LAB DAILY Filmed & Processed by the Library Photographic Service University of Californio Berkeley 94720 JOB NO._ DATE vear Reduction Ratio =z jie . Ia = liz l= = ie lle lle No On Il MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART WLLL LLG ! 1l V | V 2 T I y 3 y I V 4 | I 5! V | ! DOCUMENT SOURCE: x < M1 Jt LAL x Lif yl J) 35 Defigned chiefly for the Ue of Menufaiurers. EE . THE Phin = CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES dt OF THE Na METALLIC ARTS: 7 WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE PRINCIPAL DISEASES INCIDENT TO THE DIFFERENT ARTIFICERS ; THE PREVENTION AND CURE; MEANS OF AND A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF CHEMISTRY, By W. RICHARDSON, SurcGEoON, F.S. A. Sc. BIRMINGHAM, PRINTED BY THOMAS PEARSON; ; LONDON. AND SOLD EY R., BALDWIN, PATER-NOSTER ROW, MDCCXC. iv PREFACE. ing warmth, moifture, or nutriment, for the tender plants, can only be deduced from chemical princl- ples; and the very growth and perfection of them, can only be promoted by the affimilation of {imple particles, produced by various chemical decompo- {itions and new combinations. So that Chemiftry « is of the fame importance to agriculture, and all « the more particular branches of rural ceconomy « that aftronomy is to navigation.” With refpect to the arts, moft of them depend on chemiftry for their perfection. The fmelting of ores; the manufaGuring of metals; the elegance and durability of dying ; the making of glafs, porce- lain, &c. all derive their great beauty and utility from the fame feurce. Moft of thefe procefies are conducted by artifts who are intirely ignorant of their principles ; but in general have acquired a confider- able degree of certainty and ingenuity from practice. But fhould any unexpected circumftance arife, which they have not experienced before; they are in- volved in 2 difficulty which all their practice cannot extricate them from; and which in all probability can only be furmounted, by a proper reference to, and application of, the principles of the art. So that many loffes muft unavoidably be incurred in work- ing, from the want of fuch fundamental knowledge. T 0 PREFACE. v To obviate which in fome degree, in the metallic arts, was the principal inducement for the prefent un- dertaking. The introduction to the ftudy of che- miftry is by no means offered as perfe&; it is only intended to communicate general ideas on the fub- ject; but the author flatters himfelf, that thould it in- cite a defire of being farther informed, that it will much facilitate the underftanding of more feientife writers. The knowledge of metallic artifts, feldom extends farther than what immediately concerns their own employment; many of them have not the leat con. ception of the method of extracting metals from their ores; or of the application of them to fuch various purpofes; the author therefore prefumed, that a pub- lication of this nature exhibiting their origin, chemi- cal properties, and different com binations; might b 1100 e ARiigl LiL UG O really ferviceable to the different manufa@rurer “il 1 “iy whofe intereft itis to gain fuch gener r . e a] 1M 1 a Cra ni a 4 Sshillal inrormacion, Authors of the greateft eminence h: 1 7 Oe n " v ayo eal COn- fulted and ufed on the prefent occafion; and when (OLY alll WINneén ever they have been deficient in point of practice, ap- plication has been made to working artifts: fo that every endeavour has been exerted co render the wo! as ufeful as poflible. And witha view to make it {til more ferviceable, a thort account of the moft trouble- {7 > 1:1{; wr} On way v ny ~ * ° 2 i ome diorders, to which fuch perfons are expofid vi PREFACE. is inferted in the end ; accompanied with fome plain and general directions refpecting the means of pre- vention and cure. By attending to thefe, it is hoped the artifts will be enabled to obviate and remove many of their fufferings. It is proper however to inform them, thatthefe directions are not meant to fet afide in every cafe application to the faculty, to whom onthe contrary we would advife them to have recourfe, if their complaints do not yield to the methods therein propofed. The Author takes this opportunity of acknow- Jedging that in this part of the work, he is indebted 10 a Friend and Phyfician of the town in which he refides for {everal hints. To enable thofe who have a tafte for experiment, to make them on a fmall fcale, we have given a ge- neral defcription of inftruments for the purpofe of philofophical chemiftry. We could not give a de- feription of thofe employed in the working at large without plates of reference, which would have been expenfive ; but fhould the public ever demand a fe- cond edition, they are intended to be added. CONTENTS. I. INT. 1BI8! aT ; ry rm INTRODUCTION to the Study of Chemifiry. Of Mines and Ores. — - = Paget 1. III. 2, Of Metals and meiallic Compounds. — — 33 IV. Qf metallic Calces and Precipitates. = 17 4 V. A Jbort Acconnt of the principal Dijfeafes of me- sallic Artifis, 5c. —— ee . m—— — IGG ERRATA. Page Ixvi, Line IT. for Spirit Sal of Ammoniac, read Spirit of Sal Ammoniac. Page lxxxiv, Line 2. for vitriable, read vitrifiable. Page 835. for Plantina, read Platina. Page 103, Line 12. for Amalgaman, read Amalgam. — ib.——— 14. dele in. — 104, ~~ 191, 7. for of, read off. — 13. for pepperment, read pepper ‘ re mint. 100 Grains. | Precipitated by | : ‘ Aerated min. al, Gold u Ts. : d In Aqua Cauttic ditto Regia. 5 : o Prufifian ditto A TABLE of the WEIGHT Wyht.' Celer. 154 Yellowifth 110 Darker, retains more Acid Yellowith or bluifth Aerated, &c. Cauttic £ruflian Marine Acid Silver in Nitrous Acid. 129 |White 112 (White 145 Brick color, or if dilute fiefh color r33 White clouds ‘ Aerated 194 ian green Copper ~ a Nitrous Acid Cauftic 15! Grey 1 brown " |Pruffian 530 Dark ed Iron Aerated 225 \Greenith brown, foon after yellowith oi 5 : b > J Vitriolic, or . [Cauftic 170 |Darker brown Marine Acid. |Pruffian 590 Blue Tin Aerated 131 ‘White — » J v . Aqua Regia, or {Cautftic 130 [White Marine Acid. |Pruffian 250 Dark green, grows blue Aerated 132 [White I.ead 'Cauftic 126 White Nitrous Acid. |Pruffian ~—— |Greenifh yellow, orows white { J 1 oO |Vitriolic Acid Aerated Mercury Cauttic Nitrous Acid. Pruffian Vitriolic Acid 143 [White grains 110 Brick color 104 (Ycllower White and yellow, with fpots of green 130 White . 93 Dull white ro Aerated Z.1nc ~ : Niyous Acid, [Sauitic NITOUS ACK, {puffin 495 Reddifh yellow, grows whitifh yellow and CoLor of METALLIC PRECIPITATES. 100 Grains. | Precipitatzd by \Weight. Color. Aerated 140 |} ; Regulus of | , : Dull white Mois am Cautftic | 138 |¢ i y Pruffian | — (Blue, eafily re-difiolved by excefs, then grean Aerated | 130 |} exis Bifmuth ~~ |Cauflic | 12 \ White Nitrous Acid. |Pruffian 180 |Reddifth yellow ‘Water | 113 |White . Acrated | 13 Nickel Cauftic 128 Whitifh green Nitrous Acid. i oT rufa | 250 Dirty reddifh yellow, or red and greenifh yellow |Acrued 160 Cobalt Caultic TAG Greenifh nale red Nitrous Acid § 4 ' © Pruffian 142 Blue. orev , in . 42 Blue, greyer than that of iron ene { - — | | Arfenic |Acrated | ren Uy Marine Acid, Cauttic "hie imperfect J : or Aqua Regia. Pruflian | 180 Gre reen and yellow mixed Manganefe ane 180 | | Brownifth red when dephlogifticated, or white Nitrous Acid. Cauftic 168 if phlogiiticated P ruffian 150 Dirty bluith grey, grows brownifh grey. Thefe precipitates are fuppofed to be well wathed in diftilled Waters and dried in a Heat of 212° of Fahiscalioh, to which they are expofed for ten Minutes, A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF CHEMISTRY. INTRODUCTION. Cy is ‘divided into two parts, viz. analyfis, and fynthefis. I. Analyfis 1s the decompofition or refolution of ‘bodies, into their conftituent parts, II. Synthefis is the re-compofition of fuch parts, forming the original compound. THE fubjects of chemiftry, are all bodies pro- duced either by nature or art. It isonly by certain means, that we can inveftigate the principles of fuch bodies ; thefe means are called chemical procefies ; and confift of I. RESOLUTION. BY refolution is meant the divifion of the various fubftances, compofinga fimple or mixed body ; reduc- ing it either into its integrant or component parts. a2 The xX INTRODUCTION. The integrant parts of a body, are the fimalleft particles into which ivcan be divided, without fepa- rating its component parts. The component parts of a body, are the different fubftances united together, forming the compound; as the mineral alkali and muriatic acid, are the com- ponent parts of common falt. 1. MIXTURE. MIXTURE, is the combination of different bodies among themfelves, and may be found in three fates, viz. Firft, mechanical mixture; fecondly, dif- fufion; and thirdly, chemical union, I. Mechanical mixture, is when the particles of the one body ateratt one another more ftrongly, than thofe of the other body; in this cafe, the fub- ftance in [malleft quantity, is broken into finall mafies, which are furrounded by the particles of the other; and the two fubftances are feparable, by fubfiding. A mixture of chalk and water, exemplifies this mode of combination. II. Diffufion, is whenithe particles of one fub- ftance, attract thofe of another, as ftrongly as they do one another ; fo that the fubftances are broken down into INTRODUCTION. xxi into their fmalleft integrant parts; and are uniformly mixed, but may be feparated by filtration or freezing. It is on this principle of combination, that dyers work. IIT. Chemical union, is when the particles of one fubftance attrac the particles of another, ftronger than they attrac one another; and the union can only be deftroyed, by the addition of fome other fim- ple or compound body ; which has a ftronger attrac- tion, to one or both of the conftituent parts of the firft combination, III. SOLUTION. WHEN a folid body is difiolved in a fluid, with- out deftioying its tranfparency; as common falt dif- folved in water; the operation is called {olution As the water is looked upon to be the principal agent, it is called che folvent, or menftruum; and the falt the folvend. IV. SATURATION. AS a folvent cannot a& unlimitedly, but can only diffolve a certain portion of the folvend ; when it ar- rives at that point, which makes it incapable of dif- folving any more; the folvent is faid to be faturated. a3 Satu- ? # jd ke wy wl vd | 1 XX1i INTRODUCTION. Saturation may be divided into fix different {pecies, which include all that can poffibly take place. I. Solids with liquids. Of this we have a ftrik- ing inftance in gypfum and water. Water poured on gypfumto a ceRaih quantity, becomes confoli- dated ; but if more than that quantity be added, it becomes liquid. II. Liquids with folids, as in the faturation of water with common {alt. III. Solids with vapor. The common fixed al- kali, will unite with a certain quantity of fixed air; in a manner fo ftrong, as to be only feparable by elec- tive attraction, IV. Liquids with vapor. Common water will abforb muriatic acid, and condenfe 1t to a certain degree; beyond which, however long the water be expofed to fuch vapor, no farther abforption can poffibly take place. V. Liquids with each other. Rectified {piri of wine is the beft folvent of effential oils; but the fo- lution is confined to a certain degree ; beyond which the oil becomes fuper-abundant, and can only be fuf- pended. And VI, Va- INTRODUCTION. xxi V1. Vapors with each other. Let volatile al- kali be converted into vapor, by the application of heat. Near this vapor detach the marine acid, by adding a little vitriolic acid to common falt; the va- por of the marine acid will unite with the vapor of volatile alkali, to the point of faturation, and form white flakes of fal ammoniac. Solution and faturation are promoted three ways. Firft, By agitation. Secondly, By minute diviiion; and Thirdly, By heat. I. If a piece of fugar be put into a little water, and fuffered to remain at reft; it will require fuine time before it be diffolved ; for the water immedi- ately in contact with the fugar, will become faturated; and from its difference of {pecific gravity remain at the bottom; but agitate it a little with a {fpoon, and the {olution foon takes place. II. The manner in which minute divifion pro- motes folution, is as follows: Bodies are aéted upon in proportion to the degree of furface, which the fol- vend expofes to the folvent; fo that, if the folvend be reduced to a powder, by encreafing its furface, the folvent has more parts to act upon, and confe- quently diffolves it with greater eafe and facility. And aa III. Heat xiv INTRODUCTION. III. Heat by encreafing the bulk of the folvent, and promoting an agization of its parts, caufes a greater furface, and a quicker application of its par- ticles to the folvend, by which the procefs is much facilitated. Deliquefcence is a mere folution, and has ob- tained a different appellation, on account of its be- ing differently performed. ir takes place in falts of ealy folution, and is effected by abforbing the wa- ter contained in the atmofphere. V. CRYSTALLIZATION. IN the folucion of any fol in water, every particle of water attracts to itfelf, and keeps fufpended a par- ticle of falt of a definite weight; therefore cryftal- lization, is an operation by which, the integrant parts of a body, feparated by the incerpofition of a fluid 5 are difpofed to unite again into folid, regular, and uniform mafles. To give as true an idea of cryf tallization as pofiible, we muft obferve; firft, that the particles of all bodies are difpofed to unite toge- ther, unlefs they be prevented by the interpofition of fome extraneous fubftance. Secondly, This dif- pofition is more perceptible in fimple or little com- pounded bodies ; than in others more compounded. Thirdly, The integrant parts of certain bodies, have the INTRODUCTION. XXV the fame confant, uniform, and peculiar figure; and fourthly, if the integrant parts of fuch bodies be equal and fimilar; all the parts will have an equal tendency to unite; but, if they be made diffimilar dates y they may unite indifcriminately 3 1t is probable that the difpofition of fuch parts to form an union, is in- fluenced by the extent of furface of the different fides. Now, if the integrant parts of a body, be kept apart by the interpofition of a fluid, and this fluid be evaporated by heat; in proportion as the fuid is evaporated, the fepaiated particles will approach to each other, till at laft they unite. They may alfo unite together before the whole of the interpofed fluid be evaporated; if the attraction fubfitting be- tween the integrant parts of the folvend, be fufficient to overcome the refiftance of the folvent; and then by giving them time to unite together by the fides moft difpofed to fuch union, they will cryftallize into figures conftantly uniform and fimiiar. The regularity of cryftals, depends upon certain circumftances. If the folvent be evaporated too hattily, the component parts will approximate and unite, before they have taken the pofition of their natural tendenc ; and will join indifcriminately, and thus form figures irregular and various. g If xXvi INTRODUCTION. INTRODUCTION. XXVii If the evaporated folution be cooled too faft; then i. - Som , ave the power of act the cryftals will be of different figures. e of the falts have the power of ating upon of each other, {o as to caufe each to be diffolved in a ie Cid os w ’ larger quantity, in the fame portion of menftruum. To procure the beft and moft perfect cryftals, the HRY RR . ) bo EAE evaporation fhould be gentle, and the cooling very When they att as inter-media, upon each other, as fal oI ammoniac, and corrofive fublimate, they cannot be gradual. cryftallized feparate by any methed. Cdl It frequently happens, that feveral falts are dif- folved in the fame menftruum; the feparation of which is attended with more or lefs difficulty. Salts compofed of marine or nitrous acid, with calcarious earth, copper, or iron, cannot be feparated by cryftallizarion; becaufe they all require to be In the cryftallization of different falts, it muft be evaporated nearly to drynefs; confequently their obferved, that they fhoot into cryftals at different times of the evaporation. Becaufe, fome falts re- a quire more and others lefs water for their folution; Lal cryftals will become intermixed. HL In the cryftals of the various {alts, there is a por- tion of water, which has no relation to the {alts nf and again, fome cryftallize beft by cooling; and | : Bop others by continuing the evaporation. Nitre cryf- themfelves; and is called the Water of CrysTaL- tin tallizes beft by cooling, and commen fale by conti- nuing the evaporation ; fo that if there be a {olution os of thofe {alts in the fame menftruum; and a {cpara- I ¥ evious to our entering on {eparation or decom- tion of them be defired; after the folution has been poten it will be neceflary to explain a few terms 0 evaporated, it thould be fet by to cool, when the cryftals of nitre will fhoot; and this fhould be re- peated till the whole nitre is collected ; then, as you continue to evaporate the water, the common fale art, more immediately conneted with that pro- cefs. Firft, PrecrerraTion. We would confine this term to the falling down 6f bodies in afolid form. It has been ufed in a very loofe indeterminate fenfe: authors have talked of the precipitation of vapors, which 1s erroneous, from their {pecific levity they will be fufpended, if they become condenfed, they will be precipitated in a vifible form; as the con- denfed vapor of water, forms rain. But the preci- will be continually cryftallizing. Some pitation | ts nc —— Ne XX viii INTRODUCTION. pitation which attends chemical decompolition,. I would fay, is the {eparating and {zlling down of one fubitance from another, in the fori of a folid; when the combined {fuottances were in 2 hquid or fluid fate. As for inftance, diffolve filver in pure aqua fortis, the {olution 1s clear and tranfparent; but by adding a cl-an plate of copper to the folution, a white powder is immediately formed, which falls to the bottom, and is called the PrecreiTaTe. During the folurion of the filver in the nitrous acid, a certain moticn is produced, which has been called Ezuriri- tron. This term has been indifcriminately applied to this phenomenon, and to the boiling of water; but as the fame appearances are produced from feparate and diftinék caufes, they fhould be defined by fepa- rate and diftiné&t terms; therefore, EpurriTiON {hould be confined to the boiling of water only; and Frrervescence fhould be applied to that inteftine metion produced from chemical folution. VI. Ce SEPARATION or DECOMPOSITION, THIS fubject is the moft important in the ftudy of chemiftry; as on this principle depends the whole of analyfis. By decompofition, we mean the refolution of bodies into their component parts, This effect is produced, INTRODUCTION. om produced, by that fuperiority, which one body pof- fefles over another, of forcing it from its fituation, and taking its place. This property is called by the French affinity, we call it elective attraction; fpeak- ing of it as a being, which has the power of making an election with refpect to its union with another body. In confequence of this elective attraction, compleat changes take place in fubftances, and new compounds are produced. The effect of elective attraction, may be feen by repeating the following experiments. I. Take afolution of Epfom alt, which is com- pofed of vitriolic acid and magnefia; to which add, a few drops of a folution of any alkaline falt, and the magnefia will fall to the bottom. V'he vitriolic acid having a ftronger attraction to the alkali, than to the magnefia; quits the firft combination, to unite with the alkali, while the magnefia, is precipizated, II. Putin a glafs, a finall quantity of a {olution of marble in muriatic acid; to this {olution add fome vitriolic acid, it will unite with the marble, and form a folid gypfum; while the muriatic acid will fly off in vapor, In a £ i AXX INTRODUCTION. I n the firft experiment, the united bodies remain liquid, while the decompofed body falls to the bot- tom in afolid form; but in the fecond experiment, the united bodies form a folid, while the feparated body evaporates away in form of vapor. In producing thefe changes, there are two forces to be overcome, viz. the attraction of Conesion, and the Vis-ingrT1a. Now, if any third body has the power of overcoming thefe forces, decompofition un- avoidably takes place. The ArTracTion of CoHE- ston may be overcome by ELECTIVE ATTRACTION, and the vis inertia, by firft, difference of fpecific gravity. If the body united, makes the compound of lefs {pe- cific gravity, than the body decompofed; then the decompofed body muft be precipitated to the bot- tom: and fecondly, Rerursion. This is clearly the cafe, when vapors are feparated; for as they are condenfed into very narrow limits during their union; no fooner are they fet at liberty, than their power of expanfion begins to act, and their parti- cles mutually repel each other, to a diftance from the fubftance they have been extricated from; as in the inftance of the decompofition of nitre, by the addition of a little vitriolic acid, when the fpirit of nitre flies off in an orange colored vapor, This INTRODUCTION. - xxxi This is an example of fingle eletive attraction, or, where by the addition of a third body, a com- pound is deprived of one of its conftituent parts; a feparation which will refift all the combined powers of mechanics, is here produced {imply by the addi- tion of a third fubftance. But this power is ftill far- ther extended in the double ele&ive attraction; or, when a compound body is decompofed, by adding another compound fubftance. If to a {olution of the vitriolated tartar, which is compofed of vitriolic acid and vegetable alkali; you add a few drops of a folution of lunar cauftic, which is formed of filver and the nitrous acid, a decompofition immediately takes place. The nitrous acid of the lunar cauftic, has a ftrong attraCtion for the alkaline bafe of the vitriolated tartar, but not fufficient of itfelf to dif= lodge the vitriolic acid; this want of power in the nitrous acid, is made up by the attraction, which fubfifts between the vitriolic acid and the calx of fil- ver. To make this cafe clear, we will illuftrate it by figures, not that I mean to fay, that fuch figures will thew exactly the relative forces, of the attraction of the different fubftances; but it will give a clearer idea of the {ubject, than by any other mode which I know of. Suppofe the vitriolic acid to attract the vegetable alkali, with a power equal to g. The nitrous acid has an attraction to the fame alkali, but with a force equal only to 8; confequently cannot decompofe Xxxii INTRODUCTION: decompofe it, being below the other power of at- traCion. ‘The nitrous acid has a power of attrac- tion equal to 2 to overcome, before it can diflodge the vitriolic acid; now, the relative attraction be- tween the vitriolic acid and the calx offilver, is equal to 4; which being added to the attraction of the nitrous acid, for the alkali will produce a power equal to 12, and the change accordingly takes place. Separation or decompofition may be produced by two modes. Firft, Via humidd, or by the nu- mip Way ; which is by folution in one or various menftrua ; and fecondly, via ficca, or the pRY Wary; which is the {olution of one folid body in another, by fufion or trituration; as in extracting the filver from filver ore, by fufing it with lead; or the ex- tracting of gold from its ore, by triturating it with quickfilver. Since the principle of elective attraction has been difcovered, chemifts have employed them{elves di- ligently, to find out the different fubftances which attrat each other; and to compare their relative forces. ‘This they did, till fuch a number of in- ftances occurred, that the memory could no longer contain them; in confequence of which, they di- gefted them into tables, which are called tables of elective attraction, VII, On NTRODUCTICN. KxXxiil VII. Ox DISTILLATION. THIS is aprocefs in which heat is applied to decompofe bodies. A great variety of veffels has been ufed for this purpofe. As the fubftances difs tilled, are firft converted into vapor, and afterwards condenfed; the mode of diftillation is named accord- ing to the efcape of the vapor. If the fire be placed beneath the body of the ftill, fo that the vapor rifes before it is condenfed, it is called diftillation per afcenfum, or by afcent. If the vapor be made to pals downward and is condenfed in a proper vefll, it is called diftillation per defcenfum, or by de- fcent; and if the diftillation be performed with a retort, at the neck of which is joined a recipient or receiver; it is called per latus, or by the fide; or per retortam, by the retort. The fubftances to be diftilled, are put into the body of the till, as the leaves of plants, and a fuffi- cient quantity of water put thereon; a gentle heat is applied, which converts the water into vapor. This vapor is impregnated with the volatile parts of the leaves; is condenfed, and forms the diftilled water of the particular plant ufed. This is called SIMPLE DisTILrATION, MSIE “ee XXXIV INTRODUCTION. INTRODUCTION. XXXV But this kind of diftillation will not anfwer all the purpofes, which chemifts want; for in the dif- tillation of nitrous acid, the nitre cannot be decom- pofed by finple diftillation. There arifes a necef- fity of making an addition, before the effect can be produced; which is done by adding the vitriolic acid, which unites with the alkaline bafe of the nitre, and fets at liberty the nitrous acid. This mode is called DistiLLaTion with AppITIon. The purpofes of diftillation are three. Firft, To obtain the volatile parts of bodies in a condenfed ftate, as the effential oils ; fecondly, If the component parts of bodies be fixed, to obtain that part we want by addition; and thirdly, by attending to the differ- ent degrees of heat, we may feparate a body we want from another, which is volatilifed at nearly the fame degree of heat. VIII. SUBLIMATION: THIS is u_ cn the fame principle as the diftil- lation per alcenfum; with this difference only; that the product in the diitiliation is always in a hquid form; and in fublimaticn, in a folid form. When the fubiiances fublimed appear like a fine {ofc powder, chemifts call them Howers; as the flowers of {ul- phur, flowers of benjamin, &c. This operation may be performed with phials Juted to each other, wn alludels, &c. IX. On IX. On EVAPORATION. THIS operation is ufed for feparating two fub- {tances from each other, one of which at leaft, mutt be fluid, and whofe degrees of volatility are very different. By this means we obtain a fale, which has been diffolved in water, in its concrete form; the water by uniting with the matter of heat, becomes volatile, and the particles of fale being brought nearer to each other, come within the {phere of their mu- tual attraction, and unite into a folid tate. As it was long thought that the air had great influence upon the quantity of fluid evaporated ; it will be pro- per to point out the errors, which this opinion has produced. There certainly is a flow evaporation from fluids expofed to the air; this may be confi- dered 1n fome degree as a folution in alr, yet the matter of fire has confiderable influence in produc- Ing it, as 1s evident from the cold which always ac- companies this procefs ; hence, we may confider this gradual evaporation as a compound {olution, made partly in air and partly in the matter of fire. The evaporation from a fluid continually boiling, is quite different in its nature, and in it, the evaporati n pro- duced by the action of the air, is exceedingly inconfi- derable, in compurifon with that which i made by the heat. This procefs is not accelerated in pro- 1 D2 norton Eh Lexi INTRODUCTION. portion to the extent of evaporating furface, but in porportion to the quantity of heat, which combines with the fluid. A current of cold air retards this procefs, by carrying off the heat from the water; hence no inconvenience arifes from covering the veflel, provided fufficient vent be given for the vapor to efcape; and the covering body be a bad-conductor of heat. By this mode, there is frequently more evaporated, than when free accefs is allowed to the external air. X. FUSION. THIS operation is commonly performed in vel- fels called crucibles. Metals expofed to heat be- come liquified, which ftate is called fufion. It may often take place, without changing the nature of the fufed body. It is frequently employed as a chemi- cal means of decompofing and recompounding bodies. In this way, all metals are extracted from their ores; and by this procefs, they are revivified, moulded, and alloyed with each cther; by this pro- cefs fand and alkali are combined to form glafs; and by it, likewife pafte, or colored ftones, enamels, &ec. are formed. The latter procefs, is called Vi- TRIFICATION. XI. On INTRODUCTION. XXXVii XI. Oz FILTRATION. A filtre is a {pecies of a very fine five, which is permeable to the particles of fluids, but throuch which the particles of the fineft powdered folids ore Incapable of paffing; hence its ufe in feparating fine powders from fufpenfion in fluids. For the pripolis of chemiftry, as itis requifite to have the filtres per- fectly clean, unfized paper is fubftituted inftead of cloth or flannel; through this fubftance, no folid body, however finely it be powdered, can penetrate while fluids percolate through it with the greateft readinefs, ” XII. On DECANTATION. THIS operation is often fubftituted inftead of filtration, for feparating folid particles, diffufed through liquors. Thefe are allowed to fettle in proper veffels, and the clear liquor is gently poured off. If the fediment be extremely light, and apt to mix again with the fluid by the flighteft motion the fyphon is ufed inftead of decantation for drawin off the clear fluid. | ° XIII, Ox i git edt oN i 3 1 i ag eT XXEViil INTRODUCTION. XIII. 0» CALCINATION. IN every calcination, fome volatile parts are ex- pelled by the fire, even fuppofing them to be no- thing elfe than phlogifton, air, and water. Hence this operation cannot be performed in a vefi¢l per- fe&tly clofed, and from which there is no poffible egrefs. Calcination in the proper and {trict fenfe of the word, is the mere operation of fire upon metailic bodies, calcareous earths, and in the incineration of animal and vegetable fubftances. Calcination may, therefore, be diftinguithed by the name perfect, from another which is linperfect, and performed by acrid faline fubftances of various kinds. The produtts of a perfect calcination, are called Cavrces, efpecially when they are of a white color; but when of a yel- low, brown, or red, they are called Sarrrons. When a metallic fubftance has been calcined by acrid falts, the operation is called Corrosion, but the product is called Rust. REVERBERATION, is a mode of calcination, by which the bodies fubjected to it, are ftruck by the fire from every fide. Roast- inG of Orgs, 1s a {pecies of calcination. CEMEN- TaTION, by acrid falts and heat, and DETONATION, by projecting nitre on metallic bodies in fufion, are hoth modes for promoting the {ame end. Scorifi- INTRODUCTION. XXXIX Scorification and cupeliation, are terms ufed for the fame procefs. XIV. Cu REDUCTION. THIS is an operation which takes place on me- tals only ; by which, whenever they have loft their metallic appearance, they are reftored to their pro- per metalline fate again. As metals may be de- prived of their fplendor by two different ways, either by the privation of their phlogifton by calcination; or by uniting them with extraneous fubftances, as in corrofion, &c. the reduction muft confequently de- pend on a two-fold caufe, and requires either, that the metallic earths thould have that which they have loft reftored to them; or that the extraneous fub- ftances which have been united with thefe calces, fhould be feparated from them. The parts whic the metallic calces have loft, are reftored by fufing them with fubftances containing phlegifton. The extraneous {ubftances are deftroyed by alkalies, bo- rax, lime, &c. but if it fhould be fulphur, alkalies then are very improper, as they would unite with it and form a hepar, and diffolve a portion of the me- tal. There isat all times a great difference obferv- able in reductions. Somme are performed with eafe, fome on the contrary with great difficulty; and re- quire befides to be managed in various ways. Some b 4 may STE ns * 3 #4 a hm = SRR Se - Eat i LEER A ny Ey a a a RL i 0] op mmr C2 Eo xl INTRODUCTION. may be reduced in open crucibles, whilft others are only to be reduced in clofe veflels. In fome cafes, the whole of the metal, which is contained in the body to be reduced is obtained ; in others, on the contrary, a confiderable quantity of 1t 1s loft, This procefs is much promoted by the affiftance of the different fluxes, and fucceeds beft, when there ftill fubfift in the body which is to be reduced, fome inflammable particles; without which the phlogifton of the reducing fubftances, cannot fo eafily combine with the calcined earthy particles, and confequently reduce the metal. XV. EXTRACTION. IN admixtures, fometimes there are parts which are {oluble in particular menftrua, the feparation of which is called extraction. This may be effected either by maceration, or fteeping the fubject in its appropriate folvent in the cold; or by digeftion, which may be either with or without heat, but in general, digeftion implies the ufe of heat. XVI. EXSICCATION. BY exficcation is meant the drying of moift bo- dies, which is performed either, firft, by heat, which evaporates INTRODUCTION. xii evaporates the humid parts; or fecondly, by apply- ing fubftances of a foft and fpongy texture, which imbibe the fuper-abundant moifture. XVIL LIXIVIATION. THIS isan operation ufed in chemiftry and the arts, for feparating fubftances which are foluble in water, from fuch as are infoluble. The fubftance to be lixiviated is put into a convenient veffel, and then either hot or cold water is poured upon it, according to the degree of folubility of the faline matter. This is repeated, till the water which comes off is entirely free from falt, which is Judged of by the tafte, or more accurately by the hydro- meter, XVIII. 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION & INSTRUMENTS, for the PURPOSE of PHILISOPHICAL CHEMISTRY. THERE are few who have it in their power to fit up a complete laboratory on a large fcale; but as many important difcoveries have been made upon very fimple apparatus, we will enumerate thofe fim. ple inftruments moft neceflary for a philofophic chemitt, I. ReTORTS of various fizes, compofed of glafs, earthen ware, or the different metals. II. Rk- oh xlit INTRODUCTION. II. Receivers of various fizes, compofed of glafs, or earthen ware. 111. Puiavrs of different fizes, fome perforated on one fide, and others on both, with various fized glafs tubes; fome ftraight, and others bent or curved. IV. Grass J ars of various fizes, fome graduated, and others plain. V. MaTrasses of different fizes, fome com- pofed of glafs, and others of earthen ware. VI. CrucisLes of various fizes, common, black lead and metallic. To which may be added, Car- suLES, which are fmall faucers, compofed of pure clay, or clay and fand; and TEsTs which are com- pofed of calcined bone dult. Murrres and cE- MENTING Pots, as being compofed of the fame ma- terials, may properly be mentioned in this place. VII. Grass Funners of various fizes, with a {feparating funncl. VIII. A woopeN TROUGH, to contain water, or quickfilver, with jars of different fizes, for a pneu- matic apparatus. 1 IX. A NTRODUCTION. x11 IX. A porTanLe Furnace. The following defcription of a general furnace for experiment, may not be unacceptable. The body of the furnace thould be made of fheet iron, groved together of a conical fthape; the finalleft diameter about {ix inches and a half, turned up to fupport a grate of bar iron. The largeft diameter about a foot, over which fhould be a cover perforated with two holes, as far from each other as pofiible ; the widelt about five inches the {malleft three inches and a quarter; whic rounded with a ring to fupporta funncl, which may communicate with the chimney of a common room. In the front of the furnace about two inches and a quarter, from the a fhould be an opening three inches and a quarter {quare, occaflionally to be co- vered with fide or door. It may be {upported on a trivet, but room muft be left for a miles cur- rent of air. Sometimes thefe fuinaces are lined with clay, &c. when they muft be made mecing 3 oH - 1 ry) 7 - ~ _ larger, except in height. When all the apertures through which the air ought not to bof, be clofed, a fufficient degree of heat is raifed to {melt copper, copper-ores, caft won, and even to reduce fome of This furnace will ferve for all the chemical procefits, fuch as diftillation, fub- Limation, &c. &c. the lefs refratory iron ores. XN. A rs pA mr * rT Ey = En 2 — 3 > & - 3 Sh. = SR edo a EET HS PR A Tra LS ere 4 wh a we eo Rt xliv INTRODUCTION. X. A srow Pipe. This is a very neceflary in- ftrument to reduce {mall portions of metallic ores to promote vitrifications, &c. with the flame of a can- dle or lamp. The flame of the candle or lamp, confifts of two well defined colours, viz. blue and light orange ; the heat of the blue color 1s molt 1n- tenfe, confequently, this flame concentrated by the blow pipe, and a {mall quantity of ore fupported on charcoal, or in a filver fpoon, brought to its apex, with a fall portion of flux, is foon brought into a {tate of fufion. By this method, {mall globules of glafs may be tinged, and the nature of metallic ores thereby afcertained. XI. Common Scares and WEIGHTS, and a pair of hydroftatic fcales to afcertain the fpecific gra- vity of bodies. The fpecific gravity of a metal or foffil, is thus found. Sufpend the piece to be ex- amined in a horfe-hair loop, fixed to a hook at the bottom of a fcale; poife it exactly by weights on the oppofite fcale; immerfe it in a quantity of dif- tilled water, and reftore the equilibrium by putting weights into the lighter {cale; thefe, indicate the weight of the quantity of water, which is equal in bulk to the metal, &c. under examination. Divide the fum of the weight in air, by the fum of the weight required to reftore the equilibrium in water, and the quotient INTRODUCTION. xlv quotient gives the fpecific gravity. If, for example the metal weighed in air 72 grains, and that when weighed in water, 9 grains were wanting to reftore the balance, 72 divided by 9 gives 8; therefore the fpecific gravity of that metal is called 8; that is, it is 8 times heavier than water. To determine the {i pe- cific gravity of a fluid, fufpend a folid ball of glafs by a horfe-hair, to the arm of a balance. Poife it accurately by weights in the fcale at the oppofite end of the beam. Now fink the ball in diftilled water, and take weights out of the fcale till the beam ftands horizontally ; note the weights you have taken away; wipe the ball perfectly dry, immerge it in the fluid you with to examine. The difference of the weights neceflary to reftore the equilibrium in the two fluids, denotes the fpecific gravity. Authors generally fignify fpecific gravity in deci- mal numbers, it is therefore neceffary to underftand them. This knowledge is eafily acquired. Firft, It muft be obferved, that the figures before the comma are whole numbers, as in common arithme- tic; thofe after the comma, are numerators, whofe denominator is 10,100, or 1000. Thefe denomi- nators are omitted, and the numerator only fet down, five tenths are thus written, ,5; forty-five hundred parts, thus, ,4 5; and hundred and twenty thoufand parts, thus, ,120. In thefe decimal fractions, cy- phers SUCTION INTRODU “ i xvi INTRODUCTION. XODUCTION. xlvil fl vol. v. p. g6, which confifts in diffolvi ng tw Ei phers after the figure fignify nothing, 399; means fb 1121011 WO Ounces Li > of borax 1n a pint of boil ng water, ; bi only five tenths; Tite ut before the figure they decreafe igen By 1 g ater, ol adding to i : olution as much flaked lime as is neceffur Id its value, thus, ,05 means five hundredth parts. the lolunc a uch ilaked lime as is neceflary to i form a thin pafte. The veflfel muft be covered all | ot Xn Pair of hand bellows, tongs, and mortars, : rwith it by jo Wn anter’s brufh, and then " $s vrviy Snell : utfered ro dry uf} overed with : wi compofed of metal and glafs; iron ladles, fhovels, - E oy t mu then be covered with a hi anda cous thin palte of linfeed oil and flaked lime, except the | A “a + O - . ) : Pp bi neck. In two or three days it will dry of icfelf, and Ei CHI Luts. Thee are ufed for fecuring the a retort will then bear the greateft fire without crack- | ‘yh py - k zg. TU 1 nétare of vefltls, in diftiilations and fublimations. ing he cracks of chemical veffels may be fe- s, IN J : Pre it mend Lov Teli cured by the {econd lute. For the dithillation of water, linen oped in a thin 3 1 pafte of flour and water is fufficient. A lute of he greater fecuiity 1s compofed of quick Yo, made XIV. Burning glafies, magnifying glaffes, a me- ir into a pafte with the whites of eggs. For the fccu- fallic lens, a thermometer, a {mall electrical ma- Ag rity of very corrofive vapors, clay finely powdered chine, and two fyringes, the one to extract, and the il and fifted, made 1nto a pei te with boiled linfeed oil; other to condenfe gafes. mut be applied to the jun@ure ; which muft be af- terwards covered with flips of linen, dipped in the With thefe inftruments, there ars few expos 4 pafte of quick lime and the whites of eggs. ‘The ments as oh may be made with the greateft pre- t! oo “ “iro r . : lute muft be perfe@tly dried before the veffels cifion, ¢ fhall now proceed to the materia che- i are ued, or elfe the heat may caufle it to dry too mica. i . ! 7s w v - TL | quick, and thereby caufe the Jute to crack. if this \ be the cafe, it is repaired by applying frefh lute in There have been various methods of arra ging 112i 7 of the cracks, and fuffering it to dry gradually. Vel- natural bodics, {0 as to give their chemical hiftory; 4 fels which are to be expofed to dans fre re fre- but Dr. Blick’, of Edinburgh, SoeHid 40 fhe 4 ai. the Te red} es : a quently coated to refit the efiects of the heat; the the moft unexceptionable. He divides them into | beft coating for which purpofe, is that efor ibed by fix CLasses, viz. Firlt, Sarts, Secondly, In- f Willis, in the Tranfadions of the Society of Arts, FLAMMABLE wr 1 VOI, i 1 1 a vl of 4 if i IRAs Te xvii INTRODUCTION. rLaMMaBLE Bopres. Thirdly, MeTaLs. Fourth- ly, EarTus. Fifthly, Arr; and Sixthly, WATER. 1, OFSALTS SALTS are a general term, comprehending three diftinét fpecies, viz. Firft, Actos. Secondly, AL- x aries; and Thirdly, NeuTRALS. ACIDS. THE term acid explains itfelf, by its common fenfible property, of tafting four. But this is not fuf- ficient to difcriminate acids under all circumftances; accordingly there are other general properties, which invariable characterize them. Firft, They unite with alkalies, earths, and metals, forming va- rious neutral falts. Secondly, Particular acids united to particular alkalies, produce difcriminating cryf- tals ; and thirdly, they change the tin&ures, or infu- fions of the blue flowers of vegetables to red. There is but one exception to the laft criterion, and that is in indigo, which is diffolved in vitriolic acid, without any change of color. The niceft chemical teft of an acid is tincture of turnfole, which 1s prepared from a folution of litmus in diftilled water, and af- fumes a blue color. A {ingle grain of concentrated vitriolic acid communicates a vifible red tinge to 172,300 grains, or 408 cubic inches of the blue uncture. INTRODUCTION: klix tincture. Syrup of violets is ufed for common ex- periments. Chemifts have divided acids into three claffes, viz, MINERAL, VEGETABLE, and ANIMAL; accord- ing to the nature of the fubje¢t from which they are produced. The vegetable acids are fubdivided into nativeand fatitious, which are produced by fermen- tation. ‘To the latter clafs may be referred thofe acids feparable from vegetables by diftillation. Thefe generally have a burnt finell, and are called Empy- REUMATIC ACIDS. I. MINERAL ACIDS. I. Virrioric Acip, commonly called Orr of Virrior, or Spirit of Vitrior. The vitriolic acid is fo called from the ancient method of extract- ing it from green vitriol. fitably obtained from the combuftion of ful hur. This acid when perfectly pure, is tranfparent; but its attraction for phlogiftic fubftances is fo ftrong, that But now it is more pro- whenever it comes 1n contact with them, it {oon be- comes of a dark color. Its fpecific gravity is dou- ble that of water; for if a pint of water weigh one pound, the fame quantity of vitriolic acid will weigh two pounds, It hasa very ftrong atrallion for water. Ro SNiagaaEne BESS HU INTRODUCTION. It.formerly was obtained from green vitriol, and pyrites, by diftillation. Sulphur was found to pro- duce it in great abundance from combuftion; confe- quently, that fubftance was burnt under a large glais bell; the condenfed vapor was an impure vitriolic acid, which was purified either by fimple diftillation, or by the addition of a fmall quantity of nitrous acid; which attracts the phlogifton; and is afterwards eafily evaporated away by a gentle heat. This was called OreuMm VitriorLt PER CamMpanaM; or oil of vi- triol by the bell. Itis now obtained by the com- buftion of fulphur, in rooms properly conftructed and lined, which are called SurLruur CHAMBERS. It unites with alkalies, earths, and metals, forming various neutral falts. When united with phlogifton it 1s volatilized, and has a very penetrating {mell ; in which ftate, it 1s called VOLATILE SuLPHUREQUS Aci. II. Marine Acip, ccmmenly called muriatic acid, or fpirits of falt. Its color is a pale yellow with a geenifh tinge. It is volatile in the heat of the atmofphere. Its {pecific gravity is to water as nineteen to fixteen. Its original form is a vapor, but it has a ftrong :ttraction for water, and therefore is generally in aliquid ftate. Its attraction for phle- giftonis not fo ftrong as the vitriolic acid. It is de- prived of its phlogifton by diftilling over manga- nefe, INTRODUCTION. Ii nefe, and is then called DEPHLOGISTICATED MARINE AciID. It is obtained by decompofing common falt with the vitriolic acid by diftillation. The common falt is compofed of marine acid and mineral alkali, the vitriolic acid has a ftronger attraction for the alkali, therefore unites with it, and drives off the marine acid in form of a white vapor; which is condenfed by water in proper veflels. It unites with alkalies, earths, and metallic calces, and forms various neutral {alts. III. Acipof Borax. Thisacid hasbeen called Homberg’s fedative falt; it 1s united wich the mineral alkali and forms Borax. It was thought to be an artificial production; but it has been found by Mr. Hoefer ina lake near Sienna, in the great duchy of Hetruria. Itads like an acid, but very feebly. 1t may be fufed without any addition, w hen it forms a glafs like {ubftance, which may be diffolved again by water. Ic diffolves in {piri of wine, and then the {pirit burns with a green flame. It unites with al- kalies, earths, and metallic calces. Its fpecific gra- vity is 1,480. It is obtained by adding vitriQlic acid to a folution of borax ; evaporating a little of the water; and the fedative falt will fhoot into cryitals. C2 IV.FLovR Iii INTRODUCTION. IV. Frour Acip. This acid was firft prepared by Margraaf; but Scheele firft examined it as an acid with precifion, and defcribed its peculiar properties ; the former directed his attention to the earth, which was volatilized in the procefs of obtaining it. To prepare it, equal parts of fluor fpar and oil of vitricl are diftilled tn a proper degree of heat, in a glafs re- tort; {ome water being previoufly put nto the re- cetver. It exhibits the peculiar phenomencn ofa part of its vapors, forming an earthy crult upon the {urface of the water. In its fmell and volatility, and by caufing a precipitate in the folutions of {lver and quickfilver in the nitrous acid, it has been {uppofed a inodification of the marine acid; and others fup- pole it of the vitriolic kind. It unites with alkalies earths, and fome of the metals. 2 re. § ¥ rerared and i Its ufe is for etching on glafs, prepared and con duted in the fame manner, as for etching on copper plates with the nitrous acid. V. Acip of Arsenic. This acid was firft dii- dave by Scheele. It 1s obtained by diftiliing hree parts of dephlogifticated marine acid, over ore prt of white arfenic in a retort by a red heat; or by difiolving in a retort, two parts of white arfenic in feven parts of {pirit of falt; and then pouring upon this three pargs and an half of nitrous acid, and diftilling off ad INTRODUCTION. hi all the liquor to drynefs ; and at length urging it with a red heat. In both cafes the arfenicis found concentrated in the refiduum. As it isfound in the refiduurm, it 1s na folid and concrete ftate ; it may however be diffolved-in twice its weight of water, and br ought into a liquid form; which by evaporation will ee come fold again. When this is fublimed, it re- affumes the nature of white arfenic ; and by the addi- tion of j ; legifton, the regulus of arfenic. VI. Acip Sart of AMBER, or the fuccinous acid. This is obtained from the diftillation of amber; by evaporating the phlegin, which comes over during the procels, and the {alt thoots into cryfials, Four pounds of amber yield about nine drachms of it. VII. MovLyepenic Acip. Scheele obtained ir by abltracting dilute nitrous acid for five times, ufing fix ounces at each time, from twelve drach; of pulverifed molybdena. There remained at laft 2 powder as white as chalk, which weighed fix drachms and a half; was perfeétl y foluble in twenty times its weight of water; and gave it an acid, and almoft me- tallic tafte. And VIII. Tu~xcstenic Acip. To obtain this, one part of the pulverifed tungften, 1s mixed with four of falt of tartar; and fufed in an iron crucible. The fufed Cc 3 mals fii i “ EE 2 mi Lidl i A § A 4 1 4% 4 ¥ 1 liv INTRODUCTION. mafs being poured out, is then difiolved in ten times its quantity of boiling water; and the folution is de- canted clear from the powder that fettles at the bot- tom. After this the alkaline liquor is precipitated with nitrous acid, and hence is obtained the earth of tungflen, which poffefles all the properties of an acid. Of VEGETABLE ACIDS. VEGETABLE acids are generally liquid, and containa confiderable portion of mucilaginous matter; confequently they do not pofiefs fo great a degree of acrimony and fharpnefs, as the mineral acids. [tis very probable, that the bafe of all the acids is one identical fubftance; and though there may appear fpecific differences among them, thofe may arifc from particular modifications. The French fuppofe this acidifying principle to be the oxygénc, or bafe of de- phlegifticated air; Mr. Kirwan fuppofes it to be fixed air; but it appears to me to be {imple elemen- tary fire. But at prefent, as this is merely conjectu- ral, we will proceed to the enumeration of the vegeta- ble acids. I. Acip of Lemons. This is obtained by the prefiure of the pulpy part of the fruit; which 1s fil- tered after a previous and {pontaneous clarification ; and kept in a cool place in glafs bottles covered with fine INTRODUCTION. Iv fine expreffed oil. To obtain the pure acid, the juice muft be faturated with chalk while boiling. U pon this the precipitated earthy fediment is wathed; covered with water, and mixed with as much oil of vitriol as there has been chalk ufed for the faturation. Finally, the felenite generated by this means is fepa- rated, and the remaining liquor cryftallized. From the inveftigations of the immortal Scheele, it appears, that in all kinds of fruit, there is either an acid which is entirely the fame with the pure acid of lemons; or elfe another fpecific acid, which he calls he acid of apples. II. Aco of AppLes. In order to feparate this in its utmoft purity, faturate the juice of apples with fixed alkali ; and then pour vinegar of lead upon 1, till nothing more is precipitated. After this the pre- cipitate being firft wathed, pour diluted acid of vi- triol upon it, till the mixture exhibitsa pure acid tafte, without any fweetnefs. After this the liquor muft be feparated by filtration. The depurated acid of lemons and apples is difcriminated by the following properties, viz. Firft, The acid of lemons fhoots into beautiful cryftals; fecondly, it does not produce the faccharine acid, by means of nitrous acid; thirdly, it produces no alterations in the folutions of mer- cury, lead, and filver, in nitrous acid; nor in a diluted C4 {olution ra —_———r— — a se RR S— ES rE : ro - ESRainows ES = eo oo ospasanotr TBR SSSR ee TRAE ivi INTRODUCTION. folution of gold; and fifthly, it hasa greater affinity to calcareous earth, than the acid of apples. The Acip of Appres. Firft, cannot be made to cryftallize,and 1s always deliquefcent; fecondly, with nitrous acid, it forms acid of fugar; thirdly, It precipitates nitrous folutions of mercury, lead, and filver, and a diluted {olution of gold; and fourthly, lime combined with acid of apples, is more {oluble in water, than when it is combined with the acid of lemons, ITI. Acro of Sorrer. ‘The juice of forrel after the feeces have fettled, muft be evaporated till only one third remains ; and then pafied through a flannel bag. Itis then evaporated again till a pellicle ap- pears on the furface; when it is poured into a glafs; alittle oil of olive puton its furface; and then fet by ina cool place, till the ciyftals fhoot. Thefe cryf- tals contain a portion of alkali. The pure acid is obtained by diftillation; as fire expels it from all its combinations ; or, with a {olution of fugar of lead; the acid of which, unites with the alkali; while the acid of forrel unites with the lead ; which may be precipitated by the vitriolic acid, and then the acid of forrel, will cryfallize in a pure {tate, INTRODUCTION. Ivii This acid is not effentially different from the acid of fugar, which is a faitious preparation obtained by abftracting nitrous acid from fugar. Scheele firft difcovered this analogy, by faturating cold wa- ter with the acid of fugar; and adding to this folu- tion fome lixivium of tartar, drop by drop; during the effervefcence fmall cryftals formed, which were found to be genuine falt of wood-forrel. Klaproth, of Berlin, corroborated Scheele, by means of a very furiking and curious experiment. He precipitated a nitrous {olution of mercury with acid of wood- forrel, neutralized by vegetable alkali. The white precipitate well wathed and dried, and gently heated in a tea fpoon; produced a fulminating noife not inferior to that of fulminating gold. Acid of fugar perfectly neutralized by vegetable alkali produced the fame precipitate, which on expofure to hea, ex- hibited the fame fulminating power. IV. Acip of Tartar. The moft fimple pro- cefs for obtaining this acid is as follows; viz. one pound of cream of tartar, boiled in five or fix pounds of water; a quarter of a pound of clear and color- lefs oil of vitriol, is to be added by little and little, when a complete folution is obtained. If the coc tion be continued, all the vitriolated tartar is preci- pitated. When the liquor is evaporated to one half, it is to be filtered; and if upon farther ¢ 7aporation, any SAA S— a TT ES SE pre LE En Ame a 4 A Hi 3 i i ' i ji | 4 | Vviii INTRODUCTION. any thing more 1s precipitated, it muft be filtered again. The clear liquor 1s then to be reduced to the confiftence of a fyrup, and fet in a temperate, but rather warm place; when very fine cryftals will be formed; and as much acid will be obtained as 1s equal to half the weight of the cream of tartar em- ployed. Itunites with alkalies, and forms different neutral fales, and with fome of the metals. v. Acip of Bgnzoin. This is obtained from the refinous fubitance, called benzoin. The pro- cels is from Scheele as follows, viz. four ounces of frefh burnt lime are (laked with a little water. It is then, with one pound of benzoin, reduced to a fine powder, and with eight of water thrown into a pew- rer kettle ; and the whole boiled for half an hour, over a gentle fire, continually ftirring. After this the folu- tion 1s filtered ; what remains on the filtre 1s boiled once or twice more with eight pounds of water ; and laftly, the refiduum wafhed as much as poffible with hot water. The two folutions are boiled down to two pounds, and after being filtered very clear, poured into a glafs veflel. A quantity of marine acid is then added to the liquor till it begins to tafte {ourifh ; immediately upon which the flowers of ben- jamin are precipitated, and the whole mixture ac- quires an agreeable flavor. The flowers are de- prived of all the adhering acid, by wafhing in cold water, INTRODUCTION. lix water. From one pound of benjamin, fourteen drachms of this acid may be obtained. VI. Acetous Acip,or ViNEGar. It is pro- duced by continuing the vinous fermentation. It is concentrated by freezing. The ftrongeft which is called RapicaL VINEGAR, is obtained by decom- pofing acetous neutral falts, by means of the vitriolic acid ; which having a ftronger affinity to their bafes, extricates the vinegar in the form of a very pene- trating vapor. It unites with alkalies and moft of the metals. To which may be added the Acrp of Garvs, difcovered by Scheele; the Acip of Cork, difco- vered by M. Brugnatelli; the Acip of CamproR, difcovered by M. Rofegarten; and that of Gums, and Muciraces, difcovered by Weftrumb; all which yield the Acip of Sucar, by treating with nitrous acid, fo that it is probable they are only dif- ferent modifications of the fame acid. Of ANIMAL ACIDS. I. Acip of Ants. It is obtained in the fol- lowing manner. Upon a great quantity of ants contained in a retort ; water 1s poured, which is then drawn off till nearly half, and yields an acidulous wa- 4 ter, ne aa £3 A eh ce a ee —— mg 8 i =a Ss Fri re It INTRODUCTION. IV. Frour Acip. This acid was firft prepared by Margraaf; but Scheele firft examined it as an acid with precifion, and defcribed its peculiar properties ; the former directed his attention to the earth, which was volatlized in the procefs of obtaining it. To prepare it, equal parts of fluor {par and oil of vitriol are diftilled in a proper degree of heat, in a glafs re- tort; fome water being previoufly put into the re- cerver. It exhibits the peculiar phenomencn of a part of its vapors, forming an earthy crult upon the {urface of the water. In its fmelland volatility, and by caufing a precipitate in the folutions of flver and quickfilver in the nitrous acid, it has been {uppofed a modification of the marine acid; and others {up- pole it of the vitriolic kind. It unites wich alkalie “ earths, and fome of the metals. = Sy Its ufe is for etching on glafs, prepared and con- ducted in the fame manner, as for etching on copper plates with the nitrous acid. . Acip of Arsenic. This acid was firfl dii- covered by Scheele. It 1s obtained by diftiliing three parts of dephlogifticated marine acid, over one part of white arfenic in a retort by a red heat; cr by difiolving in a retort, two parts of white arfenic in feven parts of {pirit of fal; and then pouring upon this three pargs and an half of nitrous acid, and diftilling off } INTRODUCTION. hi all the liquor to drynefs ; and at length urging it witha red heat, In both cafes the arfenic is found concentrated in the refiduum. As it isfound in the refiduum, 1 1s na folid and concrete ftate ; it may however 5 diffolved-in twice its weight of water, and brous oht into a liquid form ; which by evaporation will foes come folid again. When this is fublimed, it re- affumes the nature of white arfenic ; and by the addi- tion of phlegifton, the regulus of arfenic., VI. Acip Sart of AMBER, or the fuccinous acid This is obtained from the diftillation of amber; by AY v evaporating the phlegin, which comes over during the procels, and the falt thoots into crvfials. Four pounds of amber yield about nine d rachms of it. VII. MovLvepenic Acip. Scheele obtained it by abfltracting dilute nitrous acid for five times, ufing {ix ounces at cach time, from twelve drach: of pulverifed molybdena. There remained at laft 2 powder as white as chalk, which weighed fix drachms and a haif; was perfectly foluble in twenty times its weight of water; and gave it an acid, and almoft me- tallic tafte. And VIII. Tuxcstenic Acip. To obtain this, one part of the oe erifed tungften, is mixed with four of falt of tartar; and fufed in an iron crucible. The fufed Cc 3 mals Ey = re SR RO Fem Rr —— a WER es a ia | i t Mh id i 3 $ a i ih 1d 5 aes, i att a EE 58 liv INTRODUCTION. mafs being poured out, is then difiolved in ten times its quantity of boiling water; and the folution is de- canted clear from the powder that fettles at the bot- tom. After this the alkaline liquor is precipitated with nitrous acid, and hence is obtained the earth of tungflen, which pofiefles all the properties of an acid. Of VEGETABLE ACIDS. VEGETABLE acids are generally liquid, and containaconfiderable portion of mucilaginous matter; confequently they do not pofiefs fo great a degree of acrimony and fharpnefs, as the mineral acids. It is very probable, that the bafe of all the acids 1s one identical fubflance; and though there may appear fpecific differences among them, thofe may arife from particular modifications. The French fuppofe this acidifying principle to be the oxygénc, or bale of de- phlegifticated air; Mr. Kirwan fuppofes it to be fized air; but it appears to me to be {imple elemen- tary fire. But at prefent, as this is merely conjectu- ral, we will proceed to the enumeration of the vegeta- ble acids. I. Acip of Lemons. This is obtained by the prefiure of the pulpy part of the fruit; which 1s fil- tered after a previous and {pontancous clarification ; and kept in a cool place in glafs bottles covered with fine INTRODUCTION. Iv fine expreffed oil. To obtain the pure acid, the juice muft be faturated with chalk while boiling. U pon this the precipitated earthy fediment is wafhed; covered with water, and mixed with as much oil cf vitriol as there has been chalk ufed for the faturation. Finally, the felenite generated by this means is fepa- rated, and the remaining liquor cryftallized. From the inveftigations of the immortal Scheele, it appears, that in all kinds of fruit, there 1s either an acid which is entirely the fame with the pure acid of lemons; or elfe another fpecific acid, which he calls the acid of apples. II. Acip of Appies. In order to feparate this in its utmoft purity, faturate the juice of apples with fixed alkali; and then pour vinegar of lead upon 1, till nothing more is precipitated. After this the pre- cipitate being firft wathed, pour diluted acid of vi- triol upon it, till the mixture exhibitsa pure acid tafte, without any {weetnefs. After this the liquor muft be feparated by filtration. The depurated acid of lemons and apples is difcriminated by the following properties, viz. Firft, The acid of lemons fhoots into beautiful cryftals; fecondly, it does not produce the faccharine acid, by means of nitrous acid; thirdly, it produces no alterations in the folutions of mer- cury, lead, and filver, in nitrous acid; nor in a diluted | C4 {olution a = ge a at ari ls oF ae uae EE EL ivi INTRODUCTION. folution of gold; and fifthly, it hasa greater affinity to calcareous earth, than the acid of apples. The Acip of Appres. Firft, cannot be made to cryftallize,and is always deliquefcent; fecondly, with nitrous acid, it forms acid of fugar; thirdly, It precipitates nitrous folutions of mercury, lead, and filver, and a diluted {olution of gold; and fourthly, lime combined with acid of apples, is more foluble in water, than when it is combined with the acid of lemons, ITI. Acrp of SorreL. ‘The juice of forrel after the feeces have fettled, muft be evaporated till only one third remains ; and then pafied through a flannel bag. Itis then evaporated again till a pellicle ap- pears on the furface; when it is poured into a glafs; alittle oil of olive put on its furface; and then fet by ina cool place, till the ciyftals fhoot. Thefe cryf- tals contain a portion of alkali. The pure acid is obtained by diftillation; as fire expels it from all its combinations ; or, with a {olution of fugar of lead; the acid of which, unites with the alkali; while the acid of forrel unites with the lead; which may be precipitated by the vitriolic acid, and then the acid of {orrel, will cryfallize in a pure fate, INTRODUCTION. vii This acid is not effentially different from the acid of fugar, which is a fa&itious preparation obtained by abftratting nitrous acid from fugar. Scheele firft difcovered this analogy, by faturating cold wa- ter with the acid of fugar; and adding to this folu- tion fome lixivium of tartar, drop by drop; during the effervefcence fmall cryftals formed, which were found to be genuine falt of wood-forrel. Klaproth, of Berlin, corroborated Scheele, by means of a very fuiking and curious experiment. He precipitated a nitrous folution of mercury with acid of wood- forrel, neutralized by vegetable alkali. The white precipitate well wathed and dried, and gently heated in a tea fpoon; produced a fulminating noife not inferior to that of fulminating gold. Acid of fuga perfectly neutralized by vegetable alkali produced the fame precipitate, which on expofure to heat, ex- hibited the fame fulminating power. IV. Acip of TarTar. The moft fimple pro- cefs for obtaining this acid is as follows; viz. one pound of cream of tartar, boiled in five or fix pounds of water; a quarter of a pound of clear and color- lefs oil of vitriol, is to be added by little and little, whena complete folution is obtained. If the coc tion be continued, all the vitriolated tartar is preci- pitated. When the liquor is evaporated to one half, it is to be filtered; and if upon farther evaporation, any 3 | LI | a HERE an ee INTRODUCTION. any thing more 1s precipitated, it muft be filtered The clear liquor is then to be reduced to the viii again. yey : b ut confiftence of a fyrup, and fet in a temperate, rather warm place; when very fine cryftals will be formed; and as much acid will be obtained as 1s “ 1 Ti+ 1 ” equal to half the weignt of the cream of tartar em ployed. It unites with alkalies, and forms different neutral falts, and with fome of the metals. This is obtained from The pro- V. Acip of BgnNzoiw. the refinous fubitance, called benzoin. cefs is from Scheele as follows, viz. four ounces of frefh burnt lime are flaked with a little water. It is then, with one pound of benzoin, reduced to a fine powder, and with eight of water thrown Into a pew- ter kettle ; and the whole boiled for half an hour, over a gentle fire, continually ftirring. After this the folu- tion is filtered ; what remains on the filtre 1s boiled once or twice more with eight pounds of water ; and laftly, the refiduum wafhed as much as pofiible with hot water. ‘The two folutions are boiled down to two pounds, and after being filtered very clear, oured into a glafs veflel. A quantity of marine acid is then added to the liquor ill it begins to tafte fourifh ; immediately upon which the flowers of ben- jamin are precipitated, and the whole mixture ac- quires an agreeable flavor. The flowers are de- prived of all the adhering acid, by wathing in cold water, INTRODUCTION. lix water. From one pound of benjamin, fourteen drachms of this acid may be obtained. VI. Acetous Acip,or ViNeGar. It is pro- duced by continuing the vinous fermentation. It is concentrated by freezing. The ftrongeft which is called rapicaL VINEGAR, is obtained by decom- poling acetous neutral falts, by means of the vitriolic acid ; which having a flronger affinity to their bafes, extricates the vinegar in the form of a very pene- trating vapor. It unites with alkalies and moft of the metals. To which may be added the Aco of Garws, difcovered by Scheele; the Acrp of Cork, difco- vered by M. Brugnatelli; the Acip of CampHoR, difcovered by M. Rofegarten; and that of Gums, and Muciraczes, difcovered by Weftrumb; all which yield the Acip of Sucar, by treating with nitrcus acid, fo that it is probable they are only dif- ferent modifications of the fame acid. Of ANIMAL ACIDS, I. Acip of Ants. It is obtained in the fol- lowing manner. Upon a great quantity of ants contained in a retort; water 1s poured, which is then drawn off till nearly half, and yields an acidulous wa- 4 ter, TS TB ASSES eoRR we § ag Shs SR aE RR SIRS 3 ER x INTRODUCTION. | ter, together with a fubtle ethereal oil. What re- mains in the retort is put into a linen bag, and all i liuor preficd out. This contains the greateft the acid of the ants, together with an unguinous oi which muft be feparated fromit. To detain it in a pure fate, the exprefled liquor muft be poured again into a retort, and the aqueous part drawn from it by a gentle fire; and as {oon as any acid drops make their appearance, the whole muft be received 1 " a fcparate -eceiver, and the diftillation continued t an empyreumatic fmell is perceived. 7 2 procyse itin a concentrated ftate, the whole acid liquor muit be faturated with an alkali; then filter it, Ip and diftil it again, with half its quantity of oil of vitriol. This acid refembies vinegar in moft of its properties, but differs from it in fotvning copie, with miagnelia, iron, and zinc. It is probable that the acids of filk-worms, bees, wafps, &c. are of the fame nature as the acid of ants, and therefore they are not fpoken of as fpccific differences. 11. Nitrous Acip. ‘Thisis the produce of ani- mal matters, undergone the putrefactive fermen- tation. It is obtained by diftilling vitriolic acid over fi in a receiver, It faltpetre, and condenfing the vapor ina r is called Aqua Fortis. III. Acip INTRODUCTION. III. Acip of Far. uliations of animal fat. Ixi Obtained by repeated dif- IV. Acip of Prospuor us, This 1s procured by diffolving calcin ined bones in nitrous acid, and precipitating the calcarecus earth with the fi acid. The hoor or 1s to be filtered to feparate the felenite, and confifts of the acid of phof re and nitrous acid. The | latter may be feparated by eva- poration ; which bei ing continued, leaves the phof- phoric acid in a concrete ftate. This acid diftilled “hid with powdered charcoal, yields pho fphorus. What 1s called the perlate acid, appears only a modification wl vd Tne om Q1 Tie pioipaoric, V. Aco of Prussian Brue. To obtain vhich, faturate perfe@ly cauftic fixed alkali, by boil- ing 1t repea tedly on freth portions of I Prufian | blue. titer and mix highly re@ified fpirit of wine, which throws down the proper fait of the lixivium in white flocculi. Thefe are feparated by filtration, and all the matter {oluble in {pirit of wine is extracted. A folu- tien of this fale in water is of a bright yellow color; do 1 1 )ES NOt (he N the Jeaft veftige of i iron on the ad 4: 1110 on ofanacid; and precipitates that metal of a beautiful » ’ «3 4 hie color. VI. Acip 4 £ = Sa aise a EA EE ahaa ns INTRODUCTION. Iii VI. Acip of SuGaRr of Mik. Common whey clarified with the whites of eggs, and evaporated, yields cryftals. Thefe cryftals according to Scheele contain an acid fui generis. of EMPYREUMATIC ACIDS. WHEN acids are produced by the action of fire, they will always become empyreumatic; on account of their oleaginous parts being decompofed and deftroyed ; but on being purified they exhibit a great refemblance tO vinegar. Of this kind is the vinegar of wood, which 13 obtained in the fmail, by a dry diftillation of wood in an iron retort. After 4 reftification, it may be concentrated like diftilled vinegar by an union with fixed alkalies ; and by be- ing expelled by the vitriolic acid, obtained in a very pure {tate. As molt vegetables, by being diftilled in an open fire, yicid empyreumatic acids ; if there be any {pe- cific differences in them, they will form: a very nu- merous clafs. Fixed air poflefles all the properties of an acid; butas it is generally created of among the gales, 1t « now referred to that claks. Aqua a! Ty > Siw. ’S hi / e i ys the cafe when the alkalies are in a mild 1 INTRODUCTION. Ixiii Aqua regia, which is claffed a 1 ae laffed among the acids, is oo D of the marine and nitrous acids. It iffolves gold in confequence of the nitro d 1 . - - us ac won : : acid de- I gifticating the marine, fo that the latter is alw ina very concentrated ftate, ga Of ALKALIES. THE enere: P i rs ~y « y > a icy char 5 ; ad 0 . g C b €sS 1 to . oyrup f 1 1 r \J €1¢ UL the beft 1S br: 11 3 : La . 1 | W 00 | “ai 1 If d 4 d; L k a P + y : b | A orp § ne 0) lk I oe ~ 3 3 So Led oad 1 t1 ] S Secondly ita wrk ’ - ly, They unite with acids and for : {alts, and form neutral Third I ih 7: 1 n their natural {tate they are combined vith fixed air, when the diftin h I when they are called mild; to diffi be ; to diftin- guilh them trom that ftate produced b whi | Pas Samoan y art, which co I cauflic ; which confifts of depriving tl of their fixed air, by boiling | qui , by boihng in water with quick lime ; the lime : ¢; the lime has a fuperior attraction for fi : therefore denrive on raction for fixed air, eretore deprives the alkali of it, fo that on plication of an acid no edopvel. ) at on tue ap- ac rvefcence enfues, which j : es, which is ftate. The i Fil ht Boh 3 i ny 1 } cig tL na pC Saw ; | = Ee HEE TV —— a ¥ Fl UCTION INTRODUCTION. Ixy Ixiv INTROD . The cryftals of the alkalies depend on their union with fixed air or water. and filtration, itis called PEARL Asn. Tartar burnt In an open fire, yields the fame alkali. 100 parts of which contain 23 of fixed air, § of water, 2 of earth, » and 70 of alkali ” v. / Alls Alkalies are divided into three claffes, Viz. firft, fo MinEerAL, or FossiL; fecondly, VEGETABLE; and Though thefe alkalies agree in fome general cha- i thirdly, VOLATILE. radters, yet they have their fpecific differences. fy , 4 I. Of MINER AL, or FOSSIL ALKALL I. MincraL Arkacr cryftallizes, but the veget- {A - ¥ wd A ks . . - Hi anita able alkali never does, in any regular form, ich AS this falt is not produced in the animal or g (A . . - . . : al or foftal. t . ~ il getable kingdom, 1t 13 called miner Svria. Perfia II. MineErAL ALKALT on expofure to air, lofes 1d . . . . . hid) &c. but is in general obtained : vk Lo P Yant white powder; vegetable alkali, on the contrary, oa ‘i N articular all, a . . . ie . i which grow near the fea, De y c ie Spa attracts moifture from the air, liquifies, and is then i : ~ntifu e parts O - io which grows plentifully on lome p £ fod called O1L of Tartar, And a nifh coafts. It is imported under the name 0 om, i . he ancients. In its } a : or barilla, and is the natron ots ls. which diffolve in ITI. The mineral alkali united with the different ) . : . ails, whl . . . gy ‘ i: mild ftate, it forms regular cryitais, rt of acids forms neutral falts, eafily diftinguifhable from £1 2,5 times its weight in water, In the temperatu I thofe with the bafe of vegetable alkali. : o . to Bergman contain 2 6o. 100 parts according ] of alkali, 16 of fixed alr, and 64 of water. III. Of VOLATILE ALKALI This alkali 1s known by its penetrating fmell, Its natural ftate is vaporous. It is obtained by diftilla- tion of animal and vegetable fubftances, and by the putrefaction of the fame. One hundred parts of iy il | ! 4 Ri 1 a iI. of VEGETABLE ALKALL IT is obtained from the combuftion of all ve- getables, which grow beyond the fea mark, by the lixiviation of their afhes. In its impure ftate, itis ) concrete volatile alkali, contain twelve parts of wa- EN hi { called Por-asH; but when itis purified by foluticn J r, | and ¥ A A i pie Al A ha 7 ¥ a it A £ tf ili pated 14 v “ oh ee | iad Wid | % ue if Ta Ht “ 4.7 da k ’ § i TEETE Pan a A al Exvi INTRODUCTION. ter, forty-five of fixed air, and forty-three of pure aikall. This alkali appears in fix different forms, viz. Firft, Vapor. Thisis its pure and original ftate. Secondly, In a clear snthatent liquid form. In this ftate it is mixed with water, and deprived of its fixed air by quick lime. ‘This is called SPIRIT of SaL Ammoniac with quick lime. Thirdly, Asa nearly tranfparent liquor; this differs from the former in having a {mall portion © uf fixed air contained in 1t, and 1s callec T8rmer 8 a1, of Ammoniac. Fourth- ly, In a folid form, called VorLaTine Sart fromSat vivoniac. It is in union with a confiderable quan- Fifthly, It a pps as a liquid of a with a peculiar animal fmell. This I$ iri7 of HARTSHORN, and owes 1ts color and finell to an animal oil mixed with ir; and fixth- id form. This is rendered folid by and contains a confiderable quantity of empyreumatic oil. lt is called voLaTiLe SALT of Haxrszory, and is the moft impure of all the ] reparations. i + INTRCDUCTION. Of NEUTRAL SALTS. THERE are three fpecies of neutral falts. Firft, With an alkaline bafe; fecondly, with an earthy bafe; and thirdly, with a metallic bafe. They refult from a perfect faturation of an acid, with either an alkali, an earth, or a metallic calx. In this ftate they form various cryftals, which diffolved in water, and poured into a tincture of the blue flowers of ve- getables, produce neither a red nor a green color, hence they are called neutral {alts. Acids can diffolve two or three bales, and form apparently a {imple neutral falt. This ftate can only be detected by chemical analyfis. The clafs of neutral falts is {o extenfive, that to give a full enumeration of them is incompatible with our prefent plan; but we will mention the com- binations of the three principal acids, viz. the vitrio- lic, the marine, and the nitrous. I. VITRIOLIC ACID with an ALKALINE BASE. 1. With Mineral Alkali forms Glauber’s Salt. Thefe cryftals, according to Bergman, contain in one hundred parts, fifteen pure mineral alkali, d 2 twenty- 4 + SABLA we aie Es 5 hus SE at Ixviii INTRODUCTION. £ x twenty-feven of vitriolic acid, and fifty-eight o water. 11. With vegetable Alkali, forms vitriolated Tartar. Thefe cryftals, according to Bergman, contain in one hundred parts, fifty-two of pure alkali, forty of vitriolic acid, and eight of water. 111: With volatile Alkali, forms vitriolic Ammoniac. THIS contains in one hundred parts, forty-two of acid, forty of alkali, and eighteen of water. [I.VITRIOLIC ACID with EARTHY BASES. 1. With Clay, forms Alum. ONE hundred parts, contain eighteen of clay, thirty-eight vitriolic acid, and forty-four of water. 11. With Lime, forms Gypfum. One hundred parts of gypfum, contain thirty-two of lime, forty-fix acid, and twenty-two of water. 11. With Magncefia, forms Epfom Salt. ONE hundred parts, contain nineteen of magne- fia, thirty-three of acid, and forty-eight of water. IV. With Barytes, forms Barofelenite. ONE hundred parts, contain fixty-feven of earth, and thirty-three of acid and water, III. VI- INTRODUCTION. Ixix III. VITRIOLIC ACID with METALLIC CALCES, AS all the neutral {alts with metallic bafes, have not as yet been fufficiently inveftigated; we fhall mention only thofe which are moft connected with the arts. I. With Copper, forms blue Vitriol, ONE hundred parts of blue vitriol, contain twenty-{ix of copper, forty-fix of vitriolic acid, and twenty-eight of water, IL. With Iron, forms green Vitriol. ONE. hundred parts of which, contain twenty- three of iron, thirty-nine of vitriolic acid, and thirty- eight of water. I. With Zinc, forms white Vitriol. ONE hundred parts, contain twenty of zinc, forty of vitriolic acid, and forty of water. I. MARINE ACID with an ALKALINE BASE, 1. With mineral Alkali, forms common Salt. ONE hundred parts, contain forty-two of alkali, fifty-two of acid, and fix of water. d3 IL, Wiis if 1 i i f a a Ek hb i tp Ixx INTRODUCTION. 11. With Vegetable Alkali, forms digeftive Salt of Sylvius. ONE hundred parts, contain fixty-one of alkali, thirty-one of acid, and eight of water, 111. With volatile Alkali, forms cominon Jal Ammoniac. ONE hundred parts, contain forty of alkali, fifty - wo of acid, and eight of water. II. MARINE ACID © ih FARTHY BASES, TTD VAT co DET TOUESCENT. forms CHRY o> i ALS VET y DELIQUE 5 yr gg 1. The Cryftals form Marine Acid and Lime, called RA rem Pp Nplpzrr tp IVilr cniC Gil iievloe . 1... reine CATE CONTAIN in one hundred parts, forty-four of lime, thirty-one of acid, and twenty-five of water. ow 1. The Cryftals from Marine Acid and Magica, called Marine Epfoit. “ONTAIN in one hundred parts, forty-one of magnefia, thirty-four of acid, and twenty-five of 13 RA ay pan feleni 111. Marine Barofelenite. Is the marine acid united with barytes. Forms } 1 wry : > ] laroe foliated cryftals not as yet examinee. 1V. With Clay, Marine Alin deliquefcent, not examined. METALLIC falts prepared with the marine acid, do not for the moft part affume 2 cryftalline form, nd thofe which do, are in gene al deliquefcent. J. NI- INTRODUCTION. Ixx; I. NITROUS ACID, with an ALKALINE BASE. Y. With Mineral Alkali, forms cubic Nitre. . : . : ONE hundred parts contain twenty-nine of acid, iifty of alkali, and twenty-one of water. 11. With Vegetable Alkali, forms common Nitre. ONE hundred parts contain thirty of acid, fixty- three of alkali, and feven of water. 11. With Volatile Alkali, forms nitrous Ammoniac. ONE hundred parts contain forty-fix of acid, forty of alkali, and fourteen of water. II. NITROUS ACID with EARTHY BASES. I. With Lime forms nitrous Selenite. ONE hundred parts contain thirty-three of art dCi, thirty-two of lime, and thirty-five of water, LL. With Magnefia, forms nitrous Epjom. ONE hundred parts contain thirty-fix of acid, twenty-feven of magnefia, and chirty-feven of water. HI. With Barytes, forms barytic Nitre. I'T cryftallizes, but the cryftals have not been ex- amined. d 4 1V. Wil Be siogemaioans wr Tao L SE FA 7 » INTRODUCTION. 1V. With Clay, forms aluwnitic Nitre. THIS cannot be cryftallized, but forms a gummy mals. From the nitrous acid, and the different metals, arife metallic nitrous falts ; of which a few only cryi- tallize, and moft of them deliquefce on expofure to the air. When there is a fuper-abundance of acid in com- pound falts, they are called fuperacidated falts, as in alum, &c. and when the alkali predominates, they are called fubacidated falts, asin borax, &c. One hundred parts of pure mineral alkali, require to laturate them, one hundred and feventy-feven parts of vitriolic acid, one hundred and thirty-five and a half of nitrous acid, and one hundred and twenty- five of marine acid. One hundred parts of pure vegetable alkali, re- cuire to faturate them, feventy-eightand a half of vi- criolic acid, fixty-four of nitrous acid, and fifty-one and a half of marine acid. One hundred parts of vitriolic acid, require to fa- curate them, one hundred and twenty-feven and a half of pure vegetable alkali, fifty-fix and a half of mineral alkali, and forty-two of volatile alkali. 11. Of INTRODUCTION. Ixxiii II. Of INFLAMMABLE BODIES. WE underftand by the term, inflammable bo- dies ; fubftances which are capable of taking fire and burfting out into flame; from which particularities they are eafily diftinguithed from all other bodies. This clafs comprehends feven generz, viz. Firlt, InFLAMMABLE AIR, fecondly, Arconor; thirdly, Oivs; fourthly, Surpuur; fifthly, Crarcoar; fixthly, PyropsoORI; and feventhly, METALS, In giving an explanation of the circumfitances, which take place during the inflammation of bodies ; it muft be obferved; Firft, That all inflammable fubftances, contain one identical principle, called phlogifton; and fecondly, that no inflammation can take place in combuftible bodies, unlefs they be ex- poled to atmofpheric air; and then the inflamma- tion in a determinate quantity, can only be carried on to a certain point, dependent on its purity. For the atmofphere being compofed of different vapors, they do not all contribute to promote this procefs; and however various they may be, only one of its ‘cea ftituent parts, viz. empyreal air, has the leat power, gither in exciting, or continuing inflammation; the other parts unconnected with that principie, would {Fe Srialle CHCCLUAILL SEE CA 3 A Ee fxsiv INTRODUCTION. eficGually deftroy it. ‘This empyreal air 1s a com pound body; formed of its radicle and elementary tire. T hefe circumitances being premifed, we will pro- ceed to explain the phenomenon of inflammation. InBammation is a decompofition, effected by a double elective attraction. But it mull be previ- oufly obferved, that combuftible bodies retain their phlogifton, or principle of inflammability, with dif- ferent degrees of cohefion ; fome parting with it in the temperature of the atmofphere, as the pyro- phori; and others requiring the application of heat ab extra, before inflammation can be effected. Now, in the latter cafe, I look upon the heat leflening the attraction of cohefion between the parts, as reduc- ing the combuftible bodies into 2 {late {imilar to that of pyrophorus; at which point, the radicle of the dephlogifticated air, having a ftronger attraction for the phlogifton of the inflammable body, than for the elementary fire, with which it is united; breaks through its union, and combines with the phlogifton, fetting at liberty the particles of elementary fire, which efcape into the air. The radicle of the empyreal air and the phlogifton, form a compound, which is ablorbed by the burn- ing body. This compound is determined by the temperature INTRODUCTION. xxv ternperature at which the union is formed, if it be low, the refult will be fixed air; but if at a high temperature, it will be water. The intenfity of heat thus produced, is divided into five degrees, reduced to the fcale of Fahrenheit’s thermometer. The firft is called Digeftory. It begins at the 34th degree of that {cale, and reaches to the g,th. At this degree the putrefaction of ani- mals and fermentation of vegetables begin. Itis employed for preparing tinctures, elixirs, lac var- nifhes, &c. The fecond, is called DrsTiLLATORY, begins at the 949 and extends to 212°. This is ufed for the diftillation of fpirit of wine, water, ethe- real oils, as well as for the rectification of vegetable acids, as for the marine and nitrous; and for the pre- paration of varnifh, for the ufe of painters. Third, is called SuprLimMartory. It begins at 212% and reaches to 600°. Lead and tin melt; fixed alkaline {alts are brought into fufion; oil of vitriol 1s recti- fied, and the different kinds of {ublimation are per- formed. The vefiels in thefe operations are brought toa dull red heat. ‘The fourth degree, is called the Fusorv. It begins at the 600¢ and ends at the 16009, or at that at which iron melts. At this de- gree, gold and filver are cupelied ; ores are fluxed; pottery and porcelain baked; limcftone converted into lime, and glafs fufed. At the higheft point of thi tnis I Ef, ESS e Bog a 55 Rady le Txxvi INTRODUCTION. this degree all bodies give out a white heat. The heat produced by concave mirrors and convex lenfes s confidered as the fifth degree; by which wood may be burnt to a coal, even under water, and vitre{cent ftones begin to melt. The reafon why fuch un- common effets are produced by the {un’s rays, is, that the elementary matter of fire acts in a ftate of the greatefl purity pofiible; while the fire produced by means of the combuftible matters of our earth, is prevented acting with its full power by other matters extricated at the fame time, fuch as air, water, &c. Though the clafs of inflammable bodies, com- prehends only {even genera, yet from various modi- fications they branch out into a confiderable number of diftinét fpecies, and may be thus arranged, viz. SSE 1. Inflammable Air, will be more particularly no- ticed among the permanent gafes. 11. Alcobsl. Its compounds are, i Dulcified Spirit of Vitriol ; and 11. Vitriolic Aither, uv in union with different portions of vitriolic acid. Y11. Sweet Spirit of Nite; and 1V. Nitrous Ather, re yo angi in union with different portions of nitrous acid. V. Sweet Spirit of Salt; and VI. Marine Aither, :n union with different nortions of marine acid. : VII. Ace fo INTRODUCTION. Ixxvii VIL. Acetous Ather, united to vinegar, VIL Lignic Ather, united to vinegar of wood. IX. Oxaline ther, united to the {2it of wood for rel. X. Sebaceous Ether, united to the acid of fit, XI. Phofphoric AEther, united to the acid of phos. X11. Formic ther, united to the acid of ants. And XL. Sweet Spirit of Sal Ammoniac, united to vo. latile {al ammoniac. HI. OILS, divided into un&uous, efi ntial, foffi, and animal. 1. Unttuous Oils, called alfo unguinous, expreffed, Bland, Fat, or Greafe. Thefe are oils of {weet and bitter almonds, olives, palm, &c. Their combina- tions, are foaps, acid, alkaline, and metallic, and bal- fams of fulphur, or fulphurated oils, II. Effential Oils, called allo ethereal or aro or @romatic Oil, Balfam and Refin. Thefe are foluble in alcohol. HI. Foffil Oils, as naptha, petroleum, Barbadoe tar, jet, amber, pit coal, afphaltum, Jews pitch, bi- tumen, &c. and Pr = EI, ETRE Fe A A hi ol I (NL i i iy A Idi {A ian i gi) i Si i, tha t HH Ai Hi Jy i i i we '" i Hi A INTRODUCTION. Ixxviil IV. Animal, Dippel’s oil, excrementitions, am- bergrife, caftor, mufk, &c. Its compounds are, Iv. SULPHUR. 1. Liver of Sulphur, united to an alkali. 11. Sulphurated Metals. 1 | 1. Hepatic Gas, united with phlogifton and wa ter. IV. Phofphoric Sulphur. V. Phofphoric Gas. And \ l. dUga ’ Hi ney, Mann. y { oX@aliNEe Oi Pile Vv. CHARCOAL. Charred Vegetables, Linen or Tinder, charred Oil, Lamp Black, Coaks or Cinders, animal Charcoal. I. Plumbago, compofed of inflammable and fixed als. 11. Diamond. vl. PYROPHORIL HOMBERG’s PYRO- PHORUS, compofed of Sugar and Alum cal- cined. Black Wad, Hay undergoing the acetous Fermen- 1 INTEODUCTION. 1% Fermentation, Tenis Fatuuns, &c, &c. And VII. METALS. As Tron ufed in giving difl rent Colors, in Fire-work "2 / 1173 ( » Alcohol 15 the produce of t aentation of 1iC 11 (Al ) 1 lugar, malt, &c. and 1s the molt intricate procefs connelted with chermitry. It 15 divided into three {pec ICS, VIZ. the vinou 5, the 1cetous, an I the DUE factive. The firlt production of this procels, is ar- dent iparit, Ipirt of wine, or alcohol T he {econd PCA ’ ly Vineo: "4 < ee ti} }; i oar y ind the third volatile Kali ; | ) th 1 f the r 1 i Ne vinous different fpecies are diftinétly marked. ind acetous fermentations are attended by a brik in gefline motion and extrication, of a confiderable quantity of fixed air. It 1s promoted by wan th but not to exceed the heat of J iC huran body nd The putrefaétive fermen requires expolure to air. tation takes place principally IN Oroinic matte [ he conftituent parts of alcoh ipnear toc Oe L A I My i . i Li Wi phlogifton, elementary fire, and a portion of water. ‘The @thers contain the fame principl I di T1¢ J 11 ICS, united to particular acids as their ba : rad : . \ i 1i€ UC- neral principle of oils, refin rcoal | : ICD, [ii ’ 1410041, &ec. 1s philogiton. Sulphur npofed of tf rnolic acid, and that principl ) ! J re —— ARR CRE RR Fe ram es Sa ie = - " » or = 3 INTRODUCTION. I. of METALS. WE muft refer the reader to the books treating on thofe particular fubjetts. Iv. OfFEARTHS. FARTHS have always been looked upon as primitive principles, contained as conflituent parts of moft bodies. Chemical analyfis has difcovered five fpecies, whofe characters are permanently diftinct; and incapable of being changed, by any means yet employed. They are, firft, CaLcarsous. Second- ly, PoNDEROUS. Thirdly, MAGNESIAN, or Mu- RIATIC. Fourthly, ARGILLACEOUS; and Fifthlyg SILICECUS. 1. Of CALCAREOUS EARTH. CHEMISTS have given this name in general to all earths and ftones, which by being burnt, ac- quire the properties of quick-lime. T he charac- ters of which are, firft, its {pecific gravity Is. about 2,3; it has a hot burning tafte; acts powerfully on animal fubftances; and imparts great heat on the application of water. Secondly, At the tempera- ture of 60°, it requires fix hundred and eighty times its INTRODUCTION. Ixxxi its weight of water to diffolveit. ‘Thirdly, It unites with acids, and except with the vitriolic, forms with them deliquefcent falts; and fourthly, it is infufible in any heat of a furnace; yet ats as a powerful flux cn the other earths. Fixed alkalies have fcarcely any effect upon it; but it is eafily brought into fu- fion by borax or microcofimic falt. Fufed with calx of iron it forms a black mafs of a metallic appear- ance; with calx of copper a red colored mafs; with calces of lead, zinc, tin, and antimony, a yellow glafs, and with calx of bifinuth a greenith glafs. In its natural ftate, it conftitutes marble, lime- ftone, chalk, fpars, 8c. and when united with a fall portion of vitriolic acid, fcienite, gypfum, plaifter of paris, alabatter, &c. II. Of PONDEROUS EARTH. THIS earths called barytes. Tt is united with either the vitriolic acid or fixed air. It is feparated from the firft by calcining itin a red heat with oil or powdered charcoal; and after edulcoration it is found in a pure ftate, which perfectly refembles lime in tafte, but requires goo times its weight of water to diffolve it, at the temperature of 60°. Or it may be feparated from the vitriolic acid by calcining it with twice its weight of fixed alkali, which unites with the acid, and forms vitriolated tartar; that is diffolved by adding boiling water, fo that the earth is left difen- ¢ gaged ce 4 3 "4 sa hs | ii Ni A a ah Txxkil INTRODUCTION. ‘gaged. When it is found united with fixed air; fe air cannot be diffipated by calcination ; and the only method to feparate it is, by diffolving in the a or nitrous acid, and precipitating it with cauflic al- cali hen diffclved in marine or nitrous acid, and abil it yi vitals, which do not deli- chi i yom oo) Ne So Lofe folutions by uefce; and 1s precipitable from ti iofe i : y the Pruffian alkali; a property which di tinguith it from all the other earths. It deasmpot vitrio- lated tartar, an effect which no other earth oon ope- rate. In the diy way, it acts and 1s oe ry nearly as calcareous carth, buts more fufible by the « {pecific oravity exceeds 4,000. mineral alkali, Its fpecific gravity 4s 111. MURIATIC EARTH, or MAGNESIA. ITS fpecific gravity is about 2,335 it tates about fix hundred and ninety-two times Its oy of water to diffolve it, in the temperature of the air. It combines with acids; the vitriolic purists it from the nitrous and marine ; the Pr forms Epfom falt, which is very bitter and Bible 5 its own weight of water. It neither melts nor uns to lime in the ftrongeft heat; but lofes RA of its weight, partly by evaporation, and pa tly y the lofs of fixed air. lt does not vitrify with any of the fimple earths fingly, except lime; but 1t 1s oO INTRODUCTION. Ixxxtii but 1s not affected by fixed alkalies, or the calces of lead. IV. ARGILLACEOUS EARTH, or EARTH of ALUM. THIS is called argill, its fpecific gravity does not exceed 2,000. It is very diffufible, but not more foluble in water than pure magnefia. It combines with the nitrous and marine acids, from which it is feparable by the vitriolic, and formsalum. Itis not precipitable from thofe acids by the acid of fugar; which diftinguifhes it from the foregoing earths ; all of which, except the ponderous united with the vitrio- lic acid, are precipitable by the acid of fugar; though, if there be an excefs of mineral acid, the precipitate is not always apparent, till a part of the liquor be evaporated. The ftrongeft heat dees not convert it into quick lime, nor fufe it; either fingle or with filiceous earth; but with the calcareous it readily runs into fufion. Fixed alkalies do not promote its fufion, but borax and microcofmic falt difolve it. It is affected fomething lefs by the calces of lead, than calcareous earth, 2 rT re Se RE TRS TE SECT alae nr Rh Ry re Feat, sy RE ERD Jxxxiv “a liquid ftate, will take up INTRODUCTION. v. SILICEOUS EARTH. THUS is called cryftalline, or vitriable earth, as it is that of which glafs is generally formed. Its {peci- all the fimple earths except In the temperature of the earth can be dif- fie gravity is greater than barytes ; being 2,66. le atmofphere, only one part of this | | folved in ten thoufand parts of water; butin a ghar temperature it is more foluble. None of the os “except the fluor affects it; but that will Sis 2 corifiderable portion of It. Cautftic fixed alkalies in from 1-10 to 1-6 of their It is of itfelf infufible in the {trongeft heat; nor muriatic “earth affift its fufion; and the calcareous is fomewhat doubtful. ‘Fixed alkalics bring it into fufion, and will mele dou- “Ble their weight of it; borax affe@s it flighty, and mictocofiniic fale fcarcely any. The calx of lead ‘will melt from 1-30 1-2 Its weight of it. weight. neither does argillaceous In confequence of the calcareous, magnefian, pon- being combinable with derous, and argillaceous earths, : all acids, they are frequently called abforbent earths. From the combination of different proportions of arifes all that amazing va- found in the foffil king- thefe five imple earths; riety of fpecies, which 1s il V. Of INTRODUCTION. Ixxxv v. Or AL Mr. BOYLE and other philofophers, confidered the feveral vapors obtained from certain fubftances by artificial proceffes, as atmofphciical air; and applied the term to every permancntly elaftic vapor; hence factitious, fixed, or fixable air, to which later expe- rimenters have added inflammable air, nitrous air, &c. Thefe terms lead to an opinion that fuch va- pors are different modifications of the atmclphere; but as that is not the cafe, retaining them mutt be a continual fource of error; therefore we fhall follow Van Helmont, in comprehending {uch permanent vapors, as are obtained by any chemical procefs, un- der the general term gas. Chemical analyfis teaches us, that the atmofphere is an heterogeneous vapor, compofed of fixed, phlo- gifticated, and empyreal gafes, befides various other foluble matters, Its general properties are, firtt, its fpecific gravity is to that of water as 1 to 850. Se- condly, It is capable of great compreffion and expan- fion. Thirdly, It isa principal agent in all chemi- cal procefies, particularly in combuftion, and the cal- cination of metals. Fourthly, Itis indifpen{ible for the fupport of animal and vegetable life. Lifthly, It is perfectly foluble in water; and fixthly, it is con- <3 tained = ot Sri CRRA er 3, Vis SEER a fies Sr ARNE RS Fem t en i en a : aR & Ixxxvi INTRODUCTION. tained in moft fubftances ina folid ftate, from which it may be extracted by the air-pump. EMPYREAL GAS. THIS is obtained by heat, from calcined mer- cury, red precipitate, from minium, moiftened with nitrous acid ; lunar nitre ; nitres with alkaline and earthy bafes, &c. leaves of plants, raw filk, and other organized fubftances, immerfed in water, impregnated with aerial acid, and expofed to the fun’s rays, like- wife produce it It is heavier than common air, the only vapor which can {upport life, or maintain combuftion; and is three time as effectual in that procefs as common air. United with inflammable gas at a low tempera- ture, it forms aerial acid ; but with a red heat, water, MEPHITIS or MEPHITIC GAS, SO called, becaufe it is adverie to the animal frame. This gas was fuppofed to be nothing more than air, altered by phlogiftic procefles; and was therefore called phlogifticated gas. But it is ‘now proved to exift ready formed in the atmofphere, and is developed in proportion as the empyreal gas 1s abforbed. The ufual way of obtaining it in a ftate of flammable air. INTRODUCTION. of purity, is by expofing liver of fulphur ina fluid ftate, to a certain portion of air; the liver of fulphur abforbs the empyreal gas, and leaves the pure me- phitis behind. It has been difcovered in the air bladders of carp, and may be collected by breaking them under veflels filled with water. Mephitis has neither tafte nor fell, it 1s lighter than atmofpheric air; it does not redden the tintture of litmus, nor precipitate lime from lime. water. ation upon it. Mr. Cavendith has difcovered that three parts of mephitis and feven parts of empyieal gas, expofed to the paffage of the eleétrical fpark, are gradually condenfed, and produces nitrous acid. Berthollet in decompofing volatile alkali, found it to confift of five parts of mephitis, and onc of in- As animal matters contain a con- fiderable portion of it, which is extricated during pu- refaction ; volatile alkali in a great quantcy mut be formed during that procefs. NITROUS GAS. THIS is obtained from the ation of nitrous acid upon metals, oils, &c. € 4 Ixxxvii = Te Y hui ash au i —— mre = erm Ware a - . Rt a — =” . 2 - : Ss 7 A AT mma 3 SV Se = - bs SWE tp . 3 : — a = en so A SE Em © io : ’ eh 3 Ee iE es a Re i a ra © EE Gi nl or cia = Cr a RE os = a F ey = : = - essen meen . > rs pager He —— —— — 3 ie ie in i at ah ne 2 — - ~ amr yo = A PT Rr ee tefl . - Pe a ES — a < a ~- Ixxxviii INTRODUCTION. It extinguithes flame, deprives animals of life, is neither acid nor alkaline; nor is it altered by pure water. It is compofed of mephitis, phlogifton, and empyreal gas. When united with air, a diminution oi is produced in proportion to the purity of it; hence it oa is ufed as a teft to determine the falubrity of air at different places. AERIAL ACID. | IT is obtained from a folution of chalk, mild al- 1 . . - . - - . + kali, marble, &c. in the marine or vitriolic acid. The properties of aerial acid, are firft, it changes a the blue color of vegetables into red; fecondly, it 2 extinguithes flame, and is highly noxious to animals which breathe it ; thirdly, it precipitates lime from lime-water, and renders cauftic alkalies mild; fourthly, it is highly antifeptic ; and fifthly, water abforbs it, in a confiderable quantity. AR Tn Sl sur SEE i This vapor conftitutes the choak damp of mines. an, pn = VITRIOLIC ACID GAS. IT is the vitriolic acid volatilized by phlogifton. 1 It is very foluble in water, it deitroys moft veget- able INTRODUCTION: Jes able colors; and when united with alkaline bafes, forms neutral falts, different from thofe formed of the vitriolic acid. Itis deftruétive of animal life, SPARRY ACID GAS. IT 1s obtained from fluor or vitreous fpar; by the vitriolic acid. Its principles are not known, MURIATIC ACID GAS. IT is obtained by boiling fpirit of faltin a retort, placing the neck beneath a vefiel filled with mer- cury. This elaftic fluid has a ftrong and penetrat- ing fmell. It extinguifhes candles, deftroys the life of animals, reddens blue vegetable colors, ablcrbs the vapors of water which float in the air, and forms with them a white fume, which diffolves in water, and forms marine acid. It caufes ice to melt with great rapidity; by reafon of the heat it imparts on combination with water, It diffolves camphor. The nature of this gas is not as yet well known. AERATED MURIATIC GAS. THIS is obtained with great facility during the action of marine acid on the calx of manganefe. It se ay a Se at mime A wa — INTRODUCTION. yellow greenifh color, with a It is not acid; extin- Xe It is always of a ftrong and penetrating {mell. guifhes flames and quickly deftroys animal life. It deftroys the colors of all dyed ftuffs, fyrup of violets, and tinéture of litmus, by turning them to a white. It blanches yellow wax, &c. It decompofes volatile 4 rt alkali, by depriving it of the inflammable air, and * leaves the mephitis. It thickens unguinous oils, cal- feos | . . cines metals, not excepting mercury and gold, and a diffolves in water, to which it communicates the fame properties. It is decompofed by expofure to light, which reduces it to the ftate of pure muriatic acid. INFLAMMABLE AIR. VHEN pureit is the lighteft of all the aeriform Itis obtained from a folution of iron in vi- It extinguifhes fire, 1s fatal to animal life ; inflames on the application of fire, when freely expofed to atmofpheric air. United to mephitis it forms volatile alkali; and to dephlogifticated air, It is the fire damp of mines. vapors. triolic acid. ea Ei he mete SESS Cor 8 Re ESTEE water. a a Rie So TREAT a tA HEPATIC GAS. Tht IT is obtained by decompofing liver of fulphur It has a feetid odor, kills ani- by means of acids. mals, INTRODUCTION. xci mals, and turns fyrup of violets green. Empy- real air precipitates fulphur from it; and 1t inflames with a reddifh blue flame. Water abforbs it, but it is decompofed by expofure to air; and the fmoking nitrous acid, and the fulphureous acid decompofe *y as well as the gas. Hepatic gas reduces the calces of lead and bifmuth. It precipitates muriatic {olutions. Mercury and filver decompofe it, by {eparating the fulphur. It is this gas that generally mineralizes all fulphureous waters. PHOSPHORIC GAS. IT is obtaine ili i i wi Woiluge d by boiling cauftic alkali with half oi ght of phofphorus; and receiving the vapor 1n veflels filled with mercur is gas 1 a eS y. This gas is feetid, de- , and takes fire {pontaneoufly by the 1 contact of air. It is a folution of phofphorus in in- flammable air. CARBONACEOUS INFLAMMABLE GAS. A {olution of charcoal in inflammable air. This vapor burns with a blue flame, attended with {mall white, or reddifh fparkles. INTRODUCTION. ALKALINE GAS. Is pure volatile Alkali. THE name of mephitized inflammable air, 1s given by Fourcroy to the inflammable air of marfhes. 1tisdifengaged from ftanding waters, and in all places where animal matters putrefy in water. It accom- panics, precedes, Of follows the formation of volatle - alkali, which takes place in putrefaétion. Itis fup- pofed to be formed by mephitis and inflammable air diffufed through each other. It burns with a blue flame, and does not detonate with empyreal air without great difficulty. Thefe gafes for experiment are generally collected in cylindrical glafles containing either mercury Or water. To afcertain the quantity which any jar will contain in cubic inches; the area muft be multiplied by the perpendicular height. | Now the area is found by multiplying half the diameter by half the circumference, which is to the diameter as twenty-two to rwenty-feven nearly ; or {till nearer as one hundred to three hundred and fourteen. By way of example, and to ufe fmall numbers, and to avoid fractions; we will take the diameter to the circumference as one to three. Suppofe the cylin- der eighteen inches deep, and its internal diameter exactly INTRODUCTION. xciii exallly eight inches; its circumference is thercfore twenty-four inches ; half of which being multiplied by four, which is half the diameter, gives forty-eiglit for thearea; and forty-eight being multiplied by eighteen inches, the depth of the veflel gives the number of fquare inches of gas contained in the ¢y- linder, viz. eight hundred and fixty-four. VI. Of WAT ER. WATER was always looked upon as a fimple ‘element; but lately fome experiments of Mr. Ca- vendifh, give us reafon to believe it 1s 2 compound fubftance, whofe conftituent parts are inflammable gas, and the bafe of empyreal gas. But it appears improbable that fuch immenfe quantities, which are found on the furface of our earth, thouvld be formed by fecondary caufes; indeed the produétion of it by art, feems to depend on circumftances, which can fcarcely ever occur in nature, fo that water mult date with the creation. The quality of water may be known by the” fol- | lowing properties, viz. firft, pure water is lighter and more ‘fluid than that which contains heterogeneous fubftances; fecondly, it has no color, fmell, nor tafte; thirdly, it wets more eafily than hard water; and fourthly, foap mixes with it without any decompo- fition, Water Ra 4 " xT ol Ve £4 § i a i RR Rd Ar * ¥ xciv INTRODUCTION. Water is fufceptible of three ftates, viz. folidity, fluidity, and vapor. When it becomes ice the air in conta@ becomes hotter; but as it is reduced to a fluid again, the fame air is made confiderably colder, than the ftate of the atmofphere ; and when it is con- verted into vapor, it abforbs heat, and produces cold. It perfectly diffolves in air at 65° of the thermometer ; boils at 212° and freezes at 32°. It increafes fame, by being decompofed, and furnifhing empyreal gas. It has not the leaft affinity to phlo- gifton, unguinous oils, fat, refins, and fulphur; but unites imperfectly with effential oils and ther. It is the proper menftruum of falts and cauftic earths; and perfe&ly diffolves gums and mucilages. Moft waters are impregnated with heterogeneous fubftances, and when they become fenfible to the tafte they are called mineral waters. The moft com- mon impregnations are, firft, acids, fometimes in an uncombined fate, but moft frequently united to earths, alkalies, or metals; fecondly, alkalies, fome- times uncombined, but generally in union with aerial or other acids; thirdly, lime, magnefia, terra ponde- rofa, or clay, moft frequently united with acids ; fourthly, iron, copper, and manganefe. Iron united with fixed gas or vitriolic acid ; copper always with the vitiiolic acid ; and manganefe with the marine; and fifthly, fulphur in form of hepatic air, or troup: tag, INTRODUCTION. - xcv the medium of an alkali, forming liver of fulphur. Sometimes vitriolated zinc, and arfenic are found. There are two methods of difcovering thefe im- pregnations, viz. precipitation and evaporation. The volatile parts fhould be expelled by a boiling heat, and collected with a pneumatic apparatus. If aerial acid thould be contained, the water previous to boiling will redden the tintture of litmus; or lime- water, will be precipitated either by adding alittle of the water, or placing a little lime-water to the altion of the expelled vapor. If it fhould be hepatic air, it will fmell like putrid eggs and blacken filver. I. By PRECIPITATION. IF vitriolic acid be contained in any form, it is deteéted by a {olution of terra pondercfa in marine acid ; the vitriolic acid feizes the earth, and falls to the bottom, forming a {pathum ponderofum. The ma- rine acid is detected by applying a {olution of [iver in nitrous.acid ; the marine acid feizes the filver and falls down in form of a mucilage, infoluble in nitrous acid. Uncombined alkalies change paper colored with brazil wood to a blue color. Or if a quantity of 1 fai xevi INTRODUCTION. fal ammoniacithrown into the water, produce a/finell of volatile alkali, the water certainly contains ‘fixed alkali uncombined. a Lime is difcovered by acid of fugar; and barytes gh or terra ponderofa, by vitriolic acid; neutral falts | with alkaline bafes, are precipitated by highly rec- tified fpirit of wine. a ak adh Simei A TE hs Aan ima ne - ee Iron is precipitated ‘blue with pruffianated alkali, copper of a brown color, and zinc of a white color, which becomes yellow on expofure to heat, but be- comes white again as it cools ; or ‘iron may be dif- 8 covered ‘with tincture of galls, ‘unlefs it be in a de- ih phlogifticated ftate, and in union with narine acid, bh when the tincture of galls produces no effect; but iE the water is affected in the ufual way by the pruf- ag fianated alkali. For the purpofe of difcovering i whether: the iron be diffolved in the vitriolic or ma- v rine acid, let a fmall portion of a folution of terra i ponderofa in nitrous acid be added ; when, if it throws + «down a yellow precipitate, and the water lofes its inky tafte, the iron is diffolved in the vitriolic acid ; i ; but if it does not lofe that tafte, the iron is combined gd with marine acid. Copper may likewife be detected 1 by the volatile alkali. If manganefe be contained, £ a folution of vegetable alkali poured in the water, forms a white precipitate, which grows black in the fire, INTRODUCTION. XCvii fire, and is neither foluble in nitrous nor vitriolic acid. Nitrous acid deftroys the odor of thofe waters, which contain liver of fulphur, and f{eparates the fulphur. On the other hand, the vitriolic and ma- rine acids augment the fmell, while they {eparate the {fulphur. Solutions of lead, filver, and quickfil in nitrous acid; and a folution of corrofive fublimate yield with water thus impregnated a brown or black precipitate, which when dried will burn on a red hot thovel, with a blue flame, and fulphureous fmell. [f the water be impregnated with hepatic gas, nei- ther the vitriolic nor marine acid augments nor di- minifhes its odor; nor do they precipitate the ful- phur, which is effected by the dephlogifticated ni- trous and marine acids only ; depriving the water of its odor at the fame time. The folutions of lead, filver, and quickfilver, yield no precipitate, unlefs it contains a confiderable quantity of gas; and then the precipitate does not burn with a flame. Silver turns black in it, and deprives it of its offenfive odor. If water contain arfenic, a {olution of martial vi- triol throws down a black precipitate. Or the wa= ter muft be boiled down, and the refiduum thrown upon live coals; if it fmells of garlic, it contains ar- {fenic, RAMEN TLS He ae = Es i Sete ee a OTE 3 hana 23 Sian i= i airs = — ee LRT 3 i: i £ oe Se LM RL STR 3 nae GR ¥eviil INTRODUCTION 11. By EVAPORATION. BY evaporating a fufficicnt quantity of water, the falts which it contains appear in the following order. Firft, aerated lime and filiceous earth fall before the water boils; fecondly, gypfum; thirdly, alum; fourthly, vitriolated vegetable alkali; fifthly, martial vitriol; fixthly, common nitre; fevenihly, vitriol of copper; eightly, fulited vegetable alkali; ninthly, mi- neral alka tly, common fale; eleventhly, vitriol of zinc; Ee vitriolated magnefia; and laftly, deliquefcent falts. The volatile parts muit be colle&ted with a pneu- matic apparatus, and properly examined and efti- mated. As there are fubitances which are decom- potedl during evaporation, they fhould be feparated previous to that procefs. Thefe are liver of ful- phur and metallic falts. The vitriolic acid of the liver of fulphur, is difengaged during evaporation, and combi: es vil the alkaline fubftances which may be contained; and the metal of the metallic {alts lofes s acid, and forms new 0 its phlogifton, {eparates from it combinations. 1 herefore the Schon muft be pre- cipitated by the nitrous acid, and weighed; and the metailic falts muit be afcertained by the profane d alkali, purified by the nitrousacid. The color of the precipitate ews the metal, and the weight of it, the quantity INTRODUCTION. XCiX quantity of metallic fale. It muft be obferved, that various falts are formed, by the union of the re-agents Cop in. 3 with the fubftances, previouily exiting iil the{e are cubic and calcareous itr e, vitriolate d tartar, fw de by gp * “XT >) I > alo tr and digettive fale; butthefe may be al certained by the water; attending to the quar ntity of re-agent ued and allow- The water 1s now to Se evaporated away ing for it. This refiduum contains and the refiduum weighed. falts, which are foluble in re %ified fpirit of wine; in infoluble by either men- diffolves neutral falts with cold water, or fubftances firqum. Spirit of wine earthy bales, fedative falt, arfenic, and ext adtive mat- ter. ‘This {olution in fpiric of wine, after it 1s di- luted with diftilled water, 1s examined as follows, viz. I. If precipitants indicate id alts with a calcareous bafis, the earth muft be {epar ated by the acid of {u- oar, united to an alkali; the precipitate thus ob- tained gives the g quantity of calcareous carth. The {alt sonelred by cryftailization, whether it be nitre digeftive falt, fhews with what acid the calcareous earth was combined. In order to f{eparate this falt more accurately, the liquor may be evaporate ed to drynefs, and the foluble partof the refiduum extracted with fpirit of wine ; confequently the digeftive falcand cubic nitre remain behind as being ini foluble. 11. If, in confequence of the precipitants a falt with barytic earth be fufpected ; let a {olution of Glauber’ s f 2 falts i {| it i fi ki ) RE A In o's 1 Aid 1a £ al any i id 1: ale Wt How Lg y pi ¥ tx 1 i 3 & 4 i iV ; | J) HE: 3 INTRODUCTION. falts, or vitriolated tartar, be poured into the water the quantity of the precipitate, will thew the quantity of the falt contained in the water. The fult produced by this decompofition, muft be feparated and examined. IIT. If the water contain falts with magnefia for their bafes, a portion of fixed alkali muft be added to the water, when the magnefia precipitates; and by the cryftallization of the falts; or by prec ipitating them et i rit of wine, it will be feen with what acid the magnefia was combined, IV. If the vater contain fedative falt, it muft be evaporated, and the falt will eryftallize. This is the only one that is cry hy ilizable and foluble in {pirit of wine. Arfenic is detected by a fall quantity of vo- latile Liver of fulphur. The liquor muft be evapo- rated to drynefs, and the extradtive matter is left for ¢xamination, The Gih{tances which ara , Feed i 1 he {ubltances which are foluble in diftalled wa- vv mney Te Come] nla CT {Cl Iilay OC NECA aikKail {atur: ted with 1 ed air; al] OY 1 3 . . perfelt DCULFAL 1aalS, alum, FE; .plon Nn {alt Cy NC, Io fom fale be + Bund allzall lar nf TR VO HAC daiall, ICT a guant it y Or L Pic a few hours a “Jiroard and Aarddod em 4] Oived and addaed to the wate: y n ntity of magnefia will be precipitated, the quan- tity of alkali is known by calculating the portion ne- lary to precipitate the fame quantity of ma gnefia om Epiom file. If the water contain alum and F.pfom INTRODUCTION. ci Eplom fale, either with or without other falts, the belt mode to afcertain their quantity, is to decom- pofethem. Let a folution of fixed alkali be ads ded drop by drop, till it ceafe to make the water turbid, Let the precipitate be carefully dried and w reighed; and then put it into water faturated with fixe iy air ; which will diffolve the magnefia, but leaves the earth of alum untouched. The difference of weight fhews the portion of ma ignefia difivlved. The fale formed by the decompofition i 1s feparated by cryf- tallization, if the water contain only alum and Ep- fom fale. If Epfom fait and Glauber’s fal be con- tained in the fame water, it is impoflible to feparate them by cryftallization, as th 1cy beth thoot into cryf- tals at the fame time ; therefore Shey muit be decom- pofed, the quantity of either is afcertained by the weight of the precipitated cath If Glauber’s falt, common {alt, and nitre be contained in water, let a {olution of terra ponderofa in nitrous acid be poured into the water; the pre Coipiinte dried and weighed, fhews the quantity of Glauber’s fale. Into the fl. £ tered liquor let a quantity o of a {olution of filver in nitrous acid be poured, and the preci; e fhews the portion of common falt; and if heft recinitates give not the exact weight of the refiduum atficlved in cold water, there is reafon to fuipect nitre; the deficiency of w eight fhews th: quantity which may be Sifiovared likewife by cryftallization. The fub- ftances remaining, which are not foluble either In 4 3 I 10111 ~ A xv 1 pr oi ¥ \ gar 1 : J vg il | a i al a ah a Wao KA i pig \ | wR yi i iid oy a | 4 ho if Had Tt Alli 1 bs 1 {es 1H Han $d A Tox —— a a Ae. STR cu INTRODUCTION: {pirit of wine or water, arc, Firft, SerLcniTe; Se- condly, Iron; thirdly, SiLicrous; fourthly, Avru- minous; fifthly, Muriatic; fixthly, Carcare- ous; and feventhly, Heavy EARTH. Firft, Selenite is extracted by boiling the refi- duum in 6co times its weight of water 2 ih dif- folves it, and carries it through a filter. The weight wanting in the refiduum fhews the quantity of {ele- nite. Or marine acid peed on the refiduum dif- folves the iron and earths, and leaves the felenite and. filiceous earth behind. The felenite is feparated from the filiceous earth, by diffolving it in diftilled water. Secondly, The felenite being {eparated by the former method, a little marine acid poured on the refiduum, diffolves all the iron and earths, except the filiccous. Thirdly, The iron is difco vered by precipitating it in form of Pruffia | blue, by the pruffianated alkali, previoully pu fed by the marine acid. Fourthly, Calcareous earth, in the above {o- lution, by acid of fugar . Fifthly, Baryte: by vitrio- lic acid ; and laftly, The magnefia and ciay, are pre- cipitated by a mild alkali, and the former is dif= folved from the clay by water impregnated with fixed air, INES anxp OR A TABLE of the Arrinities of the different METALS, in the pry Way, Gold [Plat Silver Copper Iron Tin Lead Zinc Arfenic Bifmuth Reg. Anti. Mangane e Cobalt (Nickel Qu. Silver § Mercury Arfenic Lead Gold Nickel Mercury Gold Copper Nickel Lead Iron Copper Iron Tron Gold = _ | -— ssn Hi _ — sian. sss msansrersn | nar} seceserr rats esses sssep pnt ss oat sapere Copper Gold Copper Silver Cobalt ‘Copper Silver Antimony (Cobalt Silver Copper Iron Nickel (Cobalt Silver ee tte arr — : — — | ene ms | mma: ere set, | ese. senate sess | — esr arsine. | ieedissanions itn lil em se ny Silver Copper Mercury Arfenic Arfenic Antimony Copper Tin Copper Gold Tin Gold Arfenic |Arfenic [Platina —_— | ——— — | ——— | re _. nn foe eee— oe —_— ee ——— nay Lead Tin Bifinuth Iron Manganefe Gold Mercury Mercury [Iron Mercury Lead Silver Coppa Copper Lead ress essa moms} espresso eserit ge: | omnes" Sharon SEWPERINIRS [EPA | ! i — ——— rn: S00 io. Femara sense scorn: § or Arne meer torr eee oe Aor] Bifmuth Bifinuth Tin Manganefe Copper Silver Bifiuth Silver Silver | Antimony Nickel ‘Tin Gold Gold Ti Tin Lie Gold Zinc Gold Lead Tin Gold Tin = Tin Silver oo Plain Tin Zine Antimony Andmany Antimony Antimony Silver on Andmony Cobale Lead Copper Bifuch | | oo Antimony [Bifh Iron oo Nickel fan Platina Tin Manganefe “latina Asfinic Gold [Platina Zinc | oo oo Platina Copper Platina Cobalt Mangancfc [Tin Antimony Nickel i Plana Platina Nickel Gold | | Bifmwh Antimony _— — | —_— — | em em eee | eee ee — Zinc Manganefe Zinc Lead Platina Arlenic Zinc ‘Bifmuth Zinc Tron Platina | | Lead Arfenic = —— —_— I cee cpp rssenns | gases sms seme on. son seceet samt. | testa spe spatter smsamts my. eee apport pets eres. | “weave res ae] re terse or seed SE So Nickel Iron ‘Arfenic Nickel Bifinuth Platina Nickel Lead Antimony Zinc Mercury | Silver Iron Afric |Lead Nickel |Bifinuth (Lead Bifinuth [Iron |Nickel | TT |Arkmic CT Tae TT — i —— | ——————— | ! —_— — se — ree | een mmm ce se | semen me Cobalt Silver Platina Cobalt ‘Mercury Cobalt | [ron | | Cobalt | | —— wi wi ~~ rn i | ee ee sm em een m——r— | | | | | | | IE Mercury Manganefe [Mercury * The MeTaL at the Head of each Column, has a ftronger Attraction for that immediately below it, than for any of the Others, to the Bottom; fo that Metals in Fufion may fometimes be feparated from each other by the Advantage of thefe Affinities, A TABLE fhewing {ome of the moft ufeful {ingle ele@tive ATTRACTIONS In the muMiD WAY. : Vitriolic, Ni- | ( ; I | . . | | . ™ | | . eo ) vv: . | . " | es trousand Ma-| Alkalies Phlogifton Sulphur {Hep. Sulphur. | Gold | Platina Silver Mercury | Lead | Copper {Iron Tin | Bifmuth Nickel Arfenic | Cobalt Zinc | Antimony | Manganele rine Acids. | | | | | | | | | % A rr + er srt se | a! sass sie] esa gets ts ————————— rte — o—— iad —— | —— | — gy ———— | mmm da — ea. 1 ———— ] waa iiv. we owes . | . Eee . fer ie Ly 1s . , Vy ate . | : vr . . . - d _ : Tt > Les meson Barytes |Vitriolic Nitrous Acid Lead |Gold Ether | Ether Marine \cid of Fat |Vitriolic {Acid of Sugar Acid of Sugar [Acid of Fa |Acid of Sugar |Acid of Sugar {Marine Acid of Sugar Acid of Sugar Acid of Fat Acid of Sugar | | | } ¢ - Wo —————— {| — v—— on So wn | — So— ————— | ———— — ——— ———— — S————— en S— ————— | etnias sepia areisaiini rrr samt essai 3 } nN; " Vitriolie res Iver | : * i RT avs . ~ ar . i . ~ a . “rt aie Tartare I 1 3 A 3 * Qiverar IRS av Ntvriaalie arine 3 01 Fixed Alkali [Nitrous | Vitriolic (Tin Silver Marine Acid |Marine Acid of Fat Viarine Acid of Fat [artaric ["artaric [artaric |Arfenical Marine Acid of Sugar [Marine Vitriolic Marine Citreou " sd a tn PO WO {co mt moni Way nnn | te i W ee Ama. S— co——— |“ — ee o.oo tn. | en. sense. em vem | = em em | | | s———— —— | | | ~ "i. - { 0 . jn ~ . | . 7 . FANT! en . . . - Gt “4 . Magnefia |Acid of Fat |Arfenical {Mercury |Arfenic [Nitrous Acid [Nitrous Vitriolic Ylectrine Acid of Sugar | gts sre itn sep rn] at Leominster sores ed ci sicermineotneh | att SS ~recpatrgrt samen Smsairs wetietilissnite | —_— eee eee ern sre} osm sn aa § osm i —— : arine (Dent TarineiSilver IMereury a Reet: |A au: apy} cro : "Gt | . mre Ing Hriolic Marine FT artarie YVitrinhe 1itriolice Vitviahc Varin Acid of Sugar Phofphoric Lime {Marine Dephl. Marine|Silver {Mercury |\Aqua Regia Aqua Regt: ‘cid of Sugar [Acid of Suear !Acid of Milk [Marine Vitriolic Marine | 1 artaric Vitriolic Vitriolic vitriolic Marine Acid of Sugar ’hoiphoric th i { / | 5 . ( sugar | a ) | , | CB ears syeiengmiommin piiiomint soni moioipmini, ssovmmit ction ee ee seen || eres mt. semasmantosn. | sommes: sme amassee | ees ee sents iss | -— — Vitriolic Acid of Milk | Vitriolic \Phofphoric Tartaric | Nitrous Tartaric Acid of Milk |Vitriolic Tartaric y bu — —— ———— ee ee — C—O, ——— LY —— T | ee | ee ee wns sressmnee ——— | ————— | —— tee] cms wo ge | + test messes sessmie set sigs tsetse someon. | ities sutton | verses snp erent ssn ete si ; Vol. Alkali [Fluor (Phofphoric |Arfenic {Antimony \Vitriolic {Vitriclic Sugar of Milk |Arfenical Arfenical |Acid of Milk |Marine Acid of Sugar Vitriclic Nitrous Acid of Fat [Nitrous Nitrous ous Fluor ] 0 a rn ai emt] mi me | simon imimcanions 5 iis.) cobs ———r rl i S—. i a— £ rit mami 3 evs csvset mp IE evens se ever J — ——s eens. | “meomsmaton essai. | sess sm me— |. so—————— i : lax [Phofvhoric [741s one " |Bif} i | A colin gn A | Pe ro . re ve To I WT: . oo A od Po 4 vt To. “. \ 1 , \ 1 Td ¢ NA ‘ ric Clay (4 noipnori {£ LCT Antimony (brimuth | Arfenical |Arfenical |Phoiphoric vhoiphoric Tartaric IIN1irous | Nitrous Arienical Acid of Fat Acid of Fat taric cid ofl Fat cid or rat - iarine d ; - § ston cui maisstrn 3 ssi i | smi esi eins | sp —————— | so——————-—] ’ re eres | | evenness sramsi simi mspsmnd ssi otsmtbnesie 4st sasomionnss | owememasmisminens sogenn ett ee | ———— ee en ns 1 CO | | e———— ————————————" A a t————. 1 . ) 4 _ Zinc IAcid of Sugar {Platina {fron Copper Fluor [Fluor INT; 'Vitriolic PhofMhoric Acid of {Acid of Fat Phofphoric JAarine Phofphoric Phofphoric Phofphoric Tartaric Acid of Milk |{Vitriolic : , C ugar latina 1 ) | jiu Nitrous 1{r1oi1c Pholphoric Acid of ‘at Lik Sot ROL AGLI visyin noIpaoric HOP BGI AOI LOTIC ~ i CO See gt er tomate rere ti ome eon. eas oem stmt mentee a [rep on TE EE em | ee eee 1 nt y v3 ue . {rps rs [rp : | TT TT — ee. : fy . . re “Tos + ~ ~ ML Phafnhore 13+ 24 Iron | Tartaric Gold Kf ixed Alkali I'T mn | Tartareous Tartaric [Arfenical Sugar of Milk Viarine [A rienica {Pholphoric Nitrous Nitrous 'luor Fluor Fluor FNo1phoric LVI pPLOLIC aniLit ee ere se ee rth r on [remeron sen remeron sees] remem — mr DRA I DS Ne ~ ee | me 8 ow 0 | a at last. i . | ) % . . (bn. . —— . . — == FCI Flos se 3 I Manganeie [Arfenical Silver olatile Alkali |Lead [Phofphoric |Phofphoric Flour ‘ Tartaric Nitrous |Phofphoric Arfenical [Muor i ; rm mn vincrtomins rosie Ne a error meee eg Soon stiri, cae = | etmmtnmetesunser | mae | errs sssmares wisi sb manposet messmo ema het Seba. | SS eters nemesis | evant sess, | sos suns sn. spn pp—— in 1 fw re . - \ . | "3 . . - we obatl [Mercury > ickel \cid of Fat [Acid of Fat | ‘ Clbreat y vei. 0000 Pluor cid of Milk i Cobalt | [AVAL oo CS Nickel [£AC1A Of Fat | AC | of Fat I'artaric Lltreous Fluor leétring 111101 101A OF AVILTEK I a » i co | vo. | ern. tsi pose [mi——— _ ane, Ce eee Norm Ar AN mes. {HRS rr — ee me me ems | rman — Nickel { ia cata A ri * Cio y " (NT! INICKCI Aarienic 1C | \cid of | Zar |Nitrous Nitrous [Fluor { | f | : or | { Fp ————— ———— — ———————— —— —— —————— ¥ =| ET A ——— nt. | Ee — ————— wom s——— yg A Lt ™ . ———— —— ——_ on. —————— % ——————_———— -——— a ————— x Lead | Antimony [Magne 1 1trous Acid of Ants (Fluor | | . N { Sr rq |, re te to |e meee ee | em es | _____ cot ram espns ee ee | en tt en | A Re mene. | ere cm ree : il 11n | B iB! 1 cid of An \ 0 | > v—— Tine TT. {- ! —— ———————————— |p ————— ———— — | eee | sn ee mee | oo — ——— fe CL — eee Copper | Copper | | - 1 { 9 | mene ee Vee ee ren re |_| meena vee a — ree —— SE ) _ se. | emer ——— meme. humps he Bifmuth | .- tal et ns | Sn—— ———— —o———— | A] —— nn. ]—— ooo pt on. | A———————, —————o ——— ————, — | ct sp. — — yy W——— a S— —— " ——— ———— Antimony | Lead i | oP tai I a— ———S—— —— =. | ——————y———————; po ——. | o—————— s———-——— ———— | ————————————— | N _ ————————— ————————————————— se — — aM a - - \ ———————————— ———— aoe an — | ——— er ap—— | — W———. 1 WMO——— |, ot te - —- —— —— ph ———————— spat — UI | S————————————— } ———————— R————— | -{ Arlen: ! fo | ———— i —— ————— | —— ——— A ———— —— vier — - — —————— ——————————— — — ns ————— | _— - - TN —— ——————— — - SL ——— ————— —————— ————— -—— Sr ———————————— - Ba -~ - w— — | —— ——— . SU _— — se VES A US — rion Ss te So te — — AT xr { fercury | | z | TI || TA, tminn Mt nt cnn mae. wn. wm tan mn | rt rem. | pr. Wot Wen | © te | tee St | en NR ; —— re nm — es no - mm a - mee — ” Sil er | | " > | ‘ 3 M—————— ——— fp _—— A. oo — - — TR m— — S—— - w— T- { OL | . 2 { a —_— ——— f] > —— . 25. —— ——- ——— — —————y ———— ——————————— - ————— ar ——— - atl \ $ o ! | | 4 | i | J ' i £ wip Li {i hy Li fi li i < 1 oO "bi [eful fingle z Lh oO 1 Vitriolic, Ni- | ld tousand Ma| Alkalies | Phlog lo ; MINES AND ORES. fit rine Acids. | Lead ( Copper § Pd se rat ems me | er ttre ee - Ld Barytes {Vitriolic Nitrous - | m——y CL —— ————— a itriolic Acid offn | Fixed Alkali [Nitrous | Vitrioli “| a HE moft important branch of chemiftry, is Ld ee | mm Jeld of Fat [Teriarig | 4 [| metallurey, which comprehend nly i Lime | Marine \Dephl. AG | rk 8Y> prehens AOL omy f (I eid of Milk Marine the extraGtion of metals from their different ores, Magnefia ~~ |Acidof Fat |Arfenici “0 7 | C01 but likewife the converfion of fuch metals, either | ee | em ee re | ~~ : fv Olle § Vol. Alkali [Fluor Phofphe-——— I to ufeful or ornamental purpofes. The repofito- ————————— i ——— — __tenical |Aci i of M * . . . simran gen} Hi _ ries of ores are called mines, which are in general Clay 'Phofphoric ~~ |Ether meio | rt = . } . oO |. _artaric Nitrous confined to particular fituations, viz. mountainous Zinc Acid of Sucar [Plating ~~ | em . ar os —————— i po oo —"-oorou “ olphoric Acid of I; countries. Iron Tartaric Gold F————| ——— | Mountains are confidered with refpect to their | ee i as] sssngq i ——————— } _arme Arlenical A ou . - { | ne ¢ A r T° Manganefe |Arfenical Silver + [ —— ftructure, as intire, ftratified, and confufed. The cin dont ren ire fe trous {Phofphori intire mountains are moftly homogeneous; lome Cobalt | Terre gress mans | resemrssrsss Sa ~ Or | lectin confift of granite, others of limeftone, of a granular Nickel | |Arienic ==m=ems) CT or {caly appearance; and fome, as in Sweden and Lead | Anti mom | mes Norway, of iron; and the Paris mountain, in the i TT Bifmuthe————e | ee | ifland of Anglefea, of copper ore. gb Cop | oy | Stratified mountains are either homogeneous or oq opper Copper rm—-————| —==—- 11h —— — — | heterogeneous, and are the principal feat of me- SL UE Bifmuth Tin fre erie | we bi SH i, tallic ores. In the homogeneous ftratified moun- HE Aztimosy | Lead =r tains, the metallic ores run in veins, petrifactions are gp 8 em mmm | pr |e ee | . . TH Arfenic | Nickel ———-— | mmm found upon, but not in thefe mountains. at g semen essen seminar. | mes sm etm pi. | ee we { 3 0 WW ; Mercury ‘ot ; It es wo ———— ] S————— B 1 he : 1 i i 7 oe — CL cc—— J —— 3 i i | : Li TH Silver S— ———————— em Wh Lh A : —————————— a — ————— al Sp——— i A on IE Ee § iE id / t o i i ik | 4 (3 5 SR ene Io Ce OE =e 33 : ; he bad age . ia How = i a a iE : 3 5 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF The heterogeneous mountains, confift of alter- nate {trata of various fpecies of ftones, earths, &c. When the ftratum confifts of limeftone, it 1s of the laminar kind; and if it contain any metallic ore, this is placed between the laminze. The ftrata are fre- quently interrupted by filiceous maffes, which are called ftops. Thefe compound mountains contain coal, bitu- men, petrifactions, and organic impreffions, falts calamy, gold in fandy ftrata, copper and lead ores, pyrites, &c. Thefe liein the fame direction as the ftrata between which they are placed. There are mountains analogous to thefe, which cannot properly be called ftratified, as they confift only of three immenfe mafes; the lowell granite, the middle of the argillaceous kind, and the upper- moft of limeftone. Thefe are in general metalli- ferous, the ores are found in the fecond ftratum, or between the firft and fecond. They are in veins or bellies, and not ftrata, running acrofs the other {trata in all directions. Miners diftinguith the courfe of veins with refpect to the meridian by the term direction, and with re- lation to the horizon, by that of inclination. Their direction is either morning, noon, evening or night; by which is meant, as it points towards that divifion of the compalfs, where the fun is, at any of thofe pe- riods of the natural day. They have likewife names expreflive \ THE METALLIC ARTS. $ expreflive of their difference, as deep, perpendicular, horizontal, hanging, dilated, rich or poor. Small veins will fometimes diverge from larger ones, and frequently return into the trunk from whence they iffued. Thefe are called flips, and are in general very rich. The fuperior ftratum of earth or ftone, immediately in contact with the vein, 15 its roof; the inferior ftratum on which it refts, is the floor. The terminations of metallic veins are various ; firft, by a regular diminution, as if, during their foft ftate, they had been comprefied by the fuperincum- bent weight of the fuperior ftrata ; fecond, by fplit- ting or ramifying into {maller veins; and third, by terminating abruptly, This termination is caufed by new ftrata running tranfverfely to the other, or by perpendicular fiffures, produced by fome rupture or derangement of the ftratum, through which the vein pafles, by which one part has been raifed, de- prefled, or removed afide from the other, moft pro- bably by earthquakes. Although veins terminate thus abruptly, they do not entirely ceafe, but are only disjoined, and are frequently recovered by fearching the analogous parts of the oppolfite fide of the deranged ftratum. Mountains confifting of regular ftrata, called by authors primaval, are the principal fource of metal- lic veins, which are feldom if ever found in plains ; ) B2 the a - i b J] 4 i A 4 2 § yd v bod } lk 4 \ a Lb i t ¥ | {a § he {8 ¥ be fioiat {sgl « y ps 3? # wo ie {is i 4 AE N gO et & fo . ‘atl i A a t 1 dia [ridmis we “" AR A a } Et ER Vl aad i f Te Lr 5 i > Tn ond a ps a Ph 2 RRR . + Si mA 2 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF the probable reafon of which is, that in metalliferous mountains, we have accefs to the more ancient ftrata of the earth, which in plains are covered with fo many depofited, alluvial, and other ftrata, that we can feldom if ever reach the former. Thefe veins are never found in diluvial mountains, which are fingle and detached, though fometimes fragments of ores may be found in them: yet, fingle and feem- ingly detached mountains, efpecially in finall iflands, have been found metalliferous; but then they are regularly ftratified, and fmall ifiands themfelves are frequently eminent parts of fubmarine ranges of very extenfive mountains. Mineralogifts confider thofe mountains as moft metalliferous, which have a gentle afcent,a moderate height, and a broad bafis; the ftrata of which are nearly horizontal, and not much broken, at leaft in fuch mountains the veins are lefs interrupted, more extended, and confequently more valuable to mi- ners, than thofe in high, craggy, irregular, and fhat- tered mountains. I'he produce of thefe veins is metallic ores. Metallic ores are found in two ftates, viz. firft, calciform, and fecondly, combined with different ex- traneous fubftances, by which they are faid to be mi- neralized. The calciform ores, are metals de- prived of their metallifing principle, viz. phlogifton, as the lapis calaminaris, which is an ore of zinc, and THE METALLIC ARTS. 5 and the different ochres which are the calces of iron. Thefe ores contain a confiderable quantity of fixed air. The moft common mineralizers are fulphur, ar- fenic, the vitriolic, marine, and phofphoric acids; one fpecies of iron ore appears to be mineralized by the acid of Pruffian blue. If the mineralizer be of a faline nature, and the compound foluble in lefs than twenty times its weight in water, it is generally claffed among the falts. There have been fome mineralogifts who have excluded arfenic as a mine- ralizer, alleging that it is a metal of itfelf, and never united to other metals but in a reguline ftate, there- fore that the compound it forms fhould rather be called an alloy than an ore; but it muft be obferved, that as metals which are found united either with the calx of arfenic, or its acid, are in a greater or lefs tate of dephlogiftication, it ought to be admitted as a mineralizer in the ftricteft fenfe of the word; particularly as no fuch union, without a dephlogif- tication of the metal united, has ever been exhibited in the mineral kingdom. Mineralifed ores are divided into two clafies, viz. firft, imple, containing only one metallic fubftance; and fecond, compound, which contains two or more metallic fubftances. Of the fimple and compound ores, four {pecies may be principally difcriminated, Fit, ores con- B 3 taining Cs a 6 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF taining a metallic fubftance mineralifed by fulphur, as galena, which is compofed of lead and fulphur. Secondly, metallic fubftances mineralifed by {ulphur and arfenic, as fome fpecies of pyrites. Thirdly, ores mineralifed by arfenic only, as the white pyrites; and Fourthly, ores mineralifed by faline matters, as the native vitriols. Gold is never found in a mineral ftate, as it is in- capable of forming any union with fulphur, nor can it unite with arfenic but with very great difficulty, and then muft be brought into a ftate of fufion; fo that it is always found either native, or invifibly mixed with extraneous matters. It has never been found in a calciform ftate. There are at prefent only fix {pecies defcribed. SPECIES L This is found feparate in finall lumps, or in vifi- ble grains mixed with fand. In this ftate itis found in France, Africa, Hungary, &c. If roo pounds of fand contain 24 grains of gold, it is faid that the fepa- ration is worth attending to. The African gold fand is very productive, 5 pounds of which frequently contain 63 grains of gold, or even more. Attempts have been made in Hungary to extract it, but 10,000 pounds of that fand yielded only from 10 to 12 grains of gold; confequently the working of it was attended with a great lofs. It NSS THE METALLIC ARTS. 7 It is fometimes found embodied in fome matrix, either in a granular, foliated, or ramified form, in 7 7 l.a ftones of the calcareous, but moft commenly of the filiceous genus. SPECIES IL Mixed with yellow or martial Pyrites. THUS mixed itis found in the mine of Adel fors in Sweden. of this ore contain but one ounce of gold, and that Cronfted obferves that 100 pounds it is hardly worth extraéting. The pyrites is of a bright yellow colour, clofe and compact. It has been faid that this ore is mineralifed by {ulphur, by the medium of iron, becaufe it can not be extracted by aqua regia, or amalgamation; but though Berg- man inclines to the opinion of the mineralization of gold, yet he is candid enough to own, that the gold when extracted from this ore, being of a granular or angular form, it is doubtful whether it was not rather mixed, than truly combined with the fulphur and iron; more efpecially as the quantity of gold is {o very {mall, that the fulphur of the pyrites, would not only defend it from the action of the aqua regia, but the nitrous acid becomes fo phlogifticated by a@ing on the pyrites, as not to be able to dephlogifti- cate the marine, on which depends its power of dif- folving gold. Mercury cannot have accefs to it, therefore cannot extract it. Bs Pvrites a TRG Sonam oS Ep Brrr iy tind dT ge Li fod ; i i 3 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF Pyrites containing gold are likewife found in Switzerland and Hungary; that found in the latter contains five ounces of gold per quintal. The gold mines of Norway are of the fame nature as thofe of Adelfors. SPECIES IIL Mixed with arfenical Pyrites. FOUND at Salzbergh in Tyrole, in mountains of Quartz, whichis a fpecies of the filicious genus of earths. The quintal affords only about 2 § grains. SPECIES Iv. Mixed with a white, red, or vitreous Silver Ore. FOUND near Cremnitz, and Schemnitz, in Hun- gary. SPECIES Vv. Mixed with a fulpburated Ore of Silver, Iron, Lead, and Manganele. LATELY found at Nagaya, in Tranfylvania. It confifts of fmall dark coloured plates of more or lefs brightnefs, inhering in quartz, and a foft whitifh fubftance, which Bergman found to be Manganefe. This ore is faid to produce ten ounces of gold per quintal, befides a portion of filver. SPECIES THE METALLIC ARTS. J SPECIES vi Mixed with fulpburated Tron and Copper, with Man- ganefe. THIS is a yellow pyrites, found alfo at Nagaya in which gold is contained. In Peru gold is found in a red earth, and a ftony matter not well known at prefent. PLATINA ORES. IF there be any ores of platina, they are not at prefent known, tee —— SILVER ORES. SILVER is generally extralted from ores of which there are many fpecies. SPECIES I Mineralized by Sulphur, vitreous Silver Ore. IT is found in large folid lumps, often inhering in the different kinds of earth, of a lamellar, granular, or capillary form, or in a cryftallized fate; it ap- pears at firft of a lead colour, but on expofure to the air, becomes black or grey ; its laminae are flexible, ductile, and fometimes even malleable in fome de- gree, and {o {oft as eafily to be cut with a knife, It 1s BR — 10 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF is one of the richeft of the filver ores. 100 parts con- taining from 72 to 77 of filver. Itis found in Hungary near Shemnitz, and in Saxony near Freyburgh; particularly in the famous mine of Himmelsfurft. SPECIES Il Mineralized by a fmall Portion of Arfenic. THIS ore is of a ftriated texture, refembling bifmuth, but much harder, of a yellowifh white co- lour, it eafily fufes; and if kept in fufion, the arfenic is diffipated, and the filver reduced in nearly a pure ftate; but it fometimes contains a {mall portion of iron. It is found near Quadanal canal, in Spain, and yields about go per cent. of filver. SPECIES IIL Mineralized by a large Portion of Arfenic. So great is the proportion of arfenic in this ore, that were it not eafily diffipated, it would not be claffed among filver ores, as the quintal contains but from four to fix ounces. It is foft, and eafily cut, when it exhibits a brilliant metallic appearance. It is found alfo at Quadanal canal. SPECIES THE METALLIC ARTS. 1 SPECIES 1. Mineralized by Sulphur and Arfenic. Red Silver Ore Is a heavy fhining fubftance, either tranfparent, or opake, moftly of a crimfon, or reddith colour, but fometimes grey or blackith; when fcraped, or pow- dered, always reddith; found in fhapelefs maffes, or cryftallized in plated or radiated incruftations, or in matrixes of quartz, flint, &c. In fire it crackles and melts after it has acquired a red heat, with an arfenical fmell, and detonates with nitre. Bergman found 100 grains of it to contain 60 of filver, 27 of arfenic, and 13 of {ulphur. The darkeft ores of this fpecies are the richeft, and the yelloweft are the pooreft. SPECIES V. Mineralized by Sulphur, and a very finall Portion of Hrfenic and Iron. Black Silver Ore. IT is either of a folid and brittle confiftence, which diftinguithes it from the vitreous ore, and of a glafly appearance in its fracture when recent, or of a loofer texture, and footy or deep black colour, like mofs or thin leaves lying on the furface of other filver ores, or of thofe of lead or cobalt, or in clays, &c. Itcon- tains from 25 to 60 per cent. of filver, and is found in Dauphiné, Hungary, and Saxony. SPECIES mr ERR i ieee bi b fi i hb | a ————— Trani 12 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF sae ee $8 IR fy Tears Fo Fm ah = SECEEaEl oy SR SE a Ee apa me SPECIES VL Mineralized by Arfenic, and containing a large Portion of Iron. Arfenical-martial Silver Ore. MINERALOGISTS do not well agree about the ore to which this denomination belongs. Ac- cording to Monnet, who has attended to the divifion of ores moft accurately, this ore is a hard fubftance, and of a compaét lamellar, or fibrous texture, the brighteft 1s the pooreft in filver; the richeft gives only 10 per cent. the pooreft 6 or 8. It contains no fulphur, hence Monnet calls it a metallic regulus, not confidering that the iron is in a calcined ftate, which proves that arfenicis a true mineralizer. The arfenic is always predominant, It is found in Saxony, the Hartz, at Quadanal canal, &c. SPECIES VIL Mineralized by Arfenic and Sulphur, with a mall Por- tion of Copper, and a fill finaller of Iron. White Silver Ore IS a heavy, foft, opake fubftance, fine grained or {caly, bright and fhining in its fractures, of a whitifh, fteely, or lead colour; fometimes cryftallized in py- ramidical or cylindrical forms, or refembling mofs, or in the form of thin lamina incruftating other bo- dies, found in quartz, fparry iron ore, &c. It 1s very fufible, and contains from 10 to 30 per cent. of filver. SPECIES i HE METALLIC ARTS. SPECIES VIN, Mineralized by drfenic and Sulphur, with a large Por- tion of Copper, and fome Iron. Grey Silver Ore. THIS is a hard, grey, or dark grey fubftance, more or lefs brilliant, fornetimes cryftallized, but moftly amorphous, and is in fact the grey copper ore hereafter to be mentioned, impregnated with fil- ver, and varies much in its contents; containing from 1 to 12 per cent. of filver, and from 12 to 24 of copper, the remainder being fulphur, arfenic, and a little iron; the richer it is in copper the poorer in filver, and reciprocally. Mr, Monnet remarks, that wherever copper is united to arfenic, filver is alfp found. It is the commoneit of all the filver ores ; the grey filver ore of Dal in Sweden, contains alfa regulus of antimony, but this belongs to the next {pecies. SPECIES IX. Mineralized by Arfenic and Sulphur, with Copper, Iron, and Regulus of Antimony. Brown Silver Ore. It is moftly of a reddith brown, fometimes dark grey, frequently found cryftallized in pyramids, but chiefly amorphous. When feraped it appears red; it contains from 1 to § per cent. of fitver, the ~~ i y greateft part is copper, and the next arfenic. “ane Glad Itis found in Sweden, Germany, and Spail, SPECIES SE ears fs dis i . "i : SL § h 8 * La Fg % i #1 w 1 ge Ly Bl oe TE = 3 ry wr ca Ta Tey 14 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF SPECIES X. Mineralized by Sulphur and Ayfenic, with Iron and Re- gulus of Antimony. Plumofe Silver Ore. THIS ore varies with refpect to colour, from a dull white, to grey, dark blue, brown, or black. It is found in a capillary form, or like wool, fometimes loofe, at other times attached; its filaments are rigid and inflexible, the whiter it is the richer, but it feldom contains even 1 per cent. of filver. Itis found in Saxony. SPECIES XL Mineralized by Sulphur and Arfenic, with Cobalt and Iron. Cobaltic Silver Ore. IT is diftinguifhed by rofe-coloured particles of cobalt, difperfed through a dark, brown, blackifh, or grey, and fomewhat fhining folid mafs. It is found in Saxony, and at Allemont in Dau- phiné. It contains about 40 or 50 per cent. of filver, and very little cobalt. The arfenic is in an acid {tate in union with the cobalt. SPECIES XIL Mineralized by Sulphur, with Regulus of Antimony and Barytes. Butter-milk Ore. It appears in the form of thin pellicles on granu- lar fpar. SPECIES i fo ro 2 fe} = h 4 & 3 A a 3 3 1 4 THE METALLIC ARTS. 1s SPECIES XI. Combuftible Silver Ore. THIS is black and brittle, and leaves about 6 per cent. inits athes, It isa coal in which filver is found. SPECIES XIV, Mineralized by the vitriolic and marine Acids with a little Iron, and fometimes with a Mixture of the vi- treous Ore. Corneons Silver Ore. THIS {carce and valuable ore is of a white, grey, pearly, or yellow, green, brown, purple or black co- lour; cryftallized in a cubic form, fometimes re- {fembling an earth, eafily fufible without fmoke. It 1s found in Saxony, Bohemia, St. Marie aux Mines, Siberia and Peru, and fhould contain 70 per cent. of filver at leaft, 1f unconnected with iron. UNCERTAIN MINERALIZATIONS. SPECIES XV. Goofe-dung Ore. THIS is of a greenith colour, mixed with yel- low and red; itis faid to contain about 6 per cent. of filver. Some think it a mixture of red filver ore, and calx of nickel, SEEN iD AEST TR SLE 1 ¢ 413004 fidnal fib ot id 3 "il 7 at art ji § bE Sag il Va Lay ge i. Wh - 4 Taig Sh Rik 4 5 i fe VI # N i) Rng LS RGR SR rr a . en ————— ce — 16 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF SPECIES XVL Foliaceous Silver Ore. ITS colour is mortdoré, and thought by fome to be native filver, by others a mixture of galena, ochre, and filver. It is found in mountain cork, and is fo very light that it fwims on watcr, and contains but one ounce per quintal of filver. SPECIES XVIL Mineralized by Sulphur, Arfenic, and Bifnuth. SUCH ores have been talked of, but their exift- ence has not as yet been proved. COPPER ORES. COPPER Ores may be diftinguithed in general, by digefting them in fluid volatile alkali, after they have been roafted, which acquires a blue colour from copper ; before the mineralizing matters are diffipated by fire, it is poffible that arfenic may pre- vent that effet, or even fulphur, if it be in a fufficient quantity. There is a great variety of copper ores, as, SPECIES or } ae 1 Si THE METALLIC ARTS. 19 SPECIES L Calciform Ores, of which there are three Varieties. I. THIS is found of a red or brown colour, in a loofe form, when it is called copper ochre; in general it is moderately hard, yet brittle, fometimes cryftallized and tranfparent, in cubes, prifins, &ec. It is found in England, Scotland, Germany, &c. 100 parts contain 73 of copper, 26 of fixed air, and 1 of water. The brown contains various portions of iron or pyrites, and fometimes fulphurated copper, and af- fords from 20 to 50 per cent. of copper. II. Mountain green, or malachite. It has the ap- pearance of green jafper but not quite fo hard, as it dees not ftrike fire with fteel. It is of a radiated or equable texture, of an oval form in general, about the fize of an egg; fometimes it forms capillary fila- ments. It is found in Norway, Siberia, &c. 100 parts contain 7 § of copper, and 25 of aerial acid and water. 111. Mountain blue. This moft frequently ap- pears in a loofe form, but fometimes indurated, and even cryftallized, but it is then mixed with quartz, 100 parts contain about 69 of copper, 29 of aerial acid, and 2 of water. SPECIES IL ANALOGOUS to the calciform ores are the cupreous ftones, turquoife, and lapis armenus, C The ip—— i ————— % a ——— A Ly 18 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF The turquoife is the tooth of an animal penetrated with the blue calx of copper: when heated it lofes its colour; it is opake, of a lamellar texture, and fufceptible of a fine polith. Some are of a deep blue, others of a whitifh blue, becoming deeper when heated. Itisfound in Perfiaand Languedoc. The lapis armenus, is another blue ftone, but does not admit of any polith, confifting of calcareous earth or gypfum, penetrated with a blue calx of cop- per. Itnever gives fire with feel. SPECIES IL Mineralized by Sulphur, with [carce any Iron. Vitreous Copper Ore. 1T is of a red, brown, blue, or violet colour, ge- nerally fo foft as to be cut with a knife; it is fome- times cryftallized in regular figures, and fometimes amorphous, more fufible than pure copper, and found in mines of other copper ores, in lime-ftone, {par, quartz, clay, &c. It is the richeft of all the copper ores, yielding from 80 to go per cent. of copper. The red ores are the pooreft. SPECIES IV. Mineralized by Sulphur, with 20 or 30 per cent. of Iron. Azure Copper Ore. THIS differs from the foregoing, only in con- taining more iron. It confifts of various fhades of blue, or reddifh blue; itis as hard, and more brittle, and contains from 40 to 60 per cent. of copper, 5 from THE METALLIC ARTS. 19 from 20 to 30 of iron, and the remainder fulphur; the poorer it is in iron, the richer in copper. This {pecies has been confounded with the indurated mountain blue, SPECIES Vv. Mineralized by Sulphur, with a large Portion of Iron. Yellow Copper Ore; yellow Pyrites. ITS colour varies, of a yellow, or yellow mixed with red or green, or variegated like a pigeon’s neck; it 1s moderately hard, but does not give fire with fteel fo readily as other pyrites do; its fracture pre- fents tharp fragments ; it 1s fometimes cryftallized, and fometimes amorphous. It occurs in feparate mafles, and embodied in ftones, and is the com- moneft of all copper ores. The cryftallifed fort is the pooreit in copper, con- taining only from 4 to 8 per cent. the greenifh yellow contains from 15 to 20 per cent. of copper, the pure yellow contains from 20 to 3o per cent. and is the richeft of this fpecies. SPECIES VL Mineralized by Sulphur and Arfenic, with a little Tron. Arfenical or grey Copper Ore. THIS is of a white, grey, or brown colour, mo- derately hard, very brittle, fometimes cryitallized, often of an indeterminate figure, and very difficult of fufion: it contains from 35 to 60 per cent. of Ca copper. ——— ce A mp _ # HRs 4 fe SE ha ae RR ei A, Se a 20 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF copper. The brown is the richeft in copper; the white and grey contain moft arfenic. It frequently contains filver, and if this exceed 1 or 2 per cent. it is called grey filver ore. It is found embodied in all forts of ftones, and mixed with other copper ores, as well as with the ores of other metals. SPECIES VIL Mineralized by Sulphur and Arfenic, with Zinc and Iron. Blendofe Copper Ore. THIS fpecies has only been met with at Ca- tharineburg, in Bohemia; it is of a brown colour, of a hard, folid, and compact texture. It contains from 18 to 30 per cent. of copper. SPECIES VIL Argillaceous Shiftofe, or flaty Copper Ore. THIS ore appears to confift of the vitreous cop- per ore intimately combined with fhiftus, and not barely difperfed through it in vifible particles. It is of a brown or black colour, very heavy, and of a lamellar texture. It is of difficult fufion, yields from 6 to 10 per cent. of copper, and contains a little bi- tumen, calcareous earth, and iron. SPECIES IX. Bituminous Copper Ore. IT is faid to be found in Sweden; it is a {pecies of coal, which gives little or no flame, but from whofe fhes copper 1s extracted. Rhescort SPECIES THE METALLIC ARTS. 21 SPECIES X. Mineralized by the Vitriolic, cr Marine Acids. Ro- man Vitriol, or native blue Vitriol. VITRIOL. of copperrarely occurs cryftallized, but is often found naturally difiolved in water in Hun- gary, Sweden, and Ireland. 100 parts of vitriol of copper contain 27 of copper, 43 of water, and 30 of acid. The marine falt of copper has been found in the mine of Johngeorgenftadt, in Saxony. Itis of a greenifh colour, of a foliated texture; moderately hard, and fometimes tranfparent and cryftallized. It was taken for a fort of Mica; but Bergman found it to confift of copper, and the marine acid, with a little argillaceous earth. IRON ORES. THE balis of the calciform ores is either the black, or blackifh brown calx of iron, which is in fome meafure phlogifticated and magnetic, or the red calx of iron, which is more dephlogifticated, and not magnetic before torrefaction. C3 SPECIES TTT x I nad a RR Ee pik TERT ae . Eales. Si a a2 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF SPECIES IL Brown calx of Iron, mixed with Iron in its metallic State. Steel Ore. IT is of adark on folid, compact, and fthin- ing in its fralture, fcarcely gives fire with fleel; givesa black powder, is magnetic, and in fome de- gree malleable when red hot. it yields from 60 to of good iron, and is found at Adelfors, and Dan- nemora, in Sweden; alfo in the ific of Elbe, and North America. Cryftallized iron ore in an oftohzdral or cubic form belongs to this {pecies. SPECIES IL Magnet. THIS differs little in its appearance from the preceding ore, but has lefs luftre, it is either coarfc or fine grained, the coarfe lofes its power fooneft. Itfeems to contain a fmall quantity of fulphur, as it fmellsof itwhen red hot. 1t is probable thatit contains more particles of iron in its metallic form than the preceding ore, but it is often contaminated with a mixture of quartz and argill. It is poffible it may contain nickel, for this, when purified to a certain degree, becomes magnetic. This ore has not as yet been properly examined, SPECIES THE METALLIC ARTS. 23 bo SPECIES II Brown Calyx of Iron, combined with Pluinbago. THIS confifts of black i {cales, more or Jefs magnetic. Rinman found it to confift of plum- bago, and 26 per. cent. of iron. SPECIES 1V. Biown Calx of Iron united with the white Calx of Manganele, ve mild calcareous Earth in various Proportions. White or fparry Iron Cre. ITS colour when frefh dug is whitifh, but from expofure to air, it becomes grey, then brown, and at laft reddifh, yellowifh, or black. Its fhape is either amorphous, or rhomboidal; it is frequently tranfpa- rent; its texture lamellar, fcaly, granular or cellular; fometimes it affumes a ftalactitical form, and fome- times it is found in a powdery flate, and is then of a brown blackifh colour; is frequently interfperfed with quartz and pyrites, &c. and does not give fire with fteel unlefs thefe foreign fubftances are ftruck. It is fcarce ever magnetic before roafting, but if heated, decrepitates, grows black, becomes magne- tic, and lofes from 15 to 40 per cent. of its weight. 100 parts of this ore from F.ifenartz, in Steria, afford, according to Bergman, 38 of the brown calx of iron, 24 of the white calx of manganefe, and 38 of mild calcareous earth. Another fort from Welt Silvret- C 4 bei "Dy 24 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE METALLIC ARTS. 25 berg, contains 22 of the brown calx of iron, 28 of the white calx of manganefe, and so of mild calca- 8 SPECIES Vi : 4 . . -y 3 2 1 reous earth. 4 Hematites in a loofe Form, mixed with a notable Pro- ik i SPECIES V. 1 portion of Argill. Hematitical yellow, red, and hone i 2 . Magnetic Saud. i brown Ochres. d i THAT of Virginia is of this fort. It is of a OCHRES are diftinguithed from clays, by con- bo black colour, and contains about half its weight of 1 taining a large proportion of martial particles. Thofe tile iron. Its compofition has not yet been difcovered. { that become brown by calcination, and alfo mepgne- on i tic, belong to this {pecies; fometimes the ferruginous fi orig 4 SPECIES VI articles are mixed with argill and calcareous earth fi "Eg ji | P S ’ one i Red Calx of Iron indurated, and combined with a little and then thefe ochres effervefce with acids. ii ne 115° | | | {AE 2 drgill, and frequently with Manganele. Hzmatites. | iA ae | ~ £ y fi q / Ly g re) cr ies SPECIES VIII. . i i +B ot IT is generally of ared, yellow, purple, or brow ; HE (REL | > y hi i y P fy "oy Red Calx of Iron combined with Plumbago. bi Jie coiour, or a metailic lultre, and very hard, thouch ‘ . : — BREE gal (ft ’ hi fy nag, © THIS differs from the black in this, that it is IEE wal | feldom fo hard as to give fire with fteel. When ; ; i Lat 1 Ch ia not magnetic before torrefaction. li mee 1] fcratched it fhews a red trace, it is not magnetic YE Tid before roafting, but by that heatit becomes black and SPECIES IX. UE 1 es 1 SE co fi i © magnetic; its ftruture is either folid, granular, Red Calx of Iron, mixed with a [mail Proportion of the Fe 3 fcaly, or fibrous; it occurs either in fhapelefs mafles, brown and indurated. Torften. i LAE de i {talactitical p vitallized in re- : ; ; bi i 2 wl . : Wn 0! Even cryflallized in re THIS is of a bright, bluifh black, or yellowifh 0 te br 1 o - v ty 2 ig he Sisacco? =", 0 Gmelin, nog Mr. De grey colour, and fibrous texture, thewing a red trace fg hi h: e denies It. I : fi oh : oo. q n places p omms os when {cratched, and is weakly magnetic before tor- hfe HE mountains, and contains from 40 to 80 per cent. ‘ ‘ . . {hE : G ” d found 46 ” pe dH; refaction. According to Rinman it is lefs dephlo- I «NB iron. Gerhard found it to ¢ nargi nw Le ; Otal arg, aaa Srhelm gifticated than hamatites, k foe manganefe. This {pecies of iron ore, when ground i intoa convenient fhape, and finely polifhed, is ufed for it ¥ burnifhing, and is called by artifts burnithine ftone. ii y Oo 4 Bp SPECIES SPECIES 1 HN i Bi 1 \ Si pe EA CREA el 26 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF SPECIES X. Emery. THIS feems to be a mixture of the red and white calces of iron, with fome unknown ftony fubftance. It fcarcely yields in hardnefs to any {fubftance except diamond ; the beft fort is of a dark grey colour, but becomes brown and magnetic by torrefaction; other forts are of a reddith rufty white, or yellowith co- lour; it is never ufed as an iron ore, nor is its pro- portion of iron well known. It is much ufed 1n the arts for polifhing; it is {fold in two ftates, the corn emery, and the powdered emery; the latter differs from the former only in being finer pulverifed, and pafled through a fine fieve. The firft is ufed for rough polithing, and the fecond for finifhing. SPECIES XL Red Calx of Iron united with the phofphoric Acid. Grey Iron Ore. THIS has a fhining metallic appearance, and commonly gives fire with fteel; it 1s not the leaft magnetic, and when {cratched thews a red trace. It yields from 40 to 66 per cent, of cold fhort iron. SPECIES THE METALLIC ARTS. 27 SPECIES XI Argillaceous Iron Ores. OF thefe we may diftinguith two principal va- rieties, viz. thofe found in mountains and high lands, and thofe found in {wampy or low lands overflown with water. Both are deftitute of metallic luftre, but very weighty, and fome of them when dry ab- forb water like clays. VARIETY L High Land argillaceous Ores. THESE are yellow, red, brown, or greyifh, in- durated and friable, or loofe and powdery, or in grains. They confift chiefly of the red or yellow calx of iron, or of the grey iron ore, or torften in a loofe form, mixed with clay, and confequently often containing manganefe or {iderite; and fome, parti- cularly in France, and the neighbourhood of Liege, are faid to contain the calx of zinc. Hence there is a great variety of them, and confequently their qua- lities mutt alfo be very different. Horne-ftone overloaded with iron, belongs to this fpecies, and Rinman mentions an iron ore found in Kent of this fpecies, which affords about 47 per cent. of brittle iron. This variety never obeys the magnet before, and very rarely after torrefaction. VARIETY elie A Bu Cs SR a LTE 2% CHEMICAL FRINCIPLIS OT VARIETY 1I Swampy argillaceous Ores. WHEN dry this ore is friable, and brown or brownith black, and appears cither in lumps, or of an irregular fhape, or in round balls porous or folid; or in flat round pieces, or in grains, and {fometimes in flender wiiangular prifms parallel to each other, and very brittle. It becomes magnetic by torre- falion, and the crude ore affords about 36 per cent. of regulus, and after calcination about §o per cent, The iron procured from it 1s cold fhort, at leaft in Sweden. Hiclm has found fome forts of it to contain 28 per cent, of mangancfe. SPECIES XII Red Calcareons Iron Ore. THIS is found in a loofe form in many parts of England, and is ufed asa pigment. SPECIES XIV. Siliceous Iron Ore. BESIDES jafper, garnet, and trapp, overloaded with iron, there is found, principally in France, a black, heavy, unmagnetic fand, of the filiceous kind, which is faid to contain iron and zinc in great quan- tity. Baron THE METALLIC ARTS. 29 Baron Born, in his letters from Hungary, mentions a blue cryftallized iron ore, which hefaysis a fhoerl overloaded with iron. SPECIES Xv. Muriatic Iron Ore. SERPENTINE, overloaded with iron, forms this {pecies, but 1s feldom worked. SPECIES XV Martial Calamine. CALAMINE is properly an ore of zine, but fometimes it contains fo large a portion of iron, as to be worked with a view of obtaining this metal. It contains quartz and clay, is of a yellow, red, or brown colour, and moderately hard, SPECIES XVIL Martial Pyrites. THESE are ftony concretions of fulphur, clay, and calx of iron, fo hard as to give fire with There are two principal varieties of them. {teel Ald, VARIETY L Pale yellow Pyrites. SOMETIMES grey, of a globular or cubic form; it ftrikes fire with fteel, but in the fire is very infufible. It contains from 1-6 to 1-3 of fulphur, from 1-8 to 5-8 of iron, the remainder clay and *1 lilex; 4 $0 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF filex; the three firflt intimately combined with each other, and the iron in a femi-phlogifticated ftate. Some pyrites inftead of clay, contain calcareous earth, thefe are common in France, and the 1ron in them is in a dephlogifticated ftate. VARIETY. WN, Brown, or reddifb brown Pyrites. IT is generally of a fpherical fhape, or cryftal- lized in cubic, rhomboidal, or other forms, and 1s de- void of metallic luftre; it difficultly gives fire with fteel, and contains very little fulphur, but much more iron than the yellow pyrites. It 1s fometimes macnetic before, but always after torrefaction. Ie fometimes contains calcareous earth. The iron it affords is very brittle. SPECIES XVIL Mineralized with Sulphur and Arfenic, white, grey, or bluifh grey Pyrites, or Marcaffite. IT is found either in folid compact males of a moderate fize, or in grains, it gives fire with fleel; when burnt, it gives a blue flame, and an arfenical fmell, and by diftillation, orpiment, or realgar ; 11S not magnetic either before or after torrefaction. It f contains more arfenic than fulphur. 3 i SPECIES I 7 a THE METALLIC ARTS. at SPECIES XIX. Mineralized by Arfenic. Mifpickle. I'T is of a bright white, refembling a mixture of filver and tin, and unalterable by expofure to air. Its form either granular, prifmaric, rhomboidal, &c. It 1s neither magnetic before nor after torrefaction; it Fy affords arfenic by diftillation in the proportion of 30 Hl or 40 per cent. and fometimes contains a little cop- per and filver; it is frequently mixed with other me- 2 (81 tallic ores, and often found in indurated clay, quartz, : i fpar, &c. Whenever iron contains lefs than 1-16 of 1 arfenic, it is magnetic. ¥ SPECIES XX. Combustible Iron Ore. CRONSTED mentions two varieties of thi kind ; one of which the greater part is volatile, in a {trong heatlong continued, and feems to contain iron, plumbago, and coal intimately mixed. The other burns with a languid flame, lofes about 1- 5 of its bl weight, refembles pit coal, but is fomewhat harder, i and yields about 30 per cent. of iron. SPECIES XXL it Native green Vitriol, Copperas. Mineralized by the hg i vitriolic Acid. AE IT is frequently found native in co cavities of pyritaceous mines, or in fhiftus; it is } allo al-mines, in i 8 3 7 8 ¥ i i Sa a a Sa — - = - ———— 32 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF alfo found in finall round ftones, called ink-ftone, of a white, red, grey, yellow, or black colour; foluble in water, and containing a portion of copper and zinc. UNCERTAIN MINERALIZATIONS. SPECIES XXIL Iron Blende. THIS is a frone of a grey iron colour, formed of diverging lamin, of great hardnels, and a metallic appearance, and infufible in the ftrongeft fire. Some- times it contains arfenic, in this cafe, it blackens by expofure to the air. SPECIES XXII Wolfram. THIS ftone, whichis generally found in tin mines, is of a black or brown fhining colour, of a radiated or foliated texture, of a moderate hardnefs, and fome- times fo brittle, as to be eafily broken between the fingers ; when {cratched it thews a red trace, which diftinguithes it from tungften. According to Lehman, it confifts of filiceous earth, calx of 1ron, and a fall portion of calx of tin. "The nature of this fubftance is ftill fomewhat obfcure, but upon the whole it appears to be an ore of manganefe, mi- neralifed by the tungftenic acid; for, from a {kilful analyfis Ag (if Ei 1 a pe fd THE METALLIC ARTS. 33 analyfis of Mefl. de Luyart, the following confti- tuent parts were obtained. Ye llow earth of tungften 65 parts Manganefe - - - _- 4, Calxofiren « - . 13: Quartzand tin - - . 4 j SPECIES XXIV. Native Pruffian Blue. IT confifts of clay, mixed with iron and fome unknown tinged fubftance; generally found in bogs or {wampy grounds; it is at firft white, but on en. pofure to air becomes blue; by heat it turns od emits a flight flame, and becomes magnetic. “The carth of Beuthnitz, in Silefia, Wantionsd in the me- moirs of Berlin for 1757, belongs to this {pecies and contains about 1-4 of its weight of iron. SPECIES XXV. Green Earth of Verona, in Normandy. Terre Verte. IT is ufed as a pigment, and contains iron in fome unknown ftate, mixed with clay, and fome- umes chalk and pyrites. It is faid to afford about 40 per cent. of iron; alum and felenite are fometimes accidentally found with it. It is not magnetic be- fore torrefaction, and becomes of a coffee-colour when heated, | iy D TIN 5 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE METALLIC ARTS. 3 TIN ORES. VARIETY NM. Reddifb, or reddifb yellow Tin Ore, garnet Tin Ore. THIS confifts of fmall cryftals, femi-tranfparent RSE ME TS RSE SPECIES L Calciform Ores. | or opake; fometimes it is found of a {pherical form, THESE ores are remarkable for their great : ftriated, and refembling Hamatites. It contains weight, they are reduced to four varieties. : more of iron than of tin. VARIETY L . VARIETY IV. Tin Spar, or white Tin Ore. Tin Stone. THE preceding varieties confift for the moft part times greenith or yellowifh, femi-tranfparent, or of metallic particles, the prefent chiefly of ftones, or cryftallized in a pyramidical form, or irregularly. {ands of different forts ; which contain calx of tin It was formerly thought to contain arfenic, but Mar- | invifibly diffufed through them. They may be of graaf found it the pureft of all tin ores. It fome- IT is generally of a white or grey colour, fome- EEE ee a TERRY atone i | any colour; blue, grey, black, and brown, are the 1 Hr times contains a mixture of calcareous earth. commoneft; they are called lodeftones. Lega 11 It is remarkable that tin has not as yet been VARIETY IL : Rai found in any ftones of the calcareous genus, except dig ke, bro black Tin Ore y Bent, P i : Opake, brown, or ey fluors; but only in thofe of the filiceous or argilla- 3 THIS is alfo cryftallized and imbodicd in a ceous kind. Eo ftony matrix of quartz, fluor or mica, or mixed with a : . . . iy white or yellow pyrites; or inores of lead, zinc, co- SPECIES IL { iy . J . ’ fr balt, bifmuth, or iron. The black are reckoned | Mineralized by Sulphur. ih the richeft, and afford about 8o per cent. of tin; i : THIS was lately difcovered by Bergman among fome minerals, which he received from Siberia. He obferved two fpecies of it analogous to two arti- ficial combinations of tin with fulphur; the one nearly of the colour of zinc, of a fibrous texture, D2 which ud | they all contain a mixture of iron. ih | When any arfenic is found in tin, it proceeds from the matrix, for tin itfelf is never mineralized by it; and for the fame reafon zinc is fometimes found in tin. SE VARIETY CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF which contained about 20 per cent. of fulphur, and the ar #2 The other Verelaned the for- fermbled aurum mulivam, and contained about 40 per cent. of fulphur, a fmall por- gion of copper, and ‘the remainder tin. {in ores are very fcarce, not being hitherto found in any confide yall: quantity, except in the Eaft In- 1:1 G1 » TY enim ATR ar TA FLY 31 es, C OrNWwW al , SHONCIMIR, and Jsaxony. a - a —————— ¥ A TN > LEAD ORES. Ff You Ju V1 Spe ACL OF 308 \ JF £3. OF Buty, five varieties are afcertained, all con- = iron, but never {ilver. White Lead Spar, Tead Ochre, native Cerufs. 1T is fometimes rranfparent, but generally opak ke ana crvllallized mn regular forms, of a laminar or Hriated rewgare. lead ochre, or native ceruis, 1s the fame fubftance, but in a loofe form, or indu- cred and fhovere, fometimes it is found 1n a {ilk . 1S epi ay o form; Leth contain a htle ap, and fometimes al $ * “1 careous earth and argill. They afford from 60 to $0 or ao per cent. of lead, and are found in Bri- tany, Lorrain, Germany, and ng and VARIETY METALLIC ARTS. ty “3 VARIETY I Red, brown, or ello THIS is alfo found either regularly or or In thapelef S malfies, ort th POWGEr : it dilters from * AN “aaa A raed - the abe ve On ly | oy containin ng morc ron Theatr 10 powder, contains a mixture of clay, and affords about 60 or Jo per cent. of lead. VARIETY Ii Green. FITHER ¢ cryftallized in needles, as in Brictany; or in a loofe powder, as in Saxony; but moftlv ad- her; ng to, or in velting quartz. Ir owes its colour “~ } = 3 0nn . : to iron, and feldom contains copper. VARIETY 1v. in Blurfh. THIS 1s fometimes cryflallized, and formetime alt ~~ 2 not, It owes its colour to a mixture of cor VARIETY Vv. Black, THIS is the moft uncommon of all, and occurs either eryftallized, or of an indeterminate form Lid Mineralized by the vitriolic Acid THIS fometimes occurs in the forn ponderous ca lx, {foluble in 16 or 14 times D2 — or A toast te # TN OE pt sii I, eda ee = - SEE —_— 33 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF in water. Itoriginates from the fpontaneous decom- pofition of fulphurated lead ores. SPECIES IL Mineralized by the Phojphoric Acid. THIS fpecies was firft difcovered by Mr. Gahn; it is of a greenifh colour, by reafon of a mixture of iron. SPECIES: IV. Mineralized by Sulphur, with Silver and a little Iron. Galena, Potters Ore. IT is the commoneft of all lead ores, of a bluifh dark red colour, formed of cubes of a moderate fize, or in grains of a cubic figure, whofe corners have been cut off; its texture is lamellar, and 1ts hardnefs variable. ‘The hardeft fort containing a great mix- wure of iron or quartz, that in grains is thought to be the richeft in filver ; but the richeft contains only about 1 or 1-§ per cent. thatis 12 or 18 ounces per quintal, the pooreft about 60 grains. Ores which vield about half an ounce per quintal of filver, arc barely worth the coft of extracting it. The propor- tion of fulphur to lead in this ore 1s variable, within the limits of 15 and 25 per cent. The proportion of lead is froth 60 to 8 5 per cent. that of iron 1s very {mall. Itis remarked, that the ores which are pooreft in lead. are often the richeft 1p filver. oo SPECIES THE METALLIC ARTS. 39 SPECIES V. Mineralized by Sulphur, with Silver and Regilus of Antimony, Antimonial Lead Ore. I'TS appearance is like galena, but its texture is different, being radiated, filamentous, or ftriated; when heated it affords a white fmoke. It yields from 40 to 50 per cent. of lead, and from half an ounce to two ounces of filver per quintal. SPECIES VL Mineralized by Sulphur, with Silver, and a large Por- tion of Iron. Pyritous Lead Ore. THIS is of a brown or yellowith colour, of an oblong or ftalactitical form, friable, and of a lamellar, ftriated, or loofe texture; it affords at moft 18 or 20 per cent. of lead, which flows by barely heating it, as the iron detains the fulphur. It is no more than a mixture of galena, with the brown pyrites. SPECIES VIL Mineralized by Sulphur and Arfenic, with Silver. Red Lead Spar DISCOVERED firft in Siberia; externally it is of a pale, and internally of a deep red, and for the moft part cryftallized in rhomboidal, or irregular pyramids. It contains, according to Lehman, ful- phur, arfenic, and about 34 per cent. of lead; and ac- cording to Pallas alfo filver. D4 SPECIES 40 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF ‘THE METALLIC ARTS. a1 ftony matrix. Thefe well mixed afforded him, SPECIES VIL with 1-3 of their weight of vegetable alkali, cubic and octagonal cryftals, that is, falt of fylvius, and Stony or Sandy Lead Ore. lh rr oc fo tartar vitriol. "The marine falt of mercury 1s in the THIS conlfifts either of the calciform lead ores, or galena, intimately mixed and diffufed through ftones or earths, chiefly of the calcareous kind. SPECIES TIL Ores of lead are moft frequently found among Mineralized by Sulphur. Native Cinnabar, Vermillion. ftones of the calcareous or barytic genus. ftate of corrofive {fublimate. IT is of different fhades, from a yellow to a deep red, and is found either pure, in hard friable mafles; —— either fhapelefs, or cryftallized in cubes, and fome- times tranfparent, or intermixed with clay or ftone, i ORES OF MERCURY. or interfpericed through the ores of other metals, par- 1 pe g > | ticularly thofe of filver, copper, or martial pyrites; $ SPECIES IL yee oo Wl 3 fa 7 : ; . its texture is either radiated, {triated, {caly, or granu- Ef Mineralized by the aerial Acid. Native precipitate £ ’ ne.k , {pd oo, lar. 100 parts of Cx | ) laff ’ td } . i > 3 a blackifth erey colour, glafly texture, anc lic and marine Salt of Mercary. ores of abincks Brey COU, gETy WILL an ad decrepitates ftrongly when heated ; the cinnabar 1s LR Mr. Woulfe firft difcovered thefe falts at Ober- be dif. 1h fchel, in the Duchy of 'D | volatilized, and the copper remains, and may be dif- Hoo moichel, in the Duchy of ‘Deuxponts, they have : uy TL yo Pons, ficy funca tinguithed by the ufual tefts, fpar-like appearance, and are either bright and white, or yellow, or black, mixed with cinnabar, in a SPECIES I {tony . a 4 — — > lh 4 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF SPECIES V Pyritous Mercurial Ore. MONNET relates that he found in Dauphiné, a grey or whitifh friable fubftance, 100 parts of which afforded one of mercury, half of filver, and the remainder iron, cobalt, fulphur, and arfenic. Cinnabar mixed with arfenic, or realgar, is faid to be found in Japan. At Morsfield, cinnabar and the white calx of ar- {enic, prefent themfelves in the fame rock. ORES OF ZINC, ALL the ores of Zinc tinge plates of copper when ftratified with them and charcoal; only the {ulphureous require previous torrefaction. SPECIES IL Mineralized by the aerial Acid. Calciform Ores, OF thefe, there are four varieties. VARIETY IL Pure Calx of Zine, Zinc Spar. OI" a whiuth grey, bluith grey, or yellowith co- lour, and of a hardnefs generally fufficient to {trike fire with fteel; in its fracture it refembles quartz, ftalatitical, ie] aa 13 THE METALLIC ARTS. A3 ftalactitical, or cryftallized in groups, and weighty; by torrefaction it lofes 1-3 of its weight, without emitting a fulphureous or arfenical fmell, and is in- fufible in the ftrongeft heat fingly, or with mineral alkali, but eafily fufible with borax: 100 grains of this ore contains about 635 of the calx of zinc, 28 of aerial acid, 6 of water, and 1 of iron, and fometimes a little filex. VARIETY IL With a notable Proportion of Iron. Tutenago. Mr. ENGESTROM, in the memoirs of Stock- holm, for the year 1775, has given us an analyfis of an ore of this fort from China, it was of a white co- Jour, interfperfed with red ftreaks of calx of iron, and fo brittle as to be eafily broken between the fin- gers. It contains in various fpecimens from 60 to go per cent. of zinc, the remainder was iron, and a {mall portion of clay. Bindheim difcovered this variety in Germany, and found it to confift of zinc, a little iron, and filex. VARIETY IL Mixed with Iron and Clay in varions Proportions. Calamine. ITS colour is white, grey, yellow, brown, or red, not fo brittle as the fecond variety, and of various degrees of hardnefs, though fcarce ever fo hard as to ftrike fire with fteel; its texture equable or cellular, and SrA re 3 pty LT 5% enema are hy 9, 4 If (} | il CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF and its form either amorphous, cryftallized, or fla- Ta&irical, when calcined it lofes no y part of its weight unlefs it be mixed with charcoal, and then flowers of zinc fublime. The beft fort affords from 100 arts, 84 of calx of zine, 3 of iron, 1 of clay, and bl b: 2 of filex. But nother fpecimens thefe proportions, are very Lifbrenty fome ores are {o poor as not to contain above 4 per cent. of calx of zinc; a good ore thould afferd at lealt jo per cent. Sometimes ralamines contain a mixture of calcarecus earth aad tead. Moft of the Englith contain lead. VARIETY IV. Mixed with a notable Proportion of Silex. Zeolytiform. THE real contents of this fubftance, were firfl difcovered by Mr. Pelletier, of Paris. It was long maken for a seclyte, being of a pearl colour, cryfta } lized, femi-traniparent, conflifting of laminae, di- worl ng 3 fern differe nt cenires, and becoming gela- tncus with acids. It was commenly called zeolyte of Friburgh; he found 100 grains to contain Sm O 44 ” £ At r wv 7 48 to 52 of quartz, 36 of calx of zinc, and 8 or 12 of water. SPECIES If Migeralized by ibe ridlic Acid. Native white IT 1s Prag found native, mixed with vitriol of iron, and in the form of white hairy cryftals, or in afta- THE METALLIC ARTS. 43 a ffaladtitical form, in the galleries of mines, in Hun- gary, Goflaar, &c. or as an eflorefcence on ores of zinc; it is alfo found diffolved in mineral waters, and generally with fome portions of vitriol of iron and copper. 100 parts of vitriol of zinc, contair 71 3 4 { wre Aeon pe 22 of acid, 20 of zinc, and 58 of water. Manerclhized by Sulphur by means of Iron. Blende, * Blocks jack. OF this there are feveral varieties, almoft all con- rain a mixture of lead-ore, molt of them exhale a fulphureous fmell, when [craped, or at Jeaft when vitriolic or marine acid 1s dropped upon them. VARIETY L Bluifl VEY, aid of a set etallic Appearanca, ITS form is generally cubical or rhomboidal, its texture fcaly or fleel-grained; by torrefattion it lofes 1-6 of its weight. too parts afforded about 520 of zinc, 8 of iron, 4 of copper, 2 water, and 6 of filex. 26 of fulphu Wh, PAR Ji VARIETY IL Black-peciel ‘ Hae. OF moderate hardnefs, does not give fire withiteei, frequently cryftallized, and then foractimes tranfpa- rent; when pulverifed it gives areddith powder, when ic Btadl heated 46 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE METALLIC ARTS. a7 heated it decrepitates, and if laid on a burning coal it J emits a fulphureous fmell, and depofes white and { VARIETY V. yellow flowers; it is not magnetic even after torre- [1 Greyifb yellow Blende. fhe after which it lofes 25 per cent. of its THIS confifts of a mixture of blende, galena, weight. Itis frequently mixed with filver, arfenic, ; and petrol; it contains about 24 per cent. of zinc. and other metals. 100 parts of that of Danemora yielded 45 of zinc, 1 of regulus of arfenic, g of iron, VARIETY VL 6 of lead, 29 of fulphur, 6 of water, and 4 of filex. | White Blende. i. Found at Silverherget. i VARIETY IIL hag Red, or reddifb-brown. VARIETY VIL ¥ i ITS texture is {caly, fometimes cryftallized, and Yellow Blend. Bi femi-tran{parent, it gives fire with fteel; it does not OF the colour of wax, and {femi-tranfparent, con- i 1 decrepitate nor {moke when heated, and lofes about | taining much fulphur. bh : 13 per cent. by torrefadtion. 100 parts of that of ti di Sahlberg, yielded 44 of zinc, § of iron, 17 of ful- _ Hi ih f phur, 5 of water, § of clay, and 24 of quartz. I fl ! T > fh CATR TY ORES OF ANTIMONY. a ! {ie Phofphorefcent Blend. SPECIES IL | a . . . .. . y . . . » a ITS colour is generally greenith, yellowifh green, Mineralized by the aerial cid. Native Calx of Au- Re I or red, of different Jegrees if rantpareny or opake, timoiny. i ! when fcraped with a knife in the dark, it emits : : |} , Pt : 2 IT confifts of a group of white cryftallized fila- A light even in water, and after undergping a white renre Fompetec f © k i , ) ments, diverging from a common center; urged HE heat, when diftilled per fe, a filiceous fublimate rifes, . : Ce yee b4 : : with a blow-pipe on charcoal it will diflipate, which which thews it contains the {parry acid. 100 parts teh tpn 3 cee id Ce Arr i ) together with its infolubility in nitrous acid 1s {ufii- SE of that of Scharfenberg, contain 64 of zinc, § of Ar arms LE | . : crent to diftinguifh ic. Hu 4 iron, 20 of fulphur, 4 of fluor acid, 6 of water, and HR i E 1 of filex. . a VARIETY SPECIES Ue a A en VE rt a —— ni A x: = =r 43 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF SPECIES IL Mineralized by Sulphur. Antimony. IT is dark or bluith grey, its texture is fibrous, {olid, or lamellar, this laft is fometimes called anti- monial galena; its form generally indeterminate, but fometimes cryftallized, itis the moft fufible of all ores. 100 parts contain 74 of regulus, and 26. of fulphur. SPECIES III. Mineralized by Sulphur and Arfenic. drfenicated An- timony. THIS is the fame as the plumofe filver ore, be- fides the colours there mentioned, it is found red or oreen, and then contains but a fimall portion of filver. Oo Its texture, filamentous, very brittle, and fufible. ORES OF ARSENIC SPECIES IL Mineralized by the aerial Acid. Native Calx of Ar- fenic. IT is found either indurated in white, opake, tranfparent, or femi-traniparent cryftals; or in a loofe -r THE METALLIC ARTS. 49 loofe powdery ftate, frequently mixed with native arfenic; it is volatile when heated, but does not de- tonate with nitre, though an effervefcence aries. SPECIES IL Mineralized by Sulphur. Of thefe there are two varieties, the yellow and the red; both fublimable in clofe veflels, and deto- nate with nitre. With fixed alkalies they both form a hepar. VARIETY L Yellow Orpimeil. THIS is rarely found cryftallized; it is generally compofed of fhining flexible lamina like mica, more or lefs folid. It contains about 1-10 of Its weight of fulphur, and burns with a blue flame. VARIETY IL Red Realgar. IT is found either in fhapelefs or ftalactitical mafles, opake or femi-tranfparent, and regularly cryftallized in o&ohedral pyramids or prifins, and then called ruby of Arfenic. 100 parts contain 16 of fulphur. E SPECIES 59 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF SPECIES I. Calx of Arfenic diffufed through Earths or Stones. HENCKEL mentions a grey or bluith marl in which this calx was found. Clay and calcareous earth are fometimes impregnated with it; it is dif- covered either by the fmell when laid on burning coals, or by lixiviation. ORES OF BISMUT H. SPECIES IL Mineralized by the aerial Acid. Native Calx of Bifmuth. WHEN pure it is of a yellowith white colour, and either in a powdery form, or indurated like mortar; but it is frequently of a greenifh yellow co- lour, being mixed with ores of other metals; the red and yellow part is moft commonly cobalt ore, though it is often miftaken for bifmuth. It is frequently found in glittering particles interfperfed through ftones of various kinds, filver, iron, and other me- tals are alfo found in it. SPECIES THE METALLIC ARTS. 31 SPECIES IL Mineralized by vitriolic Acid. THIS is faid to be of a yellowifh, reddifh, or va- riegated colour, and to be found mixed with the calx of bifmuth, incrufting other ores. SPECIES IL Mineralized by Sulphur. IT is chiefly found in Sweden, of a bluith grey colour, lamellar texture, like galena, but much heavier; it is faid to contain befides bifmuth, cobalt and arfenic. This ore is very fufible, and the ful- phur moftly feparates on {corification, SPECIES 1V. Mineralized by Sulphur and Iron. THIS is {aid to be of a lamellar cuneiform tex- ture, and to be found in Norway. ORES OF COBALT. SPECIES L Mineralized by aerial Acid. Black Ochre of Cobalt. THIS appears either in a loofe powdery form, fometimes as fine aslamp-black, or grey, orblackifh, E 2 or aa men ORCL oz TE : Ton oR Erp iy Cod - x nA RSE ET AS Se a REC TE ——— re —— hho ie; AY ks 5 ap 8 1 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF or in black indurated mafies, when it is called vi- reous cobalnic ore; it is commonly free from ful- phur and arfenic; when there are any, they are only mechanically mixed; fometimes {mall portions of copper and iron are alfo foundin it. It is found 1mbodied 1n tones, fands, &c. SPECIES IL Mineralized by the wiiriolic or arfenical Acids, Red Cobalt Ochre. THIS alo is found either loofe or pure, or mixed with chalk or gypfum, or indurated and cryflallized in tetrahedral cryttals, or in a ftalactitical form; it melts eafily, and then becomes blue; it frequently invelts other cobaltic ores, and 1s found fometimes in ftones or fds Bergman has thewn that the arfenical acid, and not the calx of arfenic enters into this combination, for cobalt 1s never red, but when united to an acid. SPECIES IL > 7 3 . . . ~ N J _ 4 Loa asf re14 w py ny yma -pa am IVIL13er al 126 2 OY £27 / NIC TOR /¢ arce any I on. Gi ey Solid, heavy, compa, fometimes of a dull, and fometimes of a bright appearance, frequently cryf- tallized, and generally io hard as to give fire with Tool fteel. SPECIES THE METALLIC ARTS, Cn Ge SPECIES 1V. Mineralized by Arfenic and Sulphur with Iron. JV hbite ar; fenicated Cobalt Ore. THIS bears a great refemblance to the preced- ing, but is fofter, and never ftrikes fire with fteel. It fometimes may be eafily feraped with a knife, and moftly appears cryftallized under fome polygon form. SPECIES V. Minerclized by ii Portion of Sulphur, with a not- able Portion of Iron, without any drferic, J hite unarfenicated Cebalt Ore. IT is fometimes found in large mafies, and {ome times 1p grains cryftaliized, of a dull white colour, and frequently bears the appearance of a mifpickie; it becomes black, and not red by torrefaction, which diftinguifhes it from pyrites. No fulphur can be ex- tracted from it, and it contains much more iron than it does cobalt. ORES OF NICKEL. SPECIES L Mineralized by aerial dad. | Native Calx of Nickel. IT is found in the form of a green calx, mixed with calx of iron, {cattered over “the ore of kupfer- nickel, aad alfo in fome green clays, E 3 SPECIES NTL Tee BE 3 1 8 § oka § is : k : ey 54 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF SPECIES II Mineralized by the vitriolic Acid, Vitriol of Nickel. THIS is with difficulty foluble in water, its folu- tion is green, it is found native, but generally mixed with vitriol of iron. SPECIES IIL Mineralized by Sulphur and Arfenic, with Cobalt and Iron. Kupfernickel. IT is of areddithyellow bright colour, its tex- ture either uniform, granular, or {caly, bright in its fracture, very heavy, and generally covered with a greenifh efflorefcence. By torrefaction it lofes much of its fulphur, becomes green, and forms fungous ra- mifications. ORES OF MANGANESE. SPECIES L Mineralized by the aerial Acid. Native Calces of Mangange. THE aerial acid is the only mineralizer of man- ganefe in a dry ftate yet known, and according to the different degrees of phlogiftication of the manga- nefe, ic forms with it calces of different colours. The principal of which are blue, green, yellow, red, THE METALLIC ARTS. py red, brown, or black. Blue is that which it ac- quires from the proportion of phlogifton, which it is enabled to retain by reafon of its union with fixed alkalies: green arifes from a mixture of the blue with the yellow calx of iron, yellow from the preva- lence of the calx of iron, red from a flight phlogif- tication of the calx of manganefe, and black from its erfet dephlogiftication. When manganefe is in the higheft ftate of phlogiftication, without being in a reguline ftate, itis of a white colour. All thefe calces whatever colour they may be, communicate a garnet colour to glafs of borax, when treated with the blow-pipe. There are three varieties, principally diftinguifhed of the native calx of manganefe. VARIETY L White Ore of Manganefe. IT contains but a finall portion of iron. Rin- man found it in {mall white cryftals, and in round mafles in the cavities of quartz, &c. of a {parry tex- ture, and fcarcely magnetic even after roalting. VARIETY IL IT contains lefs fixed air and more iron than the former variety; it is found either loofe, or femi- indurated in a matrix of calcareous fpar, talky fhif- tus, iron ores, &c. or in heavy hard mafles cryftal- lized varioufly. E4 VARIETY 7 LT ——— p po Sar i B in TRY = a a r : RRC a Rie spel 23. Sa a vs % sv . = mms re Ee Syme Fe Pe ss eT CTI 3 Sr SATE 56 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF VARIETY III. Black and brown Ores of Manganefe. THESE differ little from each other, they are found either cryftallized in the fame form as the red ore, or 1n folid mafies, fome of which have a metal- lic appearance, others are dull, earthy, or mixed, or embodied with quaitz, or in a loofe earthy form. They contain more iron and lefs fixed air than the former varieties. SPECIES IL Black- 1} ad. IT is of a dark brown colour, partly in powder, and partly indurated, and brittle. 100 parts of it contain 43 of mangancic, 43 of iron, 4 of lead, and 5 of Mica. Itis remarkable that i rr + iL a this fpecies be well dried before a fire, and afterwards fuffered to cool; and then, by adding two ounces of linfeed oi] gi jradually, and mixing them loefely, in about half an hour it begins to grow hot, and at laft burfls into a flame. MOLYBDENA. IT refembles plumba; oo,or black lead, butitslamine are larger, bs cher, and when thin, flightly fexible;; it 1s of a lead colour, and does not firike fire with fteel. Mr, THE METALLIC ARTS. 57 Mr. Scheele found it to confit of an acid of a pe- cular nature united to fulphur; a {mall portion of iron is commonly found in it, but it feems merely fortuitous. 100 parts contain 45 of acid, and 55 of fuiphur, It 15 decompofed by detonation with nitre, or by folution 1 nitrous acid ; this latter method is the readicft. For this purpofe it is to be five times dif- alld cach time with four times its weight of fpirit of ee ; a white calx at lalt remains, which is the Mr. Hiclim has reduced this acid. He calcined the molybdena and put it into a crucible, with a mix- ture of fat and charcoal duft, and covered it with a copper cover. The crucible was expofed to the in- tenfe heat of a forge for half an hour, a part of the molybdena was fufed and found at the bottom of the crucible in finall brilliant globules ; and the reft was united to the copper cover and melted. TUNGSTEN, AS this acid 1s of a metallic nature, a few of ics diftinguifhing properties may br operly be inferted here. Firft, Its {olution in water reddens litimus, with alkalis it forms eryliallizable falts; with calca reous 58 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF reous earth, barytes, and magnefia, infoluble com- pounds. Secondly, this folution is precipitated white by the Pruffian alkali, and the precipitate is foluble in water. Thirdly, it precipitates the folutions of vitriols of iron, zinc, copper, and the nitrous folutions of filver, mercury, and lead, and that of lead in ma- rine acid. The folution of tin in marine acid, Is precipitated blue, but the folutions of gold and cor- rofive fublimate, are not altered by it; and fourthly, the folutions of chalk or alum are not altered by 1t, but that of barytes in acetous acid, is precipitated, and the precipitate 1s infoluble. ON THE ASSAYING OF METALLIC ORES. BEFORE metallic ores are worked upon in a large way, it will be neceffary to enquire what fort of metal, and what portion of it, is to be found in a determinate quantity of the ore; to difcover whether it will be worth while to extraét it in the great, and in what manner the proces {hould be conducted fo as anfwer that purpofe. The knowledge requifite for this 1s called the art of affaying, which is the fame thing in little, as the procefs of {melting is in the great. The THE METALLIC ARTS. 59 The affaying of ores may be performed either in the dry or moiflt way; the firft is the moft ancient, and in many refpects the moft advantageous, and confequently ftill continues to be moftly ufed. Affays are made either in crucibles with the blalt of the bellows, or in tefts under a mufile. The affay-weights are always imaginary, {fome- times an ounce reprefents an hundred weight on the large fcale, and 1s {ub divided into the f2me number of parts, as that hundred weight is in the great; fo that the contents of the ore obtained by the afiay, fhall accurately determine by fuch relative propor- tion, the quantity to be expected from any weight of ore on a larger {cale. In the lotting of the ores, care fhould be taken to have {mall portions from different {pecimens, which fhould be pulverized, and well mixed in an iron or brafs mortar. ‘The proper quantity of the ore is now taken, and if it contain either fulphur or arfe- nic ; it is put into a crucible or teft, and expofed to a moderate degiee of heat, till no vapour arifes from it; and to affift this volatilization, fome add a {mall quantity of powdered charcoal, this procefs is called the roafling of the ore. To afiift the fulion of the ores, and to convert the extraneous matters connected with them mto Sco- ria; affayers ufe different kinds of fluxés. The moft ufual and efficacious materials for the compo- {ition 62 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF fition of which, are, borax, tartar, mitre, fal ammo- niac, commen fal, glals, fluor fpar, charcoal pow- Y nee npr Yivwns Virhay vey 82 A vn RP un i a 2 aer, pien, 11une, iitaparee, «KC. different YYODOItIons >t 3 J = i | ye bo of which united together form fuxes. \. ess rel vl Snr 8 eo Bra : Some of the principal fluxes, are compoled as A CRUDE, OR WHITE FLUX. ian \ . well nay ONE part of aitre, and two of tartar, well mix A 10 ZC ther . BLACK FLUX. THE above crude flux detonates by means of kindled charcoal, if the detonation be effected in a — eo y 1 t raed a . . mortar {lightly covered, the fmoke that rifes unites with the alkalifed nicre and the tartar, and renders it black in confequence of a flight degree of phlogi- f1cation, CORNISH REDUCING FLUX, TEN ounces of tartar ; 3 ounces and ’ drachm 3 of nitie, and 3 ounces and 1 drachm of borax; mix them well together, CORNISH REFINING FLUX. TWO parts of nitre, and 1 part of tartar, defla- *, A grate them, and afterwards pulverize, Thele A — A HI sot THE METALLIC ARTS. ox a] Thefe fluxes anfwer the purpoie very well, provid- ing the ores be deprived of all their Stuhr; or, if they contain much earthy matters, becaule in the latter cafe, they unite eafily with them, and convert them into a thin glafs, but if any quantity of ful- phur remain, thefe flyxes unite with it, and form a liver of fulphur, which has the power of deftroying 1 1 » a portion of all the metals; Confequently the affay under {uch circumftances muft be very inaccurate, I'he principal difficulty 1n Afr a, appears to be in the appropriation of the proper fluxes to each pari- Y 1 io ine £01 pL cular ore, and 1t ikewile appears, that fuch a difcri- minating knowledge can only be acquired fiom an extenlive practice, or from a knowledoe of the che- 1° mical affinities and actions of different bodies upon cach other, To TA 1 ~~ . ’ NY OY 3 ORES and FARTHS containing GOLD moy be SN ov aflayed by the following NiIVTTIODS. re "rr 1.° 1 . MN 1 . I. THAT which is now mcft generally ufed is ’ , amiatint he rome s - : 1 by amalgamation, the proper quantity is taken and reduced to a powder; about 1-10 of its weio pure quickfilver 1s added, and the whole trirurated ( in an iron mortar. The attraction fublifting be- tween the gold and quickfilver, quickly unites them mn the form of an amalgam, whichis preiled through O A 1 Hianiov Fe rel — * . - p— il Fo es nr 62 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF fhamoy leather; the gold is eafily feparated from this amalgam, by expofure to a proper degree of heat, which evaporates the quickfilver, and leaves the gold. This evaporation fhould be made with luted vefiels. This is the foundation of all the operations by which gold is obtained from the rich mines of Peru, in Spanifh America. 11. Take a quantity of the gold fand and heat it red-hot, quench it in water ; repeat this two or three times, and the colour of the fand will become of a reddith brown. Then mix it with twice its weight of litharge, and revive the litharge into lead, by add- ing a fmall portion of charcoal duft, and expofing it to a proper degree of heat; when the lead revives, it feparates the gold from the fand; and the freeing of the gold fiom the lead muft be afterwards per- formed by cupellation; or, 111. Bergman affays metallic ores containing gold, by mixing two parts of the ore well pounded and wathed, with one and a half of litharge, and three of glafs; covering the whole with common falt, and melting it in a {mith’s forge, in a covered crucible; he then opens the crucible, puts a nail into it, and continues to do fo till the iron is no longer attacked. The lead is thus precipitated which con- tains the gold, and is afterwards feparated by cu- ellation. P To | THE METALLIC ARTS. 63 To make an ASSAY of SILVER ORES. I. Take the affay quantity o the ore finely pow dered, and roaft it well in a proper degree of heat, frequently ftirring it with an iron rod; then add to it about double the quantity of granulated lead, put it ina covered crucible, and place it in a furnace, raife your fire gently at firft, and continue to encreafe it gradually till the metal begins to work; if it thould appear too thick, make it thinner by the addition of a little more lead; if the metal thould boil too ra- pidly the fire thould be diminithed. will be covered by degrees with a mafs of f; ) CI 1COI id, at which time the metal thould be carefully | 4 TL. eo £ 1 fiivtars 1 ne iuriace tirred with an iron hook heated, efpecially towards the border left any ofthe ore thould remain undiidolved; and .f what 1s adherent to the hook when you raife it fiom the crucible, melts quickly again, and the exrremiry of the hook after itis grown cold, is covered with a thin, thining, {mooth cruft, the fcorifeation is per- le you are ftirring it, you perceive any confiderable clamminefs in the {coria, and when it adheres to the hook, though red Lia ort i Nr +3 Ye 1 hot, and appears unequally tinged, and feems dufty or rough with grains interfperfed here and there, the Cri oe ren To : fcorification is incomplete; in confequence of which the fire fhould be encreafed a little, and what ad- heres to the hook fhould be gently beaten off, and fect; but on the contrary, if whi returne fo i Tr BE aE aa Fa Sa To Tr PN TE ER TE ti 8 : 1 ¥ 64 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF returned with a fmall ladle into the crucible again. When the fcorification is perfect, the metal fhould be poured into a cone, previoufly rubbed with a little tallow, and when it becomes cold the {coria may be feparated by a few ftrokes of a hammer. The button is the produce of the affay. Or, II. By cupellation. Take the affay quantity of ore, roaft and grind it with an equal portion of li- tharge, divide it into two or three parts, and wrap each up in a fmall bit of paper; put a cupel previ- oufly feafoned under a muffle, with about {ix times the quantity of lead uponit. When the lead begins to work, carefully put one of the papers upon it, and after this is abforbed, put on a fecond, and fo on tll the whole quantity be introduced; then raife the fire, and as the fcoria is formed, it will be taken up by the cupel, and at laft the filver will remain alone. This will be the produce of the afiay, unlefs the lead con- tains a fmall portion of filver, which may be difco- vered by putting an equal quantity of the fame lead on another cupel, and working it off at the fame time; if any filver be produced it muit be deducted from the affay. This is called the witnefs, er —————— > THE METALLIC ARTS. 65 To make an ASSAY of COPPER-ORES. TAKE an exalt troy-ounce of the ore previ- oufly pulverifed, and calcine it well, ftir it all the ume with an iron rod, without removing it from the crucible; after the calcination add an equal quantity of borax, half the quantity of fufible glafs, 1-4 the quantity of pitch, and a little charceal duft; rub the inner furface of the crucible with a pafte compofed of charcoal duft, a little fine powdered clay, and water. Cover the mafs with common falt, and put a lid upon the crucible which is to be placed in a fur- nace; the fire is to be raifed gradually tll it burns brifkly, and the crucible continued in it for half an hour, ftirring the metal frequently with an iron rod, and when the fcoria which adheres to the rod appears clear, then the crucible muft be taken out and {uf- fered to cool; after which it muft be broken, and the regulus feparated and weighed; this 1s called black copper, to refine which equal parts of com- mon {alt and nitre are to be well mixed together. The black copper is brought into fufton, and a tea {poonful of the flux is thrown upon it, which is repeated three or four times, when the metal 1s poured into an in- got mould, and the button is found to be fine copper. 66 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF 70 make an ASSAY of IRON ORES. THE ore muft be roafted till the vapour ceafes to arife. Take two aflay quintals of it, and tritu- rate them with one of fluor fpar, 3-4 of a quintal of powdered charcoal, and 4 quintals of decrepitated fea falt; this mixture is to be put into a crucible, lined on the infide with clay and powdered charcoal, a cover muft be luted upon the crucible, and the crucible itfelf expofed to a violent fire for an hour, and when it is cool, broken. When, if the operation has been well conduéted, the iron will be found at the bottom of the crucible; to which muft be added thofe metallic particles, which may adhere to the froria. The metallic particles {fo adhering may be {eparated, by pulverifing it in paper, afterwards at- trating them with a magnet. If the ore fhould be ina calciform ftate mixed with earths, the roafting of it previous to affaying, if not detrimental, is at leaft fuperfluous; if the earths fhould be of the argillaceous and filiceous kind, to half a quintal of them, add of dry quick lime and fluor fpar of each 1 quintal and 1-4 re- duced to powder, and mix them with 1-4 of a quin- tal of powdered charcoal, covering the whole with 1 ounce of decrepitated common falt, and expofe the luted crucible to a ftrong forge-fire for anhour and a | quarter, caries TTT ——— —- pie SEES EE YG Se TaN ERAGE THE METALLIC ARTS. ¢7 quarter, then let it gradually cool, and the regulus muft be ftruck off and weighed. If the ore contain calcareous earth, there will be no occafion to add quick lime; the proportion of the ingredients may be as follows: viz, 1 affay quin- tal of the ore, 1 of decrepitated fea-falt, 1-2 of pow- dered charcoal, and 1 of fluor fpar, and the procefs conduted as above. There is a great difference in the reguli of iron, when the cold regulus is ftruck with a hammer and breaks, the iron is called cold fhort; if it break on being ftruck red-hot, itis called red fhort; but if it refift the hammer both in its cold and ignited ftate, it is good iron, 70 ASSAY TIN ORES. MIX a quintal of tin-ore, previoufly wafhed, pul- verifed, and roafted till no arfenical vapour arifes, with half a quintal of calcined borax, and the fame quantity of pulverifed pitch; thele are to be put into a crucible moiftened with charcoal duft and water, and the crucible placed in an air-furnace. After the pitch is burnt, give a violent fire for a quarter of an hour, and then withdraw the crucible, the regulus will be at the bottom. If the ore be not well wathed from earthy matters, a larger quantity of borax will F 2 be — Ren) 68 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF be requifite, with fome powdered glafs; and if the ore contain iron, fome alkaline falt may be added. WIRRSRIRRI NHR. SW Ze ASSAY LEAD ORES. AS moft of the lead ores contain either fulphur or arfenic, they require to be well roafted. Take a quintal of roafted ore, with the fame quantity of cal- cined borax, half a quintal of fine powdered glafs, a quarter of a quintal of pitch, and as much clean iron filings. Line the crucible with wetted charcoal duft, and put the mixture into the crucible, and place it before the bellows of a forge-fire, and when it is red hot, raife the fire for 15 or 20 minutes, then withdraw the crucible, and break 1t when cold. To ASSAY MERCURIAL ORES. THE calciform ores of mercury, are eafily re- duced without any addition. A quintal of the ore is put intoa retor:, and a receiver luted on, con- taining fore water; the retort is placed in a fand bath, and a fufficient degree of heat given it, to force over the mercury which is condenfed in the water of the receiver. The {ulphureous ores are affayed by diftillation in the manner above, only thefe ores require an equal weight EE —— i EET THE METALLIC ARTS. 69 weight of clean ircn filings to be mixed with them, to difengage the fulphur, while the heat volatilizes the mercury, and forces it into the receiver. Thefe ores thould likewife be tried for cinnabar, to know whether it will anfwer the purpofe of extracting it from them; for which a determinate quantity of the ore is finely powdered and put into a glafs veflel, which is expofed to a gentle heat at firft, and gra- dually encreafed till nothing more is fublimed. By the quantity thus acquired, a judgment may be formed whether the procefs will anfwer. Sometimes this cinnabar is not of {0 lively a colour as that which is ufed in trade; in this cafe, it may be refined by a fecond fublimation; and if it be fill of too dark a colour, it may be brightened by the addition of a quantity of mercury, and fubliming it again. NLD A —————————— 7s ASSAY ORES of ZINC. TAKE your affay weight of roafted ore, and mix it well with 1-8 partof charcoal duft, put it into a ftrong luted earthen retort, to which muft be fitted a receiver; place the retort in a furnace, and raife the fire, and continue it in a violent heat for two hours, fuffer it then to cool gradually, and the zinc will be found adhering to the neck of the retort in its me- tallic form. F 3 Te 5 Fare mt cn ns spn rm ia oT EYE g > Ter Ss sma Le 2 Eid jl i i i 70 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OT 70 ASSAY ORES of ANTIMONY. TAKE a common crucible, and bore a number of {mall holes in the bottom, and place it in another crucible a {ize fmaller, luting them well together; then putthe proper quantity of ore in {mall lumps into the upper crucible, and lute thereon a cover; place thefe veffels on a hearth, and furround them with ftones about {ix inches diftant from them; the in- termediate fpace muft be filled with afhes, fo that the undermoft crucible may be covered with them; but upon the upper, charcoal muft be laid, and the whole made red hot by the affiftance of hand bel- lows. The antimony being of eafy fufion is {epa- rated, and runs through the holes of the upper veflel into the inferior one, where it 1s collected. 70 ASSAY ARSENICAL ORES. THE affay of arfenical ores is made by fublima- tion in clofe veflels. Beat the ore into fmall pieces, and put them into a matrafs and place it in a fand pot, with a proper degree of heat, the arfenic fub- limes in this operation, and adheres to the upper part of the veflel; when it muft be carefully col- lected vo THE METALLIC ARTS. 71 lected with a view to afcertain its weight. Some- times a {ingle {fublimation will not be f{ufficient, for the arfenic in many cafes will {melt with the ore, and prevent its total volatilization ; in which cafe, it is better to perform the firft fublimation with a moderate heat, and afterwards bruife the remainder again, and expofe it to a ftronger heat. 7» ASSAY BISMUTH ORES. IF the ore be mineralized by fulphur, or fulphur and iron, a previous roafting will be neceffary. The ftrong ores require no roafting, but only to be re- duced to a fine powder. Take the aflay weight and mix it with half the quantity of calcined borax, and the fame of pounded glafs; line the crucible with charcoal; meltit as quick as poffible; and when it is well melted, take out the crucible, and let it cool gradually. The regulus will be found at the bottom. 7s ASSAY COBALTIC ORES. FREE them as much as poffible from earthy matters by well wathing, and from fulphur and F 4 arfenic J oH § 3 il {HR Wi 5 yd hi La i 1 —————— A a <5 5 Ss yr — cr—— fuk tuna ES oe = ti ke a 72 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF arfenic by roafting. The ore thus prepared is nixed with three parts of black flux, and a litte decrepitated fea-falt; put the mixture in a lined cru- cible, coverit, and place it in a forge fire, or in a hot furnace, for this ore is very diftiout: of fufion. When the fufion is well made, a metallic regulus is found at the bottom, covered with a fcoria of a deep blue colour; as almoft all cobalts contain bif- muth, this is reduced by the fame operation as the regulus of cobalt; but as they are incapable of uniting together, they are always found ditin& fiom each other in the crucible. The regulus of bifimuth having a greater {pecific gravity is always at the bottom, and may be feparated by a blow with 2 hammer. To ASSAY NICKEL ORES. THE ores muft be well roafted to expel the fulphur and arfenic, the greener the calx proves dur- ing this torrefaction, the more it abounds in the nickel; but the redder it is, the more iron it contains. The proper quantity of this roafted ore is fufed in an open ¢ ucible, with twice or thrice its weight of black flux, and the whole covered with common falt. By expofing the crucible to the ftrongeft heat of a forge THE METALLIC ARTS. v3 forge fire, and making the fufion complete, a regu- for will be produced. This reguius is not pure, but contains a portion of a:finic, cobali, and iron. Of the firft it may be deprived by a freth calcination, with the addition of powdered charcoal; and of the fecond by fcorification; but itis with difficulty that itis entirely freed from the iron. 70 ASSAY MANGANESE ORES. THE regulus is obtained by mixing the calx os ore of manganefe, with pitch, making it into a ball, and putting it into a crucible, lined with powdered charcoal, 1-10 of an inch on the fides, and 1-4 of an inch at bottom, then filling the empty {pace with charcoal duft, covering the crucible with another in- verted and luted on, and expofing it to the ftrongeft heat of a forge for an hour or more. The above are the moft approved methods of affaying ores for their particular metals by the dry way ; but they are deficient {o far as relates to point- ing out the different {ubftances, connected with them, becaufe they are always deftroyed by the procefs for obtaining the affay metal. The affay by the moift way 1s more correct, becaufe, the different {ubftances can be accurately afcertained. The late celebrated WR rs aaa we Ee AT es i SRT a RRS oT ee TE aea nl FTE 74 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF celebrated Bergman firft made us acquainted with this method. It depends npon a knowledge of the chernical affinities of different bodies for cach other, and muft be varied according to the nature of the ore; it is very extenfive in its application, and re- quires great patience and addrefs in its execution, To defcribe the treatment of each variety of the metallic ores, would take up too much of our room; for a more particular account, I would refer the rea- Jer to the 2nd vol. of Bergman’s work, where he will find a treatife written exprefsly on the fubject. But to give a general idea, I will defcribe the proce- dure on one fpecies of all the different ores. I» ASSAY GOLD mixed with yellow, or marital PYRITES, 4 the HUMID WAY. DISSOLVE the ore in 12 times its weight of dilute nitrous acid, gradually added ; place it in a pioper degree of heat; this takes up the foluble parts, and leaves the gold untouched, with the infolu- ble matrix, from which it may be {cparated by aqua regia. The gold may be again feparated from the aqua regia by pouring ther upon it, the ther takes up the gold, and by being burnt off leaves it in its The {olution may contain 1ron, copper, metallic fate. — Bo Bi = pc Ses PTT ‘THE METALLIC ARTS. 75 copper, manganefe, calcareous earth, or argil; if it be evaporated to drynefs, and the refiduum heated to rednefs for half an hour, volatile alkali will extract the copper; dephlogifticated nitrous acid, the earths; the acetous, the manganefe; and the ma-. rine, the calx of iron. The fulphur floats on the firft folution, from which it thould be feparated by filtration. To ASSAY witreous SILVER ORE, &y ike HUMID WAY. BOIL the ore indilute nitrous acid, ufing about 2 times its weight, until the fulphur is quite ex- haufted. The filver may be precipitated from the folution by marine acid, or common falt. 100 grains of this precipitate contain 7 of real filver; if it contain any gold it will remain undiffolved. Fixed alkalies precipitate the earthy matters, and the /uf- fian alkali will thew if any other metal be contained in the {olution. To ASSAY vitreous COPPER ORE dy rhe HUMID WAY. MAKE a folution of this ore in § times its weight of concentrated vitriolic acid, and boil it to diynef:; add "6 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF add as much water as will diffolve the vitriol thus formed ; to this {olution add a clean bar of iron, which will precipitate the whole of the copper in 1ts me- wailic form. If the folution be contaminated with jon, the copper muft be re-diflolved in the fame manner, and precipitated again. The fulphur may be {eparated by filtration. 7, ASSAY IRON ORES &y the HUMID WAY. TO affay the calciform ores, which do not contain much earthy or ftony matter, they muft be reduced to a fine powder, and diffolved in the marine acid, and precipitated by the Pruffian alkali. A deter- minate quantity of the Pruffian alkali, muft be tried previoufly to afcertain the portion of iron, which it will precipitate, and the eftimate made accordingly. If the iron contain any confiderable portion of zinc or mangancfe, the precipitate muft be calcined to rednefs, and the calx treated with dephlogifticated nitrous acid, which will then take up only the calx of zinc; when this is feparated, the calx fhould again be treated either with nitrous acid, with the addition of {ugar, or with the acetous acid, which will diffolve the manganele, if any; the remaining calx of iron may then be diffolved by the marine acid, and pre- cipitated THE METALLIC ARTS. vy cipitated by the mineral alkali; or it may be farther p ) ) calcined, and then weighed. To ASSAY TIN ORES, lythe HUMID WAY. THE affay of tin ores in the liquid way, was looked upon as impraticable, till Bergmon devifed the following method, which 1s generally fuccefifull Let the tin ore be well feparated from its flony ma- trix, by well wafhing, and reduced to the mot fub- tle powder ; digeft it in concentrated oil of vitriol, in a ftrong heat for feveral hours, then, when it is cooled, add ‘a fmall portion of concentrated marine acid, and fuffer it to ftand for one or two hours; then add water, and when the {olution 1s clear, pour it off; and precipitate it by fixed alkali. 131 grains of this pre- cipitate well wathed and dried, are equivalent to 100 of tin in its reguline ftate, if the nrec pe S~ap confift of pure tin; but it it contain copper or iren, gate it muft be calcined in a red heat for an hour, and then digefted in nitrous acid, which will take up the copper; and afterwards in marine acid, which will feparate the iron. EC PAE YN a a. a I be oo 78 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF 72ASSAY LEAD ORES /ythe HUMID WAY. GALENA. DISSOLVE the ore by boiling it in dilute ni- trous acid; the fulphur, infoluble ftony parts, and calx of iron will remain. The iron may be feparated by digeftion, in the marine acid; and the {ulphur by digeftion, in cauftic fixed alkali. ~The nitrous fo- lution contains the lead and filver, which fhould be precipitated by the mineral fixed alkali, and the pre- cipitate well wafhed in cold water, dried and weighed. Digeft it in cauftic volatile alkali, which will take up the calx of filver; the refiduum being again dried and weighed, gives the proportion of the calx of lead. 132 grains of which are equal to 100 of lead in its metallic ftate. The difference of weight of the precipitate before and after the application of the vo- latile alkali, gives the quantity of filver, 129 grains of which are equal to 100 of filver in its metallic ftate. 79 ASSAY MERCURIAL ORES #&y the HU- MID WAY. NATIVE CINNABAR. THE ftony matrix fhould be diffolved in nitrous acid, and the cinnabar being difengaged, fhould be boiled 1 ; 5 i Lise ‘ft Giese Risse THE METALLIC ARTS. 79 boiled in 8 or 10 times its weight of aqua regia, com- pofed of 3 parts nitrous, and 1 of marine acid. The mercury may be precipitated in its running form by zinc. To ASSAY the ORES of ZINC, by the HUMID WAY. CALAMINE. DISTILL vitriolic acid over calamine to dry- nefs; the refliduum muft be lixiviated in hot water; what remains undiffolved is filiceous earth: To the {olution add cauftic volatile alkali, which precipi- tates the iron and argil, but keeps the zinc in folu- tion; as it 1s foluble in vitriolic ammoniac. The precipitate muft be re-difiolved in vitriolic acid, and the iron and argil {eparated. To ASSAY ANTIMONIAL ORES #&y the HU- MID WAY. ARSENICATED ANTIMONY. DISSOLVE the ore in aqua regia, both the re- gulus and arfenic remain in the folution, the fulphur is feparated by filtration. If the folution be boiled with twice its weight of ftrong nitrous acid, the regu- lus of antimony will be precipitated by dephlogifti- cation, and the arfenic converted into an acid, which may be obtained by evaporation to drynefs. 3 | To Bo CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF 70 ASSAY ARSENICAL ORES, %y tk HU.- MID WAY. REALGAR. DIGEST the ore in marine acid, adding the ni- trous by degrees to help the folution. The fuiphur will be found on the filter; the arfenic will remain in the folution, and may be precipitated in its metallic form by zinc, adding {pirit of wine to the folution. To ASSAY BISMUTH ORE, & the HUMID WAY. BISMUTH is eafily foluble in nitrous acid or aqua regia. Its {olution is colourlefs, and is precipit- able by the addition of pure water, 118 grains of the precipitate from nitrous acid, well wathed and dried, are equal to 100 of bifmuth in its metallic form. To ASSAY COBALTIC ORES, 2y the HUMID WAY. GREY COBALT ORE. MAKE a folution of the ore in nitrous acid, or aqua regia, and evaporate to drynefs; the refiduum treated with the acerous acid, will yield to it the co- baltic part; the arfenic fhould be firft precipitated by the addition of water, Io LE THE METALLIC ARTS. 21 702 ASSAY NICKEL ORES 4y the HUMID WAY. NUPFERNICKEL. THE affay of thefe ores in the humid way, is as yet very imperfect. By foluticn in nitrous acid, it is freed from its fulphur; and by adding water to the folution, bifmuth, if any, may be precipitated; as may filver if contained in it, by the marine acid; and cop- per, when any by iron. To feparate cobalt from nickel, when the cobalt is in confiderable quantity, Gerhard advifes to drop a faturated folution of the roafted ore in nitrous acid into liquid volatile alkali; the cobaltic part is inftantly re-diffolved, and afflumes a garnet colour; when filtered a grey powder re- mains on the filter, which is the nickel. The co- balt may be precipitated from the volatile alkali by any acid. 7, ASSAY MANGANESE ORES é&y 7be HU- MID WAY. 1 HE ores thould be well roafted to dephlogif- ticate the calx of manganefe and iron, if any, then rreated with dephlogifticated nitrous acid to diffoive the earths. The refiduum fhould then be treated with nitrous acid and fugar, by which means a co- lourlefs folution of manganefe will be obtained, and likewife of the iron, if any. Precipitate with the G Pruffian epi vs ein Ee a 82 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES, &ec. Pruffian alkali, and digeft the precipitate in pure wa- ter; the Pruffian manganef{e will be diffclved, and the Pruffian iron remain undiffolved. In the affay of the metallic ores above mentioned by the humid way, the circumftances attending it are very various, yet with a proper attention to the ex- amples given, the afiayer will be enabled by his own reflexion to adapt the proper means for affaying thofe ores which are not noticed. In affaying, we are at liberty to ufe the moft ex- penfive materials to effet our purpofe, hence, the ufe of different faline fluxes; but in the working at large, fuch expenfive means cannot be applied; as by fuch procefles the inferior metals weuld be too much enhanced in value, efpecially in working very poor ores. In confequence of which, in {melting works, where the object is the production of metals in the great, cheaper additions are ufed; fuch as lime- ftone, feldt-fpar, fluor-fpar, quartz, fand, flate, and flags. Thefeare to be chofen according to the dif- ferent views of the operator, and the nature of the ores. Thus, ircn ores on account of the argillacecus earth they contain, require calcareous additions, and the copper ores, rather flags or vitrefcent ftones, than calcareous earth, The general procedure 1s the fame as affaying in the dry way, and the cperations carried on in the felting works, depend on the very fame principles. PART PART IL METALS AND METALLIC COMPOUNDS > OF METALS AND METALLIC COMPOUNDS. H E working of ores is to extraét their me- tals. The metals at prefent accurately known, are 17 in number, and may be thus arranged: MALLEABLE. Copper Lead Iron Zinc NOT MALLEABLE. Manganefe Nickel Bifmuth Antimony Cobalt Acidifiable Arfenic Tin* Molybdena Tungften | 'Plantina Gold Silver Quickfilver NOBLE METALS, BASE METALS. INTERMEDIATE METAL. To this lift of metallic fubftances have been added, Firft, Siderite. Mr. Monnet firft diftinétly men- tioned this fubftance in his mineralogy, printed in * Tin when it is reduced is very malleable. G3 1779. iE nh FRAT Grn Sr —_— AE rr Be or i my a a Sr AE Fr ER ERT ni FE or i —c——— i {4 Wt ‘ ly i 86 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF 1779. ltwas afterwards developed in its principal properties by Meyer and Bergman. It is principally found in iron of the firft fufion, or caft iron, and in the ores of cold fhoit iron. To ob- tain it, the caft iron muft be diffolved in dilute vitriolic acid; the {olution after {tanding fome hours will depofit a white calx, if fiderite be contained in it, one pound of the iron will fometimes afford 3a drachms of this calx, whole natural colour 1s white, but it is generally tinged brown or yellow, from a mixture of the calx of iron. Bergman pu- rifics it, by abftracting the nitrous acid over it, which Cy ema 1aaves the fiderite folu- dephlogifticates the tron, anc ica es the fiderite {ol bie in the mineral acids, but not in the acetous. Itis reduced to aregulus by melting it with half in errno wr r- its weight of borax, lining the cruci ole with cha coal duft and clay, and expofing it to a forge fire " 1 x co Yn . for 3-4 ofan hour. The regulusis of a ftecl grey color, and exceedingly brittle; not ragnetie n {mall pieces, but {lightly fo when powdered. But | ~ 1 re nmr —— 1 “ fi] v . Mever and Scheele have fince proved that fidente 1s only iron combined with phofphoric Cle Secondly, Qaturnite. 1c is faid by Mr. Monnetto be found in the lead mines of Poullaoven in Brit- tany, and is feparated from the lead ore during torre- faction. It refufes to mix with lead when in fufion. * Io 1. ra Itis not at prefent w ell known, But THE METALLIC ARTS. 8 But an analyfis of faturnite has fince been given by Haffenfratz and Giroud, in the Journal be Phy- fique, for January 1786, from which itis faid to confift of Ib. oz. gros. grs. Lead — 40 13 6 6 French weight Copper 31 4 O oO Iron — 4 1 2 o Silver — © 2 1 66 Sulphur 23 10 6 o Monnet denies that this alloy is the fubftance he noticed. Thirdly, A new femi-metal has been lately difcovered by Mr. Klaproth, of Berlin, in the Pechblende, an ore containing filver and zinc, mi- neralized by {ulphur, and in the green Saxon glim- mer. ‘The difcoverer calls it uranite. It is more difficult to reduce than manganefe, it has little me- tallic {plendor, is moderately hard, and gives porce- lain a yellow colour, On METALS. UNDER this general term, we comprehend not only the metals, properly {o called, but alfo the G4 femi- 28 CIHIEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF femni-metals, They are divided into two claffes, viz. Firfl, noble, which confifts of platina, gold, and filver; and fecondly, bafe, which confifts of copper, lead, iron, tin, bifmuth, nickel, arfenic, antimony, cobalt, manganefe, zinc, molybdena, Tungften, and quickfilver. Metallic matters form a clafs not very numerous, but of very great importance in che- miftry, medicine, and the arts. In fearching for characters to diftinguifh metals from other fubftances, their opacity and {pecific gra- vity muft appear ftriking. They are the heavieft bodies in nature, as proved by hydroftatical expe- riments, though they differ much among them- felves in this refpect; they always entirely oppofe the paflage of the rays of light, and reflect a part of them from their furfaces; if they be expofed to the fire, they fufe with more or lefs difficulty, and on cooling recover their former confiftence. They foretimes affume after a perfeét fulion, and being fuffered tocool gently, regular arrangements, which are peeuliar in every different metallic fubftance. A Ta- THE METALLIC ARTS. 23 A TABLE of the fpecific Gravities of the dif- ferent MeTaLs, and of the degree of Heat at which they feverally fufe, reduced to Fahrenheit’s Scale by Bergman. Specific Gravity. Metals. Melt. Fine Gold | 19.640 | Platina Standard Gold | 18.888 | Fine Gold 10319 Guinea Gold | 17.793 | Silver 1000° Moidore Gold | 17.140 | Quickfilver 40° Platina 21.000 | Lead 5952 Silver 10.552 Copper 1450° Quickfilver 14,110 | Iron 1601° Lead 11.352 | 1m 415° Copper 8.876 | Bifmuth 490° Iron 7.20 | Nickel | 1061° Tin 7.264 | Arfenic | Bifimuth g.670 | Cobalt | 1601" Nickel pure 9 ooo | Zinc | 699° Arfenic 8.308 | Antimony | 609° Cobalt 7.700 | Manganefe | very great Zinc 6.862 | | Antimony | 6.860 | Manganefe | 6.350 | 90 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF A TABLE fhewing the Order of Malleabi- lity, and the Degree of Tenacity of the dif- ferent METALS, with the Quantity of Phlogifton they contain. Malleability. ~~ Degree of Tenacity. Quantity of Phlogifton. Gold 500 Platina 756 Silver 270 sold 394 Copper 2992 Iron 342 Tin 49; Copper 312 Iron 450 Cobalt 270 Lead 29% Manganefe 22 Zinc Zinc 182 Nickel 156 Antimony 120 Tin 114 Arfenic 109 Silver 100 Mercury 74 Bifmuth 57 Lead 43 Metals poffefs a certain brilliancy and f{plendor peculiar to themfelves, which chemifts call metallic luftre, this property feems intimately connected with their opacity. When expofed to the action of heat and air, all of them, except gold and filver, lofe that fplendor, and are converted into calces, in which ftate, they poflefs many of the properties of the fimple earths, Other qualities peculiar to metallic {ubftances, THE METALLIC ARTS. GI fubftances, are malleability and ductility; by which is meant, firft, the power of extending their furfaces, by paffing them through rollers, by the hammer, &c. and fecondly, their capability of being drawn IDLO wire. They are all foluble in acids, but fome of them require particular treatment. Metals are heated more fpeedily, and cool again more quickly, than any other bodies expofed to the {ame tempe- rature. From the experiments of Dr. Ingenhouz, it appears that their power of conduéting heat 1s in the following order, viz. filver, copper, cold, tin, iron, fteel, lead. Various have been the opinions of chemiils, re- fpecting the conftituent parts of metals; three of the moft modern and beft received will be mentioned, viz. Firft, That metals are compofed of peculiar earths united to phlogifton. Secondly, That they are compofed of peculiar acids united to phlogifton; and Thirdly, That with refpect to our prefent know- ledge, metals ought to be locked upon as fimple fubftances, compofed of homogeneous parts. Chemifts in their experiments on metals, found, that by expofing them to the action of heat, they underwent a change, by which they acquired new properties. This change they conjectured to pro- ceed from the feparation of a volatile principle, 1 from 90 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF A TABLE fhewing the Order of Malleabi- lity, and the Degree of Tenacity of the dif- ferent MeTavs, with the Quantity of Phlogifton they contain. Malleabitity. ~~ Degree of Tenacity. Quantity of Phlogifton. Gold 500 Platina 756 Silver 270 Gold 394 Copper 2991 Iron 342 Tin 49; Copper 312 Iron 450 Cobalt 270 Lead 295% Manganefe 22 Zinc Zinc 182 Nickel 156 Antimony 120 Tin 114 Arfenic 109 Silver 100 Mercury 74 Bifmuth 57 Lead 43 Metals poffefs a certain brilliancy and {plendor peculiar to themfielves, which chemifts call metallic luftre, this property feems intimately connected with their opacity. When expofed to the action of heat and air, all of them, except gold and filver, lofe that fplendor, and are converted into calces, in which ftate, they poflfefs many of the properties of the fimple earths, Other qualities peculiar to metallic fubftances, THE METALLIC ARTS. GI fubftances, are malleability and ductility ; by which is meant, firft, the power of extending their furfaces, by paffing them through rollers, by the hammer, &ec. and fecondly, their capability of being drawn IDto wire. They are all foluble in acids, but fome of them require particular treatment. Metals are heated more fpeedily, and cool again more quickly, than any other bodies expofed to the {fame tempe- rature. From the experiments of Dr. Ingenhouz, it appears that their power of conducting heat 1s in the following order, viz. filver, copper, gold, tin, iron, fteel, lead. Various have been the opinions of chemiils, re- fpecting the conftituent parts of metals; three of the moft modern and beft received will be mentioned, viz. Firft, That metals are compofed of peculiar earths united to phlogifton. Secondly, That they are compofed of peculiar acids united to phlogifton; and Thirdly, That with refpect to our prefent know- ledge, metals ought to be looked upon as fimple fubftances, compofed of homogeneous parts. Chemifts in their experiments on metals, found, that by expofing them to the action of heat, they underwent a change, by which they acquired new properties. This change they conjectured to pro- ceed from the feparation of a volatile principle, 1 from 02 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF from the more fixed part or calx, becaufe, on the ad- dition of any fubflance which contained this volatile principle or phlogifton, it united with the calx of the metal, and perfeétly reduced it. This principle, though admitted by chemifts, never could be exhi- bited in any form; to account for which, it was {aid that immediately on its extrication, it united itfelf to other bodies, and formed a new compound, but its exiftence and identity, were proved by making a fo- lution of copper in dilute vitriolic acid, and preci- pitating the copper in its metallic form by the addi- tion of iron ; the phlogifton of the iron during its olution united with the calx of the copper, and re- vive it with all its metallic luftre. The fecond opinion is founded, on procuring ra- dical acids, by diffipating the phlogifton of fome of the imperfect metals; for after the metals are aci- dified, they become fo fixed that no farther change can be precured; but on the addition of any phlo- giftic fubftance, thefe acids are converted into me- tals. The third opinion is fupported by Mr. Lavoifier, and all the French academicians. They deny that metals contain the principle of phlogifton, and look upon it as a creature of the imagination. It was from the following experiment, that Mr. Lavoifier firlt propefed his doubts on that principle; he dif- folved a quantity of quickfilver in a determinate quantity ‘THE METALLIC ARTS. 93 quantity of nitrous acid, after the folution, he dil- tilled to drynefs, when he found a red precipitate, and by urging the fire farther, he recovered quick- filver without any addition, in a metallic ftate; on examination of the vapour in the receiver, he found it to be nitrous air, and what was expelled from the red precipitate, was the bafe of dephlogifticated air, from which experiment he inferred, firft, that from the folution of the quickfilver in the nitrous acid, the only change which took place, was the decom- pofition of the nitrous acid. Secondly, that the acid is compofed of two parts, viz. nitrous air, and the bafe of dephlogifticated air; and thirdly, that the cal- cination of the quickfilver, was in confequence of the metal depriving the acid of its acidifying principle, or dephlogifticated air, becaufe, by deftroying the affinity between the precipitate and dephlogifticated air, the metal was reftored. This experiment was corroborated by others, particularly by calcining metals witha burning glafs, in a determinate quantity of air, when it was found that the calcination proceeded in proportion to the quantity of pure air which was contained, and that when the metal had abftraced the whole quantity of pure air, no farther calcination could be promoted. The phlogiftians in anfwer to the firlt experi- ment, obferve, that Mr. Lavoifier has not proved that the quickfilver during its {olution gave out no yhloeiton 1 PAN SO LL > 94 CHEMICAI PRINCIPLES OF phlogifton, which uniting with the bafis of the ni- trous acid, formed the nitrous air; cn the contrary, Mr. Kirwan has endeavoured to prove that phlo- gifton is a conftituent part of the nitrous air; if fo, the metal muft have given out phlogifton during its folution, or elfe no nitrous air could have been pro- duced. Asa proof thatmetals give out phlegiftondur- ing their folution, the following experiment is ftrongly raed, viz. make a folution of iron in dilute vitriolic acid, during the folution a vapor is extricated, which is called inflammable air; upon examination of this vapor, it poffefles all the properties of Stahl’s phlegifton. In this experiment the only change which takes place 1 is in the metal, becaufe the vitriolic acid which is united to the calx of the metal, requires the fame quantity of alkali to faturate it, as an equal portion of uncombined dilute vitriolic acid would, and on the immediate application of an alkali it leaves the iron, and unites with it, forming a vitriolated tartar, which could not be the cafe if the acid were altered during the folution. This fact reduced the French academicians into a di- lernma, from which they could not for fome time extricate themfelves. During this embarraffment, Mr. Cavendifh, by taking the electric fpark in certain proportions of dephlogifticated and inflammable airs, found, that bv an union {o promoted, the produt was water. The THE METALLIC ARTS. 95 The academicians taking advantage of this difco- very, applied it for the elucidation of their own fyf- tem, and then ealily accounted for the production of inflamnmabl: air, from 2 {olution of iron in the di- lute vitriolic acid, by declaring that the water which diluted the Jitlalle acid was decompofed, the de- phlogifticated air uniting with the calx of the iron, while the inflammable air was fet at liberty. To fupport which opinion, Mr. Lavoifier mixed fome iron filings with water, and whatever was ex- tricated was caught by pafling through quickfilver; the vapor was found to be inflammable air; pro- duced, as Mr. Lavoifier fuppofed, from the decom- pofition of that portion of water neceffary to caicine the iron. As the component parts of water had been afcertained by Synthefis, before he could efta- blith his opinion with the leaft degree of plaufibility, it became abfolutely neceflary that he thould thew, that water could be decompofed, for it never had been, and therefore whatever he advanced was merely conjectural. To eftablith which, an experiment was made before fome of the academicians, by pafling water drop by drop through a red hot gun barrel, properly prepared, and with an apparatus ap- pended to collect whatever might pafs during the procefs. The vapour extricated was found to be inflammable air, and the internal furface of the bar- rel was in a fate of calcination. By weighing the barrel 7 gan i er re =e ge A £4 Hy 28 ig i ) Ree in EERE ar SR Sie I wre gor a $6 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES Or barrel previous to and after the experiment, the weight gained by the calcination was afcertained, whi-h added to the inflammable air, and to the re- maining water, made up the exact weight of the water before the experiment. But to make this ex periment as unexceptionable as pofiible, they took the fame weight of dephlogifticated air as the gun barrel had gained, and added it to the fame inflam- mable air which had been collected, and by expofing them ina proper apparatus toa red heat, they reco- vered the water which had been decompofed. This experiment was looked upon as decifive, and their opinion as firmly eftablithed. Admitting the decom- pofition and re-compefition of water to be fully proved in a red heat, how can this experiment be applied with any force to the decompofition of wa- ter, in a {olution of iron in the dilute vitriolic acid? Bodies will unite together with different degrees of cohefion, and form refuls accordingly ; but it re- quires always the fame degree of power to produce :qvariable compounds; the nitrous acid unites with different portions of ph ogifton, and forms the yellow, the orange, or the green coloured acid. It muft be fuppofed tha the nitrous acid at thofe marked va- rieties, muft exert different degrees of attraction for phlogifton, which 1s analogous to a » ell known che- nical fact, that the facility with which bodies are decompofed, 1s according to the proportion of their conftituent THE METALLIC ARTS. 97 conftituent parts; now, as the different coloured nitrous acid is influenced, by the different degrees of cohefion between its conflituent parts, cach portion and power producing a diftinét variety, fo different portions of dephlogifticated and 1nflam- mable airs, will form diftinét varieties, according to the proportion of conftituent parts and power of at- tration between them, fo that one marked variety, viz. water, cai only be produced by the power re- fulting from expofing the parts to a red heat; and if different varieties do refult from fuch circum- frances, different degrees of power are neceffary for their decompofition; and as water has been only de- compofed by a red heat, aided by the attraction of the iron to the oxigéne, we do not fee how water can be decompofed with only the heat produced, by the folution of iron in vitriolic acid, affifted by no greater attraction than when the decompofition re- quired a red heat! On G O L D. GOLD is a metal moderately hard, of a bright yellow color when pure. It acquires rigidity be- neath the hammer, and becomes foft again by an- nealing; which is performed by heating it red hot in H charcoal, ns ys CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF charcoal, and fuffering it to cool gradually. Mixed with different alloys its color varies. Itis the moft ductile of all the metals, as well as the moft tena- cious. A wire 1-10 of an inch in diameter, will fupport a weight of soolb. without breaking. The fpecific gravity of fine goldis 19.640. When ex- pofed to the fire it reddens long before it melts, when at the point of fufion it takes a fea green hue. If it be ever fo long expofed to fire, it undergoes no al- teration. Air and water have no action upon it, neither has fulphur nor fixed alkali. Its proper fol- vent is aqua regia, or dephlogifticated marine acid, though liver of fulphur, by a particular treatment, will diffolve it. The principal ufes of gold are well known. It is found ufeful for various ornaments, from its luf- tre, beauty, and indeftructible quality. When ap- plied by the art of gilding, much external beauty, neatnefs, and richnefs, is given to many utenfils and toys. Its calx gives a fine colour for enamel, glafs, and porcelain painting. Itis likewife ufed for dif- ferent coins. To diffolve Gold in Aqua Regia. T AKE anaquaregia, compofed of 2 partsof nitrous acid, and 1 of marine acid, or of 1 part of fal ammo- niac, and 4 parts of aqua fortis; let the gold be gra- nulated; put into a fufficient quantity of this men- 4 ftruum, THE METALLIC ARTS. 99 ftruum; and expofed to a moderate degree of heat. During the {olution an effervefcence takes place, and it acquires a beautiful yellow colour, which becomes more and more intenfe, till it has a golden, or even orange colour. When the menftruum is faturated it is very clear and tranfparent. Gilding by diffelving Gold in Aqua Regia. FINE linen rags are foaked in a faturated folu- tion of gold in aqua regia, gently dried, and after- wards burnt to tinder. The fubftance to be gilt muft be well polithed; a piece of cork is firft dipped into a folution of common falt in water, and after- wards into the tinder, which 1s well rubbed on the furface of the metal to be gilt, and the gold appears in all its metallic luftre. Gilding of Iron or Steel with a Soluticn of Gold. MAKE a folution of eight ounces of nitre and common falt, with five ounces of crude alum in a fufficient quantity of water; diffolve half an ounce of gold thinly plated and cut; and afterwards evapo- rate to drynefs. Digeft the refiduum in rectified {pirit of wine or ther, which will perfectly abftract the gold. Theiron is brufhed over with this {olution and becomes immediately gilt. H a For tos CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF For Grecian Gilding. EQUAL parts of fal ammoniac and corrofive fublimate, are diffolved in {pirit of nitre, and a {olu- tion of gold made with this menftruum. The filver is bruthed over with it, which is turned black, but on expofure to a red heat, it aflumes the colour of gold. Theory of Gilding with a Solution of Gold in Aqua Regia, WHEN gold is diffolved in aqua regia, and the {olution applied to another metal, the aqua regia im- mediately attacks that metal, and diffolves a portion of it; while its phlogifton revives the calx of gold, which is attached to the furface by the attraction of cohefion fubfifting between the metals. If the phlogifton be in a proper quantity, the gold appears with its metallic luftre; but if fuper-abundant, it ap- pears black; ull by heat a part is evaporated, and then the gold appears with all its brilliancy. If a {olution of gold in aqua regia be evaporated, cryftals will be formed, which are called CrysTaLs or GoLp. Gold may be diffolved in liver of fulphur in the dry way, by which it becomes foluble in water. The method 1s as follows, viz. make a liver of fulphur, by fufing equal parts of {ulphur and fixed alkali in a cru- ed iH c PRESET HET ER x AER CHE THE METALLIC ARTS. 10% a crucible with a moderate heat, till the mafs ccn- geals and acquires a red colour ; to which muft be added gold leaves, and the whole fufed quickly; the gold will be attacked by the liver of fulphur, and foon difappear. If the liver of fulphur thus impreg- nated with gold be diffolved in water and filtered, the gold will pafs the filtering paper in a ftate of fo- lution. This gold may be recovered from the folution, by the addition of any acid, which feizes upon the alkali, and precipitates the gold and fulphur of a yel- On the application of heat, the ful- phur burns away and leaves the metal pure. low cclour. Gold diffolved in aqua regia, may be precipitated both by fixed and volatile alkali, but with this dif- ference; viz. that the calx produced by fixed alkalies, docs not explode when applied to heat; but, on the contrary, if the precipitate be made with volatile al- kali, and afterwards well wathed and dried, on expo- fure to heat it goes off with a very great explofion. This 1s called FuLMINaATING GoLD, and is one of the moft curious phenomena in chemittry. Gold has an affinity to all the metals, particularly quickfilver, by which union artifts gild by amalga- mation, Ts CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF To make the Amalgam. A quantity of quickfilver is put into a crucible or iron ladle, which is lined with clay, and expofed to heat till it begins to fmoke. The gold to be mixed fhould be previoufly granulated and heated red hot; when it fhould be added to the quickfilver, and ftirred about with an iron rod till itis perfectly dif- folved. If there fhould be any fuperfluous mer- cury, it may be feparated by pafling it through clean foft leather; and the remaining amalgam will have the confiftence of butter, and contain about three parts of mercury to one of gold. To gild by Amalgamation. THE metal to be gilt is previoufly well cleaned on its furface by boiling itin a weak pickle, which is a very dilute nitrous acid. A quantity of aqua fortis is poured into an earthen vefiel, and quickfilver put therein; when a fufficient quantity of mercury 1s diffolved, the articles to be gilt are put into the folu- tion and ftirred about with a brufh till they become white. This is called quicking. But, as during quicking by this mode, a noxious vapour continu- ally arifes, which proves very injurious to the health of the workmen; they have adopted another me- thod, by which, they, in a great meafure avoid | that THE METALLIC ARTS. 103 that danger. They now diffolve the quickfilver in a bottle containing aqua fortis, and leave it in the open air during the folution, fo that the noxious vapor efcapes into the air. Then they pour a little of this folutioninto a bafon, and with a brufh dipped therein, ftroke over the furface of the metal to be gilt, which immediately becomes quicked; the amal- gam is now applied by one of the following me- thods, viz. firft, by proportioning it to the quantity of articles to be gilt, and putting them into a hat together, working them about with a foft brufh, till the amalgaman is uniformly fpread; or, fecondly, by applying a portion of the amalgam upon one part, and {preading itin on the furface, if flat, by working itaboutwith a harder bruh. The work thus managed is put into a pan, and expofed to a gentle degree of heat; when it becomes hot, they frequently put it into a hat, and work it about with a painter's large brufh, to prevent an irregular diffipation of the mer- cury; till at laft the quickfilver is intirely diffipated by a repetition of the heat, and the gold is attached to the furface of the metal. This gilt furface is well cleaned by a wire brufh, and then artifts exalt the color of the gold by the application of various com- pofitions; this part of the procefs is called coLor- ING. I have felected the following, which are as good as can be obtained for the purpofe. H 4 A Wax 104 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF A Wax to exalt the color of red Gold. TO four ounces of melted yellow wax, add in fine powder, one ounce and a half of red oker; one ounce and a half of verdigrife, calcined dill it yields no fumes ; and half an ounce of calcined borax, mix them well together. Itis neceflary to calcine the verdigrife, or elfe by the heat applied in burning of the wax, the vinegar becomes {0 concentrated as to corrode the furface, and make it appear fpecked. To exalt the color of yellow Gold. SALTPETRE fix ounces, green copperas two ounces, white vitriol and alum of each one ounce. If it be wanted redder, a {mall portion of blue vitriol muft be added. Thefe are to be well mixed, and difiolved in water as the colorifh is wanted. To exalt the color of green Gold. TAKE faltpetre one ounce ten dwts. fal am- moniac, one ounce four dwts. Roman vitriol one ounce four dwts. and verdigrife eighteen dwts. mix them well together, and diffolve a por- tion of it in water as occafion requires. ‘The work muft be dipped in thefe compofitions ; applied to a proper heat to burn them off; and then they fhould be quenched in water or vinegar. | Gilding A THE METALLIC ARTS. Ios Gilding in Colors. THE principal colors of gold for gilding are red, green, and yellow. Thefe thould be kept in different amalgams. The part which is to remain of the firft colour, 1s to be ftopped off with a Compo- fition of chalk and glue; the variety required is pro- duced, by gilding the unftopped parts with the pro- per amalgam, according to the ufual mode of gild- ng. Sometimes the amalgam is applied to the fur- face to be gilt, without any quicking, by fpreading it with aqua fortis; but this depends on the fame prin- ciple as a previous quicking. Theory of gilding by Amalgamation. WHEN a {olution of quickfilver in the nitrous acid 1s applied to the furface of copper, a decompo- fition takes place; the nitrous acid diffolves the cop- per, and precipitates a coat of quickfilver; fo when the amalgam is applied without a previous quicking, a part of the aqua fortis diffolves a portion of quick- filver in the amalgam, which coming into contract with the copper, precipitates the mercury. The amalgam being now applied, is eafily diffufed over the whole furface, by the mutual attraction fubfifting between the metals; but on the application of heat, the ~ 1c6 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF the quickfilver being fo very volatile, is evaporated away, while it leaves the gold as being a very fixed body, attached to the copper by the attraction of cohefion. Gilding by amalgamation is principally ufed for copper and its various compounds. Iron cannot be gilt by amalgamation, unlefs upon a precipitated coat of copper. There 1s another mode of gilding, particularly ufed for that purpofe, viz. by leaf gold. The iron is to be heated in a clear fire till it becomes blue, a leaf of gold is applied upon it, and rubbed down with a fine burnifher; it is found to adhere clofely. This may be repeated till you have fixed what number of leaves you pleafe, To feparate tie Gold from gilt Copper. APPLY a folution of borax in water to the gilt {furface with a fine brufh; and {prinkle over it fome fine powdered fulphur. Make the piece red hot, and quench it in water. The gold may be eafily wiped off with a {cratch-brufh, and recovered by tefting 1t off with lead. Gold is taken from the furface of filver by {pread- ing over it a pafte made of powdered fal ammoniac with aqua fortis, and heating it till the matter fmokes and is nearly dry. When the gold may be feparated by rubbing it with a {cratch brufh. Leaf THE METALLIC ARTS. 107 Leaf gold may be applied to all vitrified matters, whofe furfaces are very fmooth, confequently capa- ble of a very perfe&t conta¢t with it. This gilding 1s the more perfect, as the gold is more exaltly ap- plied to the furface of the glafs; the pieces are then expofed to a certain degree of heat, and burnifhed flightly to give them adhefion and luftre. Books, Wood, &c. may be gilt with leaf-gold, with the afliftance of adhefive varnifhes, which, when dry, will bear to be burnifhed. Or SILVER. SILVER is a brilliant white metal, indeftru&ible either by fire or water; without tafte or fmell. Ex- cepting gold, it is the moft malleable of all the me- tals; more elaftic and fonorous than gold; becomes rigid by hammering, and is foftened by annealing. Its fpecific gravity 1s 10,552. A wire 1-10 ofan inch will fupport a weight of 270lb. without breaking. By long expofure to air it abforbs phlogifton, and then it is faid to be tarnithed. It has been expofed to a glafs-houfe furnace for a month, without the heat producing any alteration, except a {mall lofs of weight, which probably proceeded from the filver being impure. All the acids diffolve it with more or 108 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF or lefs facility. Vitriolic acid when concentrated and heated diffolves it, and forms viTrIOL OF SILVER; the marine acid when very hot will diffolve it, but in a fmall quantity. The nitrous acid is its beft folvent; it diffolves it perfectly, and without difficulty. The cryftals formed by evaporating a fmall portion of the nitrous acid, are called Lunar CrysTavLs, which will deflagrate by putting them on a burning coal like nitre. Thefe cryftels melted in a crucible, and then poured into afmall cylindrical mould, form a powerful cauftic, called LAPIS INFERNALIS, OF LUNAR CAUS- tic. Silver is precipitated from its folution in nitrous acid by alkalies, copper, iron, &c. as well as by the vitriolic and marine acids. Ifin a folution of filver in the nitrous acid, you drop a few drops of oil of vi- triol, the vitriol feizes the filver, and falls down in a white precipitate, which is the viTr1OL OF SILVER; and, if in the fame folution, you drop a little of the ma- rine acid, the marine acid {eizes the filver, and forms a thick coagulum, which is called Luna cornea. Fixed alkalies precipitate filver from its folution in the acids, but they appear to have no action on the calx; whereas the volatile alkali will precipitate it, and rediffolve the calx, particularly in a cauftic ftate. The moft aftonithing {ubftance in all chemiftry is produced from filver, difcovered by Mr. Berthollet,and called by him FuLMiNaTING SiLvER. Itis prepared as THE METALLIC ARTS. 109 as follows: diffolve cupelled filver in pure or dephlo- gifticated nitrous acid. Precipitate the filver with lime-water; then decant the liquor, and expofe the precipitate for the {pace of three days to the air J 2 at 1 3 1 : os Mr. Berthollet Imagines, that at this period of the e » Ia ofa icy } : Soi the prefence of light may have an in- uence on its fuccefs. To this calx when dry, add A Ya pld 5 I. - . . . 4 A cauftic volatile alkali, it will take the form of a black nowd aoant the Lr i ck powder. Decant the liquor, and let the powder dry in the air. This is fulminating filver, which ‘cannot bear to be touched by any cold body without fulminating ; {o that 1t mult remain in the caplule in which it was dried. The volatile alkali uled in the preparation, being boiled in a thin matrafs, forms 1 i 3 - wl {11 h he siinbis . - cryftals, which being touched under the liquor, fud- denly detonate and break the veflel, Arbor Diane, or Philofophical Tiree. THIS is a matter of curiofity only. Make an amalgam of filver and mercury, and diffulve jt In a fufficient quantity of pure aqua fortis; dilute jt in about four times its weight of diftilled water, and cork it down quite tight. When it is wanted for ufe a little of it 1s poured into a bottle, and a final] piece of an amalgam of gold or filver put in, when it muft remain at reft; {mall filaments foon fhoot from the amalgam, which branch out on all fides, and rake the form of thrubs. oO Silver wer Ce a RR AAG: 0 x es Sed I EL aaa PIETER Len 110 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF Silver is applied to the furfaces of the {i I hougl neral procefles metals by various means, though the ge neral | ' " are denominated, either filvering or plating. To Silver in the cold Vay. TAKF. two drachms of each, tartar and as falt; half a drachm of alum, and 20 di f oo precipitated from the nitrous ocd by Coppsts ot them into a pafte with a httle water. This ; - be rubbed on the furface to be filvered with cork, &c. Another Method. DISSOLVE pure filver in aqua fortis, and pre- ith al rc- cipitate the filver with common {alt, make this p cipitate into a pafte by the addition of a little ‘more common falt, and cream of tartar. It is applied as in the former method. Silvering by beat. DISSOLVE an ounce of pure filver in ps fortis, and precipitate it with common falt, 0 which add half a pound of fal ammonia, {anc iver, an white vitriol, and a quarter of an ounce of {fublimate. Another Preparation for filvering by beat. DISSOLVE an ounce of pure filver in aqua for- ? THE MATALLIC ARTS. 111 after wathing; fix ounces of common falt, three ounces of each fandiver and white vitric] an ounce of {ublimate. Thefe are to be ground into a pafte upon a fine ftone with a mullar, the fubftance to be filvered, muft be rubbed over with a fufficient quantity ofthe pafte, and expofed to a proper degree of heat. When the filver runs it is taken from the fire, anc weak {pirit of {alt to clean it. » and a quarter of I dipped into ray Py cn. Stlvering on gilt Work by Ap algal; SILVER wiil not attach icfelf to any metal by amalgamation, unlefs it be firft gilt. The proces is the fame as gilding in colours, only no be ufed. acid fhould On plating of Copper Ingots. THE principal difficulties in plating copper in- gots, are, to bring the furfaces of the copper and fil ver into fufion at the fame time; and to prevent the copper from {caling; for which purpofes fluxes are ufed. The furface of the copper on which the filver is to be fixed, muft be made flat by filing, and thould be left rough. The filver is firft annealed, and afterwards pickled in weak fpirit of fale; itis pla- nithed, and then fcraped on the furface to be fitted on the copper. Thefe prepared furfaces are anointed with a {olution of borax, or ftrewed with fine pow- dered - 112 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF dered borax itfzif; and then confined in contact with cach other by binding wire. When they are ex- pofed to a fufficient degree of heat, the flux caufes the furfaces to fufe at the fame time, and after they become cold, they are found firmly united. Copper may likewife be plated by heating it, and burnithing leaf-filver upon it, {fo may iron and brafs. This procefs is called French plating. To firip plated Copper. THIS procefs is applied to recover the filver from the plated metal, which has been rolled down for buttons, toys, &c. without deftroying any large portion of the copper. For which purpofe a men- ftruum is compofed of three pounds of oil of vitriol, one ounce and a half of nitre, and one pound of wa- ter. ‘The plated metal is boiled in it, till the filver be diffolved, and then the filver is recovered by throw- ing common falt into the folution. To make an Effay of plated Metal. TAKE a determinate quantity of the plated me- tal; put it into an earthen veflel with a fufficient quantity of the above menftruum; and place it in a gentle heat. When the filver is ftri} ped it muft be collected with common falt ; the calx muft be tefted off with lead; and the eftimate made according to the product of filver. On THE METALLIC ARTS. On parting. By this procefs gold and filver are feparated from each other. Thefe two metals equally refiftine the altion of fire and of lead, muft therefore be fone rated by other means. This is effeted by different menitrua. Nitrous acid, marine acid, and fulphur which cannot attack gold, operate upon filver; ad i are the principal agents employed in this pro- Parting by nitrous acid is moft convenient, con- fcquently moft ufed, indeed it is the only one emi- ployed by goldfmiths. This is called fimply part- ing. That made by the marine acid is by cementation and is called concentrated parting; and parting vy fulphur is made by fufion, and called pry PARTING. Firft, Partin BY Aqua Fortis. This procefs cannot fucceed unlefs we attend to fome eflential circumitances. Firft, The gold and filver mufl be in a proper portion, viz. the [ilver ought to be three parts to one of gold; though a mafs containing two parts of filver to cne of gold may be patel To judge of the quality of the metalto be parted, affayers make a comparifon upon a touchitone, between it and certain needles compofed cf gold and filver, in graduated proportions, and properly marked ; which are 114 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF are called proor NEEDLES. If this trial thews that the filver is not to the gold as three to one; the mafs is improper for the operation, unlefs more filver be added; and fecondly, that the parting may be exact, the aqua fortis muft be very pure, elpecially free from any mixture of the vitriolic or marine acid. For if this were not attended to, a quantity of filver proportionable to thefe two foreign acids would be feparated during the {olution and this quantity of vitriol of filver, or luna cornea would remain mingled with the gold, which confequently would not be en- tirely purified by the operation. The gold and filver to be parted ought previ- oufly to be granulated, by melting it in a crucible; and pouring it into a veficl of water, giving the wa- ter at the fame time a rapid circular motion, by quickly ftirring it round with a fick. The veflels generally ufed in this operation are called parting glaffes, which ought to be very well annealed, and chofen free from flaws; as one of the chief inconve- niencies attending the operation is, that the glaffes are apt to crack by expofure to cold, or even when touched by the hand. Some operators fecure the bottom of the glafles by a coating compofed of a mixture of new flaked lime with beer and whites of eggs fpread on a cloth, and wrapped round the glafies at the bottom; over which they apply a compofition of clay and hair. The parting glafles fhould be placed THE METALLIC ARTS. 11g placed in veffels containing water fupported by tri- vets, with a fire under them ; becaufe if a glafs thould break the contents are caught in the ve(itl of water. It the heat communicated to the water be too great, it may be properly regulated by pouring cold wa- ter gradually and carefully down the fide of the vel- fel. Into a parting glafs fifteen inches high, and ten or twelve inches wide at the bottom; placed in a copper pan, twelve inches wide at bottom; fifteen inches wide at top, and ten inches high; Schlutter ufually put about eighty ounces of metal, with twice as much aqua fortis, "The aqua fortis ought to be fo {trong as to act fen- fibly on filver when cold, but net fo ftrong as to act violently. Little heat fhould be applied at firft, as the liquor 1s apt to {well and rife over the veffel; but when the acid is nearly faturated, the heat may fafely be encreafed. When the folution ceafes, which is known by the effervefcence difcontinuing, the liquor 1s to be poured off; if any grains appear entire, more aqua fortis muft be added, till the filver be all diffolved. If the operation has been performed flowly, the remaining gold will have the form of dif- tinct mafles. The gold appears black after parting, probably from the phlogifton of the nitrous acid ; its parts have no adhelion together; becaufe the filver diffolved from it has left many interftices. To give them more folidity, and improve their color, they are Ia put i i 4 ri fh § 116 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF put into 2 teft under a muflle, and made red hot, after which they contract and become more folid, and the gold refumes its color and luftre. It is then called crain Gorp. Ifthe operation has been performed haftily, the gold will have the appearance of black mud or powder, which after well wathing, muft be melted. The filver is ufually recovered by precipitating it from the aqua fortis by means of pure copper. If the folution be perfectly faturated, no precipitation can take place, till a few drops of aqua fortis be added to the liquor. The precipitate of filver mutt be well wathed with boiling water, and may be fufed with nitre, or tefted off with lead. Secondly, PARTING BY CEMENTATION. A ce- ment is prepared, compofed of four parts of bricks powdered and fifted; of one part of green vitriol cal- cined till it becomes red ; and of one part of common falt; this is to be made into a firm pafte with a lit- tle water or urine. Itis called the ceMENT RovaL. The gold to be cemented is to be reduced into plates as thin as money. At the bottom of the cru- cible or cementing pot, a ftratum of cement, of the thicknefs of a finger is to be put, which is to be co- vered with plates of gold ; and fo the ftrata are placed alternately. The whole is to be covered with a lid, which is tobe luted with a mixture of clay and fand. This pot muft be placed in a furnace, or oven, heated gradually THE METALLIC ARTS. 119 sradually till it becomes red hot, in which it muft be continued during 24 hours. The heat muft not melt the gold. The pot or crucible is then fuffered to cool; and the gold carefully {eparated from the ce- ment, and boiled at different times in a large quan- tity of pure water. It is then aflayed upon a touch- ftone, or otherwife; and if it be not fufficiently pure, it is cemented a fecond time. In this procefs the vi- triolic acid of the bricks, and of the calcined vitriol, decompofes the common falt during the cementa- tion, by uniting to its alkaline bafe, while the ma- rine acid becomes concentrated by the heat, and dif- folves the filver alloyed with the gold. This isa very troublefome procefs, though it fucceeds when the portion of filver is fo {mall that it would be de- fended from the action of aqua fortis by the fuper- abundant gold; but is little ufed, except to extract filver, or bafe metals, from the furface of gold, and thus giving to an alloyed metal, the colour and ap- pearance of pure gold. And, Thirdly, Dry parTinc. This procefs is per- formed by fulphur, which will eafily unite with fil- ver, butdoes not attack gold. As this dry parting is even troublefome, as well as expenfive ; it ought not to be undertaken but on a confiderable quan- tity of filver alloyed with gold. The general pro- cedure 1s as follows, viz. The metal muft be gra- nulated; from 1-8 to 1-5 of it, according as it is I3 richer 118 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF richer or poorer in gold 1s referved, and the reft well mingled with an eighth of powdered {fulphur; and put into a crucible, keeping a gentle fire, that the filver before it melts, may be thoroughly penetrated by the fulphur; if the fire be haftily urged, the ful- phur will be diffiated. If to fulphurated filver in fuficn, pure filver be added, the latter falls to the bottom, and forms there a ditin& fluid, not mifcible with the other. The particles of gold having no affinity with the ful hurated filver, join themfelves to the puie filver wherever they come in contaét, and are thus transferred from the former into the latter, more or lefs perfe@ly, according as the pure filver was more or lefs thoroughly diffufed through the mixed. Itis for this ufe that a ; art of the granulated filver was referved. The fulphurated mafs being brought into fufion, and kept melting for near an hou: in a covered crucible, one third of the referved grains is thrown in, which,” when melted, the whole is well ftirred, that the frefh filver may be diftri- buted through the mixed to colle¢t the gold from it; this is performed with a wooden rod. This is re- peated till the whole referved metal be introduced. The fulphurated filver appears in fufion of a dark brown colour ; after it has been kept in fufion for a certain time, a part of the fulphur having efcaped from the top, the furface becomes white, and fome bright drops of filver about the fize of a pea, are perceived THE METALLIC ARTS. 119 perceived on it, When this happens the fire muft be immediately difcontinued, for otherwife more. and more of the filver thus lofing its fulphur, would fubfide and mingle with the part at the bottom, in which the gold is colleéted. The whole is poured intoan iron mortar greafed and duly heated. The gold diffufed at firft through the whole malfs, 1s now found colieéted into a part cf it at the bottom ; amounting only to about as much as was referved un- fulphurated. It is feparated from the mafs by a chifel or hammer; or more perfectly by placing the whole mafs with its bottom upwards in a crucible; the fulphurated part quickly melts, leaving unmelted that which contains the gold. The fulphurated fil- ver is affayed, by keeping a portion of it in fufion in an open crucible, till the fulphur is diffipated; and then diffolving it in aqua fortis. If it fhould ftill be found to contain gold, it muft be fubjeéted to the fame treatment as before. The gold thus collected may be concentrated into a {maller part by repeat- ing the whole procefs, fo that atlaft it may be parted by aqua fortis without too much expence. To purify Agua Fortis. IF the aqua fortis contain any vitriolic or marine acid, it may be feparated by dropping into it a folu- tion of filver in pure aqua fortis, till there be no 14 more DIE APR ig = A Sl ¥20 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF more precipitation in it. The remainder is very pure, and called precipitated aqua fortis. To Aflay the Value of Silver. THE general method of examining the purity of filver, is by mixing it with a quantity of lead proportionate to the fuppofed portion of alloy; by tefting this mixture, and afterwards weighing the re- maining button of filver. This is the fame procefs as refining filver by cupellation. It is fuppofed that the mafs of filver to be exa- mined, confifts of twelve equal parts, called penny- weights ; fo that if an ingot weigh an ounce, each of the parts willbe 1-12 of anounce. Hence, if the mafs of filver be pure, it is called filver of 12 penny- weights; if it contain 1-12 of its weight of allay, it is called filver of 11 penny weights; if 2-12 of its weight be allay, it is called filver of 10 penny- weights; which parts of pure filver are called fine penny-weights. It muft be obferved here, that affayers give the name penny-weight, to a weight equal to 24 real grains, which muft not be con- founded with their ideal weights; which is likely from their dividing their penny-weight into 24 grains like the real. The affayers grains are called fine grains. An ingot of fine filver, or filver of 12 penny- weights, contains then 288 fine grains; if this ingot contain 1-288 of allay, it is faid to be filver of 11 penny i CG ira staid! on BR Fgh ire a Pais Sp es THE METALLIC ARTS. Yar penny-weights and 23 grains; if it contain 4-238 of allay; it is faid tobe 11 penny-weights 20 grains, &c. Now a certain real weight muft be taken to re- prefent the affay-weights; for inftance, 36 real grains reprefent 12 fine penny-weights; this is fubdivided into a fufficient number of other finaller weights, which alfo reprefent fractions of fine penny-weights and grains. Thus 18 real grains reprefent {ix fine penny-weights; three real grains reprefent one fine penny-weight or 24 grains; a real grain and a half reprefent 12 fine grains; 1-32 ofa real grain repre- fents a quarter of a fine grain, which is only 1-752 part of a mafs of 12 penny-weights. Tt is cufto. mary to make a double affay. The filver for the aflay thould be taken from oppofite fides of the ingot, and tried on a touch-ftone. Aflayers know pretty nearly the value of filver merely by the look of the ingot, and fill better by the teft of the touchftone, The quantity of lead to be added is regulated by the portion of alloy, which being in general copper, it will be nearly as follows, viz. Silver of Dwts. Grs. Dwts. Grs. Requires from 5 II — — — — st 6]3 I0 12 — — — — § 9] From ¢g 18tog o — — 12 — 13] 5 8 6—7 12 — — 13—14]% 6 18—6 O wm == 4134 = 3 O11 I2 == = O— 16 I 12 —0 18 i= w= 0 ~ 2015 The BPR TERE 122 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF The cupel muft be heated red hot for half an hour before any metal is put upon it, by which all moif- ture 1s expelled. When the cupel is almoft white by heat, thelead is put into it, and the fire encreafed till the lead becomes red hot, fmoaking, and is agi- tated by a motion of all its parts, called its circula- Then the filver is to be put on the cupel, and Glver has entered the lead; tion. the fire continued tillthe and when the mafs circulates well, the heat mut be diminifhed by clofing more or lefs the door of the affay furnace. The heat fhould be fo regulated, that the metal on its fuiface dent, while the cupel is lefs red; that the fmoke fhall yife to the roof of the mutile, that undulations fhall be made in all directions ; and that the middle of the metal fhall appear fmooth, with a finall circle of li- tharge, which is continually imbibed by the cupel. By this treatment the lead and alloy will be entirely abforbed by the cupel, and the filver become bright and fhining, when it is faid to lighten; after which, if the operation has been well performed, the filver will be covered with rainbow colours, which quickly undulate and crofs each other, and then the button becomes fixed and folid. The diminution of weight fhews the quantity of allay. As all lead contains a fall portion of filver, an equal weight with that ufed in the -affay, is tefted off, and the produ deduéted from the affay-weight. This portion is called the witnefs. appear convex and ar- On THE METALLIC ARTS. 123 On PLATINA. PLATINA is ranked among the perfe& metals becaufe it is not deftructable by fire. It is found the gold Mines of Spanith America, in fmall angu- far grains; mixed with a fpecies of black fand which 1s attracted by the magnet, but neither foluble In acids, nor fufible. Thefe grains refemble iron filings, but are fomewhat whiter. It approaches near to gold in its fpecific gravity, and refembles that metal in being only foluble in aqua regia; from which like gold i ! e gold it i be {eparated by ther, alkalies, and y moft metals. It may be precipitated from its fo- Jution in aqua regia by falammoniac, a property pe- culiar to this metal. The attrattion of platina to acids is nearly fimilar to that of gold ; except that when precipitated from its folution, it is foluble in the acid of fugar, forrel lemons, ants, and of vinegar. It differs effentially from gold, inbeing neither fu- fible nor malleable, unlefs combined with other me tals by fufion; with fome of which it readily unites . , . . X ; prmiculstly with zinc. It has been fufed by the low-pipe wi iti I pipe with dephlogifticated air, and lately, ina furnace conftruéted on purpofe by Mr. Willis of London, On 124 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES, &e. On COPPER. COPPER is an imperfe& metal of a red fhin. ing color. Its fpecific gravity is 8.876. It is harder, more elaftic, and {onorous, but a little lefs ductile than filver. It may be drawn into wire as fine as hair; one of which 1-10 of an inch in dia- meter, will fupport a weight of 29glb. four ounces without breaking. When rubbed in the hands, it exhales a difagrecable odor peculiar to itfelf; and has a tafte not lefs unpleafant. When expofed to the fire with free accefs of air, it fmokes, lofes part of its weight, and communicates to flame beautiful green and blue colours. It refifts more than any other of the imperfect metals, the action of fire, before it is altered; when a clean polifhed copper plate 1s ex- pofed to heat, its furface is colored with all the co- lors of the rainbow; which proceeds from the deve- lopement, and the different {tates of the phlogifton of the metal. When it is expofed to a red heat, its metallic luftre is changed into a dark earthy appear- ance; fo that when it becomes cold, it feparates in {cales; which are called purnT Copper. The com- bined action of air and water, produces a calcination of copper, which appears in the form of a greenifh ruft. The calx of copper urged with a violent fire is converted into a glafs of a reddifh brown color. This is called Grass or Corrzr, The THE METALLIC ARTS. 125 The calx of copper highly dephlogifticated is re- duced to 2 fine powder, and mixed with opal var- nith; and then applied to the furface of valuable "te dals to preferve them from the ation of the dr this is called Bronzing, All the acids difiblve eo " 1 he folution in aqua regia is of a blue oreen or in the vitriolic acid of a fine blue. Ifthis Ltt Abe be evaporated, cryfals are formed of a onthe) figure, which are called ViTrioL oF Corpse, BLUE Vizio, Roman Virion, or Cyprus VitrioL, Tre nitrous acid diffolves it with great facility, even when cold, and produces confiderable heat and efter- vefcence. This folution is of a fine blue color, not fufceptible of cryftallization, but forms a I which ftrongly attracts the moifture from the a and is refolved into a liquor. The marine acid dots not diflolve copper well, unlefs it be boiling; and then the folution is of a green hue. It yields cryf- tals by evaporation. The acid of vineoar diffolves it, and the cryftals formed by the Plution are called VEerDIGRISE. Fixed and volatile alkalies diffolve cop- per at leaft when it is in a calciform ftate ; when dif> folved by the laft, it is called cupruu AMMONIA - CUM. Ifa mixture of copper filings and nitre be heated in 2 crucible together, the phlogitton of the copper unites with the nitrous acid, and leaves the calx of copper mixed with the alkali. Sulphur has a confiderable action upon it; if copper Stes be {tratified SS mr 5 IS 126 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF ratified with fulphur, and calcined; the ro tacks the copper, and converts it Into an i Sloe L very eager, and brittle matter. It is called Ens vE- NERIS, OF COpper calcined by SULPHUR. " Copper eafily unites with all metals and metals, and with them forms different SO : of which, and its different precipitates, we fhall {peak hereafter. meat am nt LEAD. LEAD isan imperfect metal of a white oe with a bluiin tinge; darker than tin, the fofteft, leat ductile, leaft elaftic, and leaft {fonorous of all the oe tals. It has a fmell and tafte peatiiae to uit Its fpecific gravity is 11.352,2 leaden wire 0 an inch diameter, is capable of fupporting on y2 ob. one quarter without breaking. Its very " e melts before itis red; and as foon as it ing ts, cr with the leaft heat pofiible, it calcines. Pow e- lefs it refifts much longer the combined action of air and water, than co per or iron, before 1t 1s decom- pofed or deftroyed. The nitious acid diffolves it readily, the folution is clear, limpid, and colourlefs ; and being evaporated, yields a cryftaliizable oh T his fale a dead white, called saTurNINE NiTRE. 1 his detonates 4 THE METALLIC ARTS. detonates when expofed to a fufficient degree of heat, The vitriolic acid does not diffvlve it without heat, and then in finall quantities. Ifin a folution of lead in nitrous acid, a little vitriolic acid be dropped, a white precipitate falls down, which is called ViTrioL or Leap. If the marine acid be added to the ni- trous {olution, a white precipitate in form of a coagu- lum is produced. This has the name of Prum- BUM CorNeuMm. The acid of vinegar unites with it, and forms three different compounds, according to the proportion of acid combined. Firft, Czrussk. To make which, leaden plates are rolled fpirally, fo that about the fpace of an inch fhall be left between each circumvolution; and then fufpended inan earthen pot containing good vinegar, but fo as not to touch its furface. Thefe pots are covered and placed in a bed of dung, or in a fand bath; by which a gentle heat is applied, and converts the acid into vapor, which attaches itfelf eafily to thefe plates; penetrates them, and forms a white powder called ceruffe. When a fufficient quantity of the powder is formed, the rolls are taken out of the pots, and unfolded. It 1s taken off, well wathed and dried, and is fold un- der the name of write Leap. The lead is again rolled up, and the operation repeated. Secondly, This compound, which is infoluble in water, may be eafily diffolved in a larger portion of vinegar; when it will fhoot into cryflals, and forms SaccHaRUM SATURNI 129 128 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF SaTurNI, OF SUGAR OFLLEAD; and thirdly, if vine- gar be boiled with litharge (which is a calx of lead in a femi-vitrified ftate) it will become faturated, and forms GouLarp’s Extract; which is decompofed by the addition of water; the white precipitate I con- fider as ceruffe, and what remains diffolved in the vater is a SaccHaruM SaTurnL. All the vege- cable acids diffolve lead ; hence the neceflity of cau- tion in the ufe of leaden veffels for making of cyder wines, &c. and particularly in vefels for baking of fruit pies, which are in general glazed with lead, and moft certainly are acted upon by the acid during the baking. Itis a practice among wine dealers, when- ever they have any wine which is called pricked, that is acid, to recover it by adding calx of lead, the acid is neutralized by its union with the lead; and acquires a fweetifh tafte. As the poifonous quality of this metal is well afcertained ; it certainly is of im- portance to be able to difcover whether wines con- tain itor not. The liver of fulphur is an excellent teft. Add to the fufpected wine, a little of the folu- tion of liver of fulphur, and a precipitate immediately falls to the bottom. If it be of a fine yellow color, the liquor contains no lead; but if the precipitate contain lead, it will be from a dark brown toa black color, in proportion to the quantity holden in folution. The alkali of the hepar unites with the acid, and lets fall the fulphur, while the lead united with the acid precipitates THE METALLIC ARTS. . oi . . - . M9 reciphates with it, if it contain any, and form : “i 3 “i o 1S a dark brown or black powder. bines wil shir. and : nes with fulphur, 20d {forms an artificial lead ore t.unites with ail the metal i ont ail the metals except iron, and f 5) 1 tals except iron, and forms lifierent compounds. F.ead eafily com- I RON. IRON 1s an imperfe& metal, of a white, livid greyith color. It is the hardeft, the moft tilt and moft difficult of fufion of all the metals ihe platna, Its fpecific gravity is 7.80; an iron wire I-10 of an inch diameter, is capable of fuftaining ’ weight of 450lb. without breaking. Iron is ety deftructible. The combined action of air and wa ter converts it into a ruft; indeed, water alone withoutthe help of air, feems to be capable of li ing upon it. Iron is not fufed by the heat of ordi- nary furnaces, but it is eafily burnt and calcined, by which it 1s changed into an earthy matter called Crocus M ARTIS, OF SAFFRON Of Mars. There are many {pecies of iron; the celebrated Rinman divides them as follows: Firft, PERFECTLY MALLEABLE AND coop, or that which may be extended under i hammer; both cold and red hot, without contracting, K flaws, 150 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF flaws, or breaches at the corner; and which, with proper care, may be welded in a welding heat, with- out breaking or becoming brittle. Secondly, HaLr MaLLEABLE, or that which will bear gentle hammer- ing only, but burfts in the corners from a ftronger. The moft remarkable varieties of this, are as fol- lows, viz. Firft, REp-suorT, or that which is tough and may be forged cold, and alfo in a white heat, but in a red heat cracks under the hammer. Secondly, CoLp-suorT, or that which may be forged in a ftrong red heat, but is brittle when cold. Thirdly, UnmarLLeaBLE and CRUDE, or that which cannot bear hammering either hot or cold, and ap- proaches to the nature of crude or caft iron, which however is not meant here ; and fourthly, UNEQuaL, or that which is foft and hard in the {fame bar, or which contains crude iron or grains of fteel inter- mixed with its fubftance; iron of this laft quality is termed pinny, by the workers in iron or fteel. The varieties of MALLEABLE, and HALF-MALLE- ABLE IRON, are almoft innumerable, we fhall men- tion fuch only as are known by certain denomina- tions. Firft, Harp Iron may be perfectly mal- leable. In order to extend it, or beat it out, it re- quires only harder and a greater number of ftrokes with the hammer, and is either fteel or mixed with {teel. Ofthis there are feveral varieties. Firft, Harp and strong, which will bear forging and bend- 5 ing ing ; as, for inftance, the iron of Danemora, Oreg- rund, &c. in Sweden ; fecondly, arp and BRITTLE, or that which will bear hammering, but not bending, and is commonly mixed with fteel; thirdly, Harp and TOUGH; or that which will bear bending both hot and cold; fuch is the beft iron from Norberg; and fourth- ly, Harp and wiLp, or that which may be forged cold, or in a certain degree of heat, but breaks a white and welding heat. Sort Irox, which yields both hot and cold to the gentler force of the hammer and file. ‘This may be firft sort and Tove, which will bear much bending before it breaks. Of this kind is the Osmunps, and other forts of Swedifh iron; fecondly, sort and EriTTLE, or that which is eafily forged while hot, and filed when cold ; but when handled roughly breaks with a thining furface, and confequently is of the cold-thort kind ; and, thirdly, soFT and sPUNGY, may be forged both hot and cold, into thin plates; and likewife drawn out into wire, but eafily breaks when bent with fhort fibres. This iron 1s produced chiefly from fpongy, micaceous, hamatitic ores, of a light grey colour. Toven [roN, or that whichis perfectly malleable, and fe for all kinds of finith’s work; it may likewife be bent without heating, feveral times backward and forward before it breaks, in the form of bars or wire. It is either ToucH and sor, or TovcH and HARD, when it comes under the following head. Stirrand K2 STRONC THE METALLIC ARTS. Phy ni SA a Artery wy a —— RET TE I. tas a . 13% CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF stroNG Iroxn, which bears much bending, and wears well; at the fame fame time that it appears hard to the hainmer and file. The {miths call it tough hard. It is not mixed with fteel, and 1s ufed for making wire. Crost or DENSE Iron, which 1s ‘the oppofite to foftand fpongy. This muft be of an equable texture through its whole mafs; not burft in hammering, nor in polithing exhibit any ftripes or {fpongy places, much lefs muft ic be what 1s called pinny; and at the fame time it thould be tough hard, or {tiff and ftrong; in thort, it muft poffefs the pro- perties of the beft iron. The beft iron is that which firft on being filed and polifhed, exhibits an equable light grey colour; fe- condly, that is the pureft and denfeft, which pofiefies the greateft fpecific gravity. The toughnefs and ftrength of iron, however, cannot be difcovered by this means. ‘Thirdly, when two pieces of iron, {imi- lar in form, and equal in weight, are prefented to a well armed magnet, that is the pureft which holds the fafteft; fourthly, it is longer in rufting in the open air, and when at laft it does, it contracts a thin coat of ruft, which 1s fpread equably over its whole fur- face. Thus, for inftance, a gun barrel which exhi- bits an equable brown rufty color in every part, con- fits of homogeneous iron. Fifthly, fire from the lowelt to the higheft degree of heat, is the moft cer- tain teft of iron. Thus, that iron is efteemed the ftrongeft, THE METALLIC ARTS. 133 ftrongeft, which in the loweft degree of heat, or to {peak more properly, in the cold, can bear to be moft hammered when cold, and be bent the moft with- out breaking. Iron which is the moft expanded, or augmented in bulk, when expofed to heat, and con- fequently contracts the moft in the cold, is the pureft, for this reafon, that the metal which requires the greateft heat for its fufion, is likewife fubject to the greateft expanfion and contration. Now the pureft iron, as experience fhews, requires the greateft de- gree of heat for its fufion. If a bar of {oft iron be welded with a piece of hard iron or fteel, of an equal fize, and cooled haftily while it is red hot; the mafs becomes crooked, and bends towards the {oft fide, becaufe this contralts moft, The iron there- fore which in cooling in water, is the leaft warped, is the moft homogeneous and uniform. The harder the iron, the eafier in general, it exhibits various co- lors on its furface, when expofed to heat, but parti- culariy blue. Therefore, if iron acquires a blue color in different parts and places fooner than the whole does; this indicates a mixture of hard and {oft iron; the foft parts do not turn blue, till this co- lor begins to difappear on the hard parts. In a ftrong red heat the fofteft and tougheft iron con- fumes and burns away moft; it likewife produces the fofteft and leaft fharp {corie. In a ftrong welding or melting heat, the pureft iron throws out white, K 3 bright, >= de = SF gs bn ¥ a. LES AT — ee os mo 2x ST en ms 134 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF bright, crackling fparkles; which an experienced eye eafily, and with certainty, diftinguifhes from the red, coarfe, heavy {parkles of impure; and particu- Jarly red-thort iron, and by this means can diferi- minate the iron itfelf. Pure iron likewife bears a ftronger heat before it throws out fparkles, and in this cafe appears of a milky white colour. It alfo may then beft be forged and united with other kinds of iron, that are fubjected to an equal degree of heat. When prevented from coming into contact with the coals, the pureft and moft malleable iron does not fufe at all, or at leaft with more difficulty than any other fort. In its malleable {tate, therefore, it does not perfectly mix with any other metals; but when the air has accefs to it, together with combuftible matter, the fufion becomes praticable. Pure com- mon [oft iron after being made red hot, becomes lefs hard by being extinguifhed in water, than when it has been left to cool in the air; it then bears ham- mering and bending; and is not found to be harder in one part than in another, by the file or hammer. Sixthly, aqua fortis and other corrofives thew a dif- ference in iron. If it be laid in any of thefe an hour or two, {oft and homogeneous iron appears of a filver white hue over its whole furface ; the hard fort, of a dark grey color, and blackeft; the mixed, variegated, dark, fhadowy fpots, generally indicate crude or cold fhort iron; and feventhly, in the cementation of Adcaddalinrse nna Ss THE METALLIC ARTS. 138 s of fteel, the properties of the iron appear extremely evident, and its defeCts plainer than before. Soft fpongy iron of a foliated fracture, produces in the cementation of fteel, blifters as large as walnuts; while denfe and ftrong iron, of a finely granulated fracture, exhibits few blifters or none on its furface. Red-thort iron produces ftill a more red-fhort fteei; and cold-fhortiron yields a fteel {o brittle, that it can neither be wrought hot nor cold. Flaws, fiflures, and an uneven grain, are much more plain and dif- tinct in cemented fteel than in the iron. Soft iron produces ftill fofter fteel; and the Swedith iron of Oregrund and Dannemora, would hardly have been fo well knownin Fngland, had it not had the trial of being cemented into fteel. For common purpofes, a fteel is prepared from 2 German iron, called Dort-fquare ; the reafon why it is fo called, is, becaufe it comes from a place called Dort, in {quarc bars, of about 3-4 of an inch. The method of converting iron into fteel by cemen- tation, is as follows, viz. the iron is to be formed into bars of a convenient {ize, and then to be placed in a cementing furnace, with a fufficient quantity of cement, which is compofed of coals of animal or ve- getable fubftances, mixed with calcined bones, &ec. The following are very excellent cements: firft, one part of powdered charcoal, and half a part of wood athes well mixed together; or, fecondly, two parts of charcoal, moderately powdered, one partof bones, K 4 horn, sn wr 136 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF horn, hair, or {kins of animals, burnt in clofe vef- fels to blacknefs and powdered ; and half a part of wood athes, mix them well together. The bars of iron to be converted into feel, are placed upon a {ftratum of cement, and covered all over with the fame; and the veffel which contains them clofely luted, muft be expofed to a red heat for eight or ten hours, when the iron will be converted into fteel. Steel is prepared from bar iron by fufion; which confifts of plunging a bar into melted iron, and keep- ing it there for fome time, by which procefs it is con- verted into good fteel. All iron which becomes harder by fuddenly quenching in cold water 1s called fteel; and that fteel which in quenching acquires the greateft degree of hardnefs in the loweft degree of heat ; and retains the greateft ftrength in and after induration, ought to be confidered as the beft. The principal characters by which fteel may be diftinguithed from iron, are as follows: Firft, After being furbifhed, fteel appears of a whiter, light grey hue, without the blue caft exhibited by iron. It alfo takes a higher polith. Secondly, The hardeft {tcel when not annealed, appears granulated, but dull, and without thining fibres. Thirdly, When fteeped in acids the harder the fteel is, of a darker grey hue is its furface. Fourthly, Steel is not fo much inclined to ruft as iron. Fifthly, In general, fteel has a greater fpecific gravity. Sixthly, By being har- dened THE METALLIC ARTS. 137 dened and wrought, it may be rendered much more elaftic than iron. Seventhly, When indurated, iit becomes more fonorous than iron. Eightly, When furbithed, it appears more clofe and denfe than iron. Ninthly, It is not attracted fo ftrongly by the mag. net as foft iron is. It likewife acquires magnetic properties more flowly, but retains them longer ; for which reafon, fteel is ufed in making needles for compafles, and for artificial magnets. Tenthly, By hammering and friction, it acquires a greater mag- netic power than iron does. Eleventhly, In heat, fteel expands more than iron. Twelfthly, By indu- ration or quenching in water, it retains nearly the fame bulk as it had acquired in hear, or at bei cone tracts very little ; while, on the other hand, iren con- racts to the fame fpace as it took up before ignition, Thirteenth, Steel is ignited fooner, and fufes with a lefs degree of heat, than malleable iron, which can fcarcely be made to fufe without the addition of pow- dered charcoal; by which it is converted into fteel, and afterwards into crude iron. Fourteenth, By a particular management, it may be fufed and caft, and yet continue to be malleable; which is fcarcely the cafe with {oft iron. Fifteenth, Polithed feel is fooner; tinged by heat, and that with higher colors than iron. Sixteenth, In a calcining heat, it fuffers iefs lofs by burning, than foft iron does in the fame heat, and the fame time. In calcination a light blue flame 38 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF wv) flame hovers over the fteel, either with or without IX Za THE METALLIC ARTS. 139 a fulphureous odor. Seventeenth, The {cales of fteel are harder and {harper than thofe of iron; and confequently more fit for polithing with. Eigh- teenth, Tn a white heat, when expofed to the blaft of the bellows among the coals, it begins to fweat, wet, or melt, partly with light colored and bright, and partly with red fparkles, but lefs crackling than thofe of iron. Inamelting heat too, it confumes fafter. fifth, It requires more nitrous acid for its compleat folution. Twenty-fixth, In the cold, it is propor- tionably harder and more brittle ; or lefs malleable than pure iron. Twenty-feventh, In detonating with nitre, it yields more fixed air, than malleable iron does. Steel differs from crude iron chiefly in malleabi- lity, a quality which is entirely wanting in the latter, both cold and hot; fill, however, they both agree In many particulars, as for inftance: Firft, Crude iron after being melted over again and polifhed, ac- quires as light and white a hue as fteel. Secondly, They both acquire a variegated vitreous coat in the Nineteenth, By much welding, annealing, and hammering, in a flow, but ftrong heat ; {teel 1s con- verted into iron; cement fteel {ooner, and caft fteel later. Twentieth, Covered with powdered char- coal, preffed down clofe upon 1t, and expofed to a i - Toa a BER F. A Gs eo fl A in arin rE > Sr oH ta su i sg S—— * ftrong heat, it acquires a flight coat, wafting black lead. By being frequently burned, it becomes as brittle as crude iron. Twenty-firft, Digefted with water in clofe veflels, itappears to yield a fmaller quantity of inflammable air than ron. Twenty- fecond, Diffolved in vitriolic acid, it yields lefs in- flammable air than foft iron does. Twenty-third, In the vitriolic, nitrous, and other acids, fteel it 1s true is violently attacked, but 1s longer in diffolving than iron. After maceration, accordingly as it 1s fofter or harder, it appears of a lighter, or darker grey coicr; while iron on the other hand 1S white. Twenty-fourth, In the {olution of fteel in acids, a fmaller degree of heat 1s produced, than with tough, and {till weaker, than with cold-fhort iron. "I'wenty- fifth, fire. Thirdly, Crude iron alfo becomes magnetic, though more {lowly than fteel. Fourthly, After being fubjected toa red heat, it becomes harder by being extinguithed in water, and particularly when melted, and immediately thrown into water. Fifthly, It melts eafier than fteel, and much eafier than forged iron. Sixthly, When indurated, it ftrikes fire with flint, though the {parks produced by it are fomewhat weaker than thofe generated by fteel, Seventhly, Crude iron appears to yield as much in- flammable air as fteel by digeftion in water. Eighthly, It likewife depofits a white fediment when macerated in acids. Ninthly, It rufts in the air as flowly as ftecl. Tenthly, When caft it rings like ftecl, All TE aa CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF 140 All the acids diffolve iron; the vitriolic requires to be diluted with water ; when it acts with heat and effervefcence. This liquor evaporated and left to cryftallize, forms rhomboidal cryftals, called mar- riar VITRIOL, GREEN VITRIOL, OR GREEN Cor- per as. The nitrous acid diffolves it more actively and violently; the vapors during the folution, are red, very naufeous, and more volatile than thofe of the uncombined acid. Marine acid diffolves iron, but it dees not fo effectually deprive it of the inflam- mable plazh as the nitrous. Thefe two acids form with iron, neutral falts, very deliquefcent. Aqua regia diffolves iron rapidly. When there 1s a fuper abundant quantity of acid, the folutions of iron appear more or lefs green, and remain tranfpa- rent ; but when the acid is faturated with metal, the colot is more or lefs yellow or reddith. Vegetable acids diffolve iron; the acid of tartar forms with this metal a very deliquefcent falt, called TarTA- riseD Mars. Alkalies and calcareous earth precipitate iron from its folution in acids; and when a fiaiion of iron in nitrous acid, be dropped into good liquid alkali, a precipitate takes place, which on a the bottle is rediffolved. This 1s called the MARTIAL ALKA- vine Tincture oF Starr. When this liquor 1s fully faturated with iron, and left to frand, a fine yel- low brick colored powder is depofited, called SaF- FRON THE METALLIC ARTS. 141 *RON OF STAHL. Sulphur has a particular affinit y to iron. Iron unites with re gulus of : antimony, fil- ver, copper, lead, &c. On common hardening. IRON by being heated red hot, and plunged mto cold water, acquires a great degree of hardnefs. This proceeds from the coldnefs of the water, which contracts the particles of the iron into lefs fpace “A. On Cafe-bardening. CASE-HARDENING is a fuperficial conver- fion of iron into fteel by cementation. It is per- formed on fmall pieces of iron, by inclofing them in an iron box, containing burnt leather, bone-duft t, or any other phlogiftic fubftance; and expofing them for fome hours to a red heat. The furfuce of the tron attracts phlogifton, and becomes perfe Ry me tallized. Iron thus treated is fufceptible of the fneft polifh, Of colour ing Stecl b.; THE fteel muft be finely poli] ed on its {furface, and then expofed to an unifsrin degree of heat. Accordingly there are three ways of color- Oo / ing ; firft, by a flame producing no foot, as ipirits of wine; fecondly, by a hot plate of iron; and 1 thirdly, by wood-afhes. Asa very regular degree of heat is 1 neceflary, Y42 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF neceffary, wood-afhes for fine work bear the prefer- ence. The work muft be covered over with them, and carefully watched; when the color is fuffici- ently exalted, the work is perfect. This color is oc- cafionally taken off with a very dilute marine acid. - On plating of iron. IRON may be plated by three different modes, viz. Firft, by polithing the furface very clear and level with a burnifher; and afterwards by expofing it to a bluing heat, a leaf of filver is properly placed and carefully burnifhed down. This is repeated till a fufficient number of leaves is applied, to give the filver a proper body. Secondly, By the ufe of a folder. Slips of thin folder are placed between the iron and filver with a little lux, and fecured toge- ther by binding wire. It is then placed in a clear fire, and continued in it till the folder melts; when it is taken out, and on cooling is found to adhere firmly; and thirdly, by tinning the iron firft, and uniting the filver by the intermedia of thin flips of rolled tin, brought into fufion in a gentle heat. On TIN. TIN 1s an imperfect metal, the color of which approaches to that of filver, but is fomewhat darker, and and THE METALLIC ARTS. 143 and lefs white. It 1s very foft, malleable, and readily extenfible under the hammer; and with little or no elafticity. Its fpecific gravity is 7.264. A wire 1-10 of an inch diameter, fupports a weight of 49:1b, without breaking. When pure, it is fcarcely fono- rous; rubbed between the hands, it exhales a difagree- able odor peculiar to itfelf; and has a tafte no lefs difagreeable. “When bending it makes a crackling noife, as if it were breaking. It is very fufible, and requires a heat lefs than fufficient to make it red hot, to melt it; and when melted, its furface is covered with a whitith grey powder, which is called the caLx oF Tin: the calcination being continued, the calx acquires a white colour, and a good deal of hard- nefs, and is then called Putty, which is ufed for polithing glafs, fteel, &c. If very pure tin be ex- poled to a ftrong heat, a part fublimes, in form of very white and brilliant needles, called FLowERS oF Tin. The calx of tin urged with a very firong fire, enters into perfect fufion, and forms Grass or Tin, which is clear and tranfparent, and of a fine ruby or garnet color. Leaves of Tin, or Tin-foil. TIN is beaten into very fine thin {quares, when itis called leaf-tin, Thefe are ufed for tinning of looking-glaffes, ~~ y doe we RES i ie CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF The Metiod of tinning Locking Glaffes. THE fuccefs of this operation depends much on the cleannefs of the glafs; for the leaft dirt on its furface, will prevent the adhefion of conta between the tin and glafs. The glafs muft be put on a ta- ble, in a perfect horizontal fituation. The furface previoufly cleaned is to be covered with tin leaves, which alfo muft be quite pure. Upon which is poured a fufficient quantity of quickfilver to cover the whole furface, where it remains, tll a perfect amalgamation takes place; then a {imall degree of in- clination is given it, that the fuperfluous quickfilver may run off. The vitriolic acid diffolves tin with fcarcely any effervefcence, but requires the aid of heat. A ftrong fmell of fulphureous acid exhales during the folution, and from the union of the acid with a por- tion cf the phlogiften of the metal, a portion of ful- phur is frequently formed. The niTrROUS AciD does not {fo much d:flolve as calcine tin. It attacks the metal with great violence, excites a very confi- derable degree of heat, and converts the metal into a very white calx infoluble in any acid. The ma- RINE AcID is the true folvent of tin, but it muft be in a concentrated ftate, and aided by heat. This {olution exhales a very trong odor of garlic and ar- {enic, THE METALLIC ARTS. 45 5 fenic, and evaporated, yields cryftals; which do nct attract moifture from the air. They are called Sar Jovis, or Sart or Tin. Aquaregia diffolves tin perfectly. This folution affords a great number of phenomena, fometimes ic is colorlefs ; in other circumftances of an amber co- lor ; fometites of a dingy crimfon, and fometimes it is converted into a fine white tranfparent oelly. Tin caufes nitre to deflagrate, and a bri: fame arifes during the operation. The calx of tin re. mains with the alkali. Sulphur combines with it by fufion. The mixture is eager and brittle, and difpofed in facets, like the broken furface of ZINC. If the cryftals produced by the union of coprer with nitrous acid, be triturated while they are in a moiit ftate, and ftrewed upon tin foil to the thicknefs of the back part of the blade of a knife, then rolled up clofe, the extremities of the foil pinched toge- ther, and the whole mafs prefled down clofe; great heat is produced, and at length follows a detonation, accompanied with flame. On tinning Metals. IRON which is to be tinned, muft be previoufly fteeped in acid materials, fuch as four whey, diftil- ler’s wath, &c. then fcowered, and dipped in melted tin, having been firft rubbed over with a folution of fal ammoniac. The furface of the tin is prevented from L calcining re HRY vette 146 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF calcining, by covering it witha coat of fat. Copper vefiels mult be well cleanfed; and then a fufficient quantity of tin with fal ammoniac 1s put therein, and brought into fufion, and the copper veflel mov- ed about. A little refin is fometimes added. The fal ammoniac prevents the copper from fcaling, and caufes the tin to be fixed wherever it touches. J ately, zinc has been propofed for lining veflels In- ftead of tin, to avoid the ill confequences which have been unjuftly apprehended. The moft curious procefs in all the metallic arts, is, the tinning of copper and brafs, by the following; boil, viz. fix pounds of cream of tartar, four gallons of water, and eight pounds of grain tin, or tin fhav- ings. After the materials have boiled a fufficient time, the fubflance to be tinned is put therein, and the boiling continued, when the tin is precipitated in its metallic form. Profeffor Gadolin made a number of experiments to explain this phenomenon, from which the two principal conclufions, were, firft, that copper can- not feparate metalline tin from a {olution in the tar- tarcous acid, unlefs there be prefent a portion of tin ‘nits metallic form; and fecondly, that fuch a pre- cipitate does not fucceed, if the acid of tartar predo- minate to a certain degree. The profeffor explains by obferving, that the tin ‘nthe moment of folution, is in contact with another metal, THE METALLIC ARTS. 147 metal, viz. the copper, which has a ftrong attraction for the metallic tin; the attraction of the copper operates on one fide, upon the metallic part of the diffolved tin, which is neareft the copper ; and on the other hand, the other particles of diffolved tin, combine with that portion of the calcining matter (oxigene) which is neareft the copper; and by means of this feparation of the calcining matter, the tin is depofited in" its metallic form upon the copper; while the reft, the greateft part, undergoes a greater degree of calcination. This explanation appears to me very imperfect: Firft, Becaufe the a&ion of the menftruum on the copper is not noticed; and it feems as if the copper remained in a liquor capable of diffolving it, untouched ; exerting only a fimple attraction for the diffolved tin. Secondly, Bodies of equal affinity to the fame menftruum, cannot de- compofe each other; confequently, the particles of tin cannot deprive each other of the oxigéne, fo as to precipitate metallic particles on the copper; and, thirdly, a fuperabundance of acid, ought not to pre- vent the Oxidation, but, on the contrary, as the acid muft furnith the Oxigene, it ought rather to pro- mote the procefs. From fome experiments which I have purpofely made, I deduce the following rationale; viz. the acid of tartar, acts both on the furface of copper and tin; the phlogifton of the copper immediately on its extrication, is {cized upon by thofe particles of tin, 1.2 yal ed Loo wWillCil 148 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF which are precipitated by the attraction of the me- tallic copper, and hence affume their metallic fplen- dor. Thofe particles of tin which come not within the fphere of fuch attraction, are diffufed through the whole menftruum, which holding likewife a por- tion of copper in folution, forms a tartarized folution of tin and copper; in which ftate the metals have ne action on each other. Tin eafily unites with all the metals. BISMUTH. BISMUTH is alfo called Tin-crass. It is compofed of cubes, formed by the application of plates upon each other. Its color is whitith, with a reddith tinge, after it has been expofed to the air. Its fpecific gravity is 9.670; it is very fufible, and melts along time before it is red hot. When ex- pofed to the fire it 1s calcined, and the flowers are fublimed; or it may be converted into a yellow glafs, by urging the fire. This metal is not equally folu- ble in all the acids. The vitriolic affifted by heat corrodes it; the nitrous diffolves it perfectly, and the liquor evaporated and fet by, cryftallizes, and is called CrystaLs oF Bismuru. But if water be added to this folution, the bifmuth will be precipi- tated THE METALLIC ARTS. 149 tated in a white powder, called MacisTERY OF Brs- MUTH, OR SpaNisH wHITE. The maine acid dif- folves bifmuth flowly, and with diff cultly. All the alkalies precipitate it from its {lution in the acids, It unites eafily with fulph: in fufion; and with the different metals forming various compounds. This metal may be ufed for refining of filver by cupella- tion inftead of lead. If acid of tartar be added to the nitrous {olution of this femi-metal, in the fpace of 15 minutes, peliucid cryftailine grains are produced, which exhibit a Tar- TARIZED Bismuth, On. NICKEL. THE difcovery of this metallic fubftance, was publithed by Mr. Cronftedt, a celebrated Swedifh mineralogift, in the accounts of the academy of Stockholm, for the years 1751, and 1- 754. This mineral is found in {everal German mines, and pro- bably in other countries, but very rarely. It is of a grey, and fometimes a fhining yellowifh color. It is to Arvidfon, of Upfl, that we are indebted for a full analyfis of this fubftance. He found that nicke] 1Sto water, as gooO to 1000 ; that the more it was purified, the more it approached to the tenacity, mal- L 3 leability, SE Sr, FRC Et i Fi For ar tT EEE 3 Lm NR Ra eT eS a S——— . Ww a A NE EA Gl 0 on le ro - ted ap oi ain SA. “ Srv a AE EE * ee 150 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF leability, infufibility, and magnetifm of iron; at the fame time it becomes more fixed; more difficult to be calcined ; and its calxis of a green color. It 1s foluble in acids. The vitriolic attacks its calx with which it forms a green falt, containing ten fides, called VitrioL oF NickeL. The acid of nitre diffolves it with difficulty. ‘The marine, and molt of the vegetable, diffolve it with more or lefs eafe; and the folutions are more or lefs inclined to a green color. Alkalies combine with it. The folution made with fixed alkalies is yellowith; while that of the volatile alkali is always blue. Although it is as difficult of fufion as forged iron when purified; it eafily fufes, when combined with other metals. Impure nickel will not contract any union with fil- ver; and copper unites with difficulty; ic will not amalgamate with quickfilver; but when pure it melts with zinc, and forms a brittle allay. Nickel is not at prefent ufed in the Arts. It tinges glafs of a green color. ARSENIC. ARSENIC is the calx of a femi-metal; of a white, cryftalline, brilliant mafs; but foon becom- ing opake, without lofing its whitenefs. Weighed In THE METALLIC ARTS. 151 J in waterit lofes 1-5 of its weight. It has fome pro- perties in common with falts. It diffolves in oily, {pirituous, and watery liquors. It unites with phlo- gifton, and 1s changed into a true femi-metal, which is called RecurLus or Arsenic. This is heavier than arfenic; its {pecific gravity is 8.308. Arfenic differs effentially from all metallic calces and earths ; firft, in being conftantly volatile; fecondly, metallic calces when perfectly calcined, are entirely free from tafte, fmell, &ec. thirdly, no kind of earths, nor metallic calces, can contrat an union with metallic fubftances; arfenic will unite with all the metals and femi-metals ;and fourthly, earths and me- tallic calces have not anyaction on nitre; whereas ar- fenic decompoles it, not by deftroying its acid, as phlogifton does, but by dilengaging it, and uniting with its alkaline bafe, forming NeuTrRAL ARsENI- caL Sart. The mineral acids attack arfenic, but make a bad folution. Sulphur unites with it, and forms a {imi-tranfparent, very heavy mafs of a yel- low color, called OrrivenT; 1f the portion of ful- phur be augmented, there refults a red, fhining, brit- tle fubftance, called Rep OrpPiMENT, OR REALGAR, It has been amalgamated with quickflver, but this union is attended with great difficulty. a CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF ANTIMONY. THIS is a mineral, of a metallic thining leaden color; compofed of long, brittle, parallel needles, It is compofed of a femi-metallic fubftance, called The fpecific gravity of The regulus is obtained, by RecurLus anD SULPHUR. the regulus is 6.860. putting the ciude ore in a crucible with charcoal duft, and a quantity of iron nails, and when it is in fufion, proje&ting now and then a little nicre. It is then poured into a cone, and the regulus will be found at the bottom. This is moderately hard, but pofleffes no ductility; the action of air and water de- ftroys its luftre. It is fufible in a moderate heat, which being encreafed, it is diffipated in vapors, which are called the ARGENTINE FLOWERS Of the Recurus of Antimony. The regulus, by a cal- cination in a moderate fire, 1s changed into a grey calx, which being urged with a greater heat, is con- verted into a tranfparent glafs, called GLass of AN- TIMONY, of a brown color, more or lefs deep. The mineral acids diffolve regulus of antimony with great difficulty; to diffolve it in the vitriolic, the acid muft be applied ina very concentrated ftate, and expofed to a confiderable degree of heat. A very volatile fulphureous acid arifes, of a very penetrating {mell, and at the bottom of the veffel, remains a white fa- ling THE METALLIC ARTS. 153 line mafs. The nitrous acid only corrodes the re- gulus, and converts it into a white calx, The ma- rine acid aéts upon regulus, by particular treat- ment, and forms a compound, called Byrtir of ANTIMONY, To make Butter of Antimony. TO fix ounces of well pulverifed regulus of anti- mony, add 16 ounces of co:rofive fublimate. Dif- til witha gentle heat, in a fand bath; after having luted a receiver to the retort, The fire is to be gra- dually encreafed, and a heavy liquor arifes, which congeals in the receiver as it cools, This is the butter. In this procefs, the acid of the corro- five fublimate becomes very concentrated, and by the heat attacks the antimony, and is converted into a liquor which condenfes in cold; the mercury of the corrofive fublimate is left behind ina fAuid fate. If any running mercury fhould be forced over by the heat being too great during the diftillation, itis pu- rified therefrom by a fecond diftillation, which is called RecTiFicaTion. If water be added to but ter of antimony, a white powder precipitates, which 1s called Powper of Arcarora. This powder diffolved in acid of tartar, forms the emetic tartar, which, when properly prepared, {o that equal quan- tities thall always contain equal portions of anti- mony, is valtly fuperior to Dr. James's powder, or all i — commas RS RS RTT Te age AN i eB Ee a AEN 154 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF all the other antimonial preparations. Bergman from an analyfis of an ounce of different emetic tar- tars, found one to contain go grains, another 108 grains, and a third 154 grains of antimony; and this variation will generally be found in this article, pro- cured for common fale. The following is a pro- cefs, by which emetic tartar is obtained, that inva- riably contains a precife quantity of antimony, viz. boil five ounces of cream of tartar, with two and a half drachms of powder of algaroth, in a fufficient quantity of diftilled water in a glafs veffel. The powder of algaroth muft be previoufly well wafhed. This {olution being gently evaporated yields cryftals, which muft be put on paper unalumed, to abforb the fuper-abundant moifture. Thefe cryftals contain 1-3 of their weight of antimony; and three grains may be diffolved in half an ounce of pure water. Liver of Antimony. AFTER the detonation of equal parts of nitre and crude antimony, the matter enters into fufion, and on breaking the crucible, there is found at the bottom, a brown, opake, very brilliant mafs, which eafily breaks, and is called Liver of ANTIMONY. Rotrow’s Solvent. CRUDE antimony, with three parts nitre, be- comes dephlogifticated by the aétion of the fire and nitre. THE METALLIC ARTS. 155 nitre. The refiduum enters into a pafte like fufion; it is poured on a marble, pulverifed and kept in a bottle. The mafs remaining above is white and opake. It attralts moifture from the air. ‘The {alts which it contains diffolve in water, and a white powder falls down, which bears the name of praprnoreTIC ANTIMONY ; which 1s the fame as the MATERIA PerLAaTA, or CErUss of ANTIMONY. Aqua regia diffolves the regulus of antimony, with the affiftance of heat ; if crude antimony be ufed the fulphur is feparated of its ufual color. Butter of animony is diffolved both in the ma- rine and nitrous acids ; if the laft {olution be eva- porated to drynefs, a white powder remains, called Bezoar MINERAL. Alkalies act on crude antimony, either in the dry or moift way. If alkaline falt and crude antimony be fufed together, the alkali unites with the fulphur, and forms a hepar, which diffolves a portion of the regulus. It formsa mafs of a deep red color, folu- ble in boiling water; which when cold depofits a red powder, called KerMEs’s MinEraL. The beft method of preparing Kermes, is, by reducing crude antimony to a fine powder, and throwing it in {mall quantities into a boiling alkaline liquor. The Kermes forms in a minute, the liquor muft be fil- tered; ora ug i —— A ERE SE A Bs, mR 1356 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF tered; and the procefs repeated till no more is formed. The regulus of antimony unites with moft of the metals, and forms different compounds, COBALT. COBALT is a very heavy metal, of no determi- nate figure; of a grey color, more or lefs brilliant ; of a fine compact clofe grain; the furface of which, when it has been expofed to the air, is covered with an efflorefcence of the color of a peach bloffom. Its fpecific gravity is 7.700. This regulus 1s extracted from an ore, which likewife affords arfenic; and fometimes filver and bifmuth. The torrefied ore reduced to powder, and mixed with twice its weight of flints forms Zarrre. Zaffre mixed with fixed alkali, and brought intoa glaffy fufion, forms AzuRE Brue. The regulus becomes red in the fire before it melts. The vitriolic acid diffolves it with difficulty, and then muft be affifted by heat. The folution is of a deep reddith color. The nitrous acid diffolves it with impetuofity ; the {olution is of a dingy crim- fon color; and if evaporated yields cryftals, called CoBaLTIC THE METALLIC ARTS, 27 Cosartic Nrrre. The marine acid will diffolve it, but it muft be cohobated feveral times, The beft folvent is aqua regia; its {olution is clear, and of a peach bloflom color. It is precipitated from its folutions by the alka- lies. On MANGANESE. THIS femi-metal was firft accurately defcribed; and its properties admirably explained by the cele- brated Scheele, about the year 1774. It was after- wards exhibited in its metallic form by Mr. Gahn, of : 1 : : Upfal, and defcribed by Bergman, in the 2nd vol. of his works ; fince which it has been produced by feveral chemifls in every part of Europe. The regulus is of a dutky white color, an irregu- lar and uneven furface, arifing from its imperfect fufion; in its fracture, itis bright and fhining, but foon tarnifhes on expofure to the air. It is harder than iron, lefs fufible, and very brittle. Its fpecific gravity is 6.850. magnetic, though larger pieces be not fo. When pulverifed it is always If it be expofed to the air, particularly in moift weather, it foon crumbles into a blackith brown powder, which is fometimes heavier than the regulus. It is foluble 1n Sr YR ES a MTA Go Se 2 ei Sv lve i a a i aso Sa a 4 158 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF in acids, but moft readily in the nitrous, and its folu- tions are moftly of a reddith color, but that in the nitrous is generally brownifh from a flight taint of iron; but there is always a {pongy refiduum of the nature of plumbago left undiffolved. Thefe folu- tions give a white precipitate, which on expofure to heat grows black. Manganefe fufed with fixed al- kali, yields a dark green mafs, which diffolves alfo with the fame color in water; but from this changes to red. It is ufed in glafs-houfes to render green glafs white. It is probable that glafs i. colored by the phlogifton, contained in the impure flints, or alkali ufed in forming the glafs. The calx of manganefe has a very ftrong attraction for phlogifton; confe- quently, by adding it, it deprives the glafs of its fuper-abundant quantity, and by communicating a darkith tinge, deftroys the remaining bluifh caft, and produces an apparent whitenefs. The MINERAL CAMELEON. IF one part of manganefe, be mixed with three paits of nitre, and kept in a crucible in the fire, till the nitre be deftroyed, the mixture becomes a grum- ous mafs, and is called the Mineral CAMELEON, becaule THE METALLIC ARTS. 159 becaufe if a little of it be poured into a glafs of Ipring water, the fineft change of colors is feen in the quickeft fucceflion; a oll beautiful green color ap- pearing firft, which is inftantly changed to a violet, and laftly to a red. ZINC, or SPELTER. ZINC is a femi-metal of a whitifh color, rather of a bluifh caft; very malleable, and capable of be- ing beaten into very thin plates. Its fpecific gra- vity is 6.862. Itis not eafily calcined by the action of airand water. It enters into fufion at the fame time that it becomes red. Continued in this heat, its furface is calcined and reduced to a grey calx; but when it is expofed to a white heat, it flames, and dur- ing the inflammation, it exhibits a very beautiful and ftriking appearance. The flame of zinc is infinitely more lively, more luminous and brilliant than the flame of any other inflammable body. During this combuttion, the calx is raifed in vapor, which being condenfed forms light flocks; thefe are called F LOW- ERs of Zinc, or PHILosopuicaL WooL. The acids diffolve zinc; the vitriolic with confiderabje effervefcence; the folution evaporated yields cryi- tals, called VitrioL of Zinc, or whiTE COPPER 4S, The 160 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF The nitrous and marine difiélve it, the former fol. tion cryftallizes into a foliated faline lump, which attralts moifture frorn the air; the latter does not cryftallize, it yields inflammable air during its folu- tion; and depofits black flakes, which appear to be plumbago. Sulphur has notany action upon it, hence ati r metal a complete method of feparating any othe from it. It unites with moft of the metals, and forms different alloys. | o As much of the MeTaLLi¢ Nature of Mo- vyspina and ToncsTen @ is known, has been mentioned before. QUICKSILVER. QUICKSILVER isa fhining metallic fubftance, tefembling flver externally. Its fpecific gravity : 14.1102 cubic foot weighs 9471b- pike’ air no water, has any ation upon it, but by particular Its fuiface tarnifhes neverthelefs to a treatment. certain degree, and more quickly than gold or ol ver, when it is expofed to the aw, but this proceeds ; Ser +3 ir fixing on its fur- from the duft floating in the air fixing an face; watery vapors alfo appear to be attractec y 2 ! mercury. It is cafily purified fiom any adhering ino it through leather. Its inte- fubitance, by prefling it through leather I 5 grant THE METALLIC ARTS. 161 grant parts like fluids mutually attract each other, and always acquire a convex or {pherical form, when they touch bodies with which they have no tendency to unite. Mercury expofed to the fire fuf- fers no change from a heat which is not {fuperior to boiling water. In a great heat it is entirely evapo- rated away; and it undergoes no change from this evaporation; for if the vapors be condenfed, they will form running mercury again. Boerhaave dif tilled 18 ounces of quickfilver soo times, without perceiving any other change, than that its fluidity and fpecific gravity were a little encreafed, probably from a purification of the mercury, rather than from any change in its parts. By digefting mercury in a {trong heat, it is calcined on its furface; forming a red powder called PrECIPITATE PER SE. The ftrongeft heat which mercury can fuftain is neceflary for this preparation. Till lately, it was thought, that the fluidity of mercury, was as effential to it in its natu- ral ftate as its volatility; fo that thofe, who had la- bored to render it fixed, expected to attain their pur- pofe only, by producing a great change on its nature. In 1759, quickfilverwas confolidated by fome of the Members of the Acadeiry of Peterfburgh. On the 25th of December, in that year the cold was intenfe; which affilted by artificial methods, perfectly con- gealed the Quickfilver. This has been effected frequently fince by artificial means only, by Mr. M Walker, 16% CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF Walker, of Oxford. In this ftate of congelation it bore to be extended under the hammer, but did not remain folid longer than a few minutes. Vitriolic acid does not diffolve mercury, or but a {mall portionof it; the faline cryftalline mafs left after the action of the vitriol, is called ViTrior of MER- cury, which being diffufed in a large quantity of wa- ter, gives a fine bright yellow precipitate, called vEL- Low PrrcipiTaTry, or TuRBITH MINERAL. During the wathing of the vitriol of mercury, the water dif- folves a portion of it; and if an alkali be added, a yellow precipitate falls down, of the fame nature, but fomething paler than the above. The nitrous acid diffolves mercury with heat and effervefcence. The folution isalmoft colorlefs; evaporated it yields cryif- tals, called MercuriarL NitrEe; which, by being expofed to heat, lofes almoft all its acid, and becomes of a red color, and is called RED PRECIPITATE. The marine acid diffolves quickfilver in fmall quan- tity when concentrated and affifted by heat. If to a folution of quickfilver in nitrous acid a little ma- rine acid be added, a white precipitate of little folu- bility falls down, called waiTE PrECIPITATE; Which being diffolved in dilute marine acid, and evaporated, yields cryftals of CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE. This method is more convenient, and more fimple than the common method of making corrofive fubli- mate, which is as follows, viz. take quickfilver four 4 ounces, i ae Simin Bei THE METALLIC ARTS. 163 ounces, and diffolve it in four ounces of weak ni- trous acid, evaporate the folution to drynefs; then add fea fale, and martial vitriol, of each five ounces, grind them well together and fublime. This falt contains a fuper-abundant quantity of acid, which being neutralized by triturating it with quickfilver and fublimed, is called CaroMzL. Vinegar dif- folves the calx of mercury, and forms flaky cryftals. Mott of the vegetable acids act upon its calx. Sulphur unites with quickfilver; if they be fub- limed together, a reddith mafs is produced, called Cinnaspar, which being finely ground, acquires a fine {carlet color, and is called VERMILLION. By be- ing triturated together, they form a black powder, called EtHrors MINERAL. The alkalies precipitate it from its folution in the acids, and if they be in a cauftic ftate, rediflolve a portion of the calx. Quickfilver may be reduced to a calciform ftate by agitation. Homberg firft made the experiment, by tying a veffel containing a quantity of it to the wing of a windmill. On COMPOUND METALS. METALS in general will unite with each other by fufion or amalgamation, and acquire new pro- b perties. Brafs is a compound of copper and zinc; M 2 and A Ty IT TR nn A io i 164 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF and poffeffes a different color to either of the component parts. Sometimes the compound will retain the color of one of the component metals, particularly when there is a great differ- ence in the proportion of the parts, as in the amal- gamation of gold with quickfilver. Compound metals are always of greater fpecific gravity than either of their parts, but their abfolute gravity is di- minithed. Their duétility and malleability differ from the metals which compofe them, fometimes encreafing, at others diminifhing. Silver and tin in an uncombined ftate are both malleable and duétile; but filver united to a {mall portion of tin, has them both diminithed. The volatility of metals is much affected by union; the moft fixed becoming volatile, “whillt the moft volatile acquires a certain degree of fixity. Gold, though very fixed in itfelf, yet can be elevated by heat when amalgamated ; while the mer- cury by the union lofes confiderably of its volatility. Their fufibility is much altered by mixture; a re- markable inftance occurs in the compound of Bif- muth, tin, and lead. Eight parts of bifrnuth, three of tin, and five of lead, will form a metal, which will completely melt in boiling water; which is a degree of heat lefs by 193° than the moft fufible metal of the compound, viz. Tin. Bell-metal isa ftriking proof of the change which the properties of bodies undergo from union. This compound is one of the hardeft and moft fonorous of THE METALLIC ARTS. 165 of all the compound metals, although copper is very little {fonorous, and tin lefs fo. Standard of Britifb Gold Coin. THIS ftandard by law, is for every pound troy weight, to contain 11-12 of pure gold, and 1-12 of alloy. This quantity is cut into forty-four guineas and a half, or other pieces of like nominal value, without any deduction. Standard Silver. ELEVEN ounces two penny-weights of fine fil- ver, and eighteen penny-weights of alloy in a pound troy. Gold Solder. PURE gold twelve penny-weights ; pure filver two penny-weights, and copper four penny-weights, Ring-Gold. SPANISH copper fix penny-weights and twelve grains ; three penny-weights and fixteen grains of fine filver; to one ounce five penny-weights of gold coin. ‘This is worth about 31. per ounce. Gold from 35s. to 40s. per Ounce. EIGHT ounces eight penny-weights of Spanith copper, ten penny-weights of fine filver, to one ounce of gold coin, M 3 Manbeim- ro. - A A CEO EF ei Es wr og PET Pan T aan, ea = re A 7% ERE py Sr —————— CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF Mankbeim-Gold, or Similor. THREEF ounces and a half of copper, one ounce and a half of brafs, and fifteen grains of pure tin. Pinchbeck. ONE ounce of brafs, one ounce and a half, or two ounces of copper fufed together, under a coat of char- coal dutt. Prince’ s Metal. Three ounces of copper,and one ounce of zinc, or eight ounces of brafs, and one ounce of zinc. Tombac. SIXTEEN ounces of copper, one ounce of tin, and one ounce of zinc. Hard Pewter. TWELVE ounces of tin, one ounce of regulus of antimony, and two drachms of copper. Blanched Copper. EIGHT ounces of copper, and half an ounce of neutral arfenical falt, fufed together, under a flux compofed of calcined borax, charcoal duft, and fine powder glafs, Bell THE METALLIC ARTS. Bell Metal. ONE hundred parts of copper, mixed with from twenty to twenty-five parts of tin, Gun Metal, ONE hundred pounds of copper, and twelve pounds of tin, either with or without a little brafs, Bet hard White. ONE pound of Briftol brafs, two ounces of ipelter, and one ounce of block tin, Cominon hard White. ONE pound of brafs, one ounce and a half of fpelter, and half an ounce of tin. Bath Metal, ONE pound of brafs, and four ounces and a half of {pelter. White Metal, TWO pounds of regulus of antimony, eight ounces of brafs, and ten ounces of tin, Platina. EIGHT ounces of brafs, and five ouncesof fpelter. M 4 Tutania 1 a pi pT y i TY YS a ER A TSE Le SEER ”* - - RI PG I iin CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE METALLIC ARTS. —¥ 169 artift has hisown proportions, fo thatthe fime compo- fition cannot be obtained from different founderies; each boafls of the fuperiority of his own mixture. Tutania. Se uf ER a A EIGHT ounces of brafs, two pounds of regulus of antimony, and {even ounces of tin. Silver Solder for Fewellers. NINETEEN penny-weights of fine filver, cop- per one penny-weight, and of brafs ten penny-weights. Silver Solder for plating. TEN penny-weights of brafs, and one ounce of pure filver, A metallic Injection. EQUAL parts of bifmuth, lead, and Tin, with a fufficient quantity of quickfilver, form a fubftance ufeful for injecting the blood vefiels of animals. For quicking hollow Globes, Ee. TWO parts of bifmuth, one of tin and lead, and ten of mercury, mixed together, form the amalgam, which is fpread by giving the globe acircular motion. Tutenag. TWO parts of tin, and one of bifmuth. A Metal for Printer’s Types. DIFFERENT proportions of lead, brafs, and antimony, conilitute this metal. SA Sipe Hard Solder. TWO pounds of copper, to one pound of tin, Soft Solder. “TWO thirds of tin, and one of lead. white Copper. THIRTY-TWO parts of copper, fifteen of tin, four of brafs, and two of arfenic. A white Metal. TEN ounces of lead, fix ounces of bifinuth, and four drachms of regulus of antimony. A Metal for Mirrors. COPPER thirty-two parts, tin fifteen, brafs one, filver one, arfenic one. Bras. BRASS is either made by fufing copper and zinc together ; or by fufing copper and the ore of zinc, or lapis calaminaris. From 6olb. of good calamine, and 4olb. of copper, 60lb. of brafs may be obtained. To obtain a better brafs cicher the metals muft be ufed, or the common brafs muft be cemented with calamine Sr og CRE ERAT hn ’ as hm em TTT rm —— a mii = a SE Wer ! i i i 4 1 4 i » { fo it (i J il il { gE i Hi . 0 RE 0 4 boi | i i i | | 1 i { W 4 : i] ! ; LIU 1 gh All | § i i J ] i ia ] di oy Jit vil JES I ti kia VE i 1 | wid bot HE i id CA Na i « 5 bo ) § th i ; i ¥ JE ae hl = i ihe ¢ i i 1 i } ah i $l : | Ler 3 bh i ike 1 $0 34 ihe i Sufi % fil i jl ikl 4 Sa | THERE, i 1 . TR i BOE, oy Nk A i fi i jibfke | BE 8 f fe i / | i ' a ( | ny fi il i { 4 bo i ‘ { JB i | | ) = a id 250 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES, &c. calamine and charcoal dull, and fometimes manu- fa&turers add to it, old brafs, by which the new is faid to be meliorated. On the FORMATION o COMPOUND METALS. THE attraction of cohefion of the different me- tals, which are to form the compound, muft be over- come; accordingly they are brought into a {tate of fufion, and well mixed together. The compound 1 not formed by a chemical union of the particles of the different metals, but from an equable diffufion through each other, and, being detained in that {tate by the attraltion of cohefion. As metals fufe in dif- ferent degrees of heat, care fhould be taken not to add thofe metals which fufe eafily, to thofe which require a greater degree of heat, while they are too hot; becaufe the former may evaporate and leave the compound imperfect. Or, if they be brought into fufion together, it fhould be under a flux to prevent the volatile metals from being burnt away, before the union is effected, PART III ON METALLIC CALCES AND PRECIPITATES. Oz METALLIC CALCES wd PRE- CIPITATES. Fe By metallic calces, we underftand me- tals fimply deprived of their phlogifton by the action of heat and air, Secondly, By precipitate, that infoluble fubftance which is thrown down, after the {olution of a metal inanacid, on the application of a fimple or com- pound body, which exerts a greater attraction for the {olvent. METALLIC CALCES a2d PRECIPITATES of GOLD. A folution of gold in aqua regia, which is evapo- rated to drynefs, leaves a calx of gold which is ufec 3 1 ACs for glafs, enamel, and porcelain gilding; or by pre- cipitating the folution with green vitriol diffolved in water, with copper, or perhaps all the metals, a fimi- lar calx is produced. This calx is mixed with fome effential oil, as oil of fpike, and calcined borax, and the whole made to adhere to the furface of the glafs, by a folution of gum arabic. It is then applied with a fine pencil, and burnt in under a muffle, Tay San ! I Niue; Ae CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF Mineral purple, or Caffius’s Precipitate. M A KE a folution of gold in aqua regia. Then make another folution of tin inthe fame men- ftruum ; without heat, by adding the tin in fmall quantities, till it is faturated; which may be known by the aqua regia acting no longer on the tin ; and the folution acquiring a brownith whey color. The folution of gold is to be diluted with 100 times its quantity of diftilled water; and to this is added the {olution of tin, drop by drop, till the liquor ceafes to become turbid. The precipitate is of a purple co- lor, and muft be edulcorated. The gold is preci- pitated by the tin, merely from their intimate affinity to each other. This calx of gold brought into fufion with a clear tranfparent glafs, tinges it of a purple, red, or violet color. Hence the method of making falfe rubies and garnets. Glafs melted with a highly dephlogifticated calx of gold, retains its tranfparency ; but on the applica- tion of heat, it abforbs phiogifton, and produces a fine crimfon color. A folution of gold in aqua regia, applied to bone or ivory, leaves a reddifh purple ftain, which does not wear out. Skins are ftained in the fame manner. If writing be made with a dilute folution of gold in aqua regia; and when dry brufhed over with a fo- lution METALLIC ARTS. I of tinin aqua regia; the letters will appear o 1 ve 1 -. . . - ne purple color. This is a symMpaTHETIC INK. There Is no precipitate. of filver ufed in the arts a folution of filver in nitrous acid is applied for fd ing ammal matters of a black color, and the calx will tinge glafs yellow, On the CALCES and PRECIPITATLS oF COPPER. } THE fimple calx of copper fufed with of f5, 1 I y v . O 1 tinges it of a green color, hence the imitation of emeralds. A green Color. 2 Dba. tes . =n IF a lolution be made of common {lt and blue vitriol 1r > ting ¢ herein. 2 1 water, by putting copper plates thercin, a green precipitate 1s gradually formed. Scheele’ s greein Color. DISSOLV E two pounds of blue vitriol in fix pounds of water, 1n a copper veflel ; and in another : wialo a vet, diffolve two pounds of dry white pot-afh, and Ste ounces of white arfenic, in two pounds of water "hen 100s are per i the folutions are perfect, pour the arfenical ley into the other gradually, and you will obtain about one pound [fix ounces of a good green precipitate fe. ty Bi Hiwick CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF Brunfwick green. THIS is fuppofed to be obtained from the folu- tion of a precipitate of copper In tartar and water, which by evaporation yields a tranfparent cupreous tartar, which is faid to be fimilar to the fuperfine Brunfwick green. Verditer. THE method of preparing this color, is kept = rofound fecret. The general method of procedure is as follows: but the fuccefs of the procefs, depends entirely upon circumftances; which can only be known from great attention, and fome experience. The liquor which is ufed in parting, is fully {aturated with filver; which is precipitated by adding very pure copper. This nitrous folution of copper muft be properly diluted with very pure water, diftilled 1s the beft, and the copper precipitated on chalk properly prepared. The color and chalk muft be well mixed together and properly dried. , If fome copper filings be put into a bottle with cauftic volatile alkali, fo that no empty fpace re- mains, and then clofely ftopped, no folution takes place. But when the mixture is expofed to the air for a hort time; a colorlefs folution is obtained; which on longer expofure, acquires a blue color; ‘hi deprived of this color again, as but which may be dep: 20 THE METALLIC ARTS, 17 often as the operator pleafes, by letting it ftand clofely ftopped, upon fiefh copper filings. — Ointhe CALCES and PRECIPITATES of LEAD. LEAD expofed to the action of fire and air cal- cines; this calx is called Leap Asmugs, By the cal- cination being continued longer, it acquires a yellow color, and is called Massicor; and by a brifker and longer continued heat, Minium, or red lead is produced. A greater degree of heat converts the calx of lead, firft into LiTHARGE, and afterwards into Grass of Leap. The operation of making red lead, is as follows, viz. a quantity of lead is fufed upon a hearth, and worked about with an iron rod, till the calx acquires a yellow color. Then it is ground {mall with wa- ter at a mill, conftruéted for the purpofe ; and well wathed to deprive it of fmall lumps, which may re- main uncalcined. This maflicot, well dried is put into {tone pots, which are placed horizontally in the color furnace. Thefe pots are fomething more than a quarter full, and applied to heat till they acquire a red color; a brick is placed at the mouth of each pot to confine the heat; but is removed occafionally to work the matter about. By continuing this heat a N fufficient 178 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF fufficient time, the color becomes finer and finer till the minium is perfect. PATENT YELLOW. ALTHOUGH a patent is obtained for this co- lor, it was known near a century ago; Scheele pub- lithed the procefs, and is faid to be the inventor. It is prepared by triturating Min1um, and common falt together, and then expofing them in a crucible to a gentle heat. In this procefs, the {alt is decompofed, the acid uniting with the calx of lead, forms the pa- TENT YELLOW, and the alkaline bafe of the falt re- mains in the compound; which is obtained by care- fully wathing and cryftallizing. The calx of lead tinges vitreous matters of a yel- low color. Hence the beautiful glazing given to Queen's Ware. It is compoled of 8olb. of white lead, and 20lb. of flints, ground together very fine, and mixed with water till it becomes as thick as cream. The veffels to be glazed, are dipped nwo the glaze, and fuffered to dry; when they are expofed to a fufficient degree of heat to vitrify the furface, A SympartHETIC Ink 1s formed, by making a folution of fugar of lead in pure water; the writing with this folution appears, upon the application of a {olution M210 alkali muft be prepared as fol] THE METALLIC ARTS. x79 red ; . folution of liver of fulphur in wat | er, or, by being holden over the vapor of a liver of {ulphur. Onthe CALCES end PRECIPITATES of IRON. T ’ 0 : y THE calces of iron are of different colors, as red, yellow, and brown. fo They are ufed as pigments under the name of ochres. The red, or aftrincent faffron of iron, is ufed for oiv; ir be " ’ cd tor giving tea-urns their beau- tifu red brown color. When fufed with glafs they oO 3 a ¥ give red, or aurora colors, more or lef; deep, accord- Ing to the degree of calcination. Thefe imitate the Hyacrnrus. The calx of copper diffolved in vitriolic acid is recovered in a meta liic form, on the application of iron to the {olution. On PRUSSIAN BLUE. —_ | oo PREVIOUS to the making of this fubftance, an ows, viz. fixed alkali > OD > 01 any othe [ animal Liidlle Le The falt is now tw be wathed out, and is called, though N 2 : yn “rn 1 i improperly, Lyk of 180 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF of PHLOGISTICATED ALKALI, Which is of an amber color, and has the fcent of peach blofloms. A folution of martial vitriol, and another of alum, are put together in a large glafs, and the alkaline lye poured upon them. A greenifth precipitate is thrown down. The liquor is filtered in order to get the pre- cipitate by itfelf, which is colle¢ted and put into a glafs cup. Upon pouring a little marine acid on this precipitate, it immediately acquires a fine blue color. This part of the procefs, is called the brigh- tening of the Pruffian blue. Theory of Pruffian Blue. THE alkali during the calcination, unites itfelf with a peculiar acid, contained in the animal matters. During the formation of the Pruffian blue the follow- ing changes take place. Firft, A part of the uncom- bined alkali, precipitates the earth of alum; {fecondly, a part of the fame alkali, precipitates a portion of the iron in the vitriol; and, thirdly, the Pruffian acid unites with the remaining iron, and forms Pruf- fian blue. This is of a greenifh color, from the mix- tures of the firft and fecond precipitates ; the brigh- tening is produced by the marine acid, diffolving the calx of the fecond precipitate. Pruffian blue may be made without alum, in the following manner. Pour a little of the alkaline lye into a glafs, drop in an acid, till no farther effervel- cence THE METALLIC ARTS. e 181 cence enfues. Leta little of the folution of martial vitriol be poured into the lye, and a fine Pruffian blue is formed that needs no brightening The common {tone blues, are Pruffian blue pre - - ? - cipitated on large quantities of clay, SYMPATHETIC INKS of IRON, EiRsT, If writing be made with a folution of green vitriol in water, to which a little acid has been iv to prevent any precipitation, and when dry, it e bruthed over with a ftrong decoction of galls, the invifible ch 1 foo e characters will be rendered of a fine black Secondly, If the characters written with ordinar ink, be deftroyed by nitrous acid, it is recovered by moiftening them with liquid fixed alkali. ’ Thirdly, Characters written with a folution of green vitriol, will appear of a fine blue color, if they > moiftened with fome of the pruffianated alkaline ye. If a {mall quantity of dilute nitrous acid be put upon a piece of glafs, and a rufty nail put therein fine ramifications {pread about, which may be prt in, and give the appearance of mocoes. N 3 CALX CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF CALX + TIN. THE calx of tin is principally ufed for making white enamel, an inftance of fuch compofition is as follows, viz. ten parts of fand, two of purified alkali, ten of the calx of lead, and three of the calx of tin, mixed together, and brought into fufion. Ifthe ena- mel be wanted of any other color, it is produced by adding different metallic calces, ad libitum. Opaque natural ftones, may be imitated by the different colored enamels. Auruin Mufivuin. FUSE twelve cunces of tin, and add to it three J ounces of Mercury. When it is cold, it muft be triturated with feven ounces of fulphur, and three of fal ammoniac, The mals is put into a matrafs ra- ther deep in fand, with a gentle heat for feveral hours; at length the heat mut be encreafed for feveral hours longer. The tin is developed by the marine acid of the fal ammoniac, and upon this combines with a portion of the fulphur; the remaining fulphur, fal ammoniac, and mercury, are fublimed ; at the bot- tom of the matrafs, the tin is found of a gold co- lored micaceous appearance, throughout its whole fubftance. If the heat be too ftrong, the aurum mufivum, fufes into a black malfs, CALX THE METALLIC ARTS CALX of ANTIMONY. Naples Yellow. 1 HERE are two procefies given for making this color. Firft, one pound of antimony, one pound and a half of lead, one ounce of alum, a nd one ounce of common falt, Secondly, twelve ounces of pure cerufs, two ounces of diaphoretic antimony, half an ounce of calcined alum, and one ounce of pure fal APT. he Loencdian : mmoniac. The ingredients are to be well mixed together, and calcined in a moderate heat for three ] pe! APO 1 3 1 3 hoa na covered crucible, till it becomes barely © yi } 1 red hot; when the mafs will become of a be . autiful yellow color, : With a larger portion of calx of anti- mony, and fal ammoniac, the yellow verges towards o gold color. Glafs may be tinged yellow with the above pre- paration. On the CALX of COBALT. WHEN regulus of cobalt is expofed to a mode- rate fire in the open air, it calcines, and is reduced to a blackith powder. This calx vitrifies with vitrifiable matters, and forms beautiful blue glaffes, Cobalt is at prefent the only fubftance known, which has the property N 4 of 134 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF of furnithing a very fine blue, that is not changed by the moft intenfe heat. Sympathetic Ink of Cobalt. DIGEST zaffre in aqua regia, and dilute the fo- lution with four times its weight of foft pure water. Charaers written with it, do not appear till the pa- per is warmed ; when the traces of the pen are vifible, under a fine fea green color. This color difappears as the paper cools, and is renewed on warming again; and thus alternately vanithes and re-appears, for an indeterminate number of times. As the folution of regulus of cobalt, or zaffre in fpirit of nitre, acquires a reddifh color, by application of heat, fo a variety of color may be given. Thus landfcapes may be {ketched with common ink, to give a profpect of winter ; while the folution of cobalt in aqua regia, on the application of heat, gives the verdure of fpring; and the nitrous folution may reprefent fruit, flowers, &c. CALX of MANGANESE. CALX of manganefe mixed with glafs, gives it a | red or purplith color. In a larger portion it pro- ducesa deep purple color. The manganefe is ufed | THE METALLIC ARTS. 1841 for giving a black colored glaze, which is compofed of twenty-one parts of white lead, five parts of pow- dered flints, and three parts of manganefe. This is ufed for common earthen ware. On the CALCES and PRECIPITATES of MERCURY. MERCURY diffolved in the nitrous acid may be precipitated ; Firft, Of a white color, by adding a folution of fal ammoniac to the nitrous {olution, and carefully pre- cipitating with a {olution of fixed alkali. Secondly, Of a brownifh red color, by precipitat- ing the nitrous folution with fixed alkali, or lime- water. Thirdly, Of an orange color, with pure mineral alkali. Fourthly, Of a rofe color, with urine. Fifthly, Of a vermillion red, with Beguin’s fpirit. Which 1s fulphur diffolved in cauftic volatile alkali, by the application of a digefting heat. Sixthly, Of a blue color, with Meyer’s extract of Berlin blue ; which is the coloring matter of Pruffian blue extracted with volatile alkali. And Seventhly, 136 CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES, &c. Seventhly, Of a black color, with a {olution of liver of fulphur. How far thefe precipitates of mercury, may be pled as pigments depends upon future trials. PART IV, A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE "RINCIPAL DISEASES OF METALLIC ARTISTS; WITH SOME PLAIN DIRECTIONS CONCERNING THEIR PREVENTION and CURE, Of the DISEASES of METALLIC ARTISTS, and the MEANS of PREVENTION and RELIEF. N the application of metals to the different arts, the perfons employed, are often injured to a great degree, by fome of the particles entering their bodies ; either in confequence of being {wallowed along with the {pittle, drawn in along with the breath, or abforbed by the pores of the fkin. For the benefit of {uch perfons, therefore, we fhall here give a fhort account of the principal diforders, to which they are feverally expofed; together with fome plain and general directions, refpecting their prevention and cure. In doing this, we fhall follow the order in which the metals have been already con- fidered in the preceding parts of the book; pafling by thofe inthe working of which no material injury happens. G O L D. AS the mifchief which is done to the conftitution by gilding, proceeds entirely from the mercury em- ploved 190 PRINCIPAL DISEASES OF ployed in the procefs, we fhall referve what we have to {ay thereon until we come to treat of the effets of that peculiar metal. COPPER. THE makers of verdigrife and verditer; painters who grind and mix this laft preparation with oils; and braziers, but in a flighter degree, are lable to take in fome cupreous particles, which diforder the con- ftitution fomewhat in the fame manner as lead. They acquire a fallow countenance, their hair becomes greenifh, with which color their fpittle, which has befides a brackith tafte, and exerements are like- wife tinged. They walte away and become pre- maturely old. They are affected with tremblings of the limbs, and pains and twitchings in the ftomach and bowels; which laft, however, are not always conftipated, as is the cafe from lead, but are fome- times on the contrary, very loofe. Such perfons fhould take care to throw out their {pit- tle during their work, and never neglect to wath their hands and face, and even changeat leat a part of their clothes, {uch as their coats and waiftcoats, when the leave off. It would be a great convenience 1n point of cleanlinefs,and a great advantage in point of health, D for all {uch perfons to put on {fomethi Rg likea w i 4 goner’s v goner S METALLIC ARTISTS. 161 froc 1 { 1 k while at work, laying it afide again when they have done. This would be found in the end, to be a great faving in clothes; and what is {till more defirable, a great faving in phyfic. Thefe re- marks will e op ually apply to thofe, who work at any of the other injurious metals, For the He mentioned complaints, after they have once come on, mild and foftening methods will generally anfwer beft ; fuch as the ufe of pth gruel, or milk and water. If there is much un- cafinefs at the ftomach, fome ¢ be taken, fo as to occafion vomiting, If the pains and twitchi igs: are violent, a draught of pepperment water, with fifteen or twenty drops of | as will nd if fhe bowels are bound, fome fenna be proper ; an tea thould be taken, or what 1s {till be etter, an elec- JY : half - 8 Axxroye sitervedd and hair an ounce ji OWCIS of brimftone, mixe J» tuary, compefed of an ounce of lenitive eletuary : d up i veal. ” {ay TF \ vs ry vf Pe wk oe 1] _— / Witil 10me iyrun of marfh-mallows. A tea {poon- - {£1 " bos rr i” ralrrit +n ve +41 y > ful, or the {ize of a walnur, to be taken nil it procures 1 1 vr dont 19) v ' . - a itoni or two, DUt on tne ctier hand, S 10MMC- thei rat 1 1 . ic {hiculd purging, the peo- i oy + wrth AIT aAarmIe ls rrra ia i raug ht, Will laudat 1111 Au0VEe INCE i0nLd, [ev] tT ] ANTES “og 1 g 1 iyo cpeated every three or four hours, I 1 . After the pain has been re- ~ fy diy tn = bowels have been {uificiently cleanfed, by keeping + the m moderately open, a tea fpoonful rhs vivir vy syle ": WS. of the Peruvian bark in powder may be taken twice a 1 1 a dav, 192 PRINCIPAL DISEASES OF aday, in a glafs of cold water, for about a week, care being taken that it does not bind up the body, for if it has that effet it will not be proper. People that diflike the eletuary, may take fome magnefia and rhubarb in its place. IRON. DURING the forging and hammering of iron, the fcales which fly off, frequently get into the work- men’s eyes, and if not quickly diflodged, occafion great inflammation and pain. The common me- thods of removing them, are wafhing the eye with cold water, or picking them out with a needle, in performing of which, fome of the workmen are very dextrous. But thefe methods fometimes fail, in which cafe, recourfe muft be had to the magnet; which will frequently fucceed, and is then found the eafieft and moft expeditious extractor. If any in- flammation fhould remain, the eye may be wafthed afterwards with a cooling eye water, made by diffolving fifteen grains of white vitriol, in half a pint of cold water. The diforders of grinders of iron, being produced by the particles of the ftones, METALLIC ARTISTS. igs are oppreflion of the ftomach, coftivenefs, and fre. quently pain in the bowels; but they are eafily re- moved by a gentle vomit, giving the next mornine fome opening phyfic, and taking plentifully of broths, &c. When the pain continues after the pur- gative, it may be removed by giving oily purging mixtures, with the addition of a little laudanum, TIN. I’ HE. inconveniencies which happen to pewterers, enamellers, and all thofe that are any wife employed inthe melting of tin, either by itfelf or alone with fe) 4 other metals, proceed chiefly from the particles of arfenic which it contains, and will be more properly noticed therefore amongft the effects of that fern. metal, LEAD. LEAD miners, plumbers, letter-founders, re- and not of the metal, cannot be properly noticed here. finers, the makers of cerufie, painters, &c. are fub- but polifhers and fiecl g inders, from the great ufe je& to a peculiar kind of colic, called the dry belly of emery, and oil, are very fubject to indifpofitions t ach, which often ends in a paify of the upper, and of the ftomach and bowels. 1 he general fymptoms i O fome- are i " a Tt a Se J £98 SAS A 200 ean 194 PRINCIPAL DISEASES OF {ometimes of the lower limbs of the body. This diforder, which is occafioned by the particles of lead, ;s marked by the following fymptoms. : The countenance becomes fallow, the pests fails, with an uneafinefs and ficknefs at the ftomac y and great coftivenefs. The pain, which 1s greate about the naval and loins, comes on by degrees, > creafing at length to fuch a violent pitch, to a frequent vomitings, and in many cafes, ac Twine ? of the belly at the navel ; where it feels hard, an cannot bear to be prefled. Under thefe circumftances, the firft thing to i done, is to take fome camomile-tea, {o as to prove ce vomiting, and thereby clear the Romaeh J which twenty drops of laudanum fhould be {wal- Jowed in a glafs of water, and repeated every two : three hours until the pain is abated, or {leep 1s brought on. If on waking the pain returns, the laudanum draughts muft be repeated again in the oe ns ner. By purfuing this mode of treatment for 2 ° or four days, during which time the patient i 2 fupported by broths and other {poon eats, the ps 2 and hardnefs of the belly are generally remove | as to allow of the employment of purging me - cines, of which the mildeft fort ufually anfiver el : fuch as a drachm of cream of tartar, or in its pire, two drachms of Epfom or Glauber’s falts, diflolwe na little warm water, or fenna-tea, and taken oy METALLIC ARTISTS. 195 two hours until the bowels are opened. Some re- commend for this purpofe, the oil of ricinus or palma chrifti. Half an ounce, or fix drachms of it may be fwallowed fora dofe in a glafs of peppermint water, there being no occafion to mix it up, as 1s commonly directed, with the yolk of an egg. As much as an ounce of it at a time has been given to fome patients; but in fuch quantities the ftomach is {eldom able to retain it. Should the pains {till return, the laudanum draughts thould be again employed, and if thefe are not effectual, opiate glyfters thould be likewife adminiftered. To obviate the coftivenefs, which fometimes lafts a long time, and which, if not carefully removed, brings on a relapfe, fome gentle opening phyfic muft be ufed daily ; fuch as cream of tartar, fenna-tea, or the electuary with flowers of brimftone as mentioned already in treating of the effects of copper. In order to defend themfelves from the bad effets of lead, all thofe that are in any manner expoled to its daily influence, fhould eat fome fat broth, cr bread {pread thick with butter or lard, before they enter upon their work. It is with the fame intention that fome have recommended a glafs of fallad oil, with a little brandy, to be taken fafting, In other refpects the precautions concerning cleanlinefs, as noticed under the article copper, are equally proper her here, 02 PRINCIPAL DISEASES OF MERCURY. THE fumes of this fingular metal, to which oilders, looking glafs makers, the preparers of ver- million, fublimate, &c. are particularly expofed, dif- order the body in a frightful manner. The chief complaint which they induce is a trembling and palfy of the limbs; but thefe arc accompanied with many other diftrefling fymptoms. The countenance looks heavy, pale, and ycllow. The gums are corroded, and eafily biced ; the teeth, which are turned black, become loofe, and fome- times fall out ; the infide of the mouth is covered with ulcers, and there is a continual flow of fpittle. The breath is very feetid, and the refpiration is obftructed. The neck, arms, and legs, are affected with trem- blings, and at length become quite paralytic. Along with all this, there 1s commonly {ome degree of ftammering, and now and then a total lofs of fpeech; together with deafnefs, and a general dulnefs and {tupor of the fenfes. | Such perfons, unlefs they change their employ- ment, feldom live to an old age. The cure of thefe formidable complaints, confifts firft of all in expelling the mercurial particles out of the body, which 1s chiefly done by means of fweat- ing ; and afterwards in employing proper medicines, to remove the fpalms aid weaknefs of the limbs. After METALLIC ARTISTS. 159 After giving an emetic, the firft intention is an- fwered by going into the warm bath, and then, after being laid in bed between the blankets, tal zing a dofe of Dover’s powder; the operation of which muft be aflifted by drinking every now and then a little warm gruel, tea, or work wine whey. Care muft be taken to keep in bed as long as any fweat comes out; and afer getting up, not to go into the cold air. This {weating plan muft be per- fited in for fome time, repeati; ng it at firft every A 1 night, then every other night, and towards the end, thrice, twice, or only once a week, During this, fome of the decoction of the woods may be taken in the day time. After the fweatings, if the body fhould be bound, it muft be opened by fome fenna- tea, or the electuary with flowers of brimftone, al- ready defcribed. The food fhould be light, but nourifhing; confifting chiefly of milk, broths, and puddings. After the mercurial particles have been thus ex- pelled, which is known by the difappearance of the molt diftrefling fymptoms, the warm bath and fiweat- ing powder may be laid afide; and bracing and ftrengthening medicines may be now employed. Amongft thefe, the beft for this purpofe, are pills compofed of equal parts, of the gum pills, and ex- tract of gentian, viz. adrachm of each, beat up to: gether, and divided into twenty-four pills; of which. 0 3 three 168 PRINCIPAL DISEASES OF three are to be taken night and morning. Electri- city is likewife of ufe. If much weaknefs fhould {hill remain, notwithftanding thefe medicines, half a drachm of powdered bark may be {wallowed down in a glafs of cold water twice a day; taking care at the {ame time that it does not occafion coftivenefs. At this time, the cold bath and fteel medicines will be likewife proper. Gilders fhould be particularly cautious to turn cads afide as much as can be, during their work; for by properly attending to this, they would efcape moft of the fumes. They fhould moreover always contrive, as much as poflible, by opening the windows, or door of the place where they are at work, to have a current of air from behind them to- wards the chimney. Where this could be managed, efpecially if a brifk fire were at the fame tune kept up, the mercurial fumes, inftead of being diffufed in the atmofphere around them, would be immediately carried away in a body up the chimney. With regard to the diet of fuch people, it thould be nourifthing, but quite temperate. Whenever they feel themiclves much difordered, they fhould take a vomit; and they fhould always be careful to keep their bodies moderately open. It is no unufual practice with people employed in working quickfilver mines, to put on gloves and mafks furnithed with glafs eye-holes. Gilders would do A A METALLIC ARTISTS. 199 do well to imitate them in both thefe refpeéts. They can have no obje&ion to follow the firft; and a little reflexion will ferve to convince them of the pro- priety of overcoming every prejudice againft the laft of thefe precautions, ARSENIC. MANY of the ores of filver, and fome of thofe of tin, antimony, &c. as has been already fhown in the firft part of our book, contain a portion of arfe- nic, to the vapors of which the workmen are ex- pofed during the pounding, roafting, and {melting of thofe metals. The {fame thing happens likewife in the making of pewter, enamels, and all compound metals, in which arfenic 1s ufed as an ingredient. In which foever of thefe ways, the arfenical fumes come to be applied to the human body, they never fail to diforder it to a violent and even dangerous degree. When they are not applied in fuch confiderable quantity as to prove an immediate poifon, they ope- rate {fo as to undermine the conftitution in a {low, but effe¢tual manner. They feem to at chiefly on the nervous fyftem, inducing a conftant feverifh ftate, with lofs of appe- Q 4 tite, 200 PRINCIPAL DISEASES OF tite, ficknefs, and occafional vomiting, and daily waft- ing away of the fleth. The ftomach and bowels are often tormented with twitching pains; and there is a general trembling of the limbs, with giddinefs and head-ach. The breathing is moreover very much difturbed, and adiftrefling afthma is often brought on. Unlefs they are checked in due time, thefe fymptoms go on increafing, till the hectic fever becomes con. firmed, and then the patient dies confumptive, For the mitigation or removal of thefe complaints, it will be proper to take a gentle puke of camomile tea or ipecacuanha; and afterwards to keep the body open by mild purges, fuch as fenna-tea, or the elec- tuary with brimftone. Where there 1s much cof- tivenefs, or any great fulnefs or {welling of the belly, a glyfter thould be thrown up. A gentle {weat fhould likewife be kept up, by the frequent ufe of fall quantities of warm decoction of barley, milk and’ water, or linfeed-tea; and ar night, elpecially if there be much pain or twitching of the ftomach or bowels, fifteen or twenty drops of laudanum may be taken in a draught of any of the liquids juft now mentioned. The warm bath may be alfo employed with advantage. It will be of great fervice too to take once or twice a day for fome length of time, fmall dofes, fuch as fifteen of twenty grains of flowers of brimftone, mixed up witha little milk, A French phyfician of confiderable repute, has recom- mended Ere SE slates 8 | METALLIC ARTISTS. mended in thefe cafes, the liver of fulphur. Te may be made up into pills, and given in the dofe of four or five grains, with a draught of warm water after it. The diet thould be the fame as that prefcribed for gilders, viz. it fhould confift chiefly of milk. For reftoring the ftrength, and completing the cure, bit- ters and fteel medicines fhould be employed, viz, pills compofed of a drachm of extra@ of bark, half a drachm of extra® of gentian, and fifteen grains of fale of fteel, beat up together, into twenty pills. Three to be taken night and morning, All that has been faid under the article mercury, refpecting cleanlinefs, and the other means of pre- vention, applies with cqual propriety here, Befides the diforders already mentioned, there ara fome others occafioned by the vapors of the mineral acids, and the fumes of charcoal ; but as theft do not depend upon the particles of the metals themfelves, and as they are moreover common to many other forts of artifts, it cannot be expected they fhould be sreated of here, cr A OR a So eA Sa beled Te * We have contracted the word Introduttion at thofe Pages of the Index, which are to be found therein. A ACIDS - - page —— of Amber - Ants - - Apples wm Arfenic Benzoin se Borax tm Camphor Cork - - Empyreumatic ———— Fat - - remem Pl11OY - Galls Lemons Marine folybdena cme INTETOUS Phofphoric = Pruffian blue we Sorrel - ~~ Sugar of Milk Try wed oyun mmm lA tay wee "Tung ften . ene VY iNCGAT Vitriol Air - - Alkalies - - THE I ND FE 48 in. 53 in. 59 in. 55 in. 52 in. 58in, 57 in. 59 in. ibid 62 in. 6x in. 52 in. 59 in. 54 in. 50 1n. 531m. 60 in, 61 in. ibid 561n, 5211, 57 in. 53 in. 59.1n, 49 in. 85 in. 63 in. Analyfisof mineral Waters 95 In. Antimony - - ~————— Regulus of, 152 1bid ———— Argentine Flow- Crs of, - - ibid x a Antimony, Glafs of Butter of, ; Powder of Algo- rath - - ibid Liver of 154 Routrou’sSolvent ibid Diaphoretic 155 Cerufls ibid Bezoar Mineral ibid Kermes’s Mineral ibid Calx of - 183 Arfenic - - - ——— Reculus of - 5 Neutral Salt of bid Affaying of metallic Ores ——— of plated Metal ~~ of Silver Aurum mufivum Azure blue - —— & J - Bath Metal Bell Metal Bifmuth - - - were Cryflalsof ~——— Mangiltery of -—— tartarifed - Bodies inflammable Brafs - . Bronzing . ¥ IND Cc Calces metallic 17. Calcination 38 in. Cryftallization 24 10. Cobalt - 156 Nitre of 157 Calx of 183 Copper - 124 ———— burnt ibid — 1 1Y - ibid Cuprum Ammonia- cum - - - 125 een Ens Veneris 126 ——— blanched 166 ——— white - - 169 Calces and precipi- tates of - - ”§ —— a green color - ibid Scheele’sgreen - ibid ———— Brunfwick green ~~ 176 — Verditer - ibid D mo Decantation 37 in. Decompofition ~~ = 28 1. Difeafes of metallic Artifts 189 Diftillation - - 33 in. E Ro in. 28 1n. 182 35 1n. Earths - Effervefcence Enamel - Evaporation Exficcation Extraction Filtration Fluxes Fufion 86in. 97 Gold fulminating - 10% ~—— Cryftals of - 100 Solution, in Aqua Regia 98 —— Standard of - 165 —— Solder ~~ ibid — Ring - ibid from 35s. to 40s. per ounce - » ibid ~——— Manheim - - 166 ——— Calces and Precipitates of - - - 173 = Mineral purple - 174 Gilding with Aqua Regia ~~ 99 of Iron or Steel ibid Grecian - 100 Theory of, with Aqua Regia - ibid ——— by Amalgamation 102 ——— to exalt, by coloring 104 — in colors - 10§ e—— Theory of, by Amal- gamation - - 106 ——— by Leaf Gold = 106, 107 —— on Glafs - 173 To feparate Gold from a gilt Surface - , 106 Glafs tinged, 174,175. 178, 179. 183. Gun Metal - 167 H Hard white, beft ibid ro common - ibid Inftruments, chemical - 41 Inje&ion, metallic - 168 Inks, fympathetic, 174.178. 181. 134. Iron - - - 129 Converfion of, into Steel - - = common hardening of 141 — cafe ditto - - ibid fron Iron, Calces and Precipi- tates of " “ ~~ Pruflian blue . - L Lixiviation - - Lead - “ - 126 Saturnine Nitre - ibid —— Plumbum Corneum 12+ ——— white - - ibid ~— Sugar of - - ibid Goulard’s Extract of 123 —— Calces and Precipi- tates of - - 174 ——— Afhes of - ibid — Maflicot - ibid — Minium - ibid —— Litharge - - ibid — Glafs of - - ibid —— Patent yellow - 178 — Glaze for Qucen’s Ware - - “4 M Manganefe - Regulus of - Mineral Cameleon 1 = Calx of - 1 Metals - - ¢ ——— and Metallic Com- pounds - - 8s ~— white - - 167 ~—— for Mirrors - ibid compound - 163 — Formation of com- pound - Mixture - Mines and Ores Mocho, artificial N Naples yellow Nickel - O Orpiment, yellow Ted Ores and Mines —— of Antimony m——— Arfenic Bifmuth Cobalt meses CODPEY Gold Iron I.ead - Manganefe Mercury Molybdena Nickel - Platina Silver Tin - Tungften Zing - Patent yellow Pewter, hard Pinchbeck - ¢ of Iron sm of Copper Parting - Platina - - Precipitation Precipitates Prince’s Metal Putty “ Q ~~ YA rege Quickfilver , - 160 meee. PROC EL vag. fn 1] Precipit ite per fe ibid Vitrol of B 1602 VT yy ol ychiow Precipitate ibid Nitre of - ibid xr 1 1 YT *}, white precipitate ibid red ditto - ibid corrofive fubli- mate - ———— Calomel me — ——— \M aby ee Cimnabar INDEX Athiops mineral = 163 E T Quicking Globes, &c. . 168 Tin . - - 142 Calces and Pre- Calx of - - 143.182 cipitates of . 183 Flowers of - 143 : Glafs of “ibid vu Foil - ibid R - Salt of - - 145 : Tinning of Looking glaffes 142 N Metals - ‘Tas Reduétion Glafs - 148 Refolytion — Aurum Mufivum 148 Tombac - - 166 Tutania - - 168 Tutenag - - ibid Type, Printer’s ibid Salts, neutral 67 in. Saturation 21 in, Saturnite 86 Uranite Separation 28 in. i - 107% ftandard - 163 - Vitriol of - 108 Verdigrife Lunar, Cryftals ibid Verditer » €auttic - ibid Vitiiol, blue Cornea - ibid =——— of Lead —— fulminating ibid ———— of Nickel to Affay 120 Silvering, cold Way - IJO WwW by Heat - ibid ie by Amalgamation xxx White Metal Solder, Silver, for Jewellers 168 Water - for plating ibid =~ hard - - 169 Z — foft - ibid — Gold 165 Zine . - Spelter - - 159 —— Flowers of Steel - - 135 ~—— Vitriol of =~ coloring of 131 Zaflic . FINIS, JOB NO__503|5___ 7 A DATE Te A Reduction Ratio —q > m——" morn Ee