Rail Terminal Form F, 6-54 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION” I I ' ' ' Bureau of Accounts, Cost Finding and Valuation' [FORMULA FOR use VIN ' 4/ DETERMINING RAIL TERMINAL FREIGHT SERVICE COSTS Prepared by the Cost Finding Section , 5'5! I .- 3' 4’ 415 i 1} 7L1é‘ '1 j 9' . 7 .,., 7 I ’53'H‘r. I ’I f ‘ . - . . Washington, D. C. 7‘ Statement No. 3-54 ' July '954 This formula, issued as information,~hos not been considered or adopted by the Interstate Commerce Commission. E X P L A I A T 0 R I H 0 T E This formula was deve10ped by the Cost Finding Section of the Bureau of Accounts, Cost Finding and Valuation for the determination of rail terminal costs. The procedure outlined in this switching formula is based upon a study of the Commission's decisions in Switching Rates in Chicago Switching District, 177 1.0.0. 669; Des Moines Union Railway Switching, 231 1.0.0. 631; Switching Charges at Jamestown. N. 1., 238 1.0.0. 383; Sioux City Terminal Railway Switching, 241 1.0.0. 53. 623; Switching at Richmond. Va., Zhfi 1.0.0. 293; Switching at Atlanta. Ga.. 266 1.0.0. 41“; Switching at Brownsville. Texas, 270 1.0.0. 5; and Reciprocal Switching at Petersburg, Va., 281 1.0.0. #63. Consideration was also given to the proposals in the Lorene-Elmore formula, the Coverston-Saur formula. and the various criticisms made of these formulas. Detailed scrutiny has been made of the procedure followed by the carriers in several important switching cases. While this formula has been develOped to provide the maximum degree of refinement that may be required in some instances, it has sufficient flexibility to permit of its application with varying degrees of refinement. The formula contains not only the needed accounting and statistical forms. but also a set of suggested field forms to be used in recording the yard-performance data. For ’ purposes of illustration. there is included a hypothetical terminal layout with a suggested procedure for a breakdown of the operations into zones and switching elements. The purpose of distributing the formula is to make available to interested parties the results of the research and experience of the Cost Finding Section of the Bureau of Accounts, Cost Finding and Valuation in the field of terminal cost finding up to the present.time. The formula is subject to such change as may be found desirable as a result of future study and research. It may be adjusted to reflect individual terminal situations and when introduced in cases before the Commission such changes should be explained in detail in Introductory Page No. 4. It is believed that its distribution will assist in an understanding of the general nature and procedure of terminal cost finding and thus not only encourage improvements in the technique of cost finding but also facilitate the preper and intelligent use of the cost data in proceedings before the Commission. I A Rail Terminal Form F. 6-54 Introductory Pages Nos. 1 and 2 - Table of contents. general outline of procedure, and general instructions. ‘ - Source of factors used in the formula. w Rate of return used in study and other miscellaneous data.’ *)A‘W - Description of the classes of switching under study and comparison of the present or preposed /‘ " rates for each class with the cost for each class. Summary Schedule, sheet 2 - Summary of costs for the different classes of switching services. Separation of system freight equipment maintenance and rental expenses between types of equipment. Computation of unit costs for yard locomotives and freight-train cars. Computation of system freight-train car—miles and active car-days. Introductory Page No. 3 Introductory Page No. # Summary Schedule. sheet 1 Schedule A, sheet 1 Schedule A, sheet 2 Schedule A. sheet 3 -1- TABLE OF CONTENTS Introductory Page No. l - Computation of the unit costs per yard locomotive minute by classes of locomotives. — Computation of cost per car including expenses distributed on a locomotive minute and zone basis. - Computation of the cost of handling nonrevenue traffic (company material) by classes of switching. - Computation of value and return on zoned preperty. and value of equipment and other road property. Description of zones. elements of switching. and terminal Operations accompanied with a map of the (See sample copy of Form 1 and map attached). Schedule B - Computation of the unit costs per car handled by zones. Schedule C Schedule D ~ Computation of unit costs for station services. fl Schedule E - Computation of overheads. special services. and passenger-train deficit. Schedule F . Schedule G ' Schedule H Form 1 — terminal under study. Form 2 - Yard conductor' 3 work report and instructions. Form 3 ~ Yard switch list. Form 4 - individual car handling record. Form 5 - Recapitulation of car-handling records (Form h) by classes of switching. Form 6 - Recapitulation of actual car count and equated car count by zones. Form 7 - Recapitulation of car count by elements of switching. Form 8 - Computation of the yard portion (freight) of the expenses chargeable to the operation of interlocker towers, drawbridgss, and street crossing protection. GENERAL OUTLINE OF PROCEDURE These forms are designed for the computation of switching service costs. the distribution of the expenses, and the return on value. being based upon the relative use which the traffic makes of the carrier's transportation facilities. The procedure is as follows: 1. Unit costs are determined for the following service units: A. Switching service: (1) Cars handled by zones (2) Cars handled by elements of switching (3) Car-miles (4) Car-days (5) Cars loaded and unloaded 3. Station service: (I) Consignments 2. The number of service units required in the handling of each class of switching under study is computed from switching studies for test period. 3. The number of service units for each class of switching is multiplied by the applicable unit cost and the resulting expenses aggregated and reduced to a cost per car. GiNfiRAL iNSTRUCTIONS i. This formula is constructed to provide the maximum degree of refinement in terminal switching studies. It may be applied. however, with various degrees of refinement depending upon the needs of each particular case. r (a) This terminal cost formula, designated as Rail Terminal Form F, is one of several rail cost , formulas developed by the Bureau of Accounts, Cost Finding and Valuation of the Interstate Commerce Commission for use in different types of cases. Form F provides for several ' levels of cost based upon the distribution of the carrier's Operating expenses. rents, taxes, and return on value to the nevement of the traffic under study, giving consideration ‘ to all or part of the following factors: ‘ ' (1) Number of yard locomotive minutes required to handle each class of switching under study (2) The extent and relative use of the trackage required to handle each class of switching under study (3) The number of car-miles Operated in rendering each class of switching under study (4) The number of active car-days consumed in handling each class of switching under ' study (5) Class of locomotives used in the handling of each class of switching (6) Special services received, if any. (b) The formula provides for the computation of the passenger-train deficit as an element for con- sideration. This deficit represents that portion of the total Operating expenses, rents. and taxes (with and without an allowance for return) which was assigned to the passenger service and which the passenger revenues during the annual period covered by the study were unable to meet. The amount of the deficit apportioned to any given freight traffic is based upon the freight service expenses assigned and apportioned to such freight traffic. 1.9.. the distribu- tion is based on the relative use which such freight traffic itself makes of the carrier‘s transportation facilities. No consideration is here given to the commodity's relative ability to pay. This formula may be used with or without consideration of the passenger-train deficit. depending upon the nature of the case. (c) The respective levels of cost deve10ped by the formula (Summary Schedule, sheet 1. columns 8 to 17) serve to indicate that average revenue which each carload (100 pounds of freight) would have had to earn during the period studied (considering the number of yard locomotive minutes required, extent of trackage used, etc.) to cover the elements of cost indicated. (d) This formula does not reflect those rate—making factors which occasion differences in rates which cannot be justified under a strict adherence to a cost of service principle. Such factors in- clude ability to pay. value of service, value of commodity, competitive relationships. degree of manufacture. etc. 4531 Rail Terminal Form F, 6-54 2. The steps in filling out this formula are as follows: (a) Insert in Summary Schedule, sheet 1, columns 1 to 6, the data for those classes of switch- ing the costs for which are to be ascertained. The filling out of columns 7 to 17 must await the completion of the study. (b) Select representative test period for switching study based an analysis of yard performance by months for several years. Select that period of the year in which the total cars handled per locomotive hour and total number of locomotive hours operated most nearly represent the annual average for the preceding three years. Select a test period based on even multiples of 7 days, i.e., 7-day period, 14-day period. etc. (c) From an analysis of terminal Operations establish the switching elements or zones necessary to reflect the costs chargeable to each class of switching under study. Uhere the zones are first selected, the switching elements should coincide in so far as possible with the zones. Normally there will be one switching element established for each zone except in transfer service, where separate elements are set up for each direction of movement. The elements will not exactly coincide with the zones for the following reasons: Elements of switching involving transfer movements between yards will begin and end at a point within the yard while the zone boundaries will begin and end at the boundaries of the yard. Also elements of switching will include locomotive time on industrial tracks owned by shippers while the zones are limited to the traCkage or other facilities actually owned by the carrier. However, while the boundaries of the zones and elements are not identical, a count of the switching elements provides all the information needed for the count of the zones. For illustration of the selection of switching elements and zones see sample capy of Form 1 and map attached thereto. (d) Fill out Form 1 providing a complete description of the following: (1) Terminal operations, ownership of facilities, identification of joint facilities (2) Map (3) A list and identification of each zone (4) A list and identification of each switching element (e) Conduct a test study for the representative period selected, using Forms 2, 3, and 8, in addition to what other forms may be found necessary (see requirements for car count of Form 4, footnote 1). (f) Fill out Forms 4, 5, 6, and 7 from analysis of data collected during test period. (g) Fill out Schedules A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H from the accounting and statistical sources in— Carry forward the costs for station services, special services, switching services, and an allowance for nonrevenue traffic from Schedules D, E, F, and G, respectively, to the These costs are there totaled for each class of switching and an allowance added for abnormal expenses and passenger-train deficit (if pertinent to study). dicated. Summary Schedule, sheet 2. These totals shall then be carried forward to the Summary Schedule, sheet 1, columns 8 to 17. (h) All references to Annual Report shown in this formula are to Steam Railway Annual Report Form If the formula is applied by switching and terminal A. Class 1 Carriers, for the year 1953. companies, the tenor of the instructions given the class I companies should be followed. 3. where separate classes of locomotives are regularly assigned to different elements of switching service, such as the assignment of a heavy class of power to classification work and transfer work, and a lighter class of power to industrial switching. the unit cost should be develoPed separately for each such class of power (see Schedule A, sheet 2, lines 195, and Schedule 0, columns 6 to 9. On the other hand, if the several classes of power operated in the terminal —2- GENERAL INSTRUCTlONS - Continued introductory Page No. 2 4. Apportionment factors shown throughout the formula should be used only in the absence of data per- mitting direct assignment. Apportionment factors directly relating to the individual carrier's operation should be deve10ped wherever possible. 5. in a terminal cost study the expenses should correspond with the service units, i.e., locomotive hours, cars handled, etc. Thus, if a joint facility Operation is involved, the unit costs should be computed by dividing the total service units for the entire operation into the total expenses before deducting from such expenses the amounts billed others. if, under certain circumstances, only respondent's portion of the expenses for operating the Joint facility are carried into the cost study, such expenses should be distributed only over respondent's service units. The method of treatment followed must be based upon an analysis of the nature of the Joint facility Operation, the nature of the contract between participating carriers, and the intercorporate relationship, if any, between the carriers. 6. It is desirable that adjustments for any abnormal expenses of the nature outlined in the Summary Schedule, sheet 1, item 4, be incorporated in the cost study by;computing the effect of such adjustment upon each primary account and inserting the adjusted expense data directly in the applicable schedules. Where available data do not permit of this treatment, such adjustments shall be made as provided for in Summary Schedule, sheet 2 (see footnote 10). 7. For definitions of switching and its various classes and elements, see 8103; City Tgrmiga; Railway Swigchigg, 241 1.0.0. 53, 90. 8. This formula provides for the computation of the costs for each class of switching for which costs are to be determined. The classes of switching thus established will depend on the nature of the terminal switching study being made, such as carrier terminal switching, con- nection terminal switching. intermediate switching, intraterminal switching, interterminal switching, interchange switching, intra— and intertrain switching. Certain of these classes of switching may be further separated as to traffic handled for each of respondent's connect- ing lines, as to industries or by groups of industries. The cost for each class of switching may be computed as the basis of loaded cars handled (carrier terminal switching, connection terminal switching, intraterminal switching. and interterminal switching) or on the basis of the total cars handled, loaded or empty (interchange switching, intermediate switching, intra- train or intertrain switching). 9. The expense for switching of rip tracks, material storehouses, and shops, is an expense charge- able to maintenance of equipment. Where locomotives are assigned exclusively to this service, the expense is chargeable to clearing accounts. "Shop expenses," and “Material store expenses,“ for subsequent redistribution through maintenance of equipment and other primary accounts (see Uniform System of Accounts for Steam Railroads). Incidental switching at shOps and material yards not charged to such clearing accounts should not be charged to the traffic handled at the particular terminal under study. Such cost, if treated, should be accumulated through special study at all terminals and distributed through the clearing accounts as indicated above. However, the cost of handling nonrevenue traffic consumed at or chargeable to the terminal under study is charged to the handling of revenue traffic at such terminal (see Schedule G). 10. Where the terminal formula is used in proceedings before the interstate Commerce Commission, the data introduced in evidence should include complete copies of Schedules A to h, including footnotes, and forms l (including map of terminal), 3, 6, 7, and 8. There should also be introduced sample copies (filled out from actual data) of Forms 2, 3, and 4. 11. Questions and problems concerning the interpretation or application of this formula should be are used interchangeably in all elements of switching service, develOp the weighted average cost per locomotive hour. Locomotive unit hours or locomotive unit miles should be used in deve10ping unit costs in the schedules when their use is more applicable to the respondent's operations. referred to the Bureau of Accounts, Cost Finding and Valuation of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Rail Terminal Form F. 6-54 - 3 - Source of Factors Used in the Formula Introductory Page No. 3 Item (1) 1. Distribution of freight-train car repairs on the basis of mileage (70%), time (25%). and loading and unloading (5%) ............ 2. Distribution of freight-train car retirements and depreciation on the basis of mileage (145%). time (118%). and loading and unload- inc ( COO-eeoeeeo ..... es ooooo ee-eeeeoeeo 3. Separation of car hire between interest por- tion (25%) and all other (75%) ............ 1+. TreatEOnt Of car hire I...eon-een'iteeeeeeweeee' 5. Elimination of freight-train car expenses on mileage cars and on cars for which per diem reclaim is received ................ 6. Computation of equated car-miles ............ 7. Distribution of enginehouse maintenance expenses between road and yard ............ 8. Distribution of various items of expense and return on the basis of cars handled by zones, engine minutes, cars handled by classes of switching, carqdays. car-miles. and cars loaded and unloaded eeooeeeeeeelee ' Reference (2) Schedule A, sheet 1, line 8 Schedule 1, sheet 1, lines 12 and 13 Schedule A, sheet 1. items 27-29, inclusive Schedule A. sheet 1, lines 28-29 Summary Schedule. sheet 2. lines 3. t. 5. 19, 20. and 21 Schedule A, sheet 3, line 27 Schedule 0. sheet 1. line # Schedules A to H Source (3) Based on study by Engineering Section of Bureau. The study developed the following breakdown for system freight-train oar expenses: (a) Mileage portion. 70%; (b) loading and unloading portion (repairs). 5%; (0) total ”use” portion. (a) plus (b). 75%: (d) ”time" portion, 25$. Based on study by Engineering Section of Bureau. The study develoPed the following breakdown for system freight-train .car retirements and depreciation: (a) Mileage portion, hfifl; (b) loading and unloading, 7%; (c) total "use” portion. (a) plus (b), 52%: (d) I'time" portion, #8%. Factor of 25% (to nearest even five percent) based on evidence introduced in Docket 17801 (Exhibit 18). Rules f0; Car Hire Settlement, 160 1.0.0. 369,378. The freight-train car expenses for “other than mileage“ cars include the net of the car hire on a “per diem" or “other” basis. Where the net of this car hire is a credit, this amount is credited to the carrier's freight-train car expense to avoid charging the traffic under study on the carrier's line with the maintenance expenses for the carrier's care off line, such expenses being recoverable in the form of car hire. Where the net of the car hire is a debit, the amount is included with the time portion of the freight-train car expenses, such charges being directly prOportional to the element of time (Schedule A). Offsetting debits and credits are disregarded on the assumption that in so far as the carrier's expenses are concerned, the foreign cars on line supplant the carrier's cars off line. Freight-train car expenses for cars rented on a mileage basis are limited solely to those expenses incurred in terminals for which respondent is responsible, i.e.. wrecks, inspection, etc. It is generally assumed that no other expense accrues in the terminal and that the mileage payments are applicable only to the line-haul mileage. However, where mileage rental payments are made for mileage incurred in terminal movements the formula provides for the inclusion of the costs (see Summary Schedule. sheet 2, footnote 12). Freight-train car expenses on 'other than mileage" cars are eliminated on cars on which per diem reclaim is received on the assumption that such per diem reclaim compensates the switching carriers for all freight-train car expenses. Based on the car-miles in running and switching services,'giving a weight of 1.0 to a car-mile in running service and a weight of 2.0 to a car-mile in switching service. Weighting is based on study by Engineering Section of Bureau. and indicates that the expense for Operating a car one mile in switching service is twice that in running service. Based on the number of engines given a full enginehouse servicing, applying a weight of 2.0 to a road passenger engine. 1.75 to a road freight engine. and 1.0 to a yard engine. A full enginehouse servicing consists of the total services that an engine normally receives in a 24-hour period. Weighting is based on study made by the Engineering Section of Bureau. to develOp the relative use made of the enginehouse facilities by engines in road and yard services. Each item of expense is distributed on the basis of one or more of these service units, i.e.. cars handled, engine- minutes, car-days. etc., the production of which principally governs the expense and return. The expenses distributed ”on the basis of cars handled by zones principally include maintenance of way (track structure); maintenance and opera- tion of special facilities such as drawbridges. ferries and wharves, etc.; the compensation of large crews of hump riders assigned exclusively to classification work: and the taxes and the return on value of the zone pr0perty. The expenses distributed on an engine-minute basis principally include maintenance of water and fuel stations and engine- houses; compensation of yardmasters. yard clerks. yard crews. etc.; yard fuel and yard water, and other yard expenses; and the taxes and return on the value of yard locomotives. Station expenses (where pertinent to the study) are dis- tributed on the basis of cars handled by classes of switching. Such expenses include the maintenance of stations. station clerical expense. taxes on station pr0perty, and the return on the value of station property. The expenses distributed on a car-day basis include the time portion of the freight-train car maintenance and depreciation and the return on the value of freight-train cars. The expenses distributed on a car-mile basis include the mileage portion of the freight-train car repairs and depreciation. The expenses distributed on the basis of cars loaded and unloaded include that portion of the freight-train car repairs chargeable to the wear and tear occasioned by the actual loading and unloading operations. The formula provides for the use of both zones and switching elements. This is occasioned by the fact that under many circumstances the boundaries of switching elements do not coincide with the boundaries of the zones. HOwever. a knowledge of the switching elements provides all of the information needed for the count of care handled by zones without additioual field study. - u - Rail Terminal Form F, 6-5# Rate of Return Used in Study and Other Miscellaneous Data Introductory Page No. 4 The following data are to be supplied when switching costs are entered in a proceeding before the Interstate Commerce Commission: l. A rate of return of percent before/after (show which) Federal corporate income taxes 2. ExplanatiOn of procedure used in develoPing out-ofqpocket costs for the terminal (use additional has been used in computing return on value. Compute percent return after Federal sheets if necessary). ' corporate income taxes. as follows: Line! Item Source Amount _§o. (l) (2) (3) (a) Value of system road preperty See Sch. H. sheet 1. follow.tenor . . and equipment .............. of footnote 1_ ' ‘ (b) Return at percent ...... Line 5a) 1, ratioripercent) (c) Total fixed charges plus ' ‘ . ‘ contingent interest ........ AR Schz 309, Acctg. 542. 5n6-8 . (d) Return minus fixed and contingent charges ......... Line gb) minus line (0) ' 3. Remarks: (9) Federal income taxes ......... Q;gg_idl_§iges * ratio (f) Return plus federal income taxes .......... ............ Line (b) plus line (a) (3) Percent of return required for a percent return WW ‘ Insert ratio of Federal corporate income taxes to the return after such taxes based on Federal corporate income tax o£_______F_gpercent for the year of study (for example, if corporate income taxes equal #7 percent of taxable income. the remainder after taxes equals 53 percent of taxable income). Taxes, therefore, represent “7/53 of income after taxes, i.e.. 47/53 of taxable portion of return and ratio equals 47/53. or .8868. Rail Terminal Form F, 6—5“ - 5 - Description Of the Classes of Switching under study and Comparison of the Present or Preposed Rates . Railway for Each Class with the Cost for Each Class. 311mg Stcliedglg . a. _ . . , 7 . , _ ee 0 Present rate Proposed rates Coat per car or per'ffib pounds dig reight operat» fieight operat» ‘eright operat— ing expenses. ng expenses. ng expenses. we1ghted Freight operate rents. taxes. rents and taxes agintfi' taxes. Ci?“ 32;“ 1... 1... “2?; ““2522?“ “59:32:? mama-J 3;: {$8352 mm ”a P8“ at?" ne 0 - a - switch— Description of the classlof car Per hundred Per hundred per .2] taxes freight portion 'cit- (aggluding giggizddgzigiz- switch- ing switching under study -/ count car pounds c" pounds car of Value return) senger portion ing No. g/ (pounds) a: return) No. Per Per Per Per Per Per hundred Per hundred Per hundred Per hundred Per hundred ' car pounds car pounds cgr pounds car pounds car pounds J a J i J #4 J i J :4. (1) (a: (3) (N) (5) (6) (1) (d) (10) (, ) (12) ( ) silk) 5) (16) L I I II II III III IV IV V ‘ V VI VI I VII VII VIII VIII II II , I I II XI XII XII XIII XIII XIV XIV XV XV . ztem o. footnotes List special services performed by respondent on traffic under study: :7 Describe in column (I) each class of switching for which costs are to be determined. The classes of switching thus established will depend upon the nature of the study being made. such. for example. as carrier terminal switching. connection terminal switching. interchange switching, intermediate 2 flit or describe present or proposed absorptions. ifziny: switching. intraterminal switching. interterminal switching. and intratrain or intertrain switching. ' Each of these classes of switching may be further separated between the traffic handled for each of ' - - respondent's connecting lines. by industries. or by groups of industries. Assign a number to each 3 Diet or describe practice concerning per diem reclaims: class of switching (Roman numerals). r g] The count of care will depend upOn the class of switching under study. For intertrain. intratrain. interchange and intermediate switching. the count may be based upon the total cars handled (loaded * h State what changes in wage scales. tax payments. material’prices or other items or empty). For carrier terminal switching. connection terminal switching. intraterminal switching occurring since the accounting period covered by this study would occasion and interterminal switching, the count should be based on the loaded cars handled. The basis for higher or lower costs in the near future. as compared with the expenses in- the count will depend primarily upon whether the rates or charges under study are based on the total curred in the period of study. (See General Instructions No. 6 and Summary cars handled (loaded or empty) or based on the loaded cars only. Insert in column (2) the basis for ' Schedule. sheet 2. footnote 10). car count used. Designate the count based on total cars handled (loaded or empty) as I"rot. cars'. A Designate the count based on loaded care handled as "Dd. cars'. 5 RemarEs }/ Insert weighted average not load per car (pounds) when it is desired to show a cost per hundred pounds. For source. see Form 5. line 11. column (11). ,5] Source of cost data is as follows (using Class I as an illustration): Compute cost per 100 pounds only when pertinent to study. For column (8) see Summary Schedule. sheet 2, line 13. column (3). ror column (9) divide column (8) by the weighted average net load from column (7). For column (10) see Summary Schedule. sheet 2. line 13. column (h). For column (11) divide column (10) by the weighted average net load from column (7). ror column (12) see Summary Schedule. sheet 2. line 13. column (5). for column (13) divide column (12) by the weighted average net load from column (7). for column (1h) see Summary Schedule. sheet 2. line 15. column (h). Ior column (15) divide column (1“) by the weighted average net load from column (7). For column (16) see Summary Schedule, sheet 2, line 15, column (5). For column (17) divide column (16) by the weighted ayerage not load from column (7). 1/ Out-of-pocket costs need not be computed except where pertinent to the issues involved in the proceeding. If, computed. explain in full the procedure followed in Introductory Page No. b. (IBIS PAGE IWIONALLY LEFT BLANK) - 7 - (See reverse side for footnotes.) Bail Terminal Form F, 6-54 Summary of Costs for the Different Classes of Switching Services ;/ Railway Summary Schedule Sheet 2 ofpg T9 costs er total ca loaded 0 e ty) or per ‘oaded car g§_innigat§1 being (as: c Out—of- Operating Operating Out-of- Operating Operating Out-of_ Operating Operating Line Item Source 2/ pocket expenses. exp::::s, pocket expenses. 613:2:28’ pocket expenses, expen:es. Line No. expenses rents taxes and expenses rents. taxes and expenses rents ta;:: :;d No. 2/ and taxes return 5/ 1/ and “am return 2/ 3/ and ”8““ return 5/ u) (2) (3) in) , (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (ll) Class of switching No. Class of switching No. ”Class of switching No. Description Description. Description ' No. of cars 3/ No. of cars 5/ . No. of cars 3/ ' 1 Switching service ..... ..... ........ ............ Sch, F. line 5g. col. 22 or g3, ' 1 2 Station service-~Clerical ... ........ .. ..... -... Sch. D, line 18 or 19 6/ 2 Freight-train car expenses: ‘ 3 Mileage portion ................... ......... ..%?L 3 4 Time portion .. .. ........... ........... ...... a 5 Loading and unloading portion ................ 5 6 Cost per car, revenue traffic .................. Lines 1-5. inclusive 6 7 Cast for nonrevenue traffic .................... Sch. G, line 22 7 8 Total cost, revenue and nonrevenue ............. Sum of lines 6 and 7 8 9 Adjust. for abnormal expenses (incr. or door.) . 1 9 10 Special services ............................... 11% 10 11 Special services ........ ....................._11 11 12 Special services ..............................._;;I 12 13 Private car rentals and expenses ..............._;g/ 13 14 Total cost per car incl; nonrevenue traffic .... Lines 8 to 13, inclusive it 15 Passenger-train deficit ........................_l3/ xxx xxx xxx 15 16 Cost 1 a - ‘ ‘ MW 15 xxx xxx xxx 16 Class of switching No. Class of switching No. Class of switching No. Description Description Description No. of cars 2/ No. of cars 2/ No. of cars 2/ 1? Switching service ... ...... ............... ...... Sch. 21 line 52, Col. 22 or 23 17 18 Station service--Clerical .................,.... Sch. D, line 18 or 19 Q/ 18 Freight-train car expenses: 19 Mileage portion .............................. / 19 20 Time portion ..... . ....... ............... ..... __§[ 20 21 Loading and unloading portion ................ / 21 22 Cost per car, revenue traffic .................. Lines 17-21, inelusive 22 23 Cost for nonrevenue traffic ...............,.... Sch. G. line 22 23 2# Total cost. revenue and nonrevenue ............. Sum of lines 22 and 23 2b 25 Adjust. for abnormal expenses (incr. or deer.) ._l2/ 25 26 Special services .... ...... ..................... ll 26 27 Special services ...... . ..... ........... ........ _;l/ 27 28 Special services .............. . ..... ...... ..... _;l[ 28 29 Private car rentals and expenses ...............ng 29 30 Total cost per car incl. nonrevenue traffic .... Lines 2“ to 29, inclusive 30 31 Passenger-train deficit ........................_;3] xxx xxx xxx 31 32 Cost per car includigg passenger-train deficit .LLine 30 plus line 31 xxx xxx xxx 3: Rail Terminal Form F. 6-54 - 8 - Footnotes for Summary Schedule. sheet 2 2/ ‘ From Form 5. column ll. *‘ From Summary Schedule, sheet 2 (see captions). AQ/ Leave lines 7 and 22 blank where no adjustments are made for abnormal expenses, or if such adjust- ments are incorporated directly in the primary accounts (see General Instructions No. 6). Other- wise compute as follows: Multiply lines 6 and 21, columns 4. 7. and 10. by the ratio develOped in line (g) below. The entries in columns 5. 8, and ll should be identical with the‘entries made - in columns 4. 7. and 10, respectively. Where out-of—pocket costs are computed, follow the same procedure for columns 3. 6. and 9, as is prescribed herein for columns 4. 7, and 10. ;/ Fill out as many sheets of this schedule as are required to assemble the cost for each class of switching shown on Summary Schedule. sheet 1. Note: Althoagh the freight-train car expenses are accumulated on this schedule separately for I'mileage" cars and Iother than mileage” cars. such expenses are distributed over the total count of cars for each class of switching. mileage cars and "other than mileage“ cars. to obtain a weighted average cost per car. Where costs are desired separately by types of equipment. separate classes of switching should be established. .2/ Insert the cost data for each element of service from the source indicated in column 2. Where the source designates two columns. the first column refers to the Operating expenses. rents Item Source Amount and taxes to be used in filling out columns 4. 7. and 10; the second column refers to the 11) (2) (3) operating expenses plus a return for use in filling out columns 5. 8. and 11. Adjustments for abnormal expenses (frt. and pass.): 3/ Compute the out-of-pocket expenses only when pertinent to the issues involved in the proceeding. (a) wages .........,,,.,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,, Special gtudy* If computed, explain in full the procedure followed. (b) Taxes ......... ....... ........ . ......... ... S ecialgstgdy* ' ‘4/ The allowance for return on value is based upon the rate of return as shown on introductory page (c) Materials and supplies ..... .. ...... ..... . Special study* No. 4. (d) Other (define) Special study* ‘5] Insert count of cars from Schedule F. line 51. column 21- If the count of cars 13 bBIOd on total (e) Total ................... ............ ......... Lines (a) to (d). inclusive ) cars handled. loaded or empty. designate as 'Tot. cars.‘ If the count is based on the loaded (f) Total Operating expenses. rents and taxes .... A.R. Sch. 300, sum of lines care only. designate as 'Ld. cars.“ 4. o, and 24. column (b)** é/ Insert the clerical expense per car from Schedule D. columns 6 to 10. as applicable. (g) Ratio of adjustment to total operating .2/ Compute as follows: The costs inserted in columns 5. 8. and 11 will be identical with the costs ______Jzgp§g§§§‘_£§££g_§£g;$§§§£L.................L. Lgne (e) i line (f) inserted in columns 4. 7. and lo. respectively. Mileage cost * Compute from special study the amounts by which wages, taxes. materials and supplies, etc.. would be increased or decreased for the annual period as the result of changes in the wage Class of switching Equated (col. 2 x Number of Cost per car levels, tax rates, price levels. etc.. occurring subsequent to the periods on which the cost No. car-miles* Sch. A. sheet 2. cars** (col. 34f study is based. line 9, col. 19) °°l' ) ** Use latest annual accounting period. I ——~733-- (21 (3) 4451‘ (5) ll] Bring forward from Schedule 3, lines 21-23. the costs applicable to each class of switching for insertion in columns 4. 7. and 10. The amounts included in columns 5. 8, and ll will be identical with those inserted in columns 4. 7. and 10. respectively. Special services based on work per- ! formed by respondent (i.e.. not an absorption) should be increased for abnormal expenses. if any. by the amount computed by multiplying the Operating expenses and taxes by the ratio shown in footnote lo hereto. line (a). .lg/ Include only those repair expenses on I'mileage" cars which are chargeable to respondent (see Sched- ule A, sheet 1. footnote 3). The entries in columns 5. 8. and ll will be identical with entries in columns 4. 7. and 10, respectively. Compute cost per car as follows: * Actual miles from Form 5. line 6. column 11. multiplied by 2. ‘* From Summary Schedule, sheet 2 (see captions). Co to as follows: mpu Mileage cost Cost per car Car—day costs Car-day costs Cost per car Cost per car Class of switching Equated (COI' 2 I Mileage (sum °f °°1“ excl. return incl. return excl. return incl. return He. car-miles* SCh‘A' 'h' 2' rental** 3 and 4 * Class of switching (col. 2 xSchJ. (col. 2 x (col. 3 + (col. 4 + ___________ line 8' footnote 7- N0. Car-d&¥’* sheet 2. line Sch.A.sheet 2. footnote 7. footnote 7. l 601- 19)) 4 001- 4) lo. col. 21 line 10. col. 4 as col. 4 as ( ) (2) (3) < ) (5) "vr + col. 22) col. 24) applicable) 'applicable) 1;) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ‘ Car—days from Form 5. line 7. column 11. 2/ Includes expenses chargeable to the wear and tear on freight-train cars occasioned by the physical loading and unloading operations. Expenses are not applicable to those classes of, switching which do not include the loading and unloading of the car such as intertrain or * Actual miles frOm Form 5. line 5. column 11. multiplied by 2. ** If rentals are paid for the use of the car in switching service at terminal under study. multiply actual miles by rentals per mile and insert product in column 4. ' 4 13/ Compute passenger-train deficit only when it is pertinent to the issues involved in the proceeding. (a) Compute the passenger-train deficit per car for insertion in line 15. column 4, as f0110ws: Subtract from line 14. column 4, the amount shown in line 9 and any absorptions contained intratrain 3'1222125' iii°fi°hfggztzzti°:i:fi’tggde;:::::°i;3::1:;::°2‘“g' aig°lgnt:::'e::1v.1y in lines 10,11 and 12. Multiply the remainder by ratio from Schedule 2. sheet 1. line 28. ‘ golum:s 5’ f’llo . V e e ' ' ’ p ' Follow same procedure for line 15. columns 7 and 10 and for line 31. columns 4. 7, and 10. 059“ e as 0 we. (b) Compute passenger-train deficit per car for insertion in line 15. column 5, as follows: Loading and Subtract from line 14, column 5, the amount shown in line 9 and any absorptions contained Numb°r °f unl°ad138 N f °°‘t in lines 10,11 and 12. Multiply remainder by ratio from Schedule a. sheet 1. line 31. Class ofnzwitching cizizzgs goit§c£co:: u::;:‘: €zzlf‘; Follow same procedure for line 15. columns 8 and 11 and for line 31, columns 5. 8. and 11. or unloaded'l sh. 2. line + col. 4) 11, 001. 26) (1) (2) (3) (u) (5) -9- Rail Terminal Form 1' , b-ju Separation of System Freight Equipment Maintenance and Rental Expenses between Types of Equipment itai 1m Schedule 1 Sheet 1 of System Apportionment ,Steam loqugtives Other locomotives Freight-train cax; Floating . Account freight factors Rented On "Other than mileage" cars Work equipment General - Line No. Expense groups expenses ($66 general Yard Other Yard Other mileage Mileage Time Loading equip~ and over- nine No. from annual instruction (road) (road) basis portion portion and ment special head No. report No. b) unloading services (1) (2) (31 - (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ___(10) (11) 112) (13) (14L (15) Maintenance of 131111an 1 301 Superintendence ... ....... y 1 2 302 Sh0p machinery. ....... ............ . __i__e 35 2 3 304 Power—plant machinery (part not used for locomotive Operation) g/ . ....... Line 35 3 4 305 Shep and power-plant machinery-éDepreciation g/ .... Line 35 a 5 306 Dismantling retired sh0p' and power-lent machinery g/ Line 35 5 6, 308 Steam locomotives-~Repairs . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . ...... Direct gx xxx E xxx £14! xxx xxx xxx xxx 6 7 311 Other locomotives-~Repairs ........;................ Direct xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxy xxx xxx xxx 7 8 314 Freight-train cars-~Repairs ................ ........ ‘3] xxx xxx . xxx xxx 445;! xxx xxx 8 9 323 Floating equipment~-Bepairs ........................ Direct xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx, xxx xxx xxx, xxx xxx__ 9 10 326 Work equipment-qfiepairs .........L.................. Direct xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxi xxx, xxx xxx xxx xxx 10 11 328 Mi scellaneous equipmentufiepairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3] xx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx x_x.x x; 11 12 329 .330 Dismantling retired equipment.retirements—fiuipnent 5/ 12 13 331 lquipment--Depreciation ... j] 13 1“ 332-335 Injuries, insurance, stationery. and other ......... Alli 1h 15 336 Joint maintenance of equipment expenses—aDr. . . . . . . . Line 35 9/ 15 16 337 Joint maintenance of equipment expenses-42 r. . . . . . . . Line 35 g] 16 l? - Payroll taxes-«M. 0111/ . ......... Line 35 l? 18 §/ 18 Maintenance of Hg: 1;; §tzgctgggs 19 235 .266 Shape and enginehouses(sh0p end storehouse portion)_2/ Line 35 19 20 253.266 Power p1ants(portion not used for loco.operation) g/ Line 35 20 21 257,266 Power transmission systems (portion not used for loco. Operation).§ ............................... Line 35 21, 22 a Total M. of U.&S (lines 19-21) ................... - ' 22. 23 - Total M. of w. a. 3. including overheads _l_Q/ . . . . . . . . - 23 21+ - Payroll taxes-4L of w.&'s._l_;/ Line 23 2t 25 - Ad valorem taxes-Shops, etc. ;g/ ........... ....... Line 35 25 R rn 0 Bo P or ‘ 26 - Return at percent 13/ . . . . . . . . . .- . ...... . ...... Line 35 26 Euipment Rents 27 503.536 Hire of freight cars: Mileage basis (net) ... . . . . . . . 1_L_’i/ nx xxx xxx xxx xxx m m xxx xxx 27 ' 28 Per dien basis (net) . . . ...... QL xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xx 28 29 Other basis (net) ............ 4%] xxx xxx xxx xxx 13 xxx .xxx 29 30 504,537 Locomotive rent (net) . ...... __lf_/' xxx m xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 30 31 506,539 Floating equipment rent (net) . . . . . . ; ..... . ......... Direct xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xn xxx xxx 31 32 507,540 Work equipment rent (not) .......................... Direct xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 32 33 — Total (sum of lines 1-18, 23-32) - 33 31+ - Subtotal (lines 6-11, inc.) y - 3t 35 - Percentage distribution of line 3# ......... ..... ... 100.00 - 35 (See reverse side for footnotes.) Rail Terminal Form F, 6-5# footnotes for Schedule A, sheet 1 1/ Apportion on basis of line 35. except when employees whose salaries and expenses are included in account 301 have supervision of employees whose wages are charged to account 388, Enginehouse expenses--Yard, and account #00, Enginehouse expenses-~Train, and the carrier has not assigned any of the salaries and expenses of such supervisory employees to account 371, Transportation-~Supervision, in their primary accounting procedure. when all the maintenance of equipment supervision expenses are included in account 301, apportion the expenses in accounts 388 and #00 between steam and other locomotives on the basis of respective locomotive-miles and add to the amounts in line 34. columns 3, and 5 to 8, inclusive. Compute a percentage distribution of the sum of line 34 plus the expenses from accounts 388 and #00 and use these percentages for apportioning of accounts 301, and 332-335. g/ Insert in Schedule A, the total expenses for the accounts shown, except where power plants are for the generating of electric power and 10 percent or more of the current consumed is chargeable to Operation of locomotives. In the latter case, apportion between locomotive operation and maintenance of equipment on the basis of current consumed, as indicated by tests. insert maintenance of equipment portion in Schedule A and locomotive operation portion in Schedule C. . 3/ Show in column 9 the expense of repairs to cars rented on a mileage basis which are borne by the respondent. Include the expense of car inspection included in account 31h that is applicable to cars rented on a mileage basis. The methods used for computing these costs are to be shown below. Apportion the remainder in account 31# as follows: 70 percent to ' column 10; 25 percent to column 11; and 5 percent to column 12. 5/ Assign the repairs of trucks. tractors, and other off track equipment in equipment account 58 used for maintenance of equipment and stores or maintenance of way and structures to column 13; the repairs of trucks, tractors, busses. etc., used in pickup and delivery services, revenue highway services or for loading trailers on cars to column I”; and the repairs of automobiles, etc.. used by officials and employees to column 15.' 5/ Distribute direct to the different types of equipment. Where direct separation is not available, separate locomotive retirements and depreciation between road and yard on basis of book investment of equipment assigned to each service. Where equipment is used Jointly in road and yard service. assign to that service in which the use predominates. Apportion freight-train car retirements and depreciation for cars rented on a mileage basis to column 9 and for “Other than mileage rental” cars, 45 percent to column 10; 48 percent to column 11; and 7 percent to column 12. (If expenses for Equipment-Amortisation of defense projects included in the study. adjust to a normal basis of depreciation.) .é/ See General Instruction No. 5. . R .2/ Insert payroll taxes applicable to the accounts included in lines 1-16. Compute by multiply- ing the labor portion of these accounts by the tax rate. If the labor portion of the individual accounts is not available, compute by multiplying the sum of lines 1-16, column 3, by the ratio of the system payroll taxes to the system expenses. Compute this ratio as follows: Payroll taxes, annual report schedule 350, sum of items, old age retirement and unemployment insurance, divided by total Operating expenses from annual report schedule 320, line 193, column (b),_______________ratio. §/ Insert any other items of expense that may be applicable to the terminal under study, such as normal depreciation on amortized equipment, etc. Indicate items included: - 10 - 2/ Exclude enginehouse portion. If separation not currently maintained, separate on basis of best data available. See Schedule C, sheet 1, footnote 7, for enginehouse portion. 19/ Line 23 x (1.0 + ratio). Compute ratio as follows: Lind, Item Source Amount __1;t_o. (1) 121 (3) . A.R.Sch.320,col.(e),sum of Accts. 201, (a) M. of W. 8: S. overheads ....... __2..6_6.(.L)_L_2_62_(D. 274:7]. incl. * A.R.Sch.320,col.(e),total 14.0: v. a s. (b) Total M. of W. & S., excluding expenses minus sum of Accts. 201,‘ overheads .......... ....... ... 266(1)4267(1)-274-77, inclusive * (c) Ratio of M. of W. & S. overhead to total M. of W. & S. e cludi overhe s . . Line (a) e line (b) * If account 275, Insurance, can be directly assigned to the terminal facilities. exclude here and include in Schedule 3, sheet 1, line 22. 11/ Insert payroll taxes applicable to the accounts included in lines 19-21. Compute by multiplying the labor portion of these accounts by the tax rate. However, if the labor portion of the individual accounts is not available, compute by multiplying the sum of lines 19-21, column 3, by the system ratio of payroll taxes to system expenses. See footnote 7 above for ratio. ;g/ Compute from special study of respondent's tax records the ad valorem taxes for the annual period on the system shops and storehouses (excluding enginehouses), power plants not used for loco- motive operation, and power transmission systems not used for locomotive operation. 11/ See Schedule H, sheet 1, column 18. lines 27, 29, 31, and 33, for shOp and storehouse portion of return for shape and enginehouses, power plants, power transmission systems, and power plant machinery. lfl/ Beepondents owning no mileage rental freight cars will assign the net rents in column 3 to column 9. When the respondent owns a substantial number of freight-train cars, it rents to others on a mileage basis. the amounts receivable for its care rented to others on a mileage hasis (annual report schedule 376, line 45. column (c)) should be apportioned 75 percent to column 9 and 25 percent to column 15. _15/ If a debit balance, assign to column 11. If a credit balance, assign 25 percent to column 15 and apportion the balance between columns 10. 11, and 12 on the basis of the freight—train car repairs. retirements, and depreciation, lines 8, 12. and 13, columns 10, 11, and 12. ;§/ Assign direct where possible; otherwise, apportion on the basis of account 308 for steam locomotive rentals and account 311 for other locomotive rentals. -11.. Rail Terminal Form F, 6-54 Computation of Unit Costs for Yard Locomotives and Freight-train Cars Railway Schedule A Separation of Yard Locomotive Maintenance and Rentals by Individual Locomotives or Classes of Locomotives l/ Sheet 2 of 3 Generalgrenairs 1/ 0 her repaigg 5/ Total cost Cost per Computation of - Number General Loco. unit Cost per Loco. Cost per per loco. hour for w . Depre- Total cost weighted average Description of of repairs hours Operated loco. unit Other unit loco.unit unit hour overhead ‘qupment ciation Rental per l°°°’ cost 10/ locomotives or loco. at last between first hour for repairs hours hour for of repairs, and pay- retirements per expenses unit hour . Line class of units two preceding and general during Operated "other” general and roll taxes P6? l°°°‘ loco. per l°°°' (col. 9 “the N°’ locomotives g/ in general third preced- repairs year of during repairs "other" (col. 9 1. unit hour unit unit hour t9 col.l3, (col. 7 1 Total ll/ No' ‘ class shoppings ing general (col. 3 + study year of (col. 6 + (col. 5 + ratio) 2/ hour §/ 2/ inclusiveH °°l° 1“) ’ &/ snapping col. 4) study col. 7) col. 8) 'Q/ (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1;?) (l3) (lb) (15) (16) ‘ Computation of Cost by individual Locomotives or Clagg of Locomotives 12/ l l ‘ 2 2 i 3 3 4 a 5 5 Sistem Averggg Cost l3/ 6 Locomotives - Steam xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xx; Axxx xxx 6 7 - Other xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 7 x Separation of Freight-train Car Expenses between Mileage Portion, Time Portion, and Loading and Unloading Portion l5] Miigase ortion Time nortios ' mm as . . (frfgpgzh.sA Cost per Expenses ’ Cost per active car.d§¥:; ATEtéIV Expenses Cost per carload . Line Item sh 1 line 53 equated (from Sch. A, lqui ment cost per (from Sch.A, oriainated or .Line No. col 5 or 10 ’ car-mile . sh. 1. line Expenses taies Return active eh. 1. line 33, tZrminated No. as applicable) li/ . 33. col. ll) car-day col. 12) (1?) (18) (19) (20L (21) (22) (23) (2a) (25) (26) 8 Expenses for mileage cars. excl. rentals (omit if . not pertinent to study)(from Sch. A, sh. l, col.9) _;§/ xxx xxx xxx 4!31 xxx xxx xxx 8 9 Mileage portion of expenses, "other than mileage” cars (from Sch. A, sh. 1. col. lo) ............... All] xxx xxx 1;; 11!, £2! 1!! xxx 9 10 Time portion of expenses. "other than mileage" cars. xxx xxx ;§/ 1 / 39/ gflJ xxx xxx 10 11 Loading and unloading portion of expenses, “other , than mileage" care ...... ........................; xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx, ‘ggL ll (See reverse side for footnotes.) Rail Terminal Form F, 0—54 Footnotes for Schedule A, sheet 2 1/ Use lines 1 to 5 to deve10p the maintenance cost for the class of yard locomotives used in handling the traffic under study. If the yard locomotives are regularly assigned and con- tinuOusly used in switching service, assign the repairs direct; if not continuously used in the terminal under study, apply average cost per unit hour for class of power used to hours Operated in terminal during test. If road locomotives are used in yard service, deveIOp the cost for such road locomotives on the same basis as that outlined for yard locomotives. Where the repair costs cannot be developed from the carrier's records by individual yard locomotives or by classes of yard locomotives, the system average expense may be used, separated as applicable between steam and other, lines o and 7. Where a carrier maintains a record of the general repairs by individual locomotives or classes of locomotives, but groups its other repairs (running repairs), develop in columns 3 to 5, the general repair expense per unit hour for such locomotives to which shall be added the system average running repairs per locomotive unit hour for all yard locomotives (see columns 6 to 8). 3/ identify in this column the yard locomotives used in the switching under study. If only one class of locomotive is used in the terminal, develOp the cost for that class on line 1; if different classes of yard locomotives are used for different classes of switching, develop separately the cost for each class of locomotive using as many lines as are required. See General Instructions No. 3. If system average yard locomotive costs are used, fill out lines 6 and 7. 3/ General repairs to be based upon the expenses for such repairs at the last two general shop- pings divided by the locomotive-hours Operated immediately prior to these shOppings, i.e.. between the first and third preceding shoppings. .4/ Include only charges to accounts 308 or 311. Do not include allowance for supervision or overhead which is treated in column 10. If any of the locomotives or classes of loco, motives involved in the study are jointly maintained, an analysis shall be made of the bills for determining the total cost attributable to such locomotives, irrespective of a separation of such expenses between the participating carriers. i/ include all repairs except general repairs. Such repairs, commonly termed l‘Running repairs," shall be based on one year's experience only, namely, the year of study. This is usually the last full annual accounting period prior to the test study. 9/ Compute the ratio as follows: Schedule A, sheet 1, column 3, the sum of lines qu, 14, 17, and 23-25, divided by the sum of lines 6-11, inclusive. .2/ Compute by dividing the retirements for the accounting year for the class of locomotives under study by the hours operated from column 7. If data by individual locomotives or classes of locomotives are not available, compute by dividing amount shown in Schedule A, sheet 1. line 12, column 5 or 7, as applicable, by the total locomotive unit hours for the accounting period. See Form OS-C for the accounting period, items 1-01 and 1—02 (steam locomotives) or items l-04, 1-05, and 1-07 (other locomotives). .§/ Compute depreciation by applying the depreciation rate for locomotives against the ledger value of the locomotives under study. Divide the result by the unit hours Operated during the accounting year shown in column 7. If data by individual locomotives or classes of locomotives are not available, compute by dividing amount shown in Schedule A, sheet 1, line 13. column 5 or 7, as applicable, by the system locomotive unit hours. 2/ Amount to be based on rental expenses for the accounting year or such part of the year as locomotives are rented. Divide such expenses by the locomotive unit hours Operated during the period of the rental. If repairs, retirements, or depreciation on the rented loco- motives are borne by the owner and not by the renter, no allowances should be included in the study for such repairs, retirements, or depreciation. -12.. lg/ Use columns 15 and 16 for the computation, where desired, of a weighted average cost for different classes of locomotives. See General instruction NO. 3. If a weighted average cost by classes of locomotives is not deveIOped, leave columns 15 and 16 blank. 11/ Campute the weighted average cost per locomotive unit hour for the classes of locomotives whose costs are averaged by dividing the aggregate expenses for such locomotives in column 15 by the aggregate unit hours for such classes of locomotives computed from column 7. gg/ See General Instruction No. 3 for instructions concerning the computation of maintenance cost by classes of locomotives. 13/ if system average yard locomotive costs are used, fill out lines 6 and 7. Divide expenses shOwn in Schedule A, sheet 1, line 33, column 5 or 7. as applicable, by the system locomotive unit hours to be inserted in column 7, lines 6 and 7, to deveIOp the cost per unit hour for column 14. 1&/ When the switching study is limited exclusively to cars upon which the per diem reclaim is collected and freight-train ear expenses are Omitted from such study, lines 8 to 11 of Schedule A, sheet 2. and all of Schedule A, sheet 3, may be left blank. li/ Costs per equated car-mile are based on a weight of one given to a mile in running service and a weight of two given to a mile in switching service. lé/ Divide expenses in column 18 by equated car-miles for mileage cars (from Schedule A, sheet 3, line 28, column 15). Multiply quotient by (1.0 + ratio from Schedule E, line 19, column 4). 11/ Divide expenses in column 18 by equated car-miles for I'Other than mileage" cars (from Schedule A, sheet 3, line 28, column 16). Multiply quotient by (1.0 + ratio from Schedule E, line 19, column 4). ;§/ Divide expenses in column 20 by active car-days for “other than mileage" cars (from Schedule A, gheet 3, line 29, column 20). Multiply quotient by (1.0 + ratio from Schedule E, line 19, column 12/ Compute from special study of respondent’s tax records the ad valorem taxes for the annual period chargeable to freight-train cars ("other than mileage"). Divide the system ad valorem taxes of $____ thus obtained by the active car—days for I'other than mileage" cars from Schedule A, sheet 3, line 29. column 20. gg/ Compute return on value chargeable to freight-train cars (“other than mileage rental cars“) as follows: Line Item Source Amount _§o. (l) (2) (3) (a) Value of freight-train cars - all other ......................,§ghg_g,_gh§gt_l,_li§e 23. col. 7 (b) Return on value at percent* Lin§_(§) x gratio (0) Active car-days .................LSgh.A.shest 3. line 29. col. 20 (d) Return on value per active car- dgy ............................ Linerlb) e line (c) * See Introductory Page No. 4 for rate of return. g;/ Insert in line 10, column 24, the sum of line 10. columns 21, 22, and 23. gg/ Expenses in column 26 divided by total of cars loaded plus cars unloaded for "Other than mileage" cars. Multiply quotient by (1.0 + ratio from Schedule E, line 19, column 4). If data not currently available, compute count of cars as follows: Schedule A, sheet 3, column 3, sum of lines 2, 4, 6, 14, 18, plus twice line 12. Multiply this total by ratio of l'Other than mileage" carloads to total carloads. Compute ratio as follows: 1.0 minus ratio from Schedule A, sheet 3, footnote 1?, line (e). Insert resultant count Of carloads: . If Schedule A, sheet 3, is not filled out, follow tenor Of instructions for deveIOping the count of cars referred to above. -13; Rail Terminal Form F, 6-5“ Computation of System Freight Train Car-miles and Active Car-days between Running Service, Switching Service. Railway and Loading and Unloading Services Schedule A Sheet 3 of 3 Computation oP car.miles and active car days for all cars Number of cars Car-miles System car-days in running. switching an; loading and unloading Switching gervice Loadi v unloading Line Item :gigiint cagggfl s i Approxi- Total Approxi— Total T0331 Lino N°' Source Aggregate (miles) (col 381 32:31:? mate car- car-days mate car- car-days Earl 8’; No. 1/ c 1' 4) days per (col. 3 x days per (col. 3 x go 3. — ° ' car 1/ col. 7) car 1/ col. 9) * + 10) (1) (2) (3) (b) (5) (§) (7) (8) (9) (1o) (11) Runnigg Service ' 1 Total freight cars, loaded and empty. 3 including cabooses ......................... xxx xxx xxx 2 13/ xxx xxx xxx xxx 1 Switching Service 2 Carrier terminal switching. industry and team ' tracks (loads) ............................. ‘fl/ 5;; 2 3 Carrier terminal switching. industry and team tracks (empties) ........................... Hi! xxx xxx xxx 3 ‘ ' 4 Carrier terminal switching, freighthouse tracks (loads) .............................' 6 xxx 4 5 Carrier terminal switching, freighthouse tracks (empties) ................... ..... ... / xxx xxx xxx 5 6 Connection terminal switching (cars originated or terminated by respondent and receiving connecting line road haul) (loads) ......... / xxx 6 7 Connection terminal switching (cars originated or terminated by respondent and receiving ‘\ , connecting line road haul) (empties) ....... xxx xxx ;;x 7 8 interchange switching (loads) ................ 8/ xxx xxx xxx 8 9 interchange switching (empties) .............. _§V’ xxx xxx xxx 9 1 10 Intermediate switching (loads) ............... dig] xxx xxx xxx 10 ll Intermediate switching (empties) ............. xxx xxx xxx 11 12 intraterminal switching (loads) .............. ll/ xxx 12 13 Intraterminal switching (empties) ............ _éj xxx xxx xxx 13 14 lnterterminal switching (loads) .............. _l§[ xxx 14 15 lnterterminal switching (empties) ............ xxx xxx xxx 15 16 intertrain and intratrain switching (loads) .. 13/ xxx xxx xxx 16 l? lntertrain and intratrain switching (empties). :EZj‘ xxx xxx xxx 17 18 Carrier terminal switching-nonrevenue (loads) 1& xxx __ 18 19 Carrier terminal switching-nonrevenudempties) 5? xxx xxx 3 19 20 Subtotal (lines 2-19, inclusive) ........ xxx xxx Axxx gxx xxx, xxx 20 Total Runniggfiwitchigg,and L0adigg8: Unlggigg ' 21 Total (lines 1 plus 20) ................. xxx xxx xxx xxx xxgi 21 Separation of Car-miles and Active Car-days between "Mileage" Cars and "Other than Mileage" Cars Car-milgs Active cargdaxs Total "Mileage" cars “Other than Total, “Mileage" cars I'Other than ‘ Line item all cars Amount mileage" all cars Amount mileage" Lino ‘ No. (from Percent (col. 13 1 cars (col. (from - Percent (col. 1? 1 cars (COI' No. col. 5) of total col. 14) 13 minus col. ll) ~ of total col. 18) 17 minus col. 15) col. l9) ( (12) (13) (11+) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) Running Service 22 Total freight cars. including caboose.‘running service (from line 1) xxx 11/ iél, 22 Switching Service 23 Carrier terminal switching, industry and teamtrack. connection ‘ terminal switching, intraterminal. interterminal and carrier terminal switching - nonrevenue freight (from lines 2, 3, 6, 7, l2, l3. 14, 15. 18. and 19) ................... ...... ...... ...... . 121 #12/ 23 24 Carrier terminal switching. freighthouse tracks (from lines 4 and 5) l§l lg] 24 25 interchange switching, intermediate switching. and intertrain and intratrain switching (from lines 8, 9: 1o, 11, 16. and 17) .l.§/ £61 25 26 Subtotal (lines 23-25. inclusive) ............................. xxx £11 26 27 Total equated car-miles in switching (line 26 x 2.00) ......... xxx 5!! xxx x5; 45;; 27 . Total - Runnigg. Switghigg, and Loadigg and Unloa i 28 Total equated car-miles (line 22 plus line 27) ................ xxx xxx xxx 45;; xxx 28 29 Total active car-days (line 22 plus line 26) .................. x5; xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 29 (See following sheet for footnotes.) ‘14? (IBIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) Rail Terminal Form F, 6-54 Footnotes for Schedule A, sheet 3 1/ (a) Show in col. 4 the car-miles for each class of switching for which the number of cars are in col. 3. Such car-miles should reflect system averages; the data are to be based on special studies. (b) Show in col. 7 and col. 9 the active-car-days for each class of switching fOr which the number of cars are shown in col. 3. Such active-car-days should reflect system averages; the data are to be based on car records, per diem reclaims, demurrage records and ~ . aVailable switching studies. (c) Where carrier dOes not have the car-mile and car—day factors available, use the following factors. Such factors are to be inserted separately for the loaded and empty movement as ) indicated in col. 1 below: Car-miles, . Car-d s per car ‘ Line ‘ normal . Loading a reference movement Switching unloading ‘ (Sch. A. Item (for . (for. (for inser- ' sheet 2) ~ insertion insertion tion in in col.4) ”1 °°l' 7) col. 9) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 2 and 3 Carrier terminal switching (industry and team track) ..... .. ..... .................. 4.0 41.00 1.75 4 and 5 Carrier terminal switching (freighthouse track) ................................... 3.5 0.50 0.75 6 and 7 Connection terminal switching ... .......... 4.0 1.00 1.75 .‘ 8 and 9 Interchange switching (per carrier) ....... 2.75 0150 g;; 10 and 11 Intermediate switching .................... 4.5 1.00 xxx 12 and 13 Intraterminal switching ......... ......... . 6.0 2.00 3.50 , l4 and 15 Interterminal switching (per carrier) ..... 5.25 1.50 1.75 ‘ 16 and 17 Intertrain and intratrain switching ....... 119 0.50 5;; 18 and 19 Carrier terminal switching—nonrevenue frt.. 4.0 1.0017 1.25 g/ From A.R. Sch. 531, col. (b), Item 16. Total freight car—miles. 3/ Compute car-days - running service, as follows: Line Item Source Amount No. (l) ' (2) (3) (a) Train-hours, including train-switching hours at way stations ............... ALgL_§gh1_5311_1t§m_gg1_gg11(b1_ (b) Average cars per train ............... A.R. Sch. 531, (izems l3 & 14, - I o b (c) Freight-train car-hours ~ running .... Line_(a)_z_line:,b) (d) Freight-train car-days - running ..... Line (9) divided by 24 hours (e) Caboose car-days .............. ...... . Line_(a)_d1x1ded_hy 24 hogrgg (f) Total car-days. including caboose .... h1ne (d) Dlus line (9) 4/ (a) Compute the total loads originated and terminated from A.R. Sch. 541, Class 960, sum of cols. (d) and (f), plus twice col. (b): carloads. (b) Compute the loaded cars switched for respondent by other lines at origin and destination terminals, based on current records, switching settlement statements or test data: carloads. (c) Deduct the number of cars shawn in (b) from those shown in (a) and insert remainder in ‘ line 2, col. 3: earloads. j/ The number of empties equals the number of carloads times the system average ratio of the total empties spotted and switched out to the total loads spotted and switched out at industry and team tracks and freighthouse tracks. Compute on basis of current switching records, data 1 obtained in switching studies, or special tests. Show ratios used: line 3 ; line 5 ; line 7 ; line 13 ; line 15 ; line 19 . (See reverse side for remainder of footnotes.) - 15 - Q/ If not available, computed as follOws: Line Item Source AmOunt _§o. (1) (2) (3) _ (a) Total tons of l.c.1. traffic handled A.E. Sch. 541, Class 970, sum of cols. (e) + (g) + twice col. (c) - tons (b) Average load, tons per car forwarded Current records or special studies* tons (c) Number of loaded cars .............. Line (a) e line (b) cars (d) Number of loaded cars originated or Current records or special terminated, re transfers .......... studies* cars (6) Total cars ......................... Line (c) + line (d) cars * For example, see special study required under order of August 28, 1951, Railroad Freight Station Costs and Other Performance Factors. 2/ Compute the loaded cars switched for connecting lines, based on current records, switching settlement statements or test data. §/ Compute as follows: Line Item Source No. (l) (21 Amount (3) (a) number of cars, carload traffic ........... A.R. Sch. 541, Class 960, sum of cols.(d)+(f)+ twice col. (h) Number of cars. l.c.1. traffLQ: (b) Number tons received from and delivered to A.R. Sch. 541, Class 970, sum of connections .............................. co1s.(e)+(g): twice col. (1) (c) Number tons interchanged from reporting carrier's freighthouse to connecting car- motor truck is required .................. scribed to tons interchanged* (d) Number tons receiving rail car interchange. Line (b) minus line (ell (9) Average l.c.1. tons per car forwarded ..... Special study** (f) Number of l.c.l. cars interchanged ........ Line d s line e (gl_ Total cars, c.l. and 1.c,l. .............;111ine (a)_p1u§_1ine (f) rier's freighthouse by motor truck plus Line (b) multiplied by ratio. tons interchanged at jointly operated Compute ratio from special study freighthouses where neither trap-car nor showing ratio of tons herein de- * For example see special study required under order of April 11, 1947, Dockets 29555 and 29556, Pickaup and Delivery Services by Railroads and Charges on Small Shipments by'Railroads. ** For example, see special studies required under order of August 28, 1951, "Railroad Freight Station Costs and Other Performance Factors." 2/ The number of empties equals the number of loads multiplied by the system ratio of empty car-miles to loaded car-miles (A.R. Sch. 531, col. (d), Item 14 divided by Item 13. Ratio________________‘ 19/ Compute from test check of station or switching records. Give one count only to each car given an intermediate switching which includes the switching services at both point of receipt and point of delivery. ). 11/ Compute from test check of station or switching records. Give one count only for each car given an intraterminal switching which includes the switching at both origin and destination industries. 1;/ Compute from test checks of station or switching records. 13/ If not otherwise available, compute by dividing the loaded car-miles from A.R. Schedule 531, Item 13, column (d), by 200. 14/ If data not available, compute as follows: Line Item ’ Source _§o (1) ~ (2) Amount (3) (a) Tons of nonrevenue freight carried . A.R.Sch. 531. Item131_ (b) Average net load of company material Special gtudl‘l (c) Total number of leaded cars handled. Line (a) divided by nonrevenue freight ................ Aline (b) (d) Count of cars nonrevenue, loads ...._Line (c) times 2 tons tons cars car; * Where data not available, use 43 tons per car. Based on distribution of company material by classes of equipment furnished by carriers. under order of August 28, 1951, "Railroad Freight Statiou Costs and Other Performance Factors.“ Rail Terminal Form F, 6-54 Footnotes for Schedule A, sheet 3 - Continued li/ Insert car-miles run by ''mileage" cars on respondent's lines, based on respondent's car-hire records. ;§/ The separation of the car-miles and the active car-days between ''mileage“ and .'other than mileage" cars is based on the ratio of the car-miles in running service for each of these classes of cars to the total car-miles in running service. Compute ratio by dividing col. 15, line 22, by col. 13, line 22. 3 l1/ The separation of the active car-days and car-miles for “other than mileage“ cars is based on g the ratio (percent) of the carloads originated and carloads terminated in I'other than mileage“ cars to the total carloads originated and terminated. Hhere the available records do not permit of a count of the carloads originated or terminated in either “mileage“ cars or "other than mileage' cars. compute the ratio as provided for below. The computation is { based on the assignment of that traffic normally moving in refrigerator and tank cars to } "mileage“ cars. E i S A D Line Item Source Amount _§p. (l) (2) (3) (a) Carloads assigned to refrig- See A.R. Sch. 541, cols. (d) plus erator cars ............... (f) plus twice col. (b), classes ' { 49-69073377'89995.215-2213225" 233.2“3.7491753.76l.765‘ (b) Carloads assigned to tank See A.R. Sch. 541. cols. (d) plus ‘ cars ......... ........ ..... (f) plus twice col. (b), classes “ 2h5.337.339,501.503,507-521,529. 4531.535.5fl3.247.751.751‘ (c) Total car10ads assigned to ; , refrigerator and tank cars. Lin a lus line (b) (d) Total carload traffic “mileage“ cars plus "other A.R. Sch. 541, class 960, cols. (d) than mileage” cars ........ plug (f2 plus twice col, (b) (e) Ratio of carloads in "mileage" cars to total carloag traffic ..!........ Lin 0 ivi ed,bx,line (d) ' If respondent's experience indicates that the predominant movement of the classes of traffic is in equipment other than that indicated, the classes shown herein should be revised accordingly. AQ/ Where 10 percent or less of the equipment used in handling l.c.l. traffic, i.e., l.c.1. cars originated and terminated, consists of cars rented on a mileage basis (refrigerator cars), , insert the figure of zero on line 24. cols. 14 and 18. Uhere the mileage cars constitute more than 10 percent of the l.c.1. cars originated and terminated. estimate on the best basis available the percent that such mileage cars constitute of the total l.c.1. cars. Insert such percentage in line 24, cols. l4 and 18. ‘ Rail Terminal Form F, b—5u Computation of Unit Costs per Car Handled by Zones ___,_-___ Railway Schedule B Sheet 1 of l Source Expenses Apportionment r v-..*,_._-.___.-..®.EE§E§Q§.§§F$EL§L§JME§D zones 2/ _,__ Line Account Expense groups of ex- for test factors (see Zone No. Zone No. Zone No. Zone No. Zone No. Zone ho. Zone No. Zone No. Zone No. Line 5 N0. N0. pauses period Gen. lnstruc. __ No f l/ N0. 1+) . ' E .__.~,,____.____Ll),_____w__,.,,_--i_.____~..________._L_l_-_ - (3) -,-(&l_n______ (5) (Q), 2417) (8) J__.M12) ilOIai (L1) (12) ,Ll3)____u_il&)_-,_qa____ 5 Mai____nte_nance_ of Way .andgtmctures - , . 1 202, 266(2§-3). 267(2é-3) Roadway maintenance - Yd. Svg. Trks. Track—miles 1 2 206 ”266(5) 267(5) Tunnels and subways - Yd. Svg. Trice. &/ 2 3 3 208 .266(6) Bridges, treaties and culverts - Yd. Swg. Trks. ‘TIEL 3 .‘ 1+ 210,266(7) Elevated structures - Yd. Swg. Trks. __ b, 5 212,267(8) Ties - Yd. Svg. Trks. Track-miles 5 6 214,267(9) Rails - Yd. Swg. Trks. ~ Track-miles 6 7 216,267(10) ‘ Other track material - Yd. Swg. Trks. Track-miles 7 8 218,26?(ll) ' Ballast - Yd. Swg. Trks. Track-miles 8 9 220,267(12) Track laying and surfacing - Yd. Swg. Trks. Track-miles 9 10 221,266(13) ' Fences, snowsheds. and signs - Yd. Swg. Trice. f1] Track-miles 10 ll 227,266(16) Track scales, stock pens, etc. . g] Direct 11 12 229.266(l7) Roadway buildings . . . . . . . .~ ........................... Track—miles 12 13 241.266(23) Wharves and docks .......... .......... ........... / Direct 13 ll} 2143,266(2/+) Coal and are vharves ...... ....... ........ 1/ Direct 11; 15 297,266(26) Communication systems ”E Direct 15 16 2149,266(27) Signals and interlockers . . . . . . .................... . . D1 rect 16 ‘ l7 269-?2,266(3?) .26? (38) Roadway machines, small tools. etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . é] Track-miles 17 18 273,266(39),267 (39) Public improvements-fiaintenance . . . ................ Direct 18 19 278 Maintenance of joint tracks, yards. etch-«Dr. .13/ Track—miles ’ v 19 20 279 Maintenance of Joint tracks, yards, etc.-oCr. . . . . . . . 10/ Track-miles 20 ‘ 21 281 Right-of-way oneness ‘ ............................... Track-miles 21 22 Ly LL! - 22 23 Total, excl. M. of H. and S. overhead (lines 142) .. ~ 23 24 Total, incl. M. of W.andS. overhead..............._g/ - 21.; 25 Payroll taxes-.24. of w. and s. ................. ig/ Line 24 25 26 Yard freight portion-«Maintenance of Way 8: Structures FlA/ - 26 M_ain.temnanes. froi$thmse tuck. .0.'000......C........C....ODOOI0.00....IIOOIOI'0OCOOIOOOOOCO0......0000000ICCOOCDIOOOIO. o. - 13 Main line running track between switch leading from main line to ladder track at east end of West Yard, . 13-; Transfer switching. Eastbound movements from West Yard to East Yard, to North Industrial District, or to any “0P0 101 + 5, to “itch leading to last Yard, “0P. 103 + 5 osessseosessoseoseoesseenoose-woosessences-sees... 200 I "' intend-late point. 13-3 Transfer switching. Westbound movements from hst Yard, frat North Industrial District, or from all other inter- mediate points to West Yard. 11¢ Icing track No. 26, serving icing platform, extends from main line running track switch at up. 101 + 5 to in Icing track switching (Icing track No. 26) muline running tuck "itch at Mops 101+-,5 sesssseesesssoessoessessasassess-senses-oososseesessees-essee 0.3 . I- . ‘ 15 Passenger service track. Includes tracks Nos. 27 to 29, inclusiVe, serving passenger conch yard .............. 0.3 - 15 Passenger service track switching. All passenger work performed at passenger station and at passenger cOach yard, ' tracks Nos. 27 to 29, inclusive. 16 Industry track. Includes track No. 30 serving Industry C and extends from min line running track switch Just 15 Industry track Witching. Industry 0. west of M.P. 103 + 5 to clearance point (carrier owned) and from clearance point to end of track (industry med) ..........'....UCI...I.I'ICC............C..........'................. 0.026 0.07)‘ , 17 Industry track. Includes track No. 50 serving Industries M, N, and O and extends from switch at LP. 103 e- 5 17 Industry track switching. Industries M, N, and O. to end of track No. 50, and track No. 51 from switch leading from track No. 50 to clearance point (carrier . owned) and from clearance point to end of track (industry owned); track No. 52 from switch leading from track No. 50 to clearance point (carrier owned) and from clearance point to end of track (industry owned); and track No. 53 from switch leading from track No. 50 to clearsncepoint (carrier owned) and from clearance Pomttomoftmck(1ndu.tryomed) eessseevess-oeee-sseessssssseesees-ooeessoeeweeooosse-eeeoesseoossseos 001‘78 0.322 18 Classification yard track. Includes tracks Nos. 32 to 35, inclusive, in bet Yarid and yard running track 18 Classification switching in Fast Yard. No. 31 between main line rimming track switch at ILP. 103 + 5 and switch at ladder track at south end of nflt Yard Usoeos-eoooosoossotoscooolcn0.0.00.0...estosssosossssmsseesessest-sonoosesee-ewooooeosoosooocoll 1.9 - .- 19 Tu track. Includes tucks NOS. 36 to 39. inelusive oeeeeess-seeeseessesones.ssssess-ssssososssoossoseossssss 0.2 “ 19 Tea.“ tuck .Witcmngs (Thelcfl N03. 36 to E, incl-M17.) K 20 Yard running track No. 31 extending from end of zone 18 to South AVenue ....................................... 0. - 20-1 Transfer switching. southbmnd movaments from last Yard to South Avenue. 20-] Transfer switching. Northbound movements from South Avenue to last Yard. ‘ 21 Interchange track. Includes tracks Nos. 1&1 and ”2 extending from South Avenue to Junction with North-South R.R. 0.6 - 21p; Interchange track switching. Deliveries from East-Nest KR. to North-South 3.3. placed on interchange track No. 141 , 21-3 Interchange liier‘ack switching. Receipts frOm North-South LR. to hot-Vest 3.2. pulled frail interchange tuck Nos 22 Industry track. Includes track No. 240 serving Industries D, E, and F, and extends frOm switch leading from yard running track No. 31 at Scuth Avenue to end of track (carrier owned) ................................... 0.1t - 22 Industry track switching. Industries D, E, and I on track No. No. 23 Yard running track. Includes track No. 143 frOm end of zone 20 at South Avenue to switch leading to track 23-1. Transfer switching. mstbound movements from South Avenue to switch leading to track No. 116, serving Industry I, NO. ”slewing Indultl'yl sseesseessesasses-eonseseeeoseeeeeessuses-seneseewsssasusassesses-seen...assesses-s 1.0 -' Ortoaliyintemediate point. 23-3 Transfer switching. Westbound movements from switch leading to track lo. ’86. serving Industry I or from any intermediate point, to South Avenue. ‘ " an Industry track. Includes track No. in: serving Industry G and extending from switch leading from track No. 1+3 214 Industry track switching. Industries G, H, and I located on tnckl Hos. M, #5. and '46. respectively. to clearance point (carrier owned) and from clearance point to end of track (industry owned); track No. 105, serving Industry H and extending from switch leading from track No. 1&3 to clearance point (carrier owned) and from clearance point to end of track (industry owned); and track No. 116 serving Industry I and extend- ing from switch leading from track No. 143 to clearance point (carrier owned) and clearance point to end of $1301! (indu'tl'y med) asses-s eeeee OIOOIC00.0.0.0...ess0s000000lnssiwso'ssOOOOIOIOIOOOQIIOIOOOUOCs00-0.... 0.078 00922 25 Industry track. Includes track No. 1&3 from end of zone 23 to end of track, and track No. 1&7 serving 25 Industry track switching. From switch leading to Industry I east to the end of track No. 143, including tracks Industry J and extending from switch leading from track N0. 1+} to clearance point (carrier owned) and from Nos. 1&7, N8, and ’49, serving Industries J. K, and L. respectively. clearance point to end of track (industry owned); track No. 1&8 serving Industry K and extending from switch 26 Helping rad trains or other yard locomotives. leading from track No. 143 to clearance point (carrier owned) and from clearance point to end of track 27 Caboose switching. Includes changing of cabooses on road freight trains. (industry owned); and track No. ‘49 serving Industry L and extending from switch leading from track No. 1&3 _ to clearance point (carrier owned) and from clearance point to end of track (industry owned) ................ ' 2.078 0.922 y 'Dle purpose °f this form 1' to furnish a description of the zones, elements of switching, and terminal 01361111531011a at “19 of each sons. Insert in column (5) the element number and in column (.6) the description of each element of switching. terminal under study. Insert in column (1) the some numbers. whether tracks are I'carrier owned“ or “industry owned“. Describe the limits of the zones in column (2) and show Insert in column (3) the length in track miles of the "carrier owiied'I portion of each zone. Insert in column (1%) the length in track miles, if any, of the "industry owned" portion A map of the terminal under study should accompany this descriptive data. (Sample Capy) Form 1 Description of Zones, Elements of Switching, and Teminal werations - Continued Te The main line between the locations M.P. 100 + 5 and 101 + 5 is used as a running track for road freight and passenger trains and as a classification track. The main line between the locations ALP. 101 + 5 and LP. 103 + 5 is used as a running track for read freight and passenger trains and for yard transfers. The regular trains arrive at and depart from the West Classification Yard upon the following schedules: . in . Train Arrivals 1:2?! Departures Tlfiin Arrivals $133. Departures Wining ' R s u r T 25 6:30 in. (terminates) 26 11:50 as. (originates) 5 12:15 as. 5 12:50 rm. 36 1:30 P.M. 36 2: 0 an. 6 1t:30 an. 6 1h}; an. 35 5:30 p.11. 35 5: 5 an. _ VEitra trains are occasionally Operated through this yard and require a change of cabooses at West Yard. , Train No. 25 terminates at West Yard and the road locomotive is placed in the roundhouse during the day. This same read locomotive is used to handle train No. 26 out of pleat Yard. Trains Nos. 35 and 36 are operated through West Yard although it is the customary practice for train No. 36 to pull into one of the yard tracks and train No. 35 to stay on the main line running track. The road locomotive from train No. 36 goes to the coal dock track for fuel while the yard locomotive handles the ' cars to be set out and the cars to be placed in this train. No change of caboosss is rude uponthsse two trains. \ The regular passenger trains operate through this terminal. Occasionally cars are added or taken off such passenger trains by the yard locOmotives, as the requirements of the passengerservice may demand. Nomi yard operations consist of three yard locomotive assignments, working as follows: Assam M rs 01‘ as" c No. 1 7300 Add. - 3:00 P.M. N0. 2 8:00 ADM. -' :00 P.M. No. 3 Moo-ma. -,- 12:00 11.11. The first assignment classifies train N0. 25 which brings into West Yard a majority of the industrial cars. this assignment makes up a transfer for the second assignment to move to the last Yard. This assignment spots and pulls cars from Industries A and B as soon as possible after it com- plates the classification of train No. 25. This assignment regularly switches the hold track, storage yard, coal dock, and stores department tracks. It also assists with the classification of cars re- ceived from train No. 36 and cars from the yard that are forwarded in train No. 36. tion The second assignment handles cars in transfer service to the East Yard and to the North In:- dustrial District. All cars for the latter district are spotted or pulled by this assignment. If there are industrial cars for Industry 0, this assignment spots such cars as well as picks up the out- bound cars from this industry. This assignment also does the passenger switching at the coach yard or at the passenger station whenever extra care are added to passenger trains. Cars for the mach yard and for Industry C may be handled in a separate transfer or they may be handled in a transfer which is going to the East Yard. The latter condition more frequently prevails. This assignment handlesall cars from train No. 25 to the interchange track and delivers them to the North-South Rail-— read. It picks up any ears for the East-West Raierad which may be at the interchange track at this same time and brings such cars to East Yard or West Yard, as the needs may require. This assignment handles the ears that require icing to the icing platform and normally handles all cars requiring weighing to and from the scale track. The third assignment begins its tour of duty by making a transfer movement to the freight- house. This transfer includes cars for the auto dock, which are spotted on arrival and any empties at the auto dock are pulled at the same time. This assigment then doubles the outbound merchandise cars together at the freighthouse for movement to West Yard. These merchandise cars are classified in West Yard, some moving out in train No. 35 and the remainder departing in train No. 26. This as- signment next makes a transfer to East Yard where it picks up and classifies any cars which have been brought to East Yard by Engine 2. This assigiment spots and pulls the cars for the team tracks by mking this movement directly from East Yard. This assignment then picks up cars for the South In:- dustrial {District in East Yard and moves to South Avenue. it the latter point cars for Industries D to F are spotted at their respective'locations on industry track No. '40. Cars for Industries G to K are then spotted. The leaded and empty cars are pulled from Industries L to I) and are transferred either til M Glassification his} or to the West ClassificatiOn Yard on the return trip. If any of the Industries D to L lead cars in connectim terminal switch service for the North-South Railroad, such care are delivered to the interchange track by this assignment. Tais assignment stcps at East Yard on its return trip to West Yard only when necessary to set out empty cars. In West Yard it classifies the cars which it brought in and makes up train 110. 26. This assignment then takes to the freight- house the inbmnd merchandise cars from train No. 35, together with any empty cars required for the next day's loading and spots the cars on the freighthouse tracks. If there are no cars available for movement at freighthouse, the crew returns to West Yard with the light locomotive and this com- pletes the assignment. N <—-Foreign R.R. Indusfrg '8 of B :15 Norfh . .c Industrial / +- \6 Dock Trac I as); .4] 53 Dzs‘l’rlcf ‘ " / Indush—g A .c -—22 4. m , 2 3 Indusfnes 2 2f a Track 20 a Sforage Wesi’ ‘ Tracks @ {gar— _ — — \ M.P. 505* Yard . _ M.P. IOI.5 [03, , _ Limit T We: « 5 {Math me 1\ c; K \ l cg fl 23 ‘ll': 50 Y d z [_"—"|? M.P.IOI.7S owe? office W + \g Y d / Icing 3| . .' . cs ‘3‘“ Pl H rm M P I00 5 5\ / ° ° 27 Indus‘l'rg 5 East 6 C ‘1 Classificafion ® Moms; 7 28 5 Yard / {Rip A\ .0 $' 6 Stores Dcp’r. Coal Dock 8r Ash Pi'l' ‘ / ' '2 a \ :" FRofggi::usc ’ ~ Tracks '4’. 9 ' 1 Hold Trm 8 T Passenger Coach Yard Foreign RR. -+ S Infill—change Tracks » Team 4..— Tracks Industries E [:3 Soufh Industrial Disfricf .1 71 [:1 Indusfries TERMINAL LAYOUT OF EAST —WEST RAILROAD AT EASTON STAT| ON 5”? N -42 ‘ (ms PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) Station _ On Duty ._ Name of yard From Show none of plant, yard, or interchange) Location and description é] ‘ "“ T- ‘E? on mtv (Front of its: 2) \Fonn 2 YARD CL’JNDUCTQR‘S WORK REPORT y Hammad Engine No. Yard Date ._,_.. C onduct o r M 2; Number of Brakemen Esme of industry, , ,_ I — , v A. CbAoailg. .3 i .m‘ Z ta-uutxack, 0? Time 1: freighthouse To Loads anties Leads ties Loads ties m...- Fm‘“ 1" D. INDUS'mY TRACK smmmsc (Includes private industries, docks, in m m m III 111 m m In m m m m m m m m m m 5558855355 5853555855 BBB BBB BBBBBBBEBBBBBBEEBB FREIGH'EOUSE SWITCHING (Back of Fons 2) G. SUICHING - HOLD, WEIGEING, ICING, AND STORAGE YARD TRACKS SWI'EHING - EXCLUSIVELY PASSENGER ZCNES §j Location From To From To Load an Load nap -43- Footnotes for Form 2, Yard Conductor's Work Report 1/ This report is to be made by each yard conductor daily at the time the work is performed during the test period. Conductors should be very particular to show the correct time consumed in each class of service and the actual number of cars to which services are rendered, as Called for under the various subheadings of classifications, transfer, etc. All of the time of the shift must be accounted for under one of the twelve sections or as "Other Services", section M. If the number of lines provided. for each element of switching are insufficient, use additional cards. Note: See also General Instructions re count of cars, count of locomotive time, treat- ment of delays, and distribution of common time between assigments. 2/ Time on Duty indicates the time at which the crew reports for duty and their compensation starts. Time off Duty means the time at which the period of compensation ends or the expiration of the normal eight-hour period of duty. 3/ Where a separation is made in the nature of the classification work, between (a) make-up and break-up work, (b) reclassification work, and/or (c) mOVement from one part of a classification yard to another part of the same yard, use columns (1+), (5), and (6) as needed, inserting appropriate designation in the column headings. Use separate line for each class of work. Where no such separation is made, leave columns (5) and (6) blank. Where count of cars classified is not used as supplementary check to count made from other sources, columns (14), (5), and (6) may remain blank. (See General Instructions for Form 2, item 1 (a), on reverse side). 5/ .Transfer service includes the handling of cars direct from one yard to another yard; movements between yard and industrial districts, and to and from interchange points; also movements betvveen yards and ice houses, scales, storage tracks, etc., when distance is sufficient to warrant. Where both freight and passenger cars are handled in the same transfer, indicate in column (11) the number of freight cars separately from the number of passenger cars, designated as (P). Movements of a "light" locomotiVe engged in any of the above transfer services should be shown separately with the designation "light" appearing in column (11). fine light movements made account exclusive passenger switching should be designated as "Light (Pass.)". 1/ Intraplant switching, as shown in columns (2M) and (25), shall include only the switching of cars from one loca- tion at an industry or team track to another location at the same industry or team track, when such movement is covered by a revenue switching order. g/ Indicate element of switching service performed, i.e., hold track switching, scale track switching, or ice house track switching. If yard contains more than one hold track zone, scale, or ice house, identify by name: Hold track - West yard; scales - East yard; icing - West yard. 1/ Give a single count to each car handled to the facility, loaded or anpty, and a single count to each car handled from that facility, 10aded or empty. fi/ Include under section J only that passenger switching work performed in zones devoted exclusiver to passenger switching. Passenger switching such as transfer service performed in zones which are used in common in both freight and passenger switching should be reported under section A, B, or C, as appropriate. In such case, designate the number of passenger cars handled as (P). 2/ Nonproductive time is time treated as common to all elements of switching, such as waiting for engine, waiting for assignment to next work, cleaning fire, lunch, taking coal or water, and tie-up time. Do not include time consumed in handling nonrevenue traffic (company material). See sections H, I, and K. 19/ If any class of service is performed other than those specifically designated under sections A to L, show such service under section M, "Other services". When yard locomotives are used to help a mad train or assist another yard locomotiVe, show the time consumed and the train number or yard locomotive number that was helped. (NOTE: It is the intent that the Yard Conductor's Work Report, Form 2. be reproduced in a card form and issued to the yard conductors or engine riders. Toe size of the card and the number of spaces shown in each section may be varied in accordance with respondent's needs. The general instructions appearing on the reverse side of the sheet are for the use of the supervisors.) 1. (b) Transfer swi tchig. (c) (d) (e) Etching, hold wei sh r (1’) (a) When- -lm- GENERAL INSTRUCTICNS CWCMING rm 2, YARD CCNDUCTOR'S WORK REPORT Count of cars: (a) gassification swi tang. Analysis of the classification operations should be made to determine whether the classification work received by the various classes of traffic differs substantially from that received by all cars classified. If no substantial variation exists, give one count to each car in trains or cuts entering the yard. On ..the other hand, where certain cars are found to receive regularly additional classifiCation services over and above that received by the average car, give an additional count to all such cars. Those cars receiving an additional count should be charged with such additional count in distributing the cost of classification. See rom h, lines 11 and 12, and ram 7, columns (3), (5), etc. The count of cars classified must be computed from train sheets, switch lists, etc. his yard conductor's counts of cars classified appearing in the yard conductor's work report, Form 2, columns ()4) to (6), can only be used at best as a sup- plementary check. It may be omitted where desired. Give one count to each car (loaded or anpty) handled in transfer ser- vice. (See (f), hereto). Cars which are picked up or drapped off in the course of a transfer and which traverse but a minor part of the transfer zone may be omitted from the count of cars handled. In tracing the cars on Form 1L, lines 9 to 12, inclusive, such care should not be charged with the transfer service. u t t t d. fr 1 t e tc . Give one count to each car (loaded or empty that is spotted. Also giVe one count to each car (loaded or empty) that is pulled. Do not give a count to cars, the movement of which is merely incidental to the spotting or pulling of other cars. If a loaded car be placed by one locomotive on an industrial storage track because of the lack of unleading space and later be moved from that storage track to the point of unloading, the second locomotive should not make a count of this car. Vice versa, if one locomotive moves an empty from the point of unloading tola stor- age- track within an industry and a second locomotive moves it back to the classification yard, the second locomotive cmly should make the count. (Note: The tracing of cars will eliminate any duplications in the car count which may be unavoidable, based on the engine rider‘s count. For instructions concerning the tracing of cars, see Tom h.) Give one count to each car (loaded or empty) shifted from one track to another track within the same industry and when such movement is covered by a revenue switching order. s r d t . Give one counttoeach r(loaded orempty) spotted at the facility and also one count to each car (loaded or empty) pulled from the facility. hsggger Etching. Where passenger switching work is performed in zones which are cannon to both freight and passenger work (i.e., classification or transfer zones), report such work in the appropriate sections of Form 2 provided for freight-train cars. The rnrmber of passenger cars so handled should be separately designated (P), in order to permit the computation of the equated car count (see Form 6). Omit count of passenger cars in these zones devoted exclusively to passenger work. See Form 2, section (J). s the m vement of which in i t dli of other . Exclude from the count of cars those cars, the movement of which is only incidental to the spotting or pulling of other cars. For example: If several Care must be moved from hold track, storage track, or industrial track for the purpose of spotting or pulling one particular car, only that ear should be counted. The principle follows]. is that the count of cars should be limited to those cars upon which productive work is done. 2. Wins: (a) 'W file count of time will start with the assignment of the loco- motive to classification switching, incluflng the time, if'any, running light to such enrolment. The time shall stop upon the completion of the assignment and a second as- signment of the locomotive to a subsequent element of switching. (b) mg” Etching. Where desired, the locomotive time and car count my be shown separately by directions. In the event the locomotive moves "light", such movement should be desig- nated as "light“. (c) -,- -: ; >»-_ -, _ g v - -. Where the tracks are in close proximity to the yard, the element of transfer s tching may be eliminated and the count of time chargeable to industrial, teem-track, and freighthouse switching may start with the as- signment in the yard. (d) t t swi . [hen this element of switching is performed in connection with in— dustrial switching, the time will start when locomotive is assigxed to intraplant switch- ing and cease when such work has been completed. Where locomotives are assigned wholly to the element of intraplant switching and run light to and from the industry, the time will start when the crew goes on duty and will cease when the crew goes off duty. The time for intraplant switching should be segregated only when the cars are handled upon revenue switching orders, or where a separation of this class of switching is desired. (e) unproductive tipg. Include the time when not working on either revenue or nonrevenue (company material) traffic, such as waiting for locomotives, taking coal and water, lunch periods, cleaning fireertie-up time, awaiting orders, derailments, accidents, etc. Do not include in nonproductive. time the locomotive time consumed in switching cars to and from conpany ceal docks, fuel oil tracks and ash pits. The cost of handling nonrevenue traffic (company mterial) chargeable to the terminal under study is separately computed and distributed over the revenue traffic as provided for in Schedule G, and Summary Schedule, sheet 2, lines 12 and 27. (f) W. If the delay be peculiar to a given element of switching, it should be charged to that element. For example: Delays incurred in industry-track switching because of waiting for plant ates to be opened, Waiting for the loading of cars to be completed, derailments on industrial spur tracks, etc., should be charged to the elements of industry-track switching. Delays, such as meeting with road trains, waiting at inter- locker plants and crossings, which are incurred by reason of operating conditions peculiar to the terminal under study, should be charged to these elements of switching in which they occur. On the other hand, delays such as engine failures, accidents, etc., which have no relation to the Operating characteristics of the zones should be treated as non- productive time. (g) t but on of l c tiv tim b tw en s i t . The time chargeable to any given element of switching should be based upon the elapsed period during which services of the locomotives are consumed in performing the given service. Where a locomotive returns to a given point after the completion of each assignment, the time should include the total elapsed time, starting with the time of departure and ending with the time of return. Where a locanotive is engaged in a series of separate assignments, i.e., classification, transfer service, and industry track switching, and upon the canpletion of the first assign- ment (classification) begins ixmnediately the second assignment (transfer service), the time for classification should start with the beginning of that assigiment and end with the com- pletion of that assignment. The time for transfer service will start immediately upon the completion of the classification. Where certain assignments require substantial out-of- line movments, such as occasional work perfonned in the outlying districts, the time should stop at that point in the return movement where the locomotive is diverted to perform another assignment. -15 - Form3 ‘ YARD SWI 10H LIST y Foomoms FOR FORM 3 Yard Locomotix‘re No. Date ~ y The purpose of Form 3 (Yard Switch List) is to aid in the tracing of the ears handled during the test period (see Form 1t for individual can-handling record). The information to be shown on Conductor or Rider this switch list is supplementary to that shown in Form 2. This switch list should be filled out by the yard conductor or by the yard office. Great care must be taken in filling out these switch lists for the test period, in order that the information is accurate. . Shift: Start M Stop M ‘ Car Load or From To Route Classified Insert in columns (1) and (2) the initial and number of each car handled (loaded or empty) during Initial Number empty (yard) the shift. Insert in column (3) whether the Car was loaded (L) or empty (E). Insert in column 41) L2) (3) (ML (5) ii) (I) (It) the point from which the car was moved by the reporting locomotive. Insert in column (5) the point to which the car was moved by the reporting locomotiVe. Insert in column (6) the name ) of the route over which the car was handled when there is more than one route from the point indicated in column (to to the point indicated in column (5). Leave column (7) blank where the reporting locomotiVe does no classification work, or where classification work was perfomed but the count of the cars classified was obtained from a separate source of information. This latter situation applies principally at large classification yards where a count of the ears classified is based on separate studies. Where other awailable records permit an accurate tracing of the ears handled, the use of this switch list may be omitted in whole or in part. The other sources include station records, train lists, interchange reports, inventory of yard at the beginning and and of study period, demurrage records, weighing records, seal records, etc. The source of the information needed for the purp0se of tracing the cars (see Form it) should be planned in advance of the study. (NOTE: It is the intent that the Yard Switch List, Form 3, be reproduced in a card fan and issued to the yard conductors or engine riders. The size of the card my be varied" in accordance with respondent's needs.) 4+5 .. (IBIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) ..u7'- 1 Form )4 Individual Car Handling Record y Footnotes for Form 1+ i Item A. Car initial and number _l_/ The purpOse of this form is to trace the movement of the cars under study. FrOm this record there Item B. Indicate if "mileage" car 3/ or "other than mileage" car is accumulated the total cars handled by zones, the total elements of switching, the total car- Item 0. Class of switching service 57 No. ~ miles, the total car-days, etc., for each class of switching. Use one sheet for each taur , Item D. Point of loading or unloading E/ (cycle of services) receiVed by each car. For the source of the data, see Yard Switch List, : Form 3, train lists, interchange reports, inventory of yard at the beginning and at the end of : the study period, demurrage records, weighing records, car seal records, etc. e, A Load or Suggested procedure in filling out this form is as follows: Line I tem Location Date Time t 5/ No. emp y (a) Make up an individual sheet for each car which during the test period arrived in read trains, (1)_ (2i J3) Q41 15) was received in interchange, or Was reported in the yard inventory at the beginning of the ‘ . ~ study. A' 00py of Form u will thus be set up for every car handled in the terminal during Start of Switching Movements the test period; at the same time that form is made up, fill out line 1, 2, or 7, as ap- ‘ plicable. Where a car has been reCeived in the terminal prior to the test period, fill 1 Arrival in road train ...... I! out line 7 from the yard inVentory and line 1 or 2 from an analysis of train lists or 2 Received in interchange .... ll interchange records for period prior to the test period. 3 Assignment of empty ........ M (b) Fill out line 14, 5, or 8, as applicable, from an analysis of train lists, interchange records, or yard inventory at the end of the test period. Where a car departs from the terminal sub- . End of m‘ toning Movements sequent to the test period, fill out line 8 from the yard inventory and line 14 or 5 from an analysis of train lists or interchange records for period subsequent to the test period. )4 Departure in rOad train .... M (c) Insert point of loading or unloading (Item D) from analysis of demurrage records, yard switch 5 Delivared in interchange M lists, or other station records, etc. 6 Release of empty ........... M (6.) Insert in lines 9 to 12, column (8), a count of the zones through which the car was handled /, "’ or a count of the elements of switching from an analysis of the yard switch lists (Form 2) W e Location at Start d End of 25 other recOrds named above. The count of the elements of switching or the zones may , Test Period 32 either be made simultaneously from the original sources named or the count of one of the . factors may first be made with the count of the remaining factor computed from the first, 7 Beginning of test .......... xxx xxx i.e., a knowledge of the elements of switching service received should indicate the zones 8 End of test ................ m m through which the car was handled. __‘ (e) Fill out data in line 3 - Assignment of empty. Where an empty arrives in a road train and is 1 === : immediately assigned to an industry without intermediate handling to as}: from a storage Line Item 5’1”: (1 During t9“ Subwluen“ t° track, the entry in line 3 will be identical with the entry in line 1. Where the empty is No. es pe ° 1""rfLOd t9“ period assigned from the storage track, identify the storage track in column (2). Insert the date (5L . (I) (g) (9) and time that the empty car is pulled from storage track in columns (3) and (1+). Deve10p such data. from yard switch list or other records. Zones h ch C r W s (f) Fill out data. in line 6 - Release of empty. Where a Car after being made empty departs in a F—L‘i‘m road train without intermediate handling to and from a storage track, the entry in line 6 9 Zone Nos. loaded ”...”. will be identical with that in line ’4. Where a car after being made empty is moved to a 10 Zone Nos empty ””0”” storage track and held for a future loading, identify the storage track in column (2) and . ' show date and approximate time of placement on storage track in columns (3) and (1+), - respectively. ‘ Elements Of Switchin ervice 06179 (g) Insert count of zones and elements of switching in lines 9 to 12, columns (7) and (9). The insertion of the data for either zones or elements may be made according to respondent's ’4 ‘ i: $112222: 33:: $§$.'::': convenience. A comt of the switching elements will provide the count for the zones, based on a knowledge of the breakdown of the terminal Operations by zones and elements. Atten- t -1-— '— tion is directed to the fact that under certain circumstances cars may get a zone count but Per diem Demrrage Sfitohing Net weight Other 2/ not a count of the corresponding element. This situation exists where a car is moved in a , Line Car Car reclaims collected charges 0f load transfer cut through a classification yard and receives a zone count for such yard, but does so. “1168 1/ 5339 §-/ collected 3/ 9] collected 2/ (pounds) 9.] not receive a count for the elemelzt of cl.(ssei£icetion at such yard. The count of the zones - and elements inserted in columns 7) and 9) should be those necessary to complete the tour 4&0) (1—1)— L13) A3) All” rig-é) ’Q‘Q (cycle of services) of the car's movement through the terminal for the class of switching . service shown in Item C. 13 ' In the case of intertrain switching, intratrain switching, interchange switching, or inter- mediate switching the tour (cycle of services) may embrace a loaded movement only or an empty movement only. In the case of carrier terminal switching, connection terminal switch- 11” Remarks: ing, interterminal or intraterminal switching, the tour (cycle of services) will include not ' only the loaded mOVement but also the empty movement chargeable to such loaded movement. The ‘ tour (cycle of services received by a car) will depend upon the class of switching under W Shed?- An illustration 0f the W“? for 018-8363 0f switching is shown below: . 1 krrier taming switchigg - outbound loads: The tour will start when the car is as- (NOTE: It is the intent that the Individual Car Handling Record, Form ’4, be reproduced in a. card signed for loading purposes; i.e., it will begin with the arriVal of the empty car form. The siZe of the card may be varied in accordance with respondent's needs.) in rOad train, or the receipt of the empty car at interchange track, or the assign- ment of the empty car from storage track, or with the reassignment of the car within the terminal upon being made snpty from its previous load and where such empty is not returned to storage track. The tour of such outbound loaded car will end with its departure in the road train. Footnotes for Form 1% - Continued (2) Carrier terminal switching,- inbound loads: The tour will commence with the arrival of the loaded car in the road train. The tour will end upon the disposition of the car when made empty, i.e., it will end with the departure of the empty car in a read train, the delivery of the empty car to an interchange track, the placement of the empty car on a storage track, or the reassignment of the empty car for re- loading in the same terminal if it is not returned to storage track. (3) Connection terminal switching - outbound 1033; Same as (1) above, except that the tour will end with the delivery of loaded car to an interchange track. ()4) Connection termi l switchin — inbound 10 ds: Same as (2) above, except that the tour will begin with the receipt of the loaded car at an interchange track. ‘ (5) Lnteropgge switchipg - loads or empties: The tour will begin with the arrival of the car in a road train and it will end with the delivery of the car to inter- change track, or vice versa, it will begin with the receipt of the car at inter- ' change track and end with its departure in road train. (6) Intemediaté‘swi tching - loads or mties: The tour will begin with the receipt of the car at intercimge.traok,&d will end with the delivery of the car at inten- change track. (7) Intertrain and int t in sWitchi - 1 d or ties: The tour will begin with the receipt of the car from respondent's road train and end with the departure of the ear in respondent's road train. Where no transfer between yards is in— volved, the tour will consist of classification only. Where a transfer between yards is required, the tour will include the classification work performed at each yard and the transfer between yards. (8) Intggtermigal sWitching - loads: The tour will start with the assignment of the , empty car, i.e., with the arrival of the empty car in road train, the receipt ’,' of the empty car at the interchange track, the assignment of the empty car from storage track, or with the reassignment of the car within the terminal upon being made empty from its previous load and where it is not returned to storage tracks. The tour will end with the disposition of the empty Car, i.e., it will end with the departure of the empty car in a read train, the-delivery of the empty car to an interchange track, the placement of the car on the storage track, or the re- assignment 5? such car in the terminal for relcading if it is not returned to storage track. (9) Intertermi switchin - outb 1 ds: Same as (3) abOVe. (10) ntertermi s 'tchin - inbound 10 8: Same as (1;) above. Where the assignment of an empty car begins and ends with the storage track, check should be made of the prior and subsequent movement of these cars and where it is found that such car had previously moved from read train to storage track or subsequently moved from storage track to road train, its tour should begin with ,its receipt in the road train and/or end with its departure in a road train. Otherwise the movenent between storage track and road train will remain unac- counted for. (h) Insert class of switching under Item 0, based on the nature of switching service received as shown on this form. In addition to the classes of switching under study, set up two additional classes designated as follows: Movement of nonrevemle traffic to and from fuel and water stations, and movement of other nonrevenue traffic for use in terminal under study. For analysis of traffic to be included in each of these classes of switch- ing, see Schedule G, footnote 1. , (1) Where the study covers the complete Operation of a terminal the movement of every car should be traced on Form M. Where the study does not cover the entire terminal, the count of cars by zOnes and elements must be conplete for thee zones and elements which are used in part or in whole by traffic under study. This is necessary to provide the complete count of ears which is divided into the aggregate zone or aggregate element expenses in obtaining the unit cost per car. (3) Group the sheets of Form )4 by classes of switching. Recapitulate the following by classes of switching: Total count of cars, count of cars handled through each zone, count of cars receiving each element of switching, car-miles, car-days, and such other data as are required. See Form 5 for recapitulation. g] Designate by check. Include in ”mileage" cars those cars which are rented on a mileage basis. If rentals are paid en mileage Operated in terminal service, insert the mileage payment of such cars in line 13, column (16). wanna Q The class of switching should agree with the class of switching defined in the Summary Schedule, sheet 1, of the formula. . Insert name of shipper where loaded or unloaded on industry track; otherwise insert name of team tracks, freighthouse, auto platform, etc. Indicate load as "L". Indicate empty as "E". Data to be based on yard inventory to be made at beginning and end of test period. Insert actual care-miles operated in the terminal. Compute as follows: Establish a table of the mileages for each zone in the terminal under study. Where data not otherwise available, determine as follows: For classification yard zones use one and one-half times the length of the longest tracks between the two ladder tracks. For transfer zones use the full length of the zone. For industry team tracks, freighthouse, etc., use distance to mid-point of zone. Accumulate from the mileage table the total miles for the zones shown on lines 9 and 10, columns (7), (S), and (9). Quit car-miles of cars on which per diem reclaims are made. Insert actual elapsed ear—days computed from start of the tour (see line 1, 2, or 3, as applicable). to the completion of the tour (see line ’4, 5, or 6, as applicable). idle car-days on these cars, assignment of which begins and/or ends in the storage track and which are charged with an empty prior or subsequent mOVement to a read train, may be omitted as insignificant. See footnote 1, paragraph (g). Show car-days to the nearest one-half day. Qnit count of car-days on private line ears, rentals for which are on a mileage basis; also omit count of car-pdays on cars on which per diem reclaims are made. Fill out only when pertinent to the study. -49- Resapitulation of Car-landling Records (Form 1+) by Classes of Switching y pom 5 ‘ Class of switching No. ‘ Count of care through zones g/ Count °f eggséwtgiviggfiach element Other miscellaneors date. Line Count of cag (13%;: or mtg)“1 El t Count of Pri to or mtmflm _ Line Zone Prior or o emen or and or ‘r “0' No. Durifigozeet subsequent to (columns No. Bulfinrgozest subsequent to (columns Item Source Amount NO' ; P test period 2 and 3) teet period 6 and 7) (1) ____(_g) (3L Lu) (5) 46) (1) (8) 19) go) (11L ’ 1 - Count Of can'Loadfi-andmloadfi seceeeeeeeeeeseee_y 1 2 Count of care- "Mileage“ cars ..... ..... ............___§/ 2 3 Count of cars- "Other than mileage" cars ........... 5/ 3 i ll- Rta; count 0! Cars senses-esoo-eeeeoeeeeecoo-ssee-es LinOIZandB )4 l; 5 Car-miles- "Mil-age" Gal's eeeeeesseeseeeeeseeeeeeeee For“ 1‘, c01. (10) g 5 ‘ 6 Car-miles - "other than mileage” cars ............... Form Ll, col. (10) _6_/ 6 7 cam- 'other than mil-”gen Gal's eesseesesseesese Pom 1". 3010(11) 7 ‘ 8 Per (1101!) reclaims 001-1th eeeseeeeeeeseeessee-eeeee Pom 1". col. (12) 8 ‘ ( 9 Demurrage collected .................................ggm1+, col. (1}) 9 ' 10 Switching charges collected ......................... Form ’4, col. (1h) 10 11 Net weight of load - pounds (weighted average) _ 1/ 11 12 other (define) Forum, col. (16) 12 13 Other (define) - 13 1h « 15 Footnote! _l_/ The purpose of this form is to provide a recapitulation of the information appearing on Fem 1!. 16 Use one sheet of this form for each class of switching and a separate sheet for nonrevenue 17 traffic (company fuel), and a separate sheet for other nonrevenue traffic. Also use a sepa- a 18 rate form for all passenger cars handled. through zones which are used by the traffic under ’. 19 study. Such informationis necessary for insertion in Form 6, column (6). If cars are ’ 20 traced in Form ’4 which are not included in any of the classes of switching under study or in ; passenger switching, group all such remaining cars on a separate sheet entitled, in the upper * 21 right hand corner, "All other cam-Freight". is the aggregate'count of cars by zones during 22 the test period is carried forward to Form 6 for separation of the zone expenses betwem 2 freight and passenger and also used in computing the cost per car by zones (Schedule B, lines 2 #849), all car movements by zones froan Form it must be accounted for. The grand total of 25 cars receiving each element of switching dung the test period is carried‘forward to Form 7. column (21) for the purpose of computing the locomotive minutes per car. For the above 26 reasons, the count of care during the test period met be 100 percent complete for the zones 27 an the switching elements pertinent to the handling of the class of traffic under study. 28' e 3/ Insert in column (1) the zene number of each zone traversed by cars receiving the class of 29 switching shown in the upper right hand corner of this sheet. Insert in column (2) the count 30 of cars handled throng-beach of these zones during the tggt pegged (see Form 1!, column (8), lines 9 and 10). Insert in column (3) the count of care handled through these zones prior ' r 31 to and/or subsequent to the test period (see rem n, columns (7) and (9), lines 9 and 10). e 33 1/ Insert in column (5) the mmbers of the elements of switching receiVed by the cars receiving 32 the class of switching shown in the upper right hand corner of this sheet. Insert in colunm 3 (6) the count of cars receiving each element of switching du__ri_§g the test period (see Form 1t, . 35 column (8), lines 11 and 12). Insert in column (7) the number of cars received in each 4‘ ‘ ‘ element of switching prior to and/or subsequent to the test period (see Form 1!, colunms (7) 36 and (9), lines 11 and 12). v 37 ‘ NJ Compute count of cars (loaded and \mloaded) from analysis of Pom 1!. Give single count to each 38 car loaded and single count to each car unloaded in the terminal. Intrateminal cars which 3(9) receive both leading and unleading will receive two counts. Exclude from this count of cars ' traffic leaded or unleaded in "mileage" cars and traffic loaded or unloaded in cars, if any, - upon which per diem reclaims are made. 141 ' 5/ Compute cmmt of cars (Mleage' and "other than mileage") from analysis of Form 1%. (Note: 1&2 ' e The count separated between “mileage' and ”other than mileage'l provides the necessary count ‘13 of cars.) roi- intertrain, intratrain, interchange. and intermediate switching the count my - be based upon the total cars handled (loaded or empty). For carrier terminal switching, con- 16 nection terminal switching. interterninal and intraterminal switching, the count should be based on the loaded oars handled. The basis for the count of care will depend primrily on - ’46 whether the rates er charges under study are based on the total cars handled (loaded or empty) 1"I - or are based on the loaded care only. The count of cars developed herein provides the basis ' ”8 for the computation of the cost per oarin the ferrule. "-9 _6_/ Compute car miles separately fer "mileage" cars and fer “other than mileage" cars from an - 50 1/ analysis of Form 1+, column (10). Insert when pertinent to study. Compute by dividing the total not lead for all cars in the class of switching under study from Form 1%, colmn (15), by the total count of cars from line 3+, calm (ll). hereto. ~59... (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) .. 51 - . Form 6 Recapltulation of Actual Car Count and Equated Car Count by Zones y V I ‘ ' - 39 ° Ge Ratio of 1' 1 Total equated. yard freight Zone Freight Actual Total count Actual fACtgwat A tual Actual car count )4 equated cars No. train cars, loco— Equated. (columns . Actual Eauated loco-— Equated rei c E uated Actual E (00111111118 2 t0 tOtal . c . : uated loco- Equated ’ ’ actual count motlve ear count 2 and 1+) car count car count motive car count tram car count Of ca: count ca t q 7 9 10' 12' equated. cars N°' count count count locomotives . r coun car count 1223:? car count lu,’and 16) (column 5 1'- 12 -«; 1h 1 16 column 17) 1 2 l a 2 5 i a 5 6 7 6 g 7 9 8 10 9 O 11 12 11 1 l2 1 ii 1 5 15 16 17 16 1s 17 19 18 20 19 20 21 22 21 2 22 2 S 25 25 26 27 26 28 37 29 28 30 29 30 , 31 32 31 33 32 3h 3 35 35 36 . 37 36 38 37 39 38 e ’40 3(9) In he £1 2 13 iii ' 1+5 ‘45 ‘46 . ’47 1:6 148 7 “‘9 1&8 50 1‘9 50 (See reverse side for footnotes) Footnotes for Form 6 - 52 ° l/ The purpose of this form is to provide a recapitulation of the actual count and the equated count 1/ Insert in column (6) the actual oar count fOr cars traversing each zone during test period (see of cars and locomotives traversing each zone. The purpose of the equated car count is to pro- Form 5 - Passenger Switching). Insert in column (7) the equated car count computed by multiplyh vide a basis for the separation of the common zones between road and yard service and with a ing column (6) by a factor reflecting relative use that the passenger car makes of the zone further separation of the yard portion between freight and passenger. The factors deveIOped facilities compared to that made by a freight train car. Where data not aVailable, use factor for this purpose are used in Schedule B. sheet 1. of . Insert in column (8) the actual count of locomotives traversing each zone based on analysis of Form 2, Yand Conductor's Work Report. Where a locomotive is running light, count Where joint facility operations are involved. see tenor of instructions under Introductory Remark as freight or passenger according to the nature of the work respOnsible for the light mOVement. No. 5. Where the study shows there are yard movements of non-study traffic made by carriers Insert in column (9) the equated car count obtained by multiplying column (8) by the same factor other than respondent and such traffic should be charged with its portion of the zone cost. in- . used in computing column (h), See footnote 2. I sort the apprOpriate count for such movement in columns (10) and (ll). Explain below. However, if the expenses chargeable to non-study traffic have already been excluded from the zone expenses. 5/ Insert in column (10) the actual count 0f freight train cars,10aded 0? empty. traversing each zone. the car cOunt should also be excluded. Compute from analysis of wheel reports for trains traversing each zone or special records main- tained for the duration of the test period. Insert in column (11) the actual count of road loco— motives traversing the zone. Insert in column (12) an equated car count computed by multiplying column (11) by a factor reflecting the use that the road freight locomotives make of the zone facilities relative to the use made by freight train cars. If data not available, use factor of . See footnote 1, paragraph 2. 3/ Insert in column (2) the total count of freight-train cars (loaded or empty) traversing each zone. Accumulate from Form 5. column (2), for each class of switching and 'all other" freight-train cars handled during test period. Thus the total should account for every freight-train car 5/ Insert in column (13) the actual count of passenger cars traversing each zone in passenger train ’ (loaded or empty) traversing the zone during the test period. Insert in column (3) the actual service. COmpute from passenger wheel reports for trains traversing the zone. Insert in column count of yard freight locomotives traversing each zone based on an analysis of Form 2. Yard _(1h) equated car count computed by multiplying column (13) by a factOr reflecting the use that Conductor's Work Report. Where a locomotive is running light. count as freight or passenger ac- (the passenger train cars make of the zone facilities relative to the use made by a freight train cording to the nature of the work responsible for the light movement. Insert in column (4) the car. If data not available use factor. Insert in column (15) the actual count of equated 08’ count obtained by multiplying column (3) by a fa¢t°r reflecting the use that the road passenger locomotives compu335_f;35_analysis of passenger wheel reports for test period. /,- average yard locomotive makes of the zone facilities relative to the use made by freight train Insert in column (16) the equated car count conputed by multiplying column (15) by a factor re- ‘ cars. Where data “0* available. use factor °f - - ‘ fleeting the use that the road passenger locomotives make of the zone facilities relative to that use made by freight train cars. If data not available, use factor. - 53 .' Form 7 Iiecapi tulation of Car Count by Elements of Switching _1_/ Date (Use separate sheet for each day) ocomo iVe No. 0. summary or ~---—-—-—--—-—----- 11 summa Conductor or rider _ , y ry t t e Shift: Start . T1 . i; ' tal T0129 1 L32; , V . w m m e , Line Loco- Loco— Loco- 0co— Loco— Loco- ‘ o- ' oco— oige Cars 10:?" ‘0 tal utes 1ne NO‘ Elements of switching pertinent motive Cars motive Cars motive Cars motive Cars motive Cars otive Cars tive otive Cars min- mo 1 ve cars 5. er car I‘C' to study - No . min— handled min— handled min- handled min- handled min- ed min- ed min— min~ utes mtn- e col. 20+ utes utes utes utes utes utes utes utes u es 0].. 21) 1 u 6 8 10 11 12 1h 16 18 20 ’22 1 1 2 2 i i 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 1 1 1 1 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 2 2 2 2 25 25 26 26 , * 27 27 28 28 29 29 4 . 30 3o 31 31 32 32 3 3 3 3 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 33 32 38 ' I ’41 Sllbtoml (lines 1 t0 %) ooooonuooop’ooq.’ 11-1 112 other productive minutes 2/ ............. , 11.2 . 33 Total productive minutes (lines l11-J12) . . 1‘3 Nonproductive locomotive minutes 1/ . . .,. . 14-5 Total minutes (lines 113-1311) ............. 145 )+6 Ratio productive minutes to total (line ’43!” 1111616) uooo...ooooooo..-oo m V I 1 ,_ M6 See reverse side for footnotes , Footnotes for Form 7 - 5“ - y The purpose of this form is to accumulate daily the count of locomotive minutes by elements of switch— 2/ Include other productive time consumed in elements of switching not pertinent (common to) the ing, as developed from the Yard Conductor's Work Report, Form 2. Carry forward to columns (2), (h), handling of the traffic under study. For example, if the locomotives listed on this form (6), etc., lines 1 to ’40 and 1+2, the loc0motive minutes consumed by each locomotive shift in each of spend part of their time in passenger switching, switching industrial areas not under study, the elements of switching identified in column (1). If there are more than 8 shifts, use additional switching rip tracks, and maintenance of way switching, such time should be included on sheets of this form. 'Ehe total minutes shown for each locomotive shown on line ’45 should be recon— line ’42. However, elements of switching which are common to both the traffic under study oiled with the total elapsed time for each locomotive during each shift. Accumulate the total daily and the traffic not under study should be included in lines 1 to ’40. These latter include count of locomotive minutes in column (18). Leave columns (20)-( 22) blank on daily sheets. Use a not only classification, transfer movements, interchange track switching, etc., but also separate sheet of this form to accumulate the grand total locomotiVe minutes for the entire test include switching of nonrevenue traffic to and from company fuel and water stations and the period, filling out columns (20)-( 22) only. Where the cars handled during the test period are in- switching of other nonrevenue traffic destined to the terminal under study. dividually traced, the count of cars handled by individual locomotive shifts shown in columns (3), , (5), (7), etc., my be omitted. Insert in column (21) of the final summary sheet the count of cars 1/ Include in this item the nonproductive time accumulated from Yard Conductor's Work Report, , handled (lOaded or empty) by elements of switching computed from a summry of all the sheets of Form 2, Section L. For items included in nonproductive time, see Yard Conductor's Work Form 5, column (6). Such count of cars by elements of switching should embraCe all cars receiving Report, Form 2, footnote 9. such element of switching during_the test period including the freight-train care under study, all other freight-train cars, and passenger—train cars. Include both revenue and nonrevenue cars. If the cars are not individually traced, the number of cars handled for each element of switching should be deve10ped for each locomotiVe shift. Fill out columns (3), (5), (7), etc., based upon analysis of Yard Conductor's Work Report, Form 2; Yard Switch List, Form 3; Train Lists; Inter- change Reports; Yard InVentory; Demurrage Records; Weighing Records; Seal Records, etc. The Yard Conductor's Work Report, Form 2, can seldom be used as the exclusive means of a count of the cars, particularly in classification work. In the latter element of switching, the duplication that would result in the use of the Yard Conductor‘s Work Report can only be eliminated by an inde- ” pendent count of the cars classified giving in most cases a single count to each car arriving in the yard, irrespective of the number of times it is taken hold of by the locomotive (see general instructions for Form 2, Yard Canductor's Work Report, item 1(a). Computation of the Yard Portion (Freight) of the Expenses Chargeable to the Operation of Interlocker Towers. Fan: 8 Drawbridges, and Street Crossing Protection y - Name of facility Location of facility Number of times the facility is used by yard cuts,_ Shift or trick yard switch locomotives, road trains, Ratio yard freight Line Date or road locomotive; movements to total Line No. Total (column 1} e column 6) No. From To Yard freight All other (columns 1t and 5) (IL 432) (3) (El (5) (6) (7) , 1 xxx 1 ‘ 2 m 2 3 m 3 1+ m ‘4 5 xxx 5 6 xxx 6 7 m 7 8 m 8 9 m 9 10 m 10 11 In 11 12 m 12 13 m 13 11* 13:: 1’4 x I 15 Total 15 y The purpose of this form is to develop factors reflecting the relative use which the yard switching (freight portion) mines of interlocker towers, drawbridges, or street crossing protective services. The relative use is measured in terms of the number of movements through the facility. ‘ Insert in colmm (l) the date. Insert in colunms (2) and (3) the hours covered by each shift. Insert in column (It) the yard freight movements operating through the facility. Give one count to eachlcut of cars with locomotive and one count to each light locomotive. Where two or more locomotives are coupled and running light, . give one count to such movement. Insert in column (5) a count of all movements other than yard freight. Compute on same basis as indicated for column (’4). Com- pute ratio in column (7) on the basis of the count of movements in columns (’4) and (6) for the total period. The count of movements should be made by the employee or attendant in charge of facilities. Where desired, Form 8 may be used both for accumulating the data at the location of the facility as well as for summary purposes. In such case, the employee should insert the required count in columns (1}) and (5) in the fem of tally marks. Such tally marks may be totalled on the same sheet either at the end of the day or at the end of the test period. (NOTE: It is the intent that Fom 8 shall be reproduced in a card form. The size of the card may be varied in accordance with respondent's needs.) ‘~ 4.; 7 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED DOCUMENTS DEPT. This publication is due on the LAST DATE stamped below. l Mfifil l: V. l‘ \ 71m“ 1,, 'H" . .ifin'ni‘ral Librriry ‘ Y‘ 1»~"("{m\wu ‘ , \ ;‘” bun ersiry of California ‘ ‘ ' ‘ “ Berkeley