14 th EDITION BUNGALOWCRAFT “HOMES, NOT HOUSES” "THE BOOK COMPLETE IN ITSELF״ Spanish, Colonial and English BungalowsTHE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES14th EDITION BUNGALOWCRAFT “HOMES, NOT HOUSES” Spanish, Stucco, Colonial & Swiss Chalet Bungalows A Book on the Spanish, Stucco, Colonial and Swiss Chalet Bungalow building in its latest development. Illustrated with extra large half-tone and line engravings of the Charming Bungalows of Los Angeles, Pasadena, and adjacent towns, which for artistic beauty and coziness are justly famed the world over. THE MOST EFFICIENT AID TO BEAUTIFUL AND CONVENIENT HOME BUILDING Published by THE BUNGALOWCRAFT CO. : ESTABLISHED 1908 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNERS 527 I. W. Heilman Bldg., 124 West 4th St.. P. O. Box 997, Los Angeles. Calif. Copyright 1923 We have made long careful study of Home Planning and take much pride in the credit given us for our part in bringing Bungalows to their present state of perfection in outside attractiveness, artistic beauty and inside cozy convenience. The Bungalow is adapted to any climate and can be built just as warm and comfortable as any other style of house and at no greater cost. But it is a mistake and a certain cause for disappointment to attempt to build from the pictures in the book and without any plans. The intent of this book is only to give a general idea of the houses and arrangements. The complete plans are inexpensive and without a plan with its exact measurements and carefully studied exterior and interior details it is impossible to get the beauty and convenience for which our Bungalows are noted all over the world. A good plan with complete specifications and builder’s contract is the best and most economical investment a home builder can make. It eliminates all possibility of “extra charges,” the great bugbear of building. 'I'lie contractor knows exactly what he must furnish in labor, materials and workmanship, and the owner knows exactly what he may expect to receive and just what he must pay for. The estimates given in this book represent the cost of the necessary labor and materials in California. In colder climates these eosls will be increased about 10 per cent. See next page for description of plans, etc. OneWHAT IS SAID OF OUR PLANS ‘,Have received plans, and they sure have met with my approval, it truly is a “home, not a house.” Carl F. Hammer, El Paso, Texas. BUNGALOWCRAFT PLANS OUR PLANS show four elevations, foundation and floors, all drawn to the scale of one-fourth inch to the foot. They are complete working drawings showing the size and exact location of every closet, pantry, bookcase, seat, mantel, door and window; piping for fuel and lighting gas; wiring, outlets and switches for electric lights, etc. Interior details of closets, cupboards, buffets, mantels״ seats, stairs, wainscoting, woodwork, etc., are drawn to larger scale with sections. The pccifications are as, complete as possible and cover every step from excavation to painting and finishing so that there can be no mistakes. The plans, are made by practical draughtsmen, and any builder can follow them without difficulty; still, if a question arises, we shall esteem it a privilege to be allowed to reply to any inquiry or to explain any puzzling matter. We wish every home built from our plans to prove a good advertisement for us. Our large business has been built up by recommendations from pleased clients. STOCK PLANS—For the price quoted in this book with each plan we send a complete set of working drawings and specifications. Every detail is covered and the kind and quality of every material is. clearly stated. The prices quoted in the book for stock plans cover only one set of plans and specifications. Duplicate sets cost #5.00, if ordered with original order. We send plans, to every part of the United States, Canada, Cuba, Mexico, Hawaii, etc. SPECIAL PLANS IO ORDER—If you do not find a house in the book which exactly meets your requirements, let us make special plans for you. Make a rough sketch of what you want, showing the number of rooms on each floor, their size and approximate arrangement. Write us all details, that you can think of, and the amount of money you wish to invest and send to us together with a deposit amounting to one-third of the total cost of the plans. You can estimate the cost of the plans at the date of #10.00 per room, not counting rear hall, Bathroom or Cellar as. rooms.) We will then make exact pencil drawings to scale (% in. to 1 ft.) of floor plans and one or two elevations and submit for your criticism. These pencil drawings can be altered until they exactly meet your wishes when we will finish up with all necessary details and send you three sets of blue prints and three sets of spccifiications. Sometimes all you will need will be an altered floor plan for one of the houses in this book in which case (provided the exterior need not be altered) the extra cost will be #10.00. MATERIAL LISTS—Material lists will be made for any plan shown in the book, or special plan, including rough lumber, finish lumber, sash and doors, for #10.00. ABOUT ORDERING AND REMITTING—Please order stock plans by number, and name this book, giving your postoffice and express office distinctly written. Make money orders, etc., payable to P. O. Box 997 THE BUNGALOWCRAFT COMPANY Los Angeles, California TwoPLAN NO. 828-C COST $4500 A five room Spanish bungalow of exceptional good design having large rooms well arranged. This home has four large closets and a linen closet. The living room has a barrelled ceiling which lends its self to a very pretty decorative effect. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. WIDTH 37 FEET Threeour Have you ever thought of a real home? PLAN NO. 585 One that would take you by storm and make you throb with de- light? Then this is the home of your dreams. In addition to its delightful proportions, the one particular out- standing feature of this exquisite bungalow, is the two large, studio-type windows, they flood with light two of the most important rooms of the home—the living and dining rooms. They also tend to give this home a well balanced appearance. The spirit of old Spanish Architecture is found in the patio, the quaint doorway with its great oak door and the tile roof. One of the many improvements over other houses of this type, is the fact that the gutter and downspouts are tactfully concealed. On the whole, this design is the result of careful study and practical experience and a nicer appearing home has yet to be built. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.Width 37 Ft. This six room Spanish bungalow is the floor plan of the exterior shown on the opposite page. The Patio at the rear gives privacy so much desired at times and can also be used as a sleeping porch. Both living room and dining room have barrelled ceilings with walls and ceilings decorated. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00 Width 37 Ft. This six room home is the product of a very careful study as can be noted by the compact arrangement. It is often more desired than the other plan on this page because the cost has somewhat been reduced by economizing on floor space. I his plan however is practically in every way similar to the other arrangement. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Five,PLAN NO. 828 COST $4250 Have you often wanted to see an ideal Spanish home? We have here shown one that is bound to satisfy the most exacting needs. The entry is through a Patio, the floor of which is made of flagstones with spaces left for the planting of flowers and shrubs. The massive oak door leading to the living room gives the lines of Spanish ancestry. The ceiling of the living room is barrelled, being slightly higher than the balance of the rooms. The walls and ceilings of both the living and dining rooms are finished in duo-tone tiffany with mahogany stained woodwork. We have provided the maximum of windows throughout the place, thus making it cheerfully light. The breakfast nook, one will notice, fronts on to the Patio, giving a very pleasant exposure. The bed rooms are of good size and are equipped with large closets, with a linen closet in the hall. We quote the low price of $25.00 for the plans and specifications of this “Home Beautiful.” SixThe plans on this page are alternating plan s with the same exterior as shown on opposite page plans and specifications of either house furnished for $25.00. 5 ROOM ARRANGEMENT PLAN NO. 828-A—COST $4500 TO $4700 Width 37 Ft. 6 ROOM ARRANGEMENT WIDTH 37 FEET PLAN NO. 828-B—COST $5700 TO $5900 SevenCOST $3500 TO $4000 PLAN NO. 860 A model home of Spanish influence, the entry and tower effect are the principal features. The plan is well studied out and has a well lighted nook and plenty of built in cupboards, ironing board etc. Large closets and plenty of windows are provided. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. EightPLAN NO. 861 COST $3300 TO $3800 A touch of color is given this Spanish home by the tile roof and colored awning. The floor plan is of unusually good arrangement. The breakfast nook off of the kitchen is a striking feature mostly because of it’s two exposures. There are plenty of built in features all of which tend to give this design a homey atmosphere. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Width 28 Ft. NinePLAN NO. 862 COST $3000.00 Width 30 Feet A nicer arranged four room and breakfast nook bungalow has yet to be built. The nook is used in place of a dining room, and contains a built in buffet, table and seats. Each closet is well ventilated by means of a small window. The exterior is of white stucco trimmed in blue. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. TenDUPLEX PLAN NO. 864-W COST $9000 A two family residence of exceptional merit having six rooms to each family—one family below and the other on the second floor. The plans call for a built in bath tub with shower over. Each family has a private porch. We have designed a large number of duplex houses but we believe that this plan is yet to be beat. Plans and specifications furnished for $40.00. FIRST FLOOR PLAN Width 38 Feet ElevenPLAN NO. 866 COST $8500 TO $9500 An Italian Villa of symetrical lines and pleasing proportions. The entry with the semi-circular niches provide a suitable setting for potted ornamental shrubs. All modern features are included in this home which is suitable for any climate. Plans and specifications furnished for $40.00. Twelve Width 39 FeetDESIGN NO. 444-W COST $4500 An English Manor bungalow with an ideal floor arrangement. A cellar can be provided and the stairway in hall used or where cellar is not wanted the space occupied by stairway can be thrown into a closet. The breakfast nook in kitchen is well located having two exposures. The table and seats are built-in. Plans and Specifications furnished for $25.00. Width 32 ft. ThirteenCOST $5670 DESIGN NO. 424-W A Spanish home of unusually good floor arrangement having six large rooms and entry or reception hall. The living room has a built-in fireplace (see next page) of an unusual design executed in composition, having ornate twisted columns, moulded mantel shelf, the fire-box lined with brick and can be used either for wood or gas. This room has a cove ceiling, oak floor and opens to dining room through an elliptical arch. This room opens onto a side terrace by means of french doors, which provide a side entrance from the driveway. Back of the dining room is an ideal modern kitchen having a built-in drainboard of white encaustic, octigan tile and drainboard back of 3"x6" white glazed tile, built-in cupboards, cooler, ironing board, plastered hood over stove and breakfast nook which comprises a table and two seats. Handy to the kitchen is the back screened-in porch which contains the laundry tub and hot water heater and toilet room. Fourteen FLOOR PLAN Width 35 ft.The bathroom is a model of convenience, having a built-in tile tub and tile floor, mediine closet and dresser containing compartments for clean and soiled linen. The good sized bedrooms are well lighted and ventilated, all have large closets; the front bedroom being provided with two closets. All bedrooms are easily accessible to the bathroom, by means of the hall. Looking Toward Entry from Living Room The woodwork of the Entry, living room and dining room is finished in stained Mahogany. The balance of the house is finished in old ivory enamel. Living Room Plans and specifications of this house furnished for $25.00. FifteenDESIGN NO. 446-W COST $4700 An exellent Colonial Bungalow of six rooms, having a large breakfast nook or in this case a ful sized breakfast room. The pergola covered side terrace makes an ideal retreat and provides a side entrance. The plans call for the modern built-in features and include a built-in dresser in the bathroom and an ironing board, hood, cooler and cupboards in the kitchen. Plans and Specifications furnished for $25-00. SixteenPLAN NO. 800 COST $9000 Here we offer a home of distinctive Castillian type. The tile roof and the awning covered, enclosed terrace setting off the place to a favorable extent. The large and spacious living room with its cozy fireplace and inglenook affords a very luxurious setting; as with the dining room with its French doors leading off to the side porch and breakfast room. The kitchen is conveniently arranged and is provided with all built-in features. The bedrooms, both upstairs and down, are cheery and with the maximum of windows. The bath is all one could wish for with its tile floor and tiled-in tub and shower. Last, but not least of all, is the den, which can also be used as a music room, or bed room. Price of plans and specifications furnished on request. SeventeenPLAN NO. 802 COST $5100 Can you picture a home prettier than the Spanish Stucco we have shown here? The arched French windows and the iron balcony give the place a touch of refinement not usually found; while the garden wall lends that air of privacy. The rooms are all large and present the spirit of home to the utmost. The "built-ins", such as the book cases, buffet, cupboards, etc., are usefully arranged and help make this ideal place very attractive. Plans and specifications furnished for Twenty-five Dollars. EighteenPLAN NO. 803 COST $5000 This cozy home carries one’s thoughts back to Normandy. The rounded arches over the porch and the massive fireplace being characteristic of this style of architecture. The five rooms and breakfast nook are charmingly arranged, and make this place very pleasing to the eye. The buffet in the dining room is a new departure and helps to carry out the scheme of the exterior. The bath is notably fitted with an ever useful dresser and a built-in tub. The bedrooms are of good size and are provided with large closets. The closet opening on the screen porch is an ideal place for brooms, garden tools, etc. We’ll furnish plans and specifications for Twenty-five Dollars. NineteenPLAN NO. 804 COST $4000 Words cannot describe this admirable Stucco. The design is of Spanish, slightly-modified and contains every essential necessary to make this home appeal to the most exclusive in taste. The red Spanish tile above the windows and side porch setting off the cream color stucco walls. The living and dining rooms are connected with a large arch, thus practically making these two fine rooms as one. The walls of these two rooms are of a warm shade of tan with mahogany stained wood work. The mantel is of grey tile and laid in a pleasing design. No one thing has been omitted to make this home one of the most tasteful in the book. Plans and specifications for Twenty-five Dollars. TwentyPLAN NO. 820 COST $5000 A beautfiul stucco home with a touch of Spanish Architecture. The exterior studded walls can be sheathed; then, metal lathed and plastered, or a plaster board nailed directly onto the studding and the stucco then applied. The two main rooms namely, the living and dining rooms are arranged so as to take full advantage of the street frontage, making two ideal living rooms. These two rooms are divided by a well proportioned colonnade. The plan calls for a small basement located in the central part of the house, suitable for a heating furnace. This basement can be omitted in warm climates and the stairway space converted into a nice large storage closet. Plans and specifications furnished for ?25.00. Twenty-onePLAN NO. 822 COST $4800 A charming little bungalow of five rooms, suitable for a corner lot and makes a fine improvement on an inside lot. The curved line to the front terrace wall is a departure from the regulation wall. The side porch is well sheltered and is quite an architectural feature with its turned columns and eliptical arch overhead. The living and dining rooms are connected by means of a eliptical plastered archway. This home has most of the built-in features including a roomy breakfast nook, ironing board, cupboards, hood, etc. The exterior can be finished in stucco much the same as described in design No. 820. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Twenty-twoCOST $4790 PLAN NO. 821 The home we have shown on this page shows a great deal of Spanish influence. The Patio on the side is accessible from both the dining room and living room and forms an inclosed terrace, where one may spend many pleasant hours in privacy. The rooms are well arranged and contain all conceivable built-ins to make it a pleasure to keep house. The front bed room closet, contrary to what is shown on the floor sketch, has a window for light and ventilation. This home will be the show place of the vicinity wherever erected. The general contour of this home is rugged enough to suit any climate. Width—35 feet over all. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Twenty-Ilire!PLAN NO. 823 COST $4750 The brown stained half timber and the hard burnt red brick against the stucco walls make a very pleasing contrast in this old English type home. The most notable features of this plan are the unique breakfast nook with its buffet, the large screen porch, and a bath room with a really built-in tub with shower over. A stairway could be placed on the screen porch and a basement added in parts of the country where they are required. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Width—34 feet over all. Twenty-fourCOST $4350 PLAN NO. 825 An Italian Renaissance home is herewith illustrated. The well proportioned lines, the stenciled architraves and friezes, and also the awnings are features that snap this design up and give it the warm colorings one would expect to see in a home of this character. The plan provides for all built-in features, including a breakfast nook. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Twenty-fivePLAN NO. 829 COST $4580 The simple lines of this Spanish design are the noteworthy features we have tried to display. With the first look at this place one thrills with the beauty of the quaint Spanish architecture. The arrangement of the rooms is perfect, all being very good sized. We have not forgotten the partially inclosed porch off the dining room, nor the large Patio with its lily pond, in the rear. This home, when built as we have planned it, would be a worthy monument in the finest locality. Plans and specifications will be furnished for $25.00. Twenty-sixPLAN NO. 830 COST $5500 The home complete for a large family requiring three or four sleeping rooms. The exterior design is of a modified Colonial. The roof is well proportioned, having gables on each side of the house. This is one of our latest designs and will look well wherever located. There is quite a lot of attic space if one wishes to utilize the same. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Width—31 feet over all. Twenty-sevenPLAN NO 868 COST $3400.00 A very popular English bungalow with a very practical floor arrangement. The exterior walls are covered with surfaced narrow siding painted white. The side terrace makes a very convenient side entrance. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Twenty-eightPLAN NO. 824 COST $3700 We are showing this ideal little colonial bungalow for two very good reasons. One is that the front porch is entirely covered over full width of the house and that the pitch of the roof seems just right to set this particular home off. The inerior features are strictly up to date. This will surely make an ideal home wherever built. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Twenty-ninePLAN NO. 835 COST $5600 Artistic arrangement of pergola beams and clever designed porch roof combined, to make this Colonial bungalow a model of this type. • It is a custom to finish the interior woodwork of this style of bungalow with old ivory, or white enamel, with mahogany doors, oak floors and papered walls, in the main rooms, wood cove ceiling in living and dining rooms. The built-in features include fireplace, book cases, buffet, plastered hood, cooler, cupboards, sink, ironing board, dresser and medicine case. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. ThirtyPLAN NO. 837 COST $5700 An unusually charming and aesthetical plan, with an atmosphere of dignified refinement in design. The court with its cool running fountain give a quiet retreat and lend a delightful view through the archway and French doors on entering the front door. The bathroom is conveniently located and is easily accessible to the bedrooms by means of a small hall, the built-in dresser is quite an institution in the modern bungalow; on one side is a soiled linen hamper, with drop doors, and on the other is a chest of drawers, and between is a large cheval mirror; over the basin is provided a medicine closet with a generous sized plate glass mirror. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Thirty-on«PLAN NO. 838 COST $4000 A very well executed Colonial design applied to the modern cost home. The porch which protects the front entrance is typical of the design, with just a touch of free-hand architecture, as one often sees in our California bungalows. The open terrace has a privet hedge very neatly planted in the flower boxes forming an unique ballustrade. The breakfast nook in the kitchen, containing seats on each side of the table, is one of the many features of this plan. All rooms are large, well lighted and ventilated. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Thirty-twoPLAN NO. 826 COST $5200 Modern version of a Colonial bungalow, having simple lines and refined details. Among the local investors and builders this type of house is being built and sold with great success. The exterior walls are of surfaced siding painted white and the roof is of green shingles. The working plans provide for built-in bookcases on each side of the fireplace with Colonial designed cut-up glass doors. The living room, dining room, bedrooms and breakfast room have oak floors and papered walls, the living room and dining room have a wood cove ceiling, all modem built-in features are provided for. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Thirty-threePLAN NO. 827 COST $4500 A six-room Colonial bungalow, with classical lines and refined details, that raise it out of the commonplace. A sleeping porch or extra bedroom can be easily added to this plan by reversing the screen porch, placing it back of the breakfast room, making the sleeping porch where the screen porch is located. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Thirty-fourThirty-fivePLAN NO. 841 COST $2900 A very attractive Colonial bungalow, recently erected by a leading contractor and builder and sold before it was completed. There are five rooms and they could not be more compact or conveniently arranged. The exterior walls are covered with smooth siding and painted. The most important built-in features are the pressed brick fire place, breakfast nook, hood over range, sink, cooler, cupboards, linen closet, medicine closet, etc., etc. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Thirty-six1 - PLAN NO. 854 COST $4800 Here is a plan we recently designed for a Real Estate man. It was patterned somewhat after our design No. 835 but made smaller and altered to meet his needs. Possibly you will like it too. The interior is designed along the colonial style, the fireplaces and bookcases making quite a feature. The bath room has a built-in dresser containing a soiled clothes compartment and plenty of drawers and cabinets for other linen, etc. The breakfast room is excessable either from the kitchen or dining room. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Thirty-seven. PLAN NO. 856 COST $3200 One of this year’s homes that we planned for a client of ours, that builds and sells. This house was sold soon after completion at a profit of a little over a $1000.00. This house was built with hardwood floors, in the main rooms, and a tile floor in bath room (the above price does not include tile floor), papered walls in the four rooms and tile mantel. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Thirty-eightPLAN NO. 852 COST $2750 It is a mathematical fact that the larger the floor area covered by the house the more it costs. Bearing this in mind we are herewith showing this cozy Colonial Bungalow which contains a comparative small floor area, but which we have provided with all the built-in features and comforts of the larger houses. The above price includes everything complete, with hardwood floors in the living and dining rooms. The plans call for built-in breakfast nook, book-case, writing desk, buffet, medicine cabinet, cupboards, cooler, sink, plastered hood, etc. The back terrace has pergola beams over and makes a pleasing view from the living room lookingg through the dining room and out the French doors on to terrace. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Thirty-ninePLAN NO. 850 COST $2000 If you want a low cost cozy home that has plenty of snap and is ideally arranged,— why look farther. Note: the well-lighted breakfast nook, the two bedrooms easily excessable to the bath room, large well ventilated closets and lots of built-in features. The breakfast nook has built-in seats and table. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. FottyPLAN NO. B-102 COST $4700 The house is 28x48 feet, the exterior walls are covered with 6-inch resawed siding stained brown. The gables are made interesting by the way the verge boards are shaped at the end. Louvre vents have been built into the gable ends which ventilate the attic space and prevent the superheated air from gathering under the roof. One end of the porch is charmingly secluded by the screen of vines. The entrance is across the other end of the porch, directly into the living room. Sliding doors separate the book lined den from the living room. A writing desk is built in between the book cases. The front rooms are finished in a pine trim, which has been given a stain, and the walls are tinted. Unusually large closets are provided with the bed rooms. The bay of windows provides good light and ventilation for the front bed room, which might otherwise be stuffy. The linen closet is conveniently near the bath room. The bed rooms are finished in white enamel with tinted walls. The bath room is luxurious in its dresser the whole width of the room, while the two windows distribute the light. The kitchen is well provided with cupboards, and the sink has double drain boards. Both kitchen and bath room are finished in white enamel. Set tubs are placed on the screened porch with all of the requisites of a laundry. The basement stairway leads down from this porch and opens with an entrance at the grade level. The breakfast room is very conveniently placed, and may be converted into any use as the “extra room” of the house, as with its sunny exposure it may be used as a nursery or family living room for the little folks, or for a sewing room after the breakfast things are cleared away. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Forty-oneForty-twoDESIGN NO. 501 COST $3900 This attractive house with its white cement stucco pillars, composition roof, and pergola, is particularly suited to a corner lot. This type is deservedly popular, as well as cheapest in the long run, as white cement is everlasting, and requires no paint to keep it white. The interior arrangement is seen from the floor plan and needs no comment. Living and dining rooms have polished oak floors; built in Buffet with leaded glass doors; pressed brick mantel; and veranda has cement floor with pergola beams over. When these are covered with roses it makes this house one of the most attractive ever built for the money. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Forty-threeCOST $4000 DESIGN NO. 502 This house, built at Coronado, California, has been pronounced “The prettiest little cottage on the Island.” The exterior is white cement on metal lath, the wood trim being stained a rich green. The roof is white composition. This house will he a joy forever to its owner. The walls will never lose their pure white color and will require no paint to keep them so, as they can be washed down with the hose. This is another example of the best being the cheapest in the long run. The large roomy porch in front has cement floor, and with the posts and pergola beams entwined with vines, is a place to invite rest. Plenty of room for a hammock. The interior bears out the promise of the exterior. Living and dining room have hardwood floors, buffet has leaded glass doors, and the dining room has leather paneled wainscot, while the upper walls are papered, ceiling tinted. Now look at the kitchen, the conveniences here leave nothing to be desired. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Forty-fourDESIGN NO. 504 COST $3900 Exterior shakes, composition roof, chimney and porch columns brick plastered with white cement. Living and dining rooms have oak floors. Mantel is Art Stone. Bookcases between living and dining room have leaded glass doors. Bed rooms finished in white enamel, kitchen and bath the same. This house has an exceedingly attractive kitchen, the long sink board with cooler closets at either end give ample working space. There is maximum cupboard room here. The range is covered with a hood. Plans and specifications furnished for $35.00. Forty-liveForty-sixDESIGN NO. 505 COST $3400 Exterior resawed Redwood; composition roof, porch balustrade and chimney brick, plastered with white cement. The siding is stained in a soft brown shade contrasting with the white cement work—a very pleasing exterior. Living and dining rooms have hardwood floors, pressed brick mantel and Dutch bulfet. The dining room wainscoted. The trim in bed rooms is white enameled, and the side walls are tinted, the middle bed room being rose and the rear bed room a Dresden blue. The kitchen is wainscoted to door height with hard wall plaster in imitation of tile. This is another of our well arranged kitchens, ample working space on the sink, and plenty of cupboard room. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Forty-sevenForty-eightDESIGN NO. 507 COST $3000 Exterior shingles, composition roof, porch work and chimney blue brick. Living and dining room oak floors; dining room wainscoted. The bookcases and china babinets are well shown in the picture. The mantel is one of our art ones in pressed brick. The floor arrangement of the living room and dining room is out of the ordinary in attractiveness, and is well shown by the photographs. The pergola opening off dining room is what makes this an excedingly attractive room—especially if rear yard is one of the old-fashioned “Grandmather’s Gardens.” Plans and specificatjims furnished for $25.00. Forty-nineCOST $4100 DESIGN NO. 604 Exterior covered with shakes, composition roof, porch columns granite spalls with white cement caps. Living and dining rooms oak floors, leaded glass bookcases and Dutch Art buffet. Pressed brick mantel. Side walls for living and dining rooms are papered, ceilings tinted. Kitchen, bed rooms and bath have pine trim finished in white enamel, walls sand finished and tinted in light shades. You cannot build more for the money. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. DOICA A 2. 604 FiftyDESIGN NO. 606 COST $3900 This design is a decided favorite, and has been built many times in and around Los Angeles. The living room having an outlook on three sides, one of which opens out on to a pergola porch, makes this room very attractive. Then, too, the pergola porch gives one an outside lounging place, with perfect privacy from passers-by on the street. The exterior is covered with shakes, has composition roof and all stone work is cobble stone and field stone. Living and dining room have oak floors, Oregon Pine trim. The bed rooms are finished in white enamel, as well as the kitchen and breakfast room. Ample closets. (This plan shows an economy of space that is only attained in our very latest models, many houses of seven rooms not having as much as this one has.) When the house is built so that it faces north, the breakfast room being on the south corner will make this house highly prized in the winter time. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Fifty-oneFifty tivoDESIGN NO. 801 COST $6400 AND UP lhis house is one of the most attractive of the Chalet type. Exterior shakes, composition roof. Porch columns and chimneys clinker and tapestry brick mixed. I he living room opens to the outdoors on three sides, and the broad, generous porch on two sides of it makes it very attractive. The living and dining room have oak floors. The mantel is built of brick. The bed rooms of first story have maple floors. The kitchen has every modern convenience. 'Ihe second story contains one bed room, and a large airy screen porch, which later can be converted into a closed bed room or in hot weather used as sleeping porch by the entire family. There is a generous basement to this house, hut furnace is not included in the price quoted. Same would cost from $200 to $500 extra. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00 Fifty-threePLAN NO. B-85 COST $6650 This bungalow is unusually interesting in appearance owing much to the planting and growth of vines which surround it. It is a bungalow of moderate cost, the stone work of the porch and chimney being extremely effective. The exterior walls of the house are covered with resawed siding, stained. The wide sweep of the roof is made interesting by the dormer windows and their attractive flower boxes. The living room extending across the full front of the house is 27 feet by 12 feet 6 inches. Directly opposite the entrance the stairway starts with a double landing so arranged as to partly cut off the view of the stairs. The living room has oak floor, built-in fire-place, book-case and seat. The sun room opening off of the dining room is an attractive feature, and can be thrown open into the dining room by means of French doors. The second 3oor is provided with three bed rooms and one screened sleeping room, a large bath room is conveniently located. The woodwork in the living room and dining room is finished in a light golden oak stain with a dull finish. The rest of the house is finished in white enamel. The kitchen and bath room are wainscoted with hard wall plaster which is finished in white enamel. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. Fifty-fourPLAN NO. B-77 COST $4600 Many people are fond of the somewhat rustic effect which may be added to a house by using the field stone, or cobble stone, on chimney, porch piers, etc. We illustrate an excellent example of this rustic and somewhat free-hand architecture; a combination of rough frame work and stone. The portecochere may be omitted if desired, without detracting geratly from the artistic beauty of the house. Plans and specifications furnished for $25.00. SPECIAL PLANS ORDER—QUESTIONNAIRE THE BUNGALOWCRAFT CO., P. O. Box 997, Los Angeles, Calif. See Page 2 for Terms on Special Plans The following information will aid you in preparing special drawing plans for me, Size of lot...................................................... Basement size ................................................... Lot level or sloping............................................. Cesspool or sewer.............................:.................. Heating kind .................................................... Exterior walls ............................................. Roof ............................................................... Buffet ............................................................. Book case .......................................................... Writing desk ....................................................... Ironing Board ...................................................... Mantel facing ...................................................... Hardwood floors in.................................................. Drain board—composition, pine, tile................................. Wall paper in....................................................... Tinted walls in..................................................... Exterior painting .................................................. Interior painting .................................................. Fill in above blanks and inclose with order Fifty-fiveDOUBLE BUNGALOW DESIGN NO. 438-W COST $5700 TO $6000 For a rental or salable double bungalow we strongly recommend this attractive stucco which has been built by a number of local builders. The tile cornice and the inlaid colored tile and panels and steps recessed so the building may be built rather close ,to the side give the exterior a very decorative effect. The rear screen porch property line without interfering with passage to the rear of the house. Plans and Specifications, $25.00. The double bungalow shown on this page is taken from WESTON S PLAN BOOK. Price 50 cents This b ook shows many double bungalows in stucco and Colonial designs also bungalow court and flat. Send for your copy now. THE BUNGALOWCRAFT COMPANY 527 I. W. Heilman Building Los Angeles, Calif. LOOK! Fifty six