20-0 UieaH jo sejnisuj [euonen 80IAIBS UYieeH 2liqnd JHV473IM ANV ‘NOILYONA3 ‘H1ITV3H 40 INJW1HYH3a 'S'n L CONVERSION . of \ NEOPLASMS /BY TOPOGRAPHY AND MORPHOLOGY from the INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES FOR ONCOLOGY (ICD-0) to CHAPTER II, NEOPLASMS 9TH REVISION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES, (ICD-9) Edited by: Constance Percy and Valerie Van Holten Biometry Branch, Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention National Cancer Institute —) NIH Publication No. 79-2007 ~ U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Service ~ National Institutes of Health - National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland 20205 &, 1975 /V ( A ALGO SUTT PUBL (519-2102 ERRATA SRE 10-0 to ICL-9 Ke 25% JHTRODUCT ION | WEG 2 Page viii- Under IV - line 9 : 419 “five tissue in the 1CD-9 index Ct [ (not 1CD-0) change C to 9. 0 Sa PUB Page 56 LC Group ICD-0 Site 1CD-9 8140/0 Adenoma, NOS Add 111 185.9 600 All other sites See Topogrephy Table, Col. 2 Page 112, Under 8895/0 Myoma IV ADD: 17¢.S 186. 218 182. 185.9 600 Page 173 Group 1b - Benign Delete - 8140/0 from ICD-0 Morphelogy list Page 180 - Group III Add: 1CD-0 Morphology ICD-0 Site 1CD-9 Category 8140/0 185.9 “600 All other sites See Topography Table, Column 2 Page 185 - Group IV Delete: 8895/0 from Morphology list Page 186 Add: 1CB-0 Morphology 1CD-0 Site 1CD-9 Category IY’ 216. 173.1-173.4 215.0 173.5 215.9 173.6 215.2 173.7 215.3 - 173.8-173.9 215.9 179.9 218 180. 218 ‘ 162. Z213 185.9 600 8895/0 195.0 215.0 195.1 215.4 195.2 215.5 195.3 215.0 195, -— 216.7 195.5 215.3 195.8 215.8 "an 0 ne 24 196.6 215.9 (361 AY other cites See topography Teble, Column 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Symbols Topography Table Morphology Table Abbreviated Topography Table Abbreviated Morphology Table Page 43 161 171 Conversion No. 9 Convarsion of International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-0) to the International Classification of Diseases - Ninth Ravision (ICD-9) 1 The International Clascification of Diseases for Oncoloay (ICD-0) provides for coding both the topegraphy and morpholcgy (histology) of tumors, whereas the neoplasm secticn - Chapter II of the International Classification of Diseases - Ninth Revision (ICD-9%) is principally a topographic code for neoplasms taking into account the behavior (malignant, benign, etc.) of the tumor. Only a few histologic types, such as malanomas, lymphomas, laukemiss, and a feu benign types, such as lipomas, leiomyomas and hemangicmas, have specific categories in ICD-9. Most of these do not take site into consideration. Tha Topcqraphy Saction of ICD-0 is based on the malignant neoplasms section, rubrics 140-199 of the 9th revision cf 160°, so there is a close relationship batween that and ICD-9. The Morphology Section of ICD-0 is a ravised and expanded version of the Morphology Section of the Manual of Tumor Nomsnclature and Codina. 1968 Edition (MOTHAC) which was based on Sections & and 9 of the Systematizad Nomenclature of Patholoaqy __— Conversion Table Humber § is the ninth in a series of conversion tables being developed at the National Cancer Institute in connection with the change to the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision. This conversion has been prepared to help those who wish to compare or convert diagnoses coded according to ICD-0 with diagnoses coded according to the ICD-9. For example, a cancer registry may code its diagnoses by ICD-0, whereas the record rocm in the same hospital referring cases to the cancer regis%ry may have usad the ICD-9 to coda its case material. The morphology section of ICD-0 includes many coda numbers for different histologic types of nacplasms and their synonyms. The morphology code of ICD-0 consists of 2 5 digit ccde number, 4 digits to identify morphology and the 5th digit after a slash (/) to identify tha behavior. The behavior code 1 International Classification of Diseasas for Oncoloay, blorld Health Organization, 1976. A- Tntarnational Classification of Diseases, 1975 Revision, World Health Organizaticn, 1977. 2 3 Manual of Tumor Nomenclature and Coding, 1968 Edition, American Cancer Society, 1968. 4 Systemstized Nomenclature of Patholoav, College of American Pathologists, 1965. indicates whether the various terms refer to benign neoplasms (7/0), to neoplasms of uncertain benig- nancy or malignancy (/1), to neoplasms which are in situ (7/2), to primary malignant neoplasms (/3), or to metastatic malignant neoplasms (/6). This dafinition of the 5th digit behavior code is shown on page 20 of ICP-0 and page xii in tha Introduction to ICD-0. As seen on these tables, 7/9 in ICD-0 means "malignant, uncertain whether primary or metastatic site." As stated in ICD-9 (vol. 1, p. 6638) the "behavior digit /9 is inapplicable in an ICD context, since all malignant neoplasms are presumed to be primary (/3) or secondary (/6)---." The conversion of M-8010/9 and 8800/9 ara shown in the Morphology Tabla; ahrar #9 morphology terms rust be hand reviewad. The grading or differentiation column of ICD-0 need not be considered in converting to ICD-9. ICD-$ provides principally a Topography code for the classification of neoplasms. The behavior is indicated by blocks of categories. For example, categories 140-208 are for malignant neoplasms. These categories are assigned to topographic sites, except for a few categories assigned to certain histologic types. In the block of malignant neoplasms in ICD-9 the histologic types of melanomas of skin, lymphomas and leukemias have been assigned their own categories. In the benign saction, lipcmas, fibromas, leiomyc- mas, hemangiomas, and lymphangiomas have s2parate categories. It should ba pointed out that it is impossible to convert a less specific code to a more specific code, unless you wish to review all the cases and recode them on the more specific code. For example, you may have 1,800 cases coded by ICD-9 to 162.9 - malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung. But since ICD-9 does not pro- vide for coding mest histologic types you have no way of knowing which records said adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, etc. Thus morphology codes in ICD-0 could not be assigned. However, if you have 1,000 casas coded by ICD-0, where tne topography is 162.9, the morphology code will tell you which are adenocarcinomas (8140/3), squamcus cell carcinomas (8070/3), atc., and you can convert or collapse them all to 162.9 (lung) in ICD-9. Scme histologic types usually occur in certain tissues or certain sites. For example, most sarcomas occur in connective tissue and most malanomas occur in the skin. Thesa facts are taken into consideration in tha conversien tables. ICD-9 includes the morphology codes of ICD-0 both in Volume 1, pp. 668-690, where they are listed in numeric order M-8000/0 through M-9970/1, and in Volume 2 in the alphabetic index where the morphology codes are put in parentheses after the appropriate term. Although these code numbers are listed in ICD-9, this conversion converts the ICD-0 topography and morphology code to the four digit catagory of ICD-9. The merphology number if used with ICD-9 would be tha same in ICD-0 and ICD-S. Conversion No. 9 The majority of cases coded in ICD-0 can be converted simply and directly to appropriate categories in I1CD-9. However, there are a number of exceptions, and Conversion Table No. 9 was compiled to deal with them. Although it is hoped that data being converted from ICD-0 would be edited and "clean" to begin with, some provision has been made for converting data that 2Y not be 100 percent correct. For example, basal cell carcinoma of arm is properly coded in ICD-0 to T-173.6, M-8090/3. The alphabetic index of ICD-0 shows on page 53 under "arm" that "carcinomas" of arm should be 173.6 -- skin of arm. However, if the coder used instead T-195.4 -- arm, NOS this conversion provides that under M-8090/3, 195.4 is converted to 173.6. This principle is followed for morphologies found in skin, connective tissue, or bone. Instructions for Use of Conversion Table No. 9 As stated previously the Topcgraphy Section of ICD-0 was designed to be as compatible as possible with ICD-9. However, the conversion of certain histological types (morphology) to the simpler categories of ICD-9 is often complicated. Topography The Topography Table is the basic part of Conversion Table No. 9. It shows the code numbers for ICD-0 topography on the left side and the corresponding ICD-9 categories in six columns on the right. If the behavior code of ICD-0 morphology, (the digit after the slash (/)) is 3 (malignant), the first col- umn, labeled "MAL. /3", should be used. If the behavior code is 7/0 (benign), then the categories in column 2 should ba usad, etc. The following table will serve as a guide to the block of categories in ICD-9 equiv- alent to each behavior code and to the corresponding column in the Topography Table. ICD-0 ICD-9 Specific Column in Behavior Code Categories Topography Table Primary malignant /3 140-195, part of 196._, 199.1, 200-208 1 Benign 70 210-229 2 In situ /2 230-234 3 Uncertain whether /1 except 235-238 4 malignant or M-8300/1, benign M-8001/1 Uncertain whether /1 for 239. _ 5 malignant or M-8000/1 benign M-8001/1 Secondary 76 part of 1%6._, 197-19%.0 6 (metastatic) Malignant, 7/9 not applicable -- See pp. i, ii. for explanation uncertain whether primary or metastatic site The majority of neoplasms which might be coded to the ICD-0 will be malignant neoplasms and can be converted or compared to appropriate categories in ICD-9 by just using the designated category listed in the first column labeled MAL(ignant) /3 of the topography table of this conversion. Morpholoay The Morphology code numbers of ICD-0 are listed in numeric order in the Morphology Table beginning with the first code numbar M-8000/0 and ending with M-9990/6. Each code number with the preferred term and syno- nyms used in ICD-0 is listed on tha left side of the table. The next column "Conversion Group" is described on the naxt page. The third column labeled "ICD-0 Site" refers to the Topography code used with that partic- ular Morphology coda number in ICD-0. This column will account for all sites. The last column labeled "ICD-9 Category" specifies for this M-number and T-number combination the corre- sponding category in ICD-9 or its location in the Topography Table. For many terms, the column "ICD-0 Site" indicates "All Sites” and the column "ICD-9 Category" specifies the cclumn of the Topography Table to be usad. The Topography (site) code number of ICD-0 specifies the row. The ICD-9 category is found at the intersection of this column and row. For example, if the topography in ICD-0 1s breast -- T-174.9 and the behavior code of morphology is 7/3, then the proper category 176.9 is found in the row beginning 174.9 and in the first column (MAL. #3). Similarily, if thea diagnosis had teen "benign neoplasm of breast," T-174.9, M-8000/0 in ICD-0, the morphology table for 8000/0 would indicate: "See Topography Table, Column 2," and the correct category in ICD-9 is 217. Always check the conversion of tha morphologic code first. Conversion Grouns Five differant methods are used to convert morphologic code numbers from ICD-0 to ICD-$. Look up the morphologic code number in the Mecrphology Table first. The conversion group column for this code number will indicate what type of conversion to apply. These groups are designated Is-F, II, III, IV, V and are described in detail below. Straight conversion by use of Topography Table only When a morphology code number is in this first group the table will say "Specific Sites - See Topography Table, Column ___". As shown in the table below, the behavior code of that particular morphology code Will determine which column is to be used. For example: the Morphology Table indicates for "Adenocar- cinoma" M-8140/3 in ICD-0, "See Topography Tabla, Column 1." If the diagnosis is "Adenocarcinoma of stomach," tha specific site of stomach in ICD-0, T-151.9, refers you to the Topography Table at the row for 151.9, ang Column 1 (malignant) gives 151.9 (stomach, NOS) for the ICD-% category. If the diagnosis were "adenoma of the body of the stomach,” T-151.4 M-8140/0 in ICD-0, the Morphology Table at 8140/0 indicates "See Topography Table, Column 2." In the row 151.4 (body of stomach) in column 2 (benign) of the Topography Table is found 211.1 (benign neoplasm of stomach). 11. The following table indicates the column to be used for each behavior code. Subgroup ICD-0 Behavior Location of ICD-9 Category in Topography Table a) /3 column 1 (malignant) b) /0 column 2 (benign) c) 72 column 3 (in situ) d) /1 except M-8000/1, column 4 (uncertain whether malignant or benign) 8001/1 e) /1 for M-8000/1, column 5 (unspecified) 8001/1 T) /6 column 6 (secondary - metastatic) Conversion regardless of site to a2 specific category in ICD-9 For many years people using ICD's have referred to these categories as zbsolute. As explained in ICD-9, Volume I, pp. 724-725, in tha rules for VI. Malignant neoplasms; certain morphologic types occur in a particular site; e.qg., Hapatccarcinoma M-8170/3 (T-155.0-1liver). In ICD-0 these T-numbers are called "site spacific morphology terms" and are described on page xvii of the ICD-0 Introduction. In ICD-9 an absolute category is assigned. In the case zbova, the alphabetic index of ICD-9, or the conversion for M-8170/3 (hepatocarcinoma), indicates 155.0 (liver), regardless of the topography coded in ICD-0.. ICD-0 only uses ona code for liver 155.0, which is considered primary liver in ICD-9. The code 155.2 in ICD-9 has no equivalent in ICD-0. In comparing data or figures, this fact should be remembered: 155.0 in ICD-0 aquals 155.0 + 155.2 in ICD-9. Another group of morphologies with absolute category conversions is the lymphomas or leukemias. In ICD-0 the group of M-3590/3 - M-9698/3 morphology code numbers are for speci- fic types of lymphomas. If lymphosarcoma M-9610 occurs in the stomach, the topography code will be T-151.9; if it occurs in the inguinal lymph node, the T-number will ba 156.5. However, in ICD-9, all lymphomas are classified in the 200-202 cateqories (malignant neoplasm of lymphatic and haematopoietic tissua) regardless of site. For the example above, both would be coded 200.1 in ICD-9. In the Morphology Table all the M-95%0/3 - M-9698/3 (lymphomas) are included in Group II, and read "All Sites," and a speci- fic category in the 200-202 group is assigned. "All Sites" means regardless of the site coded in ICD-0. A similar situation exists for leukemias. However, a T-number 169._ (haematopoietic system) is used in ICD-0. Again the conversion table reads "All Sites" and a specific category in the group 204-208 in ICD-9 is assigned to each morphology. These are just examples of this type of conversion. Actually the site is not usad at all in this group. Conversion of terms that have different conversions for "specified sites" and "unspecified site" As explained in the ICD-0 introduction page xvii, certain morphologic types usually occur in only one topographic site. T-numbers have been assigned to these types (T_). The ICD-0 introduction, rule #5, page xxii in the description of site specific morphology codes, also states that T-numbers can be over- ridden. To take care of these rules in ICD-9, a special format is used in the alphabetic index. As explained in ICD-9 page 724 in Voluma 1, the alphabetic index of ICD-9 "may give the site assumed to te the most likely when no site is specified." For example, M-8062/3 is oat cell carcinoma with a T-number 162._ for lung. Although lung is by far the most common site of this histologic type, it may be found in other places. In ICD-0 one can easily take care of this by using the specific code for the size men- tioned. For example, oat cell carcinoma of the esophagus would be coded T-150._ (esophagus) overriding the site specific T-number 162._ for lung. In ICD-9 the index lists this term as follows: Carcinoma - oat cell -- specified site - see Neoplasm, malignant -- unspecified site 162.9 This means that if the diagnosis is "oat cell carcinoma of esophagus,” esophagus is the specified site, then in ICD-9 it is assigned to the category for a malignancy of the specified site, in this case esophagus = 150._. If the diagnosis is "oat cell carcinoma" and no site is specified 199.9 (Unknown site in ICD-0), then it would be assigned to 162.9 (lung, NOS) in ICD-9. The three digit site given for "unspecified site" in ICD-9 is the same as the three digit T-number for that term in ICD-0. When the ICD-0 T-number is only three digits the .9 fourth digit is used in ICD-9. For example, the T-number for oat cell carcinoma in ICD-0 is 162._; the category in ICD-9 for unspecified site is 162.9. This type vii Iv. of conversion is found for many of the morphologic types in the morphology table. Conversion of specific categories: Skin, Connective tissue, and Bone The morphologic terms in this group are usually limited to those occurring in such specific topo- graphic categories as connective tissue (T-171._), bone and cartilage (T-170._), and skin (T-173._). As explained in ICD-9, Volume 1, page 724, "certain morphological types arise in a particular tissue, e.g., Sarcoma M-8800/3 indicates 'See Neoplasm, connective tissue!." In ICD-0 a diagnosis of "sarcoma of thigh™ would properly be coded T-171.3, M-8800/3. In ICD-9 the correct category is also 171.3. In the morphology conversion table the category for sarcomas is listed as 171._. The 4th digit coded in ICD-0 is converted to the same 4th digit in ICD-9. If no site is specified (T-199.9 ~-- unknown site) in ICD-0, it should be converted to 171.9 (connective tissue, NOS) in ICD-9. A special note under "connec- tive tissue" in the ICD-0 index (vol. 2, page 346) reads "For neoplasms of connective tissue...or of morphological types indicating connective tissue, code according to this list --." Nearly all the sites listed are parts of the body: arm, hip, face, etc., for which the corresponding connective tissue code (171 code with the proper 4th digit) is listed. Conversion of sex specific sites For a few morphologic entities, the T-numbers are sex specific: i.e., if the morphology occurs in a female the topography is in a specific female genital site; if in the male, in the appropriate male genital organ. Therefore, sex must be taken into consideration for conversion of certain morphological numbers. For example, Choriocarcinoma M-9100: if no site is specified, 199.9 (unknown site) and the case is male, it converts to 186.9 (testis); if female, 181 (placenta). Since breast now has separate codes for female breast (174._) and male breast (175._), sex is also taken into account for certain morphological breast types. The symbol (M) denotes the category should be used for all male cases; the symbol (F) for all female cases. These conversion groups are specified in the Morphology Table in the second column (Ia-If, II-V). viii The converter can then see which morpholcgic entities are treated similarly and refer to the above descrip- tions for an explanation. Matrix System of ICD-0 The morphology code matrix is illustrated and explained on pp. Xiv and Xv of ICD-0. This conversion code only provides for converting the I1CD-0 morphology code numbers listed in ICD-0. If other code numbers appear in the data they will have to be hand reviewed and converted. For example, papillary tran- sitional cell carcinoma in situ would be coded 8130/2. The proper conversion can usually be gotten by looking at M-8130/3, which says "See Topography Table, Column 1." Since this M has a behavior code of /2 maaning "in situ," column 3, the "in situ" (2) column of the Topography Table, should be used instead of column 1, the malignant column (/3). If the behavior code is thoroughly understood, there should be no problem in converting codes that are not listed in ICD-O0. Special Excepticns The symbol # has been placed in the Topography Table and marked "Hand review." This symbol is also used in the Morpholegy Table in cartain cases. You will find these mostly in the .8 subcategories of the various topography code numbers. Probably you will have no cases in most of these groups. The .8 code in Topography means "Tumor that overlaps the boundary of 2 or more subcategories and whose point of origin cannot be datermined." Tha .8 code may also include "other specific parts." Therafore, for complete conversion it would be well to hamd raview these cases. If this is not feasible, convert to the ICD-9 category used for the .9 entry of the tcpographic group. Also hand review cases that fall out because of the matrix system. Abbreviated Topography and Morphology Tables For the benefit principally of computer programmers the last twec tables, called "Abbreviated Topography Table" and "Abbreviated Morphology Table," have been developed. No terms are included in either of these tables. The Abbreviated Topograohy Table is very similar to the basic Topography Table except for the omission of the terms. However, the Abbreviated Morphology Table is organized by the various Conversion Groups I - V as explained in the introduction, pp. Vv ~ viii, and not in morphology code number order like the basic table. ix All the morphologic code numbers of ICD-0 that have the same type of conversion arz given on the left side of the page, followed by the apprepriate site in ICD-0. On the right side of tha page under "ICD-9 Category,” either the correct category is listed or an instruction as to how to find this category. For example, the first group, Ia, lists 93 code numbers and says "Spacific Sites - See Topography Table, Column 1." This means the specific site coded in ICD-0 shculd be locked up in the appropriate column (malignant is /3 col. 1) to find the correct catzgory in ICD-$. This Abbreviated Morpholegy Table may 2lso be of interest to people wanting to see what group cof morphology terms is treated the same in ICD-9. For example, in Group IV the first set of morphologic code numbers is all benign skin tumors, the next s=t is benign soft tissues, the third set is baniagn bone tumors, etc. This should serve as an excellent reference for users of both ICD-0 and ICD-9. T Computer Tapes of This Conversion Code We are developing for our use a set of ANSI COBOL computer programs to effect this conversion. These programs will be made available when completed. At this time the conversion tzbles are available on computer tape if you wish to davelop your own computer programs. For further information write: Constanca Pearcy or Valerie Van Holten, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20205 (M) (F) NOS ICD-0 ICD-9 SYMBOLS Hand review Most of the tumors assigned to these sites, especially 169.1 (bone marrow), should be converted morphology. See leukemias M-9800/3 - M9970/1. Hand review any others. For Morphology code numbers M-8000/1 and M-8001/1 only. For all Morphology code numbers ending in /1 except M-8000/1 and M-8001/1. (Plus sign) is used to signal the user that all these cases must be female. (At sign) is used to signal the user that 211 these cases must be male. In the 4th digit of Topography terms we use this symbol to mean that the 4th digit may range from .0-.9, i.e., 173._ (skin) can be 173.0 skin of lip, 173.1 skin of eyelid, etc. (Question mark) is used to indicate that as far as the authors know, no such entity exists for that site. For example, there is no such thing as in situ carcinoma of bone or pleura. If a case found, hand reviaw for accuracy and ccde manually. For male cases For female cases Not Otherwisa Specified International Classification of Diseases for Oncology International Classification of Diseases, 1975, Ninth Revision Group Conversion Symbols = For detailed description see Introduction. I Straight conversion by use of Topography Table only See Topography Table, Column 1 (malignant) See Topography Table, Column (benign) 2 See Topography Table, Column 3 (in situ) 4 See Topography Table, Column (uncertain whether malignant or benign) Sea Topography Table, Column (unspecified) See Topography Table, Column 6 (metastatic) Conversion regardless of site to a specific category in ICD-9 Conversion of terms that have different conversions for "specified sites" and "unspecified site" Conversion of specific categories: Skin, Connective tissue, and Bone Conversicn of sex specific sites x1 TOPOGRAPHY Page NUMERICAL LIST ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-9 CATEGORY CODE TERM COLUMN (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) NO. MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UNC. UNS. MET. /3 /0 /2 J 1%% / 1% /6 140-149 LIP, ORAL CAVITY AND PHARYNX 160 LIP (excludes Skin of lip T-173.0) 140.0 Upper lip, NOS (excludes Skin of 140.0 210.0 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.38 upper lip T-173.0) External uppen lip Vermilion border of upper lip 160.1 Lower lip, NOS (excludes Skin of 140.1 210.0 230.0 235.1 239.0 193.8 lower lip T-173.0) External lower lip Yarmilion border of lower lip 140.3 Mucosa of upper lip 140.3 210.0 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 Inner aspect of upper lip Frenulum of upper lip 140.4 Mucosa of lower lip 140.4 210.0 230.0 235.1 239.0 163.3 Inner aspect of lower lip Frenulum of lower lip 160.5 Mucosa of lip, NOS 140.5 210.0 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 Inner aspect of lip, NOS Int2rnal lip, HOS Frenulum of lip, HOS > Frenulum labii, HOS / 140.6 Commissure of lip 1649.6 210.4 230.0 235.1 23%.0 1938.8 Labial commissure ¥ For Morphology Code Numbers M-8000/1 and M-8001/1. %¥%¥ For all Morpholoqy Code Numbers ending in /1 except those in ¥. Note: In cakteqorics T-160 to T-199, neoplasms should be assianed to the sub-category that includes the point of origin of the tumor. Tumors that overlap the boundaries of two or more sub-categories and whose point of origin cannot be determined should be classified to sub-cateqory '.8'. For example, 2 neoplasm of corvico-thoracic esophagus should be assigned to T-150.8. 140 140. 161. 161. 1461. 161. 161. 161. 141. 161. 161. # Hand TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY } ICD-9 CATEGORY MAL. BEN. IN-SIT UNC. /3 /0 /2 /i%% .8 (See note page 1 of ICD-0) 140.8 # # # § Lip, NOS (excludas Skin of lip 140.9 210.0 230.0 235. T-173.C) External lip, NOS Vermilion border of lip, NOS 141 TONGUE 0 Base of tcngue, NOS 161.0 210.1 230.0 235. Dorsal surface of base of tongue Posterior third of tongue Posterior tongue, NOS Root of tongue 1 Dorsal surface of tongue, HOS 141.1 210.1 230.0 235. Anterior 2/3 of tongue, dorsal surface Midline of tonque Dorsal surface of anterior tonque 2 Border of tonque 141.2 210.1 230.0 235. Tip of tonque 3 Ventral surface of tongue, NOS 141.3 210.1 230.0 235. Anterior 2/3 of tongue, ventral surface Frenulum linquae Ventral surfaca of anterior tongue, NOS 4 Anterior 2/3 of tongue, NOS 141.64 210.1 230.0 235. Anterior tonque, KQ0S 5 Junctional zone of tongue 1641.5 210.1 230.0 235. 6 Lingual tonsil 141.6 210.1 230.0 235. 3 (See note page 1 of ICD-0) 161.8 # # # 9 Tongue, NOS 141.9 2106.1 230.0 235. Lingual, HOS Review. UNS. / ix 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. MET. /6 # 198. 198. 198. 198. 198. 188. 198. 198. Ix 198. Page 4 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. IN-SITU UNC. /0 /2 J 1%% 142 MAJOR SALIVARY GLANDS Neoplasms of minor salivary glands should be classified according to their anatecmical site; if location is not specified, classify to T-145.9. Parotid gland Parotid, KOS Stensen's duct Parotid gland duct Submandibular gland Submaxillary gland Wharton's duct Submaxillary gland duct Sublingual gland Sublingual gland duct (See note page 1 of ICD-0) Major salivary gland Salivary gland, NOS (excludes Minor salivary gland, NOS 7-1645.9; see Introduction, page xviii of ICD-0 and note under T-142) 143 GUM Upper qum Maxillary gingiva Upper alveolar mucosa Upper alveolar ridge mucosa Upper alveolus Upper gingiva Lower gum Mandibular gingiva Lower alveolar mucosa Lower alveolar ridge mucosa Lowar alveolus Lower gingiva (See note page 1 of ICD-0) ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY Gum, NGS Gingiva, NOS Alveolar mucosa, NOS Alveolar ridge mucosa, NOS Alveolus, NOS Periodontal tissue Tooth socket 144 FLOOR OF MOUTH Anterior floor of mouth Lateral floor of mouth (See note page 1 of ICD-0) Floor of mouth, NOS 145 OTHER AND UNSPECIFIED PARTS OF MOUTH Cheek mucosa Buccal mucosa Internal cheek Vestibule of mouth Alveolar sulcus Buccal sulcus Labial sulcus Hard palate Soft palate, NOS (excludes Nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate T-147.3) Uvula Palate, NOS Roof of mouth Junction of hard and soft palate Retromolar area Retromolar triangle Retromolar trigone TOPOGRAPHY ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. IN-SITU UNC. /0 /2 1% 210.4 230.0 235.1 145. 145. 166. 146. 1646. 166. 166.6 146. 166. 166. 166. 146. TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY (See note page 1 of ICD-0) Oral cavity Buccal cavity Mouth, HGS Oral mucosa Minor salivary gland, NOS (See Introduction page xviii of ICD-0 and note under T-142) 166 OROPHARYNX Tonsil, NOS (excludes Lingual tonsil T-161.6 and Pharyngeal tonsil T-147.1) Faucial tonsil Palatine tonsil Tonsillar fossa Tonsillar pillar Faucial pillar Glossopalatine fold VYallecula epiqlottica Vallecula, HOS Anterior surface of epiglottis Junctional region of orcpharynx Lateral wall of oropharynx Lateral uall of mescpharynx Posterior wall of oropharynx Posterior wall of mescpharynx Other parts of oropharynx Branchial cleft (site of neoplasm) (Sea also note page 1 of ICD-0) Orepharynx, KOS Mesopharynx, NOS Fauces, hO0S 166. 1646. 1646. 146. 166. 146. 166. 146. 146. 1646. ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. /0 210. 210. 210. 210. 210. 210. 219, 210. 210. 210. 210. 210. IN-SITU /2 230. 230. 230. 230. 230. 230. 230. 2380. 230. UNC. 7 1EX 235.1 235.1 235.1 235.1 235.1 235.1 235.1 235.1 235.1 235.1 235.1 235.1 UNS. / 1% 235. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 23%. 239. 239%. 239. MET. 76 168. 183. 198. 198. 198. 198. 198. 198. 198. 198. 158. 193. oo Page 147. 147. 167. 147. 168. 148. 148. 148. TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY 147 NASOPHARYNX Superior wall of nasopharynx Roof of nascpharynx Posterior wall of nasopharynx Adenoid Pharyngeal tonsil Lateral wall of nasopharynx Fossa of Rosenmuller Anterior wall of nasopharynx Nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate Pharyngeal fornix Choana Posterior margin of nasal septum (See note page 1 of ICD-0) Nasopharynx, HOS Nasopharyngeal wall 143 HYPOPHARYNX Postcricoid region Cricopharynx Cricoid, HOS Pyriform sinus Pyriform fossa Aryepiglottic fold, NO3 (excludes Laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold T-161.1) Hypopharynazal aspect of aryepiqlottic fold Arytenoid fold Posterior wall of hypopharynx (See note page 1 of ICD-0) TAL. /3 147. 147. 147. 147. 147. 147. 148. 168. 168. 148. 148. ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. 70 210. 218. 210. 210. 210. 210. 210. IN-SITU /2 230. 230. 230. 230. UNC. J % 235.1 235.1 235.1 235.1 235.1 235.1 235.1 UNS. / ix 233. 239. 233. 239. 239. MET. 76 198. 198. 198. 168. 188. 198. 138. 193. 158. Page 8 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY 148.9 Hypopharynx, HOS Laryngopharynx Hypopharyngeal wall 1649 PHARYNX AND ILL-DEFINED SITES IN LIP, ORAL CAVITY AND PHARYNX 1649.0 Pharynx, NOS Pharyngeal wall, NOS Wall of pharynx, KGS Lateral wall of pharynx, NOS Posterior wall of pharynx, KOS Retropharynx Throat 149.1 UWaldeyer's ring, NOS 169.8 Note: Neoplasms of lip, oral cavity and pharynx whose point of origin cannot be assigned to any one of the categories 140-148. 169.9 Jll-defined sites in lip, oral cavity and pharynx 150-159 DIGESTIVE ORGANS AND PERITONEUM 150 ESOPHAGUS 150.0 Cervical esophagus 150.1 Thoracic esophaqus 150.2 Abdominal esophagus 150.3 Upper third of esophagus Proximal third of esophagus 150. H Middle third of esophagus 150. wn Lower third of escphaqus Distal third of esophagus 150.8 (See note page 1 of ICD-0) MAL. /3 168. 149. 149. 149. 149. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. /0 210 210. 210. 211. 214. 211. 211. 211. 211. 3 oo oOo oOo IN-SITU 72 230.0 230.0 230.0 $F 230.1 230.1 230.1 230.1 230.1 230.1 UNC /A¥% 235. 235. 235. 235. 235. 235. 235. 235. 235. 1 wm; Gn wu UNS. / 1% 239. 233. 239. EH 23%. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. MET. /6 0 198. 0 198. 0 198. # 0 197. 0 197. sc 197. 0 197. 0 197. 0 157. # 0 © 0 w co Page 150.9 151.0 151.1 151.2 151.3 151.4 151.5 151.6 151.8 151.9 152.0 ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY Esophagus, NOS 151 STOMACH Cardia, NOS Gastric cardia Cardio-esophageal junction Esophagogastric junction Gastroesophageal junction Pylorus Pyvloric canal Prepylorus Pyloric antrum Antrum of stomach Gastric antrum Fundus of stomach Gastric fundus Body of stomach Corpus of stomach Gastric corpus Lesser curvature of stomach, NOS (not classifiable to T-151.1 - T-151.4) Greater curvature of stomach, NOS (not classifiable to T-151.0 - T-151.4) Other parts of stomach Anterior wall of stomach, HOS (not classifiable to T-151.0 - T-151.4) Posterior wall of stomach, NOS (not classifiable to T-151.0 = T-151.6) (See also note page 1 of ICD-0) Stomach, NOS Gastric, HOS 152 SMALL INTESTINE Duodenum MAL. /3 150.9 151.1 151.2 151.3 151.4 151.5 151.6 151.8 1531.9 152.0 ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. /0 211.0 211.1 211.1 211.1 211.1 211.1 211.2 IN-SITU 72 230.1 230.2 230.2 230.2 230.2 230.2 230.2 230.2 230.2 230.2 230.7 UNC. 7 Ix% 235.5 235.2 235.2 235.2 235.2 235.2 235.2 235.2 235.2 235.2 UNS. 71% 239.0 239.0 239.0 239.8 239.0 2359.0 239.0 239.0 235.0 239.0 239.0 ET. 76 197.8 197.8 197.8 197.8 197.8 197.8 197.8 137.8 197.8 157.8 197.4 © Pag o 10 152.1 152.2 152.3 152.8% 153.0 153.1 153.2 153.4 153.7 153.8 153.9 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY Jejunum Ileum (excludes Ileocecal valve T-153.4) Meckel's diverticulum (site of neoplasm) (See note page 1 of ICD-0) Small intestine Small bowel 153 COLON Hepatic flexure of colon Transverse colon Descending colon Left colon Sigmoid colon Sigmoid, KOS Siamoid flexure of colon Pelvic colon Ceacum Ileocecal valve leocecal junction Appendix Ascending colon Right colon Splenic flexure of colon (See note page 1 of ICD-0) Colon, HGS Large intestine (excludas Ractum, NOS T-154.1 and Rectosigmoid junction T-154.0) Large bowel MAL. /3 152.1 152.2 152.3 152.8 152.9 153.0 153.1 153.2 153.3 153.4 153.5 153.6 153.7 153.8 153.9 ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. /0 211.2 211.2 211.2 211.2 211.2 211.3 211.3 211.3 211.3 211.3 211.3 211.3 211.3 IN-SITU /2 238. 230. 230. 230. 230. 230. 230. 230. 230. 230. 230. 230. 230. 230. ~N oN UNC. /1%¥ 235.2 235.2 235.2 235.2 235.2 235.2 235.2 235.2 235.2 235.2 235.2 UNS. J 1% 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. MET. 76 197.4 197.4 197.4 197.5 197.5 197.5 197.5 197.5 197.5 137.5 132.5 187.5 156. 154. 156. 154. 155. 155. 156. rN [92] TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY 154 RECTUM, RECTOSIGMOID JUNCTION, AhsL CANAL AND ANUS, NOS Rectosigmoid junction Rectosigmonid, HOS Rectosicmoid colon Colon and rectum Palvi-rectal junction Rectum, NOS Rectal ampulla Anal canal Anal sphincter Anus, NOS (excludes Skin of anus and Perianal skin T7-173.5) Other parts of rectum Encrectal junction Lnorectum Cloacogenic zone (See also note page 1 of ICD-0) 155 LIVER AND INTRAHEPATIC BILE DUCTS Liver Hepatic, NOS Intrahepatic bile duct Biliary canaliculus Cholangiole 156 GALLBLADDER AND EXTRAHEPATIC BILE DUCTS Gallbladder MAL. ’73 154, 155. 155. 156. ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. 70 211.4 211.6 211.5 211.5 211.5 IN-SITU 72 238.5 230.6 230.7 230.8 230.8 230.8 UNC. JER 235. 235. 235. wl UNS /1¥ U 239.0 239.0 236.0 239.0 239.0 MET. /6 187. 197. 187. 197. 197. 197. 197. 197. Un Page 12 156.1 Extrahepatic bile duct TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY MAL. /3 Bile duct, NOS Biliary duct, NOS Choledochal duct Common bile duct Common duct Cystic bile duct Cystic duct Hepatic bile duct Hepatic duct Sphincter of Oddi Ampulla of Vater Periampullary (See note page 1 of ICD-0) Biliary tract, NOS 157 PANCREAS Head of pancreas Body of pancreas Tail of pancreas Pancreatic duct Duct of Santorini Duct of Wirsung Islets of Langerhans Islands of Langerhans (See note page 1 of ICD-0) Pancreas, NOS 156.1 ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. /0 211.5 IN-SITU 72 230.8 UNC. J 1%% 235.3 UNS. / 1% 239.0 MET. /6 197.8 158.0 158.38 ? (Questi For ex review T ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY 1583 RETROPERITONEUM AND PERITONEUM Retroperiteoneaum Periadrenal tissue Perinephric tissue Peripancreatic tissue Perirenal tissue Reatrocecal tissue Retroperitoneal tissue Spacified parts of peritoneum lasentery Mesoappendix Mesocolon Omantum Pelvic peritoneum Rectouterina pouch Cul de sac fouch of Douglas (See also note page 1 of ICD-0) Peritoneum, NOS Peritoneal cavity 159 OTHER AND ILL-DEFINED SITES WITHIN DIGESTIVE ORGANS AND PERITONEUM Intestinal tract, NOS Bowel, NGS Intestine, NOS Note: Meoplasms of digestive organs and peritoneum whose point of origin cannot be assigned to any one of the categories 150-158. Gastrointestinal tract, NOS Alimentary tract, NOS Digestive organs, NOS on mark) ample, there is no such thing as in- for accuracy and code manually. OPOGRAPHY ICD-9 CATEGORY MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UNC. /3 /0 /2 / 1%x% 158.0 211.8 Y 235.4 153.8 211.8 ? 235. 158.9 211.8 2 235 159.0 211.9 230.7 235. 159.8 # # # 159.9 211.9 230.9 235. situ carcinoma of bone or pleura. UNS. / 1% 239.0 239.0 239.0 239.0 239.0 is used to indicate that as far as the authors know, no such entity exists If a casa i Page 14 MET. /6 197.6 197.6 197.6 137.5 197.8 for that site. found, hand 160-165 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM AND 160.0 Nasal cavity (excludes Nose, 160. 160. 160. 160. 160. 160. 160. vl EA Oo ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY IHTRATHORACIC ORGANS 160 NASAL CAVITIES, ACCESSCRY SINUSES, MIDDLE EAR ARD INNER EAR T-1%95.0) Internal nose Naris Hasal cartilage Hasal mucosa NOS TGPOGRAPRY Nasal szptum, HOS (excludes Posterior margin of nasal septum T-147.3) Nasal turbinate Hostril Vestibule of nose Middle ear Inner ear Auditory tube Eustachian tube ltastoid antrum Tympanic cavity Maxillary sinus axillary antrum Antrum, NOS Ethmoid sinus Frontal sinus Sphenoid sinus (See note page 1 of ICD-0) Accessory sinus, NOS Accessory nasal sinus Paranasal sinus MAL. 3 160. 160. 160. 160. 160. 160. 160. 160. 0 nw nt Bw ICD-$ CATEGORY BEN. 7/0 212. 212. 212. 212. 212. 212. 212. 0 0 oO IN-SITU 72 231.8 231.8 231.8 231.8 231.8 231.38 231.8 UNC. UNS. 1% % / 1% 235.9 23%.1% 235.9 239.1 235.9 239.1 235.9 239.1 235.9 239.1% 235.9 239.1 235.9 239.1 Page 15 MET. /6 197.3 197.3 167.3 197.3 197.3 197.3 197.3 TOPCGRAPHY Page 16 ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-% CATEGORY MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UMC. UNS. MET. /3 /0 /2 /A¥¥ / 1% /6 161 LARYNX 231.0 235.6 239.1 "197.3 oN — o rn — nN -— 161.0 Glottis 1 Intrinsic larynx Laryngeal commissure Vocal cord, NOS True vecal cord True cerd [a a [=] nN Ww “1 oN 161.1 Supraqlottis 61.1 212.1 2 239.1 197.3 Epiglottis, NOS (excludes Antericr surface of epiglottis T-166.4) Extrinsic larynx Laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold Posterior surface of epiglottis Ventricular band of larynx False vocal cord False cord 161.2 Subglottis 161.2 212.1 231.0 235.6 239.1 197.3 161.3 Laryngezl cartilage 161.3 212.1 231.0 235.6 239.1 197.3 Arytenoid cartilage Cricoid cartilage Cuneiform cartilage Thyroid cartilages 161.8 (See note page 1 of ICD-0) 161.8 # # # # # 161.9 Larynx, NOS 161.9 212.1 231.0 235.6 239.1 197.3 162 TRACHEA, BRONCHUS, AND LUNG 162.0 Trachea 162.0 212.2 231.1 235.7 239.1 197.3 162.2 Main bronchus 162.2 212.3 231.2 235.7 239.1 167.0 Carina Hilus of lung 162.3 Upper lobe, lung 162.3 212.3 231.2 235.7 239.1 197.0 Lingula of lung Upper lobe, bronchus ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY Middle lobe, lung Middle lobe, bronchus Lower lobe, lung Lower lobe, bronchus Other parts of lung or bronchus (See also note page 1 of ICD-0) Lung, HOS Bronchus, NOS Bronchiole Bronchogenic Pulmonary, HOS 163 PLEURA Parietal pleura Visceral pleura (See note page 1 of ICD-0) Pleura, NOS 164 THYMUS, HEART AND MEDIASTINUM Thymus Heart Endocardium Epicardium Myocardium Pericardium Cardiac ventricle Cardiac atrium Anterior mediastinum TOPOGRAPHY ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. 70 242. 232. IN-SITU /2 234.2 231.2 231.1 231.2 UNC. / 1% 235.7 235. 235. 235. 166, 164. 166. 165. 165. 165. 169. 169. 169. 169. 169. Note: OWN ## Most of the tumors assigned to these sites, especially 169.1 (bone marrow), should be converted All others require hand review. TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY Posterior mediastinum (See note page 1 of ICD-0) Mediastinum, NOS 165 OTHER AMD ILL-DEFINED SITES WITHIN RESPIRATORY SYSTEM AND INTRATHORACIC ORGANS Upper respiratory tract Note: Neoplasms of respiratory and intrathoracic organs whose point of origin cannot be assigned to any one of the categories T-160 - T-164. Ill-defined sites within respiratory system Respiratory tract, NOS 169 HEMATOPOIETIC AND RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SYSTEMS Blood Bone marrow Spleen Reticuloendothelial system, NOS Hematopoietic system, NOS MAL. /3 166.3 166. 166. 165. 165. 165. HH HH 159. iH BH by morphology. See leukemias M-9800/3 - M-9%70/1. ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. /0 212. # 212. 212. 212. IN-SITU 7/2 ? # ? 231.9 231.9 78 #3 ## ## #8 UNC. /1%% 235 # 235. 235. 235. #4 FH 235. #9 #4 .8 UNS. J 1% 239. 239. 235. 239. HH F# 239. Ex #8 0 MET. /6 197. 197. 197. 187. HH #4 197. i F% Page 18 170.0 170.1 170.2 170.3 ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY 170 BOMES, JOINTS AND ARTICULAR CARTILAGE Bones of skull and face and associated joints (excludes Mandible 7-170.1) Calvarium Cranial bone Ethmoid bone Facial bone Frontal bone Hyoid bone Maxilla Upper jaw bone Nasal bone Occipital bone Orbital bone Parietal bone Skull, KOS Sphenoid bone Temporal bone Zygomatic bone Mandible Jaw bone, NOS Lover jaw bone Temporomandibular joint Vertebral column (excludes Sacrum and Coccyx T-170.6) Atlas Axis Bone of back Intervertebral disc KHucleus pulposus Spinal column Spina Vertebra Rib, Sternum, Clavicle and associated joints Costal cartilage Cosktovertebral joint Sternocostal joint TOPOGRAPHY ICD-9 CATEGORY MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UNC. /3 /0 /2 /IXR 170.0 213.0 ? 238.0 170.1 213.1 2 233.0 170.2 213.2 ? 238.0 170.3 213.3 ? 238.0 UNS. 71% 239.2 239.2 239.2 2359.2 MET. /6 198.5 198.5 198.5 198.5 Page 19 ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY 170.4 Long bones of ugzper limb, scapula and associated joints Acromioclavicular joint Bone of arm Bona of forearm Bone of shoulder Elbow joint Humerus Radius Scapula Shoulder girdle Shoulder joint Ulna Short bones of upper limb and associated joints Bona of finger Bone of band Bone of thumb Bone of urist Carpal bone Hand joint Metacarpal bone Phalanx of hand Wrist joint Pelvic bones, Sacrum, Coccyx and associated joints Acetabulum Bone of hip Coccyx Hip joint Ilium Innominate bone Ischium Pelvic bone Pubic bone Sacrum Symphysis pubis TOPOGRAPHY ICD-9 CATEGORY TOPOGRAPHY Page 21 ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-9 CATEGORY MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UNC. UNS. MET. Z3 70 /2 Vat 1 at 76 170.7 Long bones of lower limb and 170.7 213.7 ? 233.0 239.2 198.5 associated joints Bone of leg Femur Fibula Knee joint, NOS Semilunar cartilage Lateral meniscus of knee joint Medial meniscus of knee joint Tibia 170.8 Short bones of lower limb and 170.8 213.8 ? 238.0 239.2 198.5 associated joints Ankle joint Bone of ankle Bone of .foot Bone of heel Bone of toe Foot joint Motatarsal bone Patella Phalanx of foot Tarsal bone 170.9 Bone, NOS 170.9 213.9 ? 238.0 239.2 198.5 Cartilage, NOS Joint, NOS Skeletal bone Articular cartilage, NOS 171 CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES (includes Adipose tissue, Aponeuroses, Artery, Autonomic nervous system, Blood vessel, Bursa, Connective tissue, Fascia, Fatty tissue, Fibrous tissue, Ganglia, Ligament, Lymphatic, Muscle, Nerve, Parasympathetic nervous system, Peripheral nerve, Skeletal muscle, Spinal nerve, Subcutaneous tissue, Sympathetic nervous system, Synovia, Tendon, Tendon sheath, Vein, Vessel) 171. 171. TOPOGRAPHY Page 22 Biceps brachii muscle Brachialis muscle Brachial nerve Drachial plexus Coracobrachialis muscle Deltoidaus muscle Median nerve Palmar aponeurosis | | ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-9 CATEGORY MAL. BEN. IN-SITU URC. UNS. MET. /73 /0 22 J 1X*% / 1% /6 | 0 Connective, Subcutaneous and other 171.0 215.0 ? 238.1 239.2 198.8 Soft tissues of head, face, and neck | (excludes Connective tissue of orbit T-190.1 and Nasal cartilage T-160.0) cheek | chin face forehead head Connective, neck Subcutaneous and other scalp Soft tissues of | temple (see list under T-171) cervical regicn pterygoid fossa supraclavi- cular region Auricular cartilage Cartilage of ear Carotid artery Cervical plexus Masseter muscle Sternocleidomastoid muscle 2 Connective, Subcutaneous and other 171.2 215.2 ? 238.1 239.2 198.8 Soft tissues of upper limb and shoulder antecubital space arm Connective, elbow Subcutaneous and other | finger Soft tissues of \forearm (see list uncer 1-170 hand shoulder thumb wrist 171 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPCGRAFHY 1.2 f{cont.) Palmar fascia Radial artery Radial narve Tricaos brachii muscle Ulnar artery Ulnar nerve .3 Connactive, Subcutansous and other Soft tissues of lower limb and hip ankle cals foct Connactive, heel Subcutanecus and other hip Soft tissues of ( knee (cee list under T-171) leg pceliteal space thigh toe 171 .4 Connective ticeps femoris muscle aroral artery emorzl nerva Gastrocnemius muscle Obturator nerve Plantar zponeurosis Plantar fascia Quadriceps femoris muscle Sciatic nerve hus Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues of thorax (excludes Thymus, Heart and Mediastinum T-154._) axilla Connective, chest Subcutaneous and cther chest wall Soft tissues of (thoracic wall (see lis under T-171) infraclavi- cular region scapular region Aorta, NOS ’ Axillary artery Diaphragm MAL. /3 171. 171 3 LG ICD- BEN. /0 245.3 215.4% CATEGORY IN-SITU /72 2 2 UNC. / 1XX 233.1 238.1 UNS. / 1% Nn WN 0 4 < 35. «2 2 MET. 158.8 198.8 Page o << 3 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPOGRAPH ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. IN-SITU UNC. 7/9 /72 /1%% 171.46 (cont.) Intercostal muscle Intercostal nerve Internal mamnary artery Latissimus dorsi muscle Pectoralis major muscle Subclavian artery Superior vena cava Thoracic duct Trapezius muscle 171.5 Connective, Subcutaneous and other 171.5 215.5 ? 238.1 239.2 198.8 Soft tissues of abdomen Connective, Subcutaneous abdominal and other Soft tissues of wall (sea list under T-1i71) utibilicus Abdominal aorta Abdominal vena cava Abdominal wall muscle Celiac artery Iliopscas muscle Inferior vena cava Pesentarie artery Psoas scle ota owns muscle Renal artery Vena cava, NOS 171.6 Connective, Subcutaneous and other 171.6 215.6 ? 238.1 239.2 168.8 Soft tissues of pelvis buttock qroin Connective, perineum Subcutaneous and other gluteal Soft tissues of \ region (see list under Sh inguinal region sacrococcy~ geal region Gluteus maximus muscle Iliac artery Iliac vein Lumbosacral plexus 171 121. 171 171. ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY .6 (cont.) Sacral nerve Sacral plexus 7 Connective, Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues of trunk Connective, Subcutanaous back and other Soft tissues of flank (see list under T-171) trunk Lumbar nerve .8 (See note page 1 of ICD-0) 9 Connective, Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues, NOS Adipose tissue, NOS Aponeurosis, NOS Artery, NOS Autonomic nervous system Blood vassel, NOS Bursa, HOS Connective tissue, NOS Fascia, HOS Fatty tissue, NOS Fibrous tissue, NOS Ganglia, NOS Ligament, NOS Lymphatic, NOS Muscle, NOS Nerve, NOS Parasympathatic nerveus system Peripheral nerve, NOS Skeletal muscle, NOS Spinal nerve, NOS Subcutaneous tissue, NOS Sympathetic nervous system Synovia, NOS Tendon, NOS Tendon sheath, NCS Vein, NOS Vessel, NOS TOPOGRAPHY MAL. gh 171. 171, 174. ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. IN-SITU UNC. /0 /2 J I%% 245.7 ? 238.1 215.8 ? 238.1 215:9% ? 238.1 J1% 239. 239. 239. MET. 76 198. 198. 198. Page 25 73. [92] nN ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY TOPOGRAPHY 173 SKIN (excludes Skin of labia majora T-184.1, Skin of vulva T-184.4, Skin of penis T-187.4, Skin of scrotum T-187.7) Skin of lip, NOS Skin of lower lip Skin of upper lip Eyelid Lid, NOS Palpebra Canthus, NOS Inner canthus Lower lid Meibomian gland Outer canthus Upper lid External ear Auricle, NOS Pinna Ceruminal gland Concha Ear, NOS Ear lobule Earlobe External auditory canal Auditory canal, NOS Auricular canal, NOS External auricular canal Ear canal External auditory meatus Helix Skin of auricle Skin of ear Tragus 173.3 Skin of other and unspecified parts of face cheek chin faca Skin of { forehead jaw nose temple MAL. 73 173.0 173.1 173.2 ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. IN-SITU UNC. /0 /2 7 1%% 216.0 232.0 238.2 216.1 232.1 238.2 216.2 232.2 233.2 UNS. / 1% 233. 239. MET. /6 198. 198. 198. nN Page 26 173.3 216.3 232.3 238.2 239.2 198.2 | | TOPOGRAPHY Page 27 ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-9 CATEGORY MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UNC. UNS. MET. 3 /0 /2 J 1¥% / 1% /6 173.3 (cont.) Alz nasi Chin, NOS Cclumnella Eyebrow Brow Extarnal cheek External nose Forzhead, NOS Temple, NOS 173.4 Skin of scalp and neck 173.4 216.4 232.4 238.2 23%.2 198.2 Skin of head, NOS Skin of neck Skin of scalp Scalp, NOS Skin of cervical region Skin of supraclavicular region 173.5 Skin of trunk 173.5 216.5 232.5 238.2 239.2 198.2 abdomen abdominal wall anus axilla back breast buttock chest chast wall Skin of ( flank groin perineum thoracic wall thorax trunk umbilicus qlut=zal region infraclavicular region inguinal region sacrococcygeal region scapular region Pertanal Skin Umbilicus, NOS ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY 173.6 Skin of arm and shoulder Skin of Finger Palmar antecubital space arn elbow finger forearm hand palm shoulder thumb upper limb wrist nail skin 173.7 Skin of leg and hip Skin of 173.8 173.9 ankle calf foot heel hip knee leg lower limb popliteal space thigh toe Plantar skin Sole of foot Toa nail (See note page 1 of ICD-0) Skin, 174 FEMALE BREAST (excludes Skin of Nipple Areola NOS (excludes majecra T-184.1, T-184.4, breast T-173.5) Skin of labia Skin of vulva Skin of penis T-187.4 and Skin of scrotum T-187.7) TOPOGRAPHY MAL. 73 173.6 173.7 173.8 173.9 176.0 ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. IN-SITU UNC. /0 /2 J 1%x% 216.6 232.6 233.2 216.7 232.7 238.2 # ¥ # 216.9 232.9 238.2 217 233.0 238. UNS. 71% 23%.2 233.2 # 239.2 239.3 Page 28 MET. /6 168.2 1688.2 188.2 168.8 ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY 176.1 Central portion of breast 176. 176. 174. 176. 174. 176. oe Upper-inner quadrant of breast Lower-inner quadrant of breast Upper-outer quadrant of breast Lower-outer quadrant of breast Axillary tail of breast Tail of breast Inner breast Lower breast Midline of breast Quter breast Upper breast (See also note page 1 of ICD-0) 174.9 Female breast, NOS (excludes Skin of breast T-173.5) Breast, NOS (excludes Skin of breast T-173.5) Mammary gland 175 MALE BREAST (exludes Skin of breast T-173.5) 175.9 Male breast, NOS (excludes Skin of breast T-173.5) 179-189 GENITOURINARY ORGANS 179 UTERUS, NOS 179.9 Uterus, NOS Uterine, NOS 180 CERVIX UTERI 180.0 Endocervix Internal os Cervical canal Endocervical canal Endocervical gland Nabothian gland TOPOGRAPHY MAL. 73 174.1 174.2 174.3 176.4 174.5 174.6 174.8 174.9 175 179 180.0 ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. /0 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 219.9 219.0 IN-SITU /2 233.0 233.0 233.0 233.0 233.0 233.0 233.0 233.0 233.0 233.2 233.1 UNC /1¥% 238. 238. 238. 238. 238. 238. 238. 238. 238. 236. 236. . WW WH WH WN Hw UNS. / 1% 239. 239. 239. 233. 239. 239. 239. 233. 23%. 239. 239. WwW WH WH WH WH WW MET. /6 198. 198. 168. 198. 198. 198. 198. 198. 188. 198. 198. C0 Co 00 © © ©» Page 29 183. oe co A mn © 'D-0 TOPOGRAPHY Exocervix External os Other parts of cervix Cervical stump Squamocolumnar junction of cervix (See also note page 1 of ICD-0) Cervix uteri Cervix, NOS Uterine cervix 181 PLACENTA Placenta Fetal membranes 182 CORPUS UTERI Corpus uteri Body of uterus Endometrial gland Endometrial stroma Endometrium Fundus uteri lyomatrium Isthmus uteri Lower uterine segment (See note page 1 of ICD-0) 183 OVARY, FALLOPIAN TUBE AND BROAD LIGAMENT Ovary Fallopian tube Uterine tube Broad ligament Maesovarium Parovarian region TOPOGRAPHY 183. 183. ICD-9 BEN. /0 219. 219. 2 221%, IN-SITU /72 233.1 233. 233.3 CATEGORY UNC. / 1%% 236.0 236. 236.3 236.3 239. 239. 198. 138. 133. 184. 184%. 186. 13%. 186. 186. rn ICD-0 TCPOGRAPHY arametriun Uterine ligament terosacral ligament Round ligament Othar parts of uterine adnexa Tubo-ovarian Utero-covarian (S5e2 also note page 1 of ICD-0) Uterina adnaxa Adnexa, NGS 184 OTHER AND UNSPECIFIED FEMA T FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS Vagina, NOS Vaginal vault Fornix of vagin> Gartnzar's duct Hymen Labium majus Lzkia majora, NOS Bartholin's gland Skin of lzbia majora Labium minus Labia minora Clitoris Vulva, NOS External female genitalia Fourchatte Labia, {05 Labium, KOS {ions pubis lens veneris Pudandun Skin of vulva (See note page 1 of ICD-C) TOPOGRAPHY MAL. 73 183. 183. 183. 133. 184. 184. 4 [8] ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. /0 221. 221. 221. 2214, 221. 221. 221. 221. IN-SITU 72 2 233.3 233.3 233.3 233.3 A wi wl ~N nN wi wl we UNC 7 Ax 236. 236. 236. 236. 236. 236. 236. 3 wl 239. 239. nN nN Ww NO wd 0 . MET. 76 188. 188. 198. -— 0 Cc? 198. 198. 198. 1983. 198. 193. os Page 31 184. 185. 186. 186. 187. 187. 187. 187. 187. 187. TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY Female genital tract, NOS Female g=2nital organs, NOS Female genitourinary tract, NOS Urethrovaqinal septum Vesicocervical tissue Vesicovaqinal septum 135 PROSTATE GLAND Prostate gland Prostate, NOS 186 TESTIS Undescended testis (site of neoplasm) Retained testis (site of neoplasm) Ectopic testis (site of neoplasm) Testis, NOS Descended testis Scrotal testis Testicle, NCS 187 PENIS AND OTHER MALE GENITAL ORGANS Prepuce Foreskin Glans penis Body of penis Corpus cavernosum Corpus of penis Penis, NOS Skin of penis Epididymis Spermatic cord Vas deferens MAL. BEN. 73 73 184.9 221. 185 222 186.0 222. 186.9 222. 187.1 222 187.2 222 187.3 222 187.4 222. 187.5 222. 187.6 222. ICD-9 CATEGORY IN-SI /2 nN 3 wl 233. 233. 233. 233. 233. 233. 233. 233. 233. ITY 3 v1 UHC. AEX 236. 236. 236. 235. 236. 236. 3 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 235. wn wm ul MET. /6 168. 198. Page 3 2 « TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY Scrotum, NOS Skin of scrotum Other parts of male genital organs Seminal vesicle Tunica vaginalis (See also note page 1 of ICD-0) Male genital organs, NOS Male genital tract, NOS Male genitourinary tract, NOS 188 URINARY BLADDER Trigone of urinary bladder Dome of urinary bladder Lateral wall of urinary bladder Anterior wall of urinary bladder Posterior wall of urinary bladder Bladder neck Internal urethral orifice Ureteric orifice Urachus (See note page 1 of ICD-0) Urinary bladder, NOS Bladder, NOS Bladder wall, NOS 189 KIDNEY AND OTHER URINARY ORGANS Kidney, NOS Renal, HOS Kidney p.. -uchyma ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. /70 222. 222. IN-SITU 72 233.6 233. UNC. 7 1¥x% 236.6 236. 189. 189. 189. 189. 185. 189. 190. 190. 190. 190. 190. 150. 190. TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY Renal pelvis Pelvis of kidney Renal calyces Renal calyx Pelvi-ureteric junction Ureter Urethra Cowper's gland Prostatic utricle Urethral gland Paraurethral gland (See note page 1 of ICD-0) Urinary system, NOS 190 EYE AND LACRIMAL GLAND Eyeball Ciliary body Crystalline lens Iris Sclera Uveal tract Intraocular Orbit, NOS Connective tissue of orbit Extra-ocular muscle Retrobulbar tissue Soft tissue of orbit Lacrimal gland Conjunctiva Cornea, NOS Limbus of cornea Retina Choroid MAL. 73 189. 189. 189. 189. 189. 189. 190. 190. 190. 190. 190. 190. 190. Fa a unm ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. /0 223. 223. 223. 223. 223. 224. 224. 224. 224. 224. 22%. 22%. 1 IN-SITU UNC. 72 233.9 233.9 233.9 233.9 233.9 234.0 234.0 234.0 234.0 234.0 234.0 234.0 /1%¥ 236.9 236.9 236.9 236.9 236.9 238.8 238.8 238.8 238.8 238.8 238.8 238.8 UNS. 71% 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 239. 233. 235. 239. MET. 76 198. 198. 198. 198. 198. 198. 198. 198. 168. 198. 198. 198. Page 34 190. ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY 7 Lacrimal duct, NOS Nasal lacrimal duct Nasolacrimal duct Lacrimal sac 190.8 (Sea note page 1 of ICD-0) 190. 9 Eye, NOS 191-192 NERVOUS SYSTEM 191. 191. 191. 191. 191. 191 BRAIN 0 Cerebrum Basal ganglia Central wuhite matter Cerebral cortex Cerebral hemisphere Cerebral white matter Corpus striatum Globus pallidus Hypothalamus Insula Internal capsule Island of Reil Oparculum Pallium Putamen Rhinencephalon Thalamus 1 Frental lobe Frontal pole 2 Temporal lobe Hippocampus Uncus 3 Parietal lobe 4 Occipital lobe Occipital pole TOPOGRAPHY MAL. 73 190.7 190.8 190.9 191.1 191.2 191.3 191.4 ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. /0 2264.7 224.9 225.0 225.9 225.0 225.0 225.0 IN-SITU /72 236.0 # 234.0 ? UNC. 7 1% 238.8 238.8 237.5 237.5 237.5 237.5 237.5 UNS. / 1% 239.8 239.8 239.6 239.6 239.6 239.6 239.6 MET. 76 198.4 # 198.46 198.3 198.3 198.3 198.3 198.3 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. IN-SITU UNC. /0 72 /A%H Ventricle, NOS 225.0 ? 237.5 Cerebral ventricle Choroid plexus Ependyma Fourth ventricle Lateral ventricle Third Ventricle Cerebellum, NOS Cerebellopontine angle Vermis of cerebellum Brain stem Cerebral peduncle Basis pedunculi Medulla oblongata Midbrain Olive Pons Pyramid Other parts of brain Corpus callosum Tapetum (See also note page 1 of ICD-0) 191.9 Brain, HOS 191.9 225.8 ? 237.5 239.6 198.3 Intracranial site Cranial fossa, NOS Anterior cranial fossa Middle cranial fossa Posterior cranial fossa Suprasellar 192 OTHER AND UNSPECIFIED PARTS OF KRERVOUS SYSTEM (excludes Peripheral nerves, Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves and ganglia T-171.9) TOPOGRAPHY Page 237 ICD-0 TOPGGRAPHY ICD-9 CATEGORY MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UHC. UNS. MET. /3 /0 72 JAXX / 1% /6 192.0 Cranial nerve 192.0 225.1 ? 237.9 239.7 198.4 Abducens nerve Accessory nerve, HOS Spinal accessory nerve Acoustic nerve Facial nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Hypoglossal nerve Oculomotor nerve Clfactory nerve Optic chiasm Optic nerve Optic tract Trigeminal nerve Trochlear nerve Vagus nerve 192.1 Cerebral meninges 192.1 225.2 ? 237.6 239.7 198.4 Arachnoid, NOS Cranial dura mater Cranial meninges Cranial pia mater Dura, NOS Dura mater, NOS Falx cerebelli Falx cerecbri Falx, NGS Intracranial arachnoid Intracranial meninges Meninges, NOS Pia mater, NOS Tentorium cerebelli Tentorium, NOS 192.2 Spinal cord 192.2 225.3 ? 237.5 239. Cauda equina Cervical cord Conus medullaris Filum terminale Lumbar cord Sacral cord Thoracic cord ~J 1988.3 192.3 Spinal meninges 192.3 225.¢4 ? 237.6 239.7 198.4 Spinal arachnoid Spinal dura mater Spinal pia mater ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY 192.8 (See note paga 1 cf ICD-0) 192.9 Nervous system, NOS Central nervous system Epidural Extradural Parasellar 193-194 ENDOCRINE GLANDS 193 THYROID GLAND 193.9 Thyroid gland Thyroid, NOS Thyroglossal duct 194 OTHER ENDOCRINE GLANDS 194.0 Suprarenal gland Adrenal gland Adrenal, NOS Adrenal cortex Adrenal medulla 196.1 Parathyroid gland 194.3 Pituitary gland Pituitary, NOS Hypophysis Craniopharyngeal duct Rathke's pouch Sella turcica Pituitary fossa 196.4 Pineal gland 1964.5 Carotid body 194.6 Aortic body and other paraganglia Coccygeal body Coccygeal glomus Glomus juqgulare Para-aortic body Organ of Zuckerkandl Paraganglion TOPOGRAPHY ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. IN-SITU /0 72 URC. 7 1¥x% # 4 § ? TOPOGRAPHY Page 39 ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-9 CATEGORY MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UNC. UNS. MET. /3 /0 7/2 7 1%% / 1% /6 194.8 Multiple endocrine glands 196.8 227.8 234.8 237.4 239.7 198.8 Pluriglandular (See also note page 1 of ICD-0) 194.9 Endocrine gland, NOS 194.9 227.9 4 237.4 23%.7 198.8 195 OTHER ILL-DEFINED SITES 195.0 Head, face or neck, NOS 195.0 229.8 232.4 238.8 239.8 168.8 Cheek, NOS Jaw, NOS Nose, NOS Cervical region, NOS Supraclavicular region, NOS 195.1 Thorax, NOS 195.1 229.8 234.8 238.8 239.8 198.38 Axilla, NOS Chest, NOS Chest wall, KNOS Intrathoracic site, NOS Thoracic wall, NOS Infraclavicular region, NOS Scapular region, NOS 195.2 Abdomen, NOS 195.2 229.8 234.8 238.8 239.8 198.8 Abdominal wall, NOS Intra-abdominal site, NOS 195.3 Pelvis, NOS 195.3 229.8 234.8 238.8 239.8 198.8 Buttock, NOS Groin, NOS Ischiorectal fossa Pelvic wall, NOS Perineum, NOS Rectovaginal septum Rectovesical septum Gluteal region, HOS Inguinal region, NOS Perirectal region, HOS Presacral region, NOS Sacrococcygeal region, NOS 195.4 135.5 195.8 136.0 ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY Upper limb, NOS Antecubital space, NOS Arm, NOS Elbow, NOS Finger, KOS Foraarm, HOS Hand, HOS Shoulder, NOS Thumb, HOS Urist, KOS Lower limb, KOS Ankle, HOS Cal+, NOS root, NOS Heel, HOS Hip, NOS Knea, KGS Leg, NOS Popliteal space, NOS Thigh, H3S Tea, HOS 0 l-defined sites S 196 LYMPH NODES Lymph nodes of head, face and neck Auricular lymph node Cervical lymph node Facial lymph node Jugular lymph node Mandibular lymph node Occipital lymph node Parotid lymph node Preauricular lymph node Prelaryngeal lymph node Pretracheal lymph node Retropharyngeal lymph node Scalene lymph node Sublingual lymph node TOPOGRAPHY 195.5 196.0 _ICD-% CATEGORY BEN. IN-SITU UNC. 70 /2 /1%X 229.8 232.6 238.8 229.8 232.7 238.8 229.8 # 238.8 229.0 ? 238.8 UNS. / 1% 239.8 239.8 2 3 Q 2? .8 >= Nm ON —§ 198.3 193.38 188.8 Page 43 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. IN-SITU UNC. /0 /2 J 1%% 196.0 (cont.) Submandibular lymph node Submaxillary lymph node Submental lymph node Supraclavicular lymph node Intrathoracic lymph nodes 196.1 229.0 ? 233.8 239.8 196.1 Bronchial lymph node Bronchopulmonary lymph node Diaphragmatic lymph node Esophageal lymph node Hilar lymph node, NCS Innominate lymph node Intercostal lymph node Mediastinal lymph node Parasternal lymph node Pulmonary hilar lymph node Pulmonary lymph node, NOS Thoracic lymph node Tracheal lymph noce Tracheobronchial lymph node Intra-abdominal lymph nodes 196.2 22%.0 2 238.8 239.8 1956.2 Abdominal lymph node Aortic lymph node Celiac lymph node Colic lymph node Common duct lymph node Gastric lymph node Hepatic lymph node Ileocolic lymph node Inferior mesenteric lymph node Intestinal lymph node Lumbar lymph node Mesenteric lymph node, NOS Midcolic lymph node Pancreatic lymph node, NOS Para-aortic lymph node Periaortic lymph neocde Peripancreatic lymph node Porta-hepatis lymph node Portal lymph noda Pyloric lymph node Retroperitoneal lymph node Splenic lymph node, NOS Splenic hilar lymph node Superior mesenteric lymph node 196.3 196.5 196.6 196.8 196.9 199.9 ICD-0 TOPOGRAPHY Lymph nodes of axilla or arm Axillary lymph node Brachial lymph noda Cubital lymph node Epitrochlear lymph node Infraclavicular lymph node Lymph node of upper limb Pactoral lymph node Subclavicular lymph node Subscapular lymph node Lymph nodes of inguinal region or leg Femoral lymph node Inguinal lymph node Lymph node of Clecquet Lymph node of groin Lymph node of lower limb Lymph node of Rosenmuller Popliteal lymph node Subinguinal lymph node Tibial lymph node Pelvic lymph nodes Hypogastric lymph node Iliac lymph node Inferior epigastric lymph node Intrapelvic lymph node Obturator lymph node Paracervical lymph node Parametrial lymph node Presymphysial lymph node Sacral lymph node Lymph nodes of multiple regions Lymph node, NOS 19% URKNOWN PRIMARY SITE Unknown primary site TOPOGRAPHY MAL. 73 196.3 196.5 196.6 196.8 196.9 199.1 ICD-9 CATEGORY BEN. IN-SITU UNC. /0 /2 71% 229.0 2 238.8 229.0 2? 238.8 229.0 ? 238.8 229.0 ? 238.8 229.0 2 238.8 229.9 234.9 238.9 UHS. / 1% 23%.8 239.8 239.8 2%9.8 239.8 239.9 Page 642 MET. 76 166.3 196.5 196.6 196.8 196.9 199.1 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CODE NO. TERM 800 NEOPLASMS, NOS 8000/0 Neoplasm, benign Tumor, benign Unclassified tumor, benign 8000/1 Neoplasm, uncertain whether benign or malignant Neoplasm, NOS Tumer, NOS Unclassified tumor, uncertain whether benign or malignant 8000/3 Neoplasm, malignant Tumor, malignant, NOS Malignancy Cancer Unclassified tumor, malignant 8000/6 Neoplasm, metastatic Neoplasm, secondary Tumor, metastatic Tumor, secondary Tumor embolus 8000/9 Neoplasm, malignant, uncertain whether primary or metastatic Unclassified tumor, malignant, uncertain whether primary or metastatic 8001/0 Tumor cells, benign 8001/1 Tumor cells, uncertain whether benign or malignant Tumor cells, HOS 8001/3 Tumor cells, malignant 2002/3 Malignant tumor, small cell type 8003/3 Malignant tumor, giant cell type # Hand Review MORPHOLOGY NUMERICAL LIST CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE Ib Specific Sites Ie Specific Sites Ia Specific Sites III 199.9 All Other Sites # All Sites Ib Specific Sites Ie Specific Sites Ia Specific Sites Ia Specific Sites Ia Specific Sites ICD- See See See 199. See It See See See See See 9 CATEGORY Topography Topography Topography 0 Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Tepography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column 8006/3 801- 8010/0 3010/2 8010/3 8010/6 8010/9 8011/0 8011/3 8012/3 8020/3 8021/3 8022/3 8030/3 8031/3 8032/3 8033/3 8034/3 8035/3 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Malignant tumor, fusiform cell tvpe Malignant tumor, type spindle cell 804 EPITHELIAL NEOPLASMS, NOS Epithelial tumor, benign Carcinoma-in-situ, NOS Intraepithelial carcinoma, NOS Carcinoma, NOS Epithelial tumor, malignant Carcinoma, metastatic, NOS Secondary carcinoma Carcinomatosis Epithelioma, benign Epithelioma, Epithelioma, malignant NCS Large cell carcinoma, NOS Carcinoma, undifferentiated type, NOS Carcinoma, anaplastic type, NOS Pleomorphic carcinoma Giant cell and spindle cell carcinoma Giant cell carcinoma Spindle cell carcinoma Pseudosarcomatous carcinoma Polygonal cell carcinoma Spheroidal cell carcinoma MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Ia Ib Ic Ia YiI III Ib Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Specific ICD-0 SITE Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites 199.9 All Other Sites 158.9 199.9 All Other Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Sites ICD- See See See See 199. See 167. 199. See See See See See See See See See See See See See 9 CATEGORY Topography Topography Topography Topography 0 Topography 6 0 Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Page 46 MORPHOLOGY Page 47 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSIGCN GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8040/1 Tumorlet Id Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 4 8041/3 Small cell carcinoma, NOS Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 Reserve cell carcinoma Round cell carcinoma 8042/3 Oat cell carcinoma (7-162. ) III 199.9 162.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8043/3 Small cell carcinoma, fusiform Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 cell type 805-808 PAPILLARY AND SQUAMOUS CELL NEOPLASMS 8050/0 Papilloma, NOS (except Papilloma of Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 urinary bladder M-8120/1) 8050/2 Papillary carcinoma-in-situ Ic Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 3 8050/3 Papillary carcinoma, NOS Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8051/0 Verrucous papillcoma Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8051/3 Verrucous carcinoma, NOS Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma Verrucous epidermoid carcinoma 8052/0 Squamous cell papilloma Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 Squamous papilloma Dyskeratotic papilloma Hyperkeratotic papilloma Keratotic papilloma Parakeratotic papilloma 8052/3 Papillary squamous cell carcinoma . Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 Papillary epidarmoid carcinoma 8053/0 Inverted papilloma Ib Spacific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8060/0 Papillomatosis, NOS Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8070/2 Squamous cell carcinoma-in—-situ, NOS Ic Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 3 Epidermoid carcinoma-in-situ, NOS Intraepidermal carcinoma, HOS Intracpithelial squamous cell carcinoma 8070/3 8070/6 8071/3 8072/3 8073/3 8076/3 8075/3 8076/2 8076/3 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY NOS NOS Squamous cell carcinoma, Epidermoid carcinoma, Spinous cell carcinoma Squamous carcinoma Squamous cell epithelioma Squamous cell carcinoma, metastatic, NOS Squamous cell carcinoma, keratinizing type, NOS Squamous cell carcinoma, cell, keratinizing type Epidermoid carcinoma, keratinizing type large Squamous cell carcinoma, large cell, non-keratinizing type Squamous cell carcinoma, non-keratinizing type, NOS Epidermoid carcincma, large cell, non-keratinizing type Squamous cell carcinoma, small cell, non-keratinizing type Epidermoid carcinoma, small cell, non-keratinizing type Squamous cell carcinoma, spindle cell type Epidermoid carcinoma, spindle cell type Adenoid squamous cell carcinoma Pseudoglandular squamous cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma-in-situ with questionable stromal invasion (T-180._) Epidermoid carcinoma-in-situ with questionable stromal invasion (T-180._) Squamous cell carcinoma, micro-invasive (T-180._) "MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Ia if Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia ITI III ICD-0 SITE Specific Sites Sites Specific Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites 199.9 All Other Sites 199.9 All Other Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY See Topography See Topography See Topography See Topography See Topography See Topography See Topography 233.1 + See Topography 180.9 + See Topography + (Plus Sign ) is used to signal the user that all these cases must be female. Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column _ Page 48 MORPHOLOGY Page 49 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8080/2 Queyrat's erythroplasia (T-187._) III 154.3 230.6 1735... 232. 184.1 233.3 184.2 233.3 186.3 233.3 186.4 233.3 187 .1-187 .6 232.5 187.7 233.6 165.9 233.5 a All Other Sites 232.9 808172 Bowen's disease (T-173._) IV 160. __ 232.0 Intraepidermal squamous cell 154.3 232.5 carcinoma, Bowen's type (T-173._) ’ 173._ 232... 176. 232.5 1725... 232.5 184.1 233.3 186.2 233.3 184.3 233.3 184.4 233.3 187.1 233.5 187 . 4 233.5 187.7 233.6 187.9 233.6 195.0-195.1 232.9 195.2 2325 185.3 232.9 195.4 232.6 195.5 2%2.7 165.8 232.9 £11 Other Sites 232.9 8082/3 Lymphoepithelial carcinoma Ia Spacific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 Lymphoepitheliona 2 (At sign) is used to signal the user that all these cases must be male. MORPHOLOGY Page 50 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 809-811 BASAL CELL NEOPLASMS 8090/1 Basal cell tumor (T-173._) Iv 1640. 238.2 154.3 235.2 173. _ 238.2 176. _ 238.2 175. _ 238.2 184.1 236.3 184.2 236.3 184.3 236.3 184.4 235.3 187.1 236.6 187.4 236.6 187.7 235.6 187.9 236.6 195.0-195.5 238.2 165.8 238.2 All Other Sites 238.2 8090/3 Basal cell carcinoma, NOS Iv 160. 173.0 (T-173._) 154.3 173.5 Pigmented basal cell carcinoma 173. 173. _ (T-173..) 174. _ 173.5 Basal cell epithelioma (T-173._) 175. _ 1723.5 Rodent ulcer (7-173...) 186.1 184.1 184.2 184.2 184.3 1864.3 184.4 186.4 187.1 187.1 187.4 187.4 187.7 187.7 187.9 187.9 195.0-195.1 173.9 195.2 173.5 1395.3 173.3 195.4 173.6 185.5 173.7 195.8 173.9 All Other Sites 173.9 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8091/3 Multicentric basal cell carcinoma (T-173._) 8092/3 Basal cell carcinoma, morphea type (1-173. 0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Iv IV ICD-0 SITE 140. 154. 173. 174. 175. 184. 184. 184. 184. 187. 187. 187. 187. 195. 195. 195. 393. 195%. 195. All 140. 154. 173 174. 175. 184%. 184. 184. 184. 187. 187. 187 187. 195. 13S. 193. 195. 133. 155. All owl OOUTDNUNOOND a PDUWN =] -195.1 ther Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 173. 1713. 173. 173. 173. 184. 186. 184. 184. 187. 187. 187. 187. 173. 173. 173%. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 17253. 1834. 184. 186. 186. 187. 137. 187. 187. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. VIO VON OUIVONA «pW no OCONAOVNIVDBN DA a DWN =U Page 51 MORPHOLOGY Page 52 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8093/3 Basal cell carcinoma, Iv 160. _ 173.0 fibroepithelial type (T-173._) 154.3 173.5 173. 173. _ 176. _ 173.53 175. _ 173.3 184.1 184.1 184.2 184.2 184.3 184.3 184.4 1834.4 187.1 187. 1 187.4 187.4 187.7 187.7 187.9 187.9 195.0-195.1 173.9 195.2 173.5 195.3 173.9 185.4 173.6 195.3 173.7 195.8 173.9 All Other Sites 373.9% 8094/3 Basosquamous carcinoma (T-173..) Iv 1640. _ 173.0 Mixed basal-squamous cell 154.3 173.5 carcinoma (T-173._) 173. $373. 176. _ 173.5 175. _ 173.3 184.1 184.1 134.2 184.2 184.3 184.3 184.4 184.4% 187.1 187.1 187.4 187.4 187.7 187.7 187.9 187.9 195.0-195. 1 173.9 195.2 173.5 195.3 173.9 195.4 173.6 15.53 173.7 195.8 173.9 All Other Sites 173.93 MORPHOLOGY Page 53 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8095/3 Metatypical carcinoma (T-173._) Iv 160. _ 173.0 154.3 173.5 173. _ 173. 176. _ 173.5 175. _ 173.5 184.1 184.1 184.2 184.2 184.3 184.3 184.4% 184.4 187.1 187.1 187.4 187.4 187.7 187.7 187.9 187.9 195.0-195. 1 173.9 195.2 173.5 195.3 173.9 195.4 173.6 185.5 173.7 195.8 173.9 All Other Sites 173.9 8096/0 Intraepidermal epithelioma of IV 160. _ 216.0 Jadassohn (T-173._) 156.3 216.5 175. 216. _ 176. _ 216.5 175. _ 216.5 186.1 221.2 184.2 224.2 184.3 221.2 184.4 221.2 187.1 222.1 187.4 222.1 187.7 222.4 187.9 222.4% 195.0-195.1 216.9 135.2 245.5 195.3 216.9 195.4 216.6 195.5 216.7 195.8 216.9 All Other Sites 216.9 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8100/0 Trichoepithelioma (T-173._) Brooke's tumor (T-173._) Epithelioma adenoides cysticum £1-173. 8101/0 Trichofolliculoma (T-173..) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP IV IV ICD-0 SITE 160. 154, 173. 1764. 175. 184. 184%. 184, 186. 187. 187. 187. 187. 165. 195. 195. 195. 195. 185. All 140. 154. 173. 124. 175. 184. 184. 184. 186. 187. 187. 187. 187. 195 185. 19%. 195. 195. 195. All 2 3 4 1 4 7 9 .0 2 3 4 5 8 0 wl DCN = | 1 4 7 9 0 2 3 4 5 8 0 I wil —| - 19%. 4 ther Sites -{35.4 ther Sites PrN N nN NN = ad a nN NN N 22s 222. 222. 216. 216. 216. 216. 216. 216. 216. —_ —_ NN ONON ON oa VON OVUVIOVOAPL aan NDUILY mo VONAOVUIOLD aa N UWL CATEGCRY Page 54 MORPHOLGGY ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP 8102/0 Tricholemmoma (T-173._) Iv 8110/0 Pilomatrixoma (T-173._) Iv Calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe (T-173._) 812-813 TRANSITIONAL CELL PAPILLCMAS AND CARCINOMAS 8120/0 Transitional cell papilloma, NOS Ib Transitional papilloma ICD-0 SITE 140. 156. 173. 174. 175. 184. 184. 184. 184. 187. 187. 187. 187. ¥55. 195. 195. 135. 1385. 195. All oil COVMPUNOONN pwn =| || | — 0 vu - ther Sites 1640. 156. 173. _ 176.7 175. 184.7 184.2 1864.3 1864.4 187.1 187.4 187.7 187.9 0 2 3 4 5 8 0 wi 195. 195. 195. 185. 195. 133. All -195.1 ther Sites Specific Sites ICD- 216. 216. 216. 216. 216. 221. 221. 221. 221%. 222. 222. 222. 222. 216. 216. 216. 216. Nn -— oN wb o—— ~~ a nN N nN N a a a a a See cro CONVO RAD aU CON VUTORD a aN LIU 9 CATEGORY no Topography Table, Column 2 Page 55 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8120/1 Urothelial papilloma Papilloma of urinary bladder (7-188...) 8120/2 Transitional cell carcinoma-in-situ 8120/3 Transitional cell carcinoma, NOS Transitional carcinoma Urcthelial carcinoma 8121/0 Schneiderian papilloma 8121/1 Transitional cell papilloma, inverted type 8121/3 Schneiderian carcinoma 8122/3 Transitional cell carcinoma, spindle cell type 8123/3 Basaloid carcinoma 8124/3 Cloacoqgenic carcinoma 8130/3 Papillary transitional cell carcinoma 814-838 ADENOMAS AND ADENOCARCINOMAS 8140/0 Adenoma, NOS 8140/1 Bronchial adenoma, NOS (T-162._) 8140/2 Adenocarcinoma-in-situ 8140/3 Adenocarcinoma, NOS 8140/6 Adenocarcinoma, metastatic, NOS 8141/3 Scirrhous adenocarcinoma Scirrhous carcinoma Carcinoma with productive fibrosis MORPHOLGGY CONVERSION GROUP Id Ic Ia 111 Id III Ia Ia III Ia Ib II Ic Ia If Ia ICD-0 SITE Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites 199.9 All Other Sites Specific Sites 199.9 All Other Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites 199.9 All Other Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites All Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY See Topography See Topography See Topography 212.0 See Topography See Topography 160.0 Sae Topography Sea Topography See Topography 154.8 See Topography See Topography See Topography 235.7 See Topography See Topography See Topography See Topography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Cclumn Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column MORPHOLOGY Page 57 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8142/3 Linitis plastica (T-151._) ITI 151. 151. All Other Sites 151.3 8143/3 Superficial spreading Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 adenocarcinoma 8146/3 Adenocarcinoma, intestinal type III 199.9 151.9 (T-151._3 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 Carcinoma, intestinal type (T-151._) 8145/3 Carcinoma, diffuse type 111 189.9 151.9 (T-151._) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Cclumn 1 Adenocarcinoma, diffuse type ¢T-151. J 8146/0 Monomorphic adenoma Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8147/0 Basal cell adenoma Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8150/0 Islet cell adenoma (T-157._) III 157 o 211.7 Islet cell tumor (T-157._) 193.9 211.7 Nesidicblastoma (T-157. BD) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8150/3 Islet cell carcinoma (T-157._) III 157. _ 157.4 Islet cell adenccarcincma 169.9 157.4 (7-157. D> All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8151/0 Insulinoma, HOS (T-157._) II 157. _ 211.7 Beta-cell adenoma (T-157._) 199.9 211.7 All Other Sites Sea Topography Table, Column 2 | 8151/3 Insulinoma, malignant (T-157._) III 157... 157.4 Beta-cell tumor, malignant 199.9 157.4 (T-157._) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 | 8152/0 Glucagonoma, NOS (7-157. ) Ill 157. _ 211.7 Alpha-cell adenoma (T-157._) 169.9 211.7 All Other Sites See Tcpoqraphy Table, Column 2 8152/3 Glucagonoma, malignant (7-157. ) ITI 157. 157.4% Alpha-cell tumor, malignant 199.9 157.4 (7-157. All Other Sites See Tepography Table, Column 1 8153/1 Gastrincma, NOS III 157. 235.5 G cell tumor, NOS 196.9 235.5 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 4 815373 8154/3 8160/0 8160/3 8161/0 8161/3 8170/0 8170/3 3180/0 8180/3 8190/0 8130/3 8191/0 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION CROUP Gastrinoma, malignant ITI G cell tumor, malignant Mixed islet cell and exocrine IIl adenocarcinoma (T-157._) Bile duct adenoma (T-155._) II Cholangioma (T-155._) Cholangiocarcinoma (T-155._) 11} Bile duct carcinoma (T-155._) Bile duct adenocarcinoma (T-155._) Bile duct cystadenoma (T-155._) II Bile duct cystadenocarcinoma (T-155._) IY Liver cell adenoma (T-155.0) II Hepatocellular adenoma (T-155.0) Hepatoma, benign (T-155.0) Hepatocellular carcinoma, NOS (T-155.0) II Liver cell carcinema (T-155.0) Hepatocarcinoma (7T-155.0) Hepatoma, malignant (T-155.0) Hepatoma, NOS (T-155.0) Hepatocholangioma, benign IY {1~155.48) Combined hepatocellular carcinoma II and cholangiocarcinoma (T7-155.0) Mixed hepatocellular and bile duct carcinoma (T-155.0) Hepatocholangiocarcinoma (T-155.0) Trabecular adenoma Ib Trabecular adenocarcinoma Ia Trabecular carcinoma Embryonal adenoma Ib ICD-0 SITE 157. _ 199.9 0 All Other Sites ~~ QO 0 3 "Other Sites All Sites 199.9% All Other Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 157.6 157.4 See Topography Table, 157.9 See Topography Table, 211.5 155.1 See Topography Table, 211.5 155.1 231.5 155.90 214.5 155.0 See Topography Table, See Topography Table, See Topography Table, Column 1 Column 1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 MORPHOLOGY Page 59 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP I1CD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8200/0 Eccrine dermal cylindroma IV 140. _ 216.0 (T-173._) 154.3 216.5 Turban tumor (T-173.4) 173. _ 216. _ Cylindroma of skin (T-173._) 176. _ 216.5 $75. 215.5 186.1 221.2 184.2 221.2 184.3 221.2 186.4 221.2 187 . 1 222.1 187 .¢ 222.1 187.7 222.4 187.9 222.4 195.0-195.1 216.9 195.2 216.5 185.3 216.9 195.4 216.6 185.5 216.7 195.8 216.9 All Other Sites 216.9 8200/3 Adenoid cystic carcinoma Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 Adenocystic carcinoma Cylindroma, NOS (except Cylindroma of skin M-8200/0) Bronchial adenoma, cylindroid type (T-162._) Adenocarcinoma, cylindroid type 8201/3 Cribriform carcinoma Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8210/0 Adenomatous polyp, NOS Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 Polypoid adenoma 8210/3 Adenocarcinoma in adenomatous Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 polyp Adenocarcinoma in tubular adenoma Carcinoma in adenomatous polyp Adenccarcinoma in polypoid adenoma 8211/0 Tubu r adenoma, NOS Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8211/3 Tubu.ar adenocarcinoma Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Cclumn 1 Tubular carcinoma 822070 822073 8221/0 8230/3 8231/3 8240/1 824073 8261/1 8261/3 8242/1 8242/73 8243/3 8244/3 8250/1 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Adenomatous polyposis coli {7=153. 3 Adenomatosis, NOS (7-153. ) Familial polyposis coli {1-153. 3 Adenocarcinoma in adenomatous polyposis coli (T-153._) Multiple adenomatous polyps Multiple polyposis Selid carcinoma, NOS Carcinoma simplex NOS Carcinoid tumor, Carcinoid, NOS Carcinoid tumor, malignant Carcinoid, malignant Bronchial adenoma, carcinoid type (T-162._) argentaffin, NOS NOS Carcinoid tumor, Argentaffinoma, Carcinoid tumor, malignant Argentaffinoma, malignant argentaffin, Carcinoid tumor, non-argentaffin, NOS Carcinoid tumor, malignant non-argentaffin, Mucocarcinoid tumor, malignant Goblet cell carcinoid Composite carcinoid Pulmonary adenomatosis (T-162._) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP II ITI Ib Ia Ia Id Ia Id Ia Id Ia Ia Ia II " Specific ICD-0 SITE All Sites 153. _ All Other Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites All Sites ICD- 21%. 153. 153. See See See See See See See See See 235. 9 CATEGORY 3 9 Topography Topography Topography Tepography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography 7 Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column 8250/3 8251/70 8251/3 8260/0 826073 8261/1 8261/3 826273 8263/0 8270/0 8270/3 8280/0 8280/3 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Bronchiolo—-alveolar adenocarcinoma (T-162._) Alveolar cell carcinoma (T-162._) Bronchioclo-alveolar carcinoma (T-162._) Bronchiolar adenocarcinoma (T-162._) Bronchiolar carcinoma (T-162._) Terminal bronchiolar carcinoma (T-162._) Alveolar adenoma Alveolar adenocarcinoma Alveolar carcinoma Papillary adenoma, NOS Papillary adenocarcinoma, NOS Villous adenoma, NOS Villous papilloma Adenocarcinoma in villous adenoma Villous adenocarcinoma Tubulovillous adenoma Villoalandular adenoma Papillotubular adenoma Chromophobe adenoma (T-194.3) Chromophobe carcinoma (T-194.3) Chromophobe adenocarcinoma (T-194.3) Acidophil adenoma (T-1%94.3) Eosinophil adenoma (T7-1964.3) Acidophil carcinoma (T7-194.3) Acidophil adenocarcinoma (T-194.3) Eosinophil carcinoma (T-194.3) Eosinophil adenocarcinoma (T-194.3) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ITI Ib Ia Ib Ia Id Ia Ia Ib IY 11! III 11} ICD-0 SITE 162. _ All Other Specific S Specific S$ Specific S Specific S$ Specific S Specific S$ Specific S Specific S 199.9 All Other 196.9 All Other 199.9 All Other 159.9% All Other Sites ites ites ites ites ites ites ites ites Sites Sites Sites Sites ICD- 162. 162. See See See See See See See See 227. See 196. See 227. See 194. See 9 CATEGORY wl Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography 3 Topography 3 Topography 3 Topography 3 Topography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Page 61 8281/0 8281/3 8290/0 8290/3 8300/0 8300/3 8310/0 8310/3 8311/71 8312/3 8313/0 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Mixed acidophil-basophil adenoma (T-19%94.3) Mixed acidophil-basophil carcinoma (T-1%4.3) Oxyphilic adenoma Oncocytic adenoma Oncocytoma Hurthle cell adenoma (7-193.9) Hurthle cell tumor (T7-193.9) Oxyphilic adenocarcinoma Oncocytic carcinoma Onceccytic adenocarcinoma Hurthle cell carcinoma (T-193.9) Hurthle cell adenocarcinoma (T-193.9) Basophil adenoma (T-194.3) Mucoid cell adenoma (T7-194.3) Basophil carcinoma (7T-194.3) Basophil adenocarcinoma (T-194.3) Mucoid cell adenocarcinoma (T-194.3) Clear cell adenoma Clear cell adenocarcinoma, NOS Clear cell adenocarcinoma, mesonephroid type Clear cell carcinoma Hypernephroid tumor Renal cell carcinoma (T-189.0) Renal cell adenocarcinoma (T-189.0) Grawitz tumor (7-189.0) Hypernephroma (T7-189.0) Clear cell adenofibroma Clear cell cystadenofibroma MORPHOLOGY CONVERSIGCHN GROUP IX1 III Ib Ia Ib Ia Id II Ib ICD-0 SITE 169.9 All Other Sites 195.9 All Other Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites 199.9 All Other Sites 199.9 All Other Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites All Sites Specific Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 227.3 Sze Topography 164.3 See Topography See Topography See Topography 227.3 See Topography 196.3 See Topography See Teopography See Topography See Topography 189.0 See Topography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Page 62 MORPHOLOGY Page 63 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8320/3 Granular cell carcinoma Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 Granular cell adenocarcinoma 8321/0 Chief cell adenoma (T-194.1) II All Sites 227.1 8322/0 Water-clear cell adenoma (T-194.1) It All Sites 027.1 8322/3 Water-clear call adenocarcinoma II All Sites 196.1 (T-194.1) Hater-clear cell carcinoma (T-164.1) 8323/70 Mixed cell adenoma Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8323/3 Mixed cell zdenocarcinoma Ia Specific Sites See Tcpography Table, Column 1 8324/70 Lipoadenoma Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8330/0 Follicular adenoma (T7-193.9) III 199.9 226 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8330/3 Follicular adenocarcinoma, NOS III 199.9 193 (T-193.9) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column | Follicular carcinoma, NOS (7T-193.9) 8331/3 Follicular adenocarcinoma, well II All Sites 183 differentiated type (T7-193.9) Follicular carcinoma, well differentiated type (7-193.9) Follicular adenocarcinoma, pure follicle type (T-193.9) Follicular carcinoma, pure follicle type (T-193.9) 833273 Follicular adenocarcinoma, II All Sites 193 trabecular type (T7-193.9) Follicular carcinoma, trabecular type (T-1%3.95) Follicular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated type (T-193.9) Follicular carcinoma, mcderately differentiated type (7T-193.9) HWuchernde Struma Langhans (T-193.9) 8333/70 8334/0 8340/3 8350/3 8360/1 8361/1 8370/0 8370/3 8371/0 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Microfollicular adenoma (7-193.9) Fetal adenoma (T7-193.9%9) Macrofollicular adenoma (7-193.9) Colloid adenoma (71-193.9) Papillary and follicular adenocarcinoma (T-193.9) Papillary and follicular carcinoma (T-163.9) Mixed papillary and follicular carcinoma (T7-1%3.9) Nonencapsulated sclerosing carcinoma (T7-193.9) Nonencapsulated sclerosing adenocarcinoma (7T-1%3.9) Nonencapsulated sclerosing tumor (T-1%3.9) Multiple endocrine adenomas Endocrine adenomatosis Juxtaglomerular tumor (T7-189.0) Reninoma (T7-189.0) Adrenal cortical adenoma, NOS (T-194.0) Adrenal cortical tumor, benign (T-196.0) Adrenal cortical tumor, NOS (T-194.0) Adrenal cortical carcinoma (T-194.0) Adrenal cortical adenocarcinoma (T-194.0) Adrenal cortical tumor, malignant (T-194.0) Adrenal cortical adenoma, compact cell type (T-194.0) MORFHOLCGY CONVERSION GROUP I1I III II II III II II II II ICD-0 SITE 199. All 339. All All All 193. All All All All All 9 Other Sites 9 Cther Sites Sites Sites 9 Other Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 226 See Topography Table, 226 See Topography Table, 193 193 237.46 See Topography Table, 236.9 227.0 196.0 227.0 Column 2 Column 2 Column 6 Page 64 837270 837370 8374/0 837570 8380/0 8380/1 8380/3 3381/0 8381/1 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Adrenal cortical adenoma, heavily pigmented variant (T-1%84.0) Black adenoma (T-194.0) Adrenal cortical adenoma, clear cell type (T-194.0) Adrenal cortical adenoma, glomerulosa cell type (T-194.0) Adrenal cortical adenoma, mixed cell type (T-194.0) Endometrioid adenoma, NOS Endometrioid cystadenoma, NOS Endometrioid adenoma, borderline malignancy Endometrioid cystadenoma, borderline malignancy Endometrioid carcinoma Endometrioid adenocarcinoma Endometrioid cystadenocarcinoma Endometrioid adenofibroma, NOS (T-183.0) Endometrioid cystadenofibroma, NOS (T-183.0) Endometrioid adenofibroma, borderline malignancy (7-183.0) Endometrioid cystadenofibroma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP II II 1: II Ib Id Ia II II ICD-0 SITE All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites All Sites All Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 227.0 227.0 227.0 227.0 See Topography Table, Column 2 See Topography Table, Column 4 See Topography Table, Column 1 220 + 236.2 + Page 65 MORPHOLOGY Page 66 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8381/3 Endometrioid adenofibroma, 11 All Sites 183.0 + malignant (7-183.0) Endometrioid cystadenofibroma, malignant (T-183.0) 839-842 ADNEXAL AND SKIN APPENDAGE NEOPLASMS 8390/0 Skin appendage adenoma (T-173._) IV 140. _ 216.0 Skin appendage tumor (T-173._) 156.3 216.5 Adnexal tumor (T-173._) 173. 216. _ 1746. _ 216.5 $75. 216.5 184.1 221.2 186.2 221.2 184.3 221.2 184.4 221.2 187.1 222.1 187.4 222.1 187.7 222.4 187.9 222.4 195.0-195.1 216.9 195.2 216.5 195.3 216.9 195.4 216.6 195.5 216.7 195.8 216.9 All Other Sites 216.9 MORPHOLOGY Page 67 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8390/3 Skin appendage carcinoma (T-173._) Iv 140. _ 173.0 Adnexal carcinoma (T-173._) 154.3 173.5 173... 173... 176. _ 173.5 175. 173.5 184.1 184.1 184.2 184.2 184.3 186.3 184.4 184.6 187.1 187.1 187.4 187.4 187.7 187.7 187.9 187.9 165.0-165.1 173.9 185.2 173.5 395.3 173.9 185.6 173.6 135.53 173.7 195.8 173.9 All Other Sites 173.9 8400/0 Sweat gland adenoma (T-173._) Iv 160. _ 216.0 Sweat gland tumor, benign 154.3 216.5 (T-173._) 173. _ 216. _ Hidradenoma, NOS (T-173._) 174. _ 246.0 Syringadenoma, NOS (T-173._) 175. _ 216.5 Nodular hidradenoma (T-173._) 1846. 1 221.2 184.2 221.2 184.3 221.2 184.46 221.2 187.1 222.1 187.6 222.1 187.7 222.4 187.9 222.4 185.0-195.1 216.9 135.2 216.5 195.3 216.9 195.4 216.6 135.5 216.7 195.8 216.9 e All Other Sites 215.3 8400/1 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Sweat gland tumor, NOS (T-173._) 8400/3 Sweat gland adenocarcinoma (T-173._) Sweat gland carcinoma (T-173._) Sweat gland tumor, (7-173...) malignant MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP IV IV ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 140. _ 238.2 156.3 238.2 173. _ 238.2 176. _ 238.2 175... 238.2 186.1 236.3 186.2 236.3 1864.3 236.3 184.4 236.3 187.1 236.6 187.4 236.6 187.7 236.6 187.9 236.6 165.0-195.5 238.2 195.8 238.2 All Other Sites 238.2 140. _ 173.0 156.3 173.5 173. _ 173. _ 176. _ 173.53 175, 173.5 184.1 186.1 184.2 184.2 184.3 1864.3 184.6 184.4% 187.1 187.1 187.4 187.4 187.7 187.7 187.9 187.9 195.0-195. 1 173.9 195.2 173.5 195.3 173.9 195.4 173.6 195.5 173.7 195.8 173.9 All Other Sites 173.9 Page 68 MORPHOLOGY Page 69 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8401/0 Apocrine adenoma IV 160. _ 216.0 156.3 2156.53 173. 216. 176.° 217 175. _ 217 184.1 221.2 184.2 221.2 186.3 221.2 184.4 221.2 187.1 222.1 187.64 222.1 187.7 222.4% 187.9 222.4 135.0-195.1 216.9 195.2 216.5 195.3 216.9 195.4 216.6 195.5 218.7 195.8 216.9 All Other Sites 216.9 8401/3 Apocrine adenocarcinoma Iv 160. _ 173.0 154.3 173.5 173. _ 173. _ 176._ 176.7 175. _ 175 1834.1 184.1 184.2 1864.2 184.3 1864.3 186.4 184.6 187.1 187.1 187.4 187.4 187.7 187.7 187.9 187.9 195.0-195. 1 173.9 195.2 173.5 195.3 173.9 195.4 173.6 195.3 173.7 195.8 173.5% All Other Sites 173.9 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION Eccrine acrospiroma (T-173._) Clear cell hidradenoma (T-173._) 8403/0 Eccrine spiradenoma (T-173._ Spiradenoma, NOS (T-173._) ICD-0 SITE 140. 154%. 173. 174. 175. 184. 1834. 184. 184. 187. 187. 187. 187. 195. 193. 195. 1925. 185. 165. All 1640 154. 173. 176. 175. 184. 184. 184. 184 187. 187. 187. 187. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195.8 All Other Sites wi MAUR OOD = DWN | |] ICD-9 CATEGORY nN RN NN — — —_— NOON ONO nN NN MNMN a ee — 222. 222. 222. 222. 216. 216. 216. 216. 216. 236. 216. 216. 216. 216. 216. 216. 221. CUNO VUVRAD aa NUIL] LTE Uo NOVO D aa UCU MORPHOLOGY Page 71 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8404/0 Hidrocystoma (T-173._) Iv 140. _ 216.0 154.3 216.5 173. _ 216. _ 176. _ 216.5 175. 216.5 184.1 221.2 186.2 221.2 184.3 221.2 184.4% 221.2 187.1 222.1 187.4 222.1 187.7 222.6 187.9 222.4% 195.0-195.1 216.9 195.2 216.5 195.3 216.9 195.4 216.6 195.5 216.7 135.8 216.9 All Other Sites 216.9 8405/0 Papillary hidradenoma (T-173._) IV 140. _ 216.0 154.3 216.5 173. _ 216. _ 174. _ 216.5 175. _ 216.5 184.1 221.2 184.2 221.2 184.3 221.2 1864.4 221.2 187. 1 222.1 187.4 222.1 187.7 222.4 187.9 222.4 195.0-195. 1 216.9 195.2 216.5 195.3 216.9 195.4 216.6 195.5 216.7 195.8 216.9 All Other Sites 216.9 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8406/0 Papillary syringcadenoma (T-173._) Papillary syringocystadenoma (T-173._) 8407/0 Syringoma, NOS (T-173._) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Vv Iv ICD-0 SITE 1690. 154, 173._ 176. 175.” 184.71 184.2 186.3 184.4 187.1 187.6 187.7 .9 0 2 3 4 5 8 0 187 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. All 140. 154. 173. 174. 175. 184. 186. 184. 184. 187. 187. 187. 187. 195. 195. 195. 195. 165. 195. All ul wi OOUPUNOOND = DUN =| | | -$85.4 ther Sites ~3195.1 ther Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY VO VON OUUVOAD a aNNNNUL UW VONAOUVOLRN aa UIU uo ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8410/0 Sebaceous adenoma (T-173._) 8410/3 Sebaceous adenocarcinoma (T-173._) Sebaceous carcinoma (T-173._) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Iv Iv ICD-0 SITE 140. OOUIPUNOOND a DWN =| | | OOD UNOOND DUN =] | vil wi | a 0 wm —- ther Sites i — NO wu - ther Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 216. 216. 216. 216. 216. 221, 221. 221. 221. 222. 222. 222. 222. 216. 216. 216. 216. 216. 216. 216. 173. 373. 173. 173% 173. 184. 1834. 184. 184. 187. 187. 187. 187. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 0 wn VO VOUNCOVLUVIOVRLD 2 aNNNN UWL VON ONOOND ca DUN =U Page 73 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8420/0 Ceruminous adenoma (T-173.2) 3) All Sites 216.2 8620/3 Ceruminous adenocarcinoma II All Sites 173.2 (1-173.2) Ceruminous carcinoma (T7-173.2) 843 MUCOEPIDERMOID NEOPLASMS 8630/1 Mucoepidermoid tumor Id Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 8430/3 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 844-849 CYSTIC, MUCINOUS AND SEROUS NEOPLASMS 8440/0 Cystadenoma, NOS Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column Cystoma, NOS 8440/3 Cystadenocarcinoma, NOS Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 8441/0 Serous cystadenoma, NOS (T-183.0) 11 199.9 220 + Serous cystoma (7-183.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 8441/1 Serous cystadenoma, borderline ITI 199.9 236.2 + malignancy (T-183.0) All Other Sites See Topegraphy Table, Column 8441/3 Serous cystadenocarcinoma, NOS III 199.9 183.0 + (7T-183.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column Serous adenocarcinoma, HOS 8450/0 Papillary cystadenoma, NOS (7-183.0) III 199.9 220 + . All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 8450/1 Papillary cystadenoma, borderline III 199.9 236.2 + malignancy (T-183.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 8450/3 Papillary cystadenocarcinoma, NGOS ITI 199.9 183.0 + (T-183.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column Papillocystic adenocarcinoma 8460/0 Papillary serous cystadenoma, NOS I1Y 199.9 220 + (T-183.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 8460/1 Papillary serous cystadenoma, III 199.9 236.2 + borderline malignancy (T7-183.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column MORPHOLOGY Page 75 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8460/3 Papillary serous ITI 199.9 183.0 + cystadenocarcinoma (T-183.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column f Papillary serous adenocarcinoma {1-133.8) 8461/0 Serous surface papilloma, NOS III 199.9 220 + (T-183.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8461/1 Serous surface papilloma, ITI 199.9 236.2 + torderline malignancy (T-183.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 4 8461/3 Serous surface papillary carcinoma III 199.9 183.0 + (7183.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8470/0 Mucinous cystadenoma, NOS (T-183.0) III 199.9 2290 + Mucinous cystoma (T-183.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 Pseudomucinous cystadenoma, NOS (T-183.0) 8470/1 Mucinous cystadenoma, borderline JI 199.9 236.2 + malignancy (T-183.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 4 Pseudomucinous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (7T-183.0) 8470/3 Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, NOS III 199.9 183.0 + (T-183.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 Pseudomucinous adenocarcinoma (T-183.0) Pseudomucinous cystadenocarcinoma, NOS (T-183.0) 8471/0 Papillary mucinous cystadenoma, III 199.9 220 + NCS (T-183.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 Papillary pseudomucinous cystadenoma, NOS (T-183.0) 8471/1 Papillary mucinous cystadenoma, ITI 199.9 236.2 + borderline malignancy (7-183.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 4 Papillary pseudomucinous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) 8471/3 Papillary mucinous ITI 199.9 183.0 + cystadenocarcinoma (T7-183.0) All Other Sites See Topegraphy Table, Column 1 Papillary pseudomucinous cystadenocarcinoma (T-183.0) 8480/0 Mucinous adenoma Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8480/3 Mucinous adenocarcinoma Mucinous carcinoma Colloid adenocarcinoma Colloid carcinoma Gelatinous adenocarcinoma Gelatinous carcinoma Mucoid adenocarcinoma Mucoid carcinoma Mucous adenocarcinoma Mucous carcinoma 8480/6 Pseudomyxoma peritonei (T-158.9) 8481/3 Mucin-producing adenocarcinoma Mucin-producing carcinoma Mucin-secreting adenocarcinoma Mucin-secreting carcinoma 8690/3 Signet ring cell carcinoma Signet ring cell adenocarcinoma 8490/6 Metastatic signet ring cell carcinoma Krukenberg tumor (T7-183.0) 850-854 DUCTAL, LOBULAR AND MEDULLARY NEOPLASMS 8500/2 Intraductal carcinoma, non-infiltrating, NOS Intraductal adenocarcinoma, non—-infiltrating, NOS Intraduct carcinoma-in-situ Intraductal carcinoma, NOS 8500/3 Infiltrating duct carcinoma (T-174._) Infiltrating duct adenocarcinoma (T-176._) Duct adenocarcinoma, NOS Duct carcinoma, NOS Duct cell carcinoma Ductal carcinoma (F) Use this category for all female cases. (M) Use this category for all male cases. MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Ia II Ia Ia If III ICD-0 SITE Specific Sites All Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites 199.9 All Other Sites 199.9 All Other Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY See Topography Table, Column 197.6 See Topography See Topography See Topography 233.0 See Topography 174.9 (F) 175 M) See Topography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column 76 8501/2 8501/3 850273 850370 850372 8504/0 8506472 850570 8506/0 8510/3 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Comedocarcinoma, (1-174 ._) non-infiltrating Comedocarcinoma, NOS (T-174._) Juvenile carcinoma of the breast (1-174. Secretory carcinoma of the breast (T-174._) Intraductal papilloma Duct adenoma, NOS Ductal papilloma Non-infiltrating intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma Non-infiltrating intraductal papillary carcinoma Intracystic papillary adenoma Intracystic papilloma Non-infiltrating intracystic carcinoma Intraductal papillomatosis, NOS Diffuse intraductal papillomatosis Subareolar duct papillomatosis (T-174.0) Erosive adenomatosis of the nipple (T-174.0) Adenoma of the nipple (T7-174.0) Medullary carcinoma, NOS Medullary adenocarcinoma Parafollicular cell carcinoma (T-193.9) C cell carcinoma (7-193.9) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP 1} Ib III Ib Ic Ib II Ia ICD-0 SITE All Sites 176. _ 175.9 All Other Sites 176. _ 175.9 All Other Sites Specific Sites 199.9 All Other Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites All Sites Specific Sites ICD- 233. 176. 175 174. 175 174. 175 174. 175 See 233. See See See See 217 See 9 CATEGORY 3 (F) (M) 9 (F) an Topography 0 Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Page 77 8511/3 8512/3 8520/2 8520/3 8521/3 8530/3 854073 8541/3 MORPHOLOGY .ORPHOLOGY convE SION 1p POT Medullary carcinoma with amyloid III stroma (7-193.9) Solid carcinoma with amyloid stroma (7-193.9) Medullary carcinoma with lymphoid Vv stroma (T-176._) Lobular carcinoma-in-situ III (T-17¢._) Lobular carcinoma, non-infiltrating (T-174._) Lobular carcinoma, NOS (7-174. ) v Lobular adenocarcinoma (T-174._) Infiltrating lobular carcinoma (T-176._) Infiltrating ductular carcinoma Ia Inflammatory carcinoma (T-1764._) v Inflammatory adenocarcinoma (T-176._) Paget's disease, mammary (T-174._) v Paget's disease of breast (T-174._) Paget's disease and infiltrating v duct carcinoma of breast (T-176._) ICL-Q Si 199.9 All Othar Sites 199.9 All Other Sites 176. _ 175.9 199.9 All Other Sites 199.9 All Other Sites Specific Sites 199.9 All Other Sites 176. _ 175.9 All Other Sites 176._ 175.9 All Other Sites 193 See 176. 175 See 233. 233. 233. See 174. 175 See See 174. 175 See 174. 175 176. 175 ~GORY Topography 9 (F) MM) Topography 0 0 e Topography 9 (F) on) Topography Topography 9 (F) (M) Topography 0 0 (F) (M) 176. 175 174 175 .9 (F) M) Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Page ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8542/3 Paget's disease, extramammary (except Paget's disease of bone) 855 ACINAR CELL NEGPLASMS 8550/0 Acinar cell adenoma Acinar adenoma Acinic cell adenoma 8550/1 Acinar cell tumor Acinic cell tumor 8550/3 Acinar cell carcinoma Acinic cell adenocarcinoma Acinar adenocarcinoma Acinar carcinoma 856-858 COMPLEX EPITHELIAL NEOPLASMS 856073 Adenosquamous carcinoma Mixed adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma Mixed adenccarcinoma and epidermoid carcinoma 8561/0 Adenolymphoma (T7T-142._) Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum (T-142. ) Warthin's tumor (7-142. 3) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Iv Ib Id Ia Ia ICD-0 SITE 140. 154. 173. 1746. 175. 184. 184. 184. 184. 187. 187. 187. 187. 135. 195. 195. 185. 195. 195. All “| -%$35.1 OOUIRAUNOONLD = DUN a] | | ther Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites 199.9 All Other Sites ICD- 173. 154. 173. 173. 173. 184. 186. 184. 184. 187. 187. 187. 187. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. See 210. See 9 CATEGORY wo WO NANOUIOWOND a DWN =U Topography Table, Topography Table, Topography Table, Topography Table, 2 < Topography Table, Column Column Column Column Column MORPHOLOGY Page 8&8 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8570/3 Adenccarcinoma with squamous Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 metaplasia Adencacanthoma 8571/3 Adenocarcinoma with cartilaginous Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 and osseous metaplasia Adenocarcinoma with cartilaginous metaplasia Adenocarcinoma with osseous metaplasia 8572/3 Adenocarcinoma with spindle cell Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 metaplasia 8573/3 Adenocarcinoma with apocrine Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 metaplasia Carcinoma with apocrine metaplasia 8580/0 Thymoma, benign (T-164.0) II All Sites 212.6 Thymoma, NOS (T7-16%.0) 8580/3 Thymoma, malignant (T-164.0) II All Sites 164.0 Thymic carcinoma (T-164.0) 859-867 SPECIALIZED GONADAL NEOPLASMS 8590/1 Sex cord-stromal tumor Id Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 4 Gonadal stromal tumor Testicular stromal tumor (T-186._) Ovarian stromal tumor (7-183.0) Sex cord tumor 8600/0 Thecoma, NOS (T-183.0) II All Sites 220 + Theca cell tumor (T7-183.0) 8600/3 Theca cell carcinoma (T7-183.0) II All Sites 183.0 + Thecoma, malignant (T7-183.0) 8610/0 Luteoma, NOS (T7-183.0) II All Sites 220 + Luteinoma (T-183.0) 8620/1 Granulosa cell tumor, NOS 11 All Sites 236.2 + (T-183.0) MORPHOLOGY Page 81 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8620/3 Granulosa cell tumor, malignant II All Sites 183.0 + (7T-183.0) Granulosa cell carcinoma (T-183.0) 8621/1 Granulosa cell-theca cell tumor II All Sites 236.2 + (T-183.0) Theca cell-granulosa cell tumor (7T-183.0) 8630/0 Androblastoma, benign Vv 199.9 220 (F) Arrhenoblastoma, benign 222.0 (MD All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8630/1 Androblastoma, NOS V 199.9 236.2 (F) Arrhenoblastoma, NOS 236.4 (M) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 4 8630/3 Androblastoma, malignant v 199.9 183.0 (F) Arrhenoblastoma, malignant 186.9 (M) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8631/0 Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor V 199.9 220 (F) 222.0 (MD All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8632/1 Gynandroblastoma (T-183.0) v 199.9 236.2 (F) 236.4 (M) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 4 8640/0 Tubular androblastoma, NOS v 199.9 220 (F) Pick's tubular adenoma 222.0 (M) Sertoli cell adenoma All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 Sertoli cell tumor, NOS Testicular adenoma 8640/3 Sertoli cell carcinoma (T-186._) 11} 199.9 186.9 a All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8641/0 Tubular androblastoma with lipid Vv 199.9 220 (F) storage (7-183.0) 222.0 (M) Sertoli cell tumor with lipid All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 storage 8650/0 Leydiq cell tumor, benign v 133.9 220 (F) (T-186. 222.0 (IM) Inters’’ sl cell tumor, benign £11 Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8650/1 Leydig cell tumor, NOS (T-186._) Interstitial cell tumor, NOS 8650/3 Leydig cell tumor, malignant (T-186._) Interstitial cell tumor, malignant 8660/0 Hilar cell tumor (T-183.0) 8670/0 Lipid cell tumor of ovary (T-183.0) Lipoid cell tumor of ovary (T-183.0) Masculinovoblastoma (T7-183.0) 8671/0 Adrenal rest tumor 868-871 PARAGANGLIOMAS AND GLOMUS TUMORS 8680/1 Paraganglioma, NOS 8680/3 Paraganglioma, malignant 8681/1 Sympathetic paraganglioma 8682/1 Parasympathetic paraganglioma 8690/1 Glomus juqgulare tumor (T-1%4.6) Jugular paraganglioma (T-194.6) 3691/1 Aortic body tumor (T-194.6) Aortic body paraganglioma (T-194.6) 8692/1 Carotid body tumor (T-194.5) Carotid body paraganglioma (T-196.5) 8693/1 Extra-adrenal paraganglioma, NOS Nonchromaffin paraganglioma, NOS Chemodectoma MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP V 11 II Ib III III III III II 1} II III ICD- 139. All 199. All All All 0 SITE 9 Cther 9 Other Sites Sites Sites Sites Specific Sites 199. All 199. All 132, All 199. All All All All 199. All 9 Other Sites 9 Cther Sites 9 Other Sites 9 Other Sites Sites Sites Sites 9 Other Sites ICD- 236. 236. See 183. 186. See 220 220 See 237. See 194. See 237. See 237. See 237. 237. 237. 237. See 9 CATEGORY 2 (F) 4 (M) Topography 6 (F) 3 (MD Topcgraphy Topography 3 Topcgraphy 6 Topography 3 Topography 3 Topography 3 3 Topography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column 4 Page 82 MORPHOLOGY Page 83 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8693/3 Extra-adrenal paraganglioma, III 199.9 194.6 malignant All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 Nonchromaffin paraganglioma, malignant 8700/0 Pheochromocytoma, NOS (T-194.0) Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 Chromaffin paraganglioma Chromaffin tumor Chromaffinoma 8700/3 Pheochromocytoma, malignant (T-194.0) ITI 196.9 194.0 Pheochromoblastoma (T-194.0) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column | 8710/3 Glomangiosarcoma IV 171. _ 171... Glomoid sarcoma 173.1-173.4 171.0 173.5 171.9 173.6 121.2 173.7 $71.3 173.8-173.9 171.9 195.0 171.0 195.1 171.4 195.2 171.5 195.3 171.6 195.6 171.2 195.5 171.3 195.8 171.8 169.9 171.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column | 8711/0 Glomus tumor II All Sites 228.0 8712/0 Glomangioma 1Y All Sites 228.0 MORPHOLOGY Page 84 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 872-879 NEVI AND MELANOMAS 8720/70 Pigmented nevus, NOS (T-173._) Iv 160. _ 216.0 Nevus, NOS (T-173.) 154.3 216.5 Hairy nevus (T-173._) 173. _ 216. _ 176. _ 216.5 176. _ 216.5 186.1 221.2 184.2 221.2 186.3 221.2 184.4 221.2 1837.1 222.1 187.4 222% 187.7 222.4% 187.9 222.4 195.0-195.1 216.9 195.2 216.5 1$5.3 216.9 195.4 216.6 195.5 216.7 195.8 216.9 All Other Sites 216.9 8720/3 Malignant melanoma, NOS Iv 140. _ 172.0 Melanoma, HOS 173. 172. _ Melanocarcinoma 174. _ 122.5 Nevocarcinoma 175, 172.3 Melanosarcoma, NOS 195.0-195.1 172.9 195.2 172.53 195.3 172. % 195.4 172.6 195.5 172.7 195.8 172.9 199.9 172.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8721/3 Nodular melanoma IV 140. _ 172.0 173. 122. 176. _ 172.5 175. _ 172.5 195.0-195. 1 172.9% 135.2 172.5 195.3 172.9 195.4 172.6 195.5 172.7 195.8 172.9 199.9 172.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 MORPHOLOGY Page 85 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8722/0 Balloon cell nevus (T-173._) Iv 160. _ 216.0 154.3 216.5 173. _ 216. _ 176. _ 216.5 175. _ 216.5 186.1 221.2 184.2 221.2 184.3 221.2 184.4% 221.2 187.1 222.1 187.4 222.1 187.7 222.6 137.9 222.4% 195.0-195.1 216.9 185.2 216.5 195.3 216.9 195.4 216.6 193.5 216.7 195.8 216.9 All Other Sites 216.9 8722/3 Balloon cell melanoma IV 140. _ 172.8 173._ 172. _ 176. _ 172.3 175. _ 172.5 195.0-195. 1 172.9 195.2 172.5 195.3 172.9 195.4 172.6 185.5 172.7 195.8 172.9 199.9 172.93 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICh-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 872370 Halo nevus (T-173._) Iv 140. 154%. 173. 174. 175. 184. 184. 18%. 184. 187. 187. 187. 187. 195. 193. 195. 165. 195. 195. All wi mo [I OUR ULNO OND a DUN I - 0 wn ty ct her Sites 8724/0 Fibrous papule of the nose 1640. uo NOONAN VUNODD aa aN LIU, (7T-173.3% 154. Involuting nevus (T-173._) 173. 174. 175. 186. 184. 184. 184%. 187. 187. 187. 187. 195. 195. 135. 195. 195. 195. All Other Sites wi NANO NNR VN rs eh et ed va Ara NONONON ON nN nN POUR UWNO OND a DUN =| || | NY 0 “ - t rm aw, cs aa VON O UTD DR aa NVR NLU MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8725/0 Neuronevus (T-173._) IV 160. 154. 173. 176. 175. 184. 186. 184. 186. 187. 187. 187. 187. 1935. 195. 195. 195. 185. 195. All Other Sites wi CPUILRUNOOND = DWN =| || 8726/0 Magnocellular nevus (T-190.0) 199.9 . Melanocytoma of the eyeball All Other Sites opography Table, Column 2 (T-13%0.0) 4 8730/0 Non-pigmented nevus (7-173. ) 140. Achromic nevus (T-173._) 154, 173. 174. 125. 1846. 184. 184. 184. 187. 121 187. 195. 195. 195. | - 0 wm — 195. . » . ORV AUNCOOND PUN =| || bli a ER i SEE I. CO~NAVUIO RAD aN N UT ther Sites MORPHOLOGY Page 83 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GRCUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8730/3 Amelanotic melanoma Iv 140. _ 172.0 173. _ 172. 1746. _ 172.5 175. _ 172.5 195.,0-1%85. 172.9 185.2 172.5 195.3 172.9 195.4 172.6 135.5 172.7 195.8 172.9 199.9 172.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8740/0 Junctional nevus (T-173._) Iv 140. _ 216.0 Junction nevus (T-173._) 156.3 216.5 Intraepidermal nevus (T-173.) 173._ 216. _ 176." 216.5 175." 216.5 184.1 221.2 184.2 221.2 1864.3 221.2 186.46 221.2 187.1 222.1 187.4 222.1 187.7 222.4% 187.9 222.4 195.0-195. 1 216.9 185.2 216.5 195.3 216.9 195.4 216.6 185.5 216.7 195.8 216.9 All Other Sites 216.9 8740/3 Malignant melanoma in junctional IV 160. _ 172.0 nevus (T-173._) 173. _ 172. _ 174. _ 172.5 175. _ 172.5 195.0-195.1 172.9 195.2 172.5 195.3 172.9 195.46 172.6 195.5 172.7 195.8 172.9 169.9 172.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 MORPHOLOGY Page 89 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8741/2 Precancerous melanosis, NOS (T-173._) Iv 160. _ 232.0 154.3 232.5 173. _ 232. _ 176. _ 232.5 175._ 232.5 186. 1 233.3 184.2 233.3 184.3 233.3 184.4 233.3 187.1 233.5 187.4 233.5 187.7 233.6 187.9 233.6 195.0-195.1 232.9 195.2 232.5 195.3 232.9 195.6 232.6 195.5 232.7 195.8 232.9 All Other Sites 232.9 8741/3 Malignant melanoma in precancerous Iv 160. _ 172.0 melanosis (T-173._) 1723. 172... 176. _ 122.5 175. _ 172.5 195.0-1%5.1 172.9 195.2 172.5 195.3 172.9 195.4% 172.6 183.5 172.7 165.8 172.9 199.9 172.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP 8762/2 Hutchinson's melanotic freckle IV (7-173...) Lentigo maligna (T-173..) 8742/3 Malignant melanoma in Hutchinson's Iv melanotic freckle (T-173._) Lentigo maligna melanoma (1-173...) 8763/3 Superficial spreading melanoma IV ICD-0 SITE 140. 156. 175. 174. 175. 186. 184. 184. 186. 187. 187. 187. 187. 195. 195. 185. 195, 195. 195. All 140. 173. 174. 175. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 199. All 140. 173. 1746. 175. 195. 195, 195. 195. 193, 1335. 199. TALL wf —-l 11 1 - © wn OOP UNOOND aD I ~~ 0 wm ICD-9 CATEGORY 232. 232. 232. 232. 232. £33 233. 233. 233. e333, 233. 233. 233. 232. 232. 232. p32. 232. 232. 232. 172. 172. 172. 172. 172. 172. 172. 172. 172. 172. 172. See 172. 172. 172. 172. 172. 172. 172. 172. 172. 172. 172. See mo © VON VUIO OUT W L wu] opography Table, o —twwvw~NTOoUouUn opography Table, I1CD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8750/0 Intradermal nevus (T-173._) Dermal nevus (T-173._) 8760/0 Compound nevus (T-173._) Dermal and epidermal nevus (T-173._) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP IV Iv ICD-0 SITE 1640. 154. 173. 174. 175. 184. 186. 184. 184. 187. 187. 187. 187. 195. 195. 185. 195. 195. 195. All 140. 154. 173. 174. 1758. 184. 184. 184. 18%. 187. 187. 187. 187. 135. 195. 195. 135. 1393. 185, All wil COOL UNOOND a DUHN | | wl COULD UNOWVSND = DUN | | ~$35.1 ther Sites «195.1% ther Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 216. 216. 216. 216. 216. 221. 221. 221. 221. 222. 222. 222. 222. nN oN — hhh —_ ar a NONONONON OANCNONONON DN pron nN NNN NN AN) a or ed a a 221. vio COVNAVUIO RD a aN UWY WOO NWO UO PAD es a NNN NUL uo ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8761/1 Giant pigmented nevus (T-173..) 8761/3 Malignant melanoma in giant pigmented nevus (T-173..) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Iv Iv ICD-0 SITE 140. 154. 173. 174. 175. 18%. 186. 184. 184, 187. 187. 187. 187. 1395. 135. All 140. 173. 176. 175. 195. 195. 135. 185. 135. 195. 199. All wa] Ld -135.5 ther Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 238. 238. 238. 238. 238. 236. 236. 236. 236. 236. 236. 236. 236. 238. 238. 238. 172. 172. 172.5 172.5 172.9 172.5 .9 6 7 $ 9 T 172 172. 172. 1722. 172. See o NNN OOO ON UN NNN opography Table, Column 1 Page 92 MORPHOLOGY Page 93 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8770/0 Epithelioid and spindle cell nevus Iv 160. _ 216.0 (T-173._) 154.3 216.5 Epithelioid cell nevus (T-173._) 173: 216. _ Spindle cell nevus (71-173. 176. _ 216.5 Juvenile nevus (T-173._) 175. _ 216.5 Juvenile melanoma (T-173._) 184.1 221.2 184.2 221.2 184.3 221.2 184.4 221.2 187.1 222.1 187.4 222.1 187.7 222.4 187.9 222.6 165.0-195.1 216.9 195.2 216.5 195.3 216.9 195.4 216.6 195.5 216.7 195.3 216.9 All Other Sites 216.9 8771/3 Epithelioid cell melanoma IV 140. _ 172.8 Epithelioid cell melanosarcoma 173. _ 172. _ 174. _ 172.5 175... 172.5 195.0-195.1 172.9 195.2 172.5 195.3 172.9 185.4 172.6 195.5 172.7 195.8 172.9 199.9 172.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 877273 Spindle cell melanoma, NOS IV 140. _ 172.0 173. _ 172. _ 174. _ 172.5 175. _ 172.5 195.0-195.1 172.9 195.2 172.5 195.3 172.9 195.4 172.6 185.5 172.7 165.8 172.9 199.9 172.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8773/3 Spindle cell melanoma, type A II All Sites 190.0 (T-1590.0) MORPHOLOGY Page 94 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8774/3 Spindle cell melanoma, type B II All Sites 160.0 (T-190.0) 877573 Mixed epithelioid and spindle cell Iv 140. _ 172.0 melanoma 1723... 172. 176. _ 172.5 175. _ 172.5 185.0-195. 1 172.9 195.2 172.5 185.3 172.9 185.4 172.6 185.5 172.7 195.8 172.9 199.¢ 172.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8780/0 Blue nevus, NOS (T-173._) IV 140. _ 216.0 Jadassohn's blue nevus (T-173.. 154.3 216.5 173. 216. _ 176. _ 216.5 178. 216.5 184.1 221.2 184.2 221.2 186.3 221.2 184.4 221.2 187.1 222.1 187.4 222.1 187.7 222.4 187.9 222.4 195.0-195. 1 216.9 193.2 216.5 195.3 216.9 195.4 216.6 195.5 216.7 195.8 216.9 All Other Sites 216.9 8780/3 Blue nevus, malignant (T-173._) Iv 160. _ 172.0 173. 172. 174. _ 172.5 175. _ 172.5 195.0-195.1 172.9 195.2 172.5 195.3 172.9 195.4 172.6 195.5 172.7 195.8 172.9 199.9 172.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 MORPHOLOGY Page 95 1CD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE 1CD-9 CATEGORY 8790/0 Cellular blue nevus (T-173._) Iv 140. Giant blue nevus {T=%73...0 154. 173. _ 176._ 175._ 1836.1 186.2 186.3 186.4 137. 1 187.4 187.7 . 187.9 222. 0 2 3 6 5 3 0 wif ORRIN MN wo PO = =a =a = a —_— "OOOO 221. 195.0-195.1 216. 195. 195. L 195. 195. 195. All ~ nN ~N OLR ONORR wan ther Sites 880 SOFT TISSUE TUMORS AND SARCOMAS, NOS N — ptnuiutonotn 8800/0 Soft tissue tumor, benign IV 171. _ 173.1-173.4 173.5 173.6 173.7 173.8-173.9 195.0 195.1 195.2 195.3 195.4 135.5 195.8 199.9 All © DRI NNNN arcs wb mtb oa HOO UWUN OUR OVULNY 0 Duin ther Sites opography Table, Column 2 MORPHOLOGY Page 96 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8800/3 Sarcoma, NOS Iv 171. _ 171. _ Soft tissue tumor, malignant 173.1-173.4 171.0 Mesenchymal tumor, malignant 173.5 171.9 173.6 171.2 173.7 171.3 173.8-173.9 171.9 195.0 171.0 195.1 171.4 195.2 171.5 195.3 171.6 195.4 171.2 195.5 171.3 165.8 171.8 199.9 171.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8800/9 Sarcomatosis, NOS IV 171. _ 171. 199.9 171.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8801/3 Spindle cell sarcoma IV 171. _ 171. 173.1-173.4 171.0 173.3 171.9 173.6 171.2 173.7 171.3 173.8-173.9 171.9 195.0 171.0 195.1 171.4 195.2 171.5 195.3 171.6 195.4 121.2 195.5 171.3 195.8 171.8 199.9 171.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 1CD-0 MORPHOLOGY. 8802/3 Giant cell sarcoma (except of Bone M-9250/3) Pleomorphic cell sarccma 8803/3 Small cell sarcoma Round cell sarcoma 8804/3 Epithelioid cell sarcoma MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Iv 1CD-0 SITE 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 135. 193. All 171. 173. 173. 173. ICD- 171. _ 171.70 171.9 171.2 171.3 171.9 171.0 .G 5 6 2 3 8 9 T 171 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. See 171. _ 171.0 171.9 171.2 171.3 171.9 171.0 171.4 .5 6 2 3 8 9 T 171 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. 0 9 2 3 9 0 LG .5 6 > 3 8 9 T 9 CATEGORY opography Table, Column 1 opography Table, Column 1 opography Table, Column 1 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP 881-883 FIBROMATOUS NEOPLASMS 8810/0 Fibroma, NOS Iv Fibroma durum 8810/3 Fibrosarcoma, NGS Iv 8811/0 Fibromyxoma IV : Myxoid fibroma Myxofibroma, NOS ICD-0 SITE 171. _ L1-173.4 173. 173. 173, 173. 195. 195. 195, 195. 195, 195. 195. 199. 173 All 121. 1753. 173. 173. 173. 173. 198. 155. 185. 195. 195. 195. 195. 199. All 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 185. 195. 1385. 135, 195. 195. 195. 199. All OVOUIRAUN «OIA | OVOP UN ONAL —- ON | Sw UMIPWLWN | — ~ WN ther I —_ ~ Ww | —- ~ w ther | - ~ WN 1 — ~ Ww ther 0 Sites Sites Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY ONIN NN NN {Dood aloha wbiionld el Hh ls lhl i, — ed eh eh bh hh ed te NN NNNNNNANN — eh eh eh eh ea hh oa a "se ee «ee See nN — oun NNN NNN MN AN ID wo ok a oo ae oD UuUULUTULIULIULITULTULITLTILTLY oLUuUuUIUTUIUIGILITLTLILTLT LT WY VW UWNTIM POV UNNVYS 0 9 ie 3 9 0 -— NNN — 4 3 .6 2 3 8 39 T 0 9 2 .3 9 0 4 6 9 5 2 .. 8 T opography Table, Column 2 Column 1 opography Table, opography Table, Column 2 Page 9 8 MORPHOLOGY Page 99 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8811/3 Fibromyxosarcoma IV 171. _ 171. _ 173.1-173.4 171.0 173.5 171.9 173.6 171.2 173.7 171.3 173.8-173.9 171.9 195.0 171.0 195.1 171.4 195.2 171.5 ’ 165.3 171.6 195.6 171.2 195.5 171.3 165.8 171.8 199.9 171.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8812/0 Periosteal fibroma (T-170._) Iv 170. _ 213. _ 190.1 213.0 195.8 213.0 195.3 213.6 195.6 213.46 195.5 213.7 All Other Sites 213.9 8812/3 Periosteal fibrosarcoma (T-170._) Iv 170. _ > 170._ Periosteal sarcoma, NOS 190.1 17C¢.0 (T-170._) 185.0 170.0 195.3 170.6 195.4 170.4 195.53 170.7 All Other Sites 170.9 8813/0 Fascial fibroma IV 171. _ £15... 173.1-173.6 215.0 173.5 215.9 173.4 215.72 173.7 215.3 173.8-173.9 215.9 . 15.0 215.0 195.1% 215.4 165.2 215.5 185.3 215.6 195.4% 215.2 195.5 215.3 195.8 215.8 193.9 215.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8813/3 Fascial fibrosarcoma 8814/3 Infantile fibrosarcoma Congenital fibrosarcoma 8820/0 Elastofibroma ICD-0 SITE 171. 123. 173. 1753. 173. 173. 1235. 195. 185. 195. 195. 155. 195. 199. All 171. 173. 173. 173. 173+ 173. 195. 195. 1985. 195. 195. 135. 195. 199. All 171. 173. 173. 173. 17%. 173. 195. 195. 135. 195. 195. 195; 195. 199. All —| 1 ~J w . I - ~ Ww ICD- 171. _ 171.0 171.9 .2 3 9 0 171 171. 171. 171. 171.4 171.5 171.6 171.2 3 8 9 T 171 171. 171. See 171. _ 171.0 171.9 171.2 .3 9 0 ¢ 171 171. 171, 5 6 .2 3 8 9 T 5 6 2 .3 8 T 9 CATEGORY 0 9 2 3 9 0 4 9 opography Table, opography Table, opography Table, MORPHOLOGY Page 101 1CD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8821/1 Aggressive fibromatosis Iv 171. _ 238.1 Extra-abdominal desmoid 173._ 238.1 Desmoid, HGS 195.0-195.5 238.1 Invasive fibroma 195.8 238.1 199.9 238.1 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 4 8822/1 Abdominal fibromatosis Iv 171. _ 238.1 Abdominal desmoid 173. 238.1 165.0-195.5 238.1 165.8 238.1 199.9 238.1 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 4 8823/1 Desmoplastic fibroma IV 171. _ 238.1 173._ 238.1 195.0-195.5 238.1 195.8 238.1 199.9 238.1 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 4 8830/0 Fibrous histiocytoma, NOS IV 160. _ 216.0 154.3 216.5 173... 216. _ 176. _ 216.5 175._ 2146.5 1846.1 221.2 184.2 2241.2 186.3 221.2 184.1% 221.2 187. 1 222.1 187.4 222.1 187.7 222.4% 187.9 222.6 135.0-195.1 216.9 195.2 216.5 195.3 216.9 195.4 216.6 195.5 216.7 195.8 216.9 All Other Sites 216.9 8830/1 Atypical fibrous histiocytoma Vv 171. _ 238.1 173. 238.1 195.0-195.5 238.1 195.8 238.1 199.9 238.1 All Other Sites Sea Topography Table, Column 4 MORPHOLOGY Page 102 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8830/3 Fibrous histiocytoma, malignant Iv 171. _ 71. 173.9~%73.% 171.0 173.5 171.9 173.6 171.2 $73.7 171.3 173.8-173.9 171.9 195.0 171.0 195.1 171.4 195.2 171.5 195.3 171.6 165.4 171.2 195.5 171.3 195.8 171.8 199.9 171.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8831/0 Fibroxanthoma, NOS IV 171. _ 215. Xanthofibroma 173.1-173.4 215.0 173.5 215.9 173.5 2415.2 173.7 215.3 173.8-173.9 215.9 195.0 215.0 195.3% 215.4 195.2 215.5 185.3 215.6 195.4 215.2 195.5 215.3 195.8 215.8 199.9 215.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8831/1 Atypical fibroxanthoma IV 171. 238.1 173. 238.1 185.0-195.5 238.1 195.8 233.1 199.9 238.1 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 4 MORPHOLOGY Page 103 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE I1CD-9 CATEGORY 2831/3 Fibroxanthoma, malignant Iv 171. 171. _ Fibroxanthosarcoma 173.1-173.4 171.0 173.5 171.9 173.6 171.2 173.7 1741.53 173.8-173.9 171.9 185.0 171.0 195.1 171.6 195.2 171.3 165.3 171.6 195.6 171.2 195.5 171.3 195.8 171.8 189.9 171.9 All Other Sites See Topdgraphy Table Column, 1 : 8832/0 Dermatofibroma, NOS (7T-173._) Iv 160. _ 216.0 Sclerosing hemangioma {T7-173..7 154.3 216.5 Histiocytoma, NOS (T-173._) 173. 216. __ Subepidermal nodular fibrosis 176. _ 216.5 (7-173...) 1715. 216.5 Dermatofibroma lenticulare 186.1 221.2 (7-173. 186.2 221.2 186.3 221.2 184.4% 221.2 187.1 222.1 187.4% 222.1 187.7 222.4 187.9 222.4% 195.0-195.1 216.9 195.2 216.5 195.3 216.9 195.4 216.6 195.5 216.7 195.8 216.9 £11 Other Sites 216.9 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION ICD-0 MORPHOLCGY 8832/1 Barmgiofiiromn protuberans 3832/3 Dermatofibrosarcoma, NOS (T-173. Bes gig] ibrosaranms protuberans ICD-0 SITE 140. 154. 173. 176. 175. 184. 186. 184. 186. 187. 187. 187. 187. 135. 195. All 140. 154, 173. 174. 175. 186. 1846. 186. 184. 187. 187. 187. 187. 195. 195. 185. 195. 195. 185. All ther Sites Papal || ow 1 - 0 An — ther Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 238. 238. 238. 238. 238. 236. 236. 236. 236. 236. 236. 236. 236. 38. 233. 238. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 184. 184. 184. 184. 187. 187. 137. 187. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. no NNN LL GIN NNN NY WONT OUIOONA a DUN Uy » MORPHOLOGY Page 105 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 884 MYXOMATOUS NEOPLASMS 8840/0 Myxoma, NOS Iv 171. 173. 373. 173. 173. 173. 193. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 139. All | 1 es ~ wv - uuu! | — ~ WN Oo WN NNNN ch oh mh oh eh ah A hd mh A hh a I] 0 9 2 3 9 0 4 .5 6 2 3 8 9 T OWVWOUIAUN CON DULL ther Sites opography Table, Column 2 8840/3 Myxosarcoma IV 32 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 199. All 1 -_ ~ wl 4 — C3 CO NON UT a 1 ~ w 0 hh oh oh A mh ah hh oh aN NS NI SI NN NY hh mh oh hh eh hh “oe “ese se es -— ~ — 171. 171. 174. 0 9 2 3 9 0 4 .5 6 2 3 8 9 ther Sites See T Ovo HUN opography Table, Column 1 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY GROUP 835-888 LIPOMATOUS MNECPLASMS 8850/0 Lipoma, MNOS II 8850/3 Liposarcoma, NOS Iv Fibroliposarcoma 3851/0 Fibrolipoma II Fibroma molle Soft fibroma 3851/3 Liposarcoma, well differentiated Iv type Liposarcoma, differentiated type 8852/0 Fibromyxolipoma II Myxolipoma CCHVERSICN ICD-0 SITE All 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 135. 192. 189. All All 171. 173, 123. 173. 173. 173. 19%. 195. 195. 195. 195. 1395. 195. 199. All All Sites | — ~1 Ww VOUT UN = © 00 af Other Sites WOULD LN = © 08 ONUT a Other Sites - 173. -173. -173. Sites Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY — oly nN SN hh hh hh a NON SN NN SD dh wh dh hh hh —— oe ee “oo. ol nh: well wl NAN RR 171. See 214 171. 124%, 171. 171. 174%. 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. See 214 0 .9 «2 3 9 0 4 5 .6 ys 3 8 9 T SVR UWNAAUADOBUN VO opography Table, opography Table, Column Column 1 1 Page 106 MORPHOLOGY Page 107 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8852/3 Myxoid liposarcoma Iv 171. _ 171. _ Myxoliposarcoma 173.1-173.4 171.0 Embryonal liposarcoma 175.5 171.9 173.6 171.2 173.7 171.3 173.8-173.9 171.9 185.0 171.0 195.1 171.4 195.2 171.5 185.3 171.6 195.4 171.2 195.5 171.3 135.8 171.8 199.9 171.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8853/3 Round cell liposarcoma IV 17%... 171. _ 173.1-173.4 171.0 173.5 171.9 173.6 171.2 173.7 171.3 173.8-173.9 171.9 195.0 171.0 195.1 171.46 1953.2 171.5 195.3 171.6 195.4 171.2 195.5 171.3 195.8 171.8 139.9 171.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8854/3 Pleomarphic liposarcoma IV 171. _ 171. 173.1-173.4 171.0 173.5 171.9 173.6 171.2 173.7 171.3 173.8-173.9 171.9 195.0 171.0 135.1 171.46 195.2 171.5 195.3 171.6 195.4 171.2 195.5 171.3 195.8 171.8 199.9 171.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GRGUP 8855/3 Mixed type liposarcoma Iv 8856/0 Intramuscular lipoma II Infiltrating lipoma 8857/0 Spindle cell lipoma II 8860/0 Angiomyolipoma IV ICD-0 SITE 171. 173 173. 173. 173. 173. 185. 195. 195. 195. 195. 165. 195. 199. All All All 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 195. 195. 195. 1985. 135. 195. i895. 195. All NO 0 UTD GN ea © 00 ~d ON UY a 0 S S T 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 $ 0 -173.4 «3173.9 ther Sites ites ites 1-173.4 -$73.9 ther Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY heh eh eh A heh EIRENE ES RY ENN EN EEN IE | hh rh mh oh hh oh ht, . “ oe — ah ah -— ~NN - oh — See Topography Table, Column 1 nN oS -— NRO LR ook i webrremn i ser SN: TA? ion vu UTIL COLUMN NUTD OO WN 0 | 223.0 Sea Topography Table, Column 2 Page 108 MORPHOLOGY Page 109 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8860/3 Angiomyoliposarcoma IV 171. _ 171. _ 173.1-173.4 171.0 173.5 171.9 173.6 171.2 173.7 171.3 173.8-173.9 171.9 195.0 171.0 1985.1 171.4 195.2 171.5 195.3 171.6 195.4 171.2 165.5 171.3 165.8 171.8 199.9 171.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8861/0 Angiolipoma, NOS II All Sites 216 8861/1 Angiolipoma, infiltrating IV 171. _ 238.1 173._ 238.1 195.0-195.5 238.1 195.8 238.1 199.9 238.1 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column ¢ 8870/0 Myelolipoma Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8880/0 Hibernoma II All Sites 214 Fetal fat cell lipoma Brown fat tumor 8881/0 Lipoblastomatosis II All Sites 214 Fetal lipoma, HOS Fetal lipomatosis Lipoblastoma ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 889-892 MYOMATOUS NEOPLASMS 88%0/0 Leiomyoma, NOS Fibroid uterus (7-179.9) Fibromyoma Leiomyofibroma Myofibroma 8890/1 Intravascular leiomyomatosis 8890/3 Leiomyosarcoma, NOS MORPHOLOGY COHVERSIGHN GROUP Iv Iv IV ICD-0 SITE 1721. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 179. 180. 132. 195. 133. 155, 195. 195. 195. 195. 199. All 171. 173. 195. 195. 15%. All 171. 173. 173. 173. 173, 113, 195. 135. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 199. All O00 NON CVU UN =O —_ O00 NUT 1 -~ ~ [> -173. -173. -173. 4 9 Sites Sites Sites Page 110 ICD-9 CATEGORY MN — ht — —— — — —_ — " OWN Oo DONNNNNINMNN NNN NN RN DLLLLLTULTLILILICE CR Cd LT LTT LT LT LT m vw opography Table, Column 2 nN LL 00 Co 233. 238. 238. See 171. _ 171.0 171.9 171.2 3 9 0 — hr tt —r opography Table, Column 4 171. 171. 171. 171.6 171.5 171.6 173.2 171.3 171.8 171.9 7 See Topography Table, Column 1 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8891/1 Epithelioid leiomyoma Leiomyoblastoma 8891/3 Epithelioid leiomyosarcoma 8892/1 Cellular leiomyoma 8893/0 Bizarre leiomyoma MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP IV IV Iv Iv 1CD~ 171. _ 173._ 195.0 .8 9 0 195 139. All 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 193. 3958. 195. 185. 195. 165. 195. 169. All 171. 173. 165. 195. 19%. All 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 195. 165. 195. 135. 193. All 0 SITE -195.5 ther Sites -173.4% -173.9 CWO UTR UN — © 00 OUT | ther Sites ther Sites ther Sites I1CD- 238.1 238.1 238.1 n 1 T 238 238. See 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. See 238. 238. 233. 233. wn 0 Ww 0 > ONIN NNNN [D =r =a =a —b =A =a = —A —h oh —a —a —t —a P UULLLTLLULTULTULITLTULTLTLT LT LY ’ HOP UNOUTD OV UN WO 9 CATEGORY opography Table, Column 4 HOCOUN AULD OW LIN WO opography Table, Column 1 —f a hh a a opography Table, Column 4 opography Table, Column 2 Page 111 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8894/0 Angiomyoma Vascular leiomyoma Angioleiomyoma 8894/3 Angiomyosarcoma 8895/0 Myoma MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Iv Iv Iv ICD-0 SITE 171._ LT-173. 173.5 173.6 173.7 173.8 195.0 195.1 .2 3 4 5 8 9 0 173 195 195. 195. 195. 185. 139. All 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 195. 185. 195. 195. 195. 185. 195. 199. All 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 135. 195. 193. 195. 195. 185. 195. 199. All ther | ili ~ HN OVOUMAUN SONA — ther | — ~ w | a ~ [#2] OOO UIR UN = © 00 ~ OU ma ther -473. | — ~ AN 4 Sites Sites Sites hah ah eh mh wh wh wh eh eh hh ah -—_ Ww» ND —-— 0 oobi torn 0 9 2 5 9 0 4 «3 6 2 3 8 S T HV UWNRUILOBCUWN OV | CD-9 CATEGORY opography Table, opography Table, opography Table, Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 Page 112 RE MORPHOLOGY Page 113 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 889573 Myosarcoma Iv 171. _ 171. _ 173.1-173.4 171.0 173.5 171.9 173.6 171.2 173.7 171.3 173.8-173.9 171.9 195.0 171.0 195.1 171.6 165.2 171.5 195.3 171.6 195.4 171.2 195.5 171.3 195.8 171.8 169.9 171.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8900/0 Rhabdomyoma, NOS Iv 171._ 215. _ 173.1-173.4 215.0 173.5 215.9 173.6 215.2 173.7 215.3 173.83-173.9 215.9 195.0 215.0 165.1 215.4 185.2 215.5 195.3 215.6 195.4 215.2 195.5 215.3% 195.8 215.8 199.9 215.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 8900/3 Rhabdomyosarcoma, NOS IV 171. _ 171. Rhabdosarcoma 173.1-173.4 171.0 173.5 171.9 173.6 171.2 173.7 171.3 173.8-173.9 171.9 195.0 171.0 135.1 171.4 195.2 171.5 195.3 171.6 195.4 171.2 195.5 171.3 195.8 171.8 199.9 171.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8901/3 Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma 8902/3 Mixed type rhabdomyosarcoma 8903/0 Fetal rhabdomyoma MORPHOLOGY Ce NVERSION GROUP Iv IV IV ICD-0 SITE 171. _ J 173.5 173.6 173.7 173.8 195.0 195. 1 .2 3 4 5 8 9 0 173 195 195. 195. 195. 165. 199. All 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 145. 195. 195. 195. 125. 195. 185. 199. All 171. 173. 173. 1723. 173. 173. 195. 195. 185. 195. 195. 195. 195. 199. All CVRD UN = O00 qT 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 0 -173.4 -173.9 ther Sites I —_ ~ WN +» “173.3 ther Sites -173.4 -173.8 ther Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 171. _ 171.3 171.9 171.2 171.3 171.9 171.0 171.4 .5 6 2 3 8 9 3 171 171, 171. 171. 171%. 171. See 171. _ 171.0 171.9 171.2 171.3 74.8 171.0 171.4 .5 6 2 3 8 9 T VO UWNAUTNODOWVWULN OVO opoqgraphy Table, opography Table, opography Table, Column 1 Column 1 Column 2 Page 114 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP 8904/0 Adult rhabdomyoma Iv Glycogenic rhabdomyoma 8910/3 Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma IV Sarcoma botryoides Botryoid sarcoma 8920/3 Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma IV ICD- 171. _ 173.1 173.5 173.6 173.7 173.8 195.0 195. 1 2 3 4 5 3 9 0 195 135. 133. 185. 195. 133%. All 171. 173. 195. = ND ND N23 ND mh wi wt IP sh whieh P= WWW VIO OOO NN NIN ~oiutuioiCl in I wh wh wh mh mh mh mh mh hh OWOIUTD AN = © 00 CN UT a 0 nuttin ung LT NH CH AH A =a 0 SITE -173.4 -~4$73.3 ther Sites | -— ~l [#2] Ea) | ~J w Oo ther Sites 1-173 .4 5 6 7 .8-173.9 .0 1 “2 3 G n: 3 9 Other Sites GN N — [0 rb =n x oh oh mh at mh hh ha oD LULuTuUiuTuitTuuTiunn on () ch ehh eh mh wh md oh hh wd dh hh wh —h 0 SN NN SI ANI NN SN NI NE NE NN TED onl roa wl coh or OA TO, sh pod oh we FY oh oi ak a saw al ll A lf Ad A SN AN SEN SN NI SI SN NE NE NY = —h = ~4 i bh hh hh —- i 0 S 2 3 9 0 I .5 6 2 3 8 9 T SOO WN OWND DVN OO HOB HNN AUTO DWN OO CD-9 CATEGORY opography Table, opcgraphy opography Table, Table, Column 2 Column Page 115 393- 3930/3 8931/1 8932/0 8940/0 8940/3 8950/3 8951/3 8960/1 8960/3 8961/3 8962/3 8970/3 8980/3 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 3%9 COMPLEX MIXED AND STROMAL NEOPLASMS Endometrial stromal sarcoma (7-182.0) Endometrial sarcoma, NGS (T-132.0) Stromal sarcoma, NOS Endolymphatic stromal myosis (T-182.0) Endometrial stromatosis (T-182.0) Stromal endometriosis (T-182.0) Stromal myesis, NOS (T-182.0) Adenomyoma Pleomorphic adenoma Mixed tumor, NOS Mixed tumor, salivary gland type, NOS Chondroid syringoma Mixed tumor, malignant, NOS Mixed tumor, salivary gland type, malignant Carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma Mullerian mixed tumor Mesodermal mixed tumor Mesoblastic nephroma Nephroblastoma, NOS (T7-189.0) Wilms's tumor (T7-189.0) Adenosarcoma (T-189.0) Epithelial nephroblastoma (T7-189.0) Mesenchymal nephroblastoma (T7-189.0) Hepatoblastoma (T7-155.0) Embryonal hepatoma (T7-155.0) Carcinosarcoma, NOS . MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP 113 II Ib Ib Ia Ia Ia II II II 11 II Ia ICD-0 SITE 182.1 All Other Sites All Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites . Specific Sites ICD- 132. 182. 236. See See See See See 236. 189. 189. 189. 155. See 9 CATEGORY -— Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography 9 0 Topography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Page 116 MORPHOLOGY Page 117 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8981/3 Carcinosarcoma, embryonal type Ia Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 Pneumoblastoma (T-162._) 8982/0 Myoepithelioma Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 Myoepithelial tumor 8990/0 Mesenchymoma, benign IV 171._ 215. _ 173.1-173.6 215.0 173.5 215.9 173.6 215.2 173.7 215.3 173.8-173.9 215.9 185.0 215.0 195.1 215.4 195.2 215.5 1695.3 215.6 195.4 215.2 185.5 218.3 195.8 215.8 159.9 215.9 All Cther Sites Sea Topography Table, Column 2 8990/1 Mesenchymoma, NOS IV 171. _ 238.1 Mixed mesenchymal tumor 173. _ 238.1 195.0-195.5 238.1 165.8 238.1 199.9 238.1 All Cther Sites See Topography Table, Column ¢ 8990/3 Mesenchymoma, malignant Iv 171. _ 171._ Mixed mesenchymal sarcoma 173.1-173.4 171.0 173.5 171.9 173.6 171.2 173.7 171.3 173.8-173.9 171.9 .0 171.0 A 171.6 .2 171.5 oD 171.6 .9 171.9 Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 8991/3 Embryonal sarcoma 900-903 FIBROEPITHELIAL NEOPLASMS 9000/0 Brenner tumor, NOS (T-183.0) 3000/1 Brenner tumor, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Brenner tumor, proliferating (T-183.0) 3000/3 Brenner tumor, malignant (T7-183.0) 9010/0 Fibroadenoma, NOS (T7-174._) 3011/0 Intracanalicular fibroadenoma, NOS (T-176._) 9012/0 Pericanalicular fibroadenoma (T-174._) 9013/0 Adenofibroma, NOS (T7-183.0) Cystadenofibroma, NOS (T-183.0) 9014/0 Serous adenofibroma (7-183.0) Serous cystadenofibroma (T7-183.0) 9015/0 Mucinous adenofibroma (T-183.0) Mucinous cystadenofibroma (T7-183.0) II Ii II III III III 111 III III oo NOON NN SIN NY oO — hh —— ND WO WD NO 8 wun All All All 199. All 183. All 199. All 199. All 199. All 139. All UT WN UT UT GN GE (HA a | Q w — - 1 | 1 ~— — ~ ~ AN [5] OQOWORUITE WN = O00 NUT ther Sites Sites Sites Other 9 Other Other Other Other Other Sal 0 Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites ICD- 171. 171. 171. VO. 220 236. 1833. 217 See 217 See 217 See 220 See 220 See 220 See HOR UNOUTD OW LNW] 9 CATEGORY opography Topography Topography Topography + Topography + Topography + Topography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Ww 0 0 ww co MORPHOLOGY Page 119 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 9020/0 Cellular intracanalicular 11 All Sites 217 fibroadenoma (T-176¢._) Fibreoadenoma phylledes (T-174._) Giant fibroadenoma, KOS (T-174._) Giant intracanalicular fibroadenomas (T-176._) Cystosarcoma phyllodes, benign (T-174._) 9020/1 Cystosarcoma phyllodes, NOS II All Sites 238.3 (1-176...) 9020/3 Cystosarcoma phyllodes, malignant v 176. _ 176. _ (T-176._) 175.9 175 All Other Sites 174.9 (F) 175 mM) 9030/0 Juvenile fibroadenoma (T-174._) 11 All Sites 217 904 SYNOVIAL NEOPLASMS 9040/0 Synovioma, benign IV 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 195. 195. 165. 195. 195. 135. 195. 199. All -173.4 OWVCIUTR UN a © 00 ~ONUT WRNRINNNRNNNR NNN [Doi ol i wn hs oD UULUTUULILITLILTLTLTLI LT LY HOP UNOUVID OW ULIN WO] ther Sites opography Table, Column 2 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 9040/3 Synovial sarcoma, NOS Synovioma, HOS Synovioma, malignant 9041/3 Synovial sarcoma, spindle cell type 9042/3 Synovial sarcoma, epithelioid cell type MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Iv Iv Iv ICD-0 SITE 171. 173.1-173.4 173 173 173 173 195 195 195 195 195 195 199 All 171. 173 173 173 173 173 195 195 195 135 195 195 199 All 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 185. 195. 195. 135. 135. 195. 195. 199. All 195. 195. 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 A 5 8 9 Other 1 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 0 =| 1 - ~ w | -— ~ Ww VOIR UNN 000A Other =173. «173. ~173. Sites Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 171. _ 171.0 171.9 171.2 171.3 171.9 171.0 171.4 .5 6 2 3 8 9 T 171 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. See 171. _ 171.0 171.9 171.2 171.3 171.9 171.0 171.64 .5 6 2 3 8 9 : 171 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. See 171. _ 171.0 171.9 171.2 171.3 171.9 171.0 171.4 .5 6 2 3 8 9 2 171 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. See opography Table, opography Table, opoqgraphy Table, Column 1 Column 1 Column 1 Page 120 9043/3 9064/3 905 905070 9050/3 9051/0 9051/3 9052/0 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Synovial sarcoma, biphasic type Clear cell sarcoma of tendons and aponauroses (T-171._) MESOTHELIAL NEOPLASMS Mesothelioma, benign Mesothelioma, malignant Mesothelioma, NOS Mesothelial sarcoma Fibrous mesothelioma, benign Fibrous mesothelioma, malignant Fibrous mesothelioma, NOS Epithelioid mesothelioma, benign MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Iv IV Ib Ia Ib Ia Ib ICD-0 SITE 171._ 173.7 173.5 173.6 173.7 173.8 195.0 195.1 195.2 195.3 195.4 195.5 195.8 199.9 All © 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 195. 185. 133. 185. 195. 195. 165. 199. All COVWRUITL UN D0 UT Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific ther Sites -173.4 -173.9% ther Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites ICD- 171. _ 171.0 171.9 171.2 171.3 171.9 171.0 171.6 .5 6 2 3 3 9 T 171 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. See 171. 171. 171. 1721. -— ~ — hh ht —h —_—— — SNSNNNNNN NY —— ~ — See See See See See See — hh wh wh hh wh ee ee PE 0 9 2 3 9 0 4 «5 6 2 3 8 3 T 9 CATEGORY opography opograpghy Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column 1 Column Column Column Column Column Column Page 121 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 9052/3 Epithelioid mesothelioma, malignant Epithelioid mesothelioma, NOS 905370 Mesothelioma, benign biphasic type, 9053/3 Mesothelioma, malignant Mesothelioma, biphasic type, biphasic type, NOS 9056/0 Adenomatoid tumor, NOS 906-909 GERM CELL NEOPLASMS 9060/3 Dysgerminoma 9061/3 Seminoma, NOS (T-186._) 9062/3 Seminoma, anaplastic type (T-186._) 9063/3 Spermatocytic seminoma (T-186._) Spermatocytoma (T-186._) 9064/3 Germinoma 9070/3 Embryonal carcinoma, NGS Embryonal adenocarcinoma 9071/3 Endodermal sinus tumor Yolk sac tumor Polyvesicular vitelline tumor Orchioblastoma (T-186._) Embryonal carcinoma, infantile type 907273 Polyembryoma Embryonal carcinoma, polyembryonal type 9073/1 Gonadoblastoma Gonocytoma MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Ia Ib Ia Ib III III ITI Ia Ia Ia ICD-0 SITE Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites 199.9 All Other Sites 139.3 All Other Sites 199.9 All Other Sites 199.9 All Other Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites 189.9 All Other Sites Specific Sites 199.9 All Other Sites ICD-9 CATEGCRY Sea Topography See Topography See Topography See Topography 183.0 (F) 186.9 (IM) See Topography 186.9 a See Topography 186.9 a See Topography 186.9 a See Topography See Topography See Topography 183.0 (F) 186.9 (M1) See Topography See Topography 236.2 (F) 236.4 (M) See Topography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Page 122 9080/0 9080/1 9080/3 9081/3 3082/3 9083/3 508470 9084/3 9090/0 9090/3 9091/1 910 9100/0 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Teratoma, benign Adult cystic teratoma Adult teratoma, NOS Cystic teratoma, NOS Teratoma, differentiated type Mature teratoma Teratoma, NOS Solid teratoma Teratoma, malignant, NOS Embryonal teratoma Teratoblastoma, malignant Immature teratoma Terstocarcinoma Mixed .embryonal carcinoma and teratoma Malignant teratoma, undifferentiated type Malignant teratoma, anaplastic type Malignant teratoma, intermediate type Dermoid cyst Dermoid, NOS Dermoid cyst with malignant transformation (T-183.0) Struma ovarii, NOS (T-183.0) Struma ovarii, malignant (T-183.0) Strumal carcinoid (T-183.0) Struma ovarii and carcinoid (T-183.0) TROPHOBLASTIC NEOPLASMS Hydatidiform mole, NOS (T-131.9) Hydatid mole (T-181.9) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Ib Id Ia Ia Ia Ia Ib II II 1) II II ICD-0 SIT Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites E Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites ICD- See See See See See See See 183. 220 183. 236. 630 9 CATEGORY Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Page 123 3100/1 9100/3 9101/3 9102/3 911 9110/0 9110/1 9110/3 9111/1 2412~ 9120/0 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Invasive hydatidiform mole (T-181.9) Chorioadenoma destruens (T-181.9) Chorioadenoma (T-181.9%) Invasive mole, NOS (T-181.9) Malignant hydatidiform mole (T-181.9) Choriocarcinoma Chorionepithelioma Chorioepithelioma Choriocarcinoma combined with teratoma Choriocarcinoma combined with embryonal carcinoma Malignant teratoma, trophoblastic (T-186._) MESONEPHROMAS Mesonephrema, benign Mesonephric adenoma Wolffian duct adenoma Mesonephric tumor Mesonephroma, malignant Mesonephric adenocarcinoma Mesonephroma, NOS Mesometanephric carcinoma Wolffian duct carcinoma Endosalpingioma 916 BLOOD VESSEL TUMORS Hemangioma, NOS Angioma, NGS Chorioangioma (T-181.9) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP II Ia III Ib Id Ia 11 II ICD-0 SITE All Sites 199.9 All Other Sites Specific Sites 199.9 All Other Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites All Sites All Sites I1CD-9 CATEGORY 236.1 + 181 (F) 186.9 (M) See Topography See Topography 186.9 a See Topography See Topography See Topography See Topography 236. 228.0 Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Page 124% 9120/3 9121/0 9122/0 9123/0 9124/3 9130/0 9130/1 9130/3 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Hemangiosarcoma Angiosarcoma Cavernous hemangioma Venous hemangioma Racemose hemangioma Arteriovenous hemangioma Kupffer cell sarcoma (T-155.0) Hemangioendothelioma, benign Hemangioendcthelioma, NOS Angioendothelioma Hemangioendothelioma, malignant Hemangioendothelial sarcoma MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Iv II 11 II II II Id Iv ICD- 171. 173. 173. 123. 173. 173. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 133. 185. 199. All All All All All All 0 SITE -173.6 T 5 6 7 8-173.9 0 1 2 3 6 5 8 3 Other Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Specific Sites 171. 173. 113. 173. 173. 173. 185. 195. 135. 195. 165. 185. 195. 189. All ther Sites ICD- 171. 171. 171. 171. 171. i714. 17%. 171. 171. 171%. 171. 171. 171. 171. See 228. 228. 228. 155. 228. w 0 o UY vi ob wh oh ob wh oh hh hh hh ND NNNSINSNSNNNNNNNN TD obi ol his i abn, oh wl aod se el . 9 CATEGORY opography Table, Column 1 OO © © HVWRWNAUVLLROWVULWNWO| oo 0 Topography Table, Column 4 opography Table, Column 1 Page 125 ICD-9 MORPHOLOGY 9131/0 Capillary hemangioma Hemangioma simplex Infantile hemangioma Plexiform hemangioma Juvenile hamangioma 9132/0 Intramuscular hemangioma 9140/3 Kaposi's sarcoma Multiple hemorrhagic sarcoma 9141/0 Angiokeratoma MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP II II Iv IV ICD-0 SITE All Sites All 140. 154. 173. 174. 175. 184. 184. 184. 136. 187. 187. 187. 187. 1985. 195. 135. 195. 135. 185. All 1640. 154. 173. _ 174... 175. 186.1 184.2 184.3 186.4 187.1 187.4 187.7 .9 0 2 3 4 5 8 0 187 195. 155. 135. 195. 195. 135. All S OOUMPAUNOOND a DWN =| | | wi wi ites -195.1 ther Sites «195.1 ther Sites ICD-% CATEGORY 228. uo oOo . . . . . “oe Uo VO NAONMOVOND a PHN TU] VON OVUTIOPRN aa UIU 0 Paqe 126 MORPHOLOGY Page 127 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY rn NN Co 9162/0 Verrucous keratotic hemangioma IT All Sites .0 3150/0 Hemangiopericytoma, benign IV 171. _ 173.1 173.5 173.6 173.7 173.8 195.0 195.1 195.2 3 4 5 8 9 0 i ~ ww aD i — ~ HN 0 195. 199. 195. 195. ORRIN MNN M ot =a od eth —d dh vd dt ~h eh od mh dh DULuUuULULVLTUITLTULTULTLTULTLILTLY HORUNAOUTL OW UNO DO] ther Sites opography Table, Column 2 9150/1 Hemanqgiopericytoma, NOS IV 171. i NO wu wn nM ANN Cod 238. ther Sites See ~~ eh a ed ma a 0 . 195.8 233. 9 0 opography Table, Column ¢ 9150/3 Hemangiopericytoma, malignant Iv 171. 171. -173.4 — —— ~N~N —_ I ~~ ~ [7] . 0 JI) ook oi ions Sookie Tr Sh Fa ‘on Ya) wi C0 CO UD (HIN) =a © C0 ~d ON UT wa LIS wih wai wheel cri A nl Cal il NN NNN SN NS NN HOUND OO UN Of Sites i = i” 3 opoqgraphy Table, Colum: 1 - a Topography Table, Column 2 -4 0 wm i= mn 0 wv mn o 9160/0 Angiofibroma, NOS Ib Speci fi Juvenile angiofibroma (T-147._) 9161/1 917 9170/0 9170/3 3171/0 917270 9173/0 9176470 9176/1 9175/0 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Hemanqgioblastoma Iv Angioblastoma LYMPHATIC VESSEL TUMORS Lymphangioma, KOS II Lymphangioendocthelioma, NOS Lymphangiosarcoma Iv Lymphangicendothelial sarcoma Lymphangioendothelioma, malignant Capillary lymphangioma II Cavernous lymphangioma II Cystic lymphangioma II Hygroma, NOS Cystic hygroma Lymphangiomyoma II Lymphangiomyomatosis IV Hemolymphangioma II ICD-0 SITE 171. _ 173.7 155.0 155.3 199.9 All 0 All Sites 174. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 195. 195. 195. 135. 195. 195, 195. 199. All Other Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites | — ~ Ww aN I — ~ WN NO OOO UTR HN = © 03 ~d OU af All Sites 171. 173. 195.0-195.5 165.8 199.9 All Other Sites All Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 228. — hh wh dh oh lo —— NNN NN SNNNNNN — hh hh we ~ — 171. See 228. 223. 228. 228. 238. 2338. 238. 238. 233. See 228. opography Table, Column & opography Table, Column 1 — nh eh ha opography Table, Column 4 MORPHOLOGY Page 129 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 918-920 OSTEOMAS AND OSTEOSARCOMAS 9180/0 Osteoma, NOS (T-170._) IV 170. _ 215. 190.1 213.0 165.0 213.0 195.3 213.6 195.4 213.4% 195.5 213.7 All Other Sites 213.9 9180/3 Osteosarcoma, NOS (T-170._) Iv 170. _ 170. _ Osteogenic sarcoma, NOS (T-170._) 150.1 170.0 Osteochondrosarcoma (T-170._) 195.0 170.0 Osteoblastic sarcoma (T-170._) 195.3 170.6 195.4 170.4 185.5 170.7 All Other Sites 170.9 9181/3 Chondroblastic osteosarcoma (T-170._) IV 170._ 170. _ 190.1 170.0 195.0 170.0 195.3 170.6 195.4 170.4 165.5 170.7 All Other Sites 170.9 9182/3 Fibroblastic osteosarcoma (T-170._) IV 170. _ 170. _ Osteofibrosarcoma (T-170._) 190.1 170.0 195.0 170.0 195.3 170.6 195.4 170.4 193.5 170.7 All Other Sites 170.9 9183/3 Telangiectatic osteosarcoma (T-170._) IV 170. _ 170. _ 190.1 170.0 195.0 170.0 165.3 170.6 195.6 170.4 195.5 170.7 All Other Sites 170.9 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 9184/3 Osteosarcoma in Paget's disease of bone (T-170._) 9190/3 Juxtacortical osteosarcoma (T-170._) Juxtacortical osteogenic sarcoma (T-170._) Parosteal osteosarcoma (T-170._) Periosteal osteogenic sarcoma (T-170._) 9191/0 Osteoid osteoma, NOS (T-170._) 9200/0 Osteoblastoma (T-170._) Giant osteoid osteoma (T-170._) 921-924 CHONDROMATOUS NEOPLASMS 9210/0 Osteochondroma (T-170._) Cartilaginous exostosis (T-170._) - Osteocartilaginous exostosis (T-170._) Ecchondroma (T-170._) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP IV IV IV IV IV ICD-0 SITE 170. 160. 195. 165. 135. 185. All 170. 190. 185. 185. 195. 195. All 170. 150. 195. 155. 135. 195. All 170. 190. 195. 195. 195. 135. All 170. 1690. 195. 195. 185. 1355. All Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 170. 170. 170. 120, 170. 170. 170. 170. 170. — hts wh tks ad wh nN N nN NN —— NNN — HUH WH WWN WNP of CH HN NH (NH HH VND OOo] ONAN o| VND of ONAN ol Page 130 MORPHOLOGY Page 131 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 9210/1 Osteochondromatosis, NOS (T-170._) II All Sites 238.0 Ecchondrosis (T-170._) 9220/0 Chondroma, NOS (T-170._) Iv 170. _ 213. Enchondroma (7-170._) 190.1 213.0 : 195.0 213.0 195.3 213.6 195.6 213.4 195.5 213.7 All Other Sites 213.9 9220/1 Chondromatosis, NOS II All Sites 238.0 9220/3 Chondrosarcoma, NOS (T-170._) Iv 170. _ 170... - Fibrochondrosarcoema (T-170._) 190.1 170.0 195.0 170.0 195.3 170.6 195.4 170.4 195.5 170.7 411 Other Sites 170.9 9221/0 Juxtacortical chondroma (T-170._) IV 170. _ 213. _ Periosteal chondroma (T-170._) 190.1 213.0 195.0 213.90 195.3 213.6 185.4 213.4 165.5 213.7 All Other Sites 213.9 9221/3 Juxtacortical chondrosarcoma IV 170. _ 170. _ (71-170._) 190.1 170.0 165.0 170.0 195.3 ‘ 170.6 185.4 170.4 195.5 170.7 All Other Sites 170.9 9230/0 Chondroblastoma, NOS (T-170._) Iv 170. _ 213. _ Chondromatous giant cell tumor 190.1 213.0 (T-170._) 195.0 213.0 Codman's tumor (T-170._) 195.3 213.6 195.4 213.4 185.5 243.7 All Other Sites 213.9 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP 9230/3 Chondroblastoma, malignant Iv (T-170._) 9240/3 Mesenchymal chondrosarcomsa Iv 9261/0 Chondromyxoid fibroma (T-170._) IV 925 GIANT CELL TUMORS 9250/1 Giant cell tumor of bone, NOS II (T-170._) Osteoclastoma, NOS (T-170._) 9250/3 Giant cell tumor of bone, IV malignant (T-170._) Osteoclastoma, malignant (T-170._) Giant cell sarcoma of bone (T-170._) ICD-0 SITE 170. _ 190.1 195.0 195.3 4 5 g 195 185. All 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 155. 195. 189. All 170. 190. 195. 195. 185, 195. All All 170. _ 190.7 195.0 195.3 4 5 0 195 195. All —_ ODO N ANU a QVM WN S ther Sites I — ~ Ww Ba) 1 —t ~J WN Oo ther Sites ther Sites ites ther Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 170. 170. 170. 178. 170. 170. 170. 238. 170. 170. 1239. 170. 170. 170. 170. HOR UNOUNPROWVWNY OD VND ool WN DONO of OOOO of opography Table, Column 1 Page 132 MORPHOLOGY Page 133 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 9251/1 Giant cell tumor of soft parts, NOS IV 171._ 238.1 173... 238.1 195.0-195.5 238.1 195.8 238.1 199.9 238.1 £11 Other Sites See Topography Table, Column & 9251/3 Malignant giant cell tumor of soft IV 171. _ 171. parts 173.1-173.4 171.0 173.5 171.9 173.6 171.2 173.7 171.3 173.8-173.9 171.9 195.0 171.0 195.1 171.4 195.2 171.5 195.3 171.6 195.4 171.2 195.5 171.3 195.8 171.8 199.9 171.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 926 MISCELLANEOUS BONE TUMORS 9260/3 Ewing's sarcoma (T-170._) Iv 170. _ 170. _ Ewing's tumor (T-170._) 190.1 170.0 Endothelial sarcoma of bone 195.0 170.0 (7-170._) 195.3 170.6 165.4 170.4 195.5 170.7 All Other Sites 170.9 9261/3 Adamantinoma of long bones IV 170. _ 170. _ (T-170._) 190.1 170.0 Tibial adamantinoma (T7-170.7) 195.0 170.0 195.3 170.6 195.4% 170.4 195.5 170.7 All Other Sites 170.9 9262/0 0Ossifying fibroma (7-170. ) IV 170. _ 213. _ Fibro-osteoma (T-170._) 190.1 213.0 Osteofibroma (T-170._) 195.0 213.0 195.3 213.6 195.4 213.4 v 195.5 213.7 All Other Sites 213.9 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 927-934 ODONTOGENIC TUMORS 9270/0 Odontogenic tumor, benign (T-170._) 9270/1 Odontogenic +umor, NOS {7-178..) 9270/3 Odontogenic tumor, malignant (T-170._) Odontogenic carcinoma (T-170._) Odontogenic sarcoma (T-170._) Intraosseous carcinoma (T-170.1) 9271/0 Dentinoma (T-170._) 9272/70 Cementoma, NOS (T-170._) 927370 Cementoblastoma, benign (T-170._) 9274/0 Cementifying fibroma (T-170._) 9275/0 Gigantiform cementoma (T-170..) 9280/0 Odontoma, NOS (T-170._) 9281/0 Compound odontoma (T-170._) 9282/0 Complex odontoma (T-170._) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP IV II Iv Iv Iv Iv IV Iv IV IV Iv ICD-0 SITE 170. All All 170. All 170. All 170. All 170. All 170. 190. 185. 185. 195. 133. All 170. £11 170. All 170. All 170. All 0 Other Sites 0 Other 0 Other 0 Other Other 0 Other 0 Other Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 213. 213. 238. 170. 170. nN - —_ eh mA hn a — Gm NWN ww NWN HWW UHUW WN nN nn nn nN nN ND nN nN — NWN — NW ah NH VND NO of —_ —_o —_ -_ - —_— -_ Page 134 9250/0 9290/3 9300/0 9301/0 9310/0 9310/3 9311/0 9312/0 9320/0 9321/0 9330/0 8330/3 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (T-170._) Fibroameloblastic odontoma (T-170._) Ameloblastic odontosarcoma (T-170._) Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (T-170._) Adenoameloblastoma (T-170._) Calcifying odontogenic cyst (T-170._) Ameloblastoma, NOS (T-170._) Adamantinoma, NOS (except of Tibia and Long bones M-9261/3) (T-170._) Ameloblastoma, malignant Adamantinoma, malignant (except of Tibia and Long bones M-9261/3) (T-170._) Odontoameloblastoma (T-170._) Squamous odontogenic tumor (T-170._) Odontogenic myxoma (T-170._) Odontogenic myxofibroma (T-170._) Odontogenic fibroma, NOS (T-170._) Central odontogznic epithelial hamartoma (T-170._) Peripheral odontogenic gingival epithelial hamartoma (T-170._) Ameloblastic fibroma (T-170._) tmeloblastic fibrosarcoma (T-170._) Ameloblastic sarcoma (T-170._) Odontogenic fibrosarcoma (T-170._) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Iv IV IV IV Iv IV IV Iv IV Iv IV IV ICD-0 SITE 170.0 All Other 170.0 All Other 170.0 All Other 170.0 All Other 170.0 All Other All Other 170.0 All Other 170.0 All Other 170.0 All Other 170.0 All Other 170.0 All Other 170.0 All Other Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites NN ON nN —_— — a — ~N WAN oo — NW (FR) — nN NN nN nN — —— NWN HWA HA LU -— 213. 213. 170. 170. -_-o -_ ] - CD CATEGORY Page 135 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 9340/0 Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (7-170._) 935-937 MISCELLANEOUS TUMORS 935071 Craniopharyngioma (T-194.3) Rathke's pouch tumor (T-194.3) 9360/1 Pinealoma (T-194.4) 9361/1 Pineocytoma (T-194.4) 936273 Pineoblastoma (T-194.4) 936370 Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor Retinal anlage tumor Melancameloblastoma (T-170._) Melanotic progonoma 9370/3 Chordoma 938-948 GLIOMAS 9380/3 Glioma, malignant (7-191. ) Glioma, NOS (except Nasal glioma, not neoplastic) (T-191._) Gliosarcoma (T-191._) 9381/3 Gliomatosis cerebri (T-191..) 938273 Mixed glioma (T-191. ) Mixed oligo-astrocytoma (T-191. 2) 9383/1 Subependymal glioma (T-191. i) Subependymoma (T-191. ) Subependymal astrocytoma, NOS (T-191._) 9384/1 Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (T-1%91._) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP IV II II II II Ib Ia III II III II II ICD- 170. All All All All All 0 SITE 0 Other Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites 199. All All 199. All All All 9 Other Sites Sites 9 Other Sites Sites Sites ICD- nN od NWN 237 237. 237. 194. See See 191. See 194. 191. See 237 237. —- 0 CATEGORY 1 1 4 Topography Table, Topography Table, 9 Topography Table, 0 9 Topography Table, .5 Column Column Column Column 1 Page 136 MORPHOLOGY Page 137 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 9390/0 Choroid plexus papilloma, NOS II All Sites 225.0 (T-191.5) t 9390/3 Choroid plexus papilloma, 1X All Sites 191.5 malignant (T-191.5) Choroid plexus papilloma, anaplastic type (7-191.5) 9391/3 Ependymoma, NOS (7-191. ) III 199.9 191.9 Epithelial ependymoma (T-191._) 411 Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 9392/3 Ependymoma, anaplastic type (T-191..) III 196.9 191.9 Ependymoblastoma (T-191._) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 9393/1 Papillary ependymoma (T-191._) II All Sites 237.5 9394/1 Myxopapillary ependymoma (T-191._) II All Sites 237.5 9400/3 Astrocytoma, NOS (T-191._) ITI 160. _ 768.1 Astroglioma (7-191._) 199.9 191.6 Astrocytic glioma (7-191...) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 Cystic astrocytoma (T-191..) 9401/3 Astrocytoma, anaplastic type III 199.9 191.9 (T-191._) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 9410/3 Protoplasmic astrocytoma (7-191. ) ITI 199.9 191.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 9611/3 Gemistccytic astrocytoma (T-191._) III 199.9 191.9 Gemistocytoma (T-191._) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 9420/3 Fibrillary astrocytoma (T-191._) III 183.9 191.9 Fibrous astrocytoma (T-191._) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 9421/3 Pilocytic astrocytoma (7-191. ) 111 199.9 191.9 Piloid astrocytoma (T-191._) All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 Juvenile astrocytoma (T-191._) 9422/3 Spongioblastoma, NOS (T-191._) III 169.9 191.9 ) £11 Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 191.9 i 9423/3 Spongioblastoma polare (T-191._) 111 199.9 } All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 9430/3 9440/3 9661/3 9662/3 9463/3 9450/3 9451/3 9460/3 9470/3 9471/3 9647273 9480/3 9681/3 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Astroblastoma (T-191._) Glioblastoma, NOS (T-191._) Glioblastoma multiforme (7-191. 1) Spongioblastoma multiforme (T-1%9%._) Giant cell glioblastoma (T-191._) Glioblastoma with sarcomatous component (T-191._) Primitive polar spongioblastoma (T-191._) Oligodendroglioma, NOS (T-191..) O0ligodendroglioma, anaplastic type (T-191._) Oligodendroblastoma (T-191._) Medulloblastoma, NOS (T-191.6) Desmoplastic medulloblastoma (T-191.6) Circumscribed arachnoidal cerebellar sarcoma (T-191.6) Medullomyoblastoma (T-191.6) Cerebellar sarcoma, NOS (T-191.6) Monstrocellular sarcoma (T-191._) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP III III III Il] IY 1171 1:1 III III II III II III ICD-0 SITE 160. _ 199.9 All Other 199.9 All Other 199.9 All Other 189.9 All Other 199.9 All Other 199.9 All Other 199.9 All Other 199.9 All Other 199.9 All Other All Sites 199.9 All Other All Sites 199.9 All Other Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites 1¢h~ 7648. 151. See 191. See 191. See 191 See 191. See 191. See 18%. See 191 See 191. See 191. 191. See 191. 191. See 9 CATEGORY 1 9 Topography 9 Topography 9 Topography .9 Topography 9 Topography 9 Topography 9 Topography .9 Topography 6 Topography 6 6 Topography 6 9 Topography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Page 138 MORPHOLOGY Page 139 I1CD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 949-952 NEUROEPITHELIOMATOUS NEOPLASMS 9690/0 Ganglioneuroma IV 171. Gangliocytoma 173. ¥75- 173. 173. 173. 195. 195. 185. 195. 195. 185. 135. 199. All -173.4 torn -173.9 OWVRUIR UN — 00 = CRN NN [D bh => bb hr a A hh a hh oD LLTUTLTLTULTULTULTLT LUT LY HWP UN OUH OWO UNDO] ther Sites opography Table, Column 2 9490/3 Ganglioneuroblastoma IV 171. _ 173.1 173.5 173.6 $73.7 173.8 195.0 195.1 185.2 195.3 195.4 185.5 195.8 199.9 All © 1 - ~ WN 0 hh eh oh mh hh hh, A NNN NNN NNN hr ookmhiimh, whieh sah oi sib wb] “oy «se ven — ~ 171. 0 S 2 3 9 0 A .5 6 2 3 8 9 ther Sites See T opography Table, Column 1 9491/0 9500/3 9501/3 9502/3 9503/3 9504/3 9505/1 9506/0 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Ganglioneuromatosis Neuroblastoma, NOS Sympathicoblastoma Sympathicogonioma Sympathogonioma Medulloepithelioma, NOS Diktyoma Teratoid medulloepithelioma Neuroepithelioma, NOS Spongioneuroblastoma Ganglioglioma Glioneuroma Neuroastrocytoma Neurocytoma MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Iv II} Ia Ia Ia Ia Id Ib ICD-0 SITE 171. _ 173.1 173.5 173.6 173.7 173.8 195.0 165.1 195.2 195.3 195.4 195.5 195.8 199.9 All Other Sites 199.9 All Other Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites Specific Sites NNN NN — ah ah bh oh wh oh wh o_o — o_o — w 0 0 - 0 See See See See See See See CD- uUUTLIULTUTLTIVTUTLTULT LTT WY OOH OUTED OW WNW oO 9 CATEGORY Topography .0 Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Topography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Page 140 MORPHOLOGY Page 161 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 9507/0 Pacinian tumor IV 160. _ 216.0 1564.3 216.5 173. _ 216._ 176. _ 216.5 175. _ 216.5 184.1 221.2 184.2 221.2 184.3 221.2 184.46 221.2 187.1 222.1 187.4 222.1 187.7 222.46 187.9 222.4 195.0-195.1 216.9 185.2 216.5 195.3 216.9 195.4 216.6 195.5 216.7 195.8 216.9 All Other Sites 216.9 9510/3 Retinoblastecma, NOS (T-190.5) II All Sites 190.5 9511/3 Retinoblastoma, differentiated type II All Sites 190.5 (T-1%0.5) 9512/3 Retinoblastoma, undifferentiated II All Sites 190.5 type (T-190.5) 9520/3 Olfactory neurogenic tumor II All Sites 160.0 9521/3 Esthesioneurocytoma (T-160._) IT All Sites 160.0 9522/3 Esthesioneuroblastoma (T-160._) II All Sites 160.0 Olfactory neuroblastoma (T-160._) 9523/3 Esthesioneuroepithelioma (T-160._) II All Sites 160.0 Olfactory neurocepithelioma (T-160._) 953 MENINGIGMAS 9530/0 Meningioma, NOS (T7-19%92._) I1Y 192.1 225.2 192.2 225.4 192.3 225.4 All Other Sites 225.2 9530/1 9530/3 9531/0 8532/0 9533/0 9534/0 53570 9536/0 $537/0 9538/1 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY Maningiomatosis, NOS (T-192._) Diffuse meningiomatosis (T-1 Multiple maningiomas (T-192. Meningioma, malignant (T-192._) Leptomeningzal sarcoma (T7-1%2._) MMening=2al =arcoma (T-192._) lfieningothelial sarcoma (T-1%92._) Maningothaliomatous meningioma (1-192...) Endothaliomatous meningioma (T-1%52..) Syncytial meningioma (7-162. ) Fibrous meningioma (T-192._) Fibroblastic meningioma 1-192.) Psammomatous meningioma (T-192._) Angiomatous meningioma (7-192. ) Hemangioblastic meningioma (7-162. ) Angicblastic meningioma (T-192._) Hemangiopericytic meningioma (7-192. ) Transitional meningioma (T-162._) Mixed meningioma (7-192. ) Papillary meningioma (T-192._) 82...) ) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION CROUP II 11} III III ITI ITI III 112 111 TI ICD-0 SITE All Sites 162.1 162.2 192.3 All Other 192.1 182.2 192.3 All Cther 192.1 182.2 152.3 All Other 192.1 192.2 192.3 All Other 192.1 162.2 182.3 All Other 162.1 192.2 162.3 All Other 162.1 182.2 182.3 All Other 182.1 192.2 182.3 All Other All Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 257 — GLA NSN RAPA N SIERRA NIN] NSA N NAAN NHR N aN [ISIE IE ANN] 6 Page 142 MORPHOLOGY Page 143 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 9539/3 Meningeal sarcomatosis (T-192._) III 192.1 182. 182.2 192. 162.3 192. All Other Sites 192. — GLA 956-957 NERVE SHEATH TUMORS 9540/0 Neurofibroma, NOS IV 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 195. 135. 165. 195. 195. 1385. 165. 196. 411 Other Sites i ~ Ww +o I — ~ WN Do OCCUR UN — O00 ONLI (Dh hh GOR nl hh oUt, ot opoqraphy Table, Column 2 NN ORDO NNNINNNNDN NO HOB WNT OV UNO Oo wi ~J 9540/1 Neurofibromatosis, NOS II All Sites Multiple neurofibromatosis Von Recklinghausen's disease (except of Bone) Recklinghausan's disease (except of Bone) 9540/3 Neurofibrosarcoma IV 171. Neuroganic sarcoma 173. heurosarcoma 123. -173.4 i 5 6 7 8§-173.9 .0 1 2 3 4 5 3 a NNN NN NNN NNN NNN UU) eh eh eh eh mh rh eh dh A ht A aA A a 1) = oh cb oh A a hh ehh A mh hh SAMUI OWN Of I> ed ch a oh eh mAh ed ea = 0 WD WD AWD 0 WO NO ND ~wwuUnuituTuoTtintw ee aa “a . 9 Other Sites ip] opoqgraphy Table, Column 1 MORPHOLOGY Page 144 ICD-0 MORPHOLGCGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 9561/0 Melanotic neurofibroma Vv 171. -173.4 i — ~ WN NO ID cone vin ot Sect a hy i oD UUUuULUTUTUIUTLITULTLTLT OTN NVR UWNO UTA OWWLN OO — 0 vi COR UTRUN «ORLA a ther Sites Topography Table, Column 2 9550/0 Plexiform neurofibroma IV 171. Plexiform neuroma 173. l ~ [2] - | — ~ WN 0 ORMOND NN DD MND ND ONAN NIPRRNNNNNN ND NY —- 0 wv OWT UN OCA D mt ch ot ch oh ch eh kmh hh hh DLUutUtuLunuIuTuIcTuTLTLi Ll HW ULNOUTD OW WLWN GC Of ther Sites opography Table, Column 2 MORPHOLOGY Page 165 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE CD-9 CATEGORY 9560/0 Neurilemmoma, NOS Vv 7%. Acoustic neuroma (T-192.0) 173.1 Schwannoma, NOS . 173.5 Neurinoma 173.6 173.7 173.3 165.0 195.1 195.2 3 & 5 8 9 0 i wn Tutti oo 195. 185. 195°. 195. 199. All ORMOND N —- WO UN DULL OO WLWN OO ID wie elt ook tt sol ot oD uUueTUTUTULITULTLTILTL ther Sites opoqraphy Table, Column 2 9560/1 Neurinomatosis IV 171. 17.3. 195. 8~135.53 165.8 9 0 (pd LA Ld CA A 199. All ONIN NN I) OD CICCOCo 0 — hh a A ther Sites opography Table, Column & 9560/3 Neurilemmoma, malignant IV 171. Schwannoma, malignant 173. Meurilemmosarcoma 173. -173.4 -173.9 0 0D utututon MO NNN SNISNIN NI NSN SIN NNN CWVWOUIDNUIN — DONO a) [D = ooh ma oA oh hh A ha oh hh HO ULINOUTD OW UN WO I> ea a = 0D = 0 Ul UD ob ed eh oh eh A oh eh mh bh oh eh hh ther Sites opography Table, Column 1 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 9570/0 Neuroma, NOS 958 GRANULAR CELL TUMORS AND ALVEOLAR SOFT PART SARCOMA 9580/0 Granular cell tumor, NOS Granular cell myoblastoma, NOS MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP IV Iv ICD-0 SITE 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 195. 185. 193. 195. 185, 185. 195. 199. All 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 185. 195. 195. 185. 185. 165. 195. 155. All ~-173. ICD-9 CATEGORY 215. 4 215 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 Sites Se 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 Sites Se 0 «3 .2 3 9 0 DUULUTUILTVIULTLILTLILTWLY 4 5 6 .2 3 8 9 T OULU LT LY ORV UWUNAUTDNO VLAN OOD | opography Table, opography Table, Column 2 Column 2 I1CD-0 MORPHOLOGY 9580/3 Granular cell tumor, malignant Granular cell myoblastoma, malignant 9581/3 Alveolar soft part sarcoma 959-963 LYMPHOMAS, NOS OR DIFFUSE 9590/0 Lymphomatous tumor, benign 9590/3 Malignant lymphoma, NOS Lymphoma, NOS Malignant lymphoma, diffuse, NOS 9591/3 Malignant lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's type 9500/3 Malignant lymphoma, undifferentiated cell type, NOS Malignant lymphoma, undifferentiated cell type, non-Burkitt's MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP IV IV Ib II II II 1CD-0 SITE 171._ 173.1 173.5 173.6 173.7 173.8 195.0 195.1 165.2 195.3 195.4 195.5 195.8 199.9 All Other Sites 171. _ 173.1-173.4 173.5 173.6 173.7 173.8-173.9 195.0 195.1 195.2 195.3 195.4 165.5 195.8 189.9 0 All Other Sites Specific Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites Page 147 | ICD-9 CATEGORY . 171._ 171.0 171.9 171.2 171.3 171.9 171.0 171.4 171.5 171.6 171.2 1741.3 171.8 171.9 See Topography Table, Column 1 171._ 171.0 171.9 171.2 171.3 171.9 171.0 171.6 171.5 171.6 171.2 $73.3 171.8 171.9 : See Topography Table, Column 1 See Topography Table, Column 2 202.8 202.8 202.8 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 9601/3 Malignant lymphoma, stem cell type Stem cell lymphoma 9602/3 Malignant lymphoma, convoluted cell type, HOS Malignant lymphoma, lymphoblastic, convoluted cell type 9610/3 Lymphosarcoma, NOS Lymphosarcoma, diffuse, NOS Malignant lymphoma, lymphosarcoma type 9611/3 Malignant lymphoms, lymphoplasmacytoid type Diffuse lymphosarcoma, lymphoplasmacytic Diffuse lymphosarcoma with plasmacytoid differentiation Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, with plasmacytoid differentiation, diffuse 9612/3 Malignant lymphoma, immunoblastic type Immunoblastic sarcoma Immunoblastic lymphosarcoma Immunoblastic lymphoma 9613/3 Malignant lymphoma, mixed lymphocytic-histiocytic, NOS Malignant lymphoma, mixed lymphocytic-histiocytic, diffuse Reticulolymphosarcoma, NOS Reticulolymphosarcoma, diffuse Malignant lymphoma, mixed cell type, NOS Malignant lymphoma, mixed cell type, diffuse Lymphosarcoma, mixed cell type, NOS Lymphosarcoma, mixed cell type, diffuse Malignant lymphoma, mixed small cell and large cell, NOS Malignant lymphoma, mixed small cell and large cell, diffuse MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP Li 11 II II Il II ICD-0 SITE All All All All All All Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 202.8 202.8 200.1 200.8 200.8 200.8 MORPHOLOGY Page 149 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 9614/3 Malignant lymphoma, 1 All Sites 202.8 centroblastic-centrocytic, diffuse Germinoblastoma, diffuse 9615/3 Malignant lymphoma, follicular II All Sites 202.8 center cell, NOS Malignant lymphoma, follicular center cell, diffuse 9620/3 Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, II All Sites 200.1 well differentiated, NOS Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, well differentiated, diffuse Lymphocytic lymphosarcoma, NGS Lymphocytic lymphosarcoma, diffuse Lymphocytic lymphoma, NOS Lymphocytic lymphoma, diffuse, NOS Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic cell type 9621/3 Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, 11 All Sites 200.1 intermediate differentiation, NOS Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, intermediate differentiation, diffusa Lymphocytic lymphosarcoma, intermediate differentiation, NOS Lymphocytic lymphosarcoma, intermediate differentiation, diffuse 9622/3 Malignant lymphoma, centrocytic II All Sites 202.8 Malignant lymphoma, germinocytic 9623/3 Malignant lymphoma, follicular Ii All Sites 202.8 center cell, cleaved, KOS Malignant lymphoma, follicular center cell, cleaved, diffuse ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 9630/3 Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, coorly differentiated, NOS Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, poorly differentiated, diffuse Lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma, HOS Lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma, diffuse Lymphocytic lymphoma, poorly differentiated, NOS Lymphocytic lymphoma, poorly differentiated, diffuse Lymphoblastoma, HOS Lymphoblastoma, diffuse Lymphoblastic lymphoma, NOS Lymphoblastic lymphoma, diffuse 9631/3 Prolymphocytic lymphosarcoma 9632/3 Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic type, HOS Malignant lymphoma, centreblastic type, diffuse Germinoblastic sarcoma, NOS Germinoblastic sarcoma, diffuse 9633/3 Malignant lymphoma, follicular center cell, non-cleaved, NOS Malignant lymphoma, follicular center cell, non-cleaved, diffuse 964 RETICULOSARCOMAS 9640/3 Reticulosarcoma, NOS Malignant lymphoma, histiocytic, NOS Malignant lymphoma, histiocytic, diffuse Reticulum cell sarcoma, NOS Malignant lymphoma, reticulum cell type MORPHQLOGY CONVERSION GROUP II II II II II ICD-0 SITE All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 200.1 200.1 202.8 202.8 200.0 Page 150 MORPHOLOGY Page 151 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 9641/3 Reticulosarcoma, pleomorphic cell II All Sites 200.0 type Malignant lymphoma, histiocytic, pleomorphic cell type Reticulum cell sarcoma, pleomorphic cell type 9642/3 Reticulosarcoma, nodular II All Sites 200.0 Malignant lymphoma, histiocytic, nodular 965-966 HODGKIN'S DISEASE 9650/3 Hodgkin's disease, NOS II All Sites 201.9 Lymphogranuloma, malignant Lymphogranulomatosis, malignant Malignant lymphoma, Hodgkin's type 9651/3 Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic II All Sites 201.6 predominance Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance 9652/3 Hodgkin's disease, mixed II All Sites 201.6 cellularity 9653/3 Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic IY All Sites 201.7 depletion, HOS 9654/3 Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic II All Sites 201.7 depletion, diffuse fibrosis 9655/3 Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic II All Sites 201.7 depletion, reticular type 9656/3 Hodgkin's disease, nodular II All Sites 201.5 sclerosis, NOS 9657/3 Hodgkin's disease, nodular II All Sites 201.5 sclerosis, cellular phase ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 9660/3 Hodgkin's paragranuloma 9661/3 Hodgkin's granuloma 9662/3 Hodgkin's sarcoma 969 LYMPHOMAS, NODULAR OR FOLLICULAR 9690/3 Malignant lymphoma, nodular, NOS falignant lymphoma, follicular, NOS Nodular lymphosarcoma, NOS Follicular lymphosarcoma, NOS Brill-Symmers's disease Giant follicular lymphoma Lymphocytic lymphoma, nodular, 9691/3 Malignant lymphoma, mixed lymphocytic-histiocytic, nodular Malignant lymphoma, mixed lymphocytic-histiocytic, follicular Reticulolymphosarcoma, nodular Reticulolymphosarcoma, follicular Malignant lymphoma, mixed cell type, nodular Malignant lymphoma, mixed cell type, follicular Lymphosarcoma, mixed cell type, nodular Lymphosarcoma, mixed cell type, follicular Malignant lymphoma, mixed small cell and large cell, nodular Malignant lymphoma, mixed small cell and large cell, follicular 9692/3 Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic-centrocytic, follicular Germinoblastoma, follicular NOS MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP i II II II 11 II ICD-0 SITE All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 201. 201. ce 201 202. 202. 202.0 0 1 Page 152 CO MORPHOLOGY I1CD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP 9693/3 Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, II well differentiated, nodular Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, well differentiated, follicular Lymphocytic lymphoma, well differentiated, nodular Lymphocytic lymphoma, well differentiated, follicular 9694/3 Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, II intermediate differentiation, nodular Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, intermediate differentiation, follicular Lymphocytic lymphosarcoma, intermediate differentiation, nodular Lymphocytic lymphoma, intermediate differentiation, nodular 9695/3 Malignant lymphoma, follicular II center cell, cleaved, follicular 9696/3 Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, II poorly differentiated, nodular Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, poorly differentiated, follicular Lymphocytic lymphoma, poorly differentiated, nodular Lymphocytic lymphoma, poorly differentiated, follicular Lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma, nodular Lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma, follicular 9697/3 Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic iy type, follicular Germinoblastic sarcoma, follicular 9698/3 Malignant lymphoma, follicular TY center cell, non-cleaved, follicular ICD-0 SITE All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites Page 153 ICD-9 CATEGORY 202.0 202.0 202.0 202.0 202.0 | 202.0 MORPHOLOGY Page 154 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 970 MYCOSIS FUNGOIDES 9700/3 Mycosis fungoides II All Sites 202.1 9701/3 Sezary's disease II All Sites 202.2 Sezary's syndrome 971-972 MISCELLANEOUS RETICULO- ENDOTHELIAL NEOPLASMS 9710/3 Microglioma III 169.9 191.9 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 9720/3 Malignant histiocytosis 11 All Sites 202.3 Malignant reticuloendotheliosis Malignant reticulosis 9721/3 Histiocytic medullary reticulosis II All Sites 202.3 9722/73 Letterer-Siwe's disease II Al] Sites 202.5 Acute differentiated progressive histiocytosis Acute progressive histiocytosis X Acute reticulosis of infancy Acute infantile reticuloendotheliosis Non-lipid reticuloendotheliosis $73 PLASMA CELL TUMORS 9730/3 Plasma cell myeloma II All Sites 203.0 Plasmacytic myeloma Multiple myeloma Myeloma, NOS Myelomatosis 9731/0 Plasma cell tumor, benign Ib Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 2 Plasmacytoma, benign 9731/1 Plasmacytoma, NOS II All Sites 238.6 Monostotic myeloma Plasma cell tumor, NOS Solitary myeloma Solitary plasmacytoma 9731/3 Plasma cell tumor, malignant JI All Sites 203.8 Plasma cell sarcoma MORPHOLOGY Page 155 1CD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 974 MAST CELL TUMORS $760/1 Mastocytoma, NOS II All Sites 238.5 Mast cell tumor, NOS 9740/3 Mast cell sarcoma II All Sites 202.6 Malignant mast cell tumor Malignant mastocytoma 9741/3 Malignant mastocytosis II All Sites 202.6 Systemic tissue mast cell disease 675 BURKITT'S TUMOR 9750/3 Burkitt's tumor II All Sites 206.2 Burkitt's lymphoma Malignant lymphema, undifferentiated, Burkitt's type Malignant lymphoma, lymphoblastic, Burkitt's type 980-994 LEUKEMIAS 980 LEUKEMIAS, NOS 9800/3 Leukemia, NOS (T-169..) I1 All Sites 208.9 9801/3 Acute leukemia, HOS (T-169._) II All Sites 208.0 Stem cell leukemia (T-169._) Blast leukemia (T-169._) Blastic leukemia, NOS (T-169._) Undifferentiated leukemia (T-169._) 9802/3 Subacute leukemia, NOS (T-169._) II All Sites 208.2 9803/3 Chronic leukemia, NOS (T-169._) II All Sites 208.1 9804/3 Aleukemic leukemia, NOS (T-169._) II All Sites 208.8 981 COMPOUND LEUKEMIAS 9810/3 Compound leukemia (T-169._) II All Sites 207.8 Mixed leukemia (T-169._) 982 9820/3 9821/3 9822/3 9823/3 9826/3 9825/3 983 9830/3 984 9840/3 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY LYMPHOID LEUKEMIAS Lymphoid leukemia, NOS (T-169._ Lymphocytic leukemia, NOS (T-169._) Lymphatic leukemia, NOS (T-169._) Acute lymphoid leukemia (T-169._ Acute lymphocytic leukemia ) (T-169. Lymphoblastic leukemia (T-169._ Acute lymphatic leukemia (T-169._) Subacute lymphoid leukemia (T-169._) Subacute Tymphocytic leukemia ) (T-169. Subacute Lymphatic leukemia (T-169._ Chronic lymphoid leukemis (T-169%9._) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia ) (T-169 Chronic lymphatic leukemia LL) (T-169._ Aleukemic lymphoid leukemia ) (T-169 Aleukemic lymphocytic leukemia ) (T-169. Aleukemic lymphatic leukemia (T-169._) Prolymphocytic leukemia (T-169._ PLASMA CELL LEUKEMIAS Plasma cell leukemia (T-169._ Plasmacytic leukemia (T-169._ ERYTHROLEUKEMIAS Erythroleukemia (T-169. Erythremic myelosis, NOS (T-169._ MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP II II Il II 11 II Ii II ICD-0 SITE All All All All All All All All Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 206.0 204.2 206.1 206.8 204.9 203.1 207.0 Page 15% 9861/3 9842/3 985 9850/3 986 9860/3 9861/3 9862/3 I1CD-0 MORPHOLOGY Acute erythremia (T-169._) Di Guglielmo's disease (T-169._) Guglielmo's disease (T-169._) Acute erythremic myelosis (T-169._) Chronic erythremia (T-169._) LYMPHOSARCOMA CELL LEUKEMIAS Lymphosarcoma cell leukemia (T-169%.0) MYELOID LEUKEMIAS Myeloid leukemia, NOS (T-169._) Granulocytic leukemia, NOS (T-16%._) Myelogenous leukemia, NOS (T-169._) Myelosis, HOS (T-169._) Myelomonocytic leukemia, NOS (T-169._) Acute myeloid leukemia (T-169._) Acute granulocytic leukemia (T-169._) Blastic granulocytic leukemia (T-169._) Acute myelogenous leukemia (T-169._) Myeloblastic leukemia (T-169._) Acute myelocytic leukemia (7-169. Acute myelomonocytic leukemia (T-169._) Acute myelosis, NOS (T-169._) Subacute myeloid leukemia (T-169._ Subacute granulocytic leukemia (T-169._ Subacute myelogenous leukemia (T-169. Subacute myelosis (T-16%._) MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP II II II II II II ICD-0 SITE All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites All Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 207.0 207.1 207.8 205.9 205.0 205.2 Page 157 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 9863/3 Chronic myeloid leukemia (T-169._) Chronic granulocytic leukemia (T-169._) Myelocytic leukemia, NOS (T-169._) Chronic myelogenous leukemia (T-169._) Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (T-169._) Naegeli-type monocytic leukemia (T-16%._) Chronic myelosis (T-169._) 9864/3 Aleukemic myeloid leukemia (T-169%9._) Aleukemic granulocytic leukemia (T-169._) Aleukemic myelogenous leukemia (T-169._) Aleukemic myelosis (T-169._) 9865/3 Neutrophilic leukemia (T-169._) 9866/3 Acute promyelocytic leukemia (T-169._) 987 BASOPHILIC LEUKEMIAS 9870/3 Basophilic leukemia (T-169._) 988 EOSINOPHILIC LEUKEMIAS 5880/3 Eosinophilic leukemia (T-169._) 989 MONOCYTIC LEUKEMIAS 9890/3 Monocytic leukemia, NOS (T-169. ) Histiocytic leukemia (T-169._) Schilling-type monocytic leukemia (T-169._) Monocytoid leukemia, NOS (T-169._) 9891/3 Acute monocytic leukemia (T-169._) Acute monocytoid leukemia (T-169._) Menoblastic leukemia (T-169._) MORPHOLGGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE II All Sites II All Sites II All Sites II All Sites it All Sites II All Sites II All Sites II All Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 205.1 205.1 205.0 205.1 285.1 206.9 206.0 MORPHOLOGY Page 159 1CD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE I1CD-9 CATEGORY 9892/3 Subacute monocytic leukemia II All Sites 206.2 (T-169._) Subacute monocytoid leukemia (T-169._) 9893/3 Chronic monocytic leukemia II All Sites 206.1 (T-169%._) Chronic monocytoid leukemia (T-169._) 9894/3 Aleukemic monocytic leukemia II All Sites 206.8 (T-169._) Aleukemic monocytoid leukemia (T-169._) 990-994 MISCELLANEOUS LEUKEMIAS 9900/3 Mast cell leukemia (T-169._) II All Sites 207.8 9910/3 Megakaryocytic leukemia (T-169._) II All Sites 207.2 Megakaryocytoid leukemia (T-169._) Thrombocytic leukemia (T-169._) 8920/3 Meqgakaryocytic myelosis (T-169._) II All Sites 207.2 5930/3 Myeloid sarcoma Il All Sites 205.3 Chloroma Granulocytic sarcoma Myelosarcoma 9940/3 Hairy cell leukemia (T-169._) II All Sites 202.6 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis 995-997 MISCELLANEOUS MYELO- PROLIFERATIVE AND LYMPHO- PROLIFERATIVE DISORDERS 9950/1 Polycythemia vera (T-169._) II All Sites 238.4 Polycythemia rubra vera (T-169._) 9951/1 Acute panmyelosis (T-169.1) 9960/1 Chronic myeloproliferative disease (T-165._) 9961/1 9962/1 9970/1 999 9990/0 9990/1 9990/3 8990/6 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION GROUP ICD-0 SITE Myelosclerosis with myeloid II All Sites metaplasia (T-169.1) Megakaryocytic myelosclerosis (T-169.1) Idiopathic thrombocythemia (T-169._) Chronic lymphoproliferative disease NO MICROSCOPIC CONFIRMATION OF TUMOR No microscopic confirmation; clinically benign tumor No microscopic confirmation; clinically tumor, NOS No microscopic confirmation; clinically malignant tumor (cancer) microscopic confirmation; clinically metastatic tumor (cancer) ICD-9 CATEGORY 238.7 160 A A n BD B R EV IA T E D TOPOGRAPHY ABBREVIATED TOPOGRAPHY TABLE Page 163 ICD-0 icp~9 ICD-0 ICD-9 TOP. TOP. MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UNC. UNS. MET. MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UNC. UNS. MET. a) /0 /2 7 1%% / 1% /6 4) /0 72 7 1x% / 1% /6 160.0 | 140.0 210.0 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 143.0 | 143.0 210.4 250.0 235.1 239.0 192.8 1460.1 140.1 210.0 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 143.1 143.1 210.4 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.3 140.3 140.3 210.0 2306.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 143.8 143.8 # # # # # 140.4 140.4 210.0 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 143.9 143.9 210.4 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 140.5 140.5 210.0 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 146.0 146.0 210.3 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 140.6 140.6 210.4 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 166.1 144.1 210.3 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.3 140.8 140.8 # # # # # 144.8 144.8 # # # # # 140.9 140.9 210.0 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 146.9 146.9 210.3 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 141.0 141.0 210.1 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 145.0 145.0 210.4 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 161.1 141.1 210.1 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 145.1 145.1 210.4 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 141.2 141.2 210.1 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 145.2 145.2 210.4 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 141.3 141.3 210.1 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.38 145.3 145.3 210.4 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.38 161.6 141.4 210.1 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 145.6 145.4 210.4 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 141.5 141.5 210.1 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 145.5 145.5 210.6 230.0 235.1 239.0 193.38 161.6 141.6 210.1 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.3 145.6 145.6 210.6 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.3 141.8 141.8 # # # # # 145.8 145.8 210.4 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 141.9 141.9 210.1 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.38 145.9 145.9 210.4 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 142.0 142.0 210.2 230.0 235.0 239.0 198.3 146.0 1646.0 210.5 230.0 235.1 239.0 193.8 142.1 142.1 210.2 230.0 235.0 239.0 198.38 1646.1 146.1 210.6 230.0 235.1 239.0 193.8 142.2 142.2 210.2 230.0 235.0 239.0 198.8 146.2 146.2 210.6 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 142.8 142.8 # # # # # 146.3 146.3 210.6 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 142.9 142.9 210.2 230.0 235.0 239.0 198.8 1646.4 146.4 210.6 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 %¥ For Morphology Code Numbers M-8000/1 and M-8001/1 # Hand Review X%¥ For all Morphologic Code Numbers ending in /1 except those in ¥. ABBREVIATED TOPOGRAPHY TABLE Page 164 ICD-0 ICD-9 ICD-0 ICD-9 TOP. TOP. MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UNC. UNS. MET. MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UNC. UNS. MET. /3 /0 /2 /1X%¥% 71% 7/6 /3 /0 /2 / 13% / 13% /6 146.5 | 146.5 210.6 230.0 235.1 235.5 133.3 150.1 | 150.1 211.0 230.1 235.5 235.3 197.3 146.6 | 1646.6 210.6 230.0 235.1 239.0 193.8 150.2 | 150.2 211.0 230.1 235.5 239.0 197.8 146.7 | 146.7 210.6 230.0 235.1 235.0 198.8 150.3 | 150.3 211.0 230.1 235.5 239.0 197.8 146.8 | 146.8 210.6 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 150.4 | 150.4 211.0 230.1 235.5 239.0 197.8 146.9 | 146.9 210.6 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 150.5 | 150.5 211.0 230.1 235.5 239.0 197.8 147.0 | 147.0 210.7 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 150.8 | 150.8 # % 4 # # 147.1 | 1647.1 210.7 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 150.9 | 150.9 211.0 230.1 235.5 239.9 197.3 147.2 | 147.2 210.7 230.0 235.1 239.0 193.8 151.0 | 151.0 211.1 230.2 235.2 239.0 197.8 147.3 | 147.3 210.7 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 151.1 | 151.1 211.1 230.2 235.2 239.0 197.8 147.8 | 147.8 # # % # 151.2 | 151.2 211.1 230.2 235.2 239.0 197.8 147.9 | 147.9 210.7 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 151.3 | 151.3 211.1 230.2 235.2 239.0 197.8 148.0 | 148.0 210.8 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 151.4 | 151.6 211.1 230.2 235.2 239.0 197.8 148.1 | 148.1 210.8 230.0 235.1 239.0 193.8 151.5 | 151.5 211.1 230.2 235.2 235.0 197.8 148.2 | 148.2 210.8 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.3 151.6 | 151.6 211.1 230.2 235.2 239.0 197.83 148.3 | 148.3 210.8 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 151.8 | 151.8 211.1 230.2 235.2 239.0 197.8 148.8 | 148.8 # % % 8 151.9 | 151.9 211.1 230.2 235.2 239.0 197.3 148.9 | 148.9 210.8 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 152.0 | 152.0 211.2 230.7 235.2 239.0 197.4 149.0 | 149.0 210.9 230.0 235.1 239.0 193.8 152.1 | 152.1 211.2 230.7 235.2 239.0 197.4 149.1 | 149.1 210.9 230.0 235.1 239.0 198.8 152.2 | 152.2 211.2 230.7 235.2 239.0 197.4 149.8 | 149.8 # # # 3 # 152.3 | 152.3 211.2 230.7 235.2 239.0 197.4 149.9 | 149.9 = # # # 8 152.8 | 152.8 211.2 230.7 235.2 239.0 197.4 150.0 | 150.0 211.0 230.1 235.5 239.0 197.8 152.9 | 152.9 211.2 230.7 235.2 239.0 197.4 ICD- TOP. 153. 153. 153. 153. 153. 153. 153. 153. 153. 153. 154. 15%. 154. 154. 154. 155. 155. 156. 156. 156. 156 156. ? is used to indicate th as in-situ carcinoma © 2 .8 9 0 ICD- IN-SITU 7/2 9 UNC. UNS. / 1% ABBREVIATED TOPOGRAPHY TABLE MET. /6 156. 2 .8 9 211 211. 211. 211. 211. 211 211. 211. 211. 211. 211. # Ww WH tm LUA 3 4 4 4G 4 LG 5 5 5 5 5 # GW HH HHA ® 0 C0 00 © ~N oo uu »H HN WU # Gl HWW NN NN 211.5 230.8 235.3 at as far as f bone or pleura exists. nN A 2 o nN ww oe . . . oo oo oo ~N Ww Oo o nN WN 0 . . . oo oo [=] # 239.0 the authors know, # 197. mi wm uum ;mou uu! o 0 00 00 ~N uu; uw uW! ICD-0 TOP. 157.0 157.1 157. 157. 157. 157. 157. oOo Ww 0 A WwW MN 158. 158. 158. 159. 159. 159. Oo Ww 0 oo wu © 160. 160.1 160. 160. 160. 160. 160. 160. 161. © Ww 0 um oA wu DN If a case is found, MAL. 161. 2 3 4 .5 8 9 \ hand 212. 212. . oo oo oo oO oo oo 0 0 1 no such entity exists for t review ICD- IN-SITU /2 230. 230. 231. 231. 231: 231. 231. 231. # 231 231. 9 CO 00 00 © 0 © wv .8 0 UNC. UNS J 1%¥% / 1% 235.5% 23% 235.5 23% 235.5 239% 235.5 239 235.5 239 235.5 239 235.3 239% 235.4 239 235.4 239 235.4 239 235.2 239. # # 235.5 239. 235.9 239. 235.9 239. 235.9 239 235.9 239 235.9 239 235.9 239 # # 235.3 239. 235.6 239. For ex., hat site. for accuracy and code manually. 1 1 Page 165 — 0 ~ . co - NO ~ wi oo on on 0 0 Oo 0 0 ® -— 0 ~ NH WH WL LW tH te 197.3 197.3 no such thing ICD-0 TOP. 161. -— 161. 161. 161. 161. 162. 182, 162. 162. 162. 162. 162. We DWN Vw WN 163. - oO 163. 163. 163. 166. © ww 0 — 166. 164. 166. 166. O00 WN 166. Note: on Ny SS vw ® U AWN Vw WN -— -— oN nN Ww (&] . . . [=] 0 00 -— -— nN Ea) . - 2 166.3 8 9 ## Most of the tumors assigned to these sites, BEN. Nn - nN - nN — ~N HH HN WH WwW WN nN — ~N uu Un NN 212.5 ICD-9 IN-SITU UNC. /2 7 1%% 231.0 235.6 231.0 235.6 231.0 235.6 ¥ # 231.0 235.6 231.1 235.7 231.2 235.7 231.2 235.7 231.2 235.7 231.2 235.7 231.1 235.7 231.2 235.7 ? 235.8 ? 235.8 # # ? 235.8 ? 235.83 ? 238.8 ? 235.8 2 235.8 # & ? 235.3 by morphology. UNS. nN WN 0 -— nN Ww 0 x 0 © oe # 239.8 ABBREVIATED TOPOGRAPHY TABLE # 197. N NN © © oo oo oo oo Ww Ww 0 © NN ICD- TOP. 165. 165. 165. 169. 169. 169. 169. 169. 170. 170. 170. 170. 170. 170. 170. 170. 170. 170. 171. 171. 171. 171. especially See leukemias M-9800/3 - M-9970/1. 0 ow 0 oo on wv — It ** #4 FH SS vw wn — 170 AH UN © 0 B® NN WN 159. 170. 170. 170. 170. 170. 170. 170. 2 3 4 5 6 .? 170.8 170.9 171.0 173.2 171.3 4 171. #8 8 213, 213. 213. 213. 213. 213. 213. 213. 213. 213. 215. 215. 215. 215. HA WN OV NNT NWN ICD-9 IN-SITU UNC. /2 J 1% 231.9 235.9 # # 231.9 235.9 ## HH BH 4 RH 235.5 ## ## BH ## ? 238.0 ? 238.0 2 238.0 ? 238.0 ? 238.0 2 238.0 ? 238.0 ? 238.0 ? 238.0 ? 238.0 2 238.1 2 238.1 ? 238.1 ? 238.1 should be 169.1 (bone marrow), UNS. MET 71% /6 239.1 197 # # 239.1 197 ## i Hi #% 239.0 197. #8 RH #8 #8 239.2 198. 239.2 198. 239.2 198. 239.2 198. 239.2 198. 239.2 198. 239.2 198. 239.2 198. 239.2 198. 239.2 198. 239.2 198. 239.2 198. 239.2 138. 239.2 198. converted Page © 0 C0 0 uu LVL ULL WL WL ou Ww wun 166 ABBREVIATED TOPOGRAPHY TABLE Page 167 ICD-0 ICD-9 ICD-0 ICD-9 TOP. TOP. MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UNC. UNS. MET. MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UNC. UNS. MET. 73 7/0 £2 7 1¥% Vat /6 73 /0 /2 / xX / 1% /6 1s | 17105 215.5 1 238.1 239.2 198.8 174.8 | 174.8 217 233.0 233.3 239.3 198.8 171.6 171.6 215.6 2 238.1 239.2 198.8 174.9 1764.9 217 233.0 238.3 239.3 193.8 171.7 171.7 215.7 ? 238.1 239.2 198.8 125.8 175 217 233.0 238.3 239.3 153.8 171.8 171.8 215.8 2? 238.1 239.2 198.8 179.9 179 219.9 233.2 236.0 239.5 198.8 173.9 171.9 215.9 ? 238.1 239.2 198.38 180.0 180.0 219.0 233.1 236.0 239.5 1938.8 173.0 173.0 216.06 232.0 238.2 239.2 198.2 180.1 180.1 219.0 233.1 236.0 239.5 198.8 173.1 173.1 216.1 232.1 238.2 239.2 198.2 180.8 180.8 219.6 233.1 236.0 239.5 198.8 173.2 173.2 216.2 232.2 238.2 239.2 198.2 180.9 180.9 219.0 233.1 236.0 239.5 1938.8 173.3 173.3 216.3 232.3 238.2 239.2 198.2 181.9 181 219.8 233.2 236.1 23%.5 198.8 173.4 173.64 216.4 232.4 238.2 239.2 198.2 182.0 182.0 219.1 233.2 236.0 239.5 198.8 173.5 173.5 216.5 232.5 238.2 23%.2 198.2 182.1 182.1 219.1 233.2 236.0 239.5 198.8 173.4 173.6 216.6 232.6 238.2 239.2 198.2 182.8 182.8 # # # # # 173.7 173.7 216.7 232.7 238.2 239.2 198.2 183.0 183.0 220 233.3 236.2 239.5 193.6 173.8 173.8 # # # # # 183.2 183.2 221.0 233.3 236.3 239.5 198.8 173.9 173.9 216.9 232.9 238.2 239.2 198.2 183.3 183.3 221.0 ? 236.3 239.5 198.8 1764.0 176.0 217 233.0 238.3 239.3 198.8 183.6 183.64 221.0 ? 236.3 239.5 198.8 176.1 176.1 217 233.0 238.3 239.3 158.8 183.5 183.5 221.0 ? 236.3 239.5 198.38 176.2 174.2 217 233.06 238.3 239.3 198.8 183.8 183.8 221.8 233.3 236.3 239.5 168.38 176.3 176.3 217 233.0 238.3 239.3 198.8 183.9 183.9 221.8 233.3 236.3 239.5 198.8 176.4 176.6 217 233.0 238.3 239.3 198.38 1864.0 184.0 221.1 233.3 236.3 239.5 198.8 174.5 174.5 217 233.0 238.3 239.3 193.8 186.1 186.1 221.2 233.3 236.3 239.5 198.8 176.6 176.6 217 233.0 238.3 239.3 198.8 186.2 184.2 221.2 233.3 236.3 239.5 198.8 ICD- TOP. 184. 186. 184. 184. 185. 186. 186. 187. 137. 187. 187. 187. 187. 187. 187. 187. 188. 188. 188. 188. 188. 188. 0 Noo 00 no SS vw 0 NN wWwN —- um wn © Ww ® N NUNN wm Nw nN — BEN. WU WW Ww es 0 Ww . -— ICD-9 IN-SITU 72 ABBREVIATED TOPOGRAPHY TABLE MET. ICD- TOP. 188. 188. 188. 188. 189. 189. 189. 189. 139. 189. 183. 190. 180. 130. 190. 190. 190. 190. 190. 190. 190. 191. 0 oOo we uN - OO Ww ® Nn won O00 NN DWN oo BEN. /0 ICD- IN-SITU /2 9 Page 168 SO wv 0 © wR NN DWN — 223. 223. 223. 223. 223. 223. 223. 223. 223. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 226. 225. NV NO WO WV 0 NN NY © ® 0 0» 00 00 0 0 NV 0 0 we vw LuV 1 LM LL AAS Np © 00 ® © 0 om 0 © Wu -— | | 193. 1 198.1 198. 1 198.0 198.0 198.1 198. 1 198. 1 # 193. 198. 198. 198. 198. 193. 198. 158. 198. SHH DD Dd rp 2% 198.4 188.3 ABBREVIATED TOPOGRAPHY TABLE Page 169 I1CD-0 I1CD-9 I1CD-0 ICD-9 TOP. TOP. MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UNC. UNS. MET. MAL. BEN. IN-SITU UNC. UNS. 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ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY GROUP Ie - UNSPECIFIED 8000/1 8001/1 Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 5 GROUP If - SECONDARY 8070/6 8140/6 8490/6 Specific Sites See Topography Table, Column 6 8160/0 8220/0 8321/0 8370/0 8381/0 9090/0 8420/0 8506/0 8580/0 8711/0 9130/0 8850/0 8880/0 9100/0 9170/0 9390/0 8140/1 3361/1 8381/1 8690/1 8931/1 9020/1 9100/1 9350/1 9360/1 8161/0 8322/0 8371/0 8600/0 9020/0 8712/0 3131/0 8851/0 8881/0 9171/0 8250/1 8960/1 8620/1 8631/1 9361/1 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 817070 8372/0 8610/0 9030/0 9120/0 913270 8852/0 917270 8621/1 8692/1 CONVERSION REGARDLESS OF SITE TO A SPECIFIC CATEGORY IN ICD-9 8180/0 8373/0 8660/0 9121/0 9142/0 8856/0 917370 9000/1 8374/0 8670/0 912270 8857/0 9176/0 9091/1 837570 9000/0 912370 8861/0 917570 9111/1 ABBREVIATED MORPHOLOGY GROUP II ICD-0 SITE All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 211.5 211.3 227.1% 227.0 220 216.2 217 212.6 228.0 214 630 228.1 225.0 235.7 236.9 236.2 237.3 236.0 238.3 236.1 237.0 237.1 + Page 175 9383/1 9530/1 9540/1 9210/1 9731/1 9740/1 9950/1 9951/1 8501/2 8161/3 8170/3 8312/3 8322/3 8331/3 8370/3 8381/3 8420/3 8580/3 877373 936273 9381/3 9390/3 9471/3 9384/1 9538/1 9220/1 9960/1 8180/3 8960/3 833273 8600/3 8774/3 9480/3 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 9393/1 9250/1 9961/1 8970/3 8961/3 8340/3 8620/3 CONYERSION REGARDLESS OF SITE TO A SPECIFIC CATEGORY IN ICD-9, cont. 9394/1 927¢C/1 9862/1 9124/3 8962/3 8350/3 9000/3 9970/1 9084/3 9090/3 ABBREVIATED MORPHOLOGY GROUP II ICD-0 SITE All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY nN 37.5 237.6 237:7 Ww 0 .0 .6 nN nN nN WN wi Co Co wn ny i co LG nN WH Co ~l Page 176 9510/3 9520/3 $560/3 9615/3 9610/3 9611/3 9640/3 9650/3 9651/3 965273 9653/3 9656/3 9660/3 9661/3 9662/3 9690/3 9696/3 9700/3 8701/3 9720/3 9722/3 9730/3 9731/3 9740/3 9750/3 9511/3 9521/3 9591/3 962273 9620/3 9612/3 9641/3 9654/3 9657/3 9691/3 969773 9721/3 8761/3 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 9512/3 9522/3 9600/3 9623/3 9621/3 9613/3 9642/3 9655/3 9692/3 9698/3 CONVERSION REGARDLESS OF SITE TO A SPECIFIC CATEGORY IN ICD-9, cont. 9 CATEGORY 952373 9601/3 9632/3 9630/3 9693/3 9602/3 9633/3 9631/3 9694/3 9616/3 969573 ABBREVIATED MORPHOLOGY GROUP II ICD-0 SITE All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites ICD- 190. 160. 202 200. 200. 200. 201. 201. 201. 201. 201. 201. 201. 5 0 .8 oOo Uv NON Nv Oo 00 —n 201.2 202. 202. 202. 202. 202. 203. 203. 202. 200. oo uw nN nN ov 9800/3 9801/3 9802/3 9803/3 3804/3 9810/3 9820/3 9821/3 982273 9823/3 9826/3 9830/3 9840/3 9842/3 9860/3 9861/3 9862/3 9863/3 9864/3 9890/3 9891/3 98%2/3 9893/3 9894/3 CONVERSION REGARDLESS OF SITE TO A SPECIFIC CATEGORY IN ICD-9, 1CD-0 MORPHOLOGY 9850/3 9900/3 982573 9841/3 9866/3 3865/3 9870/3 9880/3 ABBREVIATED MORPHOLOGY GROUP II ICD-0 SITE All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites ICD-9 CATEGORY 208. 208. 208 208. 208. 207. 206. 206. 204. 2064. 204. 203. 207. 207. 205. 205. 205. 205. 205. 206. 206. 206. 206. 206. 9 0 .2 nN © ww - NN oOo Ww 0 0 nN © wv 0 cont. Page 178 9610/3 9930/3 9940/3 8480/6 9920/3 ABBREVIATED MORPHOLOGY CONVERSION REGARDLESS OF SITE ORO SPECIFIC CATEGORY IN ICD-9, ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY All Sites 207.2 All Sites 205.3 All Sites 202.4 All Sites 197.6 cont. Page 179 3121/0 8150/0 8270/0 8330/0 8441/0 9013/0 8561/0 8726/0 9010/0 9530/0 9536/0 8153/1 8360/1 8461/1 8680/1 807672 CONVERSION OF TERMS THAT HAVE 8151/0 8280/0 8333/0 8450/0 901470 9011/0 9531/0 9537/0 8450/1 8681/1 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8152/0 8281/0 8300/0 8334/0 8460/70 8461/0 8470/0 8471/0 9015/0 9012/0 9532/70 9533/0 9534/0 9535/0 8460/1 8461/1 8470/1 8471/1 8682/71 8693/1 GROUP III ICD- 199. All 157. 199. All 199. All 199. All 199. All 199. All 199. All 199. All 192. 192. 192. All 157. 19%. All 199. All 199. All 199. All 199. All a SYTE U Slik q Other ABBREVIATED MORPHOLOGY o + m un Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites DIFFERENT CONVERSIONS FOR "SPECIFIED SITES" 235. 235. See 237 See 236. See 237. See 233. See NSAP ICD-9 CATEGORY .0 Topography 7 “7 Topography os Topography Topography + Topography .2 Topography .0 Topography Topography 5 5 Topography 4 Topography 2 + Topography 3 Topography 1 Topography AND Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, "UNSPECIFIED SITE" Column 2 Column 2 Column 2 Column 2 Column 2 Column 2 Column 2 Column 2 Column 4 Column 4 Column 6 Column 4 Column 3 8500/2 8503/2 8520/2 8042/3 8076/3 8121/3 8126/3 8150/3 3142/3 8164/3 8156/3 8160/3 GROUP III ABBREVIATED MORPHOLOGY Page 181 CONVERSION OF TERMS THAT HAVE DIFFERENT CONVERSIONS FOR "SPECIFIED SITES™ AND "UNSPECIFIED SITE", cont. 8151/3 8145/3 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8152/73 8153/3 8080/2 ICD-0 SITE 156.3 173. 186. 186. 184. 186. 187. 187. 199. All Other 199.9 All Other -187. ON an BDH N a) 176. _ 175.9 199.9 All O 199.9 All Other 199.9 All Other 199.9 All Other 199.9 All Other 157. 199.9 All Other 151. All Other 1 C All Other 199.9 All Other 199.9 All Other 6 Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites 238. 232. 233. 233. 233. 233. 233. 233. 233. 232. 233. See 233. 233. 233. See 162. See 180. See 160. See 154 See 157 See 151. _ 9 151 151.9 See 157. See 155. See ICD-9 CATEGORY oN 3 3 3 3 5 6 5 a 9 0 Topography 0 0 0 Topography 9 Topography 9 Topography 0 Topography .8 Topography Gb 157. 4 Topography o Topography 9 Topography 1 Topography Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, Table, -t Table, Table, Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column ABBREVIATED MORPHOLOGY Page 182 GROUP III CONVERSION OF TERMS THAT HAVE DIFFERENT CONVERSIONS FOR "SPECIFIED SITES" AND "UNSPECIFIED SITE", cont. ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8220/3 153. _ All Other 8250/3 162. _ All Other 9 8270/3 8280s/3 8281/3 8300/3 199.9 «3 3 All Other opography Table, Column 8330/3 8511/3 199.9 All Other Topography Table, Column 8441/3 8450/3 8460/3 86461,3 8470/3 8471/3 199.9 .0 + All Other Topography Table, Column 8640/3 199.9 .9 a All Other Topography Table, Column 8680/3 8693/3 199.9 .6 All Other Topography Table, Column 8700/3 9500/3 199.9 .0 All Other Topography Table, Column 8930/3 182.1 All Other 9061/3 9062/3 9063/3 9102/3 199.9 . P| All Other opography Table, Column 9380/3 9382/3 93%1/3 9392/3 9401/3 9410/3 199.9 . 9411/3 9420/3 9421/3 9422/3 9423/73 9440/3 All Other Topography Table, Column 9441/3 9442/3 9443/3 9450/3 9451/3 9460/3 9470/3 9472/3 S%481/3 9710/3 9400/3 9430/3 1 .9 Topography 9530/3 9539/3 8000/6 8010/6 199.9 199.0 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 6 ABBREVIATED MORPHOLOGY Page 183 GROUP III CONVERSION OF TERMS THAT HAVE DIFFERENT CONVERSIONS FOR "SPECIFIED SITES™ AND "UNSPECIFIED SITE", cont. ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY ICD-0 SITE ICD-9 CATEGORY 8010/9 158.9 197.6 199.9 199.0 All Other Sites See Topography Table, Column 1 809670 8390/0 8406/0 872470 8770/0 9507/0 8100/0 8400/0 8407/0 8725790 8780/0 ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 810170 8402/0 8410/0 8730/0 8790/0 CONVERSION OF SPECIFIC CATEGORIES: 810270 840370 8720/0 8740/0 8830/0 8110/0 8404/0 8722/0 8750/0 8832/0 8200/0 8405/0 872370 8760/0 9141/0 8601/0 ABBREVIATED MORPHOLOGY GROUP IV SKIN, CONNECTIVE TISSUE, ICD-0 SITE 140. 154. pF 176. 175. 186. 186. 184. 186. 187. 187. 187. 187. 195. 195. 195. 1895. 195. 195. All 140. 154. 173. 174. 175. 184. 184. 184. 186. 187. 187. 187. 187. 195. 195. 195. 193. 133. 195. All wi OPN AUNOOND = DWN =| | | wi COUIPAUNOONR a PUN =| | | | — 0 wu -_ ther Sites | —- 0 wm -— ther Sites AND BONE ICD-9 CATEGORY NN =a x ca ca a VO VON OVUIORANaaNNNNUIWU VON OVUORLAD aa NNN mo Page 184 8300/0 8840/0 8904/0 9560/0 8812/0 9221/0 9270/0 9281/0 9311/0 8810/0 8893/0 8990/0 8561/0 9180/0 9230/8 9271/0 928270 9312/0 CONVERSION OF SPECIFIC CATEGORIES: ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY 8811/0 3894/0 9040/0 8550/0 8191/0 S241/0 9272/0 9290/0 9320/0 8813/0 889570 9150/0 9560/0 9200/0 926270 9273/0 9300/0 9321/0 8820/0 3900/0 9490/0 957070 9210/0 9274/0 9275/70 9301/0 933070 8831/0 8903/0 5491/0 953070 3860/0 9220/0 9280/0 9310/0 3407/0 ABBREVIATED MORPHOLOGY GROUP IV ICD-0 SITE 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 135. 195. 195. 195. 133. 195. F195. 199. All 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 185. 195. 195. 195. 165. 165. 195. 199. All 170. 130. 185. 193. 133. 195. All 170. All SKIN, OWRD UN — 00 UT ther i — ~ wi 1 -— ~ [#1 DOWOROMIAUGN OQ N TU “ J 0 - UP a Other Other -173. -$73. G Sites Sites Sites Sites ICD- ORD NNNDNNNNNNNNRN D mb or cn or hh mh od A oh wh a hd DN) od dh od ob oh ohh A oh oA hh wh wh h-hh nN NNN vo N HH NH HCH ww mun» HO LNONUT-AO0WUWN OO OD WUT UTULTUTUITUTLT OTD HOP UNA UTL DOWN _-_ woo CONNECTIVE TISSUE, AND BONE, cont. 9 CATEGORY opography Table, Column 2 opography Table, Column 2 Page 185 CONVERSION OF SPECIFIC CATEGORIES: ICD-0C MORPHOLOGY 30%0/1 8823/1 8892/1 9560/1 ABBREVIATED MORPHOLOGY GROUP IV SKIN, ICD-0 SITE 171. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 17%. 130. 132. 193. 195. 195. 135. 195. 133. 195, 199. All 140. 154. 173. 176. 175. 184%. 184G. 186. 186. 187. 187. 187. a7. 195, 195. All 171. 173. 195. 195. 199 All’ COUN UN a] | ther Sites OOO ND a PDUHN =] || wi cw | | — NO wm Page 136 CONNECTIVE TISSUE, AND BONE, cont. ICD-9 CATEGORY nN wun ND ULIULIUTUTWLIULTUIC CG Oe LTT nL OWN Wo NMR N TY mt oh os ae ts lh lh i wh hh oe > opoqraphy Table, Column 2 NNN NN CoCo 236. 238. 236. 235. 236. 236. 236. 236. 236. 236. 238. 238. 233. NNN HUWHUWUNINNNN wun SO 238. 238. 238. 233. 238. See mel lh opography Table, Column 4 CONVERSION OF SPECIFIC CATEGORIES: ICD-0 MORPHOLOGY ABBREVIATED MORPHOLGGY GRQUP IV SKIN, ICD-0 SITE 160. 154. 173. 176. 175. 186. 1834. 134%. 184. 187. 187. 187. 187. 195. 195. 195. 195. 195. 133. All 140. 15%. 173. 176. 175. 184. 184. 184. 184. 137. 187. 187. 137. 165. 165. i195, 185. 195. 195. All wi OOUTD UNO WOND a DUN t —- 0 w ther Sites il ORUIRNUND OND a DUN | |] ther Sites CONNECTIVE TISSUE, ICD-9 CATEGORY 232. 232. 232. 232. 232. 233. 233. 233. 233. 233. 233. 233. 233. 232. 232. 232. 232. 23°. 232. 232. 173. 173. 173. 173. 173. 184%. 184. 186. 18%. 137. 187. 187. 137. 173. 173. 123. 173. 173. 173. 173. AND BONE, uo VON UITOUITNTUWLIKWLWLIL] Lo WOON OUTO OND a DUN — UU ABBREVIATED MORPHOLOGY GRCUP IV CONVERSION OF SPECIFIC CATEGORIES: SKIN, ICD-0 SITE ICD-0 MCRPHOLOGY 140. 156. 173. 176. 173. 184%. 184. 186. 134. 187. 3401/3 87. 187. 137. 195. 135. I> ch oh da DAD OOD —~ uuu 8562/3 137. 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