33.5 . r...“ ’3. NW .v w... run-.4 39‘2" 'z-f. . My»? w ”:‘o'i “. .395. ppm». *‘ifit‘ ' ' [grim “ g 31‘ a: g ”mtg. r , M ..‘ .. A . .' W‘G‘J‘Sji‘ ,3 . sww f V A. 5; ’35:! .. kw:- .W-WW -..mfi .. .. v.53. . .. . "W‘mf‘c'fi’m’ M nwv .. Db”. ‘rxzam' "‘7. ' 3?? 51: fig? i 1"; ,fi dig ‘ .. .; EL: * a: {61 i :ng ’ 2‘2 ‘ . 2:23.. .‘:$! , {"2515‘2‘3, ' ‘1 3:11 5‘.“ U '1 ' '22:“ {51. +- SE...» , . n, . ,1 ,ti‘zm. '13.? ‘t. RARE B5103 ‘ PRICE ONE DOLLAR; i 1 a. 9.43.19“ “YE PLANRY" BUNGALOWS FOUPxTH EDITION 1911 BOOK CONTAINING MANY NEW AND ATTRACTIVE TYPES OF CALIFORNIA HOMES WITH MUCH INFORMATION CONCERNING THEM PUBLISHED BY YlE PLANRY BUILDING COMPANY (Inc.) A, I 212 MERCANTILE PLACE, LOS ANGELES E. S. BARNES, President B. RUST, Secretary Copyright I910 by Ye Planry Building Co. (Inc) RARE 77M 757/ pm FOREWORD E. B. RUST HE modern Bungalow fills a world-wide demand for a home combining the ele— ments of convenience, attractive appear- ance and low cost; different from the old- fashioned cottage with its steep roof, elaborate mill—work and box—like rooms, yet not startling in that difference; up—to-date in every par— ticular, yet not “faddish”; a home that preserves its simplicity and charm, though the choice of materials necessarily differs with the locality. While the word “Bungalow” conveys the idea of a low, rambling, one—story dwelling, the bungalow lines and details of construction have entered so large— ly into all classes of houses that there has evolved what might be well termed a two-story bungalow, though it is popularly referred to as the “Swiss Chalet.” The peculiar advantage of this style lies in its comparatively low cost relative to the number of rooms. This is due to its compactness, as it covers little ground, has few breaks in outline and is there- fore much easier to frame and roof over, and all the rooms are insured cross—ventilation. Another transition has brought about the “Story— and-a—half.” This is the result of building originally one or two small rooms under the slope of the roof, and adding other rooms until in many cases the sec- ond floor covers the entire area of the first, yet the main roof, being built down to the line of the first story ceiling, preserves the low, broad lines of the one-story. This type has given rise to much discus- sion where lots are sold under a restriction demanding that only two-story houses be built. While these re— strictions have been variously interpreted, the concen- sus of opinion is that where the second story is prac— tically as large as the first, with the up—stairs rooms full height throughout, the house is legally a two- story. The “Mission Style” is a much abused term gen- erally applied to anything with exterior plastering. As a matter of fact the Mission style is extremely plain, with no ornate staff work or elaborate colon— nades, but with simple arches and roof lines. The exterior walls are of rough—cast plaster and the roof of terra cotta or galvanized iron tiles. The latter have the advantage 0 f b e i n g considera- bly lighter than the clay tiles, and some— what lower in initial c o s t, b u t this is off— set in a few y e a r s b y the neces— sity of re— newing the paint. The “Ca1- i f o r n i a Style” is a t e r m a p — plied to a vertical boards with battens house built of 1"x12" over the joints outside, and frequently on both sides. The boards may be covered 011 the interior with bur- lap or heavy painted canvas, as there is no plaster, and generally no studding unless the climatic condi— tions require a more rigid frame. The advantage of this type lies in its comparatively low cost and facil- ity of construction. It makes an ideal summer home but is too lightly built for severe winter weather, un- less the exterior walls be sheathed horizontally and shingled, in which case the cost will nearly equal that of a plastered house. For exterior finish, dressed lumber is used less and less for two reasons: first, it is not in keeping with the bungalow style, and second, it is more ex- pensive, requiring two or three coats of paint where one of stain will answer for an unfinished surface. Shingles, shakes, unsurfaced siding or rough plaster for the walls; tile, patent roofing or shingles for the roofs; concrete, brick or native stone for the founda- tion; wood, hollow tile, concrete, brick and stone for the frame—all have their use. In response to many inquiries concerning the comparative merits and ex— pense of different materials, it may be here stated that in general, frame construction is at least ten per cent cheaper than masonry, although in a locality where lumber is brought a great distance and stone, brick, etc., are near at hand, it is obvious that the reverse will be the case. One of the favorite materials for exterior finish of the walls is shakes, a distinctly W'estern product, originally made by sawing the giant redwoods into three foot sections and splitting them off by hand. Sawed shakes are now generally used, being cheaper. They resemble shingles somewhat, but are of a uni- form width of six inches, do not taper, and are thirty- six inches long, while the shingles are sixteen inches in length and vary in width. They may be used full length and laid as much as twenty—four inches to the weather by doubling the courses, or sawed in two and laid six to eight inches to the weather. Heavy, rough timbers are used to support the wide overhanging roof and in the construction of porches and pergolas. Dark red brick, preferably laid in black mortar, cobblestones in gray mortar, cement stone, cut stone and rough plaster are all used for porch columns, exterior chimneys, etc., and cement, brick, or the large square Spanish tiles make appro- priate outdoor floors. Exterior color schemes are subject to infinite va- riety according to individual tastes. The favorite colors are soft brown, green or olive stains for the walls, with trimmings a shade darker or lighter for contrast. The roof may have the same tone as the walls, or perhaps better in many cases, it may be white or frosted. In designing roofs, climate is the first consider- ation. The low, wide projecting roof is picturesque and satisfactory where the weather is not extreme, but is not practical and must be not only steeper, but more heavily constructed where snow or heavy rain storms are encountered. And the the slope of the roof will de- termine its projection. A steep roof would be illogical and appear heavy if it also had a wide overhang, while a very flat roof should extend not less than four feet beyond the walls. In arrangement the bungalow is as varied as the requirements of many thousands of home-builders have made it, but the general idea is consistently the same; the rooms must be of good size, the windows should be on as many sides of each room as possible, and the communication between rooms as perfect as study can make it, avoiding unnecessary passage through intermediate rooms to gain one’s objective. This can be done only by careful consideration of the requirements and mode of living of the individual: bearing in mind that a multiplicity of doors in a bed room or living room results in a loss of needed wall space, but that two or three doors in a long hall means that the hall is not sufficiently “busy” and should be discarded. When possible the bed rooms and bath should be secluded and the bath accessible independ— ently of the bed rooms; the kitchen, screen porch with i! in. its laundry tubs, and servants quarters in another part; and the dining room, den and living room constituting the third group. In case there is a basement, it should be near the center to insure the furnace pipes hav- ing approximately equal runs to the various rooms. The hall, like the stairway, is one of the utilitarian features, and should be in proportion to the house. A long passage in a five room bungalow would be out of place, but is an absolute necessity where there are many rooms. Interior finish is plain almost to se— verity, with simplicity the keynote and straight lines predominating, doing away with all dust—catching mouldings. The ma- terials used will of course vary in different localities. In the east oak costs but little more than good pine finish, while in the west it costs four times as much. The slash-grain Oregon Pine makes an exceptionally handsome interior wood as it readily takes the satin finish generally used. Oak may be suc- successfully treated with ammonia fumes and waxed, preserving a uniform shade throughout, and omitting the paste filler, which has a tendency to darken the open parts of the grain. This method is somewhat more expensive than the usual method of stain, shel- lac and wax, and should only be adopted where the wood can be especially selected for uniform grain and texture. The more costly woods, such as walnut and mahogany, are seldom used as their effect is not brought out except with a glossy finish. White Ce- dar makes an excellent material where the finish is to be enameled, as the grain is not pronounced and is easily covered by four or five coats of white paint and enamel. Redwood is particularly beautiful in grain and the finish it takes, but is objectionable if there are small children as it is rather easily marred. For interior decoration there is an infinite variety of schemes, depending in each case on individual pref— ~ erence and the character of the finish detail. An im- portant factor in interior color schemes, which makes most general suggestions valueless, is the exposure of the rooms. However, rich colors seem right for the den, living room and dining room, with lighter colors in the bed rooms. The plaster is generally left with a sand finish, laid perfectly true and even, but without the very smooth surface unless wall paper or tapestry is to be used. Hardware is massive and finished to match the interior decoration; in the living room and dining room hammered copper, bronze or oxidized silver, in the bed rooms dull brass, in the bath and kitchen nickeled finish. The electric fixtures should have the same finish as the hardware. At a slight addi— tional cost, the fixtures may be specially designed and executed in hammered copper or brass. Shown here— with are a few of our original designs in hammered copper; a candle—stick, a card~rccci\'<‘r, and a reading lamp. 10 11 The floors should be of oak as largely as pos— sible. They may be either quarter sawed or straight oak, seven—eighths inch thick, or where cost must be considered, the three-eighths inch floor is satis- factory, provided a good quality of tar paper is laid beneath to keep dampness from warping the floor. Maple floors are good in bed rooms or where there is no heavy furniture to mar them. In the kitchen a pine floor covered with linoleum seems to give the most satisfaction as it may be frequently washed without damage. The bath room may have a simi— lar floor where tile is too expensive. The porch is an excellent index of the owner’s temperament, many desiring a board, hospitable front porch with hammocks and inviting chairs, while others prefer a small entrance porch, and for the family outdoor life a more secluded side porch or patio, with perhaps a pergola leading to a summerhouse. The pergola may be described as two parallel beams resting on wood or masonry posts, with smaller cross—beams above. Vines should be trained over the pergola, making a delightful arbor, porte cochere, or covering for a porch. The patio is reminiscent of early days when the house was built around a court, affording an out- door spot for the women and children, who could not safely venture on the street. It is now usually left open on one side, with access through long French windows from the living room or dining room, though sometimes still enclosed on all sides and often with a glass sky—light overhead; or it may be screened and converted into an outdoor sleeping apartment. The reception hall is a modification of the eastern reception hall, without the double—entrance door made necessary by a rigorous winter climate. The vesti- bule can be easily added when required, or sliding doors substituted for the cased openings frequently used. The stair- way usually starts from the reception hall, if there be one, or otherwise either from the living room or a rear hallway. It should be in proportion to the size and general charac— ter of the house. A large open stair is a handsome addi- tion to the h o m e , b u t would be out of place, and too expensive for the mod- est story—and- a-half. The living room is the family gather- ing place and should have as the distinct— ive feature a cheerful open f i r e p l a c e, which may be of stone, brick, tile or plaster. The plastered mantel is only used where there is no paneling, as it should be tinted to match the walls. Where so treated the effect is exceptionally pleas— ing, and has the added advantage of being the least expensive of mantels. There may be either a picture mould near the ceiling or a picture rail of convenient height with the walls below either paneled in wood or with plaster panels divided by battens, or vertical 12 13 strips of wood. The living beamed, or it may have a large cove, room ceiling may be making a dome, and indirect lighting used. This is accom— plished by using an electric fixture in the form of a bowl hung on chains, with a highly polished reflector. The bulbs are arranged inside this bowl and the light is reflected against the ceiling and “spills” over the room in a soft glow toned by the tint of the ceiling, giving perfect illumination without the glare usually attendant upon electric lighting. This system is equally appropriate for the music room. The den is usually a small room with built-in bookcases and perhaps a desk, mantel or window seat. The walls may be appropriately paneled in leather, basket matting or canvas, the last making a durable wall~covering capable of a great variety of decora— tion. The ceiling may be beamed, or what is better, if the room is not large, a wood cornice or coved ceiling. The dining room has a built-in buffet, wood or leather paneled walls and beamed ceiling. The buf- fet may be of infinite variety, from a simple ledge to the elaborate one built entirely across an outside wall, with windows over the counter shelf and art glass back of the china cupboards. Mirrors, leaded glass, leather panels, plate-glass shelves, all have their ap— propriate places. A bay with its cosy window seat adds attraCtiveness to the dining room. The kitchen is usually finished in ivory or gray enamel or varnished in the natural color, and is com— plete in every particular, having range, sink, drawers, cupboards, bins, moulding board, and cold air cabinet, arranged with a view to saving steps. The drain- board may be of sugar pine or one of the patent prep- arations resembling cement but with more resilience. The walls should be of hard plaster ruled to imitate tile, and enameled, giving a surface easy to keep clean and more durable than tile, as in a frame building where there is sure to be some settlement, the tiles are liable to work loose. A hood over the range is a particularly desirable and inexpensive feature. It is framed down to a height of seven feet above the floor, plastered, and slopes on the inside to a ventilator which draws the fumes from cooking out through the roof. A breakfast room opening from the kitchen is a novel feature gaining favor. It is finished in light tones and should have, where possible, an east expo- sure to get the morning sun. Bed rooms should be large, well ventilated, and arranged always with a space for bed and other furniture, a matter often overlooked until too late. Popular adjuncts of the bed room are the separate dressing room, or bou— doir, and the screened sleeping room, the lat— ter of distinct hygienic benefit as well as a (lelightful sitting room. Closets should be as large and numerous as possible and should have either an outside window or a screen ventilator in the ceiling. Built—in hat— and shoe—boxes are, desirable and the plaster should be painted or enameled to prevent the plaster from rubbing off on the clothing. The linen closet is usually built in the hall or bath room and is complete with 14 15 cupboards, drawers and cabinet. Cedar makes an ex- cellent material for linen cabinets and closets as its odor excludes moths. The bath room is finished in white enam— eled woodwork, with tinted walls above the wainscot, which should be of enameled hard plaster as in the kitchen. \Vhere space affords there may be a built—in cabinet for towels, medicine, etc., with hinged seat and a large mirror. The height of a ceiling should always be in pro- portion to the size of the room. The average sized room has a ceiling from nine to nine and a half feet high. In small rooms, such as a bath room, or in a long narrow hall, the ceiling should be not over seven and a half feet, to avoid the appearance of a well. In larger rooms, the ceiling is best if sloping at the 'sides, as otherwise it will, through optical illusion, give the impression of sagging in the center. Perhaps no one subject requires more study of individual conditions than windows. They are pri— marily intended to admit light and air, but are sub— ject to varied treatment. They are so constructed as to exclude dust and rain, and should be made to be opened, except where the View demands a large sta— tionary plate glass. Also they should be grouped rather than scattered, and so placed that the wall— space lends itself to a pleasing arrangement of furni- ture. Moreover, it should be remembered that only by having windows 011 two or more sides of the room can proper ventilation be secured. (7)1)alesccnt glass is good where light‘ is required but no outlook, as in a bathroom. The photographs in this book are all of our own work, and have been taken with a View of giving, not a number of homes of any one style, but as great a variety as possible in order to show more adequate— ly the scope of our work. V’Ve have not found it ne- 17 cessary or fitting to photograph others’ houses and publish them as our own, as we have over nine hun— dred plans to select from and have been embarrassed in making a choice rather than at a loss for material. \Ve have, however, been obliged to use several pen sketches of houses, having excellent floor plans, but which have not been built where we could secure photographs, or were not completed in time. The estimates given are of necessity approximate. Building prices will vary twenty-five per cent and more throughout the United States, and in some cases different contractors in the same locality have been known to vary by fifteen to twenty per cent in their bids on the same building. \Ve have, however, given fair average estimates which should in all cases cover a well built and finished house, with the exception of unusually expensive or elaborate features, unless con- ditions o u t of the ordi— nary are to be met. The draw— ings include fioor pl a n s with all (li- m en 5 i ons, door and window siz— es, location 0 f electric lights and switches. fo u r eleva- tions, foundation plan carefully figured and the bearings worked out to prevent settlement of any part of the house. A roof plan is included where necessary, and large scale details of all interior features always furnished. One of our first considerations in preparing plans for out—of-town clients is meeting local conditions. The bungalow is as practical as any type of home, in any locality, pro— vided it is properly designed and built. Letters on file in our office from thousands of thoroughly sati5< fied home builders (and investors throughout the en- tire country, have convinced us that our plans do meet local conditions in a manner that leaves no opening for criticism. The specifications with reference index are most .complete, taking up every part of the construction, size of timbers and quality of workmanship and ma— terial throughout. The notes given with the plans on the following pages are of necessity brief, but the specifications in each case provide for electric wiring and fixtures, screens for all windows, finish hardware, cement walks, painting, tinting, plumbing, etc.—in short, a complete home ready for occupancy. Our lumber lists are as accurate as it is possible to make them. Every piece of timber is carefully billed as to size and quality, and every part of the fin- ish lumber specified in proper lengths to avoid any splicing. Special care is taken to avoid ordering too much or too little material and incurring extra charge for cartage. With one or two exceptions, the price of com- plete plans, specifications and details of any one of the houses shown in this book, or of our eight hun- dred other stock plans is Ten Dollars. Duplicate sets where more than one set is required on the same building, will be furnished at Two Dollars and Fifty cents each. The lumber bills are Five Dollars each. The plans will be sent by express C. O. D. with privilege of examination. If they are not satisfactory, they may of course be returned. Orders for stock plans will be filled immediately. Order plans by num— ber given under the sketch of the floor plan, not by page number. For Two Dollars and a Half we will put a build— ing contract into legal form. In this case the owner should send us his full name, the name of the con- tractor in full, and the legal description, according to the terms of the deed, of the ground on which the 18 19 house is to be erected. We also furnish individual contracts: that is to say, thOSe covering particular parts of the work, such as the masonry, woodwork or painting. When special plans are required our fee is most reasonable, being based on the number of rooms rather than on the cost of the house, unless exceptionally elaborate work is contemplated. in the case of special plans, it is our rule to require a deposit of twenty—five per cent of the total fee with the order. On receipt of this, we prepare pencil sketches of the floor plans and elevations, to be submitted for correction and approval before completing theworking plans. No other pay- ment is due until the plans are completed and inspected by the client. In ordering special plans, all the data possible should be given, such as direction of storms, points of the compass, slope of the building site, local materials to be used, etc., as well as a rough outline of the size, general arrangement and number of rooms required. “here alterations to a plan not otherwise satis- factory are required, or sketches and specifications of additional features in a house already built, our charge is in proportion to the work involved. When additions to, or deviations from the stock specifica- tions only are required, or suggestions concerning color schemes, decorating or finish, there is no extra charge. Before ordering special plans, it should be remembered that we have over nine hundred plans in stock, only a few of which are shown herewith, and among these nine hundred are many plans quite simi- lar to the ones given, but differing in one or more re— spects, a breakfast room or screen sleeping room added, a stairway, providing for rooms under the roof, or other variations, and it is more than possible that'a stock plan can be found to answer the requirements. When it seems advisable we will send several plans for examination. Having been in this line of business for over six years—since the origin of the modern bungalow, in fact—we are on the ground floor, both figuratively and literally. Our experience has been largely in the line of meeting the requirements of the average home- builder, though many of the buildings here shown will give an example of the larger plans we are often called upon to prepare. The plans are all entirely practical, homes having been built after each from one to fifty times and more. We have furnished plans for over five thousand thoroughly satisfied homebuildcrs and investors throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico, and even further, and are in a position to meet the demands of a prospective builder in any local- ity. Our plans being originally designed in each case for a home, are always “homelike” and as such, make the best houses for investment. Respecting our standing we refer our clients to: National Lumber Co. Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank. 20 _. 4 .mn 21 Cost $2700.00 to $3000.00. Foundation concrete, porch and terrace floors cement, plas- tered mantel, porch and chimneys plastered with brick corbels. Shakes on walls and shingles on roof. Pine finish throughout. Oak floors in living and dining rooms, den and breakfast room. Paneled wainseot and beamed ceiling in dining room, indirect lights in living room and den. Finish in living and dining rooms and den stained and waxed, other finish and bath room and kitchen wainscot enameled. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. FLOOR\j~J . A. r4 No 623 fiim n § § fi § 22 ' '-i==h=t'r .. 37 0 J_I_l'1 l‘ ‘ SC‘K‘F—L'rl BREAKFAS ; ' , WRQ‘I—t Ko‘om F \ / 8‘9); axe/1 TOIL‘ET \T— — — ~‘f “K's RQOMS 513,»: poobx | }_I/_)‘ K I 37, CLOS (AB—l NET IT‘CHE IO “2. 4y A cm t————1H I I - l I | I '9 .3 ILIVINeRo-ah , I5x25 0 I +L I] " tDlNING IQQM 3: | i 13:07 I I 1 L__ 225A _ k—S‘E — 2 _—_ Popgyt 2.9. 2 EN 5/ X) 8/1 K J . 7‘1— VS ‘8“ 3410" fl rn§T “F‘LrOOKIELLA N. 140.574, 23 Cost $3700.00 to $4000.00. Foundation and basement concrete, porch floor ce- m e, n t, Chimneys plastered. mantel p 1' e s s e d brick. Shakes on walls and shingles on roof. Oak floors, stained and waxed finish in entry, living and dining rooms. sun—room and halls: other floors pine. Ral- a n ee of finish enameled, a I s o wainseot in bath room, toilet. kit- chen and pantry. Plaster paneling in dining room, wood eorniee in living and dining rooms, indirect lighting in sun- room. Furnaee in- eluded. Plans as shown or reversed. $10. T" 28.: ‘ ‘7‘ , l i 1— " nr‘l Iii I I ‘905 avg: cABl-TS ' , —I I ‘— BED with) BATH I?” ”an274 8:02;); I '“% I: LIN‘N :1,owl=.w\_ HA L“ HEL? ' IMMMT““ | BED K. M IIII I 6/403] IBE‘D FQQJVS Ian/L M7 legass-r ‘ €4.03. I [STOW I if??? ' I I LOGGLA 8 ,5 9/,_ C1705. 6/,x 7A CONY 3/,1-‘T.w1x32_. SF..COND F'JfiooR’fLAN. No 574. Cost $1800.00 to $2000.00. Foundation concrete, porch and chimney cobblestones, shin— gled walls and roof, mantel tile. Pine finish throughout. Stained and waxed finish and oak floors in living room and dining room. Ceiling beams and paneled wainscot in dining room. Indirect lighting and plaster paneling in living room. Kitchen finish varnished, other finish, and bath room and kitchen wainscot enameled. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. :51:pr l l/Lx 11/; :1r2j [—— we KITCHEN L__J L- Io‘lx |4J so”. .1 ‘1r—1r‘ K 'l.L___Jl_. \ r—-—-———4 I l ILIVINQW: I I I5x23 /L——_ — _— _ HHH +114 Tr'LOOKPLAN ~ NO. 754- 24 25 Cont $2200.00 to $2450.00. Foundation and basement concrete, porch, pergola and base— ment floors cement. Porch and chimneys cobblestones, mantel tile. Redwood siding to Window sill, shingles above and on roof. Oak floors, and stained and waxed finish in living and dining rooms, reception hall, and den. Other floors pine, other finish and kitchen and bath room wainscot enameled. Paneled wainscot in dining room, plaster panels in den, beamed ceiling in living room, wood frieze in reception hall, den and dining room. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. $.A'1‘ CAB I NETS To‘LE‘T‘ CLOS BED W BED ocz/vx CLOS. K 6‘9 n Lx “3/2. 1 :_._ :IT—Z _ Book‘s “PE GOLA L—:__.:: DEN I B )(I\ SKI! l___._—;_: I_ .. __ ‘ Fl ““1 $5 I I I : [I l \ NOOK ILIIVIT‘G‘SW l ' 3/] I '. L__l L__ 4210 I 7‘ 1:ij VLAN '~Po c. NOE-&3 KH \0 x |9/7__ 36:0“ q“,- 4 ! I , 15:1,: \"\\\\\‘\\ 11‘wa \N‘b \\\ \“‘ , IT]; Muir} mm ‘ m! " ' k /1:¢:12» \\ \\\\\\\\Q\ 141 Uflfl/IIIIIDN\M \\\;‘3\‘\\ \_\\\\\ \\\\ n v E“ U' 1y? “ ‘ .274” 4/ ' N»; .. “V" MM}¢U:/ u . . mu“ {m {“6 KM“ “" :2: h ‘ _ “ il uh “‘ 'i a’ . (‘3 ) 4/: Q" E‘ T. ~M MHI'TW 4’; \J/z -, ”“3"" W WWW @W WWW «mu» 9” 313:,ng ‘9 gm\ ““ng $101113 26 ‘ IE I ”-2—. :_ cHJNAc 63 l CLOS. -oL.‘RP\_ L_ L___j’L_J| . SCREEN r——] f— — -—7 r-# SEWANTS aA‘x'H rmpgx KITCHEN | ' ' com mar-x :G/xlo \Ox (:1, FNWHNGW‘FLM: 9*IO'/l suo’i l3 XlEL I l CL, L_J ____l.l_-.ll CLOS. agai- i! I!- r“ar“‘nr‘fi I“. _11 , wN BEDTKQOA "c R I | ::: :Z‘??_' 7. 1HALL. '4X‘5 :00 —S / I I \ / 7"? .3: IE;- —-—r ' r———-——--T | ~ H A m I::' i 128 : I' ILJVLNG. mom I mus I: “‘13 I 05 EALCO l I I 813' I :BEDTQOM /1 "org—s— . .. __ __ __ _ _ __ . I .5 w— t W 1 —— — — — —— \ I r 36:0" II A ciavz. CH - h _ - TIP\ST T‘LOOKEPL—AN 8x \9 27 SECOND FL,00§-<'_\u ,AN -*\ "Z1 '7. (‘ost $3200.00 to $3500.00. Foundation and basement concrete, porch and chimneys brick. pnrr‘h and basement floors cemnnt. mantol tilt‘.’ Shakes till walls. composition roof. Oak floors, stainml and waxorl finish in living and (lin- ing rooms and library, nthur floors pine. ()thur finish, and kitchen and bath room wainm'ot onzunelotl. Buamml veiling; and paneled wainsoot in dining rnom,in(lirm-t lighting and plastvr paneling in living room and library. Furnaw inclntlml. Plans as Shown 01‘ reversed, $10.00. —_—_._ Cost $3800.00 to $4100.00. I €1.06 Foundation and base- ImEN Koorvx STORf'kGE. ment concrete; porch 5*‘5 emo/L and basement floors ce- ment; chimneys, walls CLOSETI 5' to Window sills and I front porch rough plas- e‘zmo/L ter; shakes above plas- “WET" ter and shingles on . roof. Tile mantel. Pine BED ‘qum H“"‘--‘---!!!! finish throughout. Oak I .2 ‘< Iii/2. fioors except kitchen and bath, beamed ceil- UN ] ings and paneled wains- ch‘oseT I ago: cot in living and dining rooms. Plaster panel- I _'"I‘ _____ ‘i F" ing‘ in breakfast room. I | Finish stained and Lj‘tg‘gfaéiiid’th 3: _ waxed except kitchen; I bath room and bed rooms finish, and kit- chen and bath room wainscot enameled. Screen room finish var- nished. Furnace pipes agfxcz’vcngY included. a w- J dug/“uhn ‘1f'__-fil—"-i l -JL___———1£__ BED mgfix I BED wom [3 K ‘4 l4/1. x \5 Plans as shown or re- SECOND FLOORK plme Vex-sod, $10.00. No 496 TXR§T “F‘gooRjDLwAN No 496 Cost $2700.00 to $3000.00. Foundation and basement concrete, porch and basement floors cement, porch and Chimney brick, mantel pressed brick. Shakes on walls and shingles on roof. Beained ceilings, stained and waxed finish, and oak floors in living and dining rooms and den. Paneling in dining room, plaster wainseot in kitchen and bath room enameled. Finish in bed rooms, bath and kitchen var— nished. Furnace included. Plans as shown or reversed. $10.00. sulc €1.05 .5150 999M .oxu IBED mom a'i’ BATH 75‘971 % M :41pr AQS KLTCHEN ; ALL HIV); .34 ‘ +‘vaxr: rm ~5—77 30 31 Cost $2000.00 to $2200.00. Foundation and basement (‘Ullt‘l't‘tL’, plaster, porch, porgolu and basement walls and shingles on roof. ()uk floors. pnrch and vhiinncys rough llnurs vcmcnt, shakes nn stained and waxed finish. beamed ceilings, and paneled wainscnt in living and dining rooms; other finish enameled, other floors pine. Plans as shown 01' reversed, $10.00. Furnace pipes included. 3710' 3mg“ I L05. -Oi 'o— o" ”gel \c—o'1M'o” la 6 n F oldxlo-o 1.0 I 'IQ‘OD' , : 12:? j: H l.‘ a I i I 5011.51 ALL .3 l—T—LL—L ' Q6 La 9 TCHfEfi. t R033 :::j§:: madame, Io-Oxlzo I i: :_-.—_rlr_+_ __ _ -_ f l'll‘"“]fl v. . Illl |||| -+-_r _L.JL_____JLJL o F 1r“” 1. is JJVIHGL om ¢ _..J L_ ’23); __1 r “W will ll -__—- -l Tana @éfi (“50,453. i" em- a K "Y «“00 Ml}:- .t‘E‘ n IA J‘K‘éil" /// -—- 1’ (see if 1;." W”, %\m\‘3 “i ii !‘\l\ ‘ M "“ln‘i -;~_ Mam: ilk-’1” Cost $1500.00 to $1650.00. Foundation and chimney brick, plastered mantel, porch lloor pine, redwood siding on walls and shingles on roof. Pine finish throughout. Stained and waxed finish and oak floors in living and dining rooms, other floors pine. Plaster panels and ceiling beams in dining room. Indirect lighting in living room. Kitchen finish varnished; other finish, and bath room and kitchen wains— cot enameled. Plans as shown or reversed $10.00. BED wavy “71K I I]; VLOOFKTBL. AN — No756 32 33 Cost $2000.00 to $2200.00. Foundation and chimney brick, mantel pressed brick, porch fioor pine, vertical 1"x12" boards and battens to window sills, shakes above and on roof. Pine finish throughout. Plaster pan- els, stained and waxed finish and oak floors in living and dining rooms; other floors pine. Indirect lighting in dining room, beam ceiling in living room. Kitchen finish varnished; other finish, bath room and kitchen wainscot enameled. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. e«7-D 31391::ng WF—‘iflrai— IIVXH/L l l s I)" prE 0% CHOSE’I‘ 1.! arr coca I I L_ I___IL__._J __ _ _ war—(EN .l 33:: 3‘ ‘hr of I .ox..,,_ I] I cgosET‘ IL" NGI ##9’11 UP A I Hum-J” l / l l __ _JL_ _JL__JII ‘lr “1‘ r—1r*1r‘—*I|h>1 1N:- BED'ROGK I I! II III CHIN 4: ulna J "— '- InfixM— 8K|+ "" WH ’FL OCR-{31.4% N No.755. Mfi‘? —~_ “”7“ r~ Vm‘ ,A » h R\ . u my WWW/07+ M W DC‘ N F AT :96: (planfgz " ‘FfiFHFT +—-t F g '1 We“ II \ / r———%l [1.115%er I l |1xl5 I I szxNe I l l | DI l‘hj —- AM I" g: :: _1 {129.1 LJikéfigl-TH 11— ‘l +---k SECOND 'PLoongA N. No. 64-5. r‘I‘P\s_T 7‘ng i’LAN. No.64-B. Cost $3900.00 to $4300.00. Foundation and basement concrete; porch, pergola and basement floors cement; porch, pergola and chimney brick. Tile mantel. Shakes in alternating courses on walls and shingles on roof. Pine finish throughout. Oak floors throughout except pine in kitchen and bath rooms. Paneled wainseot and ceiling beams in dining room, indirect lighting in reception hall, living room, library and breakfast room. Downstairs finish, except in kitchen and breakfast room, stained and waxed. Other finish, and kitchen and bath room wainscots enameled. Furnace included. Plans as Shown or reversed, $10.00. 35 ‘ H ' """ .‘I“:.‘r 3:4 , .al.l‘.“‘.‘ ‘ 36 u. 37 l | zan- T I. LIVING 1200M ENTRANCE HALL Dmmc Room 15x25 16X]? 15x20 BED ROOM no a 1+X19}é M 49 $on e aft :96 jDIanrg” Cost $15,000.00 to $16,500.00. 2; flats FLOOR PLAN One of our larger plans. preference. The porch, chimneys, and living room man tel are of sandstone, plaster, with slate roof. Interior finlsh down-stairs may be pine, oak, etc. the attic. H° 1 13):- x My: Lemmas :L-Irmu. ROOM Ho :5 13X14- SECOND FLOOR ELAN and the walls Up-stairs finish cedar, with mahogany doors. Oak floors throughout. A furnace is included and there are servants’ quarters in Plans as shown or reversed with specially prepared specifications, $25.00. 151:0 1200M H° 5 12X13V2 \4X20 half timber enameled white BED 1200M N0 4 The plans are in stock, and specifications will be prepared to suit individual and / n a "Ir-"1.- ml ”4' d V@W AID “U "l , :3 Lu mm ~ __.._._..., .mnodu ‘I‘ . 7W5, .11 , - “Ma , -fi:12‘7w‘”" - _‘ , ‘l iifiii'fiLlTfi-filfili! ILI MT “wimp. _ .L , 2" J ”/2 LL: ' . . ,, _.. L.,-’2.,:r,4 a I: 5 ' Wfifldmwvmn» ‘(1 ~ . v— f’WflW . WMWV ”'45“ fl 7’45- \‘ 3a} [’7 ‘_\ ,1 ‘7 )In H 175/“ f;_z._ 1:7 ‘ Wr/ \ \ “/ 38 39 { 1 RQAthjo ‘l T‘__—'f I [BATH I Inoxyo I ;__4 HALL 5P3: \JID‘: l lLlVlNCw l '6‘ 251 'l Inc—EFT] CN 1 BET? k9?” ND 1 CI‘OS‘ L____/__._JL._J:I HALL ., '°/L"°/L ,. i D ‘ ‘, BEDFQ‘M No.2. \lx IG/L BAva—‘ONY« 2,7; x :5 72. ’ / Cost $7500.00 to $8250.00. Foundation and basement concrete; basement, pergola and porch floors cement; mantel tile; porch, vhimneys and first story walls rough plastered, shakes above; composite roof. Oak floors throughout first story except pine in kitchen. bath and pantry; maple floors throughout second story except pine in screen room, and tile floor in bath. The first story finish stained and waxed, pine except dining room, bath and pantry. Dining room oak. Screen room finish stained redwood. All other finish enameled white cedar. Veneered oak panels in dining room, imitation leather panels in reception hall and living room. Furnace included. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. 4O .u. C- .3 92'1” . {guinea- 12'2“" -@orr HH‘ ##4## 9x I a 0900' _ (m Luv Ir— j I D vflircntfio :3 '—_—_ _—_| ' ux u, : | a l | , . :' Lanna.- :- I | I @005 L .1 _ __ 4c'-r . RTE“ - ouster: _ _ Eyep/cmc re” 'l—Tca'r- [‘ioopoglgmfiq.54o. 41 Cost $3800.00 to $4200.00. Foundation and base- ment concrete, base- ment, porch and pergola cement. Porch, chim- neys and pergola rough plaster. Pressed brick mantel, shakes on walls and shingles on roof. Kitchen, breakfast room, and up—stairs floors pine, others oak. Pine finish throughout, stained and waxed in living, dining 1' o om s and den. Other finish, and bath room and kit- chen wainscot enameled. Beamed ceiling in living and dining rooms. Pan- eled wainscot in dining room and den, plaster panels in breakfast room. Disappearing bed in den. Furnace in- cluded. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. J,_-___ obnvarpl'ioo 9919954450540. 42 43 :1 I «we: * IO“? r' 1t"1r'TT' | FIKST FLOOKPMN N9329 Cost $4800 to $5300. Foundation and base- ment concrete, mantel sandstone. porch, base- ment and garage floors cement. porch walls, chimneys and base course rough plaster, shakes on walls, shin- gles on roof. Pine fin— ish throughout. Pine floor in kitchen, tile in bath. oak elsewhere. Paneling in den and dining rooms, beams on first floor, except kitch- on. First story fin- ish, except kitchen, stained and waxed, bal- ance throughout enam- eled. Furnace included. Plans as shown or re— versed, $10.00. SE 60M Bylxuh BED RCPOM l4 “7 SECOND ‘F’LQOK PLAN . ”)«fi mw/I/Ju '\ r': ‘r-r Inn/mi [ii (=— 'inf Q : lily-3i: nib —~ g; gill ire/2;”. m; \va WW%921;1’T V .y , w.- ‘ ‘22s- “~’-”%E{J&Wréflfi§j~7~_iifl—JF" ‘6’,” meMQYK ' ‘ \I'W u I 6/ swell/474% Jk‘rfiéfii/ufi‘b ¢\~x~ ' /Jfl%§\\§ :% ’ NO 752 DON E. AT “Lg/e filazity " Cost $1650.00 to $1800.00. Foundation concrete, porch floor cement, porch and chimneys plaster, mantel pressed brick. Shingled walls and roof. Pine finish throughout. Stained and waxed finish and oak floors liv- ing and dining rooms, other floors pine. Plaster panels and ceil— ing beams in dining room. Indirect lighting in living room. Kitchen finish varnished, other finish and bath room and kitchen wainscot enameled. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. aalg' Tong-r «100% SCREEN WK Sumo/1 5’5 ITCHEN 97,510]; «.4 .05, “I 021-... [—1 30mm L__1L____JL_.J io/lel 1 1—“? F'l INIING .1 127.5214 L. I“1 I" _ ‘1 l- "I L L—_—_-.__ |—_ awn-1 - _._._.. - 8K8 I _K§_ .._._,f L i 1..., cLosz'r Li INGTQSiM I l4—Kl5 "\S: 4‘ BEDIQQNX IoVLXIQ. Wch—t 8 X '4‘ TLOOK‘E’LAN — N O. 7.5 7 Q1I'é“ 44 i x g Cost $1500.00 to $2000.00. Foundation and chimney brick, mantel pressed brick, porch fioor pine, redwood siding on walls and shingles on roof. Pine finish throughout. Stained and waxed finish, and oak floors in living and dining rooms. Ceiling beams and paneled wainscot in dining room, indirect lighting and plaster paneling in living room. Kitchen finish varnished, other finish, and bath room and kitchen wainscot enameled. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. FL, :30ng N.—NO. 751. 46 ED 7200M ' lz‘éx I4— i 1 g- }. g 2 i 7% -', (If/7‘1: HALL-I EAIS ! 4 2/ ,i’ff/“Mw ‘ ¢ - or; ‘ \ I ‘ l . l W.--” #W BED 1200M 'I/I/I/l’ll/l/I/ly/ ‘ 0‘ ‘\\\~ \ N . w ‘ ' ‘ ’ \ 9&3 \\ \\\\ ' DINRE %%OM : Ni ‘7 t {I -, - . ~- ‘ > .\""T’_‘vm «illu'rllfil _“ . ::_'_'_'_' '_‘:“'_:. ‘ fil_~—r” _,' “, ‘ j r, ‘ _’ - {mm L 3L1; 5/ . , _/c/ a: #6 a I I‘ > - _ 4. — , fl ' /_‘ I? “““ J sm— w emfw yrs/9m pom? flfé‘ge @[a 77G?” meq QQOM - —— I :4 x 20/; ; h— _ """"""" _'_:_‘:"T1-—" Cost $3000 to $3400. I . 1;; Foundation and basement concrete, porch and chimneys cement —:_ ‘ stone, porch and basement floors cement; mantels, sandstone in den —— and pressed brick in dining room, redwood siding on walls, shingles on roof. Pine finish throughout. Stained and waxed finish, beams, paneling and oak floors in living and dining rooms and den, other Iloors pine. Bed rooms, bath and kitchen wainscot enameled. Fur- nace included. May have two rooms upstairs. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. BOOB v (El) _ - ego; " iii;- I __ iI ll BED mom SCREENI ”J“; SCREEN wagon n35 RQOM I .7Ax3 I 8&6 l | _ [BATH' BED RQQI‘X 7%”‘5 l I _ — 4‘ 31:45 onm .'§.>\\S 4 V1415 HALL \J II E I msfif M k‘“ . I'i' 6:00,; "'°”~! - ‘ -— - .- ~m ? NOLSB w I?) I, 7‘ 1 Don: A-T I CUFF-“wig I GIVE: TFTR\ CE “am/my" IVE-SEN “5/0 I\"°‘ ”2’?9TK11 “M—k Cost $3500.00 to $3800.00. I [hf—*1“ —l ‘ ———————— ’I L.__Jl__.___lL—— T— 1 Basement and foundation concrete, porch and basement floors ("'1 fi;fi;11—”‘1 I cement, porch and chimneys rough plaster. Mantel tile. Shakes "D”MiNG l ILJVING "Koo on walls and composition roof. Oak floors except pine in kit- X'an‘:__lt___l l ”‘14 \ chen, bath room and screen rooms. Waxed redwood finish and I 1r-77—_1F"7 I indirect lighting in living and dining rooms. Basket-matting |L__,' L____,' L__j /F ——————— I panels and waxed redwood finish in screen rooms. Enameled [I ——- - .; ' 5 ‘ white cedar finish elsewhere. Enameled wainscot in kitchen and 4"° fir bath. Imitation leather panels in dining room, plaster panels 2:21;“ TLOOK’BLAN in living room. Furnace included. ' l “0666 Plans as shown or reversed $10.00. 48 49 Cont $2300.00 to $2550.00. Foundation concrete, porch floor cement, rough plaster on chimney, porch and walls to Window sills. Shakes above and shingles on roof. Pressed brick mantel. Oak floors, paneled wains- cot and stained and waxed finish in nook, living and dining rooms and library; other floors pine. Other finish, and kitchen and bath room wainscot enameled. Paneled ceiling in nook. Wall bed in library, indirect lighting in living and dining rooms. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. ”Kin/L DRARY. onooQ {Dam 5300557: 50 A! afiwwtmg . ,9 . 4 . _ $1.2... m. imam. at 0.23 , . 4 ...!Jn»x.M.A,m_, A, _ “any fifibfiwa 4.3LA _ w . rgmwfifififi «fl» a .9 %MJW?§U WM. 4. \, U” .l i . u . ,5. EV. . , V x . 4 .1. x .:I . \ I,» .,. r< M§%W»%. _ 94 x, QCNOL \_ x. ..1 gfif .l... _ l. ,, {i . xx 7 . - ., y fawn» HJ!I.HH1..W9 .ffl . ‘ ”WU. V . _ .. . _» 7 anmwmrnriefiflw‘ . 1 " fl 1.4% ,malm 4. _, ‘ an: \ m _ .u. C- a __ _ -_—wf : ii QEEH" '3' ~39Eexre5T-I 1 l 'QQCH‘ 1 .90”. I a E—G—OZA- I ._ 1 Jeff—“4‘ ----- %L if ‘ :_ : :I. Cover" _ = :‘Y' ____ Z r . . _H_ — _ L —_ ~ - .. . tiff“ T— fir— "fl—”Ir— ”3°" l 22%;“: :1 | L _- r _ _ I {@335 cartoon" ~4qu a?! - :80.) 54, 2,, . Cost $4200.00 to $4600.00. Foundation and basement concrete, porch and chimney plastered with brick caps, porch, pergola and basement floors cement. Shakes alternating 8” and 16” to weather on walls, and composition roof. Tile mantel. Oak floors throughout except kitchen. Pine finish stained and waxed in living and dining room, library and hall, balance of finish enameled white cedar. Plaster paneling in living room and library. Ve- neered pine paneling in dining room. Beamed ceilings in living and dining rooms, indirect lighting in den and breakfast room. Enameled plaster wainscot in bath and kitchen. Furnace included. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. 51 2 a #5 u 3.66:» éif!iil;w 3352.1? : 52 53 3 SCIKEEN 6519 L 193 4- Ii _ -‘ MT ’- »‘\""."I‘ 3 \E:—_J_.‘-'--" IE] KI'I‘CHEN I u-rf ”an -JID'INING IL )- 1?“ lr— < I.l IXDGA H 5 Face: I [ILL___:JK I .59“ LED-:1 l,’/_ j: "C 867.47” ____— A J ' H W" l 2 . 'I ': ' * iJL__-JL_ lI ' ' E—Ir——‘Ir-1l'~“’"4t1& | I 7 #131. I: :1 l' “71' : z_Il__:_..lL__l II II I 1.." 71— I II I' _lL- __1L_ L____Jl____1l___ 524a" vown 8X32 L— Pll§§T eroR PLJTVJ @249 Cost $3000.00 to $3300.00. Foundation and basement concrete, porch and base- ment floors cement, porch mantel and chimneys brick or cobblestones. Shakes on walls and shingles on roof. Pine finish throughout. Beams, stained and waxed finish, oak floors in library, living and dining rooms, other floors pine. Paneling in dining room. Bed room and kitchen finish varnish- ed. Bath and kitchen Wainscot enameled. Piped t'nr furnace. Plans as shown 01' re- \'(‘I'Sml, $l0.00. l —-l BAX—cow 87:. x I! C195?!“ .‘ I pun-meme cauh‘wr Bfim 9 us». m” L_. BED ‘KOOM D4005”. I C1952?!" BALCONY 8m? BED mus-x: 33.!) @cM I+x15y1 I l l L SECOND F’LSDO‘R ‘Pl AN JCLmE‘T M .— L_.__. ,. aw, i "me—i.‘ L A V W‘ M 4 as? W —rf’\, wwwwu wwmw 1Q}: ‘fliigl Wefi1qwk .Lz—ti‘ > ‘ v—( dv‘f NO. 759. DONE. AT €247 . We 71210115?” a 4- sir Cost $1500.00 to $1650.00. Foundation and chimney brick, brick mantel, porch floor pine, redwood siding on walls and shingles on roof. Pine finish through- out. Oak floors, stained and waxed finish, plaster panels and in- direct lighting in living and dining rooms. Other floors pine. Kitchen finish varnished; other finish, and bath room and kitchen \vainscot enameled. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. Eel—o SCREEN c135 # COOLEK ‘ snags 1K0.0M 6x8 80.90%) mag-ea 5x ' KlTCHEN 8/1 SKID ’ £13qu \ BUVFE / .mu r~——T JLJINQK T‘LOWLfiAN - NO. 75 9. 54 55 Cost $2400.00 to $2600.00. Foundation concrete, porch and chimneys cement stone. porch floor cement, mantel sandstone and brick. Redwood siding on walls and shingles on roof. Pine finish throughout. Oak floors in living and dining rooms and den. Wood panels in din’ing room, imitation leather in den, Ceiling beams in living and dining rooms. Breakfast alcove, living and dining rooms and den finish stained and waxed, balance of finish, and kitchen and bath room 'wainscot enameled. VVall-bed included. Plans as shown or reversed. $10.00. 0 @063. Hill/L IO$ 11/75— . r \ ~ “'5“: “W ‘el ‘ “‘3 “1 Mt; lug P\\‘ M gs WWW , V M%%% 1:) DONE A T Fijian Ly" k / WM!“ 1. I w J/j 56 4 l J i i Cost $4500.00 to $5000.00. Foundation and basement con— crete, basement floor cement, porch and terrace floors Spanish tiles, shakes on walls and com- position roof. Mantels tile. Pine finish throughout, except white hirch in living and dining rooms. Oak floors throughout. Veneerml paneling and beam ceiling in liv- ing room. plaster paneling in din- ing and breakfast rooms. Finish in living and dining rooms stained mahogany color and waxed. Other finish, and kit- chen and bath room wainseot enameled. Furnace included. 27-352 \‘f——‘———'—( | l ILiNING'onzlx I lélfila I _____ 1 Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. a A‘mmmvfigiffiix :V-:.: a A TESQQCLE. 9 FTA.) LDE V l||f\\\ / SECOND 191.00me NOEL?! w « .mm mlB—szz “:r» ’“ M WW “" -~-“‘ “~— “mi—t- % “"3 NM Wm M a“ ~—\ l"‘ (L! (/4 59 $1??me 9953. Ii-o- ui—o' I |____l L- “1. r*"1r“ I I I l XIETCS ll I I __J L__—l L__ |QT‘T WIDE figs-r fiwxjfi,afi~ H—l 7'1 and bath and kitchen Plans as shown 01‘ Cost $3700.00 to $4000.00. Fou ndation a n d basement ~ concrete, porch and basement floors cement. p 0 r c h a n d c h i m n e y s brick, mantel pressed brick. Redwood siding to top of Win- dows, s h i n - gles above'and on roof. Pine finish through— out. Oak floors on first story except kitchen. 0 t h e r floors pine. Paneling in d in in g room. beamed ceiling in liv- ing and dining rnvrns and li— brary. Down- s t a i r s finish stained a n d waxed. except kitchen finish varnished. Bal- ance of finish ‘ @JiaG’Qeafi. 1-1.6 VER s Hfigr izjvo‘x wr-o" 4m: *1 40‘ J— ——————————————————— —* acorn; [icon _T!)_.AZ‘$ 3‘3‘471 wainscot enameled. Furnace reversed, $10.00. included. ‘ ' “‘ \ m: -.§.!liiflllll . ‘ Ilnnmngmumflg; : -. was; - ; 2!!!!”Illlliillulmw Wham“!!! ~ “55:! {gffigmm w W, .m '“9“53155'€!PA .. KrAerr .HXIL 2 i S g. I rarrsurrz'r. {:— L_.1 L.____J 1—4 F"! r““““1 7—- l l n I '31lean L..._J L‘fiflfii’ L -4 ~1 t-———-—-' 1"“: LL- Cost $3500.00 to $3850.00. Foundation and basement concrete, basement, patio, and porch floors cement. Porch and chimneys split granite boulders. Mantel tile. Redwood siding to top of windows, shakes above and shin- gles on roof. Pine finish throughout, stained and waxed in den, 'H———‘T:——” living, dining and breakfast rooms and rear bed room. Finish J ——— —— in other rooms, and kitchen and bath room wainscot, enameled. Oak floors throughout, except pine in kitchen and tile in bath room. Paneled wainscot in living, dining and breakfast rooms. Beamed ceiling in living and dining rooms; composition drain hoard in kitchen. May have two rooms on second floor. Fur- nace included. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. FLOOKPLAN N06 . , 31,".3figégfiu a; 62 I POKH 5"; x 9/35. Es?) 7001.: i ; vpfioxxzujgt Ki rc HEN} as CAI).~IET .. :bA’l’H ‘3 m T‘Lcok. 3.3L AN. ,N‘T‘ :47 c Cost $3600.00 to $3900.00. Foundation and base- ment concrete, porch and basement floors cement, side porch floor pine, man- tel tile. Porch, chimney and walls to window sills rough plastered, shakes above and shingles on roof. Pine finish through— out. Oak fioors on first story except pine in kitchen and bath room. Stained and waxed finish and paneling in living and dining rooms, balance of finish, and kitchen and bath room wainscot, enameled. TI‘UDK room, servant‘s room and screened sleeping balcony on second floor. Furnace included. Plan No. 447-C shown herewith may be adapted to either this exterior or to No. 447 on page 76. Plans as Shown 01‘ re- versed, $10.00. WCHEN \BK I5 1-5 ¥BATH ex ”/1 _l ’11-’_'1[_ I SIDE iNc. [Irv/zine II .J I__._._l I. _ Zu‘fi BED W?“ | x :6 Iz/zx us [_. _._.Jl_._.___JL_____J 1.... r_—__H-——_| r‘—"—1 M rgOCDK-‘EELA N ' 140.582, 64 65 E 5:23.333 SCREE— N REM}. BED 00M H' x Iz' BED Rgom N02? A /2. . ment. I 'sEA-r Ilt\4 -—.-. 1 "1' H - F‘ H | H .L_JL.JL.JL-JI "; I‘M" Vim \E;=._-./// _ g’l _ fl 1 +____ _ f 'O l V, Wl1*—135""?Q'&1 I | ’Fh‘, 5" EAK‘FAST 3“_O_’£L6_Jl l 139:)” K5 — fi\\\} *AssAaa n x 1‘1, NTCHEN D- GLO 5 TO\ LET sewn—.74 WKfiH 923/1. F". CABINET 3:1- la/LrI-t I f‘””“‘— “ ‘ cHIHA l CABINETS | CW I L——-—— __—‘— 'J l,— —————— _] PART” I 20 :':::::*l ” ‘ L a lVlNG [ _ _ \ ) L—..».. L- - —————————— | - r-n-u 1r 1 ___- _--_ 1 T . . _____ ___.| 'GXQI‘?‘ IIFREchTipNID,N1NG% 13 \I ' "L _______ _Jll IHALLvl ' |\4~Xle 1‘ ‘1 BED 3K0?" 1 l r-—-— --———111 [12x12 | L__111___-_ll_ J —- 'Z- r— r- - -—1:— . I’I‘Zolz,‘ . R115 I | k“ "'“k I ll H | a I causal: L___ _.______.._J ’ \ L-Jl_.__-..ll_ L ' llg/f‘rwma“ ' . Cost $7500.00 to $8250.00. also entire second story. Tile floor in bath room, oak floor entire first story, kitchen and 11 floors pine. Beam ceilings in dining and living rooms and library. with tapestry above, pine in library and living room. illustrated on page 17. Down-stairs finish except pantry, balance of finish and bath room and kitchen wainscot enameled. Solar heater and furnace includ Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. Foundation and basement concrete, porch and chimneys brick; porch, court, and basement floors ce- Mantels, stone in living room, pressed brick n library. Shakes on walls and shingles on roof. Pine finish throughout first story except oak in dining room; yellow pine in kitchen, breakfast room and pan- p-stairs Veneered panels, oak in dining room Basket paneling walls and ceiling in screen room. kitchen and breakfast room stained and waxed. ed. 5.. an :3. :4.“ ‘ .v p!» ’ 6W”? éfiffi‘g G #37 x: 66 67 35w 1 Na mom 8x 9 CLos, LINE on 315.1: pggzvx O '5/2 " '5 £1.08. 15/1 x nee/2 ;’.}”_«" ("3’1 1 2 T’Jer»QY< <}_ »‘L~/‘_r I No 41:6} Cost $3800.00 to $4200.00. porch and terrace floors cement, rear porch floor pine, Shakes on walls and composition roof. Kitchen Paneling in dining room, beamed ceilings in living and din— stained and waxed, except enameled finish in bath, varnished finish in bath, kitchen and pantry. Furnace included. Foundation and basement concrete, basement, porch and chimneys cobblestones, mantel pressed brick. and second story floors pine, balance oak. ing rooms. Pine finish throughout, kitchen, pantry and servant’s room. Enameled wainscot in Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. 'FLSBK PI_AN N9 190 7ost $2200.00 to $2400.00. Foundation brick. porch, chimneys and mantle cobblestones, porch floor cement. Rustic siding to window sills, shingles above and on roof. Pine finish throughout. Living and dining rooms, ceiling beams and oak floors, other floors pine. Paneling in dining room; bath and kitchen wainscoat «nameled, kitchen finish varnished, other rooms stained and waxed. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. -—-—~ "" "‘ NM 68 69 Cost $1600.00 to $1750.00. Foundation. chimney and porch brick, porch floor cement. shingled walls and roof. Pine finish throughout. Stained and waxed finish and oak floors in living and dining rooms. Ceiling beams and paneled wainscot in dining room. Indirect lighting and plaster paneling in living room. Kitchen finish varnished; other finish, and bath room and kitchen wainscot enameled. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. 71 } SCKL‘EN 779x73 4.7:; LDVING 3‘00!“ g! |3x27 S I I ' 1 SEAT J 2&0" p0 CH . 7"1 ErnKS'r rmox L PLAN N9 348 .—I I } 3x" __—;—..:ll EQILE‘K WHEN b ,m. :1 lNlNCi ‘P\0.0M mus Cost $3000 to $3300. Foundation and basement concrete with cobbles above grade, porch and c h i m n e y s cobblestones, mantel tile, porch steps and basement floor ce- ment, porch and pergola floors pine, redwood sid- ing on first story, shingles above and on roof. Oak floors in den, living and dining rooms, balance pine. Pine finish through- out. Paneling in den and dining room. Kitchen wainscot and bath enam- eled, woodwork varnish- ed. Bed room finish var— nished, balance of finish stained and waxed. Plans as shown or re— versed, $10.00. WW—‘ 00M t Ifixm ‘37-; xls'A lszcoND rmog ._ _ _ _l PLAN WWW 73 II I 1 l' u '1: "'u rgcovk 9w N9 3|a .JL-JL AJL .JL. —1r—-v r r' _ _J t Cost $7500.00 to $8000.00 Foundation and basement concrete, cement floors in court, basement and porch. Tile man- tel, walls rough plaster on metal lath, Spanish tile roof. Pine finish throughout. Canvas floor in tower, pine floor in servants’ room, storage and kitchen, tile in bath room, oak elsewhere. Beamed ceilings in living room and court. Finish in bath room, bed rooms and dressing room enameled, in kitchen. pantry and servant's room varnished. Other finish stained and waxed. Enameled wainscot in kitchen, pantry and bath rooms. Furnace included. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. A K\\\\\\\\ :33 ‘\\\V\\\\' L ' IIIIIIIIIWIIIIUII I ' "' IIIIIIII UIIIIIIIIIIIIII w,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII' f"" II II I___ I" ' -mmmm.> ~,,__._. M II _- _ .II‘ IIII‘IIIIIIIW IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII. III’ III WN’IIIII. III II " 'i, ‘III'II W'IIII -I II, ~ II I. "I 1116‘s: IIII‘ II III II "I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII" I ‘ IIIIIIIIIII II III / _,~_ (I I I IIIIIIIIIIII "I‘III ‘I’IIIII IIIIII , > " g I II IIIIMI 4a , 4,, , 7*\ ,rfl _ fl” » , (I‘I ’” 1 ix, '_ r” ,‘f\\ - ;, ’- ”.71.”. IIIII”I'II"“:II II“ ‘.I IIIIIIW I , « I; - M ‘ V ##w” “A :_ - 2.: _._..- «- , » ~ I <:\ («::::_:::>«’ ‘ “5—2"? 7’. 74 75 Foundation floors cement. l IVING mom. l filALL. i i 15x11 I§ZX|5 efimH H l Jamey. 1l L H BTTWKDE. H —-_i__4 :— iF-“m: ll Tim-3T FL- OOKPLAAI NO, 634. ( 0st 33" )00. 00 to $3950. 00. and basement concrete. Porch, pergola and basement Porch and chimneys plastered. Mantel tile, shakes on walls and composition roof. Pine finish throughout, stain- ed and waxed in living and dining rooms, reception hall and billiard room; other finish and kitchen and bath 5CKE-ENED room wainscot enameled. Kit- '° Chen and bath - room floors 1" ———————— T“?~°5' BEDW pine. balance I I ‘°"‘"/1- of first story floors oak. sec- [:5 ond story floors ILLIARE'WML maple. Paneled I |+x Ie wainscot. ccil- I ing beams in l l a dining room. ___________ CLOS Plaster panel- 4‘- 4 LINE CLOSET ing and indi- / rect lighting __'_1 in living room, I HALL. breakfast and BATH 6x14— billiard rooms. 8299/1! Furnace pipes ___ included. Plan 5 a s CLos. shown or re- versed, $10.00. B qum BED mom . 5 b lB/Z‘XIB/l 'a/xx' ‘ CLJDS. . f— l | l l l | I H ’1— l 'P I 1... u .x nu .1 x OKQY’YwF, l I'fl . *____-~_-—__~____+ 5ECOND ‘F‘L.CX>1—\"{_>_L__AN No, €54. Lt BED KQOM ulna SCKrry—I 21 ° 9 4971.5 j 3 i E BED vgom - °="-"‘ Kl IOIIOYX J J BATH ( Sue K , no?“ I . f' L _ _ _ Cgosz'r ,— __ _ | r L_.__ ,_____ _ IPERSOLA BED ohns wzuzy‘ T: ,.____ __ 1 I I: _~_ F’— »L at”. 1' ' II E DEN I psznNdlKooqu E u BUS/1. D‘i' 24,; u ' I l1 a ' A ll 7 ._J L___ J L a J roan 91'771 P‘LOOK pLAN Nod-4.7 Cost $2500.00 to $2800.00. Foundation and basement concrete, porch and chimneys cement stone, porch, basement and pergola floors cement, shakes on walls, shingles on roof. Mantel brick or tile. Pine finish throughout. Paneling: stained and waxed finish and oak floors in living and dining rooms and den, pine floors elsewhere. Beams in living and dining rooms, cove ceiling in den. Kitchen finish varnished, bed room, kitchen wainscot and bath enameled. Furnace extra. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. x -1 3 Cost $4200.00 to $4600.00. Foundation and basement concrete, porch and basement floors cement. Rough plaster on walls Oak floors in living and dining in bath room, other floors pine. and waxed in living and dining in tower. Balance of finish, and cot enameled. Panel wainscot in and tile on roof. Tile mantel. rooms and reception hall, tile Pine finish throughout, stained rooms, reception hall and den kitchen and bath room wains- dining room. Plaster paneling in living and breakfast rooms and den. Wood cornice in living and dining rooms. Furnace included. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. /Je filanry " BED )3xls I ’F ——————— CLO: [DlNlNG'PQOIiEX RgAK I+KI7 ALL- HALL.¥ w 5415 nook =Pi...AN- NO 657‘ ’ ‘mn‘gfipgng .c “flaw“ Aug" Cost $1800.00 to $2000.00. Foundation and (‘himney brick, mantel tile. porch floor pine, erWood siding on walls and shingles on roof. Pine finish through— out. Stained and waxed finish and oak floors in living and din— ing rooms. Ceiling beams and paneled wainscot in dining room. Indirect lighting and plaster paneling finish varnished, cot enameled. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. other finish and bath in living room. Kitchen room and kitchen wains— sad-(1 BIN! coogem .‘ r 4L" II FT“ ;I I lmAaNGR'gmva ll..l]4_' x20 .J W172: l' l /7~ ' __ _.I| _______ . 7:]: 2L SEA 1 “9333—” T‘L, OOK‘PLAN ~ No. 756. 78 >1 25 Cost $1750.00 to $1900.00. Foundation, porch and chimney brick, mantel tile. Porch floor cement. Redwood siding on walls and shingles on roof. Pine finish throughout. Stained and waxed finish, oak floors and indirect lighting in living and dining rooms. Paneled wainscot in dining room; kitchen finish varnished. other finish and bath room and kitchen wainsvot unameled. Plans as shown or revm‘sml, $10.00. T-‘LOOR_3‘>L_AN~NO 7'52, SKETGH N‘Z— 51+ womrr— AT‘ @926 «W l ‘I ‘1 :n‘ f 4 /,._r—<' \‘W I” ( M IJJrIw-f‘ LVQWJQ 4% M fi'flf‘. 4.4,. ' _':-~__ er‘bfiwn 0F LIVING ROOM { g-.. _. '_.._.,.—— «-4, fi" .4 Cost $3200.00 to $3600.00. Foundation and basement concrete. porch and basement floors cement, mantel pressed brick, shakes on walls and patent roof- ing. Pine finish throughout. Composition drain-board. Oak floors throughout except pine in kitchen and screen room. Wood pan- SECOND moo RELA N’ NO. 517 eling in din- ing room, imi- tation leather paneling i n hall and living room. Down- s t a i r s finish stained a n d waxed except kitchen. U p — stairs and kit- chen finish and wainscot in bath room and kitchen enam- eled. Furnace pipes included. Plan s a 5 shown or re— versed, $10.00. 6 -o' L aalzl C L06. SCREE N Know: TDHH‘CT 7%} 9 Fl FEE—{T T’L-OO!~L ileA f\l’ rxo 5‘7 - ..— _-_7_74-.< J .mmunnfimmn ' ‘ n ( 86 87 5LC<>N D fi—OOKfLAN- NO 700 -0( 1.2. CONSERWTOR 5/'—o" Cost $15,000.00 to $17,000.00. A “House with Seven Gables” similar in many respects to No. 49 on page 36-37; the plan is reversed and a conservatory, den and breakfast room added; the porch and chimneys are brick, and the first story ‘ walls half timber with brick panels. and the second story walls half timber and plaster. There are beamed ceilings and paneled wainscoting in the dining room, library, reception hall, and living room, and indi- rect lighting in the den and breakfast room. The first story floors are oak, except in the breakfast room, the bath room floors tile, and all other floors white maple. Kitchen, breakfast room and all up—stairs finish, and kitchen and bath room wainscot enameled. The livingr room mantel is stone, the other mantels tile. Furnace included. Plans as shown or reversed, with special specifications calling for any desired finish material and treatment, $25.00. 88 h . .4133“ 81 Io———-———-— —~ 40-...3- »f«——~»i BED £300!” pmm‘e' El 5? szAT I FIRST FLOOR PLAN H934 Cost $3700 to $4000 Foundation a n d basement concrete, porch and chim— neys cement stone, m a n t e I pressed brick or cobbles, porch floor cement, court pine floor. Alternating 6" and 8" redwood siding on walls, shingles on roof. Pine fin- i sh throughout. P a n e l i n g and beams, stained and waxed finish, and oak floors, in den, living and dining rooms. Other floors pine. Bed rooms, kitchen wainsvnt and bath enameled. Kitchen finish var- n is h e d. Furnace included. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. BALCONY 4l|4 STORAGE me I! STORAGE. DED 9.00M IZKIB BED BOOM la'lles'lz CLOSET CLOSET SECOND FLOOR PLAN /. :z: y I Am \\\\\\\\\’I 4W ”a.“ “U: L 22222 "=5 J , :Tm|\\\\§\|‘ ' 2| !y—-\'\'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\mfl7// ”‘2’“; Away "‘~"r:.:'r- _ ' w“.‘ l/‘H/ / Illl \fi: 4/1? s . " ~'Jr I ///,/,/,’,’/A’fi}//W.'//u 2‘ '{ ,\"l 1| I i ‘2.» m , || ”‘k‘ ' a . ‘ m2 2 M] <_ —-—.-——-..:~ “—7 ‘ 22.: . 4;; (I 2| 4" x2: ‘ 7/ 6/ ‘“ —-'~‘ ' « ‘ g | ”2| ||| |---.~.. .- I—fi'fi ’ 7-— - \\\ \\ ‘ , ; k _ 3“;_ ‘Uu— ..... _-_ , ‘ k ‘w "1" A'Il/‘numuu um'uuw: ”II/II 3/. \‘““““““ H'! | |§ I—‘Sjm n/ \" — “‘er I “II/I'll”; Elm“. /'uuu-m”m —2;-/:; //I;///' " H !\-\\‘ [W ,mm ($22 / H . \ ;‘>>‘/“*> 4| -‘ 2' .. - "“ 3 722 w 22%| 2.2 .u 2121 .W ‘ ”a. , . 7 221 (2'2; ‘t"":"“"" , V I -- ‘nt * ,..|, » u, — _ 2‘1 4 _ ‘_ -\.- :2 \ ,”‘ I / . 2 4| - -- n "l :2 ' ' ‘ ._....’_’§.I: -IJ‘x‘i Mf_. If.» :95? Mag/9L ”'2 , "MM—— C/ i if”: Viy—w—um'm III! In“ ||l|| “NR 2 5) ‘2 22‘ IIII 1 ‘1 W M” f/Il|||\\%_, Vllfl—lelml—Ill'll a? ."" ' / ) . ,444._ INS-Iii . “‘ 4/17”»! J} 11n- V 82 83 DUN E ROH X6 DINING. DOOM 11> x 16 V 00 Llewfaii M thtmion HALL 1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN N0823 k/ Cost $3500.00 to $3800.00. Foundation and base- ment brick, porch and chimneys cement stone, porch and basement floors cement, mantel pressed brick. Siding on first story, shingles above and on roof. Pine finish throughout. Oak floors down-stairs except kitch- en, balance pine. Panel wainscot and wood cor- nice in dining room. Down-stairs finish stained and waxed, except kitchen varnished. Bed rooms, kitchen wainscot and bath room enameled. Fur- nace included. Plans as Shown or re- versed. $10.00. B1113 Room No 1 12V2X 17 SECOND 131.0012 19 X By; PLAH N0 2265 84 KiTCHEN ux 12A STA : KHALL. ‘ BED won ‘3/1x b5 52c o.N:1> f-LOORSPLAN NO.'?'O 1. i '1 ‘1. an; all ‘5 .,R'\..' I I :LJ'L’XLAH -4 _--_,-...—— eqpéja rLooR—PLAN No-iox Cost 7500.00 to $8000.00. Brick foundation. basement and mantel. Porch, chimneys and first story walls rough plaster with shakes above and shingles on roof. Basement floor C‘elllellt. porch and terrace floors brick. First story floor oak, second floor maple. Pine iinish throughout. stained and waxed on first story except kitchen finish enameled; also all second story finish and kitchen and bath room wainscot enameled. Beamsd ceilings in re— ception room, entrance hall and living room. Plaster panels in ceilings of library and dining room. Paneled wainscot in dining room. Furnace included. "Plans as shown or rm'crscd, $10.00. F .., I'lll' KITCHEN llxls — - com.“ ————— BATH 1 r- -1r 1 “““““ W. as L:JL:: _| El IIUNINSI iIll ILMNG '1 {I I I III I'onM I? 3‘ Hugo :I ll ll llmxzo “1 BED @oM II II “II II szm lJl__JL_l'I_lL .llLJ l—1l’"-‘1l‘““ ”1F::—1r—-l .1_L 41 I —_ PCIKCH 7X40 —'L__-.___r lLl;——J_'i1 -'____1 mN PORCH 97:sz - _ BED ‘IQOM I2xl4- FLOOR ‘PI.AN N9 I9 2. See No. 314 for same plan with up—stairs rooms. blestones, porch and basement and waxed finish, paneled wainscot, beam ceilings and oak floors, other floors pine. 4518' Cost $2450.00 to $2700.00. Foundation and basement brick, mantle cob- floors cement, porch walls and chimney cobbles and brick mixed. Siding on walls and shingles on roof. Pine finish throughout. Living and dining rooms stained bed rooms, and kitchen wainscot enameled, kitchen finish varnished. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. "~W——— Bath room, 94 25$.“ 95 Cost $3200.00 to $3500.00. Foundation and basement concrete, porch floor cement, chim— neys and porch cement stone, mantel pressed brick, shakes on walls and shingles on roof. Oak floors throughout except pine in kitchen and bath. Paneled wainscot in den, imitation leather paneling in dining room, ceiling beams in dining room. Indirect lighting in den and living room. Stained and waxed finish in den, living and dining rooms; balance of finish, and kitchen and bath room wainscoting enameled. Furnace included. Plans as shown or reversal. $10.00. KlTCHEN 10413 :uPakokns IZX|4~ ”AIS BE D P\QPM s EAT .) \F_.___._.__.__... ._ LXVING ROQM I game/'1 TL,OOK?1~AN 149608. __ 130K314 6VT, WIDE- 1 .‘w Um.“ . < \ 'v «sue —~w§‘r""\\t W ""*~r'**t~:;‘.w W . v \ ~ 89 Cost $5500.00 to $6000.00. Foundation and basement concrete, porch and basement floors cement. Porch and chimneys cement stone; mantels tile. Walls half timber and shingles, with patent roofing. Oak floors through- out except pine in kitchen, bath room and den in tower. Pine finish throughout. Paneling in living and dining rooms and re- ception hall. Indirect lighting in hall, living and dining rooms and parlor. Den and living room stained and waxed finish. All other interior finish enameled, gray in kitchen and ivory else- where. Enameled plaster wainscot in kitchen and bath room. Piped for furnace. Three-foot air chamber over entire house to exclude heat. Plans as shown or reversed. $10.00. - ‘r I l. .JI_____1L_...J t lTCHENL/ lag} I434 ' SEAT »——~ —~---:’ I . I rugbmom. No i. I l : IBXIBA l I z}-_ ~_—-‘-_-‘\ CLO$ELT \ , 3.-....— -...-.( I l I I Ipmxcok I I Is'xus" ' l k*—~———4. § _5- :{ji‘kd ;\“_' , J“; //. \ Bailiff W‘Mwum-w “by“ J 90 91 BED worm BED [41.16 n “7. SECOND noox‘ PLAN PIKST FLOOR. PMN New Cost $8500.00 to $9250.00. Foundation and basement concrete, porch and basement floors cement. Tile floor in court. Exterior walls rough plastered, Spanish tile roof. Stained and waxed finish and oak floors on first story, except pine in kitchen and pantry. Maple floors up-stairs, tile floordn bath rooms. Furnace room, and wine cab- inet in basement. Mantels, stone in living room, tile .in dlnlng room and library, pressed brick in bil- iard room. Paneling in dining and living rooms and library. Beam ceilings in reception hall, living room and dining room. Bath room, kitchen and bed room finish enameled; also bath room and kitchen wainscot. Furnace included. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. 92 *l“ “ —“C.E::tjzg:r —- — —— —— T 1 l l cgos. : BATH ' BED oqwgéxe ear cxmx I NotpL\‘ NO$ SCREEN' B?THF 11x13 Iaflbe jf§fi_ BED Rggm '7 2x 9 1 STOI-IQGE. M3 Iwuz ICL.o as. CLy-OS. 34—0 W m 0L if I I l I I I l I l -1 T —————— I l L_JL _______ JL_J I _ [131$qu ._ -,, Ipamsfl ? TU (31 I )L__JL ~l a'x24 If‘"‘ ... 9. L7 SEA 5' . . . \ I saiCCchrFLooFQELflxrqIvoqaa .u sac I‘ _l " ?1FQ£Y'FLOOR;fd*APJruczua (‘ost $4000.00 to $4400.00. Foundation (-0n<-rete, porch and chimneys cobble-stones. porch floor cement, Inantels tile. Plastered walls to window sills. shakes to top of first Story windows, Shingles above and on roof. Oak floors. veiling beams. and stained and waxed finish in living and dining rooms. Other floors pine. Finish in bed room No. 1 and first story bath room and kitchen and bath room wainseots enameled; other finish varnished. Basement and furnace $200.00 extra. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. 97 98 BED 00M :2 xfih Cost $2800.00 to $3100.00. Foundation and basement concrete, porch and chimneys cobblestones, mantel sand- stone, porch and basement floors cement, painted rustic on first story, shingles above and on roof. Pine finish throughout. Living room, dining room and den stained and waxed finish and oak floors; pine floors 9 elsewhere. Paneling and beams in living 3. and dining rooms; bed rooms, bath and kitchen enameled. Piped for furnace. Plans as 'shown or reversed, $10.00. I’w WK PLAN N0 370 F 99 BED R9°M “NEW. SECOND F'LQOR PLAN x 100 101 CL‘OSET $1052th E: :BED p99m . ‘2/1-(15 fiCOND 1'3 -(DO‘R "f’LvArJ r IO.-‘} 26’: (“mt $3800.00 to $4200.00. Concrete foundation and basement. front porch brick and cobble- stones with brick floor and steps. Cement floor in basement and patio. Mantels pressed brick. Plaster base on walls with shingles above and on roof. Pine finish throughout. Oak floors in living and dining rooms. den. reception and stair halls. Other 11 o o r s pine. Beamed veiling in living room. paneling in reception and stair halls. dining; room and den. stained and waxed finish down- stairs. except kitchen varnished. Other finish and kitchen and bath room wainscot aineled. Pipes for naee ineluded. Plans as shown or reversed. $10.00 ‘0. ‘w‘; vi \ BUY‘EET / " r‘ > \l" _____ "T | I II 2 Talus-x- l I fig oil llNlNG. 00% I ['0 ll ‘ 550%2 DI |3KI§ H u [I E mfg?) 1 A l ,;~-_———_f\ \T‘__-'l’ msrwo m&TNTcr-1€ ‘_._ _ _._.. l ' @KIOI I . I l — 12$?“ ‘°/"'5D 1. _______ 4 _ —————— —1 --—vn~l . m—r : - JON—ER _ ______ J —| HALL. -7—‘——_| ._ .LJ lNG’pQSJMI . I lsxza l ___ | Y‘IRgT ‘F‘JHOCDWAFT — re 0 42,9- 102 103 BED'SJQOMNO l4 x16 511(3)» 112 TZL,OOF2 ~,_*_F—:.1~xatr\r No. 550. in kin-hen. bath room and toilet room enameled. Plans as shown or reversed. $10.00. 32,14” Furnace _ megs.” . BOOKS T CABINE :POKC‘H I ‘ ‘5';?(/° W. #115.“ RX! KITCHEN go so 5 13/,m4'1 I \3/ ,(14 g | 1‘ ‘FAN'TR 5‘1Xl0 ’1‘.-——-- R—k B. .“.,w—H=~?cr'1 L—4L___.J L~_J {— '—“‘— .1]— ‘ 1; I; 7 :D\ IN RPPJVXE ' I I luring I I I I} 92%.:- I’t‘JFH-“q‘ 1 *nr—~ —: (— }_.-___‘.__1\ ‘I [In '. l: l , L_JL____1 L_J l “FIRST ”FL,‘_C/O};‘<_\:_{=2L,A r-I No 550 (‘ost $5000.00 to $5500.00. l<‘uumlz1tion. basement and all exterior walls of building concrete. Porch and basement floors cement. Mantel pressed bl‘il‘k, rough plaster on walls. tile or shingles on root“ Oak floors on first story, except kitchen and pantry, other floors pine. Pztneled wainscot and beamed ceiling in dining room. Pine finish throughout, stained and waxed in living and dining rooms. library and tower. Other finish and wainscot included. I 6‘ I“. \ , - £3 V \ —: ”WW/"7‘. 2 f «\ $3; 5% «:7 I‘. I “m r' (x V‘ 9’ 1 Y. Lie? 104 El .5012):be PORCH e >‘ H ___ KITCHEN H x H'/2. ll ll’e"33ll -_.JL_.___|L___l|___ s_'_:1 LJ fi‘QfiT FLOOR PLAN A . V Wk” W0 334 730/762 Jz‘ :96 @Zanrgy ” Cost $2900 to $3300. 57“” Foundation I) 1' i c k, mantel pressed brick, porch floor cement, BED ROOM porch columns and HO :5 chimney plastered, ”X '2 redwood siding on w a l l s, shingles 0 n roof. Pine finish thro‘- out. Beams. anelinrr E and oak floorsp in 1inf BED ROOM B OM ‘ H0 '2 no 1 ing and dining rooms, other floors pine. Bed rooms, bath and kitch— en wainscot enameled, kitchen finish Varnish— ed, balance stained and waxed. 14x is 14x16 CLob Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. SECOND FLOOR CLAN : MM, 106 107 Cost $5000.00 to $5500.00. Basement and foundation concrete to grade line. Porch. chimneys and foundation above grade, brick. Mantel pressed brick or tile, basement floor cement, porch and pergola floors tile. Shakes on walls and composition roof. Pine finish, stained and waxed in living and dining rooms, music room and library. Other finish enameled yellow pine, oak floors throughout, except tile in bath and pine in kitchen. Paneling and beamed ceiling in living; and dining rooms and music room. Imitation leather panels in library, and enameled wainscot in kitchen and bath room. Plans as shown or reversed. $10.00. 'i 3 .072 no "gory. Jo- 3}" 7...- 4-—J ___‘_“‘l a i _u__.___ -‘r.__-_ ‘I 1 \ ‘l W Firm}, \KL Mr I ’ )7!“ - ‘ ’ ’h,\ ’4‘, m 4, I (\ A / ,/ ' é /, 'Mikmfif'“ - ' “ \\ n / // /; 44/ \.‘ Q \\ _ (pl/p, ,— , ' f ‘ * L. / , / W x ”.4“ m4 ' ,. \ F / , . \\f\\\\\§" \ “—4- if} ‘ 1" 'H T: ’ ”7‘ _Q:537ma \ I“ \-(L- H f),l/ITII)/fl%l:|"!)\ " A ;- (NM? ‘ ~ . ,4 -. ., / / q ,4 * wk , 4 4/ ‘4 “flu-\uk» :; 3 \\ ,4 \ \,y“\_‘ \ \\\ \ . . 4 u. ‘ , I . ' \‘v -, * ‘ \ ‘ \.\ Wm 7““ H V;\' ‘3? Mn \\ L‘ V I, .. 4/4 , I ~ . ","_’,’,‘\l' ‘44”.va . "‘7" 54W ”‘7‘"1 4.” 3’ AMA/P4494 \\§\}$‘\ \‘\\:=§ C. _ = 1 , I * ,_4 ‘ {‘11: _ . / ._ 1“], { 4%? a .. ,, 3%4‘11", '//'7/ - 4 £414-. n; 7/ ml. I 4,1, ,/ z —1, 15,47 4 (”1”, ll 71/, 5' I W WW” (["’{L“lflfl‘v_5i_ ’ 4\ 7)! 17/: / (3 L ) (2».|_ day. a c ,. . 4 r , r h. \ "(fit/UMEZU, R?» Y 1 inn : , J, 74, '7. ,. .’ _‘ ‘ _r 4; “V, {.54 fr gm? W" 41%: . 4 ,fvw aw ‘ ' W4 4 : , 1‘. ‘ _ , '/~ (In I/l/I //—_{2’/// v '“- -' w ‘ fiikvfififiki ’5K ‘<47/7/?4;W 108 109 Cost $6000.00 to $6500.00. Foundation and basement, concrete. Porches, pergola and terrace cobblestones with brick floors. Basement floor cement, mantels tile. Shakes on walls and composition roofing. Tower rough plaster with tile roof. Oak floors throughout except pine in kitchen, servant's room and bath, and tile in up-stairs bath room. Stained and waxed pine finish in reception hall and hook alcove, living and dining rooms and den. Balance of finish and kitchen and bath room wainscots enameled. Leather paneling in den, beamed ceilings and plaster paneling in liv- ing and dining rooms. \Vood paneled ceiling in book alcove. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. 3 I J;— A. . J SECtC/ND FLOC/F\fLVArJ r4950; 110 II - '» - SCK§EN mu s‘zixuz BED Koom I Cost $2700.00 to Imus'a 3, “.0. $3000.00 MILK-K {Lama‘s Kleiszflfl I Foundatlon cement, 1: porch and chimneys BOILL - BATH HALLE mrr-u-j brick. mantel pressed , e'hxe ,_. a“. _____ ,_.‘ brick, porch floor 7" :__ JL JL J pine. Redwood sid- L‘Vm 1:3:::-:-1 ing to belt course, '1 I— [,fmmc m9 1 ' shingles above and on @M BED @OM Isms ”Tl roof. Pi n e fi n i s h "71"” '2’”?- JL _lL throughout. Stained r": r—‘—::::—1:— and waxed finish, .ll _____ J11- V paneling, beam ceil- Q‘ ———— “'r‘ ""—""]l' ings and oak floors \ h A ' - o l u ‘ ‘--_— l _._U_ __ ._ _ _l|.__l 9 11v1ng and dlning END 7‘ I {-1r —- 7t—q 3 rooms and den. Other SEWINQ Q0)“ Slf'fig': : l I ngigeo T} l floors pine. Finish i2 IZKIQ. 1 L__JL__. _;JL-J 5123ch other rooms an ,J/E::l\k\l _'|""' "_ ’H'“: 5”“ wainscot in bath and 4C— ... .331 —-JL _ .._ _. J1- kitchen enameled. powgn Plans as shown or a"? reversed, $10.00. 30-0 V .— l L I SECOND FLOOKPLAN FIKTTI‘ FLQQK PLAN N941? Cost $2200.00 to $2400.00. Foundation and porch brick, porch Iloor cement, mantels tile, rustic siding on walls, roof shingled, oak floors in living and dining rooms, balance pine. Pine finish throughout. Paneling and plate rail in dining room. rough finish in attic den. bath room and plaster wainscot in kitchen enameled, woodwork in bed rooms and kitchen varnished and rubbed t0 dull gloss. Plans as shown or reversed. $10.00. 6" 40-,— 4-0—9' | l — CLOS (4.05:1: - — s «5C1? EEN rATH Done” 1 6)- ‘IO BED Doom ‘3 2 H t \5 DlHlNG 1200M - 12,16 LlVlNG‘ Doom iqxiaye OPEN ‘ i TERRACE _ DORQH 9 WXDE '— Eng—m3 FHQST FLOOR PLAN -H°5l9 112 113 DONEAT :9? 721cm 3 Cost $2500.00 to $2750.00. Foundation concrete, porch floor cement, porch and chim— neys brick, mantel pressed brick. Shakes on walls and shingles on roof. Oak floors, stained and waxed finish, beamed ceilings in living and dining rooms and den. Other floors pine. Other finish and kitchen wainscot enameled. Tile floor and wainscot in bath room. Paneled wainscot in living and dining room, imitation leather panels in den. Disappearing bed in den. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. 114 (‘ost ‘ $3300.00 to $3000.00 _____ .1 l“ 0 u n d a t i 0 n and h a s em en t concrete, basement. porch and pergola fioors cement, c h i in n e y s plastered, mantel pressed brick. Shakes on walls and shingles on r o o f. Pine finish through- "1 out. stained and waxed '21 in living and dining rooms and den. var— _ nished in screen room. 3 Balance of finish. and kitchen and bath room -3 w a i n s e o t enameled. Oak floors in den. liv— ing and dining rooms and breakfast room; _—_1 other Ilonrs pine. Beam Ceilings and wainseot— ing in living and din— ing room and den. Fur nave pipes in— eluded. Ir— . ' .11__.JL___I L._JI Plans as F _—-_ __I shown or I reversed. {$10.00. I I I I I I l.____..._...__ __.__———__————4 SE. CON’D "FL. OOQJAN ~NQ 562. 1:"le ‘F‘L, OOK’pLAN'NC, 562,, 115 116 Cost 311000.00 t0 312000.00. Foundation and basement con- crete. Porch, pergola and base- ment floors cement. First story brick veneered, second story half timber and plaster; shingles on roof. Pressed brick mantel in living room, tile in bed room. Oak floors throughout first story, except pine in kitchen, pantry, bath and screen porch. Maple floors throughout second floor, except tile in bath room. Pine finish on first story, white cedar on second story. Downstairs finish stained and waxed except in kitchen, bath and pantry. Balance of finish and kitchen, pantry and bath room wainscot— ing, enameled. Beam ceilings in reception hall, living and dining rooms, indirect lighting in den. Paneled wainscot in dining room, plaster or imitation leather panels in living room, reception hall and den. Furnace included. £1. KITCHEN I s3)“; fuksn- ‘E'gooK-PLA N NO 600. (I Plans as shown or. reversed, sgcoNDvgmMN No.6oo. $10.00. 117 118 119 FI'PQj‘ T‘LQOK‘EEL‘A N— No. 602, Cost $3100.00 to $3400.00. Foundation a n d basement concrete; porch. terrace and basement floors ce- ment; porch, terrace and chimney plas- tered; shakes on walls and shingles on roof. Mantel tile. Pine finish through— out. Oak floors on first story, except kitchen, breakfast room and bath. Other floors pine. Paneled wainscot in dining room, beam ceilings and Stained a n d waxed finish in liv- ing and d i n i n g rooms. Balance of finish and kitchen and bathroom wain— soot enameled. Fur- nace pipes included. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. SECOND Y’goo‘PQDiV/u V-I 4x: 0 6oz. I {L ,fi/‘MHN‘rA‘ ~ I ‘fi x. Km 9:” f“ (““y‘ *3 A, ~‘ 0 ~42/1 - . 'MM '1//‘ ” VV //’7/%'”:—\\ ( “(,WMflW/y/éééfi/fl/é/{é / pv‘ mm fl2.:_- . #1 ¢ r4077o DO ME AT 120 121 58%: SWAN T's -ED Egon ngE N we)“: lOKIB I ‘ . I, KCFFTloN' I il l HALL- | :7. K \2. Ia/jf l5 sage ND ‘F‘LOOK‘F’LA N —— No.7'70 FIFQT FgOOK‘PLwAJ" ND 770 Cost $5000.00 to $5500.00. Foundation. porch. pergola and chimneys brick‘ Basement floor cenient, pergola and porch 11001-5 tile. Shakes on walls and shingles on roof. Mantel, tile in dining room and pressed brick in living room. Oak floors and stained and waxed finish in r‘ception hall, living and dining room and up-stairs hall. Maple floors in up-stairs bed rooms; balance of floors pine. Varnished finish in servant’s room and bath, and screen room. Balance of finish and kitchen and bath room wainscots enameled. Indirect lighting and plaster paneling in dining; room, beamed ceiling and paneled wainscot in living room. Furnace included. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. 122 7011.57 K LZIHF:3IrE—% @IKE‘WT #0:???“ H "*3/”"‘$;f“‘°s ”/1 l .L F'IT‘:2 rI—‘i 1 CABINET/ " I.— : 1: —1:__ __ an... ‘ t: :_: Jll: , jlffl‘TCI—{EN :— _ 1:: L1: I _1|[—————_lr_1 9 :P °~A LLJlY'ING OA#’\ ‘h 1:— )fl: I 1 [4-K ‘8}?4 V E L — - 1:: |_:': :— 11— _- 1:: I _— “lL—‘“‘— _ s:- U :9 | [—KS 1 r >— 1 ¥ ___lL___l L _ ' i— _ —fil [7-1 {— —_ _ "'— (‘ost $4000.00 to | l L J' L l $4400.00. .L_. HUNG I_“__— : —‘l l<‘o u n d a ti o n and II IGxai II HEN Y '1 basement concrete. . porch, basement and .1 L_— — :1]; L i TITI—filktfgl pergola floors cement. Bfipgh‘IJ-I— l . .1 | Porch and chimneys J _1 l__ _] |_ ' . _1 cement stone. mantel a ‘ sandstone. Redwood " siding on first story, shingles above and on roof. Pine 1i n i s 11 throughout. Oak floors throughout, except pine in kitchen and bath. Stained a n d W a x e d finish and beamed ceilings in ‘ entry, living room and YITQTTLl—OC’RJ.4—AFJ ”JO 52’4- dining room and den, balance of finish, and kitchen and bath room wainscot enameled. Panel wainscot in dining room and den. Furnace included. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. A SECOND “FLOOKPLAN— No 524.. 123 Cost $2300.00 to $2500.00. Foundation and chimneys brick, porch floor cement, mantel pressed brick. Redwood siding on walls and shingles on roof. Pine finish throughout, stained and waxed in living and dining rooms. Enameled in bath room, varnished elsewhere. Enameled wainscot in kitchen and bath room. Oak floors and paneled wain— scot in living and dining rooms. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. 6157" L-.. ‘TC HEN IOKII UPBM EA. XH 5 )(IO w." m: BU? —r I l i llNINC, ‘4‘ u 5 l u l l I l l LIVING ROOM \esz‘s T—‘goongA N -NO‘&3€7, 124 a- a: r“) ‘ {igwn‘lm—JEtE-l 30101011127” Cost $2300.00 to $2550.00. Foundation concrete; porch, chimney and mantel plastered. Porch floors cement, shakes on walls and shingles on roof. Pine finish throughout. Oak floors, stained and waxed finish in living and dining rooms; balance of finish, and kitchen and bath room wainscot enameled. Beam ceiling and paneled wainscot in dining room, indirect lighting and plaster paneling in living room. Screen room walls and ceiling paneled in redwood. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. 125 my: SL‘KE‘EN‘ :po pgpm 6:377;H éxaugL @Mfia‘s "PBOAQ COM v €191:ng gx'll KITCHEN |\x ‘2} uxu UFFET r—I run r7 cms [__1 l_____ll___l _ f—’"[ I———"—1 r—“I ‘ ll MI ~' 130:9ng :bATH '0 onf3 |__l 1:29 xifl _JHALL, 7%,‘5 ‘1' I" ‘1 l—“—_—l [— _.______]L_ _I LIN N (”Les \ —————— / l \ / “ — — ———f’ l I [VLNQ ooml 32:3) com usxao/z I \2x ‘3 /’ ' \ l l h i 34—0 1 “co ”PLAN H ' H ‘6 8x? ! 126 127 'I _ II I was ll xiiiflyml -___- - r - - LDSEET gig]- I “$3“ “Mi; : 7 ms IBED O M :Lr““-ir WE mi:- . F; “51.1 C:__._J 1...! 91:1? ' 6/‘"°/*I-_ mf‘wq i . i I -. {qr—E _Hm.1..7g!ulll _ lg __ IIIL I m .=. TH " .m— | ‘b n Euféfirs __ "1L 2.- I: [tr-1— _-I _ —_1_q' l h 1ll 2::fir¢ I g ' l I l _:;::,11,:.:; a. -. BED 00M :Pfl} : l | _1:_E‘_l 11:: I Ian—(p753. : l l I l I *1 r1 “'05 L__1 L_J L- "#11 __ "FL'SKSLT "FL, OOR_?L_AN No. 5 IG'A- _ Efi mat-5:3“ : w m): I 0K3 W IB/z A |4-/2_ SECOND ‘FLOOK:FN«.AN NO 516 -A-. (‘ost $3800.00 to $4200.00. Foundation and on walls and (-mnposition roof. Pressed brick nmnivl. l’im- iinish thruug‘lmnt. hnsumvnt wonvrcto, husmm-nt and Dnl‘t‘ll [1001's cement. chimneys plastered. Shakes ()nk floors except pine in kitchen and svnwn room. Paneled \VIIlIISk‘OL in dining room. llt'illllcd ceiling in living and dining i'mmis. Living and dining rooms and (len stained, and Wuxml ilnish: Sl‘l‘t"t‘ll room finish stained; balance of iinish, kitE-hen and bath room wainscut enamolud. Furnzu-o int-luau]. Plans as shown 01- i'vvm'sml. $10.00. 1?wang N—No, 7oz Cost $725.00 to $775.00. Foundations concrete, rustic siding on walls of 702, shakes on 703, roofs shingled. Pine floors and finish throughout, stained and waxed in living rooms and varnished elsewhere. Plaster paneling and wall-bed in living rooms. En- ameled wainscot in baths and kitchens. The ex- teriors of these houses are interchangeable. Plans as shown or reversed, $500. VLooK’f’gA N-NOJYOS 128 129 .\\ o x \ \l \ mwuumwm \\ \ \Mxmxl I ‘.\ \ , Cost $1900.00 to $2100.00. Foundation concrete, porch and chimneys brick, porvh floor cement, mantel pressed brick. Redwood siding to top of windows. shingles above and on roof. ()ak Ilours, paneled wainseot and beamed ceilings in living and dining rooms. Other floors pine. Stained and waxed finish in living and dining rooms and den. Other finish and kitchen and hath room wainscot enmnvletl. “"21“ bed in den. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. < nOOR‘f’L. A N~NO. e70 -" waaaz a; ~. , WW 130 131 45:: KI'I‘CHEN I I nus-x; HTKST F‘LOQP\ PLA N N9525 Cost $3000.00 to $3300.00 Foundation and basement concrete, porch and basement floors cement, porch mantel and chimneys brick or cob- blestones. Shakes on walls and shingles on roof. Pine finish throughout. Beams, stained and waxed finish, oak floors in library, living and dining rooms, other floors pine. Paneling in dining room. Bed room and kitchen finish varnished. Bath and kitchen wainscot enameled. Piped for furnace. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. Show: S‘lle'rl/z BED 'KOOM Ia'lz XM- BALCONY P\oor , 33‘ 3 .! '3 I w.» ww- am =4 {‘3 .w‘L/l“ 3‘ ”mvwmmgffifififl/Zé‘fifl 73% ‘ ‘ )“"(l(((ru”1WI/l 7’ ”’" wwfi ,,.. ./ A gm: Aw M ....u~{-H-,,.____ den; balance of floors pine. Plaster paneling in living room, wood 1 ITEYALGOL- paneling in dining room. Furnace pipes and solar heater in- :— eluded. Plans as shown or reversed. $10.00. Cost $3200.00 to $3500.00. Pine finish through— I l _.._| L..._.___._. l" IO'valot .__1 r____.- {TTOOQ Elem 5015759 ~—+ / ,urv , ,, / Wn-U‘VII ._ . / / 40%" - r- r '1 “~ QR: \ r u I w v 1%" ENE}; \ \q ' . E ‘r 4 .‘ c‘ . u C’ ‘r’ \ / d’r'. ” n. ///7 M- " ) Y -_ I; K M - :~- fiféwgfimfi Nob“?! DONE. A'T‘ WW Eye» filamy ' . a . V N: — - "3 . i . V " \ finnuflw‘V/yfl”fiwum WW I ' } ' / ' W41”) ” , . /‘ v Q .MH ""’f"W/‘ ///// //':W M /é///// _ ////// WWWWWW“ Awi/ _,_, -\..._ 43/9. l/Z/ a)?“ 138 v I'I‘GHEN ml 15mg? s1- K6302. 1- ~' L IO><|3 A 1... TH .IF‘J‘“: i ' X 7A 9 HALL. ).__.__L / ‘ \ \\ —'BEO / — --——r T I Asl’T ll‘ X‘Zpl _ »———x / BALC/ON V 'ZPO'KC—‘H '7X 2.4- SECOND moofilflAN — No.81! Tll=\5_"r 'F'LOOFQDLAN No.811 Cost $3000.00 to $4000.00. "Hungalo Flats" designed primarily as an adjunct to a hotel or summer resort, Where light house- keeping may be done, and the principal meals taken at the main dining room. With enlarged kitchen facilities such a building would be a profitable investment in any locality. Foundation concrete, cobblestone chimney, tile mantels, shakes on walls and composition roofing. Oak floors. stained and waxed finish and panel wainscot in living and breakfast rooms and dens. Other fioors pine; other finish and bath room and kitchen wainscots enameled. Beam ceiling in living rooms, and indirect lighting in breakfast rooms. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. Cost $725.00 to $775.00. Foundation concrete, shingles on walls of No. 704, shakes on walls of No. 705. Shingled roofs. Pine floors throughout, pine finish, stained and waxed in living rooms, and varnished else- where. Plaster paneling and wall-beds in living rooms. Enameled wainscot in baths and kitchens, The exterior of these houses may be exchanged. Plans as shown or reversed, $5.00. T‘LOO‘K‘PI A N— NO 704 g. 7&5 140 TOlLET savage (2].,05 CH BE‘DW % I szta. '7er COOLER «. bl 0 NTCHENl x‘ onnz/ 0: :BAKTH moARg \ // Iii—.05" EN J—————r ”sunny; 00M “2'; le . .- . M3 (ost $1200.00 to $000.00. IBE-D‘EKOQM l '2 \75‘ ' Foundation concrete. porch and chimney cobblestones, porch {7 I L __ i 4 floor eement. Shakes on walls and composition roof. Plastered " ,’ \ mantel. Oak floors. except pine in kitchen and bath. Pine finish 1: -~ :__“_'_‘_': throughout. Indirect lighting and stained and waxed finish " H \ ,’ in living and dining rooms. Balance of finish and kitchen and :JL:_::_—_— V ‘‘‘‘ — ' “ bath room wainscot enameled. Imitation leather panels in dining 1‘ .F : . room and plaster panels in living room. _ '| _Q__ LIVING 1399 i L—_:H;__~_ __ 14x 2.: Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. PEfiQ-‘lcoi— l l {“14 ,L..__——_-_ tr: :::: I \ l' 221—0" 17:11 {Li—‘5 ~— : '¥)o¥(_<‘ H . i. 61” 1". M1; r; :1:§———=::::_I -—~r‘~——*—— l Ll. T‘L. OOR?L,A 7\I- r10. 760 141 142 ”gm- . . :1 (Rim 9):]? '"rm‘flflumum _ WK}Tg(:Il-£ZEN1D1LE¢ t \:_\V; 45E; JI' I ‘ 1 ;=\ ifi' THU: 11 I “ (341111010111 <51 LlVING ROOM M IDQDQS BED 1200M 15 x 20 ‘ \gfidm 51300772 N fire Place ‘\ fix ' Cost $2900. 00 to $3200. 00. , Foundation and basement concrete, porch and basement floors cement, porch TEQQACE and chimneys brick, mantel tile. Shingled walls and roof. Pine finish throughout. «2: a 62972 Panel wainscot, beams, stained and waxed finish, and oak floors in living and dining rooms. Other floors pine. Bed rooms, bath, kitchen and pantry enameled. Furnace included. May have two rooms up- ~stairs. M‘OOE pLAN Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. / _, lily/{I (/0/ f,” ' 6 In « .094, My. "A9554 ' (.7 [/41 fly/,2 172:. , , ‘ ’3' 4 ‘ 1 [I’L / tih , “rig“ H Mu Tn In" wmuuuuumumtfi I W I ‘ // /”’ K ”‘\ \x' WP Lavmg WW LooKmJ Magda "‘ [leenQOK - " I Z \ ‘, . ///_,:T/ W ‘ ‘ [KW/lamp ‘ ‘7‘.“- /‘r\ ~~ [~ I L'H' ‘n\ vi'l‘ {fl fi fi\ ‘ 9'1— WW \ 1) $119”: SJ \\i ' . ~ ‘90:“ \_ ‘9'“ H k‘“ 0 l‘L‘f/g /\]. JA d... “I G ‘1" -W{/Iu ll ’ . “\IMWV/ «I W m No 525. w /// . ///////MIMI fl, DON 2 AT ”(gilt/W /é’// ir/xx _ ‘6 15 m, M" . Ra: , @j' ‘ye filanfy Ju‘fi‘) " W‘ \M . " ~—\\ Lon/k We \\ ‘ gfi""‘-~ L t/:,( \\ J A .. ‘ ‘6.- ~-——-——--—.- w 144 WAN—PS KOO/‘x | ‘ -_ 1N! t_ :_—_—‘ SWANT" * < o 1&00—‘1 __ \_ ,, EEN t ’Ff ——— 8‘21 ;; SJ-ISWE” Roma ' K I—’O< 451111.. k 6x'7/)~ _ _ -BOIL:K 1: ___, 1 '7 Boon l ' , Woof/luoo r. I >,, i WAIT ‘V‘ l'll 6(9/x‘<‘ I owe? f" — ' " — _ ‘ " 7“ LLNE OF BALCONY l l Aloorgl l l ewe l I l t 1 LIVING ’P\00/‘X HDiNiNG .5,\ if? g \ lAlwz:ovi~’_. : l 9x my» I 1 . N ‘YI WT < "I" 1 L902“; H 'fi'm’w“ an,“ i. 38-0 ,e * T‘rKST T‘L‘OOKTF‘L‘AN .N‘? 525 A ieheflfl _ “7 we H_ 29 .k CLos 5C “CE/u: e/x IO 1 :fi BED chm (A Baum nouo/L LINEN BAT ‘ :isxe menu-:1 I _ HALL CLos BALCONY DK90 _ IOKI’T 7f? WJDEI “EA \ +—+— / QWERT-PA'KT ll 1L l O‘F‘L‘1VlNC—11Q‘OM, +-+ 2 Waco SEAT No 525 (‘ost $3000.00 to $3300.00. Funndzition 21nd luismnent vonrrete, basement floor cement, Pine fimsh throughout. paneling. living room walls and ceiling, and walls of nook. shakes un walls and shingles on roof. mne 21nd hunk. Plaster and (-eiling nf dining iih'UYt‘ 21nd veiling 0f nook. kin-hen and servant's room linish varnished. 0‘llill]l(‘]( d. I’m-nave invluded. Plans as shown it] “nursed. $10.00. Down—Stairs finish Finish porch Oak floor “0an in stained and story and £——1 'L. \_ +_ L___/__._. l l H- ? I’LFLOWEK 80x H» SE‘COND T‘] oon—H AN brick‘ mantel waxed, except hath pressed living room and dining al— \V00d paneling Valls brick. pantry. room and kitvhen Wainscot ~ 146 147 45 San-T game: _ OROH * BED 1200 0001.25: 012 DEN g 1.3)(143’9 ITCHEN E 12 X 13 L05 , CLoba-r HALL I ' I ' berm}: _( 1'25. _11-__|T" [- —Tl___—’_TF"“ I‘ II I II .I I __JL__JL_| I -JL. _____ Jl___ “WI-"7:“ F'1lr”"—_H“ [I | , ll '[Dll‘lll‘iq ‘ I E 14va II . ll I | I ‘ ROOM I; l13)éxl I I l 16x16 |I __IL___1I___| L..-JL.___.._JL__J "'—lr-_—H__ _""ll_ _____ 77—4 II II I I H I: l _u_.__u__ L__JL_ _____ Ll__l 3y Demon 6X3] I I .- fiRsT FLOOR BLAH NUMBER 540 Cost $2900.00 to $3200.00 Foundation and base- ment concrete, basement floor cement. Porch floor pine. Chimneys brick, mantel pressed brick. Redwood siding to top of windows, shingles above and on roof. Pine finish throughout. B e a m e (1 ceilings, stained and waxed finish and oak floors in living and dln- ing rooms. Other floors pine. Paneled wainscot in dining room. Kitchen and bed room finish var- nished. Kitchen wains- cot and bath room enam- eled. Furnace included. Plans as shown or re- versed, $10.00. 66 @0226 042’” 99 Q98 @[anmg 148 Cost $1850 to $2050. I BALCONY GKXIIyz Foundation, chimney .1 and p 0 r c h columns _ brick, mantel pressed brick. redwood siding on walls and shingles on roof. Porch fioor pine. Pine finish throughout. C e i 1 i n g beams, stained a n d waxed finish and oak floors in living and dining looms, other floors pine. Panel wainscoting and plate rail in dining room. B a t h a n d kitchen w a i n s c o t enameled, balance of finish var- nished. lu'AMZ Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. Fuks'r‘ FLOO‘K PLAN N9367 SECOND F’LQOKPLAN 149 :\ 1| w _ ,‘fv “\Q ’ ., uuum ‘, ”m "Hum n3, 1-- ,, 3- NM! .. I .. g WE! ‘ gullluumlmutint/mm .-- .Il\“‘\\\‘l)"lll r, I Ill Lu 1““ I/Ax \‘\\vvx\\\31x\y1(\l\\{fif‘Muu'u' . ‘ 1' ’3\\‘ &‘¥,-\\\\\\\u\\\‘\i\'fi I\ \ A: 1“ gu‘ S F 21'3“!“ng , J”':~ 2. I I 6““ x , _ “unit/(411 -\ A f‘l —.1 WW'” \ n» ' 1 ' M ' 7, __ ..,,//I{”//7;'//m9}1134 A“? ~. “W V ,., I I fid ......... l «(agar/414 . l ‘ \ j: .. fig“ 3 313+- __ \" 57% 150 151 14va 1200M 14x21 Donor-i vxea fiRfiT FLOOR PLAN CM. 550. Q? I?" , ,7%m“mmmMWWWWMMMQfl£('é/’ 1 ‘ "’ awe? v 1”". H, 4”, / ( WWW/ ' . -4742’4z70ng/{C/II/I/yliflu ll. 'l'417- ”4,15% , Effigy/fill! (H‘JULII/ \ i, > m / "um-In“.- ...~ m y. “El 5" ‘Fli i ~ . . a @fi ’ 62 w" “ -a=_—{,m———f€ffifit'I'g{agmnili W . : du/(Mlllmil’llg ,ss ......... m (mu/m I,‘ , , / \ t " / , ,, I /\ /////1/2/' r' 4 I _—~é§ " ., , ,2 (r n\\\\\\\w\\\ % ‘ (WI/7 7‘ WNW/lid Lia—e“- f;pgpfl&xw2==2"—'fl~—'_”::: . 4fioffef“ 6”) {52.21% FEE Cost $2200.00 to $2500.00 Designed for 30 ft. lot. Foundation and chim- neys brick, mantel pressed brick, porch floor pine. Redwood siding on walls and shingles on root Pine finish throughout. Stained and waxed finish and oak floors in living and din- ing rooms. Other floors pine. Kitchen and bed room finish varnished. Kitchen wainscot and bath roon1 enanufled. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. éEAT IBAJJSCHXXI 7x23 51:00::13 finale DLAH “ $0736 072”“ 196 plan?“ / :J 153 Imfiqiimi: ;: 8%qu .: if?“ _ ' 3' 1%.: gm my |§/\>// K/A—f '" W " /\ A 06 :LlVqu‘Q-O l\\//\\// |\/\ 4 ' 14 x 23 l //\\ //\\| (\X; i::'.::.:..:;'.‘. ¢\\ D\\>/\\'I i N 1 313mm 1200M ' _' 12115 i In, ,_ . , . ;::; 1: ‘. 5; 1; 4. “a . :IIIP'EEL OLA' " 1]. . .. “I “épclyan .: Clix} ': “" ‘L‘ ‘,".;.'. :21 2’96 73/007239” 2. '. . . as. J; 3: ;; u y. FLOOR DLAN 1' ‘ $1“ (42‘ ': éwajéfi H“ c/Va 628 nowte Box ; /1‘I 0885 00m- s C/Done 942’" r; ___ Q/Z‘wa wa’a P9370!“ . Cost $2000.00 to $2300.00. Foundation concrete, porch, chimney and mantel clinker brick, porch and pergola floors cement, roof shingles, 1"x12" vertical boards to window sills and shingles above. Pine finish throughout. Oak floors in living and dining rooms. pine elsewhere. Beam ceilings and paneling in living and dining rooms, bath and bed rooms White enamel. Kitchen finish varnishedwith enameled wainscot. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. \ ix 4 \ \ > W \1\\\\\\\\§)&‘ ‘ .. ‘. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\1§!\\\k\\\\\x\l\§\\{\\<{\\m\\M‘mv‘m , . a v, | \ \uuu \"N \1‘%”“! "‘\"|I|l\ 6 . . I u\\\ \ \qunI \» \ I 39%;!“ w \\‘\\‘ § m‘wnq'fl > , §R§C§EMQ§ \ “ ‘ * = [m “k“ \\ - \ ‘5 5 1 W31: my” “é" \V‘x , t ‘ x 2 . \ m ‘ n 'i‘ \ . ‘ ””’ \1 """""'a\iil:'.mcaw.fiuML; ’ WW . , MTW ”Aw/V! ” \\\\\n ’;3"“\"v ‘\\ ‘ )1 ‘t ‘ ‘ “"4"" ‘V d“ ‘3 . .\, ’-\.\\‘\\§~L . - glaéguhih ,L fir ( W“ kfw yaw“ "? _% a— \w , _.______,____—_., xv. ‘ ,. / -"u———-——-" " t, /-.yi’¢f;;\‘- 5 ‘y/‘Zlil/Mfl‘" .../ I», 3,, r" I . fl/f/ , f \ Ez- \A’U‘M %—gfl//’ /! ’é‘fiW 6‘ 3—! b“ . \ g i 0/1/0224. \\ D 33%) .1) \‘ ’ ‘ - @Oflegflf‘ {37¢ @W/ ‘ ; ®\ _, Q96 plan/3739 w mm N . 19:; 154 V-zr/IDQC 5 QSCREEN 6EWING 20 9X1 8x226 5 FIBéT FLOOR Pom 5 x 10 Cost $2800.00 to $3100.00. Foundation concrete, porch floor cement, porch and chimneys cobble- stones, mantel pressed brick. First story siding, shingles above and on roof. Pine finish throughout. Stained and waxed finish, paneling, beams and oak floors in living and dining rooms, pine floors elsewhere. Bed rooms and kitchen finish var- nished, kitchen wainscot and bath room enameled. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. , c/Vo. 224 930/7604?“ 296% 156 i BALCONY ; e X 10 Mamas @0551 ”NE” LINEN BATH 7‘/ZX IO BED EAT ~ROOJVK. m 9'3C13 -“ ‘ U /2’ ll BED 1200M BED poom 12g} 15 xzyzx 15 [L06 CLOS- ; BALCONY 5x15 a_-__-, QSECOND FLOOD; BED @OM IZ AIB‘IZ |;/—.—’_’_‘ TIH/L fl/(etc/z 9f fizmny 9&07'\ \'( EV awe “ew— / /1[1117”%fli 1‘1 DWAT :@i7" . ""1MW////” [ H " LEV-[fl '[ 11"!" I“ ‘ . M WI: “it" ' WM. W 1 “MW 1/ WWI/M ' fiwflv “W 'E fig? é ._ ~_'— 'r N .k \ wfflw/fly _ /:.:L 4 180 181 L lVlNG ROOM 15:22 DINING ROOM TERRACE ll ~22 FLOOR PLAN Cost $3300.00 to $3600.00. if exterior plastered, and with genuine tile roof. $2500.00 to $2750.00 if shingled. Foundation concrete. porch and pergola floors cement, mantel boulders, walls plaster or shakes, roof tile or shingles. Pine finish throughout. Paneled wainscoting, beams, stained and waxed finish and oak floors in living and dining rooms, other floors pine. XVood ceiling in living room. Red rooms, bath and kitchen wainscot enameled. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. 3‘6 Hughes Wall Bed Manufactured by Hughes Mfg. & lumber C0,, los Angeles BA KiTon 5&7; 5x 11*: I J DlNU‘lG ROOM )2 x 14- 53%;; 5!?! \ d. N) LlVlHG ROOM 511D ROOM maygx 12% N0 1 [I n x )1 figgfi‘ 9. FLOOR PLAN Cost $1300.00 to $1500.00. Foundation, chimney and mantel brick, porch floor and steps pine, redwood siding on walls, shingles on roof. Pine floors and pine finish throughout. Living and dining rooms stained and waxed. Kitchen and bed room finish varnished and rubbed. Kitchen wainscot and bath room. enameled. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. ;_ ’71-..J4‘x‘32f7wg __ _"___*___ _‘_ W H_ , w, x, ,, ,— 182 183 HIP OLI’I‘ SELF-REGULATING ROLLER SCREEN AND REVERSIBLE WINDOW H I P O L I 1' o ROLLER SCREEN AND REVERSIBLE WINDOW INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY MODERN HOME Hipolito Self-Regulating Roller Screen and Reversible \Vindow combines all the es- sential features of the Hipolito Reversible \Vindow and Ilipolito l‘lven Tension Screens, with added improvements that make it perfect. There is a screen for both the upper and the lower sash. “Then the window is in its ordinary position. the screen is concealed—out of the way. Both windows may then be opened, reversed or placed at any angle. They also slide up and down. Roth windows can be cleaned from the inside. thus eliminating all danger and discomfort. “'hen either window sash is raised or lowered as the case may be, THE SCREEN FOLLO\VS IT. Either screen can be operated and used separately. In rainy or foggy weather, so destructive to screens, the Hipolito Self-Regulating Roller Screen is comnletely protected from moisture, and will not wear out in years of use. Hipolito Self-Regulating Roller Screen and Reversible \Vindow costs but very little more than the ordinary window and screen combined; but it will much more than make up this difference by its superior advantages. HAVE YOUR ARCHITECT SPECIFY IT. SEE THAT YOUR CONTRACTOR USES IT. THIS WONDERFUL COMBINATION HAS REVOLUTIONIZED WINDOW AND SCREEN CONSTRUCTION LET US GIVE YOU A DEMONSTRATION HIPOLITO SCREEN & SASH co.,:%sM:N%§.aFEXE KITCHEN 4“ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\un\\\1\\\\m s, VASE-”LN i ’ _IHW\ “\\ -\\_‘§\&\\‘\\§&\N\\\\V \\\.\\\\\\n\|\\\\\\\u\\\ \\\\\ DINING @914 BED PQOM l' 5 lsxlfi 13 us M ‘ JV!) 563 Done fl: lye puppy ” LIV)NC.‘ IQOM I3 :19 Cost $1400.00 to $1550.00. Califmnia Style (see Foreword.) Foundation and chimney brick, mantel split boulders. Porch and interior floors pine. Redwood shakes on walls and shingles on roof. Walls built of slash grain pine stained inside except burlap frieze in living and dining rooms and den, and burlap lining in bed rooms and hall. Disappearing bed in rear bed room. Bath room finish enameled. Plans as shown or reversed. $10.00. 184 E. ARTH UR CLAVE LL Interior Decorating of Residences and Public Buildings Specialties: — TAPESTRY PAINTING, FIGURAL CEILINGS, VERNIS MARTIN FURNITURE AND PIANO DECORATING, ANTIQUE WALL DECORATING IN BISQUE METALLIC EF- FECTS, IN OLD SILVER, BRONZE OR PURE GOLD LEAF. COATS OF ARMS AND HERALDIC EMBLEMS PAINTED TO ORDER. SKETCHES SUBMITTED. ESTIMATES GIVEN Decorating Carried Out in Either Water or Oil Colors Tinting and Canvasing Special Eflects in Wood Finishing Phone 21684- Studio : 4-36 East Twenty—Seventh St. Los Angeles, California 185 . 4.4.0' LlL'IHG DOOM ‘7.“6 ac PORCH ~ FLOOD. DLAN" M Cost $2200.00 to $2400.00 1 Foundation brick, porch cobblestones with cement floor, mantel cobblestones, redwood siding on walls and shingles on roof. Pine finish throughout. Oak floors and beam ceilings in living and dining rooms. Stained finish throughout. Kitchen finish varnished, kitchen wainscot and bath room enameled. Plans as shown or reversed, $10.00. W‘ W Mfiau 186 Qrt ant: {when (Elam: fixtures; @1355 mirrors: ant Wiring Reproduction of Art Glas‘s: Mosaic Panel, Mr. A. Loeb's Residence ORIGINAL DESIGNS FOR ANY KINDIQF WORK (fitment grt @Iagg & mfg. QED. F5373, Broadway 2599 818 50. Main Street, Los Angeles, Cal. 187 / 0 570, Done/72‘ ,. / . “ n / ,/—_ e plenary/”f _ \ V / WA- ‘ J \ ‘\\ . \\ W§ \ H. \ 1h “:9 ‘0 I; . _.n§7fl’“ ‘v ; 1-24 1’ I i‘iv‘ii'v" ' ' .. r: '- r . “\m ( .u - ‘ r I my E . ‘ . \\\~ 1’ ," 3‘ “W . — ,_ i“? ‘ \ \'\ I. — 1% _/\§ii~ BATH W . \"M is W 1191mm Room; I- 1143?: BED Boo”. ' lOXl‘l 1510’ \f~\\\\ \\ so " ’4 \\ \‘\‘“‘\\‘ \ _ fl .:—= _\}\\..\3‘.‘;;"—=—:‘_‘—-. “9" @ u. ‘ -" \‘V “ \\\— J \ \ , RTF— \ rmwzm :51 pgagl“ E J:§\\Q§§\\ \\ “‘d‘w Cost $650.00 to $750.00. California Style." See introduction. Foundation and chimney brick, walls 1”): 12” redwood and battens, roof shingled, porch and interior floors pine, plate rail and disappearing beds in living room and dining room. Stained inside and out. Plans as showu or reversed, $5.00. .4 _ 2» TH W P, .1 _ V ~ I t‘v * e ‘ bag/L, — 188 IMPROVED ClIMAX SOlAR HEATER ls the safe, standard, satisfactory system of heating water for all purposes in your home at no expense by the sun, winter or summer, day or mght. Patrons Protected by U. S. Patents. The above illustrates the Circulating System whereby the water is heated on a rainy or extremely cloudy day, by the solar heater which is connected to a gas heater and stove. Furnace in basement can also be connected. Solar heater connected in this manner we positively guarantee to give satisfaction. ‘Vith this system you can AL‘VAYS have hot water. Have your architect specify a large size, because we can heat 100 gallons of water as easily as 40 gallons. SOLAR H EATER CO. 342 New High St. Los Angeles, Cal. Main 3932. Home A2396. I (2/ k W?) ‘ \ k \ mnkt' \‘e. 4i " "“Y , ‘\ Keg/fig“ JE§E§IV . at 3%) ~ “1-“ 7 / A. E” 189 BED ROOM Na 1 :1 x12 KlTCHEfl 11 via“; DlNIHG Doom '1 2:15 Cost $1800.00 to $2000.00. Foundation brick, porch and chimney cobbles, porch floor cement, mantel pressvd brick, siding on walls, shingles on roof. Pine floors and finish throughout. Living and dining rooms stainod and waxed. Kiichen and bed room finish varnishnd. Kiivhen wainscot and bath room pummeled. Plans as Shown or reversed, $10.00. A? 190 In; gngeles firemen Erick Qtump any W You are cordially invited to inspedt our handsome and comprehensive display at 406-414 Frost Building, 2nd and Broadway, Los Anqe'“ »-.. e... M-.,~.,~_m; ,*h>~“‘ .7, >_ ‘ ..‘ 4‘ .. a. . v nan-A u-rp.—,—-mm_,,.‘..-,w_ ,, , , _ _ Hollow Tile—“7e make a specialty of, hollow tile fireproofing known as the ideal type of building material now so popular'and ex— tensively used for the modern home.‘ Ruffled Brick—Reds and blue blacks for fac— ing or“veneeriug, columns, etc. New and artistic. Pressed Brick and Tile in all shades for at— tractive mantels. Roofing Tile—Mission,_ Spanish, Shingle and Italian equal to the world’s best. \Ve are the largest manufacturers of tile roofing~ west of Ohio. Paving Brick—For sidewalks, driveways and porches we recommend Vitrified brick. Beau— tiful lasting color, sanitary and durab‘r ' economical cost. Price fr" ‘ ' . . _ ,~ of Lt): Asp-gr ,grh, lars per thm's' _. ‘gAIU ~,‘)- . . ',j ..,*"i"“ L\ ‘ f‘u-u‘v'vn in this DPT» -»-.-.-..- m. , . 1,, .._v M...“ V. “W“;aa . -W —...—.-- ... a... .. . r W. . lT AY' COMPANY [OSANGElES ' Plumbing F 1Xtures i TUBS — Solid Porcelain and Enameled Iron. LAVATORIES - Vitreous China, Solid Por- celain and Enameled Iron. SHOWERS —All Type of Shower Fixtures. SINKS, etc. — All Styles of Sinks and Laun- dry Trays. 0U are invited to visit our display room, or send us the number of the plan you select and we will mail you cuts and descriptive matter of fixtures adapted to this style of home. E have furnished the fixtures for most of the houses shown in this book. TAY “PERFECTION" TOILET Mechanically Perfect : Artistic in Design , Vitreous China Cistern : B. O. T. Bowl Mahogany Saddle Seat VERY PROPERLY NAMED “PERFECTION" —l a :1]{(‘.\.'Ill‘.l{\\| l‘lH-‘filfi I‘M“. ANNI’LH‘; F...