H £ X n ■ f i o l-1 o UO REEF POINT GARDENS LIBRARY The Gift of Beatrix Farrand to the General Library University of California, BerkeleyP» K Ÿ * * t « ;V____Jk. ^ é 4 V. / I t « •* 4 L t f| V t- % - i V * V' * *:% V 5 St; > *fc « sâ - %s»OR, THE Nobleman, Gentleman, and Gardener’s CONTAINING Directions for the Surveying and Diftri-buting of a Country-Seat into Rural and Extenfivc Gardens, by the Ornamenting and Decoration of diftant Profpe&s, Farms, Parks, Paddocks, &c. Originally calculated (inftead of inclofed Plantations) for the Embellilhment of Countries in general; as alfo for an Introduction to a General Syltem of Agriculture and Planting. o cS ILLUSTRATED With above Fifty Copper Plates, done by the belt Hands, which, though firft publiflied above twenty Years ago, has given rife to every thing of thp kind, which has been done fince. The Second Edition, with large Additions. v o l. ir. ~ By Stephen Switzer, Seedfmanand Gardener at the Seedfhop in JVeJiminfter-Hall. Omne tulit punflum qui mifeuit utile dulci, Leflorem delegando, pariterque movendo. Hor. Art. Poetic, L O N D O N : Printed for J. and J. Fox, in Wejìminjler-Hall; B. and B. Ba r-ker, in the Bowling-Alley, Wejìminjìer ; D. BroWNE, with' «ut temple-Ban and F. Gosr inc, in Flcetjhret, I Jr fz.VTO THE Right Honourable the^ Lord CONINGSBY\ One of the Lords of his Majefty*s Moft * Honourable Privy-Council, T H I S TREATISE Is humbly Dedicated By your LpRt> ship’s Moft obedient Servant, Stephen Switzer. A 2 Vol. II. « o I l' k *■B! &^'4¥¥$&S&&m THE CONTENTS. INtroduttion, Geometrical Infractions, &c. CHAP I 77; * fcaHii IntroduSlion. I {hall begin firft with the Principles of Geometry, and fo go on through the whole Pra&ice thereof, as far as it relates to our prefent Purpofe. And for our readier Introduction to it, we are to underftand that Geometry is eftablifh’d upon three Sorts of Principles, viz- Definitions, Axioms, and Petitions. Definitions are, firft, brief Explanations of the Names and Forms of Lines, Superficies, &c. that are made Ufe of in all Parts of fuperficial Menfu-rations and Schemes ^ and this is particularly ufe-ful in Gardening, &c. to enable a Perfon to fpeak properly and intelligibly. Axioms are felf-evident Truths, which there is the leaft Reafon to make ufe of, of any Thing us’d in the Mathematicks: As for Inftance, that a Line three Foot, ■ is equal to one, two, three, or four (feparately) of the fame Length, &c. and is us’d on no other Account than to demonftrate the Rationale of Addition, Subftra&ion, either of Lines or Numbers. And Petitions are clear and intelligible Demands, whereof the Execution and Practice requires not any Demonftration thus it is eafy for the moft un-learn’d, when he is bid to draw a {freight Line, or trace out a Circle, to do it, and fuch other Things that are requir’d in this Diviflon. Thefe being the Preliminaries of Geometrical Practice, let us then begin on the definitive Part thereof. CHAP. Geometrical Inflruttions, &c. i The Definition of a Point, and the'- Motion § i. A Point Is generally put- as the firfb Principle JLX. in the Mathematicks, and that which.qf it felf has no Part or Parts.' : T { And by this we underftand, that the Point hath neither Length, nor Breadth, nor Depth 5 and, that alfo his not ienfible, but only intelleduaj, ,feeing there is nothing which falleth under Senfe,, which hath not a Quantity ^ and that there is 1101 Quantity without Parts, which would altogether ;con-tradid this Definition. ( Neyerthelefs, as none can make any Operation, but by the Interpofition pf corporeal Things, they reprefent therefore the Mathematical; Point by the Point'jPhyjfical, '. which', js the Objedofjhe(Sight, the fmullefbanfi lead divi-fible to our Senfe, and is made with the Point of a Needle, orwith the End or- Ppintofa Gpippa;f$’ or Pencil, as the Point noted by A. - s : *i.' The* Pjoint, central, or;Cejijpr, is a' Toipt $ƒ which a Circle is drawn j :. The infinite, is a Line of an undetermin’d Length, as K K, Def. 6. The apparent, or Tratt, is drawn very ftrong, as either K —K, Def. 5 or 6. The occult are only mark'd with the Point of the Compafs or Pencil, as we commonly do our Hedge-Lines, as L L, Def. 7. The fpiral Line, call’d otherwife the Valuta, from volvo) is deferib’d L, Def. 8.Z>cf. 1 ? Z, inc, J. ? st 2>çf ^ z tnt 2, : d C ' Z vie 3e. d D &‘S- 3^ifs tAL t I ZviC sf. . *?_ Zinc S?7 line 6. ^ - H X 0ef.6t 3C SV?7 Zine y Zi inc <9 tA, tA, K EÖef. S* m| ( (& ., O/ 4 P » * 1 IPqçlfifai % a. jP/gAjiaï y • C. jUT-ney Ji. V tfuÜon^N^c ho Us j\t*Afor G A R V E N E R S, Sec. 3 The Line alfo receives dhreri Benoviivations, 'according to its divers Poftions and Properties. A Perpendicular is a right Line, that is made or cxprefs’d by the Fall of. a Plumb, or by the Elevation at right Angles , of any Line upon the Middle or End of another, as is A, B, and G, Def 9- . 1 : • : • ..... A Line horizontal, is a Line of an equal Poife, which inclineth it felf equally on the one Part' and the other, as D E, Def. 10. and in Gardening is generally underftood to'be the Bafis, or Bottom of a Terras, Slope, &c. tho’ it is properly any level Lihe,"and as well fignify the.Top of a Terras, or any ether .Plane, or dead Level. An oblique Line, is neither horizontal," nor plumb, or perpendicular, but: of a Byas;orSlope-, and is in Gardening, where Ramparts dor Tefras-Walks are made, apply’d to the :Slopo of; them. This is call'd the Hypotheneufe, or fubtenfe Line, when we fpeak of artificial Triangles,’ which is the Conftrudticn of. the Slope of a Terras’^' not-withftanding in that famous Problein/oLZh/ckV, (For the Invention of which. Pythagorail is: Paid' to offer an' Hecatomb) it: . us’d for the Bafis /of a redangled Triangle. ; v ^dv.r < This Line is fimply defmonftrated by. the. Line G H, Def*, 11. and the other two, andthis^ compos’d by the three Lines ABC, as they-arefe-verally plac’d above; . ' ■ :; . - /> h »• -T A Lines parallel, are thofe that are ,of. any. equal Diftance from each others which, tho’'they are extended never fo far, are neither nearer nor farther off from each other, as are the Lines F,. Def. 12. B 24 ... Geometrical Inflruftions Lines alfo receive their Names as they evcompafs, pafs through, touch, or dijfeft a fuperjicial oir folid Figure. . Sidé-Lihes are thofe which encompafs any Sort of Figure, be it either a Square or a Polygon, as does A B C D, in Def. 13. Fig. 1. A diagonal Line, is that which pafleth thro1 the ivory Center of a Figure, and which begin-neth and endeth at two oppolite Angles, as E F, Fig. 2: and G H, Fig. 3. Def. 14. ' The Diameter has chiefly Relation to a Line that-palïès through, and touches the Center of a -Circle, or Oval, as does the Line I K in Figure the 4th, and L M in Figure the 5th and 6th. In an Oval there are two, call’d the trahfverfe and conjugate Diameters. -The Chord, or fubtenfe Line, is a Line that cuts off only a fmaller Part of a Circle from a greater * or is more plainly like the String of a Bow, which is Part of a Circle, as is thé Line N O, Figure the 7th 5, the Bow whereof is N O P, Figure.the 7th j. and the remaining Part of the «■Circle is R, Fig. 10. -A Line tangent, is that which toucheth any Figure, (whether circular or polygonar) without dividing it, and without being able to divide it, al-tho’ it iwas prolong’d never fo far, as are the Lines ST in Fig ;9. - A Line fecant, is that which divideth, croffeth, or traverfeth any Cifcle, Oval, or Polygonal Figure, the Laid Oval or other Figure remaining whole v and is plainly demonftrable by the Lines T U in Fig. 9, 10.c'r.tjp f}jüzp7 *£xi Offrip/ # «s I% I % s * ; . W* % \ # * f \ » % ft /»- r f % * \ I i j f5 for G A R D E N E R S, Stel The^ Definition of an Angle. § 3. An Angle is the indirect Meeting of two Lines at one and the fame Point * or rather, it is the Space encoihpas’d between the indirect Meeting, or Concourfe of two Lines, joining together in one Point, as A B C, Fig. 1, 2, 3. When ever this Concourfe is made of two ftrait Lines, it is call’d Rectilineal, as A, Fig. 1. When it is made of two crooked Lines, it is call’d Curvilineal as B, Fig. 2. But when it is made of one crooked and one ftrait Line, it is call’d Mixtilineal, as C, Fig. 3. The Angle Rectilineal receiveth particular Denominations as it is more or lefs open, (viz.) right, acute or {harp, blunt or obtufe: So that thefe Terms, of Rectilineal, Curvilineal, and Mixtilineal, are in RefpeCl of the Quality of the Lines, and thofe of right, {harp, and obtufe, in RefpeCl of thé Quantity of the Space enclos’d within thofe Lines. It is a right Angle,when one of the Lines is pér-pendicular upon another, as. when E. is perpendicular to D, F Fig 4. and this exactly 90 Degrees of a whole Circle, which is fuppos’d to contain 160 Degrees, as is demonftrable by Scheme. HIKL, Fig. 7. , k It is an acute Angle, when it is left open than a right Angle,, E D G which contains about 45 Degrees,, and is ‘ mark’d alfo on the Scheme, H“ I K L, Fig- 7. ’ ‘ j- Th.e Angle is obtufe, when it ‘is moré1 open than •a right^ -thatis,when’tis above 90 Degrees fo that the right Angle, or 90 Degrees, and the acute Angle of 45 makes the obtufe Angle 13$ Degrees, as appears'.in the Scheme, I K% Fig. 7. •, b 3 ' t . \6 Geometrical Inftruttions \ Of a Superfries. § 4. A Superficies is: that which hath Length and Breadth without Depth, and according to Geo-ometricians is the Production of a Line, as a Line is the Production of a Point. i And thus we muft conceive, that the Line E F, in Fig. 2, moving on towards G, H, doth make the. .Superficies. E F, G H, which is an Extenfion bounded with Lines,which hath nothing but Length and Breadth, without Depth or Thicknefs. And therefore it is. the Superficies, Surface, and Boundaries of, a Figure, if one confiderit in RefpeCt of its Extremities, which are the Lines that clofe it, and the Face that thofe Lines make by their Motion. Superficies are. of feveral Kinds, not only in Ref peCfc to the Inequality and the'Number of Sides they are'eompos’d of, but alfo of the Difference of their .Surface, oy ;Levels. Thus A is a plain.Superficies. B- .a convex Superficies, J y ; : j C. a concave Superficies. , And the two latter are, in Gardening, very often caltd Amphitheatres'-, ,fo. that in this Cafe, in Re-fpfCfc pf their Depths, and Heights, C may be a concave Amphitheatre, and B a convex Amphitheatre, whilft A is a Level Lawn Parterre. &c. V".In fine, in the Conftrudtion and framing Geometrical Figures, a point is the Term or Bound of a Line ; the Lipe the Term,or Bound ofa Superficies, and-the Superficies is the Term or Bound of a Body. D. Fig. 10. IsJthe plan of a large multangular Concave, or hollow Amphitheatre.«8 - Geometrical InflrucHons * Of ctcbktfd dnd Qiriiilineal Figures,. and of Figures mix'd diid combos d. A Circle is a Figure perfe&ly round, drawn or defcrib’d from a Letter, from which the whole Cir-. cumfereiice is of equal Diftance. The Boundary * Line whereof is call'd the Circumference, or other-wife,' the circular Line that enclofeth it. Fig. i. Letter 4. An Oval (ab Ovo, an Fgg) is a crooked Figure ? drawn from many Centers ^ and whicli Diameters * divide into two Equals, Fig. 2. This is alfo call’d . an. E'llipfis', hut this .V/ord, as well as the Word O- val, is more properly apply’d to Fig. 3. Letter B, near the Shape of an Egg. ■ A Demi or Semi-circle or Oval, is the exadt half of a Circle or Oval, as is C- D, Fig. 4. 5. A Quadrant of;a Circle, is the exaft Quarter thereof , as E Fig.- 6. ■ A Siegrbcii^ o- Fart cf q Circle, either more or lefs than the half dr quA ter of one, asisF. Fig. 7. A Se&or,or.Se6Hon of a Circle,is contain’d within. two; Diameters,, then half a Circle, as is G. Fig. IH ' •' , . I \ 1 *■ Figures concentrkal, or thofe which have one and the fame Center, H H, Fig. 9/16.1 * Figures excentrical are' thofe which are contain’d in others of divers Centers,'I I,.Fig. n, 12. Thefe being the Tnoft material Definitions, I pafs now, to the nexf Thing, in. Courfe to he known, which are the Axioms u£d in. Geometry. .\ I 9 t 9 * I c * l V r » % * Slate,S IX rjff.jt. E E Tig. 3. ^ foot 6 fooot 6 foot E fogual to C foqual to C foetal foe* Tig. 3 • £foot___________ 4 fovfc IQ ,/uot by addition^__________ _________£foot />y su6straction, Tig. 4. 5fo°t- i E Simple, addU 7J°°t 1 E foe tailfor Gardeners, &c.' 9 axiom 1. § 6. Things equal to one and the fame, are equal among/t themfelves. Thus the Lines A C, A C, which are equal to A B, are equal alfo between themfelves. A X I O M II. If to equal Things one fkall add Things equal, all mil lecmet equal. - The Lines A C, A C, are equal. The added C D, C D, are equal. All of them A D, A D, are therefore equal. AXIOM IU. If from Things equal one takes equal Things, the Remainder [hall he equal. Thus if from the equal Lines A D, A D. One take the equal Parts A C A C. The remaining Parts C D, C D. ihall be alfo equal. AXIOM IV. If to Things unequalone add Things equal, the whole will he unequal. If to the unequal Lines D E, D E. One adds the equal Lines A D, A D. The whole A E, A E. . fhall be unequal. - Thefe Axioms may, at firft Light,feem very ftrange to a young Learner, who may fuppofe them to be more diffi» cult than they really are; I Ihall therefore demonstrate them by Lines number’d, which feemsto methe'beft Way, For the firft ’tis no more, than that the Lines A C, tho’ never fo many Times repeated, or tranfpos’d to never fo great a Dillance, as they all appear to be equal to A B, fo they_are alfo ever sfrnongft themfelves: For Inftance, being of fix Foot in Length, they all of them are fo, and equal to the firft A B. The like may be faid of the 2d and 3d Axiom. And for the 4th. nothing is more plain, that if one add an equal Line,or Number of two Foot'to an unfequal Line ■ or Number of five Foot, the Produce mud be feven Foot, which is ftill an unequal Number; and if as in the 2d hnd .3d, you add Or fubftracl the equal Line, • or Number of four, from or to the equal Number of ten, the Produfl: *,will be the equal Number of fourteen by Addition, or fix by Subftra&ion,IQ Geometrical Inflruclions AXIOM V. If from Things unequal one tales Things equal, the Remainder (hall be unequal. If from the unequal Lines A H, A E, One take away the.equal Line A D, A D, The remaining Part D E, D E, will be unequal. Explanation. This is the very Reyerfe of the 4th Axiom ; nnce, if the equal Number, pr Line of two root, be taken from the whole unequal Line, or Number of feven Foot, ’tis certain, dié un'èqu d Number of five will remain, which is the Purport of this Axiom. A X I O M VI. The 7kings th< tt ATt doubl e to one another, are equal Amongft them/elves.' ' Thus the Lines D D, D D, Which are double to the Line A D, are equal between themfelves. Explanation. This is demonflrated by the Lines in Fig. 7. where the Lines D D. of 40 Foot long, tho’ they are double the Line D A, are neverthelefs equaj amongft themfelves. AXIOM VJI. The Things which are the half of one and the fame, or of Things equal are unequal among/} themfelves. Thus the Lines A D, A D, Which are the half of the Lines D D, D D, are equal between themfelves. Explanation. This is again the Rtverfe of the laft Axiom, (viz. the Vfth) for tho’ the Lines D D ; are double to the Lines A D, A D, yet they arc neverthelefs equal among ft themfelves. That which is ftid of Lines may be alfo Jaid of Superficies and Solids, howeyer trivial thefe T hings may appear, ’tis on thefe our Ala hematical Difputants ground their Arguments; and tho' they are not very much us'd in our Way, they couldIQ. .O..________________^_________________ÎP/aâejKX. X X E E E lis. 6. Ooc-. yiMK. Fig. 7. Oa>.V.i 1 I I / • I* k . I ) » ( 1 p *» t % t * * V I r / . I • \ ibC* A fPh.<7£ tiiSl.'î- Pia/zfXL- IUIfor Gardeners, &c. i x § 7. Pofitions, or Demands, in order to the pitting of Geometry into Pr attic e. Demand I. Draw a ftrait Line from A to B. The Practice. Apply the Ruler to the Points A B •, and drawing the Pencil along by the Side of the Ruler, it will make the Line A jB. _Demand IT. Enlarge infinitely the Line C D by E, &c. The Practice. Join the Rule to the Line C D, continue the faid Line C D, ad infinitum, towards, by, or beyond E, and it anfwers this fecond Demand. Demand III. Draw a Circle from a Point — A, And the Interval----------A B. The Practice. Set one Point pf the Compafs at the Point given, A Open the other unto the Point--------B Turn the Compafs upon the Point------A And drawing it from the Point--------B Defcribe the Circle ------‘------B D E Demand IV. From the Points given-----E and F, Make the Sedtion--j-------G. The Practice. Open the Compares as you fhall have Occafion, that the Opening may be more than the half Di-ftance between E and F * and by this Opening from $he Point E, draw the Arch --’--• 1 m. And from the Point F, the Arch — hi. The Sedtion at----— ■ ---• G Is the Demanded,12 . Geometrical Inflrutlions ; PROPOSITION I. § 8. To elevate a Perpendicular at any Point of a Line, particularly the Middle and the End. The PraBiceon Paper on the Middle, Fig. i. , From the Point given C,touch the Line in D arid F. '.‘From the Point D E, make the SedioEfl. Y 'By which Means, C I {hall be the two Points whereby the Line is to be drawn perpendicular. The fame on the End of the Line, Fig. 2.^, r From the Point. A, draw the Arch G, H, M. ; From the-.Point G, draw/he Arcfy. A H.? \v i From the Point H, draw jtfie A^rchM N.' ■ \ From the Point M, draw, the Arch H N. Then draw the requir’d Perpendicular A C There is not Occafion on Paper to make all t^efe Arches-, for which Reafon I have put down Fig. 3. to {hew yo” now to avoid it,. as- the other is to eiplaip it.- • Fig. 4, is another \Vay.which almofl explains it fell* and the fifth are the Lines (Imply confiderd. The Prd&ice mv. the Ground. ‘ A Garden Line very plainly effeds the fame on the Ground, as • the Compaffes do on Papery hut our heft Method is onr Garden-Square, which appty’d to anv Line/Yets off a Perpendicular, as is evident by the Pradice,' Fig. '6; 7'; 8. ’ - But in c-afe a Square is Wanting»- a Mealure of eight and fix Foot with a ten Foot from one End to the other/makes a-good Square1, as may be feen in Eig. 9. ^nd "it "is by this that all righhafigled Figures are fet-out in Gardens , and all other Works. - It is particularly by this, that all middle Lines, and grand Avenues and Walks, are fet out from a Houfe, &c.■f/mr rj]ayyij£-uairn>f * f » ; » » 1 ! t ) * \ • * • ^ • <% % N« IPSfor Gardeners,-[&c. ‘13 In this Page Tfbaii.comprise three Propojitwr.s, together with, their Pr alike on the Ground. PROPOSITI'O N IT ' To let fall a Perpendicular oil-the Point cf an -Ar.gh. | Upon Paper, Fig... I. From the Angle A, defcribe atPleafpre the Arch B C •, arid from the Point B and C, make the Su:ii-cn D -, and the Line F F is the Line requir’d. Praiïice'ón the Ground, Fig. 4... ■ MöVé the Garden. Square on the Bale of Triangle E F, hil the Point of the Square vA, guV overright the Point A, then ftrain the Line toD. ■ PROPOSITION ill. To bring down a Perpendicular upon:'pt Tine.given? or a Point without or near that Line ■ Upon Paper, Fig. '2. This, is Tome thin g'iike the loxmer $ 5jbr from the 'Point C you are to 'draw D Ef cutting, the Line A; B at t) and E *,’fr.am the Points P and E, make the Section F i'-draw the Line' C, F, arid the'Line C O. will be t’he Line demanded," -; PraBice cn the Ground, Vig. 5. In this' Cafe eHher the Line or Square will do*, the Method has peen hinted at . already, and the Scheme tells thé reft. , PRO POSIT 10 hr VL By a Point given, tó draw a Line parallel to a right Line given. . Upon Paper, Fig. . Let H F be the Lines given, add G the parallel | Diftance *, fix the Compafs in H and F, arid deferibe the Arches G and I •. by applying the Ruler to G andT, you niay draw the Line requir’d. PraBice on the Ground, Fig. 6. . By-applying the .Square to the Points H and F, this Parallel is eafily _fet off in G and I. Vide the Scheme, Fig. 6..14 Geometrical Jnjlr unions JJball lilewife in this Page, bring in Propoftions relating-x-to tbs dividing of a Line, and an Angle into two Parts,X' and of the Manner of transferring oj an Angle from the^ Paper to the Ground, 8cc. PROPOSITION V. To cut a right Line given into two equally. Upon Paper Fig. I. 2. From the Point A draw the Arch C D, and with--d out opening or (hutting the Compafies, from the xi Point or tnd B, draw the Arch E F-, and a Tine r or Ruler apply’d to G and H, will divide the Line -a A B equally in two at O. Practice on the Ground, Fig. 6. The doubling the Garden Line, to find the e half Length of any Line is To common, that I need fc not repeat it, tho5 this Method, is more artificial, ■ ß. £C $^ £ ;■:■&. . è ; £ *\©$>Ä M t f> f> ■ p, -#C\ JTJ Es> «* » f t « i /? •V' » “ t V-»1 «♦>%*• s » • \ % I » 4 » . \ / Ì \ \ f % +r / I -Plate Ji [ A e^Vol, g, -"Practice. tAe, JJt0n tAe Ground* TFpoivZPajjzr D Sron*.*. ^ 'lS for Gardeners, Sec. § o. Having put down what feems to he moft necefla-ry relating to lanes, I come now to (hew how thefe Lines produce fuperfiehl Figures. PROPOSITI ON I. Ant firft low to frame a Triangle equilateral, upon a (trait Line given. From the End A, and the Interval A B, defence the Arch B Dj and from the End B,* and the Interval B A, deferibe the Arch A E; and from the Section C draw-thc Lines C A, C B; and ABC lhall be the equilateral Triangle demanded. Fig. i. PROPOSITION II. But becaufe there are feveral Sorts of Triangles, I lhall in this Proportion Ihew, how to male a Triangle from my three given Lines, fxpprfingA B C. Fig. 2. Draw the Arait Line D E, equal to the Line A A, from the Point D, anJ from the Interval B B; deferibe the ArchG F; from t ie Point E, and from the Interval C C, deferibe the Arch H 1; from the,-Sc£hon 0,draw the Lines OE,OD; the Triangle DEO, lhall be compriz’d of three right Lines; equal to the three given Lines A BC. PROPOSITION IIT. Hvw tof/ltme a Square upon one right Line given anil hounded. Elevate the Perpendicular A G from the Point A! deferibe the Arch B C ; from the Points B C, and from the Interval A B make the Se&ion D ; from the Point D draw the Lines D C, D E; and A, B C D fhall be the Square demanded, PraEHce on the Ground. This is fo eafy, and fo like the Practice on Paper, it need not be repeated; however, I have put down the Figures, and (hewn the Method of making a Square upon ; the Ground, and fhall add, PROPOSITION IV. The Way to prove a Square. Which is indeed only by meafuring Diagonal or Crofc-Ways; and if the Meafure (fuppofing 50 Foot) is exactly alike, you may conclude your Square is tru". Vi l. Fig. . 4, and 7. Otherwife it is falfe.16 , Geometrical JnflruBions Before we proceed to. fliew the laying out Polygonal Pi" gurcs or Figures of five, fix, feven, or eight Sides, &c-it will be neceflary we Ihould lay down the Methods of firiking out circular or crooked Figures, which are, generally fpeaking, the Bafis of all Polygonal Superficies. t PROPOSITION V. To find the Center of a Qrcle. the Center of which is losl:t or any other Way requir'd. Place at Difcretion the three Points ABC upon the Out-Line of the Circumference, and from the Points A B; make the Sections E and F ^ draw the right Lines E F, from the Points B C • make the Se£iions G H; then draw the right Line G H, from the Interfe&ion and Center 7, and from the Interval I A, and from this Center in the 'Middle ofF I G, you may ftrike your Circle. Vid. Fig. I. and 2. Practice on the Ground. ’ Fig. G. This is the fame as on the Paper, as doc£ plainly appear from Fig. 5. PROPOSITION VI. To ft rile a Circle on Paper. Keep the Foot of your Compafles in A, and trace the e-thcr Point round, it will make the Circle BCD E.‘ Fig. PraUice on the Ground. Fig. 6. The fame is perform’d by a Line, as was before taught of the Compafles. Vid. Fig. 6, PROPOSITION VII. \A Spiral Line, tho* it is not properly a Superficies, yet, as it males by its Voluta fomething like it? l teach the Method of moling it in this Place. Siippofe you would divide the Line L into eight Parts, divide it firft into two Parts B Ij alter that into four Parts of each Side B C, E G, I; divide alfo B C into two, e-qually in A, and from the Point A, draw the Semi-circles B C. D E, FG, H I ;;and from the Point B, draw C D, E F, G H, I L, and that fliall be the Spiral Line requir’d. Vid. 4. and 7. On the Ground. Fig. 7. ' The' Practice is the fame..Plate SVI .’ó~> Thc~ìI ^Practice on the (xrouncL 67) *y7~OTZ. ti. Practice the H. 53 V«'jnmou-ff 'zyi zw ^oifovu^r^ jjunou^f'vifj- zw mjivUfj- ~j|~ ^panouxy jyj zia vovjvvuj^ j "°’/‘ ‘fyffor G ARDENER S, &C. I 7 PROPOSITION VIII. To defcribe an Ovalnyon a Length given. § 7. Divide the Length A B into three equal Parts, as in Figure 1 ^ or into four, as in Figure 2, A B C D, and from the Points C D, and from the Interval C A, defcribe the Circles A E F, B C F, from the Sections E and F} and from the Interval of the Diameter E H, defcribe the Arches I H, O P, and A I H B P O' (hall be the Oval requir’d, in Fig. 1. Andin Fig. 2,draw only the Diagonal Lines. The PraBice on the Grotmd Is fo near the fame, that the Scheme makes it ver ry plain. Vide Fig. 5. PROPOSITION IX. To defcribe an Oval that has two Diameters given; and this is generally call'd the Gard’ner’s Oval. Let the Diameters be ABC D, Lines fix’d at Pleafure •, draw the Line A B, and in the Middle of that Line, at Right Angles, draw the Line C, by InterfeSions, from the Points A and B. Divide the Line C E into three Parts, one Part whereof fet off from A, and the fame from B * fix there two Pins, and by a Thread you may track out the Oval A B C D. Fig. 3. PraBice on the Ground. Fig. 4, 5. This is eafier done on the Ground, by a Line and Stakes, than on the Paper, by Reafon there is more Room ■, To that your Work is done more eafy and more certain*, and this indeed is the beft Method of laying out any Kind of Oval$ for, tho’ the firft is eafier made out on Paper than this laft, yet this laft is eafier laid out on the Ground than the firft. Suppofing, then, that the longeft Diameter of your Oval be 90 Foot, and the Ihorteft 60, the half whereof, C E, is (horter a Foot, a third whereof is 10 Foot, fet off 1 o Foot at each End A B, and put down there two Stakes, (hall ftrike out the whole Oval. Vide Fig. 5. VOL. II. Ci8 Geometrical Injlruftions We pafs now to the Conftru&ion cf Polygonar Figures. PROPOSITION X. To frame a Pentagon upon a given Line. Suppofe the Line B A -, from the End A,and from the Interval A B deferibe the Arch B D F. Then elevate the Perpendicular A C -, divide the Arch B G into five Parts equally, I D L M N. Then draw the right Line A D, cut the Bafe A B into two equally in O ; elevate the Perpendicular O E from the Section E, and from the Interval E A deferibe the Circle A B F G H \ bring five times the Line A B within the Circumference of the Circle, and you fhall have a Pentagon regular, equi-angle, equi-lateral, A B F G H, Fig. i and 2. The PraBice upon the Ground. Fig. 5. Is the fame, and is particularly ufeful in Centers and Cabinets of a Garden or Wildernefs j for when a Walk runs thro1 or into one of them, you mull frrft fet off' on each Side that Walk half the Width, as you may fee on the Ground -, and this will be the given Line, as in the Queftion* from which you may with Eafe and Certainty make a proportionable Center or Cabinet. Vide Fig. 3. PROPOSITION XI. Within a Circle to make a Pentagon. The Circle being given, there will riot be fo much Trouble as there was in the other. Draw then the two Diameters A B, C D, dividing them-felves at Right Angles in E; divide the half Diameter C E into two equally in F, and from the Interval F A, deferibe the Arch A G from the Point A -, and from the Interval A G deferibe the Arch G H. The Line A H fhall divide the Circle into Eve equal Parts. Vide Fig. 3. The PraBice on the Ground Is the fame, the Line performing the Part of the Compafs. Vide Fig. 6.ƒ • ' C ' f 'Practice trie JL* " iipcn the (y-round. Upon, Pap er 10, lig * -actice t^e JL. on the GreuneL rojeiJ► 4 I V* . % V. / * 1 t • * f I I i } / f* * * I 'I * 1 % •< t •.  I > A p f * V Sj •for Gardeners, &c< T§ proposition XII. To frame an Hexagon regular upon a right Line given. Let A B be the right Liné given, from the Ends A and B, and from the Interval A B defcribe the Arches A C, B C $ and from the Seöion C defcribe the Circle A B E F G: Bring fix times thé Liné A B within the Circumference, and you fhall have an Hexagon regular, ABE.F G D, fram’d upon a right Line given, A B. Fig. i, 2. N. B. It is to be here obferv’d, that the Semidiameter of an Hexagon, is always one Side of it. And this is the eafieft to make 01 all Polygonar Figures. This is alfo the Foundation from which all Polygonar Figures are fram’d, as will appear in Fig. 3. The Praiïice on the Ground Is every Way anfwerable to that on the Paper. PROPOSITION XIII. The Hexagon being.the Foundation, Cn which all Polygonar Figures are built, here follows a Me. thod, Upon any right Line given, to defcribe fuch a Polygon as JJ)all be requir’d, from an Hexagon to a Dodecagon, or Figure of 12 Sides. Cut the Line A B into two equally in O; elevate the Perpendicular OI from the Point B defcribe the Arch A C •, divide A C into fix Parts equally, M N OP Q.R; this may make an Heptagon if you will. Then from the Point C, and the Interval of one Part, C M, defcribe the Arch, D M P, fhall be the Center, to defcribe a Circle capable of containing feven times the Line A B ^ and fo on* of any of the reft, as will more plainly appear by a little Practice. Fig. 3. C 2-20 ' Geometrical Inftruttions The general Method of making and ftriking out Pclygonar'Figures being thus fix’d, I (hall illuftrate ajkl explain it farther by a few Examples, and then lea,ve.the Learner to his farther Practice therein. . / v . P R 0 P O S I T I O N XIV. , ; Upon a Line given, 'to make a regular Heptagon, or “. . . Figure of feven Sides. , We mufl: firft iuppofe the Line A B defign’d to make an Hexagon of j. becaufe, as is before intimated, ■ the Hexagon is-the Figure, from which all Polygonar Figures are made. After having drawn a Line perpendicular to AB, from the Middle thereof Q_, fetthe Compares in A or B, and draw, the. Arch, AC, which divide into.'fixi equal Parts,, and fixing the Ccmpaffes in C, extend thun to Part j •, From whence you may defer i be a. little Arch 3 or rather transfer that Mea-furebnthe middle Line to Letter O, and* that is the Center of the Heptagon. Having then de-fcrilfd a Circle, upon‘that draw the Lines B A F G H I K, which will make feven Sides, equal to the Jingle one A B requir’d. Fig. I,' 2. On the Ground 1•_ The Pra&iceisthe fame, and fo needs no Repetition. Vide Fig. TROPOS IT I O N XV. , Vi thin a Circle given to inscribe an Heptagon. j ; Draw half the Diameter I A from the End A, and from the Interval A I deferibe the Arch C IC; draw the right Line C C, bear the Half, C O, feven' times, within the Circumference of the Circle, 'and,youJball have the Heptagon requir’d, A m dy B g f e. i Vide Fig. 3. The Vradice on the Ground Is fo near the fame, that for farther Inftru&ion I need only refer the Reader to the Scheme, Fig. 6.T/atzTL 7 xo . Z ïoL *4 } I N r* * I / % # / / V t t 1 * t t ✓ > > « t Ì I \ * %[hpo uJ. Vo/.z., £ late !XXL J?mctic&y ~h ^iyan thè Ground Vj, 07i ^Paper ITracticù the^L ort the Ground✓ v Tic:. 3• X •o V A ^for Gaud ehbbs, Szc. '21 PROPOSITION XVt! Within a given Circle to infertile an OHogon. Firft draw the two Diameters, at right. Angles, one to another, viz. the Line C D, at right Angles, with A B, this divides the Circle into a Square; then fix the Points of the Coinpafles in either of the Points, (fuppofe D) and mark out Part of an Arch •, and then move the Compafs-Point to the next Letr ter, (fuppofeB) and make an Interaction at E$ apply the Ruler to that Interfe&ion, and lay it like-wife on the Center F, and the Place where it cuts on the Circle, {hall divide D and B, or any other of the Letters, into two equally $ and that is the Side of an Otiogon requir’d. Fig. I, 2. ' The Brattice on the Ground Is the fame, as appears by Figure 4. ' if PROPOSITION XVII. To make an OHogon from a Line given, v Suppofe the Line A B, (ufe the fame Method as before, in making of an Hexagon) divide the Arch A O into fix equal Parts, and from O fet oft’ two of thofe Parts to P-, that lhall be the Center of a Circle, on which yOu are to fet the requir’d Line A B, which will make eight ftrait or right Lines, viz. an Oftogon requir’d. Vide fig. 2. j On the Ground, Fig.1), The fame Way does^ and is particularly’ lifeful, when a Garden-Walk croffes or ends in a Center, or Cabinet. In that?Cafe, (as has been before mention’d) fet off half the Width on the other, as a b c d, Fig. 5.'and that (hall be a given Iflbfi and hence you may eafily make:a Center proportionable to the Walk that pafles thro’, or ends therein.5 i Geometrical Inftruttioni PROPOSITION XVIII. JFithin a Circle given, to defcribe an Enneagon, or Figure of nine Sides. Let B C D be the Circle propounded, within which one would infcribe an Ennea gon. The Practice upon Paper. Draw the half Diameter A B from the End B, and from the Interval B A defcribe the Arch C A D -, draw the right Line C D onwards to F; make the Line E F equal to A B. From the Point E defcribe F G, and from the Point F defcribe E G •, draw the right Line A G, and D H fhall be the ninth Part of that Circle. Fig. i, 2. The PraBice on the Ground Being done by a Line, as the Practice on the Paper is by Companies, there is little Occafion to repeat it, but to refer to Figure 4. PROPOSITION XIX. A Line being given, to find the Center of a Circle, and to make an Enneagon, or Figure of nine Sides. Draw the Line A B, and a Line perpendicular from the Middle thereof, as has been before taught •, draw the Arch A O, and divide it into fix equal Parts or, which is lefs Trouble, take the half of it, and fet up to P, which is the Center of this Circle, upon which you are to make this Enneagon, or Figure of nine Sides, every Side being equal to A B. Fig. 3. The PraBice on the Ground Continues ftill the fame ^ and from this Rule of anHexagone, is any Polygonar Figure to 20, 30, or 40 Sides, made upon a given Line-, from what has been faid likewife of given Circles, may the Side of any Polygon be found * and with this I fhall conclude this Point. for Gardeners, &c.' 23 CHAP. vL Numerical InJlruEH&ns for Gardeners, &c. INTRODUCTION. IT will not here be expected I fhould go bach to Numeration, Addition, &c. that being in nocafe neceifary, fince there are but few that are fo mean Proficients in Numbers as to require it: I fhall therefore comprehend that little I have to fay concerning Numbers in our Way of Gardening, with the Golden Rule, or Rule of Three, Rules of FraHice^ and with Duodecimals, or the Manner of Meafuring and calling up Dimenfions, ufeful, as will hereafter be found, in digging, levelling, and accounting the Expences that accrue in Gardening*, becaufe in this both Stewards and Labourers areofttimes at a Lofs, and either theMafler or Servant is very much the Lofer, which is unjuft to one, and both unjuft and oppreffive to the other. Suppofing then that a Gardener is beginning to make his Gardens, (tho’ I mud confcfs myfelf very much an Enemy to the levelling and Graining of Nature beyond her due Bounds, that is too often teen in many Undertakings) there are feveral Divifions, that are abfolutely necefTary to be levell’dj fuch are all open Compartments of Parterre, Bowling-greens, Terrace-Walks, and the like, after the Levels are fix’d, as may be feen Fig. 7, p. 9, it will ,be then a proper Time for him to lit down and confult of his Expence. And how to go the neareft Way to work, preparatory to this, being very well inftrufled in Addition, Subftra&ion, Numeration, Multiplication, and Divifion, he ought to learn how to take and call up Dimcnhoiis, whether it be for the Removal of good Earth for planting, or of bad Earth for levelling, railing of Terrace-Walks, Mounts, or the like: Aid the firft Thing is Duodecimals, Ojt Crofs-Multiplication; as follows. C 4 Before24 Numerical Inftruttions Before we go to great Examples, it will be necef fary to fay fomething of the Rules of Practice and Crofs-Multiplication, by which almofi all Quefli-ons in this Matter are folv’d *, andthele two Rules are fo interwoven with one another, that they are taught at one and the fame Time. The Learner is firR to be inform’d, that by Duodecimals, pr Crofs-Multiplication, is meant the multiplying Feet, Inches, and Parts, by Feet, Inches, and Parts, without Redudtion, which faves a great deal of Labour and Trouble, and is done in fewer Figures. He is alfo to underRand, that the Rules of Pm-Pice fhorten even that too, as will by and by very plainly appear. He ought then, firR of all, to learn the Aliquot, or even Parts of a Foot, which is alfo applicable to a Shilling, 12 d. being a Shilling, as 12 Inches is a Foot. He is alfo to learn the Aliquot, or even Parts of a Pound. And thefe three will direct the nearefi Way of cafiing up any Pimenfionsqr Accounts in Gardening. Rule', of PraPice. d. Inch. '1 or i is the 12th Part of a Shilling or Foot. 2 or 2 is the ,6 th Part of a Shilling or Foot. 3 or 3 is the 4th Part of a Shilling or Foot. ,4. or 4 is the 3d Part of a Shilling or Foot-6 or 6 is the half of a Shilling of Foot. 8 or 8 is the^of a Shilling or Foot. 9 or 9 is the of a Shilling or Foot. But as 5 d. -jd. 10 d. 11 d. are not yet number’d, being odd, you mufi account them thus: d. Jncb. ; . y or 5 is the -f and ^ of a Shilling or Foot. 7 or 7 is the ^ and of 4 Shilling or Foot j {8for Gardeners, &c. d. Inch. 10 or 10 is the 4- and 4- of a Shilling or Foot. 11 is always accounted by cafting the fingle UV nits away as you multiplyFor Inftance, ii yeti multiply 11 inches by 26 Foot, itris 26 Foot wanting 26 Inches^ which is eaiily difcover’d to be 23 Foot 10 Inches; 8 and 9 Inches or Pence, are likewife wrought by a double Number. 8 Inches by -f of a Foot twice repeated. 9 Inches by 4 and 4 of a Foot added together. But this whole Matter will be made very plain by the following Examples. . The Aliquot, or even Parts of a Pound. : 1 s. is the 20th Part of a Pound. 2 s. is the icth Part of a Pound. 2 s. 6d. is the 8th Part of a Ppund, ^s. \d. is the 6th Part of a Pound. 45. is the ?th Part of a Pound. $ s. is the 4th Part of a Pound. 6 s. 8 d. is the 3d Part of a Pound. 7 f. 6 d. is the -f Part of a Pound. ioj. }s the 4 Part of a Pound. 13 s. 4 d. is the -f Part of a Ppund. 15; s. is the 4 Part of a Pound. When, therefore, you are to multiply any of thefe aliquot Parts of a Pound with any Sum, you need not reduce, as the Method is, too common, but divide by that Fraction. For Inftance, fuppofing that one Rod of Digging pod 9 d. what will 7 $ Rod coft ? Now, 9 d. being the 4 and -f of a Shilling, I firft fay, s.d. That the 4 of 7? i$ — 37 6 and ^he 4 of 75; i^ —- 25 o. See that my Aufwer is — 62 6 ' ' ■ Takei6 NumericalInftruttions Take here a View of all the foregoing Numbers multiply*d by 77. i 2)77 — s. d. 37 •? which is 37 6 7^* by 77 2)77 " ^ In all 43 9 Orfor Gardeners, &c, 27 Or thus: 4)75 18 I 3)25 . i which is t-> 25 0 In all 43 9 8i. by 75 3)75 25 -? 3)25 -> s. d. which is 2l ° 25 0 In all 50 0 9<*- by 75 2)7* d 4)181} wWch;s 18 9 In all 5 6 3 lod, by 75 2) 75 37 T' 3) 25 - s. d. S’ which is ^ £ In all 62 6 11 <7. by 75 2)75 y. which is 7 >11 5 0 2lo)7*(? i 3 15 oj s. d. 7. 5. <7. 4 0 5)75(*5 0 whichis 15 0 0 s. <7. Z. 5. *?. 5 0 4)75(i8 t which is 18 IS 0 s. d. Z. s. d. 2. 5. <2. 6 0 4\75f18 >’0/ ^ ? _»_r 1» which is 18 3 IS 0' iS 0. |*22 10 0 d. *)15fl8 lo-*' V 7 7. §£ 2. 5. <2. 7 0 f "j* which is 18 7 ft °>26 10 oi 5 0 'j. d. 1. 5. i. s. <7. 7 6 t|(| whichis iS 9 IS o' 7 }=8 2 6 8jo • NumericalInftruBions «. d. . : 1. s. d. 8 ° seiraMiSi 1 5J \if o5 15 o oJ l 3. 1 >50 O O 5 t ■whkhi9 !i oj l 3. d. r33 15 0 s. d. 12 6 ££$fj2* °" 4 J M8 f 1 which>s ° o] 1. s. d. |*43 15> 0 HI MBI It were needlefs to make any more Repetition : on this Matter s if there fliould be any other : Number, ’tis eafy, after a little Pra&ice, to ufe it without the tedious Way of Reduction •, fo I pafs on. Of Orofs Multiplication. § 2. Thefe Preliminaries, thus learnt by Heart, the Learner may proceed* and for the under-ftanding this the better, we are to learn this fliort Table. That Feet raultiply’d by Feet, are Feet; That Inches multiply’d by Feet, every twelfth are Feet, and the Remainder are Inches. That Inches multiply’d by Inches, every twelfth of the Product are Inches, and the Remainder are Seconds. This is as far as we ufe in Gardenings but if any Perfon hath a Mind to go to a greater Exa£t-nefs, I refer him to a very exa£t Treatife, and one of the firft that was publilh’d on this Subject, entitled,for Gardeners, &c.' 31 t titled, Mellifcium Menfurationis $ or, The . Marrow of Meafuring, by Van Munday. Here follows an Example. F. t *}X I 4 Foot by 5 Foot, is —>20 o 4 Foot by 6 Inches, is — 2 o 5 Foot by 3 Inches, is — 1 3 6 Inches by 3 Inches, is — o 16 23 4 6 But we never ufe the odd Parts in Gardening, they being of fo little Account. But from this let us go to the more general Ufe of thefe two Rules, where we fhall fee it often made Ufe of ^ I mean the Rule of Praffice, and the Rule of Duodecimals, commonly call’d Crofs Multiplication. Question I. 2. How to meafure and caff up any uneven Ground, in a Parterre, Lawny or Juch like Di-vifion where it muff of Hecejjity be remov'd. I muft own my felt the mod averfe to the moving of Hills, or filling up of Hollows, i-maginable ^ but there are feveral Cafes where it is impoflible to avoid it, and that is, where the3 l Numerical Inflrutttons the Parterre lies too high for the Floor of the Houfe, which is the Cafe in many Places, or where the Mold is to be carry*d off, for fome good Ufe. This moving of Earth, is commonly mea-fur’d by the Foot Meafure, and afterwards reduc’d into folid Yards, 27 whereof makes a Yard fquare, or folid, being 3 Foot long, 3 Foot deep, and three Foot wide. Thefe Dimen (ions may be taken, before the Ground is carry *d away, by digging Holes down to the intended Level $ bur it is generally meafur’d afterwards,by leaving little Hillocks about two Foot wide, to (hew the Height the Ground was before the Work was begun. Let us then putthe Cafe that *t is fuch a Parterre, or Lawn, as is deferib’d Fig. 2, being 360 Foot long, 160 Foot wide, and of the feveral Depths under-mention’d , thefe Hillocks ought to be rang’d out,or judicioufly ftak’d our, as the Maher and Undertaker (hall beft agree. We will fuppofe them to be only, ten, but in a Peice of Ground of this Extent, there can’t be lefs than 50 or 605 however, thefe ten will fhew the Reafon of the Thing as well as 50 or 60. Let the Depths be, (1) 2 F. 3 In. (2) 1 F. 6 In. (3) 2 F. 1 In. (4) 2 F. 5 In. (5) 1 F. 3 In. ([6) 2 F. 7 In. (7) d F. 8 In. (8) 6 F. 4 In. (9) o F. 3 In. (10) 1 F. 4 In. Thefe added together, will make 14 F. 8 In. Which being divided by 10, the Number of Depths makes near 1 F. 6 In. for the mean Depth offor Gardeners, Szc. 33 a 11s ufilevel irregular Peice of Ground: But | muft be noted, that when you take thefe :(>epths,and find any two Dimenfions alike,you rre to caft away one of them, becaufe in the Recount they make indeed more Figures, but ire not of more Value. :jf But to return, let us now caft up our Di-| penfions. F. In. ' lultiply —— 360 o the Length. ! y -------» 160 o the Width. 21600 360 rnd---------- 57600 is the fuperficial Content, t ?h. multiply’dby i 6 ty one Foot 57600 ty fix Inches 28800 nd it makes 86400 the folid Content in Feet* Let us now divide this folid Content iii Yet by 27, the Number of folid Feet in a lard. 27)86400(3200 5V \nd the Content is 3200 folid Yards. The Prices of moving Earth are various^ tecording to the feveral Prizes of Labourers D ini3 4 Numerical Inftruttions in the Country ^ bur, where they are allow'd \id. per Day, a Yard of Sand, or other loofe Ground, may be dug and fill'd for 2d.'4 or %d. and of Clay for 3 d. Q or 4//. Upor tile whole, if you move it 20 or 36 Yards, i' will colt 5 <7. or 6J. or, if Clay, 7 d. or 8d perX,ix<\. We will fuppofe the Queflion it: Hand to be 6 d. The Number of Yards 3200 The Price per Yard.----- 6 To reduce it to Shillings'» ,, take one half thus, 3 1 ” 0 Divide that by 2 0* and the Sum is— _ j 3o o c Pounds And lo much this will colt the levelling. (Question II. But there are Pieces of, Ground to be reducd which are of irregular Widths, as 'well Depths ^ the Method of iheafuring of which. will appear Plate 22. • The Widths and Depths being reduc’d in to a regular Method, firfl: by fixing fome level Stakes round the Edge of the Pit, a; abed, Fig. 3, Plate 22. Thefe Stakes, 1 fay being thè exacl Level the Ground is to be a the Top of the Pit, brain the Line round and whenever you have a Mind to.find the Depths,. strain Lines crofs-ways likewife, 01. ■' * * 1 I * ßz?e 34.^/æT* • I --- - - -= ^ T’/ateJCm: \ w G I •• • for Ga rd En e rH Szc. 3 5 do it fighting a-crofs\ by which you will difcover the middle Stake R (Fig. 3, Plate 22) to be 6 Foot 31 Inches more or lefs. Suppo-fing then, you have taken the Depths, and reduc’d them as above, you are to fet out an exad Square in the Bottom, that will near touch ithe Irregularities quite round $ as fuppofe e f g h ^ by which Means, meafuring a-crofs at feveral Places at Pleafure, as at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9« 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, adding all thofe unequal Numbers together,; as you did in the Depths, and dividing them i by the Number of Dimenfions, fuppofe 16 more or lefs, the Queftion will Hand thus, 1 fuppofing it to be a Hollow, that muft be either reduc’d, or quite fill’d up. F. In. 150 6 long. 103 2 the mean Width, and 6 2 the mean Depth.3 6 ~ , Numerical Inflruttions See the Example, ; F. In. 150\r6 long* 1Q3 ^2 the mean Depth,' i’5c EÌ by 3 F... 450 ^jo.F. Jiy ico.F, 15.0:.' \ 50 F; by. 2 lit? .r.25 « o 103.F, by 6 In. 51 .6 màlny by 2 In., 1 h::. ‘ ! \ 155^6*77 -l; Bi)i>v r6*^2. the.mean Depth,. 15526by6F.deepc^3156 . 15526 by 2 In. 2587 .8 6 F. by 7 In. 3 . 6 7 In. by •/ . 1 Divide this 27)95747 • 3(3546 folid Yard?, by theNum- 147 ber of Feet 124 in a folid 167 Yard. ------- And this plainly appears to amount to 3546 folid Yards 5 which, if a Hollow, one would, if poflible, avoid filling $ as like-wife, if it be a Hill, and not in the Way: Suppofing you were to lay it into a regular Hollowfor Gard eners, &c. -37 Hollow of 145 Foot 6 Inches Jong, and 106 Foot 3 Inches wide, let us reckon how we fhall belt order our Matters, that it may be reduc’d into our intended Form, without the Expence of carrying any of it away, or bringing any more in to compleat our Level. Were the Sides of this Hollow perpendicular, the finding out a proper Depth would be the eafier ^ but, fince there are to beSlopes into the Hollow, it makes fome Rebate in the Difpofition, and Depth of the Hollow* At firft View, then, any Perfon of the leaf! Experience may fee, that this Hollow we have been fpeaking of, will be about 6 Foot deep 3 and, according to the common Allowance of three Foot horizontal to one Foot perpendicular, the Balls of the Slope of each Side will take up 18 Foot, and the fame at the Ends $ fuppofing you allow the fame Horizontal. This being rightly underflood, .we ought then to make our Computation from the Middle of one Slope, to the Middle of the other. Ton are then firji to multiply the Length by the Depth, and divide that by the Number of Feet contain din the great Hollow, 18 Foot at each Side and each End for the half Perpendicular of the Slopes , and it (lands thus : See D5 8 . Numerical Inflruftims See the Operation. 127 Foot by 8 Foot 127 Foot by 80 Foot 88 Foot by 6 Inches 127 Foot by 3 Inches F. r In. 127 2 .6 long: 88 .. 3 wide. 1016’ ; —* 1017 —: 44 — 3i .,'9 1 11261 . 10 The Sum of 11261 Feet being the fuperfi--C13I Content of this defign’d regular Hollow, t (the Inches being reje&ed,as of little Account) ( we are in the next Place to divide the Content of the irregular Hollow thereby, and I that will give the exad Depth. As for Example. 1126 i)95745(8TW-/r,which is above •? an Inch. 1 5659 And by this we fee, that this Pit we regularly reduc’d, is to be 8 Foot and a half deep; If it were to be a Hill that was to be reduc’d! into the fame Method and Figure, the fame:; Calculation would fuffice. 9f/^ Gardeners, &c. 39 Of the meafnring. of fuperficial Plans. In the Courfe of this Chapter, it will be proper to (hew the Method of moafuring all Sorts of fuperficial Figures a not fo much for its not being known,as for a Remem betance to all that pradife Gardening $ lincethefeThings, in a Multiplicity of Bulihefs, are apt to flip out of any Body’s Mind. - Now, it mull be conlider’d, that in Gardening, we have Occalion to take and calt up thefe Dimenlions two Ways a lirft, in the general Survey of a Landikip in Chains, Perches, &c. and them into Acres a and, in a fmaller Account, when thofe Figures are in Grafs Plats, into Feet and Inches, and from thence into Yards or Perches. Of both thefe Ways I fhall give Examples. Example I. Of a Square and Parallelogram in large Land-Meajure, Fig. 4, 5, Plate 23. Let A be a true Square, each Side being 10 Chains o Links. Multiply 10 Chains o Links, by 10 Chains o Links, and the Sum is iooooofo} from 'which cut off the five laft Figures, and there remain juft 10 Acres for the Square.Numerical Inftruttions Again, in the Parallelogram B, let the Side A B, or C D, be 20 Chains 5p Links and the Side A c, or b D, 10 Chains o Links. Multiply a b 20 Chains 50 Links, by a c 10 Chains o Links, and it makes 2050000 $ which is 20 Acres, 50000 $ but here being a Decimal Fraftion, by the cutting off the five Figures, we are (which there was no Occafion of in the laft Dimenfion) to multiply it by 4, and cut off five Figures, and the Figures above five are Roods. Again, to find the Perches, multiply by 40, and the Figures toward the left Hand, above five, are Perches. See the Operation: 20 50 10 00 Acres----- 20(500 00 4 Roods —— 2)00000 4? Perches— o| 00000 So that the full Sum is 20 Acres, 2 Roods, © Perches, How.for Gardeners, &c. 41 How in fnialler measuring in Gardening it is itfed as in the meafuring of Grafs Plats and other fuperficial Figures. Let A, then, be a true Square of 12 Foot 6 Inches 5 multiply 12 Foot 6 Inches by 12 Foot 6 Inches, and that gives the Content 156 Foot 3 Inches. See the Operation s 126 12 6 144 6 6 3 gg 3 Again, fuppofe in the Parallelogram B (Fig.5,Plate 23) the Sides a b, or C D, be 18 Foot 3 Inches, and the Width 12 Foot 6 Inches, as before: 18 3 12 6 186 3 916 198 1 6. the4 2- Numerical Infiruclions the Content is 198 Foot, 1 Inch, and 6 Parts $ . but thefe Parts we generally throw away, ex- -cept in fine Works. Of Triangles, {Fig. 3, Plate 2%.J The Content of a Triangle is known by multiplying half the Perpendicular by the whole Bafe, or, e contra, half the Bafe by the whole Perpendicular 5 but the Dimenfions are taken as the Nature of the Triangle is 5 and thofe three Kinds, in Fig. 6, give Light thereinto, being fuch as all Sorts of Triangles compofe. When you have,rhen,pitch’d upon the Bafe, (which in every one of thefe is A at Right Angles) thereto draw or fuppofe a prick’d Line to run up to the Angle oppofite to it, and that is the Perpendicular. See the calling up of one of them. In the firfl Triangle, the Bafe c d i$ 22 Chains, 50 Links $ and the Perpendicular f e is 3 Chains 50 Links. See it Rated. / } 11for Gardeners, &c. 43 ii 25 3 5o 56250 3375 Acres 3I93750 4 Rood g|75Cco *' 4°. • Perch. 3o(cccop and fo of all the reft. Now, if we apply this to Gardening, we fomfetimes have a Grafs-Plat of this Kind, or other fuch like 5 but the 3d is the Area of a Terrace-Walk, taken at the End. Suppofe it then to be the Horizontal Perpendicular and Hypoteneufe of a Terrace-Walk $ ' take, firft, the Bafe 6 Foot 4 Inches, and multiply it by half the Perpendicular of 15 Foot, which is 7 Foot 6 Inches, (for tho’ this, as will hereafter appear, is not near the exr2ft Proportion of this Work, yet it will ferve to demonftrate our Propofirion) and the Content will be 47 Foot 6 Inches:44 Numerical Inflruttions 7 6 6 4 42 2 4 3 o 2 Qf the general Ufe of Triangles, in me a [uring all Jlrait lind irregular Plans. (Figure the 7th, Plate the 23d.) It muft be here obferv’d, that a Triangle meafures all irregular Plats, either large or fmall, hy reducing the whole Piece into Tri~ angles, which Triangles are one of the three Jtinds laft mention’d, and muft be fo mea-fur’d, Suppofe that Fig. the ijth, Plate the 23d, be aq irregular Plan, with ftrait lin’d Sides and Angles (for as for circular or crooked Sides, it is taught in Fig. 2. Plate 23.) that is to be meafur’d in order to be levell’d, pr any other Work common in Gard’ning, and reduc’d into Feet, Inches, &c. and after that into Yards, fuperficial, or folid, or into fuperficial Perches 5 not taking any Notice in this Place of large Land-meafure, that being to follow Chapter of Jnftruments, Havingfor Gardeners, &c* 45 Having taken the Plan of it on Paper, reduce it into Triangles, by drawing Lines from one Length to another, and leaving no irregular Square in the whole Work* Being thus reduc’d into Triangles, you are to pitch upon proper Lines for your Bafe; fuch indeed are thofe that are oppofite to the wideft Angle, then let drop, or you may from thence fuppofe a perpendicular Line $ "your Work is juft ready to do as you did before, in the Example of Triangles. There are fome that advife the dividing and meafuring fuch Plats in the fame Manner you would do a Trapezium 3 but that is almoft the fame as this, tho’ not fo intelligible, nor indeed fo exact} I have therefore chofe this Way, tho’ it is fome-thing more Trouble : Yet, where two Perpendiculars have one common Bafe, as have the Diviftons b and c, i and L h and e, you may add both. Perpendiculars together, to fave Trouble, and fet them down, as in the Example. I need not farther repeat the Method of taking, or calling up the Dimenfions of this irregular Plat} but, in order to find the Content of the whole Field, I fuppofe the feveral Dimenfions, upon calling up, are as followi: F. In.4 6 Numerical Inflruäions . . u-' ,.’F. In..' a —. 96 5 b -> n;:::. *}~*57 7 * d^-—■ 76 IO 1 ƒ ----- 92 4 -----5 6 3 l 48 5 In all-------882 o Feet. 96 o Yards fuperficial. Now if you were to find the Content in Perches, you rauft divide it by 27 2t when in ]beet, as 882. , See the Example. . 272)882 0 (0 -yüBH • 66 : So that you fee the Content, is 3 Perches, and near a Quarter : This irregular Plat might be taken the fame Way as it is in the 2d Figure $ but I leave every one to chufe which they like beft. Let us now proceed to Polygonar, and Circular Figures.for G ARDEN ER S, &Tc. 47 To find the Content of a Circle, or any Tart thereof. To find the Content of a Circle, one Way is, after you know the Diameter, to work by the Rule of Three, and fay, as 7 is to 22, fo is the Diameter to the Circumference 5 and then you are to multiply half the Diameter by half the Circumference, to find the Content. But a better Way is to fquare the Diameter, and fay, as 14 is to 11, fo is the Square of the Diameter to the Content of the Circle. Suppofe, then, that the Diameter of the Circle A B, &c. Fig. 8. Plate the 23^, be 20 Foot, that 20 Foot multiply’d by itfelf, viz. 20 Foot, makes 400 5 fay then, as 14 is to n, fo is the 400 to the Content of this Circle. See the Work. 14 11 400 11 400 400 14)4400(314-1^ above | 20 60 4 So48 ’Numerical Inflruttions So that the Content is 314 Foot and above a Quarter. A Semicircle and Quadrant, or any Segment of a Circle, are meafur’d the fame Way that a whole Circle is, viz, half the Diameter, or Perpendicular, by half the Compafs; In the foregoing Circle, if you would know the Content of that little Piece D C B. the Arch D. B. is 78 Foot artd a Half, the half of it is 39 and a Quarter, which muitiply’d by 100, the Semidiameter gives 3925 for the Content, and fo of a Quadrant, &c. And it muff be noted that all thefe Figures are in Ufe in Gardenings w7e break Circles, Semicircles, and Quadrants out of our Squares, for the greater Diverhty and Ornament there^ ofy but, becaufe it would be a Trouble to find the Diameter of the Segment of a Circle at all Times, I (hall fhew How to find the Content of the Segment of d Circle, without knotting the Diameter* Let E F G be the Segment s the Subtenfe* or Chord-Line, is 1^0 Foot, the Perpendicular G H 50 Foot s now multiply ^ of the one by the whole of the other, and the Pro-dud: will be the Contents The-f of 170 Foot is near 113, which muitiply’d by 50, produces 5650 fuperficial Feet} and that is the Content of that Segmenr, Portion, ot Part of a Circle* ToI JSag» & / ✓ N for Card en e r s, Stc. 49 To find the fuperficial Content of an Oval. Thé common Way is to multiply the long ’ Diameter by the (horter, and from that Pro-fdud to extrad the Square-Root, which you rmaycalla mean Diameter^ and then, as if vyou were meafuring a Circle, fay, As 14 is to .11, fo is the mean Diameter to the Content of the Oval 3 but this is notex-iad. A better Way is 1. 27, that as 1 Trr is 1 to the Length of the Oval, fo is the Breadth >to the Content thereof. We may go nearer, cby making the Fradion larger, and fay, as 11,27324 is to the Length, fo is the Breadth to the Content: But the firft is near enough to our Purpofe in Gardening. Let an Oval, then, be 50 Foot long, and the Breadth, or fliorteft Diameter, be 37. Say as follows: - As 1.27. is to 50 fo is 37 to the Content.’ • 37 350 150 127)1850 ; 00(1466 580 720 850 88 Só Eyo Numerical Inflruttions ■ So that as 1.27 is to 50 the Length, fo < the,Breadth 37 is 1456 Foot, the Content. ~ The Reafon why I, have, in the Dividend of ' thk Sum, added two. Cyphers, is to make it e-qual, tftfhe two. FraBions in the Divi for } and> ’ this. I particularly advife the Reader of, be-' canfe he is not, perhaps, very wellfill'd in Decimal Divifion of Feet and Parts, by Feet and Parts. But if there had been five Figures in’ the Fradion of the Divifor, I fhould likewife; have added five Cyphers in the Dividend, to ballance it. And thus much of circular Figures. '• (. . Harp I toi find the fu per fidai Content of regular Polygons, as Pentagons, Hexagons, Hepta-gons, &\Ct “ Multiply half the Sum of the :Sides by a: Perpendicular let fall from the Center upon ; oneifif the. Sides,; and thè Produdiwill be the : Area, or fuperficial Content of the Polygon. In the following, the Sides B C fuppofe to be 84 Foot, the Sum of the Sides 5, the: Work will fiand thus : The Half of 420, which is theProdudof 84 by 5, is 210} and this 2.10 multiply’d by 56 Foot, the Semi-diameter, : or, as it is generally here call’d, the Perpendicular, gives 11760 Square Foot for the’Content thereof. And this Way will mcafure any Figure,let it be 1 1 6>for Gardeners, Sic. . 51 6, 7» 8, 9, 10, or more Sides 5 fo that I need not enlarge more on it. I ftiall only give one Example more of Compound Figures, which are us’d very much with us in Gardening. ‘ Let it be Figure the 10th, Plate the 23d, compos’d of a Square and a Semi-circle at each End. Having already taught how to meafure a Square and a Semi-circle, there is the lefs Occafion to enlarge here. Firft meafure the Square, and then the two Semi-circles, and adding them together, it gives the Content. Thus the Length a b, -or c d, 10c Foot, snultiply’d by a c, or b d, 60 is 6co, and the Serai-circles 196 Foot, make in all 796 Foot fuperficial in the Area of that Compound Fi-gure. 1 fhall now finifli this Chapter with a fliort Sketch of a Meafuring-Book Abftrad, and of a Bill, or Computation of Work to be done by any Gardener, &c. which are the original Foundation of Minutes for a Bill, or Contra#, and for the Scheme and Schedule thereto commonly annex’d. You are then, upon the Paper, if it be for an Eftimate, or upon the Ground, if the Work be done, and it be a Bill, and not an Eftimate, to meafure the Length arid Breadth of every Particular 5 and caft up, and place all the Dimenfions in a corred Method, that you may the eafier abftra# them into general E 2 Heads,<$z Numerical Infer uttions Heads, and caft them up into a Bill; You ate iikewife to place the Sketch, or Draught of the principal Part of your Garden upon a very lmall Scale, (Vide Plate 22) that thereon you may place Letters to refer to upon a-ny Occàfion, and to demonftrate the Place where fuch Work was done, and the feveral Diftances that Earth was mov’d $ for other-wife, fhould there happen to be a Suit of Law, (which is the Cafe too often) the Matter can t be fo well underftood. The Nature of a Meafuring-Book. Firft divide your'Octavo Leaf into fix Parts, or Folds, one whereof is for the Margin, one for the Dimenfion taken, one for the Contents, and the other to explain the Place and Diftance of every particular Work. This being done, title your Book thus : Sept. 14, 1714. The Menfuration of feve-rai Works done (or to be done) for the Right Honourable the E— of--------, at Belleau in Com. Line, The Earth fleec’d off the"j Plan of the Courts Building, p j and Terrace-Walks,and cart- ! ^-1 p, ed to a Leftal at A, the mean , Diftance of carting being 0 0 °y ' from B to A, Plate 23, Fig. 10 1, iooc> Foot. I. o Thefor Gardeners, The levelling and car-1 ying away of the hilly p Ground from the Lawn | / at N, Fig. 2, Plate 22, ^ to the Terraces on each j p| Side the mean Diftance, I j 00 Foot:. J The filling up a largel Pit in the Garden markt P, with Clay dug, and j brought from the Foun- f* dations of the Houfe, the mean Diflance being 100 Foot. 150 103 6 The rough levelling of the twp Courts L and N. (2)200 100 The rough levelling! 220 the Garden mark’d M, /» 107 Fig. 1, Plate 23. J 1 The rough levelling) of the great Court be-C 2 3° fore the Houfe Nor:b-C 210 voard) mark’d B. d The rough levelling) of the great Terrace-C Walk oh the South Sidef of the Houfe, mark’d 0.) 640 100 j 3 . : *3 l 0} F. L o > 86400 o 95745 1 64000,0 38940,0 120750 o 94000 o The54 Numerical InflruElions The rough levelling of the upper Parterre1 on the South Side of the Houfe, mark’d Q. The rough levelling^ the lower Lawn,or Par-( terre, on the South Side( of the Houfe, mark’d R. - The trenching the Quarters mark’d S S, &c. and throwing the) Mold out of the Walks\ two Spit deep. The earthing,raking,) and turfing the Par-((2)2io 07 terre Quarters, mark’d^ 70 o5 aaaa. ) F. 1 240 o'] > F. I; 200 0 1 60 > 72000 0 250 o'] 180 0 > 45000 0 1 0^ ) ,(2)600 O-J 180 Oj >216000 0 29400 The earthing,raking, 1 and turfing the Lawn,C or lower Parterre of( Grafs. > 250 01 1800/450000 The turfing the Side*) ✓ Terrace-Walks, mark’d 86800 o bbb. The middle Gravel--) 240007 |H_________ Walk. > 40 oJ 96000 0 The55 for Gardeners, &c. F. i. The gravelling the-i 640 en great Terrace. S 40 oj F. I. 25600 o The Gravel-Walkat the lower End of the Parterre. Î 640 ol 30 oj* 19200 o The Walk at each-} 200 01 > End of the Parterre.; S 30 oi* 000 °- There are many other Dimenfions. that occur in an Undertaking } but thefe, I think, are fufficienr Specimens of what I would pretend to teach by this Se&iom. I (hall now proceed to abftrad thofe Dimenfions into general Heads $ wherein I muff obferve, that all Dimenfions of Clay, or any other Material in Gardening, are brought into one ' Head, if the Diftance of Carriage be the fame 5 as is alfo roygh levelling, turfing, &c. when they are of one and the fame Kind. Divide, then, a Page; or Pages, at the End of your Book, into fix Folds, one more, or lefs may do, but fo as they may contain the Contents of any of the foregoing Dimenfions, and proceed thus, beginning at the Beginning of your Dimenfions, gf 4»An Al^sT PvACT of the fever nl Particulars of this Menfuration. Mold dug and carted, 1000 F. F. J. 8726 0 Rough levelling. F. I. 38940 0 120750 0 94000 0 72000 0 .45000 0 r Trenching. F. I. 216000 0 Earthing, raking, and turfing. F. I. 29400 0 45000 0 86800 0 323folidYards 24000 0Yards fuperficial. CqarfeEarthand Clay dug and mov’d, ioo:F. 86400 0 95745 0 -794 v or, 4362 Perches fuperficial. 378690 0 161.200 0 14029 folid Yards. 9.922 .Yards.] or, 597 Perches. 182145 0 6746 fol.Yds. Gravel-Walks. F. I. 96oco o 25600 o 19200 o 60co o 146800 o 540 0 fil- '*n o\ Numerical Inftruttionsfor Gardeners, Src. yt The feverai Sums being thus brought inrp proper Head*, tneie Meads st the Articles for an Eft inn te, or Bill, and, after tha% for Articles 5 and, as ioon as they are plac'd in Older, and (aft (as before) the Contents in Feet E then given 5 and then, being divided, is brought into folid or fuptrficiai Yards, or into Perches 5 which three Meafures are, for the moft Part, what the Gardeners reduce their Work to ^ and for that Reafon I fhalj here fubjoin a Table, viz. 9 Foot is a fuperficial or fquare Yard. 27 Foot is a folid Yard. 272 Foot ~ a fuperficial P rch. As for folid Perches we ftlff them not. There are, indeed, in feveral Counties of England, Meafures that differ from thefe already nam’d $ the North Country Fall,or Rood, is 7 Yards, or 21 Foot, and that a fourth Part of their Acre, as they call it, viz. 28 Yards5 bur there is little Occafion for me to fun into thefe Divifions, fince they areeafily brought to bear with thofe afore-mention’d. Of a Bill, or EJlimate. A Bill, or Eftimate, depepds on the Nature of the Earth, or Clay, &c. you have to work on, and on the JDiftance you move it 5 as for Depths, they are adjufled in calling np the Diraenfions 5 and as for the Diftance5 8 Numerical Inflruttions of Carriage, when we fay a mean Diftance, *tis a Length taken from the Middle of the Place where we take it from, to the Middle of the Place where we carry it to. The Form of a Billy or EJUmate. A Bill of feveral Works done for the Right Honourable the E— of------------, at Belleau in Com. Line, 1715. For 323 folid Yards of good" Mold, fleec’d off from the Surface of the Buildings, Court-Yards, &c. and carry’d to a Ler • ftal 1000 Foot Diftance, at 8d. per Yard. -----------------------^ /. s. 10 14 d. 8 For 6746 folid Yards of coarfe'" Earth and Clay, dug out of the Foundations of the Houfe, and other Places, and. carry’d to a large Pit in the Wefi Court, and [>224 17 4 to raife the Terraces at each Side of the Parterre 5 the mean Diftance of carting being iooFoot, at 8d. per Yard. *-------*----_ For 14029 folid Yards of} Ground rough levelPd, and fomeC ^ g of it carry’d 20, 30, or 40 Footf Diftance, at 2 d. i per Yard.— ) Forfor Gardeners, &c. $9 For 794 Perches and an half\ /. j. d. fuperficial of trenching at two£ Spit deep, leaving the Crumbs,/ *3 4 10 at j^d.per Perch.—?——-—;—) For 597 Perches of Turf, or \ Swath-Grafs, (jaid down at the/ 'Work) accounting molding, ra^ 24 17 6 king, laying, and cutting it, atl jos. per Perch. ----• ------j For fpreading, laying, raking, ^ and rolling fix times over of 540/ 'perches of Gravel, at 6d. per> 13 10 o Perch, the Gravel being ready! dug and carted. •--------- —J I might in this very Se&ion have been very large and copious $ but I could not fee the 'Necellity of it, feeing thefe fmall Intimati-!pns will be fufficient for any Perfon that has any Thing of a Genius $ as for thofe that rhave not, though they are Gardeners, other fiKind of Works are more proper for them 5 To I proceed to the next Chapter of this Trea-tife, viz, Injirumetital lnjlruftions for Garde-| nets. CHAR6o , Injlrumental Inflruttions CHAP. III. Of the Ufe of Surveying:» Inst rumen ts. $ Sr $ * s- * Sr I Sr Sr * Sr Sr Sr * Sr if Sr Sr * Sr Sr Sr« Sr Sr * Sr Sr St Sr Sr $ Jr Gunter’* Clw/#. $. i. H I S is the Chain that is genets ^1^1 ra^y ma^e Ufe of by Survey—1 ors, and contains in Length fourr Poles, or 66 Feet, and is divi-i ded into ioo Links $ each Link is therefore} Inches. This Chain is, for greater Eafe.} in reckoning, divided into ten Parts, by proper Brafles, denoting to, < 20, ^o-, 40, 50: Links, and back again from 50 to,jo Links. ; UH ... ,y. • The Surveying Scales. Fig. i."] r |'' H E Scale more particularly ■ X adapted to Surveying, is on one Side divided into (ix equal Parts, each of which Parts anfwers to a Gu?iters Chain of 100 Links: At the End of this Scale is an equal i  » \ / cf Ïip.H . O / S / m 0 J. ra fc erf ' (ryu ru .y arfs -72^ , à*J. lbo I----- loo o o o 6 o .5 o So t. 7o 1 ON 0 ~*3T o _rl io 1 3o ij ZO 1 lo 1C )o q o 8 o J7 o 6 o 5 o *j O 3 O alo 1 o Jo 1 --■ 1 “T - - L— -TJ -, 1 — —___— r L J U U : ■ : Li ! o 3 o o o xm ~T Mill lTTTT 8 o y o * 6 O s o 1 o ' 3 o alo ljo 1 „ . . - - - - - 1 1 Ll-i 1 i_L ! M ! ÄÜ b %for Gardeners, &d; 6t qual Part, divided by Diagonal Lines into1 ;n Parts each of which correfpond with the Jivifionsof ten Links in the Chain. This iubdivifion is number’d on the Sides, 2, 4," i,r 8, and in the fame Manner on Top. If ou imagine the Top Figures to denote Units,, nd thofe on the Side Tens, ’tis then plain, hat, if the Compafies be extended from the ^oint where the fixth Line interfeds that no-ed 3, to the Point where the Line denoting rex is interfeded by the fa id 6 th Line, that Diftance fhall be three Chains, 76 Links." This appears yet more plainly by the Dots . hade in each Point. Thofe who would projed* 1 Field in a fourth Part of the Compafs by which it might be laid down by the aforefaid Scale, may lay the other Edge of it before them, where they may fee the five former Divifions divided into 10, and at the End one of them Decimally divided, as one of the other was : For Example, If you would take the Diftance of 7 Chains, 52 Links, extend the Compafies from the Point where the 2d Line interfeds the 7th, to the Point where the Line denoting $0 is interfeded by the faid 7th Line. This appears plainer flili by thé Dots. . > „ Fig. 2.3 There are alfo other Lines of equal Parts, which may be us’d in Surveying/ q$Fig.2$ One of them is divided into 180 Parts, and has before it a Part Decimally divi-‘ dedj and it is figur’d 30, intimating that 30 of thofe Decimal Parts are equal to an Inch.! HenceSi Inftrumental Inftruttions Hence the Line is call’d the Line of 30 in ar Inch. Thefe Lines maybe made Ufe of where yor have a large Piece of Ground to protrad, be-caufe each Divifion is equal to 10 Yards; Fest, or Chains, &c. Thus you fee, that th* Meafure of 20 Chains, 60 Links, extends froit; the Dot on 20 to the 6th Divifion in the Pam Decimally divided. Bur, as thefe Lines are more immediately ufeful in laying down anc mea Turing Lines for Triangles, I pafs their, over,! with this farther Remark, That againfi the other three Lines are figur’d 24, 20, 16, denoting that one of their-Parts is decimally divided to 24, 20, 16 Parts in an Inch. PRO'TRACTORS. Fig;. 3. /“T“'HESE Inftruments are of twc*. J. Sorts: one reprefents a Semicircle, or half Theodolite 5 the other, a Pa-, rallelogram,- or long Square. The Protrador reprefenting a Semicircle, is! divided in the Limb, or Semicircle, into 18c* equal Parts, or Degrees 5 thofe Degrees are number’d backwards and forwards, from T to x8o, in two Semicircles ^ the Center of thefe* Divifions is a little Notch, or Hole, made in the Line paflifig thro’ the 'two Points of 180* Degrees 5 . and therefore ’tis eafy to imagine, that the two feraicircular Divifions reprefent» •s N. \ jl « *■ ✓ I < ) hfor Gardeners, &c. 6y the whole Theodolite 5 and the three Points of 90 and 180 Degrees, by moving the Inftru-ment about its Center, may give the four Car-, dinal Points of Eaft, South, Weft, and North, ad libitum. Within the two Semicircles is a third, having feveral Divifions number’d from the Point of 90, on both Sides 4, 5, 6, &c. to 12. Their Ufe is for the ready Divifion of a Circle into 4, 5, or 6 Parts, &c. Fig. 4. Let ADB be the Semicircle, ACB its Diameter, C the Central Point. On C B I would make an Angle of 60 Deg. *tis eafy to fee that the Diameter of the Jnftrument muft be plac’d on C B, and its Center at the Point of the Angle 5; if you count 60 Degrees from B, and prick ’em off in your Papery and thro- C, and that (mail Hole, draw C 60 5 60 C B fliall be an Angle of 60 Degrees, if you would have the fame Angle to the left of your In-ftrument, it remaining in the fame Pofture, prick off 60 Degrees from A, and draw C D. But where the, Theodolite gives the Angle in another Circle AB B, ’tis alfoeafy to fee that ACB represents the Diameter of the Inftrument, and A E B the Semicircle $ and, admitting,the Index of the Theodolite cut 240 Degrees, reckon’d frpm A, that Quantity be-, ing 60 Degrees above a Semicircle ADB5, prick off 60 Degrees, reckon’d from B or A, (according to the Circumftance of your Work) and draw C F, or C G. If64 inflrumental inftrufoiohs If you would divide a Circle, fuppofe in'td fix Parts, the Diameter of tile Inftrument being laid on any Line, A C B, and its Center oh C, prick ah Hole againft the two Divifi-ons noted 6, on both Sides, and’tis done. The Plain Table. THIS Inftrument is ufually 15 Itiches. long, and 12 broad, and is made to fix on three Legs, by a Ball and Socket fitted to a Nofil in the Table. On the jointed Frame on both Sides of it are feveral Lines. On one Side the Line', next the Table, is an Inch-Di-; vifion^ the next, a Tangent Line, Confifting of 4 Ninety’s, cent’ring in the Brafs Hole in tlie Middle of the Inftrument } and the outers mod: Line is alfo a Tangent Line, divided into'360 Parts or Degrees, and each 10 Degrees to'3o Minutes 5 and has the fame Center as-the preceding Line.1 On the other Side of the jointed Frame, the Divifion next the Inftru-ment, is alfo anTnch-Divifion,' decimally divided t and the two next are Tangent Lines, Confiding of 180 Degrees, andtheoutermoft; of them decimally divided, : and each Degree into two thirty’s of Minutes. : Thefe Lines' have for their Center a Brafs Hole, inclining to a Side of the Tables and therefore in the Ufe of them, the Frjme mtift be fo plac’d, that a Line pafling from the Beginning to befor G AR D E NE R &G 6 $ End of tHem, fhall alfo cut the faid Brafs Hole. Box and Needle. To one of the Sides of the Inftrument is fix’d a Box, with a Chart containing a circular Divifion of 360 Degrees, fubdivided into the 32 Rhumbs, or Points of the Compafs, and againft each Point is its Name. The magnetic Needle plays on a Pin in the Center of the Chart. This Needle, when well touch’d by the Load-ftone, always regarding the North and South Points 5 you are therefore to move your inftrument about, ’til you obferve the Needle to hang over the North and South Line of the Chart, and then is your Table due Eaft and Weft, North and South. The Inftrument being thus truly plac’d,you are then enabled to take the Number of Degrees, which any Object makes with your Center in the Inftrment, and to protrad them at any Time, in Cafe the Weather be bad when you Survey. The Index. ’Tis a Piece of Wood of two Foot long, and about one Inch broad, having a fiducial Edge, for better drawing Lines with Inky to each End belongs a perpendicular Sight, for cutting Objeds with, and finding Angles. On this Inftrument are ufually 4aid down Lines of Chords to two Radiiy arid next thofe, Lines F of66 infir mental InftruBions of equal Parts* fuch as we have defcrib*d $ : and next them a Surveying Scale, fuch an one y as is alfo defcrib’d. The Edge of this Inftru- ; ment is to go thro* the Centers before fpoked i of, or any affign’d Center on the Table. ’ ‘ ; The Ufe of the Plain Table. The Figure that is moft ufually produced, j on taking a Survey, is an irregular Polygon* i having no Side parallel to its Oppolite, not i any Side or Angle, correfponding with any o- -( ther Side or Angle, and is call’d a Trapezium, a Fig. 5. Let the irregular Polygon orTra--. pezium A B C D, be a Field to be furvey’d* J Place your Table horizontally, (or parallel with the Earth) in any Part of the 3 Feild, as at E^ fo that ftanding there, you j can fee to each Angle A B C D 5 having a 3 Sheet of clean Paper on your Table, and aflu--i ming any Point thereon, imagine it E, in E B fix a Pin, and placing the Edge of the Index clofe thereto, dired your Sights to Angle A, / and then draw the occult Line E A 5 do fo f by the other Angles, and draw E B, E C, and : ~E D. This being done, let two Perfons fet ; out with the Chain from E towards A, the 1 Foremoft provided with fix^ or more,fharpen’d!' Sticks or Irons of a Foot long each, and let; 3 them meafure E A thus. Caufe the foremoft; 1 Perfon to go one Extent of the Chain * fuppofe 1 to;:Tig-.V. :sr B V« I I * » f I \for Gardeners, &c* 67 tb E, let him move about to the right or left, ’til you Handing at your InHrument, and looking thro’ the Sights to A 5 obferve the Man to come to Poinr 6, in the Line E E O being one Chain, let him place a Stick there, and proceed on towards A, imagine to H, where being Hopp’d by the hinder Perfon’s Arrival at G, let the hinder Perfon take up the Stick, and being brought as before to I, in Line E A 5 let him place a Stick, the hinder-tnoH Perfon takes up the Stick at G, and then fuffers the foremoH to proceed A 5 which is another Ghain’s Length, fo that E G, G I, and I A, are juH three Chains. Set againH A, Column-wife in this Manner three Chains. Angles Meafures. Ch. Lines. A 3 B 2 14 C 2 51 D I 90 Lines E B, E C, and E D, being meafur’d in the fame Manner, fuppofe E B 2 Ch. 14. Li. EC 2 Ch. 51. Li. and E D 1 Ch. 90 Li. Tabulate them as above. Now repair to your Surveying Scale, and, as has been taught, take off 3 Chains, and fet that Diftance from E to A j fet 2 Ch. 14 Li. from E to B, and draw A B $ fet 2 Ch. 51. F 2 Li.68 . Instrumental Inflruttions Li. from E to C, and i Ch. 90 Li. from E to D, and draw B C, C D, and D A. Laft-ly, dire&ing the Sights, the Edge of the Ruler on E, to the Middle of the Gate of the Field} draw E K, and on A D, draw the Gate at K : In the fame Manner may any other ob-fervable in the Hedges be laid down. To find the Content of this Trapezium. From the two Angles mod remote from each other, A C, draw the Bafe Line A C, take : it in your Compares, and fetting it on your Scale, ’twill reach from the Point of 5 Chains j to the Point of 25 Links amongft the Diago- ■ nals. Set 5 Chains, 25 Links on A C, draw B S, and D S, perpendicular to A C } B S taken from the Scale is, 1 Ch. 25 Li. and D S is alfo 2 Ch. 56 Li. To find the Content of this Field. Multiply half the Bafe A C, by the Sum of the two Perpendiculars 3 S, and S D, without having any Regard to their being Decimals, and. cutting off 5 Figures of the Produd to the right (becaufe i,ococo fquare Links, makes^ an Acre) the remaining Figures are Acres; Multiply thofe 5 Figures by 4, (4 PoJes being an Acre) and cutting off 5 Figures, as before, the remaining Figures are Roods} multiply thofe 5 Figures by 40, cutting off $ Fi- ' guresfor Gardeners, &c. 69 gures as before, and the remaining Figures are Perches. Operation. Bafe AC — $ 25 Perpendicularsr i 2 5 B S •----------------. I2 56DS i. — 2 6? ----- ■ 3-'8t . 2 62 762 & 2286 762 . Jf Acres . 95825 , 4\, . Roods 3)99288 :; .4° Perches 39171520' So that the fuperficial Content of the Trapezium, is o Acres, 3 Roods, 39 Perches, TV of a Perch. If you would know the North and South Lines of this Field, - The Inftrument remaining in Point E, place the Table, fo that the Needle hang direcfly over the Points of North and South in the Box, then is the Table in the.fame Pofition* and if,thro’ Point E, you by the Help of any Line, on the Frame draw a Line parallel to that Line, it (hall al-fo lie parallel with the Needle, and be the F 3 true7 o Inftrument al Inflruttions truc North and South Line 5 to this Line at right Angles, at Point E draw another Line, for the Line of Eaft and Weft. 3§fl mPpRpmmw osi ^ i The Theodolite, AS thé Horizon (which is a great Circle of the Sphere) is, according to the beft of Oblervations, divifible into 360 equal Parts call’d Degrees, each Degree containing 60 0-ther Parts call’d Minutes: So the Theodolite is a round Inftrument, reprefenting the Horizon, and divided into 360 Degrees number’d at every tenth Degree, and each Degree fub-divided into Halves and Quarters anfwering to 30 and 15 Minutes. It has two Diameters crof-fing each other at right Angles,whofe Extremities reprefent the 4 Cardinals Points N. E. S. W. On the Center of thefe plays a moveable Diameter, whofe Ufe is to give any intermediate Number of Degrees, with one of the fix’d Diameters, where the Quantity is lefs, or more than 90. The Line,which reprefents North and South, paffes thro’ the Points of 180 and 360, and that Line (and, confequently, the Inftrument) is rightly plac’d,, when, by moving about the Inftrument, the Needle in the Box plac’d in the Center, lies on the fame Points. To the fix’d Diameter, cutting into 180 and 360 Degrees, and to the moveable one (which for the Future we will call 7he Index) arsfor GA RDENERS,: &C. 71 are fix’d perpendicular Sights for cutting Ob-Objeds. The whole Inftrument is fuftain’d, as a plain Table is, and its Ufe follows in the Survey of Field A BCD, preceding. Place the Inftrument at Point E, the Index lying on the Diameter, cutting 180 and 360 Degrees, and turn it about horizontally,, ’til the Needle hang dqe North and South, and the two fix’d Diameters ftiall then anfwer the Lines N. S. and W. E, Meaftire from Station E> *0 the four Angles, ■as has been taught, then diredf the Sights of the Index to Point A, which will cut 6 Deg. 30 Min. (reckon’d from the Weft Point of the central Line of the Diameter, representing, §. and W.) Point B will cut 69 Deg. reckon’d from the aforefaid Pointy Point C will cut 151 Deg, 30 Min. reckon’d from the fame Point 5 but Point D will cut 95 Deg, which,being in another Semicircle, you are therefore to reckon from the Point of Eaft in the Inftru,-ment. • Thefe Sides and Angles being thus found, your Field-Book will Hand as follows, . Angles D. M. 1 C. L. A B C /lit D 6 69 151 95 30 30 3 2 2 1 14 5i 90 F 4 From72 **' Instrumental Inflru5lions From whence plot your Field, in this Manner. In any Part of your Paper draw a Line N S, for your North and South Line, or Meridian Line 5 crofs it, at right Angles, in any Point, let it be at Point E, and draw the Line W E for your Eaft and Weft Line} fo ftiall thofe two Lines reprefent the two fix’d Diameters of the Inftrument.' On W E lay the Diameter of the Protractor, with its Center onE, (the Point of meeting of . the two Lines'N S and WE) Angle A being 6 Degrees. go Minutes } make a Dot” in the Paper, againft that Quantity, and from Point E, thro’ that Dor, draw an occult Line E A at Pleafure, diftance E A, being g Ch. fet •g Ch from E A} Angle B is 69 Deg. which prick off your Protrador, and dralw the occult line E-B, which being 2 Ch. 14 Li. fet that Quantity from E to B, and draw A B} Angle C being 151 Deg. 30 Min. prick: it off, and draw EC, which being 2 Ch. 5r Li. fet that Quant.from E to C,and draw B C} Ang.D is 95 Deg.. which being in another Semicircle, place your Protrador on W. E. with the Semicircle downwards, and pricking off 95 Deg. draw the occult Line E D, which being 1 Ch. 90 Li. fet it off from E to D, and draw A D. This Survey imagines the Field to be a Level, but in Regard the Surveyor may be to feek when he meets with an. hilly ope, let A B C D be fuch a Feild, and therein; the Hill O. Fig. VI. Place/at, Cl, JL St < 7 ' 7; ïir.vj.. ofor G A R D E N E RS, &C. 7 5 Place the Inftrument in any Angle thereof, A, and the Needle regarding North and South j let the Index cut a Mark at B, in 47 Deg. N. E. (reckon‘d from the North Point in the Inftrument.) Meafure A B. 6 Ch. 3$ Li. Meafure alfo to the Foot of the Hill A g 3 Ch. 35 Li. cut a Man, or Mark, at g, in .70 Deg. N. E. Your Inftrument at B, the Index cuts C in 85 Deg. 30 Min. S. E. (from the South Point of the Inftrument) meafure BC 1 Ch. 56 Li. meafure B s 6 5 Li. cut a Man at S, in 15 Deg. 30 Min. I E. The Inftrument at C, the Index cuts a Man at D, in 17 Deg. 30 Mim S. E. (frdiri the South Point of the Inftrument )i. meafure t CD 4G1. 10 Li. meafure C W 85 Li, cut a'Man at w, in 41 Deg. S. W. Meafure D A .7 Ch. 44 Li. meafure D u 1 Ch. 72 Li. cut a Man at u, in 5$ Degrees N. W. .U: . 5 I si From whence this is your Field-Book.* os D.M. 3a e-i Zr_ %■ Y> C.L. Offet's to the Hill C.L. D.M. Bear., A B C D 471 85 17 3° 1 NE SE SE AB BC CD Ida 6 1 4 7 35 5° IO 44 A g B s Cw 1 Du 3 1 H 00 On^k) 1 k> vyi vyi 1 70 15 41 55 30 mm SE S W N W74 • Inflrumental InftrptSlms YrotraElion of this Work, Draw an Eaft and Weft Line, A R, at Plea fare $ place the Diameter of the Protra&or: therein, and its Center on any Point therein! A: prick off 47 Deg. (reckon’d from the: Point of 90 Degrees in the Inftrnment) N. E, land draw A B : fet 6 Ch. 35 Li. from A to B. Make an Eaft, and Weft Line to run thrb’ B, place the Diameter thereon, and its Center jn B: prick off 85 Degrees 30 Minutes (reckon’d from the Point of 90 Degrees, S. E.) and dratSrBC} fet i Ch. 50 Li. from B to C. :: Make an Eaft and Weft Line to run thro* C, pUge ihe Diameter thereon, and its Center on Gf/prickoff 17 Degrees 30 Minutes, (reckon’d from the Point of 90 Degres ? S. E.) and draw. C D: fet 4 Ch. 10 Li. from CtoD. Dri\fr D A ofiCourfe, which will appear to be 7 Ch. 44 Li. Thus have, you the Shape of the Field, and, in Order to get that of the Hill, the Inftru-ment being in Pojnt A, the Bearing to g, the Foot of the Hill, was 70 Degrees N. E. which prick off, and draw A g $ fet 3 Ch. 35 Lines from A to g, the- other Points, S w u, being found as eafily by referring to the Field-book. I make the Foot of the Hill to run through gS wu, and (hadow it, as in the Figure,.to denote that it is an Hill. ' * ! f; Tofor Gardeners, &c. 7 $ To find the Contents of this Field, draw the Bafe-Line A C 7 Ch. 45, and Perpendiculars B w 95 Li. D w 3 Ch. 95 Ll arid then the Work will ftand as follows: Safe AC — 7 45 pernfG 95 B w ----- p,*-3 95 Dw t 3 73 «----- 4 9° 3 72 980 3430 1470 Acre 1)82280 . 4 Roods 3)29120 40 Perches 11)64800 The aforefaid Method of finding the Shape of a Field, by going about \he fame, being of great Ufe, 1 advife the Surveyor to note it well. T*75 rijtfuM'ericdl Infiru5iions ‘ To plot a Field, whofe Lar^enefs and Irregularity will not permit move it about, *tilj cut. a Mark or Perfon Handing at G, and there fcrewing it faft, ’tis prepar’d for taking the reft of the Field. Dired your Index and Sights to D, and draw R D, meafure R D 2 ch. 50 li. 3 cut Angle E, and draw R E, meafure RE 1 ch. 83 li.3 cut F, and draw RF, meafure RF 3 ch.Fig*. VII. . :x% % for Gard£NERS,.M 77 q5 li. Now draw CD, DE, EF, and the Shape of the Field appears. This Figure is divifible into the Trapezium ABC F, by the Cine C F, and the Refidue into the Triangle F D E, by the fame Line. : Draw the Bafe-Line B F, which on your Scale is 5 ch. io li. : draw the Perpendicur lar C CL, which is i ch. 85 li.: draw the Perpendicular A O, which is 2 ch. 87 li. 5 fet thefe feveral Diftances on their proper Lines. As for the Triangle F D E, its Bafe is always its longeft Side F D, F D is on the Scales 5 ch. 5' li. * from E draw the ;■ Perpendicular E K, which is 3 ch. $ fet thefe Diftances on their proper Lines. They who are curious to fee the Entries of thefe Diftances into the Field-Book, may take it as follows: Angles. 1 Meafures. ift G atG C. L. A 2 93 B 2 6 5 C 2 8 F 2 47 2d © at R Stationary Diftance. 3 ch. 46 li. D 2 5o E 1 83 F 3 25 To78 Inflruniëritai Injlruftions To find the Côritent of this Field; As in Trapezia we multiply half the’ Bafe by the Sum of the two Perpendiculars, fo in Triangles, F D E, we multiply the Bafe F D by the Perpendicular E K, and take half the Produit for its fuperficial Content. i , Here note, that, where a Field con fills of two or more Trapezia, and Triangles, yoü muft make a feparate Work for each, and the Sum of thofe Operations will be the Content of the Field. See the Work of the Field before us : Trapezium-Bafe B F 5 id p , f2 87 AO ----- pHi 85 C(X i 2 55 ---- 4 72 2 55 2360 2360 944 Acre 1)20360 • ' : 4 Roods 0)81440 40 Perches 32)57600 Trianglefor Gardeners, &c. 79 Triangle — Bafe F D 5 5 Perp.EK? 30 30 Acres 1650 4 Roods 6600 40 Perches 2)64000 dcre.Roods.Rerc* Content of the {?raPez|um- 1 0 % ' 11 riangle—■— op 2 Content of the whole Fields ABCDE Eg-------------J 1 f 34 Theodolite.; Place the Inftrument at firft Station G, the Index on the Diameter cutting 180 and 360 Degrees, and the Needle on the ; Line of North and South} meafure from Station G to Angles A B C F, as has been taught} then dired the Index to A, and it will cujt 6 Deg. (reckon’d from the Weft Point of the Inftrument) to B 77 Deg. to C 177 Deg. and to F 70 Deg. 30 Min. which being in another Semicircle, muft be reckon’d from the Point of Eaft in ,the Inftrument. Thus much for the Trapezium, now for the Triangle.f| a The86 Inflrumental Inftfuttimi The fecond Station being R, I alfo dired the Index to R, which cuts 6 Degrees, which, being in the lower Semicircle, mull be reck-kon’d from the Point of Eaft. The Inftru* ment being at R, move the whole Inftrument,, (not the Index) ’til the Needle hang over the:; North and South Line, as before $ direct the: Index to D, and it will cut 86 Deg. to E 179* Deg. and to F 145 Deg. (which being in ano^ ther Semicircle, mull be reckon’d from the Point of Eaft in the Inftrument.) From whence your Entries in the Field-Book will ftand as follows: Angles. D. M c. L ift O at G A 6 — 2 93 B 77 — 2 65 C 177 — 2 8 F 70 30 2 47 Stationary Declina- tion — 6 .—. Stationary Diftance— 3 4^ D 86 —: 2 59 E 179 — 1 83 F J45 — 1 25 From whence protrad the Field in this Manner: In any Part of your Paper draw a LineN S, for your North and South Line, orfor Gardeners, Sïc. 2i •or Meridian Line of the Trapezium 3 crofs it at right Angles in any Point, let it be at Point G, and draw the Line W E for your i Eaft and Weft Line: On W E lay the Diameter of the Protraftor, with its Center on G, Angle A being 6 Degrees, B 77 Degrees, C i77Degrees3 prick them off, and draw G ■ A, GB, G C 3 but Angle F being in another . Semicircle, place the Semicircle downwards . on W E , prick off 70 Degrees 30 Minutes, and draw G F 3 at the fame Time draw the ; , ftationary Declination 6 Degrees, and draw G R. On G A fet off 2 ch. 93 li.3 ón G B 5 ch. 10 li. and draw A B; on G C 2 ch. 8 li. and draw B C 5 and on G F 2 ch. 47 li. and draw F A. The ftationary Diftance being 3 ch. 46 li. fet it from G to R, in which Point R drawing a new Meridian Line N S, crofs’d at right Angies in Point R, with the new Eaft: and Weft Line W E 3 on W E place your Pro-traffor with the Center of its Diameter on R, Angle D being 86 Degrees, E 179 Degrees 3 I prick them off, and draw RD, R É3 Angle F being in another Semicircle, place the Semicircle downwards, and then prick off Angle F 145 Degrees, and draw offR F: On R D fet off 2 ch. 50 ii. 3 on RE 1 th. 83 li. and draw D E, and on R F 3 ch. 25 li. and draw E Fj which compleats the Field. GJnflrumentdl Inftruttions 82 To ?neafure a Woody which, by Re afon of thé ' Thicknefs of Trees9 can only be meafurd on the Out-fide. Fig. 8. 'T H E Truth of this Work J depending wholly on the Ex-adnefs of Angles, I lhall ufe the Theodolite only. Let the irregular Polygon ABCDEF be fuch a Wood } place the Intlrument at A, and turn it about, ’til thro’ the fix’d Sights you efpy Angle B, and then fcrew it fall. Dired the Index to F, the Index will then cut 104 Degrees } remove to B, meafuri-ng A B 3 cL 25 li. At B let the fix’d Sights cut Angle C, and the Index Angle A 80 Degrees, fo lhall Angle B be 80 Degrees. Remove to C, meafuring B C 2 ch. 5li. 5 at C let {he fix’d Sights cut Angle D, and the Index Angle B 200 Degrees, which exceeding a Semicircle, or 180' Degrees, is therefore an outward Angle, and muft be noted thus > . Remove to D, meafuring C D 1 ch. 44 li. 5 at D let the fix’d Sights cut Angle E, and,the Index Angle C, 97 Degrees 30 Minutes, fo lhall Angle D be 97 Degrees 30 Minutes. Remove to E, meafuring DE 2 ch. 65 li.^ at E let the fix’d Sights cut Angle F, and the Index Angle D, 120 Degrees 30 Minutes, fo lhall Angle E be 120 Degrees 30 Minutes. Remove to F, meafuring EF 1 ch. 75 li.} at F let the fix’d Sights cut Angle A, and the Index Angle E, 124» J'i e-. Mil . T O» I / * f I » ) i for Gardeners, &cV Sf I24 Degrees, which is the Quantity of Angle F. Meafure F A 3 ch. From whence the Field-Book will Hand thus; Angles. D. M. Sides a L. A 104 — A B 3 25 B 80 ■—. B C 2 5 C 200 > C D i 44 D 97 30 DE 2 65 E 120 30 EF 1 75 F 124 — FA 0 0 To protraB this Work. Draw a Line at Pleafnre, as A B, on which apply the Diameter of your Protrador, with its Centet on A, Angle A being 104 Degrees^ (to be reckon’d from the left End of the Diameter, which, for the future, I (hall call the North End, as the oppofite End will be the South) prick ofi that Quantity, and draw A F, which, with A B, conftitutes your Angle A 5 fet 3 ch. 25 li. from A to B. Angle B being 80 Degrees, place the Center of the Diameter on B, and move the Inftrument about, •til A B cut 80 Degrees, to be reckon’d from the North End of the Diameter 3 prick off a Line by the Help of the Diameter, and draw B C. From B to C fet 2 ch. 5 li. Angle C is G 2 noted84 lnjlrumental Inflruftions noted to be an outward one, or more than 180 Degrees, viz, 200 Degrees 5 therefore, in order to protrad it, apply the Center of the Diameter ön G, and againft 20 Degrees, (the Excels above a Semicircle) to be reckon’d from the South End, make a Mark 5 then bring the Diameter of the Inftrument to that Mark, (its Center ftill on C) and at the North End prick a Mark, and draw CD; fet 1 ch. 45 li. from C to D, fo fhall Angle C be 200 Degrees. Angle D is 97 Degrees 30 Minutes; place the Center of the Diameter on D, and move the Inftrument about, ’til 97 Degrees 30 Minutes, reckon’d from the North End, cut C D, extended for this Purpofe to O; at the faid North End of the Diameter make a Mark, and draw D E, fo fhall Angle D be 97 Degrees 30 Minutes. Set 2 ch. 65 li. from D to E, Angle E is 120 Degrees 30 Minutes, the Center of the Diameter on E; move it about ’til 120 Degrees 30 Minutes (reckon’d from the North End) cut D E, extended for this Purpofe to S. The Diameter will then cut A F in F, fo (hall A F become 124 Degrees, and E F 1 ch. 75 li. FA will be alfo 3 ch. Thefor Gardeners, &c. The Wood, thus protra&ed, is divifibJe into two Trapeziums, A BCF, and C DEF, by means of the Line C F 5 and the Bafes and Perpendiculars of each being drawn and mea-fur’d, the Work will Hand as ’follows. Bafe B F 490 Perpend {» 43 f 2 45 ---- 5 33 2 45 1665 I332 666 Acres . )8i585 4 Roods 3)26340 40 Perches ió)S3^cö C 3 "Bafe85 Inftrumental Inftruttions Bafe D F 3^85 Perpell(J.{i 4° I 92 ---- . 2 90 I 92 580 2610 290 Acres .)5568o _____4 Roods 2)22720 40 Perches 9)08809 j4cr.Roo.Perc: 1 ft Trapezium o 3 10 fr 2d Trapezium 029 Content of the Wood 1 1 19 44 j£ea^n3f35cA-^cjic^c52cji!cs!f 52o£o2oJf& To take the Plot of a Field by the plain Tablev by means of the Angles only. Fig. 9. T E T the Field, to be furvey’d, I J be A B C D$ place the jointed Frame, which is divided into 360 Degrees,. with;for Gardeners, 87 with that Face upwards, with the Point of 360 Degrees next yon 5 the Center of thofe Diviftons will therefore be the Hole in the Middle of the Inftrurnent: In any Part of the Field, as at O, place the Inftrurnent, and move it about, ’til the Needle lie on the North and South Line of the Chart, and then fcrew the Table fall, fixing a Pin in the aforefaid Hole^ direft the Index and Sights thereby to A, and the Quantity cut on the Frame, will be 25 Degrees^ to B 97 Degrees 30 Minutes, to C 165 Degrees 30 Minutes, and to D 254 Degrees 30 Minutes. Meafure 6 A 2 ch. 25 li,, O B 3 ch. 18 li., O C 2 eh, 40 li., and O D 2 ch. 70 li. 5 and then tfaefe will be your Field-Notes; Angles. D. M. Lengths a L A 25 © A 2 25 B 97 30 © B n | 18 C 165 30 © c 2 40 D 254 3° © D 1 2 70 From whence protracl the Work thus; Draw the Lines W E and N S at right Angles 5 becaufe the Line N S reprefents the Line palling thro’the Points of 360 and 180 Degrees in the Table, the Diameter of the Inftrurnent muft therefore be plac’d on S N, and its Center in O ^ and then prick off the Angles, A 25 Degrees, B 97 Degrees, C 165 G 4 Degree88 Inflrumental TnftruElions Degrees 30 Minutes: As for D, it being above a Semicircle, viz. 254 Degrees 30 Minutes, you muft move the Semicircle round on O ’til the Diameter come again on NS: prick off 74 Degrees 30 Minutes, Supplement to 254 Degrees 30 Minutes, and draw 0 A, © B, © C, 0 D, on which Lines fet off the Quantities noted in the Field-Book, and draw A B, B C, C D, and D A. OOOOOOOOOO '>000OOO00000oo To f yvey a Road by the Theodolite.' Fig. io.T ET SCROand NEFGbe 8 , a Road to be furvey’d: Begin at either End, fuppole A, where place the In-fcrument, the Needle hanging over the Points of North and South in the Chart 5 let a Man go as far as you can fee, or the next Bend of the Road, B, and direc! your Index to cut him in 11 Degrees 30 Minutes, N W. Mea-fure the Off-let to the Left, A S, 66 li., and the Off-let to the Right, A G, 75 li. Mea-fure A B 1 cli. 90 li. an Houfe to the Right at A. Place the Inllrument at B, in its former Polition $ let a Man go to C, another Bend 5 cut him with the Index in 10 Degrees, N E 5 meafure BC (the Ihtionary Diftance) 2 ch. 32 li. ^ meafure alfo the Off-fet to the Left, B C, 58 li. 5 and to the Right, BF, 85 li. Remove for Gardeners, &c. 89 Remove to C, placing the Inftrument as before : Let the Man remove to D, the End of the Road ^ cut him with the Index in 30 Degrees, N. VV. ^ meafure CD 2 ch. 55 li. • ineafure alfo the OfF-fet to the Left, C R, 58 Ji., and C E, OfF-fet to the Right, 85 li. at C, an Houfe to the Left, and to the Right a Lane tending thus, At D ineafure the Off-l'ets D©6oli., and DN 6511, and draw R O and E N. From whence may arife this Table: Angles and Obfervations Stationary Diftances. ! C. L. © A OfF-fet c left 66 li. 1 right 7 5 li. An Houfe to the Right. © B, N. W. 11 Deg. 30 Min. Off-fet f B| I f I bright 85 li. © C, N. E. 10 Degrees. /left 58 li. t-right 85 li. An Houfe to the Left, a Road to the Right To the End D, 2 Deg. N. W. Off-fet if® *?• _______ bright 85 li. OfF-fet ‘00 55 1pq Jnjlrumental InftruStions I reckon the Quantity of thefe Angles from the Point of North in the Inftrument ^ they who pleafe, may reckon their Complements to 90° from the Points of Kaft or Weft, and ‘twill be the fame Thing. If you would know the Length of this Road, add up the feveral ftationary Diftances, and their Sum is 5 ch. 77 li. $ which, from the following Table, appears to be 126 Yards* -f- ot a Yard, which is fomewhat more than half a quarter of a ^Sile, as is alio evident from the 1 able, Afor Gardeners, &c, 9* A TABLE, reducing Chains and Links into Yards and Parts*, and, contrary, from -j~ of a Yard to 2-200 Yards, and! from 1 Link to 160 Ch' Tards. 2 5 11 22 44 66 88 no 220 440 660 880 1100 1320 1540 1760 1980 2200 Parts Ch. 3 4 5 10 20 3° 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 EH 1 2 3 6 2 12.5 25 50 Tbs9 2 Infirumcntal In fir unions The Ufe of the foregoing TABLE. What is the Length of 5 Chains 77 Links ? Tards. Againft 5 Chains is------ 110 50 Links --------- 11 25 Links--------- 5 5 2 Links -------- o 45 Sum 126 95 Contrary: In 126 Yards/-, how many Chains and Links? Ch. Li. Againft 1 to Yards is -— 5 0 11 Yards ■— —— 0 5o 5 Yards ■— 0 25 6 Parts i— 0 3 2 Parts •— 0 1 5 19 To p>\ rtr/icl the rtf or efaid Road. Thro* any Point, as A, draw an Eaft and Weft Line, S A G, the Diameter lying with Its Center on A and SAG, cutting 90 Degrees in the Limb or Semicircle 5 I fay the Diameter fhall then reprefent the North and South Line i and becaufe Station B cuts 11 Degrees go Minutes North Weft, let the Semicircle Jye to the Weft from the upper or North End of the Diameter, reckon 11 Deg. go Minutes, which prick oft, and draw the / %n>ox Taj.#? v V fS >> V i; M ■ c^\ % V- ppgi Si c- M^CcTC7, -£.J-0 fE. /'/<{/ / V g «for Gardeners, &c. 95 occult Line A B, of any Length, at Pleafure. Set 66 li. from A to S, and 75 li. from A to G 3 fet alfo 1 ch. 90 li. from A to B $ from B to Off-fet C fet 58 li., and to F 85 lir 3 draw S C and G F 3 at G draw an Houfe. Thro1 B draw another Eaft and Weft Line, C B F, whereon place the Inftrument as before 3 but in regard the Angle at B, made-by C,- is 10 Degrees North E^ft, let the Semicircle lie to the Eaft, and from theNorthEnd of the Diameter reckon io Degrees, which prick off, and draw the occult Line B C : Set 2 ch. 32 li. from B to C 3 fet 58 li. from C to R, and 85 li. from C to E, and draw G R and F E 3 at R draw an Houfe, and at E draw a Lane, tending thus, f?. Thro* C draw an Eaft and Weft Line, R G E, as before 3 and becaufe Objed D cuts 2 Degrees, N. W. place the Inftrument as you did at A, and prick off 2 Degrees3 drawC D, whereon fet 2 ch. 55 li. 3 at D to O fet 60 li* and to N 85 li., and draw R O and E N. To take a Dijiance accejjible or inaccejjible. Fig. 11.T7ROM E or F, I would know the L1 Diftance to the Wind-mill at G. Being at Point E, fet up a Mark at Point F, meafure EF 1 Ch. 16 Li. your Theodolite at E3 bring the Needle to the North and South Points of the Ghart, and fcrew the Inftru-, mentfafl:3 direct the moveable Index to cut the Wind-mill in 94 Deg. reckon*d from the Point of Weft. Remove94 Injlrumental Inflruttions Remove any final 1 Diftance as to Point F, where bringing the Needle to the 'North aiid South Points, as before, fcrew the Inftru-ment faft, and dired the moveable Index to cut the fame Wind-mill in 75 Deg. reckon’d from the Point of Eaji. Set 1 Ch. 16 Li. from E to F, and then you may find the occult Triangle E F G, and alfo either Diftance F G, or E G, thus: Draw a Line at Pleafure F E, for an Eaft and Weft Line, aifume therein the Point E for your firft Place of Obfervation $ and fet-ting 1 Ch. 16 Li. from E to F Points, F is your fecond Place of Obfervation* Place the Diameter of your Protrador on F E, with its Center on E $ prick off 94 Deg. reckon’d from the Weft, or left End of the Diameter, and draw a Line at Pleafure E G. The Diameter of the Inftrument being ftill on E F, but its Center on F, prick off 75 Deg. reckon’d from the Eaft, or right End of the Diameter, and draw F G$ the Interfedion of the two Lines E G and . F G, gives Point G, the Place of ftanding of the Windmill. The Diftance of E G, taken from the Scale by which you fet off E F, will appear to be 6 Ch. 35 Li. F G,takert from the fame Scale,, will be 6 Ch. 55 Li. Wc by this Time fuppofe the Practitioner tolerably acquainted with the Methods of furveying, protrading, and adjufting the Contents of arty (ingle Field 5 and alfo of furveying,onTTJiE ün Mutton. field. Xiamb field Outer field. Brick .field IVai7 éQÇ. Fig.icn. Ccrnvnurtv L fin'd a Station for the Inftrument, as .we did kt. r in Hunt's field. Brickfield’ Side O O given } meafure OX 9 ch. 40 li. 4 meafure XT 2 ch. 45 li. , 'meafure T O 4 ch. 60 li. ... * : i. ' Lane-field. SideTX given, meafure X C 9 ch. 65 li. C S is given, ’(being equal to E R) meafure S T. Clay field. Sides, S T, TO, O H, H L, given, meafure L S, from L to D a But-Hedge, 9 ch. 50 li., and from D to S 2 ch. 82 li. 5 therefore L S 6 ch. 92 li. Here we (hall obferve, that tho’ the Sides, OH, H L, are more than B C, and therefore (hould be meafur’d, yet, being enabled by the Off-fet I PI to give the Point H, I can draw H 2 HL9 8 Inflrumental Inflruftions L H and O’H^ and *tis done 3 but they who pleafe rtiay,- , for more Certainty, meafure thofe two Sides, and fet them down amongft the reft. Lamb-fieldSides, S D, S R, R B, given, meafure BE gch. 23 li., and ED 2 ch; 73 li. Cow-field. Sides, Y S, S L, L D, and D E, given, meafure E Y 4 ch. 85 Ji. Mutton-field. Sides given, BE, EY, YO, meafure OS 1 ch. 55 li. and SB 6 ch. 93 li. O S bends fomewhat, and bounds the Lane or Paflage 3 Breadth of the Lane, or Paflage 2 5 li. Windmill-field. Sides Z O, O B, and B S, meafure Z S 2 ch. 92 li. In this Field a Windmill, of which more on Protra&ion. Z S a little bending. Breadth of the River 63 li. 3 over it a boarded Bridge to the Manfion-Houfe 5 Breadth of the Manfion-Houfe 1 ch. 40 li. Trees planted clofe to the River, and on each Side of the Houfe; From all which Work your Field-Book may ftand as follows. Stationsa for Gardeners, &c. Stations and Remarks. D.M. Road to the Houfe. 9 — Jit. © 1\, lN.Ei. ■■ - — — - n(r.fp,rt0 the riaht 32 g. UtMettto the left 35 li. A R i rf n R M W , 15 2u. v^/ Dj l.1** VV* ‘ - m the left 0ff‘fetito the right 35 li. At i ch. 89 li. from B. Off-fet to the left 84 li. to the right 46 li. PP - rA n C 1ST F 15 30 2Q# ^ Ci. —— Off-fetft0theleft 45 li-Utt letlto the right 32 li. n p Ath © D M W *3 *t*i Off-fetf10 P ,e\ 35 If-h i-to the right 35 li. DE i------ D L (Remainder of SL, 6 ch, 32I li.) S D is 3 ch. $0 li. therefore D L is------------’ LS, bounding the Road----------—1 2for Gardeners, &c. 105 Stations and Remarks. D.M. \D;L. S Y ditto ——------------------ Y E, bounding Mutton-field Mutt on-field. BE,; bounding Lamb-field, and ' running up to the Lane—7 E Y, bounding Cow-field------ Y O, bounding the Road-------*- O Si a Email Bend, bounding the Railage coming in at the upper End of the Road-----------(---• Breadth of the fa id Paifage----- B S, bounding Windmill-field----- Windmill-field. SB, bounding Mutton-field -■ It runs up to the lane. B O,bounding the Lane- 1 46 4 3$ 41^5 18 O Z, bounding the Lane, and running up the Path by the River O Z bends fomewhat------------- Z S, Part of the Path running by the River —----■--------~---- A Windmill in the Field, whofe Bearing was taken in meafuringl the Lane O Z, which vide. 69 2 92 Alongjo 6 Injlrumntal Jnftruttions Stations and Remarks. ■ D.M. c. L. Along the Path to the Houfe, Z S and S O, a River 63 li. broad: Over it a boarded Bridge, adjoining to the Manfion-Houfe. Trees planted clofe to the other Side of the River, on each Side the Houfe. Breadth of the Houfe ■——■——— 1 40 The pra&ical Surveyor will, perhaps, think jhofe Notes much too bulky 5 but a Beginner may want them, and he is at Liberty to fhort-en them, as he increafes his Knowledge. To protract the Work of this Mannour. In this, as in the former Work, I make the Point of 90 Degrees to pafs thro* the Eaft and Weft Line in my Paper ^ and therefore the Diameter becomes the North and South Line, from which Diameter I reckon the Degrees and Minutes of any Angle, Your Field-Book being before you, on a Sheet of Paper draw a right Line, in any convenient Place thereof, as Q A S 5 for an Eaft and Weft Line, aftume Point A therein for your firft Station $ whereon placing the Protraftor, as aforefaid, prick off 9 Degrees, N. E. and draw A B, of any Length 5 fet 4 ph. 5 li. from A to B. Thro*for Gardeners, &c. 107 Thro’ B, the fecond Station, draw an Eaft and Weft Line 3 whereon placing the Inftru-ment, prick off 15 Degrees, N. W. and draw* B C 3 fet 3 ch. 45 li. from B to C. Thro’C, the third Station, draw an Eaft and Weft Line$ whereon placing the Inftru-ment, prick off 15 Degrees 30 Minutes, N. E. and draw CD; fet 1 ch. 72 li. from G to D. Thro’ D, the fourth Station, draw an Eaft and Weft Line 3 place the Inftrument, and prick off 13 Degrees, N.W. and draw DE3 let 1 ch. 46 li. from D to E. Thro* E, the fifth Station* draw an Eaft and Weft Line 3 place the inftrument, and prick off 18 Degrees 36 Minutes, N. E. and draw EM; fet 2 ch. 18 li. from E to M, where I am come to the Gate. Off-fits in this Road. Firft Station, A, Off fet to the right 32 li; to the left 35 li., which fet from A, on each Side, accordingly. Second Station, B, Off-fet to the left 35 li., to the right 35 li. 3 draw O O and G Q. Between the fecond and third Stations, at 1 ch. 89 li. from B Off-fet to the left 84 li., to the right 46 li. 3 draw O H and Q.X. Third Station, C, Off-fet to the left 4$ li., to the right 32 li. 5 draw H L and X N. Fourth Station, D, Off-fet to the left 35 li;, to the right 35 li, 3 draw L S and N W. Fifthio8 Jnftrumental Inftruttlons ■, Fifth Station, E, Offfet to the right 45 liH to the left 47 ii.4 draw S Y and W Z. At M, the Gate, Off let to the right 50 li./ to the left 45 li. $ draw Y O and Z P. We would now have begun with the Fields,\ but as the Lane hands next in Order iti the Field-Notes, we will firft difpatch that. At Point A with the Index cut Point E, in the Road, 78 Degrees $ fix the Center of the Protrador on A, and its Diameter to repre-fent North and South ; and then prick off 78 Degrees, and draw A E ^ fet 7 ch. 34 li. from A to E* Point E being found, it is my firft Station* Thro5 E draw an Eaft and Weft Line 5 whereon placing the Protrador, prick off 7 Degrees, N. £* and draw E R $ fet 3 ch. 35 li. from E to R. Thro5 R draw an Eaft and Weft Line ^ place the Protrador, and prick off 31 Degrees 30 Minutes, N. Ifljj and draw R S $ fet 2 ch. 60 li. from R to S. Thro’ S draw an Eaft and Weft Line $ place the Protrador, and prick off 7 Degrees, N. E. and draw S T 5 fet 3 ch. 15 li. from S to T. Thro5 T draw an Eaft and Weft Line 5 place the Protrador, and prick oft* 7 Degrees, N. Wr. and draw T O 5 fet 2 ch. 70 li. from T to O. Thro5 O draw -an Eaft and Weft Line 5 place the Protrador, and prick off 70 Degrees,for Gardeners, &c. 109 grees, N. E. 3 draw O Z, and fet 5 ch. 63 li. from O to Z. Qff-fets in tfye Lane. . Firft Station, E,Off-fet to the right 23 li., which fet from E to C 5 to the left 14 li., which fet from E to L. Second Station, R, Off-fets to the right and left 15 li. each} draw L P and C S. Two But-Hedges to the right. Third Station, S, Off-fets to the right and left 20 li. each £ draw P T and S R. Fourth Station, T, Off-fets to the right and left 20 li. each ^ draw T N and R B. Two But-Hedges to the right. Fifth Station, O, Off-fet to the left 16 li., to the right 21 li. 5 draw N U and B O. At Z Off-fets to the right and left 12 li. 3 draw U A and O B. In meafuring O Z, I obferv’d a Windmill in Windmill-fieldi which, now I am about that Part, I will place down, tho* the Field be not fully drawn. At O I obferv’d, by my Theodolite, that it bore S. E. 6 Degrees 3 wherefore place the Protra&or at O, as you did before, and fet off 96 Degrees, which is 6 Degrees, S. E. from the Point of Eaft, and draw O X. At Z I make the fame Obfervation, and finding the Windmill bears 42 Degrees, S. W. place the Protra&or, and prick off 42 Degrees, and draw Z X. The Interfe&ion of thefe two Linesi 16 Inflrumental Inftruttions Lines gives the Point of the Windmill", X 5 draw the Windmill according to its Shape* Fields to the right of the Road. Hunt's-field. Herein your Station was found at r, thus: G Qjs already drawn 5 fet 50 li. from G to W ^ on W ftrike an Arch, with the Diftance of 40 li., and on G interfed it with 60 li.: Then draw Gr, which becoming the Line whereon you lay the Diameter of the Protrador,with its Center on r,and pricking off 29 Degrees 30 Minutes ^ (the Quantity of Angle N, taken at r) draw the occult Line r N $ fet 6 ch. 20 li. from r to N $ and then draw G N, which is 6 ch. 75 li. N. W. being 3 ch. 53 li.: Take 3 ch. 53 li. from your Scale in your CompalTes, and on N ftrike an Arch towards W, Q.W being 3 ch. 65 li.$ take that Diftance from your Scale, and on Q interfed your former Arch, which will give Point W $ draw N W and W Q. In the Field-Book I have fet down, a fecond time, all the Sides of each Field, which were before given, on protrading any other Field, for the Surveyor’s more fure Guide in the Profecution of his Work 5 but he may omit it if he pleafes. Outer-field. This Field cannot be protra-ded, (as it will appear on Tryal) *til we have difpatch’d Grub field 5 therefore go to Grub-field. Sides Q^N, and Q,W, are pro-traded* On N fweep 4 ch. 40 li. towards Y $ onfor Garden e r s, &rc.' i i i i on W fweep 2 ch, 80 If. towards Y 3 to. the I Interfedion at Y draw N Y and W Y. Outer field. Sides YW and WN given* )On N fweep 6 ch. 92 li. towards X3 on Y \ fweep 3 ch. 47 li. towatds X 3 to the Interfe-!>dion at X draw Y X and N X. Star-field. Sides N Y and N W are pro-) traded. On YV fweep 3 ch. 16 li. 3 towards I K and on Y fweep 3 ch. 32 li. towards K: To 1 the Interfedion at K draw W Kand Y X’: Y 1 K bounding the Wildernefs, take I ch: 66 li., 3 and fet it from, Y to the Point of the Gate of t the fa id 'Wildernefs, The Wildernefs. Sides W X and, K Y are [ protraded. On K, towards S, ftrike.airAfch r with 3 ch. 24 li., towards S 3 and on X ftrike 3 an/Yrch with 3 ch. 2.0 li. towards S3 to the l Interfedion at S draw K S and X S. WeU-poiidfield. SidesS’W, W Z, ; and Z l P, are protraded. On S, towards T,- ftrike ; an Arch, with the Diftance of 2 ch. 30 li. 5 [ P S is 1 ch. 80 li. 3 Breadth of the Cut 17 li. 1 and T O i ch. *6o lii^ therefore P T W&mr. . 57 li. On P, towards T, ftrike an AVch r with 3 ch. 57 li., and draw S T 3 fet 1 ch. t 60 li. from T to O, and 17 li. from O to S, ; and 65 li. for its Length, and draw the’Cut. ! Meafure 2 ch. 15 li. frtim Angle S, (next the i Wildernefs) and 2 ch. 70 li. from Angle W, tin a Line, towards O, which will give you 1 the two Ends of the Pond. From W to the ' Well 1 ch. 35 li. I Fields11 z Inflrumental Inftruttions Fields to the left of the Road, between it and and the Lane, Brick-field, Sides O O. On O, towards X, fweep 3 ch. 40 li. On G (in Lanefieldj fweep 3 ch. 6 5 li. towards X 5 to the Interfe-(ftion draw OX in Brickfield, and CXin Lanefield, On O, towards T, fweep 4 ch. 60 li., and on X, towards T, 2 ch. 45 li. 3 to the Interfe&ion at T draw OT and X T. Lanefield, Sides T X, X C, and C S, are given. On S, towards T, ftrike 3 ch. 93 li. or (which is the fame Thing) draw S T. Clay field. Sides S T, TO, OH, HL, given. Draw SDL. A But-Hedge to D, at 3 ch. 50 li. from S. Lamb field. Sides S D, SR, R B, given. On B fweep 3 ch. 23 li. towards E3 on D fweep 2 ch. 73 li. towards E 3 to the Inter-fedtion at E draw B E and D E. Caw field. Sides ED, D L, L S, and S If, given. Draw E Y, which will be found to be 4 ch. 85 li. Mutton-field. Sides BE, E Y, and Y O, given* O S is a fmall Bend 3 on O fweep 1 ch. 55 li. towards S, and on B fweep 6 ch. 93 li. towards S3 to the Interfeftion at S draw O S fomewhat bending, and B S. Windmill-field. The Point of the Windmill has been already given, and fo have Sides ZO, O B, and BS. On B fweep 6 ch. 93 li. towards S j or (which is the feme Thing) draw BSfor Gardeners, &c. ii^ B S 6 ch. 93 li. a little bending to anfwer SO. The Field-Book implies the Grounds,which fetch in this Mannour, to be a Cpmmony wherefore the Word Common may be written in convenient Places accordingly. He who would give the Contents of this Mannour in Acres, may reduce the feverai Fields, the Road, and Lane, into Trapezia and Triangles, and work according to the Method I* have before plainly laid down 3 and the Anfwers of all the Operations, added together, (hall be his grand Anfwer. You may, if you pleafe, infert, as I have done, the Scale by which you meafur’d, together with the Name of the Mannour, in a fair Compartment : It may alfo, for more Beauty, be adorn’d with tranfparent Water-Colours, painting all Trees and Hedges of a pretty deep green, Fields of a pale green, Waters blue, Roads, &c. yellow 5J infert alfo each Field’s Name. A Mannour, fo drawn, may be drawn in a bigger or lefs Compafs, by fquaring your Draught, and making your new Paper of the fame Number of Squares, and then by putting all into one Square, which you fee in the Square correfponding with it 3 your new Draft fhall be.exad in all Particulars. This has been the ufual Method of contra-ding or enlarging any Map or Plott of a Field, or Eftate^ but the quickeft, and,l think, the eafieft Method, is as follows 3 which, for I 2 more114 lnftrumental Inftruttions more Certainty and Clearnefs, I have illuftra^ ted by a Scheme in the next Plate, Fig. 13. If you would enlarge your Map, place your little Draught on the Middle of your Paper, whereon you defign to draw it larger 3 and, fixing upon one common Center, (no great Matter where, but fomewhere in the Middle) and extend the Angles, or radiant Lines, with your black Lead Pencil, every where throughout your Plotty as you fee the Lines A B C, &c. are in the 13th Figure of the the next Plate. There are CompalTes to be bought, that are larger at one End than the other, and by that Means moreexpeditioufly perform this Work 3 but if fuch are wanting, it is done by altering the CompalTes from one Scale to another. This, then, is the Method you are to take, after you have extended the Radius-Lines: Or you may do it by the Side of the Rule only, without drawing thefe Lines 3 and, as in the Example, the Lines AB be ico Foot, Perches, or Chains, or any other Number, drawn on a Scale of 200 or 100 to an Inch 3 and you are to enlarge it to 50, which is an ufual Scale in Gardening, tho’ Learners oft ufe 24 or 30 Parts in an Inch. It is very obvious, how the fame is to be fet off upon that, and all the other Radiant Lines 3 and by marking the Angles with i, 2, 3, 4, &c. in Pencil, that it may be afterward rubb’d out, you, when all the Points are laid down, draw the Line. But the whole Pro-JL MO4» K-J%c.f>r <"> -T»' fo ? 9 ;¥-^i <*r,*Çfor G ARP E N E R s, 8>CC. IJF 5 Proceeding is fo plain on the Paper, that I need not enlarge on it in Words, And the fame Method that is taken in the enlarging a Map, is taken in the oontra&ing thereof. In order to have the more Room to begin one’s Work, clear off all Lines wrought, to fix the Center in the largeft Field in the whole Plan, be it either on one Side or the other, fo will the Lines, in more Probability, be clear of the little Draught $ but if they are not clear of it, ’tis eafy, by Infpe&ion from given Lines, to lay down the Angles and Interfe&i-ons, and from thence the Lines that are hid under that Paper. See the Method in Figure 13 of the next Plate. I might, in this Chapter of Inftruments, have given the Cutts of the feveral Inftruments to be us’d in Surveying and Gardenings but they are now fo very well known, that I think it needlefs 5 and all that I fhall add to this Chapter, is concerning the Square Level and Boning’Staves, Arrows, &c. made Ufe of in Gardening. It would be ridiculous for me to give an Account of the Make, Fafhion, and Ufe of a Rake, or Spade, &c. but thefe are not fo well known $ and I take Mr. Janies s Ttanflation to be deficient in that Kind. I 3 Jhai i 6 Jnflrumental Inflruttions The Description and TJfe of the Meafuring-Rods, Square-Level, Boning-Staves, &c. made Ufe of in fetting out Gardens. HE i ft is a Meafuring-Rod of io Foot long, divided into Feet, Halves, and Quarters 5 and a Foot at one End into the 12 Inches: This is very light and commodious for meafu-ring fhort Lengths (as the Chain is in meafu-ring great Pittances) and even a Gentleman himfelf ought to have one of five Foot long, to carry in his Hand amongft his Work-men, to be ever and anon meafuring and proving their Work by it. They are both commonly made of Deal, the firft an Inch and an half or two Inches fquare 5 the latter an Inch fquare, both tapering from the Middle to the Top. The next is a Level of 10 Foot long, and a Piece of Deal, fram’d exa&y into the Middle 5 and at right Angles with the Bottom, a Raze made therein, and a Hole made at the Bottom for a Lead-Flumb (fatten’d from a Line at the Top) to play in that Hole, by which we know when ’tis level. But this ought to be often prov’d, becaufe it will caft lying and being us’d Abroad 5 and when you are ufingit, to fee that you don’t miftake, you are to try it, End for End, on the Heads of your Stakes. But this Inftrument is fo com- monfor Gardeners, Szd ii7 .lion amongft all Sorts of Workmen, that I need fay no more of it. The next are what we call Boning or Levelling Staves. They are all four Foot and 111 half long 5 and there are three of them, one to be carry’d by the Gardener, the other oy a ftrong Labourer that can drive Stakes in, and the third by a Boy, on the Top of whole Staff there ought to be ty’d a Piece of white Paper, and a fquare black Board on the Top, nail’d Hoping on the Back-lide of it, to retain the Strength of the white Paper the better. TheUfe of all thefe will better appear hereafter, when we come to fpeak of letting out Gardens. Of dividing Lands. 2.rT"' H E dividing of Lands well, and JL with Difpatch, is fo effential to our prefent Purpofe, that I could not but bellow this Seffion on that Subjeff, taken from a very ingenious Author, whofe Name 1 have mention’d in the Preface. How to divide a Triangle feveral Ways. Suppofe ABC (Fig. 1. of the next Plate) to be a triangular Piece of Land containing J 4 60118 Inflrumental Inflruttions 60 Acres, to be divided between two Men $ the one to have 40 Acres cut off towards A, and the other 20 Acres towards C, and the Line of Divifion to proceed from the Angle B. Firft meafure the Bafe A C, viz. 50 Chains no Links 5 then fay, by, the, Rule of Three, If the whole Content, 60 Acres, give 50 Chains for its Bafe, what fhall 40 Acres give? Multiply and divide, the Quotient will be 33 ch. 33 tui which fet off upon the Bafe, from A to D, and draw the Line B D, which fhall divide the Triangle, as was requir’d. If it had been requir’d to have divided the fame into 3, 4, 5, or more unequal Parts, you muff, in like Manner as Merchants part their Gain, by the Rule of Fel-lowfbip. There are feverai Ways of doing this by Geometry, without the Help of Arithmetick^ but my Bufinefs is not to.fhew you what may be done, but to fhew how to do it the moft eafy and practicable Way. y;, " $ . Howto divide a triangular Piece .of Land into any Humber of equal and unequal Parts, by Lines proceeding from any Point ajfigrid in any Side thereof. Let ABC (Fig, 2. of the next Plate) be the triangular Piece of Land, containing 60 Acres, to be divided between three Men , the firft to have 15 Acres, the fecond 20, and the third 25 Acres, and the Lines of Divifion to pro-lèù p> JlïS. tJ s I •Ji u/ ■ J- ■ « \ / *for Gardeners, &c. i i9 proceed from D. Firft meafure the Bafe into three Parts, as you have been before taught, by faying, If 60 give 50, what fhall 15 give? Anfwer, 12 Chains 50 Links for the firft Man’s Bafe$ which fet off from A to E. A-gain, fay, If 60 give 50, what (hall 20 give > Anfwer, 16 Chains 66 Links for the fecond Man’s Bafe, which fet off from E to F 5 then, confequently, the third Man’s Bafe, viz. from F to C, muff be 20 Chains 84 Link?. This done, draw an obfcure Line from the Point aflign’d D to the oppofite Angle B} and from E and F draw the Lines E H and F G parallel to B D. Laflly, from D draw the Lines D H, DG, which fhall divide the Triangle into three fuch Parts as v/as requir’d. How to divide a triangular Piece of hand according to any Proportion given, by a Line parallel to one of the Sides. A B C is the triangular Piece of Land, (vide Fig. 3. of the next Plate) containing 60 Acres, the Bafe is 50 Chains 5 this Piece of Land is to be divided between two Men, by a Line parallel to B C,, in fuch Proportion, that one have 40 Acres, the other 20. Firft, divide the Bafe, as has been before taught, and the Point of Divifion will fall in D, A D being 33 Chains 33 Links, and D C 16 Chains 67 Links. Secondly, find a mean Proportion between A D and A C, by multiplying the whole Bafe 50 by A D 33, 33 the Produd120 Inflrumental Inflruttions Product is 16665000 $ of which Sum extra# the Root, which is 40 Chains 82 Links,which fet off from A to E. Laftly, From E draw a Line parallel to B C, as in the Lines E F, which divides the Triangle, as demanded. Of dividing four-fided Figures, or Trapezia. Before I begin to teach you how to divide Pieces of Land of four Sides, it is convenient firfl to fhew you how to change any four-fided Figure into a Triangle 5 which done, the Work will be the fame as in dividing Triangles; How to reduce a Trapezium into a Triangle, by Lines drawn from any Angle thereof Let A B C D (Fig. 4 of the next Plate) be the Trapezium to be reduc’d into a Triangle, and B the Angle aflign’d $ draw the dark Line B D, and from C make a Line parallel thereto, as C E ; extend alfo the Bafe A D, stil it meet CE in E$ then draw the Line BE, which (hall make the Triangle ABE equal to the Trapezium A B C D. Now, to divide this Trapezium according to any aflign’d Proportion, is no more but to divide the Triangle ABE, as before tanght ^ which will alfo divide the Trapezium. Example.( ■ ‘JL . \ J?*. I .J.'JU? . Example*121 for Gardeners, &c. Example, Suppofe the Trapezium ABC D,containing 124 Acres, 3 Roods, and 8 Perches, is to be divided between twro Men 3 the firft to have 50 Acres, 2 Roods, and 3 Perches 3 the other, 74 Acres, 1 Rood, and 5 Perches 3 and the Line of Divifion to proceed from B. Firft, reduce all the Acres and Roods into Perches 3 then will the Content of the Trapezium be 19968 Perches 3 the firft Man’s Share 8083 Perches, the fecond Man’s 11885. Secondly, meafure the Bafe of the Triangle, viz. 70 Chains no Links: Then fay, If 19968, the whole Content, give for its Bafe 78 Chains no Links, what (hall 8083, the firft Man’s Part, give? Anfwer, 31 Chains, 52 Links, which fet off from A to F, and drawing the Line F B,you divide the Trapezium as defir’d 3 the Triangle ABF being the firft Man’s Portion, and the Trapezium B C F D the fecond’s. How to reduce a Trapezium into a Triangle, by Lines drawn from a Point ajjigrid in any Side thereof. A B C D (Fig. 5 of the next Plate) is the Trapezium 3 Ethe Point affign’d,from whence to reduce it into a Triangle, and run the Di-vifion-Line,the Trapezium is of the fame Content as the former, viz. 19968 Perches 3 and it is to be divided as before, viz. one Man to12 2 Iriflrumental Infiruftions have 8083 Perches, and the other 11885.; Firft, to reduce it into a Triangle, draw the) Lines ED, EC, and from A and B makes Lines parallel to them, asAF, BG$ then: draw the Lines EG, E F, and the Triangle: CFG,will be equal to the Trapezium ABCD,t which is divided as before $ for when you have: found, by the Rule of "Proportion, what the: firft Man’s Bafe mull be, viz. 31 Chains 52 Links, fet it from F to H, arid draw the t Line H E, which (hall divide the Trapezium according to the former Proportion. How to reduce an irregular five-Jided Figure into a Triangle5 and to divide the fame. Let A B C D E (Fig. 6 of the next Plate) be the five-fided Figure 5 to reduce which into a Triangle, draw the Lines AC, AD, and parallel thereto EF, EG, extending the Bafe from C to F, and from D to G 5 then draw the Lines A F, AG, which will make the Triangle A F G equal to the five-fided Figure. If this was to be divided into two equal Parts, take the half of theBafeof the Triangle,which is FH, and from H draw the Line H A,which divides the Figure A B C D E into two equal Parts. The like you may do for any other Proportion.H Fs « ? -] • • » * -4 \ I ». A s I ê > N t for Gardeners, &c. 12 3 \ff in dividing the Plott of a Field, there be outJ ward Angles, you may change them after the \ following Manner. Suppofe ABODE (Fig. 7 of the next Plate) be the Plot of a Field, and B the outward Angle, draw the Line C A, and parallel thereto the Line B F. Laftly, the Line 'C F fhall be of as much more Force as the .Lines CB and B A.j fo is that live-fided Figure, having one outward Angle, reduc’d into fafour-lidediFigure, or Trapezium 3 which you rmay again reduce into a Triangle, as has been cbefore taught. [How to divide an irregular Plot, of any Num* ber of Sides, according to dry given Proportion^ by a flrait Line thro* it. ABCDEFGHl (Fig. 7 of the next Plate) i is a Field to be divided between 2 Men, equal IHalfs, by a flrait Line proceeding from A. 1 Firft, confider how to divide the Field into t five-fided Figures, and Trapezia, that you may f the better reduce it into Triangles: As by > drawing the Line K L, you cut off the five-\ fided Figure, A B C H I, which reduce into 1 the Triangle A KL, and meafuring half the t Bafe thereof, which will fall at Q., draw the l Line CLA. Secondly, Draw the Line M N, and from ( the Point Qjeduce the Trapezium, C D G H, into124 Inflnmental Injlruiïions into the Triangle M N CL 3 which again divide into half, and draw the Line CLR. Thirdly. From the Point R reduce the Trapezium D E F G into the Triangle R O P 3 and taking half the Bafe thereof, draw the Line R S, and then have you divided this irregular Figure into two equal Parts, by the three Lines, A CL, QR, R S. Fourthly. Draw the Line A R, alfo CLT parallel thereto 3 draw alfo A T, and then you have turn’d two of the Lines into one. Fifthly. From T draw the Line T S, and parallel thereto the Line R V 3 draw alfo T V 3 then is your Figure divided into two e-qual Parts, by the two Lines A T and T V. Lajily. Draw the Line A V, and parallel thereto T W 3 draw alfo A W, which will cut the Figure into two equal Parts, by a ftrait Line, as was requir’d. You may, if you pleafe, divide fuch a Figure all into Triangles, and then divide each Triangle from the Point where the Divilion of the laft fell, and then will your Figure be divided by a crooked Line, which you may bring into a ftrait one, as above. This above is a good Way of dividing Lands 5 but Surveyors fel-dom take fo much Pains about it 3 1 fhall therefore Ihew you how they commonly abbreviate their Work, and is, indeed, An9 i f- J * %\ s 12 5 for Gardeners, &c. An eajy Way of dividing Lands. Admit the following Figure, ABODE, '(Fig. 8 in the next Plate) contains 46 Acres, *1 to be divided in Halves between two Men, by is a Line proceeding from A. Draw, firft, a 1 Line, by Guefs, thro’ the Figure, as the Line i A F 3 then call up the Content of either Half, 3 and fee what it wants, or what it is more than 1 the true Half Ihould be 3 as for Fxample, X > call up the Content of A E G, and find it to 1 be but 15 Acres, whereas the true Half is 25 . Acres 3 8 Acres being in the Part A BCDG e more A E G 3 therefore I make a Triangle, > containing 8 Acres, and add to it A E G, as the Triangle A G I3 then the Line AI parts the Figures into equal Halves. But more plainly how to make thisTrian-gle3 meafure, firft, the Line AG, which is 23 Chains 60 Links 3 double the 8 Acres, they make 163 to which add five Cyphers, to turn them into Chains and Links, and then they make 160000C3 which divide by AG 2360, the Quotient is 6 Chains 77 Links. For the Perpendicular, H 1, take from your Scale 6 Chains 77 Links, and fet it fo from the Bafe A G F, that the End of the Perpendicular may juft touch the Line E D, which will be at I. Then draw the Line A f, which makes the Triangle A G I juft 8 Acres, and divides the whole Figure, as defir’d. If it had been requir’d to have fet off the Perpendicular the other Way, you muft ftill havei 26 Inflrumental Inflruttions have the End of it but juft touch the Lina E D, as L K does $ for the Triangle A K G, is equal to the Triangle A G L, each 8 Acres. And thus you may divide any Piece of Land of never fo many Sides and Angles, according to any Proportion, by ftrait Lines through it, with as much Certainty, and more Eafe, than the former Way. ftrgi. You might alfo have drawn the Line' A D, and meafur’d the Triangle A G D, and afterwards have divided the Bafe G D, according to Proportion, in the Point I, which I’ll make more plain in this following Example. ‘ Suppofe the following Field, (Fig. 9 of the next Plate) containing 27 Acres, is to be divided between three Men, each to have nine Acres 3 and in the Lines ofDivifion, to run from a Pond in the Field, fo that every one may have the Benefit of the Water, without going over one another’s Ground. Firft, from the Pond G draw Lines to every Angle, as 0 A, © B, © C, © D, G E, and then is the Figure divided into five Triangles, each of which meafure, and put the Contents down feverally; which Contents reduce all into Perches 3 fo will the Triangle AqBn f 674*% B G C/ \ 35?o/ C Qt D>be <1238/’Perches; Dq El y puV E © C 107 ' the whole Content being 4320. Perches, or 27 Acres3 each Man’s Proportion 1440 Perches. Fromfor Gardeners, &c\ i 29 From © to any Angle draw a Line, for the ffirft Divilion-Line, as © A ^ then confidar I:that the firft Angle A © B is but 674 Perches, ttand the fecond B © C 390, both together 11064 Arches lefs by 376 than 1440, one /•Man's Proportion: You müft .therefore Out off /.from the third Angie/’ C © D, 376 Perches /for the firft Man’s Dividing Line ^ which : thus you may do : The Bafe D C is 18 Ch. :the Content' of the Triangle 1238 Perchesj /fay then, If 1238 Perches give Bafe 18 Ch. :no Links, what (hail 376 Perches give? An-ifwer, 5 Chains 45 Links, which let off from . C to F, and d. aw mg rhe Line © F, you have uhe firft .Ur n's Part, vh%. A 0 F. Secondly, See what remains of thè Triangle ) C 0 D, 376 being taken out, and you will i find it to be 862 Peaches, which is lefs by » 578 than 1440. Th^-dore from theTriangle [ D © E cut off .578 P nch:s, and the Point of f Divifion will fall in G; draw the Line © G, r which, with &j* and © F, divides the Figure i into three equal Par's. . How to divide a Circle, according to any Pro-portioni by a Lhie conceutrick with the firji. All Circles are in Proportion to one another, ; as the Squares of their Diameters; therefore, : if you divide the Square of the Diameter or Se-: midiameter, and extraft the Root, you will have your Delire. K Example.I jo Inflrumental Inflruttions Example. Let A B C D be a Circle, to be equally divided between two Men. The Diameter whereof is 2 Cha.ins, the Semi-diameter 1 Chain, or 100 Links 5 the Square thereof 10100, half the Square 5050, the Root of the Half 71 Links, which take from your Scale, and upon the fame Center draw the Circle G E H F, which divides the Circle A B C D into equal Parts. A ifj if» A A ifj 1*1 if1A ift A ifj >.f$ ifi ifj ifj if * A if) ifj if j if j if> if 1 ifj if1 ifj >fi ifj if) ifj ifj ifi Of laying out new Lands. A certain Quantity of Acres being given, how to lay out the fame in a Square-Figure. ANnextothe Number of Acres given 5 Cyphers, which will turn the Acres into Links • then from the Number thus increas’d extraft the Root, which {hall be the Side of the propos’d Square. Example. Suppofe the Number given be ico Acres, which I am to lay out in a Square Figure, I join to the 100 5 Cyphers, and then ’tis 100,00000 fquare Links, the Root of which is 3162 neareft, or 31 Chains 62 Links, the Length\foir Gardeners, &c. 131 Length of one Side of the Square. Again, if it were to cut out of a Corn-Field one fquare Acre, I add to one five Cyphers, and then *tis icoooo, the Root of which is 3 Chains 16 Links, and fomething more, for the Side of that Acre. How to lay out any given Quantity of Acres in a Parallelogram, whereof one Side is given- Turn, firft, the Acres into Links, by adding, as before, 5 Cyphers 5 that Number thus increas’d, divide by the given Side 3 the Quotient will be the other Side. Example. It is requir’d to lay out 100 Acres in a Parallelogram, one Side of which lhall be 20 Chains 00 Links: Firft, to the 10© Acres I add 5 Cyphers, and it is iodocpOQ, which I divide by 20 Chains no Links $ the Quotient is 50 Chains no Links, for the other Side of the Parallelogram. How to lay out a Parallelogram that jball ke 4, 5, 6, or 7, Sic. times longer than broad. To do which, firft, above taught, turn the given Quantity of Acres into Links, by annexing 5 Cyphers, which Sum divide by the Number given for the Proportion, between K 2 tbe13? Of C O U R T - Y A R D s.' the Length and Breadth, as 4, 5, 6, 7, dv. the Root of the Quotient will (hew the Ihor-left Side of fuch a Parallelogram. Example. Admit it were to be requir’d of me, to layout 100 Acres in a Parallelogram, that fhould be five times as long as broad : Firft, to the 100 Acres I add 5 Cyphers, that makes it 10000000, which Sum 1 divide by 5, the Quotient is 2000000, the Root of which is neareft 14 Chains 14 Links ^ and that, I fay, ftiall be the fhort Side of fuch a Parallelogram, and by multiplying that 1414 by 5, Shews me the longeft Side thereof to be 70 Chains 70 Links# How to make a Triangle, that Jhall contain any Humber of Acres, being conjind to a certain Bafe. Double the given Number of Acres (to which annex, firft, 5 Cyphers) divide by the Bafe, the Quotient will be the Length of the Perpendicular. Example. Upon a Bafe (Fig. 11. of the next Plate) given, that is in Length 40 Chains no Links, I am to make a Triangle that (hall contain 100 Acres : Firft, I double the 100 Acres, and annexing 5 Cyphers thereto, it makes 2COOOCOO,for G A R D E N E R S, &C. I33 30000000, which I divide by 40 Chains no Links, the limited Bafe 5 the Quotient is 50 Chains no Links, for the Height of the Perpendicular, as in this Figure: A B is the given Bafe 40, upon any Part of which Bafe I fet the Perpendicular 50, as at C , then the Perpendicular is CD$ therefore I draw the Lines DA, D B, which make the Triangle D A B to contain juft 100 Acres, as requir’d: Or if I had fet the Perpendicular at E, then would E F have been the Perpendicular 50 5 and by drawing the Lines FAB, containing 100 Acres, the fame as D A B. If you con-fider this well, when you are laying out a new Piece of Land, of any given Content, in any Place, although you in your Way want 100 Lines and Angles, yet you may, by making a Triangle to the firft Station you began at, cut off any Quantity requir’d. How to find the Length of the Diameter of a Circle, which fhall contain any Humber of Acres requir’d. Say, as 11 is to 14, fo will the Number of Acres given be to the Square of the Diameter pf the Circle requir’d.[ij 4 Inftrumental Inflruttions Example. What is the Length of a Diameter of a Circle, whofe fuperficial Content {hall be ioo Acres? Add five Cyphers to the 100, and it makes iooooooo Links ^ which, multiply’d by 14, facit 140000000^ which, divided by 11, gives for Quotient 12727272, the Root of which is 55 Chains 67 Links, and better, almoft 68 Links 5 and fo much fhall be the Diameter of the requir’d Circle. CHAP»>35 CHAP. IV. Of COURT-Y ARDS. &&&5&i&jSc&j&&£cA)&j5h!W&}2c52oSnSoSfjS{5£j:£cj3!cjSc)Jrtfc}&j& Of the feveral Parts of which Gardens are compos’d. EFORE I enter upon the main De-fign of this Work, viz. Rural and Extenjive Gardening, it will be requi-fite to examine into the feveral Parts and Proportions of which Gardens are compos’d, that fq thofe feveral Parts, and the particular Proportions of each being adjufted,and fome Defigns at large given for the interior Centers and Divifions of Wood, and ether Parts of a Garden, the latter Part may be un-derftood with more Eafe $ for that being of an extenfive Nature, and the Scale very frnall, 'tis impoffible to Ihew thefe Particulars to any K 4. greati$6 Inflrumental Inflrunions great Nicety, fo as to recommend them to Ufe, and the Pradice of Gardeners and De-figners. Mr. James?, Tranflation, indeed, goes be-fore$ and, befides, he has had the moft magnificent Gardens of ail France to view, and he has certainly chofe the very Marrow and Beauty of all thofe excellent De-figns5 fothat, in this Point, I muff exped to fall very far fhort of him $ which will be, I hope, excus’d, when ’tis conlider’d, that I have writ this Treatife in a Country that does not yet abound with fuch truly noble Gardens as France does, tho’ we are by Nature fo much better enabled to do it. But this will, nis hop’d, tempt fome of our curious Planome-trians, in Time to come, to finifh whatishere fo imperfedly begun. And for the reft, if Providence permits, I hope, on the Spot, in thefe Countries, to coiled what triay yet farther advance us in the Knowledge and Improvements of Horticulture, and other rural Amufements. \W/ Hjj V^v xv/ I s+// sw 0/ Court-Yards. , C^Ourt- Yards are by the Latins call’d j Area, quia ibi are fount fruges, fays Var-ro, an ancient Writer of Husbandry amongft the Romans-^ and with us, Court-Yards , Court, from the French, and Yard, a Term of our own, and is, in its proper Signification, an openOf G O U R T - Y A R D S. I 3 7 open, airy Drying-Place, quia exaruerit, as the Didionary exprefleth it, and bounded with a Wall, Hedge, or Pale, or fome Cir-cumfcription, as Courts of Law and Juftice are; but when particularly apply’d to the Matter in Hand, fignifies thole little Divifions that lye contiguous to a Gentleman’s Houfe, and other his Offices of Convenience. But to the Work itfelf, viz. To the Proportion and Defign, and to the Manner of making of them. Where-ever, then, the Defign admits of, or requires but one (ingle Court, the Length thereof need be no more than once and an half or twice the Width between Terrace and Terrace. But in very great Edifices and Defigris, a double Court feems to add a great Magnificence thereto; ’tis there that Grandeur is ab-folutely necefiary, when in Buildings of a lefs Account, a fingle Court, according to our allotted Proportion, will very well anfwer the Purpofe. I have, in Plates the ill and 2d, given fuch plain Diredions, as have occurr’d in the Dif-pofition and making of Court-Yards, whether publick or private, of their Ufe, and the Beauty and Convenience they add to any Edifice. In the firft Place it is requir’d, that Court-Yards Ihould have a depending Level, at lead an Inch in ten Foot, for the quick carrying off of Water, and that it may lye dry, as much as pofiible. To that End, there will be found in Plate the 25th a circular Line, to which all138 Of Court- Y a r d all the reft of the Court fhould lye rounding, under which there ought to be Drains for the Conveyance of the Water. This Declenfion, that is juft mention’d, is not only of Ufe, but is alfo of confiderable Advantage in the elevating the Houfe, and giving a good Profpeft to the diftant Beholder, which is what many Houfes want. And ’tis not of the lead, but, on the contrary, the great-eft Beauty, Advantage, and Conveniency imaginable, to have a Terrace-Walk round, or by the Side of, a Court $ for by it the Houfe is {till elevated the higher to any Perfon that comes in upon the grand Level of the Court-Yard, be he either on Foot or Horfe-back 5 betides the Cleannefs, Decency, and Convenience there is for Servants and others, that gafs on Foot from one Office to another. In Truth, it ought to be the chief Care of any Surveyor, to give his Houfe all the Elevation he can 5 but of that more by-and-by. In the 2d Place, the Foundation of a Court-Yard, or, to fpeak more intelligibly, the pitching, ought t o be firmly fix’d in the Earth. •But thefe being the Employs of a particular Trade, I (hall leave it to them. ADefcription of the 25th Plate, (of Court- Yards.) The principal Part of my Defign in this Plate, is to fhevv ray Reader (by Way of Preliminary)Tagt tjß H7l£s Blatts crf J'lirrwiF jffcntà^ anz£ {xarz/^ns, Vol.H» Val.U UtXtmary^ JOf C O U R T- Y A R PS. 139 'liminary) the Nature of a grand Court, which may ferve as a Specimen in a very large Defign, as it is here particularly calculated for a middling one. I have not been (neither,indeed, is it my Bufinefs to be) very exad, either in the Magnitude or Diftribution of the feveral Rooms in a Building $ but every Gardener ought to know the Difpolition of the Building in general, that he may condud his Defign accordingly. But as this Plate has chiefly Relation to the great Court, there is no Occafion to expatiate at prefent upon thofe Matters, but leave them to be treated of, or defcrib’d, in fome other Plate or Place. The Perufer may then colled by the Scale, that the Width between the Wings is about 2 50 Foot, and the Breadth of the Wings 50. Foot, which make 28c Foot ^ but, as we generally account the Meafure between the two Wings for the Breadth, ’tis there I fix my Standard 5 and have therefore made the Length from the great Hall-Door to the Gate-way near 330 Foot 5 which is near what 1 propos’d to allow for the Proportion of a Court-Yard, fuppofing there is to be allow’d (as, indeed, there ought to be) a large Parade without the Gates, which, with all other contiguous Yards and Courts, will be defcrib’d in a particular Plate, upon a lefs Scale in its due Place. In the mean while, as to the farther De-fcription of this,there is in this Defign not only round the Building, but alfo quite round the140 Of Court-Yards. the Court, a Terrace-Walk, which is whaf, in my humble Opinion, is very deficient in all Books and Defigns that 1 have feen 3 for it is not only a dry clean Pavement to walk round, and view the Edifice, but alfo thereby the Buildingitfelf appears confiderably the higher, And tho1 it may be obje&ed, that the Terrace at the farther End will flop the View, I fhall advife, that this Terrace is only to be us’d, where a handfom depending Level can be had, (as it is here fuppos’d it may) for which Rea-fon here is fuppos’d 3 Foot 6 inches fall in the Court itfelf, from A to B, the Height of the Terrace above A is two Foot, and the Bafement is higher than the Terrace at the Entry into the Hall, five Foot, befides the Height of a Man, which is at leaft 5 Foot more, is in all 10 Foot and an half 3 and this is (allowing two Foot and an half for the Height of the Parapet above the Terrace-Walk) full 3 Foot higher than the Terrace-Walk at the End of the Court, In order to take away S\\ Objection, l have likewife, at the Bottom of the Offices, at C, fall’n two Foot more 3 fo that then the Floor of the Hall is full five Foot above the Parapet of the r{ errace at the End of the Court 3 and if to that be added 5 Foot, the common Height of a Man, I can’t conceive that any Objection can be made to this Way of Defign. In Addition to the foremention’d Conveni-ency of a Terrace-Walk round a Court, let me mention, that it likewife difpofeth of all StuffOf Court-Yards. 14i tStuff that is dug out of Cellars, and theother '•'Foundations of a Houfe, and alJ other wafte iJRubbifh, and Clay, as ufelefs Ground, that •would be to cart away 5 and therefore it is recommended on that Account: And the Reafon vwhy a Terrace-Walk at the End is urg’d, is dthe Expence it faves in Iron-Work, which, at dbeft, is but a Kind of Net-Work, I had almoft iffaid, contriv’d on Purpofeto catch thofe Per-oTonsin, who are fo unwife as to run to that tjgreat and unnecelfary Expence. if therefore the Ground ftiould rife from the :I Houfe, inftead of fall, one ought by all means )?to fink it, and for a Fence to dig a Graft, or J Ditch, on the Out-fide, (of which much ■more will be faid, when we come to the fen-3 cing in of a Garden) for the efiedual Securi-ity of this main Court, and the other Offices, But in this whole Matter, viz. in pla-> cing the Terrace-Walk and Bafement of a new Building, there ought to be a great deal of » Care. Come we now to fpeak of the Superfi-. cies of this and all fuch Courts. , And here it muft be obferv’d, that, for the 1 Conveniency of coming in for a Coach and Horfes, 1 have given 70 Foot Difiance from the Edge of the Terrace, at the Bottom of the Court, to the Edge of the Oval ^ and the other End is not above 16 Foot from rhe Steps of the Terrace, at the upper End Ixa■ rt the Houfe, mark’d A $ for ’tis eafy to concc * the Difficulty a Coach and Six would meet with at the Entrance, were it any other v It142 Of Court-Yards. It has formerly been the Method, to place d Fountain in the Middle of Court-Yards, or to make, in its Room, a large circular or oval Plott } but this is altogether difus’d at prefent, fince thereby, when there are a great Number of Coaches, it would be no fmall Trouble for them to Hand at Quiet, in fo narrow a circular Way, as is commonly allow’d"} when by this Means, thofe that are unemploy’d may eafily move out of the Way, upon this Oval, (or any fuch like Figure) and there remain, ’till they have Occafion to move. In Confe-quence of this ’tis therefore now the Manner, to pave the grand Court all over} and that they may appear (as all other fuperficial Ornaments about Country-Seats do, or ought to do) with fome Variety, they are commonly pitch’d Chequer and Star-wife, or circular, or in fuch Form as the ingenious Artift pleafes, with different-colour’d Stones. The Method here taken is more eafily difcover’d by infped-.ing the Plate, than by many Words. The lalt Thing I (hall mention, as worth our Notice, is the particular Level which is given to this Court, in order to carry off the Water the better, and the Method of fetting them. The Center of the Oval is exa&Iy a dead Level from A} fo that after you have fix’d thofe two, and mark’d out the great Circle, or Gutter, (under which there ought to be a Drain, two Foot fquare, with Grates at every twenty Foot Diftance) then, 1 fay, for its Level,Of 0 O tr R T - Y A R 0 S. 143 Level, you rauft at every ten Foot fix in a Stake * or, becaufe of the Drain, Jet it be rather of Brick or Tiles laid upon one another, ’til they are at their proper Level, allowing an Inch and an half Fall to every ten Foot, and that will make the true Level, all theother Lines fwimming (as we commonly term it) from the Plinth of the Terrace-Wall that is on each Side the Court, and from the Center of the Oval down to that Level in the Hollow, Gutter, or Drain. As the Court is thus pitch’d, and of a depending Level, if it be a Stone Country, all the Terraces round fhould be pav’d, and even that that is at the farther End of the Court. And this Terrace muff of Neceflity be of a dead Level, that it may anfwer the Bafetnent and Plinth of the main Building. and likewife the Wall, or Parapet, that fupports the Terrace, all the Lines lying fwimming from it, down to the Hollow, as has been before ob-ferv’d. It is eafy to conceive the Neatnefs, Beauty, and Cleannefs, that there is in Courts of this Kind, more than in thofe vvhcfe Horfe and Foot go together. Befides, that this little E-levation is of Advantage to the Heighth of a Building, every Body will, I dare fay, readily own ^ fo that a Terrace-Walk round the Court of a magnificent, or even of any fmali Rate of Building, is abfolutely necefiary, if the Owner would keep his Foot-Paffages clean, and give a proper Elevation to his Building. I144 0/ G 0 U R T - Y A R D S. I hope 1 fhall be excus’d preffing of this fo much, becaufe we are every Day feeing the contrary $ except in Buildings that are under the Management of Tome of the top Architects, amongft which may be defervedly plac’d Sir John Vanbrugh, and Mr. Hawkfmore. I Ihall do no more in this Chapter, but add fome few explanatory Notes upon the general Difpofition of the Plan of this Edifice, which does in a great Meafure determine the Nature of all the adjacent Courts. 1. The great Hall. 2. The Salloon Room. 3. The great Dining-Room. 4. The little Dining-Room. 5. The Green-Houfe, or Gallery. There feems to be no Occafion of marking any of the reft, they being either private A-partments or Offices ^ and the little Gardens that lye contiguous thereto, may be eafily ob-ferv’d to anfwer their Defigns and Ufe, which is Decency and Plainnefs$ but if any ffiould be fo curious, as to defire them to be drawn into Borders, or Box-Works, they may apply themfelves to feveral Patterns in this and o-ther Books 5 and the Truth is, 'tis in that moft Gardeners are excellent, and fo need little Introduction, their Endeavours fcarce reaching any farther. Andof Cour:t-~Ya r ds. 145 And, in order to exemplify the whole Defign, in one of the following Plates will be epitomiz’d the feverai Parts in one Defign, with their Manner of laying out, &c. A Defcription of Plate the 2 6th. < Altho’ the firft Defign.be truly noble; in its. Kind, yet it mull be allow’d to be very ex- . penfive withal 5 befides, in Foreft or Hunting Seats (as well as the Seats of the more, inferior Part of the Gentry) where the Nobility pafs away in Happinefs Part of their Time,. a little more Rurality, and lefs Expence, will do as well, or better. I can’t, indeed, tell how far a Perfon of my Profeffion may be allow’d the Liberty of cenfuring or reproving any Ex-j travagancy of Defign in fome of inferior. Rank of our own Country • but it is certainly too true, that fome of them do very much exceed the Limits of their Honour, as they do alfo of their Eftates, in great Defigns of Building, and a very expenfive Way of Gardening likewife. And whoever takes a Survey of thefe Kingdom will find, that to this is owing the many confus’d,unfinifh’d Schemes fo very common in feverai Parts thereof. And, in Truth, this firft fetting out, is generally the Rock that all Mankind fpiitupon, for fuch Expences are, generally fpeaking, increas’d double to what they were computed at, and by that Means the Owner’s ready Money is commonly expended, before he hath half.14 6 Of C O U R T - Y A R D S.' finifh’d the Defign$ and the Remainder is too often, by unavoidable Neceflity, left in the utmofl Confufion. I fay-then, in the firft Place, Perfonsofan inferior Rank ought to be very moderate in their Defigns, for building Court-Yards, Offices, &c. that there may the more remain for the Embellilhmenf of the adjacent Fields, Wood, &c. fince this will add much more to their Satisfaction and Profit, than the moft fumptuous Palace can do. One is (as an ingenious Author obferves) from the Moment of its Ere&ion, haftening to its Ruin, while the other is continually improving upon his Hands, and furnilhing him with all Necefla-ries of Life $ every Day fupplying him with new Objefts and Variety to hisTafte, Smell, Sight, &c. A private Gentleman ought therefore (in ■Wifdom) not to begin his Houfe much larger than What is in this Defign $ he ought to be very moderate and plain in the Furniture of hjs Building, and of the Magnificence of his adjacent Gardens and Court-Yards. This may, perhaps, be thought an improper Chapter for the Inculcation of thefe Matters ^ but,as I am going thro* a general Courfe of Country-Bufinefs, I can’t pafs this Place without it, being, generally, the very Spot and Time, from which all injudicious Undertakers do commonly date their Ruin or Dif-grace, and from which the more confiderate and frugal commence the greateft Happi-Of C O U R T - Y A It D S.' 147 nefs, that they are (next to the divine Peace and Tranquility of their own Minds) capable of procuring for themfelves in this World. But to go on. The Length of the South Garden Front is about 80 Foot, and the Breadth 355 but, by contrading the Scale, the whole Defign may be enlarg’d. And if the Owner can with Convenience, it would do ftill better, if the Garden Front could be 100 Foot 3 but this may do, tho’ the Rooms are but (mail, which is in thefe Times very well approv’d of. A, in Plate the 26th, is the Hall, B the Dining-Room 3 CCCC are Drawings, or Bed-chambers, and D D D D are Clofets. I don’t pretend to be exad as to the Building Part 3 but fomething like this is what many Surveyors recommend 3 and this I leave §9 better Judgment. I would always advife againft building many Court-Walls, where Frugality is requir’d^ they foon run up to a great deal of Money 3 but ’tis hard to avoid making fome few, to enclofe thefe Court or Wood Yards, and to Jteep Cattel and Deer from running into the very Houfe^ but if any Perfon would content himfelf with Elm-Hedges, or, which is better, (but flower of Growth) Holly-Hedge, this would be an impenetrable Fence, would break all the Winds better than Walls, and would always appear in a Foreft Manner, and cpnduft the Eye as well as a Wall. L 2 To'i 48 Of G p y rt-Y a r d s. J„' To effe&this the better, you are to plant a Tmall Holly Hedge, or (if near London, where'Yews and Hollies can be got large) a Hedge four, five, or fix Foot high, in the ve.ry- Line where you might have intended your.Wall, viz. ranging from the Angles of your Building,,.as in all Defigns they do, or fought to do. Bur, if the Holly Hedge be not above a Foot high,it does,by that means, make no'Manner of Show,at prefent $ and therefore there ought to be plac’d, about 3 or 4 Foot behind it, a Row of Hedge-Elms, and thofe will make an Appearance at once, will fhrowd the Holly ’til it is grown up, and will them-felves;-after that, be fit to prune into Standards* ‘o£ to plant prounfcuoufly. in our rural Plantations.' •, |HH ¥ mufl noted, that; this can’t be idoncTiear of in Town, but only in the Country 5,-the Town, requires high Walls quite round it, but the Country may be more open and Iefs guarded.,' And now let us follow our Defcriptiom A is the Hall,B the great Dining-Room, C C C.Care all Drawing-Rooms,or Bed-chambers, and D D D D are Clofets $ E is the common Veftibulefor Perfons that come about Bufinefs, F the Kitchen, and G the Laundry-OfHces. This is all I take to be neceiTary to fay as to 'Court-Yards, or the little Gardens adjoining to the Building. ’Tis obvious enough to every Body, that the other little ones are either to be pav’d, or to be laid with Grafs and Gravel, ac-Of C ohrt-Yards. i'4$ according as they are either, defign’d .for .Ufe or Beauty. If they are adjoining to the private Apartments of Ladies and Gentlemen, then Fiowers, and Edgings, of Thyme,, according to the common Method, or their particular Dejire^ but if adjoining to the Kitchen, for thofeKijpd df Heros tli.ltthe Cook is wanting on all Occafions: If to the Laundry, a Bleaching-Yard 5 and if to the Stables, with Paving, &c. And with this I (hall finifli what I have to fay in Relation to Court-Yards. What I would advife chiefly, is, by all Means to avoid the Expence of long Court-Walls, efpegial.Iy in Rural and Foreft Seats. You are.but juft enter’d upon your Work, and you muft confider, that you have a great many Things to do.with your Money ^ but if you do build in a Town,' you muft in fome Meafure fubmit to if. ■' But before I quit this Section, I obferve, that as foon as ever you are out of Doors, you are in a Foreft. This a good Defigner would defire by all Means: Wood is of fo charming a Nature, as well as Ufe, that no Man would cut any of it down, except he could not poffl-bly help it, and would only clear it away, that he may have an open Breathing-Place before him, with Ridings thro’ it. Neverthe-lefs, if it be not already grown, it may be plac’d farther $ but of this more anon. ‘ n 3 CHAP.*fi©0© GOOt]OOQpOGQ3GOQ0QOQQQ.t. 4>ooe 0O2GO63oeooc?eoeeo6co2i CHAP. V. Of T ERRACE - Wa L K S. H E Terrace feems to have been us’d a confiderable Time fince, the Latins terming it Agger, or Aggeflus, as may befuppos’d from ad and gero, to colled or gather together of an Heap 5 Vitruvius (that celebrated Roman Archited) and Suetonius, call it by the Name of Pul-vimiSy a Garden-Bed, or rais’d Walk of Gravel $ Maerob'tuSy by Solarium, a Sunny Bank, or Walk : But the neared of our Derivations in Englijljy is from the French, Terrace, or Terraffe $ and they from the Italians, (from whom they, and almoft all Europe, derive their Terms of Art relating to Building, Gardening, &c.) Terraza, Terrazare, fignifying with them the removing and banking up of Earth, from one Place into another. But be the Derivation as it will, it is very well known in thefe European Countries, and particularly with us, to be a fmall Bank of Earth, laid out and trimm’d according to Line and Level, being neceilary for the proper E- levationJ? cur e t/ro Ihrl.JZlevationOf Terrace-Walks. 151 levation of any Perfon that walks round his Garden, to view all that lyes round him. And this Elevation is fo neceflary, that all Gardens muft be efteem’d very deficient, that have them not: And, to be plain, I think it the greateft Fault imaginable in the Author of the Theory and Vra&ice of Gardenings that he has not been more particular in that Refpeft, ef-pecially that he has not defigu’d them next to his main Building, where they are fo abfo-lutely neceflary, both as to Ufe and Beauty, that I dare pronounce a Seat of no Value without them ^ and,befides,where-ever the Houfe is to be new built, there is no Poflibility of dif-pofing of the Earth, Clay, Rubbifb, &c. that neceflfarily comes out of the Cellars and Foundation thereof, but this $ which we muft o-therwife fuppofe (amidft a thoufand need-lefs Works) is to be carted away, to fill up fome Hollow or other, which had been better left undone perhaps likewife. Of Terrace-Walks there are feveral Kinds, as they are particularly us’d. The ift, is that great Terrace that lies next the Houfe. The 2d, Side, or Middle Terrace, that is commonly rais’d or cut out above the Level of the Parterre, Lawn, &c. The 3d, Thofe that encompafs a Garden ^ and h 4 Thei5* 0/Terrace-Walks’. The 4th, Many that lye under one another, as being cut out of a large high Hill; thefe are differing, in fome Refped or other, from one another. I (hall, in the enfuing Plates, give the Reader the Plan and Ufe of them all, with fuch Obfervations and Diredions as are made thereon. I fhall only make fome general Obfervations thereon, before 1 come to the Plate it felf$ fuch are thofe concerning the Height, Breadth, but little of the Length of Terraces, fince that depends on Pleafure. As to the Breadth of all Side-Terraces, *tis, generally fpeaking, decided by its Correfpondence with fome Pavilion, fome little Jettee of Building, but mod of all by the Quantity of Stuff we have to fpare for fuch Purpofes. As the Side-Terrace in a Garden, ought to be never lefs than twenty Foot, fo there is little Occafion to make it wider than forty ^ but for the Height, which is the chief Occafion of this Paragraph, we may note the Pradice of feveral has been fomething different one from another 5 fome allowing it to be five Foot high, (which is altogether extravagant) and others more or lefs, according to their refpedive Fancies, without any certain Rule. But the bed and mod exad Praditioners allow no more than three Foot and an half, and in a narrow Terrace-Walk, and a fmall Garden, three Foot, and fometimes two Foot and an half higher, are fufficient for a Terrace 5 then for a Terrace of 20 Foot wide, two Foot > andOf Terra'ce-Walks. 153' and half an Inch, or two Foot nine Inches, is fuflicieqt 5 but when it is go or 40 Foot, and the Garden proportionably large,’ 3 Foot, or g Foot and an half, is abfolutely requir’d. As to the general Proportion of great Terraces, I refer you to the Scheme and Scale of Plate 27, Fig. 6, by which it appears, that the; Terrace is near ico Foot wide. The Reafon why I make it thus large, is, becaufe 1 have often (I may fay always) thought that the Terrace-Walks under Buildings, in almofl: all the Defigns 1 have leen in England, are too narrow, fo narrow, that one can’t, without, a great deal of Inconvenience and Pain, view the Buildings as one walks along. And what gave me the fir ft Imprefiion of this Kind, was that truly magnificent and noble Terrace-Walk belonging to the Right Honourable the Earl of Nottingham, at Burleigh on the Hill in the County of Rutland 3 any Perfon that has once feen this, can’t but be mightily (hock’d to fee little creeping narrow Terraces under great Buildings. For my own Parr, I mud confefs, that that Defign creates an Idea in my Mind greater than I am well able to exprefs^ and tho’ every Perfon that builds,has not fo noble an Elevation and View, yet Per-fons in a more level Country, may help them-felves very much, and therefore there is the more Occafion for fuch an Elevation. And this reflects (fill more upon Mr. 'James s Tranilafi* on, where there is no fuch Care taken at all, nori54 °f Terrace-Walks. nor any Elevation, but what Nature has re-folvedly thrown into the Way $ and,in Truth, it looks very mean, to come out of a Building upon the grand Flat of a Lawn or Parterre^ and is a very great Difadvantage to the Gardens at Hampton-Courtyif it could have been avoided. Observation on Plate the 2 6th. Figure the ift is the natural Fall of a Hill. Figure the 2d (hews the Defcent from the Bafement 5 and it alfo demonftrates how eafi-ly Gentlemen may, with a little Care at firft,1 give their Buildings an handfome Elevation. Fig. 3 is the Profile at the End of the Parterre 5 and Fig. 4 and 5 are the Boundaries of a Garden by a Terrace*Walk' and Graff, and by a Terrace-Walk and Water. Fig. 6 is the Plan of the great Terrace, with Groves of Elms at each End. To purfue the Thread of our Directions. When you firft begin to build, and make Gardens, the Gardener and Builder ought to go Hand in Hand, and to confult together $ becaufe the Gardener has often Occafion, in the Courfe of his Works, to make Ufe of all the wafte Stuff that the Mafon or Brick-layer digs out of the Foundation of the Houfe$ and ’tis a very great Fault, and likewife an Expence, when Perfons (as ’tis the common Method) firft, dig the Earth out of the Foundations, and throw it out in promifcuous Heaps, and after that have it to remove again, toOf Terrace-Walks.’ 155 to fill Cart, (hoot down, and fpread again, all which Works aggrandize the Expence of an Undertaking, when there is no Occafion for it, when at the fame Time it is dug out of the Foundations, it might be carry’d away and fhot down in the very Place where it is wanted, without any more to do. And to this End, the Gardeners Scheme ought to be laid at the fame Time the Building is carrying on, and, in Truth, to be finilh’d out of Hand, that it may be growing while the Edifice is carrying up. I can’t chufe but prefs again this Care of dif-pofing of the Stuff as foon as it’s dug out of the Foundation of the Houfe 3 for People are generally in fuch a Hurry and Amaze, and Gardeners take fo little Notice of this one Particular, that I have often feen thefe coarfe heavy Materials tumbled backward and forward 3 and I dare aver, in a Defign now carrying on, near 500/. has been thrown away in this one Article of tumbling their Earth backward and forward, when it might have been difpos’d in its proper Place at once 3 the Fellows all the while muddling on, as if they wrerc a-maz’d 3 as for Labourers, they care little for that, tho’ fome of them often fee it 3 it ihould therefore be the peculiar Care of the Gentleman or his Gardener. To return to our more immediate Rules in Pra&ice. You are to chufe as high a Mold or Plan as you can, to fix your Houfe on 5 and there, after the whole Defign is cock- fpitted156 Of Terr’ace-Wakls. fpitted out, (as will be taught more by-and-by) the Mafon, or Brick-layer, is at the Center of the Garden-Front, to ered a Square Peer, or Bafe of rough Stone, (as the Bafe A, Fig. 1) on the Top of which he is to lay a fmoothflat Free-ftone Cap, and to make it exactly level, that by laying thereon a long Rule, you may at any Time turn it about, and take a general Survey of ail your Levels. This Stone, with its Cap, fhould be juft the Height of the Top of the Bafement, being the Level of the grand Floor ^ or, to fpeak more plainly, the Level of the Great Hall, Dining-Room, &c, and the Rooms that lye contiguous thereto. This Bafe-Peer ought to be fix’d with Judgment, according to the Nature of the Ground, and the Height you intend the firft and grand Floor fhould be^ which, generally fpeaking, ought to be 7 or 8 Foot above the natural Ground, allowing three Foot and an half for the Height of your grand Terrace, and four Foot, or four Foot and an half for the Height of your Bafement above that grand Terrace $ which four Foot, or four Foot and an half, we fuppofe to make eight or nine Steps, for the Number of Steps going up from off the great Terrace, to the Level of the Hall-Floor. This pitching the grand Floor fo high, be-fides the Elevation it gives the Houle, is very convenient, in as much as thereby the Cellars are lefs damp and moift^ and where-ever Springs are apt to rife, it is attended with the greateftOf T E R R A C E- W A L K S. I 57 greateft Advantage imaginable. Befides which, the Expence of digging the Cellars, is confide-rably leflen’d 5 only fo low it ought to be fix’d, that the Cellars may afford Stuff enough therefrom, and from the main Foundations, to make the Terrace-Walks, and fuch like Eminences, that are projected, and which the Nature of your Ground abfoluteiy requires. And before I go any farther, I can’t but recommend the carting out all this Earth or Clay, rather than wheeling, becaufe one is a very great Charge more than the other 5 J have obferv’d, that one ought never to .wheel above 1$ or 20 Yards at moft, except it be in fome Cafes, where there is not a good Supply of Stuff, or where fix or eight Men can’t ftand to work, to keep the Carts, always moving : In this Cafe, in order to forward the Work as much as pofiible, let one Cart always be Handing, with two Horfes ready har-nefs’d, and another always goings and this makes an incredible Difpatch, if you have fix, eight, ten, or twelve Men always digging and filling, and three or four fpreading and levelling it, as it is carry’d out into the Terrace-Walk, or other Hill. The Terrace-Walk, or Mount, being already flak’d out, and Care taken that they do not lay the Earth or Clay, fo taken out, too high, allowing always 8 or ic Inches lor good Mold, Turf, or Gravel, and in the finifh-mg the Plan cr Surface of this Walk. Let158 Of Terrace-Walks. Let us come now more particularly to the-Profile. The pillar being fix’d, as before directed, we allow five Foot, or five Foot and an half, for the Height of the Bafement above the Terrace, and three Foot, or three Foot and an half, for the Height of the Terrace above the grand Plan of the Lawn or Parterre, as appears by the Scheme $ we then allow an Inch, or an Inch and an half, in ten Foot Fall, for the Defcent of that Place, or if the Ground be riling, lefs will ferve$ but one would by no means allow lefs than a quarter of an Inch in ten Foot Fall 5 altho* Sir Jonas Moore, and other Artifts, in their Water-Levels, are, upon other Occafions, content with lefs. The Length of the Parterre being then 500 Foot, we need not make the whole Fall (except oblig’d by the Defcent of the Ground) lefs than three Foot and an half, or four Foot 5 nor ought we to make it more than fix Foot. And this la ft is what I have obferv’d jn the Profile. If the grand Walk continue thro’ a Wood, or on a Plain, it ought to be carry’d with the fame Defcent $ tho’ after one is got 2 or geo Yards Diftance from the Houfe, one may take the Liberty to fwerve from it 5 but it (hould be rather a rolling Level, than a ftrait ftiff one, than which nothing looks more cramping and ridiculous, and is a Blemifh in a great Defign that might be nam’d. Where ever, in that Cafe, the Ground falls off too quick, theOf Terrace-Walks,’ i Level ought to fwim, as it were, over Hill and Dale 5 or if it be a ftrait Line, it ought to fall at once, by a Slope, with fuch Divifi-ons to anfwer it as the Nature of the Place requires. This is to be feen at Letter D 5 and the rolling Level appears at Letters e e e. In this, neverthelefs, the Walk ought to be a dead Level, crofs-wife. To fum up all, the Fall from the Ground-Floor of the Houfe (in this Profile) to the Extent of the Park-Wall, or of the grand Walk,as far as. one would have it appear a Garden, is 24 Foot 6 Inches, which is a very proper Fall, and is thus accounted. E /. The Bafement »—----------------■ 5 o The Fall from the great Terrace 3 6 The Fall of the Parterre-------- 6 o The Fall at Letter D------------3 6 The Fall of the rolling Level — 6 6 24 6 Observations on Fig. 3, in the 3d Elate. This Figure is put to demonftrate the Profile of a Parterre, crofs-wife, with the Terr race-Walks on each Side 5 and is what in general is, or ought to be, near upon a flat or dead Level, fince it is to anfwer the Length of the grand Terrace, the Level and Plinth of the Houfe, &c. And this Scheme fully Ihews lyhere it ought to be flat, and where convex 5 as160 Of T E R RAC E- \V A L K Sr alfo the. Width . of the Terrace and other Walks, and the horizontal,, perpendicular, and hypothenufal Lines thereof. And this is fuppofiug the Terrace be rais’d entirely jof Earth, Clay, &c. brought from other Places $ for where-ever it is cut out of whole Ground, it is in it felf much the cheap-er. But Terrace-Walks are fo very ufeful,as well as beautiful, that one would by no means fail of having thefe Side-cues $ fince if there is not Stuff to fpare out of the Foundations of a Houfe, or if the Houfe be already an old one, or built but fome Time fince, by finking the Levels in the Parterre or Lawn, ’tis an eafy Matter to procure Stuff enough for any Occafion, efpecially this 5 and we may add thereto,the Nearnefs of its Movement, which is not a fmall Article,' . When, therefore, in order to proceed regularly in the Conduct of our Garden, the Terrace is done, or flak’d out only, you are togo to the Parterre, and at the Head thereof you fink your Level three Foot and an half for the Fall of the Terrace, which, according to two Foot and an half horizontal to one Foot perpendicular in the Fail, you are to make the Bafe of your Slope eight Foot nine Inches horizontal. We do, in many Places, allow, three Foot horizontal to one Foot perpendicular, but this there is not always Roorufor^ but lefs than two we never ought, nor more than three we need not 3 but this I have .mention’d elfewhere : For tho5 ther$ are force thatOf Ter R ACE-WAL Ksj 16”I that are indifcreet enough to make but ,one Foot and an half, nay, • fome not above one Foot, horizontal to the fame Perpendicular, it muft be a very great Faulty for if the Slope be deep, there is no {landing to mow upon it $ neither if the Ground is tolerably good, will the Grafs profper well, much lefs if it be hot, burning, gravelly Land5 but for rolling, there is not Room for fuppofing any fuch Thing, which is what makes our Slopes the fined of any Ordering or Drefiing we can bellow upon them, next to mowing. ‘ ;jPJ And I muft ,digrefs to obferve, amongft thofe that have either by Pra&ice or Writing inculcated this Error, in that Book of Mr. James's, in \yhich, in his Dire&ions for'cfht-' ting of Terrace-Walks out of all Hills, he has, in feveral Slopes, not allow’d above one Foot horizontal to one Foot perpendicular $ which mull be very ill Advice, and I could: not but caution the World: againft it. But to re-alfume our Pra&ice in the flaking out and levelling this Profile Line$ fikingthe Level at D, turn it long-ways of this Line, which will crop the Head of the Parterre 5 and fixing Stakes in at L, you have the Bottom of your Side-Terraces, from which, after you have meafur’d out eight Foot nine Inches, the horizontal Line of the Slope, you may; raife the Height three Foot fix Inches; which being done on each Side, you may foon level the Tops of your Terrace-Walk, as alfo the Bottom-Lines of your Parterre. M Havingi6z Of Terrace -Walks" Having thus done, you are to fall your fix Foot 5 but if your Ground does not require it, five or four Foot will be Fall enough, in refped: to the Work it felf. The Method how this is done, is fufficieritly laid down in Di-reBions for ujing Garden-Inftruments, ▼ «* 4** -Pùiée a My.mt ' wr& ffjfarri*} Jciù//7.Of the Parterre. 187 this Refped I think many of the French De~ figns (efpecially thofe that are in Mr. James’s Book) are very blameable $ for, as nothing is more pleating to the Eye than a contra&ed regular Condud and View, as foon as one goes out of an Houfe or Building and a forward dired View (as has been already hinted at) is the belt, be it either Parterre, Lawn, or any other open Space (double, treble, nay fometimes, quadruple the Width) why may we not juftly blame thofe Defigns that are much wider than they are long, and where, at our immediate Entrance into the Garden, the Noblenefs of View isfpoil’d, the Angles of Sight broke and confus’d, and, in Ihort, all that is valuable in Opticks made of no Account; Let this then fufiice for a general Examen of the Proportion of Parterres 5 come we now to the Plates themfelves. An Explanation of Plate the 28th. The firft Plate contains a Defign that was a long Time fince compos’d for a private Gentleman5 but neither that nor any other Defign is yet there perform’d 5 for which Rea-fon I have given it without any Alteration. The Parterre is defign’d for Grafs, Gravel, and Sand, or Cockle-lhells interwoven one with another, and is (unlefs it was to be entirely plain) the neateft and cheapeft -Way of making Parterres 5 befides, it is always green, and Winter and Summer it maintains its naturalfi88 Of the Parterre. ral Verdure 5 the Expence of keeping is ftill Jefs than when there are Borders and Edgings mix’d therewith. The Length is about 360 Foot, and the Breadth 180, which, indeed, is rather the fhorteft, but is what we were oblig’d to, thro* Fear of cutting away too much of the Wood that fronts the End of the Sweep. As for the Wood, or WiJdernefs, I have but little to remark, only that Care be taken to avoid an Error too much run into by many Defigners of Gardens, in making the two op-pofite Sides dire&ly alike. This is, inTruth, the having only half a Garden 5 fince whenever the Sides are equally the fame, when one has feen and enjoy’d the one half, there is little Occafion to view the fame over again j but this proceeds from the Delufivenefs of a regular Draught on Paper. The large fquare Balm of Water was almoft ready by Nature, it would therefore (m order to have made both Sides alike) have been the greateft of Follies, to have been at the Expence of filling it up, fince it is likewife in it (elf the greateft of natural Beauties and Conveniencies. ’Tis true, I can’t agree with fome, that would have, even in the Parterre, irregular and different Sides likewife j and 1 dare venture to lay it down as an Axiom in Gardening, that whatever lies open to View, ought to be regular, while, neverthelefsy whatever is within the Ambit of Wood, the more irregular, the more entertaining and diverting it is. TheOf the Parterre. 189 The oppofite Divifion is of another Kind, and intended for a Kind of Labyrinth, fome-thing of the Nature of that of Ferfeilles $ yet by no Means like fome others, that are made of (ingle Hedges $ for thofe feem to be calculated for an inferior Ciafs of People. Thefe are the mod beautiful and mod retir’d of all, and contrary to the Fafhion very common a-mongd us of making their Wildernefs open to all publick View ^ and to fuch a Degree has this Fault been us’d, that in many Gardens of Note, ’tis hard to find (tho’ the great-ed and mod edential Requifite in any Garden) fo much as one private Walk ^ but the Owner, upon all Occafions* is liable to the Noifeand Impertinence of almod every Body. It is very proper that fuch Divifions as thefe fhould be enclos’d, and a Pallifado-Gate fix’d at D, to keep it the more private. At the End, and in the diredl View of every Walk, fix’d in the Efpalier Hedge, are de-fign’d Statues, Urns, Paintings in Stone-Colour, Grotefque and antique Figures, Tables, &c. In fine, this, which by Meafure amounts to no more than four Acres and an half (be-fides the Kitchen Garden) is all that by any Means a Gentleman of confiderable Fortune (tho’ I (hall not intend to limit any Body) would in Prudence make the interior Parr of his Garden. The exterior, and more pub-lick, will follow in a few Pages 5 and ’till then 1 referve what 1 have more to fay on that Subject. An190 Of the Parterre. An Explanation of Plate the iqth. I had once made a Refolution not to have given any Deligns of this Kind in Gardening, intending to have confin’d ray felf to that Ample, plain, and unaffe&ed Method I have propos’d to my felf in the Delivery of what I have to fay concerning Gardening $ but as the Opinions, and, indeed, the more folid Judgments of Perfons, differ very much as to Defign, I have (as before intimated) in Compliance with the Expectations of fome curious Artifts in this Way, given one Plate of that Kind. And firlt, of Figures the ill and 3d. Astothefe firlt and third Figures, they are certainly the molt eligible, by Reafon of their Length, which, as I have before ob-ferv’d, is what is moll valuable in a Parterre, fomething near thofe Schemes in the Parterre at Hampton-Court, next the Water-fide 3 as is alfo that of Blenheim, and fome others, that are accounted atnongft the bell of their Kind 3 but in order to give them their full Length, ’tis necelfary, at the Ends of thofe Quarters, to add a Sweep or Break, to carry the Parterre to its proper Length 3 thefe Quarters ought Jikewife to be full 80 Foot wide, and of a proportionable Length, otherwife the Work in the Infide would be much too thick. Whether^IsUe-yf g.. Qm <7 ? Ys?4z /JY&7TÀ! JÏI<4S19z Of the Parterre. gularly conduced View to the adjacent Country, which mightily deferv’d it. In the great Terrace, upwards, there was a confiderable Rife, that afforded an handlom ,Cafcade$ and on the lower Side, an Eminence, over a beautiful Meadow, which Meadow, with the neighbouring Village, and o-ther pretty Landlkips, might be view’d from the uppermoft Terrace, on the lower Side of this Defign, the Hedge being low, and the natural Slope of the Hill falling away quite down to it $ whilft the Wood,that lies underneath, affords not a little Satisfa&ion, it being cut out into large Walks, that open at the Bottom to the aforefaid Meadow $ but this I could not fhew, by Reafon the Scale would not allow. The Plainnefs of the whole Defign makes it appear, that it may be eafily executed, the Slopes on one Side being entirely done to Hand, only cutting out of the Hill $ whilft the other (tho’ of more Expence) is as eafily form’d, by Means of the Stuff that is dug out of the Bafins. The Trees, I propofe on the Slopes, are no other than EngliJJj Elm, under which, if the Owner defires, he may place Vafa’s or Pyramid Yews} but I think it as well without. The firft Defcent (as appears by the Defign) is into a Level compos’d of plain Grafs, and Statues $ and the next is all of Watery round which if there were plac’d maritime Ornaments, the Effect would anfwer the Expence :Of the Parterre. i93 But the Defign is entirely plain, and only a Grafs Verge round the Water. The next Fall is a Bafin, whereinto, upon Occafion, may be thrown a great Deluge of Water by a Cafcade, out of that great Bafin that is a-bove 5 with feveral let-d'Eau^ from a Refer-voir at the Top of the Hill. The next Divi-fion is a Canal of 600 Foot long, which fini-fhes the interior Part of the Defign. The Height of the Terraces, and the Elm-Trees thereon, with the Length of the Canal, bounded, as it is, on each Side with Elms, mud of Courfe make an handfome direct View, befides the Pleafure that thofe fhady Terraces will afford in the extream Heat of Summer. I can’t, indeed, but think it a great Fault in many of our Gardens, that there is fo little Shade, efpecially on Terraces, which are always left very naked, and planted on each Side with nothing but clipp’d Plants 5 whereas good Shade, and a lofty cool View, feems much more defirable. I know many wiil argue, that the falling of the Leaves in Autumn, will very much foul and fpoil the Beauty of the Garden, and withal help to fpoil the Water 3 but as this is but once in the Year, one ought, above all Things, to druggie with fo finall an Inconvenience, when fo great a one is in the Ballance againd it, I mean the five beautiful Summer-Months, and that during the Excefs of Summer-Heats $ when all that can be faid on the other Hand, O can’ti94 Of the P arterre. can’t pofiibly be put in any the lead Competition with it. But if any a^e fo curious, there is now at Brwnpton Park, a very great Stock of tall dandard YeW3, that will retain their Leaves all Winter, and are, indeed, an im-.mediate and beautiful, $hade. This cutting their tall Pyramid Yews intp Statues, feems to have been one of the bed Thoughts that has JnQId in the Way of Gardening for fome Years. The noble Verdure and Shade that thofe Yews make, can’t but recommend them to the Choice of this, as well as the Umbrage of the Ja.ted Age. As for the Wood on each Side, it is not very pertinent in this Place,(being upon Parterres) to fay much of it: The upper Side is cut into long private Walks, which, altho’ they have not that Beauty upon Paper,that.Figures in Wood have, are yet much more retir’d and private $ the Want of which I take to be a very great Fault in mod of our Englifo Gardens, but this is already touch’d upon, and will more abundantly in. the Sequel of this Book. » l At the farther End is,-a large, open, riling Lawn, and thereon ..Statue, which will have no mean Effed, in refped to its.being a riling Hill, which ought to be plac’d amongd the greated Beauties in Nature. The oppolite Divilion, on the lower Side, is cut out into little narrow Walks,, after a Labyrinth Manner. Inw' '■$:- *'• ; efit' ?f?£3»<-P/aâe.Jo. fól. 2. ^ ^éra/Z tzsz/A^ Æ'ïtéÿû a/zd- j0a^fe^-r'e r. ;; .€&•.*/i&fa\‘.A»'.av n&llli!m i^HH '■â.^>*:-^■<®-v'a <£® ■ J#?- -,'â ÿi* ;■^ ■ • Qii IìhHHMmI i.e». V^mfl I wijjip ra HHf • . :.■&» ■'■ wflS H® : MB ^Qy£jK^®W •' fü® HH® yH n ^2*^^ ':•/s ;*&■’ : ' '’AC^"-' <& HHMB HP^BB .-. HHhhI IMffifPH H „ ïïi a w£mm MBBm wm mm m & HH .'4k :&>;& HhH| BgüH MH HflH£|iuNj^E| HH H U H 9H H BM ■I H ^^ ■■■ ^ ”-***■: I k: ^iVi.’•'*> ’•£& IrÀ '^i/çi-' &à% & r^' 4*! ' • :». 3w rfà> -® >v A H H Of the Parterre. 195 In fine, ’tis an eafy cheap Defign 5 and, cqnfidering the,Beauty of the Terraces lying one above another, and the View, not only, from thé HoufeJ" but alfa Bottom pf the Canal tkVTiöufe it Telf, and all the Cafcadesmf Water that fall from it, it may, I humbly prefume, be reckon’d amongft the fe-cond or Ihj^gte Defigns} jtyhich was the utmoft of \hy Aim in'eompofing it. The Terrace-Walk at Letter A, is to be fupporred; l?y a Wall, 5jjf the Earth may he batter'd *avV^y it)* down into Vhé natural Slope* ojp:the Hill, ^hiqh will fave that Expence ^ and with this I finiflt what I have to fay as to Parterres. Here follows the Hejign» I 1 O 2 G H A P3196 CHAP. VII. Of Woods, Grov- nejfes,Parks, &c. Introduction. H E greateft of all the natural Embellifhments of our Country-Seats, being in Woods and Groves judicioully contriv’d and cut out, I fliall make it my Endeavour, in this Chapter, to explain it, as much as in me lies: For, in Truth, amongft all the Errors committed in Gardening, there is none greater than in this. Tho* fince all that pretend to Judgment in Gardening agree, that Variety is the greateft and moft diftinguiihing Chara&eriftick in any Country-Seat or Garden, one would think it noOf Woods and Groves, 8zc. T9 7 no very hard Matter, to fix upon one and the fame Method in defigning of this beautiful Part of our Bufinefs: But I know not how it comes to pafs, People do differ, and that very much 3 and one feldom hears of twoPerfons whofe Opinions jump together in any Defign, one will find Fault with what another efteems excellent in its Kind. I think it proper, in this Place, if it were pofilble, to endeavour to reconcile the different Opinions of Perfons in Gardening, and efpecially as to Woods, the beautifulleft Part of it. And the beft and moll general Rules that (in Words) I can poffibly lay down, are to endeavour to follow and improve the Advantages of Nature, and not to (train her beyond her due Bounds. Some there are that efteem nothing well in a Defign, but long, large, wide, regular Ridings and Walks * and this, in Truth, is right in an open Park or Foreft, where the Owner rides and hunts: But that a Garden-Defign for walking in only, or if thereto we add Magnificence, which, 1 mult own, thofe long Ridings have, yet it would be a Fault to fet too great a Value upon thermin a Garden 5 and for the fike of long level Walks, to level all thofe little Eminencies and pleafing Labyrinths of Nature : For tho' a few of thefe Walks are abfolutely necelfary, in Refped to the Grandeur and general Beauty of a Situation, as the Middle and Side Walk, and a very few Diagonals, yet it is an unpardonablei9? Of Woods Fault, as we lee it-ajmoft eyeryr where, (Ipfc thé Expénde be, 'ivn.aj: JtwilQ;/'t|o ^ye/.lca.rp? a tty Thing ill a w hóle Déiïgn j ‘|yk ca r r 195 open \Vaikö‘ 3: fo thafc.oe'tlie' Garden.1- *50,, or 66s^^K. jpriyate or liktlikl: TurnwiiV} jhie 'whole Wood be growi^' dbvvn^cPUie all the jftprp^ -Trees that ftand in the Way of this Scheme.: And ' this feems to be the, great eft 08fipjence, in the Dp in ion of’Perfons as to Deftgn. , x^nc} that" tfaiS-is ilót FMipn,- there are a, great maf ny Places do teftify,^particularly that beautiful Wood belonging t;o the Earl ot '.Carlifie, at Caftle-tiotifardf wltere’Mr.. London defiga d a Star, y.VvHich would' have fpc^iP^,th.eLWood $ but flSfc His Lord'lhip s fuperlatiy^ ^ppius.pre* vèdtéd it‘“ahd to the great Adyancemen^cxf the Deftgn, has given it that Labyrinijjt diverting Model vfênow fee it 3. and it is, at.thisTinae, a Próyérb at that Place, Tor\Mgamfi, London^ in Alluuon to the Deftgn of a Londoner, and Mr. London the Défigner, , But,to apply it more plainly to thePurpofe in Hand, when you find a Wood that has a great many Hills and Dales, and isalmoft all of it compos’d of Irregularities«, *tis there one fhould not ftrain either the Fancy or the Purfe, but follow thofe little Sheivings and natural Turns and Meanders. Tis there you fhould be regular in your Deftgn 3 but whether the Level be up Hill or down Hill, whether the Turnings quick or more flow 3 orOf Woods and Groves, &c. 199 or whether the Wood it felf be thick or thin, one ought always to take the Advantage of it, and to make it moft agreeable to the Nature of it, having always a particular Regard to large old Oaks, Beech, and fuch like Trees 5 in which Cafe one would as foon fire ones Houfe, as cut them down, fince ’tis the Works of fo many Yeats, I may fay Ages, to rear them again. Oil the contrary,hovtf common is it for Layers out of Gardens to refolve upon fome regu-Scheme in the Clofet, and from it to cut out their whole Defign ^ fo that down go all the Oaks, Beeches,^, that have been fome Ages coming to Perfe&ion. And this, indeed, I forefee will be the Objection that will be made to fome Defigns that I havegiven ^ but I fhall here explain when fuch Defigns are proper to be us’d, and when not; fo that I hope thereby to caution my Reader from falling into an Error on that Account. When, therefore, we meet with a large Wood in an open Park, not near, or on the wrong, (the North) Side of the Houfe, and the fame be a Level, particularly if the Wood be thick, and it does not deftroy the general Profped of it by fo doing, ’tis there, in my Opinion, a regular Scheme ought to take Place. But when the Wood is plac’d near the Houfe, it is defign’d chiefly for Walking, to be as private as is confident with its own Na-O 4 ture,200 Of1 Woods and Groves, &c. ture, as when it is naturally compos’d of fe-veral Levels, Hills, and Hollows. This is a Place defign’d by Nature, for the Exer-cife of a good Genius in Gardening.' *Tis in large Hollows and low Grounds, and in the Middle or Center of Woods, that we make our little Cabinets and Gardens, of which fome are to be found in this Book, and others may be taken out of Mr. James's, befides an infinite Variety that may be contriv’d $ but the Lines extended from them fhould not be carry’d out too far, for that will make one unavoidably fplit upon the former Error of Regularity. If Water is to be had, one ought to look for convenient Places to make Heads at (at as little Expence as poflible) and to frame fuch Figures as are molt fuitable to the Nature of that Hollow 3 folikewifeof Hills. If the Wood is thin, ’tis there one may clear it quite away, and make open Lawns. And if the Wood be an . Eminence, then all the fmall Stuff on the Outfide ought to be clear’d away, to open the diftant Profped, if it deferve it; but if it be an unfightly, barren Profped:,tben let the Wood remain to blind it. Thefe, and fuch like Particulars as thefe, ought every Defigner to obferve, and then the regular Defigner will not be fo much blam’d for his Regularity, in as much as it is an open level Park, is nor plac’d near his Houfe, or is on the North Side, where Gardens and Walking-Places are not fo abfolutely requir’d,Of Woods and Groves, Sec. 201 requir’d, but his Defign is for an open fpaci-ous Wood, where the Owner is to ride, hunt, <&c. Neither will the natural Gardener be ob-ferv’d to have err’d, when he has fill'd all his little Eminencies and Hollows with little Gardens, Statues, and other rural Decorations 5 for his Wood is entirely for walking in 5 it lyes high, and he is not obferv’d to have cut down any noble Trees, when, in Truth, the Nature of his Wood would not allow it; neither has he (hewn himfelf fond of any Mathematical Figure, but has made his Defign fubmit to Nature, and not Nature to his Defign. The Infide of his Wood is fill’d with Hares, Pheafants, the Statues of Rural and Sylvan Deities all cut out in Wood, while he contrives likewife that living Hares and Pheafants lhall abound $ by which Means, befides the couchant Furniture in I-mitation, he has really a great deal that is a-live and in Motion, darting themfelves a-crofs him where-ever he turns himfelf: He is often furpriz’d with little Gardens, with Caves, little natural Cafcades and Grotts of Water, with Pieces of Grotefque Painting, Seats, and Arbors of Honeyfuckles and Jeflamine, and,in fliort, with all the Varieties that Nature and Art can furnifh him with. But this is but a very impeded Sketch of what a judicious Per-fon may compofe in this beautiful Wood. Proceed20 z Of Woods and Groves, Proceed we now to the defigning and laying piit of open, Jarge, fpacious Woods in Parks ^ and afterward to the other more retir’d and mere natural'ones, defign’d fot Walking and folitary^'Aihufetnents, after we have remark’d fome few Things as to the right placing 1 or mifplacio'g of Wood $ for this is too common an Error. I have touch'd fomething of this elfewhere, but it.Jikewife falls iu properly e-nough here;' ‘ Of Wood mifplac'd. Wood is mifplac’d, when it is toondarthe Eye in any Place,: when it croWds fo clofe-up to it, as to admit of no open Lawn or Breathing, if it may be fo term’d 5 for, befides that it ftopslthe View too fhort, it likewife thickens the Air,.and makes the Situation unhealthy. Inis likewife mifplacd when it hinders the pleafant Profpeft of any noble View $ fuch is the Sea, or diftanc blue Hills, or when near obes, and clbathed with Wobd or fine Turf. Be a Wood, therefore, it-felf never fo beautiful, it would almoft tempt the Owner to cut it down, except he has any other Profpe&s that exceed it. And if he Ihould build in the Middle of any thick Wood, or does intend to fow or plant, he ought, at lea ft, to open an Avenue of too or 1 50 Foot wide that Way, while his natural Meanders fliould be in Wood, as near as pollible his Houfe. And in fuch Places where the.Of Woods and Groves, &c. 203 the Wóod. dóes not hinder a better Profpeft 5 this is fuppöGng thè Wood is upon a level Ground 5 but if it is upon a rifing Hill, it ought not to be cut down by-any Means, in as much as Nature has thrown that in the Way, to fup-ply all the Other Defers of the Situation. -. . In general, Wood on the South Side (if the Profped be not extreamly fine) is not delira^ ble near at Hand, as lying too contiguous and interwove with out Gardens $ but Ihóuld be clear’d away, and1.ah open Lawn or Parterre made, detach’d of ail the Angles of Building 5 5 50 or 400 Foot at leaft from the Front of it in finali Buildings, and 5, '6, 7, or 8cd Foot, in larger.. In-which, as Wè have obferv’d in the Chapterconöerning Parterres,the Width óf tbeanain, Body ' of ■ the Building (not the Wings) is outgeneral Diredion f wherein we fhould ailowj atleaft, twice tne Width of the Building, for the Diftanceof Wood from it, and, if pofiible, without- cutting dowii too niuch Wood, turn times and'an half, 6t three times, tho’-it come near1 up to;the Out* fide Anglés of the Edifice. 1 But as to the North Front!, 'which Is, gene^ rally J fpeaking, thé moft champion View,' there the opener and larger your Lawn Bill the nobler 5 and if the Wópcf is not already grown, a Lawn of at leaft a quarter of a Mile in Length ought to determine the View. For Wood plac’d at that Diftance, or in larger Places fix times the fame, affords a moft noble Termination to the View, as may204 Woods and Groves, &c5 may be feen in that incomparably beautiful Park of his Grace the Duke of Ancafter, at Grimfthorpe in Lincohfhireyand other Places. In fine, Wood plac’d at a Diftance, and upon a Riling, is, befides its Ufe, one of the no-bleft and molt plealing Views in Nature. But for. the farther Illuftration of this, I refer to the Chapter concerning Situations, and the Plate of the Diftribution of Parks. In the Interim, I can’t but obferve a great Fault in many of our Defigns, in bringing our Avenues clofe to the Court-Gate, by which Means we very often lofe the Beauty of a very noble Lawn, while the Walk would at the fame Time anfwer its End at a great Diftance, were it to begin a quarter of a Mile from the Houfe. Befides, as I ffiall hereafter (hew by a Scheme, Wood in this Cafe crowded up too near an Houfe blinds it 3 and I will affirm, as I lhall by and by by Mathematical Demonftration ffiew, that a Walk of an hundred Foot wide, if the Wood is not crowded too clofe to the Building, will Ihew it as much or more than one of the full Width of the Building, fuppofing it two hundred Foot, where is a large open Lawn before it 3 and this will conliderably fave that Deft™# ion of Wood which is very often on this Account made. Obferva*Of Woods and Groves, &c. 205 Obfervation on Vlate 32, Fig. 1. This Plate contains the Draught of an open Grove or Wood, cut out into Walks, with Fountains and Bafins in it, and may ferve for a little Park 5 for if it is on the North Side of the Houfe, one can’t turn it into any Thing more advantageous 5 fince, in the firft Place, the making is much cheaper than any flri& Garden. And, indeed, I believe the World will allow it to be much more naturally beautiful and noble, than the raoft elaborate fine Garden 5 and, as for the keeping, 10 l.per Ann. in a Boy and Horfe, a long Pole to caff about the Worm Caffs and the Deers Buttons, with a Paddle to cut and root up any flaring Weeds or Thiffles, and a Bill fix’d in a Pole, to cut off fuch Boughs as are apt to grow in the Way will be fufEcient} this 10/. will do as much as ico /. in the keeping of a very fine Garden, befides the Beauty and Noblenefs there is in feeing of the Deer feed in the open Lawns, and running backward and forward through our whole Defign. This Defign I have lately compos’d for a Gentleman $ and fince ’tis not yet executed, 1 here place it, at the Front of my Defigns of Wood-Work. We have purpofely defign’d to clear away all the brufhy Under-wood, in order to make the Grove the more open 5 befides, the Deer would break it in Pieces, and make it appear fo ill, that one ought by all Means to take\ zo6 Of Woods and Groves, Sci this Care, in order to prevent that Blemifh} and it can’t be deoy’d, but that an open Grove is as beautiful as a dole one. ' The natural Lawns in the Infide, are like-wife purpofe.ly clea-r, fo that-there the Deler may lye undifturb’d, and have their Food fweeten’d by the Sun and Air. The Walks are graft of them Grafs, which the Deer will keep clofe as to the Mowing Part 3 and as to the rolling, fweeping, &p. it is to be done by a Man, Boy, and an Horfe, I can’t fee but this whole Defign, (which is near 30 Acres, and might in any fuch like Cafe be two or three hundred ) will appear as pleafant as the firieft Garden in the World. It being fo very plain and apparent in it felf, upon Paper, I (hall not multiply Words to no Purpofe in the farther Explanation thereof. Obfervations on Fig. 2 and 3, Plate 32. Figures the 2d and 3d in this1 Plate are the Plann and Elevation of a large open Lawn in the Middle' of a Park or Wood bounded by Lines of planted Trees 3 but this ought to be above 1000 Foot long, and 800 Foot wide, by which Means it will appear the nobleft Center that is in any Defign that I ever faw, and deferves a much larger Figure to exprefs its Beauty 3 but fuch is our Misfortune,1 that *tis very much to be doubted we have already ex-Of Woods and Groves, &c* 207 ex'cell’dthe Strength of our Pocketsin Plates;" and there being a Neceffity1 : of having fome more, we are oblig’d to contra# our Sails as much as pofiible, left perhaps we fail in the Midft of a too adventurous Flight. But to the Figure. This little Attempt , will (hew, that the Plattoons at each Corner* aré, by, a natural Elevation, mounted up into Turrets, while the Inter-fpaces are kept low, and appear like Piazza’s, to convey one fronT one Turret to another. - v.n;• This, I ‘prefume, is altogether new in Planting, especially as to the Elevation of the Turrets, which I (hall therefore fay fome-thing the more of; - • : ; C; i■ n-; There are few Gèntiemen, 'if is tq be fup-pos’d, but what have fome larger.Elms and Lymes than ordinary to plant thòfe Plattoons with ^ and very ufeful in this Cafe are fuch Avenues that are of 18 or 20 Years planting* where the Trees Hand too thick, which is the Fault of almoft all the: Avenues:that havd been planted within thefe twenty or thirty Years laft paft 5 fo that ’tis not.only' poffible,* but alfo very requifite, that every other Tree (hould be taken up the Line! it Telf will be maintain’d every whitias well, and-the Trees that remain will fpread themfelves the better; This being granted, you are to take them up carefully, (as will appear in its proper Place) and prune the Head of the Trees, be it either Elm or Lyme, into a Conic Shape208 Of Woods and Groves, &c. Shape, and thofe Snaggs or Boughs that are left, will throw out Branches in abundance, and will at oncefofm a Kind of a Turret, while the Intervals of this, or any other Figure, may be planted with new Boughs, or lower Trees, and fo kept low, by a little pruning, that the great Trees may form fomething in the Nature of Towers, and the lefler will appear, as intended, in the Nature of Corridores and Pa/lages. And this third Figure (hews how much may be borrow’d, both of Terms and aCtual Directions in the defigning and laying out Gardens,from military and civil Architecture. And ’twas from the firft of thefe that the Ancients form’d their Rules in the planting and difpofing their Groves and Gardens, as may be learnt from Virgil, and other Authors. And of this Kind, ’tis certain, were the regular Plantations of the magnificent Cyrus, Dio-clefian, &c. whofe Memoirs have had a Place in the firft Volume of this Work ^ to illu-ftrate which, 1 (hall give my Reader a particular Plate, if this Book fwells not too faft on my Hands. The Plattoons at the Angles, and the Di-ftance of all the Trees in the Intervals between Plattoon and Plattoon, may all be at twenty five Foot, tho’ the Scale is fo fmall in this Figure, that no Certainty can be gather’d as to their Diftance. Obferva-Of Woods and Gropes, &c. 205 Obfervatioiis on Plate 3 2, Fig, 4. This is the Figure of an open Lawn in à Park or Wood, to which, from fix Centers, are brought eighteen Walks,, befides thè main Walk that runs thro’, which, reckon’d from the Lawn it felf, makes twenty. There is little to be obferv’d in thefe grand Centers and Lawrts, but that they ought at all Times to be of a confidèrable Width 5 and this, in particular, ought not to be lefs than 250 Foot long, and if longer, the better, even 500 Foot ^ by which Means the Walks will be all confiderably widen’d in Proporti-, on. And ’tis alfo fuppos’d, that this Defign is for an open Park or Wood, that lies on the North Side of an Houfe, upon a Flat, and for Ridings only ^ fince,were it us’d for rifing Hills and daly Ground, where there are but few large Trees, this Method would undoubtedly fpoil the whole, and make it too pub-lick for a private Walking-Garden, and level to the Ground thofe ancient Trees, which our Fore-fathers had all along preferv’d with much Care. It muft be obferv’d, that there are feveral Niches in the middle Walk, to place Benches and Statues in $ for thefe add very much to the Beauty, as well as Convenience of any Garden or Wood 3 and it canbot but be e-fteem’d a confiderable Fault where-ever it is neglefted. If there are any that will be at P the2io Of Woods and Groves9 Sec: the Trouble and Expense of placing more in other Wallis, efpecially in Centers, I can’t but commend it 5 but this fhould be not over^ lavifhly, fince ’tis eafy to forefee that a large Expence attends it* I (hall, in the next two Mates, give fome particular Defigns fpr Centers in little low-(hrubb’d Wildernefles, that from fome little Eminencies may be view’d with Eafe: And then, after fomething of regular Groves, (hall come to what has been all along my chiefefl: Aim, Natural and Rural Gardening. Obfervations on Plate 33. We come now to regular Groves, Labyrinths, &c. which have like wife their particular Beauty, as indeed this will, upon a few Confiderations, appear to have. The Center is compos’d of a neat Grafs-Plat, encompafs’d round with Feftins and Jet-d'-Eaus, or Falls of Water 3 which muft have a very good Effeft, as it will appear every where thro’ and under the Trees, efpecially at the Ends of the Walks, and in the PafTages thereof up to the Center. It may be obfervd, that under the Standard Trees I have defign’d Hedges 5 which Hedges are to be of Eugh, or, rather, Swe-dijb Juniper, kept cut to about two Foot high 5 and the Standards, which I fuppofe to be moft of them Hughs* (in as much as they are notOf Woods and Groves> Sec, 211 fo apt to foul the Walk :) And if the Planter pleafes, he may, between every one of them/ plant little ftrip’d Standard-Hollies, about three Fdot and an half in Stem ^ and thefe, will look very bright amongft the Dock-, Eughs, and very much diverlify the general Eughs.5 bnt this I could not exprefa hère, the Scale being of the fmalleft. The In (ides are td bô all Grafs-WorkS 5 whether plain or cut, I leave to the Opinion of the ingenious Gardener 5 but be it which it will, it can t but look well» And the Niched in the Verge, on the middle and crofs .Walk, are to fet Benches on, detach’d and clear of, the Gravel $ or may otherwife. be left, plain: Tho’, if we. Would mix the Utile with the Dulee^ the Quarters -may be Hock’d with fuch Sorts of Kitchen-Stuff as are 3ot of-fenfive, as are Cabbages, &c, fdr Peafe, Beans, Artichokes, <&c. being kept clean, will look as well as any Thing, and pay for their keeping; \ , • The full of this Plate is, then, an opetl Grove, with regular Walks, &c. which, asi they will certainly make an agreeable Confn-! lion, and an imperceptible Regularity* -may; be admitted into the belt of our Gardens and Woods 5 and they have this above common Wilderneffes, that they are more airy and light, and are ftill as lhady as any others. ■ P i This2ii Of Woods and Groves, See. This Defign may alfo be turn’d to a regular Wildernefs, or a promifeuous open Grove, as well as this (as may fome of the others I have given) which will, I hope, make them the more acceptable. Obfervations on Flate 34, Fig. 1, 2. ’Tis certain, that the Quadrate and Quin-cuncial Manner of planting and ranging Trees, is the moft ancient, fince it is confirm’d from A by denut, Eufebiut, and others, that that was the Form of the Hanging Gar-dens of Babylon, as deferib’d by Q Curtins 3 and in the memorable Garden of Alcinous, anciently conceiv’d (as Sir Thomas Brown words it) an Original Fancy from Paradife, there is Mention made of well-cotitriv’d Order. D/-omedes, (as the fame Author quotes him) de-feribing the rural Polfeffions of his' Father, gives an Account, in the fame Language, of Trees orderly planted 3 and TJlyjfes, being a Boy, was promis’d by his Father forty Fig-Trees, and fifty Rows of Vines producing all Kinds of Grapes. The Author of the Theory and Pra&ice of Gardening, has, in his excellent Book tranflated' by Mr. James, given us a Specimen of what he calls Planting in Quincunce, in which he is in this miftaken 5 becaufe, in his Defign, the Trees are all planted fquare, or at Right Angles, when, in Truth, the Qjiincuncial Difpofition of Trees,Of Woods and Groves, &c. 213 is alternate, like a Figure of 5, as it is En-g]idl’d from Cicero 3 and fo three Trees form thereby an equilateral, or fometimes an equi-crural Triangle 3 four Trees, a Rhombus, or Lozenge 3 and five, a Figure of 10. Bur, to finifli our Obfervation on this Author’s Miftake, and goon: This Method was not only in Ufe in planting of Trees, but alfo in many other Arts and Sciences, and efpeci-ally Military Discipline, and was, perhaps, by them brought into Planting therefrom : Thus Virgil: Sic tumults acclive folum collefque fupinos Indulge or dinib us 1 nec /edits omnis in unguemy Arboribus pofitis feElo via limine quadrat, Ut /epe ingenti Bello cum longa Cohortes Explicuit Legio, & campo Hetit Agmen aperto9 Dire&aq3 acies, ac late fluduat omnis9 dzc. By which handfora Defcription of Virgil, we find this Quincuncial Method to have its Original from the Methods obferv’d by the Generals of the Antients in ranging their Armies, The Rhombus, or Lozenge Figure, was a remarkable Form of Battle in the Grecian Cavalry, obferv’d by the Pallians, and Philip King of Macedon, and frequently by the Parthians 3 and the Roman Battalia was order’d after the fame Manner 3 for thus the Haflati, Principesand Triatiiy were plac’d in their Bodies,and in thefe confifled the main P 3 Strength214 • Pf Woods and Groves^ Szc, Strength of the Roman Battle $ from which, and from innumerable pther Confiderations, I the ingenious Sir Thomas Brown, in his well: known elaborate Eflay on the Gardens of Cyprus, h$s eftablifh'd this Quincuncial Method. And Julius C$far, in his Approaches to the ftrong Town of Alife, in his Lines of Gircumvaljation, fix’d in Stakes up to the Head' after this Manner, in order to baffle theiGauls in their Aflaults$ as we learn from his Commentaries. And the ancient Authors, Varro, Quintilian, and the afpremention’dQ^Curtius, recommend it as highly beautiful $ but Virgil, in particular, recommends it for its Ufe too ; Non animum mo do uti pafeat profpefius inanem, Sed quia non aliter vires dabit omnibus *quas Terra, neque in yacuum poterunt fe extendere rami\. k yirg. Georg. 2. But we may obferve, that the Advantage of this Quincuncial Method is fo much beyond the Quadrate, that an Acre of Ground, where they are planted at equal Diftances in the {tows, this Way, will have at leaf!: a fifth Part of the Number of Trees more than the o-ther, apd that by Means of their alternate Difpofitiofy And this is particularly a very good Way in planting of an Orchard, or any other Plantation, where the Planters would difpofe of as many Trees as they ,can.Of Woods and Groves, &c. 215 To come then to our Method of dividing our Plantation after this Quincuncial and Quadrate Manner, on which the afore-mention’d ingenious Author, Sir Thomas Brown, has. fpent about 100 Pages. When the Width of a Piece of Ground is taken,you are firlt to fquare itoutexa&ly by the Method heretofore deliver’d,in the Mathematical InfiruBions for Gardeners: Which done, and four Stakes fet, one at each Angle of your Work, divide it by an uneven Number, fuch as you think will divide the Rows of Trees at fifteen, twenty, or twenty five Foot Diftance, more or»lefs, as the Occafion requires. As for Inftance, in the 2d Figure of this next Plate, the Diftance from Corner-Tree to Corner-Tree is 306 Foot, which, by Way of Eflay, I divide by the uneven Number of 17, which gives 18 in the Quotient 3 and that 18 is the Number of Trees in that Line, at 17 Foot Diftance. And the Reafon that I divide by this or any other uneven Number, is, that thereby the Trees range every Way, which, if they were divided by an even Number, they would not do. But this is chiefly ufeful in Avenues, or where there are large Walks that pafs through one of thefe Plantations, in which, if you do not take this Method, the Trees will not range. But in regular Avenues, where Ranging is requir’d, it being, indeed, the very Principal requilite in thefe Kind of Works, it is very neceflary, as will hereafter appear, P 4 when2i 6 Of Woods and Groves, &c. when we come to fpeak of Parks and Avenues. But now to purfue the Thread of our Inftru-ftions, III this Cafe the Planter fhould therefore choofe fuch a Number for his Diftance as the Nature of his Tree requires; If it be for Dwarf-Fruit, 13 Foot will do $ if Standard-Fruit, 17, 19, or 21, and, fometimes, in rank-good Ground 25 Foot $ but, if it be for Foreft-Trees, which is at prefent our fuppos’d Cafe, (tho* the general Scale does not admit it) then they ought to be at Jeaft 27, 29, or fomeymes 31 Foot 5 and, by this Means, if you fquare out your Ground exactly,and plant the outer Rows firft, all the reft will range quite thro’ your Defign. And if it be an Avenue, or thereare Walks palling thro* it, you muft always make the middle Width exadly two, three, or four Times the Width of the common Diftance of your Trees; Thus, for Example, if your Trees are at 31 Foot Diftance, your Walk, if it be about ico Foot in the Defign, muft be reduc’d to 93 Foot, which is three times the common Diftance of your Trees 5 and then let your Avenue be wider or narrower, or the Ground be near a Level, your Trees will range every Way. In order to this, you ought to be very exad in fquaring and meafu-ring out your Diftances, or you’ll be puzzled. When you plant, therefore, in the Quin-cunciai Manner, as in the ift Figure of the ne3U plate, you are to aljow about 25 Foot a- funderOf Woods and Groves, Szc. z i j funder in the main, 15, 17, or 19, for Dwarf Fruit, and 35 Foot at leaft for Foreft-Trees 5 becaufe it is requir’d fo to be by the Large-nefs of their Growth more than Foreft-Trees. And by this Quincuncial Diftribution of them, becaufe, even by this Means, tho* the Divi-(ions on this Figure are larger than the other, yet does one hold near twenty Trees more than the other, and alfo the Trees have all neceffary Room ; which makes evident w|iat I have before aflerted, that this Quincuncial Way is the beft, in as much as it holds more Trees than the fquare Way does. Yet it muft be obferv’d, that when any Perfon goes to fet out one of thefe Quincuncial Plantatiops, he will have Occafion to ufe double the Number of Stakes, that he does in theiQuadrate, that fo he may range them in alternately, and make a Figure of V, with three Trees, quite thro* his Plantation, &c. After the whole is thus figur’d out on the Paper, or actually planted on the Ground, 5tis then the Crofs-Walks, or Jet them be di-red, or, indeed, any other, that the Figure beft admits $ but it muft be noted, that in all dired Walks, the middle Line of Trees, or fometimes two or three Lines, muft be left out, both to give the Walk its proper Width, as alfo that the Trees on each Side may be diredly oppofite, which they would not otherwife be. But in all Diagonal Walks the Quincuncial Method is beft, being by the alternate Difpofition of the Trees both parallel21R Of Woods and Groves, &c. parallel and oppofite, as may be eafily ob-ferv’d by viewing the Figure it felf, Numb, i, in the next Plate. It will not be requir’d I fhould in this Place lay down the Method of Planting it felf, that having been already hinted at, and will in all its Parts (I hope) evidently appear in the Sequel of thefe Endeavours I am making to oblige the Planting World. Proceed we then, in the next Place, to the third and fourth Figures in the next Plate. Qhfervations on Fig. 3, 4, Plate 34, concerning Labyrinths. It will be needlefs, in this Place, to examine much into the Etymological Derivation of this Part of Gardening, or of its Antiquity, it being well known to fignify a windr ing, mazy, and intricate Turning to and fro,thro* a Wood or Wildernefs. This is what the Antientstook particular Delight in 3 and the Poets chofe them for fome of the plea-fanteft Themes of their Works But, to quit this, we may obferve, that thofe that have been ol late made in England, and, indeed, fome old Defigns we have in feveral Parts, and in feveral ancient Books publifh’d in our own Tongue, have been all of (ingle Hedges. And, by the Way, we may likewife obferve, that this Part was, and has always been, one of the firft Steps made in Gardening, in mo ft Coun° ^f j°/ts&s z^rz £zzzzzz?zz?z. f./Ÿarriz J~czc /1Of Woods and Groves, &£ 219 Countries, particularly in our own: And we may obferve to have feen very intricate Labyrinths in our old Books of Gardening, when at the fame Time the other Defigns in Gardening were altogether mean and infignifi-cant. The third Plate is a Labyrinth of fingle Hedges, or Banks, after the ancient Manner, tho’ not altogether of the fame Figure 3 for when I come to confider the Ufe and Nature of a Labyrinth, according to all the Con-ftru&ions that have ever been made of it, vhfd That ’tis an intricate and difficult Labour to find out the Center, and to be (as the Vulgar commonly like it for)fo intricate, as to lofe ones felf therein, and to meet with as great a Number of Stops therein and Difap-pointments as poffible 31 thought the only way to accomplifh it, was to make a dubious Choice of which Way to take at the very Entrance and Beginning it felf, in order to find out the Center, at which we are to end at B, into a little Arbour cradled over 3 for which Reafon there is, in the very firft coming in, in the Center, where the Grafs-Plat and Statue are defign’d, at A, fix different Entrances, whereof there is but one that leads to the Center, and that is attended with forae Difficulties, and a great many Stops. The moft that ever I obferv’d in this Cafe, are at Hampton-Court, where, I take it, there are but three or four falfe Stops, or Methods to lofe or perplex the Rambler in his going in 32 20 Of Woods and Groves, Szc, in 5 whereas in this there is above twenty, and I prefume to fay, (if it were of much Value when I had fo faidj that *tis not a very eafy Matter to find this Center,without the Draught or perhaps with it. But, be it as it will, it is of no great Ufe to enlarge upon it, after the Defign is thus fix’d $ and in the large Quarters and Divifion of a Wood, this may give fome Light in the making them intricate and perplexing, and may help to accomphlh our Garden-Amufements, The fourth Figure is the Draught of the Labyrinth at Verfailles, which is allow’d by all to be the nobleft of its Kind in the World, and which I here place, to give my Countrymen the Tafte of the French in Labyrinths 5 and becaufe this Draught may not by any other Means fall into the Hands of many of my Profefiion, I have given it as it is there us’d 5 and I may venture to fay, . that it is the only one that I have not compos’d thro’ this whole Undertaking. At the End of every Walk, in the View, as one pafies along, are plac’d fome of the Fables of j£fop, which all of them are a continual Entertainment to the Ambulator. The Walks are cut out (on Plate 8) in a Wood 5 and fo there is a confiderable Thick-nefs of Wood between Hedge and Hedge, which, in Truth, is much better than our {ingle Hedges 5 befides thjeirs are of quite another Ufe and Turn from what ours are; but paving given one of each, I have, I hope, tloneOf Woods and Groves9 &c. 221 done what is requir’d of me, choofe which you will* Their Way is fitteft for very large Spots of Ground,but oursfor fmall ones} but there is one Thing particularly attends ours, which is the Narrownefs of the Walks, by which Means the Hedges muft be always kept clipp’d 5 and which, in theirs, and accord-* ing to our Method of Rural Gardening, need not. But I pafs over this, and come to fome other Centers, Figures, and Ornaments, in our Wood-Work $ and the firft is deduc’d from Architefture. Amongft the feveral Artsand Sciences from which the Theory and Pra&ice of Gardening receives its Beauty, this of Architefture is the greateft, whether we confider it in Refped of the Rules and Terms we borrow from thence, in the laying out and diftributing ’em, or the Idea’s we receive from thence in Point of Defign. We have, in fome Places of this Kingdom, already fome faint Pourtraitures and Beginnings, of defigning and laying down fome little Spots of Gardening, in the Manner that the Ichnography or Plan of a Building is$ and by the Means of Eugh and other tonlile Greens, to imitate the Elevation thereof, in Columns, Pilafters, Niches, &c. And this I remember to have feen fomething of at Winchendony againfl a Wall there,where the Greens are cut into Filafters, &c. From22 i Of Woods and Groves, St. cl From thefe Beginnings, I thought I could not better employ my Time, than in giving one Plate, to farther and improve what has been fo imperfeftly began 5 (ince hereby one of the greateft Additions may in Time be made, to the Beauty of our Englijh Gardens, that has in any Age or Country been made* And the Truth is,when we confider the great Quantities of-tonfile Plants we abound with, there is not, at' firft Appearance, any better Method of difpofing of them than this, neither has any other Country fo great an Advantage thereby as we have. To prove this AlTertion, we need only view thofe prodigious Magazines of Eughs; Hollies, and other Greens, that are growing about London$ and how much they may add to the Beauty of our wildefl Plantations, by being us’d fparingly, in fome Centers of our natural Wood-Works, where the Owner is often glad to fihd fome few Elegancies, and neat little Gardens, made and kept by Art; amidft the Variety of natural Obje&s he . is creating to himfelf, and with which he is by Nature furnifh’d : Such, in particular, is that beautiful Hollow at Kenjington, with the fe-veral Cabinet-Recedes and Niches round it 5 and fuch as this Plan, or any other of this Kind, may prefent him with* there is fomething in this entirely pretty and new in Gardening. TdOf Woods and Groves, &c. 223 To begin then (by Way of Defcription) at the circular Steps, on the Extremities of the Draughts, you rife up into an handfome Avenue, planted on each Side with Eughs, planted and cut into double Pilafters, each bounded with a fhady Corridore or Piazza 5 and thefe, if the Eughs are planted large, vim. feven or eight Foot high, will foon form themfelves, by a little cutting, into Arches, Vaults, Groves, and all the other Beauties we borrow from Architecture. I lhall, at the latter End of this Treatife, when I am fpeaking of the particular Ornaments of Gardens, amongft our Arbour-Work, give fome little Plans and Uprights of this Way of working 5 and in the mean Time have thought this not improperly plac’d a-mongit our Woody Scenes. To proceed then in the Defcription of this Plan, you come by Degrees into the Center, or Middle, whereas you had before been introduc’d by double Pilafters, on each Side of your main Paflage, Avenue, or Cloifter 5 the Middle it felf is enVironM with circular Angle Columns, and in the Infide with Niches and Pilafters 5 in which Niches, I fup-pofe, Statues, Urns, or? other fuch like Decorations, which, being white, will be very much fet off by the Darknefs of the Eugh 5 and at each Angle I have propos’d (as appears bytheDefign) that there lhall be little Sal-loons, with Seats to flit down, or what elfe may be thought an Addition thereto. / nÌ24 Qf Woods and Groves, &c. ’Tis eafy to obferve likewife, that on each Side are feveral little Rooms or Cabinets of Retirement, one within another 5 and, as all of them are furiiifh’d with Niches for Statues* Urns, and other Vafes, and in the Middle fome little Grafs-Plat or Fountain of Water, I cannot but hope it will be thought extream-Iy pretty and diverting^ and for the farther Accomplifhment of this Kind of Work, the Plates I have already intimated, that are to be at the End of this Treatife, will fufficient-ly dire