Houses } 300$va 1! ' COTTAQES.~ , ~~ A COLLECTION OF -—~ HOUSE my COTTAGE DESIGNS Gontaining '57 Designs Costing from $1,600 to $2500. W.m DESIGNEDpuZE ??????? D. 50 H O P K I N s, ARCHITECT/4* Autho of “Cottage Portfolio” and First. Second and Third r ,. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Editions of “Houses and Cottages. .............................................. a ”—st -_ “*—asfrr CAUTIO N. The publisher of this work is protected by the Copyright Law’s of the United States, and hereby warns all persons that no plan or por- tion of plan represented herein may be eopied or used Without permission of the publisher. Design patents applied for. Respectfully, l). S. ‘HOPKINS, Architect. —»v#e~~—~-——i~r—~»-~s‘ N 0‘ "l' ‘l c : . Persons using a design once have had *alue reeeived, and anyone usinga de- ' sign that has been used once, either the original or a eopy, is using the arehiteet’s property, and it is held by the highest courts that pay («an be eolleeted for use of said de- sign. the same as at first, for every time they are used. —— 1' “i' "‘1': *fi§\§?Z//\& : 1:73 i if}: A—‘_"_A WHAT 15 IN MY FOUR BOOKS? ‘o‘— #7 v~#—s»-—~ r To rm; Bl‘lLlHNH I’Umaez— The popularity and demand for my published designs (fall for another and larger edition of my books. In this edition I have a large variety of styles and msts, classified into four books including 104 new designs. never published before. Book 0. ('ontains .58 designs. ranging from $150 up to $1.500 and includes all styles and manner of plans. all practiral and of the latest style of enclosure. The study has been to produre good looks by good proporti L’Il ‘ fl’L’le’. If” _TTE—.I.— \\ ‘ ‘4‘”! f j I, FLA. ’ \ “J " II III II III/In, I ;2 ., I!“ / '/// I II.I1I ‘55 I I‘ III» ”WI/f”; // II :‘II I:*§ . ,.‘. ,/ l' f 71%”:11 ”M ‘ I7/ ”1/, '//// {(—- ‘ /).///// ,I\ u- "0/, ([11,, t J: I l/ a/// //_’,:;X> ll; 0' ;/ («5' ” , II'I'Im-i’v I’” ‘ 4, My”: AA - - A J 1 .. - . “A —-———-; ::::" ‘ a “' —; 4* ‘ NIIKWIT‘ An" ' 1 . - 7 5 ,Irh‘w ”I, I . z m ' WW. "II In" J" [ ”IIW ' r TH .‘ ‘r: ' wt. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN NO. 155, I). ,5. 1101mm 1; hm DESIGN NO. 38. RAME two story Southern style of house. Size, 32x64 feet including porch 8 feet wide. Height of stories: First, 11 feet; second, 10 feet. No cellar. Set on posts or piers. First story clapboarded. Second story and gabels shingles. Shingle roof. This is a house with plenty of wide porch. First story contains vestibule, 7 feet 6 inches by 8 feet; parlor, 15x18 feet (with fire-place); living room, 13 feet 6 inches by 23 feet (with fire-place). This room can be divided into two with portiers cutting off dining room part from the other, if desired. Stairs and open passage between living room and kitchen. Kitchen, 13 feet 6 inches by 15 feet, with cupboards, etc. Second story contains three good-sized chambers, hall, bath room and servant’s room,with closets. All pine finish. No plumbing or mantels. MODIFICATIONS: Could have a foundation put under same. Another fire-place can be provided in chamber second floor. By enlarging vestibule, front stairs could be put in if desired. Sliding doors could be put in place of the portiers. Estimate cost as here shown, $1,300 to $1,700. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 22 . ‘. ‘ KL“? a? “a X [3 Q I E1—:3'3'5“ L] Kl‘ lllllr-fTi I Um I? on;- 232v [3'6" 1% Eve- I l échqul 09?. :r'x In" C‘25U1719U‘ Ha” . C([Zayvhgr la'wu'c' .u‘wu .- I.'- JT_ xlesulogl e, L C\USI;Y (val/7’9“} Chan! 15"X /8 779/ _ / \g If; “I: ll 1 s‘ l‘ ‘ . M ‘ z 1 .- "MI“ 1W at m u ‘ J ', . “W 1' w “I“ “I“ nmmumlplh WNW”, $5! llll“ I'llmmi “1111:, "Hum F . i ’l .1 WI “WI!!!“ ’W ”M?“ W" We‘ll ” Fl “I 1y,” “I MI ‘ In [MN } um (“11 lluflnitiIgilul 9H m . w $1" "th ”W “II " niiid‘u MM ,. IIuPl‘nK‘I'mI‘II I IIIIIIII'I III“ II II‘ 1 mil Hg? ”My fl 535104): Is 0;- EM- HéUSES AND COTTAGES DESIGN no. :38. D. S. HOPKINS, Architect 1“va vNA-a-‘H DESIGN NO. 97. RAME two story cottage. A design many will be pleased with, as it has a chamber and bath room upon first floor and is arranged for comfort. Size, 32x42 feet over all. Height of stories: First, .9 feet; second 8 feet 6 inches. Stone foundation and cellar under the rear portion of house. Stone to cellar bottom 7 feet deep. First story sides clapboarded. Second story and gables shingles. Shingle roof. _ First story contains stair hall, 7x15 feet (with open stair case); sitting room, 12x17 feet (with fire-place); dining room, 11x15 feet; chamber, 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet 6 inches, with closet and bath room 6x7 feet; kitchen, 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet, with closet and pantry, Sx8 feet 6 inches; front porch, 12x12 feet, and kitchen porch, 6x11 feet. Second story contains front chamber, 12x17 feet; chamber, 12 feet 6 inches by 12 feet 6 inches; chamber, 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet 6 inches, and closets to all. MODIFICATIONS: House could be enlarged by building a kitchen and pantry on rear and use the present kitchen and pantry for dining room. A fire-place could be placed in dining roOm and chamber over sitting room if desired. Lavatory could be arranged upon second floor. Estimate cost as here shown with hardwood finish in principal rooms first floor, balance pine, with plumbing, no mantels, grates or heating, $1,950 to $2,300. Deduct for plumbing, $150. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. l—or changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 24 J 4- 33,; (yang/w M amt/2W J . é§fl¢ , arc-Aw“ $010216. , *7 "my: «lfi’i"‘:y”m‘ffl’ W WW Gym ’5 , ‘ . NINA.» : ‘3; . ‘ J "L v ‘ . Bun/a! “u, m , ‘ ' v - 2)» v , ””4": (‘ I 1;. ‘ A 'lz'“ \_~_ \ HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN No. 97, I). s. HOPKINS, Awhile/f. DESIGN NO. 95. RAME two-story double tenement house. Size 40x42 feet over all. The idea of this tenement is to get the actual comforts of a house in as economical a way as possible for small families. Height of stories: First, 9 feet; second, 8 feet 6 inches. Stone foundation. Cellar under all main part 7 feet deep. 'First story clap- boarded; second story ‘shingled, gables paneled and shingled. Shingle root. First floors contain front porches. entrance vestibule, with ‘doors into parlors or halls. Parlors, ‘13 feet 6 inches by 13 feet 6 inches; living rooms, ll feet 6 inches by 13 feet (with fire places); halls, 7x13 feet, with stairs starting from same and also kitchen stairs join the main stairs on landing out of sight from halls, which has two doors between same and kitchens. Kitchens, 14x15 feet, with cupboards, sink, closets and cellars. Second floors contains three good-sized chambers with closets. All pine finish. No mantels, grates or heating. MODlFlCATI()NS: Not many modifications can be made on such a cheap double tenement. Second story rear might be carried up so as to get a bath room in front of servant’s room and move same back, or two small chambers could be made of the space. Estimate cost as here shown $1,800 to $2,300. (re 10. 3‘ See price list for cost of full plans, pa The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices, you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 26 ‘ ‘ R“ ~ 1 Rs) ,‘bxv “C122“ M‘dlul Yoruge /‘Sforugc Mac/5‘ [4' x IA" uvunfs Roan] uvau h w" 5 q a ,5 z ' l Chg. Uas Cllarqbzr Clzuuzhar Hull Hun IJ’K / 5' I" . E In, no“. ‘ Ha“ kxaflx 31/6,? Luvngq £99”? [Rx/Ni /‘(fl“ ’3." y, ”17 v ‘0 . I g Clog Clo; Vcs- Ves- erpm. ,) Clzanfluu Cljuu-uzhzr INA/3'6 For“; Iron/y a' u'u’xn a' EST ELK EBA/l - 7 l1. ‘ A.“ E“. 4.. fi‘dhimh m- _ HOUSES AND 00'1" 'AGES. 'DEs‘GN NO. 95_ D. s. HOPKINS, .-l/-r-lu'tm,-l. DESIGN NO. 100. RAME two-story cottage. Size 31x43 feet over all. This design, I think, contains as much room and conyen- rence as can be had for the cost. Height of stories: first, 9 feet; second, 8 feet 6 inches. Cellar under the four rear rooms. Stone foundation and cellar 7 feet deep. Sides clapboarded, except shingle {belt between first and second story. windows. Gables ceiled and paneled. Shingle roof. First story contains hall, with stair case, 10x10 feet; parlor, with corner bay, 12x13. feet; sitting room, 12x15 feet 6 inches, with fire-place; dining room, 10le feet; chamber, 10 feet 6 inches by 12 feet; kitchen, 10x12 feet; rear and cellar stairs, cupboards and china closets. Second story contains front chamber 12x13 feet, with bay; one back, 12x12 feet, and one 9 feet 6 inches by 12 feet, with closets. _ MODIFICATIONS: Rooms can be enlarged. Hardwood for all principal rooms on first floor in place of pine. Pantry can be placed between the kitchen and dining room by projecting back kitchen, width of pantry, which would require kitchen chimney. Extra rear kitchen porch. A large bath room can be placed in attic over kitch-. en, and hall provided to get to same at an expense not exceeding $50 extra, aside from plumbing. By raising up the rear half story another chamber‘and bath room could be arranged for, or two chambers. Estimate cost of the cottage as here shown is from $1,600 to $2,000 pine finish, no mantels, grates or heating. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design, or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 28 9.7;” I g.‘ I0 :14 O""'73’f°“““ , Iz'x Ira" cbkmlnr I z'xm' I‘mlw ”m 1 am- Il-‘Ililiil- -. OQCOVA floor )fnv; MAI VLW' ‘ gmfillll h *r I‘fifiufinin '11" ~ ‘1 mMmuuim “ ’gflfgilflflfllfl 1 E "ll/mm I i ; '1‘: ‘; i1 i1 unify“ L , H0 USES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN NO. 100. D. S. HOPKINS, Architect. DESIGN NO. 39. FRAME two~story southern style house. Size 35x46 feet, including front porch 8 feet wide. Height of stories: First, 11 feet; second, 10 feet. N0 cellar. Set on posts or piers. First story sides clapboarded; second story shingles or clapboards; gables shingled. 'Shingle roof. This design is strictly a southern or summer house. It has high ceilings and good sized rooms; plenty of fire-places; large porches, one a dining porch; kitchen entirely disconnected from any main part rooms. First story contains center hall 8x18 feet, with stairs off from same; living room, 15x18 feet, with fire-place; parlor, 12x15 feet, with fire-place; large portiers from both living room and parlor into hall, so virtually are all one room if so desired; kitchen, 12x15 feet; pantry, 6X10 feet, and dining porch, 12x18 feet 6 inches, with fire- place. Enclose this in with a wire screen and it will make a delightful porch for various purposes. Second story contains three chambers of good size; bath room and servant’s room, with closets, etc. Pine finish. No plumbing. MODIFICATIONS: The open porch dining room can be enclosed in same as other put of house if desired. Three more fire-places can be put up stairs in chambers if required. Porch can be extended down one side if case requires. I Estimate cost as here shown, $1,400. to $1,600. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7. and by comparing with your local prices. you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 30 éEVJAQYS Keen; l1'xl1' Cyn— '- Iderf i gunk Cur~ I I .1’ C’Rdmhev L J ’ ’ ’ II.- x 7 o P”? fl C\°(- (“S Hall [5“sz // v / / ’i :/ 7 GE” ;’ ‘ —//.’- "‘ ‘ J ’ / >. , Z,// / / // hf 1:. , f -_ :14 , // ./ / ‘ I] T T. /’ " . I’: , /// "9:1": DUDUUUUUUUDU / ’7 o 0 I, I r (”1‘ I _ A5 / K W” a ,_ \ a V . I . 3’:wa {‘ w _ L.’ ___” ' ’ (’4 » I 05471 — _:_ —::' ’I D I‘ ‘r_,€£, /( ‘~ _n ——-— w 4»; ii." ’ -- arr; I VII}: II, "I 'M _A _:J ‘QgN‘ :hlylma\ “fl’& n" “ m\|l “In It 1’ II“ III“ WI I’II’I’MI’HII _;;w%gM WWIIIMW W EhW‘ llull hfl’ll‘l‘"m ” ”ll“ H.111” II HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN NO 39 ’I’IIII’ ’ I III; W‘III'II :3. II'I 1}: .IF‘II. III '3 III’ M”:””II’I””’ K’WI’II’flI’I’I” ”” ””’}”I ‘I'I’MI’I’W fit; MIN I D. S. HOPKINS, AI'IJIII'lct-t. DESIGN NO. 108. RAME two-story dwelling. Size 24x50 feet over all. Height of stories: first, 9 feet; second, 8 feet 6 inches. .Cellar under rear half of house. Stone foundation and cellar 7 feet deep. First story sides clapboarded; second story and gables shingles. Shingle roof. 1 I First story contains hall and open stair case 7 feet 6 inches by 11 feet; parlor, 12 feet 6 inches by 15 feet; sitting room, with bay and fire-place, 13 feet 6 inches by 15 feet 6 inches; chamber, 9 feet 6 inches by 12 feet, with closet; dining room, 11x14 feet 6 inches; kitchen, 10x12 feet; china closets, cupboards, etc. To cellar from kitchen. Front porch 7x16 feet, and side-covered entrance to sitting room. Second story contains front chamber 11 feet 6 inches by 14 feet, and side chambers 9 feet 6 inches by 12 feet, and 10le feet, with closets and bath room 7 feet 6 inches by 13 feet over rear part. MODIFICATIONS: Enlargement of general plan. Cellar under whole house. Rear part carried up another story and one more chamber provided for, and rear stairs from kitchen to second floor. Estimate cost as here shown, no plumbing, mantels, gra‘tes or heating, pine finish, $1,131) to $1,801). See price list for cost of full plans, page 1(). ”" '7The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and bv cornparin,r with vour local prices you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made 32 K39 23 10'“)! II 0:32.“ II 7".“ nu 'a‘ybs'i'm II'xI‘fi'G" 003 Chambv Cyavwbw 7'b":,’ ”331/5," ‘ ; " aw A @- Ia ”J“ "" / L _7, \ w * g-flgjj‘g" 1’ , : W 1 ‘7“ I: '14 ML, @ E! E EQQDWW’I I, ,IW‘I‘ ‘ : H1“; A r ml ‘ . ‘ "v" “Hill , I \W 'M‘ , , l , (lh ”NM“ \ .. | , ‘ . mm.“ , ‘ . , _., I "III ’ I. I; H . J. . ‘ .. :-..«,JH\‘.LLUI ' ‘ ' ' “"s‘flfiflflTflW‘W‘ 13??!“ I” “'17'19‘ , ‘ NW! / ' (H! l“ ”M |,J/,’;.ILMMW LN“ PR |/\J( IPAL E’oo R EA/N G’s/"35"" «NWMIN'I‘AI. I ”I [Whlll I.‘|.‘),]‘.J|‘U|r..‘2‘ ,‘n- u-” — 9’“) ~ ‘IF ”HIM": I 7 ~ . . fir», wx ,W‘,..~.«\-~-~ N H (l/- ‘ ”I". ~/ / mull-unl-Huquln H" . . I . U A < ,IHH’“ / _ / , Tin Inljwwfllflmuifl‘v-[mu-Hum“mullmnumvu"u..."Hum,“ Mm, n-tlltl’1”;'Li/I”"‘ ' A , :/ J‘lfr/fl/rlfiéi-fl , F _‘ o nflA||llwlI.-Iltuluuuumumlm”.S/n/Hlufi/7//_/V:r: ._- :. —'// 2’: fi..»-—, /_ A: , / 1v 3 /’_‘ —=§ ‘_ ,’ ¢1 “It‘s,"— , .«w IDS-M013“? 25 7\ rcnyf. @@@@@@ @Mpé Rex Page, M197. IIIIUSES 411V!) COTTAGES. DESIGN NO. 26. 1)_ S. HOPKINS, Ai'chitw’fi l DESIGN NO. 125. RAME two-story cottage. Size, 31x34 feet over all. Rather nice arrangement of interior; cozy and compact. Height of stories: First, 9 feet; second 8 feet 6 inches. Stone foundation. Cellar under kitchen, hall and reception hall. Stone to cellar bottom 7 feet deep. First story sides clapboarded; second story sides and gables' shingles and shingle roof. First story contains reception hall, 10x12 feet; parlor or sitting room, 13 feet 6 inches by 14 feet (with fire place); dining room, 13x15 feet (with fire place); stair hall, 7x11 feet; hat and coat closet, etc.; kitchen, 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet; pantry, 5 feet 6 inches by 6 feet, and kitchen closet; front porch. Second story contains bay chamber, 13 feet 6 inches by 14 feet (with fire place); other front chamber, 9x12 feet with balcony in front 5x12 feet, and chamber back 11x11 feet 6 inches; one on other side ll feet 6 inches by 13 feet 6 inches; bath room, 4 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 6 inches and closets to all chambers. MODIFICATIONS: Porch can extend across entire front if desired. Rooms can be generally enlarged if re- quired. Stories can be made higher. Second story can be enclosed with clapboarding instead of shingles. Estimate cost as here shown with hard wood finish in principal rooms and hall first floor, balance pine finish no plumbing, mantels, grates or heating, $2,000 to $2,500. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7. and by comparing with your local prices. I you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your‘vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing ofjplans, no extra_charge;\x'ill be made. 4-0 LIE aim; ”j mu“ K-thcn a ‘ > I Ulyh a 121W. |1 Inked” , kéxts: :nlfl /\ - \J ‘ .&r i; ° ‘ c “(In ‘1 lynx bin fix” . 122C191 :0 ,5, I w—w \Lmhwfi" mu I" .1: u ‘] :: ‘ E: J \ \fi _‘ \_/-\__ (A, . X, N;_ 9 big , ,, / XVI/L [/l'fix”; %N [#:1239077 ‘ 1, I / / '/' L or tux? Vstfifik$f III/(11,, I, 2 __ .. ‘2. 14 "-fi‘ ”13.1".‘1- I; " ”W (.71:le [ fl ._ ,_r. . \‘ N ‘ LMQ‘ WM" ,. J w , . . , . J IT'UJL; uhwpumtf‘l . ...,, -..,.,.,,<,,..,¢.,,Vwb,-_v . .m ,w, 49,, .,.., ,//»n' r ’ /~n, v-l \I. 2‘ ‘\ 4/111“ ‘ ,. , ~7/w , [I d I 1 ‘ [NW/q, ‘ ’ v~~ w 7- . ‘ , , —'—‘q,vr"—’ r"7<“""1" ' ~1 Milan}. ”M if y 'Wlwl £11111?"ng ll 1_ ‘Wlmfll‘lfiflfl'flmfi 3 _l _ , __, k. “st—‘1); icig‘zzrs-“t‘ -7 ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN N0_ 125, 1). x. HOP/{[NS. Arv/u’fwi. DESIGN NO. 41. RAME two-story cottage. A very‘ prepossessing exterior and pleasant interior. Size, 30x39 feet over all. Height of stories: First, 10 feet; second 9 feet 6 inches. Cellar under whole house. Stone foundation to bottom of cellar, 7 feet deep. First story clapboarded, second story shingles. Gables shingled and battens. Shingle roof. First story contains vestibule, 3 feet 6 inches by S feet; parlor, 14x14 feet 6 inches; sitting room, lelS feet (with fire place); dining room, 12x14 feet; kitchen, 12x13 feet 6 inches; pantry, 4 feet 6 inches by 1() feet 6 inches. Stairs back and front. Front and rear porch. ' Second floor contains front chamber, 12x14 feet; left side chamber, 12x12 feet; right side chamber, 11x12 feet; servant’s room, 8 feet 6 inches by 10 feet 6 inches. Closets to all chambers. Balcony over porch. Pine finish. No mantel or grate. MODIFICATIONS: Front porch could be enlarged and another one put over kitchen door. Rear part could be carried up same as main part and have chamber and bath room in same. House could be generally enlarged. Estimate cost as here shown, $1,500 to’:$1,800. See price list forjcost ofjull plans, page [10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles t0 clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 42 KlTLHE/q lb'h'x ‘2‘ DVW‘“ ROom "FAIR; ‘l SITTW°ROO ‘5‘ l9; ARLOR' vak‘o’ ‘ "“ $777424, ,_. _ “"‘“‘. .~1~. ‘d‘K‘—A With / .7 Jdmfifiliflllllllunm’ 1' 4 .T~ .. I ‘1" ‘ \-‘ A ', ‘/' -—— t4 J I...i:..n..,, ‘ ,, . 1'” ~ nu u, Lu ”mun-11.. JIL Illllllll “KM/BER ’2'132 (AHA/“PER 2) 1+ - ,> ’ — ,, I rl,‘ @S¥\0Fki ggfi P212; ENQRQ @rafia Rafa/\F‘Fi c igaz. HOUSES AN]; (:(flvr/v‘uijgs, DESIGN NO. 41. I). .s'. ”(’I’A’INS, Aw/u'zr,.,_ DESIGN NO. 133. RAME two-story cottage. A clever arrangement for a cheap house. Size 27x45 feet over all. ies: first, 9 feet 2 inches; second, 8 feet 4 inches. Stone foundation. Cement bank shelf cellar under whole house back of parlor and hall 7 feet deep. 0 First story sides clapboarded; second story sides shingles. Gables Height of stor- paneled. Shingle roof. , First story contains entrance and stair hall 10x11 feet 6 inches; parlor, 13x13 feet 6 inches; dining room, 11x14 feet, without bay; chamber, 10x12 feet; kitchen, 12x12 feet; pantry, 4 feet 6 inches by 10 feet. Rear, side and front porch. Second floor contains front chamber 13x13 feet; one back, 12x13 feet; one 10x10 feet, Rear wing carried up another half story and and closets to each. MODIFICATIONS: Cellar under whole house-stone to bottom. chamber and bath room put in over kitchen and rear stairs. Estimate cost as here shown, pine finish, $1,400 to $1,800. See price list for costrof full plans, page 10. DESIGN NO. 156. RAME two-story cottage. Size 29x34 feet over all. Height of stories: first, 9 feet; second, 8 feet. Stone or brick foundation, and cement bank cellar under whole house 6 feet 6 inches deep. First story sides clap- boarded; second story and gables shinglecl. Shingle roof. First story contains vestibule and stair hall 5x12 feet; parlor, 13 feet 6 inches by 15 feet, with fire-place; dining room, 12x14 feet, with closet and fire-place; kitchen, 11x12 feet; pantry, 4 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 6 inches. Large rear and front porches. Second story contains front chamber 13 feet 6 inches by 14 feet, and one 10x13 feet; rear side chamber, 11x13 feet 6 inches, and closets; bath room, 5x10 feet with closet. MODIFICATIONS: Cellar under whole house, stone to bottom. More room can be added on back if desired. Estimate cost as here shown, pine finish, no plumbing, mantels or grates, $1,200 to $1,500. Add for plumb- ing $175. Hardwood in two rooms and hall, add $50. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10,” 44 O we: r- _‘,_~_fl‘ ll -- . _, . '~.‘ .A ‘- I - ‘ h V! Mk?‘ P _z'hur ' I; L'IZ‘ 79.. r 1‘ G“) -s n. CI-s g . , n .. . K- 91; w “ - _ . l I' sly/v 111!" g x ,cy‘mw 9"; H mm" J vaivs&.\_ ' ‘ C 13-5" xls‘ D7759§~M biz-alou- ,1. U,“ a nu: p. :7 Ia‘x Ii 7, "83;“ a 5 Am\s w , ‘ .‘5 u larv- Ix" L 7 q. pyu n '- 'r_-: Pk L i ‘ 1‘ V ,, o \ " ' / J You? * 7 i L ‘ /o't _ ‘ P ,-———.4 fl GIN Ht“ .. ”3'1"“ ‘ \' ”f ‘Pem‘ow “I. -- ‘ I 1 g..___fi_l 1 PMX a “a I Tirgi’ Wear—173? 5mm? Timmy 1 f c‘nw - Rom, —¢ i. \: Firai/Floarfi'A7 buoyafioumy 'I _ p v’J—{t‘fi-"W‘ 7-..-” A I - ' ‘ $7 34 J I AM _ , v . ‘ M -- ..__..___, " " - ,m w '7'" -LI‘—* : )_a‘flé5='9r:.,‘ s 1; .. ,W "51‘ ‘ I Hi! 1 5 3‘ 1 We , ', ‘ ":- h ‘ ' II . I. .' 1’, H L 2.. L fl, ulllnllununjgl 1371 . as: fiimlglmgm 7A ‘ , -9“ L 5 . H ”,7” '5“!|«5I.'\e“‘“ ,al ‘l_.H§;flIfilEr:_¢‘E‘W/xa ".i with '7 m , W'gw‘ ‘E fifllml'finJ'fiMm, 'iu, 1.".1‘.'"'!‘l\:wffliwh‘frim'n , 7, .7, Ida ,1J*AU I L e( W S" I II In" , - ~ 1" ‘ - :- '4 V F: _\ Q<3l I}; - I, . ‘ I-"UH‘rHW'II‘y/nmtul‘1'"Pg?" ‘_‘_‘ I" .L‘I'H'Y‘r [ll'Tf'fi‘fi'flfiW Wm... ..&§;:rs\mmug.q ..I i'-‘.’{1u.' “ udqug‘imnmn-rf : 7 u WWW... . I "IL HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGNS N08. 133 AND 156. DESIGN NO. 42. WO-STORY frame cottage. Size 28x48 feet, including front porch 8x10 feet. Height of stories: first, 9 feet; second, 8 feet 6 inches. Stone foundation and cellar under whole house 7 feet deep. First story sides clap- boarded; second story and gables shingled. Shingle roof. I First story contains vestibule 4x6 feet 6 inches; reception hall, 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet; parlor, 12x17 feet; living room, 12x15 feet, with fire-place; pantry, 6x8 feet; kitchen, 11 feet 6- inches by 13 feet 6 inches; store room, 5 feet 6 inches by 6 feet. Front and back combination stairs. Second story contains three chambers and bath room, closets, etc. All pine finish. No plumbing, mantels 0r igrates. MODIFICATIONS: The rear part of this house can be changed so as to contain dining room. pantry and kitchen, and dining room used as sitting room. The same can be carried up one and a half stories, and cham- ber and bath room made of same. Estimate cost as here shown, $1,800 to $2,200. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7. and by comparing with your local prices. you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans. no extra charge will be made. 46 w: , I 8“)" Eu"). . 5'0"! 6‘ in! can “Lac :vlr :Pouifr‘f. VP flus- —‘ —< 0' " q ' Em! “ u L Cum '5} J—{Viqumyl 11")(15 -10“. dember. m: (."x 43' o" Turnogfi’oorp M' G" X JJI.‘ br. W: m l I I 7‘ '2 ) : O gap/Mp Tl‘COK T [fw- s ~ \ ‘ H“ —l 2;, \ ‘ “ E- “a L — " '2. .—_ ,0 k 1 _ \ - :2 : >_ I \\r p‘,‘ I > I? I L. m 1, g a “:1le >I¥IL>> < I?“ are fr . . ~' 3» , I ‘ L , n J'L (‘zL/; ' ___7 ~— _.. - ’— IEIILLQH ; {1.1.’ I . I ‘ L ,., 7 I I 117'! p . 2- -_L; . Lf‘w :r.‘ 1:“I -LW II r ‘mhhl “ . ‘2‘ ‘ Ln. I' ,L -:A. - ,:~_. i'L , .\ ‘,__ 7 .1 I I L; I IIII’III . ‘ . #7» , ,. ‘ H"; ' I l “L; [‘1 IIIleEILIII ,/L fl»(},,u» *., unilimw W“ HOUSES AND COTTAGES DESIGN no, 42, I). S. HOPKINS, Al-L-lu'lu;L IMLH Wm “Ili “'WL .41th . _‘>‘/;, H, ‘ III III IIIII 3” W1 ""‘efl‘fi’fV; , I MIME“ .L IIvIIIII [Ii 1!“ ILLIyIIHIr III III I . ; “n » rHH’W“; I “11'” “ M?‘ L; [1! Li I L IILII IILII. .1 m Ll M h H ”I II'I ”1 HI I“; 5‘“, —/”;::<:~“ “T ~' WuumeW“WWHWWflWWL~W; W l'“1 j“W”LWWWWHWW /::VA» ‘7 ‘/A _ ' ‘ IHIIII [H w “I“ L E“ I “I h “In” K , h l n \3 nl (‘ “ll“ W, W “m [I'I] W51 "-' “"14“an DESIGN NO. 145. RAME two-story cottage. Size 34x54 feet over all. Height of stories: first, 9 feet 6 inches: second, 8 feet. Stone foundation and cellar under sitting room and dining room and all back 7 feet deep. First and second story sides clapboarded, except a shingle belt over first story windows. Gables shingled and shingle roof. First story contains entrance and stair hall 7 feet 6 inches by 13 feet 6 inches; parlor, 13x13 feet; sitting room, 13x14 feet 6 inches, with fire-place; dining room, 11 feet 6 inches by 15 feet; chamber, 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet, with closet; kitchen, 11x13 feet; pantry, 5x12 feet; bath room, 5x8 feetp Front and rear stairs. Side entrance and large front porches. Second story contains front bay chamber 12x13 feet, with dressing room adjoining, 7 feet 6 inches by 8 feet, and closet; side chamber, 13x13 feet; and one ll feet 6 inches by 13 feet, with closets and unfinished stor- age room over wing. MODIFICATIONS: Cellar under entire house. Whole house can be enlarged. Fire-place in chamber, second floor. Rear second floor can be finished so as to get another good room. Estimate cost as here shown, pine finish, no plumbing, mantels, grates or heating. $1,800 to $2,300. ‘ Four rooms and hall_finished in hard wood, add $80 over pine finish. Plumbing, $175. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparingr with your local prices. you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 48 I ,,2"‘" A44 ;<_ “W w - CIUJ 1’ cbtmbtr’ “5773’?" II sun" aufhyg Rm. ISAIVA' F J O n «“1/3' Cbuwx‘nr’ 3-413} l "WW. % / ’ c. HAN / €an )2?“ I 4 C AVH“.:\V‘ / ’ Rafi" ‘ i '3'?” W “M 4 __.-——- \ I‘ If . \ . 7 " ' ' I \~-*=—-:: °° Frskfioofigp '1 \\ =2: 3110711)?“ro 1 R j l I 1 :1“ \a.” \ 57/21 ‘1 , ‘ W . E: r? y T; i" Q beg—j: . l 13., 44' ,\ M’Zf/_ ¥ ‘ ‘ ‘ {19/ ‘/i (I _ 1 ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ L aw flmflw J.” m :1 “us. v.’Il j tunnrmfl'w / _ x . . . , l ' - / -, .. \ _ 1 W“ M uwwgf -. , 3 ’9, . »‘\\"‘ 4r _ . 4;“ L 7 ., .444‘43’4?‘ .i‘uzztzgzzuumg 1 _ v 'W,%p\¥gw—.A\ 4 . 'fmltl [‘4"'-""1.: I!" x \ . “"2" I I I ‘ ‘ II.” .I. -»‘1-"‘"’J'|‘ ,..|‘ 1 111 T; r «ummm‘fi ' r 'u' '1 .-.1- . .‘H‘J ~11... . . .4 4"“ 5r 1" 'l ‘1 l L' 32114.4"... 4,1“! . ,,. . 1.‘ l ‘ , WWW" r1444 ‘IH‘UI I-l 4 H“ '!4 . “5 l 1’ “ l H H "W I H" .-‘._.;-.~.'..:'.:.L"L'..“.L’3.‘.'!.."...22hI.nil“u.‘.‘:.'.UL,L,.£tYh'.-11~W"m -VM'M‘ , , “'_.J:«‘.1112."l‘s.’.‘é'-’"““-"J’flfib 1M," "' ' . '*.1 W W:.fl:‘1~,wfiw7,1+fi111§7w.~ 1 . mug/"4 mm ,......_.-..~.~,4,....- ......u,. -~4~l~:m~-m-w......,_.-... ..‘. .. m... -- ‘ H'w‘r—vua." "VI'flh-E‘nfl'dfl‘»rt'.‘::.<.T1;I'IC-.:‘<-“.1wz::_-‘ R * ' ' " "‘""-:'(("'.;;W7Mw,""mnfry/Nata?”-2'//:«7?m2-'4:,:;.4 ,' . . , , ,- 4 U ,azka'cyc‘rfi £534: 7"”. "677-," ‘:yyfl'lfii’fi:F’Azr'wfi'llngfifx- 23’,'I>r":,‘.:.'7',;;';;:7',1 I; i * Yv 1101:3153 AND mv'yzmns. DESIGN NO. 145. D: 5- H”1’K’*"\ ‘ 1 , .‘\§\\\ % ;* \V\ 1 ‘ .\ \E i I .1 as I 5 n I" "I f)!’ 4$ 7 I " ~ ' V r :1 I'I'lz fir/kl. DESIGN NO. 44. RAME two-story cottage. A small pleasant arrangement for a medium-size family. Size 29x44 feet over all. Height of stories: First 9 feet; second, 8 feet 6 inches. Cellar under entire house, 7 feet deep. Stone foundation to cellar bottom. First and second stories clapboarded; gables shingled and rough cast. Shingle roofs. First story contains hall 6 feet 6 inches by 10 feet; parlor 13x14 feet (with fire place); dining room, 14x15 feet; sitting room, 14x16 feet 6 inches (with fire place); kitchen, 11x13 feet; pantry, 6 feet 6 inches by 6 feet 6 inches. Front stairs. . Second floor contains front chamber, 14x14 feet; side bay chamber, 12 feet 6 inches by 1? feet; opposite side chamber, 11x13 feet; rear chamber 11x13 feet; bath room 6 feet 6 inches by 7 feet. No attic stairs. MODIFICATIONS: House can be generally enlarged. More porch can be provided in front if desired. Fire places can be placed in two chambers. Second story rear stairs could be arranged for. Estimate cost as here shown, $1,800 to $2,500. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will he made 50 m. 0" Wu 134'. ' > i 1‘» 1 .,./u\u'\ “A N “"15“; 1‘1“; 1'. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. .I , ‘ //z a" m}; C“ . A. " " flax. «a , 1w. "ml //,‘I 1’ w“ . ”I J ‘J," “ ‘6' DESIGN NO. 44. DWWLROOM O‘TTW“R°°A RRLOR ”Hut: "1"” I+XJ3 JL 7*? . I 7‘ FiALL PORLH 5w: KITCHE - 4w II'X/ ' F; 1 F560»? WA/v DSHOPKI/ujARu-f‘r C HAMBER 12'6le ‘ LHAMEER ' I4‘XH} SECO/VDEEOR RDA/v I). S. HOPKINS, Arclnftef't, _.. -.‘___‘..__A AA A A- TVA?!“ 444‘ U DESIGN NO.» 146. RAME two story double tenement dwelling of moderate cost. Size, 35x42 feet over all. Height of stories: First, 9 feet 6 inches; second, 8feet. Stone,or brick foundation, and full stone cellar under dining rooms and kitchens. First story sides clapboarded. Second story and gables shingled. Shingle roof. First story contains entrance hall with stairs from same Jrx12 feet; sitting room, 12x15l feet; dining room, 11Xl3 feet; kitchen, 10x11 feet; pantry, 4 feet 6 inches by 10 feet; to cellar from kitchen; front porch. Second floor contains three chambers on aside, one 12x14 feet; one 10x11 feet; and one 9x10 feet, and closets, with a balcony from one front room. MODIFICATIONS: Fire place could be put in sitting room and dining room, also up stairs in two chambers on each side. Rooms could be enlarged and another one built back if desired, Estimate cost as here shown, pine finish, $1,600 to $2,000. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10, The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of materal and labor as given on page 7. and by comparingr with your local prices, you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans. no extra charge will be made. 52 _ .T‘;~ ~¢ 4- —.--- — 3--,_— 1;;‘_'_:‘. ‘— , >_'~‘ ,_ _:3 - £1. \‘ a . {‘5 I C An In E ‘1 a \r ‘ 917x101 y" 2 (7: d IIH I: H. l‘ i l 0‘ ' m i “r M ‘i E 1% "/79 '1"? {m ‘1'?» v v v “MW =4 67“?” F 1’ [I X 13 K ’3' o' . o XI‘ _ I Y r! I "‘ Hm Hm ; r ‘7 y 1 r- y —-3 i . . ‘ —1 t; 0-}I73 7"! @pu'uis [Km (79% (’93 E ' [-1. 41% , , Cbmnbxf- I C cvqhu n: ’JxH“ v). "* rhlumy [- :73 "““ L 13m» F r3’f/ Woo r “In? JV], / h, 4 r" I J 1w / Um, [I II‘ 7.. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN NO. 146. 1). S. HUI’A’INS. .»1/-«v/u‘m' DESIGN NO. 45. RAME two-story dwelling. Size, 45x65 feet, including front porch 8 feet wide and rear stove or laundry porch 10 feet wide. Height of stories: First, 11 feet; second, 10 feet. Stone and pier foundation. No cellar. First story sides clapboarded; second story and gables shingled. Shingle roof. This is a resort or southern style plan dwelling. First story contains hall, 8x27 feet with stairs; parlor. 14x15 feet (with fire place); living room, 14x27 feet (with fire place); dining room, 12x16 feet 6 inches (with fire place); air passages between main part and kitchen 5 feet wide and rear stairs; kitchen, 12x15 feet; pantry, cupboards, etc.; also bath room, 5x8 feet. Second floor contains large hall and balcony entire width of house, with four good-sized chambers and clos- ets in main part, with servant’s room over kitchen. Pine finish. No plumbing, mantels or grates. MODIFICATIONS: Three more grates could be placed in second story chambers. Sixc of house could be changed. Bath room could be arranged for off from rear hall, second story, if desired. Estimate cost as here shown, $2,000 to $2,500. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices, you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles t0 clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 54 m‘rgnam u-eg'ms: ago/An rbn IFS/v51 ‘ . . ____‘ r ! , war. RAW, mu... _. r‘ uv b mmne HALL g\ / I (I . try-51¢: ’// "mum" CHANEal. —CHA~\B:12 0 f w" 'U" _, _. '~’J 'ZLG'NK urine-g 0 )1 \ J l! L _, g“ 2 CL Kun- E .1 cum: can/«up. 17¢le *- Ilétzilxm: E bALcomv \ 1 ’7“ g \ Fms,’ T‘LQQR PLAN . 7 v ‘ ' ' ‘ .1 , ‘ 4w ; Gaga/~10 {‘me Pup IIIE . ,1 hi.“ . mwmm gym; . ’ . rm 4- m ‘ [ ‘ } I HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DES|GN NO. 45_ D. S. HOPKINS, Architect. DESIGN NO. 147. RAME two-story cottage. Size, 30x44 feet over all. Height of stories: First, 9 feet 6 inches; second, 8 feet. Stone or brick foundation. Cement bank cellar under entire house 7 feet deep. First story sides clap- boarded; second story sides shingles or clapboarding. Cables and roof shingles. First story contains entrance and stair hall 8x17 feet with nook and fire place in front end. Sitting room, 12x15 feet (with fire place); dining room, 12x1§ feet (With fire place); kitchen, llxl3 feet 6 inches (with closet and to cellar from same); combination stairs; pantry, Jrrfeet 6 inches by 9 feet 6 inches; rear and large front porch. Second floor contains two front chambers, one 10 feet 6 inches by 13 feet 6 inches; one 12x14 feet 6 inch— es; one rear chamber, 12x12 feet; one 10x10 feet 6 inches; bath room, 5 feet 6 inches by 7 feet, and plenty of closets. MODIFICATIONS: Stoned up cellar under whole house. Fire place in second story chambers. Another din— ing room could be built on back and rooms changed around so as to have a parlor. Estimate cost as here shown, pine finish, no plumbing, mantels, grates or heating, $1,600 to $2,000. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 56 Kkbgy 77 ’(137 6 1|- ! {CIHIOR JV“. 8 A 7 Nnok V ' D I mm) ze' fir moor/13 J 7 _ 6:14:79 RM Iz'xu“ IVE. } I } IIIIIIIIIH 7'2“ 1...... .41.,” . ‘1' . . 1 mung ‘ {1.1.} \*~« < .M W7: . f g» , f1 1111} .11 I l ‘17:,” "MI/m: (IV/'0 A711 ”UNI": mllIIIIIIq'HL' F,“ ; III/III" Hm }:}I}}.II}umII II "II’YY'II'I I . 5'} a .45“... 11.11.11,“... .. 12415.45 J. .'..‘.1'--‘-"-‘-'-V- M WWA._—~—M—~A__-DEE§OMXE=:E 82:3 HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN NO. 147. l). S. HOPKINS, Architect. DESIGN NO. 46. RAME two-story dwelling. A study for economy of room, convenience, etc., at small expense. Size 28x40 feet over all. Height of stories: first, 9 feet 6 inches; second, 8 feet. Cellar under entire house 7 feet deep. Stone foundation. Sides are clapboarded; gables shingled, shingle roof. First story contains vestibule 4x6 feet; sitting hall, 13 feet 6 inches by 13 feet 6 inches, with fireplace; stair ball back of same; parlor, 13x15 feet, with fire-place; dining room, 12x1§ feet, with fire-place; kitchen, 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet; pantry, 6 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 6 inches. Front and rear side porches. Second floor contains front chamber 12x13 feet; side front chamber, 10x13 feet; chamber back of stairs, 9x12 feet; and chamber 13x13 feet, with bath room 7 feet 6 inches by 9 feet, and attic stairs. Closets to all princi- pal chambers. Main stairs are so arranged as to answer for both front and rear admirably. All pine finish. MODIFICATIONS: Front porch can be enlarged, projecting out further from house. More room can be pro- vided by building on another room on back of present kitchen and pantry, and use present kitchen as dining room. Provide rear stairs at same time and go to cellar under same, or some of these fire-places can be left out if desired and house cheapened some. Estimate cost as here shown, $1,800 to $2,400. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices, you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans. no extra charge will be made. 58 9‘01 (“In CHAMBER Io '°"'J‘-o‘ CuAMau Clo; I1'-o'./3' 5‘ l Run} 1714101211): My Q3'1'T'I'NfiHAxL ~)-l,')l} (a' V Irma? FoofiFLAn I). S. HOPKINS, Al'rr/n'fm-I‘. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN NO. 46. DESIGN NO. 148. RAME two-story and attic dwelling. A cozy little six-room home. Size 30x42 feet over all. Height of stories: first, 9 feet 6 inches; second, 8 feet. Stone foundation and cellar under entire house 7 feet. deep. First and second stories clapboarded, gables paneled. Shingle roof. First story contains vestibule 4 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 6 inches; sitting hall, with bay and fire-place, 12x15 feet; dining room, 11x15 feet 6 inches, with fireplace; kitchen, 11x13 feet; pantry, 4 feet 6 inches by 11 feet. Combination stairs. Side porch to kitchen and large front porch. Second story contains front chamber, with bay, 9 feet 6 inches by 15 feet; chamber back, connecting with door (with fire-place) 13x16 feet, and rear chamber It) feet 6 inches by 11 feet; bath room, 4 feet 6 inches by 7 feet, and plenty of closets. ‘ MODIFICATIONS: Another room for dining room could be built back, with slight change of pantry, for din- ing room, and present dining room used as sitting room. Rooms could all be enlarged if desired. Exterior en- closure could be changed. 4 Estimate cost as here shown, with liai'd\\«'ood finish of two rooms first floor and pantry, no mantels, grates or heating, $1,700 to $2,200. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local pric’es you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboaids on exterior of any design, or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 60 —I-H——- 5" ‘3‘me- +9 UI' ”We Wow I" XI'S c" //:/ // //, 5v ‘ 1M . I We .fi 5,, l/[l/ll/ J ”'2' . ’- 4'.” /////é:~-$T‘\1II:IWI DEUCSHB ‘ 25"" l 3"‘JG]U[]IJJMDL n’ “E 8’ Wfiwc/é‘: ‘4 A" m” ‘ ' L WW’W 9:) % IHIIIIMUL .I ‘l , (”’“LN “‘I‘C‘Ll‘cll'm 1‘ If“ .5 EA U‘l HOUSES AND COTTAGES‘ DESIGN NO. 148, 1). s. Ht’um’1N5. Architut. DESIGN NO. 48. RAME two-story cottage. This "is rather a quaint little. house exteriorly, and a very compact interior. Size 32x38 feet over all. This would make a very pretty exterior for certain localities. Height of stories: first, 9 feet; second, 8 feet 6 inches. Cellar under whole house. Stone foundation: First story clapboards; second shingled. Gable to turret shingled. Shingle roof. First story contains vestibule 4x6 feet 6 inches; hall, 9 feet 6 inches by 11 feet; parlor, 13x13 feet 6 inches, with fire-place; dining room, 11x15 feet; kitchen, 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet; pantry, 5x6 feet 6 inches. porch in front. Small porch at dining room entrance. Large Second floor contains front chamber 11 feet 6 inches by 13 feet, and alcove adjoining 7 feet 6 inches by 12 feet; right side chamber, 11x11 feet; and chamber 10X12 feet, with bath room, 8x12 feet 6 inches. Closets to all chambers. All pine finish. No plumbing, mantels, grates or heating. MODIFICATIONS: Exterior can be changed in front by raising the front lean-to to height of main, and bring- ing gables out to front. Turret remains same as now. Another room can be built on back of present kitchen and said kitchen used as dining room, and put in rear stairs also if desired. Pantry will work same as now, only change and close up some doors. Estimate cost as here shown, $1,800 to $2,400. See price list for cost of full plans, page :10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices, you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. at _ 62 ‘m 1.’ ”MW“ [111 ny "‘ HI . 1 1 1:. 2,116,” 1,111131 ‘ ,, 1 _ .1 V [111‘"“;} Uh1~111111u+ H m|\\|\n\‘|‘l\\\H.1‘..lg|w_l,.1mmxunlwnV "' ,¢\ \ L| \H \\“\I ‘\\\L\\\\ \1\.,.\‘|1. '11!” . ¢®. .HOPk195./A\pc/bvfi 6‘0an Rapidy/Neb. i l HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN NO. 48. ”£32m H'XIS .1. KlTLl-El E/\l HG’XIZ sl/QK -—-fi:_R:>T EORPAW '- Q—IAMBER (HAM BER //'6") y|7u73R007 U H v 17' u L 3'. .35- F "I #2“ II'X/b' l/‘x/J'a' DESIGN No‘. 50. Cbtryber // x /(,- 6' be: c and fiber" FT’CUQ v chye? // 1 «3' k=== _) .‘ I/Iyx 5 Wm ,/ IZL'Q‘ 7 ‘7- :/.xrlor M 1/5' Flt/3f. WOO/FPCLQ‘ I). S. [IMP/(INS. A I‘r'lzl'lrr'f. DESIGN NO. 154. RAME two story dwelling. Size, 31x60 feet over all. Height of stories: First, 10 feet; second, 9 feet 6 inches. Cellar under entire house. Stone foundation and cellar 7 feet deep. Sides clapboarded, gables shingles. Shingle roof. First story contains hall, 9x18 feet 6 inches, with open stairs; parlor, 12x14 feet, with bay; sitting room, 15x16 feet, with fire-place; chamber or library, 12x14 feet, with closet; dining room, 12x15 feet; kitchen, 12x13 feet 6 inches; cupboards, china closet and kitchen closet; rear stairs and to cellar from kitchen; back and front porches. Second story contains front chamber, 14 feet 6 inches by 14 feet 6 inches; chamber, 12x14 feet; chamber, 12x13 feet; two rear chambers, 10 feet 6 inches by 12 feet, and 10x14 feet; bath room, 5 feet 6 inches by 8 feet, with closets to all and attic stairs. MODIFICATIONS: Porch in front could be roofed continuous if desired. Fire-place could be put in chamber over sitting room. Lavatory could be arranged for next to kitchen. Closets on rear porch. Contracted for and built as here shown, with four principal rooms and hall in hardwood finish, balance pine, hot air pipes for second floor, no plumbing, mantels, grates or heating, $2,375. Plumbing and gas pipes add $225. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices, you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings In your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 66 4 J b 9-7: -— :3,— - _—_'2——=~—. ~.—~ .v-mnrrw. _ _ _ . M 2 22222 2.2. 2.2... 2-- 2 22..- 222222222 2. ‘ ‘H‘AH c" . - ‘ -- - _ fizzfi _ 2 ‘2_22_________ _ E ‘ 3",“ fin Ru \ Rani // Clos 5‘01 S'u' | / ’ 2 I 2 2 l r 3' u ' 9 Q }. U. C b i j; 3- - 1 K: Lb: 2 4 A": “g + ,1 Cygnus-r 111131;" D1773?“ loo 1/1 [a “f ’ «P-J I) Hui ’ ~ ‘ l ‘ Cm, p l " emu m I C>AMl>mf l IZ'X'S' Gbkmbxr 3.44; R 78 wal C \vd'a yr .3 l «flow I “‘- 114;" H Ru} IL'xnr' 'g‘ l‘\ (\H ,. q x If'b l’ 22% \ Roof (am-.9 Pony a uor7’3 7'79 DV—fiLV imnggjgmu‘ufiligl,umm—gimnugmL "‘l‘ H 'l‘ T I '1“ ’W "’I‘HI-l ! Mi . ’ ‘ ’ ” I 2 ‘ I “11—1-4 1 Li”: " 1"! VII“- W W 4% " - ;J.,\,:B;gl '1)" ”5’14” 409/ I n-fi-fiwfi 7‘7 fil‘fléf/Tfiffl‘ ’ ‘ a! c :2 2 '1‘ ., ‘ 2M E'é’w _ 2 y ‘ l ‘ p “‘l'm) II, 1“] fig], , é ‘ ‘ 5’ “m “ML!!! M $27"'5“("1"li) mm ":2: T w " ' - l ' ' —7 ‘ ‘ ”1 2r 1 . . ‘. u “r ‘ ‘ . ”H [["”"~»lu'lfii.‘nu [MIMI/5 l :23? /‘2-22_ ‘W Amm‘m . , 7‘22, ;. ‘ . » , ,_ M“ .‘ , ‘ g , .....,.--. I l . . . _ 2 _ ‘ ‘ ‘ .‘ 2 , ,, . K “W ' ,u‘ w ,_ r ._ . l V ‘ I“ [(lf].l'llllal.“tum/ugh5| m...» .. "- wm‘l‘lulM!’"H)“'W "uh-Wu "I!” -. m: m.. y.“ ‘w J .m r 2 . . w, ‘ ,. “Iv '.. y, ‘ 4%) I 2. ‘, :{Hluw ‘ / 2 ‘ h r J "— __ j . :2 . '£,$E‘,‘,....fim,’, »[..m....7‘/!yawn“. Imikikhtlh/HUI' ”w." 'eritfiw‘ ’ u 7 94 r’ K "VII“IIIJV‘flW‘ “I H" “(1 (W W: ‘ 71%,,7‘f w H “Y N ‘f _ _ L\_ , ‘ v . .n _ .. I ‘ ‘ “ w‘ L. '1. ”0,; I-‘rrllnw ‘ {Hi/II“ ’ ' ' ' @er ).L\.g"1.‘,v.,_”‘ ‘ < 22 U I) //,'/// ,r ‘ w. 1 u“ 4 / //H , . ‘V «I "u' ' >‘ A W- 'K W ¥‘" ‘firriu /‘_‘* W ”71424 4241/ __ H 2 ' ‘\V J r v 7* 7 :4 4:" V V - ‘ f :1“:— ' ’ “'2 ‘4; ‘mi/M/‘C IL"/1U’/’M//"‘L”_1"””"L’i’"‘W'UH‘HW'IIH'" hunkrt‘llw ,.,' HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN No. 154. D. s, HOPKINS, Architect. DESIGN NO. 52. RAME two story cottage. A style of house many want. A cheap house with chamber upon first floor. Size, 31xSl feet over all. Height of stories: First, 9 feet; second, 8 feet 6 inches. Square ceiling in main second story. Stone foundation, with cellar under kitchen, dining room and sitting room, 7 feet deep. Sides clapboarded, gables shingled. Shingle roof. First story contains hall, 7x13 feet 6 inches; parlor, 13x14 feet; sitting room, 14x15 feet, with fire-place; chamber, 10le feet, with closet; dining room, 11x16 feet 6 inches; kitchen, 11x11 feet 6 inches; pantry, 5x5 feet 6 inches. Back and front stairs, front and side porches. V Second story contains front bay chamber, 13x14 feet, with alcove adjoining, 3 feet 6 inches by 7 feet; chamber back of stairs, 10x13 feet; chamber opposite, 10 feet 6 inches by 11 feet, and bath room, 6 feet 6 inches by 8 feet, with storage room in abundance. Pine finish. No plumbing, mantels, grate or heating. MODIFICATIONS: Some parties do not like this long roof down over porch. Same can be changed and the roof made in two parts and main cornice running around and joining the front, same as on the other side as per upper per- spective. Fire-place can be arranged for in dining room and chamber if desired. Wing second story can be divided up in one or two more chambers by raising the low side to balance the other. Estimate cost as here shown, $1,800 to $2,200. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices = you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing,r shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans. no extra charge will be made. 68 ‘ ' h “Va. Mn"! ‘7 _..r-1¥”V'¢1’Ir\rt'7u mi.” N \ !'¢If‘ II; I\'¥AI\L‘I\ L1,“ fl {fr I'\ l/{h‘ ,. I'“ “I“ \I .,- I ”W V 1‘ x/IM/p. " W 'nnII I } II V 'r 'IIIIIIIIII 'I AII'J" ‘1th my?» Hi. Wig“ K‘ XIIILIIVH. ‘I\\ -§; , mp 2M IIIW _. .. 'A H’W I. II V I 5]” I‘.“ ”\Iagfi In In HHUSES AN!) COTTAGES. DESIGN NO. 52_ 1). S. IQ... .nINLIIl a. IMF}? szII IQ! "I II 'II ‘I'h a: IImIWx \I f I . I Km '5)“ x I \ - few»: WWW. M5,. WW,” I HOPKINS. Enzyme"; F-Ut 8‘ Gbnrg'oar 9.47 :zcyez // X//'~ C’yambu /c'x/1 5ECOND?LOORPLANV P'7‘757"°°7 Fmbr 'FLoonPLAN arms“ Io'-r.': II’ Ru; 1/ II Iu've‘ 5.11.7411007 M \I w' A [Will/[14¢ DESIGN NO. 132. RAME two story cottage. Size, 33x34 feet. A very compact and cozy cottage. Most room for the money is the motto here. Height of stories: First, 9 feet 6 inches; second, 8 feet; stone foundation and cellar under family room, hall and alcove. Stone cellar to bottom. First story sides clapboarded. Second story sides shingled; gables shingles and scrolls. Shingle roof. First story contains vestibule, 4 feet 6 inches by 7 feet; family room, 13 feet 6 inches by 14 feet, with alcove 7 by 8 feet, and fire-place in same; hall, 6x16 feet, with open stairs in back; dining room or parlor, 13x14 feet, with fire-place; dining room or kitchen, 11x13 feet; pantry, 4 feet 6 inches by 11 feet; future kitchen; llxll feet; to cellar from pantry. I Second story contains front family chamber, 13 feet 6 inches by 14 feet, with fire-place; children’s room back, llxll feet; two chambers on other side of hall, one 10x13 feet 6 inches; one 9x13 feet 6 inches; bath room, 4 feet 6 feet and closets to all chambers. MODIFICATIONS: Kitchen can be built on back as kitchen, and present kitchen used as dining room, and front room as parlor where more room is desired. Rooms can be enlarged if required. Estimate cost as here shown without future kitchen, with hardwood finish for first floor,. principal rooms and hall; also plumbing, no mantels, grates or heating, $2,000 to $2,500. If no plumbing, deduct $200. if no hardwood, deduct $100. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans. no extra charge will be made. 70- Ffiv’flt’ Ffloov’ Pflawng a.__.,__. 1 Llrrrrrrrn.mnflflnm’ )7 ' Mm‘flrr rrrrrh l r‘lr'lflfiv’lffia .‘ r. 1 L. , "Prrrrrfi!F‘mflrlfh'n‘." HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN NO. 132. 171,-,» / L".- 1.63:2?” - 7m. . _!#;¢Efiéé/Z//%W//fflr f- . \J7amlaev’? ia—c' 7. 11+" J eaomd F1190?) PEI-mm » r I). S. HOPKINS, Architect. DESIGN No. 75. RAME two story dwelling. Size, 30x68 feet, including an 8-foot porch in front and 10-foot porch in rear. Height of stories: First, 11 feet 6 inches by 10 feet 6 inches. No cellar. Brick foundation and piers. -First story sides clapboarded, second story and gables shingles; Shingle roof. This is a southern style of house. The first floor is so arranged as to throw all Inain part rooms and hall together if desired. First story contains hall, 10le feet, with stair case; living room, 15x20 feet, with fire-place; dining room, 12x18 feet. with tire-place; S-foot open space between dining room and kitchen; kitchen 13x15 feet, with store pantry, cupboards. etc. Back of the kitchen is a 10 foot porch, with back stairs from same. This porch is intend- ed to set stove on for laundry use, etc. Second floor contains large hall, a bath room or another chamber could be made, 1f desired, off from it;two good-sized chambers, and two rear' rooms, closets, etc. Two fire-places could be arranged on second floor directly over those below, if desired, by making slight changes in closets. Pine finish. MODIFICATIONS: Size of rooms and size of house changed. Side of main porch could be widened out to line of hall projection. Two fire-places could be provided for in chambers. Second story: Bath room could be arranged for upon second story if desired, by reducing size of one rear chamber and loss of one closet. Estimate cost is from $l.8()0 to $2,300. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices, you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 72 1 Cannes»? ‘ 9 “1' c... .' /_ // / // /. / man 7; ll Lrvnr;r.l7’»run '7 l {0 )10 I 1 | l LEE-J I ,I' ’ Porn ,/ M \g [ M2 1 éscouo FLOOR PLAN / IN / J) . ‘ / t 7) ‘ 1‘ ‘X \_ / -. 'A ' I‘ ” SJ. 1- ’1 7- 3:! \\ \ w V7,, ”\é ...a. "mac-W 1% ~‘ HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN No. 75. D- 8- HOPKINS, Architect- DESIGN No. 36. RAME two-story cottage. Size 32x40 feet; exterior size including front porch, 10le feet. Height of stories, first, 9 feet; second, 8 feet 6 inches. Stone foundation and cellar under whole house. This design is intended for those who want a neat, common-sense dwelling where the whole house will be used (no shut up parlors only to be used for weddings and funerals) but live in front of the house themselves. All rooms of good size and really contains all the luxuries there are in an expensive house. First story has some extra rock faced stone work in front and about the porch, balance clapboarding. Sec- ond story and gables shingled; shingle roof. First story painted three coats, second story and gables stained. First story contains stair hall, 8x11 feet; living room, 13x17 feet, (with fire place); dining room, 13x15 feet; kitchen 11x13 feet 6 inches; pantry 6x8 feet, and rear porch. . Second story contains three good sized chambers, closets and bath room, balcony, etc. All pine finish. N0 mantels, grates, plumbing or heating. MODIFICATIONS: Stone work above foundation can be substituted with wood. Fire place in dining room. Rear stairs could be provided and another kitchen could be built on back and present kitchen used as dining room, and dining room as sitting room. Pantry could be changed in that event. Estimate cost is $1,800 to $2,300. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. DESIGN NO. 37. RAME one and one—half story cottage. Size 34x52 feet, including front porch, 6 feet wide. Height of stories: First, 9 feet 6 inches; second, 9 feet. Stone foundation. Cellar under sitting room and dining room, 7 feet deep. First story clapboarded; second story shingled. Shingle roof. First story contains hall, 6x8 feet; parlor, 16 feet 6 inches by 16 feet (with fire place); sitting room 15x16 feet 6 inches (with fire place); dining room, 12 feet 6 inches by 16 feet (with fire place; chamber, 13x13 feet; kitchen, 12x13 feet, and pantry, 7x13 feet. Very large front porch. Front stairs. Second story contains four chambers; closets and bath room. All pine finish. No plumbing, mantels, grates or heating. MODIFICATIONS: Cellar under whole house. Bath room could be arranged off from chamber first floor by building on back. Second story could be full height throughout and another chamber provided in place of storage room. Estimate cost as here shown, $1,800 to $2,100. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. 74 .I Clo - ‘ B“?! a $ Sevvmfls C‘zun] her 7X 4 CIUQ, x fl Ron-11 ’31”. 12,!” ch ‘ C12 anflur : ‘ «Edie? ‘ '7 )3? y. E—jE 4.159%“ Room 9' - V o v . \’\ recuqn Clzalnlvcr ram 1.33% RN . CPPPPSP 15'” Cw: Rm ‘ '5 l1. 0 3 &|ttil73 Ra m1] Dirfxng Roan] CI;:::zan J Away?! 15-3! IG'C" 12'6"x 15' q'rxxu g x7 UP - . CW3 a HM! 4%“ > on UN"?'”" Chamber 2qu 0 2 91(1). [WRIT chlz /5'c“x [g I; " 7 /0':( .10 Roof 5cm P‘PPPP PEPPA HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGNS N08. 36 AND 37_ I). S. HOPKINS, A'I‘allilcrf. DESIGN NO. 33. RAME two-story cottage. This is a square house, the cheapest style of house to build. Size 30x37 feet, in- cluding front porch. Height of stories: first, 10 feet; second, 9 feet 6 inches. Cement bank cellar under en- tire house 6 feet 6 inches deep. Stone foundation. Sides clapboarded, gables shingled, shingle roof. First story contains hall 4x18 feet; parlor, ll feet 6 inches by 12 feet; sitting room, 12 feet 6 inches by 14 feet; dining room, 12x14 feet 6 inches; kitchen, 11x13 feet; pantry, 5x10 feet 6 inches. Large veranda across the front. Second floor contains two front chambers 12x12 feet; rear chamber, 13x13 feet 6 inches; one chamber, 10x12 feet 6 inches, and five closets. Stairs to attic. Also a good, large balcony over front porch. Finished in pine. MODIFICATIONS: Veranda can be widened out to 6 or 7 feet wide in front. Stoned up cellar under whole house. General enlargement if desired. Fire-place in sitting room, dining room and parlor if desired. Estimated cost is from $1,60J to $2,000. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices, you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 76 DI/vyvoRoam ,z'x WC 1 L fl ., _ I “I 1 WI 1 rill »‘ ‘ [WI 0 II‘II \\ MK ‘ V ‘ PARLOR I u , ‘ ‘r I *1. - . 1 ‘ ‘ IL . \1‘“ . DZ "I If ‘ I l'b'X ll' - .4; , 2,, ‘ . 5%.! - V \ (“J nmuuIn5mu"lunnmmmm '(‘I QAM 31R lag-“0' ,!| GAMBER stna'b' ‘ ‘ ‘1 In, E " ”w a £11 I V “h“l'i‘ILEfML/fihmm ‘4 . —-_, ,~//:;;‘x',f\ / ;:=f{ ymwmv v L:‘.“W'K"71§M'— \ ‘ \ 1 ab- -k. — ~ . —~....'—A V .. ' .f’,'7— ’T'PN-w' "’ \K' I u\ \ '— “Afl'o-w—v‘“ ’- \ -fl- N. A ~ ,muu _ M «anfl _ : (1 A» ‘ V‘ " — A A 4 .— A \ ”fl“ fl h ‘ A \ :—~ - F r ,- "\,.~ ”‘ A - ZARA ”A A ,~ H, _ f ’ N A a ’ _ A r A - W ”De‘ A ‘ -- , / . PK] 5 F1057" , - ~~ ./ »»I/ fHo W A” K: ' —V——‘:—1—‘:._r‘=;:i’=5=“ M @))//1(@4\E_af///\Ej/QV D WEE—’5‘- O ' Architect. D. S, HOPKINb, DESIGN N . 33. - ' ""' 'ES. HOUSES AND I, 01 1 A!) DESIGN NO. 32. HlS is a pleasing arrangement of rooms, and has the accommodation of a more pretentious house. Size 27x49 feet. Frame house. Height of stories: first, 9 feet 6 inches; second, 8 feet. Cellar under kitchen, wood house and sitting room, 7 feet deep. Stone foundation. First story contains hall 8x13 feet; parlor, 14x14 feet; sitting room, 12 feet 6 inches by 14 feet, with fire- place; dining room, 11 feet 6 inches by 14 feet; pantry, 5X12 feet; kitchen, 12x11 feet 6 6x11 feet 6 inches. inches, wood house Second story contains front chamber 14X14 feet; left chamber, 10x14 feet 6 inches, and right chamber 11x14 feet; rear chamber, 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet, with store room 6x8 feet, and closets for all chambers. Pine fin- ish. No plumbing, mantels. grates or heating. First and second floors clapboards. Gables paneled, shingled and scroll work. MODIFICATIONS: Cellar under whole house. Wood house could be enlarged and made into a ber. Store room on second floor could be arranged for bath room. Estimated cost as here shown, $1,500 to $1,800. small cham- See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices. you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 78 ,,, -,/,-7/r.1m14 //' 4/ ”4700/ , -4z, 7, ’ 7/, ,v. 7‘7"? HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN No. 32, 1). s. HOPKINS, Arnhitect. m faxb-gn-A. . w__._r. _. , DESIGN NO. 31. FRAME two-story cottage. Size 28x44 feetw—‘nearly square. With every part of room economized it makes a very cheap, pleasant home. Height of stories: first, 10 feet; second, 9 feet 6 inches. Cellar under whole house 7 feet deep. Stone foundation to cellar bottom. Sides clapboarded; gables, fancy battens and panels. Shingle roof. First story contains vestibule 4x6 feet, with closet; reception hall, 10x12 feet; parlor, 13 feet 6 inches by 16 feet 6 inches, with fire-place; dining room, 12x13 feet 6 inches; kitchen, 10x12 feet; pantry, 7x11 feet. Front and back stairs. Front and rear porches. ’ Second story contains front chamber 12x13 feet, and one 11 feet 6 inches by 17 feet 6 inches, and back of same chambers 10x10 feet and 10x11 feet; bath room, 7x7 feet 6 inches. Attic stairs, and closets to all cham- bers. All pine finish. No plumbing, mantels, grates or heating. MODIFICATIONS: House can be enlarged by building another room on back of pantry for kitchen. Dining room side carried out in line with hall and partition between same and kitchen moved over in line with hall, and present kitchen, with a bay, would be library or sitting room. Rear stairs could be moved. Estimate cost as here shown, $1,700 to $2,200. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices, - you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 80 OUTTA HES. DESIGN NO. 31. HOUSES AND 17*7'7‘3 PM") ll ) ,'j b Pacep'fu; Ha“ lax/2 (‘los Vehbdle Party first Foor?lay S. H (ll’KlX-S, x1 / 1:11 [try-l. DESIGN NO. 21. RAME one and a half story cottage. Size 27x50 feet, including front porch 6 feet 8 inches wide by 27 feet long. This makes a compact, pretty house, and inexpensive. Height of stories: first, 9 feet; second, 8 feet. Stone foundation. Cement shelf bank cellar 7 feet deep. First story sides clapboarded; second story and gables shingled. Shingle roof. . First story contains reception hall 13x13 feet 6 inches; parlor, 12x14 feet; dining room, 14x14 feet 6 inches; kitchen, 11 feet 6 inches by 13 feet; pantry, 4x9 feet; chamber, 11x12 feet 6 inches; bath room, 5x9 feet, and closet; kitchen porch, 5x13 feet. Second story contains four fair sized chambers and closets. All pine finish. N0 plumbing. MODIFICATIONS: This house is supposed to be heated with furnace. Fire-place in living room. House can _ be enlarged if desired. Rear part can be carried up so as to get more chambers if desired. Stoned up cellar. Estimate cost as here shown, $1,400 to $1,700. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 82 (”Porn Ibu/ II F l‘ G “ JZ/L/i/IZ/Z/ “/én/ [My/'61 [I]; ll? Isl“ LAVuzq? xoa- n ;“1 uniljml\ ' - llllgulln mun IIIullIIIIIIIIUIIHIIIIIIIIII II " ll / gay. mmumum‘ 16%me F‘Wlfumhgr L__ J: g" Q1 3y", ‘ mumuunmnlmmmulmum lliIflmIIfli ‘7 m. I“ ‘ 41m 4.; .. .- ,4;— lflli‘vi A.‘x_ ”RYE“ M UL / / [/7/ [V ‘ I . - V v'! r / l , ‘ :1 "'1' I" , ‘ ‘ v ‘ II / I , 1 n . :'; 153" M l ' ’ 4‘ ' \ \ ‘,|&b[6‘a ””4 /l jug, I! MI; ‘J/(‘l I. I‘[l“‘{.[[‘[ 1“}; “jITIl—E‘AH‘L‘I‘T: ‘3'}me W‘ #6,]; 1M '-. Wlnyliw N“! " v “ «Muir ‘W r6111?! ..““,[ ““ ’ MW" /"'z1r;ui~14ll ‘ H“ “‘ “h “[‘l I,‘ __ - ; /. '\ \ [fl/L“ HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN No_ 21_ p. s. HOPKINS, ATchitect. DESIGN NO. 27. {AME two-story cottage. Size 26x41 feet. This is one of those cottages that many won’t believe can be built for price given, because it is such a beauty, and at the same time has so much room and yet so compact. -Ieight of stories: first, 9 feet 6 inches; second, 9 feet. Cellar under sitting room, dining room and kitchen, 7 feet deep. Stone foundation from cellar bottom. First story clapboarded; second story shingled. Gables paneled and shingled. Shingle roof. First story contains hall 6x11 feet, with front stairs; parlor, 12x15 feet; sitting room, 11x15 feet, with fire- place; dining room. 11x13 feet 6 inches; kitchen, 12x13 feet; pantry, 5x8 feet; store closet, 5x4 feet. Back stairs out of kitchen. and down stairs under same. Porch on front and side. Second story contains front chamber, 12x13 feet; front chamber, 8x9 feet; right side chamber, 11x12 feet; left side chamber. 10x1] feet; bath room, 8x8 feet 6 inches, with nice closets to each. Gas piping complete, and hot air pipes for second floor. MODIFICATIONS: Fire—place in_ parlor can be provided. A bay can be put on sitting room or dining room. Rear part can be carried up so as to have another chamber at one side of bath room. More porch can be had by running same across the front. Estimate cost as here shown. $1,300 to $1,800. . See price list for cost of full plans. page 10, The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. for changing shingles to clapboaids on exterior of any design, or reversing of plans. no extra charge will be made. 84- DNNS‘RM Il‘xlaflo b ”nu-\ce T’uom 11115 a HA“ 61“ Raw 12. XI5 fig Ecovrm HOUSES AND COTTAGES. C\Ambcv C‘xg‘xr‘e" ‘ H111 i Aw,‘ If $.wm: H: ,y d3$ .1" , #31: J i " .31 Bed i N R‘tfi‘ : K.\»\V\wber 9} {, .2 “J l- x 1:,- V 'i ' Cinsek ‘ DESIéN NO. 27. W541 o ‘ \ \—1. - ' 1“) LJQCO‘\\(> Vloov 1 ”RN HUPKHVS, :1 I'rtltlftm't, DESIGN NO. 30. RAME one and one-half story, or nearly full two-story house. A pleasant, home-like cottage. Stone foundation. Size 38x48 feet. Cellar under main part 7 feet deep. Height of stories: first, 9 feet; second, 8 feet 6 inches. Enclosurerclapboarding, ceiling, shingles and paneling. Shingle roof. First story contains entrance vestibule and stair entrance 5x6 feet; parlor, 13x14 feet 6 inches, with fire-place; chamber or sitting room, 12x14 feet; dining room, 11 feet 6 inches by 14 feet; pantry, 5x9 feet 6 inches; kitchen, 12x13 feet. Closets, front and side porches. Second story contains front chamber 13x15 feet; chamber back .of same, 11 feet 6 inches by 14 feet; side chamber, 10x14 feet; bath room, 6 feet 6 inches by 10 feet 6 inches; servant’s room, 10 feet 6 inches by 13 feet, with closets. All pine finish. No plumbing, mantels, grates or heating. MODIFICATIONS: By taking about three feet off from side of chamber and moving chimney, an open stair case can be had, and said chamber can be enlarged by moving out the end two or three feet. This room would then make a pleasant dining room. Pantry would then want to be moved over back of same and present dining room would come in as a sitting room. Fire-place in parlor could be moved over against stairs in sitting room, and doors between same and parlor made larger if desired. A fire-place in chamber could be provided. Estimate cost as here shown, $1,400 to $1,800. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices, you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. - 86 .. . 11...)“ éecovd Fl oo‘n Pl a7 W‘tbcv Iz'x 13' . . C . b 9' ,, - 7 7 w warm; //‘6’ 1 [4‘ * V: stnbdle ?or:7 Par-liar Frat floor Play ' " "t ;t. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. ‘ DESIGN No. 30, ‘ D. S. HOPKINS, Alche er .m. "firm; DESIGN NO. 49. ' RAME two-story dwelling. Size 36x44 feet, including bay at dining room, and front porch 6 feet‘ wide. Height of stories: first, 9 feet 6 inches; second, 9 feet. Stone foundation and cellar under whole house 7 feet deep. First and second story sides clapboarded. Gables shingled. Shingle roof. First story contains vestibule 5x5 feet 6 inches; hall, 6x19 feet. Stairs can be made open or as shown. Parlor, 12 feet 6 inches by 14 feet; sitting room, 13x18 feet, with fire-place; diningr room, 12x16 feet; pantry, S feet 6 inches by 12 feet; kitchen, l3xl3 feet 6 inches, with closet, cupboards, entry, back stairs, etc. Second floor contains five good sized chambers and closets to each, bath room, attic stairs, etc. All pine finish. No plumbing, mantels or grates. MODIFICATIONS: Front stairs can be open if desired and wash bowl remain with portiere front, or be moved under stairs where closet now is by change of closet in front chamber, second story. Another fire-place can be provided. Front porch can be widened out and rear porch provided. Estimate cost as here shown, $2500 to $3,000. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans. no extra charge will be made. 88 Dunn? m..." t. Ik'ixl * ‘4. .V.—, v ,x— _. , - a ‘" an... ck". g re mug Quagvi — m. ‘ d,-1a.: fig... Q5?) 3L6.M.._¢ jdhn Q, . x :3" le‘JR flr‘l’or/ :1»<.,u~ _‘ « Clfixmbzr "‘7”le \S‘Iu 3‘ ' “W n HI] lrllMlll!!!l1lllllflllfllllllullllllil‘gllflj mum-mum mym-Ivl "V V :7 ulnlfi'l‘vi'l'fiffh ’ '-’ uygmumnmmmm M v; whim‘fiim ~ MM niiuiuli'u’d " ,, 1 Wu UH M”; H. 'v‘ln‘ ‘ ‘ 4 )1, 'g’ AA 'HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN No_ 49_ D. S. HOPKINS, Architect. DESIGN NO. 51. RAME one and a half story cottage. Size, 30x50 feet, not including side porch, which is 8x28 feet, with race in front 5x20 feet. This is a quaint picturesque design. I ter- The plan has many meritorious points, multum in parvo, for one. Height of stories: First, 9 feet; second, 8 feet 6 inches. Stone foundation and cellar under main part, 7 feet deep. Sides first story clapboarded, second story and gables shingled. Shingle roof. First story contains vestibule, 4x7 feet; reception hall, 13x15 feet; parlor, 13x16 feet 6 inches, with fire-place; dining room, 12x16 feet; chamber, 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet; bath room, 6x9 feet 6 inches; pantry, 5x12 feet; kitchen, 12 feet 6 inches by 14 feet; fuel room, kitchen closet and kitchen porch. Second floor contains four medium sized chambers and closets. All pine finish. No mantels, grates or plumbing. MODIFICATIONS: Vestibule can be omitted, and reception room can be used as stair or reception hall Front stairs can be provided in same. Fire-place can be provided in front chamber, second floor. Rear seconc. story can be carried up and another chamber or two can be provided. Estimate cost as here shown, $2,000 to $2,600. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices, you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 90 «dd (.3. OI. 'Amv . um. The”) ( / / '.. ' J "\M ’13, ,4 ' 'v " f, a a 2 ~ V0g'0" I ' "3‘6 769%.»? A ’ r/: “if“? FED] L—RUR 77m: Til/mu. I .; ’4 j’. ’l%II// -,_. 1.: ‘\ (/ 4f, , z yam/M v.1, -. _ ‘ ___—'_//_ ,I/H fimfl W‘ ‘// ”I, I, / , _ — /I .—::_-.—‘/- / .———. My " I — ' _:-’" ’ ’ ; ’z; .2 __~_ _ 2 --~. » ' , . - .4 ‘ " " *-_._._ _~ .// // /_ . . - _~ , i ‘ ;.;4-‘ —_'_ ,. / / /’ ’ , I — 3 1 z’ > ’r— (\Iw ' , 1 p . 62’ 9’ L ‘5 ”gnu?“ . . - [ I“ 1‘ ,1 4I"' .. m u.- .‘1'. v . , ‘ ”If”! N! ” “ 1 l | Ms: ' - 'i‘51.{!_.-¥z/i“‘, 1). ‘36! um ‘ ‘1 m HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN NO. 51, I). S. HOPKINS, Architect. DESIGN NO. 53. . RAME two story cottage. Size, 37x70 feet, including rear porch 6 feet, an.l front porch 8 feet wide. Height of stories: First, 11 feet; second, 10 feet. No cellar. Set on posts or pier. Sides clapboarded, gables shingled. This is a resort or Southern style dwelling. ' First story contains an 8 foot front porch on side and front with circular corners; parlor, 15x20 feet, with large fire-place; stair hall, 12 feet 6 inches by 15 feet, opening into diniitg room 15x13 feet (with large opening). The whole of this first floor opens up about the same as one room if desirtd. Back of this main part is an open passage 7 feet wide, containing rear stairs; pantry, 5x10 feet 6 inches; lzirge closet and kitchen, 12x13 feet, in rear wing. Second story contains three good sized chambers; hall and closets in main part with bath room and servant’s room, hall, etc., in the rear part. Pine finish throughout. No plumbing. MODIFICATIONS: Set on fourdation with cellar. Take space occupied with open hall, i‘antry, closet, etc., and make aidining room of same, use a piece off from side kitchen rorch for pantry extend up into dining room, so as to get door into pantry as well as from kitchen. These changes make a good all-the-year—around house. Other fire-places can be provided for if desired. Estimate cost as here shown, $2,200 to $2,800. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list or material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local pmcs you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made 92 Pony. «“567 Iaxlr’ TM)“; 5': u :9. v W or, Hall Lth'JAJ-Ranw) P' wk m H.” l 11“., If ': ma $1.21."); . A ”yr/"W“ mum «Wm . 3,.- éecoyd 7709. Phi? magma z—Frbt'Tzoor‘Plap: 1 mm: umuum IQEWWL l ‘ ‘ ‘/. x 7/ J, 14)»)? 41"?!” . ‘ . ,, \\ x x ’1 \mw‘ ”Hakim/““1 <4 \ -\“ (/1 ~ ‘ .1 +2...“ “\v \ / 1 f/ k . . , __ . . . ‘ \'\\\~ {I/ /W\ 1;;K “:- ‘4 1"" _‘ «v‘ ‘ ¥ . .. ._ __ ‘ d , _._ . _...._..,. l). S. HOPKINS, Architect. .HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN NO. 53. DESIGN NO. 54. RAME two-story and attic dwelling. Size 32x49_feet over all. A pleasant cozy home for anyone. This is designed in two heights, studding 18 feet 4 inches and 20 feet 4 inches (as shown in view); 18 feet 4 inch posts. Stories, first, 9 feet; second, 8 feet-6 inches; 20 feet 4 inch posts. Stories are, first, 10 feet; second, 9 feet 6 inches. Cellar under entire house 7 feet deep, of stone, and stone foundation. Sides clapboarded. Gables shingled. Shingle roof. First story contains ‘front stair hall 9x15 feet 6 inches; parlor, 13 feet 6 inches by 15 feet, with fire-place; sitting room, 13 feet 6 inches by 15 feet 6 inches; dining room, 11x16 feet. The two last named rooms can have fire-places in each if desired in corners connecting with kitchen chimney. Sewing room, 8 feet 6 inches by 8 feet; kitchen, 12x14 feet; pantry, 6x8 feet. Back stairs. Front and rear porches. Second story contains front chamber, 13 feet 6 inches by 14 feet; study, 7 feet 6 inches by 9 feet 6 inches, and balcony; chamber over sitting room, 13x13 feet 6 inches, and one over dining room 11x12 feet 6 inches; ser- vant’s room, 9 feet 6 inches by 8 feet; bath room, 6 feet 6 inches by 10 feet, and closets in abundance. Attic stairs when desired (always with 20-foot 4-inch posts), located over the three closets off from hall. All pine finish. MODIFICATIONS: The two different first floor plans show how a chamber and bath room can be had upon first floor or not. A fire-place can be placed in dining room; and sitting room. In either plan design can be ex- teriorly changed and balcony dispensed with upon second story, front gable covering the entire hall full height. Estimate cost of original design $2,000 to $2,600; as changed in other plan, with chamber and bath room first floor, $2,300 to $2,800. See price list for’cost of full plans, page 10. The low est estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of materal and labor as given on page 7. and by comparing with your local prices, \ou can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans no extra charge will be made 94 we“... HA“ . -O b - I I an T’w O x 2 $3) I = Ron; "5 I) \E x: l bun/a “ 9 * o ”‘n . C» M g I I o \ p -‘ >‘ s I ‘ v.- Q 50 2 c a"! c.“ ¥ 0 \ X ‘ 33 \ - O F 3 )6 g a; p I" , \ I 5 4 L ”'1 " I . .‘J. :2 .2 ;a GP ,1: m . \ _, —_'I\. pCfi-l “- ” “‘- -9 (j x '9 4 cs.” " E— as E g I ”an: 5 W; S ‘2 B x‘ " x" E: D - 25- o i? ‘5 5‘ a 70 o‘ a n n p- 20 .4__ = g n .- c o ru , - . ., c A J; > 3 z ‘ ' , / \ $5410ququ LAN Four... Clo. C'u 51w...“ Roan 1 Lu: Tim-w big pun-uc‘fiuow N , Ib‘ éu'r‘N‘. Room III. 1 (5“9‘ -I F PARL vi? /J"’\ M“ “‘57:. FBI“ "I I'll! I “w- FRSF FJJOR PLAN HOUSES AN!) UUT"AGES. DESIGN No. 54_ 1). s. HOPKINS, A’rchitmt. DESIGN NO. 56.. RAME two story cottage. A very popular design for an inexpensive dwelling, considering the amount of room and conveniences it contains. Size, 35x50 feet, over all. Height of stories: First, 10 feet; second, 9 feet; cellar under entire house, 7 feet deep. Stone foundation to cellar bottom. Sides clapboarded; gables shingled. Shingled roof. First story contains vestibule, 3 feet 6 inches by 6 feet; reception hall, 10 feet 6 inches by 13 feet6inches; parlor, 14x15 feet, with fire-place; dining room, 11x17 feet 6 inches; chamber, 11 feet 6‘inches by 15 feet; kitchen, 10 feet 6 inches by 12 feet; pantry, 5x10 feet; bath room, 5 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 6 inches; back and front s. stairs; front and side porches. Second story contains front chamber, 13x14 feet; side front bay chamber, 10 feet 6 inches by 13 feet 6 inches; chamber back of stairs, 10 feet 6 inches by 14 feet; side projecting chamber, 11x12 feet; store room, 7 feet 6 inches by 8 feet 6 inches. Hardwood finish for best rooms, first floor, and pine for" balance. No plumbing, mantels, grates or heating. MODIFICATIONS: Chamber can be used as dining room and bath room as pantry, and bath room put in place of present pantry or upon second floor where marked “store room.” Back part can be carried up same height as main rear part and two more chambers provided for. Stairs can be made open all the way up if de- sired. By some changes in closets, second floor, a fire-place can be put in front chamber. Exterior can be chang- ed. Estimate cost as here shown, $2,101) to $2,801). See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of miterial and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prims, you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made, 96 o R00, 5mm .3 7"! ["5' Run) I CHAMSER ‘ Id-e‘umc‘ - ’ - - CHAMBER \\. .‘ ‘ \ w_ (11' x u‘-u‘ \ HALL CIA! C‘o; CHAMBER Io'-(a‘n I) (a CHA M a E R «3' a" ”v ‘0' , JJ Kin HEN chsrrnun - u- - lip . "'v ' . .. . H ALL v" 11.“: I \"l: ull‘lrlli "\‘r- m3" i _ > . ‘ _‘ WWW”: r. FRSTFUORKAN HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DEs|GN NO. 56, I). s. HOPKINS, Architewt DESIGN NO. 58. RAME tWO-story and attic dOuble flat tenement. Size, 29x56 feet over all. The entrance to both tenements is from front porch, one equally as good as the other. You enter a vestibule and go up stairs into parlor, and on first floor directly into parlor from vestibule. The arrangement of rooms is just the same upon both floors, ex- cept that second floor has the use of attic, where two or three chambers could be finished off if desired. The Heaps sanitary earth closet in supposed to be used in these tenements. Second floor has an independent rear stairs, down to rear porch, and from there to cellar;'cellars are seperated by brick walls, the fuel will be kept there; and second floor tenement has a dumb waiter wood box running from wood cellar to kitchen, of size to hold a day’s supply of wood. Height of stories: First, 9 feet; second, 9 feet, cellar under rear part. Stone foundation to cellar bottom at cellar; sides clapboarded, gables clapboarded and shingled. Shingle roof. Both stories contain vestibule, 4x5 feet; parlor, 13x13 feet; living room, 13x15 feet 6 inches; front chamber, 11x12 feet; kitchen, 12x12 feet, pantry, 5x12 feet; rear chamber, 12x13 feet; closets to all chambers. Finished in pine throughout. MODIFICATIONS: By extending house back length of porch first story, a bath room could be provided for upon both floors off from chamber, next to living room, so arranged by a passage way and door at inner end of bath room, that it can be used from chamber or living room. Dumb waiter to project into kitchen in that—event. Estimate Cost as here shown, 2,000 to $2,500. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices, you can ascertain the cost ot any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 98 KIYLHE IZ'XI ' CHAMaER |3'Xll‘ PARLOR n'Xlé' [3/ we Room I51," x r; ~Fwfioa E’V‘“ (AA/‘4 BER :a'xla' Lwn/qeRoom PARL‘DR HOUSES ANi) COTTAGES. DESIGN NO. 58, p. S. HOPKINS, Architect. DESIGN No. 64'. HlS is a Southern style of house, but equally as good for a Northern house when plenty of porches are de- sired. Size, 18x56 feet over all. Frame two-story residence and high attic. Height of stories: First, 11 feet; second, 10 feet. Set on posts or piers; sides clapboarded; gables shingled. Shingle roof. First story contains vestibule, 8 feet 6 inches by 4 feet, with stairs from same; parlor, 16x20 feet, with fire- place; dining room, 14x17 feet 6 inches, with fire-place; chamber, 12x14 feet; kitchen, 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet 6 inches; pantry, 5x9 feet. Back stairs, kitchen closet, etc. Second story contains two front chambers, 11x12 feet 6 inches each; octagon chamber, 14x14 feet and a chamber 11x11 feet 6 inches; servant’s chamber, 8 feet 6 inches by 13 feet 6 inches; bath room, 6x7 feet 6 inches. Fine finish. No plumbing, mantels or grates. MODIFICATIONS: Could be set on foundation and cellar put under to suit. A front stair hall and open stair case could be provided by partitioning off from parlor out to corner of chimney and a door to chamber if desired from hall. In this case this house is a good convenient house, North or South. A firevplace could be provided in cham- ber second floor. Estimate cost as here shown, $2,000 to $2,500. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. IOO 177W“ KW" («MPH nu!“ le” \ \ I —-‘ / ‘1’” . ’4 Tnflnfli‘llil!” -ER_JT Loon E’s/q — :.r:":~ '— ":N I .1”; "y‘ a I" ll .. W"? ,\ WW! 1/ i’( I " WI '“WMN'M' r~ w ' «H In H") ‘Ivvwm. '7’" " / , Wééflw{Ifljpffintflf r u 1 1" _,(/I:‘lr1/..VH m0 9 ‘ "' “1m“ @3355, AJ o y y Bey c nggyglg; 5 my. .> ,5 1 13“?” 5.30:: PAW' HOUSES AND UUT’Lib’Eb’. DESIGN NO_ 64_ I). b'. HOPKINS, Archilcr't. DESIGN NO. 92. RAME two story dwelling. Size, 26x50 feet. This is an enlargement of my $800 prize design, No. 10, Book 4, which is a great favorite, but as many wish a little more room I have shown how it can be had without much extra cost. Height of stpries: First, 10 feet; second, 9 feet 6 inches. Cellar under all of house back of parlor. Stone foundation to cellar bottom 7 feet deep. First and second stories clapboarded, gables shingled and paneled. Shingle roof. First story has front porch, 9X9 feet; also dining room and kitchen porches; vestibule, 4x6 feet; parlor, 13X14 feet; sitting room, 12x16 feet, with fire-place; hall, 6x12 feet, connecting with sitting room with large opening so that it is as part of same; stairs start from hall and are open up five steps, can there be closed off by a door or portiere, they are termed double acting stairs, as they are used from kitchen as well; dining room, 12x14 feet 6 inches; kitchen, 11x 13 feet; pantr-y, 6x8 feet 6 inches; and store room 5X6 feet, sink, cellar stairs, etc. Second story contains four chambers, closets and bath room, no attic except for storage. All pine finish through- out. No plumbing, mantels, grates or heating. ' g MODIFICATIONS: Front porch can go across the front of main part. Front stairs can be open stairs and rear stairs built in store room off from kitchen. This would change chamber arrangement very slightly in landing of rear stairs. Dining room porch could be changed into conservatory opening from dining room. . Estimate cost as here shown, $1,600 to $2,000. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices, you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. |02 Roof— /, q \, ' - B‘Szzl‘i . C [7 am her a « 7&10'6' // A l3'6 " @331! CAOS- RWY R“)? (a 1 tr 5" ad, 51 9' Kenya, ”'11? BMW LIX/41’6" 7' (cllnr C}? am be r //‘é‘(/,Z’ C‘Zuuzlacr 'q ' 6" l1. "th Roan] IA" I6 6 Hull UK It CIOS fish‘bylc.’ Cbunzher X6 I3XW parlor 13.! It, P orcb 9'19' ‘ ”ll'rl'lli MIN (Ill; {[1 J‘ ‘ | .\' ~ I s ‘ V ‘ ‘1 ‘ 4 .1 {MI/M (”I‘m u, ‘ ’ Km 0 . { i x. / (My ““/ M I» I (”WI [[1in // ”4 (In I t, M w ‘ u ,, /.fl' . \y" VIM , lll/l ”an. 1 in (HM/Ml IN.” ‘11 r (/1 / ~\ r ' {HI HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN NO. 92. D. S. HOPKINS, Architect. DESIGN NO. 29. RAME two-story cottage, rather attractive. Size, 26x43 feet. Height of stories: First, 9 feet 6 inches; second, 8 feet 6 inches; cellar under center part of building 7 feet deep. Stone foundation. Exterior sides clapboarded, gables pan- eled and shingled: Shingle roof. First story contains hall, 6x11 feet 6 inches; parlor, 12x15 feet 6 inches; sitting or dining room, 143x14 feet 6 inches, with fire-place; chamber or dining room, 11xl4feet 6 inches; kitchen, 11 feet 6 inches by 12feet6inches;pantry,6x7 feet. Front and side porches, closets, etc., and double acting stairs. Second story contains front chamber, 12x15 feet; side chamber, 9 feet 6 inches by 14 feet; side chamber, 11x14 feet, and closets to all chambers. Pine finish. No mantel or grate. MODIFICATIONS: Cellar under whole house. Another kitchen can be built on back by changing porch and pantry and present kitchen by enlarging back, can be used as dining room. Rear part can be carried up and another chamber or bath room provided for. ' Estimate cost as here shown, $1,400 to $1,700.V The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7. and by comparing with your local prices. you can ascertain the cost of an_\' of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge Will be made. 104- Sn’Tl/xlx. OR D R @AMBER 0R I l (1 00M PARLOR /|vq-/L:'~l3 D\/\I l/‘Jb ROOM IZ'XIb'b" ||"I~|+(e" @AMBm yg'xlb‘ . K\TLHE/\l _ I2 '61 III: «SEVO/ND FODR FER/v— J r“ 1:4" M, f Y‘ . L ”$3,131"; if; [Eff/5'" . '7]; ~._?‘:.yp::;- 5 -. r: . I m a ‘4 i?%»i’r~ hq“ . J..-(.\‘\ \\ \ _ ’ ll “‘4‘“ . ~e~ ' , ,« I ‘ "9"56 ‘1'? ‘ 4 ,- 5, ¥ 4 — if"? ’71, A J - . ' 7' r n - - .' '\ "L r '7 A .99.,K5‘ 55le ;:01%1 Ir&7f, I. 4%gé . z, ,, ~. ~ (:25 3 \ 21L? . ‘ “\\ 2533/ “ . I 5 "q \1'_ k v-' 'f m- r‘ 1m ' .' ‘ .- {M‘ u! \.u./’ nu ““4.“ ~' 9 4- ‘ W ‘ .m' ‘\ ’ I.“ . . "v "q u I, ‘ Jfr’wfif WM" ‘ 51:3" n‘W [I |‘\ k . ‘II‘ ,I . I‘ "q 1"», ‘. .4, “‘ .|.| I“ ‘ t.‘ 1.2 K.\ H r..-' \ I ‘L" \ \ < “)2 al‘ I? K I, " /""\ \ "' fig” -------- ‘ 4;: l . ’/ 1, £421. (L —» an. 12“ I .b\ 51:. ;-u:“"‘" (,4 1. .4’1‘;\ »* in (J— ‘ ”’fp HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN no, 29, D. S. HOPKINS, Architect DESIGN NO. 140. RAME two-story cottage. Size 30x32 feet over all. This design would make a good summer resort cottage as well as a permanent all-the-year house. Height of stories: first, 9 feet 6 inches; second, 8 feet. Stone foun- dation and cellar under the whole house 7 feet deep. First story sides clapboarded; second story shingles or clap- boarding. Gables and roof shingles. . First story contains sitting hall, with fire-place and stair case, 12x19 feet; dining room, 12x16 feet, with fire— place; kitchen, 12x12 feet; pantry, 4 feet 6 inches by S feet 6 inches; chamber, 12x12 feet, with closet; large front porch, 8x22 feet. Second story contains two front chambers, one 12x14 feet, and one 12x16 feet; side chamber, 11x11 feet; servant's room, 10 feet 6 inches by 12 feet; bath room, 5 feet 6 inches by 9 feet 6 inches, with closets to all chambers. MODIFICATIONS: Hall could be cut off from sitting room 4 feet wide and stairs at end reversed, and have sitting room. 12x15 feet, with tire-place, same as now. Extra room can be built on for kitchen so as to enlarge present kitchen and make dining room of it. Fire-place in second story if desired. Estimate cost as here shown, pine finish, no mantels, grates or heating, $1,400 to $1,800. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7. and by comparing _with your local prices, you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans. no extra charge will be made. 1 06 Kit/(yen Il'xul ' W DIHIHCgR'm Iz‘xus' cufu. Clcl be“ “an1 /I7>‘)‘ur fl“ ‘ jut/L4H? Hall I2; x19; Ls. WWW 11‘s A .4 ‘3‘“ HOUSES AND COTTAGES. D. S. HUPKINS, A'rnhlitcnt. DESIGN NO. DESIGN NO. 169. RAME two story dwelling. Size, 27x41 feet over all. Height of stories: First, 10 feet; second, 9 feet 6 inches. Stone foundation and cellar under whole house. First story clapboarded. Second story clapboards or shingles. Shingle gables. Shingle roof. First story contains vestibule, 4x6 feet; reception 01' sitting hall, 13x14 feet (with fire-place and stair case); parlor or sitting room, 13x15 feet (with fire—place); dining room, 12x16 feet (with fire-place); kitchen, 10 feet 6 inches by 14 feet with closet, cupboards, etc. The stairs are double acting. From kitchen by two doors, and to cellar un- der same from hall. From reception hall you can reach all rooms and up stairs. Back of fire-places there is a fire-proof closet. Large front porch. Second story contains two front chambers, one 13x15 feet 6 inches; one 13X14 feet 6 inches; two back; one 12x14 feet; one 1(1x14 feet, and closets to all. MODIFICATIONS: House could be enlarged and another room added in rear to first and second stories, with rear stairs. A bath room could be arranged upon second story, by making some changes in closets, and using closet space for bath room. Estimate cost as here shown, no mantels, Irrates or heatinIr, pine finish $1,300 to $1,800. Add for hard wood finish in three principal rooms and vestibule, including stairs as far as in sight from reception hall, $75. See price list forcost,of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on paIre 7, and by comparing with 'your local prices, you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in vour vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterioi of any desiIrn or reversinIr of plans, no extra charIre will be made. 1 08 Ea P'vi'za KW? /.2'x I6 ,3x!5 HOUSES AND COTTAGES. \O‘JI Cur; I /. é%‘\\nl«q Raoul S Daor RKLP‘HM R00“ lax/1+ [50‘1,1.\7 DESIGN NO. HOPKINS,- C urryl’aw Chamber /0 X H" /.£x/# ? - CHIS Cus- lcws b m 11H C105- 7 — Cigarrgber /3'x “JG, Clyanyber /3'x I4 6 " Arch itect. DESIGN NO. 180. "‘RAME two story cottage. Size, 33x42 feet over all. A cheap convenient square house. Height of stories: First, 9 feet; second, 8 feet 6 inches. Stone foundation and ce'llar under entire house 7 feet deep. First story clapboarded. Second story and gables shingles. Shingle roof. ' ‘ First story contains vestibule, 5x8 feet and closet; hall, 7 feet 6 inches by 13 feet, with closed stair case from same with side hand rail; parlor, 11 feet 6 inches by 13 feet, with fire-place; sitting room, 13x14 feet; dining room, 12 feet 6 inches by 14 feet; pantry, 5 feet 6 inches by 10 feet _6 inches; kitchen, 12x14 feet. There is a passageway from kitchen to front hall by two doors and off from this pasageway is a lavatory 3 feet 6 inches by 4 feet. Large front porch. Second floor contains two front chambers, one 12x13 feet; one 13x14 feet; two in rear, one 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet; one 10 feet 6 inches by 11 feet, aed plenty of closets; bath room, 6x9 feet; pine finish, no mantels, grates or heating. -MODlFlCATIONS: Fire-place could be placed in sitting room and dining room if desired. Hard wood finish in principal rooms. Fire-place could be put in three chambers second floor if required. Estimate cost as here shown, $1,700 to $2,000. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices, you can ascertaln the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. IIO C193 C7Mbw’ . ”TX/l" Cbhmbkv‘ ' ”q," KIZ' u" '2‘ 23$ £10510"r Q/q! («5+ HAM . = 26 XI: 6" {“7" Cbkubu, 7341!? ~ - ‘ (wah‘r aiHflyg—RM- /z: Xls, :a' xvi figur- 11"")03 ' :7 1 Re”? 5,31 finnrfim " nununcucnucl _ ccuuuccuuccnct 9 a O O 0 D :[jflH‘l M \c 14:14!) [)7 41/9 "',:‘!212":m "”fmgmfllT“ '1' 4l’"“,’"“,'“{F£"‘!“V”/fl{”””l’4/”/‘l!i~ “WWW/WWW" g»; , _ _ ~M\\,\\ ‘—‘ r V N ‘ \/Hr¥>¥r¥ri 7 -'m/Ir:m/l/I/I/Ihlnu ' 4, v ‘th \\ S “mun.mum:InvmmmImn/IIIIIII/I/l/ Ill/01min! f; :vm‘wr/fl Incwwungwmr/IMIIMMIJMM ,“552’11’L1 I n. s. HOPKINS, Archilcnl. ' ‘ 1 DESIGN NO. 180. . HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN NO. 181. RAME two-story cottage. Size 31x52 feet over all. A desirable double room front design. Height of stories: First, 9 feet 4 inches; second, 8 feet 2 inches. Stone foundation and cellar under dining room and chamber and rear part 7 feet deep. Arranged for furnace heating. First and second stories clapboarded. Gables shingled. Shingle roof. 7 First story contains vestibule 5 feet 6 inches by 6 feet; sitting hall, 13 feet 6 inches by 18 feet (with fire place); parlor, 12 feet 6 inches by 13 feet; dining room, 12x16 feet; chamber, 12x13 feet 6 inches with closet, and kitchen, 10 feet 6 inches by 13 feet; bath room, 6 feet 6 inches by 6 feet 6 inches; pantry, 4 feet 6 inches by 9 feet; servant’s water closet off from rear porch. Rear and large front porch. Back and front stairs. Second floor contains two front chambers in suite, one 13x18 feet; one 10 feet 6 inches by 13 feet; two back, one 12x14 feet 6 inches; and one 12x13 feet; closets, lavatory, 4x8 feet; storage, etc. MODIFICATIONS: Fire place in chamber or dining room, also in one other chamber, second floor, if desired. Cellar under whole house divided into two parts. No plumbing, mantels, grates or heating. Plumbing cos-ts $300. Hard wood for four rooms, including hard wood stairs over pine $100. Estimate cost as here shoWn, $2,000 to $2,300. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The. lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices, you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. ||2 ii < X 4 "c r ‘ fl . ,? ‘ (<7 :11?) ¥x>23f53"’. ‘h\ 7 i}, SI‘r/i/‘vfi ' ——————“"——’—’—’—.——q# r’ “‘j 40.)" " -> [fl 7/,” D~S/:r/7/0/Jfll'15/4rr/)L (g g 1&1 ”I". AKA IV D /; 55K°73 Hem/1.11% " W: lll‘vl'ilfmlnnmuu ’% " H” ‘ "'"rm'ww':::'.'3“5§5Ei" I I; ‘1 ‘ mmun I r ‘ . ‘ E: T‘ .- \r3f oovmvx v “ Jun-1w. high." y..‘.‘. 'I' 'W “In—w?— . :L ' - \i /‘~fi,{‘ ( $3 ,/ , c. :1 ‘ g? izi/ ,%( T—i”¥* } \ J m h“’" 7 P”' V; , EMS/HF (QM/4 “W . 5 .AJ “~75 Gr \ I and/49041,: aid 1). S. HOPKINS, Architect. DESIGN NO. 182. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. - DESIGN NO. 186. RAME twoj‘story cottage. Size, 30x52 feet over all. This is rather a peculiar arangement of floor plan, and yet one ofmmerit. The parlor and library or sitting room are virtully one room; one fire-place does nicely for both andI’a grillIfinish and portiere can be provided for where shown if desired. The bath room' is arranged off from side of kitchen with door from same, and also door from stair landing, making the bath room convenient from all parts of house, and also reducing the plumbing to a minimum in cost; or where one cent afford full plumbing a bath tub could be provided and water heated at stove, and carried in for bathing purposes. First story contains vestibule, 5x6 feet; parlor, with bay, 12x17 feet; library or sitting room, 13 feet 6 inches by 15 feet, with bay and fire-place between the two; dining room, 13x15 feet, with fire-place and bay; pantry, 5x8 feet 6 inches; kitchen, 11x13 feet, with store closet and fuel room off from same, and porch each side; bath room 5x10 feet. Main stairs from library and to cellar from pantry. Large front porch. Second story contains front chamber, 12x17 feet; and two back, one 11x12 feet; one 11x11 feet 6 inches, and servant’s room, 10x14 feet 6 inches, and closets to all, storage, etc. MODIFICATIONS: Cellar under entire house. Bath room could be changed to second story. Stairs could be ' turned around and library used as chamber by partitioning off same from parlor and vestibule. Another fire-place could be placed in chamber, second floor. - Estimate cost as here shown, no plumbing, mantels, grates or heating, pine interior finish, $1,000 to $1,400. See price list for cost of full plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. 116' rV“ Roam S‘ovu 51,3. bformg; .m ‘ I —Pov(.‘/W 7.??? I ~ . . ' a x‘, F! vs’Uo KI+C>E7 5 gvua *5R'M, I '7 INK/3' ‘ I O K/’-r"43" _ - ' P0207...- “ § A ‘ imW ’ lagppgkgm. taut/‘5" > \_ .,_ - - , \/’~J k\ V”: W” n mnmmmufiuml'fi"l " I I 'I ‘ I“, H ,\ 1 ’* —\.\ ‘ w W "177 '1 2 ‘ \ ill ‘ ‘ “nil ¥ 5 n w Li'v'rg,‘ \ / I L ‘Ifl ["wWi '7' ,u': p” mr:; ‘ ~* , _,7 , 4 ,, ,. , éflfljwf I. ‘ :2 n -1 ‘ . * ~— . ‘ ‘ - T? ”a; u, ,4? H. 9—”, _ _ E§~ , 7_ .. ,,1_fl fj§%gg%fii; MW; 1,: “1:4 |,. J." ‘ : - _ . ‘ ., ; _. .-. Wmm ‘ szNLHWMMMWWW wgfi ';’**"’, "”‘V \ *1 " 1.;‘}.H,hnm.”. ‘~v“« '”m"‘"‘ww”“h'”"fil- . Vzwwtjfl § J44 '; ""1! 186. , D. S. HOPKINS, Architect. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN NO. DESIGN NO. 187. RAME two story dwelling. Size, 40x44 feet over all. Height of stories: First, 10 feet; second, 9 feet 6 inches. Stone foundation and cellar under entire house 7 feet deep. First and second stories clapboarded. Gables shingled. Shingle roof. This is an odd arrangement, a little off from “the usual, but think upon investigation you will say it is a pleasant and convenient combination. It opens up so pleasant and the first view on entering hall will be fine. The stair case, landing and bay is rich in general. effect, with fire-places and glimpses into the adjoining rooms, all giving richness and grandeur to the first impression. First story contains vestibule, 5x5 feet 6 inches; hall, averaging 8x20 feet, with fire-place and stair case, bay, etc.; parlor; 12 feet 6 inches by 14 feet; sitting room or library, 13 feet 6 inches by 14 feet, with bay and fire-places; dining room, 12x16 feet, with fire-place; off from dining room and adjoining vestibule is a toilet room with wash bowl; kitchen, 10x13 feet 6 inches; pantry, 7x7 feet; entry or storage place, 6x7 feet 6 inches; rear stairs from same and place for refrigerator; rear porch and large front porch. Second story contains three front chambers; one 12x12 feet; one 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet; one 12x13 feet, with fire-place; servant’s room, 8x10 feet 6 inches, and closets to all chambers; attic stairsfl MODIFICATIONS: A fire-place in parlor and one in chamber, directly over two chambers in front second story instead of three. Laundry in basement. Estimate cost as here shown, hard wood first floor, principal rooms. Pine, balance of finish. Plumbing com- plete. No mantels, grates or heating. $2,800 to $3,300. See price list for cost of full (plans, page 10. The lowest estimate of cost is in accordance with price list of material and labor as given on page 7, and by comparing with your local prices you can ascertain the cost of any of these buildings in your vicinity. For changing shingles to clapboards on exterior of any design or reversing of plans, no extra charge will be made. ||8 1H , ‘ "“2 1w 3an\]’R°"M~ "ft“ )3 .o A" 4 ' Degon‘d Flow! P/m r ‘ “11'“ HI“ W “3% _ ‘ V ' 1: 7,71 .V..,,,[A1M/\/ «/ . M, 54,3/4’4’; 1 n " mm» \\, _ _r .4 , . , .- . HOUSES AND COTTAGES. DESIGN no_ 137. D. S. HOPKINS, Architect. ADVERTISEMENTS. t~Q12Qap...m BUILDING MATERIAL SAVE MONEY. IIy provuring your material worked, ready to put on interior or exterior of buildings. Also (1900178,.888I2, [51111618. @ gtaivg and Mantels IN HARD AND SUFT’ WOODS; — Frame Lumber, Clapboarding, Flooring and Ceiling. EVERYTHING IN THE BUILDING LINE. This is one of the (‘heapest Lumber Markets in tho country, and facilities for shippmg by ear load to all pomts Without re— shipping are unsurpassed. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY ()f filling): o1 Ileis 111 this way for all parts of the counti V II e \‘\I)lII(I he pleased to estimate upon any \\()II( s11h111ittedtousin our line espeI iaIIV roIn any design in this \IoIII “heie design is orIIeied and full plans pIepaIed which Iould be done without Ie IV inn“ aI'I‘IhiteI t s oIIiIe. if IlesIIIIII. IIy peimission \Ie refei to the (II I111teI t of this \IoIII us to 0111 “Ink and Iesponsihilih. OCKER & FORD MANUFACTURING 00. Court Street Grand Rapids, Mich. THE CELEB/M TED Bolton Hot Water Heater. Resldcncn I)! RIV Frank Russell, \'-I\V Yro k Cit XICIIIIII l)_1 Bolton Hunter. THOUSANDS 1N USE _ EVERYWHERE. “1% CAN HEAT AN Y BUILDING ANYWHERE. Residence of W W. Spalding, Esq. D,IIIIItII \Iinn Heated by Poltou Heater. SEND FOR CATALOGUES. I ESTIMATES III “Hui”? 1,.) w”, I .1 FREE- Residence 12: i; CdAénjworth Esq, “mind by Bolton IiuatIr. Heated bv Bolton Heater I IDETROIT HEATING AND LIGHTING CO 829 Wight St. Detroit, Mich. BRANCHES: New YORK, ST. LOUIS. BOSTON. CHICAGO. SOLE MANUFACTURERS. LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF HOT WATER HEATERS. THE FOUNTAIN SPRINGS HOTEL . I . I—rrs WAUKESHA \X/IJ'. ' 1/- _ °°° “G MANUFACTURERS ALSO OF THI: Conlbination Gas Machine. I I i Best Independent I LightingApparatu" I LIGHTED BY COMBINATION GAS MACHINE. ADVERTISEMENTS. The Claflen Screwless Door Knob You push the Knob and get a perfect adjust- ment. This invention does away with all screws -, and washers, is simple and positive in constrm-tion. ' and can be put 011 in an instant. it is adjustaLle to any thickness of doors, and is made in Mineral. Tet. Porcelain, Brass and Bronze, and in all styles of finishes. Send for catalogue and have your architect specify them. CLAFLEN MFG. CO., Cleveland. ()hio. :10an FAIL TO INVESTIGATE A HEALTHY HOME ~ADOPTED BY THE U. 5. GOVERNMENT. 96 SUPPLIED TO MEDlC-AL PURUEYOR‘S DEPARTMENT. THE ONLY PERFECT EARTH CLOSET MADE. OVER 25,000 lN use. Y0 can name ALL THE: COMFORT mm OONUENIENOE OF- THE VERY V/SPECIAL FEAquE 5£PARATLCEJ BEST WATER CLOSET. - the ordinary hand force pump in residences where . NO WATER! NO SEVJERS! cistern or pure water is prefered to the city supply. ‘ for the bath. kitchen. or any other purpose for which it may ‘ Can be P/aced Ant/Where “Hide the H0U39~i ,,, , he desired. Send for circular. ’l‘housands in use. Weight. ‘ 40 pounds. For sale by e\'ery plumber in the l’nited ~\‘tates “ and Canada. GEO. J. ROBERTS & CO. HEAP PATENT EARTH CLOSET CO., Dayton. Ohio. I‘. S. A. f Depots in Principal Cities. MUSKEGON, MlCH, THIS Motor is especially designed to take the place of ‘ FROM “Cf?” send «3 cents for 21-page Illustrated Catalogue of Earth (‘losetsz 5 cents for "HEALTHY ”onus: How To ”AVE Turin." 36 pages valuable information. ADVERTISEMENTS. PLATE STEEL URNAUES! —‘“— FOR WARMING — RESIDENCES, CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, ETC. MADE BY THE J'. F. Pease Furnace 00., Main Office. SYRACUSE. N. Y. Branches, 205 Water St.. NEW YORK. 75 Union St, BOSTON. 772 Market St. HARRISBURG. M * >/ For (we hy u. 1). “0mm. 92 Lake 51.. Chicago. Requests for estimates mailed to any of the above ad- dresses will receive prompt attention on receipt of plans. We have over 400 selling agencies throughout the United States, and can refer all interested persons to compe- tent agents. ADVER l ISEMEN l S. Lane’s ,_ Patent Steel d (I P3“ or 0 A3" 9|..cs I? “-flvme I:L’\ST EEEEE ND FRICTION. J‘NU NOISE. Quickly Applied. Easily Adjusted. STEEL WHEEL WITH LEATHER TREAD. Running on Single Steel Track. For Full Descriptive List, Write to the Manufacturers. LAN E BROTHERS, Sold by'Leading‘ Hardware healers. POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. ADVERTISEMENTS. A MODERN BATH. The Latest and Best. ..__,_,_.,a—;:_, N3?“ _ t ‘ 1/4; {~--& Quick Self Heating. or Toilet. Cabinet in 5* “‘5; “'35” 12” place of Heater. No bath room required. Ornamental, Inexpensive Complete. Prae— tic-211.1)esi12ible for either city or town. Send Z-cent stamp tor catalovue illustrat- 111g1821iii'e1ent st1les oi tub, and imploved 112ttei heaters. ”[1114: Mosnm FOLDING BATH TU11('0. 181 S. (fanal St“ Chicago. MADE TO PATNT 13111111111353 Mia ' 111111121. “It“ I111. 11 ,lilililiiilllli ll ..11liiliiiililililww ‘ f WISHMW/MW/u/AMS 6’0 . lllmumi 1 l‘ili PAM/f MA All/FA [111115115 [‘Zt’VFLAA/fl. ‘ } 43x9 4 \»—._ m9 CHICAGU 1 “.2241. 2ft). ~ - = <- NfW YURK . $163211; E3 lands and Screens“. T176 “WIHW” Slldlllp' Blinds are made in sections to slide vertically, are balanced by springs. contain Rolling Slats wher~ ever wanted and are furnished complete, including finish and hardware. T178 “Wz'ller” Folding Blinds are furnished with our Im— proved Rolling Slats without the usual wooden rod in front. “Rem/1m” [115112726 Foldzlzg Blmds as furnished by us are of better material and workmanship than usually supplied by Others. T116 “Willer” 5111131110 l/V 11111010 Screens slideup and down, are balanced by springs and cover either half of the window. T1336 “Wl'llfil’” 56/86/11 00075 are noted for their unique and tasty designs and their superior quality of workmanship. ALL GOODS MADE TO ORDER ONLY. CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION. WILLER MANUFACTURING C0,, MILWAUKEE, WIS. ADVERTISEMENTS. _ WHEELER’S PATENT INDIE] FILLER. For Beauty or Finish and durability, no wood should be naturally finished without tirst lilling the pores with this article. Insist on having the genulne only. See that our name as manutacturers, and our trade mark Is on each and every package. SEND FDR CIRCULARS AND PAMF’HLETS UN FINISHING HARD WUDDAVAFREE. Wheeler’s Patent Liquid, BR EINIG’S ‘ LITHOGEN SILICATE PAINT READY- FOR-USE woon FILLER. 3:3“iteef;:.i';.?:::§:m._ omical. Each gallon produces when thinned to the proper consistency two or more gallons ____QR_,,,,L , In Transparent and Special White. ALSO WALNUT. MAHOGANY, CHERRY AND OAK. i CARD 0F- COLORS. A FILLER AND STAIN COMBINED. 0f paint ready for use- Floor Paint. Enamel Paint, Blackboard Paint, Wood Dyes or WSWZIrculars Free upon application. Stains, Oil Finish, Floor Polish, Etc., Etc. Sole Manufacturers, BRIDGEPORT WOOD FINISHING CO. Principal Office, NEW MILFORD, CONN. Manufactories, NEW MILFORD, CONN., and BRANCHVILLE, CONN. GRANVILLE. M. BREINING, General Agent and Superintendent. New York, 240 Pearl Street. Chicago, 211 East Randolph Street, St, Louis Office and Depot, 521 St. Charles St. Boston Office 85 Olivet. St, ADVERTISEMENTS. CABOT’S CREOSOTE: SHINGLE: 1., “A1” We“ When You Bul/o/ Your House, ‘00)? t Pamt the Shingles. . . . . . . . .. It has now come to be generally admitted that roof shingles, as well as those 011 the walls, should be protected in some way from decay and colored to harmonize with the rest of the house. Paint does not harmonize with nature; does not prevent the de- cay of roof shingles; and does form a hard, cold veneer on the surface, in glaring contrast to the soft, warm colors of Creosote stains. Paint prevents the exuda- tion of the moisture rising from the house below, and this rots the under side of the shingles. Creo- sote is known to all scientific men as the best wood preservative extant. When you cover shingles with paint you reduce them to the artistic level of clap- boards or slate, by coating over and concealing the grain of the wood. Shingles are improved by ex- terior stain as much as the inside standing finish is by interior stain. \Ve guarantee the durability of our colors. For samples on wood. with circulars containing full infor1na~ tion, apply to the manufacturer. SAMUEL CABOT, Sole Manufacturer, 70 KILBY.ST., BOSTON, MASS. i i fltigtic Interior M1061 Finishing. o—fi‘v—Emma’fE—o If you are building, or contemplate doing so, re- member that natural wood finishing, as accom- plished With PERRY BROTHERS;7 HARD OIL FINISH, is 111- timately the cheapest finish you can adopt, by reason of its extreme durability, to say nothing of its elegant appearance and the ease with which it is kept clean. Hard Oil Finish is one of the most popular and useful inventions of modern times; and is undoubt- edly the finest interior finish in the market—develop- ing and preserving the grain of the wood as nothing else will, and producing a finish that is practicably indestructible. It should be remembered, howevei that we are the originators and sole manufacturers of Hard Oil Finish, although there are a number of worthless im- itations offered under cover of its name; so that care should be taken that the name of. “Berry Broth- ers” is on every package said to contain Hard ()il Finish. For outside doors and all exposed work use Berry Brothers” ELAs'I‘Ic OU'I‘sIDE FINIsH, or Berry Brothers” SPAR VARNIsH. For floors, use Berry Brothers‘ Ems- TIc FLooR FINIsH: and for inside blinds, bath rooms and other interior work where the exposure is excess- ive, use Berry Brothers‘ ELAs‘Tic INTERIOR FINISH. Write us for pamphlets on Natural Wood Finish- ing and finished specimens of wood— they will cost you nothing but the asking. BERRY BROTHERS, VARNISH MAKERS: DETROIT, MICH. ADVERTISEMENTS. ”>595“. A, .. ; l l ' [1 ‘r .l r. v. m J‘s: ‘50 K“ I‘ §9f9r6,,BLIying MANTEL$ E GRATES {let euts and priees 0f the Aldine Manufactur- 1ng(‘u..(;raml Rapids. Mieh. They manufacture Artistic Mantels A nd the Celebrated Aldine Fire Place. See ulll‘ new (‘lnh Iltmse grate designs in (‘nluniul and Renaissance. THE INSTA/VI'ANEOUS WATER HEATING CO. l4l 84 I43 ONTARIO ST., CHICAGO— —Mukers of the— DOUGLAS &. ACME : lXS’l‘AN'l‘lNEllES WATER HEATERS FOR BATHS, ETC. [Bed with gas andjgasoline. i This fine WOOD MANTEL, 1; feet‘ 5 inelies high, 3 feet wide. best qgluiity . Freneli Beveled Mirror, with 1 lSetP‘neeTile.1t‘lnlyUnuseGrnte. Niek’ld 1 Tile Hearth, I .\\'ll Sel‘eeli, Xiekeletl, E l 2-inel1 Brass Frame. l Tile are the finest quality of Enameled . and Mottled made. l WOODS AND FlNlSHES. QI'.\HTEKI~ZD OAK, Finished Natural, Antique or English. {1 hell. Finished Natural, lniitution. Cherry or Mahogany. Fin-n on car Louisville. '220, nnmey with order. May be i returz. '(1 if not sntisfnetury. ' IKELLAR & 00., Referenee: ‘ R. H. DUN & H», )lereun’tile Agency. l LOUISVILLE, KY.1 l z ' AbVEiRTilSEA/iENTS. cHuRcws COLD WATER ALABASTINE. HURCH’S ALABASTINE is recommended by the pub- lisher of this work as being superior to kalsomine, or any of the coatings of that nature now on sale, or the washes as usually mixed by the painter for the purpose. It is a cement that forms a coating that HARDENS WITH AGE, and may be RECOATED from/time to time as long as desired. All kalsomine mixtufes that depend on animal glue to hold them to the wall soften in a short time and require to be taken off to recoat, and are not. healthful. Alabastine is a disinfectant, either used as a powder or as a coating. It also produces richer effects and can be stippled, combed or moulded in relief work, as well as used in plain brush work or the iinest frescoing. The company furnish stencils, etc., on application, and to decorators they furnish designs to order at cost. it is sold in twelve tints ready for use. of which (under a decorators’ brand) are sold, the other thirty-2 seven are made to order by the workmen from the three deep shades and decorators’ white by measure. All this helps in tin- ishing or refinishing a building, and is iiiexpensive--—the most durable and beautiful. The latest make of Church’s Alabastine is a dry powder ready for use by mixing in cold water, and at this writing is be- ing put on sale with dealers in the eastern half of the United States in place of the original Alabastine, which is so well and favorably known but which had to be mixed with hot water. Some less satisfactory results were obtained with the original than with the cold water kind, as it very often happened that the water used was not boiling hot as directed, and as it was often kept longer'_mixed in water than directed. The cold water kind is easily mixed any minute and there is no need of mixing ahead, and the new kind will also remain in solution as long as the hot water kind and work so well that no previous prepara- tion is needed to stop suction in any wall, and a good job is usually obtained with one coat. with which any depth of shade can be made. For any of this assistance, etc., desired, address the pany direct. , ALABASTINE CO., M. B. CHURCH, Mgr., Grand Rapids, Michigan. COD]- Practical men in plain wall work are also furnishg ed with a decorator’s circular containing forty shades, only three 3 This is also made in deep colors, ‘ l i i I I i l l l l l i i \\\ {\\\w‘ rllS famous brand continues to be sold, not under the guaran- tee of being equal to something else, but under many specified \\iii \\- \ \ \\\\\\\ \ ‘t \\\\ \\\ \\\\ .. \\\ :’ Z - ~ g/é guarantees of quality, among which {its are that each box of IC 20x28 shall contain 36 lbs. of best Terne coat- ing and weigh 240 lbs. net without the box. It remains the standard of highest excellence and is for sale ly THE E. 8. WHEELER 6:. CO. American Selling Agents. New Haven. (Ionn.. r-nd lllinois Roofing and Supply (‘0., 203 Halsted r . Chicago. selling agents. \\\\‘\\“ \l \\i\\\ \\\ \\\ \\\i \\\\ {\\\ \\\}\\}\ .~\§\‘\\\{{i\ i\ \\\ \\\\\‘\\\ .\\ , {2515527in TEE/V1,: ray. 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H 083% ww oee. H zOOmHEm am eee: H 2 Heee. H 2 wewee. w 2 w wee. 2 w. Hee. .w 2 Hgmee. w 2 w.wee. Hulom 0H ms! 05o Uoow fie? we? H20 6005 mHyue“ max H05, 7005 wwee“ w: me mwee. >= wOmH 9. 2396 via. >= 9.31mi»; 3 U. m. EOHUWHZMH >2“??? mamBQ Wmfimmmw 2:03.. Hmzfi 32:22» mHCHwQ ADVERTISEMENTS. '\—.-q~ THE COLUMBUS CLOSET COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF ”GXSanitary SpecialtiESQ/Mg PLUMBERS’ BRASS GOODS, BRASS AND NICKEL PLATED TRIMMINGS FOR LAVATORIES, ' MARBLE OR SLATE CLOSET AND URINAL STALLS. ELEGANT CABINET WORK AND THE WILKINS’ MOTOR PUMP. O was mxms’ 2mm}! PUMP. Catalogues furnished to Architects Manufactured onl b _. W arantee this pump and Plumbers on a licatlon. superior toyanyyngther gngghe market. . C O LU M B U S, O H I O , U . S. A. pp . ‘9‘":