THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELESPLAN TALKS (by the Publishers) “Angelus Distinctive Homes,” our second edition of a plan book; contains 100 new designs that we take pleasure in presenting to a critical public. Taken in connection with our previous book, “Angelus California Homes,” it gives a collection of beautiful home types that we feel is superior to anything ever before published. Every plan in these two books has been built and sold again and again; some with the floor plans as shown in the book, and some with variations to suit the individual. All these plan variations we have in our offices, so that in many cases there are four or five different floor plan arrangements for the same exterior. These, of course, lack of space prevents showing here. We have shown the plan which we consider the most conveniently arranged. The price of our plans and specifications has been placed within the reach of all, and at a ridiculously low figure considering their completeness and dependability. For those who require a larger, more costly structure than is shown in these pages, let us say that we have many such on display in our general offices and we also maintain an extensive architectural department of skilled men of country-wide experience who do nothing but design special plans of residences, from the most humble cottage to the most elaborate mansion, and at an economy of cost that is set forth on page three, which also gives complete information on how to order plans. In conclusion, let us extend our thanks to our many hundreds of satisfied customers, who have built from our plans the past year. Many are living in the home of which they have dreamed for years. Many have built for speculation and have sold at a handsome profit, in most cases before the house was finished. V e wish to assure our friends that we will continue to give our best and most conscientious services to all, whether you build a modest garage or a mansion. We have not changed our slogan—Complete Service to the Builder. We will be glad to hear from you. Very truly yours, Please note our address carefully, as protection against ANGELUS ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE CO., imitators of our name. Suite 201, Western Mutual Life Bldg., Price One Dollar per Copy.—Copyrighted, 1923. 321 ^EST Third Street, Los Angeles, California TwoHOW TO ORDER PLANS Stock Plans—In ordering stock plans from this book, fill in all information on the “Stock Plan Order Sheet” in back of book; give accurate mailing address and remit $20.00 for two sets of blue-prints (consisting of foundation plan, floor plans, all elevations, construction detail, large scale details of all built-in work, and single or double garage plan), two sets of specifications and one set of complete, accurate bill of material. Additional blue-prints may be had for $2.00 per set. Additional copies of specifications and bills of material for $1.00 per set. Remit in full with order. Special Plans—If there is nothing in our book that is like your idea of a home, make a sketch on the back of the “Special Plan Order Sheet,” fill in complete information and remit one-half the amount figured at $7.00 per room (minimum charge $35.00) ; do not count halls, closets, bathrooms or main porches as rooms. Upon receipt of order we will immediately prepare and mail you a sketch. You then mark any changes required, approve sketch and return to us with balance due. We will then complete plans and mail to you promptly. Bills of material on special plans are $5.00 extra charge. Garage Plans—We furnish blue-prints of either single or double garage to match the design of any house, free with Stock Plans only. Garage plans on Special Plan orders cost $5.00 additional. Give size on order sheet. Plans for Other Structures—Our architectural department is equipped to design special plans and specifications for any structure, such as Apartment Houses, F lats, Bungalow Courts, Schools, Churches, Halls, Barns, Stores, etc. Drop us a line and a sketch if you are in the market for any of these structures and we will be able to advise what plans and specifications will cost you. We can save you money on any branch of building through our highly organized Service Department. NOTE—DO NOT FAIL TO READ “NOTES ON CONSTRUCTION,” ON OTHER SIDE OF THIS PAGE. ThreeNOTES ON CONSTRUCTION The stock plans, specifications and bills of material comprising this book are worked out to coincide with the type of construction used in California. This is essentially a lighter type of construction than is used in sections of the country where more severe weather prevails. In order that, we may intelligently fill your requirements, if you do not build in this state, we have compiled a list of questions it will be necessary for you to answer to assist us in furnishing specifications and bills of material which will coincide with conditions in your section. These specifications govern the plans which require no changes. Building costs will run approximately 10 per cent higher in colder climates. Local conditions require only single construction. Namely, no sheathing boards under siding on outer walls. Colder climates require double construction—solid sheathing and building paper under siding—specify which. Local conditions do not require any sub-floor under ^.-inch finish floor. Colder sections do. Specify which. The fuel used for cooking ranges locally is gas. Very few kitchen chimneys are built, merely a plastered hood over the range to draw fumes and cooking odors through the roof. Sections requiring coal or wood range must have a brick chimney, which may be built, if necessary, where the hood is shown on plans, or adjacent to where you decide to place your stove. Specify the kind of windows required. “Casement,” viz., hinged at sides to swing in or out, 01• “Double Hung,” viz., two sashes with pulleys and weights to raise and lower. The latter are best for cold sections. Give us the above information where provided for on order sheets and any other that you think will be of value to us. If none or only part of questions are answered, we will use our own judgment in supplying you with correct specifications for your section, based upon our wide experience. In any event you will receive what is correct. /1'ourFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 202 WE present in this number a little stucco bungalow of the California type that embodies all it is possible to work into a home as small as this. As a Bungalow Court unit it is ideal and has proven to be a great revenue producer when built in numbers on the same lot. You will find nothing lacking in this floor plan. It has the accommodation of a four-room house at about half the cost. Costto f"om $1350 to $1600 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 FiveFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 812 ANOTHER dandy little stucco which would grace any lot any-/ \ where. Three large rooms and all conveniences. It can be X A. used either as a single residence or one of a series in Courts. The exterior is strictly Spanish in design and by the judicious use of shrubbery can be made a show place. Just the home for a young couple starting out on a small scale. The exterior can be fitted to a larger floor plan of any design at our Special Plan rates. Six Cost to build . ! n - -, j. from $1850 tO $21 50 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00DESIGN NO. 313 HERE is something different. A home that can be built on a narrow lot and still give large, easily accessible rooms at a small cost. Note the half timbered effect with plaster panels. A pleasing touch of distinction is given by the curved verge boards and clinker brick porch and foundation facing. At a slight additional cost a fireplace can be built in the end of the living room, where the two windows are, adding much to the homelike appearance of the room. Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 SevenFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 31 J, STUDY this plan. What more could be desired in a three-room layout? Everything built in. Large rooms and closets, fireplace and, last but not least, a lovely cement paved patio, opening off the arched porch. Part or all of the paving can be left out and flowers and grass planted in the patio, and one owner has erected a fancy awning over it. This picture was taken just after finishing. Another few months will see this place a bower of beauty with shrubs and flowers. It is California modified Spanish in design and a winner. Eight Cost to build , ״ ״ _ ״ from $2275 to $2700 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List , . $20.00DESIGN NO. 315 This home is built right across the street from the preceding one, by the same owner. He sold both before completion. We do not know which is the best, as both contain all possible conveniences for a three-room home. No. 3 15 is a little plainer, with more severe lines, but certainly this is no drawback. Economy of cost and homey beauty are the predominating characteristics of both. You can not go wrong on either design. NineDESIGN NO. 316 HERE is the smallest and least expensive semi-colonial cottage we illustrate in this edition, but notwithstanding its size it has several features that are worthy of a more elaborate design. The attractive hooded entrance over the cement porch is thoroughly in keeping with the neatly mitred siding and shingled roof, slightly hipped at the gable ends. Inside is the large combination living and dining room with recess bed behind French doors. Large bed room and kitchen with built-ins and combination ironing board and breakfast table. The bath is conveniently arranged between screen porch and chamber. This home can be built on a thirty-foot lot. TenFLOOR PLAN i DESIGN NO. 317 iHE photo of this little bungalow shows what can be done for a small amount of money. While our estimates of cost will not apply in some parts of the East, several of these cosy little homes have just been completed locally at the lowest figure given. For a small family we cannot recommend this design too strongly. Note the fact that in this plan you do not have to go through the bed room to get to the bath from any other room, and that the door to the bath is not directly opposite the living room door. See how cleverly the closet is worked into the end of the hall and note the space saving design of the kitchen, nook and screen porch. Just our idea of a honeymoon cottage. Cos“°fr־m $2016 to $2300 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 ElevenANGELUS INTERIORS TwelveFLOOR PLAN A The DESIGN NO. il 7 excellent example of what can be done with a combination of stucco and siding. The low-pitched composition roof and neat corner boards give this place an air of comfort and hominess. four large rooms are conveniently arranged with a central hall leading from any one room into the bath, an “Angelus” feature that you will find in nearly all our plans. Splendid built-ins abound everywhere and the kitchen has the popular breakfast nook which is causing builders of small homes to abandon the dining room. Cos,,° ("Jm $2350 to $2700 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 ThirteenDESIGN NO. 118 HERE is a four-room stucco that has the appearance of a much larger home. The inside arrangement has the space and accommodations of a five-room house with all the comfortable “built-ins” included. Outside we have a good combination of straight line stucco with a low-pitch roof and arched porch. Note the neat patio off of the living room. We know of no better arranged four-room home for the money. FourteenFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 419 A‘BOWER OF BEAUTY” correctly describes this exquisite little home. Wide siding, graceful, well proportioned gables, neatly cut up sash with flower boxes and a wonderfully artistic fireplace chimney, all enhanced by the arrangement of the foliage, make nine out of ten people want to look inside whenever they see it. Step inside with us and see the four large, well-laid-out rooms with built-in conveniences galore. A pretty arch leads from living and dining room and all other rooms are but a step between, off the central hall. The designer of this home knows what a home should be. C-ost to build /־< \־x ! ✓-» <־x from $2900 to $3300 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 FifteenFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 420 A NOTHER one of those snappy little four-room stuccos, nearly the same floor plan as the preceding plan, but with an extra wall bed and real California Stucco outside design. The snowy-white plaster with forest green trimming makes this in every way a distinctive home and easily one of our best small stucco designs, and one that can take its proud place amongst a row of more expensive residences without suffering by comparison. C°st to (“$2890 ,״״ to $3160 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 SixteenFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 1,21 GIVING a foothold for all manner of clinging vines, the beautifully curved porch and chimney of this design provide a touch of character that is not often seen in a place so compact. Special care was taken in designing the rooms which go to make up this splendid four-room layout. Designing is the correct word-mere planning would never produce the results shown. Each room is complete. No guesswork here, not an unnecessary line drawn and not a line left out which would be needed to provide comfort and beauty. Mere words are inadequate. The photograph tells the story. Cos',ofruôm $2680 to $3075 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 SeventeenFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 422 A SNAPPY DESIGN, this, with the wonderfully arched porch and vitrified red brick chimney and red tile hood over the , front windows. The cement stucco exterior plaster is laid on diagonal sheathing, tarred felt and heavy wire. The shrubbery arrangement helps make this a show place in any community. Inside, our usual complete well-thought-out floor plan prevails, with nothing left out which will help the owner feel at home, or save the housewife extra steps. Provision is made for the guest to spend the night by the installation of an extra bed in the living room, behind artistic French doors. Cost to build from $2400 to $2750 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 EighteenDESIGN NO. 123 NO guesswork about whether this house will sell. We have had a wonderful number of compliments on it. It is typically bungalow in type with wide eaves, beams, shakes and cement plastered porch columns. Cut up enough to make the gables interesting, it also provides light on at lenst two sides of all the four large rooms. All kinds of pretty built-in work is specified and the irregular shape of the plan gives excellent opportunity for the owner to try his hand at landscape gardening. NineteenDESIGN NO. W FLOOR PLAN DIGNITY! That is what this little semi-colonial home says. Just enough curves to relieve its strictness. Trellises for vines are provided on the corners. Inside is one of the best four-room arrangements we have ever had the pleasure to present. Not an inch of lost space and everything big enough, and yet-------economy of cost. Study this well before you pass to another plan. It is hard to beat. Usual Angelus “built-ins” are all present. Cost to build . ~ from $2550 tO $2900 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 TwentyFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 425 THIS number is easily the most interesting four-room stucco we have in our files. It is a small edition of the Spanish Design that was awarded first prize in the California Stucco Home Contest. The treatment is superb and blends into an harmonious whole. The interior arrangement will delight the student of comfort—large, airy rooms, easily accessible, and numberless built-in features just about make this design irresistible to the lover of things unique. The wall and gate partially hide a rose garden at the side of the house, where afternoon gatherings may be had in shady comfort. Cosl to from $3200 to $3650 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List , . $20.00 Twenty-oneDESIGN NO. 126 SEARCH far and wide and it would be bard to find a more satisfactory bungalow for two or three people. Rough brick trimmed with cobbles for the large fireplace chimney and three porch columns add a pleasing touch to an otherwise distinctive exterior. Rough stained siding and white trim complete the picture. The plan looks like a five-room house and virtually is, although the space is but four. The large well-laid-out rooms with extra wall bed and breakfast nook is what does the trick. Our designer used all his ingenuity on this one. Cost to (1״m $2520 to $2880 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Twenty-twoA“ DESIGN NO. 427 BSOLUTELY different is this home. It has been called a triumph and is undeniably worthy of the term. Long, plain lines combined with slight curves and just enough “ginger bread’’ makes a happy assembly. It is stucco with a low-pitched three-ply composition and crushed red tile roof. The large ell-shaped porch will be wonderful on summer evenings and the interior carries out all our ideals of cozy comfort. Where could one find a simpler or more convenient room arrangement? We feel we have made no mistake in including this design in our book. Cost to build xz-,z^r from $2625 to $3025 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Twenty-threeFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 128 HERE is a miniature of the far-famed “aeroplane type” of home. Staggered shakes, individual cornice and fire wall and reverse curve porch roof, make this house one that passers-by invariably admire as something different. Nothing is left to the imagination inside. Four big rooms beautifully finished in ivory, and all modern built-ins, on which we specialize, makes us more than proud of this design. There are no flaws in number four twenty-eight. C°St l° from $2850 to $3260 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Twenty-fourANGELUS INTERIORS Twenty-fiveFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 501A THIS home in a slightly changed style, proved so immensely popular in our first edition that we have shown it here with a different floor plan, thus giving you a double choice in this beautiful Spanish home. It is so consistent in every line of the design from the semi-circle porch to the pickets in the fire-wall. Nothing jars on the artistic sense. The floor plan has six large, well-arranged rooms, with a lovely pergola terrace off of one chamber and the dining room. Angelus built-ins are everywhere in special designs. All who have built this design are enthusiastic boosters for Angelus Plans. Cost to build . . _ _ ״ _ ״ _ , ״ from $4750 to $5350 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Twenty-sixFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 502A Here is another that builders and home owners took to all over the country. We have enlarged the floor plan in this edition and shown the house from a different vantage point. We claim that it is without exception one of the finest examples of Rough Cast Spanish Stucco that we have ever seen. The floor plan has the commodious appearance of a mansion of much greater cost while hardwood floors, Southern Gum inside finish and tile bath and kitchen make it a delight to the owner. There are no ugly kinks in the design, all straight direct treatment, and its beauty lies in its very simplicity. You can not err in choosing this for your home. Cost to from $5500 to $6000 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Twenty-sevenFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 505A WE have reversed this house plan and increased the width of the front. In our first edition the plan was 24x36. If this proves as popular as No. 505 we will be hard pressed and keep enough blue prints in stock to fill the demand. Our files contain many plan variations for this exterior so that if the two shown in the two books are not just what you want, drop in the office and look over the variations. Many different stucco colors and woodwork trimmings are possible, any one of which will make it appear as a different house. It ha s been our “Star’ design. Cost to build i - . . ״ - from $4275 to $4850 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Twenty-eight■FLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 508A Here is nearly the same floor plan as the preceding, except that it is two feet narrower. Either exterior can be combined with either floor plan. By elimination and study these plans have been brought to a high degree of perfection so that no waste space occurs in any of our designs. We would rather redraw an entire set of plans than allow it to go before the public with some of the errors in design we see in numerous instances. This is a classy stucco and one which will grace the best of neighborhoods. Co־t '״ ÏÏ $3980 to $4350 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Twenty-nineFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 510A THIS home at first glance impresses one with its large area. Nevertheless, the floor plan is only 32 feet wide, which will go nicely on a 50-foot lot, with room for a large lawn. The exterior treatment of this Spanish example is superb, and the red tile roof in combination with the buff stucco plaster and striped awnings gives an air of prosperity to the place which surrounding homes will be unable to outclass. Study the arrangement of the six large rooms. Nothing has been forgotten to make them complete and easily accessible. We feel that this offering will meet with unqualified approval. Cost to build , A'l-nnn (rom $5395 to $5890 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 ThirtyFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 517 The light and cheerful aspect of this bungalow appeals to old and young like. There is a cozy old-fashionedness about the exterior that catches the more sedate, while the wealth of light and sunshine from the multitude of windows unites to make the interior most pleasing and attractive. It is a cheerful little house with a homey arrangement and porch effects. The novelty Redwood siding and casement windows and other bungalow features are here prominent. The porch and steps are cement. The floor plan is lovely and has immense closets and all built-ins. Cosl to from $3800 to $4290 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Thirty-oneThirty-two DESIGN NO. 518 SLIGHTLY French Renaissance in exterior, this stucco residence can not be beaten for distinctiveness. Poly-colored shingles cover the roof and the plastering is the interesting suction finish. The inside is bazarre, with the cozy sun room off the living room, which can be used as a breakfast room. All other rooms are large and have Angelus features wherever practical. Cost to build from $6390 tO $6780 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00DESIGN NO. 519 THIS is the writer’s ideal of a floor plan. The center living room with light at both ends and the rose arbor at the rear is about as homey a place as one can imagine. The other rooms are grouped in perfect array on either side and the large closets and casement windows appeal to one's love of sunlight. The exterior is simple Spanish, well balanced, and gives a large front appearance. This floor plan may be had with siding outside and pitch-roof under number 5 1 I in our “Angelus California Homes Book.’’ Send for it. Cost to from $4800 to $5090 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Thirty-threeFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 520 A TOTALLY different type of architecture and one that has wonderful possibilities. One can be sure of having a distinctive L home if he builds this one. The flat roof and wide eaves with the massive false columns on the corners combined with the plastered walls with tile insets, makes it a “thing of beauty and a joy forever.” The inside is “right.” Living room has a high beamed ceiling, the dining room a wide wood cove cornice, and all other rooms are finished according to the most particular taste. You feel naturally at home here as soon as your fancy wanders within the front doors. Cost to build , . , ״ a j zx from $4680 tO $4890 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Thirty-fourFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 521 HERE is a design borrowed from the Cliff Dwellers. The slightly Mission effect blends into the general scheme very handsomely. Note the steps going up to the flat deck above the dining room and kitchen. It is for use as a roof garden, with bright-colored awning to furnish shade. The living room is large enough for many gay dancing parties and the chambers and bath are out of the way at the rear. This is a hard plan to beat and one which is not seen on every street corner. Cos"°f± $5410 to $5800 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Thirty-fiveFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 522 This is our Stucco Gem. We do not know of another which can compare with it for quiet grace. The plain, though rich treatment of the white stucco, lends an air of calm dignity, as though it knew itself to be just proper. We have had to design three, four, five and six-room plans for this number as well as a superb bungalow court. Hardwood and tile throughout and Tiffany wall finishes makes a wonderland of the well-planned interior. Mere words fail to do justice to this prince of homes. Cost to build , . ״ . _ . . from $4240 tO $4510 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Thirty-sixDESIGN NO. 523 WE like the straight lines and curves of this home. Plenty of fancy work without making it freaky. The comfortable arched porch and cement terrace tend to enlarge the front appearance. Gray stucco and red Spanish tile is nice in this design, although many are using more vivid colors on the exteriors. A nice cozy arrangement within, with all necessary built-in features makes this design one we should study well before passing on to another. It is a very pretentious home. Cost *° f± $4810 to $5260 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Thirty-sevenDESIGN NO. 524 THIS beautiful design is a sister to the most popular home in America, and while differing from her sister in some respects, has many advantages in her own name that will repay careful consideration. The porch piers and buttresses are clinker brick with cement caps. The house is sided with No. 1 narrow Redwood siding. The porch floor is cement. All points of the exterior are worthy of study, the unique gable trim and the Swiss brackets. The plan calls for five rooms with large closets. The bedrooms are all closely connected by the hall off which are the dining room and bath. More than the usual amount of cabinet space is provided and a large laundry room off the rear screen porch. Thirty-eight Cost to build . o _ z, ~ from $3730 tO $4200 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00DESIGN NO. 525 WE thought so highly of this beautiful stucco gem that we have used it for our cover cut. Look far and wide and you will not find a typically California Spanish type that can surpass No. 525. It is fancy, true, but with an air of strict propriety that makes it a wonderful example of what can be done without becoming tawdry. The interior follows the good old standard five-room arrangement, which has more admirers than any other five-room plan on the market. We originated it years ago and it has stood the test of time. Angelus built-ins abound here. It is the house for home or quick resale. A winner from the word go.FLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 526 ANOTHER of those totally different stucco residences. A happy / \ blending of hip, lean-to and flat roof design. The circle top X JL living room windows with the high ceilings are very distinctive. The rooms are all large with every modern convenience. A side terrace makes the dining room an outside room if one wishes to throw wide the beautiful French doors. The front terrace has an iron railing and entrance doors from the living room. On the whole, the plan and exterior treatment are original and not to be found everywhere. It is, as are all the others in our publication, our own design. forty Cost to build A>A-rr\s\ a. r r from $4700 to $5350 Pri ce of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00DESIGN NO. 527 Here is a house of half timbered English type. This style of architecture is becoming very popular throughout the country. Note the brick veneer and steep pitch roof with broken slant. The floor plan is unusually roomy for a five-room house. All snappy Angelus built-ins are here, as usual. It is a very handsome residence. Forty-oneFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 528 SPANISH in design, from the tile roof to the cement terrace. , Rough cast stucco outside, arched windows and front fireplace make this a house fit to grace any street. It is a five-room home, but by cutting a door from the living room into the large closet a wall bed can be installed which will add another sleeping room at no additional cost. All rooms are commodious, and the ample windows and other modern conveniences make this design a happy combination of old and new world architecture. Study this plan. You will discover new points of interest at each glance. Cost to build i , z from $4620 to $4980 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Forty-twoFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 529 VERY bizarre in appearance, with curved eaves and poly-colored shingles, but likewise very handsome. Even the odd design is carried out in the way the windows are cut up. The floor plan is distinctive, from the tile inglenook in the living room to the way the bathroom is worked in at the rear. The bedrooms have immense closets and the breakfast nook and large rear screen porch complete a very useful design. Cost to build $52g0 to $567Q Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . , $20.00 Forty-threeFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 530 THIS design is typically Spanish, from the square walls, the tile roof over the porch to the awnings. It will go nicely on a 50-foot lot, and would be especially attractive on a corner lot. The floor plan is cut up enough to make it interesting, with the dining room with windows on 3 sides, to the ample bedrooms with large closets and bath between. Overly generous cupboard space is provided in the kitchen. An altogether sensible and charming example of a California Spanish stucco. Cost to build . . z , ~ from $4200 to $4610 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Forty-fourFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 531 WHAT has been said of other Spanish homes applies forcibly to this design. The red tile roof and shed effect over the en-entrance door is very pleasing. The walled cement terrace and arched windows only tend to enhance the value of the rough cast cement stucco finish. This home is designed for an inside lot, and the gates by the driveway are pleasing. Five large rooms are laid out with a scheme that shows that the designer had the real “home” feeling as he worked. The well known Angelus built-ins and oak floors throughout give an air of quiet refinement that one loves. Cost to build . . i r\ from $4490 to $4970 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Forty-fiveFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 532 HERE is an odd design, but very distinctive. Plenty of variation in ideas, but from a strict standpoint, very plain. Not at all tiresome though, as different interesting kinks are seen at every glance. The inside treatment is unusual. Three rooms across the front with sufficient French doors to afford plenty of light. The kitchen, bath and chambers are conveniently arranged and the usual built-in features prevail. A large cement terrace provides room for potted plants, and the cement stucco can be colored to blend beautifully with all manner of handsome flowers and shrubs. Cost to build A 4־׳i 1 a . ! . r>. (rom $4210 to $4490 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Forty-sixDESIGN NO. 533 SO many have admired this house with a four-room plan--No. 401 in our previous edition that we have felt it a loss not to present you with a five-room plan to suit. Here it is, and we feel that it will commend itself favorably without any explanatory words from us. However, we can say in passing that we believe it would be hard to find a more lovely treatment of the Spanish idea. Everything about it is worthy of the stamp of approval. Cost to build from $4590 to $4910 Forty-seven Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00FLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 534 AN unusual combination of ideas makes this home one that will stand out in any neighborhood. Nothing about it is tiresome. L The roof has been handled in a convincing manner, the small shed over the entrance doors breaking the front slope. Two pairs of French doors lead in off the terrace, which allows the living room to be made almost an outdoor room on pleasant summer days, with the added attraction of being in the shade. The balance of the interior is roomy and well laid out, fireplace, bookcases and desk, spacious closets and cupboards of Angelus design, and a convenient screen porch laundry room. Wall paper to harmonize with a silver gray enamel, and white enamel kitchen and bath makes of this home one of great charm and elegance. Cost to build A* A 1 f\ k A A 1 from $4130 tO $4410 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Forty-eightT FLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 535 ,HIS is a cousin to our cover cut. The floor plans are nearly !like, but reversed. The outside appearance is a bit more conservative, but handsome withal. Note the arch over the driveway. A good point in its favor is the extra wide appearance it gives to the house. Everything is built according to very rigid specifications and you may be sure of a home that will stand the test of time in building this design. CZ-OSt to t)Ulld a /־־•v /׳ /"\ A ,4 1 /TA from $3960 to $4190 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Forty-nin«DESIGN NO. 536 FLOOR PLAN THIS residence has a Belgian flavor, gained by closely cut eaves, vertical panels and brick facing and steps. It is a beauty, and to pick it as one’s home shows a grasp of the aesthetic which your friends will compliment you on. The interior has been laid out for a real home. Nothing cramped about it and every comfort and convenience has been thought of. Angelus built-in features are all here, from the ironing board to the writing desk. We feel this plan is hard to beat, and expect it to receive more than its share of attention. Cost to build . ~ _ ״ from $3990 to $4330 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List , . $20.00 FLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 537 ONE of the members of the firm is building this house for himself. After seeing so many hundreds of beautiful homes, does it not speak well for this one to have this distinction? He likes it for the intensely homey appearance, which has been gained by the use of the wide eaves, low pitch and rough siding, with mitered corners. The floor plan is a whole story in itself and worthy of a great deal of study. We think it is a wonder and can easily say that the designer created a masterpiece of planning. Every touch possible to make it a home of refinement and charm has been given it, and the benefit of his almost uncanny “home feeling” has been given to you in this design. Cos,tofru־m $3820 to $4130 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Fifty-oneFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 538 HERE is a good team mate for No. 533. A little plainer, but beautiful in its own right. Homes like these sell before completion. Note the cement patio on the side; and the small arched entrance porch and wonderful terrace. It leads us inside, and a floor plan that is almost an exact duplicate of No. 502-A a bit smaller because the outside of the house has not quite the massive appearance. It is in reality a six-room plan, but we have called it a five. We have to hustle to keep this plan in stock, so many are the orders for it under various exteriors. Cost to build . - , nr. J,r from $5180 to $5490 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Fifty-twoDESIGN NO. 539 A WIDE lot is necessary, but what a beauty is this red and white design. Flat roof and tile cornice. Square lines and dignity. You instinctively know that a man of wealth and success lives here. And it is not expensive. In fact, quite a bit lower in cost than many others. From a resale standpoint this home has no peers. It sells and sells fast. Take a walk through the various large rooms and see how well everything blends. Accessibility, comfort and roominess here abide, and we have left out no possible built-in features.WE would like you to just have a talk with the folks who have built and are living in this wonderful architectural triumph. If you took their word for it, you would not look further. The house is a revelation of new ideas brought to a happy conclusion. Slate surface shingles with roll eaves, roof partly hipped and a wealth of windows make this very close to perfection, if such a thing is possible. Certainly we know of no ideas that could improve the floor plan, and we must judge the exterior by the hundreds of admirers. We shall be pleased to furnish the address of this home to anyone desiring to inspect it. We know that if you once go through it as it is built you will be unable to see any other. DESIGN NO. 540 Cost to build $4130 to $4360 from Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Fifty-fourFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 541 The exterior of this beautiful home is a strikingly attractive combination of vari-colored cobblestones and clinker brick for the walls of the porch and the chimney, jazz shingled walls and heavy pergola. The shingles are painted a light forest green and the trimmings a warm brown. Cobblestones properly selected and laid up are very artistic, but the use of native materials, like any other good thing, can be overdone. One must have a good understanding of the eternal fitness of things” or a rustic effect among other styles will look out of place. The living room is large and well lighted, connected to the dining room by a large arch. The dining room has an extra large buffet under the windows, and all other rooms are roomy and conveniently laid out. Costtof,"״m $3890 to $4120 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Fifty-fiveDESIGN NO. 5i2 THE "house of mystery” ably describes this design. There is a touch of mystery about it that makes us want to look within. It belongs to the Spanish order and the finishing touches are the built up gable ends, red tile roof and bandsawed brackets. The floor plan is a five-room arrangement that has been well studied. Extra large rooms, with a blind mantel in the living room for gas heater, although the regular brick fireplace may be substituted. Angelus built-ins, of course. We never forget them whenever practical to include. Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Fifty-sixFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 543 THIS home is a variation of our No. 501-A, which has been very popular. It ranks well as an example of California Spanish, that type that was born in Southern California and has spread all over the country. It is plain, neat and rich, and has a very wide appearance for a house which is really narrow enough for a 40-foot lot. The room arrangement is “just right” and shows conscientious effort to give large, well lighted rooms for economy of construction. Note the immense living room all across the front, and the 3 sets of entrance doors. Some wonderfully happy gatherings can be held in this large room. Cost tO blllld ! ■־/ (־׳\ z־\ A s״l A f\ from $3990 to $4340 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Fifty-sevenDESIGN NO. 5H WE know at a glance that here is an interesting home. The porch treatment by the use of brick is very different. Large windows make it a bower of sunlight and the stairway off the entry hall leads to a roomy attic that can be finished into a couple of extra bedrooms. The corner fireplace in the living room is nice and does not cost as much to build as one on an outer wall. All rooms are large, with every built-in convenience, as usual with Angelus plans. Fifty-eightFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 515 WE love this place. It is our idea of a real homey home. The grand porch and French windows are seldom met with in greater number. In fact, the tendency seems to be to cut down the size of porches. The typical bungalow, however, has big porches, and that is what this is. The floor plan is square and roomy. Five big rooms, well supplied with windows. Square edge, mitered siding covers the outer walls, and rough timbers form the porch posts. The two little “eyebrows’ on the roofs are interesting and relieve the monotony of an otherwise bleak expanse of roof. Note the flare of the siding at the bottom of the walls. It is different and distinctive. Cost *״ f± $3520 to $3890 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Fifty-nineFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 546 T IH1S stucco is beautiful. It is colored in two colors by the use of “slap work.” The tile roof is vari-colored and the ensemble is well worth the effort used to make the home distinctive. It looks the part of prosperity. The combination of gables and hips on the roof is impressive and fittingly crowns the offset features of the floor plan. Much care has been used to insure spaciousness in this home and it is replete with happy surprises as you study it. Cost to build . r from $5020 to $5530 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 SixtyDESIGN NO. 51,7 Avery substantial looking house, with lots of big windows and brick edged cement terrace. The pergola is neat on the driveway side. The roof has been worked out to give a nicely cut up effect to a rather square floor plan. It takes real ingenuity to design a good looking roof and one that suits the balance of a house. It is like suiting a man's face with his hat. The plan shows thought. It is as well arranged as is possible to make it. No useless steps or dead spaces to run up the cost. Everything has been very cleverly worked out. Sixty-oneFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 548 WE like this place, with its long, graceful curves on roof sweeps. It is a snappy combination of pitch roof and stucco. Note the nice arrangement of the arched porch and cement terrace. The grounds need more foliage, but sunshine and water will remedy this lack. Much can be done to set this home off by proper landscaping. The floor plan needs no comment; a careful study will tell you more than we have space to print. As usual, we have given it the same amount of careful designing which brands our plans as “the best on the market” by all who have used them. Cost f± $4320 to $4590 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Sixty-tieoFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 549 Nestling amongst grand old walnut trees, this beautifully laid out stucco home is a real source of pride to the owner. It is worthy of a prize in any contest, with its tile, judiciously used, its large French windows and its unique floor plan. All the bedrooms at the rear. Observe the unusual treatment of the living room, with its beautiful fireplace and seats at one end and the alcove with desk and bookcases next to the vestibule. We are very proud of this exhibit and feel that everything possible has been done to make it a real home. Cost to build J, . nr\r\ j. r t r\ from $4890 to $5420 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Sixty-threeFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 550 HERE is a conservative house of wide siding, painted all in white. The floor is actually two feet above grade, our standard practice, but the owner has filled in in front of the bay French doors to suit his own individual taste. Lots of light and all possible built-ins stamp this house as one which gets away from the freaky and still is not of stereotyped design. We feel that it is an offering which will please the more sedate of our customers. Cost to build a. An r\r a. a r r from $4305 to $4585 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Sixty-fourDESIGN NO. 551 SOMETHING must be wrong with the observer who fails to find points of interest in this Spanish home. Arches and straight lines blended harmoniously with flat and pitch roofs make of it one endless source of new views. It looks different from every angle, and all views are pleasing. The floor plan has been beautifully worked out with wide plaster cove ceilings, hardwood floors, numerous big closets and labor saving built-ins. The shower in the bath is a clever innovation, and a wonderful cabinet with long mirror in the end wall makes shaving or kindred daily habits a pleasure. One must study a long time to come to the end of the series of pleasant surprises this plan presents. Co־t'° frJm $4450 to $4890 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Sixty-jiveDESIGN NO. 552 WE present here a typical Spanish stucco of the slight Mission order. It has been a very popular design in every locality. Many slight variations of this exterior are possible while building, making each house individual and distinctive. The floor plan is standard and the most popular five-room arrangement in America. We have it in various widths, from 24 feet wide up to 36 feet, giving you correspondingly increased size of rooms. It has an abundance of light and air. Cost to build -i. from $4020 tO $4390 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Sixty-sixDESIGN NO. 553 THE artistic roof treatment and pergola covered terraces with trellises is what makes this the “house beautiful.” Note the Frensh doors into the living room. Neat, narrow redwood siding painted with, with cream trimmings, makes the passerby stop and take a second look at this house. The roof is shingled and has pitch enough to go well in snowy countries. The interior is all that can be desired. A wonderful living room and large chambers and bath, combined with a complete cabinet kitchen, is a layout that will delight the discriminating housewife. It will be a joy to keep house here. Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Sixty-sevenFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 554 How are we going to find words to adequately describe this beautiful Mission bungalow? We feel that the language of pictures can do more than our poor literary efforts in telling you the story. Arches and tile, gray rough cast plaster and a floor plan and pergola terrace that cannot be improved upon is the sum and substance of the narrative. Study it yourself. You will find small room for criticism here. Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Sixty-eightDESIGN NO. 555 A BSOLUTELY different and distinctive is this home. And it looks / \ to be twice the size that it really is. One has to admire its JL V natty appearance. It is proud of its position as without a superior in any company. Glance at the plan. There is nothing wrong here. All big rooms closely arranged for easy access from the hall, large closets, and a fine, big kitchen, nook and cupboards. A recess buffet has been placed in the dining room and all other rooms have Angelus built-ins in completeness. Nothing cramped about this home. The pride of ownership is evidenced by the well kept lawn. Sixty-nineFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 556 Now we come to the most typically Angelus home in the book. We have striven to give the public a series of distinctive ideas that work in close harmony and never conflict. This slate surface shingled residence, with its cut back gable ends, arches and smooth white plaster walls, we feel is worthy of a place in any community. The floor plan is all that could be desired and every item is cleverly worked in with no lost space. We have provided all necessary built-ins and hardwood floors in our specifications. Cost to build a j < -»z\ . . _ ״ ״ from $4120 tO $4580 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 SeventyANGELUS INTERIORS Seventy-oneFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 611 YOU may search a long time to find a finer looking stucco home than this one. The owner recently completed it from our plans, especially designed for him. He is an Eastern man, built his home in the East, and he knows good architecture. He is perfectly satisfied with this home. It speaks well for our service. He is one of many. Slate surface shingles with roll edges were used on the roof. The floor plan shows what can be done with reasonable width and careful planning. Six large rooms, pantry, bath and large laundry porch. Specially designed inside fixtures and all possible care used on the finishing and decorating. We are proud of being able to present this home as a stock plan. Cost to build j.xrr»z\ a׳^z-»z-»zx from $6580 to $7230 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Seventy-twoDESIGN NO. 612 A MOST beautiful two-story Spanish home of six splendid rooms. This is the finest example we have of a stucco residence from » a standpoint of architecture. It combines every idea in a comprehensive manner, from arches to tile. The interior is sup erb, the fireplace and stairway being especially worthy of attention. Large rooms and built-in features abound. All detail has been carefully watched and work together into harmony of ideas. We cannot too strongly recommend your full consideration of this beautiful place for your home. Cost from $5840 to $6230 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Seventy-threeFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 613 THIS is a cousin of our No. 502-A, and is a fine relative. What has been said of the former applies strongly to this design. You will find either residence will be a source of great pride to the owner. This type of house can be adapted to any climate and there is no better floor plan than the one shown on this page. With the proper study of interior decorating, one can have a mansion here that cannot be surpassed by any home, regardless of cost. Cost tO build a, a r from $4500 to $5090 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Seventy-fourDESIGN NO. 614 HERE’S a good, conservative type of house, with big, cement porch, lots of windows and sensible shingled roof. It is slightly Colonial in appearance, and the wide steps leading to the porch, together with the slightly hipped gables, give it just enough "pep.” The floor plan has six big rooms, sensibly laid out with ample closet space and a nice array of Angelus built-ins. Hardwood floors and careful attention to interior decorating makes this home one which your friends will love to enter. Cost tO build a a. r 1 from $4700 to $5120 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Seventy-fiveFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 615 THIS has been called the prettiest cut in our book. While it may not be the prettiest, it is, however, hard to beat. It has the large appearance which goes with a family of means and refinement. It is indeed difficult to pick out a design that has any greater number of points of interest. The plan also is worthy of study and has gained that most difficult end, the successful grouping of six rooms without leaving some waste space. That is our chief object in all our designs, and how well we have attained our aims is evidenced by the plans themselves. We feel very proud of this one. Cost to build a r -rr\z\ a /■ r r\ from $5790 to $6250 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Seventy-sixDESIGN NO. 616 THIS home stands out in any locality as totally different. The jazz roof and rough cast plaster, together with the expert balancing of the ideas, makes it a home that will be talked about. The criticism will be favorable we are sure. Six extra large rooms, with a charming ell-shaped living room and lots of closets, arches, French doors and oak floors, not to mention the over-abundance of casement sash, leaves little to be desired in the way of a plan. This design was checked with more than the usual care, and we feel that nothing superfluous has gotten by our rigid inspection. C°5‘$5380 to $5990 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Seventy-sevenFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 617 TO use a slang expression, this one is a “bear.” And the term is not so far fetched at that. It originated in the “Bear” State and has the large, strong appearance of that animal. Half timbered English type, with rather a steep shingled roof commends it as a house that will stand well in any clime. The floor plan is nearly square, well grouped and roomy. No effort has been spared to make it six rooms of comfort, and the result is here submitted for your approval. It has all necessary built-ins and the inside decorating is strikingly attractive. CZost to build i »■ /־־> w 4 from $5250 to $5840 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Seventy-eightFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 618 HERE'S one of our choicest six-room stucco homes. It is really quite plain in design, but the large arched porch “does something" to it which raises it out of the ordinary. Large, well kept grounds show it off to advantage, and the white stucco and red tile area fitting combination. The floor plan is admirably treated and much study is evidenced in the convenience of the room arrangement and grouping. The more one studies this plan, the more delightful it becomes. There is room for everything here for a large family. We don’t believe it could be improved upon. C°st ‘° $5820 to $6430 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Seventy-nineFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 619 ANOTHER of those pretty Colonials. There is nothing about this type of house which ever gets tiresome. This one in par- L ticular has many new features to gain an d hold your interest. The curved break in the front roof slope, the half hipped gables, large terraces and pillared porch, combined with the extra wide siding and awnings, are but a few of its interesting features. Inside we find six big rooms, all assembled sensibly for easy access around the central hall. Large closets and Angelus built-ins abound. Hardwood floors and discriminating taste in decorating will make this home supreme on any street. Cost to t)Ulld ! ■■ /׳\ z~v A* r* r״ from $5080 to $5520 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . , $20.00 EightyDESIGN NO. 620 THIS is a two-story place and a good one. It is neat and wholesome in appearance with nothing freaky to mar its beauty. The outside is snowy white, with green painted shingles, and the addition of a little more foliage in the grounds will place it in a class by itself. No comment is needed to show the charm of the interior. Three large chambers and a bath upstairs, and living and dining room and kitchen below are all expertly arranged to give a maximum of convenience and minimum of expense. All modern features and a beautifully designed staircase are here to be found. Eighty-oneFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 621 WE gave the architect who laid out this plan particular credit for the distinctive results he gained. Seldom have we seen a more complete and satisfying floor plan of six rooms. It is essentially a home for a large corner lot, and here it stands supreme. You feel instinctively “at home’’ as you study the floor arrangement. The specifications carry out the idea of luxury which is demanded by the outside appearance of this design. If you have a corner lot and desire this size of home, here is one which will bear careful consideration. Co־"°S $5280 to $5980 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Eighty-twoDESIGN NO. 622 This is a slightly different treatment of our most popular stucco design. We have had more calls for this house and its cousins than any other in our files. The floor plan has been varied slightly in each instance, as has the exterior, but the basic arrangement of rooms seems to please the greatest majority. The handsome tile roof and rough cast stucco walls and the tower over the porch give it that touch of distinction that we look for. All the rooms are large, with lots of light and numerous built-in features. It is a design that is hard to beat. Eighty-threeFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 623 A STRIKING presentation of a Spanish stucco in combination with a shingle roof. This is without question a wonderful house, as will be seen by a glance at the floor plan. We feel that in offering this home to the public as a stock plan and at a stock plan price, we are giving you more real value for your money than has ever before been offered. Did you ever see a more beautifully cut up design still maintain the element of smoothness that this one has? All the various rooms blend with one another and with the exterior; for instance, the tower effect over the music room, with the raised ceiling to provide proper acoustics. Note the battery of windows in the living room and the numerous entrances. Words alone will not suffice to do justice to this design. Cost to build . z - - ~ _ X-, ~ zx from $6550 to $7320 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Eighty-fourFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 621 A HALF-TIMBERED English home with clinker brick used with fine judgment. The massive effect gained in the fireplace chimney is merely a crowning bit of good design to blend well with the arched entrance. The steep gables and shingled roof painted hunter green put a finishing touch on the well laid out floor plan. The rooms are all large and convenient, while Angelus built-in and stepsaving innovations are everywhere to be found. This is one of our best examples of this type of home. Cost,ofruom $5500 to $6150 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Eighty-fiveEighty-six DESIGN NO. 625 HERE is rather a plain design of Spanish home which adheres strictly to the type: the long roof of tile, combined with the numerous arches, carry out the Old Spanish theories. Even the windows are arch top, while terraces and porches all work in admirably. Six large rooms comprise the floor plan, which is wonderfully arranged with the sleeping quarters at the rear, another inheritance from the land of the guitar. Modern in its adherence to the built-in conveniences of our particular designing, however, so that the old world is blended with the new in delightful harmony. You have here a real Spanish home.DESIGN NO. 626 A SIX-ROOM Colonial that has taken extra well. The unusual roof treatment, trellises and flower boxes bring back a mem-. ory of Dixie. Note the pretty box cornice and how the Colonial idea is carried out even to the cutting up of the windows. The floor plan is well laid out with large rooms and lots of closets. Three big bedrooms are well grouped and insure ample sleeping space for a large family. The designer has maintained a regular shape in the floor plan which keeps down the cost of construction; still he has cleverly cut up the roof to get a distinctive exterior. Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Eiglity-sevenDESIGN NO. 701 WHERE else could you go to find plans for a seven-room mansion like this for $20.00. Nowhere it isn’t done. But we are doing it, as we feel secure that our intense study of design will meet with the approval of the man who has the money to build this class of home. No matter what price one pays for special plans, he cannot get more real value, more admirable grouping of rooms, or more superb outside treatment than we here present. Immense volume of business is the answer. We, or no one else, could do it without. Study this design carefully and you will not want to pass it up. Eiglity-eightFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 702 WHAT has been said of the preceding design applies to all the seven-room homes shown herein, in regard to value. Here is another that stands apart as a landmark in any locality. It is a magnificent Spanish example and can not be excelled in its type for any sum of money. The floor plan is a wonder of symmetry for so large a residence. Study it well; you will find it a very interesting design. Cost '° from $8730 to $9800 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Eighty-nineDESIGN NO. 703 THIS one is good. Tile hips, gables and towers all blended in perfect harmony with the long French windows and smooth stucco walls. The same careful attention and details have been given this home that prevail in all our work. Note the ease of access of all the rooms on the floor plan. Note the large closets, built-in necessities, oak floors, distinctive treatment of the arched side porch and terrace. In fact, study as you will, there will be nothing found in the assembly of ideas that is not in perfect accord with good architecture, and that is what the name “Angelus Architectural Service Co.” stands for. NinetyDESIGN NO. 704 THE last of the sevens, but not the least. This home might well be the home of a millionaire, nevertheless the man who is only part way to that goal can afford to build it and feel that he has attained the greatest blessing of that state, a magnificent home for his family. What we have said of other seven-room homes holds good in this case with equal force. It is just a gift for you at the price asked for the plans, and a gift with us to be able to turn out such admirable designs. Larger homes than this demand special designing and we have yet to find the client who did not leave our offices perfectly satisfied with our services. CZ-O S t to t)Ulid a >■ «■ ! x x r■ x\ from $6025 to $6650 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $20.00 Ninety-oneDESIGN NO. 391 (DUPLEX BUNGALOW) HERE’S a three-room duplex that should suit the most exacting critic. The Spanish treatment on this house is superb, with every line carried to complete harmony with the whole. The floor plan, too, has been a source of many compliments to the designer and is a “knockout” for a three-room design. Nothing consistent with space-saving ideas has been neglected and we feel confident that you will join the ranks of satisfied owners of this fine income property. Inside finish and built-in stuff is all here and the specifications are rigid but not elaborate. Economy of building cost has been carefully considered without sacrificing quality. Ninety-twoFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 392 (duplex bungalow) ,4 TTRACTIVENESS and distinction in every line. We are not / \ afraid to submit this double. It is neat, different and a fine X Jl addition to any neighborhood. Very little need be said in regard to the revenue to be derived from this class of rental property. It has never been known to lose, and as a resale proposition stands at the head of the list. We have various combinations of floor plans and exteriors, so that we can furnish a certain plan with nearly any photograph in the book for no extra expense. The floor arrangements have all been tried out and found satisfactory. No trouble has been experienced in renting or leasing before the paint is dry. CZ- OSt to build ! a r* zK a /~v from $4590 to $4920 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $3 0.00 Ninety-threeDESIGN NO. 393 (DUPLEX BUNGALOW) AVERY handsome stucco duplex and one which has the appearance of a much larger place. It will do well on a 50-foot lot . with room for a nice driveway down the side. The floor arrangement is ideal and we can furnish plans for this as shown or with four and five rooms to a side. Our success and selection of duplexes is a big word among builders in this vicinity. We are known to have the greatest collection of beautiful designs in this territory; we almost feel safe in saying, in the whole country. Xinet !/-fourDESIGN NO. 394 (DUPLEX BUNGALOW) THIS three-room duplex has been built successfully in less exclusive neighborhoods, although it is really good looking enough to take its rank among the better class of residences. We strove to design a small size place and how well we succeeded will be seen from the photograph and floor plan. It appears as a single residence. The exterior is neat but very economical and the large rooms are well placed to get the best results. Built-in features add to the convenience, and those who have built this design have suggested no alterations, and this is a very good test of a set of plans. Large revenue from a small investment is the principal advantage to be derived from building this design. Ninety-fiveDESIGN NO. 395 (DUPLEX BUNGALOW) AVERY handsome and distinctive design which has one entrance porch and has the appearance of a single bungalow. This k plain white stucco with brick porch wall has gone well with builder and investors. The floor plan is very roomy for a three-room layout, having extra wall beds in the living rooms. All modern built-ins are specified and detailed in all our duplex plans. As complete and painstaking effort is used here as in single residences, regardless of price. FLOOR PLAN Cos"°from $5360 to $5800 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $30.00 Ninel y-aixFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. ¿90 (DUPLEX BUNGALOW) A FOUR-ROOM duplex of charm. The unique treatment of the wall tops, with 4-inch plaster reveal, and the brick edged porch b and the hood over the front windows, makes an excellent example of Spanish architecture modified to California ideas. The floor plan is very roomy and wide, being 36 feet over all. It requires a 50-foot lot to show to advantage, but wherever built has proven a source of good revenue to the owner. Cost to tom $6490 to $7080 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $30.00 Ninety-sevenDESIGN NO. 491 (DUPLEX BUNGALOW) THIS four-room duplex bungalow was designed to go on a thirty-foot lot, making it a wonderful revenue producer from a rental standpoint. The design is slightly Colonial in effect and the round columns on the cement porches, with small box cornice roofs slightly hipped and with slate surface shingles, make of this place one which will always look attractive. The inside detail has been worked out with a great deal of careful study. Wall beds are in every room except kitchen, which is fitted with cabinets to a high degree of efficiency. All interior work is careful and neat and the most modern finish and decorations have been specified. We cannot too highly praise this duplex for a narrow lot. Ninety-eightDESIGN NO. 492 (duplex bungalow) ANOTHER neat four-room duplex of Spanish design. It is some-/ \ what wider than the preceding one, making the rooms a little larger. This is a beautiful place, as will be seen from the photograph, and one should have no trouble in obtaining tenants at very attractive rentals. The red tile over the front windows relieves the straight lines and the pure white stucco makes this a very striking house and a credit to any district. The inside arrangement is as convenient as is possible to make it, and “Angelus” built-in features abound. As with all our homes, nothing but the best class of construction is specified and the owner is allowed wide latitude in his choice of interior decorations. A really profitable investment. Ninety-nineDESIGN NO. 493 (DUPLEX BUNGALOW) DISTINCTION in every phase, this house needs no description and I certainly no undue effort to sell it. Word pictures are all right in lots of cases, but the clear-cut photograph on this page tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It is ,‘right.” Brick, siding and shingles, Queen Anne casement sash and a floor plan that will get you tenants by showing the blue prints. If you can find one fault with this design you have done better than any other critic. We checked it well and it passed. One HundredFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 191 (DUPLEX BUNGALOW) IT is so difficult to find suitable remarks to describe each and every duplex we have submitted that we feel like saying, “See all other designs with the first ‘write-up’ and let it go at that.” You will have to be your own author more or less as the writer has run out of phrases, where the subject treated is so well covered by the photo and plans. However, here is a very strict treat-California stucco, de- signed to fit on a 40-foot lot. It has four large rooms on each side and all Angelus built-ins. We have this front with several different room arrangements. from $5580 to $5970 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $3 0.00 Hundred and OneDESIGN NO. 495 (DUPLEX BUNGALOW) THIS has been called our “Duplex De Luxe,” and certainly it is the most distinctive one we have in our files. It is accompanied by a floor plan that is absolutely without an equal. We have every reason to feel that this plan arrangement is our best, inasmuch as we have had more requests for it in combination with other interiors than any other duplex plan in our files. The exterior also has come in for its share of changes. Many wishing to build three rooms to a side and cheapen the cost of construction. Any way you take it is a winner. Hundred and TwoFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 196 (DUPLEX BUNGALOW) HERE’S another winner. Nothing tiresome about this design. The steep pitch hood roofs over the entrance doors and the built-up front wall relieve the “ensemble” of any monotony. Slate surfaced composition shingles are used on the hoods and a rigid specification for the three-ply flat roof has been compiled. The floor plan is unusual for a four-room—two bed rooms and a wall bed in the living room. Lots of places to sleep and all required built-ins. Full cabinet kitchen, breakfast nook and large closets complete an altogether charming design. FLOOR PLAN Cos* *° from $6020 to $6390 Price of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $3 0.00 Hundred and ThreeDESIGN NO. 197 (DUPLEX BUNGALOW) WE are very proud of what has been done with this design. It is an adaptation from one of our most popular five-room stucco residences, viz., No. 501-first edition, No. 501 A, this book. If any duplex can really be said to appear as a single residence, this one does. You will find the floor plan very interesting, also, with a centrally located bath room and large bed closet in the living room. An artistic plaster mantel for gas heater is also specified, doing away with the extra expense of two brick chimneys. H undred and FourDESIGN NO. 198 (DUPLEX BUNGALOW) Ethe picture tell the story, is our best advice in this offering. We consider it one of the neatest, classiest little stucco duplexes we have. Just enough “ginger bread” on the porch and main walls to create a pleasing difference. The tile over the windows is also pleasing. The floor plan is a sensible layout of four nice rooms to each side. One can be sure of quick rentals or an almost certain resale on a building of this design. It is a typical California Spanish. Hundred and HiveDESIGN NO. 499 (DUPLEX BUNGALOW) A COLONIAL DUPLEX. What could be nicer? A well cut up roof, neat Redwood siding, casement cash and trellises and , flower boxes. A floor plan that is right for a forty-foot lot, well laid out with a bed room at the rear that can be rented separately from the rest of the apartment. Angelus built-ins in every conceivable place, wall bed and plaster mantel. This design completes the selection of different types of exteriors for duplexes. Remember, we have innumerable combinations of plans and exteriors that we have been unable to show here. Hundred and SixFLOOR PLAN DESIGN NO. 43F (FOUR FAMILY FLAT) HAVING started out to present one hundred new and distinctive designs to the public, we found so many before we got to flats that No. 100 is ‘‘it.” Let us say for the benefit of those who have not found the class of rental property they desire within our covers, that we have on file in our offices many other flats, 2-story duplexes, bungalow courts in single and multiple units in various widths, lengths and types, and it is always a pleasure to have a chat with you in regard to your ideas. Talking with us incurs no obligation whatsoever. We are here, first, last and all the time with ‘‘complete service to the builder. ’ We might add with a smile. The end. Costt°f± $13,370 to $13,980 Pri ce of Plans, Specifications and Material List . . $40.00 Hundred and SevenHAMMOND LUMBER COMPANY 2010 SOUTH ALAMEDA STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Saivmills at SAMOA, CALIFORNIA; ASTORIA AND MILL CITY, OREGON CUT—1,000,000 FEET PER DAY WHOLESALE YARD AT TERMINAL ISLAND (EAST SAN PEDRO), CALIFORNIA RETAIL YARDS AT LOS ANGELES AND 21 OTHER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA POINTS SASH AND DOOR FACTORY AT LOS ANGELES Lumber Interior Finish Roofing (Affilsor) Paints and Oils, Glass, Millwork Sash and Doors Builders Hardware Hardwood, Flooring■ (hnlshed) Elaxlinum (Deadening and Insulation) Lime, Cement, Plaster, Composition Wall Board, Bishopric Board, Stucco 11 » a dre d a n d E i i/h tANGELUS INTERIORS Hundred and NineSTOCK PLAN INFORMATION AND ORDER SHEET Name____________________________________Street No______________________________Date--------------------------- City____________________________________State__________________________________R. F. D. No-------------------- Size of lot____________________________________________Which direction does house face------------------------ Single or double construction—_________________________.Single or double floors----------------------——------- Hood for gas range or brick chimney in kitchen_________Double hung or casement windows— ---——----------------- Do you want garage plans_______________________________(Single) or (Double)------------------------------——- Shingle, tile 01• composition roof_____________:_______Do you want basement—Size---------ft. x-------ft------- Angelus Architectural Service Co., *Suite 201, 321 West Third Street, Los Angeles, California. Gentlemen: Please mail me at once_______sets Blue Prints Plans with (single) (double) garage,_____sets specifications, and a Bill of Material for “Angelus Home” No___________, for which I enclose $_____.___________, same being cost per your schedule of prices plus all extras ordered as given on page three. I understand that these are stock plans and that there will be no changes made at this price. S i gn ed___________________________________________ Read Carefully “HOW TO ORDER PLANS” and “NOTES ON CONSTRUCTION” on Pages 3 and 4 Hundred and TenSPECIAL PLAN INFORMATION AND ORDER SHEET ZVame.----------------------------------------Street No______.__________________________Date_______________________________ City.------------------------------------__State________________________________________R. F. D.___________________________ Size of lot.. ...........................■...................What direction does house face................. Do you want basement.........................................What size Number of rooms in house.....................................Do yOU want fireplace......................................... Brick Chimney in kitchen.....................................Hood for gas range in kitchen................................. Is house to be piped for house to be piped for gas heaters.......................... What, rooms to have hardwood floors..........................Double or single floors.................... Wood or tile floor in bath...................................!s bathroom wall to be tile................................... Is house to be wired for electricity.........................Is house to be double or single construction.................. Are walls papered or tinted..................................Inside finish—paint, stain or enamel.......................... Specify what built-in fixtures...............................Brick, siding or stucco (plaster) outside walls............... Cement or wood porch floor................................................................................................. Type of roof—like which stock plan...........................Shingle, composition or tile roof............................. Double hung or casement windows..............................Are casement windows to swing out............................. Is this a change from stock plan.............................If so, give plan No........................................... Approximate cost of house....................................Is this to include single or double garage.................... Shall we mail sketch for approval............................What size garage..............ft. x............ft............. Do you want garage plans.....................................If so, add $5.00 to remittance for same....................... Do you want bill of material.................................If so, add $5.00 to remittance for same....................... Do you want extra sets blue prints...........................If so, add $2.00 to remittance for each set................... Do you want extra sets specifications........................If so, add $1.00 to remittance for each set................... Angelus Architectural Service Co., Suite 201, 321 West Third Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Gentlemen: Please book my order for_____________________sets Blue Print Plans, including (single) (double) garage, ______________________sets specifications and___________________sets bill of material for special plan of------------------ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________for which you will find enclosed $__________________________, same being one-half cost as per your schedule of prices. You (may) (may not) send me a preliminary sketch similar to the rough sketch I have made on the back of this sheet, upon receipt of which I will make any desired changes, approve and return to you for completion, with balance due. You will make any changes required and forward same to me as soon as completed. Signed____________________________________________________ READ CAREFULLY “HOW TO ORDER PLANS AND NOTES ON CONS !RUCTION on PAGES 3 AND 4 Hundred and ElevenANGELUS SPECIAL PLAN SKETCH SHEET -- -- --- -- --- --- ---- --- — (TEAR OFF HERE) --- --- ---- --- --- -- --- -- -- Use one square to represent each square foot floor space, etc. Mark all doors and windows, if possible, giving desired sizes. Mark each room, viz—Living room, dining room, bath, screen porch, etc. If possible, give rough sketch of exterior in separate sheet or send picture. FILL IN FULLY INFORMATION AND ORDER SHEET ON OTHER SIDE Hundred and TwelveAANGELUS ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE CO. Suite 201 western Mutual Life Building 321 WEST 3RD STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA