UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO . ..........www. . www. wewww..wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww www.iwawole > BWAWAU www..... .... .. UC SAN DIEGO LIBRARY ....... .. www . . 3 1822 04429 7505 Feb 1991 OPTICAL SYSTEMS GROUP TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 226 Offsite (Annex-Joi rnals) QC 974.5 . T43 no. 226 WSI DATA BASE SUMMARY (STATUS AS OF 31 DEC 1990) R. W. Johnson J. E. Shields T. L. Koehler .... .... .. . ......... UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO . .. ... . . ........ .. RSITY www SMIN CA Contract Monitor, Dr. J. W. Snow Atmospheric Sciences Division : # III *WWUNIT Kahiturak # ORNA 1868 Prepared for The Geophysics Directorate of the Phillips Laboratory Air Force Systems Command, United States Air Force Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 under contract No. F19628-88-K-0005 SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY MARINE PHYSICAL LAB San Diego, CA 92152-6400 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO ww w www............ w . wwwwwww ..... . w . ... .w. .. www. w . w.www.ww ..... arctica wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.. ..... .... . w wwwww... . w w puwede . w . 3 1822 04429 7505 VO Technical Note No. 226 WSI Data Base Summary (Status as of 31 Dec 90) Summary Responding to a well recognized need by many in both the modeling and operational communities for an improved capability in the collection and assessment of wholc sky cloud characteristics, a new generation of video based imaging systems has been developed and fielded by the Marine Physical Laboratory. Onc of thcsc systems, the Whole Sky Imager, has been deployed at several widely separated portions of the United States, and has gathered scveral million images appropriate for determining cloud cover at very high spatial and temporal resolution. Cloud cover estimates derived from a 7-month sample of these cloud images shows very good agreement with observed sky cover amounts. The capabilities of the Whole Sky Imnager are discussed, followed by an overview of the current status and quality of the WSI data basc. WSI DATA BASE SUMMARY STATUS AS OF 31 DEC 90 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ...... 2.0 Automa Automated Systems for Cloud Assessments .... 2.1 Whole Sky Imager........ 2.2 Real Time Cloud System ..... 2.3 Portable WSI........ 2.4 Supporting Instrumentation ... 3.0 WSI Cloud Data Archive ........ 3.1 Background .. 3.2 Current Extent of the Data Base.. Standard WSI Data Processing Procedures ..... 4.1 Data Processing Procedural Sequence... 4.2 Data Processing Run Time Estimates .. 4.3 Data Processing Status ..... ovu vua au AA www wWN-- 5.0 Alternative Products...... 5.1 Upgrade CLDDEC ........ 5.2 Create Calibrated Radiance Library ..... 6.0 WSI Data Evaluation .................... 6.1 Comparison with Observer .... 6.2 Cloud Cover Temporal Dynamics Illustration .................... 7.0 Conclusion...... 8.0 Acknowledgements 9.0 References & Bibliography ...................................... WSI DATA BASE SUMMARY STATUS AS OF 31 DEC 90 SSR List of Illustrations and Tables Fig. No. Title Page No. : : 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 Whole Sky Imager Camera Assembly . Sample WSI Image, acquired at 650nm Sample Cloud/No Cloud Decision Image, 10 minute .......... Sample One-Minute Cloud/No Cloud Decision Image .............. Sample Image from Real Time Cloud System .... Portable Whole Sky Imager .......... .......... Image Acquisition & Analysis System ...... en w NNN- 3-1 WSI Data Base bent 4-1 4-2 WSI Basic Image Processing Flow Chart........ Raw Imagery to Decision Imagery Conversions.. WSI Data Status & Processing Summary sebenar S . 4-3 5-1 v Raw Imagery to Calibrated Radiance Data ....... 6-1 6-2 6-3 Distribution of Total Cloud Cover Deterininations ................. Total Cloud Cover Determination Differences .. Total Cloud Cover Time Series ............... WSI Cloud Cover Image at 1420 ............ WSI Cloud Cover Image at 1450 ............ ........... o oo oo oo oo 6-4 6-5 Table No. 3.1 WSI Data Tape Status as of 31 Jan 91 ..... WSI A 4.1 4.2 WSI Standard Data Processing Configurations ..... Raw to Decision, Run Time Summaries ............. Processed Data Tape Summary ...... aaa 4.3 .......... 1.0 INTRODUCTION A family of imaging systems for use in automated cloud assessment and sector visibility determination has been developed by the Marine Physical Laboratory of Scripps Institution of Oceanography (Johnson, 1989). This paper will give a brief overview of two of these systems, the Whole Sky Imager (WSI) for long term cloud studies and the Real Time Cloud system for on-line operational support. Each of these systemsis an automated unit operating under micro-computer control, gathering digital imagery suitable for automated processing and analysis. The WSI systems have been operating at several locations during the last few years, acquiring images once a minute, 12 hours a day. These data are archived and subsequently converted to cloud/no cloud decision images. The resulting cloud database can be utilized for a variety of applications including model evaluation and development (Hering, 1989). We will review the acqui- sition and processing of the WSI cloud database, and discuss some of the emerging statistical relations from the WSI cloud determinations. Fig. 2-1. Whole Sky Imager Camera Assembly 2.0 AUTOMATED SYSTEMS FOR CLOUD ASSESSMENT 2.1 Whole Sky Imager The Whole Sky Imager (WSI) is a ground-based electronic imaging system, which monitors the upper hemisphere. It is a passive, i.e. non-emissive system, which acquires calibrated multi-spectral images of the sky dome. The system, shown in Fig. 2-1, views the sky through a series of spectral and neutral density filters, using a fisheye lens to acquire most of the sky dome. A fixed gain CID (charge injection device) solid state camera is utilized, and a full set of radiometric and geometric calibrations are acquired prior to fielding the system. Data are acquired in 512 x 480 format, which yields 1/3 degree spatial resolution. This corresponds to a 17 meter footprint, for a cloud layer at 3 km height. In the field, cloud images are acquired under control of an IBM AT-class microcomputer. This is a stand- alone unit, requiring essentially no user intervention; control of all peripheral functions is fully automatic. Four digital images are acquired every minute, and archived on 8 mm tape, for post-processing. Approxi- mately 1.2 gigabytes are acquired and archived per week at each site. Fig. 2-2. Sample WSI Image, acquired at 650 nm are near the horizon. The black square is the sun occultor, which shades the lens in order to minimize stray light. A tower may also be seen in the field of view near the occultor. In the processing, a determination is made at each point in the image, yielding a cloud decision image at full spatial resolution. The cloud decision image is illustrated in Fig. 2-3. In this illustration the areas identified as sky are blue, the occultor is black indicating a "no data" region, and the pixels identified as thin or opaque cloud are yellow and white respectively. A sample radiance image is shown in Fig. 2-2. In this image, the center is at the zenith overhead, and the edges SKY COU all field spatial and temporal dynamics. The WSI acquires calibrated multi-spectral sky radiances every minute. From these, automatic cloud determinations are pro- duced with 1/3 degree spatial resolution. The system was originally deployed at 7 sites throughout the country, and as of 1 Jan 91, had acquired an average of 26 months of data per site. The data will be further discussed in Section 3. 2.2 Real Time Cloud System An outgrowth of the WSI is the Real Time Cloud system, which provides automatic cloud assessments in real time in the field, for on-line operational support. This system acquires sky radiances, much like the WSI. The user may input a track of interest, such as the track of a satellite or drone. The cloud determinations are then made from the measured radiances and presented to the user in color-coded image format, i.e. blue for sky, white for opaque cloud, and yellow for thin cloud as shown in Fig. 2-5. In the user's display, the track is color coded by Fig. 2-3. Sample Cloud/No cloud Decision Image. This shows the full resolution results taken at 10 minute intervals. 18籍路超 ​15000 Full resolution images such as shown in Fig. 2-2 are saved every ten minutes. At one minute intervals, the subset shown in Fig. 2-4 is saved. (Fig 2-4 is the one minute cloud decision image.) This image consists of a subset of rows and columns, each saved at full resolution (i.e. we save 33 rows, and 33 columns, for 33 x 512 + 33 x 480 resolution). Thus for cloud free arc length statis- tics, we have full resolution, but for cloud areal statistics such as cloud cover, we have reduced resolution in the one minute data. Our early studies indicated an uncer- tainty of approximately a 1% in the cloud covercomputed from the one minute data as compared with the ten minute full resolution data. COLUMPIRMO SHY COU 63 AP80 20 30 70 p rogramas wwwddddd www.domeny d ecedere de propongo december redde prendre www. d om t dodh e chem.c program om donderwerpen www. downl o ad မျိုးရေးခွဲ willwww w wwwwwwwwwသန်းwwwwwwwwwwwwwwxမိုး/www/www) /wwwမဲ့၊ န်း ၊ wwwdelme wedderendum pengendaliano gondolatry w id endido propriedade de Twinlay) wwwwwwwwwwwwwww ww w . nyilawhn a wwwwwww1) | 100kmadieniowanie moghting wwwwwwwwwwwwww modern domendado p d e marajanje gewoon re 'S MY COUER ESTIMATE SMY COUE OpH7 Fig. 2-5. Sample image from Real Time Cloud System Note user-input track, altitude, and superimposed on the image. Percent cloud cover, both total and opaque, are presented to the user for both the sky dome and specifically along the track of interest. If desired, the user may view previously stored images, which are video looped to display temporal changes in the cloud cover. The current system is connected by optical fiber to a WSI unit, and has its own micro-computer for independent image acquisition and display. The system is currently deployed in New Mexico, for support of the HELSTF laser site, however it has application to a wide variety of operational and test scenarios. Fig. 2-4. Sample One-Minute Cloud/No cloud Decision Image. This shows the subset saved 1 minute intervals. In summary, the Whole Sky Imager is a system for cloud assessment, specifically for the archival of cloud 2.3 Portable WSI The portable WSI unit is shown in Fig. 2-6. This unit, designed for short term deployments and/or special applications, is similar to the WSI, but has a more transportable support and environmental control hous- ing. The portable system was initially installed at the University of Wisconsin, for a cooperative study with Eloranta and Grund, using their HSRL lidar system. The intent was to relate the WSI cloud determinations to the cloud optical depth determined by the lidar system. point array processor to accelerate the system through- out, and multiple EXABYTE drives are attached to each control computer. 3.0 WSI CLOUD DATA ARCHIVE The Whole Sky Imager has been operating routinely at several sites in the continental US for over two years. This section discusses the background of this data archive, and then reviews the status of the data processing and cloud algorithms. 3.1 Background Fig. 2-6. Portable Whole Sky Imager 2.4 Supporting Instrumentation The WSI cloud data base is stored in digital format on 8mm video tape cassettes (Sony P6-120MP, NTSC). These small cassettes, when used with the EXABYTE 8200 streaming tape sub-system, can hold up to 2.2 Gigabytes of digital information each. All WSI data manipulations conducted at MPL are built around this small compact tape system under the control of an IBM/ AT class microcomputer. All software is MS-DOS compatible, and is generally written in either FORTRAN or C programming language. The basic hardware configuration required for WSI image processing is essentially the same as that required for the initial acquisition. That is, a system able to read the 8mm data tapes, an image processing system able to handle the 512 X 480 pixel image format, and a host computer suitable for overall control. At MPL, the data acquisition system shown in Fig. 2-7 is also appropriate for all subsequent image processing tasks. For bulk processing, however, the basic computer unit is supple- mented with an Eighteen Eight Labs PL 1250 floating The WSI data base was acquired primarily in support of the SDI ground-based laser program. A variety of models predict joint multi-site probabilities of cloud free lines of sight (CFLOS) for earth to space, and cloud free arcs (CFARC). These joint probabilities depend on a variety of intermediate level relationships, such as CFLOS and CFARC as a function of sky cover and zenith angle, site-to-site correlation as a function of separation dis- tance, and temporal relations such as recurrence and persistence probabilities. The WSI data base is in many ways an ideal set for model evaluation. The model input, i.e. sky cover, is measured directly. The various intermediate level results mentioned above may be computed directly from the digitized data base, and the final multi-site joint prob- abilities may be computed directly from the data. As a result, WSI can provide the data base for testing existing models, development of new models, and documentation of a mini-climatology of CFLOS and CFARC at specific sites of interest. There are other applications within the user commu- nity for using these data. For example, there is interest in creating a climatology of optically thin cloud cover, eventually as a function of optical depth. Additionally, the fact that absolute radiometric calibrations are acquired for the instruments means that a data base of calibrated radiance could be generated from the data, for back- ground clutter and other applications. 3.2 Current Extent of the Data Base The Whole Sky Imager (WSI) data network, while fully implemented, consisted of seven independently operating, fully automatic electronic camera systems. Each system collected whole sky imagery for twelve hours a day, seven days a week. Each resultant weekly data tape currently in archive contains up to 1200 megabytes of image data, plus around 200 megabytes of housekeeping space. Thus, at the end of the data collec- 3 IMAGE & ANALYSIS SYSTEM HARDWARE BLOCK DIAGRAM E/O SYSTEM 5 GE 2710 SOLID STATE VIDEO CAMERA SONY PVM 1271Q MONITOR TMI COMPUTER (1BMAT CLONE) AUTOMATIC EQUATORIAL SOLAR OCCULTOR ASSY. VIDEO IMAGE PROCESSING SUB - SYSTEM (ITI FG 100) ARCHIVAL I/O SUB - SYSTEM (SEAGATE 65 Mbyte H.D.) За REMOTE CONTROLLED IRIS ASSY. ANALOG EXABYTE EXB - 8200 2.2 Gbyte 8 mm CATRIDGE TAPE SYSTEM . PUNIM ..10 ad ! REMOTE CONTROLLED OPTICAL FILTER ASSY. ACCESSORY CONTROL PANEL STOWED KEYBOARD EXTERIOR SENSOR INSTALLATION INTERIOR CONTROLLER INSTALLATION Figure 2-7 pr.53. Sensor Inst/Janet tion interval 31 Dec 90, the WSI cloud data base con- tained approximately 900 Gigabytes of raw image data and about 675 Gigabytes of processed data. The data quantities are substantial, and require carefully con- ceived and efficiently executed processing procedures to insure optimum downstream utilization. The WSI cloud data base summarized in Table 3.1 presently resides in the custody of the Marine Physical Laboratory (MPL), Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, CA, 92093. As of 1 Jan 91, imagery repre- senting 4614 days, geographically distributed as shown in Table 3.1 and Fig. 3-1 have been collected and returned to MPL for processing and analysis. A reasonable estimate is that these raw data reside on approximately 900 data tapes. "WSI BASICIMAGEPROCESSING FLOW CHART". This conceptual game plan is implemented through a series of proprietary software routines designed to impose strict quality and calibration controls upon the raw data, while simultaneously reducing the number of images required for insertion into the optimized cloud/no cloud decision processes. Carried to its nominal conclusion, this processing plan reduces the basic imagery (that created by each camera in the system) to about one fourth of its original volume at the composite ratio stage and then, if desired, by an additional increment depending upon the output format specified by the user of the derived products. Currently (Jan 1991) the optimum cloud/no cloud images are being created at the same eight bit resolution as are the composite ratio images. Whereas further data compaction might prove attractive for later data transfers, the additional software development deemed necessary has not seemed justified at this time. 4.1 Data Processing Procedural Sequence With the basic data tapes in hand, the processing hardware and software on-line, and the data base man- agement system implemented, one can address the stepwise manipulation of all component elements from raw tape to delivered end product. In the following paragraphs this stepwise process will be described on the basis of a single data tapes sequential manipulation, and from this unit tape estimate, the overall program time/ cost estimates will be produced. The preparation of these 900 raw data tapes plus their appropriate output products with the procedural docu- mentation deemed necessary for subsequent usages is essentially the task outlined in this note. It should be noted that these data quantities do not include several relatively small case study sets collected by the portable system. The data listed in Table 1 and discussed in this note are only those associated with the multi-station network sponsored under Air Force con- tract F19628-88-C-0005. 4.0 STANDARD DATA PROCESSING PROCEDURES U L ... The general concept guiding the post-acquisition pro- cessing of the WSI data base is illustrated in Fig. 4-1, In assessing the following estimates of the processing times associated with each procedural sequence, one Table 3.1 WSI DATA TAPE STATUS AS OF 31 JANUARY 1991 C-STA HELSTF 30 MAR 88 | 29 MAR 88 KIRTLAND CHINA LAKE MALMSTROM MALABAR 17 MAY 88 | 23 JUN 88 29 AUG 881 18 NOV 88 COLUMBIA 9 FEB 89 TOTAL DAYS IN FIELD 995 1008 953 897 478 735 691 763 819 749 641 406 602 592 TOTAL DAYS OF DATA TOTAL FULL DATA DAYS (12 HR) C 652 623 607 453 332 515 561 111 196 142 188 74 87 31 OTAL PARTIAL DATA DAYS TOTAL DAYS DOWN (NO DATA) E 232 189 204 256 78 133 99 DATE WITHDRAWN FROM SERVICE 19 Dec 90 31 Dec 90 25 Dec 901 6 Dec 90 | 20 Dec 89 | 19 Nov 90 | 31 Dec 90 REG . A=B+E B = C + D WWE WWW. WSI CUMULATIVE NUMBER OF DATA DAYS KKKKT E 1000 - 4а Is o las Bonisimin SITE SITE 2 SITE 34 SITE A SITE SI SITE 6 SITE 7 SITE 1 SITE 2 SITE 3 SITE 4 SITE 5 SITE 6 SITE 7 Fig. 3-1 w w ww ... .. w ith .. . . . BASIC IMAGERY COARCTED IMAGERY COMPOSTE AATIO DELMERABLE DATABASE CALIBRATION FUNCTIONS AADIANCE CONVERSIONS CLOVONO CLOUD DECSION ALCOANHIMS CALB QUE MAGE ALVE MAGE 512 * $1211 RADIOWE TAK I NE AANY C ELVERED RATOS RADIOMETAIC SENSITNIY CAD UP SUN RED MAGE 512 151216 RED DEANED PRODUCTS MAGE DOWN SUN OPTICA DBTOATIONS MAGE AATIO COMPUTATIONS MEMA HORVON SPATUL DISTABUTIONS COMPOSITE BLUE/RED RATIO MACE OPTIMUM CLOUDNO A QUO MACE TWLIGHT FELD OF VEW DEF NITION TEMPORAL TOISTRATIONS QUE NO MAGE 512131211 CALE (O.VE) MAGE DAWN SENSOR CHP UNFORMITY STATISTICAL PARAMETERS 7 AS ROD PREL SELECTIONS FOR OPTIMUMIZED COMPOSITE . (PUEYRED) MATOS .. ..... REOSTRATION ADUSTMENTS REDNO MADE 312151211 CALB (RED) MADE FLUX CONTAC THRESHOLOS LJ _ J Fig. 4-1. WSI Basic Image Processing Flow Chart site host personnel with widely varying degrees of tech- nical background and program related interests. Not all Fig. 4-2 Raw Imagery to Decision Imagery Conversions ono sto ono wook RAW TAPE TAPEQC TAPEOC OUTPUT FILES T.O.F. BACK-UPS RAW TAPE EXCOPY PAW DATA BACK-UP (ARCHIVE) 5 T.O.F. (BACK-UPS . CHECLAN -3 TAPRAT INPUT FILES meseca (INTERACTIVE) RAW TAPE TAPRAT INPUT FILES TAPRAT should be aware that throughput times are often heavily influenced by different machine/software interfaceseven when determined on systems containing nominally "identical" hardware and code versions. With this caveat in mind, the estimates included herein and indicated on Fig. 4-2, were derived from actual full length processing episodes running in the hardware/soſlware conſiguration listed in Table 4-1. 4.2 Data Processing Run Time Estimates Processing the complete stepwise procedure required to convert a field tape containing seven days of raw unedited cloud imagery into a fully processed tape con- taining the same seven days of data in the form of color coded cloud-no cloud imagery is illustrated in Fig. 4-2, and the run-time summary for both machine time and supporting analyst time is shown in Tablc 4.2. In estimating the overall processing task, as outlined in Fig. 4-2 & Tablc 4.2, it is important to note that the totals shown in Table 4.2 are really for best effort data "processing" only. They do not include the very substan- tial effort which is heavily related to "housekeeping and oversight", but which is more speciſically oriented to- ward on-line data "interpretation and analysis". Nor do they include the more stylized but highly important implementation and maintenance of the required Data Base Management functions. The Table 4.2 comment related to "clean" runs is a comment ignored at extreme peril. One must keep in mind that all of WSI field systems were monitored by on- PATIO TAPE 110 LOG FILE DIAG FILE EXCOPY AATIO TAPE 1/10 RATIO BACK UP (OPTIONAL ARCHIVE) 2 LOG FILE DATA BASE SUMMARY 0.8. SUMMARY AATIOS DIAG. FILE AATIO TAPE 1/10 CLDOEC CLODEC TAPE 110 CLDOEC OUTPUT FILES EXCOPY (ARCHIVE) CLDOEC TAPE 1/10 ADDEC BACK-UP 1/10 CLDOEC OUTPUT FILES to SUMMA DATA BASE SUMMARY D.B. SUMMARY DECISION Separate runs required for each one minute or ten minuto Imago sot. wwwwwwwW A - INKWIN-WWM- WIN- " Table 4.1 WSI Standard Data Processing Configurations HARDWARE SOFTWARE received the imposition of the WSI system into their daily routines with equal exuberance. The vagarics of local wcather extremes, power fluctuations, hardware ſaults and conſlicting on-site prioritics all contribuicd to sometimes substantial variations in the normally full automatic mode that the WSI altcmpted to maintain. With this "real-world" context in mind, it is casy lo visualize the nature of the on-line data interpretation and analysis that must accompany the more formalized data "processing" outlined in Fig. 4-2. TMI Model 2001A Computer Propriclary Softwarc Programs 1. 80386 CPU 2. 80387 Co Processor | 3. PL 1250 Array Processor 4. ASC-88 SCSI Interface 5. EXABYTE 8200, 2 ca I w/ 4 $25 PROM 6. Seagate 60 MB Hard Disc | 1. TAPEQC, Version xxx 12. EXCOPY, Version xxx 3. TAPRAT, Version xxx 4. CLDDEC, Version xxx 5. DBSUM, Version (In development) . . . ..... Table 4.2 Raw to Decision Conversions Run Time Summary Machinc Hours Analyst Hours Primary File Copy Total Housekecping &Oversight 1 Sequence No. (From Fig. 4-2) The primary tools employed by the analyst to diag- nose and sanitize those raw data tapes which ſail either their initial TAPEQC runs, or their subscquent TAPRAT runs, are the regularly produced TAPEQC output files, the Local Apparent Noon (LAN) image files, and the raw data tapes themselves, all in concert with the analysts highly honed understanding of the WSI hardware and software operating regimes. These diagnostic skills are not readily transſcrable and they are absolutcly csscnlial to the orderly and efficient data ſlow shown in Fig. 4-2. Some estimate of the additional machine time re- quired to support the "interpretation and analysis" (1/A) function plus the attendant requirement for data re-runs should be provided as part of the overall task deſinition. As a ſirst approximation, one finds about 7% of the data designated as special handling. During the ſirst quarter of calendar 1990, an estimated 10% of the accumulated data runs were repeated due to specific 1/A decisions and another 10% were re-run due to miscellaneous hardware pcculiarities, primarily EXABYTE incompatibilitics. Thus one might assume a worst casc requirement for up 10 27% of miscellancous re-runs, however as "production line" processing settles down, a 10 to 15% re-runestimate scems more reasonable. 4.3 Data Processing Status 0.5 2.5 0.5+0.5 0.5+0.5 ooo Baum WN- . Pm RM 0.5 ... 6+6 0.5+0.5 .27.2 0.5+0.5 2 Totals 1+10 6.2 64.2 1or 10 * Separate runs roquired for each one minute or ten minute image set. Times indicated are based upon "clcan" runs without appreciable software or hardware glitches. - 4.8 .. . As noted in Section 3.2, there are approximately 900 raw data tapes currently in archive status, representing over 4600 separate data days. Some of these data tapes have been processed through all of the sequences illus- trated in Fig. 4--2, however the majority have been through steps one and two only. An illustration of the data base status as of 30 Dec. 90 is shown in Fig. 4-3. A slightly more detailed representation broken down by major software program is shown in Table 4.3. 5.0 ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS Table 4.3 Processed Data Tape Summary Raw Major Software Programs Data Tapes TAPE QC CHECKLAN TAPRAT Data Station CLDDEC 11 10 | 10 C-Sta 70 | 70 | 70 Ilcisir ...... .. Kinland China Lake Malmstrom Malabar Columbia Toials All preceding comments have been directed toward the "standard" data processing mode as illustrated in Fig. 4-1. The output product for this standard sequence is a database containing derived cloud/no cloudimages based . Chutne " 1 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT. NOV. DEC. I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. CSTA CSTA HELSTF HELSTF KIRTLAND KIRTLAND CHINA LAKE CHINA LAKE MALMSTROM MALM- STROM MALABAR MALABAR OLUMBIA 1988 1989 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT. NOV. DEC. CSTA HELSTF WSI DATA STATUS & PROCESSING SUMMARY = GOOD DATA KIRTLAND SPECIAL HANDLING REQUIRED - SYSTEM DOWN = INSTALLATIONMAINTENANCE CHINA LAKE = RATIO = CLOUD DECISION MALM- STROM Figure 4-3 MALABAR COLUMBIA 1990 of the form shown in Fig. 5-1, with programs ABSRAD and SELECT representing the necessary new code. upon a single threshold decision algorithm (APR '90). There are other output products which have been dis- cussed at different times during the data acquisition interval that should be commented upon as viable op- tions. to the best pornes ales R.AD Fig. 5-1 Raw Imagery to Callbrated Radiance Data ABS RAD ABS RADIANCE) TAPE 1/10 1 SELECT The first alternative involves the use of improved decision algorithms to up-grade the cloud/no cloud data base. In general this up-grade can be exercised at anytime and as often as desired, once the composite ratio image library has bcenicstablished. Re-running TAPRAT output lapes through a revision of CLDDEC is straight forward and relatively inexpensive, as can be deduced from Table 4.2. (4.*)a RAW TAPE TAPAAT INPUT FILES TAPRAT RATIO TAPE 1/10 LOG FILE DIAG FILE |(5.*)a ABS RADI EXCOPY RADIANCE BACK-UP 1/10 (OPTIONAL ARCHIVE) TAPE 1/10 5.1 Upgrade CLDDEC __ wie . LOG FILE DATA BASE SUMMARY D.B. SUMMARY RADIANCE DIAG. FILE 0 Separate runs required for each one minute or ten minute image set. . X A Exccuting an up-grade to the cloud/no cloud imagery via an improved cloud decision algorithm implies re- running steps 7, 8 & 9 as shown in Fig. 4-2. The associated machine and analyst hours necessary for this task are listed in Table 4.2, and represent 16.6 machine- hours and 2.5 analyst hours per ratio tape. Assuming ratio tapes remain at 1:4 with raw data tapes, then about 225 tapes would require this partial re-processing. Some tape compaction is possible through a judicious applica- tion of EXCOPY, but it is not currently an automatic option. Thus, the re-run of 225 tapes through CLDDEC, etc., represents a task of 3,700 machine-hours (928 system-hours) and 560 analyst hours, or 3.2 analyst-mo and 2.5 system-mo. The second alternative involves the modification of the Fig. 4-2 sequence to generate calibrated radiance imagcry, citcr in addition to or in licu of the cloud/no cloud imagery. This sequence modification is not trivial since the calibrated radiance imagery is not normally held intact in image memory, but for maximum compu- tational throughput is used piecemeal and not retained once the ratio computations are complete. An estimated cost for implementing this alternative can also be de- duced from the estimates in Fig. 4-2. 5.2 Create Calibrated Radiance Library Since the absolute radiance values which are desired as output reside temporarily within the existing sequence, and their accumulation should be reasonably simple, the machine time necessary to execute the ABSRAD task should represent a relatively short interval. A reasonable first approximation for the ABSRAD execution time is its being equivalent to or less than the CLDDEC runs. To the degree with which this approximation is truc, then the incremental cost of executing the sequence shown in Fig. 5-1 can be estimated. Assuming a clcan inscrion, it is reasonablc to assume approximately 3 man-mo lo code, test and dcbug the ABSRAD & SELECT software. Housekeeping and Oversight (H/O) analyst hours required for processing should not exceed the TAPRAT rate, nor should the I/A time. Thus an estimate of around 4 analyst-hours per radiance tape, about half the TAPRAT rate, scems rea- sonable. Rerunning the nominal 100 raw data tapes through the SELECT/ABSRAD sequence represents an incremental increase of 600 machine hours and 400 analyst-hours (approximately 1.0 system-mo. and 2.3 analyst-mo.). An estimated incremental cost for implementing this alter- native processing sequence is readily determinable. 6.0 WSI DATA EVALUATION Modifying the processing sequence shown in Fig.4-2 to produce output lapes of calibrated radiance imagery has not yet been implemented, but does not represent a major programming effort provided one makes a clean interrupt at the point of insertion within the software program TAPRAT. There will be however, changes to the logical flow within the program which may result in substantial increases in processing times. In any case, the creation of a calibrated radiance library would procedurally involve the re-running of modified steps 4, 5,& 6 shown in Fig. 4-2. These modifications would be 1 Comparison with Observer Much of the WSI data from the Columbia site has been processed using a preliminary (fixed threshold) algo- rithm, in order to give a preliminary assessment of the accuracy of these techniques. Fig. 6-1 shows the cloud cover distribution from 7 months of WSI data, compared with the values of total sky cover reported on the National Weather Service Form 10's. The WSI values are from the one minute image at the reported time of the weather observation. This plot is for the six hours surrounding local apparent noon. The comparison between WSI and observer is in general quite good. The cloud algorithm identifies some clear cases as 1/10 cover, but in all other cloud categories the match in frequency of observance is excellent. 6.2 Cloud Cover Temporal Dynamics Illustration Although the observer to WSI comparison is gener- ally good, the WSI data can show much more variance than the observer data, simply due to the limited temporal frequency of the observer values. One particularly dy- namic day, 14 April at Columbia, Mo., is illustrated in Fig. 6-3. In Fig. 6-3, which shows the cloud cover COLUMBIN, MO 14 APEL 1989 OUSERWER Terme SKY covee cerurteta, MO APN RUST NUNCT 14 TOTAL CLOUD COVER (E) BU RELAIME FROUKY (N) TIME (6411 Fig. 6-3. Total Cloud Cover Time series, WSI and Observer o 011 13 14 15 SKY COVE# AruNT (PENTRS Fig. 6-1. Distribution of Total Cloud Cover determinations, WSI and Weather Observer. Another indication of data quality is a direct case-by- case comparison between WSI and observer. For Fig. 6-2, the difference between WSI and observer has been computed for each case. That is, a WSI value of 7/10 and observer value of 5/10 would be a difference of 2 catego- ries. The distribution of category differences is shown in Fig. 6-2. The majority of the cases show a category difference of 0. The average difference is less than half a category, i.e. much less than 1/10 cloud cover. COMUNIKA O 6 wo STOW1** determinations for both the WSI and the observer, the observer values are consistent with the WSI, but they certainly do not show the true variability, due to their limited temporal frequency. For example, at 1350 and 1450, both WSI and observer show approximately 20% cloud cover, but during the intervening hour the cloud cover increased to nearly 80%. The cloud images at the middle and end of this hour are shown in Figs. 6-4 and 6-5. The fastest rate of change during this hour occurred at between 1400 and 1413, when the cloud cover changed from 20 to 74%. SKY COW 766 1:01 LATIVE TROUENCY COUD COVER CATEGORY DUFRERE « W SEWE) Fig. 6-2. Total Cloud Cover determination difference for WSI minus observer. Fig. 6-4. WSI Cloud Cover Image at 1420, from above time series. WWWWWWWWWWWWW Fig. 6-5. WSI Cloud Cover Image at 1450, from above time series. 7.0 CONCLUSION With the development of a family of digital imaging systems, it has been possible to support a number of applications requiring monitoring of the cloud environ- ment. The Whole Sky Imager has been monitoring specific sites for post analysis and evaluation of cloud fields, with high temporal and spatial resolution. The WSI has been used specifically to gather a data base of over a million images for assessment of cloud fields. The data consists of cloud decision images, containing an assessment of the cloud condition in each direction with 1/3 degree spatial resolution, and one minute temporal resolution. These data are currently undergoing processing and quality evaluation. The preliminary results appear quite good, in comparison with standard meteorological observations. 8.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was sponsored by Geophysics Lab, Air Force Systems Command, under contract #F19628-88- K-0005. Our thanks to Mr. Donald Grantham and Dr. William Snow of GL for their guidance. The authors would also like to recognize the outstanding efforts of our colleagues at Marine Physical Laboratory: Wayne Hering, Monette Karr, Gene Zawadski, Jack Varah, Harry Sprink, Melissa Ciandro, Tim Romedy, John Malo, and Peter Pak, for technical support, and Phil Rapp and Carole Robb for publications support. 9.0 REFERENCES & BIBLIOGRAPHY Duntley, S. Q., R. W. Johnson, J. I. Gordon, and A. R. Boileau, (1970). Airborne Measurements of Optical Atmospheric Properties at Night, University of Cali- fornia, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanogra- phy, Visibility Laboratory, SIO Ref. 70-7, AFCRL- 70-0137, NTIS No. AD 870 734. Hering, W. S. and R. W. Johnson, (1985). 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