NT ed = NALIONAL [(BRARY Of MEDICIN INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MEDICOLEGAL SERIALS 1736-1967 ( kins Heavy Led Lally U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION,AND WELFARE Public Health Service « National Institutes of Health EEE - # » . “ . v v * b \ INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MEDICOLEGAL SERIALS 1736-1967 by Jaroslav Nemec U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service National Institutes of Health | National Library of Medicine = Reference Services Division 1969 — For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402. Price $1.25 (paper cover) i PUBLIC HEALTH Foreword Preface L II. IIT. IV. TABLE OF CONTENTS Origins of Medicolegal Literature and the Development of Medicolegal Serials ________________________ Current Trends in Medicolegal Serial Publications __________ International Bibliography of Medicolegal Serials (IBMS) B. Organization and Usage _______________________________ C. Alphabetic List ________________________________________ 72 8 90 a= iii 800 Index of Publishers and Sponsors_______________________ Subject Index _________________________________________ Geographic Index _____________________________________ Chronological Index ___________________________________ KA 1050 A 12 Ny ©. ylee LA res = 5 epg - a i. FOREWORD Arrayed on medical library shelves are thousands of volumes of medicolegal serials published during the past 230 years. The gradual and continuous expansion of the field of legal medicine, forensic medicine and related forensic sciences, and medical jurispru- dence from modest beginnings, changes in the theory and practice of both medicine and law, shifts in the social order and the philosophy of law, major scientific advances—all these are clearly reflected in the many volumes. It is well known that the serials of a given discipline constitute the real battleground for the proposal and acceptance of new ideas. Yet potential beneficiaries of the important information contained in medicolegal serials have not had, to date, even the knowledge of their existence. This new compilation, the International Bibliography of Medicolegal Serials, will make a great contribution which will amend this situation. It is the first of its kind to survey and make available journalism pertaining to legal medicine from its inception. It provides a firm base of reference for current and further studies. I believe that this bibliography, with its meticulous annotations and its six indexes, is a most valuable work that will be used extensively by members of both the medical and legal professions, and the librarians who assist them in their research. MiLTON HELPERN, M.D., Chief Medical Examiner, City of New York, and Professor and Chairman, Department of Forensic Medicine, New York University School of Medicine PREFACE The present study developed primarily from requests received at the National Library of Medicine for a list of medicolegal serials. It is based only on the collections of the National Library of Medicine—probably not a serious handicap, since the National Library of Medicine holdings and reference tools are outstanding in most respects. No doubt some serials, especially from Latin America and Japan, have escaped our attention, and several Russian publications were excluded for which insufficient information was available. To give the reader an overall view of the development of medicolegal serials, a brief historical introduction has been provided, and a chapter on current trends in medicolegal serials added. Finally, the provision of detailed indexes seemed a conditio sine qua non. The author received much expert advice and assistance in this project from several members of the National Library of Medicine staff. Dr. Stephen Kim and Mr. William A. Togashi translated the Japanese titles and Dr. Peter Krivatsy translated the Hungarian titles. Helpful information about several Latin-American titles was furnished by Mr. L. Robert Newburn, Associate Director of the Biblioteca Regional de Medicina, Organiza- cao Pan-Americana de Saude, Sido Paulo, Brazil. In undertaking this rather time-consuming study, the writer is fully aware of the possibility of occasional errors in the text; he will welcome comments and corrections. DR. JAROSLAV NEMEC vii . 0 ‘a . I. Definitions The field of medicolegal relations originally consisted of medical reporting on cases involving questionable deaths, injuries, and poisoning, determination of pregnancy, induced abortion, and the like, but its scope expanded very quickly. Soon it included not only all legal questions concerning medicine, but also those concerning sciences allied to medicine. Some authors and editors also introduced problems of jurisprudence, medical legislation, and even professional ethics. Countless efforts have been made to define this expanded field and devise a uniform terminology for it; all have been in vain. The terms “forensic medicine,” “legal medicine,” and “medical jurisprudence,” which may have different connotations for different people, are still with us. At the beginning of the 20th century, a Frenchman, Alphonse Bertillon (1883-1914), introduced scientific methods into criminal investigation and actually founded what is called forensic science—a term now used quite often. Its scope, however, is also interpreted variously by different authors and editors. We do not intend to discuss problems of terminology or the scope of various terms. To make sure, however, that the reader fully understands our usage, we must specify the meaning we assign to these terms. “Forensic medicine” (or its equivalent, “legal medicine”) means here any appli- cation of medical knowledge to the administration of justice. “Medical jurisprudence” means the decisions of the courts concerning physicians and the practice of medicine. “Medical legislation” is legislation concerning health in general and the medical pro- fession in particular. “Forensic science,” which may be etymologically interpreted to mean the application of any science to the needs of courts of justice, is here restricted to mean forensic medicine plus criminology,* with its applied disciplines of a more legal and sociological, rather than medical, nature. * Criminology—the body of scientific knowledge about crime. II. Origins of Medicolegal Literature and the Development of Medicolegal Serials There was probably some relationship between medicine and the law even in prehistoric times, when primitive societies recognized that special knowledge is neces- sary to treat the sick. The first indirect reference we have in historic times is in the Ur-Nammu Code of Laws of Sumeria, preserved in fragmentary form from about 2050 B.C. The fragments tell us of the water ordeal, and of the return of slaves to their master. They also mention monetary compensation for bodily injury! which, in some cases, undoubtedly required the judgment of a physician. This seems logical, because the existence of a medical profession in Sumeria was first recorded about 800 years earlier. The Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon, dating from about 1700 B.C., is more specific. Physicians of that time were already recognized as an organized profession, and the Code, which was intended to regulate all economic relations in the country, in- cluded a set of fees for medical services, as well as penalties for unsuccessful treatment. The punishments, sometimes very cruel, certainly did not encourage the study of medi- cine or medical experimentation. The Code paid particular attention to the practice of ophthalmology, probably because of the great incidence of trachoma. In medical literature, the treatise of Hippocrates, De vulneribus lethalibus (ca. 415 B.C.) and Galen’s second century (A.D.) work, Quomodo morbum simulantes sint deprehensi, are probably the landmarks. Galen’s treatise is especially important; he wrote it in order to show that, since special medical knowledge is needed to detect malingering, cooperation of the physician with the administrator or a court of justice is indispensable.? Similar works by physicians appeared from time to time, and references accumulated during the centuries to medical reporting and medical expertise at courts of justice. In the early Middle Ages, various Leges Romanae barbarorum (e.g., Salica, Ripuariorum, Alamanorum, Euna Chamavorum) contained some medicolegal provisions.* 1 Kramer, S. N. From the Tablets of Sumer. Indian Hills, Colo., Falcon’s Wing Press, 1956, p. 48-51. 2 Handerson, H. E. The medical code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon. Cleveland Med J 7(2) : 72-5, 1908.—The Oldest Code of Laws in the World: The Code of Laws Promulgated by Hammurabi, King of Babylon . . . Tr.by C. H. W. Johns, 7th impr. Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1911.—Fortsch, W. Gebiihrenord- nung fiir Arzte und drztliche Haftpflicht nach dem Hammurapie-Gesetz. Miinch Med Wschr 58: 1019-20, 1911.—Dalmases, V. La medicina en el Codigo de Hammurabi. Rev Asoc Med Argent 52: 131-4, 15-28 Feb 1938.—Krause, A. C. Assyro-Babylonian ophthalmology. Ann Med Hist 6: 42-55, Jan 1934.—Cochran, J. L. Medical specialization during the pre-Christian era. Med Times, Great Neck 83: 621-2, 1955. 3 Glaister, J. The history of medical jurisprudence and criminal procedure in primitive and medieval times. Med Times Hosp Gaz Lond 25: 318, 1897.—Oesterlen, O. Uber die fritheste Entwicklung der gericht- lichen Medicin. Smidt’s Jahrb 176: 168, 1877. + Mende, L. J. C. Ausfiihrliches Handbuch der gerichtlichen Medizin . . . Erster Theil. Kurze Geschichte . . . Leipzig, Dyksch, 1819, p. 838-87.—Oesterlen, O., op. cit., p. 169.—Georgisch, P. Corpus iuris Germanici antiqui. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1738, p. 2-143, 146-87, 189-247, 249-452, 1845-2198.—Janovsky, 2 Interesting medicolegal features can be found in an old Celtic law, codified in the first half of the 10th century in Wales and called the Law of Hywel Dda, after the king who ordered the codification. The Code placed a stated monetary value on everything that could be the subject of litigation. The human body was divided into fourteen parts, with each assigned a different value, and there was a fixed price for every bone. Most precious of all was the tongue, because “it defends the rest.” Physicians testified in courts of justice as expert witnesses.’ In 1209, Pope Innocent III accepted the expert testimony of physicians in an ecclesiastical court for a case concerning the lethality of a wound. His decision established a precedent which was often cited and followed by similar decrees of other Popes.¢ Moreover, it helped to establish medical expertise, not only in canon law, but also in the legal orders of all European countries.* In 1507, Johann von Schwarzenberg drafted the law which was promulgated by George, Bishop of Bamberg, and called Bambergische Halsgerichtsordnung (Constitutio bambergensis, or, later, Mater Carolinae). The chief sources of this compilation were Germanic laws, especially those of South Germany. It contains the provision that physicians be called in cases of criminal abortion and to perform obduction in cases of murder. The Constitutio bambergensis became very popular, was revised several times, and in 1516 adopted also in Brandenburg.’ In 1532, the Reichstag in Regensburg approved the first criminal code adopted for all German states, introduced by the Emperor Charles V. This Constitutio criminalis Carolina was based in many respects on the Constitutio bambergensis, but it also had precedents in other Germanic laws. The influence of Roman and canon law is also perceptible. It is especially interesting that this code orders the courts to summon physi- cians, surgeons, or midwives in cases of abortion, murder, manslaughter, poisoning, sui- cide, bodily injury, or accountability, and for the application of torture. Moreover, physi- cians were obliged to give expert testimony in cases of malpractice. In postmortem examinations, the cause of death was to be established, wounds examined, and all findings recorded in writing.® The Constitutio criminalis Carolina, as a product of the 16th century, is naturally full of superstition and cruelty; for example, it sets forth the procedure to be followed in trying witches, as authorized by the Pope. V. Die geschichtliche Entwicklung der gerichtlichen Medizin. In: Maschka, J., ed. Handbuch der gericht- lichen Medizin, I. Tiibingen, H. Lauppsch, 1881, p. 16-21.—Brittain, R. P. Origins of legal medicine. Leges barbarorum. Medicoleg J 34: 21-3, 1966. 8 Jones, J. G. P. Medicine in the 10th century; facts from Welsh medieval law. Med Illus 5(2): 84-6, 1951. 6 Oesterlen, O., op. cit., p. 169-70. * When only sporadic signs of our subject were appearing in Europe, a whole system of forensic medicine and related literature had developed in China. It culminated in the work of Sun-Tsy, President of the Supreme Court, entitled Sy-Yuen-Lu (A treatise on correction of injustice) and published between 1241 and 1250. A contemporary Chinese medical historian calls it Hsi Yuau Chih Lu, its author Sung Tzu, and gives 1247 as the date of its publication. The book was not known in Europe, as far as the writer knows, until it was “discovered” and first translated at the end of the 18th century by a Dutchman, C. F. M. de Grys. It had no influence on the development of legal medicine outside of Asia and will not be further discussed. 7 Qesterlen, O., op. cit., p. 175.—Kopp, J. H. Skizze einer Geschichte der gerichtlichen Arzneikunde. Jahrb Arzneik 1: 184, 1808. 8 Kratter, J.. Die Aufgaben der gerichtlichen Medicin in Lehre und Forschung. Wien Klin Wschr 5(46) : 666, 1892.—Mende, L. J. C., op. cit., p. 94-98, 103, 112. 3 The medicolegal provisions in the Carolina were not revolutionary, but they were codified for the first time. Thus, they attracted wide attention, especially among lawyers and legislators. In 1541, Jean Miles de Sovigny published his Praxis criminis persequends, which also describes acceptable medical reporting in cases of murder and injury. In 1554, Joost Damhouder of Bruggs (1507-1581) finished the Enchiridion rerum crimi- nalium, devoting part of chapter 77, De invasione, to the form of medical and surgical reporting in cases of murder or injury, according to law and custom in Flanders.’ The theoretical basis of the new discipline, however, was reformulated by physicians. A great Italian anatomist, Joannes Phillipus Ingrassia (1510-1580), published his treatise, Constitutiones et capitula necnon jurisdictiones regii protomedicatus officic cum pandectis etusdem reformatis in 1564 in Palermo and an even more important work, Methodus dandi relationes pro mutilatis torquendis, aut a tortura excusandis, in 1578 in Venice. The latter has not survived in its first published form, but was published in this century from the manuscript preserved in Palermo. Its purpose was to inform judges and lawyers about medical problems they might face in the courts.'® In France, Ambroise Paré (1510-1590), adviser and first surgeon to successive kings of France, published several treatises of medicolegal importance. The most relevant is Traicté des rapports et du moyen d’embaumer les corps morts, published in 1575. Its objective is clear from the following introductory statement: Il reste a present instruire le jeune chirugien a bien faire rapport en Justice, lorsqu’il sera appelé, soit pour la mort des blessez, ou impotence, ou depravation de Paction de quelque partie. Much of the treatise is devoted to poisons and antidotes, and it ends with a de- scription of embalming.'* Another physician, Giovanni Battista Codronchi (1547-1628), published a brief but important Methodus testificandi, in which he included all contemporary subjects of medical expertise. It was written for the information of young physicians, but the author recommends it for lawyers and judges as well.** The first relatively comprehensive and well-organized treatment of our subject was written by a physician from Sicily, Fortunato Fedele (1550-1630), with the title, De relationibus medicorum libri quatuor (Palermo, 1602). His system is logical and thus superior to the chaos of its predecessors. Fedele (or Fidelis) distinguishes between the testimony of physicians before courts of justice (in forensibus causis) and their activities in the field of public health and hygiene (in publicis causis). The French author, M. Ortolan, stated that Fidelis’ book is the “premier ensemble de la science” 9 Millaeus, Joannes. Praxis criminis persequendi, elegantibus aliquot figuris illustrata. Parisiis, apud Simonem Colinaeum, Arnoldum et Carolum Les Angeliers, 1541.—Damhouder, Joost. Enchiridion rerum criminalium, elegantibus aliquot figuris illustratum . . . Lovanii, ex off. typogr. Stephani Gualtheri et Joannis Bethenii typogr. iurat., 1554, p. 239-52.—Ortolan, M. Débuts de la médecine légale en Europe. Ann Hyg Publ Méd Lég, Paris, 2nd ser. 38: 374-5, 1872. 10 Ingrassia, J. P. Methodus dandi relationes pro mutilatis torquendis, aut a tortura excusandis. Prefazione di G. G. Perrando. Catania, R. Prampolini, 1938. Preface. 11 Paré, A. Traicté des rapports, et du moyen d’embaumer les corps morts. In: Les Oeuvres de M. Ambroise Paré, conseiller, et premier chirurgien du Roy. Paris, G. Buon, 1575, Livre XXXVI. 12 Codronchius, Joannes Baptista. Methodus testificandi, in quibus casibus medicis oblatis; in qua nonnullae difficillimae, ac pulcherimae quaestiones explicantur, et formulae quaedam testionum proponun- tur. In: Codronchius, J. B. De vitiis vocis. Francofurti, apud heredes Andreae Wechel, 1597, p. 148-232.— Filipi, A. Esegest medico-legale sul Methodus testificandi di Giovanni Battista Codronchi. Firenze, Suc- cessor de le Monier, 1883. in the medicolegal field. Its success is attested by the fact that it was republished in 1602, 1605, 1617, and 1621. In 1674, it was printed in Leipzig (edited by Paul Ammann) and, five years later, even pirated, also in Leipzig, under the name of the late Thomas Reinesius, as Schola jureconsultorum medica? .One of the first works on medicolegal relations to appear in German territory was that of Rodericus a Castro, Medicus politicus: sive De officiis medico-politicis tractatus (Hamburgi, Frobenianus, 1614). The author studied in Salamanca and practiced medicine (especially gynecology) in Hamburg.'* It is difficult to estimate how much influence Castro’s publication exerted on the subsequent development of forensic medicine in Germany. Fidelis’ influence was probably more profound, however. Castro’s emphasis was on medical ethics. On the foundations laid by the above-mentioned physicians, Paolo Zacchia (1584-1659), personal physician to the Pope, protomedicus to the Church State, and adviser to the Sacra Rota Romana, made his great contribution. His Quaestiones medico- legales appeared between 1621 and 1661. In the first nine volumes, he assembled problems stemming from the application of medicine to canon law and civil and criminal law, and discussed some medicolegal problems in the field of public hygiene. Volumes 10 (1658) and 11 (1661?) contain decisions of medicolegal importance made by the Sacra Rota Romana. His work represents the first attempt to compile systemati- cally opinions of medical experts given to the courts. It has the shortcomings and errors of its time, such as superstition, but it surpasses anything published before, and served very well for practical use by physicians and lawyers. Kerschensteiner rightly calls Zacchia “Begriinder der gerichtlichen Medizin.” With the decline of interest in medicolegal relations in Italy during the second half of the 17th century, Germany soon took the lead. It is known that Johann Michaelis (1607-1667), professor of pathology and therapy, delivered lectures on forensic medicine at the University of Leipzig in 1650. In 1670, Paul Ammann (1634-1691) published his famous Medicina critica, sive decisoria: centuria casuum medicinalium in concilio Facult. med. Lips. antehac resolutorum, comprehensa, and four years later (as men- tioned above) prepared a new edition of Fedele’s work. From then on, most of the medicolegal literature was published in German territory. After Ammann, the most prominent figure in the field was Johannes Bohn (1640- 1718), professor of medicine in Leipzig and a prolific writer. In 1689, he published De renunciatione vulnerum, seu Vulnerum lethalium examen—the best work to that time on fatal injuries. Under his guidance, at least three dissertations (Specimen medicinae forensis) of medicolegal concern appeared in 1690 and 1691. In 1704, he published De officio medici duplici, clinici nimirum ac forensis . . . (Lipsiae, J. Gledisch). C. B. Behrens published Medicus legalis in 1696; and there followed a constantly grow- 13 Fidelis, Fortunatus. De relationibus medicorum libri quatuor, in quibus ea omnia quae in forensibus ac publicis causis medict referre solent, plenissime traduntur. Panormi, 1602. (The dating of the first issue is still uncertain: 1595, 1598, 1601, 1602?) —Ortolan, M., op. cit., 38: 377-9, 382, 1872.—Kopp, J. H., op. cit., 1: 188, 1808. 14 Landau, R. Der Gerichtsarzt vor 300 Jahren. Janus, Amst 1: 67-75, 1896. 15 Zacchias, Paulus. Quaestionum medico-legalium tomi tres. Francofurti a.M., J. M. Bencard, 1688.— Mabhier, Emile. Les questions médico-légales de Paul Zacchias, médecin romain; études bibliographiques. Paris, J. B. Bailliere, 1872.—Kerschensteiner, J. von. Paul Zacchias, 1584-1659. Friedr Bl Gerichtl Med 35: 401-10, 1884. 16 Kopp, J. H. Skizze einer Geschichte der gerichtlichen Arzneikunde. Jahrb Arzneik 1: 189, 1801.— Schroeder, O. C., Jr. Forensic medicine: yesterday, today and tomorrow. Postgrad Med 28 (5) : A60-A70 passim, Nov 1960. ing stream of publications, including M. B. Valentini’s Pandectae medico-legales (1701), Novellae medico-legales (1711), and Corpus medico-legale (1722) ; M. Alberti’s Systema jurisprudentiae medicae (6 vols. 1725-36) ; H. F. Teichmayer’s Institutiones medicinae legalis vel forensis (1722), ete. The second half of the 17th century witnessed the growth of literature in all fields of science. The desire to record and communicate ideas, observations, and experiments with greater speed led to the appearance in 1665 of the first scientific periodical, the Journal des scavans, in Paris. The same year, Philosophical Transactions was started in London, and in 1682, Acta eruditorum appeared in Leipzig. Forensic medicine, until the start of the 18th century, was considered an interesting subject, but it had few followers. With the constant growth of medicolegal literature after 1700, and with the wider and more frequent application of medical knowledge in the courts, the number of specialists, or persons interested in the field, also grew. Thus, the time came when forensic medicine, like other sciences, also demanded more rapid communication. It was natural that the first medicolegal serials should be published in Germany. The first publication known to us which includes material on forensic medicine and also has the characteristics of a serial appeared in 1736 in Frankfurt a.O., under the following (far from brief) title: Selecta medica Francofurtensia, anatomen, imprimis practicam, chirurgiam, materiam medicam, ipsamque universam medicinam tam clinicam quam foremsem variis casitbus et observationibus . . . illustrantia. It was started by J. G. Konrad (Conradus) and continued, with some interruptions, for 13 years. It consists of four toms, divided again in volumina. Each tomus has an index. The first known serial devoted entirely to forensic medicine, Der medicinische Richter, was begun by Johann Georg Hasenest in Onolzbach (now Ansbach), Bavaria, in 1755. In it were published the opinions of the local Collegium medicum in medicolegal cases from 1735 on, until it stopped with volume 4, in 1759, because of the editor’s advanced age. In 1778, in Konigsberg, J. D. Metzger started Gerichtlich-medicinische Beobachtun- gen, planned as an annual compilation of medicolegal cases, although only two volumes appeared. True medicolegal journalism, however, began only with the appearance in 1782 of Konrad Friedrich Uden’s Magazin fiir die gerichtliche-Arzeneikunde und medicinische Polizei, in Stendal, Saxony. Uden, as the title of his journal shows, was influenced by Johann Peter Frank (1745-1821), particularly by his concept of Staatsarznetkunde (state medicine) as comprising medizinische Polizei (medical police) and gerichtliche Arzneikunde (forensic medicine). In the foreword to the first issue, Uden even paid an appropriate tribute to Frank.! In Weimar, in the same year (1782), Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian Bucholz published the first part of his Beitrige zur gerichtlichen Avrzneigelahrtheit und medicinischen Polizei. The number of medicolegal serials in Germany now grew quickly and steadily; new ones appeared in 1783 in Berlin and Leipzig; 1784, Konigsberg; 1785, Leipzig and Stendal; 1787, Frankfurt a.M.; 1789, Berlin, Leipzig, and Strasburg; 1790, Ziillichau, etc. The medicolegal journalism of this time was dominated by the Germans, and, with one exception (Ziirich, 1799), its publishing was limited also to the territory of Germany. In 1818, Prof. Joseph Bernt of Vienna began the first Austrian medicolegal journal, Beytrige zur gerichtlichen Arzneykunde fiir Arzte, Wundirzte und Rechtsgelehrte. France has a long-standing tradition in medicolegal literature, beginning with Paré’s 17 Mag Gerichtl Arzneik Med Pol, Stendal. Vorrede 1: 12, 16, 1 Mar 1782. 6 small treatise and culminating in F. E. Fodéré’s Les lois éclairées par les sciences physiques, ou Traité de médecine légale et d’hygiéne publique (Paris, Groullebois, 1799), a cornerstone of French “médecine légale.” In 1829, Annales d’hygiéne publique et de médecine légale appeared in Paris under the editorship of the famous M. G. A. Devergie, C. C. H. Marc, and M. J. B. Orfila. This ended the German-language domination of medicolegal journalism. Other French serials appeared in 1843, 1861, 1869, and 1886— all of them in Paris and all lasting much longer than their German counterparts. In Russia, according to V. F. Chervakov and other writers,'® lectures on forensic medicine were first offered in Moscow in 1795/6 by Prof. F. F. Keresturi (1735-1811), who combined them in one unit with anatomy, histology, and physiology. Keresturi’s speech, Oratio de politia medica ejusque in Rossia usu, was translated into Russian and published in 1795. In 1799, all schools of surgery and, later, the medical schools of all Russian universities, as well as the Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg, introduced forensic medicine into their curriculum. F. K. Uden, former editor of the medicolegal journal in Stendal, Germany, who settled in Russia in 1786, probably stimulated this development. The textbook used for the lectures was J oseph Jakob Plenk’s Elementa medicinae et chirurgiae forensis (Viennae, R. Graffer, 1781), which was translated into Russian in 1799 by Ivan Kashinskii. Sergei Alekseevich Gromov (1774-1856) was appointed assistant professor of forensic medicine at the Military Medical Academy. He published the first Russian book on forensic medicine, entitled Kratkoe izlozhenie sudebnoi meditsiny dlia akademicheskago t prakticheskago upotrebleniia (S. Peterburg, 1832). The book was translated into Polish by G. Buchinskii (Warszawa, 1837) and its second Russian edition appeared in 1838. Gromov devoted a considerable portion of his book to the problem of insanity— a topic which came to be known in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century through the writings of Philippe Pinel.? The development of forensic medicine in Russia was comparatively slow. The first relevant Russian journal, Arkhiv sudebnoi meditsiny i obshchestvennoi gigieny, edited by S. Lovtsov, appeared only after the judiciary reform in 1865 at St. Petersburg.2° It was followed by others until about 1890. The publication of medicolegal serials stopped completely in 1917, but it started again around 1925, this time with considerable change in purpose and form. The earliest British monograph on forensic medicine was Samuel Farr’s Elements of Medical Jurisprudence (London, T. Becket, 1788), an abridged translation of J. F. Faselius’ Elementa medicinae forensis (Jenae, 1767). Farr added to Faselius’ work a chapter “Upon madness,” but omitted some chapters he judged of no interest in England (e.g., that on tortures). He mentioned that the subject was interchangeably called ‘“medi- cine of the courts,” “legal medicine,” or “medical j urisprudence,” but he himself preferred 18 Chervakov, V. F., et al. 150 let kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny I. Moskovskogo ordena Lenina medi- tsinskogo institute, 1804-1954. Moskva, Medgiz, 1955, p. 4-9.—Popov, N. V. Uchebnik sudebnoi meditsiny dlia studentov meditsinskikh institutov. Moskva, Medgiz, 1940, p. 1.—Istoriia Imperatorskoi voenno-medi- tsinskoi (byvshei Medikokhirurgicheskoi) akademii za sto let, 1798-1898. S. Peterburg, Ministerstvo vnutrennykh del, 1898, p. 85-6. 19 Zmeev, L. F. Ruskie vrachi pisateli. S. Petersburg, 1886, vyp. 1: 78-9.—Avdeev, M. 1. Kurs sudebnoi meditsiny. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo iuridicheskoi literatury, 1959, p. 26. Gromov’s work is probably the first treatment of forensic medicine in any Slavic language. L. Perzyna’s Nauka cyrulicka, published in Poland in 1792, is older, but devoted to forensic medicine only in part. 20 Popov, N. V. op. cit, p. 11. (The Union List of Serials erroneously gives 1856 as the starting date of the Arkhiv.) (and had coined) the last term. It survived for about 150 years, and is usually taken to include all law-medicine relations. In 1793, William Dease of Dublin published a small pamphlet, Remarks on Medical Jurisprudence (Dublin, 1793). The following year, Thomas B. Percival issued the some- what larger Medical Jurisprudence, or A Code of Ethics and Institutes, Adapted to the Profession of Physics and Surgery (Manchester, 1794), and John Johnstone, Medical Jurisprudence: On Madness (Birmingham, 1800). The first medicolegal journal in England which we were able to locate appeared in London in 1852 as The Legal Examiner, Weekly Reporter, and Journal of Medical Jurisprudence. It ceased publication, however, the next year. From 1888 on, the Medical Defense Union issued an annual report, but another true medicolegal journal did not appear until the start of this century. In 1842, medicolegal journals appeared in Belgium and Holland. Italy, the birth- place of forensic medicine, lagged behind for a long time; its first medicolegal serial appeared in 1875 at Reggio Emilia. Then, however, Italian publications increased. As for the United States, medical jurisprudence was introduced here probably at the beginning of the 19th century. Professor John W. Francis stated in 1823: “So early as the year 1804, my lamented colleague, the late Dr. James Stringham, taught the principles of this science (i.e., medical jurisprudence) in a course of lectures on legal medicine in Columbia College.” *** On another occasion, Prof. Francis stated that Stringham was the first teacher among his countrymen to give a course of lectures on forensic medicine, that he (Stringham) was influenced by Prof. Andrew Duncan, Sr., of Edinburgh, and that he had also studied medicolegal literature extensively, from Zacchias to Fodéré and Mahon.» There is little reason to doubt the accuracy of these statements. Credit for the first publication on medical jurisprudence must go, however, to Benjamin Rush, who in 1811 published his On the Study of Medical Jurisprudence, a lecture delivered on November 5, 1810, at the University of Pennsylvania. Rush’s chief source of information was not Farr, as might be expected, but the famous work of F. E. Fodéré. Of English authors, Rush mentioned Percival.2’ Other American workers of this period included Charles Caldwell and Thomas Cooper. Forensic medicine in this country was firmly established in 1823 with the publication of Theodoric Romeyn Beck’s Elements of Medical Jurisprudence (Boston, Little and Brown, 1838), which is still judged an outstanding English-language text on this topic; with its publication, American jurisprudence became known and respected throughout the world. In the meantime more and more people in the United States were becoming interested in the subject; thus, a medicolegal journal appeared. At Plattsburgh, New York, June 1850, Horace Nelson and Francis J. d’Avignon started the Northern Lancet and Gazette of Legal Medicine, later renamed Nelson's Northern Lancet and American Journal of Medical Jurisprudence. In April 1853, however, medical jurisprudence was dropped from the title as well as from the contents. On the other hand, in the same year, the new American Psychological Journal in Cincinnati, Ohio, assumed a lengthy subtitle: “De- 200 Francis, J. W. Facts and inferences, chiefly relating to medical jurisprudence. New York Med Phys J 2(1) : 10, 1823. 20b Thacher, J. American Medical Biography. New York, Da Capo Press, 1967, v. 2, p. 106. 21 Rush, Benjamin. Sixteen Introductory Lectures . . . Philadelphia, Bradford and Innskeep; Fry and Kammerer, 1811, p. 363-95. voted chiefly to the elucidation of mental pathology and the medical jurisprudence of insanity.” This journal, however, did not last long—only six issues were published. We know of no medicolegal serial published in the United States between 1853 and 1867, when the Quarterly Journal of Psychological Medicine and Medical Jurispru- dence, edited by the celebrated William A. Hammond in New York, made its debut. It continued with several changes of name until 1876. Forensic medicine gained new ground in this country with the establishment of the Medico-Legal Society in New York in 1868. This Society published its Papers, starting in 1874, and later also its Bulletin. In 1878, the Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society followed with the publication of its Transactions, and in 1883 the Society of Medical Jurisprudence and State Medicine was organized in New York. The major achievement of the Medico-Legal Society was the appearance of its Medico-Legal Journal in 1883 in New York. It continued for 50 years. The general decline of interest in forensic medicine in the first half of the 20th century meant that pertinent topics in the United States were usually included in law journals, or journals on criminology, police science, psychiatry, and the like. The interest of the medical profession turned to medical legislation and court decisions in medicolegal cases, and gave rise to the new medicolegal publication in those parts of our field. Cuba joined the trend in 1872 (first of the Latin-American countries), Japan in 1889, Argentina in 1892, Brazil in 1895, and Spain in 1899. More details on the growth and decline of medicolegal serials in these and other countries can be found with the help of the indexes. III. Current Trends in Medicolegal Serial Publication According to our sources, there are about 75 medicolegal serials published at present. More than 20 others may still be appearing—perhaps irregularly—but we lack sufficient information about them. The following is a summary of the present trends in medicolegal serial publication in the principal countries: Austria: Belgium: France: Germany: There is only one serial on forensic medicine, published irregularly. Others are devoted to medical expertise and interdisciplinary re- lations (psychiatry and the law, jurisprudence-medicine-philosophy- theology). Forensic (legal) medicine is combined with social medicine, industrial medicine, public health, and criminology. The leading medicolegal journal in France, Annales de médecine légale, criminologie, police scientifique et toxicologie, Paris, has several times changed its title as well as its scope. These modifications were occasioned by changes within French society, by scientific prog- ress, and by the trend toward specialization. Most recently, the journal changed its scope and its name at the beginning of 1968, this time to: Médecine légale et réparation du dommage corporel. Its editor-in-chief, Dr. Dérobert, announcing the change, stated that traditional forensic medicine will continue to be treated in the journal, but some allied sciences would be excluded. On the other hand, special attention is to be paid to problems of personal injury. Another medicolegal journal of importance in France, the Bulletin de médecine légale et de toxicologie médicale, published since 1957 in Lyon and edited by Prof. Louis Roche, continues with traditional forensic medicine and toxicology, and includes traumatology, clinical criminology, social medicine, and deontology. Its regular feature, Index bibliographique, keeps readers informed about new literature in the field. Of the many medicolegal serials published there in the past, only one journal, to judge by its title, is still devoted to forensic medicine: Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte gerichtliche Medizin. Even this, however, has suffered many changes. The first half of each issue contains original articles and the second Referate (abstracts). Both parts show the present scope of the journal in the following subject grouping: accidents, sudden death, violent death, child murder, prob- lems of sex and sexual delicts, forensic gynecology, poisoning, genetics in forensic relations, blood groups and blood transfusion, criminology, 10 Great Britain: Italy: Japan: United States: USS.R.: prisons, penology, quackery, legal rights of physicians, medical legis- lation and jurisprudence, obduction and its techniques, identification, natural sciences and criminology, insurance medicine, industrial medi- cine, psychiatry and forensic psychology, etc. Other serials are devoted to medical expertise (in forensic medi- cine, insurance, public hygiene, industrial health), medicine-law borderline questions, toxicology, ete. Legal medicine still has its journal, as well as a serial on the defense of medical practitioners in legal and ethical suits. In 1960, there appeared two new publications by societies interested in forensic sciences. Italy still has a considerable number of medicolegal serials. Legal medicine, however, is usually combined with insurance medicine and, quite often, industrial medicine as well. Some journals include toxicology, personal injuries, and social medicine, some are devoted to health-related and sanitary legislation, etc. There are also journals on criminal anthropology and psychiatry containing medicolegal ma- terials. Serials on forensic medicine prevail, but there is also a journal on jurisprudence, identification, and social medicine. A considerable number of serials are devoted to criminology (not covered in this study). The whole field of medicolegal relations in the United States, as well as in England, was, from the start, inaccurately termed “medical jurisprudence.” This term, with its all-inclusive meaning, has been recently discarded. The only existing serial in the United States which follows more or less the broad scope of the former “medical jurispru- dence” is the Journal of Forensic Sciences. It publishes reports on original investigations and observations in “forensic pathology, toxicology, psychiatry, immunology, jurisprudence, criminalistics, and questioned documents.” The general trend in the United States, however, is toward specialization within the field of medicolegal relations. Thus, we have serials for lawyers, (medicine for attorneys, medical facts for lawyers, injuries, etc.), for physicians (the doctor and the law, physicians’ legal briefs), and for both professions (trial techniques, coroners and examiners, etc.). There are publications, too, on health and medical jurisprudence, and medical legislation. Finally, many medicolegal topics are naturally treated in journals of criminology, police science, psychiatry, delinquency, prisons, etc. One of the latest U.S. publica- tions is the recently established International Microfilm Journal of Legal Medicine (New York). Forensic medicine plays a more important role in the U.S.S.R. than in any other country, because it is part of the government-controlled system of public health. This relationship is a decisive factor in any kind of publishing in the field. To facilitate the understanding of trends in medicolegal serial 11 publications in this country, we shall describe briefly the organi- zational set-up as presented by B. Levchenkov.>? Forensic medicine is divided into practice (medicolegal service) and teaching (academic forensic medicine). The medicolegal service is supervised by the Ministry of Health of the U.S.S.R., with a bureau in each of the fifteen Soviet republics. Its goals are to “promote socialist justice, improve the quality of medical care, reduce morbidity and mortality, and improve working and living conditions.” The service is further decentralized within each state to the regional level and, finally, to the district level. Academic forensic medicine consists of about 80 chairs of forensic medicine at the Soviet medical schools. The primary task is, of course, teaching, but research is also encouraged. The Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Medicine [Nauchno- issledovatel’skii institut sudebnoi meditsiny] in Moscow occupies a special position in the field. The highest authority on forensic medicine in the Soviet Union, it is a part of the Ministry of Health of the U.S.S.R. As a rule, it does not conduct preliminary investigations, but provides consultant services to both the academic and practicing specialists in the Soviet Union. The Institute also performs research in cases of extreme complexity or difficulty. This dual organization of forensic medicine is reflected in the medicolegal journalism of the country. Serial publications are issued by both academic and practising groups, as well as the Institute. Their scope often exceeds the definition in this volume of medicolegal serials. Most of them are published once a year or irregularly, with an even greater lapse of time. We include only those devoted to medico- legal expertise, forensic medicine, and forensic psychiatry. * * * * * * * Information concerning other countries may be found with the help of the appended geographic and chronological indexes. 22 Levchenkov, B. and Knight, B. Forensic medicine in the Soviet Union. Med Sci Law 6: 94-6, Apr 1966. 12 IV. International Bibliography of Medicolegal Serials (IBMS) A. Scope The word “serial” in this study is interpreted very broadly. It applies to any publica- tion which was initially planned to continue indefinitely, at regular or irregular intervals. It includes, therefore, a variety of publications. Sometimes it is difficult to decide whether a certain publication constitutes a serial or a monograph. This is especially true of publications of the 18th century, when little distinction was made between the author and editor and when intent to continue was often not mentioned. The term “medicolegal serial,” for our purpose, means a serial concerned with forensic (legal) medicine and/or medical jurisprudence, medical legislation, and forensic sciences, terms defined in the first chapter. More simply, we might describe medicolegal serials as those concerned with medicine in law and the law in medicine. Only those serials are considered medicolegal and included here, however, which are either fully devoted to medicolegal problems or in which medicolegal subjects are regularly included, and given equal status with other topics. Serials not in the National Library of Medicine collection are listed only if there can be no doubt about the medicolegal nature of their contents. Omitted are serials on criminal law, criminology and police science, pathological anatomy, insurance medicine, and chemistry (except no. 46). Serials on medical legislation are included only if they are concerned with national legislation (on a Federal level) on medicine in general, not merely with individual parts or aspects. The IBMS includes not only printed serials, but also those reproduced by other means (e.g., offset, mimeograph, microfilm). In addition to independent serials, we also list those issued as supplements to other publications. We have excluded transactions of the numerous medicolegal congresses and confer- ences, both national and international, because only a few have been published separately and could thus be readily located. Most are scattered in various medical, medicolegal, and legal journals, and a considerable number were never published. It seems to us that they require an independent study. We also excluded most annual reports produced for administrative purposes (e.g., those of coroners, medical examiners, laboratories), unless they are of special importance and/or concern to the entire country. It was first planned to include only those serials which we were able to examine. Realizing, however, that even incomplete information may sometimes be of value, we have inserted some titles not actually inspected. Information about these was derived from reliable sources; each of them is marked with a dagger (F). 13 For the convenience of the reader, serials still in progress are starred (*). Serials cited are in the following languages: Byelo-Russian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Finnish, Flemish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Ukrainian. B. Organization and Usage Each serial is entered under its latest title and subtitle (if any), as it appears on the title page. If the title appears in more than one language, it is entered under all of them, starting with the first. Entries are arranged alphabetically, word for word (with only initial articles disre- garded), and consecutively numbered. Capitalization is in accord with the Anglo-Ameri- can Cataloging Rules (Chicago, American Library Association, 1967), except where the publication itself differs. Spelling also accords with that of the publication. The title is followed first by place of publication (in the form used on the title page) and then by basic bibliographic information (opening and closing dates, series, frequency). Next, the names of editors are listed. Our policy is as follows: first listed is the desig- nated editor-in-chief, or editor (s) (if no editor-in-chief), or director (s) (if neither of the others is mentioned). If editorial work was done by an editorial board or a committee of no more than three persons, all three are listed. If there are more than three, only three names were selected (usually the first, or best-known) and recorded, with “et al.” for others. There is a little confusion in the case of some Latin American, Italian, and French serials. They often name a ‘“director”—usually some one famous in the field—who exerts no influence on editorial policies and whose name is used only for advertising purposes. Then they name editors-in-chief or editors and, sometimes, the editorial boards as well. To identify the editor in our sense, i.e., the person chiefly responsible for the professional contents and standard of a serial, is sometimes very difficult, and our judgment occasionally may be open to challenge. We must not underestimate the contribution of various publishers to the medicolegal field. Some of them, especially in France and Germany, and, at present, in this country, deserve special attention. For this publication, however, the listing of all publishers involved over two hundred and thirty years would add an enormous number of names, many of little importance. All “commercial publishers” were, therefore, omitted. Only professional organizations and scientific bodies are listed in order to show their relation to and influence upon the development of our discipline. All changes of title (unless of minor importance) are recorded in pertinent entries. Predecessors and continuations of listed serials are also mentioned. If the title of a serial does not offer a clear explanation of its contents, a brief descrip- tion is added. Many entries contain additional information of bibliographic importance, e.g., cumulative indexes, sequence of issues (in the case of monographic serials), bibliog- raphies, abstracts, last issue known, etc. Unless otherwise indicated, all serials except those of monographic nature contain original articles. A question mark indicates doubtful or uncertain information. For the benefit of American users, the titles in Hungarian, Japanese, Turkish, and all Slavic languages are also given in English. 14 C. Alphabetic List 1 Abhandlungen aus dem juristisch-medizinischen Grenzgebiete. Wien. Heft 1-7; 1926-27. Irregular. Editors: H. Herschmann, E. Hopler and F. Neureiter (University of Vienna). Each issue is a brief monograph. 2 * Acta medicinae legalis et socialis. Bruxelles, Liege. v. 1- ; Jan. 1948— . Four issues per year. Editors: Secretary-General and Secretary-Editor (1948- P. Moureau) of the Academy. Publisher: Académie Internationale de Médecine Légale et de Médicine Sociale, Bruxelles. Text in French or English. Contents: Social medicine; industrial medicine; legal medicine (incl. toxicology). [Pro- ceedings of the Academy; bibliographies] Cumul. indexes: v. 1-5 (1948-52) in v. 5. 3 * Adli-tibbi ekspertiz. Aylik tibbi deliller mecmuasi [ Medicolegal expertise. A monthly maga- zine of medical evidence] Istanbul. 1- ; June 1955- . Monthly. Editor: H. Dolakay. Publisher: H. Dolakay. Subtitle varies slightly. 4 Adolph Henke’s Zeitschrift fiir die Staatsarzneikunde. Erlangen. Bd. 1-88; 1821-64. Two vols. per year. Editors: A. C. Henke (1821-43) ; F. J. Siebenhaar (1844); A. Siebert (1844-49); F. J. Behrend (1849-64). “Erganzungsheft” No. 1-47 (1823-58). Bd. 1-46 (1821-43) as Zeitschrift fiir die Staatsarzneikunde, Erlangen. Indexes: Bd. 1-76 (1821-30; 1831-38; 1839-43; 1844-48; 1854-58). All “Erginzungs- hefte” indexed. 5 Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Psychiatrie und psychisch-gerichtliche Medicin. Berlin. Bd. 1- 106; 1844-1937. Quarterly. Editors: H. P. A. Damerow, C. F. von Flemming, C. F. W. Roller (1844-57) ; H. Laehr (1858-1901) ; F. Schuchardt (1902) ; H. Laehr (1903-05) ; Hans Laehr (1906-23) ; G. Ilberg (1924-34); C. Schneider (1935-37). Publishers: Deutschlands Irrenirzte; Aug. 1933—-Oct. 1935, Deutscher Verein fiir Psychia- trie; 1935— , Psychiatrische Abteilung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und Neurologie, Berlin. Cumul. indexes: Bd. 1-7 (1844-50); 8-37 (1851-80/81); 38-50 (1882-93/94) 50-60 (1894-1903) ; 61-70 (1904-13); 71-100 (1914-33). With Bd. 107 (1938) title changed to Allgemeine Zeitschrift fir Psychiatrie und ihre Grenzgebiete. No longer in scope. 15 67 Almanach fiir die medicinische Polizei, gerichtliche Arzneiwissenschaft und Volksarznei- kunde, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Medicinalbediirfnisse Mecklenburgs, fiir das Jahr . . . Schwerin. Jahr 1797. Editor: G. H. Masius. No more published? 7 AMA Washington letter. Washington, D.C. Jan. 2, 1953-March 20, 1959. Supersedes AMA Washington Office bulletin and AMA Washington Office clinic. Editor: G. E. Connery (1955-59). Publisher: AMA Washington Office, Washington, D.C. Consecutive numbering of issues for both sessions of each Congress: Jan. 1, 1955-Dec. 28, 1956 as no. 1-105; Jan. 1, 1957—Dec. 31, 1958 as no. 1-105; Jan. 9—-March 20, 1959 as no. 1-11. Offset publication on U.S. health and medical legislation at the Federal level; circulation restricted. Superseded by M.D. Medical legislative digest, Chicago. 8 AMA Washington Office bulletin. Washington, D.C. Oct. 1, 1944—July 31, 1952. Irregular; weekly. Publishers: AMA Council on Medical Service and Public Relations, Washington Office, Washington, D.C.; from Jan. 1947 AMA Council on Medical Service, Washington Office, Washington, D.C.; from Jan. 1949, AMA Washington Office, Washington, D.C. Oct. 1, 1944-Dec. 15, 1948 as AMA Council on Medical Service, Washington Office bulletin. Washington, D.C. Issues: Oct. 1, 1944—Aug. 16, 1946 as no. 1-34; Jan. 10, 1947-Dec. 15, 1948 as no. 1-25; Jan. 7, 1949-Dec. 19, 1950 as no. 1-68; Jan. 12, 1951-July 31, 1952 as no. 1-55. Offset publication on U.S. health and medical legislation at the Federal level; circulation restricted. Merged with AMA Washington Office Capitol clinic to form AMA Washington letter. 9 AMA Washington Office Capitol clinic. Washington, D.C. v. 1-3, no. 50; Dec. 29, 1949— Dec. 18, 1952. Weekly. Publisher: AMA Washington Office, Washington, D.C. Issues: Dec. 29, 1949-Dec. 26, 1950 as no. 1-50; Jan. 3, 1951 as no. 51 and also no. 1 of v. 2; v. 2 of 51 and v. 3 of 50 issues. Offset publication on U.S. health and medical legislation at the Federal level; circulation restricted. Merged with AMA Washington Office bulletin to form AMA Washington letter. 10 AMA Washington Office comments. Washington, D.C. Jan. 14, 1949-May 16, 1952. Weekly ; irregular. Publisher : AMA Washington Office, Washington, D.C. 16 Issues: Jan. 14, 1949-May 11, 1950 as no. 1-29; Jan. 31, 1951-May 16, 1952 as no. 1-7. Offset publication on U.S. health and medical legislation at the Federal level; circulation restricted. 11 AMA Washington Office special report. Washington, D.C. June 13, 1945-Nov. 14, 1958. Irregular. Publisher: AMA Council on Medical Service and Public Relations, Washington Office; 1947-48, AMA Council on Medical Service, Washington Office; 1949-58, AMA Wash- ington Office. June 13, 1945-Aug. 15, 1952 as AMA Washington Office special bulletin. Earliest issues unnumbered. Jan. 21, 1947-July 10, 1948 as no. 1-20; Apr. 5, 1951-Aug. 16, 1952 as no. 1-15; Jan. 21, 1953—April 20, 1954(?) as no. 1-19(?); Jan. 7, 1955-Dec. 21, 1956 as no. 1-30; Jan. 4, 1957-Nov. 14, 1958 as no. 1-15. Publication suspended, May—December 1954? Offset publication on U.S. health and medical legislation at the Federal level; circulation restricted. 12 The American journal of medical jurisprudence. Boston, Mass. v. 1-2, no. 6; Sept. 1938— Aug./Sept. 1939. Monthly. Editor: F. C. Warnshuis. Published under the auspices of the American Medico-Legal Association, Boston, Mass. Contents: Forensic medicine; legislation on contracts; torts; liabilities involved in mal- practice or negligence; duties of physicians according to the criminal code [abstracts, book reviews, news from the legislature, jurisprudence, discussion] 13 The American psychological journal. New York, N.Y. v. 1-6, no. 4; July 1867—Oct. 1872. new ser. v. 1-3, no. 3; July 1874-May 1876. Quarterly ; monthly. Editor: W. A. Hammond (July 1867-May 1875) ; A. M. Hamilton (June 1875-May 1876). Vol. 1-3, no. 4 (July 1867—Oct. 1869) as The Quarterly journal of psychological medicine and medical jurisprudence; v. 4, no. 1-v. 6, no. 4 (Jan. 1870-Oct. 1872) as The Journal of psychological medicine: A quarterly review of diseases of the nervous system, medi- cal jurisprudence, and anthropology. New series started with title: The Psychological and medico-legal journal. A monthly review of diseases of the mind and nervous sys- tem, and of medical jurisprudence. From v. 3, no. 1 (Nov. 1875), title above. The publisher announced in 1875 that the new title would be The American psychological and medicolegal journal: A quarterly compendium of neurology, psychology and medical law. The first issue, however, had the title above, i.e., The American psycho- logical journal. 14 The American psychological journal. Devoted chiefly to the elucidation of mental pathology and the medical jurisprudence of insanity. Cincinnati, Ohio. v. 1, no. 1-6; Jan.—Nov. 1853. Bimonthly. Editor: E. Mead. 17 15 Amicus curiae. Hartford, Conn. v. 1-3, no. 1; Jan. 1956—June 1959? Irregular. Editor: C. N. Segal (Chairman, Publication Committee). Publisher: NACA (National Association of Claimants’ Attorneys) of Connecticut. Contents: Information for attorneys on personal injuries (accidents, malpractice, negli- gence, etc.) 16 1 Analekten fiir die gesamte Staatsarzneikunde, oder Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der gerichtlichen Medizin und der medizinischen Polizei. Berlin. Bd. 1, Heft 1-2; 1838-39? Publisher: Verein von Aerzten und Juristen. Berlin (?) 16a Analele Institutului de Medicina Legala. Cluj. 1; 1937. Planned as annual. Editor: M. Kernbach. Publisher: Institutul de Medicina Legala, Universitatea de Cluj. No more published. 17 Anales de higiene publica y medicina legal. Buenos Aires. afio 1-2, no. 1; March? 1892— March 1893. Monthly. Continues Anales del Departamento Nacional de Higiene and Anales de la asistencia publica, Buenos Aires. Directors: J. M. Ramos and E. R. Coni. Publisher : Departamento Nacional de Higiene and Administracién Sanitaria y Asistencia Publica, Buenos Aires. With v. 2, no. 2 (April 1893) title changed to Anales del Departamento Nacional de Higiene, Buenos Aires. No longer in scope. 18 Anales de la Clinica Médico Forense de Madrid. Madrid. nim. 1- ; 1952— . Irregular. Director: M. Perez de Petinto y Bertomeu. Publisher : Clinica Médico Forense de Madrid. Madrid. Latest known issue: nim. 2 (June 1953). 19 Anales de medicina legal, psiquiatria y anatomia patolégica. Barcelona. t. 1, no. 1-5/6; Jan.—May/June 1933. Monthly. Supersedes Revista de medicina legal, criminologia y psiquiatria forense, Barcelona. Editor-in-Chief: J. P. Mas de Xexas. Publisher: Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Forense. Barcelona. Contents: Legal medicine; psychiatry; pathological anatomy [book reviews, bibliogra- phies, notes] 20 Anales del Instituto de Medicina Legal. Buenos Aires. 1-2; 1928-30. Annual. Director: N. Rojas. Publisher : Instituto de Medicina Legal, Universidad de Buenos Aires. 18 21 Annalen der Staatsarzneykunde. Ziillichau (Brandenburg). Bd. 1, no. 1-3; 1790-91. Irregular. Supersedes: Bibliothek fiir Physiker, Konigsberg. Editor: J. D. Metzger. Contents: “Medical police”; forensic medicine [critical reviews of books, journals, and dissertations; practical experience and observations in forensic medicine, news] 22 Annales d’hygiéne publique et de médecine légale. Paris. [ser. 1] t. 1-50; Oct. 1829-53. ser. 2: t. 1-50; 1854-78. ser. 3: t. 1-50; 1879-1903. ser. 4: t. 1-38; 1904-22. Monthly (2 vols. per year). Editors: M. G. A. Devergie, C. C. H. Marc, M. J. B. Orfila et al. (1829-40); M. G. A. Devergie, M. J. B. Orfila et al. (1840-45); A. J. F. Brierre de Boismont, M. G. A. Devergie, M. J. B. Orfila et al. (1845-53); A. J. F. Brierre de Boismont, M. G. A. Devergie, A. A. Tardieu et al. (1854-78). With v. 1 of 3rd series (1879) “Directeur de la rédaction”: P. Brouardel (1879-1906); L. Thoinot (1907-15). 1916 editors: V. Balthazard, G. Brouardel et al. (1916-17); V. Balthazard, G. Brouardel, F. Dervieux et al. (1918-22). In 1921, the medicolegal content was transferred to the Annales de médecine légale, de criminologie et de police scientifique, Paris. With ser. 5, v. 1 (1923), continued as Annales d’hygiéne publique, industrielle et sociale. Out of scope. Cumul. indexes for each of the first three series. 23% Les annales de droit international médical. Monaco, no. 1- ; April 1957— . Irregular. Editorial Committee: L. Aureglia, E. Boéri, J. Lépine, P. Geouffre de La Pradelle, J. Voncken (1958-64) ; E. Boéri, J. Lépine, P. Geouffre de La Pradelle, J. Voncken, etc. (1965— ). Publisher : Commission Médico—Juridique de Monaco. Monaco. Contents: International medical laws in force; proposals for future medical legislation of global nature [bibliographies ; news] Latest known issue: no. 15 (Dec. 1966). 24 * Annales de l'Institut de Médecine Légale de I'Université de Lyon. Lyon. tome 1- ; 1913- . Irregular. Editor: E. Martin (1913-31?) Publisher: L’Institut de Médecine Légale de I’Université de Lyon, Lyon. Suspended publication during World War I. Resumed in 1920. Sequence: Tome 2 (1914-19) in 1920; 3 (1920-21) in 1923; 7 (1927-28) ; 9 (1931). Title varies slightly. 25 Annales de la Société de Médecine Légale de Belgique. Charleroi. année 1-20; 1889-1909. Four issues per year. Editorial Committee: J. Dallemagne, J. de Smeth, Ch. J. de Visscher, de Buschere et al. (1893-96) ; J. Dallemagne, de Buschere, J. de Smeth et al. (1897-99) ; G. J. Corin, J. Dallemagne, de Buschere et al. (1900) ; G. J. Corin, de Buschere et al. (1901-09). 19 Publisher: Société de Médecine Légale de Belgique, Bruxelles. Contents: Legal medicine [proceedings of the Society; later, original articles, reviews of foreign literature, jurisprudence, bibliographies added] Superseded in 1910 by the Archives internationales de médecine légale, Paris. 26 * Annales de médecine légale, criminologie, police scientifique et toxicologie. Paris. année 1- ; Jan. 1921- . Bimonthly; 10 issues per year; monthly. Directors: V. Balthazard and E. Martin (1921-38) ; V. Balthazard (1939-50) ; R. Piéde- lievre (1952- ). Chief Editor: R. Piédelievre (1940-51) ; L. Dérobert (1952— ). Since 1940, Board of Editors also. Publishers: Congres de Médecine Légale de Langue Francaise; 1923— Société de Méde- cine Légale de France, which in 1955 became Société de Médecine Légale et de Criminologie de France. Vol. 1-18 (1921-38) as Annales de médecine légale, de criminologie et de police scien- tifique; v. 19-31 (1939-51) as Annales de médecine légale et de criminologie, police scientifique, médecine sociale et toxicologie. Suspended publication, 1943-45. From 1924 to 1958, contents chiefly the proceedings of the Société de Médecine Légale de France, the proceedings of both national and international medicolegal congresses conducted in French, and abstracts of the literature. In 1959, original articles, book reviews, and medical jurisprudence were added. Since 1960, an “Index biblio- graphique” supplements each issue. In December 1967, it was announced that with the first issue of 1968, the title would be changed to Médecine légale et réparation du dommage corporel. 27 Annales de psychiatrie et d’hypnologie dans leurs rapports avec la psychologie et la méde- cine légale. Paris. année 1-5, no. 12; Jan. 1891-Dec. 1895. Monthly. Supersedes Revue d’hypnologie théoretique et pratique, Paris. Director: J. B. Luys (1891-95). Superseded by Revue de psychiatrie, de neurologie et d’hypnologie, Paris. 28 * Annales Instituti medico-legalis Universitatis Helsingensis. Helsinki. v. 1- ; 1951- Annual. Editor: U. Uotila. Publisher: Rattsmedicinska institutet, Universitet, Helsinki. Contents: Reprints of articles on forensic medicine and public hygiene from various scien- tific periodicals, mainly Finnish and other Scandinavian. Articles in English, Finnish, French, or Swedish. Some summaries in English. Latest known issue: v. 16 (1966), publ. in 1967. 29 Annales médicales belges. Bruxelles. année 1-2, no. 52; 1842-Dec. 24, 1843. Weekly. Editor: C. Cromelinck. 20 Vol. 1-2, no. 15 (April 9, 1843) as Annales médico-légales belges. Journal spécial de mala- dies de U'encéphale et du system nerveux, de maladies mentales, de médecine légale, de toxicologie et d’hygiene. Contents: Encephalitis and diseases of the nervous sytem; mental health; legal medicine; toxicology; public hygiene. 30 Annales médico-psychologiques. Journal destiné a recueillir tous les documents relatifs a I’aliénation mentale aux névroses et a la médecine légale des aliénés. Paris. année 1- 88; Jan, 1843-Dec. 1930. Frequency varies (10 per year, etc.). Ser. 1: v. 1-12, 1843-48; ser. 2: v. 1-6, 1849-54; ser. 3: v. 1-8, 1855-62; ser. 4: v. 1-12, 1863-68; ser. 5: v. 1-20, 1869-78; ser. 6: v. 1-12, 1879-84; ser. 7: v. 1-20, 1885-94; ser. 8. v. 1-20, 1895-1904; ser. 9: v. 1-14, 1905-11; ser. 10: v. 1-12, 1912— 20; ser. 11: v. 1-2, 1921; ser. 1922-30 (some irregularities in numbering). Editors: J. G. F. Baillarger, L. A. P. Cerise, and F. A. Longet (1843-48); J. G. F. Bail- larger and L. A. P. Cerise (1849) ; J. G. F. Baillarger, A. J. F. Brierre de Boismont, and L. A. P. Cerise (1850-54) ; J. G. F. Baillarger, L. A. P. Cerise, and J. J. Moreau de Tours (1855-62); J. G. F. Baillarger, L. A. P. Cerise (1863-66); J. G. F. Baillarger, L. A. P. Cerise, and L. J. J. Lunier (1867-69); J. G. F. Baillarger and L. J.J. Lunier (1870-80) ; J. G. F. Baillarger, L. J. J. Lunier, and A. F. Foville (1881- 85) ; J. G. F. Baillarger, A. L. Foville, and A. Ritti (1886-88) ; J. G. F. Baillarger and A. Ritti (1888-91) ; A. Ritti (1891-1920) ; Henri Colin (1921-30). Subtitle varies slightly. Title changed with ser. 13 (1931) to Annales médico-psychologiques. Revue psychiatrique. Bulletin officiel de la Société Médico-Psychologique; legal medicine not mentioned thereafter. Cumul. index: 1843-78. 31 Annali del Laboratorio di Medicina Legale dell’Universita di Bologna. Imola. v. 1- ; 19007? Editor: P. Pellacani. Publisher: Laboratorio di Medicina Legale dell’Universita di Bologna, Bologna. 32 + Annali dell’Istituto Medico-Legale per I’Aeronautica. Roma. v. 1- ; 1927- Publisher: Istituto Medico-Legale per I’Aeronautica, Ufficio Centrale de Sanita, Roma. 33 * Annual report of Medical Defence Union. London. 1888- . Annual. Publisher: Medical Defence Union, London. 1888-1959 as Annual report and statement of accounts of Medical Defence Union, London. 1960- title as above. Supersedes Transactions of Medical Defence Union, London. Purpose of the Union: to defend medical practioners in legal and ethical suits and disputes. 34 Not used. 21 35 Not used. 36 Annuario [ufficiale] dell’Istituto Medico-Legale per I’Aeronautica. Roma. 1- ; 1926— Publisher: Istituto Medico-Legale per Aeronautica, Ufficio Centrale di Sanita, Roma. 37 L’anomalo. Rivista di antropologia criminale e psichiatria e loro applicazioni forensi, giuri- diche e sociali. Napoli. anno 1-15, fase. 2/3; Jan. 1889-May/Dec. 1922. Monthly; irregular. Director: A. Zuccarelli (1889-1907?) ; A. Zuccarelli and G. Amellino (1908?7-1909) ; A. Zuccarelli (1914-22). 1917, organ of Gabinetto-Scuola di Antropologia Criminale della R. Universita di Napoli; 1922, organ of Istituto di Antropologia Criminale della R. Universita di Napoli and of Accademia Internazionale di Applicazioni Medico-Antropologico-Sociali, Napoli. Anno 5/6 called also new series; anno 7/8 marked as 3rd series, etc., up to anno 14/15 (7th series). Subtitles vary, but all mention either legal (forensic) medicine or medicolegal relations, and legal medicine has its own section in the journal until 1917. Publication suspended 1898-1902 (except special issue of March 14, 1899), 1910-13, 1918-21, 38 Archiv der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie. Neuwied ; Leipzig. Jahrg. 1-10, Heft 1; 1858-72. Quarterly ; semiannual; irregular. Editor: A. A. Erlenmeyer. Publisher : Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie, Gottingen. Publication suspended, 1867-68. In 1869, merged with Correspondenz-Blatt of the same Society and published as its v. 16-7 (1869-70) with title: Archiv der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie verbunden mit Correspon- denz-Blatt. Nothing published in 1871. Last issue (v. 10, no. 1) in 1872 is a monograph. 39 Archiv der deutschen Medicinalgesetzgebung und 6ffentlichen Gesundheitspflege fiir Arzte, Apotheker und Beamte. Erlangen. Jahrg. 1-3, no. 26; July 1857-June 30, 1859. Weekly. Editors: E. Miiller and O. A. Ziurek. 40 Archiv der gerichtlichen Arzneywissenschaft fiir Rechtsgelehrte und Aertze in Beziehung auf Jurisprudenz und Medicin zugleich. Luckau and Leipzig. Bd. 1, St. 1; 1811. Editor: F. G. H. Fielitz. No more published. 41 Archiv der medizinischen Polizei und der gemeinniitzigen Arzneikunde. Leipzig. Bd. 1-6; 1783-87. 22 Editor: J. C. F. Scherf. Mostly on medical legislation (laws, statutes, ordinances) and public health. Only a few cases of application of medicine in the courts of laws included. Sequence: Bd. 1 (1783) ; 2 (1784); 3 (1785) ; 4 (1785/86) : 5 (1786) ; 6 (1787). Bd. 4 in two parts. Cumul. subject index for Bd. 1-2 in Bd. 3. Superseded by Beitrige zum Archiv der medizinischen Polizei und der Volksarzneikunde, Leipzig. 42 Archiv der Staatsarzneikunde. Berlin. Bd. 1-3; 1803-06? Four (?) issues per volume. Editor: F. L. Augustin. 43 Archiv fiir Erforschung und Bekdmpfung des Selbstmordes. Augsburg. 1, no. 1; 1932. 44 Archiv fir medizinische Erfahrung im Gebiete der praktischen Medicin, Chirurgie, Geburtshiilfe und Staatsarzneikunde. Berlin. 1801-36. Irregular. Editors: E. Horn (1801-16) ; committee of professors of public health: E. Horn, C. F. Nasse, A. Henke (1817-20); E. Horn, C. F. Nasse, A. Henke, C. W. U. Wagner (1821-26) ; E. Horn, C. F. Nasse, C. W. U. Wagner (1827-36). 1801-04 (Bd. 1-6) as Archiv fiir medicinische Erfahrung. 1805-06 (Bd. 1-3, no. 2) as Neues Archiv fiir medicinische Erfahrung. 1807-11 (Bd. 1-11) as Archiv fiir praktische Medizin und Klinik (2 vols. per year). 1811-16 as Archiv fiir medizinische Erfahrung, v. 1-2; numbering then suspended. 1817-20 as Archiv fiir medicinische Erfahrung im Gebiete der praktischen Medizin und Staatsarzneikunde, v. 1-2; numbering then stopped. 1821-36, the title above. 1817-36, public hygiene and forensic medicine included. Cumul. indexes: 1801-17 (publ. 1819) ; 1818-30 (in Jahrg. 1833). 45 Archiv fiir Psychologie fiir Arzte und Juristen. Heidelberg. Heft 1-3; 1834. 3 or 4 issues per year planned. Supersedes Magazin fiir die philosophische, medicinische und gerichtliche Seelenkunde, Wiirzburg, and called also Jahrg. 4 of that publication. Editor: J. B. Friedreich. Contents: Articles of practical value to both physicians and lawyers; emphasis on criminal psychology. Superseded in 1837 by Blitter fiir Psychiatrie, Erlangen. 46 * Archiv fiir Toxikologie. Fiihner-Wielands Sammlung von Vergiftungsfillen. Leipzig; Berlin. Bd. 1, Liefg. 1- ; Jan. 1930- . Monthly; irregular; bimonthly. Editors: H. Fiihner (1930-33); B. Behrens (1934-54); B. Behrens and K. Wagner (1954-55) ; B. Behrens, K. Wagner, and H. Oettel (1956-60) ; B. Behrens, K. Wagner, H. Oettel, and L. Schlosser (1961-66). 23 Sponsored by Deutsche Pharmakologische Gesellschaft, Berlin; 1955— also by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir gerichtliche und soziale Medizin, Berlin. Bd. 1-6 (1930-35) as Sammlung von Vergiftungsfillen; Bd. 7-13, (1936-51) as Fliihner- Wielands Sammlung von Vergiftungsfillen; Bd. 14 (1952) as Fiihner-Wielands Sammlung von Vergiftungsfillen. Archiv fiir Toxikologie; Bd. 15, no. 1 (May 1954— ) title above. Publication suspended Aug. 1944-Jan. 1952. Cumul. index to Bd. 11-20 (1940-65) in Bd. 20 (1963/65), no. 6. Last known issue: Bd. 23 (1967). Note: Hermann Wieland (1885-1929), former teacher of B. Behrens, suggested publica- tion of the journal. 47 Archiv gerichtlich-medicinischer vor den Assisen des Konigreichs Hannover verhandelter Fille. Celle. Bd. 1; 1851-52. Editors: Dawosky and Polack. Contents: Forensic medicine; medical jurisprudence [abstracts and comments on court decisions] 48 * Archives belges de médecine sociale, hygiéne, médecine du travail et médecine légale. Bruxelles. Belgish archief van sociale geneeskunde, hygiéne, arbeidsgeneeskunde en gerechtelijke geneeskunde. Brussel. année 1- ; 1938— . Monthly; 10 issues per year. Editorial Committee: R. Appelmans et al. (1938-51) ; M. Alexander, R. Appelmans et al. (1952-53) ; M. Alexander et al. (1953-54) ; M. Alexander, E. J. Bigwood, P. Moureau et al. (1955—- ). Sponsored by the Ministere de la Santé Publique, Bruxelles. 1946— ; official organ of I’Association Belge de Médecine Sociale and of the International Congress on Indus- trial Accidents and Diseases. Année 1-3, no. 5 (1938-40) as Archives de médecine sociale et d’hygiéne et revue de pathologie et de physiologie du travail. Publication suspended May 1940-March 1946. With année 4, no. 1/2 (1946), continued as Archives belges de médecine sociale et d’ hygiene et revue de pathologie et de physiologie du travail. With année 4, no. 3 (May 1946), acquired present title. Subtitle states that it comprises older publications: Archives de médicine sociale et d’hygiene (founded 1937), Bruxelles; Revue de pathologie et de physiologie du travail (1924), Bruxelles; Archives internationales de médecine légale (1913!), Liege. Bibliographies and reviews in each issue. 49 Archives d’anthropologie criminelle, de médecine légale et de psychologie normale et pathologique. Paris; Lyon. v. 1-29; Jan. 1886-1914. Bimonthly. Editors: A. Lacassagne, R. Garraud, H. Coutagne (1886-89) ; A. Lacassagne, R. Garraud, H. Coutagne, A. Bournet (1880-92); A. Lacassagne, G. Tarde et al. (1893-1904) ; A. Lacassagne, P. Dubuisson (1905-08) ; A. Lacassagne (1909-14). Tom. 1-7 (1886-92) as Archives de l'anthropologie criminelle et des sciences pénales. Médecine légale, judiciaire. Statistique criminelle. Législation et droit; t. 8-22 (1893— 1907) as Archives d’anthropologie criminelle, de criminologie et de psychologie normale et pathologique. Thereafter, the title as above. 24 Cumul. indexes: t. 1-25 (1886-1910) in t. 25. Contents: Criminal anthropology; criminology; legal medicine; forensic psychiatry; penal law. 50 Archives de Institut de Médecine Légale et de Médecine Sociale de Lille. Lille. no. 1-4? 1936-39? new ser. 1945—- . Annual? Editor: (Director of the Institute) J.A.J.R. Leclercq (1945-47). Publisher: L’Institut de Médecine Légale et de Médecine Sociale de I’Université de Lille. Publication suspended during World War II; revived 1945, suspended 1946. Sequence: 1 (1936); 2 (19377); 3 (1938); 4 (1939?). New series: 1945; 1947 (no numbering). Latest known issue: 1947. 51 Les Archives du droit médical et de I’hygiéne. Paris. May 15, 1927-Dec. 15, 1934. Monthly. Editors: J. Letort and J. Roux-Delimal. Supplement to Gazette médicale de France et des pays de langue franc¢aise, Paris. No. 1-47 (May 15, 1927-Nov. 15, 1930) ; then new numbering for each volume and, finally, no numbering of issues. Since 1935, “Le page juridique,” by Jean Letort, has been included in the Gazette médicale de France. 52 Archives internationales de médecine légale. Paris; Bruxelles; Liege. v. 1-5, fasc. 3; Jan. 1910-July 1914. Quarterly (some irregularities). Supersedes Annales de la Société de Médecine Légale de Belgique, Bruxelles. Editors: G. J. Corin and F. Heger-Gilbert. Publ. under the auspices of the Société de Médecine Légale de Belgique, Bruxelles. Articles mostly in French; some in German and Italian. Contents: Legal medicine [proceedings of the sponsoring Society, reports from institutes of legal medicine; starting with v. 4 (1913), also abstracts of medicolegal articles] Merged with Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie, Bruxelles, 1921. 52a f * Archivio della Societa lombarda di Medicina legale e delle Assicurazioni. Pavia. 53 Archivo de medicina legal. Lisboa. v. 1, no. 1/2-v. 8, no. 1/4; Jan./Apr. 1922-March/Dec. 1935? 4 issues per vol. Editor: J. A. P. de Azevedo Neves (1922-35). Publisher: Instituto de Medicina Legal de Lisboa. Latest known issue: 1935 (v. 8, publ. 1942). 54 + Archivos chilenos de medicina legal. Santiago. 1960?— Annual? Publisher: Sociedad de Medicina Legal de Chile, Santiago. [Source: World Med. Per. 1961, no. 843] 25 55 Archivos de medicina legal. Buenos Aires. afio 1-20; March/Apr. 1931-Dec. 1950? Bi- monthly; 5 issues per year. Directors: N. Rojas and J. C. Belbey. Publisher: May/June 1931-50, Sociedad de Medicina Legal y Toxicologia, Buenos Aires (official organ). Some summaries in French. 56 Archivos de psiquiatria y criminologia aplicadas a las ciencias afines. Buenos Aires. afio 1-12; 1902-Sept/Oct 1913. Bimonthly. Directors: J. Ingegnieros (19027-1911?) ; H. Fernandez (19127-1913). Publishers: Penitenciaria Nacional, Buenos Aires; 1907-13, Instituto de Criminologia de la Penitenciaria Nacional de Buenos Aires. Ano 1 as Archivos de criminologia, medicina legal e psiquiatria. Afio 2-5 (1903-06) as Archivos de psiquiatria y criminologia aplicadas a las ciencias afines. Medicina legal. Sociologia. Derecho. Psicologia. Pedagogia. With ano 6 (1907) the title as above. Superseded in 1914 by Revista de criminologia, psiquiatria y medicina legal, Buenos Aires. 57 Archivos do Instituto de Medicina Legal de Lisboa. Lisboa. Ser. A: v. 1, no. 1-5(?) ; June 8, 1912—-June 20, 1914. Irregular. “ B:v. 1-6; 1913/14-1932? Irregular. Director : both series, J. A. P. de Azevedo Neves (1912-32). Editor: Ser. A., C. D. Alvares (1912). Publisher : Instituto de Medicina Legal de Lisboa. 57a t Archivos do Instituto Nina Rodrigues. Bahia; Salvador. 1-3; 1932-34. Publisher: Instituto de Medicina Legal Nina Rodrigues, Bahia. 58 * Archiwum medycyny sadowej, psychiatrii sadowej i kryminalistyki [Archives of forensic medicine, forensic psychiatry and criminalistics] Warszawa. t. 1- ; 1951- . Irregu- lar (3, 1, 2 issues per year). Editors: W. Grzywo-Dabrowski and J. Sawicki (1951-55); W. Grzywo-Dabrowski, J. Sawicki and S. Laguna (1955-56). Chief editors: W. Grzywo-Dabrowski and S. Laguna (1957-59) ; W. Grzywo-Dabrowski (1961- ). Publishers: Akademia medyczna, Zaktad medycyny sadowej, Warszawa; 1962— Polskie towarzystwo medycyny sadowej i kryminologii, Warszawa. Table of contents in Polish, English, and Russian; summaries in English and Russian. Also cited frequently as Archives de médecine légale, psychiatrie judiciaire et criminalis- tique de Varsovie. 58a t Arhiva Institutului de Medicina Legala, Universitatea de Cluj. Cluj. 1- ; 19367— Publisher: Institutul de Medicina Legald, Universitatea de Cluj. 26 Title translated from the German reference in Deut. Zschr. ges. ger. Med. 29/11: 6, 1937/38. Relationship to the Analele of the same institute not clear. Known issues: 1936, 1937. 59 Arkhiv kriminologii i sudebnoi meditsiny [Archives of criminology and forensic medicine] Khar’kov, USSR. t. 1, kn. 1-5; 1926-27. 60 Arkhiv psikhiatrii, neirologii i sudebnoi psikhopatologii [Archives of psychiatry, neurology and forensic psychopathology] Khar’kov; Varshava; S. Peterburg. t. 1-32, no. 3; April 1883-99. 2 vols. per year, 2 and 3 issues per vol. Editors: P. I. Kovalevskii (1883-95) ; P. I. Kovalevskii and M. I. Popov (1896-99). Cumul. indexes: t. 1-20 (1883-92) in t. 20; others cumulated every 2 years. Superseded by Russkii meditsinskii vestnik, S. Petersburg. 61 Arkhiv sudebnoil meditsiny i obshchestvennoi gigieny [Archives of forensic medicine and social hygiene] Sanktpeterburg. g. 1-7, kn. 4; 1865-Dec. 1871. Quarterly. Editor: S. P. Lovtsov (1865-70) ; G. I. Arkhangel’skii (1870-71). Publisher : Meditsinskii departament, Sanktpeterburg. First Russian journal on forensic medicine. Cumulative index in: Vest. sud. med. obshch. gig. 1-4, 1883. Superseded by Sbornik sochinenii po sudebnoi meditsine, sudebnoi psikhiatrii, meditsinskol politsii, obshchestvennoi gigiene, epidemiologit, meditsinskoi geografii © meditsinskoi statistike, S. Peterburg. 6la Arquivos brasileiros de psiquiatria, neurologia e medicina legal. Rio de Janeiro. ano 1-5; Apr. 1905-1919. Quarterly. Directors: J. Moreira and A. Peixoto. Official organ of the Sociedade Brasileira de Neurologia, Psiquiatria e Medicina Legal, Rio de Janeiro. Ano 1-4 (1905-08) as Archivos brasileiros de psiquiatria, neurologia e ciéncias afins, Rio de Janeiro. Superseded in 1919 by Arquivos brasileiros de neuriatria e psiquiatria, Rio de Janeiro. 62 Arquivos da Sociedade de Medecina Legal e Criminologia de Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo. v. 1- Feb. 1922 (publ. Aug. 1924)— . 6 issues per year planned; irregular; 3 issues, later 1 issue per year. Director: F. Favero (1922-28). Editors: F. Favero et al. (1931-37) ; A. A. Ferreira et al. (1938- ). Publisher: Sociedade de Medicina Legal e Criminologia de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo. Vol. 1-12 as Archivos da Sociedade de Medicina Legal e Criminologia de Sao Paulo. Some articles with summaries in Portuguese, French, and English. Bibliography of medicolegal works in Brazil, 1814-1918, in v. 1: 86, 161, 213 ff. and v. 2: 177, 330 fT. 27 Ceased publication March 1928 (v. 2, fasc. 3) and continued by the Revista de criminologia e medicina legal, Sao Paulo. This publication, however, was soon suspended (June 19297) and the Arquivos resumed publication in Oct. 1931 (v. 3, fasc. 1). Latest known issue: v. 27/28 (1958/59). 63 Arquivos de medicina legal. Rio de Janeiro. -1931°? Merged with Boletim policial, Rio de Janeiro, to form Arquivos do Instituto Médico-Legal e Gabinete de Identificacdo, Rio de Janeiro. 64 Arquivos de medicina legal e identificacdo. Rio de Janeiro. ano 1-10, n. 18?; Aug. 1931- May 19407? Irregular. Formed by the union of Arquivos de medicina legal and Boletim policial, Rio de Janeiro. Editors: L. Ribeiro and M. Salles (1931-34) ; L. Ribeiro (1934-40). Publishers: Policia do Distrito Federal, Rio de Janeiro (1931-34) ; Instituto de Identi- ficacdo, Rio de Janeiro (1934— ). No. 1-5 (1931-33) as Arquivos de Instituto Médico-Legal e Gabinete de Identificacdo. With no. 6 (Feb. 1933), title changed to Arquivos de medicina legal e identificacdo; no. 11-16 (1935-38) as Arquivos de medicina legal e identificacdo. 65 Atti dell’Istituto di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni dell’Universitda di Padova. Padova. 1- ; 1923?- . First published after each academic session; later annually. Publisher: Istituto di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni dell’Universita di Padova. Sessions of 1941 marked with Roman XIX, apparently for the 19th academic year of sessions at the Institute. 1950 issue contains lectures delivered at various medicolegal sessions in Padua, Venice, Trieste, Treviso, Vicenza, and Udine. Publication suspended 1944-49, 1952-53. Latest known issue: 1954. 66 Atti della Societa di Medicina Legale Sede in Roma. Roma. anno 1-7; 1908-15. One two- part vol. a year. Publisher: Societd di Medicina Legale Sede in Roma. Sponsored also by Istituto di Medicina Legale, R. Universita di Roma. 67 Not used. 68 Aufsitze und Abhandlungen aus der Gebiete der Medicin, Chirurgie und Staatsarznei- kunde. Berlin. Bd. 1-3; 1834-40. Irregular. Editor: J. N. Rust. Sequence: Bd. 1 (1834); 2 (1836) ; 3 (1840). 28 69 Aufsitze und Beobachtungen aus der gerichtlichen Arzeneywissenschaft. Berlin. Sammi. 1-8; 1783-93. Irregular. Editor: J. T. Pyl. Contents: Original contributions, especially on autopsies. 2nd ed.: Samml. 1-8, 1803-15. 70 Auswahl] gerichtlich-medicinischer Untersuchungen nebst Gutachten, gefiihrt und abgege- ben an die resp. Behorden. Prag. Heft 1-3; 1831-41? Irregular. Editor: J. V. Krombholz. Sequence: Heft 1 (1831); 2 (1835); 3 (1841). 71 Avvisatore sanitario, legale, amministrativo, professionale. Torino. anno 1-2, no. 23; Sept. 1902-Dec. 10, 1903? Semimonthly. Director: C. Ramello (1902-03). Editor: F. Abba (1902-03). 72 Beitrige zum Archiv der medicinischen Polizei und der Volksarzneikunde. Leipzig. Bd. 1-8; 1789-99. Each Band comprises 2 Sammlungen. Supersedes Archiv der medizinischen Polizei und der gemeinniitzigen Arzneikunde, Leipzig. Editor: J. Ch. F. Scherf. Predominantly on medical legislation (both national and foreign) and public health. Special attention to resuscitation. Very little on forensic medicine. Sequence: Bd. 1 (1789); 2 (1790) ; 3 (1791/92) ; 4 (1793); 5 (1793/95) ; 6 (1795/96) ; 7 (1797/98) ; 8 (1798/99). Last issue, Bd. 8, Samml. 2, 1799, contains announcement of continuation by Analekten fiir die Staats-Arzneiwissenschaft. That journal, however, is unknown to us. Superseded in 1805 by Allgemeines Archiv der Gesundheitspolizey, Hannover. 73 Die Beitridge zur forensischen Medizin. Eine Sammlung von Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der é&rztlichen Sachverstindigen-Titigkeit, sowie aus dem angrenzenden Gebieten der Medizin und des Rechtes. Berlin. Bd. 1-2, no. 2/4; 1912-14. Irregular. Editor: H. Lungwitz. Each issue is a brief treatise on one topic. 74 + Beitrige zur gerichtlichen Arzneigelahrtheit und medicinischen Polizei. Weimar. Th. 1-4; 1782-92? Irregular. Editor: W. H. S. Bucholz. First word of title possibly spelled Beytrige. 75 * Beitrédge zur gerichtlichen Medizin. Wien; Leipzig; Wien. Bd. 1- ; 1911- . Irregular. 29 Subtitle claims that journal was founded in 1818 by Prof. Josef Bernt. Editors: A. Kolisko (1911-14); A. Haberda (1919-33); F. Reuter (1935-38); P. Schneider (1939-43) ; W. Schwarzacher (1949-55) ; L. Breitenecker (1955- ). Publisher: Wiener Institut fiir Gerichtliche Medizin, Wien. Publication suspended 1944-48. Cumul. indexes: Bd. 1-20 (1911-55) in Bd. 20. Bd. 13 (1935) published with Haberda’s name posthumously as editor, because he had prepared most of its material. Sequence: Bd. 1 (1911); 2 (1914); 3 (1919); 4 (1922); 5 (1922); 6 (1924) ; 7 (1928) ; 8 (1928); 9 (1929); 10 (1930); 11 (1931); 12 (1932); 13 (1935); 14 (1938); 15 (1939) ; 16 (1942); 17 (1943); 18 (1949); 19 (1952); 20 (1955); 21 (1961); 22 (1963?) ; 23 (1965). 76 7 Beitrige zur gerichtlichen Psychologie. Halle. Heft 1; 1820. Editor: A. A. Meckel. No more published. 77 Beitrige zur 6ffentlichen und gerichtlichen Arzneikunde. Braunschweig; Frankfurt a/M. Stiick 1-2; 1798-1802. Editor: T. G. A. Roose. Includes opinions of “Obersanititskollegium” of Brunswick in medicolegal cases. 78 Beitrige zur Staats-Arzneiwissenschaft und Kunst. Erlangen. R. 1-3; 1824-53? Irregular. Editor: C. H. E. Bischoff. Rfg. 1 (1824); 2 (1835); 3 (1853). Rfg. 1-2 reprinted from A. Henkes Zeitschrift fiir die Staatsarzneikunde (1824 and 1835), Rfg. 3 from Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Staatsarzneikunde (1853). Nothing added by the editor. 79 Beitrige zur Wundarzneikunst und gerichtliche Arzneikunde. Jena. Bd. 1; 1804. Editor: J. T. C. Bernstein. Casuistry on the treatment of wounds and on forensic medicine. Continued by Neue Beitrige zur Wundarzneikunst und gerichtliche Arzneikunde, Coblenz. 80 Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen aus der Geburtshiilfe und gerichtlichen Medicin nebst vorlaufenden Nachrichten iiber die Ereignisse in der Kgl. Entbindungs-Anstalt in Gottingen. Gottingen. Bd. 1-5; 1824-28. Annual. Editor: L. J. C. Mende. Bd. 4-5 have also another title page: Zeitschrift fiir die Geburtshiilfe in ihrer Beziehung auf die gerichtliche Medicin, und fiir die gerichtliche Medicin iiberhaupt, with new volume numbering (v. 1 and 2). 30 81 7 Beytrige zur gerichtlichen Arzneigelahrtheit. Frankfurt a.M. Th. 1; 1787. Editor: Ch. L. Schweickhard. Revised and published in 1789 as Th. 1 of Medicinisch-gerichtliche Beobachtungen nebst threr Beurtheilung, Strasburg. 82 Beytrége zur gerichtlichen Arzneykunde fiir Arzte, Wundirzte und Rechtsgelehrte. Wien. Bd. 1-6; 1818-23. Annual. Editor: J. Bernt. Sponsored by Wiener Institut fiir gerichtliche Medicin, Wien. First medicolegal serial in Austria. Beitrige zur gerichtlichen Medizin (Wien) founded 1911, claimed to be continuation of Bernt’s publication. 83 Biblioteca de medicina legal y ciencias afines. Buenos Aires. v. 1-3? 1933-45? Irregular. Editors: J. C. Belbey; J. C. Belbey and J. R. Obiglio (1945). 2d ed. of v. 1 published in 1934. Series of monographs. Latest known issue: v. 3 (1945). 84 Biblioteca medico-legale. Pisa. v. 1-4; 1877-78. 2 vols. per year. Editors: R. Bellini and A. Filippi. Each volume is a manual on one medicolegal subject. 85 Biblioteca pratica di medicina legal. Milano. no. 1-2; 1928? 86 Bijdragen tot geneeskundige staatsregeling. Amsterdam. deel 1-3; 1842-45? Irregular. Editors not named, but probably J. van Geuns and G. J. Mulder. 87 + Biulleten’ po voprosam sudebnoi meditsiny i pogranichnykh oblastei [Bulletin on prob- lems of forensic medicine and allied fields] Moskva. July 1939-Jan./Feb. 1940? Bimonthly. Publisher : Gosudarstvennyi nauchno-issledovatel’skii institut sudebnoi meditsiny, Moskva. 88 Blatter fiir Medizinal-Gesetzgebung und 6ffentliche Gesundheitspflege. Wien. no. 1/2- 33/34; Jan. 9, 1870-Aug. 21, 1870? Weekly. Supplement to Wiener medizinische Presse, Wien. Contents: Medical legislature and problems of public hygiene in Austria [news, reviews of literature] 31 89 Blatter fiir Staatsarzneikunde. Wien. Bd. 1-11; 1866-76? Monthly. Supplement to the Allgemeine wiener medizinische Zeitung (Jahrg. 11-21), Wien. Editors: B. Kraus and W. Pichler. 90 Boletim do Departamento Médico Legal do Estado de Parana. Curitiba, Brasil. ano 1-5, no. 8/; June 1950-Jan./July 1954. Twice a year; irregular. Director: J. Moreira. Publisher: Departamento Médico Legal do Estado de Parana, Curitiba. Ano 1, no. 1-2 (1950) as D. M. L. Boletim Semestral do Departamento Médico Legal do Estado do Parand, Curitiba. Contents: Forensic medicine; industrial medicine; toxicology [legislation, activities of the department] 91 Boletim do Instituto “Oscar Freire.” Sao Paulo. v. 1-5, no. 4; Aug. 1934-Mar. 1950? Quarterly. Director: F. Favero. Publishers: Instituto de Medicina Legal “Oscar Freire,” Faculdade de Medicina da Uni- versidade de Sao Paulo. Publication suspended, 1940-May 1949. Contents: Forensic and industrial medicine. 92 Boletim do Servico Médico-Legal Sao Paulo. ano 1-3?; June 1936-38? Twice a year. Editor: F. R. Marcondes Machado (Director of Servico Médico-Legal). Publishers: Servico Médico-Legal do Estado de Sao Paulo; Policia do Estado de Sao Paulo; Secretaria de Seguranca Publica, Sao Paulo. Contents: Forensic medicine; industrial medicine; medicolegal identification; toxicology [legislation statistics, activities of the Servico, bibliographies] Latest known issue: ano 3, no. 5/6 (1938). Superseded (probably) in 1940 by Revista penal e penitenciaria, Sao Paulo. 93 * Boletin de informacién de la Asociacién Nacional de Médicos Forenses. Madrid. no. 1- 1959?— . Quarterly; 2 or 3 numbers combined in one issue. Probably supersedes Revista de medicina legal, Madrid. Director: M. Pérez de Petinto y Bertomeu. Publisher: Asociacién de Médicos Forenses, Madrid. Latest known issue: no. 49/54 (1964). 94 Bulletin de la Société de Médecine Légale de France. Paris. t. 1-18; 1868-1903. Ser. 2: t. 1-19; 1904-22. Irregular. Editor: A. Maloine (2nd ser.). Publishers: Société de Médecine Légale de Paris; 1873-1903, Société de Médecine Légale de France, Paris. 32 Tom 1-2 (1868-72) as Bulletin de la Société de Médecine Légale de Paris. Cumul. index to the 1st series. Contents: Proceedings of the meetings [lectures and discussions] In 1923 absorbed by Annales de médecine légale, de criminologie et de police scientifique, Paris, and continued as a section of that journal. 95 * Bulletin de médecine légale et de toxicologie médicale. Lyon. v. 1- ; Oct. 1957— Quarterly; bimonthly. Director: L. Roche (Oct. 1957-May 1964). Editor: L. Roche (Jan. 1965—- ). Publishers: Sponsored originally by the Association Lyonnaise de Médecine Légale; July 1963-Nov. 1964, official organ of the Groupement des Centres de Lutte Contre les Intoxications and of 1’Association Lyonnaise de Médecine Légale; Nov. 1964— official organ of 1’Association Européene des Centres de de Lutte Contre les Poisons, of Groupement Francais des Centres de Lutte Contre les Intoxications, and of I’Association Lyonnaise de Médecine Légale. Vol. 1-6, no. 6 (Oct. 1957-Nov. 1963) as Bulletin de médecine légale, Lyon. Contents: Forensic medicine ; medical traumatology ; toxic pathology ; clinical criminology; social medicine; deontology [news from congresses, “Index bibliographique] 96 Bulletin of the Medico-Legal Society. New York, N. Y. v. 1-4, no. 7/8; Nov. 1878-Dec. 1881. Monthly. Editor: G. W. Wells. Publisher: Medico-Legal Society, New York. Aug. 1879-Mar. 1880 continued as The Physician and pharmacist and the Bulletin of the Medico-Legal Society, New York. Contents: Legal medicine; jurisprudence; medical legislation; deontology [proceedings of the Society, expert opinions] 97 Bulletin of the Medico-Legal Society, New York. Psychological Section. New York, N. Y. v. 1-3, no. 4; 1893-Dec. 1895. Four issues per year. Editor: C. Bell. Sponsored by the Medico-Legal Society, New York. Contents: Forensic psychology; psychological research; articles on sexual inversion; medical testimony; hypnotism; clairvoyance; spiritualism; medical jurisprudence of insanity, ete. 97a Canadian Society of Forensic Sciences newsletter. Ottawa. v. 1-5; 1963-67. Monthly. Editor: J. A. Churchman. 98 Canstatt’s Jahresbericht liber die Fortschritte in der gesammten Medicin. 7. Band. Staatsarzneikunde. Erlangen; Wiirzburg. Jahr 1841-65. Annual. Editors: C. F. Canstatt (1841-42); C. F. Canstatt and G. Eisenmann (1843-48); G. Eisenmann (1849-50) ; J. J. Scherer, R. L. K. Virchow, and G. Eisenmann (1851-65). 33 1841-48 with distinctive title: Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Staatsarzneikunde tm Jahre . . . ; 1849-50 changed to C. Canstatt’s Jahresbericht iiber die Fort- schritte der Staatsarzneikunde im Jahre . . . ; 1851, distinctive title disappeared and publication was marked only as v. 7 of the title above. In 1866, forensic medicine became only a section in the reorganized Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte in der gesammten Medicin, Wiirzburg. 99 Centralblatt fiir Nervenheilkunde, Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychopathologie. Leipzig. Jahrg. 1-12, no. 24; 1878-Dec. 15, 1889. Monthly; semimonthly. Supersedes the Correspondenz-Blatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie, Neuwied. Editor: F. A. Erlenmeyer. With Jahrg. 13 (1890) new series started. Title changed to: Centralblatt fiir Nerven- heilkunde und Psychiatrie, Leipzig. Out of scope. 100 * The Citation. Chicago, Ill. v. 1, no. 1- ; May 9, 1958— . 12 issues per vol. Publisher: American Medical Association, Law Department, Chicago. Contents: Current information on medical jurisprudence (case reports) and health and medical legislation of interest to medical profession. Cumul. subject and case indexes for v. 1-5 (May 1958-Sept. 1962); then indexes for each volume. 101 * Cleveland-Marshall law review. Cleveland, Ohio. v. 1- ; 1952— . 3 times a year. Editor: Different Editor-in-Chief for each issue. Advisory Board of Editors on Medico- legal Subjects, 1952-63. Publisher: Cleveland-Marshall Law School of Baldwin-Wallace College, Cleveland, Ohio. Contents predominantly medicolegal. Cumul. indexes: v. 1-9 (1952-60) in v. 10. 102 Collected papers of the American Board of Legal Medicine, Inc. New York, N.Y. 1960-[196-7] Publisher : American Board of Legal Medicine, Inc., New York. Published volume contains papers from 1956 to 1959. 1960 is only issue known. 103 Collectio opusculorum selectorum ad medicinam forensem spectantium. Lipsiae. v. 1-6; 1785-91. Irregular. Editor: J. C. T. Schlegel. Sequence: v. 1 (1785); 2 (1787); 3 (1788); 4 (1789); 5 (1790); 6 (1791). Selection of Latin dissertations on forensic medicine submitted at German universities from 1708 to 1786. 104 Compensation medicine. New York, N. Y. v. 1-12, no. 4; Jan. 1946—Dec. 1961 /Feb. 19627? Monthly; quarterly. 34 Editorial Council (1946-48); Editor-in-Chief: A. W. Duree (1948-53); S. M. Peck (1953-62). Dec. 1948- official publication of the American Academy of Compensation Medicine, New York. Publication suspended Aug. 1946-Nov. 1948. Contents: Treatment of industrial injuries and diseases; their legal aspects; relations between medical and legal professions, etc. Probably superseded by Compensation medicine newsletter, New York. 105 * Compensation medicine newsletter. New York, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1- ; Winter 1966— Quarterly (Offset). Believed to have superseded Compensation medicine, New York. Contents are similar. Chairman, Publications Committee: Samuel M. Peck. Publisher: American Academy of Compensation Medicine, New York. 106 1 Coroner. Decatur, Ill. v. 1-2, no. 7; Apr. 1910-Oct. 1911. Publisher: Coroners Association of Illinois, Decatur, I1l.? 107 Correspondenz-Blatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psycho- logie. Neuwied. Jahrg. 1-23; July 1, 1854-Nov./Dec. 1877. Biweekly. Editor: A. A. Erlenmeyer. Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie, Gottingen. Vol. 16-17 (1869-70) as Archiv der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie verbunden mit Correspondenz-Blatt. Superseded by Centralblatt fiir Nervenheilkunde, Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psycho- pathologie, Leipzig. 108 Cours de médecine légale de la Faculté de Médecine de Paris. Paris. 1895-1909. Irregular. Editor (and author) : P. C. H. Brouardel (1895-1906) ; L. Thoinot (1909). Sponsored by the Faculté de Médecine de Paris, Paris. 14 unnumbered monographs: La mort et la mort subite (1895) ; Les asphyxies par le gaz (1896) ; Les explosifs . . . (1897) ; L’infanticide (1897); La pendaison, la strangulation . .. (1897); La responsabilité médicale (1898) ; L’exercise de la médecine et le charlatanisme (1899) ; Le mariage (1900) ; L’avortement (1901) ; Les empoisonments criminelles et acci- dentales (1902) ; Les intoxications (1904) ; Opium, morphine, cocaine (1906) ; Les blessures et les accidents du travail (1906) ; Les attentats au moeurs (1909). 108a * Critica penale e medicina legale. Bologna. 109 * Current medicine for attorneys. A quarterly service on the latest trends in medicine as they apply to the general practice of law, personal injury and casualty suits. Newton Center, Mass. ; South Miami, Fla. v. 1, no. 1- ; Sept. 1953— . Quarterly. 35 Editorial Director: T. G. Echlov (Sept.—Nov. 1953) ; Editor: H. Kornblitt (Feb. 1954— ). Cumul. indexes: v. 1-5 (in v. 5) ; 6-10 (in v. 10). Indexes to each volume. Contents: Service to lawyers on the latest trends in medicine as they apply to the general practice of law, personal injury, and casualty suits [articles on new developments, comments on cases, questions and answers, abstracts] 110 Czasopismo sadowo-lekarskie, poSwiecone medycynie, psychjatrji sadowej i kryminologji Revue de médecine légale, de psychiatrie légale et de criminologie. Warszawa. r. 1-12; 1928-39. Quarterly. Editor: W. Grzywo-Dabrovski. Latest known issue: r. 12, no. 2 (1939). 111 La défense médicale. Journal des intéréts professionnels du corps médical. Bordeaux. année 1-12; Dec. 1895-1906? Monthly. Publisher: Syndicat Professionnel des Médecins Bordelais, Bordeaux. Contents: Medical jurisprudence; quackery ; application of law to the practice of medicine. 112% Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte gerichtliche Medizin. Forsetzung der Vierteljahr- schrift fiir gerichtliche Medizin und offentliches Sanitidtswesen. Berlin. Bd. 1- ; 1922— . Quarterly; bimonthly; quarterly. Two vols. per year. Supersedes Vierteljahrschrift fiir gerichtliche Medizin und offentliches Sanititswesen, Berlin. Editors: P. Fraenckel, G. Puppe, E. Schultze, F. Strassmann (1922-26) ; P. Fraenckel, E. Schultze, F. Strassmann, E. Ziemke (1926-33); P. Fraenckel, E. Schultze, F. Strassmann, E. Ziemke et al. (1933-35) ; F. Pietrusky, E. Schultze, F. Strassmann, E. Ziemke, E. Schiitt (1935) ; F. Pietrusky, E. Schultze, E. Schiitt (1936-37) ; E. Pietrusky, E. Schultze, E. Schiitt, H. Merkel (1938); H. Merkel, F. Pietrusky, E. Schiitt (1939-41) ; H. Merkel, E. Schiitt, K. Walcher (1942-44) ; H. W. Gruhle, W. Laves, G. Strassmann (1948-49) ; the same plus B. Miiller, W. Miiller-Hess (1950— 52) ; plus O. Schmied (1953-58) ; L. Breitenecker, W. Laves, B. Miiller, M. Miiller, V. Miiller-Hess, O. Prokop, O. Schmied, F. Schwarz, G. Strassmann (1959-60) ; the same except V. Miiller-Hess (1961-62) ; the same, except O. Schmied (1963— ). Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir gerichtliche und soziale Medizin, Berlin. Publication suspended Nov. 1944-June 1948; resumed as Bd. 39, Heft 1/2. Cumul. index: v. 1-10 (1922-27). Vol. 11 (1928) divided into two parts: Originalien (original articles) and Referate (abstracts), with separate paging. The Referate contain abstracts of books and journal articles and often include reviews of German medical jurisprudence and medical legislation. 118 Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die Staatsarzneikunde. Tiibingen; Freiburg; Erlangen. Bd. 1-11; 1836-46. Ser. 2: Bd. 1-12; 1847-52. Ser. 3: Bd. 1-29; 1853-72. Originally twice, later 4 times per year. 36 Editors: P. J. Schneider and H. I. Schiirmayer (1836); P. J. Schneider, H. I. Schiir- mayer, and F. Hergt (1837-46) ; P. J. Schneider, H. I. Schiirmayer, F. Hergt, F. J. Siebenhaar, and R. J. A. Martini (1847-51); P. J. Schneider and H. I. Schiir- mayer (1852); from 1852 both functioned as publisher-editors and Sigmund A. J. Schneider (1853-72) as editor. Sponsored by Verein Grossherzoglich Badischer Medizinalbeamter fiir Beforderung der Staatsarzneikunde. Bd. 1 (1836) as Annalen der gesammten Staatsarzneikunde. Bd. 2-11 (1837-46) as Annalen der Staatsarznetkunde. Ser. 2: Bd. 1-10 (1847-51) as Vereine deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die Staatsarzneikunde (merged with Magazin fiir die Staatsarznei- kunde). With series 2, Bd. 11 (1852) the title as above. Cumul. index : 1836-55. 114 Deutsches Arztrecht. Berlin. Jahrg. 1-10, Heft 4/6; 1933—Apr./June 1943. Monthly. Editor: J. Koerner. } Legislation concerning physicians or of interest to them. 115 * Dialogues. Le médecin, le droit et la banque. Bulletin bimestral d’informations et de documentation professionnelles permanentes. Marseille. no. 1- ; Jan./Feb. 1963— . Bimonthly. Director: J. Dardalhon (1963— ). Contents: Documentation of all legal, ethical, fiscal, and economic questions related to the practice of medicine. Material is classified and can be arranged in a special documentation file. 116 Diritto sanitario. Rivista di cultura e di lotta sindacale dei farmacisti, medici, ostetriche, veterinari. Roma. anno 1-4, no. 7; Jan. 1949—July 1952? Monthly. Director: A. Sellari (1949-52). 117 * I1 diritto sanitario moderno. Parma. anno 1, no. 1- ; Jan. 1953— . Monthly; bimonthly; quarterly. Directors: D. Soprano and R. G. Rebonato (1953-55) ; D. Soprano, R. G. Rebonato, and G. Mola (1956-57). Chief editor: R. G. Rebonato (1958- ). 118 The Doctor and the law. Fort Wayne, Ind.; Wheaton, Ill. v. 1- ; 1934— . Four issues per year. Original subtitle: “The doctor’s legal duty to render service.” Publishers: Medical Protective Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. ; Medical Protective Company, Fort Wayne Law Department, Wheaton, Ill. Publication suspended, v. 6, no. 4 (1939) ; resumed in 1948. Temporary suspension an- nounced by letter to NLM in 1951. Cumul. index to v. 1-6 (1934-49) in v. 6, no. 4 (1939). 37 Contents: Information for physicians on the application of law to medical practice (articles on legal defense; liability for cperation without consent; liability to the third person; liability for the acts of others; required skills of physicians; legal duty to render service; fundamentals of liabilities, etc.). Latest known issue: no. 3 (1950). 119% The Doctor and the law. A [monthly] medico-legal newsletter. Chicago, Ill. v. 1- ; Nov. 1957— . Monthly. Editor: G. E. Hall (1957- ). Publisher: v. 7, no. 8 (June 1964— ) the Student American Medical Association, Flos- moor, Ill. Contents: Information to physicians concerning possible legal problems (liability ; medical testimony; physician-patient relations; confidential communications; malpractice, ete.). 120 + Droit et médecine. Paris. 1- ; 19237— 121 + Eskulap. Sudebnaia meditsina i polovoi vopros. Ezhemesiachnyl nachnyi meditsinskii zhurnal dlia vrachei i iuristov [Aesculapius. Forensic medicine and problems of sex. Monthly scientific medical journal for physicians and lawyers] S. Peterburk [sic] no. 1-12; 1910. 122 » Folia medica. Rivista di medicina del lavoro e di medicina legale e delle assicurazioni sociali. Napoli. v. 30— ; 1947—- . Bimonthly; monthly. Continues Folia medica, Napoli (1915-43) which did not include legal medicine. Directors: N. Castellino and V. M. Palmieri (1947-53). Chief editor: S. Saccuri (1947-53) ; directors: S. Saccuri, P. Castellino and V. M. Pal- mieri (1954- ). Publisher : Istituto di Medicina del Lavoro dell’Universita-Policlinico, Napoli. Summaries in Italian, French, and English. 123 Forenses. Madrid. ano 1-aho ?, no. 281; Mar. 20, 1935-Feb. 1959? Every 10 days; monthly. Director: J. Aguilla-Collantes (1935-36) ; 1946-59, no director or editor mentioned, but Collantes continued to write the editorials. Publisher: Asociacién Nacional del Cuerpo de Médicos Forenses; from 1948 Cuerpo Nacional de Médicos Forenses, Madrid. Publication suspended, Aug. 1936-Apr. 1946. Odd numbers of afio 3-4 (1946-47) issued in afio 12 of Revista de medicina legal, Madrid. Even numbers of afio 3-5 (1946-48) issued as supplements to the same journal. Then all numbers issued as supplements to Revista de medicine legal, Madrid, which ceased publication in 1959. Contents: All aspects of forensic medicine [practical advice, proceedings of the Cuerpo, legislation, news and notes, appointments] Latest known issue: no. 281 (Feb. 1959). 38 124 + Forensic science circulars. London. 1- ; 1936— 125 * The Forensic Science Society journal. Harrogate, Yorks. ; London. v. 1- ; Sept. 1960— Semiannually (Sept. and Mar.). Editor: S. S. Kind (1960- ). Publisher : Forensic Science Society, London. 1966— also official organ of the California Association of Criminalists, Los Angeles. Contents: “All aspects of forensic science, research, and applied, civil and criminal” [editorials, symposia, proceedings, reviews] 126 Friedreich’s Blitter fiir gerichtliche Medicin und Sanititspolizei. Erlangen; Ansbach; Niirnberg. Jahrg. 1-65, no. 6; 1850-1914. Five or six issues per year. Editors: J. B. Friedreich (1850-62); E. Buchner (1863-72); C. von Hecker and C. Klinger (1873-81); C. von Hecker and J. von Kerschensteiner (1882); J. von Kerschensteiner (1883-91) ; O. Messerer (1892-97) ; H. Gudden (1898-1914). 127 Gazzetta napolitana di psichiatria, medicina legale, malattie nervose. Napoli. anno 1, no. 1-13; Dec. 1, 1880—June 15, 1881. Semimonthly. Director: A. Zuccarelli. 128 Gerichtlich-medicinische Beobachtungen. Konigsberg. Jahrg. 1-2; 1778-80. Irregular. Editor: J. D. Metzger. Reprinted in 1781. Contents: Medicolegal casuistics with editorial comments. Continued by Neue gerichtlich-medicinische Beobachtungen, Konigsberg. 129 Gerichtlich-medizinische Fille und Abhandlungen. Berlin; Neuwied. Heft 1-4; 1887-88. Editor: H. Ortloft. Each Heft in monographic form. Publisher called it “Zeitschrift” and solicited contributions for continuation. 130 Gerichtliche Medizin in Einzeldarstellungen. Berlin. Heft 1; 1941? Editor: K. Walcher. Planned as a series of monographs on current problems of forensic medicine. Of ten titles announced, however, only the first is known to have been published. 131 Gerichtsmedizinische Forschungen. Schriften liber Forschungsergebnisse auf dem Gebiete der gerichtlichen Medizin und der Kriminalistik. Berlin. Heft 1; Jan. 1940. Editor: G. Jungmichel ? Planned as a series of monographs, but only the first issue (on blood groups) appeared. 39 132 Giornale di medicina legale. Lanciano; Pavia. anno 1-11; Jan. 1894-Nov./Dec. 1904. Bimonthly. Director: L. de Crecchio (1894); editors: G. Filomusi-Guelfi (1894); G. Filomusi- Guelfi, G. Corrado, and E. de Arcangelis (1895) ; G. Filomusi-Guelfi and A. Tamas- sia (1896-97) ; G. Filomusi-Guelfi (1898-1904). Supplements to some volumes. 133 * Giornale di medicina legale, infortunistica e tossicologia. Parma. v. 1- ; Jan./March 1955— . Quarterly. Chief editor: F. Domenici (1955- ). Some summaries also in English, French and German. 134 Giornale per i medici periti giudiziari ed ufficiali sanitari destinato ad informare gli abbonati del movimento scientifico ed ufficiale in rapporto all’esercizio pratico della medicina legale a dell’igiene. Napoli. anno 1-5, no. 3/4; Jan. 1897-Mar./Apr. 1901. Monthly. Editor: A. Raffaele. 135 Hanzai to igaku [Crime and medicine] Tokyo. maki 1-2, go 3; 1949-June 1950. Bimonthly. Publisher : Nippon Hanzai Kyokai, Tokyo. 136 Hanzaigaku zasshi. Archiv fiir gerichtliche Medizin und Kriminologie. Kanazawa ; Tokyo. maki 1-17, go 5/6; Sept. 1928-Nov. 1943. Bimonthly. Publisher : Maki 1 (1928) by Kanazawa Hanzai Gakkai, Kanazawa; thereafter by Tokyo Teikoku Daigaku, Hoigaku Kyoshitsu, Tokyo. Cited also as Acta criminologiae et medicinae legalis Japonica. Maki 1 (Sept. 1928) as Kanazawa hanzaigaku zasshi, Kanazawa. Then the title above. Contents: Forensic medicine; criminology; forensic expert testimony; materialia for forensic medicine and criminology [review of literature, bibliographies] Superseded by Nippon hoi gakkai, Zasshi, Tokyo. 137 Hoi Gakkai Zasshi [Journal of Medico-Legal Society] Tokyo. no. 1-128; May 1889-Mar. 1896? Publisher: Nippon Hoigakkai, Tokyo Daigaku Hoigaku Kyoshitsu, Tokyo. no. 1-52 (1889— 91) as Saiban igakkai zasshi [Journal of Criminal Law Society] Tokyo; no. 53-77 (1892-93) as Hoigaku zasshi [Journal of Medical Jurisprudence] Tokyo; no. 78-128, the title above. Older transliteration of the title: Hoigakkwai syashi. 138 + * " Hoi, kanshiki narabini shakai igaku zasshi [Journal of medical jurisprudence, identification and social medicine] Kanazawa. maki 1- ; Jan. 1954 Publisher: Hoigaku Kyoshitsu, Igakubu, Kanazawa Daigaku, Kanazawa. 40 139 Hoigaku no jissai to kenkyn [Studies and practice of forensic medicine] Tokyo. maki 1- ; 1954- Editor: S. Akaishi (19577 ). Publisher : Hoi Danwa Kai, Tokyo. Latest known issue: maki 5 (1958). 139a * Inform letter. Wichita, Kansas. no. 1- ; Jan. 1967— . Quarterly. Editor: W. G. Eckert (1967— ). Publisher: International Reference Organization in Forensic Medicine, Wichita. 140 * International digest of health legislation. Geneva. v. 1- ; 1948- . Quarterly. Publisher: World Health Organization, Geneva. Supersedes the first section of the Bulletin mensuel de UOffice International d’Hygiéne Publique (1909-46), Geneva. Cumul. indexes: v. 1-5 (1948-54) ; v. 11-15 (1960-64) in v. 16. Contents: Laws and regulations dealing with public health and related subjects in the countries with WHO membership. Issued also in French: Recueil international de législation sanitaire, Geneve. 141 * International microfilm journal of legal medicine. New York, N.Y. v. 1- ; Fall 1965- Quarterly. Chief editor: M. Helpern (1965—- ). Publisher : Milton Helpern Library of Legal Medicine, New York, N.Y. Published on 4 x 6 inch microfilm cards (microfiche) ; available also on 35 mm. and 16 mm. roll film. 142 L’ipnotismo. Rivista psicologica. Firenze. anno 1-5; Jan. 1890-94. Monthly; semi- monthly. Editor: O. del Torto. Publisher : Official organ of the Societa Medico-psicologica Italiana (1891-93). Anno 1 (1890) as Giornale del magnetismo ed ipnotismo. Rivista popolare scientifica men- sile; 2 (1891) as Magnetismo ed ipnotismo. Rivista scientifica mensile delle malattie nervose e mentali; 3 (1892) as Magnetismo ed ipnotismo. Rivista psicologica. Neuro- logia; neuropatologia; elettroterapia; psichiatria; criminologia; 4 (1893) as L’ipno- tismo. Rivista psicologica clinica, sperimentale, medicolegale, mensile; 5 (1894) title above. Legal medicine included. 143 Jahrbuch der gesammten Staatsarzneikunde. Leipzig. Bd. 1-7; 1835-40. Irregular (6, 4, 3 issues per vol.). Supersedes Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzneiwissenschaft, Berlin. Editor: C. F. L. Wildberg. 41 144 Jahrbuch der Staatsarzneikunde. Frankfurt a/M. Jahrg. 1-11; 1808-19. Annual. Editor: J. H. Kopp. Cumul. index to v. 1-11 (1808-19) and editor’s picture in v. 11 (1819). 145 Jahresbericht aus der praktischen Unterrichtsanstalt fiir die Staatsarzneikunde an der konigl. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitit zu Berlin. Berlin. 1834-36? Annual. Editor: C. W. U. Wagner (1834-7). Publisher: Unterrichts-Anstalt fiir die Staatsarzneikunde, Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitit zu Berlin. Sequence: 1st (1834, covering 1833/34) ; 2nd (1836, covering 1834/35). 146 Jahresbericht der Unfallheilkunde, gerichtlichen Medizin und o6ffentlichen Gesundheits- pflege fiir die drztliche Sachverstindigenthiitigkeit. Leipzig. v. 1; 1901. Annual. Editor: S. Placzek. 147 Journal de médecine légale psychiatrique et d’anthropologie criminelle. Paris. t. 1, no. 1-6; Feb. 25-Dec. 1906. Bimonthly. Editor-in-Chief: A. Antheaume. Tom 1, no. 1 as Revue de médecine légale psychiatrique et d’anthropologie criminelle, Paris. 148 Journal de médecine mentale, résumant au point de vue médico-psychologique, hygiénique, thérapeutique et 1égal, toutes les questions relatives a la folie, aux névroses convul- sives et aux défectuosités intellectuelles et morales. Paris. t. 1-10, no. 9 /12; Jan. 1861— Sept./Dec. 1870. Monthly. Editor: L. J. F. Delasiauve. 149 Journal fiir die Chirurgie, Geburtshiilfe und gerichtliche Arzneykunde. Jena. v. 1-4; 1797— 1806. Four issues per vol. Supersedes Chirurgische Bibliothek, Gottingen. Editor: J. Ch. Loder. 150 * Journal of forensic medicine. Cape Town; Johannesburg. v. 1- ; July/Sept. 1953 Quarterly. Editor: H. A. Shapiro (1953— ). Sponsored by the South African Medico-Legal Society, Johannesburg. 151 * Journal of forensic sciences. Chicago, Ill. v. 1, no. 1- ; Jan. 1956— . Quarterly. Editor: S. A. Levinson (1956-64) ; M. F. Mason (1965— ). 42 Publisher: Official publication of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Chicago, 111. Contents: Forensic pathology; toxicology; psychiatry; immunology ; expert testimony on criminal documents [jurisprudence, review of literature] 151a * Journal of the Forensic Sciences Association of Thailand. Bangkok. v. 1- ; 1961- Semiannual. Editor: Thaval Asansen. Publisher : Forensic Sciences Association of Thailand, Bangkok. In Thai and English. Articles in Thai have summary in English. 151b * Journal of the Indian Academy of Forensic Sciences. Calcutta. v. 1- ; 1962— . Semi- annual. Chief editor: A. B. Roychowdhury. Publisher : Indian Academy of Forensic Sciences, Calcutta. Contents: Forensic sciences [editorials, abstracts, book reviews, letters to the editor, news] In English only. 152 Juristisch-psychiatrische Grenzfragen. Zwanglose Abhandlungen. Halle a. S. Bd. 1, Heft 1-Bd. 10, Heft 7/8; 1903-19. 7-8 Hefte per Band. Editors: A. Finger, A. Hoche and J. Bresler (1903-19). Suspended publication, Bd. 10, Heft 3/4 (1915) ; resumed publication with Bd. 10, Heft 5 (1918). Each issue is a monograph. 153 * Kobe Ika Daigaku. Hoigaku Kenkyusho. Hokoku [Reports of Kobe Ika Daigaku, Institute of Forensic Medicine] Kobe. no. 1- ; 1952— . Publisher: Kobe Ika Daigaku, Hoigaku Kenkyusho, Kobe. 154 Kozegészsegiigyi és torvényszéki orvostudoményi szemle [Review of public health and medical jurisprudence] Budapest. Feb. 1904—July 1914? Quarterly. Editors: K. Minich and H. Schuschny (1904-14). Supplement to Budapesti orvost ujsdg, Budapest. 155 Kozegészségligy és torvényszéki orvostan [Official organ and journal of public health and medical jurisprudence] Budapest. Apr. 1865-Nov. 1897. Six issues (later four) per year. Editor: J. Fodor (1882-97). Supplement to Orvosi hetilap, Budapest. Orvosi hetilap was and still is the principal source of medicolegal information in Hungary. 43 156 Kritische Annalen der Staatsarzneikunde fiir das neunzehnte Jahrhundert. Berlin. Bd. 1-2; 1804-05. 3 issues per vol. Editor: C. K. Knape. Superseded by Kritische Jahrbiicher der Staatsarzneikunde fiir das neunzehnte Jahrhun- dert, Berlin. 157 Kritische Jahrbiicher der Staatsarzneikunde fiir das neunzehnte Jahrhundert. Berlin. Bd. 1-2; 1806-09. Annual (in two parts). Supersedes Kritische Annalen der Staatsarzneikunde fiir das neunzehnte Jahrhundert, Berlin. Editors: C. K. Knape and A. F. Hecker. Contents: Each part has one section on public hygiene and another on forensic medicine. The latter contains original articles on expert medical testimony and critical reviews of literature. Later, medical legislation was included. 158 Law-medicine series. Cleveland, Ohio. v. 1- ; 1954— . Irregular. Editor: O. Schroeder, Jr. (1954— ). Publisher: Law-Medicine Center of Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Each volume contains selected discussions on one medical and medicolegal topic (The physician in the courtroom—1954; Medical facts for lawyers—1957). Latest known issue: v. 2 (1957). 159 The Legal examiner and medical jurist. London. v. 1-2; Jan. 10, 1852-53? Editors: E. H. J. Craufurd (and G. W. Hastings). Vol. 1 as The Legal examiner, weekly reporter, and journal of medical jurisprudence, London. 160 Legislative roundup. Chicago, Ill. 1960— . Weekly (while Congress is in session). Publisher: American Medical Association, Council on Legislative Activities, Chicago, Ill. A mimeographed publication of limited distribution; no numbering of issues. Contents: Highlights of Federal legislative and political developments of significance to the medical profession. Latest known issue: Dec. 13, 1963. 161 M.D. A journal for medical defense, economic, professional, political, of the private medi- cal practitioner. New York, N.Y. v. 1, no. 1-8; June 1917-Feb. 1918? Monthly. Editor: J. P. Davin (?). Organ of the Association for Medical Defense, New York. 162 * M.D. Medical legislative digest. Chicago, Ill. v. 1, no. 1- ; May 1, 1959— . Semimonthly (while Congress is in session). 44 Supersedes AMA Washington letter, Washington, D.C. Publisher: American Medical Association, Council on Legislative Activities, Chicago, Ill. Contents: Analysis and reports on Federal medical legislation ; reports on AMA legislative activities and policies concerning the same subject. Latest known issue: v. 6, no. 3 (Aug. 18, 1967). 163 Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzeneikunde und medicinische Polizei. Stendal. Bd. 1-2; Mar. 1782-84. Irregular. Editors: K. F. Uden (Mar. 1782-May 1783) ; K. F. Uden and J. T. Pyl (1783-84). The first journal devoted to forensic medicine and “medical police.” Superseded by Neues Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arznetkunde und medizinische Polizei, Stendal. 164 Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzeneiwissenschaft. Berlin. Bd. 1-2, Heft 4; 1831-33. Four issues per vol. Editor: C. F. L. Wildberg. Bd. 2, Heft 1, has subtitle: Nebst einem Anhange die polizeiliche Arzeneiwissenschaft betreffend. Superseded by Jahrbuch der gesammten Staatsarzneikunde, Leipzig. 165 Magazin fiir die Staatsarzneikunde. Leipzig. Bd. 1-5; 1842-46. 2 issues per vol. Editors: F. J. Siebenhaar (1842-44) ; F. J. Siebenhaar and R. J. A. Martini (1844-46). Publisher : Bezirks— und Gerichts—Aerzten des Konigreiches Sachsen, Dresden. In 1847, merged with Annalen der Staatsarzneikunde, Tiibingen, to form Vereinte deut- sche Zeitschrift fiir die Staatsarzneikunde, Freiburg. 166 Magazin fiir die technische Heilkunde, offentliche Arzneiwissenschaft und medicinische Gesetzgebung. Ulm. Bd. 1; 1805. Editor: G. von Ehrhart. 167 Magazin fiir gemeinniitzige Arzneykunde und medicinische Polizey. Ziirich. Heft 1-2, no. 1; 1799-1801. Supersedes Gemeinniitzliches Wochenblatt physischer und medicinischer Kentnisse, Ziirich. Editor: J. H. Rahn. Medical legislation (mostly in Switzerland) and public health. No forensic medicine. 168 Magazin fiir philosophische, medicinische und gerichtliche Seelenkunde. Wiirzburg. Heft 1-10; 1829-33. 3 issues per year. Editor: J. B. Friedreich. Heft 1 as Magazin fiir die philosophische, medicinische und gerichtliche Seelenkunde. With Heft 8 (1832) starts the 2nd series, with added title: Neues Magazin fiir philo- sophische, medicinische und gerichtliche Seelenkunde. 45 “New edition” reprinted in 1837 (Wiirzburg). Contents: Psychology; psychiatry; forensic psychiatry [review of literature, notes on literature, bibliographies] Superseded by Archiv fiir Psychologie fiir Arzte und Juristen, Heidelberg. 169 Materialien fiir die Staatsarzneikunde und Jurisprudenz. Konigsberg. Stiick 1-2; 1792-95. Irregular. Editor: J. D. Metzger. Contents: Opinions of Collegium Medicum of Konigsberg in medicolegal cases, medical expertise, visa reperta, etc. 170 Materialien fiir die Staatsarzneiwissenschaft und praktische Heilkunde. J ena; Meiningen. Samml. 1-11; 1800-24. Irregular. Editor: J. H. G. Schlegel. Samml. 9-11 (1819-24), also with title: Neue Materialien fiir die Staatsarzneiwissen- schaft und praktische Heilkunde and numbered as Band 1 of new series. Sequence: Samml. 1 (1800) ; 2 (1801) ; 3 (1803); 4 (1804) ; 5 and 6 (1806) ; 7 (1807) ; 8 (1809); 9 (1819); 10 (1823); 11 (1824). 171 Meddelelser fra Universitetes Retsmedicinske Institut. Kgbenhavn. Travaux de I'Institut Médico-Légal de I'Université de Copenhague. Kgbenhavn. v. 1— ; 1912— | Irregular. Publisher: Retsmedicinsk Institut, Kgbenhavn Universitet. Reprints of articles by professors and the students of the University on medicolegal topics, published in various journals. Reprints in Danish, Swedish, German, French, English, ete. Latest known issue: v. 11 (1940/46). 172% Medical trial technique quarterly. Mundelein, Il. v. 1- ; Sept. 1954— |. Quarterly; annual cumulation. Editors: I. Goldstein and L. W. Shabat (1954-55) ; I. Goldstein and N. Flaxman (1956- ). Annual cumulation (started in 1955) omits book review section and department called “Recent medical developments.” Contents: Problems concerning personal injury and litigation ; problems of forensic medi- cine and trial techniques; trial briefs; medical testimonies [book reviews; medical developments] 173 Medicina forense. Revista de medicina legal, criminologia y medicina del trabajo. Cordoba, Argentina, afio 1-3, no. 5/67; Dec. 1947—Mar./Apr. 1949? Bimonthly. Editor: A. Licurzi. Publisher : Instituto de Medicina Legal de Universidad Nacional de Cérdoba, Cérdoba. 46 174 Medicina legal. Guadalajara, México. [Source: World List Sci. Per., 1900-1960, no. 30441] 174a § Medicina legal. Madrid. 1951-52. [Source: World Med. Per., 1953, no. 2325] 175 1 Medicina legale. Milano. v. 1-3; 1897-99. 176 * Medicina legale e delle assicurazioni. Genova. v. 1- ; 1953— . Quarterly. Directors: A. Franchini, D. Macaggi, and R. Pellegrini (1953-59); A. Franchini, D. Macaggi, and P. Manunza (1960-64) ; G. Canepa, A. Franchini, D. Macaggi, and P. Manunza (1965— ). Chief editor: G. Canepa (1953-64) ; A. Franchini (1965- ). Summaries also in French and English. 177 + Medicinal-Gesetzgebung. Zeitschrift fiir Medicinal-, Veterindr— und Gesundheitspolizei im Deutschen Reiche und in seinen Einzelstaaten. Berlin. Bd. 1-6; 1875-80. Semi- monthly. Editor: J. Grosser. Superseded by Medizinal-Gesetzgebung, Beilage zur Deutschen Medizinal-Zeitung, Berlin. 178 * Medicine, science and the law. London. v. 1- ; Oct. 1960— . Quarterly. Editor: F. E. Camps. ’ Publisher: British Academy of Forensic Sciences, London. Contents: All aspects of forensic sciences (scientific, technical, legal). 179 Medicinisch-gerichtliche Beobachtungen nebst ihrer Beurtheilung. Strasburg. Th. 1-3; 1789. Editor: C. L. Schweickhard. Medicolegal casuistics. Th. 1 is a revision of Beytrige zur gerichtlichen Arzneygelahrtheit, Frankfurt (1786). 180 7 Medicinisch-gerichtliche Bibliothek. Konigsberg. v. 1-2, no. 4; 1784-87. 4 issues per vol. Editors: C. F. Elsner, J. D. Metzger and C. Friedrich. Superseded by Bibliothek fiir Physiker, Konigsberg. 181 Medicinisch-gerichtliche Gutachten der Koniglichen preussischen wissenschaftlichen Deputation fiir das Medicinalwesen. Berlin; Leipzig. Bd. 1-[4]; 1828-59. Irregular. 47 Bd. 1 (1828) is numbered and has title: Auswahl medicinisch-gerichtlicher Gutachten der Konigl. wissenschaftlichen Deputation fiir das Medicinalwesen, Berlin. Bd. 2 (1851) has title: Neue auswahl medicinisch gerichtlicher Gutachten . . . der Koniglichen wissenschaftlichen Deputation fiir das Medicinal-Wesen. Erste Lieferung: Zur gerichtlichen Geburtshiilfe. Ref. J. H. Schmidt. Bd. 3 (1854) has the same title and following subtitle: Zweite Lieferung: Zur gerichtlichen Psychologie. Ref. K. W. Ideler. Bd. 4 (1859) by M. Kalisch has the title above and covers 1840-50 period. Bd. 2-4 are unnumbered. The controversy concerning all volumes is described in Bd. 4, p. vi-lvi. 182 Der medicinische Richter oder Acta physico-medico-forensia Collegii Medici Onoldini, von anno 1735 bis auf dermalige Zeiten zusammen getragen. Onoldinum (Onolzbach, now Ansbach). Th. 1-4; 1755-59. Editor: J. G. Hasenest. Expert opinions of the Collegium Medicum in medicolegal cases; visa reperta. Subject index to each volume. Dictionary of medical terms used (Th. 1 and 4). In Th. 4 editor apologizes for having to terminate his work because of age (70). 182a * Il Medico legale. Roma. 183 Medico-legal bulletin. Fort Wayne, Ind. v. 1-5, no. 5; Oct. 1902-Mar. 1909. Monthly; quarterly. Publisher : Physicians Defense Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. Contents: Jurisprudence and legislation of professional interest, forensic medicine, public health, medical ethics, etc. 184 * Medico-legal bulletin. Richmond, Va. no. 74— ; April 1959— . Monthly (mimeo). Continues Bulletin of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Virginia, Richmond. Editor: G. T. Mann (1964- ). Publisher: Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Department of Health, Commonwealth of Virginia, Richmond, Va. Cumul. subject index to nos. 62-140 (1958-64) in no. 140. 185 7 Medico-legal digest of the Colorado State Medical Society. Denver, Colo. 19227-19327? Editor: H. T. Sethman (1931-32). Publisher : Colorado State Medical Society, Denver. 186 The Medico-legal journal. New York, N.Y. v. 1-50, no. 3; June 1883-May/June 1933. Quarterly ; bimonthly. Editors: C. Bell (1883-1916) ; A. W. Herzog, editor and owner (1916-33). Sponsored by the Medico-Legal Society, New York; Society of Forensic Medicine, New York; National Association of Coroners, New York (?) 48 187 * The Medico-legal journal. Incorporating the Transactions of the Medico-Legal Society. London. v. 1, no. 1- ; Jan. 1933— . Quarterly. Supersedes Transactions of the Medico-Legal Society, London. Editors: G. Slot and E. Dickson (1933-37) ; G. Slot, C. A. Mitchell and D. H. Kitchin (1938-45) ; L. Fairfield and D. C. Norris (1946-48) ; L. Fairfield, D. C. Norris and J. M. Robertson (1949-57) ; G. Thurston, D. C. Norris and E. Stone (1958- ). Publisher: Medico-Legal Society, London. Vol. 1-14 (1983-46) as The Medico-legal and criminological review, London. 188 Medico-legal monographs. Cape Town, South Africa. n. 1/2— ; 1944— Publisher: Cape Medico-Legal Society, Cape Town. Contents: Each issue is a small monograph (1. Insanity as defense; 2. Juvenile delin- quency). No more published? 189 The Medico-legal reporter. Boston, Mass.; Miami, Fla. no. 1-24; June 1, 1955-1956. Irregular. Editor: H. Kornblitt. No. 24 published as a monograph with title: Medico-legal reports, constituting a cumula- tion of all preceeding issues. Contents: Opinions of medical authorities delivered in legal cases concerning personal injury (abstracts). 190 Medico-legal studies. New York, N.Y. v. 1-9, no. 2; 1889-Oct. 1910? Irregular. Editor: C. Bell. Contents: Mostly Bell’s articles and addresses on medical jurisprudence (forensic medi- cine) and biographies and portraits of famous persons in the field. Part of material reprinted from the Medico-legal journal, New York. Vol. 2, 4-6 and 8 include lists of members of the Medico-Legal Society, New York. Sequence of examined issues: v. 1 (1889); 2 (1891); 3 (1893) ; 4, 5 (1898). The Diction- ary of American Biography (v. 2, 1929) mentions eleven volumes. 191 Medicolegal cases. Abstracts of court decisions of medicolegal interest. Chicago, Ill. 1932— . Irregular. Editor: Wm. C. Woodward (1932) ; no editors mentioned in other volumes. Publisher: American Medical Association, Bureau of Legal Medicine and Legislation, Chicago, Ill. Contents: Cumulation of abstracts of Federal and state court decisions of medicolegal importance, which were originally published in JAMA. Each volume covers a period of five or six years. Sequence of volumes to date: 1932 (1926-30) ; 1936 (1931-35) ; 1942 (1936-40) ; 1950 (1941-46) ; 1955 (1947-52). 49 192 Medicolegal digest. Chicago, Ill. v. 1, no. 1-5; May 1960—Sept. 1960. Monthly. Editor: M. Golin. 193 Medizinal-Gesetzgebung. Beilage zur Deutschen Medizinal-Zeitung. Berlin. 1881-907 Weekly ; irregular. Editor: J. Grosser. Started with the 2nd Jahrg. of Deutsche Medizinal-Zeitung in January 1881. First issue called also Neue Folge, Bd. 7, no. 1, to show relation to the discontinued Medicinal- Gesetzgebung, Berlin. This numbering was soon dropped and new numbering was introduced for each volume. Latest known issues of the supplement are in Jahrg. 11 (1890) of the Deutsche Medizinal- Zeitung. 194 * Medizinisch-juristische Grenzfragen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Psychiatrie und Neurologie. Halle (Saale) ; Jena. Heft 1- ; 1950— . Irregular. Editor: H. Schwarz (1950- ). Each issue is a monograph. Latest known issue: Heft 9 (1966). 195 + Medizinische Aufsitze fiir Arzte und Rechtsgelehrte. Wittenberg; Zerbst. Samm]. 1-2; 1791-93. Irregular. Editor: J. A. Garn. 196 * Der medizinische Sachverstindige. Vormals “Arztliche Sachverstindigen-Zeitung” gegr. 1894. Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte medizinische Gutachtertitigkeit. Berlin. Jahrg. 1— ; 1895— . Semimonthly ; monthly ; bimonthly ; monthly. Editors: L. Becker and A. Leppmann (1895-99); L. Becker, A. Leppmann and F. Leppmann (1900-01) ; F. Leppmann (1902-21) ; F. Leppmann and P. Horn (1922— 32) ; E. W. Baader (1933-44); W. Schellworth (1954-59); C. Panick (1960-63) ; G. W. Natho (1964- ). Jahrg. 1-50 (1895-1944) as Aerztliche Sachverstindigen-Zeitung. Organ fiir die gesammte Sachverstindigenthdtigkeit des praktischen Arztes, Berlin. Subtitle varies slightly. Suspended publication in September 1944 ; resumed in June 1954 (Jahrg. 51) with title above. Contents: Forensic medicine (incl. forensic psychiatry); insurance medicine; public hygiene; industrial health [legal questions, decisions of the courts, medical legisla- tion, review of literature] 197 Memorabilien der Heilkunde, Staatsarzneiwissenschaft und Thierheilkunst. Ziillichau. Bdch. 1-3; 1813-19. Irregular. Editor: J. J. Kausch. Suspended publication, 1814-17. 50 198 § Merkwiirdige Criminalrechtsfillle fiir Richter, Gerichtsirzte, Vertheidiger und Psycho- ~~ logen. Hannover. Bd. 1-4; 1832-40. Irregular. Editor : Bischoff [Christian Heinrich Ernst B.?] Cumul. subject index to Bd. 1-4 in Bd. 4. Sequence: Bd. 1 (1832); 2 (1835); 3 (1837) ; 4 (1840). 199 * Methods of forensic science. New York and London. v. 1- ; 1962— . Annual. Editors: F. Lundquist (1962-63) ; A. S. Curry (1964— ). Lengthy reviews of medicolegal topics, with extensive bibliographies. 200 * Minerva medicolegale. Archivio di antropologia criminale, psichiatria e medicina legale. Torino; Milano. v. 1- ; 1880— . Quarterly; bimonthly. ser. 1: v. 1-16 (1880-95) ; ser. 2: v. 17-24 (1896-1903) ; ser. 3: v. 25-29 (1904-08) ; ser. 4: v. 30-57 (1909-37) ; ser. 5: v. 58-69 (1938-49). No series mentioned since 1950. Editors (Directors) : C. Lombroso et al. (1880-1909); M. Carrara et al. (1909-37) ; L. Lattes (1938) ; S. Sergi (1939-49) ; R. Romanese et al. (1950-62) ; Board of Editors (1963- ). 1927-37, official organ of the Associazione Italiana di Medicina Legale; 1929-36, also of Seminario di Antropologia Criminale e Diritto Penale presso dell’Universita di Torino; 1938— of the Associazione Italiana de Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, Torino. Vol. 1 (1880) as Archivio di psichiatria, antropologia criminale e scienze penali per servire allo studio dell’'womo alienato e deliquente; v. 2-24 (1881-1903) as Archivio di psichia- tria, scienze penali ed antropologia criminale [per servire allo studio dell'womo alie- nato e deliquente] ; v. 25-29 (1904-08) as Archivio di psichiatria, neuropatologia, antropologia criminale e medicina legale; v. 30 (1909) as Archivio di antropologia criminale, psichiatria, medicina legale e scienze affini; v. 31 (1910) as Archivio di antropologia criminale, psichiatria e medicina legale fondato da Cesare Lombroso. Present title since v. 70 (1950). Published irregularly during 1943-49 period. Cumul. indexes: v. 1-16 (1880-95) ; v. 17-40 (1896-1920) with v. 57 (1937). Separately paged supplements accompany some volumes. From 1913 includes the Att: di Associazione Italiana di Medicina Legale [e delle Assicurazioni] 201 Monografie di medicina legale e delle assicurazioni. Pavia. no. 1- ; 1960— . Planned as annual. Editor: C. M. Cattabeni. Planned as series of monographs on medicolegal and social security topics. Only no. 1, Criteriologia medico-forense (1960), is known to have been published. 201a * Morphologiai és igazsagligyi orvosi szemle [Morphological and juridical medical review] Budapest. évf. 1- ; 1960?— . Quarterly. 51 Chief editor: E. Somogyi (1966— ). Sponsored by: Department of Pathology and Pathological Histology, School of Medicine, University of Budapest (7). 202 Nagasaki Ika Daigaku. Hoigaku Kyoshitsu. Gyoho. Bulteno de la jurmedicina instituto de la medicina fakultato de Nagasaki. Nagasaki. maki 1-6, no. 1; Aug. 1929-Jan. 1934? Supersedes Nagasaki Ika Daigaku. Hoigaku Kyoshitsu. Gyoseki shu, Nagasaki. Publisher : Nagasaki Ika Daigaku, Hoigaku Kyoshitsu, Nagasaki. Title in Japanese and Esperanto. Abstracts in Esperanto. 203 Nagasaki Ika Daigaku. Hoigaku Kyoshitsu. Gyoseki shu [Contributions of the Nagasaki Ika Daigaku, Chair of Forensic Medicine] Nagasaki. 1925-28. Publisher: Nagasaki Ika Daigaku, Hoigaku, Hoigaku Kyoshitsu, Nagasaki. Superseded by Nagasaki Ika Daigaku. Hoigaku Kyoshitsu. Gyoho, Nagasaki. 204 National coroner. Milwaukee, Wisc. v. 1, no. 1-4; Oct. 1927-Jan. 1928. Monthly. Published: National Association of Coroners, Milwaukee (?). 205 Nelson’s Northern lancet, and American journal of medical jurisprudence. Plattsburgh, N.Y. v. 1-6, no. 36; Jan. 1850-Mar. 1853. Monthly; 2 vols. per year. Editors: H. Nelson and F. J. d’Avignon (1850-51) ; H. Nelson, editor and proprietor (1851-53). Jan. 1850—Feb. 1853, each issue contained lectures on medical jurisprudence, delivered at the University of London by Prof. A. T. Thompson. [L. J. Schiff in N. Y. State J. M ed. 41: 2242-4, Nov. 15, 1941, states that the first issue of this journal appeared in April 1850. The Union List of Serials gives June of the same year as the starting date. Neither of them is correct] Vol. 1-3 (June 1850—Sept. 1851), as Northern lancet and gazette of legal medicine. With v. 4 (Oct. 1851), the title above (marked for some time also as a new series) and issues numbered consecutively (starting with Jan. 1850 issue as no. 1) ; with v. 7 (no. 37, April 1853), the title changed to Nelson's American lancet; a monthly journal of practical medicine. Thereafter out of scope. 206 Neue Beitrige zur Wundarzneykunst und gerichtlichen Arzneykunde. Coblenz; Frankfurt a/M. Bd. 1-2; 1809-12. Irregular. Continues Beytrige zur Wundarzneykunst und gerichtlichen Arzneykunde, Jena. Editor: J. T. C. Bernstein. Contains a multitude of “casuistischen Mittheilungen.” 207 1 Neue gerichtlich-medicinische Beobachtungen. Konigsberg. 1798? Continues Gerichtlichmedicinische Beobachtungen, Konigsberg. Editor: J. D. Metzger. 52 208 7 Neue Sammlung kleiner academischer Schriften liber Gegenstinde der gerichtlichen Arzeneykunde und medicinischen Rechtsgelehrsamkeit. Altenburg. Bd. 1-2; 1802-03. Continues Sammlung kleiner academischer Schriften iiber Gegenstinde der gerichtlichen Arzeneykunde und medicinischen Rechtsgelehrsamkeit, Altenburg. Editor: F. A. Weiz (also “Waits”). Title varies in different sources. 209 Neues Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzneikunde und medicinische Polizei. Stendal. Bd. 1-2; 1785-88. Irregular (4 issues per vol.). Supersedes Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzneikunde und medizinische Polizei, Stendal. Editor: J. T. Pyl. Contents: Forensic medicine; public hygiene [news from institutions of public health, forensic medical testimony, reports from the courts, health statistics, legislation, new books, news] Superseded by Repertorium fiir die dffentliche und gerichtliche Arzney-Wissenschaft, Berlin. 210 Neurénio. Arquivos latino-americanos de neurologia, psiquiatria, medicina legal e ciéncias afins. Sao Paulo. v. 1-3, no. 4; 1939-Oct. 1942. Quarterly. Director: H. Veiga de Carvalho (1939-42). Editors: F. O. Bastos and J. Carvalhal Ribas (1942). Publisher: Academia Latino-Americana de Neurologia, Psiquiatria e Medicina Legal. Contents: Anthropology; criminology; penal law; legal medicine; neurology; neuro- surgery ; neuropathology; pathological anatomy; histology; psychiatry; police tech- niques; toxicology [abstracts] With v. 4, no. 1 (Jan. 1943) title changed to Neurdonio. Arquivos latino-americanos de medicina. Thereafter out of scope. 211 Nippon Hoi Gakkai. Sokai kaishi [Papers of the general meeting of the Medico-Legal Society of Japan] Kanazawa. 1-25; [191-?]-1940? Publisher: Nippon Hoi Gakkai. 1-19? ( -19347?) as Nippon Hoi Gakkai. Sokai Enzetsu Yoshi, Kanazawa. 212 * Nippon hoigaku zasshi [The Japanese journal of legal medicine] Tokyo. maki 1- ; 1944— . Bimonthly. Supersedes Hanzaitgaku zasshi, Tokyo. Chief editor: S. Ueno (1955— ). Publisher: Nippon Hoi Gakkai, Tokyo. Cited also as Acta criminologiae et medicinae legalis Japonica. Maki 1, go 1/2 as Nippon Hoi Gakkai. Zasshi [Journal of Medico-Legal Society of Japan] Tokyo. Publication suspended Feb. 1945-47. 1954— table of contents and summaries also in English. Supplements to some issues. 53 Contents: Forensic medicine; toxicology; police science; public hygiene; mortality statis- tics [Society transactions] 213 Nuova rivista di psichiatria, neuropatologia, medicina legale, antropologia criminale e terapia. Giornale clinico, sperimentale, illustrato, quindicinale. Napoli. anno 1-2, no. 1; Aug. 10, 1892—Jan./Apr. 1894. Every 15 days; irregular. Director: A. Grinaldi. A “program issue” published (unnumbered) on June 20, 1892, to introduce the new journal. 214 * Papers and proceedings of the Society of Medical Jurisprudence. New York, N.Y. 19177— . Annual; irregular. Editor: G. J. Noback (1943-54). Publisher: Society of Medical Jurisprudence, New York. Issues before 1939 reprinted from Medical times and Long Island medical journal, New York. First known issue, 1917. Title varies slightly. Sequence of known issues: 1917- 21; 1923-27; 1929-30; 1932-34; 1940. In 1943, Selected papers and discussions of the Society of Medical Jurisprudence (1939-41) appeared; in 1954, Papers of the Society of Medical Jurisprudence (1942-50). 215 Papers read before the Medico-Legal Society of New York, from its Organization. New York, N.Y. ser. 1-3; 1874-86? Irregular. Publisher: The Medico-Legal Society of New York, New York. Ser. 1 (1874) contains papers from 1868 to Nov. 1871. A rev. ed. appeared in 1874 and the 3rd rev. ed., with portraits and biographies of authors, distinguished medical jurists, and members of the Society, in 1889. Ser. 2 (rev. ed.) was published in 1882 and includes papers presented from the beginning of 1872 to the fall of 1874. Ser. 3 (rev. ed.) appeared in 1886; contains some portraits and biographies, and covers the period from the beginning of 1875 to the spring of 1878. A few earlier papers are also included. Ser. 4 and 5 planned to continue to June 1883, when the Medico-legal journal, New York, started. No record of them has been found. 216 * Personal injury annual. Albany, N.Y. 1- ; 1961- . Annual. Editor: L. R. Frumer; assistant editor: M. I. Friedman. Indexes: 1961-65, in 1965. Contents: Abstracts of best works in the personal injury field as reflected in legal and medical periodicals and in reported cases. Some articles written specifically for the annual are added. 217 Personal injury law journal. New York, N.Y. v. 1-2; July 1910-June 1911. 218 Personal injury newsletter. Actions, defenses, damages. Albany, N.Y. v. 1- ; 1958- Biweekly. 54 Editor: L. R. Frumer; assistant editor: M. I. Friedman. Contents: Medicolegal cases concerning personal injury. Latest known issue: v. 5, no. 20 (Dec. 17, 1962). 219 The Physician and Bulletin of the Medico-Legal Society. A monthly journal devoted to practical medicine and medical jurisprudence. New York, N.Y. v. 12, no. 8-v. 13, no. 3; Aug. 1879—Mar. 1880. Monthly. Continues The Physician and the pharmacist, New York. Editor (Dept. of Medical Jurisprudence) : G. W. Wells. Vol. 12, no. 8-12 (Aug.-Dec. 1879) as The Physician and pharmacist and the Bulletin of the Medico-Legal Society. A monthly review of medicine and pharmacy and medical jurisprudence, New York. Separate pagination for Bulletin (v. 12, p. 1-160; v. 13, no. 1-3, p. 1-52, 161-256). 220 * The Physician’s legal brief. Bloomfield, N.J. v. 1- ; Feb. 1959— . Monthly. Contents: Medicolegal information of interest to physicians. No indexes. 221 Practicing Law Institute’s forum series on personal injuries. New York, N.Y. 1954— Irregular. Publisher: Practicing Law Institute, New York. Each issue is a lecture or panel discussion by legal and/or medical experts on one aspect of personal injury. Includes bibliography. Latest known issue: 1962. 299 * Praktika sudebnopsikhiatricheskoi ekspertizy. Sbornik nauchnykh rabot [Practice of medicolegal expertise. Collection of scientific works] Moskva. sb. 1- ; 1960— Irregular. Editor: G. V. Morozov (1960-— ). Publisher: Tsentral’nyi nauchno-issledovatel’skii institut sudebnoi psikhiatrii im. prof. Serbskogo, Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia SSSR, Moscow. Subtitle varies (Nauchnye trudy; Sbornik). Sequence: Sh. 1 (1960) ; 2 (1960) ; 3 (1960) ; 4 (1961); 5 (1961) ; 6 (1962) ; 7 (1962) ; 8 (1963); 9 (1964); 10 (1965). 223 I1 pratico. Giornale di medicina, chirurgia e medicina legale, precipuamente dedicato ai medici condotti. Firenze. anno 1-2, no. 8/9; Oct. 16, 1891-Mar. 5/20, 1893. Semi- monthly (1st and 16th of each month). Director: A. Filippi (1891-92). 224 La pratique médico-légale. Paris. année 1, no. 1-7; Jan.—July 1914. Monthly. Editor: F. Dervieux. Publisher: Société de Médecine Légale de France? Paris. Each issue contains Compte rendu de la Société de Médecine Légale de France. 55 225 + Pratsy belaruskaga dziarzhaunaga instutitu [sic] kryminalégii, kryminalistyki i sudovail ekspertyzy NKIU BSSR [Works of the Byelo-Russian National Institute of Crimi- nology, Criminalistics and Forensic Expertise of the NKIU BSSR] Mensk [sic] BSSR. vyp. 1- ; 1930?- Vyp. 1 (1930?) ; 2 (1932). No more published? Title as transliterated in Meditsinskaia literatura SSSR, 1932. 226 7 * Probleme de medicina judiciara si criminalistica. Bucuresti. v. 1- ; 1964- . Twice a year. Volume for 1968 to have slightly different title: Probleme de medicina legal si criminalis- ticd. 227 * Probleme der érztlichen Gutachtens. Wien. Bd. 1- ; 1952 (publ. 1953)— . Irregular. Publisher: Gesellschaft der Gutachtirzte Osterreichs, Wien; 1955— sponsored by same society. Bd. 1-2 (1953-54) as Vortrige der Gesellschaft der Gutachtirzte Osterreichs, Wien. Bd. 3 never published. Bd. 4 (1955) to present forms part of a series, Forschung und Praxis, Wien. Title varies: Bd. 4 (1955) as Prawis der drztlichen Begutachtung; Bd. 6 (1957) as ASVG und Begutachtung; present title from Bd. 7 (1958). All issues reprinted from the Weiner medizinische Wochenschrift, Wien. Contents: Problems of medical expertise as lectured on or discussed at the meetings of the Society. Concerned mostly with social security cases. Latest known issue: Bd. 10 (1963). 228 * Problemy sudebnoi psikhiatrii [Problems of forensic psychiatry] Moskva. sb. 1- ; 1938 Editors: Ts. M. Feinberg (1941-44) ; A. N. Buneev ( -1957) ; G. V. Morozov (1959- ). Publisher: Tsentral’nyi nauchno-issledovatel’skii institut sudebnoi psikhiatrii im. prof. V. P. Serbskogo, Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia SSSR, Moscow. Sb. 1 lacks numbering; with no. 12, “sbornik” replaced by “vypusk.” Vyp. 14 has title: Problemy obshchei © sudebnoi psikhiatrit. Sequence of issues: 1 (1938); 2 (?);3 (1941) ; 4 (1944); 5 (1946) ; 6 (1947); 7 (1957); 8 (1959); 9, 10, 11 (1961); 12, 13 (1962) ; 14 (1963) ; 15 (19647?) ; 16 (1965). 229 Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Chicago, Ill. v. 1-2; 1952-54. Irregular. Editors: F. R. Dutra and R. F. Turner (1952) ; K. M. Dubowski (1954). Publisher : American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Chicago. Vol. 1 (1952) contains proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting, held in Chicago, March 1-3, 1951. Vol. 2 (1954) records 4th Annual Meeting, held in Atlanta, Ga., March 6-8, 1952. From January 1956, proceedings published in the Journal of forensic sciences (official organ of the Academy), Chicago, Ill. 56 229a 1 * Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science. Ottawa. 1- ; 1962— . Annual. Publisher: Food and Drug Directorate, Department of National Health and Welfare, Ottawa. 230 The Proceedings of the Medico-Legal Society of New South Wales. Sydney, Australia. v. 1- ; 1960/62— . Irregular. Publisher: Medico-Legal Society of New South Wales, Sydney. Only vol. 1 known to have appeared. 231. * Proceedings of the Medico-Legal Society of Victoria. Melbourne, Australia. v. 1- 1931/33— . Irregular. Editors: J. V. Barry and A. E. Coates (1935-37) ; J. V. Barry and R. J. Wright-Smith (1941) ; G. H. Lush and K. J. Grice (1946-56) ; G. H. Lush and B. Gandevia (1957- 59); J. T. Hulston and S. E. K. Hulme (1960-63) ; R. K. Todd and J. T. Hulston (1963- ). Publisher : the Society. Latest known issue: v. 10 (1963-65). 232 * Proceedings of the seminar and business meeting of the Ohio State Coroners’ Association. Cleveland, Ohio. 1- ; 1947?— . Annual. Editors: S. R. Gerber (1952) ; then various editors under Gerber’s direction. Published: Ohio State Coroners’ Association, Cleveland, Ohio. Issues examined: 6 (1952); 8 (1954) ; 11 (1957); 12 (1958) ; 14 (1960) ; 15 (1961) ; 16 (1962) ; 17 (1963). 233 * Proceedings of the seminar of National Association of Coroners. Cleveland, Ohio. 1- ; 1937— . Annual; irregular. Publisher : National Association of Coroners, Cleveland, Ohio. Title varies slightly. Latest known issue: 1962/63. 234 Proceedings of the Society of Medical Jurisprudence and State Medicine. New York, N.Y. v. 1-2; 1883-84? Annual. Publisher: Society of Medical Jurisprudence and State Medicine, New York. Reprinted from the quarterly record published in the American journal of neurology and psychiatry, New York. Continued by Papers and proceedings of the Society of Medical Jurisprudence, New York. 235 Protocolo medico-forense. Revista mensual de medicina legal y asuntos profesionales. Teruel. afio 1-15, no. 3; 1899-1913. Monthly. Editor: A, Pomar (founder and owner). 57 Sponsored by Cuerpo de Médicos auxiliares de la Administracién de justicia y de la penitenciaria de Espafia, Madrid. 236 Psychiatrie und Recht. Wien. Heft 1- ; 1961— . Irregular. Editors: W. von Bayer et al. Planned as a series of monographs. Only Heft 1 known to have appeared. 237 Psychiatrisches Centralblatt. Herausgegeben vom Vereine fiir Psychiatrie und forensische Psychologie in Wien. Jahrg. 1-8, no. 6; Jan. 1871-78. Monthly ; 6 issues per year. Editors: H. Beer, M. Leidesdorf, and T. Meynert (Jan.—July 1871) ; M. Leidesdorf and T. Meynert (Aug.—Dec. 1871); M. Leidesdorf (1872-June 1875) ; M. Gauster and T. Meynert (Oct. 1875-1878). Publisher: Verein fiir Psychiatrie und forensische Psychologie, Wien. Contents: Proceedings of the Verein and reviews of achievements in the field of psychiatry and forensic psychology. Suppl. to Jahrg. 6: Ubersicht iiber die Fortschritte und Literatur im Gebiete der forensischen Psychologie im Decennium 1866-75. Superseded by Jahrbiicher fiir Psychiatrie und Neurologie, Wien. 238 * The Public health court digest. A monthly summary of the reported state and Federal court decisions relating to public health, exclusive of mental health, prepared especially for use by public health agencies and personnel. New York, N.Y. v. 1, no. 1- ; May 1955— . Monthly. Editor: E. Bund (1955—- ). 238a + Publicazione di Istituto di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni dell’ Universita di Trieste. Trieste. 1- ; 1959— . Irregular. Publisher: Istituto di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni dell’Universitd di Trieste. 239 Quaderni della rivista di medicina legale e legislazione sanitaria. Pavia. n. 1- ; 1959— Irregular. Administration and editorial supervision by the Rivista di medicina legale e legislazione sanitaria, Pavia. Each issue is a brief monograph. Known issues: 1 (1959) ; 2 (1960). No more published ? 240 Quaderni di medicina legale. Milano. anno 1-2, no. 12; May 1917-Dec. 1918? Monthly. Editor: R. Pellegrini. Sponsored (?) by Istituto di Medicina Legale della R. Universita, Parma. Contents: Forensic medicine; public hygiene [legislation, jurisprudence, forensic tech- niques, book reviews, notes] 58 241 + Quaestiones medicinae forensis. Lipsiae. pars 1-43; 1797-1818. Irregular. Editor: E. Platnerus. Doctoral dissertations in the field of forensic medicine; curriculum vitae of candidates appended. Pars 43, published in the year of Platner’s death (1818), is latest known issue. 242 Rassegna giuridica, tecnica e sanitaria. Roma. anno 1-9, no. 9/12; June 1955-Sept./Dec. 1963. Monthly. Directors: D. Borrelli (1955-57); V. Borrelli and E. Petrecca (1958-61); V. Borrelli (1962-63). Anno 1-8 (1955-61) as Rassegna di diritto sanitario. Rivista mensile di problemi giuridict nel settore sanitario, Roma. 243 Rechtsprechung und Medizinal-Gesetzgebung. Beilage zur Zeitschrift fiir Medizinal- Beamte. Berlin. Jan. 1891-Feb. 1935. Semimonthly ; monthly. Suppl. to Zeitschrift fiir Medizinal-Beamte, Berlin. 244 + Repertorium fiir das Neueste aus der Staatsarzneywissenschaft und inneren praktischen Heilkunde. Braunschweig. 1801-02. Editor: I. H. Ingle. 245 Repertorium fiir die 6ffentliche und gerichtliche Arzneiwissenschaft. Berlin (Potsdam). Heft 1-3; 1810-12. Irregular. Editor: F. L. Augustin. 246 Repertorium fiir die 6ffentliche und gerichtliche Arzney-Wissenschaft. Berlin. Bd. 1-3; 1789-93. Irregular. Supersedes Neues Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzneikunde und medicinische Polizet, Stendal. Editor: J. T. Pyl. 247 +* Retslaegeraadets aarsberetning. Kgbenhavn. 1909/10— . Annual reports. Publisher: Retslaegeraadet, Kgbenhavn. First report covers period from June 1, 1909 to Dec. 31, 1910. Known reports: 1909,/10-1930/31; 1948 /50-1959/62. 248 Revista argentina de neurologia, psiquiatria y medicina legal. Buenos Aires. afio 1-5, no. 26; Jan./Feb. 1927-Mar./Apr. 1931? Bimonthly. Editors: H. Fernandez and A. Ameghino (1927-28) ; H. Fernandez (1929) ; H. Fernandez and J. M. Obarrio (1930-7). Absorbed Aug. 1932 by Archivos argentinos de neurologia, Buenos Aires. 59 248a Revista brasileira de criminologia e medicina legal. Publicacado mensal de doutrina crimi- nal e jurisprudéncia, estudo de psiquiatria, psicoanalise, biotipologia, identificacao, policia cientifica e medicina legal. Rio de Janeiro. ano 1, no. 1; 1934. Planned as monthly. Director: T. J. Jorge. Only first issue known to have been published. 249 Revista de criminologia e medicina legal. Sao Paulo. ano 1, no. 1-ano 2, v. 6, no. 7/12; July 1928-July/Dec. 1929. Bimonthly. Supersedes Archivos da Sociedade de Medicina Legal e Criminologia de Sao Paulo, which resumed publication in Oct. 1931. Editors: A. Machado et al. Published under the auspices of the Secretary of Justice, Sao Paulo. Official organ of the Sociedade de Medicina Legal e Criminologia, Gabinete Medico-Legal, Laboratorio de Technica Policial, Conselho Penitenciario, Penitenciaria do Estado, Instituto de Medicina Legal “Oscar Freire” da Faculdade de Medicina. 250 Revista de criminologia, psiquiatria y medicina legal. Buenos Aires. aio 1, no. 1 —ano 22, no. 132; May/June 1914-Nov./Dec. 1935. Bimonthly. Supersedes Archivos de psiquiatria y criminologia aplicadas a las ciencias afines, Buenos Aires. Directors: H. Fernandez (1914-27) ; O. Loudet (1928-35). Publishers: Instituto de Criminologia de la Penitenciaria Nacional; 1935, Instituto de Criminologia, Buenos Aires. Special issue in 1926. Superseded by Psiquiatria y criminologia, Buenos Aires. 251 Revista de derecho sanitario. Buenos Aires. ano 1, no. 1-2; 1953. Semiannual. Editor: A. D. Kraly. Publisher: Direccién General de Asuntos Legales y Legislaciéon Sanitaria, Ministerio de Salud Publica, Buenos Aires. 252 2 Revista de medicina forense y criminalistica. Habana, Cuba. v. 1, no. 1/2— ; Jan./Feb. 1941- . Bimonthly. Editors: R. Plasencia Maydagan (1941-7?) ; J. A. Diaz Padrén (1943?7— ). Sponsored by Gabinete Nacional de Identificaciéon de la Républica de Cuba, Habana. Latest known issue: v. 2 (1943). 253 Revista de medicina legal. Madrid. afio 1, no. 1- ; Apr. 1946— . Monthly; bimonthly. Directors: A. Piga Pascual (1946-52) ; R. Royo Villanova (1953- ). Organ of the Escuela de Medicina Legal and of the Cuerpo de Médicos Forenses, Madrid. Contents: All aspects of forensic medicine; toxicology [history, biographies, bibliog- raphies] 60 1946— includes Forenses as supplement (at first irregularly). Probably superseded by the Boletin de informacion de la Asociacion Nacional de Médicos Forenses, Madrid. Latest known issue: v. 14, no. 152/3 (Mar./Apr. 1959). 254 Revista de medicina legal, criminologia y psiquiatria forense. Barcelona. afio 1, no. 1-9; Apr.—Dec. 1932. Monthly. Director: W. Coroleu. Sponsored by the Facultad de Medicina, Barcelona. Superseded by Anales de medicina legal, psiquiatria y anatomia patolégica, Barcelona. 255 * Revista de medicina legal de Colombia. Bogot4. aio 1, no. 1- ; Aug. 1935- . Irregular; bimonthly ; irregular; annual. Directors: G. Uribe Cualla et al. (1935—- ). Official organ of the Officina Central de Medicina Legal de Bogota, 1935-45; from Jan./ May 1946, official organ of the Instituto de Medicina Legal de Bogoté; from 1963, also the “herald” of the Academia Latino Americana de Neurologia, Psiquiatria y Medicina Legal, Sao Paulo. Latest issue examined: v. 19, no. 93-4 (Jan./Dec. 1964). 256 Revista de medicina legal de Cuba. Havana, Cuba. afio 1-10, no. 6; 1922-June 1931? Monthly. Directors: A. Barreras y Fernandez and M. Barroso (19277-31). Publisher: Sociedad de Medicina Legal de Cuba, Havana. 256a Revista de medicina legal de Venezuela. Caracas. Publisher : Sociedad Venezolana de Medicina Legal, Caracas. 256b 1* Revista de medicina legal, psiquiatria e ciéncias afins. Ribeirao Preto; Sao Paulo, v. 1, no. 1- ; 1961- Director: T. R. de Carvalho. Publisher: Ordem dos Peritos Médicos do Brasil. Vol. 1-4, no. 3 (1961-64) as Revista de medicina legal e ciéncias afins. Latest known issue: v. 6 (1966). 257 Revista de medicina legal y jurisprudencia médica. Rosario, Argentina. afio 1, no. 1- ; Jan./Mar. 1935— . Quarterly; semiannual. Director: R. Bosch (1935-50). From 1940, official organ of the Circulo de Médicos Legistas de Rosario. Publication suspended, 1937-38. Contents: Forensic medicine; medical jurisprudence; police science; deontology [review of reviews, bibliographies, news] Latest known issue: afio 14, no. 3/4 (1950). 61 258 Revista de medicini legald. Bucuresti. anul 1-3, no. 3/4; 1936-40. Four times a year. Editor: N. Minovici. Publisher: Institutul medico-legal “Professor Dr. Mina Minovici,” Bucuresti. 259 Revista de neurologia, psiquiatria y medicina legal del Uruguay. Montevideo. ano 1, no. 1-10; Sept. 1927-June 19287? 260 Revista de psiquiatria y criminologia. Buenos Aires. afio 1-15, no. 77; Jan./Apr. 1936— 1950? Bimonthly ; quarterly. Supersedes Revista de criminologia, psiquiatria y medicina legal, Buenos Aires. Director: O. Loudet. From 1937, official organ of the Sociedad Argentina de Criminologia and the Sociedad de Psiquiatria y Medicina Legal de La Plata, Buenos Aires. Afio 1-2, no. 8 (1936-March/Apr. 1937) as Psiquiatria y criminologia. Revista de PSi- quiatria clinica, biologia criminale, psicopatologia general, higiene mental y medicina legal; then the title as above (without subtitle). Contents: Psychiatry; criminal biology; general psychopathology ; mental hygiene; legal medicine [medicolegal experience, jurisprudence, proceedings of societies, review of literature] 261 Revista de psiquiatria y disciplinas conexas. Santiago de Chile. afio 1-16, no. 1/2; Dec. 1935-51. Irregular; quarterly; irregular. Director: O. Fontecilla (1935-36); A. Vivado Orsini (1939-48) ; 1. Matte Blanco (1949-51). Publisher: 1939— Universidad de Chile (Clinica Psiquidtrica; Cadeira de Psiquiatria). Official organ of Sociedad Chilena de Neurologia, Psiquiatria y Medicina Legal, Santiago. Afio 1-4, no. 1 (1935-39) as Revista de psiquiatria y disciplinas conexas: psico y neuro- patologia, psiquiatria forense, criminologia, psicologia, higiene y profilaxia mentales, ete. Then the title as above. Cumul. indexes: afio 4-5 (1939-40) ; 6-11 (1941-46). Latest issues have summaries in Spanish, English, French, and German. With afio 17 (1952) title changed to Revista de psiquiatria; thereafter out of scope. 262 Revista de psiquiatria y disciplinas conexas. Publicacién trimestrel de psiquiatria, neuro- patologia, psicologia, psicoanalisis, pedologia, sociologia, medicina legal, criminologia e historia de la medicina. Lima. Ano 1-5, no. 4; July 1918-Oct. 1924. Quarterly. Founders and editors: H. Valdizan and H. F. Delgado. 263 + Revista médico-legal. Bahia, Brasil. v. 1-2; 1895-977 Published : Sociedade de Medicina Legal da Bahia, Bahia. 62 264 1 Revista médico-profesional. Barcelona. 1-2, no. 12; Mar. 1926-Mar. 1927? 265 Revista mexicana de psiquiatria, neurologia y medicina legal. Mexico, D.F. v. 1-13, no. 80; May 1934—July/Aug. 1947. Bimonthly. Director: S. Ramirez Moreno (1934-47) ; chief editor: J. Peon del Valle (Sept. 1934— July/Aug. 1947). Continued in 1950 by Revista mexicana de psiquiatria, neurologia y neurocirugia, Mexico, D.F. 266 Revue de déontologie et d’intéréts professionnels médicaux. Paris. année 1-2, no. 11; Oct. 1903-Nov. 1905. Monthly. Editor: M. Wicart (Secretaire de rédaction). Organ of 1’Association corporative des Etudiants en médecine de Paris. Contents: Medical ethics; medicine and the law; problems of interest to the profession (e.g., medical economics). 267 Revue de droit médical. Droit, 1égislation, intéréts professionnels, médecine légale. Paris. v. 1-2, no. 1; Jan. 1912—Jan. 1913. Monthly. Chief editor: M. Petit. Contents: Laws and legislation, jurisprudence, and administrative ordinances of interest to physicians. 268 T Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie et Archives internationales de médecine légale. Louvain. année 1-20? 1921-40? Monthly. Formed by union of Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie, Bruxelles (est. 1907) and Archives internationales de médecine légale, Liege (est. 1910). Editor: J. Gillard (1921- ). Published under the auspices of Ministére de la Justice de Belgique, Bruxelles. Cumul. indexes: 1907-32; 1933-36; 1907-53. In May 1946 Archives internationales de médecine légale merged with Archives belges de médecine sociale, hygiene, médecine du travail et médecine légale, Bruxelles. Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie continued independently. 269 Revue de médecine légale. Paris. année 1-21, no. 7; June 1893-July 1914. Monthly; irregular. Editors: H. Bergeron (1893-1904) ; E. Dabout (1905-14). 1893-1901 (année 1-8) as Revue de médecine légale et de jurisprudence médicale; 1902—09 (année 9-16) as Revue de médecine légale, jurisprudence médicale, assistance et hygiene sociales, intéréts professionnels, enseignement et histoire de la médecine; 1910-12 (année 17-19) as Revue de médecine légale, jurisprudence médicale, acci- dents du travail; 1913-14 (année 20-21) the title as above. Some issues lack numbering. 63 270 Rivista di diritto e giurisprudenza, patologia speciale e medicina forense sugli infortuni del lavoro e sulle disgrazie accidentali. Modena. v. 1-5; 1899-1903. Monthly; irregular. Ser. 2: v. 1-3; 1904-06. “ 3: v. 1-5; 1907-11. Directors: L. Bernacchi, L. Borri, E. Serafini (1899-1901) ; E. Serafini and L. Borri (1902-04) ; E. Serafini (1905-077). Vol. 1 (1899) as Rivista di diritto e giurisprudenza—Patologia speciale e medicina forense sugli infortuni del lavoro. 271 Rivista di medicina legale e di giurisprudenza medica con riguardo alle questioni degli infortuni sul lavoro. Milano; Pisa; Sienna. anno 1-10, no. 11/12; Feb. 1897—Nov./ Dec. 1920. Monthly; irregular. Directors: A. Severi (1897-7?) ; C. Ferrai (1915-20). Chief editor: G. Mei Gentilucei (1915-16). Anno 1-4 (1897-7?) as Rivista di medicina legale e di giurisprudenza medica. With anno 5, fasc. 1 (March 1915) the title as above. Anno 1-3 published 1897-99. The date of anno 4 is unknown (1900, 1911, or 1912-147). Preface to anno 5 (March 1915) states clearly that it continues Severi’s journal. Contents: Forensic medicine; medical jurisprudence; deontology. 272 * Rivista di medicina legale e legislazione sanitaria. Pavia. anno 1- ; Jan./Feb. 1959— Bimonthly. Editor: T. G. Formaggio (1959- ). Summaries in Italian, French, English, and German. Administration and editorial supervision of Quaderni della rivista di medicina legale e legislazione sanitaria. Contents: Forensic medicine; medical legislation; criminology ; public hygiene; insurance medicine; social medicine [trial technics, review of literature] 273 Rivista mensile di psichiatria forense, antropologia criminale e scienze affini. Napoli. v. 1-7, no. 5; Jan. 1898-May 1904. Monthly. Director: P. Penta. Editor: R. Perrone-Capano. 274 Rivista quindicinale di psicologia, psichiatria, neuropatologia ad uso dei medici e dei giuristi. Roma. v. 1-3; May 1897-1900. Semimonthly. Supersedes Archivio delle psicopatie sessuali, Roma. Directors: E. Sciamanna and G. Sergi. Chief editor: Sante de Sanctis. Superseded in July 1900 by Rivista mensile di neuropatologia e psichiatria, Roma. 64 295 * Rivista sperimentale di freniatria e medicina legale delle alienazioni mentali. Reggio Emilia. anno 1- ; 1875— . Bimonthly; quarterly. Directors: C. Livi (1875-77); A. Tamburini et al. (1878-1919); G. Guicciardi et al. (1920-30) ; A. Bertolani et al. (1930-52) ; V. Porta (1953-56) ; Board of Directors (1957-64) ; P. Benassi (1965— ). Chief editor: P. Benassi (1957-64) ; R. Reggiani (1965- ). Publishers: Istituto Neuropsichiatrico di S. Lazzaro, etc.; 1892— official organ of the Societa Freniatrica Italiana; 1932-48, of the Societa Italiana di Psichiatria. Anno 1-21 (1875-95) as Rivista sperimentale di freniatria e di medicina legale in relazione con Uantropologia e le scienze giuridiche e sociali. Thereafter, the title as above. Cumul. index: 1875-1909 in anno 49 (1912). Supplements to many issues. Contains biog- raphies (obituaries). Summaries also in French, German, or English. Absorbed Archivio italiano per le malattie nervose e mentali, Milano, which ceased publi- cation with v. 33 in 1907. 276 Saggi di medicina legale. Raccolti da Cesare Gerin. Milano. 1- ; 1960— . Irregular. Editor: C. Gerin. Each issue planned as a monograph. Only the first is known to have been published. 277 Salernum. Rivista di medicina legale, delle assicurazioni, di medicina sociale e di crimino- logia. Salerno. anno 1- ; July/Dec. 1958— . Annual. Director: V. M. Palmieri (1958- ). Chief editor: F. Mainenti (1958- ). Publisher: Societa Salernitana di Medicina Legale, delle Assicurazioni Sociali, e di Cri- minologia, Salerno. Latest known issue: anno 3 (Jan./Dec. 1960). 278 + Sammlung gerichtlicher Entscheidungen auf dem Gebiete der o6ffentlichen Gesundheits- pflege. Berlin. Bd. 1-7; 1896-19207? Supplements to Verdffentlichungen des Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamtes, Berlin. 279 Sammlung gerichtsidrztlicher Gutachten der Prager Medicinischen Facultit. Prag; Leipzig. Folge 1-4; 1853-73. Irregular. Editor: J. Maschka. Sponsored by the Medicinische Facultit, Karl-Ferdinand Universitat, Prague. Title varies slightly. Selection of important medicolegal opinions of the Faculty of Medicine and some cases from the editor’s own forensic practice. Coverage: about 1850-70. Folge 1 (1863) contains 67 opinions and cases; 2 (1858) contains 82; 3 (1867) contains 88; 4 (1873) contains 75. From 1875 on, Maschka published some Gutachten in the Vierteljahrschrift fiir gerichtliche Medicin, Berlin, usually under the title, Gericht- arztliche Mittheilungen. 65 280 Sammlung Jurisprudenz-Medizin-Philosophie-Theologie. Innsbruck. Heft 1- ; 1946- Irregular. Heft 1-8 (1946-48) as Sammlung Medizin-Philosophie-Theologie, Innsbruck. Each issue is a brief monograph on one of the subjects in the title (usually a lecture de- livered before some scientific society in Innsbruck). Summaries in German, English, French and Italian. Last known issue: 13/14 (1950). 281 7 Sammlung kleiner academischer Schriften liber Gegenstinde der gerichtlichen Arzeney- kunde und medicinischen Rechtsgelehrsamkeit aus verschieden Sprachen iibersetzt und herausgegeben. Altenburg. Bd. 1-2; 1795-97. Editor: F. A. Weiz. Minor differences in the text and spelling of title in various sources. Continued by Neue Sammlung kleiner academischen Schriften iiber Gegenstinde der gerichtlichen Ar- zeneygelahrtheit und medicinischen Rechtsgelehrsamkeit, Altenburg. 282 Sammlung medicinischer Gutachten. Bresslau and Hirschberg; Bresslau, Hirschberg and Lissa. Th. 1-2; 1791-96? Editor: J. G. Kiihn. Contents: Obductions; medicolegal casuistics. Th. 1 lacks vol. numbering. Intent to continue stated in Th. 2. 283 + Sammlung verschiedener medicinischer Responsorum und Sektionberichte. Halle. Samml. 1-2; 1772. Editor: Ph. C. Fabricius. “2nd ed.” in 1774 (Halle). 284 The Sanitarian and Organ of the Medico-Legal Society. New York, N.Y. v. 4, no. 34-v. 6, no. 69; Jan. 1876-Dec. 1878. Monthly. Editor: A. N. Bell. Sponsored by the Medico-Legal Society, New York. Vol. 1-3, no. 33 (1873-75) as Sanitarian, concerned only with public health. Then the title above. From v. 7, no. 70 (Jan. 1879) again titled The Sanitarian. A monthly magazine devoted to the preservation of health, mental and physical culture, New York. Medicolegal problems were treated Nov. 1878— in the Bulletin of the Medico-Legal Society, New York. Some medicolegal material continued to appear for a while in The Sanitarian. 285 § Sbornik nauchnykh rabot po voprosam sudebnoi meditsiny, kriminalistiki, sudebnoi psi- khiatrii i iurisprudentsii [Collection of scientific works on the problems of forensic medicine, criminalistics, forensic psychiatry and jurisprudence] Karaganda, Kazakh. SSR. vyp. 1- ; 1958— . Irregular. 66 286 | Sbornik nauchnykh rabot Saratovskogo otdeleniia Vsesoiuznogo nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov [Collection of scientific works of Saratov Branch of the All-Union Scientific Society of Forensic Physicians and Criminalists] Saratov, RSFSR. vyp. 1- ; 1955— . Irregular. Editor: I. V. Skopin (1955- ). Publisher : Saratovskoe otdelenie Vsesoiuznogo nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov, Saratov. Title varies slightly (e.g., Sbornik statei . . .; Sbornik stateiireferatov . . .). Sequence: vyp. 1 (1955) ; 2 (1958) ; 3 (1961). 287 § Sbornik nauchnykh statei Kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Vinnitskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta [Collection of scientific articles of Vinnitsa State Medical Institute, Chair of Forensic Medicine] Vinnitsa, USSR. vyp. 1- ; 19557— Publisher: Kafedra sudebnol meditsiny Vinnitskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta, Vinnitsa. Vyp. 3 (1957). 288 Sbornik nauchnykh statel Odesskogo otdeleniia Ukrainskogo nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov [Collection of scientific articles of Ukrainian Scientific Society of Forensic Physicians and Criminalists, Odessa Branch] Odessa, USSR. vyp. 1- ; 1956— Publisher: Odesskoe otdelenie Ukrainskogo nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov, Odessa, USSR. Latest known issue: vyp. 5 (1957). 289 7 Sbornik nauchnykh trudov Tashkentskogo nauchno-issledovatel’skogo instituta sudebnoi ekspertizy [Collection of scientific works of Tashkent Scientific Research Institute of Medicolegal Expertise] Tashkent, Uzbek. SSR. vyp. 2— ; 1959— . Irregular. Publisher : Nauchno-issledovatel’skii institut sudebnoi ekspertizy, Iuridicheskaia komissiia pri Sovete Ministrov Uzbek. SSR, Tashkent. Vyp. 2 (1959) as Sbornik nauchnykh statei . . . Tashkent. Vyp. 1 (1960) as Sbornik nauchnykh trudov Glavnogo biuro po sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertize i Kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Tashkentskogo meditsinskogo instituta, Tashkent. Latest known issue: vyp. 3 (1960). 290 § Sbornik rabot Nauchno-issledovatel’skogo instituta sudebnoi ekspertizy [Collection of works of the Scientific Research Institute of Medicolegal Expertise] Odessa, USSR. 1948-567? Publisher : Nauchno-issledovatel’skii institut sudebnoi ekspertizy, Odessa. Ceased publication, probably in 1956, when Sbornik nauchnykh statei Odesskogo otdeleniia Ukrainskogo mauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov, Odessa, appeared. 67 291 + Sbornik rabot po sudebno-meditsinskol ekspertize [Collection of works on medicolegal expertise] Blagoveshchensk, RSFSR. no. 1- ; 1960- Editor: M. A. Fain (1960- ). Publisher : Amurskoe oblastnoe otdelenie Vsesoiuznogo nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov, Amurskii oblastnyi otdel zdravookhraneniia, Blagove- shchensk. Sequence: no. 1 (1960) ; 2 (1961). 292 Sbornik rabot proizvedennykh v Laboratorii V. K. Anrepa [Collection of works prepared in V. K. Anrep Laboratory] Khar’kov, Rossiia. vyp. 1-2; 1886-87? Irregular. Editor: V. K. Anrep. Imprimatur by Meditsinskii fakultet Imperatorskogo Khar’kovskogo universiteta, Khar’kov. Covers 1885 to 1887 inclusive. 293 Sbornik sochinenii po sudebnoi meditsine, sudebnoi psikhiatrii, meditsinskoi politsii, obshchestvennoi gigiene, epidemiologii, meditsinskol geografii i meditsinskoi statis- tike [Collection of writings on forensic medicine, forensic psychiatry, medical police, social hygiene, epidemiology, medical geography and medical statistics] S. Peterburg. g. 1-10; 1872-81. 2 or 3 issues per year. Supersedes Arkhiv sudebnoi meditsiny © obshchestvennot gigieny, S. Peterburg. Editors: S. P. Lovtsov (1872-76) ; M. N. Shmelev (1877-81). Publisher : Meditsinskil departament Ministerstva vnutrennykh del, S. Peterburg. Superseded by Vestnik sudebnoi meditsiny i obshchestvennot gigieny, S. Peterburg. 294 + Sbornik trudov Biuro glavnoi sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy i Kafedry sudebnol medi- tsiny Erevanskogo meditsinskogo instituta [Collection of works of the Bureau of Cen- tral Medicolegal Expertise and of Erivan Medical Institute, Chair of Forensic Medicine] Erevan, Armiansk. SSR, vyp. 1- ; 1956— . Irregular. Publisher: Biuro glavnoi sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy and Kafedra sudebnoi meditsiny Erevanskogo meditsinskogo instituta, Erevan. Sequence: vyp. 1 (1956) ; 2 (1957); 3 (1961). 295 Sbornik trudov Kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Pervogo Leningradskogo meditsinskogo insti- tuta im. akad. I. P. Pavlova [Collection of works of I. P. Pavlov First Leningrad Medi- cal Institute, Chair of Forensic Medicine] Leningrad, RSFSR. vyp. 1- ; 1955— Irregular. Editor: A. P. Kurdiumov (1955- ). Publisher: Pervyi Leningradskii meditsinskii institut im. akad. I. P. Pavlova, Leningrad. Vol. for 1955 is unnumbered, but the preface contains a statement that “it is the first pub- lication from the establishment of the Chair of Forensic Medicine.” Latest known issue: vyp. 2 (1958). 68 296 1 * Sbornik trudov Nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov [Collection of works of the Scientific Society of Forensic Physicians and Criminalists] Alma-Ata, Kazakh. SSR. vyp. 1- ; 1957— . Irregular. Publisher: Nauchnoe obshchestvo sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov Kazakhskoi SSR, Alma-Ata (Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia Kazakhskol SSR). Vyp. 1-3 (1957-7?) as Sbornik trudov sotrudnikov Biuro glavnoi sudebnomeditsinskol ekspertizy Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia Kazakhskot SSR i Kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Alma-Atinskogo meditsinskogo instituta, Alma-Ata. Sequence: vyp. 1 (1957) ;2 (1958) ;3 (?); 4 (1961); 5 (1963). 297 § * Sbornik trudov Nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov Litovskoi SSR [Collection of works of the Scientific Society of Forensic Physicians of Lithuanian SSR] Vil’nius, Litovsk. SSR. t. 1- ; 1964— Publisher: Nauchnoe obshchestvo sudebnykh medikov Litovskoi SSR, Vil’nius. In Lithuanian and Russian. Title in Lithuanian unknown at present. Sequence: t. 1 (1964) ; 2 (1965). 298 * Sbornik trudov Respublikanskogo biuro sudebnomeditsinskol ekspertizy i Kafedry sudeb- noi meditsiny Tadzhikskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta im. Avitsenny [Collection of works of the Republican Bureau of Medicolegal Expertise and of the Avicenna Tadzhik State Medical Institute, Chair of Forensic Medicine] Dushanbe (formerly Stalinabad), Tadzhik. SSR. vyp. 1- ; 1949— |. Irregular. Editor: S. V. Shershavkin et al. (1959). Publisher: Kafedra sudebnoi meditsiny Stalinabadskogo meditsinskogo instituta; then, successively (dates not known), Biuro respublikanskoi sudebnomeditsinskol eksper- tizy i Kafedra sudebnoi meditsiny Stalinabadskogo meditsinskogo instituta; Biuro glavnoi sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy i Kafedra sudebnoi meditsiny Stalinabad- skogo meditsinskogo instituta im. Avitsenny. [In 1961 the city of Stalinabad was renamed Dushanbe] Vyp. 1-2 as Sbornik trudov Respublikanskoi sudebnomeditsinskor ekspertizy © Kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Stalinabadskogo meditsinskogo instituta,; vyp. 3 as Sbornik trudov Biuro respublikanskot sudebnomeditsinskoti ekspertizy i Kafedry . . .; vyp. 4-5 as Sbornik trudov Biuro glavnoi sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy . . .; vyp. 6-7 as Sbornik rabot Kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny © Biuro glavnoi sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy, Stalinabad ; vyp. 8 with title as above. Sequence: vyp. 1 (1949); 2 (1951); 3 (1952) ; 4 (1954) ; 5 (1956) ; 6 (1958) ; 7 (1959) ; 8 (1963). 298a * Scalpel and quill. The bulletin of the Pittsburgh Institute of Legal Medicine. Pittsburgh, Pa. v.1- ; 19677 Editor: C. H., Wecht. Publisher: Pittsburgh Institute of Legal Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pa. 69 299 Selecta medica francofurtensia, anatomen, imprimis practicam, chirurgiam, materiam medicam, ipsamque universam medicinam tam clinicam quam forensem variis casi- bus et observationibus [etc.] illustrantia [et digesta]. Francofurti ad [cis] Viadrum; Francofurti et Lipsiae. Tomus 1-4; 1736-48. Irregular; 6 volumina per tomus. Editors and publishers: J. G. Conradus (1736-44) ; J. J. Friedelus (1745) ; J. Chr. Klei- bius (1745-48). Index to each tomus in volumen 6. Sequence: Tomus 1: v. 1 (1736); 2-3 (1737); 4-5 (1738); 6 (1739). Tomus 2: v. 1 (1740) ; 2 (1741) ; 3-4 (1742) ; 5-6 (1743). Tomus 3: v. 1 (1743) ; 2-4 (1744) ; 5-6 (1745). Not published in 1746. Tomus 4: v. 1-5 (1747) ; 6 (1748). This is the first serial known to us which includes forensic medicine among its principal subjects. 300 Seminario de derecho penal y medicina legal. Santiago, Chile. v. 1- ; 1960? . Irregular. Publisher : Facultad de Ciencias Juridicas y Sociales de la Universidad de Chile, Santiago. Each volume is a monograph. Sequence: v. 1 (1960?) ; 2 (1961). 301 Soudné lékatské posudky ceské 1ékaiské fakulty [ Medicolegal opinions of the Czech Faculty of Medicine] Praha. 1909-10. Bimonthly. Editor: V. Slavik. Supplement to v. 17-18 (1909-10) of the Lékarské rozhledy, Praha. Contents: Medicolegal opinions of the Czech Medical Faculty of the University of Prague. 802 + * Soudni lékarstvi [Forensic medicine] Praha. roé. 1 ; 1956— . Irregular. Editor: J. Tesar (1965— ). Publisher : Kriminalisticky klub, Praha (1956-64) ; Sekce soudniho lékarstvi Cs. 1ékarské spole¢nosti J. Ev. Purkyné, Praha (1965— ). Ro¢. 1-9 (1956-64) as supplement to Kriminalisticky sbornik, Praha. Ro¢. 10— (1965— ) as supplement to Ceskoslovenskd patologie, Praha. Separately paged. Summaries in Russian and English. 303 f Sudebnaia meditsina i pogranichnye oblasti [Forensic medicine and allied fields] Moskva- Leningrad. sb. 1; 1934. Publisher : Gosudarstvennyi nauchno-issledovatel’skii institut sudebnoi meditsiny, Moskva. 304 Sudebno-meditsinskaia ekspertiza [Medicolegal expertise] Moskva; Moskva-Leningrad. kn. 1-15; 1925-31. Irregular. Editor: Ia. Leibovich. Publisher: Narodnyi komissariat zdravookhraneniia RSFSR, Moskva. Table of contents in Russian and (on cover) also in German. Cumul. index to kn. 1-10. Abstracts and reviews of foreign literature in each issue. Sequence: kn. 1 (1925); 2-4 (19267); 5-7 (1927); 8-10 (1928); 11 (1929); 12-14 (1930) ; 15 (1931). 70 305 Sudebno-meditsinskaia ekspertiza. Sbornik statel [Medicolegal expertise. Collected arti- cles] Tula, RSFSR. vyp. 1- ; 1957— . Irregular. Editor: M. N. Aliev (1960- ). Publisher: Tulskoe oblastnoe biuro sudebno-meditsinskoi ekspertizy, Tula. Vyp. 2 (1960). 306 * Sudebnomeditsinskaia ekspertiza [Medicolegal expertise] Moskva. t. 1- ; Jan./Mar. 1958— . Quarterly. Editor: V. I. Prozorovskii (1958- ). Publisher: Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia SSSR, Moskva. Table of contents in Russian and English (1959— ). Name index for each vol. Special section of abstracts of foreign articles, 1964— Contents: Forensic medical testimony; problems of forensic psychiatry; forensic chem- istry, ete. 307 + Sudebnomeditsinskaia ekspertiza i kriminalistika na sluzhbe sledstviia. Sbornik rabot [Medicolegal expertise and criminalistics in investigation. Collection of works] Stav- ropol’ n.K.; Groznyl. vyp. 1- ; 195-7— Editors: A. S. Litvak and M. N. Kostina (1958) ; A. S. Litvak (1962- ). Publisher: vyp. 1 (195-7) ; vyp. 2 (1958), by Stavropol’skoe kraevoe otdelenie Vsesoiuz- nogo nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov, Stavropol’; vyp. 3 (1962) Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia RSFSR, Moskva. 308 * Sudebno-meditsinskie zapiski. Sbornik rabot Kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Kishinevskogo meditsinskogo instituta i Biuro glavnoi sudebnomeditsinskol ekspertizy [Medicolegal notes. Collection of works of the Kishinev Medical Institute, Chair of Forensic Medi- cine, and of the Bureau of Central Medicolegal Expertise] Kishinev, Moldavsk. SSR. vyp. 1- ; 1955— . Irregular. Editor: P. G. Areshev (1958- ). Publisher : Kafedra sudebnoi meditsiny Kishinevskogo meditsinskogo instituta i Respub- likanskoe biuro sudebnomeditsinskikh ekspertov (1955-58) ; Kafedra sudebnoi medi- tsiny Kishinevskogo meditsinskogo instituta i Biuro glavnoi sudebnomeditsinskoi eks- pertizy (1960- ). Subtitle changed with the change of publishers. Sequence: vyp. 1 (1955); 2 (1958) ; 3 (1960) ; 4 (1963). 309 Symposium on medicolegal problems. Philadelphia, Pa. ser. 1-2; 1948-49? Irregular. Editor: S. A. Levinson. Sponsored by the Institute of Medicine of Chicago, the Chicago Bar Association: and the Chicago Medical Society. Contents: Selected lectures and discussions from medicolegal symposia. 71 310 Tidsskrift for nordisk retsmedicin og psykiatri. Kristiania. bind (aargang) 1-11; 1901-13. Quarterly (some irregularities). Editor: H. A. Th. Dedichen. 311 Tort and medical yearbook. Indianapolis, Ind. v. 1- ; 1961- . Planned as biannual. Editors: A. Averbach and M. M. Belli (1961- ). Articles on both medical and legal aspects of torts and on the relationship of medical and legal professions. All articles contain briefing on forensic procedures. Subject index in every second volume. Latest known issue: v. 2 (1962). 312 Trabajos de la Comisién de Medicina Legal é Higiene Publica de la Real Academia de Ciencias Médicas, Fisicas y Naturales de la Habana, desde su fundacién. Habana. t. 1-3; 1872-81. 15 or 14 entrega per tomo; irregular. Editors: R. L. Miranda and A. Mestre (1872-73) ; A. Mestre and R. A. Cowley (1874-81). Publisher: Academia de Ciencias Médicas, Fisicas y Naturales de la Habana, Habana. Publishing of t. 3 started in 1874, but not completed until 1881 [note at the end of t. 3] 313 Transactions of the Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society. Cambridge, Mass. ; Boston, Mass. v. 1, no. 1- ; 1878- . Irregular. Publisher : Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society, Boston. Not published 1918-25. Latest issue in the Union List of Serials is v. 9 (192-7). Known issues cover following years: 1878-1910; 1913-14; 1917; 1926; 1927. No more published? 314 Transactions of the Medico-Legal Society. London. v. 1-26; 1902-32. Irregular. Editors: S. B. Atkinson (1904); R. H. Wellington and S. B. Atkinson (1907); S. B. Atkinson and D. Cotes-Preedy (1908) ; D. Cotes-Preedy and W. A. Brend (1909-10) ; D. Cotes-Preedy (1911) ; W. A. Brend (1912-13) ; R. H. Wellington (1914-21). Publisher: Medico-Legal Society, London. Cumul. indexes: v. 1-20; 21-26. Superseded in 1933 by the Medico-legal and criminological review, London. 315 } Transactions of the Medico-Legal Society of Ceylon. Colombo. v. 1- ; 1938— Publisher : Medico-Legal Society of Ceylon, Colombo. 316 * Trudy sudebnomeditsinskikh ekspertov Ukrainy [Works of medicolegal experts of the Ukraine] Kiev, USSR. 1941?- | Irregular. Chief editors: Iu. S. Sapozhnikov and A. M. Gamburg (1958) ; O. A. Grishchenko (1962). 72 Publisher: Ukrainskoe nauchnoe obshchestvo sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov, Kiev; Glavnaia sudebnomeditsinskaia ekspertiza Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia USSR, Kiev. Known issues: 1941, 1958, 1962, 1965 (unnumbered). 1962 issue states that it contains the works of medicolegal experts from Kiev, Kharkov, Donetsk, Odessa, and Vinnitsa. 317 Die Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psycholo- gie und der Section fiir Staatsarzneikunde und Psychiatrie. Neuwied. 1854; 1857. Irregular. Editor: A. Erlenmeyer. Publisher : Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie, Gottingen. 1854 issue has title: Die Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie und der Section fiir Psychiatrie und Anthropologie, Neuwied. Reprinted from the Correspondenz-Blatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie, Neuwied. 318 Verhandlungen des Vereines fiir Staatsarzneiwissenschaft in Berlin. Erlangen. Heft 1; 1855. Editor: F. J. Behrend. Publisher: Verein fiir Staatsarzneiwissenschaft in Berlin, Berlin. Contents: Meetings of Verein from 1852 on. 318a +t * Veréffentlichungen der Akademie fiir Staatsmedizin. Diisseldorf. Jahrb. 1950— . Annual. Publisher : Akademie fiir Staatsmedizin, Diisseldorf. Contents: Public hygiene and forensic medicine. 319 Verslag van de vergadering. Psychiatrisch-Juridisch Gezelschap. Amsterdam. nr. 1- ; 1931- . Irregular. Publisher : Psychiatrisch-Juridisch Gezelschap, Amsterdam. Numbering of issues dropped, 1951-56. Title varies slightly. Latest known issue: 1956. 320 Vestnik klinicheskoi i sudebnoi psikhiatrii i nevropatologii [Journal of clinical and for- ensic psychiatry and neuropathology] S. Peterburg. g. 1-13; 1883-99. 2 issues per year. Editor: I. P. Merzheevskil. 321 Vestnik obshchestvennoi gigieny, sudebnoi i prakticheskoi meditsiny [Journal of social hygiene, forensic and general medicine] S. Peterburg. t. [god] 1-527; 1889-1917. 10 issues per vol.; monthly? 73 Supersedes Vestnik sudebnot meditsiny © obshchestvennoi gigieny, S. Peterburg. Editor: M. N. Shmelev (1889); M. I. Galanin (1889-96) ; no editors mentioned from 1897 on. Publishers : Meditsinskii departament Ministerstva vnutrennykh del, S. Peterburg (1889- 1904) ; Glovnyi vrachebnyi inspektor Ministerstva vnutrennykh del, S. Peterburg (1905-17). Cumul. indexes: t. 21-24; t. 29-32. Note: L. O. Kanevskil et al., in Osnovnye cherty razvitiia meditsiny v Rossii (Moskva, 1956), p. 148, give 1917 as the closing date. 322 Vestnik sudebnoi meditsiny i obshchestvennoi gigieny [Journal of forensic medicine and social hygiene] S. Peterburg. 1882-88. 4 issues (tom) per year. Supersedes Sbornik sochinenii po sudebnoi meditsine, sudebnoi psikhiatrii, meditsinskoi politsit, obshchestvennoi gigiene, epidemiologii, meditsinskol geografii i meditsinskoi statistike, S. Peterburg. Editor: M. N. Shmelev. Publisher : Meditsinskii departament Ministerstva vnutrennykh del, S. Peterburg. Seven unnumbered volumes. Superseded by Vestnik obshchestvennoi gigieny, sudebnoi i prakticheskoi meditsiny, S. Peterburg. 323 Vierteljahrschrift fiir gerichtliche Medicin und 6ffentliches Sanititswesen. Berlin. Ser. 1, Bd. 1-25; Jan. 1852—Apr. 1864. Ser. 2, Bd. 1-53; July 1864—Oct. 1890. Ser. 3, Bd. 1-62; 1891-1921. Quarterly. Supersedes Wochenschrift fiir die gesamte Heilkunde, Berlin. Editors: J. L. Casper (1852-64); W. Horn (1864-70); H. Eulenberg (1871-90); A. Wernich (1891-96) ; A. L. Schmidtmann and F. Strassmann (1897-1910) ; R. Abel and F. Strassmann (1910-15) ; O. Finger and F. Strassmann (1916-17) ; M. Beninde and F. Strassmann (1918-21). Published with the cooperation of [Konigliche] Wissenschaftliche Deputation fiir das Medizinalwesen [in Preussen], Berlin. Bd. 1, 1st ser.—Bd. 15, 2nd ser. (1852-71), as Vierteljahrschrift fiir gerichtliche und éffent- liche Medicin, Berlin. Cumul. indexes: 1852-1901; 1902-21. Supplements (some monographic) for following years: 1883; 1889; 1891-1914; 1918. Superseded (1922) by the Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte gerichtliche Medizin, Berlin. 324 + Voprosy kriminalistiki i sudebnoi ekspertizy. Sbornik statei [Problems of criminalistics and forensic medicine. Collection of articles] Dushanbe, Tadzhik. SSR. sb. 1- 1962— . Irregular. Chief editor: S. A. Radzhabov (1962— ) ; editor: Ia. M. Iakovlev et al. (1962— ). Publisher: Nauchno-issledovatel’skaia laboratoriia sudebnoi ekspertizy pri Tadzhikskom gosuniversitete im. V. I. Lenina, Dushanbe. ’ 74 325 Voprosy sudebnoi meditsiny [Problems of forensic medicine] Moskva, RSFSR. no. 1-3? 1949-59? Irregular. Editor: V. I. Prozorovskil (1955-59). Publisher: Nauchno-issledovatel’skii institut sudebnoi meditsiny Ministerstva zdravo- okhraneniia SSSR, Moskva. Vyp. 1 (1949) unnumbered, called Trudy Gosudarstvennogo nauchnoissledovatel’skogo instituta sudebnoi meditsiny Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia SSSR, Moskva; vyp. 2 (1955) has title: Sbornik nauchnykh rabot po meditsine © pogranichnym oblastiam, Moskva. Vyp. 3 (1959) with title as above, was apparently the last, because a new journal, Sudebnomeditsinskaia ekspertiza had been started in 1958 by the Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia SSSR. 326+ * Voprosy sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy. Sbornik statei [Problems of medicolegal exper- tise. Collection of articles] Ashkhabad, Turkmensk. SSR. vyp. 1- ; 1965— Editor: K. Shagylydzhov et al. (1965). Publisher : Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia Turkmensk. SSR, Biuro glavnoi sudebnomedi- tsinskoi ekspertizy ; Kafedra sudebnoil meditsiny TGMI, Ashkhabad. 327 Voprosy sudebnomeditsinskol ekspertizy. Sbornik statei [Problems of medicolegal exper- tise. Collection of articles] Moskva, RSFSR. vyp. 1-3?; 1954-58? Irregular. Editors: M. I. Avdeev and N. A. Lokhov (1954-58). Sequence: 1 (1954); 2 (1955) ; 3 (1958). Vyp. 3 was probably the last, because in 1958 a new quarterly, Sudebnomeditsinskaia ekspertiza, appeared in Moscow. Vyp. 1 lacks volume numbering. 327a * What’s new in forensic sciences. Chicago, Ill. 1963?— . Annual. Publisher: American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Chicago, Ill. Prepared by the Law- Medicine Center, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Contents: Selected references on medicolegal topics. 328 * Zacchia. Rivista di medicina legale e delle assicurazioni. Roma; Torino. anno 1-13; May/ June 1921-Jan./Dec. 1934. Ser. 2a: v. 1-8, fasc. 1; 1937-Jan./Mar. 1943. v. 9- ; 1946— . Bimonthly; irregular; quarterly. Director: S. Ottolenghi (1921-34). Chief editors: A. Ascarelli and G. Falco (1921-24) ; A. Ascarelli, G. Falco, and B. Tullio (1925-29) ; editors: A. Ascarelli et al. (1930-34) ; chief editor: C. Gerin (1937-47) ; directors: G. Moriani and C. Gerin (1948-49) ; chief editor: G. Frache (1950-54) ; directors: C. Gerin and G. Frache (1955-57) ; chief editor: C. Criscione (1958- ). 1921-38, official organ of the Societa di Medicina Legale, Roma, and of the Istituto di Medicina Legale delle R. Universita di Roma; 1939-43, official organ of the Acca- demia Internazionale di Medicina Legale e Sociale, Roma. Subtitle varies. 75 Articles in Italian, French, English, Spanish, or German. Publication suspended 1922, 1935-36, 1944-45. 329 Zacchia nel secolo XX. Bolletino per 'ordinamente delle perizie giudiziarie e per la pratica medico legale in armonia colla medicina scientifica. Bologna. ano 1, fasc. 1-2; June 1901-June 1902. Irregular. Editors: F. Polli and A. Pitini. Publisher: Comitato Regionale di Medici e Chirurgi dell’Emilia, Romagna e Marche, Reggio Emilia (?). Contents: Forensic medicine ; criminology [jurisprudence, discussions, laboratory observa- tions, news from the field of criminal law, notes] 330 Zdravotnicko-pravni sbornik [Health legislative journal] Praha. ro¢. 1, ¢. 1-11/12; Jan. 1908-Jan. 15, 1909. Monthly. Editor: E. Sedivy. Publisher: Ceska 1ékarnicka spole¢nost, Praha. Ceased publication with last issue of roé. 1. 331 Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte Arztrecht, einschliesslich Arzt— und Rechtsphilosophie, gerichtliche Medizin und Kriminalbiologie, med. jurist. Anthropologie und Soziologie. Karlsruhe. Jahrg. 1-2, no. 3/4; Sept. 1951-Mar./Apr. 1952. Monthly; bimonthly. Editors: F. Kienle and G. Kiichenhoft. Jahrg. 1, no. 1-5/6 (1951) as Zeitschrift fiir dans gesamte Arztrecht. Contents: Legal position of physicians and medical profession ; organizations of physicians; professional contractual obligations; legal position of physicians in hospitals. 1952— also forensic medicine, criminal biology, medicolegal anthropology, and sociology. 332 Zeitschrift fiir gerichtliche Medicin, 6ffentliche Gesundheitspflege und Medicinalgesetzge- bung. Wochenschrift fiir Aerzte, Wundirtze, Apotheker und Beamte. Wien. Jahrg. 1-4, no. 34; Dec. 5, 1865—-Aug. 25, 1868. Weekly. Editor and publisher: L. G. Kraus. From Jan. 7, 1868 contains supplement: Blitter fiir Militir-Hygiene. Merged with Allgemeine wiener medicinische Zeitung, Wien. Announcement of merger in last issue. 333 Zentralarchiv fiir das gesammte gerichtliche und polizeiliche Medicinalwesen. Regensburg; Ansbach. Jahrg. 1-6; 1844-49. Quarterly; bimonthly. Editor: J. B. Friedreich. Jahrg. 1-4 (1844-47) as Centralarchiv fiir die gesammte Staatsarzneikunde, Regensburg, Ansbach. Then the title as above. Contents: Critical reviews of literature on public hygiene, forensic medicine and allied sciences, forensic psychiatry, criminology, domestic and foreign medical legislation, and jurisprudence. Medical expert testimony. 76 V. Indexes The six indexes which follow are intended primarily to help identify each serial. They can, however, also serve medical and medico- legal historians, biographers, bibliographers, and others. Without them, much information contained in this study would be less readily accessible. Index entries are keyed to the numbers of the entries in the IBMS. A. Title Index: an alphabetical index of titles of all numbered IBMS entries, all recorded variant titles, and titles of serials preceding and following the title entry in the IBMS. All titles in the Title Index are given only in the original language—not in English translation. Bilingual serial titles are listed in both languages. B. Index of Editors: the names of those chiefly responsible for the intellectual content of the serials: editors-in-chief, editors, di- rectors, and members of editorial boards, as recorded in the individual entries of the IBMS. Most of these editors are or were leaders in the medicolegal field; the Index, as far as we know, constitutes the first directory (even though only partial) of medicolegal special- ists. Therefore, we have tried also to furnish birth and death dates for each person listed, although this was only partly successful be- cause of the dearth or inadequacy of bio- graphical sources. If the editor is, or was, not a physician, this is also noted. C. Publishers and Sponsors: an alphabetical 77 list of professional organizations (medical, legal, medicolegal) and scientific bodies which published, or sponsored the publica- tion of, medicolegal serials. Like the preced- ing index, this is also the first known list of organizations and institutions concerned with medicolegal relations. D. Subject Index: listing of titles by subject, under 60 headings which constitute the most important topics or the most interesting features of medicolegal serials. While it is not comprehensive or exhaustive, the Index should help the reader to locate those serials with special emphasis on a particular subject. The Index contains three terms sufficiently unusual to warrant explanation: a. Lawyer’s medical brief—medical problems of importance to lawyers. b. Medical police—translation of Ger- man “medizinische Polizei,” the term conceived by J. P. Frank. (Refers only to serials including this subject pub- lished in German territory.) c. Physician’s legal brief—legal prob- lems of interest to physicians. E. Geographic Index: a two-part listing, the first arranged alphabetically by place (city) of publication, the second by country. F. Chronological Index: year and place of origin of each medicolegal serial; important not only for the identification of a serial, but even more for purposes of historical re- search. A. Title Index Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der gericht- lichen Medizin und der medizinischen Polizei. Berlin. 16 Abhandlungen aus dem juristisch-medizini- schen Grenzgebiete. Wien. 1 Acta criminologiae et medicinae japonica. Tokyo. 136, 212 Acta medicinae legalis et socialis. Bruxelles. 2 Acta physico-medico-forensia Collegii Medici Onoldini. Onoldinum (Ansbach). 182 Adli-tibbi ekspertiz. Istanbul. 3 Adolph Henke’s Zeitschrift fiir die Staats- arzneikunde. Erlangen. 4 Aerztliche Sachverstindigen Zeitung. Berlin. 196 Allgemeine wiener medizinische Zeitung. Wien. 89 Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Psychiatrie und ihre Grenzgebiete. Berlin. 5 Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Psychiatrie und psychisch-gerichtliche Medicin. Berlin. 5 Allgemeines Archiv der Gesundheitspolizey. Hannover. 72 Almanach fiir die medicinische Polizei, ge- richtliche Arzneiwissenschaft und Volks- arzneikunde mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Medicinalbediirfnisse Mecklenburgs, fiir das Jahr . . . Schwerin. 6 AMA Council on Medical Service, Washing- ton Office Bulletin. Washington, D.C. 8 AMA Washington letter. Washington, D.C. 7 AMA Washington Office bulletin. Washing- ton, D.C. 8 AMA Washington Office Capitol clinic. Wash- ington, D.C. 9 AMA Washington Office comments. Washing- ton, D.C. 10 AMA Washington Office special bulletin. Washington, D.C. 11 AMA Washington Office Washington, D.C. 11 The American journal of medical jurispru- dence. Boston, Mass. 12 The American journal of neurology and psychiatry. New York, N.Y. 234 legalis special report. 78 The American psychological and medico- legal journal. New York, N.Y. 13 The American psychological journal. New York, N.Y. 13 The American psychological journal. Cincin- nati, Ohio. 14 Amicus curiae. Hartford, Conn. 15 Analekten fiir die gesamte Staatsarznei- kunde, oder Abhandlungen aus dem Ge- biete der gerichtlichen Medizin und der medizinischen Polizei. Berlin. 16 Analekten fiir die Staats-Arzneiwissen- schaft. 72 Analele Institutului de Medicina Legala. Cluj. 16a Anales de higiena publica y medicina legal. Buenos Aires. 17 Anales de la asistencia publica. Buenos Aires. 17 Anales de la Clinica Médico-Forense de Madrid. Madrid. 18 Anales de medicina legal, psiquiatria y anatomia patolégica. Barcelona. 19 Anales del Departamento Nacional de Hi- giene. Buenos Aires. 17 Anales del Instituto de Medicina Legal. Buenos Aires. 20 Annalen der gesammten Staatsarzneikunde. Tiibingen. 113 Annalen der Staatsarzneikunde. Freiburg. 113 Annalen der Staatsarzneykunde. Ziillichau (Brandenburg). 21 Annales d’hygiéne publique et de médecine légale. Paris. 22 Annales d’hygiéne publique, industrielle et sociale. Paris. 22 Les annales de droit international médical. Monaco. 23 Annales de I'Institut de Médecine Légale de I'Université de Lyon. Lyon. 24 Annales de la Société de Médecine Légale de Belgique. Charleroi. 25 Annales de médecine légale, criminologie, police scientifique et toxicologie. Paris. 26 Annales de médecine légale, de criminologie et de police scientifique. Paris. 26 Annales de médecine légale et de criminolo- gie, police scientifique, médicine sociale et toxicologie. Paris. 26 Annales de psychiatrie et d’hypnologie dans leurs rapports avec la psychologie et la médecine légale. Paris. 27 Annales Instituti medico-legalis Universitatis Helsingensis. Helsinki. 28 Annales médicales belges. Bruxelles. 29 Annales médico-légales belges. Bruxelles. 29 Annales médico-psychologiques. Paris. 30 Annales médico-psychologiques. Revue psy- chiatrique. Paris. 30 Annali del Laboratorio di Medicina Legale dell’Universita di Bologna. Imola. 31 Annali dell’Istituto Medico-Legale per I’Aero- nautica. Roma. 32 Annual report and statement of accounts of Medical Defence Union. London. 33 Annual report of Medical Defence Union. London. 33 Annuario (ufficiale) dell’Istituto Medico- Legale per I’Aeronautica. Roma. 36 L’anomalo. Napoli. 37 Archiv der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Psy- chiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie. Neuwied ; Leipzig. 38 Archiv der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Psy- chiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie ver- bunden mit Correspondenz-Blatt. Leipzig. 38, 107 Archiv der deutschen Medicinalgesetzge- bung und offentlichen Gesundheitspflege fiir Arzte, Apotheker und Beamte. Er- langen. 39 Archiv der gerichtlichen Arzneywissenschaft fiir Rechtsgelehrte und Aerzte. Luckau and Leipzig. 40 Archiv der medizinischen Polizei und der ge- meinniitzigen Arzneikunde. Leipzig. 41 Archiv der Staatsarzneikunde. Berlin. 42 Archiv fiir Erforschung und Bekdmpfung des Selbsmordes. Augsburg. 43 Archiv fiir gerichtliche Medizin und Krimi- nologie. Kanazawa; Tokyo. 136 Archiv fiir medicinische Erfahrung. Berlin. 44 Archiv fiir medizinische Erfahrung im Ge- biete der praktischen Medicin, Chirurgie, 79 Geburtshiilfe und Staatsarzneikunde. Ber- lin. 44 Archiv fiir medizinische Erfahrung im Ge- biete der praktischen Medizin und Staats- arzneikunde. Berlin. 44 Archiv fiir praktische Medizin und Klinik. Berlin. 44 Archiv fiir Psychologie fiir Arzte und Juris- ten. Heidelberg. 45 Archiv fiir Toxikologie. Fiihner-Wielands Sammlung von Vergiftungsfillen. Leipzig; Berlin. 46 Archiv gerichtlich-medicinischer vor den Assisen des Konigreichs Hannover ver- handelter Fille. Celle. 47 Archives belges de médecine sociale et d’hygiene et revue de pathologie et de physiologie du travail. Bruxelles. 48 Archives belges de médecine sociale, hygiéne, médecine du travail et médecine légale. Bruxelles. 48 Archives d’anthropologie criminelle, de criminologie et de psychologie normale et pathologique. Paris. 49 Archives d’anthropologie criminelle, de médecine légale et de psychologie normale et pathologique. Paris; Lyon. 49 Archives de I’'anthropologie criminelle et des sciences pénales. Paris. 49 Archives de I'Institut de Médecine Légale et Médecine Sociale de Lille. Lille. 50 Archives de médecine légale, psychiatrie judiciaire et criminalistique de Varsovie. Warszawa. 58 Archives de médecine sociale et d’hygiene. Bruxelles. 48 Archives de médecine sociale et d’hygiene et revue de pathologie et de physiologie du travail. Bruxelles. 48 Les archives du droit médical et de ’hygiéne. Paris. 51 Archives internationales de médecine légale. Paris; Bruxelles; Liege. 52 Archivio della Societa lombarda di Medicina legale e delle Assicurazioni. Pavia. 52a Archivio delle psicopatie sessuali. Roma. 274 Archivio di antropologia criminale, psichia- tria e medicina legale. Torino, ete. 200 Archivio di antropologia criminale, psichia- tria, medicina legale e scienze affini. To- rino. 200 Archivio di psichiatria, antropologia crimi- nale e scienze penali. Torino. 200 Archivio di psichiatria, neuropatologia, an- tropologia criminale e medicina legale. Torino, ete. 200 Archivio di psichiatria, scienze penali ed antropologia criminale. Torino, ete. 200 Archivio italiano per le malattie nervose e mentali. Milano. 275 Archivo de medicina legal. Lisboa. 53 Archivos argentinos de neurologia. Buenos Aires. 248 Archivos brasileiros de psiquiatria, neuro- logia e ciéncias afins. Rio de Janeiro. 61a Archivos chilenos de medicina legal. Santi- ago. 54 Archivos da Sociedade de Medicina Legal e Criminologia de Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo. 62 Archivos de criminologia, medicina legal e psiquiatria. Buenos Aires. 56 Archivos de medicina legal. Buenos Aires. 55 Archivos de medicina legal e identificacao. Rio de Janeiro. 64 Archivos de psiquiatria y criminologia apli- cadas a las ciencias afines. Buenos Aires. 56 Archivos do Instituto de Medicina Legal de Lisboa. Lisboa. 57 Archivos do Instituto Nina Rodrigues. Bahia. 57a Archiwum medycyny sadowej, psychiatrii sadowe]j i kryminalistyki. Warszawa. 58 Arhiva Institutului de Medicina Legala, Uni- versitatea de Cluj. Cluj. 58a Arkhiv kriminologii i sudebnol meditsiny. Khar’kov. 59 Arkhiv psikhiatrii, neirologii i sudebnol psikhopatologii. Khar’kov; Varshava; S. Peterburg. 60 Arkhiv sudebnoi meditsiny i obshchestvennol gigieny. Sanktpeterburg. 61 Arquivos brasileiros de neuriatria e psiquia- tria. Rio de Janeiro. 61a Arquivos brasileiros de psiquiatria, neuro- logia e medicina legal. Rio de Janeiro. 61a 80 Arquivos da Sociedade de Medicina Legal e Criminologia de S. Paulo. Sao Paulo. 62 Arquivos de medicina legal. Rio de Janeiro. 63 Arquivos de medicina legal e identificacao. Rio de Janeiro. 64 Arquivos do Instituto Médico-Legal e Gabi- nete de Identificacdo. Rio de Janeiro. 63, 64 ASVG und Begutachtung. Wien. 227 Atti dell’Istituto di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni dell’Universita di Padova. Padova. 65 Atti della Societa di Medicina Legale Sede in Roma. Roma. 66 Atti di Associazione Italiana di Medicina Legale (e delle Assicurazioni). Torino. 200 Aufsiatze und Abhandlungen aus der Gebiete der Medicin, Chirurgie und Staatsarznei- kunde. Berlin. 68 Aufséitze und Beobachtungen aus der ge- richtlichen Arzeneywissenschaft. Berlin. 69 Auswahl gerichtlich-medicinischer Unter- suchungen nebst Gutachten. Prag. 70 Auswahl medicinisch-gerichtlicher Gutachten der Konigl. wissenschaftlichen Deputation fiir das Medicinalwesen. Berlin. 181 Avvisatore sanitario, legale, amministrativo, professionale. Torino. 71 Beitriage zum Archiv der medicinischen Polizei und der Volksarzneikunde. Leipzig. 72 Die Beitrédge zur forensischen Medizin. Ber- lin. 73 Beitrige zur gerichtlichen Arzneigelahrtheit und medicinischen Polizei. Weimar. 74 Beitriage zur gerichtlichen Medizin. Wien; Leipzig; Wien. 75 Beitrige zur gerichtlichen Psychologie. Halle. 76 Beitriage zur offentlichen und gerichtlichen Arzneikunde. Braunschweig; Frankfurt a/M.T7 Beitriage zur Staats-Arzneiwissenschaft und Kunst. Erlangen. 78 Beitrige zur Wundarzneikunst und gericht- lichen Arzneikunde. Coblenz. 206 Beitridge zur Wundarzneykunst und gericht- lichen Arzneykunde. Jena. 79 Belgisch archief van sociale geneeskunde, hygiéne, arbeidsgeneeskunde en gerecht- elijke geneeskunde. Brussel. 48 Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen aus der Geburtshiilfe und gerichtlichen Medicin. Gottingen. 80 Beytriage zur gerichtlichen Arzneygelahrt- heit. Frankfurt. 81 Beytriage zur gerichtlichen Arzneykunde fiir Arzte, Wundirzte und Rechtsgelehrte. Wien. 82 Biblioteca de medicina legal y ciencias afines. Buenos Aires. 83 Biblioteca medico-legale. Pisa. 84 Biblioteca pratica di medicina legale. Milano. 85 Bibliothek fiir Physiker. Konigsberg. 21, 180 Bijdragen tot geneeskundige staatsregeling. Amsterdam. 86 Biulleten’ po voprosam sudebnoi meditsiny i pogranichnykh oblastei. Moskva. 87 Blitter fiir Medizinal-Gesetzgebung und offentliche Gesundheitspflege. Wien. 88 Blitter fiir Psychiatrie. Erlangen. 45 Blatter fiir Staatsarzneikunde. Wien. 89 Boletim do Departamento Médico Legal do Estado de Parana. Curitiba. 90 Boletim do Instituto “Oscar Freire.” Sao Paulo. 91 Boletim do Servico Médico-Legal. Sao Paulo. 92 Boletim policial. Rio de Janeiro. 63 Boletin de informacion de la Asociacion Nacional de Médicos Forenses. Madrid. 93 Budapesti orvosi ujsag. Budapest. 154 Bulletin de la Société de Médecine Légale de France. Paris. 94 Bulletin de la Société de Médecine Légale de Paris. Paris. 94 Bulletin de médecine légale. Lyon. 95 Bulletin de médecine légale et de toxicologie médicale. Lyon. 95 Bulletin mensuel de I’Office International d’Hygiéne Publique. Geneva. 140 81 Bulletin of the Medico-Legal Society. New York, N.Y. 96 Bulletin of the Medico-Legal Society, New York. Psychological Section. New York, N.Y. 97 Bulletin of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Virginia. Richmond, Va. 184 Bulteno de la jurmedicina instituto de la medicina fakultato de Nagasaki. Naga- saki. 202 C. Canstatt’s Jahresbericht iiber die Fort- schritte der Staatsarzneikunde im Jahre . . . Wiirzburg. 98 Canadian Society of Forensic Science news- letter. Ottawa. 97a Canstatt’s Jahresbericht iiber die Fort- schritte in der gesammten Medicin. 7. Band Staatsarzneikunde. Erlangen; Wiirzburg. 98 Centralarchiv fiir die gesammte Staats- arzneikunde. Regensburg; Ansbach. 333 Centralblatt fiir Nervenheilkunde, Psychia- trie und gerichtliche Psychopathologie. Leipzig. 99 Centralblatt fiir Nervenheilkunde und Psy- chiatrie. Leipzig. 99 Ceskoslovengkéa patologie. Praha. 302 Chirurgische Bibliothek. Gottingen. 149 The Citation. Chicago, Ill. 100 Cleveland-Marshall law review. Cleveland, Ohio. 101 Collected papers of the American Board of Legal Medicine, Inc. New York, N.Y. 102 Collectio opusculorum selectorum ad medi- cinam forensem spectantium. Lipsiae. 103 Compensation medicine. New York, N.Y. 104 Compensation medicine newsletter. New York, N.Y. 105 Coroner. Decatur, Ill. 106 Correspondenz-Blatt der Deutschen Gesell- schaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie. Neuwied. 107 Cours de médecine légale de la Faculté de Médecine de Paris. Paris. 108 Critica penale e medicina legale. Bologna. 108a Current medicine for attorneys. Newton Center, Mass.; South Miami, Fla. 109 Czasopismo sadowo-lekarskie, poswiecone medycynie, psychjatrji sadowej i krymino- logji. Warzsawa. 110 D.M.L. Boletim semestral do Departamento Medico Legal do Estado de Parana. Curi- tiba. 90 La défense médicale. Bordeaux. 111 Deutsche Medizinal-Zeitung. Berlin. 193 Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte gericht- liche Medizin. Berlin. 112 Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die Staatsarznei- kunde. Tiibingen ; Freiburg; Erlangen. 113 Deutsches Arztrecht. Berlin. 114 Dialogues. Le médecin, le droit et la banque. Marseille. 115 Diritto sanitario. Roma. 116 Diritto sanitario moderno. Parma. 117 The Doctor and the law. Chicago, Ill. 119 The Doctor and the law. Fort Wayne, Ind.; Wheaton, Ill. 118 Droit et médecine. Paris. 120 Eskulap. Sudebnaia meditsina i vopros. S. Peterburk. 121 polovoi Folia medica. Napoli. 122 Folia medica. Rivista di medicina del lavoro e di medicina legale e delle assicurazioni sociali. Napoli. 122 Forenses. Madrid. 123 Forensic science circulars. London. 124 The Forensic Science Society journal. Bar- rogate, Yorkshire; London. 125 Forschung und Praxis. Wien. 227 Friedreich’s Blatter fiir gerichtliche Medicin und Sanitédtspolizei. Erlangen; Ansbach; Niirnberg. 126 Fiihner-Wielands Sammlung von Vergif- tungsfillen. Leipzig; Berlin. 46 Gazette médicale de France et des pays de langue francaise. Paris. 51 Gazzetta napolitana di psichiatria, medicina legale, malattie nervose. Napoli. 127 Gemeinniitzliches Wochenblatt physischer und medicinischer Kentnisse. Ziirich. 167 Gerichtlich-medicinische Beobachtungen. Konigsberg. 128 82 Gerichtlich-medizinische Fille und Abhand- lungen. Berlin; Neuwied. 129 Gerichtliche Medizin in Einzeldarstellungen. Berlin. 130 Gerichtsmedizinische Forschungen. Berlin. 131 Giornale del magnetismo ed ipnotismo. Fi- renze. 142 Giornale di medicina legale. Lanciano; Pavia. 132 Giornale di medicina legale, infortunistica e tossicologia. Parma. 133 Giornale per i medici periti guidiziari ed ufficiali sanitari. Napoli. 134 Hanzai to igaku. Tokyo. 135 Hanzaigaku zasshi. Tokyo. 136 Hoi gakkai zasshi. Tokyo. 137 Hoi, kanshiki narabini shakai igaku zasshi. Kanazawa. 138 Hoigakkwai syashi. Tokyo. 137 Hoigaku no jissai to kenkyu. Tokyo. 139 Hoigaku zasshi. Tokyo. 137 Inform letter. Wichita, Kansas. 139a International digest of health legislation. Geneva. 140 International microfilm journal of legal medi- cine. New York, N.Y. 141 L’ipnotismo. Rivista psicologica. Firenze. 142 L’ipnotismo. Rivista psicologica clinica, sperimentale, medicolegale, mensile. Fi- renze. 142 Jahrbuch der gesammten Staatsarzneikunde. Leipzig. 143 Jahrbuch der Staatsarzneikunde. Frankfurt a.M. 144 Jahrbiicher fiir Psychiatrie und Neurologie. Wien. 237 Jahresbericht aus der praktischen Unter- richtsanstalt fiir die Staatsarzneikunde an der konigl. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universi- tat zu Berlin. Berlin. 145 Jahresbericht der Unfallheilkunde, gericht- lichen Medizin und offentlichen Gesund- heitspflege fiir die drztliche Sachverstin- digenthitigkeit. Leipzig. 146 Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Staatsarzneikunde im Jahre . .. Er- langen. 98 Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen und Fort- schritte in der gesammten Medicin. Wiirz- burg. 98 Japanese journal of legal medicine. Tokyo. 212 Journal de médecine légale psychiatrique et d’anthropologie criminelle. Paris. 147 Journal de médecine mentale. Paris. 148 Journal fiir die Chirurgie, Geburtshiilfe und gerichtliche Arzneykunde. Jena. 149 Journal of forensic medicine. Cape Town; Johannesburg. 150 Journal of forensic sciences. Chicago, Ill. 151 The Journal of psychological medicine. New York, N.Y. 13 Journal of the Forensic Sciences Association of Thailand. Bangkok. 151a Journal of the Indian Academy of Forensic Sciences. Calcutta. 151b Juristisch-psychiatrische Grenzfragen. Halle a.S. 152 Kanazawa hanzaigaku zasshi. Kanazawa. 136 Kobe Ika Daigaku. Hoigaku Kenkyusho. Hokoku. Kobe. 153 Kozegészségiigy és torvényszéki orvostan. Budapest. 155 Kozegészsegligyi és torvényszéki orvostudo- manyi szemle. Budapest. 154 Kriminalisticky sbornik. Praha. 302 Kritische Annalen der Staatsarzneikunde fiir das neunzehnte Jahrhundert. Berlin. 156 Kritische Jahrbiicher der Staatsarzneikunde fiir das neunzehnte Jahrhundert. Berlin. 157 Law-medicine series. Cleveland, Ohio. 158 The Legal examiner and medical jurist. Lon- don. 159 The Legal examiner, weekly reporter, and journal of medical jurisprudence. London. 159 Legislative roundup. Chicago, Ill. 160 83 M.D. A journal for medical defense. New York, N.Y. 161 M.D. Medical legislative digest. Chicago, Ill. 162 Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzeneikunde und medicinische Polizei. Stendal. 163 Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzeneiwissen- schaft. Berlin. 164 Magazin fiir die Staatsarzneikunde. Leipzig. 165 Magazin fiir die technische Heilkunde, 6ffent- liche Arzneiwissenschaft und medicinische Gesetzgebung. Ulm. 166 Magazin fiir gemeinniitzige Arzneykunde und medicinische Polizey. Ziirich. 167 Magazin fiir philosophische, medicinische und gerichtliche Seelenkunde. Wiirzburg. 168 Magnetismo ed ipnotismo. Firenze. 142 Materialien fiir die Staatsarzneikunde und Jurisprudenz. Konigsberg. 169 Materialien fiir die Staatsarzneiwissenschaft und praktische Heilkunde. Jena; Meinin- gen. 170 Meddelelser fra Universitetes Retsmedicinske Institut. Kgbenhavn. 171 Médecine légale et reparation du dommage corporel. Paris. 26 Medical times and Long Island medical jour- nal. New York, N.Y. 214 Medical trial technique quarterly. Mundelein, IL. 172 Medicina forense. Cérdoba, Arg. 173 Medicina legal. Guadalajara. 174 Medicina legal. Madrid. 174a Medicina legale. Milano. 175 Medicina legale e delle assicurazioni. Genova. 176 Medicinal-Gesetzgebung. Zeitschrift . . . Ber- lin. 177 Medicine, science and the law. London. 178 Medicinisch-gerichtliche Beobachtungen nebst ihrer Beurtheilung. Strasburg. 81, 179 Medicinisch-gerichtliche Bibliothek. Konigs- berg. 180 Medicinisch-gerichtliche Gutachten der Ké- niglichen preussischen wissenschaftlichen Deputation fiir das Medicinalwesen. Ber- lin; Leipzig. 181 Der medicinische Richter oder Acta physico- medico-forensia Collegii Medici Onoldini. Onoldinum (Ansbach). 182 11 Medico legale. Roma. 182a The Medico-legal and criminological review. London. 187 Medico-legal bulletin. Fort Wayne, Ind. 183 Medico-legal bulletin. Richmond, Va. 184 Medico-legal digest of the Colorado State Medical Society. Denver, Colo. 185 The Medico-legal journal. London. 187 The Medico-legal journal. New York, N.Y. 186 Medico-legal monographs. Cape Town. 188 The Medico-legal reporter. Boston, Mass.; Miami, Fla. 189 Medico-legal studies. New York, N.Y. 190 Medicolegal cases. Chicago, Ill. 191 Medicolegal digest. Chicago, Ill. 192 Medizinal-Gesetzgebung. Berlin. 193 Medizinisch-juristische Grenzfragen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Psychi- atrie und Neurologie. Halle a.S.; Jena. 194 Medizinische Aufsitze fiir Arzte und Rechts- gelehrte. Wittenberg; Zerbst. 195 Der medizinische Sachverstindige. Berlin. 196 Memorabilien der Heilkunde, Staatsarznei- wissenschaft und Thierheilkunst. Ziilli- chau. 197 Merkwiirdige Criminalrechtsfille fiir Rich- ter, Gerichtsirzte, Vertheidiger und Psy- chologen. Hannover. 198 Methods of forensic science. New York, N.Y. 199 Minerva medicolegale. Torino; Milano. 200 Monografie di medicina legale e delle as- sicurazioni. Pavia. 201 Morphologiai és igazsigiigui orvosi szemle. Budapest. 201a Nagasaki Ika Daigaku. Hoigaku Kyoshitsu. Gyoho. Nagasaki. 202 Nagasaki Ika Daigaku. Hoigaku Kyoshitsu. Gyoseki shu. Nagasaki. 203 National coroner. Milwaukee, Wis. 204 84 Nelson’s American lancet. Plattsburgh, N.Y. 205 Nelson’s Northern lancet, and American journal of medical jurisprudence. Platts- burgh, N.Y. 205 Neue Auswahl medicinisch-gerichtlicher Gu- tachten der Koniglichen wissenschaft- lichen Deputation fiir das Medicinal-We- sen. Berlin. 181 Neue Beitrige zur Wundarzneykunst und gerichtlichen Arzneykunde. Coblenz; Frankfurt a.M. 206 Neue gerichtlich-medicinische Beobachtun- gen. Konigsberg. 207 Neue Materialien fiir die Staatsarzneiwissen- schaft und praktische Heilkunde. Meinin- gen. 170 Neue Sammlung kleiner academischer Schrif- ten iiber Gegenstinde der gerichtlichen Arzneygelahrtheit und medicinischen Rechtsgelehrsamkeit. Altenburg. 208 Neues Archiv fiir medicinische Erfahrung. Berlin. 44 Neues Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arznei- kunde und medicinische Polizei. Stendal. 209 Neues Magazin fiir philosophische, medici- nische und gerichtliche Seelenkunde. Wiirz- burg. 168 Neuronio. Sao Paulo. 210 Nippon Hoi Gakkai. Sokai Enzetsu Yoshi. Kanazawa. 211 Nippon Hoi Gakkai. Sokai kaishi. Kanazawa. 211 Nippon Hoi Gakkai. Zasshi. Tokyo. 212 Nippon hoigaku zasshi. Tokyo. 212 Northern lancet and gazette of legal medi- cine. Plattsburgh, N.Y. 205 Nuova rivista di psichiatria, neuropatologia, medicina legale, antropologia criminale e terapia. Napoli. 213 Orvosi hétilap. Budapest. 155 Papers and proceedings of the Society of Medical Jurisprudence. New York, N.Y. 214 Papers of the Society of Medical Jurispru- dence. New York, N.Y. 214 Papers read before the Medico-Legal Society of New York. New York, N.Y. 215 Personal injury annual. Albany, N.Y. 216 Personal injury law journal. New York, N.Y. 217 Personal injury newsletter. Albany, N.Y. 218 The Physician and Bulletin of the Medico- Legal Society. New York, N.Y. 219 The Physician and pharmacist and the Bulle- tin of the Medico-Legal Society. New York, N.Y. 96, 219 The Physician and the pharmacist. New York, N.Y. 219 The Physician’s legal brief. Bloomfield, N.J. 220 Practicing Law Institute’s forum series on personal injuries. New York, N.Y. 221 Praktika sudebnopsikhiatricheskoi eksper- tizy. Moskva, RSFSR. 222 Il pratico. Firenze. 223 La pratique médico-légale. Paris. 224 Pratsy belaruskaga dziarzhaunaga instutitu [sic] kryminalégii, kryminalistyki i su- doval ekspertyzy NKIU BSSR. Mensk, BSSR. 225 Praxis der arztlichen Begutachtung. Wien. 227 Probleme de medicina judiciara si crimina- listica. Bucuresti. 226 Probleme de medicina legala si ecriminalistica. Bucuresti. 226 Probleme der drztlichen Gutachtens. Wien. 227 Problemy obshchei i sudebnoi psikhiatrii. Moskva, RSFSR. 228 Problemy sudebnoi RSFSR. 228 Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Chicago, Ill. 229 Proceedings of the Canadian Society of For- ensic Science. Ottawa. 229a The Proceedings of the Medico-Legal Society of New South Wales. Sydney. 230 Proceedings of the Medico-Legal Society of Victoria. Melbourne. 231 Proceedings of the seminar and business meeting of the Ohio State Coroners’ Asso- ciation. Cleveland, Ohio. 232 psikhiatrii. Moskva, Proceedings of the seminar of National Asso- ciation of Coroners. Cleveland, Ohio. 233 Proceedings of the Society of Medical Juris- prudence and State Medicine. New York, N.Y. 234 Protocolo medico-forense. Teruel. 235 Psiquiatria y criminologia. Buenos Aires. 260 Psychiatrie und Recht. Wien. 236 Psychiatrisches Centralblatt. Wien. 237 The Psychological and medico-legal journal. New York, N.Y. 13 The Public health court digest. New York, N.Y. 238 Publicazione di Istituto di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni dell’Universitd di Tri- este. Trieste. 238a Quaderni della rivista di medicina legale e legislazione sanitaria. Pavia. 239 Quaderni di medicina legale. Milano. 240 Quaestiones medicinae forensis. Lipsiae. 241 The Quarterly journal of psychological medi- cine and medical jurisprudence. New York, N.Y. 13 Rassegna di diritto sanitario. Roma. 242 Rassegna giuridica, tecnica e sanitaria. Roma. 242 Rechtsprechung und Medicinal-Gesetzge- bung. Berlin. 243 Recueil international de législation sanitaire. Geneve. 140 Repertorium fiir das Neueste aus der Staats- arzneywissenschaft und inneren prakti- schen Heilkunde. Braunschweig. 244 Repertorium fiir die 6ffentliche und gericht- liche Arzneiwissenschaft. Berlin (Pots- dam). 245 Repertorium fiir die 6ffentliche und gericht- liche Arzney-Wissenschaft. Berlin. 246 Retslaegeraadets aarsberetning. Kgbenhavn. 247 Revista Argentina de neurologia, psiquiatria y medicina legal. Buenos Aires. 248 Revista brasileira de criminologia e medicina legal. Rio de Janeiro. 248a Revista de criminologia e medicina legal. Sao Paulo. 249 Revista de criminologia, psiquiatria y medi- cina legal. Buenos Aires. 250 Revista de derecho sanitario. Buenos Aires. 251 Revista de medicina forense y criminalistica. Habana. 252 Revista de medicina legal. Madrid. 253 Revista de medicina legal, criminologia y psi- quiatria forense. Barcelona. 254 Revista de medicina legal de Colombia. Bo- gota. 255 Revista de medicina legal de Cuba. Havana. 256 Revista de medicina legal de Venezuela. Ca- racas. 256a Revista de medicina legal e ciéncias afins. Ribeirao Preto. 256b Revista de medicina legal, psiquiatria e cién- cias afins. Ribeirao Preto. 256b Revista de medicina legal y jurisprudencia médica. Rosario. 257 Revista de medicina legala. Bucuresti. 258 Revista de neurologia, psiquiatria y medicina legal del Uruguay. Montevideo. 259 Revista de psiquiatria. Santiago. 261 Revista de psiquiatria y criminologia. Buenos Aires. 260 Revista de psiquatria y disciplinas conexas. Lima. 262 Revista de psiquiatria y disciplinas conexas. Santiago. 261 Revista médico-legal. Bahia. 263 Revista médico-professional. Barcelona. 264 Revista Mexicana de psiquiatria, neurologia y medicina legal. Mexico, D.F. 265 Revista Mexicana de psiquiatria, neurologia y neurocirurgia. Mexico. D.F. 265 Revista penal e penitenciaria. Sao Paulo. 92 Revue d’hypnologie théoretique et pratique. Paris. 27 Revue de déontologie et d’intéréts profession- nels médicaux. Paris. 266 Revue de droit médical. Paris. 267 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie. Bruxelles. 52, 268 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie, et Archives internationales de médecine 1é- gale. Louvain. 268 Revue de médecine légale. Paris. 269 86 Revue de médecine légale, de psychiatrie légale et de criminologie. Varsovie. 110 Revue de médecine légale et de jurisprudence médicale. Paris. 269 Revue de médecine légale, jurisprudence mé- dicale, accidents du travail. Paris. 269 Revue de médecine légale, jurisprudence mé- dicale, assistance et hygiene sociales, in- téréts professionnels, enseignement et his- toire de la médecine. Paris. 269 Revue de médecine légale psychiatrique et d’anthropologie criminelle. Paris. 147 Revue de pathologie et de physiologie du tra- vail. Bruxelles. 48 Revue de psychiatrie, de neurologie et d’hyp- nologie. Paris. 27 Rivista di diritto e giurisprudenza. Patologia speciale e medicina forense. Modena. 270 Rivista di medicina legale e di giurisprudenza medica. Milano. 271 Rivista di medicina legale e di giurisprudenza medica con riguardo alle questioni degli infortuni sul lavoro. Pisa; Siena. 271 Rivista di medicina legale e legislazione sani- taria. Pavia. 272 Rivista mensile di neuropatologia e psichia- tria. Roma. 274 Rivista mensile di psichiatria forense, antro- pologia criminale e scienze affini. Napoli. 273 Rivista quindicinale di psicologia, psichia- tria, neuropatologia ad uso dei medici e dei giuristi. Roma. 274 Rivista sperimentale di freniatria e medicina legale delle alienazioni mentali. Reggio Emilia. 275 Rivista sperimentale di freniatria e di medi- cina legale in relazione con l’antropologia e le science giuridiche e sociali. Reggio Emilia. 275 Russkii meditsinskii vestnik. S. Peterburg. 60 Saggi di medicina legale. Milano. 276 Saiban igakkai zasshi. Tokyo. 137 Salernum. Salerno. 277 Sammlung gerichtlicher Entscheidungen auf dem Gebiete der 6ffentlichen Gesundheits- pflege. Berlin. 278 Sammlung gerichtlichsirztlicher Gutachten der Prager Medicinischen Facultit. Prag; Leipzig. 279 Sammlung Jurisprudenz - Medizin - Philoso- phie-Theologie. Innsbruck. 280 Sammlung kleiner academischer Schriften liber Gegenstinde der gerichtlichen Arz- neygelahrtheit und medicinischen Rechts- gelehrsamkeit. Altenburg. 281 Sammlung medicinischer Gutachten. Bress- lau and Hirschberg; Bresslau, Hirschberg and Lissa. 282 Sammlung Medizin - Philosophie - Theologie. Innsbruck. 280 Sammlung verschiedener medicinischer Res- ponsorum und Sektionberichte. Halle. 283 Sammlung von Vergiftungsfillen. Leipzig. 46 The Sanitarian. New York, N.Y. 284 The Sanitarian, and Organ of the Medico- Legal Society. New York, N.Y. 284 Sbornik nauchnykh rabot po meditsine i po- granichnym oblastiam. Moskva, RSFSR. 325 Sbornik nauchnykh rabot po voprosam sudeb- nol meditsiny, kriminalistiky, sudebnoi psikhiatrii i iurisprudentsii. Karaganda, Kazakh. SSR. 285 Sbornik nauchnykh rabot Saratovskogo ot- deleniia Vsesoiuznogo nauchnogo ob- shchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalis- tov. Saratov, RSFSR. 286 Sbornik nauchnykh statei Kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Vinnitskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. Vinnitsa, USSR. 287 Sbornik nauchnykh statei Odesskogo otde- leniia Ukrainskogo nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov. Odessa, USSR. 288 Sbornik nauchnykh statei Tashkentskogo nauchno-issledovatel’skogo instituta sudeb- noi ekspertizy. Tashkent, Uzbek. SSR. 289 Sbornik nauchnykh trudov Glavnogo biuro po sudebnomeditsinskoi ekspertize i Kafe- dry sudebnoi meditsiny Tashkentskogo me- ditsinskogo instituta. Tashkent, Uzbek. SSR. 289 87 Sbornik nauchnykh trudov Tashkentskogo nauchno-issledovatel’skogo instituta sudeb- noi ekspertizy. Tashkent, Uzbek. SSR. 289 Sbornik rabot Kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny i Biuro glavnoi sudebnomeditsinskoi eks- pertizy. Stalinabad, Tadzhik. SSR. 298 Sbornik rabot Nauchno-issledovatel’skogo in- stituta sudebnoi ekspertizy. Odessa, USSR. 290 Sbornik rabot po sudebno-meditsinskoi eks- pertize. Blagoveshchensk, RSFSR. 291 Sbornik rabot proizvedennykh v Laboratorii V. K. Anrepa. Khar’kov, Rossiia. 292 Sbornik sochinenii po sudebnoi meditsine, sudebnoi psikhiatrii, meditsinskol politsii, obshchestvennoi gigiene, epidemiologii, meditsinskoi geografii i meditsinskoi statis- tike. S. Peterburg. 293 Sbornik statei i referatov Saratovskogo ot- deleniia Vsesoiuznogo nauchnogo ob- shchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalis- tov. Saratov, RSFSR. 286 Sbornik statei Saratovskogo otdeleniia Vseso- iuznogo nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov. Saratov, RSFSR. 286 Sbornik trudov Biuro glavnoi sudebnomedi- tsinskoi ekspertizy i Kafedry sudebnoi me- ditsiny Erevanskogo meditsinskogo insti- tuta. Erevan, Armiansk. SSR. 294 Sbornik trudov Biuro glavnoi sudebnomedi- tsinskoi ekspertizy i Kafedry sudebnoi me- ditsiny Stalinabadskogo meditsinskogo in- stituta. Stalinabad, Tadzhik. SSR. 298 Sbornik trudov Biuro respublikanskoi sudeb- nomeditsinskoi ekspertizy i Kafedry sudeb- nol meditsiny Stalinabadskogo meditsin- skogo instituta. Stalinabad, Tadzhik. SSR. 298 Sbornik trudov Kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Pervogo Leningradskogo meditsinskogo in- stituta im. akad. I. P. Pavlova. Leningrad, RSFSR. 295 Sbornik trudov Nauchnogo obshchestva su- debnykh medikov i kriminalistov. Alma- Ata, Kazakh. SSR. 296 Sbornik trudov Nauchnogo obshchestva su- debnykh medikov Litovskoi SSR. Vil’nius, Litovsk. SSR. 297 Sbornik trudov Respublikanskogo biuro su- debnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy i Kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Tadzhikskogo gosudar- stvennogo meditsinskogo instituta im. Avitsenny. Dushanbe (formerly Stalina- bad), Tadzhik. SSR. 298 Sbornik trudov Respublikanskoi sudebno- meditsinskoi ekspertizy i Kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Stalinabadskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Stalinabad, Tadzhik. SSR. 298 Sbornik trudov sotrudnikov Biuro glavnoil sudebnomeditsinskol ekspertizy Minister- stva zdravookhraneniia Kazakhskoi SSR i Kafedry sudebnoi meditsiny Alma-Atin- skogo meditsinskogo instituta. Alma-Ata, Kazakh. SSR. 296 Scalpel and quill. Pittsburgh, Pa. 298a Selecta medica francofurtensia. Francofurti ad Viadrum ; Francofurti et Lipsiae. 295 Selected papers and discussions of the Society of Medical Jurisprudence. New York, N.Y. 214 Seminario de derecho penal y medicina legal. Santiago. 300 Soudné lékaiské posudky ceské lékaiské fa- kulty. Praha. 301 Soudni lékafstvi. Praha. 302 Sudebnaia meditsina i pogranichnye oblasti. Moskva-Leningrad, RSFSR. 303 Sudebno-meditsinskaia ekspertiza. Moskva; Moskva-Leningrad, RSFSR. 304 Sudebno-meditsinskaia ekspertiza. Tula, RSFSR. 305 Sudebnomeditsinskaia ekspertiza. Moskva, RSFSR. 306 Sudebnomeditsinskaia ekspertiza i krimina- listika na sluzhbe sledstviia. Stavropol’ n.K.; Groznyi, RSFSR. 307 Sudebno-meditsinskie zapiski. Kishinev, Mol- davsk. SSR. 308 Symposium on medicolegal problems. Phila- delphia, Pa. 309 Tidsskrift for nordisk retsmedicin og psykia- tri. Kristiania, Norway. 310 88 Tort and medical yearbook. Indianapolis, Ind. 311 Trabajos de la Comision de Medicina Legal é Higiene Publica, de la Real Academia de Ciencias Médicas, Fisicas y Naturales de la Habana. Habana. 312 Transactions of Medical Defence Union. Lon- don. 33 Transactions of the Massachusetts Medico- Legal Society. Cambridge, Mass. ; Boston, Mass. 313 Transactions of the Medico-Legal Society. London. 314 Transactions of the Medico-Legal Society of Ceylon. Colombo. 315 Travaux de I'Institut Médico-Légal de 1'Uni- versité de Copenhague. Kgbenhavn. 171 Trudy Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledova- tel’skogo instituta sudebnoi meditsiny Min- isterstva zdravookhraneniia SSSR. Mos- kva, RSFSR. 325 Trudy sudebnomeditsinskikh Ukrainy. Kiev, USSR. 316 ekspertov Vereinte deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die Staats- arzneikunde. Freiburg. 113 Die Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesell- schaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie und der Section fiir Psychia- trie und Anthropologie. Neuwied. 317 Die Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesell- schaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie und der Section fiir Staatsarz- neikunde und Psychiatrie. Neuwied. 317 Verhandlungen des Vereines fiir Staatsarz- neiwissenschaft in Berlin. Erlangen. 318 Versffentlichungen der Akademie fiir Staats- medizin. Diisseldorf. 318a Verosffentlichungen des Kaiserlichen Gesund- heitsamts. Berlin. 278 Verslag van de vergadering. Psychiatrisch- Juridisch Gezelschap. Amsterdam. 319 Vestnik klinicheskoi i sudebnoi psikhiatrii i nevropatologii. S. Peterburg. 320 Vestnik obshchestvennoi gigieny, sudebnoi i prakticheskoi meditsiny. S. Peterburg. 321 Vestnik sudebnoi meditsiny i obshchestven- nol gigieny. S. Peterburg. 322 Vierteljahrschrift fiir gerichtliche Medicin und offentliches Sanitdtswesen. Berlin. 323 Vierteljahrschrift fiir gerichtliche und of- fentliche Medicin. Berlin. 323 Voprosy kriminalistiki i sudebnoi ekspertizy. Dushanbe (formerly Stalinabad), Tadzhik. SSR. 324 Voprosy sudebnoi RSFSR. 325 Voprosy sudebnomeditsinskoi Ashkhabad, Turkmen. SSR. 326 Voprosy sudebnomeditsinskoi Moskva, RSFSR. 327 Vortrige der Gesellschaft der Gutachtirzte Osterreichs. Wien. 227 meditsiny. Moskva, ekspertizy. ekspertizy. What’s new in forensic sciences. Chicago, Ill. 327a Wiener medizinische Presse. Wien. 88 Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift. Wien. 227 Wochenschrift fiir die gesamte Heilkunde. Berlin. 323 Zacchia. Roma; Torino. 328 Zacchia nel secolo XX. Bologna. 329 Zdravotnicko-pravni sbornik. Praha. 330 Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte Arztrecht. Karls- ruhe. 331 Zeitschrift fiir die Geburtshiilfe in ihrer Be- ziehung auf die gerichtliche Medicin, und fiir die gerichtliche Medicin iiberhaupt. Gottingen. 80 Zeitschrift fiir die Staatsarzneikunde. Erlan- gen. 4 Zeitschrift fiir gerichtliche Medicin, 6ffent- liche Gesundheitspflege und Medicinalge- setzgebung. Wien. 332 Zentralarchiv fiir das gesamte gerichtliche und polizeiliche Medicinalwesen. Regens- burg; Ansbach. 333 Zentralblatt . . . see Centralblatt B. Index of Editors Editors-in-Chief, Directors, Editors, Members of Editorial Boards A Abba, Francesco (1862-1939) _________ 71 Abel, Rudolf Valentin Ludwig (1868 1942) _______ 323 Aguilla-Collantes, José (1891- )___ 123 Akaishi, Suguru ______________________ 139 Alexander, Marcel (ca 1895— | 48 Aliev, M. N.__________________________ 305 Alvares, C. Dionysio__________________ 57 Ameghino, Arturo (1880-1949) _______ 248 Amellino, Giovanni (ca 1845-1919) ____ 37 Anrep, Vasilii Konstantinovich (1852— TOI8] orci mmmcmm————— 292 Antheaume, André (1867-1927) _______ 147 Appelmans, René Ghislain (1896-1953) 48 Areshev, P. G.________________________ 308 Arkhangel’skii, Grigorii Ivanovich (1837-1899) ________________ 61 Agangen, TRAVA] .. cosas smmms sme 151a Ascarelli, Attilio (1875- ) 328 Atkinson, Stanley Bean (1874-1910)__ 314 Augustin, Friedrich Ludwig (1776- 1854) 89 Aureglia, L. __________________________ 23 Avdeev, Mikhail Ivanovich (1901- ) 327 Averbach, Albert (1902— ) ; lawyer_ 311 Azevedo Neves, Joao Alberto Pereira de (1877- ) 53, 57 B Baader, Ernst W. (1892-1962) ________ 196 Baillarger, Jules Gabriel Francois (1806-1891) _______________________ 30 Balthazard, Victor (1872-1950)____ 22, 26 Barreras y Fernandez, Antonio (1863— 1943) _ o_o __ 256 Barroso Mensaque, Manuel (ca 1885- cal940) ___________________________ 256 Barry, John Vincent William (1903- 19647?) __________ 231 Bastos, Fernando Oliveira (1908— )_ 210 Bayer, Wanda von____________________ 236 Becker, Ludwig (1844-1921) __________ 196 Beer, Hermann Hieronymus (1798- 1873) _ 237 Behrend, Friedrich Jakob (1803- 1889) _______________ 4, 318 Behrens, Behrend (1895- ) oo 46 Belbey, José C. (1894— ) 55, 83 Bell, Agrippa Nelson (1820-1911) Bell, Clark (1832-1918) _______ 97, 186, 190 Belli, Melvin Mouron (1907— ); lawyer. ____________________________ 311 Bellini, Ranieri (1819-1878) __________ 84 Benassi, Piero ________________________ 275 Beninde, Max (1874-1949) ____________ 323 Bergeron, Henri (1865— ) oo 269 Bernacchi, Luigi (? -1918) ________ 270 Bernstein, Johann Theodor Christian (1779-1854) ____________________ 79, 206 Bernt, Josef Johann (1770-1842) ______ ]2 Bertolani, Aldo (1883-19527?) _________ 275 Bigwood, Edouard Jean (1891-— )__ 48 Bischoff, Christian Heinrich Ernst (1781-1861) _________________ 78, (1987) Boéri, Enzo (1914 ) 23 Borrelli, Domenico ____________________ 242 Borrelli, Vincenzo ____________________ 242 Borri, Lorenzo (1864-1923) ___________ 270 Bosch, Raimundo (1893— | 257 Bournet, Albert (1854-1895) __________ 49 Breitenecker, Leopold (1902— )_75, 112 Brend, William Alfred (1873-1944); physician and lawyer._______________ 314 Bresler, Johann (1866-1942) __________ 152 Brierre de Boismont, Alexandre Jacques Francois (1798-1881) ____________ 22, 30 Brouardel, Georges (1869-1950?) ______ 22 Brouardel, Paul Camille Hippolyte (1837-1906) ____________________ 22, 108 Buchner, Ernst (1812-1872) __________ 126 Bucholz, Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian (1734-1798) _____________________ 74 Bund, Emanuel (1912- ); lawyer (TBO). mmm tiie ieiind 238 Buneev, Aleksei Nikolaevich (1892 1964) _____________________ 228 C Camps, Francis Edward (1905— )_- 178 Canepa, Giacomo _____________________ 176 Canstatt, Carl Friedrich (1807-1850) __ 98 Carrara, Mario (1866-1937) __________ 200 Carvalhal Ribas, Joao (1914- )-——- 210 90 Carvalho, Hilario Veiga de (1906— ) 210 Carvalho, Tasso Ramos_______________ 256b Casper, Johann Ludwig (1796-1864) ___ 323 Castellino, Nicolo (1893-1953) ________ 122 Castellino, Piero ______________________ 122 Cattabeni, Caio Mario (1911- )-___ 201 Cerise, Laurent Alexis Philibert (1807— IBBT) mee ca cin ame ——— 30 Churchman, James Alexander (1898- Yi BilC MP. eee eee eee meme 97a Coates, Sir Albert Ernest (1895-19677?) 231 Colin, Henri (1860-1930) _____________ 30 Coni, Emilio Ramén (1855-1928) ______ 17 Connery, George Edward (1906- ): journalist. _________________________ 7 Conradus, Johannes Godofredus________ 299 Corin, Gabriel Julien (1864-1919) ___ 25, 52 Coroleu y Borras, Wifredo (1877— 1964?) ________ _________ 254 Corrado, Gaetano (1858-1935) ________ 132 Cotes-Preedy, Digby (1875-1942) ; phy- sician and lawyer. __________________ 314 Coutagne, Jean Paul Henry (1846- 1895) _ eee 49 Cowley, Rafael A. (1837-1905) ________ 312 Craufurd, Edward Henry John________ 159 Crecchio, Luigi de (1832-1894) ________ 132 Criscione, Calogero (1919-— ) 328 Cromelinck, Constant (1814-1884)____ 29 Curry, Alan Stewart (1925- ); M.C. Path.,, M.A,, Ph. D,, F.R.I.C._.___ 199 D Dabout, Eugéne (1875-1949) Dallemagne, Jules Damerow, Heinrich Philipp August (1798-1866) Dardalhon, J. ________________________ 115 d’Avignon, Francis J._________________ 205 Davin, John P. (1885-1925) ___________ 161 Dawosky ______________________ 47 De Arcangelis, Eduardo (1867-1939) __ 132 De Buschere __________________________ 25 Dedichen, Henrik Arnold Thaulow (1863— ) J 310 Delasiauve, Louis Jean Francois (1804— 1803) cinimmmne Rm mmm————————— 148 Delgado Espinoza, Honorio Francisco (1892— ) 262 Dérobert, Léon (1910- A 26 Dervieux, Firmin (1873-1936) _____ 22, 224 de Sanctis, Sante (1862-1935) _________ 274 Devergie, Marie Guillaume Alphonse (1798-1879) ____ 22 de Visscher, Charles Joseph (1852— 1896) _ ____ 25 Di Tullio, Benigno (1896— Yi 328 Diaz Padroén, José Aurelio (1906— ) 252 Dickson, William Everard (ca 1890- 1945) ; laWTer. .-cermenmenmes mmm" 187 Dolakay, Hayrettin ___________________ 3 Domenici, Foleo (1907- Yimin 133 Dubowski, Kurt M. (1921- ) ; Ph.D._ 229 Dubuisson, Paul Emile (1847-1908) ___ 49 Duree, Wilbur Abram (1899-— )____ 104 Dutra, Frank Robert (1916— ) 229 E Echlov, Theodore G. (1913- } mmm 109 Eckert, William G. (1926- ) 139a Ehrhart, Gottlieb von (1763-1826) ____ 166 Eisenmann, Gottfried (1795-1867)____ 98 Elsner, Christoph Friedrich (1749- IBA) emi mmm mmm mii mm mie 180 Erlenmeyer, Adolph Albrecht (1822— IBY) mmm mmm bm 38, 107, 317 Erlenmeyer, Friedrich Albrecht (1849- 1926) 99 Eulenberg, Hermann (1814-18967) ____ 323 F Fabricius, Philippus Conradus (1714— 1774) 283 Fain, M. A. ___________________________ 291 Fairfield, Josephine Letitia Denny (ca 1880— ) ; physician and lawyer.__ 187 Falco, Giuseppe (1875-1941) __________ 328 Favero, Flaminio (1895- } em 62, 91 Feinberg, Ts. M.______________________ 228 Fernandez, Helvio ____________ 56, 248, 250 Ferrai, Carlo (1875-1953) ____________ 271 Ferreira, Arnoldo Amado (1896— ) 62 Fielitz, Friedrich Gottfried Heinrich (1749-1820) _______________________ 40 Filippi, Angiolo (1836-1905) _______ 84, 223 Filomusi-Guelfi, Gioele (1851-1918) ___ 132 Finger, August (1858-1935) ; lawyer.__ 152 91 Finger, Otto (1862-1917) Flaxman, Nathan (1907- ) Flemming, Carl Friedrich von (1799- 1880) Fodor, Jozsef (1843-1901) Fontecilla, Oscar (1881-1937) Formaggio, Tiziano G.________________ Foville, Archille Louis (1799-1878) ___ Frache, Giorgio (1912— ) Fraenckel, Paul (1874-19357) _________ Franchini, Aldo (1910 ) Friedelus, Johannes Joachimus ( 1 577 2 CE PE = Friedman, Melvin I. (1913- )- 216, Friedreich, Joannes Baptista (1796— 1862) _________________ 45, 126, 168, Friedrich, Christoph Frumer, Louis R.__________________ 216, Fiihner, Hermann (1871-1944) G Galanin, Modest Ivanovich (1852-1896) Gamburg, A. M._______________________ Gandevia, Bryan Harle (ca 1928- ) Garn, Johann Andreas (1755-1829) ___ Garraud, René (1849- ) Gauster, Moriz (1828-1895) ___________ Geouffre de la Pradelle, Paul (1902— ) Gerber, Samuel R. (1897— ) Gerin, Cesare (1906— Yee 276, Geuns, Johannes van (1808-1880) Gillard, Jules Goldstein, Irving (1897- Golin, Milton _________________________ Grice, Kenneth James (ca 1919- )__ Grinaldi, A. __________________________ Grishchenko, O. A. ____________________ Grosser, Julius (1835-1901) Gruhle, Hans Walter (1880-1958) Grzywo-Dabrowski, Wiktor (1885- Ye sr mr mr 58, Gudden, Hans (1866-19357) ___________ Guicciardi, Giuseppe (1872-1946) H Haberda, Albin (1868-1933) Hall, George E. (1910- (J.D.) 333 180 218 46 321 316 231 195 49 237 23 232 328 86 268 « 172 192 231 213 316 193 112 110 126 275 75 Hamilton, Allan McLane (1848-1919)__ 13 Hammond, William Alexander (1828- 1000) cmc simi mmm sss 13 Hasenest, Johann Georg (1688-1771) __ 182 Hastings, George Woodyatt___________ 159 Hecker, August Friedrich (1763-1811) 157 Hecker, Carl von (1827-1882) _________ 126 Heger-Gilbert, Fernand (1878-1957)__ 52 Helpern, Milton (1902- ) J 141 Henke, Adolph Christian Heinrich (A775-1848) oe. 4, 44 Hergt, Franz Joseph (1801-1851) _____ 113 Herschmann, Heinrich (1883-1933) ____ 1 Herzog, Alfred Waldemar (1866-1933) 186 Hoche, Alfred Erich (1865-1943) _____ 152 Hoépler, Erwin (1868-1932) ; lawyer... 1 Horn, Ernst (1774-1848) _____________ 44 Horn, Paul (1885-19457) _____________ 196 Horn, Wilhelm von (1803-1871) _______ 323 Hulme, S. E. K.______________________ 231 Hulston, John T.______________________ 231 I Iakovlev, Ia. M._______________________ 324 Ideler, Karl Wilhelm (1795-1860) _____ 181 Ilberg, Georg (1862-1942) _____________ 5 Ingegnieros, José (1877-1925) _________ 56 Ingeniéros—see: Ingegnieros Ingle, I. H(erbert?) _________________ 244 J Jorge, Theobaldo José_______________ 248a Jungmichel, Gottfried (1902- Yee 131 K Kalisch, Mauritius (1801—ca 1860) ____ 181 Kausch, Johann Joseph (1751-1825) __ 197 Kernbach, Mihail (1895- Vomit 16a Kerschensteiner, Josef von (1831-1896) 126 Kienle, Franz (1911- ) 331 Kind, Stuart Stanley; forensic sciences. 125 Kitchin, Derek Harcourt ______________ 187 Kleibius, Johannes Christianus_________ 299 Kleyb—see : Kleibius Klinger, Christoph (?) (1825-1882) ____ 126 Klug, Johann Christoph Friedrich (1775-1856) ________ 181 92 Knape, Christoph K(arl) (1747-1831) 156, 157 Koerner, Johannes ____________________ 114 Kolisko, Alexander (1847-1918) _______ 75 Konrad, Johann Gottfried—see: Conradus, Johannes Godofredus Kopp, Johann Heinrich (1777-1858) __ 144 Kornblitt, Herbert (1914— )___109, 189 Kostina, M. N.________________________ 307 Kovalevskii, Pavel Ivanovich (1849- TOTB cmc mm mie ——————— 60 Kraly, AntonioD. _____________________ 251 Kraus, Bernard (1828-1887) __________ 89 Kraus, Leopold Gottlieb________________ 332 Krombholz, Julius Vincenz (1782-1843) 70 Kiichenhoff, Giinther (1907- ); lawyer. ______ ______________________ 331 Kiihn, Johann Gottlieb (ca 1750— )_ 282 Kurdiumov, A. P._____________________ 295 L Lacasagne—see: Lacassagne Lacassagne, Jean Alexandre KEugéne (1843-1924) _______________________ 49 Laehr, Hans (1856-1929) _____________ 5 Laehr, Heinrich (1820-1905) _________ 5 Laguna, Stanislaw (1893-1962) _______ 58 Lapradelle—see: Geouffre de La Pradelle Lattes, Leone (1887-1954) ____________ 200 Laves, Wolfgang (1899— ) oe 112 Leclerq, Jules Augustin Joseph Reneld (1883-1949) _______________________ 50 Leibovich, Iakov Leontevich (1889- ) 304 Leidesdorf, Maximilian (1818-1889) ___ 237 Lépine, Jean (1876- ) ; physician and lawyer _________________________ 23 Leppmann, Arthur Silvius (1854-1921) 196 Leppmann, Friedrich (1872—ca 1940) _._ 196 Letort, Jean ooo 51 Levinson, Samuel Azor (1895- Ys MD,PhD.__________ 151, 309 Licurzi, Ariosto (1890-19517?) _________ 173 Litvak, A. S._____________ 307 Livi, Carlo (1823-1878) _______________ 275 Loder, Justus Christian von (1753 LIBBY. oc simi ismsiton mimi isms mm os 149 Lokhov, N. A.________________________ 327 Lombroso, Caesare (1835-1909) _______ 200 Longet, Francois Achille (1811-1871) __ 30 Loudet, Osvaldo (1889- ) 250, 260 Lovtsov, Sergei Pavlovich (1823-1877) 61, 293 Lundquist, Frank (1916-— ); Ph. D. 199 Lungwitz, Johannes Max, alias Hans (1881- ); M.D.,, Ph. D.__________ 73 Lunier, Ludger Jules Joseph (1822- LBBB) cee mmm mmm mmo smi me ii 30 Lush, G H.___________________________ 231 Luys, Jules Bernard (1828-1897) ______ 27 M Macaggi, Domenico (1891- ) 176 Machado, Alcantara (1875-1941) ; law- VOX. ecm ot mm mim SS Re i Sn 249 Mainenti, ¥. __________________________ 271 Maloine, A. ________ ______________ 94 Mann, Geoffrey Thomas (1915— )__ 184 Manunza, Paolo (1905— | Pr 176 Marc, Charles Chrétien Henri (1771- 1840) _ 22 Marcondes Machado, ¥. R._____________ 92 Martin, Etienne (1871-1949) _______ 24, 26 Martini, Rudolph Julius Albert (1801- Y mre s———— 113, 165 Mas de Xexas, J. Peris_________________ 19 Maschka, Josef (1820-1899) ___________ 279 Masius, Georg Heinrich (1770-1822)__ 6 Mason, Morton F. (1902- ); Ph.D._ 151 Matte Blanco, Ignacio (1908- )____ 261 Mead, Edward (1818-1883) ___________ 14 Meckel, August Albrecht (1790-1829) __ 76 Mei Gentilucei, Gilberto (?-1916)_____ 271 Mende, Ludwig Julius Caspar (1779- 1832) Merkel, Hermann (1873-1957) ________ 112 Merzheevskii, Ivan Pavlovich (1838- 1908) Messerer, Otto (1853-1932) ___________ 126 Mestre y Dominguez, Antonio (1834 1887) Metzger, Johann Daniel (1739-1805) 21, 128, 169, 180, 207 Meynert, Theodor (1833-1892) ________ 237 Minich, Karoly’ (ca 1870- Yoram 154 Minovici, Nicolae (1868-1941) ________ 258 Miranda y Torres, Ramon Luis (1836— 1910) 312 Mitchell, Charles Ainsworth (1867— 1948) 187 Mola, Giovanni _______________________ 117 Moreau de Tours, Jacques Joseph (1804-1884) ______________________ 30 Moreira, Juliano ____________________ 6la Moreira, Jalio ________________________ 90 Moriani, Giuseppe ____________________ 328 Morozov, Georgii Vasil’evich______ 222, 228 Moureau, Paul M. (1904- Ye cmnaame 2, 48 Miiller, Berthold (1898- ) 112 Miiller, Eduard Heinrich (1809-1875) __ 39 Miller, Max (1894— | 112 Miiller-Hess, Viktor (1883-1960) ; phy- sician and lawyer___________________ 112 Mulder, Gerardus Johannes (1802- 1880) ____ 86 N Nasse, Christian Friedrich (1778- 181) 44 Natho, G. W._________________________ 196 Nelson, Horace (1821- ) 205 Neureiter, Ferdinand von (1893- yo 1 Noback, Gustave Joseph (1890-1954?) _ 214 Norris, Donald Craig (ca 1890— )___ 187 0 Obarrio, Juan M. (ca 1880- Yeeeen 248 Obiglio, Julio Rodolfo Aldo (1901- ) 83 Oettel, Heinz (1903 ) 46 Orfila, Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure (1787-1858) .mmeemm—emm——m———— 22 Ortloff, Franz Hermann (1828- Y: lawyer and physician (?)____________ 129 Ottolenghi, Salvatore (1861-1934) _____ 328 P Palmieri, Vincenzo Mario (1900- ) 122, 277 Panick, Curt (1897-1963) _____________ 196 Peck, Samuel Mortimer (1900- ) 104, 105 Peixoto, Julio Afranio________________ 61a Pellattiil, Palo cms iris 31 Pellegrini, Rinaldo (1883- )___ 176, 240 Penta, Pasquale (1859-1904) __________ 273 Peon del Valle, Juan__________________ 265 Perez de Petinto y Bertomeu, Manuel Luis (1892- ) 18, 93 Perrone-Capano, Raffaele _____________ 273 Petit, Marcel; lawyer_________________ 267 Petrecca, Emilio ______________________ 242 Pichler, Wilhelm _____________________ 89 Piédeliévre, René (1891- oo 26 Pietrusky, Friedrich (1893— ) = 112 Piga Pascual, Antonio (1879-1952) ____ 253 Pitini, Andrea ________________________ 329 Placzek, Siegfried (1866-1939?) _______ 146 Plasencia Maydagan, Rafael (ca 1898- ) 252 Platnerus, Ernestus (1744-1818) ______ 241 Polaclt, M.. (7) me cms snsnsisinsssaain 47 Polli, Francesco ______________________ 329 Pomar, Anselmo _____________________ 235 Popov, Mikhail Nikolaevich (1865— ) 60 Porta, Virginio _______________________ 275 Prokop, Otto (1921— ) 112 Prozorovskii, Viktor II'ich (1901- ) 306, 325 Puppe, Georg (1867-1925) ____________ 112 Pyl, Johann Theodor (1749-1794) 69, 163, 209, 246 R Radzhabov, Soli Ashurkhodzhaevich (1912- ); lawyer. ______________ 324 Raffaele, Antonio (ca 1850— ) 134 Rahn, Johann Heinrich (1749-1812) ___ 167 Ramello, Candido _____________________ 71 Ramirez Moreno, Samuel (1909- )_ 265 Ramos Mejia, José Maria (1849-1914)_ 17 Rebonato, Rinaldo Gaetano____________ 117 Reggio; BR. nmin te serene 275 Reuter, Fritz (1875-1959) _____________ 75 Ribeiro, Leonidio de Souza (1893- ) enn sm——————————————————— 64 Ritti, Antoine (1844-1920)___________ 30 Robertson, Jeffrey Murray (ca 1910-— ) ; lawyer and coroner.__________ 187 94 Roche, Louis (1916— ) 95 Rojas, Nerio A. (1890- ) 20, 55 Roller, Christian Friedrich Wilhelm (1802-1878) _______________________ 5 Romanese, Ruggero (1886— Yomi 200 Roose, Theodor Georg August (1771— BOTY... ime mii tm 77 Roux-Delimal, J. _____________________ 51 Roychowdhury, A. B.________________ 151b Royo-Villanova y Morales, Ricardo (1899- ) ee _ 253 Rust, Johann Nepomuk (1775-1840) ___ 68 S Saccuri, Scipione _____________________ 122 Salles, Miguel ________________________ 64 Sapozhnikov, Tu. S.____________________ 316 Sawicki, Jerzy _______________________ 58 Schellworth, Walter Wilhelm (1900- TOBA mre sme mmr ms oe, 196 Scherer, Johann Joseph (1814-1869)__ 98 Scherf, Johann Christian Friedrich (1750-1818) ____________________ 41, 72 Schlegel, Johann Christian Traugott (1746-1824) _______________________ 103 Schlegel, Julius Heinrich Gottlieb (1772-1830) ois 170 Schlosser, L. _________________________ 46 Schmidt, Joseph Hermann (1804-1852) _ 181 Schmidtmann, Adolf L (udwig?) (1851— 911) 323 Schmied, Otto (1898-1962) ___________ 112 Schneider, Carl (1891- ) J 5 Schneider, Peter Joseph (1791-1871) __ 113 Schneider, Philipp (1896-1954) _______ 75 Schneider, Sigmund A. J.______________ 113 Schroeder, Oliver C., Jr._______________ 158 Schuchardt, Fedor (1848-1913)_______ 5 Schiirmayer, Heinrich Ignaz (1802- 1881) ___ 113 Schiitt, Eduard (1875-ca 1945) _______ 112 Schultze, Ernst (1865-1938) ___________ 112 Schuschny, Henrik ___________________ 154 Schwarz, Fritz (1898- ) 112 Schwarz, Hanns (1898- } cr mm 194 Schwarzacher, Walther (1892-1958) ___ 175 Schweickhard, Christian Ludwig (1746— 18287) vemmm mee ems 81, 179 Sciamanna, Ezio (1850-1905) Sedivy, Emil Josef (1872-1923); phar- macist (PhMr). ____________________ 330 Segal, Charles N.; lawyer_____________ 15 Sellari, Alfredo _______________________ 116 Serafini, Enrico ______________________ 270 Sergi, Giuseppe (1841-1936) __________ 274 Sergi, Sergio (1878- Y ce eer morse 200 Sethman, Harvey T. (1899— ) ; exec sec. of Colo. Med. Society____________ 185 Severi, Alberto (1853-1911) __________ 271 Shabat, Louis Willard (1907— Yeo 172 Shagylydzhov, K. _____________________ 326 Shapiro, Hillel Abbe (ca 1920- ); lawyer ____________________________ 150 Shershavkin, S. V.____________________ 298 Shmelev, Mikhail Nikolaevich (1834— 1896) _______________ 293, 321, 322 Siebert, August (1805-1855) __________ 4 Siebenhaar, Friedrich Julius (1802- 1862) _______ 4, 113, 165 Skopin, Ivan Vsevolodovich (1923- 1959) __ oo ______ 286 Slavik, Vladimir (1866-1933) _________ 301 Slot, Gerald Maurice Joseph (ca 1900— ) 187 Smeth, Joseph de______________________ 25 Somogyi, Endre _____________________ 201a Soprano, Domenico ___________________ 117 Stone, Evan; lawyer?_________________ 187 Strassman, Fritz (1858-1940) ____ 112, 323 Strassmann, Georg S. (1890— )____ 112 T Tamassia, Arrigo (1849-1917) ________ 132 Tamburini, Augusto (1848-1919) ______ 275 Tarde, Gabriel de (1843-1904) ________ 49 Tardieu, Ambroise Auguste (1818 1879) 22 Tesar, Jaromir (1912— ) J 302 Thoinot, Léon Henri (1858-1912) ___ 22, 108 Thurston, Gavin Leonard Bourdas (1911- i J. 187 Todd, R. K.; lawyer? __________________ 231 Torto, Olinto del______________________ 142 Tullio—see : Di Tullio Turner, Ralph Frederick (1917- ); criminologist _______________________ 229 U Uden, Konrad Friedrich (ca 1750- 1830?) eo 163 Ueno, Shokichi _______________________ 212 Uotila, Unto (1910- j J me 28 Uribe Cualla, Guillermo (1895- )__ 255 Vv Valdizan, Hermilio (1885-1929) ______ 262 Virchow, Rudolf Ludwig Karl (1821- LOO) om es etme mins remem ee im i i 98 Vivado Orsini, Arturo (ca 1900-1949) _ 261 Voncken, Jules _______________________ 23 Ww Wagner, Carl Wilhelm Ulrich (1793- 1846) _________ ___________ 44, 145 Wagner, Kurt (1905-1965) ____________ 46 Waitz—see: Weiz Walcher, Kurt (1891- | A 112, 130 Warnshuis, Frederick Cook (1880- 1990) conmmrmrrErsrm et ——————— 12 Wecht, Cyril Harrison (1931-— i M.D, LLB. cee cee seem erin 298a Weiz, Friedrich August (1739-1815) 208, 281 Wellington, Richard Henslowe (1862— 1940) ; physician and lawyer________ 314 Wells, George William (1841-1901) _ 96, 216 Wernich, Albrecht Ludwig Agathon (1843-1896) ______ WICHEE, WM. oe eee sere eee 266 Widy, Wladyslaw ____________________ 58 Wildberg, Christian Friedrich Ludwig (1765-1850) __________________ 143, 164 Woodward, William Creighton (1867— 1949) ___________________ 191 Wright-Smith, Redford John (ca 1900- Y srmeemEERs eRe Rm———— 231 Z Ziemke, Ernst (1867-1935) ___________ 112 Ziurek, Otto Oskar Albert (1821-1886)_ 39 Zuccarelli, Angelo _________________ 87, 127 C. Publishers and Sponsors Academia de Ciencias Médicas Fisicas y Naturales de la Habana. Habana. 312 Academia Latino-Americana de Neurologia, Psiquiatria e Medicina Legal. Sao Paulo. 210, 255 Académie Internationale de Médecine Légale et de Médecine Sociale. Bruxelles. 2 Accademia Internazionale di Applicazioni Medico-Antropologico-Sociali. Napoli. 37 Accademia Internazionale di Medicina Legale e Sociale. Roma. 328 Administracién Sanitaria y Asistencia Publica. Buenos Aires. 17 Akademia medyczna. Zaklad medycyny sadowej. Warszawa. 58 Akademie fiir Staatsmedizin. 318a American Academy of Compensation Medi- cine. New York, N.Y. 104, 105 American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Chicago, Ill. 151, 229, 327a American Board of Legal Medicine, Inc. New York, N.Y. 102 American Medical Association. Bureau of Legal Medicine and Legislation. Chicago, 111. 191 American Medical Association. Council on Legislative Activities. Chicago, Ill. 160, 162 American Medical Association. Council on Medical Service, Washington Office. Wash- ington, D.C. 8, 11 American Medical Association. Council on Medical Service and Public Relations, Washington Office. Washington, D.C. 8, 11 American Medical Association. Law Depart- ment. Chicago, Ill. 100 American Medical Association, Washington Office. Washington, D.C. 7-11 American Medico-Legal Association. Boston, Mass. 12 Amurskii oblastnyi otdel zdravookhraneniia. Blagoveshchensk, RSFSR. 291 Amurskoe oblastnoe otdelenie Vsesoiuznogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i krimi- nalistov. Blagoveshchensk, RSFSR. 291 Asociacién de Médicos Forenses. Madrid. 93 Diisseldorf. 96 Asociacién Nacional de Médicos Forenses. Madrid. 93 Asociacién Nacional del Cuerpo de Médicos Forenses. Madrid. 123 Association Belge de Médecine Sociale. Bru- xelles. 48 L’Association corporative des Etudiants en médecine de Paris. Paris. 266 Association Européenne des Centres de Lutte Contre les Poisons. Paris (?) 95 Association for Medical Defense. New York, N.Y. 161 Association Lyonnaise de Médecine Légale. Lyon. 95 Associazione Italiana di Torino. 200 Associazione Italiana di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni. Torino. 220 Medicina Legale. Belaruskii dziarzhaunyi instytut krimina- légii, kriminalistyki i sudovai ekspertyzy NKIU BSSR. Mensk, BSSR. 225 Bezirks- und Gerichts-Aerzten des Konig- reiches Sachsen. Dresden. 165 Biuro glavnol sudebnomeditsinskoi éksper- tizy. Erevan, Armiansk. SSR. 294 Biuro glavnol sudebnomeditsinskoi éksper- tizy. Kishinev, Moldavsk. SSR. 308 Biuro glavnoi sudebnomeditsinskoi é¢ksper- tizy. Stalinabad, Tadzhik. SSR. 298 Biuro glavnol sudebnomeditsinskoi é¢ksper- tizy Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia Ka- zakh. SSR. Alma-Ata, Kazakh. SSR. 296 Biuro respublikanskoi sudebnomeditsinskoi ¢kspertizy. Stalinabad, Tadzhik. SSR. 298 British Academy of Forensic Sciences. Lon- don. 178 Cadeira de Psiquiatria. Universidad de Chile. Santiago. 261 California Association of Criminalists. Los Angeles. 125 Canadian Society of Forensic Science. Ot- tawa. 97a, 229a Cape Town Medico-Legal Town. 188 Ceska 1ékarnicka spole¢nost. Praha. 330 Society. Cape Chicago Bar Association. Chicago, Ill. 309 Chicago Medical Society. Chicago, Ill. 309 Circulo de Médicos Legistas de Rosario. Rosario, Argentina. 257 Cleveland-Marshall Law School of Baldwin- Wallace College. Cleveland, Ohio. 101 Clinica Médico Forense de Madrid. Madrid. 18 Clinica Psiquiatrica. Universidad de Chile. Santiago. 261 Colorado State Medical Society. Denver, Colo. 185 Comitato Regionale di Medici e Chirurgi del’Emilia, Romagna e Marche. Reggio Emilia (?) 329 Commission Médico-Juridique. Monaco. 23 Congres de Médecine Légale de Langue Fran- caise. Paris. 26 Conselho Penitenciario. Sao Paulo. 249 Coroners’ Association of Illinois. Decatur, IIL (?) 106 Cuerpo de Médicos auxiliares de la Adminis- tracion de justicia y de la penitenciaria de Espana. Madrid. 235 Cuerpo de Médicos Forenses. Madrid. 253 Cuerpo Nacional de Médicos Forenses. Ma- drid. 123 Departamento Médico Legal do Estado de Parana. Curitiba. 90 Departamento Nacional de Higiena. Buenos Aires. 17 Department of Pathology and Pathological Histology, School of Medicine, University of Budapest. 201a Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir gerichtliche und soziale Medizin. Berlin. 46, 112 Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie. Gottingen. 38, 107,317 Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und Neurologie. Psychiatrische Abteilung. Berlin. 5 Deutsche Pharmakologische Gesellschaft. Berlin. 46 Deutscher Verein fiir Psychiatrie. Berlin. 5 Deutschland’s Irrenirzte. Berlin. 5 97 Direccion General de Asuntos Legales y Legislacion Sanitaria. Ministerio de Salud Publica. Buenos Aires. 251 Escuela de Medicina Legal. Madrid. 253 Facultad de Ciencias Juridicas y Sociales de la Universidad de Chile. Santiago. 300 Facultad de Medicina. Barcelona. 254 Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Medicina Forense. Barcelona. 19 Faculté de Médecine de Paris. Paris. 108 Forensic Science Society. London. 125 Forensic Sciences Association of Thailand. Bangkok. 151a Gabinete Medico-Legal. Sao Paulo. 249 Gabinete Nacional de Identificacién de la Républica de Cuba. Habana. 252 Gabinetto-Scuola di Antropologia Criminale della R. Universita di Napoli. Napoli. 37 Gesellschaft der Gutachtirzte Osterreichs. Wien. 227 Glavnaia sudebnomeditsinskaia ékspertiza Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia USSR. Kiev, USSR. 316 Glavnoe biuro po sudebnomeditsinskoi éks- pertize. Tashkent, Uzbek. SSR. 289 Glovnyil vrachebnyi inspektor Ministerva vnutrennykh del. S. Peterburg. 321 Gosudarstvennyi nauchno-issledovatel’skii institut sudebnoi meditsiny. Moskva, RSFSR. 87, 303 Groupement des Centres de Lutte Contre les Intoxications. Paris (?) 95 Groupement Francais des Centres de Lutte Contre les Intoxications. Paris (?) 95 Hoi Danwa Kai. Tokyo. 139 Hoigaku Kyoshitsu, Igakubu, Daigaku. Kanazawa. 138 Kanazawa Indian Academy of Forensic Sciences. Cal- cutta. 151b Institut de Médecine Légale de "Université de Lyon. Lyon. 24 Institut de Médecine Légale et de Médecine Sociale de "Université de Lille, Lille. 50 Institut Médico-Légal de I’Université de Copenhague. Kgbenhavn. 171 Institute of Medicine of Chicago. Chicago, 111. 309 Instituto de Criminologia. Buenos Aires. 250 Instituto de Criminologia de la Penitenciaria Nacional (de Buenos Aires). Buenos Aires. 56, 250 Instituto de Identificacdo. Rio de Janeiro. 64 Instituto de Medicina Legal, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires. 20 Instituto de Medicina Legal de Bogota. Bogota. 255 Instituto de Medicina Legal de Lisboa. Lis- boa. 53, 57 Instituto de Medicina Legal de Universidad Nacional de Cérdoba. Cérdoba. 173 Instituto de Medicina Legal Nina Rodrigues. Bahia. 57a Instituto de Medicina Legal “Oscar Freire.” Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo. 91, 249 Instituto Médico-Legal e Gabinete de Identi- ficacdo. Rio de Janeiro. 63 Institutul de Medicina Legala, Universitatea de Cluj. Cluj. 16a, 58a Institutul medico-legal “Professor Dr. Mina Minovici.” Bucuresti. 258 International Congress on Industrial Acci- dents and Diseases. Bruxelles. 48 International Reference Organization Forensic Medicine. Wichita, Kans. 139a Istituto di Antropologia Criminale della R. Universita di Napoli. Napoli. 37 Istituto di Medicina del Lavoro dell’Univer- sita-Policlinico. Napoli. 122 Istituto di Medicina Legale della R. Univer- sita. Parma. 240 Istituto di Medicina Legale della R. Uni- versita di Roma. Roma. 66, 328 Istituto di Medicina Legale e delle Assicura- zioni dell’Universita di Padova. Padova. 65 Istituto di Medicina Legale e delle Assicura- zioni dell’Universita di Trieste. Trieste. 238a Istituto Medico-Legale per I’Aeronautica. Ufficio Centrale di Sanita. Roma. 32, 36 Istituto Neuropsichiatrico di S. Lazzaro. Reggio Emilia. 275 in 98 Kafedra sudebnoi meditsiny Alma-Atinskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Alma-Ata, Ka- zakh. SSR. 296 Kafedra sudebnoi meditsiny Erevanskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Erevan, Ar- miansk. SSR. 294 Kafedra sudebnoi meditsiny Kishinevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Kishinev, Mol- davsk. SSR. 308 Kafedra sudebnoi meditsiny Pervogo Lenin- gradskogo meditsinskogo instituta im. akad. I. P. Pavlova. Leningrad, RSFSR. 295 Kafedra sudebnoi meditsiny Stalinabadskogo meditsinskogo instituta (im. Avitsenny). Stalinabad, Tadzhik. SSR. 298 Kafedra sudebnoi meditsiny Tadzhikskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta im. Avitsenny. Dushanbe (formerly Stalin- abad), Tadzhik. SSR. 298 Kafedra sudebnoi meditsiny Tashkentskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Tashkent, Uzbek. SSR. 289 Kafedra sudebnoi meditsiny TGMI. Ashkha- bad, Turkmensk. SSR. 326 Kafedra sudebnoi meditsiny Vinnitskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. Vinnitsa, USSR. 287 Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt. Berlin. 278 Kanazawa Hanzai Gakkai. Kanazawa. 136 Kobe Ika Daigaku. Hoigaku Kenkyusho. Kobe. 153 Konigliche Entbindungs-Anstalt in Gottin- gen. Gottingen. 80 Konigliche wissenschaftliche Deputation fiir das Medicinalwesen (in Preussen). Berlin. 181, 323 Kriminalisticky klub. Praha. 302 Laboratorio de technica policial. Sao Paulo. 249 Laboratorio di Medicina Legale dell’Univer- sita di Bologna. Bologna. 31 Law-Medicine Center of Western Reserve University. Cleveland, Ohio. 158 Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society. Boston, Mass. 313 Medical Defence Union. London. 33 Medical Protective Company. Fort Wayne, Ind. 118 Medical Protective Company. Fort Wayne Law Department. Wheaton, Ill. 118 Medicinische Facultit, Karl-Ferdinand Uni- versitiat. Prag. 279 Medico-Legal Society. London. 187, 314 Medico-Legal Society, New York. New York, N.Y. 96, 97, 186, 215, 219, 284 Medico-Legal Society of Ceylon. Colombo. 315 Medico-Legal Society of New South Wales. Sydney. 230 Medico-Legal Society of Victoria. Melbourne. 231 Meditsinskii departament Ministerstva vnu- trennykh del. Sanktpeterburg. 61, 293, 321, 322 Meditsinkii fakultet Imperatorskogo Khar’- kovskogo Universiteta. Khar’kov. 292 Milton Helpern Library of Legal Medicine. New York, N.Y. 141 Ministere de la Justice de Belgique. Bruxelles. 268 Ministére de la Santé Publique. Bruxelles. 48 Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia RSFSR. Moskva, RSFSR. 307 Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia SSSR. Moskva, RSFSR. 306 Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia Turkmen- skoi SSR. Biuro glavnoi sudebnomeditsin- skoil eskpertizy. Ashkhabad, Turkmensk. SSR. 326 Nagasaki Ika Daigaku. Hoigaku Kyoshitsu. Nagasaki. 202, 203 Narodnyl komissariat zdravookhraneniia RSFSR. Moskva, RSFSR. 304 National Association of Claimants’ Attorneys of Connecticut. Hartford, Conn. 15 National Association of Coroners. Cleveland, Ohio. 233 National Association of Coroners. Milwau- kee, Wis. 204 National Association of Coroners. New York, N.Y. 186 99 Nauchnoe obshchestvo sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov Kazakhskoi SSR. Alma-Ata, Kazakh. SSR. 296 Nauchnoe obshchestvo sudebnykh medikov Litovskoi SSR. Vil’nius, Litovsk. SSR. 297 Nauchno-issledovatel’skaia laboratoriia su- debnol ekspertizy pri Tadzhikskom Gos- universitete im. V.I. Lenina. Dushanbe, Tadzhik. SSR. 324 Nauchno-issledovatel’skii institut sudebnoi ¢kspertizy. Odessa, USSR. 290 Nauchno-issledovatel’skii institut sudebnoi ¢kspertizy. Iuridicheskaia komissiia pri Sovete Ministrov Uzbek. SSR. Tashkent, Uzbek. SSR. 289 Nauchno-issledovatel’skii institut sudebnoi meditsiny Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia SSSR. Moskva, RSFSR. 325 Nippon Hanzai Kyokai. Tokyo. 135 Nippon Hoi Gakkai. Kanazawa (Tokyo). 211, 212 Nippon Hoigakkai. Tokyo Daigaku Hoigaku Kyoshitsu. Tokyo. 137 Odesskoe otdeleniie Ukrainskogo nauchnogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i krimi- nalistov. Odessa, USSR. 288 Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. De- partment of Health, Commonwealth of Virginia. Richmond, Va. 184 Officina Central de Medicina Legal de Bogota. Bogota. 255 Ohio State Coroners’ Association. Cleveland, Ohio. 232 Ordem dos Peritos Médicos do Brasil. Ribei- rao Preto. 256b Penitenciaria do Estado. Sao Paulo. 249 Penitenciaria Nacional. Buenos Aires. 56 Pervyi Leningradskii meditsinskii institut im. akad. I. P. Pavlova. Leningrad. RSFSR. 295 Physicians Defense Company. Fort Wayne, Ind. 183 Pittsburgh Institute of Legal Pittsburgh, Pa. 298a Policia do Distrito Federal. Rio de Janeiro. 64 Medicine. Policia do Estado de Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo. 92 Polskie towarzystwo medycyny sadowej i kryminologii. Warszawa. 58 Practicing Law Institute. New York, N.Y. 221 Psychiatrisch-Juridisch Gezelschap. Amster- dam. 319 Rattsmedicinska Institutet. Universitet Hel sinki. Helsinki. 28 Respublikanskoe biuro sudebnomeditsinskikh ¢kspertov. Kishinev, Moldavsk. SSR. 308 Respublikanskoe biuro sudebnomeditsinskoi ¢kspertizy. Dushanbe (Stalinabad), Tad- zhik. SSR. 298 Retslaegeraadet. Kgbenhavn. 247 Retsmedicinsk Institut. Kgbenhavn Univer- sitet. Kgbenhavn. 171 Saratovskoe otdelenie Vsesoiuznogo nauch- nogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov. Saratov, RSFSR. 286 Secretaria de Seguranca Publica. Sao Paulo. 92 Sekce soudniho lékaistvi Cs. 1ékaiské spolec- nosti J. Ev. Purkyné. Praha. 302 Seminario di Antropologia Criminale e Di- ritto Penale Presso ’Universita di Torino. Torino. 200 Servico Medico-Legal do Estado de Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo. 92 Sociedad Argentina de Criminologia. Buenos Aires. 260 Sociedad Chilena de Neurologia, Psiquiatria y Medicina Legal. Santiago. 261 Sociedad de Medicina Legal de Chile. San- tiago. 54 Sociedad de Medicina Legal de Cuba. Havana. 256 Sociedad de Medicina Legal y Toxicologia. Buenos Aires. 55 Sociedad de Psiquiatria y Medicina Legal de la Plata. Buenos Aires. 260 Sociedad Venezolana de Medicina Legal. Caracas. 256a Sociedade Brasileira de Neurologia, Psiquia- tria e Medicina Legal. Rio de Janeiro. 61a Sociedade de Medicina Legal da Bahia. Bahia. 263 J 100 Sociedade de Medicina Legal e Criminologia (de S. Paulo). Sao Paulo. 62, 249 Societa di Medicina Legale. Roma. 328 Societd di Medicina Legale Sede in Roma. Roma. 66 Societa Freniatrica Italiana. Reggio Emilia (7) 275 Societa Italiana di Psichiatria. Reggio Emi- lia. 275 Societa lombarda di Medicina legale e delle Assicurazioni. Pavia. 52a Societa Medico-psicologica Italiana. Firenze. 142 Societa Salernitana di Medicina Legale, delle Assicurazioni Sociali, e di Criminologia. Salerno. 277 Société de Médecine Légale de Belgique. Bruxelles. 25, 52 Société de Médecine Légale de France. Paris. 26, 94, 224 Société de Médecine Légale de Paris. Paris. 94 Société de Médecine Légale et de Criminologie de France. Paris. 26 Société Médico-Psychologique. Paris. 30 Society of Forensic Medicine. New York, N.Y. 186 Society of Medical Jurisprudence. New York, N.Y. 214 Society of Medical Jurisprudence and State Medicine. New York, N.Y. 234 South African Medico-Legal Society. Johan- nesburg. 150 Stavropol’skoe kraevoe otdelenie Vsesoiuz- nogo obshchestva sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov. Stavropol’ n.K., RSFSR. 307 Student American Medical Association. Flos- moor, 111. 119 Syndicat Professionel de Médecins Bordelais. Bordeaux. 111 Tokyo Teikoku Daigaku. Hoigaku Kyoshitsu. Tokyo. 136 Tsentral’nyl nauchno-issledovatel’skii insti- tut sudebnoil psikhiatrii im. prof. Serb- skogo. Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia SSSR. Moskva. 222, 228 Tulskoe oblastnoe biuro sudebno-meditsinskol ekspertizy. Tula, RSFSR. 305 Ukrainskoe nauchnoe obshchestvo sudebnykh medikov i kriminalistov. Kiev, USSR. 316 Unterrichts-Anstalt fiir die Staatsarznei- kunde. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitit zu Berlin. Berlin. 145 Verein fiir Psychiatrie und forensische Psy- chologie. Wien. 237 Verein fiir Staatsarzneiwissenschaft in Ber- lin. Berlin. 318 Verein Grossherzoglich Badischer Medizinal- beamter fiir Beforderung der Staats-Arz- neikunde. Tiibingen (?) 113 Verein von Aerzten und Juristen. Berlin (?) 16 Wiener Institut fiir gerichtliche Medizin. Wien. 75, 82 Wissenschaftliche Deputation fiir das Medi- zinalwesen (in Preussen). Berlin. 181, 323 World Health Organization. Geneva. 140 D. Subject Index Abstracts 52, 109, 112, 189, 191, 210, 216, 238 Aeronautics 32, 36 Anthropology 275 Autopsy 19, 69, 106, 184, 204, 232-3, 283 Bibliographies 19, 25, 29, 62, 92, 95, 136, 168, 199, 221, 253, 257, 327a Biographies 190, 215, 253, 275 Clairvoyance 97 Criminal anthropology 37, 49, 147, 200, 213, 273, 331 Criminal biology 260, 331 Criminal law 49, 108a, 198, 200, 225, 226, 252, 268, 300, 324 Criminal psychology 45 Criminology 2, 26, 56, 58, 59, 62, 95, 110, 131, 135, 136, 173, 225, 226, 248a, 249, 250, 252, 254, 260-2, 268, 272, 277, 285-6, 288, 290— 1, 296, 302, 307, 316, 324, 329 Deontology—see : Medical ethics Forensic chemistry 306 Forensic medicine 1-4, 6, 16-22, 24-29, 31-2, 36, 40, 42, 44, 46-50, 52-9, 61-70, 73-5, 77-87, 89-98, 102-3, 106, 108, 108a, 110, 112-3, 121-34, 136-7, 139, 139a, 141-6, 149-51, 151a, 151b, 153, 156-9, 163-5, 169— 71, 173-6, 178-82, 182a, 184, 186-8, 190, 192, 195-215, 219, 223-4, 226, 229-35, 238a, 239-41, 244-50, 252-60, 262-3, 265, 267-72, 275-17, 279, 281-310, 312—-8a, 321 9, 331-3 101 Forensic psychiatry 5, 14, 30, 58, 110, 147-8, 152, 168, 194, 196, 200, 210, 222, 228, 254, 261, 273, 275, 285, 293, 306, 319, 320 Forensic psychology 5, 38, 45, 76, 97, 107, 148, 168, 237, 317 Forensic psychopathology 60, 99 Forensic sciences 97a, 151a, 151b, 178, 229, 229a History 253, 262 Hypnotism and magnetism 27, 142 Identification—see : Police science Industrial health 2, 48, 90-2, 104-5, 122, 133, 173,196, 270, 271 Injuries—see: Traumatology Insurance 52a, 65, 176, 201, 277, 328 Insurance, Health 52a, 65, 196, 272 Lawyers’ medical brief 15, 40, 109, 158, 172, 311 Legal medicine—see : Forensic medicine Malpractice 12, 100, 109, 118, 119 Medical ethics 33, 95-6, 108, 115, 118, 119, 183, 257, 266, 271 Medical jurisprudence (except USA) 40, 47, 51, 138, 154-5, 159, 169, 187, 208-9, 243, 257, 260, 267, 271, 278, 281, 285 Medical jurisprudence—USA 12-4, 96-7, 100-1, 109, 118-9, 172, 183, 186, 189-91, 205, 214-5, 219, 234, 238, 284, 313 Medical legislation—International 23, 140 Medical legislation—National (except USA) 39, 41, 51, 71, 88, 90, 114, 116-7, 140, 166— 7, 177, 193, 239, 243, 251, 267, 272, 330, 332 Medical legislation—USA 7-11, 13, 96, 100— 1, 140, 160, 162, 183, 185, 186, 313 Medical police 4, 6, 16, 21, 41-2, 44, 68, 72, 74, 78, 89, 98, 113, 126, 143-5, 156-7, 163, 165, 167, 169, 170, 209, 244, 293, 317-8, 333 Medical profession (regulations, defense) 12, 33, 51, 71, 111, 114, 118-9, 161, 182a, 183, 235, 264, 266, 267 Medicine-law relations and interdependence 1, 104, 105, 115, 120, 152, 158, 169, 172, 178, 194, 280 Medicolegal expertise (opinion, testimony) 3,70, 73,77, 96, 97, 129, 151, 157, 179, 181— 2, 189, 196, 206, 209, 227, 247, 279, 282, 283, 289-90, 294, 296, 298, 301, 304-8, 316, 324, 329 Mental disorders—see Psychiatry Neurology 60, 61a, 99, 194, 210, 248, 255, 259, 265 Neuropathology 213, 261, 262, 274, 320 Obituaries—see: Biographies Obstetrics and gynecology 80, 116, 121, 149 Pathological anatomy 19, 69, 106, 204, 232-3, 283 Pathology 95, 151, 201a Pharmacology 116, 219 Physicians’ legal brief 118-9, 158, 172, 220, 311 . Police science 26, 64, 92, 138, 212, 249, 252, 257 Prisons 56, 249-50 Psychiatry 5, 19, 27, 29, 30, 37-8, 56, 60, 61a, 99, 107, 127, 151, 194, 200, 210, 213, 228, 236, 248, 250, 255, 256b, 259, 260-2, 265, 274-5, 317, 320 Psychoanalysis 262 Psychology 18-4, 27, 30, 45, 49, 97, 142, 148, 168, 261-2, 274 Psychopathology 260-1 Public health 17, 22, 28, 29, 39, 41, 48, 51, 71, 77, 86, 88, 89, 112, 134, 140, 146, 148, 154— 5, 166, 177, 196, 197, 240, 242, 245-6, 272, 278, 312, 318a, 323, 330, 332 Quackery 111 Sanitation—see : Public health Sexual problems 97, 121, 274 Social hygiene—see : Social medicine Social medicine 2, 48, 50, 61, 95, 138, 272, 277, 293, 321-2, 328 Social security 122, 227, 238a State medicine 234 Suicide 43 Toxicology 2, 26, 29, 46, 55, 90, 92, 95, 108, 133, 151, 212, 253 Traumatology 15, 79, 95, 101, 104-5, 108-9, 133, 146, 189, 216-8, 221, 270, 311 Veterinary medicine 116, 177, 197 E. Geographic Index I. Alphabetical arrangement by place of pub- lication Albany, N.Y., USA—216, 218 Alma-Ata, Kazakh. SSR—296 Altenburg, Germany—208, 281 Amsterdam, Holland—86, 319 Ansbach, Germany—182 Ashkhabad, Turkmen. SSR—326 Augsburg, Germany—43 102 Bahia, Brazil—57a, 263 Bangkok, Thailand—151a Barcelona, Spain—19, 254, 264 Berlin, Germany—b5, 16, 42, 44, 68, 69, 73, 112, 114, 129, 130, 131, 145, 156, 157, 164, 177, 181, 193, 196, 243, 245, 246, 278, 323 Blagoveshchensk, RSFSR—291 Bloomfield, N.J., USA—220 Bogota, Colombia—255 Bologna, Italy—108a, 329 Bordeaux, France—111 Boston, Mass., USA—12, 189 Braunschweig, Germany—77, 244 Breslau, Germany (Poland) —282 Brussels—see : Bruxelles Bruxelles, Belgium—2, 29, 48 Bucuresti, Rumania—226, 258 Budapest, Hungary—154, 155, 201a Buenos Aires, Argentina—17, 20, 55, 56, 83, 248, 250, 251, 260 Calcutta, India—151b Cambridge, Mass., USA—313 Cape Town, South Africa—150, 188 Caracas, Venezuela—256a Celle, Germany—A47 Charleroi, Belgium—25 Chicago, I1l., USA—100, 119, 151, 160, 162, 191, 192, 229, 327a Cincinnati, Ohio, USA—14 Cleveland, Ohio, USA—101, 158, 232, 233 Cluj, Rumania—16a, 58a Coblenz, Germany—206 Colombo, Ceylon—315 Copenhagen—see : Kgbenhavn Cordéba, Argentina—173 Curitiba, Brazil—90 Decatur, Ill.,, USA—106 Denver, Colorado, USA—185 Dushanbe (formerly Stalinabad), Tadzhik. SSR—298, 324 Diisseldorf, Germany—318a Erevan, Armiansk. SSR—294 Erlangen, Germany—4, 39, 78, 98, 126, 318 Firenze, Italy—142, 223 Fort Wayne, Ind., USA—118, 183 Francofurtum ad Viadrum (Frankfurt a.O.), Germany—299 Frankfurt a.M., Germany—81, 144 Geneva, Switzerland—140 Genova, Italy—176 Gottingen, Germany—_80 Guadalajara, Mexico—174 Habana, see: Havana Halle a.S., Germany—76, 152, 194, 283 103 Hannover, Germany—198 Harrogate, Yorkshire, England—125 Hartford, Conn., USA—15 Havana, Cuba—252, 256, 312 Heidelberg, Germany—45 Helsinki, Finland—28 Imola, Italy—31 Indianapolis, Ind., USA—311 Innsbruck, Austria—280 Istanbul, Turkey—3 Jena, Germany—79, 149, 170 Kanazawa, Japan—136, 138, 211 Karaganda, Kazakh. SSR—285 Karlsruhe, Germany—331 Khar’kov, USSR—59, 60, 292 Kiev, USSR—316 Kishinev, Moldavsk. SSR—308 Kobe, Japan—153 Kgbenhavn, Denmark—171, 247 Konigsberg, Germany—128, 169, 180, 207 Kristiania, Norway—310 Lanciano, Italy—132 Leipzig, Germany—40, 41, 46, 72, 99, 103, 143, 146, 165, 241 Leningrad, RSFSR—295 Lille, France—50 Lima, Peru—262 Lisbon, Portugal—53, 57 London, England—33, 124, 159, 178, 187, 314 Louvain, Belgium—268 Luckau, Germany—40 Lyon, France—24, 95 Madrid, Spain—18, 93, 123, 174a, 253 Marseille, France—115 Melbourne, Australia—231 Mensk (Minsk), BSSR—225 Mexico, D.F., Mexico—265 Milano, Italy—85, 175, 240, 271, 276 Milwaukee, Wis., USA—204 Modena, Italy—270 Monaco, Monaco—23 Montevideo, Uruguay—=259 Moscow—see : Moskva Moskva, RSFSR—87, 222, 228, 303, 304, 306, 325, 327 Mundelein, Ill., USA—172 Nagasaki, Japan—202, 203 Napoli, Italy—37, 122, 127, 134, 213, 273 Neuwied, Germany—38, 107, 317 New York, N.Y., USA—13, 96, 97, 102, 104, 105, 141, 161, 186, 190, 199, 214, 215, 217, 219, 221, 234, 238, 284 Newton Center, Mass., USA—109 Odessa, USSR—288, 290 Onoldinum (Onolzbach, now Ansbach), Ger- many—182 Ottawa, Canada—97a, 229a Padova, Italy—65 Paris, France—22, 26, 27, 30, 49, 51, 52, 94, 108, 120, 147, 148, 224, 266, 267, 269 Parma, Italy—117, 133 Pavia, Italy—>52a, 201, 239, 272 Philadelphia, Pa., USA—309 Pisa, Italy—84 Pittsburgh, Pa., USA—298a Plattsburgh, N.Y., USA—205 Prag, Bohemia (Czechoslovakia)—70, 279 Praha, Czechoslovakia—301, 302, 330 Regensburg, Germany—333 Reggio Emilia, Italy—275 Ribeirao Preto, Brazil—256b Richmond, Va., USA—184 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil—61a, 63, 64, 248a Rome, Italy—32, 36, 66, 116, 182a, 242, 274, 328 Rosario, Argentina—257 St. Petersburg, Russia—61, 121, 293, 320, 321, 322 Salerno, Italy—277 Sanktpeterburg—see: St. Petersburg Santiago, Chile—54, 261, 300 Sao Paulo, Brazil—62, 91, 92, 210, 249 Saratov, RSFSR—286 Schwerin, Germany—6 Stalinabad (now Dushanbe), Tadzhik. SSR —298 Stavropol’ n.K., RSFSR—307 104 Stendal, Germany—163, 209 Strasburg, Germany (France) —179 Sydney, Australia—230 Tashkent, Uzbek. SSR—289 Teruel, Spain—235 Tokyo, Japan—135, 137, 139, 212 Torino, Italy—71, 200 Trieste, Italy—238a Tiibingen, Germany—113 Tula, RSFSR—305 Ulm, Germany—166 Vienna—see: Wien Vil'nius, Litovsk. SSR—297 Vinnitsa, USSR—287 Warszawa, Poland—58, 110 Washington, D.C., USA—7, 8,9, 10, 11 Weimar, Germany—74 Wichita, Kans.,, USA—139a Wien, Austria—1, 75, 82, 88, 89, 227, 236, 2317, 332 Wittenberg, Germany—195 Wiirzburg, Germany—168 Ziillichau, Germany—21, 197 Ziirich, Switzerland—167 II. Arrangement by Country ARGENTINA Buenos Aires—17, 20, 55, 56, 83, 248, 250, 251, 260 Cordéba—173 Rosario—257 AUSTRALIA Melbourne—231 Sydney—230 AUSTRIA Innsbruck—280 Wien—1, 75, 82, 88, 89, 227, 236, 237, 332 BELGIUM Bruxelles—2, 29, 48 Charleroi—25 Louvain—268 BRAZIL Bahia—>57a, 263 Curitiba—90 Ribeirdao Preto—256b Rio de Janeiro—61a, 63, 64, 248a Sao Paulo—62, 91, 92, 210, 249 CANADA Ottawa—97a, 229a CEYLON Colombo—315 CHILE Santiago—54, 261, 300 COLOMBIA Bogota—255 CUBA Havana (Habana) —252, 256, 312 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Praha (Prag) —70, 279, 301, 302, 330 DENMARK Kgbenhavn—171, 247 ENGLAND Harrogate, Yorkshire—125 London—33, 124, 159, 178, 187, 314 FINLAND Helsinki—28 FRANCE Bordeaux—111 Lille—50 Lyon—24, 95 Marseille—115 Paris—22, 26, 27, 30, 49, 51, 52, 94, 108, 120, 147, 148, 224, 266, 267, 269 GERMANY Altenburg—208, 281 Ansbach—182 Augsburg—43 Berlin—5, 16, 42, 44, 68, 69, 73, 112, 114, 129, 130, 131, 145, 156, 157, 164, 177, 181, 193, 196, 243, 245, 246, 278, 323 Braunschweig—177, 244 Breslau (now Poland) —282 Celle—A47 Coblenz—206 Diisseldorf—318a Erlangen—4, 39, 78, 98, 126, 318 Francofurtum ad Viadrum (Frankfurt a.0.)—299 Gottingen—_&0 Halle a.S.—76, 152, 194, 283 Hannover—198 Heidelberg—45 Jena—79, 149, 170 Karlsruhe—331 Konigsberg—128, 169, 180, 207 Leipzig—40, 41, 46, 72, 99, 103, 143, 146, 165, 241 Luckau—40 Neuwied—38, 107, 317 Onoldinum (Onolzbach, now Ansbach) —182 Regensburg—333 Schwerin—6 Stendal—163, 209 Strasburg (now France) —179 Tiibingen—113 Ulm—166 Weimar—74 Wittenberg—195 Wiirzburg—168 Ziillichau—21, 197 HOLLAND Amsterdam—_86, 319 HUNGARY Budapest—154, 155, 201a INDIA Calcutta—151b ITALY Bologna—108a, 329 Firenze—142, 223 Genova—176 Imola—31 Lanciano—132 Milano—85, 175, 240, 271, 276 Modena—270 Napoli—37, 122, 127, 134, 213, 273 Padova—65 Parma—117, 133 Pavia—>52a, 201, 239, 272 Pisa—84 Reggio Emilia—275 Rome—32, 36, 66, 116, 182a, 242, 274, 328 Salerno—277 Torino—71, 200 Trieste—238a JAPAN Kanazawa—136, 138, 211 Kobe—153 Nagasaki—202, 203 Tokyo—135, 137, 139, 212 MEXICO Guadalajara—174 Mexico, D.F.—265 MONACO Monaco—23 NORWAY Kristiania (now Oslo) —310 PERU Lima—262 POLAND Warszawa (Varsovie; Varshava)—>58, 110 PORTUGAL Lisbon—53, 57 RUMANIA Bucuresti—226, 258 Cluj—16a, 58a SOUTH AFRICA Cape Town—150, 188 SPAIN Barcelona—19, 254, 264 Madrid—18, 93, 123, 174a, 253 Teruel—235 SWITZERLAND Geneva—140 Ziirich—167 THAILAND Bangkok—151a TURKEY Istanbul—3 URUGUAY Montevideo—259 USA Albany, N.Y.—216, 218 Bloomfield, N.J.—220 Boston, Mass.—12, 189 Cambridge, Mass.—313 Chicago, Ill.—110, 119, 151, 160, 162, 191, 192, 229, 327a Cincinnati, Ohio—14 Cleveland, Ohio—101, 158, 232, 233 Decatur, I11.—106 Denver, Colorado—185 Fort Wayne, Ind.—118, 183 Hartford, Conn.—15 Indianapolis, Ind.—311 Milwaukee, Wis.—204 Mundelein, I11.—172 New York, N.Y.—13, 96, 97, 102, 104, 105, 141, 161, 186, 190, 199, 214, 215, 217, 219, 221, 234, 238, 284 Newton Center, Mass.—109 Philadelphia, Pa.—309 Pittsburgh, Pa.—298a Plattsburgh, N.Y.—205 Richmond, Va.—184 Washington, D.C.—7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Wichita, Kans.—139a USSR (RUSSIA) Alma-Ata, Kazakh. SSR—296 Ashkhabad, Turkmen. SSR—326 Blagoveshchensk, RSFSR—291 Dushanbe, Tadzhik. SSR—298, 324 Erevan, Armiansk. SSR—294 Karaganda, Kazakh. SSR—285 Khar’kov, USSR—59, 60, 292 Kiev, USSR—316 Kishinev, Moldavsk. SSR—308 Leningrad, RSFSR—295 Mensk (Minsk), BSSR—225 Moskva, RSFSR—87, 222, 228, 303, 304, 306, 325, 327 Odessa, USSR—288, 290 St. Petersburg—61, 121, 293, 320, 321, 322 Saratov, RSFSR—286 Stalinabad, Tadzhik. SSR—298 Stavropol’ n.K., RSFSR—307 Tashkent, Uzbek. SSR—289 Tula, RSFSR—305 Vil’nius, Litovsk. SSR—297 Vinnitsa, USSR—287 VENEZUELA Caracas—256a 1736 1755 1772 1778 1782 1783 1784 1785 1787 1789 1790 1791 1792 1795 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1808 1809 1810 1811 1813 1818 1820 1821 1824 1828 F. Chronological Index Francofurtum ad Viadrum (Frank- furt a.0.) —299 Onolzbach (now Ansbach) —182 Halle—283 Konigsberg—128 Stendal—163 Weimar—74 Berlin—69 Leipzig—41 Konigsberg—180 Leipzig—103 Stendal—209 Frankfurt a.M.—81 Berlin—246 Leipzig—72 Strasburg—179 Ziillichau—21 Breslau and Hirschberg—282 Wittenberg—195 Konigsberg—169 Altenburg—281 Jena—149 Leipzig—241 Schwerin—~6 Braunschweig—177 Konigsberg—207 Ziirich—167 Jena—170 Berlin—44 Braunschweig—244 Altenburg—208 Berlin—42 Berlin—156 Jena—79 Ulm—166 Berlin—157 Frankfurt a. M.—144 Coblenz—206 Berlin—245 Luckau and Leipzig—40 Zillichau—197 Wien—82 Halle—76 Erlangen—4 Erlangen—78 Gottingen—80 Berlin—181 107 1829 1831 1832 1834 1835 1836 1838 1841 1842 1843 1844 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1857 1858 1861 1865 1866 1867 1868 1870 1871 1872 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 Paris—22 Wiirzburg—168 Berlin—164 Prag—70 Hannover—198 Berlin—68, 145 Heidelberg—45 Leipzig—143 Tiibingen—113 Berlin—16 Erlangen—98 Amsterdam—86 Bruxelles—29 Leipzig—165 Paris—30 Berlin—5 Regensburg—333 Erlangen—126 Plattsburgh, N.Y.—205 Celle—47 Berlin—323 London—159 Cincinnati, Ohio—14 Prag—279 Neuwied—107, 317 Erlangen—318 Erlangen—39 Neuwied—38 Paris—148 Budapest—155 St. Petersburg—61 Wien—332 Wien—89 New York, N.Y.—13 Paris—94 Wien—88 Wien—237 Havana—312 St. Petersburg—293 New York, N.Y.—215 Berlin—177 Reggio Emilia—275 New York, N.Y.—284 Pisa—84 Cambridge, Mass.—313 Leipzig—99 New York, N.Y.—96 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 New York, N.Y.—219 Napoli—127 Torino—200 Berlin—193 St. Petersburg—322 Khar’kov—60 New York, N.Y.—186, 234 St. Petersburg—320 Khar’kov—292 Paris—49 Berlin—129 London—33 Charleroi—25 Napoli—37 New York, N.Y.—190 St. Petersburg—321 Tokyo—137 Firenze—142 Berlin—243 Firenze—223 Paris—27 Buenos Aires—17 Napoli—213 New York, N.Y.—97 Paris—269 Lanciano—132 Bahia, Brazil—263 Berlin—196 Bordeaux—111 Paris—108 Berlin—278 Milano—175, 271 Napoli—134 Rome—274 Napoli—273 Modena—270 Teruel—235 Imola—31 Bologna—329 Kristiania—310 Leipzig—146 Buenos Aires—56 Fort Wayne, Ind.—183 London—314 Torino—71 Halle a.S.—152 Paris—266 Budapest—154 Rio de Janeiro—61a 108 1906 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1917 1918 1921 1922 1923 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 Paris—147 Praha—330 Rome—66 Praha—301 Decatur, I11.—106 Kgbenhavn—247 New York, N.Y.—217 Paris—52 St. Petersburg—121 Wien—T75 Berlin—73 Kgbenhavn—171 Lisbon—57 Paris—267 Lyon—24 Buenos Aires—250 Paris—224 Milano—240 New York, N.Y.—161, 214 Lima—262 Louvain—268 Paris—26 Rome—328 Berlin—112 Denver, Colo.—185 Havana—256 Lisbon—53 Sao Paulo—62 Padova—65 Paris—120 Moskva, RSFSR—304 Nagasaki—203 Barcelona—264 Khar’kov, USSR—59 Rome—36 Wien—1 Buenos Aires—248 Milwaukee, Wis.—204 Montevideo—259 Paris—51 Rome—32 Buenos Aires—20 Kanazawa—136 Milano—85 Sao Paulo—249 Warszawa—110 Nagasaki—202 Leipzig—46 Mensk (Minsk), BSSR.—225 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1944 1945 1946 1947 Amsterdam—319 Buenos Aires—55 Rio de Janeiro—64 Augsburg—43 Bahia, Brazil—57a Barcelona—254 Chicago, 111.—191 Barcelona—19 Berlin—114 Buenos Aires—83 London—187 Melbourne—231 Fort Wayne, Ind.—118 Mexico, D.F.—265 Moskva, RSFSR—303 Rio de Janeiro—248a Sao Paulo—91 Bogota—255 Madrid—123 Rosario—257 Santiago—261 Bucuresti—258 Buenos Aires—260 Cluj—58a Lille—50 London—124 Sao Paulo—92 Cleveland, Ohio—233 Cluj—16a Boston, Mass.—12 Bruxelles—48 Colombo—315 Moskva, RSFSR—228 Moskva, RSFSR—87 Sao Paulo—210 Berlin—131 Berlin—130 Havana—252 Kiev, USSR—316 Cape Town—188 Tokyo—212 Washington, D.C.—8 Washington, D.C.—11 Innsbruck—280 Madrid—253 New York, N.Y.—104 Cleveland, Ohio—232 Cérdoba—173 Napoli—122 109 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 Bruxelles—2 Geneva—140 Odessa, USSR—290 Philadelphia, Pa.—309 Moskva, RSFSR—325 Rome—116 Stalinabad, Tadzhik. SSR—298 Tokyo—135 Washington, D.C.—9, 10 Curitiba—90 Diisseldorf—318a Halle—194 Helsinki—28 Karlsruhe—331 Warszawa—>58 Chicago, 111.—229 Cleveland, Ohio—101 Kobe—153 Madrid—18 Buenos Aires—251 Cape Town—150 Genova—176 Newton Center, Mass.—109 Parma—117 Washington, D.C.—7 Wien—227 Cleveland, Ohio—158 Kanazawa—138 Moskva, RSFSR—327 Mundelein, 111.—172 New York, N.Y.—221 Tokyo—139 Boston, Mass.—189 Istanbul—3 Kishinev, Moldavsk. SSR—308 Leningrad, RSFSR—295 New York, N.Y.—238 Parma—133 Rome—242 Saratov, RSFSR—286 Vinnitsa, USSR—287 Chicago, I11.—151 Erevan, Armiansk. SSR—294 Hartford, Conn.—15 Odessa, USSR—288 Praha—302 Alma-Ata, Kazakh. SSR—296 Chicago, I11.—119 Lyon—95 1958 1959 1960 Monaco—23 Tula, RSFSR—305 Albany, N.Y.—218 Chicago, I11.—100 Karaganda, Kazakh. SSR—285 Moskva, RSFSR—306 Salerno—277 Bloomfield, N.J.—220 Chicago, I11.—162 Madrid—93 Pavia—239, 272 Richmond, Va.—184 Tashkent, Uzbek. SSR—289 Trieste—238a Blagoveshchensk, RSFSR—291 Budapest—201a Chicago, 111.—160, 192 Harrogate—125 London—178 Milano—276 Moskva, RSFSR—222 New York, N.Y.—102 110 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 Pavia—201 Santiago—54, 300 Albany, N.Y.—216 Bangkok—151a Indianapolis, Ind.—311 Ribeirao Preto—256Db Wien—236 Calcutta—151b Dushanbe, Tadzhik. SSR—324 New York, N.Y.—199 Ottawa—229a Sydney—230 Chicago, I11.—327a Marseille—115 Ottawa—97a Bucuresti—226 Vil’nius, Litovsk. SSR—297 Ashkhabad, Turkmen. SSR—326 New York, N.Y.—141 New York, N.Y.—105 Pittsburgh, Pa.—298a Wichita, Kans.—139a vr U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1969 0—332-061 C02931717b