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SHOPPELL, ARCHITECT INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF New YORK. ¢ OFFICE OF The Largest Architectural Office in the l nited States. HE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING ASSOCIATION R. W. SHOPPELL, President. IN MEMORIAM BERNARD MOSES The only Office CRT CO DY Lx od eS Sa . ARCHITEC LAWSON ANNESLEY, Manager. C. M. DISSOSWAY, Architectural Director. ; C.J. BATES, Civil Engineer, No. 63 BROAD W AY, P. O. Box 2702. NEW YORK. ONCE — SRT SS EA BN “The most helpful alas "Y OF CALIFORNIA J "BRARY ever devised for intending builders.” FAIR NOTICE.—OUR DESIGNS PATENTED. - Dear Sir: In order to protect our customers from houses they build, (it often happens that a handsome and convenient house is duplicated all over the neighborhood, much to the annoyance of the owner,) and to protect ourselves from imitators who do not scruple to adopt our designs as their own, WE HAVE PATENTED OUR DESIGNS. This empowers us to require that every builder from our designs shall procure a license. Even those houses modified considerably, but show- ing essential features of our designs, need a license. mn» These terms are not hard for the intending bui = Shoppell’s Classified “$3500 HOUSES” 5 ee undue duplication of the (Extract.) “During these days of ‘protection’ talk for all sorts of industries and enterprises does it occur to any one that architects have been badly used? Many years of study and practice precede the de- signing of good work, but just as soon as such work appears in a publication or takes form in construec- tion it is copied extensively without even a word of thanks to the designers. “Many architects have discovered recently, that the Patent Office regards as inventors the designers of buildings of merit and originality and will grant them Letters Patent for a term of years. The large number of building design patents that were issued last year shows that architects are not slow to avail themselves of this protection. “ We will be glad to learn that this protection will berefit Mr Shoppell, the architect, and his associates known as the Co-operative Building Plan Associa- tion. For years they have labored with unceasing diligence and skill distributing their designs so liberally that they seemed to be working with the object of improving the architecture of the country rather than for gain. Indeed, we know that this broad and unselfish spirit has animated them, and that is the best reason why they should be properly rewarded.”—New York World. lder. Indeed, they are much to his advantage. Nothing is charged for licenses; they are sent free when working plans, details and specifications are ordered. The only people seriously affected are some builders who never want working plans, details and specifications, and the above. to build, We are, yours very respectfully, THE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION. owners to see perfect imitators referred to Respectfully soliciting the favor of your patronage when you are ready — « The “$1000” Portfolio contains a num- ber of designs that cost as low as $500, $600, $700 and $800. Prices : One Portfolio, $2.00 ; * PORTFOLIO CONTAINING - lili] -56-DESIENS Complying with the oft-repeated request of many of our patrons, w pave classified our Building Designs for Residences according to cos 11s classification includes all of our popular designs and many nev ones specially prepared for the purpose. An owner may now choose from a large number of designs of th same cost, and not waste time on others. Each classification include about the largest possible variety of designs its limit of cost allows Usually the owner need look no further. “Truly called perfect aids to intending builders.”—Chrzstian Heral: LIST OF CLASSIFICATIONS: Views, floor plans, all dimensions and full descriptions are giver N.Y. ) . . | Printed on heavy supercalendered plate paper—size of page, 10% x 1. inches. Each classification enclosed in a handsome cloth portfolio. Portfolio of “ol $1500 $2000 $2500 $3000 $3500 $4000 $15.00. Delivered by mail or express, all charges prepaid. Large bound volume containing over 200 designs selected from the portfolios of various costs, $5; returnable if not satisfactory. “l 30 30 30 32 36 30 *$ 1000 Houses; 30 Designs. ‘i Three Portfolios, $5.00; Seven Portfolios, $10.00 ; Portfolio of “l $5000 Houses; 30 Designs, $60co “ 28 $7500 © 22 $10,000 * 21 Stables and Carriage Houses, various costs | 19 Designs. Twelve Portfolios (the full set), Complete Collection of Shoppell's Modern Houses in one very large volume and several pamphlets, price $10.00. Remit by Check on Local Bank, Draft, P. O. Order, Express Order, or enclose bills and Register the Letter. Address, THE GO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, Architects, (Or for a shorter address, R. W. SHOPPELL), 63 Broadway, New York. LATEST DESCRIPTIVE PRICE LIST rn OF THE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASN, Aries, 63 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. A Complete and Economical System of Aids for the Building of a House. SELECTING THE DESIGN. It may be fairly claimed that the building designs published and prepared oy this Association, and known as Shoppell's Modan Hous s, arc the best best in arrangement, in appearance and in construction, and that they are perfectly reliable as to estimates. Architects’ estimates are often ridiculed, and with good reason, for too often their estimates are mere guess work. Our estimates result from carefully and laboriously calculating every item of material and every hour of labor required for each design. We exhibit our own confidence in them by guaranteeing their correctness, under penalty of charging nothing for our services if they are found to be incorrect. If the intending builder finds a design in this book that “fills the bill,” that answers his requirements fully, or that will answer them with slight altera- tions, his best course is to adopt it. If, however, he is undecided, he had better procure one or more of the Classified Portfolios, From these he can surely make a choice, for they present about every possible style and arrangement that can be devised. Do not insist on having a very odd or a peculiar house: the owner him- self is likely to tire of it, and if ever he is desirous of selling it, he will find a purchaser with difficulty. The best house is one whose exterior and interior are generally approved by people of good taste. On the other hand the house should not be too plain, such as a carpenter would design, for then it will be commonplace. It is believed that our publications are the most rchable guides in avoiding the extremes referred to. * OUR DESIGNS PATENTED. It often happens that when an owner has completed a handsome and con- venient house, it is taken as a pattern, and similar houses spring up all over the neighborhood. This is annoying to many. In order to limit and con- trol this duplication we are taking out patents for our designs, which enables us to require that owners and builders who use them, or who use the princi- pal features of them, must have licenses to do so from ux. We charge nothing for a license. Itis sent free for any design, when the Working Plans, Specifications, etc., of that design are ordered. We respect- fully warn all unauthorized persons that we intend to fully protect our rights in this matter. IMPORTANCE OF PERFECT WORKING PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC. With proper aids it is an easy matter to build a good house ; without them the most inteiligent owner has a ““ world of trouble,” and usuaily fails in get- ting satisfactory work. Too often the owner is content with imperfect drawings and specifications. Sometimes he simply contracts for a duplicate of some other house, not know- ing that the contractor can duplicate the appearance without duplicating the value. Sometimes he allows the contractor to make the drawings and spec. fications, which is far from being the part of wisdom. The contractor is always apprehensive, with good reason, that labor troubles, delays, mistakes, advance of materials, etc., may cat up his margin of profit ; therefore, he will perform the work just as cheaply as the drawings and specifications allow, and he is not to be blamed for it cither, although for every dollar he saves by reason of incomplete drawings and defective specifications, the owner may be deprived of ten dollars of value. For ex- ample : If the specifications do not require the sheathing of the structure, why should the contractor spend forty dollars for sheathing boards and labor, even admitting that the increased strength and warmth of the house may be worth four hundred dollars to the owner? The sheathing is all covered up anyway. Or if the specifications do not call for the sheathing boards to Le laid close together, why should not the contractor save five dollars” worth of boards by following the occasional custom of leaving wide cracks? Or, if the quality of the sheathing paper is not stated, why should he not put on the cheapest, saving five dollars, perhaps, although dampness will soon make it worthless for the purpose intended? If the specifications do nt call for a double first floor, which is essential to health and comfort, why should the contractor supply it, although the extra cost is only three dollars per ‘“square” (10 feet by 10 feet)? In the flues, in the plumbing, and a hundred other things the contractor may save a little, by reason of imperfect drawings and specifications, at the expense of a great deal to the owner. * As the design pages of this publication are made up sometime before printing them, the Patent claim has to be announced, simply, as ‘Applied For.” But, by the time this publication reaches the hands of readers, it is confidently expected that all claims will be allowed. In fact, at the time of writing this last page, the Patent for one of the designs has been allowed and all the others are expected within a few days. Shoppell’s Modern House Designs. A COMPLETE SET OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, etc. The following is a full and complete list of architectural aids for the building of a house : WORKING PLANS of the foundation, floors, roofs and elevations, figured and drawn to a scale one-fourth inch to the foot. DETAIL DRAWINGS of the Cornices, Verandas, Windows, Doors, Gables, Staircases, Trim, etc., large scale and full size. SPECIFICATIONS minutely describing the qualities of material and work- manship throughout, including the painting. COLOR SHEET giving examples of elevations properly colored, with direc- tions for mixing and applying the paints. SUPPLEMENT SHEET (A), containing drawings and descriptions of ap- proved methods of building a cistern, the best plan for removing house slops, and the construction and management of earth closets and privies. SUPPLEMENT SHEET (B), containing a number of designs for fences, with estimates of cost. AGREEMENTS, in duplicate, with the proper times indicated for making the several payments to the contractor, ready for use. CONSULTATIONS. At all times the client is entitled to full and free con- sultations before commencing, during the progress and at the completion of the work. BILL. OF QUANTITIES, giving the true quantities, in detail, of all the materials required. THE FIRST STEP. After the desion has been selected, the first step is to order a complete set of Working Plans, Specifications, etc., except the Bill of Quantities, which is not needed if the owner intends to have the work done by contract. When the Working Plans, Specifications, etc., arrive, which will be almost by return mail or express (charges prepaid), give them a close cxamination. After this examination the owner is often convinced that the alterations which he may have contemplated will not improve the design. However, after examination, if alterations and modifications are wanted, write us fully about them and we will advise as to their practicability and as to their effect on the cost. We will make, also, the changes on the drawings and in the specifications, if requested to do so, charging a small fee (seldom exceeding five dollars) for the work. Or, after examination and study, if the owner prefers some other de- sien, we will allow him to exchange, by his returning to us all the drawings and specifications unused and allowing us twenty per cent. of their cost to cover the extra expenses involved. THE SECOND STEP. Whea the Plans and Specifications finally represent just what is wanted invite bids from builders and award the contract to the lowest approved bidder. Competition among builders, which is made possible only by having complete Working Plans and Specifications, is the only way to get the contract price down to the right figure When there is no competition a builder studies the owner, trying to estimate how big a price he will stand ; when there is competition the builder studies the plans and specifications trying to estimate how low he can do the work to get the contract. Do not make a mistake here. If the owner has a particular friend among the build- ers, who might naturally expect the work, it is a good opportunity for the friend to show his true friendship by figuring low for the contract, in com- p tition with other builders. A true friend will not object to competition; he knows that it is the only wise course for the owner. When the contract has been awarded send us the name of the contractor, the amount, the time for completion and a memorandum of any extras or omissions agreed upon. We will then write out the Agreement in proper form, dividing up the amount into several payments, each to become due at certain stages of the work. State the number of payments the contractor wants. The Agreement is a very important matter and should be properly prepared, the principal care being that at no payment shall the contractor be overpaid We make no charge for preparing the Agreement. SUMMARY. The advantages offered to the intending builder by this Association may be summarized as follows : 1. The owner is supplied with a large number of the most approved de- sivns from which to make a selection. 2. The estimates are thoroughly reliable. 3. The designs are patented and the owner 1s protec ted from unauthorized duplication of the house he builds. 4. Alterations of the design selected are made for the owner until they fully suit his requirements, or an exchange of design is permitted at small Cost, 5. A properly written Agreement with the contractor is prepared without charge, 6. At all times the owner has full and free consultations, before com- mencing, during the progress and at the completion of the work. REBATE. From the price of Working Plans, Specifications, etc., the owner may de- duct the amount he has paid us for books to the extent of five dollars. CONCLUDING WORD. In the limited space of a page many of the advantages of our system must be left unsaid © but we would like intending patrons to feel—as we believe every one of our numerous patrons do feel —that our dealings are character- ized” by a liberal spirit; that the most painstaking efforts are always made to please them and to serve their best interests. Respectfully, THE 0-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS. 63 BroapwAy, NEw YORK. HE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 63 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. StoprreLL’s MoperN House Designs. Descriptive Price List The styles of exteriors are shown by the views and elevations, and the accommodations by the floor plans, as given in our books and portfolios. of All other information is given below. 3 : \[' CN t4Prce t : . ‘DESIGN Posy [SIZE MATERIALS * *HEIGHT OF STORIES fe roeie inet ace # # % REMARKS NUMBER FRONT | DEPTE FOUNDATION | fst STORY 20 STORY | ROOF CELLAR | 1st STORY | 2¢ STORY 3d STORY|| Working ] Material . v - Plans, etc."T' 129 lodge | $675.1 22 6* [ 236 || Posts Shingis [==-w=- |Shangls] No cer] 11° of --- eee || 512. | $3. No cellar and no attic. 131 Res. $971. 20 6 24’ 0° Stone Clap ods Clapbds : 6.' 6% g8' 6% 80% | --« [|$12. $3.]| Cedlar under kitchen only. No attie. 132 * $1178./| 24' 6* | 28'6* || Posts : hanes : No. cel{ 8' 6% 80% | wem $15. | $3.[ No cellar and no attie. 136 °* $1200.)| 25 2* | 35'10 ap - No cel e' 8' 80" $15 $5. || Attic floored, space for two rooms. 2nd sto . . ase . . . ry front shingled. 14% . 325004 2 8 # % orone & Drk. . shipels le to 6' 6* 9' 3" 89" g'0%| $20. | $5.| Cellar under kitchen only: Tower room fifished. ’ ! one a 6' 6° 9' 0" 8'0* ane $25. $5. Cellar under whole house. Attic floor 1 : 3 ' . > . A loor laid tut no finish. 148 : $2500 36' 6* 49° 101 5 : . Shingls 6' 6° 9' 8" 9'0" | e-a $25. $5. || Cellar under rear half of house.Attic floored,no finish. 149 . $3182. 49 0 39 0 Posts . . . 6' 6° 9' 6* 9'0* g'o* $25. $5. || Cetlar under kitchen, plank walls. Two rooms ain attic. 16s : $9) = % 5210 Stone & Brk. . . . 6' 9° 9' 4% 90° 7'6%ll $30. | $5.) Cellar under parlor and hall. No finish in attic. 3100. 2 42! . . . . 7' 0° 9' 6% 9'0* | <-- $35. $5.|| Cellar under rear part of house. Space for two rooms in attic. 159 ¢ $3500. 37" 10% 57° 6 . . Cos . : P SS ROT 3s iow 5 . . . . . 7'0 10' 0*| 9'0 8'0%|t $35. | $5.|f Cellar under whole house, Three rooms finished in attie. . 160 $3500, 36’ 0 Sl ot . Clapbds Slate 6' 6% 9' 6 90° | ..- $35. $6.|| Cellar under rear part of house. Attic floor laid, no finish. 162 ¢ $3590.| 48 0: 49 0: Brk. Piers . oy 1s Shanglsff No cel. | 10' 0% 11°0* | ... $40. [$10.| Southern house, kitchen detached. No attic. 28 : $1008, 2g 2 1 posts » Bex : Shing : No cel.| 10' 0* $17. | $3./lWalls covered with plaster board. Space for 2 rooms in attic. . p osts rk. 6' 6% g' g* 8'0* cee $12 $3 || Cellar under living room. No attic “ On" * : 170 , $639.]| 20° 0* | 20'0* || Posts Shingls [=<==== - " No cel.| 10' 6°| «=e “ee $10. $2.|| Walls covered with plaster board & wainscoted. 171 - ,, $590.) 22 6 22'6" ‘ rw [em vs || No cel.| 10' 6% a-- “ee $10. | $2.]| Same interior finish as No.170 172, $1629.]| 36' 2* | 40' 0" gr Clapbds |[Shingls " No cel.| 10' O*| 9'0° “ne $20. ° | $4. Southern or seaside house, kitchen detached. No attic. In ’ iy 31 0! 29'0"* || Stone vs Clapbds ’ 6' 6* 9' 0*| 9'0* -—- $20. $4.|| Cellar under parlor & kitchen. . . . Q a . ' . ' a 175 " $1305. 2 20s coone & Brk. ’ Shangls ’ ’ he a a oor ——— 2a a Cellar under dining room. Trap door for access to tower. jon aoN 8 a § 25,01 " ’ x ' ol | 6: 10% | eee $15. | $5.|| cellar under whole house. Scuttle to attic from 2nd story. In on nso las ’ "" i) " z 0: 8a po nee $20. | $6. cellar under whole house. Scuttle to attic. id " $1495. 26' 0° | 36' 6° " ”" » ’ 7: a a 0 8' 0° === slo. vy Cellar under whole house. " ee , " " "» " , : , === : *|l Cellar under whole house except kitchen. Scuttle t ic. 179 ,, $2325.) 39 6 25'0" ’y *" 's A. 7' 0* g' 6*| 80% | «-- $25. | $5.|| Floor plans same as 177 doubled. ellar under eactonarda 1 " eee] ga s 59.6, Brick 'y vs ve || 68 6° 9' 0 84% | --- $20. | $5. Cellar under part of house. Attic floored, no finish. “ M22 vy vs 'y 6° 6° 9+ 0 8'4 --- $18. $4.) Cellar under parlor and hall. Attic floored, no finish. 182 , $1685. 22 6 27'0* ’s ry 'y " 6’ 6° 9' 0*| 8'4" | w-- $18. $4.) Cellar under parlor and hall, Attic floored. no finish. 183 4, $1100, op 5 28. 0% Stone & Brk. " " " 6' 6* 8’ 6*| 8'0° | ... $15. $5.]| Cellar under whole house. Attic floored no finish. 184 ,, $2000. 16' 8 44’ 74 Brick ’ Clapbds Tin 7 o* 9 9*| 86° | ... $20. | $5.]| Cellar under whole house, laundry in rear, two tubs. 1856 ,, $3400 20100 46'8" [Stone & Brk. " " ow {| 7, 0 9' 9% 90% | ..- $23. | $5. cellar under dining room, laundry under kitchen, two tubs. 186 4, 4/28 11*| 47 0* [Stone " »» Phingls || 6' 6 9' 6 90% | ... $20. | $5. Cellar under rear half of h Trap door to att 187 $1500. 27 6* | 31° 6° s 7' ob ' o| 80° will int Pani " " ’ Shangls 9'0 . $20. | $5.01 cellar under whole h 188 ,, |$1195.24'6* | 28'6* [Posts ve vs "* I No ce1.| 8'6*| 80° | ... $15. | $5. t1a0. fg Whe Scutile to oon attic. 189 4, $1638. 30' 0: 29'8* Stone " Clapbds ” 6' 0" 9' 0% 80% | .-. $24. | $4. Batik under HAH house. oY in kitchen. 190 $1688.J| 25 2: 35'10 Stone & Brk. " A. y= 6' 6* g''g*| 80" | ... $15. $5./l Cellar under whole house. No.135 same design, without cellar. 101 $2200.f 28 6 36 gt Stone 's i. aol? 0° 9'0*| 80° | ..- $24. $4 gpCellar under whole house. One room in attic. 192 0 $1646. 28’ 0 42'6 Posts sy ' ) 6' 0* 8' 8° 8'o* a. $20. $5.0/Snall cellar with plank walls. Space for two rooms in attic. 193 ’ boseed 27 *, 59:6, Stone i. on i 6' 6! 9° o* e o ee $24. ¢4 Cellar under kitchen and fuel room. Open attic, floored. of 26° ' Stone & Brk. 7' 0 ' ! ee . Cel sa. 195 | serrellze7 6* |s16t |, Ze 6 8 or] sor | I pol or Collar or pag oA gt ei My Open attic rloored. ’ . . . 106 " $z87e, 2 10 42:10 ” ” . " 6 6 2S % g' ‘. ——— $25. ssf Cellar under rear half of house. Attic floored, no finish. " 122 : 'o vy " vs ' ! 9' --- $25. | $&i| Cellar under whole house. Kitchen detachedOpen attic,floored. 198 ,, |819504l25'0* [47°0% | 0 ve "* leet | ore 86 |... $25. | $5.|| Cellar under whole house. Scuttle soley oe | 535000 i. i. . tle to ppen attic. 199 $2030. sr 8 2, i. I. ’ Shingls e 6' 6* 9: 2° 9'07 “-—e $24. | $4.) Kitchen in basement, cellar under remainder.Open attic. 309 ’" bod sx 6: to oe or i. " ' ,) 6 6! 9 6: 8g: --- $26. $5.|| Cellar under main house. Space for three roons in attic. ) SN 9304 3 "28 . ey yy ve i. ,, 116 6 10° 6 9°67 | === $25. | 66. Cellar under rear part. 2 rooms in 2nd story. No attic. 202 ,, $2850.) 32 0 pe or Stone ’" Clapbds h 7' 0% 8' 9° 5 ot --- $30. $5.) Cellar, kitchen with sink & dumb waiter, bathroom in basement 203 ,, | $2404 (132'0 " " Shingls 6' 6° 9' 0 8'3° | «ww $24. | $4. Cellar under whole e ’ rooms 8 ' 9% l4gror a. YY house. Space for two rooms an attic. 204 ,, $2085 ar 4 39+9% - ”" Clapbds i. 6' 6' |[10' 0*| 9'0 --- $30. | $6.) Cellar under whole house. No attic. eos 0 ames a at es Stone & Brk. ’ vy 's 7 9 9' 0° 8:6 .- $25. $5.|| Cellar under whole house. Space for two rooms in attic. 208 ’ bores x oe 46' 2° "» " ’" 's yy = 7 0 9 4 3 6 -—- $25. $6.) Cellar under kitchen and dining room. Attic floored ,no finish or " oy 8 ce 30 vs ’s " I. i. 8 6 10° 8: 90° == $26. | $5.) Cellar under whole house. Attic floored, no finish. ’ 0] 42! 2! 26h 'y I. " s 's 7 0: 9' 4 go --- $35. $5.)| Cellar under whole house except parlor. Attic floored only. 20 " Co] 356. | 70" ’" ’" " Shangls vp || 86 [10000 93% | --- $25. | $5.|| Celiar under kitchen only. No attie. a. ’" $2999 a 0. 50" 6° ,y ’s ’y i. ' 7 o 9' 6! a 100 .-- $30. | $5.0 Cellar under whole house. Attic floored, no finish. op oo] 20 [55020 " ' " Clapbds ' 3s 9: o 00 | args $25. | $5. Cellar under rear half of house.Space tor 2 rooms in attic. oe " $3475. 5" 3* 38'3" Loe ’ " " " 8 6° 1. os 9' 0" 8'0 bod $5. Cellar under whole house. Two.rooms in attic. "" 14% , ”" ’ sss + | $54 Double house, accommodate 24, ie] 43 s oo Posts " Shingls ” No cel.|10' 6*| 9 6: g'o* $30. | $5.) seaside house. 3 rooms $s 3 fxabres, fe nn Melo ls we riper | on [| PRES EE |p] 8S: [35 ie nase. vo sersar, oo ate. ’ . , S . " ! $20. $54 Cellar i ar 1 |ssoshsser [99000 Brick pers | 00 | 0 | fhe cenfarer [ai0r fo | 635] | ssh outhern house, kitchen detached. space. to; 218 $3700 [39 0* [59'6" [Stone & Bri. 7' gb 0! 6%] 8'9° 8 0° y kitchen detached.Space for 2 rooms in attic. 219 $3532)31' 00 |49'0* |[s " ’y ’ 6 6° Co be $40. $54 Cellar under whole house. Tower room finished. 520 " ay Sage 49 20 Stone "» ’ " 6 6° 9 e: , 9 ol TT $40. $64 Cellar under whole house. Space for 2 or 3 rooms in attic. 221 Res $ 43 0*]63'10° | sto " " v= ° 10° 0 8'0 76 $40. |$10.fCellar under whole house. Two bedrooms finished in attic. 29 . coon i 0 Sa on Stone & Brk. Brick Brick Shingls]l 7' o' |11' o* | 9' 6* | ---. 840. | $5 plellar under kitchen only. No attie. gz sesooler ot leo: 4» Stone. Claptds. | smngls y 70 0 gr ov |8 6 |... $30. | gs tCellar under whole house. Attic fldored, no finish. 2 ’ C . oF , 4 's I. vs Slate 7 0* {10' o* | 9 0° g' ofl seo. «Cellar under whole house. 3 rooms in attic. 224 ,, |s3ceellser 049’ 6 - . $104 226 | $4300]|36° 6° [51° 0° sto & Brk ’ I. Shangls| 7' o* 9 6*|9' 0 a. $35. $ Cellar under whole house. Space for 2 rooms in attic. 228 ,, $4400)|39+ 6°48’ 0* | st Ike ’ RY ’ g' 6° 9' 8% | 9° 0O* 8' 6° $40. |s10 ellar under rear half of house. 3 bedrooms & hall ain attic. oo $4500159- 0° [60 6° Stone IN Clapbds Vy 70 0 9+ 6% | 9 0 g' 64 $40. |s10 llar under whole house. 3 rooms finished in attic. 226 " $3700 31° o 46" 0° Siice & Drk Cranks Shingls [Slate 7' 0" 9' 6*|9' 0° een $50. [$10 ellar under kitchen, dining & sitting rooms.Large open attic ves " s25000y O° lea’ 6° . apbds. i. Shangls || 6' 6° 9' g* | 9 0° 8’ 6" $40. $5 ellar under kitchen.3 rooms in attic. 230 $6700.59 0° |81' 4° Brick Prers 1 " " 6' 6° 9' 0* |g’ g* re $30. ¢s4fcellar under kitchen. Attic fldored, no finish. in $6400 J37- 100 [57* 6% | ot or " Cn y No cer.|11°'6* fi o* [10° of $75. |s15. thern house. 4 rooms & hall finished in attic. 232 4, $3900 | 38° 0° [54° 4° oy & Brief ay Clapbds | ,, 7" 0* |10' 0* |g' 0% | ~--- $40. [$10f¥Cellar under whole house. Space for three rooms in attic. 233 +» $4349Jl¢1° 8° [60' 6*|l Stone ' " " 6' 6* |10' 0" | g' 0% |=~==- $40. | gs.|Cellar under kitchen, entrance fron porch. Open attic,floored 234 ,, ) 69' 2' | Brick Piers " " ’ 6' 6* 10' 6* | g* O° 8’ 0" $40. |s104Cellar under whole house. Three bed rooms in attic. 235 ,, 76" 6° re alters | No cel.f11' O° ho or |---- $40. | $5 [Southern house, kitchen detached.Space for 3 roons in atta. 236 61' 6° Stone v) ' Clapads 22 No cel.]11' 0 pho' o* 8' 0" $60, |[s104{Southern house, with outer kitchen.3 bedrooms & hall in attie 257 49' 0* || stone & Brk. ! 8 te 7 o* ut 0 ho' O° g8' 6* $75. |[$15.|[Cellar under whole house, laundry ,2 tubs, 3 rooms in attic. 238 4» “4 6° ” ShaAels PINRIS | 71 4% 110° OF fgr 4 7* g*f| $50. |$10.f|Cellar under whole house,laindry,3 tubs. 3 rooms in attie. 239 66' 6" | stone ** | Brick y EE 7' o* 9' 6" | g' 0° 8‘ 6" $75. |[$15.[|Cellar under whole house with laundry. Tower room finished. 2%0 +» 61' 6% tone a Bri ’ late fl 7: ov J12' 0* jh; o* [10° 0*| $100. [$25.|[Cellar under main house. 3 rooms & trunk room in attic 241 + 55' 0° || Stone 1 " or [17000 207 62 Ter or | 9 OY) $100. [$26,[Cellar under whole house. Four bedroens in attic. 242 56' 0° Clap " PHINEAS ff 70 oe 10° 0% [g+ ——ee $685. |[$16.[|Cellar under whole house. Space for Your rooms in attic. " pbds. " late Coe nL ne 243 Church 75' 6° " Stone ) ines 7 0 10° 0: 9' 0° 8'0 $100. |$25.[|Cellar under whole house,laundry,3tubs. Three rooms in attaie. 244 Rink 150' 0* {| Brick Clapbds " pring 7 0! a7! 0 seeee |Emee $120. |$30.|ICellar under half of building. Seating capacity ,160. 245 Res. 25' 6% || Posts | eetees " 7 0: 16° ol 0' 0* [10° 0°f| $200. |$50.[ICellar under the stores. Four offices in 2nd & 3rd stories. 546 +» 25' 6* [Brack Piers [sides |....._. i, s 0 . 2 5 “enue we oo 2. Collar with brick walls under kitchen. 247 vs 35' 6* | Posts Clapéds No cel. LO feeeen “sew . . thern house with detached kitchen. No attic. 248 +» 45° 6% Canin " No cel | 9° 0 7' 6* [=== RE $5.[|Three rooms & hall an attic. Design for Shooting Lodge. 249 +» 45' 6° ” " pbds | ¢ 0: 9 ol 8' 0* |==-- 15. $5.)[Cellar with plank walls, under kitchen,outside entrance. 250 +» orf ' " 6100 | 8:0; [8 or |--un ae $5. [same as 248 with an additional chimney. 261 rs 24" 0 " A or os 8. ou [8100 |-=-- 15. | $S.licellar with plank walls, under kitchen. No attic finish. 252 +» 36° 0* | Stone ” N ear wor [89 | oe ellar under living room. with brick walls. No attic finish. 253 +» ater |, Ho vr ' 6 or gon [88 | I Ses $5.4iCellar under kitchen & pantry. No attic finish. : L 8 QF |---b = 184 nder whole house, No attic finish. ¥ Cost is base i og . ased on the prices for materials and 1abor that prevail in the vicinity of New York. In - reany places cost will be less. Loy pes « When Working Plans, Specifications, etc., are ordered, we carefully re- ate the cost according to the client's local prices (we have price-lists for every section of the country ‘hich gives the ¢ ~ g i bl ) y), which gives the client the sum at which, or very near which, he should be able to contract This re-estimated cost is guaranteed to be correct ; otherwise, we will return the fee paid us t Sizes given include all projections— porches, verandas, bay-windows, etc. ** Height of 7 y ch i i ght of Stories may be changed, but it necessitates re-drawing the elevations, for which an additional charge of $5 is made for a house that costs $5,000, and under : , S . over $5,000. $10 for a house that costs tt These list prices are only about one-guarter of the amounts usually charged by other architects The drawings, etc., that we send are on a larger scale, and are more complete and accurate than can be procured elsewhere at any price: they include Working Plans, Specifications, Detail Sheets, Color Sheets, Supplement Sheets about Cisterns, Earth Closets, Privies and Fences. Also Duplicate Blank Contracts. $1 A Bill of Materials is needed only in case the owner wishes to buy the materials, ee We can send the Working Plans, Specifications, etc., of any of these designs reversed—for which we charge $5 additional. What we mean by reversed is fully illustrated by holding the design before : strong light and viewing it from tne back + the faint lines that show through show the design eversed. o oo additional charge of $3 is made for a house that costs $5,000, and under « $10 for a house that costs over $5,000. THE CO-OPEIATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 6; BROADWAY, NEW YORK. D 3 — Continued Sos Te ~ “ye ye ~ ~ - «7 SC ~ 4 EsCrRIPTIVE Price List of Snorrrrl’s Moprry House Desians—Continued. The styles of exteriors are shown by the views and elevations, and the accommodations by the floor plans, as given in our books and portfolios All other intormation is given below. Price f DESIGN os t SIZE t. MATERIALS # % HEIGHT OF STORIES |!” ficngFiPrice 2% % REMARKS Working Wis i NUMBER FRONT | DEPTH FOUNDATION fst STORY | 2d STORY | Roop CELLAR | fst STORY | 24 STORY |3d STORY [| Pians, ote.| Materia 254 $1050. || 24 6* [27* 6° || Stone Claphas | Shingles [Shingles || No cel 8' 0%) 7° RE 315. 5.| stone 3 s me [esse] Eo [Go SR ee |SOP PERLE NE SY | Sas | I Ee LT Re aie. Shae tor teens 256 a» $1862. || 26' 8* |39'10° |IStone ve vs Il 6° 6° 8’ g* $20 Se - Se. - Sp or two rooms. 8' 0° ———— 20. $5.|| Cellar under whole hous2. Attic floored, no finish 257 as $1650. ll 22' 4* |38' 6* ||stone & Brk.| ,, th vs lle: 6s 0! 0 | a $15 . - ’ : 2 a oe " , 8' 0* -——- 19. $5.[I Cellar under whole house. Space for two rooms in attic. a ” Sean a. o “. o Suone ’" Shangls " Li : 9 os 8' 6° eee $23. $5.[| Cellar under kitchen only. Attic floored with scuttle to same 2 s2406- 1 27 0 135+ 2¢ [[otone ’ ’s || 8 : 9’ 0 8' of 7' 6 $20.1 $5 (I Cellar under rear half of house. Two rooms in attic. 260 3100. || 2 ao) " " vo [70 9' 0g o* | =--- $25.] $5.|lceliar under whole h A inis 261 $1441. | 24* o* |32' 0* [Brick . 6 ob be ouse. Attic floored, no finish. os 1663. | 6 & |27° 6° ||stone " " . 0 9 0: g 0% | ---- $18.| $4.|cellar under hall only. No attic finish. 565 vv |s2130. 0 35° 0° |48' 2* ![Brick ” " vo |7 08 : "lg" o* | ---- $18.) $4.ll cellar under whole house. No attic finish. 264 1» $2451. 32° 0 v 0° |lstone ” ’ ’ °. 6! 0 een | =e-- toa $4.ll cellar under kitchen. Interior walls covered with plasterbd. vs $3572. l 28° 4° 52'10* ||stone & Brk.|Brick iE ”" , g: 9 . 8' 3* mee . $5.]l Cellar under whole house. 2 ropms & hall finished in attic. 265 =| Brick x) 6'6 8' 6 "ne 7 $25 $5 266 1» $3253. | 40' 3° |47' 0* |[Brick Clapbds | c 7 ob 9 6° 8'0 8 fo Cellar under kitchen,dining roam & library. 3 rooms in attic. 267 1» [$3553.) 40' 3* | 47’ OF [Brick " shaneld 0 70 or o or [S18 | 7 of ses. oo S8A3°% under hall & fitohen. Three rooms in atte. v ‘ . ] 8' 6* . od) oA ans . . 268 19 $7820. 76" 64 50 0 Stone " Clapbds] 13 [7+ 0° 10' 0° [gv go | ---- $25. $6.1 Cellar under each house. 2'8* alley ways between houses. 260 99 $2496. 23" 3° 5 0 Stone & Brk. " ve vw |l7* 6® 9' 6% |g: oo en $26.] $5.|f Cellar under whole house, laundry in reas,2 tubs. No attic. 270 $3700. | 29' 6° |4 , 2, ric ’ vs "oe 7' 0° 9' 9° 8' 6 ce $35. $5.[| Cellar under whole house,laundry in rear. Double house. 271 $3269. | 30' 0° 45' 6 Stone & Brk. ve Shingls Shanglifg: ge 9' 6% |g. oe ew $35.] $5.|| Cellar under main house. Space for two rooms in attic. 272 1» $3469. | 30' 0° 45° 6 vy ’ " 'y vw ||6' 6° 9'6%|g: ov cea $35. $6.|| Cellar under whole house. 273 1 $3469. 30' 0° 45' é Brick " ' ve |l6° 67 9' 8% |g o8 ——. $35.] $5. Cellar under whole house. 274 $3000. 24’ 8 38’ 5! ’ " vy yy ge ge 9' 0% |g ge 7" 8 $30. $5. Katchen & dining room in basement. Two rooms in attic. 275 $3100. | 24' 8 41 gt Stone & Brk. yo hr wo 17 0° 9'0% |g g* 7' 6 $30.] $5.) Cellar under kitchen and half of house. Two rooms in attic. 276 $3600. 38 0! 48° é¢ ’ " " vs wv 7 0° 9' 0% |gr gs | ---- $35.] $5. Cellar under rear part of house. Attic floored, no finish. 277 $3039. 28’ 2 44 2 ) " ’ i. yy Il7 0° 9' 6% |g. 6 7' 0 $30. $54] Cellar under main house. Tower & one other room in attic. 278 $3339. od 0° “8 o poll " vs wo 70 or 9' 6% |g: 00 7" 6 $30.] $54] Cellar under rear half of house. Two rooms & hall in attac 279 $1800. 2 0 5 0 : sis " vy + |18* 6° 9' 0% |g 4 eee $20. $54 Cellar with plank walls under kitchen only. No attic finish. 2680 0» $2340. 25’ 0! o0* or Stone 5 " i. so 17° 0° g' 0% [g' oe Rp $25.0 $54] Cellar under kitchen only. Scuttle for open attic 281 1 sae? 34 2 a, % Stone & Erk. " i. vw {6 6° 9' 6% |g gs | ---- $25. $5] Cellar under whole house except kitchen. Attic floored,only. 282 1 «1 31 " " ’ " vm 17 0° 10" 0% |g o» 7' 6 $35 $54 Cellar under maa , ' n . ini 3 s 283 $3926. | 31'10% | 58" 0° [Stone 'o ' nw 7 3 10' 0* 3, oe 7 6 $40. $04l Cellar under whore wc me rooms finished in attie. 264 vy $2000. 25' 0* 39° 6* Stone & Brk. " i. ' 6' 6* 9' 8° 8" 8* ceew $25 SH) Cellar under whole wy 9 booms & hall in attic. 285 $3535. | 28' 6° | 37* 6° |[Brick ’ vo ||8' 6° 9' 0% la: ge 7' 6 $304 #54 panangroom, kite! se. Space for two rooms in attie. 286 $3735.01 20° 67 | 48’ 6° |[Stone & Brk. vs " 7' ob 9 0b 8' 6 $35 58 cen ’ chen,servants’room in basement.3 rooms in attig 287 $5935. 36' 6% | 49' 6° " ’ »H “" 7' 0° 9' 0° 8 2 2 6 $40 $5 Collar under . of main house & kitchen.Attic floored only . | . * ' o ° de F. ao ‘ 288 Res. $3258.01 34' 0* | 35' 2" ||Stone & Brk.| Clapbds|Shingls Fhinglsfl -. ,. o' 6 | 8 6° | 77104 40 ssll Cellar under at Of aan poze bk tchen.3 rooms in attic. val ye , , vaUgq pO ’ se. edrooms in a . 289 ,, $3469.) 52° 8 5 100 peal " " ’e " 6'10* [10' 0* | 9' 6' |----u $404 lof) Cellar under kitchen only. Attic floored Sra s 3r ’ 250 ve $3516.11 36 ot i) 2, orack h I. ve 7' 0° 10° 0° 9' 0% |euan $35 J $5 Cellar under kitchen & pantry, remainder on Pl orn evel ' . , ' ~ ) ’ : + ers. No 3 . ht . $3608. > o 48’ 6* one " " " r o 10000 | 9° 67 | 7° 8 $364 $5 SE under whole house. Two bed roo:s in attic 0 rene ; i. , ’ qe 5 ell nder nad hous : 293 ' $3151.01 36’ 7% |54'-3* |[Brick Nn Clapbds " or . 9 a > 1! enw $35. $f LeLdar u der aaln house. Attic floored, no finish. € , , Re : 6 9' 4 8' 6 rene $35. ssf tellar under rear half of house. Attic fl 294 mn $3850. fl 37' 7% |45' 0% {Stone +» |Shingls 6' 6° ‘gv | 8 6 Cell eo oored, no finish. 205 «08 I58° 6° |lst Brk " 9 6 weew $40. $10 ar undgr whole house. Attac floored space for th £95 wn» | $5000. 4 4270 one & Brk.| = + ' vo fl 7000 Jom 00 | 9000 | 8 off ss0.| siofCelliar under whole house. Tw : ha ha fooms 296 4» $3961. 27' 0° |52' 2° [Stone Brack |Brick 7220 [100 0° | 9700 | 8 0" 0.1 s1ol Cellar under wh + wo dedrooms & hall in attic. 297 vs $6000. 1 50° o* |43* 5° vs Clapbds | Shangls " 70 6b 5 of 5 or |- sad le Collar ander mote house,laindry in rear. 3 rooas in attic. 208 ’ $4260. | 50° 0* |55' 6° i. +» |Clapbds 1at 6 g* gr 20 oe gt - . Cots er whole house,lairdry,2 tubs in each.Attiec 3 rooms 209 +, $4395. 0 41’ o* |44' 0* |lstone & Brk. skangls kha els) 70 os , C2 oe $50. siofglellar under whole house. Attie floored,space for 4 rooms 300 +» | $4871. 38' 0° [56° 6° "| Claphas [Eis|) 70 00 1107 001 97 00) 70 6% $55.1 $logcellar under whole house. Three roons in atte. 301 + $5871. | 33' 8* |61' 6° ven ” " a po Lo o : 5 8’ 0 $50.| $10 cellar under whole housewith laundry,2 tubs.2 rodns in attic . " " " ' cen Cellar i p N 302 ’e $4871. 35° 6° 61’ 0° "oy "e " x) " 7' 6° 10* o* 8' 0° 7’ 6 Soo. 0 Cellar ane vhole hoy se with laundry,2 tubs.Attic unfinished 303 +» |scezs. [se or [47° 8 || 0 vy |Shingls | 0 fl70 00 |g 0 | 8° 0° t75.| 150Celtar unter each piouse. Three rons finished in attic. 304 sv | $6200. | 45° 6% [42° OF JStone Stone " wo fleet [2000 | stor |e orf ses. $15 [Laundry & katehen nouse. Attic floored space for 3 rooas each 306 1» $6000. | 58° 0° |51' 0* |Brick Piers |Clapbds i. No ceil 12’ 0* 11" o* | 7/ gv . ql: chen in basement. 3 rooms & hall in attic. 306 ve $7479. | 78 6* |60°10* [Brack . ’ 7 so 116° ob 0 6 ls : $100.| $254|Southern house. Four rooms & hall in attic. . ) Ia ' u 0 . « ~ z \ 307 w $8020. fl 49' 8° 51' 8° Stone & Brk.|Brick Brick S1ate 70 0 12° 0° [10' ot 9’ Ou pp So fa under pal °! house. Four bed roons in alttic. 308 vs $7120. l 63' 6* |65' 6* [stone Stone Shingls 7' ob 10° 0° S' of . Sop] . a 1 ont half of house. Attic,4 rooms & hall. 309 " $7500. | 49° 4° 66' 8° rack Clapbds ’ ” 7% 0° 11’ 0* 10° 0° “8 6 10 Sa on under rear half of house. Space for 4 rooms in attic 310 stable | $1576. | 24 0* |40' 0° [stone ve clapbds khingis| No cen 10° 0° [--e-- Re le $5 1bons o ponaer Howe house.2 bedrooms & billiard room in attic 311 $1930. | 39 6° 36’ 0° " Shangls Bo cel 11’ 0° |12: 0° . m in loft. Terra Cctta pipe provided for heating. 312 pes. [$1232.24 20 [30 8* [lposts " , nw [ro cea] oor [ror [eae Se ena finshed An loft. 313 ’ $1287. || 23' o* |30’ O° i. ” ' 8 3s 1g 00 8’ os wets $12.| s3JMNo cellar. louse plastered. s14 |) |s1572. | 240 00 [28° 0° [lstone Shangls |, wo ll? ee | 8 or —- Slee] sainall cellar wath plank walls 35 1342. 22° 6» [29° 3° Clapbds " oo Looe Tone - 15. $5.|sttic floored, no finish. . 9' 0 8 |eeaa ~ . 516 $1466. I 35° 6 [26° 0° Wi Clapbde " . a oon oT $15.| ss.jCellar under kitchen & bed room.Cement flue for kitchen stove 317 $1468. ll z2' 6* |26' 0° i. vs " 6' 6b o 0 | 6 on $16.| $5.JICellar under half of house. No attic. a8 1 |s1701. far 60 260 00 fl, wo {a leer | 500 |B ob [oon $10.) ss.foene Design as 316. Ist floor plan modified. a9 $1356. ll 20* o* |30' O° +» |Shingls vy 6' 6° 9' 0° 8' 0% |e-ee Se $5.fSame as 316 with the addition of one room,woodshed & bathroom 820 $1356 f 20’ o* |30' O° 'e ' vy 6 6% 9 0 | g ov |---- «| $6.fellar under front half of house. No attie. 321 $1617. 1 20° o* |40' 0° " 6 6 0 00 | gor loom $16. | ss. Same as 319,hall & staircase modified. 22 $1800. [| 25° o* [43' 6° [stone 'y i. ”" 6 6° 8 6 8° 6% |-nnm $15. $5.lSame as 319 with one story kitchen extension. s23 $2261. | 32’ 0¢ |44' 0° [Brick . » " 6 6 o or | 8 or lomo oo $5.fCellar under hall & dining room. No attic finish. 24 ” 3157. | 21+ 6» [50° 3* [stone " [ciapbas : 6 6 o 20 | 900 | 5 ot re $5. Cellar under dining room. Attic floored, no finish 325 ” $2106. § 21’ e+ |38° 6° rick vs 6' 6% 8' gb 8 0% |e-- co $o. Cellar under whole house ,laundry,2 tubs.l room & bath in attic 326 $2003. 25' 0* |36' 0' [lStone & Drk. ' vs 6' 6 g' gb 8' 1 |eeee coo 0, Cellar under whole house.»8pace for two rooms in attie 327 ”" $2604. | 32° 0° 36’ 6° vs ' i Shinpls ” 6' 6° 3" 0° 8' 3% |oeun po $56.[Cel lar under whole house. Space for 2 rooms in attic. 328 " $3362. | 32' o* [52 0° ve vy 'y vs vy 6' 6% 9' 0 8' 3% [on-a $25. $5.[[Cellar under hall & parlor. Attic floored, no finish. ae $2976. | 31’ 6* [48° 6' [stone i. . 5 6 0 0% | g' 3% |o--n J $5.jCellar under whole house. Attic floored, no finish. \ 350 " $2657. | 31’ 00 [40 6 rick s n 6 6 oo | 8 6° | 6 6° oo. $5. Cellar under whole house. Attic floored, no finish. 331 $2527. 133 6% [47' 0" [Stone ys» [Clapbds y 7' 0° 9 6 | 9' 0% [amen €Je | $5.JCellar under whole house. Two rooms finished in attic. sz so765. | 39+ ov [38° 6° [stone & Br. +» [shingis " 6 6% 9 0 |g ev | 7 of oe $5. [Cellar under whole house. Attic floored, no finish. 333 " $3345. |30' 0° 45’ ot vy ve ’ i. i. 6' 6* 9' 6° 8' 6% |ee-a $30. $5. cellar under whole house. One room finished in attic. 33, [s3546. 300 ob [49 OF won " " vo [6° 6 | 9 6 |g 6 [---- $30. | so. foci op under whole house. Space for two rooms in attie. 335 $2038. | 35° 6° ick » " 770" | 90 0* | 8 6 |7 O° : “fe lar uacer whole house. 338" ssos8. |3s: g0 [32' © . " Yollz or | 9 00 | ges | 7 0 oe $5. lIcellar under hall & kitchen. One room & hall in attic. 337 n $3642. 33’ 6* 51° 6 tone & DBrk. yy [Clapbds ’ 6' 6* | 10° 0" | g' QF |==-= a0. body Sone floor plans as 335. 338 $2873. f25° 6* [83° 0 rick " "» I. 6' 6* | 10" 0° | g' Q* |---= $30 boy Cellar under whole house. Attic floored,space for two rooms. 339 1 $3292. Jez’ 0° 45' 0° [stone ’s Clapbds vs 8' 0° 9' 0° 8 6% [---= $30. 5. Cellar under whole house. Attic floored, no finisk. #0 $2992. Joo’ 3 |[41' 6° ’» ”" " " 6' 6" | 9' 0* | g gb |---- $25. $5. [[Cel lar under whole house. Space for 3 rooms in attic. 341 ” $3292 42' 0° 45' 0° ”» "» A. g' 0° 9' 0° 8" 6% |=--= on $84 [Cellar under whole house. Attic floored, no finish #2 $3458. |a7' 00 [62° O° tone & Brack +» phinels | lle: g* [ 9 6* |g gr [---- S00 $5. llsane design as 339 showing open staircase in main hall. . Ladd C 1 a } 343 ”" $2762. 134’ 6° 49' 6° rick Piers 2" "» 5 No celd 9' 0° g' 6° 7’ 6* $35. bod Cellar under kitchen only. Attic floored,space for two rooxs 344 $3628. §33' 6* |50' 6% [Brick ” RL 's 7' 0* 9' 3° g' 9* | 8* 0" $35 i. to_cellar. Two rooms & hall finished in attic. 6 $3013. [|36' 2* |36' 0* [Stone ys» [Clapbds Klate |[l6' 64 9 0 | g ob [---- Son $5. [ICeTlar under whole house. Two rooms & hall in attic. 36" |sasss. P3320 |52'20% [stone & Bre |», Ehimels fo 70 0% | 200 00 or 0* | 8' Of gus. | goo Cellar unier whole hones. ime aoored, no finish 47 '' |sssi0. [ss or [os' 6 Stone prick prick vo Bor 200 00 | goon [een || ggon | fos) ar under whole house. Three rooms & hall in attie. 5 $3497. |32' 00 [50° 6* [stone & Brk. Clapbds Bhingls khainplsfl7’ 0° 9 8 | g 10% |---- £30. $5 oa under hall & kitchen. Attic floored, no finish. 349 ” $3561. 136' 0° 46' 0° rick. » ” » 6' 6° 9 6" 9 0° 8' 6" $35 or Cella uneer rear 1211 of house. Attic floored, no finish. 350 =" $3500. lei’ 6° 52° 4° rick Piers ”» ”"” ’s No cel{ 10’ G* 9 6% |---- aD. bo No ool lope, Parlor, sitting room & kitchen. One room in attic . ' . , . 5.1 - < . ‘ a ol 1 $4000. [37° 6* |50' 9° [iStone & Brk. ’ TN 9' 6% | 9 0* [---- esq. | ec fJceriar under kitchen only. Attic floored,space for 3 rooms , ® Cost is based on the prices for materials and labor that prevail ir the vicinity of New York. In t+ These list prices are only about oxe-gyuarter of the amounts usually charged by other architects many places cost will be less. When Working Plans, Specifications, etc., aie ordered, we carefully re- The drawings, etc., that we send are on a larger scale, and are more comy lete and accurate than can be estimate the cost according to the client’s local prices (we have price-lists for every section of the procured elsewhere at any price: they include Working Plans, Specifications, Detail Sheets, Color country), which gives the client the sum at which, or very near which, he should be able to contract. Sheets, Supplement Sheets about Cisterns, Earth Closets, Privies and Fences. Also Duplicate Blank This re-estimated cost is guaranteed to be correct; otherwise, we will return the fee paid us. Contracts. + Sizes given include all projections—porches, verandas, bay-windows, etc. 11 A Bill of Materials is needed only in case the owner wishes to buy the materials. : . . . . . . ##%* We can send the Working Plans, Specifications, etc., of any of these designs reversed—{or **% [eioht of St be ch -essitates re-drawing levations rhich : 5 v2 ’ ’ ’ eight of Stories may be changed, but it necessitates re-drawing the elevations, for which an which we charge 85 additional. What we mean by reversed is fully illustrated by holding the design before a strong light and viewing it from the back ; the faint lines that show through show the design veversed. THE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 63 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. IHE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 6; BROADWAY, NEW VORA, Descrirrive Price List of SuorpeLL’s Mopern House Desions— Continued. Descrirrivie Price List of Suorrrrl’s Moverny House Distons— Continued. The styles of exteriors are shown by the views and elevations, and the accommodations by the floor plans, as given in our books and portfolios. All other information is given belcw, The styles of exteriors are shown by the views and elevations, and the accommodations by the floor plans, as given in our books and portfolios All other intormation 1s given below » ) t f4Price f . : ice for [yer DESIGN | cost SIZE ¥ MATERIALS * % HEIGHT OF STORIES fiFice fofstpice x DESIGN |, COST t SIZE t MATERIALS * % HEIGHT OF STORIES [17 fo :tpuce NUMBER FRONT | DEPTH Working | 000° REMARKS NUMBER’ mor | oem FOUNDAT { STORY ; Working | B18 * * * REMARKS FOUNDATION {st STORY | 2d STORY | ROOP CELLAR | {st STORY | 2d STORY | 3d STORY}pyans. etc.| Material 5 ) NDATON fst 8T0 2d STORY | Roop CELLAR | 1st STORY | 2d STORY [3d STORY} p) " ow Material 352 Res $5000. |[ 36' 6* | 61' 6° || Stone & Brk|Brick |Shingls|Slate 2° 0% Vp ' . a 447 $2900 32' 2% [B1" 2° (5 pH. | Gsapbds [Shingles [Slate "ae Coe {8 4° ~ ollar N ; 21s | 5 9' 6 g8' 6* | 8" 6° $50. | $10.[[Cellar under whole house,laundry,Z tubs. 3 rooms in attic. » 2900, . . StoneH pH. [ Ghapbds [Sitingley f 7 6 9° 0 Seow fh $30. | $5. tellar under whole house,laindry,2 tubs. A ; 363, 35243 49' & 68, 0 Stone Clapbds | ,, Shingls lig gs 10 0* | 9* 0% | «=== $40. | $10./|Cellar under whole house. Attic floored, no finish. “8, $4700. 40 6 os ot ons &« Brk.| Shan i shanels fle* 6 10° of 9’ 0% [7' 6* | $40. p10. Cellar under whole house. Two rooms Fi oozed ply - $54 " $6107. id 0 a 8 1 ’ ’ » f7* o* 10' 0O* g' 0° 8 6* $65. $10.[|Cellar under kitchen & diring room. 2 rooms finished in attic 449 ’ $3606. 0’ gt 7 6b Sone kel yy ng "oy 7' 0° 9' 6* 8’ 6" 7° 0" fl $35. $5. Cellar under main house. Tower room & 1 bed room in attic 3% " SBor, 66’. 04 56 co! Brick ’) cll 1 7 0" 10’ 6* 9' 6* 8' 6 $50. $10.|/Cellar under whole house. 2 rooms finished in attic. 450 ,, $3112. 35° 0 il 0b Stone " WN? 1 " 7' 0* 9° 0° 8' 6° m—-a $30. $5. Cellar under whole house. Attic floored tut not finished 3b " «|| 37 6% [54 6° | Stone ’ Clapbds | ,, 7' 0 9' 6' | g* 0* | 8 0% $50. | $10.|[Cellar under whole house,laundry,2 tubs. 3 rooms in attic. 401, $3457. || 41° 8. 145° 0 a " Shangls |, , 7' 6" 9° 0* |B" 6% j---- } $35. |gs. Cellar under rear half of house2nd story front clapboarde 7 " 30900: sa “ 8 5 Stone & Brk. |Brick (Shingls| Slate fiz. ge 9' 6* | 9 0* | ---- || $60. | s10.||Cellar under whole house laundry in rear with 3 tubs. oe " $3292, a2 i ° lle weed] ve Les 8' 00 [9 or [8 60 |0 | 5300 [65 | Collar under whole house. meire procrosy, front clapboarded. TT Oo . ’s ’ ’ ’y ’ 7 0° 9' 6* 9' 0° ——— $65 $10 I) $4000. ! *l IE) ’y 7' 0* 10° 0O* 9' 0° -———— $35 $5 Cellar under hall .dini re . 286. ' , y . , JO . ~ I pe + o* fle . y , , , , . . ) ng room & kitchen.Exterior like 456. = A. 36286 37! ot 48' 6: Stone Stone Brick ” 7 0* 9' 6* | 9' 0* | 8 0° $66. | $10.[|Cellar under whole house,laindry,2 tubs. 3 rooms in attic. pe 1 $3760. 2 o ao o Stone & Brk Shingls giaphis ate 7! 6* [10° 6* 9 6 8' 0" ff $40 $5. Cellar under whole house. 2 bed rooms & hall in attie th $6500. 43 -0° [607 0% || Stone & Brk. | Brick Brick, Shingls [17° 6% | 11'10* [10'10* | ---- $75. | $15.||Cellar under whole house,kitchen in rear. Walls veneered. to " $4451. 36: os |s1r 20 Brick " (C1apods SAINELS |ShAnRLs fle 8! ' 4* [9° 0" 18" 0"f $40. p10. Cellar under whole house. 3 rooms in attic. ’ oa ’y ye. 41’ 6 61° & Stone S12pkds 8 i. 7 6 10" 0* | 8" 6° | 8' 0% $75. } s15.[|Cellar under whole house,laindry in rear. 3 rooms in attic. wr $4600. or ov [500 08 P " " 6 6 10" 4° 9' 0 6' 69 $35. $5. Cellar under kitchen & hall. 3 rooms & hall in attic. 362 4» + || 89" 6% | 58 "oo rick " " 70 10° 0* | 9' 0% | =--- $50. | $10.|[Cellar under whole house. Space for four rooms in attic. ” $4352. || vas llsids 19 ’ ” 6' 6° 9' 0* | 86% |7' 6*| $40. $5. Cellar under whole house. Two r £ 363 Flats | $8000. [l42' 0° | 70' 8* | Stone & Brk. |Clapbds Coe . 458 52 31' 8* [57' 0% [Stone & Drk.|Brick [Brick ‘oe cor |g oo . oom$ finished in attic. o. . P » ’ 70 10' 0* | 9' O° ———— $85. | $15.l[ce11 d hole h i f ’ $4526. . BN v " 70 9' 6° 9' 0 8' 0 $50. p10, Cellar under w! se. , 364 $12000. !!48' 8* | 67’ 0° Clapbds [a Ve , , e +||Cellar under whole house. Attic floored, no finish. 459 360 2 [48 0* [stone Clapbds [Shinpls Ce Co Co ,Y ‘ r whole house. Two rooms & hall in attic. 554 ad 30800: 70 2% | or os lin Wu ’ 1 Shingls Slate 6' 6 10" 0° 9’ 9 9' 0% $115. | $25.[/Cellar under whole house.3rd story same as 2nd.Open attic. wo $4865. ca’ 6b |65° @ [Brick 3 » 7 0 9' 6 3 0, 8 uo $05. B10. Cellar under whole house,laindry,2 tubs. 3 rooms in attic. ee * Ls1s000. [lon 2 | 58. oF prick sale | ne Shangls (177 6% | 10+ os | 9* O® -==- || $95. | $25.|[Cellar under kitchen extension only. Attic floored,no finish. 61 $4750, 37° gb |48' 4* [Stone ” " late 6/6 oor [9 0 8 0%) $50. £10. | Cellar under kitchen only.Two rooms finished in attic. ioe oh ren iy 1 on | 28, 0% lacens Shanels " oe . 5 0 L 12: a 10' 0° 8' 6% $200. $50. || Cellar under whole house with kitchen etc.4 rooms &c¢ in attic wz Soon cor ob |43 6° ”» " r % 9° 6 a. po 8° 0 ee $10. Cellar under whole house,laundry,3 tubs.Billiard room in attic . 3 ”" ingls el.] 20° 0% | cccaa ———— . 0. sea 2 . Co . , , ” ’ ‘6 ——— - B10. Cellar 368 Stable | $1000. ||20' 0* | 40' 0* [| Stone Clapbds | No cel | 10’ 0° $15 $1 eating capacity 22% . , 463 $5953 31’ o* |o8' O° 's ’s Clapbds Shingls [7° o» 9 . 9° 0* |g g* 75. E16 ’ under whole house,laindry,2 tubs.Attic,one large room. 369 $1468 41' 6% 29° 0 Clapbds " , . “eee -—-—— : . $5. Hay mow in loft aver carriage room & space for man’s room. 464 " oY . 42' 0° 58' 0% Brick Brick , . 10° 0 a , . $75. N . Cellar under whole house. rd floor same as second.Open attic ro a er a3 on | 8 ob Posid ’ ’s No cel 10° 0: 8 o* --- $25. $5.|[Coachman’s room in loft,Walls of stable part of brick. 465 $6574. 80’ 0° |60' 0° ” Stone Shinels "oe 7 9 n' o* 10° 0 8' 0 $75. B1s. Cellar under main house.4 bed rooms hall & store room in attic * * ' ob ' v 3 " No cel.| 9' 3% |g 0% | ---- || $12. | $3./No plastering walls covered with plaster board.woodwork oiled 1 $6072. ot! gt pe RIS 11» 6' 9 9'10* | 8 8° | .--- } $85. B16. | Cellar under whole house. Attic floored ,no finish. 371 $1194. [|49' 0* | 24’ O° Clapbds C0 ' ine’ 466 42° 4° |62' 8 ’y Brick [Brick [Slate ny ape nT bos . . ) " . coo 1650, BE " Shingls Hs No cel.| 10' 0 9’ 0° ———— $14. $4.||No plastering. Walls covered with plaster voard, ,, ’ 467 1 $8000. » go» |51' 6* [Stone & Brk. r 7" 0 11’ 6 10° 0 9 Of $1256. p26. Cellar under whole house except kitchen.2 front rooms in attic gz ,, $1128. |(43"' 6" | 23’ 6° [Brick Piers ’ ohing ' No cel 9' 0® [8 0° | =-=- $15. $5.||No cellar. Intended for a scuthern,seaside,or mountain house ’ ’ $7200. 80° 6 von II > 3 " 7° 0" |12' o* [11' O* | 8' O'f $100. $26. Cellar under whole house. 4 rooms in attic.Walls 4° 373 $1803. ||24' 6° | 43' O° ’ Oe ne 468 $8020. 48' 8% |61' 8 vs yy | Brick Brick 7 O° PR Ae voll ’ . I . 8 brk.veneer " , Co TY " " No cel.| 10" © 9' 0 ——— $20. $5.||No cellar. Scuttle to open attie. 69 a» |820 0° Ne 20 12' 0* |10' 0 9' 0%f $1156. [$26. Cellar under half of house. 4 rooms in attic.Walls 12°brick 374 " aoe 28 6 = on ack Pi " " " 6° 6* 9' 0% | 8' 0% | --== fi $15. | $5. Cellar under dining room & hall. No attic. a0 $0000, oo. o 35' 8° [Brick |" Shingls [Shinrls ji 7! OF [9 6 | 9 Of... | $65. [$10. | Cellar under whole house. Attic floored only.Reak part frame " - ||28' 6 ! ric ers " " No cel.| 9' 0* | 8* 0* | «veu- $16. $5./[No cellar. No attie ”» $6500. , ’ ' ve 7' 0 9 4° 9' 2% | 9’ 0*f $90. [s26. C \o 3784 1s Sree. [2 Soon a | ” vo [Mocer. ot 0r |g or | ooofl $20. | g5||no ceriar. No attic. Same as 57 with extgnsion., Tl hseal $8905. | 62.60 (TE ee Clapbds |, f., bo cel.|10' | 9° 6° | 8° 0%] 5200. [§50. | Southern house. me norio) Di11ierd room & 3 Toons Ln attic " + ||26° 0* | 50" O ric " " v9 6' 6° 9' 0° | 8' 4* --- $25 $5.][ Cellar under whole house. No attie sete $1400, . re " " No cel. [20 o* ceeet | aeea $16. | $5 0 ” . : , , - . . . . ' ’ . pen to ridpe with windows 877 ,, $2942. || 31" 6° | 43’ 4° ’» " vy 7° 0* | 10" 0* |g’ g* | ---- $30. $5.]| Cellar under whole house. Attic floored,no finish. 475 Stable. | $454. | 30° o* | 16° OF jStone 3 |memeee- ' No cel.| g' go 2° 0% | ae-- $12. | $3. | space over box stall ndow wl upper part for ventilation. 378 $2586. ||23' 6° | 43* 6* || Stone & Brk. vy 6' 6% 9 0° . a 30 - 474 $1397. 44' g* | 23" 0" [Brick Piers | ~~ Shangls|,, No cel ve 210° $16 «Ste open to roof.Step ladder to hay loft. 379 " $2687. ||35° 6% | 49' ot [Brick + " 5 810" 8'0 ————- $30. $5.|[Cellar under whole house. Attic floored, no finish. 475 $2510 41 6° | 52° 0° [stone : 6 ob 9' 0 Se om ———- . ol $5. One room for man in second story.Open loft 15'6%to ridge ”» . " Jd " ! ’ 8' 4° ———— $30. $5.||Cellar under kitchen only. No attic. » ‘ . an ! ’ 2? 10° o* ‘2 m—-- 29. $9. Cellar under part of carri 1 : 880 ,, $2534. (134' 9* | 55' 8 ||Stone & Brk.| ,, Clapbds | | 6' 6° 9' 6* |9' 0* [| ---=| $30 $5.]| Cellar under rear half of house. No attic finish “76, $3059. | 56' oF | 41° 4 ry Brick. , Slate No cel.[);: oo | 8' 0* | —--a} $30 $5 2&8 room.Elevator to loft. ' ‘ a ' , To * . - Vil. oF 8 + g* [| Brick Clapbds ’ . 11" 0 -- soll. . Two rooms in loft plastered.Brown stone trimmings. a " Cora. oe o poe zn oione Piers ’ hls Slate ) 7 ol a 0 8' 0° $40. $5.[ Cellar under rear part of house.3 rooms & hall in attic. pid nod Saas. >, oe >. Gr , lap " Shingels to cel.f10' oo res | eee $0. $5.30] One room finished in loft for stable man. & 388 ' $2800. 56' 0% | 3' 0% ||stone "» Shangls {No ce . ol a 8 0 ———- $40. $5.||No cellar. Attic floored, no finish. 479 4963 40’ 0° | 48" 0* | Stone & Brk. " C1 tds Slate 2 oO 9' 0* 8 0 -—— $24.73 $5. |lCeliar under whole house. Attic floored ,but not finished. ”" y vos a0 6 Ile ' " » " 7, ot 9° 6° 18 08 | ---- $30. $5.|| Cellar under whole house. Attic floored, no finish. ” * a ' ap 0 10" o* 9' 6% | ----} $44.63 $5. [Cellar under whole house. 3 rooms finished in attic. 8s $3607. (1467 OF 0. o re " Clapbds| *° 7.00 9' 6° 18 6° [8 4" $30. | $5.|lCellar under whole house. Three rooms & hall in attic. 480 Res. $9600. | 44’ 0 [69° 0* fStone Stone [Stone Slate | 7' 0* | 10" 0* | 9' 0* | 8" 6*| $88.80[$10. [Cellar under whole house but laundry.3 rooms & bath in attic. ses ,, $2355. 50° 6 0. ) fjBEack " Shingls |- ** 6 oe 9' 0* 18 0% | 7 6% $25. $5.|| Cellar under dining room only. One room finished in attic. 81 ,, $2661. 21' 6% | 44 6° [Brick Clapbds |Shangls |shangls | 6' 8* | .9' 6* | 8'10* | 7° 6*| $21.81) $5. [Cellar under all tut kitchen. 2 rooms & hall in attic. fos " oy 82 o 4 , 0 st ’ " Clapbds — on 7, on 9' 0" | 8 0° ——— $25. $5.][ Cellar under whole house except parlor. Attic floored, only. 82 ,, $2386. 48’ 0* | 32' 6° ' ' " ’) 6' 6* | 10' 0* | 8 0° | -----] $20. $5.84| Cellar under hall & dining room. No attic.Kitchen on piers. oo [134 9, 5a’ 00 J[Stone "’ Shingls| *’ 770 10° 0% | 9* 0* | ---- $30. $5.|| Cellar under whole house. Attie floored, no finish. 483 ,, $1798. § 24° 0% | 34’ O° ’y » ”" " 6' 6° 8' 0% | 8' 0° | -----| $15. $3.67 Cellar under hall & parlor. Attic floored ,no finish 388 ,, $3727. |[44' 0* | 49'10* | Stone & Brk. i. 8 I. No cel.| 11' 0* 110’ 0* | 7' 6%] $40. | $10.//No cellar,walls under whole house. 2 rooms & hall in attic. 484 $3970. 40’ 0* | 38' 8* [Stone I. Slate 7' 0° 9' 6* | 8 0* |8' o*f $35. $4.6d| Cellar under whole house. One room & hall in atts : 389 ,, $2500. || 33' 3° | 47’ 9" Stone ”" ”» i. 6’ 6* 9' 6* | 8" 6° 7' 6° $30. $5.]| Cellar under kitchen only. Attic floored, space for 2 rooms. 485 ,, $8264. 67' 0% | 59' 0" ||Brick 's " Shingls|l 8' 6* | 10’ 6* | 9" 6* | 8' 6° $72.56($10. |/Cellar under whole house , laundry 3 tubs, 4 rooms attic 380 ,, $3776. 57! 9° 56° 6* || Stone & Brk. ys ’ I. 7' 0° 10' 0* 9' 0° JR $40. $5./| Cellar under whole house,laundry,3 tups. Attic floored ,only 486 I~. $7617. 65' 4* | 56 0° ’y ’ ’ y Bo cel. 11' o* [10’ 0* | 9’ o* $66.17|$10. [Brack walls under whole house no cellar. 2 rooms An atti : sa, $4498. [(50' 0° | 45' 6 Stone "e " ys 6' 8 9' 6* | 8 0° | 8 0% $40. $5.J[ Cellar under whole house. Two rooms & hall in attic. 487 ,, $8714. 71' 6% |73' 0* [|Stone & Brk.| ,, "» i. 7° 0* 110" 6' | 9' 6* | 8 0'| $77.14[$10. [Cellar under kitchen & halls. 4 rooms & hall in attic He 392 ,, $5579. (152° 6° 5210% [ Stone & 2rk.{ ,, op ,h 7’ 0° 9' 0% | 8 4° | ween $30. $5./| Cellar under whole house. Attic floored, no finish. 88 $6767. || 45'10* [56° 2* Stone vr i. vy 7' 0° 9 6* [8 6° |g 0] $70. |$10. [Cellar under each house. 2 rooms & store room in each attic 393 ,, $3198. | 36" 2° 44 0. won " ”» y 7" 0° 9' 6% | 810% | 7 6°) $30. $5.[| Cellar under main house. Two rooms finished in attic. 469 Stable $916. 31' 6% | 22' 0° [Posts iT) " - Yo cel. 9' 4' [ 8' 6* | ---- $12. $3. [lOne room 11x16ft.partitioned off in loft. 394 ,, $4510. |[38* 0° | 40" 7* || Stone ’ " 7" 0* 10° 0* | 9' 0* | 8 0" $50. | ¢10.//Cellar under whole house.3 rooms in attic of each house 490 Res. $4068. 35' 0* | 60 6* [|Stohe & Brk. ’ " 7" 0* [10° 0* | 9' 0* | 8 0% s40 , : ] - : 395 "oe ‘os » ‘oe , : , . ae " , . $5. |fCellar under whole house. One room finished in attic. '" $4800, |(40' 0* | 40" 7 ’ " " ys 7 0 10* o* 9’ o* 8’ 0% $55. | $10. Same exterior as 394. First floor plan modified 491 's $4640. 51' 10* | 39' 6" ||Brick Shangls ’r 7' 6% | 10" 0* |. 9' 0* | 8 0'f $41.40] $5 Cellar 1 hole h 896 ,, $2634. [20° 0* | 41’ O* [ Stone & Drk.| , "» vo 7° 0° 110° 0* | 9 0% | -u-- $30. $5.|| Cellar under whole house. Attic unfinished. 492 ,, $2000. [| 28' 8% | 32'10* [Stone & Brk.| Clapbds| ,, . 8’ 0" 9' 0* | 8 0 | ---- $16. $3.7 Cellar ner whole roca oe oevered tah lasterbdd 397 ,, $4267. sz! 6* 66’ 6 Stone " " ’s 7° o* 9’ 6* | 8 6* | 7' g% $30. $5./| Cellar under whole house. One room finished in attic. 493 ,, $3498. 22' 0% [48" O* fiBrick " ”» ys 7' 6* 9' 6* | 9' 0* | 7' 8%) $30. $4.9 Cellar under whole house , laund 2 tubs “2 ro 2s an atic 308 mn $6400. || 43 01 | 477 OF J) Brack ’ " » 7 0 9' 0* [8 0* | 8 0 $50. | $10. Cellar under whole house. Hall & three rooms in attic. 04, $1535. || 28' 6% |36' 44) ,, " " " 6' 6% | 9° 0% | 8 0% |---| $12. | $3.5¢ Cellar under hall kitchen & dmg room. No attic © 39% ,, $3800. |(43' 0* | 38° 8 vo ’ " ’e 7' 0* 9’ 0" [8 0° | ---a $45. | $10. Cellar under kitchen & hall. Attic floored,space for 3 rooms. 495 ,, $2626. 38' 0" | 48' 0" [Stone ’ ’ yy 6' 6° 9' 0* | 9' 0" | —--- $21.25) $5. [Cellar under kitchen dining room & lor No atti 400 ,, $2329. || 36° 0* | 40' 0" || Brick Piers " y No cel.| g* o* | 8 O° c—- $30. '$5.| No cellar. Attic floored,space for: two rooms. 496 ,, $4809. 22' 0o* |43" 2* |" ,, Brick [Brick Tin 7' 0% |10' 0* | 9' 6* | 9' of $40. $5. [Cellar under whole house Kitchen has sink & t ¢- tub 41, $2629. [136] 0% | 46’ O° || Stone & Brk.| ,, " vy 6' 6* 9’ 0* [8 0% | ---a $30. $5.|| Cellar under whole house. Space for two rooms in attic. 497 ,, $6904. | 52'10* | 48' O* [IStone & Brk.| Clapbds |Shingls|shingls|f 6°10* | 10° 0* | 8* 0* | ---- $57.04|$10. [Collar under each house. Attic floored space Tor 5 ro ms = 402 ,, $2829. || 36 0: 62’ 0 oo 0 i) ”» ’y 8 6" 9' 0* | 8 0° ——— $350. $54| Cellar under kitchen with trap door from porch. Open attic. 498 ,, $7692. 44' 8" | 78" 4" | Brick ’ ”" 9 7° 6* |10' 0* | 9* 0* | 8 0'f $65.16[$10. [Cellar under whole house. 3 rooms in attic. ooms. 408 ,, $3946. 53" 0 55° o: Srck, rll Brick >) 7 0 10° o* 9 0 ———— $40. | $104] Cellar under kitchen extension only.Attic floored ,no finish. 499 ,, $8440. 56’ o* 68’ 0 Stone , "» Slate g' o* 9' 6* | 8' 6° | 8' 6" $75. |$15. [[Cellar under whole house with billiard roomd.2 rooms in attic. 404 ,, $4586. 33 8: 67 0! oione rick Clapbd Slate 8 0 10° o* 9' 0 —— $50. $10.| Cellar under part of house. Attic floored,no finish. S00 9 $2216. 27" o* 48 2, vy " " Shingls|| 6’ 6* 9' 0° 8' o* ——e- $20. $3. |[[Cellar under kitchen only. Scuttle to open attics 406 ,, $4520. || 37' 6* | 65' 4° || Brick Clapbds PAS toh ing1s || 7 O° 9' 6* g' o* 7' B® $50. $104] Cellar under all except kitchen. Two rooms in attic. 501 vy $3166. 30' 0% | 50%; O* {Brick ”» ) 'y 7" 0* 9' o* 8' 6* | 8 0° $2 $5. [[Cellar under all except kitchen. One room in attic: 406 ,, $3455. ||42' 0% | 67° 4*' || Brick Piers | , Shingls ys No cel.l 10* 0% | 9' 0% | ---- $30. $54| No cellar. Unfinished attie. 602 , $1275. || 32' 0* | 38' 0" [Posts i) ’ I. 6' 6° 9 0* | 8' 6° | ---- $12. $3. [Cellar wath plank walls under kitchen. No attic. 407 ,, $5084. [| 38' 0* | 64° 0" || Stone & Brk. Brick Srick Slate 7" o* 10’ 0% 9' oO ———— $70. | $154 Cellar under kitchen, sitting & dining rooms.Attic unfinished 503 ,, $3914. 44" 6% | 66' 0* ||Brick Piers ”» " ’y No cel. 9' 6* | 9' 0* | 7 6* $40. $5.5 Southern house, no cellar. Kitchen detached.3 rooms in attic. 408 ,, $3670. 52° 0* | 60' 6" || Brick Clapbds Shingls Shaingls [[No cel. 10° O* 9’ o* 8' o* $45. $104| No cellar. Iwo rooms & hall finished in attie. 504 ’s $0637. 37' 6" | 60'10" || Stone & Brk. ’ » Slate 7" 0° 9' 6* 9' 0° -———— $45.87| $10. [[Cellar under whole house,laundry,3 tubs. Attic floored,only. 409 ,, $5266. [| 53° 0* | 68' 0* || Stone & Brac|Brick |Drick i. 7° 0* [11 6* [11' 0* | .--- $76. | $154[ Cellar under parlor,bed room & hall. No attie finish. S06 ,, $8381. || 41’ 7° | 57" 6" " vy | Brack 4 ,, " 7' 6% | 10° 0* | 9° 0* [8 0* $70. |s$10. [Cellar under whole house ,laundry,3 tubs. 4 rooms in attic. 40 ,, $4685. || 34* 6° 55° o* or | gy 1 Slate 7 o* 9’ 6% | 8 6° 8' 0% $50. | $104[Cellar under kitchen only. Two rooms & hall in attic. S06 ,, $6353. 43' 0% | 64' 0" | stone Clapbds Clapbds Shanglsff 7° 6* | 11’ 0* |10' 0* | 8' 6*| $52. |$10. [[Cellar under whole house. 5 bed rooms in attic. a1, $4631. || 57 8° | 67° 8° | Stone Clapbds | Clapbdsicy nog [7° 0° | 9' 4* | 8 4* | waa || $50. | $10l[Cellar under whole house. Attic unfinished. 507 ,, $6615. || 45' 2 |68' O*} | vo | Shanels| 7 6* | 10° 0* | 9 6* | 8 0*] s¢58. |$10. [Cellar under whole house. Hall & 2 rooms finished in attic: 42 ,, $5326. || 63" ot 52° 6° oraex > "» Shingls| 7' 0* | 100% 9' 0* | 8 0% $55.| $10J[Cellar under kitchen & front hall. 3 rooms ‘& hall in attie. 508 Sehool [30000. f| 126° 0° | 92" O* " Drick |Brick [slate | 8" 0* | 13° 0* |13" 0* | co. | $250. |$50. [Cellar under whole building. Laboratory in 3rd story 413 ,, $5296. || 66' 0* | 68' O rick Piers ’" ’" i. No cel.| 13' 0* |12' O* ———— $65. | $154 Southern house on brick piers. Attic unfinished. 609 Bank $4900. 25' 0% [ 48" O° ’ "» " Tin 8" 0* |12' 0* |10' 6° | ---- $45. $4. [Cellar under front portion of building. Faced with pressedbrk 414 ,, $7531. [| 39' 0" | 59’ 0° || Stone Brick Briex Slate 7° 0% 11070" [9 0" | 8 04 $70.| $15 Cellar under whole house,laundry,3 tubs. 3 rooms in attie. 610 Stable | $2609. 66' 8* 57! 3! y Clapbds| Shangls|Shinglsf No cel. 10 0* |--:-- -—- $21.09] $5. [One room finished in loft. 4156 ,, $5800. [[41' 0* | 88" 0° ’ Clapbds | Shangls|q) 01 17° 6* | 10° 0* | 9 0* | 8* 04 $70.| $15)/Cellar under whole house. 3 bed rooms finished in attie. 611, $1050. | 31° 4* | 20° O* fi Brick Brick |Brick Slate No cel. 9' 6° | 8" 0* [ ---- $12. $3. [Terra Cotta chimney provided for heating man’s room. ' oe toe lls J 512 Res. $606. || 22’ 0" | 34° 0" fl Posts Clapbds| Shangls|shinglsf No cel.| 8° 6* | 8° 0° | ---- $12. $3. [Mo plastering,walls wainscoted & papered.Terra Cotta thimney. 416 Res. $9749. 74’ 0: 01 ou stone Stone Stone Shingls 7' 6* [10' 6* [9 6* [8'6*| $85. | $15. [ Cellar under whole house. 3 rooms in attic.Exiension. frame. 13 ,, $4600. 4a’ 4 69° 6 Brack Piers ”" uv " No cel. 10" 0* | 9' 0" | 8 6° 41. $5. ||Seaside house. 2 rooms finished in attic. 47, Sa0- 47, 20 182) of ' Brack [Shincls Slate Ji7 6+ [10° 6* [10° 0* |g’ 6*| $85. | 15. [|Cellar under whole house,laundry,3 tubs. 3 rooms in attic. 5l4 ,, $1450. f 34° OF £5 6 { Stone ' " ¢ o 9' 0% | 8 0% | ---- $12. $3. |[Cellar under whole house. No attic. 418 ,, $9900. 47’ 6! 58. o ’ Ry Brick ’y 7° 0% [12 0* [10* 0* [8' 0*[ $125. | $25. [|Cellar under half of house,laindry,3 tubs. 3 rooms in attic os ,, $2600. 54’ 0s 44 ol ’ ”" ”» ”" 6’ 6* 9' o* 8 0! --—— $21. $5. [Cellar under kitchen & dining room.Stepladder to open attic. pre ' 16600. o. 5 80' 0° re Stone Shingls| +» 8 0% 110* 0% [9* 6% |9' 0'fs125. | $25. |[ Cellar under whole house,laundry,3 tubs. § rooms in attic. 516 4, $509. “ vl 3 oe Stone & Brx "” " ”» 7° 0° 9’ os 8 s =n $15. $4.5 cellar under whole house. Attic floored ,no finish. : " : , ‘oe a 3 » ’y 7° 6% [10° 0* [9' 6% |8 0" $200. | $50. | Cellar under whole house, laundry. 3 tubs. 4 rooms in attic. o17 $3508. 3 0 . " " "» » 6’ 6* 90 8 3 7 0% sal. $5. | Cellar under whole house. Two rooms finished in attic iS S1sbie hetioy 26° 002.9, " Clapbds | ,, [ShinelsfNo cel. 10’ 0* | 7° 6% |---o || 515, | $5. [Two rooms finished in the lost.’ o18 , $6100. | 457 OF | 477 67 Stone ” »» [Slate J 7° o* | 9' 6" | 8 6" | 8 ( $51. |$10. [Cellar under whole house. 2 rooms & hall finished in attic 42, $1678. 64° 87 141° 2° ,, " ----=-.| Slate No cel. 10’ 0* |8 0* |-... | s30. $5. || One room finished in the loft. ols ,, $6950. | 40" 0% | 47° 67 ’ " " " 8' 6* 9 6° | 8 6' | 8' 0% s60. $9.50 Kitchen & dining room in basement. 2nd story & attic like 518 35 Bes. $1692. hoe po i, a ’ Shangls| Shingls|fiNg cel. 9 o* [8 0* |---. $15. $5. [[No cellar. No attic. 520 ,, $4500. 36" ar on 5 Stone & Brk Bedi " ’ 6' 6 9" 6* | 9° 0 8" 6% s40. $5. [Cellar under whole house,laundry,2 tubs. 3 rooms in attic. " bee , : " " " 6° 6° 9' 0% [8 0* [|---| 31 “cea 521 5800.4 42' 6% | © tone . WA 70 9' 6% | 8" 6% | 8 6% $48. |$10. [Cellar under whole house. 3 rooms & Storeroom in attic. Josh ' randy a 5 5, pa posts " "» ”» No cel. 8 6% [8 0% [---- po bo Yo colander Those house. #ue. 622 $1500. be’ 9° 58° 9° Posts Clapbds Siaohis Tin ——e- “wean seems | sees $12 $3. Exhibition milding. Interior woodwork dressed & varnished. se $1200. [25 gv [39° 6* [poses " vo 670" | 8 6 [8 0 |... | 515, | ss. | Cellar under parlor. Scuttle to attic pus Rese [SOOO a ov | 75 or] Stoce TYTRl side [Brick | oinels| No cerf 10703 | 90 OF) -c--] $20. | $5. [Eiterior sac as 573. No attic famash. 2 200. c . . . y oe Cor ' , , . ; ' , 27 $1317. [5g os 33+ 6* Boss p " »» ’ No cel. g+ o* |8 0% |..-. $15. $5. || Interior walls covered with plaster board. No attic. 624 ,, $9000. 4 59° 0° 3 0 | Stone Vortnds| —m Slate 7 6 11" 0% 110° 0% f 9° OF $150. |$25. Jlcellar under whole house.laundry.3 tubs. 2 rooms in attic. 428 ' $1657. gs o 530s . fick fiers | ,, " "oy No cel.| g' o* 8 0% |[---.. $15. $5. [No cellar. No attie 525 " $1500. 09" 0 44 ol Posts ert ds - = | Shinglsj| No cel 11’ 0* | ==---= ee. $10. $6. |[outhern house. Walls covered with plaster board. No attic. © ’ 24" 0" | 31° O° fIBrack " ’y Shangls [| 6° 0° 9' ov |8 0% |.... A 626 ,, $1600. 48' 0% | 45' 6 I. Clapbds| Shingls| No cel 12' 0* | 9' 6* [| ---- $15. | $10. [Southern or seaside house.Trapdoor to unfinished atti a2 $1458. flg10 00 | 40° 6 |[Brick Piers |shine1s $18. | $4. ||Cellar under kitchen. Scuttle to open attic. ; . oor ov | 36° O° ’ ‘ pt ' ob v ’ c 0 $1562. [20+ ov | 44° ob [Stone & Brk. | Co | rr |v No cel. 11’ 0* [8 0% |... Il 15. | gs. [Mo cellar. No attic. Intended for summer residence 527 $1200. 422’ OFf 22 a 1 3 " to cel 8° 67) 8 Of ---=} $15. | $10. (Walls walnscoted & covered with plaster board.No attic finish an! $2720. fo. oe vor lls Tee a " " 6 6 fg gr [8 0" [o.oo | 415 $5. || Cellar under dining room. Storage space in atti ba, $1500. 24° 0% 34 0 ’y ’, ” " No celf 9' 0) 8 OF} ----f $20, |$10. flSunmer residence. Storage Space in attic,trapdoor to Same. ' 22' 0* | 50" 0* || Stone Clapbds | ,, ge Coe Cg ' gt ‘ ‘ : age sp bulge. 62 $2000.] 24’ 6*| 43" 0*|f Brick Piers " " to cel 0 oY 9 0'| .... $2 he s 452 $1500, 22' 6" [42°'10* [| Posts Clapbds|'’ ° 9 0 8g 6 6 6 $25. $5. || Cellar under main house. Two rooms and hall in attic. 9 t i gv] 42" 6% < ' Cae | x J 8 0° ry se) $10. jUnfanished attic with scuttle to sane. 433 ” $2150. 53 2% | 42’ 0* || stone & Brx.| *’ P ’ No cel 8’ g* 8 or ---- $20. $5. [|Attic floored, no finish Shingles on 2nd Story front & gables oo 1" pes x 0 prt prone ”» ’" 5 ‘ 5 ’ 2 s oe oS 6 325, $10. Cellar under hall,laundry under kitchen,2 tubs.l room in attig a $2062. [[57, go | 307 6% ll Stone wy shiners |” ‘ 5 8’ of g oF 7° Ol s25. | $5. [|Cellar under kitchen & dining room. 2 rooms & hall in attic. ose $1300.] 16° 0*| 35' 6*f| stone & Bribk +» | Clapbas| in | 6 6 | 10° 00 | 9 6°] --o. er a celiar under hose house, laundry, 2 tubs. Attic floored only. 43%, 2473. 120" 0* |49* 0* [Stone & Brk.| |’ vgn | 2.0 | ==== [| $20. | $5. | Cellar under whole house. No attic finish. on I 2s ov] 53° 6° [ s Coe og Corl ar of re oO Sob unaer whole house. 436 $2908. fl) oe 40'10* || stone " re " ot 9' 0° [8 ‘ 7" 6" [| sub. $5. || Cellar under main house. One room finished in atte. 933 a» a 27° o iz’ ol " Shingls Sa 0. po " o. 0. 0 : 0 oo $10. fiCellar under whole house. 5 rooms on 3rd floor.Deck roof,tin. 437 $3440. [l22' 0% [82° 9* |[Brick " Clapbas | 8 9 or (8 6 =--- |l $30. | $5. [| Cellar under rear half of house . Attic floored,no finish. oo re $3000 || 82° 0%] <8' 6WPcron® ” wo 7 on o 60| 9° 0'| & 6 ly ay Cellar under whole hause. 2 rooms & hall in attic. 438 $2792. 38'10* | 33° o* [[ stone " shines |'’ & 8 9’ 6? 9’ ol 7° 6* || $30. $5. || Cellar under whole house with 2 tubs & W.C. 2 rooms in attio. pe , wy 63’ 6°] 44’ 0° tone & Bri. ” ” " 6 6b 0 OF 8 oF °° on hve Cellar undes Sitting room & kitchek. 3 rooms in attic. 39, $3000. ll25' o* | 63° 0* [| Brick " " 6 6 . oe 5 ° ---= || $30. $56. || Cellar under parlor only. Space for 3 rooms in attie. £37 rr so800 | 34° 2¢| «6° ef Stone M ” ' 7 0b g' ov| 8 6% . $30. $10. on under Pe of [use Tiesterboard on walls, Open alti. S, ” ’ J cme. . "oe " < . , , " , = Je . llar under whole se. 2 440 $2643. [[36' 0* [56° 4* [Brick Piers |’ . No cel Coe lar on p $35 $5. Cellar under whole structure.3 rooms in attic of larger house 538, $2976. 31 6*| 48' 6° ’ i. vs y 6' 6% ¢' o*| 8 3*| -.-. $36. | $10. la er mo © pos Attic floore ,space for 2 rooms 441 i. $4048. 34' 0* | 39’ 0* || Stone & Brk. Clapbds Sangls 8' o* 5 s g' 6b ———— $30. $5. || No cellar. Attic floored,no finish. 539 $4000 39' 0*| 54’ 6k tld & Bra ’s yy Slate 7° 0° 8 0° g' 6'| 8 o $35 $10. ll conor under role pouse. Attic floored no finish 442 $262. ll38' 6* | 49' 0* [| Stone ios , , 24 |= || $40. |$10. |[ rouble house large open attic. Deck roof,tin. : ' Nasr 20] <9 ad tone Co Shanglis{ 7° 0° "6*| 9° 0*| 8 0 © | $15. [Corian under whole honseriawidiy,2 tubs. 2 rooms in attic. a3 7 $3147. bs 4 ke 11v [bh " ’ 'é 66 9 6° 9,0 Toe $30. $5. || Cellar under dining room & kitchen. No attic. oa), $3500. vz, e3' 64 Crick _shaneld ? v. 9 6 9 oF 8 $35. 340. Jl Cellar under whole house. Une room & hall finished in attic { v2 Double © ES, 4, [511 [tone & Brk ’ Shingls.| Shinglsflg' o* [30° 0 [9' OF —- $30 45 . 941 a» $6000.4 52’ 4 + oul “Stone & Brig” DTU oo ’ RY 10° © , 9.1 8 6 $60. | $15. [ICellar under whole house,laundry,3 tubs. Tower room finished. ' $3126. 17 6 03 5 ’ " " 1 » 8 0° 100 0* ! 0° ———— $30. $5. eats nouses Cellar under each house.Scuttle to open attic. 542 » $9000. 39! 8 5, 5 Stone frack rae Slate 7 0° 10’ 6* 9 8 7 8 $60. $0. [| Cellar under whole house laundry ,3 tubs. © rooms an attic 4s, $3363. ||32" 0° |54' 0° [|Store & Brk. | | Shinels , , : : A51de house: Skylights light bathrooms & halls. $43 1» $10000. 71" 0 4'1 Brick | " » 'e 8' o* 11' o*| 10° 0 eee $80 $20. Jl Cellar under whole house laundrv 2 tubs. A “ed onl “ds, $3315,, [62° 0° |43' 9* [IStone & Brk. n JE z 0 9 ” 8 4 8" 0*| $30. $6. (|Cellar under whole house. One ro n 544 1» $15000. 47" 0 75' 8Y .,.. Loa] er p41 8 0% | 11* 6%] 10° 0%] 8" 0] $150. | $30. || cellar under whole house laundry 5 oe ome a ie v “s $3866, |[34' 6* j52°' of ’ |, ’ ’ 6 on 0 or 4 5 7 6b $35. $6. | Cellar under kitehen only. No atti: SH 4o steie. $40. | $5. [|Cellar under whole house. Two rooms & hall in attie . be } } . . cnt is based o the prices for materials and labor that prevail in the vicinity of New York. Ip tt These list prices are only about one-guarter of the amounts usually charged by other architects Cost is based on the prices for materials and labor that prevail in the vicinity of New Yo many places cost will be less. Wher Working Plans, Specifications, etc., are ordered, we carefully re > d gs, et hat we se > larg “ale > > Co lete i ‘urate : y ‘ § als ¢ 5 : : 3 New rk. In ++ These list prices are . ] } » } King ' y , , ‘ y t he drawings, etc., that we send are on a larger scale, and are more complete and accurate than can be nany places cost will be less. When Working Plans, Specifications, etc., are ordered, we carefully re- The rains, oop fre only bout pre quarter of the amounts usually charged by other architects. estimate the cost a cording to the clients local prices (we have price-lists for every section of the procured elsewhere at any price: they include Working Plans, Specifications, Detail Sheets, Color estimate the cost according to the client's local prices (we have price-lists for every section of the procured elsewhere at ’ ne oo a ager sca ¢, and are more complete and accurate than can be country), Whi h gives the client the sum at which, or very near which, he should be able to contract. Sheets, Supplement Sheets about Cisterns, Earth Closets, FPrivies and Fences. Also Duplicate Blank country), which gives the client the sum at which, or very near which, he should be able to contract Sheets, Supplement Sher A, iy y ndlude Warklag ! lans, Specifications, Detail Sheets, Color This re-estimated cost is guaranteed to be correct ; otherwise, we will return the fee paid us. Contracts. This re-estimated o cor ' ’ ‘ be ets, . -ment Sheets about Ciste OF: “losets ivies : ‘enc 8 ics . . . . . This re-estimated cost is guaranteed to be correct ; otherwise, we will return the fee paid us. Contracts. isterns, Earth Closets, Privies and Fences. Also Duplicate Blank t Sizes given include all projections— porches, verandas, bay-windows, etc. $+ A Bill of Materials is needed only in case the owner wishes to buy the materials. Sizes given include all projections—porches, verandas, bay-windows, etc. #1 A Bill of Materials is needed only in case the owner wishes to buy the materials | ** Height of Stories may be changed, but it necessitates re-arawing the elevations, for which an *£* We can send the Working Plans, Specitications, etc., of any of these designs reversed—for . ce I st . : vhich we charge $5 additio r » mean by reversed is fully il ated by holding the desig ** Height of Stories may be changed, but it necessitates re-drawing the elevations, for which an *** We can send the Working Plans, Specifications, etc., of any of these designs reversed—for additional charge of §5 is made for a house that costs $5,000, and under ; $10 for a house that costs mo i. i. oe jronad What we mean Ce : ; ! \ ura vn oe joven «dditional charge of $: is fe for a 1 which we charge $< addition: ; - 5 over $5,000 before a strong light and viewing it from the back ; the faint lines that show through show the design oe ‘ arg > 1S made for a house that costs $5,00., and under ; $10 for a house ihat costs ¢ charge $s adc itional. What we mean by reversed is fully illustrated by holding the design J reversed over $5,000. before a strong light and viewing it from the back : the faint lines that show through show the design reversed. SHOPPELL'S MODERN HOUSES THE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 6; BROADWAY, NEW YORK. THE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 63 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Descrirrive Price List of ¥ The styles of exteriors are shown by the views and elevations, and the accommodations by the floor plans, as given in our books and portfolios. DEscrIPTIVE PRICE LIST of SHOPPELL’S MODERN House DESIGNS The styles of exteriors are shown by the views and elevations, and the accommodations by the floor plans, as given in our books and portfolios. All other information is given below. SnorreLL’'s MoperN House Desions— Continued. All other information is given below. * J). Cin » hye Je : | ; ' ** Jlery Stories may be changed, but it necessitates re-drawing the elevations, for which an additional charge of §5 is made for a house that costs $5,000, and under ; $10 for a house that costs over $5,000, PRICE-LINT OF MATERIALS AND LABOR ON WHICH ARE Ii xcavation, per cubic yard, - - - - - - - $0.25 Rubble stone work laid up complete, all materials furnished by contractor, per perch of 25 cubic feet, - - - - - 4.25 Stone wall, double faced above grade 25c. per foot, or per perch, - - 6.25 Brickwork laid in the wall, per M, - - - - - $15.00 to 16.00 Plastering, per yard, - - - - - - - .30to .35 Spruce timber, per M feet, - - - - . - 20.00 Hemlock timber, per M feet, - - - - - - 14.00 Hemlock sheathing boards, per M feet, . - - 15.00 Pine shingles, per M, - - - » - - - 4.50to 5.00 I'ine flooring, merchantable, per M feet, - - . - 20.00 Clear pine clapboards, per M feet, - - - - - - 25.00 to 30.00 Novelty siding, per M feet, - - - - - 30.00 to 35.00 *#* We can send the Working Plans, Specifications, etc., of any of these designs reversed—for which we charge $5 additional. What we mean by reversed 1s fully illustrated by holding the design pefore a strong light and viewing it from the back ; the faint lines that show through show the design reversed. BASED THE ESTIMATES OF COST GIVEN IN THE TABLES. Rosin sized building paper, per Ib., - - - - - $ .03 Clear pine trim, reeded or moulded, 7% x 5 in., per lineal foot, - .03 Mouldings, per sq. inch of section, per 100 lineal feet, - - - .65 Turned pine corner blocks, each, - - - - - .04 Moulded base, 8 in. high, 7% in. thick, per lineal foot, - - - .05 Glazed window sash, 2 ft. 7 in. x 5 ft. 6 in. by 124 in., two lights, per pair, 2.00 Doors—four panels, moulded both sides, 2 ft. 8 in. x 7 ft. x 14 in. each, - - - . - - - - 2.60 Blinds will average all around, per window, - - - - 1.50 Tinning. per square of 100 square feet, - - - - 6.00 Painting, including materials and labor, per square yard, each coat, - .06 Carpenters’ labor, per day, - - - - - - $2.50 to 3.00 Masons’ and plasterers’, per day - » - - - 3 00 to 3.50 * Cost is based on the prices for materials and labor that prevail in the vicinity of New York. In many places cost will be less. When Working Plans, Specitications, etc., are ordered, we care- fully re-estimate the cost according to the client's local prices, which gives the client the sum at which, or very near which, he should be able to contract. This re-estimated cost is guaranteed to be correct; otherwise, we will return the fee paid us. + Sizes given include all projections—porches, verandas, bay-windows, etc. #* Height of Stories may be changed, but it necessitates re-drawing the elevations, for which an additional charge of ¢s is made for a house that costs $5000, and under; $io for a house that costs over $5000. Price . = oo { ae of + . t t RIALS Ll refed 1Price fi + Qa | i $% Poi i fT 3d DESIGN | 4 gost SIZE MATE HEIGHT OF STORIES |spuciicq ttFee + % % REMARKS DESIGN | * Cost + Size | | Materials Height of Stories | erice‘ot | price ot 5% REMARKS NUNBER FRONT | ‘DEPTH FOUNDATION | fst STORY | 3d STORY. | ROOF CELLAR | 1st STORY | 2d STORY | 34 STORY(| Prans, etd Material | | Working BI | | | | - TE , = i changls [No cel.| 9° 0° | 8 4° | += $10. $5, [No plastering,walls covered with plaster board. No attic. No. Use | Front | Depth | Found'n Ist Story) 24 Story| Roof | Cellar 1st Story 2d Story 3d Story Spec.etc. tials, 645 Res. $170C a. z 34' 9° [Posts frapyds Lishous ing 7" 2 "lie 0* l12* 00 | ---- $80. | $20. ICellar 26x33ft. Attic Unfinished.Metallic shingles on roof — —] | -1 — | — — "00 ric rie . | | | 546 Bank $5000, q' oF 70° 0° Stone : at "ge 11’ 0* |10' o* | 8 O° $150. $26. [|Cellar under whole house,laundry in rear. 3 rooms in attic 588 Residence...| $3300 | 30° 0“ | 48 6“ |Stone |Clapbd [Shingls Shingls| 7° oo“ | ¢' 6“ | g* o* | 8 0“ | $35.00 | $10.00 Cellar under whole house; one room finished in attic, space for one more; plas- Res 7500. [|99' 2 ‘8° Stone |Shingls| Slate 7' 6 S 3 s f : | | \r un e; ] i I 647 ' $ ‘ , a |70° 6 ’ shingls |lMo cea.[10' 0* | ¢* o* | 8" 6° $45. | $16. [|Seaside house. Two rooms finished in attic | tering is hard white; trim is yellow pine; staircase of cherry; plaster cornices 548 "» $4600. 44 4 v9’ 6* [Brick Piers| Clapbds| ,, ang 6' oe : 8 6° 8' 0° ———— $15. $10. [|Cellar under whole house. | | | | and centres in hall, parlor and dining room. Colonial in style and regarded as 649 41» $1300. go 0° | 40' 0* |stone ”" ” ” 6" 6" oo | 8 00 | ---- $15. $10. [Cellar under whole house. Co | Jo , |. lore legs | Pou, | | A very pleasing design. 560 " $1300. oy pot 31’ 0 F. ”" ”» ” 6 6° 8’ ‘6° 8' 0° cee $15 $10. /ICellar under main house. 589 Stable....... 600 | 24' 0" | 30" © It osts « lapbd Shingls Shingls |... A | 15.00 5.00 ke the heads of stalls, through which feed may be passed without enter- ! ’ * i | | | [ stalls, 851 " 52000, 27' 0° 3 o " "” " ” 6' 6° 8' 6° 8' 0° ———— $15. $10. [Cellar under hall & living room. 590 Stable....... 400 | 16° 0" | 22 o* Posts |Clapbd Shingls Shingls| .... | 10’ o* | 15.00 | 5.00 |Second story an open mow, with ample space for feed bins; large sliding door 552 't . * lla’ 0° 1 mi ” ' " 6' 6° 8' 6° 8" o* seme $20. $10. [Cellar under whole house. Attac unfinished. Cost $1300. each. | | { | | between stable and carriage room, when open admits a team entirely into 553 " $2500. oe 108 31' 0 ’" 3 re 7' 0° 8' 6° 8' 0° -—— 20. $10.||Cellar under whole house. Attic unfinished. [ | | | { | stable, to be there unhitched. Convenient during stormy weather, Sb4 " $2000. 25°10 45' 0* [Stone & Brk ’o » « at ' pe 10' 0* 8' 0° ———— $30. $10.||Cellar under whole house. Attic floored,no finish. 591 Residence... Goo 24' o" )* 7“ Posts [Clapbd| .... Shingls| 6' o“ | 10" 6" 15.00 | 5.00 Cellar under kitchen with plank walls; attic floored but no rooms finished; trim, 506 " $2500. ||38° O 49'10* [Stone Brk.Ven| ,, Sia: € 7 0 ' ae vas ———— 15. $10./ICellar under whole house.Walls covered with plaster board. | [ and | | | | white pine; walls and ceilings plastered; veranda or porch may be indefinitely 556 $2000. ||28' 8" | 30¢10% stone & Brk| Clapbds| ,, Shingls ||8' O° 9° 0 8 0 "ae $ : | | Shingls | | extended to suit climate. v re $3000. 34' 6° 3 Tne oto Brk.Ven " 6' 6° 9 3° 8' 6' 8 0 $35. $10. Cellar under kitchen only. Tower room finished in attic 592 Residence... 1200 | 48 0" | 35" o* [Posts Clapbd |Shingls |Shingls | 11* 0" l1o' oo" | | 15.00 | 5.00 | Designed for summer occupancy only; no cellar and no plastering; partitions all 897 Stable $1800. 51' 0° 48 1 1 ” Clapbds ” 6' 6° 10' 6° ——— === $25. $10. (|ICellar under main part with outside entrance. Open loft. [ | and | | | wood, covered with ** plaster board; ’’ store room may be converted into a bath oo8 Res hes ‘ 350 °0° 54 o Brick ' ? 6' 6° 10° o* 9’ o* -—-- $35. $10.{ICellar under whole house. Attic floored,no finish | | [ Panels ) [ { room. A very serviceable and attractive summer cottage. 559 : $3666. ne | 59 8 [Stone " ' ' 6 8° 9 6'| 8 o* | 8 0° $35. $10.[|Cel lar under whole house. Twe rooms & hall in attic. 593 Residence... 1800 | 25° 6“ | 45' 6“ Brick Clapbd [Shingls Shingls| 6° 6“ | 9 o* | 8 4*| .... | 20.00 | 710.00 Designed for one or two families; sinks and boilers in both kitchens; back stairs 560 ’ $4498. 50 o 45’ 6° a. ’ ’ ’" , ne 9 6° 8 6° 7° 6° $35. $10.]lCellar under whole house. One room finished in attic. | { | | | | [ to second story; open garret, where two small rooms may be finished; hard 561 i) $4200. || 32' 6° | 54' O° i. " ’ ”" 7" 0 , an ' os 7" 6° $45 $16./|Cellar under rear part of house. One room & hall in attic | . lo bo | white plaster walls and ceilings; white pine trim; ash stairs. 562 " $6500. ||61* 6° | 70* 6° ’ "oy ’ 6' 6" § é s ov, ‘00 $50. $10./|lce11 der kitchen only. Iwo rooms & hall in atte 594 Residence... 300 | 21' 6" | 52' 6“ Brick |Clapbd |Clapbd Shingls| 7° o" | 10 0" | ¢* o"| .... | 25.00 | 10.00 Cellar under main part of house; all plumbing concentrated in or near kitchen; 2 $4585 34' 6° os fleson & Brkl Brick Brick Slate 7' 0° 9 6 8' 6 8 * +jjlellar un er . » | [ | | | [ no fire-places, but mantels in parlor and dining room: no rooms in attic; plaster 563 1» 6500. 49' 6° 55 0) Stone Clapbds| shangls| Shingls [[7' 0* 9 6° | 9* 0° | 8&8 6% $75. $15.lcel lar under whole house. One room finished in attic. | | | finished for papering; trim and stairway of white pine. 564 " § . , 44' 6 PEE) " - Y ’ . ' nd ge ar wee $75. $20.{|Cellar under whole house, ,laundry,3 tubs.Attic floored,only. 595 Residence... 1800 | 34* 0" | 33' 0” Stone Clapbd Shingls Shingls| 6° 6% | ¢* ¢“ | 8 6“ | .... | 20.00 10.00 | Cellar under all except kitchen; no attic; walls finished in hard white plaster; 6* LE F tone Slate 8' 0 10* 6 9 ’ ’ ’ ( . ! ! ) : I 565 " $7000. |i 59 54' 0 Stone © " . , a oe ———— 35. $195.) C w se. No attic. { | | [ | | | trim, white pine; main stairway ash; bath room has tub with cold water supply o. [34 0° Ce Clapbds Shingls || 7* 6* 9’ 6 9' 0 $ Cellar under whole hou . | | t= lute pin rway } pply 566 " $330 . 28" 0° 51 0 " Clanbds Slate 6' 6° g 6'| 8' 0° 8 of $25. $15.|Cellar under whole house,laindry with sink. Deck roof,tin e . i } [eu] ae 6“ Stone |Clapbd |Shinels |Shinels | 6° 64 cou |g gu Pp pipe. Convenient, quaint and pretty. atationare tubs sink in kitchen: 567 ’y $2800. vo 43' 6% |Brick oll . oe Sla > 6 10° 0° g' 0b g' 0" $80. $20JITen bedrooms in 3rd floor.Attic finished for servant's use. 596 Residence... 1500 | 22° 0" | 32° 6 i: one Clapbd Shingls Shingls| 6 ) 9‘ o 8 Ce 20.00 10.00 e ar ung er whole house; no attic rooms; Stationary tubs and sin in itche n; 568 Hotel $12000. 56 0 22' 0° ’s ric Bric " | | [ | | | | pantry torms a convenient passage between dining room and Kitchen; rath room [ | | | has tub, w. c¢. and wash bowl; gambrel roof and dormers in Colonial style. 560 Res. $6500. [[36' 6" | 56° 0" Stone & Brk| Clapbds|bhingls|shingls.[|7’ 0° 9' 6° 9' 0° 8 o* $50. $10. /Cel1lar under whole house,with laundry,3 tubs,and servants’ 597 Residence... 3300 | 34° 0“ | st* 6" Stone & Clapbd Shingls Shingls| 7° o* g9* 6“ | 8" 10" | 7" 6“ 35.00 10.00 | Cellar under whole house; set laundry tubs in kitchen; combined front and back ~ .C. Four rooms finished in the attic. Brick | [ stairs, economizing Foom: coat and hat closet in hall; three fire places; two bed 00. 2 J . ' . 5 ) . - - 3 . iC. | | rooms and na mnished in at 1C5 lara w ute P aster rouy out; Pp aster cornices 70 4, $1000 4 60a 6 tone ' re » gs 8 6" | 8 0% | ---- $20. $5.] Cellar under kitchen only. No attic | | and centres in hall, parlor, sitting and dining rooms; oak trim in hall and dining 571 $1000. (|46" 0* | 41' 6° N . "as $ $6.0 ona st 10 ft 6° to the rid Scuttle to attic.No cellar : room; Georgia pine in second story and white pine in balance of house; main " ou " » » » o cel.|1l 0° 110" 6 ---= 20. . story 0 the ridge.oCu : : | | | | stairs oak; mantels to cost $80; house piped for gas; stained glass in staircase | | | window, | 572 vy $3606. |[30' 8% | 54' 8* [Stone & Brk ’s ’s 7’ 0" 9 6° 8' 6* 7 0° $35. $5. Cellar under the main house. 2 rooms finished in the attic. 598 Residence... 2600 | 34° 6“ | 49° o* [Posts |Clapbd |Shingls Shingls | 6° 6“ | 9' o“ | 8 6“ | 25.00 | 10.00 Cellar (with plank walls) under kitchen; sink in kitchen: ample closets; fire- | { | | places in hall, parlor and dining room; attic floored but hot finished. space tor 674 wz 1 go fla | pa . . . | | ree rooms and storage; hard plaster finish; white pine trim; ash stairway. 873 ’s | $1800. |133' 0% | 40" 6 Stone 0 Clapbds ’ 6 6 9 0 8 0 ———— $20. $5. (otaet under kitchen only. Remainder of house on piers 399 Residence... 4000 | 39° 6 | 43* 6* |Brick |Clapbd |Shingls Shingls| 7° o* ot 6 | 8 cv |g , 40.00 | 10.00 Cellar under whole house; laundry, with three stationary tubs in basement: ont As ! as , , attic. | | | servants’ w. c. in cellar; fire-places in parlor, library and dining room (with 57¢ $1600. [l20' 0* | 45’ 6* [Brick " ’ Tad 8 0* |11' 0" | 9' 6" | -w-s $20. $5. No attic. | | | | | mantels costing $25 cach); four bedrooms in attic; interior finish is hard, : white plaster: soft wood trim and hard wood staircase. 576 » $3363. |[32' 0" | 54' 0" | Stone & Brk ’ Shangls| shangls. |[7’ o* 9 0° 8' 4* 8 0' $30. $5. |/Cellar under the whole house. One room and hall finished in GOO Residence... | 6300 | 64 o" | 7t* 6“ |Brick [Clapbd Clapbd |Tin | 7' 0" | 10 0" | g' o“ vee. | 70.00 | 15.00 Cellar 13x40 feet under kitchen; brick cellar walls; balance of house on brick ! the attic. | | | iers; fire-places in parlor and dining room; wide and ample verandas; attic 576 a. $2900. ||33' 0" | 42' 6" | Stone ’ Clapbds sy VA 9 0° 8 0° 7! 0° $25 $5 | ellar under whole house containing laundry with 2 tubs. | | | | pored. but unfinished; space for five or Six rooms; interior finish hard, white ‘ > | blaster and white pine trim; main stairs ash. ol eh ' ne ) (rea rooms finished in the attic. 601 Residence... 1500 of 8 | 43' 8“ Stone 'Clapbd 'Shingls Shingls 7° oo“ 9' 6“ | 8 9g" | 8 6“| 35.00 10.00 cla under whole fonse with concrete floor; ample closets; fire-place in dining 577 ’ $3500. (142° 5° | 65° 2 ”" " Shingls ’ 7' 6° 10’ o* 9' o* 7' 6° $30. $10. | Cellar under whole house. Space for two rooms in attic. | | | | | room; three bedrooms in attic; ceilings plastered hard white; side walls | | | plastered for papering; trim, white pine; hall and staircase of oak. 578 " $3200. [[31 0° | 39'10" ’» Shingls "» " 6' 8° 9 o° 8' 6° ———— $30. $10. | /Cellar under whole house containing laundry with 2 tubs and 602 Residence... 5300 | 23° 6 | G2' o* [Ptonel. Clapbd |Shingls Shingls | 6° 6“ g* 6" | g' o"| .... 55.00 15.00 Cellar under kitchen only: three Sel wash trays in laundry; ample closet room; s 2 i | ric | our fire-places; attic floored but not finished; plaster hard, white finish; cor- 00 =n a8 9 oe , - ' a + me servants’ W.C. One room finished in the atte. | | nices and centres in hall, parlor, library and dining-room; trim, white pine; 579, 2200. [152° 8° | 49° 6 " ClapbdsiClapbds} ,, 6° 6 8 8" | 8 0" | ---- | $25. $5. | Cellar under the kitchen. Attic floored tut not finished. | | Staircase. ash. ’ Co 603 Residence... | Cooo | 43° o* | s1' 6“ Stone & Brick Brick 'Shingls 7° 6“ | 12" 0" 11' o* eee. | 60.00 15.00 Cellar under dining room and kitchen; five fire-places; alcove in dining room for 580 ’" $3300. [|65' 6° | 45" 0° " ’ Shingls ’ 7’ o* 9 o* 8' 6° 8 o* $30. $10. {| [Cellar under kitchen only. Two rooms and hall finished in [ | Brick | | side board; ample verandas; seat in hall and closet under main stairs; hard, he attic. -- | white plastering throughout; plaster cornices and centres in parlor, dining 581 2800. [|38' 8* | 41’ 8° 7' o* 0° 0° ———- . ~ s sh. | room, halls, vestibule and three principal bedrooms; trim throughout in white » $2 ”» ”» 1] » 0 10" 0 9 0 $30 $5. | Cellar under whole house. Attic floor laid, no fini | wood; main stairway is oak; mantels to cost $200 in all. 5 ‘ ’ ’ ’ ) ¥ 3 S TU | 6 13' 0% | ‘ 8“ Brick Brick [(2d&3d) Tin fav i 0" | g' 6“ | 9" o fio.0o | 15.00 Cellar under whole building; vaults in basement and in first and second stories 582 " $12000. |[72' 4* | 73" 10° I. Brick ’ A. 9' o* 11 6° 9g o* 8 7°] $100. $25. | fKitchen,servants’ dining room,pantry,larder,and dumb waiter : 604 Stores.... | 000 o 44 ¢ Stone & ( Brick 7 ! : id | | third story has four offices, somewhat larger than those on second floor, with jin basement.Billiard room and two servants'rooms in attic. | Iron Stone large closets; a water closet on second floor serves for the second and third ’ » ' g X ! : 83 ,, $7500. [(43'10* | 71° 0* §Stone & Brk| Clapbds ”» ’y 7° 6° [10° O° 9 0° | 8 0" $75. $15. ellar under whole house,laundry,with 3 tubs,sink and ser- & Iron | floors; show windows are large; hard, white plaster and white wood trim used vants'W.C. in basement. 2 bed rooms finished in the attic. | | pibroughout; two firc-placcs with ¢35 mantels, % 17 1 stad a 584 0000. ||48' 1* 73" 0" |B Brick |Brack "0° 'o* ' 0° ' 0° OF , . p s i s ’ 5 Reside . ‘ o" | 63' o* |Stone & Clapbd Clapbd Shingls | 7* o* oo" ‘ |g 70.00 3. OK 1e lower hall is finished with oak and has an oak floor and staircase; the rooms ’ $1 g 1 3 0 rick Tile |8' O 11" 0" j10' © 9’ 0% $100. $25. Cellar under whole house,laundry with 5 tubs,and servants 605 Residence | 7000 | 47° o" | 63 tone ¢ | apbc | pbc ningls | 7 I ) | ) throughout are trimmed. with soft woods. finished in natural colors or paint. . c a . ' . S "ope ' ». ’ . "ae W.C. iA basement.Dilliard room,servants’roons etc in 2tiic [ | | | white; there are three bedrooms and a storage room in the attic, a cellar unde 585, $8500. [79 0'[ 69’ © " Clapbds| Shangls|Shingls. 47° 6 10° 0 9 6 9 0 $85. $15. | (Cellar under all except kitchen. Three rooms and hall in | the whole of the main house, and a laundry and servants’ w. c. under th the attic. | | [ kitchen; all walls and ceilings are finished in hard, white plaster; regarded as a ce6 ,, $5500. ||56' 6° | 46' 8° {Stone ’ ’ vy 7° 0* |10' O* | 9 O* | 8 6"|| $55 $15 | pure example of the best Colonial style. , " 606 Residence...) Ssoo | st* 8“ | 72* o* Stone Clapbd Shingls Shingls| 7* o* | ¢' 6“ | g' o* 85.00 | 20.00 Cellar under whole hols; servant's bath room and Ww. C. in cellar; seven fire 587 00. ‘7% | 70" 6° ' 6" "0" 6" ——— 5 $15. ~ 0 0 . i i | | | | | places; entire house plastered for papering; plaster cornices in parlor, four bec 2 2 $5500 nr 2 LL 1 LL 7° 10 106 $55 +19 Cellar 25 ft x 22 ft 8° Attic floored tut not finished, [ | rooms and second story hall; trim of first story, oak; second story, whitewood, | | | | stained to imitate hard wood; third story, yellow pine; main stairway entirely | { [ stained to ate he y00d; d story, yellow 1H ‘ ‘ /& : [Q [ ot oak; house wired for electric bells and piped for gas; the hall ceiling shows * Cosz 1s based on the prices for materials and labor that prevail in the vicinity of New York. In t+ These list prices are only about one-quarter of the amounts usually charged by other architects. | opel timber paneling; the dining room ceiling is paneled flat; in the attic ther. ry , 1 » le The 7 ¢ > * | . : ” . S a billiard room anc WO bedrooms, many places cost will be le ss. When w orking I lans, Specifications, Cte . are ordered, we carefully re- The drawings, etc., that we send are on a larger scale, and are more complete and accurate than can be 607 Hotel... .... 45,000 170° 0" 100' 0% Stone |Clapbd (2d&3d) Shingls | 8 6“ | Dining ro’ o* 3d & 4th Cellar to contain kitchen, laundry, furnace and coal rooms, billiard and bar-rooms, estimate the cost according to the client's local prices (we have price-lists for every section of the brocured elsewhere at any price: they include Working Plans, Specifications, Detail Sheets, Color Na Shing Room | 9 “ wine cellar, refrigerators, servants’ w. ¢. and bath-rooms, barber shop, bag . I V1 y g y OP ’ ’ | Shingls I ) ’ I , . country), which gives the client the sum at which, or very near which, he should be able to contract. Sheets, Supplement Sheets about Cisterns, Earth Closets, Privies and Fences. Also Duplicate Blank 15° 0” gage room, steward’s room, etc.; servants’ sleeping quarters in attic; building This re-estimated cost is guaranteed be correct : otherwise. we will r : ) . ' ! ’ else- heated by steam throughout; hydraulic elevator running from cellar to attic in ated cost 1s guaranteed to be correct; otherwise, we will return the fee paid us. Contracts. ) ENR tower; first story floor in rotunda, parlor, dining room and corridor to be hard . . [ where | ! ) I ! t Sizes given include all projections — porches, verandas, bay-windows, etc 11 A Bill of Materials is needed only in case the owner wishes to buy the materials. { 12* 0“ | wood; trim in rotunda, parlor and dining-room to be hardwood, elsewhere of ’ ' ’ soft wood, stained or oiled; plaster to be hard fimish throughout, ++ These list prices are only about oNe-QUARTER of the amounts usually charged by other architects. The drawings, etc, that we send are on a larger scale, and are more complete and accurate than can be procured elsewhere at aAxy price ; they include Working Plans, Specifications, Detail Sheets, Color Sheets, Supplement Sheets about Cisterns, Earth Closets, Privies and Fences. Also Duplicate Agreements ) ) tt A Bill of Materials is needed only in case the owner wishes to buy the materials. *:k We can send the Working Plans, Specifications, etc., of any of these designs REVERSED— for which ~ve charge $5 additional. What we mean by reversed is fully illustrated by holding the design bein e a strong light and viewing it from the back; the faint lines that show through show the design reversed. THE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 63 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. See Description, Cost, etc. of this Design on “Descriptive Price List." SHOPPELL'S MODERN HOUSES DEsiGcN No. gar or TESTIMONY OF THOSE WHO HAVE RUILT ONE OR MORE Tr SHOPPELL'S MODERN HOUSES WITH THE AID OF WORKING PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC., FURNISHED BY THE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 63 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. CALIFORNIA. OAkLAND, CAL., Dec. 16th, 188309, * * * Your plans were received with promptness and given in charge of my contractor. The result is a beautiful house, admired Is all in our fair city, Allow me to compliment you upon your methods of doing business, and state that I would most cheerfully recommend your Association to any one, Yours most truly, G.A. PENNIMAN, Director People’s Building and Loan Association. COLORADO. Canon City, Coro., Nov. 28th, 1889. * * * Tsecured a thoroughly good house, hand- some without, tasteful and very convenient within, by using your plans, 1am more and more struck with its good points when I see houses built * home-made.” A crucial test of a good design is the arrangement of closets, stairways and chimneys. Mine are perfect. 1 consider the small outlay for your plans repaid many times over by the satisfaction” we daily have in the beauty and comfort of our home; and were I to build again, would first consult you. If I might say more, it would be that the less builders went by their own ideas, and th: more they employed the experience and talent of educated architects, the more money would be saved, the greater comforts would be enjoyed, and the more attractive would our dwellings be. “You are doing a good work and I wish you all success. Very truly yours, (Rev.) G. M. DU BOIS. CONNECTICUT. TurrLe & WHiTTEMORE Co. Malleable Iron Castings, Navcaruck, Conn., Nov. 25th, 18%. * * * I was well pleased with the plans I bought from you, and cheerfully recommend your work to all who contemplate building. Very truly, L. D. WARNER, Secretary. FLORIDA. Tamra, Fra, Dec. gth, 1889. * * * | am pleased to say that [ am very well satisfied with my dwelling, built after your plans, It is well arranged and comfortable, and it" is pronounced one of the most attractive houses in the city. I am well satisfied with the business relations had with your firm. Yours respectfully, THOS. E. JACKSON, Mayor, CEORCIA. Office of ** Morning NEws,” SAVANNAH, GA., Nov. asth, 1839. * * * 1] think your work in furnishing architectural designs and building plans at reasonable prices has ! | is admired by all. It gives me pleasure to testify to the greatly improved the character of American houses, making them comfortable and picturesque, at the same cost that would have been entailed upon the builders had they built in the old ugly style. You are also helping architects by educating people up to a proper apprecia- tion of their work. I think you are entitled to a niche in the temple of fame as one ‘who has contributed to the comfort and happiness of his fellow creatures. Yours truly, (Col) J. H, ESTILL. ILLINOIS. Clerk’s Office ArreLLATE Court oF TrLiNoIs, Orrowa, ILL., Nov, 25th, 1889. * * * Iam well pleased with the houses, four in number, which 1 built from your plans, I have found the plans true to the pictures and in every way satisfactory. People have said that the community owes me a vote of thanks tor erecting so fine a looking row of houses, 1 tell them the vote of thanks must be for you, Yours respectfully, (Hon.) J. R. COMBS, Clerk of Court. | INDIANA. Office of Upper Woopenware WORKS, NORTH INDIANAPOLIS, IND., Nov, 26th, 1889. * * * My house, which I built some two years ago from plans bought from you, has given perfect satistac tion, and is much admired by all who see it. The cost of | building was something within the figures as given by you. To those contemplating building | would heartily recommend vour plans. Yours respectfully MAINE. E. & I. K. SteTson, Ship Builders and Repairers, BanGor, ME., Nov, 28th, 1889, * * * [tis with pleasure that I write recommending your plans to any possible builder, for they are so com- | plete that any carpenter can easily construct a house | from them. Both of my head workmen say they never had more complete plans. The house has been greatly admired. The ladies are especially pleased on account of all the conveniences, and all say that they never saw a house with so much room for its size. Your estimate of cost was very near the actual figures, Sincerely yours, ISAIAH K. STETSON. MARYLAND. Evkron, Mp., Dec. 24th, 1889, * * * I am very much pleased with my house, which is much admiréd by all competent judges. The small amount I paid you was one of the best investments I have ever made. I found your estimates of quantities of materials and cost of house to be much more reliable than is generally the case with architects. My dealings with you have been so satisfactory that I shall recom- mend any one intending to build, even the smallest house, to use your plans. ‘ours truly, JOHN S. WIRT, MASSACHUSETTS. AMESBURY, Mass., Nov, 25th, 1889, * * * Thave examined a great many house designs from nearly every source, but I find none of them where every conceivable space is so utilized as in your plans, | Every one who has examined my new house admires the arrangement and expresses surprise at the amount of room, One gentleman from Washington, D. C., examined my plans and since then has purchased one of your designs. The contractor took the job at your figures. 1fI can { help you any by referring any one to me 1 will show them in a few minutes how they can save money and be dealt with in an honest and straightforward manner. Yours truly, J. W.CREASEY, Druggist. MICHIGAN. Isupeming, MicH., Dec. 3d, 1889. * * * Inthe year 1888 I procured from you a design and full detail drawings for a winter residence, to be built at Lake Maitland, Fla, The design and working plans were placed in the hands of a builder, who ex. perienced no difficulty in completing the work to my tull satisfaction. The house is a model of neatness and worth of your designs and to the accuracy of your working plans, C. H. HALL, President of Bank and Mayor of Ishpeming. MINNESOTA. Jouxson & BIckNELL, Real Estate, Law, Loans and Insurance, Moggis, Mix~., Nov, 26th, 1880, * * * The plans are worth all they cost. 1 should ‘ [ not think of building another house without plans and | specifications by some competent architect. 1 do not know of any one better able to furnish what is wanted at a reasonable price than yourselves, Yours truly, J. A. JOHNSON. MISSOURI. Kansas City, Mo., Nov, 27th, 1889. * * * 1 built a house in the southern part of this city after your plan, and am heartily glad I did so. My contractor's bid was $2,200, just your estimate The plans were perfect and completely detailed, 1 | am proud of my home, and it is greatly admired by our friends and all who happen to see it. Was pleased with your treatment of me, and shall not hesitate to recommend your plans to any possible builder, Yours truly, LEE K. MOONELEY, NEBRASKA. Vain & Greene, Boots and Shoes, NEW JERSEV. JamessurG, N, J., No™. 26th, 1880. * * * Ttaffords me pleasure to say that jour plans and specifications are all that you claim for them Your tigures held cut to within a few dollars ot cost. My house gives me great satisfaction. The builder was so taken with the plans that he purchased them from me, Should [ build another house I would not think of undertaking it without your plans, etc., to go by. I remain, yours respectfully, J. H. ENRIGHT. NEW YORK. No. 5 Beekman St., N, Y,, Dec. 23d, 188g. * * * J have been living for over two years in a house built according to plans purchased from you. If I should build another house 1 would certainly pationize you. Your plans are free from the inaccuracies that | make building a difficult undertaking. I have recom- | mended you to others and shall continue to do so. | Have met many others who have built from your plans and they all testify satisfaction. EDWARD P. THOMPSON, * Patent Att’y and M. E. Mission Rooms METHODIST EPISCOPAL € HURCH, 80s Broadway, New York, Dec. 4th, 1889. * * * You are filling the land with beautiful homes, I meet them everywhere. These plans are all you claim for them. The cheapest houses may be beautifully and tastefully built. Yours, (Chaplain) C. C. McCABE. NORTH CAROLINA. THE NATIONAL BANK OF GKEENSEORO, GreensBoro, N. C., Dec. 3d, 1889. * * * Jt gives me pleasure to say that the plans and specifications furnished by you for our banking house proved in all respects satisfactory. The building is conveniently arranged, well adapted to our business, | presents a very handsome appearance, and is generally admired by all who see it. Very truly yours, JULIUS A. GRAY, President. OHIO. Dr. BeeLEr & Bro., Pharmacists, Hawmivton, O., Nov, 25th, 1889. * * * We have completed the house for which you furnished the plans, etc., and are well pleased with the result, The contract was let for somewhat less than your estimate. We are well satisfied with vour plans and pleased with your methods and manner of doing | business, Yours truly, BEELER & BRO. OREGON. UniTep STATES ENGINEER'S OFFICE, PorTLAND, ORE., Dec. 6th, 1889. * * * My house was built exactly to the specifica- tions, and I can confidently say that there is not a house of its size in Portland that is more comfortable, sub- stantially built, or artistic in appearance, both inside and out, The house was built for less than your estimate. I am so well satisfied with your method of doing busi- ness and with the excellence of your designs, that I hope in the near future to call on you for two other sets of plans for other houses | propose erecting. Yours truly, WM, C, STEVENS, Chief Clerk. PENNSYLVANIA, Established 1850. Tue Diner & Conkrap Co,, Growers and Importers, WEesT Grove, Pa., Nov, 26th, 188g. * % ¥ The house is very much admired by all who | see it and is very satisfactory to me. | am thankful [ that I employed you. After we got the working plans we did not have occasion to ask you a single question, every part went together like a charm. My builder, a man of large experience, said he never had anything to ES A Ey — 4 a rN ok es lel td He iu i i ee So TP ~— Cx ek 7, 2 —— - i Sr =~ PERSPECTIVE VIEW Pl od dddd tl ld (or rade House 17 X 2.9’ V, WM. C. BENNEY., | York, Nes., Nov, 27th, 1889, do with plans that worked out so nicely. Your charges IOWA. | * * * J wish to express my entire satisfaction with | were just what vou agreed to, no extras. | was more the plans bought of you, and can recommend them to | than pleased both with your work and your prompt and any onc wishing to build a house. | very generous treatment, I advise all my friends who My builder informed me that they were the only set | contemplate building, before they engage an architect to of plans he had ever worked by and found every detail | give you a call, Yours truly, Tn correct, Very respectfully, CHAS. DINGEE. [ Drs Moines, Iowa, Dec, 2d, 1889. -_ * * * 1 have built several houses from your plans. / Have found them in every instance satisfactory both to me as an investment and to the buvers as homes. In all / our business relations 1 have found you prompt and 7 / > honorable, and can only add that I wish you every success, Very cordially yours, JOHN D. KEELER. KANSAS. Office of J. R. Brown, Register of Deeds, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Vicuira, Kan. Nov, 26th, 1829, * * + After having built four houses of vour designs I wish to say that I am fully satisfied with them in every respect. As to your estimates, I think they are full and complete, The carpenters found your plans to fit each other, 7, «., they worked out, which was not the case with plans obtained from creas... at @ greater com- pirative expense, It I conclude to build more houses I shall certainly calt upon you for my plans and estimates Very truly, H. W. STEWART. NEW HAMPSHIRE, Exerer, N. H., Dec, sth, 1839. * * * Have lived in my new house since July, 88, | | not only a pleasing and convenient structure, but a solid one { as well, It was built entirely within your estimate, I am and am satisfied that I have the sunniest and most con. venient house in town, though by no means the most expensive. It is cool in summer and easily warmed in winter. I think 1 got from you a much more satisfactory plan than | could have hoped to obtain from another architect for twice the price. Your estimate of the cost of building was very fair indeed. Your dealings with me were characterized by the utmost fairness and | honesty, and if I were to build again 1 should certainly endeavor to get the plans from you, Yours truly, ARTHUR O. FULLER, Counselor-at-Law. WARREN GREENE, VIRGINIA. A ftall Jtall McMenamin & Co., Hermetically Sealed Goods, Hampton, VA., Nov. 28th, 1880. *¥ * & [tgives me pleasure to express the satisfaction I feel at having a cottage built after your plans, 1 have sure it could not have been built as cheaply without your plans, At its completion we wondered at the small amount of wastage. Its dimensions were calculated to fit the standard sizes of lumber of all kinds so exactly that four wheelbarrows would have held all the pieces that were left over, This is a point that is rarely taken into consideration by intending builders, who think they can get along without an architect, Very ly yours, JAMES McMENAMIN. / CIE) N I'\ | I | ] : r Srain Chute le eae oN Teedind R m - Horne ss Cage wa sho ta nd / =r Plafform. a GROUND PLAN THE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 63 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. THE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 63 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. See Description, Cost, etc., of these Designs on ‘* Descriptive Price List.” No. 589 See Description, Cost, elc., of this Design on “Descriptive Price List.’ SHOPPELL'S MODERN HOUSES DEsiGN No. 310 No. 590 StaBLE DESIGN STABLE DESIGN DESIGN PATENT APPLIED FOR. . LTT Tn = SUR Tr Wir (lI ah FRONT ELEVATION OF DESIGN NO. 589. Awe SIDE ELEVATION OF DESIGN NO. 589. DESIGN PATENT APPLIED FOR. FRONT ELEVATION OF DESIGN NO. 5QO. SIDE ELEVATION OF DESIGN NO. 590. NS intial su N a oe . ME 20 ‘ete . FRONT ELEVATION x te Co | eset, Lint ree | Feeding Ya ssade ~ ] hi : vu A [18 N Stall. Stall {| Stall | : / Stable. I 1 — Can 90x 15.0 ’ / A : 5 7 4 Ll fi / N= = = A, 7 / IN , | | 1 JOX 23 ] No Clas. 11 ad / \ Lis LL eed Bins. bs V N U 1 = \ P 4 0 nN N | Carriage Room. : \ 16.0" X 23.0" \ ] ] ] \ \ Carriage Room | Mes orc 4 \ 5 N oom 7 N N )8 x 23 Re Roo ™ \ \ | b ) 5 x18 0x18 4 Ns N\ | 7h ’ / | ; ¢ 4 | (Resrregirrs?. ——— ait: PITTI { >= = xT Cs 4 es. #2 = | GROUND FLOO gy S- F R PR " Pie) SECOND FLOOR OR LOFT GROUND FLOOR OF DESIGN NO. 589. GROUND FLOOR OF DESIGN NO. 590. THE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 63 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. See Description, Cost, elc., of this Design on “Descriptive Price List.” S1HorrPELL'S MODERN HOUSES 77 Trl 7 is 7 hs ey TT, 7 i 1/1 ve: Z A TYE TTT bias wr 'e. lL er - Willing ol ' sin ery TEE nn nT - 0 |} | He hi [ts ¢ “ | ! boo ee Au ale hil {ae YY Vi eu wii warn! i pee LJ | [1 l ! i [ J hy 0 P(e / th! A ‘o . gH J inleleli i pie Iu Jus A gins at ae | Il mn " ! pe I " Ww Ad ig fre 1d pl gins Ballin, by - } : I | TAL lh i ne lis Ann i” fi i Al ed uly — HLL { [ IE RE IEEE ll! IW | i Ii . = LE Illi il al dll it ill ihe | Lar alley gi nly Hi He oe \ NN Wy 1 | vv, | ll ° I ° = . | 1 SEIS all HELL ed ntl te fe fb UH in THIN Teasers i [ely 8 7s coe’ . J mm yi we | LH th Hi nme (in, ly, RA ‘ Li i YA LT ri 0h ne 1 We \! Ni HTS i] i ill ail) | re NI an) ill bi dyl VAY i i om in 5 [ii i! iil PERSPECTIVE VIEW ASANO RA Pox pl keke loko lod es lll dln < € de == | | C Qric Oe Room. a I 2. xX 35.6 Stall " ~ x — TTT === ES [o==) (s I NE GROUND FLOOR ll DEesicN No. 311 THE CO-OPERATIVE DUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 63 See Description, Cost, etc., of this Design en “Descriptive SHOPPELL'S MODERN HOUSES ne. ) i - a PERSPECTIVE VIEW | | | on 277772 EN ee = = = = = ——— o. ||cv stony shee o'Xi12" ATI 2s Zl DTI; LLL fegel =X “7, up [ 7 LLL TTT ZIT TIA A Q S - Q —5, mn 3 TTT LZ. oC = ot LO FEIT LLL & rs. rrr ry N 3 I — TT GROUND PLAN BROADWAY, Price List.” NEW YORK DEesioN No. 368 HE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 63 BROADWAY, NEW YORK HE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN See Description, Cost, etc., of this Design on “Descriptive Price List.’ ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 5; BROADWAY, NEW YORK See Description, Cost, elc., of this Desion on “Descriptive Price List.” SHopPPELL's MODERN HOUSES DEsiGN No. 369 SHOPPELL'S MobERN HOUSES DEeEsiGN No. aE Hi — SP oo fi} PP; hi i A 7 ER Hite ee ee A TNT FE Tr mee 5 vr TVA siti Alii Hiri PERSPECTIVE VIEW PERSPECTIVE VIEW Box Stall 10'x10! \ \ i / / 777777777; A——] Nooo I wag him M7 § (civ rica ad « [ 1! / Ni Carriade Room | | N 27x36" | Neo a [| : ler. — 1b | l SESE \ 14'x17'6" SSSERNNNSN Clos, N AN CCI ICI IN CTs Mcuwre Pi —r GROUND FLOOR GROUND PLAN I'HE CO OPERATIVE Description, SHOPPELL. MODERN Housks CARRIAGE-TTOUSE dri riiier rrr 200007 Ph ' | IN] Hl \ ot {4 N ' i \_| il p N \ ’ ' | | LR ied Box Stall | | Coach Room | 93x12 § [| |i 24ixjole \ N :! \ N I \ f EE = $ . > » i | | | Trap | I . i Wash Stand i i A 2x8" ¢ = | \ . ISS SIS. aS cS) — SEE — ome ! BUILDING PI Cost, AN elc., AND ASSOCIATION, of this Design on Sp we i, STABLE, 1 NY I SN N \ — . " = | ManurePiT —_— NNANANNRN SAN NNN EN NT TT) AN + Tred» —R A ES wy cm ANS hy freed[- nT ove] 4 3 N ’ | 3 N 1 I S Box Stall ‘s 28 Trap ARCHITECTS, BROADWAY NEW YORK “Descriptive Price list DEeEsioN No 477 Il (Stall | BoxStadl [spall DP gn “i May, » ies . . ee Ss $e . oe PE . * *e’ «%e 3 « cece _0 %e_ oo eo 0 . ee oo oe Stel ete . - St. ee * oe 0 0 0 - *.% cee oo e® eo * oe 'ERSPECTIVE VIEW 9! 3x Ta plzz —— Warr THE SHOPPELL'S MODERN HOUSES CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN Description, Cost, SAN LLL ISS. ST ASSOCIATION, etc., of this Design on ARCHITEC ABLE AND CARRIAGE-TIOUSE. DESIGN No. L [hl Addl LL GROUND FLAN I'RONT ELEVATION I's, PERSPECTIVE BROADWA\ NEW YORK “Descriptive Price list.” DEesiGN No. 473 ~ a ni " ue VIEW 489 I | Borde SS Cloy. def m: Carria Stall , . = ol us ZA —— T—, - - a JL . I me - - - er fom wr o~. es —- noe LTS - CARRIAGE-IIOUSE AND STABLE. PERSPECTIVE VIEW ee CEERI RTT EEE A IEEE STITT TS SNCNY + 5 | ! Ste || Stoll Cres ze 7 LN re ee PP LPL NPN, = — Clk. J ta [ Jr ANALAVARAREENRLRR RRA LAY 3 Uo i CIEE RST NNN SNE 3 AN ASN o'/ — Q ‘ ) 0 r . : { 0 Ie! LD, 2 / | AZ TE GROUND PLAN DEesiGN No. 474 an VR | ‘ VW m4, 'HE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS CARRIAGE-HOUSE AND STABLE. I a ' ESSENSE See Description, Cost, etc., of this Design on “Descriptive SHOPPELL'S MODERN HOUSES PERSPECTIVE BROADWAN Price List’ VIEW ¢ TIES Rae \r | Covered Shed Cow | Cow [Cow | Herge Here Stall | Stall a4'x10 | 4x ic’ | 4x10 ‘ex 10| §x10' ro) ' Ve nt. ' Sha ff L — NN Water [ANNAN WANN eS hie Sh RR AH I Stall | Stati Box Stall Box Stall 9' x10’ S' x10’ Teed 0 =~) Hamme (y Room “= By’ | Ca «ee, Carriage Room 2iUx32 -———— — ce — — GROUND PLAN NEW YORK DESIGN eves THE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 63 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. See Description, Cost, etc., of these Designs on ** Descriptive Price List.” SuorreLL's MoperN Houses Designs Nos. 511 AND 558 I'HE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, ¢3 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. See Description, Cost, elc., of this Design on “Descriptive Price list.” SHOPPELL'S MODERN HOUSES DEsiGN No. 476 “=, ZZ) i 3 me nn - : oY sally 2 IIc) Sonn | 3) - J = Sa ne - = CL 7 ez » 7, 7 — FRONT ELEVATION OF DESIGN No. 511 FRONT ELEVATION OF DESIGN No. 558 STABLE AND CARRIAGE-HOUSE. PERSPECTIVE VIEW BPS aS SSS SS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEESSSSSSSSSSS ’ ced I] no. Wagon Shed. 116" x 250" RRR RR RRR lll AN Toe a EAI SIS N EET ee RT TEE SS N Down ™~ 1 up- N Tv NCles,. WN ’ N Hay Room N— . i ] ~~ 1 Re o \ y Stobleman N Stal bl mang \ ss £ I NsTsssTseserorcooerey «J f N IE Room N v oom " N l ) N N | N/ \ v7 LN eats jf Sax west | N =7 o | N N s 3 N les § i \ N / 0 = Box Stall. 3 N 9 Ry SRNR N f a ' ] TT San ee IS BE ON CESSSIITNISS TRSSS N i To o | . R . } N vw i" | pa \ \ LOFT PLAN. No. 511 Le aE hye zwrannees A J-e x12.0 . . 3 u N 3 N 12.012. o A CITES Storage Room Manure, \ \ N T \ Uh ‘ h for Carriages Pit \ N y T \ stall. 222x256 Sy N . < N N N Cles. A Clos. 0 . N - — {RN \ § © \ \B \ \ 31 all | ! Harness R. =n \ N \ ‘ ” ’ 1” | N A N 9-0'xr12.0 \ . oN N w x) N v N A 4 1 slide Joory | N N A 4 n a; 3 N N WN 3 3 N Reet BS U \ N i N Stabl | { N N able \ A | Man's R. NB N em . OS Nes N N N 12.0 "x 12° 0" | 2 'o "x 2 6 ’ oo N | Carriage Room A \ N Feed Shutes. i JH x= ee N N N _ 77 R ¥ N N \ Trou g h . | | Oo oO i N BD = x AA ARAN A) { \ oJ 3 } GROUND FLOOR SECOND FLOOR GROUND PLAN. No. sir GROUND PLAN. No. 558 THE SHOPPELL'S MODERN CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 6; BROADWAY See Description, Cost, etc., of this Design on “Descriptive Price List.’ HousESs NEW YORK DEsiGN No. 541 r / Feary We, A f £7 \ (| il | or: fv Jy nv oA ih ly ify! bE = mW lis in hd Ii Wm £onelli LY yd 1 bar \ [| ji nth RN nie ere Ef Bl T77he Coop Bud? fo Librar 1e-O 12-0 | 16-0 X 12-10 15) A | Y rel : i 5 lv | Bed-room, vA 1 x - Gf Rrlor & 1 TOXIC Pn - \ >) X 12-0 HH “Main tall . oC | 3 01 i u i § IS > = ~ P< NS 44g gyn wR erm — YZ \ PERSPECTIVE VIEW .e a # » 2 ; EE WZ oe ¥ © - , } | Veranda ] » ~ >” * i Bo wide \ Orme —————— o—=———=0 Y Forte Cochere CORTE RTE TTI f Bra FIRST FLOOR * ee cove oo ee . eo. LI . ett lett ‘ee’ ——m ] — b { Ni ZZ ¥ I = WL ZL <1 l ¥ NN 2 en RA CR RL === gia Bey I 9 F gta Rp a8, [34 : y Bed-room| Vo : | 4 ore #1} fantry 2 | A 0-16 x 8-0 i . leh i 7 Beatle] fl IH it [ 7 ” , i a CR vo) A “ Bet Fant, s | H Ad Billiard VOOM {oz Ny { I | || al Spe TT to Jf '® Pram rf] - 7 Bern Dinin grou FEE, . # Kit chen FH MH 8 «16a 7 pls ’ N ' “de a ' x) ¥ 17-8 xX 13 & frata pe tnieng : dq iF-e X 13-0 44 7 i Sa 250 : 4 ath I eo PY } — fl| > JB ARCA ») ] 3. Se NS ( — 1 Praga oi RELL ZT ’ 7 F ] M7 & jj CRBSIE RY A ¥ D2) I o a < LIEIEXED rT Arr rrr YI IIIIYVIL, > y | X rasan waz Nook § el ee 5 < ‘ 3 bry | V) SECOND ERT a UP an Bed-room, 16-0 x Lo [&) FLOOR te THE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING PLAN ASSOCIATION, ARCHITECTS, 63 BROADWAY, NEW YORK See Description, Cost, elc., of this Design on “Descriptive Price List.” SHOPPELL'S: MODERN HOUSES DesiGN No. 564 Dow Panhry Par lor 14-6"x 18-0" Kitchen. “t 132 6x 14.0" Staivcase Butler's Pant ry \ §releboard Dining RR. 14 0" x 19° 6” Library 1320"x 15-0" Blo" "wide. FIRST FLOOR PHOTOGRAPHIC Li Ni EL TTR tot VIEW Bed R. H!0"x 15.6" 15.0"%x18.0" cl. Belcony. Roof SECOND FLOOR THE MASTER NEGATIVE ,FROM WHICH THIS REPRODUCTION WAS MADE, IS STORED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE, ROOM 20, MAIN LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 9 4 7 2 0 NUMBER FOR ADDITIONAL REPRODUCT ION REQUEST MASTER NEGAT IVE