NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION RESEARCH Disability Statistics Report DiSObiIiTy in The UniTed STOTes; 1 Prevalence Ond Causes, 1992 7‘ t I996 , us. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ‘ OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES PUBUC HFA¢TH UBRAK! sauna“ Ll E. R A R Y um: ‘nnw OF CAL:FOM1A DISABILITY IN THE UNITED STATES: PREVALENCE AND CAUSES, 1992 by Mitchell P. LaPlante,_ Ph.D. Dawn Carlson, Ph.D. Disability Statistics Rehabilitation Research and Training Center Institute for Health & Aging University of California San Francisco, CA July, 1996 Prepared with funding from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research under Award number H133830002 ii Disability Statistics Report 1 4 x ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report was supported by the US. Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. Sean Sweeney was the Project Officer. Steve Kaye edited the manuscript, Robin Mullery proofread the manuscript, and Kathleen Rudovsky did the report layout. This research was conducted at the Disability Statistics Rehabilitation Research and Training Center. SUGGESTED CITATION LaPlante, M. and Carlson, D. (1996). Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992. Disability Statistics Report (7). Washington, DC: US. Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 CONTENTS List of Text Tables and Text Figures .................................................................. V Introduction ......................................................................................................... - 1 Highlights .............................................................................................................. 2 Section 1 .................................................................................................................. 3 Concepts and methods ................................................................................. , 3 A. Disability concepts ................................................................................ 3 B. Sources, limitations, and qualifications of the data .......................... 4 Section 2 .................................................................................................................. 6 Prevalence of activity, work, self—care, and school limitation .................. 6 A. Prevalence of activity limitation ....................................................... u 6 B. Prevalence of work limitation .............................................................. 9 C. Prevalence of need for assistance in activities of daily living ........ 10 D. The relationship between work limitations and need for assistance in activities of daily living .................................................. 12 E. Prevalence of school limitation ............................................................ 13 Section 3 .................................................................................................................. 14 Conditions causing activity, work, and self—care limitations ................. .. 14 A. Prevalence of conditions causing activity limitation ..................... .. 16 Part I: Impairments ................................................................................ 18 Vision .................................................................................................. 18 Hearing ............................................................................................... .. 18 Speech, sensation, and learning ........................................................ 18 Absence ................................................................................................ 19 Complete paralysis ........................................................................... u 19 Partial paralysis ................................................................................. a 19 Deformities .......................................................................................... 20 Orthopedic impairments ................................................................. - 20 Part II: Diseases and disorders ........................................................... .. 21 Chapter 1. Infectious and parasitic diseases ......... 21 Tuberculosis ........................................................................................ 21 Herpes .................................................................................................. 21 All other infectious and parasitic diseases ...................................... 21 Chapter 2. Neoplasms ............................................................................ 21 Cancer .................................................................................................. 21 Benign neoplasms ............................................................................. .. 21 Chapter 3. Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders ................................................................ 21 Thyroid disorders ............................................................................. .. 21 Diabetes ................................................................................................ 22 Other endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders ........................................................................ 22 Chapter 4. Diseases of the blood and blood—forming organs .......... 22 Chapter 5. Mental disorders ............................................................... .. 22 Psychoses ........................................................................................... .. 22 ychotic mental disorders ...................................................... 22 Chapter 6. Diseases of the nervous system and sense organs ....... a 23 Diseases of the nervous system ........................................................ 23 f/V/s'éfi L 57 M% map: iv Disability Statistics Report Disorders of the eye and adnexa ...................................................... 23 Diseases of the ear and mastoid process ....................................... a 24 Chapter 7. Diseases of the circulatory system .................................... 24 Chronic rheumatic heart disease ...................................................... 24 Hypertensive disease ....................................................................... u 24 Ischemic heart disease ........................................................................ 24 Other forms of heart disease ........................................................... .. 24 Cerebrovascular disease .................................................................... 25 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries ............................. .. 25 Diseases of veins and lymphatics and other diseases of the circulatory system .................................................................... 25 Chapter 8. Diseases of the respiratory system ................................. .. 25 Chapter 9. Diseases of the digestive system ....................................... 25 Chapter 10. Diseases of the genitourinary system ............................ 26 Chapter 11. Complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium ................................................................................ 26 Chapter 12. Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue .............. 26 Chapter 13. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue .............................................................................. 26 Arthropathies and related disorders ................................................ 26 Dorsopathies ........................................................................................ 26 Rheumatism, excluding the back ...................................................... 26 Osteopathies, chondropathies, and acquired musculoskeletal deformities .......................................................... 27 Chapter 14. Congenital anomalies ..................................................... l 27 Chapter 15. Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period ........................................................................ 27 Chapter 16. Symptoms, signs, and ill—defined conditions ............... 27 Chapter 17. Injury and poisoning (not associated with impairments) ............................................. , 27 B. Condition rankings ................................................................................ 43 C. Age and gender ................................................................................... u 45 D. Prevalence of conditions causing work limitation ........................... 49 E. Prevalence of conditions causing need for assistance in activities of daily living ............................................................... .. 50 References .............................................................................................................. 52 List of detailed tables ............................................................................................ 53 Detailed Tables ...................................................................................................... 54 Appendix Tables ................................................................................................. N 168 TEXT TABLES TABLE A. Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Crude and age—adjusted rates of limitation in activity by selected sociodemographic characteristics: United States, 1992 ................................................. - TABLE B. Prevalence of chronic conditions causing activity limitation, by all causes reported and those reported as main cause, and percent of all conditions that are reported as main cause, are proxy-reported and reported to have onset in the past year: United States, 1992 .................................. TABLE C. Prevalence of conditions causing disability by broad ICD and impairment categories: United States, 1992 .............................................................. TABLE D. Conditions with highest prevalence, all causes of limitation: United States, 1992 ................................................................................................................ TABLE E. Conditions with highest prevalence, main causes of limitation: United States, 1992 ................................................................................................................ TABLE F. Activity-limiting chronic conditions having the highest primacy: United States, 1992 ................................................................................................................ TABLE G. Activity-limiting chronic conditions having the lowest primacy: United States, 1992 ................................................................................................................ TABLE H. Activity-limiting chronic conditions highest in proportion proxy—reported: United States, 1992 ................................................................................................................ TABLE I. Activity-limiting chronic conditions lowest in proportion proxy—reported: United States, 1992 ................................................................................................................ TABLE]. Activity-limiting chronic conditions with highest recency: United States, 1992 ....... - TABLE K. Activity-limiting chronic conditions with lowest recency: United States, 1992 .......... TABLE L. Activity-limiting conditions with highest prevalence, all causes of limitation, by gender: United States, 1992 .................................................................... TABLE M. Activity-limiting conditions with highest prevalence, main causes of limitation, by gender: United States, 1992 .............................................. TEXT FIGURES FIGURE 1. Average number of conditions reported per person as a cause of limitation, by age group ................................................................................ 29 41 i3 :1: 46 47 47 48 48 17 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 1 INTRODUCTION of disability, as measured by limitation in activity caused by chronic health disorders, injuries, and impairments, among the civilian non-institutionalized population of the United States for the calendar year 1992. The data are obtained from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), a continuing national household survey consisting of 49,401 household interviews with 128,412 people in 1992. The report provides data on the prevalence of disability in the community, its sociodemographic distribution, the severity of disability, and the chronic disorders, injuries, and impairments that cause disability. It is an updating of an earlier report (LaPlante, 1988), Data on Disability from the National Health Interview Survey, 1983—85. The tables provided in this report are national estimates based on a household survey of the non-institutionalized US population and are subject to sampling error. The estimates were produced through secondary analysis of National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) public use data tapes provided by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). The NHIS is a complex sample, involving several stages of sampling of stratified, geographic clusters of households. This results in a sample in which the elements are correlated, and simple random sampling techniques should not be used to estimate sampling errors. In this analysis, sampling errors are computed using SUDAAN software (Shah, Barnwell 8: Bieler, 1995) that appropriately takes the complex sampling design into account. The traditional measure of disability employed in the NHIS is limitation in one’s major activity due to a chronic health condition. Among the non-elderly, major activities are defined as working at a job or business, keeping house, attending school,'or, for children under 5 years old, play. Some adults may be limited in working at a job or business but may not be limited in keeping house. All people aged 18—69 are also asked about their ability to work, regardless of their major activity. Questions are also asked about basic personal assistance needs (i.e., whether people need help This report presents data on the prevalence with such activities of daily living (ADL) as bathing, eating, dressing, or getting around inside) and routine personal assistance needs (i.e., whether people need help with such instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) as household chores, doing necessary business, shopping, or getting around for other purposes) due to chronic health conditions. These questions are the basis for the two major activity categories that apply to people aged 70 and over; they were also asked of people aged 5—59 with any activity limitations, and of all people aged 60—69. Questions on the need for and attendance in special schools or classes were also asked for children and adolescents aged 5—17. People who are not limited in major activity but report being ”limited in any activities in any way” are also included as having a disability. Disability is multidimensional, and disability in one dimension does not automatically imply disability in another. An example for the working- age population (aged 18—69) is that of work disability and the need for assistance in activities of daily living. Some people who need assistance in ADL, for example, are able to work, as data presented in this report demonstrate. Prevalence estimates based on these disability measures are presented in detailed tables for various population subgroups, characterized by gender, age, race and Hispanic ethnicity, education level, family income level, poverty status, marital status, region, metropolitan status, presence of telephone in household, and in a separate set of tables, by chronic health condition. The 1992 estimates are compared with those in the earlier report for evidence of change. 2 Disability Statistics Report HIGHLIGHTS Highlights of the data presented in this report, based on analyses of the 1992 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), are summarized below: 0 Of the total U.S. non-institutionalized population in 1992, 15.0 percent, or 37.7 million people, report some activity limitation due to chronic health conditions: 4.6 percent of the population are unable to perform their major activity, 5.7 percent are limited in the amount or kind of major activity they can perform, and 4.7 percent are limited in activities other than their major activity. Of the population aged 18—69, 11.6 percent, or 19.0 million people, report some degree of limitation in working at a job or business, due to chronic health conditions. This group includes 6.6 percent of the working-age population, or 10 million people, who report being unable to work at a job or business. An additional 3.9 percent of working-age persons are limited in activities other than working at a job or business. Of the total population aged 5 and older, 4.0 percent, or about 9.2 million people, report some need for help in IADL or ADL. Of people aged 18 and over, 3.2 percent need assistance in IADL only and 1.7 percent need assistance in ADL. Women are more likely than men to need assistance in IADL only (3.2 versus 1.8 percent) and in ADL (1.7 versus 1.2 percent). A significant fraction of people living in the community who need assistance in IADL or ADL are non-elderly. Of people with IADL assistance needs only, 48 percent are under age 65. Of people who need assistance in ADL, 42 percent are under age 65. Of the 1.5 million people of working ages who need assistance in ADL, 12.4 percent state that they are able to work in some capacity. 0 Of all children and adolescents aged 5—17, 3.2 percent, or 1.5 million persons, attend special schools or classes, while 0.5 percent need special schools or classes but do not attend them, and 1.2 percent are limited in school attendance but neither need nor attend special schools or classes. 0 The 37.7 million people with activity limitation report 1.6 conditions per person, on average, for a total of 61 million limiting conditions. 0 Females report a higher number of activity— limiting conditions than males (1.67 versus 1.56 limiting conditions per person reporting activity limitation). 0 Of all conditions reported to cause activity limitation, heart disease ranks first at 7.9 million conditions (13 percent), followed by back disorders at 7.7 million (12.6 percent). Arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis plus osteoarthrosis and allied disorders) ranks third at 5.7 million, followed by orthopedic impairments of lower extremity (2.8 million), and asthma (2.6 million). 0 Back disorders rank as the most frequent cause of work disability (16.4 percent), followed by heart disease (13.1 percent), arthritis (8.1 percent), diabetes (4.6 percent), and orthopedic impairments of lower extremities (4.5 percent). 0 Of all people with personal assistance needs, 13.4 percent report heart disease as a cause. Arthritis follows at 10.7 percent, then back disorders (8.1 percent), cerebrovascular disease (4.4 percent), and diabetes (4.1 percent). 0 The overall rate of activity limitation has increased significantly between 1983—85 (14.1 percent) and 1992 (15.0 percent). Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 3 SECTION 1 CONCEPTS AND METHODS A. Disability concepts Disability refers to the state of being limited, due to a chronic mental or physical health condition, in the type or amount of activities that a person is expected to perform (Haber, 1967; Nagi, 1976; Nagi, 1991; LaPlante, 1991). The types of such normative activities depend principally on age. In the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and in this report, disability is defined in terms of the major activities usually associated with a person’s age group. The NHIS defines these major activities as (1) ordinary play for children under 5 years of age, (2) attending school for children and adolescents 5—17 years of age, (3) working or keeping house for people 18—69 years of age, and (4) capacity for self care (for example, the ability to perform such activities of daily living (ADL) as bathing, dressing, eating, or getting around the home without the help of another person) and home management (for example, the ability to perform such instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) as doing household chores, doing necessary business, shopping, or getting around for other purposes without the help of another person) for those 70 years of age and over. Assessing disability in the working-age population is complicated because of the two roles of working at a job and working to maintain the household. People aged 18—69 are asked what they were doing most of the past year—working, keeping house, going to school or something else. Their ”major activity” is then defined as follows: ”work” for everyone answering that they spent their time working, going to school, or doing something else, and ”housework” for those who spent their time keeping house. Respondents are then asked if they are now unable to do their major activity, are limited in the amount of a kind of that activity they can do, or are limited in any other activities in any way by any impairment or health problem. People whose actual major activity is keeping house are also asked whether they are limited in working at a job or business. Thus, they may be classified by their housework limitations or their work limitations, or both. People whose major activity is keeping house, but who are not limited in this activity, are classified as limited in non-major activity if they have a work limitation. Questions about the need for assistance in ADL or IADL are asked of all people aged 60—69, as well as those aged 5—59 who have activity limitations. Thus, people aged 18—69 may be classified in terms of ability to perform their major activity, ability to work, and capacity for self-care and home management unassisted by another person. People aged 5—17 may be classified in terms of ability to attend school, and if limited in any activity, capacity for self-care. Three measures of disability are used in this report: (1) limitations in major activity, (2) limitations in work, and (3) need for personal assistance with activities of daily living, defined for the appropriate age groups. In each case, people can also be classified in terms of the severity of limitation. For example, a distinction is made between people who cannot work at a job or business, due to a chronic impairment or health problem, and those who can perform only certain types of work or cannot work regularly. For each of the three disability measures, people can be classified into four categories: those who are unable to perform the activity; those who can perform the activity, but are limited in the kind or amount of the activity they can perform; those who can perform the activity with no . limitation, but are limited in other activities; and those who are not limited in any way. To be classified as limited, a person must report one or more chronic conditions as a cause of limitation. A condition is considered chronic if it has lasted at least three months or is on a list of conditions considered chronic regardless of onset. If more than one condition is reported, the respondent is asked to indicate which condition is the main cause of the limitation. People reporting more than one type of limitation may report different conditions as causes for each type of limitation. 4 Disability Statistics Report Chronic disabling conditions are subdivided into impairments, on the one hand, and health disorders and injuries on the other. Impairments are deficits of bodily structure or function, either congenital in origin or acquired from a past or ongoing disorder or injury. Impairments include deficits of senses (vision, hearing, and sensation) or speech, absence of limbs or other anatomy, learning disabilities, deformities, paralysis, and other orthopedic impairments. In order to be classified as chronic, a condition must either have been noticed 3 months or more before the date of interview or be on the NCHS list of conditions defined as chronic regardless of time of onset. B. Sources, limitations, and qualifications of the data The information presented in this report is based on data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) through the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), a continuing nationwide probability sample of households in the United States. Only the civilian non- institutionalized population is interviewed in the NHIS; data from the NHIS presented in this report therefore exclude people living in long- term-care facilities (including nursing and convalescent homes, mental hospitals, etc.), correctional institutions, and other institutional and group quarters not defined by NCHS as households. Although this exclusion affects all age groups, it particularly affects the elderly population, which is disproportionately represented in long-term—care institutions. Detailed information on the sampling design of the NHIS is provided in Current Estimates annually (Benson & Marano, 1994) and in more detail elsewhere (Massey, Moore, Parsons 82: Tadros, 1989; National Center for Health Statistics, 1993a; National Center for Health Statistics, 1993b; National Center for Health Statistics, 1993c). In addition to reports presenting data from the NHIS on special topics, NCHS publishes data annually from the NHIS on the prevalence of chronic conditions and limitation of activity in Current Estimates. This report provides estimates from the NHIS of the prevalence of work disability and need for assistance in activities of daily living that are not regularly published by NCHS, and provides detailed estimates of the prevalence of limitation of activities for selected population subgroups and by the impairments and health problems responsible. The NHIS has a very low non-response rate, averaging about four percent in any year. About two and one-half percent is due to respondent refusal, while the rest is due to an inability to contact an eligible respondent. All information is derived from reports by responsible family members living in the household. Although all adult family members are encouraged to participate in the interview, proxy responses are accepted for family members who are not present at the time of the interview or who cannot answer for themselves. Proxy answers are required for children under age 17. Precautions are taken to ensure the accuracy of information reported, but inaccuracies may be introduced because self- respondents and proxies are not aware of the requested information, have poor recollection, do not wish to answer a question, or miscomprehend the intended point of a question. Because estimates are based on a sample of the population, they are subject to sampling error. All sampling errors are calculated directly using SUDAAN, and estimates having high sampling error are flagged by an asterisk (*). On such estimates, the sampling error exceeds 30.0 percent of the estimate. Publication constraints preclude the reporting of the standard errors for each estimate. A reasonable approximation of the standard error for the estimates presented in this report can be obtained using the generalized standard error formulas published by NCHS (Benson and Marano, 1994). In all tabulations, a period alone means that no entry occurred in the data (quantity is zero) and ”n/a” means that the category is not applicable. Estimates of the numbers of people or conditions have been rounded to the nearest thousand. Health disorders and injuries reported in the interview are coded using the Ninth Revision of the ICD (US. Dept. of Health and Human Services, 1990), modified slightly for use in the NHIS. The detailed ICD-9 codes used for all tabulated conditions are shown in Appendix Table A—1. In the NHIS, impairments are coded according to a classification scheme developed by the National Center for Health Statistics. The Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 impairment codes are also shown in Appendix Table A—1. The last digit of the impairment code indicates injuries and selected conditions that are reported to cause the impairment. These etiology codes are shown in Appendix Table A—2. Methodological studies have found that survey data often over-report or under-report chronic conditions, as compared to information from medical providers, depending on the condition (Cox 8: Cohen, 1985; Edwards, et al., 1994; Madow, 1967; Madow, 1973). Respondents report conditions only to the extent that they are aware of them and are willing to mention them. A few conditions are over—reported. Many conditions are frequently under-reported. Reporting improves for conditions that have a substantial impact on the affected individual and significant others, such as those that result in hospitalization and chronic activity limitation. Highlights are presented in the text for each of the detailed tables. Within the discussion of highlights, comparisons are made between population groups and differences noted only when statistically significant at the level of 95 percent confidence or better. 6 Disability Statistics Report SECTION 2 PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY, WORK, SELF-CARE, AND SCHOOL LIMITATION A. Prevalence of activity limitation In Table 1, estimates of the number of people and the percentage of the total population with limitation in activity are shown by degree of limitation and detailed sociodemographic characteristics. Of the total U.S. non- institutionalized population in 1992, 15.0 percent, or 37.7 million people, report some activity limitation due to chronic health conditions: 4.6 percent of the population are unable to perform their major activity, 5.7 percent are limited in the amount or kind of major activity they can perform, and 4.7 percent are limited in activities other than their major activity. As mentioned in the introduction, activity limitation is a summary measure of disability and is based on the concept of major activity, defined differently for various age groups. Since people who are limited in activities other than the major normative activities associated with their age group are included, it is the broadest measure of disability employed in the NHIS and is useful in pointing out differences in the distribution of disability between various population groups. The overall rate of limitation has increased significantly from the earlier 1983— 85 data, which averaged 14.1 percent for the three years combined, or 32.5 million people. The relative standard error for the number of men or women with limitation of activity is less than 1 percent. With such data, even small differences can be highly significant, but caution must be exercised when making comparisons, since differences may be due to sampling variation. From here on, comparisons mentioned are statistically significant, unless otherwise indicated. In general, females are more likely to be limited in activity than males (15.4 compared to 14.6 percent). Females are less likely to be unable to perform their major activity (4.3 percent) than males (4.9 percent), but are more likely to be limited in the amount or kind of major activity they can perform (6.1 percent versus 5.3 percent) or to be limited in activities other than their major activity (5.0 percent versus 4.4 percent). The proportion of the population with activity limitation increases with age, except for a small decrease at ages 18—24 and a sizable decrease at ages 70—74. The reduction in limitation in major activity at ages 70—74 is due to the different standard of major activity employed at age 70— ability to care for oneself or manage one’s home independent of help from others. This standard, more severe than work or housework, also results in a large increase in the proportion of the population limited in activities other than major activity, a group consisting of people with chronic conditions that impact on a broad range of activities, such as work and social and recreational activities. Of people aged 70—74, 19.8 percent have limitations in other than major activity, while 11.9 percent report some limitation in major activity. At ages 75 and older, the proportion of people with limitations in major activity increases over the younger group, while the proportion of people with limitations in other than major activity declines. The net result is that the proportion of the population with any activity limitation rises from ages 70—74 to older age groups. At ages 85 and over, 56.6 percent of the population report some activity limitation. At ages 85 and over, women are somewhat more likely than men to be limited in activity. Below age 85, however, gender differences in the proportion of people with limitation in activity are small and inconsistent. In the working ages, 18—69, men are more likely than women to report being unable to perform their major activity. On the other hand, at ages 45—69, women are more likely than men to report being limited in the amount or kind of major activity they can perform. These gender differences increase at the older working ages and result from the fact that many women who are limited in work do not report limitations in housekeeping activities. Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 7 The fact that, overall, women have a higher rate of activity limitation than men is due to the greater longevity of women, on average, and the steeply increasing rates of activity limitation with age. When age-adjusted (by the direct method) to account for the differences in the age distribution of males and females, the gender-specific rates are comparable: 15.2 percent of males are limited compared to 14.8 percent of females (Table A). Of the ethnic and racial groups identified in the NHIS, Asians and Pacific Islanders have the lowest rate of limitation (7.2 percent) and white Hispanics have the next lowest rate (10.4 percent). Native Americans have the highest rate of limitation (17.6 percent), followed by non— Hispanic blacks (15.9 percent) and non-Hispanic whites (15.8 percent). The rate for Native Americans is 2.4 times that of Asians and Pacific Islanders. Gender appears to be less important than race and ethnicity as a factor in disability. Within the various racial and ethnic groups, females have comparable rates of activity limitation to males, except among non-Hispanic whites. The differences among racial/ ethnic groups remain apparent when the data are broken down by age. For each of the age ranges between 25 and 69 years of age, for example, Native Americans have high rates of limitation compared to other groups and Asians and Pacific Islanders have low rates. The rates for Native Americans are between two and three times those of Asians and Pacific Islanders in these age ranges. Because the non-Hispanic white population is older, age-adjustment accentuates the differences between them and all other groups (Table A). The rate of activity limitation for Native Americans is 40 percent higher than that of non-Hispanic whites, when age-adjusted. Educational attainment is highly inversely related to disability. Rates for all levels of activity limitation drop steadily with increasing educational attainment. Of people aged 18 and over with eight years or less of education (no high school), 38.4 percent report some limitation in activity, a rate more than three times that of those with 16 or more years of education (college graduates), 11.5 percent. The impact of education is even greater for people unable to perform their major activity: 16.5 percent of those with no high school education cannot perform their major activity, compared to 2.3 percent of college graduates, a ratio of 7.2 to 1. Age-adjustment dramatically lowers the rate of activity limitation among people with no high school education, from 38.4 percent to 28.5 percent. Nevertheless, a two-fold difference still exists between this group and college graduates. Gender differences in disability are greatest at the lowest education levels (40.3 percent of women with no high school have activity limitation, compared to 36.5 percent of men) and virtually disappear at the highest education levels Table A. Crude and age-adjusted rates of limitation in activ1ty, byJ _selected n1 sociodemographic characteristics: ted States, 1992 Crude Age Characteristic rate Adl'usted‘ Gender Males 14.6 15.2 Females 15.4 14.8 Race/Hispanic origin Native American 17.6 20.8 Asian or Pacific Islander 7.2 9.0 Black Non-Hispanic 15.9 18.3 Black Hispanic 13.7 16.5 White Non-Hispanic 15.8 14.9 White Hispanic 10.4 14.1 Other and Unknown 10.3 13.1 Education 8 years or less 38.4 28.5 9-11 years 25.6 24.6 12 years 17.1 17.6 13-15 years 13.9 16.6 16 years 11.5 13.0 Unknown . 21.3 18.9 Region Northeast 13.7 13.1 Midwest 14.7 14.7 South 16.3 16.3 West 14.5 15.2 Urban/rural Metropolitan area 14.4 14.6 Central city 15.4 15.9 Not central city 13.7 13.8 Non-metropolitan area 17.3 16.4 Nonfarm 17.6 16.8 Farm 13.6 11.2 1Age-adjusted by the direct method to the 1992 total noninstitututional population. Source: United States Na tioml Health Interview Survey, 1992 8 Disability Statistics Report (11.5 percent of both male and female college graduates have activity limitation). Again, the greater average longevity of women is a factor here, because lack of a high-school education is much more common among the older age groups. Further breakdowns by age show that, for each age range between the ages of 18 and 69, the rate of disability among those with less than 8 years of education is more than twice that of people with college education. These differences become smaller for ages 70 and above, though the rate for those with no high school remains greater for all ages. Since limitation in activity mainly constitutes work limitation for the working-age population, but is primarily self-care or home management limitation for the elderly, the above comparison suggests that low education has more impact on ability to work than on personal care activities. A breakdown by educational attainment and race/ ethnicity shows that the above-noted differences in disability rates by race are not fully explained by educational levels. The proportion of Native Americans with limitations is at least 1.5 times that of Asians in every education category. However, since Asians are much more likely than Native Americans to have completed college (25.1 percent compared to 5.4 percent) and since educational attainment is a major factor in disability rates, the disparity in educational levels clearly does contribute to the overall 2.4-to-1 ratio of disability rates between those two groups. A breakdown by income level makes it clear that disability is inversely related to family income. People in families with incomes below $10,000 are much more likely than people with family incomes of $35,000 or above to report some activity limitation (27.3 percent versus 9.0 percent, a ratio of 3.0 to 1). The ratio is greatest for those unable to perform their major activity, for whom the rate among the poorest group (10.6 percent) is 5.9 times that of the richest group (1.8 percent). People below the poverty line have a 21.2 percent rate of limitation, compared to 13.3 percent for those above the poverty line. Marital status is a significant factor in disability rates. Widowed, divorced, and separated people have higher rates of disability than married and never-married people. Widowed people report the highest rate of activity limitation (41.3 percent), while people who have never married have the lowest rate (12.7 percent). Age is a very important factor in these differences, of course, since widowed people are more likely to be older and never- married people to be younger. There are no major gender differences in total rates of disability within these marital status groups. Widowed men and women both have 41.3 percent rates of activity limitation. But divorced, widowed, and separated men are much more likely than women in these groups to be unable to perform their major activity. On the other hand, formerly married women are more likely than men to be limited in the amount or kind of major activity they can perform. Women are five times as likely as men to be widowed, which is one factor in the higher rates of limitation shown among elderly women compared to men. A breakdown by region of the country shows that the rate of activity limitation is highest in the South (16.3 percent) and lowest in the Northeast (13.7 percent). The only statistically significant gender difference in disability rates is observed in the Northeast, where 14.6 percent of women and 12.7 percent of men report activity limitations. The higher disability rate in southern states is not accounted for by a greater prevalence of older people living in those states. In fact, a further breakdown by age shows that there are slightly fewer people over age 65 in the South than the Northeast (12.6 percent versus 13.6 percent) and that the rate of limitation is significantly higher in the South than the Northeast at all ages 25 and above. Age adjustment causes the rate in the Northeast to decline slightly but to increase in the West (Table A). In metropolitan areas, limitation is higher in central cities than in suburbs (15.4 versus 13.7 percent). In non—metropolitan areas, limitation is higher in non-farm than in farm areas (17.6 versus 13.6 percent). Age adjustment results in a slight increase in rates of activity limitation in metropolitan areas, but causes the rate to decline for non-metropolitan areas, diminishing their differences. The NHIS is conducted using in-person interviews, in contrast with many surveys, which are conducted by telephone. If people with disabilities were to have telephone service at a rate different from that of the general population, Disability in the United States: Prevalence and-Causes, 1992 telephone surveys could mis-estimate that population. About 5.5 percent of people in U.S. households do not have telephone service. An analysis of that group shows that the rate of limitation is higher in households without a telephone (17.2 percent for those without a phone versus 14.9 percent with), in part due to the fact that lack of telephone service is highly associated with low household income, as is activity limitation. In families with income less than $10,000, 20 percent lack telephones. The rate of limitation is comparable by income for the populations with and without telephones. Families with infants are least likely to have telephones (10.3 percent of infants under 5). About 2.4 million people with limitation in activity do not have telephones in their households, a statistic that should be taken note of by survey designers. B. Prevalence of work limitation In Table 2, estimates of the number of people and the percentage of the total working-age (18— 69) population reporting work limitation are provided by degree of limitation and detailed sociodemographic characteristics. The term ”work disability” refers to limitations in amount or kind of work or an inability to work at a job or business because of a chronic health problem or impairment. Of the population aged 18—69, 11.6 percent, or 19.0 million people, report some degree of limitation in working at a job or business, due to chronic health conditions. This group includes 6.6 percent of the working-age population, or almost 11 million people, who report being unable to work at a job or business. An additional 3.9 percent of working-age persons are limited in activities other than working at a job or business. In the previous section, it was indicated that significant gender differences occur in ability to perform major activity. These differences result from differences in participation in social role: activities. That point is borne out in Table 2, which shows that there are only small differences in rates of inability to work between men and women. Women are more likely to report that they can perform their major activity than they are to report they can perform economic work, while that is less true for men. Considering any degree of work limitation, the rates for men and women are ahnost equal (11.8 versus 11.4 percent, respectively, not a statistically significant difference). Men are as likely as women to be unable to work (6.7 and 6.6 percent, respectively) and show similar rates of limitation in amount or kind of work (5.1 and 4.8 percent, respectively). Work disability increases steeply with age. While only 1.9 percent of the population aged 18— 24 report being unable to work, the proportion rises to 18.6 percent in the age group 65—69. The latter rate has dropped significantly since the mid-19805, when 23.6 percent of those aged 65—69 reported being unable to work (1983—85 NHIS data). In the years since then, the working-age population has grown older, on average, with the population aged 25—44 increasing by 16 percent, while the population 18—24 has declined. The advancement of age, coupled with the decline in the rate of inability to work at older ages, has kept the overall unable-to-work rate constant at 6.6 percent. Limitations in amount or kind of work rise less steeply with age. The rate for people aged 18— 24 is 2.6 percent, while that for ages 65—69 is 10.0 percent. These rates are nearly the same as those for 1983—85. At ages 65—69, men report higher rates of work limitation than women (31.2 percent versus 26.5 percent, respectively), but women report higher rates of non-work limitations (9.6 percent of women versus 6.5 percent of men). At younger ages, work disability rates for men and women are slightly, but not significantly, higher for men than women. A breakdown by race and ethnicity reveals significant differences in work disability rates among racial/ ethnic groups. Native Americans report the highest rates of overall work disability (17.3 percent). The lowest rate is. found among . Asians and Pacific Islanders (5.7 percent). Native Americans have higher rates of work limitations than Asians and Pacific Islanders in every age interval. Differences in work disability by educational attainment are profound. While 22.3 percent of people with less than a high school education report being unable to work, the rate drops to 2.2 10 Disability Statistics Report percent for people who have completed a college education, a ratio of 10 to 1. Since educational attainment (unlike income) is permanent, these differences suggest a strong causal influence of educational attainment on work disability. Factors associated with lower versus higher educational attainment, such as lower status occupations, less control over the pacing of work, and less transferability of skills and experience across jobs, are very important determinants of work disability. The education gradient is much higher for inability to work than for limitations in amount or kind of work. The rate of inability to work increases with age, most rapidly for those without a high school education. Rates of limitation in amount or kind of work by age are similar across education levels. Thus, higher education has a more substantial role in reducing inability to work. At lower educational levels, non-Hispanic blacks have higher rates of work limitation than non-Hispanic whites. At higher levels, however, the rates are comparable. Racial differences in inability to work are highly correlated with differences in educational attainments. Pronounced differences are also observed in the rate of inability to work according to income. Of people with family incomes of under $10,000, 18.9 percent report being unable to work, while the proportion is 2.4 percent of those in families earning $35,000 or more, a ratio of 7.9 to 1. This by itself would suggest a strong relationship between work disability and earnings losses, were it not the case that the education gradient with inability to work is at least as pronounced. The income gradient is less steep for limitations in amount or kind or work. Although the proportion of people with limitations in activities other than work declines with greater family income, the differences are very small. Women with family incomes below $25,000 are less likely than men to be unable to work, except at incomes under $10,000. At incomes of $25,000 or more, women are as likely as men to be unable to work. Income losses are clearly a consequence of work disability. Luft (1978) has estimated that 30 percent of poor people with disabilities are poor because of disability. Although one would expect the impact of disability on individual income to be more pronounced than that on family income, data on individual income are not available. Education and family income are highly correlated with each other and with inability to work. Causal relationships are difficult to infer, however, since educational attainment influences disability, on the one hand, while on the other, disability at early ages influences educational attainment (and therefore eventual income) and disability at later ages directly influences income. People in poverty are 3.4 times as likely as people above the poverty line to be unable to work—16.3 versus 4.8 percent, respectively. Those whose poverty status is unknown also have a high rate (12.1 percent) of inability to work. Differences are not as great for other work limitations or limitations in activities other than work. Those aged 65—69 who live in poverty have a very high rate of inability to work (42.8 percent). Women in poverty show a slightly lower rate of inability to work (15.0 percent) than men (18.2 percent). Regarding marital status, people who are widowed report the highest rates of work disability, followed by those who are divorced or separated. Of widowed people, 28.3 percent report some work limitation and 19.2 percent report being unable to work. Never-married people report the lowest rates of work disability (9.1 percent). Within these marital status groups, differences by gender are not large. A breakdown by region shows that the proportion unable to work is highest in the South (7.7 percent), and lowest in the Northeast and Midwest (6.0 percent), with the bulk of that difference occurring for people over age 55. Inability to work is high in central city areas and rural non-farm areas. In households without telephone service, inability to work is almost twice as high as in households with a phone. In households with income below $10,000, 20 percent lack phones. C. Prevalence of need for assistance in activities of daily living "Activities of daily living” (ADL) (Katz 8: Akpom, 1976) and ”instrumental activities of daily living” (IADL) are two scales developed Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 11 through research on elderly and disabled populations to measure dependencies in basic self-care and other functions important for independent living and avoidance of institutionalization. The Duke OARS ADL and IADL instruments (Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development, 1978) are often used in community and survey research, as they are designed for self- or proxy-reporting (in contrast to professional assessment). Included in ADL are several activities Vital to independent personal functioning. They include bathing, dressing, toileting, getting into or out of bed or chairs, getting outside, continence, eating, and walking. Together, these items are considered a standard for assessing personal care limitations and have been employed with some variation in many surveys. IADL activities measure ability to live at home independently. LADL items that have been used in a number of major surveys include preparing meals, shopping for personal items, managing money, using the phone, doing laundry, doing heavy housework, doing light housework, taking medications, getting around outside, and going places outside of walking distance. Questions about the individual items that make up these scales are often asked separately. In the NHIS core questionnaire, two global questions are asked that attempt to measure the existence of any problem in performing IADL or ADL. In this analysis, people who ”need the help of other people with personal care needs, such as eating, bathing, dressing, or getting around their home” are classified as limited in ADL. People are classified as limited in IADL if they ”need the help of other people in handling routine needs, such as everyday household chores, doing necessary business, shopping, or getting around for other purposes.” If a person mentions a need for help in ADL, they are not further asked about IADL. Note that these questions do not measure difficulty in performance of IADL or ADL, which would provide a broader definition of limitation, nor do they ask about help actually received. Estimates of the number of people and percent of the total population aged 5 and above who need assistance in activities of daily living, by degree of limitation and selected socio- demographic characteristics, are presented in Table 3. The need for assistance in activities of daily living occurs much less frequently than other types of disability. Of the total population, 4.0 percent, or about 9.2 million people, report some need for help in IADL or ADL. Note that the total number of people who need assistance in IADL can be obtained from this table only if it is assumed that people who need assistance in ADL also need assistance in IADL, since this was not ascertained by the survey. However, other research indicates that most people who need assistance in ADL also need assistance in IADL (W eissert, 1985). Of people aged 18 and over, 3.2 percent need assistance in IADL only and 1.7 percent need assistance in ADL. IADL does not apply to people under 18 years old. Only 0.4 percent of children 5 to 17 years old need help in ADL. Women are more likely than men to need assistance in IADL only (3.2 versus 1.8 percent) and in ADL (1.7 versus 1.2 percent). The fraction of the population needing assistance increases steeply with age. Of people aged 18 to 64, 2.6 percent need assistance in IADL or ADL. This increases to 7.3 percent of people aged 65—69 years and to 42.3 percent at ages 85 and over. Despite the widespread association of long- term-care needs with the elderly population, Table 3 shows that a significant fraction of people living in the community who need assistance in IADL or ADL are non-elderly. Of people with IADL assistance needs only, 48 percent are under age 65. Of people who need assistance in ADL, 42 percent are under age 65. Women at any age are more likely than men to need assistance in IADL only, though gender differences are small and statistically insignificant below age 35. Gender differences increase markedly with age. In terms of ADL assistance needs, gender differences are smaller, showing no consistent pattern. At ages 85 and older, women (22.1 percent) are more likely than men (15.0 percent) to need assistance in ADL. Native Americans and non-Hispanic blacks show the highest rates of assistance needs (5.6 and 5.0 percent, respectively, for ADL and IADL combined), followed by non-Hispanic whites (4.0 percent). Asians and Pacific Islanders, as with other measures of disability discussed earlier, 12 Disability Statistics Report show the lowest overall rate of assistance needs (1.7 percent). Among non-Hispanic blacks and non- Hispanic whites, women are more likely than men to need assistance in IADL and ADL; although these differences are statistically significant, they are not large. Educational attainment is strongly inversely related to the need for assistance in IADL and ADL. Of people with 8 years or less of education, 16.1 percent need assistance in IADL or ADL, compared to 2.0 percent of college graduates. Rates of IADL and ADL assistance needs are significantly and substantially higher at ages 35 and over for people with no high school education than for college graduates. At ages 85 and older, the rate of ADL limitation is 21.0 percent for people with no high school and 12.7 percent for college graduates. While the rate of IADL limitation for this age group is comparable across educational levels, rates are higher for people with the lowest education at age intervals between 25 and 74. Although the fraction of people needing assistance declines as family income rises, the gradient is not quite as steep as seen earlier with work limitation. Of people living in families with incomes of less than $10,000, 9.7 percent need assistance in IADL or ADL, compared to 1.6 percent of people in families with incomes of $35,000 or more, for a relative ratio of 6 to 1. People with such limitations are, in general, older than people with work limitations and more likely to be out of the labor force, characteristics associated with low income. People in households with high incomes are more likely to be working— age and employed. People in poverty are twice as likely as people above poverty to need assistance in IADL or ADL (6.6 versus 3.1 percent). IADL and ADL assistance needs are as high for people for whom poverty status is unknown as they are for those known to be poor. IADL and ADL assistance needs increase with age more steeply among the poor and those whose poverty status is unknown. Of all marital status categories, Widowed people are most likely to need assistance in IADL or ADL (19.8 percent). The lowest rate is for people never married (3.2 percent), followed by married people (3.6 percent) and then those separated (5.9 percent) and divorced (5.7 percent). Women who are married, divorced, or widowed are more likely than their male counterparts to need assistance in IADL only. No significant gender differences exist in the need'for assistance in ADL within marital status groups. Rates of IADL and ADL assistance needs are higher in the South than in the West, but the differences are small, though significant. IADL limitations are higher in rural non-farm areas (3.2 percent) than in suburbs (2.2 percent), as are ADL limitations (1.6 percent versus 1.2 percent). D. The relationship between work limitations and need for assistance in activities of daily living Lack of independence in home management and self-care activities does not automatically mean disability in other important life activities. Some people who need assistance in IADL or ADL can work. Such limitations may be offset by education and training; previous work history; current job requirements and availability; workplace, household, and environmental accommodations; and the availability and affordability of personal assistance services. Table 4 explores the relationship between the ability to work and the ability to manage one’s home and care for oneself independent of help from others. The tabulation is restricted to people with limitation in activity in the age range 18-69. Generally, the more severe a work limitation, the more likely it is that a person has an IADL or ADL limitation. Of people limited in activities other than work, 5.0 percent have some need for assistance in IADL or ADL. Of people limited in the amount or kind of work they can perform, 8.1 percent have some need for assistance in IADL or ADL. Among those unable to work, the need for assistance in IADL or ADL is four times as common (34.6 percent, with 22.8 percent needing assistance in IADL only and 11.8 percent needing assistance in ADL). ’ Women who are limited in non—work activity are four times as likely as their male counterparts to need assistance in IADL or ADL (7.3 percent versus 1.8 percent), while women who are limited in amount or kind of work are twice as likely as men to need assistance (10.5 percent versus 5.6 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 13 percent). However, among those unable to work, rates of ADL limitation are the same for men and women, but women are more likely to need help in IADL than men (25.7 percent versus 19.8 percent). It is interesting to note that when degree of work limitation is controlled, age has little influence on the need for assistance in IADL or ADL. This suggests that work disability is more highly associated with IADL and ADL limitations than is age. Similar patterns are seen by gender. However, women who are limited in activities other than work are much more likely than men to need assistance in IADL at all ages. Table 4 can be viewed another way. Of the 1.5 million people of working ages who need assistance in ADL, 12.4 percent state that they are able to work in some capacity and 4.4 percent report no wOrk limitation. And of the 3.3 million working-age people needing assistance in IADL only, 22.5 percent of them are able to work in some capacity, while 7.5 percent report no work limitation. Thus, people who need personal assistance in IADL and ADL frequently can work. These rates of work ability of people with ADL and IADL limitations are the same as they were in 1983—85. E. Prevalence of school limitation Estimates of the number of children and adolescents who are limited in school attendance (limited in the amount or kind of major activity) or unable to attend school (unable to perform major activity) are given in Table 1. In Table 5, the category of limitation in school attendance is expanded to identify children who attend special schools or classes, those who need special schools or classes but do not attend them, and those who neither need nor attend special schools or classes but are otherwise limited in school attendance. Since parents report for their children, responses are based on parents’ understanding of their children’s needs and participation in special education programs. As more and more children are receiving special education services in mainstream settings, this may lead to their being undercounted in the NHIS. Of all children and adolescents aged 5—17, 3.2 percent, or 1.5 million persons, attend special schools or classes, while 0.5 percent need special schools or classes but do not attend them, and 1.2 percent are limited in school attendance but neither need nor attend special schools or classes. In 1983—85, 2.6 percent of children 5—17 attended special school or classes. Thus, a significant increase of about 23 percent in the overall rate of children in special education has occurred over these years. Of all children and adolescents limited in school attendance (excluding those who cannot attend school at all), 65 percent attend special schools or classes. Of those children whose parents are aware that they need special schools or classes, 86 percent attend them. Boys are more likely to attend special schools or classes than girls (3.9 versus 2.4 percent). White Hispanic children are significantly less likely to attend special classes than non-Hispanic whites and blacks. However, they are no more likely to be classified as needing special classes but not attending them. Due to high sampling variability, estimates are not dependable for racial and ethnic groups other than these. Some gender differences are apparent within these racial/ ethnic groups: Among both blacks and whites not of Hispanic origin, boys are more likely than girls to attend special schools or classes (4.3 versus 2.9 percent, respectively, for blacks, 4.2 versus 2.6 percent for whites). Poor children and adolescents are significantly more likely to attend special schools or classes than those in families above the poverty line (5.2 versus 2.8 percent, respectively). Poor children are also more likely than children in non- poor families to need special schools or classes but not attend them (1.0 versus 0.4 percent), and they are more likely to be otherwise limited in school attendance (2.1 versus 0.9 percent). Regional differences are also observable: the proportion of children and adolescents attending special schools or classes is highest in the Midwest (3.8 percent) and lowest in the West (2.6 percent). Children in rural non-farm areas are significantly more likely than children in suburbs to need special schools or classes but not attend them (0.8 percent versus 0.4 percent). 14 Disability Statistics Report SECTION 3 CONDITIONS CAUSING ACTIVITY, WORK, AND SELF-CARE LIMITATIONS In order to be classified as having an activity limitation in the NHIS, a respondent must indicate at least one health condition or impairment as a cause of activity limitation. The condition must either have had its onset more than 3 months before the interview or be on the list of conditions NCHS considers chronic regardless of onset. If more than one condition is mentioned, the respondent is asked to indicate which is the main cause of the limitation. All others are termed ”secondary causes.” Conditions causing disability can be tabulated in a number of ways. It is often useful to tabulate the causes of disability by the main condition responsible, producing what might be called ”main cause” tables. Such tables provide insight as to how conditions considered to be important causes of disability are distributed among people with disabilities. However, such tables are only partly descriptive of the health and impairment status of people with multiple disabling conditions. To fully describe all the causes of disability, it is also useful to tabulate secondary conditions that cause limitation together with those that are identified as main causes. Such tables may be termed ”all cause” tables. The NHIS is one of the‘ few sources of information on disabling conditions; certainly it is the most comprehensive. Estimates of the prevalence of chronic disabling conditions are presented in this section, for several of the measures of disability described earlier. Although there is great demand for statistical information on the prevalence of disabling conditions, it should be noted that no truly accurate source of such information currently exists. A well-designed, population- based examination survey could provide accurate information on the population prevalence of disabling conditions, but none exists. This analysis relies on conditions that are reported by respondents (or proxy respondents) as causes of difficulties in performing life activities. The procedure by which information on disabling conditions is obtained is as follows: First, respondents are asked if they are limited in activity. Then they are asked to name the condition that causes the limitation. If more than one condition is given, they are asked to specify which is the main cause of the limitation. For each condition mentioned, respondents are further questioned to provide details about the condition and the scientific names of diagnoses they have been given. Using this data, medical coders assign the condition to a specific code using the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD—9), or the NHIS supplemental classification of impairments. Under-reporting, classification error, and sampling error To the extent that people with disabilities fail to mention a condition, it will be under- reported, and its estimated prevalence will therefore be low. Classification error can also be introduced if the information given is not sufficiently precise to assign a specific category. For example, someone with angina may merely describe the condition as ”heart trouble.” Since it cannot be expected that all respondents will report conditions with the same degree of accuracy, the exact classification of a particular condition can vary from person to person. Such ambiguities will typically increase the prevalence of more general condition categories, while decreasing the prevalence in more specific categories. On the other hand, people with certain disabilities often do know at least as much about their conditions as do treating professionals. When such disabling conditions are reported, they are likely to be accurately classified. In general, a condition likely to be accurately estimated from surveys is one for Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 V 15 which people have obtained medical treatment, about which they have experienced good patient-provider communication, and which does not cause them to feel stigmatized or reticent in survey situations. Some studies have compared survey reports with medical records, assuming that medical records provide good documentation of the health histories of individuals. In group plans, such as Health Maintenance Organizations, members rarely seek care outside of plan providers, thus making it easier to assemble complete treatment records. Studies of group plan members have found that many chronic diseases are under-reported in survey contexts (Edwards et al., 1994). However, under- reporting occurs less for conditions that have greater impact on individuals, such as those that cause limitations in activities and those that are under regular medical treatment. However, these same studies have also found that medical records under-report chronic impairments. This occurs because impairments are generally not recorded in medical records unless they are the reason medical care is sought. For example, a doctor who sees a patient complaining of chest pain will record that the patient has angina, but may not record information unrelated to the complaint, such as that the patient is an amputee. The literature suggests that people with disabilities may under-report conditions less than do people without disabilities. Since this analysis is restricted to conditions that cause some disability, we may assume that any under— reporting is less severe than it might otherwise be, but may still occur. Coding methods We classify conditions reported to cause activity limitations using the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), Version 9. The scheme provides both a general and a specific level of classification. The general level consists of categories at the 3 digit level (for example, ICD=153, ”Malignant neoplasm of colon”). The more specific level provides a 4th digit, using up to 10 additional subcategories (for example, ICD=153.3, ”Malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon”). Using this coding system, two problems can occur: (1) the number of conditions estimated in a category is too small to be statistically reliable, resulting in large statistical error, and (2) the detail of the classification may be finer than that of the reported data, resulting in classification error. In terms of statistical error, the detailed ICD scheme results in many conditions for which the estimates are too small to be considered statistically reliable. Our analysis begins with an attempt to use the 4th-digit level of the ICD to tabulate the estimated number of conditions in each category that are reported as main or secondary causes of limitation, for all ages combined. All condition categories with an estimated prevalence of greater than 41,000 are retained; those with lesser prevalence are regrouped into larger aggregates. A general rule is that any estimate under 41,000 cases has a statistical error greater than 30 percent of the estimate and is deemed imprecise. This is the same statistical reliability standard that the National Center for Health Statistics employs in reporting NHIS data. The potential of classification error also must be avoided. Generally, the 4th-digit level is too specific to be used in survey reporting, because the level of detail provided by respondents is not that precise. This effect can be seen in the data, as the majority of conditions end up coded to the most general category at the fourth digit level (for example, ICD=153. 9, ”Malignant neoplasm of colon, unspecified as to site”), with fewer cases coded to the specific categories. However, some conditions that are commonly known at the 4th digit level may be reported validly. What matters is not so much the ”level” of classification as the extent to which the condition is generally known in the population and can be expected to be reported. Lou Gerhig’s disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, for example, is well-known; if mentioned, it would be coded to ICD=335.2. The ICD organizes the three- and four-digit codes within 17 ”chapters” in which diseases are grouped by body system. Within each chapter are sub—chapter groupings, which can be used to 16 Disability Statistics Report group related codes (i.e., ”arthropathies and related disorders,” ICD codes 710—719). The classification of disabling conditions used here is based predominantly on the three- digit category level of the ICD, revised as follows: Three-digit categories with prevalence under 41,000 are regrouped using the following order of precedence: (a) regroup with adjacent and alike categories (for example, ICD 053, ”herpes zoster” and ICD 054, ”herpes simplex” are regrouped under a new category called ”herpes zoster/simplex”); (b) regroup with other related conditions at the sub-chapter level (for example, arthropathies, ICD=710—719); or (c) regroup into a residual category within a chapter (for example, ”other infectious / parasitic diseases”). The only exception is that the number of cases for all perinatal conditions was insufficient to group them within Chapter 15, and they were grouped into a global residual category in Chapter 16. Conditions reported at the 4th-digit level are retained in the tabulations only under the following circumstances: (1) the condition is reported in sufficient numbers to be deemed statistically reliable; (2) there is indication that the specificity is valid, i.e., it is a commonly known condition; and (3) there are fewer mentions of the ”unspecified" (xxx.9) category than the more specific category. Conditions retained at the 4th-digit level include diabetes with complications, diabetes without complications, obesity, anxiety states, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, macular degeneration, cholelithiasis, calculus of kidney, and osteoporosis. The classification scheme obtained using the above criteria has been used in all tabulations, so as to maintain reporting consistency. Further breakdowns of some conditions that are low in prevalence are not reliable, but this is flagged in all instances. A reference table is provided in the Appendix, Table A—1, showing the ICD four- digit codes that make up each tabulated condition category, as well as the estimated prevalence for each specific code. This table permits any conditions to be recombined or further separated to obtain its prevalence in the population, but users should now be aware of the statistical limitations in doing so. The classification method presents several complications. First, since many impairments are caused by ongoing disorders, both the impairment and the disorder may be coded as disabling conditions. For example, for a person who has had a leg amputated due to a bone cancer still. active at the time of the interview, both the impairment (absence of limb) and the disorder (cancer) will be coded separately. A further complication results from a somewhat arbitrary distinction, in certain instances, between disorders and impairments, depending on how the condition is described. If a respondent reports ”back trouble," it will be coded as an impairment, while an answer of ”slipped disc” will be classified as a disorder. Thus, only by combining back—related impairments and disorders can the true number of disabling back problems be estimated. Finally, injuries are handled in a special way. When an injury has caused an impairment, only the impairment is coded. Injuries that have not caused impairments are coded to the injuries chapter of the ICD. For example, if a person mentions last year’s automobile accident as a cause of activity limitation, without specifying a particular impairment, the person’s condition is coded as an injury, not an impairment. A. Prevalence of conditions causing activity limitation Table B shows the estimated prevalence for all conditions mentioned as causes of activity limitation and for those reported as the main cause of activity limitation. It also shows the extent to which conditions are reported by proxy respondents and the proportion of conditions that have been first noticed in the past year. Conditions that are reported as the main cause of disability are termed ”primary causes” of limitation. Conditions that are more often reported as primary causes of disability tend to have a larger role in causing disability. This follows a line of reasoning that has been applied in mortality studies, whereby conditions that are more often than not listed as the primary cause of death are generally considered more severe. Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 17 Conditions with a high proportion reported as the main cause of limitation are described here as having high primacy. But high primacy is not a perfect indicator of the severity of disabling conditions. A condition that is likely to occur by itself in an otherwise unimpaired person, such as chondromalacia in younger adults, may have high primacy, but is certainly less severe than quadriplegia. Conditions that occur at younger ages, when the risks of other problems being present are low, will tend to have higher primacy than conditions affecting older people. Figure 1 shows that the average number of limiting conditions increases with age. Conditions in the elderly may have lower primacy on average, simply because they are more likely to coexist with other conditions than those occurring at younger ages. But they can’t be said to be less severe than for the non-elderly. Thus, higher primacy should not be strictly interpreted to indicate higher severity. conditions. Of all conditions mentioned, 61.8 percent are listed as the main cause of limitation. Among the condition categories, many deviate significantly from the average level of primacy. When an individual in a household is unavailable to be interviewed for the Health Interview Survey, either because of absence from the home or because of unwillingness or inability to answer survey questions, another person in the household may be asked to report for that person by proxy. Proxy reporting is partly a measure of disability: it often represents the inability of a respondent to report for him or herself. It is well known in household survey research that men are more likely than women to be reported on by a proxy. Aside from social and other reasons, the rate of proxy reporting also varies by condition. Proxy reporting occurs more often for people who are too ill to participate in an interview or who are cognitively or communicatively impaired. Data on proxy reporting are seldom presented, even though an examination of the variation in Figure 1. Average number of conditions reported per person as a cause of limitation, by age group proxy rates by condition can be illuminating. Among adults, 18.5 percent of all limiting conditions are Number of lullltll‘lg conditions per person 999? F??? onpmmHthmN h V” O\ VF U V‘ \D Q a: .4, J. a D H a! [\ Age group 85+ 2 reported by proxy.1 Because children are never interviewed directly in the survey but are always represented by proxy, any conditions that are more common among children have high proxy rates compared to those mostly affecting adults. To avoid this complication, the proportion with proxy reports is defined only for adults 18 and older. The proxy rate varies by condition, with higher values generally indicating greater In summations of the number of conditions over categories that are not mutually exclusive, an individual may be counted more than once. A convention that will be followed is that when non-mutually-exclusive categories are involved, the reference is to the number of conditions that limit activity, not the number of persons limited. The 37.7 million people with activity limitation report 1.6 conditions per person, on average, for a total of 61 million limiting severity of disability. Lastly, the recency of a condition is our term for the proportion of cases with reported onset 1 In the NHIS sample, for 6.4 percent of all conditions (whether disabling or not), some portion of the interview is proxy reported. This occurs when a respondent who participates at the outset cannot continue. No information is available on what fraction of the interview is proxy- reported. Therefore, proxy-reports are defined in this study only for those who do not participate at all during the household interview. For 0.8 percent of cases, the proxy status is unknown. 18 Disability Statistics Report in the past year. Recency is a measure of the typical duration of the condition—the lower the recency, the longer the duration. Just 10.7 percent of all conditions reported had onset in the past year, indicating the chronic nature of most conditions that limit activity. These three measures—primacy, proxy, and recency—are useful in describing conditions that limit activity; analyses of these measures have important implications for conducting disability surveys. The discussion in this section follows the organization of impairments and conditions found in Table B. Supplemental information on the estimated number of conditions for subcategories not present in Table B are from Appendix Table A—1. Information on other conditions and injuries as causes of a primary impairment are derived from Table A—1. The last digit of the impairment code represents its etiology, as listed in Appendix Table A—2. PART I: IMPAIRMENTS Vision Blindness in both eyes causes activity limitation for 332,000 people. Its recency (proportion with onset in the past year) is 5.4 percent, significantly lower than the average for all conditions (10.7 percent), signifying a higher degree of chronicity. Visual impairment in both eyes limits 527,000 people and is low in primacy. Blindness in one eye accompanied by visual impairment in the other eye limits 51,000 people. Blindness or visual impairment in one eye limits 384,000 people and is low in primacy. Respondents whose conditions are classified in this category are presumed to have unimpaired vision in the other eye, since they did not mention it. As a cause of activity limitation, visual impairment is more prevalent than blindness and is more likely to be mentioned as a secondary cause of limitation. It should be noted that the coding is based on the stated cause of limitation—”blind,” ”can’t see,” “low vision,” ”trouble reading,” etc—and whether one or both eyes are involved. The survey questionnaire does not follow the usual refinement that the impairment must be present even when using corrective lenses. The ”correction” refinement is important when ascertaining the presence of visual impairment in the general population, but it may not be of much consequence for the present analysis: people are probably unlikely to state that they are limited in activity because of a vision problem if that problem could be solved by corrective lenses. This assumption depends, however, on access to affordable and effective correction, which is not equally assured to all populations. Altogether, blindness and low vision limit the activities of 1.3 million people. Hearing Deafness in both ears limits 184,000 people and has low recency (2.2 percent had onset in the past year). Hearing impairment other than deafness (”hard of hearing”) in both ears limits 498,000 people and also has low recency. Deafness or hearing impairment in only one ear limits 233,000 people. It is unfortunate that the NHIS combines prevalence for unilateral deafness and hearing impairment (in contrast to visual impairments, for which more specific breakdowns are available). For a significant number of people who report deafness or hearing impairment as a cause of limitation, it is not known whether one or both ears are involved. In this group, deafness limits 54,000 people, almost a third of the number known to be deaf in both ears, and hearing impairment limits 206,000 people. The latter is significantly lower than average in primacy, suggesting low severity. Both conditions are of average recency, unlike bilateral deafness or hearing impairment. Hearing impairments, including deafness, limit the activities of 1.2 million people. Speech, sensation, and learning Stammering or stuttering limit 50,000 people; other speech impairments limit 495,000 people. Speech impairments other than stammering or stuttering have almost twice the average rate of proxy reporting. Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 19 Impaired or lost sensation limits 141,000 people. Learning disability limits 216,000 people and mental retardation 1.4 million—both have very high primacy as causes of disability. Over 50 percent of mental retardation mentioned as a cause of limitation in adults is proxy-reported. Activity-limiting mental retardation is lower than average in recency. Absence Absence or loss of an upper extremity limits 102,000 people. The most common is loss of one or more fingers (61,000); next most common is loss of one arm (25,000). Absence or loss of a lower extremity limits 256,000 people. The most common is loss of one leg (173,000); next is loss of one foot or toes on one foot (50,000). Absence or loss of a lung or kidney limits 83,000 people and has lower-than-average recency. The estimated prevalence of absence or loss of a lung is unreliable (38,000), and the category has been combined with loss of a kidney (45,000). Absence or loss of breast limits 44,000 people and is quite low in primacy, suggesting that it may be secondary to another condition, most likely cancer. Indeed, 89 percent are caused by neoplasms (see Appendix Table A—1). Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of the trunk of the body limits 303,000 people, and is low in proxy reporting. Complete paralysis Quadriplegia limits 44,000 people and has the highest primacy of all conditions—95.5 percent of people limited by quadriplegia state that it is the main cause of their limitation. The proportion of quadriplegia that is proxy- reported is 2.6 times that of all conditions. Thus, quadriplegia—a condition generally recognized to be quite disabling—shows the highest primacy and ranks among the highest in the degree of proxy reporting. About 86 percent of cases are reported to be caused by injury. Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of the body) limits twice as many people as quadriplegia (99,000), and it is much lower than average in primacy. Hemiplegia is often the result of a stroke or other brain injury, and those conditions would be expected to be mentioned more often as the main cause of limitation. In fact, 80 percent of cases are reported to be caused by stroke and 12 percent by injury. Complete paralysis of one or both upper extremities limits 47,000 people. About 45 percent are caused by stroke. Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) limits 59,000 people. About 41 percent are caused by injury, 17 percent by stroke, and 17 percent by polio. Complete paralysis of one leg or one foot limits activity for 33,000 people, but since this figure is not statistically reliable, this condition was regrouped with paralysis in other sites, complete or partial. Partial paralysis Cerebral palsy limits 211,000 people. It has higher primacy than average, twice the average proxy reporting rate, and very low recency, as would be expected given its congenital/ developmental onset. Hemiparesis limits 227,000 and is of low primacy. Similarly to hemiplegia, 79 percent of cases are caused by stroke and 10 percent by injury. Partial paralysis in an upper extremity limits activity for 80,000 people and has low primacy. Stroke is the cause for 71 percent of cases. Paraparesis limits activity for 51,000 people, of which 61 percent of cases are caused by stroke. Other types of partial paralysis of a lower extremity limit activity for 73,000 people, most of whom are paralyzed in one leg (65,000), the rest in one foot or both feet. This category is low in primacy and recency, with 60 percent of cases caused by stroke. Paralysis in other sites, complete or partial, limits 180,000 people. This figure includes 33,000 with one paralyzed leg or foot, 35,000 with paralysis of the body trunk, 11,000 with facial paralysis. Some 50 percent are caused by stroke. Altogether, paralysis limits 1.1 million people, usually the result of stroke. 20 Disability Statistics Report Deformities Included here are specific structural deformities of limbs, trunk, or back described by respondents as contracture, atrophy, accessory (or extra feature), ”short” or ”shortness," ”crippled,” ”shriveled,” and other similar descriptors. Curvature or other deformity of the back or spine limits 435,000 people and has greater- than-average primacy and one—third the average recency. This category includes all structural deformities of spine or back, except for spina bifida, which is listed separately. About a quarter are congenital and 15 percent are caused by injury. Spina bifida limits 61,000 people and shows high primacy; all cases are congenital. Deformity or congenital dislocation of the hip and / or pelvis limits 42,000 people. Deformity of a lower extremity limits 246,000 people, with about a third congenital. This category includes such conditions as knock- knee, bowleg, flatfoot, clubfoot, etc., affecting one or both limbs. Deformity of neck, trunk bones, shoulder, or upper extremity limits 116,000 people, with about half of cases caused by injury. About a third involve neck or trunk, 20 percent shoulder or upper extremity, and the rest hands or digits. Altogether, deformities add to 900,000 limiting conditions; they are average in primacy, average in proxy reporting, and below average in recency. A high proportion of cases are congenital. Orthopedic Impairments Orthopedic impairments include such non- paralytic, non-deforming conditions indicated by respondents as limitation in motion, ”stiffness,” ”instability,” ”weakness,” ”trouble,” ”pain,” ”swelling,” etc., when not classifiable to a specific disease or condition (if so classifiable, the orthopedic condition is not coded). For example, a ”disc condition” is coded as ICD 72, rather than as an orthopedic impairment of the back. Orthopedic impairments of the back (including neck) limit 3.8 million people, making this category one of the most prevalent limiting conditions. This classification has greater than average primacy, which suggests greater severity. It should be noted that impairments of the neck are included here; thus, not all cases involve lower back pain, which is often cited as one of the major causes of limitation. About two-thirds are caused by injury. If this group is combined with ICD 722, ”disc conditions,” the number of people with disabling back problems comes to 6.5 million, which amounts to 11 percent of all disabling conditions. Orthopedic impairment of the shoulder or upper extremity totals 1.2 million limiting conditions, and exhibits average primacy and proxy reporting, but higher than average recency. Many of the cases in this classification involve chronic effects from recent injuries. About 80 percent are caused by injury. Orthopedic impairment of the hip and/ or pelvis limits 547,000 people, with 78 percent caused by injury. Orthopedic impairment of a lower extremity limits 2.8 million people, and is higher than average in both primacy and recency. About 71 percent are caused by injury. Orthopedic impairments of other and ill- defined sites limit 265,000 people. This category includes impairments of the ribs, trunk, or joints, limping, and other trouble walking. Around 60 percent of cases are caused by injury. Orthopedic impairments as a whole are about average in primacy and proxy and somewhat higher than average in recency. They constitute conditions that involve pain or difficulty, though they do not include paralysis or specified deformities. Together, they number 8.6 million activity-limiting conditions, of which about 44 percent involve the back or neck. A larger proportion are caused by injury. Other impairments limit 230,000 people. This group includes disfigurements or scars of the head and face, cleft palate, dentofacial abnormalities, and other conditions not otherwise classifiable to a particular site. About 20 percent are congenital. Altogether, 16.3 million impairments are reported to cause activity limitation. Impairments as a whole have high primacy and proxy reporting rates, but average recency. Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 21 PART II: DISEASES AND DISORDERS CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001-139) Tuberculosis (010-019) About 157,000 cases of tuberculosis limit activity, including 34,000 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, 112,000 cases of tuberculosis of the skin (which includes scrofuloderma, lupus vulgaris, and other tuberculosis of the skin), and a handful of cases of tuberculosis of other organs and sites. Herpes (Zoster Or Simplex) (053-054) Herpes zoster, commonly called shingles, and herpes simplex limit 46,000 people. All other infectious and parasitic diseases (001 -009, 020-052, 055-139) The remaining infectious and parasitic diseases limit 175,000 people. This category includes a large number of diseases, none of which has prevalence high enough to be estimated separately. There were no cases coded as HIV infection (ICD 042), although such cases are sure to have caused disability in 1992. Altogether, 378,000 infectious and parasitic diseases are reported to limit activity. These conditions are almost twice as high in recency (proportion of cases with onset in the past year) as the average for all conditions, meaning that they are typically of shorter duration. CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) Cancer (140-208) Cancers of the lip, oral cavity, and pharynx limit 43,000 people, with cancer of the pharynx comprising over half of this figure. Cancer of the colon (109,000) or rectum (30,000) limits 139,000 people. Other digestive cancers limit 86,000, with greater-than-average recency. Respiratory cancer limits 162,000, with lung cancer (139,000) the most frequent subcategory. This classification has greater than average primacy and recency, and average proxy reporting. Cancer of the bone or articular cartilage limits 57,000. Cancer of the skin limits 61,000 and has very low primacy. The highest prevalence for cancers causing activity limitation is that involving the female breast, which limits 232,000 women and has higher than average recency. Cancer of female genital organs limits 76,000 women, has very low proxy reporting and has higher-than-average recency. The low proxy reporting rate may indicate that proxies are uninformed or unwilling to talk about this condition. Cancer of the male genital organs limits 144,000 men (mainly prostate, 135,000) and also has high recency. Cancers of the bladder, kidney, and other genitourinary organs limit 62,000 people. Cancers of all other sites limit 138,000 people and are high in primacy and recency. Lymphatic cancer limits 52,000 people; immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia limit 90,000. As a group, 1.3 million cases of cancer limit activities. Cancers are high in primacy, average in proxy reporting, and very high in recency (28.8 percent with onset in the past year), almost three times the average. Benign neoplasms (210-229)2 Benign neoplasms limit 198,000 people. These include non-cancerous growths as well as pre-cancerous growths. Neoplasms unspecified as to whether they are malignant or benign limit 88,000 people. As a group, benign and unspecified neoplasms limit 286,000 people and have twice the average recency. CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL, AND METABOLIC DISEASES AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240-279) Thyroid disorders (240—246) Hypothyroid and hyperthyroid disorders limit 104,000 people; other thyroid disorders, including goiter, thyrotoxicosis, and thyroiditis, limit 102,000 people. Both categories are lower than average in primacy. 2Codes 230—238 are not used in the NHIS. 22 Disability Statistics Report Diabetes (250) Diabetes mellitus, with complications indicated, limits 131,000 people. Diabetes is known to cause a variety of other disabling conditions, including visual and circulatory disorders. It is average in primacy. The very low rate of proxy reporting suggests that proxies may under-report this condition. Diabetes mellitus, without complications reported, limits 2,438,000. This category is low in primacy, average in proxy reports, and very low in recency, indicating long duration. Diabetes may be associated with other conditions more likely to be chosen as a main cause. With almost 2.6 million people limited in activity by diabetes, it ranks among the most prevalent disabling conditions. Other endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders (270-279) Disorders of lipoid metabolism limit 142,000 people, with hypercholesterolemia accounting for most of these cases (134,000); this category is very low in primacy. Gout limits 206,000 people and also exhibits low primacy. Obesity limits 131,000; all other endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders limit 155,000 people. No mention was made in the survey of obesity having onset in the past year, indicating that it is highly chronic. Altogether, 3.4 million endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders limit activities. These conditions are low in primacy, average in proxy reporting, and low in recency. CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS (280-289) Blood diseases are not highly prevalent causes of disability—217,000 are estimated to cause limitation. Anemias limit 134,000 people; other blood disorders limit 83,000. Blood diseases are low in primacy, but average in proxy and recency. ‘ CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290-316) Psychoses (290-299) Schizophrenia limits 235,000 people, . including 46,000 reported as paranoid type, with the remainder undifferentiated. Schizophrenia has high primacy, average proxy reporting, and low recency. Affective psychoses, mostly of the bipolar type, limit 150,000 people and have high primacy. Other psychoses limit 130,000 people and have high rates of proxy reporting. These include a small number of organic psychotic conditions (19,000, most of which is senile psychosis) and paranoid states (20,000), with the remainder reported as undifferentiated ”psychoses” (79,000). A few cases of childhood psychoses are also included (12,000). Non—psychotic mental disorders (300—316) Anxiety states, which limit 92,000 people, are less likely to be proxy-reported and are also low in recency. Other neurotic disorders are comparatively higher in prevalence, limiting 420,000 people and having high primacy. This category includes neurotic depression (79,000) and neurasthenia (49,000), conditions which were not classified separately because the majority of disorders in this group are classified to unspecified neurosis (259,000). Anxiety was deemed common enough to classify separately, and its average degree of primacy suggests that it is a less severe state than the other neurotic disorders, although more chronic. Alcohol and drug dependencies limit 126,000 people (94,000 have alcohol dependence). This category is low in recency. Few cases of non-dependent alcohol or drug abuse are reported as causes of activity limitation; these are grouped in the residual category, below. ~ Adjustment reactions limit 179,000 people; depression not involving psychosis or neurosis limits 259,000 people. Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood limits 269,000 children and has high primacy. Virtually all cases are reported as attention deficit disorder, with the degree of hyperactivity not indicated. Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 23 Other mental illness and mental disorders limit 175,000 people. This category includes 17,000 cases of personality disorder reported as a cause of activity limitation, a number insufficient to allow this condition to be listed on its own. Altogether, the mental disorders reported above add to 2.0 million limiting conditions, or 3.3 percent of all limiting conditions. They are high in primacy and proxy reporting and low in recency, suggesting greater-than-average severity and longer-than-average duration. Learning disabilities (216,000 cases) and mental retardation (1.4 million) have been discussed above, since they are classified in the NHIS as impairments. Including these conditions, the total class of mental disorders numbers 3.6 million causes of limitation, or 5.9 percent of all conditions causing limitation. CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320-389) Diseases of the nervous system (359) Alzheimer’s (135,000 cases) and other cerebral degenerative disorders limit 155,000 people. These conditions are high in primacy and proxy reporting, but about average in recency. Parkinson’s disease limits 170,000 people. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis limits 105,000 people and has very low recency (1.9 percent with onset in the past year). Multiple sclerosis limits 226,000 people; it is extremely high in primacy (94.2 percent of cases listed as the main cause of limitation), average in proxy, and very low in recency (2.2 percent report onset in the past year). Paralytic conditions (ICD 342-344) have been discussed earlier under impairments. Epilepsy limits 583,000 people and has also low recency. Migraine headache limits 367,000 people and has low primacy, an average proxy reporting rate, and low recency. Other and unspecified disorders of the central nervous system limit 224,000 people. Nerve root and plexus disorders limit 101,000 people. Carpal tunnel syndrome limits 277,000 people; other forms of mononeuritis of upper or lower limbs limit 172,000. Other disorders of the peripheral nervous system limit 146,000 people and have higher- than—average primacy. This category includes neuralgia, Bell’s Palsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, muscular dystrophy, and other nervous disorders with low prevalence. Together, disorders of the nervous system add to 2.5 million limiting conditions; this class of conditions is high in primacy and low in - recency. Disorders of the central nervous system appear to be lower in recency (and therefore more chronic) than those of the peripheral nervous system. Disorders of the eye and adnexa (360-379) Impairments of vision, including blindness and low vision, are discussed above under impairments. This section includes eye conditions that are specified by name in the interview, rather than reported as generalized Vision impairment. More specifically, if a respondent mentions a Visual impairment—blindness or trouble seeing—without specifying a visual disorder that may cause it, that condition is coded only under impairments. If the respondent mentions both a specific condition and a vision impairment, both the impairment and the disorder are usually coded. If, however, a respondent with an eye disorder does not mention that it causes a Visual impairment, the impairment is not coded. For example, a person who responds that he or she is limited in activity and only mentions a cataract will only have cataract coded and not low vision. Ill-defined eye conditions, such as ”bad eyes" or eyestrain, are coded to 1CD 379 (”other disorders of the eye”) and not to low Vision (X01-X03). Retinal detachments limit 67,000 people. Macular degeneration limits 115,000 people. Other retinal disorders limit 171,000 people and have lower-than-average proxy and recency. Glaucoma limits 407,000 people and has low primacy. Cataracts limit 446,000 people and show very low primacy—about 72 percent of conditions are mentioned as a secondary cause of limitation. Refraction disorders limit 88,000 people, with near-sightedness accounting for about 60 percent of these cases; the remainder include 24 Disability Statistics Report far-sightedness and astigmatism. This category is low in proxy and recency. Other visual disturbances, including double vision, color blindness, and night blindness, limit 59,000 people and have very high recency (40.7 percent with onset in the past year)—about four times the average. Strabismus and other eye movement disorders limit 47,000 people and have low rates of proxy reporting. Other disorders of the eye limit 177,000 people, including many conditions too low in prevalence to code separately. Altogether, visual disorders, not including blindness and low vision, number 1.6 million limiting conditions. This group has low primacy, low proxy reporting, and average recency. As mentioned earlier, blindness and other vision impairments come to 1.3 million limiting conditions, somewhat less than the number of visual disorders. Diseases of the ear and mastoid process (380-389) Impairments of hearing, including deafness and hearing loss, are discussed above under impairments. The conditions in this section include ear disorders that generally do not involve hearing impairment. Vertigo and labyrinthitis limit 104,000 people. Other disorders of the ear limit 166,000 people and have low primacy. Disorders of the ear that limit activity total 270,000 cases, much lower than eye disorders. As with eye disorders, if an ear disorder is reported, hearing impairment must also be reported in order for the impairment to be coded. In total, about 4.4 million disorders of the nervous system and sense organs—excluding vision and hearing impairments—are mentioned to cause limitation. This broad category of conditions is average in primacy, proxy reporting, and recency. CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) Chronic rheumatic heart disease (393-398) Mitral valve disorders caused by rheumatic fever limit 145,000 people; other rheumatic heart disease limits 119,000 people. Hypertensive disease (401 -405) Almost 3 million people are limited in activity by hypertension, which has very low primacy (only 28.0 percent of cases listed as the main cause of limitation), low proxy reporting, and low recency (5.3 percent with onset in the past year). Few respondents mention specific forms of hypertension (essential, malignant, secondary, etc.), so these have all been grouped into one category. Ischemic heart disease (41 0-41 4) Angina limits 638,000 people. Other ischemic heart disease limits 1.5 million people; this residual category is above average in primacy, average in proxy, and above average in recency. Given the large number of ischemic heart disease cases categorized as "other” in the survey, angina may not be reliably classified. Altogether, ischemic heart disease limits 2.2 million people and has higher than average primacy. Other forms of heart disease (415-429) Endocarditis, including valve disorders, limits 197,000 people. Cardiomyopathy limits 45,000 people and is of high primacy—95.6 percent of all conditions are mentioned as the main cause of limitation. Conduction disorders limit 128,000 people and have a lower-than-average rate of proxy reporting; it is possible that some forms of ischemia are classified as conduction disorders, because reported ”heart block” is coded to this category. Cardiac dysrhythmias limit 469,000 people and have below average primacy. Heart failure, a state in which the heart cannot pump enough to provide the body’s essential functions, limits 351,000 people and has twice Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 25 the average recency (23.9 percent reported as having onset in the past year). All other forms of heart disease come to 1.4 million limiting conditions. Within this residual group are 1.1 million cases of unspecified heart disease. This number is large enough that it may cause one to doubt the accuracy of the specific heart disease categories mentioned above. All together, 4.7 million ischemic and other heart diseases cause limitation, so about a quarter of the cases are unspecified as to type of heart condition. However, this is about the same proportion that Edwards, et ul., (1994) found other heart conditions to be of all heart conditions, even when based on medical records, which are presumed to be more accurate. Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) Cerebrovascular disease limits 1.2 million people. It is higher than average in primacy, proxy, and recency. Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) Atherosclerosis limits 208,000 people, aneurysms limit 50,000 people, and embolism and thrombosis limit 106,000 people. Other disorders of the arteries and arterioles limit 93,000 people. Diseases of veins and lymphatics and other diseases of the circulatory system (451-459) Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis limit 137,000 people. Varicose veins limit 123,000 people, with significantly lower recency than average. Hemorrhoids limit 57,000 and have lower than average primacy. Other disorders of the circulatory system limit 290,000 people and have a significantly lower rate of proxy reporting. Altogether, diseases of veins and lymphatics and other diseases of circulatory system number 607,000 limiting conditions, and have lower- than-average primacy and proxy reporting. Circulatory diseases total 10.2 million limiting conditions, or one-sixth of all limiting conditions. This broad category is lower than average in primacy (53.1 percent listed as main cause of limitation). Ischemic heart disease and cerebrovacular disease, however, are higher in primacy than average (68.9 percent and 69.0 percent, respectively). CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460-519) Chronic sinusitis limits 178,000 people and has significantly lower primacy and recency than the average for all conditions. Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) limits 286,000 people and is significantly lower in proxy reporting. Chronic bronchitis limits 278,000 and has lower than average primacy and proxy reporting. Emphysema limits 904,000 people and has low recency. Asthma ranks high in prevalence as a disabling condition, limiting 2.6 million people; it is high in primacy and low in recency. These three conditions—bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma—make up the bulk of conditions in the broad category, ”chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" (COPD). A small number of other COPD conditions (53,000), including bronchiectasis and chronic airway obstruction, are coded to the residual category, ”other diseases of the respiratory system.” Pneumoconiosis limits 66,000 people. Other respiratory diseases limit 470,000. Altogether, 4.8 million respiratory conditions cause limitation. These conditions, as a whole, are higher than average in primacy, average in proxy reporting, and lower than average in recency. CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) Esophageal diseases limit 64,000 people, gastric ulcers 212,000 people, and duodenal and other ulcers 89,000 people. All three of these conditions are low in primacy. Other disorders of the stomach or duodenum limit 144,000 people. ' Hernia limits 425,000 people and also has low primacy. Enteritis and colitis limit 208,000 people. Other diseases of the intestines or peritoneum limit 254,000 people and have low primacy and proxy reporting. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis limit 148,000 people. Cholelithiasis (gallstones) limits 26 Disability Statistics Report 53,000 people and has a lower-than-average proxy reporting rate. Other digestive diseases limit 130,000 people and have higher recency than average. Altogether, 1.7 million digestive disorders limit activity. This group of conditions is lower in primacy and higher in recency than average. CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis limit 147,000 people, a total that includes about 86,000 cases of kidney failure (uremia). Calculus of the kidney (kidney stones) limits activity for 48,000 people and has low primacy. Other disorders of the kidney and ureter limit 181,000 people. Diseases of the bladder, urethra, or urinary tract limit 112,000 people and have low primacy. Prostate disorders and other disorders of the male genital organs limit 66,000 men and have low primacy. Endometriosis limits 51,000 women and has a low rate of proxy reporting. Other disorders of the genital organs limit 173,000 females. This category includes breast disorders and inflammatory diseases» of the female pelvic organs. In total, 778,000 genitourinary disorders limit activity and have lower than average primacy. CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-676) No conditions were reported in this chapter. CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) Contact dermatitis and other eczema limit 90,000 people, psoriasis and similar disorders 58,000 people, and chronic skin ulcers 58,000 people (of which 6,000 cases are specified as decubitus, 29,000 as non-decubitus, and 24,000 unspecified). Skin ulcers are lower than average in primacy and, therefore, are often secondary causes of limitation. Other disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue limit 156,000 people. This residual category includes all conditions in this chapter that are too low in prevalence to classify separately. Altogether, 362,000 diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue limit activity. This group has a lower-than-average rate of primacy. CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) Arthropathies and related disorders (710-719) Diffuse diseases of connective tissues limit 75,000 people and have low proxy reporting and recency rates. This category includes all collagen diseases whose effects are not mainly confined to a single system: systemic lupus erythematosus, disseminated lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, sicca syndrome, and polymyositis are conditions that are mentioned. Rheumatoid arthritis limits 673,000 people and has high primacy and low recency. Osteoarthritis limits 5.0 million people and has low proxy reporting and low recency. Other disorders of the joints limit 58,000 people, with chondromalacia of the patella mentioned most often. Dorsopathies (720-724) Ankylosing spondylitis, other inflammatory spondylopathies and spondylosis, and allied disorders of the spine limit 820,000 people. They are low in primacy, proxy, and recency. Intervertebral disc disorders limit 2.4 million people and have high primacy and proxy reporting rates. Other and unspecified disorders of the back limit 157,000 people and have high primacy. Rheumatism, excluding the back (725-729) Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes (which include rotator cuff syndrome of the shoulder, bursitis, tendonitis, etc.) limit 341,000 people and have higher than average recency. Other disorders of the Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 27 synovium, tendon, and bursa limit 161,000 people. Over two-thirds Of this prevalence is due to bursitis (115,000). Other disorders of soft tissues limit 177,000 people and include polymyalgia rheumatica (24,000), muscular calcification and ossification (32,000), other unspecified rheumatism, and myositis (121,000). Osteopathies, chondropathies, and acquired musculoskeletal deformities (730-739) Osteoporosis limits 320,000 people. Other and unspecified disorders in this range limit 284,000 people. This residual category includes osteomyelitis, Paget’s disease of bone, juvenile osteochondropathies, pathologic fracture, bone cysts or necrosis, chondromalacia (other than patella), and unspecified disorders. Acquired deformities are coded as impairments and are tabulated under Part I. _ Altogether, 10.5 million diseases or disorders Of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue limit activity. This group of conditions is higher than average in primacy, lower in proxy reporting, and lower in recency. CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIEs (740-759) Some congenital anomalies, such as spina bifida, are classified as impairments and therefore not included in this chapter. Congenital anomalies of the heart limit 120,000 people. Other congenital anomalies limit 167,000 people and have higher primacy than average. These include a wide array of conditions of low prevalence, such as encephaly, anomalies Of various body systems, and osteodystrophies. CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760-779) TOO few cases are reported in this category to be separately classified. They include prematurity, respiratory problems, and other perinatal problems. They are combined into perinatal and other conditions, with Chapter 16. CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL- DEFINED CONDITIONS (780-799) This chapter includes symptoms and conditions that are not classifiable to a specific diagnosis. Dizziness limits 145,000 people; malaise and fatigue, 78,000; headache, 212,000; and cardiovascular symptoms, 245,000. Cardiovascular symptoms include tachycardia, palpitations, and murmurs; this category has lower primacy than average. Dyspnea and other respiratory abnormalities limit 246,000 people and have higher than average recency. Senility without psychosis limits 415,000 people and has significantly higher-than- average primacy (83.1 percent). Nervousness limits 314,000 people and has lower than average recency. Other unknown and unspecified causes of limitation come to 1.2 million conditions. Altogether, symptoms and conditions that are not classifiable to a specific diagnosis come to 2.8 million limiting conditions, or 4.7 percent of all disabling conditions. Thus, over 95 percent of people limited in activity report classifiable diagnoses. CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (not associated with impairments) (800-999) Serious injuries usually result in some impairment. As mentioned earlier, in the NHIS, injuries, poisonings, and medical complications that result in impairments are not separately coded. Instead, the impairment is coded and it is given an injury etiology code. Injuries included in Chapter 17 consist only of those for which a specific impairment was not mentioned and therefore do not represent the full role of injury in causing disability. For example, a person whose quadriplegia was caused by spinal cord injury would be likely to mention both the impairment and the injury, which would exclude the injury from Chapter 17. In fact, only one case Of spinal cord injury is mentioned in Chapter 17. TO Obtain an understanding of the role of injury in disability, the etiology codes of all the 28 Disability Statistics Report impairments must be examined. A total of 7.2 million impairments have injury coded as a cause, or 44.1 percent of the 16.3 million impairments and 11.8 percent of all disabling conditions. Chronic injuries (slow-healing fractures and wounds) and late effects of injuries that do not cause impairments limit 350,000 people. This category has high recency (29.2 percent have onset in the past year). Poisoning and adverse reactions to external substances—excluding conditions that cause impairment—limit 334,000 people and have low primacy. Finally, complications of surgery and/ or medical care that do not cause impairments limit 521,000 people. Altogether, 1.2 million injuries, poisonings, and medical complications limit activity without causing impairments. Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table B: Prevalence of Chronic Conditions Causing Activity Limitation, by All Causes Reported and Those Reported as Main Cause, and Percent of All Conditions that are Reported as Main Cause, are Proxy-Reported, and Reported to Have Onset in the Past Year: United States. 1992 Prevalence Percent of All Conditions Reported (1,0005! As With All Main Main By Onset in Condition Causing Limitation Causes Causes Cause Proxy1 Past Year ALL CONDITIONS 61,047 37,733 61.8 18.5 10.7 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 16,326 10,923 66.9 AA 2.3 AA 10.8 Visual impairments 1,294 558 43.1 AA 22.0 10.7 Blindness in both eyes 332 189 56.9 26.7 5.4 A Visual impairment in both eyes 527 169 32.1 AA 20.4 15.0 Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 51 33 " 64.7 17.6 3.9 Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 384 167 43.5 AA 20.6 10.4 Hearing impairments 1,175 654 55.7 A 21.5 7.7 A Deafness in both ears 184 127 69.0 25.6 2.2 AA Hearing impairment in both ears 498 270 54.2 21.9 6.0 A Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 233 122 52.4 17.3 6.9 Deafness, unknown if in both ears 54 42 77.8 13.2 14.8 Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 206 93 45.1 A 23.6 15.5 Speech impairments 545 315 57.8 34.4 A 8.8 Stammering and stuttering 50 38 * 76.0 17.6 10.0 Other speech impairment 495 277 56.0 35.9 AA 8.7 Loss or impairment of sensation 141 94 66.7 29.9 12.8 Learning disability and mental retardation 1,575 1,389 88.2 AA 52.5 AA 4.6 M Learning disability 216 191 88.4 M 33.3 7.4 Mental retardation/Down's syndrome 1,359 1,198 88.2 M 54.1 M 4.1 M Absence or loss 788 477 60.5 16.6 7.3 Absence or loss, upper extremity 102 57 55.9 21.2 6.9 Absence or loss, lower extremity 256 169 66.0 21.6 8.6 Absence or loss of lung or kidney 83 42 50.6 32.9 2.4 A Absence or loss of breast 44 13 " 29.5 A 6.7 11.1 Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 303 196 64.7 8.3 M 7.3 Paralysis 1,070 547 51.1 M 26.8 M 11.2 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 44 42 95.5 M 47.7 A 4.5 Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 99 36 " 36.4 M 30.9 9.0 Paralysis of upper extremities 47 18 ” 38.3 21.3 19.1 Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 59 47 79.7 32.8 5.1 Cerebral palsy 211 181 85.8 M 42.0 M 1.9 AA Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 27 61 26.9 M 17.6 16.3 Partial paralysis of upper extremity 80 30 " 37.5 A 29.1 13.6 Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 51 21 " 41.2 15.7 15.4 Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 73 22 " 30.1 M 23.3 2.7 A Paralysis of other sites, complete or partial 179 89 49.7 24.1 19.4 Deformities 900 628 69.8 M 19.7 5.0 M Curvature of spine or back 435 312 71.7 A 16.4 3.2 AA Spina bifida 61 52 852 AA 25.0 6.6 Congenital dislocation/ deformity of hip and/ or pelvis 42 33 " 78.6 34.4 2.4 Deformity of lower extremity 246 160 65.0 21.8 8.1 Deformity of neck or trunk bones, shoulder or upper extremity 116 71 61.2 21.3 5.2 Orthopedic impairments 8,608 6,111 71.0 AA 19.9 13.4 AA Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 3,783 2,946 77.9 AA 20.0 10.8 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and / or upper extremity 1,196 775 64.8 17.6 18.5 M Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis 547 332 60.7 18.6 15.7 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 2,817 1,920 68.2 AA 21.3 14.5 AA Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites 265 138 52.1 17.2 11.7 Other and ill-defined impairments 230 150 65.2 30.2 8.7 PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 44,717 26,813 60.0 AA 17.2 AA 10.7 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001-139) 378 250 66.1 19.6 19.6 A Tuberculosis, all sites 157 109 69.4 20.1 19.1 Herpes (zoster or simplex) 46 28 ” 60.9 16.7 33.3 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 175 113 64.6 19.9 16.6 CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) 1,628 1,087 66.8 A 18.7 27.8 AA Cancer (140-208) 1,342 922 68.7 AA 18.7 28.8 AA Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 43 26 " 60.5 7.0 14.3 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, colon, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 139 97 69.8 15.1 20.9 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 86 62 72.1 36.5 40.7 AA 30 Disability Statistics Report Table B: Prevalence of Chronic Conditions Causing Activity Limitation, by All Causes Reported and Those Reported as Main Cause, and Percent of All Conditions that are Reported as Main Cause, are Proxy-Reported, and Reported to Have Onset in the Past Year: United States. 1992 Prevalence Percent of All Conditions Reported 1,0005 As With All Main Main By Onset in Condition Causing Limitation Causes Causes Cause Proxyl Past Year Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 162 124 76.5 A 19.0 40.5 AA Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 57 43 75.4 15.8 14.0 Malignant neoplasm of skin 61 15 ” 24.6 AA 19.7 23.0 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 232 156 67.2 14.7 21.6 A Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs 76 47 61.8 6.6 A 32.9 A Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs 144 101 70.1 16.7 38.9 AA Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 62 45 72.6 22.2 20.6 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 138 105 76.1 A 23.5 37.7 AA Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 52 36 * 69.2 25.0 30.8 lmmunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 90 65 72.2 24.7 18.9 Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210-239) 286 165 57.7 18.6 23.2 AA Benign neoplasms 198 127 64.1 19.6 21.3 Neoplasm of unspecified nature 88 38 * 43.2 16.7 27.6 CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240-279) 3,409 1,525 44.7 AA 19.3 7.1 AA Thyroid disorders (240-246) 206 68 33.0 AA 14.8 14.5 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 104 44 42.3 A 10.6 16.3 Other disorders of thyroid 102 24 ‘ 23.5 AA 18.6 12.6 Diabetes (250) 2,569 1,189 46.3 A" 20.1 6.7 AA Diabetes mellitus with complication 131 70 53.4 8.4 A 3.8 A Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 2,438 1,119 45.9 AA 20.8 6.8 AA Other (251-279) 634 268 42.3 AA 17.4 6.5 A Disorders of lipoid metabolism 142 30 " 21.1 AA 13.3 7.7 Gout 206 78 37.9 AA 15.5 8.7 Obesity and other hyperalimentation 131 72 55.0 27.4 0.0 AA Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 155 88 56.8 15.2 7.7 CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS (280-289) 217 103 47.5 A 20.4 5.5 Anemias 134 64 47.8 22.3 9.0 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 83 39 * 47.0 17.6 0.0 AA CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290-316) excluding mental retardation 2,035 1,494 73.4 AA 24.1 AA 7.9 A Psychoses (290-299) 515 416 80.8 AA 32.2 AA 6.6 Schizophrenic psychoses 235 200 85.1 AA 28.8 3.0 AA Affective psychoses 150‘ 125 83.3 AA 23.6 8.0 Other psychoses 130 91 70.0 50.4 AA 11.5 Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300-316) L428 1,022 71.6 "A 21.6 8.8 Anxiety states 92 56 60.9 7.6 A 2.2 AA Other neurotic disorders 420 313 74.5 AA 24.9 11.2 Alcohol and drug dependence 126 82 65.1 34.7 1.6 AA Adjustment reaction 179 117 65.4 18.1 7.8 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 259 152 58.7 12.4 14.3 Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 269 231 85.9 AA 66.7 5.9 Other mental illness / disorder 175 127 72.6 20.4 5.1 CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320-389) 4,373 2,585 59.1 17.2 10.1 Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) 2,526 1,716 67.9 AA 20.6 8.5 A Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 155 137 88.4 AA 38.6 AA 9.1 Parkinson's disease 170 125 73.5 30.0 10.0 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 105 81 77.1 32.4 1.9 AA Multiple sclerosis 226 213 94.2 AA 18.1 2.2 AA Epilepsy 583 384 65.9 20.9 5.8 AA Migraine 367 176 48.0 AA 17.9 4.6 AA Other and unspecified disorders of the central nervous system 224 140 62.5 15.5 13.8 Nerve root and plexus disorders 101 52 51.5 14.9 6.9 Carpal tunnel syndrome 277 184 66.4 17.0 17.0 Mononeuritis of lower limb 172 106 61.6 14.0 15.1 Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 146 118 80.8 AA 16.9 9.6 Disorders of the eye (360-379) 1,577 727 46.1 AA 12.4 AA 13.0 Retinal detachments and defects 67 27 " 40.3 16.9 13.4 Macular degeneration 171 126 73.7 11.6 11.1 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 31 Table B: Prevalence of Chronic Conditions Causing Activity Limitation, by All Causes Reported and Those Reported as Main Cause, and Percent of All Conditions that are Reported as Main Cause, are Proxy-Reported, and Reported to Have Onset in the Past Year: United States. 1992 Prevalence Percent of All Conditions Reported (1,0005) As With All Main Main By Onset in Condition Causing Limitation Causes Causes Cause Proxyl Past Year Other retinal disorders 115 77 67.0 5.6 AA 3.5 A Glaucoma 407 176 43.2 AA 12.9 7.6 Cataract 446 123 27.6 AA 15.1 17.0 Disorders of refraction and accommodation 88 47 53.4 2.9 AA 2.3 AA Visual disturbances 59 32 " 54.2 9.1 40.7 A Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements 47 18 " 38.3 3.1 AA 4.3 Other disorders of eye . 177 101 57.1 14.1 21.6 Disorders of the ear (380-388) 270 142 52.6 13.3 8.9 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 104 67 64.4 15.1 8.7 Other disorders of ear 166 75 45.2 A 12.0 9.0 CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 10,170 5,396 53.1 AA 17.2 11.4 Heart disease (390-429) 7,932 3,971 50.1 AA 16.6 A 9.8 . Chronic rheumafic heart disease (390-398) 264 168 63.6 14.0 7.5 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 145 84 57.9 10.4 6.9 Other rheumatic disease 119 84 70.6 18.3 8.3 Hypertensive disease (401-405) 2,964 830 28.0 AA 15.0 AA 5.3 AA Ischemic heart disease (410-414) 2,156 1,485 68.9 AA 17.0 13.0 Angina pectoris 638 390 61.1 14.3 7.2 Other chronic ischernic heart disease 1,518 1,095 72.1 AA 18.2 15.5 AA Other forms of heart disease (415-429) 2,548 1,488 58.4 18.3 12.5 Diseases of endocardium 197 110 55.8 14.4 16.2 Cardiomyopathy 45 43 956 AA 27.9 4.4 Conduction disorders 128 90 70.3 6.4 AA 21.9 Cardiac dysrhythmias 469 239 51.0 A 14.5 7.2 Heart failure 351 228 65.0 25.9 23.9 AA Other heart disease 1,358 778 57.3 19.1 10.2 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) 1,174 810 69.0 AA 24.8 A 20.9 AA Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) 457 301 65.9 15.6 12.2 Atherosclerosis 208 130 62.5 14.4 12.0 Aortic aneurysm 50 26 * 52.0 8.0 20.0 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 106 77 72.6 15.1 13.2 Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 93 68 73.1 23.3 7.5 Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451-459) 607 314 51.7 A 11.5 AA 13.2 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 137 68 49.6 10.3 21.2 Varicose veins of lower extremities 123 67 54.5 16.3 1.6 AA Hemorrhoids 57 20 " 35.1 A 15.8 10.7 Other disorders of circulatory system 290 159 54.8 9.1 M 14.8 CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460-519) 4,774 3,279 68.7 M 17.6 6.1 AA Chronic sinusitis 178 62 34.8 AA 12.7 3.4 AA Allergic rhinitis 286 163 57.0 9.0 A 6.3 Chronic bronchitis 278 132 47.5 A 10.0 A 5.8 Emphysema 904 590 65.3 17.8 5.6 AA Asthma 2,592 2,015 77.7 AA 20.9 5.3 AA Pneumoconiosis 66 27 " 40.9 10.4 3.0 Other diseases of respiratory system 470 290 61.7 16.1 12.6 CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) 1,728 730 42.2 AA 16.0 14.5 A Diseases of esophagus 64 16 * 25.0 AA 6.7 18.8 Gastric ulcer 212 62 29.2 AA 17.8 11.7 Other peptic ulcer 89 26 ” 29.2 AA 16.9 18.0 Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 144 68 47.2 14.8 6.9 Hernia 425 188 44.2 AA 14.3 16.0 Enteritis and colitis 209 128 61.2 20.1 7.2 Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 254 85 33.5 AA 9.2 A 13.4 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 148 69 46.6 28.6 16.1 Cholelithiasis 53 21 * 39.6 3.9 AA 22.6 67 51.5 20.2 27.1 A Other digestive diseases 130 32 Disability Statistics Report Table B: Prevalence of Chronic Conditions Causing Activity Limitation, by All Causes Reported Percent of All Conditions that are Reported as Main Cause, are Proxy-Reported, and Reported to Have Onset in the Pa States. 1992 and Those Reported as Main Cause, and st Year: United Prevalence Percent of All Conditions Reported 1,0008 As With All Main Main By Onset in Condition Causing Limitation Causes Causes Cause Proxy1 Past Year CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 778 407 52.3 AA 16.5 11.4 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis 147 99 67.3 22.1 6.1 Calculus of kidney 48 16 " 33.3 A 22.9 18.8 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 181 87 48.1 19.6 8.3 Disorders of bladder, urethra, and urinary tract 112 43 38.4 AA 9.4 9.8 Disorders of male genital organs 66 25 " 37.9 A 19.7 10.6 Endometriosis 51 33 " 64.7 3.9 AA‘ 19.6 Other disorders of female genital organs 173 104 60.1 13.7 16.2 CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CI-IILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCU'I'ANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) 362 175 48.3 AA 19.9 16.6 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 90 48 53.3 24.0 15.6 Psoriasis and similar disorders 58 25 ‘ 43.1 21.1 10.5 Chronic ulcer of skin 58 21 * 36.2 A 24.1 27.6 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 156 81 51.9 14.4 15.4 CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELEI‘AL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) 10,530 7,211 68.5 AA 14.5 AA 8.5 AA Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 75 54 72.0 5.4 A 1.3 AA Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 673 508 75.5 AA 13.9 3.0 AA Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 5,048 3,189 63.2 12.6 AA 8.1 AA Other and unspecified disorders of joint 58 44 75.9 21.4 3.4 Spondylosis and allied disorders 820 439 53.5 A 7.3 AA 4.3 AA Intervertebral disc disorders 2,416 2,019 83.6 AA 21.5 10.1 Other and unspecified disorders of back 157 122 77.7 A 11.5 10.2 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 341 205 60.1 12.6 2.0 AA Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 161 93 57.8 10.3 11.3 Other disorders of soft tissues 177 119 67.2 13.7 11.3 Osteoporosis 320 214 66.9 13.8 10.3 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 284 205 72.2 A 17.5 9.5 CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740-759) 287 210 73.2 A 21.0 6.9 Congenital anomalies of heart 120 84 70.0 22.2 5.0 Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 167 126 75.4 A 19.8 8.3 CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760-779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (780-799) 2,843 1,691 59.5 19.4 13.5 A Dizziness and giddiness 145 75 51.7 15.6 17.9 Malaise and fatigue 78 59 75.6 8.3 24.4 Headache 212 118 55.7 27.8 17.0 Cardiovascular symptoms 245 116 47.3 A 15.5 11.8 Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 246 141 57.3 18.9 23.6 A Senility without mention of psychosis 415 345 83.1 AA 21.9 12.8 Nervousness 314 175 55.7 18.3 5.1 A Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 1,188 662 55.7 A 19.4 12.4 CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800-999) 1,205 670 55.6 A 16.9 18.9 AA Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 350 219 62.6 19.0 29.2 AA Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 334 170 50.9 A 19.3 12.9 Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 521 281 53.9 14.0 15.9 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table B: Prevalence of Chronic Conditions Causing Activity Limitation, by All Causes Reported and Those Reported as Main Cause, and Percent of All Conditions that are Reported as Main Cause, are Proxy-Reported, and Reported to Have Onset in the Past Year: United States. 1992 Prevalence Percent of All Conditions Reported 1,0005 As With All Main Main By Onset in Condition Causing Limitation Causes Causes Cause Proxyl Past Year MALES ALL CONDITIONS 27,703 17,783 64.2 26.2 10.4 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 8,525 5,838 68.5 AA 29.6 AA 10.4 Visual impairments 665 281 42.3 AA 23.6 12.3 Blindness in both eyes 164 93 56.7 27.6 4.9 Visual impairment in both eyes 242 64 26.4 AA 22.3 19.8 Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 32 ‘ 19 * 59.4 12.5 6.3 Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 27 105 46.3 M 23.9 10.6 Hearing impairments 616 348 56.5 A 26.6 7.6 Deafness in both ears 84 61 72.6 34.1 2.4 A Hearing impairment in both ears 262 154 58.8 23.3 3.8 AA Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 142 72 50.7 27.2 11.3 Deafness, unknown if in both ears 19 “ 18 " 94.7 M 16.7 10.5 Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 109 43 39.4 M 28.7 15.6 Speech impairments 353 220 62.3 37.8 9.1 Stammering or stuttering 41 32 " 78.0 23.1 7.5 Other speech impairment 312 188 60.3 39.6 9.3 Loss or impairment of sensation 90 70 77.8 41.6 13.3 Learning disability and mental retardation 995 881 88.5 M 54.3 M 3.3 M Learning disability 160 144 90.0 AA 22.2 6.3 Mental retardation/Down's syndrome 835 737 88.3 M 57.6 M 2.8 M Absence or 1055 458 292 63.8 19.6 7.2 Absence or loss, upper extremity 88 51 58.0 24.1 5.7 Absence or loss, lower extremity 175 117 66.9 25.4 8.0 Absence or loss of lung or kidney 43 23 " 53.5 27.8 4.8 Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more ' 152 101 66.4 8.1 M 7.9 Paralysis 576 325 56.4 32.5 8.2 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 36 “ 34 * 94.4 M 41.7 0.0 Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 55 18 " 32.7 A 35.2 3.7 Paralysis of upper extremities 25 ‘ 12 * 48.0 32.0 8.0 Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 38 " 35 " 92.1 M 26.3 2.6 Cerebral palsy 128 113 88.3 AA 41.3 3.1 A Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 105 27 " 25.7 M 25.5 11.4 Partial paralysis of upper extremity 4O " 15 " 37.5 48.7 20.0 Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 25 ‘ 15 * 60.0 28.0 0.0 Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 37 “ 8 " 21.6 M 27.0 2.7 Paralysis of other sites, complete or partial 87 48 55.2 25.7 19.5 Deformities 360 245 68.1 31.5 5.0 A Curvature of spine or back 128 91 71.1 31.9 4.7 Spina bifida 36 ' 29 * 80.6 25.9 11.4 Congenital dislocation/ deformity of hip and/ or pelvis 15 " 11 * 73.3 46.2 0.0 Deformity of lower extremity 118 72 61.0 32.9 5.1 Deformity of neck or trunk bones, shoulder or upper extremity 63 42 66.7 28.3 3.2 Orthopedic impairments 4,275 3,085 72.2 AA 28.5 13.2 AA Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 1,799 1,408 78.3 M 30.2 11.3 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and / or upper extremities 619 397 64.1 25.0 19.2 AA Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis 205 128 62.4 24.1 16.2 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 1,511 1,086 71.9 M 29.0 12.8 Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites 141 66 46.8 A 23.5 9.2 Other and ill-defined impairments 137 91 66.4 36.5 10.9 PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 19,179 11,940 62.3 A 24.8 10.5 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001-139) 119 63 52.9 27.0 22.0 Tuberculosis, all sites 34 ‘ 20 " 58.8 36.0 38.2 Herpes (zoster or simplex) 11 " 8 " 72.7 0.0 18.2 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 74 35 “ 47.3 28.1 15.1 CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) 731 481 65.8 24.3 31.0 AA Cancer (140-208) 650 447 68.8 23.4 31.8 AA Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 25 " 15 " 60.0 12.0 16.0 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 85 62 72.9 16.5 25.9 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 40 " 26 " 65.0 32.5 47.5 A 34 Disability Statistics Report Table B: Prevalence of Chronic Conditions Causing Activity Limitation, by All Causes Reported and Those Reported as Main Cause, and Percent of All Conditions that are Reported as Main Cause, are Proxy-Reported, and Reported to Have Onset in the Past Year“. United States. 1992 Prevalence Percent of All Conditions Reported 11,0005! As With All Main Main By Onset in Condition Causing Limitation Causes Causes Cause Proxy‘ Past Year Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 120 93 77.5 24.2 42.5 AA Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 25 “ 17 ‘ 68.0 20.8 20.8 Malignant neoplasm of skin 39 " 7 " 17.9 AA 23.1 17.9 Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs 144 101 70.1 16.7 38.9 AA Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 52 42 80.8 26.9 25.0 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 50 33 " 66.0 34.8 36.0 Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 29 " 21 " 72.4 35.7 20.0 Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 41 30 " 73.2 34.1 14.6 Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210-239) 81 34 * 42.0 A 32.4 23.8 Benign neoplasms 59 26 * 44.1 28.0 15.5 Neoplasm of unspecified nature 22 " 8 " 36.4 42.9 45.5 CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240-279) 1,453 669 46.0 AA 27.9 7.7 Thyroid disorders (240-246) 18 ‘ 9 * 50.0 25.0 22.2 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 10 ‘ 6 " 60.0 25.0 40.0 Other disorders of thyroid 8 " 3 ” 37.5 25.0 0.0 Diabetes (250) 1,132 524 46.3 AA 28.6 7.2 A Diabetes mellitus with complication 73 43 58.9 15.1 4.1 Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 1,059 481 45.4 AA 29.6 7.5 Other (251-279) 303 136 44.9 M 25.3 8.5 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 40 " 11 " 27.5 AA 35.0 5.0 Gout 148 61 41.2 AA 16.9 10.7 Obesity and other hyperalimentation 52 34 " 65.4 44.2 0.0 AA Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 63 30 * 47.6 22.2 12.5 CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS (280-289) 85 43 50.6 38.1 7.1 Anemias 46 27 " 58.7 51.7 13.0 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 39 “ 16 " 41.0 26.5 0.0 A CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290-316) excluding mental retardation 1,058 825 78.0 AA 31.8 6.0 AA Psychoses (290-299) 283 7.37 83.7 AA 35.0 4.2 AA Schizophrenic psychoses 154 135 87.7 AA 31.6 1.3 AA Affective psychoses 66 50 75.8 35.0 6.1 Other psychoses 63 52 82.5 A 45.8 9.5 Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300-316) 775 588 75.9 AA 30.0 6.6 A Anxiety states 24 ' 12 " 50.0 12.5 0.0 Other neurotic disorders 177 143 80.8 AA 31.3 14.7 Alcohol and drug dependence 99 64 64.6 40.6 0.0 AA Adjustment reaction 105 69 65.7 23.4 3.8 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 75 53 70.7 24.6 12.0 Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 217 190 87.6 AA 100.0 4.2 A Other mental illness/ disorder 78 57 73.1 31.0 3.8 CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGAN S (320-389) 1,784 1,092 61.2 24.4 10.2 Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) 1,020 710 69.6 29.0 8.3 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 57 46 80.7 32.8 15.8 Parkinson's disease 102 79 77.5 35.3 7.8 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 61 52 85.2 A 41.9 3.2 Multiple sclerosis 65 63 96.9 AA 21.2 0.0 AA Epilepsy 303 200 66.0 28.3 4.6 A Migraine 64 32 ” 50.0 31.9 3.1 Other and unspecified disorders of the central nervous system 106 60 56.6 24.7 17.0 Nerve root and plexus disorders 37 " 21 " 56.8 35.1 10.8 Carpal tunnel syndrome 66 44 66.7 22.7 9.1 Mononeuritis of lower limb 76 40 " 52.6 26.3 13.2 Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 83 73 88.0 AA 24.0 14.5 Disorders of the eye (360-379) 651 316 48.5 AA 17.0 AA 14.1 Retinal detachments and defects 27 “ 8 " 29.6 A 8.0 7.4 Macular degeneration 65 49 75.4 18.2 16.9 Other retinal disorders 38 " 29 " 76.3 12.9 10.5 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 35 Table B: Prevalence of Chronic Conditions Causing Activity Limitation, by All Causes Reported and Those Reported as Main Cause, and Percent of All Conditions that are Reported as Main Cause, are Proxy-Reported, and Reported to Have Onset in the Past Year: United States, 1992 ' Prevalence Percent of All Conditions Reported (1,0005! As With All Main Main By Onset in Condition Causing Limitation Causes Causes Cause Proxyl Past Year Glaucoma 159 75 47.2 A 17.8 4.4 Cataract 165 38 * 23.0 AA 22.6 15.7 Disorders of refraction and accommodation 45 21 " 46.7 5.6 AA 4.4 Visual disturbances 46 28 “ 60-9 7-3 A 47-8 "" Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements 26 “ 14 * 53.8 0.0 AA 7.7 Other disorders of eye 80 54 67.5 22.8 20.0 Disorders of the ear (380-388) 113 66 58.4 29.7 5.3 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 39 ‘ 28 " 71.8 32.1 0.0 A Other disorders of ear 74 38 " 51.4 27.8 8.0 CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 4,759 2,787 58.6 AA 7.3.3 A 10.3 Heart disease (390-429) 3,623 2,028 56.0 AA 22.5 A 9.4 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) 65 42 64.6 27.7 12.3 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 25 “ 10 " 40.0 24.0 20.0 Other rheumatic disease 40 " 32 * 80.0 30.0 7.5 Hypertensive disease (401-405) 1,095 306 27.9 AA 20.7 A 4.6 AA Ischemic heart disease (410-414) 1,299 959 73.8 AA 21.2 A 11.8 Angina pectoris 279 184 65.9 20.1 9.7 Other chronic ischemic heart disease 1,020 775 76.0 AA 21.6 12.4 Other forms of heart disease (415-429) 1,164 721 61.9 25.3 11.2 Diseases of endocardium 75 42 56.0 15.7 21.3 Cardiomyopathy 25 “ 25 " 100.0 AA 40.0 8.0 Conduction disorders 75 61 81.3 A 10.7 A 25.3 Cardiac dysrhythmias 192 100 52.1 22.4 4.1 A Heart failure 150 100 66.7 36.0 25.3 A Other heart disease 647 393 60.7 25.8 7.4 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) , 588 422 71.8 A 34.0 A 17.0 A Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) 265 184 69.4 18.3 7.6 Atherosclerosis 124 85 68.5 17.6 7.3 Aortic aneurysm 30 " 17 ” 56.7 10.3 24.1 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 67 48 71.6 20.9 2.9 Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 44 34 " 77.3 21.4 4.7 Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451-459) 283 153 54.1 16.7 A 10.6 Phlebitis and thrombophlebifis 46 18 " 39.1 19.1 14.9 Varicose veins of lower extremities 49 28 * 57.1 24.0 4.1 Hemorrhoids 34 “ 9 “ 26.5 AA 20.6 12.1 Other disorders of circulatory system 154 98 63.6 12.6 AA 11.1 CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460-519) 2,342 1,687 72.0 AA 26.2 5.9 AA Chronic sinusitis 70 21 " 30.0 AA 21.0 0.0 AA Allergic rhinitis 123 86 69.9 11.8 A 4.1 Chronic bronchitis 109 53 48.6 20.7 9.2 Emphysema 556 385 69.2 22.1 5.8 A Asthma 1,184 964 81.4 AA 36.3 A 5.4 M Pneumoconiosis 60 25 " 41.7 11.7 3.3 Other diseases of respiratory system 240 153 63.8 23.9 10.0 CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) 797 348 43.7 AA 23.3 13.8 Diseases of esophagus 33 “ 8 " 24.2 AA 6.3 A 27.3 Gastric ulcer 123 37 " 30.1 AA 26.1 8.9 Other peptic ulcer 38 " 11 * 28.9 A 23.1 15.8 Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 68 34 * 50.0 23.6 7.4 Hernia 218 106 48.6 A 22.2 20.6 Enteritis or colitis 81 55 67.9 32.9 4.9 Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 83 32 * 38.6 A 14.1 18.1 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 84 37 ‘ 44.0 32.1 13.1 Cholelithiasis 14 " 4 * 28.6 14.3 0.0 Other digestive diseases 55 24 " 43.6 19.2 7.3 CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 275 149 54.2 25.4 10.2 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or nephrosis 73 50 68.5 21.1 2.7 A Calculus of kidney 27 " 9 " 33.3 22.2 26.9 36 Disability Statistics Report Table 8: Prevalence of Chronic Conditions Causing Activity Limitation, by All Causes Reported and Those Reported as Main Cause, and Percent of All Conditions that are Reported as Main Cause, are Proxy-Reported, and Reported to Have Onset in the Past Year: United States. 1992 Prevalence Percent of All Conditions Reported 0,0005! As With All Main Main By Onset in Condition Causing Limitation Causes Causes Cause Proxy‘ Past Year Other disorders of kidney and ureter 78 49 62.8 40.6 11.5 Disorders of bladder, urethra, and urinary tract 31 ‘ 16 " 51.6 14.8 9.7 Disorders of male genital organs 66 25 ‘ 37.9 A 19.7 10.6 CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) 151 58 38.4 ’V‘ 33.3 13.9 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 30 “ 17 " 56.7 36.0 0.0 Psoriasis and similar disorders 30 “ 12 " 40.0 33.3 20.0 Chronic ulcer of skin 28 “ 6 " 21.4 ’V‘ 46.4 32.1 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 63 23 " 36.5 A 23.3 9.5 CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) 3,692 2,572 69.7 N‘ 23.2 " 9.2 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 18 ' 12 * 66.7 11.1 5.6 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 156 107 68.6 24.8 1.3 M Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 1,554 931 59.9 19.6 M 8.8 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 30 " 20 * 66.7 35.7 0.0 Spondylosis and allied disorders 250 134 53.6 14.1 ’V‘ 2.4 M Intervertebral disc disorders 1,312 1,131 86.2 AA 28.9 10.7 Other and unspecified disorders of back 44 36 * 81.8 27.3 13.6 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 108 60 55.6 19.2 17.8 Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 32 " 17 * 53.1 20.7 29.0 Other disorders of soft tissues 43 24 " 55.8 20.9 27.3 Osteoporosis 23 “ 15 ‘ 65.2 26.1 8.7 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 122 85 69.7 24.8 5.0 CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740-759) 145 107 73.8 31.1 4.1 Congenital anomalies of heart 54 38 " 70.4 27.1 7.4 Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 91 69 75.8 35.7 2.2 "A CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760-779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (780-799) 1,210 750 62.0 27.4 12.7 Dizziness and giddiness 49 25 “‘ 51.0 27.3 14.6 Malaise and fatigue 22 " 18 " 81.8 20.0 18.2 Headache 91 55 60.4 46.9 20.9 Cardiovascular symptoms 93 43 46.2 16.5 12.9 Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 126 78 61.9 30.0 25.4 A Senility without mention of psychosis 137 117 85.4 ’V‘ 20.6 10.2 Nervousness 122 75 61.5 25.2 4.9 Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 570 339 59.5 28.1 10.4 CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800-999) 578 309 53.5 ’V‘ 20.5 18.1 A Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 195 120 61.5 20.3 25.1 A Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 148 79 53.4 25.8 12.8 Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 235 110 46.8 ’V‘ 17.4 15.7 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table B: Prevalence of Chronic Conditions Causing Activity Limitation, by All Causes Reported and Those Reported as Main Cause, and Percent of All Conditions that are Reported as Main Cause, are Proxy-Reported, and Reported to Have Onset in the Past Year: United States, 1992 Prevalence Percent of All Conditions Reported 1 0005 As With All Main Main By Onset in Condition Causing Limitation Causes Causes Cause Proxy1 Past Year FEMALE ALL CONDITIONS 33,344 19,950 59.8 12.3 10.9 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 7,802 5,080 65.1 AA 14.6 A 11.3 Visual impairments 629 277 44.0 AA 20.3 A 9.4 Blindness in both eyes 168 96 57.1 25.8 A 6.5 Visual impairment in both eyes 285 105 36.8 AA 19.0 10.9 Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 19 ‘ 14 " 73.7 26.3 0.0 Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 157 62 39.5 AA 16.0 10.8 Hearing impairments 557 307 55.1 15.6 7.9 Deafness in both ears 99 67 67.7 16.9 2.0 AA Hearing impairment in both ears 235 116 49.4 20.3 8.5 Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 92 50 54.3 1.4 AA 0.0 M Deafness, unknown if in both ears 34 " 24 " 70.6 11.8 17.6 Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 97 50 51.5 17.8 16.3 Speech impairments 193 94 48.7 30.0 8.3 Stammering or stuttering 10 ‘ 6 * 60.0 0.0 20.0 Other speech impairment 183 88 48.1 31.4 A 7.7 Loss or impairment of sensation 51 24 " 47.1 8.2 11.8 Learning disability and mental retardation 581 507 87.3 M 49.3 M 6.6 A Learning disability 56 47 83.9 A 66.7 A 9.1 Mental retardation/ Down's syndrome 525 460 87.6 M 48.4 AA 6.3 A Absence or loss 32 184 55.4 12.6 7.2 Absence or loss, upper extremity 14 ' 6 ' 42.9 0.0 14.3 Absence or loss, lower extremity 81 52 64.2 13.6 8.6 Absence or loss of lung or kidney 41 19 " 46.3 38.9 0.0 A Absence or loss of breast 44 13 " 29.5 A 6.7 11.1 Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 152 94 61.8 8.6 6.6 Paralysis 494 222 44.9 AA 19.9 A 14.5 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 8 ' 8 ‘ 100.0 75.0 A 25.0 Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 44 18 " 40.9 25.0 13.6 Paralysis of upper extremities 22 " 5 ’ 22.7 A 9.1 31.8 Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 21 " 12 " 57.1 45.0 9.5 Cerebral palsy 83 68 81.9 AA 43.8 0.0 AA Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 12 35 " 28.7 AA 10.5 20.5 Partial paralysis of upper extremity 40 ‘ 15 " 37.5 10.0 7.5 Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 26 “ 6 " 23.1 A 7.4 29.6 Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 36 " 14 " 38.9 19.4 2.8 Paralysis of other extremity, complete or partial 92 41 44.6 21.7 19.4 Deformities 540 381 70.6 AA 12.5 5.0 AA Curvature of spine or back 307 221 72.0 A 9.9 2.6 AA Spina bifida 25 " 22 ‘ 88.0 A 27.8 0.0 Congenital dislocation / deformity of hip and/ or pelvis 27 “ 22 "' 81.5 25.0 3.7 Deformity of lower extremity 128 88 68.8 13.9 10.9 Deformity of neck or trunk bones, shoulder or upper extremity 53 28 " 52.8 12.5 7.4 Orthopedic impairments 4,332 3,025 69.8 AA 11.3 13.7 AA Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 1,983 1,538 77.6 AA 10.8 10.3 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper extremities 577 378 65.5 9.7 17.9 A Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis 342 204 59.6 15.1 15.5 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 1,306 833 63.8 12.1 16.3 AA Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites 124 72 58.1 10.6 15.3 Other and ill-defined impairments 93 59 63.4 21.5 5.4 PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 25,541 14,864 58.2 A 11.7 10.8 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001-139) 260 187 71.9 A 16.4 18.8 Tuberculosis, all sites 124 90 72.6 16.7 14.5 Herpes (zoster or simplex) 35 " 19 " 54.3 22.6 37.1 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 101 78 77.2 A 13.8 17.8 CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) 898 604 67.3 13.9 25.4 AA Cancer (140-208) 693 473 68.3 A 14.2 26.0 AA Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 18 " 11 * 61.1 0.0 11.8 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 54 34 " 63.0 13.0 14.8 38 Disability Statistics Report Table B: Prevalence of Chronic Conditions Causing Activity Limitation, by All Causes Reported and Those Reported as Main Cause, and Percent of All Conditions that are Reported as Main Cause, are Proxy-Reported, and Reported to Have Onset in the Past Year: United States; 1992 Prevalence Percent of All Conditions Reported (1,0005) As With All Main Main By Onset in Condition Causing Limitation Causes Causes Cause Proxy‘ Past Year Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 45 35 " 77.8 40.0 A 34.8 Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 42 31 * 73.8 4.8 35.7 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 33 " 26 ‘ 78.8 12.1 6.3 Malignant neoplasm of skin 22 " 8 * 36.4 13.6 31.8 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 232 156 67.2 14.7 21.6 A Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs 76 47 61.8 6.6 32.9 A Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 11 " 4 * 36.4 0.0 0.0 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 88 71 80.7 A 17.4 38.6 AA Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 23 “ 15 " 65.2 10.0 47.8 Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 49 35 * 71.4 15.9 20.4 Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210-239) 205 131 63.9 13.0 23.4 A Benign neoplasms 139 101 72.7 15.5 23.7 Neoplasm of unspecified nature 66 30 * 45.5 7.8 22.7 CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240-279) 1,958 856 43.7 AA 13.0 6.8 AA Thyroid disorders (240-246) 190 59 31.1 AA 13.9 14.2 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 95 38 * 40.0 A 9.3 14.7 Other disorders of thyroid 95 21 " 2.1 AA 18.1 13.7 Diabetes (250) 1,438 665 46.2 AA 13.5 6.3 AA Diabetes mellitus with complication 59 27 * 45.8 0.0 AA 3.4 Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 1,379 638 46.3 AA 14.0 6.4 AA Other (251-279) 330 132 40.0 AA 10.2 4.5 AA Disorders of lipoid metabolism 102 19 * 18.6 AA 4.9 8.8 Gout 58 17 ” 29.3 AA 12.1 3.4 Obesity and other hyperalimentation 79 38 * 48.1 15.3 0.0 AA Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 91 58 63.7 11.3 4.4 CI-MPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS (280-289) 133 60 45.1 12.1 5.3 Anemias 89 37 * 41.6 12.0 7.9 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 44 23 " 52.3 12.2 0.0 A CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290-316) excluding mental retardation 977 668 68.4 AA 17.3 A 10.0 Psychoses (290-299) 7.31 178 77.1 AA 29.1 AA 9.5 Schizophrenic psychoses 80 65 81.3 A 23.8 6.2 Affective psychoses 84 74 88.1 AA 16.5 9.5 Other psychoses 67 39 * 58.2 52.3 AA 13.4 Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300-316) 746 490 65.7 13.0 10.2 Anxiety states 68 44 64.7 5.9 2.9 A Other neurotic disorders 243 170 70.0 20.6 8.6 Alcohol or drug dependence 26 " 18 " 69.2 9.1 7.7 Adjustment reaction 75 48 64.0 10.6 13.3 Depressive disorders, not elsewhere classified 184 99 53.8 7.0 15.2 Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 53 41 77.4 0.0 13.5 Other mental illness/ disorder 97 70 72.2 13.9 6.2 CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320-389) 2,586 1,491 57.7 12.2 10.1 Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) 1,504 1,006 66.9 AA 15.0 8.6 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 97 91 93.8 AA 42.1 AA 5.2 Parkinson's disease 68 46 67.6 22.1 13.2 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 43 29 * 67.4 18.6 0.0 A Multiple sclerosis 161 150 93.2 AA 16.8 3.1 AA Epilepsy 280 184 65.7 12.1 7.1 Migraine 303 144 47.5 A 15.4 5.0 A Other and unspecified disorders of the nervous system 118 79 66.9 8.1 11.0 Nerve root and plexus disorders 64 32 * 50.0 3.1 A 4.7 Carpal tunnel syndrome 211 140 66.4 15.2 19.5 Mononeuritis of lower limb 96 66 68.8 4.2 A 16.7 Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 63 45 71.4 7.4 3.2 Disorders of the eye (360-379) 925 410 44.3 AA 9.0 12.3 Retinal detachments and defects 40 " 19 * 47.5 20.0 17.5 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table B: Prevalence of Chronic Conditions Causing Activity Limitation, by All Causes Reported and Those Reported as Main Cause, and Percent of All Conditions that are Reported as Main Cause, are Proxy-Reported, and Reported to Have Onset in the Past Year: United States. 1992 Prevalence Percent of All Conditions Reported (1,0005! As With All Main Main By Onset in Condition Causing Limitation Causes Causes Cause Proxy1 Past Year Other retinal disorders 78 48 61.5 2.6 AA 0.0 AA Macular degeneration 106 77 72.6 7.5 7.5 Glaucoma 247 101 40.9 AA 9.7 10.1 Cataract 280 84 30.0 AA 10.7 17.9 Disorders of refraction and accommodation 43 26 * 60.5 0.0 AA 0.0 A Visual disturbances 13 " 4 * 30.8 15.4 14.3 Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements 21 " 4 " 19.0 A 11.1 0.0 Other disorders of eye 97 47 48.5 6.6 22.9 Disorders of the ear (380-388) 157 75 47.8 3.4 AA 12.0 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 65 39 " 60.0 4.4 13.6 Other disorders of ear 92 36 .* 39.1 A 2.8 A 10.9 CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 5,412 2,609 48.2 AA 11.7 12.2 Heart disease (390-429) 4,310 1,943 45.1 AA 11.6 10.0 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) 200 126 63.0 9.0 5.5 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 121 74 61.2 7.5 4.1 Other rheumatic disease 79 52 65.8 11.4 7.6 Hypertensive disease (401-405) 1,870 524 28.0 AA 11.6 5.7 AA Ischemic heart disease (410-414) 857 525 61.3 10.6 14.8 Angina pectoris 358 205 57.3 9.8 5.0 AA Other chronic ischemic heart disease 499 320 64.1 11.2 21.8 AA Other forms of heart disease (415-429) 1,383 768 55.5 12.4 13.5 Diseases of endocardium 122 69 56.6 13.6 13.1 Cardiomyopathy 20 " 18 " 90.0 A 11.1 0.0 Conduction disorders 53 29 " 54.7 0.0 AA 15.4 Cardiac dysrhythmias 277 139 50.2 8.7 9.7 Heart failure 201 127 63.2 18.4 22.9 A Other heart disease 710 386 54.4 12.9 12.7 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) 586 388 66.2 15.6 24.7 AA Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) 193 117 60.6 11.5 18.1 Atherosclerosis 84 45 53.6 9.5 17.9 Aortic aneurysm 21 " 9 " 42.9 4.8 14.3 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 39 " 29 " 74.4 5.1 30.8 Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 49 34 " 69.4 23.4 10.2 Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451-459) 323 161 49.8 7.1 15.5 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 90 50 55.6 6.6 24.4 Varicose veins of lower extremities 74 39 " 52.7 11.0 0.0 AA Hemorrhoids 23 " 11 “ 47.8 8.7 8.7 Other disorders of circulatory system 136 61 44.9 5.1 19.1 CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460-519) 2,433 1,592 65.4 AA 10.7 6.3 AA Chronic sinusitis 108 41 38.0 A 7.4 5.6 Allergic rhinitis 163 77 47.2 7.3 7.9 Chronic bronchitis 169 79 46.7 4.0 AA 3.6 AA Emphysema 348 205 58.9 10.9 5.5 A Asthma 1,408 1,051 74.6 AA 12.9 5.3 AA Pneumoconiosis 6 " 2 * 33.3 0.0 0.0 Other diseases of respiratory system 231 137 59.3 7.6 15.2 CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) 930 381 41.0 AA 9.6 15.1 Diseases of esophagus 31 " 8 * 25.8 A 7.1 9.7 Gastric ulcer 89 25 * 28.1 AA 6.7 14.6 Other peptic ulcer 51 14 * 27.5 AA 13.5 19.6 Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 76 33 " 43.4 8.2 6.6 Hernia 207 82 39.6 AA 5.8 A 11.1 Enteritis or colitis 127 73 57.5 11.9 9.4 Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 171 53 31.0 AA 6.6 11.7 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 65 32 " 49.2 22.2 18.8 Cholelithiasis 39 " 17 " 43.6 0.0 AA 30.8 Other digestive diseases 74 44 59.5 20.8 41.3 AA 40 Disability Statistics Report Table B: Prevalence of Chronic Conditions Causing Activity Limitation, by All Causes Reported and Those Reported as Main Cause, and Percent of All Conditions that are Reported as Main Cause, are Proxy-Reported, and Reported to Have Onset in the Past Year: United States. 1992 Prevalence Percent of All Conditions Reported 11,0005! As With All Main Main By Onset in Condition Causing Limitation Causes Causes Cause Proxy‘ Past Year CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENTTOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 504 258 51.2 A 11.7 12.3 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or nephrosis 74 48 64.9 23.0 9.5 Calculus of kidney 22 " 7 * 31.8 22.7 9.1 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 103 39 " 37.9 A 5.1 5.8 Disorders of bladder, urethra, or urinary tract 81 27 " 33.3 AA 7.6 11.1 Endometriosis 51 33 " 64.7 3.9 19.6 Other disorders of female genital organs 173 104 60 1 13.7 16.2 CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIR’TH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) 211 117 55.5 10.2 18.9 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 60 31 '* 51.7 18.0 23.3 Psoriasis and similar disorders 28 " 13 " 46.4 7.1 0.0 Chronic ulcer of skin 30 " 15 " 50.0 3.3 23.3 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 93 58 62.4 8.8 20.2 CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) 6,837 4,639 67.9 AA 9.8 AA 8.2 AA Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 56 42 75.0 3.6 0.0 AA Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 517 402 ”.8 AA 10.7 3.5 M Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 3,495 2,258 64.6 M 9.5 M 7.8 M Other and unspecified disorders of joint 28 ' 23 " 82.1 7.4 7.1 Spondylosis and allied disorders 570 305 53.5 4.6 AA 5.1 AA Intervertebral disc disorders 1,103 888 80.5 M 12.7 9.5 Other and unspecified disorders of back 113 85 75.2 A 5.3 8.8 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 233 146 62 7 9.6 23.6 A Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 129 75 58.1 7.9 7.0 Other disorders of soft tissues 133 96 72.2 11.5 6.0 Osteoporosis 297 199 67.0 12.8 10.5 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 163 120 73.6 A 12.3 12.9 CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740-759) 143 103 72.0 11.0 9.8 Congenital anomalies of heart 66 46 69 7 16.7 3.0 Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 77 57 74.0 6.1 15.6 CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAI. PERIOD (760-779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (780-799) 1,633 939 57.5 14.0 14.2 Dizziness and giddiness 96 49 51.0 10.3 19.6 Malaise and fatigue 56 41 73.2 3.8 25.0 Headache 121 63 52.1 14.5 14.0 Cardiovascular symptoms 151 73 48.3 15.0 11.2 Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 121 62 , 51.2 8.5 22.3 Senility without mention of psychosis 278 228 82.0 M 22.7 A 14.3 Nervousness 192 100 52.1 14.1 5.2 Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 618 323 52.3 12.1 142 CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800-999) 626 360 57 5 13.6 19.7 M Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 154 99 64.3 17.4 34.4 M Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 186 90 48.4 14.0 13.0 Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 286 171 59.8 11.3 16.1 lDefined for ages 18 and above. A Significantly different from all conditions at p<.05 confidence AA Significantly different from all conditions at p<.01 confidence " Estimate has low statistical reliability (relative standard error > 30%) Table C. Prevalence of Conditions Causin Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 41 g Disability by Broad ICD and Impairment Categories: United States, 1992 ICD Number Percent of all Chapter (1,000s) Conditions ALL CONDITIONS 61,047 100.0 DISORDERS AND INJURIES 44,721 73.3 13 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (710-739) 10,530 17.2 7 Disease of the circulatory system (390-459) 10,170 16.7 8 Disease of the respiratory system (460-519) 4,774 7.8 6 Disease of the nervous system and sense organs (320-389) 4,373 7.2 3 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders (240-279) 3,409 5.6 15- Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (760-799) 16 and symptoms, signs, ill-defined conditions (780-799) 2,843 4.7 5 Mental disorders (290-316), excluding mental retardation 2,035 3.3 9 Diseases of the digestive system (520-579) 1,728 2.8 2 Neoplasms (140-239) 1,628 2.7 17 Injury and poisoning (800-999), not involving impairment 1,205 2.0 10 Diseases of the genitourinary system (580-629) 778 1.3 1 Infectious and parasitic diseases (001-139) 378 0.6 12 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (680-709) 362 0.6 14 Congenital anomalies (740-759) 287 0.5 4 Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs (280-289) 217 0.4 IMPAIRMENTS 16,326 26.7 Orthopedic impairments 8,608 14.1 Learning disability and mental retardation 1,575 2.6 Visual impairments 1,294 2.1 Hearing impairments 1,175 1.9 Paralysis 1,071 1.8 Deformities 900 1.5 Absence or loss of limb / other body part 788 1.3 Speech impairments 545 0.9 Other and ill-defined impairments 371 0.6 Source: United States National Health Interview Survey, 1992 Disability Statistics Report Table D. Conditions with Highest Prevalence, All Causes of Limitation: United States, 1992 All Causes Number Condition causing limitation (1,0005) % ALL CONDITIONS 61,047 100.0 1 Heart disease (390-429) 7,932 13.0 2 Deformities, orthopedic impairments, and disorders of the spine or back 7,672 12.6 3 Arthritis and allied disorders (714-716) 5,721 9.4 4 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 2,817 4.6 5 Asthma (493) 2,592 4.2 6 Diabetes (250) 2,569 4.2 7 Mental disorders (290-316), excluding learning disability and mental retardation 2,035 3-3 8 Disorders of the eye (360-379) 1,577 2.6 9 Learning disability and mental retardation 1,575 2.6 10 Cancer (140-208) 1,342 2.2 11 Visual impairments 1,294 2.1 12 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper extremities 1,196 2.0 13 Other unknown and unspecified causes 1,188 1.9 14 Hearing impairments 1,175 1.9 15 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) 1,174 1.9 Source: United States National Health Interview Survey, 1992 Table E. Conditions with Highest Prevalence, Main Causes of Limitation: United States, 1992 Number Main condition causing limitation (1,0005) % ALL CONDITIONS 37,733 100.0 1 Deformities, orthopedic impairments, and disorders of the spine or back 5,890 15.6 2 Heart disease (390-429) 3,971 10.5 3 Arthritis and allied disorders (714-716) 3,697 9.8 4 Asthma (493) 2,015 5.3 5 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 1,920 5.1 6 Mental disorders (290-316), excluding learning disability and mental retardation 1,494 4.0 7 Learning disability and mental retardation 1,389 3.7 8 Diabetes (250) 1,189 3.2 9 Cancer (140-208) 922 2.4 10 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) 810 2.1 11 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper extremities 775 2.1 12 Disorders of the eye (360-379) 727 1.9 13 Other unknown and unspecified causes 662 1.8 14 Hearing impairments 654 1.7 15 Emphysema 590 1.6 Source: United States National Health Interview Survey, 1992 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 B. Condition rankings Which disabling conditions rank highest in prevalence? When the data are aggregated by Chapter of the ICD and by broad impairment groups, it becomes clear that disorders have the greatest role as causes of disability—some 73.3 percent of all disabling conditions are classified as disorders and injuries, with the remainder as impairments (Table C). Among the disorders and injuries, the most prevalent are musculoskeletal disorders, which represent 17.2 percent of all limiting conditions, followed by circulatory disorders, at 16.7 percent. Respiratory conditions rank third at 7.8 percent, with nervous and sensory disorders at 7.2 percent and endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immunity disorders at 5.6 percent of all disabling conditions. These top five categories, each representing a chapter of the ICD, account for three-quarters (74.4 percent) of all diseases and disorders reported as causing limitation in activity, or more than half (54.3 percent) of all activity-limiting conditions. The 16.3 million impairments reported to cause activity limitation constitute about one- quarter (26.7 percent) of all disabling conditions. More than half of these are orthopedic impairments, representing 14.1 percent of disabling conditions. A distant second is the category of learning disabilities and mental retardation, accounting for 2.6 percent. Visual impairments rank third, at 2.1 percent, followed by hearing impairments, at 1.9 percent, and paralysis, at 1.8 percent of all disabling conditions reported. The remaining impairments—4.3 percent of all conditions causing activity limitation—include deformities, absence or loss (for example, of a limb) and speech impairments. Other than by chapter and broad impairment groups, there is no standard way to rank the prevalence of discrete disorders, since the dividing up of conditions into categories requires decisions to be made about which disorders ”stand alone” and which should be grouped with what. Such decisions may depend on what purposes an analyst has in mind. Other analysts may rank the disorders differently. For the purposes of the condition rankings that follow, we have made the following decisions regarding condition grouping: we have combined all the back impairments and back disorders, since it seems that the classification of these disorders as ICD conditions is sensitive to what information the respondent gives—if a disorder is given, such as herniated disk, a back problem is classified to the ICD; if not, it is classified as an impairment. All mental disorders, excluding mental retardation and learning disability, are combined, since this category basically represents the mental illnesses. And rheumatoid arthritis is combined with osteoarthrosis and allied disorders (ICD range 714-716). In all other instances, the conditions are aggregated into subchapters, which are represented as bold headings in Table B. Considering all conditions reported to cause activity limitation, heart disease ranks first at 7.9 million conditions—13 percent of all conditions mentioned (Table D). Back problems (including those classified as impairments or disorders) rank second as causes of limitation at 7.7 million, or 12.6 percent of all limiting conditions. Arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis plus osteoarthrosis and allied disorders) ranks third at 5.7 million, followed by orthopedic impairments of lower extremity (2.8 million), asthma (2.6 million), and diabetes (2.6 million). Mental disorders, which are mainly the mental illnesses (since learning disability and mental retardation are excluded), rank seventh at 2.0 million conditions, followed by disorders of the eye (1.6 million, not including visual impairments), and then by learning disability and mental retardation (1.6 million). If the latter is combined with mental illnesses, the total for all mental disorders would be 3.6 million, and would rank fourth overall. Cancer ranks in tenth place (1.3 million), followed by visual impairments (1.3 million), and then orthopedic impairments of shoulder and/or upper extremity (1.2 million). The residual category of unknown and unspecified causes ranks thirteenth (1.2 million) at 1.9 percent of all conditions, followed by hearing impairments (1.2 million), also at 1.9 percent of all conditions. Cerebrovascular disease completes the list at fifteenth, with slightly under 1.2 million conditions. When only conditions that are the main cause of limitation are considered, back impairments rank first at 5.9 million—15.6 percent of all people limited in activity say that their activity is limited primarily by back problems (Table E). Heart disease now takes second place at 4.0 million, or 10.5 percent of all people with limitations. Heart disease falls in rank because hypertension, which accounts for 37 percent of all conditions in the heart disease category, is less frequently mentioned as a main cause of limitation than it is as a secondary cause. Other major differences in the rankings are that cerebrovascular disease ranks in tenth place, owing to its higher than average primacy, and visual impairments fail to rank in the top fifteen, owing to their lower than average primacy. Compared to the ranking of all causes, the conditions that rise in rank are of course those with higher primacy, while those that fall in rank have lower primacy. The next rankings look at extremes in primacy, proxy, and recency. Only conditions Disability Statistics Report having a statistically significant difference from the average for all conditions have been ranked. Rankings are based on the discrete disorders classified in Table B; higher aggregations of conditions are not used, because the disorders within the higher aggregations may not have the same characteristics. Hypertension, for example, is much lower in primacy than other heart diseases. Conditions with the highest degree of primacy as causes of limitation are in general more severely disabling conditions (Table F). They include cardiomyopathy, quadriplegia, multiple sclerosis, learning disability, Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations, mental retardation/Down's syndrome, hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, schizophrenic psychoses, intervertebral disc disorders, affective psychoses, senility without mention of psychosis, other disorders of the peripheral nervous system, and orthopedic impairment of back or neck. In contrast, those conditions with low primacy (Table G) tend to be less severe, including disorders of lipoid metabolism, thyroid disorders, skin cancer, partial paralysis, cataracts, hypertension, ulcers, absence of breast, Table F. Activity-LimitingChronic Conditiom Havingthe Highest Primacy: United States, 1992 Prevalence 11,0005! Main All Main Cause Condition Causing Limitation Causes Cause % ALL CONDITIONS 61,047 37,733 61.8 Cardiomyopathy 45 43 95.6 N‘ Quadn’plegia 44 42 95.5 A" Multiple sclerosis 226 213 94.2 "A Learning disability 216 191 88.4 ’V‘ Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 155 137 88.4 "A Mental retardation/Down's syndrome 1,359 1,198 88.2 N‘ Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 269 231 85.9 "A Cerebral palsy 211 181 85.8 ’V‘ Spina bifida 61 52 85.2 A Schizophrenic psychoses 235 200 85.1 ’V‘ Intervertebral disc disorders 2,416 2,019 83.6 ’V‘ Affective psychoses 150 125 83.3 A" Senility without mention of psychosis 415 345 83.1 ’V‘ Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 146 118 80.8 ’V‘ Ortho edic im airment of back or neck 59 47 77.9 ’V‘ 5! Sigriiiicantiy Emerent from an conditions at p<.ii5 confidence; A" at p<.iil confidence Source: United States National Health Interview Survey, 1992 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 45 kidney stones, visual impairments other than blindness, and chronic sinusitis. Conditions that are highly proxy-reported (Table H) tend to involve significant cognitive, speech, and mobility deficits that make meaningful participation in an interview difficult. They include mental retardation/Down's syndrome, psychoses (without mention of schizophrenia or affective disorder), quadriplegia, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer‘s and other cerebral degenerations, speech impairments, and cerebrovascular disease. In contrast, those conditions with the lowest rates of proxy-reporting (Table I) are those that a proxy may not know about-— including near- and farsightedness, eye movementdisorders, gallstones, and heart conduction disorders—or may be embarrassing for a proxy respondent to talk about—such as endometriosis, or absence or loss of breast, and genital cancer—or whose importance may be downplayed by a proxy respondent, such as anxiety and hay fever (allergic rhinitis). Cancer dominates the ranks of conditions that are significantly higher than average in recency, as measured by the proportion with onset in the past year (Table I). Next come visual disturbances (for example, double vision), injuries, digestive disorders, heart failure, dyspnea and respiratory symptoms, and orthopedic impairments of upper and lower extremities (many of which are caused by injuries). Conditions that are lowest in recency, and therefore tend to have longer duration, include a variety of what would appear to be generally chronic conditions, including obesity, blood diseases, alcohol and drug dependence, varicose veins, cerebral palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, deafness, anxiety, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis (Table K) and others. These rankings underscore the utility of primacy, proxy, and recency as concepts helpful in describing disabling conditions. C. Age and gender As shown in Table B, females on average report a higher number of activity-limiting conditions than males (1.67 versus 1.56 limiting conditions per person reporting activity limitation). The fifteen highest prevalence conditions (aggregated as for Tables D and E) that cause activity limitation are shown by gender in Table L. In general, the distribution of conditions causing activity limitation is similar for males and females. Heart disease is the leading disabling condition of both males and females, followed by back disorders. Although arthritis ranks third for both genders, it is almost twice as often mentioned as a cause of limitation by females than it is by males. Learning disability and mental retardation, along with paralysis, are more common activity-limiting conditions among males than among females. Gender differences also exist in the conditions reported as main causes of activity limitation (Table M). Back disorders rank at the top for both genders, but heart disease ranks second for males, while arthritis ranks second for females. Orthopedic impairments of lower extremities rank third among males, followed by asthma and arthritis. As a main cause of activity limitation, arthritis is more than twice as prevalent among females as among males. Among females, heart disease ranks third, followed by asthma and orthopedic impairments of lower extremities. Emphysema is a frequent disabling condition among males, but is not as frequent among females. Detailed Table 6A presents the number of conditions given as the main cause of limitation in activity and percent distribution of all discrete conditions (by detailed impairment and ICD codes) for several age groups and by gender. Table 63 presents the same information, but for all conditions given as the causes of limitation. The major causes of limitation vary with age. For children and adolescents under 18 years old, the five most prevalent causes of limitation are asthma (19.8 percent of all limiting conditions), learning disability and mental retardation (19.2 percent), mental illness (8.8 percent, two-thirds of which is hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood), speech impairments (6.7 percent), and hearing impairments (3.8 percent). Disability Statistics Report Table G. Activity-LimitingChronic Conditions Havingthe Lowest Primacy: United States, 1992 Prevalence 31,0005} Main All Main Cause w ALL CONDITIONS 61,047 37,733 61.8 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 142 30 * 21.1 AA Other disorders of thyroid 102 24 * 23.5 AA Malignant neoplasm of skin 61 15 " 24.6 AA Diseases of esophagus 64 16 * 25.0 AA Hemiparesis 227 61 26.9 AA Cataract 446 123 27.6 AA Hypertensive disease 2,964 830 28.0 AA Other peptic ulcer 89 26 " 29.2 AA Gastric ulcer 212 62 29.2 AA Absence or loss of breast 44 13 " 29.5 A Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 73 22 " 30.1 AA Visual impairment in both eyes 527 169 32.1 AA Calculus of kidney 48 16 " 33.3 A Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 254 85 33.5 AA Chronic sinusitis 178 62 34.8 AA A s1gn§1cant1y dflferent from all conditions at p<.a confaence; 5!!! at p<.01 confaence Source: United States National Health Interview Survey, 1992 Table H. Activity-Limiting Chronic Conditions Highest in Proportion Proxy-Reported: United States, 1992 Proxy Condition Causing Limitation % ALL CONDITIONS 18.5 Mental retardation/Down's syndrome 54.1 AA Other psychoses (without schizophrenic or affective mention) 50.4 AA Quadriplegia 47.7 A Cerebral palsy 42.0 A Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 38.6 A Speech impairments 34.4 A Cerebrovascular disease 24.8 AA A significantly different from all conditions at p<.05 confidence; AA at p<.01 confidence Source: United States National Health Interview Survey, 1992 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 47 Table I. Activity-Limiting Chronic Conditions Lowest in Proportion Proxy-Reported: United States, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation ALL CONDITIONS Disorders of refraction and accommodation Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements Cholelithiasis Endometriosis Diffuse diseases of connective tissue Other retinal disorders Conduction disorders Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs Spondylosis and allied disorders Anxiety states Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk Diabetes mellitus with complication Alle 'c rhinitis A significantly different from all conditions at p<.05 confidence; AA at p<.01 confidence Source: United States National Health Interview Survey, 1992 Proxy % 18.5 2.9 AA 3.1 A 3.9 A 3.9 A 5.4 A 5.6 AA 6.4 A 6.6 A 7.3 AA 7.6 A 8.3 AA 8.4 A 9.0 A Table I. Activity-Limiting Chronic Conditions with Highest Recency, United States, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation ALL CONDITIONS Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum Visual disturbances Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries Other digestive diseases Heart failure Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes Malignant neoplasm of female breast Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper extremity Other chronic ischemic heart disease Ortho edic im airment of lower extremi A significantly different from all conditions at p<.05 confidence; AA at p<.01 confidence Source: United States National Health Interview Survey, 1992 With Onset in Past Year % 10.7 40.7 AA 40.7 A 40.5 AA 38.9 AA 37.7 AA 32.9 A 29.2 AA 27.1 A 23.9 AA 23.6 A 2.0 AA 21.6 A 18.5 AA 15.5 AA 14.5 AA Disability Statistics Report Table K. Activity-LimitingChronic Conditions with Lowest Recency, United States, 1992 With Onset in Past Year Condition Causing Limitation % ALL CONDITIONS 10.7 Obesity and other hyperalimentation 0.0 "A Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 0.0 ’V‘ Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 1.3 ’V‘ Alcohol or drug dependence 1.6 ’V‘ Varicose veins of lower extremities 1.6 A" Cerebralpalsy 1.9 M Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 1.9 ’V‘ Deafness in both ears 2.2 ’V‘ Anxiety states 2.2 A Multiple sclerosis 2.2 N‘ Disorders of refraction and accommodation 2.3 A Absence or loss of lung or kidney 2.4 A Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 2.7 A Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 3.0 ’V‘ Schiz hrenic choses 3.0 M R stgngicantly Eifierent from an COI'lalthl'lS at p<.m confidence; 5!!! at p<.01 confidence Source: United States National Health Interview Survey, 1992 . Table L. Activity—Limiting Conditions with Highest Prevalence, All Causes of Limitation, by Gender: United States, 1992 All Causes All Causes Number Number Condition causing limitation 11,0003} % Condition causing limitation 51,0003} °/n MALES FEMALES ALL CONDITIONS 27,703 100.0 ALL CONDITIONS 33,344 100.0 Heart disease (390-429) 3,623 13.1 Heart disease (390—429) 4,310 12.9 Deformities, orthopedic impairments, and Deformities, orthopedic impairments, and disorders of the spme or back 3,569 12.9 disorders of the spine or back 4,(B8 12.1 Arthritis and allied disorders (714-716) 1,710 6.2 Arthritis and allied disorders (714—716) 4,012 12.0 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 1,51 1 5.5 Diabetes (250) 1,438 4.3 Asthma 1,184 4.3 Asthma 1,408 4.2 Diabetes (250) 1,132 4.1 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 1,306 3.9 Mental disorders (290-316), excluding mental Mental disorders (290-316), excluding mental retardation 1,058 3.8 retardation 977 2.9 Learning disability and mental retardation 995 3.6 Disorders of the eye (360-379) 925 2.8 Visual impairments 665 2.4 Cancer (140-208) 693 2.1 Disorders of the eye (360-379) 651 2.3 Visual impairments 629 1.9 Cancer (140-208) 650 2.3 Other unknown and unspecified causes 618 1.9 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper extremities 619 2.2 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) 586 1.8 Hearing impairments 616 2.2 Learning disability and mental retardation 581 1.7 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper Cerebrovascular disease (430—438) 588 2.1 extremities 577 1.7 Paralysis 576 2.1 Hearing impairments 557 1.7 Source: United States National Health Interview Survey, 1992 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table M. Activity-Limiting Conditions with Highest Prevalence , Main Causes of Limitation, by Gender: United States, 1992 Number Number Main condition causing limitation (1,0005) "/9 Main condition causing limitation (1,0005) % MALES FEMALES ALL CONDITIONS 17,783 100.0 ALL CONDITIONS 19,950 100.0 Deformities, orthopedic impairments, and Deformities, orthopedic impairments, and disorders of the spine or back 2/829 15.9 disorders of the spine or back 3,059 15.3 Heart disease (390-429) 2,028 11.4 Arthritis and allied disorders (714-716) 2,660 13.3 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 1,086 6.1 Heart disease (390-429) 1,943 9.7 Arthritis and allied disorders (714-716) 1,038 5.8 Asthma 1,051 5.3 Asthma 964 5.4 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 833 4.2 Mental disorders (290-316), excluding mental learning disability and mental retardation 881 5.0 retardation 668 3.3 Mental disorders (290-316), excluding mental retardation 825 4.6 Diabetes (750) 665 3.3 Diabetes (250) 524 2.9 Learning disability and mental retardation 507 2.5 Cancer (140-208) 447 2.5 Cancer (140-208) 473 2.4 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) 422 2.4 Disorders of the eve (360879) 410 2.1 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory extremities 397 2.2 polyarthropathies 402 2.0 Emphysema 385 2.2 Cerebrovascular disease (430438) 388 1.9 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper Hearing impairments 348 2.0 extremities 378 1.9 Other unknown and unspecified causes 339 1.9 Other unknown and unspecified causes 323 1.6 Paralysis 325 1.8 Hearing impairments 307 1.5 Source: United States National Health Interview Survey, 1992 Among adults 18—44 years old, back disorders rank first (21.9 percent), followed by orthopedic impairments of lower extremity (7.8 percent), mental illness (5.5 percent), asthma (5.1 percent), and orthopedic impairments of shoulder or upper extremity (3.9 percent). At ages 45-69, heart disease (17.1 percent), back disorders (13.7 percent), arthritis (11.1 percent), diabetes (5.6 percent), and orthopedic impairments of lower extremity (4.2 percent) top the list. At ages 70—84, heart disease continues to be the most prevalent condition (19.1 percent), followed by arthritis (15.2 percent), back disorders (5.9 percent), diabetes (5.0 percent), and eye disorders (4.5 percent). At ages 85 and older, heart disease (16.3 percent) and arthritis (13.8 percent) continue to dominate, but eye disorders (7.3 percent) and visual impairments (6.1 percent) and senility (5.8 percent) emerge as important conditions. D. Prevalence of conditions causing work limitation In Table 7A, estimates of the prevalence of chronic conditions reported as the main cause of work limitation are presented for all people aged 18—69, further broken down by two age groups (18-44 and 45—69) and by gender. The categories ”limited in the amount or kind of work” and ”unable to work” are combined, but conditions causing limitations in activities other than work are excluded. Companion Table 7B presents estimates for all conditions causing work disability. Both are useful for examining differences in the distribution of work-disabling conditions by age and gender. Considering all causes among people aged 18—69, back disorders rank as the most frequent cause of work disability (16.4 percent), followed by heart disease (13.1 percent), arthritis (8.1 percent), diabetes (4.6 percent), and orthopedic impairments of lower extremities (4.5 percent). 50 Disability Statistics Report These conditions have also been shown to be among the six most prevalent causes of activity limitation at all ages. In the 18—44 age group, the top-ranked condition group causing work disability is also back disorders (22.5 percent). Mental illness ranks second as a cause of work limitation (6.7 percent), but its prevalence is much smaller than back disorders—thus, back disorders clearly predominate in this age interval. Orthopedic impairments of the lower extremity rank third (5.9 percent). Learning disability and mental retardation rank fourth as a cause of work disability (4.1 percent), followed by heart disease (4.0 percent). In the age group 18-44, some differences can be observed between the rankings of conditions that cause any activity limitation and those causing work limitation. In general, the top-ranked causes are similar, except that asthma ranks fourth and orthopedic impairments of the - shoulder and upper extremity fifth as causes of activity limitation, but do not rank in the top five conditions causing work limitation. Learning disabilities and mental retardation, which rank fourth as a cause of work disability, and heart disease, which ranks fifth, do not rank among the top five causes of activity limitation. This indicates a greater sensitivity of these conditions to the demands of work in contrast to other activities. In addition to back disorders, heart disease and arthritis emerge as important disabling conditions in the older working-age population. At ages 45—69, the five most prevalent causes of work limitation are heart disease (17.9 percent), back disorders (13.2 percent), arthritis (10.5 percent), diabetes (5.7 percent), and orthopedic impairments of lower extremity (3.8 percent). This list is identical in rank order to that for all causes of any activity limitation in this age group and is very similar in distribution as well. Thus, there does not appear to exist much discrimination in disabling conditions between the broader activity limitations and work limitation at ages 45—69. Furthermore, the distribution of conditions is very similar for men and women, although women are more likely to mention arthritis as a cause of work disability than men (13.5 percent versus 7.2 percent). It is apparent from this analysis that few differences emerge in the distribution of conditions among people with activity limitation, compared with people who report work limitation. Thus, even though activity limitation and work limitation are different indicators of disability and the numbers of people with them differ, they do not differ significantly in terms of the conditions that cause them. E. Prevalence of conditions causing need for assistance in activities of daily living Estimates of the prevalence of chronic conditions reported as the main causes of need for assistance in activities of daily living (IADL and ADL combined) are presented in Table 8A, by age and gender. In Table SB, all causes are presented. Since these limitations are not defined for ages under 5, the tables are restricted to people aged 5 and older. With respect to all causes, heart disease is the most frequent cause of people needing assistance in IADL or ADL. Of all people with personal assistance needs, 13.4 percent report heart disease as a cause. Arthritis follows at 10.7 percent, then back disorders (8.1 percent), cerebrovascular disease (4.4 percent), and diabetes (4.1 percent). Back disorders are the most important cause of need for assistance in IADL or ADL for people below 70 years of age. Among people aged 5—69, after back disorders (12.8 percent) come heart disease (8.6 percent), arthritis (7.9 percent), learning disability and mental retardation (5.5 percent), and mental illness (4.9 percent). At ages 70 and over, heart disease replaces back disorders in importance. After heart disease (17.5 percent) comes arthritis (13.1 percent), followed by eye disorders (5.6 percent), cerebrovascular disease (5.2 percent), and diabetes (4.7 percent). It was concluded earlier that the causes of activity limitation and work disability are similar. There are also similarities between the conditions causing need for assistance in IADL or ADL and those causing activity limitation. Back disorders, which rank first among causes of activity limitation at ages 18—44 and second at ages 45—69, rank first among conditions causing need for assistance in IADL or ADL among people aged 5— 69. Heart disease and arthritis, which rank second Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 51 and third as causes of IADL/ADL assistance needs, rank first and third as causes of work limitation. Mental retardation is the fourth-ranked cause of need for assistance in IADL or ADL for people aged 5-69; it is also the primary cause of activity limitation for people under 18 years old. Similarly, the important causes of personal assistance needs among those 70 and over can be found among the causes of activity limitation, particularly heart disease and arthritis, which rank first and second. Table 83 provides estimates of the number of both main and secondary conditions reported as causes of need for assistance in IADL or ADL. The mean number of conditions reported for people aged 5—69 is 1.55, which is no different from the mean number of conditions causing activity limitation for people under 70. Among people 70 years and over with assistance needs in IADL or ADL, the mean number of conditions reported is 2.11, which is higher than the mean number of conditions reported for people 70 years and older with any activity limitation (1.88), indicating a greater prevalence of multiple health conditions among the elderly with personal assistance needs as compared to those with other activity limitations. 09. 52 Disability Statistics Report REFERENCES Benson, V., 8: Marano, M. A. (1994). Current estimates from the National Health Interview Survey, 1992. Vital Health Stat 10(189), 1-269. Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development. (1978). Multjdirnensignat Fungttgnal Assessment: The OARS methodology : Durham, NC: Duke University. Cox, B. G., 8: Cohen, S. B. (1985). Methodological Issues for Health Care Surveys. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. Edwards, W. S., Winn, d. M., Kurlantzick, V., Sheridan, 8., Berk, M. L., Retchin, S., & Collins, J. G. (1994). Evaluation of National Health Interview Survey diagnostic reporting. Vital Healm Stat, 2(120), 1-116. Haber, L. D. (1967). Identifying the disabled: Concepts and methods in the measurement of disability. Social Securigg Bulletin (December), 17- 34 Katz, S., & Akpom, A. (1976). A measure of primary sociobiological functions. International Igurnal of Health Services, 6 (3), 493-507. LaPlante, M. P. (1988). Data on Disability From me National Health Interview Survey, 1983- Q : Washington, DC: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. LaPlante, M. P. (1991). The demographics of disability. Milbank Quarterly, _2_, 55-77. Luft, H. S. (1978). Poverty and Health: Eegnomic Causes and Consequences of Health Prgble_m_s. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Ballinger Publishing Co., ].B. Lippincott Co. Madow, W. G. (1967). Interview data on chronic conditions compared with information derived from medical records. Vital Health Stat 111.2(23), 1-84. Madow, W. G. (1973). Net differences in interview data on chronic conditions and information derived from medical records. M Health Stat I 1 |, 2 (57), 1-58. Massey, I. T., Moore, T. F., Parsons, V. L., 8: Tadros, W. (1989). Design and Estimation for the National Health Survey, 1985-94. Vital Ed Health Statfi tt'cs,2(110). ‘ Nagi, S. Z. (1976). An epidemiology of disability among adults in the United States. W64). 439-467. Nagi, S. Z. (1991). Disability concepts revisited: Implications to prevention. In A. M. Pope 8: A. R. Tarlov (Eds), Disability in America: Toward A National Agenda for Prevention, (pp. Appendix A). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. National Center for Health Statistics. (1993a). Publie Use Data Tape Docur_nentation: Part III— Me i l odin anual a hort In ex— Natignal Health Interview Suryey, 1992 (PB94- 141637): Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. National Center for Health Statistics. (1993b). W W Health Interyiew Survey, 1222 (PB94-141629): Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. National Center for Health Statistics. (1993c). Public Use Data Tape Doeumentation: Part I— Tape Formats—National Health Interview Survey, 1992 (PB94—141611): Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. Shah, B. V., Barnwell, B. G., & Bieler, G. S. (1995). SUDAAN: ngtware for the Statistical Analysis of Correlated Data—User's Manual, Release 6.40. Research Triangle Park, NC: Research Triangle Institute. US. Department of Health and Human Services. (1990). ICD-9-CM : International classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification, third edition, volumes 1 and 2. Washington, DC: US. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Health Care Financing Administration. Weissert, W. G. (1985). Estimating the long- term care population: Prevalence rates and selected characteristics. Health Care Finanging Review, 6(4), 83-91. Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 53 LIST OF DETAILED TABLES TABLE 1. TABLE 2. TABLE 3. TABLE 4. TABLE 5. TABLE 6a. TABLE 6b. TABLE 7a. TABLE 7b. TABLE 8a. TABLE 8b. Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. ............................................................................ 54 Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 18-69, 1992. ....................................................................... -66 Prevalence of Personal Care Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, By Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non—Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Older, 1992. ................................................. ~75 Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, By Degree of Work Limitation, Need For Assistance In Activities of Daily Living, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18-69, 1992. ........................ 87 Prevalence of School Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5-17, 1992. .......................................................................... 88 Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. ........................................................................... .90 Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. ......................................................................... w105 Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 18-69, 1992. ...................................................................... 120 Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non— Institutionalized Population, Ages 18-69, 1992. ...................................................................... 132 Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. ................................. -144 Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. .................................... 156 54 Table 1. Prevalence of Activity Limitatio Sociodemographic Characteristics: Unite Disability Statistics Report n Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and d States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Degree of activity limitation Limited Limited in amount Unable With no but not or kind to carry With activity in major of major on major activity Characteristic Total limitation activity activity activity limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution All People 251,448 100.0 213,716 85.0 11,897 4.7 14,350 5.7 11,486 4.6 37,732 15.0 Gender Male 122,187 100.0 104,404 85.4 5,370 4.4 6,447 5.3 5,966 4.9 17,783 14.6 Female 129,261 100.0 109,311 84.6 6,527 5.0 7,903 6.1 5,519 4.3 19,950 15.4 Age group Under 18 years 66,485 100.0 62,438 93.9 1,091 1.6 2,561 3.9 396 0.6 4,047 6.1 Under 5 19,657 100.0 19,110 97.2 145 0.7 280 1.4 123 0.6 547 2.8 5—13 33,378 100.0 30,899 92.6 620 1.9 1,674 5.0 185 0.6 2,479 7.4 14—17 13,450 100.0 12,429 92.4 326 2.4 607 4.5 88 0.7 1,021 7.6 18—64 years 154,171 100.0 132,427 85.9 6,003 3.9 7,931 5.1 7,811 5.1 21,744 14.1 18—24 24,342 100.0 22,663 93.1 592 2.4 654 2.7 434 1.8 1,679 6.9 25—34 41,876 100.0 38,084 90.9 1,194 2.9 1,381 3.3 1,216 2.9 3,792 9.1 35—44 39,453 100.0 34,242 86.8 1,477 3.7 2,097 5.3 1,638 4.2 5,211 13.2 45—54 27,430 100.0 22,346 81.5 1,448 5.3 1,838 6.7 1,798 6.6 5,084 18.5 55—64 21,071 100.0 15,092 71.6 1,292 6.1 1,961 9.3 2,726 12.9 5,979 28.4 65 and over 30,792 100.0 18,851 61.2 4,803 15.6 3,858 12.5 3,279 10.6 11,941 38.8 65—69 9,995 100.0 6,317 63.2 838 8.4 1,294 12.9 1,546 15.5 3,678 36.8 70—74 8,475 100.0 5,790 68.3 1,678 19.8 634 7.5 372 4.4 2,685 31.7 75—84 9,698 100.0 5,606 57.8 1,912 19.7 1,344 13.9 836 8.6 4,092 42.2 85 and over 2,624 100.0 1,138 43.4 375 14.3 585 22.3 525 20.0 1,486 56.6 Gender and Age group Male Under 18 years 34,029 100.0 31,614 92.9 662 1.9 1,523 4.5 230 0.7 2,415 7.1 Under 5 10,061 100.0 9,726 96.7 101 1.0 158 1.6 76 0.8 335 3.3 5—13 17,115 100.0 15,618 91.2 379 2.2 1,008 5.9 111 0.6 1,497 8.7 14—17 6,853 100.0 6,270 91.5 182 2.6 358 5.2 43 0.6 583 8.5 1864 years 75,266 100.0 64,848 86.2 2,506 3.3 3,612 4.8 4,299 5.7 10,418 13.8 18—24 11,960 100.0 11,118 93.0 248 2.1 353 3.0 241 2.0 842 7.0 25—34 20,625 100.0 18,715 90.7 525 2.5 699 3.4 687 3.3 1,910 9.3 35—44 19,374 100.0 16,762 86.5 689 3.6 995 5.1 928 4.8 2,612 13.5 45—54 13,316 100.0 10,957 82.3 602 4.5 808 6.1 949 7.1 2,359 17.7 55—64 9,990 100.0 7,297 73.0 442 4.4 757 7.6 1,494 15.0 2,693 27.0 65 and over 12,892 100.0 7,942 61.6 2,202 17.1 1,311 10.2 1,438 11.2 4,950 38.4 65—69 4,539 100.0 2,828 62.3 298 6.6 556 12.3 857 18.9 1,711 37.7 70—74 3,736 100.0 2,458 65.8 881 23.6 251 6.7 147 3.9 1,278 34.2 75—84 3,838 100.0 2,269 59.1 886 23.1 366 9.5 317 8.3 1,569 40.9 85 and over 779 100.0 388 49.8 136 17.5 138 17.7 117 15.0 391 50.2 Female Under 18 years 32,456 100.0 30,824 95.0 429 1.3 1,038 3.2 166 0.5 1,632 5.0 Under 5 9,596 100.0 9,383 97.8 44 0.5 122 1.3 47 0.5 213 2.2 5—13 16,263 100.0 15,281 94.0 241 1.5 667 4.1 74 0.5 982 6.0 14—17 6,597 100.0 6,159 93.4 144 2.2 249 3.8 45 0.7 438 6.6 18—64 years 78,906 100.0 67,578 85.6 3,497 4.4 4,319 5.5 3,512 4.5 11,328 14.4 18—24 12,382 100.0 11,545 93.2 344 2.8 300 2.4 193 1.6 837 6.8 25—34 21,250 100.0 19,370 91.2 669 3.1 682 3.2 529 2.5 1,880 8.8 35—44 20,079 100.0 17,480 87.1 787 3.9 1,101 5.5 710 3.5 2,599 12.9 45—54 14,114 100.0 11,389 80.7 846 6.0 1,031 7.3 848 6.0 2,725 19.3 55—64 11,081 100.0 7,794 70.3 851 7.7 1,204 10.9 1,232 11.1 3,287 29.7 65 and over 17,899 100.0 10,909 60.9 2,602 14.5 2,547 14.2 1,842 10.3 6,990 39.1 65-69 5,456 100.0 3,489 64.0 539 9.9 738 13.5 689 12.6 1,967 36.1 70-74 4,739 100.0 3,333 70.3 797 16.8 383 8.1 225 4.8 1,406 29.7 75—84 5,860 100.0 3,337 56.9 1,026 17.5 978 16.7 519 8.9 2,523 43.1 85 and over 1,845 100.0 750 40.7 239 13.0 447 24.2 408 22.1 1,095 59.3 Race and Hispanic Origin Native American 2,451 100.0 2,020 82.4 97 4.0 175 7.1 159 6.5 431 17.6 Asian or Pacific Islander 7,779 100.0 7,217 92.8 180 2.3 211 2.7 170 2.2 562 7.2 Black Non-Hispanic 30,670 100.0 25,782 84.1 1,146 3.7 1,705 5.6 2,037 6.6 4,888 15.9 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 55 Table 1. Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Degree of activity limitation Limited Limited in amount Unable With no but not or kind to carry With activity in major of major on major activity Characteristic Total limitation activity activity activity limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Black Hispanic 673 100.0 581 86.3 30 4.4 22 3.2 41 6.0 92 13.7 White Non-Hispanic 184,753 100.0 155,597 84.2 9,748 5.3 1 1,276 6.1 8,131 4.4 29,156 15.8 White Hispanic 17,439 100.0 15,625 89.6 489 2.8 673 3.9 653 3.7 1,814 10.4 Other and Unknown 7,684 100.0 6,894 89.7 206 2.7 288 3.7 296 3.9 790 10.3 Race and Gender Native American Male 1,175 100.0 967 82.3 34 2.9 96 8.2 79 6.7 208 17.7 Fanale 1,276 100.0 1,053 82.5 64 5.0 79 6.2 80 6.3 223 17.5 Asian or Pacific Islander Male 3,737 100.0 3,480 93.1 89 2.4 89 2.4 79 2.1 257 6.9 Female 4,042 100.0 3,737 92.5 91 2.2 122 3.0 92 2.3 305 7.5 Black Non-Hispanic Male 14,332 100.0 12,084 84.3 485 3.4 764 5.3 999 7.0 2,248 15.7 Female 16,337 100.0 13,698 83.8 661 4.0 941 5.8 1,038 6.4 2,639 16.2 Black Hispanic Male 346 100.0 301 86.9 10 "‘ 2.9 " 10 ” 2.8 ‘ 26 " 7.4 " 45 13.0 Female 327 100.0 280 85.7 20 " 6.1 12 ‘ 3.6 ’ 15 " 4.6 " 47 14.4 White Non-Hispanic Male 90,085 100.0 76,323 84.7 4,462 5.0 5,030 5.6 4,269 4.7 13,762 15.3 Female 94,668 100.0 79,274 83.7 5,286 5.6 6,246 6.6 3,861 4.1 15,394 16.3 White Hispanic Male 8,599 100.0 7,737 90.0 201 2.3 305 3.5 357 4.1 862 10.0 Female 8,840 100.0 7,888 89.2 288 3.3 368 4.2 296 3.3 952 10.8 Other and Unknown Male 3,912 100.0 3,513 89.8 88 2.3 153 3.9 158 4.0 399 10.2 Female 3,772 100.0 3,381 89.7 118 3.1 135 3.6 138 3.7 391 10.4 Race and Age group Native American Under5 264 " 100.0 253 " 95.9 3 " 1.3 " 7 ‘ 2.8 " 11 " 4.2 5—13 400 " 100.0 369 “ 92.3 9 ' 2.2 ‘* 22 " 5.5 * 31 " 7.8 14—17 174 100.0 160 92.0 2 " 1.1 " 12 " 6.9 * . . 14 "‘ 8.0 18—24 269 100.0 252 93.8 1 ” 0.4 "‘ 12 " 4.3 * 4 " 1.5 " 17 " 6.3 25—34 423 100.0 372 87.8 15 " 3.5 " 10 " 2.5 " 26 " 6.2 " 51 12.1 35—44 357 100.0 270 75.5 24 " 6.7 ‘ 30 8.3 ‘ 34 9.6 87 24.4 45—54 237 100.0 161 67.7 12 " 5.2 * 26 " 11.1 38 " 16.0 76 32.1 55-64 156 100.0 91 58.5 14 " 8.8 “‘ 18 " 11.6 ‘ 33 ‘ 21.1 65 41.7 65—69 73 * 100.0 41 " 57.1 11 " 14.9 " 8 * 10.4 " 13 " 17.7 " 32 ‘ 43.8 70—74 31 100.0 24 ‘ 77.6 2 * 7.1 " 5 " 15.4 * . . 7 "‘ 22.6 75—84 60 100.0 26 ” 42.7 5 " 7.8 ‘ 21 " 35.5 8 ” 14.0 '* 34 ‘ 56.7 85 and over 7 " 100.0 1 " 14.2 " . . 4 “ 59.7 " 2 " 26.1 ‘ 6 ” 85.7 Asian or Pacific Islander Under5 610 100.0 601 98.5 6 " 0.9 " 4 " 0.6 ‘ . 9 " 1.5 5—13 1,046 100.0 1,012 96.8 15 " 1.4 " 18 " 1.7 " 1 ” 0.1 * 34 3.3 14—17 459 100.0 445 97.0 4 " 0.8 " 10 " 2.1 " . . 14 " 3.1 18—24 989 100.0 950 96.1 15 * 1.6 " 18 " 1.8 " 6 " 0.6 " 39 3.9 25—34 1,504 100.0 1,444 96.0 25 " 1.7 " 19 " 1.3 " 16 * 1.0 * 60 4.0 35—44 1,401 100.0 1,289 92.0 35 2.5 35 2.5 42 " 3.0 112 8.0 45—54 761 100.0 671 88.3 32 4.2 32 4.1 26 3.4 90 11.8 55-64 563 100.0 467 82.9 21 " 3.7 ’ 35 6.2 40 7.1 96 17.1 65-69 201 100.0 161 80.0 8 * 3.9 " 19 " 9.4 ‘ 14 " 6.7 " 40 19.9 70—74 129 100.0 100 77.5 8 " 6.0 ” 9 " 6.7 " 13 ‘ 9.8 " 29 " 22.5 75—84 80 100.0 53 66.7 9 " 10.7 ‘ 11 " 13.4 " 7 ” 9.2 * 27 33.8 85and over 37 100.0 23 “ 62.8 4 ” 10.7 " 4 * 10.2 ‘ 6 ‘ 16.3 ” 14 ‘ 37.8 Black Non-Hispanic Under 5 3,104 100.0 2,972 95.8 26 0.8 67 2.1 39 1.3 132 4.3 5—13 ‘ 5,087 100.0 4,623 90.9 97 1.9 315 6.2 52 1.0 464 9.1 14—17 . 2,073 100.0 1,894 91.3 36 1.8 124 6.0 19 " 0.9 ” 179 8.6 {#88 56 Table 1. Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, Disability Statistics Report 1992. Degree of activity limitation Limited Limited in amount Unable With no but not or kind to carry With activity in major of major on major activity Characteristic Total limitation activity activity activity limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 18—24 3,424 100.0 3,143 91.8 76 2.2 99 2.9 106 3.1 281 8.2 25—34 5,202 100.0 4,709 90.5 118 2.3 135 2.6 241 4.6 493 9.5 35—44 4,349 100.0 3,635 83.6 176 4.0 213 4.9 326 7.5 714 16.4 45—54 2,730 100.0 2,088 76.5 119 4.4 185 6.8 338 12.4 642 23.5 55—64 2,124 100.0 1,327 62.5 124 5.8 202 9.5 472 22.2 797 37.5 65—69 958 100.0 544 56.8 76 8.0 116 12.1 221 23.1 414 43.2 70—74 648 100.0 397 61.3 134 20.6 69 10.6 48 7.5 251 38.7 75-84 732 100.0 364 49.7 142 19.5 138 18.9 87 11.9 368 50.3 85 and over 238 100.0 85 35.6 22 9.2 44 18.5 87 36.7 153 64.3 Black Hispanic Under5 74 100.0 71 95.8 . . 3 * 4.2 " . . 3 " 4.1 " 5—13 127 100.0 114 89.8 5 " 3.8 " 6 " 5.0 * 2 " 1.5 " 13 " 10.2 " 14—17 74 100.0 71 95.8 2 " 2.3 " 1 ‘ 2.0 " 3 " 4.1 " 18—24 70 100.0 70 100.0 . . . . . . . . 25—34 104 100.0 91 87.7 3 * 3.3 ‘ 5 " 4.5 " 5 " 4.5 * 13 " 12.5 “ 35—44 77 100.0 67 86.0 . . . . 11 ' 14.0 ‘ 10 " 13.0 * 45—54 76 100.0 52 67.9 9 ' 11.5 " 4 * 5.7 * 11 " 14.9 " 24 31.6 55—64 36 100.0 24 66.3 1 * 3.8 * 3 " 8.4 ’ 8 * 21.6 " 12 " 33.3 65—69 17 " 100.0 11 68.8 2 " 14.8 " 3 * 16.4 ‘ 6 " 35.3 " 70—74 13 ‘ 100.0 7 52.6 6 " 47.4 6 " 46.2 75-84 3 * 100.0 2 82.8 . 17.2 ” 1 " 33.3 * 85 and over 1 ‘* 100.0 1 ‘ 100.0 White Non—Hispanic Under 5 12,538 100.0 12,215 97.4 92 0.7 170 1.4 60 0.5 323 2.6 5—13 22,190 100.0 20,553 92.6 424 1.9 1,121 5.1 92 0.4 1,637 7.4 14—17 8,852 100.0 8,163 92.2 240 2.7 391 4.4 58 0.7 689 7.8 18-24 16,309 100.0 15,124 92.7 459 2.8 473 2.9 254 1.6 1,185 7.3 25-34 30,231 100.0 27,398 90.6 943 3.1 1,113 3.7 777 2.6 2,833 9.4 35—44 29,997 100.0 26,100 87.0 1,132 3.8 1,676 5.6 1,088 3.6 3,897 13.0 45—54 21,509 100.0 17,658 82.1 1,162 5.4 1,468 6.8 1,220 5.7 3,851 17.9 55—64 16,876 100.0 12,226 72.4 1,062 6.3 1,602 9.5 1,987 11.8 4,650 27.6 65—69 8,229 100.0 5,211 63.3 712 8.7 1,094 13.3 1,212 14.7 3,018 36.7 70-74 7,331 100.0 5,040 68.7 1,479 20.2 526 7.2 286 3.9 2,291 31.3 75-84 8,466 100.0 4,939 58.3 1,706 20.1 1,127 13.3 694 8.2 3,527 41.7 85 and over 2,226 100.0 970 43.6 338 15.2 516 23.2 402 18.1 1,256 56.4 White Hispanic Under5 2,162 100.0 2,110 97.6 14 " 0.6 ‘ 20 0.9 " 18 0.8 52 2.4 5—13 3,087 100.0 2,874 93.1 59 1.9 128 4.2 25 " 0.8 " 213 6.9 14—17 1,241 100.0 1,161 93.5 26 2.1 50 4.0 4 ‘ 0.3 " 80 6.4 18—24 2,265 100.0 2,173 95.9 26 1.1 31 1.4 35 1.6 92 4.1 25—34 3,123 100.0 2,884 92.3 68 2.2 61 2.0 110 3.5 239 7.7 35—44 2,275 100.0 2,007 88.2 71 3.1 96 4.2 100 4.4 268 11.8 45-54 1,521 100.0 1,242 81.7 83 5.4 95 6.2 101 6.7 279 18.3 55—64 904 100.0 642 71.0 47 5.2 82 9.1 133 14.7 262 29.0 65—69 337 100.0 209 62.1 20 5.8 48 14.3 60 17.7 128 38.0 70-74 215 100.0 141 65.6 38 17.7 16 7.6 20 9.1 74 34.4 75—84 234 100.0 141 60.4 33 14.0 34 14.5 26 11.0 93 39.7 85 and over 77 100.0 39 51.2 4 " 5.6 * 12 " 15.3 ‘ 21 27.9 38 49.4 Other and Unknown Under5 905 100.0 886 97.9 4 " 0.5 " 9 " 1.0 * 6 * 0.7 * 19 2.1 5—13 1,442 100.0 1,354 93.9 12 ” 0.8 * 63 4.4 13 " 0.9 " 88 6.1 14—17 577 100.0 535 92.8 16 * 2.8 " 20 " 3.5 ‘ 5 * 0.9 " 42 7.3 18—24 1,016 100.0 950 93.5 15 * 1.5 " 22 ” 2.2 ' 29 ‘ 2.8 66 6.5 25—34 1,289 100.0 1,187 92.1 22 " 1.7 39 3.0 41 3.1 102 7.9 35—44 997 100.0 874 87.6 39 3.9 48 4.8 36 3.7 123 12.3 45—54 596 100.0 473 79.5 31 5.2 29 4.8 63 10.5 123 20.6 55—64 412 100.0 315 76.4 24 19 * 4.7 54 13.2 97 23.5 5.7 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table 1. Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institu 57 tionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Degree of activity limitation Limited Limited in amount Unable With no but not or kind to carry With activity in major of major on major activity Characteristic Total limitation activity activity activity limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 65—69 180 100.0 138 76.6 8 " 4.6 " 10 “ 5.4 " 24 13.4 42 23.3 70—74 107 100.0 81 75.7 11 * 10.7 " 10 * 9.3 ’t 5 ’ 4.3 " 26 24.3 75—84 124 100.0 80 64.2 18 " 14.1 ‘ 13 " 10.4 " 14 " 11.3 " 44 35.5 85 and over 38 100.0 20 " 52.9 6 " 16.7 " 5 * 13.0 “ 7 " 17.4 " 18 " 47.4 Education Age under 18 years 66,485 100.0 62,438 93.9 1,091 1.6 2,561 3.9 396 0.6 4,047 6.1 8 years or less of school 16,391 100.0 10,090 61.6 1,632 10.0 1,957 11.9 2,711 16.5 6,301 38.4 9-11 years of school 21,352 100.0 15,894 74.4 1,556 7.3 1,793 8.4 2,109 9.9 5,458 25.6 12 years of school 69,343 100.0 57,508 82.9 3,693 5.3 4,489 6.5 3,653 5.3 11,835 17.1 13-15 years of school 38,719 100.0 33,335 86.1 1,902 4.9 2,018 5.2 1,463 3.8 5,384 13.9 16 years or more of school 37,002 100.0 32,752 88.5 1,948 5.3 1,436 3.9 866 2.3 4,250 11.5 Unknown 2,157 100.0 1,697 78.7 76 3.5 96 4.4 288 13.4 460 21.3 Education and Gender Age under 18 years Male 34,029 100.0 31,614 92.9 662 1.9 1,523 4.5 230 0.7 2,415 7.1 Female 32,456 100.0 30,824 95.0 429 1.3 1,038 3.2 166 0.5 1,632 5.0 8 years or less of school Male 7,975 100.0 5,068 63.5 720 9.0 728 9.1 1,460 18.3 2,907 36.5 Female 8,416 100.0 5,023 59.7 912 10.8 1,230 14.6 1,251 14.9 3,393 40.3 9—11 years of school Male 10,037 100.0 7,637 76.1 613 6.1 665 6.6 1,122 11.2 2,400 23.9 Female 11,315 100.0 8,257 73.0 943 8.3 1,128 10.0 987 8.7 3,058 27.0 12 years of school Male 31,245 100.0 26,169 83.8 1,392 4.5 1,850 5.9 1,835 5.9 5,076 16.2 Female 38,098 100.0 31,340 82.3 2,301 6.0 2,639 6.9 1,818 4.8 6,758 17.7 13—15 years of school Male 17,772 100.0 15,292 86.0 835 4.7 912 5.1 734 4.1 2,480 14.0 Female 20,947 100.0 18,043 86.1 1,068 5.1 1,107 5.3 729 3.5 2,904 13.9 16 years or more of school Male 20,049 100.0 17,751 88.5 1,113 5.6 732 3.7 452 2.3 2,298 11.5 Female 16,953 100.0 15,001 88.5 834 4.9 704 4.2 414 2.4 1,952 11.5 Unknown Male 1,080 100.0 873 80.8 36 3.3 37 3.5 134 12.4 207 19.2 Female 1,077 100.0 824 76.5 40 3.7 58 5.4 154 14.3 253 23.5 Education and Age group 1 Age under 18 years Under 5 19,657 100.0 19,110 97.2 145 0.7 280 1.4 123 0.6 547 2.8 5—13 33,378 100.0 30,899 92.6 620 1.9 1,674 5.0 185 0.6 2,479 7.4 14—17 13,450 100.0 12,429 92.4 326 2.4 607 4.5 88 0.7 1,021 7.6 8 years or less of school 18—24 891 100.0 796 89.4 24 * 2.7 " 15 * 1.6 ' 56 6.3 95 10.7 25—34 1,638 100.0 1,381 84.3 43 2.6 72 4.4 143 8.7 257 15.7 35—44 1,679 100.0 1,287 76.6 65 3.9 125 7.5 202 12.0 392 23.3 45—54 1,999 100.0 1,271 63.6 110 5.5 193 9.6 426 21.3 728 36.4 55—64 2,747 100.0 1,475 53.7 180 6.6 348 12.7 743 27.1 1,272 46.3 65—69 1,719 100.0 828 48.1 153 8.9 270 15.7 469 27.3 891 51.8 70—74 1,766 100.0 1,112 63.0 388 22.0 175 9.9 90 5.1 654 37.0 75—84 2,791 100.0 1,436 51.4 512 18.4 505 18.1 338 12.1 1,355 48.5 85 and over 1,162 100.0 506 43.5 157 13.6 255 22.0 244 21.0 656 56.5 9—11 years of school 18—24 3,852 100.0 3,539 91.9 77 2.0 130 3.4 106 2.7 313 8.1 25—34 3,941 100.0 3,333 84.6 136 3.5 202 5.1 270 6.9 608 15.4 35—44 3,067 100.0 2,392 78.0 171 5.6 222 7.2 282 9.2 675 22.0 45—54 2,737 100.0 1,982 72.4 172 6.3 247 9.0 336 12.3 755 27.6 55—64 2,829 100.0 1,753 62.0 209 7.4 303 10.7 564 19.9 1,076 38.0 65—69 1,610 100.0 913 56.7 136 8.5 242 15.0 319 19.8 697 43.3 70—74 1,361 100.0 913 67.1 285 21.0 104 7.6 58 4.3 448 32.9 58 Disability Statistics Report Table 1. Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Condi Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-In tions, by Degree of Limitation and stitutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Degree of activity limitation Limited Limited in amount Unable With no but not or kind to carry With activity in major of major on major activity Characteristic Total limitation activity activity activity limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 75—84 1,622 100.0 915 56.4 321 19.8 265 16.4 121 7.4 707 43.6 85 and over 333 100.0 155 46.5 47 14.2 79 23.6 53 15.8 178 53.5 12 years of school 18—24 9,853 100.0 9,137 92.7 221 2.2 323 3.3 172 1.7 716 7.3 25—34 16,246 100.0 14,709 90.5 432 2.7 614 3.8 491 3.0 1,537 9.5 35—44 14,114 100.0 12,187 86.3 421 3.0 887 6.3 619 4.4 1,927 13.7 45—54 10,392 100.0 8,500 81.8 527 5.1 761 7.3 604 5.8 1,892 18.2 55—64 8,302 100.0 6,178 74.4 526 6.3 756 9.1 842 10.1 2,124 25.6 65—69 3,814 100.0 2,540 66.6 318 8.3 467 12.2 489 12.8 1,274 33.4 70-74 3,113 100.0 2,144 68.9 604 19.4 233 7.5 133 4.3 969 31.1 75-84 2,990 100.0 1,893 63.3 573 19.2 323 10.8 202 6.8 1,097 36.7 85 and over 519 100.0 220 42.4 73 14.0 126 24.3 100 19.3 299 57.6 13—15 years of school 18—24 7,594 100.0 7,160 94.3 206 2.7 160 2.1 68 0.9 434 5.7 25—34 9,632 100.0 8,822 91.6 289 3.0 319 3.3 202 2.1 810 8.4 35—44 9,398 100.0 8,173 87.0 398 4.2 485 5.2 343 3.6 1,225 13.0 45—54 5,258 100.0 4,401 83.7 238 4.5 365 6.9 255 4.9 857 16.3 55—64 3,162 100.0 2,388 75.5 176 5.6 282 8.9 315 10.0 774 24.5 65—69 1,247 100.0 854 68.5 110 8.8 147 11.8 137 11.0 393 31.5 70—74 1,095 100.0 800 73.0 197 18.0 65 6.0 33 3.0 295 26.9 75—84 1,091 100.0 645 59.2 242 22.2 135 12.4 68 6.2 446 40.9 85 and over 241 100.0 93 38.5 46 19.2 61 25.1 41 17.1 148 61.4 16 years or more of school 18—24 1,978 100.0 1,889 95.5 60 3.1 22 * 1.1 7 * 0.3 * 89 4.5 25-34 10,074 100.0 9,555 94.8 288 2.9 159 1.6 72 0.7 519 5.2 35—44 10,810 100.0 9,861 91.2 411 3.8 370 3.4 168 1.6 949 8.8 45-54 6,680 100.0 5,877 88.0 395 5.9 264 3.9 145 2.2 803 12.0 55—64 3,681 100.0 3,018 82.0 189 5.1 260 7.1 214 5.8 663 18.0 65—69 1,461 100.0 1,072 73.4 115 7.9 166 11.3 108 7.4 389 26.6 70—74 1,018 100.0 731 71.8 196 19.2 50 5.0 41 4.0 287 28.2 75—84 1,032 100.0 621 60.2 242 23.5 92 8.9 77 7.5 411 39.8 85 and over 268 100.0 128 47.9 52 19.4 54 20.0 34 12.7 140 52.2 Unknown 18—24 174 100.0 141 80.9 4 * 2.5 * 4 * 2.3 * 25 “ 14.2 33 19.0 25—34 345 100.0 285 82.6 6 * 1.8 * 16 ’* 4.7 * 37 10.8 60 17.4 35—44 385 100.0 343 89.1 11 '* 2.7 " 8 * 2.1 " 23 6.1 42 10.9 45—54 364 100.0 316 86.8 7 " 1.9 ’* 10 "' 2.8 " 31 8.5 48 13.2 55—64 350 100.0 279 79.7 12 * 3.4 " 11 ” 3.3 " 48 13.7 71 20.3 65—69 144 100.0 110 76.4 7 * 4.6 * 3 ” 2.4 * 24 16.7 34 23.6 70—74 122 100.0 91 74.3 8 " 6.7 * 7 * 5.7 * 16 “ 13.3 * 31 25.4 75—84 172 100.0 96 56.0 21 " 12.1 24 14.2 30 17.7 76 44.2 85 and over 101 100.0 37 36.4 11 " 10.5 " 54 53.1 64 63.4 Education and Race Age under 18 years Native American 838 100.0 783 93.4 14 * 1.7 * 42 5.0 . . 55 6.6 Asian or Pacific Islander 2,114 100.0 2,058 97.3 24 ’* 1.1 * 31 " 1.5 * 1 * 0.1 56 2.6 Black Non-Hispanic 10,264 100.0 9,489 92.4 159 1.6 506 4.9 110 1.1 775 7.6 Black Hispanic 276 100.0 256 93.0 6 * 2.3 * 9 " 3.4 " 3 * 1.2 * 20 * 7.2 White Non-Hispanic 43,579 100.0 40,930 93.9 755 1.7 1,683 3.9 210 0.5 2,649 6.1 White Hispanic 6,489 100.0 6,146 94.7 99 1.5 198 3.1 47 0.7 343 5.3 Other and Unknown 2,924 100.0 2,776 94.9 32 1.1 92 3.2 24 * 0.8 " 148 5.1 8 years or less of school Native American 232 100.0 138 59.3 14 * 6.0 39 * 16.8 42 * 17.9 94 " 40.5 Asian or Pacific Islander 478 100.0 384 80.4 16 " 3.4 ‘ 35 7.4 42 8.8 94 19.7 Black Non-Hispanic 2,280 100.0 1,179 51.7 231 10.1 279 12.2 591 25.9 1,101 48.3 Black Hispanic 91 100.0 54 59.2 14 * 15.7 5 ” 5.3 " 18 * 19.7 37 40.7 White Non-Hispanic 9,545 100.0 5,356 56.1 1,172 12.3 1,346 14.1 1,671 17.5 4,189 43.9 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 59 Table 1. Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian N on-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Degree of activity limitation Limited Limited in amount Unable With no but not or kind to carry With activity in major of major on major activity Characteristic Total limitation activity activity activity limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution White Hispanic 2,859 100.0 2,265 79.2 132 4.6 196 6.9 265 9.3 594 20.8 Other and Unknown 905 100.0 714 78.9 52 5.7 57 6.3 82 9.0 191 21.1 9—11 years of school Native American 319 100.0 228 71.5 16 ‘t 5.1 * 19 * 6.0 " 55 17.4 91 28.5 Asian or Pacific Islander 423 100.0 372 87.9 10 * 2.5 * 17 ‘t 4.1 * 23 " 5.5 " 51 12.1 Black Non-Hispanic 3,358 100.0 2,485 74.0 206 6.1 240 7.1 428 12.7 873 26.0 Black Hispanic 45 100.0 43 94.1 . . 1 * 2.8 ‘ 1 * 3.0 ” 2 " 4.4 White Non-Hispanic 14,780 100.0 10,657 72.1 1,242 8.4 1,423 9.6 1,459 9.9 4,123 27.9 White Hispanic 1,728 100.0 1,497 86.7 65 3.8 65 3.7 101 5.8 231 13.4 Other and Unknown 699 100.0 613 87.7 17 " 2.4 * 28 4.0 41 5.9 86 12.3 12 years of school Native American 630 100.0 523 83.0 26 4.2 39 6.2 42 * 6.7 107 17.0 Asian or Pacific Islander 1,357 100.0 1,215 89.5 36 2.7 56 4.2 50 3.6 142 10.5 Black Non—Hispanic 8,107 100.0 6,788 83.7 339 4.2 405 5.0 575 7.1 1,319 16.3 Black Hispanic 119 100.0 105 87.9 4 t 3.3 * 5 t 4.4 " 5 * 4.4 " 14 " 11.8 White Non-Hispanic 54,579 100.0 44,821 82.1 3,151 5.8 3,830 7.0 2,776 5.1 9,758 17.9 White Hispanic 3,350 100.0 2,989 89.2 104 3.1 115 3.4 143 4.3 361 10.8 Other and Unknown 1,200 100.0 1,067 88.9 32 2.7 39 3.3 62 5.2 133 11.1 13—15 years of school Native American 289 100.0 239 82.9 15 * 5.2 ” 22 f” 7.7 ” 12 ’* 4.3 ' 50 17.3 Asian or Pacific Islander 1,388 100.0 1,283 92.5 43 3.1 29 2.1 33 " 2.4 ” 105 7.6 Black Non-Hispanic 3,960 100.0 3,470 87.6 122 3.1 170 4.3 197 5.0 490 12.4 Black Hispanic 108 100.0 91 84.1 5 ’t 4.8 ’* . . 12 * 11.1 't 17 " 15.7 White Non-Hispanic 30,484 100.0 26,021 85.4 1,645 5.4 1,703 5.6 1,115 3.7 4,463 14.6 White Hispanic 1,826 100.0 1,651 90.4 51 2.8 57 3.1 67 3.7 175 9.6 Other and Unknown 666 100.0 580 87.1 21 " 3.2 38 5.7 27 4.0 86 12.9 16 years or more of school Native American 132 100.0 100 75.7 10 " 7.7 't 14 " 11.0 ‘t 7 't 5.5 " 32 24.2 Asian or Pacific Islander 1,949 100.0 1,848 94.8 47 2.4 36 1.8 18 ’t 0.9 " 101 5.2 Black Non-Hispanic 2,355 100.0 2,124 90.2 80 3.4 91 3.8 59 2.5 231 9.8 Black Hispanic 34 100.0 32 94.6 . . 1 * 2.7 " 1 “ 2.6 * 2 ” 5.9 White Non-Hispanic 30,954 100.0 27,216 87.9 1,749 5.7 1,243 4.0 746 2.4 3,738 12.1 White Hispanic 1,109 100.0 1,010 91.1 36 3.2 40 3.6 23 2.1 99 8.9 Other and Unknown 470 100.0 423 90.0 26 " 5.5 * 11 * 2.2 't 11 " 2.3 * 47 10.0 Unknown Native American 11 " 100.0 9 " 83.7 2 " 16.3 " . . . . 2 * 18.2 Asian or Pacific Islander 71 100.0 58 81.5 4 * 5.5 * 6 ” 8.8 ” 3 " 4.2 " 13 ‘ 18.3 Black Non-Hispanic 346 100.0 246 71.1 8 " 2.4 * 16 * 4.5 ’t 76 22.0 100 28.9 Black Hispanic . . . . . . . . . . . White Non-Hispanic 832 100.0 596 71.7 34 4.0 49 5.8 154 18.5 236 28.4 White Hispanic 77 100.0 66 86.2 2 ’* 2.5 * 2 't 3.0 " 6 t 8.3 t 11 * 14.3 Other and Unknown 819 100.0 721 88.0 26 t 3.2 " 23 ’* 2.8 * 49 6.0 98 12.0 Family Income Under $10,000 24,545 100.0 17,852 72.7 1,733 7.1 2,369 9.7 2,591 10.6 6,693 27.3 $10,000-$14,999 18,729 100.0 14,386 76.8 1,266 6.8 1,601 8.5 1,475 7.9 4,343 23.2 $15,000—$24,999 37,830 100.0 31,117 82.3 2,104 5.6 2,578 6.8 2,031 5.4 6,713 17.7 $25,000-$34,999 33,131 100.0 28,881 87.2 1,409 4.3 1,801 5.4 1,040 3.1 4,250 12.8 $35,000 or more 91,171 100.0 82,945 91.0 3,082 3.4 3,519 3.9 1,625 1.8 8,226 9.0 Unknown 46,044 100.0 38,534 83.7 2,303 5.0 2,483 5.4 2,723 5.9 7,510 16.3 Family Income and Gender Under $10,000 Male 10,186 100.0 7,609 74.7 563 5.5 763 7.5 1,252 12.3 2,577 25.3 Female 14,358 100.0 10,244 71.3 1,170 8.1 1,606 11.2 1,338 9.3 4,114 28.7 $10,000-$14,999 Male 8,540 100.0 6,533 76.5 526 6.2 650 7.6 832 9.7 2,007 235 Female 10,188 100.0 7,854 77.1 741 7.3 950 9.3 644 6.3 2,334 22.9 $15,000—524,999 as .u. 60 Table 1. Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, Disability Statistics Report 1992. Degree of activity limitation Limited Limited in amount Unable With no but not or kind to carry With activity in major of major on major activity Characteristic Total limitation activity activity activity limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Male 18,466 100.0 15,127 81.9 937 5.1 1,227 6.6 1,174 6.4 3,339 18.1 Female 19,364 100.0 15,990 82.6 1,167 6.0 1,351 7.0 857 4.4 3,374 17.4 $25,000-$34,999 Male 16,368 100.0 14,154 86.5 695 4.2 966 5.9 553 3.4 2,214 13.5 Female 16,762 100.0 14,727 87.9 714 4.3 835 5.0 487 2.9 2,035 12.1 $35,000 or more Male 46,833 100.0 42,524 90.8 1,688 3.6 1,791 3.8 831 1.8 4,309 9.2 Female 44,338 100.0 40,421 91.2 1,394 3.1 1,727 3.9 795 1.8 3,917 8.8 Unknown Male 21,794 100.0 18,458 84.7 962 4.4 1,049 4.8 1,325 6.1 3,336 15.3 Female 24,250 100.0 20,076 82.8 1,341 5.5 1,434 5.9 1,399 5.8 4,174 17.2 Poverty Status Above poverty line 196,424 100.0 170,366 86.7 8,896 4.5 10,245 5.2 6,916 3.5 26,058 13.3 Below poverty line 30,460 100.0 23,990 78.8 1,544 5.1 2,443 8.0 2,483 8.2 6,470 21.2 Unknown 24,565 100.0 19,359 78.8 1,457 5.9 1,662 6.8 2,086 8.5 5,206 21.2 Poverty Status and Gender Above Poverty Male 97,773 100.0 85,013 86.9 4,257 4.4 4,837 4.9 3,667 3.8 12,760 13.1 Female 98,650 100.0 85,353 86.5 4,639 4.7 5,409 5.5 3,249 3.3 13,297 13.5 Below Poverty Male 13,283 100.0 10,536 79.3 530 4.0 941 7.1 1,275 9.6 2,747 20.7 Female 17,177 100.0 13,454 78.3 1,014 5.9 1,502 8.7 1,208 7.0 3,723 21.7 Unknown Male 11,131 100.0 8,855 79.6 582 5.2 669 6.0 1,025 9.2 2,276 20.4 Female 13,433 100.0 10,504 78.2 875 6.5 993 7.4 1,062 7.9 2,929 21.8 Poverty and Age group Above poverty Under 18 years 48,588 100.0 45,980 94.6 762 1.6 1,614 3.3 232 0.5 2,608 5.4 18—64 years 125,300 100.0 110,069 87.8 4,585 3.7 6,015 4.8 4,632 3.7 15,231 12.2 65 and above 22,535 100.0 14,317 63.5 3,549 15.7 2,617 11.6 2,052 9.1 8,218 36.5 Below poverty Under 18 years 12,255 100.0 11,107 90.6 266 2.2 755 6.2 127 1.0 1,148 9.4 18—64 years 15,613 100.0 11,649 74.6 874 5.6 1,146 7.3 1,944 12.5 3,964 25.4 65 and above 2,592 100.0 1,234 47.6 404 15.6 541 20.9 412 15.9 1,358 52.4 Unknown Under 18 years 5,642 100.0 5,351 94.8 62 1.1 193 3.4 36 0.6 291 5.2 18—64 years 13,258 100.0 10,708 80.8 545 4.1 770 5.8 1,235 9.3 2,550 19.2 65 and above 5,665 100.0 3,300 58.3 850 15.0 699 12.3 815 14.4 2,365 41.7 Marital Status Under Age 18 66,485 100.0 62,438 93.9 1,091 1.6 2,561 3.9 396 0.6 4,047 6.1 Married 118,838 100.0 99,342 83.6 6,570 5.5 7,007 5.9 5,918 5.0 19,496 16.4 Widowed 13,123 100.0 7,698 58.7 1,872 14.3 1,942 14.8 1,610 12.3 5,425 41.3 Divorced 13,434 100.0 10,076 75.0 895 6.7 1,160 8.6 1,303 9.7 3,358 25.0 Separated 4,018 100.0 3,135 78.0 199 5.0 245 6.1 440 10.9 883 22.0 Never Married 34,398 100.0 30,024 87.3 1,219 3.5 1,395 4.1 1,759 5.1 4,374 12.7 Unknown 1,152 100.0 1,003 87.0 50 4.4 40 3.5 59 5.2 149 12.9 Marital Status and Gender Male 34,029 100.0 31,614 92.9 662 1.9 1,523 4.5 230 0.7 2,415 7.1 Female 32,456 100.0 30,824 95.0 429 1.3 1,038 3.2 166 0.5 1,632 5.0 Married Male 60,186 100.0 49,758 82.7 3,433 5.7 3,438 5.7 3,557 5.9 10,428 17.3 Female 58,651 100.0 49,584 84.5 3,137 5.3 3,570 6.1 2,361 4.0 9,067 15.5 Widowed Male 2,109 100.0 1,237 58.7 364 17.2 241 11.4 267 12.7 872 41.3 Female 11,014 100.0 6,461 58.7 1,509 13.7 1,701 15.4 1,343 12.2 4,553 41.3 Disability in the Uhited States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 61 Table 1. Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Degree of activity limitation Limited Limited in amount Unable With no but not or kind to carry With activity in major of major on major activity Characteristic Total limitation activity activity activity limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Divorced Male 5,129 100.0 3,845 75.0 298 5.8 408 7.9 578 11.3 1,284 25.0 Female 8,305 100.0 6,231 75.0 597 7.2 752 9.1 725 8.7 2,074 25.0 Separated Male 1,475 100.0 1,151 78.0 62 4.2 62 4.2 199 13.5 324 22.0 Female 2,543 100.0 1,983 78.0 137 5.4 182 7.2 240 9.5 560 22.0 Never Married Male 18,727 100.0 16,344 87.3 524 2.8 754 4.0 1,105 5.9 2,383 12.7 Female 15,671 100.0 13,681 87.3 695 4.4 641 4.1 654 4.2 1,990 12.7 Unknown Male 532 100.0 455 85.5 27 5.1 21 " 4.0 29 " 5.5 77 14.5 Female 620 100.0 548 88.4 23 * 3.7 * 19 " 3.0 " 30 4.9 72 11.6 Region Northeast 50,000 100.0 43,157 86.3 2,221 4.4 2,501 5.0 2,122 4.2 6,843 13.7 Midwest 61,472 100.0 52,409 85.3 2,690 4.4 3,906 6.4 2,468 4.0 9,063 14.7 South 84,419 100.0 70,623 83.7 4,256 5.0 5,161 6.1 4,379 5.2 13,796 16.3 West 55,557 100.0 47,527 85.5 2,730 4.9 2,782 5.0 2,517 4.5 8,030 14.5 Region and Gender ' Northeast Male 24,103 100.0 21,048 87.3 955 4.0 1,043 4.3 1,058 4.4 3,055 12.7 Female 25,897 100.0 22,109 85.4 1,266 4.9 1,458 5.6 1,064 4.1 3,788 14.6 Midwest Male 29,797 100.0 25,531 85.7 1,210 4.1 1,764 5.9 1,292 4.3 4,266 14.3 Female 31,675 100.0 26,878 84.9 1,480 4.7 2,142 6.8 1,176 3.7 4,797 15.1 South Male 40,897 100.0 34,368 84.0 1,867 4.6 2,306 5.6 2,356 5.8 6,529 16.0 Female 43,522 100.0 36,255 83.3 2,389 5.5 2,854 6.6 2,024 4.6 7,267 16.7 West Male 27,390 100.0 23,458 85.6 1,339 4.9 1,333 4.9 1,261 4.6 3,932 14.4 Female 28,166 100.0 24,069 85.5 1,392 4.9 1,449 5.1 1,256 4.5 4,097 14.5 Region and Age group Northwest Under5 3,704 100.0 3,616 97.6 23 0.6 " 42 1.1 23 " 0.6 * 88 2.4 5—13 6,026 100.0 5,580 92.6 112 1.9 303 5.0 32 0.5 * 446 7.4 14—17 2,577 100.0 2,367 91.9 69 2.7 122 4.7 18 ’ 0.7 210 8.1 18—24 4,483 100.0 4,222 94.2 83 1.9 101 2.3 77 1.7 261 5.8 25—34 8,337 100.0 7,699 92.4 191 2.3 222 2.7 225 2.7 638 7.7 35—44 7,866 100.0 6,980 88.7 250 3.2 335 4.3 301 3.8 886 11.3 45—54 5,683 100.0 4,772 84.0 271 4.8 308 5.4 332 5.8 911 16.0 55—64 4,503 100.0 3,413 75.8 273 6.1 346 7.7 471 10.5 1,090 24.2 65—69 2,212 100.0 1,515 68.5 181 8.2 211 9.5 305 13.8 697 31.5 70—74 1,842 100.0 1,378 74.8 297 16.1 108 5.9 59 3.2 464 25.2 75—84 2,156 100.0 1,317 61.1 390 18.1 285 13.2 165 7.6 839 38.9 85 and over 611 100.0 298 48.8 81 13.3 118 19.4 113 18.6 313 51.2 Midwest Under5 4,791 100.0 4,683 97.7 33 * 0.7 59 1.2 16 * 0.3 * 108 2.3 5—13 8,023 100.0 7,439 92.7 117 1.5 432 5.4 35 0.4 584 7.3 14—17 3,466 100.0 3,165 91.3 80 2.3 188 5.4 33 0.9 * 301 8.7 18—24 6,194 100.0 5,689 91.8 155 2.5 213 3.4 138 2.2 505 8.2 25—34 10,061 100.0 9,163 91.1 255 2.5 385 3.8 259 2.6 898 8.9 35—44 9,696 100.0 8,396 86.6 350 3.6 596 6.1 354 3.7 1,300 13.4 45—54 6,475 100.0 5,331 82.3 312 4.8 480 7.4 352 5.4 1,144 17.7 55—64 5,277 100.0 3,905 74.0 262 5.0 517 9.8 593 11.2 1,372 26.0 65—69 2,375 100.0 1,491 62.8 194 8.2 370 15.6 320 13.5 884 37.2 70—74 1,998 100.0 1,380 69.0 389 19.5 160 8.0 69 3.4 618 30.9 75—84 2,460 100.0 1,474 59.9 452 18.4 345 14.0 189 7.7 986 40 1 85and over 656 100.0 294 44.8 90 13.8 162 24.7 110 16.8 362 55.2 62 Disability Statistics Report Table 1. Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic C Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian No onditions, by Degree of Limitation and n-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Degree of activity limitation Limited Limited in amount Unable With no but not or kind to carry With activity in major of major on major activity Characteristic Total limitation activity activity activity limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution South Under 5 6,359 100.0 6,125 96.3 58 0.9 122 1.9 53 0.8 234 3.7 5—13 11,527 100.0 10,603 92.0 249 2.2 607 5.3 67 0.6 924 8.0 14—17 4,544 100.0 4,241 93.3 93 2.0 183 4.0 28 0.6 " 303 6.7 18—24 8,206 100.0 7,645 93.2 214 2.6 204 2.5 143 1.7 561 6.8 25—34 13,890 100.0 12,541 90.3 441 3.2 485 3.5 424 3.0 1,349 9.7 35—44 13,016 100.0 11,237 86.3 505 3.9 710 5.5 565 4.3 1,779 13.7 45-54 9,225 100.0 7,383 80.0 494 5.4 660 7.2 689 7.5 1,842 20.0 55—64 7,037 100.0 4,699 66.8 463 6.6 767 10.9 1,108 15.7 2,338 33.2 65—69 3,458 100.0 2,078 60.1 266 7.7 482 13.9 632 18.3 1,380 39.9 70—74 2,952 100.0 1,931 65.4 637 21.6 237 8.0 147 5.0 1,021 34.6 75-84 3,350 100.0 1,813 54.1 715 21.3 504 15.0 318 9.5 1,537 45.9 85 and over 853 100.0 327 38.3 122 14.3 199 23.3 205 24.0 526 61.7 West Under 5 4,803 100.0 4,685 97.6 30 0.6 57 1.2 30 0.6 ‘ 118 2.5 5—13 7,802 100.0 7,277 93.3 142 1.8 332 4.3 51 0.6 525 6.7 14—17 2,863 100.0 2,656 92.8 85 3.0 113 3.9 9 ‘ 0.3 " 207 7.2 18—24 5,458 100.0 5,107 93.6 140 2.6 136 2.5 76 1.4 351 6.4 25-34 9,587 100.0 8,682 90.6 307 3.2 290 3.0 308 3.2 905 9.4 35—44 8,875 100.0 7,629 86.0 371 4.2 457 5.1 418 4.7 1,246 14.0 45—54 6,046 100.0 4,860 80.4 371 6.1 391 6.5 424 7.0 1,186 19.6 55—64 4,254 100.0 3,074 72.3 295 6.9 330 7.8 555 13.0 1,180 27.7 65—69 1,950 100.0 1,233 63.3 196 10.1 231 11.9 289 14.8 717 36.8 70—74 1,682 100.0 1,102 65.5 356 21.1 128 7.6 96 5.7 580 34.5 75—84 1,732 100.0 1,002 57.9 355 20.5 211 12.2 164 9.5 730 42.1 85 and over 503 100.0 220 43.6 82 16.2 105 20.9 97 19.2 283 56.3 Size of Residence Metropolitan 196,606 100.0 168,372 85.6 9,025 4.6 10,672 5.4 8,537 4.3 28,234 14.4 Central city 77,218 100.0 65,290 84.6 3,657 4.7 4,279 5.5 3,992 5.2 11,928 15.4 Not central city 119,388 100.0 103,083 86.3 5,368 4.5 6,393 5.4 4,545 3.8 16,305 13.7 Non-Metropolitan 54,842 100.0 45,343 82.7 2,872 5.2 3,679 6.7 2,948 5.4 9,499 17.3 Nonfarm 51,533 100.0 42,484 82.4 2,697 5.2 3,502 6.8 2,849 5.5 9,049 17.6 Farm 3,310 100.0 2,859 86.4 175 5.3 177 5.3 99 3.0 451 13.6 Size of Residence and Gender Metropolitan Male 95,444 100.0 82,284 86.2 4,079 4.3 4,770 5.0 4,310 4.5 13,160 13.8 Female 101,162 100.0 86,088 85.1 4,946 4.9 5,901 5.8 4,227 4.2 15,074 14.9 Central city Male 36,736 100.0 31,426 85.5 1,519 4.1 1,864 5.1 1,927 5.2 5,310 14.5 Female 40,482 100.0 33,864 83.7 V 2,138 5.3 2,415 6.0 2,065 5.1 6,618 16.3 Not central city Male 58,708 100.0 50,858 86.6 2,560 4.4 2,907 5.0 2,383 4.1 7,850 13.4 Female 60,680 100.0 52,224 86.1 2,808 4.6 3,486 5.7 2,162 3.6 8,456 13.9 Non-Metropolitan Male 26,743 100.0 22,120 82.7 1,291 4.8 1,676 6.3 1,656 6.2 4,623 17.3 Female 28,099 100.0 23,223 82.6 1,581 5.6 2,002 7.1 1,292 4.6 4,876 17.4 Nonfarm Male 25,045 100.0 20,661 82.5 1,200 4.8 1,579 6.3 1,605 6.4 4,384 17.5 Female 26,487 100.0 21,823 82.4 1,497 5.7 1,923 7.3 1,244 4.7 4,664 17.6 Farm Male 1,698 100.0 1,459 85.9 90 5.3 98 5.7 51 * 3.0 239 14.1 Female 1,612 100.0 1,400 86.9 84 5.2 79 4.9 48 3.0 212 13.2 Size of Residence and Age group Metropolitan Under 5 15,612 100.0 15,180 97.2 120 0.8 213 1.4 99 0.6 432 2.8 5—13 25,740 100.0 23,839 92.6 499 1.9 1,247 4.8 156 0.6 1,901 7.4 14—17 10,369 100.0 9,600 92.6 241 2.3 454 4.4 73 0.7 769 7.4 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 63 Table 1. Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Degree of activity limitation Limited Limited in amount Unable With no but not or kind to carry With activity in major of major on major activity Characteristic Total limitation activity activity activity limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 18—24 19,293 100.0 17,940 93.0 478 2.5 506 2.6 369 1.9 1,353 7.0 25—34 33,929 100.0 30,930 91.2 975 2.9 1,075 3.2 949 2.8 2,999 8.8 35—44 31,264 100.0 27,240 87.1 1,168 3.7 1,610 5.1 1,246 4.0 4,024 12.9 45—54 21,553 100.0 17,720 82.2 1,138 5.3 1,419 6.6 1,276 5.9 3,833 17.8 55—64 15,956 100.0 11,640 73.0 962 6.0 1,406 8.8 1,947 12.2 4,316 27.0 65—69 7,560 100.0 4,933 65.2 600 7.9 919 12.2 1,108 14.7 2,627 34.7 70—74 6,319 100.0 4,371 69.2 1,202 19.0 460 7.3 287 4.5 1,948 30.8 75-84 7,058 100.0 4,149 58.8 1,358 19.2 937 13.3 614 8.7 2,909 41.2 85 and over 1,953 100.0 831 42.5 284 14.5 426 21.8 412 21.1 1,122 57.5 Central city Under 5 6,525 100.0 6,324 96.9 45 0.7 118 1.8 38 0.6 ‘ 201 3.1 5—13 9,857 100.0 9,072 92.0 204 2.1 506 5.1 76 0.8 785 8.0 14—17 3,861 100.0 3,546 91.8 77 2.0 199 5.1 40 1.0 315 8.2 18—24 8,861 100.0 8,182 92.3 249 2.8 226 2.6 204 2.3 679 7.7 25—34 13,681 100.0 12,376 90.5 413 3.0 427 3.1 465 3.4 1,305 9.5 35-44 11,674 100.0 9,961 85.3 454 3.9 625 5.4 633 5.4 1,713 14.7 45—54 7,624 100.0 6,071 79.6 416 5.5 524 6.9 613 8.0 1,553 20.4 55—64 5,959 100.0 4,220 70.8 360 6.0 522 8.8 857 14.4 1,739 29.2 65—69 2,959 100.0 1,879 63.5 268 9.1 356 12.0 456 15.4 1,080 36.5 70—74 2,532 100.0 1,685 66.5 509 20.1 198 7.8 141 5.6 847 33.5 75—84 2,849 100.0 1,632 57.3 547 19.2 411 14.4 259 9.1 1,217 42.7 85 and over 836 100.0 341 40.8 115 13.7 169 20.2 212 25.3 495 59.2 Not central city Under 5 9,088 100.0 8,856 97.5 75 0.8 95 1.0 61 0.7 232 2.6 5—13 15,884 100.0 14,767 93.0 295 1.9 741 4.7 80 0.5 1,117 7.0 14—17 6,507 100.0 6,054 93.0 165 2.5 255 3.9 33 0.5 453 7.0 18—24 10,432 100.0 9,757 93.5 229 2.2 279 2.7 166 1.6 675 6.5 25—34 20,249 100.0 18,554 91.6 562 2.8 649 3.2 484 2.4 1,695 8.4 35—44 19,590 100.0 17,278 88.2 714 3.6 984 5.0 614 3.1 2,312 11.8 45—54 13,930 100.0 11,649 83.6 722 5.2 895 6.4 664 4.8 2,281 16.4 55—64 9,997 100.0 7,420 74.2 602 6.0 885 8.8 1,091 10.9 2,577 25.8 65—69 4,600 100.0 3,053 66.4 332 7.2 563 12.2 652 14.2 1,547 33.6 70-74 3,787 100.0 2,686 70.9 693 18.3 262 6.9 146 3.9 1,101 29.1 75-84 4,209 100.0 2,517 59.8 810 19.3 527 12.5 355 8.4 1,692 40.2 85 and over 1,117 100.0 490 43.9 169 15.2 257 23.0 200 17.9 627 56.1 Non-Metropolitan Under 5 4,045 100.0 3,930 97.1 25 " 0.6 ” 67 1.7 24 0.6 " 115 2.8 5—13 7,638 100.0 7,060 92.4 121 1.6 428 5.6 29 0.4 578 7.6 14—17 3,081 100.0 2,829 91.8 85 2.7 153 5.0 15 * 0.5 " 252 8.2 18—24 5,049 100.0 4,723 93.5 114 2.3 148 2.9 64 1.3 326 6.5 25—34 7,946 100.0 7,154 90.0 219 2.8 306 3.9 267 3.4 792 10.0 35—44 8,189 100.0 7,002 85.5 309 3.8 487 5.9 392 4.8 1,187 14.5 45-54 5,877 100.0 4,626 78.7 310 5.3 420 7.1 521 8.9 1,251 21.3 55—64 5,115 100.0 3,451 67.5 330 6.5 554 10.8 779 15.2 1,664 32.5 65—69 2,435 100.0 1,385 56.9 238 9.8 375 15.4 438 18.0 1,050 43.1 70—74 2,156 100.0 1,419 65.8 477 22.1 175 8.1 85 4.0 737 34.2 75—84 2,640 100.0 1,457 55.2 554 21.0 407 15.4 222 8.4 1,183 44.8 85 and over 671 100.0 307 45.8 92 13.7 158 23.6 114 16.9 364 54.2 Nonfarm Under 5 3,852 100.0 3,739 97.1 25 * 0.6 * 65 1.7 24 0.6 ‘ 113 2.9 5—13 7,170 100.0 6,617 92.3 115 1.6 410 5.7 27 0.4 553 7.7 14—17 2,877 100.0 2,632 91.5 83 2.9 148 5.1 15 ‘ 0.5 " 245 8.5 18—24 4,843 100.0 4,522 93.4 114 2.3 144 3.0 64 1.3 321 6.6 25—34 7,575 100.0 6,810 89.9 212 2.8 296 3.9 257 3.4 765 10.1 35—44 7,700 100.0 6,544 85.0 297 3.9 471 6.1 388 5.0 1,156 15.0 45—54 5,501 100.0 4,299 78.1 302 5.5 394 7.2 506 9.2 1,202 21.9 55—64 4,645 100.0 3,100 66.7 296 6.4 502 10.8 747 16.1 1,545 33.3 64 Disability Statistics Report Table 1. Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Degree of activity limitation Limited Limited in amount Unable With no but not or kind to carry With activity in major of major on major activity Characteristic Total limitation activity activity activity limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 65—69 2,234 100.0 1,254 56.1 215 9.6 346 15.5 420 18.8 980 43.9 70—74 2,021 100.0 1,311 64.9 454 22.5 173 8.6 83 4.1 710 35.1 75—84 2,477 100.0 1,362 55.0 498 20.1 400 16.2 216 8.7 1,115 45.0 85 and over 636 100.0 294 46.2 86 13.6 153 24.0 103 16.2 342 53.8 Farm UnderS 193 100.0 191 98.9 . . 2 " 1.1 * . . 2 " 1.0 5-13 468 100.0 443 94.6 6 * 1.3 * 18 " 3.8 " 2 " 0.3 * 25 * 5.3 14—17 204 100.0 197 96.6 2 " 0.9 " 5 * 2.5 " 7 " 3.4 18—24 206 100.0 202 97.7 . . 5 ‘ 2.3 " . . 4 “ 1.9 25—34 371 100.0 344 92.7 7 " 1.9 " 10 * 2.7 " 10 * 2.7 " 27 " 7.3 35—44 489 100.0 458 93.6 11 " 2.3 * 16 " 3.3 " 4 " 0.8 " 31 ‘ 6.3 45-54 376 100.0 328 87.1 8 ’ 2.0 " 25 " 6.7 " 15 " 4.1 ‘ 48 " 12.8 55—64 470 100.0 351 74.8 34 ‘ 7.3 52 11.1 32 6.9 119 25.3 65—69 201 100.0 131 65.1 23 " 11.5 29 14.6 18 " 8.8 70 34.8 70—74 135 100.0 108 80.4 23 17.0 2 " 1.3 ‘ 2 ‘ 1.3 * 27 20.0 75—84 162 100.0 94 58.1 56 34.5 7 “ 4.0 ‘ 6 " 3.4 " 68 42.0 85and over 35 100.0 13 38.6 5 “ 14.9 * 5 " 15.3 " 11 " 31.2 " 22 " 62.9 Has Telephone Yes 236,739 100.0 201,524 85.1 11,343 4.8 13,407 5.7 10,466 4.4 35,215 14.9 No 13,907 100.0 11,521 82.8 522 3.8 906 6.5 958 6.9 2,386 17.2 Unknown 802 100.0 671 83.7 32 3.9 37 4.6 62 7.7 131 16.3 Has Telephone and Gender Telephone (Yes) Male 114,770 100.0 98,333 85.7 5,139 4.5 5,952 5.2 5,346 4.7 16,437 14.3 Female 121,969 100.0 103,191 84.6 6,204 5.1 7,455 6.1 5,120 4.2 18,778 15.4 Telephone (No) Male 7,045 100.0 5,753 81.7 221 3.1 481 6.8 589 8.4 1,292 18.3 Female 6,862 100.0 5,768 84.0 301 4.4 425 6.2 369 5.4 1,094 15.9 Unknown Male 373 100.0 318 85.3 10 " 2.6 " 14 " 3.7 " 31 8.4 55 14.7 Female 429 100.0 353 82.3 22 * 5.1 24 “ 5.5 31 7.1 76 17.7 Has Telephone and Age group Telephone (Yes) Under 5 17,556 100.0 17,093 97.4 130 0.7 226 1.3 108 0.6 463 2.6 5—13 30,853 100.0 28,649 92.9 569 1.8 1,470 4.8 164 0.5 2,204 7.1 14—17 12,666 100.0 11,725 92.6 308 2.4 560 4.4 73 0.6 941 7.4 18—24 22,185 100.0 20,725 93.4 509 2.3 575 2.6 376 1.7 1,460 6.6 25—34 39,019 100.0 35,635 91.3 1,083 2.8 1,258 3.2 1,042 2.7 3,384 8.7 35—44 37,483 100.0 32,712 87.3 1,382 3.7 1,940 5.2 1,448 3.9 4,771 12.7 45—54 26,418 100.0 21,721 82.2 1,378 5.2 1,728 6.5 1,591 6.0 4,697 17.8 55—64 20,462 100.0 14,748 72.1 1,261 6.2 1,891 9.2 2,562 12.5 5,714 27.9 65—69 9,721 100.0 6,205 63.8 820 8.4 1,275 13.1 1,421 14.6 3,516 36.2 70—74 8,312 100.0 5,684 68.4 1,652 19.9 615 7.4 362 4.4 2,628 31.6 75—84 9,479 100.0 5,504 58.1 1,878 19.8 1,295 13.7 803 8.5 3,975 41.9 85 and over 2,586 100.0 1,122 43.4 373 14.4 574 22.2 516 20.0 1,464 56.6 Telephone (No) Under5 2,034 100.0 1,957 96.2 12 “ 0.6 * 51 2.5 15 " 0.7 77 3.8 5—13 2,406 100.0 2,137 88.8 48 2.0 200 8.3 21 " 0.9 * 269 11.2 14—17 767 100.0 688 89.7 17 ‘ 2.2 * 47 6.1 15 " 1.9 " 79 10.3 18—24 2,096 100.0 1,883 89.9 80 3.8 77 3.7 55 2.6 213 10.2 25—34 2,683 100.0 2,286 85.2 109 4.1 120 4.5 168 6.3 397 14.8 35—44 1,861 100.0 1,437 77.2 90 4.8 150 8.1 184 9.9 424 22.8 45—54 953 100.0 587 61.6 65 6.9 108 11.3 192 20.2 366 38.4 55—64 511 100.0 267 52.2 29 5.7 63 12.4 152 29.7 244 47.7 65-69 248 100.0 96 38.9 16 ‘ 6.6 “ 16 ‘ 6.5 " 119 48.1 152 61.3 70-74 135 100.0 86 63.8 21 ‘ 15.8 " 20 14.6 8 “ 5.8 " 49 36.3 75—84 180 100.0 80 44.6 31 17.1 44 24.3 25 " 13.9 " 100 55.6 1 ¥ 1 II- ¥ Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 65 Table 1. Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institu tionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Degree of activity limitation Limited Limited in amount Unable With no but not or kind to carry With activity in major of major on major activity Characteristic Total limitation activity activity activity limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 85 and over 33 100.0 16 " 49.1 3 " 7.7 * 10 ‘ 30.4 * 4 " 12.8 * 17 " 51.5 Unknown UnderS 67 100.0 60 90.3 3 " 4.2 " 4 " 5.5 * 7 “ 10.4 " 5—13 119 100.0 113 94.6 3 “ 2.3 " 4 " 3.0 " 6 " 5.0 " 14—17 17 " 100.0 16 * 93.2 1 " 6.8 " . . . . 1 " 5.9 " 18—24 61 100.0 54 88.3 3 " 4.4 ' 2 " 3.4 " 2 " 3.9 ” 7 " 11.5 " 25—34 174 100.0 164 93.8 2 ” 1.1 " 3 " 1.9 * 6 " 3.2 " 10 " 5.7 ‘ 35—44 109 100.0 93 85.2 4 " 3.7 " 6 ” 5.9 * 6 ’ 5.2 ” 16 " 14.7 " 45-54 59 100.0 37 63.3 4 “ 7.3 " 3 " 4.8 " 14 ’t 24.5 " 22 37.3 55—64 98 100.0 77 78.3 2 " 2.1 " 7 " 6.7 " 13 " 12.9 " 21 * 21.4 65—69 26 100.0 16 " 61.7 1 " 4.0 " 3 " 11.7 " 6 ‘ 22.6 " 10 " 38.5 ’ 70-74 28 100.0 21 “ 73.7 5 * 18.7 " . . 2 " 7.6 " 7 " 25.0 ” 75—84 39 100.0 21 " 54.4 4 ‘ 9.1 " 6 " 14.6 " 9 " 21.9 " 18 " 46.2 85 and over 5 100.0 5 * 100.0 Has Telephone and Income Telephone (Yes) Under $10,000 19,483 100.0 13,916 71.4 1,492 7.7 1,998 10.3 2,076 10.7 5,567 28.6 $10,000-$14,999 16,505 100.0 12,532 75.9 1,190 7.2 1,434 8.7 1,349 8.2 3,973 24.1 $15,000-$24,999 35,207 100.0 28,786 81.8 2,018 5.7 2,451 7.0 1,953 5.5 6,421 18.2 $25,000-$34,999 32,309 100.0 28,141 87.1 1,384 4.3 1,754 5.4 1,030 3.2 4,168 12.9 $35,000 or more 90,682 100.0 82,498 91.0 3,074 3.4 3,499 3.9 1,611 1.8 8,184 9.0 Unknown 42,554 100.0 35,650 83.8 2,186 5.1 2,271 5.3 2,447 5.8 6,904 16.2 Telephone (No) Under $10,000 4,953 100.0 3,848 77.7 233 4.7 368 7.4 504 10.2 1,105 22.3 $10,000-$14,999 2,143 100.0 1,787 83.4 77 3.6 161 7.5 119 5.5 356 16.6 $15,000-$24,999 2,542 100.0 2,266 89.2 81 3.2 121 4.8 73 2.9 276 10.9 $25,000-$34,999 740 100.0 673 90.9 16 " 2.1 " 47 6.4 4 " 0.6 * 67 9.1 $35,000 or more 340 100.0 310 91.2 2 " 0.6 " 16 " 4.7 * 12 “ 3.5 “ 30 8.8 Unknown 3,189 100.0 2,637 82.7 113 3.5 193 6.1 246 7.7 552 17.3 Unknown Telephone Under $10,000 109 100.0 88 81.0 7 ‘ 6.8 " 3 * 2.8 ’* 10 " 9.5 " 21 ‘ 19.3 $10,000—S14,999 81 100.0 68 * 84.0 . . 5 " 6.3 " 8 " 9.7 " 13 " 16.0 ’ $15,000-$24,999 81 100.0 65 80.0 5 " 5.9 " 6 * 7.8 " 5 " 6.4 " 16 " 19.8 " $25,000-$34,999 82 100.0 67 81.7 9 " 10.8 1 . . 6 * 7.5 “ 15 " 18.3 ‘ $35,000 or more 148 100.0 136 91.8 6 " 4.4 " 4 " 2.4 " 2 " 1.4 * 12 " 8.1 " Unknown 301 100.0 247 82.1 4 " 1.4 " 19 " 6.4 " 30 10.1 54 17.9 " Estimate has low statistical reliability (relative standard error > 30%). . No respondents in category 66 Disability Statistics Report Table 2. Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18-69, 1992. Without work limitation With work limitation Limited Limited in amount With no in activities or kind Total activity other than of work Unable with work Characteristic Total limitation work activity to work limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution All People 164,166 100.0 138,744 84.5 6,400 3.9 8,135 5.0 10,887 6.6 19,022 11.6 Gender Male 79,805 100.0 67,676 84.8 2,731 3.4 4,078 5.1 5,319 6.7 9,397 11.8 Female 84,362 100.0 71,068 84.2 3,668 4.3 4,057 4.8 5,569 6.6 9,626 11.4 Age group 18—64 years 154,171 100.0 132,427 85.9 5,585 3.6 7,133 4.6 9,027 5.9 16,160 10.5 18-24 24,342 100.0 22,663 93.1 572 2.3 636 2.6 472 1.9 1,108 4.6 25-34 41,876 100.0 38,084 90.9 1,124 2.7 1,315 3.1 1,352 3.2 2,667 6.4 35—44 39,453 100.0 34,242 86.8 1,358 3.4 1,942 4.9 1,911 4.8 3,853 9.8 45-54 27,430 100.0 22,346 81.5 1,349 4.9 1,628 5.9 2,107 7.7 3,735 13.6 55-64 21,071 100.0 15,092 71.6 1,182 5.6 1,613 7.7 3,185 15.1 4,798 22.8 65-69 9,995 100.0 6,317 63.2 815 8.2 1,002 10.0 1,861 18.6 2,863 28.6 Gender and Age group Male 18—64 years 75,266 100.0 64,848 86.2 2,437 3.2 3,540 4.7 4,440 5.9 7,980 10.6 18-24 11,960 100.0 11,118 93.0 256 2.1 344 2.9 242 2.0 586 4.9 25-34 20,625 100.0 18,715 90.7 503 2.4 696 3.4 711 3.4 1,407 6.8 35-44 19,374 100.0 16,762 86.5 662 3.4 976 5.0 974 5.0 1,950 10.1 45-54 13,316 100.0 10,957 82.3 587 4.4 787 5.9 985 7.4 1,772 13.3 55-64 9,990 100.0 7,297 73.0 429 4.3 736 7.4 1,527 15.3 2,263 22.7 65-69 4,539 100.0 2,828 62.3 294 6.5 538 11.9 879 19.4 1,417 31.2 Female 18—64 years 78,906 100.0 67,578 85.6 3,147 4.0 3,593 4.6 4,587 5.8 8,180 10.4 18-24 12,382 100.0 11,545 93.2 316 2.5 292 2.4 230 1.9 522 4.2 25-34 21,250 100.0 19,370 91.2 621 2.9 619 2.9 641 3.0 1,260 5.9 35-44 20,079 100.0 17,480 87.1 696 3.5 965 4.8 937 4.7 1,902 9.5 45-54 14,114 100.0 11,389 80.7 762 5.4 841 6.0 1,122 8.0 1,963 13.9 55-64 11,081 100.0 7,794 70.3 753 6.8 876 7.9 1,658 15.0 2,534 22.9 65-69 5,456 100.0 3,489 64.0 521 9.6 464 8.5 981 18.0 1,445 26.5 Race and Hispanic Origin Native American 1,515 100.0 1,187 78.3 66 4.4 104 6.9 158 10.4 262 17.3 Asian or Pacific Islander 5,418 100.0 4,982 92.0 126 2.3 127 2.3 184 3.4 311 5.7 Black Non-Hispanic 18,787 100.0 15,447 82.2 636 3.4 761 4.0 1,944 10.3 2,705 14.4 Black Hispanic 381 100.0 315 82.8 5 * 1.3 " 10 * 2.7 * 50 13.2 60 15.7 White Non-Hispanic 123,151 100.0 103,718 84.2 5,172 4.2 6,657 5.4 7,604 6.2 14,261 11.6 White Hispanic 10,424 100.0 9,157 87.8 271 2.6 338 3.2 658 6.3 996 9.6 Other and Unknown 4,490 100.0 3,937 87.7 124 2.8 138 3.1 290 6.5 428 9.5 Race and Gender Native American Male 707 100.0 554 78.3 21 * 3.0 “ 52 7.4 80 11.3 132 18.7 Female 808 100.0 633 78.3 45 5.6 52 6.5 78 9.7 130 16.1 Asian or Pacific Islander Male 2,525 100.0 2,337 92.5 55 2.2 60 2.4 73 2.9 133 5.3 Female 2,893 100.0 2,645 91.4 70 2.4 67 2.3 110 3.8 177 6.1 Black Non-Hispanic Male 8,487 100.0 7,008 82.6 255 3.0 361 4.3 863 10.2 1,224 14.4 Female 10,300 100.0 8,439 81.9 381 3.7 399 3.9 1,081 10.5 1,480 14.4 Black Hispanic Male 192 100.0 160 83.1 3 * 1.6 * 4 * 2.0 ‘ 25 * 13.2 * 29 " 15.1 Female 189 100.0 156 82.5 2 ” 0.9 * 6 * 3.4 " 25 " 13.3 * 31 * 16.4 White Non-Hispanic Male 60,598 100.0 51,191 84.5 2,249 3.7 3,365 5.6 3,793 6.3 7,158 11.8 Female 62,553 100.0 52,526 84.0 2,924 4.7 3,292 5.3 3,810 6.1 7,102 11.4 White Hispanic Male 5,024 100.0 4,425 88.1 91 1.8 164 3.3 344 6.8 508 10.1 Female 5,400 100.0 4,732 87.6 180 3.3 174 3.2 314 5.8 488 9.0 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table 2. Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. 67 Without work limitation With work limitation Limited Limited in amount With no in activities or kind Total activity other than of work Unable with work Characteristic Total limitation work activity to work limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Other and Unknown Male 2,271 100.0 2,001 88.1 58 2.6 72 3.2 140 6.2 212 9.3 Female 2,219 100.0 1,937 87.3 66 3.0 66 3.0 150 6.8 216 9.7 Race and Age group Native American . 18-24 269 100.0 252 93.8 . . 12 * 4.3 " 5 " 1.9 " 17 “ 6.3 25—34 423 100.0 372 87.8 9 " 2.1 * 13 " 3.1 * 30 " 7.0 * 43 10.2 35-44 357 100.0 270 75.5 26 ” 7.2 " 29 8.1 " 33 9.2 * 62 17.4 45—54 237 100.0 161 67.7 12 ‘ 5.0 * 24 ’* 10.1 41 "' 17.2 65 27.4 55—64 156 100.0 91 58.5 13 * 8.2 * 19 °‘ 12.2 33 21.1 52 33.3 65-69 73 " 100.0 41 57.1 7 * 9.4 “ 8 * 10.4 * 17 * 23.2 ’ 25 “ 34.2 Asian or Pacific Islander 18-24 989 100.0 950 96.1 17 ‘ 1.7 " 16 " 1.6 ‘ 6 * 0.6 * 22 " 2.2 25-34 1,504 100.0 1,444 96.0 26 * 1.7 “ 17 "' 1.1 " 17 * 1.1 ‘ 34 * 2.3 3544 1,401 100.0 1,289 92.0 29 " 2.0 31 2.2 52 3.7 83 5.9 45-54 761 100.0 671 88.3 28 3.7 26 3.4 36 4.7 " 62 8.1 55-64 563 100.0 467 82.9 20 " 3.6 * 25 * 4.4 " 51 9.0 76 13.5 65-69 201 100.0 161 80.0 6 * 2.8 " 12 " 5.9 * 23 "’ 11.3 * 35 " 17.4 Black Non-Hispanic 18-24 3,424 100.0 3,143 91.8 73 2.1 91 2.7 117 3.4 208 6.1 25-34 5,202 100.0 4,709 90.5 114 2.2 122 2.3 258 5.0 380 7.3 35-44 4,349 100.0 3,635 83.6 148 3.4 181 4.2 385 8.8 566 13.0 45-54 2,730 100.0 2,088 76.5 112 4.1 148 5.4 382 14.0 530 19.4 55-64 2,124 100.0 1,327 62.5 121 5.7 151 7.1 525 24.7 676 31.8 65-69 958 100.0 544 56.8 68 7.1 68 7.1 277 29.0 345 36.0 Black Hispanic 18-24 70 100.0 70 100 . . . . . . . 25-34 104 100.0 91 87.7 5 * 4.5 * 8 ” 7.8 " l3 " 12.5 35-44 77‘ 100.0 67 86.0 . . 11 * 14.0 “ 11 ‘ 14.3 45-54 76 100.0 52 67.9 3 " 4.5 * 3 * 4.4 " 18 " 23.2 " 21 * 27.6 55-64 36 100.0 24 66.3 1 * 3.8 * 1 * 2.6 " 10 * 27.3 " 11 ” 30.6 65-69 17 " 100.0 11 68.8 1 * 7.5 " 4 * 23.7 “ 5 ” 29.4 White Non-Hispanic 18-24 16,309 100.0 15,124 92.7 445 2.7 467 2.9 274 1.7 741 4.5 25-34 30,231 100.0 27,398 90.6 900 3.0 1,068 3.5 865 2.9 1,933 6.4 ‘ 35—44 29,997 100.0 26,100 87.0 1,058 3.5 1,569 5.2 1,270 4.2 2,839 9.5 45-54 21,509 100.0 17,658 82.1 1,105 5.1 1,328 6.2 1,417 6.6 2,745 12.8 55-64 16,876 100.0 12,226 72.4 959 5.7 1,347 8.0 2,344 13.9 3,691 21.9 65-69 8,229 100.0 5,211 63.3 706 8.6 879 10.7 1,433 17.4 2,312 28.1 White Hispanic . 18-24 2,265 100.0 2,173 95.9 22 1.0 28 1.2 43 1.9 71 3.1 25-34 3,123 100.0 2,884 92.3 54 1.7 57 1.8 128 4.1 185 5.9 35—44 2,275 100.0 2,007 88.2 62 2.7 91 4.0 114 5.0 205 9.0 45—54 1,521 100.0 1,242 81.7 68 4.5 75 5.0 135 8.9 210 13.8 55-64 904 100.0 642 71.0 46 5.1 56 6.2 160 17.7 216 23.9 65-69 337 100.0 209 62.1 19 5.7 30 8.9 78 23.3 108 32.0 Other and Unknown 18-24 1,016 100.0 950 93.5 15 * 1.5 * 22 "' 2.2 " 28 2.8 * 50 4.9 25—34 1,289 100.0 1,187 92.1 22 " 1.7 32 2.5 47 3.6 79 6.1 35-44 997 100.0 874 87.6 35 3.5 41 4.1 47 4.7 88 8.8 45-54 596 100.0 473 79.5 20 3.4 24 4.0 78 13.1 102 17.1 5564 412 100.0 315 76.4 22 5.2 14 " 3.4 " 62 15.0 76 18.4 65-69 180 100.0 138 76.6 10 " 5.3 * 5 " 2.5 ‘ 28 15.6 " 33 ‘ 183 Education 8 years or less of school 10,672 100.0 7,037 65.9 496 4.7 762 7.1 2,376 22.3 3,138 29.4 9-11 years of school 18,036 100.0 13,911 77.1 811 4.5 1,069 5.9 2,245 12.4 3,314 18.4 68 Disability Statistics Report Table 2. Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18-69, 1992. Without work limitation With work limitation Limited Limited in amount With no in activities or kind Total activity other than of work Unable with work Characteristic Total limitation work activity to work limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 12 years of school 62,721 100.0 53,252 84.9 2,278 3.6 3,404 5.4 3,786 6.0' 7,190 11.5 13—15 years of school 36,292 100.0 31,797 87.6 1,346 3.7 1,652 4.6 1,497 4.1 3,149 8.7 16 years or more of school 34,684 100.0 31,272 90.2 1,435 4.1 1,200 3.5 777 2.2 1,977 5.7 Unknown 1,761 100.0 1,473 83.6 34 1.9 48 2.7 207 11.7 255 14.5 Education and Gender 8 years or less of school Male 5,586 100.0 3,732 66.8 178 3.2 411 7.4 1,265 22.6 1,676 30.0 Female 5,086 100.0 3,305 65.0 318 6.3 352 6.9 1,112 21.9 1,464 28.8 9-11 years of school Male 8,769 100.0 6,895 78.6 275 3.1 512 5.8 1,088 12.4 1,600 18.2 Female 9,267 100.0 7,017 75.7 536 5.8 557 6.0 1,157 12.5 1,714 18.5 12 years of school Male 28,931 100.0 24,658 85.2 850 2.9 1,663 5.7 1,760 6.1 3,423 11.8 Female 33,790 100.0 28,594 84.6 1,428 4.2 1,742 5.2 2,026 6.0 3,768 11.2 13-15 years of school Male 16,765 100.0 14,662 87.5 585 3.5 819 4.9 699 4.2 1,518 9.1 Female 19,527 100.0 17,136 87.8 760 3.9 833 4.3 798 4.1 1,631 8.4 16 years or more of school Male 18,823 100.0 16,962 90.1 823 4.4 646 3.4 393 2.1 1,039 5.5 Female 15,860 100.0 14,311 90.2 612 3.9 554 _ 3.5 384 2.4 938 5.9 Unknown Male 930 100.0 768 82.5 20 “ 2.1 29 3.1 114 12.3 143 15.4 Female 831 100.0 706 84.9 14 " 1.7 ' 19 " 2.3 " 93 11.1 112 13.5 Education and Age group 8 years or less of school 18-24 891 100.0 796 89.4 24 " 2.7 ’ 7 "‘ 0.8 ‘ 64 7.2 71 8.0 25-34 1,638 100.0 1,381 84.3 37 2.2 64 3.9 156 9.5 220 13.4 35-44 1,679 100.0 1,287 76.6 57 3.4 108 6.5 227 13.5 335 20.0 45-54 1,999 100.0 1,271 63.6 106 5.3 151 7.5 471 23.6 622 31.1 55-64 2,747 100.0 1,475 53.7 144 5.3 247 9.0 881 32.1 1,128 41.1 65-69 1,719 100.0 828 48.1 129 7.5 185 10.7 578 33.6 763 44.4 9—11 years of school 18-24 3,852 100.0 3,539 91.9 72 1.9 117 3.0 124 3.2 241 6.3 25-34 3,941 100.0 3,333 84.6 120 3.1 175 4.4 313 7.9 488 12.4 35—44 3,067 100.0 2,392 78.0 149 4.9 206 6.7 320 10.4 526 17.2 45-54 2,737 100.0 1,982 72.4 160 5.8 181 6.6 414 15.1 595 21.7 55-64 2,829 100.0 1,753 62.0 1‘” 6.3 231 8.2 667 23.6 898 31.7 65—69 1,610 100.0 913 56.7 132 8.2 158 9.8 408 25.3 566 35.2 12 years of school 18—24 9,853 100.0 9,137 92.7 203 2.1 329 3.3 184 1.9 513 5.2 25-34 16,246 100.0 14,709 90.5 398 2.4 592 3.6 547 3.4 1,139 7.0 35-44 14,114 100.0 12,187 86.3 380 2.7 803 5.7 744 5.3 1,547 11.0 45-54 10,392 100.0 8,500 81.8 480 4.6 675 6.5 ' 737 7.1 1,412 13.6 55-64 8,302 100.0 6,178 74.4 490 5.9 634 7.6 1,000 12.0 1,634 19.7 65-69 3,814 100.0 2,540 66.6 328 8.6 372 9.8 574 15.0 946 24.8 1315 years of school 18—24 7,594 100.0 7,160 94.3 206 2.7 159 2.1 69 0.9 228 3.0 25-34 9,632 100.0 8,822 91.6 280 2.9 306 3.2 224 2.3 530 5.5 35-44 9,398 100.0 8,173 87.0 358 3.8 460 4.9 407 4.3 867 9.2 45-54 5,258 100.0 4,401 83.7 228 4.3 353 6.7 277 5.3 630 12.0 55-64 3,162 100.0 2,388 75.5 176 5.6 232 7.3 365 11.5 597 18.9 65-69 1,247 100.0 854 68.5 98 7.8 141 11.3 155 12.4 296 23.7 16 years or more of school 18-24 1,978 100.0 1,889 95.5 62 3.1 20 "' 1.0 7 " 0.3 " 27 “ 1.4 " 25-34 10,074 100.0 9,555 94.8 285 2.8 161 1.6 73 0.7 234 2.3 35-44 10,810 100.0 9,861 91.2 410 3.8 355 3.3 185 1.7 540 5.0 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 69 Table 2. Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18-69, 1992.‘ Without work limitation With work limitation Limited Limited in amount With no in activities or kind Total activity other than of work Unable with work Characteristic Total limitation work activity to work limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 45—54 6,680 100.0 5,877 88.0 370 5.5 259 3.9 174 2.6 433 6.5 55-64 3,681 100.0 3,018 82.0 185 5.0 259 7.0 219 6.0 478 13.0 65-69 1,461 100.0 1,072 73.4 123 8.4 146 10.0 119 8.2 265 18.1 Unknown 18-24 174 100.0 141 80.9 4 ‘ 2.5 ‘ 4 " 2.3 ‘ 25 " 14.2 ‘ 29 ‘ 16.7 * 25-34 345 100.0 285 82.6 4 " 1.2 " 16 ‘ 4.7 * 39 11.4 55 15.9 35-44 385 100.0 343 89.1 4 " 1.1 * 9 " 2.3 " 29 7.6 " 38 “ 9.9 ” 45-54 364 100.0 316 86.8 6 " 1.6 “ 8 " 2.2 ‘ 34 9.3 " 42 11.5 " 55-64 350 100.0 279 79.7 9 * 2.7 “ 9 "' 2.5 ' 53 15.1 62 17.7 65—69 144 100.0 110 76.4 6 “ 4.1 " 1 ” 1.0 * 27 18.6 * 28 * 19.4 " Education and Race 8 years or less of school Native American 178 “ 100.0 114 ‘ 64.2 9 * 4.9 " 19 " 10.6 " 36 " 20.3 , 55 30.9 Asian or Pacific Islander 404 100.0 330 81.7 10 ‘ 2.5 "' 14 "' 3.4 * 50 12.4 64 15.8 Black Non-Hispanic 1,472 100.0 795 54.0 90 6.1 77 5.2 510 34.7 587 39.9 Black Hispanic 77 100.0 48 62.0 2 ’ 3.2 " 4 * 4.9 ' 23 * 29.9 * 27 " 35.1 White Non-Hispanic 5,184 100.0 2,986 57.6 284 5.5 518 10.0 1,396 26.9 1,914 36.9 White Hispanic 2,533 100.0 2,091 82.5 75 3.0 103 4.1 264 10.4 367 14.5 Other and Unknown 823 100.0 672 81.6 26 3.2 28 3.4 97 11.8 125 15.2 9-11 years of school Native American 301 100.0 214 71.0 18 ' 5.8 " 18 * 5.9 " 52 17.2 70 23.3 Asian or Pacific Islander 389 100.0 346 88.9 10 " 2.5 " 4 " 1.1 ” 29 7.5 * 33 * 8.5 Black Non-Hispanic 3,102 100.0 2,350 75.8 116 3.7 165 5.3 470 15.1 635 20.5 Black Hispanic 45 100.0 43 94.1 . . 1 "' 2.8 " 1 * 3.0 " 2 ” 4.4 ‘ White Non-Hispanic 11,834 100.0 8,892 75.1 611 5.2 812 6.9 1,520 12.8 2,332 19.7 White Hispanic 1,682 100.0 1,467 87.2 45 2.7 43 2.6 127 7.5 170 10.1 Other and Unknown 683 100.0 600 87.9 11 " 1.6 * 25 3.7 46 6.8 71 10.4 12 years of school Native American 613 100.0 516 84.3 20 "’ 3.3 31 5.1 44 "' 7.2 75 12.2 Asian or Pacific Islander 1,289 100.0 1,165 90.4 24 * 1.9 * 49 3.8 50 3.9 99 7.7 Black Non-Hispanic 7,801 100.0 6,589 84.5 267 3.4 311 4.0 635 8.1 946 12.1 Black Hispanic 116 100.0 101 87.5 2 * 1.6 ” 4 " 3.6 ' 8 " 7.2 ‘ 12 ” 10.3 " White Non-Hispanic 48,476 100.0 40,914 84.4 1,859 3.8 2,871 5.9 2,832 5.8 5,703 11.8 White Hispanic 3,267 100.0 2,926 89.5 76 2.3 103 3.2 162 5.0 265 8.1 Other and Unknown 1,160 100.0 1,041 89.7 30 2.6 35 3.0 54 4.7 89 7.7 13—15 years of school Native American 285 100.0 237 83.3 9 ’ 3.2 ‘ 24 " 8.5 * 14 * 5.0 " 38 " 13.3 " Asian or Pacific Islander 1,361 100.0 1,269 93.2 35 ” 2.5 21 " 1.6 “ 36 ‘ 2.7 " 57 4.2 " Black Non-Hispanic 3,866 100.0 3,414 88.3 101 2.6 133 3.4 217 5.6 350 9.1 Black Hispanic 108 100.0 91 84.1 1 ‘ 0.5 " . . 17 " 15.4 ' l7 ' 15.7 ' White Non-Hispanic 28,225 100.0 24,584 87.1 1,138 4.0 1,393 4.9 1,110 3.9 2,503 8.9 White Hispanic 1,797 100.0 1,629 90.6 41 2.3 53 2.9 74 4.1 127 7.1 Other and Unknown 650 100.0 573 88.1 21 " 3.2 27 4.2 29 4.4 ‘ 56 8.6 16 years or more of school Native American 132 100.0 100 75.7 10 " 7.7 " 12 "' 9.3 ‘ 10 " 7.2 " 22 " 16.7 * Asian or Pacific Islander 1,907 100.0 1,816 95.2 47 2.4 30 1.6 “ 15 "' 0.8 " 45 2.4 " Black Non—Hispanic 2,274 100.0 2,075 91.3 57 2.5 72 3.2 69 3.1 141 6.2 Black Hispanic 34 100.0 32 94.6 . . 1 "' 2.7 " 1 " 2.6 " 2 " 5.9 ” White Non-Hispanic 28,808 100.0 25,855 89.7 1,267 4.4 1,041 3.6 645 2.2 1,686 5.9 White Hispanic 1,074 100.0 982 91.4 34 3.1 35 3.2 24 2.2 " 59 5.5 Other and Unknown 455 100.0 413 90.7 20 " 4.4 * 9 ” 1.9 * 13 "' 2.9 “ 22 " 4.8 " Unknown Native American 7 " 100.0 5 * 75.0 * . . . . 2 " 25.0 * 2 * 28.6 " Asian or Pacific Islander 68 100.0 56 82.2 . . 8 12.2 " 4 " 5.7 " 12 “ 17.6 " Black Non-Hispanic 274 100.0 224 81.8 5 " 1.7 ‘ 2 "’ 0.9 ‘ 43 15.6 45 16.4 Black Hispanic 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 O 70 Disability Statistics Report Table 2. Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Without work limitation With work limitation Limited Limited in amount With no in activities or kind Total activity other than of work Unable with work Characteristic Total limitation work activity to work limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution White Non-Hispanic 623 100.0 486 78.1 13 ‘ 2.1 ‘ 22 3.6 101 16.2 ' 123 19.7 White Hispanic 71 100.0 63 89.3 . . 1 “' 1.7 " 6 " 9.0 7 * 9.9 Other and Unknown 718 100.0 638 88.9 16 ” 2.2 ” 14 " 1.9 ’ 51 7.0 65 9.1 Family Income Under $10,000 13,972 100.0 9,638 69.0 775 5.5 922 6.6 2,637 18.9 3,559 25.5 $10,000-$14,999 10,779 100.0 8,098 75.1 469 4.3 747 6.9 1,465 13.6 2,212 20.5 $15,000-$24,999 23,816 100.0 19,320 81.1 986 4.1 1,548 6.5 1,963 8.2 3,511 14.7 825,000-134,999 22,070 100.0 19,054 86.3 788 3.6 1,237 5.6 992 4.5 2,229 10.1 $35,000 or more 63,550 100.0 57,374 90.3 2,287 3.6 2,393 3.8 1,497 2.4 3,890 6.1 Unknown 29,978 100.0 25,260 84.3 1,096 3.7 1,288 4.3 2,334 7.8 3,622 12.1 Family Income and Gender Under $10,000 Male 5,712 100.0 3,965 69.4 ' 218 3.8 368 6.4 1,161 20.3 1,529 26.8 Female 8,260 100.0 5,673 68.7 557 6.7 554 6.7 1,476 17.9 2,030 24.6 $10,000-$14,999 Male 4855 100.0 3,617 74.5 138 2.8 327 6.7 773 15.9 1,100 22.7 Female 5,924 100.0 4,481 75.6 331 5.6 420 7.1 692 11.7 1,112 18.8 $15,000—$24,999 Male 11,333 100.0 9,152 80.8 338 3.0 775 6.8 1,067 9.4 1,842 16.3 Female 12,484 100.0 10,168 81.5 647 5.2 772 6.2 896 7.2 1,668 13.4 $25,000-$34,999 ‘ Male 10,901 100.0 9,372 86.0 372 3.4 684 6.3 473 4.3 1,157 10.6 Female 11,169 100.0 9,682 86.7 415 3.7 553 5.0 519 4.6 1,072 9.6 $35,000 or more Male 32,562 100.0 29,355 90.2 1,207 3.7 1,278 3.9 722 22 2,000 6.1 Female 30,988 100.0 28,019 90.4 1,080 3.5 1,115 3.6 775 25 1,890 6.1 Unknown Male 14,442 100.0 12,215 84.6 458 3.2 646 4.5 1,123 7.8 1,769 12.2 Female 15,536 100.0 13,046 84.0 637 4.1 642 4.1 1,211 7.8 1,853 11.9 Poverty Status Above poverty line 133,116 100.0 115,217 86.6 5,059 3.8 6,398 4.8 6,442 4.8 12,840 9.6 Below poverty line 16,314 100.0 11,924 73.1 760 4.7 973 6.0 2,657 16.3 3,630 2.3 Unknown 14,736 100.0 11,603 78.7 581 3.9 764 5.2 1,788 12.1 2,552 17.3 Poverty status and Gender Above Poverty Male 66,346 100.0 57,559 ' 86.8 2,259 3.4 3,277 4.9 3,251 4.9 6,528 9.8 Female 66,770 100.0 57,658 86.4 2,800 4.2 3,122 4.7 3,191 4.8 6,313 9.5 Below Poverty Male 6,664 100.0 4,806 72.1 231 3.5 415 6.2 1,211 18.2 1,626 24.4 Female 9,650 100.0 7,118 73.8 529 5.5 557 5.8 1,446 15.0 2,003 20.8 Unknown Male 6,795 100.0 5,311 78.2 241 3.6 386 5.7 857 12.6 1,243 18.3 Female 7,942 100.0 6,292 79.2 340 4.3 378 4.8 931 11.7 1,309 16.5 Poverty and Age group Above poverty 18-64 years 125,300 100.0 110,069 87.8 4,431 3.5 5,555 4.4 5,245 4.2 10,800 8.6 65-69 years 7,816 100.0 5,148 65.9 627 8.0 843 10.8 1,197 15.3 2,040 26.1 Below poverty 18-64 years 15,613 100.0 11,649 74.6 695 4.4 912 5.8 2,357 15.1 3,269 20.9 65-69 years 700 100.0 275 39.2 65 9.3 61 8.7 300 42.8 361 51.6 Unknown 18-64 years 13,258 100.0 10,708 80.8 459 3.5 666 5.0 1,425 10.7 2,091 15.8 65-69 years 1,479 100.0 894 60.5 123 8.3 99 6.7 363 24.6 462 31.2 Marital Status Married 108,217 100.0 92,560 85.5 4,135 3.8 5,360 5.0 6,162 5.7 11,522 10.6 Widowed 4,846 100.0 3,092 63.8 382 7.9 443 9.1 930 19.2 1,373 28.3 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 71 Table 2. Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non—Institutionalized Population, Ages 18-69, 1992. Without work limitation With work limitation Limited Limited in amount With no in activities or kind Total activity other than of work Unable with work Characteristic Total limitation work activity to work limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Divorced 12,632 100.0 9,631 76.2 681 5.4 919 7.3 1,401 11.1 2,320 18.4 Separated 3,860 100.0 3,046 78.9 143 3.7 170 4.4 502 13.0 672 17.4 Never Married 33,578 100.0 29,502 87.9 1,029 3.1 1,218 3.6 1,829 5.4 3,047 9.1 Unknown 1,033 100.0 913 88.3 31 3.0 25 2.5 64 6.2 89 8.6 Marital status and Gender Married Male 53,908 100.0 45,873 85.1 1,925 3.6 2,872 5.3 3,237 6.0 6,109 11.3 Female 54,308 100.0 46,687 86.0 2,209 4.1 2,488 4.6 2,924 5.4 5,412 10.0 Widowed Male 710 100.0 439 61.9 59 8.3 58 8.2 154 21.6 212 29.9 Female 4,136 100.0 2,653 64.1 323 7.8 385 9.3 776 18.8 1,161 28.1 Divorced Male 4,851 100.0 3,686 76.0 214 4.4 369 7.6 583 12.0 952 19.6 Female 7,781 100.0 5,946 76.4 467 6.0 550 7.1 818 10.5 1,368 17.6 Separated Male 1,400 100.0 1,106 79.0 42 3.0 46 3.3 205 14.6 251 17.9 Female 2,460 100.0 1,940 78.8 101 4.1 123 5.0 297 12.1 420 17.1 Never Married Male 18,441 100.0 16,149 87.6 470 2.5 711 3.9 1,112 6.0 1,823 9.9 Female 15,137 100.0 13,353 88.2 559 3.7 507 3.3 718 4.7 1,225 8.1 Unknown ' Male 494 100.0 423 85.7 21 “ 4.2 21 * 4.3 " 28 ” 5.8 * 49 9.9 Female 540 100.0 490 90.7 10 ‘ 1.8 ‘ 4 " 0.8 ” 36 6.6 " 40 “ 7.4 Region Northeast 33,085 100.0 28,602 86.4 1,189 3.6 1,321 4.0 1,973 6.0 3,294 10.0 Midwest 40,078 100.0 33,974 84.8 1,430 3.6 2,284 5.7 2,390 6.0 4,674 11.7 South 54,833 100.0 45,583 83.1 2,192 4.0 2,837 5.2 4,221 7.7 7,058 12.9 West 36,171 100.0 30,585 84.6 1,589 4.4 1,693 4.7 2,304 6.4 3,997 11.1 Region and Gender Northeast Male 15,892 100.0 13,846 87.1 485 3.1 615 3.9 946 6.0 1,561 9.8 Female 17,193 100.0 14,756 85.8 704 4.1 706 4.1 1,027 6.0, 1,733 10.1 Midwest Male 19,619 100.0 16,701 85.1 626 3.2 1,132 5.8 1,161 5.9 2,293 11.7 Female 20,459 100.0 17,273 84.4 804 3.9 1,153 5.6 1,229 6.0 2,382 11.6 South Male 26,549 100.0 22,133 83.4 890 3.4 1,435 5.4 2,091 7.9 3,526 13.3 Female 28,284 100.0 23,450 82.9 1,303 4.6 1,402 5.0 2,130 7.5 3,532 12.5 West Male 17,745 100.0 14,997 84.5 731 4.1 896 5.1 1,121 6.3 2,017 11.4 Female 18,425 100.0 15,588 84.6 858 4.7 797 4.3 1,183 6.4 1,980 10.7 Region and Age group Northwest 18-24 4,483 100.0 4,222 94.2 86 1.9 95 2.1 81 1.8 176 3.9 25-34 8,337 100.0 7,699 92.4 178 2.1 200 2.4 259 3.1 459 5.5 35-44 7,866 100.0 6,980 88.7 241 3.1 318 4.0 328 4.2 646 8.2 45-54 5,683 100.0 4,772 84.0 238 4.2 277 4.9 396 7.0 673 11.8 55—64 4,503 100.0 3,413 75.8 240 5.3 282 6.3 567 12.6 849 18.9 65-69 2,212 100.0 1,515 68.5 206 9.3 149 6.7 342 15.5 491 22.2 Midwest 18-24 6,194 100.0 5,689 91.8 149 2.4 209 3.4 148 2.4 357 5.8 25-34 10,061 100.0 9,163 91.1 253 2.5 349 3.5 296 2.9 645 6.4 35-44 9,696 100.0 8,396 86.6 323 3.3 555 5.7 422 4.4 977 10.1 45-54 6,475 100.0 5,331 82.3 306 4.7 418 6.4 420 6.5 838 12.9 55—64 5,277 100.0 3,905 74.0 221 4.2 454 8.6 697 13.2 1,151 21.8 65-69 2,375 100.0 1,491 62.8 177 7.5 301 12.7 406 17.1 707 29.8 72 Disability Statistics Report Table 2. Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18-69, 1992. Without work limitation With work limitation Limited Limited in amount With no in activities or kind Total activity other than of work Unable with work Characteristic Total limitation work activity to work limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution South 1844 8,206 100.0 7,645 93.2 198 2.4 203 2.5 159 1.9 362 4.4 25-34 13,890 100.0 12,541 90.3 412 3.0 469 3.4 469 3.4 938 6.8 35-44 13,016 100.0 11,237 86.3 449 3.5 638 4.9 692 5.3 1,330 10.2 45—54 9,225 100.0 7,383 80.0 454 4.9 587 6.4 801 8.7 1,388 15.0 55-64 7,037 100.0 4,699 66.8 442 6.3 575 8.2 1,321 18.8 1,896 26.9 65-69 3,458 100.0 2,078 60.1 236 6.8 366 10.6 778 22.5 1,144 33.1 West 18-24 5,458 100.0 5,107 93.6 138 2.5 130 24 83 1.5 213 3.9 25—34 9,587 100.0 8,682 90.6 281 2.9 297 3.1 328 3.4 625 6.5 35-44 8,875 100.0 7,629 86.0 345 3.9 432 4.9 469 5.3 901 10.2 45-54 6,046 100.0 4,860 80.4 351 5.8 346 5.7 490 8.1 836 13.8 55-64 4,254 100.0 3,074 72.3 278 6.5 302 7.1 599 14.1 901 21.2 65-69 1,950 100.0 1,233 63.3 196 10.0 186 9.5 335 17.2 521 26.7 Size of Residence Metropolitan 129,555 100.0 110,402 85.2 5,060 3.9 6,132 4.7 7,961 6.1 14,093 10.9 Central city 50,757 100.0 42,690 84.1 2,009 4.0 2,321 4.6 3,736 7.4 6,057 11.9 Not central city 78,798 100.0 67,712 85.9 3,051 3.9 3,811 4.8 4,224 5.4 8,035 10.2 Non-Metropolitan 34,612 100.0 28,342 81.9 1,340 3.9 2,003 5.8 2,927 8.5 4,930 14.2 Nonfarm 32,498 100.0 26,529 81.6 1,272 3.9 1,872 5.8 2,826 8.7 4,698 14.5 Farm 2,113 100.0 1,813 85.8 68 * 3.2 132 6.2 101 4.8 233 11.0 Size of Residence and Gender Metropolitan Male 62,773 100.0 53,747 85.6 2,185 3.5 3,051 4.9 3,789 6.0 6,840 10.9 Female 66,782 100.0 56,655 84.8 2,875 4.3 3,081 4.6 4,172 6.2 7,253 10.9 Central city Male 24,092 100.0 20,473 85.0 776 3.2 1,142 4.7 1,701 7.1 2,843 11.8 Female 26,665 100.0 22,218 83.3 1,233 4.6 1,179 4.4 2,035 7.6 3,214 12.1 Not central city Male 38,681 100.0 33,275 86.0 1,409 3.6 1,909 4.9 2,088 5.4 3,997 10.3 Female 40,117 100.0 34,437 85.8 1,641 4.1 1,902 4.7 2,137 5.3 4,039 10.1 Non-Metropolitan Male 17,032 100.0 13,929 81.8 546 3.2 1,027 6.0 1,530 9.0 2,557 15.0 Female 17,580 100.0 14,413 82.0 794 4.5 976 5.6 1,397 7.9 2,373 13.5 Nonfarm Male 15,897 100.0 12,953 81.5 506 3.2 954 6.0 1,485 9.3 2,439 15.3 Female 16,601 100.0 13,576 81.8 766 4.6 918 5.5 1,342 8.1 2,260 13.6 Farm Male 1,134 100.0 976 86.0 40 ' 3.5 " 73 6.4 45 " 4.0 118 10.4 Female 979 100.0 837 85.5 28 * 2.8 59 6.0 56 5.7 115 11.7 Size of Residence and Age group Metropolitan 18—24 19,293 100.0 17,940 93.0 463 2.4 493 2.6 397 2.1 890 4.6 25-34 33,929 100.0 30,930 91.2 929 2.7 1,027 3.0 1,044 3.1 2,071 6.1 35—44 31,264 100.0 27,240 87.1 1,083 3.5 1,508 4.8 1,433 4.6 2,941 9.4 45-54 21,553 100.0 17,720 82.2 1,068 5.0 1,250 5.8 1,516 7.0 2,766 12.8 55—64 15,956 100.0 11,640 73.0 921 5.8 1,143 7.2 2,252 14.1 3,395 21.3 65—69 7,560 100.0 4,933 65.2 596 7.9 712 9.4 1,319 17.5 2,031 26.9 Central city 18-24 8,861 100.0 8,182 92.3 249 2.8 211 2.4 219 2.5 430 4.9 25-34 13,681 100.0 12,376 90.5 377 2.8 417 3.1 511 3.7 928 6.8 35-44 11,674 100.0 9,961 85.3 427 3.7 563 4.8 722 6.2 1,285 11.0 45—54 7,624 100.0 6,071 79.6 365 4.8 444 5.8 744 9.8 1,188 15.6 55-64 5,959 100.0 4,220 70.8 349 5.9 418 7.0 971 16.3 1,389 23.3 65—69 2,959 100.0 1,879 63.5 243 8.2 268 9.1 570 19.3 838 28.3 Not central city Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table 2. Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and 73 Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18-69, 1992. Without work limitation With work limitation Limited Limited in amount With no in activities or kind Total activity other than of work Unable with work Characteristic Total limitation work activity to work limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 18-24 10,432 100.0 9,757 93.5 215 2.1 282 2.7 178 1.7 460 4.4 25-34 20,249 100.0 18,554 91.6 552 2.7 609 3.0 533 2.6 1,142 5.6 35-44 19,590 100.0 17,278 88.2 656 3.3 945 4.8 711 3.6 1,656 8.5 45-54 13,930 100.0 11,649 83.6 703 5.0 806 5.8 772 5.5 1,578 11.3 55-64 9,997 100.0 7,420 74.2 572 5.7 725 7.2 1,281 12.8 2,006 20.1 65-69 4,600 100.0 3,053 66.4 353 7.7 444 9.7 749 16.3 1,193 25.9 Non-Metropolitan 18—24 5,049 100.0 4,723 93.5 108 2.1 143 2.8 75 1.5 218 4.3 25-34 7,946 100.0 7,154 90.0 195 2.5 288 3.6 308 3.9 596 7.5 35-44 8,189 100.0 7,002 85.5 275 3.4 434 5.3 479 5.8 913 11.1 45-54 5,877 100.0 4,626 78.7 282 4.8 378 6.4 591 10.1 969 16.5 55-64 5,115 100.0 3,451 67.5 260 5.1 470 9.2 933 18.2 1,403 27.4 65-69 2,435 100.0 1,385 56.9 219 9.0 290 11.9 541 22.2 831 34.1 Nonfarm 18-24 . 4,843 100.0 4,522 93.4 108 2.2 139 2.9 75 1.5 214 4.4 25-34 7,575 100.0 6,810 89.9 188 2.5 280 3.7 296 3.9 576 7.6 35-44 7,700 100.0 6,544 85.0 268 3.5 415 5.4 473 6.1 888 11.5 45-54 5,501 100.0 4,299 78.1 274 5.0 353 6.4 575 10.5 928 16.9 55-64 4,645 100.0 3,100 66.7 233 5.0 418 9.0 893 19.2 1,311 28.2 65-69 2,234 100.0 1,254 56.1 200 9.0 267 11.9 513 23.0 780 34.9 Farm 18-24 206 100.0 202 97.7 . . 5 " 2.3 “ . . 5 * 2.4 25-34 371 100.0 344 92.7 7 ‘ 1.9 " 8 * 2.2 * 12 " 3.2 " 20 * 5.4 35-44 489 100.0 458 93.6 7 ‘ 1.5 * 18 " 3.8 * 6 * 1.2 “ 24 * 4.9 45-54 ' 376 100.0 328 87.1 8 * 2.0 * 25 * 6.7 * 15 " 4.1 ‘ 40 " 10.6 55-64 470 100.0 351 74.8 27 “ 5.7 52 11.0 40 8.5 ' 92 19.6 65-69 201 100.0 131 65.1 19 ” 9.5 " 23 * 11.5 28 " 13.9 " 51 25.4 Has Telephone . Yes 155,287 100.0 131,747 84.8 6,058 3.9 7,669 4.9 9,814 6.3 17,483 11.3 No 8,352 100.0 6,556 78.5 324 3.9 444 5.3 1,027 12.3 1,471 17.6 Unknown 527 100.0 440 83.5 18 * 3.4 22 " 4.2 47 " 8.9 69 13.1 Has Telephone and Gender Telephone (Yes) Male 75,326 100.0 64,187 85.2 2,619 3.5 3,805 5.1 4,715 6.3 8,520 11.3 Female 79,962 100.0 67,561 84.5 3,438 4.3 3,864 4.8 5,099 6.4 8,963 112 Telephone (No) Male 4,238 100.0 3,281 77.4 111 2.6 267 6.3 579 13.7 846 20.0 Female 4,114 100.0 3,275 79.6 214 5.2 177 4.3 448 10.9 625 15.2 Unknown Male . 241 100.0 209 86.6 1 ” 0.6 " 6 "' 2.6 ‘ 25 10.2 * 31 " 12.9 Female 286 100.0 232 80.9 17 ’ 5.8 " 16 " 5.6 ‘ 22 7.7 * 38 * 13.3 Has Telephone and Age group Telephone (Yes) ~ 18-24 22,185 100.0 20,725 93.4 498 2.2 568 2.6 394 1.8 962 4.3 25-34 39,019 100.0 35,635 91.3 1,033 2.6 1,206 3.1 1,144 2.9 2,350 6.0 35—44 37,483 100.0 32,712 87.3 1,291 3.4 1,813 4.8 1,667 4.4 3,480 9.3 45-54 26,418 100.0 21,721 82.2 1,299 4.9 1,523 5.8 1,875 7.1 3,398 12.9 55-64 20,462 100.0 14,748 72.1 1,142 5.6 1,571 7.7 3,001 14.7 4,572 22.3 65—69 9,721 100.0 6,205 63.8 795 8.2 989 10.2 1,733 17.8 2,722 28.0 Telephone (No) 18-24 2,096 100.0 1,883 89.9 71 3.4 66 3.2 75 3.6 141 6.7 25-34 2,683 100.0 2,286 85.2 85 * 3.2 107 4.0 205 7.7 312 11.6 35—44 1,861 100.0 1,437 77.2 63 3.4 124 6.7 237 12.8 361 19.4 45-54 953 100.0 587 61.6 49 5.1 100 10.5 217 22.8 317 33.3 55-64 511 100.0 267 52.2 37 7.3 34 6.6 174 34.0 208 40.7 65-69 248 100.0 96 38.9 20 ‘ 8.1 13 " 5.4 * 118 47.6 131 52.8 74 Disability Statistics Report Table 2. Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Without work limitation With work limitation Limited Limited in amount With no in activities or kind Total activity other than of work Unable with work Characteristic Total limitation work activity to work limitation Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Unknown 1824 61 100.0 54 88.3 3 " 4.4 " 2 "' 3.4 “ 2 " 3.9 4 ‘ 6.6 * 25-34 174 100.0 164 93.8 6 " 3.6 " 2 " 1.2 " 2 ’* 1.4 " 4 ' 2.3 ‘ 35-44 109 100.0 93 85.2 4 " 3.7 * 5 "' 4.4 " 7 " 6.7 " 12 " 11.0 " 45—54 59 100.0 37 63.3 2 " 3.4 ' 5 " 7.8 * 15 * 25.5 " 20 " 33.9 " 55-64 98 100.0 77 78.3 3 " 3.1 ’ 9 " 8.7 " 10 * 9.9 " 19 " 19.4 * 65-69 26 100.0 16 61.7 10 ‘ 38.3 ' 10 " 38.5 " Has Telephone and Income Telephone (Yes) Under $10,000 11,172 100.0 7,686 68.8 656 5.9 757 6.8 2,072 18.5 2,829 25.3 $10,000-$14,999 9,475 100.0 7,055 74.5 422 4.5 678 7.2 1,320 13.9 1,998 21.1 $15,000-$24,999 22,190 100.0 17,920 80.8 914 4.1 1,462 6.6 1,894 8.5 3,356 15.1 $25,000-$34,999 21,523 100.0 18,567 86.3 768 3.6 1,209 5.6 979 4.5 2,188 10.2 $35,000 or more 63,178 100.0 57,030 90.3 2,280 3.6 2,381 3.8 1,487 2.4 3,868 6.1 Unknown 27,750 100.0 23,489 84.6 1,017 3.7 1,182 4.3 2,062 7.4 3,244 11.7 Telephone (No) Under $10,000 2,745 100.0 1,908 69.5 115 4.2 165 6.0 557 20.3 722 26.3 $10,000-$14,999 1,259 100.0 1,004 79.8 46 3.6 67 5.4 142 11.3 209 16.6 $15,000-$24,999 1,570 100.0 1,355 86.3 67 4.3 80 5.1 68 4.3 148 9.4 $25,000-$34,999 492 100.0 443 90.1 16 ' 3.2 " 26 5.3 7 “' 1.4 “ 33 ‘ 6.7 $35,000 or more 264 100.0 240 90.9 2 * 0.7 ' 12 * 4.6 ‘ 10 " 3.8 * 22 " 8.3 " Unknown 2,023 100.0 1,606 79.4 79 3.9 94 4.6 243 12.0 337 16.7 Unknown Telephone Under $10,000 55 100.0 44 79.5 4 " 6.6 " . . 8 ’* 13.9 ' 8 * 14.5 “ $10,000-$14,999 46 100.0 39 85.7 1 " 2.3 " 2 " 3.6 “ 4 " 8.3 " 6 ” 13.0 " $15,000—$24,999 56 100.0 44 78.8 5 “ 8.2 ‘ 6 " 11.2 " 1 * 1.8 " 7 “ 12.5 “ $25,000—$34,999 56 100.0 44 78.7 4 " 7.2 " 2 " 3.1 " 6 " 11.0 " 8 ' 14.3 ‘ $35,000 or more 109 100.0 104 95.7 5 " 4.3 “ . . . . . . Unknown 206 100.0 165 80.2 12 " 6.1 ‘ 28 13.7 " 40 ' 19.4 ‘ Estimate has low statistical reliability (relative standard error > 30%). . No respondents in category Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 75 Table 3. Prevalence of Personal Care Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Older, 1992. ’ Egree of personal care limitation Limited With no but not Assistance Assistance Assistance activity in [ADL or needs in IADL needs needs in Characteristic Total limitation ADL only in ADL IADL or ADL Number of people in thousands and percent distribution All people aged 5 and over 231,791 100.0 194,606 84.0 27,942 12.1 5,840 2.5 3,403 1.5 9,243 4.0 Gender Male 112,126 100.0 94,678 84.4 14,010 12.5 2,038 1.8 1,400 1.2 3,438 3.1 Female 119,665 100.0 99,928 83.5 13,932 11.6 3,802 3.2 2,003 1.7 5,805 4.9 Age group 5—17 years 46,828 100.0 43,328 92.5 3,291 7.0 n/ a n/ a 209 0.4 209 0.4 " 5—13 33,378 100.0 30,899 92.6 2,299 6.9 n/ a n/a 180 0.5 180 0.5 " 14—17 13,450 100.0 12,429 92.4 992 7.4 n/ a n/ a 29 0.2 " 29 " 0.2 * 18—64 years 154,171 100.0 132,427 85.9 17,738 11.5 2,776 1.8 1,231 0.8 4,007 2.6 18—24 24,342 100.0 22,663 93.1 1,464 6.0 146 0.6 69 0.3 " 215 0.9 " 25—34 41,876 100.0 38,084 90.9 3,157 7.5 456 1.1 178 0.4 634 1.5 35-44 39,453 100.0 34,242 86.8 4,327 11.0 584 1.5 299 0.8 883 2.2 45—54 27,430 100.0 22,346 81.5 4,121 15.0 688 2.5 275 1.0 963 3.5 55—64 21,071 100.0 15,092 71.6 4,668 22.2 902 4.3 409 1.9 1,311 6.2 65 and over 30,792 100.0 18,851 61.2 6,913 22.5 3,064 10.0 1,963 6.4 5,027 16.3 65-69 9,995 100.0 6,317 63.2 2,947 29.5 501 5.0 230 2.3 731 7.3 70—74 8,475 100.0 5,790 68.3 1,678 19.8 634 7.5 372 4.4 1,006 11.9 75-84 9,698 100.0 5,606 57.8 1,912 19.7 1,344 13.9 836 8.6 2,180 22.5 85 and over 2,624 100.0 1,138 43.4 375 14.3 585 22.3 525 20.0 1,110 42.3 Gender and Age group Male 5—17 years 23,968 100.0 21,888 91.3 1,957 8.2 n/ a n/ a 124 0.5 124 0.5 * 5-13 17,115 100.0 15,618 91.2 1,390 8.1 n/a n/ a 108 0.6 108 0.6 * 14—17 6,853 100.0 6,270 91.5 567 8.3 n/ a n/ a 16 " 0.2 ‘ 16 " 0.2 " 18—64 years 75,266 100.0 64,848 86.2 8,720 11.6 1,108 1.5 589 0.8 1,697 2.3 18—24 11,960 100.0 11,118 93.0 738 6.2 65 0.5 39 0.3 " 104 0.9 " 25-34 20,625 100.0 18,715 90.7 1,610 7.8 202 1.0 100 0.5 302 1.5 35—44 19,374 100.0 16,762 86.5 2,209 11.4 250 1.3 154 0.8 404 2.1 45—54 13,316 100.0 10,957 82.3 1,975 14.8 265 2.0 119 0.9 384 2.9 55—64 9,990 100.0 7,297 73.0 2,189 21.9 326 3.3 177 1.8 503 5.0 65 and over 12,892 100.0 7,942 61.6 3,333 25.9 930 7.2 688 5.3 1,618 12.6 65—69 4,539 100.0 2,828 62.3 1,430 31.5 175 3.9 106 2.3 281 6.2 70—74 3,736 100.0 2,458 65.8 881 23.6 251 6.7 147 3.9 398 10.7 75-84 3,838 100.0 2,269 59.1 886 23.1 366 9.5 317 8.3 683 17.8 85 and over 779 100.0 388 49.8 136 17.5 138 17.7 117 15.0 255 32.7 Female 5—17 years 22,860 100.0 21,440 93.8 1,334 5.8 n/a n/a 85 0.4 85 0.4 ‘ 5—13 16,263 100.0 15,281 94.0 909 5.6 n/ a n/ a 72 0.4 72 0.4 " 14—17 6,597 100.0 6,159 93.4 425 6.4 n/ a n/ a 13 " 0.2 " 13 * 0.2 " 18—64 years 78,906 100.0 67,578 85.6 9,018 11.4 1,667 2.1 642 0.8 2,309 2.9 18—24 12,382 100.0 11,545 93.2 726 5.9 80 0.6 30 0.2 * 110 0.9 * 25—34 21,250 100.0 19,370 91.2 1,547 7.3 254 1.2 79 0.4 333 1.6 35-44 20,079 100.0 17,480 87.1 2,119 10.6 334 1.7 146 0.7 480 2.4 45—54 14,114 100.0 11,389 80.7 2,146 15.2 423 3.0 156 1.1 579 4.1 55—64 11,081 100.0 7,794 70.3 2,480 22.4 576 5.2 232 2.1 808 7.3 65 and over 17,899 100.0 10,909 60.9 3,580 20.0 2,134 11.9 1,275 7.1 3,409 19.0 65—69 5,456 100.0 3,489 64.0 1,517 27.8 326 6.0 123 2.3 449 8.2 70—74 4,739 100.0 3,333 70.3 797 16.8 383 8.1 225 4.8 608 12.8 75—84 5,860 100.0 3,337 56.9 1,026 17.5 978 16.7 519 8.9 1,497 25.5 85 and over 1,845 100.0 750 40.7 239 13.0 447 24.2 408 22.1 855 46.3 Race and Hispanic Origin Native American 2,187 100.0 1,767 80.8 297 13.6 67 3.0 57 2.6 124 5.7 ‘ Asian or Pacific Islander 7,169 100.0 6,616 92.3 430 6.0 62 0.9 61 0.8 123 1.7 " Black Non-Hispanic 27,566 100.0 22,809 82.7 3,385 12.3 819 3.0 553 2.0 1,372 5.0 Black Hispanic 599 100.0 510 85.1 74 12.4 4 ' 0.7 " 11 " 1.8 ” 15 " 2.5 ‘ 76 Disability Statistics Report Table 3. Prevalence of Personal Care Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Older, 1992. Degree of personal care limitation Limited With no but not Assistance Assistance Assistance activity in IADL or needs in IADL needs needs in Characteristic Total limitation ADL only in ADL IADL or ADL Number of people in thousands and percent distribution White Non-Hispanic 172,215 100.0 143,382 83.3 21,812 12.7 4,559 2.6 2,462 1.4 7,021 4.1 White Hispanic 15,277 100.0 13,514 88.5 1,365 8.9 230 1.5 169 1.1 399 2.6 Other and Unknown 6,778 100.0 6,008 88.6 579 8.5 100 1.5 91 1.3 191 2.8 Race and Gender Native American Male 1,039 100.0 838 80.6 151 14.5 27 * 2.6 23 " 2.2 " 50 4.8 " Female 1,148 100.0 929 80.9 146 12.7 39 * 3.4 34 " 3.0 " 73 6.4 " Asian or Pacific Islander Male 3,421 100.0 3,167 92.6 209 6.1 24 " 0.7 21 " 0.6 " 45 1.3 " Female 3,748 100.0 3,449 92.0 221 5.9 38 1.0 40 1.1 78 2.1 " Black Non-Hispanic Male 12,759 100.0 10,596 83.0 1,662 13.0 299 2.3 202 1.6 501 3.9 Female 14,806 100.0 12,214 82.5 1,722 11.6 520 3.5 351 2.4 871 5.9 Black Hispanic Male 303 100.0 260 85.7 33 10.7 1 " 0.3 " 10 " 3.2 “ 11 “ 3.6 * Female 296 100.0 250 84.5 42 14.1 3 * 1.0 " 1 " 0.4 * 4 “ 1.4 ‘ White Non-Hispanic Male 83,700 100.0 70,131 83.8 10,959 13.1 1,560 1.9 1,051 1.3 2,611 3.1 Female 88,515 100.0 73,251 82.8 10,853 12.3 2,999 3.4 1,411 1.6 4,410 5.0 White Hispanic Male 7,456 100.0 6,624 88.8 684 9.2 90 1.2 57 0.8 147 2.0 * Female 7,822 100.0 6,890 88.1 681 8.7 139 1.8 111 1.4 250 3.2 Other and Unknown Male 3,448 100.0 3,063 88.8 311 9.0 37 1.1 37 1.1 74 2.1 ” Female 3,330 100.0 2,945 88.4 268 8.0 63 1.9 54 1.6 117 3.5 Race and Age group Native American - 5—13 400 " 100.0 369 * 92.3 29 * 7.2 * n/a n/a 2 " 0.5 '° 2 * 0.5 * 14—17 174 100.0 160 92.0 14 " 8.0 " n/a n/ a . . . . 18—24 269 100.0 252 93.8 15 " 5.5 " . . 2 " 0.7 ' 2 ‘ 0.7 * 25—34 423 100.0 372 87.8 26 6.3 * 7 * 1.7 * 18 " 4.3 * 25 " 5.9 * 35—44 357 100.0 270 75.5 69 19.4 8 " 2.3 " 10 " 2.8 " 18 " 5.0 * 45—54 237 100.0 161 67.7 58 24.2 15 '* 6.2 " 4 * 1.9 " 19 " 8.0 " 55-64 156 100.0 91 58.5 51 32.7 5 " 3.1 " 9 " 5.8 " 14 * 9.0 " 65—69 73 “ 100.0 41 " 57.1 28 " 39.0 2 " 2.4 " 1 " 1.5 " 3 " 4.1 " 70—74 31 100.0 24 “ 77.6 2 * 7.1 " 5 * 15.4 " . . 5 “ 16.1 " 75—84 60 100.0 26 * 42.7 5 ’ 7.8 " 21 ” 35.5 8 " 14.0 " 29 * 48.3 85 and over 7 * 100.0 1 " 14.2 " 4 " 59.7 " 2 " 26.1 " 6 " 85.7 " Asian or Pacific Islander 5—13 1,046 100.0 1,012 96.8 28 2.7 n/a n/a 6 " 0.5 " 6 " 0.6 " 14-17 459 100.0 445 97.0 14 ’* 3.0 " n/a n/a . . 18-24 989 100.0 950 96.1 38 3.8 1 * 0.1 * . . 1 " 0.1 ‘ 25—34 1,504 100.0 1,444 96.0 47 3.1 5 " 0.3 " 8 ‘ 0.5 * 13 " 0.9 * 35—44 1,401 100.0 1,289 92.0 94 6.7 10 " 0.7 " 9 ‘ 0.6 " 19 " 1.4 * 45—54 761 100.0 671 88.3 75 9.9 12 * 1.6 " 2 " 0.3 ‘ 14 " 1.8 * 55—64 563 100.0 467 82.9 77 13.6 11 ' 1.9 ‘ 8 " 1.5 * 19 * 3.4 " 65—69 201 100.0 161 80.0 38 18.6 1 " 0.5 " 2 ‘ 0.9 * 3 " 1.5 " 70—74 129 100.0 100 77.5 8 ‘ 6.0 ‘ 9 " 6.7 " 13 * 9.8 ‘ 22 " 17.1 ‘ 75—84 80 100.0 53 66.7 9 * 10.7 " 11 " 13.4 '° 7 * 9.2 " 18 " 22.5 " 85 and over 37 100.0 23 " 62.8 4 " 10.7 ‘ 4 " 10.2 " 6 " 16.3 " 10 ‘ 27.0 " Black Non-Hispanic 5—13 5,087 100.0 4,623 90.9 431 8.5 n/a n/a 33 * 0.6 " 33 " 0.6 " 14—17 2,073 100.0 1,894 91.3 170 8.2 n/a n/a 10 " 0.5 " 10 " 05 * 18-24 3,424 100.0 3,143 91.8 237 6.9 26 0.8 17 " 0.5 " 43 1.3 * Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 77 Table 3. Prevalence of Personal Care Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Older, 1992. Degree of personal care limitation Limited With no but not Assistance Assistance Assistance activity in IADL or needs in IADL needs needs in Characteristic Total limitation ADL only in ADL IADL or ADL Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 25—34 5,202 100.0 4,709 90.5 376 7.2 90 1.7 ‘ 28 0.5 118 2.3 35—44 4,349 100.0 3,635 83.6 541 12.4 107 2.5 66 1.5 173 4.0 45—54 2,730 1 100.0 2,088 76.5 464 17.0 123 4.5 54 2.0 177 6.5 55—64 2,124 100.0 1,327 62.5 559 26.3 151 7.1 87 4.1 238 11.2 65—69 958 100.0 544 56.8 309 32.3 70 7.3 34 3.6 104 10.9 70—74 648 100.0 397 61.3 134 20.6 69 10.6 48 7.5 117 18.1 75—84 732 100.0 364 49.7 142 19.5 138 18.9 87 11.9 225 30.7 85 and over 238 100.0 85 35.6 22 9.2 44 18.5 87 36.7 131 55.0 Black Hispanic 5—13 127 100.0 114 89.8 13 " 10.2 " n/a n/a 14—17 74 100.0 71 95.8 3 " 4.2 " n/a n/a 18-24 70 100.0 70 100.0 . . . 25—34 104 100.0 91 87.7 13 " 12.3 " . . . . . . 35—44 77 100.0 67 86.0 2 ” 2.4 * 1 " 1.2 " 8 ’ 10.5 " 9 * 11.7 * 45—54 76 100.0 52 67.9 22 * 28.2 1 " 1.5 " 2 " 2.4 " 3 " 3.9 * 55—64 36 100.0 24 66.3 9 " 26.0 " 2 " 4.6 " 1 " 3.1 " 3 " 8.3 " 65—69 17 " 100.0 11 " 68.8 5 * 31.2 " 70—74 . 13 * 100.0 7 " 52.6 6 " 47.4 75—84 3 " 100.0 2 ‘ 82.8 . 17.2 " . . 85 and over 1 " 100.0 . . 1 ‘ 71.7 " . 28.3 ‘ White Non-Hispanic 5-13 22,190 100.0 20,553 92.6 1,524 ’ 6.9 n/a n/a 113 0.5 113 0.5 ‘ 14—17 8,852 100.0 8,163 92.2 672 7.6 n/ a n/ a 17 * 0.2 " 17 " 0.2 " 18—24 16,309 100.0 15,124 92.7 1,035 6.3 108 0.7 42 0.3 ” 150 0.9 " 25—34 30,231 100.0 27,398 90.6 2,410 8.0 315 1.0 108 0.4 423 1.4 35—44 29,997 100.0 26,100 87.0 3,303 11.0 421 1.4 172 0.6 593 2.0 45—54 21,509 100.0 17,658 82.1 3,195 14.9 476 2.2 179 0.8 655 3.0 55—64 16,876 100.0 12,226 2.4 3,715 22.0 666 3.9 270 1.6 936 5.5 65—69 8,229 100.0 5,211 63.3 2,435 29.6 404 4.9 178 2.2 582 7.1 70—74 7,331 100.0 5,040 68.7 1,479 20.2 526 7.2 286 3.9 812 11.1 75—84 8,466 100.0 4,939 58.3 1,706 20.1 1,127 13.3 694 8.2 1,821 21.5 85 and over 2,226 100.0 970 43.6 338 15.2 516 23.2 402 18.1 918 41.2 White Hispanic 5—13 3,087 100.0 2,874 93.1 195 6.3 n/ a n/ a 18 0.6 18 ” 0.6 " 14—17 1,241 100.0 1,161 93.5 79 6.4 n/a n/a 1 " 0.1 " 1 * 0.1 “ 18—24 2,265 100.0 2,173 95.9 78 3.4 10 ” 0.5 " 4 " 0.2 * 14 " 0.6 " 25—34 3,123 100.0 2,884 92.3 195 6.3 30 1.0 13 " 0.4 43 1.4 " 35—44 2,275 100.0 2,007 88.2 226 9.9 24 1.1 18 0.8 42 1.8 " 45—54 1,521 100.0 1,242 81.7 220 14.5 46 3.0 14 " 0.9 “ 60 3.9 " 55—64 904 100.0 642 71.0 196 21.7 40 " 4.4 26 2.9 66 7.3 " 65—69 337 100.0 209 62.1 101 29.9 17 " 5.2 9 " 2.7 " 26 ‘ 7.7 " 70—74 215 100.0 141 65.6 38 17.7 16 7.6 20 9.1 36 " 16.7 " 75—84 234 100.0 141 60.4 33 14.0 34 14.5 26 11.0 60 25.6 85and over 77 100.0 39 51.2 4 ‘ 5.6 " 12 “ 15.3 " 21 27.9 33 “ 42.9 Other and Unknown 5-13 1,442 100.0 1,354 93.9 79 5.5 n/a n/a 9 " 0.6 * 9 * 0.6 ‘ 14-17 577 100.0 535 92.8 40 7.0 n/a n/a 1 * 0.2 * 1 " 0.2 * 18—24 1,016 100.0 950 93.5 61 6.0 . . 4 " 0.4 " 4 " 0.4 " 25-34 1,289 100.0 1,187 92.1 89 6.9 9 * 0.7 ‘ 3 " 0.2 ” 12 " 0.9 ‘ 35-44 997 100.0 874 87.6 93 9.3 14 " 1.4 " 16 ‘ 1.6 " 30 " 3.0 " 45—54 596 100.0 473 79.5 88 14.7 15 2.5 20 " 3.4 " 35 " 5.9 " 55—64 412 100.0 315 76.4 62 15.0 28 ' 6.8 8 * 1.8 * 36 " 8.7 " 65—69 180 100.0 138 76.6 31 17.3 6 ‘* 3.5 " 5 " 2.7 " 11 “ 6.1 " 70-74 107 100.0 81 75.7 11 ‘ 10.7 " 10 ' 9.3 " 5 " 4.3 ’ 15 ” 14.0 " 75—84 124 100.0 80 64.2 18 * 14.1 " 13 " 10.4 * 14 " 11.3 " 27 " 21.8 " 78 Disability Statistics Report Table 3. Prevalence of Personal Care Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Older, 1992. DegEof personal care limitation Limited With no but not Assistance Assistance Assistance activity in IADL or needs in IADL needs needs in Characteristic Total limitation ADL only in ADL IADL or ADL Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 85 and over 38 100.0 20 ‘ 52.9 6 " 16.7 " 5 " 13.0 ‘ 7 " 17.4 * 12 " 31.6 ' Education Age under 18 years 46,828 100.0 43,328 92.5 3,291 7.0 . . 209 0.4 209 0.4 * 8 years or less of school 16,391 100.0 10,090 61.6 3,662 22.3 1,636 10.0 1,002 6.1 2,638 16.1 9—11 years of school 21,352 100.0 15,894 74.4 3,877 18.2 1,072 5.0 508 2.4 1,580 7.4 12 years of school 69,343 100.0 57,508 82.9 9,100 13.1 1,800 2.6 935 1.3 2,735 3.9 13—15 years of school 38,719 100.0 33,335 86.1 4,304 11.1 744 1.9 336 0.9 1,080 2.8 16 years or more 37,002 100.0 32,752 88.5 3,504 9.5 481 1.3 265 0.7 746 2.0 Unknown 2,157 100.0 1,697 78.7 204 9.5 106 4.9 149 6.9 255 118 Education and Gender Age under 18 years Male 23,968 100.0 21,888 91.3 1,957 8.2 124 0.5 124 0.5 * Female 22,860 100.0 21,440 93.8 1,334 5.8 85 0.4 85 0.4 " 8 years or less of school Male 7,975 100.0 5,068 6.3.5 1,869 23.4 630 7.9 408 5.1 1,038 13.0 Female 8,416 100.0 5,023 59.7 1,794 21.3 1,005 11.9 594 7.1 1,599 19.0 9—11 years of school Male 10,037 100.0 7,637 76.1 1,832 18.3 348 3.5 220 2.2 568 5.7 Female 11,315 100.0 8,257 73.0 2,044 18.1 725 6.4 289 2.6 1,014 9.0 12 years of school Male 31,245 100.0 26,169 83.8 4,147 13.3 567 1.8 363 1.2 930 3.0 Female 38,098 100.0 31,340 82.3 4,954 13.0 1,233 3.2 572 1.5 1,805 4.7 13—15 years of school Male . 17,772 100.0 15,292 86.0 2,088 11.8 276 1.6 116 0.7 392 2.2 Female 20,947 100.0 18,043 86.1 2,215 10.6 468 2.2 220 1.0 688 3.3 16 years or more of school Male 20,049 100.0 17,751 88.5 1,998 10.0 177 0.9 122 0.6 299 1.5 Female 16,953 100.0 15,001 88.5 1,505 8.9 304 1.8 143 0.8 447 2.6 Unknown Male 1,080 100.0 873 80.8 119 11.0 40 3.7 48 4.4 88 8.1 Female 1,077 100.0 824 76.5 85 7.9 66 6.2 101 9.4 167 15.5 Education and Age group Age under 18 years 5—13 33,378 100.0 30,899 92.6 2,299 6.9 n/ a n/a 180 0.5 180 0.5 ‘ 14—17 13,450 100.0 12,429 92.4 992 7.4 n/ a n/ a 29 0.2 * 29 * 0.2 " 8 years or less of school 18—24 891 100.0 796 89.4 59 6.7 17 " 1.9 " 18 " 2.1 “ 35 " 3.9 " 25—34 1,638 100.0 1,381 84.3 172 10.5 61 3.7 24 ' 1.5 't 85 5.2 * 35—44 1,679 100.0 1,287 76.6 260 15.5 69 4.1 63 3.7 132 7.9 45—54 1,999 100.0 1271 63.6 541 27.1 137 6.8 51 2.5 188 9.4 55—64 2,747 100.0 1,475 53.7 897 32.7 255 9.3 119 4.3 374 13.6 65—69 1,719 100.0 828 48.1 674 39.2 162 9.4 55 3.2 217 12.6 70—74 1,766 100.0 1,112 63.0 388 22.0 175 9.9 90 5.1 265 15.0 75—84 2,791 100.0 1,436 51.4 512 18.4 505 18.1 338 12.1 843 30.2 85 and over 1,162 100.0 506 43.5 157 13.6 255 22.0 244 21.0 499 42.9 9—11 years of school 18—24 3,852 100.0 3,539 91.9 267 6.9 33 0.8 13 “ 0.3 " 46 1.2 " 25—34 3,941 100.0 3,333 84.6 492 12.5 70 1.8 47 1.2 117 3.0 35—44 3,067 100.0 2,392 78.0 532 17.3 109 3.5 35 1.1 144 4.7 45-54 2,737 100.0 1,982 72.4 569 20.8 139 5.1 48 1.7 187 6.8 55—64 2,829 100.0 1,753 62.0 827 29.3 175 6.2 73 2.6 248 8.8 65—69 1,610 100.0 913 56.7 536 33.3 100 6.2 61 3.8 161 10.0 70-74 1,361 100.0 913 67.1 285 21.0 104 7.6 58 4.3 162 11.9 75-84 1,622 100.0 915 56.4 321 19.8 265 16.4 121 7.4 386 23.8 85 and over 333 100.0 155 46.5 47 14.2 79 23.6 53 15.8 132 39.6 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 79 Table 3. Prevalence of Personal Care Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Older, 1992. Degree of personal care limitation Limited With no but not Assistance Assistance Assistance activity in IADL or needs in IADL needs needs in Characteristic Total limitation ADL only in ADL IADL or ADL Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 12 years of school 1.8—24 9,853 100.0 9,137 92.7 628 6.4 66 0.7 21 " 0.2 '° 87 0.9 * 25—34 16,246 100.0 14,709 90.5 1,263 7.8 208 1.3 66 0.4 274 1.7 35—44 14,114 100.0 12,187 86.3 1,617 11.5 201 1.4 109 0.8 310 2.2 45—54 10,392 100.0 8,500 81.8 1,547 14.9 244 2.3 100 1.0 344 3.3 55—64 8,302 100.0 6,178 74.4 1,734 20.9 258 3.1 131 1.6 389 4.7 65—69 3,814 100.0 2,540 66.6 1,062 27.8 140 3.7 72 1.9 212 5.6 70—74 3,113 100.0 2,144 68.9 604 19.4 233 7.5 133 4.3 366 11.8 75—84 2,990 100.0 1,893 63.3 573 19.2 323 10.8 202 6.8 525 17.6 85 and over 519 100.0 220 42.4 73 14.0 126 24.3 100 19.3 226 43.5 13—15 years of school 18—24 7,594 100.0 7,160 94.3 404 5.3 23 ‘ 0.3 " 7 ” 0.1 * 30 " 0.4 " 25—34 9,632 100.0 8,822 91.6 724 7.5 70 0.7 17 " 0.2 " 87 0.9 " 35—44 9,398 100.0 8,173 87.0 1,040 11.1 123 1.3 63 0.7 186 2.0 45-54 5,258 100.0 4,401 83.7 717 13.6 99 1.9 41 0.8 140 2.7 ‘ 55—64 3,162 100.0 2,388 75.5 607 19.2 124 3.9 43 1.4 167 5.3 65—69 1,247 100.0 854 68.5 326 26.1 45 3.6 22 " 1.8 ' 67 5.4 " 70—74 1,095 100.0 800 73.0 197 18.0 65 6.0 33 3.0 98 8.9 75—84 1,091 100.0 645 59.2 242 22.2 135 12.4 68 6.2 203 18.6 85 and over 241 100.0 93 38.5 46 19.2 61 25.1 41 17.1 102 42.3 16 years or more of school 18—24 1,978 100.0 1,889 95.5 89 4.5 . . . . . . 25—34 10,074 100.0 9,555 94.8 475 4.7 31 0.3 * 13 t 0.1 44 0.4 * 35—44 10,810 100.0 9,861 91.2 851 7.9 76 0.7 22 " 0.2 " 98 0.9 " 45—54 6,680 100.0 5,877 88.0 709 10.6 67 1.0 27 0.4 94 1.4 " 55-64 3,681 100.0 3,018 82.0 562 15.3 67 1.8 34 " 0.9 * 101 2.7 ” 65—69 1,461 100.0 1,072 73.4 327 22.4 45 3.1 17 " 1.1 " 62 4.2 ” 70—74 1,018 100.0 731 71.8 196 19.2 50 5.0 41 4.0 91 8.9 75—84 1,032 100.0 621 60.2 242 23.5 92 8.9 77 7.5 169 16.4 85 and over 268 100.0 128 47.9 52 19.4 54 20.0 34 12.7 88 32.8 Unknown 18-24 174 100.0 141 80.9 17 " 9.7 " 7 't 4.2 " 9 " 5.1 " 16 " 9.2 " 25—34 345 100.0 285 82.6 32 9.2 16 " 4.6 't 12 " 3.6 " 28 " 8.1 ’* 35—44 385 100.0 343 89.1 27 7.0 7 " 1.9 " 7 " 1.9 ‘ l4 " 3.6 * 45-54 364 100.0 316 86.8 38 10.3 2 " 0.6 ” 8 ‘ 2.2 " 10 ‘ 2.7 " 55—64 350 100.0 279 79.7 40 11.5 22 ‘ 6.3 * 9 " 2.5 " 31 ” 8.9 * 65—69 144 100.0 110 76.4 22 " 15.1 10 “ 6.7 " 3 " 1.8 " 13 " 9.0 " 70-74 122 100.0 91 74.3 8 " 6.7 " 7 " 5.7 ' 16 " 13.3 * 23 * 18.9 * 75—84 172 100.0 96 56.0 21 " 12.1 24 14.2 30 17.7 54 31.4 85 and over 101 100.0 37 36.4 . . 11 " 10.5 " 54 53.1 65 64.4 Education and Race Age under 18 Native American 574 * 100.0 529 ’ 92.2 43 7.5 . . 2 * 0.3 " 2 " 0.3 " Asian or Pacific Islander 1,504 100.0 1,457 96.9 42 2.8 . . 6 * 0.4 " 6 * 0.4 " Black Non-Hispanic 7,160 100.0 6,517 91.0 601 8.4 . . 43 " 0.6 “‘ 43 0.6 " Black Hispanic 201 100.0 185 92.0 16 * 8.0 ‘ . . . . . . White Non-Hispanic 31,041 100.0 28,715 92.5 2,196 7.1 . . 130 0.4 130 0.4 * White Hispanic 4,328 100.0 4,035 93.2 274 6.3 . . 19 0.4 19 " 0.4 ‘ Other and Unknown 2,019 100.0 1,889 93.6 120 5.9 . . 10 * 0.5 " 10 ‘ 0.5 " 8 years or less of school Native American 232 " 100.0 138 " 59.3 54 " 23.1 27 * 11.4 " 14 ” 6.1 41 " 17.7 " Asian or Pacific Islander 478 100.0 384 80.4 67 14.0 17 " 3.6 " 9 ‘ 1.9 " 26 " 5.4 * Black Non-Hispanic 2,280 100.0 1,179 51.7 600 26.3 301 13.2 200 8.8 501 22.0 Black Hispanic 91 7100.0 54 59.2 34 37.8 1 " 1.5 * 1 " 1.5 * 2 ” 2.2 " White Non-Hispanic 9,545 100.0 5,356 56.1 2,394 25.1 1,149 12.0 646 6.8 1,795 18.8 80 Disability Statistics Report Table 3. Prevalence of Personal Care Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Older, 1992. Degree of personal care limitation Limited With no but not Assistance Assistance Assistance activity in IADL or needs in IADL needs needs in Characteristic Total limitation ADL only in ADL IADL or ADL Number of people in thousands and percent distribution White Hispanic 2,859 100.0 2,265 79.2 398 13.9 102 3.6 94 3.3 196 6.9 Other and Unknown 905 100.0 714 78.9 115 12.7 38 4.2 38 4.2 76 8.4 9—11 years of school Native American 319 100.0 228 71.5 53 16.7 21 " 6.5 17 " 5.3 * 38 " 11.9 " Asian or Pacific Islander 423 100.0 372 87.9 35 8.3 11 * 2.7 " 5 " 1.1 * 16 ’ 3.8 * Black Non-Hispanic 3,358 100.0 2,485 74.0 613 18.3 175 5.2 85 2.5 260 7.7 Black Hispanic 45 100.0 43 94.1 3 " 5.9 ‘ . . . . . . White Non-Hispanic 14,780 100.0 10,657 72.1 2,925 19.8 821 5.6 377 2.6 1,198 8.1 White Hispanic 1,728 100.0 1,497 86.7 184 10.7 29 1.7 17 1.0 46 2.7 " Other and Unknown 699 100.0 613 87.7 63 9.0 15 * 2.2 * 8 " 1.1 * 23 ‘ 3.3 * 12 years of school Native American 630 100.0 523 83.0 80 12.8 13 * 2.1 " 14 * 2.2 " 27 " 4.3 ‘ Asian or Pacific Islander 1,357 100.0 1,215 89.5 107 7.9 15 ‘ 1.1 “ 20 * 1.5 * 35 " 2.6 ” Black Non-Hispanic 8,107 100.0 6,788 83.7 1,011 12.5 192 2.4 117 1.4 309 3.8 Black Hispanic 119 100.0 105 87.9 11 " 9.4 * 2 ’ 1.4 * 2 " 1.3 * 4 * 3.4 " White Non-Hispanic 54,579 100.0 44,821 82.1 7,507 13.8 1,507 2.8 744 1.4 2,251 4.1 White Hispanic 3,350 100.0 2,989 89.2 278 8.3 60 1.8 24 0.7 84 2.5 Other and Unknown 1,200 100.0 1,067 88.9 106 8.9 12 * 1.0 16 " 1.3 * 28 " 2.3 “ 13—15 years of school Native American 289 100.0 239 82.9 41 14.1 4 " 1.4 " 4 * 1.6 * 8 " 2.8 ’ Asian or Pacific Islander 1,388 100.0 1,283 92.5 86 6.2 9 " 0.6 ‘ 10 * 0.7 " 19 '* 1.4 " Black Non-Hispanic 3,960 100.0 3,470 87.6 355 9.0 91 2.3 43 1.1 134 3.4 Black Hispanic 108 100.0 91 84.1 9 * 8.4 “ . . 8 ‘ 7.5 " 8 * 7.4 * White Non-Hispanic 30,484 100.0 26,021 85.4 3,600 11.8 607 2.0 256 0.8 863 2.8 White Hispanic 1,826 100.0 1,651 90.4 140 7.6 25 1.4 11 " 0.6 ‘ 36 " 2.0 " Other and Unknown . 666 100.0 580 87.1 73 11.0 9 “ 1.3 " 4 " 0.6 “ 13 * 2.0 " 16 years or more of school Native American 132 100.0 100 75.7 24 * 18.4 2 " 1.5 * 6 " 4.3 " 8 “ 6.1 ” Asian or Pacific Islander 1,949 100.0 1,848 94.8 86 4.4 6 ‘ 0.3 * 10 " 0.5 * 16 * 0.8 * Black Non-Hispanic 2,355 100.0 2,124 90.2 172 7.3 38 1.6 20 " 0.9 ‘ 58 2.5 * Black Hispanic 34 100.0 32 94.6 1 " 2.7 " 1 * 2.6 " . . 1 * 2.9 " White Non-Hispanic 30,954 100.0 27,216 87.9 3,096 10.0 420 1.4 222 0.7 642 2.1 White Hispanic 1,109 100.0 1,010 91.1 86 7.7 9 " 0.8 " 4 * 0.4 * 13 " 1.2 * Other and Unknown 470 100.0 423 90.0 39 8.3 5 ’ 1.1 * 3 " 0.6 * 8 " 1.7 * Unknown Native American 11 * 100.0 9 83.7 2 * 16.3 " . . . . . . Asian or Pacific Islander 71 100.0 58 81.5 8 ‘ 10.6 * 5 " 6.5 " 1 " 1.4 " 6 " 8.5 " Black Non-Hispanic 346 100.0 246 71.1 33 “ 9.6 ‘ 22 6.2 45 13.1 67 19.4 Black Hispanic . . White Non-Hispanic 832 100.0 596 71.7 94 11.2 55 6.6 88 10.5 143 17.2 White Hispanic 77 100.0 66 86.2 5 * 6.8 ’ 4 * 5.4 " 1 " 1.6 " 5 " 6.5 " Other and Unknown 819 100.0 721 88.0 63 7.7 21 '* 2.6 " 14 * 1.7 " 35 * 4.3 * Family Income Under $10,000 21,901 100.0 15,332 70.0 4,442 20.3 1,429 6.5 698 3.2 2,127 9.7 $10,000-$14,999 17,055 100.0 12,778 74.9 3,091 18.1 747 4.4 438 2.6 1,185 6.9 $15,000-$24,999 34,814 100.0 28,182 81.0 5,073 14.6 1,010 2.9 549 1.6 1,559 4.5 $25,000-$34,999 30,307 100.0 26,131 86.2 3,356 11.1 525 1.7 295 1.0 820 2.7 $35,000 or more 84,612 100.0 76,527 90.4 6,761 8.0 853 1.0 472 0.6 1,325 1.6 Unknown 43,103 100.0 35,656 82.7 5,219 12.1 1,276 3.0 952 2.2 2,228 5.2 Family Income and Gender Under $10,000 Male 8,846 100.0 6,345 71.7 1,888 21.3 352 4.0 261 3.0 613 6.9 Female 13,055 100.0 8,987 68.8 2,554 19.6 1,077 8.3 436 3.3 1,513 11.6 $10,000-$14,999 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 81 Table 3. Prevalence of Personal Care Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian N on-Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Older, 1992. Degree of personal care limitation Limited With no but not Assistance Assistance Assistance activity in IADL or needs in IADL needs needs in Characteristic Total limitation ADL only in ADL IADL or ADL Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Male 7,692 100.0 5,710 74.2 1,493 19.4 296 3.9 192 2.5 488 6.3 Female 9,363 100.0 7,068 75.5 1,598 17.1 451 4.8 246 2.6 697 7.4 $15,000-$24,999 Male 16,906 100.0 13,625 80.6 2,599 15.4 422 2.5 259 1.5 681 4.0 Female 17,908 100.0 14,557 81.3 2,473 13.8 588 3.3 290 1.6 878 4.9 $25,000-$34,999 Male 14,959 100.0 12,794 85.5 1,836 12.3 188 1.3 141 0.9 329 2.2 Female 15,348 100.0 13,337 86.9 1,520 9.9 337 2.2 153 1.0 490 3.2 $35,000 or more Male 43,386 100.0 39,170 90.3 3,699 8.5 324 0.7 194 0.4 518 1.2 Female 41,225 100.0 37,357 90.6 3,062 7.4 529 1.3 278 0.7 807 2.0 Unknown Male 20,338 100.0 17,035 83.8 2,494 12.3 456 2.2 353 1.7 809 4.0 Female 22,765 100.0 18,621 81.8 2,725 12.0 819 3.6 599 2.6 1,418 6.2 Poverty Status Above poverty line 182,743 100.0 157,005 85.9 19,997 10.9 3,691 2.0 2,050 1.1 5,741 3.1 Below poverty line 26,253 100.0 19,972 76.1 4,542 17.3 1,127 4.3 612 2.3 1,739 6.6 Unknown 22,796 100.0 17,629 77.3 3,403 14.9 1,023 4.5 741 3.3 1,764 7.7 Poverty status and Gender Above Poverty Male 90,660 100.0 78,095 86.1 10,296 11.4 1,384 1.5 885 1.0 2,269 2.5 Female 92,083 100.0 78,910 85.7 9,702 10.5 2,306 2.5 1,165 1.3 3,471 3.8 Below Poverty Male 11,188 100.0 8,557 76.5 2,090 18.7 301 2.7 240 2.1 541 4.8 Female 15,064 100.0 11,415 75.8 2,451 16.3 826 5.5 372 2.5 1,198 8.0 Unknown Male 10,278 100.0 8,026 78.1 1,624 15.8 353 3.4 275 2.7 628 6.1 Female 12,518 100.0 9,603 76.7 1,779 14.2 669 5.3 466 3.7 1,135 9.1 Poverty and Age group Above poverty Under 18 years 34,907 100.0 32,618 93.4 2,152 6.2 . . 137 0.4 137 0.4 ' 18—64 years 125,300 100.0 110,069 87.8 12,770 10.2 1,728 1.4 734 0.6 2,462 2.0 65-69 years 22,535 100.0 14,317 63.5 5,076 22.5 1,963 8.7 1,179 5.2 3,142 13.9 Below poverty Under 18 years 8,047 100.0 7,089 88.1 897 11.2 . . 61 0.8 61 0.8 " 18—64 years 15,613 100.0 11,649 74.6 2,989 19.1 654 4.2 321 2.1 975 6.2 65—69 years 2,592 100.0 1,234 47.6 655 25.3 473 18.2 230 8.9 703 27.1 Unknown Under 18 years 3,873 100.0 3,621 93.5 242 6.2 . . 11 " 0.3 " 11 " 0.3 " 18—64 years 13,258 100.0 10,708 80.8 1,979 14.9 394 3.0 177 1.3 571 4.3 65—69 years 5,665 100.0 3,300 58.3 1,182 20.9 629 11.1 554 9.8 1,183 20.9 Marital Status Under Age 18 46,828 100.0 43,328 92.5 3,291 7.0 . . 209 0.4 209 0.4 ‘ Married 118,838 100.0 99,342 83.6 15,194 12.8 2,778 2.3 1,524 1.3 4,302 3.6 Widowed 13,123 100.0 7,698 58.7 2,826 21.5 1,639 12.5 959 7.3 2,598 19.8 Divorced 13,434 100.0 10,076 75.0 2,591 19.3 521 3.9 247 1.8 768 5.7 Separated 4,018 100.0 3,135 78.0 648 16.1 167 4.1 69 1.7 236 5.9 Never Married 34,398 100.0 30,024 87.3 3,287 9.6 703 2.0 383 1.1 1,086 3.2 Unknown 1,152 100.0 1,003 87.0 104 9.0 33 2.8 13 " 1.1 " 46 4.0 * Marital Status and Gender Male 23,968 100.0 21,888 91.3 1,957 8.2 . . 124 0.5 124 0.5 " Female 22,860 100.0 21,440 93.8 1,334 5.8 . . 85 0.4 85 0.4 " Married Male 60,186 100.0 49,758 82.7 8,377 13.9 1,229 2.0 823 1.4 2,052 3.4 Female 58,651 100.0 49,584 84.5 6,817 11.6 1,549 2.6 701 1.2 2,250 3.8 82 Disability Statistics Report Table 3. Prevalence of Personal Care Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Older, 1992. Degree of personal care limitation Limited With no but not Assistance Assistance Assistance activity in IADL or needs in IADL needs needs in Characteristic Total limitation ADL only in ADL IADL or ADL Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Widowed Male 2,109 100.0 1,237 58.7 530 25.1 209 9.9 132 6.3 341 16.2 Female 11,014 100.0 6,461 58.7 2,296 20.8 1,430 13.0 827 7.5 2,257 20.5 Divorced Male 5,129 100.0 3,845 75.0 1,053 20.5 151 2.9 81 1.6 232 4.5 Female 8,305 100.0 6,231 75.0 1,538 18.5 370 4.5 166 2.0 536 6.5 Separated Male 1,475 100.0 1,151 78.0 243 16.5 53 3.6 27 " 1.8 * 80 5.4 Female 2,543 100.0 1,983 78.0 405 15.9 114 4.5 42 1.6 156 6.1 Never Married Male 18,727 100.0 16,344 87.3 1,783 9.5 389 2.1 212 1.1 601 3.2 Female 15,671 100.0 13,681 87.3 1,504 9.6 315 2.0 171 1.1 486 3.1 Unknown Male 532 100.0 455 85.5 67 12.6 8 * 1.6 " 2 * 0.4 " 10 * 1.9 Female 620 100.0 548 88.4 37 6.0 24 * 3.9 " 10 * 1.7 " 34 " 5.5 Region ‘ Northeast 46,297 100.0 39,541 85.4 5,015 10.8 1,081 2.3 659 1.4 1,740 38 Midwest 56,681 100.0 47,725 84.2 6,663 11.8 1,510 2.7 783 1.4 2,293 4.0 South 78,060 100.0 64,498 82.6 10,097 12.9 2,181 2.8 1,284 1.6 3,465 4.4 West 50,754 100.0 42,842 84.4 6,166 12.1 1,068 2.1 678 1.3 1,746 3.4 Region and Gender Northeast Male 2,196 100.0 19,190 86.5 2,403 10.8 350 1.6 252 1.1 602 2.7 Female 24,101 100.0 20,351 84.4 2,612 10.8 731 3.0 407 1.7 1,138 4.7 Midwest Male 27,368 100.0 23,188 84.7 3,288 12.0 537 2.0 355 1.3 892 3.3 Female 29,313 100.0 24,537 83.7 3,374 11.5 973 3.3 428 1.5 1,401 4.8 South Male 37,636 100.0 31,237 83.0 5,084 13.5 792 2.1 522 1.4 1,314 3.5 Female 40,424 100.0 33,260 82.3 5,013 12.4 1,389 3.4 761 1.9 2,150 5.3 West Male 24,927 100.0 21,062 84.5 3,234 13.0 359 1.4 271 1.1 630 2.5 Female 25,827 100.0 21,779 84.3 2,932 11.4 709 2.7 406 1.6 1,115 4.3 Region and Age group Northwest 5—13 6,026 100.0 5,580 92.6 407 6.8 n/ a n/ a 39 0.6 " 39 ‘ 0.6 14—17 2,577 100.0 2,367 91.9 202 7.8 n/ a n/ a 8 * 0.3 " 8 " 0.3 18—24 4,483 100.0 4,222 94.2 232 5.2 21 " 0.5 " 8 " 0.2 " 29 ‘ 0.6 25—34 8,337 100.0 7,699 92.4 533 6.4 80 1.0 25 0.3 " 105 1.3 35—44 7,866 100.0 6,980 88.7 724 9.2 106 1.3 57 0.7 163 2.1 45—54 5,683 100.0 4,772 84.0 741 13.0 117 2.1 53 0.9 170 3.0 55-64 4,503 100.0 3,413 75.8 863 19.2 150 3.3 77 1.7 227 5.0 65—69 2,212 100.0 1,515 68.5 546 24.7 96 4.3 56 2.5 152 6.9 70—74 1,842 100.0 1,378 74.8 297 16.1 108 5.9 59 3.2 167 9.1 75—84 2,156 100.0 1,317 61.1 390 18.1 285 13.2 165 7.6 450 20.9 85 and over 611 100.0 298 48.8 81 13.3 118 19.4 113 18.6 231 37.8 Midwest 5—13 8,023 100.0 7,439 92.7 526 6.6 n/ a n/ a 58 0.7 58 0.7 14—17 3,466 100.0 3,165 91.3 289 8.3 n/ a n/ a 12 " 0.3 * 12 " 0.3 18—24 6,194 100.0 5,689 91.8 435 7.0 45 0.7 26 " 0.4 71 1.1 25-34 10,061 100.0 9,163 91.1 737 7.3 122 1.2 40 0.4 162 1.6 35—44 9,696 100.0 8,396 86.6 1,057 10.9 163 1.7 79 0.8 242 2.5 45—54 6,475 100.0 5,331 82.3 935 14.4 146 2.2 63 1.0 209 3.2 55—64 5,277 100.0 3,905 74.0 1,035 19.6 230 4.4 106 2.0 336 6.4 65—69 2,375 100.0 1,491 62.8 717 30.2 138 5.8 30 1.3 168 7.1 II- 6 ¥ ‘ ¥ ¥ ‘1' II- Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 83 Table 3. Prevalence of Personal Care Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Older, 1992. Degree of personal care limitation Limited With no but not Assistance Assistance Assistance activity in IADL or needs in IADL needs needs in Characteristic Total limitation ADL only in ADL IADL or ADL Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 70—74 1,998 100.0 1,380 69.0 389 19.5 160 8.0 69 3.4 229 11.5 75—84 2,460 100.0 1,474 59.9 452 18.4 345 14.0 189 7.7 534 21.7 85 and over 656 100.0 294 44.8 90 13.8 162 24.7 110 16.8 272 41.5 South 5-13 11,527 100.0 10,603 92.0 868 7.5 n/a n/a 56 0.5 56 0.5 ‘ 14—17 4,544 100.0 4,241 93.3 295 6.5 n/a n/ a 9 “ 0.2 ” 9 “ 0.2 " 18—24 8,206 100.0 7,645 93.2 485 5.9 49 0.6 27 * 0.3 " 76 0.9 " 25—34 13,890 100.0 12,541 90.3 1,115 8.0 167 1.2 68 0.5 235 1.7 35—44 13,016 100.0 11,237 86.3 1,499 11.5 184 1.4 97 0.7 281 2.2 45—54 9,225 100.0 7,383 80.0 1,472 16.0 282 3.1 88 1.0 370 4.0 55—64 7,037 100.0 4,699 66.8 1,810 25.7 368 5.2 159 2.3 527 7.5 65—69 3,458 100.0 2,078 60.1 1,080 31.2 191 5.5 108 3.1 299 8.6 70—74 2,952 100.0 1,931 65.4 637 21.6 237 8.0 147 5.0 384 13.0 75—84 3,350 100.0 1,813 54.1 715 21.3 504 15.0 318 9.5 822 24.5 85 and over 853 100.0 327 38.3 122 14.3 199 23.3 205 24.0 404 47.4 West 5—13 7,802 100.0 7,277 93.3 499 6.4 n/a n/a 26 " 0.3 " 26 " 0.3 " 14—17 2,863 100.0 2,656 92.8 207 7.2 n/a n/a 1 ” . 1 * . 18—24 5,458 100.0 5,107 93.6 312 5.7 31 * 0.6 9 ’ 0.2 " 40 " 0.7 " 25—34 9,587 100.0 8,682 90.6 773 8.1 87 0.9 45 0.5 132 1.4 ‘ 35—44 8,875 100.0 7,629 86.0 1,048 11.8 132 1.5 66 0.7 198 2.2 45-54 6,046 100.0 4,860 80.4 972 16.1 143 2.4 71 1.2 214 3.5 55—64 4,254 100.0 3,074 72.3 960 22.6 153 3.6 67 1.6 220 5.2 65—69 1,950 100.0 1,233 63.3 604 31.0 77 3.9 36 1.8 113 5.8 * 70—74 1,682 100.0 1,102 65.5 356 21.1 128 7.6 96 5.7 224 13.3 75—84 1,732 100.0 1,002 57.9 355 20.5 211 12.2 164 9.5 375 21.7 85 and over 503 100.0 220 43.6 82 16.2 105 20.9 97 19.2 202 40.2 Size of Residence Metropolitan 180,994 100.0 153,192 84.6 20,949 11.6 4,251 2.3 2,602 1.4 6,853 3.8 Central city 70,693 100.0 58,966 83.4 8,561 12.1 1,873 2.6 1,293 1.8 3,166 4.5 Not central city 110,301 100.0 94,226 85.4 12,388 11.2 2,378 2.2 1,310 1.2 3,688 3.3 Non-Metropolitan 50,797 100.0 41,414 81.5 6,993 13.8 1,589 3.1 801 1.6 2,390 4.7 Nonfarm 47,680 100.0 38,745 81.3 6,624 13.9 1,539 3.2 772 1.6 2,311 4.8 Farm - 3,117 100.0 2,669 85.6 369 11.8 50 1.6 29 * 0.9 79 2.5 " Size of Residence and Gender Metropolitan Male 87,449 100.0 74,557 85.3 10,378 11.9 1,460 1.7 1,053 1.2 2,513 2.9 Female 93,545 100.0 78,635 84.1 10,570 11.3 2,790 3.0 1,549 1.7 4,339 4.6 Central city Male 33,442 100.0 28,261 84.5 4,012 12.0 650 1.9 519 1.6 1,169 3.5 Female 37,251 100.0 30,706 82.4 4,549 12.2 1,223 3.3 774 2.1 1,997 5.4 Not central city Male 54,007 100.0 46,296 85.7 6,367 11.8 810 1.5 534 1.0 1,344 2.5 Female 56,294 100.0 47,930 85.1 6,021 10.7 1,568 2.8 775 1.4 2,343 4.2 Non-Metropolitan Male 24,677 100.0 20,121 81.5 3,631 14.7 578 2.3 347 1.4 925 3.7 Female 26,119 100.0 21,292 81.5 3,361 12.9 1,011 3.9 454 1.7 1,465 5.6 Nonfarm Male 23,068 100.0 18,749 81.3 3,427 14.9 555 2.4 337 1.5 892 3.9 Female 24,612 100.0 19,996 81.2 3,197 13.0 984 4.0 434 1.8 1,418 5.8 Farm Male 1,609 100.0 1,373 85.3 204 12.7 23 " 1.4 10 " 0.6 " 33 ” 2.1 " Female 1,508 100.0 1,296 86.0 165 10.9 27 * 1.8 20 " 1.3 * 47 3.1 " 84 Disability Statistics Report Table 3. Prevalence of Personal Care Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Older, 1992. Degree of personal care limitation Limited With no but not Assistance Assistance Assistance activity in IADL or needs in IADL needs needs in Characteristic Total limitation ADL only in ADL IADL or ADL Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Size of Residence and Age group Metropolitan 5—13 25,740 100.0 23,839 92.6 1,770 6.9 n/a n/ a 131 0.5 131 0.5 14—17 10,369 100.0 9,600 92.6 741 7.1 n/a n/ a 27 0.3 * 27 " 0.3 18-24 19,293 100.0 17,940 93.0 1,184 6.1 112 0.6 57 0.3 “ 169 0.9 25—34 33,929 100.0 30,930 91.2 2,506 7.4 338 1.0 155 0.5 493 1.5 35—44 31,264 100.0 27,240 87.1 3,334 10.7 446 1.4 244 0.8 690 2.2 45—54 21,553 100.0 17,720 82.2 3,124 14.5 499 2.3 211 1.0 710 3.3 55—64 15,956 100.0 11,640 73.0 3,361 21.1 653 4.1 302 1.9 955 6.0 65—69 7,560 100.0 4,933 65.2 2,085 27.6 379 5.0 163 2.2 542 7.2 70—74 6,319 100.0 4,371 69.2 1,202 19.0 460 7.3 287 4.5 747 11.8 75-84 7,058 100.0 4,149 58.8 1,358 19.2 937 13.3 . 614 8.7 1,551 22.0 85 and over 1,953 100.0 831 42.5 284 14.5 426 21.8 412 21.1 838 42.9 Central city 5—13 9,857 100.0 9,072 92.0 717 7.3 n/ a n/ a 68 0.7 68 0.7 14-17 3,861 100.0 3,546 91.8 296 7.7 n/a n/a 19 * 0.5 " 19 " 0.5 18—24 8,861 100.0 8,182 92.3 609 6.9 46 0.5 24 " 0.3 t 70 0.8 25-34 13,681 100.0 12,376 90.5 1,079 7.9 157 1.1 69 0.5 226 1.7 35—44 11,674 100.0 9,961 85.3 1,340 11.5 219 1.9 153 1.3 372 3.2 45—54 7,624 100.0 6,071 79.6 1,208 15.8 235 3.1 109 1.4 344 4.5 55-64 5,959 100.0 4,220 70.8 1,295 21.7 286 4.8 157 2.6 443 7.4 65—69 2,959 100.0 1,879 63.5 847 28.6 152 5.1 82 2.8 234 7.9 70-74 2,532 100.0 1,685 66.5 509 20.1 198 7.8 141 5.6 339 13.4 75-84 2,849 100.0 1,632 57.3 547 19.2 411 14.4 259 9.1 670 23.5 85 and over 836 100.0 341 40.8 115 13.7 169 20.2 212 25.3 381 45.6 Not central city 5—13 15,884 100.0 14,767 93.0 1,053 6.6 n/ a n/ a 63 0.4 63 0.4 14—17 6,507 100.0 6,054 93.0 445 6.8 n/a n/a 8 * 0.1 " 8 * 0.1 18—24 10,432 100.0 9,757 93.5 575 5.5 66 0.6 33 0.3 * 99 0.9 25—34 20,249 100.0 18,554 91.6 1,428 7.1 181 0.9 85 0.4 266 1.3 35—44 19,590 100.0 17,278 88.2 1,994 10.2 226 1.2 92 0.5 318 1.6 45—54 13,930 100.0 11,649 83.6 1,917 13.8 263 1.9 101 0.7 364 2.6 55—64 9,997 100.0 7,420 74.2 2,066 20.7 367 3.7 144 1.4 511 5.1 65—69 4,600 100.0 3,053 66.4 1,239 26.9 227 4.9 81 1.8 308 6.7 70—74 3,787 100.0 2,686 70.9 693 18.3 262 6.9 146 3.9 408 10.8 75—84 4,209 100.0 2,517 59.8 810 19.3 527 12.5 355 8.4 882 21.0 85 and over 1,117 100.0 490 43.9 169 15.2 257 23.0 200 17.9 457 40.9 Non-Metropolitan 5—13 7,638 100.0 7,060 92.4 529 6.9 n/a n/a 49 0.6 49 0.6 14-17 3,081 100.0 2,829 91.8 251 8.1 n/a n/a 2 * 0.1 " 2 * 0.1 18—24 5,049 100.0 4,723 93.5 280 5.6 34 0.7 12 * 0.2 * 46 0.9 25—34 7,946 100.0 7,154 90.0 651 8.2 117 1.5 24 * 0.3 " 141 1.8 35—44 8,189 100.0 7,002 85.5 994 12.1 139 1.7 55 0.7 194 2.4 45—54 5,877 100.0 4,626 78.7 997 17.0 189 3.2 65 1.1 254 4.3 55—64 5,115 100.0 3,451 67.5 1,307 25.6 249 4.9 107 2.1 356 7.0 65—69 2,435 100.0 1,385 56.9 862 35.4 122 5.0 67 2.7 189 7.8 70—74 2,156 100.0 1,419 65.8 477 22.1 175 8.1 85 4.0 260 12.1 75—84 2,640 100.0 1,457 55.2 554 21.0 407 15.4 222 8.4 629 23.8 85 and over 671 100.0 307 45.8 92 13.7 158 23.6 114 16.9 272 40.5 Nonfarm 5—13 7,170 100.0 6,617 92.3 506 7.1 n/a n/ a 47 0.7 47 0.7 14—17 2,877 100.0 2,632 91.5 244 8.5 n/a n/a 2 " 0.1 * 2 " 0.1 18—24 4,843 100.0 4,522 93.4 276 5.7 34 0.7 12 * 0.3 t 46 0.9 25—34 7,575 100.0 6,810 89.9 631 8.3 113 1.5 20 * 0.3 t 133 1.8 35—44 7,700 100.0 6,544 85.0 965 12.5 137 1.8 55 0.7 192 2.5 4- 4 ¥ #- a if X- if 4- # it it Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 85 Table 3. Prevalence of Personal Care Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian N on-Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Older, 1992. Degree of personal care limitation Limited With no but not Assistance Assistance Assistance activity in IADL or needs in IADL needs needs in Characteristic Total limitation ADL only in ADL IADL or ADL Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 45—54 5,501 100.0 4,299 78.1 963 17.5 174 3.2 65 1.2 239 4.3 55—64 4,645 100.0 3,100 66.7 1,203 25.9 240 5.2 102 2.2 342 7.4 65-69 2,234 100.0 1,254 56.1 798 35.7 115 5.2 67 3.0 182 8.1 70—74 2,021 100.0 1,311 64.9 454 22.5 173 8.6 83 4.1 256 12.7 75-84 2,477 100.0 1,362 55.0 498 20.1 400 16.2 216 8.7 616 24.9 85 and over . 636 100.0 294 46.2 86 13.6 153 24.0 103 16.2 256 40.3 Farm 5—13 468 100.0 443 94.6 23 " 5.0 ” n/a n/a 2 * 0.4 " 2 * 0.4 " 14-17 204 100.0 197 96.6 7 * 3.4 " n/a n/ a 18—24 206 100.0 202 97.7 5 ' 2.3 " . . . . . . 25—34 371 100.0 344 92.7 19 " 5.2 4 “ 1.1 t 4 " 1.1 " 8 " 2.2 " 35—44 489 100.0 4.58 93.6 29 " 6.0 2 * 0.4 " 2 " 0.4 " 45—54 376 100.0 328 87.1 34 ’* 8.9 "’ 15 " 4.0 " . . 15 * 4.0 “ 55—64 470 100.0 351 74.8 104 22.1 9 " 1.9 ‘ 6 * 1.2 * 15 " 3.2 " 65—69 201 100.0 131 65.1 64 31.7 7 " 3.2 " . . 7 * 3.5 " 70—74 135 100.0 108 80.4 23 17.0 2 " 1.3 * 2 * 1.3 * 4 * 3.0 " 75—84 162 100.0 94 58.1 56 34.5 7 " 4.0 t 6 3.4 " 13 " 8.0 * 85and over 35 100.0 13 38.6 5 “‘ 14.9 " 5 * 15.3 " 11 " 31.2 * 16 " 45.7 " Has telephone Yes 219,183 100.0 184,431 84.1 26,046 11.9 5,479 2.5 3,227 1.5 8,706 4.0 No 11,873 100.0 9,564 80.6 1,822 15.3 333 2.8 154 1.3 487 4.1 Unknown 735 100.0 611 83.1 73 10.0 28 * 3.9 " 23 " 3.1 51 6.9 " Has telephone and gender Telephone (Yes) Male 105,772 100.0 89,615 84.7 12,979 12.3 1,872 1.8 1,307 1.2 3,179 3.0 Female 113,411 100.0 94,816 83.6 13,068 11.5 3,607 3.2 1,921 1.7 5,528 4.9 Telephone (No) Male 6,022 100.0 4,783 79.4 1,003 16.7 152 2.5 83 1.4 235 3.9 Female 5,851 100.0 4,781 81.7 819 14.0 181 3.1 70 1.2 251 4.3 Unknown Male 333 100.0 280 84.1 28 8.4 14 * 4.3 " 10 " 3.1 * 24 ‘ 7.2 " Female 402 100.0 331 82.2 45 11.3 14 * 3.5 * 12 " 3.0 " 26 " 6.5 " Has telephone and age group Telephone (Yes) 5—13 30,853 100.0 28,649 92.9 2,034 6.6 n/ a n/ a 169 0.5 169 0.5 " 14—17 12,666 100.0 11,725 92.6 918 7.2 n/a n/a 23 0.2 " 23 * 0.2 * 18-24 22,185 100.0 20,725 93.4 1,263 5.7 136 0.6 61 0.3 " 197 0.9 " 25—34 39,019 100.0 35,635 91.3 2,828 7.2 393 1.0 163 0.4 556 1.4 35—44 37,483 100.0 32,712 87.3 3,983 10.6 517 1.4 271 0.7 788 2.1 45—54 26,418 100.0 21,721 82.2 3,811 14.4 630 2.4 256 1.0 886 3.4 55—64 20,462 100.0 14,748 72.1 4,469 21.8 859 4.2 386 1.9 1,245 6.1 65—69 9,721 100.0 6,205 63.8 2,840 29.2 460 4.7 217 2.2 677 7.0 70-74 8,312 100.0 5,684 68.4 1,652 19.9 615 7.4 362 4.4 977 11.8 75—84 9,479 100.0 5,504 58.1 1,878 19.8 1,295 13.7 803 8.5 2,098 22.1 85 and over _ 2,586 100.0 1,122 43.4 373 14.4 574 22.2 516 20.0 1,090 42.2 Telephone (No) 5—13 2,406 100.0 2,137 88.8 260 10.8 n/ a n/ a 9 " 0.4 " 9 " 0.4 " 14—17 767 100.0 688 89.7 73 9.5 n/a n/a 6 “ 0.8 * 6 " 0.8 * 18—24 2,096 100.0 1,883 89.9 195 9.3 9 ‘ 0.4 " 9 * 0.4 * 18 " 0.9 * 25—34 2,683 100.0 2,286 85.2 322 12.0 60 2.2 15 " 0.6 " 75 2.8 ‘ 35—44 1,861 100.0 1,437 77.2 334 18.0 64 3.4 26 " 1.4 90 4.8 ‘ 45—54 953 100.0 587 61.6 291 30.5 55 5.8 19 ‘ 2.0 * 74 7.8 " 55—64 511 100.0 267 52.2 188 36.8 35 6.8 21 4.1 " 56 11.0 " 65—69 248 100.0 96 38.9 104 42.0 36 14.5 11 * 4.5 " 47 19.0 70—74 135 100.0 86 63.8 21 " 15.8 ‘ 20 14.6 8 * 5.8 * 28 " 20.7 86 Disability Statistics Report Table 3. Prevalence of Personal Care Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Older, 1992. Degree of personal care limitation Limited With no but not Assistance Assistance Assistance activity in IADL or needs in IADL needs needs in Characteristic Total limitation ADL only in ADL IADL or ADL Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 75—84 180 100.0 80 44.6 31 17.1 44 24.3 25 “ 13.9 * 69 38.3 8Sand over 33 100.0 16 * 49.1 3 * 7.7 * 10 " 30.4 ‘* 4 * 12.8 “ 14 * 42.4 * Unknown 5—13 119 100.0 113 94.6 5 * 3.9 " n/a n/a 2 * 1.5 ‘* 2 * 1.7 " 14—17 17 " 100.0 16 " 93.2 1 * 6.8 * n/a n/a 18—24 61 100.0 54 88.3 7 " 11.7 " . . . . 25—34 174 100.0 164 93.8 8 " 4.4 * 3 * 1.8 * . . 3 " 1.7 * 35—44 109 100.0 93 85.2 10 * 9.6 " 4 * 3.4 " 2 * 1.8 " 6 " 5.5 * 45-54 59 100.0 37 63.3 19 * 32.3 3 * 4.4 ‘ . . 3 " 5.1 * 55—64 98 100.0 77 78.3 11 * 11.5 " 8 * 8.1 * 2 * 2.1 * 10 " 10.2 * 65-69 26 100.0 16 * 61.7 3 " 12.1 " 5 ’° 20.4 * 1 " 5.8 " 6 " 23.1 * 70-74 28 " 100.0 21 * 73.7 5 * 18.7 ” . . 2 * 7.6 " 2 " 7.1 '* 75—84 39 100.0 21 " 54.4 4 * 9.1 * 6 * 14.6 " 9 " 21.9 " 15 " 38.5 " 85 and over 5 " 100.0 5 * 100.0 5 * 100.0 Has telephone and income Telephone (Yes) . Under $10,000 17,760 100.0 12,277 69.1 3,613 20.3 1,271 7.2 599 3.4 1,870 10.5 $10,000-$14,999 15,117 100.0 11,198 74.1 2,815 18.6 687 4.5 417 2.8 1,104 7.3 $15,000-$24,999 32,556 100.0 26,206 80.5 4,825 14.8 _ 984 3.0 541 1.7 1,525 4.7 $25,000—$34,999 29,580 100.0 25,478 86.1 3,284 11.1 523 1.8 295 1.0 818 2.8 $35,000 or more 84,150 100.0 76,105 90.4 6,730 8.0 848 1.0 466 0.6 1,314 1.6 Unknown 40,020 100.0 33,166 82.9 4,778 11.9 1,166 2.9 909 2.3 2,075 5.2 Telephone (No) Under $10,000 4,052 100.0 2,984 73.6 817 20.2 157 3.9 93 2.3 250 6.2 $10,000-$14,999 1,862 100.0 1,518 81.5 271 14.6 57 3.0 16 " 0.9 * 73 3.9 " $15,000—$24,999 2,188 100.0 1,921 87.8 236 10.8 23 1.1 7 “ 0.3 " 30 " 1.4 * $25,000-$34,999 648 100.0 589 90.9 57 8.8 2 " 0.3 * . . 2 " 0.3 * $35,000 or more 322 100.0 292 90.7 24 " 7.3 " 5 ‘ 1.4 " 2 " 0.6 " 7 " 2.2 * Unknown 2,801 100.0 2,260 80.7 416 14.9 89 3.2 35 * 1.3 * 124 4.4 " Unknown Telephone Under $10,000 89 100.0 71 79.9 12 * 13.4 " 1 * 1.3 " 5 * 5.3 * 6 " 6.7 * $10,000-$14,999 76 * 100.0 63 " 82.9 4 * 5.6 " 4 * 5.4 " 5 " 6.1 " 9 " 11.8 '* $15,000—$24,999 70 100.0 54 77.0 11 * 15.7 '* 3 " 4.3 " 2 * 3.0 * 5 * 7.1 * $25,000—$34,999 78 100.0 63 80.9 15 " 19.1 ‘* . . 0 0.0 $35,000 or more 140 100.0 129 92.6 6 * 4.6 " . . 4 ‘ 2.8 " 4 ” 2.9 " Unknown 282 100.0 230 81.6 25 * 8.7 " 20 " 7.1 * 7 " 2.6 * 27 * 9.6 * " Estimate has low statistical reliability (relative standard error > 30%). . No respondents in category Table 4. Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Work Limitation, Need for Assistance In Activities of Daily Living, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18-69, 1992. Degree of Work Limitation Limited in Non-Work Activity Limited in Amount or Kind of Work Unable to work N eedgg' Assistance Needing Assistance Needing Assistance All Not Needing In Not Needing In Not Needing In Limited Assistance in IADL In Assistance in IADL [n Assistance in IADL In Characteristic Persons IADL or ADL only ADL IADL or ADL only ADL IADL or ADL only ADL Number of people in thousands and percent distribution All People 25,423 6,080 95.0 255 4.0 65 1.0 7,477 91.9 542 6.7 116 1.4 7,127 65.5 2,479 22.8 1,281 11.8 Gender Male 12,129 2,680 98.1 40 1.4 12 " 0.4 " 3,847 94.3 193 4.7 38 0.9 3,622 68.1 1,051 19.8 645 12.1 Female 13,294 3,400 92.7 215 5.9 53 1.4 3,630 89.5 349 8.6 78 1.9 3,505 62.9 1,428 25.7 635 11.4 Age group 21,745 5,331 95.5 200 3.6 53 1.0 6,563 92.0 475 6.7 95 1.3 5,843 64.7 2,100 23.3 1,084 12.0 18—64 years 18—24 1,679 554 96.9 18 * 3.1 ‘ . . 585 92.0 42 6.5 9 ‘ 1.4 " 325 68.9 87 18.4 60 12.7 25—34 3,791 1,064 94.7 56 5.0 4 ' 0.4 * 1,201 91.4 98 7.5 15 * 1.1 " 891 65.9 301 22.3 159 11.8 35—44 5,211 1,313 96.7 26 1.9 19 " 1.4 1,765 90.9 142 7.3 34 1.7 1,249 65.4 416 21.8 246 12.9 45—54 5,084 1,298 96.2 40 3.0 11 ‘ 0.8 ‘ 1,503 92.3 105 6.5 20 " 1.2 " 1,320 62.6 543 25.8 245 11.6 55-64 5,979 1,103 93.3 61 5.1 18 ‘ 1.6 " 1,508 93.5 88 5.4 17 ‘ 1.1 2,058 64.6 754 23.7 374 11.7 65—69 3,678 749 91.8 55 6.7 11 ' 1.4 “ 914 91.2 67 6.7 21 ' 2.1 ‘ 1,284 69.0 379 20.4 197 10.6 Gender and Age Male 18—64 years 10,418 2,400 98.5 32 ‘ 1.3 " 6 " 0.3 ' 3,327 94.0 178 5.0 35 1.0 2,993 67.4 899 20.3 548 12.3 18—24 842 248 96.9 8 ’ 3.1 " . 322 93.4 18 " 5.3 “‘ 4 " 1.3 ‘ 168 69.5 39 16.1 35 14.4 25—34 1,911 494 98.1 9 ‘ 1.7 * 1 " 0.2 ‘ 639 91.9 46 6.7 10 * 1.5 ‘ 477 67.0 147 20.6 88 12.4 35—44 2,613 657 99.3 5 " 0.7 ‘ . . 908 93.0 59 6.0 10 ' 1.0 " 644 66.1 186 19.1 144 14.8 45—54 2,359 580 98.7 5 " 0.8 * 3 " 0.5 * 744 94.5 38 4.9 5 ‘ 0.6 ' 651 66.1 222 22.5 112 11.3 55-64 2,692 421 98.2 5 * 1.3 * 2 " 0.5 ' 715 97.0 16 ‘ 2.2 * 6 * 0.8 * 1,053 69.0 305 20.0 169 11.1 65—69 1,711 280 95.3 8 " 2.7 " 6 " 1.9 " 520 96.7 15 ‘ 2.8 ‘ 3 ‘ 0.5 ' 629 71.6 152 17.3 98 11.1 Female 18—64 years 11,327 2,932 93.2 168 5.4 47 1.5 3,236 90.1 298 8.3 59 1.6 2,850 62.1 1,201 26.2 536 11.7 18—24 837 306 97.0 10 “ 3.0 " . . 264 90.4 23 " 8.0 * 5 " 1.6 " 157 68.3 48 20.8 25 11.0 25—34 1,880 570 91.9 47 7.6 3 " 0.5 “ 562 90.8 52 8.4 5 " 0.7 ‘ 415 64.7 155 24.1 71 11.1 35-44 2,598 655 94.2 21 3.0 19 " 2.8 ‘ 858 88.8 84 8.7 24 2.5 606 64.6 230 24.5 102 10.9 45-54 2,725 718 94.3 35 4.6 8 " 1.1 ‘ 759 90.3 67 8.0 15 " 1.7 " 669 59.6 321 28.6 133 11.9 55—64 3,287 682 90.5 55 7.3 16 * 2.2 " 794 90.6 72 8.2 11 ‘ 1.3 “ 1,004 60.6 449 27.1 205 12.3 65—69 1,967 468 89.9 47 9.0 6 " 1.1 " 394 84.9 52 11.1 “ 18 “ 4.0 " 655 66.8 227 23.2 99 10.1 * Estimate has low statistical reliability (relative standard error > 30%). . No respondents in category 366l- ‘395090 We awalla/WM 3391918 mm 9L” U! MHQESKJ 88 Disability Statistics Report Table 5. Prevalence of School Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 5—17, 1992. Degree of school limitation Needs special Limited in Limited in school/ classes Attends Not limited non-school school does not special Unable to attend Characteristic Total in activity activity attendance attend school/ classes school Number of people in thousands and percent distribution All People 46,828 100.0 43,328 92.5 946 2.0 552 1.2 245 0.5 1,484 3.2 273 0.6 Gender Male 23,968 100.0 21,888 91.3 561 2.3 287 1.2 155 0.6 924 3.9 154 0.6 Female 22,860 100.0 21,440 93.8 385 1.7 265 1.2 90 0.4 560 2.4 119 0.5 Race and Hispanic Origin Native American 574 “ 100.0 529 * 92.2 11 " 1.8 * 8 “ 1.3 ‘ 8 * 1.4 t 18 " 3.2 * . . Asian or Pacific Islander 1,504 100.0 1,457 96.9 19 * 1.2 " 12 " 0.8 " 2 " 0.1 * 13 " 0.9 " 1 * 0.1 * Black Non-Hispanic 7,160 100.0 6,517 91.0 133 1.9 132 1.8 51 0.7 257 3.6 71 1.0 Black Hispanic 201 100.0 185 92.0 6 * 3.2 " 3 " 1.3 * . . 4 * 1.9 " 3 “ 1.6 * White Non-Hispanic 31,041 100.0 28,715 92.5 663 2.1 303 1.0 155 0.5 1,054 3.4 150 0.5 White Hispanic 4,328 100.0 4,035 93.2 85 2.0 65 1.5 16 * 0.4 96 2.2 29 t 0.7 Other and Unknown 2,019 100.0 1,889 93.6 28 1.4 29 ' 1.5 13 ” 0.6 " 41 2.0 18 " 0.9 " Race and Gender Native American Male 291 100.0 261 * 89.8 5 * 1.7 " 6 ‘ 2.0 ” 8 " 2.8 ‘ 11 * 3.7 " Female ' 283 ‘ 100.0 268 t 94.7 6 * 2.0 " 2 " 0.6 " 8 ” 2 7 * Asian or Pacific Islander Male 782 100.0 749 95.7 14 * 1.8 “ 9 * 1.1 " 2 ’t 0.2 " 9 " 1.1 * 1 " 0.1 " Female 722 100.0 708 98.1 4 " 0.6 " 4 " 05 * 5 " 0.6 " 1 * 0 1 * Black Non-Hispanic Male 3,637 100.0 3,242 89.1 75 2.1 84 2.3 36 1.0 157 4.3 43 1.2 Female 3,523 100.0 3,275 93.0 58 1.6 48 1.4 15 * 0.4 * 100 2.9 28 0.8 Black Hispanic Male 104 100.0 95 90.6 4 " 3.4 " . . . . 4 " 3.6 * 2 * 2.3 * Female 97 100.0 91 93.4 3 " 2.9 “ 3 * 2.7 " . . . . 1 * 0.9 " White Non-Hispanic Male 15,825 100.0 14,463 91.4 396 2.5 135 0.9 88 0.6 661 4.2 83 0.5 Female 15,216 100.0 14,252 93.7 268 1.8 169 1.1 67 0.4 393 2.6 67 0.4 White Hispanic Male 2,243 100.0 2,071 92.3 55 2.5 34 1.5 10 * 0.4 60 2.7 13 * 0.6 ” Female 2,084 100.0 1,964 94.2 30 1.4 32 1.5 7 " 0.3 " 36 1.7 16 * 0.8 Other and Unknown Male 1,085 100.0 1,008 92.9 12 ‘ 1.1 " 20 1.8 11 " 1.0 " 23 2.2 12 " 1.1 * Female 934 100.0 882 94.4 17 1.8 9 " 1.0 " 2 ‘ 0.2 " 18 '* 1.9 * 6 " 0.7 * Poverty Status Above poverty line 34,907 100.0 32,618 93.4 675 1.9 326 0.9 152 0.4 969 2.8 166 0.5 Below poverty line 8,047 100.0 7,089 88.1 218 2.7 167 2.1 77 1.0 416 5.2 80 1.0 Unknown 3,873 100.0 3,621 93.5 52 1.3 58 1.5 17 " 0.4 99 2.6 26 0.7 Poverty status and Gender Above Poverty Male 17,863 100.0 16,488 92.3 409 2.3 155 0.9 103 0.6 619 3.5 90 0.5 Female 17,044 100.0 16,130 94.6 266 1.6 172 1.0 49 0.3 * 351 2.1 76 0.4 Below Poverty Male 4,044 100.0 3,486 86.2 116 2.9 96 2.4 42 1.0 253 6.3 50 1.2 Female 4,003 100.0 3,603 90.0 102 2.5 72 1.8 34 “ 0.9 ‘t 162 4.1 30 0.8 Unknown Male 2,061 100.0 1,913 92.8 36 1.7 36 * 1.8 10 * 0.5 " 52 2.5 14 ‘t 0.7 Female 1,813 100.0 1,708 94.2 17 " 0.9 " 22 1.2 7 * 0.4 * 47 2.6 13 " 0.7 Region Northeast 8,602 100.0 7,947 92.4 180 2.1 103 1.2 40 0.5 282 3.3 50 0.6 Midwest 11,489 100.0 10,604 92.3 197 1.7 109 0.9 72 0.6 438 3.8 68 0.6 South 16,072 100.0 14,844 92 4 342 2.1 221 1.4 84 0.5 485 3.0 95 0.6 West ‘ 10,665 100.0 9,933 93.1 227 2.1 118 1.1 48 0.5 279 2.6 60 0.6 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 89 Table 5. Prevalence of School Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Degree of Limitation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages‘5—17, 1992. Degree of school limitation Needs special Limited in Limited in school / classes Attends Not limited non—school school does not special Unable to attend Clmracteristic Total in activity activity attendance attend school/ classes school Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Region and Gender Northeast Male 4,521 100.0 4,125 91.2 108 2.4 47 1.0 26 0.6 185 4.1 30 0.7 Female 4,081 100.0 3,822 93.7 72 1.8 56 1.4 14 " 0.4 96 2.4 20 0.5 Midwest Male 5,718 100.0 5,211 91.1 114 2.0 53 0.9 38 0.7 266 4.6 36 " 0.6 * Female 5,771 100.0 5,393 93.5 83 1.4 56 1.0 35 0.6 * 172 3.0 32 0.5 South Male 8,183 100.0 7,430 90.8 204 2.5 140 1.7 55 0.7 295 3.6 59 0.7 Female 7,888 100.0 7,415 94.0 138 1.7 81 1.0 29 " 0.4 190 2.4 36 0.5 West Male 5,546 100.0 5,123 92.4 134 2.4 46 0.8 36 0.7 178 3.2 29 0.5 Female 5,119 100.0 4,810 94.0 93 1.8 72 1.4 12 " 0.2 " 101 2.0 31 0.6 " Size of Residence Metropolitan 36,109 100.0 33,439 92.6 740 2.0 421 1.2 167 0.5 1,113 3.1 229 0.6 Central city 13,718 100.0 12,618 92.0 280 2.0 216 1.6 85 0.6 404 2.9 116 0.8 Not central city 22,391 100.0 20,821 93.0 460 2.1 205 0.9 82 0.4 709 3.2 113 0.5 Non-Metropolitan 10,719 100.0 9,889 92.3 206 1.9 131 1.2 78 0.7 371 3.5 44 0.4 Nonfarm 10,047 100.0 9,249 92.1 198 2.0 129 1.3 78 0.8 350 3.5 42 0.4 Farm 672 100.0 640 95.2 8 t 1.1 " 2 * 0.2 “ . . 21 " 3.2 " 2 * 0.2 ” Size of Residence and Gender ’ Metropolitan Male 18,524 100.0 16,961 91.6 432 2.3 213 1.1 111 0.6 681 3.7 127 0.7 Female 17,585 100.0 16,479 93.7 308 1.8 208 1.2 56 0.3 * 432 2.5 102 0.6 Central city Male 7,001 100.0 6,383 91.2 163 2.3 111 1.6 55 0.8 230 3.3 59 0.8 Female 6,717 100.0 6,235 92.8 118 1.7 105 1.6 30 0.4 173 2.6 57 0.8 Not central city Male 11,522 100.0 10,577 91.8 269 2.3 101 0.9 56 0.5 450 3.9 68 0.6 Female 10,868 100.0 10,244 94.3 190 1.8 104 1.0 26 " 0.2 " 259 2.4 45 0.4 Non-Metropolitan Male 5,445 100.0 4,928 90.5 129 2.4 74 1.4 44 0.8 243 4.5 27 " 0.5 Female 5,274 100.0 4,961 94.1 77 1.5 57 1.1 35 * 0.7 127 2.4 17 " 0.3 " Nonfarm Male 5,130 100.0 4,636 90.4 125 2.4 72 1.4 44 0.9 226 4.4 27 * 0.5 Female 4,917 100.0 4,613 93.8 73 1.5 57 1.2 35 ” 0.7 124 2.5 15 * 0.3 “ Farm Male 315 100.0 292 92.6 4 " 1.2 " 2 " 0.5 * . . 18 " 5.7 * . . Female 357 100.0 348 97.5 4 “ 1.1 * . . . . 3 " 1.0 " 2 * 0.4 " " Estimate has low statistical reliability (relative standard error > 30%). . No respondents in category 90 Disability Statistics Report Table 6a: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution ALL CONDITIONS 37,733 100.0 4,047 100.0 10,681 100.0 14,741 100.0 6,777 100.0 1,485 100.0 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 10,922 28.9 1,681 41.5 4,429 41.5 3,393 23.0 1,130 16.7 290 19.5 Visual impairments 558 1.5 44 1.1 171 1.6 134 0.9 150 2.2 58 3.9 Blindness in both eyes 189 0.5 11 0.3 " 60 0.6 48 0.3 49 0.7 21 " 1.4 * Visual impairment in both eyes 169 0.4 22 0.5 " 22 0.2 35 0.2 63 0.9 27 1.8 Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 33 0.1 9 0.1 " 10 * 0.1 14 * 0.2 " Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 167 0.4 11 0.3 " 80 0.8 41 0.3 24 0.4 ' 10 " 0.7 " Hearing impairments 654 1.7 125 3.1 181 1.7 167 1.1 127 1.9 55 3.7 Deafness in both ears 127 0.3 12 0.3 " 26 0.2 " 46 0.3 35 0.5 8 " 0.6 ‘ Hearing impairment in both ears 270 0.7 71 1.7 58 0.5 65 0.4 56 0.8 22 " 1.4 * Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 122 0.3 27 0.7 45 0.4 32 0.2 15 " 0.2 " 2 " 0.2 * ‘ Deafness, unknown if in both ears 42 0.1 1 . 29 0.3 * . 6 " 0.1 " 6 * 0.4 * Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 93 0.2 14 0.4 * 23 0.2 ‘ 24 " 0.2 15 " 0.2 " 17 " 1.1 " Speech impairments 315 0.8 257 6.4 36 0.3 14 0.1 6 0.1 0 0.0 Starnmering and stuttering 38 0.1 29 0.7 6 0.1 2 ‘ . . . Other speech impairment 277 0.7 228 5.6 30 0.3 12 " 0.1 6 * 0.1 " . . Loss or impairment of sensation 94 0.2 1 . 57 0.5 33 0.2 " 1 * . 2 " 0.1 " Learning disability and mental retardation 1,389 3.7 863 21.3 418 3.9 95 0.6 10 0.1 2 0.1 Learning disability 191 0.5 155 3.8 25 0.2 * 10 " 0.1 " . . . Mental retardation/Down's syndrome 1,198 3.2 708 17.5 393 3.7 85 0.6 10 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 " Absence or loss 477 1.3 13 0.3 103 1.0 216 1.5 127 1.9 18 1.2 Absence or loss, upper extremity 57 0.2 2 22 0.2 25 " 0.2 6 * 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 " Absence or loss, lower extremity 169 0.4 . . 46 0.4 85 0.6 36 0.5 2 * 0.1 " Absence or loss of lung or kidney 42 0.1 9 0.2 " 7 0.1 12 * 0.1 14 " 0.2 * Absence or loss of breast 13 2 7 " 4 " 0.1 * Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of , trunk, one or more 196 0.5 2 . 26 0.2 " 87 0.6 67 1.0 14 " 0.9 ” Paralysis 546 1.4 104 2.6 212 2.0 150 1.0 68 1.0 12 0.8 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 42 0.1 1 36 0.3 5 * 1 * 0.1 " Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 36 0.1 1 4 . 21 * 0.1 " 7 " 0.1 " 3 * 0.2 * Paralysis of upper extremities 18 . 7 0.1 5 * . 3 * . 2 * 0.1 ” Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 47 0.1 . . 20 0.2 21 * 0.1 " 6 ’ 0.1 * Cerebral palsy 181 0.5 85 2.1 79 0.7 13 " 0.1 " 4 * 0.1 “ Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 61 0.2 2 25 0.2 “ 22 “ 0.2 12 * 0.2 ‘ . . Partial paralysis of upper extremity 30 0.1 2 15 " 0.1 ‘* 10 * 0.2 " 2 " 0.1 " Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 21 0.1 4 . 9 " 0.1 6 " 0.1 " 2 * 0.1 * Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 22 0.1 . . 9 0.1 " 8 * 0.1 5 " 0.1 " . . Paralysis of other sites, complete or partial 88 0.2 15 0.4 * 26 0.2 ” 31 0.2 15 “ 0.2 " 2 " 0.1 " Deformities 628 1.7 112 2.8 315 2.9 158 1.1 38 0.6 6 0.4 Curvature of spine or back 312 0.8 36 0.9 174 1.6 78 0.5 18 * 0.3 6 * 0.4 " Spina bifida 52 0.1 17 0.4 27 0.3 6 * 2 " Congenital dislocation / deformity of hip and / or pelvis 33 0.1 10 0.2 17 0.2 4 . 2 . Deformity of lower extremity 160 0.4 42 1.0 61 0.6 43 0.3 14 0.2 Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity 71 0.2 7 0.2 * 36 0.3 27 * 0.2 2 * . . . Orthopedic impairments 6,111 16.2 115 2.8 2,876 26.9 2,399 16.3 588 8.7 135 9.1 Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 2,946 7.8 11 0.3 " 1,461 13.7 1,280 8.7 176 2.6 18 " 1.2 * Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 91 Table 6a: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper extremity 775 2.1 9 0.2 * 409 3.8 301 2.0 53 0.8 4 * 0.3 " Orthopedic impairment of hip and / or pelvis 332 0.9 5 0.1 " 79 0.7 99 ' 0.7 101 1.5 48 3.2 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 1,920 5.1 84 2.1 871 8.2 675 4.6 239 3.5 51 3.5 Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites 138 0.4 6 0.2 * 56 0.5 44 0.3 19 " 0.3 14 ” 0.9 * Other and ill-defined impairments 150 0.4 47 1.2 60 0.6 27 0.2 15 * 0.2 " 2 " 0.1 " PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 26,813 71.1 2,371 58.6 6,251 58.5 11,353 77.0 5,644 83.3 1,200 80.8 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001—139) 250 0.7 40 1.0 90 0.8 90 0.6 21 0.3 10 0.7 Tuberculosis, all sites 109 0.3 17 0.4 " 52 0.5 33 0.2 6 * 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 ” Herpes (zoster or simplex) 28 0.1 4 0.1 * 6 0.1 6 4 * 0.1 ” 8 " 0.6 " Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 113 0.3 19 0.5 32 0.3 51 0.3 11 " 0.2 ” . . CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) 1,087 2.9 33 0.8 191 1.8 579 3.9 257 3.8 25 1.7 Cancer (140-208) 922 2.4 14 0.3 128 1.2 504 3.4 248 3.7 25 1.7 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 26 " 0.1 7 0.1 * 13 0.1 6 " 0.1 ” Malignant neoplasm of rectum, colon, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 97 0.3 55 0.4 38 0.6 4 * 0.2 " Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 62 0.2 7 0.1 33 0.2 15 " 0.2 " 7 * 0.5 ' Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 124 0.3 7 0.1 84 0.6 32 0.5 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 43 0.1 11 0.1 " 21 0.1 " 12 * 0.2 “ . . Malignant neoplasm of skin 15 . 6 0.1 4 . 3 ” . 2 " 0.2 " Malignant neoplasm of female breast 156 0.4 30 0.3 96 0.7 29 0.4 2 " 0.1 " Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs 47 0.1 8 0.1 " 33 0.2 6 * 0.1 * . . Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs 101 0.3 7 0.1 " 57 0.4 32 0.5 4 " 0.3 " Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 45 0.1 6 0.1 " 22 0.2 " 15 " 0.2 " 2 * 0.1 “ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 105 0.3 5 0.1 ‘ 19 0.2 56 0.4 24 " 0.4 " Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 36 0.1 4 0.1 " 12 0.1 * 8 0.1 11 " 0.2 * Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 65 0.2 5 0.1 * 8 0.1 " 22 0.2 25 " 0.4 4 " 0.3 ” Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210-239) 165 0.4 19 0.5 63 0.6 75 0.5 9 0.1 0 0.0 Benign neoplasms 127 0.3 17 0.4 " 44 0.4 62 0.4 5 " 0.1 " Neoplasm of unspecified nature 38 0.1 2 0.1 " 19 0.2 13 0.1 4 * 0.1 " CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240-279) 1,525 4.0 59 1.5 358 3.4 762 5.2 301 4.4 44 3.0 Thyroid disorders (240-246) 68 0.2 12 0.3 24 0.2 27 0.2 2 0.0 4 0.3 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 44 0.1 11 0.3 " 11 0.1 " 22 0.2 . . . Other disorders of thyroid 24 0.1 1 . 13 0.1 " 5 . 2 " . 4 " 0.2 " Diabetes (250) 1,189 3.2 21 0.5 251 2.3 624 4.2 262 3.9 30 2.0 Diabetes mellitus with complication 70 0.2 29 0.3 32 0.2 9 " 0.1 " Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 1,119 3.0 21 0.5 " 222 2.1 592 4.0 253 3.7 30 2.0 Other (251-279) 268 0.7 26 0.6 83 0.8 111 0.8 37 0.5 10 0.7 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 30 0.1 2 . 20 0.1 * 7 ” 0.1 * . . Gout 78 0.2 . . 9 0.1 42 0.3 20 " 0.3 * 8 " 0.5" Obesity and other hyperalimentation 72 0.2 5 0.1 " 41 0.4 24 0.2 2 " 92 Disability Statistics Report Table 6a: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non—Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 1844 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 88 0.2 21 "' 0.5 " 31 * 0.3 25 * 0.2 8 " 0.1 * 2 " CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS (280—289) 103 0.3 27 0.7 36 0.3 23 0.2 15 0.2 1 Anemias . 64 0.2 20 * 0.5 " 23 0.2 13 * 0.1 7 " 0.1 " . Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 39 0.1 7 * 0.2 * 13 * 0.1 " 10 " 0.1 8 " 0.1 " 1 " CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290—316) excluding mental retardation 1,494 4.0 384 9.5 593 5.6 408 2.8 94 1.4 18 Psychoses (290-299) 416 1.1 23 0.6 234 2.2 113 0.8 37 0.5 11 Schizophrenic psychoses 200 0.5 2 ’* . 144 1.3 51 0.3 4 * 0.1 * Affective psychoses 125 0.3 6 ’* 0.1 " 76 0.7 41 0.3 2 * . . . Other psychoses 91 0.2 15 " 0.4 14 " 0.1 * 21 * 0.1 " 31 " 0.5 11 " Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300—316) 1,078 2.9 361 8.9 359 3.4 295 2.0 57 0.8 7 Anxiety states 56 " 0.1 . . 31 " 0.3 24 " 0.2 2 * . . Other neurotic disorders 313 0.8 36 0.9 149 1.4 106 0.7 22 0.3 " Alcohol and drug dependence 82 0.2 8 * 0.2 * 43 0.4 21 * 0.1 " 10 " 0.1 * Adjustment reaction 117 0.3 17 " 0.4 " 50 0.5 , 44 0.3 6 " 0.1 " . Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 152 0.4 14 ” 0.3 * 48 0.5 73 0.5 9 * 0.1 * 7 " Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 231 0.6 228 5.6 3 * . . . . . Other mental illness/ disorder 127 0.3 58 1.4 35 0.3 27 " 0.2 8 " 0.1 " CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320—389) 2,585 6.9 248 6.1 856 8.0 827 5.6 515 7.6 138 Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) 1,716 4.5 146 3.6 670 6.3 599 4.1 248 3.7 53 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 137 0.4 2 * 0.1 " 2 " . 24 0.2 84 1.2 25 ” Parkinson's disease 125 0.3 . . 2 * . 44 0.3 67 1.0 12 " Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 81 0.2 . . 24 0.2 * 44 0.3 11 " 0.2 " 2 " Multiple sclerosis 213 0.6 . . 92 0.9 111 0.8 10 " 0.2 " Epilepsy 384 1.0 82 2.0 196 1.8 87 0.6 19 ‘ 0.3 Migraine 176 0.5 31 0.8 75 0.7 68 0.5 2 * Other and unspecified disorders of the central nervous system 140 0.4 '17 * 0.4 * 50 0.5 45 0.3 18 " 0.3 ’ 10 * Nerve root and plexus disorders 52 0.1 . . 19 * 0.2 31 0.2 2 " Carpal tunnel syndrome 184 0.5 . . 112 1.0 72 0.5 . . Mononeuritis of lower limb 106 0.3 . . 48 0.4 41 0.3 15 ‘ 0.2 " 2 " Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 118 0.3 14 * 0.4 * 50 0.5 32 0.2 20 " 0.3 2 " Disorders of the eye (360-379) 727 1.9 34 0.8 164 1.5 195 1.3 253 3.7 80 Retinal detachments and defects 27 0.1 . . 4 ’* . 13 " 0.1 7 " 0.1 " 4 " Macular degeneration 77 0.2 6 " 0.2 " 12 * 0.1 ” 17 * 0.1 ‘ 27 0.4 14 " Other retinal disorders 126 0.3 . . 7 “ 0.1 " 19 * 0.1 " 73 1.1 28 Glaucoma 176 0.5 3 “ 0.1 " 22 * 0.2 " 57 0.4 69 1.0 25 Cataract 123 0.3 6 * 0.1 * 17 * 0.2 36 0.2 56 0.8 7 " Disorders of refraction and accommodation 47 0.1 8 * 0.2 " 27 0.3 9 * 0.1 2 " . Visual disturbances 32 0.1 4 * 0.1 * 14 * 0.1 ’* 10 “ 0.1 4 " 0.1 * Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements 18 * . 2 * . 14 " 0.1 * 2 * . . . . Other disorders of eye 101 0.3 5 * 0.1 * 47 0.4 32 0.2 15 " 0.2 " 2 " Disorders of the ear (380-388) 142 0.4 68 1.7 22 0.2 33 0.2 14 0.2 5 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 67 0.2 24 * 0.6 * 15 " 0.1 " 17 " 0.1 " 10 ” 0.2 " 1 * Other disorders of ear 75 0.2 44 1.1 7 * 0.1 16 " 0.1 " 4 * 0.1 * 4 " CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390—459) 5,396 14.3 48 1.2 417 3.9 2,960 20.1 1,625 24.0 347 Heart disease (390-429) 3,971 10.5 28 0.7 315 2.9 2,285 15.5 1,123 16.6 221 0.1 " 0.1 0.1 " 1.2 0.7 0.7 " 0.5 0.5 ‘ 9.3 3.6 1.7 " 0.8 " 0.1 * 0.6 " 0.1 * 0.1 " 5.4 0.3 " 1.0 * 1.9 1.7 0.5 '* 0.1 * 0.3 0.1 " 0.3 " 23.4 14.9 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 98 Table 6a: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) 168 0.4 0 0.0 45 0.4 100 0.7 21 0.3 2 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 84 0.2 . . 31 0.3 45 0.3 8 " 0.1 " . Other rheumatic disease 84 0.2 . . 14 " 0.1 " 55 0.4 13 “ 0.2 * 2 * Hypertensive disease (401—405) 830 2.2 5 " 0.1 ‘ 103 1.0 542 3.7 152 2.2 28 " Ischemic heart disease (410-414) 1,485 3.9 0 0.0 45 0.4 933 6.3 427 6.3 79 Angina pectoris 390 1.0 . . 6 " 0.1 212 1.4 133 2.0 39 Other chronic ischemic heart disease 1,095 2.9 . . 39 0.4 721 4.9 294 4.3 40 Other forms of heart disease (415-429) 1,488 3.9 23 0.6 122 1.1 710 4.8 523 7.7 112 Diseases of endocardium 110 0.3 5 " 0.1 " 21 " 0.2 46 0.3 28 0.4 10 " Cardiomyopathy 43 0.1 2 " . 17 " 0.2 ‘ 21 " 0.1 " 3 " 0.1 * . Conduction disorders 90 0.2 2 " 0.1 " 7 " 0.1 " 64 0.4 15 ‘ 0.2 “ 3 " Cardiac dysrhythmias 239 0.6 . . 19 ‘ 0.2 101 0.7 97 1.4 22 ‘ Heart failure 228 0.6 . . 15 " 0.1 " 93 0.6 95 1.4 25 Other heart disease 778 2.1 14 * 0.3 " 43 0.4 385 2.6 285 4.2 52 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) Cerebrovascular disease 810 2.1 14 * 0.4 " 24 " 0.2 " 350 2.4 334 4.9 88 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) 301 0.8 3 0.1 16 0.1 164 1.1 96 1.4 23 Atherosclerosis 130 0.3 . . . . 74 0.5 35 0.5 21 " Aortic aneurysm 26 0.1 . . 1 " . . 13 " 0.1 12 " 0.2 " Arterial embolism and thrombosis 77 0.2 . . . . 46 0.3 31 " 0.5 " Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 68 0.2 3 " 0.1 15 " 0.1 ‘ 31 0.2 18 " 0.3 " 2 * Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451—459) 314 0.8 3 0.1 62 0.6 161 1.1 72 1.1 15 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 68 0.2 . . 14 " 0.1 " 33 0.2 19 " 0.3 2 ” Varicose veins of lower extremities 67 0.2 . . 21 " 0.2 " 36 0.2 * 9 " 0.1 ” Hemorrhoids 20 ” 0.1 . . 6 " 0.1 14 ” 0.1 * . . . Other disorders of circulatory system 159 0.4 3 0.1 21 " 0.2 78 0.5 44 0.6 13 * CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460—519) 3,279 8.7 1,039 25.7 776 7.3 939 6.4 486 7.2 41 Chronic sinusitis 62 0.2 15 0.4 25 * 0.2 ” 18 ‘ 0.1 " 2 * . 2 ” Allergic rhinitis 163 0.4 52 1.3 71 0.7 29 0.2 10 * 0.1 " 2 " Chronic bronchitis 132 0.4 39 1.0 20 " 0.2 " 53 0.4 15 " 0.2 " 6 " Emphysema 590 1.6 . . 9 " 0.1 " 314 2.1 254 3.7 14 " Asthma 2,015 5.3 902 22.3 599 5.6 389 2.6 116 1.7 9 “ Pneumoconiosis 27 0.1 . . 2 " . 14 * 0.1 ‘ 11 " 0.2 " . Other diseases of respiratory system 290 0.8 31 0.8 50 0.5 122 0.8 78 1.2 8 ” CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520—579) 730 1.9 47 1.2 243 2.3 341 2.3 86 1.3 16 Diseases of esophagus 16 * . 3 0.1 2 ‘ . 9 * 0.1 2 ” . . Gastric ulcer 62 0.2 . . 19 " 0.2 34 0.2 8 " 0.1 “ 2 " Other peptic ulcer 26 0.1 . . 5 " . 14 * 0.1 * 6 " 0.1 ” . Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 68 0.2 13 0.3 20 0.2 24 0.2 8 " 0.1 " 3 ‘ Hernia 188 0.5 3 0.1 58 0.5 108 0.7 15 “ 0.2 " 4 " Enteritis and colitis 128 0.3 7 0.2 71 0.7 34 0.2 17 " 0.2 * Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 85 0.2 11 0.3 11 " 0.1 " 41 0.3 18 " 0.3 " 5 " Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 69 0.2 2 . 29 0.3 36 0.2 . . 2 " Cholelithiasis 21 ” 0.1 2 . 4 ” . 11 " 0.1 4 ’ 0.1 " Other digestive diseases 67 0.2 6 0.1 24 0.2 " 30 " 0.2 8 ‘ 0.1 ’ 8 CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 407 1.1 30 0.7 175 1.6 161 1.1 40 0.6 1 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis 99 0.3 2 . 44 0.4 40 0.3 13 " 0.2 ‘ Calculus of kidney 16 " . . . 10 " 0.1 " 6 ' 0.1 0.1 " 1.9 5.3 2.6 2.7 7.5 0.6 * 0.2 " 1.5 " 1.7 3.5 5.9 1.5 1.4 ' 0.1 ’ 1.0 0.1 " 0.9 " 2.8 0.1 " 0.1 * 0.4 " 0.9 " 0.6 * 0.5 “ 1.1 0.1 " 0.2 " 0.2 " 0.3 " 0.1 ‘ 0.1 94 Disability Statistics Report Table 6a: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 1844 45-69 70—84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Other disorders of kidney and ureter 87 0.2 10 0.3 32 0.3 33 0.2 12 ‘ 0.2 " . . Disorders of bladder, urethra, and urinary tract 43 0.1 6 0.2 11 " 0.1 ‘ 18 " 0.1 " 7 " 0.1 * 1 '* 0.1 ’ Disorders of male genital organs 25 " 0.1 . . 4 ’ . 15 " 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 “ Endometriosis 33 ' 0.1 . . 29 * 0.3 4 * . . Other disorders of female genital organs 104 0.3 12 0.3 45 0.4 45 0.3 2 " CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680—709) 175 0.5 41 1.0 65 0.6 48 0.3 19 0.3 4 0.3 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 48 0.1 13 0.3 28 0.3 5 " . 2 " Psoriasis and similar disorders 25 0.1 . . 6 " 0.1 17 * 0.1 " 2 ” . . . Chronic ulcer of skin 21 " 0.1 . . 2 " . 8 ' 0.1 9 " 0.1 ' 2 t 0.1 * Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 81 0.2 28 0.7 29 0.3 18 " 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 " CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIV E TISSUE (710—739) 7,211 19.1 41 1.0 1,717 16.1 3,408 23.1 1,702 25.1 341 23.0 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 54 0.1 1 . 18 " 0.2 “ 29 “ 0.2 * 6 " 0.1 * Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 508 1.3 3 0.1 86 0.8 272 1.8 134 2.0 13 " 0.9 * Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 3,189 8.5 5 0.1 290 2.7 1,512 10.3 1,141 16.8 242 , 16.3 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 44 0.1 2 . 23 " 0.2 “ 15 ” 0.1 ” 4 " 0.1 " . . Spondylosis and allied disorders 439 1.2 2 0.1 77 0.7 248 1.7 98 1.4 13 ‘ 0.9 " Intervertebral disc disorders 2,019 5.4 2 0.1 952 8.9 941 6.4 121 1.8 3 " 0.2 “ Other and unspecified disorders of back 122 0.3 . . 40 0.4 57 0.4 21 " 0.3 ‘ 4 " 0.3 “ Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 205 0.5 6 0.2 93 0.9 92 0.6 11 ‘ 0.2 * 2 " 0.1 " Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 93 0.2 5 0.1 35 0.3 45 0.3 , 4 “ 0.1 * 4 " 0.3 “ Other disorders of soft tissues 119 0.3 44 0.4 44 0.3 24 0.4 7 " 0.5 " Osteoporosis 214 0.6 6 ” 0.1 " 74 0.5 92 1.4 41 2.7 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 205 0.5 15 0.4 53 0.5 79 0.5 46 0.7 12 " 0.8 " CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740-759) 210 0.6 81 2.0 53 0.5 59 0.4 18 0.3 0 0.0 Congenital anomalies of heart 84 0.2 28 0.7 17 ‘ 0.2 28 " 0.2 12 " 0.2 ” Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 126 0.3 53 1.3 36 0.3 31 0.2 6 * 0.1 " CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760—779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL—DEFINED CONDITIONS (780—799) 1,691 4.5 213 5.3 460 4.3 474 3.2 351 5.2 194 13.1 Dizziness and giddiness 75 0.2 ‘ 2 ' . 5 ' . 20 " 0.1 " 29 0.4 " 20 ” 1.3 * Malaise and fatigue 59 0.2 6 0.1 19 " 0.2 ‘ 26 0.2 9 " 0.1 " Headache 118 0.3 10 0.3 67 0.6 37 0.3 3 " . . . Cardiovascular symptoms 116 0.3 15 0.4 36 0.3 32 0.2 23 0.3 * 10 * 0.6 * Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 141 0.4 17 0.4 34 0.3 55 0.4 30 0.4 ” 6 ' 0.4 " Senility without mention of psychosis 345 0.9 . . . . 45 0.3 159 2.3 141 9.5 Nervousness 175 0.5 4 0.1 76 0.7 76 0.5 19 " 0.3 * Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 662 1.8 159 3.9 223 2.1 183 1.2 79 1.2 17 " 1.2 " CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800—999) 670 1.8 40 1.0 221 2.1 274 1.9 114 1.7 20 1.3 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 219 0.6 8 0.2 95 0.9 74 0.5 29 0.4 " 14 " 1.0 " Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 170 0.5 15 0.4 68 0.6 54 0.4 30 0.4 2 “ 0.1 " Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 281 0.7 17 0.4 58 0.5 146 1.0 55 0.8 4 " 0.3 " Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 95 Table 6a: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution MALE ALL CONDITIONS 17,783 100.0 2,415 100.0 5,366 100.0 6,763 100.0 2,848 100.0 391 100.0 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 5,838 32.8 999 41.4 2,506 46.7 1,793 26.5 461 16.2 84 21.5 Visual impairments 281 1.6 23 1.0 113 2.1 68 1.0 53 1.9 23 5.9 Blindness in both eyes 93 0.5 7 0.3 32 0.6 27 0.4 17 ' 0.6 " 9 " 2.4 " Visual impairment in both eyes 64 0.4 6 0.2 14 " 0.3 14 " 0.2 “ 18 " 0.6 " 12 “ 3.1 " Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the . . other eye 19 0.1 5 " 0.1 “ 4 * 0.1 * 10 " 0.3 " Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 105 0.6 10 0.4 62 1.2 23 0.3 " 8 " 0.3 " 2 " 0.6 ” Hearing impairments 348 2.0 60 2.5 88 1.6 119 1.8 65 2.3 17 4.3 Deafness inboth ears 61 0.3 2 0.1 12 " 0.2 * 25 " 0.4 17 " 0.6 " 5 * 1.2 " Hearing impairment in both ears 154 0.9 32 1.3 27 0.5 58 0.9 33 1.2 5 " 1.3 ” Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 72 0.4 17 0.7 30 * 0.6 22 * 0.3 * 4 * 0.1 * . . Deafness, unknown if in both ears 18 0.1 1 0.1 8 * 0.1 " . 4 * 0.2 “ 4 " 1.0 “‘ Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 43 0.2 8 0.4 11 " 0.2 * 14 ” 0.2 * 7 " 0.2 * 3 " 0.8 " Speech impairments 220 1.2 180 7.5 26 0.5 12 0.2 2 0.1 Stammering or stuttering 32 0.2 26 1.1 4 * 0.1 " 2 " . . . Other speech impairment 188 1.1 154 6.4 22 ‘ 0.4 " 10 * 0.1 " 2 ” 0.1 ' Loss or impairment of sensation 70 0.4 1 . 47 0.9 21 " 0.3 " 1 " . . . Learning disability and mental retardation 881 5.0 547 22.7 261 4.9 65 1.0 5 0.2 2 0.5 Learning disability 144 0.8 115 4.8 20 " 0.4 * 8 * 0.1 * . . . . Mental retardation/Down's syndrome 737 4.1 432 17.9 241 4.5 57 0.8 5 " 0.2 ' 2 " 0.5 " Absence or loss 292 1.6 9 0.4 77 1.4 146 2.2 57 2.0 4 1.0 Absence or loss, upper extremity 51 0.3 2 0.1 20 * 0.4 25 " 0.4 4 * 0.1 " Absence or loss, lower extremity 117 0.7 . . 32 0.6 65 1.0 20 * 0.7 " Absence or loss of lung or kidney 23 0.1 5 0.2 4 " 0.1 * 6 * 0.1 ’° 8 " 0.3 " Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 101 0.6 2 0.1 21 " 0.4 " 50 0.7 25 0.9 4 " 1.0 " Paralysis 325 1.8 53 2.2 146 2.7 96 1.4 27 0.9 2 0.5 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 34 0.2 29 0.5 ' 5 " 0.1 " Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 18 0.1 1 2 " . 12 * 0.2 " 3 * 0.1 " Paralysis of upper extremities 12 0.1 7 * 0.1 " 5 " 0.1 "‘ . . Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 35 0.2 . . 17 * 0.3 " 15 " 0.2 " 3 " 0.1 " Cerebral palsy 113 0.6 42 1.8 57 1.1 9 " 0.1 * 4 " 0.2 " Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 27 0.1 12 * 0.2 " 9 " 0.1 " 6 * 0.2 " . . Partial paralysis of upper extremity 15 0.1 2 " . 9 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 * 2 " 0.4 ‘ Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 15 0.1 4 * 0.1 * 9 * 0.1 " 2 ” 0.1 " Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 8 . . . 4 ” 0.1 " 4 * 0.1 " . . Paralysis of other extremity, complete or partial 48 0.3 10 0.4 12 * 0.2 * 19 * 0.3 7 " 0.3 " . . Deformities 245 1.4 55 2.3 122 2.3 62 0.9 6 0.2 3 0.8 Curvature of spine or back 91 0.5 12 0.5 53 1.0 23 0.3 " . . 3 * 0.7 " Spina bifida 29 0.2 9 0.4 17 * 0.3 " 2 " 2 " 0.1 " Congenital dislocation/ deformity of hip and/ or pelvis 42 0.2 2 0.1 22 * 0.4 " 19 ’* 0.3 " Deformity of lower extremity 11 0.1 2 0.1 7 * 0.1 * 2 " Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity 72 0.4 30 1.2 23 0.4 * 16 " 0.2 " 4 "’ 0.1 * . . Orthopedic impairments 3,085 17.3 42 1.7 1,589 29.6 1,189 17.6 234 8.2 33 8.4 Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 1,408 7.9 4 0.2 733 13.7 603 8.9 65 2.3 2 " 0.5 ’ 96 Disability Statistics Report Table 6a: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and / or upper extremities 397 2.2 . . 226 4.2 153 2.3 18 " 0.6 " . Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis 128 0.7 2 0.1 36 0.7 52 0.8 28 1.0 11 " Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 1,086 6.1 30 1.2 559 10.4 360 5.3 120 4.2 18 " Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites 66 0.4 6 0.3 35 0.6 21 * 0.3 " 3 " 0.1 ” 2 ‘ Other and ill-defined impairments 91 0.5 29 1.2 37 0.7 15 " 0.2 * 11 " 0.4 " PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 11,939 67.1 1,417 58.7 2,860 53.3 4,978 73.6 2,386 83.8 310 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001—139) 63 0.4 12 0.5 20 0.4 25 > 0.4 3 0.1 2 Tuberculosis, all sites 20 0.1 7 0.3 6 ‘ 0.1 ' 6 " 0.1 * Herpes (zoster or simplex) 8 * . . . 4 " 0.1 ‘ 2 " . . . 2 " Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 35 0.2 5 0.2 10 ” 0.2 " 17 * 0.2 * 3 " 0.1 " . CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140—239) 481 2.7 11 0.5 64 1.2 261 3.9 132 4.6 12 Cancer (140-208) 447 2.5 4 0.2 46 0.9 252 3.7 132 4.6 12 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 15 " 0.1 " . . 5 * 0.1 " 8 " 0.1 * 2 " 0.1 " Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosig-moid junction, and anus 62 0.3 . . . . 38 0.6 24 " 0.9 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 26 0.1 " . . 1 " . 15 * 0.2 " 8 " 0.3 " 2 " Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 93 0.5 . . 2 ” . 65 1.0 26 0.9 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage l7 " 0.1 “ . . 4 "’ 0.1 " 9 "’ 0.1 " 4 “ 0.1 " . Malignant neoplasm of skin 7 ’ . 1 ‘ . 4 " 0.1 ' . . 2 * Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs 101 0.6 . . 7 * 0.1 * 57 0.8 32 1.1 4 ” Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 42 0.2 * . . 6 '* 0.1 ‘ 18 " 0.3 " 15 " 0.5 " 2 * Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 33 0.2 2 0.1 4 " 0.1 " 20 " 0.3 " 7 " 0.3 " Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 21 * 0.1 " 2 0.1 8 " 0.1 " 6 ' 0.1 " 6 " 0.2 * Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 30 0.2 . . 8 " 0.1 ’ 12 " 0.2 " 8 * 0.3 " 2 * Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210-239) 34 0.2 7 0.3 18 0.3 9 0.1 0 0.0 0 Benign neoplasms 26 " 0.1 " 7 0.3 10 ‘ 0.2 " 9 " 0.1 * Neoplasm of unspecified nature 8 " . . . 8 " 0.2 " CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240—279) 669 3.8 25 1.0 180 3.4 313 4.6 141 5.0 11 Thyroid disorders (240-246) 9 0.1 2 0.1 2 0.0 5 0.1 0 0.0 0 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 6 " . 2 0.1 2 * . 2 * Other disorders of thyroid 3 " . . . . . 3 * . . . . Diabetes (250) 524 2.9 9 0.4 135 2.5 252 3.7 121 4.2 7 Diabetes mellitus with complication 43 0.2 . . 17 " 0.3 " 19 " 0.3 7 " 0.3 " Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 481 2.7 9 0.4 118 2.2 233 3.4 114 4.0 7 * Other (251-279) 136 0.8 14 0.6 43 0.8 56 0.8 20 0.7 4 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 11 " 0.1 . . 2 ‘* . 6 " 0.1 " 3 * 0.1 " _ . Gout 61 0.3 . . 9 " 0.2 " 36 0.5 13 ' 0.5 * 4 " Obesity and other hyperalirnentation 34 0.2 . . 26 " 0.5 " 8 " 0.1 " Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 30 0.2 14 0.6 6 ‘ 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 * 4 " 0.2 * CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD—FORMING ORGANS (280—289) 43 0.2 19 0.8 13 0.2 9 0.1 0 0.0 0 2.7 " 4.6 ” 0.5 " 79.3 0.5 0.5 " 3.1 3.1 0.5 '° 0.6 * 1.0 " 0.5 ‘ 0.5 " 0.0 2.8 0.0 1.8 1.8 * 1.0 1.0 " 0.0 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 97 Table 6a: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Anemias 27 0.2 16 0.7 8 “ 0.2 " 2 " . Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 16 " 0.1 3 0.1 5 " 0.1 " 7 " 0.1 " CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290—316) excluding mental retardation 825 4.6 283 11.7 291 5.4 203 3.0 40 1.4 9 2.3 Psychoses (290-299) 237 1.3 22 0.9 143 2.7 58 0.9 13 0.5 2 0.5 Schizophrenic psychoses 135 0.8 2 0.1 105 2.0 26 " 0.4 * 2 ‘ 0.1 "' Affective psychoses 50 0.3 6 0.2 25 * 0.5 20 * 0.3 " . . . . Other psychoses 52 0.3 14 0.6 13 " 0.3 * 12 " 0.2 ” 11 " 0.4 " 2 " 0.5 ’° Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300-316) 588 3.3 261 10.8 148 2.8 145 2.1 27 0.9 7 1.8 Anxiety states 12 * 0.1 "' . . 2 " . 10 " 0.1 " . . Other neurotic disorders 143 0.8 22 0.9 64 1.2 50 0.7 8 0.3 " Alcohol and drug dependence 64 0.4 4 0.2 31 0.6 V 19 * 0.3 10 " 0.3 * Adjustment reaction 69 0.4 8 0.3 23 ’* 0.4 " 36 0.5 2 " 0.1 * . . Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 53 0.3 5 0.2 15 " 0.3 * 20 " 0.3 " 5 " 0.2 " 7 * 1.8 " Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 190 1.1 188 7.8 2 " . . . . . Other mental illness/ disorder 57 0.3 34 1.4 11 "‘ 0.2 * 10 * 0.1 * 2 " 0.1 " CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320—389) 1,092 6.1 122 5.1 375 7.0 347 5.1 214 7.5 34 8.7 Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) 710 4.0 67 2.8 261 4.9 264 3.9 105 3.7 12 3.1 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 46 0.3 . . . . 14 " 0.2 * 30 1.0 2 " 0.5 " Parkinson's disease 79 0.4 . . 2 * . 30 0.4 " 40 1.4 6 * 1.7 " Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 52 0.3 . . 17 " 0.3 " 31 0.5 2 * 0.1 " 2 " 0.5 " Multiple sclerosis 63 0.4 . . 16 * 0.3 * 48 0.7 . . Epilepsy 200 1.1 39 1.6 103 1.9 46 0.7 11 ” 0.4 " Migraine 32 0.2 8 0.3 12 " 0.2 * 12 * 0.2 * Other and unspecified disorders of the central nervous system 60 0.3 12 0.5 23 " 0.4 " 19 " 0.3 4 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.6 " Nerve root and plexus disorders 21 * 0.1 ‘ . . 9 " 0.2 * 10 * 0.2 * 2 " 0.1 * Carpal tunnel syndrome 44 0.2 . . 26 " 0.5 ~ 18 ” 0.3 " . . Mononeuritis of lower limb 40 0.2 . . 20 " 0.4 18 " 0.3 2 " 0.1 " Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 73 0.4 8 0.3 33 0.6 18 * 0.3 14 " 0.5 * . . Disorders of the eye (360-379) 316 1.8 21 0.9 101 1.9 71 1.0 105 3.7 20 5.1 Retinal detachments and defects 8 * . . . 3 " . . . 6 " 0.2 * . . Macular degeneration 29 0.2 6 0.3 4 * 0.1 " 9 " 0.1 " 8 ” 0.3 " 2 * 0.5 " Other retinal disorders 49 0.3 . . 2 " . 4 * 0.1 " 35 1.2 8 * 2.0 " Glaucoma 75 0.4 3 0.1 9 * 0.2 " 22 * 0.3 " 31 1.1 10 * 2.7 * Cataract 38 0.2 2 0.1 9 * 0.2 " 11 " 0.2 ' 16 " 0.6 * Disorders of refraction and accommodation 21 * 0.1 * 4 0.2 12 * 0.2 " 3 * . 2 * 0.1 " Visual disturbances 28 0.2 4 0.2 14 * 0.3 " 8 ’* 0.1 ‘ 2 * 0.1 " Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements 14 " 0.1 " . . 14 * 0.3 ” . . . . Other disorders of eye 54 0.3 2 0.1 34 * 0.6 * 14 * 0.2 * 5 " 0.2 * . . Disorders of the ear (380-388) 66 0.4 34 1.4 13 0.2 12 0.2 4 0.1 2 0.5 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 28 " 0.2 8 0.4 11 ’* 0.2 * 4 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 ’t . . Other disorders of ear 38 0.2 26 1.1 2 " . 8 " 0.1 " . . 2 " 0.5 * CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 2,787 15.7 27 1.1 189 3.5 1,675 24.8 807 28.3 96 24.6 Heart disease (390-429) 2,028 11.4 17 0.7 139 2.6 1,291 19.1 536 18.8 51 13.0 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) 42 0.2 0 0.0 8 0.1 31 0.5 4 0.1 0 0.0 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 10 ’* 0.1 . . 5 t 0.1 * 5 " 0.1 “ . . Other rheumatic disease 32 0.2 . . 3 " 0.1 " 26 * 0.4 4 " 0.1 * Hypertensive disease (401-405) 306 1.7 4 0.2 39 0.7 197 2.9 62 2.2 4 * 1.1 ” 98 Disability Statistics Report Table 6a: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 1844 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Ischemic heart disease (410—414) 959 5.4 0 0.0 27 0.5 663 9.8 255 9.0 15 Angina pectoris 184 1.0 . 2 " . 120 1.8 57 2.0 6 " Other chronic ischemic heart disease 775 4.4 . . 25 " 0.5 543 8.0 198 7.0 9 " Other forms of heart disease (415-429) 721 4.1 13 0.5 65 1.2 400 5.9 215 7.5 32 Diseases of endocardium 42 0.2 4 0.1 7 " 0.1 t 21 * 0.3 7 't 0.2 " 4 ‘ Cardiomyopathy 25 ‘ 0.1 * . . 11 " 0.2 * 13 * 0.2 ‘ 2 “ 0.1 * . Conduction disorders 61 0.3 . . 5 t 0.1 " 42 0.6 12 " 0.4 * 3 " Cardiac dysrhythmias 100 0.6 . . 12 " 0.2 " 42 0.6 38 1.3 8 " Heart failure 100 0.6 . . 9 " 0.2 t 47 0.7 39 1.4 6 " Other heart disease 393 2.2 9 0.4 21 ‘ 0.4 " 235 3.5 117 4.1 11 ‘ Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) 422 2.4 6 0.2 12 ‘ 0.2 " 198 2.9 179 6.3 28 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440—448) 184 1.0 1 0.0 5 0.1 112 1.7 55 1.9 10 Atherosclerosis 85 0.5 . . . . 53 0.8 24 t 0.9 8 " Aortic aneurysm 17 " 0.1 . . . . 9 ‘ 0.1 " 8 t 0.3 " Arterial embolism and thrombosis 48 0.3 . . . . 30 " 0.4 ” l7 " 0.6 " . Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 34 0.2 1 . 5 " 0.1 " 20 " 0.3 * 6 " 0.2 * 2 " Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451-459) 153 0.9 3 0.1 33 0.6 74 1.1 37 1.3 7 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 18 " 0.1 . . 4 t 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 * 9 " 0.3 * Varicose veins of lower extremities 28 ” 0.2 . . 15 * 0.3 * 9 " 0.1 " 4 ’ 0.1 Hemorrhoids 9 " . . . 4 * 0.1 " 5 “ 0.1 * . . . Other disorders of circulatory system 98 0.5 3 0.1 10 * 0.2 t 54 0.8 24 0.8 7 ‘ CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460—519) 1,687 9.5 634 26.3 321 6.0 404 6.0 302 10.6 26 Chronic sinusitis 21 " 0.1 * 4 0.2 11 " 0.2 " 4 * 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 * . Allergic rhinitis 86 0.5 29 1.2 44 0.8 5 * 0.1 " 6 t 0.2 ” 2 ‘ Chronic bronchitis 53 0.3 20 0.8 8 " 0.2 * 18 t 0.3 5 ' 0.2 * 2 * Emphysema 385 2.2 . . 7 " 0.1 " 179 2.6 187 6.6 12 " Asthma 964 5.4 572 23.7 214 4.0 126 1.9 46 1.6 5 " Pneumoconiosis 25 0.1 " . . 2 ” . 12 * 0.2 ” 11 * 0.4 " . Other diseases of respiratory system 153 0.9 9 0.4 35 0.6 60 0.9 45 1.6 5 '* CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520—579) 348 2.0 34 1.4 107 2.0 168 2.5 43 1.5 0 Diseases of esophagus 8 * . 1 . 2 " . 4 ” 0.1 t 2 * 0.1 " Gastric ulcer 37 0.2 . . 9 " 0.2 " 23 0.3 6 " 0.2 " Other peptic ulcer 11 " 0.1 . . 3 " . 5 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 “ Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 34 0.2 13 0.5 5 t 0.1 * 15 " 0.2 t 2 * 0.1 “ Hernia 106 0.6 3 0.1 33 ‘ 0.6 * 62 0.9 9 " 0.3 * Enteritis or colitis 55 0.3 4 0.2 28 ' 0.5 " 15 “ 0.2 * 7 t 0.3 ’t Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 32 0.2 9 0.4 2 " . 11 " 0.2 10 * 0.4 " Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 37 0.2 . . 19 " 0.4 18 " 0.3 Cholelithiasis 4 * . . . . . 4 " 0.1 * . . Other digestive diseases 24 0.1 ‘ 4 0.2 6 * 0.1 " 11 * 0.2 " 3 " 0.1 “ CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580—629) 149 0.8 15 0.6 50 0.9 62 0.9 21 0.7 l Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or nephrosis 50 0.3 2 0.1 24 " 0.4 " 19 * 0.3 " 6 " 0.2 * Calculus of kidney 9 ” 0.1 . . 5 * 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 " . . Other disorders of kidney and ureter 49 0.3 9 0.4 16 " 0.3 * 20 " 0.3 ' 4 ’ 0.1 '° . Disorders of bladder, urethra, and urinary tract 16 " 0.1 4 0.2 1 t . 4 " 0.1 " 5 * 0.2 t 1 “ Disorders of male genital organs 25 t 0.1 " . . 4 " 0.1 " 15 " 0.2‘ 6 '* 0.2" 3.8 1.5 ‘ 2.2 " 8.2 0.9 " 0.7 " 2.0 " 1.4 " 2.8 * 7.2 2.6 2.0 " 0.5 ‘ 1.8 1.9 ‘ 6.6 0.5 " 0.5 * 3.1 " 1.3 " 1.2 " 0.0 0.3 0.3 ” Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 99 Table 6a: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian N on-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680—709) 58 0.3 11 0.5 24 0.4 12 0.2 12 0.4 0 0.0 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 17 ' 0.1 5 0.2 10 * 0.2 " 2 " 0.1 " Psoriasis and similar disorders 12 * 0.1 . . 4 " 0.1 ‘ 6 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 " Chronic ulcer of skin 6 " . . . . 2 ” . 4 " 0.1 " Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 23 0.1 * 6 0.2 10 " 0.2 " 4 * 0.1 4 ” 0.1 " CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIV E TISSUE (710—739) 2,571 14.5 18 0.7 861 16.0 1,138 16.8 494 17.3 60 15.3 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 12 " 0.1 1 . 4 “ 0.1 * 5 * 0.1 " 3 " 0.1 * Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 107 0.6 . . 22 " 0.4 * 48 0.7 33 1.2 4 " 0.9 " Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 931 5.2 . . 144 2.7 413 6.1 329 11.6 45 11.4 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 20 * 0.1 * 2 0.1 10 * 0.2 " 8 " 0.1 " . . Spondylosis and allied disorders 134 0.8 2 0.1 31 0.6 74 1.1 27 ' 1.0 " Intervertebral disc disorders 1,130 6.4 2 0.1 558 10.4 505 7.5 64 2.2 Other and unspecified disorders of back 36 0.2 . . 18 '° 0.3 ' 15 " 0.2 " 4 * 0.1 * . . Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 60 0.3 2 0.1 25 0.5 28 0.4 2 " 0.1 * 2 * 0.5 " Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 17 ” 0.1 2 0.1 9 ” 0.2 " 6 ” 0.1 " . . . . Other disorders of soft tissues 24 0.1 " 9 " 0.2 * 8 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.2 * 3 " 0.8 * Osteoporosis 15 * 0.1 2 ” . 4 * 0.1 ‘ 9 * 0.3 " Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 85 0.5 7 0.3 29 0.5 " 24 " 0.4 19 0.7 6 " 1.5 " CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL AN OMALIES (740—759) 107 0.6 39 1.6 23 0.4 32 0.5 13 0.5 0 0.0 Congenital anomalies of heart 38 0.2 4 0.2 4 " 0.1 * 23 ‘ 0.3 " 7 * 0.3 " Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 69 0.4 35 1.5 19 * 0.3 " 9 " 0.1 " 6 * 0.2 " CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760—779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL—DEFINED CONDITIONS (780—799) 750 4.2 136 5.6 236 4.4 200 3.0 122 4.3 57 14.6 Dizziness and giddiness 25 0.1 " 2 0.1 3 * 0.1 " 10 ” 0.2 ” 6 " 0.2 " 4 " 1.0 " Malaise and fatigue 18 " 0.1 " 2 0.1 5 * 0.1 * 6 " 0.1 " 6 " 0.2 * Headache 55 0.3 8 0.3 32 " 0.6 " 13 " 0.2 " l " . . . Cardiovascular symptoms 43 0.2 8 0.3 10 " 0.2 ‘ 13 * 0.2 * 6 " 0.2 * 6 " 1.6 " Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 78 0.4 14 0.6 12 " 0.2 * 37 0.5 12 ” 0.4 '* 4 " 1.0 * Senility without mention of psychosis 117 0.7 . . . . 23 ’ 0.3 " 55 1.9 40 10.1 Nervousness 75 0.4 4 0.2 39 ” 0.7 * 23 0.3 8 " 0.3 ” Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 339 1.9 98 4.1 135 2.5 75 1.1 28 1.0 3 ‘ 0.7 ” CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800—999) 309 1.7 31 1.3 106 2.0 129 1.9 42 1.5 2 0.5 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 120 0.7 8 0.3 57 1.1 45 0.7 8 " 0.3 " 2 ‘* 0.5 " Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 79 0.4 10 0.4 36 0.7 22 " 0.3 " 12 ‘ 0.4 " Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 110 0.6 13 0.5 13 " 0.2" 62 0.9 22 " 0.8 100 Disability Statistics Report Table 6a: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 1844 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution FEMALE ALL CONDITIONS 19,950 100.0 1,632 100.0 5,316 100.0 7,978 100.0 3,929 100.0 1,094 100.0 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 5,080 25.5 683 41.9 1,922 36.2 1,600 20.1 672 17.1 207 18.9 Visual impairments 277 1.4 21 1.3 58 1.1 65 0.8 98 2.5 35 3.2 Blindness in both eyes 96 0.5 4 0.2 28 0.5 20 0.3 32 0.8 12 " 1.1 * Visual impairment in both eyes 105 0.5 16 1.0 8 0.2 " 20 " 0.3 45 1.1 15 * 1.4 * Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 14 0.1 4 0.1 * 6 " 0.1 " 5 * 0.1 * Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 62 0.3 1 0.1 18 0.3 * 19 " 0.2 * 16 " 0.4 " 8 " 0.7 " Hearing impairments 307 1.5 66 4.0 94 1.8 47 0.6 64 1.6 37 3.4 Deafness in both ears 67 0.3 10 0.6 14 0.3 20 " 0.3 19 " 0.5 4 " 0.3 * Hearing impairment in both ears 116 0.6 39 2.4 31 0.6 7 " 0.1 * 22 " 0.6 16 “ 1.5 " Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 50 0.3 11 0.6 16 0.3 " 10 " 0.1 " 12 " 0.3 ’* 2 * 0.2 * Deafness, unknown if in both ears 24 0.1 * . . 21 0.4 * . . 2 * . 2 * 0.2 " Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 50 0.2 6 0.4 12 0.2 * 10 " 0.1 " 9 " 0.2 " 13 * 1.2 " Speech impairments 94 0.5 77 4.7 10 0.2 2 0.0 4 0.1 0 0.0 Stammering or stuttering 6 . 3 0.2 2 . . . . Other speech impairment 88 0.4 74 4.5 8 0.1 " 2 * . 4 * 0.1 * . . Loss or impairment of sensation 24 0.1 . 10 0.2 " 12 " 0.2 . . 2 " 0.2 ” Learning disability and mental retardation 507 2.5 315 19.3 157 3.0 30 0.4 5 0.1 0 0.0 Learning disability 47 0.2 40 2.4 5 0.1 ” 2 “ . . . Mental retardation/Down's syndrome 460 2.3 275 16.9 152 2.9 28 " 0.4 5 " 0.1 * . . Absence or loss 184 0.9 4 0.2 26 0.5 70 0.9 71 1.8 14 1.3 Absence or loss, upper extremity 6 . 2 . . . 2 ‘ . 2 ” 0.2 " Absence or loss, lower extremity 52 0.3 . 14 0.3 * 20 * 0.3 17 " 0.4 " 2 ‘ 0.1 * Absence or loss of lung or kidney 19 0.1 4 0.3 3 0.1 " 6 ” 0.1 " 6 ” 0.2 * Absence or loss of breast 13 0.1 2 7 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 " Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 94 0.5 . 5 0.1 * 37 0.5 42 1.1 10 * 0.9 " Paralysis 221 1.1 50 3.1 64 1.2 55 0.7 41 1.0 10 0.9 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 8 1 0.1 7 0.1 " 1 " 0.1 " Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 18 0.1 2 9 " 0.1 * 4 " 0.1 ” 3 * 0.3 " Paralysis of upper extremities 5 . . . . . 3 * 0.1 * 2 * 0.2 " Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 12 0.1 . . 3 0.1 ” 6 ” 0.1 " 3 " 0.1 " Cerebral palsy 68 0.3 42 2.6 21 0.4 4 " 0.1 " Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 35 0.2 2 0.1 13 0.2 " 14 “ 0.2 * 6 " 0.2 " Partial paralysis of upper extremity 15 0.1 " 6 ” 0.1 '* 9 * 0.2 * . . Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 6 . . . . . 4 ” 0.1 * 2 " 0.2 * Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 14 0.1 . . 4 0.1 * 4 * 0.1 ‘ 5 * 0.1 " . . Paralysis of other extremity, complete or partial 40 0.2 5 0.3 14 0.3 * 12 " 0.1 * 7 * 0.2 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.2 " Deformities 382 1.9 57 3.5 195 3.7 96 1.2 32 0.8 4 0.4 Curvature of spine or back 221 1.1 24 1.5 121 2.3 55 0.7 18 " 0.5 4 * 0.4 * Spina bifida 22 0.1 8 0.5 10 0.2 * 4 " Congenital dislocation / deformity of hip and / or pelvis 29 0.1 " 5 0.3 14 0.3 * 8 " 0.1 ’* 2 ” Deformity of lower extremity 22 0.1 "“ 8 0.5 11 0.2 " 2 " 2 " Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity 88 0.4 12 0.7 39 0.7 27 0.3 10 " 0.3 “ . . Orthopedic impairments 3,025 15.2 74 4.5 1,286 24.2 1,211 15.2 353 9.0 103 9.4 Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 1,538 7.7 7 0.4 727 13.7 677 8.5 111 2.8 16 * 1.5 " Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table 6a: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing 101 Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and / or upper extremities 378 1.9 9 0.5 183 3.4 148 1.9 35 0.9 4 * 0.4 * Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis 204 1.0 4 0.2 43 0.8 47 0.6 73 1.8 37 3.4 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 833 4.2 54 3.3 312 5.9 316 4.0 118 3.0 34 3.1 Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites 72 0.4 . . 21 " 0.4 " 23 0.3 16 * 0.4 " 12 " 1.1 * Other and ill-defined impairments 59 0.3 19 1.1 22 * 0.4 * 12 * 0.2 4 * 0.1 " 2 " 0.2 * PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 14,865 74.5 955 58.5 3,391 63.8 6,379 80.0 3,260 83.0 894 81.7 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001—139) 187 0.9 27 1.7 69 1.3 66 0.8 18 0.5 8 0.7 Tuberculosis, all sites 90 0.4 10 0.6 45 0.9 27 0.3 6 * 0.1 ” 2 " 0.2 " Herpes (zoster or simplex) 19 * 0.1 4 0.2 2 ’* 4 " 4 " 0.1 * 6 " 0.6 " Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 78 0.4 13 0.8 22 " 0.4 " 35 0.4 8 " 0.2 ” . . CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) 604 3.0 21 1.3 127 2.4 319 4.0 126 3.2 13 1.2 Cancer (140-208) 473 2.4 9 0.6 83 1.6 253 3.2 117 3.0 13 1.2 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 11 * 0.1 . . 2 " 5 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 * Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 34 0.2 17 * 0.2 ” 14 " 0.4 " 4 ” 0.3 " Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 35 0.2 . . 6 " 0.1 * 18 " 0.2 "‘ 7 " 0.2 "’ 5 " 0.5 " Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 31 0.2 . . 5 '* 0.1 " 19 " 0.2 " 6 " 0.2 " Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 26 0.1 * . . 7 ” 0.1 * 12 " 0.1 * 8 ” 0.2 * Malignant neoplasm of skin 8 " . . . 5 ‘ 0.1 ” . . 3 * 0.1 ‘ . . Malignant neoplasm of female breast 156 0.8 . . 30 0.6 96 1.2 29 0.7 2 0.2 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs 47 0.2 . . 8 " 0.1 " 33 0.4 6 " 0.2 " Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 4 " 4 " Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 71 0.4 2 0.1 15 * 0.3 " 36 0.5 17 " 0.4 " Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 15 * 0 1 2 0.1 5 " 0 1 * 2 " 6 " 0.1 " Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 35 0.2 5 0.3 . . 11 * 0.1 * 17 " 0.4 " 2 " 0.2 " Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210-239) 131 0.7 12 0.7 44 0.8 66 0.8 9 0.2 0 0.0 Benign neoplasms 101 0.5 10 0.6 33 0.6 53 0.7 5 ” 0.1 * Neoplasm of unspecified nature 30 0.2 2 0.1 11 " 0.2 ‘ 13 ‘ 0.2 4 * 0.1 " CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240—279) 856 4.3 35 2.1 177 3.3 450 5.6 162 4.1 33 3.0 Thyroid disorders (240-246) 59 0.3 10 0.6 22 0.4 22 0.3 2 0.1 4 0.4 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 38 0.2 9 0.5 9 “ 0.2 " 20 " 0.3 . . . Other disorders of thyroid 21 0.1 1 0.1 13 * 0.2 ‘ 2 “ . 2 " . 4 * 0.3 " Diabetes (250) 665 3.3 12 0.7 116 2.2 372 4.7 142 3.6 23 2.1 Diabetes mellitus with complication 27 0.1 " . . 12 * 0.2 " 13 ‘ 0.2 2 " 0.1 * Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 638 3.2 12 0.7 104 2.0 359 4.5 140 3.6 23 " 2.1 Other (251-279) 132 0.7 13 0.8 39 0.7 56 0.7 18 0.5 6 0.5 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 19 * 0.1 14 ‘ 0.2 * 5 * 0.1 " . . Gout 17 ’* 0.1 . . . 6 * 0.1 ‘° 7 ‘ 0.2 " 4 ” 0.4 " Obesity and other hyperalimentation 38 0.2 5 0.3 14 " 0.3 * 17 " 0.2 " 2 ' Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic,land immune disorders 58 0.3 8 0.5 25 * 0.5 ’* 19 ‘ 0.2 * 4 " 0.1 * 2 " 0.2 * 102 Disability Statistics Report Table 6a: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation Alléges Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD—FORMING ORGANS (280—289) 60 0.3 7 0.4 22 0.4 14 0.2 15 0.4 1 . 0.1 Anemias 37 0.2 4 0.2 14 “ 0.3 " 11 * 0.1 * 7 ‘ 0.2 * . . Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 23 * 0.1 * 3 0.2 8 " 0.1 " '- 3 * . 8 " 0.2 * 1 " 0.1 ” CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290—316) excluding mental retardation 668 3.3 100 6.1 303 5.7 204 2.6 55 1.4 9 0.8 Psychoses (290-299) 178 0.9 1 0.1 92 1.7 54 0.7 24 0.6 9 0.8 Schizophrenic psychoses 65 0.3 . . 39 0.7 24 * 0.3 2 ' 0.1 " Affective psychoses 74 0.4 . . 52 1.0 21 * 0.3 2 " . . . Other psychoses 39 0.2 1 0.1 1 " . 9 ” 0.1 " 20 ’t 0.5 " 9 " 0.8 " Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300—316) 490 2.5 99 6.1 211 4.0 150 1.9 31 0.8 0 0.0 Anxiety states 44 * 0.2 . . 28 * 0.5 14 " 0.2 " 2 * . Other neurotic disorders 170 0.9 14 0.9 86 1.6 56 0.7 14 0.4 " Alcohol or drug dependence 18 * 0.1 4 0.2 12 " 0.2 " 2 " . . . Adjustment reaction 48 0.2 9 0.5 27 0.5 8 " 0.1 * 5 " 0.1 " Depressive disorders, not elsewhere classified 99 0.5 9 0.5 33 0.6 53 0.7 4 * 0.1 * Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 41 0.2 40 2.4 1 " . . . . . Other mental illness/ disorder 70 0.4 23 1.4 24 " 0.5 17 * 0.2 " 6 " 0.2 * CPMPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGAN S (320—389) 1,491 7.5 126 7.7 483 9.1 479 6.0 301 7.7 103 9.4 Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) 1,006 5.0 80 4.9 411 7.7 334 4.2 142 3.6 40 3.7 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 91 0.5 2 0.1 2 * . 9 " 0.1 * 55 1.4 23 " 2.1 " Parkinson's disease 46 0.2 . . . . 14 * 0.2 27 0.7 6 " 0.5 " Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 29 0.1 * . . 8 “ 0.1 " 13 * 0.2 8 " 0.2 " Multiple sclerosis 150 0.8 . . 76 1.4 63 0.8 10 * 0.3 * Epilepsy 184 0.9 43 2.6 93 1.7 41 0.5 7 " 0.2 * Migraine 144 0.7 23 1.4 63 1.2 56 0.7 2 * 0.1 ‘ Other and unspecified disorders of the nervous system 79 0.4 5 0.3 27 0.5 26 0.3 14 t 0.3 * 7 " 0.7 " Nerve root and plexus disorders 32 0.2 . . 11 " 0.2 " 21 0.3 Carpal tunnel syndrome 140 0.7 . . 86 1.6 54 0.7 . . . . Mononeuritis of lower limb 66 0.3 . . 28 * 0.5 " 23 " 0.3 13 * 0.3 " 2 ’ 0.2 * Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 45 0.2 7 0.4 17 * 0.3 * 14 " 0.2 6 * 0.1 * 2 * 0.2 * Disorders of the eye (360-379) 410 2.1 14 0.9 63 1.2 125 1.6 149 3.8 60 5.5 Retinal detachments and defects 19 " 0.1 . . 1 * . 13 * 0.2 2 * . 4 * 0.3 * Other retinal disorders 48 0.2 . . 8 " 0.1 " 8 " 0.1 ‘ 19 ‘t 0.5 * 12 " 1.1 * Macular degeneration 77 0.4 .V . 4 " 0.1 * 16 " 0.2 “ 38 1.0 20 * 1.8 ” Glaucoma 101 0.5 . . 13 * 0.3 ” 35 0.4 38 1.0 15 " 1.4 * Cataract 84 0.4 4 0.2 8 ” 0.2 " 25 0.3 40 1.0 7 * 0.7 " Disorders of refraction and accommodation 26 0.1 * 4 0.2 16 " 0.3 * 6 ‘ 0.1 * Visual disturbances 4 " . . . . . 2 " . 2 * Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements 4 " . 2 0.1 . . 2 * . . . . . Other disorders of eye 47 0.2 4 0.2 13 * 0.2 " 18 “ 0.2 * 10 “ 0.3 " 2 't 0.2 " Disorders of the ear (380-388) 75 0.4 32 2.0 9 0.2 20 0.3 10 0.3 3 0.3 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 39 0.2 15 0.9 4 " 0.1 t 12 " 0.2 * 6 * 0.2 ” 1 “ 0.1 " Other disorders of ear 36 0.2 17 1.1 5 * 0.1 ‘ 8 * 0.1 * 4 " 0.1 " 2 * 0.2 " CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390—459) 2,609 13.1 23 1.4 229 4.3 1,286 16.1 818 20.8 254 23.2 Heart disease (390-429) 1,943 9.7 12 0.7 177 3.3 994 12.5 588 15.0 172 15.7 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) 126 0.6 0 0.0 37 0.7 69 0.9 17 0.4 2 0.2 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 74 0.4 . . 26 " 0.5 40 0.5 8 ‘ 0.2 “ Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 103 Table 6a: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Other rheumatic disease 52 0.3 . 11 " 0.2 ” 29 0.4 9 0.2 " 2 " 0.2 ” Hypertensive disease (401-405) 524 2.6 1 0.1 65 1.2 345 4.3 90 2.3 23 ” 2.1 " Ischemic heart disease (410-414) 525 2.6 0 0.0 18 0.3 270 3.4 172 4.4 65 5.9 Angina pectoris 205 1.0 4 " 0.1 " 92 1.2 76 1.9 33 3.1 Other chronic ischemic heart disease 320 1.6 . 14 " 0.3 " 178 2.2 96 2.4 32 2.9 Other forms of heart disease (415-429) 768 3.8 11 0.7 57 1.1 310 3.9 309 7.9 82 7.5 Diseases of endocardium 69 0.3 2 0.1 14 " 0.3 " 25 0.3 21 0.5 " 6 " 0.5 " Cardiomyopathy 18 0.1 2 0.1 6 ‘ 0.1 " 8 0.1 " 2 . Conduction disorders 29 0.1 " 2 0.2 2 * . 22 0.3 3 0.1 * . . Cardiac dysrhythmias 139 0.7 7 " 0.1 * 60 0.7 59 1.5 14 * 1.3 " Heart failure 127 0.6 . 6 “ 0.1 ‘ 46 0.6 56 1.4 20 " 1.8 " Other heart disease 386 1.9 5 0.3 22 * 0.4 " 149 1.9 168 4.3 42 3.8 Cerebrovascular disease (430438) 388 1.9 9 0.5 12 ‘ 0.2 " 152 1.9 155 3.9 60 5.5 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) 117 0.6 2 0.1 11 0.2 51 0.6 39 1.0 14 1.3 Atherosclerosis 45 0.2 . 21 0.3 10 0.3 " 14 " 1.2 " Aortic aneurysm 9 . 1 * 4 0.1 3 0.1 " Arterial embolism and thrombosis 29 0.1 '* . . . 15 0.2 " 14 0.3 " Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 34 0.2 2 0.1 10 * 0.2 * 11 0.1 ’t 12 0.3 * Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451—459) 161 0.8 0 0.0 29 0.5 89 1.1 36 0.9 8 0.7 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 50 0.3 10 " 0.2 " 28 0.3 " 11 0.3 ' 2 * 0.2 " Varicose veins of lower extremities 39 0.2 6 " 0.1 " 28 0.3 " 5 0.1 " Hemorrhoids 11 0.1 2 * . 9 0.1 't . . . . Other disorders of circulatory system 61 0.3 11 "‘ 0.2 " 24 0.3 20 0.5 * 6 ” 0.5 " CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460-519) 1,592 8.0 405 24.8 455 8.6 534 6.7 182 4.6 15 1.4 Chronic sinusitis 41 0.2 12 0.7 14 " 0.3 * 14 0.2 " . . 2 * 0.2 " Allergic rhinitis 77 0.4 23 1.4 27 0.5 23 0.3 4 0.1 * . . Chronic bronchitis 79 0.4 18 1.1 12 " 0.2 " 35 0.4 10 0.3 * 4 " 0.3 * Emphysema 205 1.0 . 2 " . 135 1.7 66 1.7 2 " 0.2 " Asthma 1,051 5.3 329 20.2 385 7.2 263 3.3 69 1.8 4 " 0.4 " Pneumoconiosis 2 . . . . . 2 . . . . . Other diseases of respiratory system 137 0.7 23 1.4 15 * 0.3 " 62 0.8 33 0.8 3 " 0.3 " CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520—579) 381 1.9 12 0.7 137 2.6 177 2.2 42 1.1 16 1.5 Diseases of esophagus 8 . 2 0.1 . . 6 0.1 * . . . . Gastric ulcer 25 0.1 " 10 " 0.2 “ 11 0.1 ’ 2 0.1 " 2 " 0.2 * Other peptic ulcer 14 0.1 3 " 0.1 * 10 0.1 ‘ 2 . . . Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 33 0.2 15 0.3 9 0.1 " 6 0.2 " 3 ‘ 0.2 " Hernia 82 0.4 . . 25 * 0.5 47 0.6 6 0.2 " 4 ” 0.3 " Enteritis or colitis 73 0.4 2 0.1 43 0.8 19 0.2 ‘ 10 0.2 ‘ . . Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 53 0.3 2 0.1 9 * 0.2 * 30 0.4 8 0.2 ” 5 " 0.4 ‘ Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 32 0.2 2 0.1 10 * 0.2 " 19 0.2 " . . 2 " 0.2 " Cholelithiasis 17 0.1 2 0.1 4 ” 0.1 * 7 0.1 " 4 0.1 " Other digestive diseases 44 0.2 2 0.1 18 * 0.3 " 19 0.2 * 4 0.1 * CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 258 1.3 16 1.0 126 2.4 99 1.2 19 0.5 0 0.0 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or nephrosis 48 0.2 21 * 0.4 21 0.3 7 0.2 ’* Calculus of kidney 7 . . . 5 ” 0.1 " 2 . . . Other disorders of kidney and ureter 39 0.2 2 0.1 16 * 0.3 ” 13 0.2 8 0.2 '° Disorders of bladder, urethra, or urinary tract 27 0.1 " 2 0.1 10 * 0.2 " 14 0.2 * 2 Endometriosis 33 0.2 29 * 0.5 r 4 104 Table 6a: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Disability Statistics Report Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 1844 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Other disorders of female genital organs 104 0.5 12 0.7 45 0.8 45 0.6 2 ’ 0.1 " CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS 0F PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630—676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680—709) 117 0.6 30 1.8 41 0.8 36 0.5 7 0.2 4 0.4 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 31 0.2 8 0.5 18 ” 0.3 * 5 " 0.1 * Psoriasis and similar disorders 13 0.1 2 “ 11 * 0.1 * . . . . Chronic ulcer of skin 15 0.1 . . 2 ‘ . 6 ‘ 0.1 " 5 “ 0.1 " 2 " 0.2 * Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 58 0.3 22 1.4 19 " 0.4 14 " 0.2 " 2 * 0.1 ‘ 2 * 0.2 ” CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710—739) 4,640 23.3 23 1.4 855 16.1 2,272 28.5 1,208 30.7 282 25.8 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 42 0.2 14 ‘ 0.3 " 24 " 0.3 " 4 * 0.1 * Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 402 2.0 3 0.2 64 1.2 224 2.8 101 2.6 10 " 0.9 " Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 2,258 11.3 5 0.3 146 2.8 1,098 13.8 811 20.7 197 18.0 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 23 0.1 13 " 0.2 " 7 * 0.1 " 4 “ 0.1 * . Spondylosis and allied disorders 305 1.5 46 0.9 174 2.2 70 1.8 13 * 1.2 " Intervertebral disc disorders 889 4.5 393 7.4 436 5.5 57 1.4 3 ‘ 0.2 " Other and unspecified disorders of back 85 0.4 . . 23 “ 0.4 * 42 0.5 17 " 0.4 * 4 * 0.4 " Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 146 0.7 4 0.2 68 1.3 64 0.8 9 " 0.2 ‘ . . Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 75 0.4 3 0.2 25 0.5 40 0.5 4 " 0.1 * 4 ' 0.3 " Other disorders of soft tissues 96 0.5 35 0.7 37 0.5 20 ‘ 0.5 4 " 0.3 ‘ Osteoporosis 199 1.0 4 * 0.1 " 71 0.9 84 2.1 41 3.7 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 120 0.6 8 0.5 24 0.4 " 55 0.7 27 0.7 6 " 0.5 * CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL AN OMALIES (740—759) 103 0.5 42 2.6 29 0.5 27 0.3 5 0.1 0 0.0 Congenital anomalies of heart 46 0.2 24 1.5 12 " 0.2 * 5 * 0.1 " 5 * 0.1 " Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 57 _ 0.3 18 1.1 17 " 0.3 * 22 0.3 CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760—779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL—DEFINED CONDITIONS (780—799) 939 4.7 77 4.7 222 4.2 272 3.4 230 5.9 138 12.6 Dizziness and giddiness 49 0.2 . . 2 " . 9 * 0.1 * 23 “ 0.6 ” 16 " 1.4 " Malaise and fatigue 41 0.2 4 0.2 14 " 0.3 * 19 " 0.2 " 4 "’ 0.1 * Headache 63 0.3 2 0.1 35 0.7 24 " 0.3 2 ‘ 0.1 * . . Cardiovascular symptoms 73 0.4 7 0.5 26 0.5 19 " 0.2 * 17 " 0.4 " 3 " 0.3 ” Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 62 0.3 3 0.2 21 " 0.4 " 18 * 0.2 “ 18 " 0.5 " 2 " 0.2 * Senility without mention of psychosis 228 1.1 . . 22 0.3 104 2.7 102 9.3 Nervousness 100 0.5 36 0.7 53 0.7 11 " 0.3 " Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 323 1.6 61 3.7 88 1.7 108 1.4 51 1.3 15 " 1.3 " CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800—999) 360 1.8 11 0.7 116 2.2 144 1.8 72 1.8 18 1.6 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 99 0.5 38 0.7 28 0.4 21 " 0.5 '* 12 * 1.1 " Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 90 0.5 6 0.3 32 0.6 32 0.4 18 ‘ 0.5 ” 2 " 0.2 " Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 171 0.9 5 0.3 46 0.9 84 1.0 33 0.8 4 " 0.4 ‘. ” Estimate has low statistical reliability (relative standard error > 30%). . No respondents in category Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 105 Table 6b: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of people in thousands and percent distribution ALL CONDITIONS 61,047 100.0 4,974 100.0 14,624 100.0 25,916 100.0 12,761 100.0 2,772 100.0 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 16,327 26.7 2,069 41.6 5,759 39.4 5,600 21.6 2,270 17.8 630 2.7 Visual impairments 1,294 2.1 83 1.7 327 2.2 373 1.4 345 2.7 168 6.1 Blindness in both eyes 332 0.5 17 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 93 0.6 68 0.3 97 0.8 57 2.1 Visual impairment in both eyes 527 0.9 36 0.7 95 0.6 160 0.6 158 1.2 78 2.8 Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 51 0.1 16 ‘ 0.1 * 19 0.1 17 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good Vision or not known 384 0.6 30 0.6 123 0.8 126 0.5 73 0.6 33 1.2 Hearing impairments 1,175 1.9 190 3.8 241 1.6 323 1.2 286 2.2 134 4.8 Deafness in both ears 184 0.3 12 t 0.2 " 33 0.2 62 0.2 48 0.4 28 t 1.0 Hearing impairment in both ears 498 0.8 101 2.0 87 0.6 128 0.5 129 1.0 53 1.9 Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 233 0.4 48 1.0 63 0.4 65 0.3 50 0.4 7 t 0.2 ‘ Deafness, unknown if in both ears 54 0.1 1 t 0.0 29 " 0.2 ‘ 2 0.0 8 t 0.1 14 ‘ 0.5 ‘ Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 206 0.3 28 0.6 29 0.2 66 0.3 51 0.4 32 1.2 Speech impairments 545 0.9 335 6.7 67 0.5 100 0.4 31 0.2 13 0.5 Stammering and stuttering 50 0.1 33 0.7 8 ' 0.1 8 0.0 2 “ 0.0 . . Other speech impairment 495 0.8 302 6.1 59 0.4 92 0.4 29 0.2 13 ' 0.5 ‘ Loss or impairment of sensation 141 0.2 3 ‘ 0.1 " 66 0.4 61 0.2 8 ‘ 0.1 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Learning disability and mental retardation 1,575 2.6 953 19.2 484 3.3 117 0.5 18 0.1 2 0.1 Learning disability 216 0.4 167 3.4 34 0.2 14 0.1 . . . . Mental retardation/Down's syndrome 1,359 2.2 786 15.8 450 3.1 103 0.4 18 ‘ 0.1 * 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Absence or loss 788 1.3 18 0.4 154 1.1 379 1.5 208 1.6 28 1.0 Absence or loss, upper extremity 102 0.2 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 36 0.2 47 0.2 13 ' 0.1 ‘ 2 “ 0.1 * Absence or loss, lower extremity 256 0.4 2 " 0.0 67 0.5 131 0.5 50 0.4 6 ‘ 0.2 " Absence or loss of lung or kidney 83 0.1 10 ' 0.2 ‘ 15 " 0.1 ‘ 30 0.1 25 0.2 2 * 0.1 ‘ Absence or loss of breast 44 0.1 4 ‘ 0.0 21 0.1 17 * 0.1 " 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 303 0.5 2 ‘ 0.0 32 0.2 150 0.6 103 0.8 16 t 0.6 ‘ Paralysis 1,071 1.8 140 2.8 261 1.8 352 1.4 269 2.1 50 1.8 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 44 0.1 1 ’ 0.0 36 0.2 t 5 0.0 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 99 0.2 5 ' 0.1 ‘ 4 ‘ 0.0 48 0.2 34 0.3 8 " 0.3 ‘ Paralysis of upper extremities 47 0.1 . . 8 ‘ 0.1 22 0.1 15 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 * Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 59 0.1 1 t 0.0 20 ‘ 0.1 ' 27 0.1 9 ' 0.1 " 2 ‘ 0.1 ' Cerebral palsy 211 0.3 99 2.0 92 0.6 15 0.1 4 t 0.0 Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 27 0.4 11 t 0.2 t 37 0.3 85 0.3 83 0.6 10 ‘ 0.4 ‘ Partial paralysis of upper extremity 80 0.1 1 t 0.0 4 * 0.0 42 0.2 30 t 0.2 ‘ 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 51 0.1 11 * 0.1 19 0.1 16 ‘ 0.1 * 6 ‘ 0.2 ' Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 73 0.1 . . 11 ' 0.1 27 0.1 34 0.3 2 * 0.1 ‘ Paralysis of other sites, complete or partial 180 0.3 22 0.4 38 0.3 62 0.2 44 0.3 14 ‘ 0.5 ‘ Deformities .900 1.5 134 2.7 393 2.7 278 1.1 89 0.7 6 0.2 Curvature of spine or back 435 0.7 50 1.0 203 1.4 131 0.5 44 0.3 6 " 0.2 * Spina bifida 61 0.1 17 0.3 * 33 * 0.2 ‘ 9 0.0 2 t 0.0 Congenital dislocation / deformity of hip and / or pelvis 42 0.1 10 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 17 t 0.1 t 13 0.1 2 t 0.0 Deformity of lower extremity 246 0.4 50 1.0 89 0.6 87 0.3 21 ‘ 0.2 Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity 116 0.2 7 ‘ 0.1 * 51 0.3 38 0.1 ‘ 20 ‘ 0.2 . . Orthopedic impairments 8,608 14.1 144 2.9 3,682 25.2 3,575 13.8 983 7.7 224 8.1 Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 3,783 6.2 13 ' 0.3 1,753 12.0 1,716 6.6 272 2.1 29 1.0 ‘ Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper extremity 1,196 2 14 * 0.3 ‘ 573 3.9 494 1.9 101 0.8 15 t 0.6 ' Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis 547 0.9 7 " 0.1 t 138 0.9 179 0.7 155 1.2 67 2.4 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 2,817 4.6 101 2.0 1,134 7.8 1,083 4.2 408 3.2 91 3.3 Orthopedic impairment of other and ill—defined sites 265 0.4 9 ‘ 0.2 ’ 84 0.6 103 0.4 47 0.4 22 t 0.8 ' Other and ill-defined impairments 230 0.4 69 1.4 84 0.6 42 0.2 33 0.3 2 ' 0.1 ‘ 106 Disability Statistics Report Table 6b: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 44,716 73.2 2,906 58.4 8,864 60.6 20,314 78.4 10,491 82.2 2,142 77.3 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001—139) 378 0.6 47 0.9 123 0.8 150 0.6 45 0.4 13 0.5 Tuberculosis, all sites 157 0.3 18 ‘ 0.4 ‘ 64 0.4 53 0.2 20 ' 0.2 2 ' 0.1 * Herpes (zoster or simplex) 46 0.1 4 ‘ 0.1 “ 12 ' 0.1 ‘ 11 * 0.0 8 ‘ 0.1 11 * 0.4 ‘ Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 175 0.3 25 0.5 47 0.3 86 0.3 17 ‘ 0.1 t . . CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140—239) 1,628 2.7 38 0.8 268 1.8 833 3.2 450 3.5 42 1.5 Cancer (140-208) 1,342 2.2 15 0.3 174 1.2 689 2.7 427 3.3 40 1.4 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 43 0.1 . . 9 ‘ 0.1 23 ‘ 0.1 11 ‘ 0.1 ' Malignant neoplasm of rectum, colon, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 139 0.2 . . 2 ‘ 0.0 70 0.3 62 0.5 5 ' 0.2 ‘ Malignant neoplasm of other and ill—defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 86 0.1 . . 15 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 39 0.1 25 0.2 7 t 0.2 * Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 162 0.3 . . 11 ‘ 0.1 104 0.4 48 0.4 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 57 0.1 . . 11 " 0.1 24 * 0.1 * 22 * 0.2 . . Malignant neoplasm of skin 61 0.1 . . 9 * 0.1 29 ‘ 0.1 " 21 ‘ 0.2 2 * 0.1 “ Malignant neoplasm of female breast 232 0.4 . . 31 0.2 142 0.5 51 0.4 8 * 0.3 * Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs 76 0.1 . . 16 “ 0.1 ‘ 46 0.2 14 ‘“ 0.1 ‘ . . Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs 144 0.2 . . 10 ‘ 0.1 70 0.3 61 0.5 4 ' 0.1 ‘ Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 62 0.1 . . 6 ‘ 0.0 32 ‘ 0.1 ' 22 ‘ 0.2 2 ‘ 0.1 * Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 138 0.2 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 32 0.2 62 0.2 35 0.3 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 52 0.1 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 12 * 0.1 18 ‘ 0.1 16 ” 0.1 ‘ 2 * 0.1 ‘ Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 90 0.1 5 ' 0.1 ‘ 10 * 0.1 30 0.1 39 0.3 6 “ 0.2 ‘ Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210—239) 286 0.5 23 0.5 94 0.6 144 0.6 23 0.2 2 0.1 Benign neoplasms 198 0.3 19 ‘ 0.4‘ 68 0.5 103 0.4 7 ‘ 0.1 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Neoplasm of unspecified nature 88 0.1 4 " 0.1 ' 26 0.2 41 0.2 16 ” 0.1 * CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240—279) 3,409 5.6 72 1.4 574 3.9 1,861 7.2 792 6.2 110 4.0 Thyroid disorders (240—246) 206 0.3 12 0.2 46 0.3 103 0.4 37 0.3 8 0.3 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 104 0.2 11 ‘ 0.2 “ 21 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 58 0.2 14 ‘ 0.1 ‘ . . Other disorders of thyroid 102 0.2 1 ‘ 0.0 25 0.2 45 0.2 23 0.2 8 * 0.3 * Diabetes (250) 2,569 4.2 23 0.5 379 2.6 1,443 5.6 643 5.0 81 2.9 Diabetes mellitus with complication 131 0.2 . . 46 0.3 70 0.3 16 * 0.1 ‘ . . Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 2,438 4 23 ‘ 0.5 333 2.3 1,373 5.3 627 4.9 81 2.9 Other (251—279) 634 1.0 37 0.7 149 1.0 315 1.2 112 0.9 21 0.8 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 142 0.2 . . 17 ‘ 0.1 * 90 0.3 35 0.3 . . Gout 206 0.3 . . 24 0.2 115 0.4 56 0.4 11 ‘ 0.4 * Obesity and other hyperalimentation 131 0.2 7 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 62 0.4 60 0.2 2 * 0.0 . Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 155 0.3 30 0.6 46 0.3 50 0.2 19 * 0.1 ‘ 10 ‘ 0.4 ‘ CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS (280—289) 217 0.4 32 0.6 57 0.4 67 0.3 52 0.4 9 0.3 Anemias 134 0.2 23 0.5 32 0.2 41 0.2 32 0.3 6 ' 0.2 ‘ Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 83 0.1 9 * 0.2 ‘ 25 ‘ 0.2 26 0.1 20 ‘ 0.2 3 ' 0.1 ‘ CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290-316) excluding mental retardation 2,035 3.3 440 8.8 801 5.5 642 2.5 122 1.0 28 1.0 Psychoses (290-299) 515 0.8 25 0.5 274 1.9 153 0.6 45 0.4 17 0.6 Schizophrenic psychoses 235 0.4 2 " 0.0 158 1.1 71 0.3 4 ' 0.0 . . Affective psychoses 150 0.2 6 * 0.1 ‘ 93 0.6 49 0.2 2 ‘ 0.0 Other psychoses 130 0.2 17 0.3‘ 23 ‘ 0.2 33 0.1 39 0.3 17 ‘ 0.6” Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 107 Table 6b: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300-316) 1,520 2.5 415 8.3 527 3.6 489 1.9 77 0.6 11 0.4 Anxiety states 92 0.2 . . 48 0.3 42 0.2 2 ' 0.0 Other neurotic disorders 420 0.7 42 0.9 180 1.2 168 0.6 29 0.2 Alcohol and drug dependence 126 0.2 8 ‘ 0.2 ’ 64 0.4 45 0.2 10 ' 0.1 ‘ . . Adjustment reaction 179 0.3 19 “ 0.4 ' 72 0.5 79 0.3 6 ‘ 0.1 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 259 0.4 18 ‘ 0.4 100 0.7 114 0.4 20 ‘ 0.2 7 ‘ 0.3 * Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 269 0.4 266 5.3 3 ‘ 0.0 . . . . . . Other mental illness/ disorder 175 0.3 62 1.3 60 0.4 41 0.2 10 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 * 0.1 ' CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGAN S (320-389) 4,373 7.2 375 7.5 1,235 8.4 1,476 5.7 994 7.8 287 10.4 Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) 2,526 4.1 214 4.3 938 6.4 940 3.6 355 2.8 79 2.8 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 155 0.3 2 ’ 0.0 4 “ 0.0 27 0.1 95 0.7 26 0.9 ‘ Parkinson's disease 170 0.3 1 ' 0.0 2 ‘ 0.0 53 0.2 97 0.8 18 ‘ 0.6 ‘ Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 105 0.2 . . 31 0.2 55 0.2 17 ‘ 0.1 * 2 ' 0.1 ' Multiple sclerosis 226 0.4 . . 92 0.6 122 0.5 13 * 0.1 ‘ . . Epilepsy 583 l 123 2.5 272 1.9 152 0.6 33 0.3 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Migraine 367 0.6 48 1.0 168 1.1 142 0.5 7 ‘ 0.1 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Other and unspecified disorders of the central nervous system 224 0.4 23 0.5 66 0.5 85 0.3 30 0.2 19 “ 0.7 Nerve root and plexus disorders 101 0.2 . . 33 0.2 61 0.2 6 * 0.0 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Carpal tunnel syndrome 277 0.5 . . 147 1.0 122 0.5 7 ‘ 0.1 . . Mononeuritis of lower limb 172 0.3 . . 67 0.5 75 0.3 26 0.2 4 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 146 0.2 17 ‘ 0.3 “ 56 0.4 46 0.2 24 0.2 4 * 0.1 ' Disorders of the eye (360—379) 1,577 2.6 72 1.4 263 1.8 456 1.8 579 4.5 202 7.3 Retinal detachments and defects 67 0.1 2 ‘ 0.0 21 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 22 0.1 15 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 7 ‘ 0.3 ' Macular degeneration 115 0.2 7 “ 0.1 ‘ 18 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 23 ‘ 0.1 46 0.4 21 * 0.7 ‘ Other retinal disorders 171 0.3 . . 10 ‘ 0.1 21 ‘ 0.1 100 0.8 39 1.4 Glaucoma 407 0.7 3 " 0.1‘ 29 0.2 141 0.5 177 1.4 56 2.0 Cataract 446 0.7 15 " 0.3 ‘ 32 0.2 128 0.5 197 1.5 73 2.6 Disorders of refraction and accommodation 88 0.1 19 ' 0.4 ’ 40 0.3 26 ' 0.1 2 ‘ 0.0 Visual disturbances 59 0.1 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 19 ‘ 0.1 ' 28 0.1 8 ‘“ 0.1 Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements 47 0.1 15 0.3 23 * 0.2 6 ' 0.0 . . 2 * 0.1 * Other disorders of eye 177 0.3 7 ' 0.1 * 71 0.5 61 0.2 34 ‘ 0.3 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Disorders of the ear (380—388) 270 ' 0.4 89 1.8 34 0.2 80 0.3 60 0.5 6 0.2 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 104 0.2 31 ‘ 0.6 ‘ 19 ' 0.1 ‘ 23 “ 0.1 29 0.2’ 1 ’ 0.0 Other disorders of ear 166 0.3 58 1.2 15 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 57 0.2 31 0.2 5 ‘ 0.2 ‘ CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 10,170 16.7 63 1.3 716 4.9 5,503 21.2 3,246 25.4 643 23.2 Heart disease (390-429) 7,932 13.0 37 0.7 562 3.8 4,441 17.1 2,440 19.1 452 16.3 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390—398) 264 0.4 1 0.0 73 0.5 149 0.6 39 0.3 2 0.1 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 145 0.2 1 ‘ 0.0 50 0.3 78 0.3 16 ' 0.1 ‘ . . Other rheumatic disease 119 0.2 . . 23 0.2 71 0.3 23 0.2 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Hypertensive disease (401—405) 2,964 4.9 9 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 259 1.8 1,830 7.1 746 5.8 121 4.3 Ischemic heart disease (410-414) 2,156 3.5 0 0 0 62 0.4 1,282 4.9 703 5.5 108 3.9 Angina pectoris 638 1 . . 10 * 0.1 349 1.3 232 1.8 46 1.7 Other chronic ischemic heart disease 1,518 2.5 . . 52 0.4 933 3.6 471 3.7 62 2.2 Other forms of heart disease (415—429) 2,548 4.2 27 0.5 168 1.1 1,180 4.6 952 7.5 221 8.0 Diseases of endocardium 197 0.3 8 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 28 0.2 99 0.4 48 0.4 14 * 0.5 ' Cardiomyopathy 45 0.1 2 * 0.0 19 ' 0.1 ‘ 21 ‘ 0.1 3 ‘ 0.0 . Conduction disorders 128 0.2 2 " 0.1 ‘ 9 ' 0.1 87 0.3 25 ' 0.2 5 " 0 2 ‘ Cardiac dysrhythmias 469 0.8 . . 31 0.2 v 210 0.8 190 1.5 38 1.4 Heart failure 351 0.6 . . 17 * 0.1 " 147 0.6 150 1.2 37 1.3 Other heart disease 1,358 2.2 15 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 64 0.4 616 2.4 536 4.2 127 4.6 Cerebrovascular disease (430—438) 1,174 1.9 20 " 0.4 ‘ 36 0.2 524 2.0 485 3.8 108 3.9 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) 457 0.7 3 0.1 23 0.2 227 0.9 160 1.3 45 1.6 Atherosclerosis 208 0.3 . . 2 ‘ 0.0 105 0.4 63 0.5 39 1.4 Aortic aneurysm 50 0.1 . . 1 ‘ 0.0 20 ‘ 0.1 28 0.2 1 ' 0.0 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 106 0.2 . . . . 61 0.2 43 0.3 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 93 0.2 3 ' 0.1 ‘ 20 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 41 0.2 26 * 0.2 ‘ 3 ‘ 0.1 " 108 Disability Statistics Report Table 6b: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 1844 45-69 70-84 85+ Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451—459) 607 1.0 3 0.1 95 0.6 311 1.2 161 1.3 38 1.4 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 137 0.2 20 0.1 ‘ 74 0.3 41 0.3 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Varicose veins of lower extremities 123 0.2 32 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 72 0.3 18 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 * Hemorrhoids 57 0.1 . . 14 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 27 ' 0.1 12 ‘ 0.1 " 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Other disorders of circulatory system 290 0.5 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 29 0.2 138 0.5 90 0.7 31 1.1 CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460—519) 4,774 7.8 1,174 23.6 1,053 7.2 1,651 6.4 813 6.4 83 3.0 Chronic sinusitis 178 0.3 21 0.4 48 0.3 82 0.3 20 " 0.2 ‘ 7 * 0.2 ‘ Allergic rhinitis 286 0.5 63 1.3 113 0.8 70 0.3 33 ‘ 0.3 6 ‘ 0.2 * Chronic bronchitis 278 0.5 47 0.9 45 0.3 126 0.5 51 0.4 9 ‘ 0.3 * Emphysema 904 1.5 . . 23 0.2 507 2.0 351 2.7 24 0.9 Asthma 2,592 4.2 987 19.8 751 5.1 622 2.4 212 1.7 19 ‘ 0.7 ‘ Pneumoconiosis 66 0.1 . . 2 ‘ 0.0 39 0.1 21 ‘ 0.2 5 " 0.2 ' Other diseases of respiratory system 470 0.8 56 1.1 71 0.5 205 0.8 125 1.0 13 “ 0.5 * CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520—579) 1,727 2.8 70 1.4 397 2.7 882 3.4 306 2.4 77 2.8 Diseases of esophagus 64 0.1 4 ' 0.1 ' 6 ‘ 0.0 34 0.1 ‘ 19 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 * Gastric ulcer 212 0.3 4 ' 0.1 ‘ 34 0.2 122 0.5 42 0.3 10 ’ 0.3 * Other peptic ulcer 89 0.1 . . 19 * 0.1 ‘ 46 0.2 22 0.2 2 ‘ 0.1 ' Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 144 0.2 16 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 32 0.2 52 0.2 36 0.3 8 ‘ 0.3 ‘ Hernia 425 0.7 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 81 0.6 258 1.0 60 0.5 20 ' 0.7” Enteritis and colitis 208 0.3 15 ‘ 0.3 * 81 0.6 81 0.3 26 ‘ 0.2 6 “ 0.2 ‘ Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 254 0.4 15 ‘ 0.3 ' 41 0.3 115 0.4 63 0.5 20 * 0.7 ‘ Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 148 0.2 2 * 0.0 62 0.4 74 0.3 10 * 0.1 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Cholelithiasis 53 0.1 2 * 0.0 13 * 0.1 25 0.1 10 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 4 " 0.1 * Other digestive diseases 130 0.2 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 28 0.2 75 0.3 18 ' 0.1 ' 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 778 1.3 33 0.7 257 1.8 343 1.3 121 0.9 24 0.9 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis 147 0.2 2 ‘ 0.0 57 0.4 70 0.3 16 ‘ 0.1 * 2 ’ 0.1 ‘ Calculus of kidney 48 0.1 . . 13 ‘ 0.1 23 * 0.1 10 ‘ 0.1 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Other disorders of kidney and ureter 181 0.3 13 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 42 0.3 81 0.3 40 0.3 5 " 0.2 ' Disorders of bladder, urethra, and urinary tract 112 0.2 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 15 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 58 0.2 26 0.2 7 ' 0.3 " Disorders of male genital organs 66 0.1 7 ' 0.0 27 0.1 25 ‘ 0.2 8 * 0.3 * Endometriosis 51 0.1 . . 45 0.3 6 ‘ 0.0 . . Other disorders of female genital organs 173 0.3 12 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 78 0.5 78 0.3 4 ‘ 0.0 CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630—676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) 362 0.6 61 1.2 100 0.7 133 0.5 61 0.5 9 0.3 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 90 0.1 16 * 0.3 ‘ 37 0.3 29 0.1 9 ‘ 0.1 . Psoriasis and similar disorders 58 0.1 14 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 26 0.1 16 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 ' 0.1 “ Chronic ulcer of skin 58 0.1 5 * 0.0 35 0.1 15 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 4 * 0.1 * Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 156 0.3 45 0.9 44 0.3 43 0.2 21 ‘ 0.2 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) 10,530 17.2 48 1.0 2,095 14.3 5,191 20.0 2,694 21.1 500 18.0 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 75 0.1 1 ' 0.0 18 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 47 0.2 8 ‘ 0.1 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 673 1.1 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 103 0.7 358 1.4 188 1.5 21 * 0.8 ‘ Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 5,048 8.3 6 " 0.1 ‘ 425 2.9 2,509 9.7 1,748 13.7 360 13.0 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 58 0.1 2 ‘ 0.0 32 0.2 20 ' 0.1 4 ‘ 0.0 . . Spondylosis and allied disorders 820 1.3 2 ‘ 0.0 123 0.8 445 1.7 222 1.7 27 1.0 Intervertebral disc disorders 2,416 4 2 * 0.0 1,052 7.2 1,180 4.6 175 1.4 6 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Other and unspecified disorders of back 157 0.3 48 0.3 68 0.3 37 0.3 4 * 0.1 ‘ Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 341 0.6 8 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 132 0.9 165 0.6 32 * 0.2 ‘ 4 ‘ 0.1 ' Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 161 0.3 5 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 47 0.3 84 0.3 18 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 6 " 0.2 " Other disorders of soft tissues 177 0.3 2 ‘ 0.0 50 0.3 70 0.3 49 0.4 7 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Osteoporosis 320 0.5 9 ‘ 0.1 114 0.4 148 1 2 50 1.8 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 284 0.5 17 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 56 0.4 131 0.5 65 0.5 15 ‘ 0.6 ‘ Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 109 Table 6b: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740—759) 287 0.5 108 2.2 73 0.5 82 0.3 23 0.2 2 0.1 Congenital anomalies of heart 120 0.2 31 0.6 31 0.2 43 0.2 14 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 * Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 167 0.3 77 1.5 42 0.3 39 0.2 9 ‘ 0.1 . CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760—779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL—DEFINED CONDITIONS (780-799) 2,843 4.7 279 5.6 740 5.1 990 3.8 554 4.3 279 10.1 Dizziness and giddiness 145 0.2 4 t 0.1 ‘ 5 ‘ 0.0 60 0.2 51 0.4 24 0.9 Malaise and fatigue 78 0.1 6 * 0.1 ‘ 27 ‘ 0.2 33 0.1 9 ‘ 0.1 2 ‘ 0.1‘ Headache 212 0.3 14 ‘ 0.3 ' 108 0.7 77 0.3 10 * 0.1 4 * 0.1 “ Cardiovascular symptoms 245 0.4 25 0.5 61 0.4 93 0.4 47 0.4 19 ‘ 0.7 ‘ Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 246 0.4 19 t 0.4 t 41 0.3 120 0.5 51 0.4 14 ‘ 0.5 ‘ Senility without mention of psychosis 415 0.7 . . . . 67 0.3 187 1.5 161 5.8 Nervousness 314 0.5 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 114 0.8 158 0.6 35 0.3 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 1,188 1.9 207 4.2 384 2.6 382 1.5 164 1.3 51 1.8 CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800-999) 1,205 2.0 66 1.3 375 2.6 510 2.0 218 1.7 36 1.3 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 350 0.6 8 * 0.2 ' 145 1.0 124 0.5 57 0.4 16 ' 0.6 ‘ Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 334 0.5 29 ' 0.6 118 0.8 130 0.5 52 0.4 5 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 521 0.9 29 0.6 112 0.8 256 1.0 109 0.9 15 ‘ 0.6 ‘ 110 Disability Statistics Report Table 6b: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45—69 70-84 85+ MALE ALL CONDITIONS 27,703 100 2,957 100.0 7,284 100.0 11,539 100.0 5,167 100.0 756 100.0 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 8,524 30.8 1,226 41.5 3,247 44.6 2,920 25.3 951 18.4 181 23.9 Visual impairments 665 2.4 47 1.6 211 2.9 201 1.7 151 2.9 55 7.3 Blindness in both eyes 164 0.6 12 * 0.4 " 50 0.7 36 0.3 47 0.9 19 * 2.5 * Visual impairment in both eyes 242 0.9 13 ‘ 0.4 ' 60 0.8 83 0.7 61 1.2 24 ‘ 3.2 Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 32 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 12 ' 0.2 ’ 11 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 10 ‘ 0.2 ' Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 27 0.8 22 0.7 89 1.2 71 0.6 33 0.6 12 ‘ 1.6 ' Hearing impairments 616 2.2 100 3.4 121 1.7 209 1.8 144 2.8 43 5.7 Deafness in both ears 84 0.3 2 ‘ 0.1 ' 16 ‘ 0.2 ’ 31 0.3 23 0.4 13 * 1.7 ‘ Hearing impairment in both ears 262 0.9 48 1 6 40 0.5 94 0.8 65 1.3 16 ‘ 2.1 ' Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 142 0.5 28 0.9 42 0.6 43 0.4 27 0.5 1 ' 0.1 ' Deafness, unknown if in both ears 19 ’ 0.1 1 ‘ 0.0 8 ' 0.1 ’ 2 * 0.0 4 " 0.1 " 4 ‘ 0.5 ‘ Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 109 0.4 21 0.7 15 ‘ 0.2 ’ 39 0.3 25 * 0.5 ‘ 9 ‘ 1.2 * Speech impairments 353 1.3 235 7.9 45 0.6 65 0.6 7 0.1 2 0.3 Stammering or stuttering 41 0.1 28 0.9 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 8 ' 0.1 ‘ . . Other speech impairment 312 1.1 207 7.0 39 0.5 57 0.5 7 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 ' 0.3 ‘ Loss or impairment of sensation 90 0.3 1 ‘ 0.0 50 0.7 34 0.3 ‘ 5 ‘ 0.1 ‘ . . Learning disability and mental retardation 995 3.6 603 20.4 301 4.1 80 0.7 9 0.2 2 0.3 Learning disability ‘ 160 0.6 124 4.2 26 ‘ 0.4 ‘ 10 ‘ 0.1 ’ . . . Mental retardation/Down's syndrome 835 3.0 479 16.2 275 3.8 70 0.6 9 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.3 ' Absence or loss 458 1.7 12 0.4 115 1.6 231 2.0 90 1.7 8 1.1 Absence or loss, upper extremity 88 0.3 2 ' 0.1 ‘ 34 0.5 41 0.4 11 ’ 0.2 t . . Absence or loss, lower extremity 175 0.6 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 47 0.6 91 0.8 31 0.6 4 ‘ 0.5 ‘ Absence or loss of lung or kidney 43 0.2 6 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 9 ‘ 0.1 * 14 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 13 ‘ 0.3 ‘ Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 152 0.5 2 ' 0.1 ' 25 " 0.3 ‘ 85 0.7 35 0.7 4 “ 0.5 ‘ Paralysis 576 2 1 64 2.2 178 2.4 200 1.7 119 2.3 12 1.6 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 36 0.1 29 0.4 ‘ 5 ‘ 0.0 2 ‘ 0.3 ‘ Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 55 0.2 1 * 0.0 2 ' 0.0 31 0.3 21 ' 0.4 ‘ Paralysis of upper extremities 25 0.1 8 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 13 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 38 - 0.1 . . 17 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 18 ' 0.2 ‘ 3 ‘ 0.1 * Cerebral palsy 128 0.5 48 1.6 65 0.9 11 ‘ 0.1 “ 4 ‘ 0.1 ' Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 105 0.4 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 20 ' 0.3 ‘ 38 0.3 37 0.7 6 ‘ 0.8 ‘ Partial paralysis of upper extremity 40 0.1 1 ‘ 0.0 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 23 0.2 ‘ 10 ' 0.2 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.3 ' Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 25 0.1 8 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 11 ’ 0.1 ‘ 6 " 0.1 ‘ Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 37 0.1 . 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 17 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 14 ‘ 0.3 ‘ . . Paralysis of other extremity, complete or partial 87 0.3 12 ‘ 0.4 ‘ 19 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 33 0.3 20 ‘ 0.4 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.3 ' Deformities 359 1.3 64 2.2 156 2.1 107 0.9 29 0.6 3 0.4 Curvature of spine or back 128 0.5 15 * 0.5 ‘ 61 0.8 37 0.3 12 ' 0.2 ‘ 3 ‘ 0.4 ' Spina bifida 36 0.1 “ 9 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 23 ' 0.3 * 2 ‘ 0.0 2 “ 0.0 Congenital dislocation / deformity of hip and / or pelvis 15 0.1 2 0.1 7 0.1 6 0.1 . Deformity of lower extremity 118 0.4 36 1.2 35 0.5 38 0.3 9 0.2 Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity 62 0.2 2 ‘ 0.1 ' 30 0.4 24 ' 0.2 ‘ 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ . . Orthopedic impairments 4,275 15.4 59 2.0 2,019 27.7 1,769 15.3 376 7.3 56 7.4 Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 1,799 6.5 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 886 12.2 801 6.9 101 2.0 7 ’ 0.9 ‘ Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and / or upper extremities 619 2.2 5 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 321 4.4 260 2.3 34 0.7 . . Orthopedic impairment of hip and / or pelvis 205 0.7 2 " 0.1 * 56 0.8 87 0.8 46 0.9 15 ‘ 2.0 ‘ Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 1,511 5.5 39 1.3 701 9.6 563 4.9 179 3.5 30 ‘ 4.0 Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites 141 0.5 9 ' 0.3 * 55 0.8 58 0.5 16 ' 0.3 ‘ 4 " 0.5 “ Other and ill-defined impairments 137 0.5 41 1.4 51 0.7 24 0.2 21 ‘ 0.4 ‘ . . PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 19,180 69.2 1,735 58.7 4,035 55.4 8,616 74.7 4,218 81.6 577 76.3 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001—139) 0.4 18 0.6 32 0.4 49 0.4 15 0.3 2 0.3 Tuberculosis, all sites 34 0.1 8 ' 0.3 ‘ 9 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 10 ' 0.1 ' 6 " 0.1 ‘ Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 111 Table 6b: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Herpes (zoster or simplex) 11 ‘ 0.0 4 ‘ 0.1 * 2 ‘ 0.0 2 ‘ 0.0 2 ‘ 0.3 * Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic - diseases 74 0.3 10 t 0.3‘ 19 ' 0.3 * 37 0.3 7 * 0.1 t . CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140—239) 731 2.6 16 0.5 94 1.3 372 3.2 232 4.5 16 2.1 Cancer (140—208) 650 2.3 6 0.2 61 0.8 339 2.9 228 4.4 16 2.1 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 25 0.1 ‘ 5 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 13 ‘ 0.1 " 8 ‘ 0.2 * Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 85 0.3 45 0.4 37 0.7 2 ' 0.3 * Malignant neoplasm of other and ill—defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 40 0.1 3 ' 0.0 19 ‘ 0.2 * l6 “ 0.3 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.3 ‘ Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 120 0.4 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 77 0.7 37 0.7 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 25 ' 0.1 * 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 11 ’ 0.1-° 10 ‘ 0.2 * . . Malignant neoplasm of skin 39 0.1 3 * 0.0 27 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 6 * 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.3 ‘ Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs 144 0.5 10 * 0.1 ‘ 70 0.6 61 1.2 4 * 0.5 ' Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 52 0.2 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 26 * 0.2 ‘ 17 ‘ 0.3 " 2 * 0.3 ‘ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 50 0.2 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 8 * 0.1 ‘ 24 * 0.2 14 ‘ 0.3 * Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 29 0.1 2 ‘ 0.1 ’ 8 ‘ 0.1 “ 12 ‘ 0.1‘ 8 " 0.2 ‘ Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 41 0.1 . . 8 * 0.1 * 15 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 14 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 4 “ 0.5 " Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210-239) 81 0.3 10 0.3 33 0.5 33 0.3 4 0.1 0 0.0 Benign neoplasms 59 0.2 8 ' 0.3 ‘ 25 ‘ 0.3 " 25 0.2 . Neoplasm of unspecified nature 22 * 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 " 8 ' 0.1 ” 8 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 4 " 0.1 * CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240—279) 1,453 5.2 32 1.1 289 4.0 785 6.8 326 6.3 20 2.6 Thyroid disorders (240-246) 18 0.1 2 0.1 5 0.1 11 0.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 10 " 0.0 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 * 0.0 6 ‘ 0.1 Other disorders of thyroid 8 ' 0.0 . . 3 ‘ 0.0 5 ‘ 0.0 . . . . Diabetes (250) 1,132 4.1 12 0.4 205 2.8 628 5.4 274 5.3 12 1.6 Diabetes mellitus with complication 73 0.3 25 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 35 0.3 12 ' 0.2 ‘ Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 1,059 3.8 12 ' 0.4 ‘ 180 2.5 593 5.1 262 5.1 12 ‘ 1.6 * Other (251—279) 303 1.1 18 0.6 79 1.1 146 1.3 52 1.0 8 1.1 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 40 0.1 13 " 0.2 " 21 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ . . Gout 148 0.5 22 0.3 87 0.8 35 0.7 4 t 0.5 ‘ Obesity and other hyperalimentation 52 0.2 34 0.5 18 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 63 0.2 18 ' 0.6 ‘ 10 ‘ 0.1‘ 20 " 0.2 ‘ 11 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 4 ‘ 0.5 * CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD—FORMING ORGANS (280-289) 85 0.3 21 0.7 18 0.2 27 0.2 10 0.2 8 1.1 Anemias 46 0.2 16 t 0.5 ‘ 8 ‘ 0.1 ' 10 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 5 ‘ 0.1 * 6 * 0.8 ‘ Other diseases of blood and blood—forming organs 39 0.1 5 * 0.2 ‘ 10 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 17 ' 0.1 * 5 ‘ 0.1 t 2 ‘ 0.3 ‘ CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290—316) excluding mental retardation 1,058 3.8 323 10.9 393 5.4 287 2.5 47 0.9 9 1.2 Psychoses (290—299) 283 1.0 24 0.8 169 2.3 73 0.6 15 0.3 2 0.3 Schizophrenic psychoses 154 0.6 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 116 1.6 34 0.3 2 ' 0.0 Affective psychoses 66 0.2 6 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 37 0.5 22 ‘ 0.2 “ . . . Other psychoses 63 0.2 16 0.5 16 ‘ 0.2 “ 17 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 13 ‘ 0.3 ' 2 ' 0.3 ‘ Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300—316) 775 2.8 299 10.1 224 3.1 214 1.9 32 0.6 7 0.9 Anxiety states 24 ‘ 0.1 ‘ . . 11 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 14 ‘ 0.1 ‘ . . Other neurotic disorders 177 0.6 27 0.9 71 1.0 70 0.6 9 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Alcohol and drug dependence 99 0.4 4 ‘ 0.1 ' 49 0.7 37 0.3 10 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Adjustment reaction 105 0.4 11 ‘ 0.4 ' 40 0.5 52 0.5 2 ‘ 0.0 . . Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 75 0.3 5 * 0.2 ‘ 27 0.4 26 0.2 9 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 7 ‘ 0.9 ‘ 112 Table 6b: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Disability Statistics Report Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 217 0.8 215 7.3 2 ‘ 0.0 . . . . Other mental illness/ disorder 78 0.3 37 1.3 24 0.3 15 " 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.0 CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGAN S (320-389) 1,784 6.4 185 6.3 534 7.3 606 5.3 380 7.4 78 10.3 Diseases of the nervous system (322—359) 1,020 3.7 100 3.4 355 4.9 389 3.4 152 2.9 25 3.3 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 57 0.2 2 “ 0.0 17 * 0.1 ‘ 35 0.7 2 ‘ 0.3 ‘ Parkinson's disease 102 0.4 2 ‘ 0.0 31 0.3 59 1.1 9 ‘ 1.2“ Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 61 0.2 19 ‘ 0.3 * 34 0.3 7 * 0.1 ' 2 ' 0.3 ‘ Multiple sclerosis 65 0.2 . . 16 * 0.2 ' 50 0.4 . . . . Epilepsy 303 1.1 58 2.0 146 2.0 80 0.7 17 ' 0.3 " 2 " 0.3 ‘ Migraine 64 0.2 17 * 0.6 ‘ 23 0.3 23 * 0.2 * 2 ‘ 0.3 ‘ Other and unspecified disorders of the central nervous system 106 0.4 17 ' 0.6‘ 32 0.4 40 0.3 10 " 0.2 * 8 ‘ 1.1 ‘ Nerve root and plexus disorders 37 0.1 13 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 22 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.0 Carpal tunnel syndrome 66 0.2 37 0.5 25 t 0.2 ’ 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Mononeuritis of lower limb 76 0.3 . . 32 0.4 39 0.3 4 ‘ 0.1 ' Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 83 0.3 8 * 0.3 * 33 0.5 28 0.2 14 ‘ 0.3 ‘ . . Disorders of the eye (360-379) 651 2.3 36 1.2 162 2.2 185 1.6 216 4.2 51 6.7 Retinal detachments and defects 27 0.1 * 2 * 0.1 " 14 ‘ 0.2 * 2 ‘ 0.0 8 " 0.2 ‘ 1 " 0.1 " Macular degeneration 38 0.1 7 * 0.2 * 4 ‘ 0.1 * 13 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 12 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 2 * 0.3 ‘ Other retinal disorders 65 0.2 . . 4 * 0.1 * 4 * 0.0 49 0.9 8 ‘ 1.1 ‘ Glaucoma 159 0.6 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 11 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 64 0.6 63 1.2 17 ‘ 2.2 ‘ Cataract 165 0.6 6 ’ 0.2‘ 19 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 51 0.4 69 1.3 21 ‘ 2.8‘ Disorders of refraction and accommodation 45 0.2 9 * 0.3 ‘ 22 ‘ 0.3 11 * 0.1 * 2 ‘ 0.0 Visual disturbances 46 0.2 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ l9 ’ 0.3 * 17 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 6 * 0.1 ‘ Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements 26 0.1 ‘ 3 ‘ 0.1 * 21 ‘ 0.3 ‘ . . . . 2 * 0.3 * Other disorders of eye 80 0.3 2 ’ 0.1 ‘ 48 0.7 23 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 7 * 0.1 ‘ . . Disorders of the ear (380-388) 113 0.4 49 1.7 17 0.2 32 0.3 12 0.2 2 0.3 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 39 0.1 11 ‘ 0.4 ‘ 13 * 0.2 * 6 ' 0.1 * 8 ' 0.2 * . . Other disorders of ear 74 0.3 38 1.3 4 ‘ 0.1 * 26 ‘ 0.2 " 4 ’ 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.3 " CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 4,759 17.2 32 1.1 343 4.7 2,753 23.9 1,466 28.4 167 22.1 Heart disease (390—429) 3,623 13.1 18 0.6 265 3.6 2,195 19.0 1,049 20.3 100 13.2 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390—398) 65 0.2 15 0.2 45 0.4 6 0.1 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 25 0.1 ‘ 10 " 0.1 * 15 * 0.1 t . . Other rheumatic disease 40 0.1 . . 5 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 30 0.3 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ . Hypertensive disease (401—405) 1,095 4.0 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 124 1.7 686 5.9 260 5.0 21 ” 2.8 ‘ Ischemic heart disease (410—414) 1,299 4.7 38 0.5 850 7.4 392 7.6 20 2.6 Angina pectoris 279 1.0 4 * 0.1 ‘ 174 1.5 94 1.8 8 ‘ 1.1 * Other chronic ischemic heart disease 1,020 3.7 . 34 0.5 676 5.9 298 5.8 12 " 1.6 ‘ Other forms of heart disease (415-429) 1,164 4.2 14 0.5 88 1.2 614 5.3 391 7.6 59 7.8 Diseases of endocardium 75 0.3 5 ' 0.2 ‘ 7 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 45 0.4 15 “ 0.3 ' 4 ‘ 0.5 ‘ Cardiomyopathy 25 0.1 ' 11 ‘ 0.2 ' 13 ' 0.1 * 2 * 0.0 . . - Conduction disorders 75 0.3 5 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 49 0.4 18 * 0.3 ‘ 3 ‘ 0.4 ‘ Cardiac dysrhythmias 192 0.7 15 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 85 0.7 78 1.5 14 ’ 1.9 ‘“ Heart failure 150 0.5 . . 11 ‘ 0.2 ' 71 0.6 59 1.1 8 ‘ 1.1 ‘ Other heart disease 647 2.3 9 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 39 0.5 351 3.0 219 4.2 30 4.0 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) 588 2.1 10 ‘ 0.3 * 17 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 284 2.5 243 4.7 34 4.5 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440—448) 265 1.0 1 0.0 7 0.1 147 1.3 93 1.8 16 2.1 Atherosclerosis 124 0.4 2 * 0.0 69 0.6 40 0.8 13 ‘ 1.7 ‘ Aortic aneurysm 30 0.1 12 " 0.1 ' 16 * 0.3 * 1 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Arterial embolism and thrombosis 67 0.2 . . . . 40 0.3 27 0.5 . . Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 44 0.2 1 ‘ 0.0 5 * 0.1 ‘ 26 0.2 ‘ 10 " 0.2 * 2 ' 0.3 ‘ Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451—459) 283 1.0 3 0.1 54 0.7 127 1.1 81 1.6 17 2.2 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 46 0.2 8 “ 0.1 ‘ 21 ‘ 0.2 " 17 ‘ 0.3 " . . Varicose veins of lower extremities 49 0.2 20 * 0.3 ‘ 17 ‘ 0.1 * 10 ' 0.2 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.3 * Hemorrhoids 34 0.1 ' . . 12 ‘ 0.2 * 15 ' 0.1 * 7 ‘ 0.1 ‘ . . Other disorders of circulatory system 154 0.6 3 * 0.1 ‘ 14 " 0.2 ‘ 74 0.6 47 0.9 15 * 2.0 * Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 113 Table 6b: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 1844 45-69 70-84 85+ CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460—519) 2,342 8.5 723 24.5 421 5.8 716 6.2 438 8.5 43 Chronic sinusitis 70 0.3 7 ‘ 0.2 t 14 ‘ 0.2 ' 35 0.3 12 t 0.2 t 2 * Allergic rhinitis 123 0.4 38 1.3 56 0.8 19 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 6 ‘ 0.1 t 4 * Chronic bronchitis 109 0.4 27 0.9 25 ' 0.3‘ 42 0.4 12 t 0.2 t 4 ‘ Emphysema 556 2.0 . . 15 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 292 2.5 233 4.5 16 ' Asthma 1,184 4.3 629 21.3 265 3.6 199 1.7 83 1.6 7 " Pneumoconiosis 60 0.2 . . 2 ‘ 0.0 32 0.3 21 * 0.4 ‘ 5 ‘ Other diseases of respiratory system 240 0.9 22 ‘ 0.7 " 44 0.6 97 0.8 71 1.4 5 " CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) ~ 797 2.9 46 1.6 183 2.5 404 3.5 139 2.7 27 Diseases of esophagus 33 0.1 1 * 0.0 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 17 ' 0.1 ‘ 12 ‘ 0.2 ‘ . Gastric ulcer 123 0.4 4 * 0.1 ‘ 12 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 76 0.7 27 0.5 4 ” Other peptic ulcer 38 0.1 . 9 “ 0.1 ‘ 17 0.1 12 ‘ 0.2 * . Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 68 0.2 14 ‘ 0.5 ' 13 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 26 0.2 13 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 2 ‘ Hernia 218 0.8 5 * 0.2 ‘ 49 0.7 120 1.0 31 0.6 12 ' Enteritis or colitis 81 0.3 6 ‘ 0.2 * 33 0.5 29 0.3 9 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 4 * Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 83 0.3 12 ' 0.4 * 17 ‘ 0.2 ’ 32 0.3 19 ‘ 0.4 i 3 " Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 84 0.3 . . 32 0.4 46 0.4 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ . Cholelithiasis 14 ' 0.1 “ . . 5 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 6 * 0.1 2 ‘ 0.0 2 " Other digestive diseases 55 0.2 4 ‘ 0.1 ' 9 " 0.1 ‘ 35 * 0.3 8 ‘ 0.2 ‘ CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 275 1.0 15 0.5 68 0.9 110 1.0 68 1.3 15 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or nephrosis 73 0.3 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘“ 30 0.4 34 0.3 7 * 0.1 “ Calculus of kidney 27 0.1 * . 8 ‘ 0.1 ' 9 ‘ 0.1 * 10 ' 0.2 * . Other disorders of kidney and ureter 78 0.3 9 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 22 t 0.3 " 34 0.3 9 ‘ 0.2 t 4 ‘ Disorders of bladder, urethra, and urinary tract 31 0.1 4 ' 0.1 ‘ 1 ' 0.0 6 ' 0.1 ‘ 17 ‘ 0.3 ' 3 ' Disorders of male genital organs 66 0.2 . . 7 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 27 0.2 25 ‘ 0.5 * 8 ‘ CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630—676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709)] 151 0.5 26 0.9 43 0.6 46 0.4. 33 0.6 2 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 30 0.1 6 ‘ 0.2 " 14 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 4 ‘ 0.0 7 ‘ 0.1 ‘ . Psoriasis and similar disorders 30 0.1 . . 10 ’ 0.1 ‘ 10 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 8 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 2 * Chronic ulcer of skin 28 0.1 . . 2 * 0.0 18 ‘ 0.2 * 7 “ 0.1 * Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 63 0.2 20 ‘ 0.7‘ 17 t 0.2 ‘ 14 t 0.1 ‘ 11 t 0.2 * CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) 3,693 13.3 22 0.7 1,022 14.0 1,769 15.3 792 15.3 90 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 18 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 1 ‘ 0.0 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 11 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 3 ' 0.1 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 156 0.6 . . 26 ‘ 0.4 ‘ 77 0.7 50 1.0 4 ‘ Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 1,554 5.6 . . 199 2.7 769 6.7 518 10.0 69 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 30 0.1 2 ' 0.1 ' 17 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 11 ‘ 0.1 ‘ . . Spondylosis and allied disorders 250 0.9 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 54 0.7 129 1.1 62 1.2 2 ' Intervertebral disc disorders 1,313 4.7 2 ‘ 0.1 ' 604 8.3 624 5.4 82 1.6 . Other and unspecified disorders of back 44 0.2 . . 20 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 17 ' 0.1 ‘ 8 * 0.2 ‘ Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 108 0.4 4 * 0.1 ‘ 40 0.5 45 0.4 14 * 0.3 ‘ 4 ‘ Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 32 0.1 2 * 0.1 t 12 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 16 “ 0.1 ‘ 2 ’ 0.0 . Other disorders of soft tissues 43 0.2 . . 10 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 17 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 13 ‘ 0.3 * 3 * Osteoporosis 23 0.1 . . 5 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ l3 ‘ 0.3 ‘ Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 122 0.4 9 ‘ 0.3 ' 31 0.4 47 0.4 27 0.5 8 ‘ CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740-759) 145 0.5 56 1.9 35 0.5 41 0.4 13 0.3 Congenital anomalies of heart 54 0.2 7 t 0.2 ‘ 12 ' 0.2 ‘ 28 ‘ 0.2 ' 7 ' 0.1 ‘ Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 91 0.3 49 1.7 23 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 13 ‘ 0.1 ’ 6 ‘ 0.1 * CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760—779) AND 5.7 0.3 ' 0.5 ‘ 0.5 ‘ 2.1 ' 0.9 * 0.7 ' 0.7 ' 3.6 0.5 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 1.6 ‘ 0.5 " 0.4 ‘ 0.3 “ 2.0 0.5 * 0.4 ‘ 1.1 ‘ 0.3 0.3 ‘ 11.9 0.5 ' 9.1 0.3 ‘ 0.5 ‘ 0.4 * 1.1‘ 114 Table 6b: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chro Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Disability Statistics Report nic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL—DEFINED CONDITIONS (780—799) 1,210 4.4 178 6.0 363 5.0 407 3.5 171 3.3 90 11.9 Dizziness and giddiness 49 0.2 4 ‘ 0.1 ’ 3 ‘ 0.0 24 " 0.2 * 12 ‘ . 0.2 ‘ 6 ‘ 0.8‘ Malaise and fatigue 22 0.1 2 ’ 0.1 ‘ 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 6 * 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.3 ‘ Headache 91 0.3 10 ‘ 0.3 ’ 56 0.8 22 0.2 ' 3 * 0.1 " . . Cardiovascular symptoms 93 0.3 14 ‘ 0.5 * 22 0.3 39 0.3 13 ‘ 0.3 ' 6 ' 0.8 * Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 126 0.5 16 ‘ 0.5 “ 17 * 0.2 ' 69 0.6 13 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 10 “ 1.3 * Senility without mention of psychosis 137 0.5 . . . . 28 0.2 62 1.2 46 6.1 Nervousness 122 0.4 4 ’ 0.1 ‘ 57 0.8 49 0.4 12 * 0.2‘: Perinatal conditions and other unknown and ' unspecified causes 570 2.1 128 4.3 202 2.8 170 1.5 50 1.0 20 * 2.6 ‘ CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800—999) 578 2.1 42 1.4 197 2.7 244 2.1 88 1.7 10 1.3 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 195 0.7 8 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 97 1.3 69 0.6 18 ' 0.3 ‘ 4 ‘ 0.5 ‘ Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 148 0.5 16 * 0.5 “ 60 0.8 51 0.4 21 " 0.4 1 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 235 0.8 18 ‘ 0.6 ‘ 40 0.5 124 1.1 49 0.9 5 ‘ 0.7 ' Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 115 Table 6b: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ FEMALE ALL CONDITIONS 33,344 100.0 2,017 100.0 7,340 100.0 14,377 100.0 7,593 100.0 2,016 100.0 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 7,804 23.4 844 41.8 2,510 34.2 2,677 18.6 1,322 17.4 453 2.5 Visual impairments 629 1.9 35 1.7 116 1.6 172 1.2 194 2.6 113 5.6 Blindness in both eyes 168 0.5 5 " 0.2 ‘ 43 0.6 32 0.2 50 0.7 38 1.9 Visual impairment in both eyes 285 0.9 22 1.1 35 0.5 77 0.5 97 1.3 54 2.7 Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 19 0.1 ‘ 4 * 0.1 ‘ 8 ' 0.1 ‘ 7 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 157 0.5 8 ‘ 0.4 ‘ 34 0.5 55 0.4 40 0.5 21 1.0 Hearing impairments 557 1.7 91 4.5 121 1.6 114 0.8 144 1.9 91 4.5 Deafness in both ears 99 0.3 10 ‘ 0.5 ‘ 18 " 0.2 ‘ 31 0.2 26 0.3 15 * 0.7 * Hearing impairment in both ears 235 0.7 53 2.6 47 0.6 34 0.2 65 0.9 37 1.8 Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 92 0.3 20 ‘ 1.0 * 21 0.3 ‘ 22 0.2 ‘ 23 ‘ 0.3 6 ‘ 0.3 ‘ Deafness, unknown if in both ears 34 0.1 . . 21 ‘ 0.3 * . . 4 * 0.1 ‘ 10 ‘ 0.5 ‘ Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 97 0.3 8 ‘ 0.4 ‘ 14 ” 0.2 “ 27 0.2 26 0.3 23 1.1 Speech impairments 193 0.6 101 5.0 22 0.3 35 0.2 24 0.3 11 0.5 Stammering or stuttering 10 0.0 5 * 0.2 ‘ 2 ’ 0.0 . . 2 ‘ 0.0 . Other speech impairment 183 0.5 96 4.8 20 0.3 35 0.2 22 ' 0.3 ‘ 11 ' 0.5 * Loss or impairment of sensation 51 0.2 2 ‘ 0.1 ' 15 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 27 0.2 3 ‘ 0.0 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Learning disability and mental retardation 581 1.7 352 17.5 183 2.5 37 0.3 9 0.1 0 0.0 Learning disability 56 0.2 44 2.2 8 * 0.1 * 4 ‘ 0.0 . . Mental retardation/Down's syndrome 525 1.6 308 15.3 175 2.4 33 0.2 ‘ 9 * 0.1 ‘ . . Absence or loss 332 1.0 6 0.3 39 0.5 148 1.0 117 1.5 21 1.0 Absence or loss, upper extremity 14 0.0 2 ‘ 0.1 " 2 * 0.0 6 * 0.0 2 ‘ 0.0 2 ‘ 0.1 * Absence or loss, lower extremity 81 0.2 . 20 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 40 0.3 18 ‘ 0.2 ' 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Absence or loss of lung or kidney 41 0.1 4 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 6 * 0.1 ‘ 16 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 12 ' 0.2 " 2 ‘ 0.1 * Absence or loss of breast 44 0.1 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 21 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 17 * 0.2 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 152 0.5 . . 7 ‘ 0.1 * 65 0.5 68 0.9 12 ‘ 0.6 ‘ Paralysis 495 1.5 75 3.7 82 1.1 151 1.1 149 2.0 39 1.9 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 8 0.0 1 * 0.0 7 ’ 0.1 * 1 * 0.0 Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 44 0.1 4 ‘ 0.2 ’ 2 ‘ 0.0 17 ‘ 0.1 ' 13 * 0.2 ‘ 8 ‘ 0.4 ‘ Paralysis of upper extremities 22 0.1 ‘ . . . . 9 “ 0.1 ‘ 11 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 " 0.1 ‘ Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 21 0.1 ‘ 1 ‘ 0.0 3 ‘ 0.0 9 * 0.1 ‘ 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 " Cerebral palsy 83 0.2 51 2.5 27 0.4 4 ‘ 0.0 Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 122 0.4 9 ‘ 0.4 ‘ 17 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 47 0.3 45 0.6 4 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Partial paralysis of upper extremity 40 0.1 . . 19 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 20 ‘ 0.3 ' 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 26 0.1 3 " 0.0 7 ‘ 0.0 * 10 ‘ 0.1 * 6 ‘ 0.3 ' Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 36 0.1 . . 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 10 * 0.1 ‘ 20 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Paralysis of other extremity, complete or partial 93 0.3 9 * 0.4 ‘ 19 * 0.3 ‘ 29 0.2 24 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 12 ‘ 0.6 ‘ Deformities 541 1.6 70 3.5 236 3.2 169 1.2 61 0.8 4 0.2 Curvature of spine or back 307 0.9 35 1.7 142 1.9 93 0.6 32 0.4 4 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Spina bifida 25 0.1 8 ‘ 0.4 * 10 ‘ 0.1 “ 7 * 0.0 Congenital dislocation/ deformity of hip and/ or pelvis 27 0.1 ‘ 8 ‘ 0.4 ' 11 ‘ 0.1 * 7 * 0.0 2 ‘ 0.0 Deformity of lower extremity 128 0.4 14 0.7 53 0.7 49 0.3 12 0.2 Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity 54 0.2 5 0.2 20 0.3 13 0.1 15 0.2 . . Orthopedic impairments 4,332 13.0 84 4.2 1,663 22.7 1,806 12.6 608 8.0 169 8.4 Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 1,983 5.9 8 ' 0.4 ‘ 867 11.8 915 6.4 171 2.3 22 " 1.1 ‘ Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and / or upper extremities 577 1.7 9 ' 0.4 ‘ 252 3.4 234 1.6 67 0.9 15 ‘ 0.7 ‘ Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis 342 1.0 5 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 83 1.1 92 0.6 109 1.4 53 2.6 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 1,306 3.9 62 3.1 432 5.9 520 3.6 230 3.0 61 3.0 Orthopedic impairment of other and ill—defined sites 124 0.4 . . 29 0.4 45 0.3 31 0.4 18 ‘ 0.9 ‘ Other and ill-defined impairments 93 0.3 28 1.4 33 0.4 18 ‘ 0.1 " 13 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 25,541 76.6 1,171 58.1 4,828 65.8 11,704 81.4 6,275 82.6 1,568 77.8 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001-139) 260 0.8 29 1.4 91 1.2 101 0.7 30 0.4 11 0.5 116 Disability Statistics Report Table 6b: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Tuberculosis, all sites 124 0.4 10 ‘ 0.5 ‘ 55 0.7 43 0.3 14 ’ 0.2 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Herpes (zoster or simplex) 35 0.1 4 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 8 * 0.1 * 9 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 6 ' 0.1 * 9 ’ 0.4 * Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 101 0.3 15 ‘ 0.7‘ 28 0.4 49 0.3 10 * 0.1 * . . CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140—239) 898 2.7 21 1.0 174 2.4 461 3.2 218 2.9 27 1.3 Cancer (140—208) 693 2.1 9 0.4 114 1.6 350 2.4 198 2.6 25 1.2 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 18 ‘ 0.1 t . . 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 10 ‘ 0.1 ' 4 ' 0.1 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid ' junction, and anus 54 0.2 . . 2 ' 0.0 25 0.2 24 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 4 ‘ 0.2 ' Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 45 0.1 . . 12 “ 0.2 ‘ 20 ‘ 0.1 * 9 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 5 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 42 0.1 . . 5 ‘ 0.1 * 26 0.2 11 ' 0.1 ' Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 33 0.1 7 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 14 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 12 t 0.2 " Malignant neoplasm of skin 22 “ 0.1 ' . . 6 * 0.1 “ 2 ‘ 0.0 14 ‘ 0.2 ’ . . Malignant neoplasm of female breast 232 0.7 . . 31 0.4 142 1.0 51 0.7 8 * 0.4 ‘ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs 76 0.2 . . 16 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 46 0.3 14 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 11 ‘ 0.0 . . . . 6 * - 0.0 5 t 0.1 ‘ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 88 0.3 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 24 ‘ 0.3 * 38 0.3 21 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 4 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 23 0.1 2 * 0.1 ‘ 5 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 6 ‘ 0.0 8 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 * 0.1 ‘ Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 49 0.1 5 ' 0.2 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.0 15 ' 0.1 ' 25 0.3 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210—239) 205 0.6 12 0.6 60 0.8 111 0.8 20 0.3 2 0.1 Benign neoplasms 139 0.4 10 ' 0.5 ‘ 42 0.6 78 0.5 7 * 0.1 * 2 “ 0.1 ’ Neoplasm of unspecified nature 66 0.2 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 18 ‘ 0.2 “ 33 0.2 13 ‘ 0.2 ‘ CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240—279) 1,958 5.9 40 2.0 285 3.9 1,077 7.5 466 6.1 91 4.5 Thyroid disorders (240-246) 190 0.6 10 0.5 42 0.6 94 0.7 37 0.5 8 0.4 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 95 0.3 9 ‘ 0.4 ‘ 19 * 0.3 ' 53 0.4 14 ’ 0.2 ‘ . . Other disorders of thyroid 95 0.3 1 * 0.0 ‘ 23 0.3 41 0.3 23 0.3 8 ‘ 0.4 * Diabetes (250) 1,438 4.3 12 0.6 173 2.4 814 5.7 369 4.9 70 3.5 Diabetes mellitus with complication 59 0.2 . . 20 * 0.3 ‘ 34 0.2 4 ’ 0.1 ' . . Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 1,379 4.1 12 ‘ 0.6 ‘ 153 2.1 780 5.4 ‘ 365 4.8 70 3.5 Other (251—279) 330 1.0 18 0.9 70 1.0 169 1.2 60 0.8 13 0.6 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 102 0.3 . . 4 ‘ 0.1 * 69 0.5 29 ’ 0.4 ‘ . . Gout 58 0.2 . . 2 ' 0.0 28 0.2 21 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 7 ‘ 0.3 ' Obesity and other hyperalimentation 79 0.2 7 ' 0.3 ” 28 0.4 42 0.3 2 ‘ 0.0 Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 91 0.3 11 “ 0.5 " 36 ‘ 0.5 ‘ 30 0.2 8 ‘ 0.1 ’ 6 ‘ 0.3 ‘ CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGAN S (280—289) 133 0.4 9 0.4 39 0.5 41 0.3 42 0.6 1 0.0 Anemias 89 0.3 6 ‘ 0.3 * 24 0.3 31 0.2 27 0.4 Other diseases of blood and blood—forming organs 44 0.1 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 15 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 10 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 15 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 1 ’ 0.0 ‘ CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS . (290—316) excluding mental retardation 977 2.9 118 5.9 409 5.6 356 2.5 76 1.0 19 0.9 Psychoses (290-299) 231 0.7 2 0.1 106 1.4 80 0.6 30 0.4 15 0.7 Schizophrenic psychoses 80 0.2 . . 42 0.6 37 0.3 2 * 0.0 . . Affective psychoses 84 0.3 . . 56 0.8 27 0.2 2 ' 0.0 . . Other psychoses 67 0.2 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 8 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 16 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 26 0.3 15 ’ 0.7‘ Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300-316) 746 2.2 116 5.8 303 4.1 276 1.9 46 0.6 4 0.2 Anxiety states 68 0.2 . . 37 0 5 29 0.2 2 ‘ 0.0 Other neurotic disorders 243 0.7 15 ‘ 0.7' 110 1.5 98 0.7 20 ‘ 0.3 ‘ Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table 6b: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing 117 Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian N on-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Alcohol or drug dependence 26 0.1 4 ‘ 0.2 ' 15 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 7 * 0.0 " . . . . Adjustment reaction 75 0.2 9 ' 0.4 ‘ 32 0.4 27 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 5 ‘ 0.1 * 2 ‘ 0.1 "' Depressive disorders, not elsewhere classified 184 0.6 12 ‘ 0.6 ‘ 73 1.0 88 0.6 11 t 0.1 ‘ Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 53 0.2 51 2.5 1 ‘ 0.0 . . . . . . Other mental illness/ disorder 97 0.3 25 ’ 1.2 ‘ 35 0.5 27 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 8 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGAN S (320-389) 2586 7.8 192 9.5 699 9.5 873 6.1 616 8.1 209 10.4 Diseases of the nervous system (322—359) 1,504 4.5 115 5.7 582 7.9 553 3.8 204 2.7 53 2.6 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 97 0.3 2 ‘ 0.1 ' 2 ‘ 0.0 9 ‘ 0.1 * 59 0.8 24 ‘ 1.2 ‘ Parkinson's disease 68 0.2 1 ‘ 0.0 . . 22 0.2 38 0.5 8 ‘ 0.4 ' Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 43 0.1 12 " 0.2 " 21 ‘ 0.1 10 ‘ 0.1 ' Multiple sclerosis 161 0.5 . . 76 1.0 72 0.5 13 ‘ 0.2 " Epilepsy 280 0.8 65 3.2 126 1.7 73 0.5 17 ‘ 0.2 ’ Migraine 303 0.9 31 1.5 146 2.0 119 0.8 7 ‘ 0.1 * Other and unspecified disorders of the nervous system 118 0.4 7 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 34 0.5 46 0.3 21 0.3 11 ‘ 0.5 ' Nerve root and plexus disorders 64 0.2 19 ‘ 0.3 ’ 39 0.3 4 ' 0.1 2 * 0.1 ' Carpal tunnel syndrome 211 0.6 110 1.5 98 0.7 3 ‘ 0.0 . . Mononeuritis of lower limb 96 0.3 . 34 0.5 36 0.3 22 0.3 4 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 63 0.2 9 ‘ 0.4 ‘ 23 0.3 18 ‘ 0.1 ' 10 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 4 ‘ 0.2 " Disorders of the eye (360—379) 925 2.8 37 1.8 100 1.4 273 1.9 364 4.8 152 7.5 Retinal detachments and defects 40 0.1 7 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 19 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 8 ‘ 0.1 ' 6 ‘ 0.3 * Other retinal disorders 78 0.2 14 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 11 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 34 0.4 19 * 0.9 ‘ Macular degeneration 106 0.3 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 17 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 51 0.7 32 1.6 Glaucoma 247 0.7' . 18 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 77 0.5 114 1.5 39 1.9 Cataract 280 0.8 9 ‘ 0.4 ‘ 13 ' 0.2 ‘ 78 0.5 128 1.7 52 2.6 Disorders of refraction and accommodation 43 0.1 10 ' 0.5 * 18 ‘ 0.2 * 15 ' 0.1 ’ . . Visual disturbances 13 0.0 12 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.0 Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements 21 0.1 ' 12 ‘ 0.6 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.0 6 ‘ 0.0 . . . . Other disorders of eye 97 0.3 6 ‘ 0.3 ' 22 0.3 " 38 0.3 27 * 0.4 ‘ 4 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Disorders of the ear (380-388) 157 0.5 40 2.0 17 0.2 47 0.3 48 0.6 4 0.2 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 65 0.2 20 ' 1.0” 6 ’ 0.1 ‘ 17 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 21 ‘ 0.3 " 1 ‘ 0.0 Other disorders of ear 92 0.3 20 * 1.0 ‘ 11 ‘ 0.1 ' 30 0.2 27 0.4 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390—459) 5,412 16.2 33 1.6 376 5.1 2,751 19.1 1,777 23.4 475 23.6 Heart disease (390—429) 4,310 12.9 20 1.0 300 4.1 2,248 15.6 1,390 18.3 352 17.5 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390498) 200 0.6 1 0.0 59 0.8 104 0.7 33 0.4 2 0.1 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 121 0.4 1 ‘ 0.0 ‘ 40 0.5 63 0.4 16 ‘ 0.2 ‘ . . Other rheumatic disease 79 0.2 . 19 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 41 0.3 17 ’ 0.2 “ 2 ' 0.1 ‘ Hypertensive disease (401—405) 1,870 5.6 5 * 0.2 ‘ 135 1.8 1,144 8.0 486 6.4 100 5.0 Ischemic heart disease (410—414) 857 2.6 0 0.0 25 0.3 434 3.0 310 4.1 89 4.4 Angina pectoris 358 1.1 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 176 1.2 138 1.8 39 1.9 Other chronic ischemic heart disease 499 1.5 . . 19 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 258 1.8 172 2.3 50 2.5 Other forms of heart disease (415-429) 1,383 4.1 14 0.7 81 1.1 566 3.9 561 7.4 161 8.0 Diseases of endocardium 122 0.4 4 ' 0.2 ' 22 ‘ 0.3 ' 54 0.4 32 0.4 10 ’ 0.5 * Cardiomyopathy 20 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 8 " 0.1 ' 8 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.0 . . Conduction disorders 53 0.2 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 37 0.3 7 ‘ 0.1 ' 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Cardiac dysrhythmias 277 0.8 16 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 125 0.9 112 1.5 24 ' 1.2 ‘ Heart failure 201 0.6 . . 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 76 0.5 91 1.2 28 1.4 Other heart disease 710 2.1 6 ‘ 0.3 ' 25 0.3 266 1.9 317 4.2 97 4.8 Cerebrovascular disease (430—438) 586 1.8 11 ‘ 0.5 " 20 * 0.3 * 239 1.7 242 3.2 74 3.7 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) 193 0.6 2 0.1 16 0.2 80 0.6 66 0.9 28 1.4 Atherosclerosis 84 0.3 . . 36 0.3 23 0.3 25 1.2 Aortic aneurysm 21 0.1 ‘ 1 ‘ 0.0 8 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 12 ‘ 0.2 ' . . Arterial embolism and thrombosis 39 0.1 ‘ . . . . 21 ‘ 0.1 ' 15 * 0.2 ' 2 ‘ 0.1 * Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 49 0.1 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 15 ’ 0.2" 15 “ 0.1 ‘ 16 * 0.2 ‘ 1 ‘ 0.0 ‘ Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451—459) 323 1.0 0 0.0 40 0.5 184 1.3 79 1.0 21 1.0 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 90 0.3 12 ‘ 0.2 * 53 0.4 24 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1‘ Varicose veins of lower extremities 74 0.2 12 ' 0.2 “ 55 0.4 7 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 118 Table 6b: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Disability Statistics Report Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18—44 45-69 70-84 85+ Hemorrhoids 23 ‘ 0.1 2 ' 0.0 13 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 5 ‘ 0.1 ’ 3 ‘ 0.1 " Other disorders of circulatory system 136 0.4 14 ' 0.2 * 63 0.4 43 0.6 16 ‘ 0.8 ‘ CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460-519) 2,433 7.3 451 22.4 632 8.6 934 6.5 374 4.9 40 2.0 Chronic sinusitis 108 0.3 13 " 0.6 " 34 0.5 47 0.3 8 * 0.1 ‘ 5 ‘ 0.2 * Allergic rhinitis 163 0.5 26 1.3 57 0.8 51 0.4 27 " 0.4 ‘ 2 * 0.1 * Chronic bronchitis 169 0.5 20 ‘ 1.0 * 20 * 0.3 ‘ 84 0.6 39 0.5 5 ‘ 0.2 " Emphysema 348 1.0 . . 8 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 215 1.5 117 1.5 8 ‘ 0.4 ‘ Asthma 1,408 4.2 358 17.7 486 6.6 424 2.9 129 1.7 12 ‘ 0.6 ‘ Pneumoconiosis 6 ‘ 0.0 . . . . 6 ‘ 0.0 . . . . Other diseases of respiratory system 231 0.7 34 1.7 27 0.4 107 0.7 54 0.7 8. ‘ 0.4 ‘ CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520—579) 930 2.8 23 1.1 214 2.9 478 3.3 166 2.2 49 2.4 Diseases of esophagus 31 0.1 3 * 0.1 ‘ 2 ' 0.0 17 ‘ 0.1 " 7 ‘ 0.1 ” 2 ‘ 0.1 “ Gastric ulcer 89 0.3 23 ‘ 0.3 ‘ 46 0.3 14 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 6 " 0.3 ' Other peptic ulcer 51 0.2 . . 10 " 0.1 ‘ 29 ’ 0.2 10 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 76 0.2 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 19 0.3 26 ’ 0.2 ‘ 23 0.3 6 ‘ 0.3 ' Hernia 207 0.6 1 * 0.0 ‘ 32 0.4 138 1.0 29 0.4 7 * 0.3 ‘ Enteritis or colitis 127 0.4 8 ‘ 0.4 ‘ 48 0.7 51 0.4 17 ‘ 0.2 " 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 171 0.5 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 23 0.3 84 0.6 44 0.6 17 " 0.8 ‘ Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 65 0.2 2 ‘ 0.1 " 30 0.4 28 0.2 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Cholelithiasis 39 0.1 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 8 " 0.1 * 19 * 0.1 ‘ 8 ‘ 0.1 ’ 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Other digestive diseases 74 0.2 2 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 19 ‘ 0.3 * 40 0.3 10 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 3 ‘ 0.1 ' CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580—629) 504 1.5 18 0.9 188 2.6 235 1.6 53 0.7 9 0.4 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or nephrosis 74 0.2 27 0.4 37 0.3 9 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 * 0.1 ‘ Calculus of kidney 22 ' 0.1 ' . 5 ’ 0.1 ‘ 15 ‘ 0.1 ‘ . . 2 * 0.1 ‘ Other disorders of kidney and ureter 103 0.3 4 ' 0.2 ' 20 ‘ 0.3 47 0.3 31 0.4 1 ‘ 0.0 ‘ Disorders of bladder, urethra, or urinary tract 81 0.2 2 “ 0.1 ‘ 13 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 52 0.4 9 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 4 ' 0.2 “ Endometriosis 51 0.2 . . 45 0.6 6 ' 0.0 . . Other disorders of female genital organs 173 0.5 12 ‘ 0.6 ‘ 78 1.1 78 0.5 4 ‘ 0.1 * CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630—676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680—709)1 211 0.6 35 1.7 56 0.8 86 0.6 26 0.3 7 0.3 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 60 0.2 10 * 0.5 ‘ 23 0.3 25 0.2 2 ' 0.0 Psoriasis and similar disorders 28 0.1 4 ‘ 0.1 * 16 * 0.1 * 7 ‘ 0.1 ‘ . . Chronic ulcer of skin 30 0.1 2 ” 0.0 17 * 0.1 * 7 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 4 ‘ 0.2 ' Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 93 0.3 25 1.2 27 0.4 28 0.2 10 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 3 * 0.1 ‘ CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) 6,837 20.5 26 1.3 1,074 14.6 3,423 23.8 1,905 25.1 411 20.4 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 56 0.2 14 ‘ 0.2 * 36 * 0.3 * 6 ‘ 0.1 ' Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 517 1.6 3 ‘ 0.1 * 77 1.0 281 2.0 138 1.8 18 ‘ 0.9' Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 3,495 10.5 6 ‘ 0.3 * 227 3.1 1,740 12.1 1,231 16.2 291 14.4 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 28 0.1 15 ' 0.2 * 9 ‘ 0.1 * 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ . . Spondylosis and allied disorders 570 1.7 69 0.9 317 2.2 160 2.1 25 1.2 Intervertebral disc disorders 1,103 3.3 448 6.1 556 3.9 93 1.2 6 ‘ 0.3 * Other and unspecified disorders of back 113 0.3 28 * 0.4 ' 51 0.4 29 0.4 4 ‘ 0.2 ' Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 233 0.7 4 ' 0.2 ‘ 92 1.3 120 0.8 18 ’ 0.2 ‘ Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 129 0.4 3 * 0.1 * 36 0.5 68 0.5 16 * 0.2 ' 6 ‘ 0.3 ' Other disorders of soft tissues 133 0.4 2 ‘ 0.1 * 39 0.5 53 0.4 36 0.5 4 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Osteoporosis 297 0.9 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 108 0.8 135 1.8 50 2.5 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 163 0.5 8 " 0.4 ‘ 25 0.3 84 V 0.6 39 0.5 7 ‘ 0.3 ‘ CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740-759) 143 0.4 52 2.6 37 0.5 41 0.3 9 0.1 2 0.1 Congenital anomalies of heart 66 0.2 24 1.2 18 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 15 ‘ 0.1 ' 6 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 “ Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 77 0.2 28 1.4 19 0.3 * 26 * 0.2 ‘ 3 * 0.0 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 119 Table 6b: Prevalence of Activity Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, All Ages, 1992 Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760—779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL—DEFINED CONDITIONS (780—799) 1,633 4.9 100 5.0 376 5.1 581 4.0 386 5.1 190 9.4 Dizziness and giddiness 96 0.3 . . 2 t 0.0 36 0.3 40 0.5 19 ' 0.9 * Malaise and fatigue 56 0.2 4 ‘ 0.2 t 21 * 0.3 ‘ 27 0.2 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ . . Headache 121 0.4 4 t 0.2 t 52 0.7 55 0.4 7 t 0.1 " 4 ‘ 0.2 ‘ Cardiovascular symptoms 151 0.5 11 ‘ 0.5 ‘ 39 0.5 54 0.4 34 0.4 13 ‘ 0.6 ‘ Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 121 0.4 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 24 t 0.3 ‘ 51 0.4 38 0.5 4 0.2 Senility without mention of psychosis 278 0.8 . . . . 38 0.3 125 1.6 115 5.7 Nervousness 192 0.6 . . 57 0.8 108 0.8 23 0.3 4 ‘ 0.2 " Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 618 1.9 78 3.9 181 2.5 212 1.5 115 1.5 31 1.5 CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800—999) 626 1.9 24 1.2 178 2.4 266 1.9 131 1.7 27 1.3 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 154 0.5 . . 48 0.7 55 0.4 38 0.5 12 ‘ 0.6 ‘ Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 186 0.6 13 ‘ 0.6 ' 58 0.8 79 0.5 32 0.4 4 * 0.2 " Complications of medical care, not elsewhere _ classified 286 0.9 11 ‘ 0.5 ‘ 72 1.0 132 0.9 61 0.8 11 ‘ 0.5 ‘ " Estimate has low statistical reliability (relative standard error > 30%). . No respondents in category 120 Disability Statistics Report Table 7a: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution ALL CONDITIONS 19,023 100.0 7,628 100.0 11,395 100.0 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 5,601 29.4 3,088 40.5 2,513 2.1 Visual impairments 256 1.3 141 1.8 115 1.0 Blindness in both eyes 104 0.5 58 0.8 46 0.4 Visual impairment in both eyes 50 0.3 22 0.3 27 0.2 " Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 15 0.1 5 " 0.1 * 10 " 0.1 " Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 87 0.5 56 0.7 32 0.3 Hearing impairments 213 1.1 116 1.5 96 0.8 Deafness in both ears 54 0.3 23 0.3 30 " 0.3 Hearing impairment in both ears 79 0.4 37 0.5 42 0.4 Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 33 0.2 21 * 0.3 12 t 0.1 " Deafness, unknown if in both ears 26 0.1 26 " 0.3 " . . Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 21 0.1 9 * 0.1 ‘ 12 ’t 0.1 * Speech impairments 39 0.2 27 0.4 12 0.1 Stammering and stuttering 6 0.0 6 * 0.1 " . . Other speech impairment 33 0.2 21 * 0.3 12 " 0.1 * Loss or impairment of sensation 65 0.3 42 0.5 " 23 * 0.2 * Learning disability and mental retardation 474 2.5 386 5.1 88 0.8 Learning disability 25 0.1 17 * 0.2 " 8 " 0.1 " Mental retardation/ Down's syndrome 449 2.4 369 4.8 80 0.7 Absence or loss 250 1.3 82 1.1 168 1.5 Absence or loss, upper extremity 34 0.2 17 " 0.2 " 17 * 0.1 " Absence or loss, lower extremity 111 0.6 34 0.4 77 0.7 Absence or loss of lung or kidney 16 " 0.1 6 * 0.1 ‘ 10 * 0.1 * Absence or loss of breast 7 0.0 2 “ 0.0 5 * 0.0 Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 82 0.4 23 " 0.3 * 59 0.5 Paralysis 332 1.7 195 2.6 138 1.2 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 40 0.2 36 0.5 5 * 0.0 Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 25 0.1 4 * 0.1 21 * 0.2 Paralysis of upper extremities 12 0.1 7 * 0.1 * 5 * 0.0 Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 41 0.2 20 " 0.3 21 * 0.2 Cerebral palsy 84 0.4 71 0.9 13 * 0.1 " Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 47 0.2 25 * 0.3 * 22 * 0.2 * Partial paralysis of upper extremity 14 0.1 2 " 0.0 12 " 0.1 ‘ Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 10 " 0.1 4 ‘ 0.0 6 " 0.1 Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 11 0.1 4 " 0.1 * 6 '* 0.1 Paralysis of other sites, complete or partial 48 0.3 22 * 0.3 " 27 0.2 * Deformities 286 1.5 195 2.6 91 0.8 Curvature of spine or back 186 1.0 126 1.7 60 0.5 Spina bifida 29 0.2 25 ‘ 0.3 * 4 ‘ 0.0 Congenital dislocation/ deformity of hip and/ or pelvis 17 0.1 13 * 0.2 * 4 " 0.0 Deformity of lower extremity 54 0.3 31 0.4 23 " 0.2 Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity 43 0.2 27 " 0.3 " 17 * 0.1 * Orthopedic impairments 3,627 19.1 1,863 24.4 1,764 15.5 Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 1,995 10.5 1,051 13.8 944 8.3 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper extremity 551 2.9 299 3.9 252 2.2 Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis 142 0.7 54 0.7 88 0.8 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 861 4.5 420 5.5 442 3.9 Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites 78 0.4 39 0.5 38 0.3 Other and ill-defined impairments 59 0.3 41 0.5 18 " 0.2 PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 13,374 70.3 4,513 59.2 8,868 77.8 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001—139) 129 0.7 62 0.8 67 0.6 Tuberculosis, all sites 57 0.3 33 " 0.4 * 24 0.2 Herpes (zoster or simplex) 6 0.0 2 “ 0.0 4 ’* 0.0 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 66 0.3 27 ” 0.4 39 0.3 CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140—239) 632 3.3 147 1.9 485 4.3 Cancer (140-208) 529 2.8 102 1.3 427 3.7 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 17 0.1 7 " 0.1 * 10 * 0.1 " Malignant neoplasm of rectum, colon, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 46 0.2 46 0.4 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill—defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 36 0.2 6 " 0.1 " 31 0.3 Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 86 0.5 7 " 0.1 " 78 0.7 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 121 Table 7a: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage Malignant neoplasm of skin Malignant neoplasm of female breast Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210—239) Benign neoplasms Neoplasm of unspecified nature CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240—279) Thyroid disorders (240-246) Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism Other disorders of thyroid Diabetes (250) Diabetes mellitus with complication Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication Other (251—279) Disorders of lipoid metabolism Gout Obesity and other hyperalimentation Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD—FORMING ORGAN S (280—289) Anemias Other diseases of blood and blood—forming organs CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290-316) excluding mental retardation Psychoses (290—299) Schizophrenic psychoses Affective psychoses Other psychoses Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300—316) Anxiety states Other neurotic disorders Alcohol and drug dependence Adjustment reaction Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood Other mental illness / disorder CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320—389) Diseases of the nervous system (322—359) Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations Parkinson's disease Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Multiple sclerosis Epilepsy Migraine Other and unspecified disorders of the central nervous system Nerve root and plexus disorders 1 Carpal tunnel syndrome Mononeuritis of lower limb Other disorders of peripheral nervous system Disorders of the eye (360—379) Retinal detachments and defects Macular degeneration Other retinal disorders Glaucoma All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 25 " 0.1 * 9 * 0.1 " 17 " 6 " 0.0 2 * 0.0 4 " 94 0.5 24 " 0.3 " 70 32 0.2 4 * 0.1 * 28 51 0.3 5 " 0.1 " 46 23 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 " 18 " 65 0.3 14 " 0.2 " 51 18 "' 0.1 12 " 0.2 " 6 " 30 0.2 8 “ 0.1 * 22 103 0.5 45 0.6 58 83 0.4 35 0.5 48 20 " 0.1 10 " 0.1 * 10 * 777 4.1 214 2.8 565 35 0.2 14 0.2 21 18 " 0.1 " 2 * 0.0 16 " 17 " 0.1 12 * 0.2 5 " 624 3.3 147 1.9 478 47 0.2 27 0.4 21 * 577 3.0 120 1.6 457 118 0.6 53 0.7 66 7 * 0.0 . . 7 * 30 0.2 3 " 0.0 27 47 0.2 29 0.4 18 34 0.2 21 0.3 14 * 38 0.2 22 0.3 16 21 0.1 12 * 0.2 9 * 17 " 0.1 10 " 0.1 " 7 " 925 4.9 550 7.2 376 339 1.8 224 2.9 115 193 1.0 135 1.8 57 111 0.6 75 1.0 37 35 0.2 14 * 0.2 " 21 “ 586 3.1 326 4.3 261 47 0.2 27 0.3 21 * 224 1.2 137 1.8 87 61 0.3 40 0.5 21 * 84 0.4 43 0.6 41 110 0.6 43 0.6 67 3 " 0.0 3 " 0.0 . 57 0.3 33 0.4 24 " 1,295 6.8 644 8.4 652 1,029 5.4 532 7.0 496 26 0.1 " 2 " 0.0 24 44 0.2 2 ” 0.0 42 45 0.2 14 “ 0.2 " 31 185 1.0 80 1.1 104 219 1.2 155 2.0 64 97 0.5 51 0.7 46 84 0.4 44 0.6 40 43 0.2 17 * 0.2 " 26 149 0.8 83 1.1 66 72 0.4 40 0.5 32 65 0.3 44 0.6 21 " 235 1.2 102 1.3 135 12 " 0.1 4 " 0.0 9 " 21 " 0.1 " 10 "‘ 0.1 * 11 * 16 I 0.1 2 " 0.0 14 " 48 0.3 6 " 0.1 ‘ 43 12 Disability Statistics Report Table 7a: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18—44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Cataract 43 0.2 15 " 0.2 * 28 0.2 ' Disorders of refraction and accommodation 14 * 0.1 11 " 0.1 " 3 0.0 Visual disturbances 10 " 0.1 8 " 0.1 " 2 0.0 Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements 9 " 0.0 9 ‘ 0.1 " . . Other disorders of eye 62 0.3 37 " 0.5 ” 25 0.2 " Disorders of the ear (380-388) 31 0.2 10 0.1 21 0.2 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 22 ” 0.1 * 7 " 0.1 ‘ 15 0.1 * Other disorders of ear 9 " 0.0 3 " 0.0 6 0.1 CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 2,730 14.4 304 4.0 2,428 21.3 Heart disease (390—429) 2,071 10.9 220 2.9 1,854 16.3 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) 114 0.6 37 0.5 79 0.7 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 52 0.3 25 " 0.3 " 28 0.2 ” Other rheumatic disease 62 0.3 12 " 0.2 51 0.4 Hypertensive disease (401—405) 439 2.3 60 0.8 379 3.3 Ischemic heart disease (410—414) 832 4.4 40 0.5 793 7.0 Angina pectoris 184 1.0 6 * 0.1 “ 179 1.6 Other chronic ischemic heart disease 648 3.4 34 0.4 614 5.4 Other forms of heart disease (415—429) 686 3.6 83 1.1 603 5.3 Diseases of endocardium 55 0.3 15 * 0.2 " 40 0.4 Cardiomyopathy 26 " 0.1 " 13 * 0.2 " 13 0.1 '* Conduction disorders 54 0.3 3 * 0.0 52 0.5 Cardiac dysrhythmias 95 0.5 15 " 0.2 " 81 0.7 Heart failure 89 0.5 10 " 0.1 “ 78 0.7 Other heart disease 367 1.9 27 0.4 339 3.0 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) 334 1.8 21 " 0.3 313 2.8 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440—448) 157 0.8 15 0.2 142 1.2 Atherosclerosis 61 0.3 . . 61 0.5 Aortic aneurysm 11 * 0.1 1 * 0.0 10 0.1 “ Arterial embolism and thrombosis 44 0.2 . . 44 0.4 Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 41 0.2 14 " 0.2 * 27 0.2 * Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451-459) 168 0.9 48 0.6 119 1.0 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 32 0.2 12 " 0.2 ” 19 0.2 Varicose veins of lower extremities 40 0.2 17 " 0.2 ‘ 23 " 0.2 Hemorrhoids 17 ” 0.1 4 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 13 0.1 * Other disorders of circulatory system 79 0.4 15 " 0.2 " 64 0.6 CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460—519) 1,072 5.6 421 5.5 652 5.7 Chronic sinusitis 17 " 0.1 8 * 0.1 " 9 0.1 * Allergic rhinitis 36 0.2 29 0.4 7 0.1 Chronic bronchitis 53 0.3 19 " 0.2 " 34 0.3 Emphysema 262 1.4 7 " 0.1 * 256 2.2 Asthma 558 2.9 308 4.0 250 2.2 Pneumoconiosis 14 " 0.1 2 ‘ 0.0 12 0.1 " Other diseases of respiratory system 132 0.7 48 0.6 84 0.7 CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520—579) 449 2.4 177 2.3 274 2.4 Diseases of esophagus 9 " 0.0 . . 9 0.1 " Gastric ulcer 35 0.2 9 '* 0.1 * 26 0.2 Other peptic ulcer 16 " 0.1 5 " 0.1 " 11 0.1 * Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 32 0.2 15 " 0.2 " 18 0.2 Hernia 122 0.6 41 0.5 81 0.7 Enteritis and colitis 77 0.4 52 0.7 26 0.2 Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 50 0.3 11 * 0.1 * 39 0.3 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 55 0.3 26 0.3 " 29 0.3 Cholelithiasis 11 " 0.1 2 " 0.0 9 0.1 ” Other digestive diseases 42 0.2 16 " 0.2 " 26 0.2 " CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 260 1.4 129 1.7 129 1.1 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis 74 0.4 41 0.5 33 0.3 Calculus of kidney 14 " 0.1 8 " 0.1 " 6 0.1 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 59 0.3 26 0.3 * 32 0.3 Disorders of bladder, urethra, and urinary tract 27 0.1 " 11 ‘ 0.1 " 15 0.1 " Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 1992. 123 Table 7a: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 4569 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Disorders of male genital organs 19 * 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 " 15 " 0.1 * Endometriosis 19 " 0.1 15 " 0.2 " 4 " 0.0 Other disorders of female genital organs 48 0.3 24 0.3 24 " 0.2 CHAPIER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CI-IILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680—709) 75 0.4 41 0.5 34 0.3 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 24 " 0.1 " 18 " 0.2 " 5 * 0.0 Psoriasis and similar disorders 15 ‘ 0.1 4 * 0.0 12 " 0.1 * Chronic ulcer of skin 6 " 0.0 2 ” 0.0 4 * 0.0 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 30 0.2 17 " 0.2 " 13 ‘ 0.1 * CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) 3,774 19.8 1,231 16.1 2,543 22.3 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 37 " 0.2 16 " 0.2 * 21 “ 0.2 " Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 280 1.5 69 0.9 211 1.8 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 1,290 6.8 189 2.5 1,100 9.7 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 18 “‘ 0.1 9 " 0.1 ’* 9 " 0.1 " Spondylosis and allied disorders 230 1.2 45 0.6 186 1.6 Intervertebral disc disorders 1,479 7.8 752 9.9 727 6.4 Other and unspecified disorders of back 68 0.4 27 0.4 41 0.4 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 96 0.5 45 0.6 51 0.4 Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 59 0.3 20 * 0.3 39 0.3 Other disorders of soft tissues 65 0.3 28 * 0.4 37 0.3 Osteoporosis 61 0.3 6 * 0.1 " 55 0.5 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 91 0.5 25 0.3 66 0.6 CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL AN OMALIES (740-759) 98 0.5 52 0.7 46 0.4 Congenital anomalies of heart 38 0.2 17 " 0.2 " 21 " 0.2 * Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 60 0.3 35 0.5 25 0.2 CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760-779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL—DEFINED CONDITIONS (780—799) 745 3.9 369 4.8 376 3.3 Dizziness and giddiness 21 " 0.1 " 5 " 0.1 * 15 " 0.1 * Malaise and fatigue 33 0.2 12 " 0.2 " 21 ” 0.2 Headache 98 0.5 61 0.8 37 0.3 Cardiovascular symptoms 39 0.2 18 * 0.2 " 21 * 0.2 Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 62 0.3 20 ” 0.3 42 0.4 Senility without mention of psychosis 38 0.2 . . 38 0.3 Nervousness 126 0.7 64 0.8 62 0.5 Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 328 1.7 189 2.5 140 1.2 CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800—999) 375 2.0 150 2.0 225 2.0 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 118 0.6 68 0.9 50 0.4 Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 85 0.4 37 0.5 48 0.4 Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 172 0.9 45 0.6 127 1.1 124 Disability Statistics Report Table 7a: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation MALE ALL CONDITIONS PART I: IMPAIRMENTS Visual impairments Blindness in both eyes Visual impairment in both eyes Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known Hearing impairments Deafness in both ears Hearing impairment in both ears Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only Deafness, unknown if in both ears Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears Speech impairments Stammering or stuttering Other speech impairment Loss or impairment of sensation Learning disability and mental retardation Learning disability Mental retardation/ Down's syndrome Absence or loss Absence or loss, upper extremity Absence or loss, lower extremity Absence or loss of lung or kidney Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more Paralysis Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) Paralysis of upper extremities Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) Cerebral palsy Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) Partial paralysis of upper extremity Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) Other partial paralysis of lower extremity Paralysis of other extremity, complete or partial Deformities Curvature of spine or back Spina bifida Congenital dislocation/ deformity of hip and/ or pelvis Deformity of lower extremity Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity Orthopedic impairments Orthopedic impairment of back or neck Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and / or upper extremities Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites Other and ill-defined impairments PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001—139) Tuberculosis, all sites Herpes (zoster or simplex) Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) Cancer (140—208) Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus Malignant neoplasm of other and ill—defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 9,397 3,121 153 57 26 9 61 108 24 56 14 5 9 31 4 27 51 44:4» ‘11-!» ¥¥¥¥ 4; 3,944 1,777 93 30 15 137 1,030 531 22 283 24 2,152 14 10 55 39 8¥¥¥¥ 44*! 1,, 444154 J- ‘1' l- 4 100.0 45.1 2.4 0.7 0.4 " 0.1 " 1.1 1.3 0.3 “ 0.5 " 0.2 " 0.1 * 0.1 " 0.5 0.1 " 0.4 * 0.9 * 6.2 0.3 * 5.9 1.6 0.4 * 0.6 0.1 " 0.5 * 3.5 0.7 * 0.1 " 0.2 * 0.4 " 1.3 0.3 ‘ 0.1 " 0.1 " 0.1 * 0.3 ” 2.1 1.3 0.4 " 0.1 * 0.3 " 0.4 * 26.1 13.5 4.1 0.6 7.2 0.8 0.6 54.6 0.4 0.1 " 0.2 " 1.4 1.0 0.1 " 0.1 * 5,453 1,342 59 27 11 4 17 58 " 13 36 4 5 10 10 17 63 6 57 114 17 59 6 32 88 5 12 5 15 hOWQW 4¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ 894 466 127 238 17 4,102 25 17 232 227 32 15 63 i'tls’fii- 100.0 24.6 1.1 0.5 0.2 * 0.1 " 0.3 '* 1.1 0.2 “ 0.7 0.1 " 0.1 * 0.2 0.2 " 0.3 " 1.2 0.1 * Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 125 Table 7a: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 11 ” 0.1 " 2 ' 0.1 " 9 * 0.2 " Malignant neoplasm of skin 5 " 0.1 1 " 0.0 4 " 0.1 " Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs 51 0.5 5 ” 0.1 * 46 0.8 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 21 " 0.2 " 4 " 0.1 " 16 " 0.3 " Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 22 ‘ 0.2 * 4 ‘ 0.1 ” 18 " 0.3 ‘ Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 12 " 0.1 ” 8 “ 0.2 " 4 " 0.1 ' Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 20 " 0.2 " 8 " 0.2 " 12 ‘ 0.2 " Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210—239) 21 0.2 16 0.4 5 0.1 Benign neoplasms 15 ' 0.2 " 10 * 0.3 " 5 " 0.1 * Neoplasm of unspecified nature . 6 ' 0.1 " 6 " 0.2 " CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240-279) 321 3.4 94 2.4 227 4.2 Thyroid disorders (240—246) 7 0.1 2 0.1 5 0.1 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 4 " 0.0 2 ‘ 0.1 " 2 “ 0.0 Other disorders of thyroid 3 " 0.0 . . 3 " 0.1 " Diabetes (250) 260 2.8 68 1.7 192 3.5 Diabetes mellitus with complication 25 * 0.3 15 ” 0.4 " 10 " 0.2 “ Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 235 2.5 53 1.3 182 3.3 Other (251—279) 54 ~ 0.6 24 0.6 30 0.6 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 3 ” 0.0 . . 3 " 0.0 Gout 24 " 0.3 3 " 0.1 * 21 * 0.4 * Obesity and other hyperalimentation 19 * 0.2 " 15 " 0.4 '° 4 " 0.1 * Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 8 ” 0.1 ‘ 6 " 0.2 * 2 “ 0.0 CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD—FORMING ORGANS (280—289) 14 0.1 9 0.2 4 0.1 Anemias 5 " 0.1 5 * 0.1 " . . Other diseases of blood and blood—forming organs 9 " 0.1 " 4 * 0.1 ‘ 4 " 0.1 ” CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290—316) excluding mental retardation 463 4.9 273 6.9 190 3.5 Psychoses (290—299) 196 2.1 139 3.5 56 1.0 Schizophrenic psychoses 126 1.3 99 2.5 27 ’ 0.5 " Affective psychoses 44 0.5 27 0.7 17 " 0.3 " Other psychoses 26 " 0.3 13 ” 0.3 " 12 * 0.2 " Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300—316) 267 2.8 134 3.4 134 2.5 Anxiety states 10 " 0.1 " . . 10 " 0.2 " Other neurotic disorders 102 1.1 59 1.5 43 0.8 Alcohol and drug dependence 47 0.5 28 0.7 19 " 0.3 " Adjustment reaction 54 0.6 21 " 0.5 " 33 0.6 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 31 0.3 13 " 0 3 " 19 " 0 3 " Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 2 * 0.0 2 " 0.1 " . Other mental illness/disorder 21 " 0.2 " 11 " 03 " 10 " 02 * CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320-389) 560 6.0 273 6.9 288 5.3 Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) 441 4.7 210 5.3 232 4.3 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 14 " 0.2 . . 14 " 0.3 " Parkinson's disease 29 " 0.3 2 " 0.1 " 26 " 05 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 31 0.3 9 ‘ 02 " 22 " 04 " Multiple sclerosis 61 0.7 16 ‘ 0.4 " 46 0 8 Epilepsy 130 1.4 90 2 3 41 0.8 Migraine 15 " 0.2 5 " 01 “ 10 ” 0.2 " Other and unspecified disorders of the central nervous system 39 0.4 21 " 0 5 " 19 " 0.3 “ Nerve root and plexus disorders 17 " 0.2 6 " 0 2 " 10 " 0.2 " Carpal tunnel syndrome 35 0.4 17 ’ 04 " 18 " 0.3 " Mononeuritis of lower limb 30 0.3 16 " 0.4 " 14 " 0.3 Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 40 0.4 28 0.7 12 " 0.2 " Disorders of the eye (360-379) 106 1.1 58 1.5 48 0 9 Retinal detachments and defects 3 " 0.0 3 " 0.1 " . . Other retinal disorders 9 " 0.1 ‘ 2 “ 0.0 7 " 0.1 " Glaucoma 18 " 0.2 ' 1 " 0.0 17 " 0.3 " Cataract 18 " 0.2 " 7 " 0.2 ” 11 * 0.2 " Disorders of refraction and accommodation 5 * 0.1 4 " 0.1 ” 1 “ 0.0 Visual disturbances 10 " 0.1 “ 8 " 0.2 " 2 " 0.0 126 Disability Statistics Report Table 7a: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation 18-44 45-69 Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements Other disorders of eye Disorders of the ear (380—388) Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system Other disorders of ear CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) Heart disease (390-429) Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve Other rheumatic disease Hypertensive disease (401—405) Ischemic heart disease (410—414) Angina pectoris Other chronic ischemic heart disease Other forms of heart disease (415—429) Diseases of endocardium Cardiomyopathy Conduction disorders Cardiac dysrhythmias Heart failure Other heart disease Cerebrovascular disease (430—438) Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440—448) Atherosclerosis Aortic aneurysm Arterial embolism and thrombosis Other disorders of arteries and arterioles Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451—459) Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis Varicose veins of lower extremities Hemorrhoids Other disorders of circulatory system CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460—519) Chronic sinusitis Allergic rhinitis Chronic bronchitis Emphysema Asthma Pneumoconiosis Other diseases of respiratory system CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) Diseases of esophagus Gastric ulcer Other peptic ulcer Other disorders of stomach and duodenum Hernia Enteritis or colitis Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis Cholelithiasis Other digestive diseases CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580—629) Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or nephrosis Calculus of kidney Other disorders of kidney and ureter Disorders of bladder, urethra, and urinary tract Disorders of male genital organs CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630—676) Number of people in thousands and percent distribution All Ages 9 " 0.1 " 9 " 34 " 0.4 24 " 13 0.1 5 9 * 0.1 * 5 * 4 " 0.0 1,581 16.8 155 1,195 12.7 108 35 0.4 7 9 ” 0.1 ” 4 " 26 * 0.3 3 * 171 1.8 25 592 6.3 25 109 1.2 2 " 483 5.1 23 " 397 4.2 51 22 0.2 5 " 24 " 0.3 * 11 " 43 0.5 3 * 46 0.5 11 " 50 0.5 7 " 212 2.3 14 " 188 2.0 12 ’* 109 1.2 5 47 0.5 7 " 0.1 " 30 " 0.3 * . 25 * 0.3 5 ” 89 0.9 30 4 * 0.0 3 * 22 * 0.2 * 15 " 7 " 0.1 ‘ 2 * 56 0.6 10 " 474 5.0 181 8 * 0.1 * 4 * 18 * 0.2 " 18 " 18 * 0.2 ‘ 8 * 156 1.7 4 " 185 2.0 115 12 " 0.1 * 2 * 77 0.8 30 220 2.3 85 4 t 0.0 . 26 0.3 7 * 7 " 0.1 " 3 * 17 ” 0.2 5 * 69 0.7 24 * 31 0.3 20 * 12 " 0.1 ” 2 * 35 0.4 20 * 4 " 0.0 . 15 " 0.2 4 " 103 1.1 44 40 0.4 24 " 8 " 0.1 ‘t 4 t 31 0.3 11 * 5 " 0.1 1 " 19 * 0.2 " 4 * 0.2 " 0.6 " 0.1 0.1 * 3.9 0.1 * 0.8 0.1 * 0.4 * 0.1 " 0.2 " 4.6 0.1 ‘ 0.5 " 0.2 " 0.1 " 0.1 " 0.8 2.2 0.2 " 0.1 ‘* 0.1 " 0.6 " 0.5 * 0.1 " 0.5 " 0.1 " 1.1 0.6 " 0.1 * 0.3 * 0.0 0.1 " 175 292 10 151 70 10 47 135 19 12 45 11 15 11 17 20 15 no ¥¥¥¥¥ ¥C~¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥ 0.1 “ 0.8 5.4 0.1 " 0.2 ” 1.3 0.2 " 2.5 0.1 " 0.3 * 0.1 " 0.2 “ 0.2 " 0.2 " 0.3 " 0.1 " 0.2 * 1.1 0.3 " 0.1 ’ 0.4 0.1 " 0.3 " Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 ' 127 Table 7a: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) Contact dermatitis and other eczema Psoriasis and similar disorders Chronic ulcer of skin Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIV E TISSUE (710—739) Diffuse diseases of connective tissue Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders Other and unspecified disorders of joint Spondylosis and allied disorders Intervertebral disc disorders Other and unspecified disorders of back Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa Other disorders of soft tissues Osteoporosis Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740—759) Congenital anomalies of heart Other and unspecified congenital anomalies CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760—779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL—DEFINED CONDITIONS (780—799) Dizziness and giddiness Malaise and fatigue Headache Cardiovascular symptoms Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities Senility without mention of psychosis Nervousness Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800—999) Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 22 0.2 14 0.4 8 0.1 9 " 0.1 " 9 " 0.2 " 6 " 0.1 * 2 * 0.0 4 " 0.1 " 7 " 0.1" 3 " 0.1" 4 * 0.1” 1,570 16.7 662 16.8 907 16.6 6 " 0.1 * 4 * 0.1 " 2 " 0.0 51 0.5 13 " 0.3 " 37 0.7 431 4.6 105 2.7 326 6.0 9 * 0.1’ 2 “ 0.1“ 7 * 0.1* 80 0.8 23 0.6 56 1.0 871 9.3 456 11.6 415 7.6 23 0.2 * 14 * 0.3 * 9 * 0.2 * 31 0.3 12 * 0.3 " 19 " 0.3 " 9 * 0.1" 5 * 0.1" 4 * 0.1" 15 * 0.2 9 " 0.2 " 7 " 0.1 * 6 * 0.1" 2 * 0.1" 4 * 0.1" 38 0.4 17 " 0.4 ” 21 * 0.4 49 0.5 23 0.6 26 0.5 23 " 0.2 * 4 * 0.1 " 19 " 0.3 " 26 0.3 19 ” 0.5 " 7 ” 0.1 " 365 3.9 194 4.9 171 3.1 9 “ 0.1” 3 ' 0.1" 6 "“ 0.1" 8 * 0.1" 2 " 0.1" 6 ” 0.1" 47 0.5 34 " 0.9 13 * 0.2 * 15 “ 0.2 2 * 0.0 13 * 0.2 " 38 0.4 10 * 0.3 * 28 0.5 22 " 0.2 " . . 22 " 0.4 ” 51 0.5 30 " 0.8 21 0.4 175 1.9 113 2.9 62 1.1 185 2.0 76 1.9 110 2.0 75 0.8 45 1.1 31 0.6 44 05 22 * 0.6 22 "‘ 0.4 " 66 07 9 " 0.2 " 57 1.0 128 Disability Statistics Report Table 7a: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. . Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution FEMALE ALL CONDITIONS 9,626 100.0 3,683 100.0 5,942 100.0 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 2,488 25.8 1,310 35.6 1,173 19.7 Visual impairments 103 1.1 47 1.3 56 0.9 Blindness in both eyes 47 0.5 28 0.8 19 “ 0.3 “ Visual impairment in both eyes 24 ” 0.2 " 7 " 0.2 " 17 " 0.3 " Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 6 " 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 " Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 26 ‘ 0.3 12 ” 0.3 ‘ 14 “ 0.2 " Hearing impairments 106 1.1 66 1.8 39 0.7 Deafness in both ears 30 0.3 13 ” 0.3 ” 17 " 0.3 ‘ Hearing impairment in both ears 23 0.2 " 17 * 0.5 6 '° 0.1 " Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 20 ‘ 0.2 " 11 1 0.3 * 8 * 0.1 " Deafness, unknown if in both ears 21 ’ 0.2 * 21 * 0.6 " . Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 12 * 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 ‘ 8 “ 0.1 * Speech impairments 8 0.1 6 0.2 2 0.0 Stammering or stuttering 2 ’ 0.0 2 " 0.1 * . . Other speech impairment 6 " 0.1 * 4 ‘ 0.1 " 2 " 0.0 Loss or impairment of sensation 14 " 0.1 " 8 " 0.2 " 6 " 0.1 " Learning disability and mental retardation 168 1.7 143 3.9 25 0.4 Learning disability 7 * 0.1 * 5 " 0.1 * 2 " 0.0 Mental retardation/ Down's syndrome 161 1.7 138 3.7 23 * 0.4 Absence or loss 75 0.8 20 0.5 54 0 9 Absence or loss, upper extremity 2 * 0.0 2 " 0.1 * . . Absence or loss, lower extremity 30 0.3 12 " 0 3 ’° 18 " 0.3 * Absence or loss of lung or kidney 6 * 0.1 * 2 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 " Absence or loss of breast 7 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 " 5 " 0.1 ' Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 30 0.3 2 ” 0 1 * 27 " 0.5 Paralysis 110 1.1 58 1 6 51 0 9 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 7 " 0.1 " 7 " 0 2 " . Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 11 ‘ 0.1 ’ 2 " 0.1 " 9 " 0 2 " Paralysis of upper extremities Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 9 * 0.1 " 3 " 0.1 * 6 " 0.1 " Cerebral palsy 23 0.2 " 19 * 0.5 ‘ 4 “ 0.1 " Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 27 '* 0.3 " 13 * 0.4 * 14 " 0.2 ” Partial paralysis of upper extremity 4 * 0.0 . . 4 f 0.1 " Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 5 " 0.0 2 * 0.1 " 2 " 0.0 Paralysis of other extremity, complete or partial 24 * 0.2 * 12 " 0.3 “ 12 " 0.2 " Deformities 174 1.8 112 3.0 61 1.0 Curvature of spine or back 116 1.2 75 2.0 41 0.7 Spina bifida 11 " 0.1 " 8 " 0.2 ‘ 2 " 0.0 Congenital dislocation/ deformity of hip and/ or pelvis 10 " 0.1 " 8 ‘ 0.2 ” 2 " 0.0 Deformity of lower extremity 37 0.4 21 " 0.6 " 16 " 0.3 Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity 16 * 0.2 12 " 0.3 " 4 " 0.1 " Orthopedic impairments 1,704 17 7 833 22 6 870 14 6 Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 999 10 4 521 14 1 478 8 0 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper extremities 260 2 7 135 3.7 125 2 1 Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis 74 0 8 32 0.9 42 0 7 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 341 3 5 137 3.7 204 3 4 Orthopedic impairment of other and ill—defined sites 30 0 3 8 " 0.2 " 21 0 4 Other and ill-defined impairments 26 " 0 3 17 " 0 5 “ 9 " 0 2 " PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 7,131 74 1 2,363 64.2 4,765 80 2 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001—139) 91 0 9 48 1.3 43 0 7 Tuberculosis, all sites 47 0 5 29 * 0.8 " 18 " 0 3 " Herpes (zoster or simplex) 4 ‘ 0 0 2 " 0.1 " 2 " 0 0 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 40 0 4 17 " 0.5 " 23 0 4 CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140—239) 348 3 6 93 2.5 255 4 3 Cancer (140-208) 268 2 8 65 1.8 202 3 4 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 5 * 0 0 2 * 0.1 " 2 " 0 0 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 15 " 0 2 15 " 0 2 " Malignant neoplasm of other and ill—defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 22 * 0 2 " 6 " 0.2 “ 16 " 0 3 " Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 129 Table 7a: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage Malignant neoplasm of skin Malignant neoplasm of female breast Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210—239) Benign neoplasms Neoplasm of unspecified nature CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240—279) Thyroid disorders (240—246) Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism Other disorders of thyroid Diabetes (250) Diabetes mellitus with complication Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication Other (251—279) Disorders of lipoid metabolism Gout Obesity and other hyperalimentation Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD—FORMING ORGAN S (280—289) Anemias Other diseases of blood and blood—forming organs CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290—316) excluding mental retardation Psychoses (290-299) Schizophrenic psychoses Affective psychoses Other psychoses Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300-316) Anxiety states Other neurotic disorders Alcohol or drug dependence Adjustment reaction Depressive disorders, not elsewhere classified Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood Other mental illness/ disorder CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320—389) Diseases of the nervous system (322—359) Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations Parkinson's disease Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Multiple sclerosis Epilepsy Migraine Other and unspecified disorders of the nervous system Nerve root and plexus disorders Carpal tunnel syndrome Mononeuritis of lower limb Other disorders of peripheral nervous system Disorders of the eye (360—379) Retinal detachments and defects Other retinal disorders Macular degeneration Glaucoma All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 21 0.2 5 ” 0.1 * 15 " 14 " 0.1 " 7 " 0.2 * 8 " 1 " 0.0 1 " 0.0 . 94 1.0 24 " 0.7 70 32 0.3 4 " 0.1 " 28 2 " 0.0 . 2 * 44 0.5 11 " 0.3 * 33 7 " 0.1 " 5 * 0.1 " 2 ” 11 " 0.1 '° . . 11 ” 80 0.8 28 0.8 53 67 0.7 25 0.7 43 13 “ 0.1 " 3 “ 0.1 ” 10 * 457 4.7 119 3.2 337 28 0.3 12 0.3 16 14 "‘ 0.1 * . . 14 * 14 " 0.1 " 12 " 0.3 " 2 * 365 3.8 79 2.1 286 23 0.2 * 12 “ 0.3 * 11 * 342 3.5 67 1.8 275 64 0.7 28 0.8 35 4 * 0.0 4 * 6 " 0.1 . . 6 * 28 0.3 13 " 0.4 " 14 * 26 0.3 15 " 0.4 “ 11 * 25 0.3 13 0.4 12 16 " 0.2 7 " 0.2 “ 9 * 9 " 01 ” 6 " 02 * 3 " 465 4.8 ‘ 278 7.5 188 143 1.5 85 2.3 59 67 0.7 36 1.0 31 67 0.7 48 1.3 19 " 9 * 01 " 1 " 00 9 * 322 3.3 193 5.2 129 38 0.4 27 0.7 11 * 123 1.3 78 2.1 45 14 " 0.1 " 12 * 0.3 " 2 " 30 0.3 22 0.6 8 " 79 0.8 31 0.8 48 1 ” 0.0 1 " 0.0 . 37 0.4 22 " 0.6 " 15 " 731 7.6 372 10.1 359 584 6.1 324 8.8 260 11 ” 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 " 9 " 15 ‘ 0.2 . . 15 " 14 " 0.1 ‘ 5 * 0.1 " 8 " 123 1.3 65 1.8 58 89 0.9 66 1.8 23 82 0.8 46 1.2 36 44 05 23 * 06 " 21 26 0.3 11 * 0.3 " 15 " 114 1.2 66 1.8 48 41 04 24 ” 06 * 18 " 25 0.3 16 0.4 " 9 " 130 1.4 43 1.2 87 10 " 0.1 " 1 " 0.0 9 " 12 " 0.1” 8 " 02 " 4 " 16 " 02 2 * 0.1 " 14 * 30 03 4 " 0.1 " 26 * 0.3 0.1 * 1.2 0.5 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.2 ” 0.9 0.7 0.2 * 5.7 0.3 0.2 * 0.0 4.8 0.2 " 4.6 0.6 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.2 " 0.2 ’* 0.2 0.2 * 0.0 3.2 1.0 0.5 0.3 " 0.1 * 2.2 0.2 ” 0.7 0.0 0.1 " 0.8 0.2 " 130 Disability Statistics Report Table 7a: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18-69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 1844 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Cataract 25 0.3 8 " 0.2 ” 17 " 0.3 " Disorders of refraction and accommodation 9 " 0.1 * 7 " 0.2 " 2 " 0.0 Other disorders of eye 28 0.3 13 “ 0.4 " 15 * 0.3 * Disorders of the ear (380—388) 17 0.2 5 0.1 12 0.2 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 12 * 0.1 " 2 ” 0.1 * 10 * 0.2 " Other disorders of ear 5 " 0.1 3 * 0.1 ” 2 " 0.0 CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 1,150 11.9 151 4.1 1,000 16.8 Heart disease (390—429) 878 9.1 113 3.1 766 12.9 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) 80 0.8 30 0.8 50 0.8 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 44 0.5 21 * 0.6 * 23 0.4 Other rheumatic disease 36 0.4 9 * 0.2 * 27 " 0.5 Hypertensive disease (401—405) 269 2.8 35 1.0 234 3.9 Ischemic heart disease (410—414) 240 2.5 15 0.4 225 3.8 Angina pectoris 75 0.8 4 " 0.1 * 71 1.2 Other chronic ischemic heart disease 165 1.7 11 " 0.3 " 154 2.6 Other forms of heart disease (415—429) 289 3.0 33 0.9 257 4.3 Diseases of endocardium 33 0.3 10 * 0.3 " 23* 0.4 Cardiomyopathy 2 " 0.0 2 * 0.1 * . . Conduction disorders 12 " 0.1 " . . 12 " 0.2 * Cardiac dysrhythmias 49 0.5 4 " 0.1 * 45 0.8 Heart failure 39 0.4 3 "‘ 0.1 * 36 0.6 Other heart disease 154 1.6 14 " 0.4 " 141 2.4 Cerebrovascular disease (430—438) 146 1.5 8 " 0.2 * 138 2.3 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440—448) 47 0.5 10 0.3 37 0.6 Atherosclerosis 13 " 0.1 ” . . 13 " 0.2 * Aortic aneurysm 4 * 0.0 1 " 0.0 3 " 0.1 ‘ Arterial embolism and thrombosis 14 ' 0.1 " . . 14 " 0.2 " Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 16 * 0.2 9 “ 0.2 " 7 " 0.1 ‘ Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451—459) 79 0.8 20 0.5 59 1.0 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 27 0.3 10 * 0.3 " 17 " 0.3 Varicose veins of lower extremities 18 " 0.2 2 " 0.1 '* 16 * 0.3 Hemorrhoids 10 ” 0.1 ” 2 " 0.1 “ 8 " 0.1 ” Other disorders of circulatory system 24 0.2 " 6 * 0.2 " 18 * 0.3 " CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460—519) 599 6.2 239 6.5 360 6.1 Chronic sinusitis 9 ‘ 0.1 " 5 " 0.1 " 5 * 0.1 “ Allergic rhinitis 18 ‘ 0.2 11 " 0.3 " 7 " 0.1 ’* Chronic bronchitis 35 0.4 10 " 0.3 * 24 * 0.4 Emphysema 107 1.1 2 " 0.1 " 104 1.8 Asthma 373 3.9 193 5.2 180 3.0 Pneumoconiosis 2 * 0.0 . . 2 " 0.0 Other diseases of respiratory system 55 0.6 18 " 0.5 " 38 0.6 CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) 232 2.4 93 2.5 139 2.3 Diseases of esophagus 6 “ 0.1 . . 6 " 0.1 * Gastric ulcer 9 * 0.1 * 2 * 0.0 7 " 0.1 * Other peptic ulcer 9 " 0.1 * 3 * 0.1 " 6 ‘ 0.1 " Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 15 " 0.2 10 ‘ 0.3 * 5 * 0.1 ‘* Hernia 53 0.6 17 " 0.5 " 36 0.6 Enteritis or colitis 47 0.5 32 0.9 15 * 0.2 " Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 39 0.4 9 ‘ 0.2 * 30 0.5 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 19 " 0.2 6 " 0.2 " 13 * 0.2 " Cholelithiasis 7 " 0.1 * 2 * 0.1 " 5 ‘ 0.1 * Other digestive diseases 28 " 0.3 " 12 ’* 0.3 * 16 " 0.3 ’* CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580—629) 157 1.6 87 2.4 70 1.2 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or nephrosis 34 0.3 18 “ 0.5 ‘ 16 " 0.3 * Calculus of kidney - 6 " 0.1 4 * 0.1 ‘ 2 * 0.0 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 28 0.3 16 ‘ 0.4 " 12 " 0.2 " Disorders of bladder, urethra, or urinary tract 22 * 0.2 * 10 * 0.3 " 12 * 0.2 " Endometriosis 19 * 0.2 15 " 0.4 * 4 " 0.1 " Other disorders of female genital organs 48 0.5 24 0.6 24 * 0.4 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 131 Table 7a: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18-69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) Contact dermatitis and other eczema Psoriasis and similar disorders Chronic ulcer of skin Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) Diffuse diseases of connective tissue Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders Other and unspecified disorders of joint Spondylosis and allied disorders Intervertebral disc disorders Other and unspecified disorders of back Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa Other disorders of soft tissues Osteoporosis Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740—759) Congenital anomalies of heart Other and unspecified congenital anomalies CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760—779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (780—799) Dizziness and giddiness Malaise and fatigue Headache Cardiovascular symptoms Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities Senility without mention of psychosis Nervousness Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800-999) Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 54 0.6 27 0.7 26 0.4 15 " 0.2 10 * 0.3 * 5 ” 0.1 * 10 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 " 8 ’* 0.1 * 6 * 0.1 2 * 0.1 " 4 * 0.1 " 23 0.2 " 13 " 0.4 " 9 * 0.2 * 2,205 22.9 567 15.4 1,635 27.5 31 ’° 0.3 " 12 I 0.3 * 19 * 0.3 " 229 2.4 56 1.5 173 2.9 859 8.9 84 2.3 775 13.0 9 * 0.1 “ 6 " 0.2 " 2 * 0.0 151 1.6 22 0.6 129 2.2 608 6.3 295 8.0 312 5.3 45 0.5 13 “ 0.4 " 32 0.5 65 0.7 33 0.9 32 0.5 50 0.5 15 * 0.4 * 35 0.6 50 0.5 19 * 0.5 * 30 0.5 55 0.6 4 " 0.1 " 51 0.9 53 0.6 8 " 0.2 " 45 0.8 50 05 28 08 21 0.4 15 " 02 12 " 03 " 3 " 0.0 35 04 16 " 04 " 18 * 0.3 " 378 3.9 174 4.7 205 3.5 11 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 ” 9 " 0.2 * 24 " 0.3 10 " 0.3 " 14 " 0.2 '° 51 0.5 27 " 0.7 * 24 * 0.4 " 24 0.3 16 " 0.4 * 8 " 0.1 " 23 * 0.2 " 9 " 0.3 " 14 " 0.2 * 17 " 0.2 . . 17 " 0.3 75 0.8 34 0.9 41 0.7 153 1.6 76 2.1 78 1.3 189 2.0 74 2.0 115 1.9 42 0.4 23 0.6 19 * 0.3 ‘ 41 0.4 15 " 0.4 " 26 " 0.4 " 106 1 1 36 1 0 70 1.2 * Estimate has low statistical reliability (relative standard error > 30%). . No respondents in category 132 Disability Statistics Report Table 7b: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution ALL CONDITIONS 31,323 100.0 10,781 100.0 20,542 100.0 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 8,551 27.3 4,177 38.7 4,377 21.3 Visual impairments 580 1.9 268 2.5 313 1.5 Blindness in both eyes 150 0.5 83 0.8 67 0.3 Visual impairment in both eyes 206 0.7 77 0.7 129 0.6 Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 30 0.1 12 ‘ 0.1 " 19 0.1 Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 194 0.6 96 0.9 98 0.5 Hearing impairments 396 1.3 172 1.6 225 1.1 Deafness in both ears 71 0.2 30 0.3 42 0.2 Hearing impairment in both ears 158 0.5 65 0.6 93 0.5 Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 76 0.2 36 0.3 40 0.2 Deafness, unknown if inboth ears 28 * 0.1 26 " 0.2 " 2 * 0.0 Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 63 0.2 15 " 0.1 " 48 0.2 Speech impairments 145 0.5 53 0.5 93 0.5 Stammering and stuttering 11 * 0.0 8 ‘ 0.1 " 4 * 0.0 Other speech impairment 134 0.4 45 0.4 89 0.4 Loss or impairment of sensation 94 0.3 51 0.5 43 0.2 Learning disability and mental retardation 546 1.7 440 4.1 106 0.5 Learning disability 36 0.1 24 0.2 12 " 0.1 Mental retardation/ Down's syndrome 510 1.6 416 3.9 94 0.5 Absence or loss 437 1.4 130 1.2 307 1.5 Absence or loss, upper extremity 66 0.2 32 0.3 34 0.2 Absence or loss, lower extremity 171 0.5 52 0.5 119 0.6 Absence or loss of lung or kidney 41 0.1 13 " 0.1 " 28 0.1 Absence or loss of breast 14 ” 0.0 4 * 0.0 10 " 0.0 Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 145 0.5 29 * 0.3 116 0.6 Paralysis 552 1.8 242 2.2 310 1.5 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 40 0.1 36 0.3 5 ‘ 0.0 Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 47 0.2 4 * 0.0 43 0.2 Paralysis of upper extremities 26 0.1 8 " 0.1 19 * 0.1 Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 47 0.1 20 " 0.2 27 0.1 Cerebral palsy 100 0.3 85 0.8 15 " 0.1 Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 115 0.4 37 0.3 " 77 0.4 Partial paralysis of upper extremity 37 0.1 4 “ 0.0 33 0.2 Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 27 0.1 11 " 0.1 " 15 " 0.1 Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 29 0.1 6 ” 0.1 23 0.1 Paralysis of other sites, complete or partial 84 0.3 31 0.3 53 0.3 Deformities 429 1.4 249 2.3 180 0.9 Curvature of spine or back 258 0.8 153 1.4 105 0.5 Spina bifida 38 0.1 31 " 0.3 7 * 0.0 Congenital dislocation/ deformity of hip and / or pelvis 26 0.1 13 " 0.1 " 13 ” 0.1 Deformity of lower extremity 107 0.3 52 0.5 55 0.3 Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity 68 0.2 42 0.4 26 0.1 Orthopedic impairments 5,273 16.8 2,507 23.3 2,766 13.5 Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 2,610 8.3 1,292 12.0 1,318 6.4 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper extremity 838 2.7 421 3.9 416 2.0 Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis 264 0.8 104 1.0 160 0.8 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 1,411 4.5 632 5.9 780 3.8 Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites 150 0.5 58 0.5 92 0.4 Other and ill-defined impairments 99 0.3 65 0.6 34 0.2 PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 22,703 72.5 6,564 60.9 16,144 78.6 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001—139) 206 0.7 90 0.8 116 0.6 Tuberculosis, all sites 87 0.3 44 0.4 43 0.2 Herpes (zoster or simplex) 12 * 0.0 8 * 0.1 " 4 " 0.0 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 107 0.3 38 0.3 69 0.3 CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) 899 2.9 200 1.9 700 3.4 Cancer (140-208) 731 2.3 140 1.3 591 2.9 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 29 ” 0.1 9 " 0.1 *‘ 20 * 0.1 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, colon, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 62 0.2 . . 62 0.3 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 138 Table 7b: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18-69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 48 0.2 11 " 0.1 " 37 0.2 Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 105 0.3 9 * 0.1 " 96 0.5 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 29 * 0.1 9 * 0.1 ” 20 * 0.1 * Malignant neoplasm of skin 32 * 0.1 5 * 0.0 27 " 0.1 " Malignant neoplasm of female breast 131 0.4 26 0.2 " 105 0.5 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs 51 0.2 12 * 0.1 " 40 0.2 Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs 66 0.2 8 * 0.1 * 58 0.3 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 33 " 0.1 " 4 * 0.0 28 * 0.1 * Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 81 0.3 25 0.2 " 56 0.3 Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 26 0.1 12 " 0.1 * 14 * 0.1 Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 38 0.1 10 * 0.1 " 28 0.1 " Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210-239) 168 0.5 60 0.6 109 0.5 Benign neoplasms 128 0.4 50 0.5 78 0.4 Neoplasm of unspecified nature 40 0.1 10 " 0.1 " 31 0.2 CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240-279) 1,875 6.0 386 3.6 1,488 7.2 Thyroid disorders (240-246) 110 0.4 29 0.3 82 0.4 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 49 0.2 9 * 0.1 " 41 0.2 Other disorders of thyroid 61 0.2 20 0.2 41 0.2 Diabetes (250) 1,437 4.6 255 2.4 1,180 5.7 Diabetes mellitus with complication 93 0.3 39 ” 0.4 53 0.3 Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 1,344 4.3 216 2.0 1,127 5.5 Other (251-279) 328 1.0 102 0.9 226 1.1 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 76 0.2 12 * 0.1 * 64 0.3 Gout 101 0.3 14 * 0.1 ‘ 87 0.4 Obesity and other hyperalimentation 81 0.3 42 0.4 39 0.2 Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 70 0.2 34 0.3 36 0.2 CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS (280-289) 82 0.3 38 0.4 45 0.2 Anemias 43 0.1 18 0.2 25 0.1 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 39 0.1 20 * 0.2 ” 20 0.1 CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290-316) excluding mental retardation 1,296 4.1 723 6.7 571 2.8 Psychoses (290-299) 396 1.3 255 2.4 140 0.7 Schizophrenic psychoses 215 0.7 147 1.4 68 0.3 Affective psychoses 129 0.4 87 0.8 42 0.2 Other psychoses 52 0.2 21 " 0.2 " 30 0.1 " Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300-316) 900 2.9 468 4.3 431 2.1 Anxiety states 78 0.2 41 0.4 37 0.2 Other neurotic disorders 306 1.0 165 1.5 141 0.7 Alcohol and drug dependence 99 0.3 58 0.5 42 0.2 Adjustment reaction 138 0.4 65 0.6 72 0.4 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 187 0.6 85 0.8 102 0.5 Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 3 " 0.0 3 " 0.0 . . Other mental illness/ disorder 89 0.3 51 0.5 37 0.2 CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320-389) 2,114 6.7 960 8.9 1,153 5.6 Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) 1,527 4.9 758 7.0 768 3.7 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 31 0.1 4 't 0.0 27 0.1 " Parkinson's disease 47 0.1 2 ‘ 0.0 45 0.2 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 57 0.2 19 " 0.2 37 0.2 Multiple sclerosis 193 0.6 80 0.7 112 0.5 Epilepsy . 348 1.1 222 2.1 126 0.6 Migraine 227 0.7 125 1.2 103 0.5 Other and unspecified disorders of the central nervous system 135 0.4 59 0.6 76 0.4 Nerve root and plexus disorders 82 0.3 30 0.3 52 0.3 Carpal tunnel syndrome 207 0.7 112 1.0 95 0.5 Mononeuritis of lower limb 119 0.4 57 0.5 62 0.3 Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 81 0.3 48 0.4 33 0.2 Disorders of the eye (360-379) 509 1.6 184 1 7 325 1.6 Retinal detachments and defects 38 0.1 20 " 0.2 18 * 0.1 134 Disability Statistics Report Table 7b: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian N on-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Macular degeneration 31 0.1 16 " 0.2 15 ‘ 0.1 Other retinal disorders 20 " 0.1 6 ' 0.1 14 " 0.1 Glaucoma 127 0.4 13 " 0.1 " 114 0.6 Cataract 122 0.4 28 0.3 94 0.5 Disorders of refraction and accommodation 28 0.1 19 " 0.2 9 " 0.0 Visual disturbances 25 " 0.1 11 " 0.1 ‘ l4 " 0.1 Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements 20 " 0.1 18 " 0.2 ' 2 ‘ 0.0 Other disorders of eye 98 0.3 53 0.5 45 0.2 Disorders of the ear (380-388) 78 0.2 18 0.2 60 0.3 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 28 0.1 9 * 0.1 ‘ 19 " 0.1 Other disorders of ear 50 0.2 9 * 0.1 * 41 0.2 CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 5,143 16.4 560 5.2 4,584 22.3 Heart disease (390429) 4,096 13.1 427 4.0 3,671 17.9 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) 175 0.6 53 0.5 122 0.6 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 87 0.3 32 0.3 55 0.3 Other rheumatic disease 88 0.3 21 * 0.2 67 0.3 Hypertensive disease (401-405) 1,623 5.2 188 1.7 1,435 7.0 Ischemic heart disease (410-414) ' 1,151 3.7 58 0.5 1,094 5.3 Angina pectoris 309 1.0 10 ‘ 0.1 " 299 1.5 Other chronic ischemic heart disease 842 2.7 48 0.4 795 3.9 Other forms of heart disease (415429) 1,147 3.7 128 1.2 1,020 5.0 Diseases of endocardium 112 0.4 22 " 0.2 90 0.4 Cardiomyopathy 28 " 0.1 15 " 0.1 " 13 “ 0.1 Conduction disorders 75 0.2 5 ” 0.0 71 0.3 Cardiac dysrhythmias 196 0.6 26 0.2 " 170 0.8 Heart failure 138 0.4 12 " 0.1 ” 126 0.6 Other heart disease 598 1.9 48 0.4 550 2.7 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) 502 1.6 32 0.3 470 2.3 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) 220 0.7 21 0.2 199 1.0 Atherosclerosis 89 0.3 2 * 0.0 87 0.4 Aortic aneurysm 18 “ 0.1 1 " 0.0 17 " 0.1 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 59 0.2 . . 59 0.3 Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 54 0.2 18 * 0.2 36 0.2 Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451-459) 325 1.0 80 0.7 244 1.2 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 75 0.2 19 0.2 56 0.3 Varicose veins of lower extremities 72 0.2 26 “ 0.2 " 46 0.2 Hemorrhoids 39 0.1 12 " 0.1 " 26 " 0.1 ” Other disorders of circulatory system 139 0.4 23 * 0.2 116 0.6 CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460-519) 1,850 5.9 622 5.8 1,229 6.0 Chronic sinusitis 71 0.2 22 " 0.2 49 0.2 Allergic rhinitis 98 0.3 57 0.5 41 0.2 Chronic bronchitis 122 0.4 35 * 0.3 " 87 0.4 Emphysema 441 1.4 21 0.2 421 2.0 Asthma 863 2.8 420 3.9 443 2.2 Pneumoconiosis 37 0.1 2 " 0.0 35 0.2 Other diseases of respiratory system 218 0.7 65 0.6 153 0.7 CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) 1,007 3.2 299 2.8 710 3.5 Diseases of esophagus 36 0.1 4 " 0.0 32 t 0.2 Gastric ulcer 124 0.4 21 0.2 103 0.5 Other peptic ulcer 49 0.2 16 * 0.1 * 34 0.2 Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 65 0.2 24 0.2 41 0.2 Hernia 250 0.8 59 0.6 191 0.9 Enteritis and colitis 125 0.4 60 0.6 65 0.3 Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 128 0.4 36 0.3 93 0.5 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 120 0.4 53 0.5 66 0.3 Cholelithiasis 24 0.1 6 " 0.1 18 “ 0.1 Other digestive diseases 86 0.3 20 ‘ 0.2 67 0.3 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 135 Table 7b: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 450 1.4 188 1.7 262 1.3 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis 114 0.4 54 0.5 60 0.3 Calculus of kidney 27 0.1 8 * 0.1 " 19 * 0.1 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 100 0.3 37 0.3 63 0.3 Disorders of bladder, urethra, and urinary tract 59 0.2 15 " 0.1 " 44 0.2 Disorders of male genital organs 31 0.1 4 " 0.0 27 0.1 * Endometriosis 30 0.1 24 " 0.2 ‘ 6 " 0.0 Other disorders of female genital organs 89 0.3 46 0.4 43 “ 0.2 " CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) 173 0.6 67 0.6 108 0.5 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 48 0.2 24 0.2 " 24 0.1 Psoriasis and similar disorders 32 " 0.1 12 * 0.1 * 21 ‘ 0.1 Chronic ulcer of skin 34 0.1 5 " 0.0 30 0.1 " Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 59 0.2 26 0.2 ’* 33 0.2 CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) 5,466 17.5 1,526 14.2 3,941 19.2 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 52 0.2 16 * 0.1 " 36 ” 0.2 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 360 1.2 84 0.8 276 1.3 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 2,169 6.9 282 2.6 1,887 9.2 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 27 0.1 13 " 0.1 " 14 ’* 0.1 Spondylosis and allied disorders 422 1.3 87 0.8 335 1.6 Intervertebral disc disorders 1,748 5.6 832 7.7 916 4.5 Other and unspecified disorders of back 82 0.3 33 0.3 50 0.2 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 183 0.6 77 0.7 106 0.5 Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 102 0.3 31 0.3 71 0.3 Other disorders of soft tissues 91 0.3 34 0.3 57 0.3 Osteoporosis 95 0.3 9 * 0.1 " 86 0.4 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 135 0.4 28 0.3 107 0.5 CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740-759) 137 0.4 70 0,6 68 0.3 Congenital anomalies of heart 65 0.2 31 0.3 35 0.2 Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 72 0.2 39 0.4 33 0.2 CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760-779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (780-799) 1,313 4.2 562 5.2 751 3.7 Dizziness and giddiness 52 0.2 5 " 0.0 46 0.2 Malaise and fatigue 44 0.1 18 * 0.2 26 0.1 " Headache 156 0.5 91 0.8 65 0.3 Cardiovascular symptoms 115 0.4 42 0.4 74 0.4 Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 121 0.4 27 0.3 94 0.5 Senility without mention of psychosis 45 0.1 . . 45 0.2 Nervousness 230 0.7 100 0.9 130 0.6 Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 550 1.8 279 2.6 271 1.3 CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800-999) 692 2.2 273 2.5 418 2.0 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 202 0.6 112 1.0 90 0.4 Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 185 0.6 71 0.7 113 0.6 Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 305 1.0 90 0.8 215 1.0 136 Disability Statistics Report Table 7b: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation MALE ALL CONDITIONS PART I: IMPAIRMENTS Visual impairments Blindness in both eyes Visual impairment in both eyes Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known Hearing impairments Deafness in both ears Hearing impairment in both ears Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only Deafness, unknown if in both ears Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears Speech impairments Stammering or stuttering Other speech impairment Loss or impairment of sensation Learning disability and mental retardation Learning disability Mental retardation/Down's syndrome Absence or loss Absence or loss, upper extremity Absence or loss, lower extremity Absence or loss of lung or kidney Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more Paralysis Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) Paralysis of upper extremities Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) Cerebral palsy Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) Partial paralysis of upper extremity Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) Other partial paralysis of lower extremity Paralysis of other extremity, complete or partial Deformities Curvature of spine or back Spina bifida Congenital dislocation/ deformity of hip and/ or pelvis Deformity of lower extremity Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity Orthopedic impairments Orthopedic impairment of back or neck Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and / or upper extremities Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites Other and ill-defined impairments PART 11: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASI'I'IC DISEASES (001-139) Tuberculosis, all sites Herpes (zoster or simplex) Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) Cancer (140-208) Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 15,311 4,755 350 79 120 23 100.0 31.1 2.3 0.5 0.8 0.1 " 9 pd :- 5,554 1 2,399 171 43 47 12 " 69 83 14 ‘ 33 o—| \1 It on arr-tr; 00.0 43.2 3.1 0.8 0.8 0.2 " 1.2 1.5 0.3 1 0.6 0.4 0.1 r 0.2 r 0.7 0.1 1 0.6 0.7 4.9 0.3 1 4.7 1.7 0.5 r 0.6 0.2 1 0.5 3.0 0.5 0.0 0.1 r 0.3 1 1.1 0.4 r 0.1 1 0.1 1 0.1 1 9,757 100.0 2,355 24.1 179 1.8 36 0.4 73 0.7 11 * 0.1 * 59 0.6 140 1.4 19 * 0.2 * 67 0.7 23 0.2 " 2 " 0.0 29 * 0.3 59 0.6 4 " 0.0 55 0.6 27 * 0.3 " 75 0.8 8 ‘ 0.1 " 67 0.7 191 2.0 30 0.3 82 0.8 14 " 0.1 " 65 0.7 180 1.8 5 * 0.0 27 0.3 9 " 0.1 “ 18 " 0.2 11 " 0.1 * 36 0.4 22 0.2 " 8 " 0.1 " 15 " 0.2 29 0.3 67 0.7 34 0.3 2 " 0.0 6 * 0.1 " 25 " 0.3 19 " 0.2 " 1,418 14.5 645 6.6 226 2.3 79 0.8 416 4.3 52 0.5 19 " 0.2 7,386 75.7 49 0.5 10 ‘* 0.1 ‘ 2 " 0.0 37 0.4 337 3.5 310 3.2 13 " 0.1 " 40 0.4 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 137 Table 7b: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 20 “ 0.1 " 2 " 0.0 19 * 0.2 Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 77 0.5 4 * 0.1 * 73 0.7 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 13 " 0.1 " 2 * 0.0 11 " 0.1 ” Malignant neoplasm of skin 28 " 0.2 3 " 0.1 * 25 * 0.3 * Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs 66 0.4 8 ” 0.1 " 58 0.6 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 29 " 0.2 " 4 * 0.1 ” 24 * 0.2 " Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 30 0.2 8 " 0.1 * 22 * 0.2 * Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 18 " 0.1 " 8 " 0.1 " 10 " 0.1 * lmmunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 23 " 0.2 8 " 0.1 " 15 * 0.2 Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210-239) 58 0.4 29 0.5 27 0.3 Benign neoplasms 43 0.3 23 " 0.4 ‘ 19 " 0.2 Neoplasm of unspecified nature 15 " 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 " 8 " 0.1 ’* CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240-279) 835 5.5 188 3.4 645 6.6 Thyroid disorders (240-246) 14 0.1 3 0.1 11 0.1 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 8 ‘ 0.1 2 * 0.0 6 " 0.1 Other disorders of thyroid 6 * 0.0 1 " 0.0 5 " 0.0 Diabetes (250) 663 4.3 131 2.4 532 5.5 Diabetes mellitus with complication 49 0.3 23 " 0.4 " 26 0.3 Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 614 4.0 108 1.9 506 5.2 Other (251-279) 158 1.0 54 1.0 102 1.0 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 27 * 0.2 * 9 " 0.2 " 17 * 0.2 " Gout 75 0.5 12 " 0.2 * 63 0.6 Obesity and other hyperalirnentation 32 0.2 23 " 0.4 * 8 " 0.1 * Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 24 ” 0.2 10 " 0.2 " 14 ' 0.1 * CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGAN S (280-289) 34 0.2 14 0.3 20 0.2 Anemias 11 ” 0.1 5 * 0.1 ‘ 6 * 0.1 " Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 23 " 0.2 9 " 0.2 " 14 * 0.1 " CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290-316) excluding mental retardation 632 4.1 367 6.6 267 2.7 Psychoses (290-299) 230 1.5 163 2.9 67 0.7 Schizophrenic psychoses 143 0.9 110 2.0 33 0.3 * Affective psychoses 55 0.4 37 0.7 17 * 0.2 Other psychoses 32 0.2 16 " 0.3 * 17 " 0.2 " Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300-316) 402 2.6 204 3.7 200 2.0 Anxiety states 22 ‘ 0.1 "‘ 9 " 0.2 * 14 " 0.1 ” Other neurotic disorders 126 0.8 65 1.2 61 0.6 Alcohol and drug dependence 80 0.5 43 0.8 37 0.4 Adjustment reaction 86 0.6 38 0.7 48 0.5 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 47 0.3 23 0.4 25 0.3 Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 2 *- 0.0 2 ‘ 0.0 . . Other mental illness/ disorder 39 0.3 24 0.4 15 " 0.2 " CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320-389) 920 6.0 411 7.4 512 5.2 Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) 633 4.1 294 5.3 341 3.5 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 20 "‘ 0.1 * 2 ‘ 0.0 17 “ 0.2 Parkinson's disease 30 0.2 2 ” 0.0 27 * 0.3 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 36 0.2 11 * 0.2 " 26 0.3 Multiple sclerosis 63 0.4 16 " 0.3 * 48 0.5 Epilepsy 201 1.3 128 2.3 73 0.8 Migraine 25 0.2 12 * 0.2 " 13 ” 0.1 * Other and unspecified disorders of the central nervous system 65 0.4 30 0.5 36 0.4 Nerve root and plexus disorders 33 0.2 11 ’ 0.2 " 22 * 0.2 " Carpal tunnel syndrome 51 0.3 26 * 0.5 25 * 0.3 Mononeuritis of lower limb 61 0.4 27 0.5 34 0.3 Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 48 0.3 29 0.5 20 * 0.2 Disorders of the eye (360-379) 252 1.6 110 2.0 143 1.5 Retinal detachments and defects 16 " 0.1 ’ 14 " 0.3 " 2 " 0.0 Macular degeneration 12 " 0.1 2 " 0.0 11 '* 0.1 " Other retinal disorders 2 " 0.0 2 " 0.0 138 Disability Statistics Report Table 7b: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18-69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation 18-44 45-69 Glaucoma Cataract Disorders of refraction and accommodation Visual disturbances Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements Other disorders of eye Disorders of the ear (380-388) Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system Other disorders of ear CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) Heart disease (390-429) Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve Other rheumatic disease Hypertensive disease (401—405) Ischemic heart disease (410-414) Angina pectoris Other chronic ischemic heart disease Other forms of heart disease (415-429) Diseases of endocardium Cardiomyopathy Conduction disorders Cardiac dysrhythmias Heart failure Other heart disease Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) Atherosclerosis Aortic aneurysm Arterial embolism and thrombosis Other disorders of arteries and arterioles Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451-459) Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis Varicose veins of lower extremities Hemorrhoids Other disorders of circulatory system CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460—519) Chronic sinusitis Allergic rhinitis Chronic bronchitis Emphysema Asthma Pneumoconiosis Other diseases of respiratory system CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) Diseases of esophagus Gastric ulcer Other peptic ulcer Other disorders of stomach and duodenum Hernia Enteritis or colitis Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis Cholelithiasis Other digestive diseases Number of people in thousands and percent distribution All Ages 59 0.4 57 0.4 17 0.1 * 19 0.1 " 16 0.1 “ 54 0.4 35 0.2 13 0.1 " 22 0.1 " 2,713 17.7 2,137 14.0 51 0.3 19 0.1 t 32 0.2 688 4.5 772 5.0 161 1.1 611 4.0 626 4.1 45 0.3 24 0.2 49 0.3 90 0.6 76 0.5 342 2.2 274 1.8 144 0.9 63 0.4 10 0.1 40 0.3 31 0.2 158 1.0 24 " 0.2 31 ‘ 0.2 " 25 0.2 78 0.5 834 5.4 34 0.2 36 0.2 54 0.4 263 1.7 296 1.9 31 0.2 120 0.8 500 3.3 18 0.1 " 79 0.5 25 0.2 35 0.2 132 0.9 47 0.3 43 0.3 74 0.5 8 0.1 39 0.3 288 215 11 96 35 i4¥§¥ 31* 73 11 13 32 17 49 18 10 14 261 24 20 13 156 145 10 11 24 15 30 ‘I¥¥§ ¥¥O¥¥ !- $C¥J J 0.1 " 0.3 0.2 " 0.2 * 0.3 " 0.7 ‘ 0.1 0.1 * 5.2 3.9 0.2 0.1 ‘* 0.1 " 1.7 0.6 0.1 " 0.6 1.3 0.1 ” 0.2 " 0.0 0.2 " 0.2 " 0.6 0.3 " 0.1 0.0 0.1 " 0.9 0.1 * 0.3 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 0.3 * 4.7 0.1 " 0.4 0.4 " 0.2 ' 2.8 0.0 0.7 56 42 7 8 0.6 0.4 0.1 " 0.1 ” 0.2 0.3 0.1 " 0.2 24.9 19.7 0.4 0.1 * 0.3 6.1 7.5 1.6 5.9 5.7 4- Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 139 Table 7b: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 158 1.0 56 1.0 101 1.0 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or nephrosis 62 0.4 30 0.5 31 0.3 Calculus of kidney 13 " 0.1 4 " 0.1 " 9 * 0.1 " Other disorders of kidney and ureter 45 0.3 17 ” 0.3 " 28 0.3 Disorders of bladder, urethra, and urinary tract 7 " 0.0 1 " 0.0 6 " 0.1 Disorders of male genital organs 31 0.2 4 ‘ 0.1 " 27 0.3 CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTI-I, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) 68 0.4 28 0.5 38 0.4 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 15 " 0.1 " 10 " 0.2 " 4 "‘ 0.0 Psoriasis and similar disorders 16 ” 0.1 " 8 " 0.1 " 8 " 0.1 ” Chronic ulcer of skin 18 * 0.1 ' 2 " 0.0 16 * 0.2 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 19 0.1 '° 8 " 0.2 " 10 " 0.1 ‘* CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) 2,261 14.8 796 14.3 1,466 15.0 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 12 ‘ 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 * 8 " 0.1 " Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 80 0.5 17 * 0.3 " 63 0.6 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 795 5.2 151 2.7 644 6.6 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 17 ‘ 0.1 " 7 ” 0.1 " 10 " 0.1 * Spondylosis and allied disorders 156 1.0 47 0.8 110 1.1 Intervertebral disc disorders 1,006 6.6 488 8.8 518 5.3 Other and unspecified disorders of back 25 " 0.2 14 * 0.2 " 11 " 0.1 * Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 59 0.4 27 0.5 32 0.3 Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 20 " 0.1 * 7 * 0.1 * 12 ‘ 0.1 " Other disorders of soft tissues 24 0.2 10 " 0.2 " 14 '* 0.1 * Osteoporosis 10 " 0.1 5 * 0.1 * 6 * 0.1 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 57 0.4 19 " 0.3 " 38 0.4 CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740-759) 69 0.5 35 0.6 34 0.3 Congenital anomalies of heart 36 0.2 “ 12 " 0.2 " 24 * 0.2 '* Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 33 0.2 23 " 0.4 " 10 " 0.1 * CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760-779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (780-799) 635 4.1 289 5.2 345 3.5 Dizziness and giddiness 22 " 0.1 " 3 "‘ 0.1 '° 18 * 0.2 " Malaise and fatigue 9 " 0.1 3 " 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 " Headache 71 0.5 51 0.9 20 " 0.2 " Cardiovascular symptoms 51 0.3 12 " 0.2 " 39 0.4 Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 71 0.5 15 " 0.3 ‘ 56 0.6 Senility without mention of psychosis 26 ' 0.2 . . 26 " 0.3 Nervousness 93 0.6 46 0.8 47 0.5 Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 292 1.9 159 2.9 133 1.4 CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800-999) 366 2.4 150 2.7 216 2.2 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 133 0.9 79 1.4 54 0.6 Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 91 0 6 44 0.8 47 0.5 Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 142 0.9 27 0.5 115 1.2 14o Disability Statistics Report Table 7b: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation FEMALE ALL CONDITIONS PART I: IMPAIRMENTS Visual impairments Blindness in both eyes Visual impairment in both eyes Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known Hearing impairments Deafness in both ears Hearing impairment in both ears Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only Deafness, unknown if in both ears Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears Speech impairments Stammering or stuttering Other speech impairment Loss or impairment of sensation Learning disability and mental retardation Learning disability Mental retardation/ Down's syndrome Absence or loss Absence or loss, upper extremity Absence or loss, lower extremity Absence or loss of lung or kidney Absence or loss of breast Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more Paralysis Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) Paralysis of upper extremities Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) Cerebral palsy Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) Partial paralysis of upper extremity Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) Other partial paralysis of lower extremity Paralysis of other extremity, complete or partial Deformities Curvature of spine or back Spina bifida Congenital dislocation/ deformity of hip and/ or pelvis Deformity of lower extremity Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity Orthopedic impairments Orthopedic impairment of back or neck Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper extremities Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites Other and ill-defined impairments PART 11: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001—139) Tuberculosis, all sites Herpes (zoster or simplex) Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) Cancer (140-208) Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 16,012 3,795 230 70 iI-J'I- 2,472 1,300 375 145 598 42 12,183 132 70 53 480 11* 5,226 1,775 97 39 31 1,124 626 185 15 27 3,433 37 21 120 90 ¥¥¥¥¥ ; 10,786 2,023 , 134 31 56 8 115 31 1,349 674 191 81 39 15 8,758 33 33 282 l~¥¥¥ «rear 9 N a .0 H a; O? Hid ¥¥ .0 [—4 I. Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 141 Table 7b: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions. Causing Limitation, Age and Gender; United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigrnoid junction, and anus 22 0.1 " . . 22 0.2 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 28 0.2 10 " 0.2 " 18 * 0.2 Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 28 0.2 5 * 0.1 " 23 0.2 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 16 * 0.1 " 7 " 0.1 " 10 " 0.1 * Malignant neoplasm of skin 4 " 0.0 2 " 0.0 2 " 0.0 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 131 0.8 26 ‘ 0.5 105 1.0 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs 51 0.3 12 " 0.2 * 40 0.4 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 4 * 0.0 . . 4 " 0.0 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 51 0.3 17 " 0.3 * 34 0.3 Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 8 " 0.1 5 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.0 Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 14 ’ 0.1 2 ”t 0.0 13 * 0.1 * Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210-239) 112 0.7 30 0.6 82 0.8 Benign neoplasms 86 0.5 27 0.5 59 0.5 Neoplasm of unspecified nature 26 0.2 3 " 0.1 " 23 0.2 CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240-279) 1,040 6.5 198 3.8 843 7.8 Thyroid disorders (240-246) 97 0.6 25 0.5 71 0.7 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 41 0.3 6 ” 0.1 " 35 0.3 Other disorders of thyroid 56 0.3 19 0.4 36 0.3 Diabetes (250) 772 4.8 125 2.4 649 6.0 Diabetes mellitus with complication 43 0.3 16 " 0.3 " 28 0.3 Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 729 4.6 109 2.1 621 5.8 Other (251-279) 171 1.1 48 0.9 123 1.1 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 50 0.3 3 " 0.1 ‘ 47 0.4 Gout 26 0.2 2 * 0.0 24 0.2 Obesity and other hyperalimentation 49 0.3 19 " 0.4 30 0.3 Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 46 0.3 24 " 0.5 * 22 " 0.2 " CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS (280-289) 48 0.3 24 0.5 24 0.2 Anemias 32 0.2 13 ‘ 0.2 ” 19 0.2 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 16 ” 0.1 ’* 11 " 0.2 " 5 " 0.1 CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290-316) excluding mental retardation 662 4.1 359 6.9 303 2.8 Psychoses (290-299) 166 1.0 93 1.8 74 0.7 Schizophrenic psychoses 72 0.5 37 0.7 35 0.3 Affective psychoses 75 0.5 50 0.9 25 0.2 " Other psychoses 19 * 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 “ 14 " 0.1 * Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300-316) 496 3.1 266 5.1 229 2.1 Anxiety states 56 0.3 33 0.6 23 " 0.2 " Other neurotic disorders 180 1.1 101 1.9 79 0.7 Alcohol or drug dependence 19 " 0.1 *‘ 15 * 0.3 " 4 ‘ 0.0 Adjustment reaction 51 0.3 27 0.5 24 " 0.2 ” Depressive disorders, not elsewhere classified 139 0.9 62 1.2 77 0.7 Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 1 " 0.0 1 " 0.0 . . Other mental illness/ disorder 50 0.3 27 0.5 22 " 0.2 " CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320-389) 1,188 7.4 549 10.5 640 5.9 Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) 891 5.6 466 8.9 426 3.9 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 11 " 0.1 2 " 0.0 9 ‘ 0.1 ‘ Parkinson's disease 17 " 0.1 ' . . 17 * 0.2 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 20 " 0.1 " 8 * 0.2 " 12 " 0.1 " Multiple sclerosis 129 0.8 65 1.2 64 0.6 Epilepsy 146 0.9 94 1.8 52 0.5 Migraine 203 1.3 113 2.2 89 0.8 Other and unspecified disorders of the nervous system 70 0.4 30 0.6 40 0.4 Nerve root and plexus disorders 49 0.3 19 ‘ 0.4 30 0.3 Carpal tunnel syndrome 156 1.0 86 1.6 71 0.7 Mononeuritis of lower limb 58 0.4 30 0.6 29 0.3 Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 32 0.2 19 0.4 13 ‘ 0.1 " Disorders of the eye (360-379) 254 1.6 72 1.4 182 1.7 Retinal detachments and defects 22 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 " 16 " 0.1 * 142 Disability Statistics Report Table 7b: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation 18-44 4569 Other retinal disorders Macular degeneration Glaucoma Cataract Disorders of refraction and accommodation Visual disturbances Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements Other disorders of eye Disorders of the ear (380-388) Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system Other disorders of ear CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) Heart disease (390-429) - Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve Other rheumatic disease Hypertensive disease (401-405) lschemic heart disease (410-414) Angina pectoris Other chronic ischemic heart disease Other forms of heart disease (415-429) Diseases of endocardium Cardiomyopathy Conduction disorders Cardiac dysrhythmias Heart failure Other heart disease Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) Atherosclerosis Aortic aneurysm Arterial embolism and thrombosis Other disorders of arteries and arterioles ‘ Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451-459) Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis Varicose veins of lower extremities Hemorrhoids Other disorders of circulatory system CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460—519) Chronic sinusitis Allergic rhinitis Chronic bronchitis Emphysema Asthma Pneumoconiosis Other diseases of respiratory system CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) Diseases of esophagus Gastric ulcer Other peptic ulcer Other disorders of stomach and duodenum Hernia Enteritis or colitis Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis Cholelithiasis Other digestive diseases Number of people in thousands and percent distribution is a. All Ages 18 0.1 18 0.1 67 0.4 _ 65 0.4 10 0.1 6 0.0 4 0.0 44 0.3 43 0.3 15 0.1 28 0.2 2,431 15.2 1,959 12.2 122 0.8 67 0.4 55 0.3 935 5.8 380 2.4 148 0.9 232 1.4 522 3.3 67 0.4 4 0.0 27 0.2 106 0.7 62 0.4 256 1.6 228 1.4 77 0.5 26 0.2 8 0.0 20 0.1 23 0.1 167 1.0 51 0.3 41 0.3 14 0.1 61 0.4 1,017 6.4 37 0.2 63 0.4 68 0.4 178 1.1 567 3.5 6 0.0 98 0.6 508 3.2 17 0.1 45 0.3 24 0.1 30 0.2 119 0.7 77 0.5 86 0.5 46 0.3 16 0.1 48 0.3 14 4 9 13 8 2 16 11 2 9 274 213 42 26 16 92 22 6 16 57 17 4 2 14 3 17 16 14 1 13 31 12 8 2 9 361 16 33 15 8 264 25 154 2 11 8 13 23 36 21 23 4 13 eitl-‘I- l a «visas-sex- l¥¥¥ ¥5¥¥3 0.3 * 0.1 ‘ 0.2 * 0.3 * 0.2 " 0.0 4 II' 14 * 58 52 2 If 6 If 2 ’1' 28 32 13 * 19 * 2,159 1,746 81 42 39 843 357 142 215 50 137 39 52 655 29 53 170 73 352 15 " 17 " 95 22 12 " 0.0 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 143 Table 7b: Prevalence of Work Limitation Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population, Ages 18—69, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580—629) 292 1.8 131 2.5 161 1.5 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or nephrosis 52 0.3 24 0.5 28 0.3 Calculus of kidney 14 ’* 0.1 4 " 0.1 " 10 ” 0.1 " Other disorders of kidney and ureter 55 0.3 20 ” 0.4 35 0.3 Disorders of bladder, urethra, or urinary tract 52 0.3 13 " 0.3 " 39 0.4 Endometriosis 30 0.2 24 " 0.5 6 " 0.1 Other disorders of female genital organs 89 0.6 46 0.9 43 " 0.4 ” CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-676) CMPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680—709) 106 0.7 37 0.7 69 0.6 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 33 0.2 13 " 0.3 " 20 0.2 Psoriasis and similar disorders , 17 " 0 1 * 4 " 0.1 * 13 * 0.1 ” Chronic ulcer of skin 16 " 0.1 2 “ 0.0 14 " 0.1 " Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 40 0.2 18 * 0.3 " 22 0.2 CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECI'IVE TISSUE (710-739) 3,207 20.0 n9 13.9 2,478 23.0 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 40 0.3 12 " 0.2 " 28 " 0.3 * Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 281 1.8 67 1.3 214 2.0 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 1,374 8.6 131 2.5 1,244 11.5 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 11 " 0.1 6 * 0.1 * 4 " 0.0 Spondylosis and allied disorders 266 1.7 40 0.8 226 2.1 Intervertebral disc disorders 742 4.6 344 6.6 398 3.7 Other and unspecified disorders of back 57 0.4 19 " 0.4 " 38 0.4 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 124 0.8 50 1.0 74 0.7 Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 83 0.5 23 0.4 59 0.5 Other disorders of soft tissues 67 0.4 24 * 0.5 44 0.4 Osteoporosis 84 0.5 4 " 0.1 " 80 0.7 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 78 0.5 9 " 0.2 " 69 0.6 CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740-759) 68 0.4 34 0.7 34 0.3 Congenital anomalies of heart 29 0.2 18 " 0.3 " 11 " 0.1 * Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 39 0.2 16 " 0.3 '° 23 * 0.2 " CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760-779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (780-799) 678 4.2 275 5.3 405 3.8 Dizziness and giddiness 30 0.2 2 " 0.0 28 " 0.3 Malaise and fatigue 35 0.2 15 " 0.3 " 20 0.2 Headache 85 0.5 40 0.8 44 0.4 Cardiovascular symptoms 64 0.4 30 0.6 35 0.3 Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 50 0.3 13 " 0.2 " 38 0.3 Senility without mention of psychosis 19 " 0.1 " . . 19 * 0.2 Nervousness 137 0.9 55 1.0 83 0.8 Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 258 1.6 120 2.3 138 1.3 CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800-999) 326 2.0 122 2.3 203 1.9 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 69 0.4 33 0.6 36 0.3 Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 94 0.6 27 0.5 67 0.6 Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 163 1.0 62 1.2 100 0.9 " Estimate has low statistical reliability (relative standard error > 30%). . No respondents in category 144 Disability Statistics Report Table 8a: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution ALL CONDITIONS 9,243 100.0 4,947 100.0 4,297 100.0 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 2,320 25.1 1,622 32.8 700 16.3 Visual impairments 254 2.7 110 2.2 144 3.4 Blindness in both eyes 133 1.4 74 1.5 59 1.4 Visual impairment in both eyes 73 0.8 19 " 0.4 " 54 1.3 Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 20 ‘ 0.2 ’ 6 * 0.1 " 14 * 0.3 ‘ Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 28 0.3 11 ” 0.2 " 17 " 0.4 ‘ Hearing impairments 85 0.9 31 0.4 55 1.3 Deafness in both ears 38 0.4 20 ' 0.4 " 18 " 0.4 " Hearing impairment in both ears 19 " 0.2 4 " 0.1 15 " 0.4 Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 2 " 0.0 . . 2 * 0.0 Deafness, unknown if in both ears 12 ’ 0.1 ” 5 ' 0.1 ” 8 " 0.2 Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 14 " 0.2 2 ‘ 0.0 12 ‘ 0.3 " Speech impairments Other speech impairment 9 ' 0.1 ‘ 6 " 0.1 " 3 " 0.1 " Loss or impairment of sensation 20 “ 0.2 " 18 " 0.4 2 " 0.0 Learning disability and mental retardation 399 4.3 388 7.8 12 0.3 Learning disability 6 " 0.1 " 6 “ 0.1 " . . Mental retardation/ Down's syndrome 393 4.3 382 7.7 12 " 0.3 " Absence or loss 140 1.5 64 1.3 76 1.8 Absence or loss, upper extremity 6 " 0.1 * 4 " 0.1 " 2 ’ 0.1 " Absence or loss, lower extremity 74 0.8 43 0.9 31 0.7 Absence or loss of lung or kidney 11 ‘ 0.1 " 4 * 0.1 ‘ 7 ‘ 0.2 Absence or loss of breast , 4 " 0.0 . . 4 ” 0.1 Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 45 0.5 13 * 0.3 " 32 0.8 Paralysis 278 3.0 219 4.4 59 1.4 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 29 0.3 28 0.6 1 * 0.0 Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 34 0.4 24 0.5 10 ' 0.2 " Paralysis of upper extremities 4 ‘ 0.0 . . 4 * 0.1 " Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 28 0.3 22 * 0.5 6 " 0.1 " Cerebral palsy 84 0.9 80 1.6 4 " 0.1 " Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 39 0.4 29 " 0.6 * 10 " 0.2 " Partial paralysis of upper extremity 11 * 0.1 " 5 " 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 * Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 11 " 0.1 " 5 " 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 ” Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 6 " 0.1 * 3 ” 0.1 " 3 " 0.1 * Paralysis of other sites, complete or partial 32 0.3 23 " 0.5 9 " 0.2 ” Deformities 117 1.3 94 1.9 23 0.5 Curvature of spine or back 57 0.6 46 0.9 11 " 0.2 " Spina bifida 21 “ 0.2 " 21 ’ 0.4 . . Congenital dislocation/ deformity of hip and / or pelvis 11 " 0.1 ’ 9 ‘ 0.2 2 “ 0.0 Deformity of lower extremity 4 " 0.0 2 " 0.0 2 " 0.0 Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity 24 " 0.3 16 " 0.3 ‘ 8 ” 0.2 " Orthopedic impairments 988 10.7 666 13.5 322 7.5 Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 398 4.3 322 6.5 76 1.8 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and / or upper extremity 119 1.3 96 1.9 22 ' 0.5 ” Orthopedic impairment of hip and / or pelvis 112 1.2 33 0.7 80 1.9 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 308 3.3 187 3.8 121 2.8 Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites 51 0.6 28 " 0.6 23 " 0.5 * Other and ill-defined impairments 30 0.3 26 * 0.5 " 4 " 0.1 * PART 11: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 6,923 74.9 3,327 67.3 3,602 83.8 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASI'I'IC DISEASES (001-139) 60 0.6 40 0.8 21 0.5 Tuberculosis, all sites 26 " 0.3 19 " 0.4 " 8 " 0.2 Herpes (zoster or simplex) 8 " 0.1 " . . 8 " 0.2 " Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 26 0.3 21 0.4 5 " 0.1 CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) 348 3.8 186 3.8 160 3.7 Cancer (140-208) 312 3.4 157 3.2 153 3.6 ' Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 11 " 0.1 " 7 " 0.1 4 " 0.1 ’ Malignant neoplasm of rectum, colon, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 44 0.5 16 " 0.3 28 0.6 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 0.4 14 ‘ 0.3 * 19 ‘ 0.5 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table 8a: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 43 0.5 28 0.6 15 " 0.4 " Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 15 * 0.2 7 ” 0.1 " 8 " 0.2 " Malignant neoplasm of skin 4 ” 0.0 1 " 0.0 2 " 0.1 " Malignant neoplasm of female breast 34 0.4 20 ” 0.4 * 14 * 0.3 * Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs 14 " 0.2 10 * 0.2 " 4 " 0.1 * Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs 13 " 0.1 " 3 " 0.1 * 10 " 0.2 * Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 13 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.0 11 ” 0.3 ‘ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 44 0.5 30 0.6 13 " 0.3 * Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 12 " 0.1 * 4 * 0.1 " 9 " 0.2 " Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 31 0.3 15 * 0.3 16 " 0.4 ” Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210-239) 36 0.4 29 0.6 7 0.2 Benign neoplasms 26 0.3 21 * 0.4 " 5 " 0.1 " Neoplasm of unspecified nature 10 " 0.1 " 8 '* 0.2 * 2 * 0.0 CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240-279) 331 3.6 154 3.1 177 4.1 Thyroid disorders (240-246) 14 0.2 10 0.2 4 0.1 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 8 " 0.1 " 8 ‘° 0.2 " . . Other disorders of thyroid 6 " 0.1 2 " 0.0 4 " 0.1 * Diabetes (250) 259 2.8 112 2.3 147 3.4 Diabetes mellitus with complication 26 0.3 21 " 0.4 ‘ 5 " 0.1 " Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 233 2.5 91 1.8 142 3.3 Other (251-279) 58 0.6 32 0.6 26 0.6 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 2 " 0.0 2 * 0.0 . . Gout 26 0.3 7 " 0.1 * 20 “‘ 0.5 Obesity and other hyperalirnentation 11 * 0.1 " 9 * 0.2 " 2 " 0.0 Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 19 " 0.2 * 14 " 0.3 * 4 " 0.1 ’* CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGAN S (280-289) 21 0.2 10 0.2 10 0.2 Anemias 13 * 0.1 “ 9 * 0.2 " 3 " 0.1 " Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 8 ‘* 0 1 " 1 " 0.0 7 " 0 2 " CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290-316) excluding mental retardation 367 4.0 272 5.5 96 2.2 Psychoses (290-299) 147 1.6 102 2.1 46 1.1 Schizophrenic psychoses 56 0.6 55 1.1 2 * 0.0 Affective psychoses 24 0.3 22 ” 0.4 " 2 " 0.0 Other psychoses 67 0.7 25 0.5 42 1.0 Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300-316) 220 2_4 170 3.4 50 1.2 Anxiety states 20 * 0.2 ” 18 ’ 0.4 2 "' 0.0 Other neurotic disorders 97 1.1 82 1.7 15 0.3 " Alcohol and drug dependence 25 " 0.3 15 " 0.3 " 10 '* 0.2 " Adjustment reaction 16 ” 0.2 11 " 0.2 " 4 " 0.1 " Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 39 0.4 25 0.5 15 “ 0.3 * Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 9 " 0.1 " 9 * 0.2 " . . Other mental illness/ disorder 14 "‘ 0.2 " 10 * 0.2 * 4 " 0.1 " CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGAN S (320-389) 884 9.6 474 9.6 412 9.6 Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) 593 6.4 386 7.8 209 4.9 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 123 1.3 22 " 0.5 100 2.3 Parkinson's disease 79 0.9 19 " 0.4 * 61 1.4 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 28 0.3 24 0.5 5 * 0.1 * Multiple sclerosis 113 1.2 107 2.2 7 " 0.2 ” Epilepsy 80 0.9 70 1.4 10 * 0.2 " Migraine 22 " 0.2 " 22 ” 0.5 * . . Other and unspecified disorders of the central nervous system 51 0.5 33 0.7 18 " 0.4 " Nerve root and plexus disorders 10 * 0.1 " 10 " 0.2 * Carpal tunnel syndrome 15 " 0.2 15 " 0.3 * Mononeuritis of lower limb 29 0.3 27 0.6 2 " 0.0 145 146 Disability Statistics Report Table 8a: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 43 Disorders of the eye (360-379) 276 Retinal detachments and defects 15 Other retinal disorders 39 Glaucoma 70 Cataract 80 Disorders of refraction and accommodation 31 Visual disturbances 4 Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements 2 Other disorders of eye 35 Disorders of the ear (380-388) 15 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 8 Other disorders of ear 7 CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 1,624 Heart disease (390-429) 931 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) 19 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 8 Other rheumatic disease 11 Hypertensive disease (401-405) 121 Ischemic heart disease (410-414) 347 Angina pectoris 116 Other chronic ischemic heart disease 231 Other forms of heart disease (415-429) 444 Diseases of endocardium 25 Cardiomyopathy 6 Conduction disorders 14 Cardiac dysrhythmias 58 Heart failure 97 Other heart disease 244 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) 529 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) 100 Atherosclerosis 38 Aortic aneurysm 17 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 25 Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 20 Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451-459) 64 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 26 Varicose veins of lower extremities 3 Hemorrhoids 2 Other disorders of circulatory system 33 CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460-519) 436 Chronic sinusitis 12 Allergic rhinitis 2 Chronic brOnchitis 14 Emphysema 224 Asthma 107 Pneumoconiosis 7 Other diseases of respiratory system 70 CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) 133 Diseases of esophagus 2 Gastric ulcer 8 Other peptic ulcer 4 Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 17 Hernia 27 Enteritis and colitis 16 Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 20 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 23 l- ¥¥ It 4. 18-44 0.5 37 0.7 3.0 79 1.6 0.2 6 " 0.1 0.4 11 " 0.2 0.8 4 " 0.1 0.9 18 * 0.4 0.3 15 ‘ 0.3 0.0 2 " 0.0 0.0 . . 0.4 23 0.5 0.2 9 0.2 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 0.1 " 3 * 0.1 17.6 588 11.9 10.1 327 6.6 0.2 10 0.2 0.1 * 6 " 0.1 0.1 * 4 " 0.1 1.3 51 1.0 3.8 137 2.8 1.3 40 0.8 2.5 97 2.0 4.8 129 2.6 0.3 4 " 0.1 0.1 " 3 " 0.1 0.2 8 " 0.2 0.6 8 " 0.2 1.0 26 0.5 2.6 80 1.6 5.7 191 3.9 1.1 34 0.7 0.4 8 " 0.2 0.2 6 " 0,1 0.3 * 8 * 0.2 0.2 ‘ 12 “ 0.2 0.7 36 0.7 0.3 15 * 0.3 0.0 1 " 0.0 0.0 2 " 0.0 0.4 18 " 0.4 4.7 211 4.3 0.1 " 10 " 0.2 0.0 2 ” 0.0 0.1 " 8 * 0.2 2.4 93 1.9 1.2 62 1.3 0.1 " . . 0.8 36 0.7 1.4 84 1.7 0.0 . . 0.1 " 4 * 0.1 0.0 . . 0.2 " 11 * 0.2 0.3 19 ’ 0.4 0.2 ‘ 14 * 0.3 0.2 " 7 " 0.1 0.2 ‘ 21 0.4 a. & Isl-4‘ Isa-4:- ! ¥ - ¥ 4 6 197 9 28 66 62 16 2 2 12 210 hth)‘; os§¥¥¥¥¥ H Mushroom 1- 0.1 4.6 0.2 0.7 1.5 1.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.1 24.1 14.1 0.2 0.0 0.2 1.6 4.9 1.8 3.1 7.3 0.5 * 0.1 * 0.2 1.2 1.6 3.8 7.9 1.5 0.7 0.2 * 0.4 * 0.2 * 0.7 0.2 0.0 0.4 5.2 0.0 0.1 3.1 1.0 0.2 0.8 1.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.0 ¥ I- ¥¥ Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 147 Table 8a: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 1844 45—69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Cholelithiasis 8 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 " Other digestive diseases 8 ‘ 0.1 * 4 " 0.1 " 4 't 0.1 " CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 72 0.8 52 1.1 21 0.5 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis 31 0.3 21 ‘ 0.4 " 10 " 0.2 * Calculus of kidney 1 ‘ 0.0 1 * 0.0 . . Other disorders of kidney and ureter 18 “ 0.2 * 14 " 0.3 " 4 " 0.1 " Disorders of bladder, urethra, and urinary tract 11 " 0.1 " 7 ’ 0.1 * 5 " 0.1 " Disorders of male genital organs 2 * 0.0 . . 2 * 0.0 Endometriosis 3 " 0.0 3 " 0.1 “ Other disorders of female genital organs 6 " 0.1 6 " 0.1 * CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS 0F PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) 24 0.3 9 0.2 15 0.3 Chronic ulcer of skin 11 " 0.1 " 2 “ 0.0 9 " 0.2 * Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 13 * 0.1 ‘ 7 * 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 " CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) 1,856 20.1 891 18.0 967 22.5 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 24 't 0.3 " 20 * 0.4 " 4 " 0.1 " Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 207 2.2 111 2.2 96 2.2 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 906 9.8 299 6.0 607 14.1 Spondylosis and allied disorders 124 1.3 62 1.2 63 1.5 Intervertebral disc disorders 321 3.5 286 5.8 35 0.8 Other and unspecified disorders of back 29 0.3 17 * 0.3 " 12 't 0.3 * Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 23 0.2 " 18 " 0.4 4 " 0.1 " Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 14 " 0.2 13 ” 0.3 " 2 * 0.0 Other disorders of soft tissues 43 0.5 21 " 0.4 " 22 0.5 Osteoporosis 111 1.2 20 " 0.4 92 2.1 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 54 0.6 24 0.5 30 0.7 CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL AN OMALIES (740-759) 27 0.3 22 0.4 5 0.1 Congenital anomalies of heart 5 " 0.1 2 " 0.0 3 * 0.1 " Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 2 ‘ 0.2 * 20 " 0.4 * 2 " 0.0 CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760-779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (780-799) 601 6.5 254 5.1 348 8.1 Dizziness and giddiness 48 0.5 10 " 0.2 " 38 0.9 Malaise and fatigue 10 " 0.1 * 3 " 0.1 “ 7 “‘ 0.2 " Headache 18 * 0.2 " 16 " 0.3 " 2 * 0.0 Cardiovascular symptoms 26 " 0.3 12 " 0.2 ’* 15 " 0.3 " Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 22 “ 0.2 " 6 " 0.1 " 16 “‘ 0.4 ” Senility without mention of psychosis 205 2.2 7 " 0.1 " 197 4.6 Nervousness 40 0.4 37 0.7 3 " 0.1 * Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 232 2.5 163 3.3 70 1.6 CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800-999) 139 1.5 80 1.6 59 1.4 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 39 0.4 15 " 0.3 * 24 ‘ 0.6 " Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 36 0.4 24 ’* 0.5 " 12 * 0.3 ” Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 64 0.7 41 0.8 23 * 0.5 * 148 Disability Statistics Report Table 8a: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution MALE ALL CONDITIONS 3,439 100.0 2,102 100.0 1,336 100.0 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 1,022 29.7 805 38.3 215 16.1 Visual impairments 112 3.3 64 3.0 47 3.5 Blindness in both eyes 60 1.7 38 1.8 21 * 1.6 Visual impairment in both eyes 29 * 0.8 * 15 " 0.7 * 14 " 1.0 Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 14 " 0.4 ” 4 * 0.2 * 10 * 0.7 Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 9 " 0.3 " 7 * 0.3 * 2 * 0.1 Hearing impairments 37 1.1 16 0.8 21 1.6 Deafness in both ears 20 * 0.6 * 14 ” 0.7 * 6 " 0.5 Hearing impairment in both ears 10 * 0.3 * 2 * 0.1 * 8 * 0.6 Deafness, unknown if in both ears 4 * 0.1 " 4 * 0.3 Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 3 " 0.1 ” . . 3 ‘ 0.2 Speech impairments 6 “ 0.2 * 4 * 0.2 ” 2 ‘ 0.2 Loss or impairment of sensation 8 " 0.2 " 8 " 0.4 ‘ 0 . Learning disability and mental retardation 246 7.2 239 11.4 7 0.5 Learning disability 6 * 0.2 * 6 r 0.3 * . Mental retardation / Down's syndrome 240 7.0 233 11.1 7 " 0.5 Absence or loss 59 1.7 34 1.6 24 1 8 Absence or loss, upper extremity 4 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.2 " . . Absence or loss, lower extremity 37 1.1 23 * 1.1 14 * 1.0 Absence or loss of lung or kidney 5 " 0.2 * 2 * 0.1 " 3 * 0.2 Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 13 " 0.4 ' 5 * 0.2 " 7 '* 0.6 Paralysis 147 4.3 125 5.9 21 1.6 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 21 * 0.6 " 21 * 1.0 * . . Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 15 * 0.4 ‘ 12 " 0.5 ‘ 3 * 0.2 Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) ‘ 21 * 0.6 * 18 " 0.9 " 3 " 0.2 Cerebral palsy 49 1.4 45 2.1 4 * 0.3 Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 16 " 0.5 ‘ 12 " 0.6 ‘* 4 " 0.3 Partial paralysis of upper extremity 7 * 0.2 " 3 ' 0.2 * 3 * 0.3 Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 7 " 0.2 * 5 " 0.2 " 2 " 0.1 Paralysis of other extremity, complete or partial 11 ” 0.3 " 9 " 0.4 * 2 " 0.1 Deformities 36 1.0 34 1.6 3 0.2 Curvature of spine or back 20 * 0.6 " 18 " 0.9 " 3 " 0.2 Spina bifida 11 * 0.3 * 11 * 0.5 * Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity 5 " 0.1 " 5 " 0.2 * . . Orthopedic impairments 352 10.2 266 12.7 86 6.4 Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 127 3.7 113 5.4 14 ‘ 1.0 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and / or upper extremities 33 1.0 29 1.4 4 " 0.3 Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis 36 1.0 13 " 0.6 ” 23 " 1.7 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 132 3.9 90 4.3 42 3.1 Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites 24 " 0.7 " 21 * 1.0 " 3 " 0.2 Other and ill-defined impairments 19 “ 0.6 " 15 " 0.7 * 4 " 0.3 PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 2,413 70.2 1,295 61.6 1,120 83.8 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001-139) 14 0.4 12 0.6 2 0.1 Tuberculosis, all sites 4 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.2 ‘ . . Herpes (zoster or simplex) 2 * 0.1 * . 2 " 0.2 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 8 ” 0.2 * 8 ’* 0.4 * . . CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) 153 4.4 78 3.7 74 5.5 Cancer (140-208) 147 4.3 72 3.4 74 5.5 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 9 * 0.3 * 7 " 0.3 " 2 * 0.2 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 31 0.9 12 " 0.6 " 18 " 1.4 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 15 * 0.4 * 5 " 0.2 * 10 " 0.7 Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 31 0.9 19 " 0.9 " 12 " 0.9 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 2 * 0.1 " 2 * 0.1 " . Malignant neoplasm of skin 4 " 0.1 " 1 " 0.1 * 2 * 0.2 Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs 13 " 0.4 ‘ 3 " 0.1 ‘ 10 * 0 8 ¥ ¥ ‘V ¥ ¥ l 1' ¥ 4' a. q. Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table 8a: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADLO or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian N on- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 13 " 0.4 " 2 " 0.1 ‘ 11 " 0.8 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 10 " 0.3 ' 8 ‘ 0.4 " 2 " 0.2 Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 8 ‘ 0.2 ‘ 4 " 0.2 * 5 " 0.3 Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 11 * 0.3 " 9 " 0.4 " 2 " 0.2 Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210-239) 6 0.2 6 0.3 0 0.0 Benign neoplasms 4 * 0.1 " 4 " 0.2 * Neoplasm of unspecified nature 2 ‘ 0.1 ” 2 * 0.1 CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240-279) 111 3.2 54 2.6 57 4.3 Thyroid disorders (240-246) Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 2 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 ‘ 0 . Diabetes (250) 83 2.4 37 1.8 47 3.5 Diabetes mellitus with complication 17 " 0.5 " 14 * 0.7 ‘ 3 ' 0.2 Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 66 1.9 23 1.1 44 3.3 Other (251-279) 26 0.8 15 0.7 10 0.7 Gout 14 " 0.4 " 3 " 0.2 ‘ 10 " 0 8 Obesity and other hyperalimentation 4 ' 0.1 ’° 4 * 0.2 " Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and inunune disorders 8 ‘ 0.2 " 8 ” 0.4 * CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS (280-289) 3 0.1 3 0.1 0 0.0 Anemias 2 " 0.0 2 " 0.1 “ Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 1 " 0.0 1 " 0.0 CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290-316) excluding mental retardation 185 5.4 140 6.7 45 3.4 Psychoses (290-299) 77 2.2 62 2.9 15 1.1 Schizophrenic psychoses 38 1.1 36 " 1.7 ‘ 2 " 0.1 Affective psychoses 4 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.2 " . . Other psychoses 35 1.0 22 " 1.1 " 13 " 1.0 Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300-316) 103 3,1 73 3_7 30 2,2 Anxiety states 2 * 0.1 ‘ 2 ‘ 0.1 * . . Other neurotic disorders 47 1.4 41 2.0 6 0.4 Alcohol and drug dependence 21 " 0.6 " 11 ” 0.5 " 10 " 0.7 Adjustment reaction 10 " 0.3 " 8 " 0.4 ” 2 " 0.1 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 17 " 0.5 " 7 " 0.3 " 10 " 0.8 Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 7 * 0.2 ” 7 " 0.3 " . Other mental illness/ disorder 4 ’ 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.2 CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320-389) 329 9.6 183 8.7 151 Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) 239 6.9 163 7.8 77 5.8 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 41 1.2 11 ‘ 0.5 30 2.2 Parkinson's disease 42 1.2 10 " 0.5 " 32 2.4 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 14 " 0.4 " 14 " 0.7 " . . Multiple sclerosis 29 0.8 29 1.4 . . Epilepsy 55 1.6 48 2.3 7 " 0.6 Migraine 2 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 " . Other and unspecified disorders of the central nervous system 21 * 0.6 " 17 ‘ 0.8 " 5 * 0.3 Nerve root and plexus disorders 3 " 0.1 " 3 " 0.1 " Mononeuritis of lower limb 9 " 0.3 " 9 ” 0.4 " . . Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 23 " 0.7 20 " 1.0 " 3 " 0.2 Disorders of the eye (360-379) 88 2.6 18 0.9 69 5.2 Retinal detachments and defects 4 " 0.1 " . . 4 " 0.3 Macular degeneration 11 " 0.3 " 5 " 0.2 * 6 * 0.5 Other retinal disorders 22 0.6 . . 22 1.6 Glaucoma 29 0.9 1 ‘ 0.1 ” 28 2.1 Cataract 11 " 0.3 " 6 " 0.3 " 5 “ 0.4 Disorders of refraction and accommodation 2 " 0.1 " . . 2 " 0.2 Other disorders of eye 9 ‘ 0.3 " 6 " 0.3 * 2 " 0.2 I- ¥ 4 1‘ ¥ ¥ § 1» 149 150 Disability Statistics Report Table 8a: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages Disorders of the ear (380-388) Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 2 CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 636 Heart disease (390-429) 328 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) 2 Hypertensive disease (401-405) 39 Ischemic heart disease (410-414) 147 Angina pectoris 34 Other chronic ischemic heart disease 113 Other forms of heart disease (415-429) 140 Diseases of endocardium 6 Cardiomyopathy 5 Conduction disorders 13 Cardiac dysrhythmias 15 Heart failure 27 Other heart disease 74 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) 248 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) 46 Atherosclerosis 16 Aortic aneurysm 13 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 9 Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 8 Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451-459) 14 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 5 Other disorders of circulatory system 9 CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460-519) 199 Chronic sinusitis 3 Chronic bronchitis l Emphysema 125 Asthma 32 Pneumoconiosis 7 Other diseases of respiratory system 31 CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) 54 Diseases of esophagus 2 Gastric ulcer 6 Other peptic ulcer 2 Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 8 Hernia 8 Enteritis or colitis 8 Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 10 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 9 Other digestive diseases 1 CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 34 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or nephrosis 16 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 13 Disorders of bladder, urethra, and urinary tract 3 Disorders of male genital organs 2 CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) Chronic ulcer of skin Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECI'IVE TISSUE (710-739) 449 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 3 NNP a} alt-v.1. ass-v» ¥¥¥¥¥¥ a I- 5 ‘1' l- 0.1 18.5 9.5 0.1 1.1 4.3 1.0 3.3 4.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.8 2.2 7.2 1.3 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 it» l- 4 5 *- ass-r 0.1 " 0.3 5.8 0.1 0.0 3.6 0.9 0.2 0.9 1.6 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.0 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.1 4 ass-r44 a; 0.1 " 0.1 13.1 0.1 18-44 2 279 165 IF . 12 11 251 3 _ xenoooooo. :9 ¥¥¥JL¥ J‘s-v»; II- 0.1 " 13.3 7.8 1.1 * 3.6 0.9 " 2.6 3.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.5 2.1 4.2 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 ’l~ It 3 4 ¥ sis-$4 0.4 0.1 " 0.3 " 3.8 .0.1" 0.1 " 1.7 1.0 0.9 * 1.9 0.2 " 0.4 * 0.4 * 0.4 0.1 0.4 4 ¥ 4 1.1 0.5 " 0.0 11.9 0.1 * t—I NWNO’O 83‘s» 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 355 161 )PN0 120 t-l N 198 ¥ ¥ 4 ¥ ’l~ ¥ 4 l- *- 0.4 0.2 0.3 9.0 6.7 ¥¥~¥¥U~ ¥¥¥$ 0.9 " 0.5 " 0.9 1.1 0.2 * 0.1 0.1 0.6 oi 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 14.8 ¥ ‘- ¥ ¥ ¥ AI Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table 8a: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 32 0.9 16 " 0.7 * 16 * 1.2 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 182 5.3 58 2.8 124 9.3 Spondylosis and allied disorders 39 1.1 27 1.3 12 " 0.9 Intervertebral disc disorders 149 4.3 130 6.2 19 * 1.4 Other and unspecified disorders of back 3 “ 0.1 * 1 * 0.1 " 2 " 0.2 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 2 " 0.1 * . . 2 ” 0.2 Other disorders of soft tissues 5 * 0.2 * . . 5 " 0.4 Osteoporosis 7 " 0.2 " 2 * 0.1 ‘ 5 " 0.3 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 27 0.8 14 * 0.7 ” 13 * 0.9 CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740-759) 11 0.3 9 0.4 2 0.1 Congenital anomalies of heart 2 " 0.1 * 2 * 0.1 * . . Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 9 * 0.3 * 7 * 0.3 * 2 * 0.1 CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760-779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (780-799) 190 5.5 113 5.4 78 5.8 Dizziness and giddiness 13 * 0.4 ” 5 " 0.2 " 8 * 0.6 Malaise and fatigue 3 ” 0.1 * . . 3 " 0.3 Headache 9 * 0.3 " 9 * 0.4 * . . Cardiovascular symptoms 4 * 0.1 " . . 4 * 0.3 Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 10 “ 0.3 * 2 " 0.1 " 8 " 0.6 Senility without mention of psychosis 33 1.0 2 * 0.1 * 31 2.3 Nervousness 7 * 0.2 " 7 * 0.3 * . . Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 111 3.2 88 4.2 24 1.8 CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800-999) 41 1.2 32 1.5 9 0.7 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 11 " 0.3 " 7 * 0.3 “ 4 " 0.3 Poisoning, toxic, and other adverSe effects, not elsewhere classified 13 " 0.4 " 13 “ 0.6 ‘ ' Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 17 ’ 0.5 * 12 * 0.6 " 5 ” 0.4 151 152 Disability Statistics Report Table 8a: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Carflgflmitation All Ages 1844 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution FEMALE ALL CONDITIONS 5,805 100.0 2,844 100.0 2,960 100.0 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 1,298 22.4 817 28.7 485 16.4 Visual impairments 143 2.5 46 1.6 97 3.3 Blindness in both eyes 73 1.3 36 1.3 37 1.3 Visual impairment in both eyes 45 0.8 5 " 0.2 " 40 1.4 Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 6 " 0.1 * 1 * 0.0 5 * 0.2 " Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not 19 ‘ 0.3 * 4 " 0.2 * 15 " 0.5 " Hearing impairments 48 0.8 15 0.5 35 1.2 Deafness in both ears 17 " 0.3 " 6 " 0.2 " 12 * 0.4 * Hearing impairment in both ears 10 " 0.2 * 2 * 0.1 " 8 * 0.3 " Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 2 " 0.0 . . 2 * 0.1 * Deafness, unknown if in both ears 8 " 0.1 “ 5 " 0.2 " 4 ” 0.1 * Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 11 " 0.2 ‘ 2 ” 0.1 " 9 " 0.3 * Speech impairments 3 " 0.1 2 " 0.1 * 1 * 0.0 Loss or impairment of sensation 12 " 0.2 ‘ 10 * 0.4 * 2 * 0.1 “ Learning disability and mental retardation 153 2.6 148 5.2 5 * 0.2 " Absence or loss 82 1.4 30 1.1 52 1.8 Absence or loss, upper extremity 2 " 0.0 . . 2 ‘t 0.1 * Absence or loss, lower extremity 37 0.6 20 " 0.7 17 * 0.6 * Absence or loss of lung or kidney 6 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 " 4 * 0.1 * Absence or loss of breast 4 " 0.1 " . . 4 " 0.1 ‘ Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 33 0.6 8 * 0.3 * 25 * 0.8 " Paralysis 131 2.3 95 3.3 37 1.3 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 8 * 0.1 " 7 " 0.3 " 1 ‘° 0.0 Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 19 " 0.3 " 12 * 0.4 " 7 * 0.2 * Paralysis of upper extremities 4 " 0.1 " . . 4 't 0.1 * Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 7 * 0.1 " 4 * 0.2 * 3 " 0.1 ’* Cerebral palsy 35 0.6 35 1.2 . . Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 23 * 0.4 * 18 " 0.6 " 6 * 0.2 " Partial paralysis of upper extremity 4 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 * Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 4 * 0.1 * . 4 * 0.1 * Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 6 " 0.1 * 3 " 0.1 * 3 " 0.1 " Paralysis of other extremity, complete or partial 21 * 0.4 14 “ 0.5 " 7 * 0.2 " Deformities 81 1.4 61 2.1 20 0.7 Curvature of spine or back 36 0.6 28 1.0 8 ” 0.3 " Spina bifida 11 ‘ 0.2 “ 11 ‘ 0.4 * . . Congenital dislocation/ deformity of hip and/ or pelvis 6 * 0.1 " 4 ‘ 0.2 " 2 ‘ 0.1 * Deformity of lower extremity 4 " 0.1 " 2 * 0.1 “ 2 " 0.1 * Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity 24 " 0.4 " 16 " 0.6 " 8 * 0.3 ” Orthopedic impairments 634 10.9 399 14.0 236 8.0 Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 271 4.7 209 7.3 62 2.1 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper extremities 85 1.5 67 2.3 19 0.6 " Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis 76 1.3 20 " 0.7 " 56 1.9 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 175 3.0 96 3.4 79 2.7 Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites 27 0.5 7 * 0.2 " 20 " 0.7 Other and ill-defined impairments 11 * 0.2 " 11 " 0.4 * 0 . PART 11: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 4,507 77.6 2,030 71.4 2,482 83.9 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001-139) 46 0.8 28 1.0 19 0.6 Tuberculosis, all sites 22 ‘ 0.4 " 15 " 0.5 ' 8 * 0.3 * Herpes (zoster or simplex) 6 * 0.1 " . . 6 " 0.2 * Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 18 " 0.3 ‘* 13 * 0.4 " 5 " 0.2 * CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) 193 3.3 107 3.8 86 2.9 Cancer (140-208) 164 2.8 85 3.0 79 2.7 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 2 " 0.0 . . 2 * 0.1 " Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 13 " 0.2 * 4 ” 0.1 * 9 ” 0.3 * organs and peritoneum 19 ‘ 0.3 ” 9 " 0.3 * 10 ‘ 0.3 " Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 12 " 0.2 “ 9 " 0.3 " 3 " 0.1 * Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 13 " 0.2 " 5 " 0.2 " 8 " 0.3 * Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table 8a: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation Malignant neoplasm of female breast Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210-239) Benign neoplasms Neoplasm of unspecified nature CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240-279) Thyroid disorders (240-246) Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism Other disorders of thyroid Diabetes (250) Diabetes mellitus with complication Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication Other (251-279) Disorders of lipoid metabolism Gout Obesity and other hyperalimentation Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS (280-289) Anemias Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290-316) excluding mental retardation Psychoses (290-299) Schizophrenic psychoses Affective psychoses Other psychoses Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300-316) Anxiety states Other neurotic disorders Alcohol or drug dependence Adjustment reaction Depressive disorders, not elsewhere classified Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood Other mental illness/ disorder CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320-389) Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations Parkinson's disease Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Multiple sclerosis Epilepsy Migraine Other and unspecified disorders of the nervous system Nerve root and plexus disorders Carpal tunnel syndrome Mononeuritis of lower limb Other disorders of peripheral nervous system Disorders of the eye (360-379) Retinal detachments and defects Other retinal disorders Macular degeneration Glaucoma All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution 34 0.6 20 " 0.7 " 14 " 0.5 “ 14 " 0.2 * 10 ‘ 0.4 " 4 ‘ 0.1 " 33 0.6 22 " 0.8 " 11 * 0.4 * 4 " 0.1 * . . 4 " 0.1 “ 20 " 0.3 * 6 " 0.2 " 14 “ 0.5 " 29 0.5 22 0.8 7 0.2 22 " 0.4 17 " 0.6 * 5 * 0.2 * 7 " 0.1 * 5 * 0.2 ” 2 “ 0.1 " 221 3.8 100 3.5 119 4.0 12 0.2 8 0.3 4 0.1 6 " 0.1 " 6 “ 0.2 " . . 6 ‘ 0.1 " 2 “ 0.1 " 4 * 0.1 * 176 3.0 76 2.7 100 3.4 9 " 0.2 " 7 " 0.2 " 2 " 0.1 " 167 2.9 69 2.4 98 3.3 33 0.6 16 0.6 15 0.5 2 " 0.0 2 “ 0.1 " . . 13 " 0.2 " 3 " 0.1 * 9 * 0.3 " 7 " 0.1 " 5 “ 0.2 " 2 " 0.1 " 11 " 0.2 " 6 " 0.2 " 4 * 0.1 * 18 0.3 8 0.3 10 0.3 11 * 0.2 " 8 ” 0.3 " 3 “ 0.1 " 7 * 0.1 " 7 * 0.2 * 181 3.1 130 4.6 51 1.7 70 1.2 39 1.4 31 1.0 18 ” 0.3 18 * 0.6 ” . . 20 ‘ 0.3 ’ 18 * 0.6 " 2 * 0.1 * 32 0.6 3 " 0.1 * 29 1.0 111 1.9 91 3.2 20 0.7 18 " 0.3 * 16 " 0.6 * 2 “ 0.1 * 50 0.9 41 1.4 9 0.3 " 3 “ 0.1 " 3 * 0.1 " . . 6 ” 0.1 " 3 " 0.1 ‘* 3 * 0.1 * 22 0.4 18 " 0.6 " 4 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.0 2 " 0.1 " . . 10 " 0.2 " 8 ‘ 0.3 " 2 " 0.1 " 557 9.6 291 10.2 266 9.0 355 6.1 223 7.8 133 4.5 82 1.4 12 " 0.4 " 71 2.4 37 0.6 8 “ 0.3 " 29 1.0 14 " 0.2 * 10 “ 0.3 “ 5 " 0.2 " 85 1.5 78 2.7 7 " 0.2 " 25 0.4 22 0.8 2 “ 0.1 " 21 “ 0.4 21 “ 0.7 " . . 29 0.5 16 't 0.6 ’t 13 * 0.5 * 7 " 0.1 " 7 * 0.2 * 15 ‘ 0.3 15 " 0.5 " . . 20 ” 0.3 ‘* 18 * 0.6 * 2 " 0.1 " 20 * 0.3 " 16 * 0.6 “ 4 " 0.1 * 189 3.3 61 2.1 127 4.3 11 " 0.2 " 6 " 0.2 " 5 " 0.2 " 28 0.5 6 “ 0.2 * 22 " 0.7 " 48 0.8 4 " 0.1 " 44 1.5 51 0.9 17 ” 0.6 * 34 1.2 20 " 0.3 " 10 " 0.3 " 10 “ 0.3 " Cataract 154 Disability Statistics Report Table 8a: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Disorders of refraction and accommodation 2 ‘ 0.0 2 " 0.1 ‘ . Visual disturbances 2 " 0.0 . . 2 * 0.1 " Other disorders of eye 27 0.5 16 * 0.6 ‘ 10 ‘ 0.3 * Disorders of the ear (380-388) 13 0.2 7 0.2 6 0.2 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 6 ‘ 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 ' Other disorders of ear 7 " 0.1 ” 3 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 " CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 991 17.1 309 10.9 679 22.9 Heart disease (390-429) 606 10.4 162 5.7 442 14.9 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) 18 0.3 10 0.4 8 0.3 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 8 ’ 0.1 " 6 * 0.2 " 2 ' 0.1 " Other rheumatic disease 10 ‘ 0.2 " 4 * 0.1 " 6 " 0.2 * Hypertensive disease (401-405) 82 1.4 29 1.0 53 1.8 Ischemic heart disease (410-414) 200 3.4 62 2.2 138 4.7 Angina pectoris 82 1.4 20 0.7 62 2.1 Other chronic ischemic heart disease 118 2.0 42 1.5 76 2.6 Other forms of heart disease (415-429) 306 5.3 61 2.1 243 8.2 Diseases of endocardium 19 " 0.3 " 2 * 0.1 " 17 " 0.6 " Cardiomyopathy 2 " 0.0 . . 2 ‘ 0.1 * Conduction disorders 2 “ 0.0 2 " 0.1 " . . Cardiac dysrhythmias 43 0.7 6 " 0.2 " 37 1.2 Heart failure 70 1.2 16 ‘ 0.6 " 53 1.8 Other heart disease 170 2.9 35 1.2 134 4.5 Cerebrovascular disease (430—438) 282 4.9 102 3.6 179 6.1 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) 54 0.9 17 0.6 36 1.2 Atherosclerosis 22 0.4 3 * 0.1 ‘ 18 * 0.6 ‘ Aortic aneurysm 4 ” 0.1 " 2 * 0.1 “ 2 " 0.1 " Arterial embolism and thrombosis 16 " 0.3 " 5 " 0.2 " 12 " 0.4 " Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 12 " 0.2 " 7 " 0.3 ’ 4 ‘ 0.2 " Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451-459) 49 0.8 28 1.0 22 0.7 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 21 " 0.4 13 ' 0.4 ‘ 9 " 0.3 * Varicose veins of lower extremities 3 " 0.1 " 1 * 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 " Hemorrhoids 2 " 0.0 2 * 0.1 * . . Other disorders of circulatory system 23 " 0.4 * 12 " 0.4 * 11 " 0.4 * CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460-519) 235 4.0 131 4.6 105 3.5 Chronic sinusitis 9 " 0.2 " 7 " 0.2 " 2 " 0.1 " Allergic rhinitis 2 " 0.0 2 “ 0.1 " . . Chronic bronchitis 12 " 0.2 * 6 " 0.2 " 6 " 0.2 " Emphysema 99 1.7 57 2.0 42 1.4 Asthma 75 1.3 42 1.5 33 1.1 Other diseases of respiratory system 38 0.7 17 " 0.6 " 22 0.7 '* CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) 78 1.3 45 1.6 34 1.1 Gastric ulcer 2 "' 0.0 0 0 0 2 * 0.1 " Other peptic ulcer 2 * 0.0 . 2 " 0.1 " Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 10 * 0.2 * 3 ‘ 0.1 ‘ 6 " 0.2 * Hernia 19 " 0.3 " 11 “ 0.4 " 8 " 0.3 ’ Enteritis or colitis 8 " 0.1 " 6 ‘ 0.2 * 2 " 0.1 * Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 9 " 0.2 " 5 " 0.2 " 5 * 0.2 " Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 14 " 0.2 * 12 " 0.4 " 2 " 0.1 * Cholelithiasis 8 ‘ 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 * 4 t 0.1 " Other digestive diseases 6 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 " 3 * 0.1 " CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 38 0.7 29 1.0 11 0.4 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or nephrosis 15 " 0.3 9 " 0.3 " 7 " 0.2 * Calculus of kidney 1 " 0.0 1 * 0.0 . Other disorders of kidney and ureter 5 ’ 0.1 " 3 ” 0.1 2 * 0.1 " Disorders of bladder, urethra, or urinary tract 8 " 0.1 ' 7 * 0.2 " 2 " 0.1 * Endometriosis 3 " 0.1 " 3 * 0.1 * Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table 8a: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by Main Condition Causing Limitation, Age and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Other disorders of female genital organs 6 " 0.1 " 6 " 0.2 * CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) 20 0.3 9 0.3 11 0 4 Chronic ulcer of skin 9 * 0.2 ‘ 2 " 0.1 " 7 " 0 2 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 11 " 0.2 " 7 " 0.2 ” 4 “ O 1 CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) ' 1,404 24.2 641 22.5 767 25.9 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 21 " 0.4 " 17 " 0.6 ‘ 4 " 0.1 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 175 3.0 95 3.4 79 2.7 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 723 12.5 241 8.5 483 16.3 Spondylosis and allied disorders 85 1.5 35 1.2 50 1.7 Intervertebral disc disorders 172 3.0 157 5.5 16 " 0.5 Other and unspecified disorders of back 25 0.4 16 * 0.6 " 10 * 0.3 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 20 ’* 0.4 18 ” 0.6 * 2 ” 0.1 Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 14 " 0.2 * 13 ” 0.4 * 2 " 0.1 Other disorders of soft tissues 37 0.6 21 * 0.7 * 17 “ 0.6 Osteoporosis 105 1.8 18 * 0.6 " 87 2.9 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 27 0.5 10 ‘ 0.3 * 17 ”t 0.6 CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740-759) 16 0.3 13 0.5 3 0.1 Congenital anomalies of heart 3 "‘ 0.0 . . 3 " 0.1 Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 13 " 0.2 " 13 ' 0.5 " CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760-779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (780-799) 411 7.1 142 5.0 270 9.1 Dizziness and giddiness 35 0.6 5 ” 0.2 " 30 " 1.0 Malaise and fatigue 7 " 0.1 " 3 " 0.1 * 4 " 0.1 Headache 9 ‘ 0.2 " 7 " 0.2 ‘ 2 “ 0.1 Cardiovascular symptoms 22 “ 0.4 12 " 0.4 " 10 " 0.4 Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 12 " 0.2 " 5 " 0.2 ‘ 8 “ 0.3 Senility without mention of psychosis 172 3.0 5 ” 0.2 " 167 5.6 Nervousness 33 0.6 30 1.0 3 " 0.1 Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 121 2.1 75 2.6 46 1.6 CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800-999) 98 1.7 47 1.7 51 1.7 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 28 “ 0 5 8 * 0.3 * 20 ” 0 7 Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 22 ‘ 0.4 * 10 ’t 0.4 " 12 * 0.4 Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 48 0.8 29 1.0 19 " 0.6 ¥ 4- J ¥ 4 4 ¥ 4 it " Estimate has low statistical reliability (relative standard error > 30%). . No respondents in category 155 156 Disability Statistics Report Table 8b: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causinggmitation All Ages 5-69 70 and over Number of people in thousands and percent distribution ALL CONDITIONS 16,721 100.0 7,662 100.0 9,059 100.0 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 4,164 24.9 2,412 31.5 1,751 19.3 Visual impairments 603 3.6 219 2.9 386 4.3 Blindness in both eyes 235 1.4 108 1.4 128 1.4 Visual impairment in both eyes 231 1.4 60 0.8 171 1.9 Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 25 " 0.1 " 8 " 0.1 * 17 " 0.2 Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 112 0.7 43 0.6 70 0.8 Hearing impairments 256 1.5 51 0.7 203 2.2 Deafness in both ears 68 0.4 23 " 0.3 " 45 0.5 Hearing impairment in both ears 91 0.5 13 * 0.2 " 77 0.9 Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 27 0.2 7 " 0.1 " 19 * 0.2 Deafness, unknown if in both ears 21 " 0.1 " 5 " 0.1 " 16 * 0.2 Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 49 0.3 3 " 0.0 46 I 0.5 Speech impairments 114 0.7 73 1.0 40 0.4 Stammering and stuttering 4 " 0.0 2 " 0.0 2 ‘ 0.0 Other speech impairment 110 0.7 71 0.9 38 0.4 Loss or impairment of sensation 32 0.2 24 0.3 8 " 0.1 Learning disability and mental retardation 443 2.6 424 5.5 20 0.2 Learning disability 6 ” 0.0 6 * 0.1 " . . Mental retardation/Down's syndrome 437 2.6 418 5.5 20 * 0.2 Absence or loss 238 1.4 106 1.4 132 1.5 Absence or loss, upper extremity 12 " 0.1 8 " 0.1 * 4 " 0.0 Absence or loss, lower extremity 104 0.6 59 0.8 45 0.5 Absence or loss of lung or kidney 23 0.1 * 8 " 0.1 * 15 * 0.2 Absence or loss of breast 14 ’ 0.1 l ” 0.0 13 * 0.1 Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 85 0.5 30 0.4 55 0.6 Paralysis 600 3.6 342 4.5 257 2.8 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 31 0.2 28 0.4 3 " 0.0 Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 80 0.5 41 0.5 39 0.4 Paralysis of upper extremities 23 0.1 " 7 " 0.1 * 16 " 0 2 Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 37 0.2 25 " 0.3 “ 12 " 0.1 Cerebral palsy 99 0.6 94 1.2 4 " 0.0 Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 152 0.9 69 0.9 83 0.9 Partial paralysis of upper extremity 41 0.2 19 " 0.2 " 22 0.2 Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 30 0.2 10 ‘ 0.1 " 19 " 0.2 " Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 26 0.2 9 “ 0.1 * 17 ' 0.2 Paralysis of other sites, complete or partial 81 0.5 40 0.5 42 0.5 Deformities 172 1.0 120 1.6 52 0.6 Curvature of spine or back 79 0.5 55 0.7 24 * 0.3 Spina bifida 23 " 0.1 " 23 * 0.3 * . Congenital dislocation/ deformity of hip and / or pelvis 24 ‘ 0.1 " 9 " 0.1 ” 15 * 0.2 Deformity of lower extremity 4 * 0.0 2 ‘ 0.0 2 * 0.0 Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity 42 0.3 31 0.4 11 * 0.1 Orthopedic impairments 1,638 9.8 1,007 13.1 630 7.0 Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 575 3.4 437 5.7 137 1.5 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and / or upper extremity 202 1.2 144 1.9 58 0.6 Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis 210 1.3 66 0.9 144 1.6 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 554 3.3 310 4.0 245 2.7 Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites 97 0.6 50 0.7 46 0.5 Other and ill-defined impairments 68 0.4 46 0.6 23 “ 0.3 PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 12,552 75.1 5,248 68.5 7,309 80.7 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001-139) 98 0.6 63 0.8 35 0.4 Tuberculosis, all sites 46 0.3 29 0.4 18 " 0.2 Herpes (zoster or simplex) 16 " 0.1 * 5 " 0.1 ’* 11 * 0.1 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 36 0.2 29 0.4 6 " 0.1 CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) 516 3.1 234 3.1 282 3.1 Cancer (140-208) 462 2.8 193 2.5 269 3.0 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 13 " 0.1 7 " 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, colon, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 68 0.4 21 0.3 47 0.5 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 39 0.2 16 " 0.2 " 23 0.3 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 157 Table 8b: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 5-69 70 and over Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 56 0.3 30 0.4 26 0.3 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 25 0.2 9 ” 0.1 * 16 ” 0.2 Malignant neoplasm of skin 13 " 0.1 3 ‘ 0.0 10 ‘ 0.1 " Malignant neoplasm of female breast 55 0.3 22 0.3 33 0.4 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs 25 0.2 17 " 0.2 " 8 " 0.1 " Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs 29 0.2 7 * 0.1 " 22 0.2 " Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 20 " 0.1 " 2 ‘ 0.0 18 " 0.2 " Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 58 0.3 35 0.5 23 " 0.3 Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 21 " 0.1 * 6 " 0.1 * 15 " 0.2 lmmunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 40 0.2 18 0.2 " 22 " 0.2 * Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210-239) 54 0.3 41 0.5 13 0.1 Benign neoplasms 34 0.2 27 0.3 7 " 0.1 " Neoplasm of unspecified nature 20 " 0.1 " l4 " 0.2 " 6 " 0.1 " CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240—279) 881 5.3 352 4.6 530 5.9 Thyroid disorders (240-246) 58 0.3 28 0.4 30 0.3 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 22 0.1 " 18 " 0.2 " 4 “ 0.0 Other disorders of thyroid 36 0.2 10 " 0.1 ' 26 0.3 Diabetes (250) 685 4.1 260 3.4 425 4.7 Diabetes mellitus with complication 56 0.3 44 0.6 12 * 0.1 * Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 629 3.8 216 2.8 413 4.6 Other (251-279) 138 0.8 64 0.8 75 0.8 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 24 “ 0.1 " 7 " 0.1 " 17 " 0.2 '* Gout 62 0.4 26 0.3 37 0.4 Obesity and other hyperalimentation 11 " 0.1 9 ‘ 0.1 " 2 " 0.0 Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 41 0.2 22 " 0.3 19 * 0.2 * CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS (280-289) 54 0.3 21 0.3 33 0.4 Anemias 32 0.2 13 " 0.2 19 " 0.2 * Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 22 0.1 * 8 " 0.1 " 14 * 0.1 " CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290-316) excluding mental retardation 497 3.0 375 4.9 124 1.4 Psychoses (290-299) 180 1.1 123 1.6 58 0.6 Schizophrenic psychoses 64 0.4 62 0.8 2 “ 0.0 Affective psychoses 31 0.2 30 0.4 2 " 0.0 Other psychoses 85 0.5 31 0.4 54 0.6 Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300-316) 317 1.9 252 3.3 66 0.7 Anxiety states 24 0.1 " 22 " 0.3 2 " 0.0 Other neurotic disorders 132 0.8 116 1.5 17 * 02 Alcohol and drug dependence 28 " 0.2 19 " 0.2 " 10 " 0.1 " Adjustment reaction 31 0.2 24 0.3 6 " 0.1 Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 65 0.4 42 0.6 23 “ 0.3 " Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 11 " 0.1 11 ” 0.1 " . . Other mental illness/ disorder 26 ‘ 0.2 18 " 0.2 * 8 ” 0.1 " CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ’ ORGANS (320489) 1,522 9.1 669 8.7 851 9.4 Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) 829 5.0 525 6.9 302 3.3 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 138 0.8 26 0.3 112 1.2 Parkinson's disease 109 0.7 19 " 0.3 90 1.0 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 41 0.2 30 0.4 11 " 0.1 ‘ Multiple sclerosis 116 0.7 107 1.4 9 " 0.1 " Epilepsy 134 0.8 117 1.5 17 " 0.2 Migraine 51 0.3 49 0.6 2 " 0.0 Other and unspecified disorders of the central nervous system 89 0.5 55 0.7 34 0.4 Nerve root and plexus disorders 20 0.1 15 " 0.2 5 " 0.1 Carpal tunnel syndrome 26 0.2 23 0.3 2 " 0.0 Mononeuritis of lower limb 48 0.3 40 0.5 8 " 0.1 " Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 57 0.3 44 0.6 12 " 0.1 Disorders of the eye (360-379) 636 3.8 130 1.7 506 5.6 Retinal detachments and defects 26 0.2 11 ' 0.1 " 15 " 0.2 Macular degeneration 59 0.4 13 0.2 46 0.5 158 Disability Statistics Report Table 8b: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 5-69 70 and over Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Other retinal disorders 97 0.6 6 " 0.1 * 91 1.0 Glaucoma 188 1.1 33 0.4 155 1.7 Cataract 199 1.2 32 0.4 167 1.8 Disorders of refraction and accommodation 4 * 0.0 2 " 0.0 2 " 0.0 Visual disturbances 6 ” 0.0 . 6 " 0.1 Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements 3 * 0.0 1 " 0.0 2 * 0.0 Other disorders of eye 54 0.3 32 0.4 22 * 0.2 Disorders of the ear (380-388) 57 0.3 14 0.2 43 0.5 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 25 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 * 19 0.2 Other disorders of ear 32 0.2 8 ’* 0.1 * 24 0.3 CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-4591 3,323 19.9 1,049 13.7 2,274 25.1 Heart disease (390-429) 2,248 13.4 661 8.6 1,588 17.5 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) 33 0.2 14 0.2 20 0.2 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 15 * 0.1 9 " 0.1 " 6 * 0.1 Other rheumatic disease 18 " 0.1 5 " 0.1 t 14 * 0.1 Hypertensive disease (401-405) 701 4.2 201 2.6 500 5.5 Ischemic heart disease (410-414) 569 3.4 208 2.7 361 4.0 Angina pectoris 202 1.2 61 0.8 141 1.6 Other chronic ischemic heart disease 367 2.2 147 1.9 220 2.4 Other forms of heart disease (415-429) 945 5.7 238 3.1 707 7.8 Diseases of endocardium 52 0.3 16 " 0.2 " 36 0.4 Cardiomyopathy 6 * 0.0 3 * 0.0 3 " 0.0 Conduction disorders 25 0.2 12 * 0.2 * 13 " 0.1 Cardiac dysrhythmias 148 0.9 30 0.4 118 1.3 Heart failure 173 1.0 47 0.6 126 1.4 Other heart disease 541 3.2 130 1.7 411 4.5 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) 733 4.4 262 3.4 471 5.2 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) 172 1.0 57 0.7 114 1.3 Atherosclerosis 75 0.4 16 * 0.2 * 59 0.6 Aortic aneurysm 28 0.2 10 * 0.1 * 17 * 0.2 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 35 * 0.2 12 * 0.2 23 " 0.3 Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 34 0.2 19 " 0 2 " 15 * 0 2 Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451-459) 170 1.0 69 0.9 101 1.1 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 48 0.3 21 * 0.3 28 0.3 Varicose veins of lower extremities 23 0.1 ’ 15 ” 0.2 " 8 " 0.1 * Hemorrhoids 12 " 0.1 2 " 0.0 10 " 0.1 ‘ Other disorders of circulatory system 87 0.5 31 0.4 55 0.6 CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460—519) 796 4.8 365 4.8 430 4.7 Chronic sinusitis 23 0.1 * 10 " 0.1 ” 13 " 0.1 " Allergic rhinitis 10 " 0.1 * 3 * 0.0 7 " 0.1 * Chronic bronchitis 46 0.3 22 0.3 24 " 0.3 Emphysema 326 1.9 133 1.7 193 2.1 Asthma 246 1.5 134 1.8 111 1.2 Pneumoconiosis 16 * 0.1 * 2 " 0.0 14 " 0.2 Other diseases of respiratory system 129 0.8 61 0.8 68 0.7 CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520—579) 405 2.4 164 2.1 241 2.7 Diseases of esophagus 14 * 0.1 . . 14 * 0.2 Gastric ulcer 53 0.3 11 ‘ 0.1 * 42 0.5 Other peptic ulcer 19 " 0.1 ’* 1 “ 0.0 18 ‘ 0.2 Other disorders of stomach and duodenum . 44 0.3 20 ‘ 0.3 24 0.3 Hernia 84 0.5 37 0.5 47 0.5 Enteritis and colitis 38 0.2 28 0.4 10 * 0.1 Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 73 0.4 16 " 0.2 ‘ 57 0.6 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 42 0.3 36 0.5 6 " 0.1 Cholelithiasis 18 " 0.1 ” 6 " 0.1 * 12 * 0.1 Other digestive diseases 20 0.1 9 * 0.1 * 11 * 0.1 CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580—629) 176 1.1 90 1.2 87 1.0 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis 45 0.3 30 0.4 15 * 0.2 Calculus of kidney 14 " 0.1 5 " 0.1 " 9 * 0.1 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 56 0.3 31 0.4 25 * 0.3 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 159 Table 8b: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 5-69 70 and over Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Disorders of bladder, urethra, and urinary tract 30 0.2 9 " 0.1 * 21 0.2 " Disorders of male genital organs 15 * 0.1 . . 15 “ 0.2 Endometn'osis 7 " 0.0 7 * 0.1 * . . Other disorders of female genital organs 9 ” 0.1 8 * 0.1 " 2 " 0.0 CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTI-I, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630—676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680—709) 78 0.5 30 0.4 49 0.5 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 4 * 0.0 4 * 0.0 . . Psoriasis and similar disorders 15 " 0.1 * . . 15 * 0.2 * Chronic ulcer of skin 26 0.2 10 " 0.1 " 17 * 0.2 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 33 0.2 16 " 0.2 " 17 " 0.2 CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIV E TISSUE (710—739) 2,911 17.4 1,243 16.2 1,670 18.4 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 30 " 0.2 24 " 0.3 " 6 * 0.1 " Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 264 1.6 130 1.7 134 1.5 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 1,526 9.1 475 6.2 1,051 11.6 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 2 * 0.0 2 " 0.0 . . Spondylosis and allied disorders 242 1.4 101 1.3 141 1.6 Intervertebral disc disorders 406 2.4 341 4.5 65 0.7 Other and unspecified disorders of back 45 0.3 23 " 0.3 “ 23 ” 0.2 * Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 47 0.3 37 0.5 10 * 0.1 °‘ Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 30 0.2 17 " 0.2 * 13 * 0.1 " Other disorders of soft tissues 67 0.4 30 0.4 38 0.4 Osteoporosis 172 1.0 30 0.4 142 1.6 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 80 0.5 33 0.4 47 0.5 CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740-759) 43 0.3 30 0.4 12 0.1 Congenital anomalies of heart 13 " 0.1 6 “ 0.1 * 7 ” 0.1 * Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 30 0.2 24 " 0.3 " 5 * 0.1 CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760—779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (780—799) 964 5.8 406 5.3 559 6.2 Dizziness and giddiness 83 0.5 25 * 0.3 " 58 0.6 Malaise and fatigue ' 19 * 0.1 " 9 " 0.1 * 10 "' 0.1 " Headache 48 0.3 36 0.5 12 * 0.1 * Cardiovascular symptoms 52 0.3 15 * 0.2 * 37 0.4 Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 55 0.3 15 " 0.2 40 0.4 Senility without mention of psychosis 246 1.5 11 " 0.1 " 235 2.6 Nervousness 69 0.4 53 0.7 17 ” 0.2 Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 392 2.3 242 3.2 150 1.7 CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800—999) 288 1.7 157 2.0 132 1.5 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 81 0.5 36 0.5 45 0.5 Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 78 0.5 51 0.7 27 0.3 Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 129 0.8 70 0.9 60 0.7 160 Disability Statistics Report Table 8b: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 5-69 70 and over Number of people in thousands and percent distribution MALE ALL CONDITIONS 6,017 100.0 3,225 100.0 2,791 100.0 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 1,773 29.5 1,197 37.1 572 20.5 Visual impairments 260 4.3 120 3.7 142 5.1 Blindness in both eyes 107 1.8 57 1.8 50 1.8 Visual impairment in both eyes 91 1.5 34 1.0 58 2.1 Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 16 * 0.3 " 7 " 0.2 ‘ 10 " 0.3 " Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 46 0.8 22 " 0.7 24 0.8 Hearing impairments 97 1.6 25 0.8 71 2.5 Deafness in both ears 32 0.5 16 ” 0.5 " 16 ” 0.6 * Hearing impairment in both ears 28 0.5 5 " 0.2 " 22 ' 0.8 " Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 13 " 0.2 ” 4 " 0.1 " 9 " 0.3 * Deafness, unknown if in both ears 4 " 0.1 ' . . 4 " 0.1 " Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 20 " 0.3 " . . 20 " 0.7 " Speech impairments 45 0.7 36 1.1 9 0.3 Stammering or stuttering ' 2 “ 0.0 2 " 0.1 " . . Other speech impairment 43 0.7 34 1.0 9 " 0.3 " Loss or impairment of sensation 10 " 0.2 " 8 " 0.3 " 2 " 0.1 " Learning disability and mental retardation 270 4.5 259 8.0 11 0.4 Learning disability 6 " 0.1 " 6 ' 0.2 ‘ . . Mental retardation/ Down's syndrome 264 4.4 253 7.8 11 " 0.4 " Absence or loss 102 1.7 59 1.8 42 1.5 Absence or loss, upper extremity 9 ‘ 0.2 ' 8 " 0.2 * 1 * 0.0 Absence or loss, lower extremity 59 1.0 32 1.0 27 1.0 Absence or loss of lung or kidney 11 * 0.2 " 5 ‘ 0.2 " 6 " 0.2 " Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 23 0.4 14 " 0.4 * 8 ' 0.3 Paralysis 294 4.9 187 5.8 104 3.7 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 23 " 0.4 21 " 0.6 “ 2 " 0.1 " Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 47 0.8 26 " 0.8 21 " 0.8 Paralysis of upper extremities 7 " 0.1 * 3 " 0.1 * 4 * 0.1 " Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 21 “ 0.4 18 " 0.6 " 3 " 0.1 “ Cerebral palsy 61 1.0 56 1.7 4 " 0.2 * Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 67 1.1 29 0.9 37 1.3 Partial paralysis of upper extremity 18 " 0.3 ‘ 8 “ 0.2 " 9 " 0.3 " Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 13 " 0.2 " 7 ‘ 0.2 '* 6 ‘ 0.2 * Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 9 * 0.2 " 6 * 0.2 * 3 ‘ 0.1 ' Paralysis of other extremity, complete or partial 28 0.5 13 " 0.4 * 15 " 0.5 " Deformities 62 1.0 50 1.6 11 0.4 Curvature of spine or back 30 " 0.5 ' 23 " 0.7 " 6 " 0.2 " Spina bifida 13 " 0.2 ‘ 13 " 0.4 " . Deformity of lower extremity 10 " 0.2 ' 9 " 0.3 ' 1 " 0.0 Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity 9 " 0.1 " 5 " 0.2 " 4 " 0.1 " Orthopedic impairments 591 9.8 425 13.2 166 5.9 Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 196 3.3 159 4.9 37 1.3 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper extremities 61 1.0 52 1.6 9 * 0.3 ‘ Orthopedic impairment of hip and/ or pelvis 69 1.2 29 ’ 0.9 40 1.4 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 222 3.7 152 4.7 70 2.5 Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites 43 0.7 33 1.0 10 " 0.4 * Other and ill-defined impairments 42 0.7 28 0.9 14 " 0.5 " PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 4,244 70.5 2,027 62.9 2,216 79.4 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001-139) 27 0.4 20 0.6 7 0.3 Tuberculosis, all sites 9 " 0.2 " 5 ‘ 0.2 " 4 '* 0.1 Herpes (zoster or simplex) 2 " 0.0 . . 2 " 0.1 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 16 “ 0.3 " 15 " 0.4 " 1 " 0.0 CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140—239) 221 3.7 93 2.9 128 4.6 Cancer (140-208) 215 3.6 87 2.7 128 4.6 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 11 “ 0.2 " 7 " 0.2 " 4 * 0.1 " Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 43 0.7 13 ” 0.4 " 30 1.1 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 20 0.3 ” 6 “ 0.2 ' 14 ‘ 0.5 ” Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 39 0.6 21 " 0.6 “ 18 " 0.7 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 161 Table 8b: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 5-69 70 and over Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 6 * 0.1 " 2 * 0.1 * 4 " 0.1 * Malignant neoplasm of skin 10 * 0.2 “ 3 " 0.1 " 6 "‘ 0.2 * Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs 29 0.5 7 " 0.2 " 22 0.8 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 15 * 0.3 " 2 ” 0.1 * 13 * 0.5 " Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 15 * 0.3 " 11 ' 0.3 " 4 * 0.2 " Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 11 * 0.2 " 4 * 0.1 ” 7 * 0.3 " Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 16 " 0.3 " 11 * 0.3 " 6 " 0.2 " Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210—239) 6 0.1 6 0.2 0 0.0 Benign neoplasms 4 * 0.1 " 4 ‘ 0.1 " Neoplasm of unspecified nature 2 " 0.0 2 * 0.1 " CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240—279) 292 4.9 137 4.2 154 5.5 Thyroid disorders (240246) 6 0.1 6 0.2 0 0.0 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 4 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 " . . Other disorders of thyroid 2 " 0.0 2 ’ 0.1 * . . Diabetes (250) 226 3.8 97 3.0 128 4.6 Diabetes mellitus with complication 38 0.6 29 " 0.9 ”t 8 " 0.3 ‘ Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 188 3.1 68 2.1 120 4.3 Other (251-279) 60 1.0 34 1.1 26 0.9 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 2 ‘ 0.0 2 " 0.1 " . . Gout 35 0.6 18 " 0.6 * 17 " 0.6 *' Obesity and other hyperalimentation 4 " 0.1 * 4 " 0.1 * . Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 19 * 0.3 '° 10 " 0.3 * 9 " 0.3 " CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS (280—289) 15 0.2 7 0.2 9 0.3 Anemias 7 " 0.1 * 2 * 0.0 6 * 0.2 " Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 8 " 0.1 * 5 ” 0.1 " 3 * 0.1 * CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290—316) excluding mental retardation 239 4.0 191 5.9 49 1.8 Psychoses (290-299) 89 1.5 71 2.2 17 0.6 Schizophrenic psychoses 41 0.7 39 1.2 2 " 0.1 " Affective psychoses 10 " 0.2 " 10 * 0.3 * . . Other psychoses 38 0.6 22 " 0.7 * 15 " 0.6 " Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300—316) 150 2.5 120 3.7 32 1.1 Anxiety states 2 * 0.0 2 * 0.1 " . . Other neurotic disorders 63 1.0 57 1.8 6 * 0.2 * Alcohol and drug dependence 23 " 0.4 " 14 ‘t 0.4 " 10 " 0.4 " Adjustment reaction 19 " 0.3 " 18 ’* 0.5 " 2 " 0.1 " Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified 24 " 0.4 * 12 * 0.4 t 12 " 0.4 " Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 9 * 0.2 * 9 " 0.3 " . Other mental illness/ disorder 10 " 0.2 * 8 * 0.2 * 2 * 0.1 * CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320-389) 532 8.8 260 8.1 272 9.7 Diseases of the nervous system (322—359) 333 5.5 217 6.7 115 4.1 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 50 0.8 14 * 0.4 ” 35 1.3 Parkinson's disease 58 1.0 10 * 0.3 " 47 1.7 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 20 * 0.3 * 16 " 0.5 " 5 * 0.2 " Multiple sclerosis 29 0.5 29 0.9 . . Epilepsy 83 1.4 70 2.2 13 * 0.5 ” Migraine 7 * 0.1 " 7 * 0.2 * . . Other and unspecified disorders of the central nervous system 38 0.6 26 " 0.8 * 12 " 0 4 " Nerve root and plexus disorders 4 * 0.1 * 4 " 0.1 * Carpal tunnel syndrome 1 * 0.0 1 " 0.0 Mononeuritis of lower limb 18 * 0.3 * 18 " 0.6 * . Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 25 0.4 22 " 0.7 3 " 0.1 " Disorders of the eye (360-379) 193 3.2 39 1.2 155 5.6 Retinal detachments and defects 8 ’* 0.1 " 2 ” 0 1 * 6 ‘ 0 2 ‘ Macular degeneration 11 * 0.2 " 5 * 0 1 ” 6 " 0.2 " Other retinal disorders 26 0.4 . . 26 0.9 Glaucoma 66 1.1 9 " 0.3 " 57 2.0 Cataract 58 1.0 9 " 0.3 " 50 1.8 162 Disability Statistics Report Table 8b: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 5-69 70 and over Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Disorders of refraction and accommodation 2 " 0.0 2 " 0.1 Visual disturbances 4 * 0.1 ‘ . 4 " 0.2 Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements 3 " 0.1 " 1 " 0.0 2 * 0.1 Other disorders of eye 15 * 0.3 ” 13 " 0.4 " 2 " 0.1 Disorders of the ear (380-388) 6 0.1 4 0.1 2 0.1 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 4 " 0.1 * 2 * 0.1 " 2 " 0.1 Other disorders of ear 2 " 0.0 2 ” 0.1 " . . CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 1,224 20.3 455 14.1 767 27.5 Heart disease (390-429) 769 12.8 296 9.2 473 16.9 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) 2 " 0.0 . . 2 " 0.1 Hypertensive disease (401-405) 210 3.5 81 2.5 129 4.6 Ischemic heart disease (410-414) 238 4.0 109 3.4 129 4.6 Angina pectoris 66 1.1 32 1.0 34 1.2 Other chronic ischemic heart disease 172 2.9 77 2.4 95 3.4 Other forms of heart disease (415-429) 319 5.3 106 3.3 213 7.6 Diseases of endocardium 12 * 0.2 " 4 " 0.1 " 8 ” 0.3 Cardiomyopathy 5 " 0.1 " 3 * 0.1 ' 2 " 0.1 Conduction disorders 14 " 0.2 " 8 " 0.2 ” 6 * 0.2 Cardiac dysrhythmias 51 0.8 10 * 0.3 * 41 1.5 Heart failure 53 0.9 16 * 0.5 "‘ 37 1.3 Other heart disease 184 3.1 65 2.0 119 4.3 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) 328 5.5 119 3.7 209 7.5 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440—448) 75 1.2 27 0.8 46 1.6 Atherosclerosis 28 0.5 7 ‘ 0.2 " 20 " 0.7 Aortic aneurysm 18 " 0.3 " 6 " 0.2 " 11 " 0.4 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 15 " 0.2 * 6 " 0.2 " 9 '* 0.3 Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 14 ‘ 0.2 " 8 " 0.3 * 6 * 0.2 Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory ‘ system (451-459) 52 0.9 13 0.4 39 1.4 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 13 " 0.2 " 5 " 0.1 "’ 8 " 0.3 Varicose veins of lower extremities 6 " 0.1 t 2 " 0 1 4 " 0.1 Hemorrhoids 2 " 0.0 . . 2 " 0.1 Other disorders of circulatory system 31 0.5 6 " 0.2 " 25 0.9 CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460—519) 316 5.3 134 4.2 183 6.6 Chronic sinusitis 3 " 0.1 * 3 " 0.1 " Allergic rhinitis 1 " 0.0 1 " 0.0 . Chronic bronchitis 11 ‘ 0.2 " 9 " 0.3 * 2 " 0.1 Emphysema 164 2.7 54 1.7 111 4.0 Asthma 69 1.1 38 1.2 31 1.1 Pneumoconiosis 16 " 0.3 * 2 " 0.1 " 14 " 0.5 Other diseases of respiratory system 52 0.9 27 0.9 25 0.9 CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520-579) 170 2.8 79 2.4 89 3.2 Diseases of esophagus 8 * 0.1 " . . 8 ” 0.3 Gastric ulcer 33 0.5 8 * 0.3 " 25 0.9 Other peptic ulcer 8 * 0.1 " . . 8 ” 0.3 Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 22 0.4 17 ‘ 0.5 * 5 * 0.2 Hernia 28 0.5 10 " 0.3 * 17 " 0.6 Enteritis or colitis 18 " 0.3 " 13 * 0.4 * 4 " 0.2 Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 25 0.4 10 * 0.3 " 15 " 0.5 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 20 0.3 " 18 " 0.6 2 ‘ 0.1 Cholelithiasis 6 * 0.1 * 2 * 0.1 * 4 * 0.1 Other digestive diseases 2 " 0.0 1 * 0.0 1 * 0.1 CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 76 1.3 34 1.1 42 1.5 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or nephrosis 21 " 0.3 * 17 * 0.5 " 4 " 0.2 Calculus of kidney 9 ” 0.2 ” 2 " 0.1 * 7 " 0.2 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 20 * 0.3 " 15 “ 0 5 " 5 " 0.2 Disorders of bladder, urethra, and urinary tract 11 * 0.2 " . 11 " 0.4 Disorders of male genital organs 15 " 0.3 . 15 " 0.5 CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630-676) ¥¥44 1‘s}:- ¥¥§¥li¥~¥ 4-‘5-51- Disability in theUnited States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table 8b: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 5-69 70 and over Number of people in thousands and percent distribution CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) 30 0.5 10 0.3 19 0.7 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 4 * 0.1 ' 4 " 0.1 ' . . Psoriasis and similar disorders 8 " 0.1 ‘ . . 8 * 03 Chronic ulcer of skin 10 * 0.2 ” 4 " 0.1 " 5 * 0.2 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 8 " 0.1 * 2 " 0.1 " 6 " 0.2 CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) 682 11.3 355 11.0 327 11.7 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 3 ‘ 0.0 3 " 0.1 " . . Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 42 0.7 21 ’ 0.7 21 " 0.8 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 320 5.3 110 3.4 210 7.5 Other and unspecified disorders of joint 2 " 0.0 2 " 0.1 " . . Spondylosis and allied disorders 68 1.1 38 1.2 30 1.1 Intervertebral disc disorders 166 2.8 142 4.4 24 " 0.8 Other and unspecified disorders of back 5 " 0.1 " 1 * 0.0 4 " 0.1 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 12 * 0.2 ‘ 10 " 0.3 " 2 " 0.1 Other disorders of soft tissues 10 " 0.2 " 2 " 0.1 * 9 " 0.3 Osteoporosis 15 " 0.2 * 6 " 0.2 " 8 " 0.3 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 39 0.7 20 * 0.6 * 19 ” 0.7 CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES (740—759) 15 0.2 13 0.4 2 0.1 Congenital anomalies of heart 2 " 0.0 2 " 0.1 " . . Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 13 ' 0.2 ‘ 11 “ 0.4 ' 2 * 0.1 CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760—779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILIrDEFINED CONDITIONS (780—799) 296 4.9 172 5.3 126 4.5 Dizziness and giddiness 19 0.3 8 * 0.2 " 12 ‘ 0.4 Malaise and fatigue 7 " 0.1 " 1 “ 0.0 6 " 0.2 Headache 19 " 0.3 “ 17 " 0.5 " 2 * 0.1 Cardiovascular symptoms 10 " 0 2 “ 4 " 0.1 " 6 " 0.2 Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 22 0.4 8 " 0.2 " 15 " 0.5 Senility without mention of psychosis 39 0.6 2 " 0.1 " 37 1.3 Nervousness 13 ‘ 0.2 ” 13 " 0.4 * . . Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 167 2.8 119 3.7 48 1.7 CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800-999) 109 1.8 67 2.1 42 1.5 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 30 0.5 17 " 0.5 * 13 " 0.5 Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 34 0.6 29 0.9 5 * 0.2 Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 45 0.7 21 " 0.6 * 24 0.9 4#¥¥¥-I J§l~¥¥ 164 Disability Statistics Report Table 8b: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 5-69 70 and over Number of people in thousands and percent distribution FEMALE ALL CONDITIONS 10,704 100.0 4,437 100.0 6,267 100.0 PART I: IMPAIRMENTS 2,395 22.4 1,216 27.4 1,178 18.8 Visual impairments 343 3.2 99 2.2 244 3.9 Blindness in both eyes 129 1.2 51 1.1 78 1.2 Visual impairment in both eyes 139 1.3 26 “ 0.6 * 113 1.8 Blindness in one eye, visual impairment in the other eye 8 " 0.1 * 1 ” 0.0 7 " 0.1 Blindness or visual impairment in one eye: other eye good vision or not known 67 0.6 21 * 0.5 ‘ 46 0.7 Hearing impairments 159 1.5 27 0.6 133 2.1 Deafness in both ears 36 0.3 7 " 0.2 " 29 0.5 Hearing impairment in both ears 63 0.6 8 * 0.2 " 55 0.9 Deafness or hearing impairment in one ear only 14 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 “ 11 0.2 Deafness, unknown if in both ears 17 * 0.2 5 " 0.1 “ 12 0.2 Hearing impairment, unknown if in both ears 29 0.3 3 " 0.1 " 26 0.4 Speech impairments 69 0.6 37 0 8 31 0.5 Stammering or stuttering 2 * 0.0 . . 2 " 0.0 Other speech impairment 67 0.6 37 0.8 29 0.5 Loss or impairment of sensation 22 0.2 16 ‘ 0.4 6 " 0.1 Learning disability and mental retardation Mental retardation/ Down's syndrome 174 1.6 165 3.7 9 " 0.1 Absence or loss 136 1.3 47 1.1 88 1.4 Absence or loss, upper extremity 2 " 0.0 . . 2 " Absence or loss, lower extremity 45 0.4 27 0.6 18 " 0.3 Absence or loss of lung or kidney 12 * 0.1 ‘ 3 " 0.1 " 9 * 0.1 Absence or loss of breast 14 ‘ 0.1 " 1 * 0.0 13 ‘ 0.2 Absence or loss of rib, bone, joint, or muscle of trunk, one or more 63 0.6 16 " 0.4 46 0.7 Paralysis 306 2.9 154 3.5 152 2.4 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire body or four limbs) 8 * 0.1 " 7 * 0.2 " 1 " 0.0 Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 33 0.3 15 " 0.3 " 18 " 0.3 Paralysis of upper extremities 16 " 0.1 " 4 * 0.1 " 12 " Paraplegia (paralysis of both legs) 16 " 0.1 " 7 " 0.2 * 8 " 0.1 Cerebral palsy 38 0.4 38 0.9 . . Hemiparesis (partial paralysis of one side of body, including limbs) 85 0.8 40 0.9 45 0.7 Partial paralysis of upper extremity 23 0.2 11 " 0.2 " 13 " 0.2 Paraparesis (partial paralysis of both legs) 17 * 0.2 3 " 0.1 ’ 14 " 0.2 Other partial paralysis of lower extremity 17 " 0.2 3 * 0.1 " 14 ” 0.2 Paralysis of other extremity, complete or partial 53 0.5 26 * 0.6 " 27 . '* 0.4 Deformities 113 1.1 71 1.6 41 0.7 Curvature of spine or back 50 0.5 32 0.7 18 * 0.3 Spina bifida 11 * 0.1 " 11 " 0.2 " . . Congenital dislocation/ deformity of hip and/ or pelvis 16 * 0.1 " 4 " 0 1 " 11 0 2 Deformity of lower extremity 4 " 0.0 2 " 0 0 2 " 0 0 Deformity neck or trunk bones or of shoulder or upper extremity 32 0.3 22 " 0.5 * 10 " 0.2 Orthopedic impairments 1,047 9.8 583 13.1 465 7.4 Orthopedic impairment of back or neck 379 3.5 279 6.3 100 1.6 Orthopedic impairment of shoulder and/ or upper extremities 141 1.3 92 2.1 49 0.8 Orthopedic impairment of hip and / or pelvis 141 1.3 37 0.8 104 1.7 Orthopedic impairment of lower extremity 332 3.1 157 3.5 175 2.8 Orthopedic impairment of other and ill-defined sites 54 0.5 18 " 0.4 " 37 0.6 Other and ill-defined impairments 26 " 0.2 ‘ 17 " 0.4 * 9 * 0.1 PART II: ALL DISEASES/DISORDERS 8,316 77.7 3,222 72.6 5,087 81.2 CHAPTER 1. INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES (001—139) 71 0.7 44 1.0 27 0.4 Tuberculosis, all sites 37 0.3 24 * 0.5 " 13 " 0.2 ' Herpes (zoster or simplex) 14 " 0.1 " 5 ' 0.1 * 9 * 0.1 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 20 ' 0.2 15 * 0.3 " 5 * 0.1 ‘ CHAPTER 2. NEOPLASMS (140-239) 295 I 2.8 141 3.2 154 2.5 Cancer (140-208) 247 2.3 106 2.4 141 2.2 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 2 * 0.0 . . 2 " 0.0 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 25 " 0.2 ” 8 ' 0.2 ‘ 18 " 0.3 I‘d-s; Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table 8b: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 5-69 70 and over Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 19 ” 0.2 9 * 0.2 * 10 " 0.2 “ Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs 17 * 0.2 9 " 0.2 ‘ 7 " 0.1 * Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 20 " 0.2 7 ‘* 0.2 ’* 12 " 0.2 ” Malignant neoplasm of skin 3 " 0.0 . . 3 " 0.1 " Malignant neoplasm of female breast 55 0.5 22 0.5 33 0.5 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs 25 0.2 17 * 0.4 8 ‘ 0.1 " Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs 5 " 0.0 . . 5 * 0.1 * Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 42 0.4 24 ‘ 0.5 ‘ 19 * 0.3 " Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 10 " 0 1 't 2 ‘ 0.0 8 " 0.1 " Immunoproliferative neoplasms and leukemia of unspecified cell type 24 0.2 8 " 0.2 " 16 " 0.3 Benign and unspecified neoplasms (210-239) 48 0.4 35 0.8 13 0.2 Benign neoplasms 30 0.3 23 0.5 7 ” 0.1 " Neoplasm of unspecified nature 18 ‘* 0.2 12 " 0.3 " 6 " 0.1 " CHAPTER 3. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES, AND IMMUNITY DISORDERS (240-279) 591 5.5 214 4.8 376 6.0 Thyroid disorders (240-246) 53 0.5 22 0.5 30 0.5 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism 19 0.2 14 " 0.3 " 4 " 0.1 " Other disorders of thyroid 34 0.3 8 * 0.2 " 26 0.4 Diabetes (250) 460 4.3 163 3.7 297 4.7 Diabetes mellitus with complication 19 " 0.2 15 ” 0.3 " 4 " 0.1 " Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication 441 4.1 148 3.3 293 4.7 Other (251-279) - 78 0.7 29 0.7 49 0.8 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 22 * 0.2 ‘ 5 " 0.1 " 17 " 0.3 " Gout 27 0.3 7 * 0.2 " 20 * 0.3 ” Obesity and other hyperalimentation 7 " 0 1 5 " 0.1 " 2 * 0.0 Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, and immune disorders 22 " 0.2 12 “ 0.3 * 10 “ 0.2 * CHAPTER 4. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS (280-289) 38 0.4 15 0.3 24 0.4 Anemias 24 0.2 11 " 0.2 " 13 " 0.2 " Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 14 " 0.1 ' 4 ” 0.1 " 11 " 0.2 * CHAPTER 5. MENTAL DISORDERS (290—316) excluding mental retardation 259 2.4 185 4.2 73 1.2 Psychoses (290-299) 92 0.9 51 1.1 40 0.6 Schizophrenic psychoses 23 0.2 23 0.5 . . Affective psychoses 22 " 0.2 20 " 0.4 " 2 " 0.0 Other psychoses 47 0.4 8 " 0.2 " 38 0.6 Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300-316) 167 1.6 134 3.0 33 0.5 Anxiety states * 22 0.2 20 " 0.4 ” 2 * 0.0 Other neurotic disorders 70 0.6 59 1.3 11 " 0.2 “ Alcohol or drug dependence 5 * 0.0 5 " 0.1 " . . Adjustment reaction 11 " 0.1 " 7 " 0.2 " 4 't 0.1 * Depressive disorders, not elsewhere classified 41 0.4 30 0.7 11 " 0.2 * Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood 2 ‘ 0.0 2 " 0.0 . . Other mental illness/ disorder 16 ‘ 0.2 “ 11 " 0.2 " 5 " 0.1 " CHAPTER 6. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS (320-389) 991 9.3 411 9.3 581 9.3 Diseases of the nervous system (322-359) 498 4.7 309 7.0 188 3.0 Alzheimer's and other cerebral degenerations 88 0.8 12 " 0.3 " 77 1.2 Parkinson's disease 51 0.5 9 ‘ 0.2 " 42 0.7 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 21 " 0.2 14 " 0.3 " 7 " 0.1 ‘ Multiple sclerosis 87 0.8 78 1.8 9 " 0.1 " Epilepsy 51 0.5 47 1.1 4 " 0.1 " Migraine 45 0.4 43 1.0 2 " 0.0 Other and unspecified disorders of the nervous system 52 0.5 29 0.7 22 0.4 Nerve root and plexus disorders 16 ' 0.2 11 " 0.2 * 5 " 0.1 “ Carpal tunnel syndrome 25 0.2 " 22 0.5 2 " 0.0 Mononeuritis of lower limb 30 0.3 22 " 0.5 " 8 “ 0.1 " Other disorders of peripheral nervous system 32 0.3 22 " 0.5 10 * 0.2 " Disorders of the eye (360-379) 442 4.1 92 2.1 352 5 6 Retinal detachments and defects 18 " 0.2 9 " 0.2 ” 10 " 0 2 " 166 Disability Statistics Report Table 8b: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition CausiniLimitation All Ages 5-69 70 and over Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Other retinal disorders 48 0.4 9 0.2 40 0.6 Macular degeneration 71 0.7 6 ’ 0.1 " 65 1.0 Glaucoma 122 1.1 24 0.5 98 1.6 Cataract 141 1.3 24 0.5 117 1.9 Disorders of refraction and accommodation 2 ’ 0.0 2 " 0.0 . . Visual disturbances 2 ‘ 0.0 . . 2 t 0.0 Other disorders of eye 38 0.4 18 " 0.4 " 20 ' 0.3 " Disorders of the ear (380-388) 51 0.5 10 0.2 41 0.7 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system 21 " 0.2 * 4 * 0.1 ' 17 " 0.3 '* Other disorders of ear 30 0.3 6 " 0.1 " 24 0.4 CHAPTER 7. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (390-459) 2,102 19.6 593 13.4 1,507 24.0 Heart disease (390-429) 1,481 13.8 363 8.2 1,117 17.8 Chronic rheumatic heart disease (390-398) 32 0.3 14 0.3 18 0.3 Rheumatic diseases of mitral valve 15 " 0.1 " 9 " 0.2 " 6 " 0.1 " Other rheumatic disease 17 t 0.2 5 " 0.1 * 12 " 0.2 " Hypertensive disease (401-405) 491 4.6 120 2.7 371 5.9 Ischemic heart disease (410-414) 331 3.1 98 2.2 233 3.7 Angina pectoris 136 1.3 29 0.7 107 1.7 Other chronic ischemic heart disease 195 1.8 69 1.6 126 2.0 Other forms of heart disease (415-429) 627 5.9 131 3.0 495 7.9 Diseases of endocardium 40 0.4 12 " 0.3 '° 28 0.4 Cardiomyopathy 2 " 0.0 . . 2 " 0.0 Conduction disorders 11 ' 0.1 "' 4 " 0.1 * 7 ‘ 0.1 " Cardiac dysrhythmias 97 0.9 19 ‘ 0.4 " 77 1.2 Heart failure 120 1.1 31 0.7 89 1.4 Other heart disease 357 3.3 65 1.5 292 4.7 Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) 405 3.8 143 3.2 261 4.2 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448) 97 0.9 30 0.7 68 1.1 Atherosclerosis 47 0.4 9 " 0.2 “ 38 0.6 Aortic aneurysm 10 " 0.1 4 " 0.1 " 6 " 0.1 ” Arterial embolism and thrombosis 20 " 0.2 " 7 " 0.1 " 14 " 0.2 " Other disorders of arteries and arterioles 20 " 0.2 10 " 0.2 " 10 " 0 2 " Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451—459) 119 1.1 57 1.3 61 1.0 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 36 0.3 16 " 0.4 * 19 " 0.3 ’ Varicose veins of lower extremities 17 " 0.2 13 " 0.3 " 4 * 0.1 " Hemorrhoids 10 " 0.1 " 2 " 0.0 8 " 0.1 * Other disorders of circulatory system 56 0.5 26 0.6 30 " 0.5 " CHAPTER 8. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (460—519) 479 4.5 229 5.2 247 3.9 Chronic sinusitis 20 0.2 7 * 0.2 " 13 " 0.2 " Allergic rhinitis 9 * 0.1 " 2 " 0.0 7 ” 0.1 ” Chronic bronchitis 35 0.3 12 * 0.3 " 22 " 0.4 Emphysema 162 1.5 79 1.8 82 1.3 Asthma 177 1.7 96 2.2 80 1.3 Other diseases of respiratory system 76 0.7 33 0.7 43 0.7 CHAPTER 9. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (520—579) 237 2.2 85 1.9 151 2.4 Diseases of esophagus 6 " 0.1 . . 6 " 0.1 " Gastric ulcer 20 0.2 3 " 0.1 ’t 17 t 0.3 Other peptic ulcer 12 * 0.1 " 1 " 0.0 10 " 0.2 " Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 22 0.2 3 * 0.1 “ 19 * 0.3 " Hernia 57 0.5 27 0.6 30 0.5 Enteritis or colitis 20 0.2 15 " 0.3 * 5 ‘ 0.1 " Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum 48 0.4 6 " 0.1 * 42 0.7 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 22 * 0.2 18 " 0.4 " 4 " 0.1 Cholelithiasis 12 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 " 8 ” 0.1 Other digestive diseases 18 ‘ 0.2 8 " 0.2 " 10 * 0 2 CHAPTER 10. DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM (580-629) 100 0.9 55 1.2 44 0.7 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or nephrosis 24 0.2 13 ” 0.3 * 10 " 0.2 * Calculus of kidney 5 " 0.0 3 " 0.1 ’° 2 " 0.0 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 36 0.3 15 " 0.3 " 20 " 0.3 “ Disorders of bladder, urethra, or urinary tract 19 * 0.2 9 " 0.2 " 10 " 0.2 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 167 Table 8b: Prevalence of Need for Assistance in IADL or ADL Due to Chronic Conditions, by All Conditions Causing Limitation, Age, and Gender: United States Civilian Non- Institutionalized Population, Ages 5 and Over, 1992. Condition Causing Limitation All Ages 5-69 70 and over Number of people in thousands and percent distribution Endometriosis 7 * 0.1 7 " 0.2 " . . Other disorders of female genital organs 9 " 0.1 " 8 * 0.2 " 2 " 0.0 CHAPTER 11. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, AND THE PUERPERIUM (630—676) CHAPTER 12. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE (680-709) 50 0.5 19 0.4 29 0.5 Psoriasis and similar disorders 7 " 0.1 . . 7 " 0.1 " Chronic ulcer of skin 17 * 0.2 5 " 0.1 " 11 " 0.2 " Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue 26 ‘ 0.2 * 14 " 0.3 * 11 ‘ 0.2 * CHAPTER 13. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE (710-739) 2,228 20.8 886 20.0 1,342 21.4 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 27 " 0.3 " 21 " 0.5 " 6 " 0.1 * Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 221 2.1 108 2.4 113 1.8 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders 1,206 11.3 365 8.2 841 13.4 Spondylosis and allied disorders 174 1.6 63 1.4 111 1.8 Intervertebral disc disorders 240 2.2 199 4.5 41 0.7 Other and unspecified disorders of back 40 0.4 21 " 0.5 " 19 ” 0.3 " Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes 35 0.3 27 0.6 8 * 0.1 * Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa 30 0.3 17 ” 0.4 13 " 0.2 " Other disorders of soft tissues 57 0.5 28 0.6 * 29 0.5 Osteoporosis 157 1.5 24 0.5 133 2.1 Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage 41 0.4 13 " 0.3 " 28 0.4 CHAPTER 14. CONGENITAL AN OMALIES (740—759) 26 0.2 17 0.4 10 0.2 Congenital anomalies of heart 10 " 0.1 " 4 " 0.1 " 7 " 0.1 * Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 16 * 0.2 13 " 0.3 " 3 * 0.1 * CHAPTER 15. CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINA'TING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (760—779) AND CHAPTER 16. SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (780—799) 669 6.3 238 5.4 432 6.9 Dizziness and giddiness 64 0.6 18 * 0.4 " 46 0.7 Malaise and fatigue 13 " 0.1 ” 9 " 0.2 " 4 ‘ 0.1 " Headache 29 0.3 19 " 0 4 " 10 " 0.2 " Cardiovascular symptoms 42 0.4 12 " 0.3 “ 30 0.5 Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities 33 0.3 8 " 0.2 " 25 0.4 Senility without mention of psychosis 207 1.9 9 " 0.2 " 198 3.2 Nervousness 56 0.5 40 0.9 17 * 0.3 Perinatal conditions and other unknown and unspecified causes 25 2.1 123 2.8 102 1.6 CHAPTER 17. INJURY AND POISONING (800-999) 180 1.7 90 2.0 90 1.4 Chronic injuries or late effects of injuries 51 0.5 19 ‘ 0.4 " 32 0.5 Poisoning, toxic, and other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified 44 0.4 22 0.5 22 ”t 0.3 * Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified 85 0.8 49 1.1 36 0.6 * Estimate has low statistical reliability (relative standard error > 30%). . No respondents in category 168 Disability Statistics Report APPENDIX TABLES Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 169 Table A—1. NHIS Impairment and ICD Codes Corresponding to Conditions Listed in Text Table B and Detailed Tables 6—8. Number Individual NHIS Impairment‘ and ICD Codes ICDR Cause of Limitation (in 1000s) and Population Estimates (in 1000s, in parentheses) All Conditions 61,047 0 Blindnessinboth eyes 332 -00& (46), -00— (833,—000 ,-001 (7), —002 (4), —003 (38), —005 (1), —006 (14), -007 (17),-00 (61),( 5(35), -1 Visual irnpairmentinboth eyes 527 -01& (112), —01- (104), -010 (24), —011 (23), —012 (2), —013 (58), —015 (12), -016 (67), —017 (24), —018 (73), -019 (2 8) -2 Blindnessinone eye, v1sual 51 —02& (11), —02— (16), —020 (7), —023 (8), —028 (9) impairment' in the other eye -3 Blindness or v1sual impairment 384 —03& (24), —03— (76), —030 131), —031 (28), —032 (3), —033 (16), —035 (6), inone eye: other eye good vision '—036 (21), —037 (12), —038 ( 5), —039 (31) or not known -5 Deafness inboth ears 184 —05& (28), —o5— (101), —050 (18), -052 (2), -053 (2), —059 (32) -6 Hearing irnpairmentinboth ears 498 —06& (124), -06— (297), —060 (22), -061 (6), —069 (49) -7 Deafness or hearing impairment 233 -07& (60), —07- (103), -070 (42), -O71 (3), ~072 (2), —073 (1), —079 (22) in one ear only -8 Deafness, unknownifinboth 54 —08& (26), -08— (17), —080 (4), —089 (7) ears -9 Hear-in unpairment, unknown 206 —09& (77), —09— (115), —090 (4), —096 (2), -099 (8) if in be ears -10 Stammering or stuttering 50 —10& (26), —10— (13), —101 (6), —102 (2), ~109 (4) -11 Other speech impairment 495 —11& (167), —11— (145), —110 (29), -—111 (97), —112 (9), —119 (47) -12 Loss or impairment of sensation 141 —12&: (24), —12— (17), —120 (88), —121 (9), ~129 (2) -14 Learning disability 216 —14& (141), —14— (48), —140 (6), -149 (20) -19 Mental retardation 1,359 —19& (653), -19— (233), —190 (40), —191 (17), —199 (417) -20 Absence or loss,u er extremi 102 —200 2 —22& 4 —22— 2 —220 1, —23— 2, —230 21 , —239 5, —240 9, pp ty _249§2;,_250é)),,_259<()) <) () () <> (1 -26 Absence or loss, lower extremity 256 —26— (4), —260 (12), ~26] (1), —263 (6), —27— (4), —270 (1), -279 (4), —28& (2), —28— 66), —280 (66), —282 (8), -283 (33), —29— (11), —29O (25), —293 (14) -30 Absence or loss of lung or 83 —30& (6), —30— (19), -300 (2), —302 (10), —309 (1), —31& (8), —31— (23), —312 'dney , —319 (7) -32 Absence or loss of breast 44 —32& (1), —32— (2), —321 (2), —322 (39) -33 Absence or loss of rib, bone, 303 —33— (10), —339 (2), —34& (16), —34— (196), —340 (58), —341 (2), —342 (6), —349 joint, or muscle of trunk, one or (6),— 0(7) more -40 Quadriplegia (paralysis of entire —400 (38), —401 (3), —404 (2), —409 (1) body or four limbs) _ 41 Herni 1e ia( aral sis ofone —41& (5), —41— (2), —410 12, —411 74, —412 2, —419 5 side o?b§dy,li’nclu§ing limbs) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) -42 Paralysis of upper extremities 47 fig 8;, —43— (2), —430 (9), -431 (17), —434 (2), —439 (2), —45— (2), —450 (8), —46 Fara)plegia (paralysis of both 59 —46& (4), —46— (8), —460 (24), —461 (10), —462 (2), —464 (10),‘-469 (1) egs -50 Cerebral palsy 211 —50& (55), —50— (27), —500 (1), -509 (128) -51 227 —51— (10), —510 (25), —511 (179), —512 (3), —514 (7), —519 (2) Hemi aresis( artial aral sis of one sicpie of bo y,mc£1d1n y limbs) 170 Disability Statistics Report Table A—1. NHIS Impairment and ICD Codes Corresponding to Conditions Listed in Text Table B and Detailed Tables 6—8. Number Individual NHIS Impairment1 and ICD Codes ICDR Cause of Limitation (in 10005) and Population Estimates (in 10003, in parentheses) -52 Partial paralysis of upper 80 —52& (2), —521 (4), —53— (2), —530 (19), —531 (22), -534 (3), —-541 (2), —549 extremity (2), —550 (4), —551 (19) -56 Para aresis (partial paralysis of 51 —56— (3), —560 (9), —561 (31), ~564 (6), —569 (2) both egs) -57 Other partial paralysis of lower 73 —57& (2), —57— (3), —570 (12), —571 (39), —574 (7), —578 (2), —583 (1), —584 extremity (2), —591 (5) —60 Paralysis of other extremity, 179 —47& (2), —470 (7), —471 (5), —474 (4), —49& (2), —49— (6), —490 (4), —491 (2) complete or partial —60& (2), —60— (2), —600 (12), —601 (14), —604 (3), —609 (2), —61& (4), —61— (3), —611 (4), —63& (1), —63- (6), —630 (4), —64& (6), —64— (14), —640 (16), —641 (46), -649 (8) -70 Curvature of spine or back 435 -70& (132), -70— (117), —700 (62), —702 (2), —-704 (8), —709 (113) -719 Spina bifida 61 —719 (61) -73 Deformity neck or trunk bones ‘ 116 —73— (2), —730 (22), —739 (2), —74& (5), —74— (14), -740 (30), -749 (7), —79& or of shoulder or upper (9), —79— (10), —790 (4), -799 (9) extremity -75 Dislocation/ deformity of hip 42 —75& (4), -75— (7), —750 (0), —759 (31) and / or pelvis -76 Deformity of lower extremity 246 —76& (22), —76— (40), —-760 (65), —761 (5), —763 (0), -764 (4), -769 (34), —77& (15), —77— (15), —770 (2), —779 (15), —789 (30) -80 Orthopedic impairment of back 3,783 -80& (594), —80— (603), -800 (2,526), —801 (15), —802 (3), -804 (6), —809 (35) or nec -84 Ortho‘pedic impairment of 1,196 —84& (76), -84— (133), —840 (949), —841 (19), —842 (6), —844 (2), —849 (11) shoul er and/ or upper extremities -85 Orthopedic impairment of hip 547 -85& (42), -85— (59), —850 (427), —851 (5), —852 (2), —859 (12) and/ or pelvis -86 Orthopedic impairment of lower 2,817 —86& (360), -86— (390), —860 (2,001), —861 (18), —862 (4), —863 (6), ~864 (8), extremity —869 (30) -89 Ortho edic impairment of other 265 —89& (34), —89— (50), -890 (160), —891 (16), —899 (5) and il -defined sites -99 Impairment, illdefined 230 -900 (7), —901 (2), —909 (6), —919 (19), -—92& (13), —92— (8), —920 (9), —929 (2), —93& (8), -93— (6), -—931 (2), -939 (16), —94& (6), —94— (14), —940 (2) (2952 (12), —98 (4), —99& (9), -—99— (25), —990 (32), —991 (4), —994 (1), -999 Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 171 Table A—1. NHIS Impairment and ICD Codes Corresponding to Conditions Listed in Text Table B and Detailed Tables 6—8. Number Individual NHIS Impairment1 and ICD Codes ICDR Cause of Limitation (in 10003) and Population Estimates (in 10005, in parentheses) 19 Tuberculosis, all sites 157 0119 (34), 014 (5), 0150 (1), 0151 (2), 0170 (112), 019 (3) 53 Herpes (zoster or simplex) 46 0532 (3), 0539 (35), 0541 (2), 0549 (6) 136 Other anduns ecified infectious 175 0090 (1;, 0205 (5;, 0310 (2;, 0319 (2;, 0340 (5;, 0410 (2;, 0411 (2;, 0451 (2), and parasitic seases 0499 2 , 0511 2 , 0570 2 , 0703 1, 075 (29 , 0781 6 , 0784 2 0799 (8), 0841 (2), 0846 (4), 086 (2;, 0865 (1), 0888 (14), 0932 (2), 0940 (2), 095 (3), 0979 (2), 0993 (4), 1101 2 , 1102 (4), 1109 2), 1118 (2) 1119 1;, 1129 22;, 114 (2), 1159 (8), 1177 (2), 1179 (3), 130 (2), 135 (31), 1361 1 , 1369 3 14 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral 43 1409 (2), 1419 (2), 1455 (2), 1459 (5), 1460 (2), 1463 (2), 1490 (27), 1491 (1) cavity and pharynx 154 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, 139 1539 (109), 1540 (22), 1541 (6), 1543 (2) rectosigmoid junction, and anus 159 Mali ant neo lasm of other 86 1509 (5), 1519 (30), 1552 (28), 1560 (2), 1579 (16), 1590 (4) and fill-defin sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 16 Malignant neo lasm of 162 1609 (1), 1610 (9), 1619 (9), 162 (3), 1623 (2), 1629 (139) respiratory an inh'athoracic organs 170 Malignant neoplasm of bone 57 1700 (2), 1701 (2), 1702 (15), 1704 (3), 1706 (2), 1707 (10), 1709 (23) and articular cartilage 173 Malignant neoplasm of skin 61 gig 81%,) 1725 (7), 1726 (4), 1727 (7), 1733 (11), 1735 (2), 1736 (9), 1737 (1), 174 Malignant neoplasm of female 232 174 (2), 1749 (230) breast 184 Malignant neoplasm of other 76 179 (25), 1809 (11), 182 (4), 1820 (2), 1830 (31), 1849 (2) and unspecified female genital organs 187 Malignant neoplasm of male 144 185 (135), 1869 (10) genital organs 189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney 62 188 (2), 1889 (37), 1890 (23) and other and unsp ' 'ed urinary organs 19 Malignant neoplasm of other 138 1713 (2;, 1719 (12), 175 (2;, 1909 (9;, 1919 (29), 193 (6), 1950 (14), 1951 (8 , and unspecified sites 1952 5, 1954 (2), 1955 8 , 1960 (2 , 1963 (1), 1969 (7), 1990 (5), 1991 (25 202 Mali ant neoplasm of 52 2001 (2), 2002 (2), 2019 (12), 2021 (2), 2028 (34) l'ymp aid and , 'stiocytic tissue 208 Immunoproliferative neo lasms 90 2030 (16), 2040 (2), 2041 (12), 2049 (2), 2078 (2), 2080 (2), 2081 (53), 2089 and leukemia of unspeufl' ed cell (2) type 21 Beni neo lasms 198 2102 2 , 2111 2 , 2113 (8), 2119 (1), 2120 (2), 2123 (7), 2131 2, 2132 , gn p 2135 (2), 2139 (2), 214 (4), 2152 (2), 2153 (4), 2156 (2), 2157 (2()) (7) 2159 (4;, 2162 (2;, 2163 (4;, 2164 E2), 2169 E2), 217 (2), 218 (19), 220 (9), 2219 2 , 2222 2 , 2230 2 , 2249 1 , 2250 39), 2251 (4), 2252 (7) 226 (4), 2273 (10), 2280 (7), 2281 (2), 2290 (2), 2298 (18), 2299 (4) 239 Neoplasm of unspecified nature 88 (1339;) (12), 2391 (2), 2392 (9), 2395 (10), 2396 (12), 2397 (5), 2398 (25), 2399 172 Disability Statistics Report Table A—1. NHIS Impairment and ICD Codes Corresponding to Conditions Listed in Text Table B and Detailed Tables 6—8. Number Individual NHIS lmpainnent‘ and [CD Codes ICDR Cause of Limitation (in 1000s) and Population Estimates (in 1000s, in parentheses) 244 Hypothyroidism 104 2429 (37), 243 (2), 2449 (65) 246 Other disorders of thyroid 102 2409 (10), 2420 (15), 2452 (5), 2459 (2), 2468 (2), 2469 (68) 250 Diabetes mellitus with 131 2502 (4), 2503 (19), 2504 (56), 2505 (39), 2506 (3), 2509 (11) complication 2500 Diabetes mellitus without 2,438 2500 (2,438) mention of complication 272 Disorders of lipoid metabolism 142 2720 (134), 2721 (8), 2727 (1) 274 Gout 206 2740 (27), 2749 (180) 278 Obesity and other 131 2780 (131) hyperalimentation 279 Other endocrine, nutritional, 155 2512 (39), 2529 (2;, 2535 (4), 2539 (2), 2554 (7), 2558 (2), 2559 (2), 2594 (4), anetaléolic, and immune 2598 2), 2599 (15 , 260 (2), 2639 (2), 2682 (2), 269 (2), 2702 (2) 150: ers 2712 E4), 2750 (2), 2752 (2), 2753 (4), 2754 (4), 2761 (2), 2766 (7), 2768 (2), 2770 18), 2773 (4), 2774 (4), 2775 (2), 2776 (2), 2779 (2), 2793 (7) 285 Anemias 134 280 (21), 2810 (18), 2826 (29), 2830 (2), 2859 (64) 289 Other diseases of blood and 83 2860 (10), 2861 (3), 2866 (2), 2869 (2), 2873 (8), 2875 (6), 2895 (7), 2899 (45) blood-forming organs 295 Schizophrenic psychoses 235 2952 (2), 2953 (46), 2956 (130), 2957 (6), 2959 (50) 296 Affective psychoses 150 2961 (10), 2962 (4), 2965 (32), 2966 (104) 298 Other psychoses 130 $383 83%,) 2901 (6), 2909 (3), 2940 (2), 2971 (11), 2979 (9), 2980 (2), 2989 (77), 3000 Anxiety states 92 3000 (92) 300 Other neurotic disorders 420 3001 (4), 3002 (24), 3003 (8), 3004 (79), 3005 (49), 3009 (256) 304 Alcohol or drug dependence 126 303 (94), 3042 (4), 3049 (28) 309 Adjustment reaction 179 309 (2), 3090 (3), 3091 (21), 3092 (23), 3098 (51), 3099 (79) 311 Depressive disorders, not 259 311 (259) elsewhere classified 314 H erkineiic syndrome of 269 3140 (267), 3149 (2) c ' dhood 316 Other mental illness 175 3012 52), 3013 (5), 3019 (10), 3025 (2), 3050 (2), 3051 (2), 3059 (5), 3061 (1), ‘ 3062 17), 3063 (2), 3064 (23), 3071 (4), 3072 (11), 3074 (4), 3100 (2) 3101 E2), 3102 (4;, 3108 2;, 3109 (17), 3120 (8), 3128 (11), 3129 (22), 315 (3), 3158 2 , 3159 5 , 3168 6 331 Alzheimer's and other cerebral 155 3310 (135), 3318 (4), 3319 (15) degenerations 332 Parkinson's disease 170 332 (2), 3320 (168) 3352 Am otro hic lateral sclerosis 105 3352 (105) Y P 340 Multiple sclerosis 226 340 (226) 345 Epilepsy 583 3450 (19), 3451 (20), 3458 (1), 3459 (543) 346 Migraine 367 3462 (70), 3469 (297) 349 Other and unspecified disorders 224 of the nervous system 3220 (2;, 3222 E4), 3229 E9), 3239 E6), 3241 E4), 3330 (2;, 3331 (10), 3332 (6), 3334 4,3336 2,3337 2,3338 4,3339 2,3340 9,3341() Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 173 Table A—1. NHIS Impairment and ICD Codes Corresponding to Conditions Listed in Text Table B and Detailed Tables 6—8. Number Individual NHIS Impairment1 and [CD Codes ICDR Cause of Limitation (in 10003) and Population Estimates (in 1000s, in parentheses) 3351 (4 , 3360 (2), 3368 (3;, 3369 (10;, 3379 (5;, 347 (10), 3480 (2), 3481 (0), 3482 ( , 3483 (2), 3485 2 , 3489 (21 , 3490 4 , 3498 (11), 3499 (73) 353 Nerve root and lexus disorders 101 3530 (12), 3532 (25), 3536 (2), 3539 (62) P 3540 Carpal tunnel syndrome 277 3540 (277) 355 Mononeuritis of lowerlimb 172 3542 4;, 3544 (2;, 3545 (2), 3548 (6), 3549 (16), 3550 (36), 3551 (2), 3555 (4), 3557 4 , 3558 2 , 3559 (94) 359 Other disorders of peripheral 146 3501 (4;, 3518 (2;, 3519 (2), 3526 (4), 3529 (3), 3561 (19), 3569 (11, 3570 (8), nervous system 315536 3 , 3579 2 , 3580 29), 3589 (1), 3591 (32), 3592 (4), 3598 ( , 3599 361 Retinal detachments and defects 67 3610 (3), 3613 (2), 3619 (62) 362 Other retinal disorders 115 3621 (4), 3622 (3), 3623 (6), 3626 (35), 3627 (41), 3628 (6), 3629 (20) 3625 Macular degeneration 171 3625 (171) 365 Glaucoma 407 365 (2), 3651 (397), 3652 (4), 3656 (2), 3659 (2) 366 Cataract 446 3661 (2), 3662 (6), 3669 (438) 367 Disorders of refraction and 88 3670 (12), 3671 (52), 3672 (18), 3678 (6) accommodation 368 Visual disturbances 59 3680 (8), 3682 (20), 3683 (2), 3684 (4), 3685 (22), 3686 (4) 378 Strabismus and other disorders 47 378 (9), 3780 (9), 3787 (1), 3788 (2), 3789 (26) of binocular eye movements 379 Other disorders of eye 177 3600 (3;, 3608 (2;, 3609 (4;, 3632 (9;, 3633 1 , 3641 3 , 3643 3 , 3648 (2), 3705 2 , 3709 1, 3714 4 , 3715 6 , 3716 1 , 3719 , 3720 6 3721 E8), 3733 (2;, 3738 (2;, 3739 (2;, 3743 (2;, 3749 (2), 3771 (4), 3773 (9), 3774 4 , 3791 8 , 3792 2 , 3794 2 , 3795 4 , 3798 36), 3799 (35) 386 Verti ' ouss dromes and 104 3860 (48), 3861 (2), 3863 (53) othergdui‘sordeénof vestibular system 388 Other disorders of ear 166 3804 € , 3808 (2;, 3809 (2;, 3811 (2;, 3813 (2), 3829 (30), 3831 (8), 3839 (6), 2325452 5 , 3853 2 , 3859 2 , 3879 8 , 3883 (25), 3885 (10), 3887 (11), 3889 394 Rhleumatic diseases of mitral 145 3940 (8), 3941 (3), 3949 (132), 396 (2) va ve 398 Other rheumatic disease 119 390 (38), 393 (1), 3959 (3), 3979 (16), 3989 (59), 399 (2) 401 Hypertension 2,964 4019 (2,890), 4029 (39), 4039 (29), 4049 (6) 413 Angina pectoris 638 413 (638) 414 dO_ther chronic ischemic heart 1,518 414 (2), 4140 (155), 4141 (6), 4148 (848), 4149 (507) lsease 424 Diseases of endocardium 197 4240 (13), 4241 (28), 4243 (1), 4249 (154) 425 Cardiomyopathy 45 4251 (4), 4253 (7), 4254 (34) 426 Conduction disorders 128 4265 (7), 4266 (9), 4267 (4), 4269 (109) 427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 469 213257?) (4), 4272 (2), 4273 (39), 4274 (33), 4275 (2), 4276 (2), 4278 (30), 4279 428 Heart failure 351 4280 (235), 4281 (1), 4289 (115) 174 Disability Statistics Report Table A—1. NHIS Impairment and ICD Codes Corresponding to Conditions Listed in Text Table B and Detailed Tables 6-8. Number Individual NHIS Impairment:1 and ICD Codes ICDR Cause of Limitation (in 10008) and Population Estimates (in 10003, in parentheses) 429 Other heart disease 1,358 4151 (5), 4160 (6), 4179 (4), 4229 (5), 4238 (4), 4239 (2), 4290 (4), 4291 (38), 4292 (23), 4293 (125), 4294 (2), 4298 (4), 4299 (1,136) 430 Cerebrovascular disease 1,174 430 (5), 431 (9), 4329 (2), 4330 (2), 4331 (13), 4340 (14), 4341 (3), 4349 (4), 435 (26), 437 (2), 4370 (18), 4371 (5), 4373 (13), 4379 (1,059) 440 Atherosclerosis 208 4400 (3), 4402 (17), 4408 (4), 4409 (184) 442 Aortic aneurysm 50 4413 (2), 4414 (10), 4415 (2), 4416 (8), 4429 (28) 444 Arterial embolism and 106 4441 (2), 4442 (6), 4448 (4), 4449 (93) thrombosis 447 Other disorders of arteries and 93 4430 (21), 4431 (4), 4438 (2), 4439 (12), 4461 (1), 4464 (10), 4465 (6), 4467 arterioles (2), 4471 (2), 4476 (10), 4479 (22) 451 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 137 4510 (4), 4512 (86), 4519 (46) 454 Varicose veins of lower 123 4540 (11), 4549 (111) extremities 455 Hemorrhoids 57 4556 (54), 4558 (2) 459 Other disorders of circulatory 290 4538 (2), 4539 (24), 4561 (4), 4570 (4), 4571 (4), 4589 (12), 4590 (11), 4592 system (18), 4598 (81), 4599 (131) 473 Chronic sinusitis 178 4738 (6), 4739 (172) 477 Allergic rhinitis 286 4770 (59), 4777 (83), 4778 (18), 4779 (126) 491 Chronic bronchitis 278 4910 (2), 4912 (43), 4919 (233) 492 Emphysema 904 492 (904) 493 Asthma 2,592 493 (1), 4930 (380), 4931 (2), 4939 (2,209) 505 Pneumoconiosis 66 500 (22), 501 (34), 502 (6), 5064 (4) 519 Other diseases of respiratory 470 460 (1), 4659 (2), 4718 (2), 4719 (4), 4720 (4), 4721 (2), 4722 (11), 4740 (15), system 4761 (1), 4781 (1), 4782 (10), 4809 (2), 485 (3), 486 (2), 4871 4) 490 (7), 494 (8), 496 (38;, 5109 (2;, 5110 (2;, 512 (9), 514 (21), 515 (37), 5180 (27), 5183 (6), 5188 (194 , 5194 2 , 5198 2 , 5199 (50), 530 Diseases of esophagus 64 5300 (2), 5301 (13), 5302 (19), 5303 (8), 5304 (2), 5305 (6), 5309 (14), 531 Gastric ulcer 212 5314 (37), 5315 (13), 5316 (1), 5317 (159), 5319 (2), 532 Other peptic ulcer 89 5327 (40), 5334 (22), 5337 (26), 5349 (1), 537 Other disorders of stomach and 144 5368 (67), 5369 (8), 5379 (69), duodenum 550 Hernia 425 5509 (38), 5522 (2), 5529 (6), 553 (2), 5531 (10), 5532 (23), 5533 (154), 5538 (8), 5539 (182) 555 Enteritis or colitis 208 5559 (76), 556 (34), 558 (98) 560 Other diseases of intestines and 254 5609 (9 , 5621 93), 5640 (8), 5641 (42), 5642 (4), 5649 (6), 5650 (2), 5651 (1), peritoneum 5679 (4, 5680 2), 5690 (5), 5691 (6), 5693 (3), 5694 (4), 5695 (2), 5696 (2), ' 5698 9 , 5699 52) 571 Chronic liver disease and 148 5711 (1), 5712 (23), 5713 (11), 5714 (25), 5715 (28), 5716 (2), 5718 (2), 5719 cirrhosis (25), 5728 (3), 5733 (13), 5738 (2), 5739 (12) 574 Cholelithiasis 53 5742 (53) 176 Disability Statistics Report Table A—1. NHIS Impairment and ICD Codes Corresponding to Conditions Listed in Text Table B and Detailed Tables 6—8. Number Individual NHIS Impairment1 and [CD Codes ICDR Cause of Limitation (in 10005) and Population Estimates (in 10009, in parentheses) 7339 Other and unspecified disorders 284 7301 (9;, 7302 £7), 7309 (2), 7310 (22), 7320 (2), 7321 (2), 7324 (15), 7325 (3), of bone and cartilage (713725)) (2 , 7331 25), 7332 (11), 7334 (2), 7336 (2), 7337 (1), 7338 (2 , 7339 746 Congenital anomalies of heart 120 7:2; 8),) 7452 (3), 7454 (6), 7455 (3), 7462 (2), 7463 (4), 7464 (2), 7468 (16), 759 Other and unspecified 167 742 (1), 7424 (4), 7428 (2), 7429 (3), 7471 (2), 7472 (2), 7473 (2), 7476 (2), congenital anomalies 7478 (5), 7483 (2), 7486 (4), 7502 (6), 7509 (6), 7510 (2), 7511 (2) 7514 (2 , 7516 4 , 7517 4 , 7521 (2), 7531 (19), 7539 (6), 7565 (26), 7566 (2), 7567 (4 , 7568 4 , 7569 5 , 758 (1), 7586 (4), 7587 (4), 7589 (5), 7590 (2), 7591 2 , 7592 4 , 7593 4 , 7595 (5), 7598 (15) 7804 Dizziness and giddiness 145 7804 (145) 7807 Malaise and fatigue '78 7807 (78) 7840 Headache 212 7840 (212) 7853 Cardiovascular symptoms 245 7850 (93), 7851 (18), 7852 (134) 7860 Dyspnea and respiratory 246 7860 (246) symptoms 797 Senility without mention of 415 797 (415) psychosis 7992 Nervousness 314 7992 (314) 7999 Other unknown and unspecified 1,188 7651 (3), 7708 (2), 7798 (2), 7801 (3), 7802 (26), 7803 (32), 7805 (25), 7806 causes (8), 7809 (92), 7810 (15), 7812 (2), 7813 (4), 7819 (18), 7821 (7) 7822 E3), 7823 (6;, 7826 (2;, 7830 (5), 7832 (4), 7834 (19), 7836 (4), 7839 (4), 7842 6 , 7843 2 , 7845 2, 7846 33), 7847 (7), 7854 (19), 7856 (3) 7859 (2;, 7861 E4), 7862 (6 , 7865 E42), 7866 (2;, 7868 (I), 7870 (3;, 7871 (4), 7872 (4 , 7873 5 , 7876 , 7880 2), 7883 (29 , 7884 5 , 7889 1 7890 (19), 7891 (2), 7892 (12), 7893 (4), 7899 (2), 7902 (12), 7905 (2), 7906 (36), 7909 (2), 7930 (2), 7953 (2), 7961 (17), 7964 (3), 7991 (5), 7998 (40), 7999 (551) 805 Chronic injuries or late effects of 350 805 E7), 818 (9;, 820 (2;, 824 (4;, 840 (2), 847 36), 848 (2), 851 (1), 854 (1), injuries 861 2 , 867 2 , 875 1 , 876 2 , 905 14), 905 (13), 9051 (38) 9052 (18), 9053 (19), 9054 (53), 9055 (9), 9060 (3), 9061 (10), 9063 (19), 9064 (17), 9065 (2), 9067 (2), 9069 (1), 9070 (18), 9072 (2), 9074 (2) 9075 (4), 9080 (2), 9082 (2), 9083 (4), 9085 (2), 9089 (32), 9092 (4), 9094 (2), 921 (2), 924 (4), 927 (4), 940 (2), 959 (3) 9958 Poisoning, toxic, and other 334 9779 (6), 989 (4), 9899 (46), 990 (7), 9945 (2), 9952 (189), 9953 (75), 9955 (2), adverse effects, not elsewhere 9958 3) classified 999 Com lications of medical care, 521 9965 (2), 9966 (4), 9967 (25), 9968 (3), 997 (2), 9970 (19), 9971 (34), 9973 (2), not sewhere classified 9974 E29), 9975 (14), 9979 (185), 9982 (7), 9983 (2), 9988 (107), 9989 (67), 9995 6), 9999 (13) ' Impairments are preceded by the minus ("-") symbol. Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 175 Table A—1. NHIS Impairment and ICD Codes Corresponding to Conditions Listed in Text Table B and Detailed Tables 6—8. Number Individual NHIS Impairment1 and ICD Codes ICDR Cause of Limitation (in 10008) and Population Estimates (in 10008, in parentheses) 579 Other digestive diseases 130 5224 2 , 5234 (3), 5238 (3), 5258 (2), 5259 (2), 5289 (4), 5351 (14), 5354 (2), 5355 1, 541 (2), 542 (4), 5750 (2), 5758 (2), 5759 (36), 5770 (4), 5771 (28), 5772 2 , 5778 (2), 5779 (9), 5789 (4), 5790 (2) 580 Nephritis,nephrot1c syndrome, 147 5819 £16), 582 (2;, 5829 (21), 5839 (2), 585 (39), 586 (47), 587 (14), 5881 (2), or nephrosis 5888 2), 5889 2 5920 Calculus of kidney 48 5920 (48) 593 Other disorders of kidney or 181 5900 (2), 5901 (2), 5909 (19), 5932 (2), 5934 (4), 5938 (8), 5939 (143) ureter 596 Disorders of bladder, urethra, or 112 5941 (5), 5952 (17), 5958 (2), 5959 (2), 5960 (2), 5965 (4), 5968 (16), 5969 urinary tract (45), 5990 (14), 5996 (2), 5997 (3 ), 602 Disorders of male genital organs 66 600 (18), 6011 (4), 6019 (2), 6021 (2), 6028 (11), 6029 (22), 605 (2), 6089 (4), 617 Endometriosis 51 6170 (2), 6171 (8), 6178 (4), 6179 (38), 629 Other disorders of female 173 6100 (4), 6101 (1), 6102 (1), 6103 (1), 6110 (4), 6117 (2), 6118 (4), organs 6142 (1), 6161 (4), 6180 (26), 6181 (11), 6202 (24), 6208 (2), 6216 (2), 6221 (1;, 6228 E2), 6248 (5), 6253 E18), 6254 (8), 6262 (9), 6264 (4), 6268 (4), 6269 8 , 6272 20), 629 2 , 6299 4), 692 Contact dermatitis and other 90 6921 (4), 6924 (9), 6926 (2), 6927 (2), 6928 (6), 6929 (67), eczema 696 Psoriasis and similar disorders . 58 6960 (23), 6961 (35), 707 Chronic ulcer of skin 58 7070 (6), 7071 (29), 7079 (24), 709 Other disorders of skin and 156 6803 (4), 6804 (1), 6807 (2), 6822 (2), 6825 (1), 6826 (, 6829 (6 g, 6869 (7), subcutaneous tissue 690 (2), 6918 (9), 6930 (3), 6931 (8), 6952 (1), 6954 (13, 6959 6970 (4), 6989 (5), 700 (18), 7014 (2), 7030 (9), 7038 (1), 7039 (2), 7059 (6), 7062 10), 7080 (17), 7088 (4), 7090 (2), 7092 (3), 7098 (1), 7099 (7), 710 Diffuse diseases of connective 75 7100 (27), 7101 (14), 7102 (10), 7103 (3), 7104 (11), 7109 (9), tiSSue 714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other 673 7140 (645), 7142 (2), 7143 (15), 7149 (11) inflammatory polyarthropathies 715 Osteoarthrosis and allied 5,048 7150 (4), 7158 (7), 7159 (816), 7161 (6), 7165 (6), 7166 (1), 7168 (2), 7169 disorders ( ,205) 719 Other and unspecified disorders 58 7176 (2;, 7177 (18), 7181 (2;, 7185 (4), 7188 (2), 7190 (3), 7193 (2), 7194 (2), ofjoint 7196 3 , 7198 7), 7199 (12 721 Spondylosis and allied disorders 820 7200 (36), 7202 (2), 7209 (10), 7210 (73), 7211 (2), 7212 (2), 7213 (2), 7216 (2), 7218 (4), 7219 (688) 722 Intervertebral disc disorders 2,416 (712%))(144), 7221 (1,334), 7222 (381), 7224 (28), 7225 (194), 7226 (148), 7229 724 Oftlfiezfind unspecified disorders 157 7234 (2), 7239 (2), 7240 (47), 7242 (1), 7243 (99), 7246 (2), 7249 (4) o a 726 Peripheral enthesopathies and 341 7260 (4), 7261 (34), 7262 (12), 7263 (7), 7264 (2), 7265 (9), 7266 (12), 7267 allied syndromes (61), 7269 (200) 727 Other disorders of synov1um, 161 7270 (28), 7271 (29), 7273 (86), 7274 (3), 7275 (6), 7278 (6), 7279 (3) tendon, and bursa 729 Other disorders of soft tissues 177 725 (24), 7283 (4), 7287 (4), 7288 (2), 7289 (22), 7290 (60), 7291 (40), 7292 (14), 7295 (2), 7298 (2), 7299 (2 ) 7330 Osteoporosis 320 7330 (320) Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992 Table A—2. List of Etiology Codes for Impairments Used in the National Health Interview Survey Code Impairment 0 Accident or injury except at birth 1 Cerebrovascular disease (stroke) 2 Neoplasm 3 Diabetes (with cataract or glaucoma) 4 Poliomyelitis 5 Cataract with glaucoma 6 Cataract without glaucoma 7 Glaucoma without cataract 8 Other eye diseases (as in ICD) 9 Congenital origin or birth injury - Other conditions not in 0-9 & Unknown or unspecified origin Note: Etiology is indicated by the last digit of the impairment code (for example, deafness due to injury is 070; deafness of congenital origin is 072). 00.5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1996-414'002/63054 177 ED/OSERS96—6 _ n : 'u“ __ .r'i‘p—ICII— .y.......-v....... e" I” w I l L. 1. I"l wIBLIC HEALTH LIBRARY {AN 1 01997 U C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDL‘IBISHEH US. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20202-2646 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE