. . . .... . 1 . . . . ..... 0 . . . . . . . . . .. . . ...... . O ... . . . .... t . . . .... . . . 0.06 .. . 1 ... . . . .. . .... . . . . O . . ..1. ..... 0 . 20 . . .. ..10... 10. . . . D . . . . . • OOO . 101 0 . .. 00000. .. .. .. ... . .. 1.00 .. ... ...... . . . . ... . D . . . 16 • DO . CO .. 1 .. .. 000 ... . .. . .. ....... .. ... ... . . . . . 1 . . . . 1.101.00 .. . . . . . . . . .... .. . ...... . . . . . . . . . 00DD. . 40 ... . 11 . . . . . . . . .... . . . + 0 0 . OTO + . . . .. O .. .. 0... ... . ... . . . . POD.. 01.0. . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SNO . . . 0 . . ...... .. .. . . . . . ... . . . .. 1. S . . * 100 . 002 . 0.00 . .11 ... . . . . 1 . 19t.. . . • . . ... . . 0 . . . .... .... . . ..... . . . . . . ... . . . .10 000. . . . 0 . .. . 0 . 0 . ... . .. .. . . . . . + . . . 20 ........ . . .... • . . . . . i . . ... . 0 . . . . ........ ... ..... 1 . 4 . . . . . . . . . . + . - . . . . . . . . 1 1 . . 0 . . 0 . . 9 . U .+ . 2 . 0 . . 0 . 100 1.00 1 + 0 . . + . • 10000 .000 . . . n . . •..•°000.0 00 . 000 . . . 0 . . ..... ... 000.0 00. 0 00 ..O 019.000.000X1000+ .... . . . .. . .... . ... .. ... . . .. . . . . . 1 . 01. ..... ... . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . .000000 100001 + . + . . + . 2000. TO . 1 + 0 . . 0 0 . DO 001 .. .. + 1 . 1 . 0 0001 . . + . . + . . . . .... . 0 . 910 ... . ... . 0 0 . 1 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . LL . A .. . . . . . . . . 1 . ... . 0 0 . . . . ... . . . .. . ... . . . 1 ... 1 . . .. .... 1 . . .. i ... ... ...... . 10 .. . . . . . O . . + .. . 0 . 0. 0 . 1 1 . T CD- . _ _001 . . • . . . 1 1 Tonnt COTT . . 11 . . OCCO .1. . . $ t . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . 11 . . + + . . . . . 101. - 1000 . . . . 6 .0 . . . . t . • . . . . 01 . . . . . . - 11 . . . 100 Tr . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . +0.0001 . . . . . . . + . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . _ _ $ 6 0 . . . . 1 0 . 016 1. 0 . . . . . _ + . 06 . _ . . + . . -1000 110 . . 0 . ..OP . .. 1 CO. + . . . a + . . .... . . 10 . + + . . 1 0 + . . . 2 . .0 + • 1 + + . . . . .0. . - . 1 11 . + + OT+ . . DI . a . TO . . + . 1 . . . . - . + . 1 1 1 1 0 0 . + .. + . . : C1 . + . 1.. . I + . 1 . 3 .. . 1 + + . 1 0 . . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 102 1 . . . . . . . . . . + . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . 0 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 0.00 1 . + 1 . . . . . . 11 7 . . . . . . . . . . . 0001 . . . . AUTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 .00 . . 0 . OOO. . .. CON . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . 0 . + . . 10. 1 ( . + ... . . 1 .. .... •1 . . - . ..11 00 ... . .. 0 . ... t . .. . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . S . . ....... . .... 0 DO! . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . ..... .. . . .. ..... .... . . € .. . .. . &... ... . . . . .. .. . .. . C . _ . . . .. . 1 .... . . . . . . SO . . . 0.00000 . . 11. . . . ..+00:00 . 006 to 11. . Fig. 7-2. OBSBETA sample points. 100 Table 7-2. Sample Entry into File COL018G.OBB Normalized Ratio File COL018G.OBB Lat = 38.817 Solar Declin = Long = 92.217 22.740 Eq. of Time = -.077 Site=COL Date= 5/ JUL/89 Time=15:20 Solzen=40.12 Coszen= .765 SolAzi= 100.65 Refval = 72.7 z/RA 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 246 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 .0 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 5.0 101 99 99 100 100 99 99 98 98 96 97 97 96 97 96 97 98 99 99 99 99 99 100 99 10.0 100 100 109 103 103 100 102 99 98 97 97 98 98 95 95 96 97 98 98 99 100 99 102 103 15.0 107 109 104 104 103 102 99 99 98 95 96 98 96 95 95 96 96 97 99 99 100 102 106 106 20.0 0 107 108 107 103 103 100 99 97 95 96 96 95 94 94 94 95 95 99 100 102 108 103 107 25.0 0 0 108 107 106 102 100 98 96 94 94 94 93 92 92 97 100 98 99 100 103 107 107 108 30.0 0 0 108 106 104 102 98 95 92 93 92 93 92 90 95 96 99 104 101 100 105 107 108 0 35.0 0 0 0 109 105 100 98 94 91 90 92 90 88 88 94 95 99 102 106 100 104 105 108 0 40.0 0 0 0 108 103 98 95 91 91 88 88 88 88 89 90 91 92 103 105 100 101 104 107 0 45.0 0 0 0 110 105 99 94 87 87 87 88 85 86 88 86 88 93 95 101 106 103 109 108 0 50.0 0 0 112 110 106 98 92 87 85 85 89 88 81 84 84 85 87 92 99 105 100 108 108 0 55.0 0 0 109 113 108 96 91 85 83 82 92 88 79 81 82 83 85 89 96 104 104 109 114 107 60.0 111 112 0 111 107 94 89 86 81 820 87 80 80 79 81 86 90 96 100 106 111 110 110 65.0 116 115 84 114 105 95 90 87 81 84 0 78 79 78 82 85 88 95 100 105 113 115 113 70.0 118 119 120 117 108 98 93 90 93 84 0 0 84 81 81 82 85 89 98 105 102 115 115 117 75.0 124 123 123 121 115 110 0 97 92 91 0 0 87 88 86 88 94 98 107 115 110 117 122 123 NNW Z/RA .0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 75.0 0 40.1 35.1 30. 1 25. 1 20.1 15.1 10.1 5.1 .1 4.9 9.9 14.9 19.9 24.9 29.9 34.9 1 5 40.1 35.3 30.6 25.9 21.3 17.0 13.2 10.4 9.6 11.2 14.5 18.5 22.9 27.5 32.2 37.0 30 40. 1 35.9 31.8 28.0 24.6 21.7 19.7 18.8 19.2 20.7 23.2 26.4. 30.0 34.0 38.2 42.5 45 40.1 36. 7 33.7 31.1 29.0 27.7 27.1 27.4 28.5 30.4 32.8 35.7 39.0 42.6 96.4 50.4 60 40.1 3 7.8 36.0 34.7 34.0 34.0 34.6 35.8 37. 5 39.8 42.4 75 40.1 39.1 38.6 38.6 39.1 40.2 41.8 43.8 46.1 48.8 51.7 54.9 58.2 61.7 65.3 69.0 90 40.1 40.4 41.1 42.4 44.1 46.1 48.5 51.2 54.1 57.3 60.6 64.0 67.5 71.1 74.8 78.6 105 40.1 41.6 43.6 45.9 48.6 51.5 54.6 57.9 61.4 65.0 68.7 72.4 76.2 80.1 84.0 87.9 120 40.1 42.8 45.8 49.1 52.5 56.2 59.9 63.8 67.7 71.8 75.8 79.9 84.1 88.2 92.4 96.5 135 40.1 43.8 47.6 51.6 55.8 60.0 64.3 68.6 73.0 77.4 81.8 86.3 90.7 95.2 99.6 104.0 150 40. 1 44.5 49.0 53.5 58. 1 62.8 67.5 72.2 76.9 81.6 86.3 91.1 95. 8 100.5 105.2 109.9 165 40.1 45.0 49.8 54.7 59.6 64.5 69.4 74.4 79.3 84.2 89.2 94.1 9 9.0 103.9 108.9 113.8 180 40.1 45.1 50.1 55.1 60.1 65.1 70.1 75.1 80.1 85.1 90.1 95.1 100.1 105.1 110.1 115.1 45.4 48.6 52.0 55.6 59.4 101 Table 7-3. Columbia, MO Ratio Images Processed by OBSBETA in the Clear Sky Background Determination Solar Zenith 13/APR/89 COL010A 90 85 O O 10/FEB/89 COL001B 13:00 23:40 13:40 23:10 14:10 22:40 14:30 22:10 15:10 21:40 15:40 21:00 16:20 20:20 17:20 19:30 O O 23/FEB/89 COL003A 23:50 23:20 23:00 14:20 22:30 14:40 22:00 15:20 21:30 15:50 20:50 16:30 20:10 17:30 19:10 O WWD Aurin aavvo 16/MAR/89 COLO06A 24:10 12:50 23:50 13:10 23:20 22:50 22:30 14:40 22:00 15:00 21:30 21:00 16:10 20:20 16:50 19:50 18:20 Nmmm 22/MAR/89 COL006G 12:20 12:40 13:00 13:30 23:00 14:00 22:40 14:20 22:10 14:50 21:40 15:20 15:50 20:40 16:30 20:00 17:20 19:10 O 12:10 12:30 13:00 13:20 23:00 13:50 22:30 14:20 22:00 14:40 21:40 21:10 15:40 20:40 16:10 20:10 16:50 19:30 17:40 18:30 Solar Zenith 27/MAY/89 COL016D 29/JUN/89 COLO18A 5/ JUL/89 COL018G 9/AUG/89 COLO23G 18/SEP/89 COLO30E 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 50 12:13 23:53 12:43 23:33 13:03 23:03 13:33 22:33 14:03 22:13 14:23 21:43 14:53 21:23 15:13 20:53 15:43 20:33 16:13 20:03 16:43 19:33 17:13 18:53 ܐ ܚ ܢ ܚ ܙܙ لا لا لا لا لا لا 23:40 23:20 22:50 22:20 14:10 22:00 14:40 21:30 15:00 21:00 15:40 20:30 16:10 19540 17:00 19:10 12:20 24:10 12:40 23:50 13:10 23:20 13:30 23:00 14:00 22:30 14:20 22:00 14:50 21:40 15:20 21:10 15:40 16:10 16:50 17:30 12:20 12:50 23:40 13:10 23:20 13:40 22:50 14:00 22:20 14:30 22:00 14:50 21:30 15:20 20:10 15:50 20:40 16:10 20:10 16:40 19:40 17:20 19:10 18:10 Ол ол 40 30 NN 20 15 16:40 17:10 18:10 30/NOV/89 COLO42A Solar Zenith 90 85 80 13:40 14:10 14:50 10/OCT/89 COL033F 23:30 23:10 13:10 22:40 13:40 14:10 14:40 15:10 20:40 15:40 20:10 16:30 18:00 30/NOV/89 COL0422 22:40 22:10 21:40 21:10 20:30 75 70 65 16:20 19:40 17:50 55 50 45 102 Y Y Enter the input file name: COLO23G.OBB Finished this file - get another? (Y or N): Enter the input file name: COL030E.OBB Finished this file - get another? (Y or N): Enter the input file name: COL033F.OBB Finished this file - get another? (Y or N): Enter the input file name: COLO42A. OBB Finished this file - get another? (Y or N): Enter the input file name: COL042Z.OBB Finished this file - get another? (Y or N): Y Y N Stop - Program terminated. D:\CMPDEC> mann wr can be found in file murun The resulting average distributions are written to a file named COMB.OUT. This file should be renamed LLLCOMB.OUT to avoid future confusion. It is also helpful to assign a new designator for each portable deployment. For example, the combined clear sky tables for Madison, WI can be found in file MSNCOMB.OUT instead of PORCOMB.OUT. The combined normalized ratio tables from COLCOMB.OUT at 90° and 40° solar zenith are presented in Table 7-4. Note that some grid locations near the sun position (0° relative azimuth at the zenith for the table) were always blocked by the occultor mask, and thus have a 0 combined value. Other points near the occultor also have spurious values. The next step is to use interpolation and/or extrapolation to fill in the missing values, and to correct the spurious values. Table 7-5 shows the corrected 40° solar zenith table from Table 7-4. Underlines indicate corrected values. The corrected files are stored under both the LLLCOMB.REV and LLLSKY.DAT file names. 103 Table 7-4. Sample Output from COLCOMB.OUT l 90 82.0 81.3 80.4 81. 6 80.7 80.3 Relative Ratio for Solar Zenith 90 Z/RA O 15 30 45 60 75 0 82.0 82.0 82.0 82.0 82.0 82.0 5 83.7 81.7 82.9 82.6 82.0 81.1 10 86.1 84.3 83.1 81.6 81.1 80.6 15 85.9 84.6 89.4 83. 6 81.1 82.1 20 86.7 86.1 86.4 89.6 83.3 81.9 88.7 88.3 87.1 84.0 83.9 81.7 89.6 88.6 87.6 85.4 82.7 81.4 35 90.9 90.1 89.0 86.3 82.7 81.6 40 95.1 92.4 90.7 86.3 83.4 82.0 45 101.2 97.7 93.6 89.3 85.6 80.7 50 109.2 106.9 97.1 91.4 86.3 82.3 55 118.4 114.8 103.4 94.1 89.0 84.3 60 128.8 123.2 110.1 97.9 90.9 85.3 65 137.0 135.0 120.4 104.4 95.4 88.9 70 0 156.0 134.0 115.0 103.9 96.4 75 0 180.3 158.1 136.3 118.7 108.9 80.7 78. 9 79. 3 79.7 80.7 80. 6 82. 3 85. 4 91. 4 102.7 7 data sets) 105 120 135 82.0 82.0 82.0 80.9 81.0 80.0 81.4 80.9 79.7 79.3 80.1 79.9 79.7 80.0 79.9 79.7 79.4 79.1 79.1 78.0 79.4 78.7 79.1 79.4 78.3 79.0 79.7 79.4 79.3 80.6 79.6 79.9 81.6 81.0 81.3 83.7 81.9 83.6 85.1 84.4 86. 9 90.0 90.9 92.7 96.0 101.6 106.0 111.4 150 82.0 80.3 79.4 79.9 78.9 78.7 79.4 77.7 79.7 80.9 82.7 84.4 88.1 90.7 98.6 113.4 165 82.0 80.6 79.9 80.3 79.9 80.0 79.9 78.4 80.7 82.0 83.4 84.9 88.4 93.0 100.4 117.0 180 82.0 82.0 80.3 79.4 79.9 80.4 79.7 78.7 81.1 82.4. 84.3 86.0 89.0 94.5 102.6 120.2 Corresponding BETA Values Z/RA 0 15 30 45 60 O 89.6 89.6 89.6 89.6 89.6 5 84.6 84.8 85.3 86.1 87.1 10 79.6 80.0 81.0 82.6 84.7 15 74.6 75.2 76.7 79.1 82.2 69.6 70.4 72.4 75.7 79.8 25 64.6 65.6 68.2 72.3 77.5 59.6 60.8 64.0 68.9 75.2 35 54.6 56.0 59.9 65.7 73.0 40 49.6 51.3 55.8 62.7 71.0 44.6 46.6 51.9 59.7 69.0 50 39.6 41.9 48.1 56.9 67.2 34.6 37.4 44.5 54.4 65.6 60 29.6 32.9 41.1 52.0 64.2 65 24.6 28.6 38.1 50.0 62.9 70 19.6 24.5 35.3. 48.2 61.8 75 14.6 20.8 33.1 46.8 61.0 75 89.6 88.4 87.1 85.8 84.6 83.4 82.2 81.2 80.1 79.2 78.3 77.6 76.9 76.3 75.8 75.4 90 89.6 89. 6 89.7 89. 7 89.7 89. 7 89.7 89.7 89. 7 89.8 89.8 89.8 89.8 89.8 89.9 89.9 105 89.6 90.9 92.2 93.5 94.7 95.9 97.1 98.2 99.3 100.3 101.2 102.0 102.8 103.4 103.9 104.4 120 89.6 92.1 94.6 97.1 99.5 101.8 104.1 106.4 108.5 110.4 112.3 114.0 115.5 116.8 117.9 118.8 135 89.6 93.2 96.7 100.2 103.6 107.0 110.4 113.6 116.7 119.7 122.5 125.1 127.5 129.7 131.5 132.9 150 89.6 94.0 98.3 102.6 106.9 111.1 115.3 119.4 123.5 127.4 131.3 134.9 138.3 141.5 144.3 146.6 165 180 89.6 89.6 94.5 94.6 99.3 99.6 104.1 104.6 108.9 109.6 113.7 114.6 118.5 119.6 123.3 124.6 128.0 129.6 132.7 134.6 137.4 139.6 142.0 144.6 146.4 149.6 150.8 154.6 154.9 · 159.6 158.7 64.6 Table 7-4. Page 1 104 Table 7-4. (Cont.) 25 30 Relative Ratio for Solar Zenith 40 ( 12 data sets) z/RA 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 o 97.4 97.4 97.4 97.4 97.4 97.4 97.4 97.4 97.4 97.4 5 102.0 101.2 100.6 100.3 98. 9 99.2 98.1 97.8 97.1 96.9 10 105.0 104.3 104.4 102.3 101.1 99.7 98. 5 98.0 97.3 96.5 15 108.3 107.3 105.8 104.9 102.8 101.5 99.6 98.4 97.0 96.7 20 112.8 110.8 108.2 105.5 102.8 101.6 99.5 97.6 97.1 96.7 .0 112.0 107.9 106.0 103.6 100.4 98.3 97.2 96.2 95.4 0 108.4 106.8 103.6 99.7 97.7 95.4 94.0 93.1 .0 115.2 105.7 102.8 99.3 96.3 93.4. 92.1 91.0 0 .0 115.2 105.3 101.8 98.3 94.8 91.8 89.9 88.6 .O 112.8 105.2 101.8 97.1 93.7 90.0 88.6 87.4 0 .0 111.7 105.2 101.0 97.0 91.9 89.2 87. 1 85.5 .0 116.8 110.3 106.2 100.8 95.8 92.3 89.4 86.2 85.0 60 116.5 116.4 111.9 106.5 100.9 96.7 92.7 88.8 86.6 84.9 65 118.1 116.1 113.7 109.0 102.6 98.0 93.5 90.3 87.6 85.8 70 120.1 118.4 115.5 110.7 104.4 99.9 96. 7 92.4 89.3 87.8 75 129.4 125.3 121.5 118.5 112.7 108.3 106.3 101.1 97.1 95.9 35 150 97.4 97.1 96.2 97.0 95.8 94.4 93.1 90.8 88.4 86.1 84.6 83.4 83.1 84.8 87.0 94.3 165 97.4 97.0 96.2 96.0 95.9 94.8 93.1 90.3 88.5 87.9 85.3 83.6 82.8 83.8 86.7 95.3 180 97.4 97.6 97.4 96.8 96.4 95.2 93.7 91.2 89.5 87.8 85.6 83.9 82.8 84.7 87.6 96.6 50 55 Corresponding BETA Values z/RA on 15 30 45 60 0 40.2 40.2 40.2 40.2 40.2 5 35.2 35.4 35. 9 36.8 37.9 10 30.2 30.6 31.9 33.7 36.1 15 25.2 26.0 28.1 31.1 34.8 20 20.2 21.4 24.7 29.1 34.1 15.2 17.1 21.8 27.7 34.0 10.2 13.3 19.8 27.2 34.6 35 5.2 10.5 18.9 27.4 35.8 40 .3 9.6 19.2 28.5 37.6 45 4.8 11.2 20.7 30.4 39.8 9.8 14.4. 23.2. 32.8 42.4 55 14.8 18.4 26.4 35.7 45.4 19.8 22.8 30.0 39.0 48.6 65 24.8 27.4 34.0 42. 6 52.0 70 29.8 32.1 38. 1 46.4 55.6 75 34.8 36.9 42.5. 50.3 59.4 75 40.2 39.2 38.6 38.6 39.2 40.3 41.9 43.8 46.2 48.8 51.8 54.9 58.2 61.7 65.3 69.0 .90 40.2 40.5 41.2 42.5 44.1 46. 48.6 51.3 54. 2 57. 3 60. 64.0 67.5 71.2 74.9 78.6 105 40.2 41.7 43.7 46.0 48.6 51.6 54.7 58.0 61.5 65.0 68.7 72.5 76.3 80.1 84.0 87.9 126 40.2 42.9 45.9 49.1 52.6 56.2 60.0 63.9 67.8 71.8 75.9 80.0 84.1 88.3 92.4 96.5 135 40.2 43.9 47.7 51.7 55.8 60.0 64.3 68.7 73.0 77.4 81.9 86.3 90.8 95.2 99.7 104.1 150 40.2 44.6 49.1 53.6 58.2 62.9 67.5 72.2 76.9 81.7 86.4 91.1 95.9 100.6 105.3 110.0 165 40.2 45.1 49.9 54.8 59.7 64.6 69.5 74.5 79.4 84.3 89.2 94.2 99.1 104.0 108.9 113.9 180 40.2 45.2 50.2 55.2 60.2 65.2 70.2 75.2 80.2 85.2 90.2 95.2 100.2 105.2 110.2 115.2 Table 7-4. Page 2 105 Table 7-5. COLSKY (COLCOMB.REV) Sample Table Relative Ratio for Solar Zenith 40 ( 12 data sets) Z/RA 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 126 135 O 97.4 97.4 97. 4 97.4 97.4 97.4 97.4 97.4 97.4 97.4 5 102.0 101.2 100.6 100.3 98.9 99.2 98. 1 97.8 97.1 96.9 10 105.0 104.3 104.4 102.3 101.1 99.7 98.5 98.0 97.3 965 15 108.3 107.3 105.8 104.9 102.8 101.5 99. 6 98.4 97.0 96.7 20 112.8 110.8 108.2 105.5 102.8 101.6 99. 5 97.6 97.1 96.7 25 116.1 112.0 102.2 106.0 103.6 100.4 98.3 97.2 96.2 95.4 30 119,0 114.2 100 106.8 103.6 99.7 97. 7 95.4 94.0 93.1 35 123.] 120.6 115.2 105.7 102.8 99.3 96. 3 93.4 92.1 91.0 40 130.1 124.5 115.2 105.3 101.8 98.3 94.8 91.8 89.9 88.6 45 126.3 119.5 112.8 105.2 101.8 97.1 93.7 90.0 88.6 87.4 50 122,7 117.1 111,7 105.2 101.0 97.0 91.9 89.2 87.1 85.5 55 119.1 116.8 110.3 106.2 100.8 95.8 92. 3 89.4 86.2 85.0 60 116.5 116.4 111.9 106.5 100.9 96.7 92. 7 88.8 86.6 84.9 65 118.1 116.4 113.7 109.0 102.6 98.0 93. 5 90.3 87.6 85.8 70 120.1 118.4 115.5 110.7 104.4 99.9 96.7 92.4 89.3 87.8 75 129.4 125.3 121.5 118.5 112.7 108.3 106.3 101.1 97.1 95.9 150 97.4 97.1 96.2 97.0 95.8 94.4 93.1 90.8 88.4 86.1 89.6 83.4 83.1 84.8 87.0 94.3 165 97.4 97.0 96.2 96.0 95.9 94.8 93.1 90.3 88.5 87.9 85.3 83.6 82.8 83.8 86.7 95.3 180 97.4 97.6 97.4 96.8 96.4 95.2 93.7 91.2 89.5 87.8 85.6 83.9 82.8 84.7 87.6 96.6 106 7.3 Clear Sky Reference Value Specification At this point in the processing, the opaque ratio thresholds have been defined and the normalized clear sky background distributions have been computed. What remains is to define how the 45° - 45° reference parameter changes for each day being processed. Fig. 7- 3 shows how this is accomplished. The first order of business is to load the 10-min ratio tape onto the read ExaByte, and run the GETREF routine, which computes reference value estimates for each image on the tape. The analyst then uses the SETREF routine to characterize the clear sky reference parameter behavior. 7.3.1 Estimate the Reference Parameter for Each Image Using GETREF 11 Program GETREF is designed to read a 10-min ratio image from ExaByte, then divide that image by the clear sky normalized ratio distribution interpolated to the observed solar zenith angle from the LLLSKY.DAT tables, and to each individual pixel location from the adjacent table entries. Ideally, in clear skies, the resulting quotient would be uniform across the entire image. However, the normalized background values are only a first order approximation, and the ratio values can be corrupted by clouds, stray light and other ratio image features that create variations in the quotient. GETREF is designed to examine the lower part of the quotient distribution where the most reliable reference parameter estimates can be found. A seven count window is passed across the lower portion of the quotient histogram distribution, and the window with the greatest percent contribution to the image from zeniths of 0° to 70° is identified. The estimated reference value is assigned the center value of the window. Due to the computationally intensive nature of this program, it must be run on a computer equipped with the PL-1250 accelerator card. An example of a GETREF run for Columbia Tape 035 is presented below. GETREF accesses the LLLSKY.DAT file for the normalized background, and the CMPDEC.INP file for the site azimuth correction. The program can be started after the tape is loaded into the read ExaByte (drive 0). To Execute: Enter GETREF at the prompt, i.e. D:\CMPDEC>GETREF Screen Output: Welcome to GETREF - Version 1.2 This program computes the ratio, normalized sky ratio distribution along with the 45/45 values. (Ten Minute Full Resolution Images Only) Marine Physical Laboratory - Optical Systems Group Scripps Institute of Oceanography: University of California, San Diego 1991 - All Rights Reserved 107 LLLSKY.DAT 10-min Ratio Tapes Compute the Boundary Layer Reference Value Estimate for Each Ratio Image (GETREF ) CMPDEC.INP Reference Value File (LLL###T.R45) VERSION.LOG Define Representative Clear Sky Reference Value Distributions Daily (SETREF] Reference File Archive Tapes DATES.LST Daily Clear Sky Reference Distributions (LLL###.REF) Fig. 7-3. Haze loading parameter definition flow diagram. 108 Site # Location Site # Location o - 1 MPL C-Station HELSTF Kirtland China Lake Malmstrom Malabar Columbia Composite 1 Portable 1 4 n A China 1 10 | -> Please enter the site number: 7 ** PL Setup Completed ** -> Enter the field tape sequence number (eg, 001):035 Opening Reference File COL0351.R45 Azimuth correction for calibration CAL7001C = -1.0 deg Reading sky background from file COLSKY.DAT Sky background read complete 1 1 19/OCT/89 15:50 56.8 159.6 4.0 162.6 4.7 154.0 6.0 1 66 66 25/OCT/89 23:20 91.4 135.9 *** GETREF processing finished *** 5.3 .0 .0 145.0 18.3 0 Stop - Program terminated. D:\CMPDEC> A description of the output line format is given below. Img Cnt is the image counter within GETREF and Rat Seq is the ratio sequence number assigned in TAPRATPL. Points 1 and 2 refer to the two 45°-45° points with Avg being the average of the 5x5 sample and Dev being the standard deviation. Window refers to the 7 count window used in identifying the the reference value (Center) and % indicates the percentage of the image area included in the window. Finally, ND is the neutral density indicator. GETREF Output Line Explanation Img Rat Time Sol Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Window Cnt Seg Date (GMT) Zen Avg Dev Avg Dev Center % ND +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 1 19/OCT/89 15:50 56.8 159.6 4.0 162.6 4.7 154.0 6.0 1 These output lines are also copied into the GETREF output file called LLL###cT.R45. (Normally the c is not present.) A sample from COLO35T.R45 is presented below. 109 Reference File COL035T.R45 Azimuth correction for calibration CAL7001C = -1.0 deg in WNA 1 19/OCT/89 15:50 2 19/OCT/89 16:00 3 19/OCT/89 16:10 4 19/OCT/89 16:20 5 19/OCT/89 16:30 56.8 159.6 55.7 165.9 54.6 169.3 53.6 170.4 52.7 173.6 Сллол 4.0 162.6 4.8 159.8 4.3 158.0 8.2 174.2 9.5 158.4 4.7 154.0 4.1 157.0 4.2 158.0 9.8 159.0 7.1 151.0 6.0 6.3 7.5 6.5 3.9 1 1 1 1 1 4 45 19/OCT/89 23:10 88.0 121.8 46 19/OCT/89 23:20 89.9 98.5 1 20/OCT/89 12:20 91.5 110.2 2 20/OCT/ 89 12:30 89.6 103.5 3.3 121.6 6.4 92.4 7.5 .0 2.4 103.3 4.0 115.0 5.6 99.0 .0 115.0 2.6 108.0 2.9 0 7.50 23.0 0 44.7 0 65 65 25/OCT/89 23:10 89.5 112.5 66 66 25/OCT/89 23:20 91.4 135.9 3.5 111.1 5.3 .0 4.0 121.0 0 145.0 31.5 18.3 0 0 7.3.2 Select Representative Clear Sky Reference Values The next step in the procedure is to select a set of reference values that best defines the clear sky variation for each day. This is done in a program called SETREF. It is an interactive routine that plots the GETREF distributions on a color display, and allows the user to select representative points using the mouse, then stores these representative points in a output file. Tech. Note 230 provides detailed instructions on how to use the numerous options in SETREF. A brief description is provided here. To initiate SETREF, not only are the LLLSKY.DAT and CMPDEC.INP files required, but the VERSION.LOG and appropriate DATEs.LST files must also be present on the run directory. To Execute: Enter SETREF at the prompt, i.e. D:\CMPDEC>SETREF Screen Output: Marine Physical Laboratory - Optical Systems Group Scripps Institute of Oceanography University of California, San Diego SETREF Version 1.2 19 Jul 91 Sets up reference values used in CMPDECTP eference V SU n CMPDEC Switch over to RGB if you wish. At this point, switch to the RGB screen and answer the prompts on the lower part of the screen. The user then tells the program the site and tape ID information. Plots of the reference value variation as a function of time can be displayed, and the user can select up 110 to 24 points that describe the clear sky reference value variation for input into the cloud decision routine. SETREF adjusts the reference values in ND settings 1, 2 and 3 to appear as if they came from ND 0. This adjustment is made using ratios between the ND 1, 2 and 3 opaque thresholds and the ND O opaque threshold. The percent of image covered by the GETREF window is also plotted, to aid in the selection process. Higher percentage values imply greater confidence in the associated reference value. Options allow the user to substitute values from clear days on completely cloudy days, to superimpose already selected reference values onto the original plots, to access another tape's files, and to save current versions of the selected points into a file named LLL###c.REF. The cloud decision routine will access this file when tape ### is being processed, and will linearly interpolate the selected reference values to the time of the image being processed. A sample from the reference file COL035.REF is reproduced below. SETREF Output Sample Filename: COLO35.REE Blue Sky Ratio Background Reference Values Number of days = 7 ܝܕ ܢ ܚ 808 DAY #1 : 19/OCT/89 Number of Reference Points = 9 Ref. Point Time (min) Ref. Value 746 109.5 82.5 890 72.5 994 69.0 1068 66.5 1170 69.5 1280 73.0 1334 85.0 1400 116.5 ܩ ܟ ܗ ܢ ܣ ܩ DAY #2 : 20/OCT/89 Number of Reference points = 9 Ref. Point Time (min) Ref.Value 746 109.5 1344 1382 97.5 114.5 DAY #7 : 25/OCT/89 Number of Reference points = 7 Ref. Point Time (min) Ref. Value 748 116.0 794 103.5 890 72.5 878 97.0 990 87.5 1268 88.5 1344 97.5 1382 114.5 vous A WWNH This completes the preparation of the input files for the composite cloud decision program. 111 8.0 Composite Cloud Decision Image Construction Every step thus far has focussed on preparing input files for some subsequent procedure. This section describes the routine that produces the final data product, the composite cloud decision images. Fig. 8-1 shows the input and output ingredients of the algorithm that performs the composite cloud decision on the 10-min ratio images, CPMDЕСТР. All the necessary parameters have been defined as described in the previous section, except the thin cloud acceptance level. If the clear sky ratio background for each image was accurately defined, and the hemispheric dome protecting the lens on the WSI was always shaded from direct sunlight and kept clean, then one could classify a pixel as thin cloud if the observed ratio exceeded the clear sky ratio by some small percentage. The current normalized clear sky background estimates are good only to about 10%. For example, The lowest normalized ratios in Table 7-2 in the downsun direction (values in the high 70's at 65° zenith and 180° to 210° relative azimuth) are 4-6 counts lower than the average vales in Table 7-5, because 5/JUL/89 was hazier than most of the other days in the clear sky sample. Also, the occultor design kept the lens shaded, but not the entire protective dome. When the dome got dirty or scratched, direct sunlight was scattered into the lens from unshaded portions of the dome. The problem was further amplified when the sun was not centered in the occultor for any number of reasons, including incorrect time, not changing the occultor arm on the right date, misalignment of the arm, and a large azimuth correction. The ratios in scattered light areas were greater than the surrounding clear sky ratios, bahaving in a similar manner to thin clouds. To avoid overdetermining thin cloud regions due to the above mentioned problems, we forced the observed ratio to exceed the clear sky ratio estimate by 20% before the pixel is classified as thin cloud. This is equivalent to setting the thin cloud acceptance level to 1.20. Preliminary runs of CMPDECTP with representative samples can help to further refine this parameter. All routine processing to this date has used the 1.20 factor. 112 10-min Ratio Tape CMPDEC.INP LLLSKY.DAT : Perform Comparisons Between the Observed and Clear Sky Background Ratios and Construct Composite Cloud Decision Images (CMPDECTP) LLL###.REF CCv • Archive Composite Cloud Cover Information ( LLL###Teccv ) 10-min Cloud Decision Tape Tapes Fig. 8-1. Composite cloud decision algorithm input and output specifications 113 8.1 Description of CMPDECTP CMPDECTP is more complex that its fixed threshold counterpart, CLDDECM. The steps performed in the composite algorithm are described below. Steps 5 to 7 use the PL processor. Step 1: Find the next 10-min ratio image on the input tape. This image in transferred to the FG-100 board and important header information extracted. Step 2: Compute the solar position for this image. Step 3: Interpolate the normalized ratio tables to the observed solar zenith angle. The LLLSKY.DAT tables are available in 5° solar zenith angle increments. A linear interpolation of the tables to the image solar zenith angle is performed. Step 4: Interpolate between the reference values in time to the image time. The LLL###c.REF file contains selected reference values for each date on the tape. Interpolation in time is used to estimate the reference value at the time of the image. A reverse ND adjustment to that performed in SETREF is applied to the reference value if the image used a no-zero ND setting. Step 5: Compute the clear sky background ratio at each active pixel. Bilinear interpolation is used to interpolate the normalized ratios from the OBSBETA grid to the zenith-azimuth position of the pixel. The resulting normalized value is multiplied by the ND-adjusted reference value, yielding the estimated clear sky ratio value. Step 6: Construct the cloud decision image. Each pixel is assigned a cloud decision value based on comparisons between its observed ratio (RATIO), the clear sky ratio estimate (CLEAR), the appropriate opaque threshold (OPAQUE), and the thin cloud acceptance level (ACCEPT). The cloud decision byte values (DECIS) are assigned in the manner illustrated in Table 8-1. Step 7: Determine % of image covered by each category and sky coverages using an image histogram. Step 8: Update the header information and LLL###cT.CCV file, and transfer the image to the output ExaByte. A dummy DOS header is written to tape before each image. EOF's are written at the end of each day. 114 CMPDECTP has several hotkey options, similar to those in TAPRATPL. The CMPDECTP image tape format and header information are described in Tech. Memo AV91-031t. Table 8-1. Composite Decision Categories Category Description Decision Criteria Decision Values Mathematical Expressions No Data RATIO = 0 Off Scale Bright RATIO = 240 201 Indeterminate CLEAR >= OPAQUE 202 Opaque Cloud RATIO >= OPAQUE 140-200 100-139 DECIS = 100(RATIO/OPAQUE) + 40 DECIS = 40 (RATIO/CLEAR) /ACCEPT + 60 Thin Cloud RATIO/CLEAR >= ACCEPT Clear RATIO/CLEAR < ACCEPT 1-99 DECIS = 100 (RATIO/OPAQUE) 115 8.2 Running CMPDECTP After all the CMPDECTP input file information is prepared, the 10-min ratio tape being processed to cloud decision is loaded into the read ExaByte (drive (), a blank tape is loaded into the write ExaByte (drive 1), and program CMPDECTP executed. The following example is for Tape 035 from Columbia MO. To Execute: Enter CMPDECTP at the prompt, i.e. D:\CMPDEC>CMPDECTP Screen Output: Welcome to CMPDECTP - Version 1.4 This program makes the cloud/no cloud decision after correcting for scattering and zenith angles. The corrected images are written to ExaByte (Ten Minute Full Resolution Images Only) Marine Physical Laboratory - Optical Systems Group Scripps Institute of Oceanography University of California, San Diego 1991 - All Rights Reserved Site # * Location 1 Site # Location 6 uns WNHO i MPL C-Station HELSTF Kirtland China Lake Malmstrom Ovo I Malabar Columbia Composite 1 Portable 1 1 11 -> Please enter the site number: 7 -> Enter the field tape sequence number (eg, 001):035 ** PL Setup Completed ** Note: You have several options which may be changed during a run. Options may be changed by entering the appropriate keystroke, without pressing the ENTER key. All of these options take extra time and are intended only for occasional use during a run to visually check the decision images. The Key enter options are: S to change Show Color flag D to change cover Display flag I to change Image save flag X exit after current image ? to print current values of flags Any other key will cause the available options to be printed 116 -> Press ENTER to continue Opening Cloud Cover File COL035T.CCV Azimuth correction for calibration CAL7001C.RAT = -1.0 deg Opaque Thresholds: ND (0) = 145. ND (1) = 135. ND (2) = 153. ND (3) = 153. Thin Cloud Acceptance Level = 1.20 Ratio reference tables successfully extracted from COLO35.REE Writing initial EoF to target tape *** Image Cover Sky Cover cld Rat Off (%) Off Tenths Seq Seg Date Time Drk Clr Thn Opq Brt Ind Opq tot Reading sky background from file COLSKY.DAT Sky background read complete' 1 1 19/0CT/89 15:50 10 0 0 89 0 0 10 10 46 images processed for this date. 0 1 2 CLOUD COVER SUMMARY Cloud Cover (Tenths) 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Total Opaque O 7 0 1 8 0 1 9 1 4 10 43 36 Image Cover Sky Cover cid Rat Off (%) Off Tenths Seq Seg Date Time Drk Clr Thn Opq Brt Ind Opq Tot i 1 20/OCT/89 12:20 6 80 4 2 0 8 0 1 O Image Cover Sky Cover cld Rat Off (%) Off Tenths Seq Seg Date Time Drk Clr Thn Opq Brt Ind Opq Tot 1 1 25/OCT/89 12:30 5 56 18 12 0 9 1 *** CMPDECTP processing finished *** Writing final EOFs to output tape. 66 images processed for this date. 0 17 30 Total Opaque CLOUD COVER SUMMARY Cloud Cover (Tenths) 2 3 4 5 6 9 8 8 6 4 16 3 0 0 0 1 14 17 7 0 0 oooo 9 0 0 10 0 0 117 The 6 image cover and 2 sky cover column headers are reasonably self-explanatory. The off scale dark and indeterminate category percentages are not included in the tenths of sky cover computations. Off scale bright is presently included in the opaque category during the sky cover computations. Excerpts from the cover file (LLL###cT.CCV) for our example are listed below. Cover File COL035T.CCV Azimuth correction for calibration CAL7001C = -1.0 deg Opaque Thresholds: ND (0) = 145. ND (1) = 135. ND (2) = 153. ND (3) = 153. Thin Cloud Acceptance Level = 1.20 Ratio reference tables successfully extracted from COL035.REF Image Cover Sky Cover cid Rat Off (%) Off Tenths Seq Seg Date Time Drk Clr Thn Opq Brt Ind Opg Tot 1 1 19/OCT/89 15:50 10 0 0 89 0 0 10 10 2 2 19/OCT/89 16:00 10 0 0 90 0 0 10 10 45 46 45 19/OCT/89 23:10 46 19/OCT/89 23:20 6 33 31 57 64 0 1 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 6 0 46 images processed for this date. 0 1 2 Total Opaque CLOUD COVER SUMMARY Cloud Cover (Tenths) 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 O ON O OD 7 0 1 8 0 1 9 10 1 43 4 36 WO و هم 4 (%) Image Cover Sky Cover Cid Rat Off Off Tenths Seq Seg Date Time Drk clr Thn Opq Brt Ind Opq Tot 1 1 20/0CT/89 12:20 6 80 4 2 0 8 0 1 2 2 20/0CT/89 12:30 5 86 0 4 0 6 0 0 65 65 25/OCT/89 23:10 4 82 0 66 66 25/OCT/89 23:20 4 33 32 *** CMPDECTP processing finished *** 6 20 0 0 8 11 1 2 1 6 66 images processed for this date. 0 17 30 Total Opaque CLOUD COVER SUMMARY cloud Cover (Tenths) 2 3 4 5 6 9 8 8 6 4 16 3 0 0 0 1 14 17 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 118 9.0 Decision Tape Stacking Procedures As mentioned in the previous section, the cloud decision tapes coniprise the WSI data set of greatest interest to most outside users. It was important to protect against loss of these tapes, and at the same time, reduce the number of tapes being handled. The ratio and decision processing steps compress the volume of image information for a given tape from 4 images per sample for both the 10-min and 1-min resolutions on the original raw radiance tapes, to 2 images (ratio and corresponding dark red) for either the 10-min or 1-min resolutions on the ratio tapes, to finally 1 cloud decision image at either resolution. Thus, the cloud decision image tape would contain about one-eighth the amount of data on the original field tape. To make the data handling less cumbersome, we decided to stack 1 month of cloud decision data onto a single tape. The stacking procedure in outlined briefly in Fig. 9-1. Two computer algorithms are used: EXCOPY to copy the data from a cloud decision master tape, and EXQC that evaluates the stacked 1-min decision copies and produces a summary of the information on the stacked tape. Only brief descriptions of how these algorithms work is provided here. More detailed information concerning the output from these routines is provided in Tech. Note 230. 119 10-minute Processing Copy Diagnostic Output Files (LLL###.CPY) 1-minute Processing ee 10-min Cloud Decision Tapes Stack Cloud Decision Tape Copies (EXCOPY] 1-min Cloud Decision Tapes - - - - Stacked 10-min Cloud Dec. Tape Stacked 1-min Cloud Dec. Tape - - - - - - Check the Stacked 1-min Cloud Decision Tapes ( EXQC) - - - - - Tape Summary File (*.SUM) - - Fig. 9-1. Decision tape stacking procedures. 120 9.1 The Tape Copying Program - EXCOPY EXCOPY is general program that copies the data available from a tape loaded on the read ExaByte (drive 0) directly onto a tape loaded on the write ExaByte (drive 1). EXCOPY is used to back up both the original FIELD tapes (as noted in Section 2.5) and the cloud decision tapes. The following example shows how the EXCOPY program is executed. To Execute: Enter EXCOPY at the prompt, i.e. D:\COPY>EXCOPY Screen Output: EXCOPY version 2. 5 03 Jun 90 Enter a filename, usually the source tape ID, up to 8 characters long: COLO04 Filename entered: COLO04.CPY -- Be certain read (source) tape is in drive 0 and is -WRITE PROTE- CTED-. -- and load -WRITE ENABLED - (target) tape in drive 1. NOTE: In this version of excopy, filemarks ARE copied from the source tape. Regardless of source tape contents a filemark is always written at the beginning and at the end of data on the target tape. 4/4/90: ALL READ MEDIA ERRORS ARE IGNORED FOR TESTING. Hit any key to start copying... The format of the subsequent screen output and the information written to the *.CPY file is described in Tech. Note 230. In creating a stacked copy, multiple runs of EXCOPY are made, one for each of the original tapes being copied. For example, cloud decision tapes COL004, COL005, COL006 and COL007 contain cloud decision images from 2/MAR/89 through 29/MAR/89. These tapes were combined to create the March stacked tape from Columbia. Four consecutive runs of EXCOPY were made, with one of the 4 original tapes being loaded into the read ExaByte before each run. The write ExaByte was not touched between runs, allowing the copy from a subsequent run to be written on tape immediately following the previous run's output. The final stacked copy would then be labelled COL004-COL007 cloud decisions, either 1-min or 10-min. In the case of the 1-min preliminary TASC data release, the stacked tape was also copied with the copy being provided to TASC. 121 9.2 Stacked Decision Tape Quality Evaluation Another routine called EXQC was developed to provide a final quality control check on the 1-min fixed threshold cloud decision tapes sent to TASC. This program performed two functions. First, by reading the entire tape, it could identify problems on the tape, particularly media errors. If a significant problem was encountered, the copy could be rerun and checked again. Second, EXQC evaluated the header information of all the images on the tape, and summaries of the information from each day on the tape were produced in the *.SUM files. EXQC can be run from a tape on either the read or write ExaBytes, and is started in the following manner. To Execute: Enter EXQC at the prompt, i.e. D:COPY\>EXQC Screen output: EXQC Version 1.0 2 May 90 Enter the drive # (0 - 1) to be read from: 0 Ente com: EXQC creates a detailed .TQC logfile and a .SUM summary. Enter a filename for the output log and summary file, usually the source tape ID, up to 8 characters long: COL0389 Filename entered: COL0389.SUM Hit any key to start reading... Table 9-1 taken from Tech. Memo AV90-72t shows the summary information produced by EXQC for the stacked March 1-min decision tape from Columbia, MO. At the time of this note, a version of EXQC that would work on the full resolution, 10- min data sets had not yet been developed. 122 One-Minute Cloud Decision Tape Summary TAPE: COL004-007 (Copy) produced May 1990 Summary generated 18 May 1990 Oooo START END SOURCE FIELD #CLOUD SEQ# TIME PARTIAL DATAQUAL DATE TIME TIME TAPEID IMAGES IMAGES GAPS GAPS IMAGES VALUES COMMENTS 2/MAR/89 12:36 00:06 004 691 691 0 0 1 0000000 3/MAR/89 12:34 00:07 004 694 694 0 1 0000000 4/MAR/89 12:33 00:08 004 696 696 1 0000000 5/MAR/89 12:31 00:09 004 699 699 0 0 1 0000000 6/MAR/89 12:30 00:10 004 701 701 0 0 1 0000000 7/MAR/89 12:29 00:11 004 703 703 0 0 1 0000000 8/MAR/89 12:27 00:10 004 704 704 1. 0000000 9/MAR/89 12:25 00:08 005 704 704 1 0000000 10/MAR/89 12:24 00:07 005 704 704 0 1 0000000 11/MAR/89 12:22 00:15 005 714 714 1 0000000 12/MAR/89 12:21 00:16 005 716 716 1 0000000 13/MAR/89 12:20 00:17 005 718 718 1 0000000 14/MAR/89 12:20 00:18 005 719 719 0 1 0000000 15/MAR/89 12:20 00:19 005 720 720 1 0000000 16/MAR/89 12:20 00:19 006 719 719 1 0000000 17/MAR/89 12:20 00:19 006 719 719 1 0000000 18/MAR/89 12:20 00:19 006 720 720 0 0 1 0000000 19/MAR/89 12:20 00:19 006 720 1 0000000 20/MAR/89 12:20 00:19 006 720 720 0 0 1 0000000 21/MAR/89 12:20 00:19 006 720 720 0 0 1 0000000 22/MAR/89 12:20 17:33 006 314 314 1 0000000 . 1 22/MAR/89 17:34 00:19 006 710 406 0 0 1 0000000 1 23/MAR/89 12:20 00:19 007 720 720 1 0000000 24/MAR/89 12:20 00:19 007 720 720 0 0 1 0000000 25/MAR/89 12:20 00:19 007 720 720 0 0 1 0000000 26/MAR/89 12:20 00:19 007 720 720 1 0000000 27/MAR/89 12:20 00:19 007 720 720 1 0000000 28/MAR/89 12:20 00:19 007 720 720 0 1 0000000 29/MAR/89 12:20 00:19 007 720 720 0 0 0 1 0000000 oooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo hoo ooooooooooo 720 Unless otherwise indicated, time gaps and date gaps were either missing from the original field tapes, or were inaccessible during the ratio processing. Footnotes: 1 - the image sequence numbers backtrack by 10 between 17:33 and 17:34 on 22/MAR/89. This happens occasionally when multiple runs are needed to process a single field tape to ratio. There are actually 720 images available on this day, as indicated by the sum of the number of cloud images. Table 1 Sample stacked l-min cloud decision tape summary for March 1989 at Columbia, MO 123 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work presented in this note was sponsored by the Geophysics Directorate of the Phillips Laboratory of the Air Force Systems Command under Contract No. F19628-88-K- 0005. I wish to thank Mr. Donald Grantham for his continued support and encouragement of our efforts. The development of the computer algorithms described in this report was a team effort. Thanks to those involved, including Janet Shields, Gene Zawadzki, Monette Karr, John Malo, Peter Pak and John Fox. Monette and Janet developed the initial quality control procedure, and Janet organized the calibration check in and data reduction procedures. Melissa Ciandro played a crucial role not only in the development and implementation of the processing procedures, but also wrote many of the algorithm run descriptions used in this note. Special thanks are due to Carole Robb and Melissa for their publications support. My final thanks go to Richard Johnson for his supervision of the entire project and his steadfast encouragement during the development and documentation of these procedures. 124 REFERENCES The bulk of the references in this note are to Technical Memos circulated within the Optical Systems Group of the Marine Physical Laboratory, and to Technical Notes that have a wider, yet limited circulation. References in the text to these nonstandard sources are made using the OSG identifiers. Titles and authors of the Notes and Memos referred to in this note are listed below, preceded by the only standard reference to a CIDOS-91 presentation. Standard Reference Koehler, T. L., R. W. Johnson and J. E. Shields, 1991: Status of the whole sky imager database. Cloud Impacts on DoD Operations and Systems, 1991 Conference, El Segundo, CA, Phillips Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command, in press. Optical Systems Group - Technical Notes Tech. Note 226 "WSI Data Base Summary (Status as of 31 Dec 1990)" by R. W. Johnson, J. E. Shields and T. L. Koehler, Feb 1991. Tech. Note 228 "WSI Data Base Catalog" by M. L. Ciandro, Apr 1991. Tech. Note 230 "WSI Processing Manual" by M. L. Ciandro, Oct 1991. Optical Systems Group - Technical Memos OS AV88-0430 "READTPQC -- Tape Read Program" by J. A. Malo, 22 Aug 1988. AV88-046t "Tape Check-in Procedures" by M. E. Karr, 24 Aug 1988. AV88-065t "Cloud Program Data Handling Overview" by J. E. Shields, 16 Nov 1988. AV89-028t "Field Unit Hardware Summary, January & February 89" by J. E. Shields, 8 Mar 1989. 1 AV89-0567 "Software Documentation: Linearity Processing" by J. E. Shields, 2 Jun 1989. AV89-0577 "Software Documentation: Filter Program" by J. E. Shields, 2 Jun 1989. 125 AV89-0587 "Software Documentation: Absolute Processing" by J. E. Shields, 5 Jun 1989. AV89-0741 "Oriel Spectral Filter Curves" by J. E. Shields, 17 Jul 1989. AV89-082 "Format of the One Minute Cloud Image Tapes" by J. E. Shields, 1 Aug 1989. AV90-026t "Calibration Log Update" by J. E. Shields, 5 Mar 1990, AV90-042t "New Ratio & One-Minute Cloud Decision Image Header Format" by T. L. Koehler, 4 Apr 1990. AV90-049 "Derivation of Calibration Constants" by J. E. Shields, 18 Apr 1990. AV90-057t "Format of the Ten Minute Cloud Decision Image Tapes" by T. L. Koehler, 3 May 1990. AV90-070t "Field Unit Summary, March and April 1990" by J. E. Shields, 16 May 1990. AV90-072t "Preliminary Data Release: One Minute Cloud/No Cloud Tapes, Supplemental May 90 Release" by M. L. Ciandro, 30 May 1990. AV90-123t "Format of Ratio Tapes: One and Ten-Minute" by J. E. Shields, 13 Sep 1990. AV91-031t "CMPDEC Image and Header Format", by T. L. Koehler, 18 Jun 1991. 126