No. 91-12 (CURRENT BERLMDGRAPHEES EN MEDECCENE Me ic a1 Programs A bibliography in support of a National Library of Medicine US. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service 0 National Institutes of Health PUBLIC HEALTH LIBRARY Y CBM 91-12 Regional Medical Programs January 1964 through December 1977 602 Citations Prepared by Martha H. Glock, ML.S. US. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Reference Section 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20894 SERIES NOTE Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) is a continuation in part of the National Library of Medicine’s Literature Search Series, which ceased in 1987 with No. 87-15. In 1989 it also subsumed the Specialized Bibliography Series. Each bibliography in the new series covers a distinct subject area of biomedicine and is intended to fulfill a current awareness function. Citations are usually derived from searching a variety of online databases. NLM databases utilized include MEDLINE", AVLINE", BIOETHICSLINE", CANCERLI'I", CATLINE', HEALTH, POPLINE'" and TOXLINE'. The only criterion for the inclusion of a particular published work is its relevance to the topic being presented; the format, ownership, or location of the material is not considered. Comments and suggestions on this series may be addressed to: Karen Patrias. Editor Current Bibliographies in Medicine Reference Section National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD 20894 301/496-6097 Ordering Information: Current Bibliographies in Medicine is sold by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. To order the entire CBM series for the calendar year 1991 (20 bibliographies), send $52.00 ($65.00 foreign) to the Superintendent of Documents citing GPO List ID: CBM91. For your convenience an order blank is given inside the back cover. Orders for individual bibliographies in the series ($3.00, $3.75 foreign) should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents citing the titleI CBM numberI and the GPO List ID given above. Use of funds for printing this periodical has been‘approved by the Director of the Oflice of Management and Budget through September 30, 1992. ii ..:. .-._, - ‘._.a._ ._ REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS The Regional Medical Programs were first conceived in the report of the President’s Commission on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke, chaired by Dr. Michael E. DeBakey. The report, entitled "A National Program to Conquer Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke" (Dec. 1964), recommended the institution of regional cooperative arrangements to make the latest advances from biomedical research available to benefit the health of the American people. In October 1965, President Johnson signed the Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke Amendments (Public Law 89-239) that authorized the establishment and maintenance of Regional Medical Programs. The purpose of this amendment to the Public Health Service Act was "to encourage and assist in the establishment of regional cooperative arrangements among medical schools, research institutions, and hospitals for research and training (including continuing education) and for related demonstration of patient care..." (See. 900, PL 89-239). Ultimately, 56 regions were established, covering the nation, including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Regions were multi-state, individual states, or portions of states; some overlapped, depending on local decision-making at their creation. Most programs were located at or near university medical schools. Accomplishments in each region varied as much as the regions themselves, and in many cases were never written up and published. This bibliography was prepared in support of the National Library of Medicine conference titled "Regional Medical Programs: Legislation and Activities in the US. (1965-1976)," held in Bethesda, Maryland, on December 6, 1991. The bibliography includes all items that could be identified; citations are representative of the types of material written about the Programs, and include journal articles, monographs, meeting abstracts, reports, and dissertations from 1964 to 1977. Materials are organized into four categories: general citations about Regional Medical Programs; projects under Regional Medical Programs; library and information services sponsored by Regional Medical Programs; and dial access tape libraries supported by Regional Medical Programs. A citation may appear in more than one category. iii SEARCH STRATEGY A variety of online databases are usually searched in preparing bibliographies in the CBM series. To assist you in updating or otherwise manipulating the material in this search, the strategy used for the NLM’s MEDLINE database is given below. Please note that the search strategies presented here differ from individual demand searches in that they are generally broadly formulated and irrelevant citations edited out prior to printing. SS 1 = REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS SS 2 = (TF) REGIONAL AND MEDICAL AND ALL PROGRAM: SS 3 = 1 OR 2 SS 4 = UNITED STATES SSS=3 AND 4 GRATEFUL MED” To make online searching easier and more efficient, the Library offers GRATEFUL MED, microcomputer-based software that provides a user-friendly interface to most NLM databases. This software was specifically developed for health professionals and features multiple choice menus and "fill in the blank" screens for easy search preparation. GRATEFUL MED runs on an IBM PC (or IBM- compatible) Willi DOS 2.0 or a Macintosh, and requires a Hayes (or Hayes-compatible) modem. It may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia, for $29.95 (plus $3 .00 per order for shipping). For your convenience, an order blank has been enclosed at the back of this bibliography. iv SAMPLE CITATIONS Citations in this bibliographic series are formatted according to the rules established for Index Medicus"*. Sample journal and monograph citations appear below. For journal articles written in a foreign language, the English translation of the title is placed in brackets; for monographs, the title is given in the original language. In both cases the language of publication is shown by a three letter abbreviation appearing at the end of the citation. Note also that a colon (z) may appear within an author’s name or article title. The NLM computer system automatically inserts this symbol in the place of a diacritical mark. Journal Article: Authors Article Title / \ Marston RQ, Yordy K. A nation starts a program: Regional Medical Programs, 1965-1966. J Med Educ 1967 Jan;42(l):17-27. / / \ \ Abbreviated Journal Date Volume Issue Pages Title Monograph: Author/Editor Title / Harmon LM, editor. Health manpower in Missouri. Columbia (MO): Missouri Regional Medical Program; 1968. 62 p. / / / \ Place of Publisher Date Total No. Publication of Pages *For details of the formats used for references, see the following publication: Patrias, Karen. National Library of Medicine recommended formats for bibliographic citation. Bethesda (MD): The Library; 1991 Apr. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA; PB91-182030. TABLE OF CONTENTS page ‘ General 1 l Projects Under Regional Medical Programs 12 l Library and Information Services Under Regional Medical Programs 20 Dial Access Tape Libraries Under Regional Medical Programs 22 vii viii General Ackerrnan SJ. Regional medical programs. Public Health Rep 1967 May;82(5):404-6. Adams W. Illinois nurses and the Regional Medical Program. Chart 1969 Mar;66(3):75-9. Adams W. The Illinois Regional Medical Program for heart disease. cancer and stroke. Ill Med J 1969 Feb;135(2):166-9. Alexander IL. The King—Drew Trauma Center. J Natl Med Assoc 1976 Sep;68(5):384-6. Allen CH. Heart disease. cancer. and stroke programs. Ohio State Med J 1968 Sep;64(9):1046-51. Altenstetter C. Planning for health facilities in the United States and in West Germany. Milbank Mem Fund Q Health Soc 1973 Winter;51(1):41—71. American Nurses' Association: statement regarding nurses in Regional Medical Programs. Nurs Outlook 1969 Feb;17(2):23. Anderson JP. Twenty-five years of private health service to Virginia. Va Med Mon 1971 Nov;98(11): 577-9. Andrews NC. White CH. Regional medical programs. A View from the local level. Ohio State Med J 1968 Nov;64(11):1239-40. Arizona Regional Medical Program. [Tucson (AZ): The Program; 1976]. 48 p. Aycock EK. The future of planning: the Comprehensive Health Planning Program and the Regional Medical Program. J S C Med Assoc 1970 Jul;66(7):266-9. Bacastow MS. A regional medical program for Maine. J Maine Med Assoc 1967 Oct;58(10):218-21. Baird JH. Regional planning for health manpower: AHECS and community-based programs. I Contin Educ Nurs 1973 Jan-Feb;4(1):5-11. Bakke GS. Beyond provincialism in planning. Hosp Prog 1972 Apr;53(4):58-61. Bank G, Mayer WD. Continuing education for health professions. Mo Med 1968;65:730-3. Banner RL. The role of the public health service in the stroke problem today. Ala J Med Sci 1968 Jan;5(1): 24-6. Barrow JG. The Georgia Regional Medical Program. J Med Assoc Ga 1971 Nov;60(11):357-63. Barrow JG. Georgia Regional Medical Program--off and running. J Med Assoc Ga 1967 Aug;56(8): 337-9. Barrow JG. Regional Medical Programs. Georgia. Postgrad Med 1970 Aug;48(2):218-21. Battey LL. Georgia Regional Medical Program. J Med Assoc Ga 1967 Apr:56(4):14l-2. Battistella RM. Weil TP. Comprehensive health care planning. New effort of redirected energy. N Y State J Med 1969 Sep 1;69(17);2350-70. Baum KZ. Areawide planning programs. Public Health Rep 1967 May;82(5):406-7. Baumgartner RP Jr. A regional concept of hospital pharmacy services. Am J Hosp Pharm 1971 Sep; 28(9):670-9. Baumgartner RP Jr, Land MJ. Hauser LD. Rural health care-opportunity for innovative pharmacy service. Am J Hosp Pharm 1972 May;29(5):394-400. Bawden JW. Dentistry‘s role in Regional Medical Programs. Am J Public Health Nations Health 1970 May;60(5):844-7. Berkowitz M. Framework for evaluation of the proposals submitted to the New Jersey Regional Medical Program. New Brunswick (NJ): Rutgers, the State University, Bureau of Economic Research; 1968. 63 p. Berryhill WR, Lyle CB Jr. Smith R, Wilson JB, Shaw RA, Pickard CG Jr. Cutchin LM. The Regional Medical Program and the Division of Education and Research in community medical care. N C Med J 1968 Dec;29(12):489-95. Billings JE, Paul MF. Commercial airlines industry: some lessons for health services planners. Med Care 1973 Mar-Apr;11(2):145-55. Bishoff RJ. No RMP for Delaware? Del Med J 1971 Apr;43(4):113. Bodenheimer TS. Regional Medical Programs: no road to regionalization. Med Care Rev 1969;26:1125-66. Bratrude AP. Regional medical programs: Washington- Alaska: the rural area. Postgrad Med 1970 Oct; 48(4):274-7. Brayton D. Community medicine in California. California regional medical programs--area IV. Calif Med 1973 Apr;118(4):75-7. Brayton DF. UCLA Regional Medical Programs: present and future. Bull Los Angeles Cty Med Assoc 1967 Nov 16;97(22):22-3. 2 Brindley GV Jr. Texas’ Regional Medical Program. Tex Med 1968 Oct;64(10):4l. Brown GD. Flaming and development of regional health programs in a Federal system [dissertation]. [Iowa City: University of Iowa, Graduate Program in Hospital and Health Administration; 1972?]. 169 p. (Health care research series; no. 19). Building: a history of the Nebraska Regional Medical Program (1966-1976). [Lincoln (NE): The Program; 1976?]. 1 vol. Burgess AM, Colton T. Peterson OL. Categorical programs for heart disease, cancer and stroke. N Engl J Med 1965;273:533-7. Caldwell CW. Is this any way to run a regional medical program? J Iowa Med Soc 1969 Sep;59(9): 803—7. California Regional Medical Program. Profile. Oakland (CA): The Program; 1974. Callahan B. Regional Medical Programs taking giant steps. Hosp Progr 1967;48(3):78-83. Callahan B. Those regional medical programs; where the action will be. Hosp Prog 1966 Dec;47(12): 57-64. Carpenter RR. The academic medical center and the Regional Medical Program. J Med Educ 1973 Feb; 48(2):178-80. Carpenter RR. Pitt and the Regional Medical Program. Pa Med 1969 May;72(5):56-7. Castle CH. Case study. Intermountain Regional Medical Program. Inter-mountain program focuses on community hospitals. Hospitals 1968 Jul 1;42(13): 48—51. Castle CH. The program is regional. the feedback is local: government impact on hospital practice. Hosp Pract 1968;3:16-25. Castle CH. The Regional Medical Program: the unicentral (rural) region. Med Clin North Am 1970 Jan;54(l):19-28. Castle CH. Regional Medical Progams: implications for the intermountain area. Rocky Mt Med J 1967; 64:51-5. Cater D. Creative federalism. Am J Public Health 1968 Jun;58(6):1022-5. Central New York Regional Medical Program. Action in nursing education. N Y State Nurse 1969 Nov; 41(5):13-5. Chambliss CR. Regional Medical Programs: a new model for health care. J Natl Med Assoc 1969 Jan; 61(1):25-9. Chapman CB, Baumgartner L. Tri-state Regional Medical Program of Massachusetts. New Hampshire and Rhode Island. R I Med J 1969 Feb;52(2):94-6. Chatterjee M. Regional Medical Programs. Postgrad Med 1970 Jun;47(6):183-6. Clark HT. The challenge of the Regional Medical Programs legislation. J Med Educ 1966 Apr;41: 344-61. Clark HT Jr. Connecticut Regional Medical Program. Health care planning. Conn Med 1973 Jan;37(1): 33-7. Clark HT Jr. Planning a more effective health care system. Inquiry 1973 Mar;10 Suppl 1:40-4. Clark HT Jr, Morrissey EF, Seipp C. The Connecticut regional medical program and the family physician. Conn Med 1968 Sep;32(9):672-4. Collins CM. F.R.M.P. (Florida Regional Medical Program). J Fla Med Assoc 1971 Feb;58(2):44—6. Comparison of two federal programs: PL 89-749, Comprehensive Health Planning. PL 89—239, Heart, Cancer, Stroke. Mich Med 1967 Ju1;66(13):911. The complementary relationships between the Comprehensive Health Planning and Public Health Services Amendments of 1966 and the Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke Amendments of 1965. R I Med J 1967 Jul;50(7):458-64. Conference of Coordinators and Chairmen of Regional Advisory Groups of Regional Medical Programs; 1969 Sep 27-29; Warrenton, VA. [Washington: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, Regional Medical Programs Service; 1970]. 279 p. Conference of Coordinators of Regional Medical Programs; 1968 Sep 30-Oct 1; Arlington, VA. [Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office; 1968.] 174 p. Conference on Regional Medical Programs; 1967; Washington, DC. [Bethesda]: National Institutes of Health, Division of Regional Medical Programs; [1967]. 127 p. (Public Health Service publication; no. 1682). Conley VL, Larson CM. Among regional medical programs-—an enduring commitment. J Contin Educ Nurs 1970 Nov-Dec;1(4):28-33. Conley VL. Olson SW. Regional Medical Programs. What are they? Where are they? Am J Nurs 1968 Sep;68(9):1916-26. Connecticut Regional Medical Program. The CRMP Story. 1970-1971-1972. Vol. 1. Toward improved quality and accessibility of health care for 3,000,000 citizens. New Haven (CT): The Program; 1972. 251 p. Connecticut Regional Medical Program. The CRMP Story, 1973-1974-1975-1976. Vol. 2. Regionalization makes a difference in health care delivery. New Haven (CT): The Program; 1976. 222 p. Connecticut Regional Medical Program. CRMP's seven-year march toward medical regionalization: special grant request for May-June 1973. "phase- out" grant request for July 1. 1973—February 15, 1974. New Haven (CT): The Program; 1973. Connecticut Regional Medical Program. Request for an operating grant. [New Haven (C1)]: The Program; 1968. 152 p. Connecticut Regional Medical Program. To improve the health care system in Connecticut: a bibliography of selected studies. reports and health planning activities supported by the Connecticut Regional Medical Program. New Haven (CT): The Program: 1975. 27 p. Cox JJ. Memphis Regional Medical Program brings medicine to the people. Health Serv Rep 1973 Apr;88(4):371—6. Cox SL. Dentistry in Regional Medical Programs. Am J Public Health Nations Health 1969 Jun;59(6): 926-9. Craytor JK. Nurses' involvement in health planning. The nurse in the Regional Medical Program. ANA Clin Conf 1967:12-8. Creditor MC. A modest proposal: let CHP and RMP run the system. Mod Hosp 1972 Oct;119(4):101—4. Creditor MC, Nelson D. Regional Medical Programs and office of management and budget—-parallel philosophies. N Engl J Med 1973 Aug 2;289(5): 239-42. Culbertson JW. Braddock C. Regional medical programs. Memphis. Postgrad Med 1972 Apr;51(4): 203-5. Culbertson JW. Pate JW. Memphis Regional Medical Program for heart disease, cancer and stroke. J Tenn Med Assoc 1967 Nov;60(11):1196-205. Curran WJ. Public Health and the law. Village medicine vs. Regional Medical Programs: new rules in medical malpractice. Am J Public Health Nations Health 1968 Sep;58(9):1753-4. Current status of TMS-RMP. J Tenn Med Assoc 1973 May;66(5):453-4. Daniels RS. Redesign of health services. 2. Postgrad Med 1971 Jul;50(1):133-7. Daniels RS. Vilter RW. President Nixon's budget proposals and the medical colleges. Ann lntem Med 1973 Jul;79(1):127-9. Davis WA. Regional medical programs: what they can do for you. Rocky Mt Med J 1969 Aug;66(8): 45-50. Dirnond EG. National resources for continuing medical education. JAMA 1968 Oct 14;206(3):617-20. Dimond EG.‘ Sounding board. RMP--as I knew him: the rise and fall of an idea. N Engl J Med 1974 May 30;290(22):1256-8. Discusses next steps in implementation of heart, stroke, cancer programming. Mich Med 1967 Nov;66(21): 1456-7. Dodge HT. Regional program for heart. cancer and stroke. J Med Assoc State Ala 1967 Jan;36(7): 768-9. Dorsey JL. Certification of need laws. Arch Surg 1973 Jun;106(6):765-9. Douglas J . Denne JD. The health information service of the Illinois Regional Medical Program: manpower and mandate. Chicago: Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago; 1978. 22 p. Duarte de Araujo J. Comprehensive health planning in the United states. Bull Pan Am Health Organ 1974; 8(3):249-57. Dummett CO. Dentistry in Regional Medical Programs: need for greater involvement. Am J Public Health 1975 May;65(5):465—8. Dunne JB. Where the action is--RMP. Nurs Outlook 1969 Feb;17(2):31-2. DuVal MK. Regional Medical Programs and Comprehensive Health Planning. 1. Ariz Med 1969 Jun;26(6):508. DuVal MK. Regional medical programs. I. Ariz Med 1967 Oct;24(10):961. DuVal MK. Regional Medical Programs. 11. Ariz Med 1967 Nov;24(11):1091. 4 DuVal MK. Regional medical programs: III. Ariz Med 1967 Dec;24(12):1183. DuVal N. Regional medical programs and comprehensive health planning. 11. Ariz Med 1969 Ju1;26(7):585. Eddinger J. Ross J. Regionalization of health care: setting the stage : a transitional history and record of the Maryland Regional Medical Program. 1966-1975. Baltimore (MD): Maryland Regional Medical Program; 1975. 69 p. Egeborg R0. Regional Medical Programs. Calif Med 1968;108:46-8. Ehrenkranz NJ. Regional medical program of hospital infection surveillance. JFMA 1973 May; 60(5 Suppl):10-2. Eknoyan G. Regional medical program of Texas. Kidney program. Tex Med 1972 Dec;69(12):79-84. Engebretson GR. Larimore GW. Moore CE. The Florida Regional Medical Program. A report. J Fla Med Assoc 1975 Dec;62(12):43-7. Evans RL. Hospitals and Regional Medical Programs: a plea for coordinated action. Hospitals 1967 Dec 16;41(24):52-8. Expanded role of area advisory groups. J Tenn Med Assoc 1973 Jan;66(1):39. Feasibility of regional medical program studied. J Okla State Med Assoc 1966 Jun;59(6):307-8. Fein R. The new national health spending policy. N Engl J Med 1974 Jan 17;290(3):137-40. Fishbein M. The health manpower problem. Postgrad Med 1968 Nov;44(5):250-2. Fisher RM. Susquehanna Valley Regional Medical Program. Pa Med 1969 May;72(5):25-8. Florin AA. Harlcness JP. The New Jersey Regional Medical Program progress and plans. J Med Soc N J 1968 Jun;65(6):257-9. Flynn RO. Regional Medical Program. Am Med 1973 May;30(5):343~5. Fox SM. A national program for cardiovascular health. Adv Cardiol 1973;9z212-9. Fox SM 3d. Priorities in funding for heart disease programs. Am J Cardiol 1972 Jul ll;30(1):110. Friedrich RH. Dentistry‘s role in new national health legislation: Regional Medical Programs. J Am Dent Assoc 1968 Oct;77(4):864-9. Ginzburg. Eli. editor. Regionalization & health policy. [Washington]: U. S. Department of Health. Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service. Health Resources Administration; 1977. 192 p. Glasgow J . Smith CE, Lindsey PA. Regionalization of health services: policy implications of a national experiment. Boise (ID): Health Policy Analysis and Accountability Network; c1977. 20 p. Gough A. What is a Regional Medical Program. Colo Nurse 1969 Feb;69(2):l3-4. Grizzle C0. Regional medical programming in Wyoming. Rocky Mt Med J 1967 Jul;64(7):71-3. Groom D. Regional medical programs and medical care in rural Oklahoma. J Okla State Med Assoc 1970 Apr;63(4):165-7. Gustafson DH, Chewning B. Conference on Human Program Development: Final evaluation report; 1971 Aug 1-5. [place publisher unknown]; 1971. 59 p. Hale D. Appalachian regional demonstration health program. W V Med J 1967 Dec;63(12):446-50. Hallan JB. Use of information in health planning [dissertation]. Chapel Hill (NC): University of North Carolina; [date unknown]. 217 p. Hampton HP. RMPI - RIP? JFMA 1973 May; 60(5 Suppl):36. Hampton HP. What the regional medical program can do for individual physicians. J Fla Med Assoc 1970 Jan;57(1):57. Hampton HP. Martin SP. Florida Regional Medical Program. J Fla Med Assoc 1968 Sep;55(9):855—9. Hare W. Greater Delaware Valley Regional Medical Program. Del Med J 1968 Mar-,40(3):75-7. Hamish TI. Regional Medical Program planning. Am J Public Health Nations Health 1969 May;59(5): 770-2. Harrison TR. The challenge of the Regional Medical Program. Ann Intern Med 1968 Jan;68(1):245-7. Harrison TR. Our Hippocratic tradition. Its possible relation to the regional medical program. Arch Intern Med 1968 Mar;12l(3):291-6. Hayes R. The status of Regional Medical Programs in South Dakota. S D J Med 1969 May;22(5):43-5. Headley RN, Feichter RN. A comprehensive coronary care program for Haywood County, North Carolina. Tar Heel Nurse 1968 Jun;30(2):60—4. Headley RN. Morgan RS Jr, Feichter RN. A comprehensive coronary care program for the state of Franklin. N C Med J 1968 Jun;29(6):243-6. Headley RN. Woodruff LF Jr, Nelson LH 3d. Coronary care in the State of Franklin. N C Med J 1973 Aug;34(8):606-10. Healey LA. The Washington-Alaska Regional Medical Program. Resid Physician 1968;14:58-65. Heart diseases. cancer and stroke enacted with changes. J Med Assoc Ga 1966 Jan;55(1):15. Hermann JB. RMP--what is it? Nebr Med J 1969 Mar;54(3):149—54. Heustis AE. MARMP gains momentum with cancer- heart-stroke program. Mich Med 1969 May;68(9): 481. Heustis AB. The programmatic aspects of the Michigan Regional Medical Program. Mich Med 1968 Aug;67(15):965-8. Hildebrand PR. Regional Medical Programs. Colorado- Wyoming. Postgrad Med 1971 Apr;49(4):251-5. Hirschboeck IS. The Wisconsin regional medical program. Opportunity and challenge. Wis Med J 1967 May;66(5):223-4. History and purposes of the Arizona Regional Medical Program. Ariz Med 1968 Dec;25(12):1090-3. Hogness JR. Issues in the regionalization of health services. Conn Med 1974 Aug;38(8):425-9. A Hoosier success. I Iowa Med Soc 1970 Nov;60(11): 775. Howard RR. Northlands Regional Medical Program, Inc. Minn Med 1972 Dec;55(12):ll33-5. Hudson CL. (P.L. 89-239) remarks on Regional Medical Programs. J Med Assoc Ga 1967 Apr; 56(4):154-5. Hume WI Jr. The Ohio Valley Regional Medical Program. I Ky Med Assoc 1967 May;65(5):504-5. Hunt WB Jr. Neal MP Jr. The developing relationship between the two Virginia medical schools and the Virginia Regional Medical Program. Va Med Mon 1969 Oct;96(10):604-8. Improving health care in Minnesota. Reports from Northlands Regional Medical Program. Inc. Minn Med 1972 Dec;55 Suppl 323-66. Innovative plans for the Georgia Regional Medical Program. J Med Assoc Ga 1967 Apr;56(4):149—51. 5 Irving J. Shores L. Regional Medical Program to serve nurses. Wash State J Nurs 1968 Nov;40(6):3. James G. New York physician and the 1970's: the local Regional Medical Program for heart disease, cancer and stroke. N Y Med 1968;24:194-200. James G. The role and contribution of epidemiology in planning. operation. and evaluation of Regional Medical Programs (heart, cancer. and stroke). I. Epidemiology and Regional Medical Programs. Am J Public Health Nations Health 1968 Jun;58(6): 1047-50. Jenny MR. A development for nursing. Nurs Outlook 1969 Feb;17(2):35-6. Jones FW. The medical society and the Regional Medical Program in North Carolina. N C Med 1967;28:173-5. Josephine A. How the intermountain area is developing its Regional Medical Program. Hosp Prog 1967 Nov;48(11):12-4. Kissick WL. Health policy directions for the 1970's. N Engl J Med 1970 Jun 11;282(24):1343-54. Kligerrnan MM. Regional medical programs. An opportunity for cooperative effort. Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med 1968 Apr; 102(4):959-61. Komaroff A. RMP: at five years it covers the country. News] Am Coll Prev Med 1970 May;1l(4):3-5. Komaroff AL. Regional medical programs in search of a mission. N Engl J Med 1971 Apr 8;284(14): 758-64. Krause EA. Health planning as a managerial ideology. Int J Health Serv 1973;3(3):445-63. Krehl WA. The dietitian in the Regional Medical Program. I Am Diet Assoc 1969 Aug;55(2):107—11. Lafferty CA. Greater Delaware Valley Regional Medical Program. Pa Med 1970 Jan;73(1):68—70. Langdoc BA. The South Carolina Regional Medical Program. S C Nurs 1970 Spring;22(2):69 passim. Larimore GW, Engebretson GR, Moore CE. Florida regional medical program. An overview. JFMA 1973 May;60(5 Suppl):3-7. Leamnson GF. Indiana Regional Medical Program. I Indiana State Med Assoc 1969 Nov;62(11): 133943. Lechner CB. The Regional Medical Programs. Pa Med 1969 May;72(5):42. 6 Leopold RL. Kissick WL. A community mental health center. regional medical program. and joint planning. Am J Psychiatry 1970 Jun;126(12): 1718-26. Lewis CE. Case study: Kansas Regional Medical Program. Local action groups involve communities in Kansas program. Hospitals 1968 Jul 1;42(13): 60-2. Lewis CE. The thermodynamics of regional planning. Am J Public Health Nations Health 1969 May; 59(5):773-7. Lifson A, Koleski R. Service AL. Chansky L. Toward quantitative evaluation of core functions in a health planning organization. Am J Public Health 1972 Nov;62(11):1546—8. Lucas RV Jr. A dialogue with Sir William Osler on postgraduate education. Critique of a Northlands Regional Medical Program. Minn Med 1972 Dec; 55(3):22-6. Macdonald I. The BeBakey Commission report: the real blueprint for the federal take-over of medical research, teaching and practice. Bull Los Angeles Cty Med Assoc 1965 Nov 4;95(21):8-10. Margulies H. Regional Medical Programs--impact on rural America. J Tenn Med Assoc 1971 Sep;64(9): 782-6. Marshall D. Doctor. how can MARMP be of greatest value to you? Mich Med 1967 Nov;66(21):1451. 1454. Marston RQ. Regional medical programs: a review. Bull N Y Acad Med 1967 Jun;43(6):490-4. Marston RQ. To meet the nation's health needs. N Engl J Med 1968 Sep 5;279(10):520-4. Marston RQ. Mayer WD. The interdependence of regional medical programs and continuing education. J Med Educ 1967 Feb;42(2):119—25. Marston RQ. Schmidt AM. Regional Medical Programs--a progress report. Am J Public Health Nations Health 1968 Apr;58(4):726-30. Marston RQ. Yordy K. A nation starts a program: Regional Medical Programs, 1965—1966. J Med Educ 1967 Jan;42(1):17-27. Masur I. All hospitals are not equal. Hospitals 1968 Jul 1;42(13):24a-24d. A matter of initiative. Hospitals 1968 Jul l;42(13):47. Matthews D. Progress report of Nebraska Regional Medical Program. Nebr Med J 1974 Dec;59(12):520-1. Matthews H. The state of Franklin and the regional medical program. N C Med J 1968 Jun;29(6):242. Mattingly TW. The Regional Medical Program of Metropolitan Washington. Med Ann Dist Columbia 1967 Mar;36(3):186-8. Mayer WD. Regional Medical Programs--a progress report. J Med Assoc Ga 1967 Apr,56(4):143-7. McCormack JE. The New York city story. Bull N Y Acad Med 1967 Jun;43(6):515-21. McPhail FL. Mountain states regional medical program. The four state Wiche grant. Rocky Mt Med J 1967 May;64(5):61-3. Mehler H. Medical care programs. Mich Med 1971 Jun;70(13):558. Melick DW. ARMP—-the summation. Ariz Med 1975 Dec;32(12):938-43. Melick DW. ARMP—Arizona’s Phoenix-bird of health. Ariz Med 1974 Dec;31(12):939—41. Miller WR. Editorial: Regionalization in Minnesota. Minn Med 1972 Dec;55(12):1129. Miller WR. A five-year perspective of NRMP. Minn Med 1972 Dec;55(3):9-16. Miller WR. Legacies of regional medical programs. Minn Med 1973 Oct;56 Suppl 2:7-8. Mitchell JA. Smith CE. White CH. Landmark statement: excerpts from a special progress report. National Regional Medical Programs. J Contin Educ Nurs 1973 May-Jun;4(3):3240. Moore JR Jr. A normative definition of the process of areawide health services planning. Health Serv Rep 1973 Apr,88(4):305-15. Morgan HS. Nebraska—South Dakota regional medical program. Nebr Med J 1967 Sep;52(9):410-1. Morgan JM. Stovall M. Shalek RJ. Texas Regional Medical Programme. Phys Med Biol 1969 Apr; 14(2):336-7. Morgan R. Progress report: Nebraska-South Dakota Regional Medical Program. Nebr Med J 1968 Mar; 53(3):86-9. Morgan RS. Development of a regional medical program in Western North Carolina. N C Med J 1967 May;28(5):195-7. Morrissey EF, Seipp CA. Clark HT Jr. Connecticut Regional Medical Program--from planning to operations. Conn Med 1969 Feb;33(2):106-12. Moseley V. One million dollars allotted to regional medical program in S. C. J S C Med Assoc 1973 Dec;69(12):457-60. Moseley V. Regional Medical Program assumes expanded health care mission. I S C Med Assoc 1972 Jun;68(6):269-70. Moseley V. Some thoughts on the phasing out of the S.C. Regional Medical Program and a report of fiscal Year 1972 - 1973 activities. J S C Med Assoc 1973 Apr;69(4):117-40. Moseley V. The South Carolina Regional Medical Program. its status today. J S C Med Assoc 1971 Apr;67(4):188-90 passirn. Moseley V. State and district health planning: the roles of Regional Medical Program. Comprehensive Health Planning and the physician. J S C Med Assoc 1970 Jun;66(6):205-21. Murrell TW Jr. The opportunity offered by Regional Medical Programs. Va Med Mon 1969 Oct;96(10): 609. Musser MJ. North Carolina Regional Medical Program. N C Med 1967 May;28(5):176—82. Musser M]. The regional medical program in North Carolina. N C Med J 1968 Jun;29(6):239-42. A national program to conquer heart disease. cancer and stroke. AMA staff report. JAMA 1965;192: 299-301. [Nebraska State Medical Association]. Fall Session: reports of officers, delegates and committees. Neb Med J Dec 1974;59(12):501—21. 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[Fall Session:] reports of officers, delegates and committees. Neb Med J 1971 Dec;56(12):493-515. Progress report of Nebraska Regional Medical Program; p. 503-4. Deane S. Marcy, program coordinator. [Nebraska State Medical Association]. [Fall Session:] Reports of officers. delegates and committees. Neb Med J 1972 Dec;57(12):494-514. Progress report, Nebraska Regional Medical Program; p. 502-4. Deane Marcy. program coordinator. [Nebraska State Medical Association]. [Fall Session:] reports of officers. delegates and committees. Neb State Med J 1970 Dec;55(12):757-77. Progress report: Nebraska-South Dakota Regional Medical Program; p. 759-61. Harold S. Morgan. chairman. [Nebraska State Medical Association]. [Fall Session:] reports of officers, delegates and committees. Neb State Med J 1970 Jan;55(1):47-74. Nebraska—South Dakota Regional Medical Program; p. 57-60. Harold S. Morgan. program coordinator. A new telephone tape information service. J Med Soc N J 1970 Oct;67(10):639-40. Pearson KM Jr. Bloch AD. Dial access libraries: their use and utility. J Med Educ 1974 Sep;49(9):882-96. Programs available through Regional Medical Program. Ariz Nurse 1970 Sep-Oct;23(4):21—2. Rikli AE. Missouri. Postgrad Med 1972 Feb;51(2): 275-8. Rosenberg EW. Information for doctors and public. N Engl J Med 1972 May 25;286(21):1163-4. Twelve years of challenge and change-—l96S-1977. Jackson (MS): Mississippi Regional Medical Program; [date unknown]. 57 p. Wilbanks GD Jr. A cancer information service. N C Med J 1968 Jun;29(6):246-7. Wood GC. Cancer information services in the United 1 States. CA 1971 May-Jun;21(3):l43-55. Wood GC. Serving the information needs of physicians. N Engl J Med 1972 Mar 16;286(11): 603-4. GRATEFUL MED® Software For Macintosh & IBM Please send me Please send me copies of GRATEFU L copies of GRATEFU L MED for the MED for IBM and Macintosh. compatibles. M Order No. PB89- Order No. PB86- / 196083/GBB at $29.95 158482/GBB at $29.95 each. each. 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