THE NATIONAL OAZELT TEER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA KANSAS 1984 THE NATONAL GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA KANSAS 1984 Frontispiece-Harvesting wheat in Kansas. Sometimes called the Wheat State, Kansas is the leading producer of grain in the United States. Its historical and cultural association with the land is reflected in such names as Belle Plaine, Pretty Prairie, Richfield, Agricola, Grainfield, Feterita, and Wheatland. THE NATIONAL GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1984 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1200-KS Prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names U NITE D S T A TES G O V ER NM E NT PRINTING _ O FFICE :i 1 9 8 5 Department of State DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Donald Paul Hodel, Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director UNITED STATES BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES Robert C. McArtor, Chairman MEMBERS AS OF DECEMBER 1984 Postal Service Department of the Interior Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Government Printing Office Library of Congress Department of Defense Sandra Shaw, member Jonathan T. Olsson, deputy Eugene A. Columbo, member Paul S. Bakshi, deputy Rupert B. Southard, member Solomon M. Lang, deputy Dwight F. Rettie, deputy David E. Meier, deputy Sotero Muniz, member Lewis G. Glover, deputy Donald D. Loff, deputy Charles E. Harrington, member Richard L. Forstall, deputy Roy G. Saltman, deputy Robert C. McArtor, member S. Jean McCormick, deputy Ralph E. Ehrenberg, member David A. Smith, deputy Carl Nelius, member Charles Becker, deputy Staff assistance for domestic geographic names provided by the U.S. Geological Survey Communications about domestic names should be addressed to: Donald J. Orth Executive Secretary Domestic Geographic Names Board on Geographic Names 523 National Center Reston, VA 22092 For sale by the Distribution Branch, U.S. Geological Survey, 604 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304 FOREWORD The U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Board on Geographic Names have a long history of cooperation in establishing uniform usage for geographic names on Federal maps, charts, and other publications. This cooperative effort has been a natural blending of technical talent and responsibility that has been mutually beneficial to the missions and programs of both organizations. The Board on Geographic Names is responsible for establishing official names for use throughout the Federal Government. The Geological Survey is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the base map series of the Nation's lands and waters and publishes reports based on investigations of our mineral, energy, land, and water resources. In addition to being a principal user of the official names determined by the Board, the Geological Survey with its widely scattered field operations has been a major source of information necessary for making the decisions establishing those names. The basis for the cooperation between the Geological Survey and the Board is the recognition that the standard use of geographic names is necessary for geographical communication. The use of geographic names in language forms a primary refer- ence system that affects all people almost every day of their lives. Geographic names have strong psychological significance because they have close association with the processes of thought that give people the ability to perceive and under- stand the world around them. They identify areas of cultural and admin- istrative responsibility, define political boundaries, and carry legal weight in determining property, mineral, and water rights. "The National Gazetteer of the United States of America"" is the result of a long- term effort to provide a standard reference to the Nation's named places, features, and areas. As early as 1892, with the support of the newly organized Board on Geo- graphic Names and as part of the national mapping program, the Geological Survey began cataloging geographic names and producing a series of State gazetteers "designed as an aid in finding any geographic feature upon the atlas sheets published by the Geological Survey." Compilation was initially done by Henry Gannett, Chief Geographer, under the direction of John Wesley Powell, second Director of the Survey. Gannett was chairman of the Board on Geographic Names from 1894 until his death in 1914. Gazetteers for 12 States, Puerto Rico, Territory of Alaska, and Indian Territory (Oklahoma) were published between 1894 and 1906. However, large-scale topographic mapping, from which the name information for the gazetteers was derived, is a slow process, and inadequate map coverage led to the suspension of the program. In 1976 the Geological Survey again began the systematic collection of geo- graphic name information at a time when published large-scale topographic maps were available for more than 70 percent of the country. This information com- prises a major part of the computerized National Geographic Names Data Base. This volume is part of the USGS Professional Paper series, The National Gazet- teer of the United States of America, and is derived from the data base. Dallas L. Peck Robert C. McArtor Director, Chairman, U.S. Board on Geographic U.S. Geological Survey Names Department of the Interior Og Like Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: The National gazetteer of the United States of America-Kansas, 1984. (Geological Survey professional paper ; 1200-KS) Bibliography: p. Supt. of Docs. no.: I. 19.16:1200 1. Kansas-Gazetteers. I. Geological Survey (U.S.) II. United States. Board on Geographic Names. III. Series. F679.N37 1984 917.81 84-600352 Foreword Introduction, by Donald J. Orth U. U. National geographic names data base Guide to the use of the gazetteer CONTENTS S. Board on Geographic Names S. Geological Survey Alphabetical list of Geological Survey maps Kansas, by Harold L. Burstyn Glossary, by Sam Stulberg and Roger L. Payne Gazetteer of Kansas ILLUSTRATIONS FRONTISPIECE- Figure 1. General Map of Kansas 2. Map of Kansas counties 3. Kansas portion of de l'Isle's 1733 map of Louisiana 4. Kansas portion of Long's 1822 map of Arkansas and other Territories 5. Rogers and Johnston's 1857 map of Kansas and Indian Territories vii xiv xxii xxvi KSI Page xii xiii xxiii xxiv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Publication of the National Gazetteer required a considerable amount of extra time and ef- fort by several members of the geographic names staff in the Geological Survey. Special rec- ognition is given to Sam Stulberg and Roger L. Payne, who researched and developed the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS); John Findley who provided necessary lead- ership for the final production of this volume of the gazetteer; and recognition is also given to Judy J. Stella, and Louis A. Yost IV, who developed specific programs and software necessary to format the final copy. Special research, compilation, and data entry contribu- tions were made by Harold L. Burstyn, Linda S. Davis, Mary Jane LleHew, Tammy S. Milbourne, Henry Sauber, arid Paul Sorvo. THE NATIONAL GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES-KANSAS 1984 INTRODUCTION By Donald J. Orth This gazetteer lists about 15,500 geographic names in alphabetical order for places, features, and areas within or partly within the State of Kansas. It is part of a series of State, territory, and other special listings of geographic names published as U.S. Geological Survey Professional paper 1200 and collectively titled "The National Gazetteer of the United States of America." This series is prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. Its purpose is to provide a national standard for reference and research on geographic names and a base for other data systems. Separate volumes of the National Gazetteer are identified by principal geographic area or topic and year. Each volume will be revised periodically with the year of publication as part of the title. The information in the National Gazetteer may be kept up-to-date between revisions by noting appropriate changes and new entries published in the reports of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. These reports may be found in libraries or can be ordered directly from the Executive Secretary, Domestic Geographic Names, Board on Geographic Names, 523 Na- tional Center, Reston, VA 22092. UNITED STATES BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES The United States Board on Geographic Names is a Federal body created in 1890 and established in its present form by Public Law in 1947. The purpose of the Board is to resolve name problems and to eliminate duplication of effort by Federal agencies responsible for the production of maps and other publications that use geographic names. Composed of representatives of Federal agencies, the Board is authorized to establish and maintain uni- form geographic name usage throughout the Federal Government. Sharing its responsibilities with the Secre- tary of the Interior, the Board has developed principles, policies, and procedures governing the use of both do- mestic and foreign geographic names as well as names for underseas and extraterrestrial features. Although estab- lished to serve the Federal Government as a central auth- ority to which all name problems, name inquiries, and Users are urged to report errors, omissions, and any other information that may improve the usefulness of this publication. new name proposals can be directed, the Board plays a similar role for the general public. With respect to names used by Americans for places, features, and areas in the United States and its territories, it is the policy of the Board to recognize present-day local usage or preferences where possible. To implement this policy, there is close cooperation with State geographic boards, State and local governments, and with the gen- eral public. Where there is confusing duplication of local names or where a local name is derogatory to a particular person, race, or religion, the Board may disapprove such names and seek alternate local names for the features. In cases where local usage is conflicting or when a name is not used by many people, well-established documented names and names with historical significance are given added consideration. The Board also has a policy of not approving new domestic geographic names that com- memorate or may be construed to commemorate living persons. Any person or organization, public or private, may make inquiries or request the Board on Geographic Names to render formal decisions on proposed new names, proposed name changes, or names that are in con- flict. Communications concerning domestic geographic names should be addressed to Executive Secretary, Domestic Geographic Names, Board on Geographic Names, 523 National Center, Reston, VA 22092. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The U.S. Geological Survey, established in 1879 as a bureau of the Department of the Interior, is one of the Federal Government's major earth-science and fact finding agencies. The Survey's broad and diversified re- search programs aid in the management of the mineral, energy, land, and water resources of the United States. These programs play a vital role in furthering the Nation's welfare by providing information on the charac- ter, magnitude, location, and distribution of minerals and ores, the sources and supplies of water, and the natu- ral Earth processes that must be understood to maintain environmental quality. In support of the Survey's mission, its National Map- ping Division provides geographic and cartographic in- formation, maps, technical assistance, and conducts x KANSAS GAZETTEER related research responsive to national needs. The Divi- sion provides staff support for the domestic geographic names activities of the Board on Geographic Names, manages the national geographic names data base, pro- vides a geographic names information service, and con- ducts research in support of national mapping and name standardization programs. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC NAMES DATA BASE This Gazetteer is derived from the National Geo- graphic Names Data Base, which is part of a computer- ized Geographic Names Information System developed by the Geological Survey. The data base presently contains information for about 2 million names used throughout the United States and its territories. Information within the system can be retrieved, manipulated, and arranged to meet the special needs of a wide variety of users in gov- ernment, education, business, and industry, as well as those of private individuals. The system can furnish alphabetical and special listings in the form of computer printouts, magnetic tapes, and microfiche. Information about costs and available services of the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) may be obtained by writing to the Chief, Branch of Geographic Names, U.S. Geological Survey, 523 National Center, Reston, VA 22092. GUIDE TO THE USE OF THE GAZETTEER This gazetteer lists geographic names found on various maps, charts, and other published documents; the names of railroads, streets, and roads are not included. The names are listed as one-line entries in alphabetical order followed by seven categories of information. Except for variant name listings, each category of information is in a separate column on the gazetteer pages; the columns con- tain the following information, in order from left to right: Name (1st column)-The proper name of a feature, place, or area is listed in alphabetical order, letter-by- letter, from beginning to end ignoring spaces and printing marks. Exceptions to this rule occur in those cases where the generic part of the name of a physical feature pre- cedes the specific part, as in Mount Adams, Lake Ann, Bay Saint Louis, and Lake of the Woods. In such cases the specific or substantive part is listed first, followed by a comma and the remaining part or parts of the names: Adams, Mount Ann, lake Saint Louis, Bay Woods, Lake of the A definite-form name, for example, The Crossing, la Mesa, and The Racetrack, is also listed with the specific part of the name first: Crossing, The Mesa, La Racetrack, The However, a populated place, locality, or civil division (city, village, county, township, crossroad, and railroad siding) named for a physical feature is always listed in normal order even though the generic part of the name may precede the specific part. A village or locality called "Mount Calvary" is listed in that order, while a physical feature with the same name is listed in reverse order, such as "Calvary, Mount." Radio and television stations are listed together at the beginning of each alphabet letter according to their call letters followed by the type of station (AM, FM, or TV) and by the communities they serve. A few names listed in the first column in the gazetteer are followed by descriptive words in parentheses. These words or phrases give special information about name usage or about the specific place or feature. This informa- tion is generally self-explanatory, for example: (ruins), (historic site), and (abandoned) refer to the present state of the place; (old channel), (submerged), (foot bridge), and (siding) provide further description; and (reduced name use) and (historical) refer to the name and not the place. The genitive apostrophe is not used within the body of a geographic name. Feature Class (2d column)-The terms listed in this cate- gory identify the kinds of features or places to which the names apply. The meaning of the terms are very broad so that similar kinds of landscape features can be grouped into general classes. For example, the term "stream"" in- cludes all kinds of flowing water which may locally be called a creek, run, river, branch, bayou, or fork. See pages xxvi-xxvii for a list of these terms and their definitions. Status (3d column)-CGeographic names can be classified according to their use or official status as determined by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. This category of information gives the status of each name in the gazetteer as determined by the Board. The designators and their meanings shown in this column are as follows: INTRODUCTION xi BGN (date): This designator indicates that the written form of the name and its application, as given in the entry, have been determined by the Board on Geo- graphic Names (BGN) to be official for use through- out the Federal Government. If a year date follows the "BGN" designation, the name and its applica- tion were subject to special research and decision by the Board and the decision was published during the year shown. US (date): A geographic name and its application listed with this designator were established by an Act of Congress and the name is official by law. The date is the year the law was passed. ADMIN: The names of certain kinds of geographical entities, such as counties, parks, forests, and town- ships, logically fall within the administrative jurisdic- tions of Federal, State, and local governmental organizations. The authority for establishing these names is based on recognized organic, inherent, or constitutional rights. The names listed with this designator are official for Federal usage. UNOFF: The Board on Geographic Names has not estab- lished these names as official. They are included in the gazetteer for reference purposes. VARIANT: A name with this designator is a written vari- ant of an official name for the same place, feature, or area. A "See" reference to the official name is given on the line below the entry along with infor- mation about the location of the named entity. However, since this gazetteer is designed to be a reference tool, it does not always reflect the true relationship between the current and the historical name of a place. Historical places, such as forts, Indian villages, and small settlements, that once ex- isted close to or within the current boundaries of a present-day populated place often are listed as separate places, but are also listed as appropriate variants. County (4th column)- This is the name of the county in which the listed entity is located. If the place, feature, or area lies in more than one county, the county listed is the one in which the center of the feature is found; or in the case of a stream or valley, the county listed is the one in which the feature's mouth is located. Figure 2 outlines the counties of Kansas. Geographic Coordinates (5th column)-Latitude and longitude are given for the mouths of streams and valleys; centers of bays, islands, lakes, and populated places; the extremities of points of land; the summits of mountains and hills; and the dams of reservoirs. The first two numbers are degrees, followed by two numbers for minutes, and the last two for seconds N (north) latitude. This sequence is followed by three, two, and two numbers respectively representing degrees, minutes, and seconds W (west) longitude. Example: 384835N0994413W reads 38 degrees, 48 minutes, 35 seconds north latitude and 099 degrees 44 minutes, 13 seconds west longitude. Source (6th column)-The geographic coordinates are given for the source or heads of streams and valleys. Elevation (7th column)-The specific or average eleva- tion is given in feet above the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (approximately sea level) for tops of peaks, mountains, ridges, and hills, the surfaces of lakes and reservoirs, the low points of passes and basins, and the approximate centers of populated places. Map (8th column)-Kansas is subdivided into 1,564 7.5-minute areas, each of which is covered by a 1:24,000- scale topographic map published by the Geological Sur- vey. This column indicates the name of the map on which the named place or feature may be located, though not always labeled by name, since not all names are shown on the topographic maps. When ordering topographic maps from the Geological Survey's Distribution Branch refer to the map name, which may be found on the "Al- phabetical List of Geological Survey Maps of Kansas" on page xiv. (Several names of Geological Survey maps have been abbreviated because of limitations of space. Both the full name and its abbreviation appear in the Alphabetical List). State indexes to topographic maps are available from Eastern Distribution Branch Maps of areas east of the Mississippi River including Minnesota, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands: Eastern Distribution Branch U.S. Geological Survey 1200 South Eads Street Arlington, VA 22092 (703) 557-2781 FTS 557-2781 KANSAS GAZETTEER xii 'sosupy jo dow jpiauag-'1 sunolg oS T 1 ___ L.- 6 +96 [-o- 086 WOHVTMO U 066 I elOL own-u— IHNOSSIW y exedor _, uosumyojnk ® 1 adj \I)w oavk#07100 ‘\ 990° A Ries *y & o 'C a 9 6 o ue}eyuep gig 8 H _L 22222 e -- - - 22 o8E e6€ 1 cOP 7 xili INTRODUCTION spsupy jo dow-*z 3un9iq 3iNnLvLS - mem -> O01 SL oS ST 0 A je43 * | verses pusiysy an nyo: qse@so 2 c uoj08ny 2 1% equaguedapyl flv vnonwinvHo Amrmos HBSHWH u 3 a u va 3HONYWOD 0 3s ava w | ouwmss » s1i3ev7 0° progyuim® a. a e a8poq e M HOWTO t sN3azis aa uo18 ui] 12m e 7&6 aursipawy epeaw vepi3 awosmyeof opary C fl 3 anaians era mo +4 onso3n 8 prt prong ® wosiim Na neag | inNvso | NOtNvis ong »OImDG3S e & uewBury Bungsuaa19 04 o a sessfn uosuyor euyoim eyeing u 3 Jab n a A119 >o< u o 02g 10 yore vos | acomnasue |OPe100 13 w0¢<>>nnu H vonewn nosunos vio? 1eu99 selea o N 3 x axos4vis Rajsury A119 uapiey P U els AZ A M V H vosuryoiny uyor .- . unfeq % ia 45.102 e $ Z.oo e . us ® Wing ay; pup pupisino} go dow ap woijiim j40 uolpod sosupy-'g 3un9i{ mbznflo s “may - zkxvuwéfw. l svouv. fig 3° dk y :A i \ oonngvuiek < Mc~suwflt enbaonbngry rp. ukwwnxk 1 _ sways mad“ . s ® 9° * feo z ay sembnouy > sro.reure vf JV; £. ? | a» a ar zoum.s omvajo a abdwfl‘aafi §\$% orto» a \mo damn a «200 ' 2 , "cP arg Naam \c, Qngws * 3.11. a p nT-ZAQQMWA“ sr * fi $\V Ca Reng, >< [ no mogruirg sa) #" 34, oy" 7 a : asies*~: Ae :S TPM | |. || somgof ¥ Jal @ AL no kK/II $@ " s. f Pu . Imam 3 . {g ce ,_,, ~> A al zepueq y *s c TF or _ sep * C QJH... x ¥ A~Z -, s CS rer $5 % ers cm A v g no » e eA s z- l. M r _ - . m Xxiv KANSAS GAZETTEER promisam oj 1a1upg p 'ajqo -iqoyuiun pauepisuo> som uoibai ay} 40 pored ay; Buning 'uasaq nai ay; sp nein siy} of dow ay} 'zzg1 pub bay Aq paysijqnd say;o pup spsupj1y jo doy s,6u01 ' uaagrg go uojpuod sosupy-'p snolg wor -> --yxx oof oof _. Fo | | * "early | i Nxttkwx | fiLSV | | m_ (lsixw see evans wlirt /( & | ras) l Syr sep PN TC 2. | T | | \x\\fi\\ MoSOL toup mun y *To ¢ { _ XxVv INTRODUCTION -uo1 t- 1 "2 m aln a #) 'oolxaw map of Jaaty spsupy1y ay} jo as inoo ay; Buimoj|oj pup spsupy Buissou> umoys st [ID1] a4 pjupg ay '7gg1 'uop popups 53 Aq poysiqnd Aiopmua; unipu| pup sosupy jo dow s,uo;suyor yey 'y pup siaboy 'g' jo uolpuod y-'g nol any sill ' wus oy 280 80 Ai e/ ”NF! propria AMO L IMN M J ray®i4 47% % (flu? or h seuring | HTL rum | Pros -S a\ * Tan * Ga » XXVi GLOSSARY By Sam Stulberg and Roger L. Payne The following is a glossary of common language terms used to categorize each place, feature, or area identified by a geographic name. The terms assigned to each entry form the second column of information on the gazetteer page. The terms and their definitions as used herein should be considered only a general guide and not a dic- tionary of balanced, exclusive, or precise terminology for the identification of cultural and natural features. Com- monly used generic names are listed at the end of each definition to assist in understanding the range of meaning represented by the feature term. A geographic name in plural form is identified by a term in singular form; a name like "Relic Islands" is identified as "island." The term "populated place" is abbreviated "ppl." airport: a manmade facility maintained for the use of air- craft (airfield, airstrip, landing field, landing strip). arch: a natural archlike opening in a rock mass (bridge, natural bridge, sea arch). area: any one of several areally extensive natural fea- tures not included in other categories (fan, badlantis, barren, delta, garden). arroyo: a watercourse or channel through which water may occasionally flow (wash, gulley, coulee, draw). bar: a natural accumulation of sand, gravel, or alluvium, or ledge of rock or coral forming an underwater or ex- posed embankment (sandbar, spit, reef, ledge, shoal). basin: a natural depression or relatively low area en- closed by higher land (sink, pit, amphitheater, cirque). bay: an indentation of a coast or shoreline enclosing a part of a body of water; a body of water partly sur- rounded by land (arm, bight, cove, estuary, gulf, inlet, sound). beach: the sloping shore along a body of water that is periodically washed by waves or tides and is usually cov- ered by sand or gravel (shore, strand, boost). bench: an area of relatively level land on the side of an elevation such as a hill, ridge, or mountain where the slope of the land rises sharply on one side and descends gradually on the opposite side (level). bend: a curve in the course of a stream and (or) the land within the curve; a curve in a linear body of water (loop, meander). bridge: a manmade structure carrying a trail, road, or other transportation system across a body of water or depression (overpass, trestle, causeway). building: a manmade structure with walls and a roof for protection of people and (or) materials; churchs, hos- pitals, and schools are special types of buildings and are assigned individual categories. KANSAS GAZETTEER canal: a manmade waterway used by watercraft or for drainage, irrigation, mining, or water power (ditch, lateral). cape: a projection of land extending into a body of water (lae, point, peninsula, neck). cave: a natural underground passageway or chamber, or a hollowed out cavity in the side of a cliff (cavern, grotto). cemetery: a place or area for burying the dead (burial, grave, burying ground, memorial garden). channel: a linear deep part of a body of water through which the main volume of water flows and is frequently used as a route for watercraft (passage, thoroughfare, thorofare, strait, reach). church: a building used for religious worship (chapel, synagogue, mosque, tabernacle, temple). civil: designates a political division formed for admini- strative purposes (county, borough, town, township). cliff: a very steep or vertical slope (bluff, crag, precipice, head, headland, nose, overhang, pali, palisade, pro- montory, rim, rimrock). crater: a circular depression at the summit of a volcanic cone or one on the surface of the land caused by either volcanism, meteoritic impact, or underground subsi- dence; a manmade depression caused by an explosion (caldera, lua). dam: a water barrier or embankment built across the course of a stream or into or within a body of water to control and (or) impound the flow of water (break- water, dike, jetty). falls: a perpendicular or very steep descent of water in the course of a stream (waterfall, cataract, cascade). flat: a relatively level area within a region of greater relief (playa, clearing, glade). forest: a bounded area of woods, forest, or grassland under the administration of a political agency (national forest, national grasslands, State forest); see "woods." gap: a low point or opening between hills or mountains or in a ridge or mountain range (pass, notch, water gap, wind gap, saddle, col). geyser: an eruptive spring from which hot water, steam, and (or) mud, are periodically thrown. glacier: a body or stream of ice moving outward and downslope from an area of accumulation; an area of relatively permanent snow on the top of or side of a mountain (ice patch, snow patch, icefield). gut: a relatively small coastal waterway connecting larger bodies of water or other waterways (slough, creek, inlet). harbor: a sheltered area of water where ships or other watercraft can anchor or dock (port, road, roadstead, hono). hospital: a building where the sick or injured may receive medical or surgical attention (infirmary). INTRODUCTION island: an area of dry or relatively dry land surrounded by water or low wetland (isle, isla, rock, archipelago, atoll, key, cay, hammock, hummock, moku). isthmus: a narrow strip of land in a body of water con- necting two larger land areas. lake: a natural body of inland water (pond, backwater, lagoon, laguna, pool, resaca, lac, waterhole). lava: a formation or feature resulting from the consolida- tion of molten rock on the surface of the Earth (lava flow, kipuka). levee: a natural or manmade embankment flanking a stream (bank, berm). locale: a place at which there is or was relatively minor human occupation or activity; does not include popu- lated places (ppl), mines, and dams (railroad siding, station, junction, site, camp, landing, battlefield, cross- road, ranch, farm, windmill, tower, ruins, ghost town). mine: a place or area from which commercial minerals are or were removed from the Earth; does not include oilfield (shaft, quarry, pit). oilfield: an area where petroleum is or was removed from the Earth. park: a place or area set aside for recreation or preserva- tion of a cultural or natural resource and under some form of governmental administration; does not include a forest (national park, State park, national historical landmark, wilderness). pillar: a vertical-standing, often spire-shaped, natural rock formation (pohaku, pinnacle, chimney, monu- ment, rock tower). plain: a region of general uniform slope, comparatively level and of considerable extent (grassland, highland, kula, upland, plateau). ppl: populated place: a place or area with clustered or scattered buildings and a permanent human population (city, village, settlement, town). range: a chain of hills or mountains; a somewhat linear mountainous or hilly area (cordillera, sierra). rapids: a fast-flowing section of a stream, often shal- lower than other sections and with exposed rocks or boulders (ripple, riffle). reserve: a trait of land set aside for a specific use (does not include forests or civil divisions). reservoir:; an artificially impounded body of water (tank, lake). xxvii ridge: an elevation with a narrow, linear crest; may be part of a hill or mountain (rim, crest, cuesta, escarp- ment, hogback, lae, spur). school: a building or group of buildings used as an insti- tution for study, teaching, and learning (academy, high school, college, university). sea: a large body of salt water (gulf, ocean). slope: a gently inclined part of the Earth's surface (pitch, grade). spring: a place where underground water flows naturally to the surface of the Earth (seep). stream: a linear body of water flowing on the Earth's surface (awawa, creek, river, anabranch, distributary, branch, run, slough, bayou, pup, brook, fork, kill, rio). summit: a prominent elevation rising above the sur- rounding level of the Earth's surface; does not include ridges and ranges (ahu, hill, mountain, knob, butte, berg, colina, cone, volcano, cumbre, dome, head, knoll, mauna, mesa, meseta, mesita, mound, mount, peak, puu, rock, sugarloaf, table, bald, cerro, horn). swamp: poorly drained wetland, fresh or salt, wooded or grassy; possibly covered with open water (marsh, bog, cienaga, marais, pocosin). tower: a manmade structure higher than its diameter generally used for observation, storage, or electronic transmission. trail:; a route for passage from one point to another; does not include roads or highways, categories of entities presently not included in this gazetteer (ski trail, jeep trail, path). tunnel: a linear underground passageway open at both ends. valley: a linear depression in the Earth's surface that generally slopes from one end to the other (canyon, barranca, chasm, cove, draw, glen, gorge, gulch, gulf, hollow, ravine). well: a manmade shaft or hole in the Earth's surface used to obtain fluid or gaseous materials. woods: a small area covered with a dense growth of trees; does not include an area of trees under the admin- istration of a political agency; see "forest." THE GAZETTEER OF KANSAS FEATURE NAME A Abbey Cemetery Abbot School Abbyville Salt Creek Abbyville Cemetery Abilene Abilene Airport See Abilene Municipal Airport Abilene Cemetery Abilene Creek See Mud Creek Abilene Elementary School Abilene High School Abilene Junior High School Abilene Municipal Airport Abilene Airport Academy Airport Academy of Mount Saint Scholastica Mount Scholastica Academy Acansas River See Arkansas River Achembach Memorial Park Achilles Achilles Cemetery Achilles Township Ackaketah See Oketo Acker Creek Ekler Canyon Ackerland (historical) Ackerman Creek Oikeirman Branch Oikierman Branch Ackley (historical) Ackley Lake Acme Milford Depot Acme (historical) Milford Depot Acorn Community Hall Acres Ada Hot Hill Ada Church Adams Adams Corner Adams Creek Adams Elementary School Adamson (historical) Adams Peak Cemetery Adams Township Adamsville Addis Creek See Allen Creek Adee Landing Strip Adel See Adell (historical) Adell (historical) Adel Adell Cemetery Adell Township Adelphi See Arkansas City Admatha Cemetery Admire Admire City FEATURE CLASS cemetery school Ppl cemetery Ppl airport cemetery stream school school school airport airport school stream park locale cemetery civil ppl stream locale stream locale reservoir locale locale building locale Ppl church locale locale stream school locale cemetery civil locale stream airport locale locale cemetery civil Ppl cemetery Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN 1963 VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT CcoUunTy Rush Wyandotte Reno Reno Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Sedgwick Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Atchison Cowley Barber Rawlins Rawlins Rawlins Marshall Cowley Leavenworth Marshall Ottawa Finney Dickinson Geary Franklin Clark Ottawa Republic Kingman Reno Pottawatomie Cowley Rooks Pottawatomie Nemaha Sumner Lyon Washington Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Cowley Pottawatomie Lyon COORDINATE 382758N0992957W 390739N094 38 42W 375815N0981214W 3758 33N0981152W 385502N097124 IW 385434N0971408W 385556N0971318W 385318N097124 9W 375017N0972211W 384500N0971300W 385516N097124 6W 3854 385330N09707 15W 393315N0950725W 3348 00N0910400W 370107N098 39 12W 39424 3N1005009W 394242N1004958W 394148N1004850W 395749N0963558W 37013 391241N0950615W 394211N0962153W 390545N09728 15W 380440N1005722W 38503 3N0971538W 390952N0965535W 38293 3N097202 6W 370624N0995247W 320W 39424 373001N09758 38W 380327N0980513W 391555N0961510W 370434N0970306W 393305N0993505W 392504N0963145W 39464 6N0955735W 371024N0971034W 38254 50W 394640N09718 59W 393322N1001903W 393322N1001903W 393220N1002018W 393130N1001440W 37034 3N09702 17W 641W 38 3828N0960610W SOURCE COORDINATE 365807N09632 32W 395001N0962038W 392531N0961945W ELEV FT 1650 1153 1176 1151 1180 2790 2822 2858 1183 986 1940 1301 1450 1590 1130 1628 1156 1230 KS1 MAP NAME Nekoma Parkville Arlington Arlington Abilene Abilene Valley Center Abilene Abilene Abilene Chapman Atchison East Hardtner Achilles Achilles Achilles Cedar Vale West Jarbalo Axtell Vine Creek Lowe Holland Milford Richmond Englewood Ada Kackley Adams Yaggy Westmoreland NE Arkansas City Logan SE Olsburg Oneida Adamsville Haddam Allison Allison Clayton SW Flush Admire KS2 FEATURE NAME Admire-Allen City Lake Admire Cemetery Admire City See Admire Admire Elementary School Adobe (historical) Adrian (historical) Adrian Cemetery Adrian Township Advent Creek Adventist Church Aetna Aetna Cemetery Aetna Township Afton (historical) Afton, Lake Afton Cemetery Afton Creek Afton Township Agency Township Agenda Agenda Cemetery Aggieville Shopping Center Agnes (historical) Agnes City Agnes City See Agnes (historical) Agnes City Cemetery Agnes City Township Agra Agra City Dam Agricola Hardpan Agua Perdida See Lost Springs Aiken See Inman Aikins Aikman Ailanthus See Alanthus Air (historical) Air-Ag Airport Airbase East Oil Field Airbase Oil Field Airpark Shopping Center Akansa River See Arkansas River Akansas River See Arkansas River Akansea River See Arkansas River Aker School Akron Akron Station Little Dutch Lone Tree Akron Cemetery Akron Station See Akron Alameda Alameda Oil and Gas Field Alamo Ditch Alamota Alomata Alamota Township Alanthus Ailanthus Alanthus Cemetery FEATURE CLASS reservoir cemetery ppl school locale locale cemetery civil stream church locale cemetery civil locale reservoir cemetery stream civil civil ppl cemetery locale locale locale cemetery civil Ppl dam Ppl Ppl ppl locale locale ppl locale airport oilfield oilfield locale stream stream stream school locale cemetery locale locale oilfield canal Ppl civil Ppl cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN 1891 VARIANT ADMIN BGN 1892 VARIANT UNOFF CoUNnTY Lyon Lyon Lyon Lyon Seward Jackson Jackson Jackson Jewell Johnson Barber Barber Barber Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Osage Republic Republic Riley Lyon Lyon Lyon Lyon Phillips Phillips Coffey Marion McPherson Pottawatomie Butler Gove Lyon Finney Ellis Ellis Sedgwick Cowley Cowley Cowley Geary Cowley Cowley Cowley Kingman Kingman Hamilton Lane Lane Gove Gove COORDINATE 384000N09609 15W 38 3904N0960627W 38 3828N09606 10W 3838 32N0960613W 370701N1004302W 391907N0955928W 391907N09558 47W 392100N09559 15W 400412N0982125W 385807N094 394 1W 370502N098 57 45W 370532N0985720W 370428N098 562 1W 373620N0973535W 37362 3N097375 3W 373802N0973621W 373547N0973803W 373620N09738 35W 38 3445N095 34 20W 394228N097255 3W 394034N097260 1W 391130N09634 40W 38 3958N0961645W 38 3958N0961645W 384117N0961648W 384025N0961435W 394542N0990708W 394536N09907 36W 382510N0953205W 38 3358N0965758W 381355N0974 623W 392205N0960658W 37592 3N09 640 50W 384200N1001000W 384046N0960107W 380700N1005253W 385322N0990256W 385410N0990523W 374020N0972534W 334800N0910400W 334800N0910400W 334800N0910400W 390151N0965638W 372106N0970053W 372138N0970128W 372106N0970053W 340W 373500N09804 30W 380030N1015155W 382740N10018 35W 3828 49N1001912W 384200N1001000W 38462 SOURCE COORDINATE 395942N098 232 6W 373945N0973506W ELEV FT 1273 1227 1131 1640 1367 1441 1410 1030 1851 1140 1176 1470 2856 1324 1235 1160 1169 1588 2615 2500 MAP NAME Allen Admire Admire Kismet SW Soldier Creek SW Soldier Creek SW Soldier Creek SW Guide Rock Lenexa Aetna Aetna Aetna Clearwater Lake Afton Goddard Lake Afton Lake Afton Quenemo Agenda Agenda Manhattan Bushong Bushong Allen Kensington Gretna Waverly Emmett Rosalia NW Admire Lowe Gorham Gorham Wichita West Milford Dam Akron Akron Almeda Almeda Tribune 3 SE Alamota Alamota Utica Gove SE FEATURE NAME Albano Township Albany (historical) Albany Cemetery Albany Hill Albany School Albee Creek Albers See Bendena Albert Bartholdi Clarence Albert Cemetery Albia (historical) Albion See Pageton (historical) Albion (historical) Albion North Oil Field Albion Township Albion Township Albion Township Albright Oil Field Albright Park Alcona (historical) Alcona Township See Township Number 5 Alcott Alternate Learning Center Alcott Elementary School Alcott School Alcott School Alcove Spring Alcove Spring Alcove Springs Park Alcyone (historical) Alda Cemetery Alden Alden Elementary School Alden Gas Storage Field Alderson Cemetery Aldin Township See Center District 1 Township Aldrich Northeast Oil Field Aldrich Oil Field Alembic See Leonardville Alexander Alexander Station Alexander-Belle Prairie Township Alexander Branch Alexander Dry Creek Alexander Elementary School Alexander Ranch Airport Alexander Station See Alexander Alexander Township See Alexandria Township Alexander Township See Bird City Township Alexanderwohl Church Alexanderwohl Friedhof Cemetery Alexandria (historical) Alexandria Township Alexander Township Aley Park Alfmil Alfred Aliceville Alida FEATURE CLASS civil locale cemetery summit school stream Ppl Ppl cemetery locale locale locale oilfield civil civil civil oilfield park locale civil school school school school locale spring park locale cemetery ppl school oilfield cemetery civil oilfield oilfield Ppl ppl civil stream stream school airport ppl civil civil church cemetery locale civil park locale locale ppl Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN CcoUnTy Stafford Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Barber Doniphan Barton Rush Washington Trego Harper Reno Reno Barton Republic Cowley Cowley Rooks Rooks Sedgwick Neosho Neosho Wyandotte Marshall Marshall Marshall Sheridan Geary Rice Rice Rice Atchison Norton Ness Ness Riley Rush Rush Linn Rush Rush Morris Rush Leavenworth Cheyenne Marion Marion Leavenworth Leavenworth Sedgwick Ottawa Douglas Coffey Geary COORDINATE 375210N0985125W 395613N0854752W 395634N09548 03W 395613N0954752W 395613N09547 52W 371937N098 340 6W 394428N095104 5W 382710N0990040W 382517N0990203W 395922N09709 45W 384217N09953 46W 371545N09748 15W 374800N097563 3W 374638N09758 22W 38335 520 1W 395800N09725 15W 370710N0965110W 371403N0965902W 392406N0993145W 393140N099294 5W 374152N0971740W 374105N0952715W 374112N0952716W 39055 6N09438 59W 39453 394456N09640 36W 394457N0964032W 392706N1001816W 390611N0965744W 381432N0981842W 381448N09818 48W 381227N0981821W 393609N0951339W 395758N09954 40W 38 3320N1000250W 38 3055N1000555W 392152N0965131W 3828 10N0993 310W 38 3152N0993149W 3808 42N0945203W 3828 382808N099 325 3W 930W 3828 10N0993 310W 391534N0950727W 394110N1013410W 38154 381540N0971954W 391640N095054 5W 391534N0950727W 373942N0972117W 390755N0974 319W 385005N0952 326W 380916N0953306W 390545N0965624W SOURCE COORDINATE 372025N0983132W 381055N094544 6W 38352 9444 2W 1272 1272 1915 2007 1201 1245 1680 1085 2065 1245 1250 1024 1120 1105 KS3 MAP NAME Byers Sabetha Sabetha Sabetha Sabetha Medicine Lodge Albert Albert Washington NW Argonia Castleton Castleton Hoisington Nar ka Maple City Winfield Nicodemus Wichita East Chanute Chanute Shawnee Marysville Blue Rapids Blue Rapids Hoxie NW Milford Dam Alden Alden Alden Atchison West Utica SE Utica SE Alexander Mc Cracken Mound City NW Alexander Alexander Council Grove Lehigh Lehigh Easton Easton Wichita East Minneapolis North Globe Aliceville Milford Dam KS4 FEATURE NAME Alida Church Alida School Allamead See Yorktown (historical) Allamede See Yorktown (historical) Allegan (historical) Eugenia Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Church Allen Allen Station Allen Airpark Allen-Bourbon County State Park Dam See Bourbon County State Lake Dam Allen Branch Allen Cemetery Allen Community College Allen County Allen County Airport Iola Municipal Airport Allen County Hospital Airport Allen Creek Allen Creek Addis Creek Allendorph Allen Elementary School Allen Elementary School Allen Lake Allens Lake Allen Station See Allen Allen Township Allen Township Allerton Baptist Church Alliance (historical) Alliance Acres Park Allin Hill Allison Toiyabe Allison Cemetery Allison Junior High School Allison Township Allodium Township All Saints Cemetery All Saints Roman Catholic Church All Saints School Alma Alma Cemetery Alma City Dam Alma City Reservoir Alma Township Almelo See New Almelo Almelo Township See Highland District 2 Township Almena Almena City Lake Almena-District 4 Township Almena Township Almena Diversion Dam Almena Diversion Wildlife Area Almena Elementary School Almena Township FEATURE CLASS church school locale locale locale church ppl airport dam stream cemetery school civil airport airport stream stream Ppl school school lake reservoir ppl. civil civil church locale park summit locale cemetery school civil civil cemetery church school Ppl cemetery dam reservoir civil ppl civil Ppl reservoir civil dam park school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT COUNTY Dickinson Geary Lincoln Lincoln Rice Shawnee Lyon Shawnee Bourbon Wabaunsee Lyon Allen Allen Allen Allen Kingman Lyon Wabaunsee Sedgwick Reno Neosho Stafford Lyon Kingman Jewell Sedgwick Barton McPherson Montgomery Decatur Marion Sedgwick Decatur Graham Brown Sedgwick Sedgwick Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton COORDINATE 390428N09658 21W 390610N0965637W 391035N0981918W 391035N0981918W 382700N098 18 40W 390240N0954 209W 38 3922N0961010W 390130N095453 3W 274750N0950354W 385720N0960029W 383908N096094 OW 37555 3N0952 348W 375300N0951700W 37525 3N0952 303W 375515N0952317W 3728 28N098 164 3W 38254 4N09609 50W 385934N0961615W 373928N0971642W 380348N0975624W 374320N0952 621W 375405N098 325 9W 38 3922N0961010W 373105N0975 145W 393605N098 58 15W 374048N097222 3W 3838 15N09828 47W 383027N0973627W 370208N0954 400W 393430N1001550W 381326N0965558W 374057N0972114W 393600N1001310W 393130N1000515W 394203N0952 703W 373957N0971722W 37395 390100N0961720W 390058N0961754W 3858 42N0961546W 3858 42N0961546W 390120N0961900W 393539N1000703W 393600N1000902W 395332N0994 224W 395306N0994048W 395617N0994050W 394600N1000600W 395200N0994 4 4 5W 395336N0994 239W SOURCE COORDINATE 385415N0960233W 37332 210 3W 384118N0961336W ELEV FT 1237 1111 1320 1005 1020 971 1075 912 1788 790 2494 1095 1119 2155 MAP NAME Milford Dam Milford Dam Chase NE Topeka Allen Silver Lake Keene Allen Iola La Harpe Iola Iola Zenda Emporia Allendorph Wichita East Hutchinson Chanute Stafford Cheney SE Scottsville Wichita East Holyrood NW Lindsborg SE Coffeyville West Allison Florence Wichita East Clayton SW Lenora West Everest Wichita East Wichita East Alma Alma Allendorph Allendorph Alma Almena Almena Almena Clayton NE Almena SW Almena FEATURE NAME See Almena-District 4 Township Alomata See Alamota Alpha (historical) Alpine Cemetery Alston See Kirkwood Alta See Alta Mills Alta Brown Elementary School Brown School Alta Mills Alta Valentine Altamont Altamont Cemetery Altamont Cemetery Altamont Dam Altamont Idle Hour Lake Alta Township Alta Vista Altavista Cable City Altavista See Alta Vista Alta Vista Cemetery Alta Vista Elementary School Alton Bull City Bulls City Alton Cemetery Alton Elementary School Alton-Osborne Junior High School Altoona Geddesburg Altory See Kanona Altory Township Alum Creek See Carneiro Alum Creek Alva See Jamestown Amader See Amador (historical) Amador (historical) Amader Amazon Ditch Amazon Ditch Oil Field Amber Creek Amboy (historical) Amelia Earhart Airport Atchison Municipal Airport Amelia Earhart Stadium America See America City America City America America City Cemetary American Cemetery American Church American Church American Muslim Mission American Nile River See Arkansas River Americus FEATURE CLASS civil Ppl locale cemetery locale locale school locale Ppl cemetery cemetery dam reservoir civil Ppl Ppl cemetery school ppl cemetery school school ppl ppl. civil ppl stream ppl locale locale canal oilfield stream locale airport building Ppl ppl cemetery cemetery church church church stream ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN coUnTy Norton Lane McPherson Osage Crawford Harvey Finney Harvey Labette Labette Coffey Labette Labette Harvey Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Osborne Sumner Osborne Osborne Wilson Decatur Decatur Ellsworth Ellsworth Cloud Butler Butler Kearny Finney Barber Rooks Atchison Atchison Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Osage Russell Brown Sedgwick Cowley Lyon COORDINATE 395617N0994050W 382740N10018 35W 381725N097543 6W 38 3017N0954 630W 372215N0944 320W 380704N0973530W 375800N1005137W 380704N0973530W 371125N0951749W 371045N0951744W 38091 324 5W 3708 30N0951712W 3708 30N0951712W 380800N09738 30W 920W 385150N0962 920W 385114N0962752W 385252N0962 901W 3928 15N098 565 2W 370016N0973139W 392755N09856 38W 392755N0985638W 373126N0953 940W 394748N1002322W 39465 384420N0980150W 384015N0980150W 139W 380235N09657 30W 380235N09657 30W 3758 40N1011420W 380740N1010520W 37225 353 6W 391130N09934 40W 39342 3N0951050W 393400N09508 15W 393425N0960154W 393425N0960154W 393422N0960232W 38 3910N09550 10W 384254N098 54 45W 395121N0954108W 374237N0971910W 334800N0910400W 6154 2W SOURCE COORDINATE 385014N0980311W 372942N098 38 32W ELEV FT 1071 1420 1128 1437 1450 1652 1111 828 1048 1283 1231 1130 1184 1160 KSS MAP NAME Windom SW Osage City SE Garden City East Halstead Altamont Altamont Aliceville Altamont Altamont Halstead NW Alta Vista Alta Vista Alta Vista Alton Caldwell Alton Alton Altoona Kanona SE Westfall SE Burns Deerfield Wolf NE Isabel Wild Horse Creek Atchison West Atchison West Havenville Havenville Osage City Galatia Fairview Wichita East Americus KS6 FEATURE NAME Orleans Sheridan Americus Elementary School Americus Township Ames Elm Creek Shirley Ames Cemetery Amherst (historical) Amherst Cemetery Amherst Church Amidon Street Baptist Church Amiot See Harris Amish Cemetery Amish Cemetery Amish Cemetery Amish Cemetery Amish Church Amity Canal Amy Ellen Amy See Busby Amy Airport Andale Magnolia Andale Elementary School Andale High School Anderson (historical) Anderson Cemetery Anderson Cemetery Anderson County Anderson Creek Andover Cloud Andover Cemetery Andover Cemetery Andover Church Andover High School Andover Junior High School Andover School Andrew (historical) Andrew Cemetery Andrews Lake Andrews Oil Field Angelus Angelus School Angola Arnold Anna See Pawnee Station Annelly Anness Kalamazoo Anson Purcell Anson Oil Field Anson Southeast Oil Field Antelope Antelope County Lake Antelope County Park Antelope Creek Antelope Creek Antelope Creek Avon Creek Antelope Creek Antelope Creek FEATURE CLASS school civil ppl cemetery locale cemetery church church Ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church canal ppl locale airport ppl school school locale cemetery cemetery civil stream Ppl cemetery cemetery church school school school locale cemetery reservoir oilfield ppl school Ppl ppl locale locale ppl oilfield oilfield Ppl . reservoir park stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN CoUNnTY Lyon Lyon Cloud Elk Russell Russell Russell Sedgwick Anderson Sumner Anderson McPherson Ness Reno Hamilton Lane Elk Clark Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Smith Graham Doniphan Anderson Comanche Butler Butler McPherson Butler Butler Butler McPherson Smith Greenwood Anderson Ellsworth Sheridan Sheridan Labette Bourbon Harvey Sedgwick Sumner Sumner Sumner Marion Graham Graham Sumner Clark Sumner Barber Sumner COORDINATE 383030N0961552W 38 3140N0961650W 393410N0972 630W 37185 390412N0984637W 390332N0984538W 390328N098 453 9W 374352N0972144W 610W 37222 101W 381630N0975030W 38405 375511N0980939W 380622N1015536W 382855N1003605W 3728 10N09602 39W 382800N1000000W 374726N0973745W 374736N0974521W 37474 6W 395550N0984 345W 392428N1000551W 393936N0951916W 381200N0951700W 365535N0992352W 374250N09708 10W 374347N0970802W 381805N09754 25W 374325N0970803W 374303N0970807W 374237N09708 13W 381814N0975414W 394540N098 302 0W 38060 382012N0952457W 38 3636N0981318W 391128N1004102W 391122N1004104W 37062 657W 374200N0944728W 375820N0971203W 37285 342W 372155N0973146W 372411N097293 9W 372207N0972807W 382610N09658 25W 30W 392226N1000642W 37024 30W 370538N09954 3 6W 371228N0971559W 371433N098 332 1W 37265 3N09708 2 IW SOURCE COORDINATE 370215N0992015W 370910N0972235W 371446N09958 59W 371808N0971907W 371820N0983050W 372137N0971037W ELEV FT 1306 1433 1570 1638 2858 2560 1437 1118 1350 1358 1340 2930 790 1390 1383 1310 1344 1370 MAP NAME Americus Americus Clyde Moline Waldo Waldo Waldo Wichita East Milan Garnett West Conway Arnold Arlington Tribune 3 SW Amy Laird Mount Hope Mount Hope Mount Hope Cora Morland NE Denton Welda Selman NW Andover Andover Windom SW Andover Andover Andover Windom SW Lebanon Thrall Harris Geneseo Grinnell North Grinnell North Valeda Whitewater Conway Springs Mayfield Zyba Wellington Lincolnville Morland Morland South Haven Englewood South Haven NE Medicine Lodge Oxford FEATURE NAME Antelope Creek Antelope Creek Antelope Creek Antelope Creek Antelope Creek Antelope Creek Antelope Creek Antelope Lake Antelope Lake Dam See Graham County Dam Anthony Anthony City Dam Anthony Elementary School Anthony Municipal Airport Anthony Municipal Lake Anthony Township See Township Number 3 Anthony Township Antioch Antioch Baptist Church Antioch Cemetery Antioch Cemetery Antioch Christian Church Antioch Church Antioch Church Antioch Church Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Antioch Park Antonino Antrium (historical) Apache Elementary School Apostolic Cemetery Apostolic Christian Church Apostolic Church Apostolic Church Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ Appanoose (historical) Appanoose Cemetery Appanoose Church Appanoose Church Appanoose Creek Appeneuse Creek Appanoose Elementary School Appanoose Township Appeneuse Creek See Appanoose Creek Appleton See Minneola Appleton See Garland Appleton Cemetery Appleton Township Brown Township Aral (historical) Arand School Arapahoe Township See Dudley Township Arbor Township See Center Township Arcade Township Arcadia Coxes Creek Findlay City Arcansas River See Arkansas River Arcola FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream reservoir dam Ppl dam school airport reservoir civil civil ppl church cemetery cemetery church church church church church church park ppl locale school cemetery church church church church locale cemetery church church stream school civil stream Ppl ppl cemetery civil locale school civil civil civil Ppl stream Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN coUnTy Marion Barton Ottawa Wabaunsee Mitchell Graham Jewell Graham Graham Harper Harper Leavenworth Harper Harper Harper Harper Miami Sedgwick Franklin Marshall Sedgwick Comanche Miami Ottawa Sedgwick Shawnee Johnson Ellis Stafford Johnson Coffey Sedgwick Greenwood Nemaha Shawnee Franklin Douglas Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Clark Bourbon Clay Clark Butler Wabaunsee Haskell Rawlins Phillips Crawford Cowley Ellsworth COORDINATE 381925N09708 4 IW 501W 390142N0973728W 39094 3N096194 1W 391938N0981458W 392113N10004 38W 395348N098 154 2W 392224N1000636W 392224N1000636W 370912N0980151W 371024N0980300W 391740N0945451W 37095 1N098044 1W 371024N0980300W 370418N09803 30W 370630N0975900W 384324N094564 3W 373907N0971951W 38 3220N0952 134W 3938 18N0963139W 374244N0972313W 370620N0991930W 645W 391416N0972535W 374133N0971915W 390234N095 395 5W 390034N0944100W 384702N0992332W 375152N0984706W 385758N0944237W 380738N09554 45W 374014N0971914W OW 395542N0955509W 39012 38 40W 384416N09528 35W 384421N0952751W 384210N09528 12W 384414N0952750W 38 3712N0951951W 384142N0952741W 38414 3N0952745W 383712N0951951W 372636N100005 3W 374354N0943720W 393130N0965950W 372300N0995130W 373532N0970448W 391104N0961211W 373315N1010030W 394205N1010215W 394655N0991320W 3738 31N0943725W 334800N0910400W 38450 600W SOURCE COORDINATE 381320N0971530W 381357N0984951W 390039N0974142W 390435N09624 28W 392203N0981706W 392413N1001108W 3958 30N098 184 3W 38463 ELEV FT 1350 1338 1024 1044 2100 1191 1131 1285 1052 830 1450 KS7 MAP NAME Hillsboro Great Bend Minneapolis South Wamego Blue Hill Morland Northbranch Morland NE Anthony Anthony Leavenworth Anthony Anthony Bluff City West Antioch Wichita East Ottawa South Blue Rapids NE Wichita West Buttermilk Antioch Manchester NW Wichita East Topeka Shawnee Antonino Byers Lenexa Gridley NW Wichita East Lamont Bern Topeka Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa EEeee Ottawa South Ottawa NW Ottawa NW Kimeo Simmons Creek Douglass Belvue Gretna Garland Brookville SW KS8 FEATURE NAME Arcos River See Arkansas River Ardale See Weltbote (historical) Ardell Ares River See Arkansas River Argentine Argentine High School Argonia Argonia Cemetery Argonia Creek Argyle Creek Arickaree River See Arikaree River Arickarie River See Arikaree River Arikaree River Arickaree River Arickarie River South Fork Arikaree River Arington See Arrington Arion Township Arispe See Arispie (historical) Arispie (historical) Arispe Arkalon Arkalon Cemetery Arkansas Avenue Elementary School Arkansas City Adelphi Creswell Fernandina Walnut City Arkansas City High School Arkansas River Acansas River Akansa River Akansas River Akansea River American Nile River Arcansas River Arcos River Ares River Arkansaw River Chinali River Kansas River La Zorca River Ne Shudse Rackensack River Red River Riviére des Akansas Arkansas Valley Christian Church Arkansaw River See Arkansas River Arlington Arlington See Bloomington Arlington Elementry School Arlington Township Arma Rust Arma Elementary School Armistead (historical) Armstrong Branch Armstrong Draw FEATURE CLASS stream locale locale stream ppl school ppl cemetery stream stream stream stream stream Ppl civil locale locale locale cemetery school ppl school stream church stream ppl Ppl school civil Ppl school locale stream valley NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1977 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN 1959 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN COUNTY Cowley Washington Edwards Cowley Wyandotte Wyandotte Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumner Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne Atchison Cloud Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Seward Seward Sedgwick Cowley Cowley Cowley Sedgwick Cowley Reno Osborne Reno Reno Crawford Crawford Pratt Shawnee Wallace COORDINATE 334800N0910400W 3938 37N0970144W 375406N09929 4 6W 334800N0910400W 390430N0944020W 390415N0943910W 371557N0974555W 371622N0974520W 371449N0974 635W 372542N0972237W 400113N1015615W 400113N1015615W 400113N1015615W 392746N09532 10W 393015N0974 600W 392052N0961535W 392052N0961535W 3708 35N10048 25W 370805N10048 48W 374441N0972044W 37034 17W 370338N09702 30W 334800N0910400W 373728N09718 59W 334800N0910400W 375348N0981042W 392706N0984712W 375349N0981112W 375220N0981150W 373238N0944200W 373241N0944221W 3748 20N09828 50W 385237N0954 425W 390530N1014410W SOURCE COORDINATE 37234 3N0974 628W 372410N0972 325W 392236N1034642W 391524N1062036W 384927N0954537W 390712N1014708W ELEV 2225 810 1255 1266 2620 1317 1100 1610 1003 MAP NAME Kinsley Shawnee Shawnee Argonia Argonia Argonia Zy ba Willow Cr Ranch Jamestown Louisville Liberal NE Liberal NE Wichita East Arkansas City Arkansas City Silverdale Derby Arlington Arlington Pretty Prairie SW Arma Arma Turon Wakarusa Harris Draw West FEATURE NAME Arnold See Angola Arnold Arnold Cemetery Arnold Divide Arnold Harvey Canyon Arnold Southwest Oil Field Aroma See Latimer Aroma (historical) Arrington Arington Arrington Springs Arrington Springs See Arrington Arrow B Ranch Airport Arrowhead Elementary School Arrowhead Junior High School Arrowhead Shopping Center Arrowshead, Lake Artesian Pasture Artesian Valley Arthur (historical) Arthur Heights Artillery Hill Arvonia Arvonia (historical) Arvonia Station Arvonia Cemetery Arvonia Station See Arvonia (historical) Arvonia Township Ascension Lutheran Church Ashbaugh Airport Ash Creek Ash Creek Ash Creek Ash Creek Ash Creek Ash Creek Ash Creek Ash Creek Ash Creek Oil Field Ash Creek Township Asher Creek Asherville Asherville Cemetery Asherville Township Ash Grove Ashland See Center Township Ashland Clark Ashland Agronomy Farm Ashland Bottoms Ashland Cemetery Ashland High School Ashland Oil Field Ashland Township Ashmead See Lorraine Ash Rock Church Ash Rock School Ash Rock Township See Township Number 1 Ashton FEATURE CLASS ppl locale cemetery ridge valley oilfield ppl locale Ppl ppl airport school school locale reservoir flat valley locale Ppl summit Ppl locale cemetery locale civil church airport stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream oilfield civil stream ppl cemetery civil Ppl civil Ppl school bend cemetery school oilfield civil Ppl church school civil Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN CoUnTy Labette Ness Ness Riley Cheyenne Ness Morris Dickinson Atchison Atchison Logan Johnson Wyandotte Wyandotte Barber Morton Meade Hodgeman Sedgwick Riley Osage Osage Osage Osage Osage Sedgwick Gove Barber Pawnee Ellsworth Rooks Jewell Phillips Washington Jewell Pawnee Ellsworth Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Lincoln Clark Clark Riley Riley Riley Clark Clark Riley Ellsworth Rooks Rooks Rooks Sumner COORDINATE 370620N0952657W 38 3825N1000245W 38385 1N100024 9W 39054 940W 395605N1014040W 38 3710N1000755W 384 420N096504 3W 384200N0975900W 392746N09532 10W 392746N09532 10W 384215N1012515W 390036N0944017W 390728N0944601W 390745N0944600W 37244 3N098 3 625W 370645N1015000W 371753N1001940W 381122N0995505W 374611N0971553W 39052 3N09 64 64 5W 3828 50N09552 10W 38 3300N09553 39W 382910N0955344W 38 3300N09553 39W 3828 40N095523 3W 374155N09726 38W 390747N1002039W 370901N0985918W 381517N0985637W 38 3954N0981027W 39244 118W 39364 3N098 20 35W 39392 39482 9N09702 32W 395232N098 2 635W 381450N0990235W 38 3910N0981206W 392401N0975920W 39242 36W 392512N0975758W 392615N0975900W 39094 371120N0994 8 40W 371119N0994555W 3908 30N09638 21W 390800N0963720W 655W 371109N0991631W 371238N0994705W 390630N0963500W 38 3408N09818 59W 393128N0990454W 393127N0990600W 392630N099054 5W 370459N0971418W SOURCE COORDINATE 3958 37N1014320W 372342N1001322W 371159N0985547W 382037N0992013W 38 3324N098 12 30W 639W 394344N098 153 1W 39463 3N0992 910W 394352N0970801W 395905N0982924W 392457N0975912W ELEV 2563 950 3430 1690 1400 1300 1100 1091 2690 1346 1495 1979 1035 1880 1898 1217 KS9 MAP NAME Arnold Arnold Junction City Heinzelman Canyon Utica SW Herinton Arrington Russell Sprs 3 NW Shawnee Edwardsville Wolcott Isabel Wilburton Meade Jetmore NW Valley Center Junction City Lebo Reading Lebo NW Lebo NW Wichita West Midway Draw East Deerhead Pawnee Rock Ellsworth Stockton Ionia Stuttgart Washington Burr Oak NW Larned Ellsworth Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Ash Grove Ashland Keats Manhattan Swede Creek Ashland Ashland Manhattan Kirwin SE Kirwin SE Geuda Springs KS10 FEATURE NAME Ashton Cemetery Ashton Community Hall Ashton Northwest Oil Field Ash Valley Ash Valley Cemetery Ash Valley Grange Hall Ash Valley Township Askren Cemetery Assaria Oban Assembly Full Gospel Church Assembly of God Campground Assumption Catholic Church Assumption School Astor Atchinson County See Atchison County Atchison Atchison County Atchinson County Atchison County Dam Atchison County Park Atchison County State Park Atchison Mall Atchison Municipal Airport See Amelia Earhart Airport Atchison Senior High School Atchison State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Lake See Welda, Lake Athelstane (historical) Athelstane Cemetery Athelstane School Athelstane Township Athens Athens (historical) Athens Cemetery Athens School Athens Township Athol Corvallis Atkinson Municipal Airport Atlanta Baltimore Omnia Atlanta See Lyons Atlanta Township Atlas Atonement Church Attebery Cemetery Attica Attica See Wilson Attica Cemetery Attica City Wells Attica Landing Field Attica Township Attucks School Attwood See Atwood Atwater (historical) Atwater Cemetery Atwood Attwood Atwood High School Atwood Lake FEATURE CLASS cemetery building oilfield Ppl cemetery building civil cemetery Ppl church locale church school locale civil ppl civil dam park park locale airport school park reservoir locale cemetery school civil locale locale cemetery school civil Ppl airport ppl Ppl civil locale church cemetery Ppl ppl cemetery well airport civil school Ppl locale cemetery ppl school lake NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS CcoUnNnTY COORDINATE UNOFF Dickinson 384054N097075 3W UNOFF Pratt 373235N098 34 2 6W UNOFF Sumner 370522N0971614W BGN Pawnee 3818 UNOFF Pawnee 381726N0991303W UNOFF Pawnee 381145N09904 36W ADMIN Pawnee 381818N0991151W UNOFF Woodson 37582 16W BGN Saline 384049N0973615W VARIANT UNOFF Sedgwick 374220N0972015W BGN Butler 374158N0970248W UNOFF Shawnee 390259N095403 3W UNOFF Shawnee 390300N0954032W BGN Scott 382822N1015409W VARIANT Atchison 00W BGN Atchison 393347N0950717W ADMIN Atchison 393200N0951800W VARIANT UNOFF Atchison 393806N095273 6W ADMIN Atchison 3938 655W ADMIN Atchison 393805N0951032W UNOFF Atchison 39334 VARIANT Atchison 393423N0951050W UNOFF Atchison 393355N09507 12W ADMIN Atchison 393805N0951032W VARIANT Anderson 381003N09515 30W BGN Clay 391220N0970955W UNOFF Clay 391037N0971031W UNOFF Clay 391036N0971105W ADMIN Clay 391045N0971210W BGN Woodson 375425N095 364 9W BGN Jewell 393640N098 194 5W UNOFF Jewell 393638N0981809W UNOFF Jewell 393641N098 192 9W ADMIN Jewell 393605N0981950W BGN Smith 394554N0985509W VARIANT UNOFF Crawford 37264 BGN Cowley 372611N0964552W VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT Rice 382042N0981205W ADMIN Rice 381815N0981206W BGN Crawford 372202N0944 320W UNOFF Johnson 385648N0944007W UNOFF Sumner 370905N0972619W BGN Harper 371429N0981335W VARIANT Ellsworth 384930N09828 30W UNOFF Harper 371417N0981447W UNOFF Harper 372027N0981325W UNOFF Harper 371355N0981312W ADMIN Sedgwick 374135N0973205W UNOFF Wyandotte 390336N0943716W VARIANT Rawlins 394824N1010230W BGN Meade 370735N1002709W UNOFF Meade 650W BGN Rawlins 394824N1010230W VARIANT UNOFF Rawlins 394826N1010214W BGN Rawlins 394857N1010238W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 1850 2099 2107 1282 1295 3756 857 1290 1270 1004 1526 1789 930 1433 904 1189 1453 1444 2850 MAP NAME Elmo Pratt SE Portland Ash Valley Ash Valley Larned Ash Valley Toronto NE Assaria Wichita East Santa Fe Lake Topeka Topeka Tribune NW Atchison East Lancaster Everest Everest Bendena Atchison East Atchison East Bendena Industry Industry Industry Industry Piqua Glen Elder North Glen Elder North Glen Elder North Glen Elder North Athol Pittsburg Atlanta Lyons Kirkwood Lenexa Rome Attica Attica Crystal Springs Attica Goddard Kansas City Lake Larrabee Lake Larrabee Atwood Atwood Atwood FEATURE NAME Atwood Municipal Airport See Atwood-Rawlins County City-County Airport Atwood-Rawlins County City-County Airport Atwood Municipal Airport Atwood Township Aubrey See Kendall Aubry Fort Aubrey Fort Aubry Aubry Township Auburn Brownsville Brownville Auburn Cemetery Auburndale Park Auburn Presbyterian Church Auburn Township Auburn United Methodist Church Augiste Creek See Ogeese Creek Augusta Augusta Airport Augusta Country Club Shopping Center Augusta High School Augusta Junior High School Augusta Lake Augusta Municipal Airport Augusta North Oil Field Augusta Oil Field Augusta Plaza Augusta Township Auguste Creek See Ogeese Creek Augustine Township Aulne Ault Cemetery Aurora See Olivet Aurora Saint Peter Aurora Cemetery Aurora Park Aurora Township Austin (historical) Austin Cemetery Avenue A Elementary School Avery (historical) Avery Creek See Diamond Creek Averys Creek See East Branch Whitewater River Avian Avilla (historical) Avilla Cemetery Avilla Township Avon (historical) Avon Creek See Antelope Creek Avondale Cemetery Avondale East Elementary School East Avondale School Avondale West Elementary School West Avondale School FEATURE CLASS airport airport civil Ppl ppi civil ppl cemetery park church civil church stream ppl airport locale school school reservoir airport oilfield oilfield locale civil stream civil ppl cemetery ppl Ppl cemetery park civil locale cemetery school locale stream stream locale locale cemetery civil locale stream cemetery school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT coUunTy Rawlins Rawlins Rawlins Hamilton Johnson Johnson Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Neosho Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Neosho Logan Marion Cloud Osage Cloud Rooks Sedgwick Cloud Neosho Sumner Reno Reno Butler Butler Montgomery Comanche Comanche Comanche Coffey Sumner Bourbon Shawnee Shawnee COORDINATE 395017N1010225W 395017N1010225W 394746N1010145W 375605N1013244W 384615N0944015W 38465 385422N09548 57W 38543 3N095500 3W 390405N0954217W 385421N09548 56W 385447N0955120W 38543 6N09548 55W 37305 3N09513 48W 374112N09758 35W 374150N09658 15W 374125N09658 12W 374054N09758 47W 374058N09758 47W 374151N09658 56W 374025N09704 39W 374245N0965925W 3738 30N0965745W 374045N09658 52W 374140N096592 OW 37305 3N09513 48W 384440N1012218W 381634N0970435W 395403N1001940W 3828 50N0954 505W 392707N0973137W 391640N0990505W 37452 3N0971 620W 392630N0973200W 373751N0952458W 372045N0973047W 380301N0975622W 3808 37N098 174 5W 375608N0970202W 37585 3N0970124W 370545N0953605W 370740N0992008W 103W 370500N0992000W 381245N09534 16W 371228N0971559W 375713N09448 50W 390031N0954022W 390030N0954 150W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 2965 1090 1067 1080 1260 1283 1275 1260 1328 1235 1403 2636 1476 2078 1263 726 KS11 MAP NAME Atwood Atwood Stilwell Stilwell Auburn Auburn Topeka Auburn Auburn Auburn Augusta Augusta Augusta Augusta Augusta Augusta Santa Fe Lake Augusta Augusta Augusta Augusta Russell Sprs 3 NE Marion Kanona NE Aurora Laton Valley Center Aurora Chanute Mayfield Hutchinson Alden Coffeyville East Protection NE Protection NE Buttermilk Aliceville Devon Topeka Topeka KS12 FEATURE NAME Avon School Avon Township Avon Township Axtell Axtell High School Axtell Hospital Ayersburgh See Lindsey Ayr See Potwin Ayres Creek B Babcock See Blue Mound Bachelder Cemetery Bacheller See Milford Bachellor See Milford Bachelor See Wheatland (historical) Bachelor Creek See Baehr Creek Bachelor Creek Bachelor Creek Bachelor Creek Batchlers Creek Bachelor Creek Bachelor Creek Bachelor Creek Bachelor Creek Reservoir See Eureka City Lake Bachelors Run Bachelor Township Backstop Ridge Bacon (historical) Bacon Creek Baden (historical) Badger Badger Creek Badger Creek See Big Badger Creek Badger Creek See West Badger Creek Badger Creek See East Badger Creek Badger Creek Pike Creek Badger Creek See Watson Branch Badger Creek Badger Creek Badger Creek Badger Creek Badger Creek (historical) Badger Creek Cemetery Badger Creek Oil Field Baehr Creek Bachelor Creek Bear Creek Bagby School Bailey Cemetery Baileyville Haytown Baileyville Cemetery Baileyville High School FEATURE CLASS school civil civil Ppl school hospital ppl ppl stream Ppl cemetery ppl ppl locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream reservoir stream civil cliff locale stream locale locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream locale cemetery oilfield stream school cemetery Ppl cemetery school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Sumner Sumner Coffey Marshall Marshall Harvey Ottawa Butler Jewell Linn Wilson Geary Geary McPherson Harper Chautauqua Harper Labette Elk Neosho Greenwood Greenwood Smith Greenwood Geary Lincoln Lincoln Douglas Cherokee Sumner Cowley Cowley Cowley Greenwood Greenwood Butler Coffey Lyon Clay Lyon Lyon Sumner Harper Johnson Coffey Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha COORDINATE 371352N0971634W 371620N09718 48W 381010N0953530W 395218N0961531W 395235N0961522W 380258N09720 30W 390537N0974040W 375620N0970110W 400228N0981457W 380524N0950022W 372939N0955125W 391006N09654 44W 391006N09654 44W 38223 3N0975005W 370505N0975 150W 371148N09608 51W 371251N0981935W 371649N095132 9W 371845N09558 11W 373003N09512 37W 375017N0960603W 375337N0961728W 395354N0985319W 375020N0961145W 390438N09650 30W 390800N0982705W 39063 38465 54W 370930N0943757W 371059N0971250W 371101N0965716W 371217N0965538W 371218N096553 9W 374115N0960350W 374130N0962253W 374419N0970030W 380858N0953 916W 382338N096033 9W 391106N0971455W 382805N0960228W 382418N09603 30W 370727N0971557W 370505N0975 150W 385724N094 373 5W 381408N0955011W 395040N0961105W 395034N0961150W 395313N0961109W SOURCE COORDINATE 395851N0981844W 371605N0960629W 371815N09818 32W 371750N0952415W 372312N0955638W 37264 6W 375810N0961942W 395957N09854 48W 39165 4N0982424W 37082 35W 374412N0960340W 374625N09704 39W 381152N0953 606W 38 3127N0960518W 391016N0972317W 371323N09754 14W ELEV FT 1368 880 1085 1310 MAP NAME South Haven NE Dalton Aliceville Axtell Summerfield Newton Bostwick Lafontaine Sedan Crisfield Parsons East Elk City South Mound Neal Bachelors Run Tonovay Junction City Hunter Vesper Globe Crestline Adamsville Fall River Lake Benton Aliceville Allen SE Industry Lang Lang Portland Bluff City East Lenexa John Redmond Dam Baileyville Baileyville Baileyville FEATURE NAME Bain City Bainum Cemetery Baird Cemetery Baird Cemetery Baker Baker Branch Baker Canyon Baker Cemetery Baker Cemetery Baker Cemetery Baker Cemetery Baker Creek See Berrys Creek Baker Creek See Fourmile Creek Baker Creek See Kirk Creek Baker Creek Bakers Branch See Berrys Creek Baker School Bakers Creek See Berrys Creek Bakers Creek See Fourmile Creek Baker Township Baker Township Baker University Bala Timber Creek Bala Cemetery Bala Township Balch Cemetery Bald Eagle See Lecompton Balderson Township Bald Mound Baldock Farm Airport Baldwin See Baldwin City Baldwin Cemetery Baldwin City Baldwin Palmyra Baldwin City Cemetery Baldwin City Dam Baldwin City Lake Baldwin Creek Mud Creek Baldwin Creek Baldwin Creek Recreation Area Baldwin Grade School Baldwin High School Baldwin School Baldwin Junior High School Ballard Falls (historical) Balls Creek See Fisher Creek Balta Baltimore See Atlanta Baltimore (historical) Bancroft Banger See Bangor Bangor See Gridley Bangor Banger Banks (historical) FEATURE CLASS ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery Ppl stream valley cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery stream stream stream stream stream school stream stream civil civil school Ppl cemetery civil cemetery iga civil summit airport ppl cemetery ppl cemetery dam reservoir stream stream park school school school school locale stream locale Ppl locale ppl locale Ppl locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN coUnTy Leavenworth Reno Harper Anderson Brown Bourbon Comanche Butler Coffey Franklin Jewell Chautauqua Butler Chase Chase Chautauqua Miami Chautauqua Butler Crawford Gove Douglas Riley Riley Riley Jewell Douglas Marshall Montgomery Ottawa Douglas Ottawa Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Riley Riley Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Washington Nemaha Russell Cowley Anderson Nemaha Miami Coffey Miami Osborne COORDINATE 391702N0945413W 375238N0981613W 371644N0981524W 381904N0952 918W 394515N0953 34 6W 380016N09453 19W 3718 38N0990551W 375325N096555 6W 381156N095492 6W 382614N0950800W 395129N0982142W 371208N0961755W 375311N0970300W 381246N0963347W 381411N09633 36W 371208N0961755W 38 3507N094 493 3W 371208N0961755W 375311N0970300W 372424N0944027W 390006N1001250W 38464 3918 35N0965658W 3918 392115N09653 10W 394754N09758 51W 390240N0952 340W 395725N0963205W 371406N0955157W 391445N0973900W 384630N0951110W 391222N09754 40W 384630N0951110W 384540N0951103W 384518N095094 8W 384518N095094 8W 39004 3N0951611W 392255N0964224W 392254N0964254W 384650N0951113W 384650N0951116W 384815N0952 612W 384650N0951113W 394700N0965038W 39492 3N09603 36W 385305N098 54 55W 372611N0964552W 382125N0951600W 400W 382902N0945536W 380552N0955300W 382902N0945536W 391915N098 58 22W SOURCE COORDINATE 325W 371726N0990754W 381352N0963550W 385807N0952127W 392156N0964 612W ELEV FT 900 1661 1179 1438 1699 909 1280 1498 975 1350 1050 1029 1112 1875 1250 847 1900 KS13 MAP NAME Leavenworth Plevna Zenda SE Harris Hiawatha Mapleton Wilmore SE El Dorado NW John Redmond Dam Garnett NW Burr Oak Matfield Green Paola East Pittsburg Quinter Baldwin City Bala Bala Bala Courtland Oketo Bolton Minneapolis North Ada Baldwin City Baldwin City Baldwin City Baldwin City Lawrence West Olsburg NW Olsburg NW Baldwin City Baldwin City Globe Baldwin City Hanover SE Russell NW Garnett West Soldier Osawatomie Alton SW KS14 FEATURE NAME Banks School Banner See Elmo Banner (historical) Banner Cemetery Banner City See Elmo Banner Creek Banner School Banner Township Banner Township See Township Number 5 Banner Township Banner Township Banner Township Banner Township Baptist Cemetery Baptist Cemetery Baptist Cemetery Baptist Cemetery Baptist Cemetery Baptist Church Baptist Church Baptist Mission (historical) Barber Barber County Barber County State Lake Barber County State Lake Dam Barber State Fishing Lake Barber State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Barclay Barclay Cemetery Barclay Township Barker Dam Barker Plaza Barker School Barlett Canyon Barley Cemetery Barnard See Boicourt Barnard Nimrod Barnes Elm Grove Barnes Cemetery Barnes Creek Barnes Southwest Oil Field Barnes Township Barnesville Barnesville Cemetery Barnhill Bridge Barrel Spring Draw Barrel Springs Barren Creek See Berrys Creek Barret Barrett (historical) Barrett Cemetery Barrett Township Barry (historical) Barry Cemetery Barry Oil Field Barry Southeast Oil Field Bartholdi See Albert Bartholomew Oil Field Bartlett FEATURE CLASS school Ppl locale cemetery Ppl stream school civil civil civil civil civil civil cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church locale locale civil reservoir dam park park ppl cemetery civil dam locale school valley cemetery Ppl Ppl Ppl cemetery stream oilfield civil locale cemetery bridge valley spring stream locale locale cemetery civil locale cemetery oilfield oilfield ppl oilfield ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN CoUunTy Montgomery Dickinson Trego Seward Dickinson Jackson Jackson Stevens Harper Rush Dickinson Jackson Smith Anderson Marion Rush Ellsworth Washington Comanche Dickinson Wyandotte Crawford Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Osage Osage Osage Neosho Wyandotte Finney Cheyenne Cheyenne Linn Lincoln Washington Nemaha Nemaha Pratt Washington Bourbon Bourbon Wilson Wallace Scott Chautauqua Pottawatomie Marshall Marshall Thomas Coffey Geary Rooks Rooks Barton Sedgwick Labette COORDINATE 37005 34 3W 384103N0971347W 38535 1N1000645W 372133N1005000W 384103N0971347W 3928 17N0954 305W 392658N09548 38W 370315N1011115W 371610N09803 30W 382454N0991151W 38 3910N0971220W 392600N0955055W 394150N0984720W 381533N09518 4 9W 38 3028N09718 23W 38 3213N0990908W 38 3357N0981953W 394005N0972131W 371204N0992903W 385403N09704 28W 390345N0944000W 373404N09438 54W 371400N0984 100W 371743N098 34 48W 371743N098 34 48W 371743N098 34 48W 371743N098 34 48W 38 3438N095524 8W 38 3409N095523 1W 38 3350N09552 32W 374310N0952715W 3908 37N0944145W 946W 400041N1014212W 395157N1013912W 381615N0944312W 391126N09802 30W 394243N09652 27W 394146N0955257W 394121N0955131W 373900N098 355 394155N0965040W 380055N094 3 940W 380027N094 3 944W 373315N0954 149W 390348N1013955W 38395 1N1005458W 371208N0961755W 394015N0962700W 394010N0962700W 393938N0962703W 393030N1011615W 381015N09554 4 OW 391120N0965519W 391745N09924 30W 391640N099225 3W 382710N0990040W 37392 3N097475 3W 370317N0951238W SOURCE COORDINATE 392703N09552 58W 395902N1014108W 394115N0955658W 390150N1014032W ELEV FT 1094 1027 1416 2039 1782 1406 1239 890 1516 1183 920 2906 1310 1331 1237 868 818 1130 1137 1183 2061 890 MAP NAME Coffeyville West Castle Rock NE Sublette SE Holton Soldier Creek NE Woods SW Timken Elmo Soldier Creek NE Gaylord Garnett West Gypsum SE Bison Lorraine Brantford Protection Chapman Shawnee Arma Hardtner NW Medicine Lodge Medicine Lodge Medicine Lodge Medicine Lodge Reading Reading Reading Chanute Parkville White Woman Bott Parks Wheeler Barnard Barnes Goff Goff Cairo Barnes Prescott Prescott Altoona Harris Draw West Lake Scott Frankfort Frankfort Frankfort Dewey Ranch SE Gridley NW Milford Stockton SW Stockton SW Cheney Bartlett FEATURE NAME Bartlett Creek Meyano Creek Bartlett Dam Bartlett Elementary School Bartlett Elementary School Barton Barton County Barton County Fairgrounds Bartondale (historical) Barton Lake Lake Barton Baschor See Basehor Basehor Baschor Basel See Bern Basham (historical) Basil Gage Basil Oil and Gas Field Basket Creek Bassett Bassettville Cemetery Bassettville Township Bassetville (historical) Bassola, Lake Batch Creek Batcheller See Milford Batchlers Creek See Bachelor Creek Bateham Bateman School Bates (historical) Bates School Batesville Bath See Yates Center Bathel Church Battendorf Canyon Battery Hill Battery Park Battle Canyon Battle Creek Battle Creek Gypsum Creek Battle Creek Battle Creek Battle Creek Battle Creek Battle Creek Cemetery Battle Creek Township Battlefield Cemetery Battle Hill Township Bauer Cemetery Baugh Canyon Baughman Farm Strip Baughman Field Bughman Landing Field Baumgarten Oil Field Bavaria Honek Baxter Center Baxter Junction Baxter School Baxter School Baxter Springs Baxter Springs Cemetery Baxter Springs High School FEATURE CLASS stream dam school school locale civil locale locale reservoir ppl ppl ppl locale locale oilfield stream Ppl cemetery civil locale lake stream ppl stream locale school locale school locale Ppl church valley summit park valley stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery civil cemetery civil cemetery valley airport airport oilfield Ppl locale locale locale school ppl cemetery school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF coUnTY Pottawatomie Labette Labette Saline Lincoln Barton Barton Barton Barton Leavenworth Leavenworth Nemaha Lincoln Kingman Kingman Clay Allen Decatur Decatur Decatur Allen Wabaunsee Geary Labette Clay Jackson Pratt Montgomery Woodson Woodson Leavenworth Scott Riley Riley Scott Greenwood McPherson Ottawa Lincoln Cheyenne Phillips Cheyenne Lincoln Linn McPherson Shawnee Cowley Rooks Reno Rooks Saline Cherokee Cherokee Miami Franklin Cherokee Cherokee Cherokee COORDINATE 391908N0960332W 370336N0951254W 370327N0951245W 385010N0973647W 385938N09804 38W 382800N0984 600W 382702N0984 631W 384055N0985735W 382716N098 4 640W 3908 30N0945618W 3908 30N0945618W 395744N09558 18W 390005N09804 35W 373059N0980524W 37304 31W 390930N0971149W 375410N0952414W 394223N1004317W 394155N1004105W 39422 3N1004 408W 375424N0952425W 384754N0955807W 391006N09654 44W 37164 9W 3908 39302 6N0954 34 6W 372916N098 32 14W 37064 342W 375010N0955213W 375252N0954 359W 391705N0950437W 384038N1005720W 39062 9N0964 613W 323W 38382 3N100552 6W 3758 35N0963048W 38322 3N0972 702W 390334N0974024W 390945N0980557W 394147N1015616W 3958 38N09928 55W 394014N1015617W 391045N098 123 5W 380720N0944 322W 3828 40N0972535W 385911N09534 35W 370825N09654 50W 393300N0991100W 375316N0981217W 391545N09922 40W 384750N097451LW 370030N0944415W 370143N094 444 6W 383131N0944034W 3838 30N0951920W 370128N0944414W 370155N0944611W 370112N0944456W SOURCE COORDINATE 392356N09606 40W 390736N0971756W 385203N0960227W 384108N10058 36W 383857N1005624W 380125N0963241W 382505N09728 32W 408W 390715N0981258W 393222N1020409W 395425N0992905W 370922N0965358W ELEV FT 1352 1900 1872 984 1595 965 2833 1325 1121 855 1060 1968 1634 1285 857 830 1079 840 KS15 MAP NAME Onaga NE Bartlett Bartlett Salina Westfall Great Bend NE Great Bend NE Galatia Great Bend NE Basehor Shady Bend Almeda Almeda Industry Iola Selden NW Selden NW Selden NW Iola Harveyville Wakefield Netawaka Isabel Coffeyville West Toronto SE Easton Lake Scott Junction City Manhattan Lake Scott Rosalia NE Roxbury Minneapolis South Barnard Crosby Creek Woodruff Crosby Creek Lincoln NW Prescott Canton Richland Winfield Kirwin SW Arlington Stockton SW Brookville Baxter Springs Baxter Springs Louisburg Ottawa North Baxter Springs Neutral Baxter Springs KS16 FEATURE NAME Bayard Bayer Oil Field Bayne (historical) Bayne (historical) Ingalls Bayneville Bays See Biays (historical) Bazaar Mary Bazaar Cemetery Bazaar Township Bazar Township Bazar Township See Bazaar Township Bazine Bezona Bezonia Bazine Cemetery Bazine Creek See Bazine Dry Creek Bazine Dry Creek Bazine Creek Brazine Dry Creek Bazine Township Beach Creek Beagle Bean Cemetery Bean Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek See Baehr Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Cemetery Bear Creek Township Beardsley Greshamton Beasly Cemetery Beattee See Beattie Beattie Beattee Beattie Elementary School Beattie Union Cemetery Beaty Creek Beaumont Lostine Petersville Beaumont Cemetery Beaumont Oil Field Beaumont South Oil Field Beautiful Saviour Evangelical Lutheran Church Beaver Bowdenville Beaver See Reamsville Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Little Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek FEATURE CLASS ppl oilfield locale locale locale locale Ppl cemetery civil civil Ppl cemetery stream stream civil stream ppl cemetery stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery civil locale cemetery ppl ppl school cemetery stream Ppl cemetery oilfield oilfield church ppl locale stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN 1925 VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1891 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN coUunTy Allen Stafford Russell Lincoln Sedgwick Russell Chase Chase Chase Chase Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Wabaunsee Miami Rice Republic Cowley Clark Harper Meade Barber Stanton Stafford Hamilton Hamilton Rawlins Cherokee Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Stanton Butler Butler Greenwood Greenwood Shawnee Barton Smith Cowley Harper Cowley Sumner Sumner Harvey COORDINATE 375937N095094 6W 381207N098524 5W 390755N098 344 6W 391121N0982205W 373315N0972637W 385730N098 35 45W 381619N0963206W 381618N0963242W 381510N0962930W 381510N09629 30W 382640N0994 130W 3828 36N0994144W 382608N0994 120W 382608N0994 120W 3828 49N0994 148W 385713N0960148W 382505N0945717W 950W 395358N0975523W 39W 370317N099424 9W 370505N0975 150W 370514N0690628W 372124N098 523 9W 375042N1011947W 380306N0984 900W 374538N1015602W 374937N1015430W 394852N1011338W 37043 3N09449 52W 395140N09625 10W 395140N09625 10W 395416N0962245W 395218N09625 15W 373143N1015900W 373929N0963157W 37395 374000N0962908W 3738 35N0962 940W 390052N0954 351W 38 3825N0984000W 395548N0985200W 36460 34W 370658N0980318W 37094 9N097054 9W 371214N0973747W 371407N097225 6W 38065 SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3743N09956 39W 3858 32W 395630N0980110W 370429N0963 345W 371119N0994536W 370440N09608 52W 371918N09900 39W 372205N1025957W 37584 6N0985347W 370714N0963959W 102 3W 371405N0970350W 372037N0973600W 37185 6N0972009W 3808 39N0971431W ELEV FT 1020 1307 1220 2125 2149 960 1598 3195 903 1330 1605 1611 1920 MAP NAME Moran Radium Meades Ranch Ash Grove Bayneville Cottonwood Falls Cottonwood Falls Gladstone Bazine Bazine Bazine Bazine Keene Osawatomie Windom Webber Cedar Vale West Sitka SW Chautauqua Sun City SW Saunders Saint John North Syracuse West SW Syracuse West SW Beardsley Neutral Beattie Beattie Beattie Manter Beaumont Beaumont Piedmont NW Piedmont NW Topeka Beaver Grainola Spring Hackney Caldwell NW Rome Newton FEATURE NAME Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek See Ladder Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek See Middle Beaver Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek South Fork Beaver Creek Creek School Beaver Beaver Beaver Beaver Beaver Beaver Beaver Beaver Flats Elementary School Beaver North Oil Field Beaver Oil Field Beaver South Oil Field Beaverton (historical) Bird Beaver Township Beaver Township See Leoti Township Beaver Township Beaver Township Beaver Township Beaver Township See Bird City Township Beaver Township Beaver Township See Center Township Beaver Township Beaver Township Beaver Township Bebo Hill Beckerville Beckys Knob Bedford Beech Grove See Morland Beech Lake Beech Lake and Park Dam Bee Creek Bee Creek Lake Beeler Beelerville Beeler Cemetery Beelerville See Beeler Beesley Farms Airport Bel Aire See Bellaire Bel Aire Church of the Nazarene Belcher Airport Belfast (historical) Belfield (historical) Believers Bible Church Belinder Elementary School Belknap Church Belknap School FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream school school oilfield oilfield oilfield locale civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil summit locale summit locale ppl . reservoir dam stream reservoir ppl cemetery ppl airport Ppl church airport locale locale church school church school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1972 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Lyon Russell Logan Lincoln Sherman Cloud Smith Phillips Republic Washington Decatur Miami Scott Barton Barton Barton Rawlins Cowley Wichita Scott Barton Lincoln Cheyenne Republic Rawlins Phillips Decatur Smith Osage Nemaha Clark Stafford Graham Sedgwick Sedgwick Montgomery Chautauqua Ness Ness Ness Gove Sedgwick Sedgwick Ellsworth Gray Rush Shawnee Johnson Chautauqua Chautauqua COORDINATE 382347N09618 51W 384754N098 3 527W 384757N1005134W 390110N0980547W 392636N1014114W 393335N0972234W 3938 47N0985135W 394019N0993 341W 805W 394732N0965241W 400716N09938 35W 38 3506N0944 642W 38355 54W 384130N0983918W 384006N098 38 50W 38 3720N098 38 30W 394335N1010925W 371018N0970519W 38285 3N1012055W 383740N1010210W 383908N098 38 4 3W 390530N0980600W 394110N1013410W 394155N0975400W 394205N1010215W 394730N0993 345W 395720N1003400W 395734N0984720W 38275 4 2 IW 393635N096094 9W 371225N0995 350W 380228N098 38 00W 392058N1000431W 374217N0971328W 374217N0971328W 370314N09558 12W 371130N0955909W 382640N1001140W 382701N1001148W 382640N1001140W 384906N1002718W 374545N0971600W 374555N0971615W 38520 615W 375100N1003003W 382752N0990247W 390055N0954018W 38595 3N094 3 700W 371520N0962039W 371504N0962041W SOURCE COORDINATE 3828 17N0962054W 38382 6N0984 105W 390504N098034 3W 39294 600W 394455N09850 35W 394631N0993535W 395106N0975507W 394228N096574 4W 392636N1014114W 371430N09559 30W ELEV FT 900 1220 1338 2180 1850 824 2505 2533 2635 1415 KS17 MAP NAME Plymouth Dorrance Shady Bend Clyde Gaylord Prairie View Kackley Hanover SW Precept Paola East Lake Scott SW Beaver Beaver Redwing Chardon NW Hackney Pence Beaver Shady Bend Jamestown NW Prairie View Oberlin NE Reamsville Lebo NW Duluth Ashland NW Hudson Andover Andover Caney Caney NW Beeler Beeler Gove SW Valley Center Brookville SW Charleston Albert Topeka Grandview Moline Moline KS18 FEATURE NAME Bellaire Bel Aire Bellaire Bell Branch Bell Branch Bell Cemetery Bellefont Bellefonte Bellefonte See Bellefont Bellegarde Cemetery Belle Grove See Climax Belle Plaine Belle Plaine Township Belle Plaine Township See Solomon-District 3 Township Belle Prairie Cemetery Belle Spring Cemetery Belleview (historical) Belleview School Belleville Belleville Airport See Belleville Municipal Airport Belleville Cemetery Belleville High School Belleville Municipal Airport Belleville Airport Belleville Township Belleville Township Belle Vista Cemetery Bellevue See Mayfield Bellevue School Bellgrade (historical) Bell Grove See Climax Bell Mound Bell Point Bell School Bell School Bell School Bell Spring (historical) Bell Township Bell Township Bellview School Bellview School Bellville School Bellvue School Belmont Belmont Belmont See Webster Belmont Cemetery Belmont Cemetery Belmont Cemetery Belmont Center Gas Field Belmont Square Belmont Township Belmont Township Belmont Township See Township Number 6 Belmont Township Beloit Willow Springs FEATURE CLASS ppl Ppl stream stream cemetery ppl ppl cemetery ppl Ppl civil civil cemetery cemetery locale school ppl airport cemetery school airport civil civil cemetery ppl school locale ppl _ summit cliff school school school locale civil civil locale school school school Ppl Ppl locale cemetery cemetery cemetery oilfield locale civil civil civil civil ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT coUNnTy Sedgwick Smith Bourbon Miami Smith Ford Ford Riley Greenwood Sumner Sumner Norton Rush Dickinson Greenwood Brown Republic Republic Republic Republic Republic Chautauqua Republic Butler Sumner Doniphan Coffey Greenwood Cherokee Leavenworth Wilson Leavenworth Jackson Dickinson Reno Rice Osage Miami Barton Brown Kingman Shawnee Rooks Woodson Phillips Doniphan Kingman Labette Kingman Woodson Rooks Phillips Mitchell COORDINATE 37454 394754N098 403 3W 380045N0945737W 38 3539N0945534W 3938 375221N0993927W 375221N0993927W 393302N0963919W 374311N0961323W 372338N0971651W 372221N0971630W 394054N09953 35W 382732N099 325 6W 384727N09708 53W 374747N0962714W 394938N0952 922W 394928N0973756W 39485 3N0973 928W 394945N09738 27W 39470 905W 39485 3N0973 928W 370300N0961024W 394650N0973930W 374924N0965025W 371530N0973240W 394940N0951919W 3808 20N095334 5W 374311N0961323W 371742N0945656W 392145N0945636W 372548N09550 32W 391744N0950259W 391903N0954 347W 384755N09708 55W 374635N0981550W 381302N0982502W 384725N095554 0W 38325 3N094 38 22W 38163 3N098 402 3W 395610N0952708W 373125N0975 920W 390250N095 38 00W 392406N0992608W 375008N0954 632W 394402N09925 19W 39464 15W 373030N0981030W 372025N0951601W 372915N0981130W 374640N09548 20W 392615N0992545W 394200N0992730W 392722N0980621W SOURCE COORDINATE 380348N0945634W 38 3748N0945553W ELEV 1400 1890 1782 2355 1353 1230 1258 1111 1550 1531 1095 920 1040 1114 1150 1120 1849 1070 1585 900 1115 2021 928 896 1386 MAP NAME Valley Center Bellaire Mapleton Paola West Portis NW Bellefont Blue Rapids SW Belle Plaine Dalton Alexander Abilene SW Reece Robinson Belleville Belleville Belleville Belleville Chautauqua Belleville El Dorado Highland Aliceville West Mineral Leavenworth Lafontaine Easton Mayet ta Abilene SW Langdon Alden NW Harveyville Louisburg Ellinwood SW Highland NW Murdock Topeka Toronto SE Speed Wathena Cleveland Parsons West Spivey Toronto SE Logan Beloit FEATURE NAME Beloit Junior-Senior High School Beloit Beloit Belpre Belpre Township Municipal Airport Township Belvidere Glick Belvidere Cemetery Belvoir (historical) Belvoir Elementary School Belvoir School Belvue Belvue Cemetery Belvue Township Beman (historical) Beman Cemetery Bemis Creek Bemis-Shutts Oil Field Bendena Albers Bender Mounds Benedict Guilford Benedict Creek Benedictine College Saint Benedicts College Benedict Junction Benfield School Benham School Benkelman Township Bennet Springs See Potter Bennett Township Bennington Bennington High School Bennington Township Bens Branch Benson Oil and Gas Field Ben S. Paulen Elementary School Bentley Benton Benton Airport Nelson Landing Strip Benton Cemetery Benton Elementary School Benton School Benton Township Benton Township Benton Township Ben Wade See Rozel Ben-Wade See Rozel Berbeck See Verbeck (historical) Berea Cemetery Berean Academy Berg Cemetery Bergtal Cemetery Bergtal Church Bergtal Oil and Gas Field Berkley Airport Berkley Brothers Airport Berkly (historical) Berlin Berlin Township See Township Number 3 Bern FEATURE CLASS school airport civil ppl civil Ppl cemetery locale school school ppl cemetery civil locale cemetery stream oilfield Ppl summit ppl stream school locale school school civil Ppl civil ppl school civil locale oilfield school Ppl ppl airport cemetery school school civil civil civil ppl ppl locale cemetery school cemetery cemetery church oilfield airport airport locale ppl civil Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN COUNTY Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Edwards Edwards Kiowa Kiowa Douglas Shawnee Douglas Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Morris Morris Butler Ellis Doniphan Labette Wilson Coffey Atchison Wilson Saline Shawnee Cheyenne Atchison Kingman Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ellsworth Pawnee Wilson Sedgwick Butler Butler Butler Butler Sedgwick Butler Hodgeman Atchison Pawnee Pawnee Barton Franklin Butler Pottawatomie Barton Barton Barton Ottawa Ottawa Scott Bourbon Harper Nemaha COORDINATE 392750N0980638W 3928 15N09808 00W 50W 375700N0990600W 37572 15W 372701N0990447W 372718N0990256W 385513N09525 4 OW 390208N095 38 4 5W 385513N09525 48W 391300N0961040W 391326N0961140W 391445N0961130W 384908N09625 36W 38482 6W 374938N0964 903W 390300N09913 30W 394428N0951045W 372025N09628 3 6W 373725N09544 37W 381718N0955223W 393420N0950651W 373637N0954 615W 38505 390055N0953651W 394103N1015515W 39253 30W 372545N0975 128W 390150N0973538W 390158N0973547W 390010N09738 30W 384952N09808 15W 380100N0990050W 373232N0954 905W 375310N0973100W 374720N0970630W 37464 9W 374747N0970528W 374710N097062 1W 603W 374600N0970555W 380239N1001018W 392805N09424 40W 381145N09924 10W 381145N0992410W 38 3850N0984 306W 382353N0951106W 380307N09707 38W 393214N0962315W 381819N09858 38W 381908N09858 37W 381730N0990010W 390255N0973525W 390140N097535 6W 38155 375517N09453 45W 370418N09803 30W 395744N09558 18W SOURCE COORDINATE 375330N0963528W 382128N09548 50W ELEV FT 1416 2090 1845 875 960 966 1475 1113 1020 900 845 121% 1012 1221 1605 1387 1375 1365 1342 1368 2023 2002 1245 1320 908 1281 KS19 MAP NAME Beloit Solomon Rapids Beloit Belpre Belpre Belvidere Belvidere Clinton Topeka Clinton Belvue Belvue Belvue Alta Vista Alta Vista El Dorado Turkville Bendena Dennis Buffalo Ottumwa Atchison East Fredonia Salina Grantville Crosby Creek Norwich Bennington Bennington Minneapolis South Westfall SW Zook Fredonia Bentley Benton Benton Benton Benton Wichita West Benton Horse Thief Can S Half Mound Garnett NW Elbing Frankfort SW Pawnee Rock Pawnee Rock Albert SE Bennington Tescott Shallow Water Kenia Bern KS20 FEATURE NAME Basel Collins Lehman Bernard Branch Bernard Branch See South Branch Verdigris River Berry Hill Berry School Berrys Creek Baker Creek Bakers Branch Bakers Creek Barren Creek Berryton Berryton United Methodist Church Bert Wettar Bert-Wettar Bert-Wettar See Bert Wettar Berwet Berwet Spur Berwit Berwet Spur See Berwet Berwick Sidney Berwick (historical) Berwick Airport Berwick School Berwick Township Berwit See Berwet Bestwall Bethany See Portis Bethany Baptist Church Bethany Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethany Center Cemetery Bethany Chapel Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany College Bethany Hospital Bethany Lutheran Church Bethany Park Bethany Place Bethany Township Bethehen Church Bethel Bethel See Munden Bethel Baptist Church Bethel Baptist Church Bethel Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethel Cemetery FEATURE CLASS stream stream summit school stream ppl church locale locale locale locale Ppl locale airport school civil locale locale Ppl church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church church church school hospital church park church civil church ppl Ppl church church cemetery cemetery cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1974 VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Greenwood Greenwood Montgomery Geary Chautauqua Shawnee Shawnee Pawnee Pawnee Sedgwick Sedgwick Nemaha Saline Sedgwick Nemaha Nemaha Sedgwick Marshall Osborne Sedgwick Sumner Neosho Kingman Greeley Lincoln Osborne Clay Kingman Sedgwick Reno Dickinson Lincoln Ottawa Clay McPherson Wyandotte Sedgwick Wyandotte Shawnee Osborne Washington Wyandotte Republic Sedgwick Shawnee Montgomery Neosho Edwards COORDINATE 380722N0961632W 380908N0961000W 370800N09552 35W 390017N0964 447W 371208N0961755W 385627N0953753W 385625N0953755W 381129N0992205W 381129N0992205W 374708N0972900W 374708N0972900W 504 0W 384428N0973 348W 374945N0972055W 395541N0955042W 395735N0955020W 900W 394240N09638 50W 39334 9N0984135W 37432 9N0972 100W 371020N0973002W 372354N0951609W 373521N0980104W 384102N1013828W 391030N0981544W 392941N098 38 15W 391458N0971424W 373243N098013 3W 375351N0973457W 38032 9N0974 8 40W 390341N0970744W 391035N0981557W 391337N0972958W 391615N09658 4 6W 38 3450N0974023W 390618N094 382 1W 373850N0972104W 390610N094 38 20W 390302N0954100W 393130N098 394 5W 394239N0970012W 3908 40N0944530W 395450N09732 16W 374116N0972310W 390710N095 393 6W 371634N09538 45W 373305N0952242W 374404N09924 47W SOURCE COORDINATE 380524N0962055W 372015N0962050W ELEV FT 1030 990 2064 1363 1366 1400 1354 1585 1591 1572 1409 1236 1548 1518 1275 1368 1000 954 2249 MAP NAME Thrall Caney NW Ogden Elgin NE Wakarusa Wakarusa Sanford Maize Sabetha Assaria Valley Center Sabetha Sabetha Blue Rapids Wichita East Perth Galesburg Almeda Sharon Sprs 4 NW Ash Grove Osborne Industry Almeda Bentley Hutchinson SE Buckeye Ash Grove Manchester NW Bala Lindsborg Shawnee Wichita East Shawnee Topeka Portis Linn Wolcott Wichita West Topeka Sycamore Earlton Greensburg NW FEATURE NAME Bethel Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethel Chapel Bethel Chapel Bethel Chapel Bethel Church Bethel Church Bethel Church Bethel Church Bethel Church Bethel Church Church Bethel Church Bethel Church Bethel Church Bethel College See North Newton Bethel College Bethel Life Center Bethel School Bethel Bethel School Bethel School Bethlehem Cemetery Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Church Bethlehem School Beto Junction Betts Creek Beulah Logonda Beulah Cemetery Beulah Cemetery Beulah Cemetery Beulah Church Beulah Park Beverly Colorado Beverly Cemetery Beverly Hills Beverly Junior High School Beyer Farm Airport Bezona See Bazine Bezonia See Bazine Biays (historical) Bays Bible Christian Church Bible Tabernacle Bibleway Pentecostal Assembly Church Bickerdyke Elementary School Biddle Oil Field Big Badger Creek Badger Creek Big Basin Big Ben See Speed Big Bend See Speed Big Bend Township Big Blue River See Blue River Big Blue River Blue Earth River Blue River East Branch Blue Earth River FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church church church church church church church church ppl school church school school school cemetery church church school locale stream ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery church park Ppl cemetery Ppl school airport Ppl Ppl locale church church church school oilfield stream basin ppl ppl civil stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT CcoUnTy Anderson Barton Douglas Shawnee Chautauqua Douglas Shawnee Stevens Barber Stanton Kiowa Neosho Butler McPherson Dickinson Jefferson Cloud Harvey Harvey Sedgwick Wilson Bourbon Wyandotte Wabaunsee Cherokee Dickinson Marshall Brown Wyandotte Crawford Crawford Wichita Thomas Smith Sedgwick Lincoln Lincoln Wyandotte Lincoln Sedgwick Ness Ness Russell Sedgwick Bourbon Sedgwick Russell Cowley Cowley Clark Phillips Phillips Republic Johnson Pottawatomie COORDINATE 38162 45W 383816N0983028W 38460 3N09520 38W 390031N09535 11W 301650N0962 358W 384604N0952 356W 39102 3N095 4 628W 37055 371419N09828 38W 372506N1013447W 373327N0992022W 373736N095104 3W 375352N097065 3W 381241N0974 629W 390009N097064 0W 391131N0952200W 392105N0974207W 380420N097204 3W 3804 30W 373737N0972214W 372912N09538 02W 375147N0944922W 3908 17N0944535W 390213N09609 14W 371134N0944638W 385406N0970422W 395914N0964 458W 130W 390254N09448 3 9W 941W 37262 3N094 48 55W 38395 43W 392320N1010215W 39540 148W 373903N097202 3W 39004 31W 390125N09758 30W 390928N0944 406W 39004 24W 373502N0971510W 382640N0994 130W 382640N0994 130W 385730N098 354 5W 373856N0971921W 374220N0944110W 373747N0971930W 385320N0985 140W 371743N096555 3W 371101N0965716W 371425N0995950W 394038N0992514W 394038N09925 14W 395735N0975410W 39072 3N09427 58W 391112N0963145W SOURCE COORDINATE 390607N0945000W 371217N0965538W 405700N09804 30W ELEV 1068 1917 1066 1098 990 3193 2312 1338 1266 1473 902 1045 908 1239 1074 977 3292 2037 1322 900 1340 1535 KS21 MAP NAME Harris Dubuque Lone Star Grantville Grenola Globe Grove Woods SW Sharon South Shore Airport NE Greensburg Stark Potwin Buhler Upland Oskaloosa Aurora SW Newton Wichita East Neodesha Marmaton Wolcott Mc Farland Columbus Chapman Herkimer Waverly NW Edwardsville Radley Radley Russell Sprs 3 NE Colby Kensington NE Wichita East Tescott Tescott Parkville Tescott Derby Dorrance NE Wichita East Cato Wichita East Russell New Salem Winfield Ashland NW Scandia NW Manhattan KS22 FEATURE NAME East Fork of Blue River L'eau Bleu River Loe Blue River Low Blue River Monecato River North Branch Big Blue River North Fork of Big Blue River Rio Agua Azul Riviére de 1'Eau Bleu Big Bow Big Bow Elementary School Big Bow Township Big Bull Creek See Bull Creek Big Cana River See Little Caney River Big Candy Lake Big Cedar Creek Big Coon Creek See Coon Creek Big Cow Creek See Cow Creek Big Creek See Winterset (historical) Big Creek Big Creek Big Creek Big Creek See North Big Creek Big Creek Big Creek Big Creek Cemetery Big Creek Chapel Big Creek Station See Hays Big Creek Township Big Creek Township Big Creek Township Big Dutchman Lake Big Eddy Creek See Eddy Creek Big Eight Lake Big Eleven Lake Big Elm Creek Bigelow (historical) Bigelow Township Big Four School Big Hill Big Hill Creek Big Hill Dam Big Hill Lake Big Hill State Game Management Area See Big Hill Wildlife Area Big Hill Wildlife Area Big Hill State Game Management Area Big John Creek Big Lagoon Big Lagoon Big Muddy See Missouri River Big Mule Creek See Mule Creek FEATURE CLASS Ppl school civil stream stream lake stream stream stream locale stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery church ppl civil civil civil reservoir stream reservoir reservoir stream locale civil school cliff stream dam reservoir park park stream flat lake stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT coUnTy Stanton Stanton Stanton Miami Chautauqua Cherokee Wilson Ford Reno Russell Labette Neosho Coffey Coffey Russell Phillips Coffey Neosho Ellis Neosho Russell Ellis Norton Wyandotte Atchison Wyandotte Jackson Marshall Marshall Labette Montgomery Montgomery Labette Labette Labette Labette Morris Wallace Wallace Wyandotte Barber COORDINATE 373354N1013340W 373358N1013343W 373330N1013615W 38 3006N0945048W 365610N0955700W 370134N0950220W 37303 3N095 395 5W 380409N0991424W 3758 47N0975023W 384605N0990107W 364414N095324 9W 373731N0952012W 380415N0954009W 380541N0954 335W 384725N098 550 9W 394308N0991109W 38064 602W 374211N0951931W 385245N0991935W 374120N0951825W 385216N0985901W 385242N09918 29W 394110N0994111W 390935N094 394 2W 392527N0950454W 390706N094 38 12W 529W 393800N09630 15W 393604N09632 10W 372301N0953047W 37034 15W 370342N09536 34W 371607N09528 08W 371607N09528 08W 371600N0952600W 371600N0952 600W 38 3709N0962 623W 385611N1013218W 390055N1015905W 38484 370527N098 594 5W SOURCE COORDINATE 373751N0953204W 370133N09518 4 9W 375425N0951020W 380541N0954 335W 39065 4N1004433W 394900N09914 50W 39204 400W 372800N095273 6W 384437N0962413W ELEV 3174 782 1026 967 3893 MAP NAME Big Bow Big Bow Big Bow Chetopa Altoona Hayrick Mound Rollin Le Roy Russell SW Gretna Gridley SE Rollin Rollin Russell SW Hays North Densmore Oak Mills Shawnee Soldier Creek SE Blue Rapids NE Blue Rapids SE Morehead Coffeyville West Coffeyville East Dennis Dennis Dennis Council Grove Wallace Horsethief Draw FEATURE NAME Big Nemahaw River See South Fork Nemaha River Big Noxie Creek Big Osage River See Marais des Cygnes River Big Pawnee Creek See Pawnee Creek Big Red River See Nescatunga Creek Big Rimber Creek Big Salt Fork See Nescatunga Creek Big Salt Marsh Salt Marsh Big Sandy Cemetery Big Sandy Creek Sand Creek Big Sandy Creek Big Sandy Oil Field Big Shunga Park Big Sinkhole Big Slough Big Slough Big Slough Big Slough Creek See Slough Creek Big Spring See Big Springs Big Spring Bigspring See Big Springs Big Spring Creek Big Springs Big Spring Bigspring Big Springs Big Springs Big Springs Cemetery Big Stranger Creek See Stranger Creek Big Sugar Creek See Sugar Creek Big Sugar Creek Sugar Creek Big Timber See Cleburne (historical) Big Timber Cemetery Big Timber Creek Big Timber Creek Big Timber Creek Big Timber Creek Big Timber Creek Big Timber Township Big Vermillion River See Vermillion Creek Big Walnut Creek See Walnut Creek Big Windy Creek Billard Municipal Airport See Philip Billard Municipal Airport Billings County See Norton County Billings School Billingsville See Norton Bills Creek FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream swamp cemetery stream stream oilfield park reservoir stream stream stream stream Ppl spring ppl stream ppl spring spring cemetery stream stream stream locale cemetery stream stream stream stream stream civil stream stream stream airport civil school ppl stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1963 coUnTy Nemaha Pottawatomie Linn Bourbon Comanche Trego Comanche Stafford Woodson Barber Clark Woodson Shawnee McPherson Sedgwick Sedgwick Harvey Jefferson Douglas Wallace Douglas Kingman Douglas Meade Scott Douglas Leavenworth Linn Linn Riley Decatur Ellis Norton Decatur Jewell Cheyenne Rush Pottawatomie Neosho Gove Shawnee Norton Montgomery Norton Chase COORDINATE 40034 2N0954209W 392208N0960318W 381310N0943120W 374730N0944 925W 370515N09908 15W 384255N09 94 655W 370515N09908 15W 381150N0983150W 37460 370139N0985121W 370231N0994544W 37464 390115N09542 30W 381208N0974416W 373437N09718 14W 374055N09724 32W 38102 38 2 3W 390707N0952617W 39004 390205N1013905W 39004 37250 12W 39004 371539N1002329W 384001N1005010W 390120N09529 10W 385959N0950121W 381217N0945953W 381408N0944101W 39320 394517N1002022W 384227N0991607W 3938 35N0994 341W 39425 3W 395330N0890935W 400105N1013141W 38382 34W 391218N0961312W 373330N0950752W 384619N1001005W 390412N0953713W 500W 371139N09534 35W 395002N0995 328W 380906N0964745W SOURCE COORDINATE 392725N09602 19W 384009N0994504W 371413N0985204W 371214N1000607W 3738 33N0972412W 37465 352W 381430N09739 15W 373105N09753 36W 381217N0945953W 384009N09944 45W 394703N099472 9W 394402N1003041W 394823N098 145 3W 394712N1013446W 384054N1001152W 38043 ELEV FT 1434 786 KS23 MAP NAME Emmett Osgood Big Salt Marsh Toronto SE Pump Creek Ashland SE Toronto SE Topeka Halstead NW Derby Wichita West Halstead NW Harris Draw West Adams Perry Missler Lake Scott Perry Pleasanton Kanona SE Liebenthal Densmore Clayton Mankato NW Benkelman Liebenthal Castle Rock Liberty wWons evu KS24 FEATURE NAME Cedar Creek Bills Creek Birch (historical) Birch Creek Bird See Beaverton (historical) Bird Cemetery Bird City Birdaton Bird City Airport Bird City Cemetery Bird City Township Alexander Township Beaver Township Evergreen Township Jefferson Township Porter Township Bird Creek Bird School Birdaton See Bird City Birk Lake Birmingham Bisbee Biscuit Creek Biscuit Mound Bishop (historical) Bishop Carroll High School Bishop Elementary School Bishop Miege High School Bismarck See Hessdale Bismarck Grove See Bismark Grove Bismark See Hessdale Bismark Grove Bismarck Grove Bison Buffalo Bissell Creek Bissell Point School Bitler See Olpe Bitner Cemetery Bitter Creek Bittercreek Bitter Creek Bitter Creek Bitter Creek Bitter Creek Bittercreek See Bitter Creek Bitter Creek Oil Field Bixler Cemetery Blackburn See Hawk Black Canyon Black Crook Creek Black Jack Black Jack Creek See Coal Creek Blackjack Creek Blackjack Spring Black Kettle Creek Black Landing Field Black Marsh (historical) FEATURE CLASS stream locale stream locale cemetery Ppl airport cemetery civil stream school Ppl reservoir ppl locale stream summit locale school school school Ppl locale ppl locale Ppl stream school Ppl cemetery locale stream stream stream stream locale oilfield cemetery Ppl valley stream locale stream stream spring stream airport swamp NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN 1920 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN coUnTy Jackson Sedgwick Chautauqua Rawlins Cherokee Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne Butler Cherokee Cheyenne Coffey Jackson Greenwood Montgomery Woodson Jewell Sedgwick Shawnee Johnson Wabaunsee Douglas Wabaunsee Douglas Rush Phillips Barton Lyon Doniphan Sumner Sumner Cherokee Barber Sumner Sumner Sumner Seward Harper McPherson Cowley Douglas Douglas Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Harvey Rawlins Rice COORDINATE 392808N09538 54W 374307N0974 445W 370304N09558 58W 394335N1010925W 371925N0944225W 394503N1013157W 394400N1013145W 394614N1013103W 394110N1013410W 37494 3N09 64 900W 371915N0944218W 394503N1013157W 380910N0955 406W 39243 3N095405 6W 380312N0960620W 370303N0954 23 1W 375152N095553 9W 395305N0980117W 374135N0972610W 390038N0954 317W 390208N0943728W 38544 6123 3W 385905N09512 35W 38544 6123 3W 385905N0951235W 38 3122N0991149W 39455 3N099223 1W 382445N098 452 3W 381545N0961000W 394438N0951448W 370220N0970947W 364852N0971634W 534W 37184 3N0984 331W 372452N0971200W 370220N0970947W 370140N0971626W 370222N1004218W 37064 30W 38 3055N0973054W 371313N09658 48W 384604N0950656W 38544 391114N0962522W 391132N0962517W 380031N0973025W 394920N1012156W 381015N09823 45W SOURCE COORDINATE 392420N0954717W 370205N096025 3W 374818N0963800W 370553N0954 124W 395451N0992407W 370750N0971621W 370536N0945020W 371428N0984716W 3728 43N097094 6W 38 3034N0973052W 371602N09655 40W 391411N0962444W 381545N0972909W ELEV FT 3460 3470 1120 1132 1080 1342 816 2011 1856 1211 1108 1090 3345 MAP NAME Holton Garden Plain Peru Kirkwood Bird City North Bird City South Bird City North Bird City South Pontiac Kirkwood Gridley NW Holton Lamont Coffeyville West Toronto Webber Wichita West Topeka Kansas City Lawrence East Bison Phillipsburg N Great Bend NE Bendena Geuda Springs Braman Neutral Medicine Lodge SW Mulvane Portland Kismet SW Lindsborg SE Winfield Edgerton St George St George Halstead Mc Donald Alden NW FEATURE NAME Blackpaint River See Vermillion Creek Black School Blacksmith Creek Blackstone (historical) Rex Black Swan Dam Black Swan Lake Black Vermilion River See Black Vermillion River Black Vermillion Creek See Robidoux Creek Black Vermillion Creek See North Fork Black Vermillion River Black Vermillion Crossing (historical) Black Vermillion River Black Vermilion River Blackwell Oil Field Black Wolf Blackwolf Columbia Blackwolf See Black Wolf Black Wolf School Black Wolf Township Blaine Butler City Blaine Township See Township Number 2 Blaine Township Blaine Township Blaine Township Blaine Township Blaine Township Blair Blaiseville See Oakley Blake Blakeley Township See Blakely Township Blakely Cemetery Blakely Township Blakeley Township Blakeman Weeks Blakeman Cemetery Blanchard (historical) Blankenship Cemetery Blankenship Oil Field Blanton (historical) Blasers Airport Blaze Fork Blaze Fork Creek Blaze Fork Creek See Blaze Fork Blendon See Goddard Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church Blessed Sacrament School Blessed Sacrament School Blindman Canyon Block Blocker See Morrowville Blodgett Derby Station FEATURE CLASS stream school stream locale dam reservoir stream stream stream locale stream oilfield Ppl ppl school civil ppl civil civil civil civil civil civil Ppl ppl locale civil cemetery civil locale cemetery locale cemetery oilfield locale airport stream stream Ppl church school school valley ppl Ppl locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT coUunTy Pottawatomie Sedgwick Shawnee Sumner Johnson Johnson Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Greenwood Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Pottawatomie Harper Lane Marion Ottawa Clay Smith Doniphan Logan Montgomery Geary Greenwood Geary Rawlins Rawlins Kingman Butler Butler Douglas Leavenworth Harvey Harvey Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Wyandotte Wallace Miami Washington Greenwood COORDINATE 391218N0961312W 374211N0972 302W 390350N0955028W 370640N0974720W 390236N0944400W 390236N0944 400W 39350 394126N0962 638W 394 328N0961945W 39385 3N0962 947W 393506N0963409W 375755N09558 29W 384530N0982142W 384530N0982142W 384608N0982121W 384425N0981905W 392948N0962410W 370345N0981040W 382434N100364 3W 38 3400N0971220W 391100N09738 50W 392150N0971100W 394650N0984000W 394702N0950009W 390800N1005148W 371003N095 4 525W 385450N0964 540W 380936N0961000W 385450N0964 540W 394920N1010700W 394852N1010745W 373332N0981757W 37465 374736N0963157W 385355N09514 30W 391615N09459 15W 380716N0973932W 380716N0973932W 373935N09734 30W 374110N0971730W 374113N0971728W 390740N0943916W 390440N1014150W 383018N09448 28W 395040N0971017W 373732N09 6274 6W SOURCE COORDINATE 3858 26N095505 3W 394016N0960327W 382318N0975121W 390748N1014301W ELEV FT 1568 1622 1507 890 807 1074 2900 1489 1000 869 1453 KS25 MAP NAME Wichita West Silver Lake Bluff City East Shawnee Shawnee Frankfort Blue Rapids SE Quincy Black Wolf Black Wolf Holyrood NE Westmoreland Amy Tampa Minneapolis North Clay Center SW Bellaire Troy Bolton Madison Wreford Atwood Beardsley Willowdale Rosalia Rosalia Lawrence East Parker Burrton Wichita East Wichita East Parkville Harris Draw West Paola East Piedmont NW KS26 FEATURE NAME Blodgett Creek Blood Creek Blood River Blood Creek Blood Creek Blood River See Blood Creek Bloody Creek Bloody Run Bloody Run Bloody Run Bloody Run Bloody Run Bloom Bloomsburg Bloom Cemetery Bloom Cemetery Bloomer Oil Field Bloomfield (historical) Bloomfield Township Bloomfield Township Bloomingdale See Roxbury Bloomingdale Cemetery Blooming Grove See Trading Post Blooming Grove Cemetery Bloomington See Clinton Bloomington Arlington Tilden Bloomington Bloomington Cemetery Bloomington Church Bloomington Township Bloom Oil Field Bloomsburg See Bloom Bloom Township Bloom Township Bloom Township Blosser Airport See Blosser Municipal Airport Field Blosser Municipal Airport Blosser Municipal Airport Blosser Airport Blosser Field Blue Branch Blue Creek Blue Earth River See Big Blue River Blosser See Blue Earth River See Little Blue River Bluegill Point Blue Hill Blue Hills Blue Hills La Loma Azul Hill Southeast Oil Field Hills Upland Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Hill Township Hole Jacket Crossing Blue Jacket Park Blue Jacket School Bluemont Elementary School FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream Ppl cemetery cemetery oilfield locale civil civil ppl cemetery ppl cemetery ppl Ppl locale cemetery church civil oilfield Ppl civil civil civil airport airport airport stream stream stream stream cape locale range range oilfield plain civil reservoir locale park school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER-- STATUS CcoUNnTY BGN Marshall BGN Barton VARIANT BGN Ellsworth BGN Pottawatomie VARIANT Barton BGN Chase BGN Montgomery BGN Elk BGN Wilson BGN Allen BGN Woodson BGN Ford VARIANT UNOFF Ford UNOFF Clay UNOFF Barton BGN Phillips ADMIN Mitchell ADMIN Sheridan VARIANT McPherson UNOFF Barton VARIANT Linn UNOFF Russell VARIANT Douglas BGN Osborne VARIANT VARIANT BGN Butler UNOFF Osborne UNOFF Butler ADMIN Butler UNOFF Barber VARIANT Ford ADMIN Ford ADMIN Osborne ADMIN Clay VARIANT Cloud VARIANT Cloud UNOFF Cloud VARIANT VARIANT BGN Cowley BGN Franklin VARIANT Pottawatomie VARIANT Marshall BGN Phillips BGN Mitchell BGN Ellis BGN Mitchell VARIANT UNOFF Ellis BGN Jewell ADMIN Mitchell BGN Clark BGN Douglas ADMIN Johnson UNOFF Johnson UNOFF Riley KANSAS 1984 COORDINATE 395345N0963740W 3828 32N0984204W 38465 4N0982505W 391113N0962458W 3828 32N0984204W 382213N0962 648W 371328N09539 45W 372007N096004 1W 374319N0954227W 3748 40N0952937W 380054N0954 456W 372911N0995345W 37293 348W 392707N0971640W 383145N09828 12W 394617N0990405W 392100N0980600W 392615N1003950W 38 3303N09725 48W 38 3304N098 33 15W 381455N0944050W 3948 46N0984147W 38544 325W 392706N0984712W 3734 40N09652 20W 3928 04N098 48 40W 373442N0965108W 373625N0965250W 371607N0983512W 372911N09953 45W 373120N0995535W 391910N098 32 40W 392630N09718 00W 393235N0973911W 393235N0973911W 393235N0973911W 371742N0964121W 383601N0952 100W 391112N0963145W 394152N0964039W 3938 58N09908 15W 391825N0982148W 3858 55N0990630W 391627N0982135W 385940N0990315W 395030N0981100W 391600N0981915W 371119N0995507W 385531N0950910W 390130N0944310W 390218N0944312W 391115N0963402W SOURCE COORDINATE 395252N09634 48W 38352 9W 38 3732N098 3 126W 333W 381427N0962408W 371438N0953720W 372034N0960414W 374539N0954 150W 375247N0953110W 37585 5N09544 18W 372038N0964 309W 38 3804N0952356W ELEV FT 2584 1835 1701 1590 1317 1340 1453 1491 1670 800 MAP NAME Oketo Ellinwood NW Wilson St George Gladstone Independence Oak Valley Buffalo Humboldt Yates Center Bloom Bloom Miltonvale NE Holyrood Kensington Beloit SE Rexford Claflin Dorrance SW Bloomington Augusta SE Bloomington Augusta SE Gordon Medicine Lodge Fort Dodge SW Osborne SE Miltonvale NE Concordia Cambridge Ottawa South Kirwin Reservoir Blue Hill Gorham Blue Hill Gorham Mankato Blue Hill Englewood Lawrence East Shawnee Shawnee Manhattan FEATURE NAME Bluemont Hill Blue Mound Babcock Blue Mounds Blue Mound Blue Mound Blue Mound Blue Mound Cemetery Blue Mound Church Blue Mound City Lake See Blue Mound Reservoir Blue Mound Elementary School Blue Mound Reservoir Blue Mound City Lake Blue Mounds See Blue Mound Blue Mound Township Blue Rapids Blue Rapids City Township Blue Rapids Township Blue Ridge School Blue Ridge School Number 130 Blue River Big Blue River Blue River See Big Blue River Blue River Wildlife Area Blue Stem See Lucas Blue Stem (historical) Blue Stone Blue Stem Creek Blue Stem Creek Blue Stem Hills See Flint Hills Blue Stone See Blue Stem (historical) Blue Township Blue Valley Community Hall Blue Valley High School Blue Valley Junior High School Blue Valley Township Bluff See Bluff City Bluff City Bluff Bluff Creek Bluff Creek See Bluff City Bluff Creek Ne chu se chin ga Ne-shu-che-sink Pah-har-be Pahabe Red Salinas River Saline Creek Bluff Creek Buff Creek Bluff Creek Bluff Creek Bluff Creek Spring Creek Bluff Creek See Spring Creek Bluff Creek Bluff Run Bluff Township Bluffville See Geneseo FEATURE CLASS ppl Ppl summit summit summit cemetery church reservoir school reservoir Ppl civil ppl civil civil school school stream stream park Ppl locale stream stream range locale civil building school school civil ppl ppl ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream civil Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1963 VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT coUnNnTY Riley Linn Cherokee Douglas Phillips Linn Cherokee Linn Anderson Linn Linn Linn Marshall Marshall Marshall Cheyenne Dickinson Johnson Pottawatomie Washington Russell Russell Kingman Lincoln Cowley Russell Pottawatomie Marshall Riley Riley Pottawatomie Harper Harper Harper Sumner Comanche Ellsworth Morris Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Cheyenne Montgomery Sumner Rice COORDINATE 391134N09633 35W 380524N0950022W 370015N094 4 926W 385416N0951055W 395025N09908 3 9W 380348N0950126W 37015 3N09448 47W 380620N0950138W 380512N0950803W 380620N0950138W 380524N0950022W 380545N095002 3W 394055N0963934W 394205N0963920W 930W 394945N1020041W 390157N0970611W 39072 3N0942758W 391112N0963145W 374807N0975354W 390322N098 32 10W 390107N0983144W 37264 3N098005 3W 390135N09828 38W 371700N0964030W 390107N0983144W 1i9144sN0963100W 395637N09638 50W 392606N0964529W 391345N0963500W 392705N0964000W 29W 370435N097522 9W 370435N097522 9W 365803N09725 5 2W 370131N09928 15W 38 3648N098004 3W 38 3753N0962206W 393234N096324 2W 39325 18W 395350N1014209W 418W 37034 400W 38 3058N098092 3W SOURCE COORDINATE 3848 32N0944050W 373142N0980232W 390055N098 350 3W 372244N0981417W 373035N09959 35W 38 3125N0980453W 384327N0961243W 39294 4N09624 19W 394806N1013921W 370645N09542 36W ELEV FT 1180 1040 970 1052 2030 863 1034 1158 3720 1218 1240 KS27 MAP NAME Manhattan Blue Mound Neutral Lawrence East Gretna Blue Mound Neutral Blue Mound Blue Mound Blue Mound Blue Rapids Blue Rapids Blue Rapids SW Armel Upland Kansas City Hanover SW Lucas Rago Sylvan Grove Manhattan Herkimer Randolph Manhattan Olsburg NW Bluff City East Blackwell NW Protection SW Crawford Bushong Blue Rapids SE Wheeler Coffeyville West Doster KS28 FEATURE NAME B N Junction Burlington Junction Boan Cemetery Boaz Station See Page City Bob Faler Airport Bob Park Airport Park Airport Bodock See Latham Boenitz Cemetery Bogle Cemetery Bogue Fagan Bogue Elementary School Bohemian Cemetery Bohemian Cemetery Bohemian Cemetery Bohemian Cemetery Bohemian Church Bohemian Hall Bohemian National Cemetery Boicourt Barnard Cobb Boicourt Lake Boiscourt Lake Boiling Springs Boiscourt See Boicourt Lake Bois d' Arc Bois-D'Arc Bois-D'Arc See Bois d' Arc Bolack Oil Field Boldt Bluff Public Use Area Boles Cemetery Boling (historical) Bowling Bolinger Oil Field Bolling Creek Bolton Breneman Bolton Township Bommer Creek Bonasa See Leoti Bonaville Township Bond See Lone Star Bondurant Oil Field Bone Creek Bone Creek Bone Springs (historical) Bonita Bonner See Bonner Springs Bonner Field Bonner Springs Bonner Edwardsville Tiblow Bonner Springs Cemetery Bonner Springs Interchange Bonnie Brae Bonnie Doon (historical) Booker Creek Bookers Creek See Little Snell Creek FEATURE CLASS locale cemetery Ppl airport airport Ppl cemetery cemetery Ppl school cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church building cemetery ppl reservoir spring reservoir locale locale oilfield park cemetery locale oilfield stream locale civil stream ppl civil ppl __ oilfield stream stream locale Ppl Ppl airport Ppl cemetery locale ppl locale stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT CcoUnTy Franklin Jackson Logan Montgomery Harper Butler Chase Butler Graham Graham Rush Shawnee Smith Republic Shawnee Ottawa Ottawa Linn Linn Stafford Linn Butler Butler Cowley Ellsworth Kiowa Leavenworth Kingman Washington Montgomery Cowley Marshall Wichita McPherson Douglas Ness Crawford Phillips Reno Johnson Wyandotte Wilson Wyandotte Wyandotte Wyandotte Sedgwick Ness Jefferson Leavenworth COORDINATE 38 3342N0951616W 522W 39052 3N10108 45W 400W 371819N097574 9W 373210N09638 30W 38 3019N0964206W 33W 392145N0994113W 392139N0994125W 382639N0991148W 391258N0955617W 393709N0990232W 394703N0972 615W 391209N0955739W 391548N09754 39W 395418N0971310W 381615N0944312W 329W 38093 33 16W 329W 373547N09655 30W 37354 30W 371518N0964700W 38 3800N09800 30W 373354N0990052W 391445N0945905W 373455N0975245W 394 440N09648 53W 370924N09548 19W 370200N09703 40W 39554 3N0963720W 382847N1012130W 383355N09732 15W 385200N0952118W 381820N0994 140W 374012N094 424 3W 400144N0991529W 374925N0981200W 3848 40N09448 52W 390335N0945300W 500W 390335N0945300W 390418N094524 9W 39055 374055N0971450W 506W 392213N095 354 3W 391308N0945008W SOURCE COORDINATE 3948 42N0964 944W 395520N0963 329W 373558N09448 20W 3958 50N09914 30W 392118N0953748W ELEV FT 965 1187 850 1396 1324 2050 1004 1596 800 1222 1500 2111 826 1102 950 850 968 1020 1350 MAP NAME Ottawa South Soldier Creek NW Elk City Danville Diamond Springs Leon Bogue Bogue Timken Rossville Kirwin SE Cuba Rossville Glasco SW Ada Boicourt Boicourt Big Salt Marsh Gordon Burden Carneiro Haviland Basehor Murdock Hanover SE Bolton Arkansas City Oketo Lindsborg SE Bazine SW Cato Alma Pretty Prairie SW Ocheltree Buxton Bonner Springs Bonner Springs Bonner Springs Andover Ness City NE Holton SE FEATURE NAME Boon (historical) Boone Lake Boone Ranch Boot Creek Booth Creek Booth See Darlow Booth Cemetery Booth Creek See Boot Booth Creek Creek Boothe Hall Booth Elementary School Booth Hospital Boot Hill Borin Creek Bosland See Wilson Bosna (historical) Bosna School Bosse Boston See Moline Boswell Creek Boswell Junior High School Boughton Creek Boulevard Bend Shopping Center Boulevard Plaza Boulware Cemetery Bourbonais Creek Bourbony Creek Bourbon County Bourbon County Dam Bourbon County State Lake Bourbon County State Lake Dam Allen-Bourbon County State Park Dam Bourbon County State Park Bourbon State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Refuge Bourbony Creek See Bourbonais Creek Bovard See Coalvale Bovinair Airport Bow Creek Bow Creek Bow Creek Cemetery Bow Creek Cemetery Bow Creek Township Bow Creek Township See Township Number 5 Bow Creek Township Bowdenville See Beaver Bowen Cemetery Bower (historical) Bower Creek See Turkey Creek Bowies Branch Bowling See Boling (historical) Bowman and Adgate Cemetery Bowman Branch See Bowmans Branch Bowman Creek Browman Creek Bowmans Branch FEATURE CLASS locale lake locale stream Ppl cemetery stream stream building school hospital summit stream ppl locale school locale Ppl stream school stream locale locale cemetery stream civil dam reservoir dam park park stream ppl airport locale stream cemetery cemetery civil civil civil ppl cemetery locale stream stream locale cemetery stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN 1961 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN coUnTy Sumner Cherokee Cowley Barton Reno Chautauqua Barton Pottawatomie Osage Sedgwick Sedgwick Ford Rooks Ellsworth Trego Trego Hodgeman Elk Russell Shawnee Phillips Riley Sedgwick Crawford Shawnee Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Shawnee Crawford Leavenworth Phillips Phillips Sheridan Phillips Sheridan Rooks Phillips Barton Cherokee Norton Osage Jefferson Leavenworth Coffey Coffey Washington Coffey COORDINATE 3728 22N0972 522W 370225N0950301W 371342N0963355W 382702N098 574 2W 375627N0975659W 37034 382702N0985742W 392035N0963750W 3828 39N0953557W 373930N0971601W 374220N0972151W 374514N1000115W 39263 6N09920 15W 384930N09828 30W 385911N1000108W 385305N09958 50W 380513N0995000W 372137N0961813W 385927N0984751W 390232N0954208W 39462 9N09924 25W 391035N0963558W 374016N09718 30W 380134N0950125W 390714N0960055W 375100N0945100W 374541N0945108W 374750N0950354W 374750N0950354W 374733N0950401W 374733N0950401W 390714N0960055W 37365 38 55W 390345N094 564 0W 393407N0991625W 393928N09908 18W 392522N1001523W 393405N0991611W 392610N1001600W 945W 393609N0991315W 38 3825N0984000W 371536N09458 38W 395900N0994 520W 38 3158N09548 03W 391732N0952546W 391445N0945905W 381813N09548 12W 380702N0953619W 395205N09714 32W 380702N0953 619W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3345N09903 10W 39254 610W 393110N099222 9W 390325N098 524 IW 395402N0992708W 391613N09604 43W 392720N10024 39W 391805N095224 6W 395958N0971912W 38095 320 6W ELEV FT 1086 2510 2357 2236 980 1350 920 1810 1133 KS529 MAP NAME Zyba Chetopa Dexter NE Heizer Peru Olsburg SW Waverly Wichita East Wichita East Dodge City Glade SE Castle Rock NE Trego Center Jetmore SE Russell Topeka Woodruff Manhattan Wichita East Blue Mound Maple Hill Marmaton Marmaton Moran SE Moran SE Moran SE Moran SE Bonner Springs Glade SE Kirwin Reservoir Hoxie NE Glade SE Hoxie NE Kirwin SW West Mineral Norton NE Valley Falls Ottumwa Morrowville Neosho Falls Ks30 FEATURE NAME Bowman Branch Bown Corby Elementary School Boxberger West Oil Field Boxelder Creek Boxelder Creek Box Oil Field Boy Creek Boyd Boyd Oil Field Boyers Lake Boyle Boyles Station Boyle Cemetery Boyle Lakes Boyles Station See Boyle Brackett School Brade See Braid (historical) Bradford Bradley Lake Bradley Springs (historical) Bradshaw Creek Bradshaw Draw Bradshaw Gas Field Braid (historical) Brade Brainard See Brainerd Brainerd Brainard Holden Brainerd Cemetery Braman Hill (historical) Branch Comb Cemetery Branch Creek Branche de la Montagne a la Fumee See Smoky Hill River Brandley See Richfield Brandt-Sensenbaugh Oil Field Brandy Lake Branscom Cemetery Branson Cemetery Branson Creek Brantford Brantford Cemetery Brantford Township Brauer School Brazil Creek Brazilton Brazine Dry Creek See Bazine Dry Creek Breakneck Canyon Breakneck Dam Breakneck Lake Breckenridge County See Lyon County Bredfeldt Oil Field Breezy Hill Brehm Oil and Gas Field Bremen Breneman See Bolton Brenham Brenner Heights Church Brenner Heights Creek Brenner School Brenner Station (historical) FEATURE CLASS school oilfield stream stream oilfield stream locale oilfield lake locale cemetery reservoir locale school locale locale reservoir locale stream valley oilfield locale ppl ppl cemetery locale cemetery stream stream Ppl oilfield reservoir cemetery cemetery stream locale cemetery civil school stream Ppl stream valley dam reservoir civil oilfield summit oilfield Ppl locale locale church stream school locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER-- STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN coUunTy Marion Russell Pottawatomie Rooks Cowley Norton Barton Barton Allen Jefferson Barton Harvey Jefferson Douglas Ottawa Wabaunsee Linn Ellsworth Anderson Wallace Hamilton Ottawa Butler Butler Butler Wyandotte Leavenworth Leavenworth Geary Morton Butler Reno Geary Sedgwick Cowley Washington Washington Washington Leavenworth Greenwood Crawford Ness Geary Riley Riley Lyon Rice Crawford Pratt Marshall Montgomery Kiowa Wyandotte Wyandotte Doniphan Doniphan KANSAS 1984 COORDINATE 382105N0970115W 384230N09858 18W 391709N0962037W 392509N09918 36W 372459N0964040W 395921N1000011W 38 3107N098 505 3W 38 3015N0985035W 375715N095244 6W 109W 38 3303N098 54 15W 3758 920W 392025N0952 109W 3858 391030N0972250W 384918N0960220W 380320N0945937W 38 3305N0980700W 381240N0951515W 390155N1013345W 380430N10148 40W 391030N0972250W 375704N097054 2W 375704N0970542W 375724N097053 6W 390745N0944225W 39250 8W 392357N0950617W 390334N0964803W 371558N1014655W 37382 20W 390130N0974722W 39094 3 9W 373627N0971224W 370106N0963710W 394244N0972134W 394232N0972205W 394158N09718 45W 39075 3W 37504 9W 373335N0945726W 382608N0994 120W 390434N0965103W 390521N0965054W 39052 382700N0960900W 38 3020N0982227W 373210N0943900W 373515N0984 305W 395405N0964720W 37092 19W 373635N0991228W 390857N0944306W 390616N09442 30W 394332N0950654W 394330N0950700W SOURCE COORDINATE 392106N0961932W 391505N09918 38W 395350N09958 55W 3808 50N0951633W 390203N1014000W 392455N095035 IW 3658 48N096373 6W 37544 6N0955 400W 390518N0965054W 3908 33N0944 228W ELEV FT 1851 1144 1910 1203 1380 1374 1048 1482 1351 1456 1013 1016 1330 2210 964 MAP NAME Marion Galatia Louisville Stockton Cambridge NW Devizes Hoisington Hoisington Iola Winchester Olmitz Patterson Lawrence West Eskridge Mapleton Geneseo Welda Harris Draw East Tribune 3 SE Manchester NW Potwin Potwin Parkville Oak Mills Oak Mills Keighley Hutchinson SE Milford Rose Hill Cedar Vale West Brantford Brantford Brantford Basehor Toronto Brazilton Junction City Junction City Junction City Lorraine Arma Pratt SW Hanover East Brenham Parkville Parkville Atchison NE Atchison NE FEATURE NAME Brenton See Breton Brethren Cemetery Brethren Church Brethren Church Brethren in Christ Cemetery Breton Brenton Brett (historical) Brewer Brewer School See David Brewer Elementary School Brewery Creek Brewster Hastings Brewster Cemetery Brewster High School Brewster Place Church Briarwood Elementary School Brick School Bridal Veil Park Bridge (historical) Bridge Creek Bridge Pasture Bridgeport Bridgeport Missionary Baptist Church Bridgeport School Briggs (historical) Briggs Branch Briggs Cemetery Briggs School Briney Landing Field Bristow (historical) Bristow Cemetery Brites Creek Britton See Cedar Fork (historical) Brittsville See Simpson Broadmoor Junior High School Broadway Christian Church Broadway Oil and Gas Field Broadway West Oil and Gas Field Brogan Creek Broken Arrow Park Broker Creek Brollier Airport Bronson Wilsonville Bronson Reservoir Bronson Water Storage Dam Brook Creek See Silver Creek Brook Creek See Valley Brook Brookdale See Lyons Brookdale (historical) Brookhaven Brookhaven Estates Brookhaven Estates See Brookhaven Brook Luta See Mud Creek FEATURE CLASS Ppl cemetery church church cemetery ppl locale locale school stream Ppl cemetery school church school school park locale stream flat Ppl church school locale stream cemetery school airport locale cemetery stream locale Ppl school church oilfield oilfield stream Ppl stream airport ppl reservoir dam stream stream ppl locale Ppl Ppl stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT CoUnNnTy Thomas Neosho Grant Douglas Clay Thomas Norton Ottawa Leavenworth Atchison Thomas Sherman Thomas Shawnee Johnson Pawnee Bourbon Russell Hamilton Morton Saline Sedgwick Sedgwick Geary Geary Geary Geary Rawlins Osborne Osborne Clark Butler Mitchell Johnson Sedgwick Kingman Kingman Neosho Douglas Chautauqua Stevens Bourbon Crawford Bourbon Sumner Osage Rice Rush Sedgwick Sedgwick Marion COORDINATE 392709N10048 49W 372959N0951721W 373041N1012711W 384858N0951752W 3928 52N0970204W 392709N10048 49W 395433N1000107W 390728N0974715W 391915N0945639W 393331N0950745W 392200N1012235W 392138N1012330W 392155N1012234W 390055N0954 140W 38582 6N094 38 45W 38075 3N0992 950W 375025N09443 13W 384700N0985117W 380300N1020126W 370905N1014055W 38 3740N0973 64 6W 3744 374457N0971955W 390215N09634 30W 390237N096345 6W 39020 12W 390136N0963405W 39465 39210 502W 392102N0984502W 37254 372925N096503 6W 392307N09755 52W 3858 41N0943948W 374022N0972007W 373610N09752 10W 37354 372957N09508 21W 38555 1N0951420W 371254N0960750W 371935N1011150W 375345N0950423W 375311N0950155W 375311N0950155W 371504N0974113W 38 3945N09534 12W 382042N0981205W 382800N0992528W 374145N0970916W 374145N0970916W 382019N0970118W SOURCE COORDINATE 393124N0951112W 380459N102004 9W 390257N09632 10W 374957N099304 9W 373128N09503 52W 371353N0960402W ELEV Ff 3030 1263 3428 2153 1302 3354 1711 1711 3056 1065 1011 1330 KS31 MAP NAME Galesburg Ulysses SW Lone Star Clay Center NE Breton Devizes Tescott SE Atchison West Brewster Brewster Brewster Topeka Lenexa Rozel Fort Scott Homer Holly East Rolla NW Assaria Wichita East Wichita East Swede Creek Swede Creek Swede Creek Swede Creek Mc Donald Covert Covert Simmons Creek Lenexa Wichita East Cheney SE Murdock South Mound Lawrence East Hale Moscow Bronson Bronson Bronson Nekoma Andover KS32 FEATURE NAME Brooklyn (historical) Brooklyn Cemetery Brooklyn School Brookover Brookridge School Brooks Brooks Station Fort Brooks Brookshire Cemetery Brookside School Brooks Junior High School Brooks Station See Brooks Brookville Brookville Cemetery Brookwood Covenant Church Brookwood Elementary School Brookwood Shopping Center Bross (historical) Bross Cemetery Broughton Rose Vale Springfield Broughton Cemetery Browman Creek See Bowman Creek Brown Cemetery Brown Cemetery Brown Cemetery Brown County Brown County State Lake Brown County State Lake Dam Brown County State Park Brown Creek See Browns Creek Browndale Brownvale Browndale School Brownell Vansburgh Brown Grove School Browning Bridge Browning Lake Browning Oil Field Brownlee (historical) Brownlee Lake Brownlow Cemetery Brown Memorial Home Brown Memorial Park Brown Pond See Browns Pond Brown Ranch Browns See Browns Spur Browns Chapel Cemetery Brown School Brown School See Alta Brown Elementary School Brown School Browns Creek Brown Creek Browns Creek Township Browns Grove See Burdett Browns Grove Cemetery Browns Grove Township FEATURE CLASS locale cemetery school locale school locale cemetery school school locale Ppl cemetery church school locale locale cemetery ppl cemetery stream cemetery cemetery cemetery civil reservoir dam park stream locale school Ppl school bridge lake oilfield locale reservoir cemetery building park reservoir locale locale cemetery locale school school stream civil ppl cemetery civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN coUnNnTy Barton Linn Linn Finney Johnson Wilson Cowley Sedgwick Sedgwick Wilson Saline Saline Shawnee Johnson Shawnee Kingman Kingman Clay Clay Washington Neosho Neosho Crawford Brown Brown Brown Brown Mitchell Clay Clay Ness Jefferson Doniphan Doniphan Greenwood Atchison Reno Butler Dickinson Dickinson Norton Finney Kingman Greenwood Leavenworth Finney Franklin Mitchell Jewell Pawnee Pawnee Pawnee COORDINATE 38 3446N098 320 6W 381815N0944750W 645W 380105N1005257W 385656N0944038W 372305N095 360 9W 372709N097023 3W 37385 374405N0971728W 372305N095 360 9W 384630N0975205W 384657N0975121W 39000 3N095 4 320W 38562 522 6W 390052N0954250W 3728 30N0982 305W 372828N098 233 6W 391917N0970311W 391950N0970313W 395205N0971432W 372528N095102 1W 373148N09518 58W 37392 6N0944159W 394800N0953500W 395042N09522 36W 395042N09522 36W 39504 3N09522 3 6W 392808N0981000W 392135N0972102W 39215 3N0972 103W 38 3825N0994 4 45W 30W 394540N0945355W 394535N09454 40W 38070 3N09620 30W 393752N095 324 5W 3754 45N0982748W 37372 3N0964 106W 385252N0971209W 385240N0971140W 395220N1000228W 375300N10102 30W 374049N0981128W 373858N0960531W 391322N0950916W 375800N1005137W 384118N0951237W 392808N0981000W 393605N0981230W 381131N0993135W 381027N0993157W 381307N0993055W SOURCE COORDINATE 394312N0981434W ELEV FT 987 875 1369 1182 1274 980 1300 1342 2410 1103 1738 2970 932 2192 MAP NAME Claflin La Cygne La Cygne Lowe Lenexa Morehead vdall Wichita East Wichita East Brookville Brookville Topeka Grandview Topeka Nashville Nashville Clay Center SE Clay Center SE South Mound Shaw Cato Hiawatha Robinson Robinson Robinson Idana Idana Brownell Mc Louth Wathena Wathena Thrall Horton Sylvia Latham Abilene Abilene Deerfield NE Fall River Lake Mc Louth Le Loup Solomon Rapids Jewell SW Burdett Burdett FEATURE NAME Browns Pond Brown Pond Browns Spur Browns Brown State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Brownstone Brownsville See Auburn Brown Township See Appleton Township Brownvale See Browndale Brownville See Auburn Brownville Brownville (historical) Brownwell Cemetery Brubaker School Bruck Cemetery Bruck School Brumbaugh Cemetery Bruno Creek Bruno Township Brush Creek See Neutral Brush Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek See Marais des Cygnes River Brush Creek See Cedar Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek Brush Creek Cemetery Brush Creek Cemetery Brush Creek Cemetery Brush Creek School Brushy Draw Bryant Cemetery Bryant Elementary School Bryant Elementary School Bryant School Bryant Township Buchanan (historical) Buchanan Brown Cemetery Buck Creek Buck Creek Station Buck Creek Buck Creek Buckeye Creek Buck Creek See Duck Creek Buck Creek Buck Creek Buck Creek School Buck Creek Station See Buck Creek Buckeye FEATURE CLASS reservoir locale park locale ppl civil locale ppl locale locale cemetery school cemetery school cemetery stream civil locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery cemetery cemetery school valley cemetery school school school civil locale cemetery locale stream stream stream stream stream school locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1974 VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN COUNTY Norton Kingman Brown Labette Shawnee Clark Clay Shawnee Thomas Chautauqua Ness Douglas Jackson Jackson Douglas Chase Butler Cherokee Cherokee Barber Cherokee Wilson Butler Chase Linn Chase Lincoln Johnson Leavenworth Pottawatomie Jefferson Graham Atchison Doniphan Cherokee Graham Atchison Atchison Phillips Butler Sedgwick Wyandotte Cowley Graham Dickinson Graham Jefferson Linn Chase Ellis Jefferson Jewell Jefferson Jefferson Dickinson COORDINATE 395220N1000228W 374049N0981128W 39504 3N09522 3 6W 371958N0951138W 385422N09548 57W 372300N0995 130W 392135N0972102W 385422N09548 57W 391110N1012111W 371035N0960013W 383731N0994614W 384512N0952 326W 392514N095423 6W 392512N0954 236W 384955N0951358W 381537N0965002W 374140N0970555W 37055 370345N0944 341W 370909N0983311W 371749N0944048W 374053N095 523 6W 375532N09702 18W 380857N0964536W 381310N0943120W 381539N0964734W 38595 32W 390220N0943113W 391500N0950459W 391536N0962016W 392010N0952 650W 392054N0995059W 393613N0953 125W 394025N0950109W 370703N094 4 624W 391807N09958 27W 393635N09528 13W 393608N09528 13W 395032N0991522W 403W 374208N0972 352W 390822N094 38 4 9W 371419N0970005W 391300N10004 30W 385430N0971900W 393130N09938 22W 390300N0951655W 38082 0N09453 15W 382217N0963130W 384236N09904 59W 390235N0951732W 393825N0983125W 390357N0951748W 390300N0951655W 390248N0971000W SOURCE COORDINATE 382159N096532 IW 371335N0944934W 371249N0983911W 372330N0944807W 373913N09557 12W 375648N096592 9W 380625N09 6404 0W 385146N0980442W 385905N094 393 2W 391732N0950345W 392237N0962005W 392047N0952 136W 39164 393719N09525 40W 394516N0950358W 395245N0991459W 380542N094554 6W 640W 391125N09514 33W 394006N0983558W ELEV FT 1653 975 3381 1052 1142 1111 1098 1118 1446 1294 KS33 MAP NAME Reager Kingman NW Robinson Parsons East Mc Allaster NE Hale Osgood Globe Holton Holton Baldwin City Cedar Point Santa Fe Lake Baxter Springs Hardtner NW Kirkwood Coyville Potwin Wonsevu Juniata Kansas City Easton Louisville Valley Falls Hill City South Whiting Troy Neutral Penokee Effingham Effingham Phillipsburg N Latham Wichita West Parkville Hackney Saint Peter Solomon Logan SW Williamstown Mound City NW Cottonwood Falls Williamstown Portis NE Williamstown Buckeye KS34 FEATURE NAME Buckeye Creek See Buck Creek Buckeye Creek Buckeye Creek Buckeye School Buckeye Township Buckeye Township Buckeye Township Buckhorn Creek Bucklin Corbett Corbitt Bucklin Airfield Bucklin Cemetery Bucklin High School Bucklin Township Pleasant Valley Township Buckman Landing Strip Buckner See Jetmore Buckner (historical) Bucknor Buckner Creek Pawnee River Buckner Elementary School Bucknor See Buckner (historical) Buck Point School Buck Run Buck Run Bucks Grove Church Bucksnort Creek Bucyrus Bucyrus Elementary School Buda (historical) Newby Buda Cemetery Buda Community Hall Buehler Airfield Buel (historical) Buena Vista (historical) Buffalo Buffalo See Bison Buffalo See Park Buffalo Cemetery Buffalo City See Dodge City Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek See West Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek See East Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek See Middle Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek Buffalo-Dung River See Republican River FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream school civil civil civil stream ppl airport cemetery school civil airport Ppl locale stream school locale school stream stream church stream Ppl school locale cemetery building airport locale locale ppl Ppl Ppl cemetery Ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT coUunTy Chase Chase Saline Ellsworth Dickinson Ottawa Ellis Leavenworth Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Pawnee Hodgeman Hodgeman Pawnee Sedgwick Hodgeman Jefferson Bourbon Bourbon Jackson Pottawatomie Miami Miami Ness Ness Ness Scott Mitchell Barton Wilson Rush Gove Wilson Ford Stanton Wilson Coffey Lane Ellsworth Cloud Jewell Jewell Jewell Washington Norton Smith Geary COORDINATE 382217N0963130W 382357N0962 144W 38554 3N0972 521W 38 3913N0980648W 390010N0971210W 390010N0973130W 390145N0991950W 392147N0950622W 373250N09938 02W 373257N09938 31W 373234N09938 37W 373241N0993759W 373121N0993545W 381359N0992725W 380504N09953 35W 380345N1000100W 381100N0993 350W 374403N0971738W 380345N1000100W 391350N0952200W 374148N0943612W 375050N0944157W 392748N0960056W 392942N0963132W 384335N0944305W 384316N0944319W 381735N1001010W 381724N1001032W 381727N1001120W 383101N1005956W 392056N0981130W 38 3210N0984730W 374235N0954 150W 38 3122N0991149W 390645N1002130W 155W 374510N1000100W 373112N1020124W 373808N0954506W 381350N09548 58W 382731N1002221W 384419N0981809W 50W 39382 32W 3938 30N0980732W 394012N09808 22W 39502 3N09708 18W 395414N0994019W 400505N098 38 06W 390336N09648 04W SOURCE COORDINATE 38294 9N09628 16W 390540N0972247W 392221N0950315W 37554 374408N0944 320W 374805N0944210W 3928 38N0962657W 373456N10218 23W 37402 355W 381425N0955203W 382225N10028 38W 385326N0981904W 394012N09808 22W 394642N0971121W 394957N0993902W 3958 49N098 38 26W ELEV FT 2412 2418 2106 1104 1110 2475 3038 945 MAP NAME Plymouth Niles Carneiro Buckeye Bennington Plainville SE Easton Bucklin Bucklin Bucklin Bucklin Bucklin SE Rozel Horse Thief Canyo Burdett Wichita East Oskaloosa Cato Fort Scott Onaga NE Olsburg Bucyrus Bucyrus Beeler SW Beeler SW Beeler SW Lake Scott SW Beloit SW Hoisington Buffalo Buffalo Lycan SE Buffalo John Redmond Dam Alamota Holyrood NE Concordia Morrowville Almena Inavale FEATURE NAME Buffalo Jones Elementary School Jones School Buffalo Mound Buffalo Park See Park Buffalo School Buffalo School Buffalo Township Buffalo Township Buffalo Township Buff Creek See Bluff Creek Buffington See Buffville Buff Mound Buffton See Buffville Buffville Buffington Buffton Bughman Landing Field See Baughman Field Buhler Hamburg Buhler Elementary School Buhler High School Bullard Creek Bullard School Bull City See Alton Bull Creek Bull Creek Bull Creek Bull Creek Bull Creek Bull Creek Big Bull Creek Bull Creek Bull Creek Oil Field Bull Foot Creek See Bullfoot Creek Bullfoot Creek Bull Foot Creek Bullington Creek Bulls City See Alton Bulls Ford Bridge Bumgardner School Bunion Creek Bunker Hill Bunkerhill Bunker Hill Bunkerhill See Bunker Hill Bunker Hill Cemetery Bunker Hill Cemetery Bunker Hill School Bunker School Bunny Dale See Sunnydale Burbank Airport Burchfiel Church Burch Oil Field Burden Burdenfield Burden Cemetery Burdenfield See Burden Burden Oil Field FEATURE CLASS school summit ppl school school civil civil civil stream locale summit locale locale airport Ppl school school stream locale ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream oilfield stream stream stream Ppl bridge school stream ppl summit ppl cemetery cemetery school school PPl airport church oilfield Ppl cemetery ppl oilfield NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF CoUnNnTy Finney Wabaunsee Gove Ellsworth Doniphan Barton Cloud Jewell Comanche Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Reno Reno Reno Reno Clark Franklin Osborne Elk Reno Chase McPherson Chase Miami Smith Rice Lincoln Lincoln Cowley Osborne Wilson Wilson Bourbon Russell Crawford Russell Elk Russell Bourbon Thomas Sedgwick Johnson Harper McPherson Cowley Cowley Cowley Cowley COORDINATE 375819N1005252W 39034 3N09604 25W 390645N1002130W 384756N0981800W 395208N095094 2W 382327N0985159W 393505N0974 655W 394155N0980528W 370131N09928 15W 37285 36W 372855N0953905W 37285 36W 372857N095393 6W 375316N0981217W 380804N0974611W 3808 36N0974 610W 380825N0971500W 370345N09948 39W 38 3906N0951133W 3928 15N0985652W 3728 25N0962041W 380719N0980015W 6234 9W 382108N0973 910W 382335N096224 3W 383006N0945048W 395145N09852 18W 381200N09808 50W 390030N09808 10W 390030N09808 10W 229W 3928 15N0985652W 37282 6N0954 153W 372728N0954012W 374704N0945405W 38523 3N098 42 13W 373708N0944125W 38523 3N098 42 13W 373227N0962005W 385304N0984 120W 375240N0944 320W 393227N1011352W 375206N0971757W 384538N0945638W 370329N0980218W 38 3143N09728 13W 37184 37194 3718 46N0964514W 371937N09648 12W SOURCE COORDINATE 365822N1000112W 372611N09624 26W 381500N0981403W 38084 3N09625 5 5W 382642N0974128W 38274 708W 384928N09458 57W 395905N0985028W 385409N0982059W 371542N0963650W 37425 ELEV FT 1273 1668 1091 960 868 1485 926 1860 970 1179 869 1090 1383 1383 KS35 MAP NAME Garden City West Maple Hill Black Wolf Sparks Great Bend NE Jamestown Randall Neodesha Neodesha Buhler Buhler Buhler Ashland SE Le Loup Howard NW Yaggy Thrall NW Mc Pherson North Saffordville Paola East Reamsville Sterling Lincoln Dexter Neodesha Neodesha Uniontown Dorrance NW Arma Piedmont Dorrance NW Hammond Chardon SW Gardner Spring Roxbury Burden Cambridge Burden KS36 FEATURE NAME Burdett Browns Grove Burdett Community Airport Burdgeville (historical) Burgeville Burdick Linsdale Bureau See McAllaster Burger Creek Mathews Branch Burgess Cemetery Burgeville See Burdgeville (historical) Burk (historical) Burt Burkett Burkett Oil Field Burl Cemetery Burlingame Council City Burlingame High School Burlingame Township Burlington Hampden Burlington High School Burlington Junction See B N Junction Burlington Municipal Airport Burlington Township Burlington Upper Elementary School Burnett Mound Burns Burns Station Saint Francis City Burns Elementary School Burns Station See Burns Burnt Creek Burnt Wood See Burntwood (historical) Burntwood (historical) Burnt Wood Burnt Wood Creek See Saint Martins Cemetery Burntwood Creek Burntwood Township See Racewood Township Buros Creek Burris Draw Burr Oak Burroak Burroak See Burr Oak Burr Oak Bottom Burr Oak Branch Burr Oak Cemetery Burr Oak Church Burr Oak Creek Burr Oak High School Burr Oak School Burr Oak Township Burr Oak Township Burrton Burrton Gas Field FEATURE CLASS Ppl airport locale ppl locale stream cemetery locale locale locale oilfield cemetery ppl school civil Ppl school locale airport civil school summit Ppl school ppl stream locale locale cemetery stream civil stream valley Ppl ppl bend stream cemetery church stream school school civil civil Ppl oilfield NATIONAL GAZETTEER-- STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF coUnTy Pawnee Pawnee Wilson Morris Logan Nemaha Barber Wilson Woodson Greenwood Greenwood Doniphan Osage Osage Osage Coffey Coffey Franklin Coffey Coffey Coffey Shawnee Marion Marion Marion Greenwood Rawlins Rawlins Thomas Rawlins Rawlins Rooks Logan Jewell Jewell Doniphan Jefferson Jewell Doniphan Jewell Jewell Doniphan Doniphan Jewell Harvey Harvey KANSAS 1984 COORDINATE 381131N0993135W 381434N0993203W 374030N095 364 5W 38 3349N0965043W 390022N1012328W 395635N09604 32W 372209N0982 358W 374030N0953 645W 375930N0954 622W 380230N0961554W 380216N0961606W 394704N0951142W 384514N0955005W 384540N0955014W 3848 10N0955220W 433W 381147N0954437W 383342N0951616W 381250N09548 15W 381013N0954 630W 381147N0954432W 390035N09544 10W 380525N09653 10W 380520N09653 19W 380525N09653 10W 374716N0962445W 3958 37N1011758W 3958 37N1011758W 39202 27W 400654N1011715W 394825N10118 30W 392658N09908 00W 384555N1005303W 395158N0981817W 395158N0981817W 395324N0945755W 391319N0952018W 395155N0981705W 395202N0950027W 395222N09818 39W 395217N09818 23W 39525 3N0950009W 395054N09458 10W 395130N098 19 40W 380126N0974010W 380330N09738 20W SOURCE COORDINATE 39593 375127N09628 22W 395928N1012122W 393225N09908 30W 302W 391107N0951936W 395936N0982706W ELEV 2133 2123 1455 1763 1260 1055 1037 1090 1140 1504 1662 1694 1453 MAP NAME Burdett Burdett Vilas Burdick St Benedict Sharon North Toronto NE Thrall Thrall Sparks Burlingame Burlingame Burlingame Burlington Burlington John Redmond Dam John Redmond Dam Burlington Topeka Burns Burns Reece McDonald NE Max SE Kirwin SW Elkader SW Burr Oak Amazonia Oskaloosa Burr Oak Troy Burr Oak Burr Oak Forbes Wathena Burr Oak Burrton Burrton FEATURE NAME Burrton High School Burrton Oil Field Burrton Township Bursch Airport Burt See Burk (historical) Burtgestown (historical) Burton Cemetery Burton Cemetery Burys Creek Busby Amy Busby Cemetery Bush City Haskell Bush-Denton Oil Field Bushnell Ninnescah Bushong Bushong Cemetery Busht on Sorghum Bushton Cemetery Buster Cemetery Butcher Falls Butler See Midland Butler See Weltbote (historical) Butler Cemetery Butler Cemetery Butler City See Blaine Butler County Butler County Community College El Dorado Junior College Butler County State Lake Dam Clymer Dam Butler County State Park Butler State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Butner Cemetery Butte Creek See Twin Butte Creek Butterfield Overland Trail (historical) Buttermilk Buttermilk Creek Buttermilk Creek Button Airport Butts Cemetery Butts School Butts-Wakefield Cemetery Buxton Buzzard Creek Buzzard Creek Buzzard Roost Byers Byers Cemetery Byron (historical) Byron Township C C-3 School C-4 School C-14 School Cabin Valley Oil Field Cable, Lake FEATURE CLASS school oilfield civil airport locale locale cemetery cemetery stream locale cemetery ppl oilfield locale ppl cemetery Ppl cemetery cemetery falls Ppl locale cemetery cemetery ppl civil school dam park park cemetery stream trail locale stream stream airport cemetery school cemetery locale stream stream summit ppl cemetery locale civil school school school oilfield reservoir NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN coUnTy Harvey Reno Harvey Cheyenne Woodson Rice Chautauqua Morris Shawnee Elk Elk Anderson Elk Sumner Lyon Lyon Rice Rice Jefferson Chautauqua Sedgwick Washington Meade Osborne Pottawatomie Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Wilson Logan Gove Comanche Leavenworth Brown Barton Butler Wilson Butler Wilson Chautauqua Comanche Ellsworth Pratt Pratt Woodson Stafford Cowley Cowley Wilson Cowley Reno COORDINATE 380110N0974010W 37574 6N0974 640W 380235N09738 50W 393528N1013532W 375930N0954 622W 38 3025N09804 15W 371047N09558 56W 384516N096423 3W 385310N0953744W 3728 10N0960239W 372734N0950232W 381240N09508 40W 372740N09624 4 6W 372142N0970935W 3838 35N0961525W 3838 12N0961435W 38 3045N098 234 2W 38 3028N09823 19W 39074 3N095204 OW 370850N0961604W 373650N0972006W 3938 37N0970144W 37052 6N1000745W 393224N0985058W 392948N09624 10W 374700N0965000W 374909N0965 146W 373255N0964141W 374235N0970325W 373255N0964141W 372914N09554 2 3W 384630N1005545W 384448N1003200W 370610N09919 30W 392131N0950642W 394755N0952317W 382300N098 4 500W 37395 6320 3W 373057N09548 56W 374137N0965006W 37265 4N09555 13W 370128N0962119W 371330N0993003W 384458N0975753W 374715N0985200W 374746N098 52 32W 380035N0954 320W 381302N098 38 13W 371514N0965243W 370410N0965740W 372724N0954 259W 370805N09648 39W 375430N0981044W SOURCE COORDINATE 384902N0954211W 392235N0951110W 394328N0952721W 365927N0962149W 37203 3N0993 118W ELEV FY 3650 948 1031 1191 1383 1321 1765 1761 1797 1887 1845 1598 877 1382 980 2006 KS37 MAP NAME Burrton Haven Burrton Bird City S SE Crawford Caney NW White City Wakarusa Longton Longton Bush City Howard NW oxford Bushong Allen Holyrood Holyrood Oskaloosa Elgin NE Proffitt Lake SW Harlan El Dorado El Dorado Latham Santa Fe Lake Latham Buxton Cheyenne Creek Buttermilk Easton Robinson Great Bend Beaumont Fredonia Leon Buxton Elgin Sugarloaf Venango Byers Hopewell Le Roy Hudson NW New Salem Silverdale Neodesha Eaton Arlington KS38 FEATURE NAME Cable City See Alta Vista Cable Creek Cactus (historical) Cactus Creek Cadew Creek See Peters Creek Cadillac Lake Cadmus Cadmus Cemetery Cadmus School Cadue Creek See Peters Creek Cain Cain City Cain City See Cain Cairo Irene Cairo Cemetery Caisson Hill Calderhead Caldwell Caldwell Cemetery Caldwell Cemetery Caldwell Elementary School Caldwell Municipal Airport Caldwell Township Cale (historical) Caley Cemetery Calf Creek Calf Creek Oil Field Calhoun (historical) Calhoun County See Jackson County Calhoun Township California Acres Church of Christ California Acres Shopping Center California Creek California Township Calista Maud Calmar See Marquette Calorific (historical) Calumet Creek Calus See Colusa (historical) Calvary Apostolic Pentecostal United Church Calvary Assembly of God Church Calvary Baptist Church Calvary Baptist Church Calvary Bible Church Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Calvary Church Calvary Lutheran Church Calvert NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 FEATURE CLASS STATUS CoUnNnTY COORDINATE VARIANT Ppl Wabaunsee 385150N0962 920W stream BGN Osage 382937N0954 934W locale BGN Norton 394522N0994006W stream BGN Phillips 39392 35W VARIANT stream Doniphan 394448N0945653W reservoir BGN Sedgwick 374405N0972732W ppl BGN Linn 382044N0945357W cemetery UNOFF Linn 382211N0945400W school UNOFF Linn 382045N094543 3W VARIANT stream Doniphan 394 448N094565 3W locale BGN Rice 38 3052N0982600W VARIANT VARIANT locale Rice 38 3052N0982600W Ppl BGN Pratt 373900N0983315W VARIANT cemetery UNOFF Pratt 37384 3N098 35 15W summit BGN Riley 390550N0964712W locale BGN Washington 394059N097195 IW ppl BGN Sumner 624W cemetery UNOFF Sumner 370317N0973653W cemetery UNOFF Jewell 394336N0975700W school UNOFF Sedgwick 374001N0971619W airport UNOFF Sumner 370207N0973506W civil ADMIN Sumner 37034 6N09738 35W locale BGN Cowley 370015N0970324W cemetery UNOFF Wilson 374218N09557 30W stream BGN Rice 38263 254 5W oilfield UNOFF Rice 382645N098 254 6W locale BGN Cheyenne 395237N1014340W VARIANT civil Jackson 392400N0955000W civil ADMIN Cheyenne 395625N1014100W church UNOFF Shawnee 390150N09538 54W locale UNOFF Shawnee 390121N0953900W stream BGN Chautauqua 371021N0955923W civil ADMIN Coffey 3818 locale BGN Kingman 37382 3N098 165 6W VARIANT VARIANT Ppl McPherson 38 3320N0975000W locale BGN Wyandotte 390916N0944225W stream BGN Smith 4004 36N098 55 15W VARIANT locale Haskell 373945N1004015W church UNOFF Sedgwick 374206N097223 3W church UNOFF Sedgwick 374706N0971218W church UNOFF Sedgwick 374355N0971756W church UNOFF Shawnee 390315N0954035W church UNOFF Sedgwick 374058N0972100W cemetery UNOFF Montgomery 365958N0953742W cemetery UNOFF Montgomery 370324N0953901W cemetery UNOFF Montgomery 371455N0954216W cemetery UNOFF Sedgwick 373910N0974103W cemetery UNOFF Sedgwick 374041N0971742W cemetery UNOFF Butler 374201N09656 45W cemetery UNOFF Coffey 381115N0954 626W cemetery UNOFF Morris 38 3924N0963040W cemetery UNOFF Saline 38462 115W cemetery UNOFF Johnson 385028N09448 54W cemetery UNOFF Marshall 394308N09625 38W church UNOFF Stafford 380048N098 355 9W church UNOFF Shawnee 390720N0953958W Ppl BGN Norton 527W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3248N095504 8W 394758N0994 226W 38 3528N0982917W 371329N0960225W 39592 58 08W ELEV FT 881 930 1730 1300 1395 1149 1157 930 1590 0848 1204 1851 2200 MAP NAME Osage City SE Almena SW Logan Wichita West Parker Parker Parker Holyrood Cairo Cairo Junction City Brantford Caldwell Caldwell Jamestown NW Wichita East Caldwell Doster Arkansas City Coyville Chase NW Chase NW Heinzelman Canyon Heinzelman Canyon Topeka Topeka Caney NW Hartford Penalosa Parkville Franklin Wichita West Greenwich Wichita East Topeka Wichita East Elliott Coffeyville West Independence Garden Plain Wichita East Augusta John Redmond Dam Council Grove Lk Brookville Ocheltree Frankfort Hudson SE Topeka Calvert FEATURE NAME Calvin See Englevale Calvin Township Calyton Township See Highland District 2 Township Cambria Mills (historical) Cambria Township Cambridge Jeffersonville Lazette Camden See Skiddy Cameron Cameron City Cameron City See Cameron Cameron Springs Lake Camp Ascension Camp Aubrey Henning Camp Beecher See Wichita Campbell Cemetery Campbell Draw Campbell Hill Campbelltown See Merriam Camp Branch Camp Cauble Camp Chippewa Airport Camp Christy Christy Park Camp Crawford Camp Creek Camp Creek Camp Creek See Wolf Creek Camp Creek Camp Creek See Turkey Creek Camp Creek Stowbridge Creek Camp Creek Camp Creek See Pleasant Run Creek Camp Creek See Hopkins Creek Camp Creek Camp Creek See Grave Creek Camp Creek Camp Creek Camp Creek Church Camp Davidson See Wichita Camp Eureka Camp Fifty See Polk Camp Hammond Camp Hyde Camp Jayhawk Camp Kanza Camp Ko-Ha-Me Camp Lakeside Camp Lark Camp Loga Vista Camp MacKay See Fort Atkinson (historical) Camp Mattingly FEATURE CLASS ppl civil civil locale civil ppl ppl locale locale reservoir locale locale Ppl cemetery valley summit Ppl stream locale airport locale locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream church ppl locale ppl locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN coUunTy Crawford Jewell Norton Saline Saline Cowley Morris Cowley Cowley Riley Woodson Geary Sedgwick Linn Finney Riley Johnson Johnson Wilson Franklin Scott Wilson Harper Chase Lyon Morris Dickinson Shawnee Johnson Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Atchison Cloud Washington Washington Atchison Sedgwick Riley Crawford Shawnee Sedgwick Jefferson Reno Cowley Scott Comanche Sumner Ford Shawnee COORDINATE 373538N09443 38W 394158N0981235W 393600N1000902W 385114N0973005W 385450N09732 15W 371858N0963951W 385205N0964739W 370437N0965113W 370437N0965 113W 390617N0964729W 37505 522W 385438N09654 38W 374132N0972014W 380424N0945311W 380906N1010221W 390720N0964 427W 390125N0944136W 38494 373717N0954152W 38 200W 383753N1005513W 3728 32N0954 908W 370807N0981438W 381113N0962404W 381117N0961847W 38 3450N09648 43W 385259N0971131W 385328N0953141W 385749N0945506W 391607N096234 6W 391635N0962 524W 3928 45N095134 9W 3938 12N0974451W 39393 5 OW 3948 41N0970352W 393112N0951403W 374132N0972014W 390930N09638 05W 373236N09444 30W 385707N0953054W 373328N09738 18W 391211N0952407W 37555 1N0981444W 370105N0965402W 384055N1005455W 371350N0992 145W 371246N0973149W 374445N1000240W 39034 55W SOURCE COORDINATE 381455N1011819W 384440N0943947W 371519N0981441W 381137N0962644W 38 3433N096534 6W 384647N09535 16W 385254N09454 54W 393405N0951729W 394225N0965722W 394431N0970842W ELEV FT 1252 1125 982 1170 1287 1120 2895 850 1044 1030 1110 1310 1000 1633 1100 2850 1965 1225 902 KS39 MAP NAME Jewell Salina New Cambria Cambridge Maple City Junction City Toronto Kansas Falls Mapleton Wolf NE Ogden Stilwell Altoona Ottawa South Lake Scott Lafontaine Crystal Springs Thrall NW Burdick Richland De Soto Potter Greenleaf Washington Atchison West Keats Richland Lake Afton Ozawkie Arlington Silverdale Lake Scott Protection NE Perth Silver Lake KS40 FEATURE NAME Camp Mennoscah Camp Moon Lake Camp Moon Lake Dam Camp Naish Camp Nash Camp Nash See Camp Naish Camp Pawnee Camp Pond Creek See Fort Wallace (Site) Camp Quaker Haven Camp Scott See Old Fort Scott (historical) Camp Ta Wa Ko Ni Campus Elizabeth Campus High School Campus Shopping Center Camp Wa-Ja-To Camp-Wa-shun-ga Camp Washur Rock Springs 4 H Camp Camp Washur See Camp-Wa-shun-ga Camp Webster Camp Whiteside See Camp Whitside Camp Whitside Camp Whiteside Camp Wiedemann Camp Win E Mar Camp Wood Cana See Caney Canaan Cemetery Canada Canada Cemetery Canada Township Canaville Township See Caneyville Township Cane Creek Canema (historical) Caney Cana Caneyville Caney Airpark Caney Creek See Little Caney River Caney Creek See Middle Caney Creek Caney High School Caney Township Caneyville See Caney Caneyville Township Canaville Township Canfield Oil Field Canina (historical) Canning Creek Canning Creek Cove Recreation Area Cannon Park Canola See Grenola Canton Canton High School Canton North Oil Field Canton Township FEATURE CLASS locale reservoir dam locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale school locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale locale ppl cemetery Ppl cemetery civil civil stream locale ppl airport stream stream school civil ppl. civil oilfield locale stream park park ppl ppl school oilfield civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN CcoUnNnTy Kingman Geary Geary Wyandotte Wyandotte Pawnee Walllace Cowley Bourbon Butler Logan Sedgwick Shawnee Rice Geary Geary Saline Riley Riley Greenwood Saline Chase Montgomery Haskell Marion Marion Labette Chautauqua Clay Barber Montgomery Montgomery Chautauqua Chautauqua Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Chautauqua Cowley Stevens Morris Morris Allen Elk McPherson McPherson McPherson Kingman COORDINATE 37354 390422N09648 10W 390422N09648 10W 390412N0945056W 390412N0945056W 381039N0991003W 385400N1013330W 370145N0970037W 375035N0944213W 374207N09703 30W 390728N1004416W 37354 390215N0954 145W 3818 385216N09654 15W 385216N09654 15W 55W 390500N0964 600W 390500N0964 600W 374330N0963040W 385027N0974 145W 382045N09639 16W 370041N0955606W 373502N1010059W 382115N0970645W 382146N0970645W 370700N0952700W 371510N0962720W 391520N0970028W 370755N098 38 52W 370041N0955606W 370100N0955 640W 365610N0955700W 370628N09603 13W 37004 602W 370340N09553 30W 370041N0955606W 371510N0962720W 370537N09703 38W 37095 4N1012545W 384113N0963117W 384132N0963202W 37485 19W 372055N0962701W 382310N09725 40W 382252N09725 52W 38263 325W 37255 1N0975752W SOURCE COORDINATE 391138N0970719W 384016N0963709W ELEV FT 1455 960 2025 1200 1270 2990 938 1647 1155 1210 1069 1390 950 1275 2994 1364 770 730 590 MAP NAME Murdock Junction City Junction City Edwardsville Fort Larned Arkansas City Santa Fe Lake Grinnell South Derby Topeka Lyons Woodbine New Cambria Junction City Beaumont Salina SW Elmdale Hickok SE Marion Marion Valeda Clay Center SE Hardtner NW Caney Caney Caney Caney Grenola Arkansas City Feterita Council Grove Lk Council Grove Lk Humboldt Canton Canton Canton Adams FEATURE NAME Canton Township Canville Creek Canville Township Capaldo Capioma Capioma Township Capital View Elementary School Capitol View School Cappaqua See Tribune Capper Draw Capper Junior High School Capps Lake Captain Captain Creek Captains Creek Captain Creek Church Captains Creek See Captain Creek Carbolyn State Park Carbona See Carona Carbondale Carbondale Cemetery Carbon Hill (historical) Card Creek Card Creek Public Use Area Carden Cardinal Park Shopping Center Carey Creek See Carry Creek Carey Park Cariboo (historical) Carlisle See Mayline Carlisle Branch Carlisle Cemetery Carlson Cemetery Carlton Carlton Grade School Carlyle Florence Carlyle Creek Carlyle Township Carmel (historical) Carmel School Carmi (historical) Carmi Township See Township Number 6 Carnahan Church Carnahan Creek Carnahan Creek Recreation Area Carnahan-Garrison Cemetery Carneiro Alum Creek Carneiro Cemetery Carneiro Township Carntyne (historical) Carolyn State Park See Pomona State Park Carona Carbona Folsom Carpenter Cemetery Carpenter Chapel Carpenter Hill Carpenter School Carr Cemetery Carr Creek Carr Creek Township FEATURE CLASS civil stream civil Ppl ppl civil school school Ppl valley school reservoir locale stream church stream park ppl ppl cemetery locale stream park locale locale stream park locale locale stream cemetery cemetery Ppl school Ppl stream civil locale school locale civil church stream park cemetery ppl cemetery civil locale park Ppl cemetery church summit school cemetery stream civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN coUnTy McPherson Neosho Neosho Crawford Nemaha Nemaha Shawnee Jackson Greeley Wallace Shawnee Franklin Cherokee Johnson Johnson Johnson Osage Cherokee Osage Osage Osage Montgomery Montgomery Marshall Barton Geary Reno Butler Hamilton Woodson Woodson Norton Dickinson Sedgwick Allen Allen Allen Cloud Cloud Pratt Pratt Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Kingman Osage Cherokee Allen Scott Riley Johnson Brown Mitchell Mitchell COORDINATE 38232 9N09725 38W 373344N0951752W 373605N0952710W 372804N0944 335W 912W 394655N09550 15W 391139N09539 39W 950W 3828 11N1014508W 385409N1013109W 390157N0954 400W 38 3457N0952108W 370100N0945112W 3858 3W 385135N0950320W 3858 3W 384030N095404 5W 371649N0945206W 384907N0954 120W 384747N0953959W 384906N0954000W 371525N0955102W 371525N0955052W 394940N0963450W 38 3117N0984 652W 385215N0965517W 380145N0975 525W 375515N0970457W 375736N1013936W 374417N0955553W 37444 3N0955 625W 395545N0994312W 384114N0971735W 37362 373737N0952 326W 375902N095233 3W 50W 392635N0972605W 392615N0972530W 374652N098 374 6W 374705N098 34 30W 392012N0963733W 391900N09638 03W 392005N0963755W 392006N0963731W 384420N0980150W 38434 38442 372637N098 13 30W 383928N0953550W 37164 3758 35N0952719W 384057N1005458W 390709N0964 655W 385713N0944157W 394332N0952707W 39265 6N0982724W 392615N0982545W SOURCE COORDINATE 374616N0950651W 385542N1013434W 384533N09508 01W 371223N0955 62 3W 374220N0960155W 380307N0952 228W 392650N09632 54W 391633N098 320 1W ELEV FT 963 1300 1136 846 1087 1172 1216 1840 1336 2249 1310 1005 1411 1560 2833 1300 1156 KS41 MAP NAME Canton Shaw Earlton Pittsburg Woodlawn Woodlawn Elmont Grove Wallace Topeka Ottawa South Neutral Eudora Edgerton Lyndon NW Carbondale Carbondale Carbondale Table Mound Table Mound Home Hoisington Hutchinson Potwin Coyville Coyville Almena Carlton Derby Iola Iola Iola Miltonvale NW Miltonvale NW Stafford SW Olsburg SW Olsburg SW Olsburg SW Olsburg SW Carneiro Carneiro Venango Spivey Cherokee Iola Lake Scott Junction City Lenexa Everest Mill Creek Mill Creek KS42 FEATURE NAME Carroll Canyon Carroll Oil Field Carry Creek Carey Creek Cary Creek Carry Creek School Carry Nation House Home of Carry Nation Carson (historical) Carter Creek See Fact Carter Creek Carter Elementary School Carthage See Fact Carthage (historical) Caruso Curso Siding Carvel Station See Cleveland Carver Park Carwood (historical) Carwood Cemetery Cary Creek See Carry Creek Cascade (historical) Casement Cemetery Cash City (historical) Cashman Cemetery Casino, Mount Casino Creek Casley Gas and Oil Field Casner Creek Cassaday See Cassoday Cassaday See Macksville Cassoday Cassaday Cassoday Cemetery Castle Creek Castle Rock See Seneca Castle Rock Castle Rock Ranch Airport Castleton Castleton Township Castle Township Catamount Creek Catamount Creek See Clear Fork Cat Creek Cat Creek See Wildcat Creek Cat Creek Catfish Cove Catharine Elementary School Catharine Township Catherine Township Catherine Catherine Township See Catharine Township Catholic Cemetery Catholic Mission See Saint Paul Catlin Church Catlin Creek Catlin Township Cato Catt School FEATURE CLASS valley oilfield stream school building locale locale stream school locale locale locale Ppl park locale cemetery stream locale cemetery locale cemetery summit stream oilfield stream ppl ppl ppl cemetery stream Ppl pillar airport ppl civil civil stream stream stream stream stream bay school civil ppl civil cemetery ppl church stream civil locale school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN 1891 VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF coUunTy Cheyenne Barton Geary Dickinson Barber Brown Clay Clay Sedgwick Clay Meade Sherman Kingman Cowley Wichita Wichita Geary Chautauqua Chautauqua Clark Miami Clark Clark Kingman Greenwood Butler Stafford Butler Butler Saline Nemaha Gove Gove Reno Reno McPherson Atchison Marshall Clark Elk Greenwood Phillips Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Jackson Neosho Marion Marion Marion Crawford Bourbon COORDINATE 400110N1015525W 38 3348N09853 10W 385215N0965517W 6574 9W 371703N098 34 45W 395122N0953928W 393314N0970159W 393051N0970044W 374245N0971654W 393314N0970159W 3718 14N1002355W 392019N10148 54W 373306N0980800W 37034 383708N1012729W 383708N1012726W 385215N0965517W 370007N0960022W 370724N0961157W 371030N1000250W 38353 3N094 3 94 2W 371345N0994528W 371226N0994 543W 373808N0974 940W 373952N096054 3W 380220N09638 20W 385733N098 58 06W 380220N09638 20W 380236N0963925W 384227N0975204W 395003N09603 50W 385140N1001010W 385205N1000945W 375204N09758 08W 375205N0975 655W 38232 9N0975209W 392515N0953100W 39385 628 4 5W 371920N0994209W 372214N0961019W 375657N09630 36W 393702N0991100W 300W 390230N09909 30W 385538N0991259W 390230N09909 30W 3928 16N0964 621W 102 3W 381331N0970801W 381606N09658 25W 381300N0970600W 374004N094442 3W 3748 20N0944007W SOURCE COORDINATE 395738N1015500W 384158N0970618W 39385 371548N0994 522W 373826N0961202W 38 3804N0975242W 392335N0953418W 372616N0994 359W 380041N096332 3W 381435N09708 59W ELEV FT 1100 3720 3397 3397 848 2130 1470 1465 2479 2285 1468 2017 1441 871 960 MAP NAME St Francis NW Olmitz Woodbine Woodbine Medicine Lodge Fairview Linn SE Wichita East Missler Ruleton SE Arkansas City Russell Sprs 3 SW Russell Sprs 3 SW Peru Chautauqua Proffitt Lake Louisburg Ashland Ashland Cheney Fall River Lake Cassoday Cassoday Falun Castle Rock Castle Rock Castleton Castleton Windom NE Arrington Mount Jesus Rosalia NE Kirwin SW Catharine Turkville Catharine Soldier Creek NE Peabody NW Lincolnville SW Peabody Cato Fort Scott FEATURE NAME Cavalry Cemetery Cavalry Creek Cavalry Creek Cave Citizens Spur Cooperville Vanceville Cave Cemetery Cave Church Cave Creek Cave Creek Sand Creek Cavespring See Cave Springs Cave Springs Cavespring Cawker See Cawker City Cawker City Cawker Cawker City Airport Cawker City Elementary School Cawker Township Cecil (historical) Cecil Cemetery Cedar Cederville Cedar Cedar Junction Cedar Air Park Cedar Airpark Cedar Airpark See Cedar Air Park Cedar Bluff See Shannon Cedar Bluff Cedar Bluff (historical) Cedar Bluff Camp Cedar Bluff Canal Cedar Bluff Cemetery Cedar Bluff Cemetery Cedar Bluff Dam Cedar Bluff Lake See Cedar Bluff Reservoir Cedar Bluff National Fish Hatchery Cedar Bluff Reservoir Cedar Bluff Lake Cedar Bluffs Cedar Bluffs Cemetery Cedar Bluff School Cedar Bluff Wildlife Area Cedar Cemetery Cedar Creek Cedar Creek Cedar Creek Cedar Creek Little Cedar Creek Cedar Creek Cedar Creek Cedar Creek Cedar Creek See Bills Creek Cedar Creek Brush Creek Cedar Creek Cedar Creek FEATURE CLASS cemetery stream stream Ppl cemetery church stream stream Ppl Ppl Ppl Ppl airport school civil locale cemetery ppl locale airport airport Ppl cliff locale locale canal cemetery cemetery dam reservoir locale reservoir ppl cemetery school park cemetery stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN BGN 1975 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1975 VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1950 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1974 VARIANT BGN BGN coUunTy Harper Comanche Comanche Stevens Gray Gray Comanche Comanche Elk Elk Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Labette Labette Smith Johnson Johnson Johnson Atchison Trego Anderson Montgomery Trego Woodson Osborne Trego Trego Trego Trego Decatur Decatur Montgomery Trego Smith Chautauqua Chautauqua Barber Cowley Cowley Greenwood Bourbon Chase Chase Anderson Russell COORDINATE 371647N0975342W 370405N099294 3W 371555N0993235W 372131N1010827W 373249N1001507W 373252N1001613W 370355N09858 29W 370656N0990537W 373200N0960720W 373200N0960720W 393045N0982600W 393045N0982600W 393009N098 264 1W 606W 393136N0982600W 370201N0951458W 37015 393926N0985624W 3858 45N0945603W 385554N0945304W 385554N0945304W 393355N09514 35W 384 636N0994 8 25W 381635N0951137W 370524N09538 11W 650W 3748 35N095573 6W 391459N0985035W 384738N0994 320W 384730N0995240W 384725N0994 242W 384730N0995240W 395844N1003341W 395918N1003418W 370445N09538 47W 384730N0995240W 394007N0985552W 365930N0961412W 370432N0962758W 371652N0983754W 371806N0965725W 3718 31N0964046W 37483 55W 374904N0944731W 380906N0964745W 381539N0964734W 382002N0951528W 385751N098 403 3W SOURCE COORDINATE 372438N0992159W 372258N09934 14W 370108N0990301W 371052N09908 15W 370719N0961712W 370907N0963655W 371418N0984123W 371929N09648 39W 372408N0963219W 37544 SW 375250N0945030W 380905N0964737W 38094 17W 385143N09847 12W ELEV FT 2993 2700 1500 1140 1631 825 1020 860 2201 2144 2549 KS43 MAP NAME Danville Protection SW Lexington Moscow Montezuma SE Montezuma SE Fancy Canyon Fancy Canyon Fall River Cawker City Cawker City Cawker City Cawker City Bartlett Bartlett Cedar De Soto De Soto Cedar Bluff Garnett East Coffeyville West Ellis SE Toronto Paradise NE Cedar Bluff Dam Cedar Bluff Dam Fort Downer Oberlin NE Oberlin NE Coffeyville West Fort Downer Cedar Whippoorwill Cedar Vale East Hardtner NW New Salem Cambridge Toronto Marmaton Cedar Point Garnett West Dorrance NW KS44 FE Cedar Creek Cedar Creek Cedar Creek See Hon Cedar Creek Cedar Creek Cedar Creek Cedar Creek Cedar Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Fork Britt Cedar Gorge Cedar Grove See Ced Cedar Cedar Cedar Cedar Cedar Cedar Cedar Cedar Cedar Cedar Cedar Cedar Junct See Ced Cedar Point Cedar Grove Hill Hill Point Point Cedar Cedar Point Cedar Point See Ced Cedar Towns Cedar Towns Cedar Towns Cedar Cedar Towns Towns Vale Cedar Cedarvale See Ced Cedarvale C Cedar Vale Cedar Cedar Cedar ATURE NAME ey Creek Cemetery Church (historical) on ar Point Cemetery Cemetery Hill Cemetery Hill Cemetery School Hollow ion ar Grove Cemetery Lake Point Reservoir Recreation Area Reservoir ar Point Lake hip hip hip hip hip vale ar Vale emetery Elementary School Cedar Valley Church Cedarview S Cedar Villa Cederville See Ced Cedron (his Cedron Town Celia See McD Celia (hist Celia Towns See Rac Centennial Centennial Centennial Centennial Centennial Centennial Centennial Centennial Centennial Centennial Centennial Center See Col chool ge Shopping Center ar torical) ship onald orical) hip ewood Township Bridge Cemetery Park School School School School School School School Shopping Center umbus FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery church locale valley Ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school valley locale ppl cemetery reservoir park reservoir civil civil civil civil civil ppl ppl cemetery school church school locale ppl locale civil ppl locale civil bridge cemetery park school school school school school school school locale ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN 1931 VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN 1950 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT counTy Johnson Pottawatomie Jefferson Jefferson Smith Marshall Nemaha Washington Doniphan Smith Cowley Anderson Butler Trego Chase Jackson Cloud Pottawatomie Smith Jackson Greenwood Johnson Chase Chase Chase Jewell Chase Cowley Wilson Chase Jackson Smith Chautauqua Chautauqua Woodson Chautauqua Jackson Cowley Harvey Smith Lincoln Lincoln Rawlins Rawlins Rawlins Leavenworth Montgomery Douglas Harvey Reno Miami Miami Douglas Douglas Leavenworth Ellis Cherokee COORDINATE 38585 7N0945505W 391426N0963357W 391429N0951827W 392055N0952757W 3938 52N0985418W 394018N0962715W 39503 9N0954729W 39515 300W 395652N0951503W 400345N098 305 9W 370720N0963224W 381627N09528 12W 372925N096503 6W 384608N099473 3W 381536N0964 910W 392013N095 392 3W 393258N0972420W 39334 395312N098 39 19W 392735N09557 36W 373703N095593 IW 3858 45N094560 3W 381536N0964 910W 38142 931W 381400N0964 629W 395354N0980237W 381400N0964 629W 370310N09634 56W 373128N0954122W 380930N0964740W 392120N0953 950W 39465 370615N0962959W 959W 380004N0953 355W 370628N0963011W 391955N0953736W 371550N09658 20W 380200N0972020W 624W 391200N0982610W 391045N0982610W 394709N1012231W 394707N1011855W 394825N1011830W 391947N09454 30W 371347N0953248W 385811N0951548W 375537N0971759W 380603N098054 3W 38 3346N0944034W 38 3626N0945624W 384510N09525 40W 38564 3N095 143 3W 391417N0950654W 385310N09920 30W 371009N0945038W SOURCE COORDINATE 384906N0945237W 392029N09632 19W 392032N0953347W 394206N0990017W 3938 395435N0955052W 395144N09648 32W 394958N0951705W 395950N098 303 2W 38442 8 27W 373859N09558 39W ELEV FT 1077 1933 1250 949 1450 831 1460 1604 1089 979 1061 2020 MAP NAME De Soto Tuttle Creek Dam Holton SE Kirwin Frankfort Sabetha Hanover SW White Cloud Red Cloud Cedar Vale West Harris Atlanta Cedar Bluff Mayet ta Clyde Frankfort SW Cora Soldier Creek NW Coyville Cedar Point Wonsevu Wonsevu Webber Cedar Vale West Altoona Wonsevu Mayet ta Kensington Cedar Vale East Neosho Falls Cedar Vale West Mayet ta Winfield Newton Hunter Hunter McDonald Leavenworth Liberty Lawrence West Sedgwick NE Yaggy Louisburg Paola West Globe Lawrence East Jarbalo Hays North FEATURE NAME Center See Centre (historical) Center "75" (shopping center) Center Bethel Church Center Cemetery Center Cemetery Center Chapel Center Chapel Center Church Center Church Center Creek Center District 1 Township Aldin Township Center Township Crystal Township Emmett Township Garfield Township Rock Branch Township Rockwell Township Center Fork Center Hill Cemetery Center Hill School Center Mission Cemetery Center Point School Center Point School Center Ridge See Ridge Center Ridge Church Center School Center School Center School Center Star School Center Township Center Township Ashland Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Arbor Township Beaver Township Clinton Township Grant Township Logan Township Mikesell Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township Center Township See Center District 1 Township FEATURE CLASS locale locale church cemetery cemetery church church church church stream civil stream cemetery school cemetery school school locale church school school school school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT coUnTy Chautauqua Wyandotte Labette Reno Rooks Labette Franklin Cherokee Reno Cherokee Norton Sheridan Coffey Riley Clay Miami Wyandotte Woodson Wilson Bourbon Marion Russell Cherokee Stevens Clark Chautauqua Wilson Woodson Reno Hodgeman Lyon Rice Marion Rush Ness Russell Dickinson Ottawa Mitchell Pottawatomie Cloud Atchison Riley Rawlins Marshall Decatur Nemaha Smith Jewell Doniphan Norton COORDINATE 371311N09612 35W 390705N094 454 5W 371506N0951452W 375906N09803 40W 391217N0991220W 372024N0950927W 3838 15N0951027W 370311N0945319W 37595 1W 370554N09502 39W 395758N09954 40W 391950N1000931W 380919N0953951W 393214N0964 409W 393034N09704 18W 384110N094403 3W 391021N0944938W 374400N0953547W 374357N09535 48W 375240N094 382 3W 381306N0971225W 385121N098 572 0W 371228N0945204W 371015N1011245W 371120N09948 40W 371510N09618 00W 373127N09548 00W 375225N0954525W 375720N0980515W 380518N0995353W 381440N0961450W 381815N098 18 44W 382055N0965905W 382521N0991829W 143W 38493 385455N0970535W 390530N0974 600W 392100N0981235W 392110N0961430W 392730N09738 30W 392755N0951730W 3928 55N09654 35W 394205N1010215W 394650N0963205W 394654N1002730W 394655N0961100W 394715N0984720W 394724N0981230W 394745N0950500W 395758N09954 40W SOURCE COORDINATE 31W 39162 ELEV FT 935 2083 961 1010 1340 1355 1098 872 1532 1878 878 KS45 MAP NAME Edwardsville Parsons East Partridge Codell Mc Cune Le Loup Melrose Partridge Chetopa Norton NW Studley Burlington Blue Rapids SW Linn SE Bucyrus Wolcott Vilas Hammond Peabody NW Russell SW Columbus Woods NW Ashland Moline Fredonia Toronto SE Partridge Jetmore Madison Chase Lincolnville SW Rush Center Ness City NE Dorrance SW Chapman Tescott SE Beloit SW Laclede Aurora NW Nortonville Lasita Chardon Home Kanona Baileyville Smith Center Mankato Troy KS46 FEATURE NAME Center Twin Creek Centerview Center View School Center View School Centerview School Centerview School Centerville Centerville Cemetery Centerville Church Centerville Township Centerville Township Centrailia See Columbus Central Central City Central (historical) Central Branch Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Central Central Central Central Central Cemetery Chapel Christian Schools Church Church of Christ Central Church of Christ Central City See Central Central City (historical) Central Central Central Central City Cemetery College Community Church of God Community Hall Central Congregational Church Central Congregation Jehovahs Witnesses Central Elementary School Central Elementary School Central Central Elementary School Elementary School Central Elementary School Central Elementary School Central Elementary School Central Elementary School Central Elementary School Central Elementary School Central Grade School Grade School Central Heights Shopping Mall Central High School Centralia Centralia Cemetery Centralia Elementary School Centralia High School Central Junior High School Central Junior High School Central Central Junior-Senior High School Central Kansas Area Vocational-Technical School Central Park Central Park Central Park Central Park Christian Church Central Park School Riverside Park School School School School School Central Central Central Central Central Central FEATURE CLASS stream Ppl school school school school Ppl cemetery church civil civil Ppl Ppl locale church cemetery church school church church church ppl locale cemetery school church building church church school school school school school school school school school school school school locale school Ppl cemetery school school school school school school park park park church school park school school school school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS coUnTy COORDINATE BGN Osborne 392308N098 3 325W BGN Edwards 374855N0991605W UNOFF McPherson 382435N0974317W UNOFF Russell 384516N0983908W UNOFF Sumner 370330N0971406W UNOFF Anderson 381626N09528 16W BGN Linn 381315N0950050W UNOFF Linn 381311N0945948W UNOFF Bourbon 375358N0944909W ADMIN Neosho 37312 18 40W ADMIN Linn 381240N09458 45W VARIANT Cherokee 371009N0945038W BGN 1897 Anderson 381620N0952 300W VARIANT BGN Anderson 381625N09523 15W UNOFF Sedgwick 37394 UNOFF Clay 393036N0970058W UNOFF Jefferson 391417N0951515W UNOFF Reno 38032 UNOFF Franklin 38320 3N095 2 705W UNOFF Shawnee 390250N0954 155W UNOFF Sedgwick 374120N097203 3W VARIANT Anderson 381620N0952 300W BGN Lyon 382140N0961530W UNOFF Anderson 381615N0952 329W UNOFF McPherson 382125N0974002W UNOFF Sedgwick 374020N0972014W UNOFF Franklin 38265 3N095 192 2W UNOFF Shawnee 39025 3W UNOFF Sedgwick 374146N09718 37W UNOFF Cherokee 370113N0944414W UNOFF Cherokee 370942N0945055W UNOFF Ford 374532N100005 6W UNOFF Rice 382037N0981232W UNOFF Johnson 385242N0944859W UNOFF Wyandotte 390645N0943750W UNOFF Sherman 392045N1014239W UNOFF Jackson 392750N0954 356W UNOFF Atchison 393350N0950725W UNOFF Marshall 395036N09638 41W UNOFF Elk 372108N0962700W UNOFF Cowley 372558N0964 554W UNOFF Sedgwick 374137N0972537W UNOFF Reno 380345N09753 30W BGN Nemaha 39433 UNOFF Nemaha 394405N0960758W UNOFF Nemaha 394331N0960757W UNOFF Nemaha 394331N0960757W UNOFF Douglas 385727N0951406W UNOFF Wyandotte 39054 3N094 38 00W UNOFF Cowley 371911N0964510W UNOFF Harvey 380306N0971937W ADMIN Neosho 374048N0952721W ADMIN Douglas 385816N095 14 19W ADMIN Shawnee 390225N0954127W UNOFF Shawnee 390250N0954 155W UNOFF Shawnee 134W ADMIN Sedgwick 374150N097204 5W UNOFF Montgomery 371134N0954431W UNOFF Wilson 37252 101W UNOFF Sumner 372607N0971217W UNOFF Sedgwick 374128N0971957W UNOFF Barton 601W SOURCE COORDINATE 3918 ELEV FT 2158 1807 1077 925 970 978 1279 1109 1068 1340 1300 1236 MAP NAME Downs South Centerview Mc Pherson North Dorrance SW Geuda Springs Harris Centerville Mound City NW Devon Shaw Mound City NW Harris Harvis Wichita East Linn SE Oskaloosa Hutchinson Pomona Topeka Wichita East Phenis Creek Harris Mc Pherson South Wichita East Richmond Topeka Wichita East Baxter Springs Columbus Dodge City Lyons Olathe Shawnee Goodland Holton Atchison East Marysville Grenola Atlanta Wichita West Hutchinson Centralia Centralia Centralia Centralia Lawrence East Shawnee Burden Newton Chanute Lawrence East Topeka Topeka Topeka Wichita East Independence Neodesha Mulvane Wichita East Great Bend FEATURE NAME Central School Central School Central School See Highland Park Central Elementary School Central School Central School Central Seminary Central United Presbyterian Church Centre (historical) Center Centre Junior-Senior High School Centre Mound See Harbine Centre Ridge See Ridge Centropolis Minneola Saint Bernard Centropolis Township Cesko Slovensky Cemetery Cessna Cessna Elementary School Cessna Park Chadlish See Nonchalanta (historical) Chaffee School Chalk (historical) Chalk Mound Chalk Cemetery Chalk Creek Chalk Creek See Ladder Creek Chalk Creek Chalk Mound See Chalk (historical) Chalk Mound Cemetery Chalk Pyramids Challacombe (historical) Challender (historical) Chambers Northeast Oil Field Chance Cemetery Chance Oil Field Chandler (historical) Chandler School Chanute New Chicago Chanute High School Chanute Martin Johnson Airport Martin Johnson Airport Chaparral, Lake Chaparral High School Chapel Hill Cemetery Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens Cemetery Chapel Hill School Chapman Chapmans Creek Chapman See Longford FEATURE CLASS school school school school school school church locale school ppl locale Ppl civil cemetery locale school park locale school locale cemetery stream stream stream locale cemetery pillar locale locale oilfield cemetery oilfield locale school ppl school airport reservoir school cemetery cemetery school Ppl Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT CcoUnNnTy Lyon Douglas Shawnee Leavenworth Cheyenne Wyandotte Shawnee Chautauqua Marion Republic Woodson Franklin Franklin Sumner Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Ness Barton Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Logan Logan Trego Wabaunsee Rooks Gove Ness Shawnee Sedgwick Leavenworth Pratt Rooks Jewell Neosho Neosho Neosho Hopkins Harper Saline Wyandotte Franklin Dickinson Clay COORDINATE 3828 40N096095 3W 384724N0952006W 390105N09539 36W 391441N0950009W 393645N1012656W 39065 3N094 3 948W 390240N0954 130W 371311N0961235W 38 3124N0965709W 40000 9N0974 605W 374400N09535 47W 100W 384055N09522 15W 370317N0974032W 373819N0972446W 373638N0972145W 373915N0971557W 381700N1000600W 381909N0984 629W 384625N0961755W 38460 384608N1005538W 384757N1005134W 390642N0994 903W 384625N0961755W 391915N0990507W 384746N1004551W 382614N1000345W 385910N0954112W 373324N0973029W 390007N0950056W 374436N09845 10W 391920N09925 52W 393636N0982757W 374045N0952725W 374038N0951200W 374006N0952912W 381224N0945242W 371307N0980227W 3838 19N0972438W 39064 38402 6W 3858 20N0970120W 391012N0971952W SOURCE COORDINATE 384538N1013708W 391219N0995136W ELEV FT 1104 1004 970 971 1177 1303 1867 997 939 1001 1113 KS47 MAP NAME Emporia Lone Star Jarbalo Dewey Ranch SW Shawnee Topeka Sedan Lost Springs Ottawa North Ottawa North Doster Wichita West Derby Wichita East Great Bend Alta Vista SE Alta Vista SE Elkader SW Wakeeney East Laton Elkader Laird Wakarusa Clearwater Tonganoxie Coats NE Stockton SW Cawker City Chanute Chanute Chanute Mound City Anthony Gypsum Edwardsville Ottawa North Chapman KS48 FEATURE NAME Chapman See Rochester (historical) Chapman Cemetery Chapman Creek Chapman High School Chapman Junior High School Chapmans Creek See Chapman Chapman Township Chapman Township Chapmanville See Idana Chard (historical) Charden Farms Airport Chardon Sappaton Chardon Cemetery Chardon School Charity (historical) Charles Branch Charleston Charlston Charleston (historical) Charleston (historical) Charleston Cemetery Charleston Cemetery Charleston Township Charlet Ranch Charlie Creek Charlston See Charleston Charters Corner Chase Chase County Chase County Airport Chase County High School Chase County State Lake Chase County State Lake Dam Chase High School Chase-Silica Oil Field Chase State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Chautauqua Chautauqua Springs Chautauqua County Chautauqua Hills Chautauqua Park Chautauqua Springs See Chautauqua Checo School Cheever (historical) Cheever Township Chellis See Yates Center Chelsea Chelsea Cemetery Chelsea Church Chelsea Elementary School Chelsea School Chelsea Shopping Center Chelsea Township Cheney Marshall Cheney Cemetery Cheney Dam Cheney Reservoir FEATURE CLASS locale cemetery stream school school ppl civil civil ppl locale airport locale cemetery school locale stream ppl locale locale cemetery cemetery civil locale stream ppl locale ppl civil airport school reservoir dam school oilfield park ppl civil range park Ppl school locale civil ppl locale cemetery church school school locale civil Ppl cemetery dam reservoir NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN 1982 VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN 1897 VARIANT ADMIN BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN COUNTY Shawnee Phillips Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Clay Ottawa Clay Neosho Cowley Rawlins Rawlins Rawlins Clay Allen Gray Greenwood Doniphan Greenwood Doniphan Washington Edwards Doniphan Gray Reno Rice Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Rice Rice Chase Chautauqua Chautauqua Chautauqua Mitchell Chautauqua Cherokee Dickinson Dickinson Woodson Butler Butler Butler Wyandotte Butler Wyandotte Butler Sedgwick Sedgwick Reno Reno COORDINATE 390645N0954550W 395935N0991042W 385738N0970022W 385827N0970111W 3858 17N0970128W 3858 20N0970120W 391045N0971900W 391600N09725 45W 392127N0971550W 374140N0951255W 370450N0965700W 393917N1010324W 39394 3N1010217W 393708N1010327W 392430N097204 6W 374922N0952 328W 375155N1003352W 373905N09602 10W 395135N0950235W 373814N0960202W 395116N09502 10W 395119N0965750W 375123N0992 630W 394640N0951741W 375155N1003352W 380327N0981044W 382118N0982057W 381800N0963500W 382121N0963240W 382231N09632 39W 382213N09634 54W 382213N09634 54W 382124N0982041W 382410N0982 610W 382213N09634 54W 370113N0961035W 370900N0961400W 370222N0960650W 392717N0980640W 370113N0961035W 370511N0944005W 390515N0971215W 390530N09714 30W 375252N0954 359W 375414N0964628W 375512N0964 600W 375508N0964 636W 390728N094 392 6W 37535 3N09 64 605W 390745N0943900W 375510N0963955W 373748N0974 656W 373851N0974711W 37433 1N0974750W 374331N0974750W SOURCE COORDINATE 392219N0972908W 37522 345W 394913N09518 20W ELEV FT 1254 3177 2712 2200 1637 1718 1273 1254 1330 1379 820 1385 1422 MAP NAME Kensington NW Chapman Chapman Chapman Longford Miltonvale Stark Silverdale Chardon Chardon Chardon SE Miltonvale NE Humboldt Charleston Fall River Lake Troy Fall River Lake Troy Hanover SW Kinsley SW Highland Sterling SW Chase Cottonwood Falls Cottonwood Falls Cottonwood Falls Cottonwood Falls Cottonwood Falls Chase Chase NW Cottonwood Falls Chautauqua Sedan Peru Beloit Baxter Springs Buckeye Buckeye De Graff De Graff De Graff Shawnee De Graff Parkville Rosalia NW Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney FEATURE NAME Cheney State Park Cheney Wildlife Area Chenoworth Cemetery Chepstow Chepstow Cemetery Cherokee Cherokee Cemetery Cherokee Cemetery Cherokee County McGee County Cherokee County Fairgrounds Cherokee Elementary School Cherokee Hills Shopping Center Cherokee Lowlands See Cherokee Plains Cherokee Plains Cherokee Lowlands Osage Plains Cherokee School Cherokee South Shopping Center Cherokee Strip Museum Cherokee Tank Cherokee Township Cherokee Township Cherry (historical) Cherry Creek Cherry Creek Cherry Creek Cherry Creek Cherry Creek Cherry Creek Cherry Creek Cherry Creek Township Cherry Grove Church Cherry Mound Church Cherry Township Cherry Vale See Cherryvale Cherryvale Cherry Vale Cherryville Cherryvale City Lake Dam Cherryvale Junior High School Cherryvalle High School Cherryville See Cherryvale Cherwin City See Sherwin Chesney Park Chester (historical) Chestnut Branch Chetolah Creek Chetopa Chetopa Creek Chetopa Creek Chetopa Creek See Little Chetopa Creek Chetopa Township Chetopa Township Chevron Cheyenne Cheyenne Bottoms Cheyenne Bottoms State Waterfowl Management Area See Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area Cheyenne Bottoms State Waterfowl Management Area FEATURE CLASS park park cemetery locale cemetery Ppl cemetery cemetery civil locale school locale plain plain school locale building reservoir civil civil locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream civil church church civil ppl Ppl dam school school Ppl locale park locale stream stream ppl stream stream stream civil civil locale locale bend park park NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT coUnTy Reno Reno Ness Washington Washington Crawford Cherokee Crawford Cherokee Cherokee Cherokee Johnson Cherokee Cherokee Johnson Johnson Cowley Cherokee Montgomery Cherokee Cherokee Cherokee Montgomery Woodson Anderson Osage Cheyenne Washington Cheyenne Bourbon Anderson Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Cherokee Shawnee Jefferson Clay Ellis Labette Montgomery Wilson Wilson Neosho Wilson Scott Osborne Barton Barton Barton COORDINATE 740W 374630N0975100W 382516N0995231W 393725N0965402W 393754N0965404W 372045N09448 31W 370905N0950300W 372138N0944945W 371000N0945100W 370935N094504 0W 37204 3N094 495 1W 385728N0944115W 371000N0945600W 371000N0945600W 3858 12N0944113W 385718N0944115W 370230N09702 13W 371917N0944914W 370330N09533 30W 371747N0944620W 371652N094562 3W 370445N09504 10W 371701N09534 39W 375101N09534 32W 381427N09528 17W 52W 394720N1014810W 395105N0972057W 394735N1015600W 374209N0944211W 381337N09529 16W 371940N0953 340W 371613N0953 308W 371613N0953 308W 371530N0953312W 371605N0954217W 371605N095 32 48W 371613N0953 308W 371048N0945651W 390205N0954131W 390542N0951613W 392032N0971330W 385105N09918 44W 370214N095052 3W 371459N0954 829W 372614N0954008W 37285 373125N0952657W 373130N0953404W 3818 45N10054 35W 391036N098 38 19W 3828 10N098 392 0W 382715N098 3 950W 382715N098 3 950W SOURCE COORDINATE 37185 955W 3718 34N0952808W 380057N0954128W 381254N0953147W 38 3512N09554 10W 394602N1020338W 395739N0972642W 391614N0971443W 385634N0991931W 949W 373502N0953052W ELEV FT 1441 1450 949 900 1030 1053 1040 902 873 1060 850 824 2927 1683 KS49 MAP NAME Haven SE Haven SE Ness City Kimeo Greenleaf Cherokee Oswego Cherokee Columbus Columbus Cherokee Lenexa Hallowell Lenexa Lenexa Arkansas City Cherokee Coffeyville East Cherokee West Mineral Chetopa Cherryvale Yates Center SE Westphalia Reading Cheyenne Haddam Saint Francis SW Cato Westphalia Cherryvale Cherryvale Kirkwood Cherryvale Cherryvale Topeka Williamstown Clay Center SW Hays North Chetopa Bolton Neodesha Earlton Five Mounds Shallow Water Vincent Ellinwood NW Ellinwood NW KS5O FEATURE NAME Cheyenne Cemetery Cheyenne Church Cheyenne County Cheyenne County Fairgrounds Cheyenne County Municipal Airport Cheyenne Creek Cheyenne Creek Cheyenne Creek See Little Cheyenne Creek Cheyenne Creek Cheyenne Creek Cheyenne Gap Cheyenne School Cheyenne Township Cheyenne Township Cheyenne Valley School Cheyenne View School Chicago (historical) Chicago Mound Cemetery Chicaskia Church Chicaskia River See Chikaskia River Chicaskia Township See Chikaskia Township Chicaskia Township See Township Number 6 Chicaskia Township See Chikaskia Township Chicken Creek Chicken Creek Chicken Creek Chicken Creek Chico (historical) Chicopee Chigger Creek Chikaskia (historical) Chikaskia Cemetery Chikaskia Cemetery Chikaskia River Chicaskia River Sha wa cas kah River Sha-wa-cas-kah River Chikaskia Township Chicaskia Township Chikaskia Township Chicaskia Township Childrens Park Childs Acres Chiles Chilocco Creek Chilton Park Chinali River See Arkansas River Chindberg Oil Field Chinn Cemetery Chippewa Hills Chippewa Hills Cemetery Chippewa Ranch Airport Chippewa School Chisholm Creek Chisholm Elementary School Chisholm Middle School Chisholm Trail Elementary School Chitolah River See Smoky Hill River Chitwood Oil Field FEATURE CLASS cemetery church civil locale airport stream stream stream stream stream locale school civil civil school school locale cemetery church stream civil civil civil stream stream stream stream locale ppl stream locale cemetery cemetery stream civil civil park ppl ppl stream park stream oilfield cemetery range cemetery airport school stream school school school stream oilfield NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF coUunTy Osborne Osborne Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne Montgomery Hamilton Barton Gove Cloud Osborne Johnson Barton Lane Cheyenne Barton Sheridan Lyon Harper Sumner Sumner Harper Kingman Barber Osage Lyon Douglas Saline Crawford Butler Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumner Kingman Shawnee Sedgwick Miami Cowley Ford Cowley McPherson Barber Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Sedgwick Sedgwick Harvey Sedgwick Geary Pratt COORDINATE 391036N098 38 27W 391128N0983756W 394800N1014800W 394655N1014737W 394539N1014747W 370112N0955714W 380155N1020251W 382648N09828 51W 384431N1003101W 126W 391312N098 38 52W 3858 52N0944146W 38 3121N098 38 45W 38 650W 39434 382413N098 394 6W 392900N1001522W 382052N09603 40W 371939N0975658W 36372 3N09714 37W 371018N0973919W 372030N09803 30W 372530N0981130W 372415N0982948W 38 3054N095402 1W 384129N0960244W 385204N0952018W 384422N0972 620W 37225 30W 372905N09654 11W 371008N0973635W 370922N0973709W 37384 4N09734 59W 36372 3N09714 37W 371018N0973919W 372530N0981130W 390327N09542 19W 374620N0972517W 384047N0944541W 365702N0965712W 374616N1000138W 334800N0910400W 382340N09735 48W 372736N0985519W 38 3411N09522 15W 155W 383500N0952 300W 383500N0952 150W 373754N0971816W 373944N0971823W 380240N0971948W 374735N0971931W 390334N0964803W 373531N098 364 5W SOURCE COORDINATE 370752N0955212W 381246N1020209W 38365 4N1003453W 393041N0975445W 3728 36N098 32 28W 38 3405N0954050W 3848 6053 9W 3848 38N0951952W 924W 373100N098 34 42W 370239N0971011W 375333N0971512W ELEV FT 3290 3410 1836 1400 921 1169 1340 1096 1050 MAP NAME Vincent Vincent Saint Francis Saint Francis Saint Francis Caney Holly NE Cheyenne Creek Scottsville Vincent Lenexa Redwing Cheyenne Creek Bird City S NW Ellinwood NW Hoxie NE Emporia SE Danville Nashville Lyndon Admire Lone Star Gypsum Pittsburg Wilmot Perth Perth Perth Braman Caldwell NW Spivey Topeka Maize Spring Hill Kaw City NW Dodge City Galva Sun City Ottawa South Ottawa South Pomona Ottawa South Wichita East Wichita East Newton Valley Center Pratt SE FEATURE NAME Choteau Chapel Choteau Creek Chouteau Christ Cemetery Christ Church Christ Church Christ Church Christ Hospital Christian See Moundridge Christian Cemetery Christian Church in Kansas Christian Community of Wichita Christian Hills Camp Christie See Hollis Christie Township See Lawrence Township Christ Lutheran Church Christ Lutheran Church Christopher Lake Christs Anglican Church Christ the King Lutheran Church Hamm Chapel Christ the King Roman Catholic Church Christ the King School Christ the King School Christy Canyon Christy Park See Camp Christy Churchill See Tescott Churchill Airport Churchill Oil Field Church of Christ Church of Christ Church of Christ Church of Christ Church of God Church of God Church of God Cemetery Church of God in Christ Church of God in Christ Church of God in Christ Church of God in Christ Revival Center Church of God Holiness Church of God of Prophecy Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Independent Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Church of the Bible Covenant Church of the Brethren Church of the Magdalen Church of the Nazarene Church of the Resurrection Cicero Cimarron Cimarron Airport See Cimarron Municipal Airport FEATURE CLASS church stream locale cemetery church church church hospital ppl cemetery church church locale locale civil church church reservoir church church church school school valley locale ppl airport oilfield church church church church church church cemetery church church church church church church church church church church church church church church church locale Ppl airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT coUnTyY Montgomery Montgomery Johnson Smith Johnson Shawnee Doniphan Shawnee McPherson Harper Shawnee Sedgwick Greenwood Cloud Cloud Sedgwick Shawnee Kingman Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Wyandotte Scott Scott Ottawa Phillips Sumner Comanche Coffey Miami Lincoln Woodson Wyandotte Harvey Gray Gray Marion Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Coffey Sedgwick Rooks Sedgwick Sumner Gray Gray COORDINATE 371911N0954029W 371709N0953 94 9W 390250N0944 948W 394156N0985118W 385754N09438 58W 390330N0954121W 394335N0950117W 390310N095414 6W 381211N0973108W 371607N0980022W 390303N095 4 328W 374114N0971750W 374729N09618 50W 393752N0973308W 393750N0973308W 374651N0971752W 390015N0954 220W 373445N0980105W 374238N0971750W 374237N0971652W 374045N0972 345W 374047N0972 345W 3908 33N09442 12W 383818N1005412W 38375 13W 390029N0975231W 39462 135W 371915N0970940W 371206N0992906W 382142N0954554W 384105N0945312W 385807N0981650W 37585 3N0954 4 52W 408W 38053 9N0972535W 373715N10028 4 6W 374650N1002028W 382004N0971325W 374025N0971640W 390222N0953 930W 374021N0972115W 373740N0971330W 374131N0972659W 374229N0971520W 390010N095 38 22W 373645N0971755W 380644N0955600W 374229N09718 56W 390958N0993404W 37462 3W 372002N0972025W 374824N1002052W 375001N1002117W SOURCE COORDINATE 372125N0953557W 38 3735N10052 38W ELEV FT 770 1060 932 1155 1965 1169 1116 1443 2811 2633 1427 1320 2627 KSS51 MAP NAME Sycamore Cherryvale Edwardsville Gaylord Lenexa Topeka Atchison NE Topeka Harper Topeka Wichita East Eureka Valley Center Topeka Almeda Wichita East Wichita East Wichita West Wichita West Parkville Lake Scott Philipsburg North Oxford Protection Ottumwa Antioch Wilson NE Yates Center Shawnee Zimmerdale Montezuma Cimarron Hillsboro Wichita East Topeka Wichita East Andover Wichita West Wichita East Topeka Derby Gridley Wichita East Wild Horse Creek Valley Center Dalton Cimarron KS52 FEATURE NAME Cimarron Breaks See Red Hills Cimarron Crossing Park Cimarron Municipal Airport Cimarron Airport Cimarron National Grassland Cimarron River Cimmarron River Rio Cimarron San Guillemo River Cimarron River Campground Cimarron River Picnic Ground Cimarron Township Cimarron Township Cimarron Township Cimmarron River See Cimarron River Cinemas East Plaza Circle Grove Elementary School Circle Lake Circle Park Circleville Circleville Cemetery Cisne See Conway Springs Cities Service Lake Citizens Spur See Cave City Cemetery City Lake Thayer City Lake Claflin Giles City Claflin High School Claim (historical) Claney Cemetery Clapboard Canyon Clapp Memorial Park Clare Wainwright Clarence See Albert Clarence See Maple City Clarence (historical) Clarence Township Clarion (historical) Clark See Ashland Clark County Clark County Fairgrounds Clark County State Lake Clark County State Lake Dam Clark Creek Clark Creek See Clarks Creek Clarke Creek See Clarks Creek Clark Elementary School Clarksburg (historical) Clarksburg Cemetery Clarksburg School Clarksburg Valley Chapel Clarks Creek Clark Creek Clarke Creek Clarks Creek Cemetery Clarks Creek Township See Township Number 6 FEATURE CLASS range park airport forest stream locale park civil civil civil stream locale school lake park ppl cemetery ppl reservoir Ppl cemetery reservoir Ppl school locale cemetery valley park locale ppl locale locale civil locale ppl civil locale reservoir dam stream stream stream school locale cemetery school church stream cemetery civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS CoUnNTy COORDINATE VARIANT Comanche 372030N09904 45W ADMIN Gray 374737N1002112W UNOFF Gray 375001N1002117W VARIANT ADMIN Morton 371502N1020200W BGN 1969 Comanche 361014N0961618W VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN Morton 370708N1015335W ADMIN Morton 370710N1015344W ADMIN Morton 370400N1014610W ADMIN Meade 370530N1003200W ADMIN Gray 374735N1001925W VARIANT Comanche 361014N09%61618W UNOFF Sedgwick 374135N0971437W UNOFF Miami 38 3532N0944000W BGN Woodson 380127N0953302W ADMIN Labette 371945N0951725W BGN Jackson 393030N0955130W UNOFF Jackson 393005N0955159W VARIANT Sumner 372325N09738 31W BGN Greenwood 380342N0962 302W VARIANT Stevens 372131N1010827W UNOFF Washington 393912N0970513W BGN Neosho 37285 3N0952 91 9W VARIANT BGN Barton 38 3130N0983200W VARIANT UNOFF Barton 38 3135N098 32 34W BGN Kingman 372426N09824 32W UNOFF Marion 381726N0970210W BGN Wabaunsee 390119N0961558W ADMIN Sedgwick 373936N0971706W BGN Johnson 384937N0945216W VARIANT VARIANT Barton 382710N0990040W VARIANT Cowley 370321N0964605W BGN Barton 382325N098 594 6W ADMIN Barton 38232 58 3 9W BGN Sedgwick 375207N0971207W VARIANT Clark 371119N0994555W ADMIN Clark 371400N0995000W UNOFF Clark 371113N0994 633W BGN Clark 372257N0994 655W UNOFF Clark 372257N0994 655W BGN Clark 370215N09945 54W VARIANT Geary 39052 VARIANT Geary 390520N0964240W UNOFF Sedgwick 374026N0971518W BGN Bourbon 374540N094 39 30W UNOFF Bourbon 37454 3N094 38 55W UNOFF Bourbon 374540N0944005W UNOFF Bourbon 37463 3N094 3 928W BGN Geary 390520N0964240W VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF Morris 38465 159W VARIANT Morris 384330N09648 55W SOURCE COORDINATE 365420N10259 10W 390110N0961440W 365717N0994519W 384034N0964805W ELEV FT 2752 3390 1350 1068 1103 1430 1810 1028 1990 2267 930 939 928 854 MAP NAME Cimarron Cimarron Wilburton Lookout Elkhart North Elkhart North Wilburton Kismet SE Cimarron Andover Louisburg Neosho Falls Parsons West Circleville Circleville Teterville Linn Thayer Claflin Claflin Nashville Marion Alma Wichita East Ocheltree Heizer Heizer Greenwich Ashland Ashland Simmons Creek Simmons Creek Ashland SE Wichita East Fort Scott Fort Scott Fort Scott Fort Scott Ogden Sskiddy FEATURE NAME Clarkson See Fairport Clark State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Clark Street Church of Christ Clark Township Classen School Claud See Claude (historical) Claude (historical) Claud Claudell Claussen Oil Field Clawson (historical) Clay Center Clay Center Clay Center High School Clay Center Municipal Airport Clay Center Township Clay County Clay County Lake Clay County Lake Dam Claymore Creek Claymore School Clay Oil Field Clay School Clayton Clayton Cemetery Clayton Elementary School Clayton Ville (historical) Claytonville Cemetery Clay Township Clay Township Claywell Creek Clear Creek Clear Creek Clear Creek Clear Creek Clear Creek See South Branch Elk River Creek Creek Creek Coal Creek Clear Creek Clear Clear Clear Clear Creek Clear Creek Clear Creek Clear Creek (historical) Clear Creek Cemetery Clear Creek Cemetery Clear Creek Lake Clear Creek School Clear Creek Township Clear Creek Township Clear Creek Township Clear Creek Township Clear Creek Township Clear Cut Cemetery Cleardale See Clear Dale (historical) Clear Dale (historical) Cleardale Clearfield Clear Fork FEATURE CLASS ppl park church civil school locale locale ppl oilfield locale ppl locale school airport civil civil reservoir dam stream school oilfield school ppl cemetery school locale cemetery civil civil stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream locale cemetery cemetery reservoir school civil civil civil civil civil cemetery locale locale locale stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN coUnTy Russell Clark Sedgwick Marion Sedgwick Woodson Woodson Smith Russell Finney Clay Butler Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Montgomery Montgomery Butler Shawnee Norton Decatur Norton Brown Brown Butler Reno Jefferson Montgomery Elk Elk Wilson Elk Crawford Sedgwick Marion Ellsworth Johnson Atchison Marshall Nemaha Ellsworth Pottawatomie Atchison Montgomery Stafford Marion Ellsworth Pottawatomie Nemaha Elk Sumner Sumner Douglas Marshall COORDINATE 390245N099014 LW 372330N0994705W 37392 3828 45N0970545W 37383 3N0971900W 3754 375445N0965700W 393945N0990144W 3858 20N098 5 155W 3808 30N1001445W 392237N0970728W 373110N0964 615W 392310N09707 16W 392302N0970925W 392200N0970700W 392100N0971000W 391242N0970142W 391242N0970142W 370321N0953528W 37044 350 3W 372900N09 648 20W 390316N0954118W 394415N1001038W 394517N1001110W 394406N1001040W 394636N0953015W 394636N0953017W 373130N0964 650W 380325N0975200W 391042N0953155W 370809N0954050W 372130N09608 40W 372914N0962138W 373006N095493 1W 373036N0962407W 373044N09448 32W 373605N0973809W 382142N0970117W 38403 42W 390102N09448 56W 393711N0953058W 395729N0960801W 395736N0960825W 384702N0980630W 393124N0962133W 393806N0952736W 370726N0954058W 375207N098 58 03W 382910N09655 45W 38442 3N098 054 1W 393135N0962450W 395725N0961100W 372915N0962502W 370655N0971625W 370655N0971625W 384934N095053 6W 3938 54N09 628 4 5W SOURCE COORDINATE 370903N095 30 12W 391406N0953150W 370608N0954 123W 3718 6125 6W 372928N0962759W 373110N09544 32W 373455N0944535W 374309N0973 929W 38354 3N09 6545 6W 384744N0980809W 385727N0945153W 39393 3N0952 305W 395650N0962048W 393056N09618 12W ELEV FT 1660 1201 1333 1206 2450 1431 999 KS53 MAP NAME Simmons Creek Wichita East Pilsen Wichita East quincy Kirwin Russell Horse Thief Can N Clay Center NE Augusta SE - Clay Center NE Clay Center NW Clay Center SE Clay Center SW Wakefield Wakefield Coffeyville East Coffeyville East Atlanta Topeka Clayton Norcatur Clayton Hiawatha Hiawatha Augusta SE Hutchinson SE Meriden Coffeyville West Elk Falls Howard NW Fredonia Girard Garden Plain Marion Carneiro Edwardsville Whiting Summerfield Seneca NW Westfall SE Wheaton Everest Coffeyville West Hopewell Lincolnville Carneiro Frankfort SW Seneca NW Howard NW Portland Edgerton Frankfort KS54 FEATURE NAME Catamount Creek Clear Fork Township Clear Lake Clear Pond Clearview City Sunflower Clearwater Clear Water Creek See Clearwater Creek Clearwater Creek Clearwater Creek Clear Water Creek Clearwater High School Clearwater Middle School Clearwater Oil Field Cleaveland Elementary School Cleburne (historical) Big Timber Clement See Williamstown Clements Crawfordsville Hunts Station Silver Creek Clements School Clementville (historical) Cleo (historical) Cleveland Carvel Station Cleveland Cemetery Cleveland Cemetery Cleveland Run Cleveland Run Township Cleveland School Cleveland School Cleveland Township Cleveland Township Cleveland Township Cleveland Township Clever Creek Click Cemetery Click Southeast Oil Field Clifford (historical) Clifford Cemetery Clifford Township Cliff School Clifton Clifton-Clyde High School Clifton Elementary School Clifton Park Clifton Square Clifton Township Clifton Township Climax Bell Grove Belle Grove Clingan School Clinton Bloomington Clinton Cemetery Clinton Dam Clinton Lake Clinton Park Clinton State Park Clinton Township Clinton Township See Center Township Clinton Township See Herl Township Clinton Wildlife Area FEATURE CLASS civil lake reservoir ppl ppl stream stream stream school school oilfield school locale ppl Ppl school locale locale ppl cemetery cemetery stream civil school school civil civil civil civil stream cemetery oilfield locale cemetery civil school ppl school school park locale civil civil Ppl school Ppl cemetery dam reservoir park park civil civil civil park NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN coUnTy Marshall Kearny McPherson Johnson Sedgwick Sedgwick Harper Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Riley Jefferson Chase Chase Leavenworth Brown Kingman Kingman Jewell Cheyenne Cheyenne Montgomery Geary Stafford Lane Barton Marshall Bourbon Rice Rice Smith Butler Butler Russell Washington Cloud Washington Wyandotte Sedgwick Wilson Washington Greenwood Atchison Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Rawlins Rawlins Douglas COORDINATE 393605N0962 450W 375246N1011927W 382410N0974502W 385645N0950010W 373010N0973015W 37325 3N097375 1W 372304N0975418W 37325 3N097375 1W 945W 373013N0973003W 373340N0973042W 373758N0972250W 393207N0963750W 39034 426W 381819N0964419W 391620N09455 10W 394800N0954 400W 373306N0980800W 373312N09809 10W 395550N0981138W 395106N1014440W 395614N1014750W 370227N0953624W 390002N0963447W 380238N0985128W 382011N1002753W 38 3909N0983207W 393604N0961735W 380115N0944517W 38 3108N09805 11W 38 3011N09803 40W 394525N098 58 25W 380236N09658 03W 380235N09658 40W 384610N098 3 120W 393402N0971642W 393548N0972425W 393402N0971704W 390615N09439 13W 374110N0971735W 374125N0954 325W 393605N09718 43W 374311N0961323W 392905N095 194 5W 325W 38544 38W 385515N095194 6W 385515N095 194 6W 385827N0951444W 385602N0951945W 385400N09524 30W 394205N1010215W 394600N1004445W 3855 194 6W SOURCE COORDINATE 372918N09755 17W 373605N0973809W 395334N1014915W 375648N0944740W ELEV FT 940 1275 1223 1650 2119 1440 1731 1302 1040 946 942 876 855 MAP NAME Frankfort SW Lakin Windom NE Eudora Clearwater Adams Lake Afton Bayneville Clearwater Clearwater Wichita West Blue Rapids SW Elmdale Elmdale Leavenworth Fairview Cleveland Cleveland Mankato NW Wheeler White Canyon Coffeyville East Swede Creek Saint John North Dighton SW Dubuque Wheaton Devon Crawford Crawford Athol Burns Burns Dorrance Clifton Clyde Clifton Shawnee Wichita East Buffalo Clifton Severy North Nortonville Clinton Clinton Lawrence West Lawrence West Lawrence East Lawrence West Clinton Lawrence West FEATURE NAME Clogston Ranch Airport Clogston Ranch Landing Strip Clonmel Clothier Landing Field Cloud See Andover Cloud County Shirley County Cloud Elementary School Clough Valley Clough Valley Church Cloverdale Clover Hill School Cloverleaf School Cloverleaf School Clyde Hamilton Clymer, Lake Clymer Dam See Butler County State Lake Dam Clymore Elementary School Coal Centre See Prescott Coal Creek See Verdi Coal Creek Coal Creek Coal Creek Coal Creek See Clear Creek Coal Creek Deer Creek Coal Creek Cole Creek Coal Creek Coal Creek Coal Creek Black Jack Creek Coal Creek Coal Creek Coal Creek Coal Creek Wolf Creek Coal Creek Coal Creek Coal Creek Church Coal Creek Church Coal Creek School Coal Ridge School Coalsburg (historical) Coalvale Bovard Coalville Coalville See Coalvale Coats Coats Cemetery Cobb See Boicourt Cochran Airport Cochrane Cockers Branch Cockers Creek Cockers Creek See Cockers Branch Cocklebur Creek Cocklebur Creek Cockrum Airport Codell FEATURE CLASS airport airport locale airport ppl civil school valley church locale school school school ppl reservoir dam school Ppl Ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream church church school school locale Ppl Ppl Ppl cemetery Ppl airport locale stream stream stream stream airport Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN coUunTy Elk Elk Sedgwick Chase Butler Cloud Sedgwick Cheyenne Cheyenne Chautauqua Jefferson McPherson Pottawatomie Cloud Butler Butler Montgomery Linn Ottawa Montgomery Allen Allen Marion Lyon Osage Franklin Russell Douglas Ottawa Pottawatomie Jefferson Cloud Pottawatomie Repubic Douglas Jefferson Montgomery Leavenworth Linn Crawford Crawford Pratt Pratt Linn Franklin Leavenworth Miami Miami Pawnee Rooks Stanton Rooks COORDINATE 37332 37332 37334 381213N09650 15W 374250N09708 10W 392900N0973900W 374352N0972102W 394934N1020006W 395038N1020151W 371337N0962 920W 39063 3N09520 13W 381329N0973534W 392609N0961532W 355W 373255N0964141W 373255N0964141W 370927N095 35 58W 38034 9N094414 3W 385930N0973010W 37084 3N0954 3 34W 374610N0952702W 380215N0951028W 382142N0970117W 382152N0960453W 38285 383511N0952405W 384713N098 29 15W 385446N0951103W 3858 57N097294 3W 392009N0961340W 392304N0952938W 342W 393205N0960557W 394055N0973337W 384912N0951036W 392424N0952736W 371000N0954127W 390634N094593 1W 381415N0950226W 37365 38 55W 37365 6N09438 55W 37304 926W 373117N0984940W 381615N0944312W 382732N095133 3W 391600N094524 3W 3828 3W 3828 381107N0991912W 392636N0992014W 373724N10148 58W 391136N0991037W SOURCE COORDINATE 395203N1020231W 370903N095 394 7W 375139N0951534W 375912N0951302W 381701N0961409W 382603N095565 3W 382909N095264 3W 38 3725N098 34 10W 38464 9N09508 37W 391257N0972931W 392756N0961619W 39302 607W 392630N0974 615W 393850N09608 11W 394719N0973315W 38 3006N0950306W 382148N0992505W 393032N0992129W ELEV FT 1051 1051 1372 1360 3736 1050 1467 1265 1300 1447 990 922 860 1970 1996 1005 850 3381 1985 KSS55 MAP NAME Fall River Fall River Clearwater wWonsevu Aurora NW Wichita East Armel Armel Cloverdale Williamstown Moundridge Westmoreland NE Clyde Latham Liberty Independence Iola SE Kincaid Emporia SE Lebo Pomona Wilson Baldwin City Niles Laclede Half Mound Concordia Havenville Belleville SE Baldwin City Half Mound Independence Bonner Springs Centerville Arma Coats Coats Garnett NW Leavenworth Lane Sanford Stockton Johnson West Codell KS56 FEATURE NAME Coen Pasture Cofachique See Iola Coffeebean Creek Coffee County See Coffey County Coffee Creek Coffeehiqui See Schulte Coffey Branch Coffey County Coffee County Coffeyville Cowtown Coffeyville College See Coffeyville Community College Coffeyville Community College Coffeyville College Coffeyville Memorial Hospital Airport Coffeyville Municipal Airport Harold McGugin Field McGugin Field Coiner Dome Cokedale Cola Hill Cemetery Colby Colby Community College Colby Junior College Colby High School Colby Junior College See Colby Community College Colby Junior High School Colby Municipal Airport Shalz Field Colcord See Kingsdown Cold Hill (historical) Cold Ryan Branch Cold Springs Branch Cold Spur See Coldspur Coldspur Cold Spur Coldwater Coldwater, Lake Cold Water Creek See Coldwater Creek Coldwater Creek Cold Water Creek Coldwater Recreation Park Coldwater Township Logan Township Nescatunga Township Shimer Township Cole Cemetery Cole Creek Cole Creek See Coal Creek Cole Creek Cole Creek Cole Creek Cole Creek School Coleman FEATURE CLASS flat Ppl stream civil stream ppl stream civil ppl school school airport airport summit locale cemetery ppl school school school school airport ppl locale stream stream locale locale ppl $ reservoir stream stream park civil cemetery stream stream stream stream stream school locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN coUnNnTy Morton Allen Linn Coffey Johnson Sedgwick Chautauqua Coffey Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Saline Cherokee Coffey Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Ford Lane Doniphan Ness Leavenworth Leavenworth Comanche Comanche Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Comanche Comanche Osborne Butler Osage Franklin Mitchell Ottawa Butler Sedgwick COORDINATE 370615N1014 630W 375528N095235 9W 381209N0945741W 381400N0954 400W 3848 32N094 404 9W 37372 3N09728 16W 37162 381400N0954 400W 370214N095 3 658W 370200N095 374 6W 370200N095 374 6W 370230N095 38 20W 37054 3N095 3 4 2 6W 384116N0975125W 371448N094533 3W 380757N0954736W 392345N1010307W 392241N1010308W 392344N1010307W 392241N1010308W 39234 4N1010310W 392550N1010252W 373130N0994530W 38285 5N1003737W 394714N0951324W 383232N1000824W 390016N0945528W 390016N0945528W 371608N0991935W 37143 3N0992055W 391044N0961601W 391044N0961601W 371425N0992050W 371130N0991130W 391407N09848 22W 37553 3N0964 655W 38285 384244N0952055W 392005N0981517W 39555 375906N0964552W 375151N0972749W SOURCE COORDINATE 3808 58N09458 59W 384920N0944806W 371437N0960417W 394442N0951140W 383810N1001421W 3908 16N0961609W 380445N0964514W 384258N095234 3W 392127N09818 37W 390125N0972 354W ELEV FT 736 750 757 1500 895 1041 3160 3178 850 2112 1961 1384 1372 MAP NAME Wilburton Mound City NW Stilwell Hale Burlington Coffeyville East Coffeyville East Coffeyville Coffeyville East Falun Hallowell John Redmond Dam Colby Colby Colby Colby Colby Grigston Sparks Utica SW Bonner Springs Coldwater Protection NE Wamego Protection NE Nescatunga Cr N Paradise NE De Graff Ottawa North Blue Hill Vine Creek De Graff Maize FEATURE NAME Coleman Creek Coleman Township Cole School Coleville See Danville Colfax Church Colfax Township Colfax Township Colfax Township Collano College Creek College Green Pasture College Hill Cemetery College Hill Elementary School College Hill Park College Hill School College of Emporia See Emporia State University Collett Collins See Reece Collins See Bern Collins Parkway Colly Creek Collyer Collyer Cemetery Creek Collyer Grade School Collyer Township Coloma (historical) Colonel James Jabara Airport Piper Airport Colonial Heights Assembly of God Church Colonial Heights Baptist Church Colony Divide Colony Cemetery Colony Station See Voda Colony Township Colorado See Beverly Colorado Heights See Smoky Hill Buttes Colorado Heights See Smoky Hills Colorado Township Colorado Township Elementary School Colter Canyon Columbia See Emporia Columbia See Hillsdale Columbia See Black Wolf Columbian Track Columbia Township Columbine Park Columbus Center Centrailia Columbus Cemetery Columbus Cemetery Columbus School Columbus Unified High School Colusa (historical) Calus FEATURE CLASS stream civil school Ppl church civil civil civil locale stream flat cemetery school park school school stream ppl ppl park stream ppl cemetery school civil locale airport church church ppl cemetery ppl civil Ppl range range civil school valley ppl ppl ppl locale civil park Ppl cemetery cemetery school school locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT CoUnNTY Douglas Washington Miami Harper Wilson Wilson Marion Cloud Meade Pottawatomie Morton Dickinson Sedgwick Sedgwick Riley Lyon Chase Greenwood Nemaha Shawnee Shawnee Trego Trego Trego Trego Woodson Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Anderson Russell Trego Greeley Lincoln Saline Ellsworth Lincoln Jackson Cheyenne Lyon Miami Ellsworth Grant Ellsworth Sedgwick Cherokee Cherokee Doniphan Doniphan Cherokee Haskell COORDINATE 385524N0950328W 39465 384012N0944321W 371710N09753 30W 132W 545W 38 3355N097054 5W 392630N09725 30W 371756N1003025W 391030N0960400W 370520N1015525W 383635N0971219W 374119N0971740W 374100N0971728W 391214N0963609W 382450N0961143W 382344N0964 225W 374756N096264 6W 395744N09558 18W 390230N0954 24 5W 38594 3N095 4 255W 390208N1000703W 390148N1000645W 390200N1000701W 20W 375800N0954 305W 374450N0971326W 373552N0972000W 373940N0971331W 380415N0952155W 384940N0983617W 390257N1000110W 383125N1015615W 39004 31W 3838 46N0974229W 384730N0975 950W 390010N0975900W 372755N0954 441W 400136N1014942W 382414N0961053W 383935N0945100W 384530N0982142W 373227N1011030W 384938N0981905W 374337N0972206W 371009N0945038W 37094 48 40W 395206N09458 4 OW 395119N0945755W 371010N0945055W 373945N1004015W SOURCE COORDINATE 385111N0950424W 391309N096032 9W 382808N0964 449W 385757N095452 6W 400003N10148 48W ELEV FT 989 2723 1366 2550 1120 1429 1130 1711 3037 910 2832 KS57 MAP NAME Eudora Morrowville Bucyrus Vilas Vilas Ramona Miltonvale NW Plains St Marys Elkhart North Tampa Wichita East Wichita East Manhattan Hymer Topeka Wakarusa Collyer Collyer Collyer Castle Rock NE Yates Center Andover Der by Andover Colony Dorrance Sharon Sprs 3 SW Tescott Holton Rock Creek Lake Hickok Black Wolf Wichita East Columbus Columbus Wathena Wathena Columbus Copeland NW KS58 FEATURE NAME Colusa Cemetery Colwich Colyer Cemetery Colyer School Comanche (historical) Comanche County Comanche Township Combs Northeast Oil Field Combs Oil Field Comet (historical) Discord Comiskey (historical) Comisky Cemetery Commonwealth Community Baptist Church Community Cemetery Community Christian Church Community Church Community Church Community Church of God in Christ Community Congregational Church Como (historical) Concord (historical) Concord Cemetery Concordia Concordia Cemetery Concordia Station (historical) Concord Township Concord Township Conda Creek See Little Soldier Creek Condray Airport Coneburgh See Peabody Conger Cemetery Congregational Cemetery Conkling (historical) Conkling Township Connell Green Green Station Conner City See Wolcott Connor See Wolcott Connor Creek Connors Station See Wolcott Constant See Hackney Constant Creek Converse Farm Landing Strip Conway Conway Springs Cisne Glen Valley Northfield Conway Springs Cemetery Conway Springs High School Conway Township Cook Cook Airfield Cook Lake Cooks Ford See Rock Creek Cook Township Cookville Cool (historical) FEATURE CLASS cemetery ppl cemetery school locale civil civil oilfield oilfield locale locale cemetery locale church cemetery church church church church church locale locale cemetery ppl cemetery locale civil civil stream airport Ppl cemetery cemetery locale civil locale ppl Ppl stream ppl ppl stream airport ppl ppl cemetery school civil locale airport lake ppl civil ppl locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS CcoUNnTy COORDINATE UNOFF Haskell 373948N1003924W BGN Sedgwick 374645N09732 10W UNOFF Douglas 384908N0952145W UNOFF Douglas 384934N0952112W BGN Comanche 370345N09928 10W ADMIN Comanche 371100N0991600W ADMIN Barton 381816N0983524W UNOFF Butler 372925N0965215W UNOFF Cowley 37280 BGN Brown 394524N0954 345W VARIANT BGN Morris 3838 40N0962114W UNOFF Morris 38 3908N0962113W BGN Cherokee 370004N0944425W UNOFF Sedgwick 374114N0971821W UNOFF Cheyenne 394012N1013342W UNOFF Shawnee 416W UNOFF Shawnee 390146N0954215W UNOFF Wyandotte 39065 UNOFF Sedgwick 374252N0971902W UNOFF Osage 384907N0954116W BGN Anderson 380430N0952 928W BGN Sumner 370935N0972028W UNOFF Ford 373528N1000657W BGN Cloud 393415N0973944W UNOFF Barton 384052N098452 IW BGN Mitchell 393038N09822 32W ADMIN Ford 373622N1000623W ADMIN Ottawa 650W VARIANT Shawnee 390736N0954741W UNOFF Ottawa 391135N0972720W VARIANT Marion 381010N097062 3W UNOFF Rooks 39115 3W UNOFF Brown 395118N0954142W BGN Pawnee 382045N0991928W ADMIN Pawnee 381819N0991825W BGN Sedgwick 373710N0971741W VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT Wyandotte 391120N0944805W VARIANT Wyandotte 391120N0944805W BGN Wyandotte 391101N0944608W VARIANT Wyandotte 391120N0944805W VARIANT Cowley 370958N09708 50W BGN Butler 374748N0965145W UNOFF Wabaunsee 384442N0960558W BGN McPherson 382210N0964710W BGN Sumner 372325N09738 31W VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF Sumner 372313N09737 10W UNOFF Sumner 372330N097385 IW ADMIN Sumner 37255 41W BGN Cloud 393250N097364 2W UNOFF Sedgwick 373400N0971030W BGN Barber 370538N098 38 40W VARIANT Jefferson 391445N09532 13W ADMIN Decatur 393554N1004110W BGN Woodson 374913N09535 31W BGN Cloud 392337N0974535W SOURCE COORDINATE 390717N0945042W 375040N09655 10W ELEV FT 1380 1132 1070 1740 1267 1297 894 1034 2657 1369 1899 1405 1300 1231 1540 1366 1315 1390 1345 MAP NAME Copeland NW Colwich Lone Star Lone Star Protection SW Protection NE Ellinwood Atlanta Wilmot Fairview Bushong Bushong Baxter Springs Wichita East Bird City South Topeka Topeka Shawnee Wichita East Carbondale Geneva South Haven NE Ensign SE Concordia Susank Cawker City Ensign SE Bennington Manchester NW Nat oma Fairview Rush Center SE Rush Center SE Derby Wolcott El Dorado Admire Conway Conway Springs Millerton Conway Springs Conway Springs Rice Rose Hill Hardtner Selden SW Yates Center SE Glasco NE FEATURE NAME Cool Creek Coolidge Sargent Coolidge Cemetery Coolidge Township Coombs Air Strip Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek See Little Cedar Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek See Illinois Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Big Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Good Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Creek Coon Point Coonsville See Orchard (historical) Cooper Creek Cooper Elementary School Cooper School Cooperville See Cave Copan Lake Copan Wildlife Area Cope Cemetery Copeland Copeland (historical) Copeland Airport Rawdon Landing Field Copeland Elementary School Copeland High School Copeland Township Copper Creek Coppersburgh (historical) Cora Cora City See Harper Cora Township Corbett See Bucklin Corbin Hurst Hurst Crossing Corbin (historical) Corbitt FEATURE CLASS stream Ppl cemetery civil airport stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream summit locale stream school school Ppl reservoir park cemetery Ppl locale airport school school civil stream locale locale Ppl civil ppl Ppl locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT coUnTy Republic Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Sedgwick Chautauqua Chautauqua Chautauqua Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Chautauqua Montgomery Cowley Cowley Kingman Wilson Pratt Greenwood Allen Ford Chase Lyon Osage Wabaunsee Wallace Douglas Johnson Douglas Osborne Graham Norton Washington Doniphan Douglas Linn Harper Harvey Sedgwick Stevens Montgomery Montgomery Norton Gray Thomas Sedgwick Gray Gray Gray Kingman Rice Smith Harper Smith Ford Sumner Montgomery COORDINATE 39354 3N09738 2 6W 380230N1020030W 380325N1020002W 380240N1015900W 374030N0974 600W 365402N0960200W 365900N096134 9W 37010 6154 3W 370648N0955722W 370648N095572 3W 3708 32N095555 3W 371234N0961039W 371424N0955222W 119W 3728 18N097054 9W 373313N0975 35 6W 373328N0955622W 373922N098 3150W 375213N0962 348W 375507N0952517W 380409N0991424W 381429N09648 43W 382435N0960338W 383932N0953 328W 384729N0955700W 385325N1013545W 385600N09523 32W 3858 21N0944906W 358W 390619N098 404 6W 392200N0994709W 393538N1000441W 394144N0964552W 395014N0951008W 390015N09525 32W 382045N094 38 25W 365406N0980309W 380307N0972031W 373627N0971800W 372131N1010827W 365305N095575 1W 370050N0955705W 394702N0995700W 373231N1003745W 393020N1011000W 374150N0971250W 373219N1003716W 373222N1003748W 373500N1003615W 372637N0980144W 382700N09757 40W 395334N098 39 48W 371712N0980132W 395328N0984000W 373250N09938 02W 370735N0973237W 371507N0953 315W SOURCE COORDINATE 394013N097395 5W 50W 370213N0961138W 37094 655W 370727N0955245W 371114N0961118W 371158N0955208W 37165 58W 3728 27N0970917W 373200N0975952W 37303 37362 34 48W 375124N0962750W 375645N0952 320W 374426N0995418W 381323N0964114W 382736N0960454W 384152N0953044W 385125N0955739W 385002N1013635W 385916N0952237W 385616N0945007W 390143N0952753W 390952N0984220W 392701N0995155W 393352N10004 48W 394154N0970429W 394632N0950720W 370354N0980318W 372955N0980355W ELEV FT 3355 1340 1110 710 2821 1398 1960 1155 KS59 MAP NAME Condordia NW Holly East Holly East Tribune 3 SW Cheney Bowring Whippoorwill Caney Caney Sedan Bolton Cambridge vdall Murdock New Albany Cairo Reece Iola Garfield Homestead Lang Vassar Harveyville Wallace Clinton Olathe Perry Vincent Hill City North Lenora West Barnes Sparks Perry Spring Newton Der by Copan Caney Norton Copeland Chardon SW Andover Copeland Copeland Copeland SE Rago Windom Cora Cora Perth Cherryvale KS60 FEATURE NAME See Bucklin Corder Lake Cordia Cemetery Cordley Elementary School Cordonier School Corinth Corinth Cemetery Corinth Elementary School Corinth Square Shopping Center Corinth Township Corll See Studley Corn Creek Corndodger Creek Cornell See Westphalia Cornell Corning Corning Cemetery Corning Elementary School Coronado Coronado Cemetery Coronado Heights Park Coronado Junior High School Corpus Christi Cemetery Corpus Christi School Corral Creek Union Corral Creek Corrigan Lake Corson School Cortez Creek Cortland Township See Courtland Township Corum Creek Corvallis See Athol Corvallis (historical) Corwin Coryell Creek Corzine Cemetery Cosmosa See Park City Cossell Lake Cossell Lake Dam Coster Blanches See Republican River Cottage Grove Township Cottage Hill Cottage Hill Cemetery Cottage Hill Township Cotton Creek Cotton Creek Cotton Creek Cotton Creek Cottonwood See Strong City (historical) Cottonwood Cemetery Cottonwood Church Cotton Wood Creek See Cottonwood River Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek FEATURE CLASS Ppl . reservoir cemetery school school locale cemetery school locale civil Ppl stream stream ppl locale Ppl cemetery school locale cemetery park school cemetery school stream reservoir school stream civil stream ppl locale Ppl stream cemetery ppl reservoir dam stream civil locale cemetery civil stream stream stream stream Ppl cemetery church stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN CoUNnTYy Ford Cheyenne Rush Douglas Doniphan Osborne Osborne Johnson Johnson Osborne Sheridan Chase Marshall Anderson Crawford Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Wichita Wichita Saline Wyandotte Jefferson Jefferson Leavenworth Finney Leavenworth Sheridan Republic Elk Smith Smith Harper Shawnee Sumner Sedgwick Kiowa Kiowa Geary Allen Marshall Marshall Marshall Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Decatur Chase Sedgwick Lyon Lyon Comanche Harper Barber Allen Hodgeman Hodgeman COORDINATE 373250N0993802W 393932N1020225W 384009N099254 5W 385704N0951414W 394308N0950053W 392458N098 3 242W 392638N0983137W 3858 41N094 374 6W 3858 46N0943752W 392630N098 32 40W 392111N1000948W 381006N0963316W 393712N0963204W 381055N0952924W 372748N0943750W 393926N0960145W 393948N0960153W 3938 19N0960128W 382909N1011815W 38 3010N1011740W 38 3642N0974213W 390731N0944 336W 392327N0951422W 392326N0951305W 392005N09454 36W 381015N1005420W 392505N0950617W 392148N1001727W 394645N0975358W 372007N0962708W 39455 39392 3N098 525 IW 37050 18 15W 391240N0955657W 370534N0973145W 374800N0971905W 240W 373504N0992240W 390336N0964804W 374610N0951925W 393550N09644 58W 39354 3N09645 1 9W 393605N0964 620W 365624N095565 3W 11W 37072 3N095 370 3W 395155N1002639W 382350N09632 12W 374558N0971439W 38244 322W 370540N0991200W 371150N0981905W 372128N0985047W 452W 381104N10008 35W 381410N09958 28W SOURCE COORDINATE 38094 394328N0963 301W 392023N0945 638W 392441N1001911W 372433N09624 34W 391453N0955 509W 370017N0954758W 370702N0955 328W 371045N09536 36W 394922N1002541W 365934N0991413W 372149N0981953W 372539N0985051W 380118N0952500W 381445N1002012W 38072 30W ELEV FT 2104 1059 1504 1519 951 1350 3270 3260 1124 2870 1280 1130 2260 1426 1385 1149 MAP NAME Hale Ponds La Crosse NW Lawrence East Atchison NE Downs South Downs South Lenexa Lenexa Downs South Matfield Green Blue Rapids NE Pittsburg Corning Corning Corning Leoti Russell Sprs 3 SE Lindsborg Parkville Potter Potter Leavenworth Tennis Oak Mills Hoxie NE Grenola Cedar Corwin Rossville Caldwell Mullinville Mullinville Iola SE Blue Rapids SW Greenleaf SE Greenleaf SE Copan Caney Coffeyville East Kanona Greenwich Plymouth Nescatunga Cr S Crisfield Lake City Geneva Horse Thief Can N Jetmore NW FEATURE NAME Cottonwood Creek See Cottonwood River Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Cotton Wood Falls See Cottonwood Falls Cottonwood Falls Cotton Wood Falls Cottonwood Falls Elementary School Cottonwood Grove See Turon Cottonwood Grove School Cottonwood Point Public Use Area Cottonwood River See North Cottonwood River Cottonwood River Cotton Wood Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood School Cottonwood School Cottonwood Township Couch Oil Field Coufal-Warren Airport Council City See Burlingame Council Corner Council Corner Church Council Grove Council Grove Airport See Council Grove Municipal Airport Council Grove Dam Council Grove High School Council Grove Lake Council Grove Reservoir Council Grove Municipal Airport Council Grove Airport Council Grove Reservoir See Council Grove Lake Council Grove Wildlife Area Council Hill Church Country Acres Baptist Church Country Chapel Country Club Park Country Hill Shopping Center Countryside Countryside Christian Church Countryside Elementary School Countryside School Countryside School Countryside School Countryside United Methodist Church County Acres County Community Junior College County Farm Cemetery County Line Creek County Line Pasture Coursen Grove Cemetery Coursen Grove Shcool Number Two Coursens Grove (historical) Courter-Ritchey Cemetery Courtland FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream ppl Ppl school ppl school park stream stream school school civil oilfield airport Ppl locale church Ppl airport dam school reservoir airport reservoir park church church church park locale ppl church school school school school church Ppl school cemetery stream flat cemetery school locale cemetery Ppl NATIONAL KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1971 VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN 1907 CcoUunTy Lyon Ness Miami Doniphan Smith Washington Chase Chase Chase Reno Ellis Marion Marion Lyon Lyon Osborne Chase Cowley Washington Osage Cherokee Cherokee Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Sumner Sedgwick Logan Shawnee Johnson Johnson Sedgwick Johnson Butler McPherson Barton Shawnee Sedgwick Neosho Labette Graham Morton Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Doniphan Republic COORDINATE 382309N0960322W 383311N1001418W 384012N0945047W 39425 1W 394755N098 58 25W 395148N0965311W 382220N096323 3W 382220N096323 3W 382158N09632 38W 37482 6N09825 35W 39054 6N0993215W 382320N0970520W 382125N09704 13W 382309N09603 22W 38244 6N0961645W 392458N098 334 9W 381725N0964 445W 372650N0965000W 395305N0965505W 384514N0955005W 371600N0944 455W 371602N09444 38W 38 3940N09629 30W 384032N0963424W 384050N0963015W 38 920W 384050N09630 15W 384032N0963424W 384050N0963015W 384050N0963015W 372751N0972056W 607W 390248N1005132W 102W 3858 15N0944540W 390100N094 39 15W 373930N097 14 45W 385326N0944 324W 380001N0970447W 381305N0975051W 382605N098 4 94 IW 390036N0954 159W 374156N0972554W 374011N0952750W 37074 15W 392058N1000917W 370530N1013345W 391822N09758 4 5W 391635N0975804W 391636N0975807W 394910N0950227W 39465 3 3W SOURCE COORDINATE 38342 300W 384211N0945132W 39460 9W 395404N098 58 2 3W 395432N09648 10W 382125N0970413W 391950N1000931W ELEV FT 1175 2034 1509 1334 914 1233 1409 1024 1000 1512 1888 1340 843 1555 1154 1499 KS61 MAP NAME Utica SW Spring Hill Troy Bachelors Run Hanover SW Cottonwood Falls Cottonwood Falls Hill City 4 SE Pilsen Emporia SE Plymouth Downs South Elmdale Atlanta Hanover West Kirkwood Kirkwood Council Grove Grove Lk Grove Grove Lk Council Council Council Council Grove Lk Council Grove Lk Belle Plaine Wichita West Oakley South Topeka Olathe Shawnee Andover Lenexa Peabody SE Buhler Great Bend NE Topeka Wichita West Chanute Oswego Studley Rolla SE Glasco SW Glasco SW Glasco SW Troy Courtland KS62 FEATURE NAME Prospect Courtland Canal Courtland Cemetery Courtland Township Cortland Township Courtland West Canal Courtside School See Ruppenthal Junior High School Covenant Cemetery Covenant Cemetery Covenant Church Covert Covert Cemetery Covert Creek Covert Township Cove Township See Township Number 11 Covington (historical) Cowboy (historical) Cow Creek Creek See Second Cow Creek Creek Creek Big Cow Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Cow Cow Cow Cow Cow Cow Cow Cow Draw Cowland See Ravanna Cowley Cemetery Cowley County Hunter County County Community College County State Lake County State Lake Dam Cowley Cowley Cowley Cowley County State Park Cowley State Fishing Lake Cowpe Creek Cows burg See Cowskin See Cowskin Cowskin Peabody Waco Creek Creek Cutoff Cow Town Cowtown See Coffeyville Cox Creek Coxes Creek See Arcadia Cox School Coyne Branch Coyne Creek Coyne Creek See Coyne Branch Coyote Canyon Coyote Creek Coyote Creek Coys See Coyville Coyville Coys Crabb Creek Crab Creek FEATURE CLASS canal cemetery civil canal school cemetery cemetery church locale cemetery stream civil civil locale locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream valley locale cemetery civil school reservoir dam park park stream ppl Ppl stream canal locale ppl stream ppl school stream stream valley stream stream ppl ppl stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER-- STATUS COUNTY VARIANT BGN Jewell UNOFF Republic ADMIN Republic VARIANT BGN Republic VARIANT Russell UNOFF Washington UNOFF Rawlins UNOFF Washington BGN Osborne UNOFF Osborne BGN Osborne ADMIN Osborne VARIANT Pratt BGN Smith BGN Hodgeman BGN Cherokee VARIANT Crawford BGN Ford BGN Reno VARIANT BGN Lincoln BGN Leavenworth BGN Ottawa BGN Pottawatomie BGN Sheridan VARIANT Finney UNOFF Cowley ADMIN Cowley VARIANT UNOFF Cowley BGN Cowley UNOFF Cowley ADMIN Cowley ADMIN Cowley BGN Cheyenne VARIANT Marion VARIANT Sedgwick BGN Sumner BGN Sumner BGN Sedgwick VARIANT Montgomery BGN Bourbon VARIANT Crawford UNOFF Saline BGN Chase VARIANT VARIANT Chase BGN Riley BGN Osage BGN Trego VARIANT Wilson BGN Wilson VARIANT BGN Cowley VARIANT KANSAS 1984 COORDINATE 395150N0975900W 394702N0975237W 39464 358W 394640N0975422W 38532 3N098 5 128W 394058N0972029W 3948 52N1004928W 394100N0971959W 39164 48 38W 39172 48 39W 392538N0984 222W 391600N0984 610W 372900N098 374 5W 3948 52N09858 10W 384457N0995022W 371157N094 38 15W 372315N0944319W 374604N0993 640W 3758 47N0975023W 384537N0982204W 390145N0950547W 391034N09754 38W 393032N0960800W 3908 44N1001550W 380935N1002255W 371322N09658 08W 371400N0965000W 37034 1N09702 30W 370548N09648 18W 370548N09648 18W 370558N09648 19W 370558N09648 19W 39402 381010N097062 3W 373114N0971826W 372204N0971112W 372728N0971612W 374138N0972126W 370214N0953658W 374106N0943718W 3738 31N0943725W 385610N0973112W 434W 381712N0964 434W 390555N0964547W 384058N0954 308W 39064 3N10005 15W 374110N0955350W 350W 3708 659W SOURCE COORDINATE 391509N0985102W 372315N0944318W 375038N0994540W 3838 37N098 390 9W 385319N0981938W 390439N0950616W 391547N0975255W 392751N0960617W 390612N1001732W 394749N1020706W 374417N0974126W 373208N094 394 5W 381326N0964205W 39054 3838 37N0954 34 9W 39024 3N10007 35W 371116N0963648W ELEV FT 1469 1404 1761 1159 1310 1259 885 MAP NAME Courtland Courtland Courtland Courtland Brantford Midway Brantford Covert Covert Osborne Covert Athol Jetmore NE Crestline Offerle SE Haven Black Wolf Tonganoxie Ada Duluth Midway Draw East Winfield Eaton Arkansas City Maple City Maple City Maple City Maple City Hale Ponds oxford Belle Plaine Wichita East Garland New Cambria Elmdale Junction City Lyndon NW Quinter Coyville Eaton FEATURE NAME Crab Creek See Crabb Creek Craig Craig City (historical) Craig Creek Craigs Creek Gregg Creek Greggs Creek Plum Creek Craigs Creek See Craig Creek Crain Cemetery Crain Creek Crainville (historical) Cramer Creek Crandall (historical) Crandall Cemetery Crandell Cemetery Crane Crane Cemetery Crane Junior High School Cransdale See Half Way (historical) Crappie Point Cravensville Crawford Crawford Avenue School Crawford County Crawford County State Park Number One Crawford Oil Field Crawford State Fishing Lake Number One Crawford State Park Crawfordsville See Clements Crawford Township Crawford Township Creek Township Creola (historical) Crescent School Cresco (historical) Cresco Cemetery Cress Creek Cresson See Palco Cresson (historical) Crest East Elementary School Crest High School Crestline Wirtonia Crestview Elementary School Crestview Elementary School Crestview Park Crestview United Methodist Church Crestway Free Methodist Church Crest West Elementary School Crestwood Memorial Park Creswell See Arkansas City Creswell (historical) Creswell Township Cris Creek Crisfield Otego Crisfield Cemetery Crist Airport FEATURE CLASS stream locale locale stream stres i cemetery stream locale stream locale cemetery cemetery locale cemetery school locale cape locale locale school civil park oilfield park park Ppl civil civil civil locale school locale cemetery stream Ppl locale school school ppl school school park church church school cemetery Ppl locale civil stream locale cemetery airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN BGN BGN 1968 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF CcoUnNnTy Cowley Johnson Osage Nemaha Nemaha Labette Greenwood Republic Leavenworth Coffey Ness Coffey Montgomery Neosho Shawnee Cloud Phillips Cherokee Rice Saline Crawford Crawford Rice Crawford Crawford Chase Cherokee Crawford Sumner Finney Bourbon Anderson Elk Marion Rooks Rooks Anderson Anderson Cherokee Shawnee Johnson Shawnee Shawnee Sedgwick Anderson McPherson Cowley Marion Cowley Cloud Harper Harper Finney COORDINATE 370800N0964 659W 385757N09448 58W 38 3635N0955020W 394038N0953 939W 394038N095393 9W 371230N0950718W 373758N0960259W 395600N09738 00W 391949N0950635W 380405N0954 222W 38200 38 22W 380407N0954 308W 37164 6N0954748W 373606N0953057W 390215N0954102W 3928 52N0975 329W 3938 40N09908 52W 370155N0945040W 38 3048N0980205W 384938N0973 642W 373100N0945100W 3728 35N0943950W 382925N0980155W 3728 35N094 3 950W 373745N09448 20W 381800N0964426W 370950N0944 650W 373132N0945002W 372044N0974354W 380800N1003007W 375424N0944708W 381812N0952603W 37334 38 3455N0970055W 391508N09933 45W 391640N0993506W 380512N0950912W 380419N0952 140W 371015N0944215W 390048N0954 357W 390102N0944038W 390105N09544 15W 390136N0954 410W 374037N0971707W 140W 382700N09739 30W 37034 3N09702 17W 381538N0971415W 370605N0970351W 392017N0975005W 371020N098 18 40W 371028N0981915W 381409N1005824W SOURCE COORDINATE 395100N0955324W 374158N0960146W 3918 42N0950401W 38325 3N097005 6W 392747N0974738W ELEV FT 838 855 2247 787 979 898 1692 882 1186 870 1518 1350 2917 KS63 MAP NAME Olathe Osage City SE Horton NW Oswego Fall River Lake Belleville NW Easton Le Roy Bazine SW Le Roy Table Mound Five Mounds Topeka Kirwin Reservoir Neutral Crawford Salina Girard Pittsburg Little River Pittsburg Hiattville Columbus Girard Milan Scott City 4 NE Devon Harris Piedmont Ramona Palco Kincaid Colony Crestline Topeka Shawnee Topeka Topeka Wichita East Colony Mc Pherson North Hillsboro Arkansas City Glasco NE Crisfield Crisfield Tennis KS64 FEATURE NAME Neiman Landing Strip Cristy Canyon Critzer Montgomery Crocker Cemetery Crocker Creek Croft Croisant Airport Crooked Auger Creek Crooked Creek See Moundridge Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek See Sand Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Cemetery Crooked Creek Township Crosby Creek Crosby Creek Cross Creek Cross Creek Egomasaha River Cross Landing Strip Cross Plains Cemetery Crosswind Airfield Crow (historical) Crowe Crow Creek Crow Creek Crow Creek Crystal Creek Crowe See Crow (historical) Croweburg Crown Hill Cemetery Crown Point (historical) Crown Point Cemetery Crowther Oil Field Croxton Airport Crozier Draw Crum Cemetery Cruppers Corner Crystal Creek See Elm Creek Crystal Creek See West Crow Creek Crystal Creek Crystal Creek See Crow Creek Crystal Lake Crystal Lake Crystal Plains (historical) Crystal Plains Church Crystal Plains Township Crystal Springs Eula Crystal Springs Church Crystal Township FEATURE CLASS valley locale cemetery stream locale airport stream Ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery civil stream stream stream stream airport cemetery airport locale stream stream stream locale Ppl cemetery locale cemetery oilfield airport valley cemetery ppl stream stream stream stream reservoir reservoir locale church civil Ppl church civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN CcoUunTy Comanche Linn Crawford Chase Pratt Allen Jewell McPherson Harper Meade Cowley Barber Wilson Coffey Harvey Morris Atchison Osborne Riley Phillips Riley Meade Cheyenne Jewell Kingman Shawnee Edwards Russell Miami Phillips Reno Jackson Phillips Phillips Crawford Comanche Saline Ottawa McPherson Brown Finney Chautauqua Reno Anderson Phillips Phillips Phillips Allen Anderson Smith Smith Smith Harper Harper Phillips COORDINATE 370500N0990752W 380824N09454 45W 372016N0944019W 345W 373012N098 59 40W 37474 4002 39N0981427W 381211N0973108W 364310N0975802W 365704N1000538W 371824N09702 34W 372452N0983902W 251W 380342N0953728W 380720N097354 6W 38444 13W 392731N0951124W 392734N0985610W 39282 9W 39394 3N099 3 308W 6505 3W 372415N1001945W 394237N1015534W 395945N09758 29W 37295 390634N09558 00W 375729N099134 9W 384313N098 454 9W 38 3417N0944245W 395530N0991220W 37504 391917N0955427W 400406N099104 1W 395530N0991220W 373325N0943957W 371615N0991740W 385728N0974116W 385741N0974108W 38 3317N0972406W 394700N0953900W 381306N1010332W 371722N0960706W 375812N0975624W 381912N0952259W 395840N0991157W 400141N09918 00W 400406N099104 1W 380001N0952 306W 381605N09514 40W 394005N098 390 6W 394128N0984020W 394158N0984000W 37154 04W 371514N0980737W 395122N09908 55W SOURCE COORDINATE 370154N0990805W 38085 41W 395845N0981547W 370129N09755 16W 373532N1004151W 372205N097054 2W 37294 9N098 394 3W 373726N0953706W 381538N0953402W 384057N0964019W 391723N09519 13W 393234N0990142W 392600N0965150W 394717N0993703W 393813N1015312W 21W 373211N0982159W 393006N0960217W 37550 30W 39244 395604N09914 25W 381525N1010806W 39555 ELEV FT 886 2035 1000 2127 1100 908 1190 1538 1015 1816 1440 MAP NAME Nescatunga Cr S Mound City NW Kirkwood Matfield Green Croft Iola SE Northbranch Wakita Gate NE Akron Sawyer Altoona Neosho Falls Wilsey Potter Alton Randolph Prairie View Randolph Meade NE Crosby Creek Scandia NW Zenda Willard Belpre NW Susank Louisburg Kensington NW Castleton Soldier Creek SW Republican City Arma Coldwater Trenton Trenton Roxbury Fairview Wolf NE Oak Valley Elmer Alma Geneva Garnett East Portis NW Portis NW Portis NW Crystal Springs Crystal Springs Gretna FEATURE NAME Crystal Township See Center District 1 Township Cuba Kuba Cuba High School Cudahay Mine Cullen Village Cullison Culver Culver Township Culver Union Cemetery Cumberland (historical) Cumberland Cemetery Cumberland Church Cummings Cummingsville Saint Nicholas Cummings Cemetery Cummingsville See Cummings Cundiff (historical) Cunningham Ninnescah Cunningham Cemetery Cunningham Elementary School Cunningham High School Cunningham Oil Field Cup and Saucer Hills Cure of Ars Convent Cure of Ars School Curranville Currey Farms Airport Curry Cemetery Curry Cemetery Curso Siding See Caruso Curtis Creek Curtis Junior High School Curtis Junior High School Cushing Hospital Custer (historical) Custer Cemetery Custer Hill Custer Island Park Custer Township Custer Township Cutler Township Cutts See Pendennis Cutts (historical) Cuyler (historical) Cyanes Creek See South Gypsum Creek Cyrus (historical) Cyrus Cemetery Czeeh Church D Dabanawa, Lake Dafer (historical) Daffer School Dahl Cemetery Daisy Hill Lea Walk Dalbey Dalby Dalby See Dalbey FEATURE CLASS civil ppl school mine ppl Ppl ppl, civil cemetery locale cemetery church ppl cemetery ppl locale ppl cemetery school school oilfield range church school ppl airport cemetery cemetery locale stream school school hospital locale cemetery summit park civil civil civil locale locale locale stream locale cemetery church reservoir locale school cemetery locale locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT CoUnNnTy Norton Republic Republic Meade Shawnee Pratt Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Thomas Thomas Butler Atchison Atchison Atchison Morton Kingman Kingman Kingman Kingman Pratt Cowley Johnson Johnson Crawford Haskell Linn Osage Sherman Geary Sedgwick Shawnee Leavenworth Smith Smith Riley Ellis Mitchell Decatur Franklin Lane Lane Finney McPherson Trego Ness Marshall Jefferson Leavenworth Leavenworth Jewell Cherokee Atchison Atchison COORDINATE 395758N09954 40W 3948 10N0972720W 374821N0972712W 372227N1002018W 385634N0954209W 373750N098 54 18W 3858 390010N0974545W 390005N097492 IW 393315N10054 15W 393248N1005350W 373547N0965639W 392746N0951450W 393727N095064 6W 392746N0951450W 371503N101362 6W 3738 38N0982551W 373750N098 2 625W 3738 47N098 254 0W 373858N0982557W 374000N098 274 5W 371315N0965734W 385736N094374 3W 385735N0943742W 37304 9N094375 3W 374100N1005245W 380602N0945139W 38 3629N0953125W 392019N10148 54W 390459N09654 18W 374008N0971620W 39042 391826N0945507W 39443 3N098 3 932W 394406N098 39 15W 39065 648 4 5W 38504 3N09918 27W 391600N0982610W 394144N1002725W 38 3115N0950710W 3838 383732N10018 13W 380710N1003317W 3832 659W 384150N1005225W 384100N0995057W 393544N0964032W 390750N0951425W 39042 3N0950004W 39042 3N095000 3W 395358N0980236W 371940N0944640W 392950N09504 38W 392950N09504 38W SOURCE COORDINATE 390803N09700 18W ELEV FT 1590 1057 2040 1260 1232 992 1705 920 2930 1758 1392 874 874 942 782 KS65 MAP NAME Cuba Cuba Meade Wakarusa Cullison Culver Tescott SE Tescott SE Long Draw South Long Draw South Gordon Potter Atchison East Shore Airport SE Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Winfield Lenexa Lenexa Arma Garden City 3 NW Mantey Quenemo Milford Dam Wichita East Topeka Leavenworth Portis NW Portis NW Junction City Hays South Tipton Dresden North Rantoul Pendennis Scott City 4 SE Osgood Osgood Blue Rapids SW McLouth Tonganoxie Tonganoxie Webber Cherokee Oak Mills KS66 FEATURE NAME Dale Hall Dale Township Dallas See Oronoque Dalton See Kimball Dalton Damar Enfield Damar Elementary School Damorris See Dwight Dan See Dun (historical) Dana See Gretna Danby (historical) Danceground Cemetery Dane Cemetery Danes Mills See Padonia Danish Church Danube See Ludell Danville Coleville Danville See Gilbert Dargatz Park Darlington Township Dar low Booth Darnells Branch See Darnells Creek Darnells Creek Darnells Branch Darr Creek Dary Creek Darrynane, Lake Dartmouth Darwin (historical) Underwood Dary Creek See Darr Creek Dave Harvey Canyon Davenport School David Brewer Elementary School Brewer School David Oil Field Davidson Oil Field Davis Airfield Davis County See Geary County Davis Creek See Willow Springs (historical) Davis Creek Creek Davis Creek Davis Creek Davison Landing Field Davis Ranch Oil Field Davy School Dawson Creek Dawson Lake Dawson Lake Dam Davis Dawson School Day (historical) Day Cemetery FEATURE CLASS locale civil Ppl ppl locale ppl school ppl locale ppl locale cemetery cemetery ppl church Ppl Ppl locale park civil ppl stream stream stream reservoir locale locale stream valley school school oilfield oilfield airport civil locale stream stream stream stream airport oilfield school stream reservoir dam school locale cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF CoUnNnTY Cowley Kingman Norton Neosho Sumner Rooks Rooks Morris Wilson Phillips Ness Jackson Osage Brown Cloud Rawlins Harper Mitchell Marshall Harvey Reno Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Ness Stafford Barton Doniphan Ness Cheyenne Miami Leavenworth Cowley Barton Brown Geary Douglas Chautauqua Linn Geary Washington Sedgwick Wabaunsee Franklin Leavenworth Allen Allem Shawnee Washington Douglas COORDINATE 372015N0970313W 373615N09758 20W 394720N1000130W 373940N0950948W 371609N0971620W 391908N09934 56W 391921N0993509W 385040N0963535W 372756N0954 403W 394555N0991245W 38 3400N0994 614W 3918 37N09553 48W 38 3420N095 38 1 6W 395524N0953 345W 393913N09748 3 6W 395120N1005734W 371710N09753 30W 3928 395045N09638 24W 375720N0971905W 37562 392411N0962347W 392411N0962 347W 38255 3N100123 3W 3808 28N098 28 32W 382148N098 38 44W 394225N0951700W 38255 3N1001233W 395550N1015004W 383350N0944501W 391915N0945639W 37233 384156N098 325 5W 395110N09528 4 9W 385950N0964000W 384907N0951747W 370828N09604 32W 381454N09452 39W 385738N0964505W 395018N097204 9W 374905N0971902W 38523 3N09618 36W 104W 392002N0950651W 375917N09505 15W 375917N09505 15W 39033 372 1W 393539N0971152W 385111N0950424W SOURCE COORDINATE 392635N0961928W 382448N1002139W 395828N1014358W 370201N096034 1W 381909N0945 646W 385107N09638 50W 39452 6N097203 9W 392103N09512 32W ELEV FT 1177 1205 2106 1094 1122 1461 1346 1557 1770 815 1100 1374 966 878 974 MAP NAME Akron Murdock Dalton Palco Palco Ransom SE Soldier Creek SW Lyndon Kackley Danville Marysville Sedgwick NE Elmer Westmoreland Beeler Alden NW Ellinwood SW Denton Heinzelman Canyon Paola East Leavenworth Wilmot Dubuque Robinson Peru Parker Wreford Haddam Valley Center Allendorph Ottawa South Easton SW Bronson Bronson Grantville Linn SW Edgerton FEATURE NAME Day Creek Dayton (historical) Dayton (historical) Dayton Cemetery Dayton Township Dayton Township Dead Horse Slough Deadman Creek Deadman Creek Deadman Creek Deadman Creek Deadman Creek Dean Cemetery Dean School Dearing Deering Dearing Elementary School Debolt See Stover Debrick Cemetery Debrick Cemetery De Busk Cemetery Decatur (historical) Decatur Community High School Decatur Community Junior High School Decatur County Deception Creek Decker Park Decker School Deep Canyon Deep Deep Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Deer Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Deerfield Deer Field See Coal Creek Cemetery School School School Township Township Cemetery Deerfield Elementary School Deerfield High School Deerfield Township Deer Head Deerhead Deer See Deerhead Head Deerhead North Oil and Gas Field Deerhead Township FEATURE CLASS stream locale locale cemetery civil civil gut stream stream stream stream stream cemetery school Ppl school locale cemetery cemetery cemetery locale school school civil stream park school valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery school school school civil civil Ppl cemetery school school civil locale locale oilfield civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1904 VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN coUnTy Clark Bourbon Shawnee Bourbon Saline Phillips Stafford Montgomery Barber Chautauqua Geary Clay Franklin Jefferson Montgomery Montgomery Labette Miami Miami Chautauqua Decatur Decatur Decatur Decatur Barton Cloud Shawnee Riley Wabaunsee Pottawatomie Labette Labette Chautauqua Montgomery Cowley Cherokee Sumner Dickinson Allen Lyon Douglas Shawnee Atchison Phillips Marshall Nemaha Norton Marshall Douglas Atchison Marshall Allen Phillips Kearny Kearny Kearny Kearny Kearny Barber Barber Barber Barber COORDINATE 370403N099 3 650W 375725N0945130W 3858 40N09535 45W 37572 15W 3854 35W 395124N0992735W 381110N09828 50W 37032 3N0954 3 2 5W 370746N0985115W 371114N0960043W 39010 7N09632 58W 393015N0965908W 384214N09528 41W 390702N09418 30W 370331N0954 247W 37034 9W 371026N0951140W 3828 33N09450 34W 38283 3N09450 3 6W 370122N0962023W 395430N1002158W 394914N1003119W 394914N1003119W 394800N1002800W 383022N098 4 255W 393421N0974016W 390055N09534 37W 522W 39095 6194 5W 391138N0960511W 37042 3N0953024W 370614N0951140W 370714N0961121W 370820N09554 44W 370951N0964511W 371205N09502 19W 371309N0972038W 37544 40W 37570 3N0952 632W 382152N0960453W 3855 47N095242 IW 390310N095373 3W 393716N0950555W 393957N0990558W 395405N0963905W 395508N0960158W 395958N09953 10W 395452N096403 6W 3858 16N09528 23W 39363 3N09508 38W 395452N0964004W 375940N0951650W 394158N0991315W 3758 47N1010758W 37594 3N10107 18W 375854N1010715W 3758 380104N1010820W 371418N0985441W 371418N0985441W 371550N0985517W 371320N0985619W SOURCE COORDINATE 371615N0994045W 370016N0954 655W 371241N0985441W 371309N096024 9W 39010 3N0962 900W 393714N096574 3W 38 3905N0984709W 390717N0964647W 390438N09629 45W 39165 370309N0952139W 371350N09518 35W 371152N0961337W 37085 4N095524 5W 370400N0964 619W 371428N09458 59W 374907N097052 3W 380714N0950922W 385717N0953338W 385743N09537 17W 393409N095 14 46W 395008N09935 15W 910W 39555 6N0955052W 395559N0995351W ELEV FT 1002 770 871 937 1217 956 873 2947 2987 1951 KS67 MAP NAME Trout Creek Devon Richland Devon Niles Stuttgart Alden NW Tyro Deerhead Hale Swede Creek Kimeo Ottawa NW Williamstown Coffeyville West Coffeyville West Fontana Fontana Elgin Kanona NE Oberlin Oberlin Kanona Redwing Concordia Grantville Junction City Wamego St Marys Coffeyville East Bartlett Sedan Caney NW Eaton Oswego South Haven NE Chapman Iola Clinton Topeka Atchison West Kirwin Herkimer St Benedict Norton NW Herkimer Clinton Atchison West Herkimer La Harpe Kirwin Reservoir Deerfield Deerfield NE Deerfield Deerfield Wolf SW Deerhead Sun City SW Deerhead KS68 FEATURE NAME Deering See Dearing Deer ton See Valeda Deeversville See Logan Defiance (historical) De Graff DeGraff DeGraff See De Graff De Haas Creek Deichman Oil Field De Lago, Lake Delavan Grand View Rex Delavan Cemetery Delaware Bend Delaware City See Rochester (historical) Delaware City (historical) Delaware Elementary School Delaware Island See Stigers Island Delaware River Grasshopper Creek Grasshopper River Walnut Creek webster Creek Delaware Springs Delaware State Park Delaware State Park See Perry State Park Delaware Township Delaware Township Delaware Township Delay Creek Delhi (historical) Delhi Cemetery Delhi Township Delia Delia Cemetery Dell (historical) Della See Morganville Dellrose Church of God Dellvale Delmar Community Hall Delmore (historical) Delmore Township Delphos Delphos Cemetery Delphos Elementary School Del Ray See Glasco Delta See Montrose Delta Cemetery De Malorie-Sowder Oil Field Dempsay Farm Airport De Mums Creek See Pawnee River Den Creek Denick Cemetery Denison Denison Elementary School FEATURE CLASS ppl Ppl Ppl locale Ppl ppl stream oilfield reservoir Ppl cemetery bend locale locale school island stream spring park park civil civil civil stream locale cemetery civil ppl cemetery locale ppl church locale building locale civil ppl cemetery school ppl Ppl cemetery oilfield airport stream stream cemetery ppl school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1968 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF COUNTY Montgomery Labette Phillips Woodson Butler Butler Butler Cowley Linn Morris Morris Leavenworth Shawnee Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Jefferson Wilson Jefferson Jefferson Wyandotte Leavenworth Jefferson Cheyenne Osborne Osborne Osborne Jackson Jackson Lyon Clay Sedgwick Norton Phillips McPherson McPherson Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Cloud Jewell Jewell Greenwood Franklin Pawnee Chase Chautauqua Jackson Jackson COORDINATE 370331N0954247W 650W 393942N09934 12W 375200N09538 3 6W 3758 145W 3758 52N0965 145W 374524N09638 40W 372016N0965708W 381224N0945224W 38 3922N09648 47W 38 3907N0964758W 391510N0944 950W 390645N0954 550W 391345N0945100W 391427N0945216W 391510N0945100W 39033 3N095235 IW 373718N09554 35W 390940N09528 10W 390945N09528 20W 390600N0945000W 391442N0945400W 392145N09528 45W 39555 390940N098 312 0W 390150N098 3140W 391130N098 324 5W 391426N0955800W 391538N09557 36W 38 3352N09%61117W 392759N0971206W 374153N0971724W 394620N1000205W 393601N0991222W 382952N0973244W 3828 45N09732 15W 391626N0974 618W 391640N09744 30W 391652N0974 546W 392124N0975027W 394704N0980515W 394746N0980320W 380650N0961420W 38 3220N0950625W 381007N099054 3W 381556N0963 34 6W 370856N0961957W 392330N0953740W 392345N0953740W SOURCE COORDINATE 374533N0963 305W 395540N0955014W 395130N1013758W 381903N0963702W ELEV FT 1410 1502 1469 1646 975 1057 2339 1300 1331 990 1050 MAP NAME Rose De Graff Rosalia New Salem Mound City Delavan Delavan Platte City Wolcott Wolcott Perry New Albany Ozawkie Edwardsville Basehor Valley Falls Heinzelman Canyon Meades Ranch Meades Ranch Meades Ranch Rossville Soldier Creek SW Allen SW Wichita East Reager Kirwin SW Galva Galva Glasco Aurora SW Glasco Montrose Madison SW Rantoul Cottonwood Falls Elgin NE Holton Holton FEATURE NAME Denmark Dennis Denny Branch Densmore West Union Denton Dentonville Denton Cemetery Dentonia Dentonville See Denton Dent Spur Dent Township See Wano Township Depperschmidt Draw Deramus Park Derby El Paso Sand Ford Derby Grade School Derby High School Derby Station See Blodgett Dermot (historical) Dermot Cemetery Dermot Elementary School De Shazer Creek De Soto Lexington De Soto Cemetery Detroit Devils Backbone Devils Canyon Devils Canyon Devils Canyon (historical) Devils Creek Spring Creek Devils Ditch Devizes Devizes Cemetery Devon Mill Creek Devore Cemetery Dewey See Kara (historical) Dewey Landing Strip See Deweze Airport Dewey Mound Dewey Oil and Gas Field Dewey Ranch Dewey School Deweze Airport Dewey Landing Strip De Witt See Dewitt (historical) Dewitt (historical) De Witt Dewitt Cemetery Dexter Dexter Elementary School Dexter High School Dexter Park Dexter Township Diagonal Creek See Diamond Creek Dial (historical) Diamond City See Diamond Springs Diamond Creek FEATURE CLASS Ppl locale stream Ppl ppl cemetery locale Ppl locale civil valley park ppl school school locale locale cemetery school stream ppl cemetery ppl ridge valley valley valley stream stream locale cemetery Ppl cemetery locale airport summit oilfield locale school airport locale locale cemetery ppl school school park civil stream locale locale stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN CoUNnTY Lincoln Labette Cherokee Norton Doniphan Doniphan Jewell Doniphan Barton Cheyenne Wallace Crawford Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Greenwood Stevens Stevens Morton Marshall Johnson Johnson Dickinson Scott Cheyenne Cheyenne Gove Washington Reno Norton Norton Bourbon Harper Washington Harper Wilson Kingman Rawlins Harvey Harper Washington Washington Allen Cowley Cowley Cowley Clay Cowley Butler Osborne Morris Butler COORDINATE 390521N0981712W 37204 9N09 5 2 4 4 5W 371034N09458 22W 3938 18N0994 420W 394358N0951609W 394335N0951702W 394102N09828 02W 394358N0951609W 382605N0984 628W 304125N10148 45W 385440N10128 42W 372518N094 414 5W 373244N0971607W 373248N0954500W 37324 373732N096274 6W 372107N1013215W 372053N1013247W 371948N1013532W 3938 45N096293 1W 3858 45N09458 06W 385816N0945918W 375606N0970719W 383825N1005445W 395700N1013658W 395925N1020058W 384411N1002738W 395315N097002 3W 375715N0974907W 395928N1000325W 395848N1000334W 375520N0944 908W 370317N09748 25W 39530 371635N0980111W 373550N0953 340W 373744N09752 32W 393746N1011940W 37595 371635N0980111W 394630N0971416W 394630N0971416W 374910N09529 32W 371038N0964251W 371055N0964251W 371055N0964251W 392228N0970725W 371200N0964130W 375608N0970202W 391355N0984 630W 38332 7N0964 439W 375608N0970202W SOURCE COORDINATE 371033N094525 IW 390035N1013756W 393358N0962733W 395336N1013539W 395625N1015945W 383827N1002755W 39594 4N0970755W 37524 6N0975037W 38005 55W ELEV FT 1405 923 2075 1078 1075 1733 1890 1275 3197 842 1147 2300 867 990 3230 1459 1414 1208 KS69 MAP NAME Vesper Dennis Hallowell Densmore Denton Denton Cawker City NW Great Bend NE Russell Sprs 2 NW Pittsburg Derby Der by Derby Shore Airport SE Shore Airport SE Shore Airport SE Frankfort De Soto De Soto Chapman Lake Scott Henkle Canyon Willow Cr Ranch Shields NW Washington NW Haven Devizes Devizes Devon Bluff City East Five Mounds Waterloo Dewey Ranch Sedgwick NE Harper Morrowville Humboldt Dexter Dexter Dexter Clay Center SE Dexter Paradise NE Potwin KS70 FEATURE NAME Avery Creek Diagonal Creek Diamond Creek Diamond Spring Creek Diamond Creek Cemetery Diamond Creek Township Diamond Island Diamond School Diamond Spring Jones Spring Diamond Spring Creek See Diamond Creek Diamond Springs Diamond City Dibble Creek Dickeyville (historical) Dickinson County Dick Landing Strip Dickman Oil Field Dick School Dickson Airport Diemer School Dienst Ranch Airport Dietz Cemetery Digby (historical) Dighton Watson Dighton Airport Dighton Cemetery Dighton City Wells Dighton Grade School Dighton High School Dighton Township Dikeman Airport Dillon Dillwyn Dinas Church Dinner Creek Dirks Lake Disappointment Creek Discord See Comet (historical) Dispatch District Number 17 Cemetery Divide See Colony Dixon (historical) Woodward Dixon Creek Dixon Mound Dixon Square Dixon Township Dix School Dodder Cemetery Dodds Creek Dodge City Buffalo City Fort Dodge Dodge City Community College Dodge City High School Dodge City Junior High School Dodge City Municipal Airport Dodge Elementary School Number 2 Dodge Township Doe Creek Dog Creek Dog Creek Dog Creek FEATURE CLASS stream cemetery civil flat school spring stream locale stream locale civil airport oilfield school airport school airport cemetery locale Ppl airport cemetery well school school civil airport locale locale church stream lake stream locale ppl cemetery Ppl locale stream summit locale civil school cemetery stream Ppl school school school airport school civil stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1905 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN COUNTY Chase Chase Chase Leavenworth Bourbon Morris Chase Morris Rooks Phillips Dickinson Kingman Ness Jefferson Lyon Johnson Kearny Crawford Saline Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Hamilton Dickinson Stafford Wallace Coffey Reno Mitchell Brown Smith Washington Anderson Butler Geary Labette Sedgwick Sumner Jefferson Douglas Morris Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Sedgwick Ford Linn Comanche Barber Sumner COORDINATE 38232 9N096372 9W 38302 9W 382605N0964 120W 391150N0944710W 3748 20N0943756W 38365 545W 38232 9N096372 9W 38 3327N09 6443 9W 392545N0991655W 395040N09924 15W 385300N0971000W 372648N0981322W 38 3430N1000020W 3908 35N0952127W 3838 45N0955920W 385716N094 393 3W 380750N1011633W 372505N09444 15W 38 3638N0972535W 382855N1002800W 382900N10028 45W 382900N1002547W 38 3216N1002659W 382902N1002748W 3828 50N1002737W 382856N1002800W 380752N1014257W 384137N09708 48W 3758 15N098 524 6W 384528N1013233W 380348N0955122W 380925N09745 15W 393315N0981925W 394524N0954 345W 393547N0983017W 394245N0970300W 380415N0952155W 375637N0965 115W 39055 3N0965 115W 371334N0952505W 373251N0971609W 371613N09743 38W 391250N0953309W 384658N095264 3W 38 3246N0964425W 374510N1000100W 374635N1000210W 37454 374612N1000118W 374520N0995802W 374113N0972 356W 374648N1000158W 380800N0945313W 370707N0990434W 371757N0984737W 372506N0971304W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3829N0964422W 393055N0992119W 380713N09558 44W 393754N0981735W 3908 34N0965044W 38 240W 380636N0945157W 371038N0990601W 371502N0985 352W 373242N0971136W ELEV FT 871 1370 1549 1008 1140 3224 2765 2778 2752 3554 1297 1980 1448 1548 1432 940 1300 1129 2550 2594 MAP NAME Strong City Diamond Springs Hymer Wolcott Fort Scott Burdick Diamond Springs Stockton Stuttgart Abilene Spivey Utica SE Oskaloosa Miller Lenexa Leoti 3 NE Pittsburg Roybury Dighton Dighton Dighton Shields Dighton Dighton Dighton Tribune 4 NW Elmo Macksville Harrison Flats Gridley SE Buhler Glen Elder North Downs North Linn De Graff Junction City Mound Valley Derby Milan Meriden Globe Diamond Springs Dodge City Dodge City Dodge City Dodge City Wright Wichita West Dodge City Mound City NW Fancy Canyon Lake City Mulvane FEATURE NAME Dog Creek Dog Creek Dog Run Dog Walk Creek Domus See Highpoint (historical) Donahue Creek Donald Oil and Gas Field Doniphan Doniphan Cemetery Doniphan County Doniphan Station (historical) Donmeyer See New Cambria Donmyer Cemetery Donnelly College Dooleyville Creek Dorei Airport Dorn County See Neosho County Dornwood Park Dorrance Dorrence Dorrence See Dorrance Dorsey Branch Dor Township Dory Oil Field Doster Douglas Avenue Assembly of God Church Douglas County Douglass County Douglas County State Lake Dam Douglas Creek Douglass Creek Douglas Elementary School Douglas High School Douglas Lake Douglass Douglass Cemetery Douglas School Douglass County See Douglas County Douglass Creek See Douglas Creek Douglass Elementary School Douglass Hospital Douglass Oil Field Douglas State Fishing Lake Douglass Township Douglass Township Douglas Township Dove Cemetery Dover Massasoit Dover Cemetery Dover Grange Hall Dover Township Dow Creek Dows Creek Dowell See Wellsford Dowell Township See Wellsford Township Downer Creek Downers Station See Fort Downer Downing (historical) FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream locale stream oilfield Ppl cemetery civil locale Ppl cemetery school stream airport civil park Ppl Ppl stream civil oilfield locale church civil dam stream school school reservoir ppl cemetery school civil stream school hospital oilfield park civil civil civil cemetery ppl cemetery building civil stream ppl civil stream locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN COUNTY Wabaunsee Mitchell Cowley Marshall Ness Cowley Barber Doniphan Doniphan Doniphan Doniphan Saline Saline Wyandotte Stafford Leavenworth Neosho Shawnee Russell Russell Miami Smith Elk Sumner Sedgwick Douglas Douglas Rooks Butler Butler Douglas Butler Butler Sedgwick Douglas Rooks Wyandotte Wyandotte Butler Douglas Butler Jackson Stafford Cherokee Shawnee Shawnee Wallace Shawnee Lyon Kiowa Kiowa Trego Trego Morris COORDINATE 390417N0960619W 392825N0981021W 370129N0963511W 394513N0962723W 381820N09939 30W 370117N0963624W 371735N0985548W 3938 30N09504 50W 393852N0950412W 3948 393900N0950635W 385245N0973020W 385213N0972 909W 390640N09438 32W 375439N0983120W 391130N0951020W 373400N0951700W 390115N09538 20W 385048N098 352 1W 385048N098 352 1W 38335 3N094 504 3W 393610N0990138W 372558N09637 12W 370340N097424 2W 344W 385200N0951400W 3848 12N095094 2W 392615N099084 9W 373049N0970040W 37304 38482 373110N0970045W 37304 3N096595 1W 374144N0972023W 385200N0951400W 392615N099084 9W 390708N0943758W 390905N094 39 34W 373158N09659 40W 384820N0950940W 373144N09658 15W 391600N0954125W 380751N0985128W 370950N09458 57W 38575 385727N0955611W 385037N1014509W 390055N09553 30W 38262IN0961113W 373700N0990142W 373536N0990409W 384713N0995558W 385027N09958 4 OW 384425N0963 425W SOURCE COORDINATE 390055N0960407W 393515N0981022W 365928N0963504W 394407N0963148W 370356N0963901W 375737N098 38 10W 383750N0945014W 39322 3 2W 3838 385735N1000251W ELEV FT 850 1100 1730 1217 1205 1025 1025 KS71 MAP NAME Maple Hill Solomon Rapids Cedar Vale West Beattie Dexter SW Sun City SW Atchison NE Atchison NE Troy Atchison NE Kipp Shawnee Stafford McLouth Topeka Dorrance Spring Hill Kirwin SE Howard NW Doster Wichita West Baldwin City Baldwin City Kirwin SW Douglas Douglas Baldwin City Douglass Gordon Wichita East Shawnee Parkville Gordon Baldwin City Gordon Mayet ta Seward Hallowell Dover Dover Spr Valley Ranch Willard Emporia Fort Downer Council Grove Lk KS72 FEATURE NAME Kelso Downs Violet Downs Cemetery Downs Elementary School Downs High School Downs Township Dows Creek See Dow Creek Doyle See Florence Doyle Creek Doyle Creek Doyle Township Doyle Valley Cemetery Dragon Creek See Dragoon Creek Dragoon (historical) Dragoon Creek Dragon Creek Dragoon Recreation Area Dragoon Township Drake (historical) Draw Creek Dresden Dresden (historical) Dresden Cemetery Dresden Township Dresden Township Drexel Corner Driftwood Creek Driftwood Township Drinkwater Cemetery Driscoll Oil and Gas Field Drum Creek Drum Creek Township Drummond Branch Drury Drury Creek Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Branch Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek South Branch Dry Creek See East Bridge Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Slough Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Fowler Creek Dry Creek FEATURE CLASS ppl cemetery school school civil stream ppl stream stream civil cemetery stream locale stream park civil locale stream ppl locale cemetery civil civil locale stream civil cemetery oilfield stream civil stream ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN 1941 VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN 1961 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN coUnTy Osborne Osborne Osborne Osborne Sumner Lyon Marion Marion Pottawatomie Marion Marion Osage Osage Osage Osage Osage Ness Neosho Decatur Kingman Kingman Kingman Decatur Miami Barber Rawlins Chase Russell Montgomery Montgomery Miami Sumner Cheyenne Crawford Anderson Washington Riley Sumner Chautauqua Barber Barber Sumner Wilson Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Hamilton Greenwood Butler Hamilton Harvey Reno Hodgeman Rice Rice Lyon Lyon COORDINATE 392955N098 32 30W 393036N098 33 10W 39302 324 3W 393030N098 300 9W 371020N09732 15W 382629N0961113W 381440N09655 40W 381422N09654 49W 39092 3N09 603 15W 381325N09654 15W 381216N09714 36W 38 3945N095 342 6W 384209N0954 926W 38 3945N095 342 6W 384020N095 363 6W 384300N0955000W 38 3125N1000502W 373914N095203 3W 393727N1002519W 374305N0982228W 374210N0982 648W 374120N09824 35W 393558N1002730W 3828 35N0944035W 365017N0981959W 395720N1010331W 38154 3N0964 925W 384332N098 3 600W 371146N0953751W 371330N0953615W 384114N0944959W 370208N09728 3 9W 394510N1015035W 373530N09438 32W 382129N0951148W 390410N09708 10W 390627N0964 225W 365108N0971718W 370309N0962618W 370417N0985717W 370813N098 393 4W 372042N0971513W 372321N09539 34W 373047N0972508W 373228N0971512W 373645N09724 34W 374030N0970004W 37432 3N09729 30W 374724N10158 37W 375122N09558 33W 375539N09702 34W 380047N10154 38W 380235N0972732W 380611N0980408W 381100N09934 23W 381434N0980512W 382025N09758 04W 382217N09608 22W 382221N0960002W SOURCE COORDINATE 381203N0971547W 391534N0960502W 385136N0960707W 374257N0952136W 370716N0984544W 37264 384300N0945013W 393942N1015030W 373325N0944527W 382411N0951411W 395952N0971032W 390917N0960706W 370044N0971805W 370628N09626 16W 370531N0985709W 310W 371953N0971958W 373050N0952709W 373515N0972731W 373619N0971441W 307W 374450N0971320W 374154N0973800W 374510N1020755W 375920N0955520W 380230N0970801W 380906N0972529W 380851N0981021W 380857N0995744W 382228N09804 45W 382102N098035 IW 381638N0961453W 382840N09559 33W ELEV FT 1484 1514 1053 2729 1774 1000 1092 MAP NAME Downs South Downs North Downs North Downs North Perth Florence St Marys Florence Peabody NW Osage City Vassar Vassar Osage City Utica SE Rollin Dresden South Penalosa Cunningham Cunningham Dresden South New Lancaster Hardtner Atwood NE Cedar Point Dubuque Independence Liberty Spring Hill South Haven St Francis Arma Garnett Cast Washington NW Keats Braman Cedar Vale East Aetna Hardtner NW Dalton Neodesha Bayneville Rose Hill Bayneville Santa Fe Lake Wichita West Durkee Creek SE Toronto Potwin Hesston Yaqgy Burdett Lyons SE Lyons SE Olpe Emporia SE FEATURE NAME Dry Creek Dry Walnut Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek Dry Creek (historical) Dry Creek Cemetery Dryer Park Dry Lake Dry Ridge Church Dry Turkey Creek West Branch Turkey Creek Dry Walnut Creek Little Walnut Creek Dry Walnut Creek See Dry Creek Dry Wood Drywood Township Dublin See Zyba Dublin (historical) Dubois Oil Field Dubuque Dubuque Cemetery Dubuque Oil and Gas Field Duck Creek Duck Creek Duck Creek See South Fork Duck Creek Duck Creek Duck Creek Turkey Creek Duck Creek Duck Creek Duck Creek Buck Creek Duck Creek Duck Creek Township Duckworth (historical) Dudley Cemetery Dudley Township Arapahoe Township Dugout Creek Duluth Duluth Cemetery Dumbald Cemetery Cumler Oil Field Dun (historical) Dan Dun Station Dunavant FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream locale cemetery park reservoir church stream stream stream locale civil locale locale oilfield locale cemetery oilfield stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream civil locale cemetery civil stream Ppl cemetery cemetery oilfield locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN 1961 VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN coUnTy Barton Osage Osage Saline Douglas Geary Wabaunsee Riley Ottawa Pottawatomie Clay Mitchell Washington Smith Jewell Jewell Republic Phillips Jewell Norton Republic Saline Saline Lyon Scott Bourbon McPherson Barton Barton Crawford Bourbon Sumner Sumner Sedgwick Barton Barton Russell Montgomery Kingman Ford Ford Woodson Coffey Lyon Ellis Jefferson Wilson Comanche Haskell Haskell Clark Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Crawford Ness Wilson COORDINATE 382737N0990103W 38 3347N0953056W 384134N0954620W 385225N097364 6W 38562 5252 3W 385930N0964 422W 390403N0960102W 391321N0965451W 391445N0974537W 392213N0964100W 392248N0970809W 392711N098032 3W 393255N0971929W 393614N0984742W 393755N0975627W 39385 3N09808 4 1W 395028N0974 948W 400008N0992 320W 40015 400245N0995058W 4009 3838 740W 38 3827N09748 5 3W 38254 308W 3818 30N1004450W 375610N0945740W 381448N09738 48W 38224 404W 382737N0990103W 373935N0944245W 374300N0944110W 372605N0972 320W 37250 3N0972725W 375435N0971148W 384145N0983631W 38 3910N098 35 35W 384220N098 38 10W 371737N0955458W 372537N09758 15W 375014N09958 00W 375410N09956 30W 38010 4 459W 38034 927W 38 3210N0955709W 384236N0990459W 391539N09528 30W 37254 5N09554 50W 371235N099084 6W 372715N10058 50W 373315N1010030W 17W 393129N0961322W 393128N0961351W 372515N09504 45W 38 3515N1000945W 372756N0954 403W 391807N0951957W SOURCE COORDINATE 382402N0990956W 38 3508N095 372 0W 384002N0954508W 38 3339N0974 246W 385639N0953004W 38522 385926N0960118W 391647N09654 49W 391806N0973952W 39254 7N09638 4 6W 393342N0970712W 393147N0980051W 394428N0972118W 394522N0984231W 394003N09757 52W 394102N0981219W 395358N0974231W 395515N0992414W 395811N0981148W 222W 395822N0974 255W 382703N09734 3 1W 382330N0991145W 372412N0955501W 373147N0980121W 37474 3N100060 3W 354W 38020 152W 38 3821N0960936W 383548N0991011W 391642N09532 34W 371633N09945 32W ELEV FT 1076 835 1888 2970 1240 1140 KS73 MAP NAME Timken Quenemo Osage City Salina Clinton White City NW Maple Hill Bala Tescott NE Olsburg NW Clay Center NW Jewell SE Clifton Harlan Jamestown NW Jewell Scandia Woodruff Mankato NW Beaver City SE Hebron SW Falun Falun Emporia Amy SW Xenia Halstead NW Ellinwood NW Cato Cato Zyba Whitewater Dubuque Dubuque Beaver Elk City Adams Spearville NW Le Roy Le Roy Reading Otis NE Holton SE Buxton Nescatunga Cr N Satanta Hickok SE Mount Jesus Duluth Duluth Mc Cune NE Utica SW Neodesha Winchester KS74 FEATURE NAME Dunaway Oil Field Dunbar School Dunbar School Dunbar School Duncan Creek Dun Dam Dundee Dundee Valley Cemetery Dunes North Oil Field Dungans Crossing Dunkard Cemetery Dunkard Cemetery Dunkard Cemetery Dunkirk Dunkleberger Oil Field Dunlap Hillsborough Dunlap Cemetery Dunlap Cemetery Dunlap Cemetery Dunlap Creek Dunlay Dun Station See Dun (historical) Dupont See Pendennis Du Quoin See Duquoin Duquoin Du Quoin Duquoin Cemetery Durachan See Durachen (historical) Durachen (historical) Durachan Durand Durand Oil Field Durand School Durechen Creek Durechon Creek Durechon Creek See Durechen Creek Durham Durham Park Ranch Moores Ranch Durham Cove Public Use Area Durham Creek Durham Creek Durham Oil and Gas Field Durham Park (historical) Durham Park Cemetery Durham Park Ranch See Durham Durham Park Township Durham Township Dusty Corners School Dutch Creek See Timber Creek Dutch Creek Dutch Creek See Little Dutch Creek Dutch Creek Dutch Creek See Hise Creek Dutch Creek Dutch Creek Dutch Creek FEATURE CLASS oilfield school school school stream dam ppl cemetery oilfield locale cemetery cemetery cemetery locale oilfield ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery stream locale locale locale ppl ppl cemetery locale locale locale oilfield school stream stream ppl park stream stream oilfield locale cemetery ppl civil civil school stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER-- STATUS coUnTy UNOFF Greenwood UNOFF Sedgwick UNOFF Saline UNOFF Wyandotte BGN Doniphan UNOFF Wilson BGN Barton UNOFF Barton UNOFF Pawnee BGN Hodgeman UNOFF Marion UNOFF McPherson UNOFF Brown BGN Crawford UNOFF Elk BGN Morris VARIANT UNOFF Butler UNOFF Morris UNOFF Morris BGN Comanche BGN Linn VARIANT Wilson VARIANT Lane VARIANT Harper BGN Harper VARIANT UNOFF Harper VARIANT Butler BGN Butler VARIANT BGN Woodson UNOFF Woodson UNOFF Woodson BGN Butler VARIANT VARIANT Butler BGN Marion VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN Marion BGN Cowley BGN Greenwood UNOFF Marion BGN Marion UNOFF Marion VARIANT Marion ADMIN Marion ADMIN Ottawa UNOFF Sumner VARIANT Cowley BGN Cowley VARIANT Cowley BGN Jackson VARIANT Pottawatomie BGN Pottawatomie BGN Marshall BGN Norton KANSAS 1984 COORDINATE 38055 374159N0971920W 385044N0973614W 390807N0943723W 394652N0950005W 372754N0954 404W 3818 31N0985325W 3818 44N09952 38W 38082 0N098 564 5W 381359N099394 1W 381332N0971010W 382059N0973002W 395358N0954101W 372904N09444 30W 372902N0961805W 38 3435N0962 156W 373558N0970551W 383445N0962114W 383515N0962114W 371857N0990516W 381530N0945950W 372756N0954 403W 38 3822N1002010W 372258N0980424W 372258N09804 24W 37220 064 4W 375751N0964050W 375751N0964050W 37532 134W 375337N0954 100W 375310N0954132W 375415N0964714W 375415N0964714W 382910N0971340W 382612N0970950W 372802N0965637W 374153N09 608 25W 382652N0971215W 383006N09714 36W 382753N0971325W 382910N0971340W 3828 45N0971220W 391045N0972600W 371257N0972726W 371439N0970010W 372028N09 6562 9W 372045N0970232W 391434N0955303W 3928 48N0960928W 393211N0961130W 394632N0964108W 400118N0995608W SOURCE COORDINATE 39485 372159N0990554W 380047N09633 35W 372702N0965300W 374610N0960705W 372650N09648 42W 3918 47N0954 930W 393242N0961847W 394904N09644 19W 395603N09955 31W ELEV FT 1901 2139 1495 951 1186 1314 1268 1272 950 1582 1000 995 1396 1392 1253 MAP NAME Gridley Wichita East Salina North Kansas City Troy Neodesha Pawnee Rock Pawnee Rock Radium Hanston NW Peabody NW Mc Pherson SE Morrill Pittsburg Howard Americus Douglass Americus Americus Wilmore SE Parker Rago Rago Rosalia NW Yates Center Yates Center Yates Center De Graff Durham Durham Wilmot Fall River Lake Durham Tampa Durham Durham Manchester NW Rome New Salem Rossville Wheaton Marysville Beaver City SW FEATURE NAME Dutch Hollow Dutro Cemetery Dwight Damorris Dwight Cemetery Dwight Elementary School Dyer Creek Dyke Branch Dymond Oil Field E Eacker Creek See Yockey Creek Eagle Tail Station See Sharon Springs Eagle See Laclede Eagle Cemetery Eagle Creek See Laton Eagle Creek Eagle Creek Eagle Creek Eagle Creek See Tomcat Creek Eagle Creek Eaglehead Ranch Airport Eagle Springs (historical) Eagle Tail Creek See Eagletail Creek Eagletail Creek Eagle Tail Creek Eagle Township See Township Number 2 Eagle Township Eagle Township Eagle Township Eakin Northwest Oil Field Earhart Environment Elementary School Earleton See Earlton Earlton Earleton Earnst Cemetery Easdale See Pfeifer Easdale Easly Creek East Antioch Elementary School East Appanoose Creek East Asher Creek East Avondale School See Avondale East Elementary School East Badger Creek Badger Creek East Beaver Creek East Big Creek East Bitter Creek East Bolton School Eastboro Shopping Center Eastborough Eastborough Park East Branch See Rock Creek East Branch Bear Creek East Branch Blue Earth River See Big Blue River FEATURE CLASS valley cemetery ppl cemetery school stream stream oilfield stream Ppl locale cemetery locale stream stream stream stream stream airport locale stream stream civil civil civil civil oilfield school ppl Ppl cemetery ppl locale stream school stream stream school stream stream stream stream school locale Ppl park stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT coUnNnTy Pottawatomie Woodson Morris Morris Morris Bourbon Johnson Rice Ottawa Wallace Pottawatomie Leavenworth Rooks Butler Coffey Ellis Ellis Osborne Elk Doniphan Wallace Wallace Harper Barber Kingman Sedgwick Hodgeman Sedgwick Neosho Neosho Atchison Ellis Ellis Nemaha Johnson Franklin Mitchell Shawnee Cowley Smith Phillips Sumner Cowley Shawnee Sedgwick Shawnee Pottawatomie Clark Pottawatomie COORDINATE 39232 3N0962 354W 375827N0954 421W 385040N0963535W 6353 3W 385030N0963550W 375407N09458 17W 385707N094 343 9W 381327N09808 25W 391650N0974728W 385352N1014506W 392050N0961315W 391110N0950726W 391708N09904 35W 373741N0964258W 381650N09552 36W 38425 390517N0993003W 390635N09854 37W 372550N09628 10W 390752N0951037W 385359N1014142W 385359N1014142W 370345N0981040W 371220N0984115W 3738 30N09758 15W 375210N09732 10W 381315N0993715W 374548N0972044W 373517N0952808W 373517N0952808W 392713N09528 41W 384229N0990955W 38434 400402N0955132W 385945N0944040W 384056N0952558W 392457N0975912W 390031N0954022W 371218N0965539W 394455N0985035W 394900N0991450W 36564 370044N09658 31W 390209N09538 00W 374117N0971548W 390255N095 38 00W 391417N0961417W 371118N0994535W 391112N0963145W SOURCE COORDINATE 392436N0962041W 37554 385924N0943707W 37402 18W 38154 38 3334N0990352W 39155 385208N1015725W 395920N09554 19W 38464 3N0952 612W 393148N0975 625W 371634N0965153W 395708N09848 28W 395605N0991618W 370411N0971054W 371922N0994942W ELEV FT 1110 490 1494 1029 1393 960 1876 889 1373 KS75 MAP NAME Westmoreland Yates Center Dwight Dwight Dwight Kenia Grandview Sterling Jarbalo Keighley Hartford Otis NE Paradise Howard NW Oregon Sharon Springs E Hardtner NW Waterloo Colwich Burdett Valley Center Earlton Half Mound Pfeifer Humboldt SE Lenexa Ottawa NW Scottsville Winfield Gaylord Gretna Braman Silverdale Topeka Wichita East Topeka Ashland KS76 FEATURE NAME East Branch Bluff Creek East Branch Clear Creek East Creek East Branch Deep Creek East Branch Downer Creek East Branch Dry Creek East Branch Elm Creek East Branch Fall Creek East Branch Fall River East Fall River East Branch Grant Creek East Branch Humboldt Creek East Branch Jim Creek East Branch Little Sandy Creek East Branch Mill Creek South Branch Mill Creek East Branch Missionary Baptist Church East Branch Mosquito Creek East Branch Munkers Creek Wildcat Creek East Branch Neosho River See Munkers Creek East Branch Nescatunga Creek East Branch Oak Creek Oak Creek East Branch Parsons Creek East Branch Prairie Creek See East Prairie Creek East Branch Rock Creek East Branch Sand Creek East Branch Sharpes Creek Sharpes Creek East Branch Short Creek East Branch South Elm Creek East Branch Tegua Creek See East Branch Tequa Creek East Branch Tequa Creek East Branch Tegua Creek East Branch Third Creek East Branch Township East Branch Troublesome Creek Branch Twelvemile Creek Twelvemile Creek East Branch Walnut River See Walnut River East Branch Whitewater Creek East Branch Whitewater River Averys Creek East Creek Wentworth Creek Whitewater River East East Bridge Creek Dry Creek Buckeye Creek Buffalo Cemetery Buffalo Creek East Verdigris Creek Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek Cedar Creek East East East East East East Cedar Creek East Cooper Township East Cow Creek Little Cow Creek East Creek See East Branch NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 FEATURE CLASS STATUS coUnTy COORDINATE stream BGN Harper 371444N0980958W stream BGN Marion 382612N0965745W VARIANT stream BGN Riley 3904 38N096294 5W stream BGN Trego 385359N0995920W stream BGN Clay 392800N0971010W stream BGN Cheyenne 393144N0972752W stream BGN Sumner 370519N0974105W stream BGN Greenwood 375124N0962126W VARIANT stream BGN Chautauqua 370729N0960411W stream BGN Geary 38555 6N0963612W stream BGN Rooks 392712N0991205W stream BGN Barber 371419N0982442W stream BGN Wabaunsee 385736N0961600W VARIANT church UNOFF Shawnee 925W stream BGN Franklin 382908N0950613W stream BGN Morris 384548N0962759W VARIANT VARIANT stream Morris 384355N0962957W stream BGN 1975 Comanche 371030N0991245W stream BGN Cloud 393123N0973 647W VARIANT stream BGN Washington 39372 9W VARIANT stream Sumner 370905N0973507W stream BGN Wabaunsee 384517N0961813W stream BGN Trego 384357N0995 62 9W stream BGN Chase 381330N09%63011W VARIANT stream BGN Morris 38455 stream BGN Barber 372541N0984611W VARIANT stream Osage 382913N0953106W stream BGN Osage 382913N0953106W VARIANT stream BGN Lincoln 391159N0980119W civil ADMIN Marion 381300N0971225W stream BGN Smith 395047N0984 629W stream BGN Smith 39364 375 9W VARIANT VARIANT stream Cowley 370257N0970001W stream BGN Harvey 375805N0970926W stream BGN 1963 Butler 37585 3N0970124W VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT stream BGN Hamilton 380047N1015438W VARIANT stream BGN Chase 38254 3N0962 310W cemetery UNOFF Jewell 394432N0980804W stream BGN Woodson 374053N0954 401W VARIANT stream BGN Jewell 3938 30N09807 32W VARIANT stream BGN Barber 371418N0984123W stream BGN Smith 394041N0985655W civil ADMIN Stafford 380235N098 32 40W stream BGN Crawford 372128N0944102W VARIANT VARIANT stream Butler 37585 3N0970124W SOURCE COORDINATE 372243N098 112 6W 38 3145N0965400W 390401N09624 31W 385732N1000019W 393236N0970612W 39244 371041N0974157W 380530N0962 339W 371127N0962259W 385234N0963212W 393115N0991231W 37220 292 9W 385318N0960640W 383100N0950659W 384934N0961942W 371750N0991250W 392630N0973732W 394518N0971325W 38485 3838 21N0995730W 381342N09%62601W 385013N0963135W 373256N09848 52W 38284 3N0952 64 6W 391458N0975906W 395618N0984556W 394157N0983907W 380604N0971121W 347W 381211N1015507W 38 3020N0962 306W 374712N0953527W 394926N09808 21W 371133N0984529W 395602N0990037W 372905N094 39 14W ELEV FT 1615 MAP NAME Attica Lincolnville Wamego SW Trego Center Clay Center NW Clyde Doster Eureka Cloverdale White City NE Kirwin SW Sharon South Allendorph Topeka Lane Alta Vista Nescatunga Cr N Rice Clifton Lake Wabaunsee Ransom Thrall NW Dwight Sun City NE Waverly Barnard Peabody NW Reansville Portis NW Whitewater Potwin Tribune 3 NW Saffordville Jewell Buffalo Mankato Hardtner NW Cedar Hudson SE Kirkwood FEATURE NAME Whitewater River East Creek See East Branch Clear Creek East Creek East Creek East Creek East Dry Creek East Dry Creek East Eagle Head Ranch East Eighth Street Baptist Church East El Dorado East Elementary School East Elk Creek East Elkhorn Creek East Elkhorn Creek East Emma Creek East Emmett Church Eastern Heights High School East Fairmount East Fall River See East Branch Fall River East Fork Adams Creek East Fork Big Timber Creek East Fork Burntwood Creek East Fork Cana River See East Fork Caney River East Fork Caney River East Fork Cana River East Fork Chisholm Creek East Fork Jester Creek Jester Creek Vester Creek East Fork Muddy Creek East Fork Neosho River See Munkers Creek East Fork of Blue River See Big Blue River East Fork Rattlesnake Creek East Fork Rock Creek See Rock Creek East Fork Tauy Creek East Fork Walnut Creek East Fork Wolf Creek East Gate Shopping Center Eastgate Shopping Center East Geuda Springs See Geuda Springs East Hale Township East Hamilton Township See Ellis Township East Headquarters Pasture East Heights Elementary School East Hess Township East Hibbard Township East Hickory Creek East Hickory Creek East High School East High School East Hill Cemetery East Hitchen Creek East Holland Creek Eastin See Easton East Indian Creek East Indianola Elementary School FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream locale church locale school stream stream stream stream church school locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream locale locale ppl civil civil flat school civil civil stream stream school school cemetery stream stream ppl stream school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF CcoUnNnTy Marion Morris Sheridan Republic Barber Saline Elk Shawnee Butler Miami Norton Lincoln Lincoln Harvey Harvey Phillips Leavenworth Greenwood Pottawatomie Jewell Rawlins Elk Elk Sedgwick Harvey Shawnee Morris Pottawatomie Kiowa Pottawatomie Franklin Marshall Russell Johnson Sedgwick Sumner Thomas Ellis Morton Douglas Gray Kearny Chautauqua Coffey Sedgwick Johnson Neosho Elk Dickinson Leavenworth Clark Shawnee COORDINATE 6574 5W 383415N0963347W 392059N1001250W 393928N0973 348W 370531N0985709W 385104N0973202W 372628N09626 34W 390224N09538 25W 374915N0965007W 38295 1N0945648W 393714N09955 13W 385728N0980608W 390947N0975928W 37595 645W 38065 6N09722 19W 394541N0990651W 391113N0945508W 375124N0962126W 392038N0961735W 395145N0981002W 395928N1012122W 372139N0962759W 372139N0962759W 374305N0971921W 375757N0971904W 391257N0953 655W 384355N0962957W 391112N0963145W 374302N0991112W 391417N0961417W 384006N09513 34W 394450N0964525W 390258N0983054W 385300N094475 1W 374040N0971429W 37065 1N09708 56W 392215N1011315W 390230N0993002W 370240N1015325W 385727N0951322W 373600N1001600W 381012N1011244W 36594 6064 2W 381716N0954715W 374105N09718 32W 385931N094375 3W 373350N0951255W 372601N0960921W 384438N0971718W 39204 6W 371627N1000205W 390505N095403 9W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3212N0963738W 391828N1001247W 3948 955W 371102N0985502W 384537N0973154W 394215N09958 58W 385016N0981052W 390501N09802 38W 381334N0971945W 392606N0961934W 394848N0981051W 395316N1012406W 37265 41W 374710N0971435W 380348N0971631W 391808N0954139W 373129N099202 3W 384805N0951127W 3948 450W 391207N0983547W 370234N09605 15W 382020N0954 308W 37294 6N0960634W 38354 3N097175 IW 37205 SW ELEV FT 1405 1290 969 1050 1342 1016 KS77 MAP NAME Wilsey SE Studley Wayne Deerhead Salina Howard NW Topeka El Dorado Osawatomie Edmond NW Westfall Ada Sedgwick Newton Kensington Basehor Westmoreland NE Mankato Mc Donald NW Howard NW Wichita East Sedgwick NE Meriden Haviland NW Le Loup Barnes Lucas Olathe Andover Colby SW Elkhart North Lawrence East Montezuma SE Wolf NW Bowring New Strawn Wichita East Lenexa Erie Longton NW Carlton Fowler SE Topeka KS78 FEATURE NAME East Junior High School East Kentucky Creek East Kill Creek East Kiowa Creek East Laberdie Creek East Lake Eastlawn Park East McDowell Creek McDowell Creek Eastman Oil Field East Marsh Creek East Martin School East Middle Cedar Creek East Mission Creek Mission Creek East Mount Zion Cemetery East Norway See Moray East Oak Creek East Oak Creek See Little Oak Creek East Oak Creek Easton Eastin Easton Township East Painterhood Creek East Park East Penny Creek East Pipe Creek See Pipe Creek East Pipe Creek Pipe Creek East Pittsburg (historical) East Plum Creek Plum Creek East Prairie Creek East Branch Prairie Creek East Rainbow Creek Plum Creek Eastridge Cemetery Eastridge Church of the Nazarene East Saline Township East Salt Creek East Sand Creek See Sand Creek East School East School East Shoo Fly Creek Eastshore East Side Baptist Church Eastside Cemetery East Side Church of God in Christ Eastside Elementary School East Slope Cemetery East Spring Creek See Spring Creek East Spring Creek East Spring Creek East Spring Creek East Spring Creek Spring Creek East Stone House Creek East Templin Cemetery East Topeka Interchange East Topeka United Methodist Church East Turkey Creek FEATURE CLASS school stream stream stream stream lake park stream oilfield stream school stream stream cemetery Ppl stream stream stream ppl civil stream park stream stream stream locale stream stream stream cemetery church civil stream stream school school stream locale church cemetery church school cemetery stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery locale church stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN BGN 1975 BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN 1964 VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN CoUNnTY Shawnee McPherson Osborne Comanche Bourbon Lyon Shawnee Geary Cowley Jewell Atchison Smith Wyandotte Linn Doniphan Ellsworth Mitchell Smith Leavenworth Leavenworth Wilson Butler Smith Ottawa Ottawa Crawford Phillips Sumner Wilson Sedgwick Sedgwick Sheridan Lane Sumner Shawnee Wyandotte Sumner Marion Shawnee Reno Sedgwick Labette Pratt Harper Ellsworth Logan Gove Ellis Jefferson Wabaunsee Shawnee Shawnee Dickinson COORDINATE 39024 934W 383430N097364 0W 392404N0984753W 371910N09928 30W 380143N09443 31W 382505N09608 20W 390240N095 394 0W 390146N0963629W 372309N09648 32W 394415N0975702W 393420N0950712W 39524 39035 38185 38 29W 394545N0951017W 384600N098 125 3W 39322 49W 394047N0983259W 392042N095065 6W 392205N0950725W 372518N0960318W 37485 3W 4002 36N098 3 326W 390718N0974244W 391539N0973325W 372435N0944050W 394737N0991132W 370905N0973507W 373038N0955142W 373525N0971225W 374024N0971541W 391300N1001300W 384144N1003708W 371504N0974700W 108W 390458N0944215W 370536N0972630W 382255N09704 25W 390052N095 365 3W 38024 55W 37422 56W 371007N0950619W 373050N098 5 425W 37165 32W 384501N0981006W 385435N1011005W 385606N1002203W 390458N0992925W 390537N0951927W 385448N096274 3W 390137N095372 3W 390245N0953 930W 384138N0970945W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3123N0973 304W 3918 41N0985212W 372920N0992600W 38062 3N094 42 04W 390100N0963 326W 395017N0980508W 395816N0990324W 39065 4N094504 6W 384937N0981122W 395018N098 323 3W 373005N0955905W 395915N098 323 9W 392336N0973125W 39545 371758N0973141W 37265 3N0955 4 54W 383808N1003920W 371006N0972358W 384845N09809 52W 390008N1011006W 390258N1003358W 390240N0994024W 390914N0951928W 383359N09705 34W ELEV FT 847 903 1341 1355 1267 1050 MAP NAME Topeka Lindsborg SE Bloomington East Kiowa Creek Prescott Emporia Topeka Swede Creek Atlanta Jamestown NW Atchison East Kensington NE Edwardsville Boicourt Westfall SW Lebanon Easton Easton Longton El Dorado Mc Cracken Branch Lamar Pittsburg Kensington NW Perth Fredonia Rose Hill Wichita East Quinter NW Healy NW Wakarusa Shawnee South Haven Pilsen Grantville Hutchinson Wichita East Oswego Croft Westfall SW Russell Springs Gove NE Plainville SW Oskaloosa Volland Grantville Topeka Elmo FEATURE NAME East Twin Creek East Twin Creek East Union Community Hall East Upper Elementary School East Valley School East Verdigris Creek See East Buffalo Creek East Washington Township East Wolf (historical) East Wolf Creek See Wolf Creek Eaton Eaton Acres Landing Strip Ebenezer Cemetery Ebenezer Cemetery Ebenezer Church Ebenezer Church Ebenezer Church Ebenezer Church Ebenezer Church Ebenfeld School Ebenflure Church Echo (historical) Eck Airfield Eck Field Eclipse School Economy Cemetery Edalgo Eddy Creek Big Eddy Creek Eddy Oil Field Eden (historical) Eden Cemetery Eden Church Eden Church Eden Prairie School Eden Township Eden Township Eden Valley Cemetery Eden Valley Church Edgcomb (historical) Edgecombe Edgecombe See Edgcomb (historical) Edgerton Lanesfield Martinsburgh Edgerton Cemetery Edgerton Elementary School Edgewater Park Edgewater Parkway Edgewood Creek See Nichols Creek Edgewood Elementary School Edgewood Park Edgmand Cemetery Edinborough Cemetery Edison Edison School Edmond Port Landis Edmond Cemetery Edmonds Church Edmonds Pool Edna Edna See Rossville FEATURE CLASS stream stream locale school school stream civil locale stream locale airport cemetery cemetery church church church church church school church locale airport airport school cemetery locale stream oilfield locale cemetery church church school civil civil cemetery church locale locale ppl cemetery school park park stream school park cemetery cemetery Ppl school Ppl cemetery church oilfield ppl ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT coUnTy Lincoln Osborne Jewell Miami Osborne Woodson Rice Russell Cloud Cowley Cowley Reno Clay Butler Lyon Rice Dickinson Clay Marion Hamilton Douglas Sedgwick Sedgwick Doniphan Butler Lincoln Wyandotte Pawnee Atchison Sumner Butler McPherson McPherson Sumner Ness Stafford Stafford Butler Butler Johnson Johnson Johnson Shawnee Douglas Comanche Montgomery Shawnee Cherokee Marshall Crawford Wyandotte Norton Norton Jefferson Marion Labette Shawnee COORDINATE 38593 3N098 2 220W 392447N0983318W 3948 50N098092 1W 38295 1N09454 48W 38 3045N09448 27W 374053N0954 401W 381259N09758 38W 39052 315 3W 393505N0974137W 371347N0964612W 37255 634W 38084 3N0974 2 2 6W 392312N096595 1W 380209N09654 51W 381537N09615 15W 382328N098 163 1W 38455 7N0971005W 392248N096595 2W 381723N0971009W 374935N1014120W 3848 40N0952107W 375200N0971300W 20W 320W 374558N0964 404W 3858 390935N094 394 2W 380822N0991518W 393805N0951550W 372625N0974502W 38022 9N09653 46W 381357N0973534W 38282 495 3W 37255 616W 3828 47N1000918W 381306N0984707W 380235N098 502 3W 375352N0970905W 375352N0970905W 38455 3N0950028W 384509N0950007W 384556N0950053W 390125N0954 412W 38572 3N095 1 309W 31W 370227N09538 56W 39034 371230N0945315W 394332N096324 1W 447W 39025 3N094 38 07W 393738N0994 920W 3938 15N0994 925W 391535N0951228W 38054 133W 3908 10N0955705W SOURCE COORDINATE 3854 39194 325 9W 3908 12N0944032W ELEV 1839 892 1511 1354 1274 1437 1311 1735 1345 1418 3454 1400 1330 1446 1400 1485 1473 1907 1932 1000 1021 902 960 2119 1058 979 KS79 MAP NAME Wilson NE Downs South Mankato Osawatomie Paola East Hutchinson NW Lucas Eaton Wilmot Halstead NW Lasita Burns Phenis Creek Chase NE Abilene SW Lasita Hillsboro Syracuse East SW Lone Star Greenwich Goddard Troy Pontiac Westfall Parkville Sanford Denton Norwich Burns Moundridge Windom NE Norwich Beeler Seward Saint John North Whitewater Edgerton Edgerton Edgerton Topeka Lawrence East Coffeyville West Topeka Hallowell Blue Rapids NE Arma Shawnee Edmond Edmond Easton SW Peabody SE Edna Ks80 FEATURE NAME Edna Cemetery Edna City Dam Edna Municipal Airport Edson Edson Cemetery Edward Edwards Cemetery Edwards County Edwards Creek Edwardsville See Bonner Springs Edwardsville Edwardsville Cemetery Edward Township See Leoti Township Edwin See Litchfield Edwin (historical) Eff Creek Elf Creek Effingham Effingham High School Egoma Saba See Vermillion Creek Egomasaha River See Cross Creek Eightmile Church Eight Mile Creek See Eightmile Creek Eightmile Creek Eightmile Creek Eight Mile Creek Eightmile House Eighth Street Shopping Center Eightyone Airport Eightyone Pasture Einsel Oil and Gas Field Eisenhower Center Eisenhower Elementary School Eisenhower Elementary School Eisenhower Elementary School Eisenhower Junior High School Ekey Park Ekler Canyon See Acker Creek Elbing Worth Elbing Elementary School Elbing Oil Field Elbo, Lake Elbo Lake Elbo Cemetery Elbo Creek Elbow Creek Elbo Lake See Elbo, Elbow Creek See Elbo Creek Elcado Cemetery Elco (historical) El Cuartelejo Pueblo Ruins Monument El Quartelejo Monument El Quartelejo Pueblo Ruins Pueblo Ruins Monument Lake Elder Branch Elder Creek Elder Creek FEATURE CLASS cemetery dam airport ppl cemetery ppl cemetery civil stream Ppl Ppl cemetery civil locale locale stream Ppl school stream stream church stream stream stream locale locale airport flat oilfield locale school school school school park stream ppl school oilfield reservoir cemetery stream reservoir stream cemetery locale park stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT coUnTy Labette Labette Labette Sherman Sherman Bourbon Phillips Edwards McPherson Wyandotte Wyandotte Wyandotte Wichita Crawford Stanton Saline Atchison Atchison Pottawatomie Shawnee Franklin Franklin Cowley Franklin Leavenworth Montgomery Harvey Morton Kiowa Dickinson Barton Barton Norton Shawnee Ellis Cowley Butler Butler Marion Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Chautauqua Lyon Scott Wilson COORDINATE 140W 36W 370738N0952051W 392014N1013224W 392014N1013314W 374700N0944150W 39464 375300N0991600W 38 3115N0974 632W 390335N0945300W 390340N0944 910W 390420N0944912W 38285 3N1012055W 372627N094 38 58W 373955N1014510W 385232N0974735W 393120N0952402W 393130N0952 345W 391218N0961312W 390634N09558 00W 38432 324W 38 3716N0951709W 37264 9N0970208W 38 3716N0951709W 392218N0950237W 05W 380135N0971955W 370850N1015225W 3738 48N0992117W 38544 382151N0984721W 383124N0984641W 395026N0995338W 390024N095 392 6W 385225N09918 42W 370133N0963155W 380310N09707 39W 380302N097073 9W 38025 3N0970052W 391401N09629 19W 391215N0963008W 391152N0963113W 391401N0962919W 391152N0963113W 370028N0960425W 381350N09618 50W 384038N1005453W 3738 40N0954 450W SOURCE COORDINATE 382818N0975118W 384716N0975620W 373750N09709 35W 384742N095234 6W 391606N0962914W 374030N095 3 610W ELEV FT 948 920 3563 920 850 860 1138 1088 1125 738 1145 1440 1116 MAP NAME Edna Valeda Altamont Edson Edson Fort Scott Gretna Lewis Marquette Edwardsville Edwardsville Johnson NE Culver Effingham Effingham Ottawa NW vdall Ottawa South Easton Coffeyville West Newton Elkhart NE Greensburg NE Abilene Great Bend Hoisington Norton Topeka Hays South Elbing Elbing Burns St George Manhattan Manhattan Peru Shaw Creek Lake Scott Buffalo FEATURE NAME See Elder Branch Eldon See Saint George Eldon (historical) El Dorado Eldorado Eldorado See El Dorado El Dorado Dam See El Dorado Lake Dam El Dorado High School El Dorado Junior College See Butler County Community College El Dorado Junior High School El Dorado Lake Lake Bluestem Lake El Dorado El Dorado Lake Dam El Dorado Dam El Dorado Municipal Airport El Dorado Oil Field El Dorado Plaza El Dorado State Park El Dorado Township Eldred Eldridge (historical) Elevation Cemetery Eleventh Street Church of Christ Elf Creek See Eff Creek Elgin Elgin Cemetery Eli See Hooser Elinor See Ellinor Elium See Otego Elivon See Hesston Elizabeth See Campus Elizabeth Town See Morse Elizabethtown See Morse Elk See Elk City Elk See Elk Creek (historical) Elkader Elkader Township Elk Cemetery Elk City Elk Elk City Dam Elk City Elementary School Elk City Lake Elk City Reservoir Table Mound Reservoir Elk City Reservoir See Elk City Lake Elk City State Park Elk City Wildlife Area Elk County Godfrey County Elk County Airport FEATURE CLASS stream Ppl locale ppl ppl dam school school school reservoir dam airport oilfield locale park civil locale locale cemetery church stream Ppl cemetery locale locale locale ppl locale Ppl ppl ppl locale locale civil cemetery Ppl dam school reservoir reservoir park park civil airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN BGN 1950 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN 1914 VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF CoUnTy Wilson Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Barber Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Saline Chautauqua Chautauqua Cowley Chase Jewell Harvey Logan Johnson Johnson Montgomery Osage Logan Logan Chase Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Elk Elk COORDINATE 3738 450W 391128N09625 12W 39142 374902N096514 3W 374902N096514 3W 375050N0964 922W 374906N0965121W 374909N096514 6W 374904N0965124W 375050N0964 922W 375050N0964 922W 37464 3N09 648 4 6W 375115N0965342W 374907N0965255W 375115N0964707W 374800N0965135W 370302N0984 603W 374930N0973237W 385900N0954 541W 374215N0971902W 385232N0974735W 370016N0961635W 37005 3N0961655W 370818N0963747W 38233 6254 0W 394938N098 204 9W 380818N0972552W 390728N1004416W 385101N0944 325W 385101N0944325W 371721N0955441W 385025N0993237W 384736N1005130W 385226N1005358W 382450N0964704W 371721N09554 41W 371636N0954725W 371706N0955406W 371636N0954725W 37163 371520N0954 615W 371600N0954730W 372700N0961400W 372305N0961614W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 1344 1378 1325 1670 784 935 2640 835 796 1063 KS81 MAP NAME St George El Dorado El Dorado El Dorado El Dorado El Dorado El Dorado El Dorado SW El Dorado SW El Dorado El Dorado Hackberry Creek Colwich Auburn Wichita East Elgin Elgin Elkader Elkader SW Lincolnville NE Elk City Table Mound Elk City Table Mound Table Mound Table Mound Longton NW Howard KS82 FEATURE NAME Elk Elk County Fairgrounds Creek Elk Elk Creek Creek See Elm Creek Creek Elk-Horn Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek See North Elm Creek Elk Elk Elk Elk Elk Elk Elk Creek Creek (historical) Elk Creek Cemetery Creek Township Falls Elkfalls Elkfalls See Elk Falls Elk Elk Elk Elk Falls Township Elkhart sid Elkhart Elementary School Elkhart Forest Service Station Elkhart High School Elkhart Middle School Elkhart-Morton County Airport Elkhart Municipal Airport Elkhart See Municipal Airport Elkhart-Morton County Airport Elkhorn Cemetery Elk-Horn Creek See Elk Creek Elkhorn Creek Elkhorn Creek Elkhorn Knob Elk Horn Lake Elkhorn Township Elk Rapids See Longton River Ham Creek River Township Township Elk Elk Elk Elk Elk Township See Herl Township Elk Township Elk Valley Elementary School Elk Valley High School Ellen See Amy Ellenwood Cemetery Ellinor Elinor Ellinwood Ellinwood Airport See Ellinwood Municipal Airport Ellinwood Church Ellinwood Elementary School Ellinwood High School Ellinwood Junior High School Ellinwood Municipal Airport Ellinwood Airport FEATURE CLASS locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream locale cemetery civil Ppl ppl civil Ppl school locale school school airport airport cemetery stream stream stream summit reservoir civil Ppl stream stream civil civil civil civil school school ppl cemetery locale Ppl airport church school school school airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER- STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT COUNTY Elk Barber Bourbon Lyon Douglas Atchison Cloud Norton Marshall Norton Osage Linn Republic Elk Elk Elk Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Lincoln Douglas Morris Lincoln Osage Jackson Lincoln Elk Montgomery Neosho Osage Cloud Rawlins Rawlins Elk Elk Lane Pratt Chase Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton -KANSAS 1984 COORDINATE 372745N0961605W 372250N098 5 620W 380117N0944618W 38 3405N09558 27W 385317N0952900W 392717N0953228W 393510N0972237W 39364 9N099593 9W 3958 19N0963609W 3958 40N09 9292 9W 385025N0993237W 380408N09 54 8 4 6W 394155N0972525W 372202N0961118W 372202N0961118W 372045N0961226W 370029N1015323W 370015N1015347W 370255N1015354W 370028N1015415W 370028N1015415W 370003N1015254W 370003N1015254W 3908 49N0980047W 385317N0952900W 38463 610W 39005 384157N0955132W 3928 22N09544 32W 390010N09808 15W 372240N09604 50W 371524N0954138W 373547N0951931W 38482 320W 393632N0972505W 394600N10044 45W 395735N1005525W 372231N0960448W 37223 3N09604 42W 382855N1003605W 37300 3N098 374 5W 382336N0962540W 382120N098 34 50W 382212N098 355 1W 38172 34 20W 382137N098 34 34W 382122N098 34 37W 382122N098 34 37W 382212N098 355 1W SOURCE COORDINATE 372201N098 58 48W 380614N0945126W 384637N095 323 9W 393729N09555 35W 394625N0972331W 393915N1001415W 400104N09938 38W 38462 4N09 6224 6W 385728N0980607W 373631N0963129W 37292 3N09527 38W ELEV FT 1010 938 3624 3616 1343 2000 1150 1800 1800 1800 MAP NAME Howard Sun City SW Mantey Clinton Arrington Clyde Lenora East Woodruff Ellis SE Mantey Agenda Elk Falls Elk Falls Elkhart North Elkhart Elkhart Elkhart Elkhart Elkhart North North North North North Barnard Alta Vista Shady Bend Osage City Holton Lincoln Sycamore Shaw Overbrook Clyde Herndon NW Longton Longton Pratt SW Saffordville Ellinwood Ellinwood Ellinwood Ellinwood Ellinwood Ellinwood FEATURE NAME Ellis Ellis County Ellis Elementary School Ellis High School Ellis Landing Field Ellison Cemetery Ellis Township East Hamilton Township West Hamilton Township Ellsaesser Pond Ell-Saline Elementary School Ell-Saline High School Ellsworth Ellsworth Airport See Ellsworth Municipal Airport Ellsworth County Ellsworth County Dam Ellsworth Elementary School Ellsworth High School Ellsworth Municipal Airport Ellsworth Airport Ellsworth Township Elm Branch Elm Branch Elm Branch Elm Church Elm City (historical) Elm Creek See Ames Elm Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek Rock Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek See Rock Creek Elm Creek Crystal Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek Elk Creek Marais Des Cygnes Osage River Elm Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek Mosquito Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek Elm Creek (historical) Elm Creek Cemetery Elm Creek Cemetery Elm Creek Lake Elm Green Lake Elm Creek Lake County Park Elm Creek Township Elm Creek Township Elmdale Middle Creek Elmdale Cemetery Elmdale Cemetery FEATURE CLASS Ppl civil school school airport cemetery civil reservoir school school ppl airport civil dam school school airport civil stream stream stream church locale ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream locale cemetery cemetery reservoir park civil civil ppl cemetery cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN 1973 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF CoUNTY Ellis Ellis Labette Ellis Ellis Allen Ellis Haskell Saline Saline Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Montgomery Miami Miami Labette Labette Cloud Labette Barber Sumner Crawford Butler Bourbon Allen Ford Allen Anderson Linn Miami Lyon Morris Russell Jefferson Shawnee Rooks Cheyenne Jewell Marshall Republic Rawlins Marshall Lincoln Marshall Bourbon Bourbon Saline Marshall Chase Chase Miami COORDINATE 385617N0993337W 385500N0991900W 370530N0951710W 38555 320W 332W 374716N0953127W 390130N09 9294 5W 372744N1004356W 384637N0985137W 384637N0985137W 384350N0981340W 384451N0981350W 384200N0981200W 384114N0982354W 384352N0981341W 384413N098 13 40W 384451N0981350W 384424N0981222W 372157N0955213W 3828 30N094 484 3W 384224N094 48 00W 370325N0951908W 370322N0951907W 3934 10N0972 630W 37055 9N0951720W 371545N098 35 35W 372545N0972255W 372800N0945515W 374059N096593 3W 374650N0944 940W 375359N0952513W 375404N0995304W 37544 3N0952 320W 381912N0952259W 38213 3N094 493 9W 38242 383405N09558 27W 38 3910N0962900W 385628N098 373 9W 390432N0953 146W 390952N095 35 40W 392612N0991356W 393425N0972 635W 393942N098 203 6W 39402 1W 39534 9N0972 339W 400537N1004711W 394 450N0963634W 391309N0982759W 39443 6W 37454 37454 1N0945108W 385450N09738 55W 394652N09639 30W 382225N09638 40W 382240N096394 6W 38 3006N0945617W SOURCE COORDINATE 37253 8 4 5W 38322 4 6 3 5W 384134N0944441W 370202N0952035W 37254 372452N09728 24W 373241N0945725W 374716N0965705W 374345N0945211W 37565 6N0951235W 374508N0995604W 382124N0953204W 382025N0945725W 38 3042N094 374 9W 385120N0960734W 38395 3N0963 958W 385235N098 38 11W 390817N0953244W 391209N0953942W 39154 18W 392525N09734 48W 3948 37N0981539W 394700N09633 45W 3958 19N0972354W 40000 3N1004 950W ELEV FT 2117 868 2182 1550 1605 1200 KS83 MAP NAME Ellis Bays North Edna Ellis Ellis Yates Center SE Plainville SW Plains NW Brookville Brookville Ellsworth Ellsworth Holyrood Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Lafontaine Paola East Spring Hill Edna Edna Edna Medicine Lodge Zyba Grindstone Creek Augusta Marmaton Iola Spearville NW Harris La Cygne New Lancaster Reading Council Grove Dorrance NW Grantville Meriden Woodston NW Clyde Burr Oak Blue Rapids Nar ka Culbertson SE Blue Rapids NE Hunter Blue Rapids NE Marmaton Marmaton Trenton Marysville Elmdale Hymer Paola West KS84 FEATURE NAME Elmdale Park Elmer Elmerdaro Township Elmers Lake Elm Green Lake See Elm Creek Lake Elm Grove See Barnes Elm Grove Community Hall Elm Grove School Elm Grove School Elm Grove Township Elm Hollow Corner Elmhurst Elmhurst Plaza Elmira (historical) Elm Mills Elm Mills Township Elmo Banner Banner City Elmont Elmont United Methodist Church Elmore Center Elmore Park Elm Slough Elm Slough Elm Springs Elm Springs Church Elm Township See Township Number 11 Elm Township Elmwood Cemetery Elmwood Cemetery Elmwood Cemetery Elmwood Cemetery Elmwood School El Paso See El Paso Derby Elementary School El Paso School Elpyco Church of Christ El Quartelejo Monument See El Cuartelejo Pueblo Ruins Monument El Quartelejo Pueblo Ruins See El Cuartelejo Pueblo Ruins Monument Elreka Elementary School Elsie Chapel Elsinore See Elsmore Elsinore Township See Elsmore Township Elsmore Elsinore Elsmore Cemetery Elsmore Elementary School Elsmore Township Elsinore Township Elston Cemetery Elvings School Elvion (historical) Elwood Roseport Elwood Elementary School Elwood High School FEATURE CLASS park locale civil reservoir reservoir ppl building school school civil locale ppl locale locale locale civil ppl ppl church locale park stream stream spring church civil civil cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school Ppl school school church park park school church ppl civil Ppl cemetery school civil cemetery school locale ppl school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1897 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF coUunTy Reno Reno Lyon Johnson Bourbon Washington Franklin Rush Leavenworth Labette Riley Johnson Shawnee Mitchell Barber Barber Dickinson Shawnee Shawnee Saline Labette Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Marion Marion Pratt Allen Montgomery Neosho McPherson Mitchell Leavenworth Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Scott Scott Reno Meade Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Labette McPherson McPherson Doniphan Doniphan Doniphan COORDINATE 380247N097552 3W 3758 10N0975548W 381440N0960245W 38594 374541N0945108W 394243N0965227W 38 3513N095 1 208W 382241N0990301W 390330N0945642W 370320N095 192 0W 391122N0964243W 3858 28N0944105W 390208N0954 146W 392010N0981530W 372602N0984112W 372545N0984000W 384103N09713 47W 390955N09542 10W 391000N0954 203W 38494 40W 370250N0950500W 391506N0961948W 391614N0962507W 38 3548N0972002W 38 3411N0972005W 372900N098 374 5W 375426N0951755W 370125N0953708W 374007N0952 640W 38344 930W 3928 10N0980605W 391020N0950405W 373244N0971607W 373314N0971538W 373313N0951554W 373940N0971641W 384038N1005453W 384038N1005453W 375940N0980155W 370316N1002239W 374740N0950900W 374730N0950907W 374740N0950900W 374726N09508 37W 374728N09508 48W 374730N0950907W 371155N0951527W 38 3537N0974001W 381120N0972534W 394520N0945220W 394525N0945259W 394525N0945259W SOURCE COORDINATE 391225N0962 310W 391504N09628 12W ELEV FT 1540 953 1965 925 1320 1070 960 1720 1350 997 1226 1322 1050 1051 1319 813 MAP NAME Hutchinson Elmer Madison NE Olathe Peoria Albert Bonner Springs Edna Keats Lenexa Topeka Blue Hill Sawyer Sawyer Elmo Elmont Elmont Salina Chetopa Louisville Flush Gypsum SE Gypsum SE La Harpe Coffeyville East Chanute Lindsborg Beloit Jarbalo Derby Derby Wichita East Partridge Irish Flats Elsmore Elsmore Elsmore Elsmore Altamont Lindsborg Hesston St Joseph North wWathena wWathena FEATURE NAME Elwood Township Elyria King City Elyria Oil Field Emanuel Cemetery Emanuel Church Emanuels Cemetery Embry (historical) Emerald (historical) Emerson (historical) Emerson Elementary School Emerson Open Alternative Elementary School Emerson Park Emery Green School Emery Park Eminence (historical) Eminence Cemetery Eminence Cemetery Eminence Township Emma Creek Emmanuel Baptist Church Emmanuel Cemetery Emmanuel Cemetery Emmanuel Church Emmanuel Church Emmanuel Church Church Church of God in Emmanuel Emmanuel Christ Emmanuel Pentecostal Temple Emmanuel Temple Church Emmanuel Temple Gospel Assembly Pentecostal Church Emma Township Emmaus Church Emmeram Emmeram Northeast Oil Field Emmeram Oil Field Emmerson Airport Emmett Emmett Township Emmett Township See Center District 1 Township Emmons Emmons Cemetery Emmons Creek Emons Creek Emons Creek See Emmons Creek Emory (historical) Empire See Empire City Empire See Lone Tree (historical) Empire Cemetery Empire City Empire Empire Township See Township Number 2 Empire Township See Township Number 1 Empire Township Empire Township Emporia Columbia Emporia Avenue Church of Christ Emporia Junction FEATURE CLASS civil Ppl oilfield cemetery church cemetery locale locale locale school school park school park locale cemetery cemetery civil stream church cemetery cemetery church church church church church church church church civil church locale oilfield oilfield airport ppl civil civil locale cemetery stream stream locale ppl locale cemetery ppl civil civil civil civil Ppl church ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN coUnTy Barber McPherson McPherson Cheyenne Trego Lincoln Harper Franklin Stafford Wyandotte Sedgwick Wyandotte Franklin Sedgwick Finney Finney Smith Woodson Harvey Shawnee Shawnee Phillips Meade Wilson McPherson Shawnee Sedgwick Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Harvey Butler Ellis Ellis Ellis Bourbon Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Norton Washington Washington Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Kearny Cherokee McPherson McPherson Cherokee Harper Harper McPherson Ellsworth Lyon Sedgwick Lyon COORDINATE 37034 120W 381726N0973736W 381730N09738 00W 395648N1015320W 38524 436W 3858 48N0981647W 371003N097554 6W 382425N0952715W 375020N0985405W 390427N094 394 3W 374134N097203 3W 390427N094 39 44W 38 3731N0951029W 373703N09718 34W 380850N1003035W 380847N1003103W 395636N098 48 02W 374710N0954 120W 375606N0972 626W 390001N09542 16W 3858 19N0953 428W 394757N0992609W 371258N1001627W 37263 35W 381722N0973137W 390210N0954138W 374340N097204 6W 374217N0971851W 390230N0953 920W 373958N0971907W 380745N0972530W 375908N0970558W 385731N0990755W 3858 50N0990450W 385625N0990535W 37555 3N094 38 3 3W 391826N096032 1W 391800N0960610W 395758N09954 40W 39512 395124N0970011W 390928N0962235W 390928N09622 35W 380537N1013225W 370521N094 38 30W 381725N0973214W 382025N0973109W 37052 38 30W 370345N098 104 0W 372235N0982000W 382329N09732 14W 383912N0980208W 382414N0961053W 374021N0971955W 382410N09609 40W SOURCE COORDINATE 375952N0972 645W 390539N09624 15W ELEV FT 1485 1527 1299 2605 2614 1387 2002 860 1025 1300 1300 1522 950 1150 1135 KS8S MAP NAME Hardtner Mc Pherson South Mc Pherson South St Francis NW Ogallah Wilson NE Bluff City NW Williamsburg Hopewell Shawnee Wichita East Shawnee Le Loup Derby Scott City 4 NE Scott City 4 NE Reamsville Buffalo Sedgwick Topeka Richland Stuttgart Irish Flats NE Lafontaine Mc Pherson SE Topeka Wichita East Wichita East Topeka Wichita East Hesston Potwin Catharine Gorham Gorham Hammond Emmett Emmett Washington Washington St George Tribune 4 SE Mc Pherson SE Baxter Springs Galva Carneiro Emporia Wichita East Emporia KS86 FEATURE NAME Emporia Municipal Airport Emporia State University College of Emporia Emporia Township Emporia West Plaza Enfield See Damar Engineer Bridge Englevale Calvin Englevale Cemetery Englewood Englewood Cemetery Englewood Church Englewood Township English Park Ennis City See Monument Enonsdale See Enosdale Enosdale Enonsdale Ensign Lonelake Ensign Cemetery Ensign Creek Ensminger Cemetery Enterprise Enterprise Academy Enterprise Cemetery Enterprise Cemetery Enterprise Church Enterprise Elementary School Enterprise Elementary School Enterprise School Enterprise School Enterprise School Enterprise Township Enterprise Township Ephraim, Mount Epler Canyon Eppley Lake Equity (historical) Rich Eravel See Hopewell Erickson Animal Cemetery Erie Erie City Erie Erie City See Erie Erie Elementary School Erie High School Erie Township Erie Township Ernest (historical) Erving Township Esbon Ezbon Esbon Cemetery Esbon Elementary School Esbon High School Esbon Township Ezbon Township Eskridge Eskridge Cemetery FEATURE CLASS airport school civil locale Ppl bridge Ppl cemetery ppl cemetery church civil park ppl locale locale ppl cemetery stream cemetery ppl school cemetery cemetery church school school school school school civil civil summit valley reservoir locale locale cemetery Ppl locale Ppl school school civil civil locale civil Ppl cemetery school school civil ppl cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN 1911 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF CcoUnNnTy Lyon Lyon Lyon Lyon Rooks Geary Crawford Crawford Clark Clark Phillips Clark Sedgwick Logan Washington Washington Gray Gray Shawnee Crawford Dickinson Dickinson Cloud Rawlins Osborne Sedgwick Dickinson Harvey Douglas Cloud Ford Reno Pottawatomie Scott Stafford Anderson Pratt Reno Neosho Cowley Neosho Neosho Neosho Sedgwick Neosho Rooks Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Wabaunsee Wabaunsee COORDINATE 381958N0961127W 382450N0961143W 382325N0961015W 382445N0961301W 391908N09934 56W 390345N0964 600W 373538N0944338W 356W 370218N09958 59W 41W 395516N0991619W 371114N0995738W 373315N0971553W 390616N1010024W 394616N0970940W 394616N0970940W 373910N1001400W 373739N1001402W 390510N095520 IW 375636N09503 36W 385410N0970700W 385352N09707 13W 39252 3N0973 638W 395452N1010930W 391925N098 52 50W 373747N0972107W 385410N0970708W 375908N0973708W 38465 5N09528 20W 392615N0973637W 373827N099563 3W 380235N0981150W 392319N0962402W 38 3950N10054 52W 380317N098 48 42W 380555N0951304W 594 3W 38052 6N0975713W 373405N0951435W 365958N09704 30W 373405N0951435W 373402N0951454W 373358N0951454W 373105N0974510W 373605N09518 25W 142W 393608N0982715W 394920N0982608W 394852N0982512W 394925N0982608W 394928N0982 609W 394655N0982730W 385132N0960632W 385128N0960504W SOURCE COORDINATE 3908 37N095563 6W 384000N100554 5W ELEV a 1206 960 963 1970 1446 2719 2724 1065 1137 1651 3165 1429 1116 1649 1260 925 1165 1848 1806 1400 MAP NAME Olpe Emporia Emporia Emporia Junction City Arma Arma Englewood Englewood Stuttgart NE Ashland NW Derby Morrowville Ensign Ensign Silver Lake Bronson Chapman Chapman Aurora Atwood NW Alton SW Wichita East Chapman Bentley Globe Aurora Fort Dodge Sterling SW Westmoreland Lake Scott Saint John North Kincaid Hutchinson Erie Newkirk Erie Erie Cheney SE Shaw Glade SE Cawker City Esbon Esbon Esbon Esbon Esbon Eskridge Eskridge FEATURE NAME Eskridge City Dam Eskridge Elementary School Eson Cemetery Essex (historical) Estes Cemetery Ettenson Eubank Oil Field Euchre Creek Eudora Eudora Cemetery Eudora Township Eugene See North Topeka Eugene Field Elementary School See Field School Eugene Field Elementary School Field School Eugene Field Elementary School Eugene Ware Elementary School Ware School Eugenia See Allegan (historical) Eukeway (historical) Eula See Crystal Springs Eureka Eureka Cemetery Eureka Cemetery Eureka Cemetery Eureka City Dam Eureka City Lake Bachelor Creek Reservoir Lake Eureka Eureka High School Eureka Junior High School Eureka Lake Eureka Lake Eureka Municipal Airport Eureka Oil Field Eureka School Eureka Township See Wano Township Eureka Township Eureka Township Eureka Township Eureka Township Eureka Township Eureka Township Eureka Valley Eureka Valley Eustis (historical) Evangel Assembly of God Church Evangelical Cemetery Evangelical Church Evangelical Church Evangelical Church Evangelical Covenant Church Evangel Temple Church Evans Airport Evans Cemetery Evans Creek Evans Station See Neva Evansville (historical) Rumsey Evansville (historical) Evan Township Eveleigh Farms Airport Evening Light Church of God FEATURE CLASS dam school cemetery locale cemetery ppl oilfield stream Ppl cemetery civil ppl school school school school locale locale Ppl Ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery dam reservoir school school locale lake airport oilfield school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil locale basin locale church cemetery church church church church church airport cemetery stream locale locale locale civil airport church NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF CcoUunTy Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Sherman Finney Jackson Leavenworth Haskell Brown Douglas Douglas Douglas Shawnee Crawford Franklin Riley Bourbon Rice Allen Harper Greenwood Linn McPherson Rooks Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Riley Riley Greenwood Greenwood Sedgwick Cheyenne Kingman Greenwood Barton Rice Saline Mitchell Riley Riley Sherman Sedgwick Rawlins Harper Allen Washington Sedgwick Shawnee Gove Gray Jefferson Chase Comanche Morris Kingman Kearny Sedgwick COORDINATE 385201N0961145W 385127N0966609W 392015N1013328W 320W 393205N0953701W 39133 146W 373450N1010130W 39545 335 6W 385636N0950554W 38564 LW 385330N095064 0W 390420N0954000W 372447N0944116W 38 3627N095 162 6W 391055N096350 IW 375020N0944148W 382700N098 18 40W 375315N095254 0W 37154 04W 374926N0961720W 381217N09438 53W 38 3435N0962717W 3918 50N0992719W 375337N0961728W 375337N0961728W 374922N0961715W 374922N0961715W 390907N09638 20W 390945N09 638 4 5W 375105N0961727W 37494 3N09 6152 0W 37403 3N0972 322W 304125N10148 45W 374155N0981800W 37502 3N09618 20W 3828 40N098 52 00W 3828 42N098 184 3W 35W 391600N0975910W 915W 390910N0963950W 392105N1015027W 374322N0972138W 395458N1004528W 370638N0974924W 374452N0951136W 400004N0965714W 37394 164 6W 390321N0954 100W 385730N1004800W 373157N10028 40W 3908 358W 38235 3N0963657W 370745N0990422W 38 3725N0964 441W 374125N0975140W 374604N1012603W 374251N09718 44W SOURCE COORDINATE 395127N0953254W 391039N0951958W ELEV FT 1011 815 880 1084 2036 1158 1025 1207 1045 2950 2724 1473 3207 KS87 MAP NAME Lake Wabaunsee Eskridge Edson Scott City 4 SE Whiting Wolcott Hickok SE Reserve Eudora Eudora Eudora Ottawa South Manhattan Fort Scott Iola Eureka Pleasanton Roxbury Stockton SW Eureka NE Eureka NE Eureka Eureka Keats Keats Eureka Eureka Wichita West Penalosa Eureka Great Bend NE Chase NE Gypsum Glasco SW Keats Keats Goodland Wichita East Herndon Bluff City East Stark Hanover West Wichita East Topeka Elkader NE Montezuma Oskaloosa Indian Creek Diamond Springs Cheney Lakin SW Wichita East KS88 FEATURE NAME Everest Eyer ton Everest Middle School Everett See Vernon Everett Cemetery Everett Township Millers Grove Evergreen Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Evergreen Township See Bird City Township Ewell Ewing See Vliets Ewing (historical) Example (historical) Excelcior See Excelsior (historical) Exceline School Excelsior (historical) Excelcior Excelsior Cemetery Excelsior Cemetery Excelsior Church Excelsior Church Excelsior School Excelsior School Excelsior School Excelsior School Executive-Johnson Company Airport See Johnson County Executive Airport Exeter (historical) Exeter Township Eyerton See Everest Ezbon See Esbon Ezbon Township See Esbon Township F Faber Park Fact Carter Creek Carthage Fagan See Bogue Fagan Cemetery Fahrman See Farhman Fairbanks Cemetery Fairfax Fairfax Industrial District Fairfax (historical) Lindale Fairfax Elementary School Fairfax Industrial District See Fairfax Fairfax Municipal Airport FEATURE CLASS ppl school locale cemetery civil cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery civil locale ppl locale locale locale school locale cemetery cemetery church church school school school school airport locale civil ppl ppl civil park locale ppl cemetery locale cemetery Ppl locale school ppl airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF coUnTy Brown Brown Woodson Barton Woodson Bourbon Ford McPherson Lyon Leavenworth Marshall Cheyenne Cheyenne Sumner Marshall Lyon Haskell Mitchell Douglas Mitchell McPherson Mitchell Neosho Ellsworth Linn Trego Mitchell Nemaha Johnson Clay Clay Brown Jewell Jewell Linn Clay Graham Graham Barton Linn Wyandette Osage Wyandotte Wyandette Wyandotte COORDINATE 394038N0952528W 394026N0952537W 3758 50N0953924W 382236N098 543 3W 3758 48W 374735N0944258W 375355N09934 34W 38120 8 40W 382126N0961045W 392300N09508 00W 394914N0964 610W 395024N1012908W 394110N1013410W 372024N0974125W 394250N0962000W 381536N0961440W 374135N1004432W 392336N0982130W 384513N09518 22W 392336N0982130W 108W 392348N0982128W 372908N0951609W 38502 382200N094 38 1 3W 385356N09954 37W 392336N0982130W 395725N095 525 9W 385057N09444 22W 391537N0971000W 391600N0971200W 394038N0952 528W 394920N0982 608W 394655N0982730W 38034 393314N0970159W 392145N0994113W 392148N099435KW 38344 295 6W 381148N0945138W 3908 30N094 364 5W 384330N095 39 30W 390825N094 38 02W 3908 30N094 364 5W 39085 3N094 35 58W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 1150 2286 1393 1349 1051 1552 1340 1303 1040 747 MAP NAME Everest Everest Heizer Yates Center Fort Scott Offerle Buhler Olpe Potter Hanover SE Mc Donald SW Milan Olpe Copeland NW Lone Star Glen Elder South Windom NE Glen Elder South Galesburg Black Wolf Boicourt Trego Center Glen Elder South Bern Clay Center SW Clay Center SW Prescott Linn SE Bogue Mound City North Kansas City Lyndon NW Parkville North Kansas City FEATURE NAME Fairfax Township Lindale Township Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairgroun (historical) Cemetery Elementary School Grange Hall High School Township d School Fairhaven (historical) Fairhope Fairland See S Fairlawn Fairlawn Fairlawn Church Fairlawn Fairman L Fairmont Fairmont Fairmount Kel Lit Fairmount Fairmount Fairmount Fairmount Fairmount Fairmount Fairmount Fairmount Cemetery aint Bridget Cemetery Church of the Nazarene Heights Wesleyan Mennonite Brethren ake Cemetery lys Station tle Stranger Cemetery Cemetery Church Park School School Township Township Fair Plain Grange Hall Fairplay Church Fairplay School Fairplay Township Fair Point See Little River Fairport Clarkson Fairport Cemetery Fairport Oil Field Fair Town Heights Wesleyan Church Fairview Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Fairview Cemetery FEATURE CLASS civil locale cemetery school building school civil school locale cemetery locale cemetery church church church reservoir ppl cemetery Ppl cemetery cemetery church park school school civil civil building church school civil ppl ppl cemetery oilfield church Ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Osage Wabaunsee Washington Neosho Pawnee Reno Russell Atchison Norton Coffey Marshall Reno Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Riley Riley Marshall Leavenworth Butler Hodgeman Linn Sedgwick Sedgwick Bourbon Butler Leavenworth Osage Marion Rice Marion Rice Russell Russell Ellis Shawnee Brown Cherokee Montgomery Chautauqua Labette Montgomery Labette Sumner Kiowa Sedgwick Butler Gray Sedgwick Reno Bourbon Lyon Ness McPherson Barton Dickinson Ellsworth Wabaunsee Geary Wallace Ottawa Jefferson COORDINATE 384 320N0954000W 6154 6W 394704N0971412W 374056N095225 6W 381304N0991326W 375210N0981927W 38442 454 6W 393256N095095 1W 394800N0994055W 380435N0954 909W 6154 9W 380245N09753 12W 390317N09544 31W 455W 390202N0954 447W 391047N0963725W 391037N0963255W 394110N0963912W 391130N0945607W 380134N0970302W 380400N09954 00W 380811N094 382 3W 374246N0971734W 374237N0971801W 375331N0945136W 380235N0970550W 390725N094 564 5W 385106N0955111W 380606N0970444W 382753N0981207W 6594 5W 38235 3N098004 2W 390245N0990 14 LW 390247N0990115W 385802N0990215W 39023 4 3 6W 395028N0954 340W 370138N0950016W 370317N09539 13W 370327N0960022W 370806N0951408W 371620N0953204W 371747N0950827W 37214 3N0972 337W 373650N0991712W 10W 373732N0970059W 3738 35N1002453W 374910N0971442W 375747N0975408W 380150N094 424 6W 381218N0960541W 382606N0995221W 382620N09748 21W 38384 384427N0971613W 38503 3N0981728W 38593 6195 6W 39034 4N09644 45W 390735N1015205W 390940N0975225W 391602N0952202W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 1541 2062 1701 1020 970 1380 915 1465 1739 1679 1741 1230 2223 1272 2801 1553 865 2244 1999 1281 1773 3815 1320 1108 KS89 MAP NAME Lyndon NW Alma Morrowville Chanute Fort Larned Langdon Susank Atchison West Almena SW Gridley SE Hutchinson Topeka Topeka Topeka Manhattan Manhattan Blue Rapids Basehor Peabody SE Jetmore Pleasanton Wichita East Wichita East Devon Peabody SE Bonner Springs Burlingame Peabody SE Lyons NW Florence Fairport Fairport Gorham Topeka Fairview Chetopa Coffeyville West Peru Labette Cherryvale Parsons East Wellington Greensburg Cheney SE Santa Fe Lake Montezuma NW Greenwich Elmer Prescott Madison NE Ness City NE Windom NE Galatia Carlton Black Wolf Allendorph Ogden Horsethief Dr NE Tescott NE Winchester Ks90 Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview See T Fairview Fairview Fairway Fairway S Faith Ass Faith Bap Faith Chapel Full Gospel Church Faith Christian Church Faith Deliverance Church of God in Christ Faith Lutheran Church Faith Mission Church of God in Christ Faith United Church Fall Creek Fall Creek Fall Creek Cemetery Fall Creek Oil Field Fall Leaf Fall River Fall River South Verdigris River Fall Rive FEATURE NAME Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Chapel Christian Church Church Church Church Church Elementary School Elementary School Elementary School Elementary School Elementary School Elementary School Elementary School Elementary School Elementary School School School School Oil Field Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township ownship Number 9 Township Township hops embly of God tist Church r Dam FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church school school school school school school school school school school school oilfield civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil ppl locale church church church church church church church church stream stream cemetery oilfield Ppl Ppl stream dam NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF coUnTy Ottawa Sherman Pottawatomie Atchison Pottawatomie Mitchell Osborne Mitchell Cloud Jewell Nemaha Phillips Smith Marshall Brown Jewell Norton Allen Sedgwick Butler Rice Reno Riley Labette Reno Harvey Miami Johnson Jefferson Clay Cloud Cloud Montgomery Montgomery Crawford Labette Cowley Ford Butler Stafford Rush Barton Russell Rooks Jefferson Republic Johnson Brown Shawnee Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Washington Sumner Leavenworth Leavenworth Sumner Leavenworth Greenwood Wilson Greenwood COORDINATE 391734N0973148W 392225N1012755W 392515N0961923W 39252 6N095094 1W 392607N0960607W 392800N098 18 23W 393220N0984 310W 393222N0981447W 39352 39354 394059N0955618W 394450N09918 40W 394748N0984717W 394938N096304 2W 395122N0954108W 39542 16W 395917N0994138W 38012 3N09508 23W 374248N0972022W 375118N0965912W 380234N0982 328W 380329N0980208W 392008N0964 94 9W 37085 9N095 124 6W 380206N0974 310W 380327N0973107W 382705N095004 1W 38532 953W 39065 650W 392300N09658 48W 392800N0974538W 39285 1N0973335W 659W 372213N0954 135W 37382 370950N0951300W 372045N09658 20W 374413N1000938W 375210N0965910W 375720N0983135W 38382 12W 383910N09858 39W 390300N098 322 0W 391030N0993200W 391050N0952550W 395119N09732 30W 390120N0943754W 395025N0954 344W 390652N095 394 6W 373752N0971625W 37395 3N097152 1W 37364 3N0972 145W 37425 3N0971922W 390213N0954 329W 374316N09718 55W 393358N0970738W 365952N097333 3W 391328N0950447W 391327N0950518W 370134N0973751W 385827N0950637W 373628N0960140W 372321N0953944W 37390 3N09 603 4 5W SOURCE COORDINATE 371156N0974908W 391203N0951206W 375125N0962128W ELEV FT 3473 1411 1377 1509 1436 1633 1338 1830 1616 1373 1635 1360 880 1436 1020 1573 867 950 1221 1390 825 930 MAP NAME Lamar Brewster Westmoreland NE Potter Onaga NE Glen Elder South Portis Jewell SW Jamestown Jewell SW Goff Phillipsburg S Smith Center Home Fairview Scandia NW Almena Kincaid Wichita East El Dorado SW Little Salt Marsh Sterling SW Riley Labette Burrton Halstead Lane Olathe Orion Lasita Glasco NE Aurora Bolton Sycamore Hiattville Labette New Salem Ensign El Dorado SW Stafford La Crosse NW Galatia Lucas Ozawkie Belleville SE Shawnee Fairview Topeka Wichita East Wichita East Derby Wichita East Topeka Wichita East Linn SW Medford NE Jarbalo Jarbalo Doster Eudora Fall River Neodesha Fall River Lake FEATURE NAME Fall River Lake Fall River Reservoir Fall River Reservoir See Fall River Lake Fall River State Park Fall River Township Fall River Township Fall River Wildlife Area Falls Township Falls Township Falun Falun Cemetery Falun-Summit Township Fame (historical) Familton See Quinter Family Park Fancy Canyon Fancy Community Hall Fancy Creek Fancy Creek Fancy Creek Fancy Creek (historical) Fancy Creek Cemetery Fancy Creek Church Fancy Creek Randolph Cemetery Fancy Creek State Park See Tuttle Creek State Park Fancy Creek State Park Fancy Creek Township Fancy Oil Field Fanning Fanning Cemetery Fanska Oil Field Fanska South Oil Field Farbique School Fargo (historical) Fargo Springs (historical) Harwoodville Fargo Township Harwoodville Township Farham See Farhman Farhman Fahrman Farham Faris Elementary School Northside School Farisville (historical) Farrisville Farland (historical) Farlington Farlington Cemetery Farlington Fish Hatchery Farlington Lake Farlinville Ridge Farmer See Turner Farmersburg (historical) Farmersburgh Farmersburgh See Farmersburg (historical) Farmers Ditch Farmer Township Farmer Township Farmingdale Cemetery FEATURE CLASS reservoir reservoir park civil civil park civil civil ppl cemetery civil locale ppl park valley building stream stream stream locale cemetery church cemetery park park civil oilfield Ppl cemetery oilfield oilfield school locale locale civil locale locale school locale locale ppl cemetery locale reservoir ppl Ppl locale locale canal civil civil cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN 1971 VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF coUnNnTy Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Wilson Greenwood Greenwood Sumner Chase Saline Saline Saline Greenwood Gove Shawnee Comanche Greenwood Greenwood Riley Norton Clay Clay Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Greenwood Doniphan Doniphan McPherson McPherson Sedgwick Graham Seward Seward Barton Barton Reno Ellsworth McPherson Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Linn Wyandotte Chautauqua Chautauqua Finney Rice Wabaunsee Norton COORDINATE 37390 603 45W 37390 6034 5W 373918N0960535W 37325 3N0955 450W 374320N0961150W 374030N09606 30W 370345N09732 10W 382030N0963145W 384016N0974533W 384004N0974423W 38 3940N097453 1W 374745N09607 35W 390410N1001355W 390135N0954700W 370503N0990650W 374600N0960305W 374806N0960206W 392639N0964 319W 395435N0993 902W 392715N0965950W 392801N09 6594 9W 393307N0965305W 526W 391520N0963500W 392620N0964 410W 392520N0965315W 374517N0960252W 395005N095094 OW 395005N0950910W 383607N09722 16W 38 3458N09722 10W 374055N0971607W 391405N0994 406W 371345N1005203W 370800N10044 30W 38344 295 6W 38344 295 6W 380348N09755 32W 384055N09804 20W 381105N0974516W 939W 373732N0945000W 373855N09448 17W 3738 39N09448 30W 381400N0945113W 390500N09442 15W 371552N09608 10W 371552N09608 10W 380040N1005650W 3828 42N0982528W 385450N0961900W 395407N0993738W SOURCE COORDINATE 370258N0990704W 37452 392930N09652 48W 395913N0994 148W ELEV FT 948 1352 1355 1140 1057 1333 1306 1275 890 1041 1889 990 948 820 KS91 MAP NAME Fall River Lake Fall River Lake New Albany Severy North Fall River Lake Caldwell Cottonwood Falls Falun Smolan Falun Tonovay Silver Lake Fancy Canyon Neal Neal Olsburg NW Almena Lasita Lasita Kimeo Greenleaf SE Olsburg NW Lasita Neal Sparks Sparks Gypsum SE Gypsum SE Wichita East Hill City 4 NW Liberal NE Kismet Holyrood Hutchinson Carneiro Buhler Girard Hiattville Hiattville Hiattville Mound City Oak Valley Lowe Chase NW Allendorph Almena KS92 FEATURE NAME Farmington Farmington Cemetery Farmington Cemetery Farmington Cemetery Farmington Township Farmington Township See Township Number 3 Farmington Township Farmington Township Farm Ridge Cemetery Farms (historical) Farnsworth (historical) Farnum Creek Farrar Cemetery Farrisville See Farisville (historical) Far View School Far West See Latimer Faulkner Fawn See Tyro Fawn Creek See Tyro Fawn Creek Fawn Creek See Shaw Creek Fawn Creek Fawn Creek Cemetery Fawn Creek Township Fay (historical) Federal (historical) Feldhut Cemetery Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church Fellsburg Fellsburg Cemetery Felten Middle School Fenton (historical) Ferguson See Le Loup Ferguson Cemetery Ferguson Creek Ferguson Ranch Fern Fernandina See Arkansas City Ferrell Oil Field Ferrell South Oil Field Fertig Cemetery Feterita Fiat Fidelity Field Elementary School Field Kindley Memorial High School Field School Eugene Field Elementary School Field School See Eugene Field Elementary School Field School Fifth and Main Plaza Fifth Avenue School Fifth Creek Figge Lake FEATURE CLASS ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery civil civil civil civil cemetery locale locale stream cemetery locale school ppl locale ppl ppl stream stream stream cemetery civil locale locale cemetery church Ppl cemetery school locale ppl cemetery stream locale locale Ppl oilfield oilfield cemetery locale locale Ppl school school school school school locale school stream reservoir NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN coUunTy Atchison Wilson Dickinson Republic Stafford Rooks Republic Washington Montgomery McPherson Lane Geary Jefferson Ellsworth Norton Morris Cherokee Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Lyon Marshall Montgomery Montgomery Russell Hamilton Stafford Sedgwick Edwards Edwards Ellis Rush Franklin Harper Cowley Cowley Labette Cowley Butler Butler Pawnee Stevens Elk Brown Sedgwick Montgomery Crawford Franklin Mitchell Butler Leavenworth Mitchell Atchison COORDINATE 393107N09518 34W 927W 385215N0971109W 394948N0972708W 375724N0985803W 393138N0991930W 395122N0972515W 395128N0970500W 372122N0954807W 381635N0973008W 38 3905N1003240W 3908 36N096552 1W 391955N0952748W 384055N09804 20W 395307N1000213W 384420N096504 3W 370605N095004 1W 370216N0954 916W 370216N0954 916W 370447N0954 449W 381048N0961653W 394112N0964208W 370400N09548 06W 370330N0954 4 48W 655W 381050N1013235W 380230N09838 11W 373917N0971938W 37484 3N09910 30W 374825N0991008W 385321N0991921W 382155N0991452W 384143N09509 35W 370352N09808 51W 372730N09634 23W 372524N0963 400W 372049N09522 34W 37034 3N0970217W 373615N0963209W 373355N0963205W 3808 45N0985657W 37084 373227N0961226W 394724N0974719W 374131N0972237W 370213N095 38 00W 37244 38 3627N0951626W 392742N0980659W 374925N0965 100W 3918 391415N0980504W 393235N0952 650W SOURCE COORDINATE 391332N0965058W 370010N0954707W 39355 9N0964419W 37264 392039N0980625W ELEV FT 1027 876 1158 823 845 688 1860 2128 2126 1411 941 1980 3190 1121 1270 1292 MAP NAME Lancaster Middletown Abilene SW Cuba Macksville Cuba Washington Table Mound McPherson SE Cheyenne Creek Milford Valley Falls Devizes Chet opa Tyro Blue Rapids Tyro Coffeyville West Paradise Tribune 4 NE Hudson Wichita East Fellsburg Fellsburg Hays North Ash Valley Waldron Cambridge NE Cambridge NE Dennis Latham SE Latham SE Radium Feterita Severy South Woodlawn Wichita West Coffeyville West Pittsburg Beloit El Dorado Leavenworth Beloit SE Effingham FEATURE NAME Fike Park Filler Fillmore See Filmore (historical) Filmore (historical) Fillmore Fin and Feather Lake Findlay City See Arcadia Findley Cemetery Finley Township Finney (historical) Finney County Sequoyah County Finney County Game Refuge Finney County State Game Refuge Finney County State Game Refuge See Finney County Game Refuge Finney Couty State Lake Dam Finney Creek Finney Lake Finney State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Finney State Game Management Area Finn School Finnup Park Firmis (historical) First Assembly of God First Assembly of God Church First Baptist Church First Baptist Church First Bible Baptist Church First Christian Cemetery First Christian Church First Christian Church First Church Christian Science First Church Christ Scientist First Church of Religious Science First Church of the Brethren First Church of the Nazarene First Church of the Nazarene First Church of the Open Bible First Congregational Church First Cow Creek Middle Cow Creek First Creek First Creek First Evangelical Free Church First Evangelical Methodist Church First Foursquare Gospel Church First Free Methodist Church First Free Will Baptist Church First Free Will Baptist Church First Friends Church First General Baptist Church First Lutheran Church First Mennonite Brethren Church FEATURE CLASS park locale locale locale reservoir Ppl cemetery civil locale civil park park dam stream reservoir park school park locale church church church church church cemetery church church church church church church church church church church stream stream stream church church church church church church church church church church NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Thomas Crawford Lane Lane Jefferson Crawford Chautauqua Decatur Woodson Finney Finney Finney Finney Clay Finney Finney Sedgwick Finney Graham Shawnee Sedgwick Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick McPherson Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Sedgwick Shawnee Crawford Ottawa Cloud Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Shawnee Shawnee Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick COORDINATE 392400N1010209W 372257N0944 930W 381825N1012647W 381825N1012647W 391017N095344 3W 3738 31N0943725W 370116N0961109W 395740N1004115W 375852N09548 1 3W 380100N1004000W 375554N10054 36W 375554N10054 36W 381030N1001948W 392124N0970627W 381030N1001948W 381100N1001950W 374348N0972034W 375733N1005217W 392605N0994 250W 390120N0954117W 374021N0972016W 374125N0972010W 390044N0954 225W 374210N0971650W 381120N0973032W 374137N0972015W 390204N0954 325W 374153N0972007W 39023 117W 374017N0971701W 374211N0972045W 39025 37404 374207N097234 6W 390212N0954248W 372315N09443 19W 3908 54N097535 3W 392100N0975202W 374259N0971545W 374248N0972105W 374055N0972114W 390016N0953937W 373945N0972210W 390107N0954242W 314W 374115N0972137W 390244N0954431W 37425 SOURCE COORDINATE 39273 373352N0944 320W 391538N09753 34W 391555N0975250W KS93 ELEV MAP FT NAME Colby 980 Radley Dighton SW 972 Meriden Chautauqua Traer Toronto NE Scott City 4 SW 1089 Garden City West Hay Canyon Clay Center NE Hay Canyon Hay Canyon Wichita East Garden City East Bogue NW Topeka Wichita East Wichita East Topeka Wichita East Moundridge Wichita East 1475 Topeka Wichita East Topeka Wichita East Wichita East Topeka Wichita East Wichita West Topeka Pittsburg Ada Glasco Wichita East Wichita East Wichita East Topeka Wichita East Topeka Topeka Wichita East Topeka Wichita West KS94 FEATURE NAME First Mennonite Church First Mennonite Church First Pentecostal Church First Pentecostal Holiness Church First Pentecostal United Church First Presbyterian Church First Reformed Presbyterian Church First Southern Baptist Church First Southern Baptist Church Thessalonia Bible Church United Church United Methodist Church Wesleyan Church Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek First First First First Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Creek School Fisher Cemetery Fisher Creek Fisher Creek Balls Creek Fishpond Creek Fiske School Fitchburg See Nettleton Fitchburgh See Nettleton Five Creek Five Creek Township Fivemile Creek Fivemile Creek Five Mounds Five Points Fix Cemetery Flatland See Lapland Flat Rock Creek Rock Creek Flavius (historical) Fleming Flening Flening See Fleming Flinner Lake Flint Hills Blue Stem Hills Flinthills High School Flinthills Mall Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge Flint Hills Village Flintridge See Flint Ridge (historical) Flint Ridge (historical) Flintridge Flint School Float School Floersch See Flush Floral Floral School Flora Township FEATURE CLASS church church church church church church church church church church church church church stream stream stream stream stream school cemetery stream stream stream school locale locale stream civil stream stream summit locale cemetery Ppl stream locale locale locale reservoir range school locale park locale locale locale school school locale locale school civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS coUnTy COORDINATE UNOFF Reno 374641N097574 9W UNOFF Marion 380603N09654 4 9W UNOFF Shawnee 390444N0954015W UNOFF Sedgwick 373924N0972214W UNOFF Sedgwick 373930N0972152W UNOFF Shawnee 39025 UNOFF Shawnee 390140N09544 38W UNOFF Sedgwick 374107N0971755W UNOFF Shawnee 390159N0954 329W UNOFF Sedgwick 37442 UNOFF Seward 37032 3N1005 622W UNOFF Shawnee 390310N0954044W UNOFF Shawnee 390140N0954056W BGN Clark 920W BGN Kingman 373421N0974957W BGN Bourbon 38003 BGN Anderson 382032N0951809W BGN Cheyenne 394720N1014810W UNOFF Bourbon 3758 45N0944501W UNOFF Linn 381215N0944459W BGN Cloud 392054N097503 1W BGN Nemaha 39492 3N09603 3 6W VARIANT BGN Jefferson 391406N0952433W UNOFF Wyandotte 390511N09438 31W VARIANT Edwards 375955N0991942W VARIANT Edwards 37595 2W BGN Cloud 392140N097094 1W ADMIN Clay 392150N09718 30W BGN Clark 370139N0995757W BGN Leavenworth 391806N0945409W BGN Wilson 37312 521W BGN Leavenworth 391349N0950152W UNOFF Wabaunsee 38565 VARIANT Greenwood 375905N0962335W BGN Neosho 373003N0950927W VARIANT BGN Rush 382450N099293 3W BGN Crawford 372205N0944 658W VARIANT VARIANT Crawford 372205N0944 658W BGN Leavenworth 391255N0950204W BGN Cowley 371700N0964030W VARIANT UNOFF Butler 374850N0963711W UNOFF Lyon 382505N096125 3W ADMIN Coffey 381855N0955555W UNOFF Lyon 382455N0961300W VARIANT Greenwood 37563 32W BGN Greenwood 37563 3N09630 32W VARIANT UNOFF Johnson 390131N0944303W UNOFF Atchison 393117N0950938W VARIANT Pottawatomie - 391740N0962625W BGN Cowley 372110N0965514W UNOFF Butler 373654N0970136W ADMIN Dickinson 390530N0971900W SOURCE COORDINATE 372733N09942 32W 373045N0975132W 375600N0944 450W 381243N09522 40W 395103N1015152W 39292 394642N0960747W 391740N0951950W 392235N09724 18W 370627N1001222W 391720N09458 34W 37422 ELEV FT 970 1016 925 1170 1154 1011 1228 MAP NAME Castleton Burns Topeka Wichita East Wichita Topeka Topeka East Wichita Topeka East Wichita Liberal Topeka Topeka Mount Jesus Cheney SE Prescott Garnett West St Francis East Devon Pleasanton Glasco NE Baileyville Ozawkie Shawnee Clay Center SW Idana Englewood Leavenworth Five Mounds Jarbalo Volland Erie Nekoma Cherokee Jarbalo Cambridge Rosalia Emporia Hartford Emporia Rosalia NE Shawnee Atchison West New Salem Douglass Manchester FEATURE NAME Florence See Carlyle Florence Doyle Florence See Neosho Rapids Florence Elementary School Flory Airport Flory Cemetery Flush Floersch Fly Creek Fly Creek Fly Creek Cemetery Flying H Ranch Airport Flying N Ranch Airport Flying R. N. Airport Flying T Airport Flying V Airport F. M. Stout Memorial Airport Folsom See Carona Folsom Creek Fonda (historical) Fontana Fontania Osage Fontana Elementary School Fontania See Fontana Foos Creek Foote Township Forbes Field Ford Ford City Ford Cemetery Ford Cemetery Ford City See Ford Ford County Ford County Dam Ford County Lake Ford County State Park Ford Township Forest, Lake of the Forest Bluff School Forest Cemetery Forest City Forest Grove Cemetery Forest Grove Cemetery Forest Hill (historical) Forest Hill Cemetery Forest Hills Forest Home See Homewood Forest Home Grange Hall Forest Lake See Lake of the Forest Forest Park Forest Park Forest Park Forest Park Cemetery Forest Ville (historical) Formoso Forney Forrester (historical) Forrester Creek Forrester Township Forsha Creek Forsyth Creek FEATURE CLASS ppl ppl Ppl school airport cemetery locale stream stream cemetery airport airport airport airport airport airport Ppl stream locale ppl school ppl stream civil airport ppl cemetery cemetery ppl civil dam reservoir park civil reservoir school cemetery locale cemetery cemetery locale cemetery ppl ppl building locale park park park cemetery locale ppl locale locale stream civil stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN CcoUnNnTY Allen Marion Lyon Marion Douglas Douglas Pottawatomie Cherokee Chautauqua Cherokee Butler Marion Sedgwick Jefferson Johnson Reno Cherokee Chase Ford Miami Miami Miami Cowley Gray Shawnee Ford Ford Nemaha Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Wyandotte Shawnee Elk Barber Rice Atchison Russell Sumner Sedgwick Franklin Kingman Wyandotte Labette Butler Franklin Harper Lyon Jewell Osborne Ness Ness Ness Republic Riley COORDINATE 373737N0952 326W 381440N096554 0W 382210N09559 30W 6555 1W 384922N0951715W 385113N095 164 6W 391740N0962 625W 365938N0950202W 370910N096063 3W 37052 3N0945005W 373731N0970545W 382227N0970010W 375136N0971444W 391618N095163 3W 38482 3N0945 145W 375130N0982139W 371649N0945206W 381458N0963 650W 373637N09938 30W 38253 38254 3N0945015W 382533N0945017W 37184 3N0970138W 375728N1002011W 385711N095402 6W 373810N0994 513W 373755N0994 435W 3948 3738 10N0994513W 374200N0995 400W 374936N0995500W 374908N0995507W 374908N0995507W 37363 3N0994734W 390357N094502 3W 390931N0955057W 373230N0962247W 371921N0984 349W 38 3024N0980102W 393452N0952501W 384330N0983957W 370655N0971705W 374125N0971418W 38305 24 3W 373535N0980650W 390400N0945015W 372015N0951505W 37494 38372 1 627W 3708 49N0980109W 382350N09 6014 0W 394648N0975931W 392456N0983711W 38 3440N1000455W 38 3159N099592 6W 38 3029N0995928W 395928N09754 25W 390600N09 6444 3W SOURCE COORDINATE 370551N0945038W 371337N0960344W 381642N0964003W 372118N0965801W 383735N1000855W 40052 6N0975650W 390711N0964755W ELEV FT 1280 1100 1090 1400 1450 1450 1050 1719 930 1066 2406 2403 1223 783 933 1189 1577 1676 1350 1527 1523 KS95 MAP NAME Florence Florence Lone Star Lone Star Flush Welch North Hale Melrose Douglas Marion Greenwich Winchester Ocheltree Langdon Matfield Green Bucklin Fontana Fontana Akron Cimarron NE Wakarusa Ford Bucklin NW Oneida Fort Dodge Wright Wright Wright Kingsdown Edwardsville Grove Piedmont SW Medicine Lodge SW Crawford Effingham Beaver Portland Andover Almeda Parsons West El Dorado Ottawa South Anthony Lang Courtland Downs South Utica SE Ransom SW Ransom SW Scandia NW Junction City KS96 FEATURE NAME Fort Atkinson (historical) Camp MacKay Fort Sod Fort Sumner New Post Fort Aubrey See Aubry Fort Aubrey (historical) Fort Aubrey Ditch Fort Aubry See Aubry Fort Brooks See Brooks Fort Cavagnolle See Kansas City Fort Cavagnolle (historical) Fort Cemetery Fort Dodge Fort Dodge See Dodge City Fort Dodge (historical) Fort Downer Downers Station Fort Ellsworth See Kanopolis Fort Ellsworth See Fort Harker (historical) Fort Fletcher See Fort Hays (historical) Fort Harker See Kanopolis Fort Harker (historical) Fort Ellsworth Fort Hays (historical) Fort Fletcher Fort Hays Memorial Gardens Fort Hays State College See Fort Hays State University Fort Hays State University Fort Hays State College Fort Jewell See Jewell Fort Jewell (historical) Fort Larned National Historic Site Fort Larned National Landmark Restored Fort Larned Fort Larned National Landmark See Fort Larned National Historic Site Fort Mann (historical) Old Fort Mann Fortmeyer Airport Fort Monument See Monument Station (historical) Fort Pyramid See Monument Station (historical) Fort Pyramid See Monument Station (historical) Fort Scott Fort Scott Community College Fort Scott Junior FEATURE CLASS locale Ppl locale canal ppl locale Ppl locale cemetery ppl Ppl locale locale ppl locale locale ppl locale locale cemetery school school ppl locale park park locale airport locale locale locale Ppl school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT CoUnNnTy Ford Johnson Hamilton Hamilton Johnson Wilson Wyandotte Johnson Ellis Ford Ford Ford Trego Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellis Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Jewell Jewell Pawnee Pawnee Ford Sherman Gove Gove Gove Bourbon Bourbon COORDINATE 374445N1000240W 384615N0944015W 375910N1014015W 375825N1014253W 384615N0944015W 372305N095 360 9W 39065 39064 3 645W 38520 115W 374355N0995606W 374510N1000100W 374350N1005605W 385027N09958 40W 384240N0980925W 384240N09809 30W 385145N0992045W 384240N09809 25W 384240N09809 30W 385145N0992045W 385350N0992250W 385225N0992025W 385225N0992025W 394017N0980912W 374015N0980915W 381105N0991255W 381105N0991255W 374630N100094 5W 392030N1013955W 384718N1004540W 384718N1004540W 384718N1004540W 37502 2 29W 37485 3N0944 245W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FY 2460 2280 2024 3650 846 MAP NAME South Dodge Syracuse East Syracuse East Kansas City Hays South Fort Dodge Fort Dodge Fort Downer Ellsworth Hays South Yocemento Hays South Jewell Fort Larned Dodge City SW Goodland Fort Scott Fort Scott FEATURE NAME College Fort Scott-Gunn Park Dam Fort Scott High School Fort Scott Junior College See Fort Scott Community College Fort Scott Junior High School Fort Scott Municipal Airport Fort Scott Municipal Dam Fort Scott National Historic Site Fort Sod See Fort Atkinson (historical) Fort Sumner See Fort Atkinson (historical) Fort Wallace (Site) Camp Pond Creek Fort Wallace Post Cemetery and Museum Forty and Eight Lake Forty-eight, Lake Forty School Forty Seventh Street Church of Christ Fort Zarah (historical) Fort Zarah Park Fossil Creek Fossil Creek School Lake Cemetery Foster Cemetery Foster Creek Fostoria Mark Fostoria School Fountain Ridge School Fountain Township Fossil Foster Fourche de Republicaine See Pawnee River Colonies Shopping Center Corners Four Corners Cemetery Four Corners School Four Corners School Four Mile See Lorena Four Four Fourmile Cemetery Fourmile Corners Four Mile Creek See Fourmile Creek Four Mile Creek See Fourmile Four Mile Creek See Fourmile Creek Fourmile Creek Four Mile Creek Creek Fourmile Creek Four Mile Creek Fourmile Creek Fourmile Creek Baker Creek Bakers Creek Gillion Creek Fourmile Creek Fourmile Creek FEATURE CLASS dam school school school airport dam park locale locale locale park reservoir reservoir school church locale park stream school reservoir cemetery cemetery stream ppl school school civil stream locale locale cemetery school school locale cemetery locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN CcoUnNnTy Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Ford Ford Wallace Wallace Sedgwick Sedgwick Montgomery Sedgwick Barton Barton Russell Russell Russell Butler Shawnee Sheridan Pottawatomie Osage Osage Ottawa Pawnee Johnson Osage Johnson Montgomery Russell Butler Nemaha Nemaha Cherokee Neosho Pottawatomie Cherokee Neosho Butler Butler Coffey Morris COORDINATE 37494 30W 374948N0944220W 37485 3N094 424 5W 375013N0944227W 374738N0944608W 374724N0944524W 375037N094 42 15W 374445N1000240W 374445N1000240W 30W 385437N1013458W 390212N0954 328W 374107N0974309W 371145N0953924W 373625N0972045W 350W 382158N0984 300W 384729N098 48 12W 385123N0985 114W 100W 37504 38593 9N0954 222W 392100N1001250W 39262 3N0963027W 384512N0954752W 385026N0954713W 391100N0975225W 381007N099054 3W 325W 384657N0954 110W 38495 22W 371320N09548 02W 384846N0984152W 374138N0970501W 395908N0955722W 395026N0954720W 365638N09458 4 9W 373201N095124 6W 393314N0963445W 365638N094 58 4 9W 373201N095124 6W 373618N0970029W 375311N0970300W 381604N0955651W 38 3714N0962722W SOURCE COORDINATE 385328N0985752W 392411N1001404W 370348N0945225W 373912N095094 6W 374414N0971147W 375916N09654 42W 381045N0960058W 3838 11N0964220W ELEV FT 916 3250 1430 797 1846 1458 1092 1152 1051 1099 1701 1182 KS97 MAP NAME Fort Scott Fort Scott Fort Scott Marmaton Marmaton Fort Scott Wallace Wallace Garden Plain Garden Plain Independence Derby Ellinwood NW Ellinwood SW Homer Homer Homer El Dorado Wakarusa Lucerne Olsburg Burlingame Burlingame Tescott NE Lenexa Carbondale Gardner Bolton Dorrance SW Bern Woodlawn Miami NW Erie Douglass El Dorado NW Hartford Lake Kahola KS98 FEATURE NAME Fourmile Creek Fourmile Creek Fourmile Creek Four Mile Creek Fourmile Creek Fourmile School Four Square Church Foursquare Gospel Church Fourth Creek Fourth Creek Fourth Street Shopping Center Four Way Divide Fouts Cemetery Fowler Fowler City Gilbert Fowler Airport Fowler Cemetery Fowler Cemetery Fowler Cemetery Fowler Cemetery Fowler Cemetery Fowler City See Fowler Fowler Creek See Dry Creek Fowler Elementary School Fowler High School Fowler Hill Fowler School Fowler Township Fox-Bush Oil Field Fox Canyon Fox Creek Fox Creek Fox Lake Fox Landing Strip Fox Town Foxtown Foxtown See Fox Town Foxtown Union School Fragrant Hill Township Fralick South Oil Field Fralick West Oil Field Frances See Francis (historical) Frances Willard Elementary School Willard School Francis (historical) Frances Frankfort Nottingham Frankfort Cemetery Franklin Franklin (historical) Franklin Cemetery Franklin Cemetery Franklin Cemetery Franklin County Franklin Creek Franklin Elementary School Franklin Elementary School Franklin Elementary School Franklin Elementary School Franklin School Franklin Township Franklin Township FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream school church church stream stream locale summit cemetery ppl airport cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery Ppl stream school school summit school civil oilfield valley stream stream reservoir airport Ppl ppl school civil oilfield oilfield locale school locale Ppl cemetery Ppl locale cemetery cemetery cemetery civil stream school school school school school civil civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN CoUnNTY Geary Russell Pottawatomie Nemaha Clay Shawnee Sedgwick Mitchell Mitchell Montgomery Riley Franklin Meade Meade Meade Neosho Crawford Lyon Jefferson Meade Lyon Meade Meade Franklin Lyon Meade Butler Meade Chase Doniphan Butler Edwards Crawford Crawford Crawford Dickinson Kiowa Edwards Ness Wyandotte Ness Marshall Marshall Crawford Douglas Labette Ottawa Shawnee Franklin Butler Sedgwick Saline Geary Atchison Wyandotte Edwards Bourbon COORDINATE 390412N0965133W 390520N0983738W 393314N09634 45W 400500N0955210W 391921N09708 45W 390315N0954052W 373155N0972405W 391344N0980424W 392317N0975910W 37022 3N09538 30W 903W 3834 48N0951300W 372308N1001143W 37230 372224N1001207W 373420N095065 3W 37394 38232 3N09 6063 3W 391418N0951128W 372308N1001143W 382217N09608 22W 372306N1000915W 372306N1000906W 384210N0951100W 03W 372315N1001130W 373145N0965032W 370039N1003203W 382338N0963303W 395327N0951908W 380227N0963700W 375525N0991606W 37304 55W 37304 55W 373045N094 400 3W 3905 30N09700 30W 37392 30W 374102N0993058W 382007N0994752W 390637N0944003W 382007N0994752W 394220N0962 500W 394238N0962531W 373135N0944220W 385615N0951106W 371906N095102 9W 38590 26W 391205N09558 4 6W 383500N0951700W 372712N0963451W 374056N0972124W 38492 6N097364 6W 390128N0965007W 39334 3W 384 3W 374932N0991114W 375810N0950020W SOURCE COORDINATE 39065 6N0964 922W 391252N098 38 41W 3928 28N09633 35W 522 3W 392016N0980307W 3918 45N0980005W 328W 38 3129N0963735W 395153N0952124W 373047N0963617W ELEV FT 1271 747 1340 2481 2483 1040 1484 2151 965 965 1150 1190 980 859 1077 MAP NAME Junction City Luray Blue Rapids SE Humboldt SE Clay Center SW Topeka Wichita West Beloit SE Simpson Coffeyville West Junction City Peoria Fowler Fowler Fowler SW Walnut Cato Lang Mc Louth Fowler Fowler Le Loup Emporia Fowler Augusta SE Kismet SE Strong City White Cloud Matfield Green SE Lewis Arma Arma Upland Greensburg NW Bucklin NE Shawnee Ness City SE Frankfort Frankfort Arma Lawrence East Parsons East Culver Rossville Ottawa South Latham SE Wichita East Salina Junction City Atchison West Shawnee Fellsburg Bronson FEATURE NAME Franklin Township Franklin Township Franklin Township Franklin Township Franklin Township Franklin Township Franklin Township Franks Creek Franks Hill Franks Island Frankton (historical) Frankville (historical) Franlinville Franlinville See Frankville (historical) Frantz (historical) Frederick Frederick Oil Field Fredericktown See Gridley Fredonia Twin Mounds Fredonia (historical) Fredonia Airport Fredonia High School Fredonia Junior High School Freedom Cemetery Freedom Township Freedom Township Freedom Township Freedom Township Freeland Cemetery Freeman Cemetery Freemount Fremont Smokey Smokey Hill Smoky Smoky Hill Freemount Church Freeport Mid Lothian Freeport Cemetery Freeport Oil Field Freeport South Oil and Gas Field Freewill See Free Will (historical) Free Will (historical) Freewill Fremont See Morland Fremont See Freemount Fremont Park Fremont Point Fremont Township French Creek French Creek French Creek French Creek French Creek Cemetery French Creek Cove Public Use Area French Junior High School Frick Cemetery FEATURE CLASS civil civil civil civil civil civil civil stream summit island locale locale locale locale Ppl oilfield ppl ppl locale airport school school cemetery civil civil civil civil cemetery cemetery locale church ppl cemetery oilfield oilfield locale locale Ppl locale park locale civil stream stream stream stream cemetery park school cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF coUnNnTy Ness Franklin Trego Lincoln Jackson Marshall Washington Geary Geary Jefferson Rooks Ness Ness Ellsworth Rice Rice Coffey Wilson Allen Wilson Wilson Wilson McPherson Bourbon Ellis Republic Phillips Sherman Dickinson McPherson McPherson Harper Harper Harper Harper Osborne Osborne Graham McPherson Lyon Riley Lyon Chase Marion Jefferson Pottawatomie Marion Marion Shawnee Marion COORDINATE 38205 6N09954 55W 384130N0950600W 384608N1000335W 385452N098054 2W 392600N0954 420W 395325N0963205W 6574 5W 390214N09 64 642W 390127N0964 60 3W 390355N0953254W 393310N0992058W 382207N0995905W 382207N0995905W 38 3305N0981417W 38 3048N0981605W 382940N0981801W 380552N0955 300W 373202N0954 935W 375815N09524 15W 373439N0955011W 37315 3N0954 931W 37315 931W 381209N0972609W 375938N0944605W 384400N0990729W 935W 39512 3N09920 18W 392804N1012719W 390158N0960213W 38324 3N0974 638W 38 3218N0974 639W 371155N0975124W 371212N0975126W 326W 359W 391455N098 30 30W 391455N098 30 30W 392058N1000431W 38324 3N0974 638W 382407N0961032W 390938N096304 2W 383115N0960905W 38162 3N0964 609W 382335N0970750W 391526N09528 31W 393004N09608 55W 38233 310W 38232 4 SW 5444 6W 3828 45N0971150W SOURCE COORDINATE 3858 31N0964715W 382144N0964941W 382601N0971931W 391330N095 30 38W 393906N0960958W ELEV FT 1320 1762 893 878 1511 3456 1372 1333 1334 1665 1080 1389 Ks99 MAP NAME Ness City SW Wellsville Gibson Creek Westfall Holton Oketo Hanover West Junction City Junction City Topeka Glade SE Ness City SW Geneseo Lorraine Chase NE Fredonia Iola Fredonia Fredonia Fredonia Hesston Devon Otis NE Belleville Phillipsburg N Brewster NW Upland Marquette Marquette Freeport Freeport Bluff City NW Bluff City NW Meades Ranch Emporia Manhattan Allen SW Cedar Point Waldeck Valley Falls Duluth Durham Durham Topeka Durham KS100 FEATURE NAME Friedens Church Friedenstal Cemetery Friedenstal Church Friend McCue Friend Elementary School Friends Cemetery Friends Cemetery Friends Cemetery Friends Cemetery Friends Chapels Friends Church Friends Church Friends Community of West Wichita Friendship Cemetery Friendship Church Friendship Gas Field Friendship Valley School Friends Home Cemetery Friends Home Church Friends Mission (historical) Friends Park Friends University Frisbie Frisbie Landing Strip Frisco (historical) Frisco Dam Frisco Lake Frisco Lake Park Dam Fritzpatrick Gas Field Frizell Frog Cemetery Frog Creek Frog Creek Frog Creek Frog Hollow Oil Field Frontenac Frontenac Cemetery Frontenac High School Frontier Cemetery Frontier Ditch Frontier Historical Park Frost Cemetery Fruitland Fruitland Cemetery Fruit Oil and Gas Field Fulda See Wauneta Fuller Fuller See Fuller Fuller Fuller Cemetery Full Gospel Chapel Full Gospel Tabernacle Fulsom Ranch Fulton See Garden City Fulton Osaga Fulton Airport Fundamental Church of God Funston Elementary School Funston Monument Furley Furley Oil Field Fussman Cemetery FEATURE CLASS church cemetery church Ppl school cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church cemetery church oilfield school cemetery church locale park school locale airport locale dam reservoir dam oilfield locale cemetery stream stream stream oilfield Ppl cemetery school cemetery canal park cemetery Ppl cemetery oilfield locale locale locale cemetery church church locale Ppl ppl airport church school pillar ppl oilfield cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF coUnNnTy Nemaha Marion Marion Finney Finney Butler Rush Barton Washington Meade Cherokee Butler Sedgwick Pratt Cherokee Reno Leavenworth Allen Allen Johnson Sedgwick Sedgwick Johnson Rawlins Morton Johnson Crawford Johnson Rice Pawnee Crawford Osage Mitchell Smith Cowley Crawford Crawford Crawford Republic Hamilton Ellis Lyon Montgomery Lyon Kiowa Chautauqua Crawford Crawford Johnson Sedgwick Sedgwick Cowley Finney Bourbon Wallace Sedgwick Sedgwick Riley Sedgwick Sedgwick Allen COORDINATE 395935N0960309W 38 3306N0971929W 38 3359N09718 55W 381536N1005440W 381550N1005458W 373345N0970523W 38 3413N0992 154W 38 3820N0984101W 394609N0970938W 370710N10034 44W 370456N0944217W 373347N0970554W 374045N09728 30W 374639N0983712W 371334N0950135W 375136N09748 20W 390828N0950515W 374448N0951358W 374448N0951153W 390050N0944 325W 374037N0972212W 374040N0972158W 390052N09453 13W 395312N1012113W 371343N1014655W 385230N09448 18W 373718N094494 3W 385218N09448 24W 381144N0981512W 380958N0991250W 37260 40W 108W 392903N0981704W 39445 3 605W 37155 3N0964 954W 372720N0944120W 372715N0944036W 37242 3N094 4 2 10W 394424N0973555W 380154N1015636W 385149N0992012W 383325N0961215W 371214N0954238W 383028N0961951W 373905N0990516W 37064 9W 373120N0943710W 373120N0943710W 384630N0945322W 3738 14N0971755W 374412N0972042W 371205N0963217W 3758 380036N0944 310W 385419N1014700W 37402 3N09718 40W 373627N0971900W 390612N0964 401W 375245N0971245W 375305N0971226W 374938N0952 612W SOURCE COORDINATE 382150N0954 658W 393314N098 162 3W 394928N098 39 12W ELEV FT 1491 1503 2915 1272 838 1314 1908 1008 1025 786 3340 2032 950 791 917 1036 1100 850 3475 1273 1410 962 MAP NAME St Benedict Gypsum SE Gypsum SE Shallow Water Shallow Water Douglass La Crosse Beaver Morrowville Kismet SE Baxter Springs Douglass Wichita West Preston Oswego Haven SE Jarbalo Stark Stark Shawnee Wichita East Wichita East Bonner Springs Mc Donald NE Elkhart NE Ocheltree Girard Ocheltree Alden Fort Larned Mc Cune NE Waverly NW Glen Elder North Portis NE Burden Pittsburg Pittsburg Pittsburg Wayne Tribune 3 SW Hays South Allen SW Independence Americus Haviland NE Liberal Gardner Wichita East Wichita East Dexter NE Prescott Sharon Springs W Wichita East Derby Ogden Whitewater Whitewater Humboldt FEATURE NAME G Gaeland Township Gaffney Oil Field Gage See Basil Gage Elementary School Gage Park School Gage Farm Airport Gage Park Gage Park Baptist Church Gage Park School See Gage Elementary School Gage Park Wesleyan Church Gage Shopping Center Gail Ballard Municipal Airport Galatia Galena Leedsville Galena High School Galena Kindergarten Galesburg Galesburgh Rose Hill Galesburg (historical) Galesburg Elementary School Galesburgh See Galesburg Galesburg Township Gale Township Galichia Airport Galilee Church of God in Christ Gallagher (historical) Galloway Airport Galt Galt Township Galva Gefle Gamble School Game Creek Game Creek Game Fork Gandy See Goodland Gannon Creek Gano Gar Cemetery Gar Creek Gar Creek See Parsons Creek Gard Cemetery Garden City Fulton Garden City Community College Garden City Experiment Station Airport Garden City High School Garden City Municipal Airport Garden City Township Gardener Grade School Garden of Memories Cemetery Garden Plain Gardenplain Gardenplain See Garden Plain Garden Plain Elementary School Garden Plain High School Garden Plain Township Garden-Reynolds-Shaffer Oil Field FEATURE CLASS civil oilfield locale school airport park church school church locale airport ppl ppl school school ppl locale school ppl civil civil airport church locale airport locale civil ppl school stream stream stream ppl stream locale cemetery stream stream cemetery ppl school airport school airport civil school cemetery Ppl Ppl school school civil oilfield NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN 1897 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF coUnTy Gove Greenwood Kingman Shawnee Douglas Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Kiowa Barton Cherokee Cherokee Cherokee Neosho Scott Neosho Neosho Kingman Marion Crawford Sedgwick Comanche Trego Rice Rice McPherson Montgomery Elk Norton Marshall Sherman Chase Finney Cheyenne Reno Clay Marion Finney Finney Finney Finney Finney Finney Johnson Crawford Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Butler COORDINATE 385621N1004353W 37582 373059N0980524W 390319N0954252W 385500N0950900W 390320N0954 350W 390304N0954 323W 390319N0954252W 39032 255W 390324N0954 330W 373630N0990655W 3838 30N09857 30W 37043 3N094 38 22W 370434N0944550W 3704 37282 381648N1005245W 3728 11N0952107W 372825N0952 130W 374125N09758 20W 382330N097054 2W 373014N09442 34W 374251N09718 56W 371755N0990345W 390500N0995200W 382752N098050 3W 38284 3N098 052 3W 382255N0973214W 371755N0954718W 372702N0961337W 393932N0994 930W 393714N09634 35W 392103N1014235W 382459N09638 58W 381132N10054 39W 394855N1014745W 375350N0974120W 39332 381725N097090 3W 3758 18N1005220W 3758 375950N1004855W 37585 3N1005205W 375608N1004427W 375855N1005120W 3848 44N0945524W 373028N094 422 3W 373930N0974100W 100W 373935N0974103W 373939N0974051W 374135N09738 35W 374355N0964741W SOURCE COORDINATE 373136N0961038W 394303N0994 958W 393612N0964 319W 3828 31W 375130N097494 6W ELEV FT 865 940 2165 1995 941 1000 960 2480 1650 1546 2893 1390 2839 2885 2895 1450 KS101 MAP NAME Orion Hamilton Topeka Eudora Topeka Topeka Topeka Topeka Haviland Galatia Baxter Springs Baxter Springs Baxter Springs Galesburg Shallow Water Galesburg Waterloo Pilsen Arma Wichita East Wilmore SE Wa Keeney East Little River Little River Galva Table Mound Severy South Edmond Blue Rapids SE Strong City Tennis St Francis Patterson Hillsboro Garden City East Garden City West Garden City East Garden City East Pierceville Garden City East Gardner Arma Garden Plain Garden Plain Garden Plain Garden Plain Leon KS102 FEATURE NAME Garden Township Garden Township See Township Number 1 Garden Township Garden Valley School Gardiner Elementary School Gardner Gardner City Dam Gardner Draw Gardner High School Gardner Lake Lake Gardner Gardner Landing Field See Gardner Municipal Airport Gardner Municipal Airport Gardner Landing Field Gardners Branch Gardner Township Garfield Garfield Cemetery Garfield Cemetery Garfield Cemetery Garfield Center Garfield Elementary School Garfield Elementary School Garfield Elementary School Garfield Elementary School Garfield Elementary School Garfield Elementary School Garfield Elementary School Garfield Elementary School Garfield Elementary School Garfield Elementary School Garfield Oil Field Garfield Park Garfield Park Garfield School Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township Garfield Township See Center District 1 Township Garland Appleton Memphis Garnett Shannon Garnett, Lake Garnett Cemetery Garnett City Park Dam Garnett High School Garnett Municipal Airport Garr Creek See Parsons Creek Garrett Cemetery Garrison (historical) Garrison Cemetery Garrison Cemetery Garrison Elementary School Garrison Lake FEATURE CLASS civil civil civil school school ppl dam valley school reservoir airport airport stream civil ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery locale school school school school school school school school school school oilfield park park school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil Ppl Ppl reservoir cemetery dam school airport stream cemetery locale cemetery cemetery school reservoir NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN county Cherokee Harper Harvey Harvey Sedgwick Johnson Johnson Wallace Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Cowley Johnson Pawnee Pawnee Finney Morris Clay Seward Montgomery Labette Butler Finney Pawnee Franklin Morris Dickinson Clay Pawnee Allen Shawnee Cloud Pawnee Finney Rush Dickinson Ellsworth Wabaunsee Ottawa Jackson Clay Smith Decatur Norton Bourbon Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Clay Smith Pottawatomie Cherokee Butler Sedgwick Anderson COORDINATE 370200N0944000W 372235N0982000W 380745N09732 15W 38065 34W 37392 3848 39N0945537W 385112N0945559W 390352N1013541W 3848 49N0945518W 385 112N0945559W 3848 33N09457 30W 38483 30W 372341N0963802W 3848 14N0945505W 380440N0991440W 38042 6N0991600W 381029N1002255W 38465 4N096273 3W 393125N0970740W 370214N100554 3W 37022 3N095 373 3W 372017N0951519W 374103N09658 40W 37582 3N1005227W 38044 9N09914 39W 38355 15 48W 38 3937N0962954W 385519N0971258W 392240N097074 3W 380330N09913 30W 375534N09523 35W 940W 393432N09739 39W 380238N099174 3W 380754N1002631W 382450N0990518W 384940N0971900W 384940N098054 0W 385210N0962 610W 391100N0974 600W 392600N0953735W 393140N0970900W 393605N0984010W 394733N1001310W 395758N09954 40W 374354N094 372 0W 381650N09514 30W 381818N0951436W 381746N0951330W 381818N0951436W 381710N0951435W 381644N0951304W 39332 9N0971545W 393514N0984 342W 392245N0964 130W 371203N0950304W 374006N0965146W 374245N0972209W 381154N0950757W SOURCE COORDINATE 390817N1013904W 372325N09633 35W ELEV FT 1452 1160 986 1040 2075 2107 2589 1333 900 1049 998 1085 992 989 MAP NAME Baxter Springs Moundridge Halstead Wichita East Gardner Gardner Harris Draw East Gardner Gardner Gardner Cambridge NW Gardner Garfield Rozel SE Ravanna Alta Vista Linn SW Liberal Coffeyville West Parsons West Augusta Garden City East Garfield Ottawa South Council Grove Abilene Clay Center NW Garfield Iola Topeka Concordia Rozel SE Ravanna Albert Holland Westfall SE Alta Vista Tescott NE Holton Linn SW Portis Norcatur Garland Garnett East Garnett East Garnett East Garnett East Garnett East Garnett East Portis Olsburg NW Oswego Leon Wichita East Bush City FEATURE NAME Garrison Recreation Area Garvey Creek Garvin Garvin Canyon Garvin Park Gas Gas City Gas City See Gas Gasket Cemetery Gaskill (historical) Gas Lake Gassel Oil Field Gast Lake Gatesville (historical) Gaylord Gaylord Cemetery Gaylord Elementary School Geary (historical) Geary City Geary City See Geary (historical) Geary County Davis County Geary County State Lake Geary County State Lake Dam Geary County State Park Geary School Geary State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Geddesburg See Altoona Gefle See Galva Gem Gene Creek Geneseo Bluffville Geneseo Cemetery Geneseo-Edwards Oil Field Geneseo Elementary School Geneva Geneva Cemetery Geneva Township Geographic Center of the Conterminous United States George (historical) George E. Nettles Elementary School Nettels School Georgetown See Niles Georgetown See Verdi Georgetown Marketplace Georgia Georgia Matthews Elementary School Matthew School Georob Oil Field Gere (historical) Gerlane Germania (historical) German School German Temple Germantown See Mercier Germantown (historical) FEATURE CLASS park stream locale valley park ppl ppl cemetery locale reservoir oilfield reservoir locale ppl cemetery school locale locale civil reservoir dam park school park ppl ppl Ppl stream ppl cemetery oilfield school ppl cemetery civil locale locale school Ppl Ppl locale locale school oilfield locale locale locale school church Ppl locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN COUNTY Pottawatomie Sumner Labette Scott Butler Allen Allen Washington Washingon McPherson McPherson Harvey Clay Smith Smith Smith Doniphan Doniphan Geary Geary Geary Geary Doniphan Geary Wilson McPherson Thomas Harper Rice Rice Ellsworth Rice Allen Allen Allen Smith Pawnee Crawford Ottawa Ottawa Johnson Kingman Finney McPherson Barton Barber Sedgwick Reno Saline Brown Smith COORDINATE 392220N0964020W 532W 371431N0951138W 38405 650W 374152N096590 3W 375525N095204 5W 375525N095204 5W 395548N0970702W 395638N0970728W 38 3504N0973 326W 381425N0972225W 375916N0971728W 391700N0970140W 3938 38N0985050W 393935N09850 32W 3938 46N0985027W 394028N0950153W 394028N0950153W 385950N0964000W 385400N0965 145W 385424N0965154W 142W 394025N0950152W 385402N0965142W 373126N0953940W 382255N0973214W 392540N1005350W 371345N0981955W 38 3058N098092 3W 383025N0981005W 38 3150N0981200W 38 3106N0980935W 38010 38W 38004 52W 375940N09527 15W 39494 344 6W 380615N0992315W 372314N094414 3W 3858 10N0972745W 385930N09730 10W 385940N0944 140W 373740N09800 30W 375855N1005204W 38 3040N09728 22W 38 3448N0984 415W 370909N098 325 8W 374410N097353 3W 375628N0975125W 38 3939N0972 324W 394230N0953605W 394945N0990257W SOURCE COORDINATE 372516N0972730W 384128N1005756W 371821N09822 15W ELEV FT 838 1020 1592 1647 3090 1750 1020 1032 1466 1396 1520 1275 KS103 MAP NAME Olsburg SW Zyba Labette Lake Scott Augusta La Harpe Washington NE Washington NE Lindsborg SE Goessel Sedgwick NE Clay Center SE Gaylord Gaylord Gaylord Atchison NE White City NW Wreford Wreford Wreford Atchison NE Wreford Gem Crisfield Geneseo Geneseo Geneseo Geneseo Geneva Geneva Iola Lebanon Rozel SW Pittsburg Lenexa Kingman Garden City East Roxbury Redwing Gerlane Goddard Haven Gypsum Kensington KS104 FEATURE NAME Germantown Cemetery German Township Gerro Gordo (historical) Gethsemane Church Gettis Cemetery Gettysburg (historical) Gettysburg Township Geuda See Geuda Springs Geuda Springs East Geuda Springs Geuda Remanto Geuda Springs Cemetery Geuda Springs Oil Field Giareau Trading Post See Trading Post Gibbs Gibson (historical) Gibson Creek Gibson Oil and Gas Field Gibson Shopping Center Gibson Shopping Center Gideon (historical) Gideon Baptist Church Gilbert See Fowler Gilbert Danville Gilbert Cemetery Giles City See Claflin Gilfillan (historical) Gilkey Lake Gill Airport Gillilands Farm Airport Gillion Creek See Fourmile Creek Gill Park Gill Township Gilman Township Gilmore See Oakley Gilmore Airport Gilmore Branch Gilmore Canyon Gilmore Creek Gilmore Lake Gilson Creek Gimlet Creek Girard Girard Cemetery Girard Elementary School Girard High School Gish School Glacier Uplands Gladden Bottom Gladden Ravine Gladden School Glade Marion Marvin Gladstone Gladstone (historical) Glad Tidings Assembley of God Church Glad Tidings Assembly of God Gladys (historical) Glasco Del Ray FEATURE CLASS cemetery civil locale church cemetery locale civil ppl ppl cemetery oilfield ppl locale locale stream oilfield locale locale locale church Ppl locale cemetery ppl locale reservoir airport airport stream park civil civil ppl airport stream valley stream reservoir stream stream ppl cemetery school school school plain bend valley school Ppl locale locale church church locale Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN 1914 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT coUnTy Smith Smith Jewell Wyandotte Norton Graham Graham Sumner Sumner Sumner Cowl ey Linn Chautauqua Trego Trego Cowley Crawford Johnson Douglas Sedgwick Meade Mitchell Clay Barton Bourbon Franklin Lane Cheyenne Butler Sedgwick Clay Nemaha Logan Linn Butler Cheyenne Morris Stafford Nemaha Jewell Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Bourbon Atchison Doniphan Wabaunsee Doniphan Phillips Chase Rawlins Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Cloud COORDINATE 394947N099024 1W 395740N0990145W 394737N0975702W 390447N09448 23W 394052N1000758W 392152N09954 32W 392310N1000200W 37065 1N09708 56W 37065 1N09708 56W 370748N09709 39W 370609N0970709W 381455N0944050W 370815N0961936W 38474 38472 3N10004 50W 370334N09707 10W 210W 385207N0944 950W 385350N0951903W 373859N09718 29W 372308N1001143W 392858N0980227W 391707N0970345W 38 3130N0983200W 923W 382417N0951241W 38372 6W 394055N1013615W 375311N0970300W 3738 40N09718 25W 391030N0970630W 395328N0955730W 390800N1005148W 380742N0944 452W 37564 4N0964705W 40010 3N1015540W 384304N0963327W 380340N09848 41W 393434N0961316W 400254N09813 32W 373040N0945016W 373002N0945112W 373034N0945104W 373055N0945037W 374300N0944137W 393400N0952 600W 394900N09454 00W 385721N09558 18W 3948 59N0945539W 394105N09918 34W 382035N09629 38W 395310N1011752W 374241N0972018W 390212N0954 328W 373537N0972037W 392124N0975027W SOURCE COORDINATE 38442 375912N0964 902W 3958 34N1015548W 38394 3N09638 55W 39382 3958 30N0981455W 385912N09559 33W ELEV FT 1120 1037 948 1029 1432 1228 902 944 2804 3420 900 986 896 1811 1172 1271 1320 MAP NAME Kensington Kensington NE Courtland Edwardsville Clayton Penokee Morland NE Geuda Springs Adamsville Arkansas City Elgin NE Gibson Creek Gibson Creek Arkansas City Pittsburg Ocheltree Lawrence Wichita East Beloit Clay Center SE Marmaton Garnett NW Healy Bird City South Wichita East Wakefield Bern Pleasanton De Graff St Francis NW Council Grove Lk Saint John North Duluth Bostwick Girard Girard Girard Girard Cato Effingham Wathena Dover Wathena Phillipsburg S Gladstone McDonald NE Wichita East Topeka Der by Glasco FEATURE NAME Glasgow Glasco Elementary School Glasco High School Glasgow See Glasco Glencoe Township Glencoe Township Glen Dale See Glenlock Glendale Mulberry Glendale (historical) Glendale Cemetery Glendale Cemetery Glendale Cemetery Glendale Cemetery Glendale Church Glendale School Glendale Station See Grover Glendale Township Glen Elder West Hampton Glen Elder Dam Glen Elder State Park Glen Elder Township Glen Elder Wildlife Area Glen Grouse Glengrouse Glengrouse See Glen Grouse Glen Grouse Cemetery Gleniffer Hill Elementary School Glenlock Glen Dale Glenn (historical) Glenn Park Christian Church Glen Rock Creek Glensharold See Glen Sharrald (historical) Glen Sharrald (historical) Glensharold Glen Valley See Conway Springs Glen Valley School Glenview Church Glenville Glenville Bible Baptist Church Glenwood See Merriam Glenwood (historical) Glenwood Cemetery Glenwood Cemetery Glenwood Mall Glenwood Park Glenwood Township Glick See Belvidere Glick (historical) Glick Oil and Gas Field Globe Marion Globe School Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Gnadenau Cemetery Goat Canyon Goat Island Goddard Blendon FEATURE CLASS school school ppl civil civil locale Ppl locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church school locale civil Ppl dam park civil park Ppl Ppl cemetery school locale locale church stream locale locale ppl school church Ppl church ppl locale cemetery cemetery locale park civil ppl locale oilfield locale school church cemetery valley bend Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT CoUnTy Cloud Cloud Cloud Butler Trego Anderson Saline Bourbon Reno Bourbon Coffey Mitchell Pratt Miami Douglas Saline Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Cowley Cowley Cowley Saline Anderson Johnson Sedgwick Smith Rice Rice Sumner Shawnee Mitchell Sedgwick Sedgwick Johnson Leavenworth Crawford Mitchell Johnson Labette Phillips Kiowa Kiowa Comanche Douglas Douglas Sedgwick Marion Trego Dickinson Sedgwick COORDINATE 392111N0975006W 392114N0975006W 392124N0975027W 374140N0963727W 385451N0993902W 3818 36N0952030W 38535 IW 352W 375416N0982353W 37570 428W 381629N09539 16W 393314N0981052W 373606N0983747W 38 3954N0944606W 390335N0952736W 385450N0975225W 392955N09818 30W 392947N098 18 56W 393010N098 19 30W 393140N0981945W 39294 56W 372600N0963700W 372600N0963700W 372742N0963509W 385018N0973515W 3818 36N09520 30W 385920N0944000W 373841N0972144W 39382 3N098 56 14W 382751N09828 44W 382751N09828 44W 372325N09738 31W 390745N0954754W 392800N0982020W 373645N0972050W 107W 390125N0944136W 390600N094 564 5W 373637N0950414W 393019N0981655W 385731N0943955W 371936N0951609W 395740N0991310W 372701N0990447W 372906N09904 30W 37234 3N09904 5 OW 38465 358W 384750N0952324W 129W 38192 384342N0994 555W 3858 36N096573 3W 373935N09734 30W SOURCE COORDINATE 393325N0985657W 384151N0994444W ELEV FT 1385 888 1747 904 1084 1522 1867 1029 1424 1330 1005 915 1448 1278 940 970 1060 1135 1465 KS105 MAP NAME Glasco Glasco Beaumont Ogallah Culver Hammond Sylvia Hammond New Strawn Jewell SW Pratt SW Spring Hill Culver Glen Elder South Glen Elder South Glen Elder North Glen Elder North Glen Elder South Cambridge NE Cambridge NE Salina Garnett West Lenexa Wichita East Cedar Chase NW Grove Glen Elder South Derby Derby Bonner Springs Walnut Glen Elder North Lenexa Parsons West Kensington NW Belvidere Belvidere Globe Globe Wichita East Hillsboro Osgood Kansas Falls Goddard KS106 FEATURE NAME Goddard Goddard Goddard Goddard Godfrey Godfrey Airport Godfrey County See Elk County Gods People United Church High School Intermediate School Junior High School Primary School Goebel East Oil Field Goemann Landing Strip Goessel Goessel Goessel Goessel Goff Cemetery Elementary School High School Goffs Goffs See Goff Gognac (historical) Goldamer Cemetery Golden (historical) Golden Belt Memorial Park Golden Belt Township Golden Cemetery Golden Cemetery Golden City See Kansas Centre (historical) Goldengate School Golden Plains Cemetery Golden Plains Elementary School Golden Plains High School Golden Plains Junior High School Goldenrod Golden Rod School Golden Rule School Golden Valley Church Gomeria See Republic Good Creek See Coon Creek Goode (historical) Goodel Cemetery Good Hope Cemetery Good Hope School Good Intent Good Intent School Goodland Gandy Sherman Center Goodland Cemetery Goodland Municipal Airport Renner Field Goodrich Goodrich Cemetery Goodrich Creek Goodrich Creek See Landers Creek West Fork Sugar Creek Goodrich Oil Field Good Samaritan Home Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Gooseberry Creek Goose Creek Goose Creek See Skunk Creek Goose Creek Walnut Creek FEATURE CLASS school school school school locale airport civil church oilfield airport Ppl cemetery school school ppl ppl locale cemetery locale cemetery civil cemetery cemetery locale school cemetery school school school locale school school church Ppl stream locale cemetery cemetery school Ppl school Ppl cemetery airport Ppl cemetery stream stream oilfield building church stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS CoUnTy COORDINATE UNOFF Sedgwick 373935N0973451W UNOFF Sedgwick 373940N09734 36W UNOFF Sedgwick 373935N0973451W UNOFF Sedgwick 373940N09734 36W BGN Bourbon 374542N0944235W UNOFF Greenwood 380635N0960655W VARIANT Elk 372700N0961400W UNOFF Shawnee 39042 UNOFF Hodgeman 381321N0995414W UNOFF Harper 371506N0981412W BGN Marion 381447N0972055W UNOFF Marion 109W UNOFF Marion 100W UNOFF Marion 381451N0972026W BGN Nemaha 393950N0955555W VARIANT VARIANT Nemaha 393950N0955555W BGN Grant 373345N1012500W UNOFF Finney 374626N1015425W BGN Grant 3728 35N1012620W UNOFF Barton 382601N0984706W ADMIN Lincoln 385452N0981905W UNOFF Grant 3728 32N1012728W UNOFF Butler 373809N0970101W VARIANT Rice 382930N0981420W UNOFF Butler 375350N09703 15W UNOFF Seward 371619N1000234W UNOFF Sheridan 393218N10034 10W UNOFF Thomas 392759N1004435W UNOFF Thomas 392759N1004435W BGN Lincoln 390336N0981439W UNOFF Shawnee 39093 734W UNOFF Shawnee 390700N0954 509W UNOFF Allen 375242N095133 3W VARIANT Republic 395525N0974917W VARIANT Douglas 385600N09523 32W BGN Phillips 395522N0992735W UNOFF Sumner 370146N09728 17W UNOFF Dickinson 390220N0965957W UNOFF Ellis 384703N09928 34W BGN 1897 Atchison 393600N0951300W UNOFF Atchison 393608N0951125W BGN Sherman 392103N1014235W VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF Sherman 392155N1014250W UNOFF Sherman 392152N1014129W VARIANT BGN Linn 381705N0945930W UNOFF Linn 381638N09458 59W BGN Linn 381641N0945910W VARIANT Linn 381641N0945910W VARIANT UNOFF Sedgwick 375225N097 194 0W UNOFF Ellsworth 384300N0981410W UNOFF Sedgwick 373625N0971407W BGN Sedgwick 375425N0972107W BGN Cowley 372327N09638 38W VARIANT Kingman 372337N098 222 3W BGN Kingman 37242 3N098 18 00W VARIANT SOURCE COORDINATE 381915N0950206W 375717N0971752W 372755N09638 21W 372645N0982057W ELEV FT 960 1100 1477 1533 1537 1250 3135 1881 1395 971 1074 2063 1037 1073 3683 3674 3648 900 1545 MAP NAME Goddard Goddard Goddard Goddard Fort Scott Lamont Topeka Jetmore NW Crystal Springs Goessel Lehigh Goessel Goessel Goff Ulysses SW Garden City SW Wagon Bed Spr NW Great Bend NE Wilson NE Wagon Bed Spr NW Santa Fe Lake Potwin Moscow SE Selden Rexford Rexford Lincoln Grove Silver Lake Moran Woodruff South Haven Milford Dam Antonino Atchison West Atchison West Goodland Goodland Goodland Parker Parker Parker Valley Center Ellsworth Der by Sedgwick NE Cambridge NW Zenda FEATURE NAME Goose Creek Goose Creek Goose Creek Wright Creek Goose Creek Goose Creek Goose Island Goose Lake Gopher See Winona Gopher Station See Winona Gordon Gordon Creek Gordy Park Gore Township Gorham Gorham Cemetery Gorham High School Gorham Oil Field Gose See Shook Goshen (historical) Goshen Township Gospel Fellowship Church Gospel Lighthouse Pentecostal Church Gospel Ridge Cemetery Gospel Tabernacle Goss Cemetery Gottland Cemetery Gould See Severy Gould City See Severy Gould City (historical) Gould Creek Gove Gove City Gove Cemetery Gove City See Gove Gove County Gove Creek Gove Elementary School Government Hill Governor Harvey Canyon Gove Township Graber Elementary School Graber Oil Field Grace and Truth Gospel Chapel Grace Baptist Chuch Grace Brethren Church Grace Cemetery Grace Church Grace Church Grace Church of the Nazarene Grace Community Baptist Church Grace Community Church Grace Episcopal Cathedral Grace Hill Cemetery Grace Hill Church Grace Hospital Graceland Cemetery Graceland Cemetery Grace Lutheran Church Grace Lutheran School FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream bend reservoir Ppl ppl ppl stream park civil ppl cemetery school oilfield locale locale civil church church cemetery church cemetery cemetery ppl ppl locale stream ppl cemetery ppl civil stream school summit valley civil school oilfield church church church cemetery church church church church church church cemetery church hospital cemetery cemetery church school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUunTy Allen Reno Russell Wallace Geary Wyandotte Ness Logan Logan Butler Montgomery Butler Sumner Russell Russell Russell Russell Harper Graham Clay Gray Sedgwick Cowley Leavenworth Harper Cloud Greenwood Greenwood Rooks Chase Gove Gove Gove Gove Sheridan Gove Leavenworth Geary Gove Reno McPherson Dickinson Sedgwick Sedgwick Rawlins Harvey Shawnee Sedgwick Sedgwick Shawnee Shawnee Republic Harvey Reno Meade Coffey Sedgwick Wyandotte COORDINATE 374427N0951631W 374947N098 104 2W 384727N0984212W 385730N1014728W 385928N09652 12W 3908 40N094 35 30W 38234 3W 390348N1011438W 390348N1011438W 373519N0965925W 371702N0954727W 374855N0965105W 372620N0971149W 385254N0990122W 38524 19W 38524 385330N098 57 15W 370627N09808 19W 39303 3N100062 1W 393136N0970150W 373435N1002559W 374335N0972041W 371535N0963732W 391513N095004 3W 370607N0981019W 39363 3N097 364 5W 373720N0961340W 373720N0961340W 392300N0993500W 38194 126W 385728N1002918W 385648N1002905W 385728N1002918W 385500N1002900W 390938N1001901W 38572 3N1002902W 392040N0945650W 390425N0965001W 385615N1003140W 380415N0975501W 381200N0972720W 384753N0971754W 373908N0972124W 374222N0971702W 394706N1012257W 37595 9N09732 13W 39042 10W 374654N0972 108W 374153N0971322W 390302N095402 OW 390302N0954101W 394545N0973908W 380147N0971047W 38034 1N0975551W 371704N1001908W 381020N0954 4 48W 373900N0971748W 39072 954W SOURCE COORDINATE 374859N0951607W 374246N0982117W 383750N098 454 2W 390158N1021025W 390111N0965348W 3718 32N0955032W 382217N0964232W 390755N1002129W 390506N0964 950W ELEV FT 1220 1914 2775 1391 1390 2634 2685 1060 1211 1536 1059 KS107 MAP NAME Iola SE Pretty Prairie SW Dorrance SW Sharon Springs W Wreford North Kansas City Ness City Gordon Table Mound El Dorado Mulvane Gorham Gorham Gorham Russell NW Lenora West Linn SE Montezuma Wichita East Cambridge Easton Waldron Rice Nicodemus Elmdale Gove Gove Gove Midway Draw East Gove Leavenworth Junction City Orion NE Hutchinson Hesston Holland Wichita East Wichita East Mc Donald SW Bentley Topeka Valley Center Andover Topeka Topeka Belleville Elbing Hutchinson Meade Burlington Wichita East Shawnee KS108 FEATURE NAME Grace United Methodist Church Grafton Graggs Chapel Cemetery Graham Airport Graham County Graham County Dam Antelope Lake Dam Graham County Fairgrounds Graham Farms Airport Graham Farms Auxiliary Airport Graham Oil Field Graham Park Graham Township Grainfield Grainfield Cemetery Grainfield Elementary School Grainfield Township Granada Pleasant Spring Granada Cemetery Granada Township Grand Center Cemetery Grand Central School Grande Riviére des Cansez See Kansas River Grande Saline River See Nescatunga Creek Grande Saline Riviére See Saline River Grand Prairie (historical) Grand Prairie Cemetery Grand Prairie School Grand River See Neosho River Grand River See Marais des Cygnes River Grand River Township Grand Sabine River See Salt Fork Arkansas River Grand Salina Fork See Saline River Grand Saline Fork See Saline River Grand Shopping Center Grand Summit Grand Summit Oil Field Grand Union School Grand View See Delavan Grandview Grandview (historical) Grandview Cemetery Grandview Cemetery Grandview Cemetery Grandview Church Grandview Church Grandview Elementary School Grandview Elementary School Grand View Hill Grandview Park Grandview Park Grandview Plaza Grand View School Grand View School Grandview School Grandview Township Granger Creek Granite Creek FEATURE CLASS church locale cemetery airport civil dam locale airport airport oilfield park civil ppl cemetery school civil ppl cemetery civil cemetery school stream stream stream locale cemetery school stream stream civil stream stream stream locale locale oilfield school Ppl ppl locale cemetery cemetery cemetery church church school school summit park park ppl school school school civil stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS county COORDINATE UNOFF Shawnee 390122N0954115W BGN Chautauqua 371201N09608 58W UNOFF Jefferson 392113N09533 12W UNOFF Butler 373825N09707 15W ADMIN Graham 392100N0995 300W UNOFF Graham 392224N1000636W VARIANT UNOFF Graham 392108N0995311W UNOFF Anderson 623W UNOFF Anderson 381640N0952635W UNOFF Cowley 371145N0970412W ADMIN Butler 37484 4N0965215W ADMIN Graham 393215N0994900W BGN Gove 39064 UNOFF Gove 390705N10028 15W UNOFF Gove 390655N10028 00W ADMIN Gove 390410N1002900W BGN Nemaha 394312N0954736W VARIANT UNOFF Nemaha 394357N0954756W ADMIN Nemaha 394145N0955015W UNOFF Osborne 39084 UNOFF Marion 38 3306N0971736W VARIANT Wyandotte 39065 363 3W VARIANT Comanche 370515N09908 15W VARIANT Saline 385128N0973021W BGN Brown 39474 927W UNOFF Cowley 37213 406W UNOFF Jackson 392144N0955203W VARIANT Cherokee 354732N0951739W VARIANT Linn 381310N0943120W ADMIN Sedgwick 374130N09745 10W VARIANT Barber 363558N09703 10W VARIANT Saline 385128N0973021W VARIANT Saline 385128N0973021W UNOFF Rice 382043N0981207W BGN Cowley 372205N0963247W BGN Cowley 372237N0963130W UNOFF Wichita 381645N1011724W VARIANT Morris 383922N09648 47W BGN Wyandotte 390402N094535 3W BGN Osage 385125N0955507W UNOFF Wilson 372309N095 38 30W UNOFF Lyon 382302N0962 115W UNOFF Riley 392007N0964 627W UNOFF Cowley 370047N0965909W UNOFF Wyandotte 3908 400W UNOFF Butler 375000N096503 6W UNOFF Reno 38032 5W BGN Geary 390045N09648 20W ADMIN Reno 380330N09753 30W ADMIN Marion 381416N0965601W BGN Geary 391045N0984720W UNOFF Geary 390106N09648 23W UNOFF Brown 395914N09522 19W UNOFF Harper 372028N09804 31W ADMIN Ford 37493 644W BGN Clark 371807N0993903W BGN Mitchell 392931N0982124W SOURCE COORDINATE 372719N0993913W 39372 528W ELEV FT 810 1332 985 1000 2813 1215 1233 1671 1181 1144 1680 1455 3256 900 1194 1264 1221 1290 1100 1295 1030 1550 MAP NAME Topeka Sedan Holton SE Santa Fe Lake Penokee Morland Ne Hill City South Harris Harris Hackney El Dorado Edmond SE Grainfield Grainfield Grainfield Grainfield Wetmore Wetmore Wetmore Paradise NE Gypsum SE Fairview Cambridge Soldier Creek SE Cheney Lyons Grand Summit Cambridge NE Lydia Bonner Springs Harveyville Neodesha Plymouth Riley Silverdale Parkville El Dorado Hutchinson Junction City Hutchinson Florence Junction City Junction City White Cloud Harper Wright Mount Jesus Glen Elder South FEATURE NAME Granite Creek Cemetery Granite Township Granny Branch Grant : See Mission Creek (historical) Grant Grant (historical) Grant Cemetery Grant Cemetery Grant Center See Stark Grant Chapel African Methodist Episcopel Church Grant County Grant County Fairgrounds Grant Creek Grant Creek Cemetery Grant Elementary School Grant Junior High School Grant Ridge Grant School Grant School Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township See Center Township Grant Township Grant Township Grant Township Grantville Grantville Cemeteries Grantville Elementary School Gra-Rook North Oil Field Gra-Rook Oil Field Grass (historical) Grasshopper Creek See Delaware River Grasshopper Creek See Little Delaware River Grass Hopper Falls See Valley Falls Grasshopper Falls See Valley Falls Grasshopper River See Delaware River Grasshopper Township Grass Park Grave Creek Camp Creek FEATURE CLASS cemetery civil stream locale locale locale cemetery cemetery ppl church civil locale stream cemetery school school ridge school school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil ppl cemetery school oilfield oilfield locale stream stream ppl Ppl stream civil park stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT CcoUnNnTY Mitchell Phillips Miami Wabaunsee Lincoln Riley Marion Osborne Neosho Sedgwick Grant Grant Chautauqua Chautauqua Wyandotte Sherman Geary Russell Shawnee Cowley Crawford Neosho Sedgwick Reno Pawnee Marion Barton Osage Russell Dickinson Douglas Lincoln Ottawa Clay Riley Sherman Pottawatomie Osborne Wyandotte Republic Rawlins Washington Jewell Decatur Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Rooks Rooks Montgomery Jefferson Atchison Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Atchison Rush Cloud COORDINATE 393035N09822 34W 3958 383634N0945307W 385645N0960407W 390707N0982000W 391445N0964555W 38214 393127N09858 15W 374124N09508 34W 374359N0971750W 373500N1012000W 373536N1012208W 370215N0962226W 37064 9N0692 357W 390716N0943710W 392051N1014304W 390300N0964515W 3848 45N0985119W 39042 3N0954019W 370345N0964110W 373125N0950220W 374125N095094 0W 375205N0971900W 380748N0980407W 381308N0992420W 382155N0965255W 383357N098 58 40W 38 3905N09553 35W 384938N0985040W 385455N0971215W 390120N0951400W 390530N098 18 30W 391100N0973220W 391630N0965950W 3918 10N09642 30W 392900N10156 30W 393132N0960515W 393136N09958 19W 39360 400W 394155N0973225W 394205N1010215W 394 650N09718 45W 394652N09758 18W 395803N1001311W 340W 39054 3N09534 32W 390456N0953315W 391632N0993550W 391540N0993600W 371318N0955010W 39033 351W 393345N0953207W 392036N0952736W 39203 6N09527 36W 39033 3N0952 351W 393548N0952614W 38 3130N09918 40W 3938 12N0974451W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3734N09455 14W 370729N0960411W 394103N0974124W ELEV FT 1438 1450 1460 1785 918 1812 879 875 932 Ks109 MAP NAME Cawker City Woodruff Antioch Vesper Fort Riley NE Lincolnville SW Gaylord SW Wichita East Ulysses Ulysses Cedar Vale East Cedar Vale East Kansas City Goodland Junction City Homer Topeka Dexter SW Walnut Stark Valley Center Nickerson Rozel Lincolnville SW Olmitz Miller Homer Abilene Midland Vesper Wells Bala Olsburg SW Ruleton NW Havenville Gaylord SW Scottsville Wayne Haddam Courtland Lyle Grantville Grantville Grantville Palco Palco Bolton Effingham La Crosse Condordia NW KS110 FEATURE NAME Gravel Hill School Graves (historical) Graveyard Mound Gray Gray Branch Gray Creek Gray Center Gray County Gray County Free Fair Gray Creek See Gray Branch Gray School Grayson (historical) Grayson School Grays Park Graystone See Greystone (historical) Greaser Creek Great Bend Greatbend Greatbend See Great Bend Great Bend Airport See Great Bend Municipal Airport Great Bend Cemetery Great Bend High School Great Bend Lowland See Great Bend Prairie Great Bend Municipal Airport Great Bend Airport Great Bend Plaza Great Bend Prairie Great Bend Lowland Low Plains Great Bend Township Great Eastern Ditch Greater Saint Marys Baptist Church Greathouse Creek Great Plains Great Spirit Spring Waconda Spring Greeley Greely Greeley Center (historical) Greeley County Greeley County Elementary School Greeley County High School Greeley Township Greeley Township Greely See Greeley Greely County Cemetery Greely Elementary School Green Powellsburgh Green See Connell Greenburg Elementary School Green Bush See Greenbush Greenbush Green Bush Greencastle Cemetery Green Cemetery Green Cemetery Greencrest Memorial Garden FEATURE CLASS school locale summit locale stream locale civil locale stream school locale school Ppl locale stream Ppl ppl airport cemetery school plain airport locale plain civil canal church stream plain spring ppl locale civil school school civil civil ppl cemetery school Ppl locale school Ppl Ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Montgomery Cloud Linn Hodgeman Washington Gray Gray Gray Washington Jackson Clark Jefferson Wyandotte Wilson Allen Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Kearny Sedgwick Wilson Thomas Mitchell Anderson Greeley Greeley Greeley Greeley Sedgwick Saline Anderson Scott Anderson Clay Sedgwick Kiowa Crawford Crawford Sumner Shawnee Clay Ford COORDINATE 371654N0954205W 39294 6N0974 320W 38155 3N0944551W 380930N09938 30W 395144N0971339W 374414N10028 10W 374400N1002600W 3748 32N1002140W 395144N0971339W 393804N0953 926W 371100N0993515W 391534N09518 42W 390300N094 38 00W 550W 375707N0952 636W 382152N0984552W 382152N0984552W 382050N098 524 5W 382205N0984759W 382217N0984611W 381730N0984730W 382050N098 524 5W 382240N0984705W 381730N0984730W 382327N0984521W 380200N1010350W 374354N0971904W 374039N09552 34W 392500N1011730W 39295 224 3W 36W 382915N1015145W 382800N1015000W 382821N1014523W 38282 375210N09738 45W 384940N0973220W 382200N09507 36W 382733N1014510W 382200N095072 3W 392540N0970006W 373710N0971741W 373600N0991730W 373052N09459 16W 373052N0945916W 314W 390504N0955615W 392525N09659 18W 374537N1000308W SOURCE COORDINATE 395927N0971450W 373742N095263 3W 3738 ELEV FT 940 2131 2750 1103 900 1849 1880 880 1383 984 1316 1414 2559 MAP NAME Sycamore Aurora NW La Cygne Hanston NW Morrowville Montezuma NW Montezuma NW Cimarron Horton NW Sugarloaf Winchester Shawnee Iola Great Bend Great Bend Great Bend Pawnee Rock Great Bend NE Great Bend Great Bend NE Wolf Wichita East Coyville Brewster NE Mill Creek Garnett East Tribune Tribune Tribune Tribune Mount Hope Salina Tribune Garnett SE Clay Center NE Greenburg Brazilton Millerton Willard Lasita Dodge City FEATURE NAME Green Dell School Greene County See Seward County Green Elementary School Green Elm (historical) Green Elm Church Greene Township Greene Township See Township Number 1 Greenfield Cemetery Greenfield Cemetery Greenfield Lake Greenfield Township Greenfield Township See Township Number 2 Greengarden See Lorraine Green Garden Oil Field Green Garden Township Greenhall Creek Green Hollow Green Lawn Cemetery Green Lawn Cemetery Greenlawn Cemetery Greenlawn Cemetery Greenlawn Elementary School Greenleaf Hopper Round Grove Greenleaf Elementary School Greenleaf Township Green Mound Cemetery Green Mound Cemetery Green Mound Church Green Ridge Cemetery Green Ridge School Greensburg Greensburgh Janes Greensburgh See Greensburg Greensburg Junior-Senior High School Greens Farm Park Green Station See Connell Greensward (historical) Green Top (historical) Green Township See Township Number 2 Green Township Greenvale (historical) Green Valley Cemetery Green Valley Cemetery Green Valley Cemetery Green Valley Church Green Valley School Green Valley School Greenville Cemetery Greenwich Greenwich Cemetery Greenwich Heights Spurrier Gardens Greenwood (historical) Greenwood Cemetery Greenwood Cemetery FEATURE CLASS school civil school locale church civil civil cemetery cemetery lake civil civil ppl oilfield civil stream valley cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school ppl school civil cemetery cemetery church cemetery school Ppl ppl school park locale locale locale civil civil locale cemetery cemetery cemetery church locale school cemetery Ppl cemetery Ppl locale cemetery cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF coUunTy Franklin Seward Clay Crawford Crawford Sumner Harper Marion Washington Harvey Elk Rooks Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Greenwood Chautauqua Elk Dickinson Pratt Neosho Cherokee Washington Washington Washington Rooks Mitchell Mitchell Dickinson Wilson Kiowa Kiowa Kiowa Cowley Sedgwick Meade Doniphan Harper Pottawatomie Russell Sedgwick Linn Miami Miami Linn Pottawatomie Ottawa Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Greenwood Chautauqua Kingman COORDINATE 383906N0951457W 371200N1005000W 392607N096595 1W 372645N0950305W 372631N0950201W 371021N09718 35W 372235N0982000W 381331N0971944W 395638N0971311W 375522N0974159W 37185 392630N0991240W 38 3408N098 18 59W 38 3610N0981630W 38 3356N098 18 45W 37592 371244N09558 20W 372048N0962611W 384728N0971857W 373935N098 43 30W 373940N09528 30W 370237N0945307W 39434 3 3W 394332N09758 48W 394155N0965755W 391645N099304 1W 391913N0975 909W 391915N0980011W 390712N09708 36W 372822N0955 320W 373610N0991732W 373610N0991732W 373610N0991730W 370604N09700 39W 373710N0971741W 370550N1001226W 394100N0951030W 370345N098 104 0W 392130N0963500W 384725N098 38 00W 37530 381304N0944235W 3828 12N0950250W 382930N0950 320W 381306N0944250W 391158N0963039W 38584 6N0972753W 374658N0971212W 374507N0971336W 373912N0971218W 375100N09558 4 5W 37073 3N0961017W 373337N0975922W SOURCE COORDINATE 380244N0955717W 371357N0955734W ELEV FT 1525 1265 964 1417 2099 1524 1513 975 2235 1346 917 994 801 1224 1400 1418 1360 924 913 1549 KS111 MAP NAME Le Loup Lasita Mc Cune Mc Cune NE South Haven NE Goessel Washington NW Patterson Grenola Lorraine Lorraine Virgil Caney NW Grenola Holland Pratt Chanute Melrose Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf Palco Glasco SW Beloit SE Buckeye Buxton Greensburg Greensburg Arkansas City Proffitt Lake SW Bendena Tuttle Creek Dam Dorrance SW Whitewater Pleasanton Lane Lane Pleasanton Manhattan Niles Greenwich Greenwich Andover Toronto Sedan Murdock KS112 FEATURE NAME Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Community Club Greenwood County Greenwood Elementary School Greenwood Pasture Greenwood School Greenwood School Greenwood Station (historical) Cemetery Cemetery Greenwood Township Greenwood Township Greenwood Union Cemetery Greenwood Valley School Greer Miller Landing Strip Gregg Creek See Craig Creek Greggs Creek See Craig Creek Gregory (historical) Greiffenstein Elementary School Grellet School Grellett Cemetery Grenola Canola Greshamton See Beardsley Greshamton (historical) Gretna Dana Greystone See Roper Greystone (historical) Graystone Greystone Heights (historical) Gridley Bangor Fredericktown Gridley Cemetery Gridley Dam Gridley Elementary School Gridley High School Gridley Lake Griffith Ball Park Griffith Cemetery Griffith Cemetery Griffith Elementary School Grigsby See Grigston Grigston Grigsby Grindstone Creek Grinnell Grinnell Cemetery Grinnell High School Grinnell Township Grinter (historical) Grinter Chapel Grinter Heights Gritten Cemetery Groff Oil Field Gross FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery locale civil school flat school school locale civil civil cemetery school airport stream stream locale school school cemetery Ppl locale locale Ppl Ppl locale locale ppl cemetery dam school school reservoir building cemetery cemetery school locale locale stream Ppl cemetery school civil locale church ppl cemetery oilfield Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN coUnTy Sedgwick Neosho Greenwood Harvey Lyon Morris Wabaunsee Leavenworth Clay Marshall Phillips Nemaha Greenwood Johnson Morton Franklin Wabaunsee Greenwood Franklin Phillips Mitchell Douglas Butler Nemaha Nemaha Jewell Sedgwick Mitchell Mitchell Elk Rawlins Rawlins Phillips Wilson Wilson Wyandotte Coffey Coffey Coffey Coffey Coffey Coffey Riley Labette Chase Sedgwick Scott Scott Crawford Gove Logan Gove Gove Wyandotte Wyandotte Wyandotte Republic Trego Crawford COORDINATE 373624N09724 56W 37400 400W 37492 3N09 6162 1W 380240N0971930W 382117N0961230W 38 3932N0963004W 391055N0960915W 391717N0945619W 392404N097073 9W 393905N0964009W 395311N0991425W 393540N0960156W 375200N0961600W 390052N0944537W 371100N1015255W 38344 4N0952454W 39102 6092 3W 373720N09608 45W 38335 3N0952708W 395120N0991308W 350W 390238N09528 42W 374619N0970222W 939W 394038N0953 939W 395336N098 124 5W 373837N0971931W 39285 1N098 205 6W 39285 3N0982 102W 372055N0962701W 394852N1011338W 394735N1011320W 39455 373940N0954 357W 373930N0954 550W 390445N0943 630W 380552N0955300W 380524N09552 38W 380545N09552 35W 380602N098 530 3W 380548N09553 15W 38054 3 5W 420W 371447N0952953W 381129N09 6484 3W 373938N0971720W 300W 382905N1004 300W 372531N0945618W 390738N1003743W 390748N1003807W 390707N1013755W 390340N1004100W 390447N0944535W 390447N0944541W 39042 6N0944 550W 395402N0975 128W 384742N0993800W 37360 38 58W SOURCE COORDINATE 372913N09458 50W ELEV FT 1302 1465 1145 1227 1349 936 988 983 1600 1697 1432 1117 1870 1130 1130 2925 2910 869 1578 MAP NAME Bayneville Chanute Eureka Newton Olpe Council Grove Lk Belvue Leavenworth Clay Center NW Blue Rapids Kensington NW Havenville Eureka Edwardsville Elkhart NW Pomona Belvue Severy South Pomona Gretna Hunter Perry Benton Mankato NW Wichita East Glen Elder South Glen Elder South Grenola Beardsley Gretna Middletown Kansas City Gridley Gridley Gridley Gridely Gridley Gridley Manhattan Mound Valley Wons evu Wichita East Grigston Grindstone Creek Grinnell North Grinnell North Grinnell South Grinnell South Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Republic Cedar Bluff Dam Arma FEATURE NAME Grouse Creek Little Neosho Grouse Creek Club Grouse Creek Oil Field Grove Grove Grove Center Groveland Groveland Cemetery Groveland Northeast Oil Field Groveland South Oil Field Groveland Township Grover Glendale Station Grove Township Grove Township Guelph (historical) Guelph Oil Field Guelph Township Guilford See Benedict Guilford Guilford Bridge Guilford Township Guittard See Guittard Station Guittard Cemetery Guittard Station Guittard Guittard Township Gulick Park Gun Barrel Hill Gunn Park Gusslers Gulch See Guzzlers Gulch Guthridge Elementary School Guthrie Mountain Guthrie School Guy See Tasco Guzzler Gulch See Guzzlers Gulch Guzzlers Gulch Gusslers Gulch Guzzler Gulch Gyp Creek North Branch Sand Creek Gypsum Gypsum City Pliny Gypsum Cemetery Gypsum City See Gypsum Gypsum Creek Gypsum Creek Gypsum Creek See Battle Creek Gypsum Creek See South Gypsum Creek Gypsum Creek Gypsum Creek Oil Field Gypsum Creek Township Gypsum Hill Cemetery Gypsum Hills Gypsum Township Gypsum Township FEATURE CLASS stream locale oilfield locale locale ppl locale cemetery oilfield oilfield civil locale civil civil locale oilfield civil Ppl locale bridge civil locale cemetery locale civil park summit park valley school summit school ppl valley valley stream ppl cemetery ppl stream stream stream stream stream oilfield civil cemetery summit civil civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN coUnTy Cowley Cowley Cowley Labette Shawnee Wyandotte McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson Douglas Reno Shawnee Sumner Sumner Sumner Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Sherman Wabaunsee Bourbon Ness Labette Bourbon Cowley Sheridan Ness Ness Clark Saline Saline Saline Sedgwick Harvey McPherson McPherson Saline Saline McPherson Saline Barber Sedgwick Saline COORDINATE 370012N09655 18W 370310N09652 50W 372618N0964015W 371930N0952550W 39100 132W 390345N09448 05W 381735N0974 345W 381906N0974713W 382000N0974 350W 3818 30W 3818 30N0974 530W 390335N0952736W 375205N0982500W 391025N0955 130W 370247N0971532W 37022 3N0972 106W 370440N09718 32W 373725N0954 437W 37355 310W 373534N0954 342W 373610N0954 355W 395452N09624 30W 3954 34N0962455W 395452N09624 30W 395128N09624 45W 392103N1014228W 384905N0961220W 374940N0944322W 381620N09954 12W 371956N0951657W 375930N0945324W 37032 3N09704 34W 392115N1001727W 381620N09954 12W 381620N09954 12W 371002N1000355W 384220N09725 40W 384132N0972641W 38422 OW 373822N0971825W 37554 3N0970908W 38322 3N0972702W 3832 659W 385138N097244 3W 38 3700N09726 38W 383355N09725 35W 385010N097 34 4 OW 372200N098 374 5W 373625N0971230W 38 3910N09725 36W SOURCE COORDINATE 373502N0963204W 382318N1000956W 372211N1000638W 374317N0971517W 380217N0971508W 382615N097293 9W ELEV 1080 917 937 830 1483 1518 1470 895 1400 1600 1010 1229 KS113 MAP NAME Silverdale Silverdale Cambridge NW Dennis Grove Edwardsville Mc Pherson South Conway Mc Pherson South Mc Pherson South Conway Perry Turon Grove Portland Portland Portland Altoona Altoona Altoona Axtell NW Axtell NW Beattie Goodland Lake Wabaunsee Fort Scott Parsons West Xenia Arkansas City Ness City SW Proffitt Lake Gypsum Gypsum Wichita East Whitewater Kipp Roxbury Roxbury Salina Medicine Lodge SW Rose Hill Gypsum KS114 FEATURE NAME H Hackberry Cemetery Hackberry Creek Hackberry Creek Hackberry Creek Hackberry Creek Hackberry Creek Hackberry Creek Hackberry Township Hackney Constant Haddam Haddam Cemetery Haddam Township Hadley (historical) Hadley Hospital Hadley Junior High School Hafer Run Hageman Elementary School Haggard Hahn Branch Haines Landing Field Hain Lake See Hains Lake Hains Lake Hain Lake Hains Lake Dam Hain State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Halderman Creek Hale Hale Cemetery Halfday Cemetery Half Day Creek See Halfday Creek Halfday Creek Half Day Creek Halfmoon Lake Half Mound Halford Vernier Half Way (historical) Cransdale Halifax See Hessdale Hall See Dale Hall Airfield Hall Cemetery Hall Cemetery Hall Church Hallet See Silver Lake Hallet Township Hall Farms Airport Hall-Gurney Oil and Gas Field Hall Gurney Oil Field Halling Creek Hallowell Halls Summit Warnerton Halls Summit Cemetery Hallville See Windom Hallville Laura Halstead Lakin Halstead Airfield Halstead Cemetery Halstead Elementary School FEATURE CLASS cemetery stream stream stream stream stream stream civil Ppl Ppl cemetery civil locale hospital school stream school ppl stream airport reservoir reservoir dam park stream locale cemetery cemetery stream stream lake ppl ppl locale Ppl locale airport cemetery cemetery church ppl civil airport oilfield oilfield stream ppl Ppl cemetery ppl locale Ppl airport cemetery school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Cheyenne Barber Labette Clark Hodgeman Trego Cheyenne Labette Cowley Washington Washington Washington Crawford Ellis Sedgwick Montgomery Saline Gray Franklin Cowley Ford Ford Ford Ford Greenwood Chautauqua Chautauqua Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Neosho Jefferson Thomas Cloud Wabaunsee Cowley Reno Rush Cloud Ottawa Shawnee Hodgeman Sherman Russell Russell Doniphan Cherokee Coffey Coffey McPherson Saline Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey COORDINATE 395505N1014926W 36585 1N098 48 45W 37055 1W 37200 3N099 4 4 4 0W 381239N1000612W 3848 30N1000300W 395436N1014212W 370330N0951300W 370958N09708 50W 395125N0971805W 395137N0971803W 395132N09718 45W 373420N0944501W 385209N099 194 5W 374216N097234 3W 370224N0955509W 38484 3N0973 655W 373804N1001912W 382750N09504 23W 370028N0970204W 375117N0995127W 375117N0995127W 375117N0995127W 127W 380634N0930348W 371405N0960317W 371403N09602 11W 39093 3N095 425 OW 390611N0954149W 390611N0954 149W 37232 0W 39242 39222 10W 3928 52N097532 9W 385446N0961233W 372015N0970313W 375634N098 22 50W 38302 39264 391425N0973750W 390615N0955 130W 380514N1000348W 391348N1015857W 384245N0984010W 384940N0984 600W 394632N0951720W 37102 594 3W 382050N09540 30W 38202 3N095 402 2W 382302N09754 35W 38 3855N09732 16W 380005N09730 30W 380155N0973027W 380135N097295 6W 38000 1W SOURCE COORDINATE 370948N0984752W 37034 9N0952053W 372145N099504 5W 381911N1002056W 385755N10034 20W 395344N10158 49W 370315N09548 56W 38294 26W 381209N0960544W 391432N0954 220W 394157N0951922W ELEV FT 1151 1400 2776 1183 2394 1014 1025 967 3085 1708 1591 1351 3908 840 1200 1182 1405 1400 1405 MAP NAME White Canyon Tegarden NE Edna Mount Jesus Horse Thief Can N Gibson Creek Heinzelman Canyon Bartlett Hackney Haddam Haddam Haddam McCune NE Hays South Wichita West Caney Salina Haggard Lane Arkansas City Spearville Spearville Spearville Lamont Hale Hale Elmont Topeka Mc Cune NE Half Mound Halford Simpson Sylvia Hargrave Aurora NW Minneapolis North Horse Thief Can Horsethief Dr NW Beaver Homer Highland Hallowell New Strawn New Strawn Assaria Halstead Halstead Zimmerdale Halstead FEATURE NAME Halstead High School Halstead Oil Field Halstead Township Halton See Mendota (historical) Hamburg See Buhler Hamburg Ham Creek See Elk River Hamden See Portland Hamden See Hampden (historical) Hamilton Hamilton See Clyde Hamilton Airport See Hamilton Field Hamilton County Hamilton County Fairgrounds Hamilton County State Lake Hamilton County State Lake Dam Hamilton County State Park Hamilton Elementary School Hamilton Field Hamilton Airport Hamilton High School Hamilton Junior High School See Hamilton Traditional Alternative Junior High Hamilton State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Hamilton Traditional Alternative Junior High Hamilton Junior High School Hamlim See Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin City Hamlin City See Hamlin Hamlin Township Hamm Chapel See Christ the King Lutheran Church Hammer Cemetery Hammond Hammond Cemetery Hammond Park Hampden See Burlington Hampden (historical) Hamden Hampden Township Hampton (historical) Hampton Cemetery Hampton-Fairview Township Hanback (historical) Hancock (historical) Hancock Hill Hancock Landing Strip Hancock Township Handkins Landing Strip Hand Park H and S Cemetery Handy (historical) FEATURE CLASS school oilfield civil locale ppl locale stream ppl locale ppl Ppl airport civil locale reservoir dam park school airport school school park school Ppl ppl ppl civil church cemetery Ppl cemetery park ppl locale civil locale cemetery civil locale locale summit airport civil airport park cemetery locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN CcoUnNnTy Harvey Harvey Harvey Ellis Reno Pawnee Montgomery Sumner Coffey Greenwood Cloud Sedgwick Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Greenwood Sedgwick Greenwood Sedgwick Hamilton Sedgwick Brown Brown Brown Brown Sedgwick Lincoln Bourbon Smith Lyon Coffey Coffey Coffey Rush Rush Rush Norton Lane Leavenworth Wyandotte Osborne Kingman Sedgwick Harper Osborne COORDINATE 375955N0973029W 380430N0973015W 380235N09732 10W 390635N0993 320W 380804N0974611W 380732N0991012W 371524N0954138W 370440N09718 4 3W 381101N0954 150W 37584 6N0960950W 393528N0972355W 373339N0971403W 370100N1014000W 375815N1014530W 380142N1014906W 380142N1014906W 380155N1014915W 375854N0961008W 373339N0971403W 6093 3W 37400 380155N1014915W 374003N0972008W 395458N0953740W 395458N0953740W 395458N0953740W 395710N0953555W 374237N0971652W 385727N0980513W 4414 2W 39352 3N098 4 4 4 9W 382505N0961103W 381140N09544 3 3W 381101N0954150W 381135N0954205W 38354 2N09928 4 5W 38354 9N09928 30W 3838 24N0993 149W 39595 381645N1013645W 392212N0945620W 3908 30N09448 48W 392130N098 3 940W 372911N0980447W 373208N0971556W 371420N0974 94 9W 392245N098 324 4W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 2030 1098 3227 1320 1000 1426 870 1587 2088 1090 1020 1511 1584 KS115 MAP NAME Bentley Halstead Halstead Fort Larned Hamilton Tribune 3 SE Syracuse Tribune 3 SE Tribune 3 SE Tribune 3 SE Hamilton Rose Hill Hamilton Tribune 3 SE Wichita East Morrill Reserve Westfall Hammond Portis Emporia Burlington Burlington Hargrave Hargrave Mc Cracken NE Norton NW Amy SE Leavenworth Wolcott Osborne SW Rago Derby Freeport Downs South KS116 FEATURE NAME Handy (historical) Hillside Hannah Oil Field Hanover Hanover Cemetery Hanover Elementary School Hanover High School Hanover Township Hanover Township Hanson Creek See Starvation Creek Hanson Creek Hanston Marena Nar ema Hanston Cemetery Hanston High School Hanston-Oppy Oil Field Hanston-Oppy Southeast Oil Field Happy (historical) Happy Corner Elementary School Happy Creek Happy Ditch Happy Hill School Happy Hollow Happy Hollow Lake Happy Township Harbaugh Cemetery Harbine Centre Mound Harder Cemetery Hard Fish Creek Hardilee (historical) Harding Hardpan See Agricola Hardrock Cemetery Hardscrable Creek See Mill Creek Hardtna See Hardtner Hardtner Hardtna Hardville (historical) Hardy Oak Cemetery Hargis Creek Hargis Creek Hargrave Harlan Thompson Harlan County Lake Harlan Township Harlan Township Harley Cemetery Harmac Oil Field Harmonia (historical) Harmon Township Harmon Wildlife Area Harmony (historical) Harmony Baptist Church Harmony Cemetery Harmony Cemetery Harmony Cemetery Harmony Cemetery Harmony Hill Elementary School Harmony School Harmony School Harmony School Harmony Township FEATURE CLASS locale oilfield Ppl cemetery school park civil civil stream stream ppl cemetery school oilfield oilfield locale school stream canal school valley reservoir civil cemetery ppl cemetery stream locale ppl ppl cemetery stream ppl ppl locale cemetery stream stream locale Ppl reservoir civil civil cemetery oilfield locale civil park locale church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school school school school civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN CcoUnNnTyY Phillips Cowley Washington Washington Washington Washington Lincoln Washington Phillips Phillips Hodgeman Hodgeman Hodgeman Hodgeman Hodgeman Graham Saline Trego Morton Meade Wyandotte Leavenworth Graham Marshall Republic Butler Franklin Smith Bourbon Coffey Chautauqua Mitchell Barber Barber Jefferson Jefferson Sumner Clark Rush Smith Phillips Smith Decatur Crawford McPherson Linn Sumner Laabette Pawnee Sedgwick Montgomery Labette Butler Allen Lyon Wilson Harvey McPherson Stevens COORDINATE 395252N09912731 3728 30N0963200W 395338N0965245W 395243N09652 15W 39534 9N0965222W 3955 30N0970707W 390530N0982600W 395328N096504 2W 3948 18N0992745W 395206N0992 904W 380719N0994 245W 38092 3N099 425 9W 380722N0994 300W 3808 40N0994 610W 380445N0994 345W 391050N09954 10W 385213N0974005W 39070 370300N1015400W 370827N1002501W 39094 3N0944 200W 392058N0950209W 391220N0995300W 393825N0964 610W 40000 9N0974 605W 37573 38 3515N09528 01W 39524 375938N0944 910W 382510N0953205W 371156N0960136W 3928 18N098 245 6W 370050N098 38 57W 370050N098 38 57W 3918 52W09518 35W 390700N0951451W 371405N0972316W 372600N09 94 64 9W 38332 3N0992 64 LW 393620N0984 600W 39594 393608N098 472 0W 395804N1002020W 371934N0950318W 638W 381115N0943715W 37205 370300N09504 35W 381700N0991930W 373622N09718 56W 371357N0953542W 371932N0952729W 374324N0964008W 374403N09505 20W 381825N0961123W 373054N095 374 5W 380052N0973 34 9W 382235N0973537W 371930N1012645W SOURCE COORDINATE 395345N099 30 38W 391315N0995757W 39085 383047N09528 11W 372013N0972055W 372932N0994 659W ELEV FT 1231 2160 1294 913 1355 1680 1403 850 1420 2175 1576 1988 1463 1428 1523 MAP NAME Stuttgart NE Cambridge NE Hanover West Hanover East Hanover East Hanover East Sylvan Grove Hanover East Stuttgart Hanston Hanston NW Hanston Jetmore NE Hanston Hay Hollow Salina SW Wa Keeney East Elkhart North Lake Larrabee Parkville Easton Hay Hollow Barnes Republic Potwin Pomona Bachelors Run Devon Hale Hardtner Winchester Midland Rome Simmons Creek Hargrave Harlan Stuttgart NE Harlan Kanona NE Mc Cune Moundridge Worland Dalton Chetopa Rush Center SE Derby Liberty Dennis Keighley Porterville Olpe Altoona Halstead Galva Wagon Bed Spr SW FEATURE NAME Harold Shiloh Harold Krier Field Krier Airport Harold McGugin Field See Coffeyville Municipal Airport Harper Cora City Harper Cemetery Harper County Harper Creek Harpers Creek Harper Creek Harper Creek Harper Landing Strip Harper Municipal Airport Harpers Creek See Harper Creek Harper Township See Township Number 6 Harper Township Harport Landing Field Hargis Lake Harrington Cemetery Harris Amiot Harris Creek Harris Draw Harris Elementary School Harrison (historical) Harrison Branch Harrison Church Harrison Creek Harrison-District 6 Township Harrison Flats Harrison Flats School Harrison Junior High School Harrison Landing Field Harrison Township Harrison Township Harrison Township Harrison Township Harrison Township Harrison Township Harrison Township Harrisonville (historical) Harrisonville Cemetery Harry Bivins Airport Harry Street Church of God Harry Street Elementary School Hart Cemetery Hart Draw Harter Cemetery Hartford Hartford Cemetery Hartford High School Hartford Recreation Area Hartke Cemetery Hartland Hartland Cemetery Hartland Township Hartnett School See Nettie Hartnett Elementary School Hart School Harts Mill See Hewins FEATURE CLASS locale airport airport ppl cemetery civil stream stream stream airport airport stream civil civil airport lake cemetery Ppl stream valley school locale stream church stream civil flat school school airport civil civil civil civil civil civil civil locale cemetery airport church school cemetery valley cemetery ppl cemetery school park cemetery locale cemetery civil school school locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT CcoUnTY Ness Clark Montgomery Harper Harper Harper Chautauqua Cowley Lyon Rawlins Harper Chautauqua Harper McPherson Crawford Barber Sedgwick Anderson Nemaha Wallace Sedgwick Jewell Franklin Wilson Butler Norton Wallace Wallace Barton Sedgwick Chautauqua Greeley Rice Franklin Wallace Nemaha Jewell Montgomery Montgomery Miami Sedgwick Sedgwick Brown Meade Marion Lyon Lyon Lyon Coffey Marion Kearny Kearny Kearny Leavenworth Brown Chautauqua COORDINATE 381621N0995559W 371017N0994619W 37054 3N095 34 2 6W 371712N0980132W 371747N0980105W 371200N0980500W 37072 3N09 6045 3W 371044N0965045W 381530N0960534W 395327N1011720W 371648N0980221W 37072 3N09 6045 3W 372030N09803 30W 3828 40N09745 30W 3728 31N09448 59W 370426N0982101W 372924N09735 14W 381910N0952 610W 395437N0960154W 390400N1013718W 374159N0971515W 395800N0981137W 38 3513N095 194 0W 37293 339W 375105N0964 301W 395758N0994 730W 384630N1013600W 384622N1013542W 382218N0984702W 375206N0972233W 370300N0962704W 382152N1014146W 382329N0981205W 383410N0951315W 384858N1013358W 394155N095573 1W 395802N098 12 30W 370805N0954 908W 370756N09548 47W 384107N0950158W 37395 118W 373950N0972008W 395707N0953212W 371825N1002512W 382212N0965654W 3818 30N095 572 OW 381723N0955709W 3818 38N0955724W 3818 40N0955700W 38 3029N0965648W 375314N1012218W 375335N1012133W 38003 3N1012553W 3918 32N094545 6W 139W 6242 9W SOURCE COORDINATE 371046N0960302W 371143N0964739W 381306N0960803W 39515 1N09653 39W 390821N1014124W 383333N0952 114W 37510 638 4 5W 371525N1002345W ELEV FT 2255 1951 1421 3275 1427 970 1272 1314 995 3553 1389 827 1020 1439 1085 1101 1403 3060 3157 1050 KS117 MAP NAME Ness City SW Ashland Harper Harper Anthony Peru Eaton Emporia SE Mc Donald NE Harper Lindsborg Radley Corwin Millerton Harris St Benedict Harris Draw East Wichita East Mankato NW Ottawa South Morehead Pontiac Norton NE Harrison Flats Harrison Flats Great Bend Maize Cedar Vale East Selkirk SW Lyons NW Peoria Harrison Flats Goff Mankato NW Bolton Bolton Wellsville Wichita East Wichita East Reserve Missler Lincolnville SW Hartford Hartford Hartford Hartford Lost Springs Lakin Lakin Leoti 3 SW Reserve KS118 FEATURE NAME Hartsook See Herzog Township Hartsook See Victoria Harvey Cemetery Harvey County Harvey County Park Harvey Creek Harvey Hill Harvey Oil Field Harvey Township Harvey Township Harveyville Harveyville Elementary School Harwoodville See Fargo Springs (historical) Harwoodville Township See Fargo Township Has by See Trenton Haskell See Bush City Haskell Cemetery Haskell County Haskell Creek Haskell Indian Junior College Haskell Institute Haskell Institute See Haskell Indian Junior College Haskell Township Haskins Elementary School Hass Cemetery Hastings See Brewster Hasty Hatch Cemetery Hatfield See Maize Hatfield (historical) Whitson Hatler Cemetery Haun Creek Havana Havana Lake Haven Haven Airport Haven Cemetery Haven Elementary School Haven High School Haven Memorial Park Haven of Rest Cemetery Havensville Havensville Cemetery Havensville Elementary School Haven Township Haverhill Haverhill Oil Field Haverhill School Haviland Haviland Cemetery Haviland High School Hawk Blackburn Hawkeye (historical) Hawkeye Cemetery Hawkeye School Hawkeye Township Hawk Hollow School FEATURE CLASS civil Ppl cemetery civil park stream summit oilfield civil civil Ppl school locale civil ppl Ppl cemetery civil stream school school civil school cemetery ppl locale cemetery Ppl locale cemetery stream Ppl . reservoir ppl airport cemetery school school park cemetery Ppl cemetery school civil ppl_, oilfield school ppl cemetery school Ppl locale cemetery school civil school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF CcoUnNnTY Ellis Ellis Reno Harvey Harvey Saline Riley Cowley Butler Cowley Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Seward Seward Saline Anderson Haskell Haskell Shawnee Douglas Douglas Haskell Pratt Jackson Thomas Woodson Bourbon Sedgwick Finney Wilson Morris Montgomery Montgomery Reno Reno Reno Reno Reno Leavenworth Marion Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Reno Butler Butler Butler Kiowa Kiowa Kiowa Harper Decatur Decatur Miami Osborne Leavenworth COORDINATE 390140N09906 30W 385110N09908 50W 380813N0974 314W 380300N0972600W 380435N0973500W 38 3725N0972 621W 39054 370611N0970419W 372558N09634 38W 394200N09854 30W 384724N0955741W 38 4708N095574 IW 371345N1005203W 370800N10044 30W 385313N09738 5 6W 381240N09508 4 OW 373317N10052 38W 373400N1005200W 38592 3N0955 501W 385616N0951356W 385616N0951356W 373400N1005220W 373900N0984 340W 392748N0954 8 3 9W 392200N1012235W 375620N0954 125W 374954N0950044W 374645N09628 01W 380805N1005750W 372937N0954128W 384505N09638 59W 370530N0955 630W 370505N0955513W 37535 375400N0974700W 375207N0974 4 4 5W 375348N0974748W 375412N0974 647W 391910N0945730W 382052N0971038W 393040N09 604 40W 39304 3N09604 58W 393110N09604 36W 375350N09748 10W 374108N09652 58W 374030N0965200W 37413 373710N0990622W 373745N0990625W 373705N0993 642W 370645N09758 30W 393550N1004316W 39355 6N1004317W 382613N0944617W 393130N098 524 0W 390512N095033 9W SOURCE COORDINATE 38354 10W 385743N09552 38W 3838 17N0964259W ELEV FT 1443 1337 1121 2942 1201 1073 760 787 1480 1485 1392 1200 1327 2150 2139 1254 MAP NAME Halstead NW Zimmerdale Halstead Roxbury Junction City Arkansas City Cambridge NE Cedar Harveyville Harveyville Garden City 3 SW Garden City 3 SE Dover Lawrence East Garden City 3 SE Pratt Soldier Creek NE Yates Center Moran SE Tennis Neodesha White City Caney Caney Haven Haven Mount Hope Haven Haven Leavenworth Hillsboro Havenville Havenville Havensville Haven Augusta Leon Augusta Haviland Haviland NE Haviland Bluff City West Selden SW Selden SW Fontana Gaylord SW Tonganoxie FEATURE NAME Hawkins School Hawkins School Hawks Cemetery Hawley (historical) Hawley School Haworth Hawthorne Hawthorne Elementary School Hawthorne Elementary School Hawthorne Elementary School Hawthorne Elementary School Hay Canyon Hay Canyon Hay Creek Hayden Hayden Farm Airport Hayden High School Hayden Oil Field Hayes Airfield Hayes Cemetery Hayes Cemetery Hayes Church Hayes Township Hayes Township Hayes Township Hayes Township Hayes Township Hayes Township Hayes Township Hayesville (historical) Hay Hollow Hayne Haynesville Cemetery Haynesville Township See Township Number 6 Hays Big Creek Station Hays City Hays Airport See Hays Municipal Airport Hays Cemetery Hays Cemetery Hays City See Hays Hays High School Hays Municipal Airport Hays Airport Haysvilla Haysville Junior High School Haytown See Baileyville Hay Valley Hayworth School Hazel Branch Hazel Creek Hazel Dell Church Hazel Dell School Hazel Grove Elementary School Hazel Ridge School Hazelton Hazleton Hazelton Township Hazleton Township Hazen Cemetery Hazen Park Camp Hazleton Township See Hazelton Township FEATURE CLASS school school cemetery locale school locale locale school school school school valley valley stream locale airport school oilfield airport cemetery cemetery church civil civil civil civil civil civil civil locale valley locale cemetery civil Ppl airport cemetery cemetery Ppl school airport locale school ppl valley school stream stream church school school school Ppl civil cemetery locale civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1900 VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT coUnTy Bourbon Franklin Republic Russell Russell Republic Atchison Franklin Saline Wyandotte Atchison Finney Cheyenne Cloud Neosho Miami Shawnee Rooks Stafford Rice Clay Clay Reno Stafford McPherson Franklin Dickinson Mitchell Clay Pratt Trego Seward Pratt Pratt Ellis Ellis Linn Pottawatomie Ellis Ellis Ellis Sedgwick Sedgwick Nemaha Washington Lyon Linn Brown Montgomery Leavenworth Wyandotte Leavenworth Barber Barber Reno Reno Barber COORDINATE 375032N0944208W 383725N0951317W 394755N0972237W 384542N0984755W 384542N0984759W 315W 3928 35N0951250W 38 3638N0951544W 645W 390756N09438 21W 392855N0951211W 38094 3N10019 13W 400130N1014512W 393528N0974009W 372540N095153 9W 384 340N094554 9W 390342N0954 332W 391905N09928 15W 375652N09828 51W 38024 24 32W 392706N09704 52W 39265 380235N0982500W 38074 6N098 38 15W 3818 30N0975200W 384210N0951250W 390015N0970615W 392100N0981915W 392630N09705 30W 374807N098 34 30W 39065 6N0995644W 370602N10048 13W 374730N098 34 30W 374705N098 34 30W 385245N0991935W 385102N0991634W 381453N094 372 6W 391614N0963305W 385245N0991935W 385230N0992000W 385102N0991634W 373347N0972048W 373347N0972215W 395040N0961105W 395055N09718 29W 382250N0961903W 381447N0944803W 394512N09529 39W 372210N0953151W 391534N0945702W 390758N0944357W 3908 39N0950728W 370525N0982353W 37044 9N09824 44W 375755N0982142W 375808N0982128W 37044 44W SOURCE COORDINATE 381307N100205 IW 395808N1014758W 394042N0974119W 391212N09959 30W 3948 46N0971916W 381149N0945044W 394306N0952954W ELEV FT 943 1593 1796 1458 1000 929 1100 1793 1333 2775 1865 2010 1998 1058 1360 1700 KS119 MAP NAME Fort Scott Peoria Cuba Homer Homer Cuba Potter Ottawa South Salina Parkville Potter Hay Canyon White Canyon Condordia Galesburg Antioch Topeka Stockton SW Sylvia Little Salt Marsh Clay Center NE Clay Center NE Little Salt Marsh Hudson NW Conway Le Loup Upland Blue Hill Clay Center NE Preston Wa Keeney West Hayne Preston Hays North Worland Tuttle Creek Dam Hays North Hays South Derby Derby Haddam Plymouth Mound City Everest Cherryvale Leavenworth Parkville Jarbalo Kiowa Kiowa Plevna Plevna KS120 FEATURE NAME Hazleton See Hazelton Hazlett Oil Field Headquarters Draw Healy Healy High School Heartland Baptist Church Heart River See Soldier Creek Heaslyville See Reedsville Heber (historical) Heber Church Hebrew Orthodox Congregation Hebron Cemetery Hebron Church Hebron Church Hebron Church Hebron School Hedgewood (historical) Hedville Heqwer See Hymer Heiken North Oil Field Heiken Oil Field Heinzelman Canyon Heinz Oil Field Heir Airport Heiser Cemetery Heizer Heizerton Heizerton See Heizer Helen, Mount Helena Hell Creek Hell Creek Hells Canyon Helmick Milton Helmic School Helvetia (historical) Hemple Cemetery Hendricks Creek Hendricks Township Henkle Canyon Henne Oil Field Henry (historical) Henry Cemetery Henry Creek Henry Creek Henry Park Henry Township Henson Hepler Herbert Creek See Mill Creek Herbert School See Mary Herbert Elementary School Herington Herrington Herington, Lake Herington City Dam Herington High School Herington Municipal Airport Herkimer Herkimer Township Herl Township Clinton Township FEATURE CLASS ppl __ oilfield valley ppl school church stream locale locale church church cemetery church church church school locale ppl locale oilfield oilfield valley oilfield airport cemetery Ppl ppl _ summit locale stream stream valley ppl school locale cemetery stream civil valley oilfield locale cemetery stream stream park civil ppl ppl stream school Ppl reservoir dam school airport ppl civil civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1891 VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT CoUNTY Barber Butler Wallace Lane Lane Sedgwick Shawnee Marshall Cloud Cloud Sedgwick Harvey Morris Jefferson Clay Clay Norton Saline Chase Ellsworth Ellsworth Cheyenne Rice Greenwood Lincoln Barton Barton Clark Atchison Gove Russell Cheyenne Morris Cherokee Meade Leavenworth Wabaunsee Chautauqua Cheyenne McPherson Dickinson Dickinson Butler Ottawa Sedgwick Ottawa Miami Crawford Washington Lyon Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Morris Marshall Marshall Rawlins COORDINATE 370525N0982353W 375955N09655 19W 385509N1013316W 38 3600N1003700W 38 3618N1003647W 37422 390437N09538 57W 394609N09632 19W 392115N09734 30W 392155N09734 26W 373936N0971540W 3808 36N0974118W 38 3425N0965227W 391722N0951232W 391919N0971534W 391928N0971423W 394407N0994 64 3W 385146N0974540W 382910N0964 120W 38 3355N098 224 2W 383215N0982231W 395640N1013907W 38 652W 374143N0960345W 38595 122 3W 38252 320W 38252 5 320W 370122N1000142W 393514N0952240W 384513N10043 32W 38564 395438N1014220W 38 3740N0963600W 3718 372825N1003420W 39055 3N0950109W 390200N0961608W 370310N09618 50W 395858N1013409W 383350N0972620W 383745N0971325W 390458N0971109W 375907N0970141W 39155 616W 374010N0971913W 390530N0975220W 38 3020N0945156W 373940N0945805W 395520N09655 38W 382427N0961204W 384016N0965632W 384007N096595 6W 384007N09659 56W 38395 1N0965624W 384146N09648 30W 395328N0964239W 395725N0964 330W 394600N1004445W SOURCE COORDINATE 385955N1013706W 395848N1014152W 384232N1005037W 385347N0982437W 395747N1014437W 390405N0962412W 395457N1013335W 38065 5N0970625W 392115N0974050W ELEV FT 2854 1448 1476 970 1304 1271 1030 1880 2020 1118 1420 911 1307 861 1000 1350 1324 1480 1250 MAP NAME El Dorado NW Wallace Healy Healy Wichita West Lamar Lamar Wichita East Halstead NW Burdick Easton SW Idana Clay Center SW Edmond Brookville Holyrood Holyrood Heinzelman Canyon Holyrood Fall River Lake Westfall NW Heizer Mount Helen Effingham Orion SW Dorrance NE Heinzelman Canyon Wilsey SE Kirkwood Plains NE Tonganoxie Alma Elgin Henkle Canyon Roxbury Elmo Buckeye Potwin Glasco Wichita East Tescott SE Paola East Hepler Herington Herington Herington Herington Delavan Herkimer Herkimer Oberlin SW FEATURE NAME Elk Township Herndon Township Laing Township Richland Township Herman (historical) Hermansberg Hermes Creek See Limestone Creek Hermes Creek Hermin Hill Park Hermon Farm Airport Herndon Pesth Herndon Covenant Church Herndon Elementary School Herndon High School Herndon Township See Herl Township Herrington See Herington Herzog See Victoria Herzog Township Hartsook Township Hesper Hess Hess (historical) Hessdale Bismarck Bismark Halifax Hesston Elivon Hesston College Hesston Elementary School Hesston High School Hesston Middle School Heusner Elementary School Hewins Harts Mill Hewins Park Hiatt Hiattville Pawnee Hiattville Cemetery Hiawatha Hiawatha, Lake Hiawatha City Lake Hiawatha City Dam Hiawatha City Lake See Hiawatha, Lake Hiawatha High School Hiawatha Municipal Airport Hiawatha Township Hickman (historical) Hickok Hickory Creek Hickory Creek Hickory Creek Hickory Creek Hickory Creek Hickory Creek East Recreation Area Hickory Creek West Recreation Area Hickory Grove School FEATURE CLASS locale locale stream stream park airport Ppl church school school civil Ppl ppl civil ppl locale locale ppl Ppl school school school school locale park locale Ppl cemetery ppl | reservoir dam reservoir school airport civil locale locale stream stream stream stream stream park park school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF coUnTy Lincoln Marshall Mitchell Jewell Sedgwick Johnson Rawlins Rawlins Rawlins Rawlins Rawlins Dickinson Ellis Ellis Douglas Wichita Gray Wabaunsee Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey Saline Chautauqua Chautauqua Leavenworth Bourbon Bourbon Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Greenwood Grant Labette Elk Butler Coffey Franklin Coffey Coffey Cherokee COORDINATE 390825N098 134 5W 395602N0964 605W 392935N0981748W 393350N098 194 5W 373856N0972018W 385110N09454 35W 395435N1004705W 394707N1004959W 395440N1004 658W 395440N1004 648W 394600N1004445W 384016N09 6563 2W 385110N09908 50W 390140N0990630W 385355N0950428W 382950N1010750W 373106N1002346W 385446N09 6123 3W 3808 18N0972552W 380805N0972 600W 380828N097254 3W 3808 19N0972534W 3808 19N0972534W 384901N0973604W 6242 9W 370554N096293 3W 391350N0945220W 374320N0945217W 374310N0945245W 395109N095 32 08W 394936N0953137W 394936N0953137W 394936N0953137W 39510 135W 395246N0953130W 395035N0953 300W 374133N0960555W 373340N1011342W 372017N0950616W 372114N0960109W 37362 6N09654 34W 381634N0944718W 383445N095064 1W 38163 3N09547 10W 745W 370324N0943750W SOURCE COORDINATE 393509N098 194 5W 373221N09458 22W 372618N09558 58W 373635N09638 35W 381716N0954715W 150W ELEV FT 1360 1060 2666 921 1198 1476 3222 885 849 995 978 1136 1132 3055 KS121 MAP NAME Lincoln NW Hanover East Glen Elder North Wichita East Gardner Herndon Midway Herndon Herndon Fairport Eudora Marienthal Montezuma Hessdale Hesston Hesston Hesston Hesston Hesston Salina Cedar Vale East Cedar Vale East Wolcott Hiattville Hepler Hiawatha Hiawatha Hiawatha Hiawatha Reserve Hiawatha Fall River Lake Hickok Mc Cune Oak Valley Gordon Ottumwa Rantoul Ottumwa Ottumwa Baxter Springs KS122 FEATURE NAME Hickory Grove School Hickory Grove School Hickory Knob Hickory Point See Prairie City (historical) Hickory Township Hicks Chapel Hicks Creek Hidden Haven Camp Hidden Valley Lake Hidden Valley Lake Dam Higby Creek High Crest Air Park High Hill (historical) Highland Highland Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery Highland Cemetery Highland Center Cemetery Highland Church Highland Church Highland Crest Church of God Highland Crest Park Shopping Center Shopping Center Highland Crest Highland Crest Highland Dam Highland District 2 Township Almelo Township Calyton Township Highland Township Lenora Township Leota Township Modell Township Noble Township Orange Township Highland Elementary School Highland Elementary School Highland High School Highland Junior High School Highland Lake Highland Park Highland Park Highland Park Highland Park Assembley of God Highland Park Baptist Church Highland Park Cemetery Highland Park Cemetery Highland Park Central Elementary School Central School Highland Park Christian Church Highland Park Christian Church Highland Park Church of God Highland Park High School Highland Park North Elementary School North School FEATURE CLASS school school summit locale civil church stream locale reservoir dam stream airport locale ppl locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church park locale locale dam civil school school school school reservoir Ppl park park church church cemetery cemetery school church church church school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT CoUNnTY Johnson Doniphan Shawnee Douglas Butler Cowley Jewell Wilson Miami Bourbon Wabaunsee Leavenworth Rooks Doniphan Leavenworth Cowley Barber Sedgwick Allen Greenwood Franklin Morris Osage Saline Johnson Geary Ottawa Doniphan Jewell Montgomery Harvey Republic Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Wyandotte Lincoln Norton Cherokee Doniphan Doniphan Wyandotte Lincoln Shawnee Neosho Wyandotte Shawnee Shawnee Crawford Wyandotte Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee COORDINATE 390118N094 39 32W 395004N09508 00W 39033 3N095 504 3W 384537N0951247W 373625N0963725W 370406N0964050W 400418N09825 39W 372900N095 32 50W 390052N0954 4 30W 380124N0945730W 385725N09603 30W 391338N0945704W 392247N0990424W 395135N0951610W 391250N0944 950W 371325N0970005W 371730N0983514W 374210N0971803W 408W 375630N09620 32W 38 3532N095 150 3W 384004N0964018W 384237N0954 236W 385437N0973112W 390040N094 38 4 OW 390050N09650 30W 39070 116W 395120N0951505W 395758N098 254 8W 37123 942W 3808 110W 394240N0974 225W 390038N0954015W 390025N095404 3W 390052N0954022W 390330N0944145W 385540N0982 306W 393600N1000902W 371026N0945101W 395138N0951610W 395138N095154 1W 390246N0944141W 3855 40N0982 306W 390128N0953 948W 374110N0952745W 390250N0944135W 39005 3N095 38 35W 390054N095 395 5W 215W 30W 390105N09539 36W 937W 390055N0953 920W 390105N095394 1W 390120N09538 57W 390154N095394 0W SOURCE COORDINATE 395902N09828 40W 3858 ELEV FT 993 1059 909 900 1000 1911 1051 900 1517 1285 1911 1505 1532 950 1050 970 899 MAP NAME Shawnee Sparks Silver Lake Latham SE Dexter SW Amboy Morehead Mapleton Mapleton Keene Basehor Woodston Highland Wolcott Hackney Medicine Lodge Wichita East Iola Eureka NE Ottawa South Wilsey Lyndon NW New Cambria Shawnee Junction City Minneapolis South Highland Burr Oak NW Bolton Goessel Condordia NW Topeka Topeka Topeka Shawnee Wilson Nw Clayton SW Columbus Highland Highland Shawnee Wilson NW Topeka Chanute Shawnee Topeka Topeka Pittsburg Shawnee Topeka Topeka Topeka Topeka Topeka Topeka FEATURE NAME Highland Park South Elementary School South School Highland Park United Methodist Church Highland School Highland School Highland School Highland School Highland Station See Sparks Highland Township Highland Township Highland Township Highland Township See Highland District 2 Township Highland Township Highland Township Highland Village Highland Village Shopping Center High Plains High Plains Elementary School High Point See Highpoint (historical) Highpoint (historical) Domus High Point High Point Airport Highpoint Township High Prairie Cemetery High Prairie Cemetery High Prairie Cemetery High Prairie Church High Prairie School High Prairie School High Prairie School High Prairie School High Prairie Township Highway Pasture Highway View School Hilford Hilger Southwest Oil Field Hill See Hill City City Hill Hill City Cemetery Hill Hill City Elementary School Hill City High School Hill City Municipal Airport Hill City Township Hill Creek Hillcrest Cemetery Hillcrest Cemetery Hillcrest Cemetery Hillcrest Church Hillcrest Church Hillcrest Elementary School Hillcrest Junior High School Hillcrest Memorial Park Hillcrest Park Hillcrest School Hillcrest School Hillcrest Shopping Center FEATURE CLASS school church locale school school school Ppl civil civil civil civil civil civil locale locale plain school locale locale airport civil cemetery cemetery cemetery church school school school school civil flat school ppl oilfield ppl ppl cemetery school school airport civil stream cemetery cemetery cemetery church church school school cemetery park school school locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1897 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Miami Johnson Cloud Doniphan Harvey Morris Lincoln Norton Washington Jewell Shawnee Johnson Thomas Wichita Ness Ness Sedgwick Ness Chase Leavenworth Mitchell Wilson Jackson Leavenworth Osborne Atchison Leavenworth Morton Ottawa Wilson Reno Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Lyon Kiowa Cherokee Marion Sedgwick Johnson Douglas Johnson Barton Shawnee Kearny McPherson Douglas COORDINATE 39002 3N0953 93 6W 390052N095 392 9W 385529N095554 1W 383204N0944611W 390100N094 38 25W 3928 52N0975221W 395127N0951124W 3808 20N0971900W 384605N0964 645W 38545 25 48W 393600N1000902W 395735N0970500W 395735N0982710W 390052N0953900W 390015N0943752W 392500N1011730W 383856N1012208W 381820N0993 930W 381820N0993 930W 375100N0972100W 414 2W 380601N0962907W 391621N0950101W 392337N09818 38W 373752N0953906W 391457N0955740W 391628N095004 1W 392245N0983138W 39375 3N095 18 09W 39153 3N095004 3W 370535N1014200W 391035N0974007W 372659N095 403 5W 374545N0974718W 39215 3N09950 30W 39215 3N09950 30W 392335N0995035W 392158N0995311W 392213N0995113W 392232N0994947W 392340N09948 10W 383613N0960302W 903W 373944N0940433W 381512N0965542W 3748 10N09718 44W 385812N0943853W 385754N0951528W 385734N0944257W 382610N0984642W 390150N0953925W 374412N1011403W 381119N0974529W 385800N0951540W SOURCE COORDINATE 384125N0961144W ELEV FT 1265 1581 1018 915 3332 1395 1508 1618 1021 1185 1086 1614 1082 1331 800 2190 2224 2318 3097 1009 KS123 MAP NAME Topeka Topeka Dover Paola East Shawnee Glasco NE Goessel Skiddy Wilson NW Washington NE Burr Oak NW Topeka Shawnee Brewster NE Russell Sprs 3 NE Bazine SW Valley Center Bazine SW Teterville Easton Glen Elder South Buffalo Soldier Creek SW Easton Downs South Denton Easton Rolla Minneapolis North Neodesha Haven SE Hill City South Hill City North Hill Hill City South City South Hill City North Hill City North Allen SE Mullinville Baxter Springs Lincolnville SW Valley Center Lenexa Lawrence West Lenexa Great Bend NE Topeka Hickok NW Buhler Lawrence West KS124 FEATURE NAME Hilldale Hilldale South Hillsboro Risley Hillsboro Cove Public Use Area Hillsboro Elementary School Hillsboro High School Hillsboro Middle School Hillsboro Municipal Airport Hillsborough See Pleasanton Hillsborough See Dunlap Hillsdale Columbia Hillsdale Cemetery Hillsdale Cemetery Hillsdale Elementary School Lake Park Shopping Center Hillsdale Hillsdale Hillsdale Hillside See Handy (historical) Hillside Airport Hillside Cemetery Hillside Cemetery Hillside Cemetery Hillside Christian Church Hillside Church Hillside Elementary School Hillside Grove School Hill Spring See Wilsey Hill Top See Hilltop Hilltop Hill Top Hilltop Cemetery Hilltop Nursing Home Hill Top School Hilltop School Hilton Simpson Station Hiltz Cemetery Hinchman Oil Field Hinerville School Hines Lake Hinton Creek Yellow Paint Creek Hinton School Hise Creek Dutch Creek Hitchen Creek Hutchins Creek Hitschmann Hittle Oil Field Hoag Hobart Hobart Cemetery Hobart Township See Township Number 4 Hobbie, Lake Hobbs Creek Hobson Airport Hocker Grove Junior High School Hodgeman (historical) Hodgeman Centre (historical) Hodgeman Community Church Hodgeman County Hodgeman County Dam FEATURE CLASS locale locale ppl park school school school airport ppl ppl Ppl cemetery cemetery school lake park locale locale airport cemetery cemetery cemetery church church school school ppl locale locale cemetery hospital school school locale cemetery oilfield school lake stream locale stream stream Ppl oilfield locale locale cemetery civil reservoir stream airport school locale locale church civil dam NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF COUNTY Jefferson Jefferson Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Linn Morris Miami Harper Phillips Miami Miami Shawnee Shawnee Phillips Johnson Harvey Edwards Chase Sedgwick Riley Pawnee Sedgwick Morris Greenwood Greenwood Rice Osage Brown Johnson McPherson Montgomery Greenwood Wabaunsee Cherokee Bourbon Jefferson Pottawatomie Elk Barton Cowley Cherokee Meade Rooks Rooks Osborne Saline Wichita Johnson Hodgeman Hodgeman Hodgeman Hodgeman Hodgeman COORDINATE 391055N09528 3 3W 391030N09528 35W 382107N0971215W 382146N0970600W 382109N0971139W 382110N0971157W 382058N0971158W 382049N0971248W 381040N0944240W 38 3435N0962156W 38 3935N0945100W 372215N0980044W 39435 1N0991235W 38395 38282 524 5W 390235N0954 440W 390212N0950000W 395252N09912731 384918N094 3 634W 3754 35W 375615N0992655W 382550N0962227W 374110N0971401W 391320N096544 1W 38104 15W 374559N09718 59W 3838 10N0964030W 380320N0960222W 380320N0960222W 381719N0982523W 38 3708N0954 110W 395708N0952129W 38484 3N0944 647W 382632N0974031W 372118N0953538W 375738N0960015W 390422N0961721W 370434N0950102W 374614N094573 3W 391300N0951515W 3928 48N09609 28W 372245N0960348W 383727N098 3 452W 371952N096594 1W 37095 3N09502 4 0W 371726N1003123W 392305N0992144W 945W 391353N098 3 125W 384138N09725 16W 384015N1012040W 390124N0944223W 381416N0994025W 380515N1000135W 381357N0994048W 400W 380412N1000000W SOURCE COORDINATE 374410N09503 30W 393110N0961659W 373059N0960908W 38 3539N0972103W ELEV FT 1020 1000 1454 1434 907 1572 968 1028 1025 1384 1337 1020 1786 1521 1167 792 1113 1930 826 2730 1742 3314 2151 MAP NAME Ozawkie Ozawkie Hillsboro Marion Hillsboro Hillsboro Hillsboro Hillsboro Spring Hill Harper Kirwin Reservoir Spring Hill Fontana Topeka Topeka Belton Sedgwick Kinsley Plymouth Andover Milford Larned Valley Center Lamont Raymond Lyndon White Cloud Ocheltree Mc Pherson North Cherryvale Virgil Alma Chetopa Uniontown Oskaloosa Onaga Longton Claflin New Salem Oswego Plains Stockton Meades Ranch Gypsum Russell Sprs 3 NE Shawnee Hanston NW Horse Thief Can Hanston NW Jetmore Horse Thief Can FEATURE NAME Hodgeman County State Lake Hodgeman County State Lake Dam Hodgeman County State Park Hodgeman State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Hodges Hodges Cemetery Hoffnungsay Church Hoganville See Saint Peter Hog Back Hogback Hogback See Hog Back Hogback Hill Hog Back Station (historical) Hog Branch Hog Creek Hog Creek Hoge Hoge Station Hoge Station See Hoge Hohman Cemetery Hoisington Hoisington High School Holcomb Sherlock Holcomb Elementary School Holcomb High School Holden See Brainerd Holderman Cemetery Holderman Creek Holiday Hill Public Use Area Holidaysburg See Syracuse Holland Holland Creek Holland Township Hollenberg Hollenberg Ranch State Park Holliday Waseca Holliday Cemetery Holliday Junior High School Holliday Park Holliday Square Shopping Center Holling (historical) Hollis Christie Hollis Cemetery Hollis School Hollister Hollister Wildlife Area Hollow Nikkel Oil Field Holly Creek Hollyrood See Holyrood Holman Oil Field Holmes Airpark Wood Airpark Holmes Cemetery Holmes Cemetery Holmes Creek Holmwood Township Holton Holton Cemetery FEATURE CLASS reservoir dam park park locale cemetery church ppl locale locale summit locale stream stream stream locale locale cemetery ppl school ppl school school ppl cemetery stream park ppl ppl stream civil ppl park ppl cemetery school park locale locale locale cemetery school locale park oilfield stream ppl oilfield airport cemetery cemetery stream civil ppl cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF CoUNnTY Hodgeman Hodgeman Hodgeman Hodgeman Edwards Miami McPherson Graham Ellis Ellis Cowley Ellis Linn Greenwood Wyandotte Leavenworth Leavenworth Riley Barton Barton Finney Finney Finney Butler Butler Greenwood Woodson Hamilton Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Washington Washington Johnson Jefferson Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Douglas Cloud Cloud Cloud Bourbon Bourbon Harvey Sheridan Ellsworth Sumner Clay Linn Linn Chase Jewell Jackson Jackson COORDINATE 380300N0994 918W 380300N0994 918W 380250N0994 940W 380250N0994 940W 374900N0992 300W 383544N0944714W 381050N0974104W 391123N1000520W 385513N09928 50W 385513N09928 50W 371115N0963408W 385437N0992 620W 381614N0943405W 375558N0963026W 39074 3N095004 0W 391020N094594 1W 391020N094594 1W 392056N0964 306W 38 3105N098 4 640W 383114N0984632W 375910N1005920W 375916N1005858W 375916N1005900W 375704N097054 2W 375956N0970048W 38072 3N09 6055 3W 374514N0955636W 375850N1014508W 38454 3N097 164 5W 385248N0971456W 38 3910N09718 55W 395850N0965931W 395405N09650 38W 390218N09448 28W 390238N0952019W 390350N09538 29W 39024 3N0954 113W 390052N0954115W 384907N09514 30W 393752N0973 308W 3938 18N09732 10W 3938 19N0973 308W 37454 6N0945008W 3548 15N09448 35W 3808 30N0974000W 392106N1001501W 383513N09824 39W 370911N0971019W 39254 8N09707 35W 380517N0944053W 380828N0944113W 381916N0964125W 395118N0981240W 392755N0954 410W 392740N0954 530W SOURCE COORDINATE 381805N094 364 9W 375614N096345 1W 573 6W 38064 4N0961154W 384438N0971718W 392333N1001602W 381634N0964042W ELEV FT 222 871 1452 2074 1160 854 1306 1845 2885 1358 910 1220 1271 800 843 990 1327 1377 1358 885 1275 1095 1086 KS125 MAP NAME Jetmore SE Jetmore SE Jetmore SE Jetmore Se Kinsley SW Paola East Halstead NW Yocemento Dexter NE Yocemento Amoret Rosalia NE Jarbalo Basehor Olsburg SW Hoisington Hoisington Garden City West Garden City West Garden City West Potwin Lamont Toronto Holland Abilene Carlton Hanover West Hanover East Edwardsville Williamstown Topeka Topeka Topeka Baldwin City Wayne Wayne Wayne Marmaton Marmaton Halstead NW Hoxie NE Adamsville Clay Center NW Prescott Pleasanton Elmdale Mankato Holton Soldier Creek NE KS126 FEATURE NAME Holton City Dam Holton High School Holton Junior High School Holy Angels Cemetery Holy Angels Elementary School Holycross (historical) Holy Cross Cemetery Holy Holy Holy Holy Cross Cross Cross Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cross Cemetery Holy Cross Lutheran Church Holy Everlasting Baptist Church Holy Family Cemetery Holy Family Cemetery Holy Name Catholic Church Holy Name Holy Name Holy Name Holy Name Holyrood Hollyrood Holyrood Airport See Holyrood Municipal Airport Church Elementary School School School Holyrood Lake Holyrood Municipal Airport Holyrood Airport Holy Savior Roman Catholic Church Holy Savior School Holy Temple Church of God in Christ Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Holy Trinity School Home Home City Home Cemetery Home Cemetery Home City See Home Home City Cemetery Home for Boys Water Tank Home Holding Cemetery Home of Carry Nation See Carry Nation House Homer Homer Station Homer Creek Homer Creek Cemetery Homer Station See Homer Homestead Homestead Canyon Homestead Cemetery Homestead Township Home Township Homewood Forest Home Homewood Township Honek See Bavaria Honey Creek Honey Creek Honey Creek Honey Creek Honey Creek Cedar Creek FEATURE CLASS dam school school cemetery school locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church cemetery cemetery church church school school school Ppl airport reservoir airport church school church church school Ppl cemetery cemetery ppl cemetery reservoir cemetery building locale stream cemetery locale locale valley cemetery civil civil Ppl civil Ppl stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT CoUnNTy Jackson Jackson Jackson Leavenworth Anderson Pottawatomie Ford Rush Miami Ellis Pottawatomie Sedgwick Sedgwick Barton Marshall Shawnee Rice Montgomery Cowley Shawnee Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Johnson Marshall Pottawatomie Marshall Marshall Marshall Ford Miami Barber Russell Greenwood Greenwood Russell Chase Wallace Chase Chase Nemaha Franklin Franklin Saline Butler Greenwood Wyandotte Riley Jefferson COORDINATE 392910N0954 115W 3928 15N0954 420W 3928 15N09544 15W 39084 6N094594 3W 381655N0951412W 39162 9N0960240W 374715N09938 13W 382737N0991045W 38 3346N0945054W 384240N0991014W 391628N0960248W 374207N0971652W 374250N0971940W 38 3350N098 36 36W 6202 9W 390300N0954 125W 38293 26 32W 370224N0953716W 37142 29W 121W 383513N098 24 39W 38 3502N098 24 16W 384114N0982354W 383502N09824 16W 374000N09718 00W 374234N0971807W 374215N0971910W 374135N0972014W 38574 3N0944 438W 395030N0963110W 393019N0961319W 395006N0963224W 395030N0963110W 395110N0963112W 374414N099593 9W 383904N0945257W 371703N098 34 45W 385210N0984750W 3758 17N0960603W 3755 34N0961235W 385210N0984750W 381117N0964244W 385338N1013239W 381208N0964143W 380930N0964 140W 394145N0961100W 38305 3N09 52 24 3W 38 3025N09523 15W 384750N09745 LLW 373720N0964135W 374335N0961202W 391135N0944957W 391317N0964307W 391429N0951827W SOURCE COORDINATE 37592 7N0961645W 384948N1013229W 374005N0963719W 374438N096194 1W 390929N0945152W 391200N0964755W 391813N0951 632W ELEV FT 1106 1876 1757 1805 1728 1805 1341 897 1868 1431 1431 1060 MAP NAME Holton Holton Holton Basehor Garnett East Emmett Bellefont Timken Paola East Pfeifer Emmett Wichita East Wichita East Claflin Summerfield Topeka Chase NW Coffeyville Eas Winfield Topeka Holyrood Holyrood NW Holyrood Wichita East East East Wichita Wichita Wichita East Lenexa Home Duluth Home Home Fort Dodge Antioch Homer Neal Hamilton Homestead Wallace Homestead Homestead Centralia Pomona Pomona Latham Severy North Wolcott Fort Riley NE Winchester FEATURE NAME Honey Creek Madison Creek Honey Creek Honey Creek Bridge Honey Creek Cemetery Honey Creek School Honey Valley School Honner Station (historical) Hood Park Hood School Hood School Hooker (historical) Hooser Eli Hoosier Cemetery Hoosier Creek Hoosier Township Hoover Branch Hoover Creek Hoover Landing Field Hop Creek Hope Wagsam Hope Cemetery Hope Cemetery Hope Cemetery Hope Cemetery Hope Church Hope Elementary School Hopefield See Pittsburg Hopefield Church Hope High School Hope Lutheran Church Hope Township Hope Valley Cemetery Hopewell Eravel Hopewell (historical) Hopewell Cemetery Hopewell Cemetery Hopewell Church Hopewell Church Hopewell School Hopewell School Hopkins Hopkins Creek Camp Creek Hopper See Greenleaf Horace Horace Mann Alternative Junior High School Horanif (historical) Horanif School Hornbaker Airport Horn Cemetery Horne Branch Horne Park Horse Creek Horse Creek Horse Creek Horse Creek Horse Creek Horseshoe Creek Horseshoe Hill Horseshoe Lake Horseshoe Lake FEATURE CLASS stream stream bridge cemetery school school locale park schoo] school locale locale cemetery stream civil stream stream airport stream ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church school ppl church school church civil cemetery locale locale cemetery cemetery church church school school locale stream ppl ppl school locale school airport cemetery stream park stream stream stream stream stream stream summit lake lake NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN coUnTy Smith Nemaha Greenwood Mitchell Mitchell Leavenworth Marion Cloud Barton Franklin Decatur Cowley Kingman Lyon Kingman Osage McPherson Rush Marshall Dickinson Cowley Neosho Rush Franklin Ford Dickinson Crawford McPherson Dickinson Shawnee Dickinson Cheyenne Pratt Washington Labette Pratt Labette Mitchell Cloud Atchison Butler Pottawatomie Washington Greeley Sedgwick Wyandotte Wyandotte Stafford Anderson Geary Shawnee Cowley Comanche Rice Wabaunsee Norton Washington Norton Labette Sedgwick COORDINATE 3938 40N0960158W 36W 374420N0961346W 392558N0981506W 392707N0981451W 390448N095055 3W 381135N0970216W 393350N0973903W 381700N09848 28W 38 3446N0951542W 525W 370818N0963747W 374003N0981015W 381536N09603 36W 374120N0981125W 384519N0954 942W 38325 406W 38 01W 394802N0964047W 384125N09704 35W 370138N097052 9W 373142N0950945W 38224 3N0992 258W 38 3702N0951715W 373857N1000020W 384124N097042 3W 37243 381236N0973513W 384124N0970423W 390055N0954018W 38 3910N097054 5W 395313N1015655W 374817N098 594 3W 395937N0971635W 371443N0952227W 37482 3N0990002W 371518N0952129W 392246N0981235W 392759N0973 940W 39355 3N095 14 45W 375350N09655 55W 391635N0962524W 394342N09658 33W 3828 35N1014725W 374222N0972013W 390700N09448 2 3W 390701N09448 26W 380330N098 28 4 5W 381204N0951353W 390100N0963 326W 390017N0954 322W 370800N0964738W 371612N0990221W 382456N0980107W 384447N09618 42W 395327N0994138W 395340N09 63 945W 3948 20N0995 320W 371005N0950517W 374318N0972448W SOURCE COORDINATE 393419N0990121W 3958 42N0955155W 381207N096060 3W 384828N09548 3 9W 38 3034N09755 36W 39515 655W 39184 3858 38N0963044W 371044N0964748W 371635N0990726W 38 3118N0980450W 384913N0961918W 395909N099444 1W 400217N0965525W ELEV FT 1442 1892 1370 2060 1400 878 2226 893 2610 2044 1542 1451 3643 959 959 1790 2400 806 KS127 MAP NAME Kirwin Sabetha Severy North Glen Elder South Solomon Rapids Tonganoxie Peabody Concordia Great Bend Ottawa South Oberlin Dexter Kingman NW Emporia SE Kingman NW Burlingame Langley La Crosse Hanover SE Hope Arkansas City Erie Nekoma Ottawa South South Dodge Hope Moundridge Hope Topeka Hope St Francis NW Hopewell Mahaska Altamont Trousdale Parsons West Solomon Rapids Aurora NW Atchison West El Dorado NW Flush Tribune Wichita East Edwardsville Edwardsville Little Salt Marsh Bush City White City NE Topeka Eaton Wilmore SE Little River Alta Vista SE Almena Herkimer Norton Oswego Wichita West KS128 FEATURE NAME Horseshoe Lake Horse Thief Canyon Horsethief Canyon Horsethief Cave Horsethief Draw Horton Hortonburg See Lane Hortonburg See Lang Hortonburgh See Lang Horton City Dam See Mission Lake Dam Horton Elementary School Horton High School Horton Municipal Airport Hortonville See Lucerne Horttor Airport Horville School Hosford (historical) Hoskins (historical) Hot Hill See Ada Hour Glass See Hourglass (historical) Hourglass (historical) Hour Glass Houston (historical) Houston Township Hovorka Airport Howard Howard City Howard Cemetery Howard Cemetery Howard Cemetery Howard City See Howard Howard Creek Howard Lake See Polk Daniels Lake Howard School Howard Township Howard Township Howard Wilson Elementary School Wilson School Howe See Lippard (historical) Howell Hoxie Kenneth Hoxie Cemetery Hoxie Elementary School Hoxie High School Hoxie Municipal Airport Hoyt Hoyt Cemetery Hoyt Cemetery Hoyt Elementary School Hubbard Creek Hubbard Creek See Pickle Creek Hubbell Cemetery Hubbell Lake Hudkins Draw Hudson Hudson (historical) FEATURE CLASS lake valley valley cave valley ppl Ppl locale locale dam school school airport locale airport school locale locale Ppl locale locale locale civil airport ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery Ppl stream reservoir school civil civil school locale ppl Ppl cemetery school school airport ppl cemetery cemetery school stream stream cemetery lake valley ppl locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN CoUNnTY Stafford Hodgeman Scott Wallace Wallace Brown Franklin Lyon Lyon Brown Brown Brown Brown Sheridan Linn Allen Montgomery Rooks Ottawa Cheyenne Cheyenne Graham Smith Sumner Elk Elk Bourbon Franklin Elk Jefferson Elk Shawnee Labette Elk Leavenworth Rush Ford Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Pawnee Pawnee Republic Cherokee Wallace Stafford Chautauqua COORDINATE 38063 35W 380320N1000132W 384116N1005523W 39044 390255N1015618W 393938N0953134W 38262 3N09504 5 5W 382736N0960500W 382736N0960500W 394019N0953100W 394009N0953132W 393948N0953130W 39405 3 205W 392948N1001200W 381040N0950010W 375637N09524 3 3W 371220N0955507W 391405N0991422W 390905N0975 320W 395507N1014125W 395507N1014125W 393345N0994 820W 393608N098 5 405W 373550N0973937W 372813N0961548W 372730N0961620W 374027N0944202W 383514N0950658W 3728 13N09615 48W 392441N095143 9W 372738N0961338W 385238N09533 58W 370200N0952700W 372805N0961225W 3918 42N0945548W 38365 32W 374700N1001044W 392127N100262 9W 392225N1002632W 392119N1002621W 39212 600W 392210N1002605W 391452N0954 222W 391437N0954 415W 391537N0954 232W 391508N0954208W 3808 12N0990009W 381239N09858 54W 39595 37050 35W 390130N1013054W 380620N098 393 5W 370025N096154 5W SOURCE COORDINATE 380040N1000318W 384029N100554 6W 390505N1015803W 392122N0951330W 380251N0990316W 390415N1013044W ELEV FT 1082 1132 970 988 1180 1040 1055 2551 2700 2733 1150 1177 794 1865 MAP NAME Little Salt Marsh Horse Thief Can Lake Scott Horsethief Dr Horsethief Dr Horton Horton Horton Horton Centerville Iola Caney NW Codell Heinzelman Canyon Edmond SE Gaylord SW Doster Howard Howard Cato Rantoul Potter Richland Valeda Longton NW Leavenworth Dodge City SW Hoxie Hoxie Hoxie Hoxie Hoxie Elmont Elmont Mayetta Mayetta Larned Munden Chetopa Harris Draw East Hudson Elgin FEATURE NAME Hudson (historical) Hudson Elementary School Hudson Elementary School Huff Cemetery Huffstutter Oil Field Hughes Hugo See Hugoton Hugoton Hugo Hugoton Cemetery Hugoton Grade School Hugoton School Hugoton High School Hugoton Middle School Hugoton Municipal Airport Hugoton School See Hugoton Grade School Hulah Lake Hulah Reservoir Hulah Reservoir See Hulah Lake Hulah Wildlife Area Hulls Branch Hulls Grove Cemetery Hulpieu Homestead Cemetery Humbargar School Humboldt Humboldt Cemetery Humboldt Creek Humbolt Creek Humboldt Elementary School Humboldt High School Humboldt School Humboldt School Humboldt Township Humbolt Creek See Humboldt Creek Humbolt Park Humphrey Branch Humphrey School Hund See Hunds Station (historical) Hundred and Ten Mile Creek One Hundred and Ten Mile Creek Hundred and Ten Mile Recreation Area Hunds Station (historical) Hund Hungry Hollow Hungry Hollow Hungry Hollow Hunnewell Hunt Cemetery Hunt Cemetery Hunter Hunter Cemetery Hunter Cemetery Hunter County See Cowley County Hunter Creek Sand Creek Hunters Island Hunters Island School Hunters Lake FEATURE CLASS locale school school cemetery oilfield locale Ppl ppl ceme: ery school school school airport school reservoir reservoir park stream cemetery cemetery school Ppl cemetery stream school school school school civil stream park stream school locale stream park locale valley valley valley ppl cemetery cemetery ppl cemetery cemetery civil stream bend school reservoir NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1940 VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN coUnTy Hamilton Stafford Shawnee Pottawatomie Phillips Thomas Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Chautauqua Chautauqua Chautauqua Jefferson Jefferson Finney Saline Allen Geary Geary Allen Allen Bourbon Geary Allen Geary Lyon Republic Mitchell Leavenworth Osage Osage Leavenworth Rush Wabaunsee Phillips Sumner Kingman Harvey Mitchell Wilson Lyon Cowley Kingman Riley Riley Miami COORDINATE 381457N1014700W 38062 393 1W 390125N09538 29W 392754N0962730W 395530N0992 308W 392345N1011540W 371031N1012057W 371031N1012057W 370950N1011946W 371040N1012035W 371010N1012057W 371010N1012103W 370939N1012226W 371040N1012035W 365552N0960456W 365552N0960456W 370016N0961635W 39235 3N09515 35W 392147N0951437W 380345N1005125W 38545 3N0973629W 3748 612W 39000 3N09 6400 9W 39025 3N0964 3 4 9W 374847N0952555W 3748 38N0952558W 375057N0944428W 225W 374925N0952505W 39025 3N0964 34 9W 382407N0961103W 400140N0972 641W 392337N0981342W 392110N09459 30W 38355 3N095 303 2W 384020N095 34 50W 392110N0945930W 384133N0991425W 38465 6N0960725W 393614N0991026W 370018N09724 16W 373017N098034 3W 375628N0973955W 391403N098 234 9W 3738 14N09554 36W 382444N0960337W 371400N0965000W 373825N0980507W 390945N09 634 45W 390937N09634 38W 382605N0944719W SOURCE COORDINATE 392016N0951438W 38555 6N0963612W 3958 33N09724 2 9W 385008N0955 135W 383535N0991547W 384930N0960700W 393214N099093 1W 373317N0981158W ELEV FT 3300 3111 3132 733 970 848 1535 1105 1441 1600 1094 824 KS129 MAP NAME Tribune 3 NE Hudson Topeka Westmoreland Woodruff Brewster NE Hugoton Hugoton Hugoton Hugoton Hugoton Hugoton Elgin Elgin Nortonville Easton SW White Woman Bott New Cambria Humboldt Ogden Ogden Humboldt Humboldt Fort Scott Ogden Humboldt Emporia Nar ka Solomon Rapids quenemo Vassar Leavenworth Pfeifer Eskridge Kirwin SW South Haven Almeda Patterson Hunter Coyville Lang Kingman Manhattan Manhattan Fontana KS130 FEATURE NAME Huntoon Park Huntress Creek Huntress Park Hunts Station See Clements Huntsville Noblesville Huntsville Cemetery Huntsville Township Hurley Field Huron Huron Park Hurst See Corbin Hurst Crossing See Corbin Hurt Airport Huscher Huser Bridge Hushpuckney Creek Hutchins Hutchins Creek See Hitchen Creek Hutchinson Hutchinson Community College Hutchinson High School Hutchinson Middle School Hutchinson Municipal Airport Hutchinson Plaza Hutchinson School Hutton (historical) Hutton Airport Hutton School Huyck School Hyacinth Cemetery Hyatt Cemetery Hyattville (historical) Hyde Elementary School Hyde Park Hyde Park Cemetery Hyde Park Congregation Jehovahs Witnesses Hyde School Hymer Heqwer Iantha Creek Ida (historical) Idana Chapmanville Idell (historical) Idle Hour Lake Idle Hour Lake Idlewild Lake Lake Idlewild Igo (historical) Ijams School Ilion Cemetery Ilion School Illinois Creek Coon Creek Illinois Creek Illinois Creek Illinois Creek Illinois Township Illinois Township Illinois Township Illinois Township FEATURE CLASS park stream park Ppl ppl cemetery civil park ppl park Ppl Ppl airport locale bridge stream locale stream ppl school school school airport locale school locale airport school school cemetery cemetery locale school park cemetery church school locale stream locale Ppl locale lake reservoir reservoir locale school cemetery school stream stream stream stream civil civil civil civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN coUnTy Shawnee Clay Clay Chase Reno Reno Reno Linn Atchison Wyandotte Sumner Sumner Miami Cloud Wilson Miami Scott Elk Reno Reno Reno Reno Reno Reno Finney Rush Thomas Neosho Wyandotte Ellis Anderson Anderson Sedgwick Sedgwick Russell Sedgwick Mitchell Chase Anderson Republic Clay Crawford Labette Geary Marshall Rooks Reno Rawlins Rawlins Montgomery Wabaunsee Jackson Nemaha Sumner Sedgwick Rush Nemaha COORDINATE 39023 392132N0970750W 39224 15W 381800N0964 426W 38032 6N0981932W 380234N098 200 3W 380235N098 18 25W 382047N0944514W 3938 18N0952 105W 390652N0943732W 370735N0973237W 370735N0973237W 382634N0944212W 393127N0973520W 37255 7N0954 32 3W 382416N0945202W 38262 3N10054 54W 372245N09603 48W 38033 9N09755 4 6W 380402N09704 13W 380410N09754 4 9W 380340N09755 44W 380347N0975 129W 380314N0975606W 375814N1005155W 382222N09908 30W 392142N1012148W 374032N0952 640W 390719N094462 1W 390012N0992 324W 381339N0951749W 174 9W 374120N0971647W 374102N0971908W 384705N0984011W 374101N0971922W 392431N09804 45W 382910N0964 120W 38202 007W 390630N0972955W 392127N0971550W 372935N0950150W 370825N0951715W 390027N0964701W 394230N0964 442W 391920N09908 55W 380142N0975308W 393655N1010938W 393552N1010938W 370648N095572 3W 3858 391559N0960055W 394658N0960258W 372600N0973141W 373625N0973205W 38 3821N0991155W 394155N09604 35W SOURCE COORDINATE 392248N0970807W 382613N094560 IW 382515N0953020W 371200N095552 3W 385016N0962048W 392045N09558 2 3W 6025 6W ELEV FT 4949 1738 1744 1160 1000 1459 2943 1538 1515 1535 3399 1116 1748 1250 1265 901 1894 1516 MAP NAME Topeka Clay Center NW Clay Center NW Alden SE Alden SE Alden SE La Cygne Denton Shawnee New Lancaster Rice Neodesha Fontana Scott City Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson SE Hutchinson Garden City East Ash Valley Brewster SE Chanute Edwardsville Plainville SW Welda Welda Wichita East Wichita East Dorrance SW Wichita East Beloit Hymer Garnett West Vine Creek Idana McCune NE Altamont Junction City Blue Rapids Twin Mound Hutchinson Chardon SW Chardon SW Caney Allendorph Emmett Seneca Millerton Clearwater Pfeifer Corning FEATURE NAME Illion (historical) Imes Laramore Lyle Immaculata High School Immaculate Conception Cemetery Immaculate Conception Cemetery Immanuel Baptist Church Immanuel Cemetery Immanuel Cemetery Immanuel Cemetery Immanuel Cemetery Immanuel Cemetery Immanuel Cemetery Immanuel Church Church Church Church Church Church Lutheran Church Immanuel Outreach Centre Immanuel School Independence Immanuel Immanuel Immanuel Immanuel Immanuel Immanuel Independence Community College Independence Creek Independence River Independence Crossing (historical) Independence High School Independence Junior High School Independence Municipal Airport Independence River See Independence Creek Independence School Independence School Independence Township Independence Township Independence Township Independence Township Independence Valley School Independent School Independent Township India-Kaw Valley Elementary School Indianapolis Cemetery Indianapolis School Indiana Township Indiana Township Indian Cemetery Indian Creek Indian Creek Indian Creek See Little Indian Creek Indian Creek Indian Creek Indian Creek Indian Creek Indian Creek Indian Creek Indian Creek See Kahola Creek Indian Creek Indian Creek Indian Creek Indian Creek Indian Creek Indian Creek Indian Creek FEATURE CLASS locale locale school cemetery cemetery church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church church church school ppl school stream locale school school airport stream school school civil civil civil civil school school civil school cemetery school civil civil cemetery stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN CcoUNnTY Rawlins Franklin Leavenworth Logan Rawlins Sedgwick Rice Russell Russell Sheridan Rawlins Marshall McPherson Chase Russell Dickinson Wabaunsee Sheridan Sedgwick Sedgwick Washington Montgomery Montgomery Atchison Marshall Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Atchison Haskell Bourbon Montgomery Osborne Doniphan Washington Atchison Sedgwick Barton Douglas Miami Miami Lincoln Graham Franklin Comanche Clark Elk Wilson Allen Greenwood Bourbon Chase McPherson Lyon Gove Johnson Jefferson Shawnee Jefferson Pottawatomie Osborne COORDINATE 39364 383425N095092 9W 391908N0945502W 390742N1003754W 395308N1011318W 374005N0972005W 382212N0982632W 384428N098 365 5W 384703N098 301 3W 392605N10028 44W 395138N1005745W 395335N096424 3W 38163 3N0972 64 3W 382148N09648 04W 38422 54 42W 38442 3N09 658 58W 3848 41N0962215W 392614N10028 45W 374035N0972014W 374232N0971751W 394014N0971305W 229W 371137N0954315W 39344 394459N0964115W 371415N095424 3W 371340N0954 235W 370936N0954 634W 393447N0950608W 373859N1004541W 375214N0944144W 448W 392130N0984 550W 394155N0951000W 395735N09 6504 OW 39384 3N09508 3 6W 374247N0971514W 38 3355N098 320 6W 385632N0951244W 383017N09459 35W 382956N09500 38W 390010N0981225W 393130N0995705W 38 3800N0951220W 370709N0990217W 370919N1000241W 373231N0960417W 373406N0955659W 375848N0953001W 38000 6124 3W 380007N0943827W 38310 38 3152N0974105W 38 3207N0962002W 384635N1001613W 385708N094 334 6W 390522N0953601W 39054 9N0953900W 391721N0951154W 39195 392516N098 35 48W SOURCE COORDINATE 394016N0952003W 371713N0990920W 371628N1000206W 373441N0961022W 3808 34N095274 5W 380344N0961637W 38062 383018N09629 30W 38264 55W 3854 40N1003255W 385001N0944805W 390532N0953709W 391220N0954017W 392054N0951317W 3928 43N0961744W 391927N0984119W ELEV 3201 1772 1869 1666 1531 1468 1296 1460 826 1130 817 2895 830 893 KS131 MAP NAME Chardon SW Peoria Leavenworth Grinnell North Atwood NW Wichita East Raymond Dubuque Dorrance Hoxie NW Ludell Herkimer Canton SW Cedar Point Galatia Herington Alta Vista SE Hoxie NW Wichita East Wichita East Palmer Independence Independence Atchison East Blue Rapids Independence Independence Bolton Garden City 3 NE Fort Scott Independence Covert Bendena Hanover Bendena Wichita Claflin East Lawrence East Paola West Lane Lincoln Lenora East Le Loup Fancy Canyon Proffitt Lake New Albany Piqua Madison SW Prescott Lake Kahola Lindsborg Gove SE Grandview Grantville Elmont Easton SW Laclede Downs South KS132 FEATURE NAME Indian Creek Indian Creek Indian Creek Elementary School Indian Creek Junior High School Indian Creek Shopping Center Indian Creek Township Indian Grave Monument Indian Hill Cemetery Indian Hills Church of the Nazarene Indian Hills Indian Hills Indian Hills Indian Mound Indianola (historical) Indianola (historical) Indianola Cemetery Indianola School Indian Ridge Junior High School Shopping Center Shopping Center Indian Southern Baptist Church Indian Springs Shopping Center Indian Village Industry Lovejoy Ingalls Soule Ingalls See Bayne (historical) Ingalls Ingalls See Elementary School Landing Strip Ingalls Municipal Airport Ingalls-Logan Cemetery Ingalls Municipal Airport Ingalls Landing Strip Ingalls School Ingalls Township Inman Aiken Superior Inman, Lake Inman Creek Inman Elementary School Inman High School Inman North Cemetery Inman South Cemetery Institute of Logopedics Interchange Oil Field Invermay (historical) Inyo (historical) Iola Cofachique (historical) Cemetery Cemetery Iola Iola Iola Iola Iola Cemetery Church Iola High School Iola Junior High School Iola Municipal Airport See Allen County Airport Iola Township Iona See Ionia Iona Township See Ionia Township Ionia FEATURE CLASS stream stream school school locale civil pillar cemetery church school locale locale summit locale locale cemetery school locale church locale locale Ppl Ppl locale school airport cemetery airport school civil Ppl lake stream school school cemetery cemetery school oilfield locale locale ppl locale cemetery cemetery cemetery church school school airport civil Ppl civil ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS COUNTY COORDINATE BGN Mitchell 39265 13W BGN Marshall 39554 325W UNOFF Shawnee 390729N095 384 3W UNOFF Johnson 385628N0943808W UNOFF Johnson 38562 3N094 3 955W ADMIN Anderson 38054 BGN Geary 391205N0965620W UNOFF Dickinson 3858 17N0970158W UNOFF Sedgwick 371244N0972117W UNOFF Johnson 390050N094 375 3W UNOFF Sedgwick 374230N09722 10W UNOFF Shawnee 390052N09544 30W BGN Marshall 393735N0963630W BGN Butler 374418N097043 3W BGN Shawnee 390613N0954 135W UNOFF Butler 374442N097043 3W UNOFF Butler 374418N097043 3W BGN Jefferson 391305N09528 30W UNOFF Sedgwick 3738 39N0971906W UNOFF Wyandotte 390659N0944115W BGN Montgomery 370447N0953922W BGN Clay 390800N0971016W VARIANT BGN Gray 374940N1002715W VARIANT VARIANT Lincoln 391121N0982205W UNOFF Sedgwick 374212N09718 30W VARIANT Gray 375410N1003154W UNOFF Gray 375030N1002727W UNOFF Gray 375410N1003154W VARIANT UNOFF Wyandotte 390508N0943718W ADMIN Gray 374650N1003232W BGN McPherson 381355N0974 62 3W VARIANT VARIANT BGN McPherson 38150 3N09743 15W BGN Barber 371109N0990003W UNOFF McPherson 381501N0974624W UNOFF McPherson 381439N0974635W UNOFF McPherson 381450N0974 645W UNOFF McPherson 381302N0974631W UNOFF Sedgwick 374335N09718 33W UNOFF Sumner 371536N0972135W BGN Atchison 393635N0952600W BGN Harper 371658N0982000W BGN Allen 375528N0952359W VARIANT BGN Doniphan 394517N0951126W UNOFF Allen 375518N0953106W UNOFF Allen 5244 9W UNOFF Doniphan 395030N0951123W UNOFF Allen 375355N09524 31W UNOFF Allen 375528N0952 400W UNOFF Allen 350W VARIANT Allen 37525 3N0952 303W ADMIN Allen 375428N0952 645W VARIANT Jewell 393950N0982050W VARIANT Jewell 394158N0981955W BGN 1891 Jewell 393950N0982050W SOURCE COORDINATE 392326N0981252W 400142N0964049W 371547N0985611W ELEV FT 983 1306 950 1220 1326 1330 1326 950 940 864 1185 2680 2814 744 1527 1447 1510 965 1043 963 1565 MAP NAME Solomon Rapids Herkimer Topeka Lenexa Lenexa Geneva Milford Chapman Wichita East Shawnee Wichita East Topeka Blue Rapids NE Santa Fe Lake Topeka Santa Fe Lake Santa Fe Lake Ozawkie Wichita East Shawnee Coffeyville West Industry Ingalls Wichita East Ingalls Pierceville NE Kansas City Charleston Buhler Mc Pherson South Indian Creek Buhler Buhler Buhler Buhler Wichita East Dalton Effingham Zenda SE Iola Sparks Piqua Iola Sparks Iola Iola Iola Iola Ionia FEATURE NAME Iona Ionia Cemetery Ionia Township Iona Township Iowa See Ness City Iowa Cemetery Iowa Cemetery Iowa Creek Stub Creek Iowa Creek Iowa Indian Reservation Iowa Reservation Iowa Sac and Fox Indian Reservation Iowa of Kansas Indian Reservation Iowa of Kansas Indian Reservation See Iowa Indian Reservation Iowa Point Iowa Point Cemetery Iowa Reservation See Iowa Indian Reservation Iowa Sac and Fox Indian Mission Iowa Sac and Fox Indian Reservation See Iowa Indian Reservation Iowa Sac and Fox Indian Reservation See Sac and Fox Indian Reservation Iowa Township Iowa Township See Township Number 2 Iowa Township Iowa Union Cemetery Iowaville (historical) Irene See Cairo Irene (historical) Irish Creek Irish Creek Irish Creek Irish Creek South Fork Black Vermillion River South Fork Creek Irish Flats Iron Mound Iron Mountain Irving (historical) Irving Elementary School Irving Elementary School Irving Elementary School Irving Township Irvin Oil Field Isabel Isabel See Modoc Isabel Cemetery Isbel Township Island (historical) Island, The Island, The Island Creek Island Creek FEATURE CLASS cemetery civil Ppl cemetery cemetery stream stream reserve reserve ppl cemetery reserve school reserve reserve civil civil civil cemetery locale ppl locale stream stream stream stream flat summit summit locale school school school civil oilfield ppl ppl cemetery civil locale bend flat stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN COUNTY Jewell Jewell Ness Crawford Osborne Washington Smith Brown Brown Doniphan Doniphan Brown Doniphan Brown Brown Sherman Rooks Doniphan Phillips Sedgwick Pratt Pratt Montgomery Reno Bourbon Marshall Meade Saline Kiowa Marshall Cowley Sedgwick Anderson Brown Ellis Barber Scott Barber Scott Neosho Woodson Geary Franklin Leavenworth COORDINATE 394038N0982127W 394158N0981955W 382710N0995422W 373513N0945630W 392313N098 334 9W 395135N0971208W 395308N0985244W 395915N0952100W 395915N0952100W 39554 395457N09513 39W 395915N0952100W 395152N0951348W 395915N0952100W 395915N0952730W 391200N1013015W 392630N0991240W 395555N0951700W 395125N0992210W 373437N0971057W 373900N0983315W 373747N0983245W 371709N095394 9W 375056N098064 8W 380106N0950015W 394148N0962256W 370420N1002510W 3848 30N0973041W 37260 393820N0963550W 371449N0965915W 374246N0972011W 381650N0951355W 395615N09524 30W 385040N0992710W 372800N098 3 300W 382913N1010453W 372725N098 3 610W 382915N1010300W 372452N0970806W 380138N0953426W 39034 3N0964 740W 38 3706N0951804W 391220N09448 50W SOURCE COORDINATE 394751N0971521W 39593 3N098 5 1 4 6W 371826N09538 08W 375608N0980922W 380511N0945857W 393325N09618 54W 383704N0951952W 391026N0945339W ELEV FT 993 1581 858 1034 1497 2040 1144 1850 KS133 MAP NAME Ionia Ionia Brazilton Downs South Morrowville Bachelors Run White Cloud Oregon Oregon Sparks Harris Draw NE White Cloud Phillipsburg N Rose Hill Cairo Sycamore Pretty Prairie Blue Mound Frankfort Irish Flats Salina Iron Mountain Blue Rapids NE Winfield Wichita East Garnett East Highland NW Antonino Isabel Isabel Modoc South Mound Neosho Falls Junction City Ottawa South Wolcott KS134 FEATURE NAME Island Park Isley Cemetery Isley Elementary School Israelite Church of God in Christ Italia See Neosho Rapids Itasca (historical) Leonard Itasca Township Iuka Iuka-Carmi Oil and Gas Field Iuka Township Cemetery Ivamar See Paradise Ivanhoe (historical) Ivanhoe Cemetery Ivanhoe Township Ivanpah Ivanpah Creek Ivy (historical) Ivy Cemetery Ivy Township IXL Cemetery IXL Oil Field 3 Jack (historical) Jack Creek Jack Creek Jackie Branch Marmaton River Jack Poore Landing Strip Jackrabbit Hill Jackson (historical) Jackson Branch Jacksonburg (historical) Jacksonburgh Jacksonville Jacksonburgh See Jacksonburg (historical) Jackson Canyon Jackson Cemetery Jackson Cemetery Jackson Cemetery Jackson County Calhoun County Jackson Memorial Church of God In Christ Jackson Oil Field Jackson Park Jackson Township Jackson Township Jackson Township Jackson Township Jackson Township Jackson Township Jackson Township Jackson Township Jackson Township Jacksonville See Jacksonburg (historical) Jacksonville (historical) Jacob Creek Jacobs Jacobs Creek Jacobs Creek Landing Jake Branch FEATURE CLASS park cemetery school church ppl locale civil ppl oilfield cemetery ppl locale cemetery civil locale stream locale cemetery civil cemetery oilfield locale stream stream stream airport summit locale stream locale locale valley cemetery cemetery cemetery civil church oilfield park civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil locale locale stream locale stream Ppl stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS COUNTY COORDINATE ADMIN Cowley 371458N0965950W UNOFF Brown 395304N095 44 29W UNOFF Sedgwick 374304N09718 22W UNOFF Sedgwick 374410N0971729W VARIANT Lyon 382210N09559 30W BGN Sherman 391905N1014335W VARIANT ADMIN Sherman 391815N1014010W BGN Pratt 374345N0984 405W UNOFF Pratt 374420N0984055W UNOFF Pratt 374403N0984 351W VARIANT Russell 39064 9N0985505W BGN Haskell 373910N1005225W UNOFF Haskell 3738 30N1005215W ADMIN Finney 374659N1005532W BGN Greenwood 37535 3N09 628 5 6W BGN Greenwood 375405N0962 648W BGN Lyon 383753N09604 15W UNOFF Lyon 38 3656N09603 35W ADMIN Lyon 383910N0960550W UNOFF Osborne 391457N09855 19W UNOFF Rice 382512N0982 650W BGN Russell 390522N098 524 0W BGN Chase 380755N0963520W BGN Phillips 395947N0992505W BGN Allen 374840N095053 6W UNOFF Rawlins 394905N1012057W BGN Coffey 381403N0954 344W BGN Decatur 394020N1002415W BGN Graham 391732N09954 34W BGN Smith 3954 30N098 534 5W VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT Smith 395430N098 534 5W BGN Cheyenne 400037N1014919W UNOFF Wilson 37350 UNOFF Decatur 394022N1002413W UNOFF Doniphan 394934N0945528W ADMIN Jackson 392400N0955000W VARIANT UNOFF Shawnee 390230N0953955W UNOFF Greenwood 374930N0963110W ADMIN Atchison 393240N0950700W ADMIN Sumner 371032N0972506W ADMIN Edwards 380002N0993051W ADMIN Anderson 381835N09518 15W ADMIN McPherson 38232 1W ADMIN Lyon 382350N0960125W ADMIN Geary 6324 5W ADMIN Osborne 391100N098 39 30W ADMIN Riley 392745N0964 645W ADMIN Jewell 395735N09758 15W VARIANT Smith 395430N098 5 3 4 5W BGN Jefferson 391050N0952 645W BGN Lyon 382316N0961938W BGN Dickinson 38364 3N0970150W BGN Coffey 381620N0955200W BGN Coffey 381555N09552 10W BGN Miami 38 3006N0944247W SOURCE COORDINATE 375305N09634 35W 380738N09638 2 6W 395332N0992757W 374707N0950748W 391453N1000119W 3958 35N1014941W 381632N0962045W 381422N0955308W 38 3307N09442 34W ELEV FT 1281 1950 1944 2498 1210 1187 3330 1100 MAP NAME Winfield Morrill Wichita East Wichita East Goodland Goodland Pratt Pratt Pratt Garden City 3 NE Garden City 3 NE Garden City SW Lapland Lapland Admire Allen SE Admire Paradise NW Chase NW Paradise Matfield Green Woodruff Moran SE Mc Donald Burlington Dresden North Penokee Bachelors Run White Canyon New Albany Dresden North wathena Soldier Creek Topeka Rosalia Atchison East Rome Hanston SE Garnett West Windom NE Lang Swede Creek Vincent Randolph Scandia NW Ozawkie Plymouth Ramona Ottumwa Ottumwa Louisburg FEATURE NAME James B. Hutton Elementary School James Branch Jamesburg Cemetery James Creek James Crossing (historical) James Draw James Lake James School James School Jamestown Alva Jamestown Cemetery Jamestown State Waterfront Management Area Janes See Greensburg Janesville Township Jaqua (historical) Jaqua Cemetery Jaqua Township Jarbalo Jarbalo Creek Jardine Junior High School Jardine Junior High School Jarvis Canyon Jarvis Creek Jasper See Missler Jayhawk-Linn High School Jeanette, Lake Jeddo Church Jefferson Jefferson Cemetery Jefferson City (historical) Jefferson County Jefferson County North Elementary School Jefferson County North High School Jefferson Elementary School Jefferson Elementary School Jefferson Elementary School Jefferson Elementary School Jefferson Elementary School Jefferson Point State Park Jefferson Point State Park See Perry State Park Jefferson School Jefferson Township Jefferson Township Jefferson Township Jefferson Township Jefferson Township Jefferson Township Jefferson Township Jefferson Township See Bird City Township Jefferson Township Jeffersonville See Cambridge Jelinek Oil Field Jenday Oil Field Jenkins Jenkins (historical) Jenkins Cemetery Jenkins Hill Sandstone Bluff Jennings Slab City FEATURE CLASS school stream cemetery stream locale valley reservoir school school ppl cemetery park Ppl civil locale cemetery civil ppl stream school school valley stream locale school reservoir church ppl cemetery locale civil school school school school school school school park park school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil Ppl oilfield oilfield locale locale cemetery summit ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS COUNTY UNOFF Neosho BGN Johnson UNOFF Sedgwick BGN Jackson BGN Jackson BGN Kearny BGN Pawnee UNOFF Montgomery UNOFF Brown BGN Cloud VARIANT UNOFF Cloud ADMIN Cloud VARIANT Kiowa ADMIN Greenwood BGN Cheyenne UNOFF Cheyenne ADMIN Cheyenne BGN Leavenworth BGN Leavenworth UNOFF Sedgwick UNOFF Shawnee BGN Cheyenne BGN Rice VARIANT Meade UNOFF Linn BGN Leavenworth UNOFF Allen BGN Montgomery UNOFF Montgomery BGN Jefferson ADMIN Jefferson UNOFF Jefferson UNOFF Jefferson UNOFF Cowley UNOFF Sedgwick UNOFF Butler UNOFF Allen UNOFF Barton ADMIN Jefferson VARIANT Jefferson UNOFF Sumner ADMIN Chautauqua ADMIN Dickinson ADMIN Geary ADMIN Jackson ADMIN Jefferson ADMIN Atchison ADMIN Rawlins VARIANT Cheyenne ADMIN Republic VARIANT Cowley UNOFF Rooks UNOFF McPherson BGN McPherson BGN Comanche UNOFF Pratt BGN Pawnee VARIANT BGN Decatur VARIANT COORDINATE 374031N0952641W 385618N0943635W 374258N0972642W 391526N0955318W 39265 5N0955715W 380647N1010734W 380307N0985650W 370028N095 394 2W 39512 3N0953206W 393558N0975139W 393547N0975302W 394000N09754 20W 373610N0991732W 375905N0961145W 393917N1020150W 393816N1020148W 394020N1020122W 391207N0950408W 391113N0950258W 3738 32N097174 3W 390034N09542 32W 400140N1014104W 381606N0980656W 371904N1002605W 380822N09448 47W 391633N0945331W 374914N0951905W 37064 540W 370614N0954 449W 392205N0953200W 391300N0952400W 391920N0951611W 391924N0951612W 37045 3N09702 19W 374037N0971655W 374917N0965200W 375510N0952408W 382236N0984634W 390813N097285 3W 390945N09528 20W 371519N0972357W 370920N0962652W 384425N0971215W 390002N0964540W 393135N0955028W 392020N09514 35W 392805N0953145W 393550N1005010W 394110N1013410W 394650N09732 30W 371858N0963951W 391550N09924 30W 382510N0972800W 38 3300N0974 318W 370350N0991150W 373321N0985245W 381036N099094 2W 394046N1001735W SOURCE COORDINATE 385715N094374 3W 918W 381705N1013535W 391133N09508 40W 395934N1014109W 382357N0980711W ELEV FT 1360 1411 1432 3517 900 1019 797 1852 1355 2095 2500 KS135 MAP NAME Chanute Lenexa Wichita West Soldier Creek SW Soldier Creek NW Wolf SW Saint John SW Coffeyville West Hiawatha Jamestown Scottsville Hamilton Hale Ponds Hale Ponds Hale Ponds Jarbalo Jarbalo Wichita East Topeka Heinzelman Canyon Little River Mound City Leavenworth Iola SE Tyro Coffeyville West Holton SE Ozawkie Winchester Winchester Arkansas City Wichita East El Dorado Iola Great Bend NE Ozawkie Wellington Cloverdale Elmo Junction City Circleville Easton SW Arrington Achilles SE Belleville SE Stockton SW Canton Lindsborg Nescatunga Cr S Croft Fort Larned Jennings KS136 FEATURE NAME Jennings Cemetery Jennings Elementary School Jennings High School Jennings Township Jerome (historical) Jerome Township Jersey Creek Jersey Creek Jeserick Airport Jester Creek Jester Creek See East Fork Jester Creek Jesus, Mount Jetmore Buckner Jetmore East Oil Field Jetmore Elementary School Jetmore High School Jetmore Municipal Airport Jetmore Oil Field Jewell Fort Jewell Jewell Cemetery Jewell Centre See Mankato Jewell City See Mankato Jewell County Jewell County Dam Jewell County Lake Jewell County State Lake Jewell County State Lake Dam Jewell County State Park Jewell Elementary School Jewell High School Jewett School Jim Creek Jim Creek Jim Creek Jim Creek Jim Creek Jim Creek Jimtown (historical) Jingo Jingo Cemetery Jivaro, Lake Joash (historical) Jocelyn Creek Joe Creek Joe Woody Branch Johannes Branch Spring Creek Johannestal Cemetery John Brown State Park John Creek Oil Field John F. Kennedy Elementary School Johnny Cake See Linwood John Redmond Dam John Redmond Reservoir Redmond Reservoir John Redmond Wildlife Area Johns Creek Johnson Creek Johnston Creek Johns Creek Johns Landing Field Johnson FEATURE CLASS cemetery school school civil locale civil stream stream airport stream stream summit ppl oilfield school school airport oilfield ppl cemetery ppl Ppl civil dam reservoir reservoir dam park school school school stream stream stream stream stream stream locale Ppl cemetery reservoir locale stream stream stream stream cemetery park oilfield school Ppl dam reservoir park stream stream airport ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1961 VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF US 1968 VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN CoUnNTY Decatur Decatur Decatur Decatur Gove Gove Osage Wyandotte Miami Sedgwick Harvey Clark Hodgeman Hodgeman Hodgeman Hodgeman Hodgeman Hodgeman Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Leavenworth Cowley Comanche Osage Pottawatomie Rooks Marshall Phillips Miami Miami Shawnee Meade Sedgwick Coffey Wabaunsee Jefferson Marion Miami Morris Wyandotte Leavenworth Coffey Coffey Coffey Clark Jewell Stanton Stanton COORDINATE 394057N1001818W 394040N1001744W 394040N1001744W 394158N1002005W 384450N1003137W 384709N1002903W 38 3602N09544 12W 390715N0943627W 382329N094 38 05W 375102N0972406W 375757N0971904W 371555N0994130W 380504N09953 35W 38065 3N0995 355W 380509N09954 11W 38050 15W 375829N09953 32W 380705N0995600W 394017N0980912W 394010N0981002W 394714N0981235W 394714N0981235W 394800N0981400W 394006N098 124 2W 355W 394148N0981654W 394148N0981654W 394157N0981644W 394024N09808 59W 394004N09809 16W 39014 3N09458 37W 339W 371914N0990654W 384406N09534 31W 392331N0961041W 39255 635W 395032N0992007W 382414N0944145W 382414N0944112W 390027N0953 305W 37255 3N1002347W 373257N0974155W 382547N0954 145W 39003 321W 38243 3N0971329W 38 3002N0945732W 6224 5W 390806N09444 46W 390005N0950220W 381330N0954 635W 381330N0954 635W 381330N0954 915W 371108N1000220W 39540 620W 372407N1014553W 373414N1014502W SOURCE COORDINATE 383856N09547 11W 390719N0944013W 375757N0971904W 371437N0963557W 37224 9W 384558N095 322 2W 3928 31N0961623W 393135N0991317W 125W 373056N0974612W 38232 505W 385904N09608 48W 392536N0952237W 372219N1000437W 3948 54N09807 11W ELEV FT 1000 2340 2307 2466 1550 995 3390 3330 MAP NAME Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Cheyenne Creek Gove SW Lyndon Kansas City New Lancaster Maize Mount Jesus Jetmore Jetmore Jetmore Jetmore Spearville NW Jetmore Jewell Jewell Mankato Jewell Jewell Ionia Ionia Ionia Jewell Jewell Bonner Springs Dexter NE Wilmore SE Overbrook Westmoreland NE Woodston NW Frankfort SW Phillipsburg N New Lancaster New Lancaster Grantville Meade NW Lake Afton Waverly NW Hessdale Half Mound Durham Paola West Council Grove Parkville John Redmond Dam John Redmond Dam John Redmond Dam Proffitt Lake Webber Richfield NE Johnson West FEATURE NAME Johnson City Veteran Johnson Cemetery Johnson Cemetery Johnson Church Johnson City See Johnson Johnson Community Center Johnson County Johnson County Community College Johnson County Dam Shawnee Mission Park Dam Johnson County Executive Airport Executive-Johnson Company Airport Johnson County Industrial Airport Johnson Creek See Johns Creek Johnson Creek Johnson Draw Johnson Fork Johnson High School Johnson Hollow See Whartenby Creek Johnson Junior High School Johnson Lake Johnson Lake Johnson Oil Field Johnson Park Johnson Tabernacle Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Johnson Township Johnsonville (historical) Johnston Creek See Johns Creek Johnstown West Johnston Jonah Creek Jones Canyon Jones Canyon Creek Jones Cemetery Jones Cemetery Jones Creek Jones Creek Jones School See Buffalo Jones Elementary School Jones Spring See Diamond Spring Jones Township Jordan Branch Jordan Cemetery Jordan Creek Jordan Creek Jordan Creek Jordan Creek Church Jordon Springs (historical) Joy Joyce Elementary School Joy Creek Joy Creek coyland Park Judson (historical) Judy Cemetery Judy School FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery church ppl locale civil school dam airport airport stream stream stream stream school stream school reservoir reservoir oilfield park church civil locale stream locale stream valley stream cemetery cemetery stream stream school spring civil stream cemetery stream stream stream church locale locale school stream stream park locale cemetery school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Gray Rooks Phillips Stanton Dickinson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Clark Wabaunsee Decatur Marshall Stanton Cowley Stanton Kingman Linn McPherson Reno Sedgwick Ness Jewell Clark McPherson Washington Cheyenne Cheyenne McPherson Dickinson Washington Norton Finney Morris Morton Miami Sumner Sumner Coffey Doniphan Doniphan Reno Kiowa Grant Osborne Washington Sedgwick Smith Anderson Anderson COORDINATE 374230N1001253W 392058N0991139W 395036N0990727W 373414N1014502W 38573 385200N0945200W 39552 6N094 434 6W 38590 3N094 4 8 3 5W 385057N0944 422W 384952N094532 3W 371108N1000220W 385727N0960056W 395025N1002951W 393938N09628 18W 373417N1014511W 370150N0963 328W 373500N1014503W 373545N0980321W 38062 3N09 458 40W 382100N0973740W 380414N097562 3W 374206N09718 45W 382004N1001024W 394227N0975630W 371108N1000220W 382934N0974031W 394746N0965357W 400257N1012920W 400415N1012926W 382300N09723 10W 390413N0970510W 395158N0971302W 400025N09958 40W 3758 19N1005252W 38365 8N0964 545W 370300N1015815W 38283 3N094 54 3 9W 371118N0972031W 371021N0973635W 382107N0955250W 393934N0951115W 39405 3N09509 32W 37502 37354 3N0992 340W 37344 229W 395634N09658 21W 373828N09718 13W 39585 3N098 38 08W 3818 34N0951031W 381859N0951034W SOURCE COORDINATE 390019N09603 40W 395134N1003957W 39434 3N0963225W 39482 395406N1012609W 395406N1012609W 395713N0971348W 39550 652W 38265 7N09458 22W 370144N0974209W 382346N0955003W 39442 393134N098 484 6W 400007N0970629W ELEV FT 2687 1923 1232 1096 1086 1390 1258 918 2286 931 920 KS137 MAP NAME Ensign Twin Mound Kensington Solomon Ocheltree Lenexa Olathe Stilwell Gardner Keene Kanona Blue Rapids NE Johnson East Johnson West Almeda Mapleton Mc Pherson South Hutchinson Wichita East Beeler SW Jamestown NW Mc Pherson North Hanover SW Max McDonald NW Canton Upland Washington NW Beaver City SW Elkhart North Osawatomie South Haven NE Caldwell NW Hartford Bendena Bendena Langdon Mullinville Ulysses Harlan Hanover West Wichita East Cora Garnett East Garnett East KS138 FEATURE NAME Jug Motte Creek Red Fork Creek Julian Junction See Junction City Junction City Junction Millard Junction City High School Junction City Municipal Airport Junction City Reservoir Junction Elementary School Junction Township Juniata Juniata (historical) Juniata (historical) Jurett (historical) Juse (historical) J V Ranch Airport K KAB I -AM KABI-FM KAKE-TV KAKZ -AM KANS-AM KANS-FM KANU-FM KANZ -FM KARE -AM KAYS-AM (Abilene) (Abilene) (Wichita) (Wichita) (Larned) (Larned) (Lawrence) (Garden City) (Atchison) (Hays) KAYS-TV KBEA - AM KBJC-FM KBLT-FM KBRA -FM KBUF-FM KBUZ -FM KCCU-FM KCKS-FM (Hays) (Mission) (Great Bend) (Baxter Springs) (Wichita) (Garden City) (Arkansas City) (Columbus) (Concordia) KCLO-AM KCLY-FM KCNW-AM KDCK-FM KDVV-FM KEDD-AM KEYN-FM KEZS-FM KFDI-AM (Leavenworth) (Clay Center) (Fairway) (Dodge City) (Topeka) (Dodge City) (Wichita) (Liberal) (Wichita) KFDI-FM (Wichita) KFH-AM (Wichita) KFKF-FM (Kansas City) KFKU-AM (Lawrence) KFLA-AM (Scott City) KFNF-FM (Oberlin) KFRM-AM (Salina) KGCS-FM (Derby) KGCS-FM (Wichita) KGGF-AM KGNO-AM KHCC-FM KHOK-FM KHUT-FM KICT-FM KIKS-AM KINA -AM KIND-AM (Coffeyville) (Dodge City) (Hutchinson) (Hoisington) (Hutchinson) (Wichita) (Iola) (Salina) (Independence) KIND-FM KINF-FM (Independence) (Dodge City) FEATURE CLASS stream locale ppl ppl school airport reservoir school civil locale locale locale locale locale airport tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN 1975 VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN 1920 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF CoUNnTy Comanche Stanton Geary Geary Geary Geary Geary Wyandotte Osage Lincoln Pottawatomie Clay Wilson Woodson Osage Dickinson Dickinson Sedgwick Sedqwich Pawnee Pawnee Douglas Finney Buchanan Ellis Ellis Wyandotte Barton Cherokee Sedgwick Finney Sumner Cherokee Cloud Leavenworth Clay Johnson Ford Shawnee Ford Sedgwick Seward Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Wyandotte Jefferson Scott Decatur Cloud Sedgwick Sedgwick Labette Ford Reno Barton Reno Sedgwick Allen Saline Coffey Montgomery Ford COORDINATE 370119N0990515W 37334 3N1013734W 39014 952W 39014 952W 390156N0965002W 39023 3N09650 35W 390120N0965101W 390319N0944031W 350W 385455N097575 2W 391445N0963400W 392455N0971415W 372550N09555 35W 3758 30N0955205W 38 3800N09555 30W 38554 38554 374654N0973110W 374306N0971906W 380954N0990605W 380954N0990605W 385718N0951557W 374640N1005208W 393709N0945927W 38532 3W 385300N0992015W 390405N0944209W 382413N098434 3W 370734N0944212W 374247N0971451W 380003N1005356W 371353N09712 30W 371447N0944452W 393356N0974104W 391630N09454 30W 39215 3N09705 32W 3858 34N0944237W 37464 39043 6W 374709N1000155W 374637N0973101W 370313N1005342W 37454 103W 374247N0971451W 390650N0944045W 390455N095324 5W 383135N10054 42W 39493 392610N097394 0W 373358N0971928W 374628N097302 OW 370858N09528 27W 374733N10000 35W 390340N097454 IW 38324 380236N098005 3W 374501N0971812W 375407N0952 42 6W 384552N09732 30W 371307N0954 330W 371307N0954 330W 37463 3N10002 12W SOURCE COORDINATE 365715N099094 9W ELEV FT 1107 1104 1411 1180 MAP NAME Fancy Canyon Johnson East Junction City Junction City City City Junction Junction Shawnee Vassar Juniata Manhattan Clay Center NW Buxton Toronto NE Miller Abilene Abilene Colwich Wichita East Larned Larned Lawrence West Plymell De Kalb Hays North Hays North Shawnee Ellinwood NW Crestline Andover Lowe Adamsville Crestline Concordia Leavenworth Clay Center Lenexa Dodge City SW Topeka Dodge City Colwich Liberal Valley Center Wichita East Andover Shawnee Grantville Lake Scott SW Berlin SW Aurora NW Derby Colwich Mound Valley Dodge City Hutchinson SE Hoisington Yaggy Valley Center Iola Salina Burlington Independence Dodge City KIOL-FM KIUL-AM KJCK-AM KJCK-FM KJHK-FM KJLS-FM KJRG-AM KKAN-AM KKAT-FM KKKX-FM KKOW-AM KKOY-AM KKRD-FM KLEY-AM KLIB-AM KLKC-AM KLOE-AM KLOE-TV KLRF-FM KLWN-AM KLZR-FM KMAJ -FM KMAN-AM KMDO-AM KMKF -FM KNCK-AM KNDY-AM KNEX-AM KNEX-FM KNIC-AM KNKU-FM KNKY-FM KNZA-FM KOAM-TV KOEZ-FM KOFO-AM KOMB-FM KOOD-TV KOOD-TV KOYY-AM KPTS-TV KQAM-AM KQNK-AM KQOSM-FM KRKR-AM KRSL-AM KRSL-FM KSAC-AM KSAL-AM KSBQ-FM KSCB-AM KSDB-FM KSEK-AM KSGL -AM KSKC-FM KSKG-FM KSKS-FM KSKU-FM KSKX-AM KSLS-FM KSNC-TV KSNG-TV KSNT-TV KSNW-TV KSOF-FM KSOK-AM KSPG-FM KSWC-FM KSWK-TV KTCC-FM FEATURE NAME (Iola) (Garden City) (Junction City) (Junction City) (Lawrence) (Hays) (Newton) (Phillipsburg) (Lyons) (Ottawa) (Pittsburg) (Chanute) (Wichita) (Wellington) (Liberal) (Parsons) (Goodland) (Goodland) (Emporia) (Lawrence) (Lawrence) (Topeka) (Manhattan) (Fort Scott) (Manhattan) (Concordia) (Marysville) (McPherson) (McPherson) (Winfield) (Baldwin City) (Marysville) (Hiawatha) (Pittsburg) (Newton) (Ottawa) (Fort Scott) (Hays) (Hays) (El Dorado) (Hutchinson) (Wichita) (Norton) (Chanute) (Kansas City) (Russell) (Russell) (Manhattan) (Salina) (Pittsburg) (Liberal) (Manhattan) (Pittsburg) (Wichita) (Parsons) (Salina) (Goodland) (Hutchinson) (Topeka) (Liberal) (Great Bend) (Garden City) (Topeka) (Wichita) (Wichita) (Arkansas City) (El Dorado) (Winfield) (Garden City) (Colby) FEATURE CLASS tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Allen Finney Geary Geary Douglas Ellis Harvey Phillips Rice Franklin Crawford Neosho Sedgwick Sumner Seward Labette Sherman Sherman Lyon Douglas Douglas Shawnee Riley Bourbon Riley Cloud Marshall McPherson McPherson Cowley Douglas Marshall Brown Cherokee Harvey Franklin Bourbon Russell Russell Butler Reno Sedgwick Norton Neosho Wyandotte Russell Russell Riley Saline Crawford Seward Riley Crawford Sedgwick Labette Saline Sherman Reno Shawnee Seward Barton Finney Shawnee Sedgwick Sedgwick Cowley Butler Cowley Finney Thomas COORDINATE 375404N0952404W 375952N1005425W 390045N0965147W 39005 3N09652 15W 385730N0951501W 385520N0992111W 380245N0972224W 394732N0991955W 38163 38 3504N0951557W 37244 16W 374125N09528 08W 374637N0973101W 371428N0972404W 370317N1005306W 372035N0951355W 392004N1014528W 392809N1013320W 382310N09610 36W 385552N0951556W 385319N0951716W 391125N0953929W 391300N09633 30W 3748 35N0944222W 391334N0963710W 393358N0974104W 395102N09638 52W 382030N0974012W 382030N0974012W 371421N097004 3W 384645N0951115W 39502 39462 3N0953 134W 371315N0944225W 380245N0972224W 383504N0951557W 3748 35N0944222W 384616N0984417W 384616N0984417W 3748 47N09648 44W 38032 35W 106W 394937N0995208W 374125N09528 08W 390650N094 404 SW 385422N0985139W 385422N0985139W 391300N0963510W 385308N0973058W 37234 404 2W 370315N10053 39W 391114N0963447W 37234 404 2W 37413 372035N0951355W 384736N0973133W 392319N1013334W 38032 1N09746 35W 390117N0953415W 370318N1005327W 38255 46 18W 374640N1005208W 39053 3N0954704W 374637N0973101W 374115N0972013W 370519N097015 6W 3748 47N09648 44W 371445N09658 15W 374606N1005504W 39224 3N1010227W soURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT KS139 MAP NAME Iola Garden City West Junction City Junction City Lawrence West Hays North Newton Phillipsburg N Lyons Ottawa South Radley Chanute Colwich Rome Liberal Parsons East Rueton SE Goodland NE Emporia Lawrence West Lawrence West Elmont Manhattan Fort Scott Manhattan Concordia Marysville McPherson South McPherson SE Hackney Baldwin City Home Hiawatha Crestline Newton Ottawa South Fort Scott Dorrance SW Dorrance SW El Dorado Hutchinson SE Wichita East Calvert Chanute Shawnee Russell Russell Manhattan New Cambria Pittsburg Liberal Manhattan Pittsburg Wichita West Parsons East Salina Goodland NE Hutchinson SE Grantville Liberal Great Bend Plymell Silver Lake Colwich Wichita East Arkansas City El Dorado Winfield Garden City SW Colby KS140 FEATURE NAME KTJO-FM (Ottawa) KTOP-AM (Topeka) KTPK-FM (Topeka) KTTL-FM (Dodge City) KTVC-TV (Ensign) KTVH-TV (Hutchinson) KTWU-TV (Topeka) KUDL-FM (Kansas City) KULL-FM (Scott City) KULY-AM (Ulysses) KUPK-TV (Garden City) KVCO-FM (Concordia) KVGB-AM (Great Bend) KVGB-FM (Great Bend) KVOE-AM (Emporia) KVSV-AM (Beloit) KVSV-FM (Beloit) KWBW-AM (Hutchinson) KWHK-AM (Hutchinson) KWKN-AM (Wichita) KWKS-FM (Winfield) KWLS-FM (Pratt) KWNS-AM (Pratt) KXXX-AM (Colby) KXXX-FM (Colby) KYEZ-FM (Salina) KZED-FM (Wellington) KZOC-FM (Osage City) KZZC-FM (Leavenworth) Kackley Kahola, Lake Kahola Creek Indian Creek Kai it tu See Salt Fork Arkansas River Ka-i-urs-kuta See Smoky Hill River Kake Helistop Kalamazoo See Anness Kalamazoo (historical) Kalida See Yates Center Kalida Cemetery Kalloch (historical) Kallock Cemetery Kalvesta Kanapolis See Kanopolis Kanbrick Kanco Kanona Altory Kanona Cemetery Kanopolis Fort Ellsworth Fort Harker Kanapolis Kanopolis Cemetery Kanopolis Dam Kanopolis Lake Kanopolis Reservoir Kanopolis Land Field See Kanopolis State Park Airport Kanopolis Middle School Kanopolis Reservoir See Kanopolis Lake Kanopolis State Park FEATURE CLASS tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower tower ppl . reservoir stream stream stream airport locale locale ppl cemetery locale cemetery ppl Ppl locale locale Ppl cemetery Ppl cemetery dam reservoir airport school reservoir park NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1971 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN CoUnTy Franklin Shawnee Shawnee Gray Gray Reno Shawnee Wyandotte Scott Grant Haskell Cloud Barton Barton Lyon Mitchell Mitchell Reno Reno Sedgwick Cowley Pratt Pratt Graham Thomas Ottawa Sumner Osage Leavenworth Republic Chase Lyon Barber Geary Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Woodson Woodson Montgomery Montgomery Finney Ellsworth Barton Greeley Decatur Decatur Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth COORDINATE 38 3610N0951605W 390439N095404 6W 39043 6W 373828N1002040W 37382 6N100203 3W 380340N097454 9W 39035 1N095454 9W 390058N0944122W 38 3135N1005442W 37325 373901N1004006W 393317N0973948W 3818 50N0984735W 382554N0984618W 382310N0961036W 39265 3N098 04 45W 39265 3N098 04 45W 380422N097575 3W 380607N0975608W 374421N0971614W 371430N09658 14W 374109N0983311W 3738 34N0984039W 392335N1010006W 3928 50N10054 34W 385714N0973629W 371428N0972404W 38 3342N095523 1W 390858N0945644W 394200N0975 110W 38 3133N09624 48W 383207N0962002W 363558N0970310W 03W 374237N0972317W 3728 55N0974 342W 372922N0974237W 375252N0954 359W 375150N0954 236W 370415N0953602W 370406N09535 12W 380334N1001709W 384240N0980925W 3828 637W 382820N1023032W 394748N1002322W 39484 384240N0980925W 074 5W 38 3700N0975805W 38 3700N09758 05W 383955N0975955W 384202N0980917W 38 3700N09758 05W 38 3615N09758 30W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3204N09630 32W ELEV FT 1509 1269 1330 1071 2668 1815 3860 2730 2692 1574 1507 1459 MAP NAME Ottawa South Topeka Topeka Haggard Haggard Hutchinson SE Silver Lake Shawnee Lake Scott SW Ulysses Copeland Concordia Great Bend Great Bend NE Emporia Beloit Beloit Hutchinson Hutchinson Wichita East Winfield Cairo Pratt Morland NE Gem New Cambria Rome Reading Basehor Kackley Lake Kahola Americus Wichita West Conway Springs Rose Coffeyville East Coffeyville East Kalvesta Great Bend NE Towner Kanona Kanona Ellsworth Ellsworth Langley Langley Ellsworth Langley FEATURE NAME Kanopolis State Park Airport Kanopolis Land Field Kanorado Lamborn Kansada (historical) Kansapolis See Rochester (historical) Kansas, State of Kanzas Konzas Kansas Avenue School Kansas Avenue United Methodist Church Kansas Center Cemetery Kansas Centre (historical) Golden City Kansas City Fort Cavagnolle Kansas City Area Vocational-Technical School Kansas City Bible College See Kansas City College and Bible School Kansas City College and Bible School Kansas City Bible College Kansas City Kansas Community College Kansas City Suburban Airpark Kansas Falls Kansas Falls Station Kansas Falls Kansas Falls Station See Kansas Falls Kansas First Territorial Capitol Kansas Neurological Institute Kansas River See Arkansas River Kansas River Grande Riviére des Cansez Kanzas River Kaw River Konzas River Padoncah River Padouca River Riviére de Commanches o Padocas Kansas State College See Kansas State University Kansas State College Experiment Station Kansas State College of Pittsburg See Pittsburg State University Kansas State Horticulture Farm Kansas State School for the Deaf FEATURE CLASS airport ppl locale locale civil school church cemetery locale ppl school school school school airport locale falls locale building hospital stream stream school locale school locale school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN 1931 VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1895 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF coUnTy Ellsworth Sherman Ness Shawnee Barton Lyon Shawnee Rice Rice Wyandotte Wyandotte Johnson Johnson Wyandotte Johnson Geary Geary Geary Riley Shawnee Cowley Wyandotte Riley Finney Crawford Riley Johnson COORDINATE 383955N0975955W 391959N1020215W 38 3235N1001016W 39064 550W 38 3100N098 3 400W 382337N0961040W 390437N0953945W 383030N098145 3W 382930N0981420W 39065 39083 3N0944257W 385945N0944001W 385945N0944001W 390648N0944446W 390200N0945044W 385900N0965448W 385739N09654 39W 385900N09654 48W 390506N0964541W 390140N0954 255W 334800N0910400W 390655N094 363 3W 391130N0963450W 37592 3N10048 55W 37233 159W 3908 17N09638 04W 385258N09448 47W SOURCE COORDINATE 390335N0964803W KS141 MAP NAME Venango Kanorado Utica SW Claflin Emporia Topeka Geneseo Lyons NW Shawnee Parkville Lenexa Shawnee Edwardsville Kansas Falls Kansas Falls Junction City Topeka Kansas City Garden City East Keats Olathe KS142 FEATURE NAME Kansas State School for the Visually Handicapped Kansas State Teachers College Kansas State University Kansas State College Kansas State University Experimental Farm Kansas Technical Institute Kansas Wesleyan University See Kansas Wesleyan University Kansas Wesleyan University Kansopolis See Rochester (historical) Kanwaka Kanwaka School Kanwaka Township Kanzas See Kansas, Kanzas River See Kansas River Kapaun-Mount Carmel High School Kapaun School State of Kapaun School See Kapaun-Mount Carmel High School Kara (historical) Dewey Katapan Mene Shoska See Missouri River Katy Hospital Katy Lake Katy Lake Dam Katy Park Kaub Cemetery Kaw Area Vocational-Technical School Kaw River See Kansas River Kaw Township Kaw Township Kaw Valley School Kaw Wildlife Area Kaypod Airport Kaypod Landing Field Kaypod Landing Field See Kaypod Airport Kealing School Kearney (historical) Kearney Branch Kearney Hills See Smoky Hills Kearny County Keats wild Cat Kebar (historical) Kechi Kechi Cemetery Kechi Center School Kechi Township Kedron (historical) Keefe Canyon Keefover Cemetery Keeler Keelville Keene Keene Cemetery Keiger Creek Kiger Creek FEATURE CLASS school school school school school school school locale locale school civil civil stream school school locale stream hospital reservoir dam park cemetery school stream civil civil school park airport airport school locale stream range civil ppl locale ppl cemetery school civil locale valley cemetery locale locale locale cemetery stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT COUNTY Wyandotte Lyon Riley Reno Saline Saline Saline Shawnee Douglas Douglas Douglas Barton Wyandotte Sedgwick Sedgwick Washington Wyandotte Labette Allen Allen Neosho Shawnee Wyandotte Jefferson Wabaunsee Shawnee Cowley Harper Harper Wyandotte Kearney Marshall Ellsworth Kearny Riley Graham Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Osage Meade Marshall Sedgwick Cherokee Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Clark COORDINATE 39070 3N094 38 22W 382450N0961046W 391130N0963450W 375555N0980135W 384743N09738 16W 3848 50N097363 3W 3848 50N0973633W 390645N0954550W 38582 3N09 5222 1W 385759N0952115W 385800N09524 30W 38 3100N098 34 00W 390655N094 363 3W 374143N0971549W 374143N097154 9W 395307N0970750W 38484 372035N0951659W 37574 375743N0951016W 374045N09526 34W 384302N0952 324W 390238N0954 305W 390655N094 363 3W 390610N0953250W 390945N0961015W 39053 370215N09700 30W 371513N09757 18W 371513N09757 18W 390740N0943707W 38082 3938 19N096192 3W 384730N0975950W 375900N1011900W 391325N0964230W 391735N099394 3W 374745N0971645W 374808N09718 00W 37474 3N0972010W 374655N0971900W 382658N0954005W 370132N1003517W 394338N0964719W 37364 370152N0945521W 385727N0960220W 385753N09600 19W 370406N0994 904W SOURCE COORDINATE 393907N0961431W 370309N10034 31W 372128N0995709W ELEV FT 887 1064 1033 1077 1379 1138 1380 1404 1173 1305 849 1152 1124 MAP NAME Shawnee Emporia Manhattan Partridge Salina SW Salina Lawrence West Lawrence West Clinton Wichita East Washington NE Parsons West Moran Moran Chanute Ottawa NW Topeka Grantville Belvue Topeka Arkansas City Danville North Kansas City Leoti 3 NW Vermillon Lakin Keats Bogue Valley Center Valley Center Valley Center Valley Center Waverly NW Kismet SE Barnes Der by Melrose Keene Keene Ashland SE FEATURE NAME Keighley Keighley Oil Field Keimfield See McCracken Keith Sebelius Lake Norton Reservoir Kellas School Keller Brothers Landing Strip Kelley See Kelly Kellogg Kellogg Traditional Alternative Elementary School Kelly Kelley Kelly Branch Kelly Elementary School Kelly School Kellys Landing Field Kellys Station See Fairmount Kelsey Creek Kelso See Ludell Kelso Kieso Kelso See Downing (historical) Kelso Cemetery Kelso Church Kemp Creek Kenbro Kimbro Kendall Aubrey Zamora Kendall Cemetery Kendall Township Kendall Township Kendrigan Airport Kenekuk See Kennekuk Kenilworth (historical) Kenilworth Shops Ken-Mar Shopping Center Kennebec (historical) Kennedy Creek Kennedy Elementary School Kennedy Glider Port Kennekuk Kenekuk Kennekuk Cemetery Kenneth Mastin Newington Kenneth See Hoxie Kenneth Township Kenney Creek Keno Creek Kenoma Creek Kensington Kensington Park Kensler Elementary School Kent (historical) Kent Creek Kentuck Creek See Kentucky Creek Kentucky Creek Kentuck Creek FEATURE CLASS locale oilfield ppl . reservoir school airport ppl locale school ppl stream school school airport Ppl stream Ppl locale locale cemetery church stream locale ppl cemetery civil civil airport ppl locale locale locale locale stream school airport Ppl cemetery Ppl Ppl civil stream stream stream ppl park school locale stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT CoUNnTY Butler Butler Rush Norton Harvey Logan Nemaha Cowley Sedgwick Nemaha Greenwood Sedgwick Harvey Wandotte Leavenworth Franklin Rawlins Morris Morris Morris Morris Kingman Greenwood Hamilton Hamilton Kearny Hamilton Sumner Atchison Stafford Johnson Sedgwick Russell Coffey Douglas Clark Atchison Brown Johnson Sheridan Sheridan Doniphan Comanche Anderson Smith Wyandotte Sedgwick Reno Douglas Saline Saline COORDINATE 374021N09638 33W 374135N0963755W 38 3450N09934 15W 3948 15N0995554W 38014 390600N1010948W 394416N0960011W 37153 3N097063 3W 37404 394416N0960011W 38085 21W 373816N0972134W 380144N0971444W 39055 391130N0945607W 38355 395120N1005734W 384405N09634 13W 384425N0963425W 384459N0963417W 384358N0963414W 372748N0981514W 38074 3N09 6202 2W 375605N1013244W 375636N1013232W 374850N1012617W 380244N1013547W 372708N0971903W 3938 40N0952955W 380510N0984515W 38572 9N094 374 2W 374231N0971650W 38460 5 120W 38165 7N0954 93 3W 385650N0951255W 372444N1000524W 3938 40N0952955W 393912N0952915W 385118N0943642W 392127N1002629W 392100N1002610W 394909N0951141W 365137N0991904W 38184 394601N0990153W 39070 3N094 394 7W 374208N0972552W 380225N098 48 25W 385815N0950717W 38 3700N097365 6W 38 3700N097365 6W SOURCE COORDINATE 381306N0960956W 38 3940N095 274 5W 373045N0981556W 382113N09548 3 1W 39472 3N09510 19W 370007N0991732W 382305N09529 30W 390105N09508 55W 382718N09733 46W ELEV FT 1525 2304 1491 3249 1177 1225 1501 1020 1318 1427 3136 3247 1240 965 1395 2595 1105 1049 872 1784 KS143 MAP NAME Keighley Keighley Norton Newton Winona Akron Wichita East Corning Madison Wichita East Elbing Edwardsville Ottawa NW Council Grove Lk Council Grove Lk Council Grove Lk Zenda Shaw Creek Kendall Kendall Lakin SW Tribune 4 SE Belle Plain Saint John North Lenexa Wichita East Homer Ottumwa Lawrence East Minneola Everest Everest Belton Hoxie Sparks Lookout Williamsburg Kensington Shawnee Wichita West St John North Eudora Lindsborg SE KS144 FEATURE NAME Kentucky Township Kenwood Park Kenyon See Saffordville Kenyon Cemetery Kenyon Cemetery Kepley Oil Field Kerns Cemetery Keroma (historical) Keroma Community Hall Keys Creek Keyser Airport Keystone See Manchester Keystone (historical) Keystone Cemetery Keystone Cemetery Keystone Township Keysville See Rozel Keysville Township Keyway Park Key West Cemetery Key West Township Kibbie Creek Kickapoo Kickapoo City Kickapoo City See Kickapoo Kickapoo Corral Kickapoo Indian Church Kickapoo Indian Reservation Kickapoo Island (historical) Kickapoo Township Kidderville (historical) Kiefer Dam Kieso See Kelso Kiger Creek See Keiger Creek Kikapoo Creek See Peters Creek Kilbourns Corner Kill Creek Kill Creek See Spoon Creek Kill Creek Kill Creek Kill Creek Church Kill Creek Township Kilmer (historical) Kimball Dalton Kimberlin Cemetery Kimbro See Kenbro Kimeo Kimeo Township Kincade See Kincaid Kincaid Kincade Ozark Kincaid Cemetery Kindel Cemetery Kindergarten Elementary School Sacred Heart School King City See Elyria FEATURE CLASS civil park Ppl cemetery cemetery oilfield cemetery locale building stream airport Ppl locale cemetery cemetery civil ppl civil park cemetery civil stream ppl ppl bend church reserve island civil locale dam locale stream stream locale stream stream stream church civil locale ppl cemetery locale locale civil ppl ppl cemetery cemetery school ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS coUnTy COORDINATE ADMIN Jefferson 390630N0952505W ADMIN Saline 385006N0973555W VARIANT Chase 382400N096233 3W UNOFF Marshall 394108N0964755W UNOFF Brown 39544 3N0952 348W UNOFF Rice 382530N09808 10W UNOFF Allen 374634N0952 34 9W BGN Hodgeman 381305N1000354W UNOFF Hodgeman 381305N1000354W BGN Graham 392115N1000905W UNOFF Wabaunsee 390945N09 6054 6W VARIANT Dickinson 39054 BGN Dickinson 39065 UNOFF Logan 384438N1005206W UNOFF Dickinson 390707N0971730W ADMIN Scott 382908N1004532W VARIANT Pawnee 381145N0992410W ADMIN Pawnee 380753N09924 1 9W ADMIN Shawnee 39032 3N0953 952W UNOFF Coffey 382420N0954 52 3W ADMIN Coffey 382325N0954 450W BGN Osage 383749N0955110W BGN 1897 Leavenworth 392356N09458 15W VARIANT VARIANT Leavenworth 392356N09458 15W BGN Cowley 371352N0970019W UNOFF Brown 394227N0954004W BGN Brown 394230N0954000W BGN Leavenworth 392330N0945500W ADMIN Leavenworth 392205N0950005W BGN Hodgeman 381122N1000913W UNOFF Franklin 38 3646N0952027W VARIANT Morris 384405N09634 13W VARIANT Clark 370406N0994 904W VARIANT Doniphan 394448N094565 3W BGN Reno 38093 3N098 193 3W VARIANT VARIANT Johnson 385512N0945903W BGN Johnson 385852N094572 3W BGN Osborne 392602N098 464 6W UNOFF Osborne 392248N0985348W ADMIN Osborne 392130N098 524 0W BGN Shawnee 39084 7N0953 613W BGN 1967 Neosho 48W VARIANT UNOFF Brown 394240N0952 347W VARIANT Greenwood 38074 3N09 6202 2W BGN Washington 393545N0965940W ADMIN Washington 393605N09658 00W VARIANT Anderson 38050 12W BGN Anderson 38050 12W VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF Anderson 380530N0950905W UNOFF Cloud 392707N09738 47W UNOFF Ford 374524N1000100W VARIANT VARIANT McPherson 381726N0973736W SOURCE COORDINATE 392318N1001048W 384003N09552 3 9W 384858N0945801W 391907N098 563 3W ELEV FT 1317 1002 2331 950 1148 900 1726 1758 1040 1100 1444 1045 1625 MAP NAME Perry Salina Barnes Highland NW Lyons NW Humboldt Horse Thief Can N Horse Thief Can N Studley Saint Marys Manchester Lake Scott NE Manchester Tractor Rozel Topeka Lebo Waverly NW Osage City Weston Hackney Horton NW Horton NW Weston Easton Horse Thief Can N Ottawa South Alden De Soto Bloomington Alton Alton SW Meriden Stark Everest Kimeo Kimeo Kincaid Kincaid Aurora NW Dodge City FEATURE NAME King City Township Kingery Township King Hill Kingman Sherman Kingman County Kingman County State Game Management Area See Kingman State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Kingman County State Lake Kingman County State Lake Dam Kingman High School Kingman Municipal Airport Kingman State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Kingman County State Game Management Area Kingman Township King Ranch Airport Kings Creek Kings Creek Kingsdown Colcord Newkirk King Solomon Camp Kingston (historical) Kingsville See Kingville (historical) Kingville (historical) Kingsville Kinney (historical) Kinney Station Kinney Station See Kinney (historical) Kinsley Peters Petersburg Kinsley Creek See Kuenzli Creek Kinsley High School Kinsley Municipal Airport Kinsley Township Kinsley Township Kiowa New Kiowa Kiowa Airport Kiowa County Kiowa County State Lake Kiowa County State Lake Dam Kiowa County State Park Kiowa Creek Sand Creek Kiowa Township Kiowa Township Kipp Ki-rara-tu See Republican River Ki-ra-ru-tah See Republican River Kirk Creek Baker Creek Kirkfield (historical) Kirkville See Kirkwood Kirkwood Alston FEATURE CLASS civil civil summit Ppl civil park reservoir dam school airport park civil airport stream stream ppl locale locale locale locale locale locale Ppl stream school airport civil civil Ppl airport civil reservoir dam park stream civil civil ppl stream stream stream locale locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN 1979 BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN 1975 VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN 1961 VARIANT CoUnNnTy McPherson Thomas Rooks Kingman Kingman Kingman Kingman Kingman Kingman Kingman Kingman Kingman Greenwood Riley Riley Ford Dickinson Labette Shawnee Shawnee Osage Osage Edwards Wabaunsee Edwards Edwards Edwards Reno Barber Barber Kiowa Kiowa Kiowa Kiowa Comanche Barber Kiowa Saline Geary Geary Chase Edwards Crawford Crawford COORDINATE 3818 30N0973850W 391315N1011745W 3908 10N09908 37W 3738 45N0980648W 373400N09808 00W 373905N098 18 25W 373854N0981518W 373854N0981518W 37394 3N098 065 2W 37395 3N0980721W 373905N098 18 25W 373100N09824 30W 375620N0961350W 390710N0963652W 390711N0963653W 373130N0994530W 385612N0972010W 370200N0952 100W 390705N09554 25W 390705N09554 25W 385030N0953650W 385030N0953650W 37552 3N09924 34W 390318N0961211W 375518N0974500W 37542 3N09924 10W 37563 3N09924 17W 375720N09758 40W 370102N0982906W 37005 373400N0991700W 373648N09918 00W 373648N09918 00W 373645N09918 00W 371045N09928 20W 370106N0982615W 37254 384702N0972715W 390336N0964804W 390336N09648 04W 381246N0963347W 374930N09918 16W 372215N0944 320W 372215N0944 320W SOURCE COORDINATE 390605N09635 30W 390606N0963531W 371940N09928 30W 381146N0963714W ELEV FT 2077 1550 1606 1160 2512 1205 2170 2169 1330 1333 1210 900 KS145 MAP NAME Mc Pherson South Mc Allaster NE Codell Kingman Cleveland Penalosa Penalosa Kingman Kingman Penalosa St Leo Hamilton Swede Creek Swede Creek Kingsdown Solomon Edna Willard Overbrook Kinsley Kinsley Kinsley Kinsley Elmer Kiowa Kiowa Greensburg Greensburg Greensburg Greensburg Protection Kiowa E Kiowa Creek Nor Kipp Matfield Green Centerview Kirkwood KS146 FEATURE NAME Kirkville Kiro Kirwin Kirwin Cemetery Kirwin Dam Kirwin Encampment (historical) Kirwin Main Canal Main Canal National Wildlife Refuge Kirwin Reservoir Kirwin Township Kirwin Wildlife Area Kisiwa Creek Kismet Kismet Elementary School Kistler Elementary School Kits Kait See Salt Fork Arkansas River Kirwin Kitten Creek Kitterville Cemetery Kitterville Community Hall Kitty Creek Klamm Park Klendike KMUW (Wichita) Knauston (historical) Knedlik Creek Knight (historical) Knight Elementary School Kniveton Knoeber Landing Strip Knowledge Hill School Knox (historical) Knute Rockne Memorial Monument Koen Canal Koger Cemetery Kohls Creek Kolacny Canyon Kolokaw (historical) Koloko (historical) Konantz Cemetery Konitz Airport Konzas See Kansas, Konzas River See Kansas River State of Koon Cemetery Korb Creek Kough Landing Strip Kraeger Oil Field Kraft Manor Shopping Center Kraft-Prusa Northeast Oil Field Kraft-Prusa Oil and Gas Field Kramer Kramer-Stern Oil Field Krier Airport See Harold Krier Field Krone Cemetery Kuba See Cuba Kuenzli Cemetery Kuenzli Creek Kinsley Creek Kuhlmann Landing Field Kuka (historical) Kune Oil Field Kuntz Branch Kunze Cemetery Kuske Oil Field NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 FEATURE CLASS STATUS coUunTy COORDINATE VARIANT Ppl BGN Shawnee 39054 9N095475 LW Ppl BGN Phillips 39402 3N09907 19W cemetery UNOFF Phillips 39404 32W dam UNOFF Phillips 393930N0990725W locale BGN Phillips 393915N09908 45W canal BGN Smith 394000N0985510W VARIANT park ADMIN Phillips 393916N0991052W reservoir BGN Phillips 393948N0990740W civil ADMIN Phillips 394200N0990555W park ADMIN Phillips 393916N0991052W stream BGN Harvey 375732N09728 16W ppl BGN Seward 371220N1004206W school UNOFF Meade 371220N0974206W school UNOFF Sedgwick 374505N0971658W VARIANT stream Barber 363558N09703 10W stream BGN Riley 39125 cemetery UNOFF Hodgeman 381125N1000915W building UNOFF Hodgeman 381122N1000855W stream BGN Greenwood 37465 3W park ADMIN Wyandotte 390802N094 3 925W locale BGN Crawford 372204N0944534W tower UNOFF Sedgwick 374501N09718 12W locale BGN Finney 380947N1010146W stream BGN Washington 102W locale BGN Russell 390425N098 354 3W school UNOFF Sedgwick 373825N097205 IW locale BGN Cherokee 372018N09438 35W airport UNOFF Ford 375016N0994 437W school UNOFF Jefferson 39034 locale BGN Sumner 371100N09777160 pillar BGN Chase 381409N0963511W canal BGN Barton 382510N09848 50W cemetery UNOFF Wilson 372522N095475 LW stream BGN Dickinson 38402 3N0965957W valley BGN Wallace 390435N1014110W locale BGN Greeley 383125N1020240W locale BGN Washington 393911N09658 38W cemetery UNOFF 37230 30W airport UNOFF Johnson 384505N0950200W VARIANT civil Barton 38 3100N0983400W VARIANT stream Wyandotte 390655N094 363 3W cemetery UNOFF McPherson 38302 374 6W stream BGN Jewell 395358N0981224W airport UNOFF Wichita 384050N1011010W oilfield UNOFF Stafford 375520N098 553 2W locale UNOFF Saline 645W oilfield UNOFF Barton 38365 3N098 29 30W oilfield UNOFF Barton 38 3900N098 3 450W locale BGN Crawford 347W oilfield UNOFF Butler 373920N0964 600W VARIANT airport Clark 619W cemetery UNOFF Montgomery 371948N0953958W VARIANT ppl Republic 3948 10N0972720W cemetery UNOFF Wabaunsee 3858 50N0961048W stream BGN Wabaunsee 390318N09%61211W VARIANT airport UNOFF Wichita 381708N1011756W locale BGN Thomas 391410N10118 33W oilfield UNOFF Russell 38545 3W stream BGN Greenwood 37490 12W cemetery UNOFF Ness 38203 3N09954 17W oilfield UNOFF Sedgwick 375240N0971630W SOURCE COORDINATE 380133N09748 51W 391610N0964 146W 374512N0962359W 3948 32N09650 32W 383434N0965742W 390838N1014 328W 3958 30N098 14 38W 38563 374535N09604 55W ELEV FT 902 1696 1729 2775 2431 2405 935 1514 910 2434 1040 1510 3191 1232 925 3259 MAP NAME Silver Lake Kirwin Kirwin Kirwin Kirwin Cedar Reservoir Reservoir Kirwin Reservoir Phillipsburg S Kirwin Kirwin Reservoir Sedgwick Kismet Kismet Valley Center Olsburg SW Horse Thief Can N Horse Thief Can N Eureka Parkville Cherokee Valley Center Wolf NE Hanover SE Lucas Wichita East Kirkwood Bellefont Midland South Haven NE Matfield Green Great Bend NE Lafontaine Herington Harris Draw West Chey. Wells 4SE Greenleaf Saunders Edgerton Lindsborg Mankato NW Pence NW Macksville Salina Holyrood Dubuque Kirkwood Leon Sycamore Hessdale Hessdale Lydia McAllaster NE Gorham Neal Ness City SW Sedgwick NE FEATURE NAME Kyle (historical) L Laban School Laberdie Creek Labette Neola Labette Cemetery Labette Community College Labette Community Junior College Labette Community Junior College See Labette Community College Labette County Labette County Fairgrounds Labette Creek Le Rete Creek LeBette Creek Labette Creek Dam See Lake Parsons Dam Labette Township La Blanche See Lablanche (historical) Lablanche (historical) La Blanche Lacey Township Lacey Township Cemetery Lackmans Laclede Eagle Laclede Cemetery Lacompton See Lecompton Lacross See La Crosse La Crosse Lacross Rock Castle La Crosse-Brookdale Township La Crosse Cemetery LaCrosse High School La Cygne Lacygne Lacygne Lacygne See La Cygne Lacygne See La Cygne La Cygne Corner La Cygne Lake See La Cygnes Lake La Cygnes Lake La Cygne Lake La Cygne State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Ladd Cemetery Ladder Creek See South Ladder Creek Ladder Creek Beaver Creek Chalk Creek North Ladder Creek Ladore (historical) Ladore Cemetery Ladore Township Ladysmith Lafayette See La Fayette FEATURE CLASS locale school stream Ppl cemetery school school civil locale stream dam civil locale locale civil cemetery locale locale cemetery Ppl Ppl Ppl civil cemetery school Ppl ppl ppl locale reservoir reservoir park cemetery stream stream locale cemetery civil locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1950 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT CoUNnTY Morton Mitchell Bourbon Labette Labette Labette Labette Labette Labette Labette Neosho Labette Sherman Sherman Thomas Thomas Johnson Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Douglas Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush Linn Linn Linn Linn Linn Linn Linn Greenwood Greeley Logan Neosho Neosho Neosho Clay Stevens COORDINATE 372136N1014411W 392011N0980659W 380111N0944320W 371350N0951100W 371441N0951038W 372021N0951519W 372021N0951519W 371200N0951700W 371125N0951817W 370255N09504 55W 37235 3N0952001W 371510N0951900W 391405N1015227W 391405N1015227W 392615N1005245W 392522N1005420W 385528N0944 550W 392050N0961315W 392116N0961314W 390240N09523 40W 38315 3N09918 30W 38315 3N099 18 30W 38 3154N09918 33W 38 3150N0991740W 38 3136N09918 19W 382100N094 454 0W 540W 382100N0944540W 38204 404 0W 382017N0943915W 382017N0943915W 382100N094 39 15W 375232N0962 321W 384035N1013409W 384757N1005134W 372400N09518 25W 372520N0951900W 37253 3N09518 42W 391617N0971103W 370050N1011347W SOURCE COORDINATE 380143N09443 31W 3728 35N0952721W 384822N1023117W ELEV FT 965 870 905 1051 1050 1051 2060 828 864 840 840 911 1312 KS147 MAP NAME Shore Airport SW Beloit SE Prescott Labette Labette Parsons West Altamont Altamount Chetopa Parsons West Horsethief Dr NE Gem Gem Olathe Laclede Laclede La Crosse La Crosse La Crosse La Crosse La Cygne Boicourt Boicourt Boicourt Lapland Elkader Galesburg Galesburg Galesburg Clay Center SW KS148 FEATURE NAME (historical) La Fayette (historical) Lafayette Lafayette Elementary School Lafayette Township Laflin Ranch Airport La Fontaine See Lafontaine Lafontaine La Fontaine La Grand See Springfield (historical) La Grange See Lagrange (historical) Lagrange (historical) La Grange Lagrange Community Hall La Grange School La Harp See La Harpe La Harpe La Harp Laharpe Laharpe See La Harpe La Harpe Cemetery La Harpe Elementary School Laing Township See Herl Township Laird Lairds Creek Lands Creek Lards Creek Neosho River Lake See Lake City Lake Afton Boys Ranch Lake Afton County Park Lake Afton Dam Lake Barton See Barton Lake Lake Bassola Dam Lake Bluestem See El Dorado Lake Lake Cemetery Lake Chaparral Dam Lake City Lake Lake City Township Lake Township Lake Coldwater Dam Lake Creek Lake Creek Lake Creek Turkey Creek Turtle Creek Lake Creek Cemetery Lake Creek Oil Field Lake Darrynane Dam Lake De Lago Dam Lake El Dorado See El Dorado Lake Lake Eureka See Eureka City Lake Lake Fegan State Park See Woodson County State Park FEATURE CLASS locale school civil airport ppl ppl locale locale locale building school ppl ppl Ppl cemetery school civil locale stream ppl locale park dam reservoir dam reservoir cemetery dam ppl civil dam stream stream stream cemetery oilfield dam dam reservoir reservoir park NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN 1966 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1897 VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT CcoUnTy Stevens Shawnee Chautauqua Pottawatomie Wilson Wilson Seward Marshall Marshall Marshall Brown Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Rawlins Ness Morris Barber Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Barton Allen Butler Republic Linn Barber Barber Comanche Chautauqua Labette Logan Labette Labette Stafford Linn Butler Greenwood Woodson COORDINATE 370050N1011347W 39025 3N095 38 5 9W 371430N0960950W 392400N0963700W 37235 7N095504 2W 372357N095504 2W 371617N1005206W 39354 39354 393542N0962426W 39512 919W 375501N0951756W 375501N0951756W 375501N0951756W 375424N0951808W 3754 47N0951800W 394600N1004445W 38265 1N1000315W 38434 372112N0984914W 373610N0973755W 373642N0973740W 390036N0954 159W 382716N0984 640W 390340N0954108W 375050N0964 922W 395800N0975017W 381224N0945242W 372112N0984914W 372000N098 48 00W 37143 3N0992055W 370245N09558 15W 37055 3N0951213W 385856N1012800W 370255N0951427W 370140N0951650W 380828N09828 32W 381224N0945224W 375050N0964922W 375337N0961728W 374753N095504 3W SOURCE COORDINATE 385145N0963505W 370228N096023 3W 365910N0951538W 390434N1014 306W ELEV FT 1190 925 1251 1251 1102 1040 1014 2411 1355 1582 1619 869 MAP NAME Woods SW Topeka Sedan Olsburg Lafontaine Frankfort SW Frankfort SW Robinson La Harpe La Harpe La Harpe Laird Council Grove Lk Lake Afton Lake Afton Clearwater Iola Republic Mound City Lake City Lake City Protection NE Peru Bartlett Russell Sprs 2 NW Bartlett Edna Arden NW Mound City FEATURE NAME Lake Forest See Lake of the Forest Lake Fort Scott Lake Gardner See Gardner Lake Lake Garnett Park Lake Hobbie Lake Idlewild See Idlewild Lake Lakeland (historical) Lake McBride See Scott, Lake Lake Nemaha See Nemaha County State Lake Lake of the Forest Forest Lake Lake of the Forest Lake Forest Lake of the Forest Dam Lake Olathe See Olathe Lake Lake Parsons Dam Labette Creek Dam Lake Quivira Quivira Lake Lake Quivira See Quivira Lake Lake Redbud See Redbud Lake Lake Ridge Lake Sabethan See Sabetha City Lake Lake Scott State Park Lake Shore Lake Side (historical) Lakeside Acres Lakeside Airport Lakeside Elementary School Lakeside Park Lakeside Park Lakeside Park Lakeside School Lakeside Village Lake Township See Lake City Township Lake Township See Township Number 1 Lake Township Lake Township Lake View Lake Village Lakeview Cemetery Lakeview Cemetery Lakeview Church of the Nazarene Lakeview Gardens Cemetery Lakeview Heights Lake View Lake Lakeview Park Lake View School Lake View Station Lake View Station (historical) Lake Village See Lake View (historical) Lake Waltamna Airport Lakewood Park Lake Wynds Dam FEATURE CLASS lake reservoir reservoir park lake reservoir locale lake reservoir locale lake DAM reservoir dam Ppl reservoir reservoir locale reservoir park locale locale Ppl airport school park park park school locale civil civil civil civil locale cemetery cemetery church cemetery ppl lake park school locale locale locale airport park dam NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF COUNTY Wyandotte Bourbon Johnson Anderson Osborne Marshall Meade Scott Nemaha Wyandotte Wyandotte Wyandotte Johnson Neosho Johnson Johnson Dickinson Jefferson Nemaha Scott Jefferson Bourbon Sedgwick Wilson Crawford Crawford Linn McPherson Lyon Jefferson Barber Harper Harvey Scott Douglas Neosho Neosho Shawnee Sedgwick Butler Douglas Wallace Haskell Douglas Douglas McPherson Sedgwick Shawnee Cowley COORDINATE 390405N0945015W 374722N0944524W 385112N0945559W 381752N0951420W 391345N098 312 6W 394230N0964 442W 370345N1001022W 384113N1005512W 394624N0960212W 390400N0945015W 390405N0945015W 390357N0945023W 385051N0945052W 37235 3N0952001W 390225N09446 35W 390245N0944625W 38544 390955N09528 20W 39542 19W 384032N1005458W 391435N0952525W 3748 20N0945705W 374308N0971125W 373726N0955622W 372407N094 423 9W 372410N0944248W 350W 382210N0973910W 382326N09614 38W 391031N09525 16W 372000N098 48 00W 372235N0982000W 375720N09738 50W 382015N1004741W 390102N0951732W 372407N0950728W 37314 39005 3W 374245N0971145W 374010N09708 06W 390044N0951805W 385327N1014525W 374227N1004648W 390104N0951735W 390122N09518 40W 381330N0973601W 373530N0973700W 390130N0954037W 370418N09658 30W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 2350 790 890 1030 1030 1365 1020 1486 1114 1050 832 1310 2850 832 1440 KS149 MAP NAME Marmaton Garnett East Meades Ranch Proffitt Lake SW Edwardsville Edwardsville Edwardsville Galesburg Edwardsville Ozawkie Lake Scott Ozawkie Uniontown Andover New Albany Pittsburg Pittsburg Pleasanton Mc Pherson South Emporia Ozawkie Patterson Pawnee Mound Williamstown Mc Cune NE Shaw Grantville Andover Andover Williamstown Sharon Springs W Garden City 3 NE Williamstown Williamstown Clearwater Topeka Silverdale KS150 FEATURE NAME Lakin Lakin See Halstead Lakin Cemetery Lakin Draw Lakin Elementary School Lakin High School Lakin Landing Field White Landing Field Lakin Township Lakin Township Lakin Township La Loma Azul See Blue Hills Lamar Lamb Cemetery Lambertson Cemetery Lamborn See Kanorado Lambs Draw Lamont La Monts Mill Lamont Hill See Vassar La Monts Mill See Lamont Lamont Township Lanark (historical) Lanark Township See Township Number 2 Lancaster Perry Lancaster Township Landergin (historical) Landers Creek Goodrich Creek Landon Creek Landon Draw Landon Junior High School Lands Creek See Lairds Creek Lane Hortonburg Shermansville Lane Branch Lane Cemetery Lane Chapel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Lane County Lane County State Lake Lane County State Lake Dan Lane Hollow Lanesfield See Edgerton Lanesfield School La Ness See Laness (historical) Laness (historical) La Ness Lane Township Lane Township Laneville Lane Wildlife Area Lang Hortonburg Hortonburgh Long Station Langdon Leonville FEATURE CLASS Ppl Ppl cemetery valley school school airport civil civil civil range locale cemetery cemetery Ppl valley Ppl ppl ppl civil locale civil Ppl civil locale stream stream valley school stream ppl stream cemetery church civil reservoir dam valley Ppl school locale locale civil civil locale park locale ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER-- KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT County Kearny Harvey Kearny Grant Kearny Kearny Kearny Harvey Kearny Barton Mitchell Ottawa Linn Brown Sherman Rawlins Greenwood Osage Greenwood Hamilton Pawnee Rooks Atchison Atchison Greenwood Linn Russell Scott Shawnee Morris Franklin Washington Franklin Shawnee Lane Lane Lane Osage Johnson Johnson Lane Lane Greenwood Smith Labette Lane Lyon Reno COORDINATE 37562 380005N09730 30W 375708N1011452W 373331N1011934W 375635N1015300W 375624N1011549W 375805N1011516W 375720N0973240W 380009N1011602W 382328N098 3 421W 391627N0982135W 391522N0973428W 380902N0944038W 395048N0954 356W 391959N1020215W 394518N1004133W 380645N0960135W 3838 50N0953720W 380645N0960135W 374937N1013932W 381915N0993 400W 392630N0991240W 393422N09518 09W 39360 18 4 2W 374720N0962020W 38164 384635N098 504 1W 38 3748N1005525W 390318N0954 440W 384346N0963427W 38262 3N09504 5 5W 394822N09653 34W 382628N09504 12W 394902N0954052W 382800N1002800W 383428N1002445W 383428N1002445W 382902N0953450W 38455 384722N0945929W 383658N1001452W 383658N1001452W 3758 35N0960050W 39465 54 30W 371958N0950735W 38 3428N1002445W 382736N0960500W 375114N0981927W SOURCE COORDINATE 374052N1012020W 394845N10048 32W 381829N0950554W 383647N0985358W 38 3758N1005659W 395002N09658 3 3W 3828 9W ELEV FT 3001 3077 1370 1125 1150 910 2752 843 1199 1695 MAP NAME Lakin Deerfield Ulysses Lakin Lakin Lakin Bentley Leoti 3 SE Ellinwood NE Lamar Pleasanton Fairview Midway Lamont Syracuse East SW Bazine SE Lancaster Lancaster Eureka Parker Homer Lake Scott Topeka Lane Hanover SW Lane Topeka Dighton Shields Shields Waverly Gardner Beeler Virgil Athol Parsons East Shields Lang Langdon FEATURE NAME Langdon Langdon Cemetery Langdon Cemetery Langdon Township Lang Hollow Langley Langley Cemetery Langley Cemetery Langley School Langley Township Lang Oil Field Lanham Morton Lansdowne Oakland Lansing Lansing Cemetery Lansing Station (historical) Lapeer (historical) Lapland Flatland Laport See Shockey (historical) Lappin See Oneida Laramore See Imes Larcom Oil Field Lards Creek See Lairds Creek Larimer School Larimore (historical) Larkin See Larkinburg Larkinburg Larkin Larkinburg Cemetery Larkland Shopping Center Larned Larned Cemetery Larned High School Larned Junior High School Larned Oil Field Larned-Pawnee County Airport Larned State Hospital Larned Township Larrabee, Lake Larrabee Township La Sage Oil Field Lasita Latham Bodock Latham Cemetery Latham Oil Field Lath Branch Lath Branch Cemetery Lath Branch School Latimer Aroma Far West Latimer Cemetery Laton Eagle Creek La Touche de la Cote Bucanieus See Smoky Hill River Latta Landing Strip Latta Northwest Oil Field Latta Oil Field Laura See Windom FEATURE CLASS locale cemetery cemetery civil valley ppl cemetery cemetery school civil oilfield ppl locale ppl cemetery locale locale ppl locale ppl locale oilfield stream school locale ppl ppl cemetery locale ppl cemetery school school oilfield airport hospital civil reservoir civil oilfield locale ppl cemetery oilfield stream cemetery school ppl cemetery locale stream airport oilfield oilfield ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT coUnTy Crawford Reno Reno Reno Atchison Ellsworth Ellsworth Leavenworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Russell Washington Kingman Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Douglas Greenwood Grant Nemaha Franklin Cowley Morris Montgomery Franklin Atchison Atchison Jackson Reno Pawnee Pawnee Pawnee Pawnee Pawnee Pawnee Pawnee Pawnee Meade Gove Rooks Riley Butler Butler Butler Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Morris Morris Rooks Geary Harper Sumner Sumner McPherson COORDINATE 372111N0944219W 375112N0981827W 375326N0981508W 375205N098 18 25W 393037N0950506W 38324 8N097574 5W 38330 3W 392142N095094 0W 38 3313N09757 42W 38 3357N09758 48W 384225N098 4 225W 400010N0965225W 373706N0975 145W 391455N0945400W 391454N0945237W 391516N0945316W 384753N0952 64 5W 375905N09623 35W 374017N101292 3W 395150N0955620W 38 3425N095092 9W 370650N096594 0W 38434 371753N0954 350W 38 3500N0950955W 392745N09534 13W 392745N09534 13W 3928 46N09534 14W 380459N0975552W 381050N0990554W 381110N09908 00W 381058N09906 36W 381104N0990604W 381115N0990405W 381229N0990505W 381022N0990900W 381305N0990437W 37094 6N1002558W 384706N1001548W 392650N0993510W 392432N09656 32W 373210N09638 30W 373202N0963 940W 373125N09638 25W 375108N0943920W 375048N0943912W 375030N094 393 5W 384420N096504 3W 384515N0965128W 391708N09904 35W 3903 648 0 3W 372207N0975444W 372746N0973337W 372640N097325 6W 382302N09754 35W soURCE COORDINATE 39303 3748 50N0944055W ELEV FT 908 1637 1540 1087 1400 1405 794 1230 969 1543 2004 2059 2011 2107 1430 1470 1457 806 1413 2076 1326 1329 1355 KS151 MAP NAME Kirkwood Langdon Plevna Langdon Atchison East Langley Langley Easton SW Langley Langley Beaver Hanover East Cheney SE Basehor Basehor Leavenworth Globe Lapland Silverdale Sycamore Peoria Arrington Arrington Hutchinson Larned Fort Larned Larned Larned Larned Larned Fort Larned Larned Lake Larrabee Gove SE Nicodemus Lasita Latham Latham Latham Fort Scott Fort Scott Fort Scott Delavan Skiddy Laton Danville Millerton Millerton KS152 FEATURE NAME Laura See Hallville Laura (historical) Laurel (historical) Laurel Cemetery Laurel Hill Cemetery Lawn Ridge See Lawnridge (historical) Lawnridge (historical) Lawn Ridge Lawn Ridge Cemetery Lawn Ridge Township See Wano Township Lawn Township See Township Number 1 Lawrence Lawrenceburg Township See Lawrence Township Lawrence Creek Lawrence Creek Church Lawrence Elementary School Lawrence Field Lawrence High School Lawrence Junction Lawrence Municipal Airport Lawrence Number 2 (historical) Lawrence Township Lawrence Township Lawrenceburg Township Salt Creek Township Lawrence Township Christie Township Lawton Lay See Sycamore Layton Lazette See Cambridge La Zorca River See Arkansas River Lazy Creek Leanna Learnard Station (historical) Leasburg Cemetery L'eau Bleu River See Big Blue River Leavenworth Leavenworth City New Town Leavenworth City See Leavenworth Leavenworth County Leavenworth County State Park Leavenworth East Junior High School Leavenworth High School Leavenworth Plaza Leavenworth State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Leaverton School Lea Walk See Daisy Hill Leawood Leawood Park FEATURE CLASS locale locale locale cemetery cemetery locale locale cemetery civil civil ppl civil stream church school park school locale airport locale civil civil civil Ppl ppl locale ppl stream stream locale locale cemetery stream Ppl ppl civil park school school locale park locale locale ppl park NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN coUNnTy Saline Anderson Hodgeman Reno Jewell Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne Harper Douglas Cloud Smith Osborne Sedgwick Sedgwick Douglas Franklin Douglas Doniphan Osborne Cloud Cloud Cherokee Montgomery Chautauqua Cowley Cowley Pottawatomie Allen Douglas Smith Pottawatomie Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Jefferson Cherokee Johnson Johnson COORDINATE 383855N0973216W 380725N095064 5W 380607N10004 50W 375537N0975022W 395030N0975739W 393707N104645W 393707N1014645W 393737N1014718W 304125N10148 45W 372235N0982000W 385818N0951406W 393600N09732 30W 393412N0984412W 393314N09848 50W 374052N097225 9W 374055N0972042W 385656N09514 33W 383825N0951615W 390021N095132 3W 395007N095004 5W 393130N0984 545W 393600N09732 30W 393750N0973308W 371319N0943809W 255W 370456N0962428W 371858N096395 1W 334800N0910400W 392107N0962617W 374358N0951956W 385635N0951337W 393455N098 58 22W 391112N0963145W 3918 40N0945520W 3918 40N0945520W 391400N0950200W 390738N0950900W 3918 47N09454 45W 391746N0945545W 391710N0945425W 390720N0950914W 391352N0951621W 371940N0944 640W 385800N0943700W 3858 18N094 3 658W SOURCE COORDINATE 393231N0985245W 392613N09630 32W ELEV FT 1515 1528 850 1712 900 834 1330 900 931 992 1807 900 850 875 1076 850 MAP NAME Blue Mound Horse Thief Can Haven Courtland St Francis 3 SE Drury Creek Lawrence East Portis Harlan Wichita West Wichita East Lawrence East Ottawa North Midland Troy Harlan Rice Wayne Crestline «Cedar Vale East Flush Rollin Lawrence East Gaylord SW Leavenworth Jarbalo Mc Louth Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Midland Oskaloosa Grandview Grandview FEATURE NAME Leban Creek Lebanon Lebanon Cemetery Lebanon Church Lebanon Elementary School Lebanon High School LeBette Creek See Labette Creek Lebo Lebo Creek Sebos Branch Lebo Elementary School Lebo High School Le Compton See Lecompton Lecompton Bald Eagle Lacompton Le Compton Lecompton Cemetery Lecompton Township Lee See Medway Lee (historical) Leeds (historical) Squib Leeds Draw Leedsville See Galena Lee Elementary School Lee Oil Field Leeper Bridge Leesburg See Leesburgh (historical) Leesburg Cemetery Leesburgh (historical) Leesburg Leeson See Luray Lee Spring Lees Township Leghorn See Wheaton Le Grande Riviére See Neosho River Lehigh Lehigh Cemetery Lehigh Cemetery Lehigh Township Lehman See Bern Lehman School Le Hunt Lehunt Lehunt See Le Hunt Leib Cemetery Leland See Spivey Leland Cemetery Leland Church Le Loup Ferguson Leloup Leloup See Le Loup Le Marais du Cygne River See Marais des Cygnes FEATURE CLASS stream Ppl cemetery church school school stream Ppl stream school school Ppl ppl cemetery civil locale locale locale valley ppl school oilfield bridge locale cemetery locale ppl spring civil ppl stream ppl cemetery cemetery civil Ppl school locale locale cemetery ppl cemetery church ppl Ppl stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT coUnTy Mitchell Smith Kingman Crawford Smith Smith Labette Coffey Coffey Coffey Coffey Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Hamilton Jefferson Chautauqua Sheridan Cherokee Riley Sumner Wilson Stafford Stafford Stafford Russell Marion Logan Pottawatomie Cherokee Marion Marion Marion Marion Nemaha Doniphan Montgomery Montgomery Labette Kingman Graham Graham Franklin Franklin Linn COORDINATE 392607N0980631W 3948 35N098 33 19W 374213N097582 IW 372905N0945525W 3948 3 320W 3948 320W 370255N0950455W 382500N0955110W 381747N0955418W 382502N0955130W 382502N0955130W 390240N0952 340W 390240N0952 340W 39022 3W 390145N09524 35W 38004 392106N0951116W 371405N0962400W 391015N1001748W 37043 3N094 38 22W 391115N09635 34W 371334N0971229W 373918N0954 603W 375352N0984 130W 375358N0984129W 375352N0984130W 390638N0984119W 381036N0965905W 384432N1005540W 393008N0961914W 354732N0951739W 382222N09718 10W 382147N09718 24W 382328N0971900W 382329N09718 59W 395744N09558 18W 39492 32W 506W 371609N0954506W 370347N09522 38W 372645N0980947W 391332N1000054W 391334N1000054W 38414 3N09509 35W 38414 3N09509 35W 381310N0943120W SOURCE COORDINATE 392258N09813 19W 382439N095503 9W 391428N1002143W ELEV FT 1821 1476 1157 950 1914 1914 1529 1517 1562 804 963 952 KS153 MAP NAME Beloit Lebanon Waterloo Grindstone Creek Lebanon Lebanon Lebo Hartford Lebo Lebo Perry Perry Perry Easton SW Cloverdale Midway Draw East Manhattan Adamsville Middletown Stafford NW Stafford NW Florence Lake Scott Lehigh Lehigh Waldeck Waldeck Wathena Table Mound Valeda Saint Peter Saint Peter Le Loup KS154 FEATURE NAME River Lemaster Field le Missoui See Missouri River Le Missouri See Missouri River Lemon Northeast Oil Field Lemon Park Lenape Lenape Cemetery Lena Valley (historical) Lena Valley Cemetery Lenexa Sherman Lenexa Plaza Lenexa Village Mall Lenora Spring City Lenora East Cemetery Lenora Municipal Airfield Lenora South Cemetery Lenora Township See Highland District 2 Township Lenora Wildlife Area Lento Leon Little Walnut Noble Leon See Lyona Leona Leonard See Itasca (historical) Leonards Lake Leonardville Alembic Leonardville Cemetery Leon Cemetery Leon Elementary School Leon Oil Field Leonville See Langdon Leota Township See Highland District 2 Township Leoti Bonasa Leoti Township Beaver Township Edward Township Whitewoman Township Leoville Leoville (historical) Leoville Oil Field Lerado Netherland Lerado Cemetery Le Rete Creek See Labette Creek Le Riviére des Missouri See Missouri River Le Riviére des Osages See Missouri River Le Roy Leroy Scottstown FEATURE CLASS airport stream stream oilfield park locale cemetery locale cemetery Ppl locale locale Ppl cemetery airport cemetery civil park locale ppl locale ppl locale lake Ppl cemetery cemetery school oilfield Ppl civil ppl civil ppl locale oilfield locale cemetery stream stream stream Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN 1897 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT CoUNnTy Franklin Wyandotte Wyandotte Haskell Pratt Leavenworth Leavenworth Greenwood Greenwood Johnson Johnson Johnson Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Miami Butler Dickinson Doniphan Sherman Woodson Riley Riley Butler Butler Butler Reno Norton Wichita Wichita Decatur Barton Barton Reno Reno Labette Wyandotte Wyandotte Coffey COORDINATE 38 3336N09518 32W 3848 49N0900711W 38484 372855N1005600W 373802N0984356W 385950N0945702W 390027N0945737W 380930N0960055W 38094 3N0960152W 385713N0944 400W 38572 345W 3858 15N0944325W 393638N1000008W 393613N09959 37W 393704N100004 2W 393544N1000009W 393600N1000902W 393610N09958 00W 38 3700N0945045W 374125N0964 655W 385143N09655 32W 394714N0951917W 391905N1014335W 373725N09532 16W 392152N0965131W 392245N0965132W 374042N0964713W 374151N0964659W 374115N09648 16W 375114N0981927W 393600N1000902W 3828 47N1012130W 38285 3N1012055W 393454N1002738W 38 3540N098 554 5W 38 3525N098 55 13W 374635N098 165 6W 37465 6N0981652W 370255N09504 55W 3848 49N0900711W 38484 380502N09538 03W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 1045 789 1050 1050 2270 2373 960 1350 950 1385 1353 1322 3305 2752 1670 1674 1007 MAP NAME Ottawa South Satanta Pratt De Soto Bonner Springs Madison NE Madison NE Lenexa Lenexa Lenexa Lenora West Lenora East Lenora West Lenora West Lenora Paola East Leon Highland Piqua Riley Randolph Leon Leon Leon Leoti Leoti Dresden South Olmitz Olmitz Langdon Langdon Le Roy FEATURE NAME Leroy See Le Roy Leroy Airport Le Roy Cemetery LeRoy Elementary School LeRoy High School Le Roy Township Leslie See Medora Letitia Levant Level Creek Levy See Milton Levy Special Education Elementary School Lewis Lewis (historical) Lewis Airport Lewis and Clark Viaduct Lewis Cemetery Lewis High School Lewis Ranch Lewis Township Lexington See De Soto Lexington Ulysses Lexington Cemetery Lexington Township Lexington Township Liberal Neutral City Liberal High School _ Liberal Memorial Cemetery Liberal Municipal Airport Liberal Township Liberty Liberty (historical) Liberty Cemetery Liberty Cemetery Liberty Cemetery Liberty Cemetery Liberty Creek Liberty Elementary School Liberty Intermediate School Liberty Lakes Liberty School Liberty School Liberty School Liberty Township Liberty Township Liberty Township Liberty Township See Township Number 1 Liberty Township Liberty Township Liberty Township Liberty Township Liberty Township Liberty Township Liberty Township Liberty Township Liberty Township Liberty Township Liberty Township Liberty Township Liberty Township Liberty Township Liberty Township FEATURE CLASS ppl airport cemetery school school civil ppl locale Ppl stream Ppl school Ppl locale airport canal cemetery school locale civil ppl locale cemetery civil civil ppl school cemetery airport civil ppl locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery stream school school lakes school school school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN coUunTy Coffey Coffey Coffey Coffey Coffey Coffey Reno Clark Thomas Morris Sumner Sedgwick Edwards Gove Hamilton Wyandotte Marion Edwards Edwards Gove Johnson Clark Clark Clark Johnson Seward Seward Seward Seward Seward Montgomery Reno Cowley Barber Dickinson Republic Allen Cherokee Pratt Montgomery Reno Harvey Franklin Montgomery Cowley Labette Harper Kingman Clark Elk Woodson Coffey Hamilton Marion Barton Linn Saline Dickinson Geary Osborne Jackson Decatur COORDINATE 380502N095380 3W 380630N095 38 00W 380455N095 38 44W 380513N0953758W 380513N09538 01W 38052 3N09538 14W 38085 6N097504 3W 372208N0995 105W 392308N1011140W 384545N0964 403W 372554N0974 616W 373907N097184 3W 375610N0991508W 384520N10038 25W 381013N1015216W 39065 1N0943650W 38354 375611N0995303W 375220N09925 32W 384713N1004225W 3858 45N09458 06W 371738N0993557W 37192 3W 371730N0994020W 385600N0945650W 370235N1005514W 370740N1005522W 370642N1005518W 370257N1005821W 370700N1005730W 370920N095 354 0W 37562 6N0975002W 370741N0965314W 370751N0983301W 39052 3N097014 0W 39563 222W 375803N0952 944W 370427N0943757W 37383 4 430W 370840N095 362 0W 380409N0975608W 380752N0973424W 384051N09518 45W 370930N095 3 600W 371034N0965002W 371510N0951240W 372235N0982000W 372545N09824 30W 372545N0994055W 373340N0960305W 375825N0954525W 380620N0955310W 380637N1014202W 381800N0971220W 381817N0985159W 381950N09458 25W 38 3910N09732 15W 384935N09658 20W 385450N0963610W 391100N0985245W 393135N0954 315W 395354N1003405W SOURCE COORDINATE 384236N09648 17W 37565 1N09529 12W ELEV FT 1030 999 2539 3311 2140 3695 1435 2200 2010 2836 2887 750 1256 1659 941 729 1443 990 KS155 MAP NAME Le Roy Le Roy Le Roy Le Roy Bloom SE Levant White City Wichita East Lewis Orion SW Tribune 3 NE Kansas City Ramona Lewis Kinsley SW Orion SW Lexington Lexington Mount Jesus De Soto Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberty Haven Winfield Gerlane Upland Belleville NW Iola Baxter Springs Pratt Liberty Hutchinson Moundridge Ottawa North Liberty Eaton Parsons East Nashville Mount Jesus NW Fall River Toronto NE Gridley Tribune 4 SW Hillsboro Great Bend Parker Assaria Woodbine White City NE Paradise NW Netawaka Oberlin NE KS156 FEATURE NAME Liberty Township Lichfield See Litchfield Lickskillet School Liebentahl See Liebenthal Liebenthal Liebentahl Life Cemetery Lightning Creek Light Park Lillis Lily Creek Lily Dale School Lily Lake School Lima (historical) Lime Creek See Limestone Creek Lime Creek Limestone Creek Lime Creek Limestone Creek Limestone Creek Limestone Creek Hermes Creek Limestone Township Linch Landing Strip Linck Creek Lincoln Lincoln Center Lincoln Center City Lincoln Centre Lincoln Airfield See Lincoln Municipal Airport Lincoln Cemetery Lincoln Cemetery Lincoln Cemetery Lincoln Center See Lincoln Lincoln Center City See Lincoln Lincoln Centre See Lincoln Lincoln Community Hall Lincoln County Lincoln Creek Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School FEATURE CLASS civil locale school ppl ppl cemetery stream park Ppl stream school school locale stream stream stream stream stream stream civil airport stream ppl airport cemetery cemetery cemetery Ppl ppl ppl). building civil stream school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN 1891 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUunTy Republic Crawford Osage Rush Rush Marshall Cherokee Seward Marshall Marshall Reno Butler Elk Crawford Dickinson Crawford Bourbon Ottawa Mitchell Jewell Marshall Lyon Lincoln Lincoln Coffey Lincoln Clay Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Clay Lincoln Clay Cherokee Seward Cowley Harper Montgomery Sumner Labette Crawford Wilson Sedgwick Neosho Butler Ford Butler Allen Finney Reno Harvey Barton McPherson Barton Franklin COORDINATE 395735N09739 35W 372627N09438 58W 385027N09532 17W 383918N0991908W 38 3918N0991908W 394912N0962748W 371036N0950407W 370305N1005525W 393635N0961745W 394927N0963612W 380511N0974404W 374137N0970026W 372925N0961100W 372059N0945730W 384416N0965740W 372059N0945730W 375915N0945728W 390925N0974651W 392935N0981748W 394655N0981950W 39395 382407N0961728W 390227N09808 40W 390320N0981003W 38250 32W 390216N0980803W 39252 3N0971735W 390227N09808 4 OW 390227N09808 40W 390227N09808 40W 39262 6N0971740W 390300N0981200W 391937N0970454W 370137N0944416W 370300N1005606W 370322N0970208W 370917N0980203W 255W 303W 37204 372535N0944209W 373217N0954926W 374016N0972000W 374056N0952759W 374138N09658 26W 37452 374925N0965123W 37554 3N0952 409W 375858N1005422W 380230N097553 IW 380256N0972103W 382201N09848 38W 382242N0973952W 38 3107N0984 622W 383736N0951557W SOURCE COORDINATE 373754N0945412W 395315N0963408W 38 3601N09654 42W 372606N0944941W 375535N0950600W 391620N0975222W 395020N0981710W 3828 12N0961900W 392548N097005 3W ELEV FT 1118 1976 1290 1243 1262 1165 1418 1136 1426 1305 MAP NAME Belleville NW Overbrook Liebenthal Beattie Oswego Liberal Wheaton Oketo Burrton Santa Fe Lake Longton NW Herington West Mineral Kenia Tescott NE Glen Elder South Burr Oak Blue Rapids NE Plymouth Lincoln Lebo NW Lincoln Miltonvale NE Miltonvale NE Lincoln Clay Center NE Baxter Springs Liberal Arkansas City Anthony Independence Wellington Parsons West Pittsburg Fredonia Wichita East Chanute Augusta Dodge City El Dorado Iola Garden City West Hutchinson Newton Great Bend Mc Pherson North Hoisington Ottawa North FEATURE NAME Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Lincoln Grade School Lincoln Heights Village Shopping Center Lincoln High School Lincoln Municipal Airport Lincoln Airfield Lincoln Park Lincoln Park Lincoln Park Lincoln School Lincoln School Lincoln School Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township See Solomon-District 3 Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincoln Township Lincolnville Peabody Lincolnville Cemetery Lindale See Fairfax (historical) Lindale Township See Fairfax Township Lindbergh Elementary School Lindbloom Park (historical) Linder Cemetery Linders Cow-Chip Airport Lindley Creek Lindsborg Lindsburg City Lindsborg Oil Field Lindsborg South Oil Field Lindsburg City See Lindsborg Lindsey Ayersburgh Lindsey Creek Line Cemetery FEATURE CLASS school school school school school school school locale school airport park park park school school school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil ppl cemetery locale civil school locale cemetery airport stream ppl oilfield oilfield ppl ppl stream cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1891 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF coUunTy Ellis Geary Lincoln Leavenworth Cloud Marshall Lane Sedgwick Lincoln Lincoln Crawford Sedgwick Osage Russell Johnson Douglas Neosho Grant Crawford Edwards Sedgwick Butler Anderson Stafford Pawnee Linn Coffey Rice Osage Franklin Ellsworth Russell Dickinson Ottawa Sherman Jackson Pottawatomie Cloud Washington Smith Norton Republic Marshall Decatur Marion Marion Osage Osage Wyandotte Shawnee Woodson Miami Osborne McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson Ottawa Ottawa Lyon COORDINATE 385248N0991941W 390130N0965052W 390200N09808 52W 39193 393409N09738 58W 395042N0963911W 38284 3N1002726W 374112N0971650W 390216N0980853W 390320N098 100 3W 372507N0944259W 374009N0972004W 38 3802N0955000W 384428N098 54 3 9W 385313N0944 924W 3858 36N0951327W 372545N0951015W 373330N1011945W 373655N0944140W 374932N09904 39W 375210N0971225W 375905N0965205W 381245N09508 15W 381305N0985127W 381821N0992504W 381950N0944145W 382325N0955 340W 382328N09818 45W 382910N0953315W 38 3420N09518 45W 38 3909N09818 48W 384426N09852 10W 385455N0971900W 390010N0972600W 391800N1015330W 130W 392615N0960732W 393318N0973947W 393605N0965045W 393605N098 33 35W 394054N09953 35W 394145N0973940W 39465 3N09617 38W 395123N1001315W 382936N0965735W 382957N0965758W 384330N09539 30W 384320N0954000W 390640N09442 32W 385906N0953719W 37512 322W 38 3735N0944609W 3933 32N0984216W 38 3425N0974027W 383450N0974117W 38305 3N0974 155W 38 3425N0974027W 390537N097404 0W 39055 6N0974139W 381038N0961418W SOURCE COORDINATE 393857N0984 146W 391531N0972952W ELEV FT 1360 1395 1877 1420 1444 993 985 1333 1242 KS157 MAP NAME Hays North Junction City Lincoln Leavenworth Concordia Marysville Dighton Wichita East Lincoln Lincoln Pittsburg Wichita East Osage City Galatia Olathe Lawrence East South Mound Ulysses Arma Trousdale Greenwich De Graff Bush City Seward Rush Center SW Boicourt Lebo NW Chase NE Waverly Ottawa South Holyrood NE Susank Solomon Vine Creek Ruleton Soldier Creek SE Onaga Concordia Greenleaf SE Downs North Condordia NW Axtell Norcatur Lincolnville Lincolnville Shawnee Richland Yates Center SE Spring Hill Portis Lindsborg Lindsborg Lindsborg Minneapolis South Minneapolis South Madison KS158 FEATURE NAME Line Cemetery Linmea Park Linn Summit Linn County Linn County Fairgrounds Linn Elementary School Linn Elementary School Linn High School Linn Township Linnville Cemetery Linnville School Linsborg High School Linscott Park Linsdale See Burdick Linwood Johnny Cake Stranger Linwood Acres Linwood Cemetery Linwood Church of the Nazarene Linwood Congregation Jehovahs Witnesses Linwood Elementary School Linwood Elementary School Linwood Junior-Senior High School Linwood Park Linwood School Lion Creek Lions Park Lippard (historical) Howe Lippoldat Oil Field Liscum Cemetery Litchfield Edwin Lichfield Lithium (historical) Littell Cemetery Little Arkansas Creek Little Arkansas River See Salt Fork Arkansas River Little Arkansas River Little Bachelor Creek Little Basin Little Bear Creek Little Bear Creek North Bear Creek Little Bear Creek See North Bear Creek Little Bear Mound Little Beaver Creek Little Beaver Creek See Beaver Creek Little Beaver Creek North Fork Beaver Creek Little Bloody Creek Little Blue River Blue Earth River Little Blue Township Little Buck Creek Little Bull Creek Little Cable Creek Little Candy Lake Little Caney River Big Cana River FEATURE CLASS cemetery park ppl civil locale school school school civil cemetery school school park ppl Ppl ppl cemetery church church school school school park school stream park locale oilfield cemetery locale locale cemetery stream stream stream stream basin stream stream stream summit stream stream stream stream stream civil stream stream stream lake stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1972 VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1963 VARIANT CoUNnTY Pottawatomie McPherson Washington Linn Linn Shawnee Washington Washington Washington Linn Linn McPherson Jackson Morris Leavenworth Sedgwick Johnson Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Leavenworth Leavenworth Sedgwick Johnson Scott Greenwood Rush Hodgeman Rice Crawford Jewell Linn Riley Barber Sedgwick Labette Clark Barber Stanton Hamilton Wilson Cowley Cowley Rawlins Chase Marshall Washington Jefferson Miami Osage Cherokee Chautauqua COORDINATE 39165 382208N0973947W 394048N0970502W 381300N0945100W 3808 40N094 494 0W 385940N095 403 3W 394048N097024 5W 394055N097023 3W 394154N0970510W 381329N0944748W 381328N0944752W 38 3441N0974057W 39274 420W 38334 3W 390005N0950220W 374053N0971207W 385726N0943736W 373950N0971908W 373750N0971905W 374006N0971917W 390002N0950159W 390006N0950225W 373945N09718 55W 385658N094375 3W 382632N1005637W 3748 47N0961634W 383655N09918 32W 380300N09944 35W 383052N09806 30W 372627N09438 58W 394520N0980 320W 380808N094 382 3W 391417N0964600W 36355 10W 374129N0972056W 371624N095144 3W 371421N09958 53W 37185 374203N1013905W 374625N1014940W 372111N0954152W 6480 3W 37094 9N097054 9W 394915N1010159W 381815N0962 623W 394152N0964039W 39465 390906N0951745W 38390 3N0945 400W 38294 370112N0950225W 365610N0955700W SOURCE COORDINATE 382854N1010600W 391708N0965118W 38 3146N0980917W 371428N0951817W 371259N098 48 25W 373803N10223 16W 370425N096454 6W 392202N1021239W 381503N09625 12W 40265 1N098 563 1W 391107N0951910W 38493 383325N0955 147W 37062 ELEV FT 1460 940 800 1360 1722 930 999 MAP NAME Louisville Mc Pherson South Linn Mound City Mound City Wakarusa Linn Linn Linn Mound City Mound City Lindsborg Holton Tonganoxie Andover Lenexa Wichita East Wichita East Wichita East Tonganoxie Tonganoxie Wichita East Lenexa Modoc Eureka La Crosse Jetmore SE Crawford Pittsburg Montrose Pleasanton Riley Wichita East Parsons East Ashland NW Pump Creek Big Bow NW Neodesha Hardy Atwood Gladstone Blue Rapids Hanover SE Oskaloosa Antioch Osage City SE Chetopa Caney FEATURE NAME Caney Creek Middle Caney Creek Little Caney Township Little Canville Creek Little Cedar Creek Coon Creek Little Cedar Creek See Cedar Creek Little Cedar Creek Little Cedar Creek Little Cedar Creek Little Cherry Creek Little Chetopa Creek Chetopa Creek Little Cheyenne Creek Cheyenne Creek Little Cheyenne Creek Little Cheyenne Creek Little Congregational Cemetery Little Coon Creek Little Cow Creek See East Cow Creek Little Cow Creek Little Crabb Creek See Wildcat Creek Little Crabb Creek Little Crab Creek See Wildcat Creek Little Creek Little Creek Little Salt Creek Little Cross Creek Little Deer Creek Little Delaware Creek See Little Grasshopper Creek Little Delaware River Grasshopper Creek Little Driftwood Creek Little Duck Creek Little Dutch See Akron Little Dutch Creek Dutch Creek Little Eagle Church Little Elk Creek Little Elm Creek Little Fly Creek Little Grasshopper Creek Little Delaware Creek Little Gus Creek Little Halfmoon Lake Little Hickory Creek Little Hitchen Creek Little Indian Creek Indian Creek Little Indian Creek Little Indian Creek Little John Creek Little Kaw Little Kaw Creek Little Kitten Creek Little Labette Creek Little Mill Creek Little Mill Creek Little Muddy Creek Little Mule Creek Oak Creek FEATURE CLASS civil stream stream stream stream stre om stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream locale stream church stream stream stream stream stream lake stream stream stream stream stream stream locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1963 VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT CcoUunTy Chautauqua Neosho Chautauqua Cowley Wilson Chase Johnson Cherokee Wilson Barton Cloud Jewell Meade Edwards Crawford Rice Cowley Cowley Cowley Allen Mitchell Jackson Allen Atchison Atchison Barber Montgomery Cowley Cowley Logan Neosho Jackson Cherokee Atchison Linn Neosho Elk Elk Elk Anderson Marshall Morris Leavenworth Wyandotte Riley Neosho Bourbon Johnson Jefferson Barber COORDINATE 370305N096022 3W 374019N0951144W 37010 3W 371806N0965725W 373056N0953914W 380914N0963312W 385501N0945312W 371306N094563 3W 372857N0953457W 382648N09828 51W 393535N0975237W 393738N09759 35W 370729N1001302W 375744N0992244W 372128N0944102W 3818 30N0981137W 370756N0964 635W 331W 370756N0964 635W 374800N0951123W 391646N0981214W 39170 375958N0952048W 393235N0953128W 393345N0953207W 365522N0983027W 371925N0955317W 372106N097005 3W 372045N09702 32W 384947N1012430W 420W 39165 3N095 450 3W 370159N0950109W 393235N0953128W 380812N0950300W 372334N0950700W 372130N096004 6W 372519N0960912W 373231N0960417W 380350N09528 4 9W 39565 7N0964554W 38 3733N0962 632W 390212N09455 16W 390214N0945324W 391103N0963728W 3718 38N0951419W 375430N094 48 48W 390027N09448 54W 390516N09535 42W 365608N0983111W SOURCE COORDINATE 374426N0950548W 370532N0961245W 373720N095 353 3W 3808 22N09 6254 9W 385116N0944932W 3718 47N09448 15W 373119N0952910W 382700N098 38 18W 393315N0975904W 393303N0980122W 37504 3N0994 220W 38 3355N0981426W 370502N0964314W 375259N0951139W 391729N09818 10W 392504N09558 50W 38022 134 3W 394650N095 38 23W 370515N098 392 5W 37224 4N09554 55W 372422N0965718W 373018N09525 12W 3918 46N0954252W 370345N0945622W 393815N0952000W 38074 39W 372248N09558 39W 372737N0960625W 372940N0960559W 380921N0953145W 400144N0964524W 384124N0962417W 390509N09457 11W 391347N09638 10W 372714N0952611W 375652N09452 10W 385705N0944509W 391003N095 38 17W 371115N0984718W 2451 KS159 Peru Stark Elgin Five Mounds Matfield Green De Soto Hallowell Morehead Chase NW Scottsville Jamestown NW Proffitt Lake SW Kinsley Lyons Dexter Elsmore Blue Hill Emmett La Harpe Whiting Capron Buxton Akron Russell Earlton Mayet ta Sprs 2 SW Chetopa Whiting Centerville Mc Cune NE Oak Valley Longton NW Fall River Geneva Hanover East Council Grove Bonner Springs Bonner Springs Keats Parsons East Devon Edwardsville Grantville Capron KS160 FEATURE NAME Little Neosho See Grouse Creek Little Noxie Creek Little Oak Creek East Oak Creek Oak Creek Little Osage Creek See South Fork Little Osage River Little Osage Creek See Little Osage River Little Osage River Little Osage Creek Little Pawnee Creek Little Plum Creek Little Pyramids Little River Fair Point Little River See Salt Fork Arkansas River Little River Dam Spriggs Rock Dam Little River Elementary School Little River Township Little Rock Creek Littler River High School Little Sac Branch Little Saint Louis See Louisville Little Salt Creek Little Salt Creek See Little Creek Little Salt Marsh Salt Marsh Little Sandy Cemetery Little Sandy Creek Sandy Creek Little Sandy Creek Little Sandy Creek Little Sandy Creek Little Santa Fe (historical) School Shawnee Creek Shawnee Creek Little Sinkhole Little Slough Little Slough Creek Little Snell Creek Bookers Creek Little Soldier Creek Conda Creek Soldier Creek Little Little Little Stranger See Fairmount Little Stranger Church Little Stranger Creek Little Stranger Creek Little Sugar Creek Little Swede Creek Little Timber Creek Little Timber Creek Littleton See Mulvane Littleton Cemetery Little Turkey Creek Little Turkey Creek Little Turkey Creek See Turkey Creek FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream pillar ppl stream dam school civil stream school stream Ppl stream stream swamp cemetery stream stream stream stream locale school stream reservoir stream stream stream stream ppl church stream stream stream stream stream stream ppl cemetery stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT COUNTY Cowley Pottawatomie Mitchell Crawford Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Leavenworth Logan Rice Barber Rice Rice Reno Osage Rice Franklin Pottawatomie Greenwood Mitchell Stafford Wilson Harper Clark Woodson Leavenworth Johnson Sedgwick Cherokee McPherson Sedgwick Jefferson Leavenworth Shawnee Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Atchison Linn Riley Lincoln Marshall Sumner Sumner Kiowa Neosho Harvey COORDINATE 370012N0965518W 392145N0960314W 393227N098 28 4 9W 380022N09504 38W 380138N0941435W 380138N0941435W 374301N0945004W 392336N095592 1W 384525N1005655W 38235 3N098004 2W 363558N09703 10W 382406N0980254W 382354N098005 3W 380630N0974 450W 38265 3N09535 11W 382354N0980053W 382610N0940602W 391501N09618 52W 373658N0960344W 391646N0981214W 380535N0982920W 374401N09548 27W 365331N0981316W 37034 22W 374056N095500 3W 391046N0945917W 385510N0943715W 374244N09718 48W 371046N0944148W 525W 374524N0972602W 39125 16W 391308N0945008W 390736N0954741W 391130N0945607W 39144 25W 3908 38N0950113W 393109N0951958W 381427N0944433W 393139N0964057W 39042 3N098 15 57W 394202N09624 38W 3728 372700N0971225W 372325N099 32 10W 373825N0952500W 38072 3N0973 602W SOURCE COORDINATE 392738N0960548W 394425N09829 32W 380133N095052 5W 373755N0945057W 392437N095024 6W 38234 324 3W 382808N09507 39W 373513N0960724W 371912N0982930W 372118N0995505W 374547N0954750W 391404N0945800W 371725N0944711W 374927N09728 47W 391542N0952028W 391159N0945251W 392448N0955023W 391749N0950118W 392457N09520 38W 38082 3N09 4545 2W 393338N0964525W 39095 3N098 14 17W 394922N0962136W 372906N0993 355W 373924N095292 6W ELEV FT 1590 956 1433 MAP NAME Onaga NE Cawker City Richards Hiattville Oak Mills Elkader SW Little River Little River Little River Burrton Waverly Little River Lane Fall River Little Salt Marsh Middletown Manchester NW Ashland SE Toronto SE Basehor Grandview Wichita East Crestline Buhler Maize Ozawkie Wolcott Grove Basehor Jarbalo Lancaster Pleasanton Blue Rapids SW Vesper Frankfort Mulvane Turkey Creek Chanute FEATURE NAME Little Turkey Creek Little Upton Creek Little Valley Township Little Verdigris River See Walnut River Little Verdigris River See North Caney Creek Little Wakarusa Creek Little Walnut See Leon Little Walnut Cemetery Little Walnut Church Little Walnut Creek See Little Walnut River Little Walnut Creek Little Walnut Creek See Dry Walnut Creek Little Walnut Creek Little Walnut Creek Little Walnut River Little Walnut Creek Little Walnut Township Little Wells Creek Little Wells Creek See Wells Creek Little Wild Horse Creek Little Wild Horse Creek Wild Horse Creek Little Wolf Creek Litup Creek Liverpool (historical) Liverpool Cemetery Livingston (historical) Llanos Township Lockard School Lockhart Cemetery Lockport (historical) Lockport Township Lockwood Cemetery Loco (historical) Locust Creek Locust Grove (historical) Locust Hill Cemetery Loda Center (historical) Loda Township Lodi See Louisburg Lodi (historical) Lodiana Cemetery Lodi Cemetery Loe Blue River See Big Blue River Logan Deeversville Logan Avenue Elementary School Logan Cemetery Logan Church Logan City Dam Logan City Lake Logan County Saint John County Logan County State Lake Dam Logan County State Park Logan Elementary School Logan Junior High School Logan Grove Park Logan Junior High School FEATURE CLASS stream stream civil stream stream stream Ppl cemetery church stream stream stream stream stream stream civil stream stream stream stream stream stream locale cemetery locale civil school cemetery locale civil cemetery locale stream locale cemetery locale civil ppl locale cemetery cemetery stream ppl school cemetery church dam reservoir civil dam park school park NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT coUunTy Wyandotte Cloud McPherson Cowley Chautauqua Douglas Butler Butler Butler Butler Neosho Barton Atchison Mitchell Butler Butler Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Stafford Jefferson Ellsworth Labette Stanton Stanton Stafford Sherman Saline Meade Haskell Haskell Phillips Haskell Wabaunsee Atchison Rush Reno Reno Miami Barber Rice Barber Pottawatomie Phillips Lyon Marion Marion Phillips Phillips Logan Logan Logan Phillips Geary COORDINATE 39034 558W 393545N0973130W 381310N0975200W 37025 37062 11W 385534N0950809W 374125N0964655W 37354 6564 1W 374202N0963619W 373235N0970058W 373359N0950534W 38224 404W 392730N0950155W 3928 373235N0970058W 374140N0964 615W 391029N0961225W 391117N0960916W 380239N098 503 6W 390500N0952 350W 384416N09818 31W 371701N0950612W 372555N1013626W 372555N1013626W 375446N0985122W 392800N1012645W 385638N0973927W 372037N1001900W 373340N1003910W 373445N1004300W 393548N0991958W 372350N10052 15W 384604N0960658W 392535N0951152W 3828 374640N0981130W 374635N0981130W 383710N0944050W 370820N098 424 6W 381904N098034 6W 37084 3W 391112N0963145W 393942N09934 12W 38232 38 3408N0971539W 383357N09715 39W 393748N0993448W 393745N0993450W 385400N1010800W 385600N1011406W 385625N1011413W 393952N09934 20W 385945N0964 940W soURCE COORDINATE 390705N094502 3W 394031N0973059W 384930N0950724W 374128N0950136W 39260 40W 392309N098 18 48W 374235N0964 440W 390750N0961244W 37570 58 29W 391013N0952010W 384045N0982055W 372118N0950145W 384733N0961159W ELEV FT 1232 1477 3215 1243 2044 1970 1521 1080 KS161 MAP NAME Edwardsville Rice Buhler Lawrence East Gordon Beaumont Walnut Oak Mills Glen Elder South Douglass Leon Belvue Saint John North Perry Holyrood NE Mc Cune Shore Airport NE Shore Airport NE Saint John South Brewster NW Trenton Meade Copeland Copeland Glade SE Sublette Lake Wabaunsee Potter Rush Center Westfall SW Pretty Prairie SW Hardtner NW Lyons SE Hardtner NW Logan Emporia Gypsum SE Gypsum SE Logan Logan Russell Sprs Russell Sprs Russell Sprs Logan Wreford KS162 FEATURE NAME See Logan Elementary School Logan Park Logan Senior High School Logansport Township Logan State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Logan Township See Coldwater Township Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township See Township Number 6 Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township See Center Township Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township Logan Township Log Cabin Creek See Log Chain Creek Log Chain Creek Log Cabin Creek Logonda See Beulah Logue Cemetery Logwater Branch Lohff Creek Loire Creek Lola See Springvale Lola Township Lollik Cemetery Loma Vista Lomis Creek London (historical) London School London Township Lone Butte Lone Cherry Church Lone Elm Reeve Reeves Lone Elm Lone Elm Cemetery Lone Elm Cemetery Lone Elm Creek Lone Elm School Lone Elm School Lone Elm Township Lonelake See Ensign Lonelake (historical) Lone Lane Lone Lane See Lonelake FEATURE CLASS school park school civil park civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil stream stream ppl cemetery stream stream stream locale civil cemetery locale stream locale school civil summit church ppl locale cemetery cemetery stream school school civil ppl locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT coUnTy Phillips Montgomery Phillips Logan Logan Comanche Meade Butler Pratt Allen Gray Edwards Pawnee Barton Marion Dickinson Lincoln Ottawa Sherman Mitchell Sheridan Phillips Rawlins Washington Marshall Decatur Smith Lyon Lyon Crawford Coffey Coffey Smith Wabaunsee Pratt Cherokee Sumner Wyandotte Wabaunsee Sumner Sumner Sumner Logan Chautauqua Anderson Marshall Cherokee Anderson Cowley Cherokee Anderson Gray Grey Grey COORDINATE 393952N0993 420W 371556N0953 328W 39395 385222N1010322W 385625N1011413W 371130N0991130W 371241N1001119W 373530N0964 615W 374705N098 34 30W 3748 20N0952955W 375453N1003318W 38023 19W 380752N098 58 02W 3828 42N098 3208W 38 3355N0971900W 384940N0970535W 39052 391600N09738 30W 391945N1014700W 392100N0975900W 392100N1003700W 340W 394205N1010215W 39465 5N0965755W 395327N09 64 626W 395338N1004105W 395735N098 334 5W 384123N0960143W 384123N096014 3W 372625N094494 1W 380426N09532 10W 382104N0955312W 400512N0984748W 385904N0961938W 37304 3N098 564 5W 370930N0950154W 37034 390950N094472 1W 385658N09558 17W 37262 3N0972 135W 37265 131W 30W 384716N1011230W 371043N09558 5 3W 380448N095 14 35W 395730N0963920W 371317N0944818W 380518N09514 32W 371703N0970157W 37134 37232 3N0954 52 1W 380612N0951415W 373910N1001400W 373714N1001430W 373714N1001430W SOURCE COORDINATE 384426N0960133W 409W 395919N0985000W 39034 9N0962405W 385520N09558 24W 371804N0965924W ELEV FT 1033 1243 850 1242 3218 1100 1260 922 1116 900 MAP NAME Cherryvale Logan Russell Sprs SE Russell Sprs Proffitt Lake NW Augusta SE Humboldt Pierceville NE Rozel SW Radium Ellinwood NE Gypsum SE Navarre Tescott Aurora SW Ruleton SE Glasco SW Sequin Logan Hanover SW Hanover East Traer Mc Cracken Branch Admire Neosho Falls Lebo NW Riverton Allendorph Oswego Geuda Springs Wolcott Dover Belle Plains Belle Plaine Zyba Lone Butte Caney NW Kincaid Herkimer Columbus Kincaid Akron Columbus Table Mound Kincaid Ensign SW Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone FEATURE NAME (historical) Oak Prairie School Star Bond Star Star Star Star Star Star Star Star Star Star Star Tree Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Church Lake Lake Dam School School Township See Akron Lone Tree (historical) Empire Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Lone Long Long Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree Canyon Cemetery Church Creek Creek Creek Creek School Township Township Walnut (historical) Branch Branch See Owl Creek Long Branch Long Branch Long Branch Long Branch Long Branch Creek Long Branch Draw Long Branch Creek See Long Branch Long Branch Draw See Long Branch Long Canyon (historical) Long Creek Long Creek Long Creek Long Creek North Long Creek Long Draw Long Draw Longfellow Elementary School Longfellow Elementary School Longfellow Elementary School Longford Chapman Longford Elementary School Long Island Long Island Cemetery Long Island Elementary School Long Island Township Long Mound Long Oil Field Long Station See Lang Longton Elk Rapids FEATURE CLASS locale school ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church reservoir dam school school civil locale locale valley cemetery church stream stream stream stream school civil civil locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream valley stream stream stream stream valley valley school school school Ppl school Ppl cemetery school civil summit oilfield locale Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT coUnTy Crawford Rawlins Douglas Crawford Butler Reno Rush Rawlins Stevens Douglas Douglas Crawford Miami Rush Cowley McPherson Barber McPherson McPherson Clark McPherson Rice Dickinson Shawnee McPherson Pottawatomie Lincoln Cherokee Rice Ness Jackson Jewell Norton Norton Norton Gove Sumner Greenwood Coffey Osage Riley Rawlins Montgomery Sedgwick Anderson Clay Clay Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Neosho Butler Lyon Elk COORDINATE 372613N0944 430W 394340N1011538W 385200N0952118W 3728 37N0944216W 373013N09648 58W 37482 7N09758 56W 38 3214N0991305W 393650N10054 30W 371015N1010507W 5225 0W 385025N095225 OW 37244 32W 38 3717N0945402W 38 3149N0991152W 372106N0970053W 381725N0973214W 370212N0982648W 381705N0973001W 381702N0972958W 371654N0993617W 381620N09755 10W 382017N0975748W 38564 3858 31N0955116W 381810N09732 10W 393135N0961730W 385307N0981255W 371434N0944003W 3818 36N0981057W 382530N0995307W 3918 395355N098 142 6W 395825N10008 39W 395825N10008 3 9W 395825N10008 39W 384402N1002307W 348W 380352N0960300W 380625N0954003W 637W 39052 6N09 648 55W 39392 3N10053 38W 370141N0953706W 373917N0972014W 381640N09514 45W 391012N0971952W 391013N0971932W 395658N0993208W 395728N0993224W 39564 7N0993202W 395754N0993 440W 373417N095304 3W 374555N0964 105W 382736N0960500W 372240N0960450W SOURCE COORDINATE 370927N098 272 9W 37235 382451N0975427W 381947N0980148W 38595 1N09707 11W 371712N0944455W 38 3633N0995608W 39234 1W 3958 36N0981634W 394912N10018 38W 383735N10024 40W 371534N0973223W 3808 28N0955 920W 636W 382017N0954 240W 39055 8 4 9W 39354 4N10058 28W ELEV FT 885 2035 953 1350 2071 1030 918 KS163 MAP NAME Pittsburg Dewey Ranch Lone Star Pittsburg Augusta SE Castleton Bison Long Draw South Woods Globe Globe Pittsburg Paola West Bison McPherson SE Kiowa Mc Pherson SE Canton SW Lexington Windom Lyons SE Chapman Auburn Mc Pherson SE Wheaton Westfall NW Crestline Ness City Emmett Northbranch Lyle Shields NW Perth Lamont Le Roy Quenemo Junction City Long Draw North Coffeyville East Wichita East Garnett East Longford Longford Long Island Long Island Long Island Long Island Five Mounds Pontiac Longton KS164 FEATURE NAME Longton Cemetery Longton Oil and Gas Field Longton Township Longview Hill Longview Public Use Area Lookout See Riverdale Lookout See Vining Lookout, Mount Lookout Hollow Lookout Mountain Lookout Township Lopez Park Lorena Four Mile Lorenz Schlichter Memorial Cemetery Loretta Loring Loring Station Loring School Loring Station See Loring Lorraine Ashmead Greengarden Lorraine Avenue Mennonite Church Lorraine Cemetery Lorraine North Oil Field Lorraine Oil Field Loss Creek Loss Creek Lost Creek Lost Creek Lost Creek Lost Creek Lost Creek Lost Creek Lost Creek Lost Creek Lost Creek Lost Creek Lost Creek Lost Creek Lost Creek Lost Creek Lost Creek Oil and Gas Field Lostine See Beaumont Lost Lake Lost Spring Lost Springs Agua Perdida Nee-Nee-Oke-Pi-Yah Lost Springs Oil Field Lost Springs Township Lotta See Penalosa Louck Park Louelle See Ludell Louisa Creek Louisburg Lodi Louisburgh Saint Louis Louisburg City Dam Louisburg Elementary School FEATURE CLASS cemetery oilfield civil summit park ppl Ppl summit valley summit civil park locale cemetery ppl Ppl school Ppl Ppl church cemetery oilfield oilfield stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream oilfield Ppl lake spring Ppl oilfield civil ppl park Ppl stream ppl dam school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF CoUnNTY Elk Elk Elk Riley Jefferson Sumner Clay Clark Ellis Doniphan Ellis Labette Butler Coffey Rush Wyandotte Leavenworth Wyandotte Ellsworth Sedgwick Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Coffey Ellsworth Sumner Bourbon Rice Franklin Lincoln Ottawa Pottawatomie Cloud Rooks Cloud Norton Republic Jewell Smith Marion Butler Kiowa Marion Marion Dickinson Marion Kingman Kearny Rawlins Smith Miami Miami Miami COORDINATE 372328N09504 10W 372424N095033 3W 6054 0W 391044N0963527W 391105N0952 640W 372324N09722 20W 393401N0971742W 371628N0994050W 384300N0992011W 395330N0951003W 38454 3N0992 155W 372040N0951505W 374138N0970501W 380716N0954130W 38 3913N099104 9W 390050N09454 30W 390105N09454 33W 390050N09454 30W 38 3408N098 18 59W 374049N0971902W 38 3302N0981947W 38 3514N098 162 0W 38 3350N0981710W 380317N09534 45W 384434N0981925W 37154 380103N094475 3W 38245 194 9W 38 3538N09528 3 9W 390208N0980925W 39072 530W 391144N096093 9W 392136N09752 10W 35W 393521N097393 3W 393632N0995900W 39393 3N09445 19W 40034 7N09824 32W 400412N0990019W 38255 373929N0963157W 374032N0990240W 38 3400N097004 5W 38 3358N0965758W 38 3310N0965925W 38 3400N09659 30W 374300N0981910W 375623N1011700W 395120N1005734W 400338N098 34 38W 38 3710N0944050W 383625N0944023W 38 3712N0944057W SOURCE COORDINATE 385133N09928 32W 38065 1N0953 339W 38 3906N0982254W 371629N0971401W 380431N0945702W 38 3624N0981808W 38385 38W 390720N0981000W 391450N0975202W 39202 39282 1N097524 6W 39154 11W 393051N0974041W 393352N1000040W 394445N0974251W 395900N0982507W 395717N0990042W 395858N098 34 32W ELEV FT 350 2320 1195 1330 1046 2001 787 1781 1777 1490 1075 MAP NAME Longton Longton Oak Valley Manhattan Ozawkie Mount Jesus Liebenthal Oregon Hays South Parsons West Santa Fe Lake Le Roy Pfeifer Bonner Springs Bonner Springs Lorraine Wichita East Lorraine Lorraine Lorraine Neosho Falls Holyrood NW oxford Mantey Chase NE Ottawa NW Lincoln Tescott NE Laclede Glasco Webster Dam Concordia Lenora East Kackley Burr Oak NW Bloomington Lincolnville Haviland NE Ramona Lost Springs Lost Springs Lost Springs Lakin Mc Cracken Branch Louisburg Louisburg Louisburg FEATURE NAME Louisburgh See Louisburg Louisburg High School Louisburg Lake Louisburg Township Louise, Lake Louisiana (historical) Salem Louisville Little Saint Louis Rock Creek Louisville Cemetery Louisville Township L'Ouverture School Lovejoy See Industry Love Oil Field Lovewell Lovewell Station Lovewell Dam Lovewell Reservoir Lovewell State Park Lovewell Station See Lovewell Lovewell Wildlife Area Low Blue River See Big Blue River Lowe Lowe Landing Strip Lowell Lowell Lowell Lowell Lowell Lowell Lowell Cemetery Dam Elementary School Elementary School Elementary School Reservoir School School Lowell Lowell Lowell Township Lowell Township See Township Number 1 Lowemont Lower Branch Lower Dutch Creek Lower Wiedemann Dam Lowe Township Lowman Hill Elementary School Lowman United Methodist Church Low Plains See Great Bend Prairie Lowry School Lowther-North Middle School Lowther-South Middle School Loyal (historical) Pansy Lucas Blue Stem Lucas See Marshall (historical) Lucas Airport Lucas Cemetery Lucas City Lake Lucas City Lake Dam Lucas Landing Strip Lucas-Luray High School Lucas Park Recreation Area Lucerne Hortonville Lucerne Cemetery FEATURE CLASS Ppl school reservoir civil reservoir locale ppl cemetery civil school ppl oilfield Ppl dam reservoir park ppl park stream locale airport ppl cemetery dam school school school reservoir school school civil civil ppl stream stream dam civil school church plain school school school locale ppl locale airport cemetery reservoir dam airport school park locale cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF coUnTy Miami Miami Miami Montgomery Cowley Douglas Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Sedgwick Clay Elk Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Pottawatomie Finney Logan Cherokee Cherokee Cherokee Montgomery Cowley Saline Cherokee Sedgwick Wyandotte Cherokee Rooks Leavenworth Butler Cowley Greenwood Washington Shawnee Shawnee Barton Jefferson Lyon Lyon Finney Russell Pawnee Russell Russell Russell Russell Stanton Russell Russell Sheridan Sheridan COORDINATE 38 3710N0944050W 38 3715N0944047W 38 3625N094402 3W 371938N0955457W 37044 3848 15N09512 35W 391501N09618 52W 391537N09618 31W 391600N09618 30W 374241N0971927W 390800N0971016W 37242 3W 395155N09758 53W 395325N0980135W 395325N0980135W 395416N0980302W 395155N097585 3W 395325N0980135W 391112N0963145W 380159N10059 32W 390402N1011510W 370255N0944205W 37022 420 3W 390252N0954 348W 370205N0953 630W 371406N09659 42W 384909N0973638W 370318N0944206W 374132N09718 26W 390636N09438 13W 370615N0944000W 392630N0990545W 392250N0950320W 37510 6384 5W 37265 1N09 648 42W 374303N0963107W 395805N0971220W 39025 153W 390225N0954 344W 381730N0984730W 391232N0952 342W 382421N0961058W 382415N0961058W 380940N1003210W 390322N098 32 10W 381635N09905 10W 390328N0983134W 390355N0983155W 390242N0983124W 390242N0983124W 372529N1013327W 390338N0983200W 385720N0983110W 392948N1001200W 39295 3N1001245W SOURCE COORDINATE 37495 3N0963506W 372748N0964 328W ELEV FT 1039 1000 1555 1583 2920 3330 850 1110 1500 1485 3172 2659 KS165 MAP NAME Louisburg Louisburg Elk City Arkansas City Baldwin City Louisville Louisville Louisville Wichita East Howard NW Courtland Webber Webber Webber Webber Lowe Mc Allaster SE Baxter Springs Baxter Springs Baxter Springs Coffeyville East Winfield Salina Baxter Springs Wichita East Shawnee Baxter Springs Oak Mills Rosalia Atlanta Beaumont Washington NW Topeka Topeka Ozawkie Emporia Emporia Scott City 4 NE Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Shore Airport NE Lucas Dorrance NE Lucerne Lucerne KS166 FEATURE NAME Luckey High School Lucky Creek Luctor (historical) Luctor Cemetery Luctor Church Ludell Danube Kelso Louelle Ludell Cemetery Ludell Township Ludwick (historical) Ludwick Cemetery Ludy Creek Luke Park Lulu Township Lulu Valley See Stafford Lund (historical) Lund Church Lundgren Elementary School Lundgren Hereford Ranch Airport Lundgren Oil Field Lund School Lura See Luray Luray Leeson Lura Luray-Lucas Elementary School Lurry Township Luther Airport Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran Cemetery Lutheran School Lydia Lydia Church Lykins County See Miami County Lyle See Imes Lyle Lyman Elementary School Lyndon Osage Centre Lyndon Cemetery Lyndon City Dam Lyndon Elementary School Lyndon High School Lyndon Station Lyndon Valley School Lynn Creek Lynn Creek Cemetery Lynn State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area FEATURE CLASS school stream locale cemetery church Ppl cemetery civil locale cemetery stream park civil ppl locale church school airport oilfield school Ppl ppl school civil airport cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school locale church civil locale locale school ppl cemetery dam school school locale school stream cemetery park NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN coUnTy Riley Osborne Phillips Phillips Phillips Rawlins Rawlins Rawlins Pratt Pratt Lyon Ottawa Mitchell Stafford Decatur Decatur Shawnee Gove Gove Decatur Russell Russell Russell Russell Sedgwick Montgomery Meade Montgomery Crawford Edwards Rush Osborne Sherman Clay Osborne Jewell Jewell Jewell Republic Crawford Wichita Wichita Miami Franklin Decatur Shawnee Osage Osage Osage Osage Osage Osage Lyon Shawnee Shawnee Lyon COORDINATE 391039N0963522W 39262 395147N0993201W 395129N0993235W 395155N0993159W 395120N1005734W 395025N1005710W 395057N1005630W 373325N0984547W 373327N0984 456W 382354N0961710W 390900N0975 322W 393135N09758 10W 375744N098 360 1W 394011N1003633W 394011N1003633W 390417N09538 16W 384847N1003413W 384745N1003503W 394102N1003423W 390638N0984 119W 390638N0984119W 39065 390300N098 38 30W 37503 325W 370136N0955014W 370548N1002029W 371415N0954217W 373701N09458 12W 380143N09924 17W 38 3146N0990412W 391615N0990035W 391645N1013904W 391734N0970921W 392225N0982927W 393729N0975807W 394650N0981137W 394707N0981609W 3948 45N0974 652W 373606N0945614W 381642N1011728W 381552N1011409W 38 3500N0945100W 38 29W 395728N1001258W 390514N09539 34W 38 103W 383721N0954203W 100W 383630N095 404 5W 38363 3N095 404 6W 3838 31N0954104W 382548N0961229W 385404N095 34 54W 385727N09538 27W 383251N09603 30W SOURCE COORDINATE 391959N09904 25W 382703N0961754W 385807N0954007W ELEV FT 2178 2780 1952 2803 2803 2600 2796 1570 1350 954 1991 3632 1288 1778 1524 3256 2407 1030 1092 1115 1028 MAP NAME Manhattan Woodston Prairie View Prairie View Prairie View Ludell Ludell Ludell Coats Pratt SW Plymouth Ada Scottsville Selden NE Selden NE Topeka Orion SE Orion SE Selden NE Luray Luray Luray Maize Tyro Irish Flats SE Independence Brazilton Rozel SW Otis Laton Goodland Clay Center SW Tipton Scottsville Mankato Burr Oak Scandia Brazilton Lydia Modoc SW Lyle Topeka Lyndon Lyndon Lydon Lyndon Lyndon Lyndon NW Emporia Richland Wakarusa Allen Se FEATURE NAME Lyona Leon Lyon County Breckenridge County Lyon County State Lake Reading Lake Lyon County State Lake Dam Lyon Creek Lyons Creek Lyons Atlanta Brookdale Lyons (historical) Lyons Creek See Lyon Creek Lyons Field Lyons High School Lyons Junior High School Lyons-Rice County Municipal Airport Lyons School Lyons West Oil and Gas Field Lyon Township Lyon Township Lyon Township Lyon Township Lyon Township M Mabel (historical) MacAdoo Dam McAdoo Township McAllaster Bureau McAllaster Township McAllister Creek McAllister School MacArthur Branch MacArthur Elementary School MacArthur School McBride Cemetery McBride Monument McCabe Cemetery McCamish Township McCandless Elementary School McCann Canyon McCarter Elementary School McCarter School McCauley Cemetery McClane Lake McClarney Cemetery McClure School McClure School MacCochague School McCollom Elementary School McCormick School McCoy Lake McCoy Ranch McCracken Keimfield McCracken Station McCracken Branch McCracken Cemetery McCracken Station See McCracken McCue See Friend Mc Cune McCune McCune See Mc Cune FEATURE CLASS locale civil reservoir dam stream ppl locale stream airport school school airport school oilfield civil civil civil civil civil locale dam civil locale civil stream school stream school school cemetery pillar cemetery civil school valley school school cemetery reservoir cemetery school school school school school reservoir locale ppl stream cemetery Ppl Ppl ppl ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT CcoUnTy Dickinson Lyon Lyon Lyon Geary Rice Scott Geary Bourbon Rice Rice Rice Shawnee Rice Cherokee Dickinson Geary Cloud Decatur Kingman Barber Barber Logan Logan Saline Douglas Geary Seward Sedgwick Mitchell Scott Butler Johnson Reno Cheyenne Shawnee Shawnee Meade Meade Chautauqua Shawnee Shawnee Wyandotte Sedgwick Sedgwick Finney Chautauqua Rush Smith Rush Rush Finney Crawford Crawford COORDINATE 385143N0965532W 382700N0960900W 38325 1N09603 30W 38325 1N09603 30W 3858 45N0965040W 382042N0981205W 381952N1005200W 3858 45N096504 0W 375745N0944235W 382002N0981154W 382042N0981227W 382044N0981342W 385701N09534 34W 382100N0981348W 370334N0945414W 38 3910N0965905W 385520N0965220W 530W 393600N1002030W 373008N0975728W 372724N098 4 948W 372540N098 48 40W 390022N1012328W 390232N1012345W 384340N0972521W 38572 390026N096355 1W 370344N1005605W 37382 6N0971706W 39285 1N0975927W 384103N10054 58W 37325 3N09654 57W 384816N09500 36W 380340N09754 35W 400112N1015615W 390216N0954 457W 390216N0954 456W 372748N1001253W 372105N1001455W 370050N0961023W 390116N0954 450W 390116N0954 450W 390312N094 364 2W 374215N0972700W 374025N0972124W 380439N1005655W 371407N0961606W 38 3450N09934 15W 395432N098 303 5W 38343 3N099 34 34W 38 3450N09934 15W 381536N10054 40W 372117N0950059W 372117N0950059W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3310N0965925W 384215N0972106W 385645N0963148W 395723N1015705W 400215N0983105W ELEV FT 1155 1179 1700 900 1691 3158 843 1297 1061 2542 1050 2141 2152 912 KS167 MAP NAME Woodbine Emporia Allen SE Allen SE Wreford Lyons Pawnee Mound Hammond Lyons Lyons Lyons Richland Lyons Melrose Herington Wreford Glasco Allison Murdock Sun City NE Sun City NE Mc Allaster Mc Allaster Gypsum Lawrence East White City NE Liberal Wichita East Simpson Lake Scott Gordon Edgerton Hutchinson St Francis NW Topeka Topeka Fowler Fowler SW Chautauqua Topeka Topeka Kansas City Wichita West Wichita East Lowe Dexter NE Mc Cracken Mc Cracken Branch Mc Cracken Mc Cune KS168 FEATURE NAME Mc Cune Cemetery McDermott Elementary School McDonald Celia McDonald Park McDonald Park Congregation Jehovahs Witnesses McDowell Creek See East McDowell Creek McDowell Creek McDowell Creek School Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church McFadden Branch McFarland McFarland Cemetery McFarland Cemetery McFarland Detention Dam McGee County See Cherokee County McGehee Cemetery McGill Cemetery McGonigle Cemetery McGraw McGraw Church McGugin Field See Coffeyville Municipal Airport McHale (historical) Machine Gun Ridge McIntire Creek McIntosh (historical) McIntosh Station McIntosh Station See McIntosh (historical) McKay Oil Field McKee Cemetery Mackey School Mackie Skidmore Mackie McKinley, Lake Neosho County State Lake Mckinley Cemetery McKinley Elementary School West School McKinley Elementary School McKinley Elementary School McKinley Elementary School McKinley Elementary School McKinley Elementary School McKinley Middle School McKinley Park McKinley School McKinley School McKinley School McKinley School McKinney, Lake Macksville Cassaday Macksville High School Macksville Oil and Gas Field McLains See Mclains Mclains McLains Mclains School FEATURE CLASS cemetery school Ppl park church stream stream school church stream Ppl cemetery cemetery dam civil cemetery cemetery cemetery locale church airport locale summit stream locale locale oilfield cemetery school locale locale reservoir cemetery school school school school school school school park school school school school reservoir Ppl school oilfield locale locale school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF coUnTy Crawford Seward Rawlins Sedgwick Sedgwick Geary Riley Riley Sedgwick Miami Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Graham Wabaunsee Cherokee Jewell Butler Crawford Harvey Sheridan Montgomery Rooks Geary Pottawatomie Jefferson Jefferson Cowley Cherokee Leavenworth Cherokee McPherson Neosho Kiowa Montgomery Labette Allen Harvey Wyandotte Cloud Clay Sedgwick Montgomery Seward Sumner Shawnee Kearny Stafford Stafford Stafford Harvey Harvey Harvey COORDINATE 372120N0950200W 370158N1005509W 394709N1012231W 374213N0971718W 374221N0971759W 39014 9W 390755N09634 55W 39054 374032N0972221W 38325 390310N0961415W 390352N09614 33W 392757N0993958W 390336N0961448W 371000N0945100W 394219N0981501W 375508N0970129W 373735N0944 350W 38004 3N0972 205W 393143N1002202W 37054 3N095 34 2 6W 39164 3N0992 145W 390450N0964727W 391650N0963545W 391145N0951730W 391145N0951730W 370118N0970118W 371255N0950050W 390001N0950928W 371507N0945100W 38 3545N09748 16W 372515N095114 9W 373757N09928 3 6W 371609N09533 35W 372027N0951623W 375508N0952 322W 380236N0972025W 39064 38 3 9W 393358N0973918W 392252N0970717W 374240N0971920W 370202N095 38 04W 50W 371613N09724 22W 390415N0954038W 375857N1011142W 385733N098 58 06W 375740N0995754W 3758 48N0985703W 375958N097154 6W 375958N097154 6W 375907N0971547W SOURCE COORDINATE 390146N0963629W 38 3401N09459 16W 392458N0963225W ELEV FT 3360 1078 1020 1052 1410 1300 835 919 885 1478 905 3014 2035 1508 1499 MAP NAME Mc Cune Liberal Mc Donald Wichita East Wichita East Manhattan Ogden Wichita East Paola West Mc Farland Mc Farland Bogue NW Mcfarland Ionia Potwin Cato Newton Allison Stockton SE Junction City Olsburg Oskaloosa Arkansas City Oswego Midland Cherokee Marquette South Mound Greensburg NW Cherryvale Parsons West Iola Newton Shawnee Concordia Clay Center NE Wichita East Coffeyville West Liberal Wellington Topeka Deerfield Macksville Macksville Macksville Sedgwick NE Sedgwick NE FEATURE NAME Mclean Elementary School McLean Field McLouth McLouth Elementary School McLouth High School McMullen Airport McNelly School Macomb Hill Macon (historical) Macon Township McPherson McPherson Airport McPherson Cemetery McPherson College McPherson County McPherson County State Lake McPherson County State Lake Dam McPherson High School McPherson Junior High School McPherson Oil Field McPherson Township McPherson Township McTaggart Bridge McVays Corner McVey Bridge Macy Mission Shopping Center Macyville Ten Mile Maddox North Oil Field Madison Madison Creek Madison Creek See Honey Creek Madison Elementary School Madison High School Madison School Madison Township Madison Township Madison Township Madura Cemetery Maes Oil Field Magazine Canyon Magdalen School Magic (historical) Magic School Magnani Canyon Magnolia See Andale Magnolia Lake Magnolia School Magwire Lake Mahan See Tiffany (historical) Mahannah Oil Field Mahaska Mahaska Cemetery Maherville (historical) Mahon Main Canal See Kirwin Main Canal Maize Hatfield Maize Cemetery Maize High School Maize Landing Field Majeski Airport Major Draw Mallard Pond FEATURE CLASS school park Ppl school school airport school summit locale civil ppl airport cemetery school civil reservoir dam school school oilfield civil civil bridge locale bridge locale locale oilfield Ppl stream stream school school school civil civil civil cemetery oilfield valley school locale school valley Ppl . reservoir school lake locale oilfield ppl cemetery locale locale canal Ppl cemetery school airport airport valley lake NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN coUnTy Sedgwick Sedgwick Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Coffey Miami Geary Stevens Harvey McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson Mc Pherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson Sherman Montgomery Reno Wilson Johnson Cloud Cowley Greenwood Geary Smith Greenwood Greenwood Sumner Greenwood Lincoln Riley Clay Ellsworth Geary Sedgwick Riley Riley Cheyenne Sedgwick Dickinson Saline Reno Gove Cowley Washington Washington Barton Leavenworth Smith Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Miami Osage Labette COORDINATE 374331N0972202W 37482 391145N0951229W 391143N09512 35W 391146N0951237W 38064 3N095 4 8 04W 38 3205N0944248W 390437N0964908W 370000N1012647W 380235N0972535W 382215N0973950W 382118N0974121W 382147N09738 35W 382220N09738 30W 382400N0974000W 3828 56N09728 05W 38285 05W 38224 3N09739 1 6W 38220 92 1W 382638N09734 42W 382328N09738 5 3W 391045N1015600W 371054N0953742W 380932N0981507W 374155N095523 3W 390122N0994010W 3928 54N09748 58W 371141N0965018W 380808N09608 08W 390954N0965455W 3938 40N0960158W 380812N0960808W 380738N09608 08W 307W 38065 38545 3N0975 903W 6524 0W 391103N097004 2W 38 3240N0980954W 39043 3N0964 624W 374050N097154 6W 391308N0965020W 391309N096495 3W 395735N1013736W 37472 6N0973745W 385528N0971655W 38475 558W 38005 385552N1002217W 372759N0963600W 395915N0972114W 395915N0972027W 383120N0985052W 390216N094 564 5W 394000N09855 10W 374645N09628 01W 37464 5N0972 923W 37462 5N09728 16W 374556N0972607W 38 3610N0945529W 384602N0955020W 370337N0952710W SOURCE COORDINATE 39194 326W 390512N0964707W 3958 48N10138 52W 384900N0954 956W ELEV FT 1180 1112 1260 1504 1497 1494 1449 1675 940 1561 1100 1492 1600 845 1350 1363 1336 920 806 KS169 MAP NAME Wichita East Valley Center Mc Louth Mc Louth Mc Louth Gridley SE Louisburg Junction City Hugoton SW Zimmerdale Mc Pherson South Mc Pherson South Mc Pherson South Mc Pherson South Mc Pherson North Canton Canton Mc Pherson North Mc Pherson South Galva Mc Pherson North Horsethief Dr NW Independence Alden Coyville Shawnee Glasco NE Eaton Madison Milford Madison Madison Wellington Madison SW Juniata Bala Wakefield Geneseo Junction City Wichita East Fort Riley NE Fort Riley NE Heinzelman Canyon Solomon Salina Hutchinson SE Cambridge NE Mahaska Mahaska Hoisington Bonner Springs Maize Maize Maize Maize Paola West Burlingame Valeda KS170 FEATURE NAME Mall Creek Moll Creek Mallory See Riverdale Mallory (historical) Malone Creek Malone Hollow Maltby Mammoth Cave School Manchester See Minneha Manchester Keystone Manchester Station See Minneha Mand (historical) Manhattan Manhattan Airport See Manhattan Municipal Airport Manhattan Christian College Manhattan Junior High School Manhattan Municipal Airport Manhattan Airport Manhattan Township Mankato Jewell Centre Jewell City Mankato Airport Mankato Elementary School Mankato Junior-Senior High School Manley (historical) Manley Creek Manlys Creek Manley Creek See Pole Creek Manlys Creek See Manley Creek Mannen Cemetery Manning Mansfield Moneka Mansfield (historical) Mantansas See Niotaze Mantanzas See Niotaze Manteno (historical) Manteno Community Hall Manter Manter Cemetery Manter Elementary School Manter Township Mantey Manure River See Republican River Maple City Clarence Maple City Cemetery Maple Creek Maple Creek Maple Grove Cemetery Maple Grove Cemetery Maple Grove Cemetery Maple Grove Cemetery Maple Grove Cemetery Maple Grove Cemetery Maple Grove Cemetery FEATURE CLASS stream Ppl locale stream valley locale school Ppl Ppl Ppl locale ppl airport school school airport civil Ppl airport school school locale stream stream stream cemetery Ppl locale locale ppl ppl locale locale ppl cemetery school civil locale stream locale cemetery stream stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN 1916 VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Clay Sumner Sumner Washington Wyandotte Leavenworth Sedgwick Sedgwick Dickinson Sedgwick Morton Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Jewell Jewell Jewell Jewell Marshall Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Miami Scott Finney Wabaunsee Chautauqua Chautauqua Ness Ness Stanton Stanton Stanton Stanton Linn Geary Cowley Cowley Butler Norton Wilson Sedgwick Ford Allen Bourbon Linn Osage COORDINATE 391534N0970027W 220W 372234N0972425W 394636N09652 10W 39100 44 3 3W 391310N0945010W 373956N0971327W 374252N0971423W 39054 374252N0971423W 372135N1015817W 391101N0963417W 3908 952W 391110N0963442W 391044N09634 13W 3908 24N0963952W 391230N0963600W 394714N0981235W 394818N098 132 1W 394717N0981210W 394719N0981206W 3958 20N0961959W 395756N0971257W 3958 33N09 608 4 5W 395756N0971257W 38342 3N095004 LW 38 323W 375522N1004 600W 38465 370425N0960048W 370425N0960048W 382002N100034 6W 382002N1000 34 6W 373123N1015304W 373110N1015350W 373135N1015302W 373345N1015600W 380308N09448 20W 390336N0964804W 37032 1N0964 605W 370425N0964 605W 372934N0970639W 400412N0994400W 373952N095 454 3W 374213N0971742W 374540N1000245W 374828N0952141W 375428N0944000W 381713N094 404 3W 38 3911N09554 4 6W SOURCE COORDINATE 392609N096574 9W 394316N096554 2W 390850N09444 10W 395913N0962038W 373015N0971020W 395845N0994 318W ELEV FT 780 1295 1020 1043 1776 1859 2919 2800 2397 2397 3490 3506 880 1345 2559 876 816 1157 MAP NAME Clay Center SE Zyba Hanover SW Parkville Wolcott Andover Manchester Richfield SW Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Keats Manhattan Mankato Mankato Mankato Mankato Summerfield Seneca NW Rantoul Manning Garden City East Lake Wabaunsee Beeler SE Beeler SE Manter Manter Manter Manter Mantey Maple City Maple City vdall Precept Middletown Wichita East Dodge City Iola SE Hammond Boicourt Miller FEATURE NAME Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Church Church Church School Grove School Hill Maplehill Maplehill See Maple Hill Maple Hill Cemetery Maple Hill Church Maple Hill Shopping Center Mapleton Maple Maple Maple Township Maplewood Cemetery Maplewood Cemetery Marais Des Cygens Waterfowl Area See Marais des Cygnes Waterfowl Area Marais Des Cygnes See Elm Creek Marais des Cygnes Creek See Marais des Cygnes River Marais des Cygnes School Marais des Cygnes School Marais des Cygnes High School Marais des Cygnes Massacre Park See Massacre Memorial State Park Elementary Elementary Marais des Cygnes Middle School Marais Des Cygnes River See Marais des Cygnes River Marais des Cygnes River Big Osage River Brush Creek Grand River Le Marais du Cygne River Marais Des Cygnes River Marais des Cygnes Creek Mary de Zene River Miry Disein River Old Aunt Mary River Osage River Riviere des Osages Marais des Cygnes Waterfowl Area Marais Des Cygens Waterfowl Area Marble Grove Cemetery Marena See Hanston Marena Township Marengo See Mayfield Margaret Margaret School Margheim Oil Field Maria (historical) Mariadahl (historical) FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church school school Ppl ppl cemetery church locale ppl civil cemetery cemetery park stream stream school school school park school stream stream park cemetery Ppl civil ppl locale school oilfield locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1950 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1971 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN CcoUnTy Douglas Leavenworth Atchison Norton Republic Wilson Woodson Norton Montgomery Bourbon Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Wyandotte Wabaunsee Wyandotte Bourbon Cowley Lyon Washington Linn Lyon Linn Osage Franklin Osage Linn Franklin Linn Linn Linn Sedgwick Hodgeman Hodgeman Sumner Lincoln Lincoln Ness Leavenworth Pottawatomie COORDINATE 390007N0951354W 390531N0950520W 393302N095213LW 395314N1000435W 3958 22N0972718W 372635N0953907W 374727N09534 48W 395342N1000326W 370909N09544 30W 375425N094403 6W 140W 140W 390330N0943955W 39044 33W 390330N0944010W 380054N0945300W 372612N0970537W 382513N0961202W 394403N09653 58W 381635N0944 300W 38 3405N09558 27W 381310N0943120W 38303 13W 38345 3N095 314 9W 38303 1 3W 381652N0943711W 38345 314 9W 381310N0943120W 381310N0943120W 381635N0944 300W 375022N0971936W 380719N0994245W 381029N0994 144W 371530N0973240W 385306N0982121W 385306N0982121W 382400N0994005W 390610N0945900W 3928 35N0963 940W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3405N09558 28W ELEV FT 1583 1033 896 960 1020 878 1330 1749 1749 KS171 MAP NAME Midland Tonganoxie Lancaster Devizes Nar ka Neodesha Yates Center SE Devizes Independence Hammond Maple Hill Shawnee Maple Hill Shawnee Mapleton Udall Emporia Greenleaf Lyndon Quenemo Lyndon Quenemo Worland Boicourt Valley Center Hanston NW Wilson NE Wilson NE Bazine Bonner Springs Olsburg NW KS172 FEATURE NAME Mariadahl Cemetery Marienthal Marienthal High School Marietta Marietta (historical) Marina Lakes Shopping Center Marion Marion Centre Marion See Glade Marion See Globe Marion Cemetery Marion Centre See Marion Marion County Marion County Dam Marion County Lake Marion County Park Marion Cove Public Use Area Marion Dam Marion Elementary School Marion High School Marion Hill Church Marion Lake Marion Reservoir Marion Landing Field See Marion Municipal Airport Marion Municipal Airport Marion Landing Field Marion Reservoir See Marion Lake Marion Township Marion Township Marion Township Marion Township Marion Township Marion Wildlife Area Mark See Fostoria Market Place Shopping Center Mark Hoard Memorial Airfield Mark Twain Elementary School Marland Cemetery Marmaton Marmiton Marmaton Cemetery Marmaton River Marmitaw Creek Marmiton Creek Marmiton River Mommytaw Creek Marmaton Township Marmaton Township Marmaton Valley High School Marmitaw Creek See Marmaton River Marmiton See Marmaton Marmiton Creek See Marmaton River Marmiton River See Marmaton River Marncy See Marney (historical) Marney (historical) Marncy Marquette FEATURE CLASS cemetery Ppl school Ppl locale locale ppl ppl locale cemetery Ppl civil dam reservoir park park dam school school church reservoir airport airport reservoir civil civil civil civil civil park Ppl locale airport school cemetery ppl cemetery stream civil civil school stream Ppl stream stream locale locale Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1972 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN CoUnTy Pottawatomie Wichita Wichita Marshall Reno Sedgwick Marion Phillips Douglas Bourbon Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Morris Marion Marion Marion Marion Bourbon Douglas Lincoln Doniphan Nemaha Marion Pottawatomie Shawnee Wichita Wyandotte Graham Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Allen Allen Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Cheyenne Cheyenne McPherson COORDINATE 39254 4N0963710W 382915N1011245W 382917N1013012W 395635N09636 30W 374930N0975202W 374315N0972152W 382054N0970101W 394105N09918 34W 38465 6N0952 358W 374750N094 552 9W 382054N0970101W 382400N0970900W 3818 30W 3818 30W 381915N0965903W 31W 382208N0970505W 38205 382102N0970021W 385119N0964010W 382208N0970505W 922W 382014N0964 922W 382208N0970505W 375005N0945 925W 3848 20N09525 40W 390530N0981220W 394315N0950100W 395325N0961100W 382725N0971115W 39262 3N0963027W 39005 3N0954 3 3 OW 382726N1012127W 39065 392035N1000415W 374955N0944 928W 374910N0944958W 375957N0941907W 3748 45N0944 920W 375425N0950935W 375510N0951017W 375957N0941907W 374955N0944 928W 375957N0941907W 375957N0941907W 395340N1013225W 395340N1013225W 38 3320N0975000W SOURCE COORDINATE 375645N0950750W ELEV FT 3210 1176 1300 1307 912 1320 1358 1438 1350 1390 930 3303 850 893 1385 MAP NAME Olsburg Marienthal Marienthal Oketo Haven SE Wichita East Marion Uniontown Durham Lincolnville Lincolnville SW Lincolnville SW Pilsen Marion Marion White City Marion Lincolnville SW Uniontown Globe Lincoln Atchison NE Seneca NW Durham Topeka Leoti Shawnee Morland Marmaton Marmaton Deerfield Marmaton Moran Moran Henkle Canyon Marquette FEATURE NAME Calmar Marquette Cemetery Marquette High School Marquette Township Marr Bridge Marrs Field Marshall See Cheney Marshall (historical) Lucas Marshall Airfield Marshall Airfield Marshall Cemetery Marshall Center Cemetery Marshall County Marshall Creek Marshall Creek Ratcliff Creek Marshall Creek Dam Marshall Junior High School Marshall-Nemaha School Marsh Creek Marsh Creek Salt Creek Salt Marsh Salt Marsh Creek Martha Washington School Martin (historical) Martin Cemetery Martin Cemetery Martin Creek Martin Creek Martin Creek Martin Ditch Martin Johnson Airport See Chanute Martin Johnson Airport Martinsburgh See Edgerton Martin School Martinson Christian Church Martinson School Martin Temple Church of God in Christ Martin Township Martin Township Marvel Park Marvin See Glade Marvin Cemetery Marvin Lake Mary See Bazaar Mary A Oil Field Marydel Mary-Dell Camp Mary de Zene River See Marais des Cygnes River Mary Herbert Elementary School Herbert School Mary Ida Oil Field Marymount College See Marymount College of Kansas Marymount College of Kansas Marymount College Marysville FEATURE CLASS cemetery school civil bridge airport ppl locale airport airfield cemetery cemetery civil stream stream dam school school stream stream school locale cemetery cemetery stream stream stream canal airport ppl school church school church civil civil park Ppl cemetery lake ppl oilfield locale locale stream school oilfield school school ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN coUunTy McPherson McPherson McPherson Wilson Cowley Sedgwick Pawnee Riley Geary Chautauqua Marshall Marshall Wyandotte Mitchell Wyandotte Sedgwick Nemaha Norton Cloud Cowley Ellis Stafford Doniphan Allen Marion Johnson Kearny Neosho Johnson Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Kiowa Smith Labette Phillips Phillips Cherokee Chase Barton Saline Dickinson Linn Lyon Barton Saline Saline Marshall COORDINATE 38 3400N0975010W 383221N0974954W 383400N0975210W 374218N0955422W 370430N09658 07W 373748N0974 656W 381635N0990510W 390300N0964 600W 390314N0964 54 5W 370012N0961207W 394705N0963220W 394800N0963 300W 390904N0944713W 392415N0980146W 620W 374238N0972108W 395004N096034 6W 393514N1000329W 393710N0975224W 370745N0970227W 390612N09918 20W 37572 3N098 4 627W 395400N09514 37W 3758 55N09528 4 5W 381427N0965220W 38454 52W 375527N1011342W 374006N0952912W 38455 3N0950028W 3738 38N0972229W 373955N0972123W 374114N0972201W 374137N0971902W 3738 44N0993013W 395735N098 54 30W 372014N09514 45W 394105N09918 34W 394050N0991927W 370230N0950156W 381619N0963206W 38 3338N0985715W 385640N0974 320W 385240N0971110W 381310N0943120W 382427N0961204W 382635N098 28 4 0W 385027N09734 3 3W 385027N09734 33W 395028N09 638 4 9W SOURCE COORDINATE 390821N09448 31W 392026N0980427W 393304N1000309W 39422 627W 38054 3N0952 228W 38232 9N0965509W 384613N09503 48W ELEV FT 1207 1065 1337 1214 1884 1930 786 1260 1144 1202 KS173 MAP NAME Marquette Marquette Marquette Coyville Silverdale Albert SE Junction City Junction City Chautauqua Home Home Wolcott Beloit Wolcott Wichita East Seneca Lenora West Jamestown Hackney Plainville SE Saint John South Oregon Iola Wonsevu Gardner Deerfield Wichita East Wichita East Wichita East Wichita East Bucklin NE Bachelors Run Parsons East Phillipsburg S Chet opa Olmitz Trenton Abilene Emporia Chase NW Salina Marysville KS174 FEATURE NAME Marysville Airport See Marysville Municipal Airport Marysville Cemetery Marysville High School Marysville Junior High School Marysville Municipal Airport Marysville Airport Marysville Township Marysville Township Masmer (historical) Mason See Ravanna Mason Airport Mason Cemetery Masonic Cemetery Massacre Memorial State Park Marais des Cygnes Massacre Park Site of Marais des Cygnes Massacre Massasoit See Dover Massasoit Creek Masters Field Mastin See Kenneth Matfield Green Matfield Green Cemetery Matfield Green Service Facility Matfield Township Mathews Branch See Burger Creek Mathews Cemetery Mathewson See Strauss Mathewson Junior High School Mathews Park Mathews Park Mathias Lake Matlock Plaza Matter Oil Field Matteson Cemetery Matthew School See Georgia Matthews Elementary School Mattison (historical) Mattoon Creek Mattox Draw Maud See Calista Maud (historical) Maur Hill Prep School Maxwell Game Preserve See Maxwell State Game Refuge Maxwell Spring Maxwell State Game Refuge Maxwell Game Preserve Mayberry Cemetery Mayberry Junior High School Mayberry Lake Maydale Cemetery May Day Mayday Stanton Mayday See May Day May Day Cemetery FEATURE CLASS airport cemetery school school airport civil civil locale locale airport cemetery cemetery park Ppl stream airport Ppl Ppl cemetery locale civil stream cemetery locale school ppl park lake locale oilfield cemetery school locale stream valley locale locale school park spring park cemetery school reservoir cemetery locale locale cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN 1891 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF COUNTY Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Miami Marshall Ellsworth Finney Sedgwick Labette Labette Linn Shawnee Wabaunsee Doniphan Johnson Chase Chase Chase Chase Nemaha Scott Labette Sedgwick Shawnee Labette Coffey Sedgwick Barton Phillips Finney Phillips Wyandotte Kearny Kingman Kingman Atchison McPherson Nemaha McPherson Bourbon Sedgwick Meade Lyon Riley Riley Riley COORDINATE 395 113N0963747W 395115N0963809W 395022N09638 36W 39502 40W 395113N0963747W 384020N0945140W 395130N0963915W 384937N0980327W 380935N1002255W 373215N0972330W 371254N0951137W 371557N0950750W 381652N0943711W 385753N09556 14W 385707N09558 27W 394532N0950544W 385118N0943642W 38093 3N09633 37W 380907N0963 328W 380542N09634 50W 3808 40N0962 935W 395635N09604 32W 382336N1015935W 372025N0950508W 374300N09718 06W 385955N0953920W 371001N0950600W 381045N0954 304W 371230N09718 52W 383514N09857 15W 395312N09909 36W 375855N1005204W 395325N099094 OW 390542N0944013W 380056N1011059W 37382 3N098 165 6W 373750N098 222 5W 393246N0950735W 38282 395013N0960203W 38282 374750N094 39 30W 374054N097225 IW 372140N1001600W 381344N0960705W 392936N0965448W 39293 6N09654 48W 392945N096554 9W SOURCE COORDINATE 385339N095595 5W 39065 381323N1015217W ELEV FT 1283 1280 831 1120 1430 1500 3824 1015 1009 1305 1993 1302 1226 MAP NAME Marysville Marysville Marysville Marysville Spring Hill Marysville Westfall SE Bayneville Labette Parsons East Amoret Dover Troy Matfield Green Matfield Green Matfield Green SE Thrall NW Tribune NW Wichita East Wakarusa Oswego Burlington Wichita East Olmitz Kensington NW Kensington NW Shawnee Wolf SW Penalosa Atchison West Seneca Canton Fort Scott Wichita West Meade Madison NE Lasita Lasita FEATURE NAME May Day Spring May Day Township Mayday Township Mayday Township See May Day Township Mayet ta Mayetta Cemetery Mayetta Elementary School Mayfield Bellevue Marengo Mayfield Cemetery Mayflower Cemetery Mayflower Church Mayginnis School Mayline Carlisle Maynard See Troy Junction (historical) Maynard Elementary School Mayview (historical) Mayview Church Mayview School Maywood Maywood Mead Creek Meade Meade Center Meade Centre Meade Bible Academy Meade Cemetery Meade Center See Meade Meade Center Township Meade Centre See Meade Meade County Meade County Fairgrounds Meade Elementary School Meade High School Meade Junior High School Meade Landing Field See Meade Municipal Airport Meade Landing Field See Meade Municipal Airport Meade Municipal Airport Meade Landing Field Meade Landing Field Meade Park Meade Ranch See Meades Ranch Meades Ranch Meades Ranch Meade Ranch Meade State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Meade State Park Meadowbrook Junior High School Meadow Brook Spring Meadowbrook Village Shopping Center Meadow Creek Meadow Creek Meadow Lake Meadow Lake FEATURE CLASS spring civil civil Ppl cemetery school Ppl cemetery cemetery church school locale locale school locale church school ppl locale stream ppl school cemetery Ppl civil Ppl civil locale school school school airport airport airport park ranch locale ranch park park school spring locale stream stream lake reservoir NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN 1891 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN coUunTy Riley Riley Riley Jackson Jackson Jackson Sumner Bourbon Rawlins Osborne Leavenworth Hamilton Doniphan Lyon Jewell Jewell Osborne Wyandotte Leavenworth Kingman Meade Meade Smith Meade Meade Meade Meade Meade Meade Meade Sedgwick Meade Meade Meade Shawnee Osborne Osborne Osborne Meade Meade Johnson Montgomery Johnson Wilson Marshall Sedgwick Harvey COORDINATE 3928 40N0965505W 393212N09654 40W 393212N09654 40W 392020N0954 320W 391812N0954416W 392012N0954 319W 371530N0973240W 374136N0943851W 395402N1011824W 393038N098 48 19W 391021N0950103W 375736N1013936W 39462 8W 382354N0961058W 393640N0981352W 393640N0981402W 392338N0985136W 390740N0944 930W 391334N0945040W 373749N0981932W 371708N1002023W 370944N1001617W 395205N0985302W 371708N1002023W 371458N1002115W 371708N1002023W 371400N1002200W 371725N1002055W 371717N1012010W 371717N1012010W 373930N09718 20W 371654N1000144W 371654N1000144W 371654N1000144W 390350N0954057W 391400N098 32 30W 391327N098 32 30W 391400N098 32 30W 371020N1002700W 371020N1002700W 3858 31N0943753W 370456N0953947W 385730N0943900W 37423 3N0955 305W 395630N0964 455W 373538N0971755W 37584 6N09738 55W SOURCE COORDINATE 373320N0982222W 374456N095533 3W 39595 9N09644 26W ELEV FT 1200 1108 1281 3290 1757 931 3210 1562 1728 990 755 2497 2515 2529 1904 950 KS175 MAP NAME Lasita Kimeo Mayet ta Mayet ta Mayet ta Mayfield Cato Mc Donald NE Harlan Jarbalo Syracuse East Emporia Jewell SW Jewell SW Bloomington Wolcott Wolcott Penalosa Meade Irish Flats NE Athol Irish Flats NE Irish Flats Meade Meade Meade Wichita East Meade Topeka Meades Ranch Meades Ranch Lake Larrabee Lake Larrabee Lenexa Coffeyville West Lenexa Coyville Herkimer Derby Patterson KS176 FEATURE NAME Meadow Lane School Meadowlark School Meadow Plaza Shopping Center Meadowview Meadow View Elementary School Mears Park Mecca Acres Medford Township Media (historical) Medicine Creek Medicine Creek Medicine Creek Medicine Lodge Medicine Lodge Airport Medicine Lodge High School Medicine Lodge Intermediate School Medicine Lodge Primary School Medicine Lodge River Medicine River Medicine Lodge Township Medicine River See Medicine Lodge River Medicine Township See Township Number 1 Medina Medina Station Medina Station See Medina Medora Leslie Medora Township Medway Lee Meekers School Meier Oil Field Melior (historical) Mellott Timberlake Dam Melrose Melvena Wildlife Area Melvern Melvern Cemetery Melvern Dam Melvern Lake Melvern Reservoir Melvern Reservoir See Melvern Lake Melvern State Park Melvern Township Melvern Township Melville (historical) Melvin Creek Memorial Bridge Memorial Cemetery Memorial Gardens Cemetery Memorial Home for the Aged Memorial Hospital Memorial Lawn Cemetery Memorial Lawn Cemetery Memorial Lawn Cemetery Memorial Park Memorial Park Cemetery Memorial Park Cemetery Memorial Park Cemetery Memorial Park Cemetery Memorial Park Cemetery Memorial Peace Park Memorial Stadium Memory Lane Baptist Church FEATURE CLASS school school locale Ppl school park ppl civil locale stream stream stream ppl airport school school school stream civil stream civil locale locale Ppl civil locale school oilfield locale dam locale park Ppl cemetery dam reservoir reservoir park civil civil locale stream bridge cemetery cemetery building hospital cemetery cemetery cemetery park cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery park building church NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1968 VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1971 VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Johnson McPherson Butler Sedgwick Labette Franklin Butler Reno Douglas Rooks Osborne Smith Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Rooks Jefferson Jefferson Reno Reno Hamilton Sumner Russell Barber Wyandotte Cherokee Osage Osage Osage Osage Osage Osage Osage Hamilton Osage Ottawa Washington Barber Ellsworth Johnson McPherson Douglas Cowley Labette Lyon Russell Reno Saline Douglas Shawnee Wyandotte Barber Riley Sedgwick COORDINATE 38554 19W 381212N0972431W 374239N0970811W 374123N09725 38W 371744N0951726W 38 3621N0950938W 374032N09708 4 6W 380804N0981403W 384620N0951207W 39255 3N09908 1 6W 392709N0985001W 393905N0990128W 371652N098 34 48W 371612N098 325 3W 371655N098 343 3W 371732N0983501W 371704N098 342 6W 364940N0981937W 371850N098 3 355W 364940N0981937W 392630N099054 5W 390440N09525 15W 390440N09525 15W 380856N097504 3W 380800N0975 130W 380049N1015255W 372448N0971950W 384255N0984 150W 370215N098 38 00W 390320N0954 255W 370151N0945729W 38 3110N0954 420W 38 3025N09538 15W 38 3021N0953918W 38 3045N0954 240W 38 3045N0954 240W 38 3045N0954 240W 38 3110N0954 420W 380240N1015218W 382903N095 38 5 OW 640W 39505 3N097094 9W 372212N0985504W 384401N0981259W 38552 381116N0973102W 3858 39N0951452W 370807N0970232W 371805N0951700W 382513N0961220W 385320N0985020W 380313N0980118W 384932N09734 40W 385719N0951255W 39034 320W 3908 50N094 38 50W 371640N098 34 19W 391114N0963503W 374216N0972 330W SOURCE COORDINATE 391505N09908 42W 391915N0990153W 393254N09908 14W 373051N0992021W 394724N0971155W ELEV FT 1506 1350 1342 1310 1510 1543 850 1482 3300 1213 890 1036 1012 1036 1595 1477 1294 MAP NAME Olathe Hesston Andover Wichita West Parsons West Peoria Andover Sterling Baldwin City Woodston NW Bloomington Kirwin Medicine Lodge Medicine Lodge Medicine Lodge Medicine Lodge Medicine Lodge Amorita Medicine Lodge Perry Buhler Buhler Tribune 3 SW Belle Plaine Beaver Hardtner Edwardsville Melrose Lyndon Lyndon Lyndon Lyndon Lyndon Lyndon Tribune 3 SE Waverly NW Miltonvale Morrowville Sun City SW Ellsworth Lenexa Moundridge Lawrence East Hackney Parsons West Emporia Russell Yaqgy Salina Lawrence East Topeka Parkville Medicine Lodge Manhattan Wichita West FEATURE NAME Memphis See Garland Mendota See Parsons Mendota (historical) Halton Menlo Zilla Menlo Cemetery Menlo Township Menno (historical) Menno Cemetery Mennonite Cemetery Mennonite Cemetery Mennonite Cemetery Mennonite Cemetery Mennonite Cemetery Mennonite Cemetery Mennonite Cemetery Mennonite Church Mennonite Church Menno Township Menoken Menoken School Menoken Township Mentor Mercer Creek Mercer Creek Mercier Germantown Mercy Hospital Mercy Hospital Meredith (historical) Meredith Church Meredith Township Meriden Mount Florence Meriden Township See Meridian Township Meridian Avenue Baptist Church Meridian Cemetery Meridian Church Meridian Creek Meridian School Meridian School See Metro-Meridian High Meridian Meriden Township School Merkey Cemetery Merriam Campbelltown Glenwood Spring Place Merriam Elementary School Merrick Merrimac (historical) Merrimack Merrimack See Merrimac (historical) Merritt Lake Mertilla (historical) Mertilla Cemetery Mertilla Township Mertz Mertz Station Mertz Station See Mertz Mesa Verde Landing Strip FEATURE CLASS Ppl Ppl locale ppl cemetery civil locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church civil locale school civil ppl stream stream Ppl hospital hospital locale church civil ppl civil church cemetery church stream school school civil cemetery Ppl school locale locale locale reservoir locale cemetery civil locale locale airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF coUnNnTY Bourbon Labette Ellis Thomas Thomas Thomas Marion Hamilton Comanche Seward Reno Lyon Marion Sherman Decatur Harvey Hodgeman Marion Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Saline Chase Washington Brown Montgomery Bourbon Cloud Cloud Cloud Jefferson McPherson Sedgwick McPherson McPherson Sumner Sumner Sedgwick McPherson Washington Johnson Johnson Lyon Marshall Marshall Leavenworth Meade Meade Meade Crawford Crawford Shawnee COORDINATE 374354N094 372 0W 372025N09515 39W 390635N0993 320W 320W 392217N1004419W 640W 381411N0972116W 374738N1013356W 370708N09928 4 5W 371617N1004538W 37562 9N0975020W 381813N0960100W 382236N09718 57W 391225N101355 3W 394022N1003525W 38072 38084 3N0994 54 3W 381800N0971900W 39052 520W 390515N0954 451W 3908 630W 38442 6N0973610W 380900N0963 320W 394514N096494 3W 3942 3 605W 371330N0954 300W 374950N0944255W 392102N0973531W 392102N0973531W 392220N09738 45W 391120N0953410W 381300N0972600W 374115N0972215W 381525N0972535W 381026N0972327W 370016N0972250W 37242 3N0972 151W 374048N0972219W 381300N0972 600W 3948 55N0970226W 390125N0944136W 390132N0944135W 382410N0961440W 394330N0963240W 394330N0963240W 392051N0945511W 37233 39W 37233 39W 372400N1003015W 373505N094 385 3W 373505N094 385 3W 390920N09544 35W SOURCE COORDINATE 38044 30W 394259N09653 39W 370931N0972125W ELEV FT 2945 1500 1507 3580 1456 2310 897 1273 1170 1500 970 1489 1000 1118 2761 2761 860 1080 KS177 MAP NAME Hill City 4 SE Menlo Menlo Halford Goessel Syracuse East SE Protection SW Sublette SE Haven Emporia SE Waldeck Harris Draw NE Selden NE Halstead Jetmore NE Lehigh Silver Lake Topeka Grove Assaria Matfield Green Hanover SE Horton Independence Fort Scott Lamar Lamar Aurora SW Meriden Wichita East Canton SW Hesston South Haven Belle Plaine Canton SW Washington Shawnee Shawnee Emporia Blue Rapids NE Leavenworth Plains NE Plains NE Plains NE Arma Elmont KS178 FEATURE NAME Messer (historical) Messer Cemetery Messer School Messhoss Creek Messiah Baptist Church Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church Met "75" Shops Metcalf Metcalf "75" Shopping Center Metcalf South Shopping Center Methodist Church Metro-Meridian High School Meridian School Metropolitan Baptist Church Metropolitan Community Church Metropolitan Junior College Metz (historical) Mexican American Baptist Church Mexican Baptist Church Meyano Creek See Bartlett Creek Meyers Cemetery Meyers Draw Miami (historical) Miami Church Miami County Lykins County Miami County State Lake Miami County State Lake Dam Miami County State Park Miami State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Miami Township Miami Township Michaelis Cemetery Michener Elementary School Pleasant Valley North School Michigan (historical) Michigan Township Michigan Valley Michigan Valley Recreation Area Mid America College Mid-Continent See Topeka Mid-Continent Baptist Church Middle Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Middle Fork Beaver Creek North Branch South Fork Beaver Creek North Fork Beaver Creek South Fork Beaver Creek South Fork Creek Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Creek Creek Beaver Bitter Branch Branch Bluff Creek Branch Clearwater Creek Branch Hackberry Creek Middle Fork Hackberry Creek Middle Branch Little Walnut River Middle Branch Mill Creek See South Branch Mill Creek Middle Branch Munkers Creek FEATURE CLASS locale cemetery school stream church church locale locale locale locale church school church church school locale church church stream cemetery valley locale church civil reservoir dam park park civil civil cemetery school locale civil ppl park school Ppl church stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN 1972 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN COUNTY Cherokee Cherokee Cherokee Shawnee Sedgwick Sedgwick Johnson Sumner Johnson Johnson Comanche Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Wyandotte Chautauqua Sedgwick Shawnee Pottawatomie Crawford Wallace Linn Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Reno Miami Russell Sedgwick Osage Scott Osage Osage Johnson Shawnee Sedgwick Sherman Smith Sumner Dickinson Harper Sedgwick Gove Butler Wabaunsee Morris COORDINATE 371040N0944040W 37085 3N094 38 42W 370854N09438 57W 39063 626W 37392 374222N0972535W 385935N0944000W 370402N0974702W 385935N0944014W 385751N0944000W 371206N09928 58W 374048N0972219W 374107N0972040W 374025N0971955W 390658N0943755W 371007N09558 55W 374330N09720 15W 390309N0953 936W 391908N09603 32W 37264 390247N1015423W 380635N0944120W 38 3136N0944217W 38 100W 382515N0944740W 382515N0944740W 382520N0944725W 38252 0N0944725W 374635N098 24 35W 382700N0944 540W 384242N0984908W 374505N0972205W 384050N0953 140W 38 3741N1004748W 384054N0953135W 38395 3N095 325 6W 658W 040W 373907N0971959W 392636N1014114W 108W 36592 LW 38 3701N0971120W 370100N0981132W 37354 03W 385755N1003420W 374557N0963807W 390014N0961651W 384620N0962711W SOURCE COORDINATE 391123N0954437W 390422N1015520W 391026N1022001W 395825N0985928W 37042 20W 38 3247N0971143W 372227N098 124 9W 374117N0973755W 390419N1011748W 374841N0963319W 38495 ELEV FT 872 870 1050 1211 1075 950 1302 910 1015 1863 1070 MAP NAME Credtline Crestline Crestline Silver Lake Wichita East Wichita West Lenexa Bluff City East Lenexa Lenexa Protection Wichita East Wichita East Wichita East Shawnee Caney NW Wichita East Topeka Grindstone Creek Horsethief Dr Prescott Louisburg Paola East Fontana Fontana Fontana Fontana Turon Fontana Susank Valley Center Vassar Lake Scott NE Vassar Vassar Ocheltree Wichita East Goodland NW Smith Center Geuda Springs Tampa Crystal Springs Garden Plain Orion NE Rosalia Alta Vista FEATURE NAME Middle Branch Wakarusa River Middle Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek Middle Caney Creek See Little Caney River Middle Caney Creek Caney Creek Middle Caney River Middle Caney River See Middle Caney Creek Middle Cedar Creek Middle Cow Creek See First Cow Creek Middle Creek See Elmdale Middle Creek See Middle Fork Little Osage River Middle Creek Middle Creek Middle Creek Mound Creek Middle Creek Middle Creek Middle Creek Cemetery Middle Creek Township Middle Dry Creek Middle Dry Creek See West Dry Creek Middle Duck Creek Middle Emma Creek Middle Fork Beaver Creek See Middle Beaver Creek Middle Fork Chisholm Creek Middle Fork Hackberry Creek See Middle Branch Hackberry Creek Middle Fork Lake Creek Middle Fork Little Osage River Middle Creek Middle Fork Muddy Creek Middle Fork Sappa Creek North Fork Sappa Creek Middle Fork Tauy Creek Middle Fork Walnut Creek Middle Fork Wolf River Middle Kiowa Creek Middle Ladder Creek South Fork Ladder Creek South Ladder Creek Middleland (historical) Middle Limestone Creek Middle Oak Creek Middle Painter Creek Middle Pipe Creek Middle Shoo Fly Creek Middleton School Middletown Middletown (historical) Midian Midland Butler Minneha Midland Midland Church Midland Park Midland Tower Mid Lothian See Freeport FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream Ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery civil stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream locale stream stream stream stream stream school locale locale locale ppl locale church Ppl Ppl ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1963 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT CoUNnTY Shawnee Jewell Chautauqua Chautauqua Chautauqua Smith Crawford Chase Allen Chase Linn Linn Chase Franklin Franklin Miami Saline Saline Wilson Harvey Sherman Sedgwick Gove Wallace Allen Jackson Rawlins Franklin Ness Brown Comanche Greeley Hodgeman Jewell Smith Elk Ottawa Sumner Franklin Wilson Franklin Ellis Sedgwick Douglas Rice Sedgwick Sedgwick Harper COORDINATE 385359N0955 110W 394012N09808 22W 365610N0955700W 370628N09603 13W 370628N09603 13W 394206N0990017W 372315N0944319W 382225N09 638 40W 380133N09505 24W 380906N096474 5W 38164 382200N09448 3 6W 382240N09638 05W 383354N095074 6W 38294 3N0952 2 54W 38 3330N094 4 600W 38443 35W 384521N0973733W 372412N0955501W 522W 392636N1014114W 374514N0972059W 385755N10034 20W 390338N1014520W 38013 391330N09538 13W 394123N1005045W 125 6W 383218N1000817W 3948 42N0952 640W 372106N0992905W 384132N1014224W 380530N0994 620W 39373 121W 394309N098 352 IW 372538N0960259W 391427N0973530W 370325N0972544W 38 3444N0952 925W 374311N0954 959W 382930N0952 138W 3748 37N09657 10W 373650N0972006W 390142N0951431W 381513N0980517W 373520N0972015W 373600N0972002W 371155N0975124W SOURCE COORDINATE 38554 3N0955 558W 394821N0981412W 371825N0962159W 39524 320W 38044 325W 38 3238N094 38 44W 382037N095054 IW 38 3316N0965305W 382901N0952 606W 38 3617N09744 29W 372739N0955 640W 381700N0972125W 375005N0971429W 390705N1015700W 38024 6N0951254W 391547N0953 910W 391652N1015004W 384827N0951329W 38 3133N100403O0W 394429N095 324 6W 373003N099 305 9W 384448N1015052W 394937N09823 38W 395249N0984137W 37304 392545N0973557W 371433N0972 629W ELEV FT 976 964 1411 1273 839 1614 1275 1273 KS179 MAP NAME Auburn Mankato Peru Kirwin Wons evu Boicourt La Cygne Hymer Peoria Williamsburg Paola East Smolan Buxton Zimmerdale Valley Center Horsethief Dr SE Blue Mound Mayet ta Achilles Le Loup Utica SW Robinson E Kiowa Creek Sou Sharon Sprs 4 NW Jetmore SE Ionia Portis NE Fall River Wells South Haven Pomona Middletown Richmond Benton Derby Midland Lyons SE Derby Derby KS180 FEATURE NAME Mid-State Mall Midway Midway Midway Midway Nyack Midway Midway Midway (historical) Midway Air Park Midway Baptist Church Midway Chapel Midway Draw Midway Elementary School Midway High School Midway School Mikesell Township See Center Township Milan Milan Cemetery Milberger Muhlberger Milberger Cemetery Milburn Junior High School Mildred Mildred See Wilsey Mildred Lake Mildred Lake Dam Mile-and-a-Half Creek Miles Airport Milford Bacheller Bachellor Batcheller Milford Dam Milford Depot See Acme Milford Depot See Acme (historical) Milford Lake Milford Reservoir Milford Reservoir See Milford Lake Milford State Park Milford Station Milford Township Military Millard See Junction City Millard Millbrook (historical) Millbrook Township Mill Creek See Devon Mill Creek Mill Creek Mill Creek Mill Creek Mill Creek Wanonoe Creek Mill Creek Mill Creek Mill Creek Hardscrable Creek Mill Creek See North Fork Mill Creek Mill Creek FEATURE CLASS locale Ppl Ppl locale locale locale locale locale airport church church valley school school school civil ppl cemetery ppl cemetery school Ppl Ppl reservoir dam stream airport ppl dam locale locale reservoir reservoir park locale civil locale Ppl locale locale civil Ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1971 VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN CoUNTY Saline Kingman Butler Harper Crawford Ellsworth Rawlins Jefferson Allen Sedgwick Jefferson Sheridan Wilson Doniphan Marshall Rawlins Sumner Sumner Russell Russell Johnson Allen Morris Allen Allen Morris Sedgwick Geary Geary Dickinson Geary Geary Geary Geary Geary Geary Cherokee Geary Barton Graham Graham Bourbon Bourbon Franklin Johnson Wyandotte Wabaunsee Riley Pottawatomie Mitchell Washington Washington COORDINATE 384745N0973655W 373942N0975608W 374046N0970806W 370909N0981451W 37265 7N094375 IW 383634N0980914W 394945N1004638W 391301N0951335W 375515N0951630W 373525N09718 55W 390929N0952158W 390956N1002032W 374012N0953907W 394428N0951420W 395305N0963004W 394205N1010215W 371535N0974025W 371617N0974126W 384243N098 544 3W 384231N09854 45W 390004N094 404 9W 380125N0951015W 3838 10N0964030W 380146N0951039W 380146N0951039W 38 3445N0964 638W 374955N0972145W 391006N09654 44W 390500N096535 IW 38503 38W 390952N09655 35W 390500N0965351W 390500N0965351W 390605N0965400W 391004N0965536W 3908 30N09654 30W 37064 390143N0964 952W 3838 17N0985300W 392100N09952 10W 391810N0995300W 37552 908W 375055N0944212W 38285 925W 39023 48 1 6W 39044 3N09444 38W 390632N095593 3W 391805N09638 4 9W 3928 10N0960926W 3928 18N0982456W 395054N0971955W 395520N0965538W SOURCE COORDINATE 391424N1002958W 38395 4N0964 808W 37565 3N09454 34W 3828 58N0952724W 38515 00W 390759N0954612W 390014N0961652W 392129N0965034W 39295 3N0961904W 392120N0982358W 395054N0971955W ELEV 1240 1430 1323 1314 934 1671 2937 1020 1120 1392 1221 1247 1859 1064 1027 1320 1194 1144 1113 855 1994 2163 MAP NAME Salina Waterloo Andover Attica Pittsburg Geneseo Midway McLouth La Harpe Derby Oskaloosa Midway Draw West Buffalo Bendena Oket o Milan Milan Galatia Galatia Shawnee Kincaid Kincaid Kincaid Delavan Valley Center Milford Milford Dam Milford Dam Milford Dam Milford Milford Baxter Springs Galatia Hill City South Penokee Fort Scott Williamsburg Edwardsville Shawnee Willard Riley Onaga Mill Creek Hanover West FEATURE NAME Herbert Creek Snake Creek Mill Creek Mill Creek Cemetery Mill Creek Township Mill Creek Township Mill Creek Township Mill Creek Township Miller Miller Canal Miller Cemetery Miller Cemetery Miller Cemetery Miller Creek Miller Dam Miller Elementary School Miller Farm Airport Millers Creek See Mulberry Creek Millers Grove See Everett Township Millers Grove See Vernon Millerton Rolling Green Millikin School Mill Race Millsburg See Neosho Falls Mills Cemetery Mills Landing Field Mills Landing Strip Mills Pasture Mills Ranch Mills Ranch Airport Millwood Milo Milo Cemetery Milton Levy Milton See Norwich Milton See Helmick Milton (historical) Milton Township Milton Township Miltonvale Miltonville Zahnville Miltonvale Cemetery Miltonvale Elementary School Miltonvale High School Miltonville See Miltonvale Milwaukee (historical) Mine Creek Mine Creek Battlefield See Mine Creek Battlefield Park Mine Creek Battlefield Park Mine Creek Battlefield Mined Land Wildlife Area Mineola See Minneola Mineral See West Mineral Mineral Lake Mineral Point (historical) FEATURE CLASS stream cemetery civil civil civil civil ppl canal cemetery cemetery cemetery stream dam school airport stream civil locale locale school canal ppl cemetery airport airport flat locale airport locale locale cemetery Ppl ppl Ppl locale civil civil Ppl cemetery school school Ppl locale stream park park park ppl ppl lake locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN CcoUnNnTy Doniphan Bourbon Wabaunsee Pottawatomie Washington Lyon Republic Chase Atchison Brown Woodson Franklin Ford Sedgwick Clay Woodson Woodson Sumner Shawnee Sumner Woodson Crawford Reno Barber Morton Cowley Chautauqua Leavenworth Lincoln Lincoln Sumner Kingman Morris Morris Butler Marion Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Stafford Linn Linn Linn Crawford Clark Cherokee Cherokee Anderson COORDINATE 39564 3N095 14 45W 395031N0972 347W 37542 3N094 4 92 3W 385450N0961150W 393134N0961100W 395125N0971220W 38 3804N0955925W 395204N0975250W 382050N09629 30W 392908N0953 139W 394112N095214 6W 37462 3N095 5 622W 383515N09525 10W 374530N1000020W 373930N09733 30W 39273 36W 375825N09538 48W 375850N0953924W 372612N0973 322W 39005 3 109W 371738N0970931W 325W 373238N0945944W 375932N0975534W 3718 44N098 465 6W 371020N1014655W 371123N0963227W 370705N09630 35W 392302N0950700W 391020N09758 02W 391202N0980058W 372554N0974616W 372726N0975055W 38 3740N0963 600W 383725N0963615W 375725N0970550W 305W 392054N0972 645W 392009N097264 1W 39204 6N0972730W 392108N0972723W 392054N0972 645W 375955N098 3 120W 381154N0943451W 380827N0944351W 380827N0944351W 372015N0945550W 372636N100005 3W 522W 371715N0945445W 3818 10N0952920W SOURCE COORDINATE 395201N095164 1W 375011N09552 23W 380627N0944806W ELEV FT 1502 1120 1360 1340 1103 983 1533 1602 1020 990 910 1300 1473 1398 1373 1398 KS181 MAP NAME Oregon Cuba Devon Hessdale Duluth Morrowville Miller Scandia NW Gladstone Arrington Denton Toronto Pomona Dodge City Goddard Millerton Grantville oxford Brazilton Elmer Lake City Elkhart NE Dexter NE Cedar Vale Oak Mills Ada Barnard Norwich Wilsey SE Potwin wonsevu Miltonvale Miltonvale Miltonvale Miltonvale Stafford Worland Pleasanton West Mineral West Mineral Harris KS182 FEATURE NAME Mineral Springs Mineral Township Minersville (historical) Minerva (historical) Mingo Thur ford Mingo Bible Church Mingo Cemetery Mingona Mingona Township Mini-Centers Mini Mall Mini Plaza Mini Plaza Minisa Park Mini Sose See Missouri River Minneapolis Minneapolis City County Airport Minneapolis High School Minneha See Midland Minneha Manchester Manchester Station Minneha Elementary School Minneha Township Minneola Appleton Mineola Minneola See Centropolis Minneola Cemetery Minneola Creek Minneola Elementary School Minneola High School Minneola School Minooka Park Recreation Area Miola Lake Miola Lake Dam Miracle Revival Center Mirage (historical) Mirage School Mirage Township Miry Disein River See Marais des Cygnes River Mission Mission Mission Mission Mission See Mission Mission Mission Bible Church Cemetery Cemetery Centre Willis Covenant Cemetery Covenant Church Creek Creek East Mission Creek Creek Creek Mission See Mission Mission Mission Creek Mission Creek (historical) Grant Mission Creek Cemetery Mission Creek Community Center Creek Township Hills Lake Lake Camp Mission Mission Mission Mission FEATURE CLASS locale civil locale locale ppl church cemetery locale civil locale locale locale locale park stream ppl airport school ppl ppl school civil Ppl Ppl cemetery stream school school school park reservoir dam church locale school civil stream Ppl church cemetery cemetery Ppl cemetery church stream stream stream stream stream locale cemetery locale civil Ppl . reservoir locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS coUNnTy COORDINATE BGN Osage 385027N0954112W ADMIN Cherokee 630W BGN Cloud 393918N0973725W BGN Elm Grove 370622N0951705W BGN Thomas 39164 3W VARIANT UNOFF Thomas 391645N100573 3W UNOFF Thomas 391733N1005740W BGN Barber 371926N0984124W ADMIN Barber 371900N0984 200W UNOFF Douglas 385700N0951324W UNOFF Sedgwick 373950N0971725W UNOFF Lyon 382445N0961015W UNOFF Douglas 3858 12N0951408W ADMIN Sedgwick 374233N0972050W VARIANT Wyandotte 11W BGN Ot tawa 390719N0974 223W UNOFF Ottawa 390547N0974311W UNOFF Ottawa 390735N0974 140W VARIANT Sedgwick 373650N0972006W BGN Sedgwick 374252N0971423W VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF Sedgwick 374151N0971336W ADMIN Sedgwick 374135N0971230W BGN Clark 372636N1000053W VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT Franklin 384258N0952100W UNOFF Clark 372404N1000017W BGN Franklin 384230N09520 32W UNOFF Clark 372620N100004 8W UNOFF Clark 382620N1000045W UNOFF Franklin 384259N0951857W ADMIN Russell 385558N098 34 30W BGN Miami 383502N0945030W UNOFF Miami 38 3502N09450 30W UNOFF Shawnee 390135N095 384 5W BGN Rawlins 393732N1011410W UNOFF Rawlins 393644N1011318W ADMIN Rawlins 394030N1011325W VARIANT Linn 381310N0943120W BGN Johnson 390140N094 39 20W UNOFF Johnson 385303N0943752W UNOFF Harvey 380329N0970944W UNOFF Lincoln 390454N0981540W VARIANT Brown 394330N0953020W UNOFF Marshall 394937N09618 55W UNOFF Marshall 394758N09618 53W BGN Shawnee 390352N0955005W VARIANT Wyandotte 39035 3N0945024W BGN Atchison 393756N0953104W BGN Doniphan 395406N0951202W BGN Marshall 400002N0963548W BGN Wabaunsee 385645N0960407W VARIANT UNOFF Marshall 395912N0962754W BGN Marshall 395913N09628 23W ADMIN Wabaunsee 385600N0960220W BGN Johnson 390104N0943700W BGN Brown 394019N0953100W BGN Brown 394117N0953055W SOURCE COORDINATE 384346N09518 52W 395700N0960218W 394317N0953120W 395000N0951618W 400312N0962 150W ELEV FT 1073 3105 1540 866 1350 860 1253 1245 1380 2548 1010 900 1000 1007 1448 1432 1350 1380 1343 950 1048 1070 MAP NAME Carbondale Cherokee Wayne Edna Mingo Mingo Mingo Medicine Lodge SW Medicine Lodge SW Lawrence East Wichita East Emporia Lawrence East Wichita East Minneapolis North Minneapolis South Minneapolis North Andover Andover Andover Minneola Minneola Ottawa North Minneola Minneola Ottawa North Dorrance NE Paola East Paola East Topeka Chardon NW Chardon SW Chardon NW Shawnee Lenexa Elbing Vesper Axtell Axtell Silver Lake Horton Oregon Barneston Keene Axtell NW Axtell NW Keene Kansas Horton Horton City FEATURE NAME Mission Lake Dam Horton City Dam Mission Mart Shopping Center Mission Road Landing Strip Mission School Mission Township Mission Township Mission Township Mission Valley High School Mission View Cemetery Mission Woods Missler Jasper Missouri Flats School Missouri River Big Muddy Katapan Mene Shoska Le Missouri Le Riviere des Missouri Le Riviére des Osages Mini Sose Miz-zou-rye River Ni-sho-dse Niutaci Nudarcha Pekitanoui Rio Misuri River of the West Riviére de Saint Philippe Yellow River le Missoui Mitchell Mitchell Cemetery Mitchell Cemetery Mitchell Cemetery Mitchell County Mitchell Elementary School Mitchell Pond Mitchell School Mitchell Township Mitchell Township Mitchell Valley Cemetery Mizpah Baptist Church Mizpah Church Miz-zou-rye River See Missouri River M K T School Mod Creek Modell Cemetery Modell Township See Highland District 2 Township Modoc Isabel Plummer Modoc Basin See White Woman Basin Modoc Cemetery Moehlman Bottoms Moffet Bridge Moffett West Oil Field Mohawk School Mohn Cemetery Moline Boston Moline Cemetery Moline City Dam FEATURE CLASS dam locale airport school civil civil civil school cemetery ppl locale school stream ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery civil school reservoir school civil civil cemetery church church stream school stream cemetery civil ppl basin cemetery bend bridge oilfield school cemetery Ppl cemetery dam NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF counTy Brown Johnson Johnson Wyandotte Neosho Shawnee Brown Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Johnson Meade Gove Wyandotte Rice Labette Stanton Jackson Mitchell Reno Seward Cherokee Rice Nemaha Morris Sedgwick Clay Wyandotte Labette Sedgwick Norton Norton Scott Scott Scott Riley Pawnee Barber Johnson Marion Elk Elk Elk COORDINATE 394019N0953100W 390145N0943805W 384804N09438 06W 390632N0945114W 373128N0951019W 390040N0954 650W 305W 385127N0966608W 38563 390206N094 3 630W 371904N1002605W 3848 3848 49N0900711W 382302N0980558W 371506N0950717W 374112N1014437W 392118N0954759W 392400N0981200W 38065 6N09758 40W 372134N1005714W 370804N0945205W 382328N0980524W 394650N09604 40W 384001N0965337W 374250N09718 55W 39122 3848 49N0900711W 372302N0951558W 373412N0974302W 393727N0995 320W 393600N1000902W 382913N1010453W 382630N1005300W 382947N1000421W 390900N09635 30W 381113N0991748W 372638N09858 10W 390032N0943927W 38 3121N097072 6W 372137N09618 13W 372229N09618 34W 372100N0962024W SOURCE COORDINATE 455539N1113026W 373225N09748 04W ELEV FT 930 1050 1038 1370 900 2697 2581 1738 3286 1559 887 1433 3137 1405 1055 KS183 MAP NAME Horton Shawnee Stilwell Edwardsville Erie Silver Lake Hiawatha Eskridge Keene Kansas City Missler Gove SW Kansas City Little River Mc Cune Big Bow NW Soldier Creek SE Solomon Rapids Hutchinson Sublette SW Columbus Little River Seneca Herington Wichita East Wakefield Galesburg Lake Afton Lenora East Modoc Modoc Manhattan Sanford Sun City Shawnee Ramona Moline Moline Moline KS184 FEATURE NAME Moll Creek See Mall Creek Mollenkamp Field Mommytaw Creek See Marmaton River Mona (historical) Mona Kay Heights Mondtony Siding (historical) Monecato River See Big Blue River Moneka See Mansfield Moneka (historical) Monet t Mount Vernon Monitor (historical) Monitor Church Monkey Run Monmouth Monmouth Cemetery Monmouth Township Monroe (historical) Monroe Cemetery Monroe School Monroe Township Monrovia Monrovia Cemetery Montana Montana Montana Montana Montana Montero See Weskan Montezuma Montezuma Elementary School Montezuma High School Cemetery Creek Township Township Montezuma Township Montgomery See Critzer Montgomery (historical) Montgomery Cemetery Montgomery Cemetery Montgomery County Montgomery County State Lake Montgomery County State Lake Dam Montgomery County State Park Montgomery State Fishing Lake Monticello Monticello Cemetery Monticello Church Monticello Elementary School Monticello Township Mont Ida Mount Ida Oneida Mont Ida Cemetery Mont Ida Elementary School Montrose Delta Montrose School Monument Ennis City Monument Cemetery Monument Elementary School Monument Rocks National Natural Landmark Monument Rocks Natural Area FEATURE CLASS stream airport stream locale ppl locale stream locale locale locale locale church stream Ppl cemetery civil locale cemetery school civil ppl cemetery Ppl cemetery stream civil civil ppl ppl school school civil locale locale cemetery cemetery civil reservoir dam park park Ppl cemetery church school civil Ppl cemetery school ppl school ppl cemetery school park NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT CcoUNnTy Clay Logan Bourbon Reno Sedgwick Wallace Pottawatomie Finney Linn Chautauqua McPherson McPherson Smith Crawford Crawford Shawnee Lincoln Lincoin Shawnee Anderson Atchison Atchison Labette Jewell Jewell Labette Jewell Wallace Gray Gray Gray Gray Linn Geary Chase Barton Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Anderson Anderson Anderson Jewell Trego Logan Logan Logan Gove COORDINATE 391534N0970027W 384600N1011524W 37595 7N0941907W 374505N0974 922W 37355 385311N1015345W 391112N0963145W 375522N1004600W 380855N0944 910W 370840N0960620W 38195 58W 38195 58W 394448N098 394 9W 372147N0945612W 372114N0945657W 385515N0953 400W 385913N0975 900W 38585 3N0975 905W 390216N0954035W 381810N0951210W 393127N0952045W 393055N095204 8W 371631N0950726W 395455N0980630W 395425N0980612W 371505N0950720W 395735N0980515W 385200N1015750W 373545N1002634W 373545N1002645W 37354 3734 45N1003100W 3808 24N09454 45W 38593 3N0964 652W 381911N0965011W 38293 50W 371200N0954 400W 370936N0954112W 370936N0954112W 370950N0954 140W 140W 38595 38W 390145N0955219W 385936N0945145W 39000 951W 385934N094503 9W 381300N0952205W 381223N0952 209W 381007N0951732W 394704N09805 15W 385636N09955 40W 390616N1010024W 390705N1010100W 390615N1010038W 384726N1004543W SOURCE COORDINATE 394845N0984151W 395736N0980715W ELEV FT 3295 1268 825 1548 1548 878 1362 1037 1093 855 2785 1409 1774 1010 895 958 1016 1053 1650 2474 3173 3146 MAP NAME Russell Sprs Haven SE Derby Weskan NW Mound City Hale Conway Conway Bellaire West Mineral West Mineral Richland Juniata Juniata Topeka Garnett East Lancaster Lancaster Mc Cune Webber Webber Oswego Webber Montezuma Montezuma Montezuma Copeland SE Wreford Cedar Point Chase NW Independence Independence Independence Independence Independence Olathe Edwardsville Olathe Edwardsville Olathe Welda Welda Welda Montrose Trego Center Monument Monument Monument Elkader FEATURE NAME Monument Rocks Natural Area See Monument Rocks National Natural Landmark Monument Station (historical) Fort Monument Fort Pyramid Fort Pyramid Monument Township Moody Intersection Moody School Moody Springs See Moodyville (historical) Moodyville (historical) Moody Springs Moodyville Springs Moodyville Cemetery Moodyville Springs See Moodyville (historical) Moon Branch Moon Branch Creek Moon Branch Creek See Moon Branch Moon Creek Mooney Creek Moonlight Moonlight School Moore Cemetery Moore Pasture Moore Prairie Cemetery Moores Branch Moore School Moores Ranch See Durham Moore Township Moore Township Moran Morantown Orel Moran Cemetery Moran Elementary School Morant own See Moran Moray East Norway Moray School Morehead Morehead Cemetery Morehouse Canyon Morelaw Township See Morlan Township Morelock Airport Morel Oil Field Morestown (historical) Morgan Chapel Morgan Creek Morgan Draw Morgan Elementary School Morgan Farms Airport Morgantown School Morgan Township Morganville Della Morganville Cemetery Morganville Elementary School Morisse Creek Morland Beech Grove FEATURE CLASS park locale civil locale school locale locale cemetery locale stream stream stream stream locale school cemetery flat cemetery stream school ppl civil civil ppl cemetery school ppl ppl school locale cemetery valley civil airport oilfield locale church stream valley school airport school civil Ppl cemetery school stream ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN 1891 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT CoUnTy Gove Gove Logan Coffey Johnson Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Greenwood Greenwood Lyon Atchison Dickinson Johnson Cherokee Morton Chautauqua Bourbon Miami Marion Barber Marion Allen Allen Allen Allen Doniphan Doniphan Neosho Neosho Cheyenne Graham Wabaunsee Graham Nemaha Cloud Jackson Scott Reno Kearny Montgomery Thomas Clay Clay Clay Kingman Graham COORDINATE 384726N100454 3W 384718N1004540W 390248N1010348W 38024 10W 38564 137W 392635N0962 325W 392635N0962 325W 392637N0962 300W 392635N0962 325W 381005N0961141W 381005N0961141W 38234 392545N0951412W 390010N0970608W 385303N09454 39W 37055 370130N1015745W 370434N0961815W 374604N0943145W 38 3712N0943820W 382910N0971340W 370516N098 3 308W 3828 45N0971900W 375458N0951012W 375425N0951121W 375510N0951014W 375458N0951012W 394545N0951017W 394703N095103 6W 37230 302 7W 372306N0953129W 395648N1013852W 391240N0994200W 390150N0960122W 391545N0993715W 395650N0960210W 393313N0972958W 392314N0953740W 383904N1005445W 380501N0975602W 374845N1012730W 371447N0954027W 392215N1010300W 392759N0971206W 3928 24N0971055W 392806N0971206W 373348N0982133W 392058N10004 31W SOURCE COORDINATE 381512N0961525W 382819N09618 15W 392117N0951245W 374510N0944145W 395900N1014109W 392248N0954002W 38 3927N1005555W 372537N098 234 2W ELEV FT 991 1245 1041 1110 1044 903 1200 3190 1233 1267 2310 KS185 MAP NAME Elkader Russell Sprs Le Roy Lenexa Westmoreland Westmoreland Madison Plymouth Potter Upland De Soto Melrose Elkhart North Elgin Deerfield Louisburg Stubbs Waldeck Moran Moran Moran Sparks Sparks Morehead Morehead Heinzelman Canyon Maple Hill Palco St Benedict Clyde Holton Lake Scott Hutchinson Lakin SW Independence Colby SE Clay Center NW Clay Center NW Clay Center NW Zenda Morland KS186 FEATURE NAME Fremont Morland Elementary School Morland High School Morland Township See Morlan Township Morlan Township Morelaw Township Morland Township Morlan Township Cemetery Mormon Spring Morning Chapel Morning Star Cemetery Morrill Morrill Township Morris Morris Cemetery Morris Center Cemetery Morris County Wise County Morris Elementary School Morris Hill Morrison Cemetery Morrison Cemetery Morrison Elementary School Morrison Lake Morris Township Morris Township See Seward Township Morrow See Morrowville Morrow School Morrow Station See Morrowville Morrowville Blocker Morrow Morrow Station Morrowville Cemetery Morse Elizabeth Town Elizabethtown Morse Creek Plumb Creek Morse Elementary School Mortimer (historical) Mortimer Creek Morton See Lanham Morton County Morton County Fairgrounds Morton County Pumping Station Morton Township Morton Township Morton Township Morton Township Morton Wildlife Area Moscow Valparaiso Moscow Cemetery Moscow Elementary School Moscow High School Moscow Township Moskau Cemetery Mosquito Creek Mosquito Creek Mosquito Creek See Elm Creek Mosquito Creek FEATURE CLASS school school civil civil cemetery spring church cemetery Ppl civil ppl cemetery cemetery civil school summit cemetery cemetery school reservoir civil civil Ppl school ppl ppl cemetery ppl stream school locale stream ppl civil locale building civil civil civil civil park Ppl cemetery school school civil cemetery stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMINN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN CoUNnTY Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Washington Sedgwick Gove Brown Brown Wyandotte Bourbon Sumner Morris Wyandotte Riley Cloud Marshall Barton Decatur Sumner Seward Washington Cherokee Washington Washington Washington Johnson Osage Wyandotte Labette Ottawa Washington Morton Morton Morton Sedgwick Pawnee Ottawa Wallace Morton Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Doniphan Franklin Jackson Marshall Doniphan COORDINATE 392058N1000423W 392055N10004 17W 391240N0994200W 391240N0994200W 391335N0994152W 394624N0970327W 374228N0971925W 385035N1002006W 39554 130W 39565 300W 39034 3N0944 505W 3758 50N09453 35W 448W 384200N09638 00W 39033 3N094 444 3W 39054 6474 6W 39285 110W 382210N098 4 635W 395113N1003203W 371012N0974300W 371915N1005600W 395040N0971017W 370735N0944954W 395040N0971017W 395040N0971017W 395035N0971115W 38510 325W 38304 3N09555 18W 390454N09438 11W 371930N09529 16W 391735N0974744W 400010N0965225W 371200N10148 00W 370007N1015300W 371106N1020145W 373615N0974510W 381306N099174 6W 220W 390245N1015538W 370650N1015445W 371925N1011219W 372022N1011130W 371922N1011214W 371917N1011215W 371800N1011200W 3948 564 0W 382710N09504 18W 393434N0954 358W 39402 1W 395205N09506 19W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3506N095545 IW 392620N0974558W 382908N0950613W 393702N0955 319W 394627N0950653W ELEV FT 1091 1330 1594 2594 905 1350 1085 3610 3045 MAP NAME Morland Morland Hill City Hill City 4 NW Washington Wichita East Gove SE Morrill Morrill Edwardsville Xenia Caldwell NW Wilsey Shawnee Junction City Glasco NE Vermillon Great Bend Oberlin Freeport Columbus Morrowville Morrowville Stilwell Reading Shawnee Dennis Glasco Elkhart NE Elkhart North Midway NE Cheney SE Rush Center SE Tescott SE Horsethief Dr Elkhart North Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow Wathena Lane Netawaka Troy FEATURE NAME Mosquito Creek School Moss Bridge Moss Spring Moss Springs (historical) Moss Springs Cemetery Most Pure Heart of Mary Church Motor (historical) Motti Hill Mound Branch Mound Cemetery Mound Cemetery Mound Cemetery Mound Cemetery Mound City Moundville Sugar Mound Mound City Elementary School Mound City Township Mound Creek See Middle Creek Mound Creek Mound Creek (historical) Mound Creek Cemetery Mound Ridge See Moundridge Moundridge Christian Crooked Creek Mound Ridge Moundridge High School Moundridge Landing Strip See Moundridge Municipal Airfield Moundridge Municipal Airfield Moundridge Landing Strip Mound School Mound School Mound Township Mound Township Mound Township Mound Valley Mound Valley Cemetery Mound Valley Elementary School Mound Valley School Mound Valley Township Moundville See Mound City Mountain Creek Mount Air See Mount Ayr Mount Airy School Mount Allen Cemetery Mount Auburn See Stilwell Mount Auburn Cemetery Mount Ayr Mount Air Mount Ayr Cemetery Mount Ayr Church Mount Ayr School Mount Ayr Township Mount Brokaw School Mount Calvary Cemetery Mount Calvary Cemetery Mount Calvary Cemetery Mount Calvary Cemetery Mount Calvary Cemetery Mount Calvary Cemetery FEATURE CLASS school bridge spring locale cemetery church locale summit stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery ppl school civil stream stream locale cemetery ppl ppl school airport airport school school civil civil civil Ppl cemetery school school civil ppl stream locale school cemetery Ppl cemetery locale cemetery church school civil school cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUunTy Doniphan Wilson Geary Geary Geary Shawnee Rooks Wallace Elk Cherokee McPherson Douglas Washington Linn Linn Linn Linn Miami Miami Miami McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson Leavenworth Sherman McPherson Miami Phillips Labette Labette Labette Linn Labette Linn Marshall Osborne Doniphan Ellis Johnson Shawnee Osborne Osborne Osborne Osborne Osborne Russell Labette Marion Lyon Franklin Dickinson Osage COORDINATE 395014N095055 6W 374008N0954 957W 385355N0963126W 385302N09632 15W 385305N0963204W 390213N0954 32 3W 391137N0990930W 3858 46N1013440W 372516N0961259W 371055N0943704W 381210N0973216W 38563 5272 1W 393913N0965112W 3808 34N09448 48W 3808 22N0944 8 4 9W 380705N09450 30W 382200N094 48 36W 38233 3N0945732W 382340N09459 32W 382345N09458 34W 381211N0973108W 381211N0973108W 381207N0973044W 381227N0973008W 381227N0973008W 390618N095093 3W 391221N1013759W 381530N09732 15W 382505N0945930W 39465 371219N0952417W 371157N0952655W 371216N0952425W 381125N0944354W 371230N0952700W 3808 34N09448 48W 309W 392215N098 58 16W 39454 3N0950008W 385302N0991905W 384609N094 3 922W 390222N0953900W 392215N098 58 16W 392235N098 58 18W 392259N098 58 16W 392232N09858 14W 392300N098 593 OW 38475 572 6W 352125N0951719W 38134 383141N0955841W 38 3720N0951502W 38 3820N097125 3W 384510N0954 220W SOURCE COORDINATE 372557N09624 34W 38232 0N0950 309W 395207N09648 21W ELEV FT 3480 1488 1066 1275 875 1490 1481 3639 1854 1843 1323 1187 1463 1132 KS187 MAP NAME Troy Middletown White City NE White City NE White City NE Topeka Codell Wallace Longton NW Carl Junction Moundridge Clinton Barnes Mound City Mound City Mound City Osawatomie Osawatomie Osawatomie Moundridge Moundridge Hesston Midland Wild Horse Draw Mc Pherson SE Osawatomie Prairie View Mound Valley Mound Valley Mound Valley Pleasanton Mound Valley Herkimer Troy Hays North Topeka Alton SW Alton Alton Alton Alton Russell SW Parsons West Florence Reading Ottawa South Elmo Carbondale KS188 FEATURE NAME Mount Calvar Mount Calvar Mount Calvar Mount Calvar Mount Calvar Mount Calvar Mount Calvar Mount Calvar Mount Calvar y Cemetery y Cemetery y Cemetery y Cemetery y Cemetery y Cemetery y Cemetery y Cemetery y Cemetery Mount Calvary Cemetery Mount Calver Mount Carmel Mount Carmel Mount Carmel Mount Carmel Mount Carmel Mount Carmel Christ Mount Carmel Mount Evergr y Cemetery (historical) Academy Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Church of God in Hospital een Cemetery Mount Florence See Meri Mount Gilead Mount Gillia Mount Gillia Mount Herman Mount Hope Mounth Mounthope See Moun Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope C Mount Hope E Mount Hope S Mount Hope S Mount Horeb Christ Mount Ida See Mont Mount Jesus Mount Libert Mount Muncie Mount Nebo Mount Nebo ( Mount Nebo S Mount Olive Mount Olive Mount Olive Mount Olive Mount Olive den (historical) n Cemetery n Church Cemetery ope t Hope emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery hurch hurch lementary School chool chool Church of God in Ida Cemetery y Church Cemetery historical) chool Baptist Church Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery locale school cemetery cemetery cemetery church hospital cemetery Ppl locale cemetery church cemetery ppl Ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church school school school church ppl cemetery church cemetery summit locale school church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF CoUNnTy Saline Saline Shawnee Jefferson Wyandotte Leavenworth Cloud Atchison Doniphan Rawlins Pottawatomie Crawford Sedgwick Crawford Crawford Linn Sedgwick Crawford Franklin Jefferson Anderson Atchison Atchison Russell Sedgwick Sedgwick Sumner Neosho Montgomery Sedgwick Coffey Lyon Franklin Dickinson Ellis Shawnee Wyandotte Osborne Cloud Marshall Jewell Brown Norton Sumner Smith Sedgwick Jefferson Osborne Sedgwick Anderson Washington Ottawa Leavenworth Clark Pratt Rooks Sedgwick Crawford Graham Doniphan Norton COORDINATE 385020N09734 50W 38552 321W 390312N09544 10W 390530N0952 325W 390705N094403 3W 391555N0945517W 393530N0972452W 393550N0950752W 39453 3W 3948 48N1010325W 391208N0960242W 372752N0945910W 374143N0971416W 372538N0945948W 372719N0944044W 381043N0944 648W 374239N0971909W 372619N0944148W 38 3809N0951921W 391120N09534 10W 382231N0950928W 392737N0950401W 39265 390757N0985638W 375207N0973953W 375207N097395 3W 370141N0971159W 37273 105W 374218N09514 40W 375117N0974028W 381041N0954416W 382237N09558 20W 3828 37N0952 62 3W 385313N0970644W 385602N099 325 3W 390230N0954 420W 390746N0944013W 392338N0985042W 39354 9N09724 42W 393609N09624 26W 39465 7N0981348W 395059N095 305 6W 395306N0994 424W 370139N0971208W 3958 22N098 344 8W 375209N0974005W 390701N0953 324W 39243 3N098 38 18W 374358N0971806W 381300N0952205W 394507N09658 27W 391455N0972607W 391610N0945320W 37165 42W 373322N098 525 0W 392940N0991925W 373910N09718 15W 372340N0944150W 392338N0994133W 394604N0950616W 010W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 925 1094 1071 1762 1440 1448 1029 1173 1209, 2120 1309 1854 2238 1158 1976 960 1560 2441 1947 1134 MAP NAME Salina Niles Topeka Perry Shawnee Leavenworth Clyde Atchison West wWathena Atwood St Marys Grindstone Creek Andover Grindstone Creek Pittsburg Mound City Wichita East Pittsburg Ottawa North Garnett NW Oak Mills Oak Mills Paradise NW Mount Hope Geuda Springs Galesburg Independence Mount Hope Burlington Lebo NW Williamsburg Chapman Ellis Topeka Parkville Bloomington Clyde Frankfort SW Mankato Hiawatha Almena Geuda Springs Mc Cracken Branch Mount Hope Grantville Osborne Wichita East Hanover SW Manchester NW Leavenworth Bloom SE Croft Stockton Wichita East Pittsburg Bogue NW Troy Almena SW FEA Mount Olive Mount Olive Mount Olive Mount Olive Christ Mount Olive Church Mount Olivet Mount Olivet Mount Olivet Mount Orum C Mount Pleasa Mount Pleasa Mount Pleasa Mount Pleasa Mount Pleasa Mount Pleasa Mount Pleasa Mount Pleasa Mount Pleasa Mount Pleasa Mount Pleasa Mount Pleasa Mount Pleasa Mount Pleasa Mount Pleasa Mount Pleasa Mount Schola See Acad Sain Mount Sidney Mount Tabor Mount Union Mount Vernon See Mone Mount Vernon Mount Vernon Mount Vernon Mount Vernon Mount Vernon Mount Vernon Mount Vernon Mount Vernon Mount Zion B Mount Zion C Mount Zion C Mount Zion C Mount Zion C Mount Zion C Mount Zion C TURE NAME Cemetery Church Church Church of God in Primitive Baptist (historical) Cemetery Church hurch nt (historical) nt Cemetery nt Cemetery nt Cemetery nt Cemetery nt Cemetery nt Cemetery nt Church nt Church nt Church nt Church nt Church nt Church nt School nt Township nt Township stica Academy emy of Mount t Scholastica Cemetery Oil Field School tt Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Church of God Community Hall aptist Church emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery hurch Mount Mount Mount Mount Mouse Moxham Moyer Moyle Mud Cr Mud Cr Mud Cr Mud Cr Mud Cr Mud Cr Mud Cr Mud Cr Mud Cr Mud Cr Mud Cr Zion Church Zion Church Zion Church Zion School Creek Dam Field eek eek eek eek eek eek eek eek eek eek Brook Luta eek FEATURE CLASS cemetery church church church church locale cemetery church church locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church school civil civil school cemetery oilfield school locale locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church building church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church school stream locale dam park locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN coUnTy Smith Crawford Jackson Sedgwick Shawnee Leavenworth Elk Franklin Bourbon Atchinson Wilson Kingman Franklin Sheridan Washington Republic Stafford Osage Dickinson Graham Graham Rooks Wallace Labette Atchison Atchison Leavenworth Butler Jefferson Chautauqua Kingman Cowley Cowley Kingman Rooks Atchison Sedgwick Rooks Sedgwick Cowley Elk Bourbon Anderson Osage Cowley Geary Pottawatomie Brown Johnson Montgomery Cowley Montgomery Butler Marion Cowley Montgomery Labette Neosho Neosho Allen Allen Harvey Marion Osage COORDINATE 400005N0990357W 37290 4 644W 392210N0960059W 374154N0972025W 390416N0954031W 391955N0950220W 372110N0961722W 38265 3N0952 138W 3748 46N0945349W 392652N09508 15W 372428N0955555W 373129N0975035W 5224 4W 391518N1000949W 3948 48N0970617W 394955N0975305W 381448N0984131W 38354 23W 384726N09718 58W 39094 3N0994 118W 391547N100094 6W 393035N0992927W 390338N1013524W 370950N095223 3W 392805N09510 30W 393315N0950725W 390006N0950128W 372910N0965700W 39230 18 05W 3708 40N0960620W 374303N097504 3W 371652N09704 39W 372409N0964127W 374216N0974857W 392758N0992455W 393220N09508 36W 373924N0971758W 392758N0992725W 37432 9N0972052W 371445N0970649W 373504N096055 3W 374905N0945455W 380617N0951111W 384047N0953705W 370140N097053 3W 385236N0965533W 39133 3N0962758W 395637N0952559W 38560 464 3W 371234N0953954W 370652N0970247W 370930N0954248W 374140N09658 35W 382625N0970422W 36564 52W 365927N095562 9W 371001N0952707W 373737N0952 140W 374220N0952706W 374635N0952705W 374732N0951318W 3758 321W 382019N0970118W 383048N0955527W SOURCE COORDINATE 37164 370019N096505 1W 370022N095555 6W 371347N0952634W 525W 374344N0952956W 374657N0953058W 375126N09514 34W 380445N0972145W 383414N0971100W 382912N0960024W ELEV FT 1248 1059 933 1451 1380 1855 1078 1265 2127 1475 1235 1466 2002 1175 1146 1059 1169 1013 1165 1360 KS189 MAP NAME Bloomington Radley Emmett Wichita East Topeka Easton Moline Richmond Uniontown Potter Buxton Cheney SE Pomona Studley Washington Courtland Hudson NW Lyndon Holland Hill City 4 NW Studley Glade SW Harris Draw East Mound Valley Potter Tonganoxie Wilmot Nortonville Cheney Akron Cambridge NW Cheney Webster Dam Atchison West Wichita East Webster Dam Wichita East Hackney Fall River Uniontown Kincaid Vassar Arkansas City Kansas Falls St George Highland NW Olathe Independence Arkansas City Independence Augusta hi Pilsen Hardy Copan Mound Valley Rollin Chanute Humboldt Elsmore Sedgwick Marion Reading KS190 FEATURE NAME Mud Creek Wilks Creek Mud Creek See Rock Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek Abilene Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek See Baldwin Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek See Muddy Creek Mud Creek Mud Creek School Muddy Creek Muddy Creek Muddy Creek Muddy Creek Mud Creek Muddy Creek Oil Field Mueller Elementary School Muhlberger See Milberger Mulberry Mulberry Grove Mulberry See Glendale Mulberry See Vining Mulberry Cemetery Mulberry Cemetery Mulberry Church Mulberry Creek Mulberry Creek Mulberry Creek Mulberry Creek Mulberry Creek Mulberry Creek Mulberry Creek Mulberry Creek Mulberry Creek Mulberry Creek Millers Creek Mulberry Creek Mullberry Creek Mulberry Creek Mulberry Creek Mulberry Grove See Mulberry Mulberry School Mulberry School Mulberry Township Mulberry Township Mule Creek Big Mule Creek Mule Creek Mule Creek (historical) Mullberry Creek See Mulberry Creek Mullenville See Mullinville Mullinville Mullenville FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream school stream stream stream stream oilfield school Ppl Ppl ppl ppl cemetery cemetery church stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream Ppl school school civil civil stream stream locale stream Ppl Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1891 VARIANT CcoUnNTy Franklin Franklin Ellsworth Osage Ellis Dickinson Leavenworth Douglas Pottawatomie Clay Pottawatomie Jackson Republic Franklin Cowley Linn Jefferson Jackson Butler Sedgwick Russell Crawford Saline Clay Ellsworth Nemaha Ellsworth Cherokee Montgomery Barber Ford Morris Morris Saline Wabaunsee Mitchell Clay Nemaha Washington Brown Crawford Saline Ellsworth Ellsworth Clay Barber Rush Ellsworth Nemaha Kiowa Kiowa COORDINATE 38354 9N0951922W 383558N0951403W 384007N0981020W 384148N0954 638W 384918N0990615W 385318N097124 IW 38585 3N095094 7W 39004 391913N09 6274 9W 393248N0972016W 393310N0961233W 3938 3948 54N09748 40W 38 3256N0952134W 372743N0970128W 381324N0944010W 390406N0953103W 3938 16N0953726W 373220N0965552W 374340N0971812W 384243N098 54 4 3W 373325N0943718W 385354N097522 9W 393401N0971742W 385213N0975700W 39375 385124N097564 9W 372002N0945756W 372055N0955207W 325W 373928N0994 530W 38 3357N0964 628W 927W 385331N0973608W 390416N09608 26W 392722N0980736W 39273 36W 393550N0961144W 395117N0971721W 395216N0953752W 373325N0943718W 385028N0974039W 385124N0975721W 384939N0975901W 393135N09718 35W 370527N098 594 5W 38 3127N09918 08W 38 3212N0980632W 393550N0961144W 373510N09928 31W 373510N09928 31W SOURCE COORDINATE 38322 3N0952 30 LW 38 3807N0981324W 3838 16N09548 54W 385735N0991011W 39074 OW 391021N0951415W 392030N0963 145W 392928N0972 125W 393402N096162 1W 395141N0975506W 373442N0964 358W 381034N0944507W 391257N0953655W 39494 34 5W 37264 372359N0954 942W 37295 34W 373647N1001430W 38 3100N09648 25W 384510N0964725W 38465 390701N0961448W 393535N0981008W 392358N0973059W 393828N0961347W 394705N09718 58W 395425N0954 556W 505W 383234N09918 58W ELEV 950 1462 1315 1238 1434 2330 MAP NAME Ottawa South Ellsworth Osage City Walker Abilene Lawrence East Flush Clifton Wheaton Courtland Ottawa South Vdall Pleasanton Grantville Horton Gordon Wichita East Liberal Brookville SW Centralia Brookville SW West Mineral Lafontaine Sun City SW Ford Burdick Sskiady New Cambria Mc Farland Solomon Rapids Clay Center NW Centralia Haddam Fairview Salina SW Brookville SW Brookville SW Clifton Aetna La Crosse Crawford Mullinville FEATURE NAME Mullinville Elementary School Mullinville High School Mulvane Littleton Mulvane Cemetery Mulvane Creek Mulvane High School Muncie Muncie Cemetery Muncie Creek Muncie Elementary School Muncie School Muncie School Munden Bethel New Tabor Munger Lake Munger School Munjor Munker Creek See Munkers Creek Munkers Creek East Branch Neosho River East Fork Neosho River Munker Creek Munkre Creek Neosho River Munkre Creek See Munkers Creek Murdock New Murdock Murdock Cemetery Murdock Creek Murdock Elementary School Murdock School Murdock Township Murphy Cemetery Murphy Creek Slough Creek Murphy Oil Field Murray Airport Murray Creek Murray Gill Murraygill Murraygill See Murray Gill Murray Hill Elementary School Murray Township Muscotah Museum (historical) Museum Creek Mustang Creek Mute Creek Myer Creek Myers Cemetery Myers Creek Myersdale School Myers Valley (historical) Myra (historical) Myrtle (historical) Mystic (historical) N Nagwika Lake Nall Hills Elementary School Nall Hills Shopping Center Nallwood Junior High School Naomi Church Naomi School FEATURE CLASS school school Ppl cemetery stream school ppl cemetery streom schocl school school Ppl reservoir school ppl stream stream stream Ppl cemetery stream school school civil cemetery stream oilfield airport stream ppl ppl school civil ppl locale stream stream stream stream cemetery stream school locale locale locale locale lake school locale school church school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN 1970 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Kiowa Kiowa Sumner Sumner Chase Sedgwick Wyandotte Franklin Wyandotte Leavenworth Wyandotte Wyandotte Republic Greenwood Sedgwick Ellis Morris Morris Morris Kingman Kingman Marshall Kingman Sedgwick Butler Johnson Neosho Sumner Thomas Leavenworth Sedgwick Sedgwick Neosho Marshall Atchison Sheridan Sheridan Comanche Osage Washington Atchison Cowley Riley Pottawatomie Woodson Phillips Sheridan Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Mitchell Mitchell COORDINATE 373508N09928 3 3W 373506N09928 3 3W 372828N0971437W 372821N0971224W 382620N0963952W 372900N0971442W 390515N0944 450W 38 3404N0952208W 390611N0944212W 391625N09454 40W 39055 354W 390606N09443 38W 395450N09732 16W 375624N0961635W 374007N0971715W 3848 40N0991552W 384355N0962957W 384355N0962957W 384355N0962957W 373640N0975550W 37372 3N0975606W 400012N0962725W 37364 374148N0971613W 375210N0970550W 38584 6N0945254W 372824N0950748W 370155N0970910W 392410N1010248W 391345N0950017W 373535N09724 25W 373535N09724 25W 37404 3N09527 32W 395328N0961730W 393310N0953117W 391955N1001407W 392034N1001358W 37052 5W 38 3616N09548 18W 395124N0971732W 3938 13N0950654W 365756N09648 27W 391337N0965632W 3918 50N0962 640W 374913N0954 625W 395820N0992137W 310W 385920N0944117W 385634N0943918W 385725N09438 54W 385707N09439 16W 39245 130W 39252 3N098 220 2W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3020N09638 3 3W 3908 32N09444 35W 385100N0963145W 3958 12N0962315W 373112N0950328W 391628N0950119W 391715N1001349W 365822N0991134W 38 3522N09554 37W 395912N0972131W 370146N0964 438W ELEV 1250 836 1630 1946 1472 1000 3137 1295 964 1229 920 1543 KS191 MAP NAME Mullinville Mullinville Mulvane Mulvane Hymer Mulvane Shawnee Ottawa South Parkville Leavenworth Shawnee Shawnee Munden Eureka NE Wichita East Hays South Council Grove Murdock Murdock Axtell NW Murdock Wichita East Benton De Soto South Mound Geuda Springs Colby Jarbalo Bayneville Chanute Summerfield Whiting Studley Studley Nescatunga Cr S Osage City SE Mahaska Atchison NE Hardy Milford Flush Toronto Stuttgart NE Menlo Lenexa Lenexa Lenexa Lenexa Glen Elder South Glen Elder South KS192 FEATURE NAME Nappawalla See Oxford Nar ema See Hanston Narka Nashville Nashville (historical) Nashville Cemetery Nashville-Zenda High School Nathan (historical) National Airport National Cemetery National Cemetery National Prairie Grassland Park See Prairie National Park National School Nat oma Tapley Natoma Cemetery Natoma Elementary School Natoma High School Natoma Township Natrona Natural Springs Lake Navarre Nazareth Convent Neal Neal Cemetery Nearman Nearman Station Nearman Creek Nearman Station See Nearman Nebo Creek Nebo Lake Nebo Watershed Lake Nebo State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Nebo Watershed Lake See Nebo Lake Ne chu se chin ga See Bluff Creek Needham Cemetery Neel Airport Neelands Cemetery Nee-Nee-Oke-Pi-Yah See Lost Springs Negracka River See Ninnescah River Negro Creek Negro Creek Negro Creek Negro Creek Negro Creek Negro Creek Oil Field Negro Hollow Nehring Cemetery Nehring Creek Neill Cemetery Neiman Landing Strip See Crist Airport Nekoma Nekoma Church Nellans (historical) Nelson (historical) FEATURE CLASS Ppl ppl ppl ppl locale cemetery school locale airport cemetery cemetery park school ppl cemetery school school civil locale reservoir ppl school Ppl cemetery locale stream locale stream reservoir park reservoir stream cemetery airport cemetery Ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream oilfield valley cemetery stream cemetery airport ppl church locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN coUnTy Sumner Hodgeman Republic Kingman Coffey Kingman Kingman Barton Allen Bourbon Republic Riley Nemaha Osborne Osborne Osborne Osborne Osborne Pratt Franklin Dickinson Cloud Greenwood Greenwood Wyandotte Wyandotte Wyandotte Atchison Jackson Jackson Jackson Sumner Franklin McPherson Stafford Marion Sumner Cowley Kingman Johnson Atchison Nemaha Cowley Woodson Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Atchison Finney Rush Rush Butler Cloud COORDINATE 371627N0971007W 380719N0994 245W 395738N0972532W 372630N0982520W 371308N0953707W 37254 3N098 254 2W 372625N0982509W 38 3355N0985627W 37544 3N0952 100W 374915N0944133W 395335N0972532W 391500N0964000W 39554 3N0955307W 391127N0990142W 391125N0990055W 391133N09091123 391125N0991121W 391045N098 594 5W 37424 3N098 395 2W 384122N0951717W 38474 393340N09739 38W 37500 604 48W 374921N0960347W 39095 3N0944151W 39104 39095 3N0944 151W 39265 7N0953220W 354 5W 354 5W 392650N09535 45W 36580 52W 3828 12N0950723W 382400N0975500W 375400N0985158W 38 3358N0965758W 371917N0970958W 370450N0970509W 373738N098024 3W 385138N0943630W 393206N0953147W 39555 9N0961209W 370518N0970451W 374642N09554 21W 385614N0961149W 38565 392658N095233 9W 381409N10058 24W 3828 630W 38264 380513N09705 50W 393125N0973207W SOURCE COORDINATE 390903N094 425 1W 392531N095 38 50W 370228N09708 40W 373420N09804 39W 385059N0944138W 393540N09538 3 9W 395328N0961239W 348W 385338N0960658W ELEV FT 1585 1740 1776 1015 1834 1879 1350 940 750 1680 1978 1109 2036 MAP NAME Nar ka Nashville Aliceville Nashville Nashville Olmitz La Harpe Fort Scott Nar ka Bern Natoma Natoma Natoma Natoma Paradise NW Pratt Ottawa North Navarre Concordia Neal Neal Parkville Parkville Arrington Arrington Arrington Lane Windom Saint John South Geuda Springs Kingman Stilwell Whiting Seneca NW Arkansas City Toronto Hessdale Hessdale Half Mound Nekoma Nekoma Peabody SE Rice FEATURE NAME Nelson Cemetery Nelson Creek Nelson Island Nelson Landing Strip See Benton Airport Nelson Township Nemaha County Nemaha County State Lake Lake Nemaha Nemaha County State Lake Dam Nemaha County State Park Nemaha River See South Fork Nemaha River Nemaha State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Nemaha Township Nemaha Valley High School Nemaha Valley Junior High School Ne Miskua See Saline River Ne ne scah River See Ninnescah River Ne-ne-scah River See Ninnescah River Nenescah River See Ninnescah River Ne-nescah River Township See Ninnescah Township Ne-nescah River Township See Ninnescah Township Ne-ne-scha River See Ninnescah River Neodesha Neodesha High School Neodesha Landing Field See Neodesha Municipal Airport Neodesha Municipal Airport Neodesha Landing Field Neodesha Township Neola See Labette Neola Neola Cemetery Neosho City See Neosho Rapids Neosho City (historical) Neosho County Dorn County Neosho County State Lake See McKinley, Lake Neosho County State Park Dam Neosho Falls Millsburg Neosho Falls Township Neosho Heights Elementary School Neosho Park Recreation Area Neosho Rapids Florence Italia Neosho City Neosho Rapids Elementary School Neosho Rapids Junior High School Neosho River Grand River Le Grande Riviére FEATURE CLASS cemetery stream island airport civil civil reservoir dam park stream park civil school school stream stream stream stream civil civil stream Ppl school airport airport civil ppl locale cemetery Ppl locale civil reservoir dam ppl civil school park Ppl school school stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1971 VARIANT VARIANT COUNTY Cloud Doniphan Johnson Butler Cloud Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Saline Sumner Sumner Sumner Sedgwick Reno Sumner Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Labette Stafford Stafford Lyon Coffey Neosho Neosho Neosho Woodson Woodson Labette Morris Lyon Lyon Lyon Cherokee COORDINATE 393133N0973228W 394727N0951316W 390236N09448 10W 374642N0970649W 393130N0973220W 394800N0960100W 394624N09602 12W 394624N0960212W 394542N0960135W 209W 394542N0960135W 395735N0960450W 395012N0960347W 395012N0960356W 385128N0973021W 371917N0970958W 371917N0970958W 371917N0970958W 373105N0973200W 374705N0975150W 371917N0970958W 372506N0954048W 37253 609W 372605N09538 49W 372605N09538 49W 372625N0954 115W 371350N0951100W 375210N0983031W 375016N0982925W 382210N09559 30W 380455N0954202W 373400N0951700W 372515N0951149W 372515N0951149W 380020N0953 325W 375825N0953 320W 371014N0950554W 384049N0963103W 382210N09559 30W 382216N0955924W 382216N0955924W 354732N0951739W SOURCE COORDINATE 39465 384652N0964514W ELEV FT 840 1804 1812 975 1090 KS193 MAP NAME Rice Sparks Edwardsville Rice Seneca Seneca Seneca Seneca Seneca St Benedict Seneca Seneca Neodesha Neodesha Neodesha Neodesha Preston Turon LeRoy Shaw South Mound Neosho Falls Neosho Falls Oswego Council Grove Lk Hartford Hartford Hartford Miami NW KS194 FEATURE NAME Neozhoo River Ni-u-sho River Niocho River Nion-chou River Osage River Rio Blanco Six Bulls River Neosho River See Lairds Creek Neosho River See Munkers Creek Neosho River Cutoff Neosho State Fishing Lake Neosho Station (historical) Neosho Township Neosho Township Neosho Township Neosho Water Fowl Area See Neosho Wildlife Area Neosho Wildlife Area Neosho Water Fowl Area Neozhoo River See Neosho River Nepaholla River See Solomon River Neptawah See Oxford Nesbit Creek Nesbitt School Nescatunga (historical) Nescatunga Cemetery Nescatunga Creek Big Red River Big Salt Fork Grande Saline River Neskuatunga River Neskuetonga River Red Salinas River Rock Salt River Salt Fork of the Arkansas River Nescatunga Creek See West Branch Nescatunga Creek Nescatunga Township See Coldwater Township Ne-shu-che-sink See Bluff Creek Ne Shudse See Arkansas River Ne Shudse Shunga See Salt Fork Arkansas River Neskuatunga River See Nescatunga Creek Neskuetonga River See Nescatunga Creek Ness City Iowa Ness City Airfield See Ness City Municipal Airport Ness City Elementary School Ness City High School Ness City Municipal Airport Ness City Airfield Ness County Nester Creek Nesuketonga River See Salt Fork Arkansas FEATURE CLASS stream stream bend park locale civil civil civil park park stream stream ppl stream school locale cemetery stream stream civil stream stream stream stream stream Ppl airport school school airport civil stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN 1975 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT COUNTY Morris Morris Neosho Neosho Neosho Cherokee Labette Coffey Neosho Neosho Cherokee Dickinson Sumner Cheyenne Jefferson Comanche Comanche Comanche Comanche Comanche Sumner Cowley Barber Comanche Comanche Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Sedgwick Barber COORDINATE 38434 384355N0962957W 37264 3N09508 34W 372520N0951155W 374340N0952 600W 370336N0950157W 372035N09508 2 3W 380500N0954 420W 372925N0950805W 372925N0950805W 354732N0951739W 385413N0972208W 371627N0971007W 40014 391506N09524 53W 371415N0991307W 371347N0991423W 370515N09908 15W 37094 3N0991224W 371130N0991130W 36580 552W 3348 363558N09703 10W 370515N09908 15W 370515N09908 15W 422W 3828 20N0995 428W 355W 382721N0995355W 3828 20N0995 428W 382800N0995500W 373545N0974 8 22W 363558N09703 10W SOURCE COORDINATE 395935N1014111W 371745N0991430W 374210N0975217W ELEV FT 1056 2026 2251 2296 MAP NAME South Mound South Mound Chanute Chetopa Parsons East Burlington Erie Heinzelman Canyon Valley Falls Nescatunga Cr N Nescatunga Cr N Nescatunga Cr S Ness City Ness City Ness City Ness City Ness City Cheney SE FEATURE NAME River Netawaka Netawaka Township Netherland See Lerado Nettels School See George E. Nettles Elementary School Nettie Hartnett Elementary School Hartnett School Nettleton Fitchburg Fitchburgh Neuchatel Neuchatle Township Neu Field Neumanns Airport Neutral Brush Creek Neutral City Neutral City See Liberal Neutral City See Neutral Neutral School Neva Evans Station Nevada (historical) Nevada Township Neville Church New Albano See New Albany New Albany New Albano New Almelo Almelo New Elam New Elm Newark (historical) Newark Township New Basel (historical) New Basel Church New Bedford (historical) Newbern (historical) Newbern Township Newburn Township Newburn Cemetery Newburn Township See Newbern Township Newbury Newbury Township Newby See Buda (historical) New Cambria Donmeyer Newcastle See Stippville New Chicago See Chanute New Chillicothe (historical) New Cloverdale Cemetery New Convent Church of God in Christ New Creation Christian Church New East Hill Cemetery New Elam See New Almelo New Elgin (historical) Newell Landing Field FEATURE CLASS ppl civil locale school school locale locale civil airport airport locale Ppl locale school locale locale civil church ppl ppl Ppl locale civil locale church locale locale civil cemetery civil Ppl civil locale ppl locale Ppl locale cemetery church church cemetery Ppl locale airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF CoUNnTy Jackson Jackson Reno Crawford Leavenworth Edwards Nemaha Nemaha Leavenworth Johnson Cherokee Seward Cherokee Cherokee Chase Ness Ness Cheyenne Wilson Wilson Norton Wilson Wilson Dickinson Dickinson Sumner Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Ness Saline Cherokee Neosho Dickinson Chautauqua Sedgwick Sedgwick Neosho Norton Chautauqua Stafford COORDINATE 393610N0954 305W 393625N0954 300W 37463 165 6W 372314N0944143W 3918 32N0945456W 37595 2W 393405N0961206W 393612N0961058W 391019N09458 50W 384805N09448 52W 370552N0944741W 370235N1005514W 370552N0944741W 371702N0943900W 38235 3N0963657W 38 3635N0995400W 38 3820N0995504W 393522N1015402W 373406N0955615W 373406N0955615W 393539N1000703W 372722N0953532W 37254 384516N0971128W 384518N0971125W 372710N0972405W 384345N0970855W 384940N0971215W 3848 384940N0971215W 390505N0961030W 390355N0961115W 381735N1001010W 385245N0973020W 371320N0945015W 374045N0952725W 39052 3N09704 25W 37125 954W 374254N09718 20W 374138N09729 32W 373356N0951303W 393539N1000703W 370013N09618 52W 375451N0983119W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 1150 2120 1250 920 1085 860 1190 2410 1268 1268 1267 1040 1196 1036 1791 KS195 MAP NAME Netawaka Net awaka Leavenworth Lewis Duluth Duluth Basehor Ocheltree Neutral Kirkwood Strong City Ransom SW Arnold St Francis 3 SW New Albany Lenora West Morehead Morehead Abilene SW Abilene SW Zyba Elmo Abilene SW Abilene SW Mc Farland Mc Farland New Cambria Upland Cloverdale Wichita East Wichita West Erie Elgin Stafford KS196 FEATURE NAME New Elm See New Almelo New Foundation Baptist Church New Gottland New Gottland Church New Gottland School New Gottland Township New Home School New Hope (historical) New Hope Baptist Church New Hope Cemetery New Hope Church New Hope Church New Hope Church New Hope Full Gospel Church New Hope School New Hope School Newington See Kenneth New Jerusalem Baptist Church New Jerusalem Baptist Church New Jerusalem Healing Temple New Kiowa See Kiowa Newkirk See Kingsdown New Lancaster New Lancaster Cemetery Newman Newman Cemetery Newman Hospital New Mauldin School New Memphis See Starvale (historical) New Mount Zion Baptist Church New Murdock See Murdock New Olathe Lake New Olathe Lake Dam New Pasture Number Thirteen New Pittsburgh See Pittsburg Newport See Niotaze New Post See Fort Atkinson (historical) New Quincy School New Rochester (historical) New Salem New Salem Cemetery New Salem School New Scandinavia See Scandia New Strawn Strawn New Tabor See Munden New Tabor See Tabor New Testament Baptist Church New Testament Baptist Church Newton Newton City Newton City See Newton FEATURE CLASS Ppl church locale church school civil locale locale church cemetery church church church church school school ppl church church church Ppl Ppl Ppl cemetery ppl cemetery hospital school locale church ppl . reservoir dam flat ppl ppl locale school locale ppl cemetery school Ppl ppl ppl locale church church ppl ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT COUNTY Norton Sedgwick McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson Linn Phillips Sedgwick Mitchell Stafford Franklin Cloud Sedgwick Franklin Rooks Johnson Sedgwick Shawnee Shawnee Barber Ford Miami Miami Jefferson Lyon Atchison Cherokee Shawnee Kingman Johnson Johnson Morton Crawford Chautauqua Ford Shawnee Kingman Cowley Cowley Sumner Republic Coffey Republic Republic Sedgwick Sedgwick Harvey Harvey COORDINATE 393539N1000703W 374314N0971900W 38265 9N0973 640W 382620N0973 639W 38265 374 6W 3828 40N09738 50W 382227N0944434W 395826N0990437W 374205N0971926W 392101N0980515W 380602N09844 49W 38 3720N09504 59W 392526N0974001W 37144 38393 3N09508 15W 39285 1N0991102W 385118N0943642W 374246N09718 36W 390244N095 3 940W 390309N095 3 925W 370102N0982906W 373130N0994530W 358W 382746N09444 34W 390450N0952752W 390517N09528 58W 382442N0961143W 393724N0953248W 371507N0945806W 39010 3 940W 550W 385254N094523 3W 385254N094523 3W 371515N1015100W 37243 370425N0960048W 374445N1000240W 390413N095395 1W 372700N0981655W 3718 6534 2W 371903N09652 14W 372728N0971612W 394740N0974700W 381545N0954 430W 395450N09732 16W 395125N0973100W 374024N0972117W 374249N0971930W 380248N0972041W 380248N0972041W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 1528 1526 828 1514 1898 964 1919 956 929 850 911 1099 1247 1100 1448 MAP NAME Wichita East Galva Galva Mc Pherson North Mc Pherson North Boicourt Kensington NE Wichita East Beloit SE Hudson Rantoul Aurora NW Wichita East Le Loup Woodston NW Wichita East Topeka Topeka New Lancaster New Lancaster Perry Perry Emporia Whiting Topeka De Soto Olathe Richfield Topeka Zenda New Salem Burden Belle Plaine New Strawn Wichita East Wichita East Newton FEATURE NAME Newton City-County Airport Wirt Auxiliary Landing Field Newton Country Club Newton High School Newton Hospital See Winfield State Hospital Newton Township Newton Waterworks New Town See Leavenworth New Ulysses See Ulysses New Union School New Union School New Waco See Waco New Winsor (historical) New York Elementary School New York Valley Church New Zion Baptist Church Nicholas Creek Nichols Cemetery Nichols Creek Edgewood Creek Nichols Oil and Gas Field Nichols School Nickel (historical) Nickel Cemetery Nickel Creek Nickle Creek Nickel Mine Spring Nickerson Nickerson Elementary School Nickerson High School Nickle Creek See Nickel Creek Nickletown Cemetery Nicodemus Nicodemus Cemetery Nicodemus Township Nieman Creek Nieman Elementary School Nieman Plaza Niles Georgetown Nilesville Nilesville See Niles Nimrod See Barnard Ninemile Creek Ninemile Creek Ninemile School Ninescah River Township See Ninnescah Township Ninescah River Township See Ninnescah Township Ninescau River See Ninnescah River Ninescau River Township See Ninnescah Township Ninescau River Township See Ninnescah Township Ninnescah See Cunningham Ninnescah See Bushnell Ninnescah Cemetery FEATURE CLASS airport other school hospital civil building Ppl ppl school school Ppl locale school church church stream cemetery stream oilfield school locale cemetery stream spring Ppl school school stream cemetery Ppl cemetery civil stream school locale Ppl ppl Ppl stream stream school civil civil stream civil civil ppl locale cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF CcoUunNnTy Harvey Harvey Harvey Cowley Harvey Harvey Leavenworth Grant McPherson Franklin Sedgwick Cherokee Douglas Woodson Sedgwick Butler Kingman Comanche Kiowa Jefferson Kiowa Rush Chase Logan Reno Reno Reno Chase Woodson Graham Graham Graham Marshall Johnson Johnson Ottawa Ottawa Lincoln Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Sedgwick Reno Sumner Sedgwick Reno Kingman Sumner Cowley COORDINATE 380319N0971639W 380207N0971948W 380328N0972118W 371444N09658 55W 380235N0971905W 380038N0972730W 3918 40N0945520W 373453N1012117W 38265 9N09734 11W 384302N09515 35W 373114N0971826W 370805N0945550W 385800N0951351W 375006N0953759W 374350N0971650W 374436N0963952W 372727N0981445W 371557N0993231W 373022N0991828W 392358N0952306W 372635N0992652W 38382 3N09928 28W 381310N0963359W 385126N1011710W 3808 50N0980500W 3808 37N0980510W 3808 37N0980510W 381310N0963359W 375948N095505 3W 392340N0993700W 392430N0993610W 392350N0994000W 395458N0964001W 390024N0944247W 39005 3858 10N097274 5W 3858 10N0972745W 391126N09802 30W 390024N0950145W 39154 39132 373105N0973200W 374705N0975150W 371917N0970958W 373105N0973200W 374705N0975 150W 3738 38N0982551W 372142N0970935W 372011N09708 32W SOURCE COORDINATE 374511N0963435W 372208N099 322 3W 381221N0963653W 39585 1N0964105W 391146N0951305W 391052N0945538W ELEV FT 1529 1450 954 1583 2104 1593 1142 2015 2052 976 1200 KS197 MAP NAME Newton Newton Newton Sedgwick NE Zimmerdale Galva Ottawa North Hallowell Lawrence East Rose Wichita East Keighley Spivey Lexington Greensburg Half Mound E Kiowa Creek Nor La Crosse NW Matfield Green Russell Sprs 2 SE Nickerson Nickerson Nickerson Toronto NE Nicodemus Nicodemus Bogue NW Herkimer Shawnee Shawnee Niles Tonganoxie Leavenworth Basehor oxford KS198 FEATURE NAME Ninnescah River Ne ne scah River Ne-ne-scah River Ne-ne-scha River Negracka River Nenescah River Ninescau River Ninnescau River Ninnescah River See South Fork Ninnescah River Ninnescah Township Ninnescah Township Ne-nescah River Township Ninescah River Township Ninescau River Township Ninnescau River Township Ninnescah Township Ninnescah Township Ne-nescah River Township Ninescah River Township Ninescau River Township Ninnescau River Township Ninnescau River See Ninnescah River Ninnescau River Township See Ninnescah Township Ninnescau River Township See Ninnescah Township Ninth Street Church of God Niocho River See Neosho River Nion-chou River See Neosho River Niota See Niotaze Niotaze Mantansas Mantanzas Newport Niota Niotaze Lake Niotaze Oil Field Nippawalla Township Ni-sho-dse See Missouri River Ni-u-sho River See Neosho River Niutaci See Missouri River Nixon (historical) N N Siding Noble See Leon Noble (historical) Noblesville See Huntsville Noble Township Noble Township Noble Township See Highland District 2 Township FEATURE CLASS stream stream civil civil civil civil stream civil civil church stream stream ppl Ppl lake oilfield civil stream stream stream locale locale ppl locale Ppl civil civil civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN 1912 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT coUnTy Sumner Pratt Cowley Sedgwick Kingman Reno Sumner Sedgwick Reno Sedgwick Cherokee Cherokee Chautauqua Chautauqua Chautauqua Chautauqua Barber Wyandotte Cherokee Wyandotte Pawnee Harvey Butler Rice Reno Ellsworth Dickinson Norton COORDINATE 371917N0970958W 373405N0974218W 372057N0970528W 373105N0973200W 373615N09808 10W 374705N0975 150W 371917N0970958W 373105N0973200W 374705N0975 150W 374201N0971914W 354732N0951739W 354732N0951739W 370425N0960048W 370425N0960048W 370514N096014 9W 370218N0960141W 37094 3N098 33 10W 3848 49N0900711W 354732N0951739W 38484 11W 380125N0990537W 380100N0971714W 374125N0964 655W 382515N09808 28W 380326N098 19 32W 384425N098 254 8W 390010N09700 30W 393600N1000902W SOURCE ELEV COORDINATE FT 373405N0974218W 765 1492 MAP NAME oxford Akron Clearwater Cleveland Haven SE Wichita East Peru Peru Peru Kiowa Zook Newton Lyons NW Holyrood NW Upland FEATURE NAME Noble Township Noel Cemetery Noffsinger School Noharts Creek Nolan Nolands Creek See Squaw Creek Nolan Hill Nonchalanta (historical) Chadlish Nora (historical) Norcatur Rockwell City Norcatur Cemetery Norcatur Elementary School Noria Norman Cemetery Normandie Shopping Center Norman Number One Oil Well Normanville (historical) Noron (historical) Norris School Northampton Township See Township Number 8 North Ash Church of the Nazarene North Atwood North Bear Creek See Little Bear Creek North Bear Creek Little Bear Creek North Beaver Creek North Timber Creek Timber Creek North Big Creek Big Creek North Fork Big Creek North Branch Northbranch Quaker Point North Branch Northbranch See North Branch North Branch Big Blue River See Big Blue River North Branch Elm Creek See North Elm Creek North Branch Fancy Creek See North Fork Fancy Creek North Branch Five Creek North Branch Hackberry Creek North Fork Hackberry Creek North Branch Hickory Creek North Branch Independence Creek North Branch Kings Creek North Branch Kisiwa Creek North Branch Little Walnut River North Branch Medicine Lodge River North Branch Mission Creek North Branch Otter Creek Otter Creek North Branch Rock Creek North Branch Sand Creek See Gyp Creek North Branch Sharpe Creek See Sharps Creek FEATURE CLASS civil cemetery school stream locale stream summit locale locale ppl cemetery school locale cemetery locale oilfield locale locale school civil church ppl stream stream stream stream Ppl stream Ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN 1972 VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1979 VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1979 BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT CoUnTy Marshall Sedgwick Atchison Brown Marshall Doniphan Jefferson Ness Pratt Decatur Norton Decatur Douglas Ellis Sedgwick Wilson Doniphan Pratt Harvey Rooks Sedgwick Rawlins Stanton Hamilton Rawlins Coffey Jewell Riley Jewell Pottawatomie Barber Riley Clay Gove Butler Doniphan Riley Harvey Butler Kiowa Wabaunsee Greenwood Butler Clark McPherson COORDINATE 394155N0961735W 372913N0972 525W 392932N0952 156W 400050N095264 9W 393400N0961640W 395932N09518 48W 390632N0951807W 381700N1000600W 374820N0985730W 395013N1001115W 395036N1001041W 395001N1001114W 385658N0951037W 390616N0990927W 374137N0971537W 372725N0954051W 394055N0951900W 374735N0985307W 375903N0971759W 391545N0993240W 371220N097184 3W 394925N1010247W 374203N1013905W 374625N1014940W 394945N1010657W 38054 35W 395822N0982217W 390605N0963530W 3958 22N0982217W 391112N0963145W 37254 392930N0965248W 392117N0971053W 385755N1003420W 373635N09638 35W 394008N0951208W 390605N0963531W 375722N0973313W 374235N09644 40W 372655N0991159W 385700N09602 18W 374106N0961808W 373030N0964710W 371002N1000355W 38 3137N097454 6W SOURCE COORDINATE 39550 3N09527 15W 374144N1021159W 3948 30N1012415W 38095 4N096004 3W 390537N0963400W 39244 325W 390745N1010156W 373939N0963109W 394149N0951854W 390510N0963 328W 38023 32W 310W 373208N0991638W 385617N0960644W 373704N0963056W 373401N0963641W ELEV FT 1376 1036 2700 812 1827 1378 1468 2840 1860 KS199 MAP NAME Vermillon Zyba Nortonville Rulo Wheaton Williamstown Beeler NE Hopewell Norcatur Norcatur Norcatur Lawrence East Turkville Wichita Est Neodesha Denton Hopewell Sedgwick NE Wichita East Atwood Syracuse West SE Atwood Le Roy North Branch Swede Creek Clay Center SW Orion NE Latham Denton Swede Creek Bentley Keighley Iron Mountain Keene Piedmont NE Augusta SE KS200 FEATURE NAME North Branch Sharps Creek North Branch South Fork Beaver Creek See Middle Beaver Creek North Branch Spillman Creek North Branch State Creek North Branch Verdigris River Verdigris River North Branch Wakarusa River North Branch White Rock Creek North Broadway School North Brown School North Brown Township North Canal North Caney Creek Little Verdigris River North Caney River North Caney River See North Caney Creek North Cedar (historical) Tippinville North Cedar Creek North Cedar Creek North Cemetery North Central Elementary School North Central High School North Congregation Jehovahs Witnesses Northcott (historical) Northcott Church North Cottonwood River Cottonwood River North Fork Cottonwood River North Creek North Diamond Community Hall Northeast Congregation Jehovahs Witnesses Northeast Heights Church of Christ Northeast High School Northeast Junior High School Northeast School North Elementary School North Elk Creek North Elm Cemetery North Elm Creek North Branch Elm Creek North Elm Creek Elk Creek Northern Heights High School Northern Hills Baptist Church Pleasant Hill Church Northern Hills School Northern Landing Strip Northern Landing Strip See Northerns Airport Northerns Airport Northern Landing Strip Northern Valley High School Northfield See Conway Springs North Fork See North Fork Solomon River North Fork Beaver Creek See Middle Beaver Creek North Fork Beaver Creek See Little Beaver Creek North Fork Big Creek FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream school school civil canal stream stream locale stream stream cemetery school school church locale church stream stream building church church school school school school stream cemetery stream stream school church school airport park park school ppl stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN 1963 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT CcoUnNnTy McPherson Sherman Lincoln Sumner Greenwood Shawnee Jewell Leavenworth Wilson Edwards Jewell Chautauqua Chautauqua Jackson Cowley Jefferson Marion Washington Washington Sedgwick Anderson Anderson Marion Sheridan McPherson Sedgwick Sedgwick Crawford Wyandotte Miami Miami Barber Marshall Barber Marshall Lyon Shawnee Shawnee Leavenworth Geary Geary Norton Sumner Mitchell Sherman Rawlins COORDINATE 382655N0985054W 392636N1014114W 390750N0982245W 372552N097395 3W 380908N0961000W 38535 3N0954 8 58W 395241N098 28 39W 391929N0945522W 372659N0953801W 375209N09918 48W 395728N0975500W 37062 7N0960311W 37062 392416N0953735W 370627N0963146W 347W 38 3605N0970900W 395126N09718 31W 395052N0971017W 374336N0972058W 928W 380425N09529 30W 382125N0970413W 392101N1001308W 382922N0973106W 374510N0971631W 374350N0971752W 373241N0944139W 390728N0943714W 384258N0943750W 38 3432N0945226W 372201N098 58 48W 395635N0963157W 37254 3958 19N0963609W 38 3936N0960900W 390932N0954027W 39085 1N0953 944W 39064 390500N096535 1W 390500N09653 51W 239W 372325N09738 31W 39282 3N098 25 5 9W 392636N1014114W 394915N1010159W SOURCE COORDINATE 38302 55 5 OW 391353N098 30 38W 372416N0974637W 120W 3858 3958 42N098 34 59W 371910N0961519W 37094 9N09635 39W 392332N09542 10W 382306N0972206W 392321N1001505W 372101N0990235W 373413N0984 610W 395714N0962706W ELEV FT 1384 1045 1034 1066 1045 950 965 MAP NAME Windom NE Hunter Conway Springs Madison Auburn Burr Oak NW Leavenworth Neodesha Centerview Scandia NW Peru Holton Dexter NE Holton SE Tampa Haddam Morrowville Wichita East Geneva Geneva Marion Studley Galva Valley Center Wichita East Arma Kansas City Bucyrus Paola East Sun City SW Oketo Sawyer Oketo Allen Elmont Elmont Bonner Springs Milford Dam Almena FEATURE NAME See North Big Creek North Fork Big Creek North Fork Big Creek North Fork Black Vermillion River Black Vermillion Creek North Fork Chikaskia River North Fork Cimarron River North Fork Cimarron River See North Fork Cimarron River North Fork Cimarron River Sand Creek North Fork Cotton Creek North Fork Cottonwood River See North Cottonwood River North Fork Driftwood Creek North Fork Fancy Creek North Branch Fancy Creek North Fork Forrester Creek North Fork Hackberry Creek See North Branch Hackberry Creek North Fork Lake Creek North Fork Little Arkansas River North Fork Little Osage Creek See North Fork Little Osage River North Fork Little Osage River North Fork Little Osage Creek North Fork Little Sugar Creek North Fork Middle Fork Walnut Creek North Fork Middle Ladder Creek South Ladder Creek North Fork Mill Creek Mill Creek North Fork Ninnescah River North Fork of Big Blue River See Big Blue River North Fork of Solomon River See North Fork Solomon River North Fork Pasture North Fork Pottawatomie Creek See Pottawatomie Creek North Fork Prairie Dog Creek North Fork Prairie Dog Creek North Fork Rose Creek North Fork Sac Branch North Fork Saline River North Fork Saline River North Fork Sappa Creek See Middle Fork Sappa Creek North Fork Sappa Creek North Fork Smoky Hill River North Fork Solomon River North Fork North Fork of Solomon River North Fork Stranger Creek North Fork Sugar Creek See North Sugar Creek North Fork Walnut Creek FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream flat stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN coUnTy Coffey Ellis Gove Marshall Kingman Grant Grant Montgomery Marion Rawlins Riley Ness Gove Wallace Rice Allen Allen Linn Lane Wallace Washington Sedgwick Pottawatomie Mitchell Morton Miami Decatur Norton Wallace Franklin Trego Sheridan Rawlins Decatur Logan Mitchell Atchison Linn Ness COORDINATE 38054 35W 384752N0990502W 39025 1N1002421W 394328N0961945W 3728 54N0982150W 372514N1010714W 372514N1010714W 365627N09554 10W 382125N09704 13W 400213N10055 35W 392930N0965248W 38 3321N1000115W 385755N1003420W 390435N1014309W 381907N098 564 6W 38013 38013 38082 3N094 5 452W 38 3143N100224 6W 384448N1015052W 395054N0971955W 373405N0974218W 391112N0963145W 39282 3N098 255 9W 371445N10258 40W 382948N0945537W 393806N1003058W 395305N0994 255W 38494 382537N09508 32W 390655N09958 25W 390934N1004247W 394123N1005045W 394705N1003440W 385513N1011649W 39282 3N098 255 9W 393152N095204 9W 381421N0945516W 382434N0995244W SOURCE COORDINATE 390027N0992 148W 390718N1003450W 395600N0962048W 373317N0982927W 370858N1023908W 370036N0955201W 395448N1011847W 393718N0965635W 383802N1001058W 390848N1015340W 3828 34N098 572 6W 380431N0951105W 380530N0945903W 38 3452N1003945W 384715N1015714W 395406N09734 48W 375007N098 4 455W 393205N1004938W 39585 3N0994 622W 385002N1014544W 382745N0951202W 39154 3N1002205W 391304N1010345W 393436N1011750W 390206N10248 26W 391652N1011653W 39360 38 3655N1002409W ELEV FT KS201 MAP NAME Walker Sunny Slope Lake Vermillon Zenda Ryus Copan Culbertson SW Lasita Utica SE Harris Draw West Windom Blue Mound Mound City NW Shields Sharon Sprs 3 NE Haddam Lake Afton Elkhart NW Selden NE Norton NE South Flats Garnett NW Wa Keeney West Grinnell North Oberlin Russell Sprs 2 NE Mill Creek Lancaster Ness City KS5202 FEATURE NAME North Walnut Creek North Fork Wild Cat Creek See North Fork Wildcat Creek North Fork Wildcat Creek North Fork Wildcat Creek North Fork Wild Cat Creek North Fork Wolf River North Wolf River Northgate Center Northgate Shopping Center North Gypsum Creek North Heights Christian Church North High School See Wichita North Junior-Senior High School North Homestead Township North Kearny School North Ladder Creek See Ladder Creek Northland Christian Church Northland Shopping Center North Lawn Elementary School North Lone Elm School North Long Creek See Long Creek North Lowe Pasture North Madison Avenue Church of Christ North Main Shopping Center North Newton Bethel College North Oak Creek Cemetery North Otter Creek North Owl Creek North Pole Mound North Randall Township North Reno Elementary School North Rich Township Northridge Convenience Center Northridge Friends Church Northridge Shopping Center North Riverside Park North Roscoe Township Northrup Park North Salt Creek North School North School North School See Highland Park North Elementary School North School North Shopping Center Northside Church of Christ Northside Church of Christ Northside Elementary School North Side School Northside School See Faris Elementary School North Star Cemetery North Star School North Star Shopping Center North Sugar Creek North Fork Sugar Creek North Sugar Creek Sugar Creek NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 FEATURE CLASS STATUS CcoUnNnTy COORDINATE VARIANT VARIANT stream Nemaha 395248N09607 12W stream BGN Elk 372204N0961742W stream BGN Nemaha 395248N0960712W VARIANT stream BGN Brown 3948 52W VARIANT locale UNOFF Sedgwick 374445N0972037W locale UNOFF Reno 380515N0975522W stream BGN McPherson 38 3201N09728 29W church UNOFF Sedgwick 374355N09718 30W VARIANT school Sedgwick 374235N0972041W civil ADMIN Barton 38 3355N0984524W school UNOFF Kearny 381220N1011600W VARIANT stream Logan 384757N1005134W church UNOFF Shawnee 950W locale UNOFF Shawnee 390603N0953951W school UNOFF Wilson 372558N0954058W school UNOFF Johnson 385909N09452 36W VARIANT stream Osage 637W flat BGN Morton 371105N1014305W church UNOFF Sedgwick 374254N09718 37W locale UNOFF Butler 374930N0965100W ppl BGN Harvey 380420N097204 3W VARIANT cemetery UNOFF Smith 394125N0983320W stream BGN Riley 392800N0964 620W stream BGN Woodson 37542 summit BGN Saline 385710N0973632W civil ADMIN Thomas 392229N1005245W school UNOFF Reno 380417N09758 35W civil ADMIN Anderson 380705N0950755W locale UNOFF Ford 37462 3N1000100W church UNOFF Sedgwick 374354N0972236W locale UNOFF Ellis 385310N09918 55W park ADMIN Sedgwick 374213N0972 116W civil ADMIN Hodgeman 381230N1000800W park ADMIN Wyandotte 39064 3N094 38 00W stream BGN Chautauqua 371746N0960538W school UNOFF Pratt 373900N0984416W school UNOFF Johnson 304W VARIANT school Shawnee 390154N0953940W school UNOFF Wyandotte 390631N0944610W locale UNOFF Allen 375602N09524 29W church UNOFF Sedgwick 374315N0972036W church UNOFF Shawnee 390715N0954020W school UNOFF Pawnee 381128N0990610W school UNOFF Greenwood 37495 3N0961740W VARIANT school Reno 380348N09755 32W cemetery UNOFF Ness 38 3120N09959 38W school UNOFF Kearny 374831N1012930W locale UNOFF Butler 374210N09658 12W stream BGN Linn 381421N0945516W VARIANT stream BGN Linn 381640N0944 309W VARIANT SOURCE COORDINATE 37225 3N09622 32W 395454N0961106W 395014N0953335W 38 3305N097324 1W 393459N0965025W 375628N0954 92 6W 3718 51N0961010W 381641N09459 10W 38 3048N0943537W ELEV MAP FT NAME Moline Seneca NW Hiawatha 1319 1539 Wichita East Hutchinson Roxbury Wichita East Hoisington 3234 Leoti 3 NE Topeka 920 Topeka Neodesha De Soto Rolla NW Wichita East 1293 El Dorado 1440 Newton Portis NE Randolph Yates Center New Cambria Mingo Hutchinson Kincaid 1466 2605 Dodge City Wichita West Hays North Wichita East Horse Thief Can N Shawnee Oak Valley Pratt Lenexa 2039 Edwardsville Iola Wichita East Elmont Larned Eureka 972 2336 3234 1280 Ransom SW Lakin SW Augusta Parker Boicourt FEATURE NAME North Timber Creek See North Beaver Creek North Topeka Eugene North Topeka Baptist Church North Topeka Wesleyan Church North Township North Township North Township Northview Elementary School North Walnut Creek See North Fork Walnut Creek North Walnut Creek Northway Cemetery North Wea Creek Northwest Church of God Northwest Elementary School Northwest Heights Baptist Church Northwest Junior High School Northwest Kansas Area Vocational-Technical School Northwest Kansas Vocational School Northwest Kansas Vocational School See Northwest Kansas Area Vocational-Technical School North Windy School North Wolf River See North Fork Wolf River Norton Billingsville Norton Community High School Norton County Billings County Norton County Lake Norton County Lake Park Norton Creek Norton Dam Norton Junior High School Norton Municipal Airport Norton Reservoir See Keith Sebelius Lake Norton Reservoir Game Management Area See Norton Wildlife Area Norton State Hospital Norton Township Nortonville Norton Wildlife Area Norton Reservoir Game Management Area Norwalk See Sallee (historical) Norway Norway Creek Norway Township Norwich Milton Norwich Elementary School Norwich High School Norwich Landing Strip Norwood Notre Dame High School FEATURE CLASS stream Ppl church church civil civil civil school stream stream cemetery stream church school church school school school school stream Ppl school civil reservoir park stream dam school airport reservoir park hospital civil ppl park locale Ppl stream civil ppl school school airport locale school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF CoUNTY Rawlins Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Labette Woodson Wallace Johnson Ness Jefferson Bourbon Miami Sedgwick Ford Sedgwick Wyandotte Sherman Sherman Miami Brown Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Chase Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Jefferson Jefferson Norton Kingman Republic Jewell Republic Kingman Kingman Kingman Kingman Franklin Cloud COORDINATE 394945N1010657W 390420N0954000W 390408N0954000W 390450N0953958W 372035N095124 3W 375925N09553 35W 390400N1014415W 38534 3N09448 5 3W 382434N0995244W 392314N0952333W 375937N0945556W 38 3610N0944702W 373155N0972350W 374620N1000122W 374351N0972217W 390800N094 3 905W 392047N1014218W 392047N1014218W 38405 3W 3948 19N09528 52W 395002N0995328W 395008N0995 322W 394800N0995500W 393615N0995755W 393615N0995755W 381744N0962957W 3948 15N0995554W 395012N099534 1W 395049N099533 3W 3948 15N0995554W 394658N09958 44W 395045N09948 58W 392300N0951910W 392500N0952000W 394658N09958 44W 374257N0981446W 394146N0974625W 39535 3N09809 28W 394157N0974 650W 372726N0975055W 373728N097504 9W 372728N097504 9W 372708N0975005W 384235N0951448W 393415N09738 39W SOURCE COORDINATE 392630N0952537W 3844 381406N0962424W 395805N0981210W ELEV FT 878 2300 2365 1163 1410 1490 1494 948 KS203 MAP NAME Topeka Topeka Topeka Parsons East Quincy Harris Draw West Olathe Half Mound Xenia Paola East Wichita West Dodge City Wichita East Parkville Goodland Antioch Norton Norton Norton Lenora East Lenora East Gladstone Norton Norton Norton Calvert Nortonville Nortonville Norton Kackley Mankato NW Kackley Norwich Norwich Norwich Norwich Le Loup Concordia KS5204 FEATURE NAME Nottingham See Frankfort Nudarcha See Missouri River Nugent Creek Numa (historical) Nunn Oil Field Nuss Oil Field Nutty Combe Township See Wano Township Nyack See Midway Nyman Lake Nyman Lake Dam Nyra (historical) O Oak Creek See Little Mule Creek Oak Creek Oak Creek Oak Creek Oak Creek Oak Creek See East Branch Oak Creek Oak Creek See West Branch Oak Creek Oak Creek See Little Oak Oak Creek Oak Creek Oak Creek Oak Creek Oak Creek Cemetery Oak Creek Church Oak Creek School Oak Creek School Oakdale Cemetery Oakdale Cemetery Oakdale Elementary Oakdale Park Oakdale School Oakes Cemetery Oak Grove Cemetery Oak Grove Cemetery Oak Grove Cemetery Oak Grove Cemetery Oak Grove Elementary School Oak Grove School Oak Grove School Oak Grove School Oak Grove School Oak Grove School Oak Grove School Oak Hill Oakhill Oakhill See Oak Hill Oak Hill Cemetery Oak Hill Cemetery Oak Hill Cemetery Oak Hill Cemetery Oak Hill Cemetery Oak Hill Cemetery Oak Hill Cemetery Oak Hill Cemetery Oak Hill Cemetery Oak Hill Cemetery Creek School Oak Hill Recreation Area FEATURE CLASS Ppl stream stream locale oilfield oilfield civil locale reservoir dam locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery church school school cemetery cemetery school park school cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school school school school school school school ppl ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery park NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN COUNTY Marshall Wyandotte Franklin Butler Finney Russell Cheyenne Crawford Allen Allen Rooks Barber Sumner Barber Ellsworth Mitchell Cloud Cheyenne Mitchell Cloud Republic Jewell Jewell Jewell Smith Ellsworth Smith Osborne Republic Saline Saline Douglas McPherson Chautauqua Neosho Bourbon Wyandotte Wyandotte Cowley Sumner Linn Miami Riley Doniphan Clay Clay Labette Cherokee Cherokee Montgomery Osage Douglas Leavenworth Atchison Doniphan Smith Jewell COORDINATE 394220N0962500W 38484 11W 38 3706N0951733W 373403N09653 55W 381150N1010210W 384142N0985400W 304125N10148 45W 37265 7N0943751W 374422N0951527W 374422N0951527W 39164 350W 365608N0983111W 371632N0972604W 371720N09848 15W 384218N098 120 3W 392921N0982721W 39312 647W 393123N0973 647W 393227N098 28 4 9W 3934 25W 394001N0974744W 400150N0981128W 400212N0982502W 395405N098233 1W 394155N098 33 36W 384754N098122 3W 393641N098 305 1W 393124N098 305 394026N09748 32W 555W 385004N0973612W 384513N09515 35W 38265 29W 370057N0961312W 372354N0951013W 375145N0944145W 390800N0943700W 390321N0944209W 370601N09704 38W 370842N0971319W 381555N0944704W 38 3415N0945934W 391022N09632 15W 393934N0950638W 391454N0972028W 391454N0972028W 370134N0950428W 370545N094 38 50W 370804N09444 36W 371727N0955335W 383531N0953200W 385732N095124 3W 392300N09505 40W 39334 40W 394641N0951521W 395036N0983708W 395332N09804 15W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3404N0951659W 372148N09724 46W 371432N0985240W 385117N0981351W 394309N098 352 9W 39312 647W 394140N0975100W 39574 123 5W 395902N0982617W ELEV FT 963 1803 1633 1697 1550 1509 1001 1556 881 1168 1180 1280 MAP NAME Ottawa South Gordon Wolf NE Galatia Rollin Rollin Twin Mound Wellington Pump Creek Westfall SW Mill Creek Rice Kackley Mankato NW Burr Oak NW Burr Oak NW Portis NE Westfall SW Downs North Downs North Kackley Salina Salina Lone Star Canton Chautauqua South Mound Fort Scott North Kansas City Shawnee Arkansas City Adamsville La Cygne Paola West Manhattan Atchison NE Longford Chetopa Baxter Springs Crestline Elk City Quenemo Lawrence East Oak Mills Atchison West Highland Lebanon Webber FEATURE NAME Oakland Oakland See Lansdowne Oakland-Billard Park Oakland Christian Church Oakland Church of Christ Oakland Church of the Nazarene Oakland School Oakland Township Oakland Township Oakland Union Cemetery Oakland United Methodist Church Oakland United Presbyterian Church Oaklawn Oaklawn Cemetery Oaklawn Elementary School Oaklawn Place Baptist Church Oakley Blaiseville Gilmore Oakley Cemetery Oakley Creek Oakley Elementary School Oakley High School Oakley Municipal Airport Oakley Township Oak Mills Plum Grove Oak Mills Bend Oak Park Oak Park Shopping Center Oak Ridge Public Use Area Oak Ridge School Oaks, Lake Of The Oak Township Oak Valley Oak Valley Cemetery Oak Valley Township Oakview Christian Church Oakwood (historical) Oakwood Cemetery Oakwood Cemetery Oakwood Cemetery Oanica (historical) Oatville Oatville Elementary School Oatville Evangelical Methodist Church Oban See Assaria Obeeville Oberlin Sappa Westfield Oberlin Elementary School Oberlin Municipal Airport Oberlin-Sappa State Park Oberlin Township O'Brien Observation Bluff Ocena See Pardee (historical) Ocheltree O'Dea Cemetery Odee (historical) Odee Township FEATURE CLASS Ppl locale park church church church school civil civil cemetery church church ppl cemetery school church Ppl cemetery stream school school airport civil Ppl bend park locale park school reservoir civil ppl cemetery civil church locale cemetery cemetery cemetery locale ppl school church Ppl Ppl Ppl school airport park civil locale summit locale ppl cemetery locale civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN CoUNnTY Shawnee Kingman Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Doniphan Clay Cloud Cloud Shawnee Shawnee Sedgwick Linn Sedgwick Sedgwick Logan Thomas Douglas Logan Logan Logan Logan Atchison Atchison Sedgwick Johnson Montgomery Montgomery Jackson Smith Elk Elk Elk Sedgwick Linn Labette Linn Douglas Kearny Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Saline Reno Decatur Decatur Decatur Decatur Decatur Miami Johnson Atchison Johnson Stevens Meade Meade COORDINATE 390400N095 38 10W 373706N0975145W 390404N09538 44W 390420N09538 11W 390340N0953904W 390410N09538 10W 394146N09508 36W 391600N0971915W 392130N0973210W 39215 3N0973457W 390358N09538 26W 390408N09538 20W 373637N0971748W 382103N0944 606W 373606N0971735W 373621N0971704W 390800N1005148W 390805N1005000W 148W 390757N1005057W 390758N1005118W 390640N10048 46W 390248N1005348W 392644N0950037W 39263 3N09559 10W 374220N0972115W 385715N0944255W 371500N0955120W 371057N0955047W 393625N095364 3W 393930N0990725W 372036N0960035W 372035N0955959W 372045N0960120W 373656N0971755W 381006N0950207W 372018N0951418W 380938N0950221W 384610N0951057W 381035N1011915W 373720N0972 320W 37365 37372 345W 38404 380327N0975055W 394906N1003140W 394928N1004152W 395013N1003224W 395013N1002940W 394652N1003445W 383048N0950140W 385428N095025 3W 392907N0951715W 384607N09448 57W 372222N1010728W 370645N1002352W 370430N1002115W SOURCE COORDINATE 385913N0952147W ELEV FT 870 1069 1494 1280 350 3043 850 1030 883 1027 868 955 1287 1312 1512 2562 2689 887 910 1079 2407 Ks205 MAP NAME Topeka Topeka Topeka Topeka Topeka Bendena Idana Lamar Lamar Topeka Topeka Derby La Cygne Derby Derby Oakley North Oakley North Williamstown Oakley North Oakley North Oakley South Oakley SW Oak Mills Weston Wichita East Lenexa Table Mound Bolton Whiting Kirwin Oak Valley Elk City Oak Valley Derby Centerville Parsons East Centerville Baldwin City Leoti 3 NE Bayneville Bayneville Bayneville Hutchinson SE Oberlin Oberlin Oberlin Kanona Oberlin Rantoul Eudora Ocheltree Moscow SE Irish Flats Irish Flats SE KS206 FEATURE NAME Odell Township See Township Number 5 Odense Odense Cemetery Odessa (historical) Odessa Church Odessa Oil Field Odessa Township Odessa Township Odin Odin Oil Field Offerle Ogallah Ogallah Cemetery Ogallah Creek See Spring Creek Ogallah Oil Field Ogallah Township Ogden Ogdensburg Ogden Cemetery Ogden Elementary School Ogden Hill Ogdensburg See Ogden Ogdens burgh See Ransom Ogden Township Ogeese Creek Augiste Creek Auguste Creek O'Hara Oil Field Ohio (historical) Ohio Center (historical) Ohio City See Princeton Ohio Company (historical) Ohio Townhall Ohio Township Ohio Township Ohio Township Ohio Township Ohio Township Oikeirman Branch See Ackerman Creek Oikierman Branch See Ackerman Creek Oil Hill Oil Hill Elementary School Okaw (historical) O. K. Elementary School Oke-see-sebo River See Smoky Hill River Oketo Ackaketah Oketo Cemetery Oketo Township Oklahoma (historical) Olathe Olathe Lake Lake Olathe Olathe North High School Olathe Township Olcott Old Arcadia Cemetery Old Aunt Mary River See Marais des Cygnes River Old Benton Cemetery Old Black Jack Cemetery FEATURE CLASS civil locale cemetery locale church oilfield civil civil ppl oilfield Ppl ppl cemetery stream oilfield civil ppl cemetery school summit Ppl ppl civil stream oilfield locale locale Ppl locale building civil civil civil civil civil stream stream summit school locale school stream ppl cemetery civil locale ppl . reservoir school civil locale cemetery stream cemetery cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF coUnNnTy Harper Neosho Neosho Jewell Jewell Rice Rice Jewell Barton Barton Edwards Trego Trego Trego Trego Trego Riley Riley Riley Geary Riley Ness Riley Neosho Sumner Smith Sedgwick Franklin Franklin Elk Sedgwick Stafford Franklin Ness Saline Marshall Marshall Butler Butler Harper Sedgwick Geary Marshall Marshall Marshall Kingman Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Reno Crawford Linn Butler Douglas COORDINATE 371610N09803 30W 374211N0951506W 155 2W 394407N09828 55W 394244N0982944W 382645N0980010W 38284 3N09758 4 6W 394202N0982720W 38 3358N0983630W 38 3619N0983752W 375327N0993327W 385929N0994 355W 38593 327W 385612N0993 632W 3858 32N0994515W 390010N0994040W 390640N0964221W 39072 38W 390655N0964227W 390404N0964734W 390640N0964221W 3838 10N0995600W 390745N09642 30W 37305 371608N09728 19W 395640N0990037W 373107N0972422W 382920N0951630W 382944N0951455W 372432N0960058W 373115N0972525W 450W 3828 40N0951740W 38 3730N1000922W 384940N0974540W 394211N096215 3W 394211N0962153W 375010N0965307W 6533 3W 372215N0981125W 323W 390334N09648 03W 395749N0963558W 395726N096354 2W 395720N0963915W 373330N0982315W 38525 3N094 4 908W 38505 385317N09448 31W 385250N0944 900W 374515N0982235W 373914N0943738W 381310N0943120W 374652N0970732W 384513N095064 3W SOURCE COORDINATE 372928N0952 119W ELEV FT 1032 1803 1839 2270 2330 2356 1048 1240 980 1380 1178 1040 1002 1692 1358 1106 MAP NAME Rollin Rollin Cawker City NW Cawker City NW Little River Windom Cawker City NW Claflin Redwing Offerle Ogallah Ogallah Trego Center NE Hill City 4 SW Ogden Ogden Ogden Junction City Keats Erie Wellington Kensington NE Bayneville Garnett NW Longton Bayneville Stafford NW Richmond Utica Brookville El Dorado SW El Dorado SW Crystal Springs Wichita West Oketo Oketo Herkimer St Leo Olathe Ocheltree Olathe Olathe Turon Cato Greenwich Edgerton FEATURE NAME Old Carlyle Cemetery Old Channel See Old Channel Sac Creek Old Channel Big Nemaha River Old Channel Nemaha River Channel Nemaha River See Old Channel Big Nemaha River Channel Sac Creek Old Channel Old Channel Shunganunga Creek old Old Old Cloverdale Cemetery Old County Farm Cemetery Old Elsmore Cemetery Old Fort Hays Old Fort Hays Museum Old Fort Mann See Fort Mann (historical) Old Fort Scott (historical) Camp Scott Old Home Cemetery Old Huron Cemetery Old Kinsley Cemetery Old Maid Fork See Old Maids Fork Old Maid Pool Old Maids Fork Old Maid Fork Old Manor Baptist Church Old Mission Cemetery Old Mission Cemetery Old Mission Junior High School Old Order German Baptist Cemetery Old Order German Baptist Church Old Potawatomi Indian Reservation (historical) Old Saint Joseph Cemetery Santa Fe Trail See Santa Fe Trail Sixty School Old Stockton Cemetery Old Tailor Cemetery Old Town Public Use Area Old Waco See Wego-Waco Old Westmoreland Cemetery Old old Old Wilson Cemetery Olean (historical) Olesburgh See Olsburg Oleson Creek Olive Branch Cemetery Olive Branch Cemetery Olive Branch Cemetery Olive Hill Cemetery Olive Hill Cemetery Olive Hill Church Olive Oil Field Oliver Cemetery Oliver Cemetery Olive School Olivet Aurora Olivet See Penfield FEATURE CLASS cemetery channel channel channel channel channel cemetery cemetery cemetery park locale locale locale cemetery cemetery cemetery stream lake stream church cemetery cemetery school cemetery church reserve cemetery trail school cemetery cemetery park Ppl cemetery cemetery locale Ppl stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church oilfield cemetery cemetery school Ppl locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT counTy Allen Franklin Brown Brown Franklin Shawnee Chautauqua Pottawatomie Allen Ellis Ellis Ford Bourbon Doniphan Atchison Edwards Rush Wallace Rush Sedgwick Sedgwick Morris Johnson Gove Gove Jackson Hodgeman Johnson Doniphan Rooks Elk Jefferson Sedgwick Pottawatomie Ellsworth Graham Pottawatomie Greenwood Jefferson Smith Doniphan Jackson Jewell Jewell Decatur Woodson Washington Cowley Osage Labette COORDINATE 380050N0952444W 382245N0951952W 509W 395952N0952509W 382245N0951952W 39034 371314N09628 32W 391745N0962106W 374910N0951045W 385142N0992031W 385142N0992031W 374630N1000945W 375035N0944213W 394913N095010 3W 393621N0952131W 375538N0992552W 3828 328W 385916N1014747W 3828 328W 374139N0971630W 374328N0971747W 38 3354N0965337W 390222N0943728W 390148N1001219W 390150N1001219W 391800N095563 3W 375444N09938 36W 384750N09458 00W 395006N09503 31W 392735N09918 18W 373518N0955755W 391330N0952615W 373115N0972001W 39230 602W 3848 45N0982727W 391552N1000225W 392550N0963 655W 375702N0962 331W 390902N09528 21W 3944 39582 55W 392747N095554 3W 395706N0980925W 395730N0980920W 395334N1002457W 374555N0953552W 395034N0972101W 370440N09724 39W 3828 50N0954 505W 37094 28W SOURCE COORDINATE 382112N0992939W 600W ELEV FT 1014 2023 780 2324 1156 1886 900 1640 1782 1015 1727 1724 1456 1220 1150 KSs207 MAP NAME Geneva Highland NW Richmond Grantville Cloverdale Louisville Elsmore Hays South Hays South Fort Scott Troy Lancaster Kinsley Sharon Springs W Nekoma Wichita East Wichita East Lost Springs Kansas City qQuinter Quinter Soldier Creek SW Offerle NW Troy Stockton New Albany Ozawkie Westmoreland Wilson Morland Lapland Ozawkie Kirwin White Cloud Soldier Creek NW Mankato NW Mankato NW Kanona NW Yates Center SE Haddam Udall Lebo KS208 FEATURE NAME Olivet Baptist Church Olivet Cemetery Olivet Church of the Nazarene Olive Township South Beaver Creek Township South Fork Beaver Creek Township Olivet Township Olmitz Olmutz Olmutz See Olmitz Olney (historical) Olopolis See Opolis Olpe Bitler Olpe Olpe Olpe City Dam City Lake Elementary School Olpe High School Olpe Junior High School Olsburg Olesburgh Olsburg Cemetery Olson Aerodrome Olson Cemetery Olson Field Omio (historical) Omnia See Atlanta Omnia Township Onaga Onaga Airport Onaga Cemetery Onaga Elementary School Onaga High School One Hundred and Fortytwo Mile Creek One Hundred Forty-two Mile Creek One Hundred and Ten Mile Creek See Hundred and Ten Mile Creek One Hundred Forty-two Mile Creek See One Hundred and Fortytwo Mile Creek One Hundred Forty-two Mile Creek See Rock Creek Oneida See Mont Ida Oneida Lappin Shinntown O'Neil School Onemile Creek Oneonta (historical) Onion Creek See Osage City Onion Creek Onion Creek Onion Creek Onion Creek Ontario Open Bible Mennonite Brethren Church Open Way Church FEATURE CLASS church cemetery church civil civil ppl Ppl locale ppl ppl dam reservoir school school school Ppl cemetery airport cemetery airport locale ppl civil ppl airport cemetery school school stream stream stream stream ppl ppl school stream locale ppl stream stream stream stream locale church church NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1897 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF CoUnNTy Sedgwick Barton Sedgwick Decatur Osage Barton Barton Rush Crawford Lyon Lyon Lyon Lyon Lyon Lyon Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Sedgwick Geary Neosho Jewell Cowley Cowley Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Lyon Osage Lyon Morris Anderson Nemaha Jefferson Geary Cloud Osage Montgomery Allen Greenwood Lyon Nemaha Sedgwick Shawnee COORDINATE 374232N0972258W 38 100W 374050N0972 640W 395122N1002737W 38 3115N0954 450W 38 610W 383100N0985610W 382915N0991040W 372040N0943715W 381545N0961000W 381505N0961100W 381505N0961100W 381550N0960747W 381551N0960740W 381550N0960747W 392550N0963655W 39254 373125N0971153W 38543 3N0964 209W 374140N0951345W 394424N09759 16W 372611N0964552W 372558N0964 652W 392920N0961011W 392950N0961030W 393030N0961035W 392928N0960958W 392931N0960958W 38 3405N09558 27W 38355 3N09530 32W 38 3405N09558 27W 38342 3N09 6225 3W 381300N0952205W 620W 390600N0951224W 390444N0964553W 393900N0975300W 38 3802N0954 932W 365931N09535 18W 375046N09528 23W 375959N09608 32W 384140N0960213W 393400N0955255W 373900N09722 10W 390245N0954 34 3W SOURCE COORDINATE 384628N0961149W 39054 371034N0955404W 375506N09530 30W 380317N0961252W 38455 ELEV FT 2010 1200 1212 1325 1042 1150 1183 1216 1213 1205 MAP NAME Wichita West Hoisington Wichita West Kanona Lyndon Olmitz Timken Olpe Olpe Olpe Olpe Olpe Olpe Olsburg Olsburg Rose Hill White City NW Stark Jamestown NW Atlanta Onaga Onaga Duluth Onaga Onaga Reading Oneida Midland Junction City Jamestown NW South Coffeyville Humboldt Hamilton Admire Soldier Wichita East Topeka FEATURE NAME Ophir Opolis Olopolis State Line Stevens town Opossum Creek Opossum Creek Opossum Hollow Opossum Hollow Oppy South Oil Field Orange (historical) Orange Township Orange Township Orange Township See Highland District 2 Township Orbitello (historical) Orchard (historical) Coonsville Orchard Corners Shopping Center Orchard Park Orchard Valley Christian Church Oread (historical) Oregon Trail Orel See Moran Orie (historical) Oriole Cemetery Orlando (historical) Orlando Township Orleans See Americus Orleans (historical) Oronoque Dallas Oronoque Cemetery Oro Northwest Oil Field Oro Oil Field Oro Southeast Oil Field Orsemus Orth Oil Field Orth West Oil Field Orville Wright Boys School Orwell Orwell City Orwell Bridge Orwell City See Orwell Orworth (historical) Osaga See Fulton Osage See Fontana Osage Cemetery Osage Cemetery Osage Centre See Lyndon Osage Church Osage Church Osage City Onion Creek Osage City Dam Osage City Elementary School Osage City High School Osage City Municipal Airport Osage City Reservoir Osage Reservoir Osage County Weller County FEATURE CLASS locale Ppl stream stream valley valley oilfield locale civil civil civil locale locale locale Ppl church locale trail ppl locale cemetery locale civil ppl locale Ppl cemetery oilfield oilfield oilfield locale oilfield oilfield school locale locale locale locale ppl ppl cemetery cemetery Ppl church church Ppl dam school school airport reservoir civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT coUunTy Butler Crawford Bourbon Osage Bourbon Leavenworth Hodgeman Smith Pawnee Lincoln Norton Lincoln Linn Johnson Labette Sedgwick Coffey Wyandotte Allen Sumner Smith Cheyenne Cheyenne Lyon Lyon Norton Norton Pawnee Pawnee Pawnee Kingman Rice Rice Sedgwick Hodgeman Hodgeman Hodgeman Lincoln Bourbon Miami Crawford Allen Osage Crawford Crawford Osage Osage Osage Osage Osage Osage Osage COORDINATE 445W 372040N0943715W 375952N0945252W 384058N0954118W 375205N0945728W 392016N09459 34W 380535N09948 05W 393438N098 33 35W 380236N0991112W 391045N0981910W 393600N1000902W 385606N09824 32W 382045N09438 25W 385715N09443 30W 372130N095163 3W 374137N0972401W 381955N09538 42W 390100N0943731W 375458N0951012W 371200N0973600W 395612N0983538W 394707N1013907W 394740N1014110W 38 3025N0961542W 38293 3N09 6163 2W 394720N1000130W 394754N1000042W 382025N0992640W 381935N0992500W 381810N0992 350W 372952N0985611W 382749N0982500W 382820N0982611W 373926N0972132W 38005 38005 3N0994 311W 380056N0994255W 390613N0980259W 380036N0944310W 38253 372414N094564 3W 38015 3N095054 9W 383636N0954103W 372352N0945735W 37272 3N09 456 34W 38 3802N0954 932W 38 3703N0954 947W 38 3752N0954 94 2W 38 3752N0954 938W 383755N09548 06W 38 3703N0954 947W 38 3900N0954 400W SOURCE COORDINATE 380327N0945545W 384325N0954137W 37534 391743N0945917W ELEV FT 1350 920 1035 900 1926 2360 1522 2212 2200 973 1085 1105 1063 KS209 MAP NAME Latham Asbury Xenia Lyndon NW Uniontown Leavenworth Jetmore SE Downs North Garfield Ash Grove Wilson NW Boicourt Lenexa Parsons West Wichita West New Strawn Shawnee Perth Mc Cracken Branch Wheeler Wheeler Plymouth Reager Reager Rush Center SW Rush Center SW Rush Center SW Adams Chase NW Chase NW Wichita East Hanston Hanston Shady Bend Grindstone Creek Blue Mound Grindstone Creek Grindstone Creek Osage City Osage City SE Osage City Osage City Osage City Osage City SE Lyndon NW KS210 FEATURE NAME Osage County Lake Osage County State Lake Dam Osage County State Park Osage Creek Osage Cuestas Osage Mission See Saint Paul Osage Park Osage Plains See Cherokee Plains Osage Reservoir See Osage City Reservoir Osage River See Neosho River Osage River See Marais des Cygnes River Osage River See Elm Creek Osage School Osage State Fishing Lake Osage Township Osage Township Osage Township Osage Township Osage Township Osage Valley School Osawatomie Osawattamie Ossawatamie Ossawattamie Osawatomie Cemetery Osawatomie City Dam Osawatomie High School Osawatomie Lake Osawatomie-Paola Airport See Osawatomie-Paola Municipal Airport Osawatomie-Paola Municipal Airport Osawatomie-Paola Airport Osawatomie Township Osawattamie See Osawatomie Osawke See Ozawkie Osawkee See Ozawkie Osawkie See Ozawkie Osawkie Township See Ozawkie Township Osborne Penn Osborne Bridge Osborne Canal Osborne Cemetery Osborne Community Center Osborne County Osborne Diversion Dam Osborne Municipal Airport Osborne Township See Osborn Township Osborn Township Osborne Township Osgood 0 S Good Siding O S Good Siding See Osgood FEATURE CLASS reservoir dam park stream summit ppl park plain reservoir stream stream stream school park civil civil civil civil civil school Ppl cemetery dam school reservoir airport airport civil ppl Ppl Ppl Ppl civil Ppl bridge canal cemetery building civil dam airport civil civil locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT CoUNnTY Osage Osage Osage Sumner Elk Neosho Sedgwick Cherokee Osage Cherokee Linn Lyon Johnson Osage Labette Crawford Bourbon Allen Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Osborne Hodgeman Osborne Osborne Marshall Osborne Osborne Osborne Sumner Sumner Ness Ness COORDINATE 384545N0954023W 384545N095402 3W 384612N0954010W 36425 649W 372530N0962730W 373108N095102 3W 373805N0972 158W 371000N0945600W 38 3703N0954 947W 354732N0951739W 381310N0943120W 38 3405N09558 27W 3858 18N094 393 1W 384612N0954010W 371945N0952657W 3724 30N0950208W 3758 00N0944000W 375940N0950905W 38255 146W 38295 382950N0945701W 38 3208N09456 16W 38 3130N09459 36W 382936N094574 3W 38 3134N0945937W 38 3214N0945520W 383214N094552 OW 382910N0950100W 382950N0945701W 391400N09528 00W 391400N09528 00W 391400N09528 00W 50W 392620N0984 140W 38024 3928 500W 250W 394254N0962719W 392100N0984700W 392606N0984 300W 39260 404 7W 371613N0973206W 371613N0973206W 38 3928N0995038W 38 3928N0995038W soURCE COORDINATE 370005N0974758W ELEV FT 1085 1085 887 865 881 945 1554 2180 1593 1180 1565 2460 MAP NAME Carbondale Carbondale Carbondale Wakita NE Howard NW Wichita East Lenexa Carbondale Dennis Mc Cune NE Hammond Moran Fontana Osawatomie Osawatomie Paola West Paola West Osawatomie Paola West Paola West Lane Osborne Hanston Alton Osborne Frankfort Covert Osborne Osborne Mayfield Osgood FEATURE NAME Oskaloosa Oskaloosa Elementary School Oskaloosa High School Oskaloosa Township Osro Osro Falls Osro Falls Cemetery Ossawatamie See Osawatomie Ossawattamie See Osawatomie Ost (historical) Oswego Oswego Cemetery Oswego High School Oswego Municipal Airport Oswego Township Otego See Crisfield Otego Elium Otis Otis-Albert Oil and Gas Field Otis-Bison Middle School Otis-Bison Primary School Otis-Bison Primary School Otis Creek Otis Creek Reservoir Otoe Public Use Area Ottawa Ottawa Creek Ottawa County Ottawa County State Lake Dam Ottawa County State Park Ottawa Creek See Ottawa Ottawa Creek Ottawa High School Ottawa Junction Ottawa Municipal Airport Ottawa State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Ottawa Township Ottawa Township Ottawa University Ott Cemetery Otterbein Church Otterbein United Methodist Church Otterbourne (historical) Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek See North Branch Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek Otter Creek Recreation Area Otter Creek State Wildlife Management Area Otter Creek Township FEATURE CLASS Ppl school school civil locale falls cemetery ppl Ppl locale ppl cemetery school airport civil locale locale Ppl oilfield school school school stream reservoir park ppl civil dam park Ppl stream school locale airport park civil civil school cemetery church church locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream park park civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN CoUNTY Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Chautauqua Chautauqua Chautauqua Miami Miami Reno Labette Labette Labette Cherokee Labette Harper Jewell Rush Rush Rush Barton Rush Greenwood Greenwood Russell Franklin Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Ottawa Franklin Ottawa Franklin Greenwood Neosho Shawnee Thomas Cowley Chautauqua Chautauqua Kiowa Greenwood Greenwood Coffey Rush Geary Clay Riley Norton Atchison Republic Coffey Coffey Greenwood COORDINATE 391255N09518 45W 391251N09518 53W 391250N09518 44W 391258N09518 38W 370357N0962 609W 637W 37032 3N09625 34W 382950N0945701W 382950N0945701W 374505N0974 405W 371003N0950 635W 371110N0950750W 371000N0950608W 370945N0950228W 370950N09506 30W 371020N09818 40W 394938N098204 9W 38 3205N09903 10W 382735N0990310W 383112N0991152W 382720N0990054W 382809N099104 9W 375516N0962735W 37554 385536N09829 30W 383656N095160 3W 390800N0974000W 390640N0973400W 390640N0973 400W 38365 6N095 160 3W 38352 6N09509 32W 38 3638N098 38 37W 38 3803N0951 610W 383216N0951514W 390640N0973400W 3838 30N0951700W 390530N0972530W 38 3610N0951548W 375807N0960901W 372355N0952244W 390319N095 425 0W 393050N10058 51W 370121N0965351W 370539N0960106W 370920N0962 940W 37255 3W 374106N09618 08W 374310N09609 30W 381311N09548 40W 382714N0991713W 385711N0965056W 391840N0970413W 3928 393719N09948 15W 3938 42N0953105W 395425N0975022W 381324N0954742W 381505N0954 94 OW 374300N0961930W SOURCE COORDINATE 380142N09628 01W 383740N0951139W 370132N0965020W 37015 371905N09632 15W 372338N099093 9W 374106N0961808W 381125N0955 64 5W 38223 405W 38533 6N09648 59W 391318N09708 58W 39232 6552 5W 394305N0995 134W 394242N0952 621W 400028N0974618W ELEV FT 1123 877 900 895 830 1795 2035 1238 901 910 958 983 KS211 MAP NAME Oskaloosa Oskaloosa Oskaloosa Oskaloosa Cedar Vale East Cedar Vale East Cedar Vale East Mount Hope Oswego Labette Oswego Oswego Oswego Burr Oak Otis Albert Bison Albert Timken Lapland Lapland Wilson NW Ottawa South Minneapolis North Bennington Bennington Le Loup Ottawa South Ottawa North Ottawa South Bennington Ottawa North Vine Creek Ottawa South Hamilton Thayer Topeka Long Draw South Silverdale Hale Cloverdale Iron Mountain Severy North John Redmond Dam Rush Center Wreford Clay Center SE Lasita Edmond Horton Republic John Redmond Dam Ottumwa Piedmont NE KS212 FEATURE NAME Otter Spring Creek See Otter Springs Creek Otter Springs Creek Otter Spring Creek Otter Township Otto Township Otto Otto School Otto Township See Otter Township Ot tumwa Ottumwa Township Our Carter (historical) Our Lady and Saint Rose Elementary School Church Roman Our Lady of Guadalupe Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church Our Lady of Guadalupe Our Lady of Perpetual Church Our Lady of Church Our Lady of School School Help Perpetual Help Perpetual Help the Snows Church Lutheran Church Our Lady of Our Saviors Oursler Outlet Public Use Area Outlet Recreation Area Overbrook Overfield School Overland Park Overland Park Elementary School Overland Station Shops Overman Bridge Overmiller Airport ovo See Whitewater Owen Owl Owl Owl Creek Creek Creek Owl Owl Creek Creek Long Branch Creek Creek Creek Cemetery Owl Creek Oil Field Owl Creek Township Owsley School Owl Owl Owl Oxford Nappawalla Neptawah Oxford Airport See Oxford Municipal Airport Oxford Cemetery Oxford High School Oxford Municipal Airport Oxford Airport Oxford Oil Field Oxford Township Oxford Township Oxford West Oil Field Oxide (historical) Oxide Creek Ozark NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 FEATURE CLASS STATUS coUunTy COORDINATE VARIANT stream Woodson 37484 3N095 304 5W stream BGN Woodson 37484 3N095 304 5W VARIANT civil ADMIN Cowley 371114N0963356W VARIANT locale BGN Cowley 248W school UNOFF Cowley 370407N0964252W VARIANT civil Cowley 371114N0963356W ppl BGN Coffey 381640N0954755W civil ADMIN Coffey 381655N0954 525W locale BGN Stafford 375909N098 504 2W school UNOFF Wyandotte 390754N094 374 5W church UNOFF Shawnee 390324N09504 23W church UNOFF Sedgwick 374031N0971954W school UNOFF Shawnee 390312N095393 3W church UNOFF Sedgwick 374336N0972014W church UNOFF Marion 381726N0970647W school UNOFF Sedgwick 374336N0972013W church UNOFF Jackson 392048N09553 45W church UNOFF Shawnee 250W locale BGN Marion 381726N09658 58W park ADMIN Jefferson 390635N0952505W park ADMIN Osage 3838 45N09533 35W Ppl BGN Osage 384650N0953 325W school UNOFF Montgomery 371237N09538 16W Ppl BGN Johnson 3858 56N0944014W school UNOFF Johnson 38585 3N094 403 4W locale UNOFF Johnson 385600N0944010W bridge UNOFF Labette 370716N09504 45W airport UNOFF Smith 39544 3N098 3 955W VARIANT Ppl Butler 37575 3N09708 50W locale BGN Montgomery 36595 7N0955554W stream BGN Comanche 370947N0990248W stream BGN Bourbon 374445N0945715W stream BGN Allen 374725N0952701W stream BGN Bourbon 380108N0945924W stream BGN Rice 3818 36N0981057W VARIANT stream BGN Lincoln 385925N097574 3W stream BGN Atchison 3928 33N09503 10W cemetery UNOFF Woodson 375112N0953635W oilfield UNOFF Woodson 375236N0953955W civil ADMIN Woodson 375115N0953530W school UNOFF Cherokee 371908N094 385 9W ppl BGN Sumner 371627N0971007W VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT airport Cowley 371624N0970539W cemetery UNOFF Sumner 371715N0971035W school UNOFF Cowley 371645N0970955W airport UNOFF Cowley 371624N0970539W VARIANT oilfield UNOFF Sumner 37154 civil ADMIN Sumner 371415N0971229W civil ADMIN Johnson 385300N0944115W oilfield UNOFF Sumner 371607N0971400W locale BGN Ellsworth 38 3614N0981730W stream BGN Ellsworth 384221N0981226W VARIANT SOURCE COORDINATE 3748 30N095 332 9W 371252N0990705W 374027N0945541W 375531N095524 6W 380437N09459 20W 382536N09809 38W 385259N0980107W 392613N09505 27W 383558N098 173 9W ELEV FT 1325 1090 1368 1100 1292 1220 775 1000 950 730 1185 1187 1189 1236 MAP NAME Yates Center SE Dexter NE Dexter SW Dexter SW Ottumwa Ottumwa Saint John South Parkville Topeka Wichita East Topeka Wichita East Marion Wichita East Soldier Creek SW Topeka Lincolnville SW Perry Vassar Overbrook Independence Lenexa Lenexa Lenexa Chetopa Cora Copan Indian Creek Hepler Humboldt Mapleton Lyons NW Westfall Oak Mills Yates Center SE Yates Center Yates Center SE Kirkwood oxford oxford oxford Akron oxford Adamsville Lenexa oxford Lorraine Ellsworth FEATURE NAME See Kincaid Ozark Township Ozawkie Osawke Osawkee Osawkie Ozawkie Reservoir See Perry Lake Ozawkie Township Osawkie Township P Pachta Farm Airport Packers Camp Packers Hill Paddy Creek Paden Oil Field Padgett Oil Field Padoncah River See Kansas River Padonia Danes Mills Padonia Township Padouca River See Kansas River Page Cemetery Page City Boaz Station Page Creek Spring Creek Pageton (historical) Albion Pahabe See Bluff Creek Pah-har-be See Bluff Creek Pahni Riviere See Pawnee River Paint Creek Paint Creek Paint Creek Church Painter Creek Painterhood Creek Painterhood Township Painter Landing Strip Palacky (historical) Palacky Cemetery Palacky Township Palatine (historical) Palco Cresson Palco Cemetery Palco High School Palermo Palestine Township Palmer Palmer Creek Palmetto (historical) Palmetto City Palmetto City See Palmetto (historical) Palmyra See Baldwin City Palmyra See Prairie City (historical) Palmyra Church Palmyra Township Paloa Middle School Pan Creek FEATURE CLASS ppl civil Ppl reservoir civil airport locale summit stream oilfield oilfield stream ppl civil stream cemetery ppl stream locale stream stream stream stream stream church stream stream civil airport locale cemetery civil locale Ppl cemetery school locale civil Ppl stream locale locale ppl locale church civil school stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN BGN 1916 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN COUNTY Anderson Anderson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Republic Riley Riley Morris McPherson Sumner Wyandotte Brown Brown Wyandotte Logan Logan Trego Trego Sumner Sumner Pawnee Bourbon McPherson Bourbon Kingman Elk Elk Meade Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellis Rooks Rooks Rooks Doniphan Sumner Washington Chase Marshall Marshall Douglas Douglas Butler Douglas Miami Chautauga COORDINATE 38050 12W 380455N095204 0W 391400N09528 00W 390650N09525 30W 391535N0952550W 394926N0973119W 390600N0964 440W 390619N0964444W 383507N0963635W 382900N09725 35W 370304N0971145W 390655N094 363 3W 395524N0953 345W 395705N0953 145W 390655N094 363 3W 390505N1011100W 39052 3N10108 45W 384655N0994456W 384217N099534 6W 36580 2W 552W 381007N099054 3W 3748 10N09448 53W 383123N09742 36W 374748N0945529W 3738 372235N0960235W 372825N09 6034 6W 370534N1001135W 38 3948N0982744W 38 3948N0982744W 38 3908N0982528W 650W 391508N0993 345W 391548N0993403W 352W 394357N09458 35W 372045N0971259W 373755N0970824W 382922N0963352W 394912N09638 53W 394912N0963853W 384630N0951110W 384537N0951247W 375022N09708 03W 384720N0950900W 38 3418N0945229W 371747N0960451W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3331N0963908W 38384 3N0995500W 374113N0950110W 382624N0974254W 37342 3N098 3 9 10W 372518N09603 18W 38 3044N09638 00W 372037N0960610W ELEV FT 1000 1610 1045 1200 939 3232 2422 2280 850 1325 1342 KS213 MAP NAME Colony Ozawkie Valley Falls Belleville Ogden Ogden Wilsey SE Canton Geuda Springs Reserve Reserve Winona Winona Cedar Bluff Dam Ransom Marmaton Lindsborg Uniontown Penalosa Longton Longton Proffitt Lake SW Holyrood NW Holyrood NW Holyrood NW La Crosse NE Palco Palco Palco Halls Oxford Palmer Strong City Marysville Greenwich Baldwin City Paola East Oak Valley KS214 FEATURE NAME Pa-ne-ne-tah See Pawnee River Pani Riviére See Pawnee River Pankratz Cemetery Panorama Lake Pansy See Loyal (historical) Panther Creek Paola Paoli Paola City Dam Paola High School Paola Lake Paola Township Paoli See Paola Paradise Ivamar Paradise Baptist Church Paradise Creek Paradise Elementary School Paradise Lake Paradise Point Public Use Area Paradise Township Parallel (historical) Parallel Plaza Pardee (historical) Ocena Pardee School Pariki River See Pawnee River Paris (historical) Parish School Paris Park Paris Township Park Buffalo Buffalo Park Park Airport See Bob Park Airport Park Cemetery Park Cemetery Park Cemetery Park Church Park City Cosmosa Parkdale School Park East Park East Park Elementary School Park Elementary School Park Elementary School Park Elementary School Park Elementary School Park Elementary School Park Elementary School Parker Parker See Parkerville Parker (historical) Parker Cemetery Parker Cemetery Parker Cemetery Parker City Dam Parker Elementary School Parker-Highland Cemetery Parker School Parker School FEATURE CLASS stream stream cemetery reservoir locale stream ppl dam school reservoir civil Ppl ppl church stream school reservoir park civil locale locale locale school stream locale school park civil Ppl airport cemetery cemetery cemetery church Ppl school ppl locale school school school school school school school ppl ppl locale cemetery cemetery cemetery Dam school cemetery school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN 1975 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUnNnTy Pawnee Pawnee Marion Reno Finney Cowley Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Russell Sedgwick Russell Russell Harper Jefferson Russell Washington Wyandotte Atchison Atchison Pawnee Lincoln Leavenworth Cowley Linn Gove Harper Cherokee Sedgwick Linn Sedgwick Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Saline Cherokee Sedgwick Pawnee Rice Barton McPherson Gove Linn Morris Montgomery Cowley Montgomery Linn Linn Anderson Morris Montgomery Wyandotte COORDINATE 381007N099054 3W 381007N099054 3W 38 3120N0971753W 380545N0975328W 380940N10032 10W 370613N0964728W 38 3420N0945244W 38 3648N09453 30W 383418N0945229W 383650N09453 30W 383442N0945227W 38 3420N0945244W 39064 374338N0972017W 385902N0984727W 390658N0985503W 372136N09748 25W 391535N0952745W 390315N0985530W 393400N0965144W 390745N0944408W 392907N0951715W 392910N0951705W 381007N099054 3W 391230N098 12 30W 391916N0945507W 37033 381240N09448 50W 390645N1002130W 371819N097574 9W 370952N094 48 32W 375217N0971906W 3808 375207N09718 4 6W 3748 390237N0953 939W 374103N0971010W 385022N0973501W 371009N0945000W 374205N0972020W 381036N09905 35W 382049N0981155W 382213N098 4 600W 382216N0973948W 390648N1012142W 381942N0945930W 384550N0963 940W 37070 394 5W 370413N09659 15W 37154 126W 381857N0945927W 381906N0945954W 381952N0945927W 38460 6400 6W 454W 390758N0944005W SOURCE COORDINATE 370454N0964501W 391342N09918 58W ELEV FT 1433 1566 900 878 1695 1383 870 1093 2750 873 1360 1335 1005 1001 1391 MAP NAME Gypsum SE Hutchinson Maple City Paola West Paola West Paola East Paola West Paola East Paradise Wichita East Russell Paradise Argonia Valley Falls Paradise Greenleaf SE Parkville Nortonville Nortonville Lincoln NW Leavenworth Arkansas City La Cygne Park Columbus Valley Center Mound City Valley Center Valley Center Topeka Andover Salina Columbus Wichita East Larned Lyons Great Bend Mc Pherson South Park Parker Coffeyville West Silverdale Table Mound Parker Parker Parker White City Coffeyville East Parkville FEATURE NAME Parkers Creek Parkersville See Parkerville Parker Township Parkerville Parker Parkersville Parklane Shopping Center Park School Parks Church Parks Fort See Trego Center Park Smith Lake Park Township Parkview Baptist Church Parkview Cemetery Parkville Bend Parkway Plaza Parkwood Park Parnell Parnell Township Parsons Mendota Parsons, Lake Parsons Creek Gar Creek Garr Creek Parsons Dam Parsons High School Parsons Junior High School Parsons School Parsons School Saint Marys College Parsons State Hospital Partlow Cemetery Partridge Reno Centre Pasture Number Eight Pasture Number Eighteen Pasture Number Eleven Pasture Number Five Pasture Number Forty Pasture Number Fortyeight Pasture Number Fortyfour Pasture Number Fortynine Pasture Number Fortyone Pasture Number Fortyseven Pasture Number Fortythree Pasture Number Four Pasture Number Nine Pasture Number Nineteen Pasture Number Seven Pasture Number Seventeen Pasture Number Six Pasture Number Sixteen Pasture Number Ten Pasture Number Thirty Pasture Number Thirtyeight Pasture Number Thirtyfive Pasture Number Thirtyfour Pasture Number Thirtynine Pasture Number Thirtyone Pasture Number Thirtyseven Pasture Number Thirtysix Pasture Number Thirtythree Pasture Number Three Pasture Number Twelve FEATURE CLASS stream ppl civil ppl locale school church Ppl reservoir civil church cemetery bend locale park locale civil ppl reservoir stream dam school school school school hospital cemetery ppl flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN 1891 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN coUnTy Morris Morris Montgomery Morris Sedgwick Wyandotte Wichita Trego Stafford Sedgwick Sedgwick Marion Wyandotte Wyandotte Wyandotte Atchison Sheridan Labette Neosho Clay Neosho Linn Linn Saline Jefferson Labette Brown Reno Morton Morton Morton Morton Stevens Morton Stevens Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton COORDINATE 384542N0964002W 384550N0963 940W 370340N09538 15W 384550N09 6394 OW 374020N0971645W 39062 383635N1012725W 385308N0995 329W 3808 42N0982921W 37465 373755N0972213W 381912N0971222W 391046N094395 3W 390745N0944559W 3908 00W 39302 3N095 122 3W 392615N1003030W 372025N09515 39W 37235 39332 372451N09508 13W 371957N0951656W 372028N0951639W 38502 327W 391112N0951517W 372100N0951650W 395958N0952137W 375802N0980532W 371145N1015905W 370855N1020145W 371240N1015550W 371450N1020120W 371515N1013250W 370300N1014740W 371450N1013145W 370515N1014530W 370250N10148 45W 371230N1020200W 370205N1014630W 371420N1020150W 371120N1015800W 370855N1020030W 371225N1015945W 371055N1020045W 371425N1020045W 371050N1015015W 371120N1015655W 370145N1014245W 371025N1015415W 370310N1015310W 370410N1015620W 370020N10158 30W 370115N1014230W 370340N1014945W 370230N1014635W 370115N1015200W 371515N1020145W 371240N1015345W SOURCE COORDINATE 384932N0964056W 394513N0972029W ELEV FT 1350 1340 3391 1763 1396 1034 907 928 1231 1134 1610 KS215 MAP NAME White City Coffeyville West White City Wichita East Shawnee Russell Sprs 3 SW Alden NW Maize Wichita East Hillsboro Parkville Wolcott Parkville Atchison West Rexford NE Parsons West Galesburg Clifton South Mound Parsons West Parsons West Salina Oskaloosa Parsons West White Cloud Partridge Elkhart NW Midway NE Elkhart NW Midway NE Shore Airport SE Wilburton Rolla NE Wilburton Wilburton Midway NE Wilburton Midway NE Elkhart NW Midway NE Elkhart NW Midway NE Midway NE Elkhart NE Elkhart NW Rolla Elkhart NW Elkhart North Elkhart North Elkhart North Rolla Wilburton Wilburton Wilburton Stonington SE Elkhart NW KS216 FEATURE NAME Pasture Number Pasture Number Pasture Number Pasture Number Pasture Number Pasture Number Pasture Number Twenty Twentyeight Twentyfive Twentyfour Twentynine Twentyone Twentysix Pasture Number Pasture Number Pat Creek Paton Patterson Patterson (historical) Patterson Canyon Patterson Cemetery Patterson Cemetery Twentythree Twentytwo Patterson Creek Patterson Lake Patterson Ranch Airport Patton Cemetery Patton Cemetery Patty Field Pauline Pauline Central Elementary School Pauline South Middle School Paulson Northeast Oil Field Paul Windle Municipal Field Windle Municipal Field Pavilion (historical) Pawnce Creek See Pawnee River Pawnee See Hiattville Pawnee (historical) Pawnee Acres Community Hall Pawnee Avenue Church of God Pawnee County Pawnee Creek Big Pawnee Creek Pawnee Creek See Pawnee River Pawnee Creek See Pewee Creek Pawnee Creek Pawnee Elementary School Pawnee Flats Pawnee Fork See Pawnee River Pawnee Heights High School Pawnee Heights West Elementary School Pawnee Indian Village Pawnee Mound Pawnee Plaza Mall Pawnee Point Pawnee River De Mums Creek Fourche de Republicaine Pa-ne-ne-tah Pahni Riviere Pani Riviere Pariki River Pawnce Creek Pawnee Creek Pawnee Fork Pawnee River See Buckner Creek Pawnee Rock FEATURE CLASS flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat stream locale locale locale valley cemetery cemetery stream reservoir airport cemetery cemetery airport Ppl school school oilfield airport locale stream ppl locale building church civil stream stream stream stream school flat stream school school park summit locale cliff stream stream ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN CcoUNnTy Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Kingman Sumner Harvey Morris Cheyenne Barton Lincoln Phillips Harvey Pottawatomie Cowley Anderson Butler Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Butler Kiowa Wabaunsee Pawnee Bourbon Geary Finney Sedgwick Pawnee Bourbon Pawnee Saline Smith Johnson Riley Pawnee Pawnee Pawnee Republic Scott Sedgwick Riley Pawnee Pawnee Barton COORDINATE 370815N1015900W 370515N1013755W 370700N1013515W 371215N1013440W 370225N1014110W 370910N1015730W 370410N1013545W 371200N1013645W 370840N1015615W 373738N09818 23W 371258N0971037W 375636N0973917W 3838 30N0964 330W 400036N1014609W 382407N0985947W 391035N0982006W 400206N0991401W 375629N09738 38W 392530N09634 30W 37035 6N0963 942W 381747N095295 3W 374800N0964700W 385748N0954125W 38564 385635N0954 224W 380235N0970255W 373606N0991633W 393645N09619 35W 381007N099054 3W 374320N0945217W 390506N0964541W 380702N1002431W 373900N09718 20W 380900N0991200W 374730N0944 925W 381007N099054 3W 383802N0973524W 395356N098 33 38W 385758N0944139W 39052 507W 381007N099054 3W 381154N0992400W 138W 395430N0975 138W 38165 3N1004917W 373852N0972000W 390516N0964550W 381007N099054 3W 381100N0993 350W 38155 5N09858 50W SOURCE COORDINATE 373318N098 194 9W 395848N1014529W 395935N0991338W 140W 395638N0984 328W 375757N1003553W ELEV FT 1171 1438 1530 1426 1440 1311 1385 1025 2231 2669 1008 2988 1285 MAP NAME Elkhart NW Rolla Rolla SE Rolla NE Rolla Elkhart NW Rolla NE Rolla NE Elkhart NW Penalosa Adamsville Patterson Wilsey White Canyon Heizer Ash Grove Republican City Patterson Olsburg Dexter SW Harris El Dorado Wakarusa Wakarusa Wakarusa Peabody SE Greensburg Wheaton Junction City Kalvesta SW Wichita East Fort Larned Marmaton Cora Lenexa Junction City Rozel Burdett Republic Pawnee Mound Wichita East Junction City Larned Pawnee Rock FEATURE NAME Pawnee Rock Cemetery Pawnee Rock Elementary School Pawnee Rock Junior High School Pawnee Rock Oil Field Pawnee Rock State Monument See Pawnee Rock State Park Pawnee Rock State Park Pawnee Rock State Monument Pawnee Rock Township Pawnee Station Anna Pawnee Township Pawnee Township Pawnee Township Pawnee Valley (historical) Paw Paw Creek See Pawpaw Creek Paw Paw Creek Pawpaw Creek Paw Paw Creek Paw Paw Township Paxico Paxon Township See Township Number 11 Paxon Township Paxson (historical) Paxton Paxton Township Payne Creek Payne Elementary School Payne Township Payne Township Peabody Coneburgh Cows burg Peabody See Lincolnville Peabody High School Peabody Township Peace See Sterling Peace Cemetery Peace Church Peace Church Peace Creek Peace Creek (historical) Peace Creek Cemetery Peaceful Prairie School Peaceful Valley School Peace Valley Cemetery Peach Grove Cemetery Peach Grove Church Peanaz Creek Peanaz Hill Pearl Pearl City (historical) Pearlette (historical) Peats Creek Peet Creek Peets Creek Petes Creek Peats Creek Cemetery Pebble Creek Pecan Creek Pecenka Cemetery Peck Peck Oil Field Pedee Creek FEATURE CLASS cemetery school school oilfield park park civil ppl civil civil civil locale stream stream stream civil Ppl civil civil locale locale civil stream school civil civil ppl ppl school civil ppl cemetery church church stream locale cemetery school school cemetery cemetery church stream summit locale locale locale stream cemetery stream stream cemetery ppl oilfield stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN BGN 1964 VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN coUnTy Barton Barton Barton Pawnee Barton Barton Barton Bourbon Bourbon Pawnee Smith Hodgeman Elk Wabaunsee Elk Elk Wabaunsee Pratt Pratt Pratt Harvey Logan Franklin Sedgwick Sedgwick Gove Marion Marion Marion Marion Rice Reno Stafford Rush Rice Reno Stafford McPherson Clay Reno Riley Riley Shawnee Shawnee Dickinson Stevens Meade Clay Washington Cowley Neosho Marshall Sumner Sumner Brown COORDINATE 381638N0985909W 381558N0985912W 381558N09859 12W 381730N0990235W 381621N0985855W 38162 58 55W 381817N09858 36W 374200N0944728W 374305N0945000W 381303N0991112W 395727N0984000W 381450N09958 55W 372708N0961357W 390309N096134 6W 372708N0961357W 373345N09613 30W 390410N0960958W 372900N0983745W 373050N0983745W 373217N098 34 30W 380050N09735 30W 384440N1010900W 382915N0951925W 373955N0972225W 374655N0971230W 385945N1002035W 381010N0970623W 382936N0965735W 381025N0970621W 380750N0970615W 381236N0981224W 380329N0981400W 38093 3N098 3 927W 382302N0990159W 381028N098 134 5W 380445N0982607W 38034 282 1W 382515N0973536W 39122 3N097070 3W 380908N0981718W 393258N09648 38W 393216N09648 35W 39100 3W 390939N0955712W 385106N09702 38W 371755N1011245W 372433N1001541W 393020N0971355W 393636N0970806W 371105N096504 1W 373610N0951742W 395123N09648 16W 3728 39N09722 19W 37265 3958 31N0954101W SOURCE COORDINATE 6180 3W 373651N09618 30W 38 3058N095244 3W 375759N098 38 47W 391004N095544 6W 394734N0971218W 371400N0964619W 374239N0951422W 400059N0954521W ELEV FT 2003 990 990 1435 1361 1679 1965 1794 1549 1704 1363 1030 1280 1252 KS217 MAP NAME Pawnee Rock Pawnee Rock Pawnee Rock Albert SE Pawnee Rock Pawnee Rock Hiattville Hiattville Fort Larned Cora Jetmore NW Alma Longton NW Severy South Mc Farland Pratt SW Pratt SE Halstead Pence NW Richmond Wichita East Greenwich Gove NE Peabody Peabody Peabody Sterling SW Hudson NW Albert Sterling Little Salt Marsh Little Salt Marsh Galva Wakefield Alden Greenleaf SE Greenleaf SE Rossville Rossville Navarre Moscow Meade NE Linn SW Linn SW Eaton Shaw Hanover SE Belle Plaine Zyba Morrill KS218 FEATURE NAME Pedigo School Peebler School Peet Creek See Peats Creek Peets Creek See Peats Creek Pekitanoui See Missouri River Penalosa Lotta Pence Pence Cemetery Pence Cemetery Pen Dennis See Pendennis Pendennis Cutts Dupont Pen Dennis Pendleton (historical) Penfield Olivet Penfield See Ridgeton Penfield Cemetery Penis Creek See Phenis Creek Penn See Osborne Pennell Creek Pennsylvania Mennonite Church Penn Township Penokee Redford Penokee Cemetery Pentecostal Church of God in Christ Pentecostal Grace Church Peoria Peoria (historical) Peoria Cemetery Peoria Township Waukarusa River Township Peotone See Viola Peotone Cemetery Pe P'a See Smoky Hill River Perkins Creek Perkins Oil Field Perry Perry See Lancaster Perry Cemetery Perry Creek Perry Dam Perry Lake Perry Lake Ozawkie Reservoir Perry Reservoir Perry-Lecompton High School Perry Public Use Area Perry Reservoir See Perry Lake Perry State Game Management Area See Perry Wildlife Area FEATURE CLASS school school stream stream stream ppl ppl cemetery cemetery locale locale locale locale locale cemetery stream Ppl stream church civil ppl cemetery church church ppl locale cemetery civil Ppl cemetery stream stream oilfield Ppl Ppl cemetery stream dam lake reservoir school park reservoir park NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN 1971 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT coUunTy Pratt Montgomery Clay Clay Wyandotte Kingman Scott Cherokee Scott Lane Lane Miami Labette Osage Labette Lyon Osborne Doniphan Harvey Osborne Graham Graham Sedgwick Shawnee Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Sedgwick Sedgwick Geary Marshall Elk Jefferson Atchison Jefferson Marion Jefferson Clark Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson COORDINATE 3738 32N09844 30W 371518N0954431W 393020N0971355W 393020N0971355W 3848 49N0900711W 374300N0981910W 38 3921N10104 20W 370047N0944136W 384012N1010455W 38 3822N1002010W 383822N1002010W 38 3020N0944515W 37094 6N09524 28W 382803N0954 605W 37084 4N0952444W 382245N0961546W 392620N0984 140W 394950N0951036W 38065 3N0972 32 3W 392630N0984 130W 392104N09958 19W 392032N09958 20W 374150N0971920W 390320N09538 35W 38 3505N09508 55W 38 3505N09508 45W 38 3601N0950923W 38 3700N0950800W 3728 37W 373038N0974048W 390334N0964803W 394535N0962752W 372721N0962234W 39043 3N09523 35W 393422N0951809W 390525N0952 326W 383038N09718 12W 390650N09525 30W 929W 390650N09525 30W 39043 9W 390755N09524 25W 390650N09525 30W 391930N0952630W SOURCE COORDINATE 394622N0950909W 394352N0963241W 382534N0972001W ELEV FT 1725 3135 3140 2724 950 840 1482 2228 950 962 1343 925 889 MAP NAME Pratt Sycamore Penalosa Pence Baxter Springs Pence Pendennis Paola East Mound Valley Mound Valley Sparks Zimmerdale Osborne Penokee Penokee Wichita East Topeka Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Lake Afton Beattie Howard NW Perry Perry Gypsum SE Perry Englewood Perry Perry Ozawkie FEATURE NAME Perry State Park Delaware State Park Jefferson Point State Park Perry Township Perry Wildlife Area Perry State Game Management Area Pershing Elementary School Persinger Cemetery Perth Perth Oil Field Peru Peru See Xenia Peru Cemetery Pester Creek Pesth See Herndon Peter Creek Peter Creek See Peters Creek Peter Pan Park Peters See Willowdale Peters See Kinsley Petersburg See Kinsley Petersburg See Wathena Petersburg Petersburgh (historical) Peters Creek Peters Creek Cadew Creek Cadue Creek Kikapoo Creek Peter Creek Whipperwill Creek Petersilie Oil Field Peters Landing Field Peterson Peterson Elementary School Peters Township Petersville See Beaumont Peterton Petes Creek See Peats Creek Petite Riviére de Cansez See Wolf River Petite Saline See Salt Creek Petrolia Petyt Creek Pewee Creek Pawnee Creek Peyton Creek Pfeifer Easdale Pfister Park Phelps (historical) Phenis Creek Penis Creek Phiel Creek Philip Billard Municipal Airport Billard Municipal Airport FEATURE CLASS park civil park school cemetery ppl oilfield ppl Ppl cemetery stream ppl stream stream park ppl ppl ppl Ppl locale locale stream stream oilfield airport locale school civil Ppl locale stream stream stream ppl stream stream stream Ppl park locale stream stream airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN 1896 VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT coUnTy Jefferson Woodson Jefferson Cowley Republic Sumner Sumner Chautauqua Bourbon Chautauqua Lyon Rawlins Jefferson Doniphan Lyon Kingman Edwards Edwards Doniphan Bourbon Lane Kingman Doniphan Ness Barton Finney Sedgwick Kingman Butler Osage Clay Doniphan Washington Allen Kingman Saline Chase Ellis Montgomery Sheridan Lyon Riley Shawnee COORDINATE 39094 20W 374635N0953448W 391930N0952 630W 370429N0970227W 395138N09854 15W 371029N0973018W 371141N0972904W 370519N0960540W 37594 3N09459 10W 370444N096064 1W 382916N0961438W 395435N1004705W 392055N095274 3W 394448N094565 3W 382335N0961110W 373055N0981805W 37552 3N09924 34W 37552 3N09924 34W 39453 37463 3N094 58 45W 382331N1001737W 37294 3N098 173 3W 394448N0945653W 381815N0995600W 381814N0982930W 380157N1010400W 374140N0972717W 373100N09818 00W 373929N0963157W 384025N0954 900W 393020N0971355W 395355N0951129W 395100N0971035W 374445N09528 17W 373742N0981355W 383802N0973524W 38225 3N09625 14W 38422 370350N09538 30W 391444N1001025W 382245N096154 6W 391450N0963525W 390412N0953713W SOURCE COORDINATE 383316N0961518W 3918 34N0953127W 373342N0981805W 394625N0950535W 373338N0981710W 38 3408N097325 3W 38 3002N0963029W 38165 391404N09638 59W ELEV FT 1213 784 909 1748 2970 1331 1069 945 875 880 KS219 MAP NAME Ozawkie Yates Center SE Valley Falls Arkansas City Courtland Perth Rome Peru Peru Emporia Holton SE Emporia Uniontown Alamota Zenda Halls Ness City SW Raymond Wolf Wichita West Willowdale Osage City Chanute Kingman NW Assaria Saffordville Pfeifer Coffeyville West Studley Plymouth Manhattan Grantville KS220 FEATURE NAME Philip Ranch Airport Phillipsburg Phillipsburgh Phillipsburg Elementary School Phillipsburgh See Phillipsburg Phillipsburg High School Phillipsburg Municipal Airport Phillipsburg Township Phillips Cemetery Phillips Cemetery Phillips County Phillips Creek Phillips Village (historical) Philo School Phinney School See R.V. Phinney Elementary School Pickens School Pickerel Creek See Pickle Creek Pickett Creek Pickle Creek Hubbard Creek Pickerel Creek Pickrell Corner Piedmont Pierce Creek Pierce Oil Field Pierceville Pierceville Cemetery Pierceville Township Pierson County Park Pierson Junior High School Pierson Park Dam Pierson School Pig Canyon See Pigg Canyon Pig Creek Pigg Canyon Pig Canyon Pigua See Piqua Pike (historical) Pike Creek See Badger Creek Pike Township Pike Valley Elementary School Pike Valley High School Pike Valley Junior High School Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church Pilgrims Home Cemetery Pillsbury Crossing Pilot Knob Pilot Knob Pilot Knob Pilot Knob Ridge Pilot Knob Township See Township Number 5 Pilsen Pinckney Elementary School Pine Grove Pine Grove (historical) Pine Lawn Cemetery Pine Valley Christian Church Pinkerton Branch Pink School Pinon (historical) Pioneer (historical) FEATURE CLASS airport Ppl school d school airport civil cemetery cemetery civil stream locale school school school stream stream stream ppl ppl stream oilfield Ppl cemetery civil park school dam school valley stream valley Ppl locale stream civil school school school church cemetery locale summit summit summit ridge civil ppl school locale locale cemetery church stream school locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN coUnNnTy Ellis Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Labette Lyon Phillips Wabaunsee Saline Jackson Pawnee Leavenworth Pawnee Chase Pawnee Butler Greenwood Wabaunsee Butler Finney Finney Finney Wyandotte Wyandotte Wyandotte Montgomery Cheyenne Wilson Cheyenne Woodson Wabaunsee Greenwood Lyon Republic Republic Republic Shawnee Dickinson Riley Pratt Stafford Leavenworth Leavenworth Harper Marion Douglas Butler Butler Bourbon Sedgwick Clay Sumner Lincoln Rush COORDINATE 384650N0991315W 394522N0991925W 394518N0991908W 394522N0991925W 394445N0991906W 394424N0991915W 394652N0992015W 370648N0951211W 38 3328N0960305W 3948 00N0992 100W 390208N09618 4 3W 384540N0974150W 952W 381110N0990530W 390147N0950353W 381239N09858 54W 217W 381239N09858 54W 374045N0965038W 373725N0962155W 390144N0961222W 375135N09658 58W 37524 375312N1003953W 310W 390350N094 42 30W 390405N094 422 6W 390406N0944248W 370516N0954 100W 395718N1013759W 506W 395718N1013759W 375522N0953206W 385115N09628 45W 374115N0960350W 382300N09618 00W 394701N097534 6W 394703N0974 636W 394701N0975346W 390405N0954005W 38433 390747N0962 625W 374041N0985220W 375318N098 362 9W 391750N0945610W 3918 10N09457 30W 371610N09803 30W 3828 17N0970224W 3858 144 0W 373255N0965037W 373407N0964930W 374248N0944248W 37432 392058N0971648W 371725N097205 6W 39095 38 3547N099134 9W SOURCE COORDINATE 390213N09622 32W 382907N0964552W 380013N0991025W 390047N096103 9W 374348N09558 08W 395848N1013931W 391708N0971627W ELEV FT 1923 1951 1906 1300 908 1352 1215 2760 2833 871 1389 1020 2060 1880 1100 1434 1365 926 1259 MAP NAME Victoria Phillipsburg N Phillipsburg N Phillipsburg Phillipsburg Phillipsburg 2 m v Bartlett Allen SE Phillipsburg Alma Salina SW Holton Tonganoxie Diamond Springs Radium Leon Piedmont Mc Farland El Dorado SW Pierceville Pierceville Pierceville Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Coffeyville West Coyville Heinzelman Canyon Alta Vista Plymouth Courtland Scandia Courtland Topeka Hope St George Coats NE Stafford Leavenworth Leavenworth Pilsen Lawrence East Augusta SE Augusta SE Fort Scott Wichita East Idana Dalton Barnard Bison FEATURE NAME Pioneer Cemetery Pioneer Cemetery Pioneer Cemetery Pioneer Community Hall Pioneer Co-op Spur Pioneer School Pioneer Township Pioneer Township Pioneer Township Pipe Creek East Pipe Creek Pipe Creek See East Pipe Creek Piper Piper Airport See Colonel James Jabara Airport Piper Creek Piper Junior-Senior High School Piqua Pigua Pitt (historical) Pittsburg Hopefield New Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh See Pittsburg Pittsburgh See Tipton Pittsburg Middle School Pittsburg State University Kansas State College of Pittsburg Pittsburg Township Pixley Plainfield Cemetery Plains West Plains Plains Municipal Airport Plainview Baptist Church Plainview Cemetery Plainview Church Plainview Church Plainview Church of Christ Plainview Church of God in Christ Plainview Park Plainview School Plainview School Plainview School Plainview Township Plainville Plainville Airpark Plainville Cemetery Plainville Elementary School Plainville High School Plainville Lake See Plainville Township Lake Plainville Township See Township Number 11 Plainville Township Lake Plainville Lake Plaza Park Plaza Shopping Center Plaza Shopping Center Plaza West Plaza West Shopping Center FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery cemetery building locale school civil civil civil stream stream ppl airport stream school ppl locale ppl ppl ppl school school civil locale cemetery ppl airport church cemetery church church church church park school school school civil ppl airport cemetery school school reservoir civil reservoir park locale locale locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN 1898 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF CoUNnTy Montgomery Douglas Osborne Kearny Grant Russell Rice Rush Graham Ottawa Ottawa Wyandotte Sedgwick Wyandotte Wyandotte Woodson Kingman Crawford Crawford Mitchell Crawford Crawford Mitchell Barber Neosho Meade Meade Sedgwick Phillips Reno Mitchell Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sumner McPherson Decatur Phillips Rooks Rooks Rooks Rooks Rooks Rooks Rooks Rooks Shawnee Crawford Allen Wyandotte Sedgwick COORDINATE 37022 01W 385710N095 154 0W 392827N098 58 30W 375545N1011138W 373418N1012358W 3848 49N098 464 9W 38232 9N098 252 9W 383147N0990518W 393205N0994055W 390718N0974244W 391539N0973 325W 3908 35N0945140W 374450N0971326W 390824N0945404W 390958N0944941W 375522N0953206W 372354N0980200W 372439N0944217W 37243 392035N09828 14W 372511N0944210W 37233 3N0944159W 392100N0982 600W 371507N0983048W 37265 6N0953025W 371537N1003532W 371615N1003515W 373822N0971745W 393618N0992619W 3758 13N0980102W 392339N0982601W 3738 37N0971723W 3738 45N0971740W 373820N0971704W 370933N0971631W 381725N0974910W 394432N1004320W 393609N0992730W 391405N0991752W 391140N0991811W 391332N0991712W 391354N0991744W 391350N0991745W 391330N0991900W 610W 391330N0991900W 390236N0954045W 372335N0944220W 375558N09524 2 IW 390745N0944 350W 374138N0972127W SOURCE COORDINATE 392004N0973100W 390747N0945137W ELEV FT 2974 3060 1758 963 1030 944 1512 1044 2760 2762 1571 1192 2746 2143 2182 900 972 915 1309 KS221 MAP NAME Tyro Lawrence West Alton Deerfield Ulysses SW Homer Chase NW Otis Logan SW Minneapolis South Wolcott Basehor Wolcott Piqua Rago Pittsburg Pittsburg Pittsburg Tipton Medicine Lodge Morehead Plains Plains Wichita East Glade SW Partridge Mill Creek Wichita East Wichita East Wichita East South Haven NE Conway Selden NW Glade SW Plainville Plainville Plainville Plainville Plainville Plainville Topeka Pittsburg Iola Parkville Wichita West KS222 FEATURE NAME Pleasant Dale See Pleasantdale (historical) Pleasantdale (historical) Pleasant Dale Pleasantdale Cemetery Pleasant Dale Church Pleasant Dale School Pleasantdale Township Pleasant Green (historical) Pleasant Green Church Pleasant Grove See Toronto Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove Cemetery Pleasant Grove Church Pleasant Grove Church Pleasant Grove Township Pleasant Grove Township Pleasant Hill (historical) Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill Church Pleasant Hill Church Pleasant Hill Church Pleasant Hill Church See Northern Hills Baptist Church Pleasant Hill Church Pleasant Hill Church Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill School Pleasant Hill School Pleasant Hill School Pleasant Hill School Pleasant Hill School Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church Pleasant Home Church Pleasant Oil Field Pleasanton Hillsborough Potosi Pleasanton Pleasanton Pleasanton Pleasanton Pleasanton Pleasant Plain (historical) Cemetery City Lake City Lake Dam Lake Lake Dam Pleasant Plain Cemetery Pleasant Plain Church Community Center Elementary School FEATURE CLASS locale locale cemetery church school civil locale church ppl Ppl cemetery church church civil civil locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church building school school school school school school church church oilfield Ppl cemetery reservoir dam reservoir dam locale cemetery church NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF coUnNnTy Rush Rush Rush Montgomery Montgomery Rush Phillips Phillips Woodson Douglas Atchison Reno Jackson Greenwood Pawnee Jefferson Harper Labette Kingman Reno Reno Coffey Franklin Ottawa Ottawa Pottawatomie Clay Cloud Pottawatomie Cloud Marshall Washington Republic Phillips Smith Smith Cherokee Labette Dickinson Shawnee Brown Smith Cheyenne Shawnee Montgomery Meade Ellis Ottawa Riley Shawnee Sherman Ellis Linn Linn Linn Linn Linn Linn Osborne Osborne Pratt COORDINATE 38 3728N0990250W 38 3728N0990250W 38 3912N0990406W 3718 48N0953505W 3718 41N0953503W 3838 19N09905 18W 395548N0990724W 395537N0990721W 374756N0955656W 385120N0951610W 3928 43N0952 309W 375722N0974524W 393359N0954 645W 374715N09602 32W 380751N0990437W 391320N095294 5W 370403N09752 11W 345W 372448N0981757W 374525N0975 144W 37482 1N0981402W 381009N09538 53W 384328N0952408W 390706N09748 28W 391218N0973500W 39184 3928 393034N0973745W 393303N0961711W 950W 39363 394248N0971809W 394727N097354 3W 395128N0991618W 395638N098 5 145W 395704N098 550 3W 370247N0945255W 3718 38N09522 36W 385319N09704 3 3W 390932N0954027W 395635N09538 52W 3958 50N0984708W 394052N1020041W 390907N0953949W 370108N0955224W 371011N1001619W 385123N0992 64 6W 38582 3N0973 64 1W 392616N0965630W 390906N0954015W 392530N1012904W 385340N0993150W 381040N0944240W 381002N0944304W 381143N0944127W 381148N0944118W 38102 337W 38102 337W 392010N0990105W 392012N09902 14W 37454 54 11W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 1946 1086 1096 1466 1637 1118 1328 1404 1344 1390 1351 1563 1517 2036 1983 1983 1116 2047 3543 1015 2256 1375 1405 3466 861 863 2024 MAP NAME Otis Otis NE Cherryvale Cherryvale Otis NE Kensington NE Kensington NE Lone Star Half Mound Haven Circleville Neal Larned Ozawkie Bluff City East Dennis Zenda Haven SE Pretty Prairie SW Burlington Ottawa NW Tescott SE Wells Louisville Clay Center NW Concordia Wheaton Concordia Blue Rapids SW Brantford Belleville SE Phillipsburg N Reamsville Bachelors Run Melrose Dennis Chapman Morrill Reamsville Hale Ponds Elmont Tyro Irish Flats NE Antonino New Cambria Lasita Elmont Brewster NW Ellis Pleasanton Pleasanton Pleasanton Pleasanton Pleasanton Pleasanton Laton Laton Hopewell Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant FEATURE NAME Plain Church Plains Cemetery Plain School Plains School Prairie Cemetery Prairie Church Prairie Oil Field Prairie School Prairie School Prairie School Ridge (historical) Ridge Cemetery Ridge Cemetery Ridge Cemetery Ridge Cemetery Ridge Cemetery Ridge Cemetery Ridge Cemetery Ridge Cemetery Ridge Cemetery Ridge Cemetery Ridge Cemetery Ridge Church Ridge Church Ridge School Ridge School Ridge Township Run See Waldo Pleasant Run See Pleasant Run Creek Pleasant Run Creek Camp Creek Pleasant Run Pleasant Spring See Granada Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Township Township Township Township Township Vale Cemetery Valley Valley Valley (historical) Valley Baptist Church Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery FEATURE CLASS church cemetery school school cemetery church oilfield school school school locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church school school civil ppl stream stream ppl civil civil civil civil civil cemetery locale locale locale church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Osborne Smith Jewell Morton Jewell Grant Finney Crawford Grant Leavenworth Leavenworth Sedgwick Crawford Stafford Lyon Osage Lyon Russell Johnson Clay Phillips Republic Morris Phillips Miami Smith Pawnee Russell Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Nemaha Butler Harvey Coffey Lincoln Smith Ford Seward Sedgwick Lincoln Sedgwick Labette Cowley Chautauqua Harper Wilson Wilson Crawford Ford Pratt Woodson Greenwood Stafford Allen Pawnee Miami Johnson Johnson Ellsworth Riley Clay Mitchell COORDINATE 392015N09900 35W 395245N098 323 3W 39352 1N0981352W 372042N1015821W 39352 3N098 034 6W 37404 374430N1010410W 372231N0943751W 374040N101031/W 390635N0950715W 392210N0950120W 374040N097334 6W 375358N0950012W 381451N098 523 3W 381537N096105 3W 3838 38430 27W 384749N0962005W 385303N0944 357W 391644N0971103W 393548N0990721W 394241N0974244W 384658N0963005W 395915N0991525W 38 3806N09448 30W 393550N098 34 44W 380751N0991744W 390706N0984752W 391607N0962 346W 391607N096234 6W 394312N0954736W 373625N0970555W 380235N0971230W 381250N0955235W 390005N0982600W 395125N098 54 30W 374736N0995417W 370735N1010254W 374415N0972037W 390005N09812 30W 37442 370555N0950641W 3708 38N0970209W 37162 1N0962 359W 371725N0975759W 373517N0953647W 373605N095 34 48W 373750N09438 52W 374117N09938 00W 37463 3N098 2 947W 374635N0954 223W 375410N0960115W 375531N0983313W 380034N0951958W 380419N0990544W 383720N09502 34W 385018N0944143W 38505 3N0950209W 38505 7N0982225W 3908 10N096275 2W 391449N0971720W 392720N0981018W SOURCE COORDINATE 392552N0963152W ELEV FT 1825 1529 1560 3041 3032 1096 1930 1215 1255 1501 1316 1867 1420 2137 1053 1706 2518 2954 1319 892 923 850 2347 1051 1819 2049 1680 KS223 MAP NAME Laton Mc Cracken Branch Jewell SW Richfield SW Jewell SE Hickok NE Hickok NE Pittsburg Hickok NE Tonganoxie Easton Goddard Bronson Radium Olpe Vassar Admire Alta Vista SE Lenexa Clay Center SW Kirwin SE Condordia NW Dwight Stuttgart NE Spring Hill Downs North Sanford Flush Douglass Elbing Gridley NW Sylvan Grove Athol Wright Woods Wichita East Lincoln Wichita East Chetopa Hackney Grenola Danville Five Mounds Five Mounds Cato Bucklin NW Turon Rose Virgil Stafford Colony Zook Rantoul Stilwell Edgerton Black Wolf St George Longford Solomon Rapids KS224 FEATURE NAME Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Christ Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley School Pleasant Valley School Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Cemetery Church Church Church Church Church Church of Community Hall Community Hall Elementary Elementary Grange Hall High School Pleasant Valley Junior High School Pleasant Valley School Junior High See Pleasant Valley High School Pleasant Valley School Pleasant Valley Junior High North School See Michener Elementary School Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley See Bucklin Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley School School School School School School School School School School School School School School Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Pleasant View (historical) Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasant View Cemetery Pleasantview Cemetery Pleasantview Cemetery FEATURE CLASS cemetery church church church church church church building building school school building school school school school locale school school school school school school school school school school school school school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF CcoUnNnTY Osborne Cowley Wilson Bourbon Sedgwick Wichita Sedgwick Seward Trego Cowley Sedgwick Osage Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Linn Sedgwick Grant Haskell Marion Barton Osage Douglas Shawnee Shawnee Leavenworth Osborne Rawlins Marshall Pawnee Cowley Ford Wilson Finney Saline Decatur Cherokee Cherokee Pratt Elk Bourbon Greenwood Butler Reno Linn Coffey Osage Barton Jefferson Cloud Phillips Jewell Republic Smith Phillips Cherokee Rooks COORDINATE 392730N0990028W 555W 373515N09533 39W 374502N09448 50W 375302N0972902W 383532N1011638W 374437N0972150W 370737N1010257W 390705N0995928W 47W 374517N0972159W 384749N0954752W 374205N0971648W 374205N0971648W 374418N0972206W 374505N0972205W 380317N0944606W 3728 35N0972454W 374040N1011723W 374215N1005212W 381450N09714 33W 382208N098 3100W 384607N0953 641W 385356N0951602W 385421N0954505W 390024N0955337W 390305N095032 1W 392707N0990102W 393633N1012227W 394056N0963304W 370328N0990437W 37094 6N0965735W 373121N0993545W 373610N095 354 5W 381038N1004626W 385450N0974 540W 394200N1001300W 371650N0944040W 371536N0944037W 373052N098 38 16W 373411N0961045W 374135N0944418W 374139N0961752W 380300N0970655W 380422N0981719W 38054 3N0950103W 38253 3N095 313 6W 38302 34 22W 38 3147N098 32 14W 391321N0951900W 393205N0972635W 394025N0993 315W 394520N09803 14W 394658N0974042W 394708N0985357W 394724N0991048W 370403N0944 527W 391400N0993045W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 1290 899 1381 2954 1164 1247 3048 1490 1772 1009 829 1666 859 1883 1118 1068 1718 1105 1070 1815 1622 1804 842 MAP NAME Woodston Silverdale Five Mounds Fort Scott Sedgwick Russell Sprs 3 SE Wichita East Woods Wa Keeney West Winfield Wichita East Burlingame Wichita East Wichita East Mantey Zyba Ulysses NE Garden City 3 NE Peabody NW Ellinwood Overbrook Lawrence West Auburn Willard Tonganoxie Woodston Dewey Ranch SE Blue Rapids NE Zook Winfield Five Mounds Tennis NE Culver Clayton Kirkwood Kirkwood Pratt SW Severy South Cato Piedmont NE Peabody SE Alden SE Blue Mound Waverly Quenemo Claflin Oskaloosa Clyde Logan Montrose Belleville Athol Gretna Neutral Wild Horse Creek FEATURE NAME Pleasant View Church Pleasant View Church Pleasant View Church Pleasant View Church Pleasantview Church Pleasant View School Pleasant View School Pleasant View School Pleasant View School Pleasant View School Pleasant View Township Pleasantville Cemetery Pleasant West Oil Field Plevna Plevna Cemetery Plevna Township Plimpton (historical) Pliny See Gypsum Plotner Creek Plumb (historical) Plumb Creek Plumb Creek See Morse Creek Plum Branch Fall River Plumb Township Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek See East Rainbow Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek See Craig Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek See West Cedar Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek See East Plum Creek Plum Creek See West Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Plum Creek Cemetery Plum Creek Church Plum Creek Church Plum Creek School Plum Creek Township Plumer Creek See Plummer Creek FEATURE CLASS church church church church church school school school school school civil cemetery oilfield ppl cemetery civil locale ppl stream locale stream stream stream civil stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery church church school civil stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT counTy Cherokee Sedgwick Reno Mitchell Cherokee Sedgwick Barton Johnson Geary Rawlins Cherokee Anderson Ellis Reno Reno Reno Dickinson Saline Phillips Lyon Lyon Osage Wilson Wabaunsee Harper Cowley Cowley Cherokee Wilson Greenwood Butler Woodson Hamilton Hodgeman Lyon Rice Miami Osage Gove Jefferson Trego Pottawatomie Leavenworth Mitchell Cloud Nemaha Brown Phillips Smith Norton Phillips Phillips Washington Cheyenne Phillips Miami Phillips Miami Mitchell Osage COORDINATE 371507N0944 329W 37544 3N0971545W 37553 36W 392007N0980910W 370432N0944531W 373321N0971609W 382420N098 594 3W 385444N0944614W 390612N0965318W 393525N1011657W 371630N0944030W 101W 385150N0993100W 3758 20N09818 30W 3758 10N0981900W 375720N0981825W 384515N0970537W 384220N0972540W 394400N0991940W 382050N0962 100W 382531N0960712W 38304 3N09555 18W 373044N0955030W 3848 20N0960020W 370347N0981309W 371329N0964318W 37164 9W 371826N0945944W 373038N0955142W 373625N0961200W 350W 375158N0953517W 380008N1014908W 381400N1000240W 38203 4 3W 382619N0982127W 383016N0945656W 384321N0955131W 384448N1002715W 39054 152 3W 390744N10008 37W 391130N0962712W 39230 392604N0980408W 39343 3N0973 34 5W 394038N09539 39W 394117N0954176W 394145N0990821W 394206N0990017W 394434N10010 32W 394737N0991132W 394737N0991132W 3948 50N0970215W 395102N1014447W 395102N0991123W 38 3257N0945720W 394800N0991118W 38 3204N0945628W 393135N0980525W 384215N0953717W SOURCE COORDINATE 39554 38 3017N0960530W 37333 22W 3708 35N0981037W 371151N0963648W 371905N0964 352W 371807N0945551W 373928N0961601W 373507N09638 25W 37562 5W 38082 3N1014 945W 382202N1001242W 382548N0955720W 38 3645N0982717W 383538N0945922W 384141N0955610W 385856N1015909W 39095 3N0951506W 390609N1001519W 391300N0962 628W 392408N09503 35W 393642N0980959W 393017N0973536W 3948 37N0954620W 394737N0991132W 394859N1001812W 395038N0970340W 395225N101495 3W ELEV FT 1469 1525 845 1969 1684 1677 914 1853 KS5225 MAP NAME Kirkwood Sedgwick NE Elmer Beloit SW Neutral Derby Heizer Olathe Milford Dam Dewey Ranch SE Kirkwood Garnett West Ellis SE Plevna Plevna Plevna Navarre Phillipsburg S Phenis Creek Lang Fredonia Eskridge Waldron Dexter Burden West Mineral Severy South Latham Piqua Tribune 3 NE Horse Thief Can N Lebo NW Chase NE Paola West Osage City Shields NW Oskaloosa Quinter NW St George Oak Mills Beloit Rice Woodlawn Gretna Clayton Washington St Francis Gretna Paola West Gretna Paola West Jewell SE KS226 FEATURE NAME Plum Grove See Oak Mills Plum Grove Cemetery Plum Grove Township Plummer See Modoc Plummer Creek Plumer Creek Plum Township Plymell Plymouth Plymouth Congregational Church Plymouth Township Poe See Wells Poheta (historical) Poheta Cemetery of Rocks Point Pasture Point Pleasant School Point View (historical) Point View Cemetery Pole Cat Creek See Polecat Creek Polecat Creek Polecat Creek Pole Cat Creek Point Pole Creek Manley Creek Wolf Creek Polhamas Oil Field Police Prison Farm Airport Polk Camp Fifty Polk Daniels Lake Howard Lake Polk School Pollard Pollnow Oil Field Polly Creek Polly Creek Cemetery Pomeroy Pomeroy Creek Pomeroy School Pomme de Terre See Topeka Pomme de Terre River See Spring River Pomona Pomona (Station) Pomona Dam Pomona Lake Pomona Reservoir Pomona Lake Airport Pomona Reservoir See Pomona Lake Pomona State Park Carolyn State Park Vassar State Park Pomona Township Pond Creek Round Pond Creek Pond Creek Poney Creek Poney Creek School Pontiac Pontiac Cemetery Pony Creek Pony Creek Pony Creek FEATURE CLASS Ppl cemetery civil Ppl stream civil Ppl Ppl church civil Ppl locale cemetery cliff flat school locale cemetery stream stream stream stream oilfield airport ppl reservoir school locale oilfield stream cemetery ppl stream school Ppl stream Ppl locale dam reservoir airport reservoir park civil stream stream stream school locale cemetery stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN 1971 VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN coUnTy Atchison Jefferson Butler Scott Osage Phillips Finney Lyon Sedgwick Russell Ottawa Saline Saline Morton Morton Jackson Pawnee Pawnee Sedgwick Cowley Sedgwick Nemaha Greenwood Sedgwick Crawford Elk Shawnee Rice Decatur Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Wyandotte Pottawatomie Wyandotte Shawnee Cherokee Franklin Franklin Osage Osage Osage Osage Osage Franklin Harper Wallace Miami Miami Butler Butler Crawford Leavenworth Brown COORDINATE 39264 391602N095 164 6W 375720N09659 15W 382913N1010453W 384215N0953717W 394655N0990600W 3748 35N1005210W 382450N0961955W 374120N0971737W 384938N0983221W 3908 302W 384906N0972 325W 384754N0972 355W 370614N1015618W 37062 391718N0953751W 380750N0985447W 380750N098 54 47W 373727N09739 16W 37254 6N0970119W 373727N09739 16W 39583 3N09 608 4 5W 37525 626 13W 37395 373236N094 44 30W 372738N0961338W 390242N0954106W 38265 9N0981237W 3948 58N10034 45W 391631N0961436W 391627N0961351W 391006N094 454 0W 392022N0961254W 39092 390254N0954040W 36473 38 3630N0952705W 383545N0952712W 383900N09533 30W 38 3900N09533 30W 384131N0954123W 38 3900N09533 30W 38 3928N0953550W 38 3720N095274 OW 364029N0973308W 385348N1013636W 38 3642N09428 18W 38 3857N0943738W 374903N0964 257W 401W 373442N0950454W 390317N0950808W 400158N0953520W SOURCE COORDINATE 384738N09536 46W 373354N0971111W 374335N0974038W 400009N09620 37W 391625N0961303W 392110N0960929W 37023 3 6W 390055N10144 40W 384032N094 38 02W 37384 3N09504 54W 390607N0941231W 39544 03W ELEV FT 2878 1160 1247 3540 1130 1972 1001 990 1735 1037 700 965 919 952 1050 1427 MAP NAME Winchester El Dorado NW Vassar Kensington Plymell Plymouth Wichita East Dorrance Kipp Kipp Elkhart North Elkhart North Mayet ta Radium Radium Vdall Garden Plain Seneca NW Lapland Wichita East Arma Longton NW Topeka Lyons NW Oberlin Laclede Laclede Wolcott Laclede Wolcott Pomona Pomona Vassar Vassar Lyndon NW Vassar Pomona Bluff City East Wallace Freeman Bucyrus Pontiac Pontiac Porterville Midland Falls City FEATURE NAME West Fork Pony Creek Pool Branch See Poole Branch Pool Creek Poole Branch Pool Branch Pop Corn (historical) Popcorn Creek Poplar Avenue Church of Christ Poplar Grove Cemetery Poplar Hill (historical) Poplar Ridge School Poplar School Porcupine Creek Porcupine Creek Portage (historical) Porter Cemetery Porter School Porter Township See Bird City Township Porterville Portis Bethany Portland Hamden Port Landis See Edmond Portland Oil Field Portland South Oil Field Port William See Port Williams Port Williams Port William Posey Creek Posey Oil Field Possum Creek Possum Trot Creek Possum Trot Creek Post Creek Post Creek (historical) Potato Creek Potato Hill Potato Hill Potawatamie Creek See Pottawatomie Creek Potawatomi Creek See Pottawatomie Creek Potawatomie Reservation See Pottawatomie Indian Reservation Potawatomies Creek See Pottawatomie Creek Potawatomi Indian Reservation See Pottawatomie Indian Reservation Potawatomi Reservation See Pottawatomie Indian Reservation Potosi See Pleasanton Potosi Township Pottawatomie (historical) Pottawatomie (historical) Pottawattamie Pottawottamie Pottawatomie County Pottawatomie County State Park Number One Pottawatomie Creek North Fork FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream locale stream church cemetery locale school school stream stream locale cemetery school civil locale Ppl ppl ppl oilfield oilfield locale locale stream oilfield stream stream stream stream locale stream summit summit stream stream reserve stream reserve reserve ppl. civil locale locale civil park stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT coUnTy Geary Chautauqua Geary Osage Osage Sedgwick Republic Dickinson Miami Reno Jewell Jewell Rooks Sumner Johnson Cheyenne Bourbon Osborne Sumner Norton Sumner Sumner Atchison Atchison Cowley Cowley Chautauqua Chautauqua Chautauqua Shawnee Wabaunsee Montgomery Saline Clay Miami Miami Jackson Miami Jackson Jackson Linn Linn Coffey Anderson Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Miami COORDINATE 390108N0963257W 37084 390108N0963257W 384325N09544 15W 384141N0954341W 374038N09718 24W 394612N0974405W 390407N0972005W 383904N0945935W 38005 394249N0982457W 395330N0981601W 140W 37252 6N097252 3W 385947N09438 20W 394110N1013410W 374305N0950407W 393349N0984 135W 370440N097184 3W 393738N0994 920W 370550N0971942W 370407N09718 58W 39272 39272 370935N0965708W 370940N0965950W 370850N0961527W 370135N0962450W 370701N09604 34W 390520N0955508W 390406N09557 15W 370622N0953539W 384041N09748 19W 391816N0971740W 382948N0945537W 382948N0945537W 392000N0955000W 382948N0945537W 392000N0955000W 392000N0955000W 381040N0944240W 381005N0944110W 381535N0953900W 382122N0951005W 392000N09618 00W 3928 15N0962450W 382948N0945537W SOURCE COORDINATE 371058N0962 119W 385900N096294 9W 384558N0954 335W 39502 3N098 304 8W 3948 38N0981520W 371244N0970151W 371116N0961448W 36592 9N0962756W 370822N09608 29W 390045N09558 14W 371154N0953024W 382048N09534 34W ELEV FT 1532 1044 1581 1009 1542 1189 788 1530 1450 KS227 MAP NAME Elgin NE Swede Creek Lyndon NW Carbondale Wichita East Belleville Manchester Antioch Yaqgy Cawker City NW Northbranch Logan SE Zyba Lenexa Porterville Portis Portland Portland Portland Oak Mills Winfield Winfield Sedan Cedar Vale East Peru Willard Willard Coffeyville East Falun Idana Pleasanton New Strawn Garnett East Louisville Westmoreland Osawatomie KS5228 FEATUR Pottawa Potawatam Potawatom Potawatom Pottawatt Pottawatomie Indian Reservation Potawatom Reserva Potawatomi Reservation Potawatom Reserva Pottawatomie Mission Church Pottawatomie Number One State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Pottawatomie State Fishing Lake Number 2 E NAME tomie Creek ie Creek i Creek ies Creek amie Creek i Indian tion ie tion Pottawatomie Township Pottawatomie Township Pottawatomie Township Pottawattamie See Pottawa (histor Pottawattamie C See Pottawa Pottawottamie See Pottawa (histor Potter Bennet Sp Potter Lake Pottersburg (hi Pottersburg Cem Potterville (hi Potterville Cem Potts Landing S Potwin Ayr Potwin Elementa Potwin Oil Fiel Potwin Presbyte Powel See Powell Powell (histori Powel Powellsburgh See Green Powell Township Powell Township Powhatan See Wetmore Powhatan See Powhatt Powhatan Townsh See Powhatt Powhat tan Powhatan Powhattan Cemet Powhattan Cemet Powhattan Towns Powhatan Prai (historica Prairie Center Prairie Center Prairie Center Prairie Chapel Prairie Chapel Prairie Chapel Prairie Chapel Prairie City (h tomie ical) reek tomie Creek tomie ical) rings storical) etery storical) etery trip ry School a rian Church (historical) cal) Cemetery an ip an Township ery ery hip Township 1) (historical) Cemetery Church Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery istorical) FEATURE CLASS reserve church park park civil civil civil locale stream locale Ppl lake locale cemetery locale cemetery airport ppl school oilfield church locale locale ppl civil cemetery ppl ppl civil ppl cemetery cemetery civil locale locale cemetery church church cemetery cemetery cemetery locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1931 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1931 VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN coUnTy Jackson Jackson Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Coffey Franklin Pottawatomie Anderson Miami Anderson Atchison Douglas Lincoln Lincoln Osborne Osborne Washington Butler Shawnee Butler Shawnee Phillips Phillips Clay Comanche Comanche Nemaha Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Stafford Johnson Johnson Johnson Decatur Stafford Greenwood Ness Douglas COORDINATE 392000N0955000W 391827N0954 633W 3928 15N09624 50W 391340N0963130W 3818 10N0953 525W 382600N09507 15W 391930N0962715W 382122N09521005 382948N0945537W 382122N09521005 39253 3N09508 30W 385737N0951454W 390705N0982110W 110W 391406N0983714W 391432N0983928W 39344 375620N0970110W 39034 6N0954 146W 3754 39033 130W 393610N09918 25W 393610N0991825W 392540N0970006W 372038N0990428W 372035N0991235W 393800N0954 8 40W 394542N0953747W 394248N0954 110W 39454 39393 535W 394605N0953744W 394248N0954 110W 375348N098 392 2W 385333N095014 3W 38533 385146N0950109W 395523N10022 32W 375352N098 38 58W 380121N09%61501W 38354 1N1000423W 384537N0951247W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 950 1492 1943 1743 1377 1340 1203 1165 1187 971 MAP NAME Soldier Creek SE Soldier Creek SE Westmoreland Manhattan Waverly SE Lane Flush Potter Lawrence East Vesper Vesper Meades Ranch Vincent Greenleaf SE Potwin Topeka Potwin Topeka Glade SE Wilmore SE Wilmore Fairview Wetmore Fairview Horton NW Stafford NW Eudora Eudora Edgerton Kanona NW Stafford NW Thrall Utica SE Baldwin City FEATURE NAME Hickory Point Palmyra Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie City Cemetery City School Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek School Dale Cemetery Prairiedale Cemetery Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie See Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Dale School Dog Creek Dog State Park Dog Township Dog Township Du Chien Thayer Garden Cemetery Garden School Gem Cemetery Gem Church Grove Cemetery Grove Cemetery Grove Cemetery Home Cemetery Home Cemetery Home Cemetery Home Home Home Lake Lawn Cemetery Lawn Cemetery Mound Cemetery National Park Cemetery Church School National Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Grassland Park Ridge Cemetery Ridge Community Hall Rose Cemetery Rose Church Rose Community Hall School Springs School Star School Township Township Township Vale School View View Cemetery View Cemetery View Cemetery View Church View Church View Church View Elementary School View Hospital View Park View School View School View School View Township Village Village Village Shopping Center FEATURE CLASS cemetery school stream stream stream stream stream school cemetery cemetery school stream park civil civil ppl cemetery school cemetery church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church school reservoir cemetery cemetery cemetery park cemetery building cemetery church building school school school civil civil civil school ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church school hospital park school school school civil ppl ppl locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF coUnTy Douglas Douglas Sumner Butler Jefferson Leavenworth Jewell Jefferson Graham Dickinson Sherman Phillips Norton Sheridan Decatur Neosho Sumner Sumner Norton Thomas Chase Lincoln Mitchell Linn Shawnee Graham Jewell Graham Linn Jackson Sumner Marion Dickinson Riley Cowley Marshall Republic Thomas Allen Johnson Brown Sherman Wilson Wyandotte Jewell Shawnee Phillips Coffey Russell Phillips Cowley Scott Coffey Phillips Harvey Johnson Ford Atchison Cheyenne Norton Butler Johnson Sedgwick COORDINATE 384608N0951218W 384536N0951248W 370739N0973518W 375030N0970654W 390402N09530 38W 39164 3N0951027W 394138N0980015W 390634N0953015W 393342N0993714W 390250N0971555W 393224N1014010W 400341N0991512W 3948 25N0995704W 393130N1003950W 393530N10033 30W 372935N09528 12W 372755N097185 3W 372227N09718 50W 394242N0995757W 393317N1012108W 382227N0963350W 3908 52N0981340W 393128N0982533W 3818 35N0945037W 390630N095 444 9W 391125N0995124W 394940N0982758W 391127N0995125W 381812N0945041W 392910N0954115W 371601N0972242W 381048N0970540W 385510N0972110W 391500N0964000W 371142N09648 26W 393544N0963927W 395325N09748 05W 393225N1010850W 375208N0951122W 390030N0943752W 39512 3N0952 601W 392801N1014227W 373610N0954925W 390955N0945040W 393625N0980525W 391025N0955311W 394957N09934 20W 3818 10W 3848 41N0962211W 394948N09934 52W 372651N0965138W 381555N1005705W 381812N09538 13W 394956N09934 10W 38022 184 6W 385919N0943757W 374932N1000200W 392700N09525 19W 394104N1014245W 395326N0993 420W 374158N09708 16W 3859 00W 374230N0971547W SOURCE COORDINATE 370905N0973507W 375150N0971420W 390908N0953254W 391239N0951307W 394416N0980441W 3918 45N1011820W ELEV 1039 951 1242 1244 1242 1574 1533 1005 964 1911 1377 1199 1342 1519 1104 3595 987 2200 1098 2542 1076 1347 1050 1390 KS229 MAP NAME Baldwin City Baldwin City Perth Benton Grantville Easton SW Randall Grantville Logan SE Manchester Bird City S SW Alma Norton Selden SW Selden Belle Plaine Belle Plaine Edmond NW Dewey Ranch SE Cottonwood Falls Lincoln NW Cawker City La Cygne Topeka Togo Esbon Togo La Cygne Holton Wellington Peabody Solomon Olsburg SW Eaton Blue Rapids SW Republic Chardon SW Elsmore Shawnee Robinson Goodland NW Fredonia Wolcott Jewell SE Rossville Prairie View New Strawn Alta Vista SE Prairie View Atlanta Shallow Water New Strawn Prairie View Newton Lenexa Dodge City Half Mound Bird City S NW Long Island Andover Lenexa Wichita East KS230 FEATURE NAME Prairie Vista School Prall Cemetery Prather Creek Pratt Pratt Center Pratt Airport See Pratt Municipal Airport Pratt Cemetery Pratt Center See Pratt Pratt Community College See Pratt Community Junior College Pratt Community Junior College Pratt Community College Pratt County Pratt County Fairgrounds Pratt County Lake Pratt High School Pratt Municipal Airport Pratt Airport Pratt Sandhills Wildlife Area Prattsburg (historical) Prattsburgh Prattsburg Cemetery Prattsburgh See Prattsburg (historical) Prentis School Presbyterian Cemetery Prescott Coal Centre Prescott City Dam Prescott City Lake Prescott Elementary School Prescott School Pressee Branch Preston Silverton Pretty Creek Pretty Prairie Pretty Prairie High School Price Cemetery Price Cemetery Price Elementary School Price Ravine Prichard Airstrip Princeton Ohio City Princeton (historical) Princeville Cemetery Pringle Ranch Landing Field Prior Creek Prison Island See Stigers Island Proctor Cemetery Proffitt Lake Progressive Missionary Baptist Church Progress Northwest Oil Field Progress Oil Field Prong Creek Prospect Prospect See Courtland Prospect FEATURE CLASS school cemetery stream Ppl airport cemetery ppl school school civil locale reservoir school airport park locale cemetery locale school cemetery ppl dam reservoir school school stream ppl stream Ppl school cemetery cemetery school valley airport Ppl locale cemetery airport stream island cemetery lake church oilfield oilfield stream ppl ppl locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN COUNTY McPherson Washington Chase Pratt Pratt Montgomery Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Stafford Stafford Stafford Wyandotte Barton Linn Linn Linn Linn Wyandotte Geary Pratt Wabaunsee Reno Reno Ottawa Smith Sedgwick Geary Dickinson Franklin Johnson Cloud Scott Montgomery Leavenworth Marshall Clark Sedgwick Ellsworth Ellsworth Bourbon Butler Republic Sedgwick COORDINATE 381817N0975318W 395740N0975 610W 382308N0963248W 3738 38N0984414W 374228N0984448W 371357N0953921W 3738 38N0984414W 373916N0984252W 373916N0984252W 373900N0984 400W 373745N0984407W 373742N0984034W 3738 32N098 44 39W 374228N0984 448W 374140N098 58 30W 374958N0990014W 374942N09900 16W 374958N0990014W 39033 3N094 38 38W 38 3910N0983738W 38034 9N094414 3W 38034 403 6W 38034 403 6W 38035 3N094 42 00W 390609N094 38 35W 390406N09638 42W 374532N098 33 10W 39024 3N09614 45W 374648N0980110W 374640N0984 627W 390152N09754 52W 394755N0983555W 374218N0971552W 39025 3N0965024W 385350N0970647W 382920N0951630W 385117N0945115W 392802N0973004W 382733N1014025W 372042N0954 103W 391510N0945100W 393444N0963251W 371159N1000309W 374350N09718 30W 384137N0982545W 384005N09825 15W 374358N0945755W 374825N0964720W 39465 3N09753 3 3W 373804N0972648W SOURCE COORDINATE 381932N0963714W 39043 3N0963 525W 390435N0961904W 390200N0965125W 372136N09537 14W 374148N0950126W ELEV FT 1583 1890 790 1900 1804 1952 1931 880 1840 1576 1810 1150 966 3546 1380 1311 MAP NAME Windom SW Hanover West Strong City Pratt Independence Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Cullison Trousdale Trousdale Shawnee Beaver Prescott Prescott Prescott Prescott Shawnee Ogden Preston Alma Pretty Prairie Pretty Prairie Tescott Lebanon Wichita East Junction City Chapman Richmond Ocheltree Aurora Selkirk NW Sycamore Blue Rapids SE Proffitt Lake Wichita East Holyrood NW Holyrood NW Hepler El Dorado Wichita West FEATURE NAME Prospect (historical) Prospect Hill Prospect Hill Cemetery Prospect Park Prospect Park Prospect Township Prosper East Oil Field Prosperity Elementary School Prosser Creek Protection Protection Cemetery Protection Elementary School Protection Municipal Airport Protection Township Prouty School Providence (historical) Providence Airport Saint Margaret Field Providence Cemetery Providence Cemetery Providence Hospital Puckett Creek Pueblo Ruins Monument See El Cuartelejo Pueblo Ruins Monument Puleston Creek Pullers Peak Pump Creek Pump House Canyon Pumpkin Creek Pumpkin Creek Punkin Center Purcell See Anson Purcell Purcell Purdy (historical) Purity (historical) Putman See Putnam Putnam Putman Putnam Cemetery Putnam Township Putnam Township Pyramid View Cemetery Q Quaker Quaker Vale Quaker Cemetery Quaker Cemetery Quaker Church Quaker Point See North Branch Quaker Vale See Quaker Quaker Valley Cemetery Quaker Valley School Qualls-Hart Airport Quarry Creek Quartzite Syria Queen of the Holy Rosary School Quenemo FEATURE CLASS locale summit cemetery ppl park civil oilfield school stream ppl cemetery school airport civil school locale airport cemetery cemetery hospital stream park stream summit stream valley stream stream locale Ppl Ppl Ppl locale locale locale locale cemetery civil civil cemetery locale cemetery cemetery church Ppl locale cemetery school airport stream locale school Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN coUnTy Republic Riley Marshall Sedgwick Sedgwick Butler Rice Reno Lincoln Comanche Comanche Comanche Comanche Comanche Harvey Butler Wyandotte Edwards Jewell Wyandotte Barber Scott Osage Ford Barber Geary Montgomery Wilson Reno Sumner Sedgwick Doniphan Morton Reno Harvey Harvey Neosho Stafford Anderson Gove Cherokee Montgomery Geary Leavenworth Jewell Cherokee Cherokee Lyon Franklin Leavenworth Lincoln Johnson Osage COORDINATE 39480 3 4 5W 391020N0963305W 6400 3W 373740N09725 15W 374227N0972015W 375000N0964135W 38 3055N098 204 0W 380616N0975521W 391204N0980447W 371205N0992901W 371245N099294 1W 371155N09928 50W 371147N09928 35W 371230N09928 00W 38035 3N09725 38W 372924N0970447W 390737N0944715W 374401N0990304W 395312N0982403W 390644N0943900W 37210 3N098 50 14W 384038N1005453W 382944N0955357W 375338N099545 6W 371458N09848 38W 390354N096475 3W 37024 373259N095 362 6W 380050N0974 630W 372155N0973 146W 125W 394050N0951950W 370645N1014620W 374505N0975750W 375808N09723 15W 375808N09723 15W 374118N0951217W 381022N098 32 00W 382210N0951600W 384527N1004725W 370754N09445 30W 371424N0954 926W 38524 10W 391511N0950724W 3958 22N09822 17W 370754N09445 30W 370458N0944 303W 382418N0960729W 384000N09505 30W 392108N09454 42W 390116N0980540W 385958N094395 6W 38 3447N0953136W SOURCE COORDINATE 390630N09809 19W 3718 31N0985209W 38264 3W 371309N098 492 9W 390602N0964 926W 371730N0952339W 37342 3N0953 148W 392113N0945608W ELEV FT 1100 1310 1850 1842 1426 986 1817 2420 1484 1273 1159 1399 2731 872 813 1094 1000 1365 941 KS231 MAP NAME Courtland Manhattan Blue Rapids Wichita West Wichita East Pontiac Lorraine Hutchinson Barnard Protection Protection Protection Protection Protection Zimmerdale vdall Wolcott Haviland NE Burr Oak NW Shawnee Lake City Lebo NW Spearville NW Pump Creek Junction City Coffeyville East Five Mounds Hutchinson SE Der by Denton Wilburton Castleton Sedgwick Stark Big Salt Marsh Garnett West Elkader Columbus Bolton White City NE Easton Baxter Springs Lang Wellsville Leavenworth Shady Bend Lenexa Quenemo KS232 FEATURE NAME Quickville (historical) Quimby Creek Quinby Quincy Tailholt Quincy Cemetery Quincy Elementary School Quincy Oil Field Quincy Oil Field Quincy Township Quindaro (historical) Quindaro Cemetery Quindaro Park Quinter Familton Quinter Air Strip Quinter Cemetery Quinter Elementary School Quinter High School Quinton Heights Elementary School Quisling Cemetery Quito Cemetery Quivira Camp Quivira Heights Church of Christ Quivira Heights Elementary School Quivira Heights High School Quivira Lake See Lake Quivira Quivira Lake Lake Quivira Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Quivira Square R Rabbit Creek Rabbit Creek Racewood Township Burntwood Township Celia Township Rotate Township Rackensack River See Arkansas River Racket Creek Radical Cemetery Radium Wellsville Radium Elementary School Radium Townsite Oil Field Radley Raemer Creek Rafters Park Rago Rago Cemetery Rahn Oil Field Rahota katit hibaru See Smoky Hill River Railsback Cemetery Rain Belt (historical) Rainbow Bend Rainbow Bend Oil Field Rainbow Tabernacle Pentecostal Holiness Church Ralls Creek Ralston Creek Ramapo Station (historical) FEATURE CLASS locale stream locale ppl cemetery school oilfield oilfield civil locale cemetery park Ppl airport cemetery school school school cemetery cemetery locale church school school ppl reservoir park locale stream stream civil stream stream cemetery Ppl school oilfield Ppl stream dark ppl cemetery oilfield stream cemetery locale locale oilfield church stream stream locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN coUnNnTY Thomas Clay Finney Greenwood Greenwood Shawnee Woodson Greenwood Greenwood Wyandotte Wyandotte Wyandotte Gove Gove Gove Gove Gove Shawnee Coffey Butler Chautauqua Shawnee Ellsworth Ellsworth Johnson Johnson Stafford Johnson Miami Brown Rawlins Cowley Montgomery Montgomery Stafford Stafford Stafford Crawford Marshall Jackson Kingman Kingman Cowley Geary Norton Meade Cowley Cowley Sedgwick Morris Saline Wyandotte COORDINATE 393228N1011430W 391204N09658 57W 375918N1005542W 375255N095593 3W 375300N09558 40W 390432N095393 9W 375115N09554 39W 375455N0960130W 375200N0960228W 390746N0944021W 39074 3908 50N0944000W 390410N1001355W 390414N1001500W 390425N1001325W 390357N1001411W 390358N1001352W 390136N0954105W 38082 6N0953520W 374255N0964 329W 371431N0961224W 390036N0954428W 38 3509N098 24 19W 383037N098235 3W 390225N0944 635W 390245N0944 625W 381100N098 30 30W 385913N0944 325W 38 3509N0944051W 400132N0954638W 394825N10118 30W 334800N0910400W 37165 651W 371718N09544 30W 381027N0985335W 381013N098 53 40W 381030N0985257W 372904N0944536W 395408N0964152W 3928 10N09544 32W 372710N0980453W 37273 370650N0964 900W 390334N09648 03W 395822N10008 12W 372015N1002610W 371030N0970750W 371008N0970735W 374316N0972024W 385133N096472 3W 38454 06W 390900N094 38 30W SOURCE COORDINATE 390903N09705 3 5W 38 3527N0943757W 39594 3N0954 62 6W 372059N0954707W 395218N0964722W 384813N0964407W 38 3746N0975031W ELEV FT 2865 945 2677 2681 1382 880 821 1050 1951 980 1450 1170 MAP NAME Chardon SW Wakefield Garden City West quincy quincy Topeka Toronto Virgil Neal Parkville Parkville Parkville Quinter Park Quinter Quinter Quinter Topeka Aliceville Keighley Sedan Topeka Holyrood Holyrood Edwardsville Big Salt Marsh Lenexa Louisburg Humboldt SE Mc Donald Table Mound Sycamore Radium Radium Radium Radley Herkimer Holton Rago Rago Maple City Lyle Missler Adamsville Adamsville Wichita East White City Brookville Parkville FEATURE NAME Ramona Ramsey-Black Cemetery Ramsey Cemetery Ramsey Ranch Ramseys Creek Ranch Mart South Shopping Center Rancho (historical) Randall Vicksburgh Randall Middle School Randall Park Mall Randolph Waterville Randolph Bridge Randolph Elementary School Randolph Hill Randolph School Randolph State Park See Tuttle Creek State Park Randolph State Park Random Elementary School Rankin Creek Ranney Park Ransom Ogdensburgh Ransom Cemetery Ransom Elementary School Ransom High School Ransom Hospital Ransom Junior High School Ransonville Rantoul Rantoul Oil Field Ratcliff (historical) Ratcliff Creek See Marshall Creek Rattlesnake (historical) Rattlesnake Canal Rattlesnake Creek See Salt Creek Rattlesnake Creek Salt Creek West Fork Rattlesnake Creek Rattlesnake Creek Rattlesnake Creek Rattlesnake Creek Rattle Snake Gulch Rattlesnake Southeast Oil Field Rattlesnake Southwest Oil Field Rauckman Oil Field Ravanna Cowland Mason Rawdon Landing Field See Copeland Airport Rawlins (historical) Rawlins County Ray Raymer Cemetery Raymond Raymond Township Ray School Rayville (historical) Reading Reading Cemetery Reading Elementary School Reading Lake FEATURE CLASS Ppl cemetery cemetery locale stream locale locale ppl school locale ppl bridge school summit school park park school stream park ppl cemetery school school hospital school locale ppl oilfield locale stream locale canal stream stream stream stream stream valley oilfield oilfield oilfield locale airport locale civil locale cemetery ppl civil school locale ppl cemetery school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT coUnTy Marion Morris Ness Cowley Morris Johnson Elk Jewell Jewell Seward Riley Riley Shawnee Riley Doniphan Riley Pottawatomie Greenwood Jewell Cowley Ness Ness Ness Ness Franklin Ness Franklin Franklin Franklin Gray Mitchell Stafford Stafford Stafford Stafford Trego Lincoln Nemaha Wallace Stafford Stafford Cowley Finney Sedgwick Rawlins Rawlins Pawnee Miami Rice Rice Jackson Norton Lyon Lyon Lyon COORDINATE 38 3550N097034 2W 384538N09 6384 2W 38 3430N09938 29W 371128N0963325W 384517N09638 55W 38572 374 0W 3728 15N0960002W 3938 33N0980240W 3938 37N0980244W 370154N1005550W 392550N09645 35W 392557N0964 319W 390227N0954 235W 390717N0964748W 394154N0950007W 391520N0963500W 392550N0964240W 374929N0961754W 400320N09818 39W 3704 34N0970209W 3838 10N0995600W 38 3754N0995456W 38 3805N0995606W 3838 38 3547N0951601W 38 3827N0995552W 38302 3N09525 3 2W 38 3255N0950600W 38 3412N09504 30W 3758 15N1002220W 392415N0980146W 380555N098 38 05W 381040N098 30 35W 38125 2 958W 381259N0982959W 384822N1000312W 391136N0980235W 400442N0955131W 385718N1014740W 3758 15N098 474 2W 375435N098 48 05W 370515N09708 17W 380935N1002255W 374150N0971250W 394232N1010212W 394800N1010600W 381028N098 58 02W 38353 392 3W 381637N0982456W 3818 14N0982528W 3918 13N0954055W 395957N0994052W 38 3110N0955730W 38 3113N09558 10W 38 3113N0955724W SOURCE COORDINATE 384 650N09638 40W 395902N0982 108W 3728 30N0994 634W 384402N1000358W 391216N0981714W 395917N09552 50W 385902N1015650W ELEV FT 1433 2208 1030 940 1457 2841 1250 1158 1300 963 2511 1030 892 1146 2559 1979 1726 1157 1080 1120 KS233 MAP NAME Ramona White City Mc Cracken SW Dexter NE White City Lenexa Longton Randall Randall Liberal Randolph Olsburg NW Topeka Junction City Atchison NE Olsburg NW Eureka Northbranch Arkansas City Ransom Ransom Ransom Ransom Ottawa Ransom Pomona Rantoul South Rantoul Cimarron NE Hudson Big Salt Marsh Alden NW Gibson Creek Barnard Humboldt SE Sharon Springs W Saint John South Saint John South Geuda Springs Ravanna Chardon Atwood Radium Louisburg Raymond Raymond Mayet ta Almena Reading Reading Reading KS234 FEATURE NAME See Lyon County State Lake Reading Township Reagan Branch Reager Reams Creek Reanmsville Beaver Rebecca Creek Rebekah IOOF Home Rebekah IOOF Home Cemetery Rebel Creek Rebublican River See South Fork Republican River Red Brick School Red Brick School Red Bud (historical) Red Bud Cemetery Redbud Lake Lake Redbud Red Bud School Red Clover See Redclover (historical) Redclover (historical) Red Clover Red Creek Red Creek See Wilson Canyon Redd Valley Reddy School Redeemer Lutheran Church Redeemer Lutheran School Redel Redfield Redford See Penokee Red Fork Arkansas River See Salt Fork Arkansas River Red Fork Creek See Jug Motte Creek Red Fork Creek Red Fork of Arkansas River See Salt Fork Arkansas River Red Hills Cimarron Breaks Red Hills Redhole Creek Redline Cemetery Redline Church Redman Cemetery Redmond Cove North Recreation Area Redmond Cove South Recreation Area Redmond Reservoir See John Redmond Reservoir Red Onion Redoubt Creek Red River See Arkansas River Red Rock Creek Rock Creek Red Rock Elementary School Red Salinas River See Bluff Creek FEATURE CLASS reservoir civil stream ppl stream locale stream locale cemetery stream stream school school locale cemetery reservoir school locale locale stream valley valley school church school Ppl ppl Ppl stream stream stream stream range summit stream cemetery church cemetery park park reservoir locale stream stream stream school stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1975 VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT COUNTY Lyon Lyon Bourbon Norton Smith Smith Phillips Riley Riley Montgomery Cheyenne Saline Barton Cowley Cowley Dickinson Cowley Johnson Johnson Kingman Cheyenne Cowley Jackson Sedgwick Sedgwick Johnson Bourbon Graham Barber Comanche Comanche Barber Comanche Wallace Clark Graham Graham Decatur Coffey Coffey Coffey Crawford Clark Cowley Reno Grant Sumner COORDINATE 38 3251N09603 30W 38 3235N0960 125W 375910N094554 2W 394937N1000545W 40043 3N098 53 12W 395548N0985200W 400356N099054 6W 390917N0963912W 390913N0963 922W 371538N0954125W 400300N1013102W 385306N09724 32W 382155N0984124W 372700N0970552W 372628N0970547W 385447N0971654W 372655N097044 6W 39015 3N0943738W 39015 3N0943738W 372700N0980457W 400037N1015250W 37093 527W 391443N0960101W 374048N0971614W 374050N0971611W 384950N09438 00W 375012N0945251W 392104N09958 19W 363558N09703 10W 370119N0990515W 370645N0990305W 363558N09703 10W 372030N09904 45W 385950N1013740W 370813N0994 614W 391406N09938 30W 391406N09938 30W 400006N1001940W 381525N0954 545W 381520N0954 530W 381330N0954 635W 373513N094 38 45W 370014N0994 619W 334800N0910400W 375159N09759 13W 373348N1011020W 36580 3N0972 552W SOURCE COORDINATE 375605N0945645W 395942N098 562 3W 395618N099093 9W 371615N0953921W 37322 3N098 105 6W 370938N09654 45W 365640N0990654W 371343N0995022W 375825N0980713W ELEV FT 2518 1900 1036 1176 1238 1162 1206 1031 900 853 3575 2621 850 MAP NAME Allen SE Xenia Reager Franklin Reamsville Bloomington Keats Keats Sycamore Niles Ellinwood SW Vdall Vdall Solomon vdall Shawnee Rago Winfield St Marys Wichita East Wichita East Stilwell Uniontown Fancy Canyon Wilmore SE Sharon Springs E Ashland Hill City 4 NW Hill City 4 NW Lebanon Ottumwa Ot tumwa Arma Ashland SE Castleton Hickok FEATURE NAME Red Salinas River See Nescatunga Creek Redstone See Red Stone (historical) Stone (historical) Redstone Top Cemetery Vermillion Crossing Red Red Red Red Red Vermillion Township Wing See Redwing Redwing Red Wing Redwing Oil Field Redwood Village Shopping Center Reece Collins Reece Cemetery Reece Oil Field Reeder (historical) Reeder Branch Five Creek Reeder Township Reedsville Heaslyville Reeve See Lone Elm Reeve Ranch Reeves See Lone Elm Reformation Lutheran Church Reformed Cemetery Regar Cemetery Reich Oil Field Reil See Rolla Reilly Township Reisner Park Reiter Cemetery Rellim Oil Field Remanto See Geuda Springs Remuda Creek Reneberg Landing Strip Renner Field See Goodland Municipal Airport Reno Reno Centre See Partridge Reno County Reno Township Reno Township Republic Gomeria Republic City Republican City Cemetery Republican Creek Republican Flats Republican Fork See Republican River Republican Fork of Kanzas River See Republican River Republican Point Republican River Buffalo-Dung River Coster Blanches Ki-ra-ru-tah Ki-rara-tu Manure River Republican Fork Republican Fork of FEATURE CLASS stream locale locale cemetery locale civil n ppl oilfield locale ppl cemetery oilfield locale stream civil locale Ppl locale Ppl church cemetery cemetery oilfield Ppl civil park cemetery oilfield Ppl stream airport airport Ppl ppl civil civil civil ppl cemetery stream flat stream stream cliff stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT coUunTy Comanche Cloud Cloud Gove Pottawatomie Nemaha Barton Barton Barton Cowley Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Kiowa Clay Anderson Marshall Anderson Finney Anderson Sedgwick Jewell Pottawatomie Russell Morton Nemaha Atchison Washington Rice Sumner Meade Smith Sherman Leavenworth Reno Reno Reno Leavenworth Republic Clay Butler Geary Geary Geary Geary Geary COORDINATE 370515N09908 15W 393425N0972955W 393425N0972955W 38564 391525N0961459W 393605N0960445W 38 3119N098 395 1W 38 3119N098 395 1W 38 100W 37044 374756N096264 6W 374740N0962 602W 374730N0962220W 372457N0992013W 392117N0971028W 381930N0952600W 394609N09632 19W 380448N09514 35W 375008N1010402W 380448N09514 35W 374042N0971521W 393545N09829 19W 393055N0960809W 3858 55N0990012W 370712N1013754W 393605N0955730W 393408N0950734W 394242N097091/W 382535N09758 18W 37065 56W 370440N1001655W 39472 392152N1014129W 390304N0950711W 375802N0980532W 375700N0980500W 380235N09758 35W 390120N0950750W 395525N0974917W 392035N097094 6W 373927N0970556W 940W 390336N09648 04W 390336N0964804W 39042 954W 390336N0964804 SOURCE COORDINATE 39155 4N0971244W 371025N1002005W 374354N0971001W 400112N1015617W ELEV FT 2614 980 1811 1124 1220 1293 2953 1175 1417 1809 853 1500 KS235 MAP NAME Clyde Castle Rock NW Laclede Havenville Redwing Redwing Arkansas City Reece Reece Eureka Coldwater NE Clay Center SW Harris Home Deerfield SE Wichita East Cawker City Duluth Gorham Soldier Atchison West Palmer Windom Irish Flats NE Kensington Tonganoxie Partridge Hutchinson Midland Republic Clay Center SW Santa Fe Lake Junction City Junction City Junction City KS236 FEATURE NAME Kanzas River Riviére Republicaine Republican Township Republic City See Republic Republic County Reserve Reserve Elementary School Reserville Community Hall Rest Resthaven Cemetery Restlawn Cemetery Restored Fort Larned See Fort Larned National Historic Site Resurrection Cemetery Rex See Delavan Rex See Blackstone (historical) Rexford Rexford Airport Rexford Cemetery Rex High School Rhodes (historical) Rice Rice Cemetery Rice County Rice Park Rice School Rich See Equity (historical) Richardson Richardson County See Wabaunsee County Richardson Landing Field Richey Cove North Recreation Area Richey Cove South Recreation Area Richfield Brandley Richfield Cemetery Richfield Township Richland Richland Center Richland Corners Richland Cemetery Richland Cemetery Richland Cemetery Richland Cemetery Richland Cemetery Richland Center See Richland Richland Center Church Richland Corners See Richland Richland Creek Richland Creek Richland Creek Richland Creek Richland School Richland School Richland Township Richland Township Richland Township FEATURE CLASS civil ppl civil Ppl school building ppl cemetery cemetery park cemetery ppl locale i airport cemetery school locale ppl cemetery civil park school locale ppl civil airport park park ppl cemetery civil locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery locale church locale stream stream stream stream school school civil civil civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN coUnTy Clay Republic Republic Brown Brown Marshall Wilson Sedgwick Montgomery Pawnee Johnson Morris Sumner Thomas Meade Thomas Sedgwick Dickinson Cloud Cloud Rice Shawnee Shawnee Anderson Leavenworth Wabaunsee Cowley Morris Morris Morton Morton Morton Shawnee Butler Linn Linn Shawnee Douglas Shawnee Marshall Shawnee Labette Cowley Crawford Linn Butler Miami Labette Cowley Butler COORDINATE 391130N0970030W 395525N0974917W 394800N09738 00W 3958 38N0953 342W 3958 44N0953 359W 6274 9W 373911N0953937W 374000N09728 38W 370310N09538 58W 381105N0991255W 3858 35N0944 340W 38 3922N09648 47W 720W 3928 18N1004435W 372645N1002930W 393707N1004415W 373355N0972152W 383822N0971115W 393420N09733 19W 393341N09733 19W 382100N0981200W 390250N0953734W 390244N0953738W 380555N0951304W 391600N0945400W 390745N0955 94 5W 371612N0970241W 384233N09630 12W 384212N0962 948W 371558N1014655W 371550N1014450W 371745N1014230W 38530 32 22W 37304 3N0970451W 930W 381530N094 364 6W 385236N0953111W 385237N0951547W 385301N095 32 22W 395729N0962427W 385301N0953222W 370724N0952752W 372338N0965 321W 374017N094425 6W 381505N09448 5 3W 373109N0970437W 384113N0945506W 370330N0950720W 372528N0965 110W 373110N0970555W SOURCE COORDINATE 370904N0951934W 372542N0964611W 374122N09448 32W 381847N0945111W ELEV FT 908 1388 983 1337 2955 2775 1336 1402 836 1166 3400 925 1285 814 1022 1458 973 MAP NAME Wakefield Belleville Reserve Reserve Frankfort SW Buffalo Wichita West Coffeyville West Lenexa Rexford Meade NW Rexford Derby Elmo Rice Rice Lyons Topeka Topeka Leavenworth Akron Council Grove Lk Council Grove Richfield Shore Airport SW Shore Airport SW Richland Douglass La Cygne Amoret Richland Lawrence West Herkimer Valeda Wilmot Cato La Cygne Douglass Antioch Chet Atlanta Douglass FEATURE NAME Richland Township Richland Township Richland Township Richland Township Richland Township Richland Township Richland Township Richland Township See Herl Township Richland Township Richland Township Richland Township Richland Valley School Richmond Richmond Lake Richmond Township Richmond Township Richter Rich Township Riddle Creek Ridenour Cemetery Ridge See Farlinville Ridge Center Ridge Centre Ridge Ridge School Ridgeton Penfield Ridge Township Ridge Township Ridgeview Elementary School Ridgeview Elementary School Ridgeway (historical) Ridgeway Station Ridgeway Cemetery Ridgeway Cemetery Ridgeway School Ridgeway Station See Ridgeway (historical) Ridgeway Township Riffel Cemetery Riga Riley Riley Center Riley Centre Riley Airport Riley Cemetery Riley Cemetery Riley Center See Riley Riley Centre See Riley Riley City (historical) Riley County Riley County High School Riley County Hospital Riley Creek Riley Creek Riley Creek Riley Elementary School Riley Elementary School Riley Elementary School Riley Lakes Riley Park Rimrock Dam Rinehart Cemetery Rinehart Township Ringer FEATURE CLASS civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil school Ppl . reservoir civil civil locale civil stream cemetery ppl locale school locale civil civil school school locale cemetery cemetery school locale civil cemetery locale ppl airport cemetery cemetery ppl Ppl locale civil school hospital stream stream stream school school school reservoir park dam cemetery civil ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN COUNTY Kingman Ford Harvey Stafford Hamilton Miami Ottawa Rawlins Republic Jewell Marshall Ford Franklin Franklin Franklin Nemaha Franklin Anderson Washington Ford Linn Woodson Marion Osage Barber Dickinson Johnson Johnson Osage Butler Osage Osage Osage Osage Dickinson Trego Riley Riley Chautauqua Riley Riley Riley Geary Riley Riley Riley Cowley Pottawatomie Republic Montgomery Barton Riley Jackson Sedgwick Geary Dickinson Dickinson Miami COORDINATE 373230N098074 5W 374200N1000232W 375720N0971225W 375720N098 5 130W 381308N1014755W 384030N0950010W 390530N0973220W 445W 39465 3N09725 15W 395121N0980520W 395735N0962450W 373857N1000052W 382410N0941513W 382336N095 132 3W 382445N0951600W 39532 9N09 604 45W 38 3642N0952242W 380430N0950755W 395032N0970809W 37502 3N1001018W 381400N0945113W 374400N0953547W 381358N0971016W 38280 3N095 4 605W 372030N098 24 00W 384420N0970535W 385237N0944756W 385908N094 382 6W 375058N0953620W 375718N0965121W 385027N0953624W 385007N095355 1W 375058N0953620W 384910N0954000W 384904N097020 3W 385702N0993900W 391756N0964950W 391735N09646 34W 370828N0960456W 391718N09648 45W 391756N0964950W 391756N0964 950W 390210N0964 603W 392000N0964200W 392004N096495 3W 391130N0963524W 372751N0963408W 391209N0960644W 394359N0973537W 371409N0954 241W 382139N0984531W 3918 58N0964944W 392919N0960014W 373230N0971525W 390120N0965101W 385408N0965750W 385450N0965750W 38 3204N09454 30W SOURCE COORDINATE 400016N0971145W 372732N09630 34W 391614N0960535W 395335N0973851W ELEV FT 1010 976 930 1481 1140 1068 2219 1300 1335 841 1844 960 KS237 MAP NAME Cleveland South Dodge Whitewater Saint John South Tribune 3 NE Wellsville Bennington Cuba Montrose Axtell NW South Dodge Richmond Garnett NW Richmond St Benedict Pomona Kincaid Morrowville Dodge City SW Vilas Peabody NW Lebo Sharon North Hope Olathe Lenexa Over brook De Graff Over brook Overbrook Carbondale Navarre Ogallah Riley Riley Hale Riley Junction City Olsburg SW Riley Manhattan Cambridge NE Emmett Wayne Independence Great Bend Riley Onaga NE Derby Junction City Kansas Falls Kansas Falls Paola West KS238 FEATURE NAME Ringo Ringo School Ringwald Oil Field Rinker School Rino Oil Field Rio (historical) Rio Agua Azul See Big Blue River Rio Blanco See Neosho River Cimarron See Cimarron River Rio Misuri See Missouri River Rio Ripley Park Ripley Park Rishel Rising Star Baptist Church Risley See Hillsboro Risley Township Ritchal Ritchey Creek Ritchie Cemetery Ritchland Cemetery Rittenhouse Branch Ritz Canton Oil Field Rivera Park River Bend Shopping Center Riverdale Lookout Mallory Riverdale See Vining Riverdale Cemetery River of the West See Missouri River River Pond State Park See Tuttle Creek State Park Riverside Riverside Riverside Riverside Riverside Cemetery Riverside Christian Church Riverside Elementary School Riverside Elementary School Riverside Free Methodist Church Riverside Landing Field Cemetery Cemetery Riverside Oil Field Riverside Park Riverside Park Riverside Park Riverside Park Riverside Park Riverside Park Riverside Park Riverside School Riverside School Riverside Township Riverside Township Riverside Unit Jehovahs Witnesses Riverton Riverton (historical) Riverton Elementary School Riverton High School FEATURE CLASS Ppl school oilfield school oilfield locale stream stream stream stream park park locale church ppl civil locale stream cemetery cemetery stream oilfield park locale ppl Ppl cemetery stream park Ppl locale cemetery cemetery cemetery church school school church airport oilfield park park park park park park park school school civil civil church Ppl locale school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Crawford Montgomery Rice Lyon Reno Ford Pottawatomie Cherokee Comanche Wyandotte Sedgwick Shawnee Dickinson Sedgwick Marion Marion Finney Morris Cherokee Labette Doniphan McPherson Sedgwick Sedgwick Sumner Clay Clay Wyandotte Riley Sedgwick Ness Ness McPherson Marshall Sedgwick Sedgwick Douglas Sedgwick Sedgwick Ness Labette Montgomery Allen Allen Woodson Riley Marshall McPherson Osborne Sedgwick Trego Sedgwick Cherokee Reno Cherokee Cherokee COORDINATE 37303 540W 655W 38265 1N098 264 9W 382600N0960906W 381027N0981907W 400W 391112N0963145W 354732N0951739W 361014N0961618W 38484 374555N097204 3W 390310N0953 910W 38 3747N0970050W 3738 39N0971754W 382107N0971215W 382329N0971221W 380157N1010140W 384155N0963028W 370721N094 382 3W 370803N0952 651W 394811N0951247W 382410N0973131W 374002N09718 30W 37432 116W 372324N0972220W 393401N0971742W 393038N0971735W 384849N0900711W 391520N0963500W 373654N0971919W 381727N0994713W 381817N0994 637W 38 3611N09754 19W 39415 15W 374207N097212 3W 129W 385937N09515 38W 374300N0972129W 374458N0972425W 381855N0994 8 40W 37103 3N0950600W 371432N0954200W 3748 13N0952 645W 375455N0952455W 380040N0953 304W 391110N0963331W 394105N0963958W 38 3213N09742 14W 100W 373605N09718 55W 384702N0994120W 374139N0972 300W 370430N0944216W 375302N09804 37W 370422N0944218W 370420N0944219W SOURCE COORDINATE 384300N096275 3W 394931N0951558W ELEV FT 990 1105 1325 1380 2943 1310 1321 1273 2190 2237 1345 833 MAP NAME Girard Tyro Chase NW Emporia Alden Bucklin SE Valley Center Topeka Hope Wichita East Durham Wolf Council Grove Baxter Springs Mound Valley Highland Galva Wichita East Wichita East Wellington Clifton Der by Ness City SE Ness City SE Langley Barnes Wichita East Wichita East Lawrence West Wichita East Wichita West Ness City SE Oswego Independence Humboldt Iola Neosho Falls Manhattan Blue Rapids Lindsborg Bloomington Derby Cedar Bluff Dam Wichita West Baxter Springs Partridge Baxter Springs Baxter Springs FEATURE NAME River Township Riverview Riverview Baptist Church Riverview Camp Riverview Cemetery Riverview Cemetery Riverview Cemetery Riverview Cemetery Riverview Cemetery Riverview Elementary School Riverview School Riviére Amiable See White Rock Creek Riviére de Commanches o Padocas See Kansas River Riviére de l'Eau Bleu See Big Blue River Riviére de Saint Philippe See Missouri River des Akansas Arkansas River des Osages Marais des Cygnes River de Soucis Solomon River du Loup Wolf River Riviére See Riviére See Riviére See Riviére See Riviére Republicaine See Republican River Roadside Park Roanoke (historical) Robbers Roost Creek Robbins Cemetery Robbins School Roberts Air Field Roberts Cemetery Roberts Creek Roberts Lake Roberts Lake Dam Robertson Cemetery Roberts Roost Creek Robidoux Creek Black Vermillion Creek Robidoux Fork Vermilion Creek Vermillion Creek West Fork Robidoux Fork See Robidoux Creek Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Branch Creek Creek Junior High School Junior High School Township Rochester See Zenda Rochester (historical) Rochester (historical) Chapman Delaware City Kansapolis Kansopolis Whitfield Rochester Cemetery Rochester Township Rock Rock Branch FEATURE CLASS civil Ppl church locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school school stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream park locale stream cemetery school airport cemetery stream reservoir dam cemetery stream stream stream Ppl stream stream stream school school civil ppl locale locale cemetery civil ppl stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1947 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN coUunTy Pawnee Sedgwick Sedgwick Ford Barber Cowley Linn Leavenworth Republic Sedgwick Wyandotte Republic Wyandotte Pottawatomie Wyandotte Cowley Linn Dickinson Doniphan Geary Wyandotte Stanton Rooks Montgomery Montgomery Reno Labette Wabaunsee Johnson Johnson Doniphan Rooks Marshall Marshall Brown Bourbon Franklin Norton Sedgwick Brown Brown Kingman Anderson Shawnee Shawnee Kingman Cowley Norton COORDINATE 381305N0985802W 37463 3N097205 9W 374654N0972053W 374344N0995630W 370118N0982735W 370448N09703 35W 381759N0944538W 390234N094533 1W 394805N0974717W 374650N0972116W 39055 6N094373 3W 3955 633W 391112N0963145W 38484 334800N0910400W 381310N0943120W 385413N0972208W 395355N0951129W 390336N0964804W 390701N0945003W 372410N1014540W 392459N0991748W 370202N0954 309W 370158N0954 342W 3758 00N09824 30W 370022N0952911W 391114N0960928W 385354N0950130W 385354N0950130W 394004N0951340W 392458N099164 3W 394126N0962 638W 394126N0962 638W 394900N09524 37W 374930N0945200W 38355 345W 374128N0971647W 394917N09552 10W 394916N09524 30W 372632N0981654W 244W 390645N0954550W 390616N0954048W 37254 5N098 18 00W 372625N0970022W 395908N100044 3W SOURCE COORDINATE 391707N0991748W 390734N0961053W 391658N0991744W 114W 375250N09452 15W 38 3349N0951808W 39555 39525 3N1000447W ELEV FT 1330 2450 814 1750 815 984 955 1175 KS239 MAP NAME Radium Valley Center Valley Center Fort Dodge Kiowa Arkansas City La Cygne Bonner Springs Scandia Valley Center Shawnee Edwardsville Richfield NE Stockton Coffeyville West Coffeyville West Sylvia Valeda Belvue Eudora Eudora Bendena Stockton Frankfort Robinson Marmaton Ottawa South Norton NW Wichita East Robinson Robinson Harris Silver Lake Topeka Zenda Udall Devizes KS5240 FEATURE NAME Rock Creek Rock Branch Township See Center District 1 Township Rock Castle See La Rock City Rock Creek Cooks Rock Creek See Lou Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek See Fla Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek See Red Rock Creek Crosse Ford isville t Rock Creek Rock Creek See Elm Creek Rock Creek Elm Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek One Hundred Forty-two Mil Rock Creek Mud C Rock Creek Rock Creek e Creek reek South Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek East East Rock Creek West Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek See Roc Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Branch Fork Rock Creek Rock Creek k Branch Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Community Hall Lake Creek Lakes FEATURE CLASS civil ppl park ppl Ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery building reservoir NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT coUnTy Norton Rush Ottawa Jefferson * Pottawatomie Chautauqua Harper Labette Chautauqua Montgomery Montgomery Cowley Elk Neosho Neosho Wilson Sedgwick Bourbon Butler Reno Allen Allen Allen Woodson Hodgeman Greenwood Coffey Chase Osage Morris Franklin Douglas Douglas Jefferson Leavenworth Pottawatomie Mitchell Jefferson Sheridan Graham Doniphan Norton Nemaha Smith Cowley Coffey Miami Douglas Graham Franklin Bourbon COORDINATE 395758N09954 40W 38315 3N09918 30W 390515N0974354W 391445N0953213W 391501N09618 52W 370231N0962537W 37062 3N09758 2 3W 370715N0952750W 370902N0961628W 37124 402 3W 372125N0953148W 372515N0970044W 372715N0961621W 37300 373424N09518 40W 373824N0954731W 374212N0974702W 374800N094 452 0W 375113N0970217W 375159N0975913W 375359N09525 13W 37544 3N0952 320W 3758 38N095 305 9W 38015 3N095 3 619W 380508N0994708W 38094 9N0961235W 381124N0954402W 38155 12W 38 3132N095 34 42W 38342 3N09 6225 3W 383558N0951403W 384213N09458 17W 385520N0951934W 391003N0953 104W 391411N0990450W 391417N0961417W 391608N0981145W 391903N0952 618W 392102N1001122W 392116N09958 35W 3938 10N0950620W 395908N1000443W 40032 3N095 4 3 2 3W 400406N0984528W 370215N0963 308W 382600N095 345 3W 384236N095005 6W 385056N0952722W 392427N0995937W 38 3300N0951600W 3748 58N0944515W SOURCE COORDINATE 370255N096392 9W 371440N09759 19W 370622N0952131W 370722N0961748W 370921N09544 20W 37224 3N0952748W 373515N09632 31W 37355 373109N0952205W 373648N09550 33W 374700N0974418W 374411N0944545W 375610N0965654W 375758N0951215W 375701N0953547W 380020N09538 58W 380006N0995 318W 381712N0961951W 381122N0954934W 381037N0963912W 382114N0953357W 384517N09618 13W 38 3200N0952020W 384600N0950624W 384620N0953151W 391720N0953623W 391815N095034 1W 392932N09618 59W 391457N09818 23W 391941N0952030W 391824N1001150W 392510N1000018W 394615N09508 37W 395634N0955056W 395902N0984 609W ELEV FT 1100 1087 1017 927 MAP NAME Minneapolis South Meriden Cedar Vale East Bluff City West Valeda Elgin Independence Cherryvale vdall Piedmont Shaw Buffalo Cheney Marmaton Benton Iola Piqua Nesho Falls Jetmore SE Madison Burlington Cottonwood Falls Quenemo Lake Kahola Peoria Antioch Lawrence West Meriden Easton Belvue Beloit SW Valley Falls Studley Penokee Atchison NE Salem Riverton Cedar Vale West Waverly Wellsville Globe Hill City NW Ottawa South Marmaton FEATURE NAME Rock Creek Lake Dam Rock Creek Lakes See Rock Creek Lake Rock Creek Public Use Area Rock Creek School Rock Creek School Rock Creek Township Rock Creek Township Rock Creek Township Rock Creek Township Rock Creek Township Rock Creek Township Rock Creek Township Rock Draw Rockford Township Rock Hill Rock Island Park Rockland Rock Oil Field Rock Oil Field Rock Port See Rockport (historical) Rockport (historical) Rock Port Rock Salt River See Nescatunga Creek Rock School Rock School Rock Southwest Oil Field Rock Springs 4 H Camp See Rock Springs Ranch Rock Springs 4 H Camp See Camp-Wa-shun-ga Rock Springs Canyon Rock Springs Ranch Rock Springs 4 H Camp Rock Station (historical) Rockton (historical) Rock Tower Well Rock Township Rockville (historical) Rockville Cemetery Rockville Cemetery Rockville School Rockville Township Rockwell Rockwell City Rockwell City See Norcatur Rockwell City See Rockwell Rockwell Township See Center District 1 Township Rocky Branch Rocky Draw Rocky Ford Rocky Ford Rocky Ford Cemetery Rocky Hill Rocky Hill School Rocky Mound Rocky Ridge School Rocky Run Rocky Run Rodgers (historical) Rodgers Branch Rodgers Branch Rodgers School FEATURE CLASS dam reservoir park school school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil valley civil summit park locale oilfield oilfield locale locale stream school school oilfield locale locale valley locale locale locale well civil locale cemetery cemetery school civil locale ppl locale civil stream valley ppl locale cemetery summit school summit school stream stream locale stream stream school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF CoUnNnTy Bourbon Bourbon Jefferson Miami Nemaha Cowley Butler Coffey Wabaunsee Jefferson Pottawatomie Nemaha Decatur Sedgwick Wallace Pratt Chase Cowley Cowley Rooks Rooks Comanche Jackson Leavenworth Cowley Dickinson Geary Geary Dickinson Cowley Wabaunsee Hamilton Marshall Miami Rice Miami Rice Rice Norton Decatur Norton Norton Allen Wichita Riley Greenwood Greenwood Riley Cloud Greenwood Cloud Anderson Marshall Cheyenne Sumner Miami Mitchell COORDINATE 3748 374858N0944515W 390720N0952714W 384237N0950141W 395911N09548 28W 372555N09658 15W 373130N09654 10W 382325N0953525W 384540N0961720W 391325N09532 35W 392630N09624 30W 395325N09550 30W 395214N1002639W 373110N0971225W 384724N1015821W 373905N09844 38W 38254 3N09638 37W 372131N0970245W 372700N09658 30W 39330 907W 393303N0991907W 370515N09908 15W 391419N09539 15W 392418N0950037W 371909N0970348W 385210N0965350W 385216N09654 15W 390435N09648 18W 385210N0965350W 372625N0970037W 385500N0960752W 380250N1020031W 394650N09624 40W 382648N09439 30W 381935N0985747W 38264 950W 381814N09758 4 6W 381814N0975847W 395000N1000500W 395013N1001115W 395000N1000500W 395758N0995440W 374408N0951641W 382405N1005751W 391415N0963522W 374902N0960303W 3748 32N0960306W 391035N0963510W 392008N0973 603W 3748 30N0960326W 392245N0973655W 38222 948W 395208N09638 44W 394550N1020350W 370508N0973247W 383017N0944209W 392742N0980607W SOURCE COORDINATE 39562 9W 390535N0964758W 374325N0951414W 382954N1011804W 382424N0953127W 39520 654W 371029N0973121W 38 3316N0944206W ELEV 1017 1220 3890 1229 1058 985 1584 1630 2518 1086 940 974 1100 1526 1040 KS241 MAP NAME Marmaton Perry Wellsville Sabetha Wilmot Gordon Waverly Alta Vista SE Meriden Westmoreland Sabetha Kanona Rose Hill Weskan Pratt Hymer Akron Wilmot Glade SE Elmont Oak Mills Akron Junction City Woodbine Udall Hessdale Holly East Beattie New Lancaster Windom SW New Lancaster Windom SW Windom SW Reager Rollin Scott City Manhattan Neal Neal Manhattan Lamar Neal Aurora Harris Marysville Armel Perth Louisburg Beloit KS242 FEATURE NAME Rodkey Rodney Hill Roeland Park Roland Park Roeland Park Elementary School Roeland Park Shopping Center Roepke Landing Strip Roesland Elementary School Roesler Oil Field Rogers Rogers Airport Rogers Cemetery Rogers Cemetery Rogers Corner Plaza Rogers Pond Rohr Jacobs Lake Roland Roland Park See Roeland Park Rolla Reil Rolla Cemetery Rolla Elementary School Rolla High School Rolla Township Roll Cemetery Rollin Rolling Green See Millerton Rolling Green School Rolling Hills Rolling Hills Christian Church Rolling Hills Church Rolling Hills Church of God Rolling Ridge Shopping Center Rollingson Oil Field Rollo Pasture Rollow Airport Rome Ronald Walker town Ronsse Landing Strip Rooker Cemetery Rooks Centre See Woodston Rooks County Rooks County State Lake Dam Rooks County State Park Rooks State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Roosevelt Elementary School Roosevelt Elementary School Roosevelt Elementary School Roosevelt Elementary School Roosevelt Elementary School Roosevelt Elementary School Roosevelt Elementary School Roosevelt Junior High School Roosevelt Junior High School Roosevelt Junior High School Roosevelt Junior High School Roosevelt Oil Field Roosevelt School Roosevelt School Roosevelt School FEATURE CLASS locale summit ppl school locale airport school oilfield locale airport cemetery cemetery locale reservoir reservoir locale ppl ppl cemetery school school civil cemetery locale locale school Ppl church church church locale oilfield flat airport ppl locale airport cemetery ppl civil dam park park school school school school school school school school school school school oilfield school school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS coUnTy COORDINATE BGN Finney 380104N1005726W BGN Riley 39064 3N0964 447W BGN Johnson 390215N094 375 VARIANT UNOFF Johnson 390143N094 38 38W UNOFF Johnson 390210N094 38 25W UNOFF Marshall 393537N0964 452W UNOFF Johnson 39022 38 04W UNOFF Barton 383008N0982921W BGN Chautauqua 37084 9N0961644W UNOFF Sumner 372400N0971130W UNOFF Chautauqua 37094 7N0961630W UNOFF Scott 38294 UNOFF Wyandotte 390706N0944022W BGN Butler 374600N096324 2W BGN Ellis 384559N099304 IW BGN Sumner 371558N0972726W VARIANT Johnson 390215N0943755W BGN Morton 370712N1013754W VARIANT UNOFF Morton 370712N10138 42W UNOFF Morton 370715N1013748W UNOFF Morton 370715N1013748W ADMIN Morton 370545N10138 00W UNOFF Sedgwick 373114N097222 6W BGN Neosho 373803N0952 121W VARIANT Sumner 322W UNOFF Barton 381631N0984417W BGN Sedgwick 374110N0972650W UNOFF Shawnee 390751N0954 315W UNOFF Johnson 385732N094 38 58W UNOFF Sedgwick 374045N0972710W UNOFF Johnson 385236N0945010W UNOFF Pratt 373928N0984111W BGN Morton 371030N1013950W UNOFF Neosho 37382 1N095264 3W BGN Sumner 37094 3 3W BGN Bourbon 374730N09448 15W VARIANT UNOFF Pottawatomie - 391025N0960255W UNOFF Jewell 393548N0982758W VARIANT Rooks 392719N099054 3W ADMIN Rooks 392100N0991900W UNOFF Rooks 392413N0991901W ADMIN Rooks 392358N0991905W ADMIN Rooks 392358N0991905W UNOFF Cowley 370355N0970209W UNOFF Neosho 37395 655W UNOFF Harvey 380258N0971958W UNOFF Reno 380416N0975608W UNOFF McPherson 382143N0974011W UNOFF Lane 38 3618N1003650W UNOFF Wyandotte 390709N0944006W UNOFF Montgomery 370213N095 375 5W UNOFF Sedgwick 374107N09718 37W UNOFF Barton 382202N098 4 601W UNOFF Shawnee 39033 113W UNOFF Russell 384338N098 57 15W UNOFF Cherokee 37052 3N094 38 38W UNOFF Sumner 371604N0972 340W UNOFF Barton 38305 464 9W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 2905 1211 930 980 1417 893 1210 3840 970 1260 3300 911 1872 1345 1020 953 1220 907 933 1578 MAP NAME Lowe Ogden Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Blue Rapids SW Shawnee Holyrood Elgin NE Mulvane Elgin NE Tribune NW Shawnee Rosalia Ellis SE Wellington Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Derby Rollin Ellinwood SW Wichita West Elmont Lenexa Wichita West Olathe Pratt Rolla NW Chanute Rome Marmaton Saint Marys Cawker City Stockton SE Stockton Stockton Stockton Arkansas City Chanute Newton Hutchinson Mc Pherson South Healy Shawnee Coffeyville West Wichita East Great Bend Topeka Galatia Baxter Springs Wellington Hoisington FEATURE NAME Roosevelt Township Roots Cemetery Roper Greystone Sidell Rosacker Lake Rosaco Rosalia Rosalia Township Roscoe Roscoe Cemetery Roscoe School Roscoe Township Rose Rosean Cemetery Rosebank Church Rose Bud Creek Rose Creek Rose Creek Rose Creek Cemetery Rose Creek Township Rosedale (historical) Rose Dale Cemetery Rosedale Cemetery Rosedale Middle School Rosedale Park Rosedale School Rose Dome Rose Hill See Galesburg Rose Hill Rosehill Rosehill See Rose Hill Rose Hill Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery Rosehill Cemetery Rose Hill Church Rose Hill School Rosehill School Roseland Roselawn Cemetery Roselia See Rozel Rose Meron Cemetery Rosemont (historical) Rosemont Church Rose Mound Cemetery Rosendale Cemetery Rose Oil Field Roseport See Elwood Rose Port Airport Rosette (historical) Rosette Cemetery Rosette Hall Rose Vale See Broughton Rose Valley Cemetery Rose Valley Cemetery Rose Valley Cemetery Rose Valley Cemetery Rose Valley Church FEATURE CLASS civil cemetery ppl reservoir locale ppl civil locale cemetery school civil Ppl cemetery church stream stream stream cemetery civil locale cemetery cemetery school park school summit ppl ppl ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church school school Ppl cemetery Ppl cemetery locale church cemetery cemetery oilfield ppl airport locale cemetery building ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF CoUNnTy Decatur Nemaha Wilson Stafford Cloud Butler Butler Graham Graham Graham Reno Woodson Lyon Dickinson Kingman Wallace Republic Republic Republic Wyandotte Chautauqua Bourbon Wyandotte Wyandotte Osborne Woodson Neosho Butler Butler Sumner Butler Saline Jefferson Riley Nemaha Republic Brown Marshall Barber Butler Atchison Johnson Cherokee Franklin Pawnee Clay Osage Osage Republic Doniphan Woodson Doniphan Jewell Lincln Lincoln Lincoln Clay Cowley Stafford Mitchell Osborne Osborne COORDINATE 395122N1002020W 394356N0960254W 373940N0954 357W 37544 39344 374855N0963710W 374652N09642 30W 39285 1N0994 609W 392947N0994 610W 39285 3N0994 608W 374635N09804 55W 374735N0954110W 38 3204N09608 47W 38 3727N09704 38W 372637N09804 25W 385316N1013757W 4004 35N0970651W 39564 359W 395735N09732 30W 390330N094 37 10W 370202N0962 305W 37430 3W 39034 390315N0943725W 392432N09848 19W 37464 30W 372825N0952 130W 373330N0970805W 373330N0970805W 370240N0972255W 373348N0970704W 38 3751N0973900W 391955N0952742W 301W 393452N0960047W 358W 3948 35N0952450W 39524 6N0961600W 370538N0982 309W 37344 4N097075KW 393115N0953312W 385704N0944353W 371652N0945101W 38 3408N0951600W 381145N0992410W 391310N0972001W 382932N09532 44W 382906N095 324 2W 395756N09754 48W 394240N095004 1W 374538N0953518W 39452 3938 11N0982134W 390428N09824 36W 390520N0982508W 390428N098 243 6W 391917N0970311W 371017N0965244W 375142N098 434 3W 392000N0982128W 393244N098 352 6W 393310N098 345 1W SOURCE COORDINATE 373215N0980519W 384922N1014540W 395748N0974309W ELEV FT 1761 1340 1520 2308 1015 1182 1416 1085 1636 1060 1240 1120 1327 1344 996 1332 1296 1442 1033 925 1298 1100 1100 1605 1500 1653 1653 1641 1246 1926 1672 1582 KS243 MAP NAME Kanona SE Corning Buffalo Stafford Concordia Rosalia Pontiac Hill City North Hill City North Hill City North Pretty Prairie Rose Allen SW Ramona Rago Sharon Springs E Endicott Munden Munden Kansas City Cedar Vale East Porterville Kansas City Kansas City Bloomington Rose Rose Hill South Haven Douglass Smolan Valley Falls Blue Rapids SW Havenville Wayne Robinson Summerfield Kiowa Rose Hill Whiting Lenexa Cherokee Ottawa South Longford Waverly Waverly Scandia NW Atchison NE Yates Center SE Ionia Sylvan Grove Sylvan Grove Sylvan Grove Winfield Stafford SW Blue Hill Downs North Downs North KS244 FEATURE NAME Rose Valley School Rose Valley Township Rosey Cemetery Ross Branch Ross Cemetery Ross Township Ross Township Rossville Edna Rossville Christian Church Rossville Township Rotate (historical) Rotate Township See Racewood Township Round Grove See Greenleaf Round House Rock Round Mound Round Mound Round Mound Round Mound (historical) Round Mound Cemetery Round Mound Cemetery Round Mound Church Round Mound School Round Mound Township Round Oak School Round Pond Creek See Pond Creek Round Prairie Cemetery Round Prairie Church Round Prairie Church Round Prairie School Round Prairie School Round Springs Church Round Springs Township Round Top Roundtop School Roundup (historical) Rovohl Township Rowe Branch Elk River Rowe School Roxbury Bloomingdale Roxbury Oil Field Royal Township Royal Valley Elementary School Royal Valley High School Royer Cemetery Roys Creek Royster Junior High School Rozel Ben Wade Ben-Wade Keysville Roselia Rozel Cemetery Rubens (historical) Rubow School Ruby (historical) Ruby Cemetery Rucker Airport Rucker Airport Ruella Ruells Township See Township Number 1 Ruggles Dam Ruggles Draw FEATURE CLASS school civil cemetery stream cemetery civil civil Ppl church civil locale civil ppl o_ summit pillar pillar summit locale cemetery cemetery church school civil school stream cemetery church church school school church civil summit school locale civil stream school Ppl oilfield civil school school cemetery stream school ppl cemetery locale school locale cemetery airport airport locale civil dam valley NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN coUunTy Atchison Stafford Geary Wilson Wilson Cherokee Osborne Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Rawlins Rawlins Washington Trego Trego Jefferson Montgomery Osborne Osborne Atchison Chautauqua Trego Osborne Johnson Harper Leavenworth Crawford Leavenworth Johnson Leavenworth Mitchell Mitchell Wilson Mitchell Barber Thomas Elk Crawford McPherson McPherson Ford Jackson Jackson Harvey Brown Neosho Pawnee Pawnee Jewell Osage Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Pawnee Harper Harper Lyon Wallace COORDINATE 393052N0953054W 375010N09844 50W 385738N0964433W 374119N09552 32W 37252 32 9W 371600N0945300W 393130N098 32 40W 3908 10N0955705W 390800N0955708W 391000N09558 30W 394210N1012007W 394825N10118 30W 394342N09658 33W 384402N0993907W 385459N09938 54W 390732N0952422W 370602N09553 35W 391640N098 58 30W 391547N098 574 9W 392753N0951127W 37095 356W 38545 3N0993 901W 391540N098 59 45W 3848 41N0950142W 364029N0973 308W 392444N0950426W 37265 39235 390143N0944 957W 392415N0950403W 391454N0981520W 391600N0981235W 374318N0955204W 392524N0981020W 370913N098 32 5 5W 393015N1010300W 37325 4N0962 629W 372438N094 38 44W 38330 38 3405N09728 23W 375212N1000704W 392022N0954 327W 391442N0954228W 380050N0972425W 400101N0952314W 374055N095273 3W 381145N09924 10W 381215N0992419W 50W 384520N0954 109W 373445N0973058W 37334 373430N09729 30W 381058N099 320 IW 370450N0981100W 372235N0982000W 382806N0961459W 390356N1014140W SOURCE COORDINATE 374143N096003 3W 373557N0962352W 395132N0952638W 390150N1014402W ELEV FT 930 2360 2323 1030 1018 2019 2034 1087 2250 1058 1093 1030 1433 1350 1433 2073 2076 1076 1378 1300 2151 1330 1120 MAP NAME Whiting Stafford SW White City NW Coyville Neodesha West Mineral Downs North Rossville Rossville Rossville Dewey Ranch Brownell Ogallah Ozawkie Caney Alton SW Alton SW Potter Cloverdale Ogallah Alton SW Edgerton Oak Mills Grindstone Creek Oak Mills Edwardsville Oak Mills Ash Grove Beloit SW Middletown Solomon Rapids Gerlane Chardon SE Piedmont SW Pittsburg Roxbury Roxbury Dodge City Mayetta Elmont Zimmerdale Rulo Chanute Rozel Rozel Webber Carbondale Clearwater Clearwater Bayneville Burdett Waldron Emporia Harris Draw West FEATURE NAME Ruggles School Ruhamah Church Ruleton Rumsey See Evansville (historical) Runnamede See Runnymede Running Turkey Creek Runnymeade See Runnymede Runnymede Runnamede Runnymeade Rupp Airport Ruppenthal Junior High School Courtside School Rural See Williamstown Rural Rural Cemetery Rural Center Church Rural Township Rural Township Rusco Cemetery Rush Airport Rush Center Rush Centre Walnut City Rush Center Elementary School Rush Center Oil Field Rush Centre See Rush Center Rush County Rush County Airport Rush County Dam Rush County Fairgrounds Rush Creek Rush Creek Rush Creek Rush Creek Rush Field Rushton Elementary School Rush Township See Township Number 6 Rushville (historical) Rushville Township Rusk Oil Field Russell Russell County Russell High School Russell Municipal Airport Russell Oil Field Russell Springs Cemetery Russell Springs Dam Russell Springs Russell Springs Township Russell Township Rust See Arma Ruston School Rutherford Oil Field Rutland Cemetery Rutland Township R.V. Phinney Elementary School Phinney School FEATURE CLASS school church ppl locale locale stream locale locale airport school Ppl locale cemetery church civil civil cemetery airport ppl school oilfield Ppl civil airport dam locale stream stream stream stream airport school civil locale civil oilfield Ppl civil school airport oilfield cemetery dam ppl civil civil ppl school oilfield cemetery civil school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT coUnTy Lyon Franklin Sherman Comanche Harper McPherson Harper Harper Chautauqua Russell Jefferson Chase Kingman Dickinson Kingman Jefferson Washington Doniphan Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush Harper Cowley Harper Geary Ellsworth Johnson Rooks Ford Phillips Sumner Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Logan Logan Logan Logan Russell Crawford Wyandotte Pawnee Montgomery Montgomery Pawnee COORDINATE 382656N0961512W 38 3206N09508 14W 392022N1015320W 370745N09904 22W 372123N097554 6W 38162 1W 372123N09755 4 6W 372123N09755 4 6W 371224N09604 36W 38532 5 128W 390346N0951957W 381117N0963406W 373746N0982405W 384756N0971322W 373605N0982435W 390545N0951755W 393913N097164 9W 394628N095150 3W 382755N09918 35W 382747N09918 39W 38290 30W 382755N09918 35W 382800N09918 30W 38 3254N0991718W 382748N09933 30W 383210N0991755W 3658 38N09812 39W 370054N0963221W 371026N098054 6W 390632N09654 4 IW 38 3440N0980600W 390207N0943918W 392615N0992545W 374405N0994000W 393618N0992015W 371704N0972009W 38534 134W 385500N0984 600W 385338N0985108W 385225N098 48 3 9W 385322N0985500W 385504N1011215W 385504N1011215W 385448N1011052W 385220N1011355W 38545 3N098 504 1W 373238N0944200W 390305N094 3 640W 382017N0990650W 371147N0955403W 371130N09553 30W 381110N0990530W SOURCE COORDINATE 382500N09728 09W 37004 3W 36594 372130N098054 0W 391016N0965038W ELEV FT 1198 1065 877 1379 1000 1291 1700 1256 950 1995 2070 2050 1675 1826 1862 2964 KS245 MAP NAME Plymouth Peoria Ruleton Mc Pherson SE Danville Hale Russell Matfield Green Cunningham Abilene SW St Leo Williamstown Brantford Highland Rush Center Rush Center Rush Center La Crosse La Crosse Alexander La Crosse Manchester NW Cedar Vale West Harper Milford Dam Crawford Shawnee Bucklin NW Glade SE Dalton Russell Russell Russell Homer Russell NW Russell Springs Russell Springs Russell Springs Lone Butte Russell Kansas City Albert SE Caney NW Caney NW Larned KS246 FEATURE NAME RWR Landing Strip Ryan (historical) Ryansville (historical) Ryan Township Rydal Rydel Rydel See Rydal Ryus S Sabetha Sabetha City Lake Lake Sabethan Sabetha Elementary School Sabetha High School Sabetha Middle School Sabetha Municipal Landing Field Sac and Fox Indian Reservation Iowa Sac and Fox Indian Reservation Sac and Fox Reservation and Fox Reservation See Sac and Fox Indian Reservation Sac Branch Sac Creek Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Sac Catholic Church Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Church College Elementary School Grade School Grade School Grade School Sacred Heart School Sacred Heart School See Kindergarten Elementary School Heart School Heart School Heart School Heart Heart Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred School School School School Heart Heart Heart Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Heart Saddle Back Saffordville Kenyon Saffordville Church Sailor Cemetery Saint Agnes Cemetery Saint Agnes School Saint Albans University Episcopal Parish Saint Aloysius Cemetery Saint Andrew Cemetery Saint Andrew Church Saint Andrews Cemetery Saint Andrew School FEATURE CLASS airport locale locale civil locale locale locale ppl reservoir school school school airport reserve reserve stream stream church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church school school school school school school school school school school school school school school ridge Ppl church cemetery cemetery school church cemetery cemetery church cemetery school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1898 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUunTy Wichita Rush Ford Sumner Republic Republic Grant Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Brown Brown Brown Franklin Anderson Shawnee Sumner Lyon Ness Ellis Gove Thomas Washington Nemaha Leavenworth Sedgwick Lyon Saline Rooks Thomas Pratt Ford Greenwood Pawnee Ness Franklin Wyandotte Shawnee Leavenworth Riley Chase Chase Wyandotte Reno Johnson Sedgwick Osborne Ellis Ellis Montgomery Montgomery COORDINATE 383752N1011130W 382130N09905 14W 373910N0994522W 371612N0973910W 3948 48N0974 240W 3948 48N0974240W 372952N1010628W 395408N09548 02W 39542 6N09554 19W 395357N0954728W 395358N0954728W 395352N0954728W 39542 3N0954 63 5W 395915N0952730W 395915N0952730W 382535N0940629W 382032N09518 09W 390328N09538 53W 371019N09733 36W 382336N09608 31W 382637N0995404W 385743N09908 06W 39065 120W 392407N1010152W 394335N0965708W 395055N0961100W 392355N09458 14W 374022N0972244W 382357N0961024W 385010N0973 645W 391413N0991518W 392355N1010325W 373856N0984 410W 374524N1000100W 374927N0961730W 381107N0990615W 38265 6N0995405W 38364 3N0951557W 390310N0944005W 390431N09538 51W 3918 16N0945448W 390642N0964 655W 382400N096233 3W 382540N0962224W 39092 18W 374957N09758 4 5W 390205N0943718W 374347N0971725W 392713N0984125W 390200N09923 18W 390200N09923 19W 371524N0953957W 371331N0954204W SOURCE COORDINATE 382537N09508 32W 3828 18N0952 622W ELEV FT 3214 1565 325 1318 1218 1330 1146 1189 1546 MAP NAME Pence NW Albert SE Ford Milan Belleville Ryus Sabetha Bern Sabetha Sabetha Sabetha Sabetha Highland NW Lane Garnett West Topeka Perth Emporia Ness City Catharine Park Colby Greenleaf Baileyville Weston Wichita West Emporia Salina Plainville Colby Pratt Eureka Larned Ness City Ottawa South Shawnee Topeka Leavenworth Junction Cit: Saffordville Plymouth Parkville Castleton Kansas City Wichita East Osborne Plainville SI Plainville St Sycamore Independence FEATURE NAME Saint Andrews Lutheran Church Saint Andrews Missionary Baptist Church Saint Anna Cemetery Saint Anne Roman Catholic Church Saint Anne School Saint Anns Cemetery Saint Ann School Saint Anthony Cemetery Saint Anthony Cemetery Saint Anthony Cemetery Saint Anthony Cemetery Saint Anthony Cemetery Saint Anthony Cemetery Saint Anthony Cemetery Saint Anthony Church Saint Anthony Hospital Saint Anthony Hospital Airport Saint Anthony Roman Catholic Church Saint Anthony School Saint Anthonys School Saint Augustine Seminary Saint Bartholomew Cemetery Saint Bedes Cemetery Saint Benedict Saint Benedict Church Saint Benedict Elementary School Saint Benedict Junior High School Saint Benedict School Saint Benedicts College See Benedictine College Saint Bernard See Centropolis Saint Bernard Cemetery Saint Bernards Cemetery Saint Bernards Church Saint Boniface Cemetery Saint Boniface Cemetery Saint Boniface Cemetery Saint Boniface Cemetery Saint Bridget Fairland Saint Bridget Cemetery Saint Bridget Cemetery Saint Bridget Township Saint Catharina Cemetery Saint Catherine School Saint Charles Cemetery Saint Charles Cemetery Saint Christophers Episcopal Church Saint Clair Township See Sinclair Township Saint Clere Saint Clere Cemetery Saint Clere Township Saint Columbia Cemetery Saint Columbine Cemetery Saint Columkilles Cemetery Saint Cyril Cemetery Saint Cyril Church Saint Cyrils School Saint Davids Episcopal Church Saint Dominic School Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church FEATURE CLASS church church cemetery church school cemetery school cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church hospital airport church school school school cemetery cemetery ppl church school school school school ppl cemetery cemetery church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery locale cemetery cemetery civil cemetery school cemetery cemetery church civil locale cemetery civil cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church school church school church NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Sedgwick Sedgwick Ellis Sedgwick Sedgwick Barton Johnson Cherokee Sedgwick Hodgeman Chase Barton Ellis Graham Graham Ford Ellis Sedgwick Sedgwick Seward Wyandotte Shawnee Nemaha Nemaha Doniphan Nemaha Nemaha Wyandotte Atchison Franklin Pottawatomie Washington Washington Barber Ellis Mitchell Washington Marshall Cherokee Marshall Marshall Ellis Lyon Chautauqua Doniphan Sedgwick Jewell Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Johnson Johnson Pottawatomie Rawlins Rawlins Wyandotte Shawnee Finney Sedgwick COORDINATE 374347N09722 12W 374320N09718 30W 38522 3N09904 38W 3738 36N0972113W 3738 35N0972113W 383121N0985621W 38595 374 6W 371808N0944534W 373913N0974102W 38070 328W 382420N0963317W 38295 595 3W 384243N0992006W 391121N1000450W 391122N1000511W 374556N1000055W 38524 374123N0971925W 374124N0971925W 370319N1005609W 390739N0944008W 385312N095524 9W 394422N0955947W 395314N0960555W 394308N0951352W 395016N0960341W 395016N096034 1W 39055 1N0943748W 393420N0950651W 384258N0952 100W 391316N0961825W 394430N0971558W 394428N0971637W 371504N0982412W 384628N0990652W 392008N09828 00W 393926N09654 34W 395758N0961549W 37164 48 25W 395726N0961528W 395735N0961730W 385524N0991308W 38234 371314N0960740W 394607N0950550W 373910N0971723W 395000N0980000W 392209N0960320W 392145N0960344W 392130N09602 30W 38502 3 3W 384525N09459 30W 392914N09624 30W 395636N1010635W 395639N1010633W 390609N094 375 3W 390214N0954 345W 375821N1005232W 374040N097274 6W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 1944 2016 2195 2000 1140 1584 1308 1393 907 1175 1080 1101 3083 KS5247 MAP NAME Wichita West Wichita East Walker Wichita East Wichita East Olmitz Lenexa Cherokee Garden Plain Hanston Strong City Heizer Liebenthal Saint Peter Saint Peter Dodge City Hays North Wichita East Wichita East Liberal Parkville Dover Goff St Benedict Bendena Seneca Seneca Shawnee Wamego Brantford Brantford Sharon North Walker Tipton Greenleaf Summerfield Cherokee Summerfield Summerfield Catharine Emporia Sedan Troy Wichita East Emmett Emmett Emmett Gardner Gardner Westmoreland Atwood NE Atwood NE Shawnee Topeka Garden City West Wichita West KS5248 FEATURE NAME Saint Elizabeth Cemetery Saint Elizabeth Hospital Saint Fidelis Cemetery Saint Francis Saint Francis Boys Home Saint Francis Boys Home Saint Francis Cemetery Saint Francis Cemetery Saint Francis Cemetery Saint Francis Cemetery Saint Francis Cemetery Saint Francis Cemetery Saint Francis Church Saint Francis City See Burns Saint Francis Elementary School Saint Francis Game Management Area See Saint Francis Wildlife Area Saint Francis High School Saint Francis Hospital Saint Francis Municipal Airport Saint Francis of Assisi Church Saint Francis of Assisi School Saint Francis Wildlife Area Saint Francis Game Management Area Saint Francis Xavier Cemetery Saint Francis Xavier Cemetery Saint George Eldon Saint George Cemetery Saint George Cemetery Saint George Eastern Orthodox Church Saint George Elementary School Saint George High School Saint Georges Cemetery Saint George Township Saint Gregorys Cemetery Saint Gregorys School Saint Isidore Church Saint Jacobs Well Saint James Baptist Church Saint James Episcopal Church Saint James School Saint Joe Saint John Zion Valley Saint John American Methodist Episcopal Church Saint John Baptist Church Saint John Cemetery Saint John Cemetery Saint John Cemetery Saint John Cemetery Saint John Cemetery Saint John Center (historical) Saint John Church Saint John Church Saint John Church Saint John Church Saint John Church Saint John Church Saint John County See Logan County FEATURE CLASS cemetery hospital cemetery Ppl building building cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church Ppl school park school hospital airport church school park cemetery cemetery ppl cemetery cemetery church school school cemetery civil cemetery school church well church church school Ppl ppl church church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery locale church church church church church church civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT CcoUnTy Jewell Reno Ellis Cheyenne Ellsworth Saline Neosho Wilson Ellis Thomas Smith Cheyenne Douglas Marion Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne Sedgwick Cheyenne Sedgwick Sedgwick Cheyenne Montgomery Stafford Pottawatomie Ellis Pottawatomie Sedgwick Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Republic Pottawatomie Marshall Marshall Republic Clark Sedgwick Sedgwick Butler Reno Stafford Shawnee Sedgwick Kingman Anderson Barton Lincoln Sheridan Logan Lincoln Ellis Sheridan Smith Smith Phillips Logan COORDINATE 605W 38043 627W 38515 394620N1014758W 384328N0981250W 3848 39N097424 3W 373048N0950924W 373703N095 563 3W 384802N0991608W 392115N1002735W 393758N09858 54W 394638N1014645W 384817N0952642W 380525N09653 10W 394621N1014751W 394422N1015155W 394625N1014740W 374200N097195 3W 394540N1014524W 374150N0972622W 374149N0972618W 394422N1015155W 371548N09534 31W 381214N0984910W 391128N09625 12W 385045N09908 32W 391208N0962455W 374055N0972105W 391134N0962515W 391134N0962515W 395216N0973214W 391330N09624 30W 395054N0963713W 395034N09638 28W 394754N0972717W 371425N09958 53W 374229N09718 36W 374114N0971736W 374050N09 6584 5W 374456N0974354W 380008N098 45 35W 390306N095404 6W 37424 39W 37254 3N098 25 11W 382117N0950732W 383117N0984738W 390100N0981532W 391128N1004108W 385530N1010610W 385947N0980906W 390138N0993224W 391127N1004105W 394336N0985351W 394630N0990151W 395407N0990402W 385400N1010800W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 1955 3320 1585 1257 994 1109 1929 1005 1130 1605 1284 1530 1909 1759 1835 1748 1924 MAP NAME Esbon Hutchinson Victoria St Francis Ellsworth Salina SW Erie New Albany Hays South Hoxie Cedar St Francis Globe St Francis St Francis Wichita East Saint Francis Wichita West Wichita West Drury Creek Cherryvale Seward St George Victoria St George Wichita East St George St George Belleville SE St George Home Marysville Cuba Ashland NW Wichita East Wichita East Augusta Garden Plain Saint John North Topeka Wichita East Nashville Garnett East Hoisington Vesper Grinnell North Russell Sprs NE Westfall NW Hill City 4 SE Grinnell North Cedar Kensington Kensington NE FEAT 014 FEAT Saint John Hi Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint John Sc Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns C Saint Johns E URE NAME URE NAME gh School emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery emetery hool hurch hurch hurch hurch hurch ollege reek piscopal Church Saint Johns High School Saint Johns Hospital Saint Johns L utheran Chruch Saint Johns Military School Saint Johns S Saint Johns S Saint Johns S Saint Johns S Saint John the Baptist Cemetery Saint John th Elementary Saint John To Saint Josapha Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Saint Joseph Church Saint Josephs Cemetery Saint Josephs Saint Josephs Saint Josephs Saint Josephs chool chool chool chool e Evangelist School wnship ts Cemetery Academy Catholic Church Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Church Grade School High School Hospital Hospital Roman Catholic and Highland Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery FEATURE CLASS FEATURE CLASS school cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school church church church church church school stream church school hospital church school school school school school cemetery school civil cemetery Ppl school church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church school school hospital hospital church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS coUnTy COORDINATE NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF SOURCE coUnTy Stafford Kingman Sedgwick Ford Allen Coffey Franklin Dickinson Morris Geary Wyandotte Wabaunsee Clay Leavenworth Mitchell Riley Decatur Decatur Washington Rawlins Washington Lincoln Douglas Wabaunsee Leavenworth Doniphan Rawlins Cowley Republic Sedgwick Mitchell Leavenworth Shawnee Saline Butler Allen Wyandotte Wyandotte Ness Barton Stafford Republic Cloud Ellis Shawnee Montgomery Allen Ford Lyon Rush Russell Ellis Dickinson Logan Rooks Norton Leavenworth Ellis Johnson Sedgwick Cloud Sedgwick Clark Sumner Barton Barton Jefferson ELEV COORDINATE 380015N0954 531W 37263 619W 373456N0973413W 375017N0994513W 375554N0952014W 381012N0953451W 38302 134W 3838 20N0965616W 3848 34N0965111W 390427N0965740W 390658N0944007W 390934N0961321W 391310N0970428W 392415N09508 19W 392800N0980607W 39285 3N0965058W 395218N1004101W 395335N1004422W 395352N0965200W 395512N1011219W 40000 3N0965 209W 3858 48N0980757W 384749N0952006W 391025N09610 30W 392416N09508 34W 393825N0950506W 395452N1011217W 371435N09658 31W 394000N09754 14W 374130N0972000W 392728N0980602W 391931N0945510W 390302N0954 116W 385143N0973 642W 374914N0965124W 375456N09524 10W 39043 3N094 394 9W 39064 382030N0994144W 383106N0984631W 380235N0984450W 395358N0974 125W 393035N097242 1W 38525 3N0992021W 390324N095402 9W 370915N09534 3 3W 374938N0952 615W 375348N0993616W 381600N096094 6W 38 3917N0991928W 385122N0983510W 385305N0991910W 385637N0971319W 390758N1004 950W 391817N0993614W 393542N1000658W 392019N09503 30W 385231N099194 9W 390117N0944315W 374005N0971742W 393357N0974024W 374058N0972 140W 371157N0994 455W 372249N09738 19W 382055N098 34 25W 38 3910N0983947W 392510N0951909W SOURCE COORDINATE COORDINATE 394308N09753 19W ELEV FT FT 1665 2438 1025 1045 1032 1416 1077 1306 1045 2824 1090 1006 1047 3209 2245 1648 1373 1779 1212 1348 1783 1925 1153 KS249 MAP NAME KS249 NAME Saint John North Zenda Clearwater Spearville La Harpe Aliceville Ottawa South Herington Skiddy Milford Dam Shawnee Belvue Wakefield Potter Beloit Randolph Oberlin SW Traer Hanover East Atwood NW Hanover East Westfall NW Lone Star Belvue Potter Atchison NE Atwood NW Winfield Jamestown NW Wichita East Beloit Leavenworth Topeka Salina El Dorado Iola Shawnee Kansas City Bazine SW Hoisington Hudson Belleville NW Clyde Hays North Topeka Liberty Humboldt Offerle Olpe Liebenthal Dorrance Hays North Abilene Oakley North Palco Lenora West Easton Hays North Shawnee Wichita East Concordia Wichita East Sitka Conway Springs Ellinwood Beaver Nortonville KS250 FEATURE NAME Saint Joseph School Saint Joseph School Saint Joseph School Saint Joseph School Saint Joseph School Saint Joseph School Saint Josephs Church Saint Josephs School Saint Jude Roman Catholic Church Saint Katherine Cemetery Saint Lawrence Cemetery Saint Lawrence Cemetery Saint Lawrence Cemetery Saint Leo Saint Leo School Saint Louis See Louisburg Saint Louis Cemetery Saint Louis Cemetery Saint Louis School Saint Luke Church of God in Christ Saint Lukes Cemetery Saint Lukes Church Saint Lukes Church Saint Lukes Missionary Baptist Church Saint Malachys Cemetery Saint Margaret Field See Providence Airport Saint Margaret Mary Roman Catholic Church Saint Mark See Saint Marks Saint Mark African Methodist Episcopal Church Saint Marks Saint Mark Saint Marks Church of God in Christ Saint Marks Episcopal Church Saint Martins Cemetery Saint Martins Cemetery Burnt Wood Creek Saint Martins Church Saint Martins Church Saint Martins School Saint Mary Aleppo See Saint Marys Saint Mary Cemetery Saint Mary Cemetery Saint Mary College Saint Mary Hospital Airport Saint Mary of the Plains College Saint Marys Saint Marys Saint Mary Aleppo Saint Marys Catholic Mission Saint Marys Academy Saint Marys Cathedral Saint Marys Catholic Mission See Saint Marys Saint Marys Cemetery FEATURE CLASS school school school school school school church school church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery ppl school ppl cemetery cemetery school church cemetery church church church cemetery airport church ppl church ppl church church cemetery cemetery church church school ppl cemetery cemetery school airport school ppl Ppl school church Ppl cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF CoUunNTy Sedgwick Allen McPherson McPherson Shawnee Atchison Marshall Leavenworth Sedgwick Republic Hodgeman Lyon Leavenworth Kingman Kingman Miami Kingman Washington Atchison Sedgwick Pottawatomie Johnson Jewell Shawnee Marshall Wyandotte Sedgwick Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Woodson Thomas Wyandotte Thomas Woodson Pottawatomie Bourbon Marion Leavenworth Riley Ford Sedgwick Pottawatomie Sedgwick Sedgwick Pottawatomie Cowley COORDINATE 138W 3748 47N0952 622W 382205N0974013W 382205N0974716W 39032 3N095 402 5W 393255N0950724W 393609N09618 52W 391914N0945517W 37442 145W 394941N0973218W 380403N0995 403W 382237N09558 11W 392040N0950801W 373145N0982436W 373141N0982438W 38 3710N0944050W 37405 611W 39382 9W 393727N0951337W 374216N0971931W 392700N0961529W 39015 424 9W 39382 1N0975555W 390136N0954025W 395213N0962 523W 390737N0944715W 3738 41N0971921W 374409N097334 3W 390422N0954014W 374409N097334 3W 374322N0971810W 374314N0972 305W 375518N095324 9W 39202 3N1003 527W 391018N0945400W 392020N1003537W 375505N09532 18W 391139N09604 15W 344W 383306N0970807W 391636N09454 25W 391120N0963510W 374635N1000035W 374224N09738 2 3W 391139N0960415W 374019N0971727W 374137N0972007W 391139N09604 15W 371420N09658 21W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 1337 1607 1138 1760 1054 1356 1455 1435 1011 992 926 1150 1510 1000 MAP NAME Wichita East Humboldt McPherson South Conway Topeka Atchison East Wheaton Leavenworth Wichita East Belleville SE Jetmore Lebo NW Easton SW St Leo St Leo Waterloo Palmer Atchison West Wichita East Westmoreland NE Shawnee Jamestown NW Topeka Beattie Wichita East Topeka Goddard Wichita East Wichita West Piqua Sequin Basehor Sequin Piqua Hepler Tampa Leavenworth Manhattan Dodge City Garden Plain St Marys Wichita East Wichita East Winfield Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint FEATURE NAME Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Marys Cemetery Mary School Marys Church Marys College See Parsons School Saint Marys Eastern Orthodox Church Saint Saint Saint Marys Hospital Marys Hospital Marys Mission See Saint Marys Seminary Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Marys School Marys School Marys School Marys School Marys School Marys School Marys School Marys School Marys Seminary Saint Marys Mission Marys Township Mathew Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Matthews Catholic Church Matthias Episcopal Church Michael Cemetery Michael Monastery Michaels Cemetery Michaels Cemetery Michaels Cemetery Michaels Cemetery Michaels Cemetery Michaels Church Nicholas See Cummings Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Nicholas Cemetery Nicholas School Patrick Cemetery Patrick Cemetery Patrick Cemetery Patrick Roman Catholic Church Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Patricks Cemetery Patricks Cemetery Patricks Cemetery Patrick School Patrick School Patrick School Patrick School Patricks Church Patricks Church Patricks School Patricks School FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school church school church hospital hospital school school school school school school school school school school civil church church church cemetery church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church Ppl cemetery school cemetery cemetery cemetery church cemetery cemetery cemetery school school school school church church school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF CoUnTy Bourbon Woodson Harvey Lyon Rice Wichita Ness Rush Russell Ellis Geary Geary Jefferson Cloud Washington Doniphan Nemaha Rawlins Finney Hodgeman Jefferson Sedgwick Lyon Riley Pottawatomie Labette Crawford Sedgwick Sedgwick Bourbon Harvey Saline Ellis Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Marshall Wyandotte Hodgeman Bourbon Rush Trego Pottawatomie Trego Atchison Edwards Edwards Saline Rawlins Nemaha Sedgwick Osage Lincoln Riley Kingman Neosho Sedgwick Wyandotte Dickinson Nemaha Labette Anderson COORDINATE 375032N0944 426W 37512 601W 38023 381743N0955706W 382057N098210 3W 382856N1011223W 38 3401N09938 26W 3838 46N0991047W 385301N0990117W 38563 335 6W 39003 390306N09638 28W 392038N0952 648W 393547N0975306W 393656N0971627W 39412 3W 395312N0960554W 395458N1004758W 375811N1005254W 375907N09938 30W 391112N0951517W 374040N0972122W 382458N0961106W 391058N0963421W 391133N09603 30W 372035N0951648W 372459N0944209W 373255N0971558W 3738 41N0971921W 375004N0944240W 380308N0972038W 3848 385231N0991908W 391133N09603 30W 391400N0960500W 374155N0971920W 390107N0953903W 374124N0972654W 395332N0961528W 39072 6N0944009W 375632N1000607W 380032N09544 30W 383152N099174 6W 390155N1000655W 392950N096185 3W 39015 392746N0951450W 375455N0992525W 37554 384003N0972611W 393640N1005327W 393908N0960130W 374310N0972043W 38 3903N0955022W 390058N098090 3W 390725N09643 15W 3738 49N0980714W 374040N0952 650W 374312N0972042W 390654N0944752W 3858 50N0970024W 393610N09608 40W 37204 3N095 155 1W 382309N0952712W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 1455 1088 2204 2012 1922 1294 1147 2367 1341 2575 850 1281 1130 1397 1340 1166 K§S251 MAP NAME Fort Scott Yates Center SE Newton Hartford Chase Marienthal Mc Cracken SW Pfeifer Gorham Ellis Junction City Ogden Valley Falls Scottsville Clifton Denton St Benedict Herndon Garden City West Offerle NW Wichita East Emporia Manhattan Parsons West Pittsburg Derby Wichita East Fort Scott Newton Salina Hays North St Marys St Marys Wichita East Topeka Wichita West Summerfield Shawnee Dodge City NE Prescott La Crosse Collyer Westmoreland NE Collyer Kinsley Kinsley Gypsum Long Draw South Corning Wichita East Osage City Lincoln Ogden Kingman Chanute Wichita East Edwardsville Chapman Duluth Parsons West Williamsburg KS252 Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Epis Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Se Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Chur Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Scho Saint Saint Saint Saint Se Saints Saints Saints Saints Saints Saints Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint FEATURE NAME Patricks School Patricks School Pats Paul Catholic Mission Osage Mission Paul Paul African Methodist copal Church Paul Cemetery Paul Cemetery Paul Cemetery Paul Cemetery Paul Cemetery Paul Cemetery Paul Church Pauls Cemetery Pauls Cemetery Paul School Pauls Church Pauls Church Pauls Church Pauls Church Pauls Church Pauls Church Pauls Lutheran Church Pauls Lutheran Church Peter Hoganville Peter e Aurora Peter Church Peters Cemetery Peters Cemetery Peters Cemetery Peters Church Peters School Peters United Methodist ch Phillips Cemetery Phillips School Pius X Elementary School Rose Cemetery Rose Hospital Rose Of Lima Elementary ol Rose School Severin Cemetery Severin Church Sophia e Utica Peter and Paul Cemetery Peter and Paul Cemetery Peter and Paul Church Peter and Paul Church Peter and Paul School Peter and Paul School Stephens Episcopal Church Teresa Cemetery Teresa Cemetery Theresa (historical) Theresa Church Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Thomas Aquinas School Thomas Cemetery Thomas Cemetery Thomas Hospital Thomas School FEATURE CLASS school school locale ppl locale church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church cemetery cemetery school church church church church church church church church ppl Ppl church cemetery cemetery cemetery church school church cemetery school school cemetery hospital school school cemetery church ppl cemetery cemetery church church school school church cemetery cemetery locale church church school cemetery cemetery hospital school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF CcoUnTy Miami Atchison Atchison Neosho Sedgwick Sedqwick Dickinson Ottawa Washington Washington Washington Brown Barton Pratt Cheyenne Ellsworth Sedgwick Reno Marion Saline Lincoln Geary Sedgwick Shawnee Graham Cloud Washington Allen Cloud Brown Cloud Wyandotte Shawnee Dickinson Miami Johnson Labette Barton Barton Cherokee Ellis Ellis Ness Mitchell Nemaha Edwards Washington Barton Nemaha Sedgwick Anderson Jewell Wichita Wichita Sedgwick Sedgwick Leavenworth Rooks Thomas Wyandotte COORDINATE 38 3404N0945217W 392813N09507 18W 3928 40N0950717W 373108N095 102 3W 373945N0974507W 37425 44W 384409N09658 54W 391604N0974507W 3938 20N09708 48W 394108N09705 13W 3948 48N09758 19W 395122N095403 9W 382238N0990048W 37433 395 2W 393820N1014135W 384915N098 154 3W 37394 428W 37534 38 3632N0970220W 384517N0972934W 385638N09804 48W 385948N096450 IW 374200N0972031W 39035 3N095 38 4 5W 391123N1000520W 392707N0973137W 393637N09653 32W 37463 3N0952 407W 3928 35N0973105W 39432 360 6W 392156N09738 52W 390638N094 38 42W 39015 458W 384052N0970303W 383002N0945658W 390144N0943914W 370137N09504 38W 382204N098 47 15W 382158N098 454 1W 495 6W 390125N0991535W 390056N0991538W 3838 38N1001010W 392915N0982558W 395056N0960413W 380001N0992731W 395457N0970947W 38260 34 12W 395020N096034 2W 374155N0971453W 381117N095295 3W 394719N0981326W 38 3405N1013047W 38 3418N1013038W 374228N0971531W 374225N0971532W 391535N0950709W 392642N0991638W 392336N1010319W 390512N0943738W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 1026 1070 897 1380 1426 1946 1882 1795 1496 1406 1299 2495 1156 1455 1393 2171 1457 2238 1491 1813 1102 1046 MAP NAME Paola East Oak Mills Oak Mills Erie Cheney Wichita East Herington Glasco Palmer Linn Hanover SW Fairview Albert Pratt Bird City S NW Black Wolf Garden Plain Haven Ramona Kipp Westfall Wreford Wichita East Topeka Saint Peter Kimeo Humboldt Aurora Horton Aurora SW Shawnee Topeka Hope Paola West Shawnee Chetopa Great Bend Great Bend Columbus Plainville SE Plainville SE Mill Creek Seneca Rozel SW Washington NW Ellinwood NE Seneca Andover Westphalia Mankato Sharon Sprs 4 SE Sharon Sprs 4 SE Wichita East Wichita East Easton Stockton Colby Shawnee FEATURE NAME Saint Vincent de Paul Church Saint Wenceslaus Cemetery Salamanca Township Salchow Cemetery Salem See Louisiana (historical) Salem Salem (historical) Salemburg See Salemsborg Salem Cemetery Salem Cemetery Salem Cemetery Salem Cemetery Salem Cemetery Salem Church Salem Church Salem Church Salem Church Salem Church Salem Church Salem Evangelical Cemetery Salem-Friedhof Cemetery Salem Missionary Baptist Church Salemsborg Salemburg Salemsburg Salemsburgh Salemsburg See Salemsborg Salemsburgh See Salemsborg Salem Township Salem Township Salem Township Salem Township Sales Cemetery Sales Community Hall Saliena See Salina Salina Saliena Saline Salina Airport Salina Central High School Salina Municipal Airport Saline See Salina Saline County Saline County State Lake Saline County State Lake Dam Saline Creek See Bluff Creek Saline Creek Saline River Grand Salina Fork Grand Saline Fork Grande Saline Riviére Ne Miskua Saline Valley Cemetery Saline Valley Cemetery Sallee (historical) Norwalk Sallyards Sallyards Oil Field Salser Landing Strip Salt Creek See Abbyville FEATURE CLASS church cemetery civil cemetery locale locale locale locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church cemetery cemetery church locale locale locale civil civil civil civil cemetery building ppl ppl airport school airport ppl civil reservoir dam stream stream stream cemetery cemetery locale ppl oilfield airport ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT coUnTy Butler Marshall Cherokee Geary Douglas Jewell Jewell Saline Allen Edwards Stafford Cheyenne Jewell Haskell Allen Reno Rice Marshall Cheyenne Cheyenne Rice Sedgwick Saline Saline Saline Cowley Sedgwick Allen Greenwood Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Saline Saline Saline Saline Saline Saline Saline Saline Saline Sumner Anderson Saline Saline Trego Kingman Greenwood Greenwood Harper Reno COORDINATE 374115N0970808W 393401N09639 36W 37093 3N09 454 09W 385607N0964 623W 3848 15N09512 35W 395218N0982903W 395245N0982959W 384143N0974109W 37512 380159N0992632W 380905N098 38 24W 3948 52N1015455W 395232N098 300 2W 373852N1004120W 375334N095274 6W 380658N09808 32W 382749N09824 19W 394756N0962007W 394852N1015502W 394618N1015719W 382756N0982420W 374139N0972345W 384143N0974109W 38414 3N0974 109W 38414 372045N0955400W 373115N09718 55W 374745N0952235W 380115N0962 600W 39223 3N09 6294 8W 392945N0962959W 385025N0973640W 385025N0973640W 349W 38493 3N0973606W 384735N0973751W 385025N0973 640W 384700N0974000W 385406N0973900W 385406N0973900W 36580 552W 381244N0950033W 385128N0973021W 385458N0973 629W 390705N0995740W 374257N098 144 6W 374917N0963025W 375130N0962 910W 371147N09753 34W 375815N0981214W SsoURCE COORDINATE 38150 32W 390934N1004247W ELEV FT 1331 1775 1025 1640 1749 1330 1225 1271 1272 2323 1450 1331 KS253 MAP NAME Andover Blue Rapids SW Hallowell Wreford Esbon Burr Oak NW Iola SE Rozel SW Hudson NW Saint Francis SW Mc Cracken Branch Copeland NW Iola Sterling SW Chase NW Axtell Saint Francis SW Saint Francis SW Chase NW Wichita West Smolan New Salem Derby Humboldt Teterville Westmoreland Flush Salina Salina Salina Salina SW Salina SW New Cambria New Cambria Centerville Salina New Cambria Wa Keeney West Kingman NW Rosalia Reece Bluff City NW KS254 FEATURE NAME Salt Creek Salt Creek Salt Creek Salt Creek Salt Creek Salt Creek Salt Creek Rattlesnake Creek Creek See Rattlesnake Creek Salt Salt Salt Salt Salt Salt Salt Salt Salt Salt Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Salt Creek See Marsh Creek Salt Creek See Skunk Creek Salt Creek Salt Creek Petite Saline Tall Creek Salt Creek (historical) Salt Salt Salt Salt Salt Creek Township Creek Township Creek Township Creek Township Creek Township See Lawrence Township Salt Creek Valley Salt Creek Valley Elementary School Salter Salt Fork See Salt Fork Arkansas River Salt Fork Arkansas River Grand Sabine River Kai it tu Kits Kait Little Arkansas River Little River Ne Shudse Shunga Nesuketonga River Red Fork Arkansas River Red Fork of Arkansas River Salt Fork Salt Fork Creek Salt Fork of Arkansas River Salt Fork Creek See Salt Fork Arkansas River Salt Fork of Arkansas River See Salt Fork Arkansas River Salt Fork of the Arkansas River See Nescatunga Creek Salt Grass Canyon Salt Lake See Sportsmans Lake Salt Marsh See Sportsmans Lake Salt Marsh See Marsh Creek FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream locale civil civil civil civil civil valley school locale stream stream stream stream stream valley reservoir reservoir stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT coUnTy Cowley Montgomery Montgomery Wilson Greenwood Reno Stafford Stafford Rice Rice Osage Lane Russell Ottawa Jackson Leavenworth Cloud Cloud Cloud Republic Washington Reno Chautauqua Reno Lincoln Mitchell Cloud Leavenworth Leavenworth Butler Barber Barber Barber Barber Comanche Wallace Republic Republic Cloud COORDINATE 370637N097074 6W 371558N09555 12W 372225N0954004W 373107N0955056W 373648N09602 15W 380242N0975750W 38125 3N098 2 958W 381259N0982959W 3818 47N0981221W 382052N09758 2 6W 38 3542N095304 IW 384459N1003328W 385733N098 52 55W 390420N097405 3W 391413N09558 03W 392320N094 56 35W 393545N0973 132W 393710N0975224W 3938 42N0975312W 394016N0975228W 395100N0971035W 380330N098 10 15W 371510N0960200W 380300N09804 50W 391045N09759 10W 391600N0980600W 393600N09732 30W 392304N0945655W 392135N0945754W 373650N0970240W 363558N09703 10W 363558N09703 10W 363558N09703 10W 363558N09703 10W 3705 15N09908 15W 390225N1015522W 3938 44N0975324W 39384 4N0975324W 393710N0975224W SOURCE COORDINATE 370540N09714 39W 371744N0960535W 37232 34 4 5W 373618N0955228W 373915N0961624W 380312N098 163 6W 381210N0983105W 382337N0981055W 38254 9W 384338N09559 40W 384144N1003708W 3858 20N0990405W 3918 15N0982227W 3918 645W 391803N09502 18W 395415N0973635W 394148N0975 142W 395928N0971248W 391908N0950202W 371034N0992 115W 390127N1015609W ELEV FT 1275 MAP NAME Geuda Springs Elk City Sycamore Fredonia Fall River Hutchinson Alden Lyons Windom Quenemo Cheyenne Creek Russell NW Minneapolis South Soldier Creek SW Weston Rice Kackley Washington NW Sterling SW Oak Valley Yaggy Ada Beloit SE Weston Leavenworth Douglass Alva NW Horsethief Dr FEATURE NAME Salt Marsh See Little Salt Marsh Salt Marsh See Big Salt Marsh Salt Marsh Salt Marsh Creek See Marsh Creek Salt Marsh Creek See Skunk Creek Salt Springs Township Saltville (historical) Saltville Church Salty Creek Samena Siding Samuels Cemetery Sandago (historical) Sand Arroyo Creek Sand Creek Sandy Arroyo Creek Sand Burr Hill Sand Canyon Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek See Big Sandy Creek Sand Creek See Cave Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek See Kiowa Creek Sand Creek East Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek See West Kiowa Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek See North Fork Cimarron River Sand Creek Sand Creek See Sand Arroyo Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek See Hunter Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Crooked Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek FEATURE CLASS swamp swamp swamp stream stream civil locale church stream locale cemetery locale stream ppl valley locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER-- KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN 1975 VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN 1975 VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN county Stafford Stafford Cloud Cloud Cloud Greenwood Mitchell Mitchell Barber Wallace Graham Stafford Grant Sedgwick Cheyenne Harvey Comanche Barber Comanche Clark Comanche Sumner Sumner Barber Comanche Barber Kiowa Grant Kingman Grant Sedgwick Kingman Kingman Sedgwick Kearny Sedgwick Harvey Kearny Hamilton Reno Harvey Hodgeman Hodgeman Rice Wichita Coffey Rush Ellsworth Franklin Gove Ness Wallace COORDINATE 380535N0982920W 381150N0983150W 393708N0974739W 393710N0975224W 3938 42N09753 12W 374015N09602 30W 391700N0980555W 062 9W 365729N098 16 10W 385341N1014009W 391827N0994042W 381100N098 38 12W 3728 36N1012915W 373414N09718 45W 400120N1015300W 380200N09722 10W 370750N0990800W 370139N0985121W 370656N0990537W 371020N10004 30W 371045N09928 20W 371504N0974700W 371507N0974138W 371939N098 454 6W 371940N09928 30W 372038N09848 28W 372230N0993125W 372514N1010714W 372639N0981156W 3728 36N1012915W 37324 373531N0975658W 373825N0980507W 373916N09743 32W 375338N1012607W 375407N0971129W 375505N0972608W 375534N1011532W 375757N1014029W 37595 344W 354 6W 380948N100094 3W 381502N0994057W 381528N09754 44W 382023N101052 1W 382536N0954144W 382917N0990805W 38 3635N0975733W 3838 47N0951805W 384612N1001251W 384715N0995 444W 385145N1013825W SOURCE COORDINATE 371011N0982636W 371228N1024708W 395805N1015236W 371342N09909 10W 371544N1001638W 372316N09809 15W 371908N0974 322W 372408N0984459W 372610N0984908W 110W 373441N0984739W 37302 638W 373247N0980607W 374355N0974125W 375852N1012809W 37542 381348N0971648W 375841N1012258W 380937N1014753W 380147N0980221W 382118N0972723W 37595 1N1001906W 381314N0995007W 381904N0980309W 382234N10128 55W 382241N09538 36W 38 3406N099244 6W 384217N09758 44W 384138N0951729W 384048N1001311W 38394 1N1000243W 384940N1013802W ELEV FT 3323 1260 1430 KS255 MAP NAME Jamestown Fall River Lake Beloit SE Beloit SE Amorita Sharon Springs E Bogue Hudson NW Wagon Bed Spr NW Derby St Francis NW Newton Nescatunga Cr N Proffitt Lake Argonia Milan Lake City Lake City Turkey Creek Spivey Lake Afton Murdock Garden Plain Lakin NW Whitewater Sedgwick Lakin NW Syracuse East Elmer Halstead Horse Thief Can N Bazine SW Windom SW Modoc SE Waverly NW Timken Venango Ottawa North Castle Rock Fort Downer South Flats KS256 FEATURE NAME Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Sand Creek Cemetery Sand Creek Church Sand Creek School Sand Creek Township Sand Creek Township See Solomon-District 3 Township Sand Draw Sand Ford See Derby Sand Hills Sandhills Pasture Sand Lake Sand River See Smoky Hill River S and S Oil Field Sand Spring Sand Springs Sand Spring Sand Springs See Sand Spring Sandstone Bluff See Jenkins Hill Sandy Arroyo Creek See Sand Arroyo Creek Sandy Creek Sandy Creek See Little Sandy Creek Sandy Creek Sandy Creek Sandy Creek Sandy Creek Sandy Fork See White Woman Creek Sandy Fork See Smoky Hill River Sandy Hill Fork See Smoky Hill River Sandy Hill School Sanford Sanford See Sanford Creek Sanford Creek Sanford Spring Creek San Guillemo River See Cimarron River Santa-Fe See Santa Fe (historical) Santa Fe (historical) Santa-Fe Santa Fe Congregation Jehovahs Witnesses Santa Fe Elementary School Santa Fe Hospital Santa Fe Lake FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery church school civil civil valley ppl range flat lake stream oilfield ppl spring Ppl summit stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream school Ppl stream stream stream locale locale church school hospital lake NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN coUnTy Ottawa Logan Rooks Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Sheridan Graham Graham Rooks Norton Norton Cheyenne Norton Marion Pratt Franklin Meade Norton Scott Sedgwick Franklin Morton Riley Geary Russell Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Pawnee Grant Harper Harper Harper Woodson Rush Sherman Scott Geary Geary Sherman Pawnee Cowley Cowley Comanche Haskell Haskell Sedgwick McPherson Shawnee Neosho COORDINATE 390056N0973612W 390248N1012301W 390525N099204 5W 391050N096235 3W 391116N0962744W 392029N1001906W 39205 392134N09938 11W 392415N09924 15W 393639N0995 159W 3938 452W 3948 395414N0994047W 381115N0971758W 373052N098 38 20W 38 3907N0951710W 370435N1001120W 394054N09953 35W 38 3850N1005422W 373244N0971607W 383325N09518 24W 370630N1014515W 327W 390334N09648 0 3W 385730N0985620W 385425N0971701W 385425N0971702W 385425N0971701W 381036N099094 2W 3728 36N1012915W 364535N0981026W 365331N0981316W 131W 374032N0955013W 3828 358W 391114N1015113W 382535N10054 15W 390334N09648 03W 3903 34N0964 8 0 3W 391302N1015236W 381050N09918 50W 372354N097005 3W 372354N0970053W 361014N0961618W 373410N10052 15W 373410N10052 15W 3738 45N0972055W 959W 390300N0954005W 373913N095272 6W SOURCE COORDINATE 391105N0973134W 391303N1013630W 391217N0992452W 391216N0962250W 391356N0962730W 392056N1004619W 392742N0995 8 4 IW 392 6W 39302 3N099 315 5W 394233N09956 14W 39425 8 05W 394137N1014355W 395712N0994217W 38 3850N10053 18W 371150N0981905W 372702N0975052W 375358N0955032W 382113N0992637W 390817N1022224W 372441N096572 3W ELEV FT 1883 916 1160 3810 2054 938 MAP NAME Bennington Mc Allaster Plainville SE St George St George Tasco Hill City NW Bogue Webster Dam Edmond SE Edmond St Francis Almena Goessel Pratt SW Ottawa North Proffitt Lake SW Lake Scott Ottawa South Wilburton Manhattan Russell NW Solomon Solomon Waldron Argonia Middletown Rush Center SW Horsethief Dr NE Horsethief Dr NW Sanford vdall Garden City 3 SE Wichita East Mc Pherson South Topeka Chanute FEATURE NAME Santa Fe Lake Santa Fe Lake Santa Fe Lake Santa Fe Lake Dam Santa Fe Lake Dam Santa Fe Middle School Santa Fe Middle School Santa Fe Park Santa Fe Shopping Center Santa Fe Slough Santa Fe Station Santa Fe Township Santa Fe Trail (historical) Old Santa Fe Trail Santa Fe Trail Elementary School Santa Fe Trail Junior High School Santa Fe Trail Marker Santanta See Satanta Sappa See Oberlin Sappa Creek South Fork Beaver Creek Sappa Creek Sappaton See Chardon Sappa Township Saratoga (historical) Saratoga Cemetery Saratoga Township Sarcoxie Cemetery Sarcoxie School Sarcoxie Township Sardis Church Sargent See Coolidge Saron Cemetery Satanta Santanta Satanta Landing Strip See Satanta Municipal Airport Satanta Municipal Airport Satanta Landing Strip Satchel Creek Saucer Lake Saunders Saunders (historical) Sautrell Falls See Valley Falls Savannah (historical) Saville Cemetery Savonburg Savonburgh Savons burg Savonburg Cemetery Savonburgh See Savonburg Savonsburg See Savonburg Saw Log Creek Saw Log Township See Sawlog Township Saw Log Creek Oil Field Sawlog Township Saw Log Township FEATURE CLASS reservoir reservoir reservoir dam dam school school park locale gut locale civil trail school school park ppl Ppl stream stream locale civil locale cemetery civil cemetery school civil church Ppl cemetery Ppl airport airport stream lake locale locale ppl locale cemetery ppl cemetery ppl Ppl stream civil oilfield civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT CcoUnNnTyY Elk Butler Johnson Elk Butler Harvey Harvey Shawnee Lenexa Rice Douglas Pawnee Johnson Johnson Johnson Hamilton Haskell Decatur Sherman Norton Rawlins Decatur Pratt Pratt Pratt Leavenworth Leavenworth Jefferson Lyon Hamilton Cloud Haskell Haskell Haskell Butler Harvey Stanton Rush Jefferson Pottawatomie Marshall Allen Neosho Allen Allen Hodgeman Hodgeman Hodgeman Hodgeman COORDINATE 372154N0961945W 374218N0970250W 38455 3N0950012W 372154N0961945W 374218N0970250W 380302N097204 6W 380308N0972038W 390350N0953904W 3858 15N0944137W 381450N0980741W 385816N0951348W 380751N0991005W 384750N09458 00W 385958N094 393 3W 38535 380244N10202 38W 372614N1015818W 394906N1003140W 391528N1015658W 400652N09928 4 5W 393917N1010324W 394700N1004105W 373822N0984137W 373715N0984130W 3738 45N0984205W 390228N0950107W 390145N095012 3W 390545N0951400W 382140N0961229W 380230N10200 30W 393819N0973904W 372614N1015818W 372737N1015919W 372737N1015919W 375127N09648 34W 375805N0973900W 372816N1020220W 3838 35N0992505W 392036N0952736W 393052N0960713W 394123N0963710W 374458N09508 38W 374401N09508 30W 374458N09508 38W 374458N09508 38W 380731N0994136W 375726N0995 357W 380011N0994020W 37572 SOURCE COORDINATE 391328N1020507W 394705N10034 40W 375420N09634 36W 374927N1001249W ELEV FT 1109 1056 1110 1468 2956 2976 1430 3665 950 1058 KS257 MAP NAME Moline Santa Fe Lake Edgerton Moline Santa Fe Lake Newton Newton Topeka Lenexa Lyons Lawrence East Fort Larned Gardner Lenexa Olathe Holly East Ruleton Alma SW Oberlin SW Pratt Pratt SW Pratt Tonganoxie Tonganoxie Midland Olpe Condordia NW Satanta Satanta El Dorado Patterson Saunders La Cross NW Havensville Blue Rapids NE Stark Stark Hanston NW Hanston Spearville NW KS258 FEATURE NAME Sawmill Creek Sawmill Township Sawyer Sawyer Canyon Saxman Sayre Scammon Scammonville Scammon Elementary School Scammonville See Scammon Scandia New Scandinavia Scandia-Belleville Airport Scandia Township Scates Cemetery Scatter Creek Scatter Creek Schaben Oil Field Schadel Oil Field Schaede Cemetery Schafer Airfield Schaffer Schaffer Creek Schaffer School Scheiller Cemetery Schell Creek Schell Park Schengen See Schoenchen Schipple School Schlanger Park Schlender Cemetery Schneider Cemetery Schoenchen Schengen Schoenchen Elementary School Schoenfeld Cemetery Schofield School Schoharie (historical) Schonholm (historical) School Branch School Branch School Creek Schoolcraft Airport School Creek School Creek School Creek School Creek School Creek School Creek School Creek School Creek See School Branch School Creek School Creek School Creek Schooley Cemetery School Number 187 School Number 57 School Number C-2 Schrader Branch Sehrader Creek Schrecks Plaza Schreiner Cemetery Schroyer See Shroyer FEATURE CLASS stream civil ppl valley ppl locale ppl school ppl ppl airport civil cemetery stream stream oilfield oilfield cemetery airport locale stream school cemetery stream park Ppl school park cemetery cemetery ppl school cemetery school locale locale stream stream airport stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery school school school stream locale cemetery locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1897 VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT CcoUNnTy Pawnee Pawnee Pratt Cheyenne Rice Ford Cherokee Cherokee Cherokee Republic Republic Republic Ellsworth Allen Jefferson Ness Rush Woodson Rice Rush Chase Rush Dickinson Marshall Sedgwick Ellis Saline Crawford Harvey Barton Ellis Ellis Barton Bourbon Ness Butler Butler Riley Cof fey Cowley Woodson Coffey Chase Riley Geary Pottawatomie Riley Republic Washington Smith Reno Sedgwick Sedgwick Hamilton Elk Sedgwick Russell Marshall COORDINATE 381009N0990934W 380753N0993054W 372950N0984055W 395355N1013155W 381650N0980732W 374117N1001026W 37163 37165 371639N0944929W 394740N0974700W 394808N0974 619W 39464 650W 38 3719N0980602W 374502N0952758W 391656N0951314W 382110N0994125W 382125N0993 400W 375242N0953530W 381508N0981612W 3828 17N0990518W 38284 3N0964 128W 383004N0990621W 385201N0970638W 394910N0963657W 37434 3N097205 3W 384248N0991955W 385334N097334 3W 372445N0944138W 381001N09732 15W 384054N0985054W 384248N0991955W 384239N0991954W 38405 3N098 52 34W 374635N0945103W 382517N0994 929W 375310N0965135W 38002 3N0964 32 3W 39282 6N09 648 59W 382500N0953100W 371547N0964134W 375413N0954 223W 381755N0953807W 38 3054N09642 39W 39072 1N0962715W 39073 3N0965 500W 39125 6294 2W 39282 6N09648 59W 394431N0974714W 40000 6W 400425N09848 03W 374400N09804 58W 373358N0972047W 373258N0972 121W 374749N1015531W 372139N09628 01W 374321N09718 25W 384513N098 34 38W 6404 2W SOURCE COORDINATE 380238N09935 11W 395034N1013022W 374734N09534 42W 391432N0951458W 38 3303N09638 5 6W 394715N0963354W 380500N0964 225W 39344 1W 371723N0963758W 37572 224W 382134N095 392 3W 38 3423N0964040W 3908 12N0963222W 390807N0970004W 391435N09628 12W 395311N09743 16W 400017N09704 50W 39584 372325N0963157W ELEV FT 1910 1625 2665 900 1450 1523 973 1672 1949 1951 1456 1892 1936 1916 893 1165 1585 3434 1321 MAP NAME Fort Larned Burdett Sawyer Henkle Canyon Lyons Ensign Cherokee Cherokee Scandia Scandia Scandia Crawford Humboldt Easton SW Bazine SW Bazine SE Piqua Chase Albert Hymer Otis Navarre Home Wichita East New Cambria Pittsburg Moundridge Susank Liebenthal Liebenthal Galatia Marmaton Ness City NE De Graff Cassoday Randolph Waverly Cambridge Yates Center New Strawn Diamond Springs St George Milford St George Kackley Endicott Riverton Kingman Derby Derby Syracuse West SW Grenola Wichita East Dorrance FEATURE NAME Schubert Creek Tennyson Creek Schuler Branch Schulte Coffeehigqui Schulz Field Schulz Landing Strip Schulz Landing Strip See Schulz Field Schwegler Elementary School Schweiter Park Schweiter School Schwyhart Canyon Scipio Scotch Creek Scotch Valley Cemetery Scott See Scott City Lake Lake McBride Scott Basin See White Woman Basin Scott Branch Bull Creek Scott Canyon Scott Church Scott City Scott Scott, Scott City Cemetery Scott City Elementary School Scott City High School Scott City Junior High Scott City Municipal Airport Scott County Scott County Fairgrounds Scott County State Lake Scott County State Park Dam Scott Creek Scottdale Center Scott Game Management Area See Scott Wildlife Area Scott Mennonite Cemetery Scott Mennonite Church Scott Oil Field Scotts Camp Scott School Scott Spring Scottstown See Le Roy Scottsville Scottville Scott Township Scott Township Scott Township Scott Township Scott Valley Church Scott Valley School Scottville See Scottsville Scott Wildlife Area Scott Game Management Area Scranton Scranton Cemetery Scranton City Dam Scranton Elementary School Scranton Township Scribner Creek Scribners Creek Scribners Creek See Scribner Creek FEATURE CLASS stream stream ppl airport airport school park school valley Ppl stream cemetery ppl lake basin stream valley church Ppl cemetery school school school airport civil locale reservoir dam stream locale park cemetery church oilfield locale school spring ppl ppl civil civil civil civil church school ppl park Ppl cemetery dam school civil stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT coUunTy Crawford Geary Sedgwick Stafford Stafford Douglas Sedgwick Sedgwick Cheyenne Anderson Marshall Nemaha Scott Scott Scott Miami Barber Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Coffey Johnson Scott Wichita Wichita Greenwood Crawford Bourbon Pottawatomie Coffey Mitchell Bourbon Linn Scott Lincoln Coffey Miami Mitchell Scott Osage Osage Osage Osage Osage Clay Clay COORDINATE 375035N0950038W 385504N09654 29W 37372 3N09728 16W 380234N098 4 627W 380234N0984627W 385639N095 152 3W 374016N0971800W 374000N0971805W 395942N1014655W 382206N0951303W 395409N09638 00W 395728N09604 12W 382857N1005424W 384113N1005512W 382630N1005300W 383918N094544 6W 37064 334 2W 383923N1010214W 382857N1005424W 382749N1005530W 3828 48N1005411W 3828 48N10054 16W 3828 41N1005500W 3828 42N1005305W 382800N1005400W 38294 384130N1005530W 384130N1005530W 381059N09538 30W 385306N0944735W 384105N1005625W 38 3925N1010212W 383922N1010215W 380150N09628 04W 373447N0943914W 374940N0944240W 392258N0962423W 380502N09538 03W 393237N0975710W 375004N0944105W 381950N0945040W 3828 56N1005424W 391045N0980600W 381434N0953454W 38 3904N09456 16W 393237N09757 10W 384105N1005625W 38465 4N09544 18W 384615N0954 320W 384600N0954200W 38465 384800N09545 30W 393315N0971609W 393315N0971609W SOURCE COORDINATE 375316N09503 39W 38542 395818N1014613W 395448N09633 10W 38 3724N0945805W 37065 34 19W 381701N09534 31W 394304N09718 28W ELEV 1335 1899 1026 1122 2978 2963 2960 263 1047 3113 3113 878 1139 946 1123 KS259 MAP NAME Bronson Kansas Falls Bayneville Saint John North Lawrence West Wichita East Wichita East White Canyon Garnett East Herkimer St Benedict Lake Scott Paola West Stubbs Pence Scott City Scott City Scott City Scott City Scott City Scott City Scott City Scott City Lake Scott Lake Scott Burlington Olathe Pence Pence Teterville Arma Fort Scott Westmoreland Scottsville Fort Scott La Cygne Scott City Barnard Aliceville Antioch Lake Scott Carbondale Carbondale Carbondale Carbondale Burlingame Clifton KS260 FEATURE NAME Scull Creek Seabrook Park Seabrook United Church of Christ Seacat Bros Landing Strip Seacat Oil Field Sealock Lake Seaman (historical) Seaman Baptist Church Seaman Congregational Church Seaman High School Seaman School Seapo (historical) Sears Sebos Branch See Lebo Creek Second Baptist Church Second Church Christian Science Second Cow Creek Cow Creek Second Second Second Presbyterian Church Second Street Park Section (historical) Sedalia Church Sedan Sedan Sedan Creek Creek City Airport City Dam Sedan City Lake Sedan Lake Sedan Lake See Sedan City Lake Sedan Township Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick County County Park Elementary School Sedgwick High School Sedgwick Township Sedivy Landing Strip Seeley-Wick Oil Field Seely (historical) Sego (historical) Sego Cemetery Sequin Sequin Sehrader Creek See Schrader Branch Selden Selden Cemetery Selkirk Sellens Creek Seller Creek Seller Creek See Sellens Creek Selma Seltzer Church Seltzer Elementary School Seltzer Spring Seneca Castle Rock Seneca Airport See Seneca Municipal Airport Seneca Elementary School Seneca Municipal Airport Seneca Airport FEATURE CLASS stream park church airport oilfield reservoir locale church church school school locale locale stream church church stream stream stream church park locale church ppl airport dam reservoir reservoir civil ppl civil park school school civil airport oilfield locale locale cemetery Ppl stream ppl cemetery ppl stream stream ppl church school spring ppl airport school airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS CoUnTy COORDINATE BGN Norton 3938 52N0993924W ADMIN Shawnee 390117N0954 331W UNOFF Shawnee 390200N0954 404W UNOFF Clark 323W UNOFF Cowley 370925N09658 07W BGN Meade 372127N1001512W BGN Linn 382215N09458 18W UNOFF Shawnee 390513N095 404 6W UNOFF Shawnee 30W UNOFF Shawnee 390517N0954038W UNOFF Shawnee 390514N0954024W BGN Republic 394050N09732 30W BGN Ford 374545N1000620W VARIANT Coffey 381747N09554 18W UNOFF Shawnee 390410N09540 16W UNOFF Sedgwick 374109N0971706W BGN Crawford 372315N09443 19W VARIANT BGN Lincoln 390915N0975608W BGN Cloud 392130N0975325W UNOFF Shawnee 390608N095 394 6W ADMIN Cloud 393435N09739 15W BGN Coffey 558W UNOFF Riley 39154 3N09 6405 9W BGN Chautauqua 370736N0961112W UNOFF Chautauqua 370854N0961106W UNOFF Chautauqua 371012N0961308W BGN Chautauqua 371012N0961308W VARIANT VARIANT Chautauqua 371012N0961308W ADMIN Chautauqua 370904N0961019W BGN Harvey 375500N0972520W ADMIN Sedgwick 374300N0972700W ADMIN Sedgwick 374925N0972014W UNOFF Harvey 37550 LW UNOFF Harvey 375500N0972547W ADMIN Harvey 375720N09725 40W UNOFF Marshall 393800N0964008W UNOFF Greenwood 380350N0961200W BGN Cowley 372015N09703 15W BGN Reno 374731N0980950W UNOFF Reno 374731N0980950W BGN Sheridan 392015N1003540W VARIANT VARIANT Elk 372139N0962801W BGN Sheridan 393227N1003402W UNOFF Sheridan 393217N1003315W BGN Wichita 382824N1013235W BGN Russell 384728N098 462 3W VARIANT VARIANT Russell 384728N0984 623W BGN Anderson 380805N095072 3W UNOFF Sedgwick 373955N0971005W UNOFF Sedgwick 374018N0971123W BGN Butler 373942N0970922W BGN Nemaha 39500 3N09 603 50W VARIANT VARIANT Nemaha 6042 3W UNOFF Nemaha 6035 6W UNOFF Nemaha 395015N09604 23W VARIANT SOURCE COORDINATE 394609N0994 409W 373619N0945100W 391630N0975758W 39164 24W 38 3611N0985 130W ELEV FT 2527 862 1000 920 1379 1381 1629 1629 860 2837 3443 1065 1337 1131 1167 MAP NAME Almena SW Topeka Topeka Mount Jesus Winfield Meade Parker Topeka Topeka Topeka Topeka Wayne Dodge City Topeka Wichita East Pittsburg Ada Glasco SW Topeka Concordia Ottumwa Olsburg SW Sedan Sedan Sedan Sedan Sedan Sedgwick Wichita West Valley Center Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Blue Rapids Madison SW Akron Pretty Prairie Pretty Prairie SW Sequin Selden Selden Selkirk Homer Centerville Andover Andover Andover Seneca Seneca Seneca FEATURE NAME Seneca Park Seneca Square Mall Senith See Sylvia Senno Creek See Spring Creek Sentinel Hill Sequin See Seguin Sequoyah County See Finney County Sequoyah School Service Lake Service Valley Elementary School Seven Dolors Grade School Sevenmile Creek Sevenmile Creek Seven Mile Township Seven Springs Seventeenth Street Baptist Church Seventh and Eighth Grade Center Seventh Day Adventist Cemetery Seventy Six Township Severance Severence Severence See Severance Severly See Severy Severy Gould Gould City Severly Valley Severy City Dam Severy Elementary School Severy Municipal Reservoir Seward Seward (historical) Seward Avenue Baptist Church Seward Cemetery Seward County Greene County Seward County Community College Seward Township Morris Township Sexton (historical) Sexton (historical) Sextons Station Sextons Station See Sexton (historical) Shadduck Park Shady Bend Shady Brook Shady Creek Shady Grove Elementary School Shady Rest Park Shady Side School Shafer Canyon Shafer Creek Shafer Lake Shaffer Cemetery Shaffer Cemetery Shallow River See Smoky Hill River Shallow Water Shallow Water See Smoky Hill River FEATURE CLASS park locale ppl stream summit ppl civil school reservoir school school stream stream civil spring church school cemetery civil ppl Ppl ppl ppl dam school reservoir ppl locale church cemetery civil school civil locale locale locale park locale locale stream school park school valley stream lake cemetery cemetery stream ppl stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT county Sedgwick Sedgwick Reno Chautauqua Leavenworth Sheridan Finney Johnson Labette Labette Riley Riley Leavenworth Riley Geary Sedgwick Cowley Rush Sumner Doniphan Doniphan Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Stafford Brown Shawnee Meade Seward Seward Seward Barber Wilson Wilson Reno Lincoln Dickinson Butler Barton Butler Harvey Scott Cowley Wilson Bourbon Jewell Geary Scott Geary COORDINATE 374057N0972108W 3738 16N0972115W 375728N0982428W 371002N0961628W 392112N0945720W 392015N1003540W 380100N1004000W 3858 42N0943926W 371757N0950558W 3718 38N0950721W 391036N0963522W 925W 391326N0945010W 391130N0964530W 385927N09654 30W 374354N09718 35W 371426N09658 33W 38 3121N0990731W 372055N0972449W 394602N0951459W 394602N0951459W 373720N0961340W 373720N0961340W 373712N0961024W 373712N0961348W 373712N0961023W 381040N0984740W 3948 50N0952318W 380331N0953914W 371129N1002602W 371200N1005000W 370738N1005515W 371915N1005600W 371005N0985030W 373622N0954900W 373622N0954900W 380320N097564 2W 390106N0980117W 384422N09658 58W 37504 3N0964 359W 382025N0985050W 374317N0970412W 380630N0972044W 38402 3N10054 49W 371125N0963258W 373936N0954 950W 380028N0954 353W 395705N098 124 3W 390334N09648 0 3W 382225N10054 45W 390334N09648 03W SOURCE COORDINATE 391219N0964915W 39144 3N09458 10W 374906N09639 16W 384043N1005356W 371118N0963612W ELEV FT 1284 990 1996 912 1120 1029 1913 1330 1296 1878 1472 843 856 1786 2949 KS261 MAP NAME Wichita East Wichita East Leavenworth Lenexa Mc Cune Mc Cune Manhattan Keats Wolcott Fort Riley NE Kansas Falls Wichita East Winfield Bison Wellington Sparks Severy South Severy South Severy South Severy South Seward Robinson Topeka Lake Larrabee Liberal NE Liberal Sublette SW Pump Creek Fredonia Hutchinson Shady Bend Herington Pontiac Great Bend Santa Fe Lake Newton Lake Scott Dexter NE Middletown Prescott Mankato NW Shallow Water KS262 FEATURE NAME Shallow Water Elementary School Shalz Field See Colby Municipal Airport Shamrock Shanghai Creek Shanghi Creek Shannon Creek Shanghi Creek See Shanghai Creek Shank Hill Three Sisters Shanks Cemetery Shanks Park Shannon See Garnett Shannon Cedar Bluff Shannon Creek See Shanghai Creek Shannon Creek Shannon Friends Church Shannon Hill School Shannon Oil Field Shannon School Shannon Township Shannon Township Sharon Sharon Baptist Church Sharon Cemetery Sharon Church Sharon School Sharons Mexican Mission Sharon Springs Eagle Tail Station Sharon Springs Cemetery Sharon Springs Township Sharon Township Sharpe Sharpe Creek See Sharps Creek Sharpes Creek See East Branch Sharpes Creek Sharpes Creek Sharps Creek See Sharpscreek (historical) Sharps Creek North Branch Sharpe Creek Sharpe Creek Sharpscreek (historical) Sharps Creek Shaw Sha wa cas kah River See Chikaskia River Sha-wa-cas-kah River See Chikaskia River Shaw Cemetery Shaw Cemetery Shaw Creek Shaw Creek Fawn Creek Shaw Creek Shaws Creek Shaw Creek Spring Creek Shawnee Shawnee, Lake FEATURE CLASS school airport locale stream stream summit cemetery park Ppl ppl stream stream church school oilfield school civil civil Ppl church cemetery church school church Ppl cemetery civil civil locale stream stream stream locale stream locale ppl stream stream cemetery cemetery stream stream stream stream ppl . reservoir NATIONAL KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN 1964 VARIANT BGN BGN COUNTY Scott Thomas Seward Chautauqua Chautauqua Douglas Riley Mitchell Anderson Atchison Chautauqua Pottawatomie Russell Atchison Cowley Atchison Pottawatomie Atchison Barber Sedgwick Barber Cloud Shawnee Sedgwick Wallace Wallace Wallace Barber Coffey McPherson Chase Chase McPherson McPherson McPherson Neosho Sumner Sumner Neosho Linn Chase Lyon Saline Trego Johnson Shawnee COORDINATE 382231N1005442W 392550N1010252W 37090 370612N09623 35W 370612N09623 35W 385320N095 154 1W 391032N0965027W 392308N0975608W 381650N09514 30W 393355N095 14 35W 370612N0962 335W 393004N09638 14W 384332N098 454 9W 393327N0951307W 371959N096504 1W 393357N0951520W 392630N0963130W 393528N0951005W 371455N09825 13W 373910N0971652W 371409N098 252 1W 393754N0975017W 385117N09554 3 3W 374238N0971952W 385352N1014506W 385502N1014502W 385105N101435 3W 371600N09824 36W 381655N0954130W 38 3137N097454 6W 381330N0963011W 381624N0963104W 382822N0974 635W 38 3137N097454 6W 3828 22N0974 635W 373608N0951902W 36372 36372 3N09714 37W 373656N095 18 58W 380634N09452 11W 380824N096314 3W 381048N0961653W 385727N0974618W 39062 6N0994 335W 390230N0944312W 39004 soURCE COORDINATE 37095 7N0962 125W 392600N0963 625W 633W 382945N0975637W 38083 1N0962706W 381550N0962220W 385515N09748 14W 390340N0994 715W ELEV FT 2555 1007 1100 1875 1079 1464 1464 1231 3471 1152 920 964 1079 1000 958 MAP NAME Scott City Liberal NE Cedar Vale East Lawrence West Fort Riley NE Simpson Atchison West Blue Rapids SW Susank Atchison West Burden Lancaster Olsburg Atchison West Sharon South Wichita East Sharon South Kackley Harveyville Wichita East Sharon Springs W Sharon Springs W South Flats Sharon North New Strawn Cottonwood Falls Marquette Windom NE Shaw Shaw Mantey Thrall NW Shaw Creek Culver Wa Keeney East Shawnee Topeka FEATUR Shawnee Cemeter Shawnee Center Shawnee Center Shawnee Church Shawnee County Shawnee County Shawnee County Shawnee County Shawnee Creek Shawnee Creek See Little Shawnee Creek Shawnee Heights Methodist Chu Shawnee Mission Shawnee Mission Shawnee Mission Shawnee Mission E NAME ¥ Cemetery School Dam State Lake Dam State Park Shawnee Creek United rch (historical) Hospital Lake North High School Shawnee Mission Park Shawnee Mission Park Dam See Johnson County Dam Shawnee Mission State Park Shawnee Nieman Center Shawnee Park Shawnee Plaza Shawnee School Shawnee School Shawnee Township Shawnee Township Shawnee Village Shopping Center Shawnee Village Shopping Center Shaws Creek See Shaw Creek Sheaffer Cemetery Sheele Creek Sheep Creek Sheffield (historical) Sheffield School Shehan Airpark Shehan Landing Strip Shehan Landing Strip See Shehan Airpark Sheldon School Sheley Cemetery Shellrock Creek Shell Rock Township Shelor Airport Shelter Creek Shelton Cemetery Sherdahl Sheridan See Americus Sheridan (historical) Sheridan County Sheridan County State Lake Sheridan County State Lake Dam Sheridan Point Sheridan State Fishing Lake Sheridan State Game Management Area See Sheridan Wildlife Area Sheridan Station (historical) Sheridan Township FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery school church civil dam dam park stream stream stream church locale hospital reservoir school park dam park locale park locale school school civil civil locale locale stream cemetery stream stream locale school airport airport school cemetery stream civil airport stream cemetery locale ppl locale civil reservoir dam cliff park park locale civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN ADMIN CcoUunTy Johnson Shawnee Shawnee Johnson Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Cherokee Cherokee Greenwood Shawnee Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Wyandotte Johnson Johnson Rawlins Cherokee Johnson Johnson Wyandotte Saline Butler Comanche Norton Decatur Crawford Ford Ford Shawnee Norton Cowley Greenwood Ford Ellis Brown Republic Lyon Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Riley Sheridan Sheridan Logan Cherokee COORDINATE 390105N0944 322W 385240N0954 221W 3852 255W 390016N094424 IW 390300N0954 600W 390047N0953754W 391200N09548 12W 391225N09548 15W 370530N0944109W 371046N0944148W 373642N095594 2W 3859 328W 390200N094 372 9W 38595 38590 3N094 48 3 5W 390115N0944018W 385922N0944740W 38590 3N094 48 3 5W 390200N094 372 9W 390058N094 425 3W 390505N094 373 3W 390120N0944252W 390124N0944301W 393513N1010002W 370950N0944000W 390127N0944307W 390030N094 425 2W 390305N0944107W 385727N0974618W 375427N0970254W 370511N0990551W 400355N0994 150W 394505N1004110W 373722N09438 52W 374628N0994 950W 37462 950W 39024 38W 395614N09948 52W 37003 6N09 64 8 4 OW 380620N0960050W 3728 40N09958 4 0W 384153N099125 3W 395307N095 38 22W 395125N09748 28W 383025N0961542W 39303 950W 392100N1002600W 392130N1001337W 392130N1001337W 390538N0964518W 392130N1001337W 3908 15N1001135W 390125N1012145W 371600N0950100W SOURCE COORDINATE 37154 374042N09600 12W 370128N0991937W 395932N0994057W 370413N0964507W 38 3507N0991242W ELEV FT 1032 950 960 980 1030 955 866 2479 2394 2560 1470 KS263 MAP NAME Shawnee Wakarusa Carbondale Shawnee Silver Lake Richland Grove Grove Baxter Springs New Albany Richland Kansas City Lenexa Olathe Shawnee Olathe Kansas City Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Chardon SE Crestline Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Potwin Buttermilk Precept Oberlin SW Arma Spearville Topeka Norton NE Maple City Lamont Bloom Pfeifer Morrill Scandia Dresden South Hoxie Studley Studley Junction City Studley McAllaster SE Mc Cune KS264 Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan State Game Management Area Sherlock See Sherlock Sh Sherman See Sherman See Sherman Sh Sherman See Sherman Sherman Air Field Sherman Sherman Sherman See Sherman Sherman See Sherman See Sherman Sherman See Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman wildli Shermans See Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Shermany Sherwin Ch Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood Shibboleth (historical) FEATURE NAME Township Township Township Township Township Township Wildlife Area Holcomb Township erman City Kingman Lenexa erman City Air Field Sherman Army Airfield Army Airfield Cemetery Cemetery Center Goodland Chapel City Sherlock Township City Sherman County County Park Soldiers Memorial County Park County State Lake County State Lake Dam Heights School State Fishing Lake and fe Area ville Lane Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township ille Township erwin City (historical) Cemetery Lake FEATURE CLASS civil civil civil civil civil civil park ppl civil ppl ppl locale airport airport cemetery cemetery ppl church civil locale civil park reservoir dam cliff school park ppl civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil locale locale cemetery reservoir locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN coUunTy Cowley Crawford Linn Ottawa Sheridan Washington Sheridan Finney Finney Kingman Johnson Cherokee Leavenworth Leavenworth Butler Clay Sherman Decatur Finney Cherokee Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Geary Reno Sherman Franklin Crawford Grant Sedgwick Ellsworth Leavenworth Dickinson Ottawa Riley Pottawatomie Clay Washington Decatur Sherman Cherokee Smith Coffey Shawnee Decatur COORDINATE 371614N0964651W 372415N0945000W 100W 391600N0974545W 393130N1003140W 393605N0971210W 390815N1001135W 375910N1005920W 375736N1010112W 3738 45N0980648W 385713N0944 400W 371526N0950325W 392234N09455 12W 392234N0945512W 37465 393155N0971318W 392103N1014235W 395825N1002627W 375736N1010112W 371526N0950325W 392100N1014300W 391115N1014530W 391118N1014654W 391118N1014654W 390430N0964 900W 380306N0975536W 391115N1014650W 38262 3N09504 55W 373700N0945135W 3738 45N1010845W 374 640N09738 40W 384937N0981221W 39012 3N094 593 3W 390530N09706 30W 391600N09732 10W 392200N0964 4 30W 392630N09 6174 0W 3928 30N0971120W 393605N09705 10W 395727N1002730W 392915N1013315W 371048N0945651W 395635N098 35 10W 381155N095402 9W 390009N0954 632W 393802N1003115W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FF 902 771 1393 2677 840 MAP NAME Burden Radley Prescott Glasco Selden Linn SW Quinter NW Deerfield NE Mc Cune Weston El Dorado Linn SW Kanona NW Goodland Horsethief Dr Ne Horsethief Dr Ne Junction City Hutchinson Horsethief Dr NE Girard Hickok NW Mount Hope Westfall SW Bonner Springs Upland Lamar Olsburg SW Westmoreland NE Clay Center NW Linn SE Kanona NW Goodland NE Hallowell McCracken Branch Burlington Silver Lake Selden NE FEATURE NAME Shibboleth Cemetery Shields Shields Cemetery Shields Cemetery Shields Cemetery Shields Elementary School Shiley East Oil Field Shiley North Oil Field Shiley Oil Field Shiley Township Shiloh See Harold Shiloh Baptist Church Shiloh Baptist Temple Shiloh Cemetery Shiloh Cemetery Shiloh Cemetery Shiloh Creek Shiloh School Shiloh Township Shimer Township See Coldwater Township Shinn Northeast Oil Field Shinntown See Oneida Shipsee Cemetery Shipton York Shirley See Ames Shirley Cemetery Shirley County See Cloud County Shirley Creek Shirley Township Shoal Creek Shockey (historical) Laport Shockeyville Shockey Cemetery Shockeyville See Shockey (historical) Shockley Cemetery Shomin Airport Shoo Fly Creek Shook Gose Shore Airport Shore Creek Shore School Short Creek Short Creek Short Creek Short Creek Short Creek Shorts Creek Shrine Park Shroyer Schroyer Shumway Cemetery Shumway Oil Field Shunga Glen Park Shunganunga Creek South Shunganunga Creek Shun-ta-nesh-nanga See Wolf River Shupe Airport Shute Airport FEATURE CLASS cemetery Ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery school oilfield oilfield oilfield civil locale church church cemetery cemetery cemetery stream school civil civil oilfield Ppl cemetery locale ppl cemetery civil stream civil stream locale cemetery locale cemetery airport stream locale airport stream school stream stream stream stream stream stream park locale cemetery oilfield park stream stream airport airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Decatur Lane Lane Clay Jackson Lane Pawnee Rush Pawnee Pawnee Ness Sedgwick Sedgwick Saline Rooks Mitchell Bourbon Saline Neosho Comanche Butler Nemaha Jackson Saline Cloud Decatur Cloud Hamilton Cloud Cherokee Grant Grant Grant Marshall Jefferson Sumner Harper Stanton Sumner Brown Cherokee Cherokee Barber Sumner Morris Meade Leavenworth Marshall Rice Rice Shawnee Shawnee Doniphan Clark Smith COORDINATE 393802N1003115W 383656N1002641W 38 3736N1002633W 391915N0972103W 392155N095590 3W 38 3701N1002649W 381905N09928 11W 382200N099274 5W 38185 3N0992905W 381821N0993143W 381621N0995559W 374239N09718 38W 373936N0972022W 3865309N0974112W 391406N0990828W 392127N09803 34W 375147N0943510W 385358N0974005W 372532N0952710W 371130N0991130W 373148N0963317W 395 150N0955620W 3918 385450N0974055W 393410N09726 30W 395402N1001146W 392900N0973900W 385558N1013250W 393130N0982520W 370317N0944204W 374017N1012923W 374017N1012854W 374017N1012923W 39554 3N0961709W 391300N0952013W 365618N0972229W 37062 7N09808 19W 372508N10138 58W 371432N0974041W 39572 6N0952455W 370141N0950218W 37053 405 6W 372058N098 3 325W 37244 6N0971154W 38434 3N0963006W 37065 7N1002442W 391705N0945515W 394610N0964042W 382328N0981408W 381938N0981245W 140W 390311N0953452W 395355N0951129W 370419N0993617W 395904N098 303 6W SOURCE COORDINATE 375715N0944017W 380716N1013818W 36385 1N0935744W 370325N0972544W 372156N0973955W 37034 40W 370426N094 32 17W 372319N098 325 3W 372702N0971027W 38455 371038N1003038W 38582 9N0954 8 4 9W ELEV FT 2783 2720 1429 1362 2063 1504 1230 1136 1240 3123 1369 1100 1357 3242 999 1136 1769 1960 KS265 MAP NAME Selden NE Shields Shields NW Idana Soldier Creek SW Shields Rush Center SW Rush Center SW Rush Center SW Bazine SE Wichita East Wichita East Trenton Codell Beloit SE Deerfield Trenton Thayer Latham SE Soldier Creek SE Trenton Lyle Kendall Clyde Baxter Springs Ulysses NW Ulysses NW Summerfield Oskloosa South Haven Waldron Shore Airport Caldwell NW Highland NW Chetopa Baxter Springs Medicine Lodge Mulvane Dwight Irish Flats Leavenworth Marysville Lyons NW Lyons Topeka Grantville Trout Creek McCracken Branch KS266 Sibley Sibley Sibley Sibley FEATURE NAME (historical) Cemetery School Township Sibleyville sid See Sidell See Sidney See Sidney Sigel Station (historical) Silent Elkhart Roper Berwick (historical) Land Cemetery Siler Airport Silers Plane Valley Airport Silica Silkvil le Sills Air Park Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver See Silver Silver Silver B Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver See Silver Silverd Silvera Silvera Silver H Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silvert See Arrow School City Dome City Oil Field Cliff Cemetery Creek Clements Creek Creek Creek rook Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Cemetery Creek Township Township Number 4 Creek Township ale ale Cemetery ale Township Lake allet Lake Lake Lake Cemetery Lake Elementary School Lake High School Lake Township on Preston Silverton School Sim Elementary School Simerwell Cemetery Sim Memorial Park Simmons Cemetery Simmons Creek Simpson Brittsville Simpson Cemetery Simpson Cemetery Simpson Elementary School Simpson Station FEATURE CLASS locale cemetery school civil locale ppl ppl ppl locale locale cemetery airport airport locale locale airport school summit oilfield cemetery ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery civil civil ppl cemetery civil ppl lake lake cemetery school school civil ppl school school cemetery park cemetery stream Ppl cemetery cemetery school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT CoUnNTY Douglas Cloud Cloud Cloud Douglas Morton Wilson Nemaha Ness Douglas Ford Ottawa Saline Rice Franklin Butler Cloud Woodson Woodson Washington Chase Cowley Harper Sumner Sumner Elk Greenwood Reno Coffey Chase Marion Morris Riley Washington Cowley Harper Cowley Cowley Cowley Cowley Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Pratt Butler Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Chase Clark Mitchell Montgomery Mitchell Russell COORDINATE 385225N0951125W 393635N0974127W 393637N0974110W 393640N0974000W 385303N095114 3W 370029N1015323W 373940N0954 357W 395600N095 504 OW 382607N09954 15W 3855 45N0952015W 375208N09945 11W 391230N0973007W 385200N09732 10W 382106N0982742W 382700N0952 920W 374000N0970100W 392956N0974642W 374506N0954730W 374608N09548 10W 39573 3N0970205W 381800N0964426W 370344N0965201W 370547N09754 34W 371504N0974113W 372821N09728 13W 373530N0955739W 37463 920W 375029N09808 52W 3808 40N095353 3W 381828N0964 306W 382710N0971133W 38 3228N0964 358W 391324N0964314W 400413N0971401W 371805N096474 9W 37100 28W 372104N0964 659W 370231N09654 11W 370228N09654 49W 370500N0965 300W 390615N0955130W 39055 524 3W 390605N0955 14 5W 390708N0955 142W 111W 390609N0955 116W 390605N09550 35W 374532N0983310W 374454N096595 3W 373758N0972040W 385506N0954 458W 374200N0972200W 382356N0963506W 37255 392307N0975552W 371937N0954907W 392148N0975 650W 385354N0985132W SOURCE COORDINATE 372215N0964239W 371521N0975625W 372214N0974208W 37252 6N0973153W 3738 32N0955701W 374922N0963228W 374528N0983527W 381010N095 323 9W 382208N0964714W 38255 38352 3N0964 124W 391807N0964 642W 395932N0971406W 37293 1N09948 19W ELEV FT 1372 820 2225 2435 1450 1204 1810 1160 1295 1086 1084 911 1337 1408 MAP NAME Baldwin City Concordia Concordia Concordia Lawrence East Ness City Lawrence West Spearville Wells Salina Raymond Williamsburg Sante Fe Lake Glasco NE Toronto Toronto SE Washington NE Maple City Bluff City West Milan Zyba New Albany Reece Pretty Prairie SW Aliceville Elmdale Waldeck Diamond Springs Keats Washington NW Burden Burden Silverdale Silverdale Silverdale Silver Lake Willard Silver Lake Silver Lake Silver Lake Silver Lake Silver Lake Augusta Wichita East Wakarusa Wichita East Strong City Simmons Creek Simpson Table Mound Glasco SW Russell FEATURE NAME See Hilton Sims Park Sinai Elementary School Sinclair Lake Sinclair Township Saint Clair Township Sinclair Township Singer Cemetery Siria Cemetery Site of Marais des Cygnes Massacre See Massacre Memorial State Park Sitka Sitka Township Six Bulls River See Neosho River Sixmile Creek Sixmile Creek Sixmile Creek Sixmile Creek Six Mile Gulch Sixth Street Park Skaggs School Skeeter Creek Skeeters Cemetery Skelly Elementary School Skellyville Skelton See Studley Skelton Creek Skiddy Camden Skiddy Cemetery Skidmore Skidmore See Mackie Skinnawah Creek Skull Creek Skull Creek Skunk Branch Skunk Creek Skunk Creek Goose Creek Skunk Creek See Skunk Branch Skunk Creek Skunk Creek Skunk Creek Salt Creek Salt Marsh Creek Skunkie Arroyo Skyline Elementary School Skyline High School Skyline Park Skyline School Skyranch Landing Strip Slab City See Jennings Slack Creek Slate (historical) Slate Cemetery Slate Creek Slate Creek Slate Creek Slate Valley Church Slate Valley School Sleeley-Wick Oil Field FEATURE CLASS locale park school reservoir civil civil cemetery cemetery park locale civil stream stream stream stream stream valley park school stream cemetery school locale ppl stream ppl cemetery locale locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream school school park school airport Ppl stream locale cemetery stream stream stream church school oilfield NATIONAL GAZETTEER-- KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy McPherson Shawnee Wyandotte Greenwood Jewell Jewell Harper Woodson Linn Clark Clark Cherokee Morris Miami Logan Shawnee Logan Pratt Leavenworth Marshall Woodson Butler Kingman Sheridan Comanche Morris Geary Cherokee Cherokee Reno Chautauqua Cowley Anderson Kingman Anderson Ellsworth Graham Cloud Meade Pratt Pratt Shawnee Johnson Shawnee Decatur Allen Rooks Rooks Cowley Greenwood Rooks Sumner Sumner Greenwood COORDINATE 382632N0974031W 390200N09544 17W 390516N094 474 9W 380008N0961952W 395000N0980000W 395119N09758 05W 370727N0975120W 380128N0954614W 381652N0943711W 371030N0993904W 370300N099404 OW 354732N0951739W 383337N0964518W 383901N0945112W 385259N1010351W 38532 3N0954 326W 38530 3738 18N0984356W 391322N0950217W 658W 375135N09534 37W 3748 34N0965206W 374030N0982700W 392111N1000948W 3718 47N09904 39W 385205N0964739W 385307N09648 28W 371425N0944954W 371507N0945100W 375235N0981021W 365745N0960602W 372439N0962208W 381402N0951557W 372337N098 222 3W 381402N0951557W 384041N09808 11W 392138N09946 32W 393842N0975312W 370728N1002326W 37382 3N098 4700 37382 3N098 470 1W 390020N0954 420W 390227N094 384 3W 3858 54N0955122W 39404 374806N0952405W 3928 50N0993137W 392917N0993137W 370804N09708 39W 375822N0960635W 392358N0993114W 371031N0971003W 371744N0972652W 375922N0960720W soURCE COORDINATE 38364 3N09653 3 3W 38385 6N09448 15W 390220N1011204W 3858 18N0955058W 390025N1010635W 394919N0962612W 372138N0990409W 375434N098 132 9W 37003 3N09603 3 6W 372608N0963101W 381113N0951638W 372717N0982607W 383609N0980911W 391738N0994902W 394048N0975110W 370308N1002807W 3748 14N095182 9W 372552N097395 3W 380335N09618 37W 392919N09934 38W ELEV FT 968 1334 1272 1883 1700 1230 1350 913 2166 2185 1118 KS267 MAP NAME Topeka Edwardsville Thrall Montrose Courtland Bluff City East Gridley SE Sitka Sitka SW Burdick Spring Hill Russell Sprs NE Auburn Russell Sprs NE Pratt Jarbalo Beattie Yates Center SE El Dorado Cunningham Wilmore SE Skiddy Wreford Columbus Arlington Bowring Cambridge NE Welda Zenda Ellsworth Hill City South Jamestown NW Irish Flats Coats NE Coats NE Topeka Shawnee Auburn Iola SE Nicodemus Nicodemus Adamsville Virgil Nicodemus Adamsville Wellington Virgil KS268 FEATURE NAME Sleeper Airfield Sleepy Canyon Slick-Carson Oil Field Sloey See Tiffany (historical) Slough Creek See Murphy Creek Slough Creek Slough Creek See Dry Creek Slough Creek Slough Creek Big Slough Creek Slough Creek Public Use Area Smelter School Smileyberg See Smileyville Smileybery See Smileyville Smileyville Smileyberg Smileybery Smilie Cemetery Smith Branch Smith Center Smith Center Elementary School Smith Center High School Smith Center Municipal Airport Smith County Smith County Fairgrounds Smith Creek Smith Creek Smith Creek Smith Field Smith Landing Strip Smithfield Smith Lake Smith Lake Smithland See Soldier Smith Landing Strip See Smith Field Smith School Smiths Ferry (historical) Smithton (historical) Smithton (historical) Smith Township Smock-Sluss Oil Field Smokey See Freemount Smokey Hill See Freemount Smoky See Freemount Smoky Creek See Smoky Hill River Smoky Hill Smoky Hill See Freemount Smoky Hill Bluffs See Smoky Hill Buttes Smoky Hill Bluffs See Smoky Hills Smoky Hill Buttes Colorado Heights Smoky Hill Bluffs Smoky Hill Buttes See Smoky Hills FEATURE CLASS airport valley oilfield locale stream stream stream stream stream park school ppl ppl Ppl cemetery stream ppl school school airport civil locale stream stream stream airport locale reservoir reservoir ppl airport school locale locale locale civil oilfield locale locale locale stream ppl locale range range range range NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1961 VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT coUnTy Rice Cheyenne Cowley Gove Neosho Reno Reno Morris Jefferson Jefferson Crawford Butler Butler Butler Crawford Miami Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Osage Doniphan Jewell Stafford Graham Osage Leavenworth Jackson Stafford Leavenworth Shawnee Doniphan Norton Thomas Butler McPherson McPherson McPherson Geary Geary McPherson Saline Ellsworth Saline Ellsworth COORDINATE 381421N0981931W 395746N1013535W 371515N0970809W 385552N1002217W 3728 24N09507 48W 38033 380611N0980408W 384155N0963146W 390707N0952617W 50W 372530N0944007W 373111N0965250W 373111N0965250W 373111N0965250W 373301N0943857W 384134N0945648W 394 645N0984705W 394650N098 4 626W 39463 3N098 4 647W 394550N0984736W 501W 394632N098 4 630W 38422 8 28W 395057N0945617W 395211N09825 15W 3758 20N0985755W 3928 3W 384520N0955631W 392045N0945501W 393210N0955750W 3758 20N0985755W 3908 50N0950227W 390355N0954 745W 395044N0945654W 395734N0995104W 392615N1004 640W 374403N0965050W 38324 3N0974 638W 38324 3N0974 638W 38324 3N0974 638W 390334N0964 803W 390127N0965025W 38324 638W 3838 46N0974229W 384730N0975950W 3838 46N097422 9W 384730N0975950W SOURCE COORDINATE 395349N1013503W 380612N0980408W 350W 391222N0951311W 384403N094550 3W 384125N0955512W 394915N0950041W 394942N0982938W ELEV FT 1682 1325 915 1800 1798 1780 2023 2397 1120 MAP NAME Alden Henkle Canyon oxford Yaqgy Dwight Perry Ozawkie Pittsburg Gordon Arma Antioch Smith Center Smith Center Smith Center Smith Center Smith Center Smith Center Osage City wWathena Esbon Macksville Hill City North Harveyville Leavenworth Jarbalo Silver Lake wathena Norton NE Breton Leon Junction City Smolan FEATURE NAME Smoky Hill Cemetery Smoky Hill Cemetery Smoky Hill Fork See Smoky Hill River Smoky Hill River Branche de la Montagne a la Fumee Chitolah River Ka-i-urs-kuta La Touche de la Cote Bucanieus Oke-see-sebo River Pe P'a Rahota katit hibaru Sand River Sandy Fork Sandy Hill Fork Shallow River Shallow Water Smoky Creek Smoky Hill Fork Smoky Hills Colorado Heights Kearney Hills Smoky Hill Bluffs Smoky Hill Buttes Smoky Hill Township Smoky Hill Township Smoky Township Smoky View Township Smolan Smolan Cemetery Smolan Township Smoots Creek Smute Canyon Snag Hollow Snake Creek Snake Creek Snake Creek Snake Creek Snake Creek Snake Creek Timber Creek Snake Creek Snake Creek See Mill Creek Snake Den School Snake Lake Snipe Creek Snokomo Creek Snooks Hollow Snoopys Airport Snow Creek Snowden-Mc Sweeney Oil Field Snow Hill (historical) Snow School Snyder (historical) Snyder Creek Soden Dam Soden Park Soderstrom School Sodtown See Stafford Sodville (historical) Sodville Cemetery Sodville Township Solburn Oil Field Soldier Smithland Soldier Cap Mound Soldier Creek Soldier Creek FEATURE CLASS cemetery cemetery stream stream range civil civil civil civil ppl cemetery civil stream valley valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream school reservoir stream stream valley airport stream oilfield locale school locale stream dam park school Ppl locale cemetery civil oilfield ppl summit stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN coUunTy McPherson Saline Geary Geary Ellsworth McPherson Saline Sherman Saline Saline Saline Saline Kingman Cheyenne Woodson Clark Cowley Elk Wilson Greenwood Rush Shawnee Washington Miami Anderson Marshall Wabaunsee Comanche Osage Labette Butler Howard Wyandotte Ford Sumner Lyon Lyon McPherson Stafford Ness Ford Ford Ellis Jackson Saline Kiowa Osage COORDINATE 38324 655W 38 3634N0974208W 390334N09648 03W 6480 3W 384730N0975950W 38 3355N09738 50W 384935N0973900W 391150N1014335W 38 3910N09738 55W 384419N0974103W 384450N0974 110W 384425N0973900W 373428N09748 40W 400016N1014202W 374806N0955635W 370345N0993626W 371318N0964947W 6144 9W 373702N095455 3W 374219N0961258W 38355 3N09928 36W 390952N0955736W 395520N09655 38W 3838 58N0944032W 381913N0952 637W 39445 659W 390340N09608 4 3W 371907N0990948W 3848 30N0953555W 365632N0953444W 373300N0964 620W 37002 3N0963000W 390258N0943658W 375120N10008 40W 371312N0972118W 382309N0961054W 6104 2W 3834 375744N098 360 1W 38 3217N09939 10W 373134N0994503W 373122N0994250W 3848 32N099 324 5W 393210N0955750W 384258N0974742W 372613N09902 13W 384430N095 522 6W soURCE COORDINATE 385815N1023115W 374218N0981408W 395932N1014121W 525W 536W 371809N0964917W 37334 37363 18W 37392 1N096134 3W 384006N0993 615W 391249N096004 1W 395355N0962 101W 38564 4N096072 1W 372129N099102 1W 370157N0952037W 371014N0972032W 373631N0990222W 384637N09602 34W ELEV FT 1430 1315 1306 1064 1090 1225 1578 KS269 MAP NAME Lindsborg SE Lindsborg Junction City Brookville SW Lindsborg Salina SW Wild Horse Draw Smolan Smolan Smolan Smolan Cheney SE Heinzelman Canyon Toronto Trout Creek Burden Longton NW Fredonia Severy North Hargrave Rossville Bucyrus Harris Frankfort Mc Farland Wilmore over brook South Coffeyville Augusta SE Coffeyville East Kansas City Dodge City SW South Haven NE Emporia Emporia Lindsborg McCracken SW Kingsdown Bucklin Ellis SE Soldier Falun Belvidere Osage City KS270 FEATURE NAME Soldier Creek Heart River Soldier Creek See Little Soldier Creek Soldiers Memorial County Park Sherman County Park Soldier Township Soldier Township Solomon Solomon City Wiskapella Solomon City See Solomon Solomon-District 3 Township Belle Plaine Township Lincoln Township Sand Creek Township Solomon Township West Union Township Solomon Rapids Solomon Rapids Station Solomon Rapids School Solomon Rapids Station See Solomon Rapids Solomon Rapids Township Solomon River Nepaholla River Riviere de Soucis Solomons Fork Wisgapalla River Wiskapalla River Solomons Fork See Solomon River Solomon Township Solomon Township Solomon Township Solomon Township Solomon Township See Solomon-District 3 Township Solomon Township Solomon Valley Airpark Solomon Valley Airport Solomon Valley Airport See Solomon Valley Airpark Solomon Valley School Somerset Somerset Airport Somerset Cemetery Somerset Elementary School Somerset Plaza Sommers Airport Sondreagger Lake Sonora (historical) Sons of Truth Cemetery Sorghum See Bushton Sorghum Hollow Soudan (historical) Soule See Ingalls South Barber Elementary School South Barber Elementary School South Barber High School South Basehor South Beaver Creek South Fork Beaver Creek FEATURE CLASS stream stream park civil civil Ppl Ppl civil ppl school ppl civil stream stream civil civil civil civil civil civil airport airport school Ppl airport cemetery school locale airport reservoir locale cemetery Ppl valley locale Ppl school school school ppl stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1972 VARIANT coUnTy Shawnee Shawnee Sherman Shawnee Jackson Dickinson Dickinson Norton Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Dickinson Dickinson Saline Sheridan Graham Cloud Norton Phillips Ottawa Ottawa Saline Miami Miami Miami Johnson Johnson Brown Finney Harper Leavenworth Rice Chautauqua Kingman Gray Barber Barber Barber Leavenworth Sherman COORDINATE 390437N09538 57W 390736N0954741W 391115N1014530W 3908 40N0953 915W 39313 30W 3855 10N09722 15W 385510N0972215W 394054N09953 35W 392825N0981132W 392904N0981127W 392825N0981132W 393135N0981215W 385413N0972208W 385413N0972208W 384940N09725 35W 391300N10038 10W 391800N10004 10W 392220N0975220W 394054N09953 35W 394158N0992019W 39065 3N0974055W 39065 3N0974055W 385611N09728 56W 38 3618N0944607W 38 3216N0944336W 38 3626N0944650W 385907N0943700W 385755N09438 15W 395200N0952000W 381336N1005650W 37054 391949N09458 39W 38 3045N098 234 2W 370945N09558 45W 374024N0981807W 374940N1002715W 37005 38 4 5W 37010 290 3W 37010 285 3W 390744N0945618W 392636N1014114W SOURCE COORDINATE 393911N09558 58W 39282 3N098 255 9W 371113N0955750W 391421N1020415W ELEV FT 1180 1393 1250 1185 960 1100 959 970 1070 2873 962 MAP NAME Topeka Horsethief Dr NE Elmont Soldier Solomon Edmond NW Solomon Rapids Solomon Rapids Jewell SW Solomon Kipp Grinnell North Morland Glasco Phillipsburg S Minneapolis South Niles Paola East Louisburg Paola East Grandview Lenexa Highland Tennis Bluff City West Leavenworth Caney NW Penalosa Hardtner Kiowa Kiowa Basehor Goodland NW South FEATURE NAME Beaver Creek Township See Olive Township South South South South South South Bend Cemetery Bend Township Big Creek South Fork Big Creek Black Wolf School Bow Creek Branch See Dry Creek South South South South Branch Branch Deep Creek Branch Elk River Clear Creek Branch Elm Creek See South Elm Creek South South South South Branch Hackberry Creek Branch Hickory Creek Branch Kings Creek Branch Little Walnut River South Branch Medicine Lodge River South Branch Mill Creek See East Branch Mill South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South Creek Branch Mill Creek Middle Branch Mill Creek Branch Mission Creek Branch Otter Creek South Otter Creek Branch Rattlesnake Creek Branch Shunganunga Creek Branch Slate Creek Branch Soldier Creek Branch Spillman Creek Branch Tequa Creek Tugua Creek Tuqua Creek Branch Verdigris River Bernard Branch Branch Wakarusa River Breeze Elementary School Brown School Brown Township Cedar (historical) Cedar Cemetery Cedar Creek Cedar Creek Cedar School Cemetery Center Cemetery City Baptist Church City Center City Plaza Cottonwood River Creek Denison Cemetery Dodge Duck Creek Eagle Creek Southeast Fork County Line Creek Southeast High School Southeast High School Southeast High School See Wichita Southeast High School FEATURE CLASS civil cemetery civil stream school stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream school school civil locale cemetery stream stream school cemetery cemetery church locale locale stream stream cemetery ppl stream stream stream school school stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN 1979 BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1974 VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT counTy Decatur Cowley Barton Coffey Ellsworth Sheridan Butler Riley Riley Elk Barber Gove Butler Riley Butler Kiowa Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Greenwood Kiowa Shawnee Sumner Jackson Lincoln Osage Greenwood Shawnee Harvey Wilson Edwards Jackson Jackson Cowley Jefferson Jackson Osage Neosho Sedgwick Sedgwick Shawnee Marion Atchison Jackson Ford Wilson Lyon Graham Crawford Sedgwick Sedgwick COORDINATE 395122N1002737W 370741N0965627W 381816N098 452 0W 38054 1N0954 335W 384452N0982231W 392701N1001336W 375539N09702 34W 30W 390438N09629 45W 373036N0962407W 37254 385704N1003258W 373635N09638 35W 390605N0963531W 374235N0964 440W 37262 3N0991047W 385736N0961600W 390014N0961651W 385700N09602 18W 374106N0961808W 3742 30N099154 6W 39010 6W 372552N097395 3W 3918 55N0955416W 390750N098 224 5W 106W 380908N0961000W 38533 905W 380154N0972041W 372502N0953734W 37464 345W 39204 39194 3N095373 6W 370630N09635 10W 392032N0953 347W 39204 383707N0954 917W 372550N09528 17W 373747N0971930W 3738 15N09718 55W 390052N0954 100W 382125N09704 13W 393258N0953037W 392300N09537 19W 374432N1000110W 372412N0955501W 38155 391950N1000931W 372027N0945014W 374015N0971620W 373825N09718 20W SsoURCE COORDINATE 375914N0955628W 392320N1004242W 390451N0963427W 390110N09628 33W 373233N0962955W 390135N1010202W 373600N0963228W 390438N0963405W 37402 372338N0991308W 384928N096174 6W 38530 373637N0962622W 372927N09928 42W 158W 455W 392138N0955017W 391134N09828 22W 382513N095 30 52W 380743N0962200W 385357N0960226W 370638N09638 25W 392409N0954712W 382422N0972030W 393214N0952542W 372705N09558 09W 381301N09608 34W 391747N10008 56W ELEV FT 1145 1099 1280 940 2480 KS271 MAP NAME Winfield Great Bend Le Roy Holyrood NW Lucerne Swede Creek Wamego SW Piedmont SW Orion NE Latham SE Swede Creek Keighley Iron Mountain Alma Keene Piedmont NE Greensburg NE Wakarusa Conway Springs Soldier Creek SW Hunter Waverly Madison Auburn Newton Neodesha Kinsley SW Mayet ta Mayet ta Dexter SW Holton SE Mayet ta Osage City SE Thayer Wichita East Wichita East Topeka Marion Whiting Arrington South Dodge Buxton Emporia SE Studley Cherokee Wichita East KS272 FEATURE NAME Southeast Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station South East Rollo Pasture South East Wilberton Pasture South Elementary School South Elementary School South Elementary School South Elk Creek South Elm Creek South Branch Elm Creek Southern Hills Mennonite Church South Fairview Community Hall South Flats South Fork See South Fork Solomon River South Fork Arikaree River See Arikaree River South Fork Beaver Creek See Sappa Creek South Fork Beaver Creek See Middle Beaver Creek South Fork Beaver Creek See South Beaver Creek South Fork Beaver Creek See Beaver Creek South Fork Beaver Creek Township See Olive Township South Fork Big Creek See South Big Creek South Fork Big Slough South Fork Black Vermillion River See Irish Creek South Fork Buckner Creek South Fork Church South Fork Cottonwood River Thurman Creek South Fork Creek See Middle Beaver Creek South Fork Creek See Irish Creek South Fork Driftwood Creek South Fork Duck Creek Duck Creek South Fork Fall Creek South Fork Guzzlers Gulch South Fork Ladder Creek See Middle Ladder Creek South Fork Ladder Creek See South Fork Middle Ladder Creek South Fork Lake Creek South Fork Little Osage River Little Osage Creek South Fork Little Sugar Creek South Fork Middle Ladder Creek South Fork Ladder Creek South Fork Mill Creek South Fork Nemaha River Big Nemahaw River Nemaha River South Fork Ninnescah River Ninnescah River South Fork of the Republican River See South Fork Republican River FEATURE CLASS school flat flat school school school stream stream church building flat stream stream stream stream stream stream civil stream stream stream stream church stream stream stream stream stream stream valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT CoUNnTy Labette Morton Morton Rice Miami Phillips Barber Barber Shawnee Bourbon Wallace Mitchell Cheyenne Sherman Sherman Sherman Decatur Decatur Coffey Sedgwick Marshall Hodgeman Cheyenne Chase Sherman Marshall Rawlins Ford Leavenworth Ness Greeley Wallace Wallace Crawford Linn Wallace Republic Nemaha Pratt Cheyenne COORDINATE 371110N0952720W 370600N1013600W 370345N1014230W 382025N0981152W 38 3400N094 524 2W 394 458N09919 30W 372201N098 58 48W 37254 390001N0954006W 375003N09503 42W 384625N1014215W 39282 3N098 255 9W 400113N1015615W 391528N1015658W 392636N1014114W 392636N1014114W 400716N09938 35W 395122N1002737W 38054 335W 374955N0973558W 394148N0962256W 375707N1001143W 395615N1014006W 382148N09628 38W 392636N1014114W 394148N0962256W 400213N10055 35W 375014N09958 00W 39134 34W 381816N0905847W 384132N1014224W 384448N1015052W 390435N1014309W 380022N09504 38W 38082 3N094 5 4 52W 384448N1015052W 39505 40034 2N0954209W 373405N09742 18W 400300N1013102W SOURCE COORDINATE 371955N0990221W 372528N0984707W 374610N0974 330W 374958N1001557W 380131N0963153W 395433N1011029W 374625N09958 16W 391253N0951108W 3818 48N1000645W 390627N1015809W 375704N0951220W 38044 574 9W 384505N1015959W 395113N0973106W 393938N0960 145W 373620N098 554 1W ELEV FT 1089 MAP NAME Mound Valley Rolla SE Rolla Lyons Paola West Phillipsburg S Sun City SW Sawyer Topeka Moran SE South Flats Colwich Dodge City NW Heinzelman Canyon Gladstone Culbertson SW Wright Mc Louth Beeler SE Harris Draw West Blue Mound Mound City NW Sharon Sprs 3 NE Haddam Salem Lake Afton FEATURE NAME South Fork Pottawatomie Creek South Fork Prairie Dog Creek South Fork Republican River Rebublican River South Fork of the Republican River South Fork Sac Branch South Fork Saline River South Fork Sappa Creek South Sappa Creek South Fork Solomon River South Fork South Fork Sugar Creek South Fork Walnut Creek South Walnut Creek South Fork White Woman Creek White Woman Creek South Fork Wildcat Creek South Fork Wildcat Creek Wildcat Creek South Fork Wolf River South Garden School Southgate Financial Center Southgate Shopping Center Southgate Shopping Center Southgate Shopping Center South Glenn Church of God South Gypsum Creek Cyanes Creek Gypsum Creek South Haven South Haven High School South Haven Oil Field South Haven Township South High School See Wichita South High School South High School South Hillside Elementary School South Hoisington South Holton School South Homestead Township South Hoyt School South Hutchinson South Hutchinson Elementary School South Ideal Shopping Center South Illinois School South Junior High School South Knollwood Baptist Church South Ladder Creek Ladder Creek South Ladder Creek See Middle Ladder Creek South Ladder Creek See North Fork Middle Ladder Creek South Lake South Lawn Cemetery Southlawn Elementary School South Lowe Pasture South Martin Creek South Mound South Mound South Oak Creek Cemetery South Oakland School South Otter Creek See South Branch Otter Creek FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream school building locale locale locale church stream ppl school oilfield civil school school school Ppl school civil school Ppl school locale school school church stream stream stream reservoir cemetery school flat stream ppl . summit cemetery school stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN 1979 VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN 1981 VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT CcoUnTy Anderson Norton Cheyenne Franklin Thomas Decatur Mitchell Linn Lane Greeley Elk Nemaha Brown Harvey Johnson Seward Ford Saline Sedgwick McPherson Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumner Sedgwick Johnson Sedgwick Barton Jackson Barton Jackson Reno Reno Seward Franklin Seward Shawnee Greeley Greeley Wallace Johnson Greenwood Seward Morton Sheridan Neosho Wilson Smith Cloud Greenwood COORDINATE 382238N09508 13W 395304N0994255W 400300N1013102W 382537N09508 32W 390934N1004247W 394705N1003440W 39282 3N098 255 9W 381217N094595 3W 38243 383408N1020051W 372122N0961526W 395248N0960712W 3948 18N0952242W 380514N098 304 9W 38592 3N094 363 5W 37015 3N1005520W 374410N1000107W 3848 40N09735 36W 37384 3N0972 142W 38 3232N0972659W 370307N09724 18W 370252N0972352W 370211N0972406W 370335N0972457W 373756N0972045W 385614N0943913W 373918N0971757W 38 3020N098 46 30W 392420N09544 37W 3828 42N0984522W 39135 3N09542 05W 380141N0975624W 380115N0975612W 370150N1005520W 38 3209N095274 3W 370127N1005537W 390055N095420 3W 384035N1013409W 384132N1014224W 384448N1015052W 384508N0950048W 373803N09614 32W 370131N1005050W 3708 30N10143 30W 392101N1001539W 372614N0951342W 373136N09549 39W 3938 38N0983228W 391915N0973 320W 374106N0961808W SOURCE COORDINATE 38075 4 3W 395028N0994 235W 391252N1032012W 382547N0951200W 391320N1012236W 391524N1014207W 391446N1012643W 3805 382147N1003625W 38 3724N1021246W 371929N0961735W 39494 9N09609 30W 393900N0952028W 38233 32W 384632N1023305W 39165 7N1001658W ELEV FT 2847 2481 1231 1121 1081 1819 1173 1525 2842 1079 1143 980 1040 1440 KS273 MAP NAME Garnett NW Almena Benkelman Garnett NW Grinnell North Oberlin Mill Creek Mound City NW Ness City Chey. Wells 4 SE Moline St Benedict Robinson Halstead Grandview Liberal South Dodge Salina Wichita East Roxbury South Haven South Haven South Haven South Haven Lenexa Wichita East Hoisington Holton Great Bend NE Elmont Hutchinson Hutchinson Liberal Pomona Liberal Topeka Sharon Sprs 4 NE Edgerton Severy North Liberal Rolla NW Tasco South Mound Fredonia Portis NE Lamar KS274 FEATURE NAME South Owl Creek South Park South Park South Park Elementary School South Park School South Pasture South Radley South Randall Township South Riverside Baptist Church South Riverside Park South Rock Creek See Rock Creek South Roscoe Township South Roxbury Oil Field South Salem Township South Salt Creek South Sappa Creek See South Fork Sappa Creek South School South School See Highland Park South Elementary School South School South Seneca Church of Christ South Seneca Gardens South Seward Township South Sharpe Creek See South Sharps Creek South Sharps Creek South Sharpe Creek South Sharps Creek Township South Shunganunga Creek See Shunganunga Creek Southside Baptist Church Southside Ditch Southside Township South Solomon Cemetery South Star Cemetery South Star School South Topeka Interchange South Valley Cemetery South Valley Chapel South Verdigris River See Fall River South Vernon Elementary School South Walnut Creek See South Fork Walnut Creek South Wea Creek Wea Creek Southwest Avondale School Southwest Baptist Church Southwest Baptist Church Southwestern College Southwestern Heights High School Southwest Fork County Line Creek Southwest Kansas Area Vocational-Technical School Southwest Plaza Southwest School Southwest Unger Oil Field Southwest Village Sowers Elementary School Spangler Cemetery Sparks Highland Station NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 FEATURE CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATE stream BGN Woodson 375054N09534 59W park ADMIN Douglas 38574 3N0951408W park ADMIN Geary 390058N0964950W school UNOFF Johnson 390220N0944114W school UNOFF Saline 384945N0973652W flat BGN Morton 371135N1013810W ppl BGN Crawford 3728 17N094453 6W civil ADMIN Thomas 391200N1004900W church UNOFF Sedgwick 373702N09718 56W park ADMIN Sedgwick 374143N0972 105W VARIANT stream Douglas 385520N0951934W civil ADMIN Hodgeman 375726N1000700W oilfield UNOFF McPherson 38 3300N0972750W civil ADMIN Greenwood 375330N0962 605W stream BGN Chautauqua 371744N0960535W VARIANT stream Decatur 394705N1003440W school UNOFF Wilson 37244 404 5W VARIANT school Shawnee 39002 3N0953 9 3 6W school UNOFF Wyandotte 39054 3N09445 38W church UNOFF Sedgwick 373650N0972107W Ppl BGN Sedgwick 373604N0972056W civil ADMIN Stafford 380748N0984451W VARIANT stream McPherson 38265 4N09748 17W stream BGN McPherson 38265 17W VARIANT civil ADMIN McPherson 382945N09752 10W VARIANT stream Shawnee 390311N0953452W church UNOFF Sedgwick 373928N09718 29W canal BGN Kearny 375430N1011450W civil ADMIN Kearny 375220N1011247W cemetery UNOFF Osborne 392707N0983708W cemetery UNOFF Graham 3928 50N09959 37W school UNOFF Cheyenne 393549N1014029W locale BGN Shawnee 385930N0954132W cemetery UNOFF Neosho 373645N095203 3W church UNOFF Neosho 373600N095234 9W VARIANT stream Wilson 372321N09539 44W school UNOFF Cowley 371444N09703 35W VARIANT stream Lane 382434N0995244W stream BGN Miami 38 3254N0945135W VARIANT school UNOFF Shawnee 390020N0954152W church UNOFF Sedgwick 373815N0972102W church UNOFF Shawnee 390052N0954404W school UNOFF Cowley 371458N09658 31W school UNOFF Seward 371355N10038 48W stream BGN Sheridan 391855N1000952W school UNOFF Ford 374556N1000102W locale UNOFF Douglas 385630N0951540W school UNOFF Pratt 373821N0984458W oilfield UNOFF Marion 381400N09708 30W locale UNOFF Shawnee 39005 3N09544 31W school UNOFF Sedgwick 3738 35N09718 25W cemetery UNOFF Crawford 373148N0945738W ppl BGN Doniphan 395127N0951124W VARIANT SOURCE COORDINATE 37515 650W 371855N0961028W 40W 38 3508N0944052W 391606N1001336W ELEV FT 955 900 1273 1569 996 1210 890 968 860 MAP NAME Yates Center SE Lawrence East Junction City Shawnee Salina Rolla NW Radley Oakley North Der by Wichita East Dodge City NE Roxbury Lapland Oak Valley Neodesha Edwardsville Der by Derby Hudson NW Windom NE Windom NE Wichita East Lakin NW Deerfield SW Downs South Hill City NW Bird City S SW Wakarusa Shaw Earlton Hackney Paola East Topeka Wichita East Topeka Winfield Kismet Studley Dodge City Lawrence West Pratt Peabody NW Topeka Wichita East Brazilton Sparks FEATURE NAME Sparta (historical) Spasticville Speareville See Spearville Township Speareville See Spearville Spearville Speareville Spearville Grade School Spearville High School Spearville Township Speareville Special Education Center Speed Big Ben Big Bend Spence Spencer Spencer Lake Sperling Oil Field Spica Spicer Lake Spillman Cemetery Spillman Creek Spillway State Park See Tuttle Creek State Park Spillway State Park Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Wichita Spivey Leland Spogie Ditch Spoon Creek Kill Creek Sportsmans Lake Salt Lake Salt Marsh Sprading Cemetery Spriggs Rock Dam See Little River Dam Spriggs Rock Lake Spring See Spring Hill Spring Spring Branch Spring Branch Spring Brook Spring Creek Spring Branch Spring Branch Spring Branch Spring Branch Spring Branch Spring Branch Spring Branch Spring Branch Spring Branch Cemetery Spring Brook See Spring Branch Spring Brook Creek Spring Brook Township Spring City See Lenora Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek FEATURE CLASS locale ppl civil Ppl ppl school school civil school ppl locale locale reservoir oilfield locale lake cemetery stream park park church ppl canal stream reservoir cemetery dam reservoir Ppl locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery stream stream civil ppl locale stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1896 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN County McPherson Sedgwick Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Pawnee Phillips Washington Shawnee Anderson Harvey Thomas Barber Lincoln Lincoln Riley Pottawatomie Sedgwick Kingman Woodson Johnson Republic Washington Rice Rice Johnson Harper Harper Chautauqua Cherokee Sedgwick Butler Marion Mitchell Norton Brown Decatur Rooks Chautauqua Sheridan Sheridan Norton Chautauqua Sumner Cowley Cowley Sumner Montgomery COORDINATE 381301N09738 37W 375001N0972009W 37464 641W 375100N0994 52 3W 375100N0994 52 3W 375102N0994509W 375050N09945 13W 37464 641W 381101N0990626W 394038N09925 14W 39555 10W 390328N0953155W 381242N0952358W 380740N0973015W 391224N1005454W 370614N0982237W 390917N0982235W 390144N0981225W 391520N0963500W 391700N0963525W 139W 372645N0980947W 380227N09534 34W 385512N094590 3W 3938 44N0975324W 394215N09659 36W 382406N0980254W 382406N0980254W 384435N0944931W 370306N0980208W 370422N0975004W 37043 3N0962758W 370525N0943725W 373942N09708 58W 3748 38N0970045W 381822N0970056W 393306N0981809W 395034N0994 958W 356W 395717N1001427W 393036N0990329W 37043 3N0962758W 390945N1002736W 391730N10032 30W 393638N1000008W 371040N0961652W 365712N0971416W 365825N0964208W 370140N0963540W 370148N0972 345W 370234N09542 14W SOURCE COORDINATE 390750N098 224 5W 384828N095004 3W 115W 370904N0962 655W 370348N09434 30W 374126N0971245W 37522 3N0965 616W 381504N0970950W 393350N0981654W 395605N099532 1W 395305N0953 126W 395329N1001425W 391353N1003745W 370016N0971033W 370438N0964231W 37044 4N0963722W 371007N0972159W 370036N0954 405W ELEV 1402 2460 1900 1220 866 1029 3088 1510 1390 1363 1373 906 KS275 MAP NAME Halstead NW Valley Center Spearville Spearville Spearville Spearville Larned Speed Hanover West Grantville Westphalia Moundridge Spica Kiowa Hunter Lincoln Tuttle Creek Dam Wichita East Spivey Neosho Falls De Soto Jamestown NW Greenleaf Little River Spring Bluff City East Cloverdale Joplin West Andover El Dorado SW Hillsboro Glen Elder North Calvert Reserve Lyle Kirwin SE Midway Draw West Sequin Elgin NE Peckham Grainola Cedar Vale West South Haven Coffeyville West KS276 FEATURE NAME Spring Creek Spring Creek See Spring Branch Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Senno Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek East Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek See Sanford Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Thompsons Branch Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Tay Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek See Page Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Ogallah Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN 1964 VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN coUnTy Cowley Chautauqua Clark Sumner Montgomery Cowley Montgomery Clark Sumner Cowley Harper Barber Chautauqua Labette Sumner Meade Sumner Cowley Chautauqua Harper Sumner Comanche Cowley Cowley Sumner Kiowa Sedgwick Sedgwick Morton Sedgwick Reno Greenwood Stafford Woodson Hamilton Hodgeman Marion Marion Ness Rice Chase Chase Morris Morris Douglas Franklin Ellsworth Franklin Miami Saline Trego Ellsworth Saline Logan Douglas Trego Wabaunsee Lincoln Wyandotte Wabaunsee Douglas COORDINATE 370308N0970 340W 37043 758W 370434N09938 4 3W 370437N0973204W 37044 370505N0970529W 370545N0954554W 370552N0994 521W 37055 370600N0970612W 370636N0980205W 370954N0982054W 371002N0961628W 371223N0951155W 371249N0970900W 371355N1002137W 371437N0974352W 371604N0970140W 371619N0962745W 37165 32W 371748N0972732W 371909N0990726W 37235 3W 37235 7N0970052W 372736N0972252W 372737N09904 15W 373034N0973347W 373037N0971604W 373635N1015500W 373658N0974411W 374145N09758 48W 374828N0961721W 375820N098 48 30W 380025N095 325 9W 380218N1020203W 380404N0995644W 38094 381404N096560 3W 381713N1001256W 382049N0981738W 38222 38224 3N09 6324 8W 383401N0964 655W 38355 6N096304 3W 38 3932N0951102W 38412 15W 384156N0981025W 384306N0951200W 384415N094515 3W 38465 1N0972558W 38465 456W 38470 2 557W 385020N09742 13W 385405N1011003W 385540N09508 18W 385612N0993632W 38582 3N0962058W 385931N0981228W 390257N0945313W 390340N0961141W 390352N0952751W SOURCE COORDINATE 37024 371011N09942 30W 371145N0973025W 37055 3N0953 112W 370409N0971023W 370342N0954 908W 371109N09944 32W 371006N0974332W 370806N0970244W 372139N09804 30W 3718 24N0982248W 371735N0961647W 371355N0951714W 372131N0970609W 372302N1003108W 372428N0974 52 9W 371452N0970313W 372117N0963135W 372300N09759 37W 950W 37232 3N09909 4 LW 372411N09658 35W 373432N0973142W 373615N09904 40W 37365 35W 37365 1N0971100W 370747N1015602W 374206N09742 10W 37465 3W 374210N0963050W 375514N098 5 425W 380724N0953100W 381124N1015930W 375736N1000427W 381315N0971221W 525W 382236N1002441W 381859N0982503W 381912N0962415W 381930N096 364 5W 38 3241N096503 1W 38 3208N0963 149W 384210N0950538W 384221N095233 6W 384905N098 102 6W 384617N0950941W 38464 38 3732N0973123W 384424N098 28 59W 3838 18N0975 158W 385435N1011005W 385202N09509 34W 390147N0995 148W 385912N09625 16W 38505 1228W 39043 3N094 52 54W 390618N096134 9W 39005 6W ELEV FT MAP NAME Arkansas City Sitka SW Perth Coffeyville East Arkansas City Tyro Ashland SE Doster Arkansas City Spring Crisfield Elgin NE Labette Adamsville Irish Flats NE Caldwell NW Akron Grenola Argonia Wellington Wilmore SE Udall Zyba Belvidere Clearwater Rose Hill Elkhart North Lake Afton Waterloo Eureka Saint John South Neosho Falls Holly East Jetmore Peabody NW Florence Beeler SW Raymond Gladstone Strong City Burdick Wilsey SE Wellsville Ottawa North Westfall SW Le Loup Spring Hill Kipp Wilson Salina SW Russell Sprs Lawrence East Ellis Allendorph Westfall NW Bonner Springs Mc Farland Perry FEATURE NAME Spring Creek See East Spring Creek Spring Creek See Shaw Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek See Johannes Branch Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek See Straight Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek See Bluff Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Bluff Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek See Devils Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Springdale Springdale Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery Church Park School School Township Township Township Township Township Township Springdale Cemetery Springdale School Springdale Township Spring Draw Springfield See Broughton Springfield (historical) La Grand Springfield Cemetery Springfield Cemetery Springfield Cemetery Spring Grove Spring Grove Spring Grove Spring Grove Spring Grove Cemetery Cemetery Church Elementary School School FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery cemetery cemetery church park school school civil civil civil civil civil civil Ppl ppl cemetery school civil valley Ppl locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church cemetery school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF counTy Ellis Trego Ottawa Jackson Rooks Graham Clay Jefferson Pottawatomie Atchison Atchison Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Jackson Pottawatomie Washington Graham Smith Jewell Smith Phillips Washington Cheyenne Marshall Brown Norton Washington Jewell Washington Doniphan Republic Nemaha Chautauqua Lincoln Pottawatomie Graham Douglas Franklin Graham Cowley Greenwood Coffey Lane Saline Pottawatomie Sedgwick Leavenworth Rice Montgomery Sumner Norton Clay Seward Seward Anderson Marion Harper Jefferson Miami Jewell Cherokee COORDINATE 390458N0992925W 39062 6N09943 35W 390851N0975522W 391501N0954510W 392207N09932 30W 39224 3N0993647W 392248N0970807W 392312N0952 321W 39242 6095 6W 392825N095 133 3W 3928 50N0953249W 393120N0960648W 393234N0963242W 39325 148W 393254N09635 18W 393448N0971116W 393457N1000919W 393611N09848 58W 3938 10N0980426W 394248N0983508W 394332N0991502W 394730N0965229W 394910N1014630W 394946N0963925W 395005N09538 4 6W 39502 30W 395315N0970023W 395345N0981121W 39543 3N0970608W 395448N09518 09W 395628N0975144W 400316N0955152W 371108N0961703W 390732N0975 645W 392938N0963140W 3928 54N0994 355W 384517N09509 35W 38 3959N0951027W 39285 3N0994 355W 370400N0964 600W 374625N09626 35W 380525N0953 350W 382006N1001903W 384700N0975220W 393133N09632 10W 374030N0971007W 391534N0950727W 382147N0981950W 370504N0954 659W 372100N09738 30W 394705N100020 3W 391917N0970311W 371617N1005206W 371645N1005136W 381311N0951319W 381915N0972007W 370905N0980329W 391938N0952050W 382638N0950109W 395910N0980152W 37034 13W SOURCE COORDINATE 390334N098000 3W 391551N0954314W 391445N0663223W 392905N09948 14W 39305 7N0970502W 39215 3N09608 28W 392635N0951916W 392736N0960520W 39394 3N0955 8 4 8W 392601N0963100W 39395 3N0971102W 39320 19W 395406N098 425 6W 39454 3N09806 35W 395030N0983351W 395455N0991957W 395019N0964947W 395145N1015055W 395548N09628 08W 395352N095455 LW 39554 12W 395112N0981324W 395746N0970647W 395542N0952148W 39574 3N0975928W 395954N0955207W 395048N1000514W ELEV FT 947 1300 1020 2861 1128 KS277 MAP NAME Ada Mayet ta Palco Nicodemus Clay Center NW Onaga Nortonville Havenville Netawaka Blue Rapids SE Palmer Clayton SW Harlan Randall Lebanon Phillipsburg S Hanover SE St Francis Marysville Fairview Calvert Mankato NW Washington NE White Cloud Republic Humboldt SE Elgin NE Ada Olsburg Bogue NW Baldwin City Le Loup Bogue NW Maple City Reece Neosho Falls Dighton SE Brookville Blue Rapids SE Andover Easton Chase Tyro Milan Reager Sublette SE Sublette SE Bush City Lehigh Anthony Winchester Lane Webber Baxter Springs KS278 FEATURE NAME Spring Grove School Spring Hill Spring Springhill Springhill See Spring Hill Spring Hill Cemetery Spring Hill Cemetery Spring Hill Cemetery Spring Hill Church Spring Hill Park Spring Hill Township Spring Hill Township See Spring Hill Township Spring Hill Township Spring Township Spring Lake (historical) Spring Place See Merriam Spring Ridge Church Spring River Pomme de Terre River Springs Branch Springside (historical) Springside Cemetery Spring Township See Township Number 3 Spring Township Spring Township See Spring Hill Township Springvale Lola Springvale Church Spring Valley Spring Valley (historical) Spring Valley Cemetery Spring Valley Church Spring Valley Church Spring Valley Oil Field Spring Valley School Spring Valley School Spring Valley School Spring Valley School Spring Valley School Spring Valley Township Spring Valley Township Spring Valley Ranch Spurrier Gardens See Greenwich Heights Squaw Branch Squaw Creek Squaw Creek Squaw Creek Squaw Creek Squaw Creek Squaw Creek Nolands Creek Squaw Creek Cove North Public Use Area Squaw Creek Cove South Public Use Area Squaws Den Monument Squib See Leeds (historical) Stack School Stafford Lulu Valley Sod town FEATURE CLASS school ppl Ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery church park civil civil locale ppl church stream stream locale cemetery civil civil civil locale church valley locale cemetery church church oilfield locale school school school school civil civil locale ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream park park park locale school Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN 1897 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT coUnTy Doniphan Johnson Johnson Labette Sumner Jackson Montgomery Cowley Johnson Johnson Meade Johnson Miami Cherokee Doniphan Pottawatomie Cowley Harper Butler Johnson Pratt Wyandotte Allen McPherson Washington Labette McPherson McPherson Miami Montgomery Grant McPherson Geary Cherokee McPherson Wallace Sedgwick Norton Cherokee Chautauqua Montgomery Brown Doniphan Doniphan Montgomery Montgomery Scott Chautauqua Jackson Stafford COORDINATE 394030N09504 38W 384435N094493 1W 384435N09449 31W 371718N0951530W 372220N0974018W 393608N0953644W 37072 6N0953 932W 370548N097022 3W 38462 9N094 48 55W 38462 9N094 48 55W 372312N10018 30W 390125N0944136W 38 3352N095014 6W 364731N0944509W 39454 390325N0960305W 370048N0965747W 370418N09803 30W 374140N09652 50W 38462 9N09448 55W 37304 3N098 564 5W 390713N094414 3W 375954N0950500W 381540N0972555W 393542N0965119W 371321N0951455W 326W 381816N0972640W 38 3508N094424 6W 370048N0954 341W 373015N1012640W 381540N097264 6W 390148N0965220W 370330N0944 650W 381810N0972600W 385129N1014913W 373912N0971218W 395905N1000309W 36565 34W 371413N096274 2W 371523N0954717W 394241N0954008W 394655N0951936W 3959 48W 640W 371440N0954700W 3838 37N1005538W 371405N0962 400W 391418N09552 38W 375744N098 360 1W SOURCE COORDINATE 36545 34 250W 394453N09509 19W 375745N0950608W 39560 30W 370149N09458 28W 371618N0962505W 371047N09548 5 6W 394737N0954128W 394721N0952055W 395942N0952141W ELEV FT 985 1050 1950 1505 871 1037 1514 992 1858 MAP NAME Atchison NE Spring Hill Parsons West Milan Whiting Coffeyville West Arkansas City Ocheltree Meade NE Rantoul Peoria Sparks Maple Hill Silverdale Augusta Croft Shawnee Bronson Canton SW Greenleaf SE Labette Canton SW Canton SW Louisburg Coffeyville West Ulysses SW Canton SW Junction City Neutral Canton SW Spr Valley Ranch Devizes Miami NW Cloverdale Bolton Fairview Highland White Cloud Table Mound Bolton Lake Scott Rossville Stafford FEATURE NAME Stafford Cemetery Stafford County Stafford High School Stafford Municipal Airport Stafford Township Stag Creek Stag Creek School Stagg Hill Stalter Branch Stalter Cemetery Standifred Creek Stanford See Waterloo Stanhope Oil Field Stanley Stanley Branch Stanley Elementary School Stanley Elementary School Stanley Station Center Stano Stanton Stanton See May Day Stanton County Stanton County Municipal Airport Stanton Township Stanton Township Stanton Township Stanton Township Stanwood (historical) Stanwood Church Stanwood School Star (historical) Star Cemetery Star Cemetery Star Cemetery Star Cemetery Star Cemetery Star Center Cemetery Star Community Center Stark Grant Center Stark Airport Stark Elementary School Starkey Developmental Center Starr Township Star School Star School Star School Starshire Farm Airport Star Township Starvale (historical) New Memphis Star Valley Star Valley See Starvale (historical) Star Valley Cemetery Star Valley School Starvation Creek Hanson Creek State Avenue Center State Creek State Lake State Lake FEATURE CLASS cemetery civil school airport civil stream school summit stream cemetery stream Ppl oilfield Ppl stream school school locale locale ppl locale civil airport civil civil civil civil locale church school locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery building Ppl airport school school civil school school school airport civil locale locale cemetery locale stream locale stream reservoir reservoir NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN coUnTy Stafford Stafford Stafford Stafford Stafford Saline Saline Riley Cowley Cowley Osage Kingman Greenwood Johnson Washington Sedgwick Wyandotte Johnson Grant Miami Riley Stanton Stanton Stanton Linn Miami Ottawa Leavenworth Jefferson Leavenworth Greenwood Cherokee Wilson Greenwood Coffey Jewell Harper Labette Neosho Comanche Neosho Sedgwick Cloud Bourbon Leavenworth Atchison Shawnee Coffey Cherokee Cherokee Cowley Linn Phillips Wyandotte Smith Ottawa Leavenworth COORDINATE 375713N098 3 650W 380400N098 4 300W 375900N09935 39W 375736N098 38 57W 375720N098 38 10W 384055N09725 10W 3838 17N0972751W 390910N0963625W 372619N0965905W 372602N09658 09W 38 3005N09554 38W 374037N097562 6W 374635N0963109W 385116N0943956W 395635N0971719W 37394 390424N0944014W 385120N0944025W 373114N1012922W 3832 392936N0965448W 373400N1014700W 373505N1014350W 373330N1014615W 380335N09450 30W 38 3340N0950020W 391600N0975225W 3908 40N09509 37W 390926N0951050W 3908 49N0950944W 374137N0962 605W 371638N0945738W 372722N09534 4 9W 374137N0962527W 381338N095352 3W 393515N09808 14W 371913N0955552W 370110N0951710W 374124N09508 34W 371627N0991902W 374127N09508 59W 374057N097234 3W 392130N0972530W 374438N0944 427W 391240N0950622W 392750N095204 9W 385400N095 3 500W 381355N09535 30W 371507N09458 06W 371507N09458 06W 372445N09702 32W 381857N0944258W 3948 18N0992745W 390701N0944337W 400421N098 35 38W 390617N0973413W 390719N0950910W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3520N0973133W 37253 455W 382827N09558 02W 3958 13N09719 32W 395401N0992901W 395958N098 3 628W ELEV FT 1886 1299 1232 1000 812 1010 3146 985 3324 1222 1215 1391 920 1050 2132 990 870 818 860 1293 966 KS279 MAP NAME Stafford Hudson Stafford Stafford NW Stafford NW Gypsum Gypsum Manhattan Wilmot Wilmot Reading Rosalia Stilwell Mahaska Wichita East Shawnee Stilwell Ulysses SW Rantoul Johnson West Big Bow SW Johnson West Mantey Rantoul Glasco McLouth Mc Louth Mc Louth Piedmont NW West Mineral Morehead Piedmont NW Aliceville Jewell SW Danville Edna Stark Coldwater Stark Wichita West Miltonvale Cato Jarbalo Nortonville Richland Aliceville West Mineral Udall Boicourt Stuttgart Shawnee Red Cloud Bennington Midland KS280 FEATURE NAME State Line See Opolis State Line Airpark State Line Airport State Line Airport See State Line Airpark Stateline Pasture State Line Township State Street Elementary School Stave Lake Stayton South Oil Field Steak Bake Creek Stearman Elementary School Stecklein Field Steele Monument Steer Pasture Steever Park Steffen Oil Field Steffen West Oil Field Steinhoff Oil Field Steinrich Church Stella (historical) Stellamaris, Lake Stenger Hill Stephen (historical) Stephenson Cemetery Sterling Peace Sterling Airport Sterling Cemetery Sterling Church Sterling College Sterling Elementary School Sterling High School Sterling Oil Field Sterling Southwest Oil Field Sterling Township Sterling Township Sternerton (historical) Stevens Chapel Stevens County Stevens County Fairgrounds Stevenson Airport Stevenson Airport Stevenson Cemetery Stevenson Cemetery Stevensons Lake Stevens town See Opolis Steward Cemetery Stewart (historical) Stewart Creek Stickney Stigers Island Delaware Island Prison Island Stillman Creek Stillmans Branch Switzler Creek Stillmans Branch See Stillman Creek Stillwell See Stilwell Stillwell School Stilson (historical) Stilwell Mount Auburn Stillwell Stilwell Elementary School Stimmel School FEATURE CLASS ppl airport airport flat civil school reservoir oilfield stream school airport park flat park oilfield oilfield oilfield church locale reservoir summit locale cemetery ppl airport cemetery church school school school oilfield oilfield civil civil locale church civil locale airport airport cemetery cemetery reservoir ppl cemetery locale stream locale island stream stream ppl school locale ppl school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN 1938 VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF CoUnTy Crawford Johnson Johnson Morton Sherman Shawnee Linn Cowley Chase Sedgwick Ellis Scott Morton Sherman Pawnee Ness Butler Marion Reno Leavenworth Osage Decatur Republic Rice Rice Rice Reno Rice Rice Rice Reno Reno Hodgeman Rice Montgomery Rawlins Stevens Stevens Gove Sheridan Cherokee Bourbon Graham Crawford Smith Cowley Barton Leavenworth Lyon Lyon Johnson Crawford Cherokee Johnson Johnson Saline COORDINATE 372040N09437 15W 385313N094 36 32W 385313N0943632W 370020N1020100W 391800N10158 00W 390342N09538 36W 382146N0945112W 371236N0970102W 381106N096333 3W 374031N0971426W 384550N0991550W 384029N1005506W 370255N1020100W 392030N1014205W 381618N0993413W 381655N0993555W 603W 381447N09702 30W 37534 391908N0950202W 384955N09545 12W 394151N1003030W 395541N09738 38W 381236N0981224W 381420N098 125 6W 381306N0981155W 380512N0981508W 381315N098 12 30W 381228N098 12 10W 381255N0981210W 380925N0981210W 380808N09813 30W 380001N09904 44W 381302N0981150W 372121N0954809W 393947N1010902W 371200N1011800W 371007N1012027W 385700N1004 600W 392630N1003745W 370431N0944021W 380116N0945905W 392645N0994 342W 372040N0943715W 391352N09538 11W 394247N098 34 49W 372220N0970250W 3838 17N098 4 945W 391510N0945100W 38280 10W 38280 3N09 610 10W 384609N094 392 2W 372135N0944005W 371558N0944925W 384609N094 392 2W 384605N09439 32W 385214N0973624W soURCE COORDINATE 381215N0963139W 372602N0970722W 38 3315N0961037W ELEV 975 813 1985 1375 954 1240 1640 1652 1640 3110 2975 2940 1022 1951 1067 MAP NAME Grandview Midway SE Ruleton Topeka La Cygne Hackney Matfield Green Andover Hays South Lake Scott Midway SE Goodland Bazine SE Bazine SE Augusta SE Peabody Haven Easton Burlingame Selden NE Belleville NW Sterling Sterling Sterling Alden SE Sterling Sterling Sterling Sterling Sterling Hanston Sterling Table Mound Chardon NW Hugoton Hugoton Elkader NE Rexford Baxter Springs Mapleton Bogue Elmont Portis NE Akron Susank Platte City Allen SW Kirkwood Cherokee Stilwell Stilwell Salina FEATURE NAME Stink Branch Stink Creek Stink Creek Stink Creek See Stink Branch Stinson Creek Stippsville See Stippville Stippville Newcastle Stippsville Stitch Cemetery Stitt (historical) Stockdale (historical) Stockdale Recreation Area Stockholm Cemetery Stock Range See Stockrange (historical) Stockrange (historical) Stock Range Stockton Stock Town Stockton, Lake Stockton High School Stockton Junior High School Stockton Municipal Airport Stockton Township See Township Number 3 Stock Town See Stockton Stockwell School Stoeltzing Cemetery Stohrville Oil Field Stohrville Township See Township Number 4 Stolp Creek Stoltenberg Oil Field Stolzenback (historical) Stone Stone Cemetery Stone Horse Creek Stone School Stone School Stone School Stone School Stony Branch Stony Brook Stony Point Stony Point Stony Point Church Storer Creek Stormont (historical) Stormont-Vail Hospital Airport Stotler (historical) Stotler Church Stout Creek See Stout Run Stout Elementary School Stout Landing Strip Stout Run Stout Creek Stover Debolt Stowbridge Creek See Strowbridge Creek Stowbridge Creek See Camp Creek Stowe (historical) Strafuss Airport FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream locale locale cemetery locale locale park cemetery locale locale ppl reservoir school school airport civil Ppl school cemetery oilfield civil stream oilfield locale locale cemetery stream school school school school stream stream Ppl summit church stream locale airport locale church stream school airport stream locale stream stream locale airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF coUnNnTY Cherokee Clark Cherokee Shawnee Cherokee Cherokee Kingman Clay Riley Pottawatomie Scott Ellis Ellis Rooks Rooks Rooks Rooks Rooks Rooks Rooks Miami Coffey Harper Harper Barber Ellsworth Marshall Leavenworth Smith Jefferson Cherokee Harvey Saline Shawnee Butler Marion Wyandotte Montgomery Douglas Sheridan Osage Shawnee Lyon Osage Chase Shawnee Cheyenne Chase Labette Norton Shawnee Gray Atchison COORDINATE 37153 370240N0994712W 37153 390306N0953501W 371320N0945015W 371320N0945015W 372525N09748 26W 390805N0970207W 3918 30N0963900W 3918 30N0963910W 384340N1015618W 384605N09933 32W 384605N0993 332W 392617N099155 3W 392413N0991901W 392618N0991639W 392617N0991639W 392245N099174 3W 393138N09919 30W 392617N0991553W 38323 380715N0953 635W 370810N0975511W 371003N0975028W 37504 344 0W 38 3930N0982650W 385915N0963215W 39074 3N0945500W 395548N0990251W 390200N0951950W 371100N0944005W 38032 9N0971652W 384753N0973251W 391025N0955957W 373734N0964101W 3818 54N097154 3W 390540N0944536W 370310N09548 05W 384930N0951238W 392102N1001034W 384930N09548 15W 390309N095414 3W 38 3905N09558 00W 38 3959N095565 6W 382205N0962 900W 390135N0954204W 39572 382205N0962900W 371026N0951140W 385120N0953427W 385328N0953141W 373605N1003700W 393016N09528 17W SOURCE COORDINATE 37164 370019N0995158W 385914N0953540W 372305N0983148W 390537N0951927W 373918N0963536W 381426N09718 48W 392345N1001238W 382630N09630 35W ELEV FT 1488 3836 1792 1820 1973 903 900 2044 1528 1277 989 900 920 1151 3334 836 1050 KS281 MAP NAME Mc Cune Ashland SE Grantville Columbus Norwich Wakefield Olsburg SW Olsburg SW Sharon Sprs 3 NW Ellis SE Stockton Stockton Stockton Stockton Stockton Paola West Neosho Falls Bluff City NW Medicine Lodge Holyrood NW Oketo Basehor Kensington NE Williamstown Crestline Newton Salina Rossville Beaumont Lehigh Edwardsville Tyro Baldwin City Lucerne Burlingame Topeka Miller Miller Topeka Mc Donald NW Gladstone Labette Copeland SE Effingham KS282 FEATURE NAME Strafuss Landing Strip Strafuss Landing Strip See Strafuss Airport Strahm Cemetery Straight Creek Spring Creek Straight Creek Straight Creek Township Stranger See Linwood Stranger Creek Big Stranger Creek Strangers Rest Baptist Church Stranger Township Strassburg Cemetery Strassburg Church Strauss Mathewson Strawberry Strawberry Township Strawn See New Strawn Strawn Cemetery Strawn Recreation Area Strecker Oil Field Stribby Creek Stribly Creek Stribly Creek See Stribby Creek Strick Oil Field Striker Branch Stringtown Cemetery Strip Pits State Wildlife Management Area Strobe Cemetery Strong City (historical) Cottonwood Strong School Strong Township Strother Air Field Number Two Strother Airport See Strother Field Strother Field Strother Airport Strowbridge Creek Stowbridge Creek Strowbridge Dam Strowbridge Reservoir Stubbs Stub Creek Stub Creek See Iowa Creek Stuber Ranch Airport Stuck School Studley Corll Skelton Studley Cemetery Stull Stumph Oil and Gas Field Stumpie Arroyo Stuttgart Sublette Sublette Elementary School Sublette Flying Club Land Strip Sublette High School Success (historical) Sugar (historical) Sugar Creek FEATURE CLASS airport cemetery stream stream civil Ppl stream church civil cemetery church locale locale civil Ppl cemetery park oilfield stream stream oilfield stream cemetery park cemetery Ppl school civil airport airport airport stream dam reservoir locale stream stream airport school Ppl cemetery ppl__ oilfield valley ppl ppl school airport school locale locale stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN CoUNnTY Atchison Nemaha Atchison Pottawatomie Jackson Leavenworth Leavenworth Sedgwick Leavenworth Marion Marion Labette Washington Washington Coffey Coffey Coffey Russell Chase Chase Russell Doniphan Coffey Cherokee Stafford Chase Riley Chase Sumner Cowley Cowley Norton Osage Osage Barber Washington Washington Greenwood Johnson Sheridan Sheridan Douglas Barber Meade Phillips Haskell Haskell Haskell Haskell Russell Miami Reno COORDINATE 393016N09528 17W 39563 3N0955257W 3928 50N095324 9W 393007N0960531W 393135N09538 50W 390005N0950220W 385959N0950121W 374349N09718 30W 390745N0950120W 382422N09704 35W 382358N09704 39W 372025N0950508W 394243N0971518W 394155N0971210W 381545N09544 30W 381603N09552 34W 381610N09552 10W 384335N0985315W 382430N0964704W 382430N0964704W 384452N0985310W 395132N0951105W 381502N0954138W 371420N09458 20W 38022 360 3W 382350N09632 12W 391213N0963 327W 38265 140W 370313N0970938W 370952N0970248W 370952N0970248W 385120N0953427W 384904N09538 24W 384904N095 38 24W 370024N098 335 6W 39504 3N0971258W 395135N0971208W 373920N0961725W 385211N0945034W 392111N1000948W 392125N1000947W 3858 16N0952721W 371618N0985308W 370800N1002 320W 394758N0992718W 37285 6W 3728 47N1005038W 372948N1005003W 3728 38N1015054W 385952N0984 337W 382725N0943947W 11W SOURCE COORDINATE 393426N0955121W 393119N0960128W 393545N0952058W 38 3041N0964707W 395034N095 14 36W 384744N0953 948W 394920N0971415W 371248N1003052W 37592 13 58W ELEV FT 1348 1406 1390 850 1370 1088 1850 1182 1238 1162 1378 1200 2400 940 1986 2918 2907 MAP NAME Bern Arrington Havenville Netawaka Eudora Wichita East Jarbalo Pilsen Pilsen Mc Cune Brantford Palmer Hartford Ot tumwa Galatia Lincolnville NE Galatia Sparks New Strawn Hallowell Hudson SE Strong City Manhattan Strong City Geuda Springs Hackney Carbondale Carbondale Carbondale Stubbs Morrowville Piedmont NE Ocheltree Studley Studley Clinton Sun City SW Lake Larrabee Stuttgart Sublette Sublette Sublette Sublette Dorrance NW New Lancaster Yaggy FEATURE NAME Sugar Creek Big Sugar Creek Sugar Creek See Big Sugar Creek Sugar Creek See North Sugar Creek Sugar Creek Township Sugarloaf Sugarloaf Sugar Loaf (historical) Sugar Loaf Township See Township Number 5 Sugar Mound See Mound City Sugarvale (historical) Sugar Valley Sugar Valley See Sugarvale (historical) Sugar Valley Shopping Center Suicide Bluffs Sullivan Sullivan Chapel United Methodist Church Sullivan Creek Sullivan Elementary School Sullivans Track Sullivan Township Sulphur Creek Sulphur Springs (historical) Sulphur Springs Church Summer Cemetery Summerfield Summerfield Airport Summerfield Cemetery Summer High School Summer School Summers Township Summerville (historical) Summit See Linn Summit Summit Summit Siding Summit (historical) Summit Station Summit Cemetery Summit Cemetery Summit Church Summit Church Summit Hill School Summit Lawn School Summit Siding See Summit Summit Station See Summit (historical) Summit Station (historical) Summit Township Summit Township Summit Township Summit Township Sumner (historical) Sumner City Sumner Cemetery Sumner City See Sumner (historical) Sumner County Sumner Elementary School FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream civil locale summit locale civil ppl locale locale locale cliff locale church stream school locale civil stream locale church cemetery ppl airport cemetery school school civil locale ppl locale locale locale cemetery cemetery church church school school locale locale locale civil civil civil civil locale cemetery locale civil school NATIONAL KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF coUnNnTy Linn Linn Linn Miami Clark Clark Rooks Rooks Linn Anderson Anderson Linn Scott Marshall Shawnee Jackson Grant Grant Grant Washington Cloud Cloud Atchison Marshall Marshall Marshall Wyandotte Atchison Thomas Leavenworth Washington Butler Marshall Leavenworth Wilson Saline Marion Cloud Saline Sedgwick Marshall Leavenworth Ellsworth Chautauqua Marion Cloud Decatur Atchison Osborne Atchison Sumner Shawnee COORDINATE 381217N094595 3W 381408N0944101W 309W 382700N0943900W 371827N0995518W 371038N0993511W 393210N099234 6W 393140N09 9294 5W 3808 34N09448 48W 381737N0950350W 381737N0950350W 3808 20N0944912W 384112N1005545W 393955N0962 120W 390458N09539 17W 17W 373506N1012156W 373350N1012710W 372800N1011815W 3938 14N0964927W 39242 9N097295 6W 39242 9N097295 6W 393059N095062 9W 395950N0962 100W 39592 9N0962029W 400002N09620 32W 390716N0943748W 393052N0950602W 391315N1010310W 391007N09507 13W 394048N0970502W 350W 395350N0962050W 39080 3N09503 30W 373702N09548 18W 384027N09753 19W 380744N09658 06W 39285 3N0975 14 5W 384359N0973115W 373956N0972530W 395350N0962050W 39080 30W 384355N0980645W 370700N09618 14W 380745N09659 10W 393015N0975220W 394148N1003445W 393110N0950640W 3928 48N099560 3W 393110N095064 0W 371400N0972900W 39032 SOURCE COORDINATE 381442N0951040W 392036N0955750W 393552N09648 23W ELEV FT 2462 2004 868 1185 3110 1556 1511 1530 838 1602 1450 887 1475 1591 1334 1320 1670 KS283 MAP NAME Mound City NW New Lancaster Bloom SW Sugarloaf Glade SW McCune Mound City Lake Scott Vermillon Topeka Soldier Creek SW Ulysses Ulysses SW Wagon Bed Spr Barnes Miltonvale NW Miltonvale NW Atchison East Summerfield Summerfield Summerfield Shawnee Atchison East Winona NE Easton Rosalia Summerfield Jarbalo Fredonia Venango Florence Glasco NE Assaria Wichita West Carneiro Elgin Florence Jamestown Selden NE Atchison East Alton Rome Topeka KS284 FEATURE NAME Sumner Hill Sumner Memorial Gardens Sumner Township Sumner Township Sumner Township Sumner Township Sumnerville Sunbeam School Sun City Sun City Oil Field Sun Creek See Turkey Creek Suncrest School Sunflower See Clearview City Sunflower Sunflower City Sunflower, Mount Sunflower Aerodrome Sunflower City See Sunflower Sunflower Grange Hall Sunflower Park Sunflower Pond B Dam Sunflower School Sunflower School Sunland Sun Lane Airport Sunlight School Sunnebuhl Lake Sunnybrook School Sunnydale Bunny Dale Sunny Four School Sunny Grove School Sunny Hill School Sunnyside (historical) Sunnyside Baptist Church Sunny Side Cemetery Sunnyside Cemetery Sunnyside Cemetery Sunnyside Elementary School Sunnyside Elementary School Sunny Side School Sunny Side School Sunny Side School Sunnyside School Sunnyside School Sunnyside School Sunnyside School Sunny Slope Cemetery Sunny Slope Lake Sunny Slope Oil Field Sunny Slope School Sunny Slope School Sunny Slope School Sunny Slope School Sunnyvale Cemetery Sunny Valley School Sunnyview School Sunrise Park Sunrise School Sunrise School Sunset (historical) Sunset Acres Sunset Cemetery Sunset Cemetery Sunset Elementary School Sunset Elementary School FEATURE CLASS summit cemetery civil civil civil civil locale school ppl oilfield stream school ppl locale summit airport locale building park dam school school locale airport school reservoir school ppl school school school locale church cemetery cemetery cemetery school school school school school school school school school cemetery reservoir oilfield school school school school cemetery school school park school school locale ppl cemetery cemetery school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER-- KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Riley Sumner Sumner Reno Osborne Phillips Ottawa Shawnee Barber Barber Harvey Marion Johnson Wyandotte Sherman Reno Wyandotte Elk Comanche Johnson McPherson Riley Wallace Johnson Sedgwick Jackson Sedgwick Rice Atchison McPherson Dickinson Sedgwick Montgomery Barber Lincoln Sedgwick Ford Montgomery Harvey Wabaunsee Cowley Shawnee Jefferson Riley Linn Gove Trego McPherson Rooks Jackson Rooks Hamilton Barton Labette Ellis Ellsworth Marshall Sumner Butler Pratt Riley Harvey Saline COORDINATE 39062 407W 371609N0972216W 372050N0972920W 374615N0974515W 392630N0985740W 395740N0990600W 391151N0974410W 3908 39N095 36 46W 37224 3N098 54 5 6W 372430N098 5 620W 38072 3N0973 602W 382424N0971257W 385645N0950010W 390355N0945150W 390119N1020212W 375530N0975600W 390355N0945150W 373809N0961406W 37192 3N09910 35W 385524N0945936W 381909N0973114W 390935N09628 11W 385334N1014916W 375247N09718 35W 385302N0945153W 373736N097395 3W 39172 735W 375206N0971757W 382604N0981847W 393355N09524 46W 382001N0972538W 385122N09718 58W 374025N09718 20W 370105N095554 5W 37225 3N098 540 9W 390647N09803 46W 374043N09718 02W 374427N1000118W 371019N0955331W 380606N0971756W 390028N0960011W 372141N0965705W 385924N0954 220W 390345N0951508W 39073 356W 38054 3N0950054W 39002 1N1003657W 3848 40N099 38 40W 382723N09742 10W 392507N0991425W 392601N0955526W 392614N0992008W 375447N1015855W 310W 370806N09507 12W 385232N09918 15W 384937N098 24 10W 395912N0963928W 372315N0974347W 374330N0970742W 333729N0985447W 39105 35W 38025 384913N097374 6W SOURCE COORDINATE ELEV FT 2000 1284 1676 1443 800 4039 1586 1113 1007 3589 1456 1382 1105 1415 1726 1555 1301 1498 1095 879 1105 1512 1187 3526 1836 855 1715 1355 1230 MAP NAME Ogden Wellington Wellington Haven SE Alton Kensington NE Minneapolis North Meriden Sun City Sun City Durham Edwardsville Mount Sunflower Elmer Severy South Wilmore De Soto Mc Pherson SE St George Sharon Springs W Sedgwick NE Olathe Garden Plain Soldier Creek SE Valley Center Chase NE Effingham Canton SW Holland Wichita East Caney Sun City Shady Bend Wichita East South Dodge Caney NW Newton Maple Hill New Salem Wakarusa Williams town Manhattan Blue Mound Sunny Slope Lake Cedar Bluff Dam Mc Pherson North Woodston NW Soldier Creek NW Stockton Syracuse West NW Ellinwood SW Oswego Hays North Wilson Herkimer Conway Springs Andover Croft Manhattan Newton Salina SW FEATURE NAME Sunset Hill Cemetery Sunset Hill Elementary School Sunset Lakes Sunset Lawns Cemetery Sunset Memorial Gardens Sunset Memorial Gardens Cemetery Sunset Park Sunset Park Sunset Park Sunset Plaza Sunset Plaza Shopping Center Sunset Ridge Public Use Area Sunshine Oil Field Sunshine Ranch Airport Sun Springs Sun Valley Church Superior See Inman Superior School Superior School Superior Township Superior Township Suppesville Supple School Supreme Feeders Airport Surprise (historical) Survey (historical) Survey Cemetery Susank Sutphen Sutphens Mill Sutphens Mill See Sutphen Sutton Sutton (historical) Sutton Branch Suttons Branch Creek Sutton Cemetery Sutton Cemetery Sutton Cemetery Sutton Cemetery Sutton Creek Sutton Creek Suttons Branch Creek See Sutton Branch Sutton Valley Cemetery Swamp Angel Swaney Elementary School Swan Township Swartwood Cemetery Swartz Cemetery Swede Center Cemetery Swede Creek Swede Creek Swede Creek Swede Creek (historical) Swede Creek Cemetery Swede Creek Church Swede Creek Recreation Area Swede Creek Township Swedesburg Church Swedish Baptist Cemetery Swedish Cemetery Swedish Lutheran Cemetery Swedish Lutheran Cemetery Sweet Branch Sweetbriar Shopping Center FEATURE CLASS cemetery school reservoir cemetery cemetery cemetery ppl Ppl park locale locale park oilfield airport locale church ppl locale school civil civil locale school airport locale locale cemetery ppl locale locale locale locale stream cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery stream stream stream cemetery locale school civil cemetery cemetery cemetery stream stream stream locale cemetery church park civil church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery stream locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF coUnTy Dickinson Douglas Reno Butler Leavenworth Finney Sedgwick Riley Saline Saline Wyandotte Jefferson Ness Riley Brown Ottawa McPherson Marion Atchison McPherson Osage Sumner Osage Seward Grant Rooks Rooks Barton Dickinson Dickinson Kearny Lane Wilson Butler Lane Osage Douglas Neosho Butler Wilson Anderson Pottawatomie Sedgwick Smith Clay Morris Neosho Osage Geary Riley Marshall Riley Riley Riley Riley Clay Rawlins Wabaunsee Gove Rawlins Allen Sedgwick COORDINATE 384040N0965722W 38580 3N0951610W 375725N0982305W 3748 10N0965240W 391800N0945755W 375734N1004735W 373438N0972020W 39103 3N096354 5W 384905N0973713W 384937N0973655W 39083 4425 6W 391610N09528 45W 382510N1000135W 392000N0964200W 395322N09542 12W 3908 52N0972428W 381355N097462 3W 381026N0970115W 393615N095065 3W 381310N09745 30W 3838 45N0954700W 37300 12W 520W 371536N1005422W 373620N1012148W 392250N09908 20W 392220N09908 00W 38 3827N0984625W 390254N09703 18W 390254N09703 18W 375421N1012754W 382116N1100342W 373652N095454 5W 374418N0965707W 382216N1003641W 383235N0953701W 38465 3W 3742 30N0952447W 374518N096524 6W 373652N0954545W 381952N0950616W 391140N09628 55W 373210N0971550W 395125N0990144W 390758N0972032W 384939N0963344W 374307N095302 6W 3838 18N0955340W 390201N0963551W 39295 3N09639 31W 39354 2N0964245W 393213N0964228W 393212N0964 305W 393005N09 6 3 94 5W 393130N0964120W 392930N09708 4 5W 394918N1004855W 38563 632W 3948 49N1004642W 375202N0950639W 374325N0972 150W SOURCE COORDINATE 37364 4N095505 1W 374429N0952 155W 374908N096555 2W 384122N0955618W 326W 393538N0964728W 3755 17N0950620W ELEV FT 1316 2875 1267 1080 1241 945 1300 1085 1375 1407 2830 1838 1970 1150 3110 1308 1060 998 1002 992 1269 1268 1315 KS285 MAP NAME Herington Lawrence West Sylvia El Dorado SW Leavenworth Garden City East Der by Manhattan Salina Salina Parkville Valley Falls Laird Olsburg SW Morrill Manchester NW Peabody Atchison East Buhler Osage City Norwich Burlingame Sublette Ulysses Woodston NW Twin Mound Susank Upland Lakin NW Amy SE Fredonia Augusta Amy SE Quenemo Lone Star Chanute El Dorado SW Garnett SE St George Derby Kensington Longford Dwight Vilas Miller Swede Creek Olsburg NW Blue Rapids SW Blue Rapids SW Blue Rapids SW Blue Rapids SW Blue Rapids SW Clay Center NW Midway Hessdale Orion SE Midway Bronson Wichita East KS28 6 FEATURE NAME Sweet Home (historical) Sweet Home Cemetery Sweetwater Canyon Sweetwater Creek Sweetwater Creek Swenson Creek Swing Creek Swisher Branch Swiss Cemetery Swissvale Switzer Creek See Switzler Creek Switzers Gap Cemetery Switzler Creek See Stillman Creek Switzler Creek Switzer Creek Swope Park Sycamore Lay Sycamore Bridge Sycamore Creek Sycamore Creek Sycamore Creek Sycamore Springs (historical) Sycamore Township Sycamore Township Sycamore Valley Church Sylvan Grove Sylvan Grove Elementary School Sylvan Grove High School Sylvan Park Sylvan Public Use Area Sylvia Senith Sylvia Cemetery Sylvia Elementary School Sylvia Township Syracuse Holidaysburg Syracuse Cemetery Syracuse Creek Syracuse-Hamilton County Airport See Syracuse-Hamilton County Municipal Airport Syracuse-Hamilton County Municipal Airport Syracuse-Hamilton County Airport Syracuse High School Syracuse Township Syria See Quartzite T Tabernacle Baptist Church Tabernacle Church of God in Christ Table Mesa Table Mound Table Mound Reservoir See Elk City Lake Table Mounds Table Rock Creek Table Rock Creek FEATURE CLASS locale cemetery valley stream stream stream stream stream cemetery locale stream cemetery stream stream park ppl bridge stream stream stream locale civil civil church Ppl school school park park Ppl cemetery school civil Ppl cemetery stream airport airport school civil locale church church summit summit reservoir summit stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN coUunTy Smith Smith Ellis Miami Ellis Dickinson Greenwood Butler Butler Osage Osage Jewell Lyon Osage Chase Montgomery Montgomery Chautauqua Montgomery Montgomery Butler Montgomery Butler Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Reno Russell Reno Reno Reno Reno Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Lincoln Sedgwick Sedgwick Meade Montgomery Montgomery Clay Ellsworth Ottawa COORDINATE 394754N0983119W 394707N0983247W 390302N0990421W 384138N0944909W 390345N099054 6W 37564 4N09703 4 6W 375757N0962 302W 372913N09655 12W 3758 48N0970804W 385001N09534 48W 384237N0954715W 395032N0980132W 38280 3N09 610 10W 384237N0954715W 382207N0963200W 371937N0954255W 371937N0954107W 370125N0962 106W 370147N0953907W 37164 4 4 1W 380215N0963955W 371924N0954318W 380140N0963 925W 372216N0954 553W 390034N09823 38W 390055N098 234 6W 390005N0982312W 380300N097554 5W 385808N0980003W 375728N0982428W 375722N0982320W 375719N0982432W 375720N0982500W 375850N1014508W 375933N1014606W 375913N1014556W 375948N1014439W 375948N1014439W 375901N1014504W 3758 46N1014400W 390116N0980540W 374355N09718 30W 374255N0971914W 370214N1003413W 371615N0954 602W 371636N0954725W 3918 44N0971637W 385148N0975655W 3858 25N0974 945W SOURCE COORDINATE 39025 3N09904 4 9W 384606N094 480 3W 390154N0991037W 375040N0970211W 380058N0961909W 373254N0965228W 38504 3N09554 40W 3708 31N09 620 30W 370614N0954 101W 742W 380238N1014421W 3848 31N0980153W 385313N0980018W ELEV FT 1383 1004 1183 840 1445 1738 1715 3233 3322 986 1500 MAP NAME Lebanon Lebanon Fairport Spring Hill Turkville Chapman Lapland Wilmot Whitewater Overbrook Montrose Osage City Cottonwood Falls Sycamore Sycamore Elgin Coffeyville West Sycamore Cassoday Sycamore Cassoday Table Mound Sylvan Grove Sylvan Grove Sylvan Grove Hutchinson Wilson NW Sylvia Sylvia Sylvia Gridley SE Syracuse West Syracuse West Syracuse West Syracuse East Syracuse West Syracuse East Wichita East Wichita East Kismet SE Table Mound Idana Brookville SW Culver FEATURE NAME Tabor New Tabor Tabor (historical) Tabor Cemetery Tabor Chapel Tabor Hill Tabor School Tabor Valley Tabour Church Tackett Mound Tadlock School Tadpole Creek Tailholt See Quincy Tall Creek See Salt Creek Talleyrand Township Tally School Talmage Talmage See Vernon Talmage See Warwick Talmo Taloga (historical) Taloga Oil and Gas Field Taloga School Taloga Township Tamarack Landing Field Tambor Cemetery Tampa Tampa Cemetery Tanglewood Lake Tannehill (historical) Tannehill Cemetery Tapley See Natoma Tar Creek Tar Creek Tasco Guy Tate Branch Creek Tate Creek Tate Creek See Tate Branch Creek Tauckett Creek Tauroma (historical) Tauromee Tauromee See Tauroma (historical) Taussigq Tauy Church Tauy Creek Taw (historical) Tay Creek See Spring Creek Taylor See Taylor Rapids (historical) Taylor Branch Taylor Cemetery Taylor Creek Taylor Creek Taylor Point Taylor Rapids (historical) Taylor Teachout Cemetery Tecumseh Tecumseh Creek Tecumseh Township FEATURE CLASS locale locale cemetery church summit school valley church summit schooi stream ppl stream civil school ppl locale locale Ppl locale oilfield school civil airport cemetery ppl cemetery reservoir locale cemetery ppl stream stream ppl stream stream stream locale locale locale church stream locale stream locale stream cemetery stream stream summit locale cemetery ppl stream civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN ADMIN coUnTy Republic Clay Republic Republic Riley Riley Riley Marion Labette Butler Greenwood Greenwood Washington Wilson Geary Dickinson Woodson Republic Republic Morton Morton Morton Morton Saline Doniphan Marion Marion Chautauqua Cowley Cowley Osborne Cherokee Greenwood Sheridan Greenwood Greenwood Coffey Riley Riley Cowley Franklin Franklin Haskell Franklin Nemaha Cherokee Atchison Lyon Jewell Riley Nemaha Coffey Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee COORDINATE 395125N0973100W 392532N0971707W 395149N0973100W 395133N0973106W 39064 3W 39063 390725N0962 620W 381211N0971905W 371608N0952213W 373743N0965604W 374206N0961627W 375255N095593 3W 395100N0971035W 37255 735W 390250N09638 19W 390130N0971537W 3758 50N0953924W 395955N0975 4 25W 394145N0973516W 371107N1020133W 370030N1015040W 371107N1020133W 370315N1015245W 385045N0973022W 394800N0945731W 383250N09709 10W 38 3306N0971007W 371345N0960922W 370928N0970511W 37094 4N09705 44W 391127N0990142W 365110N0945131W 374902N09603 34W 392115N1001727W 380857N0960737W 380857N09607 37W 381017N0953458W 391345N0963530W 391345N09635 30W 370620N09634 13W 38405 1N0951240W 38 3739N0951139W 3728 30N1004222W 384306N0951200W 395640N0960150W 371715N0944012W 393512N0950619W 382610N0960944W 395402N09808 3 9W 39063 629W 395640N0960150W 380740N0955 126W 39025 3N095 34 44W 390316N09534 16W 390130N0953 340W SOURCE COORDINATE 500W 374425N0962240W 370404N0945053W 375114N0960305W 38124 10W 381156N0953202W 384006N095133 3W 372235N0943720W 38310 6060 2W 395811N0981112W 385736N09534 48W ELEV FT 1605 1310 1103 1531 989 1303 1160 1212 1370 3658 1212 1424 1455 1153 2500 1040 1280 1198 920 KS5287 MAP NAME Belleville SE Miltonvale NE Belleville SE Belleville SE Wamego SW Wamego SW Wamego SW Goessel Parsons West Augusta Piedmont NE Lafontaine Ogden Manchester Wayne Midway NE Wilburton Midway NE Elkhart North Salina wWathena Tampa Tampa Sedan Hackney Hackney Picher Neal Tasco Madison Aliceville Manhattan Cedar Vale West Le Loup Le Loup Plains NW Kirkwood Atchison East Emporia Mankato NW Junction City Keene John Redmond Dam Grantville Richland Grantville KS288 FEATURE NAME Tecumseh United Methodist Church Teeters Branch Tehama (historical) Teichgraber Oil Field Temple Baptist Church Temple Beth Shalom Temple Emanuel Temple Israel Temple Knob Templeton (historical) Templin (historical) Templin Cemetery Templing Oil Field Ten Mile See Macyville Tenmile See Ten Mile (historical) Ten Mile (historical) Tenmile Ten Mile Creek Tenmile School Ten Mile Township Tennessee Creek Tennis Tennyson Creek Tennyson Creek See Schubert Creek Tequa Creek Tugua Creek Tuqua Creek Terra Cotta Terra Cotta Cemetery Terra Heights Terra Heights Baptist Church Terrapin Creek Terrapin Lake Terry School Terryton (historical) Terrytown Terrytown See Terryton (historical) Terry Township Tescot See Tescott Tescott Churchill Tescot Tesson Cemetery Teter Oil Field Teterville Texaco Hill Texas Lake Texas Lake Wildlife Area T G AND Y Family Center Thach Gas Field Thayer Prairie Du Chien Thayer Cemetery Thayer City Dam Thayer City Lake See City Lake Thayer City Lake Thayer Elementary School Thayer High School The Dell The Leavenworth Landing FEATURE CLASS church stream locale oilfield church church church church summit locale locale cemetery oilfield locale locale locale stream school civil stream locale stream stream stream locale cemetery ppl church stream lake school locale locale civil ppl ppl cemetery oilfield locale summit lake park building oilfield Ppl cemetery dam reservoir reservoir school school ppl locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF CoUnNTy Shawnee Wilson Cherokee Greenwood Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Shawnee Greenwood Ness Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Barton Cloud Miami Miami Miami Clay Miami Nemaha Finney Crawford Crawford Osage Ellsworth Ellsworth Shawnee Shawnee Brown Dickinson Atchison Finney Finney Finney Ottawa Ottawa Brown Greenwood Greenwood Chase Pratt Pratt Cowley Kiowa Neosho Neosho Neosho Neosho Neosho Neosho Neosho Sedgwick Leavenworth COORDINATE 390255N0953454W 37324 3N0955 325W 373820N0944535W 37534 3N0962 932W 374048N097214 3W 390252N0954 348W 374136N0971520W 390427N0954014W 374158N09629 39W 38 3405N0993722W 385458N0962750W 38544 11W 130W 3928 54N09748 58W 384015N0945055W 384015N0945055W 36 523 1W 391736N0971209W 384030N0944440W 39482 35W 380948N10154 38W 374942N0950007W 375035N09500 38W 38 3231N095 322 6W 384430N0975725W 384452N097574 6W 3858 36N0954059W 3858 37N0954107W 395416N0953519W 385618N0970407W 393115N0950800W 380620N1005300W 380620N1005300W 381040N1005935W 390029N09752 31W 39002 3958 35N0952027W 380340N0962 350W 380235N09625 13W 38052 3N09 6224 6W 373920N098 58 50W 373920N09858 50W 370521N0970220W 37304 3N09924 37W 372935N09528 12W 3728 46N09528 33W 3728 54N09529 18W 37285 3N09529 19W 3728 54N09529 18W 372925N09528 24W 372925N09528 24W 40W 391944N094544 6W SOURCE COORDINATE 373702N09554 2 3W 384438N094 423 6W 39435 6W 37542 382913N0953 106W 395508N0954411W ELEV FT 1650 899 1299 2895 1520 1030 926 1294 1590 1637 1033 1315 831 MAP NAME Grantville New Albany Hiattville Lapland Wichita East Topeka Wichita East Topeka Piedmont NW McCracken Volland Volland Susank Spring Hill Antioch Clay Center SW Bucyrus Seneca Tennis Bronson Quenemo Venango Venango Wakarusa Wakarusa Morrill Chapman Atchison West Lowe Tennis Tescott White Cloud Teterville Teterville Teterville Cullison Cullison Arkansas City Mullinville Thayer Thayer Thayer Thayer Thayer Thayer Wichita West Leavenworth FEATURE NAME The Mall The Mall The Malls Shopping Center Themian Park Theodore Barcus Wildlife Area See Theodore Granville Barcus Wildlife Area Theodore Granville Barcus Wildlife Area Theodore Barcus Wildlife Area Theoni School The Village Center The Village Square Thielen Airport Thierer Branch Third Avenue School Third Creek Third Creek Thirteenth Street Center Thirtieth and Lorraine Shopping Center Thomas See Westphalia Thomas (historical) Thomas Cemetery Thomas County Thomas County Fairgrounds Thomas Creek Thomas Creek Thomas Grove School Thomas Park Thomas School Thomas Township Thomas W. Butcher School Thompson See Harlan Thompson Branch Thompson Creek Thompson Creek Thompsons Branch See Spring Creek Thompsons Mill See Thompsonville Thompsonville Thompsons Mill Thompsonville Public Use Area Thornburg Thrall Thrall-Aagard Oil Field Three Corners School Threemile Creek Threemile Creek Threemile Creek Threemile Creek Three Mounds Three Sisters See Shank Hill Threshing Bee Airport Thunderbolt Creek Thunderbolt Creek Thurford See Mingo Thurman (historical) Thurman Creek Thurman Creek See South Fork Cottonwood River Tiago (historical) Tibbets Cemetery FEATURE CLASS locale locale locale park park park school locale locale airport stream school stream stream locale locale ppl locale cemetery civil locale stream stream school park school civil school Ppl stream stream stream stream ppl Ppl park locale ppl oilfield school stream stream stream stream summit summit airport stream stream ppl locale stream stream locale cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF COUNTY Dickinson Ellis Douglas Harvey Wyandotte Wyandotte Finney Harvey Ford Russell Geary Leavenworth Lincoln Cloud Reno Reno Anderson Ellsworth Lane Thomas Thomas Anderson Geary Reno Saline Ellsworth Ellsworth Lyon Smith Kiowa Kiowa Ellsworth Kiowa Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Smith Greenwood Greenwood Russell Barber Morris Riley Leavenworth Wilson Douglas Jefferson Chautauqua Crawford Thomas Chase Chase Chase Republic Labette COORDINATE 6564 1W 385325N09918 55W 385630N09514 35W 380307N0972054W 390250N0954 144W 390250N0954144W 380332N1003002W 380140N0972040W 374409N1000105W 385101N0983405W 390027N0963555W 391827N0945456W 391052N0980146W 392140N0975445W 606W 380515N0975407W 381055N0952924W 383215N0981200W 381957N1001619W 392100N1010300W 392325N1010323W 381600N0952407W 385650N09644 32W 38093 1W 385200N097365 3W 383354N0981208W 38 3356N0981206W 382450N096114 3W 393620N0984 600W 372753N099064 0W 37265 38 3850N09804 11W 372737N0990415W 390620N0952600W 390620N0952 600W 390630N09526 30W 395640N0984709W 380036N0961915W 375705N0962 30 3W 384937N09854 35W 372102N0983409W 38335 1N0964558W 39050 352W 39185 3N09 454 27W 373320N0953204W 385320N0951541W 391130N0951255W 365936N0960641W 372451N0945550W 39164 3W 38060 3N0963 100W 380615N0963229W 382148N09628 38W 395455N0974158W 370904N0950614W SOURCE COORDINATE 385622N09632 36W 391159N0980119W 391927N09758 28W 38095 3 1 4 6W 385000N096413 3W 373013N0990635W 373258N0991141W 38 3130N0981055W 372417N098 332 1W 383922N0964917W 391026N09650 19W 391948N09458 26W 370124N09604 36W 373057N0945121W 380157N0962 602W ELEV FT 1350 2045 870 1435 1445 2585 1755 1534 1533 3170 1766 870 2076 1371 1866 1050 1150 857 KS5289 MAP NAME Herington Hays North Lawrence East Newton Wolcott Scott City 4 SE Newton Dodge City Dorrance White City NE Leavenworth Barnard Glasco SW Hutchinson Hutchinson Geneseo Dighton SE Cobly SE Colby Harris White City NW Hutchinson NW Salina Geneseo Geneseo Emporia Belvidere Belvidere Carneiro Perry Perry Reamsville Thrall Lapland Russell SW Medicine Lodge Delavan Ogden Leavenworth Five Mounds McLouth Bowring Grindstone Creek Matfield Green SE Matfield Green SE Belleville NW Oswego KS290 FEATURE NAME Tiblow See Bonner Springs Tice See Wilburton Tice Tick Creek Tiffany (historical) Mahan Sloey Tilden See Bloomington Tilden Township Timber Canyon Timber Creek See Bala Timber Creek Dutch Creek Timber Creek See Snake Creek Timber Creek Timber Creek Timber Creek See North Beaver Creek Timber Creek Cemetery Timber Creek Cemetery Timber Creek Church Timber Creek Lake Timber Creek Township See West Saline Township Timber Hill Timber Hill Township See Timberhill Township Timberhill Township Timber Hill Township Timber Lake Timber Lake Timber Lake Dam Timber Ridge School Timken Timkin Timpkin Station Timkin See Timken Timmons School Timpkin Station See Timken Tioga Township Tipperary Hill Tippie Creek Tippinville See North Cedar (historical) Tipton Pittsburgh Tipton Airfield Tipton Canyon Tipton Elementary School Tipton High School Tisdale Tisdale Cemetery Tisdale Township Toad Hollow Tobias Northwest Oil Field Tobias Oil Field Tobyne Hill Todd Cemetery Togo Toiyabe See Allison Toledo FEATURE CLASS ppl locale locale stream locale ppl civil valley ppl stream stream stream stream stream cemetery cemetery church reservoir civil summit civil civil reservoir reservoir dam school Ppl ppl school ppi. civil summit stream locale ppl airport valley school school locale cemetery civil valley oilfield oilfield summit cemetery locale locale Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1966 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN CoUnTy Wyandotte Morton Haskell Jefferson Gove Osborne Osborne Shawnee Riley Cowley Rush Clay Marshall Rawlins Cowley Clay Cowley Cowley Sheridan Montgomery Bourbon Bourbon Neosho Linn Linn Leavenworth Rush Rush Wyandotte Rush Neosho Greenwood Bourbon Jackson Mitchell Mitchell Rawlins Mitchell Mitchell Cowley Cowley Cowley Shawnee Rice Rice Clay Chautauqua Graham Decatur Chase COORDINATE 390335N0945300W 370425N1014622W 373058N1004335W 391156N0953314W 385552N1002217W 392706N0984712W 392630N098 48 45W 38 3938N1015533W 3918 35N0965658W 371439N0970010W 38355 3N09928 36W 391221N0965918W 393215N0963657W 394945N1010657W 372728N0964042W 391306N09658 50W 372710N0964044W 372110N0965345W 391300N1001955W 371347N0950600W 37593 2W 37593 37393 381230N0945200W 381230N0945200W 390929N094590 3W 3828 25N0991040W 382825N0991040W 39035 382825N0991040W 374120N0952710W 375148N096034 3W 375917N0945325W 392416N0953735W 392035N09828 14W 392127N09828 50W 400502N1005041W 392028N09828 06W 392016N09828 04W 371436N0965106W 371556N0965032W 371618N0965109W 390755N095553 3W 381732N0981720W 381600N098 164 0W 391954N0971639W 370850N0955903W 391100N0995157W 393430N1001550W 38252 15W SOURCE COORDINATE 391617N0953250W 38 3938N1010225W 373022N096394 9W 392317N0965350W 393517N0964031W 375711N0945411W 395903N1005021W 390930N09554 12W ELEV FT 2863 1046 970 1963 1140 1604 1608 1325 1420 2368 1160 MAP NAME Copeland Holton SE Gove NE Bloomington Pence Hackney Milford Blue Rapids SE Cambridge NW Milford Cambridge NW New Salem Bolton Xenia Stark Mound City Mound City Basehor Timken Edwardsville Chanute Neal Xenia Tipton Tipton Culbertson SE Tipton Tipton Eaton Burden Burden Rossville Chase Chase Idana Caney NW Togo Plymouth FEATURE NAME Toledo Township Tolen Creek Tolerville Tollerville Tolle See Wingate Tollerville See Tolerville Tomahawk Cemetery Tomahawk Creek Tomahawk Elementary School Tomahawk Shopping Center Tomcat Creek Eagle Creek Tonganoxie Tonganoxie Cemetery Tonganoxie Creek Tonganoxie Township Ton of Hay See Tonovay Tonovay Ton of Hay Tonovay Draw Too Beega See Topeka Toogana (historical) Topage See Topeka Topeca See Topeka To- pe- ka See Topeka Topeka Mid-Continent Pomme de Terre To- pe- ka To- poo- ka Too Beega Topage Topeca Topeka Avenue Bridge Topeka Bible Church Topeka Cemetery Topeka Church of the Brethren Topeka High School Topeka Reformed Latter Day Saints Central Church Topeka Service Area Topeka Township Toper Cemetery To- poo- ka See Topeka Topsy (historical) Toronto Pleasant Grove Toronto Cemetery Toronto Dam Toronto Elementary School Toronto Lake Toronto Reservoir Toronto Point Public Use Area Toronto Reservoir See Toronto Lake Toronto State Park Toronto Township Toronto Wildlife Area Torrance (historical) Torry (historical) FEATURE CLASS civil stream locale locale locale cemetery stream school locale stream Ppl cemetery stream civil ppl ppl valley ppl locale ppl ppl ppl ppl bridge church cemetery church school church locale civil cemetery ppl locale ppl cemetery dam school reservoir park reservoir park civil park locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1931 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1971 VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN CcoUnNTy Chase Labette Sedgwick Butler Sedgwick Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Ellis Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Shawnee Lane Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Finney Shawnee Lincoln Woodson Woodson Woodson Greenwood Woodson Woodson Woodson Woodson Woodson Woodson Cowley Saline COORDINATE 382700N09624 30W 37205 7N0951506W 374510N0971608W 372855N0964150W 374510N0971608W 385313N094 400 3W 38555 1N0943713W 385914N09439 32W 385936N0944251W 390517N0993003W 390635N09505 15W 39063 32W 390546N0950127W 390815N0950727W 375108N0961040W 375108N0961040W 375056N0961144W 390254N0954040W 38 3435N10022 32W 390254N0954040W 390254N0954040W 390254N0954040W 390254N0954040W 390350N095 402 6W 390300N095015 6W 390220N09539 10W 390612N095 402 3W 390258N0954107W 390240N09542 36W 39015 12W 390040N09540 30W 38015 390254N0954040W 38554 6N0980225W 374756N0955656W 374734N0955634W 374428N09555 30W 374748N0955700W 374428N0955530W 37462 6N09556 30W 374428N09555 30W 374610N0955620W 375010N0955520W 374610N0955620W 3718 30N0964130W 384335N0972959W SOURCE COORDINATE 37244 38515 3N0944527W 391300N0993059W 39115 375132N0961025W ELEV FT 1380 1060 853 1060 1000 970 2899 950 910 KS291 MAP NAME Saffordville Parsons West Valley Center Lenexa Grandview Lenexa Lenexa Hill City 4 SE Tonganoxie Tonganoxie Tonganoxie Jarbalo Tonovay Tonovay Shields Topeka Topeka Topeka Topeka Topeka Topeka Topeka Gréntville Topeka Lowe Westfall Toronto Toronto Coyville Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Cambridge Gypsum KS5292 FEATURE NAME Toulon Towanda Towanda Elementary School Towanda Service Area Towanda Township Towanda Township Tower Plaza Tower Spring See Towerspring (historical) Towerspring (historical) Tower Spring Towhead Creek Towhead School Town and Country Christian Church Town and Country Christian Church Town Creek Towne East Square Towne West Square Township Cemetery Township Cemetery Township Cemetery Township Cemetery Township Cemetery Township Cemetery Township Cemetery Township Cemetery Township Cemetery Township Number 1 Empire Township Garden Township Greene Township Lake Township Lawn Township Liberty Township Ruells Township Township Number 1 Township Number 1 Ash Rock Township Lowell Township Medicine Township Township Number 10 Township Number 10 Township Number 11 Cove Township Elm Township Paxon Township Township Number 11 Plainville Township Twin Mound Township Township Number 12 Township Number 12 Township Number 2 Blaine Township Eagle Township Empire Township Green Township Township Number 2 Township Number 2 Greenfield Township Iowa Township Lanark Township Township Number 3 Anthony Township Berlin Township Spring Township Township Number 3 Township Number 3 FEATURE CLASS locale Ppl school locale civil civil locale locale locale stream school church church stream locale locale cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN coUnTy Ellis Butler Butler Butler Butler Phillips Wyandotte Lincoln Lincoln Shawnee Osage Sedgwick Shawnee Labette Sedgwick Sedgwick Sumner Greenwood Reno Reno Stafford Greenwood McPherson Lyon Phillips Harper Morris Rooks Pratt Rooks Pratt Rooks Pratt Rooks Harper Morris Rooks Harper Morris Rooks COORDINATE 385106N09914 2KW 374751N0965958W 374754N0970002W 374558N09758 54W 374655N0965920W 393555N09934 10W 390706N0944020W 385415N098054 3W 385415N098054 3W 385311N0954237W 385026N0954 328W 374505N0971620W 390052N09544 30W 370115N0950344W 374100N0971445W 374040N0972400W 371526N0973220W 37404 375115N0980437W 375658N097444 9W 375725N0985730W 375907N09610 36W 382352N0972541W 383055N09614 30W 394152N0992723W 372235N0982000W 38 3630N09628 25W 392630N099054 5W 372917N0985020W 391300N09926 10W 372900N0983745W 391300N0991610W 373720N0984525W 391320N0990920W 370345N0981040W 384300N09629 30W 392630N0991240W 370418N09803 30W 384935N0963 355W 393138N0991930W SOURCE COORDINATE 3848 42N0954422W 370212N0950934W ELEV FT 1997 1300 970 1066 1353 1307 1021 1518 1465 2023 1581 1191 200 MAP NAME Victoria El Dorado SW Benton El Dorado SW El Dorado SW Logan SE Shawnee Westfall Wakarusa Carbondale Valley Center Topeka Bartlett Andover Wichita West Mayfield Fall River Lake Pretty Prairie Patterson Macksville Hamilton Canton Allen SW Speed Zenda Lake Kahola Woodston Sun City NE Zurich Sawyer Plainville Coats Codell Waldron Council Grove Woodston NW Spring Dwight Glade SE FEATURE NAME Farmington Township Stockton Township Township Number 4 Silver Creek Township Stohrville Township Township Number 4 Township Number 4 Hobart Township Township Number 5 Banner Township Odell Township Pilot Knob Township Township Number 5 Township Number 5 Alcona Township Bow Creek Township Sugar Loaf Township Township Number 6 Chicaskia Township Harper Township Township Number 6 Carmi Township Haynesville Township Logan Township Township Number 6 Clarks Creek Township Township Number 6 Belmont Township Rush Township Township Number 7 Township Number 7 Township Number 8 Township Number 8 Township Number 8 Northampton Township Township Number 9 Township Number 9 Township Number 9 Fairview Township Township Number Seven Town West Baptist Church Trabue Airport Tractor Tracy Landing Field Trading Post Blooming Grove Giareau Trading Post Trading Post Cemetery Traer Traer Cemetery Trail Canyon Trail Creek Trail Creek Cemetery Trailridge Junior High School Trailridge Shopping Center Trail West Shopping Center Trailwood Elementary School Trailwood Shopping Center Trap Creek Trapp School Traylor School Treat Park Treckell Oil Field Treece Trego See Trego Center Trego Center Parks Fort Trego FEATURE CLASS civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil church ' airport locale airport ppl cemetery ppl cemetery valley stream cemetery school locale locale school locale stream school school park oilfield Ppl ppl Ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT CoUnTy Harper Morris Rooks Harper Morris Rooks Harper Pratt Morris Rooks Pratt Rooks Pratt Morris Rooks Pratt Morris Rooks Morris Sedgwick Butler Scott Sumner Linn Linn Decatur Decatur Cheyenne Lincoln Lincoln Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Phillips Russell Lyon Ellis Sumner Cherokee Trego Trego COORDINATE 371003N0975028W 384700N0964005W 392130N0991945W 371610N09803 30W 384935N0964 335W 393140N099294 5W 372030N09803 30W 374705N098 34 30W 384330N09648 55W 392615N099254 5W 374705N098 44 20W 392115N0993240W 374703N09855 18W 38 3400N09649 10W 391545N0993240W 37360 573 3W 38 3630N09638 35W 391030N0993200W 38 3910N0964940W 374315N0972745W 3738 382913N1004958W 371312N0974601W 381455N0944050W 381507N0944050W 395542N1003957W 39554 400132N1015128W 390436N0981626W 3908 50N0981628W 38593 3N094 4 327W 4425 1W 385932N0943954W 385723N094 38 35W 385730N094 38 50W 39500 30W 384609N098 440 3W 38232 3W 385200N09919 38W 372042N09728 03W 37000 3N09 4503 5W 385308N0995 329W 385308N0995 329W SOURCE COORDINATE 39582 391218N09818 19W 395354N0991307W ELEV FT 1328 2932 1252 810 2599 1060 1061 1060 965 1823 1084 840 2382 KS5293 MAP NAME Freeport White City Stockton SE Harper White City Glade SW Harper Preston Delavan Webster Dam Stafford SW Palco Hopewell Burdick Palco Croft Diamond Springs Wild Horse Creek Delavan Wichita West Santa Fe Lake Tractor Freeport Pleasanton Boicourt Traer Traer White Canyon Ash Grove Ash Grove Lenexa Lenexa Lenexa Lenexa Lenexa Kensington NW Dorrance SW Lang Hays South Wellington Neutral Trego Center KS294 FEATURE NAME Trego Trego Community High School County Trego Creek Trego Wakeeney Airport Trenton Hasby Trenton (historical) Trenton Township Tresham Triangle Airport Tribune Cappaqua Tribune Municipal Airport Tribune Township Tri-City Airport Trimmell Cemetery Trinity Assembly of God Church Trinity Baptist Church Trinity Baptist Church Trinity Cemetery Trinity Cemetery Trinity Chapel Foursquare Church Trinity Church Trinity Church Trinity Church Trinity Church Trinity Church of the Nazarene Trinity Hospital Trinity Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran School Trinity Lutheran School Trinity Presbyterian Church Trinity Temple Church of God in Christ Tripp School Triumph Church Trivole See Trivoli (historical) Trivoli (historical) Trivole Trivoli Township Troemper Cemetery T. Roosevelt Elementary School Trotter Cemetery Troublesome (historical) Troublesome Creek Troublesome Creek Troublesome Creek Troublesome Creek Trousdale Trout Troy Troy Airport Troy Elementary School Troy High School Troy Junction (historical) Maynard Troy Township Truesdale See Zimmerdale Truesdell Junior High School Truevine Missionary Baptist Church Tubbs School Tucker Branch Tucker Pasture FEATURE CLASS school civil stream airport Ppl locale civil locale airport Ppl airport civil airport cemetery church church church cemetery cemetery church church church church church church hospital church church school school church church school church locale locale civil cemetery school cemetery locale stream stream stream stream Ppl stream ppl airport school school locale civil ppl school church school stream flat NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS CcoUnNnTy COORDINATE UNOFF Trego 385539N0995008W ADMIN Trego 385500N0995300W BGN Trego 390555N0995114W UNOFF Trego 390016N0995 333W BGN Saline 385313N09738 56W VARIANT BGN Kingman 372915N0980450W ADMIN Edwards 37493 3N0993054W BGN Cowley 371012N0970258W UNOFF Sedgwick 3738 49N09723 35W BGN Greeley 382811N1014508W VARIANT UNOFF Scott 382700N1014503W ADMIN Greeley 383455N1014148W UNOFF Labette 372015N0953021W UNOFF Wilson 374058N0955226W UNOFF Sedgwick 373822N0971754W UNOFF Sedgwick 373900N0971931W UNOFF Shawnee 390022N0953909W UNOFF Russell 384450N098524 6W UNOFF Rawlins 39552 3N100574 5W UNOFF Sedgwick 37415 3N0971615W UNOFF Russell 384515N0985231W UNOFF Marshall 394755N0964720W UNOFF Rawlins 395517N1005745W UNOFF Washington 395729N0965008W UNOFF Sedgwick 373152N0972530W UNOFF Ford 374531N1000124W UNOFF Sedgwick 374051N0971808W UNOFF Shawnee 390310N0954125W UNOFF Cowley 371425N09658 37W UNOFF Miami 382936N09448 29W UNOFF Shawnee 390145N09544 15W UNOFF Sedgwick 374229N097184 3W UNOFF Ottawa 385938N0974901W UNOFF Reno 381023N0981718W VARIANT Ellsworth 383515N0980700W BGN Ellsworth 38 3515N0980700W VARIANT ADMIN Ellsworth 383357N0980527W UNOFF Wabaunsee 385958N0961227W UNOFF Riley 39104 UNOFF Edwards 375022N0991641W BGN Smith 395247N0984455W BGN Coffey 381820N09554 15W BGN Lyon 382646N0961131W BGN Smith 394904N09848 21W BGN Jewell 395351N0981437W BGN Edwards 374855N0990507W BGN Clark 370314N0993245W BGN Doniphan 394659N095052 3W UNOFF Doniphan 394640N09508 00W UNOFF Doniphan 394706N0950530W UNOFF Doniphan 394703N095054 4W BGN Doniphan 394620N0950548W VARIANT ADMIN Reno 375205N0980510W VARIANT Harvey 380610N0972 323W UNOFF Sedgwick 373856N0972138W UNOFF Shawnee 390252N09538 14W UNOFF Clay 391433N0971213W BGN Miami 384301N094472 3W BGN Morton 370500N1014440W SOURCE COORDINATE 390352N1000025W 382403N095560 3W 383445N0961623W 395047N0984629W 39510 135 5W 370054N0993508W 38454 450 3W ELEV FT 2435 1225 1161 1303 3616 3620 899 1800 1282 1686 2181 2085 1099 1165 1323 MAP NAME Trego Center NE Trego Center Wa Keeney East Wa Keeney West Trenton Rago Offerle SE Hackney Wichita West Tribune Tribune Sharon Sprs 4 SW Cherryvale Middletown Wichita East Wichita East Topeka Galatia Herndon NW Wichita East Russell SW Hanover SE Herndon NW Hanover East Wichita West Dodge City Wichita East Topeka Winfield Fontana Topeka Wichita East Culver Alden Crawford Crawford Hessdale Manhattan Centerview Bellaire Lebo NW Emporia Smith Center Mankato NW Trousdale Trout Creek Troy Sparks Troy Troy Troy Pretty Prairie Wichita East Topeka Industry Spring Hill Rolla FEATURE NAME Tuggle Branch Tugua Creek See South Branch Tequa Creek Tugua Creek See Tequa Creek Tunnel Creek Tunnel Mill Dam Tugua Creek See South Branch Tequa Creek Tuqua Creek See Tequa Creek Turck Turin See Turon Turkey Branch Turkey Creek See Uniontown Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek See Duck Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Little Turkey Creek Sun Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Bower Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Camp Creek Turkey Creek Turtle Creek Turkey Creek See Lake Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Camp Turkey Creek Cemetery Turkey Creek Church Turkey Creek East Gas Field Turkey Creek School Turkey Creek School Turkey Creek School Turkey Creek Station (historical) Turkey Creek Township Turkey Creek Township Turkey Creek Township Turkey Gulch Turkville Turner FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream dam stream stream locale ppl stream ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream locale cemetery church oilfield school school school locale civil civil civil valley locale ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN BGN coUunTy Miami Osage Osage Trego Cowley Osage Osage Cherokee Reno Allen Bourbon Chautauqua Labette Cherokee Chautauqua Cowley Chautauqua Barber Kiowa Neosho Butler Bourbon Woodson Coffey Harvey Chase Linn Linn Osage Franklin Ellsworth Dickinson Logan Logan Johnson Wabaunsee Mitchell Republic Washington Nemaha Pratt Bourbon Woodson Barber McPherson Wabaunsee Mitchell Wallace Barber McPherson Mitchell Cowley Ellis Wyandotte COORDINATE 384102N0945358W 382913N0953 106W 383231N095322 6W 384711N0994216W 371344N0970026W 382913N0953 106W 38 3231N095 322 6W 371350N0944954W 37482 6N0982535W 374230N09518 52W 375050N09458 30W 365559N0960801W 370505N0950757W 370747N0943735W 37090 3N0962 925W 371201N0964251W 371250N0961034W 372214N09855 15W 372325N09932 10W 373806N09 524 4 6W 374306N0965358W 375048N0945658W 38010 3N095 44 59W 380412N0954011W 38072 3N0973 602W 381121N0964914W 381407N0945048W 381545N0944934W 38 3158N0954 803W 38 3438N09505 32W 384359N0981552W 385259N0971131W 385528N1012425W 385856N10128 00W 390438N0943707W 390756N0960257W 392725N0981238W 39415 3N097323 3W 395150N0971355W 395712N0960208W 37283 3N098 563 5W 375345N0945755W 375736N0954914W 372510N098 57 30W 38392 3N0973 955W 390813N09605 30W 392615N098 123 6W 385707N1012900W 372534N098 56 10W 381320N09738 50W 392615N0981235W 372100N097022 3W 390612N0991443W 390500N09442 15W SOURCE COORDINATE 384226N0945518W 30W 374558N0952020W 370252N0961012W 365904N0951255W 370620N0943000W 46W 371528N0964505W 371325N0961425W 373614N0985920W 372936N099323 IW 37362 314 1W 374536N0964 420W 37554 375508N0955 309W 382700N0973315W 38052 6524 IW 381114N0945438W 381753N094493 9W 38 3302N09550 10W 38 3606N094594 4W 38 3724N0981903W 384138N0970945W 390205N1012804W 303W 390719N0960925W 392314N0981606W 394405N0972908W 3948 34N097162 9W 401404N09627 19W 372140N0970410W ELEV FT 1097 930 1930 1091 1463 962 1482 1828 840 MAP NAME Antioch Cedar Bluff Dam Hackney Columbus Iola SE Whippoorwill Bartlett Crestline Cloverdale Dexter Sedan Sun City SW Turkey Creek Chanute Augusta Uniontown Le Roy Halstead wWons evu Mound City La Cygne Osage City SE Rantoul Holyrood NE Abilene Russell Sprs 2 NW Kansas City St Marys Glen Elder South Wayne Haddam St Benedict Sun City Xenia Toronto NE Sun City Halstead NW St Marys Solomon Rapids Russell Sprs 2 NW Sun City Halstead NW Solomon Rapids Akron Turkville Shawnee KS296 FEATURE NAME Farmer Turners Stations Turner Bridge Turner Cemetery Turner Cemetery Turner Creek Turner Creek Turner Draw Turner High School Turner Memorial Bridge Turner North Oil Field Turners Stations See Turner Turnerville (historical) Turon Cottonwood Grove Turin Turon Cemetery Turon Elementary School Turtle Creek Turtle Creek See Turkey Creek Turtle Creek See Lake Creek Turtle Creek Tustin Airport Tuttle Creek Tuttle Creek Dam Tuttle Creek Lake Tuttle Creek Reservoir Tuttle Creek Reservoir See Tuttle Creek Lake Tuttle Creek Reservoir State Wildlife Management Area Tuttle Creek State Park Fancy Creek State Park Randolph State Park River Pond State Park Spillway State Park Tuttle Creek Wildlife Area Tuttle Landing Field TV Shopping Center Tweedy Cemetery Twelfth Street Village Mall Twelve Mile (historical) Twelvemile Cemetery Twelvemile Creek Twelvemile Creek Twelvemile Creek See East Branch Twelvemile Creek Twelvemile School Twin Butte Twin Butte Creek Butte Creek Twin Buttes See Twin Peaks Twin Creek Twin Creek Twin Falls (historical) (historical) Twin Grove Cemetery Twin Grove Township Twin Hills Twin Hills Cemetery Twin Lakes Center Twin Mound Twin Mound (historical) Twin Mound Cemetery Twin Mounds See Fredonia FEATURE CLASS bridge cemetery cemetery stream stream valley school bridge oilfield ppl locale ppl cemetery school stream stream stream stream airport stream dam reservoir reservoir park park park airport locale cemetery locale locale cemetery stream stream stream school summit stream summit stream locale locale cemetery civil summit cemetery locale summit locale cemetery ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN 1971 VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT COUNTY Montgomery Linn Wyandotte Sumner Phillips Sheridan Wyandotte Wyandotte Cowley Wyandotte Graham Reno Reno Reno Sedgwick Logan Logan Sherman Gove Riley Pottawatomie Marshall Marshall Pottawatomie Riley Riley Greeley Sedgwick Bourbon Lyon Smith Smith Lincoln Osborne Smith Smith Logan Logan Barber Osborne Osborne Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Meade Ottawa Sedgwick Graham Douglas Rooks Wilson COORDINATE 371757N0954029W 380952N094 38 42W 390438N0944217W 372622N0971315W 394142N0990755W 3908 45N1001156W 39043 3N094 422 0W 390536N0944237W 371614N09648 58W 390500N09442 15W 391820N09958 00W 37482 6N098 253 5W 374754N0982647W 3748 19N0982520W 372807N0972937W 385528N1012425W 385856N1012800W 390920N1015613W 385200N1002545W 391702N0963801W 391528N0963527W 39152 527W 39152 3N0963 527W 39334 6344 3W 391520N0963500W 392700N0964 245W 382057N1015238W 374235N097224 IW 374235N0944004W 382445N0961000W 393728N098 38 00W 393745N098 38 08W 390048N0980044W 393105N0983615W 39364 375 9W 393457N098 365 9W 384708N1012303W 384630N1005545W 371614N0984224W 392534N098 322 3W 391735N0984030W 374330N0960944W 373809N09614 32W 3738 35N0961330W 370638N100354 6W 39052 137W 391748N0991308W 385137N09528 53W 391708N0991355W 373202N0954 935W SOURCE COORDINATE 372819N0971107W 394916N0990808W 391313N1001747W 37255 3N0973 142W 390344N1021316W 391617N0964056W 390440N0980319W 39364 375 9W 384805N1013449W 39165 7N098 424 6W ELEV FT 1760 1772 1845 1075 3694 1140 1594 3340 1672 1143 2708 1417 1315 2136 2042 MAP NAME Sycamore Pleasanton Shawnee Mulvane Kirwin Reservoir Midway Draw East Shawnee Shawnee Burden Penokee Turon Turon Turon Zyba Horsethief Dr NW Gove SW Olsburg SW Tuttle Creek Dam Tuttle Creek Dam Blue Rapids SE Tuttle Creek Dam Olsburg NW Tribune SW Wichita West Cato Emporia Portis Portis NW Shady Bend Downs North Downs North Russell Sprs 2 SW Elkader SW Downs South Osborne SW Severy North Severy North Severy North Kismet SE Tescott Wichita East Twin Mound Globe Twin Mound FEATURE NAME Twin Mounds Twin Mounds Twin Mounds Twin Mounds Twin Mounds Twin Mounds Twin Mounds Cemetery Twin Mounds Church Twin Mounds Church Twin Mounds School Twin Mound Township See Township Number 11 Twin Peaks Twin Buttes Twin Rose School Twin Springs Church Twin Springs Creek Twin Trail Shopping Center Twinville School Twiss Creek Twist School Two Mile Creek See Tyler Twomile Creek Tyler Two Mile Creek Tyler Road Baptist Church Tyner (historical) Tyro Fawn Fawn Creek U Vdall Udall Cemetery Udall Elementary School Udall High School Uhl (historical) Ulysses New Ulysses Ulysses See Lexington Ulysses Airport Ulysses Cemetery Ulysses City Dam Ulysses City Lake Underwood See Darwin (historical) Underwood Cemetery Unger Oil Field Union Bend School Union Cemetery Union Cemetery Union Cemetery Union Cemetery Union Cemetery Union Cemetery Union Cemetery Union Cemetery Union Cemetery Union Cemetery Union Cemetery Union Cemetery Union Center See Union Centre (historical) Union Center Cemetery Union Center Cemetery FEATURE CLASS summit summit summit summit summit summit cemetery church church school civil summit locale church stream locale school stream school locale stream locale church locale ppl ppl cemetery school school locale Ppl locale airport cemetery dam reservoir locale cemetery oilfield school cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery locale cemetery cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Labette McPherson Douglas Clay Cloud Marshall Douglas Lyon Douglas Douglas Rooks Barber Shawnee Linn Linn Johnson Shawnee Coffey Wyandotte Sedgwick Clark Sedgwick Sedgwick Smith Montgomery Cowley Cowley Cowley Cowley Smith Grant Clark Grant Grant Grant Grant Doniphan Jefferson Marion Bourbon Montgomery Cowley Sedgwick Butler Lyon Rush Osage Dickinson Osborne Jewell Republic Rawlins Elk Crawford Bourbon COORDINATE 372129N0952755W 38 3102N0972945W 385138N0952 926W 391958N0971153W 393032N0973040W 393656N0963028W 385209N09528 55W 381720N0960552W 385145N09528 27W 385136N09528 45W 391300N0991610W 371614N0984224W 391143N0955741W 382229N09452 14W 382130N0945102W 385305N094 474 6W 5525 2W 380140N09534 32W 390448N0945255W 374010N0972 640W 370736N1000035W 374010N0972640W 374038N0972640W 395447N0985758W 370216N09549 16W 372315N0970650W 372304N0970737W 372312N0970711W 372305N0970710W 394945N0985205W 373453N1012117W 371738N0993557W 37354 373345N10118 30W 373354N1011954W 373353N1011957W 394225N0951700W 390358N095 1 8 4 2W 381356N09705 16W 374937N0944 640W 37034 371515N0965904W 373138N0970912W 37495 3N0970759W 382615N096023 3W 38270 0W 38 3910N0955022W 390128N0971108W 391734N0982209W 393827N098 124 6W 394152N0973245W 395532N1004745W 3728 45N0962020W 373145N0944640W 375207N09438 25W SOURCE COORDINATE 382312N0945204W 380719N0953125W 370818N1000918W ELEV FT 1000 1540 1108 1380 1521 1390 1046 1186 1068 1785 960 1040 938 1327 891 1267 1252 3057 3065 1412 893 755 1312 1343 2124 1130 1336 1613 1353 KS297 MAP NAME Dennis Roxbury Globe Clay Center SW Rice Blue Rapids SE Globe Emporia SE Globe Globe Medicine Lodge SW Rossville La Cygne La Cygne Olathe Dover Neosho Falls Bonner Springs Proffitt Lake Wichita West Wichita West Bachelors Run Tyro Udall Mulvane Udall Udall Smith Center Ulysses Ulysses Ulysses Ulysses Ulysses Williamstown Peabody Marmaton Coffeyville East New Salem Rose Hill Greenwich Lang Nekoma Osage City Buckeye Tipton Jewell Wayne Herndon Girard Fort Scott KS298 Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Se Union Uniond Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Uniont Uniont Se Union Town (historical) Uniont Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Union Unitar Fell United United United United United FEATURE NAME Center School Centre (historical) Union Center Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Cemetery Chapel School Church Church Corral Creek e Corral Creek Creek ale Church Ferry (historical) School School School School School School School School own Turkey Creek own e Union Town (historical) Uniontown own High School Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Valley (historical) Valley Cemetery Valley Elementary School Valley School Valley School ian Universalist owship Brethren Church Brethren Church Cemetery Center School States Army Hospital Unit One Pasture Unity Church of Christianity Unity Missionary Baptist Church University Baptist Church Univer University Christian Church University Friends Church sity Center FEATURE CLASS school locale church church church cemetery school church church stream stream church locale school school school school school school school school ppl locale locale school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil locale cemetery school school school church church church cemetery school hospital flat church church church locale church church NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Elk Elk Chautauqua Franklin Jewell Sumner Cherokee Barber Douglas Leavenworth Chautauqua Clay Shawnee Sumner Reno Miami Douglas Shawnee Ottawa Brown Nemaha Bourbon Shawnee Shawnee Bourbon Butler Kingman Sedgwick Stafford Anderson Rice Rush McPherson Barton Dickinson Jefferson Clay Sherman Pottawatomie Sheridan Doniphan Rawlins Republic Washington Lincoln Lincoln Reno Neosho Miami Shawnee Jefferson Osborne Sumner McPherson Geary Morton Shawnee Sedgwick Sedgwick Douglas Sedgwick Sedgwick COORDINATE 3728 44N0962022W 3728 45N09 6202 0W 371342N0961231W 38 3302N0951350W 395728N0982537W 37134 37064 370857N0984144W 38442 18W 392005N09454 36W 371152N0962934W 391418N0970530W 390603N0955 700W 371423N0972 129W 380744N0981152W 38432 38472 3N095 175 2W 390725N095424 3W 391454N0972533W 3948 45N09532 11W 395542N0955738W 375050N09458 30W 390400N0955115W 390400N0955 115W 375058N09458 20W 373133N0963459W 373605N098 18 00W 374645N0973210W 375400N0984000W 3818 10N0950640W 38232 9N09758 4 6W 382545N0992508W 38 3355N0974530W 38 3908N098 452 2W 384425N0965900W 391258N0951302W 391600N09705 30W 391945N1012700W 392110N0962000W 393130N1002245W 39415 3N0951718W 394730N1005525W 395332N0974645W 395758N09718 45W 371125N0980548W 391030N098055 3W 380509N0975 304W 37384 3N0953027W 3828 36N09458 26W 390144N09544 16W 391706N09534 15W 392407N0984915W 371249N0970429W 38242 3N09728 56W 390500N0964 620W 370625N1020215W 390258N0954131W 373910N0971724W 374318N0971650W 385552N0951537W 374254N0971705W 374040N0972144W SOURCE COORDINATE 371739N0963127W ELEV FT 948 982 1220 915 1191 1047 1050 1125 1222 895 1396 974 896 1215 1570 MAP NAME Howard Howard Sedan Peoria Burr Oak NW Perth Baxter Springs Hardtner NW Ottawa North Cloverdale Wakefield Willard South Haven NE Sterling Antioch Lone Star Topeka Manchester NW Hiawatha Bern Uniontown Silver Lake Uniontown Latham SE Willowdale Colwich Stafford NW Garnett SE Windom Nekoma Marquette Susank Herington Mc Louth Clay Center SE Brewster Louisville Dresden South Denton Ludell Republic Mahaska Barnard Barnard Hutchinson Vilas Osawatomie Topeka Holton SE Bloomington Perth Canton Junction City Midway SE Topeka Wichita East Wichita East Lawrence West Wichita East Wichita East FEATURE NAME University of Kansas University of Kansas Medical Center University Park University United Methodist Church University Village Mall Ununda Cemetery Upchurch Cemetery Upland Upland Upland (historical) Upola Upola Station Upola Cemetery Upola Station See Upola Upper Branch Upper Dutch Creek Upper Fall River Church Upper Humboldt Cemetery Upper Wiedemann Dam Upper Wolf Church Upton (historical) Upton Creek Urbana Ursula (historical) Ursuline Academy Ute (historical) Utica Saint Sophia Wilberforce Utica Cemetery Utica Elementary School Utica High School Utopia Utopia Station Utopia Community Church Utopia Station See Utopia V Valaparaiso (historical) Valeda Deerton Valencia Valencia Cemetery Valentine See Alta Mills Valentine Elementary School Valley See Severy Valley Brook Brook Creek Valley Brook (historical) Valley Brook Cemetery Valley Brook Township Valley Cemetery Valley Cemetery Valley Center Valley Center High School Valley Center Township Valley Center Township Valley City Cemetery Valley Creek Valley Falls Grass Hopper Falls Grasshopper Falls Sautrell Falls Valley Falls Elementary School FEATURE CLASS school hospital park church locale cemetery cemetery Ppl locale locale locale cemetery locale stream stream church cemetery dam church locale stream ppl locale school locale Ppl cemetery school school locale church locale locale ppl locale cemetery locale school ppl stream locale cemetery civil cemetery cemetery ppl school civil civil cemetery stream ppl school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF counTy Douglas Wyandotte Douglas Shawnee Shawnee Brown Kingman Dickinson Marshall Jewell Elk Elk Elk Butler Cowley Greenwood Geary Butler Brown Phillips Cloud Neosho Kiowa Miami Sheridan Ness Ness Ness Ness Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Stevens Labette Shawnee Shawnee Harvey Finney Greenwood Osage Osage Franklin Osage Neosho Republic Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Pawnee Neosho Cheyenne Jefferson Jefferson COORDINATE 385729N0951451W 390320N0943637W 385752N095 14 30W 201W 390144N0954 405W 395130N0952452W 37282 3N0975 220W 39052 394928N0963 320W 395915N09826 16W 372500N0955954W 372558N09559 4 8W 372500N0955954W 37510 638 4 5W 37265 1N09648 42W 37535 3N0962 351W 38572 3N0963 650W 374248N0963147W 394610N0952312W 395455N0992 130W 393627N09729 30W 373329N0952 357W 373142N0991955W 383408N0945159W 392525N10038 45W 3838 38N1001010W 3838 47N1000929W 3838 45N1001010W 38384 375352N0961326W 375351N0961041W 375352N0961326W 371618N10108 10W 650W 39044 3N095 52 34W 39033 380704N0973530W 375733N1004 600W 373720N0961340W 383945N09534 12W 355W 384325N0953352W 38 3630N095 39 25W 372355N0952 109W 394006N0974544W 375005N097222 3W 375034N097222 OW 375205N0972535W 380238N09858 04W 372630N0950652W 39504 3N1014452W 392036N0952736W 392037N0952739W SOURCE COORDINATE 375012N0963319W 37282 1N0964 400W 394159N0972945W 38464 19W 39464 ELEV FT 1261 1242 990 1165 1078 955 1113 2618 1131 1068 855 910 1122 1401 1345 950 KS299 MAP NAME Lawrence East Kansas City Lawrence East Topeka Topeka Robinson Norwich Upland Home Burr Oak NW Buxton Buxton Rosalia Atlanta Lapland White City NE Beaumont Robinson Stuttgart NE Clyde Earlton Greensburg Paola East Rexford Utica Utica Utica Utica Hamilton Hamilton Moscow Valeda Willard Willard Garden City East Over brook Vassar Vassar Lyndon Galesburg Kackley Valley Center Valley Center Maize Saint John SW Mc Cune NE Wheeler Valley Falls Valley Falls KS300 FEATURE NAME Valley Falls High School Valley Heights Elementary School Valley Home School Valley Lakes Valley School Valley Township Valley Township Valley Township Valley Township Valley Township Valley Township Valley Township Valley Township Valley Township Valley Township Valley Township Valley Township Valley Township Valley Township Valley View Cemetery Valley View Cemetery Valley View Convalescent Home Valley View Elementary School Valley View Memorial Cemetery Valley View School Valley View Shopping Center Vallonia (historical) Valloria Cemetery Valparaiso See Moscow Valverde Township Van Arsdale Vance Vance Cemetery Vance Elementary School Vanceville See Cave Van Horn Branch Van Horn Creek Van Horner Creek Van Horner Creek See Van Horn Creek Vanora Van Pak Landing Strip Van-Pak Landing Strip Van-Pak Landing Strip See Van Pak Landing Strip Van Rankin Landing Strip Vansburg Cemetery Vansburgh See Brownell Van Slyke Cemetery Van Winkler Cemetery Varner Varner Cemetery Varvel Creek Vassar Lamont Hill Vassar Cemetery Vassar Creek Vassar State Park See Pomona State Park Vaughn Vegetarian Creek Veitsburg (historical) Venango Venango Public Use Area Venice (historical) FEATURE CLASS school school school reservoir school civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil cemetery cemetery hospital school cemetery school locale locale cemetery Ppl civil locale locale cemetery school ppl stream stream stream locale airport airport airport cemetery ppl cemetery cemetery locale cemetery stream Ppl cemetery stream park locale stream locale Ppl park locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN coUnTy Jefferson Marshall Sumner Leavenworth Haskell Kingman Barber Reno Rice Hodgeman Linn Scott Miami Ellsworth Lincoln Osborne Sheridan Phillips Smith Finney Pottawatomie Butler Johnson McPherson Franklin Johnson Decatur Decatur Stevens Sumner Harvey Anderson Labette Wyandotte Stevens Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Butler Phillips Phillips Barber Ness Ness Cherokee Leavenworth Kingman Wilson Coffey Osage Osage Shawnee Osage Pawnee Neosho Neosho Ellsworth Ellsworth Sedgwick COORDINATE 39203 3N09 5273 6W 394117N096444 3W 372422N0971315W 391750N0945805W 374042N1005742W 372530N0980500W 372545N0983115W 375720N0974 525W 381302N0981827W 381530N0995600W 381620N0944120W 381922N1010056W 38 3018N0945120W 38 3356N0982528W 385452N0981222W 391100N0984 610W 392100N1001610W 393610N0990600W 394200N0990140W 37594 391219N0960420W 374903N0964 901W 385724N0944045W 38 3300N09724 32W 38 3116N09518 17W 38572 3N094 4 107W 395310N1002410W 395245N1002414W 371925N1011219W 371032N0971225W 375957N0972536W 380928N09504 36W 371227N0952056W 390914N0944403W 372131N1010827W 374100N096064 1W 6030 3W 38032 6N096030 3W 37455 320W 394955N0993409W 394955N0993409W 929W 38375 3N0994 614W 38 3825N0994445W 372022N09459 40W 392245N0950204W 374308N0980210W 372418N0954224W 380408N0954 9 4 6W 3838 50N095 372 0W 38 3827N0953709W 390504N09554 2 6W 38 3928N0953550W 382028N0991709W 374327N095254 1W 373936N095105 3W 38 3820N0975910W 38 3800N09759 15W 373345N0974100W SOURCE COORDINATE 374511N0960520W 38034 9N0960748W 380655N0955355W 390012N095572 9W 374459N0952138W ELEV FT 1197 2993 2871 1442 933 1404 1060 856 1267 2213 1824 1525 1103 2150 1505 1500 MAP NAME Valley Falls Blue Rapids Mulvane Leavenworth Garden City 3 NW Rago Isabel Haven Alden Ness City SW Boicourt Modoc SE Paola East Holyrood Westfall NW Paradise NE Tasco Kirwin SE Kirwin Garden City East St Marys El Dorado Lenexa Roxbury Ottawa South Lenexa Kanona NW Kanona NW Adamsville Sedgwick Centerville Altamont Parkville Fall River Lake Lamont El Dorado SW Prairie View Nashville Osgood West Mineral Oak Mills Kingman Neodesha Gridley SE Vassar Vassar Willard Rush Center SE Chanute Stark Venango Venango Lake Afton FEATURE NAME Venita Township See Vinita Township Vera Verbeck (historical) Berbeck Verdi Coal Creek Georgetown Verdi Bridge Verdigrease River See Verdigris River Verdigris (historical) Verdigris Church Verdigris River Verdigrease River Vermillion River Wa-Ce-Ton-xo-E Wasetihoge River Verdigris River See North Branch Verdigris River Verdigris Township Vermillion Vermillion City Vermillion Cemetery Vermillion City See Vermillion Vermillion Creek Big Vermillion River Blackpaint River Egoma Saba Vermillion River Vermillion Creek See Robidoux Creek Vermillion Creek See Robidoux Creek Vermillion River See Verdigris River Vermillion River See Vermillion Creek Vermillion Township Vermillion Valley School Vernier See Halford Verning Cemetery Vernon Everett Millers Grove Talmage Vernon Oil Field Vernon School Vernon Township Vesper Vesper Cemetery Vesper Township Vester Creek See East Fork Jester Creek Veteran See Johnson Veterans Administration Home See Wadsworth Veterans Memorial Park Veterans of Foreign Wars Lake Veterans Park Vickers School Vicksburgh See Randall Vicksburg Township FEATURE CLASS civil locale locale ppl bridge stream locale church stream stream civil Ppl cemetery ppl stream stream stream stream stream civil school ppl cemetery locale oilfield school civil ppl cemetery civil stream ppl locale park reservoir park school ppl civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1938 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN COUNTY Kingman Wabaunsee Barton Ottawa Wilson Montgomery Lyon Lyon Montgomery Greenwood Wilson Marshall Marshall Marshall Pottawatomie Marshall Marshall Montgomery Pottawatomie Marshall Pottawatomie Thomas Stafford Woodson Woodson Wyandotte Cowley Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Harvey Stanton Leavenworth Washington Neosho Shawnee Miami Jewell Jewell COORDINATE 373615N0975145W 390401N0960541W 38 3850N098 4 306W 385930N0973010W 372937N0954047W 3548 01N09518 27W 381125N0961136W 381125N0961136W 354801N09518 27W 380908N0961000W 374035N0955455W 394310N0961556W 394325N0961635W 394310N0961556W 391218N0961312W 394126N0962 638W 394126N09626 38W 354801N0951827W 391218N0961312W 394134N0962500W 39262 3N09 608 4 6W 39222 10W 375955N098 38 38W 3758 50N0953924W 375915N0953706W 3908 34W 371619N0970505W 390155N0981647W 390217N0981908W 390010N0981900W 375757N0971904W 373414N1014502W 391642N0945400W 395344N0965155W 373709N095264 6W 390400N095 3 955W 38325 931W 3938 33N09802 40W 394155N09758 15W SOURCE COORDINATE 380908N0961000W 393920N0955934W ELEV FT 975 1199 1240 1880 1060 1390 KS301 MAP NAME Maple Hill Beaver New Cambria Neodesha Madison Madison South Coffeyville Coyville Vermillon Vermillon Belvue Frankfort Onaga Stafford NW Yates Center Piqua Parkville Akron Vesper Oakley South Vesper Hanover East Earlton Topeka Paola East Jamestown NW KS302 FEATURE NAME Victor Victor Cemetery Victoria Hartsook Herzog Victoria City Wells Victoria Elementary School Victoria High School Victoria Pratt Airport Victoria Township Victoria Township Victorious Cross Church of God in Christ Victor School Victor Township Victory Township Victory Cemetery Victory Junction Victory Oil and Gas Field Victory School Victory School Victory School Victory Township See Victor Township Videtta Spur Vidette (historical) Vidette School Vienna Cemetery Vienna Township Vieux Cemetery Vilas Vilas Bethel Cemetery Villa Eden School Village Creek Village Creek Cemetery Village Mall Village Plaza Village Plaza Villa High Park Villa West Shopping Center Vincent Vincent Vincent Cemetery Church Vincent Vine See Vine Creek Vine Creek Vine Vine Creek Vine Creek Cemetery Vineman Cemetery Vinewood School Vining Lookout Mulberry Riverdale Vining Cemetery Vinita Cemetery Vinita Township Venita Township Vinland Vinland Cemetery Vinland Valley Aerodrome Vinland Valley Landing Field Vinland Valley Landing Field See Vinland Valley Aerodrome FEATURE CLASS locale cemetery ppl well school school airport civil civil church school civil cemetery ppl oilfield school school school civil locale locale school cemetery civil cemetery ppl cemetery school stream cemetery locale locale locale park locale locale cemetery church school locale locale stream cemetery cemetery locale ppl cemetery cemetery civil Ppl cemetery airport airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN 1965 VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT coUunTy Mitchell Osborne Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Rice Ellis Sedgwick Shawnee Osborne Doniphan Wyandotte Haskell Bourbon Miami Brown Osborne Montgomery Shawnee Shawnee Osborne Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Wilson Wilson Leavenworth Neosho Wilson Barton Seward Riley Thomas Shawnee Osborne Osborne Osborne Ellis Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Phillips Wyandotte Clay Washington Kingman Kingman Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas COORDINATE 39145 391417N0985141W 385110N09908 50W 384621N0990920W 38512 58W 385126N09908 40W 385350N0990610W 3828 44N0981204W 3848 48N0990905W 374300N09718 44W 391207N0955527W 391600N098 524 5W 394358N0951409W 390744N0945404W 372615N10058 30W 375030N0943807W 38 3450N09503 45W 395356N0953031W 391600N098 524 5W 370203N09534 37W 385907N09548 59W 38593 3N0954 902W 392650N09608 48W 392615N0961100W 391522N0961448W 373915N0953510W 373938N0953 340W 390003N0950608W 374228N0952505W 374252N095334 3W 382137N098 474 2W 370310N1005515W 391007N0963615W 392255N1010310W 652W 391130N0984310W 391132N0984322W 391128N0984321W 38462 0N099065 6W 390705N09724 56W 56W 390644N0972728W 390710N0972505W 395732N099 364 6W 391018N0944736W 393401N0971742W 393424N09718 28W 37365 373615N0975145W 385022N0951055W 385055N095 103 5W 385015N0951055W 385015N0951055W SOURCE COORDINATE 373753N0953558W 390606N0972 305W ELEV FT 1489 1940 1969 974 1076 950 1146 718 1130 1142 932 976 916 1861 2840 1119 999 1705 1742 1300 1280 884 856 890 MAP NAME Ash Grove Paradise NE Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Gorham Lyons NW Victoria Wichita East Rossville Alton SW Bendena Basehor Satanta Fort Scott Rantoul Reserve Coffeyville East Auburn Auburn Onaga Onaga Laclede Vilas Vilas Tonganoxie Chanute Vilas Great Bend Liberal Manhattan Colby Silver Lake Vincent Vincent Vincent Walker Vine Creek Vine Creek Vine Creek Long Island Wolcott Clifton Clifton Cheney SE Cheney SE Baldwin City Baldwin City Baldwin City FEATURE NAME Vinton Vinton (historical) Vinton Cemetery Vinzant School Viola Peotone Viola Township Violenta (historical) Violet See Downs Virgil Virgil Cemetery Virgil North Oil Field Virgil Oil Field Virginia School Vliets Ewing Vocemento See Yocemento Voda Colony Station Vodal Vodal See Voda Voder See Yoder Volland Voltaire (historical) Voltaire Township Von (historical) Vonada Landing Field Voorhees Township Vorhees (historical) Vosburgh (historical) Voshell Oil Field Voss Cemetery W WIBW- AM (Topeka) WIBW- FM (Topeka) WIBW-TV (Topeka) WREN-AM (Topeka) Wabash (historical) Wabaunsee Wabounse Wabaunsee, Lake Wabaunsee Cemetery Wabaunsee County Richardson County Wabaunsee East High School Wabaunsee Township Wabounse See Wabaunsee Wa-Ce- Ton-xo-E See Verdigris River Wacharusa River See Wakarusa River Waco Cowskin New Waco Waco See Wego-Waco Waco Cemetery Waconda East High School Waconda Lake Waconda Spring See Great Spirit Spring Waconda Springs (historical) Waco School Waco Township Wade (historical) Wade Branch FEATURE CLASS locale locale cemetery school ppl civil locale ppl ppl cemetery oilfield oilfield school Ppl locale ppl ppl ppl Ppl locale civil locale airport civil locale locale oilfield cemetery tower tower tower tower locale ppl reservoir cemetery civil school civil ppl stream stream ppl ppl cemetery school reservoir spring locale school civil locale stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1897 VARIANT ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN CcounTy Cowley Riley Riley Clay Sedgwick Sedgwick Sheridan Osborne Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Johnson Marshall Ellis Trego Trego Reno Wabaunsee Sherman Sherman Comanche Lincoln Stevens Stevens Stafford McPherson Lincoln Shawnee Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Jefferson Gray Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Montgomery Douglas Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Sedgwick Sedgwick Miami Miami COORDINATE 37062 0N0964 930W 390740N0965000W 3908 15N0965024W 391220N0971245W 3728 59N09738 37W 373105N09738 35W 393252N1003955W 392955N098 32 30W 37585 3 6W 37573 3N09600 12W 380200N0955900W 35W 390001N094522 1W 394250N0962000W 38542 6N0992525W 390257N1000110W 390257N1000110W 375625N0975205W 385640N09624 15W 392450N1014228W 3928 30N1014030W 37164 6N0992926W 39065 3N098 24 1 2W 370315N1012415W 370247N1011732W 375034N0985117W 381510N09738 10W 385640N098 164 9W 390505N0954 658W 390019N0960258W 390018N0960257W 390455N095 324 5W 373900N1003445W 39084 6N09 6204 5W 38520 390905N0961931W 385800N0961200W 385310N0960005W 39064 39084 6204 5W 354801N0951827W 385722N0950455W 373114N0971826W 373115N097200 IW 373127N097203 IW 393038N0982604W 392947N098 18 56W 392954N098 224 3W 39295 6N098 224 5W 374320N0972028W 373630N09725 30W 38404 594 0W 383947N09455 13W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3747N0945920W ELEV 1120 1285 1335 1000 931 1198 2540 1180 1922 1629 1025 1017 1332 1241 1456 KS303 MAP NAME Maple City Fort Riley NE Fort Riley NE Industry Conway Springs Lake Afton Selden SW Virgil Virgil Gridley Virgil Edwardsville Vermillon Collyer Volland Goodlnd NW Goodland NW East Kiowa Creek Sylvan Grove Hugoton SW Hugoton SE Byers Mc Pherson South Wilson NE Silver Lake Maple Hill Maple Hill Grantville Copeland NE Wamego Lake Wabaunsee Wamego Hessdale Keene Alma Derby Der by Cawker City Glen Elder South Mill Creek Wichita East Bayneville Antioch Antioch KS304 FEATURE NAME Wade Cemetery Wadsworth Waganerville See Wagnerville (historical) Wagner Park Wagner Point Wagnerville (historical) Waganerville Wagon Bed Springs Wagon Bed Springs See Wagon Bed Spring Wagon Bed Spring Wagoner Creek Wagoners Creek Wagoners Creek See Wagoner Creek Wagsam See Hope Wagstaff Wagstaff Lake Wainwright See Clare Wait Cemetery Wakarusa Williamsport Wakarusa Creek See Wakarusa River Wakarusa Crossing Wakarusa Presbyterian Church Wakarusa River Wacharusa River Wakarusa Creek Wakarusa Station (historical) Wakarusa Township Wa keeney See WaKeeney Wa-Keeney See WaKeeney WaKeeney Wa keeney Wa-Keeney Wakeeney Wakeeney See WaKeeney Wakeeney Township Wakeeny Cemetery Wakefield Wakefield Elementary School Wakefield High School Wakefield Municipal Airstrip Wakeman (historical) Walcott School Waldeck Waldeck Waldo Pleasant Run Waldo Township Waldron Waldron Cemetery Walker Walker Branch Walker Creek Walker Draw Walker Landing Strip Walker Mound FEATURE CLASS cemetery locale locale park summit locale spring spring stream stream ppl Ppl reservoir locale cemetery Ppl stream locale church stream locale civil Ppl Ppl ppl Ppl civil cemetery Ppl school school airport locale school locale locale ppl civil ppl cemetery Ppl stream stream valley airport summit NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN 1964 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN counTy Elk Leavenworth Phillips Smith Leavenworth Phillips Grant Grant Cowley Cowley Dickinson Miami Miami Johnson Linn Shawnee Douglas Douglas Shawnee Douglas Douglas Douglas Trego Trego Trego Trego Trego Trego Clay Clay Clay Clay Norton Wyandotte Pratt Marion Russell Russell Harper Harper Ellis Morris Russell Kiowa Wallace Montgomery COORDINATE 373238N0960517W 391642N0945400W 394632N0992635W 394650N0984700W 392121N0945624W 394632N0992 635W 372354N1012213W 372354N1012213W 37282 329W 372825N0963 329W 384125N09704 35W 383954N0944746W 38390 46 38W 384937N0945216W 382110N0940216W 385309N0954 144W 385722N0950455W 385450N0951413W 146W 385722N0950455W 385635N09515 37W 385610N0951520W 390130N099524 5W 390130N0995245W 390130N0995245W 390130N0995245W 390010N0995220W 390057N09952 16W 391248N0970019W 391247N0970057W 391247N0970057W 391220N097004 2W 393928N1000440W 39105 3N094 48 09W 373914N098 3 635W 382550N0972005W 390706N0984752W 390300N098 454 5W 370000N0981100W 370024N098095 3W 385202N09904 32W 38350 14W 3848 31N098 58 4 6W 372505N0990125W 385037N1014451W 371236N0954714W SOURCE COORDINATE 373126N0962955W 38534 38 3410N0962724W 390015N0990928W 372405N0990418W ELEV FT 850 1070 1056 996 1018 955 2465 2448 1148 1178 1778 1553 1711 1246 1942 3670 950 MAP NAME Fall River Leavenworth Smith Center Leavenworth Stuttgart Wagon Bed Spring Cambridge NE Spring Hill Spring Hill Garnett SE Wakarusa Lawrence East Wakarusa Eudora Lawrence West Lawrence West Wa Keeney West Wa Keeney East Wa Keeney East Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Clayton NE Wolcott Cairo Waldeck Waldo waldo Waldron Waldron Walker Lake Kahola Russell SW Belvidere South Flats Bolton FEATURE NAME Walker School Walker School Walker town See Ronald Walker Township Walkinghood Wallace Wallace Bluffs Wallace Cemetery Wallace Cemetery Wallace County Wallace County High School Wallace Elementary School Wallace Park Wallace Township Walla Walla School Wallman Park Wall Street (historical) Wall Street Church Wallula walnut Walnut Station Walnut Bend Oil and Gas Field Walnut Cemetery Walnut City See Arkansas City Walnut City See Rush Center Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek See Goose Creek Walnut Creek Big Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Wet Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek See Delaware River Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Cemetery Walnut Creek Cemetery Walnut Creek Township Walnut Elementary School Walnut Grange Hall Walnut Grove (historical) Walnut Grove Cemetery Walnut Grove Cemetery FEATURE CLASS school school locale civil locale Ppl cliff cemetery cemetery civil school school park civil school park locale church locale Ppl oilfield cemetery Ppl ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream cemetery cemetery civil school building locale cemetery cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF CcoUnTy Wyandotte Clay Bourbon Anderson Scott Wallace Wallace Wallace Jewell Wallace Wallace Wallace Miami Wallace Geary Leavenworth Linn Linn Wyandotte Crawford Cowley Crawford Cowley Rush Comanche Barber Kingman Neosho Bourbon Wilson Greenwood Bourbon Harvey Linn Barton Miami Miami Franklin Jefferson Jefferson Leavenworth Jefferson Riley Atchison Mitchell Marshall Doniphan Norton Jewell Norton Phillips Brown Smith Douglas Mitchell Mitchell Lyon Crawford Mitchell Linn Cloud COORDINATE 390631N0945252W 391037N098155 3W 374730N09448 15W 382210N095064 0W 3828 20W 38544 385034N1013242W 385419N1013333W 394005N0980617W 385500N1014600W 385401N1014505W 385504N1013524W 383348N09452 35W 385807N1013454W 390332N0965409W 391906N0945602W 381006N0945455W 381005N0945510W 391021N0945401W 373605N0950440W 370550N09657 30W 373747N0950412W 37034 3N09702 17W 382755N09918 35W 371630N0990219W 371636N0983748W 37242 3N098 18 00W 373330N0950752W 140W 374303N0954 909W 374650N095575 2W 375009N0945408W 380145N0971149W 381141N0942851W 382116N0984055W 38292 4 4 45W 38 3438N094533 3W 38 3740N0951139W 39033 351W 390938N0955120W 39165 3N0950 622W 5272 1W 392751N0964556W 3928 10N0950240W 3928 46N0981756W 394310N0964605W 394357N09458 17W 395038N0994 8 4 OW 395301N0981721W 395910N1000129W 40004 1N0992048W 400135N09533 32W 400444N0984112W 384024N0950500W 392708N0982145W 392615N0981920W 382436N0961123W 373145N0950159W 392102N09803 35W 381529N09452 37W 393412N0972958W SOURCE COORDINATE 371931N0990132W 371425N098 392 3W 373940N09458 35W 374350N094455 3W 37442 3N095 4 628W 375016N096060 3W 375406N09454 48W 38035 3N0971550W 380645N0944002W 382434N09952 44W 38 3219N0944413W 38365 9N0945908W 38452 3N09508 1 9W 391650N09548 28W 391915N095154 6W 392416N09520 10W 392130N096493 3W 393109N0951112W 392027N0982214W 395215N0964747W 394542N0950312W 394715N09948 45W 39592 2 329W 395307N1000145W 395457N0992018W 394902N0954 133W 3958 48 3 6W ELEV FT 1012 3833 3311 1038 992 930 962 1010 969 1490 825 Ks 305 MAP NAME Bonner Springs Longford Garnett SE Tribune NW Wallace Harrison Flats Wallace Randall Sharon Springs W Sharon Springs W Wallace Paola West Wallace Milford Dam Leavenworth Mound City NW Mound City NW Basehor Walnut Silverdale Wright Wilmore SE Medicine Lodge SW Erie Cato Middletown Toronto Xenia Elbing Hume Ellinwood SW New Lancaster Paola West Le Loup Valley Falls Easton Valley Falls Randolph Oak Mills Glen Elder South Hanover SE Halls Calvert Burr Oak NW Devizes Alma Falls City Inavale Wellsville Glen Elder South Glen Elder South Emporia Walnut Beloit SE Parker Clyde KS306 Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut FEATURE NAME Grove Township Hill Cemetery Hill Cemetery Hill Cemetery Ridge School River East Branch Walnut River Little Verdigris River School School Station See Walnut Walnut walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut Walnut Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Township Valley Cemetery Valley Church Valley Memorial Park Valley School View School Walsburg Waltanna, Lake Walta Oil Field Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walton Walton walton Walton Walton Walton Wamego Wamego Wamego Airport A. Swalley Airpark Johnson School Landing Strip Stol Strip Cemetery Landing Strip Township Township Township Municpal Airport Township Wamsley Field Wanamaker Elementary School Wano (historical) Wanonoe Creek See Mill Creek Wano Township Dent Township Eureka Township Lawn Ridge Township Nutty Combe Township Ward (historical) Ward Creek Wardell Cemetery Ward High School Ware Oil Field Ware School See Eugene Ware Elementary School Ware School Waring Township Warner Oil Field Warnersburgh FEATURE CLASS civil cemetery cemetery cemetery school stream school school Ppl civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil cemetery church cemetery school school locale reservoir oilfield airport airport school airport airport Ppl cemetery airport civil civil civil ppl airport civil airport school locale stream civil locale stream cemetery school oilfield school school civil oilfield NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT CoUNnTy Neosho Kingman Bourbon Saline Barton Cowley Leavenworth Jackson Crawford Cowley Butler Crawford Bourbon Reno Pawnee Barton Saline Atchison Marshall Brown Phillips Jewell Barton Cowley Butler Linn Rush Riley Sedgwick Sumner Greeley Cherokee Montgomery Chautauqua Riley Harvey Harvey Rice Sumner Labette Harvey Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Sumner Shawnee Cheyenne Wabaunsee Cheyenne Wilson Shawnee Anderson Wyandotte Elk Bourbon Wyandotte Ness Decatur COORDINATE 373605N0950940W 373906N0980548W 375307N0945530W 385608N0974251W 382722N0985519W 370257N0970001W 390608N0950217W 393725N0953456W 373605N0950440W 371430N0965730W 373610N0965925W 373700N0950055W 374305N0950025W 27W 381817N0990515W 3828 42N098 58 39W 384425N0973220W 392758N0950500W 39465 3N0964 630W 395038N0954115W 395725N0992010W 395728N0981950W 382905N0985203W 37223 3W 37484 355W 380727N09438 24W 382753N09903 36W 392335N09648 41W 373600N0973650W 370858N0974129W 383925N1015113W 370100N09448 00W 370113N0953226W 6104 9W 3918 380704N0971523W 380749N0971512W 381547N0980921W 370350N0971230W 372045N0951955W 380800N0971230W 391207N0961817W 391150N0961531W 391300N0961730W 37255 12W 390304N0954 636W 394735N1014707W 390632N095593 3W 304125N1014845W 373607N09534 30W 390424N0954205W 381011N0952112W 390647N0943901W 37223 3N0962 906W 375020N0944148W 390720N0944119W 38 3733N0994 151W 395903N10018 52W SOURCE COORDINATE 380117N0963311W 39025 3N0954 25 6W ELEV FT 1269 1922 838 1021 1944 881 1933 1301 1369 3725 840 748 954 1350 1537 1532 1614 990 966 1307 1056 MAP NAME Erie Kingman Xenia Trenton Heizer Arkansas City Tonganoxie Whiting Winfield Gordon Walnut Porterville Alden Albert SE Heizer Assaria Oak Mills Hanover SE Fairview Stuttgart NE Northbranch Great Bend NE Udall El Dorado SW Prescott Albert Randolph Clearwater Caldwell NW Sharon Springs Neutral Coffeyville East Chautauqua Riley Newton Goessel Lyons Geuda Springs Parsons West Peabody NW Wamego Wamego Wamego Conway Springs Silver Lake St Francis Drury Creek Five Mounds Topeka Welda Shawnee Howard NW Shawnee Brownell Kanona NE FEATURE NAME See Warnnersburg (historical) Warner ton See Halls Summit Warnnersburg (historical) Warnersburgh Warnnersburgh Warnnersburgh See Warnnersburg (historical) Warrendale (historical) Warrendale School Warren School Warwick Talmage Wilber Wary Lake Waseca See Holliday Wasetihoge River See Verdigris River Washam Cemetery Washburn (historical) Washburn Park Washburn University Washburn View Shopping Center Washington Washington Airport See Washington Municipal Airport Washington Annex School Washington Branch Washington Cemetery Washington Cemetery Washington County Washington County Memorial Airport Washington County State Lake Washington County State Lake Dam Washington County State Park Washington Creek Washington Creek Church Washington Creek School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington Elementary School Washington High School Washington High School Washington Marlatt Memorial Park Washington Municipal Airport Washington Airport FEATURE CLASS locale ppl locale locale locale school school locale reservoir Ppl stream cemetery locale park school locale ppl airport school stream cemetery cemetery civil airport reservoir dam park stream church school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school school park airport NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT coUnTy Allen Coffey Allen Allen Grant Grant Sherman Republic Saline Johnson Montgomery Lincoln Scott Shawnee Shawnee Shawnee Washington Washington Harper Wilson Washington Republic Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Douglas Douglas Douglas Labette Cherokee Seward Cowley Harper Montgomery Sumner Crawford Sedgwick Butler Harvey Barton McPherson Morris Ellis Johnson Ellis Geary Cloud Washington Wyandotte Washington Riley Washington COORDINATE 374450N0951147W 30W 374450N0951147W 374450N0951147W 374134N1010841W 374134N1010841W 393132N1014755W 395955N09754 25W 38565 7N097 38 4 5W 390218N09448 28W 354801N09518 27W 385548N0980116W 38164 46W 390300N0954 248W 390200N0954200W 390145N0954 345W 394905N0970302W 394913N09702 12W 370904N0980141W 372417N0953952W 394740N0970325W 395704N0974545W 394800N0970600W 394410N0970251W 395518N0970700W 395518N0970700W 395548N09707 16W 385506N0951731W 384940N0952400W 385331N0951931W 35204 3N095 16 35W 370137N094 434 6W 370252N1005527W 370304N0970232W 370902N0980137W 371330N09542 10W 371638N0972350W 37242 3N094 42 10W 374132N0971903W 3748 41N0965130W 380220N0972041W 382150N098 4 625W 382214N0973917W 38394 3N09 628 3 9W 385201N0992002W 385303N09448 27W 385611N0993354W 390217N0964 950W 393408N097394JW 394916N0970300W 3908 38N0944457W 394924N0970314W 391320N0963710W 394913N09702 12W SOURCE COORDINATE 372751N0953557W 384743N09524 36W ELEV FT 1025 3074 3074 1528 1265 1439 911 910 1335 1611 1435 887 1291 KS307 MAP NAME Stark Hickok NW Hickok NW St Francis 3 SE Scandia NW Trenton Westfall Pawnee Mound Topeka Topeka Topeka Washington Anthony Neodesha Washington Republic Washington Linn Washington Ne Washington Ne Waéhington NE Lawrence West Globe Lawrence West Parsons West Baxter Springs Liberal Arkansas City Anthony Independence Wellington Pittsburg Wichita East El Dorado Newton Great Bend Mc Pherson South Council Grove Hays South Olathe Ellis Junction City Concordia Washington Parkville Washington Manhattan Washington KS308 FEATURE NAME Washington Park Washington Park Washington School Washington School Washington School Washington School Washington School Washington School Washington School Washington Square Washington Township Washington Township Washington Township Washington Township Washington Township Washington Township Washington Township Washington Township Washington Township Washington Township Washington Township Washington Township Washington Township Washington Township Washington Water Reservoir Dam Wasseman Farms Waterloo Stanford Waterloo Cemetery Waterloo Township Waterville See Randolph Waterville Waterville Dam Waterville Township Waterway Park Wathena Petersburg Wathena High School Watson See Dighton Watson Watson Branch Badger Creek Watson Landing Field Watson Park Watson Pasture Wattles Lake Watton Cemetery Waukarusa River Township See Peoria Township Wauneta Fulda Waushara (historical) Waveland (historical) Waverly Waverly Cemetery Wayne Wayne Cemetery Wayne Township Wayne Township Wayside Wayside Park W B Royse Farm Airport Wea Wea Cemetery Wea Creek See South Wea Creek Weakley Cemetery FEATURE CLASS park park school school school school school school school locale civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil civil dam airport ppl cemetery civil ppl ppl dam civil park ppl school ppl Ppl stream airport park flat reservoir cemetery civil locale locale locale ppl cemetery ppl cemetery civil civil ppl park airport Ppl cemetery stream cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF COUNTY Kiowa Harvey Reno Anderson Saline Shawnee Atchison Atchison Republic Sedgwick Chautauqua Crawford Anderson Saline Wabaunsee Jackson Sherman Brown Jewell Washington Doniphan Smith Republic Nemaha Washington Washington Kingman Kingman Lyon Riley Marshall Marshall Marshall Wyandotte Doniphan Doniphan Lane Shawnee Greenwood Meade Sedgwick Morton Sedgwick Norton Franklin Chautauqua Lyon Shawnee Coffey Coffey Republic Edwards Edwards Doniphan Montgomery Rice Johnson Miami Johnson Miami Wilson COORDINATE 373508N09928 15W 380215N0972030W 38035 3N09757 15W 381413N0951604W 385011N0973618W 390234N0953958W 39265 393319N0950710W 39580 545W 374030N09719 35W 370924N0960216W 373109N0944120W 381340N09518 20W 384425N0974540W 385935N0962 605W 391345N0955600W 391930N1013315W 394245N09524 25W 394650N0980520W 394655N0970500W 394708N0945715W 395125N0984720W 395735N0974 650W 3958 02N09557 30W 3948 30N09703 18W 395939N0965739W 374037N0975626W 374058N0975611W 38 4025N0960125W 392550N09645 35W 394128N0964 450W 394230N09644 42W 394158N0964 330W 390648N094 38 20W 39453 3N0945658W 39455 3828 00W 385917N0953 322W 374130N096225 3W 371958N1001517W 3738 33N0972026W 370345N1013915W 37333 3N0972713W 395755N1001025W 38 3700N09508 00W 37064 7N096224 IW 384417N0960237W 385318N0954 537W 382338N0953610W 38234 3N0953457W 39425 3N09732 30W 375718N0991252W 37572 3N09915 31W 394019N0950500W 37072 522 3W 382050N0981751W 385406N0943654W 384255N0944000W 38465 383254N0945135W 373331N09554 39W SOURCE COORDINATE 37453 3N09624 15W ELEV FT 1069 1295 1360 1450 1462 1176 823 1090 2473 1293 959 1131 1400 2122 877 955 1077 MAP NAME Mullinville Newton Hutchinson Welda Salina Topeka Nortonville Atchison East Republic Wichita East Hale Arma Welda Falun Volland Rossville Edson Everest Montrose Washington wWathena Smith Center Republic Bern Washington Hanover West Waterloo Waterloo Admire Blue Rapids Blue Rapids Blue Rapids Shawnee Wathena Wathena Richland Reece Meade Wichita East Rolla Bayneville Lyle Cedar Vale East Admire Auburn Waverly Waverly Wayne Belpre NW Lewis Atchison NE Tyro Chase Grandview Bucyrus Stilwell New Albany FEATURE NAME Weathered Oil Field Wea Township Weaver Weaver (historical) Weaverly School Weaver Ranch Airport Weavers Bend Webb (historical) Webber Webb Hill Cemetery Webs Oil Field Webster Belmont Webster Cemetery Webster Church Webster Creek webster Creek See Delaware River Webster Dam Webster Oil Field Webster Reservoir Webster Reservoir Airstrip Webster School Webster State Park Webster Township Webster Township Webster Wildlife Area Weeks See Blakeman Wego-Waco Old Waco Waco Wehrman Oil Field Weimar (historical) Weimar City Weimar City See Weimar (historical) Weir Weir City Weir City See Weir Weiss Airport Welborn Welborn, Lake Welborn Elementary School Welborn School Welch-Bornholdt Oil Field Welcome (historical) Welcome Cemetery Welda Lake Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Lake Welda Cemetery Welda Township Weller County See Osage County Wellington Wellington Airport See Wellington Municipal Airport Welda, Wellington City Dam Wellington City Park Wellington High School Wellington Junior High School Wellington Lake Wellington Municipal Airport Wellington Airport Wellington Northeast Oil Field Wellington Oil Field FEATURE CLASS oilfield civil locale locale school airport bend locale ppl cemetery oilfield locale cemetery church stream stream dam oilfield reservoir airport school park civil civil park locale Ppl oilfield locale locale Ppl ppl airport Ppl . reservoir locale school oilfield locale cemetery ppl reservoir cemetery civil civil ppl airport dam park school school reservoir airport oilfield oilfield NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Cowley Miami Douglas Osage Johnson Harvey Leavenworth Barton Jewell Smith Rush Rooks Rooks Butler Nemaha Jefferson Rooks Rooks Rooks Rooks Cowley Rooks Wilson Smith Rooks Rawlins Sedgwick Butler Leavenworth Leavenworth Cherokee Cherokee Miami Wyandotte Wyandotte Graham Wyandotte Rice Geary Geary Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Osage Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumner COORDINATE 371807N0970628W 38 4020N0944020W 38574 3N0950401W 306W 385304N0945644W 380715N09723 30W 391215N0944650W 38 3722N09900 30W 395606N0980205W 395707N0983017W 382425N0993130W 392406N0992608W 392512N09925 30W 373716N0965250W 395235N09548 05W 351W 392430N0992527W 391944N0992612W 392330N0993100W 392325N0992516W 371415N0695919W 392435N0992657W 374125N0954925W 394158N09833 35W 392330N0993100W 394920N1010700W 373115N0972001W 372938N09634 36W 391210N0944925W 925W 3718 36N0944618W 3718 36N0944618W 384221N0944928W 3908 36N0944200W 3908 34N0944127W 3928 52N0994355W 3908 38N0944159W 381810N0975621W 385631N0963218W 385631N0963218W 381010N0951740W 381003N09515 30W 381051N0951748W 380945N09519 30W 38 3900N0954 400W 371555N0972217W 371918N0972313W 371242N0973142W 371240N0973138W 371615N0972336W 371605N0972336W 371242N0973142W 371918N0972313W 372001N0972354W 3718 45N0972616W SOURCE COORDINATE 395541N0955014W ELEV FT 802 992 1495 1670 1898 1856 1302 1892 1955 1245 920 1031 960 2273 1489 1489 1100 1099 1230 1272 KS309 MAP NAME Akron Bucyrus Eudora Waverly De Soto Zimmerdale Wolcott Otis Webber Mc Cracken Branch Alexander Webster Dam Webster Dam Gordon Sabetha Webster Dam Stockton SW Nicodemus Webster Dam Winfield Webster Dam Middletown Portis NE Nicodemus Derby Cambridge NE Wolcott Cherokee Spring Hill Parkville Parkville Bogue NW Parkville Windom SW White City NE White City NE Welda Welda Welda Welda Dalton Perth Perth Wellington Wellington Perth Wellington Wellington Wellington KS310 FEATURE NAME Wellington Place Baptist Church Wellington Service Area Wellington Township Wellman School Wellmanville (historical) Wells Poe Wells Cemetery Wells Creek Little Wells Creek Wells Creek Church Wells Creek School Wells Elementary School Wellsford Dowell Wellsford Cemetery Wellsford Township Dowell Township Wells Park Wells Reservoir Wells Township Wellsville See Radium Wellsville Wellsville Cemetery Wellsville High School Wellsville Oil Field Wellsville-Paola Oil Field Weltbote (historical) Ardale Butler Wendell (historical) Wendell Township Wentworth Creek See East Branch Whitewater River Werner Oil Field Weskan Montero Weskan Cemetery Weskan Elementary School Weskan High School Weskan Township Wesleyan Cemetery Wesleyan Church Wesleyan Church Wesley Center Wesley Chapel Wesley Chapel Wesley Chapel Wesley Chapel Wesley Hospital Wesley Medical Center Airport West Antioch Elementary School West Asher (historical) West Asher Cemetery West Asher Creek West Atchison Mall West Avondale School See Avondale West Elementary School West Badger Creek Badger Creek West Beaver Creek West Bethany Cemetery West Bethany Church West Bethel Community Hall West Big Creek Westboro Park Westboro Shopping Center FEATURE CLASS church locale civil school locale Ppl cemetery stream church school school Ppl cemetery civil park reservoir civil Ppl ppl cemetery school oilfield oilfield locale locale civil stream oilfield Ppl cemetery school school civil cemetery church church locale church church church church hospital airport school locale cemetery stream locale school stream stream cemetery church building stream park locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT ADMIN BGN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF CcoUnNnTy Sedgwick Sumner Sumner Jefferson Ness Ottawa Marshall Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Sedgwick Kiowa Pratt Kiowa Shawnee Clark Marshall Stafford Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Douglas Washington Edwards Thomas Butler Cowley Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Clay Wabaunsee Wyandotte Jewell Montgomery Linn Clay Thomas Sedgwick Sedgwick Johnson Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Atchison Shawnee Cowley Smith Neosho Wichita Bourbon Phillips Shawnee Shawnee COORDINATE 374321N0972026W 372155N0971949W 37162 3N0972 608W 39074 3N0951506W 381945N09938 25W 3908 20N0973 302W 393948N09 628 48W 391117N0960916W 39102 390907N0961321W 373747N0971923W 373700N0990142W 37373 3N0990050W 373536N0990409W 390104N09543 35W 370134N1000044W 394140N0963200W 381027N098 53 35W 384306N095045 3W 38430 384306N0950504W 383705N0950705W 383927N0950622W 3938 37N0970144W 374700N0990745W 393130N1004955W 37585 371351N09648 41W 385200N1015750W 385128N1015645W 385155N1025748W 385155N1025748W 38494 3N10154 30W 391337N0971526W 38575 3N096002 3W 390727N0944108W 395732N0981929W 370632N0953922W 381119N0945420W 391221N09715 32W 393315N1010315W 374143N0971753W 374144N0971753W 385937N0944129W 3928 52N09758 35W 39285 3N0975757W 392457N0975912W 39332 3N09508 20W 390030N0954 150W 371217N09655 38W 394455N0985035W 372354N0951612W 384158N1013158W 374855N0950136W 394900N0991450W 390232N0954 305W 390238N0954 254W SOURCE COORDINATE 390725N096154 3W 393252N0980100W 371638N0965237W 395729N098 59 48W 395606N09918 12W ELEV 1260 1372 1035 1120 2116 1039 3846 3829 1851 849 1270 1440 1523 849 3483 942 MAP NAME Wichita East Dalton Wellington Oskaloosa Bazine SW Wells Frankfort Belvue Belvue Belvue Wichita East Haviland Haviland NE Haviland Topeka Mount Helen Blue Rapids NE Wellsville Wellsville Wellsville Rantoul Wellsville Linn Fellsburg Achilles SE Eaton Weskan Weskan Weskan Weskan Weskan Longford Keene Shawnee Northbranch Coffeyville West Mound City NW Longford Chardon SE Wichita East Wichita East Lenexa Simpson Simpson Simpson Atchison West Winfield Gaylord Galesburg Sharon Sprs 4 NE Moran SE Gretna Topeka Topeka FEATURE NAME West Bourbon Elementary School West Branch Bear Creek West Branch Bluff Creek West Branch Cemetery West Branch Creek See West Branch Lyon Creek West Branch Davis Creek West Branch Dry Creek West Branch Elm Creek West Branch Fall River West Fall River West Branch Grant Creek West Branch Gypsum Creek West Branch Humboldt Creek West Branch Little Sandy Creek West Branch Lyon Creek West Branch Creek West Branch Mall Creek West Branch Mill Creek West Branch Mosquito Creek West Branch Nescatunga Creek Nescatunga Creek West Branch Oak Creek Oak Creek West Branch Prairie Creek See West Prairie Creek West Branch Prairie Creek See West Rainbow Creek West Branch Rock Creek West Branch School West Branch Scribner Creek West Branch Short Creek West Branch South Elm Creek West Branch Third Creek West Branch Township West Branch Troublesome Creek West Branch Turkey Creek See Dry Turkey Creek West Branch Turkey Creek West Branch Twelvemile Creek West Branch Walnut River West Branch Whitewater Creek West Branch Whitewater River Whitewater Creek West Branch Wild Horse Creek West Branch Wolf Creek West Wolf Creek Wolf Creek West Bridge Creek West Brush Creek West Buffalo Creek West Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek West Canal West Cedar (historical) West Cedar Cemetery West Cedar Creek West Cedar Creek West Cedar Creek Plum Creek West Center Township West Chapman Creek West Cherry Township West Coffeyville West Congregaion Jehovahs Witnesses FEATURE CLASS school stream stream cemetery stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream school stream stream stream stream civil stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream canal locale cemetery stream stream stream civil stream civil ppl church NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN 1975 VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF coUnTy Bourbon Clark Harper Cloud Dickinson Geary Geary Cheyenne Greenwood Chautauqua Saline Geary Barber Dickinson Clay Wabaunsee Franklin Comanche Cheyenne Sumner Wilson Wabaunsee Butler Washington Morris Barber Lincoln Marion Smith McPherson Dickinson Smith Butler Harvey Butler Graham Cloud Hamilton Leavenworth Woodson Jewell Stafford Phillips Phillips Chautauqua Barber Smith Stevens Clay Montgomery Montgomery Sedgwick COORDINATE 375057N09458 30W 371118N0994535W 371250N09808 55W 39322 445W 38465 39W 38534 3N09642 17W 38553 3N0964000W 393019N0973141W 375124N0962126W 370729N09604 11W 384711N0972605W 38555 371916N0982928W 384652N0965739W 3918 38N096594 1W 390014N0961651W 382908N0950613W 37094 3N0991 224W 393123N0973647W 370908N0973406W 372937N0955151W 384517N09618 13W 375441N0965100W 393715N0971925W 38455 37253 462 9W 391159N0980119W 381300N09718 45W 395047N098 4 629W 381448N09738 48W 3848 17N0971055W 39364 6N0983759W 374901N0965022W 375805N0970926W 3748 50N0970120W 391757N0994502W 337W 380102N1015803W 3918 50N0950636W 374030N0954 426W 393829N0980732W 38093 302 0W 39494 3948 52N099064 9W 370148N0961627W 371418N0984123W 394206N0990017W 371115N1012615W 39122 3N09718 03W 371925N09539 10W 370220N09540 11W 374112N0972337W SOURCE COORDINATE 37212 12W 372242N0981717W 385028N0964143W 385214N0963805W 39262 364 6W 38005 5 5W 371228N0962417W 384115N0973030W 38515 3N09634 37W 372241N0983005W 3838 33N097053 3W 39255 6N09659 35W 385138N0963223W 38 3045N0950809W 371800N0991700W 392645N09738 08W 38492 3N09 6134 6W 39432 3 6W 38493 373348N0985331W 391612N0975857W 395615N0984 644W 38 3731N0971459W 394332N0984155W 380320N0965 106W 3808 13N0971416W 375805N0970925W 391605N0994 650W 392755N09748 38W 381101N1015800W 391948N0951130W 374746N0954531W 394741N0981420W 370419N09618 11W 371100N0984 630W 395638N0991023W 391630N0972931W ELEV F? 1918 750 KS311 MAP NAME Uniontown Ashland Attica Concordia White City NW White City NW Rice Eureka Cloverdale Kipp White City NE Sharon North Woodbine Bala Alma Lane Nescatunga Cr N Rice Alta Vista SE De Graff Brantford Dwight Sun City NE Barnard Goessel Reamsville Abilene SW Portis NW El Dorado Whitewater Benton Hill City South Concordia Tribune 3 NW Easton Buffalo Jewell Big Salt Marsh Kensington Kensington Elgin Hardtner NW Kirwin Feterita Longford Sycamore Coffeyville West Wichita West KS312 FEATURE NAME West Cooper Township West Creek West Creek West Creek West Fork Salt Creek West Salt Creek West Creek (historical) West Crow Creek Crystal Creek West Douglas Church of Christ West Douglas Park West Dry Creek West Dry Creek Middle Dry Creek West Eagle Head Ranch West Elementary School West Elementary School West Elk High School West Elkhorn Creek West Elkhorn Creek Westella (historical) West Emma Creek Western Park (historical) Western Shopping Center Western Township Westfall West Fall River See West Branch Fall River West Fancy Creek Westfield See Oberlin Westfield (historical) Westfield Shopping Center West Fork See Robidoux Creek West Fork Burntwood Creek West Fork Chisholm Creek West Fork Dry Wood Creek West Fork Eightmile Creek West Fork Elk Creek West Fork Jester Creek West Fork Muddy Creek West Fork Neosho River West Fork Pony Creek See Pony Creek West Fork Rattlesnake Creek See Rattlesnake Creek West Fork Salt Creek See West Creek West Fork Sand Creek West Fork Sugar Creek See Goodrich Creek West Fork Tauy Creek West Fork Wolf Creek Westgate Spopping Center West Hale Township West Hamilton Township See Ellis Township West Hampton See Glen Elder West Headquarters Pasture Westheight Park West Hibbard Township West Hickory Creek West Hickory Creek West High School See Wichita West High School West High School FEATURE CLASS civil stream stream stream locale stream church park stream stream locale school school school stream stream locale stream locale locale civil ppl stream stream ppl locale locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream locale civil civil ppl flat park civil stream stream school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF coUnTy Stafford Comanche Greenwood Cloud Republic Phillips Sedgwick Sedgwick Barber Saline Elk Sedgwick Miami Elk Lincoln Lincoln Marshall Harvey Elk Seward Logan Lincoln Greenwood Riley Decatur McPherson Wyandotte Marshall Rawlins Sedgwick Bourbon Franklin Cloud Harvey Shawnee Morris Brown Stafford Cloud Cheyenne Linn Douglas Russell Barton Thomas Ellis Mitchell Morton Wyandotte Kearny Meade Coffey Sedgwick Johnson COORDINATE 380235N098 38 10W 365919N0992508W 375308N0960026W 393855N0973350W 394153N0973908W 3958 40N0991157W 374103N0972 123W 374058N0972258W 370531N0985709W 384521N097373 3W 37253 3N0962 902W 375016N097225 3W 38294 30W 372801N0961552W 385728N0980608W 390947N0975924W 395706N09625 32W 375952N0972 645W 373110N0962 348W 370315N1005625W 385240N1012345W 385548N098004 0W 126W 392930N0965248W 394906N1003140W 381931N0974615W 390655N0944605W 394126N0962638W 395928N1012122W 37484 56W 374258N0943 320W 38435 3N0952 120W 3938 04N0972528W 375757N0971904W 391257N0953655W 384541N0964242W 400158N0953520W 381259N0982959W 3938 350W 394512N1014502W 381641N0945910W 384006N0951334W 390645N0984319W 382200N098 48 12W 392215N1012000W 390410N099 324 5W 392955N098 18 30W 370305N10154 30W 39072 3N094 3 910W 381010N1012553W 3659 1W 381716N0954715W 374026N0972052W 3858 34N0944116W SOURCE COORDINATE 370608N0990656W 3758 22N0960635W 395358N0974 145W 395617N0991645W 371055N098 55 30W 3835 14N0974745W 385038N0981200W 390505N09803 18W 382446N0973010W 393809N09704 38W 395615N1012451W 375427N0971702W 37360 900W 38462 9N0952 428W 394652N0972717W 380314N0971655W 391754N0954237W 384010N0964730W 393931N1014454W 384947N0951617W 391006N0985008W 370218N0960907W 382140N0954729W ELEV FT 1225 2861 1430 980 1860 848 MAP NAME Hudson Selman NW Virgil Wayne Condordia NW Stuttgart NE Wichita East Wichita West Aetna Salina SW Howard NW Maize Osawatomie Howard Westfall Ada Axtell NW Sedgwick Piedmont SW Liberal Russell Sprs 2 NW Westfall Lasita Conway Edwardsville Mc Donald NE Valley Center Garland Ottawa North Agenda Sedgwick NE Meriden White City St Francis Le Loup Luray Great Bend Brewster SE Elkhart North Shawnee Leoti 3 NW Bowring Ottumwa Lenexa FEATURE NAME West West West High School Hitchen Creek Holland Creek West West West Hope Cemetery Hope Cemetery Hope School West Indian Creek West Indianola Elementary School West Johnston See Johnstown West Junior High School West West West West Junior High School Junior High School Kentucky Creek Kiowa Creek Sand Creek West Laberdie Creek West Lake Westlawn Cemetery West Liberty Cemetery West West Liberty Cemetery Liberty Church West Liberty School West Limestone Creek Westlink Baptist Church Westlink Christian Church Westlink Church of Christ Westlink Shopping Center Westlink Village Westlo See Westola (historical) West Loop Shopping Center West McDowell Creek West Marsh Creek West Martin School West Middle Cedar Creek West Mineral Mineral West Mineral Elementary School Westminster Cemetery Westminster Presbyterian Church Westminster Township Westminster Woods Camp West Mission Creek Westmoreland Westmoreland Cemetery Westmoreland Park Mound Neosho School Oak Creek West Oak Creek West Oil Field Westola (historical) West1lo Westola Township Weston (historical) West West West Weston Bend Weston Hill West Painterhood Creek West Park West Park Shopping Center West Penny Creek Westphalia Cornell Thomas FEATURE CLASS school stream stream cemetery cemetery school stream school locale school school school stream stream stream reservoir cemetery cemetery cemetery church school stream church church church locale ppl locale locale stream stream school stream Ppl school cemetery church civil locale stream ppl cemetery park summit school stream stream oilfield locale civil locale bend summit stream park locale stream ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1975 VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT coUnTY Shawnee Elk Dickinson Rooks Jewell Rooks Clark Shawnee McPherson Seward Douglas Wyandotte McPherson Comanche Bourbon Harvey Wyandotte Chautauqua Bourbon McPherson Bourbon Jewell Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Morton Riley Geary Jewell Atchison Smith Cherokee Cherokee Reno Shawnee Reno Wilson Wyandotte Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Sedgwick Wilson Allen Ellsworth Smith Ellsworth Morton Morton Geary Leavenworth Saline Elk Rice Johnson Smith Anderson COORDINATE 39015 3N095 44 45W 372601N0960921W 384438N0971718W 393009N0991240W 39352 3N09759 14W 393126N0991327W 371627N1000205W 390524N0954226W 382934N0974031W 370236N1005630W 385755N095 160 3W 39080 405 5W 383126N0973632W 371940N09928 30W 38014 31W 375536N0973955W 390640N09440 30W 371645N0960214W 37584 3N094 392 6W 381726N0975106W 37584 3N094 38 25W 39364 4N098 20 35W 374150N0972705W 374207N097272 3W 374137N0972732W 374135N0972645W 374152N0972711W 371625N1015947W 391120N0963600W 390146N0963629W 394225N0975629W 393418N0950725W 395249N0990320W 371703N0945522W 371705N0945512W 375627N0981012W 390236N0954207W 375720N0981150W 37382 390325N0944951W 392338N0962448W 392305N0962505W 374305N09718 15W 373155N0955103W 37533 3N0952715W 384547N0981302W 394309N098 352 9W 38 3337N0982745W 371625N1015947W 371545N1015745W 385540N0963512W 39233 3N09453 36W 384133N0975057W 372518N09603 18W 382040N098 124 0W 385806N0944200W 400236N098 332 6W 381055N0952924W SOURCE COORDINATE 372917N0951029W 383530N09718 37W 372012N1000141W 382805N0973715W 372745N0993900W 38055 3N094 454 1W 395025N0982659W 390027N0963550W 3948 45N0980628W 395701N0990725W 390552N09452 11W 384952N0981516W 395126N0984131W 372947N0960506W 39593 3N0983405W ELEV FT 832 1583 880 1830 1331 1132 900 1640 1050 1168 1030 958 1500 1075 1100 KS313 MAP NAME Topeka Longton NW Carlton Kirwin SW Scottsville Kirwin SW Fowler SE Topeka Liberal Lawrence West Parkville Lindsborg SE East Kiowa Creek Prescott Patterson Shawnee Oak Valley Hammond Conway Hammond Glen Elder North Wichita West Wichita West Wichita West Wichita West Wichita West Manhattan Swede Creek Jamestown NW Atchison East Kensington NE West Mineral West Mineral Arlington Topeka Arlington Coyville Edwardsville Westmoreland Westmoreland Wichita East Fredonia Iola Westfall SW Portis NE Holyrood Richfield SW Richfield SW White City NE Weston Falun Longton Lyons Lenexa Red Cloud Westphalia KS314 FEATURE NAME Westphalia Elementary School Westphalia Township West Pipe Creek West Plains See Plains West Plains Cemetery West Plains School West Plains Township West Plum Creek Plum Creek West Point (historical) West Point Cemetery Westport (historical) Westport Airport Westport Auxiliary Airport Westport Landing Field West Prairie Creek West Branch Prairie Creek West Rainbow Creek West Branch Prairie Creek West Rainbow School West Rock Creek West Rock Creek See Rock Creek West Salem Church West Saline Township Timber Creek Township West Salt Creek West Salt Creek See West Creek West Sandy Creek West School See McKinley Elementary School West School West Scipio Cemetery West Shoo Fly Creek West Shore West Side Baptist Church West Side Baptist Church West Side Christian Church Westside Christian Church West Side Church of Christ West Side Church of God Westside Church of the Nazarene Westside Community Center Westside Elementary School Westside Free Will Baptist Church Westside Shopping Center Westside Village West Spring Creek West Spring Creek West Spring Creek West Stone House Creek West Summit Cemetery West Turkey Creek West Twin Creek West Union See Densmore West Union Cemetery West Union Church West Union School West Union Township See Solomon-District 3 Township Westview Baptist Church Westview Church FEATURE CLASS school civil stream Ppl cemetery school civil stream locale cemetery locale airport airport airport stream stream school stream stream church civil stream stream stream school school cemetery stream locale church church church church church church church building school church locale locale stream stream stream stream cemetery stream stream ppl cemetery church school civil church church NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF COUNTY Anderson Anderson Ottawa Meade Bourbon Bourbon Meade Phillips Rush Kingman Kingman Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sumner Wilson Wilson Mitchell Mitchell Reno Sheridan Lane Cloud Harper Montgomery Wyandotte Anderson Sumner Jefferson Shawnee Sedgwick Shawnee Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Jewell Crawford Sedgwick Geary Leavenworth Saline Logan Gove Jefferson Cloud Dickinson Lincoln Norton Crawford Shawnee Shawnee Norton Sedgwick Neosho COORDINATE 381058N095294 5W 381220N0952 635W 391314N0973801W 371537N1003532W 375241N0944605W 375147N0944608W 371458N1003200W 394737N0991132W 38 3125N0992615W 373328N0982559W 372448N0981902W 373900N0972 300W 373630N0972145W 3738 50N0972303W 406W 372937N0955151W 3728 48N095560 3W 391459N098 154 9W 391608N0981145W 3808 38N0981931W 391300N1001955W 384144N1003708W 3938 55N0973350W 371150N0981905W 335W 390502N0954220W 382207N0951558W 370325N0972544W 391120N09528 37W 300340N0954 108W 37404 9N0972109W 390340N0950156W 374102N0972144W 373751N0972210W 146W 373910N0972105W 394758N0982908W 372445N0944240W 37405 3N0972205W 390145N0965051W 3918 40N0945700W 384556N0974754W 385435N1011005W 385806N1003102W 390537N0951927W 393310N0974951W 384138N0970945W 3859 30N09822 38W 393818N0994420W 372413N0944638W 390237N095564 6W 39034 3N0955505W 394054N09953 35W 374006N0972214W 373958N09528 17W SOURCE COORDINATE 39252 395545N099144 3W 3718 48N0973337W 37285 3N09558 3 1W 391632N0982118W 38 3739N1004537W 372152N0982150W 371433N0972747W 384419N0980014W 390150N1011310W 390125N1003210W 39085 5N0952007W 383513N09714 58W 3854 ELEV FT 844 898 1290 1285 1722 1013 1010 1812 1270 880 938 1045 977 MAP NAME Westphalia Westphalia Minneapolis North Devon Marmaton Kismet NE Kensington NW Hargrave St Leo Zenda Wichita West Derby Wichita West Perth Lafontaine Buxton Blue Hill Alden Midway Draw East Cheyenne Creek Crisfield Shawnee Garnett West South Haven Ozawkie Topeka Wichita East Topeka Wichita East Wichita East Wichita East Wichita East Esbon Pittsburg Wichita East Junction City Leavenworth Brookville Russell Sprs Sunny Slope Lake Oskaloosa Jamestown Elmo Wilson NW Radley Willard Willard Wichita East Chanute FEATURE NAME Westview Elementary School West Washington Township Westway Shopping Center West Wildcat Creek West Windy School West Wolf Creek See West Branch Wolf Creek Westwood Westwood Hills Westwood Shops Westwood View Elementary School West Zion Cemetery Wetmore Powhatan Wetmore Elementary School Wetmore High School Wetmore Township Wettick Wet Walnut Creek See Walnut Creek Wetzel Cemetery Weybright School Weyer Creek Whartenby Creek Johnson Hollow Wheatland (historical) Bachelor Wheatland Cemetery Wheatland Elementary School Wheatland High School Wheatland Wheatland Wheatland Township Wheatland Township Wheatley School Wheaton Leghorn Wheaton Cemetery Wheaton Elementary School Township Township Wheeler Wheeler Cemetery Wheeler School Wherry Oil Field Whetstone Creek Whipperwill Creek See Peters Creek Whiskey Creek Whisky Creek Whiskey Lake Whisky Creek Whisky Creek See Whiskey Creek Whispering Oaks Dam Number One Whistler Cemetery White See White City White Canyon White Cemetery White Cemetery Whitechair Bridge White Chapel Cemetery White Church White City White City Cemetery City Elementary School White White FEATURE CLASS school civil locale stream school stream Ppl ppl locale school cemetery ppl school school civil locale stream cemetery school stream stream locale cemetery school school civil civil civil civil school ppl cemetery school ppl cemetery school oilfield stream stream stream lake stream stream dam cemetery ppl valley cemetery cemetery bridge cemetery locale ppl cemetery school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1963 VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN 1897 VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF CcoUnNnTy Johnson Rice Sedgwick Harvey Miami Cloud Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson McPherson Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Nemaha Gray Barton Geary Douglas Marshall Cowley McPherson Atchison Gove Gove Ford Barton Dickinson Ellis Sedgwick Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Pottawatomie Cheyenne Cheyenne Saline Rice Shawnee Doniphan Atchison Geary Franklin Atchison Miami Sherman Morris Cheyenne Montgomery Decatur Montgomery Sedgwick Wyandotte Morris Morris Morris COORDINATE 38523 3N0944 947W 381302N0980514W 373900N0972115W 375536N0971301W 384051N0950251W 393225N0974337W 390226N0943700W 390220N094 363 5W 390215N094 3 626W 390212N094 3 648W 381210N09732 14W 3938 40W 3938 10N09548 27W 3938 10N09548 27W 393608N0955020W 374748N1001550W 382116N0984055W 385642N0964554W 385045N0952400W 39462 328W 38223 3N0975005W 39384 3N0953 348W 39062 3N10028 3 9W 39062 3N10028 38W 374900N0993728W 38 3908N0985202W 384425N0971900W 384544N099154 9W 374205N0971914W 393008N0961914W 392937N0961848W 393002N0961911W 39455 1N1014245W 394455N1014238W 3838 16N09732 15W 381540N0980545W 390354N0953200W 4565 3W 393212N0950629W 390350N0964 450W 38 3454N0952421W 393212N095062 9W 38 3418N0944548W 39164 3N10144 45W 384744N0964408W 39594 3N1014716W 372202N0955151W 395614N1001804W 372305N0953 955W 374303N0971632W 390750N0944 633W 384744N0964408W 3848 40N0964427W 384749N0964315W SOURCE COORDINATE 37584 7N0971552W 394435N0960609W 365910N0963405W 385910N095 324 3W 393105N09508 24W 38325 3N0952 320W 395927N10148 53W ELEV FT 1288 1020 900 900 895 1488 1150 2600 1072 1116 1500 1534 3482 1406 950 1470 1430 K§S315 MAP NAME Olathe Nickerson Wichita East Whitewater Wellsville Kansas Kansas Kansas City Kansas City Moundridge City City Wetmore Wetmore Wetmore Circleville Cimarron Wreford Globe Baileyville Cedar Vale West Windom NE Horton Grainfield Grainfield Offerle SE Susank Carlton Hays South Wichita East Wheaton Westmoreland NE Wheaton Wheeler Bird City S NW Assaria Lyons SE Grantville Atchison West Ogden Pomona Paola East Goodland White Canyon Table Mound Kanona NE Neodesha Wichita East Wolcott White City White City White City KS316 FEATURE NAME White City High School Whiteclaw See Whitelaw White Clay Creek White Clay School White Cloud White Cloud Cemetery White Creek See Whites Creek White Elementary School Whiteford Cemetery White Hall See Whitehall (historical) Whitehall (historical) White Hall Whitehead (historical) White Lakes Plaza White Lakes Shopping Center White Landing Field See Lakin Landing Field Whitelaw Whiteclaw White Memorial Camp White Mound Township White Post School White Rock Whiterock Whiterock See White Rock White Rock Canal White Rock Cemetery White Rock Cemetery White Rock Creek Riviére Amiable White Rock Extension Canal White Rock Township White Rock Township White Rock Township White School White School See William Allen White Elementary School Whites Creek White Creek Whiteside Whiteside Bridge White Township White Water See Whitewater Whitewater ovo White Water Whitewater Cemetery Whitewater Center Church Whitewater Creek See Whitewater River Whitewater Creek See West Branch Whitewater River Whitewater Creek Whitewater River Whitewater Creek Whitewater River See East Branch Whitewater River White Woman Basin Modoc Basin Scott Basin White Woman Bottom FEATURE CLASS school locale stream school ppl cemetery stream school cemetery locale locale locale locale locale airport locale locale civil school ppl Ppl canal cemetery cemetery stream canal civil civil civil locale school stream locale bridge civil ppl ppl cemetery church stream stream stream stream stream basin basin NATIONAL GAZETTEER-- KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN CcoUnTy Morris Scott Atchison Atchison Doniphan Dickinson Cloud Sedgwick Miami Cherokee Cherokee Atchison Shawnee Shawnee Kearny Scott Morris Jewell Montgomery Republic Republic Republic Lane Republic Republic Republic Lane Republic Smith Bourbon Lyon Cloud Reno Wilson Kingman Butler Butler Harvey Marion Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Scott Finney COORDINATE 384749N09643 15W 382718N1014044W 393334N0950652W 393114N0951300W 3958 35N0951748W 109W 393542N09748 13W 373605N09718 4 9W 38274 370428N094 594 OW 370428N094 594 0W 393913N095254 3W 38595 121W 390010N0954106W 375805N1011516W 382718N1014044W 384152N0963050W 39533 37142 64 3W 395310N0975555W 395310N0975555W 395417N0975402W 383733N1001952W 395244N09754 48W 395510N0975120W 395120N0974 930W 383732N1001920W 395115N0975400W 395120N098 33 30W 38012 3N094 4 925W 38243 3N0961028W 39354 13W 380027N098005 3W 372728N0954 344W 374110N09804 30W 37575 3N09708 50W 37575 3N09708 50W 375718N0971012W 380601N0970020W 373925N0965929W 3748 50N0970120W 374941N0970545W 373925N096592 9W 37585 3N0970124W 382630N1005300W 380158N1005120W SOURCE COORDINATE 393054N0951208W 395719N0984000W 3928 22W 374734N0971419W 380655N0970521W ELEV FT 1073 888 1349 919 1020 964 3548 1300 1522 2719 1586 908 1582 1370 1388 1437 MAP NAME White City Atchison West Atchison West White Cloud Manchester Derby Osawatomie Melrose Everest Wakarusa Topeka Selkirk NW Council Grove Lk Burr Oak NW Bolton Scandia NW Scandia NW Pendennis Scandia NW Republic Scandia Pendennis Courtland Lebanon Mantey Jamestown Yaqgy Neodesha Kingman Whitewater Whitewater Peabody SE Benton Augusta Scott City White Woman Bottom FEATURE NAME White Woman Creek White Woman Creek Sandy Fork White Woman Creek See South Fork White Woman Creek White Womans Grave Whitewoman Township See Leoti Township Whitfield See Rochester (historical) Whitfield (historical) Whitfild Whitfield Cemetery whitfild See Whitfield (historical) Whiting Whiting City Dam Whiting Township Whitman Whitman (historical) Whitmore School Whitson See Hatfield (historical) Whitson Elementary School Whittier Elementary School Whittier Elementary School Whittier Elementary School Whittier Elementary School Whittier School Wichita Camp Beecher Camp Davidson Wichita Baptist Tabernacle Wichita County Wichita County High School Wichita Heights Wichita Heights High School Wichita Mall Wichita Mid-Continent Airport Wichita Municipal Airport Wichita Municipal Airport See Wichita Mid-Continent Airport Wichita North Junior-Senior High School North High School Wichita Park Cemetery Wichita Plaza Wichita Prairies Wichita Southeast High School Southeast High School Wichita South High School South High School Wichita State University Wichita Valley Center Flood Control See Wichita-Valley Center Floodway Wichita-Valley Center Floodway FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream cemetery civil locale locale cemetery locale ppl dam civil locale locale school locale school school school school school school ppl church civil school ppl school locale airport airport school cemetery locale plain stream school school canal canal NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN 1981 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN 1931 VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT BGN CcoUnTy Hodgeman Scott Greeley Scott Wichita Shawnee Graham Graham Graham Jackson Jackson Jackson Sumner Ford Wyandotte Finney Shawnee Montgomery Cowley Saline Wyandotte Lyon Sedgwick Sedgwick Wichita Wichita Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sumner Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick COORDINATE 375513N0993457W 382535N1005415W 383408N1020051W 3838 42N10054 39W 38285 390645N0954550W 393315N099400 3W 393312N0994218W 400 3W 39352 3N0953 645W 393625N095364 3W 393610N0953550W 371957N0971114W 373620N1000306W 39033 3N094 374 6W 380805N1005750W 312W 370230N0953652W 371410N09658 34W 385012N0973703W 39054 6N09438 09W 38243 9N096094 6W 374132N0972014W 374131N0971920W 382800N1012100W 3828 54N1012200W 374652N0972008W 37464 03W 37394 37392 622W 37392 374235N0972041W 374340N0971746W 37394 372530N0973500W 373825N09718 20W 373756N097204 5W 374309N0971735W 373306N0971708W 373306N0971708W SOURCE COORDINATE 450W 384240N1022200W ELEV FT 2856 1113 1169 1305 1350 1335 1326 1325 KS317 MAP NAME Offerle Scott City Lake Scott Logan SW Logan SW Whiting Whiting Whiting oxford Ensign SE Shawnee Topeka Coffeyville East Winfield Salina Shawnee Emporia Wichita East Wichita East Leoti Leoti Valley Center Valley Center Wichita East Wichita West Wichita East Wichita East Wichita East Millerton Wichita East Wichita East Wichita East Derby KS318 FEATURE NAME Wichita Valley Center Flood Control Wichita West High School West High School Wickersham School Widener Cemetery Wide Range See Widerange (historical) Widerange (historical) Wide Range Widow Creek Wieland North Oil Field Wieland West Oil Field Wiggins Creek Wiggins Oil Field Wilber See Warwick Wilberforce See Utica Wilburn (historical) Wilburn Cemetery Wilburn Township Wilburton Tice Wilburton Cemetery Wilburton Oil and Gas Field Wilcox (historical) Wilcox Cemetery Wilcox Field Wilcox Landing Field Wilcox Landing Field See Wilcox Field Wilcox Township Wild Cat See Keats Wildcat Canyon Wild Cat Creek See Wildcat Creek Wild Cat Creek See Wildcat Creek Wildcat Creek Wildcat Creek Wildcat Creek Little Crab Creek Little Crabb Creek Wildcat Creek Wildcat Creek Cat Creek Wild Cat Creek Wildcat Creek Wild Cat Creek Wildcat Creek Wildcat Creek Wildcat Creek See East Branch Munkers Creek Wildcat Creek Wildcat Creek Wildcat Creek Wildcat Creek See South Fork Wildcat Creek Wildcat Creek Wildcat Creek Wildcat Creek Wildcat Hollow Wild Cat Township FEATURE CLASS school school cemetery locale locale stream oilfield oilfield stream oilfield locale ppl locale cemetery civil locale cemetery oilfield locale cemetery airport airport civil Ppl valley stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream valley civil NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN 1963 VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN ADMIN CoUnTY Sedgwick McPherson Cowley Ottawa Ot tawa Comanche Hodgeman Hodgeman Comanche Greenwood Republic Ness Ford Meade Ford Morton Morton Morton Trego Cloud Harper Harper Trego Riley Wallace Elk Butler Harper Comanche Cowley Labette Elk Butler Chase Morris Morris Riley Norton Nemaha Nemaha Phillips Norton Nemaha Wabaunsee Elk COORDINATE 37402 382208N0974012W 37272 13W 391146N09728 47W 391146N0972847W 371731N0990341W 520W 38134 372209N0992711W 37555 395955N0975425W 3838 38N1001010W 3728 35N1000825W 37282 373127N1000345W 370425N1014622W 37052 6N1014622W 370230N1014730W 384752N09953 30W 39293 3N097435 3W 370509N097574 9W 370509N097574 9W 384700N0995227W 391325N09642 30W 390330N1013829W 372214N0961019W 375113N0970711W 37054 37070 635W 371454N09528 37W 372214N0961019W 375113N0970711W 38243 384520N09628 19W 384548N0962759W 390935N09633 39W 395045N0994636W 39524 36W 395248N09607 12W 395449N0993738W 395907N10005 38W 400104N0961304W 38553 372052N0962002W SOURCE COORDINATE 372045N0990251W 372950N0992755W 39024 370144N0980127W 371334N0990803W 37043 504W 371752N09525 12W 232W 375938N0971541W 382202N0964 929W 38444 392236N0965313W 394750N0994 447W 395248N09607 12W 395233N0993739W 400229N10008 15W 400054N0962108W 385501N0960300W ELEV FT 2539 3430 1263 MAP NAME Wichita East Mc Pherson South Wilmot Manchester NW Wilmore SE Jetmore NE Jetmore NE East Kiowa Creek Hamilton Fowler Fowler Ensign SE Wilburton Wilburton Wilburton Fort Downer Aurora NW Bluff City West Cedar Bluff Harris Draw West Bluff City West Fancy Canyon Eaton Mound Valley Elk Falls Benton Lincolnville NE Alta Vista Manhattan Calvert St Benedict Long Island Devizes Pawnee City Keene Moline FEATURE NAME wild Cat Township Wilder Wild Glen wild Horse (historical) Wildhorse Canyon Wild Horse Cemetery Wild Horse Creek Wild Horse Creek Wild Horse Creek Wild Horse Wild Horse Creek Wild Horse Creek See Little Wild Horse Creek Wild Horse Creek Wild Horse Creek Wild Horse Draw Wild Horse Lake Creek Wild Horse Lake Wildhorse Lake Wildhorse Lake Wild Horse School Wild Horse Township Wildmead Cemetery Wildon Draw Wildron Draw Wildron Draw See Wildon Draw Wild Run Creek Wildwood School Wiley Creek Wiley Elementary School Wilkens Airport Wilkerson Oil Field Wilks Creek See Mud Creek Willard Willard Willard Willard School Willard School See Frances Willard Elementary School William Allen White Elementary School White School Creek School William Allen White School Williams (historical) Williamsburg Williamsburgh Williamsburgh See Williamsburg Williamsburg Township Williams Butte Williams Cemetery Williamsport See Wakarusa Williamsport (historical) Williamsport Township Williams School Williams School Williams town Clement Rural Willis Mission Centre Willis School Williston Point Willmeth Airport Willoughby Cemetery FEATURE CLASS civil ppl flat locale valley cemetery stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream valley lake reservoir lake lake school civil cemetery valley valley stream school stream school airport oilfield stream Ppl stream school school school school school locale Ppl ppl _ civil summit cemetery ppl locale civil school school ppl Ppl school cliff airport cemetery NATIONAL GAZETTEER-- KANSAS 1984 STATUS ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF CoUnTy Riley Johnson Riley Graham Rawlins Graham Kingman Stafford Ness Ness Trego Jefferson Ellis Graham Sherman Gray Haskell Meade Meade Jefferson Graham Reno Trego Trego Kingman Leavenworth Ellsworth Reno Cheyenne Greenwood Franklin Shawnee Pottawatomie Cowley Sedgwick Wyandotte Lyon Wyandotte Edwards Franklin Franklin Franklin Mitchell Nemaha Shawnee Pratt Shawnee Shawnee Leavenworth Jefferson Brown Harvey Riley Jewell Republic COORDINATE 391445N09643 30W 390235N09452 10W 390602N0964544W 392008N0994 450W 40022 392038N0994112W 372620N0980950W 38032 9N098 44 39W 3828 46N09958 59W 38 3324N1001422W 384745N1000645W 390500N0952350W 39064 9N09932 35W 392209N0994 202W 391205N1014218W 374018N1003140W 374147N1004752W 372130N1003605W 372315N10034 30W 391047N0951205W 392000N0994 600W 380930N0980535W 38465 1N099360 3W 38465 1N099360 3W 373714N0981200W 391745N0950513W 38363 3N097554 1W 380437N0975651W 395430N1012530W 6274 0W 38354 9N0951922W 390536N0955630W 391129N0960450W 370352N0970239W 37402 6N09718 40W 390637N0944003W 38243 3N0961028W 390801N0944051W 374900N0992000W 3828 50N09528 00W 3828 50N09528 00W 38265 602W 391522N0982714W 3955 19N09558 27W 385309N0954144W 374555N09732 15W 3854 145W 38585 1N0953355W 391255N0945028W 39034 394330N0953020W 380700N0974104W 39055 604W 393952N09808 54W 394425N0972528W SOURCE COORDINATE 3958 47N1010652W 373302N0981143W 375707N0990256W 3838 31N1000013W 38 3754N1002047W 3838 47N1001418W 391302N09934 34W 391628N0994 454W 391422N1014420W 384240N09938 35W 373217N0981320W 384109N09756 16W 391302N0960402W ELEV 776 2850 1108 1014 3380 930 1091 1138 1808 854 1165 1460 1461 KS319 MAP NAME Keats Edwardsville Junction City Bogue Trenton SE Bogue Spivey Hudson Ness City Utica SW Gibson Creek Hill City 4 SE Bogue Wild Horse Draw Copeland NE Garden City 3 NE Plains Plains NE Mc Louth Hill City South Nickerson Ellis SE Cleveland Easton Venango Hutchinson McDonald NW Lapland Willard St Marys Arkansas City Wichita East Emporia Parkville Centerview Williamsburg Williamsburg Tipton Bern Preston Wakarusa Richland Wolcott Williams town Horton Burrton Junction City Jewell Agenda KS320 FEATURE NAME Willow Brook Willowbrook Willow Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek Willow Creek Willowdale Peters Willowdale Church Willowdale Oil and Gas Field Willowdale Township Willow Park Willow Spring See Willow Springs (historical) Willow Springs See Beloit Willow Springs (historical) Davis Creek Willow Spring Willow Springs School Willow Springs Township Willow Valley (historical) Will Rodgers School Will Stafford Canyon Wilmington Wilmington Cemetery Wilmington Township Wilmore Wilmot Wilmot Floral Oil Field Wilroads Wilroads Garden See Wilroads Gardens Wilroads Gardens Wilroads Garden Wilroads Gardens Airport Wilsey Hill Spring Mildred Wilson Attica Bosland Wilson (historical) Wilson Airport Wilson Branch See Wilson Creek Wilson Canyon Red Creek Wilson Cemetery Wilson Cemetery Wilson Cemetery Wilson City See Zionville (historical) Wilson County Wilson County State Lake Wilson County State Lake Dam Wilson County State Park Wilson Creek Wilson Creek Wilson Creek Wilson Branch Wilsons Creek Wilson Dam Wilson Elementary School Wilson Grade School FEATURE CLASS stream Ppl stream stream stream stream stream stream ppl church oilfield civil park locale ppl locale school civil locale school valley locale cemetery civil ppl locale oilfield locale ppl ppl airport Ppl Ppl locale airport stream valley cemetery cemetery cemetery locale civil reservoir dam park stream stream stream dam school school NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF coUnTy Osage Reno Cherokee Comanche Wilson Greenwood Osage Wallace Kingman Dickinson Kingman Dickinson Shawnee Douglas Mitchell Douglas Douglas Douglas Greenwood Sedgwick Cheyenne Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Wabaunsee Comanche Cowley Cowley Ford Ford Ford Ford Morris Ellsworth Stevens Russell Pottawatomie Cheyenne Chautauqua Ellsworth Clay Grant Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Franklin Ellsworth Pottawatomie Russell Sedgwick Ellsworth COORDINATE 38 3615N0953954W 380607N09759 30W 370213N09443 39W 370213N0993151W 373140N0955520W 3758 22N0960635W 38 3024N0953532W 385535N1015313W 373055N0981805W 38584 55W 373136N0981705W 390010N0971900W 390330N0954 149W 384907N0951747W 392722N0980621W 384907N0951747W 38493 3N0951750W 384820N09518 00W 380040N09608 58W 37382 3N0971735W 400 150N1014200W 3844 3W 38444 08W 3848 10W 372009N09912 35W 372234N09652 32W 371929N0965602W 374206N09953 36W 374327N0995558W 374327N0995558W 374315N0995515W 3838 10N0964030W 384930N09828 30W 372135N1013135W 385017N0982907W 559W 400037N1015250W 37005 5N09620 34W 384910N09828 00W 392248N0971123W 372621N1012142W 373400N0954 400W 374130N09540 36W 374130N095 403 6W 374157N0954016W 38 3713N0951637W 38472 3N098 270 3W 392028N0962559W 3858 3738 18N0971912W 38495 3N098 28 23W SOURCE COORDINATE 3838 34N0954125W 370445N0945008W 365502N099393 9W 37294 9N09758 29W 380422N0961703W 38254 7N095 374 0W 390048N1020726W 3958 46N1014258W 395907N1015148W 384114N0951530W 385140N09829 16W 3928 17N0962701W ELEV FT 1538 1675 1309 899 1068 1180 1188 2022 1340 2429 2445 2440 1510 1689 1727 821 1677 1554 MAP NAME Lyndon NW Hutchinson Neutral Trout Creek New Albany Virgil Quenemo Weskan NW Willowdale Solomon Willowdale Manchester Topeka Lone Star Lone Star Lone Star Madison SW Wichita East Heinzelman Canyon Miller Miller Eskridge Wilmore Wilmot New Salem Fort Dodge Fort Dodge Fort Dodge Wilsey Wilson Wagon Bed Spr SE Wilson Haigler Elgin Wilson Clay Center NW Altoona Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Ottawa North Wilson Westmoreland Wilson NW Wichita East Wilson FEATURE NAME Wilson High School Wilson Lake Wilson Lake Wilson Reservoir Wilson Park Wilson Reservoir See Wilson Lake Wilson School See Howard Wilson Elementary School Wilsons Creek See Wilson Creek Wilson Slough Wilson State Fishing Lake Wilson State Park Wilson State Wildlife Area Wilsonton (historical) Wilsonton Cemetery Wilson Township Wilson Township Wilson Township Wilson Township Wilson Upper Elementary School Wilsonville See Bronson Wilson Wildlife Area Winans Elementary School Winchester Wind Creek Windhorst Windthorst Windle Municipal Field See Paul Windle Municipal Field Windmill Square Wind-N-Wave Windom Hallville Laura Windom Cemetery Windsor Cemetery Windsor Park Windsor Park Windsor Township Windthorst See Windhorst Windy Hill Wineteer Elementary School Winfield Winfield Winfield Winfield Winfield South Oil Field Winfield State Hospital Newton Hospital Winfield State Hospital Winfield Township High School Oil Field Plaza Wingate Tolle Wingfield Township Winifred Winkler Winklers Mills Winklers Mills See Winkler Winnesheik (historical) Winnisheik Winnifred Creek Winnisheik See Winnesheik FEATURE CLASS school lake reservoir park reservoir school stream stream park park park locale cemetery civil civil civil civil school ppl park school ppl stream ppl airport locale locale ppl cemetery cemetery park park civil ppl summit school ppl school oilfield locale oilfield hospital hospital civil locale civil ppl locale locale locale stream locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN BGN 1971 VARIANT ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN BGN VARIANT ADMIN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT coUnTy Ellsworth Sedgwick Russell Cowley Russell Leavenworth Pottawatomie Barber Wilson Russell Russell Labette Labette Rice Marion Lane Ellsworth Ellsworth Bourbon Russell Reno Jefferson Riley Ford Kiowa Johnson Jefferson McPherson McPherson Cowley Sedgwick Johnson Cowley Ford Greenwood Sedgwick Cowley Cowley Cowley Cowley Cowley Cowley Cowley Osborne Butler Geary Marshall Riley Riley McPherson Osage McPherson COORDINATE 384917N09828 23W 37482 9N0972545W 385729N0982940W 370414N097022 3W 385729N0982940W 3918 42N0945548W 392028N0962559W 371001N0983231W 374157N0954016W 385500N098 30 15W 385242N0982909W 371522N0952018W 371600N0952025W 381814N0980527W 381815N0970600W 38 3736N1002806W 384938N09825 38W 384917N098282 3W 23W 630W 380257N0975452W 391920N0951600W 391415N0964600W 374707N09938 30W 373606N0991633W 385710N0944010W 390945N0952750W 382302N09754 35W 38230 3N09752 10W 3718 41N0964045W 374008N0971205W 385954N0943737W 371943N0963454W 374707N09938 30W 374548N0963030W 373818N0971402W 37142 3W 371426N09658 29W 371450N0965700W 371414N0965825W 371206N0965641W 371444N0965855W 371550N09658 20W 391600N098 39 30W 372855N0964150W 390055N0963900W 394610N09728 50W 3928 54N096495 3W 3928 54N096495 3W 324 0W 382934N0955251W 382500N0973240W SOURCE COORDINATE 37135 322 3W 391505N0965044W 38263 16W ELEV 1554 927 1190 2360 910 1000 1950 1668 1366 1127 1178 1498 1210 1150 KS321 MAP NAME Wilson Maize Wilson NW Arkansas City Gerlane Buffalo Dorrance NE Wilson NW Parsons West Parsons West Lyons SE Marion Shields NW Wilson Wilson Russell Hutchinson Winchester Fort Riley NE Bellefont Lenexa Ozawkie Windom Windom NE Cambridge Andover Lenexa Grand Summit Rosalia Andover Winfield Winfield Winfield Winfield Winfield Winfield New Salem Osborne SW Cambridge NW Ogden Beattie Randolph Galva Lebo NW KS322 FEATURE NAME (historical) Winona Gopher Gopher Station Winona (historical) Winona Cemetery Winona Township Winser Creek Winston Park Winterscheid Oil Field Winterset (historical) Big Creek Winterset Cemetery Winterset Township Winters School Winter Veterans Administration Hospital Winway Park Wirt Auxiliary Landing Field See Newton City-County Airport Wirtonia See Crestline Wirtonia Cemetery Wirtonia School Wisby Oil Field Wise Wise Cemetery Wise County See Morris County Wise Lake Wisgapalla River See Solomon River Wiskapalla River See Solomon River Wiskapella See Solomon Wittrup (historical) Wolcott Conner City Connor Connors Station Wold Creek See Wolf Creek Wolf Wolf Siding Wolf Canyon Wolf Canyon Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Camp Creek Wolf Creek Wold Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek FEATURE CLASS Ppl locale cemetery civil stream park oilfield locale cemetery civil school hospital park airport Ppl cemetery school oilfield locale cemetery civil reservoir stream stream Ppl locale Ppl stream locale valley valley locale stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN CcoUnNnTy Logan Doniphan Logan Logan Sumner Crawford Woodson Russell Russell Russell Douglas Shawnee Labette Harvey Cherokee Cherokee Cherokee Reno Allen Jefferson Morris Sedgwick Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Hodgeman Wyandotte McPherson Finney Meade Riley Lincoln Sumner Chautauqua Cherokee Chautauqua Barber Crawford Grant Reno Coffey Lyon McPherson Osage McPherson Morris Franklin Osage Miami Osage COORDINATE 390348N1011438W 395120N0951629W 390437N1011423W 390228N1011338W 371130N0971348W 373017N0945048W 380010N0955210W 384605N0990107W 384518N0990152W 384424N0985907W 39000 3N0952 152W 390119N0954312W 371924N0951515W 380319N0971639W 371015N0944215W 371117N0944159W 371133N094 422 3W 3808 40N09820 30W 375940N0951648W 3918 39N0951455W 384200N09638 00W 373334N0972903W 385413N0972208W 385413N0972208W 3855 10N0972215W 375915N10008 37W 391120N0944805W 381240N097515 3W 380156N1010555W 370136N1003707W 39055 9N0964548W 390204N09828 40W 370017N0974027W 370632N0960912W 371018N0950354W 371532N096274 9W 371545N098 48 28W 372121N09454 39W 374108N1012753W 374945N0981919W 3808 221W 381117N0961847W 381240N0975153W 38 3124N0953717W 38324 149W 38 3602N0962926W 38 3740N0951139W 384055N09534 30W 384155N09448 20W 384236N0954 400W SOURCE COORDINATE 371717N0971612W 370026N10038 22W 390710N0964755W 365627N0974128W 37104 3W 37094 6N09459 15W 372227N0962 302W 375031N0981438W 372140N0944 959W 374656N1013533W 374959N09824 31W 382015N0954107W 342W 392111N0975202W 38 3445N095 39 13W 382805N097574 9W 38 3231N0962954W 384342N0950706W 384511N0953207W 384055N0944538W 384438N0954228W ELEV FT 3329 3282 1898 1028 760 2986 1470 MAP NAME Winona Highlands Winona Winona Adamsville Girard Gridley SE Walker Walker Galatia Williamstown Topeka Parsons West Crestline Crestline Alden La Harpe Easton SW Bayneville Dodge City NW Wolcott Wolf Kismet SE Junction City Sylvan Grove Doster Sedan Oswego Grenola Pump Creek West Mineral Ulysses NW Langdon New Strawn Shaw Creek Conway Quenemo Marquette Lake Kahola Wellsville Vassar Spring Hill Lyndon NW FEATURE NAME Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek See Coal Creek Wolf Creek See West Branch Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek East Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek See Wolf River Wolf Creek Wolf Creek See Pole Creek Wolf Creek Airport Wolf Creek Nuclear Plant Wolf Creek Recreation Area Wolfe Canyon Wolfley Creek Wolf Pen Creek Wolfpen Creek Wolf River Petite Riviére de Cansez Riviere du Loup Shun-ta-nesh-nanga Wolf Creek Wolf River Cemetery Wolf River Township Wolf Siding See Wolf Wolverine Creek Womack Airport Womer Wons evu Wonsivu Wonsevu Cemetery Wonsivu See Wonsevu Wood Airpark See Holmes Airpark Woodbine Woodbine Cemetery Wood Cemetery Wooden Cemetery Woodey (historical) Woodland Baptist Church Woodland Cemetery Woodland Elementary School Woodland Park Woodlawn Woodlawn Avenue Baptist Church Woodlawn Cemetery Woodlawn Cemetery Woodlawn Cemetery Woodlawn Cemetery Woodlawn Elementary School Woodman Elementary School Woodring Cemetery Woodrow Wilson Elementary School Woodrow Wilson School Woodruff Woodruff Branch FEATURE CLASS stream stream stream stream stream stream stream streaw stream stream stream stream stream stream airport building park valley stream stream stream stream cemetery civil locale stream airport locale ppl cemetery ppl airport Ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery locale church cemetery school park Ppl church cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery school school cemetery school school Ppl stream NATIONAL GAZETTEER-- KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN BGN BGN BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN coUunTy Ellsworth Johnson Lincoln Wyandotte Cloud Cloud Pottawatomie Cloud Phillips Marshall Jewell Doniphan Smith Nemaha Coffey Coffey Osage Cheyenne Jackson Nemaha Bourbon Doniphan Doniphan Doniphan Finney Bourbon Allen Smith Chase Chase Chase Clay Dickinson Dickinson Sumner Labette Lincoln Sedgwick Sedgwick Sedgwick Nemaha Sedgwick Franklin Dickinson Wyandotte Nemaha Douglas Sedgwick Montgomery Riley Ellis Phillips Wilson COORDINATE 38444 3848 32N094404 9W 390013N0982544W 390256N0945308W 393002N0974 342W 393225N0974337W 393302N09602 34W 393505N0974137W 393955N09928 19W 39512 6255 6W 39532 9N098 1 639W 395355N0951129W 395519N098 354 1W 3958 33N09608 45W 381243N0954 152W 381425N0954115W 384035N0953405W 395327N1013225W 39382 395518N0955919W 3748 3W 395355N0951129W 3948 45N0951312W 394735N09512 30W 380156N1010555W 375157N0944104W 375630N09524 30W 395825N0984237W 38090 619W 380917N0964711W 380903N0964 619W 392548N09707 35W 384746N09657 30W 38473 6574 9W 371458N0973720W 370855N0951921W 3908 33N0980 128W 374406N0972 100W 3848 41N094364 3W 374250N0972 109W 374318N0972050W 394700N0955152W 374035N0971543W 38 3636N0952805W 38390 110W 390750N0943753W 394726N0955150W 3858 35N0951340W 373858N0972147W 371611N0955404W 391056N0963358W 385315N0991917W 3959 34N0992534W 37402 355W SOURCE COORDINATE 38 3919N0982605W 3848 48N09448 40W 391434N0984613W 391100N0945427W 39362 6N09600 19W 39262 1N09739 42W 394635N099 32 16W 395320N0962146W 395638N0981908W 395704N0984011W 394948N1013139W 39454 55W 395719N0955448W 374436N0950455W 394738N09538 27W 37555 9N09444 23W 374126N0953708W ELEV FT 1100 988 1933 1354 1250 930 1046 1270 2003 KS323 MAP NAME Holyrood NW Stilwell Sylvan Grove Bonner Springs Havenville Concordia Speed Beattie Northbranch Cora Burlington Burlington Vassar Henkle Canyon Wetmore Bern Moran SE Oregon Sparks Sparks Hammond Iola Cora Wonsevu Wonsevu Woodbine Woodbine Perth Altamont Barnard Wichita East Belton Wichita East Wichita East Woodlawn Wichita East Pomona Carlton Parkville Woodlawn Lawrence East Wichita East Elk City Manhattan Hays North Woodruff Buffalo KS324 FEATURE NAME Woodruff Cemetery Woods Woods Cemetery Woods Cemetery Woodsdale (historical) Woodson County Woodson County Fairgrounds Woodson County State Park Lake Fegan State Park Woodson County State Park Dam Woodson Cove Woodson State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area Woods Park Woodstock (historical) Woodstock School Woodston Rooks Centre Woodston Cemetery Woodville (historical) Woodward See Dixon (historical) Wooster Cemetery Worden Worden Cemetery Worden Cemetery Work Cemetery Worth See Elbing Wortham Creek Wray Cemetery Wreford Wright Wright Airpark Wright Creek See Goose Creek Wright Elementary School Wright International Airport Wright Park Wrights Creek Wyandotte Church Wyandotte County Wyandotte County Lake Wyandotte County Park Wyandotte County Park Wyandotte High School Wyandotte Plaza Wyandotte School Wyckoff (historical) Wyckoff Station Wyckoff Station See Wyckoff (historical) Wycliff West Shopping Center Wycoff Community Hall Wycoff School Wymore Creek Wynds, Lake Wyoming (historical) Wysses High School X Xavier Xenia Peru XI Ranch XIT Ranch FEATURE CLASS cemetery ppl cemetery cemetery locale civil locale park dam bay park park locale school Ppl cemetery locale locale cemetery ppl cemetery cemetery cemetery ppl stream cemetery locale Ppl airport stream school airport park stream church civil reservoir park park school locale school locale locale locale building school stream reservoir locale school ppl ppl locale locale NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN UNOFF ADMIN VARIANT UNOFF BGN ADMIN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN BGN UNOFF ADMIN BGN ADMIN ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN BGN UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT BGN BGN coUnTy Phillips Stevens Bourbon Greenwood Stevens Woodson Woodson Woodson Woodson Woodson Woodson Sumner Jefferson Jefferson Rooks Rooks Russell Butler Coffey Douglas Sumner Douglas Sumner Butler Smith Norton Geary Ford Dickinson Russell Ford Sherman Ford Lyon Wyandotte Wyandotte Wyandotte Wyandotte Wyandotte Wyandotte Wyandotte Cherokee Lyon Lyon Johnson Franklin Franklin Douglas Cowley Marshall Grant Leavenworth Bourbon Meade Meade COORDINATE 395913N0992 608W 371013N1010619W 375056N09453 45W 380535N096103 3W 371621N1011832W 375300N095 4 400W 375310N0954 202W 374753N095504 3W 374712N09550 30W 374442N09554 50W 374753N095504 3W 371548N0972459W 390806N09513 35W 3908 38N0951308W 392719N099054 3W 392615N0990737W 385808N098 4 94 OW 375637N0965115W 380401N0953458W 38465 3W 372345N0972948W 384655N0951934W 370352N0971309W 380310N0970739W 400514N0985206W 395635N1000900W 385742N0965054W 374650N09953 30W 38540 3N097124 3W 384727N0984212W 37464 392430N1020115W 374457N1000117W 38330 6205 0W 39072 3N0944111W 390700N0944 300W 391015N0944620W 390625N0945150W 390958N0944651W 39065 3N094 3 924W 390655N0944550W 370948N0944 427W 382144N0960252W 382144N0960252W 385624N0944013W 38 3431N095 192 1W 38 3457N0951925W 38494 21W 370418N09658 30W 393647N0961745W 373452N1012148W 391638N09454 32W 37594 3N09459 10W 370404N1003105W 370050N10034 35W soURCE COORDINATE 395932N0985204W 3838 31N0961652W 384758N0950314W ELEV FT 2962 887 1232 1712 1713 995 1093 1334 1045 1198 2436 1120 2539 1146 3883 851 911 880 900 1047 2640 2399 MAP NAME Woodruff Woods Uniontown Madison SW Wagon Bed Spr SE Yates Center Yates Center Toronto SE Toronto Coyville Toronto Se Wellington McLouth Mc Louth Woodston Woodston NW Russell Neosho Falls Lone Star Zy ba Lone Star Geuda Springs Riverton Lyle Wreford Wright Abilene Wright Kanorado NE South Dodge Bushong Shawnee Shawnee Wolcott Edwardsville Wolcott Shawnee Edwardsville Crestline Emporia SE Lenexa Ottawa South Ottawa South Edgerton Silverdale Wheaton Ulysses Leavenworth Xenia Kismet SE Kismet SE FEATURE NAME ¥ Yaggy Yale Yankee Run Yankee Run Point Public Use Area Yankee Tank Creek Yarnell Northeast Oil and Gas Field Yarnell Oil and Gas Field Yarnold School Yates Center Bath Chellis Kalida Yates Center Airport Yates Center City Dam Yates Center City Reservoir See Yates Center Reservoir Yates Center Elementary School Yates Center High School Yates Center Oil Field Yates Center Reservoir Yates Center City Reservoir Yauger Creek Yeager Creek Yeager Lakes Dam Yellow Paint Creek See Hinton Creek Yellow River See Missouri River Yocemento Vocemento Yockey Creek Eacker Creek Yockley Creek Yockley Creek See Yockey Creek Yocum Cemetery Yoder Voder Yoder Church Yoder Elementary School Yoder Pasture Yoder Township Yordy (historical) York See Shipton York School Yorktown (historical) Allamead Allamede York Township Younger Oil Field Young Oil Field Young Park Young School Youngs Creek Youngstown (historical) Youngtown Church Youvan Airport Yoxall (historical) Yuma Z Zahnville See Miltonvale Zamora See Kendall Zara FEATURE CLASS locale locale ppl park stream oilfield oilfield school ppl airport dam reservoir school school oilfield reservoir stream stream dam stream stream locale stream stream cemetery ppl church school flat civil locale locale school locale civil oilfield oilfield park school stream locale church airport locale locale ppl ppl NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN BGN BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN UNOFF VARIANT VARIANT BGN VARIANT BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF BGN ADMIN BGN VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT VARIANT ADMIN UNOFF UNOFF ADMIN UNOFF BGN BGN UNOFF UNOFF BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT CoUunTy Reno Crawford Ellsworth Ellsworth Douglas Sumner Sumner Douglas Woodson Woodson Woodson Woodson Woodson Woodson Woodson Woodson Lincoln Chase Kingman Bourbon Wyandotte Ellis Ottawa Ottawa Shawnee Reno Reno Reno Morton Reno Ellsworth Saline Bourbon Lincoln Stafford Trego Butler Thomas Douglas Graham Marion Marion Crawford Osborne Cloud Cloud Hamilton COORDINATE 38054 372902N09438 30W 38 3905N0980100W 3838 35N0980100W 385508N0951619W 371424N0974238W 371316N0974311W 385732N09524 34W 375252N0954 359W 375150N0954550W 375154N0954441W 375154N0954441W 375228N095 440 3W 359W 375105N0954 600W 375154N0954441W 390137N098085 3W 381525N0963555W 372500N0980318W 374614N0945733W 3848 49N0900711W 38542 391650N0974728W 391650N0974728W 385306N09539 19W 375625N0975205W 375718N0975159W 37562 159W 370955N1015115W 375720N0975200W 385145N0975720W 385450N0974055W 374805N09442 35W 391035N0981918W 375205N0983135W 385145N0994 303W 374535N0963910W 392410N1010140W 39004 3N09524 37W 392115N1000014W 382240N09654 39W 38224 39W 373145N0944145W 391948N0983350W 39352 458W 392054N0972645W 375605N1013244W SOURCE COORDINATE 385800N0952057W 390618N09808 59W 3818 15W 392427N0974317W 392413N1000206W ELEV FT 1560 950 1270 1500 1136 1140 2051 1539 1539 K§325 MAP NAME Yaqgy Pittsburg Carneiro Carneiro Lawrence West Caldwell NW Caldwell NW Clinton Yates Center Toronto SE Toronto NE Rose Yates Center Toronto SE Rose Lincoln Cottonwood Falls Rago Yocemento Glasco Wakarusa Haven Haven Haven Elkhart NE Haven Brookville SW Fort Scott Ash Grove Preston Cedar Bluff Dam Pontiac Colby Perry Morland NE Lincolnville Lincolnville Almaa Osborne SE Concordia KS326 FEATURE NAME See Zarah Zarah Zara Zeandale Zeandale Township Zella (historical) Zellmer Cemetery Zenda Rochester Zenith Zenithscah Creek Zenthsc Creek Zenthsc Creek See Zenithscah Creek Zilla See Menlo Zillah Middle School Zimmerdale Truesdale Zimmerman Cemetery Zimmermann Oil Field Zimmerman School Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Cemetery Zion Church Zion Church Zion Church Zion Church Zion Church Zion Church Zion Church Zion Church Zion Hill Church Zion Lutheran Cemetery Zion Mennonite Church Zion Norwegian Cemetery Zion School Zion Valley See Saint John Zionville (historical) Wilson City Zionville Cemetery Zoar Church Zoar School Zook Zook Church Zurich Zurich Cemetery Zyba Dublin Zyba Oil Field FEATURE CLASS ppl Ppl ppl civil locale cemetery Ppl ppl stream stream ppl school ppl cemetery oilfield school cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery cemetery church church church church church church church church church cemetery church cemetery school ppl locale cemetery church school ppl church ppl cemetery locale oilfield NATIONAL GAZETTEER--KANSAS 1984 STATUS BGN VARIANT BGN ADMIN BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT BGN BGN VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF VARIANT BGN VARIANT UNOFF UNOFF UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN UNOFF BGN VARIANT UNOFF CcoUunTy Johnson Johnson Riley Riley Stevens Norton Kingman Stafford Reno Reno Thomas Allen Harvey Osborne Greenwood Doniphan Crawford Bourbon Butler Lyon Marion McPherson Trego Shawnee Republic Washington Washington Cheyenne Jewell Smith Cheyenne Shawnee Butler Wilson McPherson Dickinson Dickinson Washington Brown Doniphan Labette Cheyenne Sedgwick Gove Harvey Stafford Grant Grant McPherson Clay Pawnee Pawnee Rooks Rooks Sumner Sumner COORDINATE 39002 925W 39002 6N0944 925W 39093 390630N09 6272 0W 371615N1011352W 394914N09938 42W 372632N0981654W 37572 30W 375606N0982522W 375606N0982522W 392125N1004 320W 374727N0952028W 380610N0972323W 391918N098 3 925W 380210N0962 120W 39454 3W 372334N0944109W 375940N094 47 10W 380442N0970658W 381358N0961451W 382120N0971150W 38 3304N09732 30W 385242N09953 34W 385902N095 324 8W 394030N0973538W 394124N09705 16W 394154N0972009W 39434 394602N0982 329W 395038N0985500W 395040N1015138W 395450N096424 1W 373902N0965348W 374119N0953133W 381536N09748 44W 390155N0971217W 390524N0970317W 394144N0971950W 39434 602W 395032N0945752W 371134N0951244W 394242N1015857W 374210N09718 45W 390248N1004745W 38022 380008N0984535W 372621N1012142W 372555N1012212W 381213N0974736W 3908 48N096592 3W 380328N09905 12W 380330N099054 5W 391404N09926 16W 391338N0992618W 372605N0972 320W 37262 3 3W SOURCE COORDINATE 375632N0982608W ELEV FT 841 1010 1663 1803 1013 1462 1681 885 2365 1121 1369 1444 1878 1232 1328 960 1350 1283 862 3102 3099 2045 2047 2214 1230 MAP NAME Edwardsville St George Wamego SW Moscow Almena SW Zenda Sylvia Sylvia lola SE Zimmerdale Osborne SW Thrall Sparks Pittsburg Devon Peabody SE Madison Hillsboro Lindsborg SE Trego Center Richland Wayne Linn Brantford Hale Ponds Esbon Athol St Francis Herkimer Augusta Vilas Conway Buckeye Upland Brantford Everest Wathena Labette Crosby Creek Wichita East Oakley South Newton Wagon Bed Spr Wagon Bed Spr Buhler Milford Zook Zook Zurich Zurich Zy ba Zy ba