METAL CEILINGS « * M and SIDEWALLS Catalogue No. 176 THE EDWARDS MANUFACTURING CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO NEW YORK, N. Y. DALLAS, TEXAS 81-83 Fulton Street Market and Collin Sts. :53 2.50 9:: THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. 3.1; Views of Plants ' Above— Rolling Mill at Canons- burg, Pa. . Below—Fabri- , ’ \ " eating Plant Right — Main " ’ ' V Cincinnati, 0 Offices, Cincin- ', > . ' ‘ nati, Ohio. ‘ Bimitmuuuxmmu _ ”MW... UFACTURING CO. ifiWfi: Page 2 Introduction N every civilized country in the world sheet metal building materials from the plants of The Edwards Manufacturing Company are meeting the requirements of architects and builders and are doing ' e under the most extreme climatic conditions. So widely spread is the distribution of Edwards products, so diversified are their form and character. so varied are the purposes they serve that no general catalog calf adequately present the specific information necessary to a correct and complete understanding of any one department. This book has therefore been prepared with exclusive reference to the Department of Metal Ceilings and Side-walls. Owning its own steel mills as well as its own fabricating plants, The Edwards Manufacturing Company, generally conceded to be the world’s largest producer of sheet metal building materials, directs every operation from the production of the sheets to the die-cutting of the nail holes. The quality of the finished product is safeguarded by scientific chemical control in the manufacture of the steel and by mechanical control of mathematical precision in the fabrication. The patterns illustrated in the following pages are to be found today in royal palaces, homes, temples, churches, public buildings, schools, hospitals, theatres and in stores, shops and factories. Owing to their practical indestructibility, their resistance to fire, their ob- vious sanitary value, their unquestionable economy and to the speed and ease of installation, Edwards Metal Ceilings and Side-walls offer the most practical as well as the most beautiful solution to many architectural and construction problems. The Edwards Manufacturing Company maintains a large staff of architects, engineers, estimators and draftsmen whose services are available without extra charge. Their advice grows out of an ex- perience of more than a quarter of a century with architectural and building problems. From a dimensioned sketch or blue-print we will work out in complete detail the specifications for side-wall and ceiling treatment and furnish these with erection plans for the guid- ance of the operatives on the job. Owing to the central location of the Edwards plants, to the ample stocks normally carried and to the Edwards facilities for executing work to specifications. the architect, builder and owner are assured of prompt deliveries. Page 3 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, “133;, Edwards Re-Pressed Beads And Die-Cut Nail Holes ALL the ceiling and side-wall plates illustrated in the following pages are of authentic design and true to the canons of architec- tural art. The utmost care has been exercised to insure fidelity" o t accepted standards wherever period patterns are used. The distinction of Edwards plates. however. is not confined to their design. The dies and patterns used in their construction are unusually deep and accurate. The steel sheets from which these plates are drawn possess extraordinary tensile strength and ductility. The resulting product is therefore remarkably sharp in detail. clear cut in design and faithful in the reproduction of the pattern. In these respects the architect and huilder will find Edwards ceilings to be unequaled. Edwards ceilings present an absolutely tight. accurate and uni- form appearance. This is accomplished through the use of re-pressed beads and die-cut nail holes. Practically all ceiling plates shown in this catalog embody these construction features which assure positive uniformity of the joints—a tight and accurate fit. The assembling is automatic. no chalk lines are required. Plates. regardless of their size and multiple. are joined together in perfect alignment of figure and design. The nails are simply driyen into the strips or sheathing without hand punch- ing of the holes and without defacing the plates. The result is a quick. accurate job with every joint tight and with the labor saving of at least 25% . Edwards ceilings with re-pressed beads and die-cut nail holes in s u r e a satisfactory jol). Insist on this type of construction. Page 4 EDWARDS Insulated Ceilings and Side-walls EDWARDS insulation improves acoustics, deadens echo, protects against heat and cold, and absorbs any moisture that may be present between joists or studding. The reverse side of the metal plates is insulated with exceedingly tough. long-fibred, sulphate webbing, permanently bonded to the metal by means of a non-corrosive mineral adhesive that is as fire resisting as the steel itself. The insulating material is bonded to the steel plates as they are pressed. thus insuring uniform insulation and sound-deadening effect throughout every square inch of finished surface. By this means the acoustics of the room or building are correspondingly improved. Moremer, Edwards insulation retards heat and cold . . . . room temperature is cooler in summer and there is less leakage of artificial heat in winter. We heartily recommend this insulated interior finish for all constructon where superior excellence is necessary and for remodel- ing work in public places, industrial or commercial establishments and private homes. The increase in first cost is so slight as to be of no practical consideration in View of the great increase in satisfaction to be secured. Insist upon Edwards insulation. Page 5 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO. U. S. A. {2 Here are shown a few dis- tinctive examples of Edwards Metal Ceilings — id e ally (center) The “Island Queen" adapted to stores, homes, —— largest and finest excur- halls, auditoriums. There is sion vessel on inland waters an Edwards ceiling for every —— equipped throughout with type of buildings in any style Edwards structural and dec- of architecture. orative sheet steel products. Page 6 No. 1601—Ceiling Plate Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. No. 1603—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. 1605—Cei1ing Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S.A. No. 1602—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet, 4? 44:44.24“ ',.' W” (flew 652 "'A'. F ”an > ' t l 93 I 4,. _ .. . . a ,. S r v I I fl 4, 463 _,,. l l P . w . ”g; .. a . ’ a. 5‘ 94% a9. 653” c i ' I i; z. o g a. 'C’?’ a No. l604—Cei1ing Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. ‘3 .91 £3:- / ’6’ ,U_' 6? ‘i . $24 3244 42? 0 31‘ 9 ar 9 a 0 , . 6c ,yefic 96". 3’6? No. 1606—Cei1ing Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. Page / THE EDWARDS _b£FG. CO. CIligINNATI. OHIO. U. 3.: No. 1607—Ceiling Plate. No. 1608—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. 1609—Cei1ing Plate. No. 16lO—Cei1ing Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. List price, $9.38 per 100 square feet. No. 1611—Cei1ing Plate. No. 1615—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. Page 8 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S. A. No. leis—ceiling Plate. Sizé 12 x 24 in. List price. $11.25 per 100 square feet. No. 1613—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. : —:..—.~_.—,~ ' / ,/_ .-.-'_:/ No. 1621—Ceiling Plate. Size 12 x 24 in. Depth 7/8 in. No. 1616—Ceiling Plate. List price, $10.63 per 100 square feet Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. 1622—Ceiling Plate. Size 12 x 12 in, Depth 78 in. List price, $10.63 per 100 square feet. No. 1620—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. Depth 7/8 in. List price, $10.63 per 100 square feet. Page 9 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S. A. No. 1617—Ceiling Plate. No. 1624—Center. Size 24 X 48—24 X 96 in. size 24 X 24 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. List price 50c each. No. 1625—Border Plate. No. l626—Outside Corner Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. List price. $11.25 per 100 square feet- No. 1636—Outside Corner No. 1627—Inside Corner Plate. Plate with Mold Size 24 x 24 in. Size 211/2 x 271/; in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. List price. $12.50 per 100 square feet. Page 10 N°' 1637-Ceiling Plate' No. 1665—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 X 24““ X 48 in' Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. NO. 1666—Ce111ng Plate. NO. 1668—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 X 24—24 x 48 in~ Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. No. 1673—Cei1ing Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 X 48 in. _ _ Size 24 x 24 in. List price. $8.75 per 100 square feet. Lls'f prlce, $11-25 per 100 square feet. Page 11 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S. A. No. 1687—Outside Corner Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. No. 1708—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. No. l692—Cei1ing Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. 1688—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. 1709—Cei1ing Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. Depth 114 in. List price. $11.88 per 100 square feet. rm No. 1693—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price. $10.00 per 100 square feet. Page 13 No. HOG—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 48 in., Depth 74; in. List price, $10.63 per 100 square feet. No.. NOS—Triangular Plate. No. 1734—Triangular Plate. Size7x7x10in. Size7x7x10in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square {BEL List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. No. 1711— Ceiling Plate. Size 12 x 12 in. Depth 11/4 in. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. No. 1710—Cei1ing Plate. Size 12 x 24 in. Depth 1% in. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. Page 13 1 a; 1x 1, “(V 14:22:45.4. I V in . ... . . ‘ - 1 lgfi'fig/Azfi 1‘4,» if... . rift/4g ,4,» if»? I .fivflfi ,5".- EV gijgééi‘fa . ' kg)???" 529%”; - Qfiigfiffiféz r No. 1717—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. No. 1720—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. 1722—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. 'c No. 1719—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $9.38 per 100 square feet. No. 1721—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. No. 1723—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. Depth 114 in. List price. $11.25 per 100 square feet. l’mrc 1-1 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S.A. J No. 1724—Ceiling Plate. No. 1725—Ceiling Plate. Size 18 x 24 in. Depth 11/4 in. Size 18 x 18 in. Depth 11/4 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. No. 1728—Cei1ing Plate. No. 1729—Cei1ing Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. LiSt price, 39-38 per 100 square feet. List price. $8.75 per 100 square feet. E'vmv mm a e *-_- -...... w w. ’9‘ * 1' xi » ll“ 1 . u Lg; L1 ’5’. ku’L‘fi . No. 1731—Cei1ing Plate. Size 18 x 24 in. Depth 114 in. List price. $12.50 per 100 square feet. List price. $12.50 per 100 square feet. No. 1730——Cei1ir1g Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. Depth 11,4 in. Page 15 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO. U. SA No. 1732—Ceiling Plate. Size 18 x 18 in. Depth 1% in. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. No. 1733—Triangular Plate. Size 24 x 24 x 24 in. Depth 1% in. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. No. 1735—Ceiling Plate. No. 1736—Cei1ing Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. No. 1737—Ceiling Plate. No. 1738—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. List price, $10.63 per 100 square feet. Page 10 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CIN GIN—N511. OHIO. U. S.A. No. l739—Ceiling Plate. No. 1740—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. No. 1742—Inside Corner Plate. No. 1743—Outside Corner Plate. With mold 6” wide. Size 24 x 24 in. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. No. 1746—Inside Corner Plate. No. 1744—Inside Corner Plate. . . Size.18 x 18 in. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $12.30 per 100 square feet. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. Page 17 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO. U. S. A. :2 -A—Inside Corner Plate. 1766 No No. 1770—Side Wall Plate, Top. Size 24 x 24 in. List price. $11.88 per 100 square feet. t. e e .1 mm Ola 4U 20. S X0 4 2m ma .mp 00 83. 9 x$ 8’ e e .u.m SD. t S .1 L Side Wall Plate. No. 1684— Middle. :de Wall Plate 1 ——S Size 24 x 24—24 X 48 in. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. No. 1769 Size 24 x 24 in. List price. $11.25 per 100 square feet. s Mk“) «mmww Inside Corner Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. List price. $10.00 per 100 square feet. 1764— . No Bottom. a N0. 177l—Side Wall Piate Size 24 x 24 in. List price. $11.88 per 100 square feet. Page 18 THE EDWARDS fiFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO. If]. S.A. Q? 4; 4; :4; ; 4;; ‘ 61";6‘! : «flfv I 61"; «3t. 43’!» £03 1%» :6“; 4's»? I " ., = a; ' ‘ '1 (Fr/5”“ ? If» g’fifl‘ €_ My: 4' No. 1800—Ceiling Plate. No. 1801—Inside Corner Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. No. 1802—Outside Corner Plate. No. 1803—Border Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. v flaw»m~ . Mwmw...» ¢ v': «.1. » . ,, 3W, No. 1804—Inside Corner Plate. No. l805—Border Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. Page 1‘) No. 1799—Ceiling Plate. Combination of 1721—1735. Size 24 x 48 in. List price. $10.63 per 100 square feet. No. 1815—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price. $8.75 per 100 square feet. No. 1814—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. No. 1816—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price. $8.75 per 100 square feet. No. 1813—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price. $8.75 per 100 square feet. Page 31) O O I t I'll-IE] .I.I.I.II.II 1 ,IIIII III [III III IIII. III III-III 1 No. 1817—Cei1ing Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. No. l821—Inside Corner Plate. Size 18 x 18 in. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. No. 1919—Inside Corner Plate. Size 6" x 6" to 24 x 24 in. List price. $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. 1819—Inside Corner Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. No. 1832—Outside Corner Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. No. 1960—Inside Corner Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. Page 21 No. 1850—Emblem Plate. No. 1851—Emblem Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. Size 24 x 24 in. , List price, $1.50 each. List price, $1.50 each. No. l852—Emblem Plate. No. l853—Emblem Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $1.50 each. List price, $1.50 each. No. 1854—Emblem Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $1.50 each. No. 1855—Emblem Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $1.50 each. Page 22 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. SA. # {‘10 1856—Cei1ing Plate. No. 1857—Side Wall Plate, Top. . Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. Size 24 x 24 in. LISt price, $1125 per 100 square feet. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. sang/M W’W I No. 1635—Side Wall Plate. No. 1858—Side Wall Plate, Middle. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. Size 24 X 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 Square f66t- List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. No. 1869—Ceiling Plate. No. 1859—Side Wall Plate, Bottom. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. No. 1870—Ceiling Plate. Size 12 x 12 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. l872—Ceiling Plate. _ _ Size 12 x 24 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. 1874—Cei1ing Plate. Size 18 x 24 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. 1871—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—-24 x 48 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. 1873—Ceiling Plate. Size 18 x 18 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. 1875—Triangular Plate. Size 24 x 24 x 24 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. Page 24 No. 1877—Border Plate, Left. No. 1878—Corner Plate. _ Size 24 x 24 in. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. List price, $12-50 per 100 Square feet. No. 1879—Border Plate, Right. No. 1880—Corner Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. Size 24 x 24in. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. No. l884—Ceiling Plate. No. 1890—Cei1ing Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. Page 25 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. 8.1:.- No. 1886—Inside Corner Plate. No. l887—Outside Corner Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. No. 1888—Ceiling Plate. No. 1889—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. No. 1971—Cei1ing Plate Size 24 x 48 in. List price. $10.00 per 100 square feet. Page 20 l’HE EDWARDS MFG. 00. t No. 1891—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. ist price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. No. 1893—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. No. 1897—Outside Corner Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. List price. $11.88 per 100 square feet. *— 4—. cmcmNAn. OHIO, UL.S. A. No. 1892—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. No. 1894—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. .. ‘ x: ,fifyfgéézifgi X? My)??? ¢ } r l “f ‘ t rake". M5». we. No. 1898—Inside Corner Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. No. 2384—Emblem Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $1.50 each. 3K 23:93??? 2’?) x No. 2319—Corner Plate. Size 12 x 12 in. to 24 x 24 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. No. 2320—Triangular Plate. Size 24 x 24 x 24 in. Depth 7/;3 in. List price, $10.63 per 100 square feet 9 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S.A. No. 2315—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. l885—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. No. 2323—Triangular Plate. Size 24 x 24 x 24 in. Depth 1h in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. Page 28 No. 2328—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. " A ~ , . ‘3 :\ A A 13 In No. 2330—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24 in. Depth 5A; in. List price, $10.25 per 100 square feet. :Jd’if L L‘ by b‘.’ b: by .L—__an-._..‘ , «‘4 .,. N No. 2332—Ceiling Plate. Size 18 x 18 in. Depth 7/8 in. List price, $10.63 per 100 square feet. No. 2327—Ceiling Plate Size 24 x 24 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. )HIO. U. S. A. No. 2329—Ceiling Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. 2331—Ceiling Plate. Size 12 x 18 in. Depth 7/8 in. List price, $10.63 per 100 square feet. No. 2333—Ceiling Plate. Size 18 x 24 in. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. Page 29 No. 2334—-Ceiling Plate. Size 18 x 18 in. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. . .3»: 1“ {ii a. {1“,} {1 (h; 3?" :33“ Z‘WQ /‘ };“I fifu ') 3”: '§\: gift; \Hm \ 1‘” g . m :i‘: great No. 2357—Cei1ing Plate. Size 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. as No. 1624—C—Center. Size 60 x 60 in. Composed of Center Plate 1624. Border Plates 1621-1622. Panel Mold 1653. List price. $3.50 each. THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. cugmmm. OHIO. Ii 3.: ”a ”a. z.‘ No. 2335—Ceiling Plate. Size 18 x 24 in. Depth 7/8 ih. List price, $10.63 per 100 square feet. No. 2383—Inside Corner Plate. Size 8 x 8 in. to 24 x 24 in. List price, $9.38 per 100 square feet. No. 1810—Center. Size 36 x 36 in. List price, $1.50 each. Page 30 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S. A. J —_ No. l782—Center. No. 1809—Center. Size 48 x 48 in. Size 48 x 48 in. List price, $2.00 each. List price, $2.00 each. , ,_ , ("‘55 " ' 'I 1 3 . , y 3 | i a, . ‘ ‘ i, 1‘ w .-~ M w a _--x \ 3 mm“, No- 1833—Center. Size 48 x 48 in. List price, $1.50 each. erK’IJ'f’f'c-ndwl'ff’r " (I: No. 1783—Center. No. 1834—Center. Size 48 x 48 in. Size 48 x 48 in. List price, $2.00 each. List price. $1.50 each. Page 31 No. 2311—Center. No. l669—Center. Size 48 x 48 in. Size 48 x 48 in. List price, $2.00 each. List price, $2.36 each. No. 1868—Ventilating Center. NO- 1627-C—Center. Size 72 x 72 in. Center Drop, 12 in. Composed 0f four NO- 1527 Plates. List price, with Zinc Ventilator. $32.00. Size 48 x 48 in. List price, without Zinc Ventilator, List price, $1.82 each. $6.75 No. 2312—Center. Size 30 x 30 in. List price, $1.80 each. List price. $2.50 each. No. 2385—Center. Size 48 x 48 in. Page 32 No. l788—Zinc Ventilating Center. No. 1946—Zinc Ventilating Center. Size 24 x 24 in. Size 30 x 30 in. Net price, $4.00 each. Net price, $10.00 each. i m. , ,-. f is i“, No. 970—A Zinc Center. No. 1948—Zinc Center. Size 14 inches in diameter. Size 12 x 12 in. Net price, $2.60 each. Net price, $3.60 each. i _. No. 967-A—Zinc Center. No. 1941—Center. Size 12 x 6 in. List price,, $1.00 each. Net price, $1.85 each. Size 21 inches in Diameter Page 33 No. 1786—Zinc Ventilating Center. Diameter 40 in. Projection 12 in. Net price, $12.50 each. 36 in. Diam.—12 in. Projection. Net price, $10.00 each. 24 in. Diam.——12 in. Projection. Net price, $6.25 each. Page 34 THE EDWARDS MFG. 90. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S. A. No. 1614—Filler Plate with Mold. Width 6 to 24 in.—Length 48 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. 1619—Filler Plate. Width 8 to 24 in.——Length 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. No. 1630—Frieze with Mold. Size——27I/2 x 48 in. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet. Page 35 "—3 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S.A. of Size 24 x 48 in. o. 1685—Frieze. N 25 per 100 square feet. , $11. ICC lSt pr' L Size 18 x 48 in, 1626. o. 1664—Fr' N ineal foot. 1st price, 171/2c per 1 L Width 6 to 24 in.—-Length 48 1:1 , $10.00 per 100 square feet. N0. 1631—Filler Plate with Mold. 1st price L Page 36 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. —; i; J No. 1715—Border Plate. Size 18 x 48 in. List price $12.50 per 100 square feet. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. - - No. 1689—Fi11er Plate. Width 12 to 24 in.—Length 48 in. List price. $8.75 per 100 square feet. Page 37 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S.A. No. 1741—Border Plate. With 6 in. Mold. Size—24 x 48 in. List price $12.50 per 100 square feet. No. 1727—Fi11er Plate. Width 12 to 24 in.—Length 48 in. List price. $8.75 per 100 square feet. No. 1745—Border Plate. Size—24 x 48 in. List price $12.50 per 100 square feet. Page 38 . .m .m o w 8 ..y././.7_)qu. . Aleflwfifi’Ixyl. A h 4 .MJWWMWH . . , .JWnézi . n t h duty... by A 3 m «a a, , v.1 D. m L 9 _. O .m n. I 4 '1 H 2 M. O O t o 8 t n d w h e i f a f u u m q q s S C o o 0 O N 1 1 r r m m m a? 8 5 rvl: O 3 n]. , 0 .w w G p r. m F .m m a M L w 1 s w W m .u r. n k .m gun/21$ _ _ D .. 31.1, . 0 I .. in. . 6 5 6 6 E u U E a a m N N Page 39 Width 12 to 24 in.——Length 48 in. , $10.00 per 100 square feet. 1512 price L No. 1763—Filler Plate. THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S.A. No.1640—Filler Plate. Width 4 to 24 in.—Length 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. Pl 1%, “f. j \x \ No. 1784—Filler Plate. Size—24 x 48 in. List price. $8.75 per 100 square feet. s\/\;~/\/~z\/\zxrxrxwxzxrxrxrxt\/\/\I*r~/\/‘/\/\I\I"~’\f\’ “/\/\f\’\l\l'\/‘\f\lN/\’KI\I\I\/NI\/\I‘ktN/K,\(\/\f\l\l\f‘\i\l\ I\/\/\/\[xxx/\/\;\:\;\r\r\t\/\/m1\/\/\/\/x/\I\I\/\/\/\I\/\/ ‘"""I‘f\’\’\"I\I\I\/\y~/\t\/s/\r\/\/\/\/\I\zxzx’\z\/\:\ ’\’\’\f\’\/\I\’\I\!\r\i\rxix/a(\Isrslxrxlxrxzxrxrxrxlexrxr \I\IKI\I\I\/\I\f\l\/\t\l\l\/\t\f\/\/\!\f\/\I\I\I\l\/\1‘(‘1‘ \I\t\/\/\/\I\IKI%I\I\!\I\IKI\I\’\I\I\I\I\I\I\I\I\I\I\/\l\/ IKI\f\/\/\I\I\I\l§t\I\/\I\I\I\/\I\y\f\/\yx’xlslxxx/xtxz\zx \I"\’\’\I\I\’\I\I\I\I\I\I\f\l\l\l\’\f\l\l\l\/\I\I\[x/\I\l st\I\/§/\/N/\/\I\I\tsl~i\r\/\l\t‘/\I\I\r\/\/xlx[\1~/\t\/\/\ \/w\l\I\! I\I\I\I\I\I\I\I\I\I\I\I\I\l\I‘I\/\I\I\/\I‘I‘I“I\I ’\"’\"’\’\"’\/\I\/\lNI\I\I\/\f\/\I\I\I\(\/\l\I‘I‘I‘I‘I\ \’\’\I‘I‘1‘!\I\’\I\I\I\I\i\/\I\I\I\I\I\I\I\(\l\/\/\f\I\/\I I\I\f\l\f\f\’\’\/\’\/\I\I\I\I§IKI\I\I\I\I\{\I\l\I\/\I\I\I‘ ”\I\r\l§ \/\’\/\’\’\(\f\’\’\1\t\l Nix/\fxflik \I\r~r\I\/\/\I~I\I\/sr\r\1\t\r~/\r\r\1\t~/\I\I\/~ \I\/\!\/\/\I\;\/\/\f\/\’\I\I\I\1\I\I\I\I\i\l\I\I\I\t\I\I\/ z\/\I\r\x\/\i\r\t\rs¢\ \I\r\l\l\r\l\l\l\f\l\t\l\t\’\I\I\l\ \1\/\I\/\I\/\1xr\’\1\r\v\IxIxixlxlxtxlxzxtxi\f\1\t\I\I\I\r Ixz‘fists/\ra/srxrxiswxyx[sisIxisrxrsrxrxrxixrxtx’\zxrx[xix. No. 1807—Filler Plate. Width 4 to 30 in.—Length 48 in. List price. $8.75 per 100 square feet. Page 40 -8. WWW“: {7' V 2.3} 1:411“? '4 yrs $1; "“2? n4» )3” i w— . *’ V ‘ 1’ ——— > ./ No. l820—Border Plate. Size 18 x 48 in. List price $12.50 per 100 square feet. 9V»? ~13 sum 5 w- ‘r. «.7 gaffe/":2 4:, r4541)“ “s. :: f—I'no—u—n-AM’ ,—_.._.—. r——————-—~»~ ..1’ —-———-— ,—-—-—- No. l818—Border Plate with Mold. Size 24 x 48 in. List price $12.50 per 100 square feet. \ 1" .5 u .k w" uy-é)‘w,_; s..:..,'.)., ‘Awo‘afiméh, .41.“.— -'a..I v No. 1863—Filler Plate. Width 6 to 24 in.—Length 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. Page 41 THE EDWARDS __NIFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S.A. No. 1883—Fi11er Plate. Width 8 to 24 in.—Length 48 in. List price, $9.38 per 100 square feet. No. 1896—Filler Plate with Border. Size 18 x 48—24 x 48 in. List price $12.50 per 100 square feet. ‘3 252;» m I No. 1899—Filler Plate with Border. Size 18 x 48—24 x 48 in. List price. $11.88 per 100 square feet. Page 42 E EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S. A. No. 1958—Filler Plate with Border. Width 24 in.—Length 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. No. 1789—Side Wall, Imitation Tile. Size of each Tile 1 x 4 in. Size of sheet 24 x 48 in. List price, $10.00 pex‘ 100 square feet. No. 2360—Filler Plate with Mold. Width 8 to 24 in.—Length 48 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. Page 43 co. CII‘EINNATI, OHIO, u. 3.1}: . ' Wigwam“; “R fixi’ifik *» "K $91?st “ » y. ,. X No. 1940—Freize Plate. Size 24 x 48 in. List price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. No. 23l4—Filler Plate. Width 12 to 24 in.—Length 48 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. No. 1785—Frieze. Height 521/2 in. Composed of Cornice 1780, Mold 1755, Border 1745, Foot Mold 1772. List price, 88c per lineal foot. Page 44 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S. A. m 1“ No. l830—Mold. Width 1/2 in.—Length 48 in. List price. 3c per lineal foot. ‘(mfmmmfmflflflmfl-fVm!“(VNNMHW‘nfi-flwflmn No. l829——Mold. Width 1 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 4c per lineal foot. No. 1828.—Mold. Width 11/2 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 41/2c per lineal foot. No. 1827—Mold. Width 2 in.—-Length 48 in. List price, 4%c per lineal foot. No. 1826—Mold. Width 21/; in.—Length 48 in. List price, 5c per lineal foot. No. 1662—Mold. Width 3 in.—Depth 1 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 5c per lineal foot. No. l678—Mold. Width 3% in.—Depth 1 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 6%c per lineal foot. No. 1839—Mold. Width 4 in.-—Length 48 in. List price, 7l/2c per lineal foot. (Profiles are shown on page 170) Page 45 No. 1700—Mold. Width 6 in.—Depth 1 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 71/2c per lineal foot. No. 1696—Mold. Width 6 in.—Depth 3 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 121/2c per lineal foot. ' , a -- ' ~flv-tt5wawIev/n‘; i No. 1653—Mold. Width 6 in.—Depth 11/2 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 83/4c per lineal foot. No. 1674—Mold. Width 6 in.—Depth l in.—Length 48 in. List price, 83/,c per lineal foot. No. 2307—M01d. Width 4 in.-—Depth 11/4 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 81/2c per lineal foot. No. 1759—Mold. Width 4 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 71/2c per lineal foot. No. 1751—Mold. Width 6 in.—Length 48 in. List price. 834C per lineal foot. (Profiles are shown on page 170) Page 46 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S. A. m L NO. 1661—Mold. Width 6 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 6%c per lineal foot. No. 1822—Mold. Width 6 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 10¢ per lineal foot. No. 1793—Mold. Width 6 in.—Depth 1 in.-—-Length 48 in. List price, 10c per lineal foot. No. 1657—Mold. Width 6 in.—Depth 1% in.—Length 48 in. List price, 71/2c per lineal foot. No. 2303.—-—Mold. Width 6 in.—Depth 3 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 12¥/2c per lineal foot. No. l755—Mold. Width 6 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 10c per lineal foot. (Profiles are shown on ])(l[/(’ 170) Page 47 THE EDWARDS AVIFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. 9. 3.12; 2% , No. 1835—Mold. Width 8 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 15c per lineal foot. r—————-—-——-—ro « MM" ,. .i N. \«wwcncm w No. 1864—Mold. Width 12 in.——Length 24 and 48 in. List price, 171/2c per lineal foot. No. 1747—Mold. Width 12 in.—Length 24 and 48 in. List price, l7‘/zc per lineal foot. No. 1798—Mitre Box for No. 1696 Mold. Size 6 x 6 in. List price, 40c each. No. 1876—Radius Mold. Width. 6 in. Radius inside 18 in. List price, 15 cents per lineal foot. (Profilvs aw shown on page 150) Page 48 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S. A. ~ minimal; wmnm No. 1650—Nosing. Size 3 x 3 in. Length 48 in. List price, 83/4c per lineal foot. No. 1716—Nosing. Size 2 x 2 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 4c per lineal foot. «wrmzzmrmmkrmevxswtr y ififlfi" : we; .3 an r” a *5 No. 1652—Nosing. Size 1 x 1 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 3c per lineal foot. No. 2316—Nosing. Size 11/2 x 11/2 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 31/2c per lineal foot. No. 1682—Wainscot Rail. Height 5 in.—Projection 1 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 71/2c per lineal foot. No. l848—Wainscot Rail. Height 5 in.-—Projection 1% in.—Length 48 in. List price, 71/2c per lineal foot. r _ _ ‘ Q.’ r z . Ag“ ' ,1 ,, , V ‘ .\ 4’.— -» ‘- v 3- . “9;. ' a".$ or- y - ‘ . c—uun—u. 1 _ Q No. 1772—Wainscot Rail. Height 41/2 in.—Projection 33/, in.—Length 48 in. List price, 7¥,/2c per lineal foot. (Profiles are shown on page 170) Page 49 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S.A. r —_ :_—: a No. 1629—Wainscot Rail. Height 4 in.—Projection 1% in.—Length 48 in. List price, 6%c per lineal foot. No. 2337—Wainscot Rail. Height 5 in.—Projection 1 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 71/2c per lineal foot. No. 1773. No. 1774. End Piece End Piece Left Hand.—Length 12 in. Right Hand—Length 12 in. List price, 15c each. List price, 15c each. I We,” .. . No. 1949. No. 1950. End Piece End Piece Left Hand.——Length 12 in. Right Hand—Length 12 in. List price, 15c each. List price, 15c each. A \M‘o _ *1: \‘AM \e.x\>««;‘<§§ . \-*‘ .- _ \. “ : - x. «s \..._.:fg\~..\._f«\waix... _...._;;.\.._.. ax... - No. 1791—Wainscot Rail, Imitation Tile. Projection 1/z in.—Height 41/2 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 7I/2c per lineal foot. Mt No. 1790—Base, Imitation Tile. Projection 3/8 in.—Height 9 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 121/2c per lineal foot. (Profiles are shown on page NO) Page 50 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S.A. ‘ n ‘f‘Ak m, No. 1704—Cornice. Projection 1% in.—Depth 1% in.—Length 48 in. List price, 3%c per lineal foot. No Blocks furnished with this Cornice. No. 1663—Cornice. Projection 3 in.—Depth 3 in.——Length 48 in. List price, 71/2c per lineal foot. No Blocks furnished with this Cornice. No. 1648—Cornice. Projection 21/2 in.—Depth 4 in.—-Length 48 in. List price, 71/2c per lineal foot. WM—G—v—deflwiwvwo-H-fim-¢- 4--4~—g—~0~—v~ cw. w.» .o. «Hem-4'4 «v w . r . , ., ,w V A ,3. ,— ,4 W“.- * _,_ _ , < ”5/7“” '«2' No. 1649—Cornice. Projection 2I/2 in.—Depth 4 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 71/2c per lineal foot. No. 1953—Cornice. Projection 31/2 in.——Depth 4 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 9%c per lineal foot. No. 1845—Cornice. Projection 412 in.—Depth 4 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 1114c per lineal foot. No. 1862—Cornice. Projection 4 in.—Depth 5 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 121/2c per lineal foot. No Blocks furnished with this Cornice. WMWMMVMMMMQWM Projection 41/2 in.—Depth 5 in.—Length 48 in. No. 1651—Cornice. List price, 1133c per lineal foot. (Profiles are shown on page 171) Page 51 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CII‘IQNNATI, OHIO;III. S. . - —.. No. 1646—Cornice. Projection 5 in.—-Depth 6 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 121/2c per lineal foot. No.1808—Cornice. Projection 6 in.—Depth 6 in.-—Length 48 in. List price, 171/2c per lineal foot. g,, No. 1861—Cornice. Projection 5 in.—Depth 6 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 12” 2c per lineal foot. No Blocks furnished with this Cornice. No. 1779—Cornice. _ Projection 5 in.—Depth 4 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 11%c per lineal foot. No. 1778—Cornice. Projection 5 in.—Depth 4 in.——Length 48 in. List price,’ 111/4c per lineal foot. \9K!\t\f~rat\r\e\pxl ”\rxr\z\r\r»\a\(\r\z\a\’\ \t\£‘.t\l\l\x\t\r\cst\;\r\/-\r\f\:xr'\f\r\;\(\r\ . (xr\r\t\£‘t\1\r\r\t\xxrs(\r\r\v\’xtarxr’xt‘xr‘xrsrszxexx-«x‘, \.R\I\I\I\t\f\f\I\(\I‘\I\!\I ‘ ‘ " rxtar\’\»\a\tsr\w\p I’\/'\‘I\ \£\~t~r\f\t\t\!\e\f\f\l\f\l _ "Vir'se‘r\t\r\/\r\/\t\f\t\f\r\t\t\zxr\xxr\r\;‘ \r\/\",_"‘W\t I\ VVVVVVVV Wvas' WV VVV‘W» M'.W§\‘FVVVV\¢’VVV\X No. 1806—Cornice with Filler Attached. Projection 6 in .-—Depth 6 in.—Length 48 in. List price, with 4in. Filler 20c per lineal foot. “ “ “ 8in. 25c “ “ “ “ “ “ 12in. “ 30C “ “ “ (Profiles are shown on page 171) . Page 52 No. 1961—Cornice. Projection 6 in.—Depth 6 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 171/2c per lineal foot. No. 1956—Cornice. Projection 10 in.—Depth 6 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 183Ac per lineal foot. ,, ,.....m. M “Mm...“ . NW... No.1672—Cornice. Projection 5 in.—Depth 7 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 171/2c per lineal foot, No. 1647—Cornice. Projection 6% in.—Depth 73A in.—Length 48 in. List price, 18%c per lineal foot. No. 1812—Cornice. Projection 8 in.—Depth 8 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 1834c per lineal foot. «9 «'a‘anmww -- WM,“ No. 1962—Cornice. Projection 6 in.—Depth 9 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 183/4c per lineal foot. (Profiles are shown on page 17]) Page 53 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CIDICINNATI, OHIO. U. 8.; No. 1843—Cornice. Projection 7 in.—Depth 9 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 183/4c per lineal foot. " \f} aw~é¥ fig. ‘04 \_‘|g, )(IJ “i‘K 2.152» 5332* «w c3: 6% (33-. kg“: 3 ("gy‘fi (J‘\ i" .= .. .l' 230?? ,1! .n\-- - ”vb mw-m‘vn’ um swnglywunwvnm nmmmwm"unwamwmmmynmwm ~J-’.\—-. ‘:._ '“P'"’W"L_""M‘?" ’7!) pm!"- No. 1644—Cornice. Projection 6I/2 in.—Depth 9% in.—Length 48 in. List price, 183/4c per lineal foot. No. 1959—Cornice. Projection 6 in.—Depth 10 in.—-Length 48 in. List price, 20c per lineal foot. No Blocks furnished with this Cornice. ( ‘3’) 59> 2%:- Y‘ i? 3 :3: 3 3 >\’\ 4:3: No. 1952—Cornice. Projection 8% in.—Depth ll in.—Length 48 in. List price. 22¢ per lineal foot. No. l792—Cornice. Projection 8 in.—Depth 10 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 20¢ per lineal foot. (Profiles are shown on pagc 171) Page 54 No. 1643—Cornice. Projection 9 in.—Depth 12 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 221/2c per lineal foot. No. 1671—Cornice. Projection 111/2 in.—Depth 13 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 25c per lineal foot. No. 1844—Cornice. Projection 10 in.—Depth 12 in.——Length 48 in. List price, 231/2c per lineal foot. No. 1860—Cornice. Projection 9 in.—Depth 11 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 231/4c per lineal foot. No Blocks furnished with this Cornice. (Profiles are shown on page 171) Page 55 THE EDWARDS JEFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. . 8.: L No. 1954—Cornice. Projection 12 in., Depth 15 in., Length 48 in. List price, 31%c per lineal foot. No. 1895—Cornice. Isrojection 12 in.—Depth 13 in.—Length 48 in. List price. 30 cents per lineal foot. No. 1781—Cornice. Projection 12 in. —Depth 131/; in. —Length 48 in. List price. 30 cents per lineal foot. (Profiles are shown on page 171) Page 56 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S.A. :1 1 L No. 1695—Cornice. Projection 12 in.——Depth 18 in. Length 48 in.—List price, 31%c per lineal foot. No. 1718—Cornice. Projection 15 in.—Depth 16 in.—Length 48 in. List price, 38c per lineal foot. __ w; m .. . ,.....,.,.... WM. W i W No. 1780—Cornice. Projection 18 in.—Depth 18 in.—-Length 48 in. List price, 45c per lineal foot. (Profiles are shown on page 17]) Page 57 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CIbiCINNATI. OHIO. U. SA. GRATE F RONTS STAMPED IN ALL SIZES Prices On Application \ :«uwému 4‘ f: ‘2 ,9 ‘ " No. 2498 No. 2497 Page 58 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S. A. g.» ’5 ~ :Jiag $in No. 1823 No. 1824 No. 1825 E11. Tee. Cross. Size 6 x 6 in. List price, 1114c each. if: No. 1632 No. 1633 No. 1634 E11. Tee. Cross. Size 3 x 3 in. List price, 5c each. No. 1679 No. 1680 No. 1681 E11. Tee. Cross. Size 31/2 x 31/; in. List price, 61/4c each. No. 1840 No. 1841 No. 1842 E11. Tee. Cross Size 4 x 4 in. List price, 8311c each. No. 2308 No. 2309 No. 2310 Tee. Cross. Size 4 x 4 in. List price, 93/4c each No. 1761 No. 1762 Tee. Cross. Size 4 x 4 in. List price, 8311c each. No. 1756 Na. 1757 No. 1758 Ell. Tee. Cross Size 6 x 6 in. List price, 111/4c each. No. 1654 No. 1655 No. 1656 Tee. Cross. Size 6 x 6 in. List price, 71/2c each. No. 1675 No. 1676 No. 1677 E11. Tee. Cross. Size 6 x 6 in. List price, 71/2c each. No. 1701 No. 1702 No. 1703 Tee. Cross. Size 6 x 6 in. List price, 6%c each. No. 1697 No. 1698 No. 1699 E11. Tee. Cross Size 6 x 6 in. List price, 20¢ each. No. 2304 No. 2305 No. 2306 Tee. Cross. Size 6 x 6 in. List price, 20c each. Page 59 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO;CINCINNATI. OHIO, . S. . fl No. 1752 No. 1753 No. 1754 E11. Tee. Cross Size 6 x 6 in. List price, 10¢ each. No. 1794 No. 1795 No. 1796 E11. Tee. Cross. Size 6 x 6 in. List price, 10c each. No. 1712 No. 1713 No. 1714 No. 1658 No. 1659 No. 1660 E11. Tee. Cross. Ell. Tee. Cross. Size 6 x 6 in. Size 6 x 6 in. List price, 6%c each. List price, 6%c each. No. 1836 No. 1837 No. 1838 E11. Tee. Cross. N 1775 . . o. _ 312‘? 8 x 8 m. Mold Spacer List price, 173/4c each. Size 12 x 12 in. List price 17%c each. No. 1866—Tee. No. 1867—Cross. Size 12 x 12 in. List price 20¢ each. NO- 1748—Ell. No. 1749—Tee. No. USO—Cross. Size 12 x 12 in. List price 20c each. Page 60 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S. A. No. 1649-A No. 1649-3 Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 21/2 x 4 in. List price, 25c each. No. 1646-A No. 1646-3 Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 5 x 6 in. List price, 371/zc each. No. 1647-A No. I647-B Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 6% x 7% in. List price, 461/2c each. No. 1672—A No. 1672-B Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 5 x 7 in. List price, 45c each. No. 1779-B Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 5 x 4 in. List price, 26%c each. No. 1845-A No. 1845-3 Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 41/2 x 4 in. List price, 2614c each. No. 1778-A No. 1778-B Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 5 x 4 in. List price, 2614c each. No. 1648-A No. 1648-B Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 21/2 x 4 in. List price, 25c each. No. 1644-A No. 1644-B Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 61/; x 9% in. List price, 461/2c each. No. 1651-A No. 1651-B Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 41/2 x 5 in. List price, 29c each. Page 61 3? No. 1643-B. Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 9 x 12 in. List price, 621/2c each. No. 1961-A No. 1961-B Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 6 x 6 in. List price, 45c each. No. 1843-A No. 1843-B Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 7 x 9 in. List price, 47¢ each. No. 1808—A No. 1808-B Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 6 x 6 in. List price, 45c each. N0. 1953-A Inside Cornice Block. Size 31/2 x 4 in. List price, 25c each. No. 1812-3. Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 8 x 8 in. List price, 47c each. No. 1962-A No. 1962-B Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 6 x 9 in. List price, 47¢ each. No. 1956-B Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 10 x 6 in. List price, 50c each. No. 1952-A No. 1952-B Inside Outside Cornice Block. Cornice Block. Size 81,}. x 11 in. List price, 56c each. No. 1953-3 Outside Cornice Block. Page 62 No. 1844-A—Inside Cornice Block. Size 10 x 12 in. List price, 63%c each. No. 1671-A—Inside Cornice Block. Size 111/2 x 13 in. List price, 75c each. No. 1806-A—Inside Cornice Block. Size 6 x 6 in. List price, 45c each. No. 1792-A—Inside Cornice Block. Size 8 x 10 in. List price, 48c each. No. 1844-B—Outside Cornice Block. Size 10 x 12 in. List price, 631/2c each. No. 167l-B—Outside Cornice Block. Size 111/2 x 13 in. List price, 75c each. No. 1806-B—Outside Cornice Block. Size 6 x 6 in. List price, 45c each. No. 1792-B—Outside Cornice Block. Size 8 x 10 in. List price, 48c each. Page 63 No. 1781-A—Inside Cornice Block. Size 12 x 131/2 in. List price, 82¢ each. No. 1895-A—Inside Cornice Block. Size 12 x 13 in. List price, 82¢ each. No. 1718-A—Inside Cornice Block. Size 15 x 16 in. List price, 88¢ each. THE EDWARDS MFG. co. CIhICINNATI. omega. s.A. - ‘— No. 1781-B—Outside Cornice Block. Size 12 x 13% in. List price, 82¢ each. No. 1895-B—0utside Cornice Block. Size 12 x 13 in. List price, 82c each. No. 1718-B—Outside Cornice Block. Size 15 x 16 in. List price, 88c each. Page 64 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S. A. No. 1780-A—Inside Cornice Block. No. 1780-B—Outside Cornice Block. Size 18 x 18 in. List price, $1.13 each. No. 1954_A—.Inside Cornice Block. No. 1954-B—Outside Cornice Block. Size each, 12 x 15 in. List price, 88c each. No. 1695-A—Inside Cornice Block. No. 1695-B—Outside Cornice Block. Size, each, 12 x 18 in. List price, 84c each. Page 65 | No. 1690—Ornamental Ceiling or No. lGlZ—Ornamental Ceiling or . . Siding Sidin _ _ Size 24 x 48—g24 x 96 in. Size 24 x 48—24 x 96 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. No. 1691—Plain Beaded Ceiling or Siding Size 24 x 48—24 x 96 in. List price. $8.13 per 100 square feet. No. 1623—0rnamental Ceiling or No. l797—Ornamental Ceiling or Siding Siding Size 24 x 48—24 x 96 in. Size 24 x 48-—24 x 96 in. List price, $8.75 per 100 square feet. List price. $8.75 per 100 square feet? Page 66 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S.A. a J ; J No. 1767—Wainscot Plate. Size 24 x 36—24 x 48 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. No. 1768—Wainscot Plate. Size 24 x 36—24 x 48 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. No. 167%Side Wall Plate. Plate. Size 24 x 48—24 x 72—24 x 96 in. Size 24 x 48—24 x 72—24 x 96 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet- Page 67 ye ;\ IN WWW“? ‘Aae‘flwxw new»)? It No. 1628—Wainscot Plate. Size 24 x 36—24 x 48 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. No. 1683—Side Wall Plate. Size 24 x 48—24 x 72—24 x 96 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet. No.. 1847—Wainscot Plate. Size 24 x 36—24 x 48 in. List price, $12.50 per 100 square feet No. 1831—Side Wall Plate. Size 24 x 48—24 x 72—24 x 96 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet; Page 68 No. 1667—Wainscot Plate. No. l639—Wainscot Plate. Size 24 x 33 in. Size 24 x 32 in. $11.25 per 100 square feet. ! List price $11.25 per 100 square feet. ’ List price No. 1638—Side Wall Plate. Size 24 x 48—24 x 72—24 x 96 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. No. 1777—Side Wall Plate. Size 24 x 48—24 x 72—24 x 96 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. Page 69 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. 8.1}: No. 1947—Wainscot Plate. Size 24 x 36 in. List Price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. No. 2313—Side Wall Imitation Tile. _ - » Size of each tile 3 x 6 in. No. 1882—Side Wall Plate. Sheets 24 x 24—24 x 48 in. Size 24 x 48—24 x 72—24 x 96 in. List price, $10.00 per 100 square feet. List price. $8.75 per 100 square feet. Page 70 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S. A. No. l945—Side Wall Plate. Size 24 x 48—24 x 72—24 x 96 in. List Price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. No. 1684-A—Side Wall Plate. Size 24 x 48—24 x 72—24 x 96 in. List price, $11.25 per 100 square feet, Page 71 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO. U. S.A. .- —— ,, .. f. in. Jinn ' n. .. Yr . e. a l t it _ . .r 4 . .., a, awww... . Wh-dflw _ My KIA»... “m \ » 5&4; .. No. 1846—Side Wall Plate. Size 24 x 48—24 x 72—24 x 96 in. List Price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. No. l776—Side Wall Plate. Size 24 x 48—24 x 72—24 x 96 in. List Price, $11.88 per 100 square feet. Page 72 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S.A.. Section Two $7 {672? gHE loyalty to quality which pre- & vails in Edwards ceiling design and manufacture is truly revealed by the charm and beauty of the finished product. Edwards ceilings are masterly examples of the metal worker’s art ‘vx adapted to a wide range of architectural treatment. 22‘ «2‘ e» The following pages illustrate a few of the many beautiful designs obtainable. «9‘ «a Page 73 THE EDWARDS 35m. 00. CINCINNATI. OHIO, g. S.A_; French Renaissance “fix abfikuxxw than». DESIGN No. 2119. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1719. Filler 1765. Cornice 1781. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet. $11.08 per 100 Square Feet. 6‘ It 4‘ ‘6 ‘t 18 x 25 Ol 11.73 IL .I 0‘ i‘ l‘ .l ‘l t‘ l‘ 12 x 15 I. 12.97 ‘( ti ‘K “ Cornice drops on wall 1.315 inches. add 2 it. 7 inches to length and width m room to allow tor cornice and variation. hcforc calculating the number of square tcet required for this design. Page 74 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S. A. French Renaissance .'.,~.,....:.:...:... 2120 DESIGN No Composed of Ceiling Plates 1720, Filler 1766, Cornice 1812. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $10.83 per 100 Square Feet. ‘( (‘ (i M 11.09 12.05 a 66 u u 18 x 25 66 12 x 15 u u 56 ‘4 6s 8 inches to length and width lculating the number of a C C r. 0 4+1 .6 r1.) .Iil 1L 0 1U.1 it .1 .a .sV C hd C1 1... .HE 006 .m 1.11.11. ar YO \C Mr. 00 .I D. D.“ 00 Fl 11 (a 6 .cm H .11. r. 0m CO r (T. 0 his design. for t (1 square Ieet require Page 75 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S. A. E French Renaissance DESIGN No. 2121. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1721. Filler 1727. Cornice 1718 List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet. $11.72 per 100 Square Feet. 0‘ u .0 to u 18 x 25 0‘ 12.09 to ll .1 ti ” “ “ “ “ 12 x 15 ” 12.83 " u u u L‘omivc drops on wall 1h inches. add 3 it. I1 ixtclics Io length and width romn Io allow tor CHI'IHCC and \‘nI‘léiT‘OI‘z. before calculanztg the number of >(f11211'1‘ icm rrqlmx-d TOT this (h~1§;‘:i. THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S. A. French Renaissance DESIGN No. 2391. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1719, Filler 1766, Cornice 1812. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $10.37 per 100 Square Feet. 1‘ 6‘ 5‘ ‘fi “ 18 X 25 “ 10.86 ‘I H “ (‘ H t‘ “ “ 6‘ 12 X 15 “ 11.63 I‘ 0‘ (6 ‘€ Cmmice drops on wall 8 inches. add 1 foot 8 lllClM‘9 to length aml width or mom to allow Ior cornice and \‘ZlTlathll. l'eImre calculating the number of square Ieet reqmred tor this (lemgn. \l \1 Pa ge THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, II. S. A. —£ :2 French Renaissance DESIGN No. 2390. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1735. Filler 1766, Cornice 1808. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $11.25 per 100 Square Feet. .6 ‘t t. 60 ‘fi 18 x 25 M 11.93 ‘6 tt “ C‘ t‘ .8 t! (‘ (6 12 x 15 I. 13.26 .6 It IS \fi Cornice drops on wall (i inches. Add 1 foot 4 inches to length and width at room to allow tor cornice and variation, hetore calculating the number of square leet required for this (leslgn. Page 78 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO. U. S. A. French Renaissance QAQ‘Q g ‘u » w. wag-k 44 ,l ‘itaaa ‘- x '. mi? wtfiéw A. *4- "D‘ms‘. tie... ms» {:22 5. .fi \ “ma tug—‘m—n 4 DESIGN No. 2122. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1722, Border 1744-1745, Filler 1766, Cornice 1780. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $11.94 per 100 Square Feet. 66 t‘ 6‘ (6 ‘6 18 x 25 (6 12.14 (‘ 6‘ (‘ H O‘ .6 6‘ H “ 12 x 15 6‘ 13.04 H u 4‘ 5‘ Cornice drops on wall 18 inches. add 3 ft._4 inches to length and width of room to allow for cornice and variation. l)€lOI‘€ calculating the number of square feet required for this design. Page 79 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S; French. Renaissance I i‘ ‘ 3 zew ' m ‘3 ‘ . 3 'I k A We @wnfi? E93. m; i '~ A 3'33”!» - ”ska; ‘- .."> -. ' " 3:,»«3. ~ “' . “a. K. . ." DESIGN No. 2128-A. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1728. Filler 1765, Cornice 1779. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $ 9.94 per 100 Square Feet. (( ‘6 «t 5‘ ‘K 18 x 25 6\ 10.24 6‘ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 12 x 15 “ 10.73 N n u u inches. add 1 ft. 0 inches to length and width Cornice drops on wall 4 and variation. lonrc calculating the number of of room to allow for cornice square lvct I'(‘(]llll‘€ on wall lo inches, add 3 it. 0 inches to length and width of room to allow for cornice and variation. hefmre calculating the number of square feet required for this design. Page 91 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S. A" French Renaissance SIDE WALL DESIGN No. 2180. Composed of Side Wall Plates 1776, Cornice 1781, Wainscot Plates 1767. Wainscot Rail 1772. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 x 12 feet, $11.84 per 100 Square Feet. 65 .5 u H u 18 x 25 x 12 w 11.72 (s u 56 (6' u u u u i( 12 X 15 X 10 u 11.83 s; u 68 h Cornice projects on ceiling 12 inches. add 1 ft- 4 inches to height of roon: to allow tor cornice and variation. betore calculating the number or square teet required tor this design. Page 92 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S. A. French Renaissance SIDE WALL DESIGN No. 2177. Composed of Side Wall Plates 1777, Cornice 1781, Wainscot Plates 1767, Wainscot Rail 1772. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 x 12 feet. $10.59 per 100 Square Feet. 5‘ £‘ ‘6 6‘ “ 18 x 25 x 12 ‘( 10.60 H ‘u “ ‘5 6‘ ‘5 ‘6 6‘ H 12 x 15 x 10 ‘6 10.67 ‘4 ‘5 H if Cornice projects on ceiling 12 inches. add 1 ft. 4 inches to height of room to allow for cornice and variation, before calculating the number of square feet required for this design. Page 93 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S.A. Colonial DESIGN No. 2109. Composed of Ceiling Plates 2330, Filler 2360, Cornice 1959. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $10.89 per 100 Square Feet. 0‘ ‘9 Al 06 ‘l 18 x 25 |‘ 11.15 .0 At t‘ tt I‘ ct It .6 ‘( 12 x 15 ‘5 11.52 (t tt it l‘ _ Cornice drops on wall 10 inches, add 2 ft. 0 inches to length and width 01 room to allow for cornice and variation, before calculating the number 01 square feet required for this design. Page 94 THE '— PEEYVARDS 33110. CO. cngnnmm. OHIO. u. s. A. , Colonial DESIGN No. 1921. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1730, Mold 1696, Filler 1765, Cornice 1860. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $14.40 per 100 Square Feet. “ (‘ 6‘ “ “ 18 x 25 H 14.48 H (‘ H ‘( 6‘ ‘6 6‘ l‘ (K H 6‘ “ 18 X 25 H 14.54 6‘ ‘ Cornice drops on wall 11 inches, add 2 ft. 2 inches to length and width or room to allow for cornice and variation. bemre calculating the number of square teet reqmred tor this design. Page 93 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. 3.13:5 OF Colonial DESIGN No. 1924-D. Cornice 1644. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1624. Filler 1766. 0 Square Feet. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet. $12.58 per 10 It I‘ ‘4 0‘ ‘l 18 x 25 fit 12.63 lb 5‘ " 12 x 15 " 12.92 ” " inches. add 1 it. 11 inches to length and width Icnlating the number or u U u .t u H Cornice drops on “an 0H \d of room to allow for cornice and variation. hcfnrc Square Icct required tor this (105121). Page (H lHE EDWARDS LEG. too. CI_NrCINNATI. 0111050; 3. A. Colonial DESIGN No. 1933. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1620-1706, Mold 1696, Filler 1765, Cornice 1843. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $12.85 per 100 Square Feet. ‘6 6‘ 66 ‘6 L‘ 18 X 25 H 13.25 ‘( t‘ 6‘ H (6 6K .5 H u 12 X 15 55 14.56 H u 6‘ “ Cornice drops on wall 9 inches. add 1 ft. 10 inches to length and width of room to allow for cornice and variation. before calculating the number of square teet reqtnred tor this design. Page 97 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S.A. Colonial DESIGN No. 1934. Composed of Ceiling Plaes 1620-1706, Mold 1696, Filler 1765, Cornice 1844. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet. $12.90 per 100 Square Feet. ‘6 u n u H 18 X 25 H 13.30 u n u (I ‘l H D‘ “ “ 12 x 15 l‘ 14.61 t‘ 5‘ K‘ (5 Cornice drops on wall 12 inches. add .2 ft. 4 inches to length and widtl: of room to allow for cornice and variation. before calculating the number of square, feet required tor this design. Page 98 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S.A. Colonial DESIGN No. 1936. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1620-1621-1622, Mold 1657, Filler 1765, Cornice 1844. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $11.65 per 100 Square Feet. 6‘ (‘ ‘6 ‘K (L 18 x 25 “ 12.07 ‘( ‘5 ‘( “ 12 x 15 “ 12.76 " “ “ “ Cornice drops on wall 12 inches. add 9 - ft. 4 inches to length and width or room to allow for cornice and variation. bctore calculating the number or square Ieet required Ior this design. 1‘ H u‘ H 6‘ Page 99 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S.A. Colonial DESIGN No. 2040. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1723-1724-1725, Panel Mold 1653. Filler 1765. Cornice 1860. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $11.92 per 100 Square Feet. 6‘ (d ‘6 66 t‘ 18 X 25 [A 12.22 M t‘ ‘5 3‘ (6 6‘ .5 ‘( (‘ 12 X 15 66 12.82 6‘ $6 “ ‘fi Cornice drops on wall 11 inches, add 3 ft. 2 inches to length and width 0t room to allow mr cornice and variation. hemre calculating the number 0: square leet required tor this design. Page 100 lHE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CECINNATI. OHIO. Ur.S. A. 3,. Colonial DESIGN No. 2041. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1624-1710-1711-1724-1725, Panel Mold 1653, Filler 1765, Cornice 1844. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $12.22 per 100 Square Feet. “ 6‘ 5i 5‘ S5 18 X 25 ‘6 12.42 6‘ 5‘ H 12 x15 “ 12.95 “ “ “ Cornice drops on wall 12 inches. add 7 ‘( ‘6 5‘ ‘6 K‘ K‘ “ ft. 4 inches to length and width of room to allow for cornice and variation. hemre calculating the number or square feet required for this design. Page 101 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S. A. Colonial $0 § s § ‘ \. \\ \ g x ' W /)/////// DESIGN No. 2108. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1708, Mold 1696, Filler 1765, Cornice 1844 List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $13.05 per 100 Square Feet. H l‘ ‘6 ‘6 (K 18 X 25 ‘( 13.43 “ u ‘6 ‘K ‘6 ‘5 H (t (6 12 x 15 t‘ 14.06 (‘ t‘ “ “ Cornice drops on wall 12 inches. add 2 it. 4 inches to length and width of room to allow for cornice and \‘31‘18t1011. beIore calculating the number of square feet required Ior this (lemgn. Page 102 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S.A “ U Colonial DESIGN No. 2393. Composed of Ceiling Plates 2328, Filler 1883, Cornice 1845. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $ 9.53 per 100 Square Feet. (5 (6 £6 6‘ ‘6 18 x 25 ‘6 9.97 n‘ “ H H H 6‘ ‘5 H H 12 x 15 H 10.58 H (S 6‘ K5 Cornice drops on wall 4 inches. add 1 foot 0 inches to length and width 01 room to allow tor cornice and varlatlon. before calculatmg me number 0: square feet requlred for thls deSIgn. Page 103 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S.A. f3; Colonial DESIGN No. 2028. Composed of Ceiling Plates 2328. Mold 2307. Filler 1765. Cornice 1843. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $10.49 per 100 Square Feet. 66 t‘ ‘6 t‘ 5‘ 18 x 25 “ 11-16 I‘ DQ .6 6‘ “ ‘6 0‘ 6‘ t‘ 12 x 15 (l 12.29 5| it 0‘ ‘I Cornice Llrops on wall 0 inches. zuhl 1 foot 10 inches 10 lcng‘th and width 01 room to allow tor cox-111cc and \‘Hrmhon. lwlm'v calculating the numhcr of square toot rcqmrml 101‘ 11119 (lCSlfJIl. Page 104 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, y. S.A. I Colonial MWW ‘ Mu-Wuwv. . .mn...) Ant—(w mm m. . DESIGN No. 2029. Composed of Ceiling Plates 2329, Mold 2307, Filler 1765, Cornice 1843. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $11.46 per 100 Square Feet. (‘ ‘6 AK 6‘ ‘C 18 X 25 it 11.92 I‘ K‘ (S (S (£ (6 .0 6‘ ‘K 12 x 15 H 12-86 6‘ 6‘ H ‘5 Cornice drops n11 wall 1) inches. zuhl l f1mt 10 inches to ength and width 01 room to allow Inr cormce and vanatmn. berore calculatlng the number 01 square Icct reqmrcrl mr thls~ (lesxgn. THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, II. 8.13:. Colonial SIDE WALL DESIGN No. 1983. Composed of Side Wall Plates 1642, Frieze 1883, Cornice 1844, Wainscot Rail 1629, Wainscot Plates 1628. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 x 12 feet, $11.84 per 100 Square Feet. ‘( e‘ ‘6 ‘( It 18 x 25 x 12 “ 11.92 I‘ ‘( ‘K t‘ 12 x 15 x 10 “ 12.12 “ “ “ “ t‘ b‘ fi‘ l6 (( Cornice projects on ceiling 10 inches, add 1 foot 2 inches to height of room to allow for cornice and variation. before calculating the number of square :eet required tor this (lemgn. Page 100 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S. A. Gothic f: § 1 —-~ ”ma... Nummm , N.” ,, Mm ; w,,mm.m.. .. DESIGN No. 1966. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1666, Mold 1674, Filler 1689, Cornice 1671. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $12.00 per 100 Square Feet. 6‘ H 66 ‘6 ‘6 18 x 25 ‘6 12.37 ‘6 5‘ H ‘6 6‘ 6‘ .6 6‘ H 12 x 15 6‘ 13.29 (6 ‘6 (6 “ Cornice drops on wall 13 inches. add 2 ft- 6 inches to length and width 01 room to allow tor cormce and variatmn, bemre calculatlng the number of square feet required tor this (1651gn. Page 107 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S.A. DESIGN No. 1968. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1668, Mold 1674, Filler 1689. Cornice 1671. Room 20 x 60 feet, $12.00 per 100 Square Feet. it 18 x 25 6‘ 14.77 M U ‘5 6‘ u u u u List Price based on ‘K ‘6 n‘ It 66 12 x 15 66 14.28 Cornice drops on wall 13 inches, add 2 ft. (1 inches to length and width or room to allow for cornice and variation, heforc calculating the number 01 square feet required for this design. Page 108 lHE EDWARDS 414m. 00. CINENNATI. OHIO, U. S.A. Gothic DESIGN No. 1973. Composed of Plates 1673, Mold 1678, Filler 1689, Cornice 1672. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $10.35 per 100 Square Feet. 6‘ It t‘ ‘6 ‘fi 18 x 25 6‘ 11.91 “ .K &( (( (I 6‘ u‘ 6‘ “ 12 X 15 “ 12.11 K‘ H H ‘( Cornice drops on wall 7 inches. add 1 ft. (3 inches to length and width OI room to allow mr cormce and varlatlon. hemrc calculatmg the number of square teet reqmred Ior thi; (leSIgn. Page 1H9 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S.A. Gothic , -36. i"""’ .- u ,7; ~ i I 8 U H‘s-4n a. ”,5. v 4 v, a" a p”. v DESIGN No. 1988. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1688, Mold 1674, Filler 1689, Cornice 1672. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $11.90 per 100 Square Feet. (( l£ H ‘S 6‘ 18 x 25 H 11.92 .6 t( 0‘ ‘6 ‘E 6‘ it “ (K 12 x 15 8‘ 13.00 ‘I fit “ “ Cornice drops on wall 7 inches, add 1 it. (3 inches to length and width of room to allow for cornice and VllI‘lzlthll. bctore calculating the number 01 square 1cm required Ior this design. Page 110 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S. A. Gothic ,1- Q-i‘yf". :*r"". .v. - .. -- 1r“: . ”"4” t- 4 ”*5/111' V .‘a ~m» .-..o.. .o v . v ' r u v ., - - u-r- - I:o'* ' s DESIGN No. 1994-A. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1609, Mold 1678, Filler 1689, Cornice 1672. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $11.16 per 100 Square Feet. 4‘ l‘ ‘6 (t (6 18 x 25 H 12.17 ‘6 55 (( 6‘ 6‘ i‘ n‘ 5‘ £( 12 X 15 fit 12.70 ‘5 Al K‘ fit Cornice drops on wall 7 inches. add 1 ft. (3 inches to length and width or room to allow for cormce and variatlon, before calculatlng the number or square Ieet reqtnred Ior tlns (lesign. Page 111 THE EDWARDS _1\gFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S.A. «I Gothic DESIGN No. 1965. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1665‘ Mold 1674. Filler 1689. Cornice 1672. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $11.90 per 100 Square Feet. ‘4 ‘5 5‘ t‘ kl 18 X 25 .| 11.92 ct l| “ ti ‘5 ‘5 .1 ti 6‘ 12 x 15 ‘8 13.00 eA ‘ add 1 ft. h inches to length and width Cornice drops on wall 7 inclre>. number of of room to allow for cornice and \‘arlznion. lwefore calculating the u u u Square feet required for this design, Page 112 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S.A.@: SIDE WALL DESIGN No. 1984. Composed of Side Wall Plates 1684-A, Wainscot Plates, 1667, Wainscot Rail 1682, Frieze 1630, Cornice 1671. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 x 12 feet, $11.79 per 100 Square Feet. u H 0‘ 6‘ “ 18 x 25 x 12 “ 11.56 (‘ 5‘ 6‘ H 12 x 15 x 10 “ 11.42 ‘ Cornice projects on ceiling 113; in.. add 1 ft. 333 in. to height of room to allow for cornice and variatlon. betore calculating the number of 0‘ :4 la 2g :14 quu; a.“ u 22‘ 5‘. k *HW‘WPEK QEWE ‘89“? u“ ”Nagy-Aug,“ DESIGN No. 1923. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1613, Border Plates 1625-1627, Filler 1619. Cornice 1643. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet. $11.66 per 100 Square Feet. H 6‘ 6| bk 6‘ 18 x 25 ‘5 12.02 ‘6 ‘5 ‘K ‘( 5A 5‘ at £6 ‘6 12 x 15 (6 12.90 (I 5‘ 6‘ ‘5 Cornice drops on wall 12 inches, add 2 ft. 4 inches to length and width or room to allow tor cormce and x'arlatmn. hemre calculatlng the nnmher of square teet required tor thls rlemgn. ; THE EDWARDS AFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S.A. 4;; Romanesque DESIGN No. 1937. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1613, Border Plates 1625-1627, Filler 1619, Cornice 1643. om 20 x 60 feet. $11.58 per 100 Square Feet. ‘5 18 x 25 6‘ 11.91 ‘6 Al “ K‘ 0‘ it ti List Price based on R0 Q‘ 6‘ .( (‘ 5‘ 12 x 15 ‘t 12‘41 (‘ Cornice drops on wall 13 inches. add .3 ft. 4 inches to length and width 01 room to allow for cornice and \‘girintinn. heiure calculating the number or Square feet required for this design. Page 120 lHE EDWARDS fiFG. CO. CIDIQINNA'I'I, OHIO. U. S.A. Romanesque SIDE WALL DESIGN No. 1938. Composed of Cornice 1643, Side Wall Plates 1638, Wainscot Rail 1629. Wainscot Plates 1639. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 x 12 feet, $11.11 per 100 Square Feet. “ ‘l n‘ (6 {i 18 x 25 x 12 (K 11-12 (£ 6‘ K‘ (K “ ‘K 36 H N 12 X 15 X 10 ‘6 11.30 A‘ “ H (‘ Cornice projects on ceiling 9 inches, add 1 it. 1 inch to height of roon: to allow tor cornice and variation. hemre calculatmg the number of square teet reqtnred tor this desnzn. Page 127 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S.A. § Mi! 5 . DESIGN No. 1915-A. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1615, Molds 1661, 6 in., 1678, 31/2 in., Filler 1694, Cornice 1695. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $12.73 per 100 Square Feet. H u u u u 18 x 25 M 12.82 a u H (K M u .6 H u 12 X 15 H 13.52 H of u “ Cornice drops on wall 12 inches, add 2 ft. 4 inches to length and width of room to allow for cornice and variation. betore calculating the number or square feet reqmred for this design. Page 128 DESIGN No. 2106. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1606, Mold 1678, Filler 1694, Cornice 1695. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $10. 93 per 100 Square Feet. “ 18 x 25 “ 11.75 “ u 6‘ n6 (‘ 6‘ 12 x 15 6‘ 12 98 u (t {6 H Cornice drops on wall 12 inches, add 2 ft. 4 inches to length and width of room to aIIOW Ior cornice and variation. betore calculating the number or square teet required for this (leSIgn. Page 129 DESIGN No. 2110. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1610, Mold 1678, Filler 1694, Cornice 1695. om 20 x 60 feet. $11.33 per 100 Square Feet. (6 List Price based on R0 is 6‘ u u u 18 X 25 H 12.06 H n ‘K 6‘ 12 x 15 St 13.16 ‘I .5 l‘ H (t u .s Cornice drops on wall 12 inches, add 3 ft. 4 inches to length and widti: 01 room to allow for cornice and variation. hetoro calculating the mnnher of square feet required for this design. Page 130 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S. A. $7 I Greek c “a ' i} ( 21:9, 9 ”“5? I » »“5 J; :5 ”a“: A.’ J‘,u"9$ DESIGN N0. 2192. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1692, Mold 1661, Filler 1863, Cornice 1647. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $10.70 per 100 Square Feet. (‘ ‘l t‘ l‘ H 18 X 25 H 11.04 fi‘ (fi ‘( “ (6 (6 u‘ (S K‘ 12 X 15 “ 11.92 6‘ (K H U Cornice drops on wall 751 inches, add 1 ft. 7% inches to length and width of room to allow tor cornice and variation, betore calculating the number or square feet required for this design. Page 131 g? . ; W32 41”“; § “W as aaww ram "W saw a M a ' Kg..“”“ 13"”; 7W!" as “s, WV * 2”,. “s/ “‘5 /’ ‘ ' W,” ,5” . fair? ! ”fjffl b): ' W 31‘? “’7; W W f???“ 1%, " {393' f’if." 7’,esr.,"/ “f X assay? A sasas'V assLV'V-s Vama its (gt/l ’{v‘s/ 691 AV 3;}; as~ as as , firm}??? :“ Hiya Y??? ’42:)! It“, ( isms WV “(é/sf) a: ’8?” SIDE WALL DESIGN No. 1935. Composed of Cornice 1647, Side Wall Plates 1635, Wainscot Rail 1629. Wainscot Plates 1610. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 x 12 feet $ 9.07 per 100 Square Feet “ “ 18 x 25 x 12 “ 9.15 “ “ u u .s H u 12 X 15 x 10 H 918 u 8( t8 ‘5 Cornice projects on ceiling 014 inches. 21th 1031 inches to height of room to allow ior cornice and variation, hclore calculating the number of square feet reqtnrml tor this (imign. Page 132 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. Modern DESIGN No. 1902. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1602, Mold 1662, Filler 1640, Cornice 1646. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $ 9.74 per 100 Square Feet. ‘6 6‘ 6‘ 6‘ (‘ 18 x 25 H 10.28 0‘ ‘5 H ‘6 (‘ ‘6 3‘ £6 “ 12 X 15 ‘6 11-06 6‘ £‘ (K H _ Cornice drops _on wall 6 inches. add 1 ft. ‘4 inche: to length and width OI room to a110w tor cornice and variation. hetore calculating the number of square feet required for this design. Page 133 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S.A. l : Modern DESIGN No. 1905-B. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1605, Mold 1662, Filler 1619, Cornice 1644. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $ 9.94 per 100 Square Feet. 4‘ u u u u 18 X 25 a 10.48 H u H u u H u u H 12 x 15 ‘3 11.26 .s u u u Cornice drops on wall 91.9 inches. add 1 ft. 11 inches to length and width of room to allow for COI‘IHCC and varlatxon, hetore calculating the number 0t square feet rcqnn'ed for this (lCSlgn. Page 134 THE EDWARDS _1_~1_1=G. co. cnicmnzm, OHIO, g. s. A. —( l 1"!“kk. [3* . :Tx 4—— Modern ( I x ‘ 34 ray/v" DESIGN No. 1907-A. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1607, Filler with Mold 1631, Cornice 1646. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, 5 9.94 per 100 Square Feet. 6‘ fi‘ H N ‘( 18 x 25 ‘£ 10.48 6‘ ‘K “ “ (K H 5‘ H K‘ 12 x 15 H 11.26 (K H 6‘ (6 ‘ Cornice drops _on wall 6 inches. add 1 ft. 4 inches to length and width or room to allow tor cornice and variation. before calculating the number of square feet required tor this design. Page 133 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO. U. S. A. I -— _= Modern DESIGN No. 2215. Composed of Ceiling Plates 2315, Filler 1883, Cornice 1812. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $10.83 per 100 Square Feet. (i (6 K‘ “ K‘ 18 x 25 ‘( 11.09 6‘ s‘ “ ‘( 6‘ O‘ O‘ (S 6‘ 12 x 15 (( 12.05 H 6‘ “ (‘ Cornice drops on wall 8 inches, add 1 ft. 8 inches to length and width of room to allow for cornice and variation. before calculating the number of square feet required for this design. Page 136 DESIGN No. 2395. Filler 1883, Cornice 1845. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $10.49 per 100 Square Feet. (K “ 5‘ (‘ 6‘ 18 X 25 6‘ 10.79 8‘ (‘ “ ‘( (( “ L‘ “ “ 12 x 15 6‘ 11.26 6‘ (f “ ‘( Composed of Ceiling Plates 2315, Cornice drops on wall 4 inches, add_ 1 foot 0 inches to length and width of room to allow for cornice and variation, betore calculating the number of square feet required for this design. Page 137 THE EDWARDS 35m. (:0. CINQNNATI, OHIO, U. 3.1}: .— Modern "gm; ~ v A. I?" m If; g 33 u ,yb14fy’3. ’ .MMMflWMMWWfl ,. DESIGN No. 2392. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1717, Filler 1883, Cornice 1812. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet. $11.64 per 100 Square Feet. ‘6 5‘ (t ‘K C‘ 18 X 25 6‘ 11.94 H |( ‘6 (‘ 6‘ fi‘ Q‘ “ 6‘ 12 x 15 “ 12.39 u I‘ ‘5 K‘ Cornice drops on wall 8 inches, add 1 foot 8 inches to length and width or room to allow tor cornice and variation, betore calculating the number 0t square Ieet reqmred tor this design. Page 138 DESIGN No. 2218. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1885, Filler 1883, Cornice 1845. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet, $ 9.51 per 100 Square Feet. u u 6‘ u M 18 X 25 ‘6 53 6‘ u H u H H 6‘ ‘( ‘6 12 x 15 $‘ 10.41 ‘( 5‘ K‘ ‘6 Cornice drops _on wall 4 inches. add 1 ft._0 inches to length and width of room to allow tor cornice and variat1on. betore calculating the number of square feet required for this deSIgn. Page 139 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S.A. "1% Modern WWW/“WOWMWWW Wowmx'tm 1mwawawqmmmmwmlwmm-m’awa .19."in XML... ax‘.1«.\.._..qw, “552M KLM—u3-QWMAM M ”3*‘hgkb.hfl Sim-Ln .. .. - 176M . . ‘W ”‘..;an.... . 1.. a . \ >5 ‘ (a a 5‘ ., .. ’ ‘5 . '1 ~ .1. ‘1... 5—.-z" :2 a g . Mgr KMM “MMflmxv In .— MM KW» MAM 1 f l ‘3 3 E 'Q MMMMW—MWMMMMM—w 450:» KL—MWW-MWMM WAM‘W‘MW 3W4- W&~%%—%~%%&Nmfi%»h%—hf~k% J 3 3 T : ‘17 {:‘h’n" .3 ’i f 3 pL—hmMWAM .‘mL—hwgsz———Aa&w 3431‘ x u ‘ ‘ 1» x \ ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ V kgimsvlwgi—mv‘ “\fi‘hxfkgaxr ‘NL...’_ “to,“ k% 0") :3 l «:M» luv—mm}. WA» 3&1—«M M3“)? Wye-{xx . Wm13111rmowwmmmrwoffiifiii'mrm‘wwmmmmmmmf ._ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ i (l ‘ x ‘ ' &\.\t ML...— «M WM- Mkblaxixx \MX—MMM RM—JQSM K'MpEMM J j 1%.}... “MN—“M N—S-AM I‘M—«Jam» EMM—J-MM W—AM $34.... M KWN—MKMKL—Mm kaL—M‘QW ix. My. KMMWN—HMMW—WV‘MMMMWMM ,3 1 fflkaL-m hm» Rig—«uwM \Wk—MVKLM‘WYKl—WMKMV \. . f E; \L——-4’\'~r WWMWAW. E‘Lfikww—MWKM MM ‘ .‘2 DESIGN No. 1990. Composed of Ceiling Plates 1690. Cornice 1648. List Price based on Room 20 x 60 feet $ 921 per 100 Square Feet “ 18 x 25 “ 9.44 “ “ ‘t ‘5 I‘ K‘ t‘ 12 x 15 4‘ 10.08 ‘5 It ‘b ‘6 Cornice drops 011 wall 4 i11clus.z1(ll l 1'1» 0 inches to length and width of room to allow 101 corniu and \11r1'211io11. lwlorc cz1lc11l:11111g the number of square tool rmmrul tor tl11< (le.: 3-: ~-. THE EDWARDS GUARANTEE The Edwards Manufacturing Company guarantee every article in this catalog to be exactly as described and represented. This guarantee fully covers every claim we make in this catalog for Edwards Metal Ceilings and Side Walls. Should any part or parts prove defective because of faulty material or workmanship, the Edwards Manu— facturing Company agree to replace such part or parts, when delivered to factory, FREE of expense to the customer. THIS GUARANTEE IS IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT WITHOUT REGARD TO DATE OF PURCHASE. The Edwards Manufacturing Company President 1-0-0-”-0-0-“-0-“-U-ll-u-l)-U-Il-U-(l-1)-ll-lY-(!-’-U-U-U-l... 7- 0:0).0-u)---a:“wan“.‘Ca-vu-v-n‘-‘s-vno-v-'6-v-v-UuI1-11-.*Gisvuu-v.n-v.o<‘.’ Page 1w THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNéTI. OHIO. U. S. A. . ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONS Ceilings of all rooms, except where otherwise specified, to be of Edwards .................. Design ......... Style Number Composed of ............................. applied to 7 8" x 1%," furring strips, spaced as per manufacturer’s directions, using 10d nails to apply main furring, and 8d nails to apply cross furring. Entire ceiling to be leveled before metal is applied. Strips to be centered in all ceilings so as to equalize the filler on sides and ends. Strips to be well seasoned, and free from soft rot, large knots, etc. All electric wiring and piping to be placed in loom or conduit, and to be inspected and approved before metal ceilings are applied. Erectors shall use special 1” steel nails as supplied by manufacturer, in applying metal ceilings, and wood brackets at the intersection of all cornice and mold connections on designs that require them. Ceiling plates to have re-pressed beads and die-cut nail holes, and nailed securely to strips wherever punched hole occurs. Stamped miters and ells shall be furnished for cornices and moldings for all 90° angles, according to designs selected. After ceilings have been applied, same are to be properly caulked, closing up all seams in the most approved manner. Page 167 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. II. 8:13 Directions for Applying Metal Ceilings and Side Walls N all jobs where it is necessary, we furnish a drawing showing the ar- rangement of metal. also a packing slip which contains an itemized list of all material, together with catalogue number and size of each piece; the Bill of Lading shows in how many crates or boxes the material was shipped. Therefore, the first thing to do upon receipt of ceiling material is to see that you have the proper number of crates and boxes. The contents of each crate should be inspected and counted, and with our catalogue and drawing to guide you, check off the items 011 packing slip. All ceiling shipments are CHECKED and COUNTED TWICE before leav- ing our factory, but should any mistake or shortage exist in the original con- signment, we will, upon being notified, make correction; provided, however. that notice is given BEFORE you start to erectceiling. The next step will be to thoroughly examine and make yourself familiar with the arrangement of the ceiling, as shown on drawing. This drawing is usually drawn to a one- quarter-inch scale; that is, every quarter-inch on the drawing represents a foot of the actual size of the room. This drawing is always made strictly in accordance with the measurements and information furnished us; therefore, should there be a mistake of any kind in this drawing, we should be notified before you start to erect ceiling. The goods shipped will cover the space shown on the drawing, but no more. If any waste is caused by mis-cutting, or if the measurements you furnished were not correct and more material is needed. we will only charge for same at pro rata, express or freight charges added. Always begin to lay oilF ceiling at center line and work each way to walls. Strike chalk lines the length of the room at distances shown by lines on work- ing plan which indicate the centers of lapping beads on the plates and mold- ings. On these lines nail 7331114 inch furring strips. Cut cross strips to fit between these strips and place them as shown by lines on working plan. Nail strips in angle of ceiling and wall at a distance from wall equal to the pro- jection of the cornice to receive the cornice brackets. Strips should be brought to a level by driving wedges between the strips and old ceiling or joists. or the ceiling will present an uneven appearance when finished. The field should be applied first. then the Cornice. Mold. and last. the Filler. The Filler is always sent 1 or 2 inches wider than the dimensions of the room call for to provide for any unevenness in the walls. Place the head on the filler so as to cover the flange on the cornice and slip the other side of filler .nder the head on the mold. then nail the mold tight. Use a sharp punch for making nail holes where there are more than two thicknesses of metal. Close or s\‘ edge with a small. dull tool any joints which may not have lapped Iigllliy. Page 1'» THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO. U. S.A. 6 7 8 10 9 ll Furring Strips 78x1% inch Soft Wood, can be applied over Old Plaster, direct to Joist or \Vood Ceiling. 1 Construction of False Beam. 7 Furring Strips at bottom of Cornice or Cove. 2 Brace Form. 8 Cove. 3-4-5 Furring Strips For Ceiling. 9 Side Wall. 6 Cornice Bracket. 10 Construction of False Beam. 11 Small Cornice at the top of large Cove. Directions for Measuring First. take the actual dimensions of the room in feet and inches, then add to each dimension twice the depth of the Cornice to be used. Add to this 4 inches for variation. For example. take a room the measurements of which are 15 feet 0 inches by 39 feet 0 inches. If vour cornice extends down on the wall 12 inches. add 24 inches to each dimension, and then add 4 inches for variation to each dimension, which is tabulated as follows: Size of room ...................... 15 ft. 0 in. x 39 ft. 0 in. Cornice .......................... 2 ” 0 ” x 2 ” 0 ” For variation ...................... 0 ” 4 ” x 0 ” 4 ” Total ........................ 17 ft. 4 in. x 41 ft. 4» in. We now have the dimensions. 17 ft. 4 in. x 41 ft. -1~ in.: multiplied. Gives the actual number of square feet of metal in the entire ceiling. cornice, etc., namely. 716 square feet. Do not deduct for openings in the ceiling. such as stairways. skylights. elevator openings. etc.. unless they exceed 100 square feet each. The deeper the cornice. the greater the cost of the material. The selection of it. depth should be governed by the height of ceiling. For a room 12 ft. high the d ,pth of plate must he considered in making a selection of designs. After the selection has been made and the price agreed upon. multiply the cost of the metal by the smlare feet in the ceiling. To this must be added the cost of labor for erecting. Page 159 EDWARDS fiFG. CO. CINLCIN NATL OHIO, U. 3.]; Profiles of Molds — Nosings — Rails 1830 1:: 1829 {7 1828 \/ 1827 V 1826 \/ 1662 V 1678 Ky} 41 1839 ._————-. 2307 V 877,; - 1759 V 1653 \J-—-\/ ‘* l2“ Page 171 THE EDWARDS MFG. CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO, U. S.A,. a: Table of Contents Page No. Applying, Directions for ................................................................................................... 168 Architectural Classification. Ceilings and Walls __________________________________ , ______________ 74 to 162 French Renaissance ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 74 to 93 Gothic ............................................................................................................................. 107 to 113 Rococo ........................................................................................................................ 114 to 121 Colonial ________________________ ...................................... , ......................................................... 94 to 106 Greek ....................................... .................... . ............................................................... 128 to 132 Modern ............................ . ................... .. ...................................................................... 133 to 148 Italian Renaissance ................ ................... .. ........................................................... 149 to 151 Art Nouveau .................................................................................................................... 162 Romanesque .................................................................................................................... 122 to 127 Stucco-Steel ........................ ....................................................... . .............................. 152 to 161 Architectural Specifications ................................................................................................ 167 Blocks ....................... .................... .................................................................................. 61 to 65 Ceiling Plates ....................................... .. ............................................................................. 7 to 33 Centers ........................ ............................................................................... 30 to 33 Code, Order ................ .. ...................... ............................................................................ 173 to 176 Code, Telegraph ........................... .. .................................................................................. 173 to 176 Cornice Blocks ....................................................................................................................... 61 to 65 Cornices ................................................................................................................................. 51 to 57 Crosses .................................................................................................................................... 59 to 60 Die-cut Nail Holes ........................ ....................... — ----------------------------------------------------- 4 Directions for Applying ............................................................... .................................. 168 Directions for Measuring .................................................................................................... 169 Ells ................ ................................................. , .................................................................... 59 to 60 Emblem Plates ........................................ .......................................................................... 22 and 28 Erection Details ................................................................................................................. 169 Fillers .................... ..................................................................................................... 35 to 44 Friezes ..................................................................................................................................... 35 to 44 Grate Fronts .................... .. ..................................................................................... , .............. 58 Guarantee ............................ . ................... ........................................................................... 166 Index, Numerical ............................................................................................................... 173 to 176 Instructions for Measuring ...................... ................................................................ 169 Insulated Ceiling ............................ ,7 .................................................................................... 5 Molds ................................................ .................................................................................... 45 to 48 Nosings .................................................................................................................................... 49 Plates, Ceiling ....................................................................................................................... 7 to 33 Plates, Ceiling and Side Wall .................................. ........................ 66 to 72 Profiles, Cornices ........................ .. ...................... ............................................................ 171 Profiles, Molds—Rails—Nosings ................ .................. ................................... 170 Rails ........................ ............................................................................................................ 49 to 50 Repressed Beads .................... ........ , ......................................................................... 4 Side Wall Plates ........................................ .............................................................. 66 to 72 Specifications, Architectural ........................ , ........ ,. .............................................. 167 ~es .................... ........ 7, ..... , ............................................................................................... 59 to 60 Telegraph Code .................... ....... _ .......... .............................................................. 173 to 176 Ventilators ..................... w 77777777777777777777777777777777777777 7 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 32 to 34 Wainscot Designs .................... 7 N ........ ........................................................... 163 to 165 Wainscot Plates ............. 7777777 . 7 ....... N ............................................................... 67 to 70 Wainscot Rails _ .7 ....... 7 ....................................... 49 to 50 Page 172 Codes Used ~ ~ (‘a‘ble Address: A. B_ C_ 5th Edition N IIMERICAL INDEX AND TELEGRAPH CODE “EDMANCO” Western Union Series No. l 76 Number DESCRIPTION Size lnches Page CODE Number DESCRIPTION Size Inches Page CODE 1601 Plate ........... 24x24 ....... 7 Abacus 1651-B Block (Outer).. 4 %x5 ...... 61 Amongst 1601 Plate ........... 7 Abandon 1652 49 Amount 1602 Plate ........... 7 Abase 1653 46 Anchor 1602 Plate ........... 7 Abbess 1654 59 Ancient 1603 Plate ........... 7 Abbot 1655 59 Anger 1603 Plate ........... 7 Abdicate 1656 59 Angle 1604 Plate ........... 7 Abdomen 1657 47 Anne 1604 Plate ........... 7 Abduct 1658 60 Annoy 1605 Plate ........... 7 Abet 1659 60 Annual 1605 Plate .......... . 7 Abhor 1660 60 Anoint 1606 Plate ........... 7 Abide 1661 47 Antic 1606 Plate ........... 7 Abject 1662 45 Antique 1607 Plate ........... 8 Ablaze 1663 51 Anvil 1607 Plate ........... 8 Able 1664 36 Anxious 1608 Plate ........... 8 Aboard 1665 l 1 Apart 1608 Plate ........... 8 Abode 1 665 1 1 Appeal 1609 Plate ........... 8 Abolish 1 666 l 1 Appease 1609 Plate ........... 8 Abortion 1666 11 Append 1610 Plate ...... . . 8 Abound 1667 69 Applaud 1610 Plate ........... 8 About 1668 1 1 Apple 1611 Plate ........... 8 Above 1668 11 Appoint 1611 Plate ........... 8 Abreast 1669 Center .......... 48x48 ....... 32 Appraise 1612 Plate ,,,,,,,,,,, 24x48 ....... 66 Abridge 1670 Side Wall. . . . . . . . 24x48 ....... 67 Approach 1612 66 Abrupt 1670 Side Wall. . . . . . . . 24x72 ....... 67 Approve 1613 9 Abscess 1670 Side Wall. . . . . . . 24x 96 ....... 67 Apricot 1613 9 Abscind 1671 Cornice ......... 11 1/2x13x48 . 55 Apron 1614 35 Absolve 1671-A Block (Inner). 11 /2x13 ..... 63 Arbiter 1614 35 Absorb 1671—3 Block (Ou ter).. 63 Archer 1614 35 Absolute 1672 Cornice ......... 53 Archives 1615 8 Abstain 1672-A Block (Inner) . . . . 61 Archway 1615 8 Abstract 1672-3 Block (Outer) . . . . 61 Artic 1616 9 Absurd 1673 Plate ........... ll Ardent 1 616 9 Abuse 1 673 Plate ........... l 1 Arduous 1617 10 Aciform 1674 Mold ........... 46 Argue 1617 10 Aclinic 1675 Ell ............. 59 Arido 1618 9 Acredit 1676 Tee ............. 6x 6 ....... 59 Ark 1619 35 Account 1677 Cross ........... 6x 6 ....... 59 Army 1619 35 Accretive 1678 Mold ........... 3 )éx48 ..... 45 Aroma 1619 35 che 1679 Ell ............. 3 sz 3 )2. . 59 Arrange 1620 9 Achieve 1680 Tee ............. 3 1/2x 3 162. . 59 Array 1621 9 cid 1681 Cross ........... 3 sz 3 } 2 59 Arrest 1622 9 Acme 1682 Rail ............ 5x48 ....... 49 Arrive 1623 66 Acorn 1683 Side Wall ........ 24x48 ....... 68 Arson 1623 Plate ........... 24x96 ....... 66 Acquaint 1683 Side Wall... 24x72 ....... 68 Artery 1624 Center .......... 24x24 ....... 10 Acquire 1683 Side Wall... . 24x96 ....... 68 Artist 1624-C Center ................. 30 Acquit 1684 Side Wall Plate. . . 24x24 ....... 18 Ascend 1625 Border Plate ..... 24x24 ....... 10 Acre 1684-A Side Wall ........ 24x48 ....... 71 Ascribe 1625 Border Plate ..... 24x48 ....... 10 Across 1684—A Side Wall. . . . . . . . 24x72 ....... 71 Aseptic 1626 Outside Corner 1684-A Side Wall. . . . . . . . 24x96 ....... 71 Asexual late ......... 24x24 ....... 10 Action 1685 rieze ........... 24x48 ....... 36 Ashore 1627 Inside Corner 1686 Inside Corner Plate ......... 24x24 ....... 10 Active Plate ......... 24x24 ....... 11 Asleen 1627-C Center .......... 48x48 ....... 32 Acrid 1687 Ouside Corner 1628 Wainscot ........ 24x36 ....... 68 Actual Plate ......... 24x24 ....... 12 Aspect 1628 Wainscot ........ 24x48 ....... 68 Acute 1688 Plate ........... 24x24 ....... 12 Aspire 1629 Rail ............ 4x48 ....... 50 Adapt 1688 Plate ........... 24x48 ....... 12 Assail l 630 Frieze ........... 27 lAx48 ..... 35 Address 1689 Filler ........... 12x48 ....... 37 Assault 1631 Filler ........... 12x48 ....... 36 Adjacent 1689 Filler ........... 37 Assent 1631 Filler ,,,,,,,,,,, 36 Adieu 1689 Filler. . . . 37 Assign 1631 Filler . 36 Adjourn 1690 Plate ........... 66 Assume 1632 Ell ............. 59 Admire 1690 Plate ........... 66 Astound 1633 Tee ............. 59 Adopt 1691 Plate ........... 66 Astridge 1634 Cross 59 Adore 1691 Plate ........... 66 Asylum 1635 Side Wall Plate. . . 24x24 ....... 23 Adrift 1692 Plate ........... 12 Ate 1635 Side Wall Plate. . . 24x48 ....... 23 Adult 1692 Plate ........... 12 Athirst 1636 Outside Corner 1693 Plate ........... 24x24. ...... 12 Attach late ......... 27 1/2x27lé 10 Aerie] 1693 Plate ........... 24x48 ....... 12 Attempt 1 637 Plate ........... 24x24 ....... 1 1 Afar 1 694 Filler ........... 1 2x48 ....... 37 Attend 1637 Plate ........... 24x48 ....... 1 1 Affair 1 694 Filler ........... 18x48 . ..... 37 Attest 1638 Side Wall ........ 24x48 ....... 69 Affirm 1694 Filler ........... 24x48 ....... 37 Attact 1638 Side Wall. . . . . . . . 24x72 ....... 69 Afflict 1695 Cornice ......... 12x18x48. 57 Auburn 1638 Side Wall ........ 24x96 ....... 69 Afford 1695-A Block (Inner) . . . . xlB 65 Aught 1639 Wainscot ........ 24x33 ....... 69 Afiront 1695-B Block (Outer) . . . . 65 August 1640 Filler ........... 12x48 ....... 40 Aghast 1696 Mol ........... 46 Audit 1640 Filler ........... 18x48 ....... 40 Ailment 1697 Ell ............. 59 Auger 1640 Filler ........... 24x48 ....... 40 Airy 1698 Tee ............. 59 Aunt 1642 Side Wall ........ 24x48 ....... 67 Alarm 1699 Cross ........... 59 Aurora 1642 Side Wall ........ 24x72 ....... 67 Alas 1700 Mold ........... 46 Baboon 1642 Side Wall. . . . . . . . 24x96 ....... 67 Album 1701 Ell ............. 59 Back 1 643 Cornice ......... 9x1 2x48 55 Alert 1 702 Tee ............. 59 Bacon 1643-A Block (Inner) . . . . 12 62 Alias . 1703 Cross ........... 59 Bad 1643-3 Block (Outer). . . . 62 Alibi ‘ 1704 Cornice ......... 51 Badge 1644 Cornice ......... 54 Alike l 1705 Triangular Plate.. 7 7 13 Bag 1644-A Block (Inner) . . . . 61 Allege 1706 late ........... 24x48 ....... 13 Bake 1644-8 Block (Outer) . . . . 61 Alliance 1708 Plate ........... 24x24 ....... 12 Ball 1 646 Cornice ......... 52 Almost 1 709 Plate ........... 24x24 ....... 1 2 Bank 1646-A Block (Inner) . . . . 61 Alone 1710 Plate ........... 12x24 ....... 13 Banner 1646-8 Block (Outer). . . . 61 Aloud 1711 Plate ........... 12x12 ....... 13 Bare‘ 1647 Cornice ......... 53 Alpine 1712 Ell ............. 6x 6 ....... 60 Ba .n 1647-A Block (Inner) . . . . 61 Amaze 1713 Tee ............. 6x 6 ....... 60 F m 1647-B Block (Outer) . . . . 61 Amber 1714 Cross ........... 6x 6 ....... 60 basin 1648 Cornice ......... 51 Ambush 1715 Border Plate. . . . . 18x48 ....... 37 Bass 1648-A Block (Inner), _ , . 61 Ameer 1716 osing .......... 2x 2x48 49 Batter 1648-3 Block (Outer) . . . . 61 Amelia 1717 Plate ........... 4x24 ....... 14 Bawl 1 649 Cornice ......... 51 Amend l 71 7 Plate ........... 24x48 ....... 14 Bay 1649-A Block (Inner) . . . . 61 Amiable 1718 Cornice ......... 1511161148 57 Beast 1649-3 Block (Outer). . . . 61 mid 1718-A Block (Inner). . . . 16 64 Beat 1650 Nosing .......... 49 Amiss 1718-3 Block (Outer) . . . . 64 Bean 1651 Cornice ......... 51 Amity 1719 Plate ........... 14 Beaver 1651-A Block (Inner). . . . 61 Among 1719 Plate ........... l4 ecome Page 173 Codes Used A. B. 0. 5th Edition NUMERICAL INDEX AND TELEGRAPH CODE Cable Address: Western Union Series No. l 76 EDMA) CO Number DESCRIPTION Size Inches Page CODE Number DESCRIPTION Size Inches Page CODE 1 720 Plate ........... 24x24 ....... 1 4 Beech 1 779—A Block (Inner) . . 5x 4 ....... 61 Bridegroom 1 720 Plate ........... 1 4 Befit 1 779-3 Block (Outer) . . . . 5x 4 ....... 61 Bridesmaid 1721 . . 14 Belfry 1780 Cornice ......... 18x18x48. . . . 57 Bridge 1721 Plate ........... 14 Below 1780-A Block (Inner). . . . 18x18 ....... 65 Brief 1722 Plate ........... 14 Bench 1780-3 Block (Outer). . . . 18x18 ....... 65 Bright 1 722 Plate ........... 14 Bend 1 781 Cornice ......... 1 2x13 %x48 . . 56 Brink 1723 Plate ........... 14 Benefit 1781-A Block (Inner). . . . 12x13% ..... 64 Brittle 1724 Plate ........... 15 Benign 1781-13 Block (Outer). . . . 12x13 V2 ..... 64 Broad 1 725 Plate ........... 1 5 Bequest 1 782 Center .......... 48x48 ....... 31 Broil 1 727 Filler ........... 38 etween 1 783 Center .......... 48x48 ....... 31 Broken 1 727 Filler ........... 38 Betwixt 1 784 Filler ........... 24x48 ....... 40 Bromate 1727 Filler ........... 38 Betty 1785 Frieze ........... Height 52 /2 44 Brook 1728 Plate ........... l5 Beverage 1786 Zinc Ventilating 1728 Plate ........... 15 ever y Center ........ Diameter 40 34 Brush 1 729 Plate ........... l5 eware 1 786 Zinc Ventilating 1729 Plate ........... 15 Bewitch Center ........ Diameter 36 34 Brusq ue 1730 Plate ........... 15 inder 1786 Zinc Ventilating 1731 Plate ........... 15 i Center ........ Diameter 24 34 Brutal 1732 Plate ........... 16 Biscuit 1788 Zinc Ventilating l 733 Triangular Plate. . 1 6 lame Center ........ 24x24 ....... 33 Bubble 1 734 Triangular Plate. . 1 3 Blank 1789 Tile ............. 24x48 ....... 44 Bucket 1 735 Plate ........... 1 6 Blast 1790 Base ............ 9x48 ....... 50 Budge 1735 Plate ........... 16 Blaze 1791 Rail ............ 4 %x48 ..... 50 Buggy 1736 Plate ........... 16 Bleach 1792 Cornice ......... 8x10x48 54 Build 1736 Plate ........... 16 leed 1792-A Block (Inner).. 8x10 ....... 63 Bulb 1 737 Plate ........... 1 6 Blended 1 792-3 Block (Outer). 8x10 ....... 63 Bullet 1737 Plate ........... 16 ess 1793 Mold 47 Bullock 1738 Plate ........... 16 Blight 1794 60 Bumper 1738 Plate ........... 16 lind 1795 60 Bunch l 739 Plate ........... l 7 Blissful 1 796 60 Bungle 1739 Plate ........... l7 lister 1797 66 Burden 1 740 Plate ........... 1 7 Blizzard 1 797 Plate ........... 24x96 ....... 66 Burglar 1740 Plate ........... l7 Bloat 1798 Miter Box ....... ' 6x ....... 48 Burn 1 741 Border Plate ..... 24x48 ,,,,,,, 38 Blended 1 799 Plate ........... 24x48 ....... 20 Bus 1742 nside Corner 1800 Plate ........... 24x24 ....... 19 Cab late ......... 24x24 ....... 17 Bloddy 1800 Plate ........... 24x48 ....... 19 Cabin 1 743 Outside Corner 1 801 Inside Corner a te ......... 24x24 ....... 1 7 B lo t Plate ......... 24x24 ....... 1 9 Cadet 1 744 Inside Corner 1802 Outside Corner at e ......... 24x24 ....... 1 7 B low Plate ......... 24x24 ....... 1 9 Cage 1 745 Border Plate ..... 24x48 ....... 38 Blunt 1803 Border Plate ..... 24x24 ....... 19 Calico 1 746 nside Corner 1804 Inside Corner 1 7 Blur ate ......... 24x24 ....... 19 Camel 1 74 7 48 Bora l 805 Border Plate ..... 24x24 ....... 1 9 Camera ‘ l 748 60 Boarder 1805 Border Plate ..... 24x48 ....... 19 Camphor 1 749 60 Boast 1806 Cornice with Filler 1750 60 Boastful Attached 4' 6x 6x48 . . . . 52 Canopy 1751 46 Boatman 1806 Cornice with Fillei’ 1752 60 Bob Attac 6x 6x48 . . . . 52 Canteen l 753 60 Bodice 1 806 Cornice with Fillei‘ 1 754 60 Body Attached 6x 6x48 52 Canvas 1 755 47 Bold 1 806-A Block (Inner).. 6x 6 ....... 63 Caption 1 756 59 Bomb 1 806-3 Block (Outer) . . . . 6x 6 ....... 63 Carbon 1 757 59 Bond 1 807 iller ........... 1 2x48 ....... 40 Carcass l 758 59 Bonfire 1807 Filler ........... 18x48 ....... 40 Cardia I 759 46 Bonus 1807 Filler ........... 24x48 ....... 40 Cargo 1 760 59 Booby 1 807 Filler ........... 30x48 ....... 40 Carpet 1 761 59 Book 1808 Cornice ......... 61: 6x48 52 Cartoon 1762 59 Booth 1808-A Block (Inner) . . 1 . 6x 6 ....... 62 Cartridge l 763 39 Boodle 1808-3 Block (Outer) . . . . 6x 6 ....... 62 Carve 1 763 39 Boom 1809 Center .......... 8x48 ....... 31 Cashier 1763 Filler ........... 24x48 ....... 39 Boreas 1810 Center .......... 36x36 ....... 30 Casket 1764 Inside Corner 1812 Cornice ......... 8x 8x48 53 Cater Plate ......... 24x24 ....... 18 Borrow 1812-A Block (Inner) . . . . 8x 8 ....... 62 Cattle 1765 Filler ........... 12x48 ....... 39 Botany 1812-3 Block (Outer) . . . . 8x 8 ....... 62 Cause 1 765 Filler ........... 1 8x48 ,,,,,,, 39 Bother 1813 Plate ........... 24x24 ....... 20 Dabble 1 765 Filler ........... 24x48 ....... 39 Bottle 1813 Plate ........... 24x48 ....... 20 a o 1766 Filler ........... 12x48 ....... 39 Bough 1814 Plate ........... 24x24 ....... 20 Daft 1 766 Filler ........... 18x48 ....... 39 Boulder 1814 Plate ........... 24x48 ....... 20 Da ger 1 766 Filler ........... 24x48 ....... 39 Bounce 181 5 Plate ........... 24x24 ....... 20 Da lia 1766-A Inside Corner 1815 Plate ........... 24x48 ....... 20 Daily late ......... 8x 8 ....... 18 Bosom 1816 Plate ........... 20 Dainty l766-A Inside Corner 1816 Plate ........... 20 Dairy ate ......... 24x24 ....... 18 Bout 1817 Plate ........... 21 Daisy 1 767 Wainscot ........ 67 Bowels 181 7 Plate ........... 21 Dale 1767 Wainscot. 67 oxer 1818 Border Plate with 1768 Wainscot ........ 67 Boycott Mold ......... 24x48 ....... 41 Dally 1768 ainscot ........ 24x48 ....... 67 Brace 1819 Inside Corner 1769 Side Wall Plate, ate ......... 24x24 ....... 21 Damage Middl ........ 24x24 ....... 18 Bracket 1820 Border Plate ..... 18x48 ....... 41 Damp 1769 Side Wall Plate. 1821 Inside Corner Middl ........ 24x48 ....... 18 Bract late ......... 18x18 ....... 21 Dampen 1770 Side Wall Plate, 1822 Mol ........... 6x48 ....... 47 Damper Top .......... 24x24 ....... 18 Brag 1823 Ell ............. 6x 6 ....... 59 Damsel 1771 Side Wall Plate, 1824 Tee ............. 6x 6 ....... 59 Damson Bottom ....... 24x24 ....... 18 Braid 1825 Cross ........... 6x 6 ....... 59 Dance 1772 Rail ............ 4 }/2x48 ..... 49 Brake 1826 Mol ........... 2 16x48 ..... 45 Dandle 1773 End Piece ....... 4 £12le ..... 50 Brandy 1827 Mold ........... x48 ....... 45 Dandruff 1 774 Lind Piece ....... 4 )éxl 2 ..... 50 B rass 1828 Mold ........... 1 1. §x48 ..... 45 Dandy 1775 Mold Spacer ..... 12x12 ....... 60 Bravery 1829 Mold ........... 1x48 ....... 45 Dane 1776 Side Wall. . . . . . 24x48 ....... 72 Brawl 1830 Mold ........... %x48 ..... 45 Danger 1776 Side Wall. . . . . . . . 24x72 ....... 72 Breach 1831 Side Wall. . . . . . . . 24x48 ....... 68 Dangle 1776 Side Wall. . . . . . . _ 24x96 ....... 72 Bread 1831 Side Wall ........ 24x72 ....... 68 Darbies 1777 Side Wall. . . . . . . _ 24x48 ....... 69 Breeze 1831 Side Wall ........ 24x96 ....... 68 Danish 1777 Side Wall. . . . . . . . 24x72 ....... 69 Brevet 1832 Outside Corner 1777 Side Wall. . . . . . . 24x96 ....... 69 Briar Plate ......... 24x24 ....... 21 Dank 1778 Cornice ......... 511 4x48 52 Bribe 1833 Center .......... 48x48 ....... 31 Dapple l778-A Block (Inner).. 5x 4 ....... 61 Bribery 1834 Center .......... 48x48 ....... 31 Dare 1778-3 Block (Outer).. x4 ....... 61 Brick 1835 Mold ........... 8x48 ....... 48 Dark 1779 Cornice ......... 51: 4x48. . . . 52 Bridal 1836 Ell ............. 8x18 ....... 60 Darling Page 174 Codes Used A. B. 0. 5th Edition Western Union NUMERICAL INDEX AND TELEGRAPH CODE Series No. I 76 Cable Address: “EDDIANCO” Number DESCRIPTION Size Inches Page CODE Number DESCRIPTION Size Inches Page CODE 1837 60 Darn 1898 Inside Corner 1838 60 Darnel ate ......... 24x24 . . . . 27 Delay 1839 45 Dart 1899 Filler ........... 18x48. . . . 42 Delicate 1840 59 Dash 1899 Filler ........... 24x48. . . . 42 Delight 1841 59 Dastard 1919 Inside Corner 1842 59 Date late ......... 6x 6. . ..... 21 Meed 1843 54 Datum 1919 Inside Corner 1843—A . . . . 62 Daub Plate ......... 24x24 . . . 21 Meld 1843-3 Block (Outer). . . . 62 Daughter 1940 Freize. .......... 24x48 ....... 44 Molar 1844 Cornice ......... 55 aunt 1941 Center .......... Diameter 21 33 Molest 1844-A Block (Inner) . . . . 10 12 63 Dauphin 1945 Side Wall ..... . . . 24x48. . . . 71 con 1844-3 Block (Outer). . . . 63 Davit 1945 Side Wall ........ 24x72 ....... 71 Moonstone 1845 Cornice ......... 51 Dawdle 1945 Side Wall. . . . . . . . 24x96 ....... 71 Moonstruck 1845-A Block (Inner). . . . 61 Dawn 1946 Zinc Ventilating 1845-3 Block (Outer). . . . 61 ay enter ........ 30x30 ....... 33 Moor 1846 Side Wall. . . . 72 Daylight 1947 Wainscot ........ 24x36 ....... 70 Mouse 1846 Side Wall. . 72 aze 1948 Zinc Center ...... 12x12 ....... 33 Mortal 1846 Side Wall. . . . . . . . 72 Dazzle 1949 End Piece ....... 4x12 ....... 50 Moose 1847 Wainscot ........ 68 Deacon 1950 End Piece ....... x12 ....... 50 Mop 1847 Wainscot ........ 68 Dead 1952 Cornice ......... 8 V2x1 1x48. 54 Mordant 1848 ail ............ 49 Deadly 1952-A Block (Inner) . . . . 8%x11 ..... 62 Mormon 1850 Emblem Plate. . . . 22 Deaf 1952-B Block (Outer) . . . . 8 %x11 ..... 62 Morphia 1851 Emblem Plate. . . . 22 Deal 1953 omice ......... 3 MM 4x48 . 51 More 1852 Emblem Plate. . . . 22 Dean l953-A Block (Inner) . . . . :3sz 4 ..... 62 Morello 1853 Emblem Plate. . . . 22 Dear 1953-3 Block (Outer). . . . :3sz 4 ..... 62 Moresque 1854 Emblem Plate. . . . 22 Dearth 1954 Cornice ......... 12x15x48. 56 Morgue 1855 Emblem Plate. . . . 22 Death 1954-A Block (Inner). . . . 12x15 ....... 65 Moraine 1856 Plate ........... 23 Debar 1954-3 Block (Outer) . . . . 12x15 ....... 65 Morbid 1856 Pla ........... 23 Debase 1956 omice ......... 10x 6x48 . 53 Morocco 1857 Side Wail ........ 23 Debate 1956—A Block (Inner) . . . . 10x 6 ....... 62 orose 1858 Side Wall Plate.. . 23 Debauch 1956—B Block (Outer). . . . 10x 6 ....... 62 Morrow 1858 Side Wall Plate.. . 23 Debit 1958 Filler ........... 24x48 ....... 43 Morsel 1859 Side Wall Plate” . 23 Debris 1959 Cornice ......... 6x10x48 . 54 Mosaic 1860 omice ......... 55 Debt 1960 nside Corner 1861 Cornice ......... 52 Debtor ate ......... 24x24 ....... 21 Mortar 1862 Cornice ......... 51 Debut 1961 Cornice ......... 6x 6x48 . 53 Mown 1863 Filler ........... 41 Debility 1961—A Block (Inner) . . . . 6x ....... 62 Mucilage 1863 Filler ........... 41 Debutant 1961—B Block (Outer). . . . 6x 6 ....... 62 Muck 1863 Filler ........... 41 Decade 1962 ornice ......... 6x 9x48. . 53 Muffin 1864 Mold ........... 48 Decamp 1962-A Block (Inner) . . . . 6x 9 ....... 62 Mufti 1865 Ell ............. 60 Decant 1962-3 Block (Outer). . . . 6x 9 ....... 62 Muggy 1866 Tee ............. 60 Decay 1971 Plate ........... 24x48 ....... 26 Motley 1867 Cross ........... 60 Deceit 2303 Mold ........... 6x48 ....... 47 Quack 1868 Ventilating Center 32 Decelerate 2304 Ell ............. 6x 6 ....... 59 Quad 1869 Plate ........... 23 Decent 2305 Tee ............. 6x 6 ....... 59 Quadrant 1869 Plate ........... 23 Decide 2306 Cross ........... 6x 6 ....... 59 Quadrate 1870 Plate ........... 24 Decimal 2307 Mold ........... 4x48 ....... 46 Quadrille 1871 Plate ........... 24 Decision 2308 Ell ............. 4x 4 ....... 59 Quadroon 1871 Plate ........... 24 Deck 2309 Tee ............. 4x 4 ....... 59 Quadruple 1872 Plate ........... 24 Deckle 2310 Cross ........... 4x 4 ....... 59 Qua 1873 Plate ........... 24 Declaim 2311 Center .......... 48x48 ....... 32 Quaff ire 1874 Plate ........... 24 Declare 2312 Center .......... 30x30 ....... 32 Qua-fin; 1875 Triangular Plate“ 24 Decline 2313 Side Wall ........ 24x24 ....... 70 Quail 1876 Mold ........... 48 Decode 2313 Side Wall ..... . . . 24x48 ....... 7o Quaint 1877 Border Plate. Left 25 Decorate 2314 Filler ........... 12x48 ....... 43 Quake 1878 Corner Plate ..... 25 ecoy 2314 Filler ........... 18x48 ....... 43 Quaker 1879 Border Plate, 2314 Filler ........... 24x48 ....... 43 Qualify Right ......... 25 Decree 2315 Plate ........... 24x24 ....... 28 Quality 1880 Corner Plate ..... 25 Dedicate 2315 Plate ........... 24x48 ....... 28 ualm 1882 Side Wall ........ 70 educe 2316 Nosing .......... 1 2Vxl %x48.. 49 Quadnary 1882 Side Wall ........ 70 Deduct 2319 Corner Plate ............ 28 Quantity 1882 Side Wall ....... 70 Deduction 2319 Corner Plate. . . . . 24x24 ....... 28 Quantity 1883 Filler ........... 42 Deductive 2320 Triangular Plate.. 24x24x24. . . . 28 Quarrel 1883 Filler ........... 42 Deem 2323 Triangular Plate.. 24x24x24. . . . 28 uarry 1883 Filler ........... 42 Deed 2328 Plate ........... 24x24 ....... 29 Quart 1884 Plate ........... 25 Deep 2328 Plate ........... 24X43 ....... 29 Quarter 1885 Plate ........... 28 Deface 2329 Plate ........... 24x24 ....... 29 Quarto 1885 Plate ........... 28 Defame 2329 Plate ........... 24x48 ....... 29 Quartz 1886 Inside Corner 2330 Plate ........... 24x24 ....... 29 Quash Plate ......... 26 Default 2331 Plate ........... 12x18 ....... 29 Quayer 1887 Outside Corner 2332 Plate. . . . . . . . . . . 18X18 ....... 29 uay Plate ......... 26 Defeat 2333 Plate ........... 18x24 ....... 29 Queen 1888 Plate ........... 26 Detection 2334 Plate ........... 18x18 ....... 30 Queer 1888 Plate ........... 26 Defend 2335 Plate ........... 18x24 ....... 30 Quell 1889 Plate ........... 26 Defense 2337 Rail ............ 5x48 ....... 50 Querist 1889 Plate ........... 26 efer 2357 Plate ........... 24x24 ....... 30 Quench 1890 Plate ........... 25 Deficit 2357 Plate ........... 24x48 ....... 30 Query 1890 Plate ........... 25 Defile 2360 Filler ........... 12x48 ....... 43 Quest 1891 Plate ........... 27 Define 2360 Filler ........... 18x48 ....... 43 Quive' 1891 Plate ........... 27 Definite 2360 Filler ........... 24x48 ....... 43 Quota 1892 Plate ........... 27 Deflate 2383 Inside Corner 1892 Plate ........... 27 Deflect: Plate ......... 8x 8 ....... 30 Quite 1893 Plate ........... 27 Deform 2383 Inside Corner 1893 Plate ........... 27 Defraud ate ......... 24x24 ....... 30 Quick 1894 Plate ........... 27 efray 2384 Emblem Plate. . . . 24x24 ....... 28 Question 1894 Plate ........... 24x4 ....... 27 Defunct I 2385 Center .......... 48x48 ....... 32 Quibble 1895 Cornice ......... 12x13x48 56 Defy ‘ 2494 Grate Front ..... All Sizes. . . . 58 Sable 1895-A Block (Inner). . . . 12x13 ....... 64 Degrade 2496 Grate Front ..... All Sizes. . . . 58 Saddle 1895-3 Block (Outer) . . . . 12x13 ....... 64 Degree 2497 Crate Front ..... All Sizes. . . . 58 Saffron 1896 Filler ........... 18x48 ....... 42 Deign 2498 Crate Front ..... All Sizes. . . . 58 Sage 1896 Filler ........... 24x48 ....... 42 Deity 967-A Zinc Center. . . . . . x6 ....... 33 Quiz 1897 Outside Corner 1 i 970-A Zinc Center ...... Diameter 14 33 Quilt ate ......... ; 24x24 ....... 27 } V Deject l See Next Page for Index of Complete Designs Page 175 Codes Used Cable Address: A. B. C. 5th Edition NUMERICAL INDEX AND TELEGRAPH CODE M V ’, Western Union Series No. 176 EDMARCO Number DESCRIPTION CLASS Page CODE Number DESCRIPTION CLASS Page CODE 1902 Ceiling Design. . . Modern ..... 133 Magnet 2119 Ceiling Design. . . French 1905-3 Ceiling Design . . . Modern ..... 134 Mallet Renaissance 74 Oboe 1907—A Ceiling Design . . . Modern ..... 135 Marble 2120 Ceiling Design . . . Frenc 1909 Ceiling Design. . . Rococo. . . . . . 114 Marine Renaissance 75 Obscent 1912 Ceiling Design. . . Romanesque. 122 Marry 2121 Ceiling Design. . . Frenc 1914 Ceiling Design. . . Romanesque. 123 Matter Renaissance 76 Obscure 1915-A Ceiling Design. . . ree ....... 128 Meager 2122 Ceiling Design. . . Frenc 1918 Ceiling Design. . . Romanesque. 124 Mediocre Renaissance 79 Obstacle 1921 Ceiling Design. . . Colonial. . . . . 95 Medulla 2123 Ceiling Design . . . Modern ..... 147 Obtuse 1923 Ceiling Design. . . Romanesque. 125 Militia 2128-A Ceiling Design. . . French 1924-1) Ceiling Design . . . Colonial ..... 96 Mineral Renaissance 80 Obviate 1933 Ceiling Design. . . Colonial ..... 97 Mistress 2129 Ceiling Design. . . French 1934 Ceiling Design. . . Colonial ..... 98 Mite Renaissance 83 Ocarina 1935 Side Wall ........ Gree ....... 132 Model 2136 Ceiling Design . . . French 1936 Ceiling Design. . . Colonial 99 Modern Renaissance 82 Octennial 1937 Ceiling Design . . . Romanesque. 126 Mohair 2138 Ceiling Design . . . French 1938 Side Wall ........ Romanesque. 127 Moist Renaissance 81 Octople 1965 Ceiling Design . . . Gothic ...... 112 Moral 2141 Ceiling Design . . . French 1966 Ceiling Design. . . Gothic ...... 107 Mortgage Renaissance 84 Odor 1968 Ceiling Design. . . Gothic ...... 108 Moth 2143 Ceiling Design. . . French 1973 Ceiling Design. . . Gothic ...... 109 Moulder Renaissance 85 Ogle 1983 Side Wall ........ Colonial ..... 106 Mound 2156 Ceiling Design. . . French 1984 Side Wall ........ Gothic ...... 113 Mourner - Renaissance 86 Opal 1988 Ceiling Design. . . Gothic ...... 110 Move 2157 Ceiling Design . . . French 1990 Ceiling Design. . . Modern ..... 140 Mule Renaissance 87 Opiate 1994-A Ceiling Design . . . Gothic ...... 111 Mutter 2158 Ceiling Design. . . French 1996 Ceiling Design . . . Rococo ...... 117 Muzzle Renaissance 88 Optics 1997 Ceiling Design. . . Modern ..... 141 Myrtle 2159 Ceiling Design. . . French 1998 Ceiling Design. . . Italian Renaissance 89 Option Renaissance 149 Mystery 2160 Ceiling Design . . . French 2001 Ceiling Design. . . ltalian Renaissance 90 Oral Renaissance 150 Nacarat 2177 Side Wall ........ French 2006 Side Wall ........ Italian Renaissance 93 Osprey Renaissance 151 Naija 2180 Side Wall ........ French 2008 Ceiling Design. . . Rococo. . . . . . 116 Naikem Renaissance 92 Ostrich 2015 Ceiling Design. . . Modern ..... 142 Narrow 2182 Side Wall ........ Rococo ...... 119 Otter 2028 Ceiling Design. . . Colonial ..... 104 Nerve 2184 Ceiling Design. . . Rococo ...... 118 Ounce 2029 Ceiling Design. . . Colonial ..... 105 Nervine 2192 Ceiling Design. . . Greek ....... 131 Outlaw 2040 Ceiling Design. . . Colonial ..... 100 Numb 2201 Ceiling Design. . . Stucco—Steel. 152 Pacific 2041 Ceiling Design . . . Colonial ..... 101 Number 2202 Ceiling Design. . . Stucco~SteeL 153 Pacify 2043 Side Wall ........ Rococo ...... 120 Numeral 2203 Ceiling Design. . . Stucco—Steel. 154 Pachyotous 2044 Side Wall ........ ococo 121 Nutrition 2204 Ceiling Design. . . Stucco—Steel. 155 Paco 2050 Wainscot Design, Modern ..... 163 Nursery 2205 Ceiling Design. . . Stucco—Steel 156 Package 2051 Wainscot Design. Modern ..... 164 Nursemaid 2206 Ceiling Design. . . Stucco—Steel 157 Packet 2052 Wainscot Design. Modern ..... 164 Nuture 2207 Ceiling Design. . . Stucco—Steel 158 Padrone 2053 Wainscot Design. Modern ..... 163 ut 2209 Ceiling Design. . . Stucco—Steel 159 Paddle 2054 Wainscot Design. Modern ..... 165 Nutmeg 2210 Ceiling Design. . . Stucco—Steel. 160 Paddock 2055 Wainscot Design. Modern ..... 165 Nutrient 2211 Ceiling sign . . . Stucco—Steel. 161 Padlock 2106 Ceiling Design. . . Greek ....... 129 Obedient 2215 Ceiling Design. . . Modern ..... 136 Pupil 2108 Ceiling Design. . . Colonial ..... 102 Obelisk 2217 Ceiling Design. . . Modern ..... 148 Page 2109 Ceiling Design. . . Colonial ..... 94 Obelus 2218 Ceiling Design. . . Modern ..... 139 Pain 2110 Ceiling Design. . . reek ....... 130 Obese 2248 Ceiling Design. . . Art Nouveau 162 Puttee 2111 Ceiling Design. . . Rococo ...... 115 Obey 2390 Ceiling Design. . . French 2112 Ceiling Design. . . Modern ..... 143 Obituary Renaissance 78 Putty 2113 Ceiling Design. . . Modern ..... 144 Object 2391 Ceiling Design. . . French 2114 Ceiling Design. . . Modern ..... 145 Oblate Renaissance 77 Pygmy 2116 Ceiling Design. . . Modern ..... 146 Oblique 2392 Ceiling Design. . . Modern ..... 138 Pylon 2117 Ceiling Design. . . French 2393 Ceiling Design. . . Colonial ..... 103 Pyorrhea Renaissance 91 Oblong 2395 Ceiling Design. . . Modern ..... 137 Pythian QUESTIONS AND COMMANDS 1 CODE When may we ship? .................................................................................... Tackle When will you ship? .................................................................................... Tadpole ave you in stock? ..................................................................................... Tandem Can you ship promptly? ................................................................................. Tavern How soon can you ship? ................................................................................. Temper Have you shipped order? ................................................................................ Theory Ship at once by freight .................................................................................. Thorn Ship at once by express ................................................................................. Thread Write lowest price at which you will sell ................................................................... Throne Telegraph lowest price at which you will sell .............................................................. Thunder Wanted at once. Telegraph when will ship ............................................................... Toast May we substitute? ..................................................................................... ‘ Tomato May we ship your order draft attached to bill of lading, that is, C. O. D.? ..................................... Tonic Will you please furnish us with mercantile references of credit; that is. the names of several firms or individuals from whom you buy on open account? ..................................................................... Topaz We can grant open account only to persons of approved credit. Will you please furnish satisfactory credit information?"l Torch ANSWERS CODE We can ship ........................................................................................... [Tornado \X’e will ship ........................................................................................... f.Tower We have shipped ....................................................................................... “Tramp We will accept order .................................................................................... e;Tremor We have none in stock. . ................................................................................ I‘Triangle We have written particulars ............................................................................. | Trinity We have all in stock except .............................................................................. run You may substitute ............. . ...................................................................... Tunnel Thanks for order. Will ship promptly ..... . . . ....... . .................................................... Turban Ship order open account—mailing satisfactory references .................................................... Twilight Ship order C. O. D. Through. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bank. . .................................... Tuscan Page 176 Post Cards ...... for your convenience Dear Sirs :— build ........................................ We intend to { remodel ...................................... Would appreciate complete information on: ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. Dear Sirs :— build ................................... We intend to { remodel ...................................... Would appreciate complete information on: ................................................................... ................................................................... .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. Dear Sirs :— build ........................................ We intend to { remodel ...................................... Would appreciate complete information on: ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. ..,, For your convenience POST CARD 3 > .1 if. Here The Edwards Mfg. Co. Fifth and Butler Sts., ' Dept. 176 CINCINNATI, OHIO POST CARD The Edwards Mfg. Co. Fifth and Butler Sts., Dept. 17 6 CINCINNATI, OHIO POST CARD The Edwards Mfg. Co. Fifth and Butler Sts., Dept. 176 CINCINNATI, OHIO . —-—-—---—----—- ___—-— -— nw-m—----------—.-—-—m-—-—-——--—n-———mn-gu-a---h----n--Q—-—-ma-D--—---— -—'-- —-— -— “A _ n V { n. \ .5 .. . w ‘ , .2 r V 1 y «\ . , . . . . ‘ . v »\ ‘ ¥ / V n r ‘v. ‘ . \ n « t .lrunuhs’u : ‘ : > « a‘ i p Important Information Read Carefully The prices for Bennett Homes quoted in this price list are for materials according to the plans and specifica- tions in our No. 30 Catalog. For these prices we furnish all of the necessary lumber, lath, finishing lumber, frames, windows, doors, interior trim, flooring, nails, tin flashing, hardware, paints, stains and var- nishes. We furnish all two-inch framing materials ready—cut and ready to assemble, balance of the ma- terials are furnished in standard lengths. Our prices do not include and we do not furnish any brick, con- crete blocks, cement, plaster, eave troughs, plumbing fixtures, heating fixtures, lighting fixtures, wall paper or inside wall paints. If desired, we will make certain changes and omissions in our specifications. For example: we can furnish tight roof sheathing and Asphalt Slate Surfaced shingles in place of Cedar shingles; omit lath and furnish plaster board; omit nails and hardware; omit paint, stains and varnishes; substitute siding for side-walls in place of shingles, or shingles in place of siding; can furnish all materials in standard lengths. Upon request we will gladly quote prices on any of the above-mentioned changes. We do not erect any houses; do no construction work of any kind, nor do we send out any men for this pur- pose, as we confine our efforts entirely to the manu- facture of building materials. We will, however, be glad to assist in putting anyone in touch with com- petent builders who will erect our houses. a eshaili Ready-Cut PRICE LIST \ December 1, 1925 Special Prices 0 n Bennett Homes and Garages We Guarantee Entire Satis- faction or Money Refunded We guarantee to furnish all the lumber, lath, shingles, finishing lumber, doors, windows, frames, flooring, in- terior trim, hardware, nails, tin flashing, paints, stains and varnishes of sufficient quantity and equal to or better than the grades specified to complete the house according to the plans and specifications given in Cat- alog No. 30. We further guarantee that there will be no extras, and that all materials will reach you in perfect condition. Should any shortage occur we agree to replace the same free of charge, or pay you whatever it costs to buy it locally. Ray H. Bennett Lumber Co. Incorporated North Tonawanda, N. Y. b SPECIAL PRICES ON BENNETT HOMES AND GARAGES Minimum-Cost-Plan Prices of Bennett Homes in accordance with our No. 30 Catalog Plans and Specifications. These prices are subject to immediate acceptance, change without notice, and are F. O. B. cars North Tonawanda, N. Y. Page Name Price GARAGES , Page Name Price 6 Georgian ......................... $3690. 00 . , . . . . 2014‘ 00 80 Buick 10 x14 ..................... $144. 00 TERMS :3 511le: """""""""""" 2555 00 80 Buicl]: 10x 10' .................... 152. 00 . . . am on ------------------------- . - - 80 Buic 12 x 16’ ..................... 1r 6. 00 Cash With order- SPeCIal 62% (118- 49 Hartley ........................... 2328- 00 80 Buick 12x 18’ ..................... 175. 00 count from List Prices allowed 9 Homestead ------------------------ 2637- 00 80 Buick 12 x 20' ..................... 185. 00 h h i f ll is m with 56 Ideal ............................. 2253. 00 80 Buick 12 x_2_2' ..................... 198.00 w en Gas n u 86 67 Irving No. 1 ...................... 1015- 00 80 Cadillac 18x 10' ................... 227.00 order, or 18 Lancaster ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2578. 00 80 gagifiac 18 x 113' ................... 241.00 , 15 La Salle ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2621.00 80 a 1 ac 18x ’ ................... 253.00 25% cash With order. Balance 65 Laurel ............................ 1:3; 33 $3 gagglac 38 x 23: ................... 523. 33 . . . o _ 3. ac X ................... . 31%“ draft Wlth. 9rd“ b‘“ 0f. “(11118 23 11332333.“?3 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2481. 00 80 cccnicc 27 x20' ................... 350. 00 attached. Pos1tlvely no discount 68 Livingston ........................ 3682. 00 81 Cadlllac 36§20¥¥¥c ;: .......... 454. 00 allowed unless full amount of cash 55 Lorain ---------------------------- 2351- 00 81 Economy Special 8 x 12' ............ 63. 00 ° d 59 Madison .......................... 2169. 00 81 Economy Special 8 x 14' ............ 68. 00 accompanles or er. 58 Marlowe .......................... 2572. 00 81 Economy Special 8x 16’ ............ 77.00 48 Maryland ......................... 2889. 00 81 Economy Special 10 x 12' ........... 69. 00 35 Monroe ........................... 1781.00 81 Economy Special 10 x 14’ ........... 77. 00 26 Montrose ......................... 2269. 00 81 Economy Speclal 10 X 16' ----------- 86- 00 HOUSES 66 Newton No. 3 ..................... 1194. 00 38 gaynes 13x13: .................... 323 33 Page Name Price 46 Olean ............................ 1671.00 aynes x I .................... . 32 Aberdeen “A” ..................... $1677. 00 29 Ontario ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1693. 00 80 Haynes 18 x 20, .................... 260. 00 32 Aberdeen “B” ..................... 2020. 00 10 Oxford ................ 2187. 00 80 Haynes 20 x 18, ------------------- 260~ 00 69 Arlington ......................... 3748.00 61 Pl th """"" 2436 00 80 Haynes 20x20 ....... ._. .......... 273 00 12 Ashland .......................... 2723. 00 22 P ”am“ d """"""""""""""" 2290"", 80 Hudson 10;; 14' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140 00 31 Atherton ---------------------- 4. 1995900 62 £203.20 """""""""""""" 265900 80 Hudson 10x 16' ................... 153 00 - - . """"""""""""""" ~ 80 Hudson 12 x 16' ................... 165. 00 34 Blrmmgham ...................... 2592. 00 23 Raymond ....................... 1894.00 80 Hudson 12 x 18’ ................... 175 0 0 47 Carolina .......................... 2055. 00 41 Roanoke .......................... 2138. 00 80 Hudson 14 x 16’ ................... 178.00 54 Clarence .......................... 2343. 00 43 Rosemont ......................... £352. 33 80 Hudson 14 x 18’ ................... 188.00 19 Clarendon ........................ 2871 . 38 2] Ros yn ........................... . 81 Packard 18 x 16’ ................... 243. 00 36 160' ' ' u; ’ i, """"""""""" 1923 ' 13 Sharon --------------------------- 2768' “0 81 Packard 18 x 18’ ................... 256. 00 53 concord “A” """"""""""" “32‘ 00 14 Sheridan -------------------------- 2935- 00 81 Packard 18x20’ ................... 269. 00 53 Concord B ...................... 1343. 00 37 Sherrill “A” ....................... 1328' 00 81 Packard 20 X 18' .................. 269 00 63 Cumberland ....................... 2718. 00 37 Sherrill “B” ...................... 1596. 00 81 Packard 201120,. . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 284: 00 28 Davenport ------------------------ 2185- 00 70 Tremont .......................... 3390. 00 81 Packard 27 x 20' ................... 377. 00 16 Delaware ......................... 2357. 00 81 Packard 36 x 20’ ................... 471 . 00 27 Densmore 2184 00 8 Vernon ........................... 2598.00 _ 50 D “A” ..................... 1809 00 7 Victoria. .......................... 2257 00 81 Paige 18 X 16’ ..................... 262. 00 50 D32: “B" """""""""""" 1909' 00 45 Virginian ......................... 3328. 00 81 gaige is x $3: ..................... 333 . 33 """""""""""" ' ' 3563.00 81 aige x . 40 Drexel ............................ 2649. 00 44 Washlngt‘onb ............ 1729 00 81 Paige 20x 18’ .................... 287. 00 - 25 Waverly A ...................... . _ ' 52 ggisonleg. 12 ..................... 1:32.33 25 Waverly ~13" .............. 2474. 00 81 Page 20x20 ..................... 305. 00 51 war °° --------------------- ' 11 Woodlawn. ..'.'.'I I . . ..... . ......... 1795. 00 80 Peerless 18W ...... ' 251 00 23 gilifiWOOd ................... :33; 33 17 WOOdSide N0. 2 ................... 1286. 00 80 Peerless 18 X 18!. . . . ............... 263 00 """""""""""""" ' 20 ale ........... . ........... . ..... 2440.00 80 Peerlesl 18x20’ ................... 275.00 33 Franklin -------------------------- 2155- "0 64 York “A” ....................... 1614. 00 80 Peerless 20 x 18' ................... 275. 00 57 Gencccc ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1888 _ 00 64 York “B” ................... . . 1750. 00 80 Peerless 20 x 20' ................... 286. 00 Ray 7!. Bennett Lumber 60., Tue. NORTH TONAWANDA - NoY. Special Winter Prices GOOD UNTIL JANUARY 3151' You can buy your Gordon-Van Tine building at a great saving by acting before January 3lst. The fall building season was one of the largest in our history. To handle the immense volume of business it was necessary for us to greatly increase our forces at our mills. We want to keep these extra men, for it was expensive to train them, and we know they will all be needed in the spring. Thousands of people are writing us about building in the spring of I926, and many of them are PLACING ORDERS NOW. Our problem is to obtain enough EXTRA business now to keep these men busy until the spring rush starts, therefore— We have priced every Gordon-Van Tine Building at Low- est Figures since the war. Prices good only until January 3lst. TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE BARGAINS, GET YOUR ORDERS IN NOW. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE PRICES BEYOND JANUARY 3151'. To secure the benefit of this reduction it is only necessary for you to place your order now. If you prefer, we will delay shipment of the material as late as March lst, I926. Under this arrangement we will get enough business to keep our factories working up to capacity, and the saving you will make by buying now will go a long way in paying your carpenters in the spring. Select the home you want to build and write us today for a delivered price on it. Do this at once, for an offer so unus- ual as this cannot be held open. Building material is like every other commodity—you can always save by taking advantage of the off season. And by placing your order at SPECIAL JANUARY PRlCES you will be independent of the seasonal increase in prices brought by every spring building season. Here is your chance to save on your Gordon-Van Tine building—be sure your order reaches us before January 3lst. Lawn-13311399 FILL OI'T THE COUPON AND )IAIL AT ONCE Team 011' and Mail before January 315i; GORDON-VAN TINE CO., Davenport, Iowa. I am interested in Gordon-Van Tine Plan No ................................... Please give me SpH‘inl January "Price, freight paid to my station. Name Street or R. F. D. ........................................................................................................................ P. O. ..................................... i ...................................................... State ........................................ Shipping Point 'v-wq-m-um-I’M-n- 3335,53, . -' > «