— k “2.", .92. ....r h ‘0— fl, » u ‘ .555? : 3.11 v Compliments _’0f'\ . _ 00d Mantel'iff _ Association , ‘ @112 Want! mantel Manufatturera; Aaanriafinn H. T. BENNETT, SECRETARY. STATE LIFE BUILDING. Indianapolis, Ind., May, I9] I. Mr. Architect:— In placing this SKETCH BOOK OF FIREPLACE DESIGNS before the architects of the United States and Canada, the WOOD MANTEL MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION are pleased to announce their purpose of establishing and developing a class of Fireplaces and Wood Mantels that will more especially conform to the characteristic requirements of the architectural profession. We trust you will find these designs acceptable in style, and with our assurance that the execution as to details, workmanship and finish, will be of the best character, and with our long experience and reputation for high-grade work, we will hope for your approval. We are pleased to inform the architects of our sincerity in endeavoring to place the production of Wood Mantels on a higher plane than heretofore, giving up our great capacity and unequalled facilities to the better- ment of this beautiful, healthful and comfortable utility of the modern home. In the selection of these designs, we are submitting only a few of the many elegant specimens that can be supplied as stock patterns. We are also prepared to solicit your requirements for Special Designs; be pleased to furnish sketches and estimates on everything pertaining to the fireplace through your local dealers. PLEASE REFER TO THE DEALERS’ DIRECTORY, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED IN SUCCEEDING PAGES HEREWITH. A special feature that should appeal to your particular needs is the fact that all the sketches herewith represent Stock Patterns, which means PROMPT FULFILLMENT OF ORDERS, and goods of the very best quality. Your local or nearest dealer awaits an opportunity to take this matter up with you, and trust you will have occasion to command our further assistance through him. Believing that the attractiveness of our modern homes will be greatly enhanced by the use of better Wood Mantels and feeling that you appreciate the many advantages to be obtained for the comfort, health and homelike surroundings of your clients by the use of more fireplaces, we remain, Respectfully, THE ASSOCIATED WOOD MANTEL MANUFACTURERS mm mantel fipptiftratinna WOODS AND Designs as per drawings are carried in stock by your dealer in the woods and finishes mentioned only, FINISHES. but can be made to order in any wood and finish required. N = . . . _ Stock finish in oak will be standard golden shade, rubbed dull or highly pollshed (piano finish). _ For grchlilteciturlal requirements dull finishes are preferable. Samples of other standard finishes Will be submitted y t e ea er. . . . . DIMEN— The dimensions of all parts of these designs are based on 1”=1’-0”. The height, tile opening, mir- SIONS. ror and projection measurements can therefore be accurately obtained from sketches. Please note carefully extreme width of Mantels. Also submit exact srzes of chimney breast work when ordering. These designs can be altered and made to any dimensions requ1red at a'reasonable exact charge easily obtained from your dealers. 12213:; Stock Woods and Finishes Stock 3m, Base: White and Gold, White Enamel, three coats white .......... , ........ 5’-0” - Top: Genuine Gold Leaf, White Enamel, three coats white ................ 5’-O” 93 Mahogany, White Enamel, three coats white ............................ 5’-0” 6 Three coats white .................................................... 5’-0” and 6’-0” ED Quartered Oak, Birch and three coats white ............................. ‘ 5’-0”, 5’-6” and 6’-0” (g Quartered Oak, Birch ................................................. 6’-O” y Birch and three coats white ........................................... 5’-0” and 6’-0” Q Quartered Oak, Birch, three coats white ................................ 6'—O” 3C Quartered Oak ....................................................... 6’-O” g Quartered Oak, Plain Oak, Birch, Chestnut ............................. 5’-0” and 6’-0” g Quartered Oak ....................................................... 5’-0” fK‘ Plain Oak . ......................................................... 5’-0" Q Quartered Oak ....................................................... 5’-0” 9K Quartered Oak ....................................................... 5’-6” 91 Genuine Mahogany .................................................. 5’-0” G Quartered Oak, Plain Oak, Birch, Chestnut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 5’-0”——6’-0” g? Quartered Oak, Birch . ............................................... 5’—0” 9 Three coats white .................................................... 5’-O” Q Quartered Oak, Genuine Mahogany .................................... 5’—O” 5 Quartered Oak, Birch, three coats white ................................. 5’-0” 3‘ Quartered Oak, Genuine Mahogany .................................... 5’—0” and 6’-0” (Du Quartered Oak, Birch, three coats white ................................. 5’-0” and 5’—6” 7f) Plain Oak . ......................................................... 5'-0" 7f) Plain Oak . ......................................................... 5'-0" 9C 21, fivatripfinn nf Elite-mart @rimmittga AS DISPLAYED IN SKETCHES. MANUFACTURED BY PEERLESS M’F’G (30., LOUISVILLE, KY. SEE PAGE 4 FOR FURTHER DETAILS. fiat;- igple:cilt11egs F113: e Angligons 321118;“ “13:” SPECIAL PARTS a) 30 494 1539 96 Q 30 768 1545 1623 G 42 768 1525 1627 ' ED 1962-1 6 1286 1973-1 Frame (1286) Wrought Iron. 3‘ 42 1940-1 9 1511 3C 30 768 1768—8 5 1947-1 5 30 494 1532 3C 30 1203 1544 g 30 1235 1946-1 Frame (1235) Wrought Iron. 9n 42 494 1748-3 4 (2)“ 30 768 1553 1603 0 30 1235 1927-1 1625 Frame (1235) W. l. with square Bolt Hds. Q 30 1287 220 Frame (1287) Wrought Iron. 32 30 762 1530 96 {R 30 991 Gas Grate. 5 30 768 1966-I g 3* 30 1137 Monarch Grate. 611 30 993 Gas Grate. 79 30 1235 1964-1 1525 36 Frame (1235) W. I. with hammered B. H. 7D 30 494 1968-1 a: Two Sections of Monarch Grate. 63 Three Sections of Dampers. 494 Frame can be furnished either in Iron or Brass. Andirons with letter “I” are made in iron only. For greater variety of Andirons and other Trimmings, write for Catalogue. __3._ Andirons with letter “B” are made in brass only. See page 4. firprlwa manufartufing (1111.. LOUISVILLE. KY. ‘ DOME DAMPER. No. 17 DAMPER. DAMPERS DAMPERS THE MONARCH GRATE OR COMPLETE F IRE-PLACE. Makers of Fire-place Trimmings of every description, either in cast iron, wrought iron, sheet iron and brass. Are equipped to make special work, size of order sufficient to justify. Catalogues of the various lines furnished upon application. The Dome Damper exhibited in chimney throat is an absolute safeguard against a smoky fire-place. Are made in sizes from 24 to 72 inches. The measurement of the opening at the base of the dome of damper is given in the description contained in catalogue “J” (which will be sent on application), so that the exact size may be ordered. The flange on the damper forms the arch bar, while the dome regulates the chimney throat. . New and Improved sloping top, splayed ends, solid door, operated from outside by rod through face of fire-place. Brass handle to rod so placed as to indicate opening of door, which can be adjusted to any opening by a partial turn of handle. This damper differs from all others, in that the mechanism is exposed inside of dome so as to be able to adjust the damper rod to proper position after the body is in place, can be easily repaired if ever out of order. The door can be removed and replaced at will, thereby giving free access to flue when cleaning out, repairing, or to set damper. Nos. 15—8 and 16-B, to be operated with poker. ' Nos. 12, 13, 15 and 16. Description No.1 Damper Door. 2 Knuckle Joint. 3 Damper Rod. 4 Thumb Latch used to open and close damper. Refer to the Descriptive List, in sketches covering the sectional views displayed of the ' Monarch and New Monarch. Front view shown in Sketch Plate T. This grate has been sold by us for more than twenty years, which guarantees its success for service and durability. ‘ The upper damper in this grate is operated by screw, and may be set at any desired opening. All other regulations are as complete as a stove. The Large Grates with large fire-pots are successful in the coldest climate. For full description, designs and other information, ask for catalogue No. 12. Birutnrg nf Mantel 532312111. ALABAMA. ANNISTON— Anniston Hardware Co. Paint, Glass and Builders’ Supply Co. BESSEMER—- Long-Lewis Hardware Co. BIRMINGHAM— Birmingham Paint and Glass Co., 2016 3d Ave. General Mosaic & Tile Co. Moore & Handley Hardware Co., 21st St. and Ave. A. Wimberly-Thomas Hardware Co. DECATUR— John D. Wyker. DOTHAN— Dothan Hardware Co. , Porter, E. R. & Co. ENSLEY— Bynum & Butcher Hardware Co. FLORENCE—— Acme Lumber & Mfg. Co. GADSDEN— ' Ewing Hardware Co. Smith-Echols-Burnett Co. HUNTSVILLE— McAnelly, J. H. & Bro. Collins, M. A. ' MOBILE—— Martin—Gaston Sales Co., 165 S. Royal St. Turner, F. C. & Co. MONTGOMERY—— Bogacki, C. Y. Kennedy Co., The, 109 Commerce St. Payne & Payne. SELMA— Robbins Hardware Co. Selma Hardware Co. Schuster, Ben J. TROY— Wood, J. P. TUSCALOOSA—— Allen & Jemison. WOODLAWN— Woodlawn Supply Co. ARKANSAS. FT. SMITH—— Kenney Bros. HELENA— Arkansas & Mississippi Hardware Co. LITTLE ROCK—— Abeles, Chas. T. & Co. Crawford Paint & Paper Co., 509 Main St. Abeles Decorating Co., The, 702 Main St. PINE BLUFF— Fox Bros. Hardware Co. TEXARKANA— Angel & Co. CALIFORNIA. LOS ANGELES— Frey, J. W. OAKLAND— Kelly, J. F. Co., The Howden, Robert Oakland Mantel Co. SACRAMENTO— Scott, Lyman & Stack SAN DIEGO— Hazard, Gould & Co. SAN FRANCISCO—'— Bennett & Volz, 2751 16th St. Lowry & Daly. Mangrum & Otter, 561 Mission St. Montague. W. W. & Co. Peerless Agencies Co., 135 Oak St. Rigney, Thomas F., 1538 Market St. Royal Mantel C0,, 123 Oak St. Schutte, John H., 780 Mission St. SAN JOSE— Fraser, Paul. COLORADO. COLORADO SPRINGS— Lowell & Meservey Hardware Co. DENVER— Cook, T. W. & Co. Denver Mantel & Tile Co., 1652 Tremont St. Denver Hardwood Mantel Co. Gustafson Piano & Mantel Co., 725 18th St. CONNECTICUT. BRIDGEPORT— ‘ Burritt, A. W. Co., The, 349 Knowlton St. Miller, Frank, Lumber Co. Rand, G. P. & Co. GREENWICH— Greenwich Sash & Door Co. HARTFORD— Collins & Hayes, 314 Trumbull St. White & Whitmore, 424 Asylum St. NEW BRITAIN— Rackliffe Bros. Co. _5__. NEW HAVEN— Chamberlain Co., The, 89 Crown St. Christopher, J. F. Co., 101 Meadow St. Connecticut Marble & Tile Co., 19 Center St. New Haven Tile, Marble & Mosaic Co. WATERBURY— Jackson, Thos. F. Jackson, Chas. A. & Co. DELAWARE. WILMINGTON— Green, Samuel T., 1310 Stockton St. McCaulley & Sons Co., Geo. W., 103 W. 8th St. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WASHINGTON— Barber & Ross, 11th and G. St., N. W. Chesapeake Supply Co., 1011 9th St. Ellett, Edwin E., 1106 9th St., N. W. Hutchinson, Wm. Seeley, 1311 H. St., N. W. McGuiggan Co., A. T., 915 9th St., N. W. Thompson & Co., W. E., 1401 9th St., N. W. Corning, John Herbert. FLORIDA. DELAND. -— Watts, W. C. GAINESVILLE— Gainesville Furniture Co. Thomas Co., The JACKSONVILLE— Jeffreys Hardware & Mantel Co., 347 E. 23d St. Jacksonville Hardware Co. McKinney Co., Chas. D. LAKELAND— Jackson & Wilson Co. OCALA— Mclver & MacKay. ORLANDO— Guernsey, Jos. L. PENSACOLA— Avery Hardware & Supply Co. Clubbs, A. V. Turner Construction Co., C. H. ST. AUGUSTINE—— Hamblen, C. F. TAMPA— Gulf Oil Co. Hillsboro Hardware Co. GEORGIA. AMERICUS— Shiver, J. W. ATHENS— Athens Engineering Co., 186 Clayton St. ATLANTA— Hunnicutt & Co., J. E., 56 Peachtree St. McCord Mantel Co. Queen Mantel & Tile Co. Woodward-Eubanks Mantel Co. AUGUSTA-— Au usta Builders Su 1 Co. MgDaniel, A. H. pp y Slusky, David, 1010 Jones St. Toole, W. B., 935 Broad St. BRUNSWICK—— Bowen & Thomas. COLUMBUS— Columbus Mantel Parlors. Gruzard Supply Co. Martin Furmture Co. Smith-Gordy-Boyd Co. DUBLIN—- Shewmake-Hall Co. HAWKINSVILLE— Weatherly Lumber Co. Whitfield Hardware Co. JACKSON— Butts Lumber Co. J 'ackson Hardware Co. MACON— Burke, T. C., 360 3rd St. ElgerkLumber Co.,W. F., Opposite Central City ar . Willingham Sash & Door Co. ROME—- Nixon-Smith Co. SAVANNAH— Gallaher Co., Louis, 13 W. River St. Neal-Blun Co. Southern Builders Supply Co. THOMSON— Curtis & Son, A. H. VALDOSTA— Harley Hardware Co. Peeples, C. B. Larsen-Forbes Hardware Co. ILLINOIS. BLOOMINGTON——— Popple Mantel & Tile Co. Read & Bro., G. H., 205 N. Main St. CARTHAGE— Duncan-Schell Furniture Co. —6—- CHICAGO— Chicago Mosaic & Tiling Co., 501 S. State St. Crishop Mantel Co., 263 N. 48th Ave. Dawson Bros, 523 N. Halsted St. Englewood Mantel & Tile Co., 821 W. 59th St. Hawkinson, John S., 54 Michigan Ave. Hoops & Co., Wm. H., 10 E. Monroe St. Keating & Son’s Co., M., 224 E. Wash. St. Lorenzen & Co., Chas. F., 701-709 N. Sangamon. Weary & Beck, 1907 Michigan Ave. DANVILLE— Conron Hardware Co., Thos., 116 E. Main St. Dowling—Schultz Hardware Co. DECATUR— Hart, Geo. P. ‘ Morehouse & Wells Co. EAST ST. LOUIS— Donahue, Jas. H., 10th and Gaty Ave. JACKSONVILLE— Johnson & Hackett. OTTAWA—— Rugg, M. J. PEORIA— Peoria Stone & Marble Works, 203 S. Jefferson St. QUINCY—— Heitland Grate & Mantel Co. ROCKFORD—— Woodard, J. M. SPRINGFIELD—- Haas Electric & Mfg. Co., R., 305 E. Monroe St. McCabe, John P., 1128 W. Edwards St. McGrue, H. 0. Power, C. A. URBANA— Hall Hardware Co., Chas. A. Saffell Co., The W. I. INDIANA. CONNERSVILLE— Connersville Lumber Co. CRAWFORDSVILLE— Barnhill, Hornady & Pickett. EVANSVILLE— Lensing, H. A., 420 Sycamore St. Rechtin, Theo. E., 7th and Ingle. Sonntag Mantel & Tile Co., E. F. FORT WAYNE— Lund, H. M., 610 W. Creighton Ave. FRANKLIN— Vawter, C. B. INDIANAPOLIS— Builders Supply Corporation, 342 E. Wash. St. Indianapolis Wood Mantel Co., 235 N. Dela. St. Lion Mantel & Grate House, 214 N. Dela. St. KOKOMO— Armstrong-Landon Co. LA FAYETTE—- Howe & Shipley. LIBERTY-— Bertch & Son, J. A. MADISON— Miller, W. H. MARION—- Swanger & McClain. MISHAWAKA— Mishawaka Tile & Marble Co. RICHMOND— Peter Johnson Co. Wagner, H. H. RUSHVILLE—— Haydon, A. G. SOUTH BEND— Hayes, Geo. W. Keltner, A. G., 228 N. Main St. TERRE HAUTE— Austin Hardware Co. Smith & Son’s Co., C. C., 301 Wabash Ave. VINCENNES— Smith & Sons. N. IOWA. BURLINGTON— Bernard Bros. & Mercer. COUNCIL BLUFFS— Stephen Bros. DAVENPORT— Roberts‘ Co., The U. N. DES MOINES— Des Moines Marble & Mantel Co., 713 Locust St. KEOKUK— Duncan-Schell Furniture Co. OTTUMWA— Cooper & Sons, W. H. SIOUX CITY— Nash-Hough Furniture Co., 6th and Pierce St. WATERLOO— Northern Tile Co., The, 410 Syndicate Bldg. KANSAS. COFFEYVILLE— National Sash & Door Co. INDEPENDENCE— . Union Implement & Hardware Co. TOPEKA— Interstate Marble & Tile Co. .——7— WICHITA— Carlson Tile & Mantel Co. Midland Light Co. Worrell & Sons, J. A., 209 N. Market St. KENT UCKY. ASHLAND— Ashland Hardware Co. Henderson Hardware Co. Ogden Hardware Co. BOWLING GREEN— Russell & Son, J. N. Smith, C. H. COVINGTON— Faulwetter & Sons, 3 Pike St. Tattershall, A. W., 422 Madison Ave. CYNTHIANA— lngles, W. H. DANVILLE— Durham & Scott. HOPKINS VILLE— Forbes Manufacturing Co. LEXINGTON— Beard & Lyons Co. Combs Lumber Co. Lexington Mantel Co. LOUISVILLE—— Brecker-Buck Co., 307 Walnut St. Greenway Mantel Co. Hegan Manufacturing Co., 556 4th Ave. Strasser & Co., W. F., 722 Jefferson St. MADISONVILLE— Ruby Lumber Co. MAYSVILLE— McClanahan & Shea. MT. STERLING— Chenault & O’Rear. NEWPORT— Winston Mantel & Tile Co., Masonic Bldg. NICHOLAS VILLE. Johnson, J. L. OWENSBORO— Frederick, J. C. Guenther & Sons, W. A. PADUCAH— ’ Hart-Lockwood & Co., 127 S. 3rd St. Henneberger, L. -W. & Co. PARIS— Hinton, J. T. . LOUISIANA. ALEXANDRIA— Caddo Rapids Lumber Co. BATON ROUGE—— Becker Furniture Co. Kornmeyer Furniture Co. Ronaldson & Puckett Co. NEW ORLEANS— Falvy—Wilson Co., 528 Baronne St. Leahy, Geo. M., 512 Camp St. Zirsntmerman’s Bldg. Specialty Co., 2131 Magazine SHREVEPORT— Booth Furniture & Carpet Co., 610 Texas St. Hardman, C. C. & Co. MAINE. BANGOR— Rice-Miller Co. MARYLAND. ANNAPOLIS— Gates, Chas., 87 College Ave. BALTIMORE— Dunn, Jos. B. & Sons, 853 N. Howard St. Fishack, David & Co., 604 N. Calvert St. Harrington, Geo. H. & Bro., 531 N. Howard St. La Fayette Mill & Lumber Co., La Fayette Ave. and P. B. and. W. R. R. National Mantel & Tile Co., 9 E. Lexington. Mantel, Tile & Hardwood Floor Co., 953 N. Gay St. The Gahr Mantel Co., 8th and Fairmount Ave. Highlandtown. CAMBRIDGE— Cambridge Manufacturing Co. CUMBERLAND—- Cumberland Sash & Door Co. Habig & Stegmeier. FREDERICK— Moberly, Merhl F. HAGERSTOWN— Jackson & Kellar. Darner, C. E. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON— Bailey, J. W. & Sons Co., 14 Haymarket St. Brockway-Smith Corporation, 15 Haymarket St. Haymarket Square Tile and Fireplace Co. Stearns & Waterman. Whitney, E. H., 35 Arch St. FALL RIVER— Reed Co., R. S. ——8——- HOLYOKE— Oakes, Roland T. Co., 271 Appleton St. LOWELL— Thompson Hardware Co. NEW BEDFORD— Sowle, Nat. P. NORTH ADAMS— Spruill, J. B. SPRINGFIELD— Hall, Chas., 413 Main St. Old Corner Decorating Co., 66 Bridge St. Springfield Mantel & Tile Co., 140 Dwight St. TAUNTON— Sanders, Clinton V. WORCESTER—— Adams, Elwood & Sons, 169 Bridge St. Kendall & Son, O. S., 564 Main St. Leland, F. J. 1183 Niagara St. MICHIGAN. ADRIAN— Wilcox Hardware Co. BATTLE CREEK— Bock—Walker Co., The Dobbins Hardware Co., 36 E. Main St. Jones & Fitzgerald, 16 W. Jackson St. DETROIT— Detroit Mantel & Tile Co., 114 Broadway. Netting, C. J. Co., 250 Woodward Ave. Paschke, Chas. A., 240 Grand River Ave. FLINT— Sterner, Edwin Co., 416 Buckham St. GRAND RAPIDS— Rhodes Manufacturing Co. Young & Chaffee Furniture Co. JACKSON— Loeser & Lehr Co. KALAMAZOO— Sales, James A. ‘ LANSING—— Gross, J. G. 321 Washington Ave. Larned, H. H. SAGINAW— Morley Bros. Saginaw Hardware Co. MINNESOTA. DULUTH— Dixon & Lowry. Duluth Tile & Marble Co. Dunlop-Moore Co., 124 E. Superior St. Marshall-Wells Hardware Co. Thompson & Stewart. MINNEAPOLIS—- Drake Marble & Tile Co., 607 2nd Ave., S. Northwestern Marble & Tile Co., 421 S. 6th St. Rheberg Mantel Co. ST. PAUL—- Drake Marble 8: Tile Co., 58 Plato Ave. Springer, P. J ., 526 Canada St. MISSISSIPPI. COLUMBUS— Columbus Hardware & Furniture Co. GREENVILLE— Alexander Lumber Co. Virden Lumber Co. GREENWOOD— Henderson & Baird Hardware Co. Wade-Hobbs Hardware Co. JACKSON—— Southern Mantel & Tile Co. MERIDIAN— Bostic Lumber & Mfg. Co. Grant, M. R. Perry Paint & Mantel Co. NATCHEZ— Baker & McDowell Co. Enochs, E. A. Feltus Bros. Schwartz & Stewart. RULEVILLE— Virden & Wales. TUPELO— Ballard-Hudson Lumber Co. Trice Raymond Hardware Co. VICKSBURG— Mississippi Lumber Co. WEST POINT— West Point Manufacturing Co. MISSOURI. JOPLIN— Jackson Mantel & Tile Co. KANSAS CITY-— American Sash & Door Co., 16th and Bellefontain Ave. Calhoun Mantel & Tile Co., 815 Walnut St. Kansas City Mantel Co. Wakefield Mantel & Tile Co., 1322 Main St. ST. JOSEPH—— American Sash & Door Co. Western Mantel, Tile & Marble Co. Windsor Mantel & Tile Co., 1621 Frederick St. ST. LOUIS—- Central Mantel Co., 1228 Olive St. Hornet Mantel Co., 1112 Market St. Irwin Tile & Mantel Co., 2117 Olive St. May Tile & Mantel Co., Wm., 1908 Olive St. Querman, John H., 2611 Olive St. Star Tile 8: Mantel Co., 1402 Chestnut St. St. Louis Brass & Mfg. Co., Washington and Jef- ferson Ave. SEDALIA— Jones & Co., 0. M. (Sedalia Mantel Co.) SPRINGFIELD— Raymond Heating Co. MONTANA. BUTTE— Henderson Bros. NEBRASKA. OMAHA— Hamling, F. M., 110 N. 14th St. Rogers & Sons, Milton, 14th and Farnam Sts. NEW JERSEY. ASBURY PARK— Stark & Faussett, 715 Bangs Ave. ATLANTIC CITY— Chelsea Art Tile Co. O’Keefe, Jas. J. Co., 904 Atlantic Ave. ELIZABETH—— Arthur, Walter S. HACKENSACK— Prehn, Otto. JERSEY CITY— Dickson, J. & Bro. Gahagan, W. A. Co., 295 Ocean Ave. Nicoll & Cotter, 58'Oakland Ave. Sanitary Tiling Co. NEWARK—— Beckingham Co., Chas. H., 41 Belleville Ave. Davenport, Jas. H., 527 Market St. Harrison, E. H. & Bro., 478 Broad St. Isenberg, Henry R., 337 Plane St. Messer, J. J., 457 Central Ave. Newark Mantel & Furniture Co., 59 Pointer St. Standard Mantel Co., 219 Sussex Ave. Zimmerman Tile Co., Martin NEW BRUNSWICK— Cronk Mfg. Co., 141 Burnet St. PASSAIC— Abbotts, A. & Sons. Doremus, J. H. Co., 23 Bloomfield Ave. PATERSON— Baird, J. & Co. Crane Mantel Co. PLAINFIELD— Van Arsdale, R. B. PERTH AMBOY— Boving Mosaic Tile & Mantel Co., Fayette St. and Brunswick Ave. RIDGEFIELD PARK— Brewster & Son. Shaw & Williams. TOWN OF UNION—- Standard Tile & Mantel Co. Structural Supply Co. TRENTON— Hills, John C., 139 Academy St. Katzenbach, F. S. & Co. Stark & Faussett, 227 E. State Ave. NEW YORK. ALBANY— Albany Mantel & Tile Co., 462 Broadway. Helmes Bros., 6 Central Ave. Hobbs., E. R. Selfridge & Langford, 72 Central Ave. Weller, Anton. BINGHAMTON— Babcock, Hinds & Underwood, 174 Washington BROOKLYN—- Burns Mantel & Tile Co., 964 Halsey St. Manhattan Mantel Co., 55 Humboldt St. Miles, Henry & Son, 2073 Fulton St. South Brooklyn Mantel Co., 250 46th St. Van Buskirk, C. R., 180 Montague St. BUFFALO-— Bauer, John, 132 Goodell St. Day & Co., Alvin W., 877 Main St. Ellsesser, John, Jr., 1183 Niagara St. Fox-Davis Mantel Co., 652 Main St. Haist, E. R., 2474 Main St. Walbridge & Co., 392 Main St. Kosters, Werner J., 895 Main St. ELMIRA— Interior Marble & Tiling Co., 446 E. Water St. FAR ROCKAWAY— Mullen & Buckley. FREEPORT— Morrison, Daniel. GENEVA— Dorchester & Rose. HUDSON— Travers & Son. Wm. H. JAMAICA—- Carpenter, John R. Co. KINGSTON—— Stock & Cordts, 84 Broadway. MT. VERNON— Farrell. J. E. Rand Tile & Mantel Co., 154 E. lst St. Shannon, John E., 415 W. Lincoln Ave. MIDDLETOWN— Swalm, Geo. A. & Sons. NEWBURG— Shannon & Co., 102 Liberty St. NEW ROCHELLE— Felleman & Farrell, 208 Huguenot. NIAGARA FALLS—— Hayes Grate & Mantel Co. NEW YORK CITY—— Bradley-Currier Co., E., 121 W. 23rd St. Chester Mantel & Tile Co., 38 E. 21st St. Grant, Wm. D. & Co., 327 W. 42nd St. Grimshaw, Campbell & Green, 240 11th Ave. Hudson Mantel & Mirror Co., 312 Broadway. Jackson Mantel & Grate Works, 246 Front St. Jackson, E. A. & Bro., 50 Beekman St. Jackson, W. H. & Co., 29 E. 17th St. Jamestown Mantel Co. Kuhner, Geo. A., Park Ave. and 129th St. Leiber, Schrenkeisen & Noble, Marbridge Bldg. Lincoln Mantel Co., Lincoln Ave. and 133d St. Mead Co., J. H., 242 4th Ave. Petri, Herman, 124 E. 41st St. Toch Tile Co., N. B. OLEAN— Ba‘rse & Co., C. V. B. Miller Hardware Co. PORT JERVIS— Wood, Lorenzo, 126 Pike St. POUGHKEEPSIE— Grobe, F. E. Grobe, Walter H. RICHMOND HILL—- Long Island Mantel & Tile Co., 2133 Jamaica Ave. ROCHESTER— Barry, James C. & Co. Nell Bros. & Kern, 240 State St. Noeth, Geo. E. Co., 44 Clinton Ave. Sackett, Eugene G. & Co., 160 South Ave. SCHENECTADY— Hall, A. L., 101 Glenwood Building. Weeks, H. S. SYRACUSE—— Stearns & Sons, 328 S. Warren St. Syracuse Mantel, Tile & Marble Co., 333 E. Genesee St. TROY—— Dickson, H. S., 267 River St. Conroy Marble & Tile Works. Sanitary Marble & Tiling Co. UTICA— Griffith & Pierce. Hughes, J. F. Construction Co., 33 Charlotte St. WALDEN— Millspaugh, T. L. WATERTOWN— Hyde Bros., 29 Public Sq. WHITE PLAINS— Brockhurst, W. A. WOODMERE L. I.— Walsh, F. K. YONKERS— Brockhurst, Wm. A., 225 S. Broadway. NORTH CAROLINA. ASHEVILLE— Scott Lumber Co. Westall, W. H. & Co. CHARLOTTE— Charlotte Builders Supply Co. McCausland, J. N. & Co., 221 S. Tryon St. DURHAM— Holland Bros. GREENSBORO—— Odell Hardware Co., 321 Elm St. The Southside Mantel Co. GOLDSBORO— Slaughter Co., John RALEIGH— Council Mantel Co., G. J. Ellington Builders Supply Co. SALISBURY— Salisbury Hardware & Furniture Co. WINSTON-SALEM— Brown-Rogers '81 Co., 4th and Main Sts. Fogle Bros. Co. Orinoco Supply Co. OHIO. AKRON—— Ewing Mantel Co. Flower Mantel Co. ASHTABULA— Mitchell Hardware Co. BELLEFONTAINE— Milligan & Orr, 107 N. Main St. BRIDGEPORT— Scott Lumber Co. CADIZ— Long, E. M. & Son. CAMBRIDGE— Allen, 0. G. -—II— CANTON— Fife Bros. Co. Yost, L. P. D. CHILLICOTHE— Eberle Co., J. J. Lefebure & Co. McNeilis, W. A. CINCINNATI— Foy & Starr Co. Moorman & Otten. Schroeder, Martin. CLEVELAND— Art Tile & Fireplace Co. . Auld & Conger Co., 942 Prospect St. Cleveland Mantel & Tile Co., 1426 E. 30th St. Shaw Mantel & Tile Co. Teachout, The A. Co., 331 Prospect Ave. Wadsworth-Adelson Co. Watson & Guest, 5911 Euclid Ave. COLUMBUS— Capitol City Mantel Co., 74 E. Town St. Cussins & Fearn, 48 W. Spring St. W. F. Hutchinson. Columbus Mantel & Grate Co. Lewis, John R. Phillips Tile & Mantel Co. COSHOCTON— Coshocton Hardware Co. Gray Hardware Co. DAYTON—— Barker & Staub. . Davis Mantel & Grate Co., 208 Main St. King Bros. & Co. EAST LIVERPOOL— East Liverpool Mantel & Tile Co. King~Ells Hardware Co. Smith Hardware Co. GREENVILLE— Irwin Furniture Co. HAMILTON— Spoerl Hardware Co. IRONTON— Goldcamp Bros. & Co. JAMESTOWN— Zeiner, J. W. LANCASTER—— Bletzacker Furniture Co. McNanamy, Jas. M. LIMA—- Harman, F. E. Newson-Hawisher Department Store. MANSFIELD—m Runyon, C. C. MASSILLON— Portman, A. F. MARIETTA— Wagner, H. A. MARION— Saiter, F. R. MARTIN’S FERRY— Long, Heyward. MIDDLETOWN— Steckrath, Geo. F. MT. VERNON— Ransom, O. NEWARK— Jones, J. C. Kates, John H. NEW PHILADELPHIA— Edwards, Geo. J. PORTSMOUTH—- Hibbs Hardware Co. SANDUSKY— Butts & Son, J. J., 2 Sloane Block. Donahue Hardware Co., 735 Water St. SPRINGFIELD— McDaniel, R. E. Mantel Co., 325 Fairbanks Bldg. STEUBENVILLE— Anderson, C. Ross & Son, 126 S. 3rd St. Mosel, F. W. TOLEDO— Lindow, Leibius & Gerchow Co., 220 Superior St. Practical Mantel Co., 918 Monroe St. Toledo Mantel & Tile Co., 513 Jefferson St. TROY— Cosley, H. A. Schaible & Smith. VAN WERT— Siddles & Needler. WASHINGTON C. H.— Dice-Mark Hardware Co. Ford Hardware Co. XENIA— Conwell, J. C.’ YOUNGSTOWN— Williams, Homer S. Co. Youngstown Mantel & Tile Co. ZANESVILLE— Beall & Garrett. Shaw Mantel & Tile Co. OKLAHOMA. ENID— Sales & Thompson Construction Co. GUTHRIE— Brickner, H. T. MUSKQGEE— Bu11ders Supply & Warehouse Co. OKLAHOMA CITY— Bass & Harbor Furniture Co. Enders Co., The Harbour & Longmire Co. Taylor & CO. C. W. TULSA— Oklahoma Marble & Tile Co. OREGON. PORTLAND— Oregon Art Tile Co. Walsh, M. J. Co., 311 Stark St. PENNSYLVANIA. ALLEGHENY— Standard Mantel & Tile Co. Twin City Tiling Co., 16 W. North Ave. ALLENTOWN— Bowman, Fulton, 949 Hamilton St. Weil, F. W. & Co. ALTOONA— Co-Operative Marble & Tile Co. AMBRIDGE— Martsolf Furniture Co. BEAVER FALLS—— Knott & Harker Co. Martsolf Furniture Co. BUTLER—— Frank Biedenbach. Butler Mantel & Tile Co. Standard Mantel & Tile Co. COATESVILLE— Doane, J. E. GRAFTON— Crafton Builders Supply Co. Crafton Mantel & Tile Co. DUQUESNE— ' Eureka Mantel & Tile Co. EASTON— Raisbeck & Diehl, 524 Northampton St. ERIE— Depinet Bros. Erie Mantel & Tile Co., 1301 State St. ETNA— Union Mantel & Tile Co. FRANKLIN— Park, Boyd N. GREENSBURG— _ Greensburg Mantel & Tile Co. McColly & Son, E. B. HARRISBURG— ' Lauver, W. E. E., 2230 N. 6th St. HOMESTEAD— Hagerty Mantel Co., Frank J. JEANETTE— Atlas Supply Co. JOHNSTOWN— Penn. Tile & Mantel Supply Co., Lincoln Bldg. KITTANNING—- Heilman Bros. Lumber Co. LANCASTER— Stockley & McNelis, 35 S. Queen St. Slaugh, Wm. Steinman Hardware Co. LEBANON— Swope Tile Co., J. P. McKEESPORT— Atlas Mantel 8: Tile Co. McKeesport Mantel & Tile Co. National Mantel Co., 1109 5th Ave. MONESSEN— Jones, S. S. MONONGAHELA— McKinley, H. W. & W. L. MT. OLIVER— Acme Mantel & Tile Co. NEW BRIGHTON—. Marsolf Furniture Co. NEWCASTLE— Euwer’s, J. N. Sons’ Sons. Frew Furniture Co. OIL CITY— Koch, R. G. 8: Co. Oil City Mantel, Tile & Marble Co. OIL CITY, SOUTH— Osenider & Fritz. PHILADELPHIA—- Belfi Bros. Co., 22 S. 19th St. Chapman Decorating Co. Fowler, Reuben A. French, Sam’l H. & Co., York Ave. and 4th St. Haney-White Co., 2730 N. Broad St. Kline, Chas. B., 28 S. 16th St. Kraan Furniture Co., Hy. Market St. Mantel & Tile Co. Miller, Jos. S., 1208 Ridge Ave. O’Brien & Co. Ostendorf, W. G., 2923 N. Broad St. Sloan, Wesley, 1835 Market St. Suddards, Chas. A. Wanamaker, John, 13th and Market. Warren Wood Working Co., 1326 Chestnut St. PITTSBURG— Acme Mantel & Tile Co., 112 Southern Ave. Aiken & Co., Century Building. Busse Mantel & Tile Co. Ali, Frank, 2534 5th Ave. Detrick Co., E. J., 3924 5th Ave. Dufford Co., J. B., 222 Bessemer Building. East End Mantel & Tile Co., 5914 Baum Ave. Elliott Mantel & Tile Co., Lorenz Ave. and Cru— cible St. Herrick & Co., 114 Wabash Ave. Highland Mantel & Tile Co., 5702 Penn. Ave. Homeward Mantel Works, 7326 Hamilton Ave. Liberty Mantel & Tile Co., 6031 Broad St., E. E. Mcllwain Co.,S. D., 5906 Penn. Ave., E. Liberty. Pittsburg Slate Mantel Co., 200 Lehigh Ave. Roenigk, E. O. 211 7th St. Spellman Co. M. J. Stengle Bros. Co., 1508 5th Ave. The Graff Co., 955 Liberty St. Wabash Mantel & Tile Co., 764 W. Carson St. West, J. A. READING— Landis, 0. M. Co. Moore, Jno. Penn. Tile & Mantel Co., 731 Penn. Ave. SCRANTON— Art Mosaic Tile & Stained Glass Co., 515 Linden St. Barriscale, W. J ., 312 Washington Ave. Scranton Tile Co., Wyoming Ave. and Pine St. SHARON—— Flower, Chas. S. Wallis & Carley Co. Wishart A. & Son’s Co. SWISSVALE— Weaver & Ramsey. TARENTUM— Builders Mantel & Tile Co., 607 Wood St. UNIONTOWN— Carr, John D., First National Bank Building. Uniontown Builders Supply Co. VANDERGRIFT— Rarie, Baxter. WILLIAMSPORT— Kline & Co. WASHINGTON— Dunbar-Wallace Lumber Co. WAYNESBURG— Acklin, S. & Son. WILKESBARRE— Carpenter, B. G. & Co., 6 W. Market St. Kachenbach, John, 255 S. Main St. Lewart, Henry V. WILKINSBURG— Morris, Graf & Co. YORK—- Stockley & McNelis, 214 W. Market St. RHODE ISLAND. PROVIDENCE— Crooker Co., 230 Weybosset, St. Cull & Williams Co., 180 Washington St. Grimwood, H. A. Co., 1163 Westminster St. Providence Mantel & Tile Co., 204 Charles St. SOUTH CAROLINA. ANDERSON— Barton, J. E. Brissey, W. L. Lumber Co. Townsend, H. C. BENNETTSVILLE— Haig, I. M. CHARLESTON—- Buell Bros. Cowperthwait & Co., 283 King St. Phoenix Furniture Co., 187 King St. CLINTON—— Farr, W. B. COLUMBIA— Lorick, Lee A. & Bro., 1519 Main St. Henderson—Suydam Hardware Co., 1645 Main St. FLORENCE— . Waters, W. M. GREENVILLE— Gilreath-Durham Co., 210 S. Main St. Morgan & Austin Co. GREENWOOD— Craig Supply Co. LAURENS— Wilkes, S. M. & E. H. ORANGEBURG— Dukes & Rhodes. SPARTANBURG— Burnett & Johnson, 127 S. Liberty St. Smith Mantel Co. SUMTER— ' Simpson Furniture Co. Vogel, E. W. TENNESSEE. BRISTOL—— Mitchell-Powers Hardware Co. Stone-Huling Lumber Co. Virginia-Tennessee Hardware Co. CHATTANOOGA— Snow Heating & Roofing Co., Tom, 14 E. 7th St. West Construction Co. Willard Bros. & Holt. COLUMBIA— . Dobbins & Ewmg. JACKSON— Christie, J. J. JOHNSON CITY— Brading & Marshall Lumber Co. KNOXVILLE— Cruze-Sterling Co., 316 Gay St. King Mantel Co. Standard Mantel & Specialty Co. White Mantel & Tile Co. MEMPHIS— Bluff City Lumber Co. Niemeyer Mantel Co., A. E., 189 Madison Ave. Northcross Mantel & Grate Co., W. J ., 64 S. 2nd St. Graham, F. D., 44 N. 2nd St. MORRISTOWN— J ones-Marshall Lumber Co. NASHVILLE— Jones & Hopkins Mfg. C0., 207 3d Ave., N. Palmer, H. E., 410 Deaderick St. Phillips & Co. Phillips & Buttorff C0., 217 3d Ave., N. Sawrie-Miller C0., The, 156 4th Ave., N. TEXAS. AUSTIN— Nalle & Co. BEAUMONT—fi Texas Bu11ders’ Supply Co. CLEBURNE— Dickson Hardware 8: Furniture Co. DALLAS— Fakes Furniture & Carpet C0., 369 Elm St. Simpson Mantel C0., 279 Pacific Ave. DENISON— Hall-Leeper Hardware Co. EL PASO— El Paso Mantel & Tile C0., 411 Texas St. FT. WORTH— Ellison Furniture & Carpet Co. Fakes & C0., 1619 Main St. Strathdee Mantel & Tile Co. GALVESTON— Schadt, Wm. GREENVILLE— Armistead & Ende. HOUSTON— Bering-Cortes Hardware C0., Prairie Ave. and Milan St. Bering, C. L. & Theo. Jr., 609 Main St. Brown-Woods Electric C0., 805 Fannin St. Houston Mantel & Tile Co. PALESTINE— Sillman Hardware & Grocery Co. PARIS— Rogers, J. W. SAN ANTONIO— San Antonio Hardware Co. Schuwirth, W. G. & C0., 229 W. Commerce. Shafer, A. H. SAN MARCOS— Hutchings Hardware Co. SHERMAN—— Holliday & Lair. . Leslie-Taylor Hardware Co. TAYLER— Brazelton, Pryor Co. WACO— Cameron, Wm. & Co. Nash-Robinson Co. WAXAHACHIE— Waxahachie Lumber Co. WEATHERFORD— Bell, R. E. Hardware Co. Lowe-Carter Hardware Co. UTAH. OGDEN— Eccles Lumber Co. SALT LAKE—— Letchfield & Barstow, 46 S. State St. Morris, Elias & Sons C0., 23 W. South Temple St. VERMONT. BRANDON—— Backus C0., The VIRGINIA. BLACKSTONE— Seay-Dillard Hardware Co. BRISTOL. VA.. TENN.— Bristol Hardware Co. Mitchell—Powers Hardware Co. CHARLOTTSVILLE— Charlottsville Hardware Co. Wood C0., J. Edwin DANVILLE— Orchard, Chas., 121 S. Union St. HARRISONBURG— Bucher, Wm. M. & Son. Heatwole, The J. S. Co. LYNCHBURG— Diuguid-Noel Metalware C0., 1206 Main St. NORFOLK— Clark Sash and Door Corporation. Nash, C. A. & Son, 23 Atlantic Ave. Norfolk Building Supply Corpo., 98 Brooke Ave. Marshall, W. W. & Co. White Hardware C0., The, 309 Main St. PETERSBURG— Petersburg Builders Supply C0., Market St. Peterson & Jefferson. Peterson & Nelson, 221 N. Sycamore St. PORTSMOUTH—— Hawks-Maupin C0., 717 High St. RICHMOND—- Baldwin & Brown. Bernhard, H. F. & Bro., 111 Main St. Gerhardt & Son, G. F. Mahoney, W. F., 523 E. Main St. Virginia Plumbing & Heating C0., 26 N. 9th St. ROANOKE— Marsteller, J.’ H., 21 E. Campbell Ave. Gitt, F. L. & Co. STAUNTON— Bowman & Bro., C. P. Miller, A. Erskine. SUFFOLK—— Allen, R. R. Folk, E. L. & Co. WASHINGTON. BELLINGHAM— . Bellingham Electric and Supply Co. SEATTLE— - Rogers & Kohler C0., The. Miles & Piper C0., Z. C. “—15”— SPOKANE— Empire Tile & Mantel Co., 824 Sprague Ave. Spokane Mantel & Tile Co. Washington Mantel & Tile Co. TACOMA— Sloan Co. WEST VIRGINIA. BLUEFIELD— Georgia Lumber Co. Richardson Hardware Co. W. J. Winesett. BUCKHANNON— T. B. Drummond & C0,, Depot St. CHARLESTON— Baird Hardware Co. Burlew, N. S. Gates Sons Co., J. M. Lowenstein & Son. Yellow Pine Lumber Co. CLARKSBURG— Cottrill & Post, 126 2nd St. Williams Hardware Co. FAIRMONT—' Boyer & Freeman. Ford & C0,, Earl S., 103 Fairmount Ave. GRAFTONT Excelsmr Mantel Co. HUNTINGTON— , Carolina Pine & Lumber Co. Emmons-Hawkins Hardware Co. Foster-Mead Hardware Co. MARTINSB URG— Bender, Lee M. MORGANTOWN— Michael, E. W. Price, G. & W. E. PARKERSBURG— Parkersburg Mantel & Tile Co. WHEELING— Art Tile, China & Mantel Co., 917 Market St. Chapman, W. H. & Sons, 1218 Main St. Caldwell & Co., B. F.,1510 Market St. Wilson, W. A. & Son, 1409 Main St. WISCONSIN. EAU CLAIRE—— Tri-State Marble & Tile Co. MILWAUKEE— Durner, U. P. McCusker, J. D. & Co., 612 Grand Ave. Milwaukee Tile Mosaic Co. Neidner, H. & Co., 49 Oneida St. Ormsby Mantel & Grate Co. Wisconsin Mantel & Tile C0,, 420 Milwaukee St. CANADA. BRANTFORD. ONT.— Duncan, Chas. & Sons. CALGARY. ALBERTA— Ashdown, J. H. Hardware Co. Metals Ltd. Western Supply & Equipment Co. HAMILTON. ONT.—. Hamilton Mantel & Tile Co., 160 King St. Kent, Garven & Co. McQueen Mantel & Tile Supply. Middleton Marble & Granite Co., 236 King St., E. LONDON. ONT.— Hamilton, Alex. Bland, R. R. MONTREAL. QUE.— Locker, The G. R. Co., 113 W. Notre Dame St. Robert Mitchell Co., The. Morgan Co., Henry Rheaume, N. & Frere Muir, R. S. & Co., 257 St. Katherine St., W. OTTAWA. ONT.— Ellacott, J. A. L., 274 Bank St. Mills, A. K. & Son. OWEN SOUND—— Owen Sound Granite & Marble Works. QUEBEC— Mechanics Supply Co., 80 St. Paul St. ST. JOHNS. N. B.— Emerson & Fisher, Ltd. ST. THOMAS. ONT.— lngram & Davey. SASKATOON. SASK.— Enterprise Hardware Co., Alberta Ave. and 23rd. TORONTO. ONT.— Canada Glass, Mantels & Tiles, Ltd. Eaton, The T. Co., 190 Younge St. O’Keefe Mantel Co. Simpson, The R. Co. Toronto Mantel & Tile Co., 672 Younge St. Vokes Hardware Co., 40 Queen St., E. Vokes, J. L. & Sons, 68 King St., W. VANCOUVER. B. C.— Champion & White, 939 Westminster Ave. O’Neil & Co., Wm. N., 500 Block, Seymour St. Dairon & Williams, 300 Block, Pender, W. Morrison, D. R., 525 Seymour St. VICTORIA. B. C. Leigh & Sons, James. WINDSOR. .ONT.— . Excels1or Granite and Marble Co. WINNIPEG. MAN.— Ashdown, J. H. Hardware Co. Burns & Co., 316 Donald St. Eaton Co., The T. 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[\lo. I I. Shaker head. . I. No. I. Upper or Flue Damper. No. I2. Sicle Fire Tile. 3. Upper damper. I2. Ash‘ screen, or crown 2. Lower or Direct Damper. I 3 . Back Fire Tile. 4. Lower or direct damper. . piece. 3. Down Draft Damper. I 4. Down Draft Flue. 6. Ash space between baskets. ' ’4' Fire "(9' . 4. Top Tile. I5. Shell to down Jraftflue. 8. Outside basket with slicle. I5- Summer piece. 5 and 6- Anchor 1’9” ho,"‘ I6. Opening under grate for 9. Inside basket, or fire front. I 6' lamb, Whid‘ can be re— g [Op h, ' down draft flue ,0 Shaker fin moved so as to replace 7. Outside Basket. . - . gels. tile. I7. lamb on which basket 8- Inside Basket. hangs. Ri ht jamb can 9. Ash space between baskets. be removezf so as to re- I0. Ash 5 reen or Crown place .fi’e tile without Piece. removing grate. II. ShakerLBottom. I8. Afih Bar or double cod. 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