22.413.23.212 AY~ 1473-3-5- 7 D 3 (9575’ “PC, Vt 9'03” g0? mm LIBRAR pleas; Yb £qu in ,0 /a,+es. X-ray Mineralogy of the Parachute Creek Member, Green River Formation, in the Northern Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado "mm me: ~ : twmm magma???) . . l - i! I f". "' 5‘: 4; . , _ ‘ in“ Mnmmigjiiwffifi 1 J ‘1 <31 ,i E g, ‘C\ _, X-ray Mineralogy of the Parachute Creek Member, Green River Formation, in the Northern Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado By DONALD A. BROBST and JERRY D. TUCKER GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 803 A study of oil shale, marlstone, and tuff, some containing dawsonite, in three exposed sections UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1973 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. 73-600120 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 — Price $1.00 domestic postpaid or 75 cents GPO Bookstore Stock Number 2401-00336 —+ CONTENTS Abstract Introduction Piceance Creek basin Lithologic terms Tertiary stratigraphy Older Tertiary rocks ----------------------- Wasatch Formation ------- Green River Formation ------------------ Douglas Creek Member ---------- Garden Gulch Member Anvil Points Member ---------- Parachute Creek Member ------ Evacuation Creek Member ---------------------------------- Measured sections Pipeline section Lower Piceance Creek section ------------------------------------------- Rio Blanco section Mineral composition -- Laboratory work Procedures Discussion Oil shale and marlstone ------------------------------------------------- Vertical variation in composition ----------------------------- Fossiliferous oil shale and marlstone, pipeline section -- ’1! no N (D mammmmspshswwww Mineral composition—Continued Oil shale and marlstone—Continued Vertical variation in composition—Continued Marlstone and medium-brown oil shale, pipe- line section ------------------------------------------------------ Oil shale from the Mahogany ledge, lower Pi- ceance Creek section ------------------------------------- Massive marlstone from the Mahogany ledge, lower Piceance Creek section ---------------------- Marlstone and laminated oil shale from the Mahogany ledge, Rio Blanco section --------- Lateral variation in composition ---------------------- Medium—brown oil shale, pipeline section -------- Dark, pyritic oil shale, Rio Blanco section ------- Dawsonitic rocks Vertical variation in composition ----------------------------- Dawsonitic, pyritic oil shale, lower Piceance Creek road -------------------------------- Lateral variation in composition ------------------------------ Tuff beds Sandstone dikes Cavities Sedimentation and diagenesis ------------------------------------------------- References cited ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE 1. Index map of the Piceance Creek basin and adjacent areas 2. Diagram showing correlation of three measured secti Formation in the Piceance Creek basin ons of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River gauge: Map showing location of the measured section p—A owes . Map showing locations of parts of the measure . Photograph showing the lower part of the Parachute units ledge in the lower Piceance Creek section ---------------------------- ed oil shale from the Mahogany ledge in the lower Piceance Creek section, as expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units (1 section of the ParachutelCreek Member on lower Piceance Creek Creek Member on lower Piceance Creek ----------------------------------- . Photograph showing upper part of the Parachute Creek Member on lower Piceance Creek ------------ -- Diagram showing nomenclature used for the Parachute Creek Member on lower Piceance Creek -------------------------- of the Parachute Creek Member near Rio Blanco--------------------- ----- Diagram showing nomenclature used for the Parachute Creek Member in the Rio Blanco section . Photograph of fossiliferous laminated oil shale and marlstone from the pipeline section ------------------------------------------- . Histograms showing mineral composition of fossiliferous laminated oil shale and marlstone from the pipeline section, as expressed by X-ray peak height in chart 11. Photograph of laminated oil shale from the Mahogany 12. Histograms showing mineral composition of laminat 13. Histograms showing mineral composition of massive marlstone from the Mahogany ledge in the lower Piceance Creek section, as expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units 14. Photograph of marlstone and laminated oil shale from the Mahogany ledge in the Rio Blanco section ------------------- 15. Histograms showing mineral composition of marlstone and laminated oil shale from the Mahogany ledge in the Rio Blanco section, as expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units 16. Histograms showing lateral variation in mineral composnion of medium—brown 011 shale from the pipeline section, as expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units III Page Page 13 14 15 22 23 25 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 FIGURE 17. 18—21. 22. TABLE 1. 4-11. CONTENTS Page Histograms showing lateral variation in mineral composition of dark pyritic oil shale from the Rio Blanco section, as expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units 43 Graphs showing: 18. Abundance of analcime, albite, and quartz as a function of abundance of dawsonite in samples from the Parachute Creek Member 44 19. Ratios of silicon to aluminum and of silicon to aluminum plus sodium in analcime from 91 samples with and without dawsonite, Parachute Creek Member 45 20. Abundance of albite as a function of abundance of analcime in samples containing dawsonite, Parachute Creek Member 45 21. Abundance of albite as a function of abundance of analcime in oil shale and marlstone, Parachute Creek Member 50 Histograms showing mineral composition of dawsonitic, pyritic oil shale along lower Piceance Creek road, as expressed by X-ray peak height in chart unit“ 51 TABLES Page Two-theta position of X-ray peaks measured for use in tables of mineral composition of rocks in the Green River Formation 26 . X-ray data, expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units, from grinding experiments on dawsonitic rocks from the lower Piceance Creek section. A, Peak height variation with grinding time; B, Peak height varia— tion with size fraction and grinding time 27 . Ranges of X-ray peak height in chart units from four replicate scans of test samples ------------------------------------------------ 28 Mineral composition, expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units: 4. Rocks in stratigraphic succession from the pipeline section 29 5. Rocks in stratigraphic succession from the lower Piceance Creek section 30 6. Rocks in stratigraphic succession from the Rio Blanco section 32 7. Oil shale and marlstone from the three measured sections 34 8. A sequence of marlstone and medium-brown oil shale from the pipeline section -------------------------------------------- 36 9. Fifty-four dawsonitic rocks exposed on lower Piceance Creek 44 10. The dawsonitic oil-shale zone at six localities along lower Piceance Creek 46 11. Seventy-four tuffs above and below the Mahogany marker 48 X-RAY MINERALOGY OF THE PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, IN THE NORTHERN PICEANCE CREEK BASIN, COLORADO By DONALD A. BROBST and JERRY D. TUCKER ABSTRACT Mineralogy of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation (Eocene age) was studied by X-ray diffraction analysis of about 650 samples of oil shale, marlstone, and intercalated thin- bedded altered tuff collected from three measured sections along the pipeline on the Cathedral Bluffs and along upper and lower Piceance Creek, Rio Blanco County, Colo. The measured sections are described in detail to provide a framework for the discussion of vertical and lateral variation in mineral composition and to pro- vide study sections for stratigraphic and mineralogic correlation of exposed rocks with rocks obtained from drill cores in the deeper parts of the basin. Mineral composition of the oil shale and marlstone (expressed in relative abundance of the minerals as a function of X-ray peak height) generally is various mixtures of dolomite, calcite, quartz,_ potassium feldspar, albite, analcime, illite, and pyrite. Dolomite is abundant in most of the rocks. Calcite occurs in more samples and in greater abundance above the Mahogany ledge than below it. Quartz content varies within narrow limits. Potassium feldspar occurs in more samples and in slightly greater abundance than al- bite. Analcime occurs in most of the rocks but is slightly more abundant in rich oil shale than in marlstone. Small amounts of illitic clay are common. Pyrite is a common accessory mineral that is more abundant in rirh oil shale than in lean oil shale and marlstone. Dawsonite (NaA. 4,2003), of interest as a potential source of aluminum and, prior to 1966 reported only from beds at depth in the basin, was found disseminated in oil shale exposed below the Mahogany ledge on lower Piceance Creek. The dawsonitic oil shale contains considerably less analcime, dolomite, and calcite, slightly less feldspar, about the same amount of illite, and more quartz than oil shale that does not contain dawsonite. The relations of analcime, dawsonite, and quartz in the exposed rocks suggest that some dawsonite formed diagenetically from . analcime. A zone of dawsonitic oil shale about 45 feet thick at its emergence from the subsurface on lower Piceance Creek wedges out about 1.5 miles to the north (shoreward). Samples of oil shale and marlstone obtained with the use of a dental drill from single laminae and groups of laminae a few millimeters thick indicate a greater vertical variation in the com- position than is indicated by composite samples from thicker in tervals of the same rock. A unit of oil shale and marlstone about 1 meter thick has laminae containing more dolomite than calcite that alternate with laminae containing more calcite than dolomite. Changes in predominance of dolomite or calcite ap- parently do not correlate with any obvious feature of the rock. Tuff beds are abundant; many are less than 1 inch thick, but a few are more than 1 foot thick. The beds weather creamy yellow or orange brown and commonly form reentrants. The major constituents of 74 tuffs studied were analcime, quartz, potassium feldspar, and albite. Less abundant constituents were dolomite, calcite, biotite, and illitic and chloritic clays. Dawsonite was detected in four tuffs along lower Piceance Creek. The abundance of volcanic material delivered to the basin seems to have in- creased after deposition of the rocks in the Mahogany ledge. Richly organic carbonate rock, with its small suite of constituent minerals, that forms most of the Parachute Creek Member is con- sidered to be the product of sedimentation and diagenesis in a stratified lake containing fresh (or fresher) water at the top, alkaline water at the bottom, and, at least occasionally, a zone of mixed water in between. The lake waters were carbonated from some decay of the organic matter. Most of the original sediment de— livered to the basin yielded its constituents to form authigenic minerals. INTRODUCTION Large deposits of oil shale and saline minerals in the Green River Formation in adjacent parts of Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah have drawn much attention since Hayden (1869, p. 90) first described these rocks of Eocene age along the Green River west of Rock Springs, Wyo. Subsequent study has shown that the formation is principally a sequence of com- plexly related lacustrine deposits that is widely pre- served in four basins (fig. 1): the Green River Basin (Bradley, 1964; Culbertson, 1961, 1962, 1965); the Wa- shakie Basin (Roehler, 1969); the Uinta Basin (Brad- ley, 1931; Cashion, 1967); and the Piceance Creek basin (Bradley, 1931; Donnell, 1961). Oil shale occurs in all the basins but is most abundant and of high- est grade in the Piceance Creek basin. Saline deposits vary from basin to basin and include great com- mercial deposits of trona (Na2CO'3-NaHC03-2H20) in the Green River Basin, Wyo. (Culbertson, 1966; Bradley and Eugster, 1969), and large resources of nahcolite (NaHCOa) and dawsonite (NaAl(OH)2C03) in the Piceance Creek basin, Colorado (Hite and Dyni, 1967). Until recently, dawsonite was con- sidered to be a rare mineral (Smith and Milton, 1966); but its discovery in large amounts in the Piceance Creek basin makes it of especial interest as a potential source of aluminum, and research into its origin, occurrence, and distribution has been stimulated. X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO 108° 1 109° 1 MOFFAT CO __———_———_—____-— (1 " RIO BLANCO 00 —40° MESA co . 112° 111° 110° 109° 108° 1071 I I I I 43 CD OIZ m E white .3 Marlstone weathers light yellow orange; slab- by; some light-brown oil shale. Several small cavities from leached saline (?) minerals at 10.1 ft above base. Partly covered--------—-—--—--—-- 12.4 Tuff. Base of L—5 zone~~~ .1 Oil shale, light-brown; weathers blocky. (This unit near a green and white metal fence post and a wooden stake is marked 1%: on the pipe- line right-of—way.) Top of R-5 zone-—----«-—-~~-—-— 40 Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown; weathers blue gray; top is a sharp break with overlying unit. Cavities 6-10 in. in maximum dimension caused by leached saline minerals; broken paper-thin brown septa-------—~-—---——-—~—-—~--—-—-— 2.4 Oil shale, light-brown; weathers blocky—--—-—~---- 5.3 Nearly complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the MEASURED SECTIONS 1 1 Green River Formation along the pipeline—Continued Parachute Creek Member (part)—Continued Thickness (feet) 66. Tuff 0.1 65. Oil shale 1.0 64. Tuff .1 *63. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blue gray; Brec- 62. *61 60. 59. 58. *57 . 56. 55. *54. 53. 52. 51. 50. . Marlstone, light-brown-gray; weathers slabby to *48. 47. *46. 45. *44. *43. *42. ciated. Cavities to 6 in. in maximum dimen- sion caused by leached saline minerals. Heavy films of hydrocarbon material along bedding planes. Samples are dolomitic septum from cavity and dark-brown oil shale-mm- Oil shale. Base of R—5 zone ----------------------------------- Tuff, feldspathic; smooth contacts top and base; laterally persistent. Top of L—4 zone ---------------- Marlstone, light-brovVn; weathers yellow ------------ Oil shale, light-brown----------------------—--------------------- Tuff zone. Five tuffs 71—1/2 in. thick with small inclusions of oil shale. Tuffs interbedded with oil shale Oil shale, light-yellow-brown to light-brown- gray; weathers platy and blocky in alternate layers. Sample is from 1 ft below top--------------- Tuff, analcimic; laterally persistent; undulating upper contact; basal contact irregular; inter- fingers with underlying oil shale ---------------------- Oil shale, light-yellow-brown to light-brown- gray; weathers platy and blocky in alternate layers Tuff, analcimic; laterally persistent; undulating contacts Marlstone, light-brown-gray; weathers platy to blocky Tuff Marlstonv Tuff blocky Tuff, analcimic; weathers orange brown; sandy textured; lower contact smooth, upper contact undulating. Base of L—4 zone ---------------------------- Oil shale, light-brown; weathers slabby. Top of R—4 zone Oil shale, dark-brown to red-brown; weathers blue gray. Locally, beds are contorted and have secondary coatings and pods of dolo- mite. Possibly marks a zone leached of saline minerals. Sample is dark-brown oil shale. (Near top of unit is black 340 painted on out- crop.) ‘ Marlstone, gray; hackly fracture ------------------------- Tuff, analcimic; weathers bright orange; lat- erally continuous bed ------------------------------------------ Oil shale, light-brown, and some alternate lay- ers of dark-brown oil shale a few inches thick. Scattered gar-pike scales. Dark beds weather blue gray. Unit weathers blocky in lower part, platy in upper part. Several thin tuffs less than 1A in. thick in upper 1.5 ft. Sample is interlayered light- and dark-brown oil shale from uppermost 1 ft. (Black 360 painted on rock 3 ft above base.) --------------------------------------------------- Tuff zone. Uppermost tuff is 0.1 ft thick, anal- cimic; has wavy lower contact, smooth upper 1.0 5.1 2.4 7.0 1.8 8.9 .15 8.8 3.5 .02 .04 5.9 2.8 1.2 6.2 13.6 Nearly complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation along the pipeline—Continued Parachute Creek Member (part)—Continued ”301275288 22 contact. Lower 0.4 ft of unit contains 3 tuff beds 1/ 16—1/8 in. thick about 1/2 in. apart sep- arated by dark-brown oil shale. (Yellow square painted on outcrop above tuff zone, and yellow T—13 painted on outcrop face 3 ft above tuff zone.) 0.5 41. Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown; weathers mostly blue gray. Some gar-pike scales ----------- 9.7 *40. Tuff zone. Uppermost 0.6 ft consists of tuff (75 percent) and many platy inclusions of oil shale (25 percent). Upper and lower contacts smooth. Light-brown blocky-weathering oil shale 0.8 ft thick above lowermost tuff and 1A1 in. thick at base of unit. Sample is lowermost tuff, dol- omitic 1.42 *39. Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown; weathers blue gray. Contains pods of dolomite that weather light brown. Sample is medium-brown oil shale from base of unit --------------------------------------- 3.5 38. Oil shale, light- to medium-brown, and some gray marlstone --------------------------------------------------- 11.8 *37. Tuff, analcimic, evenly bedded; smooth contacts at top and bottom ------------------------------------------------ .15 36. Oil shale 2.6 35. Tuff zone. Two tuffs. Lower is ”/8 in. thick, upper is 1/8 in. thick; separated by ‘A in. light-brown oil shale .06 *34. Oil shale; weathers gray; conchoidal fracture; dark specks of organic matter. Sample is from 1 ft above base ----------------------------------------------------- 5.0 *33. Tuff, analcimic; weathers yellow; fine-grained; undulating contacts. Intertongues with enclos- ing oil shale. (Yellow T 9 painted on outcrop.)— 1.2 32. Oil shale 3.0 *31. Tuff, analcimic. (Yellow circle painted on out- crop.) .08 30. Oil shale 17.7 *29. Tuff, analcimic, lenticular; discontinuous pods as much as 1 in. thick ----------------------------------------- .08 *28. Oil shale, light- to medium-brown; contains dis- seminated nodules of dolomite as much as 1 in. in diameter. Some beds of light-gray-brown marlstone 0.1—2 ft thick. Sample is light-brown oil shale 26.8 ft above base -------------------------------- 28.0 *27. Oil shale, light-brown; weathers blocky; contains 5—6 in. long and 3—4 in. thick of dolomite that weathers white. Sample is from dolomitic pod. (Black 450 painted at base of unit.) ------------------ 3.5 26. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blue gray --------- 1.0 *25. Oil shale, light- to medium-brown, fissile, and blocky marlstone. Contact with overlying unit is sharp. Sample is medium—brown oil shale 4 ft above base. Base of R—4 zone --------------------- 23.7 24. Marlstone, medium-brown; weathers blocky; con- tains flakes of carbonaceous matter and pods with iron-stained rims. Top of L—3 zone. --------- 3.5 23. Oil shale, gray-brown, fissile. Top 1 in. is ostra- codal dolomite ------------------------------------------------------ 3.6 *22. Marlstone, light-brown. Intraformational con- glomerate at base contains broken, flat, an- gular fragments of carbonate rock. About 0.4 12 Nearly complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation along the pipeline—Continued Parachute Creek Member (part)—Continued Thickness _ _ (feet) ft above is mass1ve bed of marlstone w1th stringers and clusters of pyrite perpendicular to bed. Above the pyritic part of unit are thin pods of dolomite parallel to beds. Sample is pyritic marlstone ~~ Marlstone, light-brown--—-----—-----»—~------------------------ Oil shale, light-brown; weathers gray; contains lenticular tuffaceous marlstone as much as 1 in. thick. Marlstone sampled at 8.3 ft above base Marlstone, medium- to dark-brown Marlstone, tuffaceous 1/2—1 in. thick --------------------- Marlstone, light-yellow-brown, laminated; weath- ers white. (2.5 ft below top is black 510 painted on outcrop.) Oil shale, medium-brown, fissile. Middle of unit contains tuff zone 4, consisting of 3 tuffs 1A1 in. thick Marlstone, yellow-brown; weathers white; blocky Marlstone, light-brown; weathers gray; conchoi- dal fracture; disseminated specks of limonite. Samples from top of unit and 0.6 ft above base are distinctive 1—in. and IA—in. dolomite-rich beds that resemble tuffs -------------------------------- Tuff, analcimic Marlstone, light-brown; weathers gray; concho- idal fracture Marlstone, light-brown; weathers white; blocky Marlstone, light-brown; light-gray band in mid- dle Marlstone, light-brown, blocky -------------- Marlstone, light-brown, fissile ~ . Marlstone, light-yellow-brown, well-laminated, blocky Oil shale, brown; black specks of carbon. Some yellow beds of dolomite 1 in. thick at 3 ft and 6 ft above base. First significant oil shale in section. Sample is oil shale about 3 ft above base. (Yellow circle painted on outcrop at base of unit.) . Marlstone, green, dolomitic, dense; conchoidal fracture . Marlstone, light-brown; weathers white; blocky; resistant . Shale, dark-yellow-olive, fissile to subfissile ------ .‘ Marlstone, light-yellow-brown; weathers white; blocky. (Yellow circle painted at base of unit.) . Marlstone, dolomitic, light—green-gray. Contains fish teeth. Base of good exposures and design- ated base of Parachute Creek Member ------------ Incomplete thickness of Parachute Creek Member (rounded) --------------------------------------- 909 1.6 21. 4.9 *20. 17.1 7 19. . .08 *18. 17. 11.5 16. 2.6 15. 7.5 *14. 1.2 *13. .04 *12. 8.8 11. 5.8 10. 5.3 1.0 7.5 6.9 5.5 3.6 4.5 9.3 1.0 Garden Gulch Member (part): *Shale and siltstone, poorly exposed; mostly light yellow brown to dark brown; conchoidal frac- ture common. Weathers to lighter brown frag- ments. Shales weather to small soft fragments easily crushed by hand. Illitic clay abundant. Some calcite and (or) dolomite common, espe- cially near top; these carbonate beds increase X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO Nearly complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation along the pipeline—Continued Garden Gulch Member (part)—Continued Thickness (feet) in abundance upward and mark a transition to rocks of the overlying member. Sample of brown silty shale, taken about 60 ft below top of unit, is considered repre- sentative of many beds in the upper part of the member. (Base of unit is in the cut bank along pipe- line right-of-way about 200 ft uphill from in- tersection of access road and pipeline. Yellow I painted on trunk of pine tree just above cut bank.) 90.0 Incomplete thickness of Garden Gulch Member 90.0 LOWER PICEANCE CREEK SECTION A complete section of the Parachute Creek Member (1,185 ft) is exposed in the cliffs along lower Piceance Creek in sections 11, 14, and 15, T. 1 N., R. 97 W., Rio Blanco County, Colo. The area lies in parts of the White River City and Barcus Creek SE 71/2-minute quadrangles. The base of the section is on the hill west of Piceance Creek road 2.4 miles south of its junction with Colorado Highway 64. Locations of the parts of the section are shown in figure 3. The base of the section is not well exposed but lies in a transition zone between the predominantly clay (illitic) Shales of the Garden Gulch Member below and the carbonate-rich rocks of the Parachute Creek Member above. The contact, placed where carbonate- rich rocks become the predominant rock type, is shown in figure 4. The top of the section has good ex- posures of the upper part of the Parachute Creek Member and the lower part of the overlying sandy beds of the Evacuation Creek Member (fig. 5). The mineral composition of 135 samples from this section is given in table 5 and is discussed in detail later. Rocks in this section are of especial interest because they contain dawsonite. The lithic details of this section follow. Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation along lower Piceance Creek in secs. 11,14, and 15, T. 1 N., R. .97 W., Rio Blanco County, Col . [Section measured by D. A. Brobst and J. D. Tucker tance of J. R. Dyni in 1966 and collaboration in 1970. * indicates sample data in table 5] with Thickness Evacuation Creek Member (part): (feet) *Sandstone, tuffaceous, brown, fine to very fine grained; lower contact unconformable. Base of member (fig. 5). Two samples. (Yellow E painted on rock at base of unit.)l-~--—----Unmeasured Parachute Creek Member : 233. Marlstone, light-brown; weathers slabby and platy *232. Oil shale, dark-red-brown, pyritic ----------------------- 5.0 .3 Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green MEASURED SECTIONS River Formation along lower Piceance Creek—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued 231. *230. 229. *228. *227. *226. 225. 224. 223. 222. 221. *220. *219. 218. 217. 216. 215. *214. 213. 212. 211. 210. 209. 208. *207. Marlstone, light-brown; weathers slabby and platy. Partly covered ----------------------------------------- Oil shale, dark-red-brown, pyritic; weathers blue gray and platy. Two samples Marlstone, light-brown; weathers platy and slab- by; forms ledges along the hill slopes -------------- Oil shales; mostly light brown; some medium brown Tuff, analcimic, gray; undulating contacts-—--—- Oil shale, light-brown; contorted zone; some pods of tuffaceous material. Sample is tuff -------------- Oil shale, medium-brown; weathers to thin plates Tuff, undulating contacts; pods as much as 6 in. thick Oil shale, light- to medium-brown; weathers to thin plates Marlstone, thick-bedded, and some light-brown oil shale near top. (Yellow X painted on rocks near base of exposure.) --------------------------------------- Section offset into next gully to , north. Units 222—233 measured in second most southerly gully which has exposures of uppermost white-weathering zone. Marlstone, light-brown; exposures p00r-------- Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown. Samples are dark-brown oil shale at base of unit and med- ium-brown oil shale 10 ft above base -------------- Marlstone, light-brown with thin protruding ledges of very fine grained tuffaceous sand- stone. Poorly exposed. Sample is tuffaceous sandstone 15 ft above base -------------------------------- Sandstone, very fine grained; has organic de- bris and rusty pinhead spots ---------------------------- Marlstone, brown; weathers platy; poorly ex- posed. Base of a distinctly brown weather- ing unit Section offset to north. Marlstone; poorly exposed ------------------------------------- Oil shale, light- to medium-brown, and white marlstone; unit poorly exposed ------------------------ Limestone, white, crystalline, dolomitic; many crystal cavities caused by removal of gyp- sum(?). About 160 ft below top of member and 240 ft above top of Mahogany ledge. Des- cribed by Donnell (1961, p. 857) Marlstone, light-brown; weathers platy and slabby Marlstone, light-brown; a massive bed ----—---- Marlstone; weathers to thin plates ---------------------- Marlstone, light-brown; massive bed; weathers orange brown Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown; weathers platy Tuff zone. Five thin tuff beds alternating with light-brown oil shales. Poorly exposed. About 215 ft above top of Mahogany ledge. (Yellow T 5 painted on marlstone above unit.)---—-—-—--——- Tuff, analcimic; weathers rusty brown; weath- ers to prominent reentrant on slopes -—---—----—- Thickness (feet) 12.0 9.0 12.0 2.0 2.6 6.0 6.0 10.0 11.0 29.0 12.0 13.0 30.0 1.0 15.0 2.0 5.0 2.4 2.4 3.5 1.0 108°15’ l % 5 733 9%» RCUS CREEK SE QUADRANG WHITE RIVER CITY QUADRANGLE (D ,_.. m 01 XBA sopo 10 / 1,3 Unit 1 / / V /x 1/x Units 113—119 /$ta 3X\' Base 5551.8. Bur. Mines cut 12 Viewpoint (fig. 4) X Unit 119 \< Unit 133 Part of 15 Units 133—146X Units 146—157lx Units 178-195 X l x—:Unit|s/lé5—2l7 l XUnits 217—222 I XLiDits 22é—233 l Top of Parachute Creek Member Mahogany ledge. Units 158—176 13 / / 22 ‘ 23 / / l 5gigeazp|oint (fig.|5) (1) , , . . .5 I 24 1M|LE -0 J R97 W. 13 T.ZN. T.lN. 40° 30” FIGURE 3.—Locations of the measured section of the Parachute Creek Member on lower Piceance Creek. Numbered units refer to units described in the measured section. Station num- bers refer to sample localities of data shown in table 10. Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation along lower Piceance Creek—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued Thickness 206. Oil shale, light- to medium-brown; weathers to thick plates 205. Sandstone, light-brown, very fine grained -------- 204. Oil shale, light-brown; intercalated with beds of marlstone about 1A in. thick ---------------------- (feet) 4.6 .8 3.2 14 X—RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO FIGURE 4.—Lower part of the Parachute Creek Member on lower Piceance Creek. Lowercase letters refer to units of Bradley (1931, pl. 4A). Numbers prefixed by R and L refer to zones rich or lean in oil shale. Numbers 14 and 113 refer to units described in the measured section in this report. D marks the dawsonitic zone. X indicates the US. Bureau of Mines cut in the zone of dawsonitic rocks. ng, Garden Gulch Member. Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation along lower Piceance Creek—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued Thickness (feet) 203. Oil shale; weathers platy-- --------------------------------- 1.0 *202. Tuff, analcimic, white to light-green; weathers white with rusty spots- 1.5 201. Oil shale, medium-brown 3.0 200. Tuff, analcimic, yellow-brown- - .04 199. Oil shale, medium-brown; weathers to thin plates 2.8 *198. Tuff, analcimic, light—yellow-brown, persistent; weathers blocky --------------------------------------------------- .1 197. Oil shale, light—brown---- 10.0 196. Marlstone, light-brown» 23.0 *195. Oil shale, dark—brown; weathers platy, blue gray 1.0 Section offset to north along this bed. Units 195-178 measured in gully that has a large sandstone boulder at the mouth. Yellow circle and UP painted on boulder 194. Marlstone; forms plate-covered slope ------------------- 6.0 193. Marlstone, light-brown; forms prominent ledge. (Yellow 8A painted on ledge.) 3.0 192. Marlstone, light-brown; weathers white 2.7 *191. Oil shale, medium-brown ........................ 2 0 *190. Marlstone, light-brown, poorly exposed -------------- 11.0 Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation along lower Piceance Creek—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued Thickness (feet) *189. Marlstone, light-brown, and some tuffaceous sandstone and sandy marlstone; unit poorly exposed. Some mediumvbrown oil shale at base. Samples are oil shale at base of unit; tufface- ous sandstone 2.6, 3.6, and 5.6 ft above base; and tuffaceous marlstone 7.6 ft above base-—— 165 *188. Marlstone; poorly exposed. Samples are tuff- aceous marlstone 15 ft above base, light-yel- low carbonaceous marlstone 21 ft above base, and light-brown silty marlstone 0.4 ft below top of unit 26.0 *187. Sandstone, red-brown, massive, tuffaceous, very fine to medium-grained. Conspicuous unit (fig. 5) 7.0 186. Marlstone, light-brown, and intercalated thin- bedded red-brown sandstone. (Base about 85 ft above Mahogany ledge, but greater true thickness of interval may be masked by slump- ing.) 5.0 *185. Marlstone, light-brown, and some intercalated light- to medium-brown oil shale. 15 ft below top is tuffaceous carbonaceous siltstone and very fine grained sandstone»- MEASURED SECTIONS FIGURE 5,—Upper part of the Parachute Creek Member on lower section. Unit 187 is a distinctive sandstone. Interval between brown. Tge, Evacuation Creek Member; Tgp. Parachute Creek Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation along lower Piceance Creek—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued ”#75588 e 184. Oil shale, medium—brown 2.3 183, Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blue gray. Over- turned fold axis trends N.35°W., plunges 10° NW .5 182. Marlstone,light-urown, weathers to brittle plates 11.7 181. Oil shale, medium-brown; weathers white---------- .4 180. Marlstone, light-brown ------------------------------------------ 16.1 179. Marlstone; weathers to brittle plates; poorly ex- posed 5.5 178. Marlstone, light-brown; upper 1 foot has light- brown oil shale 3.0 Section offset to north to good exposures of Mahogany ledge. *177. Marlstone, light-brown, and intercalated light- brown oil shale 5 ft above base. Probable pos- ition of the A-groove ------------------------------------------- 10-0 176. Oil shale, light- to dark-brown; lighter colors increase upward. Top of the Mahogany ledge (fig. 5) 5.0 *175. Tuff, analcimic, orange-brown; smooth lower contact; undulating upper contact; persistent bed. Informally referred to as the false mar- ker bed. Mapped by G. N. Pipiringos and W. J. Hail, Jr., as top of Mahogany ledge (oral commun., 1970) ---------------------------------------------------- .7 *174. Oil shale, dark-brown. Sample is from 4.5 ft above base 7.9 *173. Oil shale, platy, rust-brownf efflorescent salt coatings 1.0 15 Top'ol‘ . Mahogany led a Piceance Creek. Numbers refer to units described in the measured units 217 and 221 is a sequence of rock that weathers distinctively Member. Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation along lower Piceance Creek—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued Thickness (feet) *172. Oil shale, dark-brown, laminated; weathers blocky and blue gray. (Black 40 painted on outcrop 0.7 ft above base.) --------------------------------- Tuff, analcimic; undulating upper and lower contacts; persistent bed Oil shale, dark-brown, laminated; weathers gray Tuff, analcimic, orange-brown; persistent bed. The Mahogany marker---- Oil shale, dark-brown to red-brown, laminated; weathers gray; smooth face on outcrop. Sam- ple is from 1 ft above base --------------------------------- Oil shale, dark-red-brown, laminated; weathers blue gray with rusty stains on outcrop. Sam- ples are from base and 1 ft above base. The Mahogany bed ------------------------------------- Marlstone, pale-yellowish-brown; massive bed in which calcite predominates over dolomite; darker brown discontinuous stringers of ana- lcime- and dolomite-rich rock. Some beds of clear analcime. Distinctive bed. Sample is channel sample of massive brown marl- stone. Samples 1-13, from this entire 31.25- cm-thick sequence, were studied in detail (fig. 13) *165. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers to smooth sur- face, blue gray. Samples are from 1, 3, and 4 ft above base ----------------------------------------------------- *164. Tuff, analcimic; pods 0.3 ft thick. Undulating contacts 7.8 *171. *170. *169. *168. 1.8 *167. 3.3 *166. 1.0 5.0 16 X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation along lower Piceance Creek—Continued River Formation along lower Piceance Creek—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued Thickness Thickness (feet) (feet) 163. Oil sha1n 0.3 142. Oil shale. Blue-gray-weathering ledge in upper *162. Tuff, analcimic, orange-brown; smooth con- 2.4 ft with 2 tuffs 0.5 ft and 1.3 ft below top; tacts .08 lower 3 ft medium brown and blocky--------------- 5.4 *161. Oil shale, dark-red-brown. Sample is from 2.5 141. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers to thin plates ft above base. Samples 200—218, from a 20.6- in rounded slope in upper part; forms blue- cm-thick sequence beginning at base of unit, gray-weathering ledge in lower part ................ 2_2 were studied in detail (figs. 11, 12) ----------------- 6.1 140. Oil shale, medium-brown, papery; has small *160. Tuff, analcimic; weathers light brown; smooth rusty concretions of dolomite(?) in top 0.4 ft. - 2.0 contacts .1 139. Oil shale, light-brown; conspicuous recess at 159. Oil shale, dark-red-brown, laminated; weathers top possibly caused by weathering of a tuff--- 3.0 to smooth gray face --------------------------------------------- 2.5 138. Oil shale, light- to medium-brown; weathers 158. Oil shale, dark-brown, laminated; weathers to blocky; has cavities 0.2—1 ft in diameter. Thin alternating layers of light to dark blue gray. tuff at base 2.25 Thin discontinuous dolomite laminae weath- 137. Oil shale, dark-brown; forms ledge --------------------- 1.2 er to light orange brown. (Yellow 7P painted 136. Tuff, weathered; undulating contacts ----------------- .5 at base of fresh exposures in cut at curve 135. Oil shale, dark-brown; dolomite pebbles; forms in the road.) 1.0 ledge 1.0 157. Tuff;‘undulating contacts ------------------------------------- .15 134. ’I‘uff pods, 0.4—1.2 ft thick ------------------------------------- 1.0 156. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blocky to slab- *133. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blue gray and by 5.2 blocky. Has flat brown dolomite pods. Papery 155. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers papery------ 1.1 where most intensely weathered. Good mar- 154. Tuff, Undulating contacts, persistent bed. ker bed. Marked 7 M in yellow paint----—----—----— 3.0 Makes groove in weathered outcrop. (Yellow Section offset to same bed on east side of 70 painted on outcrop.) --------------------------------------- .25 Piceance Creek valley from a point on 153. Oil shale; weathers slabby to blocky- 3.4 a nose 30 ft above Piceance Creek road. 152. Oil shale, laminated; weathers to smooth face» .6 132. Tuff, regular contacts; persistent bed. Base of 151. Oil shale, medium-brown; weathers blocky to the Mahogany ledge -------------------------------------------- .2 slabby 2.5 *131. Oil shale; mostly medium brown; weathers 150. Oil shale, dark-brown, laminated; weathers pa- slabby to blocky. 1 ft above base a cavity pery 1.1 zone from leached saline material is overlain 149. Tuff zone. Four tuffs, 1/2—1 in. thick, weather by a 1-in. light bed of dolomite. Samples are orange brown and are separated by dark- weathered material from near cavity: dark- brown oil shale. Zone forms reentrant in ex- brown oil shale from cavity zone, and the posure .5 light dolomite bed ------------------------------------------------ 3.9 148. Oil shale, dark—brown, laminated; weathers slab- *130. Marlstone, light~yellow-brown to brown; poorly by 5.0 exposed; forms slope covered with brittle chips. 147. Oil shale, dark-brown, laminated; low specific Samples are marlstone and pod material from gravity; weathers to white flat face on out— upper 1 ft of unit. Probable position of the B- crop 1.3 groove 33.5 *146. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blue gray, with 129. Oil shale, poorly exposed; weathers more pa- large solution cavities 1.5 ft in diameter; makes pery toward top. Top of R—6 zone --------------------- 6.0 projecting square-faced ledge; has a wavy thin 128. Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown; darkest beds bed 0f tuff at top. Samples are residue and form blue-gray ledges ‘4—2 in. thick ------------------ 5.5 leached rosette material collected from cavity 127. Oil shale, leached; marks saline zone ------------------ .5 near yellow X. (Yellow X painted on cliffs that *126. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blue gray; ef- are just north of curve in road.)----------------—------- 6.0 florescent salts abundant; thin beds give Section offset 1,000 ft to north on west side outcrop fluted appearance. Middle of unit is of road to same unit exposed on the north cavity zone. Sample is weathered oil shale side of a tributary of Piceance Creek in at base of unit ------------------------------------------------------ 6.1 the Sl/zNWI/l sec. 14, Barcus Creek SE 125. Marlstone, light-brown; weathers platy and (71/2-min) quadrangle. blocky 6.0 145. Oil shale; weathers blocky; conspicious leached 124. Oil shale, light-brown; weathers papery ------------ 1.0 cavities 15.5 123 Oil shale, light-brown; efflorescent salts; at 144. Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown. Tuff 0.1 ft top is dark-blue—weathering bed with flat thick 1.5 ft above base. Vuggy zone above pods of dolomite-------------—-----------------------—-----—- 3.8 the tuff 3.25 122. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blue gray----—---- 2.6 143. Oil shale. Top and bottom light brown and fis- 121. Tuff; undulating lower contact, even upper con- sile; middle part light brown and blocky. Re- tact; continuous bed. (Section offset to north entrant 3 ft below top has irregular pinching from base of outcrop at spur of hill along and swelling pods of analcimic tuff 0.02—0.5 irrigation ditch, where tuff is exposed and ft thick 4.5 marlstone of unit 119 is just underground.)—--- .2 Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green MEASURED SECTIONS River Formation along lower Piceance Creek—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued *120. Oil shale, medium— to dark-brown; some efflo- rescent salt. Samples are dark-brown oil shale. (Exposed on east side of the creek valley over the jointed marlstone described below.)--—--—--- *119. Marlstone, light-brown. The jointed bed con- *118. *117. 116. 115. *114. *113. 112. 111. 110. 109. *108. 107. 106. 105. 104. 103. spicuously jointed 1-2 in. apart; joints strike N. 48° W., dip 85° NE., and give blocky ap- pearance. 1.9 ft above base is thin zone of oval cavities 1/2—'% in. thick and 2 in. long filled with mixture of quartz, calcite, dolomite, feld- spar, and some analcime and dawsonite. Base about 75 ft below base of Mahogany ledge. Samples are cavity filling containing some dawsonite, brittle marlstone 0.8 ft below cavity zone. A good marker bed; marked by yellow 7F at cliffs on east side of irrigation ditch on east side of Piceance Creek valley -------------------- Section offset to same bed on west side of road west of Piceance Creek. Painted yel- low 7F on outcrops at sample locality of unit 119. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers papery; forms ledge Oil shales, medium-brown. Some weather to blue-gray ledges; others weather to paper ledges. A rubbly ledge-ribbed slope. Sample is from a blue-gray ledge ------------------------------------ Oil shales, light- to medium-brown; weather to gray, shaly, partly covered slope--------—---—-—------- Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blue gray; has brown flat dolomite pods; forms ledge ------------- Oil shale, light- to medium-brown; weathers pa- pery to slabby; forms poorly developed ledges. A 1/2—in.—thick light dolomite at 21.7 ft. above base. Sample is light-brown oil shale 6 ft above base. Lower 3 ft is covered. A tuff 0.2-0.4 ft thick is 9 ft above base of this unit in draw to north Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blue gray; has flat rusty brown dolomite pods. Sample con- tains some dawsonite. (Yellow 6A painted on this bed at base of outcrops west of and about 50 ft above road, nearly on the bound- ary of sees. 11 and 14, T. 1 N., R. 97 W., near the east edge of the Barcus Creek SE quad- tangle Section offset to north, where a similar 3.5- ft-thick bed is exposed above units 1-112 measured near center of sec. 11, T. 1 N., R. 97 W., White River City quadrangle. Sample from unit 113 is from outcrop in White River City quadrangle (fig. 4). Tuff Oil shale Tuff Oil shale Tuff, analcimic, light-gray--------------—-----------—---—---- Oil shale Tuff Oil shale Tuff, yellow-orange ------------------------------------------- Oil shale Thickness (feet) 0.5 5.7 4.0 15.0 20.0 6.0 25.0 3.5 *82 102. 101. 100. *99. 98. 97. *96. 95. *94. *93. 92. *91. 90. *89. *88. 87. 86. 85. 84. *83. *81. 80. *79. 78. *77. 76. 74. Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the River Formation along lower Piceance Creek—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued 17 Green Thickness (feet) Tuff 0.01 Oil shale .25 Tuff, mottled .02 Oil shale; weathers gray blue. Sample contains some dawsonite ---------------------------------------------------- 1.6 Tuff .02 Oil shale; mostly light to medium brown, with some dark-brown beds -------------------------------------- 17.2 Tuff, yellow-brown; dark petroliferous stain; very fine grained. (Yellow T 27 painted on outcrop.) .06 Oil shale .5 Tuff, yellow-brown; contains albite and daw- sonite; undulating contacts; persistent bed----- .02 Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown; some beds weather blue gray; some beds form ledges. Samples are dark-brown blue-weathering oil shales 3 and 6 ft above base that contain some dawsonite ---------------------------------------------------- 33.2 Marlstone, light-yellow-brown, sugary-grained .2 Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown; some weath- ers blue gray. Sample is dark-brown oil shale from middle of unit --------------------------------------------- 3.7 Tuff; weathers yellow orange; smooth contacts .02 Oil shale, light- to medium-brown; forms alter- nating slopes and ledges. Samples are light- brown oil shales 0.2, 4, and 9 ft above base. Some dawsonite --------------------------------------------------- 10.5 Conglomerate; contains dolomite pebbles. (Yel- low streak and 6A painted on outcrop.)----------— .5 Oil shale, light-brown, and fissile to platy and locally papery marlstone; forms thin ledges. Approximate base of upper oil shale group (Bradley, 1931, pl. 4A, letter a). Base of R— 6 zone (fig. 4, this report) --------------------------------- 3.3 Oil shale, light-brown; weathers gray, fissile. Approximate top of transitional beds (Brad- ley, 1931, pl. 4A, letter b). Top of L5 zone (fig. 4) 6.7 'I‘uff; weathers yellow brown; laterally persis- tent .1 Oil shale, light-yellow-brown; forms thin ledges and covered slopes; weathers fissile to p1aty-— 7.7 Oil shale; weathers papery, blue gray----------------- .5 Conglomerate. Angular pebbles of dolomite in a coarse sand matrix ---------------------------------------- .17 Oil shale, light-brown. Sample is from 2 ft above base 4.7 Tuff; weathers orange; smooth contacts .04 Oil shale, light- to medium-brown; weathers fissile to papery, blue gray. Some thin or- ange-weathering marlstone beds. Much cov- ered slope. Sample is from marlstone bed ----- — 35.2 Oil shale, light-brown; weathers fissile. Base of L-5 zone 14.8 Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blue gray. Sample is from top of unit. Approximate top of lower oil shale group (Bradley, 1931, p1. 4A, letter C). Top of R—5 zone (fig. 4)..___.1_____.__ 1,7 Tuff; persistent bed; smooth contacts -------------- .02 . Oil shale, dark-brown——-—-----------------*—--- .3 Tuff; undulating contacts —-— .1 18 X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation along lower Piceance Creek—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued 73. 72. 71. *70. 69. 68. 67. 66. 65. *64. 63. 62. 61. *60. *59. *58. *57. 56. *55. *54. 53. *52. *51. *50. *49. *48. 47. *46. 45. *44. Thickness (feet) Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers papery, blue gray 0.9 Tuff, yellow-orange; smooth contacts-—-......-.....--. .08 Oil shale, brown; forms slope-----~--~—----—-----. 5,0 Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blue gray; forms ledge. Sample contains dawsonite. Base about 53 ft above tuff of unit 49 ---------------------- 3.5 Oil shale, light-brown, and light-brown marl- stone; weathers fissile to platy and forms al- ternating ledges and slopes every 0.2—0.3 ft-- 4.2 Tuff; sugary texture ------------------------------------------------ .04 Oil shale, light-brown; weathers platy--------------—- 3.8 Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blue gray; con- tains dolomite nodules; upper 4 ft is ledge ------ 6.2 Marlstone, light—yellow-brown --------------------------- .2 Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blue gray. Sample is from 1.5 ft above base and con- tains dawsonite ---------------------------------------------------- 3.6 Tuff, oil-stained, dolomitic. (Yellow T 18 paint- ed on a slab placed below the bed.) ------------------ .1 Oil shale; weathers blue gray, papery. Unit is base of ledge 3.5 Oil shale, yellow-brown to dark-brown; incom- pletely exposed ----------------------------------------------------- 5.4 Marlstone, tuffaceous; weathers yellow orange. A tough rock 1.3 Tuff, analcimic, yellow-orange; sandy texture-—- .3 Oil shale, medium-brown; weathers papery. Sample is from 1 ft above base ------------------------ 4.4 Tuff, analcimic; undulating upper and lower contacts .2 Oil shale. Mostly covered slope --------------------------- 3.1 Oil shale, medium-brown; weathers blue gray, papery. Sample is from 1 ft above base ----------- 4.2 Tuff, analcimic, orange-brown; has thin dolo- mite bed near top ------------------------------------------------- .3 Oil shale .9 Tuff, analcimic; undulating contacts; discon- tinuous bed. Sample contains dawsonite .2 Oil shale, light-brown; weathers fissile to pa— pery; some blue gray. Sample is from 5 ft above base 6.3 Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blue gray; a few very thin tuffaceous beds. Sample is from 4 ft above base and contains dawsonite ---------- 4.7 Tuff, yellow-brown, analcimic, coarsely crys- talline; undulating contacts. (Yellow paint on enclosing beds parallel to tuff.) Correlated with tuff 13 of table 10 --------------------------------------- .3 Oil shale, light- to dark-brown; weathers platy; contains gar-pike scales. Samples are from 2, 4.8, 5.8, 8.4, and 8.5 ft below tuff of unit 49, and all contain dawsonite. (Yellow 4 E1 painted at base of unit.) ------------------------------------- 8.5 Marlstone. Tuffaceous even bed, smooth con- tacts .1 Oil shale, medium-brown, and light—brown marl- stone. Sample is medium-brown oil shale ------- 4.4 Oil shale, medium-brown, poorly exposed ---------- 3.5 Tuff, analcimic, red; weathers white; undulat- ing contacts .15 Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation along lower Piceance Creek—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued Thickness (feet) 43. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers fissile --------------- 3.5 *42. Oil shale, dark-red-brown; weathers to prom- inent smooth-faced blue-gray ledge. Samples are from top of unit (contains dawsonite); 0.5 and 1 ft below top; 2.5 ft below top (con- tains dawsonite); and base of unit. (Yellow circle painted on face of outcrop.)---——---------~----- 3.3 41. Oil shale, light-brown, poorly exposed ~ 8.0 *40. Oil shale, medium-brown; weathers blue gray; forms thin ledge; contains dawsonite. Sam— ples are from 1.7 ft above base and near base- 2.7 *39. Oil shale; weathers papery; distorted beds; prob- ably marks a saline zone. Sample is from 2 ft above base 5.6 *38. Oil shale, poorly exposed. Sample is from 2.3 ft above base 4.7 *37. Tuff, analcimic .04 36. Oil shale; contains intraformational conglom- erate in lower 2 ft ------------------------------------------------ 6.1 *35. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers papery; dis- tortedilower 0.5 ft. Samples are distorted oil shale and dark-brown oil shale 0.9 ft above base 2.8 *34. Tuff, orange; contains dawsonite------------------------- .7 *33. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers papery. Top 1.2 ft of unit has efflorescent salts and may mark a saline zone. Two samples from the lowest 2.8 ft above base 6.2 *32. Oil shale, medium-brown. Sample is from 1.8 ft above base and contains dawgonite----__..-.-.. 4_0 *31. Marlstone, gray-green .08 *30. Oil shale, light- to medium-brown, with 0.08 ft olive-drab dolomite bed at base. Sample is from dolomite bed 1.0 *29. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers blue gray. Conglomeratic with yellow-brown dolomite blebs 3 in. in diameter and 1/16 in. thick. Sample is from 3.9 ft above base ---------------------- 7.0 *28. Tuff; weathers yellow. (Yellow T 8 and streak parallel to bed painted on rock.)--------------—-—---~- .1 *27. Oil shale, dark-brown; weathers papery. Sam- ple is from 1 ft above base and contains daw- sonite 2.0 *26. Oil shale, gray-brown, hackly; forms a slope. Near top is a tuff zone consisting of thin tuff and tuffaceous marlstone. Sample is marl- stone and contains dawsonite------------------------—-- 3.6 25. Oil shale; has orange-weathering dolomite con- cretions in upper 1 ft ------------------------------------------- 2.0 24. Tuffs. Two thin beds separated by oil shale ------ .1 23. Oil shale .55 *22. Tuff; weathers yellow; forms reentrant in out- crop .2 21. Oil shale; weathers blue gray, papery. Base of cliff-forming oil shales (fig. 4). Approximate base of Parachute Creek Member (Bradley, 1931, pl. 4A). Base of R-5 zone ~ 1.0 *20. Oil shale and marlstone, light-brown. Sample is marlstone 1.7 ft below top. Top of L-4 zone- 2.5 *19. Tuff, analcimic .02 18. Oil shale, light-brown; weathers fissile-—-------—----- 1.3 *17. Tuff, analcimic .04 MEASURED SECTIONS 19 Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation along lower Piceance Creek—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued Thickness (feet) *16. Oil shale, light- to dark-brown; weathers fissile; forms slope littered with small shale plates. Samples are dark-brown oil shale 2.7 ft below top and light-brown oil shale near base of unit Oil shale; mostly covered mslope. Sample 15 med- ium- -brown oil shale-u --- 6.0 14. Oil shale; forms ledge --------------------------------------------- 7.0 *13. Oil shale and marlstone; forms mostly covered slope littered with small brown chips of brown oil shale and plates of lightvbrown to orange marlstone. Sample is light-brown oil shale 2 ft above base. Base of L4 zone ------------------------- 12. Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown. Top of series of ledge—forming shales. Top of R-4 zone. (Yel- low 3 painted at top of ledge.) Base of unit mapped by G. N. Pipiringos and W. J. Hail, J r., as contact between Parachute Creek Mem- ber and Garden Gulch Member ------------------------- 11. Marlstone, light-yellow, silty, ostracodal--------—-—- *10. Oil shale, dark-brown. Sample is from about 7 ft above base ----------------------------------------------------- 22.0 9. Marlstone, light-yellow-brown, silty -------------------- .3 *8. Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown; some weath- ers blue gray. Forms alternating slopes and ledges in 5-ft intervals. Sample is dark-brown oil shale 19.5 7. Oil shale; weathers fissile; partly covered slopes 4.0 6. Oil shale, dark—brown; weathers blue gray; forms 27.9 *15. 30.0 15.0 3.5 ledge 3.0 5. Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown. 1 ft of dark- brown oil shale at base --------------------------------------- 4.5 4. Marlstone; weathers to slope littered with light- yellow-brown chips; poorly exposed ----------------- 3. Marlstone and oil shale, light-brown; oil shale increases toward top; forms a ledge ----------------- 9.0 2. Marlstone and oil shale, light-brown; forms 31.5 covered slope 12.2 *1. Oil shale, light- to dark-brown; darkest beds weather blue gray; forms a ledge. Sample is dark-brown oil shale ------------------------------------------- 10.1 Thickness of Parachute Creek Member (rounded) 1,185.0 Garden Gulch Member (part): Shale, olivegray, clayey but slightly dolomitic; forms partly covered slope --------------------------------- 6.2 Oil shale, light-brown; weathers papery. (Yel- low 1 painted on small outcrop.) ----------------------- 3.0 Shale, olive-gray, clayey; subfissile to hackly fracture 25.0 Incomplete thickness of Garden Gulch Mem- ber (rounded) ------------------------------------------------- 34.0 Other workers have chosen contacts of the Parachute Creek Member on lower Piceance Creek differently. Correlations of the data in this report with those of earlier workers are shown in figures 4 and 6. Bradley (1931, pl. 4A) placed the basal contact of the Parachute Creek about 210 feet higher strati- graphically than we do. Donnell (1961, pl. 51) chose the contact at the base of the lowest oil-shale-rich zone, which coincides closely with our contact. G. N. Pipiringos and W. J. Hail, Jr. (oral commun., 1970), in geologic mapping of the White River City and Barcus Creek SE quadrangles, respectively, have chosen the bottom of a generally well exposed and easily map- pable bench of dark-brown oil shale at the top of smooth and rubble-strewn slopes as the base of the Parachute Creek Member. This persistent bench is about 120 feet above the contact we have chosen with the aid of laboratory study. . The position generally mapped as the base of the Parachute Creek Member seems to lie above the position chosen in drill cores or from detailed laboratory study of rocks from measured sections. This difference in selection of the contact may ac- count for what has been interpreted in some areas to be extreme basinward thickening of the Parachute Creek Member within short distances. The R and L designations shown in figure 6 were used by Donnell and Blair (1970, p. 76) to describe units of rich and lean oil shale, respectively. These designations were easily applied to the section on lower Piceance Creek and also correlate easily with rock units described by Bradley (1931, pl. 4A). (See figs. 4 and 6.) From the data in the diagrammatic section on plate 3 and in photograph A on plate 4 of Bradley (1931), a thin Parachute Creek Member was designated that included only the most organic rich parts of the se- quence of carbonate-rich rocks. He apparently used the top of the oil-rich zone now called the Mahogany ledge as the top of the Parachute Creek Member. This, of course, automatically made the Evacuation Creek of Bradley thicker than the Evacuation Creek of later workers. RIO BLANCO SECTION A well-exposed complete section of the Parachute Creek Member (764 ft) was measured in the cliffs along the north side of Piceance Creek beginning at the base of the member at the west end of the gravel pit (NWlASWM; sec. 5, T. 4 S., R. 94 W.) and con— tinuing westward to the draw intersected by the west boundary of sec. 6, T. 4 S., R. 94 W., Rio Blanco Coun- ty, Colo. (fig. 7). The gravel pit is 1.8 miles west of the junction of the Piceance Creek road and Colorado Highway 13 at Rio Blanco, Colo. The area is shown on the Rio Blanco 71/2-minute quadrangle. The contact between the Parachute Creek Member and the underlying Anvil Points Member is gradational. Eastward from the gravel pit, and down section, the rocks become more silty and sandy and contain less carbonate. The top of the Parachute Creek Member is only moderately well exposed, but 20 the contact with the sandstones of the overlying Eva- cuation Creek Member generally can be found to within a few feet. The lithic details of the section follow, and the mineral composition of 98 samples is shown in table 6. Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation near Rio Blanco, in secs. 5 and 6, T. 4 S., R. 94 W., Rio Blanco County, Colo. [Sech'on measured by D. A. Brobst and J. D. Tucker. ' indicates sample data in table 6] Thickness Evacuation Creek Member (part): (feet) Sandstone, tuffaceous, light-brown; consists chiefly of albite, quartz, analcime, and dolo-‘ mitic cement. Partly covered sldpe--—-—--—-~——--— Incomplete thickness of Evacuation Creek Member Parachute Creek Member: 162. Marlstone, light-brown-----—------—--——-——-- --—--———- *161. Oil shale, dark-red-brown, pyritic, laminated; weathers blue gray; forms ledge -—-—---——--—— Oil shale; mostly light brown, with some dark- brown beds a few inches thick; weathers platy- 6,8 Tuff, analcimic .02 Marlstone, light-brown, sandy, well-exposed-——- 14.5 Oil shale, dark-brown, pyritic; forms ledge. (Yel- low line painted on bed.) —————————————————— .7 Section offset to same bed in next gully to east, where yellow line and triangle are painted on bed. Oil shale, light- to dark-brown, laminated; interlayered with light-brown marlstone. (This unit better exposed on south side of road and creek.) Oil shale, dark-grayish-black, pyritic, laminated; weathers blue gray and platy; forms ledge. Samples 1—37, collected at 100-ft lateral inter- vals, were studied in detail (figs. 7, 17)~-—--——--- _-3 Section offset to top of westernmost large roadcut on north side of road. (See fig. 7.) Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown, laminated, poorly exposed Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown. (Well exposed in road cut.) 10 Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown; forms tuff zone with nine analcimic tuffs 1%: to 1/2 in. thick. Sample is tuff from lowest and thickest of nine beds Oil shale, medium— to dark-red-brown, pyritic; laminated, but massive bedded on these fresh exposures. Sample is dark-red-brown oil shale from base of unit -——---—--------~-—-—~~—-—----——--——~ Sandstone dike, tuffaceous, light-brown to gray; 1 ft thick; strikes N. 75° E.; dips vertically» 0 Oil shale, medium» to dark-red-brown, laminated. Massive beds. Deep blue gray weathered bed near base of outcrop is base of unit. Sample is dark-red-brown oil shale 5 ft above base of unit Section offset to next roadcut to east. (See fig. 7.) Oil shale, very weathered. Sample is light-brown oil shale Oil shale, medium-brown; weathers chippy ------ 'I‘uff, analcimic, light-rust-brown-------~-—-------------— .02 50+ 50+ 7.5 2.3 160. 159. 158. *157. 156. 20.0 *155. 154. 22.3 153. *152. 6.0 *151. 7.2 *150. *149. 13.5 *148. 147. 146. X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation near Rio Blanca—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued Thickness (feet) 145. Oil shale, light- to medium-brown; weathers chip- py 2.0 144. Tuff, analcimic, light-rust-brown-----~--~---------~—-- .02 143. Oil shale, medium-brown; weathers chippy ----- 7 *142. Tuff, analcimic, light-rust-brown -------------- ~ .02 *141. Oil shale, medium-brown, laminated—--- ----- ~ .4 140. 'I‘uff, analcimic, evenly bedded —~-— .04 139. Oil shale, medium- to light-brown, and 5 anal- cimic tuffs 1/zs—‘/2 in. thick. (Yellow triangle paint- ed on rock.) 4.9 138. Marlstone, light-brown, resistant; hard layer, weathers to orange-brown sandy surface~~--- .5 Section offset to exposure on west wall of an adit to the east. 137. Oil shale and marlstone, light— to dark-brown, intercalated 1.3 *136. 'I‘uff, dark-brown, biotitic; has some organic de- bris; weathers out in blocky fragments; con- tacts undulate; maximum thickness 6 in ------- .3 135. Oil shale, medium»to dark-brown, massively bedded, includes a light-brown marlstone. (Yel- low M above a horizontal yellow stripe is painted on marlstone.) ------------------------------------ 9.2 134. Marlstone, light-gray; beds 2 in. thick with some intercalated light-brown laminated oil shale-- 1.5 *133. Oil shale, dark-brown, laminated. Sample from top of unit. Zone of 3 thin tuffs in lower part- 2.3 132. Marlstone, light-brown. (Yellow circle 4 in. in diameter painted on bed.) ---------------------------------- 2.0 *131. Oil shale; mostly medium brown. Sample of medium-brown oil shale 3.1 ft above base. Other samples are dark- and medium-brown oil shale 7.4 130. Marlstone, light-brown; weathers orange brown .04 129. Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown ------------------------ 3.0 *128. Marlstone, light-brown; weathers to sandy sur- face. Sample is whitish orange marlstone at base 2.0 127. Sandstone dike, tuffaceous; about 4 in. thick; strikes N. 20°W.; dips 65° NE. About 10 ft above the road, dike is offset to right and ex‘ tends to top of outcrop. (Large yellow D paint— ed on outcrop at road level just west of dike.)— 0 *126. Oil shale, dark-brown; thin pods and intercala- tions of marlstone. Sample is dark-brown oil shale 2 ft below top -------------------------------------------- 8.0 Section offset to gully to east. *125 Marlstone, light-gray, tuffaceous ------------------------- .08 124. Oil shale, medium-brown; weathered plates form partly covered slope -------------------------------------------- 11.1 123. Marlstone, light-brown ------------------------------------------ 2.0 122. Oil shale, dark~red~brown; weathers blue gray; forms ledges a few inches thick --------------------- 4,1 121. Marlstone, light-brown, and medium-brown oil shale _ 5.5 *120. Oil shale, dark-brown, well laminated; weath- ers blue gray. Sample is from dark-brown ledge -forming bed 6 in. thick ------------------------------------- 2.3 119. Oil shale, medium-brown, poorly exposed ------- 6.9 1 18. Oil shale, dark-red-brown to medium-brown; weathers slabby and platy; forms ledges -------- 13.2 MEASURED SECTIONS Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation near Rio Blanca—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued Thickness (feet) *117. Marlstone, tuffaceous --------------------------------------------- .6 116. Oil shale, dark-red~brown; weathers blue and slabby; has some interbedded light-brown marlstone 6.0 1 15. Oil shale, light- to medium-brown; contains some dark-brown beds -------------------------------------------- 4.8 *114- T “ff, light-brown, dolomitic ---------------- .2 113. Oil shale, red-brown, poorly exposed .................. 3_() *112. Tuff .2 111. Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown~ 1.1 *110. Oil shale, dark-brown, pyritic; weathers blue; forms ledge. (Yellow streak painted on rock.)- 6.3 *109. Oil shale, dark-red-brown, pyritic; forms ledge» .3 *108. Oil shale, medium- to dark-red-brown. Sample is medium-brown oil shale ----------------------------- 4.4 107. Oil shale, dark-red-brown, pyritic; 1-ft-thick ledge at top of unit 6.5 106. Covered unit 5.5 “105. Oil shale, dark-brown"- 104. Marlstone, gray, silty -------------------------------------------- . 103. Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown; weathers platy 7.7 ' *102. Tuff; consists of analcime in a deep-blue matrix- .17 101. Oil shale, dark-red-brown —~ .4 *100. Marlstone, tuffaceous, brown; resistant dense bed .1 99. Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown ----------------------- 1.8 98. Marlstone, brown; resistant bed --------- .1 97. Oil shale, dark-brown ----------------------------------------- 2.1 96. Marlstone, gray; resistant bed ----------------------------- .2 Section offset to lowermost outcrop in gully to east. *95. Oil shale, dark-red-brown, laminated; weathers blue gray 3.3 94. Marlstone, dark-brown, sandy, resistant; forms ledges between layers of light-brown oil shale. (Yellow streak on bed below at west end of outcrop. ., 9.6 *93. Tuff, dark- brown, analcimic; even contacts; sat- urated with petroliferous material- .1 92. Marlstone, light-brown ------------------------------------------- .8 *91. Marlstone, tuffaceous, sandy, gray; weathers light orange brown ---------------------------------------------- .3 *90. Oil shale, dark-brown. Sample is from 2.2 ft above base 4.3 89. Tuff, analcimic; undulating contacts ---------------- .05 88. Oil shale, medium-brown—— 1.2 *87. Tuff, analcimic, rust-brown, continuous; undu- lating contacts -------------------------------------------------- .08 86. Marlstone, light-brown, thin-bedded; contains chert pods 1—2 in. thick and as much as 6 in. long. (Yellow P painted on outcrop.)-----------—---- 3.6 *85. Marlstone, light-gray, dolomitic; massive bed-- .4 84. Oil shale, medium- to light-brown ---------------------- 3.4 83. 'l‘uff, analcimic, light-brown ----------- - .02 82. Oil shale, light-brown -------------- .7 81. Tuff, analcimic, light-brown ------------------ .02 80. Oil shale, light- to medium-brown- ----- 3.2 79. Tuflf, analcimic, light-brown ------------------------------ .02 78. Oil shale, light- to medium-brown ----------------------- 2.2 77. Tuff .1 76. Marlstone, light—brown ---------------------------------------- 1.0 75. Oil shale, dark-red-brown; weathers blue gray -- 2.3 21 Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation near Rio Blanca—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued *74. *73. 72. *71. *70. *69. *68. 67. . Sandstone, tuffaceous, dolomitic, laminated-~- 65. *64. *63. 62. 61. 60. *59. *58. *57. 56. *55. 54. *53. *52. *51. *49. 48. *47. Thickness Tuff, analcimic; weathers brown; has inclusions of oil shale and marl; undulating contacts; 84 ft above Mahogany ledge. Well exposed along road (fig. 7). Possibly correlates with unit 163 in the pipeline section ------------------------------ Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown. Sample is from top of unit ------------------------------------- Oil shale, interbedded medium— to dark-brown, weathers platy. (Yellow circle painted on out- crop at top of unit.) -------------------------------------- — Oil shale, medium- to dark-brown. Sample is dark-brown oil shale 2 ft below top of unit. Top of unit contains discontinuous pods of analcimic tuff as much as V2 in. thick. Tuff and enclosing oil shale also sampled. (Yellow triangle painted on outcrop about 15 ft above road.) Marlstone, lightbrown Oil shale, dark-red-brown, laminated; contains some tuff pods. Sample is dark-red-brown oil shale. (Yellow dot on outcrop just below sam- pled area.) Sandstone, tuffaceous, light- to dark-brown ------- Oil shale, dark-red-brown, laminated ~— Oil shale, dark-brown, laminated-----v-------—---———- Sandstone, calcareous --------—---~-——-----—-——---—----——-- Oil shale, light- to medium- brown. Sampleis light- brown oil shale ------------------------------------ 'I‘uff, analcimic, rust- brown. (Painted yellow T 19 just above bed.) ----------------------------------- ~— Marlstone, light-brown; poorly exposed in mid— dle. (Forms base‘of outcrop that lies about half way between 2 curves in road.) ----------- - Covered slope Marlstone, light-brown, and a few dark-brown beds of oil shale a few inches thick; includes 4 layers of discontinuous pods of rust-brown tuff about 1/2 in. thick at 6.3, 9.2, 9.5, and 11.5 ft above base. Top of unit is analcimic rust- brown tuff about 1/2 in. thick. Sample is upper- most tuff. Probable position of the A-groove-- Oil shale; mostly light brown with some thin beds of dark-red-brown. Sample is light-brown oil shale 4 in. below top. Small fold; axis trends N 10° W. Top of the Mahogany ledge. (Yellow 5 painted on outcrop.)—--------------—------------------—---- Clay, white, chloritic and dolomitic.--- Marlstone, gray- to blueweathering ----------------- Marlstone, and 2 thin tuffs. Sample is marlstone Marlstone, gray Tuff, analcomic; weathers rust brown-------~—------ Marlstone, light-gray ------------------------------------------ Tuff, analcimic, medium-brown; some biotite —-— Marlstone; laminated with tuff—- 'I‘uff, analcimic; weathers light brown. (Yellow T9 painted under tuff in bend of road.) “The false marker” Oil shale, medium- to dark-red-brown --—-—--—-—---- Sandstone dike, tuffaceous, light-brown, fine- grained, poorly sorted; 1 ft thick; strikes N, 70° E.; dips vertically; some organic debrisw- (feet) 5.2 7.7 12.4 3.4 4.1 1.2 .01 6.9 26.4 12.3 16.3 22 X—RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO Bradby(l93l, DonneH(l96l, Brobstand G.N.Pufinngos pls. 3, 4A) modified by Tucker and W. J. Hail, Jr. oralconvnun” (fiflsrepofl) (oralconnnun.,1970) 1970); Donnell and Blair (1970) "‘jB'rjifiéfl’?) . Fermiaitién . ,4 ? .._.,E"\_/'ac"uation P a r a c h u t e Evacuation Creek Member Mahogany marker Upper oil-shale Zone of B—groove a; group D .o E é’ _____________ _R-_6_ _T_0&f hill ________ _______ x in figure 4 B 8 . of this D 5 Unit a (pl. 4A) report D B D :: Transitional '5 beds L—5 9 Unit b (pl. 4A) N o. D Lower D oil-shale R—5 Dawsonite— group ML D 't (pl 4A B \\ L—4 \\ R—4 Parachute 100 FEET 50 0 FIGURE 6.—Nomenclature used for the Parachute Creek Member on lower Piceance Creek. D, occurrence of dawsonite. Numbers prefixed by R and L refer to zones rich or lean in oil shale. l. MEASURED SECTIONS 23 T35. 36 31 )/ i 32 33 X . I - T' 4 S, Outcrop of Evacuation Creek Member' ) BM 7253 A\ .R10 x / Blanco Samples of unit .' / 155 (fig. 17) ' x 15. 1 Un 1 Piceance Cree/C Unit 149 _.-Tuff of Sandy zone xunlt 74 Units 16-27 Gra‘vel X . It 25¢ 9 Base of Parachute Creek Member Mahogany ledge Units 38-58 (3. 88,9 0 .5 1 MILE 4| 12 7 8 9 R. 95 w. R. 94 w. FIGURE 7. —Location of the measured section of the Parachute Creek Member near Rio Blanco. Numbers refer to units described in the measured section. Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation near Rio Blanco—Continued Parachute Creek Member—C ontinued *46. 45. *44. *43. *42. *41. *40. 39. 38. *37. *36. 35. *34. *33. Tuff, analcimic; lesser amounts of quartz and alkali feldspar; minor amounts of illite in weathered samples only. Samples of fresh and weathered rock. The Mahogany marker. (Yel- low + painted on tuff) Oil shale, medium-brown Marlstone, light-brown, dolomitic; massive beds to 4 in. thick. Samples from a 9.5-cm-thick sequence were studied in detail (figs. 14, 15) - Oil shale, dark-red-brown; weathers blue gray. The Mahogany bed -------------------------------------------- Dolomite; thin bedded in beds l11—1/2 in. thick ----- Oil shale, dark-brown --------------------------------------------- Dolomite, brown ------------------------------------------------------ Oil shale, dark-brown; contains some marlstone beds to 1 in. thick ------------------------------------------------ Oil shale, medium-brown; contains some light- brown marlstone. (Yellow ML painted on out- crop near road level.) ------------------------------------------ Section offset to 2 blue-gray beds exposed beneath talus in gully to east. Oil shale, medium- to dark-red-brown; laminat- ed beds 1—2 in. thick; weathers blue gray and platy. Samples are dark-brown oil shale 10.6 and 15.9 ft above base. (Ledge painted yel- low.) Oil shale, dark-red-brown; weathers blue gray -- Oil shale, medium-brown to red-brown; weath- ers blue gray; strikes N. 90° W.; dips 10° SW- 011 shale; mostly light to medium brown. Sam- ples are dark-brown oil shale in uppermost bed (0.1 ft thick) and lowermost bed (0.2 ft thick). Lowermost good unit of oil shales ------- Tuff, analcimic, biotitic. Base of the Mahogany ledge Thickness (feet) 0.7 2.8 1.5 1.0 0.7 2.3 4.5 21.5 5.9 5.5 River Formation near Rio Blanca—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued Thickness (feet) 32. Marlstone, gray to brown. Probable position of *31. 30. *29. . Marlstone 1. *27. 26. *25. 24. *23. *22. *21. *20. 19. 18. *17. *16. *15. B-groove 7.4 'I‘uff, analcimic, persistent bed; weathers dark brown Marlstone, thinly laminated ................................. Dolomite, sandy; weathers powdery .................... Uni—‘53P Sandstone, analcimic, very fine grained; weath- ers rust brown. Sandstones in this part of sec- tion chosen by Duncan and Belser (1950) as uppermost beds of their lower sandy member. This is 267 ft above the base of Parachute Creek Member as defined by our measurement .7 Marlstone 1.2 Sandstone, dolomitic, light-brown, fine-grained, thinly bedded .5 Marlstone, gray and brown, laminated; weath- ers platy 6.9 Tuff, orange-brown. (Painted yellow T 4.) --------- .1 Marlstone, tuffaceous, thin- bedded, laminated-- 2.1 Marlstone, dark-brown ------------------------------------------- .5 Tuff; contains analcime, quartz, and alkali feld- spar; weathers blocky. (Bed painted yellow. )—- .7 Marlstone, weathered, well- exposed --------- Marlstone, partly exposed ------------------------------------- 16.5 Section offset to next gully east. Marlstone, gray to light-brown; weathers brown; strikes N. 15° W.; dips 10° SW ------------- 16.5 Sandstone, calcareous, gray, fine to very fine grained, crossbedded ------------------------------------------- 3.9 Marlstone, light-chocolate—brown to gray, brit- tle; weathers to rust—brown plates and slabs; some tuffaceous material. Samples are tuff- aceous marlstone at base of unit, brown marl- stone 5.5 ft above base, and tuffaceous marl- stone 25 ft above base ----------------------------------------- 32.5 24 Complete section of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation near Rio Blanca—Continued Parachute Creek Member—Continued Thickness (feet) *14. Marlstone; various shades of brown. Unit con— tains pyrite nodules, efflorescent salts, and cavities (formerly occupied by saline miner- als?). Common organic debris and fossils of leaves, twigs, and insects. Eight samples. (Yellow 3C at base of outcrop.) -------------------------- 10.0 13. Marlstone, platy weathering, poorly exposed 11.0 *12. Marlstone, gray to brown; somewhat siliceous —dense, tough, and brittle. Samples are gray- brown marlstone from basal beds and dark- brown marlstone with insect impressions. (Yellow 3A painted 3 ft above base.)--—-—----—-—---- 23.8 11. Poorly exposed sequence ---------------------------------------- 81.0 *10. Marlstone, gray, well-laminated. Sample is dense marlstone near top of unit. Also sampled was 0.5-ft-thick tuff 2.1 ft above base. (Yellow paint on sampled bed of marlstone.)-----------------------~- 16.8 *9. Marlstone, gray, and some silty beds; contains tuffaceous pods ‘4; in. thick, especially in upper 8 ft. Samples are gray marlstone and tufface- ous Siltstone 15.2 *8. Tuff, analcimic and dolomitic ------------------------------ .1 7. Marlstone, gray .3 6. Siltstone and very fine grained sandstone; con- tains some asphaltite ------------------------------------------ .2 5. Marlstone, gray 2.4 4. Sandstone, fine-grained, poorly sorted, evenly bedded; contains ostracodes and clay galls. (Marked RB—1A in yellow.) -------------------------------- .5 3. Marlstone, gray, poorly exposed --------------------------- 2. Sandstone, gray-brown, fine-grained, poorly sorted .7 *1. Marlstone, gray, laminated; weathers platy ------ 5.0 Section ends at base of exposures in ditch along north side of Piceance Creek road at west end of gravel pit. (See fig. 7.) Considered to be the base of the Parachute Creek Member. Eastward, the rocks are less well exposed, but sandstone and Siltstone, characteristic of the Anvil Points Member, increase in abundance. Thickness of Parachute Creek Member __ (rounded) 764.0 Suggested correlations of our section with those of earlier workers are shown in figure 8. Donnell (1961, pl. 53) chose the lower contact of the Parachute Creek Member at about the same stratigraphic position as we did. Duncan and Belser (1950) placed the contact at the top of sandstone beds (our units 25 and 27 in the Rio Blanco section) about 270 feet abOve the base we chose for the Parachute Creek (D. C. Duncan, oral commun., 1970). Thus, they seemed to have a thinner Parachute Creek Member—only 445 feet thick as compared with 735 feet measured by Donnell (1961, pl. 53) and 764 feet measured by us. MINERAL COMPOSITION The mineral fraction of most rocks examined in this study of the Parachute Creek Member consists of 7 X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO mixtures of dolomite, calcite, quartz, potassium feldspar, albite, analcime, illite, and pyrite. Dawsonite was detected only in oil shale on lower Piceance Creek. Small amounts of chlorite occur in some of the rocks, and biotite and (or) muscovite oc- cur(s) in some of the beds of tuff. Thin coatings of gypsum line some fractures. Nearly all these rocks are extremely fine grained and contain some tightly bound organic materials that impregnate the rock, coating and masking the mineral grains and making the physical separation of the minerals from each other and from the organic matter very difficult. Tisot and Murphy (1960) found that oil shale from the Mahogany ledge near Rifle, Colo., is composed of particles that are 90 percent silt and clay size. They also reported that the mineral fraction is 83.8 and 55.4 percent (by weight) in oil shales which, respectively, assay 28.6 and 75 gallons of shale oil per ton of rock. These features of the rock make the study of the mineral composition by stan- dard microscopic techniques unsatisfactory. X-ray diffraction methods, although having certain limitations, do provide a rapid means of acquiring mineralogic data. LABORATORY WORK PROCEDURES Samples weighing about 4 ounces (100 g) and taken from about 1 inch (2—3 cm) of stratigraphic thickness of the freshest both common and unusual rocks were collected for X-ray study from the measured sections. Samples of the tuffs generally represent the thinnest stratigraphic intervals; many of these beds are less than 1 inch thick. After initial sampling was com- pleted in the three measured sections and the X-ray results were examined, further sampling was done at selected localities to provide material for study of the details of vertical and lateral variation in the com- position of selected units of rock, including the dawsonite zone on lower Piceance Creek. Samples from the three measured sections were routinely prepared for X-ray study by being ground in a hammer mill. The resulting powder was pelletized at 22,000 pounds per square inch in a hydraulic press. X-ray diffraction patterns of the pellets were made with Norelco equipment (operated at 40 kv; 20 ma; scale factor, 8; multiplier, 1; time constant, 4). Dif- fraction data from CuKa1 radiation were recorded from scans of the sample through an arc of 60° 29 on 100-unit chart paper at the rate of 2° 29 per minute. Values for peak intensity, expressed as height of the peak in chart units above base line, produced by the N orelco equipment are summarized or shown in tables 4—7 and 11 and in figure 21. MINERAL COMPOSITION 25 Duncan and Donnell Brobst and cellulose backs. Diffraction patterns were made with Belser (1950) (1961, pl. 53) TUCke" Picker-Nuclear equipment operated at the settings (lh's legit”) described above. _. . 'rjieje’k5 Creek 5Evéf<=.ja'ff\°“ Parachute 5 ft of tuff of unit 74 \T\__ Mahogany ledge ' _ marker lOO FEET 50 Creek Points Parachute IMemube Afivil' s 3's FIGURE 8.—Nomenclature used for the Parachute Creek Member in the Rio Blanco section. Samples of dawsonitic and other rocks described in tables 2 and 8—10 and in figures 16—19 were prepared as described above, but diffraction patterns were ob- tained by use of Picker-Nuclear equipment (operated at 35 kv; 20 ma; scale factor, 3K; time constant, 1). The diffraction patterns, also from CuKa1 radiation, were recorded as described above. Data compiled in figures 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, and 22 pertain to samples obtained by use of a dental drill from sawed slabs of rock. The powder thus obtained also was made into pellets as described above, but be- cause of the small amounts of material available, the pellets consisted of a thin coating of powder on Diffraction patterns of all the rocks were examined uniformly by measuring the height of the apex of the peak above base line on chart paper divided into 100 units. One peak was measured for each mineral detected; these selected peaks are shown in table 1. The values thus obtained were compiled or sum- marized in the tables and figures in this report. DISCUSSION Diagnostic peaks to be read for the minerals in a given suite must be chosen to avoid use of 29 positions where the cumulative effect of the presence of more than one mineral leads to ambiguity as to how much of the peak height is attributable to any one mineral. When possible, the most intense peaks for each mineral are used, but this is not always pos- sible or practical. In this study, the 20.9° 29 peak for quartz was used rather than the more intense 266° 29 peak because illite enhances the latter peak. The second highest peak for analcime occurs at 158° 29, which is close to the 156° 29 major peak of dawsonite, but our equipment was able to differentiate the two peaks well enough for our purposes in this study. Detection of dawsonite in the samples was con- sidered of enough importance to conduct some grind- ing experiments to determine the optimum method of sample preparation for assuring the appearance of the maximum peak height in the diffraction pattern. Two samples of dawsonitic oil shale from the section on lower Piceance Creek were crushed and then ground and homogenized in a mixer mill. At various timed intervals of 5—50 minutes, part of the sample was removed and X-rayed. Results are shown in table 2. The data show that prolonged grinding reduces the height of the dawsonite peak to a much greater de- gree than the peaks of the other minerals. In the en- tire length of the grinding time, the peak height of carbonate minerals and illite was more affected than was that of quartz and feldspar. Short grinding time, to insure the recording of the maximum peak height of the dawsonite, seemed desirable. Another sample that contained both dawsonite and analcime from outcrops on lower Piceance Creek was crushed and passed through the hammer mill. The sample was then split: half was sieved, and the different fractions were X-rayed; the other half was ground further in a mixer mill for 5 minutes and was sieved, and the different fractions were X-rayed. The results of these experiments are shown in table 23. The X-ray data from the sample that was ground only in the hammer mill show considerable uniformity; 26 X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO TABLE 1.—-Two-theta position of X-ray peaks measured for use in tables of mineral composition of rocks in the Green River Formation Mineral Peak position (degrees 29) Chlorite .............................................. 6.3 Illite1 .......................... 8.8 Gyvsum ------------------------- 1 1,7 Dawsonite ...................... 15.6 Quartz ............................... 20.9 Analcime ............................ 26.0 Potassium feldspar ---------- 27.6 Albite ---------------------------------- 28.0 Calcite ---------------------------- 29‘ 5 Dolomite- ------------------- 3 1.0 Pyrite -------------------------------------------------- 33_ 1 ‘Mica (biotite or muscovite) was distinguished from illite in tuffs by visual examination of hand specimens. slight variation is present, however, and the greatest peak height for dawsonite was found in the finest size fraction. The X-ray data from the sample processed in both the hammer mill and the mixer mill show no greater variation, but the peaks for dawsonite were smaller in this half of the sample than in the other. Thus, routine processing 0f the samples would seem to only require crushing and grinding in the hammer mill to provide a material in which dawsonite can be detected with almost maximum sensitivity by X-ray diffraction without sacrifice of sensitivity in detection of the associated minerals. Peak heights obtained for the finest fractions of the samples shown in table 2B suggest that the values measured for the samples obtained with the dental drill should be similar. The data in table ZB also in- dicate that the chances of detecting dawsonite are enhanced in the finest fractions of the sample without appreciable change in the peak of the other minerals. It would be ideal to demonstrate that the threshold of detection is the same for all minerals and that equal peak heights of various minerals indicate equal amounts of those minerals. Such is not the case be- cause of many factors affecting the response of minerals to X-rays. Some of these factors are the time of grinding and the particle size of the sample, the presence of coatings of other substances onthe sur- faces of the grains, the crystallinity of the mineral and any variation in the composition, and the ten- dency for minerals to lie in preferred orientation in the sample. A detailed discussion of the factors is be- yond the scope of this paper; the complexities of the subject have been discussed by Jackson (1964) and Schultz ( 1964). Much effort in this study to translate X-ray dif- fraction peak height directly to percentage of the mineral, by the use of standards prepared from minerals and matrices obtained from rocks of the Parachute Creek Member, produced no satisfactory scheme for achieving the highly desirable com- bination of simple procedures and a short time for routine application to a large number of samples. Experiments with standards for quartz in a dolomite matrix from the Parachute Creek Member indicated that the value of the height of the 20.9° 29 quartz peak is about 80 percent of the value of the amount of quartz in the standards, but these results are semiquantitative at best. Jackson (1964, p. 256) found that generally more than 10 percent quartz must be present in a sample before the 20.9° 29 peak is legible. Fine-grained disseminated dawsonite could not be separated from the other components of the rocks, so satisfactory standards for quantitative evaluation of X-ray peak heights could not be established. Smith and Milton (1966, p. 1034) estimated, however, that as little as 3 percent dawsonite can be detected by X-ray diffraction. Comparison of X-ray data with chemical determinations of acid-soluble aluminum has not yielded satisfactory correlation. More involved and time consuming procedures for the quantitative determination of dawsonite, however, have been des- cribed by Smith and Young (1969). . Analcime seems to be highly sensitive to detection by X-ray diffraction. Tuffs that contain about 50 percent analcime yielded a major peak whose apex was not recorded at the standard settings of the X-ray equipment. Preparation of standards was hindered because the analcime in these rocks contains myriads of small inclusions of other minerals. Potassium feldspar and albite standards made from materials in these rocks were not obtainable. There is no reason to suspect, however, that the two groups of feldspars have any significant differences in sensitivity to X-rays. Equal peak heights of the two feldspars in these samples probably do indicate nearly equal amounts of the feldspars. Dolomite and calcite seem to be similarly sensitive to detection by X-rays. X-ray diffraction provides a satisfactory and rapid method for distinguishing between the two minerals and for estimating their relative abundance in the sample. Pyrite seems to be less easily detected in the X-ray diffraction patterns than should be expected from its high degree of crystal symmetry. Thin-section study suggests that accessory amounts of pyrite are com- monly disseminated in the rocks of the Parachute Creek Member, but most legible peaks for pyrite are restricted to those patterns from samples in which pyrite is abundant and coarsely crystalline enough to be seen easily by the unaided eye. MINERAL COMPOSITION 27 TABLE 2,—X-ray data, expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units, from grinding experiments on dawsonitic rocks from the lower Piceance Creek section A. PEAK HEIGHT VARIATION WITH GRINDING TIME Dark oil shale, unit 32 Dark oil shale, unit 50 Grinding time (min) —————————— 5 1o 20 30 40 5o 5 10 20 30 40 5o Dawsonite -------------- 29 17 10 9 7 7 84 48 32 23 13 10 31 27 27 26 2s 27 38 32 37 37 29 29 14 14 14 14 14 17 13 14 14 11 1o 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 5 4 5 19 16 15 14 14 17 15 19 12 9 9 7 7 7 6 7 0 0 0 0 o 0 9 s 6 6 6 11 7 5 5 3 3 B. PEAK HEIGHT VARIATION WITH SIZE FRACTION AND GRINDING TIME Method of - - Potassium ~ » - Wei ht sample preparation Mesh Dawsomte Analoxme Quartz feldspar Albite Dolomite Illite per fe nt Hammer mill only------—----‘ -28 71 14 31 9 10 34 7 100 Hammer mill and sieve--- +100 71 14 32 9 11 35 7 44 400 +200 64 14 30 1o 11 34 7 18 ‘200 *% 71 13 31 9 11 37 s 7 _ 77 13 33 1 l 11 34 7 29 Hammer mill and 5-min mixer mill; no sieve— ---------------------------------- 50 12 32 9 10 34 6 100 Hammer mill, 5-min mixer mill, and sieve ---------------------- +100 44 18 32 9 9 31 6 20 -100 +200 47 13 32 9 10 30 6 22 -200 +300 45 14 30 9 8 31 6 13 —300 51 12 31 ll 10 33 5 44 Most of the clay minerals in these rocks are illite type. They tend to lie in a preferred orientation and to yield the highest peak at 8.80 26. Muscovite and biotite have their major peaks at the same position, and examinations of hand specimens and thin sec- tions were used to draw the distinctions noted in the various tables. Reproducibility of the X-ray data, a measure of the precision of the method, is affected by some of the factors already discussed. Some test pellets of selected samples were prepared and scanned four times —twice on each side—the second scan on each side at 90° to the first scan. The ranges of the peak height of the four scans of the test pellets are shown in table 3. The ranges are small, although the range of 2—4 chart units in the larger peaks is a smaller variation than the spread of 3 chart units on smaller peaks. The differences in the ranges cannot be evaluated fully, but they are greatly dependent on the homogeneity of the sample, physical and chemical characteristics of the minerals—including any pre- ferred orientation—and variation in the per- formance of the X-ray generator, goniometer, and re- cording systems. Test patterns were run frequently during the periods of X-ray work to monitor variation in the operation of the X-ray and recording equip- ment. We consider the ranges of peak height to be suf- ficiently small that they probably do not interfere with the use of the data in the manner reported here. The settings on the X—ray equipment previously stated produced legible results on the chart from one scan of the sample for most of the minerals detected. Those peaks whose tops were not recorded on the chart at the standard setting were reported in the tables as values with a plus sign. The plus signs were most frequently needed with values for analcime in tuff beds and for dolomite in oil shale and marlstone, but only about 7 percent of all values compiled in tables 4, 5, and 6 had to be reported with plus signs. We concluded from this study that peak heights ob- tained by X-ray diffraction from these sam- ples,which were uniformly prepared and exposed to X-rays at similar settings of the equipment, do offer a good means of not only determining the minerals present but also comparing the relative abundance of given minerals in different samples. More complex methods requiring preparation of mineral standards of questionable quality supplemented by chemical analyses of the samples were rejected because of the required time and because the final values expressed as weight percent of the mineral are based on mathematical manipulation that easily may make them appear more precise and accurate than they are. A few further words of explanation and caution about reading and interpreting the X-ray data in the tables and figures of this report may be helpful. The amount of a mineral in a sample is expressed by the X-ray peak height in chart units in parts of 100. The greater the value of the peak height, the greater the abundance of the mineral. The peak height of a mineral must not be read as percentage of that 28 X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO TABLE 3.—Range of X—ray peak height in chart units from four replicate scans of test samples Stratigraphic position Potassium and sample description Dawsomte Analcime Quartz feldspar Albite Dolomite Calcite Norelco equipment US. But. Mines cut: Dark-brown oil shale 4.8 ft below tuff 13 (table 10)— ----- *- 33—36 41—44 30—34 17—20 21-25 43—46 -- Dark-brown oil shale 6.8 ft below tuff 13— -------------------- ~ 79—84 -~ 33-37 22-25 10-12 14—18 15—18 Lower Piceance Creek section: Dnrk'brown oil shale 3 ft above base unit 93» ------- — 12—14 9—10 16-19 15—17 7—10 62-66 45-47 Dark-brown oil shale, unit 50 ------------------------------- 61—66 -~ 35-41 21—22 9—11 20-21 27—29 Picker-Nuclear equipment U.S. Bur. Mines cut: Dark-brown oil shale 4.8 ft below tuff 13-—-- 28—35 37—42 26—28 11-13 14-16 31-35 -— Dark-brown oil shale 6.8 ft below tuff 13 --—- 89+ -~ 34-36 19—21 8—9 15—16 13-14 Lower Piceance Creek section: Dark-brown oil shale 3 ft above base unit 93--~ 14-15 7-8 16-18 12—13 6-9 62—64 44—47 Dark-brown oil shale, unit 50 -------------------- —— 79—81 -- 39-43 16-19 6—8 17-18 26-28 Rio Blanco section: Dark-brown oil shale, unit 16 ------------------------------------------- -—- 35—37 20-24 9—11 5-7 53-59 41-50 mineral in the sample. The values for the peak heights, however, are a measure of the relative abun- dance of different minerals in the same sample and indicate variations in the mineral composition between samples. The tables and figures of X-ray data are, therefore, informative when read either vertically or horizontally. OIL SHALE AND MARLSTONE The mineral fraction of the oil shale and marlstone in the three measured sections is composed chiefly of various mixtures of dolomite, calcite, quartz, potas- sium feldspar, albite, analcime, illite, and pyrite. Dawsonitic oil shale and marlstone, found only along lower Piceance Creek, will be discussed separately because of their potential economic value. Relative abundance of the minerals in the oil shale and marlstone determined from X-ray diffraction patterns is shown in tables 4, 5, and 6. A summary of the data from 196 samples of oil shale and marlstone is shown in table 7. The values of peak height were combined into groups, each consisting of a range of 10 chart units of peak height. From these groups, the modal class (the group with the largest number of values) and the median class (the group which in- cludes the value of the middle sample of the entire suite of samples) were determined for each mineral in each rock type. The imbalance in the number of sam- ples for each rock type merely reflects the distribution of the samples collected. Dolomite has long been recognized as the predominant carbonate mineral of the marlstone and oil shale (Bradley, 1931 , p. 20). Dolomite was detected in all the samples, except one of oil shale on lower Piceance Creek. According to the wide range of peak heights recorded, the abundance of dolomite varies greatly. Table 7 suggests a general decrease in abun- dance of dolomite from the marlstones, which con- tain lesser amounts of organic matter, to the dark oil shales, which contain greater amounts of organic matter. Calcite is much more restricted in its occurrence than dolomite. Nearly half of the 196 samples sum- marized in table 7 do not contain detectable calcite, and where present, calcite generally is less abundant than dolomite. However, calcite was detected in more samples and in greater abundance relative to dolomite in samples above the Mahogany ledge than below it in each of the three measured sections (tables 4, 5, and 6). In 69 samples taken above the Mahogany ledge, calcite was detected in 59 samples and was relatively more abundant than dolomite in 14 sam- ples. In 127 samples taken below the Mahogany ledge, calcite was detected in only 42 samples and was more abundant than dolomite in only one. Analcime is a common mineral in these rocks and was detected in 85 percent of the 196 samples that are compared in table 7. Dark oil shale contains more analcime than lighter oil shale and marlstone. About half the 196 samples of the four types of rock yielded X-ray peak heights for quartz within the range of 1 1- 20 chart units, suggesting no great variation in the relative abundance of quartz in many of these rocks. Some potassium feldspar was detected in about 95 percent of the 196 samples of oil shale and marlstone. In the three types of oil shale, nearly half the samples are in the modal class, which coincides with the median class of the medium and dark oil shales. The potassium feldspar is mostly sanidine, but some sam- ples contain microcline and orthoclase, according to X-ray examination by the technique of Wright (1968, fig. 3). Potassium feldspar was detected in more sam- ples than was albite and occurs perhaps in slightly greater relative abundance than albite. MINERAL COMPOSITION 29 TABLE 4.—Mineral composition, expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units, of rocks in stratigraphic succession from the pipeline section ID, dark brown; M, medium brow-n; L, light brown; Cl ,chlorit/e; Py, pyrite; Gp, gypsum. Leaders (--—), not detected] U 't t ' m Analcime Quartz P0 assmm Albite Dolomite Calcite Illite Remarks sampled feldspar PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER Rocks above Mahogany ledge 64 25 43 56 -- 4 Toff, micaceous (Cl, 5). 86+ 16 7 60 51 44 5 Tuff, micaceous. 23 25 18 10 52 — 5 Oil shale, pyritic (D) (Py, 5). 25 17 14 12 65 29 5 Oil shale (D). 29 14 9 11 70 51 3 Oil shale (M). 20 15 11 10 53 34 4 Oil shale, pyritic (D) (Py, 2). 48 19 17 -- 65 7 4 Oil shale, pyritic (D) (Py, 5). 45 15 14 13 81 13 7 Oil shale (L), 85+ 44 4 3 -- -' ‘- Tuff. 28 18 9 11 80 19 -- Oil shale (D). 59 37 29 —- -- 12 -- Tuff (Cl, 9). 27 19 16 15 ’75 20 -' Oil shale (D). 84+ 41 14 6 24 18 8 Tuff, micaceous (C1, 5). 26 13 9 12 63 44 5 Oil shale (D). 88+ 51 11 14 -- 8 8 Tuff, micaceous (Cl, 8). 11 17 12 8 82 48 4 Oil Shale (M). 12 16 12 9 74 58 3 Do. 17 17 11 12 88+ 29 -- Marlsmne, 22 90 ._ —- 21 6 -- Pod in marlstone. Mahogany ledge 28 15 12 14 85+ -- -- Oil shale (D). 75+ 24 12 9 18 8 -- Tuff. Mahogany marker. 21 18 13 42 85+ ~ 9 Oil shale (D). Mahogany bed. 22 12 10 20 85+ 12 4 Oil shale (M). 17 15 14 25 72 38 7 Oil shale (D). 86+ 56 24 24 -- -- '- Tuff. Rocks below Mahogany ledge 11 12 32 46 56 8 -— Oil shale (M). —- 21 22 27 78+ ~ 9 Oil shale, bumed(?). 63 18 33 27 38 14 -- Tuff. -- 13 18 -— 86+ — 4 Oil shale (M). 68+ 5 -- 70 -- — 3 Tuff, muscovitic. 30 14 <- 6 86+ 5 Oil shale (M). 83+ 32 15 30 -- -- -- Tuff. 14 12 19 14 80+ - -- Oil shale (L). 15 37 41 24 75 ~ 6 Marlstone, tuffaceous. 9 26 24 5 94+ 8 -- Mai-lstone, brecciated. -- 26 32 -» 82+ - 3 Marlstone. -- 45 65 27 -- -- Tuff (Cl, 8). -- 12 6 5 87+ ~ 2 Cavity septum. 18 15 19 10 72 — 6 Oil shale (D) (G1), 3). -- 43 57 55 -» —- 5 Tuff. 38 15 18 12 51 — 5 Oil shale (L). 44 15 10 37 24 -- -- Tuff. 80+ 45 10 -- 6 -- -' Do. 80+ 18 -- 8 -- -- —- Do. 12 12 5 4 21 6 4 Oil shale (D). 50+ 6 1 24 -- -- -- Tuff. 27 17 25 10 33 — 9 Oil shale (D). 78+ 27 20 15 57 -- -- Tuff. 7 10 12 -- 74+ — 1 Tuff, dolomitic. 11 8 4 4 35 - 4 Oil shale (M). 66 32 43 14 - —- 5 Tuff. 17 14 5 5 50 -— 8 Oil shale (M). 66 43 44 16 — 7 Tuff. 70+ 12 32 53 -- -- -- Tuff, micaceous (Cl, 8). 60+ 11 9 10 -- -- -- Tuff (C1, 7). 3 8 5 4 58 — 3 Oil shale (L). 8 14 8 7 88+ 15 5 Pod, dolomitic. 19 16 10 8 57 - 9 Oil shale (M). 15 18 16 -- 63 — 7 Marlstone (Py, 8). 4 9 7 15 85+ -- -- Marlstone, tuffaceous. 15 5 5 -» 80+ —- -- Marlstone, tuffaceous (magnesite, 15). 3 3 4 4 85+ -- -- Marlstone; at top of unit. 4 27 7 -- 75+ -- -- Marlstone; 0.6 ft above base. 60+ 8 27 5 -- ~ 6 Tuff. 15 12 4 5 86+ 6 Marlstone. 30 X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO TABLE 4.—Mineral composition, expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units, of rocks in stratigraphic succession from the pipeline section—Continued Unit Potassium sampled Analcune Quartz feldspar Albite Dolomite Calcite 111m Remarks PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER—Continued Rocks below Mahogany ledge—Continued 29 19 -- 10 84+ — 6 D0. 32 20 12 12 21 -— 16 Oil shale (M). 5 l5 -- 6 85+ — 8 Marlstone. 29 17 5 7 85 3 9 D0. 7 12 9 15 80+ ~ 5 Do. GARDEN GULCH MEMBER -- 35 14 17 14 13 21 Shale, silty. TABLE 5.—Mineral composition, expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units, of rocks in stratigraphic succession from the lower Piceance Creek section 1D, dark brown; M, medium brown; L. light brown; Cl,chlorite; Py, pyrite; Gp, gypsum. Leaders (~), not detected] Unit , . Potassium . , , . ssmpl ed Dawsomte Analcune Quartz feldspar Albxte Dolomite Calc1te Hhte Remarks EVACUATION CREEK MEMBER -~ 55 36 22 31 19 20 3 Sandstone, tuffaceous (Cl, 13). -- 32 20 23 60 -- 85+ 5 Sandstone, tuffaceous (Cl, 3). PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER Rocks above Mahogany ledge .. 30 21 13 9 22 30 7 Oil shale, pyritic (D) (Py, 5). -- 25 15 8 8 47 31 7 Oil shale, pyritic (D) (Cl, 3; Py, 2). -- 32 14 11 10 54 27 5 Oil shale, pyritic (D) (Py, 2). -- 90+ 6 5 4 -- 90+ 4 Oil shale (L). -- 88+ 32 28 18 —— 43 22 Tuff. -- 85+ 25 15 15 ~ -- 5 D0. — 27 21 9 11 7O 64 5 Oil shale (M); 10 ft above base. .1 17 13 12 10 64 76 4 Oil shale (D); at base. -« 60 23 38 46 67 3 4 Sandstone, tuffaceous. -- 3 15 16 9 63 80 5 Limestone. . 68 39 26 28 43 3 - Tuff. -— 73 73 14 10 —— -- ~ D0. 85+ 19 34 38 -- 62 — D0. - 90* 4 6 14 73 ~ Do. —- 36 10 75 65 71 57 3 Oil shale (D). -- 27 12 6 -- 51 71 5 Oil shale (M). 18 7 5 5 51 90+ 4 Marlstone. -~ 8 24 33 43 22 64 4 Marlstone, tuffaceous; 7.6 ft above base. - 35 48 50 32 — 7 Marlstone, tuffaceous; 5.6 ft above base. -- 17 31 41 78+ 34 14 5 Marlstone, tuffaceous; 3.6 ft above base. -- 21 18 19 66 50 64 3 Marlstone, tuffaceous; 2.6 ft above base. 31 18 24 22 27 63 5 Marlsbone, tuffaceous; at base. '- 9 26 30 36 44 58 3 Marlstone, silty; 0.4 ft below top. 16 16 5 9 62 78 6 Marlstone; 25 ft above base. - 36 20 ~ 55 23 50 4 Marlstone; 21 ft above base. 37 26 28 50 25 15 5 Marlstone, tuffaceous; 15 ft above base. -- 22 22 -- 77 67 11 4 Sandstone. « 39 26 22 63 29 14 ~ Do. - 24 11 8 7 71 14 3 Oil shale (L). Mahogany ledge -- 94+ 54 4 5 -- -- ~ Tuff. False marker. 22 11 9 5 63 25 3 Oil shale (D). > 19 18 12 12 60 A- 8 Oil shale (M) (Gp, 10). 29 14 8 7 54 17 5 Oil shale (D) (Gp, 5). 12 35 - 83+ -- ~ — Tuff. 29 31 10 10 81 ' 8 Oil shale (D). —» 79 29 -- 30 2O -- — 'I‘uff. Mahogany marker. 8 11 5 4 76 45 4 Oil shale (D). -- 24 17 7 9 40 4 7 Oil shale (D); 1 ft above base. Mahogany bed. 26 23 7 8 50 12 8 Oil shale (D) (Py, 6); at base. Mahogany bed. TABLE 5.—Mineral composition, MINERAL COMPOSITION 31 expressed by X—ray peak height in chart units, of rocks in stratigraphic succession from the lower Piceance Creek section—Continued Um‘ Dawsonite Analcime Quartz ”1395‘“ Albite Dolomite Calcite 111m Remarks sampled feldspar PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER—Continued Mahogany ledge—Continued .. 2 9 6 6 43 87 3 Marlstone, —- 24 15 7 7 55 6 10 Oil shale (D); 4 ft above base. w 11 18 3 5 95 ”l — - Oil shale (D) (Gp, 2); 3 ft above base. -- 17 21 11 — 4O —- 10 Oil shale (D) (Py, 3); 1 ft above base. -- 96+ 48 9 22 -- -- ~ Tuff. -- 95+ 36 6 8 -- -- —- Do. -- 15 17 8 10 82+ - 8 Oil shale (D). -- 95+ 33 -- 8 —- 6 —- “ff. -- 6 17 6 4 -- 90+ — Rosette in cavity (Gp, 5). -— 7 29 11 10 68 78 3 Residue in cavity (Gp, 5). -- 4 15 12 21 57 46 3 Oil shale (D) (Gp, 7). Rocks below Mahogany ledge -- 10 44 6 5 76+ — 2 Marlstone (Op, 3). -- 26 14 17 20 85+ ~ 3 Oil shale (M); in cavity zone. -- 38 25 - —- 90+ - — Material in cavity (G1), 2). -— -- -— —— 26 80+ 6 3 Material in pod. -— -— 13 25 27 65 ~ 5 Marlstone. -- -- 13 26 16 50 20 4 Oil shale (D). -« 23 21 5 9 60 -— 4 Do. -— 21 14 12 10 83 3 6 D0. 10 12 20 32 —— 47 35 - Cavity filling (Gp, 8). -- 9 37 13 6 60 —- 3 Marlstone. -- 24 18 11 9 80 — 2 Do. -- 17 18 6 14 55 ~ 9 Oil shale (D) (Gp, 12). -- 8 14 10 10 62 —- 14 Do. -- 38 19 27 13 40 - 7 Oil shale (L). 24 15 19 16 -— 52 - 6 Oil shale (D). —- 33 20 24 17 61 ~ 7 T?“- 12 26 22 21 11 71 — 6 011 shale (D) (Gp, 4). -- 16 35 16 -- 28 -— 5 'I‘uff. 35 15 25 16 8 -— -- - Do. 13 23 21 22 e 46 a 8 Oil shale (D); 6 ft above base. 13 10 20 17 4 59 45 5 Oil shale (D); 3 ft above base. -- 28 27 16 ~ 70 -- 8 Oil shale (D) (Gp, 4). <- 19 21 9 9 54 . 11 Oil shale (L); 6 ft above base. 11 6 22 25 ~ 62 - 7 Oil shale (L); 4 ft above base. -- -- 27 34 — 32 — 9 Oil shale (L); 0.2 ft above base. -- 22 15 11 85 -- —- Conglomerate, dolomitic. -- -- 26 32 13 46 - 8 Oil shale (D). -- 3 14 10 ~ 85+ ~ -- Conglomerate, dolomitic. .. .. 20 27 — 70 ~ 6 Oil shale (L). 30 24 -- 85+ —- 8 Matlstone. -- 19 51 13 10 85+ — 8 Oil shale (D). 18 8 21 17 11 43 4 6 Oil shale (D); 52.6 ft above unit 49. 20 23 26 14 8 40 ._ 6 Oil shale (D) (Py, 4); 36.1 ft above unit 49. - 80 27 12 22 53 -- — Matlstone, tuffaceous; 25.6 ft above unit 49. -- 92+ 38 29 12 -- 30 19 'I‘uff; 24.3 ft above unit 49. 30 23 16 1 73 —- 8 Oil shale (M); 20.9 ft above unit 49. 75+ 36 11 -— 65 - -- 'l‘uff; 19.7 ft above unit 49. -- 14 20 12 .. 71 ~ 8 Oil shale (M); 13.4 ft above unit 49. -- 31 90 41 ~ 50 11 6 Tuff; 12.1 ft above unit 49. 5 17 10 1 65+ -- ~ Toff; 11 ft above unit ‘49. -- 13 17 10 10 81 — 8 Oil shale (L); 9.7 ft above unit 49. 47 »- 31 17 8 18 25 6 Oil shale (D) (Py, 4); 4 ft above unit 49. ~ 83 59 14 24 -~ 13 — Tuff, a key bed. Tuff 13 of table 101 13 9 33 17 8 66 - 6 Oil shale (D); 2 ft below unit 49. 53 7 31 18 7 17 — 5 Oil shale (D); 4.8 ft balow unit 49. 55 5 31 19 7 12 - 4 Oil shale (D); 5.8 ft below unit 49. 19 -» 21 13 4 86+ 5 Oil shale (D); 8.4 ft below unit 49. 42 5 30 12 1 45 - 6 Oil shale (M); 8.5 ft below unit 49. 31 6 25 18 6 61 3 Oil shale (M); 10 ft below unit 49. ~- 75+ 32 19 -- —- -- ’I‘uff; 16.5 ft below unit 49. 26 8 22 11 12 7 11 Oil shale (D) (Py, 5); 20 ft below unit 49. -- 23 25 16 _ 42 10 9 Oil shale (D) (Py, 5; Gp, 6); 20.6 ft below unit 49. 3 18 27 17 10 35 - 8 Oil shale (D) (Py, 4); 21.1 ft below unit 49. 33 _. 28 17 10 24 12 8 Oil shale (D) (Py, 6); 22.6 ft below unit 49. -- 23 24 12 9 49 9 6 Oil shale (D); 23.3 ft below unit 49. 24 -- 16 17 -— 48 8 5 Oil shale (D); 32.4 ft below unit 49. -- 15 21 12 11 67 7 15 Oil shale (D); 34.1 ft below unit 49. l 11 6 5 96 3 5 Oil shale (D); 37.4 ft below unit 49. - 7 13 5 9 66 11 9 Oil shale (D); 42.4 it below unit 49. - 41 22 26 6 26 13 6 Tuff; 44.4 ft below unit 49. 32 X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO TABLE 5.—Mineral composition, expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units, of rocks in stratigraphic successzon from the lower Piceance Creek section —Continued Unit D w 0 it An 1 ~ Quartz P°tassmm Alb'te D ' C 1 't ' sampled a s n e a tame feldspar l olomite a 01 e Ilhte Remarks PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER—Continued Rocks below Mahogany ledge—Continued -- 9 19 6 7 32 - 13 Oil shale (D); 52.4 ft below unit. 49. 3% 2 31 13 10 21 -- 13 Oil shale (D); 52.8 ft below unit 49. -- 7 30 -- 49 ~ 2 ’hlff; 54.0 ft below unit 49. -- 10 25 -- 9 48 5 11 Oil shale (D). ~- 8 20 15 7 28 -- 10 Oil shale (D); 57.4 ft below unit 49. 32-——~—~--- 29 g 31 16 8 22 8 14 Oil shale (D) (Py, 3). - -— 2 5 2 2 93 - 2 Marlstorle; 64.2 ft below unit 49. 9 17 7 6 53 - 13 Marlstone; 65.2 ft below unit 49. - 5 21 16 7 18 - 10 Oil shale (D); 68.4 ft below unit 49. -- 23 38 12 -- -- 4 ’I‘uff; 72.3 ft below unit 49. 6 5 13 9 5 83+ 5 4 Oil shale (D); 73.3 ft below unit 49. 15 -- 50 25 18 57 — 6 Marlstone; 75.3 ft below unit. 49. —- 5 43 40 -- -- — 6 Tuff. -- 9 9 3 3 90+ 3 ~ Marlstone. -- 64 5 11 16 ~ ~ — 'I‘uff. -- 76 + 9 14 19 -~ — ~ Do. -- <- 16 10 5 35 — 13 Oil shale (D); 2.7 ft below to . -- 15 17 9 8 55 — 11 Oil shale (L); near base. p —- 5 16 -- 9 33 ~ 13 Oil shale ( ). -~ - -- 3 86 + 11 7 Oil shale (L). -~ ~ - 6 8 70 + - 12 Oil shale (D). -- 6 6 12 5 Oil shale (D) (Gp, 29). 0 Do. [D, dark brown; M, medium brown; L, light brown; Py, section ’T‘ l l | x - |.. . 1-1 M.. ._. m- \I a: b—‘D—I mH A01 ll' . m on» pyrite; Cl, chlorite; Gp, gypsum. Leaders (---), not detected] Uh“ Analcime Quartz Pmsm’" Albite Dolomite Calcite Illite Remarks sampled feldspar PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER Rocks above Mahogany ledge 35 20 12 9 60 41 10 Oil shale, pyritic (D) (Py, 2). 25 15 10 7 50 82 4 Do. 25 10 7 7 56 14 4 Oil shale, pyritic (D) (Py, 3). 81+ 36 23 19 -- ~ 5 'I‘uff, micaceous; lowest bed. 36 19 12 11 84 — 4 Oil shale, pyrih'c (D) (Py, 2). 83+ 41 16 34 -« 6 8 Sandstone dike, tuffaceous. 24+ 17 12 -- 80 22 5 Oil shale (D). 22 39 11 23 40 39 12 Oil shale (L). 6 25 27 80 -- — 11 Tuff pods. 11 34 11 18 87 + 19 15 Oil shale (M). 31 29 11 34 86 1‘ —— 4 Tuff. 32 15 8 8 74 13 5 Oil shale (D). 26 15 10 9 85+ 25 4 Oil shale (M) (Cl, 3); 3.1 ft above base. 9 26 5 3 55 88 + -- Oil shale (D). 28 17 13 10 61 28 5 Oil shale (M). - 13 6 -- 85+ -- -- Marlstone. 18 15 12 - 72 23 3 Oil shale (D). 8 71 20 22 85+ 6 13 Marlstone. 18 12 9 - 55 72 3 Oil shale (D). 41 53 15 26 76 9 7 Marlstone, tuffaceous. 6 48 21 22 87+ 25 9 Tuff, muscovitie (Cl, 4). 7 41 25 19 84+ 14 11 Tuff, muscovitic. -- 23 23 10 44 23 3 Oil shale, pyritic (D) (Py, 6). 40 13 10 8 40 10 5 011 shale, pyritlc (D) (Py, 3). 20 15 15 8 74 18 4 Oil shale (M). 68 21 17 9 35 7 5 Oil shale (D). 88+ 25 6 23 ~ 16 5 Tuff. -- 44 12 48 85+ 15 11 Marlstone (Cl, 4). 16 43 11 -- 71 43 3 Oil shale (D). 83+ 24 7 23 -- 24 5 Tuff. » 44 12 18 85+ 15 11 Marlsmne (Cl, 4). 17 86 -- -- 44 18 3 011 shale (D). 81+ 16 10 15 -- — 5 Tuff. TABLE 6.-Mineral composition, expressed MINERAL COMPOSITION by X-ray peak height in Blanco section —Continued 33 chart units, of rocks in stratigraphic succession from the Rio Unit Potassium . ‘ Alb te ’ ' ' sampled Analmme Quartz feldspar 1 Dolomite Calmte Illlte Remarks PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER—Continued Rocks above Mahogany ledge—Continued 85 -------- 7 37 13 22 86 15 13 Marlstonh 74.e__~.._~ 33+ 35 14 10 66 20 17 Tuff, weathered, biot’mc 85+ 41 23 13 50 22 17 Tuff, fresh, biotitic. 10 10 7 6 58 90+ 4 Oil shale (M). 9 21 22 -- 73 33 6 Oil shale (D); 2 ft below top. 39 80 10 7 42 - 5 Tuff (Cl, 3). 22 14 7 -- 75 -- 22 Oil shale (M); encloses tuff. 13 16 12 1 86+ 21 6 Marlstone. 28 11 7 13 43 39 3 Oil shale (D). .. 14 -- 4 90+ — -- Sandstone. 1 - -- 2 91+ 70 .. Do. 10 18 18 -- 86 31 - Oil shale (L). 38 21 22 18 32 4 6 Tuff (C1, 5; Gp, 3). Mahogany ledge 44 13 5 9 82+ -— 4 Oil shale (L). 4 5 -- -- 90+ 70 —- Clay bed (Cl, 31). -- 26 -- 3 90+ -- Marlstone (Cl, 30). 78+ 20 10 10 30 -- 'I‘uff (Cl, 30). 20 24 9 14 86 Marlstone (Cl, 8). 13 64 35 39 43 — 7 Tuff, muscovitic (C1, 9). 85 + 37 7 34 40 ~ -- Tuff (Cl,3). 39 23 -- 75 + 27 ~ 4 Sandstone dike (Cl, 7). 78+ 22 10 11 <- - 5 Tuff, weathered. 78+ 17 14 9 - -- -< Tuff, fresh. Mahogany marker. 9 26 22 18 90+ ~ 9 Marlstone. 20 11 10 10 59 22 3 Oil shale (D). Mahogany bed. 12 7 2 4 95+ — 2 Dolomite 20 14 -— 8 96 21 5 Oil shale (D). 15 24 10 17 95+ 3 13 Dolomite. —- 30 11 20 86+ 19 10 Oil shale (D); 15.9 ft above base. 8 16 -- 16 59 41 5 Oil shale (D); 10.6 ft above base. 13 14 9 16 67 18 -- Oil shale (D) 20 10 -- 12 79 — 4 Oil shale (D); uppermost bed. 14 11 10 -- 95+ 9 3 Oil shale (D); lowermost bed. 65 38 —» 53 33 —— 39 Tuff, biotitic. Rocks below Mahogany ledge 89+ 20 16 77 74 — 3 'I‘uff. 5 11 -- 7 90+ 3 — Dolomite. 75+ 36 22 —- -- -- Sandstone, tuffaceous (Gp, 4). 2 4 . 7 90+ 3 -- Sandstone. 80+ 20 18 22 — -- 5 31 18 17 17 80 32 7 Marlstone. 12 22 12 11 86+ — 4 Do. 87+ 45 12 45 -- — -- Tuff. 25 17 31 25 58 6 6 Marlstone. .. 37 25 18 74 82 4 Sandstone. 24 23 30 22 84+ — 5 Marlstone, tuffaceous; 25 ft above base. 42 16 17 28 73 18 5 Marlstone; 5 ft above base. 55 11 23 29 70 — 4 Marlstone, tuffaceous; at base of unit. 28 11 15 15 37 .. .. Cavity filling (Cl, 8; leonhardite, 23). 11 24 12 17 -- —- Noddule (Gp, 55). 49 14 27 25 73 -. . Marlstone (Py, 2). 22 6 -- 7 -- — -- Concretion, pyritic (Py, 27). 35 22 16 19 52 — 8 Marlstone (Gp, 17). 10 19 - 14 -- -- -- Concretion, pyritic (Py, 5; Gp, 29). -- -- -- - - . Concretion, pyritic (Py, 17; szmolnokite, 28). 32 16 18 26 52 -— 4 Marlstone (Gp, 21). 8 10 13 11 59 56 —- Marlstone, fossiliferous (insects). 7 13 14 13 75 3 -- Marlstone. 16 8 7 7 74+ 5 D0. 47 17 18 14 61 — 5 Tuff. 10 31 24 12 76 — 5 Siltstone, tuffaceous. 12 27 20 12 85+ — 7 Marlstone (Cl, 3). 12 4 .. 6 84+ 4 -- Tuff (Cl, 17). 4 28 32 14 88+ — 3 Marlstone (Cl, 3). 34 X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO TABLE 7.—Mineral composition, expressed by X—ray peak height in chart units, of oil shale and marlstone from the three measured sections [Numbers in parentheses indicate number of samples] Marlstone (60) Light-brown oil shale (17) Medium-brown oil shale (33) Dark-brown oil shale (36) Mineral . Modal class Median class Modal class Median class Modal class Median class Modal class Median class 1-10 (20 11-20 1—10 (3) 11-20 11—20 (11) 11-20 21-30 (29) 11-20 11—20 (23) 21—30 11—20 (7) 11-20 11-20 (24) 11-20 11-20 (47) 11—20 11—20 (20) 11-20 1-10 (8) 11-20 11-20 (16) 11—20 11—20 (42) 11—20 1-10 (9) 11-20 1-10 (8) 1-10 1—10 (18) 1-10 1—10 (50) 1—10 81—90 (23) 71—80 81—90 (5) 61—70 81~90 (7) 61-70 51—60 (14) 51-60 — o (34) 0 0 (11) 0 0 (15) 1-10 0 (35) 1—10 Illite ------------------ 1-10 (42) 1-10 1-10 (12) 1-10 1—10 (26) 1-10 1-10 (71) 1—10 Some albite was detected in about 85 percent of the 196 samples of oil shale and marlstone. Albite peaks in about half the samples of oil shale have heights in the modal class (peaks of 1-10 chart units). The modal class of peak heights for albite is the same in the marlstone as in the oil shale, but the range of all values is greater in the marlstone, as indicated by only nine of 60 peaks being within the modal class and by the median value lying in the class of 11—20 chart units. Most of the sodium feldspar is low-struc- tured albite (Ab95_1oo) as determined by the X-ray technique of Wright (1968, fig. 3). Low-structured albite is considered to be of low-temperature origin, and it has a high degree of order of the silicon and aluminum atoms in the structure. Small amounts of illite occur in many of the sam- ples, and chloritic material occurs in a few of the sam- ples. Pyrite occurs as tiny disseminated grains and streaks in many rocks—most commonly, the dark oil shales. Small amounts of some sulfate minerals derived from the weathering of pyrite and other minerals oc- cur mostly as coatings along bedding planes or as fillings in fractures, or even as blooms of efflorescent salts. The most common of these minerals is gypsum (CaSO4-2H20), which occurs chiefly as thin white coatings along bedding planes. The coatings of gypsum are especially abundant in the outcrops along lower Piceance Creek. Other sulfate minerals detected by X-ray diffraction analysis are szomolnokite (FeSO4-H20), starkeyite (MgSO4- 4H20), and bloedite (MgSO4-NagsO4-4H20) (B.M. Madsen, written commun., 1968). VER'I'ICAI. VARIA’I‘ION IN COMPOSITION Data compiled in tables 4, 5, 6, and 7 characterize the composition of the mineral fraction of units a few inches thick of the generally laminated oil shale and marlstone taken from various stratigraphic intervals in the three measured sections. Further detailed study of some differing units of these rocks was undertaken to determine how similar a randomly sampled inch or two of rock is to the next few inches or feet above or below. For this study, selected blocks of rocks were sawed, and samples were obtained with the use of a dental drill. Powdered samples thus obtained were pelletized and were used to form a veneer of sample on a backing of powdered cellulose. In the des- criptions below, the letter and number symbols in parentheses refer to colors in the standard “Rock- Color Chart” by Goddard and others (1948). FOSSILIFEROUS OIL SHALE AND MARLSTONE, PIPELINE SECTION A stratigraphic thickness of 12.15 cm of laminated light-brown oil shale and marlstone rich in insect fos- sils was selected for detailed study from unit 197 in the pipeline section. The slab of rock, shown in figure 9, is 20 cm wide and has light laminae that are yellowish gray (5Y 7/2) to light gray (N 7) alternat- ing with dark laminae that are light olive gray (5Y 5/2) to medium gray (N5). Each sample consists of a series of extremely thin light and dark laminae, but each sample has a distinctly different color when compared with the samples above and below (fig. 10). FIGURE 9.—F0ssilifer0us laminated oil shale and marlstone from the pipeline section (unit 197.) Dark spots show where samples were taken. Numbers are sample numbers used in figure 10. 5 3 .2983 36858 89a RSEE scam .Sw $39, go Quack,“ oflvfifiim mwamoEE ms: wmsmam .mfiss tag 5 Emma; :53 hash an wwwmuaxe an AR: £55 somuomm 2533 9: 89¢ 28519: 38 29? no ufimfififl macawammfi mo :Efimonfioo REESIdH "EDGE mEEmm +0 3mm 0mm cod H mm om; Nmm omd om.N mmm «mm om.m N mmm O . H om m I S 0 0mm m mo© w 00. n mmm L wmm M mos E mmm m 05w M 8m omd Sm 3.3 mom 8.3 mom om. # H «mm m H . NH 20 m.._n=>_:o._5_ww<._.On_ _______ __________ 36 X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO TABLE 8.—Mineral composition, expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units, of a sequence of marlstone and medium- brown oil shale from the pipeline section (unit 218) (D, dolomite; c, calcite] Number of samples Thickness Arithmetic average of peak height Dark layers Light layers (cm) Total P - Analcime Quartz ““5““ Albite Dolomite Calcite Illite D >0 0 >1) Total D 4 c c >D Total feldspar 26. 3 6 8 2 10 1 6 28 1 3 5 5 69 65 3 7. 3 3 0 2 2 5 20 13 3 4 58 80 3 15. 1 4 4 1 5 9 19 13 3 4 74 58 3 21. 8 8 2 13 15 23 20 1 1 4 4 69 74 3 1. 0 1 3 0 3 4 20 1 4 4 5 81 69 4 2. 1 1 0 2 2 3 22 1 2 3 3 73 87 3 4. 1 6 5 0 5 1 1 24 14 4 6 82 69 3 10. 1 9 0 9 9 18 14 10 4 4 84 75 0 The thickest individual lamina in this slab is about 1 mm thick, but commonly the total thickness of three or four pairs of light and dark laminae is only 1 mm. Even some of the thinnest laminae can be traced laterally across the entire slab. Clearly visible in figure 9 are structural features that Bradley (1931, p. 29) called “loop bedding.” In these, the normally even and regular lateral course of the laminae in thin sequences generally a few millimeters thick is interrupted irregularly by constriction of some or all of the layers. In the short interval of constriction, the inner laminae of the se- quence commonly are pinched off, but the upper and lowermost laminae are not. These features are more common in the oil shale than in the marlstone, as noted by Bradley (1931 , p. 29). The greater abundance of these features in rocks rich in organic matter suggests that they may be related to the algal life in the lake. The composition of the samples is shown in figure 10. Major minerals are dolomite and calcite that are in association with analcime, quartz, feldspar, and illite. The X-ray data indicate that the upper half of the slab contains more calcite and less dolomite than the lower half. No other differences in mineral com- position are apparent, but the upper half of the slab seems to be darker. The composition of a composite channel sample of the entire slab is shown by the broken lines in figure 10. MARLSTONE AND MEDIUM-BROWN OIL SHALE, PIPELINE SECTION A stratigraphic thickness of 96.8 cm of marlstone and medium-brown oil shale from unit 218 in the pipeline section was studied in a series of slabs of rock 5—22 cm wide. This sequence of rocks is well laminated, and as in the slab described above, many individual laminae are no more than 0.5 mm thick. The lightest colored laminae in this sequence are yellowish gray (5Y 7/2) to grayish yellow (5Y8/4). The medium-colored laminae are light olive gray (5Y 6/1 and 5Y 5/2) to dark yellowish brown (10 YR 4/2). The dark laminae contain the most organic matter and range from olive gray 5 Y4/1 and 5Y3/ 2) through dusky yellowish brown (10 YR 2/ 2) to brownish black (5 YR 2/ 1). The mineral composition of the suite of 89 samples is summarized in table 8, which emphasizes some of the characteristics of these rocks rich in dolomite and calcite. A major feature of these rocks is the stratigraphic variation in content of calcite and dolomite; groups of layers rich in calcite alternate with groups rich in dolomite. There is no apparent correlation of the predominance of calcite or dolomite with either light or dark layers. The relative content of the other minerals does not vary greatly. OIL SHALE FROM THE MAHOGANY LEDGE, LOWER PICEANCE CREEK SECTION A slab from a 20.6-cm-thick sequence of oil shale from the Mahogany ledge was selected for study from unit 161 in the lower Piceance Creek section. This se- quence of rock, shown in figure 11, is well laminated, but compared with the rock shown in figure 9, the laminae in this sequence are more clearly defined and form small units of rock with more distinctly con- trasting color. As in the other rocks examined in detail the individual laminae are extremely thin. This slab is generally darker than the others de- scribed in this part of the report, mostly because these MINERAL COMPOSITION 37 rocks are richer in organic matter. The lightest laminae in the oil shale are light brown(5 YR 6/4);the intermediate—colored laminae are moderate brown (5YR 4/4) to dark yellowish brown (IOYR 2/2) to blackish red (5R 2/ 2). The tuff at the base of the slab consists of two phases differing in color and texture. The lower, coarser grained part (sample 200) is moderate brown (5YR 4/ 4), and the upper, finer grained part (sample 201) is pale yellowish brown (10YR 6/ 2). The upper part easily could be mistaken for marlstone in a casual examination. The composition of 20 samples from this sequence is shown in figure 12. Major minerals in the oil shale are dolomite and calcite, but in this sequence the dolomite peaks in general have twice the heights of the calcite peaks. Analcime, quartz, potassium feldspar, and albite are detectable in every sample. Small amounts of illite are detectable in most sam- ples. The tuff has been altered to a rock consisting most- ly of analcime and quartz. The total amount of feld- spar probably is about equal in each tuff layer, but the coarser grained layer contains only albite, and the finer grained layer contains both potassium feld- spar and albite. MASSIVE MARLSTONE FROM THE MAHOGANY LEDGE, LOWER PICEANCE CREEK SECTION The entire 31.25-cm stratigraphic thickness of mas- sive pale-yellowish-brown (10YR 6/ 2) marlstone of unit 166 was studied in two slabs from the Mahogany ledge of the lower Piceance Creek section. Some dis- continuous, undulating thinly laminated brownish- black (5 YR 2/ 1) lenses occur throughout the bed. The mineral composition of the bed is shown in figure 13. The rock is composed chiefly of calcite and dolomite, with dolomite predominating only in the thin discontinuous dark layers. The composition of the bed is remarkably uniform, except for a slight decrease upward in the content of analcime and for the great variation of analcime, dolomite, and calcite in the thin dark bed (sample 5, fig. 13). l‘vIARLSTONE AND LAMINATED OIL SHALE FROM THE MAHOGANY LEDGE, RIO BLANCO SECTION A slab from a 9.5-cm-thick sequence of marlstone and laminated oil shale in the Mahogany ledge was selected for study from unit 44 in the Rio Blanco sec— tion. This sequence of rock is shown in figure 14. The lower 14 mm consists of thinly laminated oil shales. The lightest layers are yellowish gray (5Y 7/2), and FIGURE 11.—Laminated oil shale from the Mahogany ledge in the lower Piceance Creek section (unit 161.) Dark spots show where samples were taken. Numbers are sample numbers used in figure 12. the darkest layers are dusky yellowish brown (10 YR 2/ 2). The next 54 mm of pale-yellowish-brown (10 YR 6/ 2) marlstone consists of five massive beds in which the lower parts are coarser grained and slightly darker than the upper parts. Each of the five beds is separated by a few thin undulating dark laminae that appear to have more organic material than the rock above and below. Above the five massive beds are three thinner, but massive, beds separated by dark layers that are thicker than those in the beds be- low. These three beds have an aggregate thickness of 14 mm. The uppermost 1 3 mm of ' the sample consists chiefly of thinly laminated beds of marlstone that range from yellowish gray (5Y 8/ 1) to light olive gray (5 Y 5/2). 38 2 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202a 202 201 200 BASE FIGURE 12.—Mineral composition of laminated oil 5 SAMPLE X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO POTASSIUM ANALCIME QUARTZ FELDSPAR ALBITE DOLOMITE CALCITE ILLITE CHi$go 10 20 30 4o 50 60 7080 90100 0 10 20 30 40 o 10 0 102050 60 7080 90100 20 3040 50 o 10 UNIIIIIIIIIIfiIIIIWFIIIfiIIIIIWIIIWr—I I V | | I 9J5 860 7.30 6.50 5.50 4.80 435 230 L30 OF SAMPLE l shale from the Mahogany ledge in the lower Piceance Creek section (unit 161), as expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units. Dashed line indicates arithmetic average of values for each mineral in a composite sample of units 202-218. MINERAL COMPOSITION 39 111 g E “J E N 7, n. '1 “J —J 0: < O l: o o “J 2 5‘ 5 d m a :2 E _l CH < O n. “- < o o :' UNl‘iR; 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 0 1o 0 10 20 30 4o 50 60 70 80 90100 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 0 10 I_l_r__I'_-| I—T__| I'_I I—‘l I”—F I I I I I I I r I I I I I l I I (—1 SAMPLE CM 31.25 13 28.25 12 25.25 11 22.25 10 19.25 9 16.25 8 13.35 7 9.25 6 6.95 5 6.75 4 5.40 3 5.00 2 3.10 1 Base of sample FIGURE' 13.—Mineral composition of massive marlstone from the Mahogany ledge in the lower Piceance Creek section (unit 166), as expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units. The mineral composition of these layers is shown in figure 15. As in most of the rocks, the commonly detected minerals include dolomite, quartz, analcime, potassium feldspar, albite, and illite. Calcite is conspicuously absent, in marked contrast to the marlstone and oil shales in the comparable stratigraphic position beneath the Mahogany marker on lower Piceance Creek. The laminated rock in the lower 14 mm of the slab contains a little more feldspar and a little less dolomite than some of the oil shales studied. The composition of the marlstone and oil shale in the uppermost 13 mm of the slab varies widely. The middle 54 mm of the slab contains beds con— siderably different than many noted elsewhere in this study. The massive nature of the beds and the 40 variation in grain size, coarser on the bottom and finer on the top, lend a distinctive appearance of “graded bedding” to this unit of rock. Data in figure 15 indicate that the coarser grained part of the beds contains more analcime and quartz, and less dolomite, than the finer grained part. The thin dark interlayers generally are more distorted than many other layers and contain more dolomite—and probably more organic matter—and less analcime than the adjacent layers. FIGURE 14.—Marlstone and laminated oil shale from the Mahoga- ny ledge in the Rio Blanco section (unit 44). Numbers indicate position of composite samples shown in figure 15. LATERAL VARIATION IN COMPOSITION MEDIUM-BROWN OIL SHALE, PIPELINE SECTION Lateral variation in composition of a sequence of medium-brown oil shale about 3 inches thick that lies 3.1 feet below the top of unit 221 in the pipeline sec- tion was studied in a series of samples collected at 20- foot intervals along 240 feet of continuous exposure. The north end of the sequence is about 40 feet south of a cattleguard. The rock is thinly laminated; the X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO lightest layers are pale yellowish brown (10 YR 6/2) , and the darkest layers are brownish gray (5 YR 4/1). The mineral composition of the 10 samples is shown in figure 16. The minerals detected include dolomite, calcite, analcime, quartz, illite, potassium feldspar, and albite. Dolomite is more abundant than calcite in all the samples. These data indicate a lateral consistence in composition. DARK, PYRITIC OIL SHALE, RIO BLANCO SECTION Lateral variation in mineral composition of a well- exposed blue-gray-weathering dark pyritic oil shale was studied in a suite of 37 samples collected at 100- foot intervals along the continuous exposures of unit 155 in the Rio Blanco section. The samples were collected from the middle of the 0.3-foot-thick bed that is exposed as a rounded ledge 22.3 feet above the top of the westernmost roadcut in the Rio Blanco section (fig. 7). The blue-gray weathered coating is very thin. The rock is laminated on close inspection, but it has a massive appearance because it is so dark—dark gray (N 3) to grayish black (N2). The only mineral visible to the unaided eye is pyrite, which is disseminated throughout the bed. The pyrite is most easily seen on fractures crossing the planes of lamination at low angle. The mineral composition of these samples is shown in figure 17; the samples are numbered in horizontal sequence eastward from sample 1. Dolomite, analcime, quartz, potassium feldspar, albite, calcite, illite, and pyrite were detected. A comparison of the range and arithmetic average of the mineral content of the various samples indicates a normal dis- tribution of the values; that is, the data suggest a laterally uniform composition for this bed. DAWSONITIC ROCKS Dawsonite (NaAl(OH)2C03) has been described from drill cores in the Piceance Creek basin by Smith and Milton (1966), and the potential resources of dawsonite have been discussed by Hite and Dyni (1967). In November 1966, we found dawsonite dur— ing X-ray study of medium- and dark-brown oil shales in the measured section on lower Piceance Creek. The dawsonite occurs in scattered samples from a stratigraphic interval of about 370 feet—from FIGURE 15.—Mineral composition of marlstone and laminated oil shale from the ‘Mahogany ledge in the Rio Blanco section (unit 44) , as expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units. ANALCIME CHART UNITS O 10 20 30 r—r—rfi SAMPLE MM ———#— 95.0 Base of sample MINERAL COMPOSITION QUARTZ POTASSIUM ALBITE FELDSPAR 10203040506070 0102030 01020 r—fl—l—fififi DOLOMITE 10 20 3O 4O 5O 6O 7O 80 90100 ILLITE 010 7—1 41 42 2 s a 2% _ N (7, a. o '— U) (0 _l 0: < Q g at 5 a < O 0. LL CHART UNITS 0 10 20 30 O 10 20 O 10 SOUTH 10 SAMPLE 1 NORTH FIGURE 16. X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO L|J t Lu Lu 2 ': t o o if m —J _| _ .4 O < -‘ < o o d 0 10 50 60 70 80 90 20 30 0 10 —Lateral variation in mineral composition of medium-brown oil shale from the pipeline section (unit 221), as expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units. Horizontal sample interval is 20 feet. about 200 feet above the base of the Parachute Creek Member upward to within about 70 feet of the base of the Mahogany ledge. A dawsonite-rich zone about 45 feet thick occurs about 50 feet above the base of the R—5 zone (fig. 6). This zone has been traced updip from its emergence on lower Piceance Creek for about 1.5 miles northwest to the edge of the plateau overlooking the White River (fig. 3). As a result of this work, several tons of rock from this zone were quarried for further study by the US. Bureau of Mines. The rock was taken from the exposures at the level of the Piceance Creek road (fig. 4) in the SEIASWIA sec. 11, T. 1 N ., R. 97 W. (J. W. Smith, written commun., 1967). A suite of 54 samples consisting of 47 dark- and seven medium-brown oil shales was studied in de- tail, and the mineral composition is summarized in table 9. Quartz, potassium feldspar, dolomite, and dawsonite occur in all the samples, and illite occurs in 53 samples. Albite and analcime, however, occur in only about half the samples; and pyrite and calcite, in only about one-fourth. X—ray analysis of the 54 samples of dawsonitic rock from lower Piceance Creek shows that dawsonite content increases as quartz content increases but varies inversely with analcime content (fig. 18). Hay (1970, p. 254) reported similar relations from drill cores of rocks from the deeper parts of the basin; he suggested that dawsonite and quartz could have formed from analcime under a high partial pressure of carbon dioxide, determined by equilibrium with nahcolite, according to the following reaction: NaAlSi206~H20+COZ->2Si02+NaAl(OH)2003 analcime —>quartz + dawsonite POTASS MINERAL COMPOSITION IUM CHART ANALCIME QUARTZ FELDSPAR ALBITE DOLOMITE UNITS 0102030405060 0 102030 0 1020 0 1020 0 10203040506070 0 102030 01020 010 r-r-fl r—r‘I l—I—I r-r-r—r—r—r—r“! r—r—r—i r’r‘W (—1 SAMPLE KOOONCDU'l-PQ’NH NMHHI—nv—dp—nv—IHHHn—I Hommxlmm-bwwwo wwmwwwwmmmmmmmm mmewmwommwmmbww 37 ARITHMETIC 34 AVERAGE 14 FIGURE 17.—Latera1 variation in mineral composi expressed by X—ray peak height in chart units. 1. Locality is shown in figure 7. 40 tion of dark pyritic oil Horizontal sample interval is 100 feet, be CALCITE ILLlTE PYRITE NfflMMfimmmmmmmmmmmwmmm 12 8.5 shale from the Rio Blanco section (unit 155), as ginning on the west with sample 43 44 TABLE 9.—Mineral composition, expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units, of 54 dawsonitic rocks exposed on lower Piceance Creek. Peak height Mineral Number of ‘ ‘ samples Range Anthmetlc average Dawsonite ------------------------ 54 3—90 34 Dolomite 54 5—85 40 Quartz 54 8-40 25 Potass 54 6—35 13 Illite 53 2—1 1 6 Albite 34 4—25 9 Analcimen— 32 4—34 15 Pyrite ----- ~ 15 1—8 4 Calcite ------------------------------ 14 4—18 10 In a detailed investigation of the composition of analcime by the X—ray method of Saha (1961) in 91 samples of oil shale and tuff with and without dawsonite, we (Brobst and Tucker, 1972) found that analcime in rocks containing dawsonite has a higher silicon to aluminum ratio than analcime in rocks con- taining no dawsonite. Data from this study, shown in figure 19, indicate that analcime in dawsonitic rocks is more siliceous and less aluminous than analcime in rocks without dawsonite. This relation and the relatively more abundant quartz in the dawsonitic - rocks suggest that aluminum and silicon made available in the diagenetic alteration and breakdown of analcime were utilized in the formation of dawson- ite and quartz. X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO Figure 18 shows that most of the peak heights of albite lie between 0 and 15 chart units regardless of dawsonite content. The albite—analcime relation in dawsonitic rocks is plotted in figure 20. There is no apparent relation between the contents of albite and analcime. A similar result is seen in figure 21, where the data for the same pair of minerals are plotted for 190 samples of oil shale and marlstone that contain no dawsonite. Compared with the nondawsonitic oil shales and marlstones, the dawsonitic rocks contain more quartz, less analcime and dolomite, rarely any cal- cite, slightly smaller amounts of feldspar, and about the same amount of illite. VERTICAL VARIATION IN COMPOSITION DAWSONITIC, PYRI'I‘IC OIL SHALE, LOWER PICEANCE CREEK ROAD A stratigraphic thickness of 17.0 cm of dusky- yellowish-brown (10 YR 2/ 2) to brownish-black (5 YR 2/ 1) dawsonitic, pyritic oil shale was selected for study in a pair of slabs from the cut made by the US. Bureau of Mines along the lower Piceance Creek road (SEMISWl/t sec. 11, T. 1 N., R. 97 W.). The top of the interval selected begins 4 feet below the base of a tuff which is well exposed near the top of the cut. Shiny black scales of gar pike are abundant in this sequence of rocks. Laminae are laterally persistent in the f2 — 50 z T‘fi I I I T D / I— // 2E // I _ // A O 40 / o . Z // o _ / r: // ' x C, o . /// ' ' . ' // U / E 30 — O // .0 . // _ 0: // . . . /./ O < . X ' '/ D A 905 o / O’ o x. / A x o o / 2‘ o ' n o. // Quartz v 20 — x x o . / _ A A LL] Q 5x Q // / E )2 o'x . X 'A/// \ Increase X \ _| A A A / A . < ox ° /X.// x X\\ \Dawsomte 32‘ 10 — /A x A A \\ A — V A x x X \ A A o .2 A A X x \\_ A A A A “J A A AX AA A x A‘\A~\ A E X X x X ‘\\ 5 X A X \‘\A \ _, A A AA <2: 0 LA_A—)%_LAX XJhQ‘A_d_Ax—§<4_x__A_A)J_§XXX——i\m\i < O 10 20 3O 4O 50 6O 70 8O 90 100 FIGURE 18.—Abundance of analcime, DAWSONITE, IN CHART UNITS albite, and quartz as a function of abundance Parachute Creek Member. of dawsonite in samples from the MINERAL COMPOSITION 45 Si A|+Na 33.5 s5 15 14.5 14 Oil shale with dawsonite; 10 samples Oil shale without 2 4 dawsonite; 22 samples Tuff with dawsonite; 3 samples Tuff without dawsonite; 56 samples ON ow CM 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 ATOMS PER UNIT CELL (0:96) gas, 3_5 £5.51 a 13.5 13 12.5 12 2 2 2 O O O O. C O 2 2 O O O O O O O O O O O O O 2 7 116 11 2 O O O O O O O O O O O 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 181 Al FIGURE 19.—Ratios of silicon to aluminum and of silicon to aluminum plus sodium in analcime from 91 samples with and without dawsonite, Parachute Creek Member. Numbers next to dots indicate number of samples plotted at that position. rocks, but they are seen only on close inspection be- cause the color contrast of adjacent layers is slight, because of the abundance of organic matter. The mineral composition of these rocks is shown in figure 22. The data show a broad range in peak heights of dawsonite—14-71 chart units. Dawsonite content generally decreases upward, but analcime content increases upward. Quartz content shows a slight decrease upward. Amounts of other minerals appear to be about the same in the upper and lower halves of the sequence. LATERAL VARIATION IN COMPOSITION Lateral variation in the composition of the dawsonite-rich zone on lower Piceance Creek was ex- amined in a study of six suites of samples from localities within 1.5 miles north of the cut made by the U.S. Bureau of Mines (fig. 3). The mineral com— position of these samples is listed in table 10. The tuff of unit 49 in the lower Piceance Creek section, referred to in this part of the report as tuff 13, provided a datum for correlation. Tuff 13 is exposed almost continuously north of station 3, as reported in 3O 20 ALBITE, lN CHART UNITS 0—” T 10_’_ 20 30 4o 50 ANALCIME, IN CHART UNITS FIGURE 20.——Abundance of albite as a function of abundance of analcime in samples containing dawsonite, Parachute Creek Member. Numbers next to symbols indicate number of sam- ples plotted at that position. table 10. Data in table 10 indicate that the dawsonite-rich zone is at least 20 feet thick at the Bureau of Mines cut,where the base of the zone is not exposed, and is at least 40 feet thick at stations 2 and 46 X—RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO TABLE 10.—Mineral composition, expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units, of the dawsonitic oil-shale zone at six localities along lower Piceance Creek [Station localities are shown in fig. 3. D, dark brown; M, medium brown; L, light brown; USBM, US Bureau of Mines. Leaders (--), not detected] Distance above or . below Dawsonite Analcime Quartz Pffissmm Albite Dolomite Calcite Illite Pyrite Remarks tuff131 9 51’” (feet) At USBM cut on lower Piceance Creek 35 12 -- -- 54 -- 5 ~ Marlstone (L); above the cut. 12 18 10 ~ 62 -- 6 ~ Marlstone, gray. -~ 20 19 - 46 - 4 - Oil shale (D). 28 5 ~ 68 - 9 » Marlstone. 31 14 5 -- 69 -- 9 — Marlstone, gray. 19 19 12 -- 36 —- 5 — Oil shale, pebbly, blue-weathering. 13 33 45 64 - -- —- — 'I‘llff. 21 14 6 9 76 - 5 — Oil shale, pebbly, blue-weathering. 27 23 11 14 4O - 7 6 Oil shale (D). 1 7 1 1 6 7 74 -- 8 ~ 0, 80 40 10 8 - -- —- ~ Tuff 16. 1 7 ~~ 73 - —- — —- mff 14. 20 18 10 13 77 - 6 - Oil shale (D). 33 21 1 1 18 42 - 8 — Do. 20 22 13 8 85 -- 8 — Do. 25 25 10 8 39 -- 10 — D0. *- 35 16 8 12 -- 9 - D0. ._ 23 9 6 29 -- 7 4 Do. -~ 38 13 9 13 - 7 5 D0. -- 40 12 7 17 , 9 6 D0. 16 48 1 43 -- »- ~ - Tuff 13;‘ top of cut. 42 33 16 18 43 —- 10 ~ Oil shale (D). 24 28 23 -- 47 -- 7 4 D0. -» 37 22 9 15 15 9 7 Do. 15 41 53 43 -- -- 3 — Do. 13 23 14 -- 62 15 5 — Do. -- 34 24 -- 22 17 6 ~ Oil shale (D); base of cut. 56 81 -- 44 13 2 — 'l‘uff 13.1 34 24 9 17 77 -» 9 — Oil shale (M), 17 33 20 -- 54 .. 5 - Oil shale (D). -~ 34 19 10 14 15 8 — Do. -- 29 12 10 60 -- 6 —— Do. 13 13 7 7 82 -- 3 — Do. Station 2 (700 ft north of USBM cut) 17 21 15 14 36 -- 6 4 Oil shale (D), blueweathering. 35 18 30 84 -- -- 2 - 'l‘uff 18. 33 16 6 6 56 -- 6 ~ Oil shale (M). 90 29 8 12 47 -- — — Marlstone, tuffaceous. 87 14 16 42 52 1 1 —— Tuff 17. 20 16 8 8 55 -- 7 - Oil shale (M). 11 18 6 -- 52 -- 6 — Oil shale (D). 26 14 9 11 45 - 8 — Do. 15 16 7 6 63 - 7 —- Do. 18 22 9 6 14 -- 11 3 Do. -~ 29 10 6 21 6 ~ Do. -- 39 9 7 18 - 8 — D0. -- 33 11 9 10 - 7 1 Oil shale (D), papery. 8 33 20 49 2 -- ~ - Tuff 13.1 20 17 16 8 53 -- 3 — Oil shale (D). 9 31 9 6 28 5 — Do. -- 24 12 5 11 8 4 — Do. -- 29 14 8 6 -- 4 — Oil shale (M). - 25 11 6 18 8 5 ~ Do. 27 8 6 16 3 ~ Oil shale (D). 19 18 8 13 33 - 4 4 Oil shale (D), blueweathering. 23 16 7 13 45 1 5 .. Do. 7 21 13 10 30 -- 4 2 Do- 12 25 8 8 34 8 7 _ Marlstone, sandy. 16 30 8 9 35 12 10 -— 0- 12 s 10 25 . .. _ _ Tuff. dark- Station 3 (2,200 ft north of USBM cut) [See units 40—70 in table 5 for description] Station 4 (about 1 mile north of USBM cut) 45 54 44 11 20 -- -- ~ .. Tuff 13.1 10 5 21 7 7 53 -- B — Oil shale (M). — - 5 6 -- 90 -- » ‘ Oil shale (D). 9 . 16 6 —- 39 8 9 — Do. 3 4 12 B < 54 4 8 — Oil shale (M). ~ 8 15 4 5 62 4 10 — Dolomite, green. - 27 15 6 -- 37 4 12 — Oil shale (D). MINERAL COMPOSITION 47 TABLE 10.—Mineral composition, expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units, of the dawsonitic oil-shale zone at six localities along lower Piceance Creek—Continued Distance above or Dawsonite Anal cime Quartz Potassium Albite Dolomite Calcite lllite Pyrite Remarks below feldspar tuff 131 (feet) Station 5 (1.5 miles north of USBM cut) 0.0““ ------ — 19 35 32 .- - _ Toff 13.1 2.0 ———————— - -- 19 11 -- 59 4 7 — Oil shale (M). 4.8— — .. 14 9 -- 20 14 — Oil shale (L). 5.8--— — 16 9 -- 33 21 11 — Do. 6.6-~ — 5 16 11 ~ 11 10 12 — Oil shale (M). 8.5--—~ — 13 11 4 4 55 7 8 - Do. 10.0—— — 4 19 8 9 36 4 12 — Dolomite, green. 12.0-— - 12 4 4 51 3 10 — Oil shale (M). 12.5--— — 5 12 7 4 31 6 15 _ Do. ‘Tuff 13 is datum for these stations and is correlated with tuff 49 in the lower Piceance Creek section. 3. North of station 3, the oil shales are not as well ex- posed as farther south, but the dawsonite zone seems to have thinned to less than 10 feet at station 4 and is absent at station 5. Northward thinning of the dawsonite zone may be the result of deposition in a more shoreward environment that was not conducive to the formation of dawsonite or to the accumulation of material that later could cause its formation. In any case, the occurrence of dawsonite seems to cut across time-stratigraphic units. TUFF BEDS Major constituents of nearly all the exposed tuffs are analcime, quartz, potassium feldspar, and albite. Less abundant constituents are dolomite, calcite, micaceous minerals (including illite), and chloritic clay. The mineral composition of 74 tuff beds sam- pled in this study is shown in tables 4, 5, and 6 and is summarized in table 11. _ _ Nearly all the samples contain analc1me, and all of them contain quartz. Analcime content increases slightly westward from Rio Blanco to the pipeline section; it also tends to increase upward in both the lower Piceance Creek and the pipeline sections. Quartz content does not vary greatly but seems to in- crease slightly upward in the three sections. Potas- sium feldspar occurs in 66 of the 74 samples and shows a slight decrease upward in both the lower Piceance Creek and pipeline sections. Applying the X-ray methods of Wright (1968), we determined that the structural state of the potassium feldspar ranges between maximum microcline and high sanidine, but much is low sanidine. Albite also occurs in 66 of the 74 samples, and a few more samples from beds above the Mahogany marker have albite than from below the Mahogany marker. Again by applying the methods of Wright (1968), we determined that most of the sodium feldspar is albite in a low structural state—that is, albite of low—temperature origin— which suggests that it has been diagenetically altered in the sedimentary environment. Less than half the tuffs contain dolomite, and only about one-third contain calcite. As in the marlstone and oil shale, calcite occurs in a broader range and commonly has higher values in the tuffs above the Mahogany marker than below it. Only about half the samples contain micaceous minerals. Dawsonite was detected in the tuffs of units 94, 52, and 34in the lower Piceance Creek section and in tuffs 13 and 18 (of table 10) in some other outcrops along lower Piceance Creek. SANDSTONE DIKES Three gray to light brown sandstone dikes (units 150, 127, and 47) are exposed in the Rio Blanco sec- tion. The dikes are about 4 inches to 1 foot thick, and they fill irregularly but steeply dipping fractures in the oil shale and marlstone sequence. The sandstone is fine grained and consists of analcime, albite, quartz, some potassium feldspar, and traces of dolomite and calcite, suggesting that the original material was tuffaceous. The sharp contacts of the dikes with their enclosing rocks suggest that the sand filled fractures in already consolidated sedi- ments. The tops and bottoms of the dikes are not ex- posed. Whether the dikes were formed by filling from the top down or by squeezing from the bottom up could not be determined. CAVITIES Many cavities were found in the rocks below the Mahogany ledge in each of the three measured sec- tions of the Parachute Creek Member. The cavities range from a few inches to several feet across the largest dimension. They presumably once were filled with saline minerals, probably mostly nahcolite. Many other details of structural features in the rocks of the Green River Formation were reported by Bradley (1929, 1931, 1964). 48 X~RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO TABLE 11.—Mineral composition, expressed by X-ray peak height [A, samples above Mahogany marker; Analcime Quartz Potassium feldspar Stratigraphic position and Number Arith- Number Arith» Number Arith- number of of Range metic of Range metic of Range metic samples samples average samples average samples average Pipeline section: A (7) .................................... 7 59—86 77 7 16—51 34 7 7-43 17 B (17) 15 0—86 60 17 5—56 24 15 0-65 23 Total (24) ................. 22 0—86 62 24 5-56 27 22 0—65 21 Lower Piceance Creek section: A (9) ......................................... 9 12-94 75 9 4—73 34 7 0—34 14 B (18) ---------------- 18 5—96 52 18 5—90 32 17 0—41 18 Total (27) --------------------------------- 27 5—96 60 27 4—90 33 24 0—41 17 Rio Blanco section: A (17) —- ------------------------------------------- 16 0—88 56 17 17—80 34 16 0—35 14 B (6).-----------------— ...... 6 12—89 63 6 4—45 24 4 0—18 10 Total (23) ------------------------------ 22 0—89 58 23 4—80 31 20 0—35 13 ummary: A (33) -- 32 0-94 65 33 4—80 34 30 0-43 14 B (41)....-..------. 39 0—96 55 41 4-90 28 36 0-65 20 Total (74) ................................. 71 0-96 60 74 4-90 30 66 0—65 17 SEDIMENTATION AND DIAGENESIS Sufficient information has been published to es- tablish that in Eocene time the Piceance Creek basin contained a large lake of fresh to alkaline-saline water that was receiving detrital sediments from the surrounding higher regions. Much of this detrital sediment probably came from as much as 10,000 feet of sedimentary rocks of Cretaceous age which covered the region (Haun and Weimer, 1960). Many falls of volcanic ash of Tertiary age also contributed detrital sediment to the lake; this sediment chemically charged the river and lake waters with leached metals and silica and created a highly alkaline environment. Vertical and lateral variations in composition of the rocks in the lower members of the Green River Formation in the Piceance Creek basin reflect differences in provenance of the materials delivered to the fresh-water lake in the basin during pre- Parachute Creek Green River time. By Parachute Creek time, the environment of deposition in the lake had changed from fresh to alkaline, and the bottom sediments were especially rich in carbonate and organic matter. In the late stages of deposition, dur- ing Evacuation Creek time, the water freshened again, and the sediments became more varied, although sand and volcanic materials were most abundant The great body of laminated carbonate rocks, some rich in organic matter, that comprise the Parachute Creek Member is most likely the product of sedimen- tation and diagenesis in the environment of an alkaline lake. Field relations described in this report suggest that the chemical composition of the lake water changed from time to time, indicating a lack of permanency of chemical stratification. Alkalinity of the bottom waters was probably greater than pH 9 most of the time. This alkaline water was overlain intermittently by fresher water. Between these two layers, as postulated by Bradley and Eugster (1969, p. B23), a zone of mixing of alkaline and fresh water un- doubtedly existed at times; this zone allowed for the widespread distribution of calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate ions and provided water fresh enough to have supported the algal life required to form the oil shale. Large amounts of clay probably were delivered to the Piceance Creek basin during Parachute Creek time, but only small amounts of illite are detected now. Clays of different kinds that were swept into the alkaline lake yielded their constituents to form new minerals, including feldspar, quartz, analcime, and saline minerals. Whether the illite itself is detrital or is an alteration product is not known. According to Alderman and Skinner (1957) and Alderman and von der Borch (1961), dolomite can precipitate from warm, strong brine. Dolomite com- monly forms diagenetically from preexisting cal- cium-rich carbonate by the incorporation of mag- nesium during recrystallization, but the extremely fine grain of the dolomite in the rocks of the Parachute Creek Member strongly suggests that the dolomite is not a product of the recrystallization of preexisting calcium carbonate. More likely, much of the dolomite is a primary precipitate from the alkaline lake water. Calcite in the rocks of the Parachute Creek Member also formed by precipitation from the lake water, but — SEDIMENTATION AND DIAGENESIS in chart units, of 74 tuffs above and below the Mahogany marker B, samples below Mahogany marker] 49 Albite Dolomite Calcite Illite Chlorite Number Arith- Number Number Number Number of Range metic of Range of Range of Range of Range samples average samples samples samples samples 6 0-60 21 3 0-51 5 0—44 4 0—8 4 0—9 15 0—70 26 4 0—74 1 0—14 5 0-7 4 0—8 21 0—70 24 7 0—74 6 0-44 9 0-8 8 0—9 9 5—83 27 2 0—43 4 0—73 2 0—22 0 0 13 0—65 12 5 0—65 5 0—30 8 0—19 0 O 22 0-83 1 7 7 0—65 9 0—73 1 0 0-22 0 0 17 3—39 18 11 0—87 7 0—25 13 0-17 5 0—9 6 6—77 36 4 0—84 1 0-4 4 0-39 0 0 23 3-77 23 15 0—87 8 0—25 1 7 0-39 5 0—9 32 0—83 20 16 0—87 16 0-73 19 0-22 9 0-9 34 0-77 21 13 0—84 7 0-30 17 0—39 4 0-8 66 0-83 21 29 0—87 23 0—73 36 0—39 13 0—9 the water was probably fresher and lower in magnesium than that giving rise to the dolomite. The sample data in tables 4, 5, and 6 from the three measured sections indicate that dolomite pre- dominates greatly over calcite in rocks below the Mahogany ledge, but that, above the Mahogany ledge, calcite is more abundant and in some beds pre- dominates over dolomite. The bicarbonate chemical equilibrium system evidently hung in delicate balance but shifted fre— quently because of changes in such interrelated fac- tors as climate, biological activity, and sedimenta- tion. Interaction of these factors, causing turnover and mixing of the water, as well as alteration of con- ditions of the trophic levels of life and sedimenta- tion, resulted in the accumulation of the thick se- quence of laminated rocks of great lateral extent and uniform composition in the Parachute Creek Member. The changing chemical environments in the lake promoted diagenetic alteration of the or- ganic and inorganic fractions of the sediment. Decay of organic materials—mostly algae and pollen remains, according to Bradley (1970, p. 986- 987)—produced carbon dioxide in the chemical system. The decay, however, was not complete, as in- dicated by the high carbon to hydrogen ratios in the oil shales (Smith, 1969, p. 186). Bacterial inhibitors, such as lauric acid, have been reported (Bradley, 1970, p. 995; Miller, 1972, p. B10) from Florida in modern sediments rich in organic matter. The presence of such bacterial inhibitors in a sediment would retard the oxidation of the enclosed organic matter. If a bacterial inhibitor had been present in the Piceance Creek basin, the dead algae ac- cumulating on the bottom of the lake could have been preserved after partial decay, despite the alkaline (oxidizing) conditions prevailing there. This is not the only means of preserving organic matter. The organic matter literally could have been pickled at the chemocline interface (Rolfe and Brett, 1969, p. 229). Whatever the mechanism of preservation, the organic materials were involved in the diagenetic processes active in the basin. These processes likely resulted in the formation of various organometallic complexes, by extraction of metals from the brine, and polymers which evidently increased the stability of the organic matter in the environment and re- duced its solubility in common organic solvents. Quartz in these rocks probably has a mixed origin. Some is detrital, from both preexisting rocks and falls of volcanic ash, and some formed diagenetically from the breakdown of other minerals, such as anal- cime and, especially, the clay minerals. The presence of sanidine, orthoclase, and micro- cline suggests that the potassium feldspars are of mixed origin—volcanic, detrital, and diagenetic. Orthoclase and microcline, neither of which is especially common, are probably of detrital origin. Sanidine is most likely of volcanic origin. Some potassium feldspar may have formed diagenetically, especially in the deeper parts of the basin. Authigenic development of such feldspars would have required extraction of potassium from the lake waters. Plagioclases of different origins and compositions were probably originally deposited in the basin, but most of them are now albitic. Most of the albite studied in detail from both carbonate-rich rocks and tuff beds was determined by the methods of Wright 50 X—RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO 70 I I I I I o 60— EXPLANATION _ 0 Dark oil shale 0 Medium oil shale X A Light oil shale x Marlstone 50— _ o (I) '2 Z 0 D 40* 1 l— 0: <1: 5 O E Lu“ E 30— _ a x 0 <1: X x x 02 o x x A XX x O 20: . o O x _ X X o X s . o o x o I x x A O X : A A x x o o o o o A 2 ): x o o o o o o 100_. g A o 0000. ..>< O. . _ I2 0 O O X 2 A O 20 g o A o ' x 0 0 A 00 o o o X o O o g o o . o x x IA . >|< x X0 X0 0 o o g x0 x 0X 0 o )8 Q 0 00X 1 ox 2 x OOXiing—o olfixob o 0202—1—0 020—0 0 T I o I I O 10 ‘ 20 3O 4O 50 6O 70 ANALCIME, IN CHART UNITS FIGURE 21.—Abundance of albite as a function of abundance of analcime in oil shale and marlstone, Parachute Creek Member. Numbers next to symbols indicate number of samples plotted at that position. _ (1968) to be in the low structural state, in which the silicon and aluminum atoms are well ordered in the framework structure. This state is characteristic of a low temperature of formation and, therefore, a low energy level. The uniform composition of the plagioclase suggests that plagioclases of varied com- positions and structural states that probably were originally deposited in the lake from various sources were altered diagenetically in the alkaline environ- ment to a more sodium-rich albite in a lower struc- tural state. Analcime, which is a common, widespread authigenic mineral in the exposed carbonate rocks and tuffs of the Parachute Creek Member in the Piceance Creek basin, formed at low temperatures in moderately alkaline water from clays and zeolitic precursors, themselves derived from volcanic glass. Conditions fostering the formation of analcime from other zeolitic minerals or the conversion of analcime to feldspar in environments of higher alkalinity were discussed by Hay (1966) and Sheppard and Gude (1968, 1969), among others. SEDIMENTATION AND DIAGENESIS 51 POTASSIUM CHART DAWSONITE ANALCIME QUARTZ FELDSPAR ALBITE DOLOMITE CALCITE PYRITE ILLITE UNITS 10203040506070 0 10 2030 O 10 20 30 40 O 10 20 O 1020 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 0 10 0 10 CM 1 l l fl F l | l W | | l l—l l—l F7 110 n—Ip—a l—‘p—I 94> P01 mm to; r—u—d 99’ ON 12.25 11.95 11.4 10.5 9.3 8.4 8.0 7.6 6.4 5.80 5.25 4.4 FIGURE 22.—Mineral composition of dawsonitic, pyritic oil shale along lower Piceance Creek road, as expressed by X-ray peak height in chart units. s, ’ ‘3 Zeolitic precursors of analcime have not been found in the Piceance Creek basin, but their absence may be partly explained by the erosion of shoreward deposits around all but the southernmost periphery of the basin. Presumably the alkalinity of the water in which the preserved beds were saturated was suffi- ciently high to convert all earlier zeolites to analcime. The data in figure 19 show that analcime in 40 of 56 tuffs that lack dawsonite has a composition (34.5- 35.1 atoms of silicon per unit cell) similar to that of analcime derived from clinoptilolite in tuffs of the Barstow Formation of California described by Shep- pard and Gude (1969, p. 29). The close comparison lends weight to the argument that at least some of the analcime was derived from clinoptilolite. Where the alkalinity increased further (pH>9), some analcime reacted to form dawsonite and quartz. Rocks con- taining both analcime and dawsonite are exposed along lower Piceance Creek. Deeper in the interior of the basin, all the analcime has been converted under highly alkaline conditions to dawsonite and quartz or to albite. 52 X-RAY MINERALOGY, PARACHUTE CREEK MEMBER, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, COLORADO Most of the saline minerals are soluble under con- ditions of weathering and have been removed from rocks in the outcrops, except for the dawsonite, which is tightly enclosed in rocks on lower Piceance Creek. The presence of many zones of cavities in the three measured sections suggests that some saline minerals were deposited in pods and disseminated crystals near the edges of the basin. Scattered pods and crystals of nahcolite, dawsonite, and other saline minerals probably formed diagenetically from materials in the lake sediment that reacted with trapped brine during burial. In the lower part of the Parachute Creek Member in the deeper parts of the basin are beds of nahcolite, which contain some dawsonite, and some strati- graphically higher beds of halite, which contain thin interlayers of nahcolite and accessory amounts of wegscheiderite (Na2C03'3NaHCO3), shortite (NagCO3'2CaC03), northrupite (Na2C03'MgC03'Na Cl), searlesite (NaBSi206'H20), and possibly trona (N azCO 3'NaHCO3'2HzO) (Hite and Dyni, 1967). Nahcolite 1n the Piceance Creek basin probably pre- cipitated from brines in much the same manner as did trona in the Green River basin. Nahcolite is the major saline mineral in the Piceance Creek basin, however, because the partial pressure of carbon di- oxide at the critical temperature of the lake precluded precipitation of trona (Bradley and Eugster, 1969, fig. 2 and p. B46—B58). The beds of halite in the Piceance Creek basin also probably precipitated from brine, very likely by brine mixing in the manner described by Raup (1970). Bradley and Eugster (1969, p. B22- B24) discussed the evidence for brine mixing rather than evaporation to account for the origin of halite and saline minerals in the Green River basin. The same reasoning can be applied to the Piceance Creek basin. The possibility that the dawsonite in the nahcolite beds in the deeper part of the basin is a primary precipitate from alkaline water should not be overlooked. Aluminum ions in preexisting alumino- silicate gels and in minerals that were attacked by highly alkaline lake water could have been available to form dawsonite by direct precipitation from the water at the same time as the nahcolite. The formation of dawsonite by diagenesis and by primary precipitation from alkaline lake waters and the occurrence of dawsonite at the periphery of the basin as well as at depth in the central part suggest that greater amounts of dawsonite occur in this basin than have previously been recognized. The amount of aluminum potentially available in the dawsonite of the Piceance Creek basin may be one of this nation’s great resources of an industrially valuable com- modity. Sulfate minerals did not survive in the lake. Ac- cording to Jones (1966, p. 196), sulfate is decreased in the permanent lacustrine environment by bacterial reduction. Sulfur from the sulfate ion becomes fixed as pyrite or is lost to the air as hydrogen sulfide rising from mudflats at the lake margins. Sulfate minerals found in samples from outcrops are oxidation products formed by weathering of the rocks. REFERENCES CITED Alderman, A. R., and Skinner, H. C. W., 1957, Dolomite sedimen- tation in the south-east of South Australia: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 255, no. 8, p. 561—567. Alderman, A. R., and von der Borch, C. C., 1961, Occurrence of magnesite-dolomite sediments in South Australia: Nature, V. 192, no. 4805, p. 861. Bradley, W. H., 1929, The varves and climate of the Green River epoch: U.S. Geol. 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Mineralogist, v. 53, nos. 1-2, p. 88- 104. /EAm “am? 7 MY , Erosional and Depositional g? Aspects of Hurricane: Camille in Virginia, 1969 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 804 Erosional and Depositional Aspects of Hurricané Camille in Virginia, 1969 By GARNETT P. WILLIAMS and HAROLD P. GUY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 804 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1973 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. 73-600265 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents US. Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 — Price $1.80 (paper cover) Stock Number 2401-02442 CONTENTS Page Page Abstract ________________________________________ 1 Erosion—Continued Introduction _____________________________________ 1 Sediment yield—Continued General description of study area __________________ 3 Estimated sediment-transport rates ________ 41 The storm ——————————————————————————————————————— 3 Depositional features ____________________________ 41 The fl°°d """"""""""""""""""""""""" 5 Channel deposits _____________________________ 42 Estimated storm-average discharges ___________ 5 . . . . . . Sediment sampling, computation of size- Estimated peak discharges ___________________ 6 f d‘ t 'b tion 44 Geomorphological features of drainage basins ______ 6 reouency 1s.r1 u. _s “j"""""". """" Slopes of drainage areas ______________________ 7 Defimtlons of s12e-dlstr1but10n characteristics __ 47 Stream length and drainage area ______________ 7 Alluvial fans ________________________________ 47 Longitudinal profiles of stream channels _______ 10 Amount of deposition ____________________ 48 Topographic map data ___________________ 10 Cross-fan profiles ________________________ 51 Field measurements ______________________ 13 Grain-size characteristics _________________ 51 Erosion _________________________________________ 14 Highway deltas _____________________________ 54 Debris avalanches ____________________________ 14 Sedimentary features ____________________ 56 Source material __________________________ 17 Vertical variations in grain-size General description of avalanche scars ____ 17 characteristics _________________________ 57 Geometry of scars _______________________ 19 Flood-plain deposits __________________________ 58 Methods of study ____________________ 19 Sedimentary features ____________________ 58 Longitudinal profiles _________________ 22 Vertical changes in grain size _____________ 62 Cross profiles ________________________ 25 Lateral variations in grain size ___________ 64 Possible causes of avalanches in Nelson Downstream changes in flood-plain deposits— County ____________________________ 26 general _______________________________ 64 Theoretical considerations ____________ 27 Downstream changes in amount of deposition 65 Stream action at the base of the hill- Polly Wright Cove ___________________ 65 slope ______________________________ 27 Rucker Run ________________ , _________ 6 6 Depressions or troughs on the hillside __ 28 Downstream changes in average grain size__ 67 Orientation of hillside ________________ 28 Average particle size, local slope, and Hillside gradients ____________________ 29 drainage area _________________________ 69 Length of hillslope ___________________ 30 Downstream variation in size of largest Soil depth ___________________________ 31 stones ________________________________ 70 Summary ___________________________ 32 Downstream changes in sorting ___________ 71 Effect of debris avalanches on streamflow__ 33 Downstream changes in SkeWfleSS —————————— 71 Stream channels _____________________________ 35 Scarcity of coarse sand and gravel ________ 74 Sediment yield _______________________________ 38 Downstream changes in grain shape and Volume of avalanche erosion ______________ 738 roundness _____________________________ 76 Sediment yield from stream channels ______ 39 Conclusions _____________________________________ 77 Total sediment yield and average denudation- 41 References ______________________________________ 79 ILLUSTRATIONS Page FIGURE 1 Map of study area __________________________________________________________________________ 2 2. Photograph showing upstream View of Wills Cove and Dillard Creek _________________________ 3 3. Map of rainfall distribution __________________________________________________________________ 4 4 Topographic maps of Ginseng Hollow, Polly Wright Cove basins, and headwaters of Wills Cove _- 8 5—10 Graphs: 5. Percentage of drainage-basin area steeper than a given slope, for basins of figure 4 ______ 10 6. Variation of stream length with drainage area for three Nelson County basins ___________ 11 7. Longitudinal profiles of stream channels ______________________________________________ 12 8. Longitudinal channel profiles plotted in the form of L/F' versus L _____________________ 13 9. Profiles of mountain channels and alluvial fans _______________________________________ 14 10. L/F versus L plot of longitudinal stream profiles _______________________________________ 15 III IV FIGURES 11—14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22—26. 27. 28. 29-32. 33. 34—36. 46—57. TABLE 1. 2. 3. CONTENTS Photographs : ‘ 11. Erosion and deposition ________________________________________________________________ 12. Typical avalanche scars _________________________________________ 1 ___________________ 13. Avalanche scar at Lovingston _________________________________________________________ 14. Avalanche scars on sides of intermontane valleys _______________________________________ Contour maps of two avalanche scars, Polly Wright Cove __________________ ‘ ____________________ Profiles of hillslopes and their scars _______________________________________ l ____________________ Graphs of local gradient versus distance from hillt0p __________________________________________ Cross profiles of avalanche scars __________________________________________ 1 ___________________ Graphs showing relation of hillslope length to number of scars per acre and 110 average distance of scarring per acre _________________________________________________________________________ Sketch of hypothetical drainage areas showing influence of hillslope length alnd drainage area on avalanching ___________________________________________________________ ‘ ____________________ Sketch map of peak- flow study in Ginseng Hollow __________________________ ‘ ____________________ Photographs: i 22 Eroded mountam channels ________________________________________ l ____________________ 23 Channel eroslon at S K Wllls home ________________________________ i. ___________________ 24 Channel erosmn along hlghways __________________________________ l ____________________ 25. Stream erosion under a railway trestle ____________________________ l ____________________ 26. Channels showing both erosion and deposition _______________________ i ____________________ Diagram of orientation and relative volume of avalanches ____________________________________ Graph of volume of avalanche erosion with respect to average surface Slope ______________________ Photographs : 29. Boulders which probably were too large to be moved by floodwaters _____________________ 30. Log jam in a mountain channel _______________________________________________________ 31. Range of 'particle sizes in upstream deposits ____________________________________________ 32. Imbricated boulders __________________________________________________________________ Graph showing typical particle-size distribution for a wide range of particle sizes ________________ Photographs : . 34. Alluvial fans __.___________..___._______________________.________4 ____________________ 35. Bryant fan _____________________________________________________ _l ____________________ 36. Eroded zone at apex of Campbell fan_______________________________; ____________________ Graph of amount of deposition with distance down fan ____________________ 1‘ ____________________ Cross-fan profiles _______________-__________________________--__________-_3 ____________________ Graph showing change in particle-size—distribution characteristics along alluvial fans _____________ Photographs: 40. Edes Hollow highway delta ___________________________________________________________ 41. Dillard Creek highway delta ___________________________________________________________ 42. Sedimentary features of a highway delta. _______________________________________________ 43. Typical flood-plain deposits in headwater area _________________________________________ 44. Common flood-plain deposits ___________________________________________________________ 45. Close view of sandy flood-plain deposits ________________________________________________ Graphs: 46. Size-frequency characteristics of flood-plain sediments on Dillard Creek __________________ 47. Size-frequency characteristics of flood-plain sediments on Rucker Run‘ ____________________ 48. Volume of deposition per foot of channel length, Polly Wright Cove ______________________ 49. Volume of deposition versus distance downstream on Rucker Run _______________________ 50. Downstream changes in mean particle size of flood-plain deposits, for three streams ______ 51. Average particle size versus local flood-plain slope _____________________________________ 52. Average particle size versus drainage area ________________________ a ____________________ 53. Downstream changes in size of largest stones _____________________ .l ____________________ 54. Downstream changes in sorting of flood—plain deposits ___________________________________ 55. Change in sorting with average grain size ______________________________________________ 56. Downstream changes in skewness ______________________________________________________ 57. Change in skewness with average grain size ____________________________________________ TABLES Drainage area and average surface slope in tributaries and subbasins of Wills Cove, Ginseng Hol- low, and Polly Wright Cove ____________________________________________ 1. ____________________ Hillside and scar dimensions and erosion volumes for measured avalanche scars ___________________ Factors contributing to instability of earth slopes _______________________________________________ Page 16 18 19 20 23 24 25 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 42 43 44 46 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 59 60 61 63 65 67 69 70 70 72 73 73 74 Page 7 23 27 CONTENTS V Page TABLE 4 Debris-avalanche scars per 1,000 feet of stream channel ________________________________________ 29 5 Effect of hillslope length and drainage area on frequency and amount of scarring _________________ 30 6. Estimated net sediment yields and storm—average transport rates _______________________________ 40 7. Computational procedure of combining a sieve analysis with a pebble count _______________________ 45 8 Vertical variations in grain-size characteristics in highway deltas ________________________________ 57 9. Volume and percentage of deposition by size classes in Polly Wright Cove _______________________ 66 10. Number of cases of deficiency in weight percent, for various particle-size classes __________________ 75 11. Average grain shape and roundness values in Polly Wright Cove _______________________________ 77 SYMBOLS Dimensions Dimensions a coefficient in the equation of longitudinal k constant in Hack equation for stream profile stream-profile L horizontal distance from drainage divide ______ L A cross-sectional flow area _____________________ L‘ n constant in Hack equation for stream profile A; drainage area ______________________________ L2 Q discharge of water _________________________ Li‘T‘1 b coeflicient in various equations, representing 'rc average radius of curvature of a channel bend- L slope of best-fit line Tl inside radius of curvature of a channel bend__ L c coefficient representing portion of total rainfall 'ro outside radius of curvature of a.channel bend _ L that runs off the ground surface S local slope (gradient) C constant of integration in Hack (1957, p. 70) sic skewness of a sediment size-frequency equation for stream profile distribution d" average intermediate diameter of sediment So sorting of a sediment size-frequency particles _________________________________ L distribution dm grain size for which 10 percent of the V mean velocity of flow _______________________ LT‘1 distribution is finer _______________________ L W water-surface width of a stream _____________ L dla average intermediate diameter of the five largest x distance downstream from start of deposition _- L rocks at a site ____________________________ L a constant in equation of stream profile e base of natural logarithms ,8 constant in equation of stream profile F vertical fall from drainage divide ____________ L 'y constant in equation of stream profile 9 acceleration due to gravity __________________ LT'2 Ah elevation difference between high-water and I rainfall intensity ___________________________ LT‘1 low-water marks around a channel bend ___ L ENGLISH-METRIC CONVERSION TABLE Length: Inches X 0.0254 =meters FeetX 0.3048:meters Yards X 0.9144 :meters Miles X 1.609 =kilometers Area: Square inches >< 0.0006452 : square meters Square feetX 0.09290=square meters Square yards X 0.8361 : square meters Acres X 4047 : square meters Square miles X 2,590,000 : square meters Volume: Cubic inches X 0.01639 =liters Cubic feet X 28.32 :liters Cubic yards X 764.6 :liters Pints X 0.4732:1iters Quarts X 0.9463 :liters Gallon X 3.785 :liters Acre-feetX 1233 = cubic meters Weight: Grains X 0.064802grams Ounces (avoirdupois) X 28.35 : grams Pounds (avoirdupois) X 453.6:grams Tons (short) X 907.2 :kilograms Tons (long) X 1016 =kilograms Specific combinations : Feet per secondX1.097:kilometer per hour X0.3048:meters per second Miles per hour>< 1.609 :kilometers per hour X0.4470=meters per second Pounds per square inch X 70.3: grams per square centimeter Pounds per square footX 0.4885:grams per square centimeter Tons (short) per square footX0.9765:kilograms per square centimeter Tons (short) per acreX 0.2241 :kilograms per square meter Tons (short) per square mileX0.0003502:kilograms per square meter Pounds per cubic footX0.01602:grams per cubic centimeter Cubic feet per secondX1.699=cubic meters per minute X0.02832:cubic meters per second Cubic feet per second for 1 dayX1.983:acre feet X2446:cubic meters Degrees Fahrenheit—32 X0.556:degrees Celsius. EROSIONAL AND DEPOSITIONAL ASPECTS OF. HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 By GARNETT P. WILLIAMS and HAROLD P. GUY ABSTRACT Probably the worst natural disaster in central Virginia’s recorded history was the flood resulting from an 8-hour deluge of about 28 inches (710 mm) of rain on the night of August 19—20, 1969. This study examines some of the intensive sedi- ment erosion and deposition that resulted from the storm and flood. Most of the 150 people whom the flood killed in this mountainous area died from broken bones and other blunt— force injuries, rather than by drowning. The transport of sediment and other debris by the water therefore was very significant in loss of life and in property damage. Erosion resulted mainly from debris avalanches down the mountain-sides and channel scour along streams and head- water tributaries. Total amounts of sediment yield from certain mountainous areas in Nelson County were about 3.2—4.6 million cubic feet per square mile, probably the equiva— lent of several thousand years of normal denudation. Characteristics of the debris avalanches were that (1) they usually followed pre-existing depressions on hillsides and occurred on slopes greater than 35 percent, (2) the upslope tip of the avalanche scar tended to be located at the steepest part of the hillside, where the convex slope merged with the concave or planar zone immediately be- low, (3) hillsides facing north, northeast and east were more susceptible to avalanching than slopes facing other directions, and (4) debris-avalanches caused rapid and dev— astating surges of water and sediment in the mountain- stream channels. Such surges in some instances temporarily blocked the channel flow upstream. Slightly more than half of the total sediment contributed to the stream system was from erosion of stream channels. Channel erosion was very irregularly distributed; some ravines 10—20 feet wide and 5—10 feet deep were scoured in places which formerly had only a very small channel, whereas other channels only a few hundred yards away ex- perienced little or no channel erosion. By the use of figures for the total amount of sediment removed from a drainage basin and the duration of the storm, estimates were made of the storm-average sediment- transport rate at the mouth of various basins. For drain- age basins ranging up to about 1.5 square miles, the esti— mated storm-average sediment—transport rates varied from practically nothing to as much as 172,000 pounds per sec- ond (7.4 million tons per day). The types of sediment deposits were (1) debris-avalanche deposits, rather rare, at the base of hillslopes, (2) moun- tain-stream channel deposits, usually in scattered sediment patches but locally occurring as large wedge-shaped deposits behind debris dams, (3) alluvial fans, (4) delta-like deposits at the junction of a stream and major highway, where water backed up during the flood due to plugging of a cul— vert, and (5) accretion deposits on flood plains. The highway deltas and some downstream flood-plain sediments consisted mostly of sand-sized grains, but the other types of deposits usually contained particles ranging from silt or clay to boulders 5—10 feet in diameter. Changes in grain size and in volume of deposition with distance downstream were measured, and sedimentary features of the various types of deposits are described. INTRODUCTION On the night of August 19—20, 1969, the central part of Virginia was deluged with some 28 inches of rain from the remnants of Hurricane Camille. The loss of life and property due to the flash floods, land- slides and other sediment damage accompanying the storm has been called the worst natural disaster ever to strike Virginia. The storm was one of the most severe ever recorded in the United States. The region most affected was Nelson County, a rural area midway between Charlottesville and Lynchburg (fig. 1). About 150 people, 125 of them in Nelson County, died in the storm and flood. Damage in Nelson County alone amounted to $116 million worth of public and private property, includ- ing about 150 homes and other buildings, 120 miles of roads, 150 bridges and culverts, hundreds of cars and trucks and 25,000 acres of cropland, including orchards. About $150 million in public funds, mostly federal, has been spent on recovery, including $8 million in debris clearance. Particularly heavy dam- age occurred in Massies Mill, Woods Mill, Roseland, Tyro, Lovingston, Norwood, Rockfish, and along Davis and Muddy Creeks (fig 1). On the basis of the extensive damage to life and property, the Commonwealth of Virginia has made recommendations for future land use in Nelson County (Commonwealth of Virginia, 1970). Kuhaida (1971) also offers some pertinent observations. This report is a study of the extraordinary erosion 1 HURRICANE GAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 CHARLOTTE) VILLE STUDY AREA BRENT GAP at / . Q1 4311?, we“ 0" 's Dam ‘ KCove/ .X‘ . BRYANT FAN ““4“ e HGHWAY DELTA Rockflsh ”Sens Hollow ‘p/V°\ :1 § “Ho“o“N .e CAMPBELL 6 8 § 'MeWO § x FAN “’ WILLS FAN , ' m o . \l‘ 6‘34 > 8 t 5 g m, é” 35 0‘1— : <1 ”I m E’ NELSON . 00 4MHERST 00 Massies Mill Lovingston Q72? HIGHWAY ,9 I ELTA O Z‘t‘é E . 9" ‘3 . Shlpman as“ ‘91“; 37°49 —£Zéyé «3,9 172:2 - 2"” C}. Lowesville Ripe;- Y‘ , ‘3 9 § § .2, 1?, be” .Norwood 3 MILES 0 2 ##4## 3 4 KlLOMETERS FIGURE 1.—Study area. alluvial fans and many flood-plain deposits in the weeks and months following the flood. Necessary though this work was, it did limit the scope and thoroughness of a study of the erosion and deposi- tion. All of the data presented in this report were obtained before man’s interference with the de- posits. However, the writers would like to emphasize that anyone wishing to study flood deposits should act as soon as possible after the flood. We acknowledge with thanks the many helpful manuscript suggestions of Dwight R. Crandell, Luna and deposition which the storm inflicted on parts of Nelson County. Most of our field observations and measurements were made within 3 months after the flood. Erosion and deposition, somewhat less severe, also occurred in regions bordering Nelson County, but time limitations permitted only a brief recon- naissance of these nearby areas. Because much of the sediment deposition from the flood interfered with the daily operations of man, a massive sediment-cleanup campaign began soon after the flood. Bulldozers effectively destroyed most of the GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA 3 B. Leopold, and John T. Hack. Jon W. Nauman pro- vided valuable assistance with some of the field work. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Wills, Robert Bryant and Guy Spencer, residents of Nelson County, allowed us to roam at will over their land. Many excellent photo- graphs were provided by the Virginia Division of Mineral Resources, the Virginia Department of High- ways, Ed Roseberry and others. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA The devastated area lies within the James River drainage basin in the Blue Ridge geomorphic prov- ince. Most of the region is mountainous (fig. 2), with peaks towering as much as 1,200 feet above the val- leys. The climate is temperate-humid. Trees, bushes, small plants and dead leaves cover all of the hill- slopes and ridges. Tree varieties include walnut, poplar, oak, ash, locust, hickory, and sycamore. Bedrock is mainly Precambrian gneisses, granites and schists of the Lovingston and Marshall Forma- tions (Bloomer and Werner, 1955). The geology is very complex, with a variety of rock types. J ointing is present in some places and apparently absent in others. On hillslopes the bedrock generally lies from a few inches to about 20 feet below the surface. The soil, formed in place from the bedrock, is typically a reddish or brown loam and generally contains some rock fragments. THE STORM Hurricane Camille struck the State of Mississippi on the Gulf of Mexico on August 17, 1969. As it moved inland to the north and then curved eastward, the hurricane weakened considerably. Eastern Ken- tucky received only 1—2 inches of rainfall. On the night of August 19 a rare combination of circumstances brought about a rapid intensification FIGURE 2.—Upstream view of Wills Cove and Dillard Creek, a typical drainage basin studied in this report. The photo- graph, taken a few days after the flood, shows valley flood-plain deposits and hillside scars due to debris avalanches. Main stream from Fortunes Cove enters from right foreground. (Photograph courtesy of Virginia Division of Min- eral Resources.) 4 HURRICANE C‘AMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 80° 78° 77° EXPLANATION /5 Line of equal total rainfall. in inches 39°—— 38° ROANOKE . 2 37° 20 O 20 40 MILES J I 1 l I | / Y $ ' 20 O 20 40 KILOMETERS G LI_J_I_l—l____J ' Q7 ’5' % I Lynchburg , _ WASHINGTON, D.C. ' A 58\. 6 4/ RICHMOND FIGURE 3,—Rainfall from noon August 19 to midnight August 20, 1969. Adapted from DeAngelis and Nelson (1969). of the rainfall in the region just east of the Blue Ridge Mountains, especially around Nelson County, Virginia (Schwarz, 1970). The air in the region southeast of Nelson County was nearly saturated with moisture that had been accumulating for sev- eral days before the storm. This moist air extended up to an altitude of about 3,000 feet. The hurricane itself contained a large amount of moisture at higher elevations. As Camille arrived, the remnant circula- tion of the hurricane created a flow of Wind in a northwesterly direction at the lower levels. These winds drew moist air from the southeast, and this moisture moved under and joined that of the hurri- cane to form a very deep layer of moist air. Thunder- storms developed which, because of the unusual thickness of the layer of moist air, were particularly intense and persistent. Figure 3 shows the rainfall distribution in central Virginia for the period cover- ing the storm. In some places the orography may have contrib- uted to the intense rainfall by funneling the north- west-flowing air into the mountain ridges. However, the effect of orography on the rainfall is difficult to determine. Over 21 inches of rain fell in a region about 15 miles southeast of Charlottesville where the terrain, while not flat, is devoid of any steep or high mountains. Thus some areas received torrential rain with little or no influence from nearby mountains. The deluge was of catastrophic cloudburst propor- tions. Rainfall of 12—14 inches was common in Nelson County and nearby areas, with reliable reports of 27—28 inches in the central part of Nelson County (Camp and Miller, 1970; Schwarz, 1970). Other sources have reported unconfirmed amounts of as much as 46 inches (Simpson and Simpson, 1970, p. 31). The storm lasted about 7 or 8 hours, from around 2030 hours August 19 until 0330 or 0400 August 20. Except for a brief lull at about 2330 or 2400 hours, the rainfall, thunder, and lightning were intense THE FLOOD 5 during the entire storm. A particularly strong cloud— burst struck about 0250, cutting off electricity and telephones for many of the inhabitants. At this time lightning—mainly sheet or horizontal lightning— was so severe that the sky was virtually a continu- ous bluish-white. The staggering amount of rain easily ranks among the largest quantities ever measured in the United States. DeAngelis and Nelson (1969, p. 458), for example, compare it to the following: 12 inches in 42 minutes at Holt, Mo., in 1947, 19 inches in 2 hours, 10 minutes at Rockport, W. Va., 1889, 22 inches in 2 hours, 45 minutes at D’Hanis, Tex., in 1935, 31 inches in 4 hours, 30 minutes at Smethport, Pa., in 1942, 34 inches in 12 hours, at Smethport, Pa., in 1942. Schwarz (197 0, p. 853) states that Camille’s rain- fall in Virginia was within about 80—85 percent of the estimated maximum possible rainfall, for areas up to 1,000 sq mi over a 12-hour period. Yarnell (1935, p. 50—51) presents figures showing that the maximum 8-hour rainfall for central Virginia might be 3.5—4.0 inches once every 10 years and 5.5—6.0 inches once every 100 years. After 25 years of addi- tional data, Hershfield (1961) presented charts which for the eastern U. S. are nearly the same as Yarnell’s. Hershfield’s curves show that for central Virginia a rainfall of 7 inches in 12 hours (no 8-hour data given) would be expected only once in 100 years. Thus the Camille rainfall in Virginia was about 3—4 times the amount expected once every 100 years, for an 8—hour storm. Thompson (1969) reported that for Virginia the amount of rainfall associated with this storm occurs, on the average, only once in more than 1,000 years! THE FLOOD Comparisons of this flood with previous floods in the James River basin are diflicult because of the different lengths of record at the gaging stations. A comment by Camp and Miller (1970, p. 21) indicates the magnitude of the 1969 flood: “The flow of the James River at Richmond peaked at 222,000 cubic feet per second and is considered to be the second highest discharge on the James River since James- town was settled in 1607.” Towns along the James River and its main tributaries were inundated to depths of as much as 14 feet. At Buena Vista, a town about 15 miles west of Nelson County on the Maury River, the measured flood discharge of 105,000 cfs (cubic feet per sec- ond) is not likely to be equaled or exceeded, on the average, more than once every 130 years (Camp and Miller, 1970). When one considers that the flow on the James River at Richmond was the second high- est since at least 1607, dis-charges as large as the 1969 flood occur at Richmond an average of about once every 180 years. These estimates of 130- and ISO-year floods provide a very rough idea of the recurrence frequency of the Camille flood at stations on two major rivers, the Maury and the James, near Nelson County. There are no streamflow records for most streams in Nelson County, where much of the heaviest rain- fall occurred. Data for the few sites where gaging stations have been established go back only a few decades. For the nine sites in the area at which a peak discharge measurement was obtained (six measurements were by indirect methods), the August 1969 flood exceeded the previous record by factors ranging from 1.5 to 8. The discharges in the deluged upstream basins undoubtedly are less com- mon in those basins than the 130- and 180-year occurrences estimated for the Maury and James Rivers. This study unfortunately has no water-discharge measurements in the upstream reaches of the drain- age basins, where much of the sediment movement occurred. Flow depths, according to eyewitness ac- counts, sometimes changed radically within minutes. One farmer described the flow in Cub Creek as in- creasing in depth by intermittent jumps of as much as 3 feet at a time. A resident of Woods Mill reported that the water in his back yard rose about 5 feet in 20 minutes. Another Woods Mill resident estimated that the water near his house rose about 8 feet in less than 30 minutes. Even with allowances for errors in estimates, the discharge of even the larger streams undoubtedly changed rapidly, and in the mountains the discharge of streams draining only a few hundred acres probably changed even faster as a result of the impact from the debris avalanches (Guy, 1971) . Even if the discharge at a given site had been monitored closely throughout the flood, the investi- gator would have the problem of what discharge to relate to the resulting sediment deposits. ESTIMATED STORM-AVERAGE DISCHARGES Measured rainfall amounts can provide a rather crude estimate of the average water discharge for 6 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 the duration of the storm for the smaller upstream drainage basins. This method involves the so—called rational formula Q=cIAd where Q is water discharge or surface runoff (in acre-inches per hour, for this formula), 0 is a coeffi- cient representing the proportion of total rainfall that runs off the ground surface, I is average rain- fall intensity in inches per hour and Ad is drainage area in acres. Flow rate in acre-inches per hour is about equal to flow rate in cubic feet per second. The coeflicient c is usually estimated on the basis of pre- vious experience with similar areas and reflects the role of infiltration losses, surface detention, valley and channel storage, and general physical character- istics of the drainage basin (Foster, 1948, p. 343). The effects of these factors probably were minimized for this heavy storm, especially for the small steep drainage basins in the study area. Reasonable values for 0 therefore are taken to be about 0.90 for basins of 100 acres or less, decreasing by 0.02 for each additional 100 acres of basin size up to 2,000 acres. In the upstream regions the flood probably lasted from an hour or so after the onset of heavy rainfall to an hour or so after the rain stopped, a period of about 7 hours. According to the rainfall data men- tioned above, plus the figures which Camp and Miller (1970) listed, the average total rainfall over the gen- eral study area can be taken as about 20 inches. If 20 inches accumulated during the 7-hour period, the average intensity I was about 2.9 inches per hour. The mountain drainage basins (fig. 1) studied in some detail in this report, selected because they showed some of the most widespread sediment erosion and deposition, are Ginseng Hollow (drain- age area Ad:0.667 sq mi), Polly Wright Cove (Ad=0.953 sq mi), Wills Cove (Ad=1.577 sq mi), and Freshwater Cove (4122.333 sq mi). (Some neighboring regions, such as the Davis Creek area and Fortunes Cove, also experienced considerable erosion and deposition and might have been included in the investigation had time permitted.) If one uses the rational formula with the assumption just mentioned, the approximate 7-hour average dis- charges were 1,500 cfs for Ginseng Hollow, 1,400 cfs for Polly Wright Cove, 2,100 cfs for Wills Cove and 2,700 cfs for Freshwater Cove. ESTIMATED PEAK DISCHARGES Investigations made after the flood usually, of ne- cessity, deal with the peak discharge. Two ways to estimate the peak discharge in the upstream reaches of interest are (a) to extrapolate a best-fit line relat- ing drainage area to measured discharges for down- stream sites or (b) to measure the channel slope and estimate the cross-sectional flow area for each study reach, for use in the Gauckler-Manning formula. Both of these attempts were fruitless in the present case. A plot of drainage area versus peak discharge per square mile, with data for the few downstream sites measured, showed too much scatter to permit a reliable extrapolation to small drainage areas. The slope-area method faltered over a reliable estimate of the resistance coefficient, as there was no way to determine this value for a stream carrying and de- positing particles ranging from clay to large boul- ders, along with trees and other debris. A third possible way to estimate the peak dis- charge in the small upstream drainage basins is to resort again to the rational formula Q=cIAd, in which I represents a peak rate of rainfall intensity and c and A, have the same values used above. If one may judge from the data which Jennings (1950) compiled, a reasonable estimate of the peak rate of rainfall intensity in the basins studied here is about 25 inches per hour, even though such an intense burst probably did not last for more than 5—10 min- utes. If this peak intensity and the assumptions re- garding c are valid, the rational formula yields ap- proximate peak discharges of 9,100 cfs for Ginseng Hollow, 12,200 cfs for Polly Wright Cove, 18,200 cfs for Wills Cove and 23,100 cfs for Freshwater cove, or about 6—9 times as large as the values "(estimated above) for the 7-hour average discharge. These peak values approximate the Myers rating of 100, that is, the peak discharge per square mile is about equal to 10,000/Ad°-5°. Some indirect measurements which Camp and Miller (1970, p. 59) reported for this storm also approach this rating; so the rational- formula assumptions have some support. All of the above discharge estimates are for water alone, exclusive of the large amounts of sediment and vegetative debris contributed by the hillsides and stream channels. GEOMORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF DRAINAGE BASINS The amount and extent of the erosion and deposi- tion can be better understood if some background information is provided on the landscape and stream- channel characteristics of the study area. The fol- lowing concerns selected geomorphological aspects and their interrelations. GEOMORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF DRAINAGE BASINS 7 SLOPES 0F DRAINAGE AREAS Steep hillslopes provided excellent conditions for mass wasting. Figures 2 and 4 indicate the general steepness of the regions studied. The areal distribution of slopes for the three drain- age basins of figure 4 is shown in figure 5. These slopes, listed in table 1, were obtained from the con- tour maps (scale 1:24,000) by map measurements of the local slope (50 ft upslope and 50 ft downslope) at each of many grid points, shown as black dots on figure 4 and spaced 400 feet apart. Subbasin drain- age areas were outlined as in figure 4, and the areas were measured by planimeter. The general slope TABLE 1.—-Dra,inage area and average surface slope in tribu- taries and subbasins of Wills Cove, Ginseng Hollow, and Polly Wright Cove Average Drainage surface Drainage basin area slope (sq mi) (percent) Wills Cove West tributary _______________ 0.238 46.2 Middle tributary _____________ .145 46.5 Falls tributary Subbasin 1 ______________ .040 ___ 2 ______________ .037 ___ 3 ______________ .029 ___ 4 ______________ .068 ___ 5 ______________ .046 ___ 6 ______________ .030 ___ 7 ______________ .026 -__ 8 ______________ .052 39.5 9 ______________ .047 45.0 10 ______________ .033 41.4 11 ______________ .027 48.0 12 ______________ .024 40.0 13 ______________ .114 39.1 14 ______________ .060 41.5 15 ______________ .032 ___ 16 ______________ .063 _-_ 17 ______________ .064 ___ 18 ______________ 014 ___ 19 ______________ .022 ___ 20 ______________ .006 -__ 21 ______________ .008 ___ 22 ______________ .038 ___ Subtotal (1—22) ________ 880 ___ Noncontributing __________ .314 ___ Total, Falls tributary 1.194 Average slope, basins 8—141 ____ 41.3 Total Wills Cove ______ 1.577 ___ Ginseng Hollow Lower _______________________ 0.172 48.1 North tributary ______________ .086 42.7 South tributary ______________ .115 43.9 Main> 34002 _________________ .222 38.0 East bowl ___________________ .082 32.1 Total __________________ .677 Average slope, entire basin _______ 41.5 See footnotes at end of table. TABLE 1.—--Drainage area and average surface slope in tribu- taries and subbasins of Wills Cove, Ginseng Hollow, and Polly Wright Cove—Continued Average Drainage surface Drainage basin (sq mi) slope (percent) Polly Wright Cove Tributary ___________ 1 ______ 0.043 49.3 2—5 ______ .086 38.6 6 _____ .037 39.3 7 ______ .026 40.0 8 ______ .069 45.8 9 ______ .060 45.5 10 ______ .034 53.0 11 ______ .037 54.2 12 ______ 043 47.5 13 ______ .024 52.0 Total (1—13) __________ .459 Average slope, tributaries 1—13 ________________ 45.6 Lower _______________________ .130 37.7 Noncontributing ______________ .364 21.8 Total, entire basin ______ .953 Average slope, entire basin ________ 35.4 1 Weighted according to contributing drainage area. 2Refers to all drainage area upstream from a station 3400 ft up the main channel, the measurement of this distance having begun at the mountain front (apex of alluvial fan). representing each such drainage area is the average of all local slopes (grid points) within that area. The terrain in Polly Wright Cove is virtually the same as in the other basins, but the curve in figure 5 shows a lesser part of the total drainage area with steep slopes for Polly Wright Cove because the map measurements included more of the flood plains of the basin. Hillslope erosion appeared to be negligible or non- existent in tributaries or subbasins having an aver- age surface slope of about 35 percent or less. STREAM LENGTH AND DRAINAGE AREA The time for debris eroded near the stream head- waters to arrive at a given downstream site depends in part on the distance along the stream channel which the debris must travel. Also, the amount of water and sediment which a stream carries depends partly on the stream’s drainage area. Thus, stream length and drainage area are important factors in the geomorphology of a flood-damaged region. Various geomorphic studies have established that stream length L is approximately related to drain- age area Ad, where L is measured from topographic maps (scale 1:24,000 in this case) as horizontal dis- tance from drainage divide along the channel of the longest stream above the station. Hack’s data (1957, HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 79" 55' l 13 7/ 8 / 7 / 6 /4 79° 55' 3— 1770' 30" 37° 47L— q 30" D —a*‘ o 2 20 8 10 & 8 1 18 ; 19 % Falls Tributary 9‘ d _ 21 c— Middle 79"55’ % g Tributary 22 f SUBBASINS IN HEADWATERS OF WILLS COVE West Area of West Tributary: 0.238 square mile Tributary - ~ Area of Middle Tributary=0. 145 square mile 79.55, 8 9 Area of Falls Tributary: 1.194 square miles 112 (I) 1/I2 1 MILE I I 1 I | 5 o .5 1 KILOMETER l 1 I I I l l I Base from U.S. Geological Survey, CONTOU R INTERVAL 20 FEET Horseshoe Mountain and Lovingston, 1967 DATUM Is MEAN SEA LEVEL FIGURE 4.—Ab0ve and right. Contour maps of Ginseng Hollow, Polly Wright Cove and Wills Cove basins, showing loca- tions of grid points (dots) used to determine average surface slope for tributaries and subbasins. Subbasins are out- lined with solid lines. Arrow at mouth of each basin ShOWS flow direction. Notable hillslope erosion lacking in pat- terned areas. GEOMORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF DRAINAGE BASINS North Tributary Lower , 37 ° A7 ' 30" East Bowl Main > 3400 37am 30"/ GINSENG HOLLOW Area = 0.677 square mile South Tributary 78° 52' 30” 16 17 Lower 10 6 POLLY WRIGHT COVE ‘ 9 7 Area=0.953 square mile 8 8 +37°47'3o" 2 3 4 5 5 7 78°52’30" 9 37° 47' 30"— H O 100 ‘ l l l | | 90 EXPLANATION 80 _ \. o— —o— —o — \ Polly Wright Cove \ \ x——x———x 70 — ‘\ Ginseng Hollow ‘7 k 13— —+——-A 60 — \\ Wills Cove _ \ h 50 — \ — 30— 10‘ PERCENTAGE OF BASIN AREA STEEPER THAN GIVEN SLOPE 0 10 20 30 40 5'0 60 70 80 90 SLOPE, IN PERCENT FIGURE 5.—Percentage of drainage-basin area steeper than given slope for Polly Wright Cove, Ginseng Hol- low and headwaters of Wills Cove. p. 64) for some 85 measurements in nearby Virginia and Maryland showed that if all of the points are viewed collectively, then L oc Ad”. Hack found this same general relation for 400 observations reported by Langbein (1947) for the northeastern United States. Two other areas which Hack tested—one in Arizona and one in South Dakota—also had power relations but with an exponent of 0.7. Mueller (1972) studied 65 large drainage basins (ranging from 5,000 to 5,000,000 sq mi) from various continents and reported the general relation L oc Ad0-466. Figure 6 is a plot of stream length versus drainage area for three of the major streams studied here (see fig. 1). A general relationship in which L varies approximately with A,]‘)-6 probably could be fitted to the complete group of points. But the scatter and range of data are such that other exponents might also apply. More interesting is the fact that the points for any one stream show little scatter about an eye-fitted line for the particular stream (values of L from the equations in figure 6 can be determined to within about $15 percent or better). The expo- nents of lines drawn for individual streams show considerable variation, ranging approximately from 0.4 to 0.7. Hack (1957) also found significant de- partures from his general relation L oc Ad”. Con- sequently, although general relations are often use- ful and interesting, some attention also should be HURRICANE C'AMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 given to the extent to which individual streams de- part from the general relation. A low exponent means a lesser rate at which stream length increases, for a given enlargement in drainage area. Conversely, for given increments of stream length, the stream with a lower exponent drains relatively larger areas as distance increases. Low exponents can reflect a lack of meandering (smaller increases in stream length) for given in- creases in drainage area, or they might suggest a relatively rapid enlargement of drainage area down- streamward. The latter is the reason for Dillard Creek’s low exponent of 0.42. LONGITUDINAL PROFILES 0F STREAM CHANNELS The longitudinal profie of a stream, a plot of dis- tance versus elevation, shows how the channel slope changes with distance and is one of the basic char- acteristics of a stream channel. TOPOGRAPHIC MAP DATA Longitudinal stream-profiles of five prominent channels were measured from topographic maps (scale 1:24,000) . The profiles extend for distances of 3—8 miles downstream from the drainage divide. Figure 7 shows these longitudinal profiles (fall F versus horizontal distance L) on arithmetic scales. The characteristic concave-upward profiles are smooth and regular for three of the streams (Camp- bell Hollow, Rucker Run and Polly Wright), but the other two (Ginseng Hollow and Wills Cove) include a pronounced deviation or local steepening. Many longitudinal profiles of streams and alluvial fans plot as straight lines on semilog paper. For some streams the elevation (ordinate) must be on the log scale, whereas for others the distance (ab- scissa) must be on the log scale. Krumbein (1937), Shulits (1941), Yatsu (1959), Leopold and Lang- bein (1962), and Fok (1971) dealt with the former type; their studies were concerned mainly with graded or well-developed rivers rather than moun- tain streams. Semilog plots of the profiles shown in figure 7, with elevation on the log scale, have a strong curvature, and no constant could be found (computed) to rectify the curves. Hack (1957, p. 70; also Hack and Goodlett, 1960, p. 11) and Leopold and Langbein (1962, p. A9) dealt with the second type of plot, Where elevations vary with the logarithm of distance. A diagram of this sort, an exponential or depletion function, describes the five profiles of figure 7 in a rather approximate way. The plotted points, not shown here, have a sinuous path, and a straight line fitted by eye pre- dicts the altitude to Within about :17 percent. GEOMORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF DRAINAGE BASINS 11 100 flllllll L 211,800 A3“ (Dillard Creek) 10— STREAM LENGTH (L), IN THOUSANDS OF FEET L = 7800 A36" (Polly Wright Cove) 1.0 DRAINAGE AREA (An), IN SQUARE MILES o» L. | llllllll L =6550 A3“ (Rucker Run) I llllllll FIGURE 6.—Variation of stream length with drainage area for three Nelson County basins. For the range of elevations involved with these stream profiles, the actual values of the elevations are approximately proportional to the logs of the elevations. Consequently a graph of elevation (not vertical fall) versus L on log paper, not included here, also shows an approximate straight-line rela- tion. The alinement of points on such a logarithmic graph is slightly better than on the semilog plot. A straight line drawn by eye predicts the altitude to within about :13 percent or better, with the possible exception of the point nearest the drainage divide. (Incidentally, plotting the fall F versus channel length L on logarithmic paper did not produce a straight line, nor could any constant be found to rectify the curve.) The type of plot which best expresses the elevation or fall along the five streams is a hyperbolic equa- tion, like the power law, and takes the form F=L/ (a+bL) Where a = the extrapolated value of the ordinate at L = O and b is the slope of the best-fit line on the graph. Rearranging the equation into the form L/F=a+bL gives the type of diagram on which the data plot as a straight line (fig. 8). (An alternative way of rearranging the equation is 1/F=a (1/L) +b, which indicates that a plot of l/F versus l/L, not included here, also gives a straight line on arithmetic scales. This variant of the plot is not practical be- cause much of the stream length is squeezed into a small section on the abscissa.) 12 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 TOTAL VERTICAL FALL FROM DRAINAGE DIVIDE (F), IN FEET I l I I o 5000 ' 10.000 15,000 20,000 I I | I EXPLANATION x Ginseng Hollow and Hat Creek 0 Campbell Hollow and East Branch Hat Creek III Rucker Run 0 Polly Wright Cove and Muddy Creek V Wills Cove and Dillard Creek 4| I \4 7“— X l I I I 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 TOTAL HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM DRAINAGE DIVIDE (L), IN FEET FIGURE 7.—Longitudinal profiles of stream channels, based on data from topographic maps. Vertical exaggeration is X 10. One distinctive feature of this diagram is the striking linearity of data points. Second, the local steepening in Ginseng Hollow is quite apparent and divides the profiles into two segments. This local steepening was much less recognizable in the semi- log and log plots. Last, the first data point on the Campbell profile (100 ft from the drainage divide) is markedly offset from the best-fit line. The ratio L/F for this point is higher than would be expected, so for this particular horizontal increment the fall is less than would be expected. Probably the concave profile is not as well-developed this close to the drain- age divide. After some algebraic manipulations, the equation F=L/ (a+bL) assumes a form very close to one of the equations which Hack (1957, p. 70, eq. 11) found for stream profiles in nearby areas of Virginia and Maryland. The pertinent Hack equation is for streams in which the average size of the bed particles decreased downstream, as is the case in the streams studied here. Written in logarithmic form, Hack’s equation is 10g(F—C)=10g(k/ (70+ 1)) -I— (71 + 1) logL where C is a constant of integration and k and n are also constants. The present equation, rearranged and put in logarithmic form, is log (F — a )=logv—log (L+B) in which a=1/b, B=a/b and 'y= (—a/b9). This is essentially Hack’s equation with ’I’L=—2 except that the right-hand side has L + ,8, rather than L. The coefficients a and b both reflect such features as the channel steepness and do not lend themselves to simple descriptive labels. Values of a in this study ranged from 1.1 to 3.1, and b—values ranged from 0.000600 to 0.000870. Eye—fitted lines predict the fall F to within about 9 percent error and usually to much greater accuracy. The appearance of the local steepening in Ginseng Hollow on the L/F versus L diagram might seem to suggest that this type of plot is sensitive to local channel aberrations. This, however, is true only near the drainage divide, where the distance L is still rather short and F increases significantly. The ap- parent sensitivity virtually disappears after L has increased to about 2 or 3 miles, by which stage F usually increases by relatively minor increments. 25 15 10 10 GEOMORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF DRAINAGE BASINS 13 I I l l l I \ Ginseng Hollow and Hat Creek — + =1.7+o.00059 L E o o I I I I I I p < n: 15 I I I I I I \+ =1.2+0.00071L _ Campbell Hollow and East Branch Hat Creek _ l l I I I I O 5000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 TOTAL HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM DRAINAGE DIVIDE (L), IN FEET FIGURE 8.—Longitudinal channel profiles plotted in the form of L/F’ versus L (topographic map data). FIELD MEASUREMENTS On three of the channels—Ginseng, Polly Wright and Campbell—more detailed longitudinal profiles were measured in the field with a stadia rod and either a Zeiss level (for flatter reaches) or a hand level. Distances along the channel are virtually the same as horizontal distances and will be so treated in the following discussion. The distance and fall from the drainage divide to the uppermost channel station were taken from the topographic map. These longitudinal profiles of mountain channels and, where present, their adjoining alluvial fans have the usual concave-upward shape when plotted on arithmetic scales (fig. 9). The local steepening in Ginseng Hollow, discussed earlier, appears in the upstream part of the Ginseng profile. The profiles tend to consist of straight-line segments, a feature which Bull (1964) pointed out for alluvial fans in California. The present field data show that this seg- mented characteristic applies to the channel up- stream from a fan, in addition to the fan itself. Furthermore, the profiles show no sudden change in slope at a fan apex, and the location of the apex cannot be found from studying the profile. This is also a feature which Bull (1964, p. 101) noted for his profiles in California. And Denny (1965, p. 55) remarked that the mountain channels and alluvial fans which he studied in California and Nevada have a smooth profile with no break in slope at the fan apex. As Morisawa (1968, p. 94) noted, the primary cause of fan deposition therefore is not a sudden flattening of channel gradient. Instead, such deposi- tion most likely results from the sudden spreading- out of the flow as it escapes the confining mountain channel. Profiles on semilog and log paper, not included here, also consist of straight-line segments. The num- ber of segments decreases progressively from arith- metic to semilog to log plots. As with the topo- graphic-map data, a straight line on the log diagram is a better approximation of the longitudinal profiles than a straight line on semilog paper. The L/F versus L relation (fig. 10) describes the data most accurately. The equations for obtaining the vertical fall F from the drainage divide, in feet, for a given hori- zontal distance L from the drainage divide, in feet, are: F=L/ (2.52+0.00050L) F=L/ (1.36+0.00075L) F=L/ (1.20+0.00065L) Ginseng-Bryant : Polly Wright: Campbell : 14 HURRICANE GAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 I I I ELEVATION ABOVE SEA LEVEL, IN FEET Apex of Ian/ End of fan / I I I I I I | EXPLANATION X Ginseng Hollow and Bryant fan 0 PoIIy Wright Cove 0 Campbell Hollow and fan /Apex of fan End of fan I I I 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 | 7000 8000 9000 10,000 11,000 TOTAL HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM DRAINAGE DIVIDE (L), IN FEET FIGURE 9.——Longitudinal profiles of mountain channels and, where present, adjoining alluvial fans. Data from field meas- urements. Vertical exaggeration is X 10. These equations were obtained graphically from fig- ure 10, in which the best-fit lines have been drawn by eye. Except for the local steepened reach in Gin- seng Hollow, the equations predict the total fall from the drainage divide to any station on the stream channel to within :25 percent. In summary, this section has presented measured values of drainage areas, stream lengths and the steepness of the terrain, together with some relation- ships between these factors. A mathematical expres— sion of the longitudinal profile has been found for several of the main streams in the study area. Inas- much as some kinds of erosion described in the fol- lowing section are typical of mountainous regions, future studies using more data may discover some mathematical relation between the geomorphological characteristics of the drainage basins, on the one hand, and the amount and type of erosion expected to result from a given quantity of rainfall. Similarly, when more data are available it may be possible to relate the geomorphological features to the down- stream amount and pattern of deposition. Some ten- tative steps toward these goals are taken in later sections of this report. EROSION DEBRIS AVALANCHES Measurements and estimates of amounts of ero- sion presented later in this report suggest that nearly half of all the storm-eroded sediment came from downslope—trending strips on the hillsides. Many scars (figs. 11 and 12) testify to the magnitude of this hillslope degradation. The nature of these scars and their association with the heavy rainfall indicate that they were caused by a type of mass—movement which Sharpe (1938, p. 61) called a debris ava- lanche. A debris avalanche is a rapid down-hill flow— age of soil, rock, trees and other vegetation (if present) and water. According to Sharpe, “the typi- cal debris-avalanche has a long and relatively nar- row track, occurs on a steep mountain slope or hill— side in a humid climate, and is almost invariably preceded by heavy rains.” In Sharpe’s classification debris avalanches differ from landslides in that land- slides involve very little water. The Nelson County avalanches included soil, trees and other plants, water, and usually rocks ranging from gravel to boulders up to 10 feet in intermediate diameter. EROSION 15 3-0 I I I I 7.5 — 7.0 — 6.5 — 6.0 — 5.5 — RATIO L/F 5.0 — 4.5 — \ End of fan 4.0 — 3.5 ’— \ 3_0 __ Apex of fan I I I End of fan Apex of fan EXPLANATION X Ginseng Hollow and Bryant fan 0 PoIIy Wright Cove 0 Campbell Hollow and fan I I 2.5 I 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 | l 7000 8000 9000 10. 000 1 1,000 TOTAL HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM DRAINAGE DIVIDE (L), IN FEET FIGURE 10.—Longitudinal profiles of figure 9 (mountain channels and, if present, adjoining alluvial fans), plotted in the form of L/ F versus L. Data from field measurements. Every other point plotted. A previous report (Williams and Guy, 1971) ana- lyzed various aspects of the 1969 Nelson County debris avalanches. Hack and Goodlett (1960) described in consider- able detail the important role of debris avalanches in the overall adjustment among slope processes, mountain form, and vegetation for a similar central- Appalachian region in Virginia and West Virginia. Eyewitnesses or survivors of debris avalanches say that the entire event occurs very quickly. Obser- vations during the present storm were obscured be- cause of the darkness. Mr. S. O. Mawyer of Woods Mill was almost swept away in a small avalanche near his home and only saved himself by grabbing a bush that was growing just beyond the slide border. He said the ground started oozing slowly downhill for a fraction of a second, and then the entire section of the hillside suddenly slid quickly down the slope, accompanied by a loud noise. Mr. B. R. Floyd, whose Lovingston, Va., home (a few hundred yards down- stream from the base of a long, high mountain) was severely damaged by a 3,000-foot-long avalanche (fig. 13), estimated the duration of the event in the vicinity of his home to be about 3 minutes. Mr. W. E. Davies, a geologist for the US. Geological Survey, saw a debris avalanche in a 1949 West Virginia storm and testified (oral commun., 1970) that the whole strip of hillside started moving at about the same instant. These subjective descriptions give some indication of the short duration of a debris avalanche. Rapp (1963, p. 198—200) quoted an eyewitness description of debris avalanches in western Norway: “A mass of earth, boulders, trees and water moves down the slope and a new slide track is formed * * * The river (at the base of the hill) is filled with a porridge of earth which flows downstream, mixed with a crowd of naked birch stems, twisting and whirling * * * New slides are coming down. It looks like a wave of water that squeezes earth and trees out of the ground and back again. The trees fall down immediately (with their bases pointing down- slope, according to Rapp). Then they are pushed together with the earth and boulders on the way downslope, so they reach the river naked, Without twigs and bark. Water sprays out in small cascades from the moving earth.” People living in or near the mountains in Nelson 16 HURRICANE CvAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 FIGURE 11.-—Erosion and deposition caused by the torrential rainfall, Davis Creek area, Nelson County, Va. Scars on hillsides mark locations of debris avalanches. Stream flood plain shows both erosion and deposition. (Photograph by Ed Roseberry.) County were unanimous in emphasizing the awful roar they heard associated with both the debris avalanches and the swollen streamflow. The noise was variously described as sounding like a squadron of airplanes warming up for takeoff; or continuous discharges of dynamite, one charge right after the other, sometimes overlapping; or many cannonballs rolling along inside a bowling alley, with cracking, popping, and explosions. The slides occurred at intervals ranging from “one right after the other” or “every few minutes” to “every once in a while” (Simpson and Simpson, 1970, pp. 8—9). The accounts of local residents sug- gest that the avalanching was more frequent toward the end of the storm. Some slides occurred after the rain had abated to a sprinkle or mist, at about 0400 hours on August 20. At least the larger debris avalanches caused a very noticeable quivering or trembling of the earth’s sur- face for a radius of several miles. There is no way to determine how many of the 125 people who lost their lives in Nelson County were killed by debris avalanches. A number of missing houses, particularly in the Davis Creek basin, origi- nally stood in small hollows which were scoured by avalanches. Other lives were lost when buildings and property hundreds of feet downstream from hill- slopes were ravaged by avalanche water and debris. Dr. J. H. Gamble of Lovingston, who was in charge of identifying and examining the flood victims, found that almost none of the dead showed evidence of drowning. “The vast majority were just multiple fractures—rib . . ., spine . . ., large bone . . ., skull fractures—from rocks and trees and so forth. Most died from massive ‘blunt force’ injuries.” (Simpson and Simpson, 1970, p. 270). Such testimony shows that sediment damage during floods can be very im- portant in terms of lives as well as property. EROSION 17 SOURCE MATERIAL The soil type on the mountainsides, according to the US. Department of Agriculture classification, is of the order inceptisol—a young soil that presumably has formed rather quickly, mostly from alteration of parent materials (here, the underlying crystalline rocks) and which lacks horizons of marked accumu- lation of clay, iron oxide, and aluminum oxide. The subdivisions within the inceptisol order would be ochrept and dystrochrept. The soil usually is about 1—3 ft thick on the steeper parts of the terrain. Logically, the thickness of the profile should vary inversely with the long-term ero- sion rate and (or) directly with the weathering rate of the rocks. Most profiles on the hillslopes contain some larger rock fragments, including a few of boul- der size. Two or 3 inches of dark-colored organic matter cap the soil profile. Below this organic layer the soil color is mostly red-brown. The texture is that of a soil matrix, rather uniform in size-composition with depth, containing a few larger fragments ranging up to several feet in diameter. Soil samples from the side walls of 10 scars—three in Polly Wright Cove, five in Wills Cove, and two in Ginseng Hollow—— were analyzed for particle size. Such samples were small (1 or 2 kilograms) and did not include parti- cles larger than about 25 mm (millimeters). There appears to be no significant difference in particle size among the 10 soil samples. The average for the 10 samples was 15 percent gravel, 48 percent sand, 31 percent silt, and 6 percent clay-sized particles by weight. The median size ranged from 0.08 to 0.28 mm. The larger fragments occur at diverse levels within the soil profile and usually do not show any pronounced trend of becoming larger with depth. Some of these large fragments are on the top surface and probably move downslope by creep. No repre- sentative size-frequency distribution was obtained for these large rocks. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF AVALANCHE SCARS Typical avalanche scars range from about 200—800 feet in horizontal length, 25 to 75 feet in width and 1 to 3 feet in depth. Some scars are as short as 20 feet or as long as 1,000 feet, as wide as 200 feet, and as deep as 15 or 20 feet. Average gradients are steep, ranging in most cases from about 0.30 ft per ft (foot per foot) (16 degrees) to 0.80 ft per ft (39 degrees). The most common average gradients were 0.50—0.60 ft per ft. Based on 12 typical scars that were meas- ured in detail, the average amount of sediment re- moved in a single debris avalance was about 88,000 cubic feet or abut “'“X 4500 tons. From the upslope tip, every debris avalanche con- , tinued all the way down the hillside. Most scars be- come slightly deeper with distance downslope. Widths tend to increase downslope, as do avalanche tracks in other areas (Swanston, 1969); however, there are many exceptions where the width stays about constant or decreases (fig. 12A). * The heads of individual scars can be almost any- where on a hillside, except that not one is located at the crest of a hill. Some avalanches involved only the foot of a hillslope, while others extend nearly to the crest. Most scars originate in the middle third of the slope between the ridge crest and the channel. From a top View the break at the head of the scar can be curved, irregular, or even a virtually straight line, normal to the downslope direction. Almost all avalanches removed the entire vegetal cover in their path, including large trees. In many cases the bedrock was exposed along the full length of the scar. On other scars a foot or two of soil still covers the bedrock, particularly in the lower reaches. Some of the avalanches—probably those that oc- curred near the end of the storm—removed only the vegetation and part of the soil, so that no bedrock was exposed. Many scars eroded to bedrock occur next to scars which still have a partial soil cover (fig. 120). The break between most slide areas and the adja- cent unaffected ground is clean and sharp, especially at the top of the scar. Many roots of the vegetation which had been growing in the eroded soil were broken and exposed. Most of these roots point down- slope. Mud deposits around the base of tree-trunks along the edges of some scars suggest that the top surface of the moving avalanche was as much as 3 feet higher than the normal ground surface. Nearly all the avalanches in the headwater areas entered first- or second-order streams at the base of the hillslope. These streams begin at the head of a mountain ravine which itself experienced debris ava- lanching or at least severe channel enlargement dur— ing the storm. The streams wind through the moun- tains for distances ranging from a few hundred feet to as much as several miles, before emerging into the broad intermontane valleys. Along such mountain-stream channels the banks opposite the scars rarely had deposits from the ava- lanches, nor was any material left in the channel it- self. Thus at some time between the avalanche and the end of the flood, the stream removed nearly all 18 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 FIGURE 12 (above and right) .—Typical scars left by debris avalanches on hill- slopes: A-C, headwaters of Wills Cove; D, drainage basin upstream from Campbell fan; E, Ginseng Hollow. EROSION 19 D the dislodged material. Few, if any, of the avalanches therefore occurred after the flood. Avalanches on the sides of the broader intermon- tane valleys continued beyond the base of the hill- side for hundreds of feet and in most cases reached the flooded zone in the center of the valley. After the flood subsided, the path of these avalanches was characterized by an incised channel and by sediment deposition along each side of the channel (fig. 14) . The huge volume of soil and rock eroded by debris avalanches is discussed in the section on “Sediment yield.” GEOMETRY OF SCARS METHODS OF STUDY We measured the longitudinal profiles, cross pro— files, widths, and depths of 12 scars which to the eye appeared to be typical and representative of the various types. For seven of these, the tools were a hand level, tape, and surveyor’s rod. From the tops of these seven scars to the base of the hillside, we measured distance down the scar centerline with the tape and read elevations at intervals of 10—«100 feet (usually about 40—50 feet), depending on the steep- ness of the slope. We estimated or measured widths at intervals of 20—100 feet down the scar by extend- ing the 25-foot rod from one edge of the scar toward the opposite edge. At a few stations where the width was not determined in this manner, we simply esti- mated the total width by eye. We estimated erosion in the center of the scar at all stations either by eye or by holding the rod on one edge of the scar, point- ing the other tip toward the opposite edge and assum- ing that the rod represented the original surface. The other five scars were mapped with an engi- neer’s transit and surveyor’s rod in sufficient detail FIGURE 13.-—Scar of major avalanche that penetrated Lov- ingston, about 0300, August 20, 1969. Ed, Roseberry.) (Photograph by 20 HURRICANE C‘AMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 A FIGURE 14 (above and right).—Debris avalanches along sides of intermontane valleys. A, East Branch of Hat Creek. Creek is at lower left foreground. Note deposition of logs, boulders and other particles along route from avalanche to creek. B, Stevens Cove. Note damage to orchard. (Photographs courtesy of Virginia Division of Mineral Resources.) that 10—foot contours could be drawn. With this method the areal spacing of measurements was about the same as with the hand-level method except that additional readings were taken on the nearby undis- turbed ground surface, both above the head of the scar and on either side. Figure 15 presents maps of typical scars and locations of cross sections. N0 depth-of—erosion estimates were made in the field for scars mapped by transit; these depths instead were estimated from the plotted cross profiles. Elevations and distances from the drainage divide to the head of the avalanche scar were taken from the topographic map after we plotted the total hori- zontal scar distance, as measured in the field, on the map. The vertical distance from base of hillside (usually taken as the channel edge) to top of scar, as measured in the field, agreed very well with the distance indicated by the contour lines on the map; so for longitudinal—profile purposes the field and map measurements could be combined with no significant error. A profile measured along the scar centerline in 21 EROSION 22 HURRICANE GAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 2 Polly Wright-A EXPLANATION 0 Control point l-H-H-t-H—l-l—l-d-l—l—l—H Cross profile Longitudinal profile Edge of scar Polly Wright-C 300 230 r/ ‘ J l » I // \\ I \ \ 26o b\ 9l \ / Q \ | \9 \ \‘ 240 A l \ so 100 FEET 4"“ KH— WM . 220 CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET / ARBITRARY DATUM / \ I v \ 200 \ FIGURE 15.—Contour maps of two avalanche scars, Polly Wright Cove, showing locations of cross and longitudinal profiles. most cases does not exactly represent the longitudi— nal profile before the avalanche because of the miss- ing soil and rock in the scar. However, the overall lengths (ranging from 560 to as much as 1,600 feet) and vertical distances (240—599 feet) of the hillsides studied are large compared to the estimated depth of soil removed (generally less than about 5 feet). By adding to the measured elevations the thickness of soil and rock removed, as estimated in the field, we were able to reconstruct the approximate pre-storm profile for seven of the scars. These reconstructed profiles closely approximated those measured in the field. The only difference of any significance might be near the base of those hillslopes from which a par- ticularly large amount of sediment was removed. This potential error might affect the apparent degree of concavity of that region of the hillside. The post- storm profiles as used here probably are quite close to the original profiles, in most cases. The avalanches certainly did not affect the profiles as far as the defi- nition of convex and concave zones on the hillside is concerned. LONGITUDINAL PROFILES Figure 16 shows the 12 scar and hillside profiles, all of which have been standardized so that the units of length and elevation are from zero to 1.0. The ab- scissa is a sliding scale which we shifted systemati- cally for plotting purposes, in order to put all of the EROSION 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.6 — 0.5 — 0.4 PROPORTIONAL VERTICAL DISTANCE, BOTTOM TO TOP OF HILL 0 ,7 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 l_ l l l 0.4 l 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 I l l . I I l PROPORTIONAL HORIZONTAL DISTANCE, BOTTOM TO TOP OF HILL FIGURE 16.—Longitudinal profiles of hillslopes, including avalanche scars. Vertical and horizontal distances have been standardized to extend from 0 to 1.0. Table 2 gives actual scar and hillside dimensions. Arrow indicates position of head of avalanche scar. See table 2 for profile numbers and scar designations. profiles on one graph. An arrow on each profile marks the head of the avalanche scar. Table 2 gives the actual scar dimensions. The profiles in figure 16 show a variety of shapes, some details of which will be described in the para- graphs below. The reader should look at each pro- file, from base to hillside, and note (a) the general hillside steepness in the region of the head of the scar (arrow), and (b) the elevation of the head of the avalanche relative to the vertical distance from the bottom to the top of the hill. The scars generally tend to begin in the zone where the local gradient is steepest. In these profiles the steepest gradient is located from about 0.3 to 0.95 of the horizontal dis- tance and from about 0.3 to 0.95 of the vertical dis- tance from base to hilltop. The head of the scar TABLE 2,—Hillside and scar dimensions and erosion volumes for measured avalanche scars Hillside dimensions San- dimensions Erosion Profile Scar number designa- Length Full Length Fall ( 1,000 tion (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) fta) l ...... Ginseng—2,020 980 435 320 190 18 2 ______ Ginseng—East Br 620 240 260 120 67 3 ______ Ginseng—4 ,7 40 900 330 570 250 81 4 ______ Ginseng—Middle 646 310 500 250 144 5 ______ Ginseng—800 830 397 760 390 86 61 _____ Polly Wright—A 690 375 400 200 43 ’I ______ Polly Wright—B 560 300 300 1'10 52 81 _____ Polly Wright—C 930 420 400 200 45 9 ______ Wills—5,850 880 505 260 17 0 32 10 ______ Wills—1,300 660 385 420 270 100 l 1 ______ Wills—1.100 1,200 600 870 390 162 12 ______ Wills-—7,550 1,620 565 860 380 233 1 Figure 15 shows contour mp of seals. occurred on the average at 0.59 of the horizontal distance and 0.62 of the vertical distance from base to hilltop. Hillslopes typically have a convex upper part and a concave lower part. In some cases a middle section of nearly constant gradient separates these two zones; otherwise, the convex and concave portions grade directly into one another. White (1966) has shown that convex, straight, and concave profiles can be most readily defined by plotting local hillslope gradient as a function of horizontal slope distance, on log scales. On such a diagram the convex profile near the crest of a hill in many instances plots as a straight line trending upward (positive exponent), because the local gradient increases With slope dis- tance. A horizontal line on the graph indicates that the local gradient stays constant with distance away from the crest: that is, the hillslope is straight. The concave profile over the lower regions of a hillside means that the local gradient decreases with hori- zontal distance from the crest, and this type of pro- file commonly plots on log paper as a straight line sloping downward. All the slopes which White stud- ied had smooth, regular profiles With prominently convex upper regions and concave lower regions. To examine the 12 profiles in more detail we plot- ted the data on log paper using White’s method and drew lines of best fit by eye. Figure 17 contains four typical plots. Local gradient for any station was reckoned from the arithmetic midpoints between the 24 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 1.0 l I I I I I I I I _ A. POLLY WRIGHT-C 0.5 —~ I I \I I I | I I I _ B. GlNSENG-4740 _ ,_ o 0 LL n: LIJ n. I- o E 0.2 E ,; Z 1.0 Lu I I I | I I I I I I I l l I — L j _ o E _ C WILLS—1100 / — D. POLLY gRIGHT-A _ 3 " /” ‘ 5 _//” — o _I ——O _. 02 I I I I I I I I I 100 500 1000 1500 so 100 500 1000 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM DRAINAGE DIVIDE (L). IN FEET FIGURE 17.——Variati0n in local hillslope gradient with distance from hilltop, for four typical hillsides on which debris avalanches occurred. Arrow marks head of avalanche scar. station of interest and the stations immediately above and below. The corresponding value on the abscissa is cumulative horizontal distance L from the drainage divide to the station. The graphs presented a wide variety of slope—types, as might be surmised from figure 16. Some showed enough scatter that various lines, straight or curved, might be fitted to the points, and the difference between convex and straight or between straight and concave segments of the profiles sometimes became a subjective de- cision. What features do all the profiles have in common? First, all have a convex zone beginning at the top of the mountain. This upper convex zone varies Widely in length—from the hilltop to about 0.1 or up to as much as 0.7 of the horizontal distance to the base of the hill. Some profiles showed two zones in this upper convex region, corresponding to two straight lines (both trending upward but at different rates) on the gradient-versus-length graph (fig. 173). Another common feature was that, with one ex- ception, the profiles have a concave zone at the base of the hillside. This zone may include as little as about 0.1 or as much as 0.8 of the entire slope length. Also, the concave zone often consists of two different sections rather than one, as indicated by two down- ward—trending straight lines on the graph (for ex- ample, fig. 170) . The profile pattern between the upper convex and lower concave zones varies. In five cases these two segments merged, with no intermediate zone (for example, fig. 17 C ) . Two other profiles showed a straight section between the convex upper slope and the concave lower region. In the remaining five pro- files the intermediate zone showed various combina- tions of convex, straight and concave segments, with no consistent pattern (fig. 17A,B,D). The local gradient-versus-length plots verify the deduction that the top of the scar is generally on the steepest part of the hillslope. The plots also show this point in relation to the convex and concave zones. The persistent relation apparent from a study of these gradient-length graphs is that the ava- lanches in at least 9 of the 12 cases began at the lower end of the upper convex zone on the hillside, that is, at the junction where the convex upper zone EROSION 25 merges with the concave or straight section imme- diately below. This would in fact be the steepest point on the hillside. More scar data should be ana- lyzed to strengthen this conclusion, but the 12 scars do include different slope lengths, heights, profile shapes and degrees of erosion down their paths. In spite of these and other differences, there is a pro- nounced tendency for the head of the scar to be at the steepest region on the hillside. For the same hillslopes a previous report (Wil- liams and Guy, 1971) examined gradient-length graphs on which the origin of the profile was taken as the top of the avalanche scar. Because those graphs omitted the upper (convex) part of the hill- side and began with the station several feet down from the start of the scar, the graphs indicated that the avalanches tended to form in the concave part of the hillside. It was therefore not evident that the convex upper slope of most profiles happened to ter- minate about at the top of the scar. Thus, more use- ful and accurate information is obtained by starting the profile plot at the crest of the hill. Another pertinent point in regard to the origin of local-gradient plots is that because the abscissa is horizontal distance on a log scale, the exponent or slope of a best-fit line will vary Widely depending on the origin, and consequently the magnitude, of the horizontal measurement. Although local gradient is fixed for any station on the hillside, the plotted points can be spread horizontally to cover several log cycles or compressed horizontally into a very short band, depending on the abscissa-values being plotted. White (1966) discussed other major problems asso- ciated with the sensitivity of such diagrams to choice of origin. cnoss pnomms Transverse measurements of avalanche scars were made in the field; however, because the field profiles vvere not obtained in true straight fines across the scars and because the steep hillslopes would magnify the error due to any such deviations, the cross pro- files presented here (fig. 18) were obtained from contour maps of the kind shown in figure 15. The section was marked with a straight line on the con- tour map and the elevation interpolated between contours at 5-foot intervals, starting at the deepest portion of the scar and proceeding to each side in turn. The shapes and dimensions of the cross profiles vary considerably. Most scars are broad relative to the depth.I¢ear the top of a scar,the profiles tend to be rather flat. Toward the base of a hill, the pro- files have a variety of shapes—flattish, for example, LEFT BANK RIGHT BANK ‘x/ I 1 0.19 Wills-1100 Wills-1300 Polly Wright-A Polly Wright-B Polly Wright-C ° 0 20 40 60 80 100 FEEV FIGURE 18,—Typical cross profiles of avalanche scars, drawn looking downslope. Number at edge of each profile indi- cates proportional distance of profile section down hillslope from start of scar. Vertical tick marks show edge of scar. Dashed line=estimated pre-storm ground surface. 26 HURRICANE GAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 where the soil depth was shallow and bedrock is exposed (fig. 18—Polly Wright B), or more U- shaped where the soil was relatively deep (fig. 18—- Polly Wright A). Flaccus (1958) found V-shaped channels to be typical of the lower parts of ava- lanche scars in the White Mountains of New Hamp- shire. The profiles also show typical trends of scar width, with distance downslope. The scar depths indicated by the cross profiles in figure 18 seem to remain about constant or to in- crease downslope, depending on the soil thickness. POSSIBLE CAUSES OF AVALANCHES IN NELSON COUNTY The torrential rainfall undoubtedly was the pri- mary cause of the debris-avalanches. But why did avalanches occur down certain strips of hillside and not on adjacent parts of the same slope or on other hillsides only 50 yards or less away? One possible reason is an uneven distribution of rainfall. A very severely eroded stream channel commonly occurred within a few hundred yards of a channel which ap- peared to have carried only a small flow of water. The most likely conclusion is that the rainfall intens- ity was highly irregular, both in time at a given spot and in area. Schwarz (1970) in fact affirmed the complex nature of the rainfall for this extreme event. He reported that a U. S. Weather Bureau sur- vey team, investigating the various rainfall reports, found that for each of four observations of over 20 inches total rainfall, less than 6 inches was meas- ured at a location less than 5 miles away. Huff (1967) states that multicellular patterns of precipi- tation cause highly variable intensities and quanti- ties near the centers of areas covered by heavy storms. Other factors which authors have mentioned as possible influences on avalanching are steepness of hillslope, vegetation type and density, kind of bed- rock, attitude of stratified or jointed bedrock, ero— sion or bombardment of the base of a slope by a debris-laden stream, soil texture, orientation (as— pect) of hillslope, length of hillslope, soil depth, sus- ceptibility of soil to infiltration, ability of soil to transmit water (hydraulic conductivity), the initial presence of depressions or troughs along the hill- slope, bolts of lightning, the vibrations of heavy thunder, and the uprooting of trees due to strong winds. Although detailed measurements were not made, vegetation type and density appear to be essen- tially constant over the scarred area of the county, even when differences in orientation and steepness of slope and possibly in soil depth are considered. Nearly all the bedrock of the area is rather imper- vious. From exposures along scars and stream chan- nels, it appears that the avalanches were more com- mon over massive crystalline rocks than over schists, but the former seems to be the predominant rock type anyway. There is thus no evidence that the type of bedrock influenced the likelihood of avalanching. In some cases more than one rock type is exposed along a scar. Some exposed bedrock is jointed, whereas other exposures have no joints or cleavage. Whether jointing increases the likelihood of ava- lanching could not be determined in our study. The possible influence of soil texture on the abil- ity of soil to conduct water and to be susceptible to infiltration cannot be sufliciently evaluated in a study initiated after the avalanches have occurred. Soil analyses at various stations on a hillside, before and after the avalanches, would be the best way to find any consistent associations. The same is true of the internal shear strength of any layers in the soil pro- file. Rapp (1963, p. 203) indicated that the main slides at Ulvadal, western Norway, occurred along planes mostly at or near the bottom of the podzolic layer and the top of the fine-grained substratum in the illuvial layer (the B horizon or layer accumulat- ing clay for hundreds of years). Such a layer was not readily noticeable along the avalanche walls in Nelson County. No large trees were found uprooted at the heads of scars. Some scars began immediately downslope from huge boulders, and the heads of other scars were many times wider than the zone Which tree roots would disrupt. Although the role of uprooted trees in starting an avalanche could not be assessed, this factor at most was probably of minor impor- tance. Some big slides were heard after the thunder and lightning had stopped around 0400 August 20. Also, the lightning during the storm was mainly the hori- zontal type rather than vertical bolts which might have struck the ground. These considerations suggest that thunder and lightning probably were not major factors in the initiation of debris avalanches. The remaining possibilities which could be asso- ciated with the Nelson County avalanches are stream action at the base of the slope, depressions down the hillslope, orientation of the hillside, the steepness of the slope, the horizontal length of the hillside and the soil depth. These factors are discussed in the following pages. EROSION THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS Immediately prior to an avalanche, slope stability is in a delicate balance between shear force and shear strength in the underlying materials. In soil mechan- ics, the ratio of these two forces is used to express a factor of safety that estimates the danger of sudden slope failure: Safety Factor= sum of shear forces on critical surface shear strength along the surface A calculated factor of safety slightly greater than 1 in some cases may mean the possibility of slow yield- ing or creep, instead of a slope failure. The mode of deformation can be planar or rota- tional. Except for some pockets of deep soil, the most common types in Nelson County was planar, involv- ing a relatively thin layer of “loose” soils or products of weathering over an inclined bedrock surface. Where evidence of rotational deformation was found on deep soils, it was in some cases evident that a larger planar deformation had occurred immediately downslope. Table 3 summarizes the various factors contribut- ing to instability of earth slopes. Of the factors con-a tributing to high shear stress, the weight of the rain- water is considered by the authors to be the most important in Nelson County. Bank-cutting by streams is discussed in the paragraphs below. The shear strength of the mantle probably was lowered mainly by changes in intergranular forces due to pore water. 27 STREAM ACTION AT THE BASE OF THE HILLSLOPE Streams reportedly can cause avalanching by un- dercutting the hillside (Wenner, 1951; Scott and Gravlee, 1968; Rice and others, 1969). The mantle along the base of a slope does provide some support for the material uphill from it, so a slope would be- come less stable if the base of the hillside were eroded. What is the field evidence for or against erosion of the base of the hillslope causing avalanching in Nelson County? The evidence in favor is that a stream channel trending approximately perpendicu- lar to the direction of the avalanche had eroded its banks for as much as 20 feet along the base of some avalanche scars. However, it is possible that, instead of bearing a cause-and-effect relation, channel ero- sion and debris avalanches are both independent products of the torrential rainstorm. Against erosion at the base of the mountain trig- gering avalanching is, first, the important fact that many debris avalanches occurred on hillsides which were not touched by stream floodwaters (fig. 14). Many avalanches, in fact, travelled overland for hun- dreds of feet (fig. 14) before moving into the stream channel, as for example, in the Hat Creek basin and along highway US. 29. Second, some of the ava- lanches were over a thousand feet long and only about 25—75 feet wide. It is unlikely that a few feet of erosion along the bottom of the hillside could trigger such long, narrow slides, unless the ava~ lanching progressed upslope bit by bit. Testimony TABLE 3.—Factors contributing to instability of earth slopes [From Varnes. 1958] Factors that contribute to high shear stress Factors that contribute to low shear strength A. Removal of lateral support 1. Erosion—bank cutting by streams and rivers 2. Human agencies—cuts, canals, pits, and so forth B. Surcharge 1. Natural agencies—weight of snow and ice and rainwater 2. Human agencies—fills, buildings, and so forth C. Transitory earth stresses—earthquakes Regional tilting E. Removal of underlying support 1. Subaerial weathering—solutioning by ground water 2. Subterranean erosion—piping 3. Human agencies—mining F. Lateral pressures 1. Water in vertical cracks 2. Freezing water in cracks 3. Swelling 4. Root wedging A. Initial state 1. Composition—inherently weak materials 2. Texture—loose soils, metastable grain structures 3. Gross structure—faults, jointing, bedding planes, varving, and so forth B. Changes due to weathering and other physico— chemical reactions 1. Frost action and thermal expansion 2. Hydration of clay minerals 3. Drying and cracking 4. Leaching C. Changes in intergranular forces due to pore water 1. Buoyancy in saturated state 2. Loss in capillary tension upon saturation 3. Seepage pressure of percolating ground water D. Changes in structure 1. Fissuring of preconsolidated clays due to release of lateral restraint 2. Grain structure collapse upon disturbance 28 HURRICANE GAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 presented earlier, however, indicated that the whole strip probably came down as a single event. These considerations suggest that stream erosion (or un- dercutting at the base of a hillside) probably was not a major cause of the avalanching, though it might locally have been a factor. A second theory (Kuhaida, 1971) regarding stream action is that avalanching can be induced by vibrations in the bedrock as a result of bombardment of the slope-base by stream-transported debris. This process would apply more commonly to slopes on the outside of meander bends, where bombardment would be more direct. Most streams flow at right angles to the hillside, so there is some question as to the intensity, as well as the role, of any Vibrations produced by the sediment moving in the stream. Also, as mentioned, many hillsides on which ava- lanches occurred were hundreds of feet away from a stream. Thus, while bombardment of a slope base could conceivably produce vibrations strong enough to trigger an avalanche, this probably was not a major factor in the 1969 flood. The avalanches themselves seem to have produced the strongest vibrations during the» storm. As men- tioned above, people miles from the slide areas inter- mittently felt tremors, occurring at the same time as a loud rumble, which they later attributed to ava- lanches (Simpson and Simpson, 1970, p. 9). How- ever, if vibrations caused debris avalanches, the lat- ter probably would have occurred in groups rather than being irregularly spaced through time. DEPRESSIONS 0R TROUGHS ON THE HILLSIDE Downslope—trending depressions or grooves on a hillside collect water, and because they become saturated sooner than the rest of the slope, they are likely places for avalanching. Field observations and photographs confirmed that many debris avalanches did indeed take place where indentations or incipient channels already existed on the hillside. In addition, cross sections of the scar and the adjacent unaffected ground, drawn from the transit surveys, commonly showed that the projected original soil surface over the scar definitely occupied a lower strip (fig. 18). Furthermore, bedrock exposed along some scars showed a weathered strip down the middle of the scar where the color and surface texture were no- ticeably different from the adjacent freshly exposed bedrock. This suggests that such strips had served as small incipient hillslope channels for many years before the storm. Finally, moss that was about 5 or more years old was growing on some of the exposed bedrock in the moist depression along the center of a few scars. Moss likes moisture, and moisture tends to collect in a depression or trough. (A study of the growth rate of moss on newly-exposed rock could help date previous debris avalanches.) In general, 85 percent or more of the debris ava- lanches seem to have occurred along a previously existing depression in the hillside. In their study of a neighboring Appalachian re- gion, Hack and Goodlett (1960, p. 44) observed that “most of the chutes (scars) occupy former depres- sions or groove-like areas, and the impression is in- escapable that the chutes are indeed incipient hollows or channelways that were partly obliterated during the passage of time by falling blocks and mass move- ment. They are, at rare intervals of time, flushed out and deepened by heavy runoff and the avalanching of debris.” Thus Hack and Goodlett felt that the hill- side depressions where avalanches tend to occur are themselves the scars of former avalanches or of simi- lar rapid erosional processes. They further mention (p. 56) that the avalanches represent a headwater extension of the drainage network, that is, an in- crease in the drainage density. Figure 11 shows this feature. Swanston (1969) found that debris avalanches in southeast Alaska in many cases occur along local drainage concentrations down the hillside. ORIENTATION OF HILLSIDE The aspect or orientation of the hillside could de- termine (1) the amount of sun the slope normally receives, which in turn influences the amount and type of vegetation, the initial (prestorm) moisture content of the soil, and consequently the depth and character of the soil profile; and (2) the angle of the attack and therefore the amount of rain on the slope, in View of the wind direction during the storm. For example, Tricart (1960) in the French Alps, Pippan (1969) in the Austrian Alps, Diseker and Richard- son (1962) in Georgia (USA), and Rice, Corbett, and Bailey (1969) in southern California all found erosion or mass movement to be more common on slopes of a certain aspect. The preferred aspect, how- ever, was not necessarily consistent among these studies. Flaccus (1958), on the other hand, concluded that the frequency of debris avalanches he studied in New Hampshire had no relation to the direction in which the hillsides faced. In this study the amount and type of vegetation did not appear to vary significantly with different hillslope orientation. Visual examination along scar edges revealed no apparent differences in the soil profiles on slopes of different aspects. The angle of EROSION 29 raindrop impact for a given rainfall intensity had little or no effect on sheet erosion because the ground surface was protected by an umbrella of trees, as well as by a mat of decaying leaves and low-growing vegetation. The angle of impact could, however, affect the amount of water striking the hillslope, in that more rain strikes a given area as the angle of rainfall becomes more normal to the hillside. Thus the chief potential importance of hillslope orientation probably was in regard to (a) prestorm moisture content of the ground, as influenced by the sun, and (b) the amount of water which the hillslope received during the storm, as influenced by the wind. The in- tensity and direction of winds blowing at ground level can vary dramatically during severe thunder- storms. Counts were made of the number of scars occur- ring on hillsides facing each of the eight major compass directions (N., NW., W. and so forth). This was done by walking along selected drainage chan- nels and marking, on a topographic map (scale 1:24,000), the location and extent of each scar. The orientation and average gradient (base to head of scar) were subsequently measured from the map. The amount of territory covered ranged from 9,000 to 16,000 feet of distance along the stream channel for each of the eight categories of hillside aspect, and many different stream channels were involved. (A given channel or reach serves two hillslope orienta- tions, simultaneously.) The results (table 4) were expressed in terms of average number of scars per 1,000 feet of mountain stream channel (base of hill- side), for each different category of approximately constant hillside (scar) gradient and aspect. A few scars for slopes less than 0.30 and more than 0.79 are not listed. Most of this work was done in the headwaters of Ginseng Hollow, Polly Wright Cove and Wills Cove. However, scars for some combina- tions of aspect and gradient (mainly on slopes less TABLE 4.—Deb'ris avalanche scars per 1,000 feet [Figures refer to average number of scars per 1,000 ft of reach inspected along stream channel or base of hillside, for a given hillside orienta- tion. A given channel distance or reach serves two orientations simul- taneously. A few scars for slopes 185 than 0.30 and more than 0.79 are not included] Without With respect to slope (ft per ft) Aspect respect 0 to 0.30 0.40— 0.50— 0.60— 0.70< hillside slope 0.39 0.49 0.59 0.69 0.79 Total (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 3.4 4.0 2.1 3.0 3.6 5.4 18.1 2.8 1.6 .6 4.6 2.8 (1) 9.6 2.4 2.0 .7 4.9 3.4 5.2 16 2 1.5 (1) .5 2.3 .7 (1) 3.5 1.1 1.4 2.9 .6 .6 (1) 5.5 1.8 .8 1.6 1.4 2.0 (1) 5.8 1.4 1.0 .3 .3 (1) (1) 1.6 1.0 0 .8 .9 1.4 1.0 4.1 1 No avalanche scar observed for this slope and aspect. than 0.40 and greater than 0.70 ft per ft) were sparse, and additional observations were made in Fortunes Cove (eight scars) and the Davis Creek basin (16 scars) to supplement some of the defi- cient classes. The data in table 4, while sufficiently representa- tive for the following analysis, may be incomplete or faulty in several ways. Although 186 scars were re- corded, involving some 103,000 feet measured along mountain stream channels, the number of scars for any one aspect and slope category ranged from 0 to 13, averaging about 3. The total distance along the main stream for any one aspect and slope category ranged from 0 to 6,300 feet, averaging about 2,300 feet. In a few cases the amounts examined may not be enough to give a true picture of the avalanche frequency distribution. Also, not every combination of aspect and gradient was present to any significant extent in the study area. Furthermore, in some cases the determination of zones of constant slope and hillside aspect from the topographic map involved some subjectivity. Finally, plotting and measuring avalanche scars on the map entails some error. From the slopes of the 12 scars measured in the field, the maximum error in measuring average scar slopes from the map is judged likely to be about :010 ft per ft, but usually the error is less than 0.05 ft per ft. In spite of these possible errors, the data should be reliable enough to indicate general trends. Column 1 of table 4 shows the scar frequency for different compass orientations, without respect to the steepness of the hillside. If steepness and scar dimensions are not considered, then column 1 sug- gests that hillslopes facing north, northeast, and east experienced several times as many avalanches as slopes facing most other directions. Columns 2—6 give the number of scars for each slope category and aspect. Although the data are not as conclusive as might be desired, slopes facing north, northeast, and east still tend to have more scars, for approximately constant hillside gradient. Hence with most other factors virtually constant, the susceptibility of a hillside to debris avalanches in the study area tended to be associated with the aspect of the hillside. Slopes facing north, northeast, and east suffered the great- est number of avalanches, probably because the ab- sence of direct sunshine left these slopes with a greater pre-storm moisture content and (or) the Wind drove a greater amount of rainfall onto these slopes during the storm. HILLSIDE GRADIENTS Avalanching, soil slippage and soil erosion should occur more readily on steeper hillslopes, as reported 30 HURRICANE C‘AMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 by Rice, Corbett and Bailey (1969) and Zingg (1940). This is because the force required to start a particle moving down a slope decreases as the slope steepens. The horizontal lines of table 4 show the frequency of avalanching with increasing gradient, for a con- stant compass direction. On the basis of these data alone, and contrary to what might be expected, one cannot conclude that avalanching in Nelson County occurred more often on steeper slopes. Some hillside aspects (N., SW.) show this relation, but others (SE., S., W.) definitely do not. If it is assumed that the data in table 4 are sufl‘i- ciently representative, steeper slopes, beyond a mini- mum of about 0.30 ft per ft (below which very few avalanches occurred), do not seem directly related to greater frequency of avalanching, for this storm. Unlikely as this seems, there may be some undetected factor or combination of factors contributing to this conclusion. One possibility is that the gradient at the head of the scar may be the pertinent slope, rather than the average gradient as measured from head to base of scar. Another possibility is that the steeper slopes, say greater than about 0.70 ft per ft, do not occupy a large enough distance along the stream channel or a large enough hillside area to give a statistically meaningful frequency of avalanching. LENGTH OF HILLSLOPE Longer hillslopes understandably can provide greater quantities of sediment than short slopes (Zingg, 1940). In addition, longer hillsides may en- hance the likelihood of avalanching because the downhill movement of water produces more water on and in the soil with distance downslope. Data on observed scars and topographic map measurements of hillslope length were used to determine if debris avalanching was more common and more extensive on longer hillslopes. The fieldwork consisted of marking on the topo- graphic map the locations of avalanche scars and estimating their lengths by eye. Only scars having north, northeast, and east aspects were considered because these aspects suffered more avalanching than others. Gradient was ignored, on the basis of the tentative finding that avalanching occurred with about equal frequency for all slope categories be- tween 0.30 and 0.80 ft per ft. Topographic-map analysis consisted of measuring the horizontal length of the hillslope, from ridge crest to stream channel, at each scar location, and measuring the distance along the stream channel, for each category of hillslope length. Columns 1 and 3 of table 5 show the categories of hillside length and the total channel distance inspected for each cate- gory. The distances in column 3 are converted to per— centages in column 4. (Hillslope lengths less than 200 ft represented only 2 percent of the drainage area and had essentially no scars.) In table 5 the number of observed scars for each category of hillslope length (col. 7) does not truly indicate any influence of slope length because all slope lengths were not equally present. For example, 28 avalanches occurred on hillsides 400—500 feet long, while only seven scars were found on hillsides longer than 1,000 feet; however, slopes 1,000 feet long were scarce, relative to those in the 400—599- foot class. The number and (or) length of observed slides in each category of hillslope length therefore should be compared to the percentage of valley dis- tance along the mountain stream channel (col. 4) and also to the relative amount of drainage area (col. 5) for each category. Because we inspected nearly all channels in which the sideslopes had north, northeast, and east aspects, column 4 in table 5 is TABLE 5.—Efi’ect of hillslope length and drainage area on frequency and amount of scarring (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Percent of total sample area Average Category Midpoint- Area 0: represented Total Relative length 0 average Valley Percent sample '_ by each length number of scars hillslope length of distance of total wategory of Number of all of scars per acre length hillside inspected valley 43,560 hillslope of scars scars1 per acre = (8)/ (5) (ft) (ft) (ft) distance (acres) length observed (ft) = (7)/(5) (ft) 200—399 ___________ 300 27,800 28 192 14.0 20 3,540 0.104 18.4 400—599 ___________ 500 29,900 30 344 25.1 28 8,560 .081 24.9 600—799 ___________ 700 23,700 23 381 27.7 19 7,850 .050 20.6 800—999 ___________ 900 12,400 12 256 18.7 14 7,430 .055 29.0 arooo ____________ 1200 7,200 7 199 14.5 7 4,960 .035 24.9 Total _________________ 101,000 100 1,372 100.0 88 32,340 1Length of individual scars estimated during field inspections and summed for each hillslope category. EROSION 31 representative of the entire drainage area of the basins studied. Drainage area, as used in table 5, is the product of the mean hillslope length (col. 2) and the valley distance for the particular category (col. 3), in units of acres. The percentage of the total area represented by each category (col. 6) was then determined from column 5. The number of observed scars (col. 7) is roughly proportional to the percentage distance along the mountain stream channel (col. 4), for a given cate- gory. Therefore the number of scars is essentially independent of the length of hillside, that is, the length of the hillside probably had little or no influ- ence on the likelihood of avalanching. In regard to the effect of drainage area on the fre- quency and amount (length) of scars, column 9 in table 5 lists the relative number of scars per acre and column 10 gives the average total length of scars per acre. Figure 19 shows how these factors vary with hillslope length. The relationships in figure 19 can be reduced to a straight line by using the square root of the hillslope length, but this would not improve their accuracy. (See Wischmeier and Smith, 1965, p. 9.) While hillslope length is not an important factor in the number of slides reaching a unit length of stream valley, it is an important factor in the num- ber per unit of drainage area and in the total length of scars per unit drainage area. As length of hill— slope increased, the number of scars per acre de- creased (fig. 19A) and the total length of scars per acre increased (fig. 19B). For example, about 10 scars occurred per 100 acres on 300-foot slopes in contrast to only about three avalanches per 100 acres on 1,200-foot slopes (fig. 19A). On the other hand, the total length of scarring was about 1,600 feet per 100 acres on 300-foot slopes and 2,800 feet per 100 acres on 1,200-foot slopes. These general conclusions regarding slope length can be more readily visualized in a drawing of two hypothetical sections of hillslope (fig. 20). Both sec— tions have the same drainage area, but section B is 2.5 times the slope length of A. The unit distance along the stream channel in figure 20 is distance X Y. The number of avalanche scars encountered in walk- ing along this unit reach is the same for both sec- tions (five for this example), so that hillslope length is not a factor in the frequency of avalanching per unit distance along the stream channel. However, on the basis of unit drainage area, section A has 12 scars whereas B has only five scars. This shows how more avalanches occurred on the short than on long slopes, for a given drainage area (col. 9 of table 5 and fig. 19A). Lastly, summing separately the scar 0.12 l l 0.06 — _ 0.04 -— ‘T NUMBER OF SCARS PER ACRE 0.02 —— ‘— 30 20-— 10— 'T AVERAGE LENGTH OF SCARS PER ACRE, IN FEET 0 u I O 500 1000 HILLSLOPE LENGTH, IN FEET 1500 FIGURE 19,—Relation of hillslope length to number of scars per acre and to average distance of scarring per acre, for hillsides having north, northeast, and east aspects. lengths in sections A and B shows that the scars in B amount to a greater total length. Since the acreage of A and B are equal, the average length or distance of avalanching per acre is greater on long than on short slopes (col. 10 of table 5; fig. 19B). The latter conclusion actually holds for unit distance along the stream channel, as well as for unit drainage area. SOIL DEPTH The influence of soil depth on avalanching could not be determined. Most of the avalanches began in soil depths of about three feet or less, although minor soil slips were common near the bottoms of hillslopes FIGURE 20.—T0p (plan) View of two hypothetical drainage drainage area on frequency and length of avalanching. is 2.5 times that of A. Though the length of scarring is where the soil depth was unknown and where the slip may have been triggered by undercutting. Soil depth may affect avalanching, in that water can filter downward for greater distances in deep soil, whereas a shallow soil would quickly become saturated. The potential for soil slippage increases with increasing saturation, which causes a greater bulk weight. Thus from this viewpoint, one might expect more avalanching in shallower soils, other factors being equal. On the other hand, the shear force would be pro- portional to the depth of the soil and water. Deeper soils, which also could contain more water, therefore would be subjected to a greater shear force. There would also be more possibilities for planes of weak shear strength with deep soils. These considerations suggest that avalanching might occur more readily on deep soils, if other factors are equal. 32 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 A B ’6‘ Slope length ‘91 K Slope length ‘1 Avalanche scars’ A Stream channel at base of hillslopes —\__ D. W .=9 x E W, F C M m 2 2 .8 E E .2 .c '5 no as .8 2 m E % § 0 .2 W ‘U 3’.) 2 Avalanche scars To 5 Y Unit distance XY along stream channel a areas, A and B, showing influence of hillslope length and Areas of A and B are equal, but the hillslope length of B greater on B, the number of scars is greater on A. If the effect of greater shear over deeper soils is important, deep-soil avalanches might tend to occur on flatter slopes than those in which shallow-soil avalanches occur. Such a depth effect could explain why we found as many avalanches on relatively flat slopes (0.30—0.39 ft/ft) as on steep slopes (0.70— 0.79 ft/ ft). SUMMARY The head of a debris avalanche tended to be at the steepest point on the hillside, that is, at the junction between the upper convex slope and the straight or concave section. The only factors associated with greater frequency of debris avalanching for this storm were depressions on the hillside, aspect of hillside, and length of hillside per unit drainage area. More avalanches occurred on slopes facing north, northeast, and east than on slopes facing other direc- EROSION 33 tions. Some factors, such as soil depth and various soil properties, may affect the likelihood of avalanch- ing, but their importance could not be assessed. Other variables (for example, average steepness of hillslope within the range of 30—80 percent gradient) did not appear to be related to the occurrence of an avalanche. Hillslope length did not affect the number of slides reaching a unit length of stream channel; however, on a unit-drainage—area basis more scars occurred on short than on long slopes, whereas the length of scarring was less on short slopes than on long hillslopes. All the above conclusions depend on the uncertain assumption that the rainfall intensity, although probably varying in time and area, did not affect any of the possibly relevant factors. EFFECT OF DEBRIS AVALANCHES ON STREAMFLOW The sediment deposited by a debris avalanche or landslide can temporarily block or severely impede the flow along a stream channel. Famous examples of this phenomenon are the 1925 slide on the Gros Ventre River in Wyoming and the 1959 landslide into the canyon of the Madison River near Yellow- stone National Park. In Nelson County channel blockage probably occurred just upstream from a sharp bend in the headwaters of Ginseng Hollow (Guy, 1971) . The evidence for channel blockage here is the very big difference between the maximum water discharge attributable to precipitation rate alone and the much higher discharge which actually flowed through the bend as measured by indirect methods. The large discharge through the bend partly reflects the release of a volume of water stored upstream of the avalanche as it was sliding across the channel and partly reflects the volume of the slide material that was added to the stream discharge. An estimate of the channel discharge which would result from the maximum rate of rainfall was made in the same manner described earlier in the report, using the rational formula. With 25 inches per hour as the maximum probable rainfall intensity, the measured drainage area as 20 acres, and a coefficient of 0.90, the maximum discharge in the channel at- tributable to rainfall would be about 450 cfs. An actual peak flow of about 8,000 cfs in the chan- nel was determined from topographic field measure- ment at section B—B’ (see fig. 21). Because these measurements were obtained by hand level, stadia rod and pacing, the results are not precise and are only approximations. The required measurements at section B—B’ were (1) the superelevation Ah, that is, the vertical distance between the high-water marks on the inside and outside of the bend, (2) the cross- Normal channel North Tributary boundary High-water line Site of peak flow determination in channel é- low 450 cubic feet per second \ \ Debris avalanche area\\P \ . High-water line \ \\ Peak outflow 8000 N \ _, cubic feet per second T O 100 FEET l_l__l_|._l FIGURE 21,—Sketch of debris avalanche zone, normal channel boundaries and high—water lines left by peak flow, north- east branch of Ginseng Hollow. sectional flow area A, (3) the outside and inside radii of the bend (r, and m, respectively), (4) the average radius of curvature r, = (1', + 1',)/2 and (5) the water-surface width W. The approximate mean flow velocity V in the bend can be computed from an equation trans— formed from Chow (1959, p. 448): Ahgn ‘4 V=( > W where g=acceleration due to gravity. Inserting the measured values gives <13.5><32.2><80 80 A different method of computing V is through the use of Grashof’s theory as given by Schoklitsch (1937, p. 151): ‘29 > =21 ft per sec. V2 1', Ah=2.30— log — 9 Ti Rearranging' the equation and inserting the field data yields 13.5)(322 V2 V= 120 2.30 xlog— 40 which differs by less than 5 percent from Chow’s more approximate equation. The computed peak discharge Q is then Q=AV~ (390) (20)~8,000 cfs. =20 ft per sec 34 HURRICANE GAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 FIGURE 22.—Examples of eroded mountain channels. Upper photograph is channel about 100 yards upstream from apex of Campbell fan. Lower photograph shows headwaters of a tributary in Ginseng Hollow. EROSION 35 An error analysis of this calculated 8,000 cfs should consider the effects of the measuring tech- niques used, nonsteady flow, irregular velocity dis— tributions, irregularly shaped channel boundaries, imperfect circular shape of the bend, the effect of sediment and other debris in the flow, and the possi— bility that some channel enlargement may have occurred after the peak flow. Also, a tributaryfrom the north entered the channel just upstream from the bend (fig. 19) ; however, near the junction the high-water marks on this north tributary were much lower than those on the study reach; so the flow from the north tributary probably was stored be- hind the rushing water—sediment mixture and did not contribute to the peak flow in the bend. The many indeterminates, plus the imprecise basic data meas- urements, could amount to an error of about $3,000 cfs in thecomputed maximum discharge. Neverthe- less, the peak discharge definitely was many times (about 18 times, as estimated here) the discharge reasonably attributable to an assumed very high rate of rainfall runoff. The most likely explanation for the high flow rate is that the 57,000 cubic-foot avalanche moved through the reach in only a few seconds, together with water which the slide had temporarily blocked in the stream channel. This case exemplifies one way in which a debris avalanche could cause serious damage to man and structures, especially in a small drainage area. By temporarily disrupting normal runoff, a hillside avalanche in the headwaters can trigger a chain of events culminating in a tremendous surge of sediment-laden water traveling at a very high velocity. The large difference in discharge between a relatively steady flood flow, though it may be at record heights, and a big surge of water and debris can mean the difference between minor damage and devastation. STREAM CHANNELS Mountain streams in Nelson County commonly range from 1 to 10 feet wide. During the flood the stream channels were enlarged by severe erosion and the removal of trees and shrubs (fig. 22). The exact extent of such erosion could not be precisely determined, as the dimensions and location of the channel before the flood in most reaches were un- certain. However, estimates and in some cases meas- urements were made of the amount of channel ero- sion for headwater streams, as discussed under “Sediment Yiel .” Figure 23 shows a channel which formerly was only a few inches deep and narrow enough for a man to step over. The magnitude of stream erosion in this photograph was not uncommon in the mountainous parts of the study area. In some upstream reaches of mountain channels the bedrock on the side slopes restricted the bank erosion. In other areas bank erosion was evident where vegetation such as trees and crops still clung by a few tenacious roots to alluvium along the edges 'of stream banks. Many stretches of old logging roads in the mountains and of paved highways in the downstream valleys were partly or completely washed away (fig. 24). Farmers along Indian Creek and near the mountain ravine upstream from the Campbell alluvial fan testified that the new channels are at least twice as wide as the preflood channels. Two factors restricted the downcutting of stream beds. On the steeper mountain channels the resistant bedrock was exposed either prior to the flood or soon after the flood started, due to the thin mantle. Down- stream in the broader valleys the overall gradient was much flatter, and this limited the amount of downcutting which the stream could accomplish while still maintaining a slope steep enough to sat- isfy the hydraulic and sediment—transport require- ments. Farther downstream, severe scour commonly oc- FIGURE 23.—-Channel carved by the flood in the yard of S. K. Wills, at the head of Wills Cove. Before the flood this channel was but a few inches deep and so narrow that a man could easily step over it. 36 HURRICANE CAMIL‘LE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 ”a FIGURE 24.—Channel erosion along highways. (Upper photograph courtesy of Virginia Division of Min- eral Resources; lower photograph courtesy of Virginia Department of Highways.) EROSION 37 FIGURE 25.—Scour of stream banks under a railroad trestle—Tye River at Norwood, Va. James River in background. Bridge completely washed out in foreground. Note also floodplain deposition. (Photo- graph courtesy of Virginia Department of Highways.) curred next to bridges and railway trestles (fig. 25) . In some localities as much as 20 feet of the original stream bank was eroded, on each side of the stream. The many trees carried by the raging streams prob- ably contributed to this. The trees caught on bridge piers and collected into huge debris jams that blocked parts of the normal stream channel. Blockage of parts of the flow cross section could cause faster velocities in the unobstructed sections, thus increas- ing the stream’s erosive power. The jams also en- couraged overbank flooding which in some cases resulted in erosion of the surface of the floodplain. W. N. Whitehead (Simpson and Simpson, 1970, p. 150) happened to observe the process by which a roadway was eroded next to a bridge on Route 151 at Tye River. “The river was up and passing over the roadway. As it cascaded down the east (downriver) side of the fill, it began to erode this, and we watched it as it kept digging back, with the road collapsing bit by bit. The water ate its way back, from the downriver side, all the way through the fill. Once it got back thin enough the whole thing broke, and the water just charged through. Then the gap between the bridge and the edge of the road started getting wider and wider. This was occurring on each side of the bridge.” After the water broke through, the gaps accommo- dated some of the flow and the level dropped. At its peak, the water had been “well over the bridge railings.” Another type of channel erosion in some down- stream areas was the caving or slumping of freshly deposited sediment into the stream, along the banks (fig. 25). This erosion probably occurred as the flood was receding and involved sediment laid down earlier by the same flood. The amount of sediment eroded by bank caving is difficult to estimate. Channel erosion, then, was certainly quite severe in some places; however, other channels apparently underwent little or no erosion. Thus the amount of channel erosion varied Widely, even within areas as small as an acre. Bank erosion frequently exposed old alluvial deposits. Some of these are 30 feet thick or more, with particles ranging from sand to boulders in 38 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 size. Stratification is sometimes evident, but in other downstream valleys. Both erosion and deposition cases all particles are completely mixed in a vertical occurred, in about equal amounts, in the apex region section. Occasionally some lenses of imbricated par— of alluvial fans. ticles appear. These alluvial deposits probably re- sulted from ancient floods. SEDIMEN T YIELD Along any given reach, a stream could exhibit deposition as well as erosion (fig. 26) , but on balance more erosion occurred in the headlands, whereas The volume of sediment removed by a debris deposition predominated in the flatter and wider avalanche could not be measured precisely, and all VOLUME OF AVALANCHE EROSION FIGURE 26.—Channels showing both erosion and deposition. A, South Fork of Rockfish River. B, Ginseng Hollow. Note men for scale. C, Small tributary to Hat Creek. EROSION 39 of the data presented here are based on field esti- mates of the prestorm ground configurations. Table 2 lists the estimated erosion volumes for the 12 scars measured in detail. The amount of sediment removed from these typical scars ranged from about 18,000 cubic feet to 233,000 cubic feet. The average of the 12 is 88,000 cubic feet. The 12 examples se- lected do not include the largest and smallest scars in the entire storm area. Figure 27 shows both the amount of erosion and the compass orientation for these 12 scars. If the orientations and volumes of the scars shown in figure 27 are representative of the entire drainage areas, the diagram strengthens the earlier con- clusion that hillsides facing north through east were most prone to sliding, not only in frequency of ava- lanches but also in total amount eroded. Field inspection was made of all of the upper part of the Wills Cove drainage area (shown in figure 4), all of Ginseng Hollow, and about 86 percent of the Polly Wright drainage area. Visual estimates were made of the length, average width and average depth of each scar encountered. Column 2 of table 6 lists the total estimated amounts of avalanche ero- sion for the various tributaries and subbasins. The avalanches in Wills Cove produced about 2.60 mil— lion cubic feet, those in Ginseng Hollow about 1.44 million cubic feet, and those in Polly Wright Cove about 1.46 million cubic feet of sediment. The neigh- boring Davis Creek, Fortunes Cove and adjacent areas were also severely affected by avalanches; so the total amount of sediment eroded by this process was considerable. Column 5 of the table shows that the volume of avalanche erosion per square mile ranged from about 1.5 to 2.1 million cubic feet, with the greatest amounts originating in Ginseng Hollow. A very crude relation exists (fig. 28) between the average slope of the ground surface, as deter- mined from the the topographic maps (table 1), and the volume of sediment eroded in debris ava- lanches. The scatter prevents the determination of a reliable regression curve, but the trend is from no erosion at 32—35 percent average slope to 3 or 4 million cubic feet per square mile at 50 percent average slope. SEDIMENT YIELD FROM STREAM CHANNELS As a part of the detailed studies made in Wills Cove, Ginseng Hollow and Polly Wright Cove, esti— mates were made of the net volume of channel ero- sion in many of the tributaries and subbasins. These estimates were based on visual field inspection of the Z 4 FIGURE 27.—-—Orientation and relative volume of the 12 avalanches that were measured in detail. Scale: 1 inch:100,000 cubic feet. complete lengths of most tributaries and on the results of 18 surveyed channel cross sections which compared prestorm and poststorm profiles. About 21/2 years before the storm the U.S. Geological Sur- vey had taken aerial photographs of the entire area for topographic map purposes. Using a Kelsh stereo- scopic plotting instrument with these photographs, we measured on the photographs 18 prestorm chan- nel cross sections at locations which, judging from the aerial photographs, would be easiest to locate in the field. We then went to the field with a transit and level rod and measured the post-storm cross section at these 18 sites. Although the poststorm profiles could be measured quite accurately, the final erosion estimates include several possible errors. The 1967 photographs may not exactly represent the condition of the channels just before the 1969 flood, but any channel erosion 8 I l I I z 2 EXPLANATION A g 0 Polly Wright Cove LU __. . E 5 6 _ A WIHS Cove # » x Ginseng Hollow L Z Lu 4 9 g; ' 8 a E w A m K 4 —— —— a E X Z Li :5. r: ' A i o x x — AAX u. m 2 — A __ o 3 A m 0 A A x 2 x 8‘ X x A 3 °x ° #FJ/Jrrggl’fi > 0 30 35 4O 45 50 55 AVERAGE SURFACE SLOPE, IN PERCENT FIGURE 28.——Volume of avalanche erosion with respect to average surface slope. 40 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 TABLE 6.-—E'stimated net sediment yields and storm average transport rates Net yield per square mile Aver- Weight Storm-average Net yield (103 ft") (10“ ft?) age of sediment- Drainage basin \ denuda- sediment transport rate Ava- Channel Total Ava- Channel Total tion eroded lanche lanche (inches) (104 tons) (104 tons (103 lb per day) per sec) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Falls tributary: Subbasins 1 Wills Cove, upper part West tributary 908 873 1,781 3 . . . 104 357 Middle tributary 379 403 782 2 . 46 158 7 1 .w New <0 OO’Q I-l .01-q on #0! 0| MCI) H “N woo KIM H M q :1: o: to N 2 52 23 75 .6 2:0 :9 4 14 3.2 3 2 4 6 .07 .14 .2 .1 .3 1 0.2 4 1 75 76 .01 1.1 1.1 .5 5 17 4.0 5 0 68 68 0 1.5 1.5 .6 4 14 3.2 6 28 56 84 .9 1.9 2.8 1.2 5 17 4.0 7 1 —'1 0 .04 ~.04 0 0 0 0 0 8 136 106 242 2.6 2.0 4.6 2.0 14 47 11.1 9 65 108 173 1.4 2.3 3.7 1.6 10 34 7.9 10 32 48 81 1.0 1.5 2.5 1.1 14 3.2 11 32 131 163 1.2 4.9 6.1 2.6 10 34 7.9 12 50 86 136 2.1 3.6 5.7 2.5 8 27 6 3 13 65 20 85 .6 .18 .8 .3 5 17 4.0 14 98 120 218 1.6 2.0 3.6 1.5 13 45 10.3 15 98 9 107 3.1 .3 3.4 1.5 6 21 4.8 16 60 81 141 1.0 1.3 2.3 1.0 8 27 6.4 17 30 20 50 .5 .3 .8 .3 3 10 2.4 18 120 0 120 8.6 0 8.6 3.7 7 24 5.6 19 45 96 141 2.0 4.4 6 4 2.8 8 27 6.4 20 4 7 11 .7 1.2 1.9 .8 5 17 4.0 21 0 24 24 0 3.0 3.0 1.3 2 7 1.6 22 81 42 123 2.1 1.1 3.2 1.7 7 24 5.6 a. Subtotal (1—22) _______ 1,316 1,282 2,598 ___ _-_ ___ -_ 155 531 124.1 REE Noncontributing ______________ o 0 o ___ ___ --_ __ 0 ___ ___- Main channel ________________ -_-_ 965 965 __- ___ ___ __ 60 206 48 E Total, Falls tributary -_ 1,316 2,247 3,563 215 737 172.1 % Average, Falls tributary- -_-_ -__- ___- 1.1 1.9 3.0 1.3 Total, Wills Cove _____ 2,603 3,523 6,126 365 Average, Wills Cove ___ ___- ___- -___ 1.7 2.2 3.9 1.4 Ginseng Hollow Lower subbasin .................. 523 712 1,235 3 0 4.1 7 1 3.1 73 250 58 North tributary ............. 104 152 256 1 2 1.8 3 0 1.3 15 51 12 South tributary _____________ 616 526 1,142 5 4 5.6 11 0 4.7 67 230 53 Main above sta. 3400 ____________ 197 303 500 9 1.4 23 1.0 30 103 24 East bowl (noncontributing) _-__ 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \fi Total, Ginseng Hollow _____ 1,440 1,693 3,133 ___ ___ ___ _- 185 634 147 Average, Ginseng Hollow _-_ -___ ___- -___ 25 4.6 0 Polly Wright Cove 85 114 199 2.0 2.7 4.7 2.0 12 41 9 180 194 374 2.1 2.3 4.4 1.9 22 75 17 80 211 291 2.2 5.7 7.8 3.4 18 62 14 40 90 130 1.5 3.5 5.0 2.2 8 27 6 133 268 401 1.9 3.9 5.8 2.5 24 82 19 156 230 787 2.6 3.8 6.4 2.8 23 79 18 248 86 334 7.2 2.5 9.7 4.2 19 65 15 204 105 309 5.5 2.8 8.3 3.6 18 62 14 187 128 315 4.4 3.0 7.4 3.2 18 62 14 28 92 120 1.2 3.8 5.0 2.2 7 24 6 Total, subbasins 1—13 ______ 1,341 1,518 2,859 ___ _-_ __- __ 169 -__ -_-.. Lower ___________________________ 115 123 238 1 5 1 6 3.1 .9 14 48 11 Noncontributing __________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total, Polly Wright Cove _-_ 1,456 1,641 3,097 _-_ ___ -__ -_ 183 Average, Polly Wright Cove__ ___- __-_ _-_.. 1.5 1.7 32 1.4 during this Zl/é-year period probably was minor. The plotting-instrument technique, probably one of the smallest sources of error, was at best accurate to within about $1 foot in elevation. Horizontal dis tances, measured from the plotted Kelsh elevation points with an engineer’s scale, were accurate to within 1 percent. The major problem was locating in the field the specific site that had been measured on the photographs. (The photographic cross sec- tions had to be measured first because of the limited choice of suitable locations identifiable from the photographs.) Numerous abandoned logging roads DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES 41 along the ravines helped pinpoint the selected sites, but several of the sections were difficult to locate in the field because some of the roads, old cabins, and other landmarks noted on the photographs were washed away during the flood. The various sources of error could amount to about 25 to 50 percent in the amount of erosion attributed to any site. In addi- tion, the visual estimates, the method used to meas- ure poststorm profiles in most reaches, involve an unknown amount of error. While observations were being made of channel erosion, attention was also given to any significant channel deposition. Such deposition was notable and persistent along some parts of the main channel in the Falls tributary of Wills Cove and in Ginseng Hollow. Deposition occurred mainly in reaches of flatter gradient and less confined valley walls where stream velocity probably decreased. The figures for net sediment yield from channels (cols. 3 and 6, table 6) represent the estimated erosion minus any deposition. Channel erosion, as near as can be determined from these volume estimates, accounted for more than half of the total sediment erosion (col. 3, table 6). The amounts of yield from individual tributaries were as much as 5.7 million cubic feet per square mile (col. 6, table 6). The average yield for the three basins was 2.2, 2.5 and 1.7 million cubic feet per square mile for Wills Cove, Ginseng Hollow and Polly Wright Cove, respectively. The lower average for Polly Wright reflects the effect of a rather large part of the basin on which little or no erosion occurred. Net channel erosion apparently was slightly greater than avalanche erosion, as far as volume of erosion per square mile is concerned (cols. 5 and 6 of table 6) . TOTAL SEDIMENT YIELD AND AVERAGE DENUDATION If the amounts of yield from the separate sub- basins or tributaries are added, the estimated total yield from the headwaters of Wills Cove is 6.1 mil- lion cu ft, from Ginseng Hollow about 3.1 million cu ft, and from Polly Wright Cove about 3.1 mil- lion cu ft. These volumes represent 3.9, 4.6 and 3.3 million cu ft per sq mi for the Wills (upper part), Ginseng and Polly Wright basins, respectively. If each of these amounts were imagined to be re- moved uniformly from the entire area of the respec- tive drainage basin, the denudation from Wills Cove averaged about 1.4 inches, from Ginseng Hollow about 2.0 inches, and from Polly Wright Cove about 1.4 inches. The average denudation for an individual tributary or subbasin (col. 8 of table 6) ranged from little or nothing to about 5.1 inches. Judson and Ritter (1964) give estimates indicat- ing that for central Virginia the average denudation due to sediment removal by suspended load and bed- ‘load is in the range of about 0.6—1.4 inches per thousand years. The 1.4—2.0 inches removed in one storm for the drainage basins studied here show an extent to which individual basins and rare events can depart from the long-term average. ESTIMATED SEDIMENT-TRANSPORT RATES Although no measurements of sediment-transport rate were made during the flood, a very rough idea of the likely average rate at the mouths of some tributaries can be obtained from the estimated total sediment yield and the duration of the storm. As transport rate customarily is expressed in weight per unit time, the estimated volumes of sediment yield must be transformed into weights. This trans- formation (col. 9 of table 6) was made by using 110 lb per cu ft (pounds per cubic foot) for the avalanche soils and 125 lb per cu ft for the coarser channel material. Seven hours was the approximate time during which the sediment moved in these headwater areas. The storm-average sediment trans- port rates (cols. 10 and 11 of table 6) ranged from very little at the mouths of some subbasins to as much as about 7,370,000 tons per day (172,000 lb per sec) at the mouth of the Falls tributary in Wills Cove. These estimated rates are for the full stream width. Since the stream at the mouth of the Falls tributary was about 100 feet wide during the storm, the estimated rate of sediment movement at that section may have averaged about 1,700 lb per sec per ft of width for the 7-hour period. (By way of comparison, laboratory flumes rarely exceed 1 or 2 lb per sec per ft width.) Such magnitudes reflect the large quantities of rock and earth unleashed by debris-avalanches and severe channel erosion. Be- cause of this irregular rate of sediment introduc- tion, the transport rate at any one place must have varied considerably with time. DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES The floodwaters laid down extensive deposits of sediment, often to the detriment of man and his property. In some places the sediment came to rest very close to its source, as at the foot of a hillslope or on an alluvial fan at the mouth of a mountain channel. At the other extreme, some of the small particles eroded from the mountainsides undoubt- 42 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 edly moved all the way to Chesapeake Bay or the Atlantic Ocean. Five kinds of deposits were left after the flood: (1) debris avalanche deposits at the base of hill- slopes; (2) mountain-channel deposits, usually in sediment patches scattered along the newly eroded channel, but occasionally as large debris piles be- hind a temporary dam; (3) alluvial fans where a narrow mountain channel emerged into a relatively broad intermontane valley; (4) deltas at the junc— tion of a stream and major highway, where back- water formed during the flood due to plugging of a culvert; and (5) vertical accretion deposits on floodplains. Only rarely were debris avalanche deposits left at the base of the hillside. Some of these particles were probably too big to be moved by the floodwaters (fig. 29). In other cases the slide probably did not occur until after the peak flow, when the flow in the ravine was no longer sufficient to carry away the debris. Where no stream channel flowed past the hillside, the momentum of the avalanche nearly always transported most of the material away from the base of the slope. FIGURE 29.——Boulders which were dislodged in a debris avalanche and which probably were too large to be moved by the floodwaters (Ginseng Hollow). Man on rock shows scale. CHANNEL DEPOSITS Some eroded material was left here and there on the bed of the mountain channel after traveling a distance ranging from a few feet to nearly a mile. These channel deposits were either laid down by the recession flow (since the peak flow probably could have moved the particle sizes involved) or trapped behind dams such as huge rocks or log jams (fig. 30) , in which case the deposition could have occurred at various stages of the flood. Deposits are sparse along the enlarged mountain channels and generally absent near the heads of the streams. As a stream approached its outlet into the broad valley, the scattered deposits on some chan- nels—those which became wider and flatter—became more common, thicker (as much as 5 ft), and locally continuous. Downstream reaches of mountain chan- nels which did not become appreciably wider and flatter usually had no sediment patches. Particle sizes in channel deposits range from silt to boulders 10 feet or more in intermediate diameter (figs. 31 and 26). Some of these sediments were measured to determine their size-frequency distribu- tion, but this subject is discussed later in the report because the deposits studied for grain-size distribu- tion were continuous with downstream alluvial fan and (or) floodplain deposits. Most of the channel deposits were unsorted. Others FIGURE 30.—-Upstream view of typical log jam in Ginseng Hollow. Rocks of all sizes accumulate behind such dams. Normal water flow, about 3 feet wide, can be seen in foreground just to right of man. 3 4 DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES unnouuvuou .— 3:8.»«3 E Bow .833 38.3: 33A “Emmy? 33m .9 .0 .BSSN nwbwaam “do: 052: :25 .m D .Bosom— M535 .3333. 33.53508 .8 53353 has»? 3 UBBQSE on :3 mfimomwc an» .m mom 3ng .960 1 .Emmomuc 535mg: 5 .28me .v. and—$393 we a 3.5888 momma 303.39 mo omnumlém age—h 44 HURRICANE GAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 showed thin lenses or layers of well-sorted pebbles or cobbles, often in an imbricated pattern. Such well-sorted deposits in a few places formed minor ridges along the edge of the channel, extending for about 15*30 feet downstream parallel to the stream direction. The ridges may be remnants of a deposit that filled the channel bottom at some stage during the flood, with the rocks from the central zone being removed by recession flow. The ridges definitely were formed after the peak flow because they were on the channel bottom well within the maximum cross-sectional flow area, and the peak flow would have easily removed them. Boulders as well as cobblestones accumulated in imbricated patterns, as figure 32 shows. Such large particles, although definitely moved by the flood, probably were deposited during or soon after the peak flow. Debris piles behind dams in mountain channels are as much as 200 ft long and extend all or most of the way across the channel (up to 100 or even 200 ft). These wedge-shaped deposits are as much as 20 ft deep at the downstream face. They show little or no stratification or preferred orientation of particles. Deposits in the normal stream channel down- stream from the mountains were under water at the time of the investigation. These submerged sedi- ments were not studied because they probably were altered by the postflood streamflow to the extent that they did not represent flood deposits. Valley sedi- ments located on either side of the normal stream FIGURE 32.—Downstream View of imbricated boulders left in a stream channel in Edes Hollow. are here treated as flood-plain deposits, except for the alluvial fans and highway deltas. SEDIMENT SAMPLING, COMPUTATION OF SIZE-FREQUEN CY DISTRIBUTIONS Except for the scattered debris piles in the moun- tain channels the sediment deposits were inspected for grain-size characteristics and other features. For various reasons it was usually impossible to define a sedimentation unit (a thickness of sediment deposited under virtually constant physical condi- tions). This fact, plus practical considerations, dic- tated that in most cases only the surface material was examined in regard to particle sizes. The sediments laid down more than a mile or two downstream from the alluvial fans or the head of the main valley were mostly sandy. These fine-grained deposits were sampled in a manner described below and were analyzed by sieving. In the upstream areas near the head of the valley a typical flood deposit commonly included particles ranging from fine silt to large boulders (fig. 31). These deposits were measured by the “pebble-count” method (Wolman, 1954). We stretched a measuring tape perpendicular to the stream axis across the full width of the deposit and recorded the intermediate axis of the surface particle lying under every two- foot tape increment. Grains smaller than about 10 mm were listed simply as “sand” for convenience, and the intermediate axis of larger particles was measured with a meter stick. The number of indi- vidual particles counted ranged from about 30 to more than 300, depending on the width of the de- posit. At 5-foot intervals across the deposit a “sand” sample was removed, except in those instances where no fine material happened to occur at a given 5-foot station. These samples represented the top inch or two of sediment. All such sand samples for a given section or reach were combined, and in the labora- tory a single composite sieve analysis was made, re- flecting an “average” size-frequency distribution for this finer material. If the sand sample contained about 10—15 percent less than 0.062 mm, a pipet analysis of this part was also performed. In these cases the results of the sieve and pipet analysis were directly combined and recomputed as one distribu- tion, on the assumption that the sieve diameter is similar to the sedimentation diameter, within the silt and clay range. Ideally one would prefer a single size-frequency distribution representing all the particle sizes pres- ent in the deposit. Several factors had to be consid- ered to achieve this goal. DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES 45 Particles for a sieve and pipet analysis are usually obtained with little thought as to possible size dif- ferences between grains exposed on the top surface of the deposit and those beneath the surface. The sample usually contains both. The actual grain size fortunately does not influence the quantity of each size sampled, because the opening of the container ordinarily is considerably larger than the grains. The analysis yields percentages by weight, for each size class. Particles in a pebble count or stone count, however, represent particles lying only on the top surface of the deposit and are selected with a definite bias, namely in proportion to the exposed area of the stone. Moreover, the recorded data give percentages on a number basis rather than a weight basis. All of these differences had to be resolved, at least as far as possible, in order to combine the sieve and pebble- count data into a single overall size-frequency dis- tribution. Kellerhals and Bray (1971) show that if the grain sizes in a deposit are randomly dispersed the num- ber-percentages for surface grains are equal to the weight-percentages of a three-dimensional sample of the deposit, on the assumption that all particles have the same specific gravity. This means that for the sediments analyzed here no conversion factor was needed to transfer pebble—count (number) percent- ages to sieve (weight) percentages. On this basis we directly combined the pebble-count and sieve-analysis percentages into one continuous frequency distribu- tion, performing in the process an adjustment for the relative proportions of large (pebble-counted) stones and finer (sieved) particles. The resulting frequency-distribution is a weight- percent distribution representing all particles within the three-dimensional body of the deposit. This dis- tribution, incidentally, is approximately the same as the percent of surface area each size class covers on the top of the deposit. It is not a weight percentage distribution of surface grains, that is, not the per- centages that would result if all grains visible from a top view were plucked from the surface and weighed. The assumptions involved are (a) homogenous dispersal of all grain sizes throughout the body of the deposit and (b) constant particle shape, specific gravity, orientation and packing. Naturally these as- sumptions are never completely true. Small grains are often less abundant on the surface, as they tend to hide in the voids or be winnowed away; however, we believe we sampled most or all of the pertinent flood sediments before any postflood erosion signifi- cantly altered the surface of the deposits. A simple example will show the computing proce- dure. At a sampling site (cross section over the sur- face) on an alluvial fan 59 entries were recorded in a rock count: 14 large stones and 45 particles of “sand.” Column 3 of table 7 shows the percentages by number for the large stones, and column 4 lists the percentages on a weight basis for the sieved grains. Directly combining these two distributions would imply that each of the two groups occupies 50 percent of the surface area of the deposits. However, the stone count showed 14 tallies in the large-stone range and 45 recordings of “sand.” Large stones, in other words, covered only 1%9 of the surface area of the deposit. The percentage in each size class for large stones was therefore multiplied by 1%,, or 0.237, and the percentage in each size class of the sieve analysis was adjusted by a factor of 4%,, or 0.763 (col. 5). This step produced a single weight- frequency distribution for the entire deposit at the sampling site, and the usual cumulative size-fre- quency curve could then be drawn (fig. 33). The sampling at each pebble-count site also in- cluded a measurement of the intermediate axis of all of the largest stones within about 10 feet upstream and downstream of the tape section. The theory was that these boulders would be proportional to the stream competence, that is, to the stream’s ability to transport sediment. They would represent a limiting particle size showing what range of sizes the flow TABLE 7,—Computational procedure of combining a sieve analysis with a pebble count Bryant fan, station 1,800. Adjustment factors: 0763 for [Location of sample: 14/59 = 0.237 for large (pebble-counted) stones, 45/59 = fine (sieved) particles] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Cumula- tive percent finer than upper SIZE limit Percent Percentages within by subgroups weight, entire range pipet of analysis sizes Number sieve< Size class of (mm) stones large stones 4,096-2,048 2,048—1,024 _-- -__ _- 1.024—512 as .N :0 H H I I I I HHD—‘Hb—‘I—l HHH wwgwsepwo weave 0.25—0.125 '_-. 0.125—0.062 ___ com-0.031 hhhummwdw ambqq a: 0‘ as Nessgsrre MNHNWONFN 1. ... 0 .° 0 100.0 46 HURRICANE GAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 PERCENTAGE OF PARTICLES FINER THAN INDICATED SIZE ' 10 100 1000 PARTICLE DIAMETER, IN MILLIMETERS FIGURE 33,—Typical particle size-frequency distribution, based on percent by Weight, of a deposit that has a wide range of particle sizes (Bryant fan, station 1800). could and could not carry, in the region of the sam- pling site (on the assumption that all sizes were available for transport). Further reflection, how- ever, suggests that the theory of competence is more complicated than might seem at first glance. First, the rate at which sediment entered the channel prob- ably was unsteady, responding in part to the occur- rence of debris avalanches on the hillsides upstream. There is in fact no way of knowing (1) whether the total volume or'weight rate of sediment introduction was steady (it probably was not) or (2) which sizes of rocks entered the channel at a given stage during the flood. Besides these uncertainties regarding the sediment introduction, there are several aspects of the water discharge which could affect the stream’s ability to transport sediment. The amount of water entering the channel, for example, varied with time in some unknown way because of the uneven distri- bution of rainfall intensity throughout the storm. Was the water discharge highest at the time the largest stone arrived at the head of the study reach? And did the discharge increase downstreamward, as is common, thus increasing the stream competence with distance? Against such a downstream increase in competence would be the flatter channel or flood- plain gradient with distance, which would reduce the stream competence. In addition, the channel con- figuration varied with distance, at some places caus- ing the flow to become narrow and deep and at other places wide and shallow. Such changes in flow cross section can affect the sediment transport. “Stream competence,” then, actually involves a number of different factors, all of which might be important in determining the stream’s ability to move the stones delivered to it. The largest stones finally deposited at a given section could have entered the channel at different times and could have been deposited and shifted a number of times during the flood. Thus the final areal distribution of large stones represents the combined effects of ( 1) some unknown rate of sedi- ment introduction for each particle size throughout the flood and (2) varying degrees of stream compe- tence at different times and locations. In most cases it was possible to tell whether a given boulder had been transported and deposited by this particular flood. However, as a safety factor against any possible misinterpretation and freak stone occurrence, the data on the following pages DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES 47 represent the average size of the five largest stones at each site, within 10 feet of either side of the cross section line. DEFINITIONS OF SIZE-DISTRIBUTION CHARACTERISTICS Cumulative particle size-frequency curves were plotted on semilog paper as in figure 33, with per- cent finer than a given grain size on the ordinate (arithmetic scale). The following simple measures, easily and quickly obtained graphically, were adopted to describe the curves and are used in the subsequent discussion. The average particle size dm, was estimated by averaging the grain sizes corresponding to the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles of the distribution (dm, d50 and dgo, respectively). Since grain size is plotted on a log scale, dm, is the antilog of the quantity (log d10+10g d50+10g 90) /3- The range, spread or sorting of particle sizes (8,) is reflected by the percentile range dgo—dm. Because of the log scale for grain sizes, this range is log dgo—log dm, or log (dgo/dm). The (190 and d10 values were selected because they cover the widest possible definable range common to all curves. This measure includes most of the distribution and is not affected by the actual sizes involved. So=0 means “perfect sorting” in the range between dgo and (110, that is, all particles in this range have the same size. In such case d90=d1o, the quotient is 1.0 and the log or sort- ing is zero. So values of 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and so on mean that the percentile range deg—d10 covers one, two and three log cycles of grain size, respectively. The measure of asymmetry of the distribution or skewness sis is (log d10+log d90—2 log d50)/(log dgo—log d1o)- This is similar to the relative skewness listed in Croxton and Cowden (1939, p. 254) but deals with a distribution of the logarithms of par- ticle diameters. Possible values of sk fall within :10, and in a symmetrical distribution sk=0. A dis- tribution having a preponderance of small grains has a positive value of sk, whereas negative values indicate a preponderance of large particles. The average size (geometric mean) of the five largest stones (d1,)is the antilog of (sum of logs of intermediate diameters, divided by five). The geo— metric mean, rather than the arithmetic mean, is used because particle sizes customarily are treated on a logarithmic scale. ALLUVIAL FANS Upon escaping the confinement of the rather nar- row mountain channels, several of the swollen streams deposited a large amount of sediment in the form of alluvial fans (figs. 34 and 35). Such alluvial fans or cones of debris seem to be common deposi- tional features of floods in hilly areas (Eisenlohr, 1952; Jahns, 1947; Chawner, 1935). Fans actually did not form on many streams, as the ground con- figuration often did not favor the formation of fans. For example, the mountain channel may have wid- ened considerably before reaching the broad valley, so that no sudden spreading out of the flow occurred. In other cases the channel leaving the mountains was deep enough to contain much of the flow for some distance beyond the mountain front, so that only typical flood—plain deposition resulted. Some drain- age basins had very few debris avalanches in the headwaters, so the streams in those basins carried relatively little sediment. Some of the more notable alluvial fans were formed at the home of R. L. Bryant at the mouth of the Ginseng Hollow (fig. 35), at the home of W. A. Campbell near Shaeffer Hollow, at the home of S. K. Wills at the head of Wills Cove, and at a downstream site on Cub Creek (fig. 34). Fans ranged in length from a few feet to nearly 0.4 mile. For example, the Bryant fan was about 2,000 feet long, the Campbell fan about 1,830 feet and the Wills partial fan about 850 feet. (Another stream eroded the downstream part of the Wills fan.) The cascade of water, rock and rubble that formed an alluvial fan often caused considerable damage to buildings and property, because fans usually occu- pied areas of regular land use. At R. L. Bryant’s home at the mouth of Ginseng Hollow, part of the house was torn away, including the section in which Mr. Bryant was sleeping at the time. (He rode 140 ft downstream on his mattress, along the edge of the flow, sailed in through the open door of his barn and spent the rest of the night sitting in the upper part of his barn—a lucky survivor.) Alluvial fan sediments were devoid of any recog- nizable sedimentary features, such as bedding, lami- nation, crossbedding, mud cracks, imbrication, or other preferred orientation of particles. Except that many rocks seemed to be lying on their long and intermediate axes, the deposits looked as if they had been shaken in a giant mixer and dumped. Also dumped on fan surfaces were many trees and branches, isolated or in piles. Isolated large trees tended to be parallel to the flow direction, although the roots could be pointing upstream or downstream. (This tendency could be a useful aid in determining flow direction in ancient sediments, if remains of 48 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 B FIGURE 34,—Upstream C views of alluvial fans which formed where the stream escaped the confinement of the mountain channel. A, Campbell fan. B, Wills partial fan (arrow points to man for scale). C, fan entering valley of Cub Creek about 2 miles down from headwaters. trees could be found.) Trees in log jams tended to be oriented at oblique angles to the flow direction. The flow depth over an alluvial fan should de- crease proceeding downstream from the apex. There was very little evidence to indicate the flow depth over the Nelson County fans. From some high-water marks on a hillside along the left-bank edge of the Bryant fan, the peak flow depth about half way down the fan was judged to be about 3—4 feet. In all cases the stream at the fan apex, and occa- sionally even further downstream on the fan, cut as much as about 10 feet vertically into old alluvial deposits and soil horizons (fig. 36). In fact the gen- eral ground configurations reveal many old alluvial fans where mountain channels enter the broad val- leys in Nelson County. For example, all the fresh fan deposits discussed here were formed on old alluvial fans; so the 196%? storm was only one in a chain of 49 DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES FIGURE 35.—Aerial ‘view of Bryant fan and lower part of Ginseng Hollow (Photograph courtesy of Virginia Division of Mineral Resources). similar major events in the geomorphic history of AMOUNT OF DEPOSITION the area. For a few weeks after the flood the creeks on the Sediment was transported to a fan over a period fan tended to show a braided pattern, especially of time during which the discharge and sediment toward the downstream part of the fan. transport rate undoubtedly varied considerably. The 50 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 FIGURE 36.—Eroded zone at apex of Campbell fan. deposition or growth of the fan therefore proceeded in stages. Due in part to the varying erosion and deposition with time at the apex of the fan, the flow arriving at the fan apex probably was diverted to slightly different directions during the flood, and the successive depositional stages probably manifested themselves as “tongues” of deposit which varied in areal location on the fan. As a result, the fan thick- ness varies from one spot to another. We analyzed amounts of deposition on the Bryant and Campbell fans by setting up stations down the fan centerline. At a number of these stations the cross-sectional area of the deposit, in a plane normal to the fan centerline (that is, roughly normal to the flow direction) Was determined by stretching a meas- uring tape over the full width of the fan and record- ing the depth of fill along this cross section. The depth varied from place to place, but usually it did not exceed 1—2 feet. Depth was determined on the basis of exposure of the original surface at some points or by digging through the deposit. Along any given cross section it was possible to define incre— ments over which the depth of fill was approximately constant, and the many subareas were summed to get the total cross-sectional area of deposition, for each downstream station. The sediment deposited on a fan should depend in part on the water discharge and fan slope. However, the problems of which type discharge (for example, storm-average or various instantaneous rates) and slope (local slope or average slope from fan apex to top) determine or indicate the final amount and dis- tribution of the fan deposit are unresolved. These in fact would be interesting subjects for future re- search. As estimated earlier, the storm-average wa- ter discharge at the apex of the Bryant fan was roughly ,1,050 cfs. For the apex of the Campbell fan the rational formula yields an estimate of only 134 cfs, owing to the much smaller drainage area (0.08 sq mi).’Average fan slopes (fig. 9) were 0.045 ft per ft and 0.080 ft per ft for the Bryant and Camp- bell fans, respectively. The product of discharge times slope, roughly indicative of stream power, is thus more than about four times greater for the Bryant fan than for the Campbell fan. However, aside from the fact that the storm—average discharge and overall fan slope may not be the factors most closely related to the volume of the deposit, the sporadic nature of the amount and rate of sediment supply to the two fans makes comparisons difficult. Figure 37 shows how the cross-sectional area of deposition varied with distance down two fans. The actfial horizontal distance has been converted to pro- portional distance from apex to downstream tip of fan, in order to compare the two fans. The apex or upstream region of an alluvial fan typically showed both erosion and deposition. On balance either process could predominate, depending on the width of the upstream mountain channel rela- tive to the width of the fan apex. At the Bryant home the channel upstream was not very constricted (fig. 35), and some deposition occurred before the stream left the mountain channel. Consequently deposition predominated over erosion around the fan apex. The mountain channel upstream from the 350 fimr E 300 f' — ' “X - E / \ Campbell < 33 \ fan 32 m 250 < D: f: 3‘ \\ 2 g 200 9 z \ '— — ‘53) ,_- 150 X ”3 8 V) n. 8 Lu 100 U G LI. 0 50 . 0 -. ,LALAJ_.,L-AJ_JA7 Er -JAJ 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8—0.9 1.0 PROPORTIONAL DISTANCE FROM APEX TO DOWNSTREAM TIP OF FAN FIGURE 37.——Amount of deposition with distance down fan, for the Bryant and Campbell alluvial fans. DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES 51 Campbell fan was deep and V-shaped (fig. 36), and the fan had net erosion for about the upstream 0.1 of the length of the fan. On the basis of figure 37, the Bryant and Campbell fans each received about 300,000 cubic feet of sedi- ment during the flood. A striking similarity in the two curves of figure 37 is that the volume of deposition builds up abruptly from very little at the apex to a peak amount and then diminishes abruptly toward the downstream tip of the fan. On the Bryant fan the peak deposition occurs'about 0.3-0.4 of the way down the fan, while on the Campbell fan the peak is about 0.5—0.7 of the way along the fan. CROSS-FAN PROFILES Cross-fan profiles are surface profiles measured normal to the long axis (centerline) of the fan, that is, measured approximately parallel to the mountain front. Such profiles normally would be convex owing to greater deposition in the middle part (Bull, 1964, p. 114). Figure 38 contains cross-fan profiles for the Camp- bell and Bryant fans. The Bryant profiles are convex except for the first profile, which is 0.2 of the Way down the fan. The original stream ran along the south (left bank) edge of this fan; so the topography is generally lower along that edge. In the down- stream 0.4 of the fan length, the deposit splits into two prongs (fig. 35). The apex of the Campbell fan, as mentioned above, is mainly an erosional rather than a depositional surface. Significant deposition began around 0.17 of the way down the fan, but the profile for that station generally reflects erosional processes more than deposition. Cross profiles fur— ther down the fan are only slightly convex. In the downstream half of the fan, the main drainage is along the left edge; therefore, as with the Bryant fan, the surface is lower along that edge. GRAIN—SIZE CHARACTERISTICS On the Bryant, Campbell, and Wills fans particle- size analyses were made across the full width of the deposit, at various stations down the fan. Figure 39 is a graph of the various grain-size characteristics as a function of distance down the fan. The grain— size features at a given station down the fan center— line represent the particles over the full width of the fan, at that downstream station. Except for the large-rock measurements, the sampling stations on the Wills fan were too few in number (2) to warrant plotting. Average grain sizes range from about 2 to 6 mm. Although one might expect the average grain size to decrease with distance down the fan (Chawner, 1935) , such a trend is not very pronounced (fig. 39) . The largest value of dav occurs not at the apex of the fan but a short distance downstream—4.2 of the way from the apex to the lower end of the Bryant fan and about 0.4 to 0.5 of the way down on the Campbell fan. Deposition did not begin as near the apex on the Campbell as on the Bryant fan, as mentioned above. The geometric mean of the five largest stones ranges from about 500 to 1,700 mm. On the Bryant fan the size of the largest stones generally shows a gradual decrease with distance of travel. Large stones on the Campbell fan increase in size over the upper 0.4 of the fan length, then gradually decrease in size with further distance down the fan. The trend in fact is quite similar to that of the average grain size for the Campbell fan, but this is not the case on the Bryant fan. Large stones on the Wills partial fan show no particular tendency to increase or decrease with distance, but this truncated fan was less than half the length of the other two. Pashinskiy (1964, p. 277) noted that on debris cones bordering the Psezuapse River, near the Caucasian Mountains, USSR, the coarsest material generally is located in the middle part of the cone. Lustig (1965, p. 145), on the other hand, found that large stones on California fans were most abundant near the apex region. The largest stones on the Bryant fan are smaller than those on the Campbell and Wills fans. This is probably because the mountain ravines upstream from the latter fans were confined, and practically no channel deposition occurred. The Ginseng Hollow channel upstream from the Bryant fan, on the other hand, had a greater width/depth ratio and con- tained debris jams and channel deposits (fig. 263, 30, 31A). These deposits included many of the large boulders which otherwise would have been dumped on the fan. In general the alluvial fans are characterized by a wide range of particle sizes—from clay or silt up to boulders about 2 meters in intermediate diameter. The sorting, in other words, is quite poor and was probably affected by deposition of finer sediments at the end of the flood. The dgo 1., range covers as much as 3.7 log cycles of grain size along most of the length of the fan (fig. 39) . Sorting on the Campbell fan stays virtually constant at a value of about 3.4 along the entire study reach. On the Bryant fan the upstream 0.6 of the fan length also has virtually constant sorting, an S0 value of about 3.4 to 3.7, but 52 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 BRYANT 80 ELEVATION, IN FEET ABOVE ARBITRARY DATUM CAMPBELL DISTANCE FROM FAN CENTERLINE, IN FEET ELEVATION, IN FEET ABOVE ARBITRARY DATUM 100 50 0 50 DISTANCE FROM FAN CENTERLINE, IN FEET 100 150 200 FIGURE 38.—Cross-fan profiles, looking down the fan, for the Bryant and Campbell alluvial fans. Num- ber next to line of profile indicates proportional distance down fan, from apex to toe. Profiles re- flect all pre—1969 deposition, in addition to Camille flood deposition. the sorting improves with greater travel distance, so that at 0.9 of the way down the fan the dgo—d10 ranges encompasses only about 2.3 log cycles of the grain size—perhaps reflecting the fewer large stones. All skewness values are positive, indicating a pre- dominance of the smaller grain sizes. The weight of the smaller grains in the fan, in other words, is greater than that of the large boulders. With dis- tance along the fan the skewness values change in- versely with the average grain size (fig. 39). The DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES 53 EXPLANATION 0 Bryant fan x CampbelI fan 0 Wills fan IN MILLIMETERS . avv d 2000 1000 IN MILLIMETERS dIs' 500 400 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 SORTING, IN LOG UNITS +0.6 +0.4 +0.2 SKEWNESS, IN LOG UNITS 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 PROPORTIONAL DISTANCE FROM APEX TO DOWNSTREAM TIP OF FAN FIGURE 39.—Change in particle size-distribution characteristics with distance along alluvial fans. reason for this is that for a given range of grain weight than the large boulders, so that sk takes on sizes a decrease in (in means the smaller grains are larger positive values. Conversely, given a distribu- becoming relatively more abundant in terms of tion having a preponderance of smaller particles, an 54 increase in (1.. means that the larger stones are be- coming more important is terms of weight. The dis- tribution therefore tends to become more symmetri- cal, that is, the sir, values tend toward zero. If the large stones were to become more abundant than the small grains, sic would be negative. HIGHWAY DELTAS Vast bodies of sediment accumulated in deposits herein called highway deltas (figs. 40 and 41). Pas- sageways under small bridges or highways became clogged with vegetation and other debris, probably early in the flood. In some cases the raging stream scoured a new channel by eroding the highway next to the bridge, but in other cases the highway became an effective dam. A large body of water with a mean flow velocity considerably slower than that of the unaffected flow formed just upstream from the dam. The stream filled sediment into the ponded water until a sediment wedge or delta had build up to the road level, after which time the water carried the rest of its load across the highway and on to some farther destination. Where present, the highway deltas are within I HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 about 4 miles of the stream headwaters. Culverts or bridges this close to the headwaters are rather small and became plugged fairly easily. Farther down- stream the streams are larger and flowed under major bridges that washed out completely or that did not become plugged with debris, so that deltas did mot form. ‘ The dimensions of highway deltas are limited lat- erally by the valley or floodplain walls and vertically by the height of the roadway. Delta lengths often are difficult to define because the deposit gradually merges upstreamward with the regular floodplain deposits. One of the smallest deltas is on route 151 about a mile south of Brent Gap. The deposit is about 200 feet wide at the highway, 150 feet long, 10 feet deep at the thickest place on the downstream face, and gradually thins laterally. The resident whose house is only about 50 feet outside the edge of this deposit testified that all of this sediment arrived within about a 2-hour period. Other deltas (fig. 40) are as much as about 700 feet wide and 10 to 12 feet thick at the downstream face. Lengths are always FIGURE 40.—Delta that formed where drainage from Edes and Melton Hollows meets highway U.S. 29. A, Overall upstream view looking up Melton Hollow. Edes Hollow forks to the right at middle of picture. U.S. 29, a divided four-lane highway, in foreground. Dotted linework indi- cates boundary between grass and sand areas. (Photograph by Ed Roseberry.) B, Closeup aerial view of downstream part of delta. An inhabited house and two smaller build- ings disappeared from this part of the delta during the flood. House in center of photograph is nearly half buried in sand. Construction crew at work unplugging culvert. (Photograph courtesy of Virginia Department of High- ways.) ‘ DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES 55 FIGURE 41.—Upstream View of delta deposited by Dillard Creek at highway U.S. 29. Flow is from upper right to lower left. One half of the four-lane highway is com- pletely buried. (Photograph courtesy of Virginia Depart- ment of Highways.) greater than maximum widths and can be defined conservatively as about 1,000 feet for the examples shown in figures 40 and 41. The large delta that formed Where Edes Hollow meets highway U. S. 29 (fig. 40) has an estimated cross-sectional area of 5,600 sq ft at the downstream face (about 700 feet wide and an average of 8 feet deep). If the volume is determined as approximately V3 X area of downstream face >< length, the delta contains an estimated 1.9 million cu ft of sediment. The drainage basin upstream is about 1.3 sq mi, of which about 0.9 sq mi experienced erosion that, from aerial photographic and field inspection, seemed as severe as that in Ginseng Hollow, Polly Wright Cove and Wills Cove. In the latter three basins the severe erosion contributed an average of about 4.9 million cu ft of sediment per square mile. If the avalanche and channel erosion in the Edes Hollow basin is similar to that in these three basins, Edes Hollow contributed about 4.4 million cu ft. The highway delta therefore contained an estimated 39 percent of the sediment eroded from the mountainous part of the basin. Of the remainder, some was deposited up- stream and some was carried downstream from the delta. Because the Edes Hollow delta is only about a mile from the drainage divide, the flooding and deposition in the delta probably did not last for more than 7 or 8 hours. A storm-average sediment-transport rate for the region of the delta can be estimated from the amount of sediment contained in the delta and the period of accumulation. Actually the postflood delta surface was filled to the lowest level of the highway (fig. 403, upper left) and showed that some sediment definitely moved across the highway. Consequently, the volume of sediment left in the delta (about 1.9 million cu ft) divided by the period of deposition will produce a minimum estimate of the average trans- port rate. If 1.9 million cu ft accumulated in 8 hours, the storm-average sediment-transport rate for the apex of the delta was about 66 cfs, or 6,600 lb per sec (285,000 tons per day). Field notes indicate that the water surface in the vicinity of the apex of the delta was about 200 feet wide. The approximate storm-average sediment-transport rate at the apex of the delta therefore was about 33 lbs per sec per foot of channel width. Instantaneous rates may well have been higher. The estimated average transport rate in any case represents just the delta region, rather than points upstream from the delta. The transport rate into the delta reflects the combined contributions of all up- stream tributaries and debris avalanches, minus any deposition occurring upstream from the delta. The large delta that formed where Dillard Creek meets highway U. S. 29 (fig. 41) has a cross-sec- tional area at the highway of about 3,150 sq. ft. (about 350 feet wide by an average of 9 feet deep). It gradually merged with flood-plain deposits up- stream. If 1,000 feet were considered the length, the delta contained about 1 million cu ft of sediment. The Dillard Creek basin has 3.3 sq. mi. of moun- tainous area, 1.6 sq. mi. of which is in Wills Cove, where the estimated yield was 4.9 million cu ft per sq mi. We hiked extensively over the Fortunes Cove area (the other part of the Dillard Creek basin) and found it to be eroded to a similar degree as Wills Cove. If the Wills Cove erosion yield of 4.9 million cu ft per sq mi applies also to Fortunes Cove, the Dillard Creek highway delta trapped an estimated 22 percent of the sediment yield. This figure is some- what less than the 39 percent obtained for the Edes Hollow delta because the Dillard delta is about 2 miles farther downstream from the sediment source, and much of the eroded sediment was deposited on flood plains upstream from the delta. As the flood receded, the flow on the surface of highway deltas began meandering and often assumed a braided pattern (fig. 403, and 41). Toward the end of the flood, the flow became very slow or even 56 stopped over much of the delta, as indicated by the nature of the deposits, described below. When work- men subsequently unplugged the culverts, the de- posits in the central parts of the deltas were usually eroded considerably as the stream worked its way down to the culvert level. From the relative elevations of the highway and the floor of the delta, it appears that the water depth in which these deltaic deposits were formed ranged very approximately from 1 or 2 feet for the topmost sediments to 10 or 12 feet for those deposited earli- est. The 10—12-foot estimate is a maximum depth; in all probability the water level rose as the sand lami- nae accumulated, so that the water depth during deposition was probably somewhat less than 10 feet. A FIGURE 42 Above and right—Sedimentary features of the Dillard Creek highway delta. A, Sand laminae. Section shown here is about 5 feet thick. Units on measuring tape are feet and tenths of a foot. B, Sand laminae capped by cross-bedded layer of fine sand, with mud layer on top surface. This sequence probably reflects diminishing water flow over the delta. Flow direction uncertain. C, Ripples and mud cracks. ‘ HURRICANE GAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 SEDIMENTARY FEATURES The sand deposits which make up nearly all of the deltaic sediments have distinct layers, approximately horizontal, ranging in thickness from a fraction of an inch to about 1 inch (fig. 42A) . These laminae are present from the base of the deposit to within a few inches of the top surface, and exist over the entire area of the delta. Single laminae cannot always be traced very far laterally, and they are often nearly DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES 57 inconspicuous in some areas and well defined in others. In addition to color differences, laminae in many cases differ from one another in grain size. For ex- ample, although most laminae are medium and fine sand, some are noticeably coarse in texture. Lenses as much as 6 inches thick, consisting of gravel or pebbles, are present but are not very common. Such lenses, where present, are usually at or near the bottom of the deposit. Sometimes rocks up to 6 or 8 inches in diameter are found within a sand or gravel matrix. These larger particles can occur singly, on no common level, or they may occur in lenses which extend varying distances—five to several hundred feet in length. The sand laminae in the delta on Dillard Creek at U.S. 29 (fig. 41) are capped by a 3—6-inch layer of fine sand that shows well developed small-scale cross- bedding (fig. 423). These features are known to form only during hydraulically tranquil (subcriti- cal) flow and slow sediment-transport rates. They probably are due to the braided streamflow that de- veloped toward the end of the flood. Water depth at the time of deposition probably was on the order of one to three feet. Since the local flow direction in the braided network probably varied considerably from time to time, there is no assurance that a given ex- posure is cut parallel to the flow direction. The cross- stratification was not preserved in the center of the delta, perhaps because such strata in this region were eroded when the culvert was cleaned. The top surface of most highway deltas was cov- ered with a layer of mud (fig. 420) that ranged in thickness from a fraction of an inch to about 1 foot. This mud layer in most cases is missing along the central part of the delta, so if originally present it probably was swept away when the culvert was un- clogged. The mud probably was deposited by slow- moving or almost still waters, near the end of the flood. Ripples and mud cracks are common surface fea- tures of highway deltas. Figure 420 shows mud cracks in flat areas as well as superimposed on ripple marks. The ripples may or may not be sym- metrical, and it is quite difficult to determine from them the current direction at the time of deposition. Wavelengths of these ripple marks are commonly about 0.25—0.5 foot, and heights are about 0.05 foot or less. In the days and weeks after the flood some settling of deltaic deposits, especially the small grains, oc- curred as water gradually escaped from the pore spaces. The final thickness of such deposits therefore is less, by some unknown factor, than the original thickness. VERTICAL VARIATIONS IN GRAIN-SIZE CHARACTERISTICS Sediment samples at selected vertical intervals were obtained at a total of four sites on the various deltaic deposits. Two locations were on the delta where Dillard Creek meets highway U. S. 29 (fig. 41); a third site was on the Edes Hollow—US. 29 highway delta (fig. 40); and the fourth was on a small delta (about 200 ft wide by 150 ft long by a maximum of 10 ft deep) in the headwaters of Hat Creek on State route 151. Samplings at the latter site and at one Dillard Creek site were on the front (downstream) face of the delta. The second location on the Dillard Creek delta was 200 feet upstream from the front face, about 0.2 of the way from the front face to the apex. On the Edes Hollow delta the sampling was about 50 feet upstream from the front face (about 0.05 of the distance from the front face to the apex). The sites were approximately on the center axis of the delta except for the spot 200 feet upstream on the Dillard delta. This site was about 20 feet from the left-bank edge of the delta and was chosen because of the good vertical exposure. In all four vertical sections the deposited material generally became finer as the flood progressed, that is, the sediments became finer upward. Table 8 gives the pertinent size-frequency characteristics. Depths greater than 3.5 feet on State route 151 delta were not sampled, but field notes emphasize that the lower sediments were noticeably coarser than the overly- ing ones. At the Edes Hollow site the lower half of the deposit does not show a progressive coarsening with depth, but the upper half definitely does. Thus TABLE 8.—Vertical variations in grain-size characteristics in highway deltas Depth below Delta top surface dav (ft) (mm) 3.. sh State route 151 _______________ 0.5—1.5 0.039 1.16 —0.11 2.5—3.5 .43 2.09 -.46 Edes Hollow __________________ .5 .22 .55 -.12 2.5 36 .84 .01 4.5 60 97 -.13 6.5 48 1.05 -.24 8.5 .40 1.01 —.32 Dillard Creek—front face ____ Top surface .09 .58 .02 .5 .11 .55 —.21 2.5 .18 .68 —.38 4.5 .19 79 -.42 6.5 .24 93 —.50 8.5 .30 88 —.45 Dillard Creek—200 ft upstream ______________ Top surface .01 1.47 —.58 .3 .07 59 —.06 1.0 .12 .71 —.17 2.0 .24 84 —-.32 58 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 during the depositional phase of the flood the coars- est material dropped out earliest, with finer and finer sizes being deposited as the flood progressed. The rate at which the average grain size decreases varies considerably from one sampling location to the next. The average grain size seems to depend primarily on how close the delta is to the sediment source (mountain hillslopes). The State route 151 delta was closest to the hills (about IA, mile) , and this site had more gravels and pebbles than the other locations. The Edes Hollow delta is about 1/2—11A), miles from the sediment sources and had smaller average grain sizes. Sediment in the Dillard delta probably had traveled 34 miles and thus was the smallest of the group. Changes in grain size with distance are dis- cussed in more detail in the section on “Floodplain Deposits.” The first sediments deposited had the widest range of grain sizes, and as deposition continued the sedi- ments became better sorted (table 8). The only ex- ception to this general trend was the top mud layer at the site 200 feet upstream on the Dillard delta; because of the clay sizes in this sample, the size curve extends over a greater range. The mud layer at the face of the delta was washed away before it could be sampled, when highway crews unclogged the cul- vert. The actual values of sorting and the rate at which the sediments became better sorted upward seem to depend primarily on how close the delta is to the sediment source (mountain hillslopes) . The State route 151 delta was close to the hills (about IA, mile) and consequently received a wider range of particle sizes (more of the gravels and pebbles). The sedi— ments in this delta are the most poorly sorted. Field notes suggest that sorting improves upward most rapidly at this site. At the Edes Hollow delta, which is somewhat farther from its sediment source, sort- ing is much better than at State route 151 and shows less overall improvement upward. The sediments in the Dillard delta had traveled the farthest, have the best sorting, and improve upward at the slowest rate. Skewness values are mostly negative, indicating a preponderance of the coarser grains over the fines (table 8). Sediments laid down first were the most skewed, and the size distributions generally became more and more symmetrical as the delta-building progressed. There are no noticeable trends regard- ing any effect of proximity of source material on rate of change of skewness. To summarize the trends in size-frequency distri- bution with time: as the flood progressed, the sedi— ments transported to and deposited in highway del- tas became increasingly finer in size, better sorted, and more symmetrical in weight-frequency distribu— tion. Most of these trends also appeared, but often were less pronounced, in the depth variations of flood-plain deposits, as discussed below. FLOOD-PLAIN DEPOSITS Flood-plain deposits (figs. 43, 44) were laid down on the gently sloping ground immediately adjacent to the normal stream channel. As used in this report, the term “flood-plain deposits” excludes particles left in mountain channels and, where present, alluvial fans. Thus flood-plain deposits begin at or just be- low the mountain front at the head of the cove and continue, in some places intermittently, for many miles downstreamward. The volume and grain sizes of flood-plain deposits depend to some extent on local valley topography. Where the valley narrows, the mean flow velocity probably increased and less material was deposited. Conversely, more sediment was deposited in wider and flatter sections of a valley. In choosing the study areas we tried to avoid either of these extremes. Some reaches underwent both erosion and deposition. Very little flood-plain deposition occurred in val- leys which had few debris avalanches in the head- waters. Flood-plain deposits are as much as 5 feet thick but generally are from about 0.2 foot to 3 feet. As one would expect, at any downstream location they tend to be thickest toward the center of the valley and thinner near the edges. Flood—plain widths range from a few feet to about 500 feet. The floods were nearly everywhere many times wider than the origi- nal channel. SEDIMENTARY FEATURES Flood-plain deposits within a mile or so of the headwaters and avalanche areas have no discernible sedimentary structures. Rather, they are quite simi- lar to alluvial fan deposits in that all particle sizes, ranging from silt to boulders, seem to have been dumped all over the flood plain (figs. 43, 44A). Large rocks and gravel in flood-plain deposits usually did not accumulate in any distinctive way, such as in bars or splays. ' Farther downstream the deposits consist mostly of sand. From three sites studied in detail—one each on Rucker Run, Dillard Creek and Muddy Creek— and from other general observations, it appears that such sandy flood-plain deposits in Nelson County have several characteristics. The laminations are a noticeable feature of nearly all sandy flood-plain deposits (fig. 45). These lami- DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES FIGURE 43.———Upstream view of typical valley flood—plain deposits, headwaters of Davis Creek. age to orchard. (Photograph courtesy of Virginia Division of Mineral Resources.) Note dam- 60 HURRICANE GAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 nae are generally about 0.01 foot thick or less. Some- times they appear to extend over the whole flood- plain Width, but in other cases a single layer can be traced only for about 5 feet before it pinches out between other laminae. In addition to color differ- ences, some laminae are distinguishable by a slightly coarser texture. Also, some layers are different in that they do not remain in the same plane as most of the others; instead, these errant laminae may deviate or dip by as much as 0.2 foot over a 2-foot horizontal distance. They seem to be isolated, however, and are rather rare. The laminated sand often contains an occasional 1—2-inch pebble. B The exposure near the center of the valley on Rucker Run :(fig. 45) has conspicuous pockets or lenses of varying textures. The pockets usually in— clude coarse sand and may have gravel and a few pebbles. Normal laminae, on the other hand, seemed to consist mainly of medium and fine sand. As figure 45 shows, the top and bottom surfaces of the pockets are quite irregular and can rise or fall by as much as a foot or so over about a 5-foot horizontal distance in the approximate direction of flow. No crossbedding was observed at any of the three flood-plain sites studied in detail. Ripple marks are common surface features of the sandy flood-plain deposits and evidently formed as 0 FIGURE 44,—Common flood-plain deposits. A, Rucker Run about 0.3 mile downstream from head of valley. Circle around man shows scale. B, Rucker Run about 0.75 mile upstream from highway U.S. 29. C, Muddy and Davis Creeks about 0.2 mile south of Woods Mill, looking upstream (Photograph courtesy of Virginia Department of Highways.) La DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES FIGURE 45.-—Sandy flood-plain deposits showing laminae, pockets, (Rucker Run about 0.75 mi upstream from highway and exposed thicknesses are about 2.5—3.0 feet. lenses and coarse particles US. 29). Tape is in feet and tenths, 61 62 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 the water receded. However, they tend to occur in patches rather than covering the entire deposit, so they may or may not be present at any given spot. The ripple heights are rather low—about 0.01 or 0.02 foot. Wavelengths are only about 0.3 foot in most cases, the range being from about 0.25 to 0.5 foot. Crests are oriented approximately normal to the valley axis. Mud cracks or shrinkage cracks also occur in patches on the surfaces of flood plains. The thickness of this mud layer can range from about 1 inch to a foot or more. The greater thicknesses tend to be found at longer distances downstream on the larger streams, for example, at the confluence of two major rivers or upstream from railroad embankments. Such deposits probably suggest considerable back- water during the flood. The various sedimentary features listed above seem to be similar to those 6f floods in other geo- morphic regions (J ahns, 1947 ; Williams 1970, 1971; McKee and others, 1967) . VERTICAL CHANGES IN GRAIN SIIZE Grain-size distributions conceivably could vary with depth at a single location, lateral distance to- ward the valley wall, and distance downstream. Size variations in depth at a single location could not be studied as far as large particles were concerned because one large rock fragment in many cases occu— pied the full thickness of the deposit. For finer grains two flood-plain localities were examined in regard to particle size-frequency characteristics with depth. This of course reflects the sediment deposition with time during the flood, at the sampling site. The 10- calities, chosen mostly on the basis of accessibility and undisturbed vertical sections, were on Rucker Run, about 0.75 mile upstream from highway U. S. 29, and on Dillard Creek, about 1.3 miles downstream from highway US 29. At the location of sampling, the deposit on Rucker Run is about 2 feet thick, that on Dillard Creek about 3 feet thick. Both locations are about the same distance downstream (4—4.5 mi) from the deposits at the heads of the valleys. A pos- sibly important difference is that upstream from the sampling site Dillard Creek had a large highway delta, whereas Rucker Run had only a small or par- tial delta. The Dillard Creek highway delta trapped a very large amount of sediment, and this probably occurred before deposition at the sampling site far- ther downstream. Thus the grains at the Dillard locality may represent material transported later in the flood. There is, unfortunately, no reliable way to deter- mine the time of deposition relative to the peak water flow, nor is there any way of knowing the rates of sediment transport and deposition at vari- ous stages of the flood. Nearly all the flood-plain sediments investigated for vertical changes in the grain size are sand-sized or finer. At both the Dillard and Rucker sites the top surface material was noticeably finer than that be- low the surface (figs. 46, 47). These fine-grained top- most sediments very likely were deposited in rela— tively slow—moving water near the end of the flood. Below the top surface the deposits at the Dillard site are progressively coarser with depth. The aver- age diameter at the base of the deposit was 0.37 mm, and this average size gradually decreases to 0.11 mm at the top surface. The sediments at this site also became better sorted upward (fig. 46). The dgo—d10 range encompasses one log cycle of grain diameter at the base of the deposit, and this range decreases to about two-thirds of a log cycle for the sediments deposited latest. The skewness shows no noticeable trend. The bottom and top deposits have approxi- mately symmetrical distributions. The middle layers are also close to having symmetrical grain-size dis- tribution but show a very slight tendency to include a greater weight—percent of coarse grains than fine. With the exception of the surface grains, the Rucker Run sediments, in contrast to those on Dil- lard, show no noticeable vertical trends. The average grain size of the Rucker Run sediments fluctuates between 0.15 and 0.45 mm throughout most of the deposit and becomes finer only in the upper part. Sorting stays about constant with depth. A possible exception is the top surface, which is slightly more poorly sorted than the sediments below. A more poorly sorted surface material would represent the opposite trend from the Dillard Creek site, where the topmost material was better sorted than the under- lying sediments. Skewness values at Rucker Run, as with average size and sorting, did not vary widely for the deposits below the surface. The skewness range is about —0.13 to ——0.24, indicating a very slight preponderance of coarser sizes. The surface material, on the other hand, has a skewness of +0.04, which means the size distribution is approxi- mately symmetrical. To sum up the main grain-size changes of these flood-plain deposits with depth: at both the Dillard and Rucker sites the top—surface (top inch or two) grains are noticeably finer than the material below the surface. The Dillard sediments become progres- sively finer upward (that is, they become finer as time progressed during the flood). Grain sizes at the Rucker site, on the other hand, do not change DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES 63 100 I I l I I E1 90 — — a) Top surface g 80 _ 3 feet below top surface (base of deposit) _ < g 1 foot below top surface E 70 — - z E ,_ 60 _ 2 feet below top surface A‘ [I l.|J E u‘ 50 — Grain-size characteristics —1 8 .J 9 Depth below dav k E 40 — top surface (mm) so 5 — 0. (ft) ‘5 30 ~— _ Lu Top surface 0.11 0.64 —0.03 g 1 .15 .67 — .20 ’2 20 — 2 .20 .81 — .24 — “J 3 .37 1.03 — .04 o E m 10 — — o l I I | I I I I I | 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100 PARTICLE DIAMETER, IN MILLIMETERS FIGURE 46.-—-Size-frequency characteristics of flood-plain sediments on Dillard Creek, about 4.5 miles downstream from headwaters. 100 I I l I I g 90 — _ U) a Top surface 1.4 feet below top surface E 80 — — 5 0'9 foot below top surface E / — 70 — 0.4 foot below top surface — Z / < 2.3 feet below top surface /\ I |_ 60 H (base of deposit) 1.9 feet below top surface _ 0: DJ E "" 50 — _ 8 DJ Grain-size characteristics F‘ 40 — De th b I ~ 0: p e ow d E top surface (mars) 50 5k u_ (ft) 0 30 ~ _ ‘5 Top surface 0.088 0.98 0.04 E 0.4 .23 .75 -.15 z 20— .9 .45 .75 —.13 — 5 1.4 .17 .74 —.23 E 1.9 .22 .90 *.24 ‘L 10 — 2.3 .15 .79 —.17 fl 0 l I l l l l l l | i 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 PARTICLE DIAMETER, lN MILLIMETERS FIGURE 47,—Size-frequency characteristics of flood-plain sediments on Rucker Run, about 4 miles downstream from head- waters. 64 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 significantly below the surface. Sorting differences at the Dillard site indicate that as the flood pro- gressed, the deposits became better sorted. At Rucker Run, however, the sediments deposited last were a bit more poorly sorted than those laid down earlier. At both sites the distributions show a limited ten- dency to be skewed (minor predominance of coarser grains), except for the surface material which is distributed approximately symmetrically, on a weight basis. The measured trends of grain-size distribution with depth are probably a product of both the sizes of particles offered to the floodwaters upstream from the study sites and the transporting ability of the stream. Thus, the deposition of finer and finer sizes as the flood progressed (Dillard locality) could mean that the larger particles were less frequently eroded from the upstream hillsides and channels with time and (or) the transporting ability of the flowing water gradually diminished over the period of depo- sition. Similarly, various possible combinations of particle availability and stream power could account for an absence of a distinct size-distribution trend during deposition at the Rucker Run site. LATERAL VARIATIONS IN GRAIN SIZE For flood-plain deposits that include large ranges in particle size the pebble-count data generally show an apparently random distribution across the width of the deposit. Sand-sized and finer grains in these deposits tend either to form the matrix for the whole deposit or to collect in scattered patches. Some of the fringe areas along the outer edges of the deposits tend to have more sand than larger stones. On the other hand, stones up to 1 meter diameter occur in a few places where no finer materials are deposited. The sand deposit described above on Rucker Run, about 0.75 mile upstream from highway U. S. 29, was sampled to determine any lateral changes in particle size of fine—grained deposits. The study area was the right bank flood-plain deposit, which was about 60 feet wide. Single laminae or strata were either too difficult to trace laterally or too thin to sample individually. Composite vertical samples rep- resenting the entire thickness of the deposit (about 2 feet) were therefore taken at each of five sites— 15, 25, 35, 45, and 55 feet, respectively, away from the present stream bank. The cumulative size-fre- quency curves for these five samples very nearly coincide. For a composite curve derived from all five sieve analyses d,,=0.23 mm, S0=0.942 and 310: —0.153. Comparing the individual curves to the av- erage curve, the maximum deviations were i: 13 per- cent for dav (i 0.03 mm), 1-8 percent for So and t 34 percent for sk. The relatively minor differences between curves could be due to actual differences in the grain-size frequencies at the sampling sites, sam- pling errors, or splitting of samples for sieve analy- sis. Thus for the flood-plain deposits sampled there was no significant lateral variation in grain-size characteristics. DOWNSTREAM CHANGES IN FLOOD-PLAIN DEPOSITS— ‘ GENERAL Flo‘od-plain deposits of three streams—Polly Wright, Rucker Run and Dillard Creek—were cho- sen to study such features as changes in amounts of deposition and in grain size with distance down- stream. From one viewpoint the ideal stream for studying such changes would have no tributaries at ‘all, and all of the deposited sediment would come from a single upStream source. Unfortunately, Nel- son County appears to have no such stream, particu- larly since some deposited material undoubtedly came from the bed and banks along the whole length of the creeks. The stream in Polly Wright Cove received sedi- ment from three major tributaries near the middle of the study reach. Rucker Run received sediment from at least 13 debris avalanches or minor tribu- taries within the upstream 8 percent of the total dis- tance studied. Toward the downstream end, five creeks join Rucker Run between the last two sam- pling stations; however, of this group only Dillard Creek contributed much sediment. Some minor creeks also contributed sediment along other parts of the Rucker study reach. Three tributaries joined Dillard Creek, at about 0.2, 0.5 and 0.8 of the way, respectively, along the 6.6-mile study zone. The streams were less than ideal for sediment- dispersion studies, also from the standpoint of time of introduction of sediment. The exact times when sediments emerged from the mountain ravine are unknown. Sediment eroded from the banks and beds of the mountain channels and higher order streams probably was transported more or less continuously during the flood, at a rate proportional to the stream power. However, the large quantities dislodged by the debris avalanches on the hillslopes entered the channel at various times during the storm. Therefore the resulting downstream deposits in small drainage basins would reflect several stages and rates of sedi- ment transport and deposition. Transport and depo- sition would logically be more uniform with increase in upstream drainage area. The various types of source rocks on the hillsides contain no distinctive and plentiful minerals which DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES 65 would identify points of origin for particles in the downstream deposits. In spite of these possible disadvantages from the viewpoint of ideal dispersion studies, the deposits that remained after the flood subsided aré probably typical of those left by other catastrophic ,floods in similar environments. Lag deposits and material in the stream channel prior to the flood were flushed out or buried during the flood; so the sediments sampled represent only material deposited by the August 19—20 flow. The upstream sampling stations were usually cho- sen at approximately equal intervals of distance, al- though sometimes the location was shifted slightly to sample a deposit that seemed to be more typical or that was not buried under piles of trees and other debris. For at least the downstream half of the flood-plain deposits investigated, the sampling stations were selected on the basis of accessibility, freedom from tributaries entering near the station, and a subjective evaluation of how typical or repre- sentative the deposits appeared to be. Some down- stream reaches had little or no deposition, often due to a local constriction in the channel. The valley in Polly Wright Cove is only 0.8 mile long. After emerging from Polly Wright Cove, the stream merges with another sediment-bearing stream (Muddy Creek). In reporting changes in grain size with distance downstream, we will include the mountain-channel deposits in Polly Wright Cove. These deposits were continuous with the downstream flood-plain deposits. Within a week or two after the flood, the streams had returned to their usual flow widths and depths, these commonly being 1—20 feet wide and 0.1—0.6 foot deep. These creek Widths were negligible or minor compared with the widths of the flood deposits. Nearly all the sampling was done on dry ground. DOWNSTREAM CHANGES IN AMOUNT OF DEPOSITION POLLY WRIGHT COVE At 11 stations along Polly Wright Cove measure- ments were made of the volume of the flood-plain deposits, using the same techniques as on alluvial fans. These data, expressed in volume of sediment per unit (foot) of channel length, are shown in figure 48A. The downstream distance, x, was reckoned from the first major deposits, excluding debris piles and other scattered deposits in mountain ravines. The volume of sediment decreases downstreamward, although the scatter on the graph hinders determina- tion of the precise relation. In an effort to reduce the scatter, we combined the data for the 11 individual A. Individual stations 1000 ~ I I I : I _ _ 5 ‘ + _ z 500 —- — LIJ _l —- _ + d _\ \ \ + - E + \ \ < \+\ I — \ \ A o \ \ ”- + \ \ + o + \ +\ \ }— \ O _. + \ _ o 100 _ \ _ I; __ _ I — + _ DJ 0. | — p— 50 Lu LIJ LL. 9 m B. Averaged data 3 500 0 | I _‘ E _ :- » n w o E _ 0 _ Lu 0 LL. 0 o E 100 ~ — 3 _J O > I I | l 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 DISTANCE DOWNSTREAM FROM START OF DEPOSITS, IN FEET FIGURE 48.—Volume of flood-plain deposition per foot of channel length along Polly Wright Cove. sections into four averages, consisting of the up- stream three measuring stations, the second three, the third two and the downstream three. With the data combined into reaches about 1,000 feet long, the scatter diminished considerably. Figure 483, a plot of these results, shows that the volume of deposition decreases exponentially with distance downstream. According to the eye-drawn line, the volume of depo- sition per foot of channel length at any downstream site is equal to 370e—°’°°°25“, where e is the base of natural logarithms. The deviations of data points from the regression line range from +15 percent to —12 percent. The actual quantity deposited ranged from about 370 cu ft per ft at the upstream end to about 120 cu ft per ft at the downstream end of the 0.8 mile- long deposit. The total volume of sediment dumped in Polly Wright Cove was about 0.97 million cu ft. An esti— mated 3.1 million cu ft was eroded from the head- waters (table 6). Sediment not accounted for in the flood-plain deposits must have been transported com- pletely out of the cove. Extrapolating the exponen- tial equation just derived to a distance beyond the 66 cove is both risky and intriguing. If the equation were applicable for as far as appreciable deposition continued, the total amount deposited would be 370/ 0.00025, or about 1.48 million cu ft, somewhat less than the 3.1 million cu ft estimated to be eroded. Nearly all of the 1.48 million cu ft, according to the equation, would be deposited within three miles of the upper end of the deposits. If the measurements and the resulting equation for the 0.8-mile—long study reach are accurate, either the equation should not be extrapolated or the estimated 3.1 million cu ft of erosion is too high. Table 9 gives the volume of deposition by particle- size categories and the size distribution by categor- ies, for the four separate reaches along the 0.8-mile- long cove. If the entire flood-plain deposit along the length of the cove is considered, sand is by far the most abundant size class. The cove received more than twice as much sand‘ (449,000 cu ft) as any other size group. The other outstanding feature is the scarcity of silt and clay, this group contributing only about 51,000 cu ft, or 5 percent of the deposi— tion. The silt and clay, if eroded in substantial amounts, could have been carried away as suspended load. Most particles larger than sand, if eroded from the headwater regions, probably would have come to rest somewhere within the cove rather than moving through the cove to some downstream site; the vol- umes and percentages of these larger particles— gravel, cobbles and boulders—dwindle noticeably with distance along the cove, as table 9 shows. It therefore appears that a much greater volume of sand was eroded in the headwater regions, as com- pared to larger particles. In the reach farthest upstream, sand (31 percent of the deposit at this site, or 90,000 cu ft) and boul— ders (29 percent or 85,000 cu ft) are the most abun- dant size classes. Boulders, if eroded from the head- water regions in appreciable quantities, should be abundant in this first reach because they would logi- cally be deposited farther upstream than smaller particles. In the next reach (about one-third of the way along the cove’s flood-plain deposit) sand and gravel are the most abundant groups, especially HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 sand. The volume and percentage of cobbles and boulders are less than in the upstream reach, and the amount of silt-clay is about the same. Sand be- comes even more plentiful in the third reach and amounts to 138,000 cu ft or 60 percent of the deposit. The quantity and percentage of silt-clay are about the same as in the two upstream reaches. Gravel is still more plentiful than cobbles and boulders, but these three categories, especially the latter two, are scarcer than in the previous reach. Finally, in the reach farthest downstream, sand comprises nearly three-fourths (111,000 cu ft) of the total deposit. Gravel is next in importance (18 percent), while silt- clay, cobbles and boulders total only 10 percent (16,000 cu ft) of the deposit. In summary, the volumes and percentages of cob- bles and boulders decrease steadily with distance downstream and are practically negligible at the end of the 0.8-mile study zone. Gravel everywhere makes up about 16—25 percent of the sediment and is more abudant about one-third of the way along the cove than elsewhere. Sand consistently becomes more important with distance, progressing from 31 percent to 72 percent of the deposit. Curiously, the percentage of silt-clay remains virtually constant at about 5 percent along the entire cove. Later sections of this report examine other aspects of grain-size trends with distance. RUCKER RUN Figure 49 shows how the volume of flood-plain deposition varied with distance for the upstream 12.5 miles of Rucker Run. The somewhat erratic nature of the deposit volume for the upper two or three miles is due mainly to the addition of sediment from small tributaries. The point labeled “partial highway delta at U.S. 29” illustrates the amount of sediment trapped by the highway. More sediment probably would have accumulated here, that is, a complete highway delta would have formed, if a section of the highway had not washed out during the flood. The volume of deposition at any given site down to highway U.S. 29, about the first 4 miles, is TABLE 9.—Volume and percentage of deposition by size classes with distance downstream in Polly Wright Cove Volume Proportional Length of deposi- Volume by size classes (1,000 fts) Percentages ‘in class distance down- of tion in stream to mid- reach reach Silt— Silt- point of reach (ft) (1,000 ft3) clay Sand Gravel Gobble Boulder clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder 0.08 ___________________ 875 292 15 90 47 55 85 5 31 16 19 29 .32 ................... 1,233 288 14 110 72 40 52 5 38 25 14 18 .59 ___________________ 998 231 14 138 46 12 21 6 60 20 5 9 .89 ................... 1,254 155 8 111 28 5 3 5 72 18 3 2 4,360 966 51 449 193 DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES 67 1000 I I | I I | 500 I— — /Partla| highway delta at US 29 X / K \X/x ._. O O Confluence with Dillard Creek _ UI O FOOT 0F CHANNEL LENGTH 5 I I VOLUME OF DEPOSITION, IN CUBIC FEET PER U1 I I I l | l I | 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 DISTANCE DOWNSTREAM FROM START OF DEPOSITS, IN THOUSANDS OF FEET i—I FIGURE 49.——Changes in volume of flood-plain deposition with distance downstream on Rucker Run. in the approximate range of 150—300 cu ft per foot of channel length. Downstream from the partial trap at the highway the amount of deposition dwindled rapidly. At the confluence with Dillard Creek (approximately the 7-mile station) the volume of deposition was about 90 cu ft, and at 12.5 miles downstream from the head of the cove the flood plain contained only 1 or 2 cu ft of sediment, a very thin layer. The first 7 miles of the Rucker Run flood plain received a total of about 7.8 million cu ft of sedi- ment, according to figure 49. Some of the silt and clay, and possibly sand too, moved in suspension into the James River. Towns and flood plains along the James, both upstream and downstream from the junctions with tributaries draining Nelson County, were covered with fine- grained sediment to depths up to a foot. The source of this material could be any place from the upper reaches of avalanche scars in the headwaters to the banks of the James River itself. Downstream from Richmond the greatly increased concentration of suspended load in the James River estuary reached a maximum around Aug. 25, about 3—4 days after the peak water discharge at Richmond (Maynard Nichols, written commun, 1969). One effect of the flood was to erode the mountain hillslopes and aggrade the upstream parts of the valleys. If rare catastrophic events produce most of the erosion and deposition over a long period, the results of this storm suggest a trend toward a pene- plain, due to net hillside erosion and valley deposi- tion. On the other hand, the storm may be a tempo- rary deviation in a long-term trend which may in time be established by more moderate erosional and depositional processes. Again, if this type of catastrophic event is domi- nant, the Wills, Polly Wright and Freshwater Cove flood plains, as well as certain others, are being con- structed primarily by overbank deposition. They would thus represent an exception to the mechanisms which Wolman and Leopold (1957) proposed, Where- by about 80—90 percent of a flood-plain thickness is build by point-bar (lateral) accretion within a mi- grating stream channel. In the present case the cru- cial factor in determining the amount of overbank deposition seems to be the quantity of sediment in- troduced at the head of the valley. Where the moun- tains underwent extensive debris avalanching, the heads of the valleys received considerable overbank deposition. This vertical accretion ranged from an average of about 3 feet at the upstream ends of the coves to 0.1 foot or less at a downstream distance of 1—8 miles. On the other hand, where few debris- avalanches occurred in the mountains, as in the In- dian Creek basin, the downstream-valley flood plains received noticeably less sediment and may in fact have undergone a net sediment loss due to lateral erosion of the stream channel. DOWNSTREAM CHANGES IN AVERAGE GRAIN SIZE Most authors have found that average grain size generally decreases downstreamward (Pettijohn, 1957), although exceptions have been reported (McPherson and Rannie, 1969). Figure 50 is a graph of the mean particle size d“ versus distance down-valley for Rucker Run, Polly Polly Wright Cove and Dillard Creek. as before, at is distance downstream from start of deposition. In general, dav decreased with distance downstream. The distribution of points on at least two of the three plots is such that various lines can be fitted. For example, either the solid or dashed lines can repre- sent the relation for the Polly Wright Cove and Dillard Creek sediments. The solid line for all three streams suggests that given enough travel distance, dav may become asymptotic toward some limiting minimum value. The Rucker Run data are for a rela- tively long study reach (12.5 mi) and tend to sup- port this type of relation. The dashed lines for Polly Wright Cove and Dillard Creek represent nega- tive exponential functions, a type of relation rather common in geomorphology and sedimentology. The average particle size at the upper end of the deposits was 1.6 mm for Rucker Run, 14.4 mm in 68 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 10.0 I I I I I I CI RUCKER RUN 100.0 I + 10.0 1‘ + + \ \\ (013,214.46— +<+~<+ \\ N- + \ POLLY WRIGHT COVE 0.0007”) _ 1.0 — _1 1 I I I 00 AVERAGE GRAIN SIZE (day), IN MILLIMETERS 1.0 ~_ —~‘ ~-‘ ~~ 01'- DILLARD CREEK ' - l l I | I 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 DOWNSTREAM DISTANCE (x), IN THOUSANDS OF FEET FIGURE 50.—Downstream changes in mean particle size (dw) of flood-plain deposits. Polly Wright Cove and 0.64 mm (extrapolated) for Dillard Creek. This value depends on at least two factors: the sizes of particles dislodged from the hillsides and the sizes and numbers of particles transported to the flood plains. Lithology and ero- sional history undoubtedly influence the sizes of the rocks dislodged from hillsides. Also, many (but not all) large rocks were retained in mountain ravines or alluvial fans and therefore were not included in the flood plain analysis. This, however, was not the case in Polly Wright Cove, where the deposits were virtually continuous over the entire study reach and Where no alluvial fan formed. The relatively large value of dav (14.4 mm) at x=0 ft in Polly Wright Cove reflects this condition. Why does dav on Polly Wright decrease nearly 10 times as fast as on Rucker and Dillard? The answer seems to lie in the sizes of particles introduced at the head of the study reach and in the effect of several side tributaries which supplied more large rocks downstream. The upstream Polly Wright de- posits were closer to the steep mountain hillslopes which provided the debris. This fact, plus the ab- sence of an alluvial fan, means that the upstream deposits in Polly Wright Cove contained a greater proportion of large boulders, thus contributing to a larger average particle size. As mentioned elsewhere, large rocks were not moved very far from the moun- tainous areas during the flood (usually considerably less than a mile). Thus the average particle size in Polly Wright Cove decreased rather rapidly with distance. On Rucker Run many slides and tributaries furnished large rocks to the flood-plain deposits along the study reach, so clav did not decrease as rapidly as if large rocks had been introduced at a single point source at the head of the reach. In the Dillard Creek basin some deposition in mountain ravines and in a fan trapped most of the large rocks before deposition of the flood-plain sediments. Hence the possible range of variation in dav along the Dil- lard reach was much more restricted. A decrease in grain size can result from selective deposition, breakage of particles, and abrasion or wearing down of the grain surface. Any of these can be influenced by such factors as flow properties (discharge, mean velocity, depth, width), channel properties (gradient, roughness, sinuosity), par- ticle characteristics (size, shape, specific gravity, mineralogy), and erosional history or degree of weathering. For two streams in the Black Hills area of South Dakota, Plumley (1948) concluded that selective deposition accounted for 75 percent and 84 percent of observed grain-size reductions, respec- tively, with abrasion accounting for the remaining small percentage. Scott and Gravlee (1968) reported that for a flood surge on the Rubicon River in Cali- fornia selective deposition caused more than 90 per- cent of the measured size decline and that breakage was not significant in the overall size reduction. Bradley, Fahnestock, and Rowekamp (1972) con- cluded that sorting processes caused 87 percent of an observed reduction in the size of flood-transported gravel along a 16-mile reach of the Knik River, Alaska. The remaining small percentage in size re- duction was attributed to abrasion. Preflood weathering which could promote break- ing during transport could be a minor factor with the present sediments; however, on the basis of field observations, most particles, at least those visible on the surface and in cuts eroded through the fresh deposits, seemed to be relatively fresh. Breakage, however, could have occurred during transport, especially with the larger rocks. Aside from the possibility that some of the measured size decline could be due to breakage, there is no firm evidence to evaluate the extent to which breakage during transport was important. Intuitively it would seem to be a minor factor. Abrasion or wearing down of the particle surface probably could not have been significant, because the rock (igneous and DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES 69 metamorphic) generally was hard and fresh, and the distance of travel was quite short, ranging from a few feet to about 12.5 miles for the data obtained here. Thus the most likely reason for the progres- sive decrease in size is selective deposition, with breakage possibly affecting the trend to a minor extent. AVERAGE PARTICLE SIZE, LOCAL SLOPE, AND DRAINAGE AREA What factors might be most influential in deter- mining the particle sizes that are left at a given site? The two which appear most reasonable are the local gradient and water discharge. For Rucker Run and Dillard Creek local gradients were meas- ured from topographic maps (1224,000). These slopes equal the vertical distance on the maps be- tween the contour line upstream'from the sampling site and that downstream from the site, divided by the horizontal distance along the channel between the two contour lines. All slopes along Polly Wright Creek were measured in the field with a Zeiss level and stadia rod. Average particle size shows some correlation with local flood-plain slope S (fig. 51). The line fitted by least-squares in figure 51 has the relation dav= 2,270 S138. Thus the average particle size decreased as the slope became flatter. The deviations of data points from the regression line range from +600 percent to —50 percent. Hack (1957, p. 57) studied Virginia and Mary- land streams near this area and included a much greater variety of geologic environments and drain- age-basin sizes. He found that with decrease in slope the size of the bed material could increase, decrease. or remain constant, depending on the sur- face lithology of the drainage basin. Also, the sedi- ments Hack studied had been extensively reworked by normal streamfiows. (In fact, he felt that the sizes of bed—material particles partly determined the local slope, whereas the reverse probably was true for the Hurricane Camille deposition.) Plumley (1948) found power relations between median grain size and local slope for ancient stream sediments along three streams in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Plumley’s three exponents, with slope the independent variable, were 0.53, 0.53 and 1.25, and (1,, decreased at a lesser rate as local slope decreased, as compared with relations in Nelson County. Water discharge, as mentioned, was not measured. However, the drainage area usually shows a power relation to water discharge. Consequently, drainage area, as measured from topographic maps (1224,000) 100 I I l _ + Polly Wright Cove V Dillard Creek [:1 Rucker Run 4 _ + _ + + 10— fl m El + _ + + L + _ D + clav : 22705138 AVERAGE PARTICLE SIZE (dav),|N MILLIMETERS S l Upstream —:> 0.01 1 l | 0.001 0.01 0.1 0.5 LOCAL SLOPE (S), IN FEET PER FOOT FIGURE ESL—Change in average particle size» with local flood-plain slope. The two points at steepest slopes for Dillard Creek are alluvial fan sediments. with a planimeter, was plotted against average grain size. The drainage area for any sampling site in- cludes the drainage area of all upstream tributaries which enter the major stream. Figure 52 indicates that with increase in drainage area Ad, the average particle size decreased accord- ing to the least squares relation dav=1.9Ad'1-34. This equation pertains to all of the plotted points as a group. Deviations of measured data from the regres- sion line range from +300 percent to —26 percent. Individual drainage basins may not follow the gen- eral equation. In Polly Wright Cove, for example, the average grain size decreases with the —2.8 power (approximately) of drainage area, as suggested by the dashed line in the diagram. Since average particle size increases with the 1.98 power of local slope S and decreases with the 1.34 power of drainage area Ad, these relations can be re- arranged and combined into the form S oc (dav0'25) / Adm“). Writing the relation this way implies that slope is the dependent variable, probably not the case 70 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 100-0 I | | I I I \+ + Polly Wright Cove " v Dillard Creek ‘ V: I: Rucker Run \ 10.0 — AVERAGE PARTICLE SIZE (dav), IN MILLIMETERS 0‘01 1 I l I I 0.1 1.0 10 50 DRAINAGE AREA (Ad), IN SQUARE MILES FIGURE 52.—Variation of average particle size with drain- age area. Dillard Creek points include two alluvial fan stations (coarsest values of div) and do not include highway delta deposits. in the present study, but the equation in this form can be compared to Hack’s (1957, p. 58) relation S cc (daVO-G) / (Adm). The differences in the exponents are not very big, considering the amount of scatter on the plots in both investigations. Hack’s equation applies to streams in various rock types. It will be interesting to see if future research finds empirical relations of the sort discussed here to be applicable to other physiographic regions. Denny (1965) studied desert washes in California and Nevada and could not find any correlation at all between local slope, median particle size, and drain- age area. DOWNSTREAM VARIATION IN SIZE OF LARGEST STONES The largest stones at a site, if all sizes were avail- able for transport, provide some indication of the particle sizes the flow was able to move. Figure 53 is a plot of the average size (intermediate diameter) 2000 I I I I | POLLY WRIGHT COVE 1000 d's :14246T0'00024X IIIIIII 500 '— I._ 300 I I I I I 0 1 2 3 4 5 O) DILLARD CREEK INTERMEDIATE DIAMETER OF FIVE LARGEST STONES ((1.5), IN MILLIMETERS d|521230e7000013x : MI I I I I O 2 4 6 8 10 12 DOWNSTREAM DISTANCE (x), [N THOUSANDS OF FEET FIGURE 53.——Downstream changes in average intermediate diameter of the five largest stones at each station. Lines fitted by least squares. of the five largest stones (dls) as a function of dis- tance downstream for Polly Wright and Dillard Greeks. The Dillard Creek data include the Wills partial fan at the head of the cove (five data points), and the downstream distances begin at the fan apex for this particular diagram. Only three pebble counts—a number insufficient for plotting—were taken on Rucker Run. A negative exponential function, fitted here by least squares, describes the data reasonably well. For Polly Wright dls=1,420e—°-°°°m, with maximum de- viations ranging from +135 percent to ——7 5 percent of the regression value. For Dillard Creek dls= 1,330e—°-°°°13”, and maximum deviations range from +145 percent to —70 percent of the regression value. The Polly Wright exponent of —0.00024 means that for every 1,000 feet of distance the geometric mean of the largest stones decreases by 24 percent. Simi- larly, along Dillard Creek the size at each 1,000-foot station was about 13 percent less than that at the previous 1,000-foot station. The exponents show that the size of the largest stones decreases nearly twice as rapidly along Polly Wright Cove as on Dillard Creek. (Among other differences, the flood-plain slope decreases more rapidly in Polly Wright Cove, too.) As a general trend the largest rock fragments along Polly Wright Cove decreased from 142 cm in the deposits farthest upstream to about 50 cm after 0.8 mile of travel. In Dillard Creek the average diam- eter of the five largest stones was 133 cm at the up- DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES 71 stream end of the creek and about 30 cm a little more than 2 miles downstream. The best-fit lines should not be interpreted as sug- gesting that at any given downstream location the average intermediate diameter of the five largest stones would necessarily be the diameter indicated by the line. At some intermediate locations no par- ticles larger than pebbles or coarse sand appeared on the surface. Considerations governing the selection of sampling sites were mentioned earlier in the re- port. DOWNSTREAM CHANGES IN SORTING The flood-plain deposits generally became better sorted with distance down-valley (fig. 54). Again an asymptotic relation seems to be the best fit to the Rucker Run points, as is true for Dillard Creek. Most of the boulders came to rest within a mile or so of the upstream deposit so that the sorting has the largest values and improves most rapidly in this zone. Sort- ing on these creeks continues to improve with dis- tance downstream but at a progressively lesser rate. The sorting can only become zero when all grains between d90 and d10 are the same size, a situation extremely unlikely to occur. Thus the sorting prob- ably should not continue to improve at a constant rate with distance down valley; instead, a more reasonable relation is a change by lesser amounts as the possible range of improvement decreases, that is, So should become asymptotic toward some limiting minimum value. A straight line fits the data points for Polly Wright Cove, indicating a negative exponential re- lation for the study reach. As explained above, this relation probably could not continue indefinitely with distance. For example, extrapolating the straight-line suggests that about two miles down from the upper end of the study reach, 8., would have the unlikely value of zero, that is, all grains from d90 to cl10 on the cumulative size frequency curve would be the same size. In fact, the data for the 4,500-foot reach of Polly Wright Cove fit reasonably well onto the points for Rucker Run and Dillard Creek, as shown in the bottom part of figure 54. This suggests that the So relation may be steep and linear (exponential) within the first mile of emergence from the mountainous area and then takes on a curve approaching a limiting value some distance down- stream. In addition to a downstream limiting minimum value, the sorting probably had a limiting maximum value in the upstream deposits, due to the finite sizes of boulders available for movement and movable by the floodwaters. This value seems to be about 4, that is, the range log dgo—log d10 for the poorest sorted deposits did not encompass more than about 4 log cycles of grain size. This range usually extended from about 0.1 or 0.2 mm to about 1,000 or 2,000 mm. Sorting values higher than 4 could have been restricted by a relative scarcity of larger boulders available for transport or an inability of the flow to move more than a few such boulders from the up- stream areas to the valley flood-plain deposits. Inspection of the stream channel upstream from depositional areas revealed only a few really huge boulders; so not many boulders larger than about two meters in intermediate diameter were available. A few boulders of such dimensions were moved by the flood, for example in Ginseng Hollow, but proba- bly only for short distances along the mountain channel. These probable limitations on sorting show up more clearly in a plot of 8., versus dav (fig. 55). In the upstream reaches d... is large, in spite of the ubiquitous sand and silt, because of the presence of the large rocks. The associated large value of sorting tends to remain high, as d3, decreases from about 55 mm to 4 mm. With further decreases in dav, that is, proceeding farther downstreamward, sorting im- proves rapidly as the larger rocks become scarcer. But in the downstream reaches, while d.“ continues to decrease, So begins to level off, that is, the range of sizes present in the deposits tends to become constant. This suggests that in the downstream re- gions the flow could easily transport all the available grain sizes. DOWNSTREAM CHANGES IN SKEWNESS Along Dillard Creek and much of Rucker Run the skewnesses are close to zero (fig. 56), indicating approximately symmetrical distributions. Rucker Run actually may show a very slight trend over the full 12.5-mile study reach whereby the size distribu- tions go from slightly positive (abundance of small grains) at the upstream end to slightly negative (preponderance of the larger grains within the dis- tribution) at the downstream end; however, it is difficult to say how much of this possible trend is significant and how much could be due to chance sampling. In Polly Wright Cove the deposits in the upstream 1,000 feet had a preponderance of large rocks (negative skewnesses), whereas the remaining section of the study reach had slightly positive skewnesses. Thus in these downstream areas of Polly Wright Cove the smaller grains were more predomi- nant than the large rocks in terms of weight-percent. The skewness varies with the average grain size, for the flood-plain and alluvial fan deposits, in a 72 = log dgo — log d10 SORTING (So) HURRICANE C‘AMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 I I | I I I W I I I I I RUCKER RUN D 1:] I I I 40 50 60 I + + POLLY WRIGHT COVE + _ '1’ _ + I | I | 1 2 3 4 5 I DILLARD CREEK V v _ w | I | I I 4 8 12 16 20 24 I | | I -I++ + + RUCKER, DILLARD, AND POLLY WRIGHT DATA 4 8 12 16 20 DOWNSTREAM DISTANCE (x), IN THOUSANDS OF FEET FIGURE 54.—Downstream changes in sorting 0f flood-plain deposits. 24 70 DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES 73 4.0 I I | I I | I I | I D + EXPLANATION o O (X X+ + Polly Wright Cove _ it? ’ v Dillard Creek } 1:“??? 3‘0 1. CI Rucker Run po 27’ x CampbeII A“ . If °° uwa an _c|: 0 Bryant deposits 3 V WINS ‘0 3° 1 2.0 —' 6’ <5 E I— ‘5 U’ 10 _ Upstream direction ————> 0 L I l I 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 AVERAGE GRAIN SIZE. IN MILLIMETERS FIGURE 55.——Change in sorting with average grain size. RUCKER RUN +1.0 0 ____________________ .1.0 l l l l o 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 ‘6" no 2 o N ‘6‘ lo go POLLY WRIGHT COVE :9“ T +1.0 no 8 2 ‘0 . + E," Preponderance of small particles ‘5‘ 0 (10 _o Preponderance of large particles II 9 ~1. 3 00 1 2 3 4 5 (I) U) UJ z E g: DILLARD CREEK <0 +1.0 l l l _L o T + T. _1.0 I n I I I o 4 8 12 16 20 24 DOWNSTREAM DISTANCE (x), IN THOUSANDS OF FEET FIGURE 56,—Downstream changes in skewness of flood-plain deposits. 74 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969 rather peculiar way (fig. 57). This graph should be interpreted as showing a relation between d,., and skewness, rather than as an implication that a change in d... causes a change in skewness. Distribu- tions that have a large average grain size are nega- tively skewed, meaning the large boulders pre- dominate as far as weight frequency is concerned. As dav decreases to about 8 mm the distributions gradually become more and more symmetrical. With a further decrease in dav—down to about 2 or 3 mm —the distributions become more and more skewed in the opposite direction, that is, gain a preponder- ance of smaller grains. The reason for this skewness trend is the progressively smaller percentages of large stones contained in the deposits. Average size gets smaller, in other words, and the larger particles within each sample become progressively less com- mon. As d... decreases from about 2 mm, the sorting improves rapidly (fig. 55), as the large stones begin to disappear from the deposits. This means a trend back toward more symmetrical distributions, as shown in figure 57. Approximately symmetrical dis- tributions are reached when dav has decreased to about 0.5 mm. For smaller average grain sizes, the distributions tend to be approximately symmetrical or slightly negatively skewed. SCARCITY OF COARlSE SAND AND GRAVEL Geologists have long speculated on the curious fact that many grain-size analyses show a dearth of particles in the coarse sand or fine gravel ranges. + Polly Wright Cove V Dillard Creek D Rucker Run 0.6 0.4 + 0.2 SKEWNESS O O \ ’02 70.4 FIGURE 57.—Change in skewness with average grain size. EXPLANATION }Floodplaln deposits V/""/ 1.0 10.0 AVERAGE GRAIN SIZE, IN MILLIMETERS This supposed scarcity of certain sizes causes the histograms or size-frequency curves to show more than one peak or mode, as long as the range of sizes represented goes at least from medium sand to coarse gravel. Pettijohn (1957, p. 44) gives a good review of cases where such polymodality has been reported in the literature. Russel (1968) goes into the subject in some detail and concludes that grains of about 1—6 mm diameters are deficient in fluvial deposits because such grains are more readily en- trained and more rapidly transported than larger or smaller particles. The “missing” grain sizes, in his View, are moved downstream beyond river mouths and tend to be concentrated on beaches. The following paragraphs summarize the Nelson County flood deposits in regard to polymodality of size- frequency distributions. The first problem was how to define polymodality. For example, if a class had a decrease of only one or two percent below the percentages in the adjoining size classes, it seemed unrealistic tc call such a slight decrease a deficiency, because the minor differences could easily be due to sampling or splitting (for sieve analysis) errors. Then the question was how much of a difference in weight percentage to require in order to label the distribution poly modal. To resolve this problem we measured the approxi- mate error that could be attributed to laboratory splitting of the field sample. This was done by sieving the entire contents (1—4 lb) of 1) of the samples brought from the field (called herein the field sam- X Campbell 0 Bryant } Alluvial fan deposits V Wills O E] 12%;? / :Sxfi Prepon ierance T of small aartlcles Preponc erance of large articles 100.0 DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES 75 ple) and comparing the results to the corresponding split samples. The field samples were split 1—3 times in the laboratory, to obtain the split sample. The par- ticular size classes of interest in the test were those which were usually present in the field and which were often involved in the apparent scarcity: 32—16, 16—8, 8—4 and 4—2 mm. For these four size classes both the full field sample and the split sample were ‘ sieved, and the percent by weight in the total field sample was compared to that in the split sample, for a given size class. The largest discrepancy or differ- ence was 5.3 percent, that is, one of the field sam- ples had 5.3 percent by weight in one of the size classes, whereas for the same class the split sample had zero percent by weight. General agreement was quite good, however, with the arithmetic average discrepancy between full field sample and split sam- ple amounting to 1.5 percent. Based on the data from these sieve tests, we estimated the standard deviation of the discrepancies or differences between any two size classes of a given sample, using certain simplifying assumptions. Two times this standard deviation was 3.05 percent; that is, the chances were about 95 out of 100 that within a size-frequency distribution a difference of 3 percent or less between any two size classes could be attributed to splitting error. The criterion for polymodality therefore was that at least one size class have at least 3 percent by weight less than a coarser and finer class. There were 63 grain-size analyses, involving two flood-plain sites and four highway-delta sites, which covered the complete range of sizes at a sampling station. Of these analyses 27 dealt with a study of grain size changes with depth. All such samples were medium sand or finer and were analyzed by sieving, occasionally including also a pipet treat- ment. None of these 27 analyses was polymodal. The remaining 36 analyses were surface sedi- ments which usually involved a wide range of par- ticle sizes, thus requiring in most cases a pebble count in addition to the sieve analysis. Of these 36 cases, 24 showed a definite polymodality. Table 10 shows the frequency with which each size class was deficient, according to the 3 percent rule described earlier. Particles which were espe- cially scarce were those in the size range from 4 to 64 mm. The polymodal samples have certain common characteristics which are generally absent in the unimodal distributions. As mentioned above, poly- modality showed up markedly in surface samples but did not appear in sediments below the surface. TABLE 10.-—Number of cases of deficiency in weight-percent, for the indicated particle size class [Classes not listed had no instances of deficiency. Deficiency is at least 3 percent by weight less than a finer and a coarser size class, within same sediment sample] Size class, in millimeters N Stream or S ‘9 °° study area «'4‘ 3 a 3 N ‘9 no g 4. .2. g, “a ‘T a s N a '1“ v-7 {3 ‘fi H E a": 3 ob Jr all H Polly Wright (11 stations, 8 polymodal). _ 1 _ 2 7 5 6 6 3 2 2 Dillard Creek (7 stations, 2 polymodal). 1 - - 1 2 1 2 2 _ _ _ Rucker Run (6 stations, 2 polymodal). _ _ 1 1 1 2 1 1 _ - - Campbell Fan (5 stations, all polymodal). - _ - 1 5 5 5 4 4 4 1 Bryant Fan (7 stations, all polymodal). _ _ 2 3 2 7 5 5 2 2 1 Sums: 1 1 3 8 17 20 19 18 9 8 4 36 stations 24, having poly- modal dis- tributions Deposits such as alluvial fans which had significant proportions of boulders and cobblestones consist- ently showed polymodal size distributions. Also, the presence of such large rocks meant that the final distribution represented a combined pebble count and sieve analysis. (All 24 cases of polymodality were combined pebble-count-sieve analysis distribu- tions; an additional five such combined analyses did not show polymodality.) The scarcity of grains in the 4—64 mm range may be either real or apparent. Apparent in this sense means the scarce grains actually existed on the surface of the deposit but were somehow missed in the analysis. The possible ways they could have been missed are: (1) failure to be tallied in the pebble count; (2) failure to be included in the scooping up of the “sand” sample; (3) erroneous loss in percent by weight due to the mathematical analysis of the data, that is, resulting from the method of combining the pebble count with the sieve analysis. The pertinent sizes might be missed during a peb- ble count in at least two ways. Due to the presence of larger rocks, they may well have been sheltered or overlapped by these rocks. Also, unless the in- vestigator is particularly careful, he tends to select large rocks in preference to smaller grains during the pebble-counting. In a few places, especially on flood plains down- stream, a surface deposit contained only a few rocks larger than gravel, so that the pebble count neces- sarily had a small number of observations. However, 76 HURRICANE CAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969‘ this possible source of sampling error would apply in only a few of the 24 cases of polymodality. Fur- thermore, such errors should apply equally to all size classes rather than only to certain classes. Failure to be scooped up with the “sand” sample is a possible but not very probable source of error, because most of the scarce sizes would not normally be included in a sample of fine material. The field sample almost always contained grains 8 mm in diameter, often included pebbles up to 16 mm dia- meter, and not uncommonly contained particles up to 32 mm in diameter. The method of combining the pebble count with the sieve analysis certainly depends on several ques- tionable assumptions, as explained earlier. However, four size classes showed about an equally large fre- quency of scarcity (table 10). A fault in the mathe- matical treatment would more likely vary in some way with the grain size. If the scarcity of the particles in question is real, the possible causes are that: (1) such grains were never produced to any significant degree of abund- ance; (2) the particles were either retained up- stream (mountain channel deposits) or were carried downstreamward beyond the deposits we inspected; (3) the particles were laid down in the sediments we inspected but were not abundant on the surface and so were not sampled. The theory that such grains were not produced in significant quantities cannot be disproved but does seem highly unlikely, inasmuch as particles ranging from clay to 10-foot-thick boulders were eroded by the floodwaters. The appearance of the polymodality in deposits upstream from which no mountain- channel deposits existed shows that the scarce grain sizes probably were not retained upstream in the headwater region. If particles ranging from 4 to 64 mm are particularly susceptible to entrainment, they should nevertheless have been trapped in high- way deltas like the one where Dillard Creek meets highway US. 29. In fact, being scarce relative to adjacent size classes upstream, they might even be expected to be more abundant in highway deltas. This, however, was not the case, nor could they be located at greater distances downstream. The dis- tances studied amounted to as much as 12 miles, by which distance the deposits were strictly sand and finer, with average grain sizes less than 1 mm (fig. 50) and excellent sorting (fig. 54). These con- siderations, especially the absence of excessive quan- tities of the pertinent grains in highway deltas, cast doubt on the theory that the missing grains were moved all the way to the James River or farther. It is quite possible that the pe tinent grain sizes were present in the flood depo its but were not abundant on the surface. This sit ation could result, for example, if the floodwaters 1 id down rocks of all sizes at one or more stages bu deposited medium sands and finer grains in scatter (1 patches toward the end of the flood. The scatt red sand patches would tend to cover gravel and ebbles while leav- ing the cobbles and especially the boulders exposed. A surface sampling would then ecord a relatively large number of big rocks and sand grains but would miss many pebbles and gra el-sized particles. If the deposits had not been dest oyed, this possible cause of polymodality could be tes ed in the field. In conclusion, flood deposits co sisting mainly of grains smaller than coarse sand ere all unimodal. Deposits which included a wide range of particle sizes, however, were usually poly odal with a rela- tively scarcity of particles 4—64 mm in diameter. The most likely reason for this p lymodality is that the scarce grains were covered p to a significant extent by sands deposited during he recession stage of the flood. Other possibilities ar that many of the deficient sizes were hiding under the edges of the larger rocks and that sampling bias favored the selection of larger rocks during th pebble counting. DOWNSTREAM CHANGES IN GRA N SHAPE AND ROUNDNESS The roundness of a grain is the egree of smooth- ing or rounding, ranging from v ry sharp to per- fectly rounded, of the edges or cor ers of the grain. Particles become more rounded due to weathering and to abrasion and wear, that is, with longer time and greater distance of transport Observations on grain roundness therefore might e helpful in esti- mating distance of transport. Grain shape, defined more speci cally below, is a three-dimensional measurement 0 a particle’s gen- eral form and is a separate concep from roundness. Grain shape depends on amount 0 abrasion, initial shape, cleavage and natural hard ess. The miner- alogy generally influences these las three items. Be- cause it affects settling velocity, th grain shape con- ceivably could influence various a pects of particle behavior in water, such as ease of entrainment and mode and rate of transport. It c uld also provide information on the hydrodynam'c conditions of deposition. Changes in grain shape and ro tance downstream are still poorl to scarcity of data, especially for tions. Krumbein (1940) studied ndness with dis- understood due iver flood condi- California flood ——'i CONCLUSIONS 77 / gravels over a distance of about 7 miles. He found that roundness increased from 0.28 at the l-mile station to 0.44 at the 7-mile location (0.1 being very sharp particle edges and 1.0 being perfectly rounded edges) ; grain shape, however, showed no significant change over this distance. Scott and Gravlee (1968) found that a flood surge on a stream in the Sierra Nevada mountains caused boulders to increase in average roundness from about 0.25 to 0.40 over the first two miles of travel. Studies of shape and round- ness changes for other environments, such as beaches, rivers at normal flow, and in laboratory ex- periments, show various and even contradictory re- lations (Pettijohn, 1957, p. 549). We examined the deposits of Polly Wright Cove for possible downstream changes in particle shape and roundness. Most of these sediments orginated in a reasonably localized area (about 0.6 sq mi). The total distance of deposition along the stream unfor- tunately was only about 0.8 mile, the upstream half of which was subject to “contamination” from two minor tributaries, as mentioned earlier. This 0.8-mile distance might be considered too short to show any shape and roundness changes, but laboratory experi— ments (Krumbein, 1941a) have suggested that roundness values during the first mile of travel can increase from about 0.15 to 0.45, that is, roundness increases considerably during the first mile or two of transport. The Polly Wright grains examined were in the 0250—0500 mm sieve class, from each of the 11 field stations. A colleague coded the 11 samples so that the operator could not know the field location of the grains being examined. Using a microscope, the operator then measured the shape and estimated the roundness of 50 randomly-chosen grains, for each sample. Shape equals the short particle axis divided by the square root of the intermediate times the long axis, where all three axes are mutually perpen- dicular (Schulz and others, 1954). Krumbein’s (1941b) visual comparison chart served as the cri- terion for roundness. Possible values of both these definitions range from 0 to 1.0, where 1.0 is maxi- mum possible shape or roundness. Owing to the com- plex and varied mineralogy of the parent rocks it was not possible to restrict the measurements to only one mineral. The grains measured were two unidentified translucent minerals that occurred the most abundantly and consistently throughout all 11 samples. Table 11 lists the average shape and roundness values for each sampling station. All shape values fall within the range 0.63—0.76. Grain corners and TABLE 11.—Average grain shape and roundness values with distance downstream in Polly Wright Cove Average Average Distance downstream grain-shape roundness from first deposits (ft) value value edges were quite sharp, and the low roundness values range from 0.17 to 0.24. The data show no signifi- cant change in either shape or roundness with dis- tance downstream. Krumbein’s (1940) and Scott and Gravlee’s (1968) roundness studies showed a definite increase in particle roundness over the first few miles of travel. The use of gravel—to-boulder-sized particles in those studies may be one reason why the present roundness results differ from the previous work. Also, the infusion of sediment from side tributaries near the middle of the study reach may have con- fused the present results slightly. Other possible causes of discrepancy might be the range of grain sizes of the transported and deposited materials, the mineralogy and the physical conditions (hydrology and geomorphology) of the floods. All of these dis- crepancies warrant future study in both field and laboratory. The absence of an increase in grain shape agrees with Krumbein’s field study (1940). His tumbling- barrel experiments (1941a), which may not have simulated catastrophic flood conditions, produced a very slight increase in grain shape over the first mile of travel. CONCLUSIONS The storm and flood of August 1969 in Virginia was an extreme event (probably occurring no more than once every several hundred years on the aver- age) which caused enormous amounts of sediment erosion and deposition. In the region most affected, Nelson County, rainfall amounted to as much as 28 inches over the 8-hour storm. Peak streamflow was estimated to be about 10,000—12,000 cfs per sq mi of drainage area. The longitudinal profiles of the five mountain streams studied, including alluvial fans where pres- ent, are very closely described by a hyperbolic equa— 78 HURRICANE CrAMILLE IN VIRGINIA, 1969‘ tion of the form F=L/ (a + bL) , where F and L are vertical fall and horizontal distance respectively, from the drainage divide, and a and b are coefficients. Nearly half of the erosion took place in the form of debris avalanches on upland hillslopes. Field ob- servations and measurements on avalanche scars reveal the following characteristics: (1) the scar on the hillside usually extended up the slope to the region where the local hillside gradient was steep- est: (2) this upslope tip of the avalanche tended to be located at the point on the hillside where the convex upper zone merged with the concave or straight section immediately below, a point which could be from 0.3 to 0.95 of the horizontal distance from base to top of hill: (3) debris avalanches usually occurred down previously-existing grooves, minor channels or depressions on the hillside, a finding in agreement with other studies: (4) slopes facing north, northeast and east had more debris avalanching than hillslopes facing other directions; and (5) on a unit drainage area basis, longer hill- slopes had a greater total length of avalanche scars but fewer scars than short hillslopes. Slightly more than half of the erosion that oc- curred was estimated to be from the enlargement of stream channels. The total volume of sediment eroded during the storm was estimated to be about 6.1 million cu ft (3.9 million cu ft per sq mi) from the headwaters of Wills Cove, 3.1 million cu ft (4.6 million cu ft per sq mi) from Ginseng Hollow and 3.1 million cu ft (3.2 million cu ft per sq mi) from Polly Wright Cove. These amounts correspond to average denuda- tions of 1.4, 2.0 and 1.4 inches from Wills Cove (upper part), Ginseng Hollow and Polly Wright Cove, respectively, and are probably the equivalent of several thousand years of “normal” denudation. The types of deposits associated with the storm and flood were: ( 1) debris-avalanche deposits, quite rare, left at or near the base of hillslopes; ( 2) moun- tain-channel deposits, in some cases in the form of huge debris piles behind log jams; (3) alluvial fans Where the narrow mountain channels entered the open intermontane valleys; (4) deltas where a swol- len stream’s path was temporarily blocked by a highway embankment; and (5) flood-plain deposits. The size-frequency distribution of the particles at any locality on such deposits is described by com- bining a sieve analysis with a pebble count in a method which apparently has not heretofore been used. Except for highway deltas and some downstream flood-plain sediments, the particle sizes in a deposit generally ranged from clay or ilt to boulders. How- ever, nearly all particles larger than about fine sand were deposited after 5 or 10 1 iles of travel from their source. Some of the Si] and clay probably reached the James River and its estuary. Two prominent alluvial fans ach contained about 300,000 cubic feet of newly dep sited sediment. The average grain size on alluvial ans showed no dis- tinct trend with distance down t e fan. Several other authors have reported that particles tend to become smaller with distance on a fan. Possible reasons for this difference are the short lengths of the present fans (up to about 2,000 ft) and the probably fast velocity of the flow at the fan ‘pex, for this catas- trophic event. Highway deltas vary widely in size. One of the largest contains an estimated 1, 00,000 cubic feet of sediment. Such deltaic sediment consist mainly of sand that has distinct laminatio s. Cross-stratifica- tion near the surface and ripple marks and mud on the top surface are also charact ristic. As the flood progressed, the particles trappe in highway deltas generally became finer in size, bet er sorted and more symmetrical in weight-frequency distribution. The storm-average sediment transport rate at the apex of one major delta was estimated to be about 33 lb per sec per foot of channel width. Flood-plain deposits in the upland region have a wide range of particle sizes an show no distinct sedimentary features. The sand flood-plain sedi- ments farther downstream commonly have lamina- tions, ripple marks and mud cracks. Of two sites chosen to study textural changes with depth (re- flecting relative time of depositionl during the flood), the particles at one site become finer and better sorted toward the top surface, whereas at the other site the grains show no noticeable trend except for a layer of finer material on the surface. The amount of deposition on flodd-plains decreased with distance downstream, thou h at varying and irregular rates. Side tributaries, h ghway deltas and other factors influenced the measured rates at which volume of flood-plain deposition diminished with distance. Upstream deposition on‘Rucker Run was about 150—300 cu ft per foot of channel length, but at 12.5 miles downstream the amount of deposition was only minor. Beginning at the head of a valley just beyond the mountain front, flood-plain sediments show the following textural changes with distance downstream: (1) average grain size decreases rather systematically, reaching about 0.1 mm in about 5—7 miles of travel; (2) average gra'n size therefore decreases with both a decrease in ltcal gradient and ————7 CONCLUSIONS 79 an increase in drainage area; (3) the average dia- meter of the five largest stones, reflecting the stream competence, decreases exponentially; (4) sorting improves to the extent that the d90—d10 range de- creases from about 2—4 log cycles of grain size to less than one log cycle of grain size, over 5—7 miles of travel; and (5) most size distributions are approxi- mately symmetrical, a notable exception being the deposits in Polly Wright Cove. Some of the deposits apparently were polymodal, being deficient, in fine gravel, a situation common to many other sediments. 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GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1973*543—578/43 nrv 1"" Lower and Lower Middle Devonian Rugose Corals 0f the N Central Great Basin Lower and Lower Middle Devonian Rugose Corals of the Central Great Basin By C. W. MERRIAM GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 A stratigraphic—paleontologic study of rugose corals as aids in age determination and correlation of Great Basin Devonian rocks with those of other regions UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1974 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. 73600011 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 — Price $52.85 (paper cover) Stock Number 2401—02488 Abstract . ...................... Introduction .. ............... Purpose and scope of investigation .................................. History of investigation Methods of investigation. Acknowledgments .............................................................. Stratigraphy of central Great Basin Devonian rocks ............ Great Basin Devonian facies belts and coral reference sections ................................................... Antelope-Roberts Mountains facies belt. Lone Mountain reference section ...................... Nevada Formation, unit 1 .......................... Nevada Formation, unit 2 ..... Nevada Formation, unit 3 .......................... Nevada Formation, unit 4 .......................... Nevada Formation, unit 5 ..... Devils Gate Limestone ................................ Southern Sulphur Spring Range reference section ...................................... Beacon Peak Dolomite Member ............... Nevada Formation, unit 1 ........................... Nevada Formation, unit 2 ........................... Sentinel Mountain Dolomite Member... Woodpecker Limestone Member .............. Bay State Dolomite Member ......... Devils Gate Limestone ....... Diamond Mountains facies belt .......... Beacon Peak Dolomite Member ....... Oxyoke Canyon Sandstone Member... Sentinel Mountain Dolomite Member ............ Woodpecker Limestone Member .......... Bay State Dolomite Member ............. Devils Gate Limestone ............... Monitor—Simpson Park facies belt ................ Rabbit Hill Limestone ........................................ Coral biostratigraphy of the central Great Basin Devonian ..................................................... Early and early Middle Devonian coral zones. Coral zone A .................................................... Coral zone B ..... Coral zone C ..... Coral zone D ................................... Middle Middle Devonian coral zones .............................. Coral zone E ................................................................ Coral zone F ..... Coral zone G ........ Late Middle and Late Devonian coral zones ............ Coral zone H ................................................................ Coral zone I... Biofacies aspects of Devonian coral distribution and zonation .................................................................... Syringaxon biofacies . K obeha biofacies ................................................................ Papiliophyllum biofacies Breviphrentis biofacies ..... H exagonaria-Sociophyllum biofacies .............................. Phillipsastraea biofacies .................................................... CONTENTS Page Coral succession and evolution as related to geologic change and faunal migration ........................................ 25 Coral changes at close of Silurian .................................... 27/ Late Silurian and Devonian bursts of rugose coral evolution ......................................................... 28 Zone D coral burst ........................ 28 Zone F coral burst .............................................. 28 Zone I coral burst ........................................................ 29 Age and correlation of Great Basin Early and early Middle Devonian coral zones ........................................ 29 Age and correlation with distant regions. 29 Coral zone A ................................................................ 29 Coral zone B 29 Coral zone C ................................................................ 29 Coral zone D ................................................................ 30 Correlation with other areas in the Cordilleran Belt.... 30 North-central Great Basin ........................................ 31 Northern Sulphur Spring Range ......... 31 Southern Tuscarora Mountains ........... 31 Cortez Mountains ....................... .. 31 West-central Great Basin .......................................... 31 Toiyabe Range .................................................... 31 South-central Great Basin. 32 Hot Creek Range ................................................ 32 Southern Great Basin ................................................ 32 Ranger Mountains 32 Desert Range ...................................................... 32 Northern Panamint Mountains ........................ 32 Funeral Mountains ..................... 32 Northern Inyo Mountains .................................. 33 Systematic and descriptive paleontology ................................ 33 Classification of Great Basin Early and early Middle Devonian Rugosa .............................................. 33 Taxonomic interpretation of rugose coral structure ...... 34 Exterior corallum features ........................................ 34 Taxonomic evaluation of corallum interior structures ........................................................ 35 Septa ................. 35 Tabulae ..................................... 36 Dissepiments ..................................... 36 Stereoplasmic deposits ................. .. 37 Rugose coral symmetry and taxonomy .................... 37 Growth changes and reproductive features ............ 37 Variation and dimorphism ............................. 38 Descriptive terms ........................................ 38 Family Laccophyllidae ........................ 38 Genus S yringaxon ............. 39 Family Streptelasmatidae ......................................... 40 Subfamily Siphonophrentinae ......................... 41 Genus Siphonophrentis ............. 41 Subgenus Breviphrentis ..................... 42 Genus N evadaphyllum .................................. 44 Family Kodonophyllidae .................... 44 Family Stauriidae ................................................ 45 Genus Dendrostella .................. 45 Family Halliidae .................................. 46 Subfamily Halliinae ........................................ 46 IV CONTENTS Page Page Systematic and descriptive paleontology—Continued Systematic and descriptive paleontology—Continued Family Halliidae—Continued Family Disphyllidae—Continued Subfamily Halliinae—Continued Genus Hexagonaria .................................................... 60 Genus Aulacophyllum ............................... 46 Subgenus Pinyonastraea 61 Genus Odontophyllum ............................... 47 Genus Billingsastraea ...................................... 62 subfamily Papiliophyllinae 47 Family Cystiphylloidae ............................ 64 Genus K obeha ......................................... 47 Genus Cystiphylloides ..... 65 Genus Papiliophyllum ........................... 50 Family Digonophyllidae ............... 67 Genus Eurekaphyllum 52 Subfamily Digonophyllinae ...................................... 67 Family Bethanyphyllidae .................. 53 Genus M esophyllum .......................................... 67 Genus Bethanyphyllum .................................. 53 Subgenus M esophyllum sensu stricto ...... 68 Family Chonophyllidae ........................................... 55 Subgenus Arcophyllum ............................ 68 Genus Sinospongophyllum ...... 55 Subfamily Zonophyllinae ............................... 70 Family Endophyllidae ...................................................... 56 Genus Zonophyllum 70 Genus Australophyllum ............................................. 57 Locality register .......................................................................... 71 Family Disphyllidae ............... 58 Selected references 74 Genus Disphyllum ...................................................... 58 Index _______ ._ 79 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates follow index] PLATE 1 Syringaxon. 2 K obeha and siphonophrentoid coral. 3 Kobeha. 4. Kobeha. 5. Kobeha. 6 Kobeha. 7 Papiliophyllum. 8. Papiliophyllum and Eurekaphyllum. 9. Odontophyllum, Aulacophyllum and Aulacophyllum-like rugose corals. 10. Bethanyphyllum. 11. Bethanyphyllum. 12. Bethanyphyllum. 13. (?) Kodonophyllum, Nevadaphyllum, Nevadaphyllum-like rugose coral, and Bethanyphyllum. 14. Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis). 15. Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis). 16. Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis). 17. Sinospongophyllum and Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) . 18. Dendrostella and Disphyllum. 19. Cystiphylloides. 20. Cystiphylloides and Zonophyllum. 21. M esophyllum and M esophyllum (Arcophyllum). 22. M esophyllum (Arcophyllum), 23. Cystiphylloides and Hexagonaria (Pinyonastraea). 24. Billingsastraea. 25. Australophyllum, Billingsastraea?, and (?) Hexagonaria. Page FIGURE 1 Index map showing occurrences of Lower and lower Middle Devonian rugose corals in the central and southern Great Basin 2 2 Map showing distribution of Lower and lower Middle Devonian marine facies belts in the central Great Basin... 7 3. Geologic map and cross section of part of Lone Mountain showing lithologic units in the Nevada Formation ......... 10 4 Geologic sketch map showing Silurian and Devonian units in southern Sulphur Spring Range .................................. 12 5 Geologic cross section showing Devonian stratigraphic units and coral zones in the southern Sulphur Spring Range ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 6. Columnar diagram showing relationships of the Devonian reference sections of Lone Mountain and Sulphur Spring Range to Devonian sections of the Monitor Range .......................................................................... 14 7. Columnar diagram showing relationship of the Devonian reference sections of Lone Mountain and Sulphur Spring Range to that of the Diamond Mountains facies belt at Oxyoke Canyon .................................. 16 CONTENTS V . Page FIGURE 8. Diagram showing the Great Basm Devonian coral zones, equivalent rock units, coral biofacies, and previously employed biostratigraphic designations ........................................................................................................ 18 9. Characteristic rugose coral genera of central Great Basin Late Silurian, Early Devonian, Middle Devonian, and Late Devonian coral zones, showing known and inferred vertical ranges ................................................................ 26 TABLE Page TABLE 1. Evolutionary coral bursts in the Great Basin during the Silurian and Devonian Periods ............................................ 28 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN By C. W. MERRIAM ABSTRACT Rugose corals of the Great Basin Devonian seaways under- went three major bursts of evolutionary activity: (1) in late Early to early Middle Devonian (early Eifelian) time; (2) in the medial Middle Devonian (late Eifelian); (3) in Late Devonian (Frasnian) time. No Rugosa are known in the highest Devonian (Famennian) of this province. The product of the first of these bursts of evolution is part of the subject of this paper. Devonian rocks of the central Great Basin occur in three north-south facies belts of which the Antelope-Roberts Moun- tains belt is the more important in terms of Early and Middle Devonian coral distribution. No Rugosa were found in Early and early Middle Devonian rocks of this age of the Diamond Mountains facies belt on the east, where strata of this age are barren dolomite and siliceous sandstone. Within the Monitor— Simpson Park facies belt on the west, only the earliest Devon- ian Rabbit Hill Limestone coral fauna is known. Nine successive coral zones are defined in the Nevada For- mation and overlying Devils Gate Limestone of the Antelope- Roberts Mountains belt. These zones have been designated A through I in ascending stratigraphic order. Described and illus- trated herein are Rugosa and Early Devonian coral zones A, B, and C and those of coral zone D, which is Early and early Middle Devonian. Rugosa of coral zone A are best known in the westerly Monitor—Simpson Park belt, where they charac- terize the Syringaxon facies of the Helderbergian Rabbit Hill Limestone. The first great burst of Devonian coral activity is that of coral zone D, followed by an even greater differentiation of certain families in coral zone F, which is marked by spread of the Disphyllidae and Digonophyllidae and disappearance of Halliidae and Bethanyphyllidae of the older coral zones. Late Devonian strata of coral zone I have few surviving rugose coral families. However, the newly arrived and very distinctive Phillipsastraeidae evolved rapidly and became abundant as colonial and solitary forms here as in most of the Late Devon- ian throughout the world. No Rugosa have been found in the latest Devonian of the Great Basin. Of 13 families of Rugosa in the Great Basin Silurian, 8 do not continue on in the Devonian. Eleven Devonian rugose coral families are described in the Great Basin province, of which only the Laccophyllidae, Streptelasmatidae, and Chonophyl- lidae carry over from the Silurian as major Devonian groups. By early Middle Devonian time five new families have appeared: Halliidae, Bethanyphyllidae, Disphyllidae, Cysti- phylloidae, and Digonophyllidae. These may have evolved from such Silurian stocks as the Lykophyllidae, Kyphophyl- lidae, and Cystiphyllidae. Halliidae are especially characteristic of Early Devonian beds in coral zones B and C. The small solitary Syringaxon of the Laccophyllidae is the only rugose coral in most deposits of coral zone A. Locally, however, the compound genus Australa- phyllum of the Endophyllidae carries over from Late Silurian coral zone E to the Early Devonian Rabbit Hill of Devonian coral zone A. Of Early Devonian Halliidae, the endemic Kobeha and Papiliophyllum are known only in the Great Basin province. Corals of the subfamily Siphonophrentinae of the Streptelas- matidae are abundant in coral zones C and D where they paralleled the Onondaga and older members of this subfamily in eastern North America. Billingsastraea nevadensis of coral zone D is similar to species in somewhat older beds of eastern North America. Coral zone D Digonophyllidae of the genera Mesophyllum and Zonophyllum are significant ties with the Rhine Valley Middle Devonian of western Europe. INTRODUCTION Corals are among the common fossils in Great Basin Devonian rocks. Of the two extinct Paleozoic Orders, Tabulata and Rugosa, the first is more abundantly represented, but the Rugosa by reason of their mor- phologic diversity, more complex internal features, and greater evolutionary plasticity prove to be a more rewarding subject for stratigraphic paleontology and provide better material for taxonomic study and inves- tigation of evolutionary trends through the Devonian strata. Like present-day Zoantharia, the extinct Rugosa were beyond doubt highly sensitive to environmental vicissitudes, and their geographic-stratigraphic dis- continuities within the Great Basin Devonian clearly reflect environmental control. Within the Great Basin geologic province (fig. 1), the central Great Basin Devonian includes a great diversity of marine rock types or lithofacies and illustrates better than other parts of the province a wide range of coral biofacies. For example, the sandstones and dolomites of Early and early Middle Devonian age in the Diamond Mountains facies belt have yielded no rugose corals. To the west, however, in the impure limestones of the Antelope-Roberts Mountains facies belt (fig. 2), corals become abundant and taxonomically diverse within 1 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN 120° 118° 116° 114° l I o Lakeview 42° h__ __ QgEGON__ __ __ I__IDAHO__ __ ___—-— I NEVADA —l I ' IE c)Alturas Lu I 33 SI I ‘3 oz: 72‘ I 1, O < Winnemucca x < 13.. ’> _I :I It; I- 8 ' I .I , I | (‘5 In IPyramzd Winn I til: [“3 Lake' emuccao Lovelock | 0: 40° | o . | I Reno I OFallon I Virginia Cit o y 10 . A 13‘“15 c,Ely z Carson Cit 19 A Pi CI 0 Lake ' y 18 1’; ”1% |> \ A U E \ Walker 20 3’ \ Lake . \ o ManhattanO . I \ Hawthorne 21 I BridgeportO \ l \ 38° gonora Mono \ oTonopah \ E ; Lake | \ Goldfield . Oé \ \ O Caliente Manposa m \ I Z \ m \ | 4 I \Z \ J; St George r \ 7 ‘ " Q \ c,Beatty Q" ‘1 Fresno Independen o 0\ SA 0 ce ‘ . 1“ or 24 .22 7A \\ z A >Owem 15' \ If? 25 Lalo . . 6 Lake @230 \ Mead Q \ Las Vegas 0 \ 36° ‘1 \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ Bakersfield \ 09528 Pgfi Needles OY\ 25 o 25 50 75 100 MILES I Santa Barbara I111 TI‘ I I II I I II I I (040/ Ventura 25 o 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 KILOMETERS M 006» 00 R 349 4/1,» LOS ANGELES OSan Bemardino ( FIGURE 1.—Index map showing occurrences of Lower and lower Middle Devonian rugose corals in the central and southern Great Basin. Symbols indicate Devonian coral zone. INTRODUCTION 3 EXPLANATION LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONlAN RUGOSE CORAL OCCURRENCES Coral zone F, Middle Devonian (Eifelian) Coral zone E, Middle Devonian Coral zone D, late Early and Middle Devonian Coral zone C, late Early Devonian Coral zone B, Early Devonian (Oriskany) Coral zone A, Early Devonian (Helderberg) NUMBERED LOCALITIES Lone Mountain map area (see fig. 3) . Southern Sulphur Spring Range map area (see fig.4) . Roberts Creek Ranch (M1042) . Roberts Mts., Cooper Peak area (M1073) Roberts Mts., Niel Creek area (M1072) . Simpson Park Mts., Walti Ranch (M1074) . Simpson Park Mts., Coal Canyon (M1075) . Cortez Mts., (M1083) . Mineral Hill area; McColley Canyon 10. Modoc Peak (M1071) 11. Combs Peak (M27) 12. Grays Canyon (M3; M51) ' 13. Northern Antelope Range (M1035) 14. Northern Antelope Range (M1053) 15. Fish Creek Range (M1033) 16. Cockalorum Wash area, southeast of Eightmile Well 17. Rabbit Hill (M48; M187) 18. Northern Toquima Range, Petes Canyon area (M1150) 19. Toiyabe Range, west side south of Reeds Canyon (M1151) 20. Dobbin Summit (M1067; M1068; M1069) 21. Hot Creek Canyon (M1066) 22. Northern Panamint Range (M184; M1065) 23.‘ Funeral Mts. (M1059; M1060; M1061; M1062; M1063; M1064) 24. Ranger Mts. (M1034; M1058) 25. Desert Range (M1057) Note: Numbers preceded by M are USGS (Menlo Park) fossil localities >00>ml tom—ampwuscomga about the same stratigraphic interval. Yet, farther west, rugose coral faunas of limestones characterizing the Monitor—Simpson Park facies belt are extremely restricted taxonomically; most sections contain but a single genus of small solitary coral. In a time-rock sense a great part of the Devonian is doubtless recorded by the 3,500—4,000 feet of marine strata which make up the system in this province (Merriam, 1940). Dolomite and limestone of shallow- water shelf environments predominate. The Devonian dolomite, which is mainly of diagenetic origin, espe- cially characterizes the eastern Great Basin; for the province as a whole, diagenetic dolomite occupies a greater outcrop area than limestone. Where dolomite and limestone facies come together in the central Great Basin, the vertical and lateral changes are complex; within this belt of unstable, fluctuating environment the vertical range and geographic spread of coral species were greatly affected by facies restrictions. Corals are more conspicuous on the outcrop and are seemingly more numerous in Devonian argillaceous and silty limestones than in the cleaner carbonate rocks. To some extent this seeming fossil abundance may be misleading. The collector soon recognizes that fossils weather free and are more easily obtainable on the shaly, rubbly erosion surfaces formed by argilla- ceous limestones than on the denser, less impure, albeit fossil-rich carbonate rocks. In the past most Great Basin Devonian fossil collecting by geological exploring parties was from loose weathered material of this nature. Systematic fossil collecting during the 1930’s in conjunction with geologic mapping of central Nevada Devonian rocks demonstrated the stratigraphic utility of rugose corals and was the initial inspiration for this project. More recently the Cordilleran Rugosa of Silurian and Devonian ages and those of eastern North America became the subject of detailed re- search by several coral specialists. Progress since 1940 in the light of world advances in the knowledge of rugose coral structure, classification, stratigraphic dis- tribution, and ecology makes possible a more mean- ingful approach to continued study of western Rugosa than would earlier have been possible. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION The primary objectives of this study are the descrip- tion, classification, and illustration of Great Basin Lower and lower Middle Devonian Rugosa in accord- ance with modern standards and techniques, together with the interpretation of their evolutionary history in the light of new knowledge of their stratigraphic ranges and geographic occurrences. A proposed zona- tion based on the corals is the chief product of these paleontologic researches; in addition, geologic map— ping and structural interpretation of the areas in which the Devonian reference sections are situated have been accomplished. Study of the Devonian rugose corals and their eco- logic associates has an important bearing upon geo- logic correlation of the Great Basin strata with strata elsewhere in the Cordilleran belt and with standard Devonian sections in eastern North America and Europe, especially in the Rhine Valley region. These studies point up the endemic character of some Great Basin coral genera and the more cosmopolitan nature of others. In this report the descriptive and taxonomic paleon- tology includes only the rugose corals of the Rabbit Hill Limestone and the lower half of the Nevada Formation; the “barren zone” or coral zone E is an appropriate cutoff horizon above which entirely dif- ferent coral faunas were introduced. 4 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN HISTORY OF INVESTIGATION Study of Great Basin Devonian rugose corals began with Meek’s (1877, p. 25—33, pl. II) description of Upper Devonian species collected in the White Pine mining district, Nevada, by the 40th Parallel party. Meek was guided in this modest contribution by the memoirs of Edwards and Haime (1851; 1850—54), whose works set high standards for coral research and remained the authoritative references on this subject for more than a half century. Coral-rich Devonian strata, the subject of this re- port, were discovered by pioneering geologists who made the first topographic and geologic map of the Eureka mining district, Nevada, in the 1880’s (Hague, 1892). Paleozoic coral research was at that time in a static phase, largely because of technical difficulties in thin-section preparation. Although large collections of loose corals were zealously made by Walcott and his field associates, it is not surprising to find that “Pale- ontology of the Eureka District” (Walcott, 1884, p. 104—106), published an amazingly short time after fieldwork, gave scant attention to the rugose corals. None were illustrated. The Eureka district Devonian coral material de- posited in the U.S. National Museum was supple- mented considerably during the 1920’s by the efforts of Edwin Kirk of the U.S. Geological Survey, who revisited many of Walcott’s localities and discovered new localities in outlying areas. At Kirk’s suggestion, the writer in 1933 began a program of sectioning and study of Lower and lower Middle Devonian Rugosa collected in the course of a geologic reconnaissance of the Roberts Mountains. Comparisons were made with the Eureka material and with Great Basin material collected by earlier Great Basin exploring parties. (The earlier material was also on deposit in the Smith- sonian.) At the outset of this program it became evi- dent that the older Eureka district collections had limited stratigraphic value, because of the manner in which collecting and reconnaissance geology were done in the 1880’s. Some of the collections rather certainly represent fossils taken from 100 feet to several hundreds of feet of strata, but they are included in a single lot; hence, cautious evaluation and sort- ing is required for purposes of detailed stratigraphy and ecologic association by present standards.1 ' Systematic thin-section study of American Devon- ‘According to Edwin Kirk (oral commun., 1935: written commun., 1954), Walcott had described to him the manner in which some of the Devonian fossil collecting was done at Lone Mountain and at the Eureka vicinity. Sev- eral U.S. Naval Academy midshipmen attached to the Hague party for sum- mer engineering experience were assigned to fossil collecting under Walcott’s supervision. Large piles of corals and other fossils, found at central locations on the outcrop about 1928, were believed by Kirk to be unretrieved caches of the Annapolis trainees. ian corals was little advanced at the inception of this investigation in 1933. Few published descriptions were accompanied by adequate illustration of internal corallum structure, thus preventing meaningful com- parison. Progress in Europe was more rapid. A mile- stone in Paleozoic coral research was the burst of activity at Marburg, Germany, by Rudolf Wedekind and his colleagues during the 1920—36 period. De- tailed descriptions and thin-section illustrations of Rhine Valley Devonian Rugosa by these workers have had special value in connection with identification and classification of Great Basin and other American far- western forms. Although the coral taxa of Wedekind and his associates are keyed to stratigraphic units and have value as zonal indices, their excessive generic splitting is a controversial feature. Doubtless many Wedekind genera will eventually be reduced in rank or combined in synonymy by more conservative workers (Birenheide, 1962a; 1964). Stumm’s (1937; 1938; 1940) descriptive work on Devonian rugose corals of the Eureka district and adjacent areas dealt mainly with the Smithsonian col- lections mentioned above. These contributions placed on record previously unknown Early and Middle Devonian genera and provided a foundation for con- tinued taxonomic work upon these partly endemic Great Basin forms. Since 1940 general progress in the understanding of the Rugosa has been great, with a rapidly expanding world literature, some of which is referred to in the section “Systematic and Descriptive Paleontology.” Among indispensable compendia are: (1) “Index of Paleozoic Coral Genera,” by Lang, Smith, and Thomas (1940) . - (2) “Revisions of the Families and Genera of the Devonian Tetracorals,” by Stumm (1949) . (3) “Rugosa,” by Hill (1956) in “Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology.” To a considerable extent these Great Basin Silurian and Devonian coral studies were a product of geologic mapping and stratigraphy which were stimulated by economic and resource factors. Search for petroleum and metals in the Great Basin and successful oil explor- ation in Devonian rocks of western Canada within the past 25 years have encouraged study of all aspects of the stratigraphy and paleontology. For the first time meaningful comparison of Great Basin faunas with those of the northern Cordilleran Belt has become possible. Thus far close paleontologic similarities are evident mainly among higher Middle and Upper Devonian species, rather than among fossils of the lower zones here dealt with. Most of the corals described and figured herein INTRODUCTION 5 were collected after 1947, during the course of geo- logic mapping and stratigraphic investigation in the Eureka mining district, Nevada, and adjacent areas by the writer in conjunction with the detailed geo- logic mapping program of T. B. Nolan. Central Great Basin Devonian collections were supplemented from time to time by coral material collected by US. Geo- logical Survey mapping parties in other parts of the province. In 1959 the mapping and stratigraphic effort involving Silurian and Devonian rocks of six 15-minute quadrangles west of the Eureka mining dis- trict was revitalized under the Kobeh Valley project of Nolan and Merriam. METHODS OF INVESTIGATION Understanding the fossil distribution in the greatly dislocated strata of the Great Basin Paleozoic requires fairly detailed geologic mapping in order to set up reliable reference sections. At best the standard paleontologic column is a composite of stratigraphic segments in disconnected structural blocks. Further complexities are introduced by profound facies changes, as for example the almost complete dis- appearance of siliceous sandstone in the Lower Devo- nian between the Diamond Mountains and Lone Mountain. Dependable key beds with great lateral continuity are uncommon in the Devonian rocks of this vicinity. Attempts have been made to relate fossil occurrences to structure sections prepared in the advanced stages of the mapping procedure. Stratigraphic data applicable to Devonian rugose coral zonation have accrued from geologic mapping since 1959 in the Whistler Mountain, Bartine Ranch, and parts of the Garden Valley and Cockalorum Wash quadrangles. Much light is shed upon the profound Lower Devonian facies changes by the mapping of T. B. Nolan near Eureka, especially in the southern- most Diamond Mountains in the Pinto Summit quad- rangle. The more continuous measurable Devonian sections within this region of thrust faulting occupy car- bonate autochthons. Like the central mass of Lone Mountain (fig. 3), these more rigid strata are little deformed by thrusting, but they are cut by innumer- able high-angle faults which break stratigraphic con- tinuity. In this connection Lone Mountain, including the primary Devonian coral reference section, has been separately mapped. Lone Mountain provides an excellent example of highly complex Great Basin geologic structure where- in stratigraphic sections unaffected by pervasive thrust and normal faulting are indeed exceptional. The cen- tral part of the mountain is a fairly straightforward homocline of marine beds, mostly carbonate, ranging in age from early Middle Ordovician to late Middle Devonian. However, the lower or pediment slopes reveal an entirely different and highly complex pattern of thrusting which involves Ordovician graptolitic beds, Permian limestones, and Devonian limestones. Lone Mountain discloses to advantage the char- acteristic structure pattern of the region — thrusting followed by high-angle, mostly normal, faulting. To the south beyond the limits of this study in the Fish Creek Range occur Middle Devonian rocks of coral zone F, lithologically quite different from the normal autochthonous carbonates of this interval; these highly deformed southern partly argillaceous facies occupy what appear to be major thrust plates. Coral collecting by the writer and associates during the initial phase of this study (Merriam, 1940) was in considerable part from loose weathered material, precise stratigraphic horizon not being rigorously determined. In later years more of the collecting was done bed-by-bed on measured sections to secure in situ associations, a procedure greatly facilitated by new and accurate topographic maps. Whereas sections were measured by tape and Brunton for collecting purposes within the mapped areas, large-scale map location of collecting sites was found to be more reli- able because of pervasive faulting, which was difficult to recognize or interpret where stratigraphic observa- tions are confined to individual traverse courses. Little progress has been made in biofacies study of the Great Basin rugose corals and their ecologic asso- ciates. Whereas Rugosa are dominant megafossils in some lithologic units, in others they are numerically less important elements of varied assemblages con- taining corals, brachiopods, mollusks, and trilobites. A good biofacies indicator is Syringaxon of the Early Devonian Rabbit Hill Limestone, in which this abun- dant small solitary genus is normally the only rugose coral. By contrast coral zone F of the higher Middle Devonian contains locally abundant large compound genera in a potentially reef-forming biota. With regard to relative age and correlation values of the several phyla, it may be said that specialist conclusions based upon independent study of sepa- rate fossil categories have not always agreed with those founded upon rugose coral research. Converging and adjusted conclusions from research upon all the major fossil categories are needed. Some corals are perhaps better indicators of specific environments than precise geologic age. In this work the associated brachiopods have been utilized largely to support the coral evidence for correlation and age. 6 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN ACKNOWLEDGNIENTS Among Great Basin workers whose rugose coral collections have added materially to this study are the following: J. F. McAllister, Panamint Range and Funeral Mountains; M. S. Johnson and D. E. Hib- bard, Ranger Mountains; F. G. Poole, Ranger Moun- tains; C. R. Longwell, Desert Range; F. J. Kleinhampl, Monitor Range; H. E. Cook, Hot Creek Range; R. H. Washburn, Toiyabe Range; J. H. Stewart and E. H. McKee, Toiyabe and Toquima Ranges; T. B. Nolan, Eureka mining district; and A. J. Boucot and J. G. Johnson, northern Sulphur Spring Range and Cortez Mountains. An earlier draft of this report was read by the late E. C. Stumm of the University of Michigan, whose constructive suggestions regarding taxonomic matters are appreciated. D. J. McLaren of the Geological Survey of Canada has been most helpful in providing information on the type species of Cystiphylloides and other genera of Devonian rugose corals. All photographic illustrations are the work of Kenji Sakamoto of the US. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Calif. STRATIGRAPHY OF CENTRAL GREAT BASIN DEVONIAN ROCKS Coral-bearing Devonian formations of the central Great Basin are in ascending stratigraphic order as follows: (1) Rabbit Hill Limestone of Early Devonian (Helderberg) age; (2) Nevada Formation of Early and Middle Devonian age; and (3) Devils Gate Limestone of late Middle and Late Devonian age. Physical char- acteristics of these formations have been described in other reports (Merriam, 1940, 1963; Nolan and others, 1956) together with details of their areal dis- tribution and geologic structure. The Lone Mountain and Sulphur Spring Range reference columns are adopted as joint primary yardsticks for these rocks, supplemented by partial sections in the Devils Gate area and in the northern Monitor Range. With reference to Early and early Middle Devonian coral-bearing strata dealt with in this report, approxi- mately correlative noncoralline rocks in the Diamond Mountains to the east comprise entirely different dolomite and sandstone facies. To the west in the Monitor and Simpson Park Ranges, the Early Devon- ian Rabbit Hill Limestone represents yet another facies belt. In the Sulphur Spring Range the Early and early Middle Devonian beds most closely resemble, both lithologically and faunally, those of the Lone Moun- tain yardstick, but fortunately include westerly- reaching quartzitic sandstone tongues from the Diamond Mountains belt as well as easterly extending beds which carry elements of the Rabbit Hill Helder- bergian fauna of the Monitor—Simpson Park belt. Hence in this key reference column of the Sulphur Spring Range, lithologic and paleontologic features of all these facies belts are rather satisfactorily united. Most of the stratigraphic units and coral zones treated in this report occur within the Nevada Forma- tion of Early and Middle Devonian age, as earlier redefined by Nolan, Merriam, and Williams (1956, p. 40—48). On the basis of lithology and fossils, this formation has been subdivided vertically and laterally in considerable detail. Its more characteristic facies lie within the Antelope-Roberts Mountains belt, but the easterly Diamond Mountains dolomite-arenaceous facies are also included in the Nevada Formation. The westerly Helderbergian Rabbit Hill Limestone is geo- graphically separate and, except for its presence in th northernmost Simpson Park Mountains, is not known to be present in sections containing the Nevada Formation. Beds with Rabbit Hill fossils earlier men- tioned in the Sulphur Spring Range are more closely allied lithologically to the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation as defined within the Diamond Mountains facies belt. GREAT BASIN DEVONIAN FACIES BELTS AND CORAL REFERENCE SECTIONS For purposes of this discussion, Devonian strata of the central Great Basin may be treated in accordance with its distribution in three subparallel facies belts (fig. 2) as follows: 1. Antelope-Roberts Mountains facies belt, 2. Diamond Mountains facies belt, 3. Monitor—Simpson Park facies belt. Each facies belt possesses distinctive lithologic, struc- tural, and paleontologic characteristics. Whereas north-south subparallel alinement of the belts is today geomorphic-orographic, it may to some extent reflect the predeformation distribution pattern of sedi- mentation in shelf seaways of Devonian time. ANTELOPE-ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FACIES BELT The Antelope-Roberts Mountains belt stretches south for about 90 miles from the Sulphur Spring Range and Roberts Mountains, through the Fish Creek Range and the Antelope Range. The strata of this belt probably extend southward in the little- explored Hot Creek Range. In a time-rock sense nearly all the Devonian System as known in the Great Basin is represented within the Antelope-Roberts Mountains facies belt. A possible exception is the latest Devonian of the upper Pilot Shale. Characteristic are the fossil- rich silty and argillaceous limestones of Nevada STRATIGRAPHY OF CENTRAL GREAT BASIN DEVONIAN ROCKS 40°— 39° l . I Antelope—Roberts Mountains facies belt Argillaeeous limestone with subordinate \ 1 1 7 ° 1 1 6 ° ‘7 l | 1’ l EXPLANATION ' \K\ 1;} \ 0 “ O’ \ 7/ ‘4 Q\V“ A? U //// §§ Mount Ml” m ,5 \ . ./ . Cortez Tenet” gm’ 9: ._ __ ELKO 09 __ ._ D1amond Mountains fames belt \ ~ 12. Railroad , Pass Dolomite and siliceous sandstone. “in No corals known I \ dolomitic limestone and calvarem'te; siliceous sindfitonte interbeds on east side. Corals McClusky \ \ 0’ ML (m Peak ‘ a Roberts Greek 4 tn Mulligan Gap ‘ . Garden Pass . . , § . .Mount Mon1tor—S1mpson Park fac1es belt \\ Hope Limestone and calcareous shale; no dolomite. TyGrgge PH’LL’PS$UR Syringaxon coral facies in Rabbit Hill \ I-IJ \ Limesume .Mount Callahan DIAMOND KOBEH VAL LEY 0 z Whistler Mtn, < . Lone Mm _ Devils Gate 0: Signal Peak . mace Peak. oAustin M A H O G A N Y H I L L S lu [D Antelope \Peak 1' A. Reeds \ ‘ Canyon Ix 10 MILES 10 20 KILOMETERS A S FIGURE 2.—Distribution of Lower and lower Middle D I evonian marine facies belts in the central Great Basin. 8 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN Formation, unit 2, which have not been recognized in the other belts. Present along its eastern margin are quartzitic sandstone and dolomite tongues interpreted as westerly facies extensions from the Diamond Moun- tains belt. Situated within this belt are the primary coral reference sections for the Lower and lower Middle Devonian at Lone Mountain and in the southern Sulphur Spring Range. LONE MOUNTAIN REFERENCE SECTION Five lithologic units have been used in the detailed geologic mapping of the Nevada Formation at Lone Mountain (fig. 3), each characterized by distinctive rugose corals and other fossils. The stratigraphy and paleontology are better understood here than at Modoc Peak, where the Nevada Formation type sec- tion was earlier designated (Merriam, 1940, p. 15). However, the Modoc section is in other ways some- what more representative of the formation as a whole, for it includes a quartzitic sandstone member of the easterly Diamond Mountains facies, a tongue which feathers out completely before reaching Lone Moun- tain. The map divisions of the Nevada Formation at Lone Mountain are designated units 1 through 5 in ascending order. The basal dolomite of unit 1 rests with a seemingly gradational boundary upon the upper beds of the Lone Mountain Dolomite. These lower Nevada dolo- mites contain the Papiliophyllum fauna of coral zone C, and the Acrospirifer kobehana fauna of about Emsian age. No depositional record of the Rabbit Hill Limestone or of the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member, each with a Helderbergian fauna and coral zone A, has been recognized here at Lone Mountain where they would be expected just above the Lone Mountain Dolomite. Likewise, coral zone B with Kobeha is not represented by conclusively identifiable fossils. No physical evidence of disconformity was found here at the Lone Mountain Dolomite—Nevada Formation boundary. NEVADA FORMATION, UNIT 1 The lower unit of the Nevada Formation (fig. 3) is about 260 feet thick in Coral Gulch on the south side of Lone Mountain, where it consists of thick-bedded blocky dolomite, dolomitic limestone, and limestone of light-gray to mouse-gray color. Lower beds of unit 1 have much the same appearance as the underlying Lone Mountain Dolomite, with which it appears to be gradational at this locality. A disconformity separates these two formations in the Mahogany Hills and in the Diamond Mountains belt. Argillaceous matter is present in the upper beds of this unit where it grades into unit 2. Unit 1 becomes less dolomitic traced northwest toward Contact Gulch. Gray chert nodules flattened parallel to the bedding are characteristic, and the fossils are generally silicified. Chert and fossils weather limonite brown. The lowest identifiable fossils collected from unit 1 at Lone Mountain represent coral zone C. Poorly pre- served large horn corals at the base may be in coral zone B. In the Sulphur Spring Range calcarenite with scattered rounded quartz grains occurs at the bottom of unit 1 and contains the Kobeha fauna of coral zone B with Cos tispirifer arenosus. NEVADA FORMATION, UNIT 2 About 720 feet thick, unit 2 is well exposed in upper Coral Gulch and upper Fossil Gulch. Because of its partly argillaceous, thin-bedded, and banded char- acter, the appearance of unit 2 contrasts sharply in outcrop with underlying and overlying thicker bedded units, being more resistant to weathering. The shaly bands yield loose fossils in large numbers; most of the collections first made from the Nevada Formation are from outcrops of this nature. Corals, especially favo- sitid heads, are abundant in many beds; some are in their original upright growth position with their base in a limestone layer, the upper part not uncommonly having been buried by argillaceous sediment. Unit 2 contains the assemblages of coral zone D in which the Rugosa reach a peak of abundance and diversity. No siliceous sandstone was found in unit 2 at Lone Mountain, but it was found at Combs Peak and Modoc Peak. The eastward increase of siliceous matter, well shown in the southern Sulphur Spring Range, reaches a maximum in the Diamond Mountains southeast of Eureka where the Oxyoke Canyon Sandstone Member probably correlates with some part of unit 2. NEVADA FORMATION, UNIT 3 About 285 feet thick, the dark-gray, well-bedded, and relatively nonargillaceous limestone of unit 3 is well exposed on the south side of Lone Mountain, 2,000 feet northeast of West Peak. Many beds and lenses of crinoidal debris in it tend to be massive; otherwise fossils are scarce in unit 3. Unit 3 has been called the “barren zone” compared with the abun- dantly fossiliferous units below and above. In the Diamond Mountains at Oxyoke Canyon, the Sentinel Mountain Dolomite Member, has yielded no fossils. It is probably a facies equivalent of unit 3, but it is completely dolomitized. No dolomite was recognized in unit 3 at Lone Mountain. NEVADA FORMATION, UNIT 4 A well-bedded division, unit 4, is about 675 feet thick at Lone Mountain and crops out along the west ————7 STRATIGRAPHY OF CENTRAL GREAT BASIN DEVONIAN ROCKS 9 side of the main ridge between Reef Point and North Peak. Unit 4 includes dense, resistant, fine-grained limestone, dolomitic limestone, and dolomite. The unit ranges in color from dull mouse gray to medium and dark gray, and weathers light gray. These strata include thin-bedded almost shaly intervals and thick- bedded massive dolomite lenses. Rugose corals and stromatoporoids are abundant locally within the thick- bedded dolomitic bodies. Chert nodules weathering limonite brown are fairly numerous, and fossils are commonly‘ silicified. Unit 4, with numerous colonial and solitary rugose coral genera, represents Devonian coral zone F, the interval of greatest differentiation of the colonial Rugosa in Middle Devonian time. In the Fish Creek Range south of Eureka, Middle Devonian beds correlative with the Nevada Forma- tion, unit 4 include black shale and siltstone with light-gray limestone bodies locally rich in rugose corals like those of unit 4 at Lone Mountain. In both places these loci of coralline proliferation suggest incipient bioherms or patch reefs. The Woodpecker Limestone Member of Nolan, Merriam, and Williams (1956, p. 44) is the equivalent of unit 4 in the Diamond Mountains, where it includes more platy and shaly limestone, some of which is pinkish in color. The thick-bedded dolomitic bodies with a coral biota were not found in the Diamond Mountains facies belt. NEVADA FORMATION, UNIT 5 Unit 5, the uppermost unit of the Nevada Forma- tion, is about 570 feet thick at Lone Mountain and consists of thick-bedded and massive saccharoidal dolomite and dolomitic limestone of dark-, medium-, and light-gray color. Alternation of very dark gray and light-gray thick dolomite beds is characteristic. This resistant unit forms the summit ridge of Lone Mountain between Flag Point and North Peak. It is overlain by massive cliff-forming Devils Gate Lime- stone, the lowest beds of which are crowded with Amphipora, as is well shown on the first main spur east of Section Ridge (fig. 3). Unit 5 is sparsely fossiliferous at Lone Mountain. There are scattered deposits of the large brachiopod Stringocephalus. However, the organic structure of brachiopods and stromatoporoids is largely destroyed by dolomitization. The Bay State Dolomite Member of the Diamond Mountains belt is the approximate equivalent of the Nevada Formation, unit 5. Thick beds with Stringocephalus are best shown in that belt. Limestone beds near the base of the Bay State Dolo- mite Member contain rugose corals of coral zone G and the brachiopod Rensselandia. DEVILS GATE LIMESTONE The upper Middle and Upper Devonian Devils Gate Limestone (Merriam, 1940, p. 16-17; 1963, p. 49—56) is about 1,200 feet thick and rests conformably upon the dolomites of Nevada Formation, unit 5 at Lone Mountain. It consists mainly of limestone in most localities; locally the lower part has been subjected to patchy, irregular dolomitization (Merriam, 1963, p. 51) . At Lone Mountain the Devils Gate is the highest unit of the central autochthon and consists of medium- dark to dark-gray well-bedded limestone with scat- tered massive, cliff-forming bodies. The topmost strata are not exposed here; these abundantly fossiliferous beds are best seen at Devils Gate or in the Newark Mountain vicinity of the Diamond Mountains, accord- ing to Nolan, Merriam, and Williams (1956, p. 48— 52), where both top and bottom are well exposed. Clear-cut lithologic subunits are more difficult to define and trace within the Devils Gate Limestone than in the Nevada Formation because of greater rock uniformity in the former. However, the upper 250—300 feet are quite readily separable by somewhat thinner bedding, the presence of dark-gray Chert, large lenses and beds of depositional mud-breccia, and the great local abundance Of shell fossils. The lower half of the Devils Gate everywhere includes a great deal of lime- stone formed by massive concentric stromatoporoids and Amphipora as at Lone Mountain, but in general corals and shell fossils are abundant only in widely scattered pockets. It has recently been found that the large brachiopod Stringocephalus, thought previously to be confined to the Nevada Formation, unit 5 (Bay State Dolomite Member), ranges up into thick-bedded massive limestones which characterize the lower third of the Devils Gate at Lone Mountain. SOUTHERN SULPHUR SPRING RANGE REFERENCE SECTION Devonian rocks of the Nevada Formation underlie most of the southern Sulphur Spring Range east of the Mulligan Gap fault (fig. 4). The five Nevada Formation units or their time-stratigraphic equiva- lents described at Lone Mountain are present, but the Devonian column is more inclusive in the Sulphur Spring Range; stratigraphically beneath the Nevada Formation, unit 1 are dolomites and dolomitic lime- stones containing Helderbergian Rabbit Hill fossils. These earliest Devonian beds (for this region) are not found at Lone Mountain and are assigned to the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member. In the Diamond Mountains facies belt where the Beacon Peak is described, it is the lowermost member of the Nevada Formation. The overall lithologic makeup of the refer- ence section of the Sulphur Spring Range Devonian / ction. Geologic cross indicate Devonian coral zones. ogic units in the Nevada Formation of this reference se 0 tain reference section. Letters r? STRATIGRAPHY OF CENTRAL GREAT BASIN DEVONIAN ROCKS 11 EXPLANATION Devils Gate Limestone Unit 5 (Bay State Dolomite Member) g: f k\ \ v; 33 Unit 4 Undifferentiated Middle 0 E Devonian dolomite > o [Ll in D 65 2% Unit 3 > Q3 Z Unit '2 Unit-1‘ W A 2 Lone Mountain Dolomite S , , L DC a 3 Roberts Mountain rmation (dolomitized) U) with basal chert member Hanson Creek Formation (dolomitized) Z E . 0 Eureka Quartmte ; WESTERN FACIES o PALEOZOIC ROCKS E O Vinini Formation Graptolite—bearing shale and limestone Contact so 90 Fault, showing dip Dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed 37 _L— Strike and dip of beds RUGOSE CORAL LOCALITIES I E ‘M 29 .M 1 044 Coral zone F Coral zone E Coral zone D Coral zone C Numbers preceded by'M are USGS (Menlo Park) fossil locality numbers. Devonian coral zones A ami‘B not recognized at Lone Mountain 8 Fragmentary Silurian rugose corals is somewhat intermediate between that of the Dia- mond Mountains belt and the Antelope-Roberts 534-041 0 - 74 - 2 Mountains belt. In terms of Lower and lower Middle Devonian stratigraphic paleontology, the Sulphur Spring record is the most complete of the region, comprising coral zones A through D in continuous order. At Lone Mountain only zones C and D of this interval were recognized. BEACON PEAK DOLOMITE MEMBER Thick-bedded, rather finely saccharoidal, prevailing- ly light-gray dolomites of the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member underlie the isolated Twin Hills near Tyrone Gap, and crop out over a broader area at the south end of the range between the Mulligan Gap and Romano faults (fig. 4). Other outcrops occur to the north in the vicinity of Wales Peak and the Prince of Wales mine. Some 400 feet thick, the Beacon Peak of this area passes upward without known break into the arenaceous magnesian limestones and calcarenite at the bottom of Nevada Formation, unit 1. As in its type section in the southern Diamond Mountains at Oxyoke Canyon, the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Sulphur Spring Range contains small lenses of quartzitic sandstone. Here and there it changes toward the top into dolomitic limestone. Because of geomorphic and structural conditions in gently dipping Silurian and Devonian strata of this range the Lone Mountain Beacon Peak boundary has not been revealed by erosion (fig. 5). However, typical coarsely saccharoidal dolomite of the Silurian Lone Mountain makes up East Ridge on the east side of the Romano fault. In this footwall fault block the Lone Mountain contains abundant Halysites and pycnostylid corals of Silurian age, and may safely be inferred to underlie the Beacon Peak in the west or hanging-wall block of the high-angle Romano fault. Fossils are scarce in most of the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Sulphur Spring Range, especially at the south end and in the isolated Twin Hills. Scattered deposits of well-preserved silicified corals and brachiopods represent coral zone A and the Rabbit Hill Helderbergian fauna. Because no identi- fiable fossils were found in the Beacon Peak Dolomite of the type area in the Diamond Mountains, the cor- relation is based upon lithologic and stratigraphic criteria. NEVADA FORMATION, UNIT 1 Unit 1, which is defined at Lone Mountain, is repre- sented by quite similar strata in the Sulphur Spring Range (fig. 6). At Sulphur Spring Range, however, it includes basal arenaceous magnesian limestones and calcarenite unrecognized at Lone Mountain; these lowermost beds contain in considerable abundance the Costispirifer arenosus brachiopod assemblage of ./_____-_ \ gs, :\Ff/V l ,,. l ‘t 39" \ r \ 55’ \ I? 4 I I l l W: M5 _ ‘Driskan Sand .. y \ x \\ > >\>\ Bl‘all 7 flJ-‘l l8 ///////A' 116'10' Base from U.S. Geological Survey, 1:62 500 Garden Valley, 1949 9’ \uzmr Geology by C. W. Merrlam and T. B Nolan. 1952—68 1 MILE 2 KILOMETERS EX P LA N ATl O N + + l + Z + v + S Mount Hope igneous 02: Garden Valley intrusive body Lu Formation L'L Dds L.__ Devils Gate Limestone with Amphipora l % Bay State Dolomite Member Woodpecker Limestone Member s: w E Sentinel Mountain \. \ g Dolomite Member \ E 3 7 Undifferentiated -Z— r: /. % Nevada Formation 0 ”g ‘ including all units > 5 Nevada unit 2 Nevada unit 2 and members (“3] Z Nevada unit 1 not quartz sandstone mapped separately tongues in undif- ferentiated Nevada Formation Nevada unit 1 Shown in section only ’- I _ ‘ Beacon Peak Dolomite Quartzite and dolomite of unknown age; l Member possibly Lower and Middle Devonian l Z M s [I Lone Mountain Dolomite 3 Contains Halysites and 2' pycnoslylids 0') WESTERN FAClES PALEOZOIC ROCKS <2: / /////// — ////’/ y/// 9 Z 5157/0 > Vinini Formation 8 Graptolite-bearing shale D: . O ————— R U G O S E C O R A L Contact L O C A L l T l E S Dashed where approximately located Fault Dashed where approximately located; dotted where comealed Coral zone D Late Early and Middle Devonian O Coral zone C JO Late Early Devonian Strike and dip of beds 0 Coral zone B Early Devonian (Oriskany) A Coral zone A Early Devonian (Helderberg) S Silurian coral faunas FIGURE 4.—Geologic sketch map showing Silurian and Devonian units in southern Sulphur Spring Range. Symbols indicate Devonian coral zones. See figure 5, geologic cross section D—D’. ——’17 STRATIGRAPHY OF CENTRAL GREAT BASIN DEVONIAN ROCKS 13 B ORDOVICIAN PERMIAN E DEVONIAN SILURIAN Q) P E L 5] g Nevada Formation Maintain Garden Valiey Formation E g Dolomite B E E D - i— g 0 g Unit 1 Unlt 2 _, m cu Z) ‘ / D E z m < D 8500’ B < C “- 8500’ m 0 8 'E :1 a West Sand East Sand g _ ‘ ' 0 7500’ E Permian Ridge 5! m Peak Sandstone in Peak g 7500, > I (1 unit 2 08 2 A B \ 0 East 6500’ iii \ \ A n: Ridge Qal 6500' 5500' WA \ 5500' Note: Some Quaternary 1000 500 O 1000 FEET deposits not shown on geologic map (fig.4) . 1000 FIGURE 5.—Devonian stratigraphic units and coral 3000 4 6000 METERS zones in the southern Sulphur Spring Range. See figure 4 for location of section. Oriskany age, together with the large new rugose coral Kobeha which characterizes coral zone B. The basal sandy beds with Costispirifer and Kobeha are exposed at Wales Peak, Oriskany Peak, and Coral Ridge (fig. 4) where they are overlain stratigraphically by higher beds of unit 1 containing the coral zone C assemblage with-Papiliophyllum and Acrosplrifer kobehana as in the Lone Mountain section. NEVADA FORMATION, UNIT 2 Unit 2 is lithologically and faunally quite similar to the type exposures at Lone Mountain, consisting of argillaceous to silty limestones and siltstones with abundant fossils of coral zone D, which everywhere characterize the Antelope-Roberts Mountains facies belt. However, unlike the exposures at Lone Moun— tain, unit 2 contains in the Sulphur Spring Range numerous tongues and lenses of light-gray to white siliceous sandstone resembling the Oxyoke Canyon Sandstone Member of the Diamond Mountains belt. These sandstone bodies range in thickness from an inch to more than 40 feet. Rounded quartz granules also occur in some of the limestones. Sandstone beds are present throughout unit 2 in this area, but the thicker and laterally more persistent of these siliceous sandstones are in the upper part of the unit. Buttes like North Sand Peak and West Sand Peak (figs. 4, 5) are capped by these resistant sandstones, which are underlain by the fossil-rich argillaceous limestones characteristic of Nevada unit 2. SENTINEL MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE MEMBER The approximate stratigraphic equivalent of the Nevada Formation, unit 3 at Lone Mountain, the beds exposed between Oriskany Peak and Terrace Butte (fig. 4) are largely unfossiliferous dolomite. At Lone Mountain, unit 3 is limestone, much of it fine-grained encrinite. Because it has few identifiable fossils, it is referred to as the barren zone. Whereas the gross bedding and textural features of these beds suggest unit 3 at Lone Mountain, the dolomitic nature and especially the alternation of thick light-gray and dark- gray dolomite bands is more indicative of typical Sentinel Mountain Dolomite in the Diamond Moun- tains belt. The stratigraphic relationship to underly- ing Nevada Formation, unit 2 appears to be normal southeast of Oriskany Peak, but at Terrace Butte the Sentinel Mountain Dolomite is in fault contact with the overlying Woodpecker Limestone Member or Nevada Formation, unit 4. WOODPECKER LIMESTONE MEMBER The limestones of the Woodpecker Member occupy the interval of Nevada Formation, unit 4 at Lone Mountain. However, they are lithologically more like the typical Woodpecker Limestone of the Diamond Mountains and, like the Woodpecker there, yield a brachiopod fauna with abundant Leiorhynchus cas- tanea. The prolific rugose coral assemblages of Nevada Formation, unit 4 and coral zone F at Lone Mountain are lacking, as is the case also in the typical Wood- pecker Limestone Member. BAY STATE DOLOMITE MEMBER Thick-bedded light-gray and dark-gray dolomites which form the upper part of Terrace Butte and rest upon the Woodpecker Limestone Member are mapped as the Bay State Dolomite Member. This unit in the Diamond Mountains belt is the equivalent of Nevada Formation, unit 5 at Lone Mountain. Its characteristic dug—am 39:82 93 we Eczema adagofl 8 madam ménw bin—45 was 535°: 28A we 20303 8: was :28 3:03.32 .3“qu < ammonxe we: £33m £38 wzfimocoza was 033$st its SEQ—0Q 58:32 254 www sniszm me @2838: 353 wad Edam m5§3é§8n§0 was :m...§=m mo 3838: Ex Exam 95:39ng 83:8 :53 Emzmiwmm mzmmfl :E prism fits $3552 BESBQ xwom :oomwm H E: 3:352 23855 :E “seam 2835: :5 £2va * 13322 wa :EQEmmmmmwS mo mucowozou ”was 58.30:: we Edam was 2388.5 mwzmcfi macamwcmw :5 N ES @202 33:52 wfiEoED £5232 Hessqmm 33:52 383qu gwxooqwoog 33:52 BMEEOQ 8.8m zwm 88m: :6??va 05 we mafimaosfiwmnl .m mascara Ammmfi :csEEoQ cwtciv EUUDI .2, A E cosmoczch. gouacoo * @0898 Ho: use LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN 522an ZHmmOQ mwz Ed D . . Nevada Sentinel Mountain Formation . Dolomite Member Sentinel Mountain Dolomite Umt 3 Member 610 ft E 285 ft /_ _______ _\\ _ Oxyoke Canyon Sandstone Unit 2 Member 400 ft D 720 ft ’53 3 O r-l . . //’ Beacon Peak Dolomite C Unit 1 B Umt 1 /’ Member 470 ft <362£t _________ 4_\Aacon Peak Z \\ Dolomite . . 3 Lone \\\\? A Member Dlsconformity g Mountain \\\\ / Lone. Mountain I—l Dolomite \\\ ___?___.__,/’/ Dolomite D—t m J FIGURE 7.—Relationship of the Devonian reference sections of Lone Mountain and Sulphur Spring Range to that of the Diamond Mountains facies belt at Oxyoke Canyon. WOODPECKER LIMESTONE MEMBER Occupying the interval of Nevada Formation, unit 4 at Lone Mountain, the Woodpecker Limestone Member consists of thin- to medium-bedded limestone and calcareous shale or siltstone, some of which is of slightly pinkish to purplish color. In certain beds, fossils are abundant, especially the brachiopods, of which the most diagnostic is Leiorhynchus castanea. The rich coral assemblages of the dolomitic limestones in Nevada Formation, unit 4 and coral zone F at Lone Mountain do not occur in the Woodpecker. BAY STATE DOLOMITE MEMBER The uppermost member of the Nevada Formation, the Bay State Dolomite Member, in this belt is thick- bedded prevailingly dark gray saccharoidal dolomite. Some beds are loaded with large Stringocephalus shells, other beds contain much favositid coralline material. Rugose corals are common only in the lower- most beds, where they are locally associated with Stringocephalus. Nevada Formation, unit 5 of the Lone Mountain reference section is the approximate equivalent of the Bay State. Great Basin Devonian r—i CORAL BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN DEVONIAN 17 coral zone G brackets the lowermost strata of the Bay State and the topmost beds of the Woodpecker Lime- stone Member in the Diamond Mountains facies belt. DEVILS GATE LIMESTONE The Devils Gate Limestone, some 1,200 feet thick, rests conformably upon the Bay State Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation and is overlain without discordance by the Pilot Shale. As noted under the Lone Mountain reference section, the lower part of the Devils Gate includes much massive stroma- toporoid and Amphipora limestone including coral zone H. Thinner bedded upper limestones comprise coral zone I of Late Devonian (Frasnian) age. Coral facies are not well represented in the Diamond Moun- tains exposures of this limestone. MONITOR-SIMPSON PARK FACIES BELT Lower Devonian limestones of the westerly Monitor— Simpson Park facies belt have been traced southward from the Tuscarora and Cortez Mountains (fig. 2) through the Simpson Park, Toquima, and Monitor Ranges to the Dobbin Summit area, a distance of 130 miles. Unlike the two subparallel facies belts on the east, no dolomite is known in either the Devonian or Silurian of the Monitor-Simpson Park belt. Over most of this belt the Helderbergian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone is the only Devonian unit identified by fossils. Exceptional are outcrops of Nevada Formation, unit 2 (coral zone D) at the north end of the Simpson Park Range near Coal Canyon. Coral-bearing strata of probable Middle Devonian age are known on the west side of the Monitor—Simpson Park belt in the Toiyabe Range south of Austin. This occurrence near Reeds Canyon is the westernmost exposure of Devonian in this region. Underlying strata of possible Early Devonian age at the Reeds Canyon locality have thus far yielded no fossils within the stratigraphic interval just above the Silurian where Rabbit Hill Limestone would be expected. RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE In the type section of the Rabbit Hill Limestone at Copenhagen Canyon, Monitor Range (Merriam, 1963, p. 42), about 250 feet of continuous section is measurable. The dark-gray limestones and calcareous shales of the type Rabbit Hill are deformed below a thrust and rest without recognized stratigraphic break upon graptolitic deposits of Silurian age. More com- plete Rabbit Hill sequences occur at Dobbin Summit (fig. 2) and at Coal Canyon, where in each case about 800 feet of the formation is exposed. At Coal Canyon the underlying limestones of Silurian coral zone E contain a large and diagnostic coral assemblage of Gotlandian character; overlying Nevada beds have yielded faunas of Nevada Formation, unit 2 and coral zone D, but the stratigraphic contact is not exposed. In the Dobbin Summit area, the subjacent Silurian strata have yielded graptolites and brachiopods only. The Rabbit Hill is overlain without recognized dis- cordance by conodont-bearing limestones reported to be of Mississippian age (John W. Huddle, oral com- mun., 1966). Although no Rabbit Hill Limestone has been found in the adjacent Antelope-Roberts Moun- tains belt on the east, diagnostic elements of the Rabbit Hill fauna occur in strata assigned to the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member below Nevada For- mation, unit 1 of the Sulphur Spring Range. All the Rabbit Hill Limestone exposures that have been studied represent the Syringaxon facies and Devonian coral zone A. At Dobbin Summit upward faunal changes are, however, observed within this formation. The higher beds contain a large Costi- spirifer cf. C. arenosus similar to that of lowermost Nevada Formation, unit 1 and coral zone B. CORAL BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN DEVONIAN Rugose corals of restricted vertical range make pos- sible biostratigraphic subdivision of the entire Great Basin Devonian into nine successive coral zones labeled by capital letters A through I in stratigraphic order (fig. 8). Four of these time-stratigraphic divisions correspond to mapped rock-stratigraphic units; the remainder occupy rock units with two coral zones or, as in the case of coral zone G, overlap the contact separating two units (fig. 9). Field reference sections, wherein the rocks have been mapped and the strati- graphic section measured, are given for each coral zone. Value of the proposed biostratigraphic zonation out- side the Great Basin province remains to be demon- strated. A possible disadvantage is the use in the zonation scheme of endemic Halliidae like K obeha and Papiliophyllum, not yet recorded in other provinces. Other families and genera employed are more cosmo- politan, like the Laccophyllidae, Siphonophrentinae, Bethanyphyllidae, Disphyllidae, and the Old World digonophyllids. Initial biostratigraphic zoning of Great Basin Devonian rocks (Merriam, 1940, p. 9) was based largely on spiriferoid brachiopod ranges; the taxonomy and geologic range of these have recently undergone revision (Johnson, 1966a; 1966b, 1966c). Some earlier adopted brachiopod markers continue to agree with coral indices of the lettered zones. For example, the * 18 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN 2 RUGOSE _ ca 5 . COMPOSITE REAT BASIN CORAL PREVIOUSLY EURO S E REFERENCE DEVONIAN COMMON RUGOSE CORALS EVOLU— CORAL BIOFACIES USED ZONE PEAN ; 53 SECTION CORAL ZONE TIONARY STAGE BURST* s 2 F ‘ L as nnia 5-: fl Lower part No rugose corals found ame n h m Cyrtosm'm‘fer zone 8, r: 9% § 0) E Ki Upper part Pachyphyllum, P hill’ipsastraea, * P hilljpsastraea Phillipsastraea zone F - 5 <5 Macgeea biofaCIes rasnlan (D q; r: E Lower part H Rugose corals uncommon Q \ Givetian Unit 5 G Acanthophgllum, Digonophyllum Stringocephalus zone (Mochlophyllum) .S é‘ g Hexagonaria, Taimyrophyllum, 72 g Utaratuia, Sociophyllum, _ . z 2 g Keriophyllum‘Acanthoznhyllum, * HWWWWW‘SWOP’WW’” “Martinia"k'£rki zone 5 Q, Digonophyllum, Mesophyllum, biofaCIes g 5 Tabulophyllum q a *’ Eifelian Q : Rugose corals uncommon .2 (barren zone) 4; a E 3 Mesophyllum {Arcophyllurru L“ . . Brew}; rentzs, ethanyp 1/ um, . i ‘ I . ,, . . " s Unit2 D D2 Pinyomstraea,Billingsastruea, * Brewphrentzs ‘Spmfer mnyonenm _____ § Mesophyllum, Zonophyllum biofacies zone E D1 Papiliophyllum, Breviphrentis Emsian C Papiliophyllum, Odtmtophyllum, Papiliophyllum Acrosm‘rifer kobehana Breviphrentis biofacies zone Unit 1 as *3 s s s C ,A W -~ 4.. > as 7.31M er arenosus . , A E g g a, K059)” Kobebu zone (“Trematospi'm Siegeman '5 E .n: : biofaCIes f ,, (Oriskany) Q :- 0 u q auna ) .1 g 5 .E S 8—9 “a = 2 E a» I a, ' .2"): ‘7- 2; a: a = m ° ‘ H Id g a .a g D 3: ‘5 Syringaacan f Syflngzrxrm e er— 3 E S ,5 i? g g " blOfaCleS berg1an g E E In 25 3 a? {5 I FIGURE 8.—Great Basin Devonian coral zones, equivalent rock units, coral biofacies, and previously employed biostratigraphic designations. Acrospirifer kobehana zone is coral zone C, and that of Costispirifer arenosus, or the “Trematospira fauna,” is coral zone B. The zone of “Spirifer” pinyonensis (now Eurekaspirifer pinyonensis) is essentially coral zone D, although subzone D3 is considered Middle Devonian and may be above the range of this spirifer. In connection with rugose coral study, the associated brachiopods and other diagnostic fossils remain to be more fully evaluated stratigraphically. Tabulate corals, actually the most abundant fossils in certain Great Basin Devonian coral-brachiopod-trilobite beds, are too little understood at present to have definitive stratigraphic value in this province. Cephalopods, other than straight-shelled genera, are uncommon in these rocks. Age and correlation significance of the rare ammonoids collected thus far are discussed below. The proposed coral sequence is by nature com- posite, for in no individual section are all nine zones recognized in continuity. Lone Mountain has four in sequence: C, D, E, and F; strata of zones G and H are present, but thus far have yielded no Rugosa at Lone Mountain. For the purposes of this report, the Early and Middle Devonian section in the southern Sulphur Spring Range is the most inclusive; coral zones A, B, C, and D occur here in continuity. Devo- nian coral zones G and H are best represented in the southern Diamond Mountains. Zones H and I are recognized in the Devils Gate vicinity, and in the ———i CORAL BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN DEVONIAN 19 adjacent northeastern part of the Mahogany Hills. Late Devonian rocks that include the interval of coral zone I are well exposed in the White Pine mining district, especially along the west margin near the Behnont mine and in the 10w hills west of Monte Cristo. Coral zones A, B, and C are of Early Devonian age; coral zone D is Early and early Middle Devonian. Zones E, F, G, and probably the lower half of H are Middle Devonian. Coral zone I is Late Devonian, including the» youngest Devonian rugose corals of this province; none have been found in the high Devils Gate Cyrtospirifer beds, or in the lower Pilot Shale interval that probably correlates with European Famennian. For convenience, the lettered primary coral zones are further divided by subnumbers as D1 and D2. In this instance subzone D1 has a distinctive rugose coral assemblage regarded as late Early Devonian, whereas that of D2 is considered Early or early Middle Devo- nian; subzone D3 is early Middle Devonian. In summary, the mapped Devonian rock units con- taining the zone corals remain to be equated with cor— responding biostratigraphic coral range zones. Begin- ning with the oldest, coral zone A is typified by the westerly situated Rabbit Hill limestones but is present also in the easterly Beacon Peak Dolomite Member interval of the Sulphur Spring Range, beneath Nevada Formation, unit 1 with coral zones B and C (fig. 9). In the Lone Mountain reference section, only coral zone C has been identified in Nevada Formation, unit 1; coral zones D, E, and F of this reference section correspond to Nevada Formation, units 2, 3, and 4. Coral zone G is found in a narrow band which brackets the topmost beds of the Woodpecker Limestone Mem- ber and the basal beds of the Bay State Dolomite Member (Nevada Formation, unit 5) in the southern Diamond Mountains. Coral zone H occupies the lower half of the type Devils Gate Limestone wherein the stromatoporoid-Amphipora biofacies is predominant. At Devils Gate, coral zone I is typified by the Phillipsastraea biofacies in the lower part of the upper- most 250 feet of this formation below the Cyrtospirifer beds. EARLY AND EARLY MIDDLE DEVONIAN CORAL ZONES CORAL ZONE A The type section of the Rabbit Hill Limestone in Copenhagen Canyon, northern Monitor Range, is the reference column for this Helderbergian Early Devo- nian coral zone. Syringaxon foerstei n. sp., index fossil of coral zone A and the Syringaxon biofacies, is com- mon to abundant in a large brachiopod-coral fauna throughout this formation, usually unaccompanied by other Rugosa. Syringaxon as a genus ranges through the Silurian and Devonian; it is represented by many species throughout the world. The genus has been recognized by fragmentary material in the Silurian and Middle Devonian of the Great Basin. The stratigraphic relationship of the Rabbit Hill Formation and coral zone A to underlying and over- lying zones of the Great Basin standard sequence can not be determined at Rabbit Hill, where the sub- jacent Silurian is a graptolitic facies and no younger Devonian beds are exposed. Therefore elucidation of the true position of these beds depends upon supple- mentary study of correlative strata in other areas. At Coal Canyon, northern Simpson Peak Range, lime- stones of the Rabbit Hill rest conformably upon Upper Silurian limestones of the Roberts Mountains Forma- tion and Silurian coral zone E containing a rich Ludlovian coral fauna of Gotlandian aspect. Upward, however, the boundary with the Nevada Formation is obscure because of faulting and poor exposure. In the Dobbin Summit area of the southern Monitor Range, the Rabbit Hill Limestone is conformably upon Silurian limestone and is overlain with seeming ‘con- formity by limestones of uncertain age, dated pro- visionally by conodonts as Mississippian (J. W. Huddle, oral commun., 1966). Light is shed upon the true stratigraphic position of the Rabbit Hill fauna and coral zone A as a result of geologic mapping in the southern Sulphur Spring Range. Here dolomite and dolomitic limestone, con- sidered to be a northwesterly extension of the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member, contain Syringaxon foerstei and other elements of the Rabbit Hill fauna. In that area the Silurian Lone Mountain Dolomite is below the Beacon Peak above which lies Nevada Forma-T tion, unit 1, whose lowermost beds contain Kobeha walcotti and Costispirifer arenosus of coral zone B. As elsewhere noted, the normal Beacon Peak—Lone Mountain stratigraphic boundary is poorly exposed in the southern Sulphur Spring Range; in the Diamond Mountains it is a disconformity. In the type section of the Rabbit Hill and coral zone A, Syringaxon foerstei is associated with the tabulate corals Striatopora, Pleurodictyum, and mas- sive Favosites. Distinctive forms among associated brachiopods are Levenea cf. L. subcarinata, H owellella of. H. cycloptera and new species of Kozlowskiellina, Leptocoelia, and Plethorhyncha. Leonaspis, Proetus, and Phacops are the common trilobites. Large Costi- spirifer resembling C. arenosus appears in higher Rabbit Hill beds at Dobbin Summit. This early occurrence of Costispirifer foreshadows its presence in coral zone B, normally to be expected just above the Rabbit Hill. * 20 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN Virtual absence of colonial Rugosa from the known Great Basin Lower Devonian below coral zone D is not easily explainable. Although the faunas of coral zone A normally lack the compound genera, there are two exceptions: the occurrence of Australophyllum landerensis n. sp. in an otherwise typical Rabbit Hill Syringaxon association of the northern Toquima Range, and a Billingsastraea-like coral in a Rabbit Hill assemblage on Maggie Creek northwest of Carlin, southern Tuscarora Mountains. CORAL ZONE B Reference sections for this Early Devonian coral zone are situated in the southern Sulphur Spring Range, on the ridge 0.5 mile south-southeast of the Prince of Wales mine and at hill 6927, 1.75 miles south- southeast of Mulligan Gap (fig. 4). Along the main ridge at hill 6927, the zone B strata are in places loaded with large solit ry Rugosa, overlie beds of coral zone A, and are ov rlain by beds containing the fauna of coral zone C. ones B and C are within the variable dolomitic limes one and limestone of Nevada Formation, unit 1, which rests without break upon the Beacon Peak. The fauna of coral zon B and the Kobeha biofacies contains Kobeha walcot i, Costispirifer arenosus, and Gypidula cf. G. coeym nensis. The large solitary Kobeha is abundant in eds and pockets, either by itself or with the brachi pods. In places Costispirifer is crowded in layers with ut the coral. Tabulate corals are uncommon in the co al-rich beds. Other fossils of this zone are a large Str phonella cf. S. punctulifera and the large trilobite almanites. It is significant that the fauna of coral one B contains but a single rugose coral species and acks colonial Rugosa. Another species of K beha, here named Kobeha ketophylloides n. sp., occ rs in beds low in the Devo- nian section 1.5 miles no th of Roberts Creek Ranch, where it is associated wi Gypidula of G. coeyman- ensis, Acrospirifer sp., an Pholidostrophia? sp. CORA ZONE C The reference section f r Early Devonian coral zone C is at Contact Gulch on the northwest side of Lone Mountain (fig. 3). A nor hwest-striking ridge on the north side of this gulc is underlain by Nevada Formation, unit 1, whic in this area has changed laterally from dolomite nd dolomitic limestone to the limestone here contai ing fossils of coral zone C. Other excellent exposure of these beds are on the southeast side of Lone Mountain, where Nevada Formation, unit 1 is dolom te which is loaded in places with silicified fossils. Cora zone B was not recognized at Lone Mountain below coral zone C where it would be expected. In the southern Sulphur Spring Range, coral zone C occupies the higher beds of Nevada Formation, unit 1 overlying the strata of coral zone B. The large solitary Papiliophyllum elegantulum re- places Kobeha walcotti of underlying zone B. Asso- ciated with Papiliophyllum in this taxonomically more diverse biota are Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) kobehensis, Odontophyllum meeki, Aulacophyllum sp. c, and Cystiphylloides lonense. Massive favositids are common. No colonial Rugosa are present. The asso- ciated brachiopod fauna is fairly large, including Acrospirifer kobehana, Meristella cf. M. robertsensis, Schuchertella cf. S. nevadaensis, Leptostrophia sp., and a large Cyrtina. This is the fauna of the Acro- spirifer kobehana brachiopod zone of previous usage. The genus Papiliophyllum is not restricted to coral zone C; it reappears as an advanced form in coral subzone D1, associated with a younger brachiopod fauna. CORAL ZONE D The reference section of coral zone D lies on the west side of Lone Mountain (fig. 3) between West Peak and Central Peak, where it brackets the argil- laceous limestones of Nevada Formation, unit 2. Coral zone D corresponds to the “Spirifer” pinyonensis zone of Merriam (1940). The Early and early Middle Devonian coral and associated faunas of this zone are taxonomically the most diverse of the Great Basin Devonian, only those of Nevada Formation, unit 4 and coral zone F being comparable in this respect. Because of the less compact shaly nature of much of this unit, the abundant fossils weather loose and are easily collected. Hence a large part of the previously described Nevada Formation fauna came from these beds. Coral zone D includes the lowest colonial Rugosa found thus far in the Nevada Formation. Using rugose corals, it is feasible to subdivide coral zone D into three subzones, D1, D2, and D3, in ascend- ing order. Most unit 2 exposures in the main outcrop belt at Lone Mountain yielded D2 collections only. Large collections representing D1 came from pediment outcrops 5,500 feet south of Reef Point. Subzone D3 collections were made in the higher part of Nevada Formation, unit 2 near the northwest end of Lone Mountain at the head of Contact Gulch. Subzone D1 is characterized by advanced Papilio- phyllum elegantulum subsp. d, derived from P. elegantulum of coral zone C. Associated large solitary corals are Halliidae of a somewhat different type, probably allied to Papiliophyllum. Among brachiopods are Chonetes macrostriata, Gypidula loweryi, and Strophonella cf. S. pustulosa, together with Leptaena, ————i CORAL BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN DEVONIAN 21 Schuchertella, and Meristella. Spirifers questionably assigned to Eurekaspirifer pinyonensis are uncommon in this assemblage. Chonetes macrostriata is abun- dant, as it usually the case in lower beds of coral zone D. Subzone D2 includes among solitary Rugosa: Bethanyphyllum lonense, B. antelopensis, Siphono- phrentis (Breviphrentis) invaginatus, Sinospongo- phyllum spp., Cystiphylloides robertsense, Mesophyl- lum (Mesophyllum) sp. b, and Zonophyllum haguei. The colonial corals are Disphyllum nevadensis, D. eurekaensis, Dendrostella romanensis, Billingsastraea nevadensis, and Hexagonaria (Pinyonastraea) kirki. Associated fossils are those of the “Spirifer” pinyon- ensis zone, as previously listed by Merriam (1940, p. 54—55) in which the commonest forms are Eureka- spirifer pinyonensis, Atrypa nevadana, Gypidula loweryi, Schizophoria nevadaensis, Schuchertella nevadaensis, Chonetes macrostriata, Dalmanites meeki, and Phacops cf. P. rana. Subzone D3 includes the uppermost beds of Nevada Formation, unit 2 in which the diagnostic coral is the large solitary and structurally complex M esophyllum (Arcophyllum) kirki. It is doubtful that Eureka- spirifer pinyonensis survived into this early Middle Devonian time-stratigraphic interval, and most of the characteristic fossils of subzone D2 have not been collected from subzone D3. MIDDLE MIDDLE DEVONIAN CORAL ZONES Profound changes in corals and all other shell- bearing marine organisms took place in the interval separating Nevada Formation, unit 2 and coral zone D from Nevada Formation, unit 4 and coral zone F. These changes are not recorded in starta of Nevada Formation, unit 3, which has yielded few identifiable fossils, hence being referred to as the barren zone. None of the species cross the barren zone, and of five rugose coral genera that survived to coral zone F, three are different subgenerically. CORAL ZONE E Coral zone E occupies the interval of Nevada For- mation, unit 3 at Lone Mountain (fig. 3). Crinoid debris in thick beds and lenses makes up a consider- able part of the unit. Poorly preserved bushy colonial Rugosa from these beds are assigned questionably to Disphyllum, and scrappy solitary coralla have char- acteristics of Cyathophyllum. CORAL ZONE F The reference section for coral zone F is situated on the south side of Lone Mountain, west of Charcoal Gulch (fig. 3) and is the time-stratigraphic equivalent of Nevada Formation, unit 4. The “Martinia” kirki zone of Merriam (1940) corresponds to this interval. The coral faunas of this zone at Lone Mountain are best represented in dolomitic limestones occupying the upper part of unit. 4 Coral zone F contains a large, diverse, and poten- tially reef forming biota including both solitary and colonial genera. The rugose corals of this zone are mostly undescribed, such that generic assignments are for the most part provisional. Among the more abundant genera are: Taimyrophyllum, Hexagonaria, Utaratuia, Sociophyllum, Acanthophyllum,Keriophyl- lum, Digonophyllum, M esophyllum (Lekanophyllum), Tabulophyllum, and Crystiphylloides. For the first time in these Devonian rocks, the colonial Rugosa of coral zone F outnumber the solitary forms. Nearly all zone F species are unrelated to zone D species; none appear to be ancestral to forms occurring in the higher Devonian coral zones. Several of the diagnostic genera like Taimyrophyllum, Utaratuia, and Sociophyllum are represented also in correlative formations of western Canada. CORAL ZONE G The reference section for coral zone G is situated in the southern Diamond Mountains (fig. 2) at the head of Oxyoke Canyon, west of Sentinel Mountain (Pinto Summit quadrangle). It occupies a 30-foot interval bracketing the uppermost beds of the Woodpecker Limestone Member of the Nevada formation and the lowermost beds of the overlying Bay State Dolomite Member according to Nolan, Merriam, and Williams, (1956, p. 45) . The lowest Bay State beds with S tringo- cephalus fall within this coral zone, which also contains the genus Rensselandia. Only in this zone are rugose corals known to be associated with Stringocephalus. Characteristic rugose coral genera of coral zone G are Digonophyllum (Mochlophyllum), Mesophyllum, Acanthophyllum, Cyathophyllum (Moravophyllum), and Cystiphylloides. The colonial Rugosa of coral zone F at Lone Mountain are not represented in the refer- ence section for coral zone G. At Lone Mountain the basal beds of Nevada Forma- tion, unit 5, which is approximately correlative with the Bay State, and the topmost beds of Nevada For- mation, unit 4, correlative with the Woodpecker Lime- stone Member, have not yielded the coral zone G assemblage. LATE NHDDLE AND LATE DEVONIAN CORAL ZONES The rugose corals and stratigraphy of the Devils Gate Limestone remain to be studied in detail and, except for generalities, are beyond the scope of this 22 LOWER A D LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN report. Earlier investig tion of Rugosa from the upper part of this formation y Stumm (1940) and by Mer- riam (1940) confirme their Late Devonian age and demonstrated that th-se higher coral faunas were unrelated genetically tn those of the Middle Devonian in coral zones F and l of present usage. Above the Stringocephalus zone t e interval recorded by thick- bedded limestones whi h make up the lower half of the Devils Gate was semingly inhospitable to rugose corals, as was the dolo itic Stringocephalus zone in Nevada Formation, uni 5 and the Bay State Dolomite Member. When Rugos reappearin force just below the uppermost Devils ate Cyrtospirifer zone, they include newly introducd genera, mostly of a single family not yet discoveed in the Great Basin below this horizon. For the I evils Gate time-stratigraphic interval, two coral zon -s are proposed: coral zone H below to include the lawer coral-poor thick-bedded limestones, and coral 20 e I above for the upper coral- rich beds. ‘ COR L ZONE H Massive stromatoporo'ds and Amphipora are major rock builders in the int-rval of coral zone H and as such have masked and nbscured the contributions of other lime-secreting org nisms. N o Rugosa were found in these beds at Lon- Mountain. Rugose corals assigned to Temnophyll m and Disphyllum were col- lected from the lower 2I0 feet of the Devils Gate in the southern Diamond ountains (Merriam, 1963, p. 53). The middle Devonin—Late Devonian transition conceivably falls within he interval of coral zone H. Reference section for L te Devonian coral zone I lies in the Devils Gate Limetone type area on the north side of Devils Gate Pass. I he dark-gray coralline lime- stones below the Cyrtosprifer beds contain the locally abundant Phillipsastraeiulae of this zone with only a few solitary Rugosa of Other surviving families. Phil- lipsastraeidae present are the colonial Phillipsastraea, Pachyphyllum, and Phac llophyllum together with the solitary MacGeea. Other localities where t e coral faunas of zone I are represented in the Devils 4 ate vicinity are on the ridge east of Yahoo Canyon, W istler Mountain quadrangle. In the White Pine mining district, these faunas occur abundantly near the Bel ont mine mill and on the ridge southwest of Monte risto, Green Springs quad- rangle (Merriam, 1963, p. '4). Limestones probably eq ivalent to the lower or Late Devonian part of the Pilut Shale crop out at Devils Gate above the Cyrtospiri 'er zone; like the Cyrtospiri- fer beds, these highest De onian rocks have yielded no Rugosa. BIOFACIES ASPECTS OF DEVONIAN CORAL DISTRIBUTION AND ZONATION Ideally zone fossils may be environmental indicators as well as stratigraphic guides. Patterns of coral distri- bution in the Great Basin Devonian seaways and their facies belts (fig. 2) give suggestive evidence of environ- mental control. Rugose coral populations in these seas formed only a part of much larger ecosystems whose spread and survival as a whole were governed by inter- play of ecologic factors, physical, chemical, and bio- logic. Within the same time-stratigraphic interval, entombing sediments of a specific kind may be viewed as criteria of a fairly specific and stable bottom envi- ronment where they contain about the same coral biota in widely separated localities. In the section on “Great Basin Devonian Facies Belts and Coral Reference Sec- tions,” the broader aspects of rock facies distribution were considered above in connection with physical stratigraphy. There remains the ecologic evaluation of coral zone indicators and their ecologic associates as evidence of a particular biofacies. From the viewpoint of the biological environment, discontinuous lateral distribution of coral-rich Devo- nian deposits indicates that optimum ecologic condi- tions for vigorous coral growth were confined to rather small patches of sea bottom separated by larger areas of scarce shell-bearing benthonic life. Nearly all these coral deposits circumscribed coral loci and thus were not sites of true reef or bioherm building. N o biohermal or patch reef complexes of persistent upward growth, with initial sea bottom relief, altered reef cores, and inclined flank beds like those of the Niagaran and the Gotland Silurian were recognized in the Great Basin Devonian. Only in the highest Silurian and in middle Devonian coral zone F do loci of coral proliferation suggest patch reef potential. Carbonate rocks are generally the favored hosts of rugose corals, especially the colonial forms. Moreover, these Great Basin studies suggest an environmental relationship between abundance and diversity of Rugosa and certain petrologic characteristics of the entombing carbonate. Taxonomically the most diverse Devonian coral faunas of this province occur in the Nevada Formation, unit 2 and coral zone D; the faunas are found in impure nonmagnesian argillaceous lime- stones with shale and siltstone interbeds. To these varied coral faunas may be compared the more vigor- ously proliferating coral associations of Nevada Forma- tion, unit 4 (coral zone F) which occur in combinations of limestone, dolomitic limestone, and dolomite having a lower percentage of argillaceous matter. Coral faunas of Nevada Formation, unit 4 consist of slightly fewer species, but reveal a greater numerical concentration BIOFACIES ASPECTS OF DEVONIAN CORAL DISTRIBUTION AND ZONATION 23 of individuals, especially colonial forms, and are thus more important in rock building. On the contrary, the pure or saturated coarsely saccharoidal Devonian dolo- mites of this region, as distinguished from unsaturated dolomitic limestones, seem to have been a diagenetic facies singularly inhospitable to Rugosa. Among these ’ are the Sentinel Mountain and Bay State Dolomite Members in the upper part of the Nevada Formation; these have yielded few rugose corals. Rugosa are like- wise scarce in diagenetic dolomites making up much of the Devonian System of the eastern Great Basin, that is, east of the Diamond Mountains. Easterly rugose coral scarcity would appear to support these paleoecological observations in the Nevada Formation and suggests that Devonian shelf seaconditions favor- ing extensive rugose coral growth like that of coral zone F did not prevail in the eastern part of the Great Basin province. To be eliminated in this connection is the factor of possible coral destruction by dolomitic recrystallization. However, in these Cordilleran pure dolomites, where fossils were present in the initial sedi- ments, they commonly escaped destruction locally by early siliceous replacement. Six biofacies of the Great Basin Devonian (fig. 9) wherein rugose corals are important faunal constitu- ents occur in the following stratigraphic order: 6. Phillipsastraea biofacies of coral zone I 5. H exagonaria-Sociophyllum biofacies of coral zone F Breviphrentis biofacies of coral zone D Papiliophyllum biofacies of coral zone C K obeha biofacies of coral zone B Syringaxon biofacies of coral zone A PPS”? SYRINGAXON BIOFACIES Coral-bearing medium- to dark-gray organic lime- stones of the Rabbit Hill typify the Syringaxon bio- facies and coral zone A. Separated by calcareous shaly intercalations, these limestones commonly include a high percentage of crinoid debris. Thick coarse-tex- tured bioclastic lenses contain the remains of a large brachiopod population, together with tabulate corals of the genera Favosites, Striatopora, and Pleurodic- tyum and the rugose coral biofacies indicator Syringa- xon; this order indicates more or less their decreasing order of abundance. Less numerous are the bryozoans, trilobites, and the Mollusca other than small ortho- ceratid cephalopods which are rather common. There are no evidences of long transportation of the fossil material; unbroken shells are present in the bioclas- tic limestones, many brachiopods having articulated valves. Stromatoporoids are a minor constituent. The trilobites Leonaspis and Phacops are locally numerous in platy limestone and calcareous shale interbeds which are a subsidiary biofacies. Throughout the Rab- bit Hill limestone the small, solitary Syringaxon is common to abundant in most fossil beds, wherein it is usually the only representative of the Rugosa. No bioherms or patch reefs were found in the Rabbit Hill Limestone of the Syringaxon biofacies, and the corals had a minor role in rock building. No evidence of dolomitization was recognized in the Rabbit Hill Limestone of this biofacies. Complete silicification of fossils is, however, widespread, a phenomenon which in other formations is commonly associated with or preceded dolomitic replacement. In the Rabbit Hill the process of fossil silicification was clearly selective, affecting brachiopods and corals; hard parts of other organic groups were evidently less susceptible to this kind of silicic additive replacement. Colonial Rugosa are exceedingly uncommon in the Rabbit Hill and Syringaxon biofacies, there being but two known occurrences: that of Australophyllum landerensis in the Toquima Range and a single Bil- lingsastraea-like form in the southern Tuscarora Mountains of northern Eureka County. Absent are thick-walled solitary rugose coral genera of a possible reef environment like those described from the roughly correlative Coeymans Limestone of New York by Oliver (1960a). Possibly significant environmentally is the small amount of stromatoporoid material in this biofacies, a characteristic also of the Breviphrentis bio- facies and coral zone D. Its scarcity may be related to frequent turbidity of the marine waters. The Syringaxon biofacies is present also in the Bea- con Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation in the Sulphur Spring Range; here the fossils occur in limestone beds which are somewhat dolomitic. KOBEHA BIOFACIES The Kobeha biofacies is in the strictest sense a rugose coral biofacies in which the single species K. walcotti predominates. This biofacies is best repre- sented in the lowermost beds of Nevada Formation, unit 1 (coral zone B) in the southern Sulphur Spring Range. Here as at Lone Mountain, unit 1 changes laterally in quite irregular fashion from dolomite to dolomitic limestone to limestone. It is in lenses of cal- carenite limestone with many rounded quartz granules that the large solitary K obeha is most conspicuous and is accompanied by few other fossils. Dolomitic lime- stones are associated with these coralline facies. In the same stratigraphic interval other calcarenite lenses are loaded with the large shells of Costispirifer of the C. arenosus type. Horn corals and brachiopods appear to have been deposited in situ, but some of the large 24 LOWER A D LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN spirifer valves may ha e been sorted by current action from the heavier corals to be concentrated in separate bands. The corals h ve been silicified in varying degrees. PAPlLIOP LUM BIOFACIES The large solitary apiliophyllum elegantulum of the Halliidae is the mo t conspicuous fossil of this bio- facies and in coral zon C, which occupies all but the lowermost beds of Nev da Formation, unit 1. At Lone Mountain and in the S lphur Spring Range, unit 1 is laterally variable, cha ging in short distances from limestone to dolomitic I mestone and to dolomite. Like the Kobeha biofacies a d coral zone B at the base of unit 1, this biofacies la ks colonial Rugosa; however, the fauna as a whole is very much larger. The Hallii- dae, now at their evolut onary peak, also include Aula- cophyllum and Odonto hyllum; rugose corals of other families are Cystiphyll ides and the earliest Brevi- phrentis. Favosites in assive heads is the common tabulate. As a whole, th fauna is a mixed association containing many brachi pods, of which the most dis- tinctive is Acrospirifer kobehana. Crinoid debris is abundant. Gastropods a d clams are fairly numerous. Papilophyllum succeeds Kobeha, from which it prob- ably evolved, and conti ues to occupy the same eco- logic niche. Within unit 1 there appears to be no special preference of this fauna for either limestone or dolo- mitic lithofacies. Corals and other fossils are silicified, especially in the more dolomitic carbonate. Relative abundance of stromatoporoids in the cleaner carbon- ates of this biofacies has not been determined; prob- ably they are numerous and, like the corals, of some rock-building importance. No bioherms or patch reefs were found in beds of the Papiliophyllum biofacies. BREVIPHRE NTIS BIOFACIES Following decline of the large Halliidae that char- acterize the Kobeha and Papiliophyllum biofacies, rugose corals of other families continued to increase in numbers of genera and species. In terms of corals and ecologically associated fossils, the Breviphrentis biofacies of coral zone JD includes the largest and taxonomically most varied faunas of the Great Basin Devonian. The enclosing strata of Nevada Formation, unit 2, to which this biofacies is confined, are im- pure medium- and dark-gray argillaceous organic limestones separated by shale and siltstone partings and interbeds. Bottom faunas of this stratigraphic interval were subjected periodically to abnormally muddy water resulting from influx of current-trans- ported clay or brought about by storm turbulence. Favositids, solitary Rugosa, brachiopods, trilobites, and Mollusca adapted well to the frequent turbid water episodes. For the first time in the Devonian, colonial Rugosa appear in this biofacies, but these occur sporadically, are rather uncommon, and are far outnumbered by solitary genera. Stromatoporoids are quite scarce. It is suggested that stromatoporoid scarcity and the small population of colonial Rugosa may reflect inability of these organisms to withstand turbidity. In the case of stromatoporoids such a likeli- hood has been noted elsewhere by Rozkowska (1960, p. 7). Unlike cleaner carbonate rocks of Nevada Forma- tion, unit 1, the impure limestones of unit 2 and the Breviphrentis biofacies were not dolomitized diagene- tically. Fossil silicification is, moreover, uncommon, localized, and usually affects only the brachiopods of unit 2. Beds with vast numbers of shells in a mixed coral-brachiopod-trilobite assemblage show minimal breakage of shells by wave or current action. Articu- lated brachiopod valves are common and favositid heads stand here and there in upright growth posi- tions. The importance of the Rugosa as rock builders is greatly overshadowed by the crinoids, massive favositids, and brachiopods; the stromatoporoids play an insignificant role. No biohermal bodies or incipient patch reefs are known within this biofacies; mixed faunal deposits with corals appear to have accumulated as bands or beds in shallow water without appreciable bottom relief. Subordinate molluscan biofacies occupy shale or siltstone interbeds of Nevada Formation, unit 2. Clams and large gastropods are abundant locally in these interbeds. Also present are the large heavy- shelled benthonic tentaculites. Straight-shelled Ortho- ceras-like cephalopods are fairly common in the Breviphrentis biofacies, but the nautiloids and goni- atites are quite uncommon. Coralline beds with mixed faunas of the Brevi- phrentis biofacies are usually dominated by massive favositid heads. Numerically the most abundant Rugosa are Breviphrentis, followed in order by Beth- anyphyllum, the cystiphylloids, and the digono- phyllids. Compound genera like Billingsastraea, Pin- yonastraea, and Disphyllum are widely scattered in relatively small pockets. More detailed facies analysis of Nevada Formation, unit 2 and the Breviphrentis biofacies will doubtless lead to recognition of additional subsidiary biofacies within which coral, trilobite, and other benthonic associations may be discriminated. Biofacies com- parison with the Onondaga Limestone of New York which is approximately correlative geologically is suggested. Unlike the Onondaga, no patch reefs or extensive concentrations of colonial rugose corals were recognized in the Breviphrentis biofacies. Oliver’s CORAL SUCCESSION AND EVOLUTION 25 (1968, p. 31) New York Onondaga biofacies studies call attention to five facies ranging in taxonomic coral diversity from a high figure in patch reefs or bioherms to a low figure in bedded coralline deposits. Ecologically and taxonomically significant is Oliver’s (1968, p. 30) observation that environmental factors permitting high species diversity in Onondaga coral faunas also favored greater variation within the studied species. HEXAGONARIA-SOCIOPHYLLUM BIOFACIES Rugose coral assemblages of this predominantly coralline biofacies in coral zone F occupy dolomitic limestone, limestone, and dolomite of Nevada Forma- tion, unit 4. The very great difference of coral faunas from those of the Breviphrentis biofacies and coral zone D is in harmony with the marked lithofacies disparity, and the two are separated stratigraphically by the barren zone of Nevada Formation, unit 3 and coral zone E. For the first time in the Devonian, colonial Rugosa outnumber the solitary forms in most localities. The massive Favosites, so abundant in zone D, is replaced by less numerous digitate favositids and by Heliolites, a tabulate not found in the Devonian below zone F. Patchy, discontinuous dolomitization is similar to that in Nevada Formation, unit 1 and coral zones B and C. Rugose corals and brachiopods of the H exagonaria-Sociophyllum biofacies are strongly sili- cified within the dolomitic carbonate. Rugose corals together with stromatoporoids in situ are major car- bonate builders in loci of thick-bedded massive and more or less dolomitic limestone. Although this biota is potentially reef forming, no true bioherms of large dimensions were observed. The abundant rugose coral genera in this biofacies at Lone Mountain and in the Roberts Mountains are the colonial H exagonaria, Taimyrophyllum, Cyathophyllum, Utaratuia, and Sociophyllum together with the solitary genera Cysti- phylloides, Mesophyllum, Digonophyllum, and Acan- thophyllum. PI-IILLIPSASTRAEA‘ BIOFACIES The Phillipsastraea biofacies of Late Devonian age occurs in relatively clean medium- to dark-gray lime- stones in the upper part of the Devils Gate Limestone and coral zone I. These upper beds have not been diagenetically dolomitized, although the lower part of the Devils Gate has been locally dolomitized in very irregular fashion. Scattered concentrations of abun- dant corals in the Devils Gate area and White Pine district consist mainly of the colonial Phillipsas- traeidae in bedded deposits. Stromatoporoids, so abundant in stromatoporoid biofacies of coral zone H in the lower Devils Gate Limestone, become incon- spicuous in the Phillipsastraea biofacies. The tabulate corals are almost unrepresented. Most of the diag- nostic Rugosa of this biofacies are classified in the single family Phillipsastraeidae and include the colonial Pachyphyllum, Phillipsas traea, and Phacello- phyllum together with the solitary MacGeea. At Lone Mountain the upper beds of the Devils Gate Limestone of this biofacies are not exposed above the stromatoporoid-rich limestones in coral zone H. They are present at Devils Gate and southward, but they may best be observed in the White Pine district, especially near the Belmont mine mill and in the low range west of Monte Cristo. CORAL SUCCESSION AND EVOLUTION AS RELATED TO GEOLOGIC CHANGE AND FAUNAL MIGRATION Nearly 4,000 feet of geosynclinal marine strata in the central Great Basin records much of the Devonian Period, enclosing an unusually full succession of rugose corals (fig. 9). Stratigraphically and in terms of coral evolution, this succession is, however, far from complete. Limestone or dolomite layers with abundant corals and other fossils are separated by barren layers of similar rock; between the coral-bearing units are entire members hundreds of feet thick which yield almost no Rugosa. How, these paleontologic gaps relate to physical and biologic events of Devonian history in the Great Basin province, and more generally in the Cordilleran belt is a matter of some interest. Worthy of consideration in this context is the possible influence of a normal sea bottom ecologic succession upon a coral biota. More important is the influence of contemporaneous physical geologic change in the surrounding terrane upon the accumulating layered sediments. Lateral spread and migration of the faunas was influenced or compelled by a combination of such physical and biologic factors. Corals of a particular sedimentary facies were adapted to a sea floor environ- ment which also affected or determined the character of the entombing sediment. As with benthonic marine organisms generally, the intricate fabric of rugose coral evolution entails factors of species spread and migra- tion, adaptation to available ecologic niches, isolation of gene pools, mutation or gene recombination, and above all survival or extinction by natural selection. Classic paleontology sheds little light upon the under- lying causative factors of evolution. Although the fossil record is demonstrably incomplete, the study of rugose corals frOm the more continuous sections of this region makes possible the outlining of the broad evolutionary trends and patterns, especially in the dais—mm 33 on... 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H m 5sz m m o m < :28 55% L m m1. 355:5 Q 983055 23 $3: M S 83m ham :5 95an dosdESm W ”H m aED v ficb m :CD N tub H flab loamwwhwamnmmww mEEESE muhwnom I SERVES Emu m=>mQ :ofimfihom 3:352 .EhmammeVMMWwaWS .EQQD _ 23:2 “ .8254 ISAED ZHQ ZEMde CORAL SUCCESSION AND EVOLUTION 27 hardier, more persistently adaptive lineages. In basins of fairly continuous carbonate accumulation such as these, coral lineages which survived for long periods of progressive in situ evolutionary change may theo- retically be distinguished from less adaptive stocks, the fossil record of which is in this area brief. In the central Great Basin Devonian, persistent lineages of this kind are probably recognizable in the Laccophyl- lidae with Syringaxon, in the endemic Papiliophyllinae, in the Bethanyphyllidae, and among the Siphono- phrentinae, as represented by Breviphrentis. Abun- dant and ranging through considerable thicknesses of strata, these evolutionary lineages may lend them- selves eventually to bed-by-bed quantitative evolu- tionary investigation. The physical and biologic environment within a given area of shallow Devonian sea bottom was under- going constant fluctuating change. As recorded by sediments and their entombed fossils, these changes were to some extent repetitive and perhaps in some instances cyclical. Exclusive of physical geologic fac- tors, the normal ecologic succession of organisms upon a growth site should be considered. Metabolic and secretional activities of ecologically interdependent colony-building organisms are capable of so modifying their habitat as to inhibit continued occupancy by the same biota. Hence upward disappearance of a coral assemblage from a particular bed of in situ growth is explainable. The succession of evolving coral assem- blages in Nevada Formation, unit 2 provides good examples of this situation. Physical geologic changes have acted through geologic time to keep the currents of life moving, indirectly affecting the course of organic evolution. Uplift, subsidence, mountain building, and erosion are primary driving forces of biologic change. Evidences of contemporaneous crustal deformation are difficult to recognize and interpret within the stratified Devonian rocks of the Great Basin. Although there are no indications of contemporaneous folding or tilt- ing, it is clear that upward sedimentary rock changes were in some part controlled by crustal deformation affecting the shelving sea bottoms and the adjacent lands. Crustal movements brought local shifts in marine and atmospheric circulation, changing the direction and load capacity of debris-carrying currents. Landward debris sources were modified to affect the offshore character of accumulating marine deposits. Convincing field evidences of unconformity within the central Great Basin Devonian System are few indeed, there being no recognized angular stratigraphic discordances, major stratigraphic gaps, or erosion intervals. Nonetheless there are many abrupt vertical 534-041 0 - 74 - 3 lithologic changes in seemingly parallel strata, accom- panied by sudden faunal change. It is not, therefore, unlikely that significant disconformities have been overlooked. Within Nevada Formation, unit 2 may be observed many repetitive vertical lithologic changes with concurrent faunal change. In this unit fossil-rich limestones characteristically alternate with silty and argillaceous beds containing a somewhat different fauna. Some of these changes appear to be more or ‘ less cyclical and may be partly the result of ecological succession. More extreme rock changes in unit 2 followed local introduction of the white quartzitic sands, bringing a facies usually barren of fossils. Sud- den and permanent faunal change accompanied the great rock change at the gradational boundary sepa- rating unit 2 from unit 3; at this horizon the rich zone D faunas disappear completely. Less abrupt is the appearance of coral zone F assemblages above the contact of unit 4 with the barren zone of unit 3. CORAL CHANGES AT CLOSE OF SILURIAN Resumption of limestone or dolomite deposition in Early Devonian time was accompanied by abrupt and profound change in corals (fig. 9). In the Great Basin province, few rugose corals ancestral to Devonian forms are known from either dolomite or limestone facies of the Late Silurian. Change in the character of carbonate deposition at this systemic boundary is not great in several of the studied sections; physical evidences of disconformity observable on the outcrop are local and have been found thus far only in the dolomite facies. It is reasonable to link the major paleontologic changes at the Silurian-Devonian boundary with the “Caledonian Revolution,” a prolonged series of com- pressive distubances which deformed Silurian and older rocks in widely separated parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Although angular discordance or indi- cation of Caledonian compressive deformation is unknown in the Great Basin, the mapping of the Silurian-Devonian contact in several areas gives evi- dence of disconformity. For example, in the Gold Hill mining district of western Utah (Nolan, 1935, p. 18), a disconformity is reported as separating Silurian Laketown Dolomite from Early Devonian Sevy Dolo- mite; this discordance is also recognized in the Confusion Range (R. K. Hose, written commun., 1958). Similarly, in the Diamond Mountains and in the Mahogany Hills near Eureka, Nev., a mappable disconformity separates Silurian Lone Mountain Dolo- mite from the Lower Devonian beds, according to Nolan, Merriam, and Williams (1956, p. 38). The disconformity has not been traced laterally to the 28 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN Lone Mountain reference section, where the Silurian dolomite is overlain with seeming concordance by dolomite at the base of Nevada Formation, unit 1. Unrecognized at this boundary zone are beds of the Early Devonian Beacon Peak Dolomite Member, which would be expected here, and the coral faunas of Devonian coral zones A and B. Although the Lone Mountain Dolomite—Nevada Formation boundary appears gradational, the possibility of a depositional gap here has not been entirely eliminated. The beds in the Lone Mountain Dolomite Silurian facies are characterized by the halysitids, pycnostylid Rugosa, and Entelophyllum; none of these corals reappear in the Devonian. Better understood are boundary fauna] changes in limestone facies of the Silurian Roberts Mountains Formation where it is overlain without recognized depositional break by the Early Devonian Rabbit Hill Limestone. For example, in Coal Canyon, northern Simpson Park Mountains, the limestones of Late Silurian coral zone E contain a large Gotlandian type coral assemblage with Myco- phyllinae, Kodonophyllidae, Chonophyllidae, Pycno- stylidae, Goniophyllidae, and Endophyllidae. The overlying Rabbit Hill has yielded only the solitary Syringaxon in this area. A single occurrence of the endophyllid Australophyllum is known elsewhere in the Rabbit Hill. Clearly the rather unimpressive lithologic change at the Silurian-Devonian boundary is not commensurate with the profound change in the coral fauna. LATE SILURIAN AND DEVONIAN BURSTS 0F RUGOSE CORAL EVOLUTION From Late Silurian through Late Devonian time, the history of the Rugosa in the Great Basin seaways was characterized by bursts of proliferation and evolu- tionary differentiation, separated by intervals during which the Rugosa were restricted in taxonomic diver- sity or poorly represented. Such bursts of coral activity took place: ( 1) in Late Silurian coral zone E of the upper Roberts Mountains limestones (fig. 9); (2) in Early to early Middle Devonian coral zone D of Nevada Formation, unit 2; (3) in Middle Devonian coral zone F of Nevada Formation, unit 4; and (4) in Late Devonian coral zone I of the upper Devils Gate Limestone. Each burst involved taxonomically dif- ferent coral groups which reached their peak in evolution at that time (see table 1). During the intervals of coral zones A and B, rugose corals were little differentiated although they were locally numer- ous; the rugose corals of zone C were becoming more diverse. Coral zones E and H show a poor representa- tion of the Rugosa; the beds carrying coral zone G are TABLE 1.—Evolutionary coral bursts in the Great Basin during the Silurian and Devonian Periods Great Basin Devonian European coral zone Coral burst stage A ge Rugose corals Famennian unknown in latest q) Devonian of 13 Great Basin .4 I I Frasnian H ————'!—————-—‘.7-—- 5 G Givetian % ‘E F F '5 g Eifelian E o E 7 D D D ____'____'_T_ C ’ Emsian ,2. A B . . a A Siegeman F11 Silurian I: coral zone SE Ludlovian 3 .5 E a S "l r: (I) introductory to an interval of dolomite facies unfavor- able to the Rugosa. Following the Late Devonian burst of coral zone I, the Rugosa declined and seemingly disappeared in this region before the close of the Devonian Period. When Rugosa reappear in the Mississippian Joana Lime- stone following an interval of extinction, they are represented by entirely different families which are unknown below this horizon. ZONE D CORAL BURST With deposition of impure argillaceous limestones in Nevada Formation, unit 2 of the Antelope-Roberts Mountains facies belt came the zone D burst of rugose coral differentiation. This episode opened rather abruptly after the interval of coral zones B and C in which solitary Halliidae were dominant and coral faunas were far less diverse. Siphonophrentinae, Cystiphylloidae, and Bethanyphyllidae peaked in coral zone D. Colonial genera, mainly Disphyllidae, appeared, but these are subordinate to the solitary genera. Large solitary Digonophyllidae arrived at this time, reaching their acme later in coral zone F, together with the Disphyllidae. Benthonic life was in general favored by the shallow sea environment of zone D; Tabulata were numerous and taxonomically diverse, as were brachiopods, trilobites, and Mollusca. In terms of genera and species, the zone D inverte- brate faunas are overall the largest of the Great Basin Devonian. Except for poorly preserved disphyllids and solitary coral species assigned to Cyathophyllum, the next higher interval of Nevada Formation, unit 3 (coral zone E) yields few Rugosa, and none from coral zone D are known to carry over into this barren zone. ZONE F CORAL BURST Rugosa again became numerous and taxonomically AGE AND CORRELATION OF CORAL ZONES 29 diverse within the interval of Nevada Formation, unit 4. Colonial genera are abundant for the first time in the Devonian, being concentrated in growth sites where corals predominate and where the limestones are partly dolomitic. Away from these dolomitic lime- stone loci, corals are scarce or absent, as in rocks of this interval in the Diamond Mountains facies belt. Families and subfamilies are not so numerous as in coral zone D, but the Disphyllidae have differentiated generically and the large solitary digonophyllids are at their evolutionary peak. This was also an interval of great rugose coral proliferation through the northern part of the Cordilleran Belt in western Canada. ZONE I CORAL BURST Marine environments in which were deposited the coarsely saccharoidal dolomite and thick-bedded stro- matoporoid limestones of zones G and H were evi- dently not conducive to rugose coral growth. When next the Rugosa appear in force within Late Devonian coral zone I, nearly all of the subfamilies and genera of zones D and F have disappeared, their places being taken by Phillipsastraeidae and one or two other sub- ordinate families. Ancestry of the Phillipsastraeidae is unknown. In coral zone F the genus Taimyrophyllum superficially resembles Pachyphyllum, but a study of internal structure does not bear out a genetic con- nection. In the upper part of the Devils Gate Limestone, Phillipsastraeidae of zone I occur in scattered con- centrations ecologically like those of coral zone F and do not occupy laterally persistent coral beds. Similar scattered loci of zone I coral proliferation occur in the northern part of the Cordilleran Belt in Canada and Alaska; this family also characterizes the Frasnian of other continents. AGE AND CORRELATION OF GREAT BASIN EARLY AND EARLY MIDDLE DEVONIAN CORAL ZONES Early Devonian rocks were made known in the central Great Basin during the geologic reconnais- sance of the Roberts Mountains in 1934. At that time beds containing Costispirifer similar to the eastern Oriskany C. arenosus were discovered in a badly faulted section. Stratigraphic studies in the Monitor- Simpson Park belt during the 1950’s led to the recog- nition of the Helderbergian age of the Rabbit Hill Limestone (Merriam, 1963, p. 42—44). A review by House (1962, p. 252) of cephalopod evidence in the American Devonian led to the conclusion that the “Spirifer pinyonensis zone” of Merriam (1940, p. 51), initially called Middle Devonian, may also be of Early Devonian age. In recent years research upon corals and brachiopods allied to a broad program of geologic mapping and stratigraphy in the Sulphur Spring Range and areas adjoining the Eureka mining district has shed light upon age and correlation problems. AGE AND CORRELATION WITH DISTANT REGIONS CORAL ZONE A The Rabbit Hill rugose coral genera Syringaxon and Australophyllum, because they occur in both Silurian and Devonian strata of distant regions, have at present no definitive correlation value. However, the Helder- berg age of this formation is convincingly borne out by associated brachiopods among which are: Levenea of. L. subcarinata (Hall), Howellella cf. H. cycloptera (Hall), Anastrophia cf. A. verneuili (Hall), and Orthostrophia cf. 0. strophomenoides (Hall). Other fossils of Helderbergian affinity are trilobites assigned to Leonaspis and two species of the tabulate coral Pleurodictyum. The closest known relatives of the Rabbit Hill fauna thus occur in rocks of Helderbergian age in New York, Oklahoma, and Tennessee (Mer- riam, 1963, p. 43). Costispirifer foreshadowing the New York Oriskany C. arenosus appears in higher beds of the Rabbit Hill. CORAL ZONE B The large and abundant Kobeha walcotti of the Halliidae occurs here without other rugose coral asso- ciates; like Papiliophyllum of succeeding coral zone C, Kobeha seems to be endemic in the Great Basin Province and, as such, is of no distant correlation value at present. Approximate Oriskany or Siegenian age is indicated by the associated brachiopod fauna contain- ing Costispirifer cf. C. arenosus and Gypidula with affinity to G. coeymanensis. The “Trematospira fauna” of Merriam (1940, p. 50), with C. arenosus and Tre- matOSpira cooperi, is that of coral zone B. First recog- nized within the intensely faulted terrane on the west side of Roberts Creek Mountain (Merriam, 1940, p. 50—52, pl. 1), the fossils of this Oriskany interval have in recent years been discovered during the mapping of these deposits southward from the Old Whalen mine area in the Sulphur Spring Range. In this range several of the more complete stratigraphic sections include all Devonian coral zones from A through D in order. CORAL ZONE C The endemic halliid coral Papiliophyllum succeeds Kobeha of underlying coral zone B. A larger coral fauna accompanies Papiliophyllum, including the hal- liid Odontophyllum meeki and Breviphrentis kobehen- sis of the subfamily Siphonophrentinae. The Onondaga 30 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN and Hamilton Formations of eastern North America are characterized by members of this subfamily which appears earlier in the New York Coeymans (Oliver, 1960a, p. 87). Siphonophrentis (Breviphren- tis) kobehensis is less similar to Siphonophrentis variabilis Oliver of the Coeymans than is Siphono- phrentis (Breviphrentis) invaginatus of coral zone D. Eastern species of Odontophyllum (Stumm, 1948b) differ specifically from 0. meeki of coral zone C and are reported to be of Middle Devonian age. A preliminary appraisal of brachiopods in coral zone C, the Acrospirifer kobehana zone (Merriam, 1940, p. 50—53) , indicates that a provisional correlation with the European Emsian appears reasonable. CORAL ZONE D Coral zone D brackets the interval of Nevada For- mation, unit 2 in the Lone Mountain reference section and corresponds to the “Spirifer pinyonensis zone” of earlier usage (Merriam, 1940, p. 53). Vertical changes in the rugose corals make it possible to further sub- divide this zone into subzones D1, D2, and D3 in ascending order. Initial appraisal of zone D coral, brachiopod, and trilobite assemblages by the writer in the 1930’s (Merriam, 1940) led to a Middle Devo- nian age assignment, although underlying strata of coral zone C, or the “Spirifer kobehana zone,” were at that time considered Lower Devonian. The beds of Nevada Formation, unit 2 were later assigned by others to Early Devonian (Johnson, 1962a; 1962b; 1966b). Paleontologic support of the Early Devonian interpretation comes in large degree at present from the ammonoid succession as reviewed by House (1962, p. 247—284). A well-preserved goniatite described by A. K. Miller (1938, p. 46, pl. 6, fig. 1) as Agoniatites nevadensis was collected by the writer in 1933 from a locality near M29 on the southwest side of Lone Mountain. The beds yielding the goniatite are Nevada Formation, unit 2, within the range of coral zone D2; associated fossils include Billingsastraea nevadensis. This fossil is the only fairly complete goniatite known from the lower part of the Nevada Formation; frag- mentary material has been found at Bush Creek in the Roberts Mountains and at Combs Peak by Wal- cott. Restudy by House of the Miller type and the only specimen of A. nevadensis, in the light of Erben’s (1960) revision of European Early Devonian goni- atites, led to reassignment of this species to Teicher- ticeras, a genus considered indicative of the Emsian. The conclusions of House and of Johnson regarding the Early Devonian assignment of the entire “Spirifer pinyonensis zone” or Nevada Formation, unit 2 are only in part borne out by results of these coral investi- gations. In harmony with an Early Devonian assign- ment, the coral fauna of subzone D1 includes an advanced Papiliophyllum elegantulum called sub- species d. Upward in the section the preponderant Rugosa are Siphonophrentinae of the species Brevi- phrentis invaginatus, making these faunas similar to the Onondaga faunas. The eastern Onondaga is analo- gous, as it has an abundance locally of Siphonophren- tinae; but the forms belonging to this family are mainly Heterophrentis. Among other Rugosa of subzone D2, Billingsastraea nevadensis shares many features with the late Early Devonian Billingsastraea afi‘inis (Bill- ings) of the Grande Greve, as refigured by Oliver (1964). Other Rugosa of subzone D2, the Family Bethany— phyllidae, Family Digonophyllidae, and the Hexa- gonaria, are less in accord with an Early Devonian age; these Rugosa represent elements largely known from starta of Middle Devonian age. The Halliidae, which here characterized the Lower Devonian beds of coral zones B and C, are uncommon above subzone D1, their places being taken by the Bethanyphyllidae. Digonophyllidae appear in subzone D2 with Meso- phyllum and Zonophylglum. The Digonophyllidae in these beds are greatly outnumbered by Siphonophren- tinae and Bethanyphyllidae Zonophyllum haguei is at least specifically distinct from Z. duplicatum Wedekind of the early Middle Devonian “Nohner Schichten” in the Eifel district, Germany. In Europe and the Cordilleran Belt of North America, Digono- phyllidae, are especially characteristic of the Middle Devonian (Eifelian), peak in Great Basin coral zone F. Bethanyphyllidae in this area are seemingly con- fined to subzones D1 and D2. Hexagonaria of subzone D2 is here placed in a new subgenus Pinyonastraea. True Hexagonaria is known here only in coral zone F, where it is locally the abundant genus. Passing upward at Lone Mountain into subzone D3 and the uppermost beds of Nevada Formation, unit 2, the Digonophyllidae are represented by the struc- turally complex Mesophyllum (Arcophyllum) kirki, a species resembling Arcophyllum in the Middle Devo- nian (Eifelian) in the Eifel district, Germany. Arco- phyllum kirki has its nearest relatives in the zone of “Cosmophyllum dachsbergi” at Gerolstein, Eifel dis- trict (Wedekind, 1925, p. 71); following Wedekind’s interpretation, this horizon is well within the Middle Devonian. In summary, these data appear to support the ammonoid evidence for the Early Devonian age of some part of the “Spirifer pinyonensis zone” of prior usage, or Nevada Formation, unit 2. However, Middle Devonian rugose coral elements are present in sub- AGE AND CORRELATION OF CORAL ZONES 31 zone D2 together with those of latest Early Devonian, and the digonophyllid Mesophyllum (Arcophyllum) kirki of subzone D3 is, in the absence of conflicting data, considered Middle Devonian. Accordingly, the rocks of Nevada Formation, unit 2 and coral zone D are here referred to as Early and early Middle Devonian. Conclusions regarding age and correlation of subzone D2 should await detailed description and analysis of the large brachiopod and trilobite faunas, together with the conodonts and tentaculites of this interval. Likewise the ammonoid evidence is meager at present. Rugose coral data suggest that the subjec- tive Lower-Middle Devonian boundary lies figuratively within a “gray band” of coral zone D and Nevada Formation, unit 2. CORRELATION WITH OTHER AREAS IN THE CORDILLERAN BELT Within the Cordilleran Belt, Early and early Middle Devonian rugose coral-bearing rocks are almost un- known outside the Great Basin. In the Canadian Northwest, the oldest Devonian coral-bearing strata thus far‘elucidated are the Eifelian or Givetian Hume and Nahanni Formations, which contain faunas corre- lative with Great Basin coral zone F. Billingsastraea- like colonial Rugosa in these Middle Devonian forma- tions are similar to Nevada Formation, unit 4 (coral zone F) species. However, Billingsastraea verrilli (Meek) of the Hume (Pedder, 1964), though speci- fically distinct, possesses features of the older B. nevadensis of coral subzone D2. Strata beneath the Hume have yielded goniatites of the genus Teicher- ticeras that are indicative of a possible Emsian age (House and Pedder, 1963, p. 491); these older beds are not known to contain Rugosa. The expected dis- tribution of the Devonian System throughout the Cordilleran Belt makes it seem unlikely that strata correlative to Rabbit Hill and Oriskany of Lower Devonian age are absent from these northerly regions. Possibly the strata are represented as relatively unfos- siliferous dolomites below the Hume and the Nahanni Formations. In Alaska Early Devonian rocks are likewise nearly unknown. The well-understood Paleozoic sections of the southeast Alaska panhandle include a very thick Silurian column, and the Middle and Upper Devonian are well represented, but the presence of Early Devonian has not as yet been established. Of interest in this connection is the occurrence of glacial cobbles in the Chewelah area of Stevens County, northeast Washington, that contain a fauna resembling the Rabbit Hill Helderberg (F. K. Miller, oral commun., 1965). Among the fossils are Syring- axon sp., Pleurodictyum cf. P. lenticularis (Hall), Levenea cf. L. subcarinata (Hall), and a species of Leptocoelia. NORTH-CENTRAL GREAT BASIN NORTHERN SULPHUR SPRING RANGE The Nevada Formation extends northward in the Sulphur Spring Range through the Mineral Hill dis- trict, where local names have been applied to lithologic subdivisions (Carlisle and others, 1957; Johnson, 1962b). Fossil collections show that Devonian coral zones B, C, and D are present. Zone B strata in McColley Canyon contain a variety of Kobeha differ- ing somewhat from typical K. walcotti. West of the Old Whalen mine, lower beds of Nevada Formation, unit 1 carry the Costispirifer arenosus brachiopod assemblage but have not yielded Kobeha; these Costi- sipirifer beds are calcarenites with quartz grains like those in zone B which contains Kobeha and Costi- spirifer in the southern Sulphur Spring Range. Beacon Peak Dolomite Member with the Rabbit Hill fauna and coral zone A has not been identified in the northern part of this range. SOUTHERN TUSCARORA MOUNTAINS The northernmost known occurrence of Lower Devonian beds in the Great Basin is at Maggie Creek, 8 miles northwest of Carlin, Nev. in the southern Tuscarora Mountains. Limestones of Rabbit Hill age at this locality contain a coral-brachiopod fauna including Syringaxon, Pleurodictyum, and a Billings- astraea-like colonial coral. This is one of two occur- rences of a colonial rugose coral in Devonian coral zone A. The Helderbergian limestones at Maggie Creek are underlain by the Roberts Mountains Formation. CORTEZ MOUNTAINS In the Cortez Mountains, strata carrying a Rabbit Hill Helderbergian fauna occur 1.5 miles southeast of Mount Tenabo summit (locality M1083). Pleuro- dictyum together with abundant Syringaxon foerstei indicate Devonian coral zone A. WEST-CENTRAL GREAT BASIN TOIYABE RANGE Devonian limestone and calcareous shale correlative with the Nevada Formation have recently been dis- covered by R. H. Washburn (written commun., 1968) on the west side of the Toiyabe Range 15 miles south- west of Austin, Nev. (Stewart and McKee, 1968). Exposures in the Reeds Canyon vicinity (locality M1151) have yielded the compound Billingsastraea? 32 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN sp. T and a large H exagonaria-like form. Provisionally compared to Billingsastraea and Hexagonaria (Pin- yonastraea) of coral subzone D2, a restudy suggests that the Billingsas traea-like form may be more closely allied to undescribed Taimyrophyllum of coral zone F. Accordingly, the age of this fauna remains some- what uncertain, but it is more likely Middle than Early Devonian. As the Toiyabe Devonian section is thick and fairly continuous upward from underlying grapto- litic Silurian, it is not improbable that other Devonian fossil horizons, including the Rabbit Hill, may even- tually be discriminated here. SOUTH-CENTRAL GREAT BASIN HOT CREEK RANGE Corals suggesting zones C and D have been col- lected in little-known Devonian beds of the Hot Creek Range. Fragmentary specimens of probable Papilio- phyllum come from locality M1066 in Hot Creek Canyon (H. E. Cook, written commun., 1966) and an Aulacophyllum-like coral comes from the Morey Peak vicinity (H. W. Dodge, Jr., written commun., 1968). Coral faunas of zone F are better known in this range, suggesting that most or all of the Nevada Formation interval is represented. SOUTHERN GREAT BASIN Southern Great Basin rugose coral-bearing beds of Early and early Middle Devonian ages are known in the Ranger Mountains, the Desert Range, the northern Panamint Mountains, and the Funeral Mountains. The occurrence of faunas at each place indicates a southerly extension of the seaway in which the lower part of the Nevada Formation of central Nevada was deposited. No fossils with certainty as old as the Rabbit Hill Helderbergian have thus far been dis- covered in these southern mountain ranges. RANGER MOUNTAINS Dolomite, limestone, and quartzite, some 3,000 feet thick and including beds rich in rugose corals, occur in the Ranger Mountains and other ranges border- ing Frenchman Flat, Nye and Clark Counties, Nev. (Johnson and Hibbard, 1957, p. 350—356; F. G. Poole, written commun., 1964). A quartzite about 90 feet thick in the lower part of this section probably corre- sponds to the Oxyoke Canyon Sandstone Member of the Eureka district 200 miles north. The fauna occur- ring in limestone beds 170 feet below the quartzite and about 10 feet above a thick dolomite sequence includes Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) invaginatus, Zonophyllum sp., and Papiliophyllum elegantulum subsp. d. Other fossils identified from this horizon are Chonetes macrostriata, Dalmanites meeki, and a Strophonella. The rugose corals suggest that this fauna represents the lower part of coral zone D and probably correlates with D1 of the Lone Mountain column because of the presence of the advanced Papiliophyllum. It is not unlikely that the underlying dolomites include earlier Devonian as well as a Lone Mountain Dolomite equivalent. DESERT RANGE Devonian beds at the south end of the Desert Range, 30 miles east of Frenchman Flat (Locality M1057, C. R. Longwell, oral commun., 1958) include a fauna with Chonetes macrostriata, Strophonella, Acrospirifer sp. and an incomplete corallum of either Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) or Sinospongophyl- lum. This assemblage suggests lower coral zone D, possibly about the horizon of the Ranger Mountains occurrence. NORTHERN PANAMINT MOUNTAINS Fossil collections from the upper part of McAllister’s Hidden Valley Dolomite unit 3b (McAllister, 1952, p. 17) in the southern Andy Hills of the Panamint Mountains (Marble Canyon quadrangle, Calif.) in- clude Acrospirifer kobehana, Costispirifer arenosus, Papiliophyllum elegantulum, and Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) cf. invaginatus. The spirifers and Papiliophyllum indicate Early Devonian in the com- bined intervals of coral zones B, C, and possible D1. The genus Kobeha, which is to be expected with Costispirifer arenosus, was not found here. Possibly C. arenosus ranges upward in the Panamint Moun- tains into beds with Acrospirifer kobehana and Papilio- phyllum. In the lower part of the Nevada Formation of central Nevada, the beds of coral zone B with C. arenosus and Kobeha underlie those of coral zone C with A. kobehana and Papiliophyllum elegantulum. The Panamint beds in question appear to be older than those in the Ranger Mountains and those in the Desert Range that are discussed above which appear to be correlative with the Nevada Formation, unit 2; the Panamint Early Devonian strata are correlative with Nevada Formation, unit 1 of the Lone Mountain section. FUNERAL MOUNTAINS The upper part of the Hidden Valley Dolomite in the vicinity of Pyramid Peak (Ryan quadrangle, Calif), southern Funeral Mountains, contains coral and brachiopod faunas resembling in part those of the same dolomite unit in the northern Panamint Mountains. Collections from six localities made by J. F. McAllister include an abundance of a large ———’i SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 33 Meristella similar to M. robertsensis and abundant Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) invaginatus. Less common are Papiliophyllum elegantulum and Aulaco- phyllum-like forms. These collections do not contain Costispirifer arenosus or Acrospirifer kobehana as do collections from the upper Hidden Valley of the Andy Hills area, northern Panamint Mountains. Absence of Early Devonian spirifers suggests that the Funeral Mountains faunas may be somewhat younger than the horizons of coral zones B and C, possibly being of the age of coral zone D1 which contains the highest Papiliophyllum. NORTHERN INYO MOUNTAINS Upper beds of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone at Mazourka Canyon, northern Inyo Mountains contain a species of Australophyllum similar to A. landerensis of the Rabbit Hill. The upper Vaughn Gulch beds are underlain by strata of Upper Silurian coral zone E that also underlie the Rabbit Hill Limestone at Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains. Confirmation of Helderbergian age of the upper Vaughn Gulch by other fossils has not been achieved, and these beds are pres- ently classified as Late Silurian or Early Devonian. SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY CLASSIFICATION OF GREAT BASIN EARLY AND EARLY MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSA Th classification adopted for Great Basin Rugosa here described is for the greater part in accord with that of Hill (1956), the most comprehensive and authoritative classification published thus far. Depar- tures from Hill’s arrangement of families and genera involve content of certain families, status of sub- families, and family or subfamily assignment of several genera. A new subfamily, the Siphonophrentinae, is pro- posed to accommodate certain advanced Streptelas- matidae. Because of uncertainties in the characteriza- tion of Zaphrentis, the Family Zaphrentidae is not used herein. The Disphyllidae are considered an inde- pendent family not closely related to the Phillipsas- traeidae, by reason of fundamental differences of tissue structure. Stumm’s subfamily Papiliophyllinae is restored for these seemingly endemic Halliidae; also adopted is Stumm’s family Bethanyphyllidae, which has a wide geographic distribution. For certain Great Basin Silurian and Early Devonian species of Aus- tralophyllum the Family Endophyllidae is adopted, forms which might otherwise have been relegated to the ill-defined Spongophyllidae. Stumm’s Family Cys- tiphylloidae is restored to include Cystiphylloides, in preference to placing it under Mesophyllum of the Digonophyllidae. Order RUGOSA Edwards and Haime 1850 I. Family Laccophyllidae Grabau, 1928 Genus Syringaxon Lindstrom, 1882 Syringaxon foerstei n. sp. II. Family Streptelasmatidae Nicholson, 1889 (as Streptelasmidae) Subfamily Siphonophrentinae new subfamily Genus Siphonophrentis O’Connell, 1914 Subgenus B reviphrentis Stumm, 1949 (as genus) Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) invaginatus (Stumm) Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) kobehensis n. sp. Genus Nevadaphyllum Stumm, 1937 N evadaphyllum masoni Stumm III. Family Kodonophyllidae Wedekind, 1927 Subfamily Kodonophyllinae Wedekind, 1927 Genus Kodonophyllum Wedekind, 1927 (?)Kodonophyllum sp. a IV. Family Stauriidae Edwards and Haime, 1850 Genus Dendrostella Glinski, 1957 (as subgenus of Favis tella) Dendros tella romanensis n. Sp. V. Family Halliidae Chapman, 1893 Subfamily Haliinae Chapman, 1893 Genus Aulacophyllum Edwards and Haime, 1850 Aulacophyllum sp. 0 Genus Odontophyllum Simpson, 1900 Odontophyllum meeki n. sp. Subfamily Papiliophyllinae Stumm, 1949 Genus Papiliophyllum Stumm, 1937 Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm Papiliophyllum elegantulum subsp. d Genus Kobeha new genus K obeha walcotti n. gen., n. sp. Kobeha ketophylloides n. gen., n. sp. Genus Eurekaphyllum Stumm, 1937 Eurekaphyllum breviseptatum Stumm VI. Family Bethanyphyllidae Stumm, 1949 Genus Bethanyphyllum Stumm, 1949 Bethanyphyllum lonense (Stumm) Bethanyphyllum antelopensis n. sp. Bethanyphyllum sp. 6. VII. Family Chonophyllidae Holmes, 1887 Genus Sinospongophyllum Yoh, 1937 Sinospongophyllum Sp. (1 Sinospongophyllum sp. e fi 34 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN Sinospongophyllum sp. f VIII. Family Endophyllidae Torley, 1933 Genus Australophyllum Stumm, 1949 Australophyllum landerensis n. sp. IX. Family Disphyllidae Hill, 1939 Genus Disphyllum de Fromentel, 1861 Disphyllum nevadense (Stumm) Disphyllum eurekaensis n. sp. Genus Hexagonaria Giirich, 1896 Subgenus Pinyonastraea new subgenus H exagonaria (Pinyonas traea) kirki (Stumm) Genus Billingsastraea Grabau, 1917 Billingsastraea nevadensis Stumm Billingsastraea nevadensis subsp. arachne (Stumm) Billingsas traea? sp. T X. Family Cystiphylloidae Stumm, 1949 Genus Cystiphylloides Chapman, 1893 Cystiphylloides robertsense (Stumm) Cystiphylloides lonense (Stumm) Cystiphylloides sp. (1 XI. Family Digonophyllidae Wedekind, 1924 Subfamily Digonophyllinae Wedekind, 1924 Genus MeSOphyllum Schliiter, 1889 Subgenus Mesophyllum Schlfiter, 1889 Mesophyllum (Mesophyllum) sp. b Mesophyllum (Mesophyllum) sp. c ‘ Subgenus Arcophyllum Markov, 1926 (as genus) Mesophyllum (Arcophyllum) kirki (Stumm) Subfamily Zonophyllinae Wedekind, 1924 Genus Zonophyllum Wedekind, 1924 Zonophyllum haguei n. sp. Zonophyllum sp. a Zonophyllum sp. b TAXONOMIC INTERPRETATION OF RUGOSE CORAL STRUCTURE Traditional gross comparative morphology of skele- tal features is the basis for revised classification of Silurian and Divonian Rugosa here adopted. Diagnos- tic characters of families and genera are visible to the unaided eye or under low magnification. Coral speci- alists have long sought recognition of minute histologic details as reliable taxonomic guides. Structures of this kind, visible under a magnification range of 8—20 diam- eters, have appropriately been called fine structure (Kato, 1963). Although of value in the recognition of certain families, fine structure is somewhat less diag- nostic than the well-known minute wall features of groupings are meaningful histologic characters of this scale in wall tissue of Tryplasmatidae and Phillipsas- traeidae (Ogilvie, 1897; Hill, 1936; Wang, 1950; Kato, 1963). None of the Early and early Middle Devonian species here described disclose these minute features convincingly. Silicificatron and other forms of additive ' ' most instances destroyed original histologic structures or left them but vaguely discernible in thin section through a veil of secondary crystallization. Ideally a biologic classification based At species and infraspecies levels, biometrics and statistical analysis of variation have a definite place The basic solitary rugose coral skeleton is an upside- down conical platform strengthened internally by hori- zontal, vertical, and diagonal supports and provided externally with attaching processes. Within the Rugosa generally there are limitless possibilities of taxonomic subdivision using combinations of the more stable megascopic exterior and interior characters. The structural complexity varies from the simple Stauri- idae to the very complex interior patterns of the Digonophyllidae. EXTERIOR CORALLUM FEATURES Exterior surface characteristics of the rugosan coral- lum have been adequately defined by Hill (1935; 1956) and require little elaboration in this regard. Among the solitary Devonian taxa here described, surface features of taxonomic value given special attention are: (1) median longitudinal profile of the modified cone, with or without tendency to become elongate-cylindrical at maturity; (2) strength and abundance of rugae; (3) frequency and spacing of rejuvenescence flanges; (4) ————7 SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 35 accentuation of septal grooves; and (5) development of connecting or attachment processes. Among colonial Rugosa generally the exterior fea- tures of taxonomic value are growth habit or pattern, which range from loosely fasciculate or bushy to mas- sive cerioid. In the compact cerioid forms, shape and size of the free-growing head are significant, as is the extent of holothecal investment compared to area occupied by the distal or calicular surface. The open bushy forms reveal externally such features as lateral and calice reproductive offsets and lateral connections, which may be tubular as in Pycnostylidae or highly irregular attachment excrescences like those of E ntelo- phyllum. Some of these gross external characteristics may be viewed as adaptive, or they may be influenced by envi- ronmental conditions, as, for example, the external shape of a coral head. Calice features are part of the corallum exterior, but these also disclose much of the internal structure and the character of reproductive offsets. The individual calice profile in median longitudinal section reveals calice shape and depth; such profiles may be V-shaped, U-shaped, inverted bell-shaped, or squared. Other calice features are: calice pit, median boss, distal calice platform, and reflection of calice rim—all external characters of taxonomic importance. Symmetry of the calice viewed transversely is that of an adult transverse section and shows to advantage the bilateral and quad- rilateral features manifested by cardinal, counter, and alar septa. Departures from complete radial symmetry are clearly shown by pinnate arrangements of septa contiguous to a cardinal fossula, present in many gen- era. Septal edges projecting in from the sides and floor of the calice may be denticulate or entire. The calice rim may be narrow, acute, and unreflected as in Syringaxon or Kobeha; in M ucophyllum, which has a mushroom-shaped corallum, the calice rim is strongly reflected, forming a wide upwardly convex marginal platform. Digonophyllidae that have a wide dissepi- mentarium also have correspondingly wide calice brims or platforms with a conical median pit. Compact thamnastraeoid and aphroid colonial gen- era like Billingsastraea, although lacking a corallite wall, commonly show false surficial walls or raised intercalice polygonal ridges on a calicular surface; other variants of this genus suppress the false wall but develop elevated median cones, as in Pachyphyllum. Such exterior calicinal features do not seem to have more than subgeneric or species value. Characters of the outer corallite wall, septa, biologic symmetry, and reproductive offsets visible in the calice are treated elsewhere. Some normally solitary Rugosa are closely related genetically to colonial species, calling for taxonomic evaluation of growth habit in this respect. Among nor- mally solitary taxa usually classified as Zaphrentidae, the genus H eliophyllum, as demonstrated by Wells (1937), produces compound adaptive groupings of fas- ciculate to astraeoid form. Other families which include closely related taxa of solitary to colonial habit are the Tryplasmatidae and the Phillipsastraeidae. Among the last, solitary Macgeea is commonly associated with Phillipsastraea, Pachyphyllum, or Phacellophyllum, and it seems not unlikely this genus is quite polyphy- letic, possibly a solitary differentiate, or even a mani- festation of dimorphism. Among corals described in this report, there are partly phaceloid individuals of otherwise cerioid Pinyonastraea. TAXONOMIC EVALUATION OF CORALLUM INTERIOR STRUCTURES Chief internal structures of the rugose coral are septa, tabulae, dissepiments, axial structures, and stereoplasmic deposits. The septa and axial structures are vertical elements, the tabulae are horizontal, and the dissepiments are diagonal elements. Complexpat- terns consisting of combinations of these elements lend themselves to taxonomic evaluation. SEPTA In terms of fine structure, the two principal types of rugosan septa are lamellar and acanthine. Somewhat unsatisfactory attempts have been made (Wang, 1950) to evaluate trabecular patterns of lamellar septa for taxonomic purposes (Kato, 1963). In general these his- tologic features are too poorly understood and the pres- ervation of most Rugosa unsatisfactory for taxonomic evaluation by this character. N0 Tryplasmatidae with acanthine trabecular spines were found in the Great Basin Early and Middle Devonian. Of the eleven families of Great Basin Rugosa here defined, nine possess lamellar septa; the remaining two, Cystiphylloidae and Digonophyllidae, do not have complete and continuous lamellar septa and are dealt with separately. Septum characters of special systematic importance are: (1) septal count, (2) relative lengths of major and minor septa, (3) vertical continuity of septa, (4) radial continuity of septa, and (5) presence of true septal carinae. Septal thickening by stereoplasm is considered separately. Evaluation of septal and other interior character- istics at the species level is effectively expressed quan- titatively by use of ratios, of which that involving major septum count relative to mature corallite diam- h 36 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN eter is the most widely used (Oliver, 1960a, 1968; Roz- kowska, 1960). Within the mature corallum, lamellar septa of most families here defined have a modicum of vertical conti- nuity. Nondissepimented forms like Siphonophrenti- nae have amplexoid septa which lack this vertical continuity except at the periphery; inward the partial septa extend upward from distal surfaces of tabulae. All genera with lonsdaleioid dissepiments have radially discontinuous septa. This is true also of the Digono- phyllidae in which septa tend to lose identity peripher- ally within a complex mesh. Septal crests or septal spines in these categories are radially alined seg- ments growing toward the axis from inner dissepiment surfaces. True septal carinae are distinguished by continuity in depth; as seen in longitudinal thin section a carina passes diagonally downward and outward toward the periphery, transacting dissepimental tissue. Carinae are of three kinds: ( 1) crossbar or yardarm carinae, (2) angulation or elbow carinae, and (3) strip carinae. True carinae are readily distinguishable from minor septal wiggles, unthickened angulations, and stereo- plasmic lumps or bumps on septa which do not extend downward from a given transverse plane. Strip carinae are a derivative of crossbar carinae in the outer dissepi- mentarium of Digonophyllidae like Arcophyllum, wherein the septa are aborted, but the carinae occur as diagonal strips viewed in longitudinal thin section. TAB ULAE A tabula is a supporting structure that occupies the middle part of a corallum. Tabulae of more primitive Rugosa extend from wall to wall, as in tabulate corals. More advanced dissepimented rugose corals have the interior differentiated into a middle tabularium and an outer dissepimentarium. Tabulae are lamellar, simple, and almost always thin, unlike septa which may be stereoplasmically thickened. In the primitive condition tabulae are nearly straight and horizontal. Modifica- tion is by sag or axial inclination; in many advanced genera the tabulae are domed and arched with a peripheral inclination. Tabulae may be entire and com- plete, or they may comprise short blisterlike domes called tabellae with the appearance of flat dissepi- ments. Edges of tabellae abut upon other tabellae, on longer more nearly complete tabulae, or against inner- most dissepiments. The boundary separating tabularium from dissepi- mentarium is discrete in some genera; in other genera the two zones appear to blend. In general the inner dissepiments are steeply inclined axially, whereas the adjacent outer tabellae are inclined peripherally. With genera having an aulos or inner ring, the tabulae may be differentiated into a horizontal axial set and a peri- axial set peripherally inclined, as in Syringaxon. In forms with wide flat tabulae (like Kobeha) the calice floor is a tabula which bends down abruptly at the cardinal fossula. Spacing of tabulae is rather uniform in some gene’i'a; in others there is great irregularity. Sudden change from close spacing to wide may be a response to envi- ronmental change. Specimens have been observed among solitary Rugosa in which the abrupt change in attitude of tabulae was obviously a response to the vertically attached corallum having fallen on its side, resulting in a change in growth direction to maintain horizontality of tabulae. DISSEPIMENTS As normal dissepiments, these blisterlike strength- ening and space-filling elements occupy interseptal loc- uli. Lonsdaleioid dissepiments are usually larger, occur in the peripheral zone and are concave toward the out- side. A single lonsdaleioid dissepiment opposes the outer ends of several septa. Peripherally the septa never transect lonsdaleioid dissepiments continuously; they occur here only as radially alined crests. Each normal dissepiment is three dimensionally a spheroid segment with the basal plane axially inclined. Transverse section traces of these dissepiments occur in concentric, axially concave sets between pairs of septa. Peripherally these traces may become angulo- concentric or straight, or they may blend into an irreg- ular herringbone or general cribriform tissue in which the septa are suppressed. In longitudinal section the overlapping dissepiments form crude columns the number of which has taxo- nomic meaning. Normal dissepiments may be globose or elongate; lonsdaleioid dissepiments are always elon- gate and, unlike the normal, dissepiments, are always concave toward the outside, if viewed in transverse section. Average inclination of dissepiments has taxonomic significance. In solitary and colonial forms with wide corallites, the peripheral dissepiments are horizontal; toward the axis the inclination always increases, such that the innermost, usually smaller, dissepiments stand nearly vertical. A character of considerable sys- tematic value is discreteness or sharpness of the boundary between these inner dissepiments and the tabularium. Digonophyllid species with complex peripheral pat- terns may have small nontransverse or radial dissepi- ments; all the edges of the dissepiments abut on a single septum. ———i SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 37 Dissepiments are generally but not always absent in Ordovician Rugosa and accordingly are viewed as advanced structures in the evolutionary sense. Dis- sepimented species appear abruptly and in some abun- dance with the Early Silurian Lykophyllidae and Arachnophyllidae. Nondissepimented Siphonophrenti- nae are among the abundant forms in the Early and early Middle Devonian rocks of the Great Basin. Dis- sepiments undoubtedly arose independently in several unrelated rugose coral lineages. With regard to corals with lonsdaleioid dissepiments, this is fairly evident, as they characterize several families among which are the Spongophyllidae, Endophyllidae, Halliidae, and Chonophyllidae. By themselves these lonsdaleioid fea- tures are not regarded as indicative of genetic relation- ship. Columns of true horseshoe dissepiments are a special category known in the Cordilleran Belt only in Late Devonian Phillipsastraeidae. These features are nor- mally associated with diagnostic trabecular bundles. STEREOPLASMIC DEPOSITS Septa ‘and other primary structures of the rugose coral skeleton are thickened and added to in lamellar fashion by secondary calcareous matter to which the terms stereoplasm or stereome have been given. Within a species certain of these stereoplasmic additions are fairly regular and uniform. Deposits of this kind affect mainly the septa; dissepiments may be so thickened on the inner surfaces, but tabulae are generally not thickened. Axial structures become a solid columella when pervaded by stereome. Taxonomically the most important stereoplasmic deposits are the fairly uniform peripheral thickenings of septa producing a septal stereozone. Certain genera like Kodonophyllum and Nevadaphyllum always have a wide septal stereozone. Stereoplasmically strength- ened columellas do not occur in the Devonian corals here described but are common in late Paleozoic and Silurian genera. Some genera have either a general stereoplasmic dilation of septa throughout their ta- pered length or a uniform dilation only within the tabularium. Less significant taxonomically are the minor nonuni- form lobose thickenings distributed irregularly along septa or affecting only axial segments. True carinae are not basically stereoplasmic, but may be supplemented by this secondary material. Especially meaningful for systematic purposes are the rather uniform lateral swellings of septa that form an inner stereoplasmic wall or aulos, as in Syringaxon. Among rugose corals with a well-developed outer wall, the thin epitheca may readily be distinguished texturally in thin section from the contiguous septal stereozone making most of the wall. RUGOSE CORAL SYMMETRY AND TAXONOMY Rugose corals have the underlying bilateral sym- metry of the coelenterate. In most genera, however, the more obvious symmetry is radial. In many solitary Rugosa the primary bilateral symmetry is recognizable externally or in the calice by means of the pinnate arrangement of septa with reference to the cardinal- counter plane. Biologic orientation is facilitated in many solitary forms by the adult cardinal fossula enveloping the cardinal septum. Well-defined counter fossulae are less common. In the neanic stage of some species there is a distinct quadripartite pattern defined by cardinal, counter, and alar features; these become less distinct in the ephebic transverse section. Gener- ally the four symmetry quadrants are identifiable in mature growth stages of solitary genera. With refer- ence to the corallum exterior, the cardinal fossula may lie either on the axially concave or the convex side; whether this character is constant within a genus or species is not known. Contiguous cardinal quadrant septa tend to be pin- nate or to become alined at maturity more or less parallel to the cardinal septum and fossula in mature stages. These septal features of symmetry, together with the down—bending of tabulae, define the fossula. Characters of bilateral symmetry are best shown by solitary Rugosa; most cerioid colonial genera lack a fossula and show little indication of anything but sec- ondary radial symmetry in mature individual corallites. GROWTH CHANGES AND REPRODUCTIVE FEATURES Growth and reproductive features have an impor- tant bearing upon rugose coral classification as in all Orders of the Animal Kingdom. Sequences of develop- ment change recorded in the corallum have, since the inception of modern coral research, been made use of in this regard. With Early Devonian taxa here described, solitary Papiliophyllinae, when serially sec- tioned, reveal progressive ontogenetic loss of septal stereoplasmic thickening in more or less orderly fash- ion. Syringaxon of the Laccophyllidae shows loss of fossulae with development of the mature aulos. Modes of asexual reproduction or so-called “in- crease” among Rugosa have been dealt with exten- sively (Lang and Smith, 1927; Hill, 1935, 1956) and are readily discernible as axial, peripheral, and lateral off- sets in solitary and fasciculate taxa (Oliver, 1968, p. 20). Reproductive offsets of compact colonial genera like Hexagonaria and Billingsastraea are difficult to deal with in this respect, calling for selection and spe- cial preparation of suitable material. i 38 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN Developmental study of colonial genera is intimately related to manner of increase, for not only must onto- genetic changes of corallites be considered, but the colony growth pattern as well. Such patterns are a three-dimensional arrangement of parts contingent upon ways in which reproductive offsets develop from parent corallites (Oliver, 1968; ROikowska, 1960). Few developmental studies of cerioid rugose genera have been carried out. Roz'kowska’s (1960, p. 14—28) Hexagonaria investigations demonstrate calice offsets from the dissepimentarium. Developmental patterns involving reproductive offsets of more conveniently handled phaceloid colonies are touched upon by Oliver (1968, p. 26) in connection with statistical variation analyses. In general too little is at present known of these reproductive characters for them to figure sig- nificantly in the taxonomy of Devonian compound genera. Small reproductive offsets, not found in most soli- tary rugose coral species of the Great Basin Devonian, have been recognized only in a single specimen of Kobeha and in aberrant Breviphrentis. Characteristic of Breviphrentis are rejuvenescence features produced by growth of a single large daughter offset that largely fills the parental calice. Cone-in-cone growth of solitary Digonophyllidae and Chonophyllidae evidently inspired Wedekind’s (1924, p. 21) concept of the “septal cone.” In accord- ance with this view, certain solitary genera with lamel- lar but vertically discontinuous septa grew upward as stacked-up increments or growth cones secreted by the polyp basal ectoderm during successive growing stages. Septa are represented by radial calice ridges or radially alined septal crests separately secreted after a resting interval. VARIATION AND DIMORPHISM Biometric analyses of individual variation are espe- cially appropriate in connection with rugose coral spe- cies discrimination. Studies by Oliver (1960a; 1968) and Roikowska (1960) effectively present these data graphically as ratio curves or scatter diagrams. The most commonly used ratio is that of septal count rela- tive to mature corallite diameter. Biometry with statistical analysis of data is of value in distinguishing continuous from discontinuous vari- ation and, in connection with possibilities of gene or somatic mutation, dimorphism, and intergrowth within a colonial corallum complex of individuals from two or more protocorallites (Oliver, 1968, p. 24—26). Dimor- phism has been suspected but not always convincingly demonstrated in numerous rugose coral species. Appro- priate in this regard is reference to the “genomorph concept” of Smith and Lang (1930) which was based upon Carboniferous coral genera in which aberrant corallites or parts of corallites have the appearance of another genus. Critical reviews (RoZkowska, 1960; Wilson, 1963; Oliver, 1968) have not encouraged use of genomorph in a taxonomic sense as advocated by its authors. Whereas observations leading to the geno- morph idea with reference to Carboniferous Rugosa are valid, the cited examples among Devonian species appear to be founded upon misconceptions, as noted by Roikowska (1960, p. 49) . Likelihood of dimorphism has not been eliminated in connection with certain Devonian species here described, studies of large suites of associated individ- uals on a population basis will be required. Siphono- phrentis (Breviphrentis) invaginatus may bear such a relationship to Nevadaphyllum and to associated indi- viduals with sporadic dissepiments that are question- ably assigned to Sinospongophyllum. Among the Disphyllidae, Billingsastraea nevadensis and its sub- species arachne, initially described by Stumm as Radi- astraea, would also lend themselves to quantitative appraisal with sufficient material. A similar situation is found in H exagonaria (Pinyonastraea) kirki, whose range overlaps that of Billingsastraea and which could be interpreted as a genetically related cerioid disphyl- lid possessing an outer wall. DESCRIPTIVE TERMS Descriptive terms applicable to the structure of the rugose coral have been adequately defined and stabil- ized by Hill (1935, p. 481—519; 1956, p. F234—F245) and are now widely accepted. New and useful terms have in recent years been proposed by Birenheide, Glinski, Schouppé, and other European coral research- ers. Hill’s terminology with minor modifications, is adopted in this report. Family LACCOPHYLLIDAE Grabau, 1928 Reference form—Syringaxon siluriensis (McCoy) 1850. Small solitary trochoid to subcylindrical rugose corals with very deep calice, straight smooth lamellar septa, a narrow septal stereozone, and tubular stereo- plasmic aulos. Tabulae partly complete, very strongly uparched, nearly flat within aulos, steeply inclined peripherally. N0 dissepiments. These nondissepimented but otherwise specialized corals are distinguished by the strong inner ring pro- duced by swelling of septal tips and commonly rather heavy addition of stereoplasm. Arching of tabulae is pronounced. The Laccophyllidae occur in the Silurian and Devonian wherein they may be abundant in a facies with no other Rugosa. Nearly identical small it SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 39 corals like Permia, which reappear in the Carboni- ferous, may be homeomorphic (Hudson, 1944, p. 360; Fliigel and Free, 1962, p. 232). Somewhat less con- vergent are the Permian Polycoeliidae elucidated by Schindewolf (1942, p. 55). Syringaxon is the only member of this family recog- nized in the Great Basin, where it is the characteriz- ing rugose coral of the Helderberg Early Devonian Syringaxon facies. Genus SYRINGAXON Lindslrom. 1882 1882. Syringaxon Lindstrom, p. 20. 1900. Laccophyllum Simpson, p. 201. 1902. N icholsonia Poéta, p. 184. Cited in plate explanations as Alleynia (N icholsonia). 1928. Laccophyllum Simpson. Grabau, p. 82. 1928. Alleynia Poéta (N icholsonia Poéta) Grabau, p. 82. 1935. Syringaxon Lindstrém. Butler, p. 117. 1938. S yringaxon Lindstrom. (in part). Prantl, p. 21. 1940. Syringaxon Lindstrém. Lang, Smith, and Thomas, p. 129. 1949. S yringaxon Lindstrom. Stumm, p. 10. 1956. S yringaxon Lindstrom. Hill, p. F258. 1962. S yringaxon Lindstrém (in part). Fliigel and Free, p. 224. Type species.—By monotypy, Cyathaxonia siluri- ensis McCoy, 1850 (p. 281); Silurian, upper Ludlow, Underbarrow, Kendal, Westmorland, England. Accord- ing to Butler (1935, p. 118) and Lang, Smith, and Thomas (1940, p. 129), Lindstrém, in naming the genus, gave no diagnosis; he merely used McCoy’s species siluriensis under the new generic name Syring- axon in his faunal lists of the Gotland Silurian (Lindstrém, 1882, p. 20). Diagnosis.—Small, solitary turbinate and ceratoid to cylindrical rugose corals with deep calice and no dissepiments. Axial ends of major septa dilated and laterally in contact to form an aulos. Tabulae strongly uparched distally, the aulos dividing them into inner flat or slightly sagging segments and outer segments which descend steeply to meet the outer wall (Fliigel and Free, 1962, fig. 3); tabulae either continuous from wall to wall through aulos stereozone, terminating within the aulos, or abutting proximally as tabellae against adjacent tabulae. Stereome usually abundant as aulos thickening and general thickening or filling in brephic and neanic growth stages. Narrow fossulae commonly reveal quadrants in late neanic growth stages. Remarks.—-Simpson (1900, p. 201) called attention to this distinctive rugose coral group in the American Silurian upon proposal of Laccophyllum, with L. acuminatum Simpson from the Niagaran of Perry County, Tenn., as type species. Butler’s exhaustive study (1935) determines that McCoy’s (1850, p. 281) “Cyathaxonia siluriensis” is the type species of Syringaxon Lindstrom; later Lang, Smith, and Thomas (1940, p. 129) concluded that the holotype of Lacco- phyllum acuminatum Simpson is correctly assignable to Syringaxon, thus making Laccophyllum Simpson a synonym of Syringaxon Lindstrom. Alleynia Poéta or Alleynia (Nicholsonia) Poéta (see Lang and others, 1940, p. 15, 129) appears to be cor- rectly regarded as a synonym of Syringaxon. Barrandeophyllum Poéta (1902, p. 190) is similar to Syringaxon. According to Prantl (1938, p. 34), who studied Poéta’s cotypes of the type species, Barrande- ophyllum perplexum, this genus is virtually identical in habit, form, and general structure with Syringaxon, from which it may have been derived. Barrandeo- phyllum is distinguished from Syringaxon by irregu- larities of the aulos, which is usually elliptical in section, and by a sparing development of dissepiments. Stereoplasm is always present but is not abundant. The type species of Barrandeophyllum is reported from the Lower Devonian Branik Limestone of Bohemia. Syringaxon ranges from the Niagaran of Tennessee through strata of Lower Devonian Helder- berg age in western North America and is reported in the Upper Devonian Independence Shale of Iowa (Stainbrook, 1946, p. 402). As noted by Hudson (1944, p. 360), other small and rather simple corals closely resembling Syringaxon range into the Carboniferous, where they are repre- sented by the genus Permia Stuckenberg. According to Hudson, Permia and Syringaxon are probable homeomorphs. In the Great Basin small solitary corals similar to Syringaxon occur in the lower or Silurian part of the Hidden Valley Dolomite of the northern Panamint Mountains (McAllister, 1952, p. 15—17). Following the great proliferation in the Great Basin Helder- bergian these corals seemingly almost disappeared from this region, although scarce and fragmentary specimens which may belong either in Syringaxon or Barrandeophyllum have been found at Lone Mountain in the Nevada Formation, unit 2. Springaxon Ioerstei n. sp. Plate 1, figures 1—16 1963. Syringaxon acuminatum (Simpson). Merriam, p. 43. Type material.——Holotype, USNM 159243; figured paratypes, USNM 159245—159250 inclusive. Rabbit Hill Limestone, Early Devonian, Central Great Basin; Monitor Range, Nev. Diagnosis .—Syringaxon has a very deep calice, thick wall, prominent longitudinal grooves externally and on interior of calice wall, and a high septal count for this genus. Cardinal and alar septa are differentiated in neanic stages. fi 40 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN External features.—Corallum, large for the genus, attains a length of 30 mm and maximal diameter of 27 mm at edge of calice; average length about 19 mm and average diameter 16 mm. Calice very deep, in large individuals as much as 16 mm or more than half the corallum length. Average specimen is trochoid, but ceratoid individuals are fairly common; turbinate and nearly cylindrical individuals are uncommon. Septal grooves are sharply defined and distinctly pinnate with reference to the primary septa. Rugae are weakly defined or absent, rarely prominent. A few individuals have talons or attachment surface at apex. Septa extend distally as low subequal ridges on inside of calice and rarely become obsolete. Aulos is defined as a ring-shaped boss at the bottom of the calice in many specimens; in the others the aulos is ill defined, and narrow fossulae may outline quadrants made by the primary septa. Transverse sections—Mature sections have 26 to more than 30 major septa extending three-fourths of the distance to the axis. Minor septa are normally present, but in some individuals are not recognizable at maturity; these septa range from mere stubs to one-third the length of the major septa; in some specimens the septa are buried within the peripheral stereoplasm. Septa are usually dilated toward tips, laterally in contact, and reinforced by stereoplasm to produce an aulos. Entire septum may be somewhat dilated. Individuals that have a poorly defined aulos have pairs of contiguous septa meeting axially like a tuning fork, and merged segments continue toward axis; some of these specimens reveal quadrate trans- verse symmetry. The thickness of the peripheral stereozone in some specimens exceeds 1 mm, but is usually not so thick as the aulos. There is consider- able variation in the amount of stereoplasm; some early ephebic sections show the entire aulos filled with this material. The appearance of false dissepiments possibly results from section-cutting bulbous distal inflations of tabulae between the aulos and the outer wall. Longitudinal sections—Outer segments of tabulae descend steeply, with upward inflection before meeting the stereozone. Some complete tabulae are vague within the aulos, others are traceable com- pletely across. Some aulos segments of tabulae may be thickened stereoplasmically. Some specimens have complete tabulae with M-shaped curvature and near- vertical outer segments. Tabular spacing is nonuniform and usually is fairly wide. Comparison with related forms—Butler’s (1935) figures of Syringaxon siluriensis (McCoy) show a maturely cerioid to subcylindrical form with fewer septa and poorly developed minor septa. Syringaxon foers tei includes externally similar subcylindrical vari- ants, but the norm is a trochoid corallum. Both tend to have heavy stereoplasmic deposits in the aulos and a wide septal stereozone. Of several species figured by Prantl (1938) from the Devonian of Czechoslovakia, most have a lower septal count and elongate sub- cylindrical coralla. Species described from the Greif— ensteiner Kalk (Eifelian) of Germany by Flfigel and Free (1962) have a weaker aulos and less arching of tabulae. Occurrence—Rabbit Hill Limestone of Helderberg Early Devonian age; Devonian coral zone A. Northern Monitor Range, Rabbit Hill vicinity: localities M48, M49, M187. Middle part of the Monitor Range, Dobbin Summit area: localities M1067, M1068, M1069. Northern Simpson Park Mountains, Walti Hot Springs area: locality M1074; Coal Canyon area: localities M1032, M1075, M1076. Cortez Mountains, Mount Tenabo area: locality M1083. Beacon Peak Dolomite Member (Helderberg Early Devonian age) of the Nevada Formation; Devonian coral zone A. Southern Sulphur Spring Range: localities M186, M197, M1081, M1082. Family STREPTELASMATIDAE Nicholson, 1889 (as STREPTELASMIDAE) Reference form—Streptelasma corniculum Hall. Ordovician, New York. These are solitary rugose corals with or without fossula, normally without dissepiments but with a dis- crete septal stereozone; tabulae are wide, flat or domed, some complete. Septa of primitive forms are thickened and laterally in contact through mid-neanic stage; septa thin peripherally from axis; in some genera septa reach axis and form with domed tabulae axial complexes or columellae. Tabulae, obscure in this genera, have a very wide stereozone. Measurements of Syringaxon foerstei n. sp. Calice bottom Ephebic section USNM Corallum length Calice depth Outside diameter Number of Diameter Number of No. restored (mm) (mm) (mm) major septa (mm) major septa 159243 (holotype) .............. 32 16 12 28 _ _ 159244 (paratype) .............. 17 8 11.5 24 — _ 159246 (paratype) ....... — — _ _ 9.5 26 159248 (paratype) .............. — —— — _ 13 24 159352 (pl, 1, figs. 9, 10)... — — — _ 15.6 26 f SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY This diverse long-ranging family will probably lend itself to further subfamily taxonomic subdivision eventually. Great Basin Devonian representatives are classified in a new subfamily, here designated as the Siphonophrentinae. Sublumily SIPHONOPHRENTINAE, new subfamily Reference form—Siphonophrentis gigantea (Le- sueur) 1821. Middle Devonian, New York. These Streptelasmatidae have a narrow to wide septal stereozone, amplexoid septa, and a weak to prominent fossula. Tabulae are mostly complete, straight or domed with axial and peripheral sag. Dis- sepiments are lacking. Included are the following genera and subgenera: Siphonophrentis (Siphonophrentis) O’Connell, 1914 Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) Stumm, 1949 (as genus) Heterophrentis Billings, 1875 Compressiphyllum Stumm, 1949 (?)Nevadaphyllum Stumm, 1937 (?) Homalophyllum Simpson, 1900 Breviphyllum Stumm, 1949 may belong here as a synonym of Breviphrentis. Although defined as a genus with dissepiments, Stumm’s holotype of the type species of Breviphyllum (plate 17, figs. 12, 13) does not reveal dissepiments. As noted by W. A. Oliver, Jr. (written commun., 1970) , H omalophyllum has a well- developed stereocolumella unlike the other genera here included in this subfamily. The significant generic characters are shape of corallum, width of septal stereozone, prominence of fossula, and rejuvenescence features. Mature corallum shape ranges from elongate-subcyclindrical in Brevi- phrentis to short and compressed laterally in Com- pressiphyllum (Oliver, 1958). The septal stereozone is relatively narrow in Siphonophrentis s.s. and some species of Heterophrentis but wide in some species of Breviphrentis and very wide in Nevadaphyllum. Septal length and the spacing and evenness of tabulae are characters of extreme variability within this sub- family. Fossulae are prominent with Heterophrentis, small or unrecognizable in mature coralla of some Siphonophrentis s.s. and in Breviphrentis. Prominent, shelving rejuvenescence flanges, and the narrow elongate corallum set Breviphrentis apart from true Siphonophrentis. Solitary Rugosa that are here classified as Siphono- phrentinae have from time to time been referred to in the literature as zaphrentoid corals or assigned to the Zaphrentidae, a family of uncertain characteriza- tion to which they doubtfully belong (Hill, 1938, p. 23; Stumm, 1949, p. 11; Oliver, 1958, p. 816). Status of the Siphonophrentinae with respect to Zaphrentidae calls for evaluation of the type species of Zaphrentis, usually cited as Z. phrygia Rafinesque and Clifford, 41 1820. Opinions vary widely regarding the characteriza- tion of Z. phrygia, upon which the validity of the genus and of the Family Zaphrentidae depends. Hill (1956, p. 278, fig. 190, 3a—b) ascribes to Zaphrentis a narrow dissepimentarium and crossbar carinae illustrated by figures of Z. phrygia attributed to Schindewolf. Stumm (1964, p. 34, pl. 27, figs. 1—7), on the contrary, regards Z. phrygia as lacking dissepiments and notes the possibility of confusion with carinate Heliophyllum venatum Hall. Obviously, thin section study of topo- type material is needed to resolve this taxonomic problem. Siphonophrentinae and stratigraphic indicators within the early Middle Devonian beds (Onondaga Limestone) of the New York area that are approxi- mately correlative strata of the beds in the Great Basin. Associated with Siphonophrentinae in the Nevada Formation coral zone D2 are solitary corals that resemble Breviphrentis and Heterophrentis; they differ in having sporadic dissepiments. These prob- lematic individuals are assigned to Sinospongophyllum of the Chonophyllidae, but for some individuals aberrant development of lonsdaleioid dissepiments in a siphonophrentid lineage cannot be entirely ruled out.- Genus SIPHONOPHRENTIS O'Connell 1914 1914. Siphonophrentis O’Connell, p. 187, 190, 191. 1949. Siphonophrentis O’Connell. Stumm, p. 12—13. 1949. Breviphrentis Stumm, p. 13—14. 1950. Siphonophrentis O’Connell. Wang, p. 214. 1956. Siphonophrentis O’Connell. Hill, p. F271. 1960a. Siphonophrentis O’Connell. Oliver. p. 87—89. Type species—By original designation Caryophyl- lia gigantea Lesueur, 1821, p. 296, 297. Onondaga Limestone, New York State. Diagnosis.—Oliver’s (1960a, p. 87) diagnosis is as follows: Simple, ceratoid to cylindrical corals with amplexoid septa withdrawn from axis except on and just above upper surfaces of tabulae. Tabulae dome-shaped, flat or concave axially, depressed at the fossula. No axial structure or dissepiments. Remarks. —Siphonophrentis commonly develops very elongate coralla and may attain large size. Heterophrentis (type species Zaphrentis spatiosa Billings, 1858) differs in having a curved ceratoid to trochoid or almost turbinate mature corallum with larger and better defined fossula on the convex side and a narrow septal stereozone; the very elongate cylindrical growth habit of Siphonophrentis is lacking. Unlike Siphonophrentis, some mature individuals of Heterophrentis have major septa reaching the axis, where they may be loosely twisted and pervaded by stereome, but not to the,extent of forming a discrete axial structure. Tabulae'bf Heterophrentis are com- —<— 42 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN monly more irregularly arched, less uniform, and more widely spaced than are those of Siphonophrentis. Immature and early mature growth stages of the two genera are probably indistinguishable. The genus Siphonophrentis lends itself to separa- tion as two subgenera: Siphonophrentis s.s. and Brevi- phrentis. Subgenus BREVIPHRENTIS Stumm, 1949 (as genus) 1949. Breviphrentis Stumm, p. 13, 14, pl. 5, figs. 22—24. 1956. Breviphrentis Stumm. Hill, p. F271, fig. 183—6ab. 1960a. Siphonophrentis variabilis Oliver, p. 87—89, pl. 13. Type species.—Amplexus invaginatus Stumm (1937, p. 427, pl. 53, fig. 2, pl. 54, figs. 2a—c). Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2, coral zone D2; Atrypa Peak, Eureka district, Nevada. Diagnosis.—This narrow, elongate Siphonophrentis is of markedly segmented appearance when fully mature; the cylindrical corallum has deep lateral shelving indentations and rejuvenescence flanges. The cardinal fossula is commonly weak or unrecognizable in the mature calice. The septal stereozone is medium to wide. Remarks—Oliver (1960a, p. 87) recognized the morphologic resemblance of Breviphrentis invaginatus to Siphonophrentis. Retention of Breviphrentis as a subgenus seems warranted, as this group constitutes a useful taxonomic unit differing from true Siphono- phrentis in its more slender and markedly segmented growth habit. Typical Siphonophrentis is a larger coral when fully mature and lacks the pronounced rejuve- nescence flanges; its septal stereozone is relatively narrower. Breviphrentis is especially characteristic of the Great Basin Early and early Middle Devonian (coral zones C and D). Stumm’s proposal of Breviphrentis was made before the stratigraphic importance of these corals was understood. In the New York Early Devonian, Siphonophrentis variabilis Oliver (1960a, p. 87, pl. 13, figs. 1—17) of the Coeymans Limestone resembles Great Basin Breviphrentis more closely than true Siphonophrentis. Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) invaginatus (Slumm) Plate 15, figures 1—11; plate 16, figures 1—13, 15, 16; plate 17, figures 12, 13. 1937. Amplexus invaginatus Stumm, p. 427, pl. 53, fig. 2, pl. 54, figs. 2a—c. 1937. (?) Heterophrentis nevadensis Stumm, p. 426, pl. 53, fig. 1, pl. 54, figs. 1a—c. 1937. (?) Amplexus lonensis Stumm, p. 428, pl. 53, fig. 4, pl. 54, figs. 4a—b. 1937. (?)Amplexus nevadensis Stumm, p. 53—54 (in part), pl. 53, fig. 3, pl. 54, figs. 3a—b; not fig. 3c. 1940. Amplexus invaginatus Stumm. Merriam, pl. 16, figs. 3— 4. 1949. Breviphrentis invaginatus (Stumm), p. 13—14, pl. 5, figs. 22—24. 1949. (?)Breviphyllum lonensis (Stumm), p. 25—26, pl. 12, figs. 4—5. Type material.——Holotype, USNM 94443; paratype USNM 94443a. Lower beds of the Nevada Formation, Atrypa Peak, Eureka mining district, Nevada. Figured specimens.—USNM 159296—159311 inclu- s1ve. Diagnosis.—This Siphonophrentis has an elongate subcylindrical mature growth habit with several re- juvenescence constrictions. Septal stereozone is nar- row to fairly wide. The axial extensions of septa are amplexoid, and the narrow cardinal fossula is either vague or well defined in mature growth stages. External features.—Neanic and early ephebic growth is ceratoid like Heterophrentis and later ephebic growth subcylindrical, elongate, and with re- juvenescence constrictions. Calice rim flanges are com- monly sharp and developed repeatedly at irregular intervals; these flanges are usually broken off. Septal grooves are well defined. Transverse sections.—-Major septa, about 40, nor- mally extend one-half to three-fourths the distance toward the axis; though usually withdrawn from axis in ephebic stages, some individuals have major septa reaching the axis. Minor septa, long for this genus, commonly exceed half the length of major septa. Indi- viduals with a wide septal stereozone have a thickened septa; 'in some, the complete stereoplasmic filling ex- tends inward almost to the tips of minor septa. Septa are fairly straight to minutely wavy. In some speci- mens, the cardinal fossula may be defined by the -shaped trace of the tabular downwarping, but others reveal no evidence of this structure. Longitudinal sections.—Calice rim rejuvenescence flanges are sharp and project obliquely 8mm or more from the coral body. Tabulae, mostly complete, arch distally with a peripheral depression, and are either straight axially and periaxially or have a median sag. Tabellar loops or globose pockets develop near the peripheral edges of the tabulae. Incomplete tabulae are accompanied by flat peripheral tabellae. The regu- lar specimens have more or less complete tabulae that are commonly close spaced. Some irregular individuals have widely spaced nonuniform tabulae. Aberrant indi- viduals have closely spaced, nearly straight tabulae almost unarched. Comparison with related forms.—Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) kobehensis of coral zone C lacks the well-developed septal stereozone of most variants of zone D invaginatus and has a lower septal count and very short minor septa. Siphonophrentis variabilis Oliver of the New York Coeymans Limestone (Oliver, 1960a, p. 87, pl. 13, figs. 1—17) bears a rather close resemblance to invaginatus, \ if SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY from which it may differ only subspecifically. Both include individuals with a wide septal stereozone; vari- abilis is not known to have variants with nearly straight tabulae as does the species invaginatus. Remarks.—-A large suite Of Breviphrentis invagina- tus from Nevada Formation, unit 2 at Grays Canyon, Eureka district, illustrates the great variability of this species. The highly variable characters are the arching and evenness of tabulae, the spacing of tabulae, and the width of the septal stereozone. Some individuals have straight almost unarched tabulae. The narrow cardinal fossula varies from vague or unrecognizable to fairly well defined in the mature growth stages, simi- lar to Heterophrentis. Local variants have a wide sep- tal stereozone, suggesting that of Kodonophyllum or Pseudoblothrophyllum. Among variants of B. invaginatus at Grays Canyon are individuals with the features of Stumm’s Amplexus lonensis holotype, the type species of Breviphyllum. As noted elsewhere, the generic diagnosis of Brevi- phyllum (Stumm, 1949, p. 26) calls for a dissepimen- tarium, but no dissepiments were found in the thin sections of the holotype, Other individuals resemble Stumm’s Heterophrentis nevadensis. In longitudinal sections the axial extensions of major septa rest in amplexoid fashion upon the upper surfaces of tabulae. Occurrence.—-Central Great Basin, Nevada Forma- tion, unit 2, Devonian coral zone D. Lone Mountain (D2): localities M55, M1036, M1048. Southern Fish Creek Range (D2): locality M1033. Northern Fish Creek Range, Grays Canyon (D2) : localities M3, M51. Mahogany Hills (D2): localities M27, M1084. North- ern Antelope Range (D2): locality M1035. Southern Sulphur Spring Range (D2): localities M36, M198, M1078. Southern Great Basin, Devonian coral zone D. Ranger Mountains: localities M1034, M1058. North- ern Panamint Mountains: localities M184, M1065. Funeral Mountains: localities M1059, M1060, M1061, M1063, M1064. Desert Range: locality M1057. Measurements of Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) invaginatus Ephebic section Neanic section Number of Number 0! USNM Diameter major Diameter major No. (mm) septa (mm) lento 159296 .............. 30.5 44 159298 .............. 29.3 40 159306 .............. 16 32 8.3 22 159309 .............. 26.6 42 Siphonophreniis (Breviphrentis) kobehensis u. up. Plate 14, figures 1—15; plate 16, figure 14. Type material.—Holotype USNM 159284; paratypes USNM 159283, USNM 159285 to 159293 inclusive. 534-041 0 - 74 — 4 43 Lower part of the Nevada Formation, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Diagnosis.—This Siphonophrentis has a ceratoid to cylindrical growth habit that reflects frequent rejuve- nescence and elongate curved corallites. Septa are withdrawn from axis; minor septa are very short (or unrecognizable). Tabulae are complete, occasionally straight, but more commonly uparched distally and either flat medially or with a slight sag. Tabulae are usually rather widely spaced. The wall has a very nar- row stereozone for this genus. There are no dissepi- ments, but there are occasional looplike or globose tabellae. The abrupt curvature changes on rejuvenes- cence all caused by the resumption of upright growth by the parent that had been recumbent. External features.—The segmented appearance of the corallum is caused by the marked constrictions resulting from rejuvenescence. The rim of the parental calice commonly remains a sharp flange distal to which the single daughter corallite may differ in growth direc- tion; for some individuals the direction may diverge 90°; but normally the change is only a few degrees. There are a few weak transverse folds between the rejuvenescence flanges. Septal grooves are well defined. Transverse sections.—Major septa, about 40 in ephebic stages, are withdrawn to about half the radius; the septa are of fairly uniform width, little thickened by stereoplasm, amplexoid, and resting upon the upper surfaces of the tabulae. The outer wall has a thin septal stereozone beyond which the minor septa project to a distance only about one-fifth the length of the major septa. In a late nepionic stage (diameter, 5 mm), the septa number 22; most meet toward the axis but are not otherwise in contact laterally; septa lateral to the cardinal septum are subparallel. At an earlier nepionic stage (diameter 3.5 mm) there are about 20 septa within which the cardinal quadrants are recognizable, and the two septa lateral to the cardinal bend inward as they approach the axis, thus defining the primitive fossula. The cardinal fossula, inconspicuous or unrec- ognizable in later ephebic stages, is probably indicated in transverse sections by a trace which appears to join two major septa in U fashion and which probably conforms to downwarping of a tabula. There are no dissepiments. Longitudinal sections.—Most tabulae are complete; they vary from straight to uparched distally and peripherally depressed; the axial part is slightly convex distally to flat or sagging. Some individuals have a few localized globose periaxial tabellae. The tabulae are usually spaced rather wide. There are no dissepiments and a very narrow marginal stereozone or none. The tabulae are irregularly uparched where the corallum makes a sharp bend at rejuvenescence. a 44 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN Reproductive offsets—An abnormal corallum shows a cylindrical, curving calice offset of slightly more than half the diameter of the calice rim. This development seems to be an abnormally small rejuvenescence offset terminating growth of the parent after it began secre- tion of the rejuvenescence shelf. Comparison with related forms.——Breviphrentis invaginatus possesses a wider septal stereozone and longer minor septa. Siphonophrentis variabilis Oliver of the New York Coeymans Limestone has a wide stereozone and develops tabulae with M-shaped con- figuration in longitudinal section; straight tabulae are more characteristic of kobehensis. Measurements of Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) kobehensis Neanic section Ephebic section (early) Number of Number of USNM Diameter major Diameter major No. (mm) septa (mm) septa 1 59283 ( paratype) ............ 13.7 38 159291 (paratype) ............ 13.5 40 159294 (figured specimen) ........................ 5.4 23 Occurrence—Lower Devonian (Emsian) , coral zone C. West side of Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. localities M286, M74 in lower part of Nevada Formation, unit 1 about 75 feet stratigraphically above base. Genus NEVADAPHYLLUM Stumm, 1937 1937. Nevadaphyllum masoni Stumm, p. 429, pl. 53, fig. 6, pl. 54, figs. 6a—b. 1949. Nevadaphyllum Stumm, p. 19, pl. 8, figs. 20—21. 1956. Nevadaphyllum Stumm. Hill, p. F271, fig. 183—5. Type species.—Nevadaphyllum masoni Stumm (by original designation). Nevada Formation, Lone Moun- tain, Eureka County, Nev. Diagnosis.—Large ceratoid to cylindrical solitary rugose corals. Many of the very numerous long, smooth major septa reach the axis, toward which they become twisted. There is a wide peripheral stereozone and a fossula. The tabularium is wide; the tabulae numerous, crowded and incomplete, uparched periaxially with axial and periaxial sag. Dissepiments are abnormal or false; the dissepiments are obscured peripherally by the stereozone. Remarks.—Pseudoblothrophyllum Oliver (1960a, p. 91) has some features of N evadaphyllum. This Helder- bergian genus, as represented by Pseudoblothrophyl- lum helderbergium, has fewer major septa, a wider stereozone, and a more regular tabularium. As with Nevadaphyllum, the dissepiments are largely sup- pressed within the wide stereozone. Nevadaphyllum masoni Stumm Plate 13, figures 3, 4 1937. Nevadaphyllum masoni Stumm, p. 429, pl. 53, fig. 6, pl. 54, figs. 6a—b. Type material.——Holotype USM 94447; paratype USNM 94447a. Lower part of the Nevada Formation, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Diagnosis.—See generic diagnosis. Transverse section.—Major septa, about 76; are smooth and fairly straight for two-thirds of the radius from the wall; they become increasingly wavy and twisted toward the axis which most reach. There is no axial thickening to form a discrete axial structure. Minor septa, less than one-half the length of major septa, become very thin axially. All septa thicken peripherally; some show a very minute waviness. Most of the wide stereozone is apparently infilled by stereo- plasm between the septa. The well-defined fossula extends from near the axis into the stereozone and con- tains a shortened major septum that is assumed to be the cardinal. Laterally the dissepiment traces cannot be distinguished clearly from section plane intersec- tions with the numerous irregular arched tabulae. Longitudinal section—The tabularium is a complex of close-spaced irregular tabulae and tabellae lacking straight elements; tabulae are uparched periaxially with a pronounced axial sag. Tabulae and tabellae are poorly separated from elongate false dissepiments in the zone of peripheral sag; axially inclined false dissepiments are obscured peripherally by the wide stereozone. In the axial zone, septal ends and crowded tabulae form a plexus in which the structural details are obscured. Remarks—The types of Nevadaphyllum masoni are the only known specimens with the full characteri- zation of this genus. Probably this uncommon multiseptate form with crowded irregular tabulae and modified, obscured dissepiments represents an aber- rant evolutionary development from the Breviphrentis stock or perhaps the stock which produced the dissepi- mented Nevada forms here assigned to Sinospongo- phyllum. Of these, Sinospongophyllum Sp. f with a wide stereozone, obscured nonuniform lonsdaleioid dissepiments, and numerous axially twisted major septa is the closest to N. masoni. In this form, how- ever, the tabularium is much less complex. Occurrence—Lower part of the Nevada Formation, probably unit 2 and Devonian coral zone D2, early Middle Devonian, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Family KODONOPHYLIJDAE Wedekind, 1927 Reference form.—Kodonophyllum milne-edwardsi (Dybowski). Silurian, Gotland. These solitary and colonial rugose corals have long lamellar septa, no fossula at maturity, no dissepiments, —————7 SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 45 and a very septal stereozone. The tabularium is com- posed of flat tabulae or arched tabellae which may combine with septal ends to produce an axial structure. Two subfamilies are recognized: Kodonophyllinae and Mycophyllinae. These corals are largely confined to the Silurian rocks; those rather characteristic of the Late Silurian are the Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. The Kodonophyllinae resemble the Siphonophrenti- nae by having a wide stereozone; they differ in lacking a mature fossula, in having on the whole a wider, den- ser stereozone, and in possessing an axial structure supported by arching tabulae and tabellae. (?)Kodonophyllum sp. 1 Plate 13, figures 1, 2 An incomplete Kodonophyllum-like solitary coral with an exceptionally wide septal stereozone was col- lected from the lower part of the Nevada Formation in the southern Fish Creek Range, where it was associ- ated with'Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) invagina- tus. This species of Siphonophrentis also has a wide stereozone. Because this fragmentary specimen could be prepared only as a transverse section, the possibility of it being an extremely aberrant Breviphrentis or N evadaphyllum is not eliminated. A wide, dense stereozone exceeds one-half the coral- lum radius. The septal count is approximately 66. Major septa are withdrawn from the axis; minor septa greatly exceed one-half the length of major septa and extend far beyond the stereozone. All exposed septa are thickened and wavy, with numerous protuber- ances. Tabulae and axial structure are unknown. The stereozone, similar to that of Pseudoblothro- phyllum Oliver (1960a, p. 91, pl. 16), differs in having long, smooth septa, some of which meet the axis. The septa of Pseudoblothrophyllum differ in lacking lobes and by being thinner in the tabularium. Occurrence—Nevada Formation, unit 2, Devonian coral zone D. Fish Creek Range, north end of Fenster- maker Mountain: locality M1033. Kodonophyllum, usually a Silurian genus, has a dis- tinctive axial structure with a calice boss; it is other- wise known only in Late Silurian coral zone E of the Great Basin Province. Family STAURIIDAE Edwards and Haime 1850 Reference form—Stauria astreiformis Edwards and Haime, 1850. Silurian, Gotland. These fasciculate and cerioid rugose corals have slender corallites, narrow septal stereozone and thin lamellar, nonamplexoid septa that commonly extend to the axis. Tabulae are complete, straight or arched. Dissepiments are commonly absent, but in some line- ages arise as a single column or sporadically in a bro- ken column. Some species of Stauria reveal a quadripartite mature transverse section in which four primary septa are prominent and may meet at the axis. In the genus Dendrostella, the four primary septa may exceed the others in length, but usually they do not reach the axis of a mature corallum. Stauriidae include many Late Ordovician species of Favistella Dana (or Favistina Flower), Cyathophyl- loides Dybowski, and Paleophyllum Billings; these genera carry over into the Silurian. Silurian Stauriidae also include undescribed genera in addition to S tauria. The Devonian representatives are Dendrostella, pos- sibly Columnaria, and possibly Synaptophyllum Simp- son, as revised by McLaren (1959 ) . Genus DENDBOSTELLA Glinski, 1957 1886. Cyathophylloides rhenanum Frech, p. 93, pl. 3 (15), figs. 19, 19a. 1892. Columnaria (Cyathophylloides) disjuncta Whiteaves, p. 269, pl. 34, figs. 3, 3a, 3b. 1957. F avistella (Dendrostella) rhenana (Frech). Glinski, p. 88—90, figs. 1—4, 16. Favistella (Dendrostella) praerhenana Glinski, p. 90— 91, figs. 5, 14. Type species.——Cyath0phylloides rhenanum Frech (by original designation, Glinski, 1957). Upper Middle Devonian, Givetian, “Biicheler Schichten”, Paffrath Basin, Germany. Diagnosis.——These slender dendroid and phaceloid rugose corals have a thick wall, no dissepiments, smooth, simple, even, nonamplexoid and unthickened septa; minor septa are short or lacking. Tabulae are complete, either straight or with a slight doming or sag, Remarks.——Dendros tella was proposed by Glinski as a subgenus under Favistella; however, it appears suffi- ciently well characterized and distinctive to be consid— ered a full genus. Denstrostella commonly has short septa which are not truly amplexoid because they are not developed only on the upper surfaces of tabulae. Glinski states that the range is from Silurian (upper Ludlovian) to Middle Devonian (Givetian). In the Great Basin the only known occurrence is in Nevada Formation, unit 2, possibly coral zone D3 which would be about early Eifelian. Dendrostella romunensis n. sp. Plate 18, figures 1-4 Type material.——Holotype USNM 159318; Nevada Formation, Devonian coral zone D. Locality M1031, Sulphur Spring Range. Diagnosis .—Dendros tella has relatively short major septa and very short to completely suppressed minor septa. There is no indication of transversely bilateral 46 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN pattern of septa. External features.—Phaceloid colonies are many centimeters wide with long, slender branching fairly straight corallites loosely arranged. Surface has fine longitudinal grooves and striae; transverse rugae are weak. N o lateral connecting processes were observed. Transverse sections—Major septa, about 20, com- monly extending less than half the distance to the axis. Minor septa pass only a short distance beyond the wall or are represented only by roots within the thick wall. The wall is divided circumferentially into about 40 equal radial parts (segments) by dark hair- thin lines, one segment for each septum root. Septa have median dark lines. Longitudinal sections.—Thickened wall has minor undulations, but no sharp bends or angular rejuvenes- cence features. Tabulae are all complete, not widely separated, straight to undulant, but lack a persistent axial arch or depression. There are no dissepiments. Comparison with related forms—Dendrostella romanensis n. sp. has shorter major septa than rhenana (Frech) and praerhenana Glinski; unlike romanensis, these west European forms have a suggestion of sym- metry with primary septa distinguishable in mature stages. Dendrostella disjuncta (Whiteaves) also has long major septa and longer minor septa than romanensis. Measurements—Diameter (in mm) and major septa, three corallites of holotype colony, USNM 159318: These medium and large solitary rugose corals have distinctly bilateral symmetry. Septa are numerous, long and smooth; cardinal septum is in a prominent fossula. Tabulae are wide, partly complete, normally domed with an axial sag. Dissepimentarium is narrow to wide; dissepiments are normal, globose, and lons- daleioid. Septal thickening persists to adult growth stages in cardinal quadrants. The Halliidae are the abundant Rugosa of the Great Basin Lower Devonian, where they characterize coral zones B and C; they diminish in importance in coral zone D. Two subfamilies constitute the Halliidae: the Hal- liinae of the Early and Middle Devonian, and the Papiliophyllinae of the Early Devonian. The lykophyl- lid corals of the Silurian, which have been classified with the Halliidae by Hill (1956, p. F272), are here regarded as a separate family, the Lykophyllidae of Wedekind. Sublamily HALLIINAE Chapman, 1893 Reference form.—Hallia insignis Edwards and Haime, 1850. Devonian, Ohio. The Halliidae have an especially well defined pin- nate arrangement of septa in cardinal quadrants. The dissepimentarium, narrow to wide, is made up of nor- mal dissepiments only. Genera of this widely occurring subfamily are H allia Edwards and Haime, Aulacophyllum Edwards and Haime, and Odontophyllum Simpson; of these, Aula- cophyllum and Odontophyllum occur in the Great Corallite ................ 1 2 3 . . Diameter (mm) 9 8 7. 5 Basm Devonian coral zone C. Major septa ---------- 20 20 20 Sublamily HALLIINAE Chapman, 1893 Occurrence.~In somewhat arenaceous limestone of Nevada Formation, unit 2, Sulphur Spring Range, northwest of Romano Ranch: locality M1031. The coral-bearing bed lies about 150 feet stratigraphically above sandy limestone with a large fauna including Spirifer pinyonensis, Breviphrentis cf. B. invaginatus, and Leonaspis sp.; this fauna probably represents coral zone D2. The Dendrostella occurrence may be in coral zone D3. The other North American occurrence of Dendrostella recorded by Whiteaves (1892, p. 269- 270) apears to be in rocks of Givetian age, as suggested by association with Stringocephalus at Lakes Mani- toba and Winnipegosis. Glinski (1957, p. 105) records D. praerhenana as Eifelian in the lower Nohner beds, and D. rhenana as Givetian in the Bucheler beds, both in the Rhine Valley region. The horizon of romanensis is probably closer to Eifelian than Givetian. Genus AULACOPHYLLUM Edwards and Haime, 1850 Aulacophyllum sp. c Plate 9, figures 6—9 Medium and fairly large solitary corals of this kind occur in coral zone C at Lone Mountain in association with Papiliophyllum elegantulum and Odontophyllum meeki. Unlike Papiliophyllum they do not possess lons- daleioid dissepiments, and accordingly they seem more appropriately assigned to Aulacophyllum. The strong thickening of cardinal quadrant septa persists into mature growth stages. Occurrence—Nevada Formation, unit 1. Early Devonian, coral zone C. Lone Mountain, Eureka County, NeV.: Locality M74. Other Aulacophyllum-like Rugosa of coral zone C have thickened septa in contact laterally through the neanic stage but are largely devoid of dissepiments. These occur at locality M74 (pl. 9, figs. 10, 12) and in the southern Sulphur Spring Range at locality M36 (pl. 9, fig. 11). Family HALLIIDAE Chapman. 1893 Reference form. ——Hallia insignis Edwards and Haime, 1850. Devonian, Ohio. SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 47 Genus ODONTOPHYLLUM Simpson. 1900 1882. Aulacophyllum convergens Hall, p. 22. 1833. Aulacophyllum convergens Hall, p. 281, pl. 17, figs. 1—2. 1900. Odontophyllum Simpson, p. 210. 1938. Odontophyllum Simpson. Stewart, p. 31, pl. 5, figs. 5—6. 1948b. Odontophyllum Simpson. Stumm, p. 51—59, pls. 1—2. 1949. Odontophyllum Simpson. Stumm, p. 16, pl. 7, figs. 13— 14. 1956. Odontophyllum Simpson. Hill, p. F273, fig. 186—2a-c. 1964. Odontophyllum Simpson. Stumm, p. 29-30, pl. 19, figs. 5—13. Type species.——Aulacophyllum convergens Hall by original designation. Middle Devonian; Beechwood Limestone Member of the Sellersburg Limestone, Falls of the Ohio, near Louisville, Kentucky (Stumm, 1964, p. 4). Diagnosis.—-These solitary curved turbinate and curved trochoid to subpatellate Halliidae have a broad and commonly very deep calice. Cardinal septum is on the convex side in the long narrow fossula. Alar fossu- lae are defined, but no counter fossula. Major septa ex- tend to the axis; septa are denticulate at distal edges. Some species have carinate septa. Tabulae are incom- plete, distally arched. Dissepiments are present near the periphery in the late growth stages. Remarks.——Neanic stages of 0. convergens (Hall) that are figured by Stumm (1948b, pl. 1, fig.11) show their affinity with the Halliidae: having cardinal-coun- ter bilateral symmetry, short cardinal septum, and septa of cardinal quadrants subparallel bordering the counter septum and bending inward toward the coun- ter as the axis is approached. Longitudinal sections of individuals with a very broad shallower calice have tabularium with tabellae and a narrow dissepimen- tarium. Specimens that are here described from the lower part of the Nevada Formation have a deep calice extending downward to the nepionic growth so that transverse sections show little structure. Odontophyllum meeki n. sp. Plate 9, figures 1—5 Type material.——Holotype USNM 159261; paratype USNM 159262. Lone Mountain, locality M74; Devo- nian coral zone C. Diagnosis.——This Odontophyllum has a curved tro- choid to curved turbinate corallum and a wide, deep calice extending downward to or almost to nepionic growth. Cardinal and alar fossulae are well developed. Cardinal septum are strongly developed and long in mature calices. Septa of counter quadrants are shorter and much less prominent in a mature calice than the septa of the cardinal quadrants. Some septa are slightly denticulate at the distal margins but have no development of true carinae. The distal margins of the calice are thin and sharp because there is no peripheral platform as in some individuals of O. patellatum (Holmes). The exterior has sharply defined septal grooves. Remarks.—This species shows extremely well the pinnate arrangement of septa and septal insertion with reference to primary septa. Associated with O. meeki are other nondissepimented solitary trochoid rugose corals having a deep calice and sharp rim, but with the fossulae not so well defined (plate 9, figs. 13, 14). These have narrowly cylindrical or ceratoid early growth stages which may be elongate, stemlike, and distorted. They differ from associated early growth stages of Papiliophyllum; though lacking dissepiments in the early growth stages, these have thickened septa, especially in the cardinal quadrants. Measurements.—Holotype: Diameter at calice rim 30 mm, corallum length 34 mm, calice depth 26 mm; major septa at calice bottom 36. Occurrence.-—Nevada Formation, Early Devonian, coral zone C. Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev.: locality M74. Subiamily PAPILIOPHYLLINAE Stumm. 1949 Reference form. —Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm, 1937. Lower Devonian, coral zone C, Great Basin. These large Halliidae have a peripheral band of Ions- daleioid dissepiments; normal dissepiments are few or absent. Septal thickening is commonly strong in ma- ture cardinal quadrants. Genera of this endemic subfamily are K obeha n. gen. of coral zone B, Papiliophyllum Stumm of coral zones C and D1, and Eurekaphyllum Stumm of coral zone C. Genus KOBEHA. new genus Type species.—Kobeha walcotti n. sp., here desig- nated. Diagnosis. —These large solitary Papiliophyllinae have curved trochoid and curved ceratoid to subcylin- drical shape. The calice is deep, rather flat bottomed with nearly erect, straight walls and an acute margin without platform. The outer wall has a narrow septal stereozone. The cardinal fossula are well defined, usu- ally on the convex side of the corallum. The major septa of mature individuals number about 60, some of which nearly reach the axis. Minor septa are short. In nepionic and early neanic stages, septa that are thick- ened by the stereome are laterally in contact, and largely filling the interior. In mature stages the septal dilation progressively decreases and becomes confined mostly to cardinal quadrants. Advanced stages have attenuate septa in counter quadrants and those of car- dinal quadrants are also thinned, the attenuation is progressively peripherally from the axis. Tabularium is 48 broad, 60—80 percent of mature corallum width; tabu- lae are numerous, normally closely spaced. Some tabu- lae are continuous with the axial sag, others are as wide as the tabellae which are domed and discontinu- ous. The dissepimentarium has one to three columns of large steeply inclined dissepiments, some of which are exceedingly large wall blasts. Because of the large size and small number of wall blasts and other large peripheral dissepiments, the transverse sections through the mature corallum do not show a conspicuous lonsdaleioid outer zone. The peripheral zone of large dissepiments is well shown only in longitudinal sections. Remarks. —Kobeha has thus far been recognized only in the central Great Basin. K. walcotti is the char- acterizing species of the Lower Devonian K obeha zone, which is coral zone B of the central Great Basin De- vonian. Kobeha ketophylloides n. sp. is placed in this new genus with reservation, but it seems to fit best here. Kobeha precedes, and is conceivably ancestral to, other Halliidae of this region, which include Papilio- phyllum of coral zone C and Eurekaphyllum. Eureka- phyllum is regarded as a synonym of Papiliophyllum by some investigators (Hill, 1956, p. F273). Kobeha walcotti n. gen., :1. sp. Plate 3, figures 1, 2, 6; plate 4, figures 1—4; plate 5, figures 1—7; plate 6, figures 8—10 1940. Zaphrentoid sp. cf. Papiliophyllum; Merriam, pl. 12, fig. 5. Type material.—Holotype USNM 159253; para- types USNM 159251, 159252, 159256, 159257, 159260. Nevada Formation, lower beds of unit 1; Devonian coral zone B, Early Devonian. Southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. Diagnosis. — Kobeha without continuous lonsdale- ioid dissepimentarium showing as a complete periph- eral band in mature transverse sections. Longitudinal sections show one to three columns of lonsdaleioid dis- sepiments, most of which are large wall blasts. All septa are thinned in late ephebic stages; major septa are discontinuous peripherally, but the outermost seg- ments are uniform and complete at their union with the narrow septal stereozone. Major septa occur as partly discontinuous septal crests on the upper sur- LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN faces of tabulae. Tabulae are downwarped at the car- dinal fossula, which is not confined in all individuals to the convex side of the corallum. Calice is nonconical with a broad bottom which is nearly flat to shallowly concave distally. External features.—Corallum is curved trochoid to ceratoid in the neanic stages; it becomes nearly cylin- drical in mature stages of large individuals. Septal grooves are commonly separated by longitudinal ridges with a minor secondary groove on the crest of each ridge. Transverse features (rugae) vary from fine growth striations to fairly prominent ring-folds at ir- regular intervals. Regularly spaced rejuvenescence fea- tures are absent, but irregular breakage and repair structures are common and define the broken calice rim. Bell-shaped to flowerpot-shaped calice has an almost flat bottom and nearly erect sides below a sharp rim. The tabular floor of the calice is down- warped in the cardinal fossula, which may be situated either on the convex side or laterally. Transverse sections.—In advanced ephebic stages, the major septa number at least 70, all of which may be thinned. Stereoplasmic thickening of the septa in the cardinal quadrants persists into the earlier ephebic stages. The wall is a narrow septal stereozone. Some major septa reach the axis in the early ephebic stages; minor septa are short, usually less than one-seventh the length 0f the radius. Traces of large wall blasts are concave peripherally and encompass as many as six major septa. Between septa where the section inter- sects tabellae, the traces are usually concave periph- erally; these features do not make a concentric pat- tern. Late neanic to early ephebic transverse sections usu- ally show the cardinal quadrants filled with stereo- plasmic deposits and the septa with thickening in the counter quadrants. Septa are progressively thinned, beginning axially in the counter quadrants. Thickened septa in the cardinal quadrants are pinnate, but it is difficult to ascertain which of two or three shortened septa is actually the cardinal septum in some neanic sections. Late nepionic and early neanic transverse sections show stereoplasmic thickening of all septa; septa in contact laterally completely fill the corallum. Measurements of Kobeha walcotti n. sp. Ephebio Neanic Calice bottom section section Corallum Number Number length Calice Outside Number of of of USNM restored depth diameter major Diameter major Diameter major No. (mm) (mm) (mm) septa (mm) septa (mm) septa 159253 (holotype) ........ 19 52 68 —— — — —— 159251 (paratype).... 23 45 66 — — — — 159256 (paratype).... — — -— 53 64 27 50 159257 (paratype) ................ 22 57 — 46 58 —— — ———i SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 49 Longitudinal sections—The tabularium, wide in mature longitudinal section, is as much as four-fifths of the total diameter. Complete or nearly complete tabulae commonly have a slight median sag, and wide tabellae. Tabulae are closely spaced to widely sepa- rated, downwarped at the tabularium margin, with a pronounced sag at the cardinal fossula. Large lonsdale- ioid dissepiments are normally in one or two columns, steeply inclined to nearly vertical. Axial extensions of major septa are carried on the upper surfaces of tabulae. Comparison with related forms—Kobeha ketophyl- loides differs from K. walcotti by having larger less uniform wall blasts as observed in mature transverse sections, wherein these features are more prominent and more irregularly distributed. The number of dis- sepiment columns is greater in K. ketophylloides, and the mature dissepiments are less steeply inclined than in K. walcotti. In K. ketophylloides marked discontin- uities of major septa where they meet wall blasts are more numerous. Occurrence—Lower part of the Nevada Formation, basal beds of unit 1; Early Devonian, coral zone B with Costispirifer arenosus. Southern Sulphur Spring Range: localities M4, M56, M67, M69, M1041. North- ern Roberts Mountains: locality M1072. Northern Sulphur Spring Range, McColley Canyon: locality M1018; specimens from this area differ subspecifically from typical K. walcotti. Kobeha kelophylloides n. sp. Plate 3, figures 3—5, 8, 9; plate 6, figures 1—7 Type material.—Holotype USNM 159258; para- types USNM 159254, 159255, 159259. Lower Devo- nian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; coral zone B. South- ern Roberts Mountains and Southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. Diagnosis.—Kobeha has very large and irregularly distributed wall blasts and lonsdaleioid dissepiments in mature transverse sections; these peripheral fea- tures are circumferentially uneven and show marked discontinuities of the major septa, segments of which thicken in wedge fashion to terminate peripherally against dissepiments or wall blasts. Individual wall blasts subtend as many as 13 septa. Longitudinal sec- tions have as many as seven columns of wall blasts and lonsdaleioid dissepiments which decrease distally in steepness of axial inclination to 40°. External features—A large trochoid specimen with deep bell-shaped, rather flat-bottomed calice shows the cardinal fossula. Broken calice rim reveals the cone-in-cone structure with wide irregular separations making the characteristic wall blasts and lonsdaleioid dissepiments. Transverse sections—In advanced ephebic stages major septa number 64. Minor septa are usually less than half the radius but are longer than those of K. walcotti. In advanced ephebic stages the septa are thicker at the periphery in counter quadrants than in K. walcotti and there are wide discontinuities where major septa meet large dissepiments at which points the septa thicken in wedge fashion locally. In later ephebic stages septa in cardinal quadrants exceed in thickness those of the counter quadrants; in earlier ephebic stages all major septa are of about the same thickness. Septa are thickened and laterally in contact in later nepionic stages, separating in early neanic stages; in late neanic stages septa of counter quad- rants are thinner than those of cardinal quadrants. The outer wall has a septal stereozone which in late neanic stages is 2 mm thick. Large irregular dissepi- ments and wall blasts are concave peripherally. Longitudinal sections—Most of the wide and rather closely spaced tabulae arched distally with a median sag, and are for the greater part nearly continuous. Short tabellae are uncommon. Large lonsdaleioid dis- sepiments are fairly even and regular in curvature lon- gitudinally though irregular transversely; dissepi- ments decrease in steepness from early to late ephebic stages where the axial inclination is about 40°. The number of columns in the dissepimentarium increases to seven at maturity; this fact distinguishes the species from K. walcotti, the type species. Reproductive offsets—A well-preserved silicified specimen assigned to K. ketophylloides shows four peripheral calice buds. The main corallite was itself developed as a calicinal offset from the partially pre- served parent. Measurements of Kobeha ketophylloides n. sp. Calice bottom Ephebic section (early) Neanic section Calice outside Number of Number of USNM depth diameter Diameter major Diameter major No. (mm) (mm) (mm) septa (mm) septa 159258 (holotype).... —— —- 55 70 30 50 159258 (holotype).... —— — 45 60 — —- 159259 (paratype)... —— —— 32.5 56' —- — 159254 (paratype)... 27 39 -— —- —— —- i 50 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN Comparison with related forms.—Kobeha ketophyl- pl. 54, fig. 7a—e). Lone Mountain, Eureka County, loides differs from K. walcotti in having a larger num- Nev.; lower part of Nevada Formation, unit 1, Lower ber of mature dissepiment columns, in its more con- Devonian (Emsian), coral zone C. spicuous lonsdaleioid separations in advanced ephebic Diagnosis.-—Solitary trochoid and ceratoid Hallii- transverse sections, and longer minor septa. Heavy dae which grow to a large size have a deep flowerpot- thickenings of septa in cardinal quadrants were not shaped, rather flat-bottomed calice with a cardinal observed to persist ontogenetically into ephebic stages fossula. Peripheral zone has medium to large steeply of K. ketophylloides as they do in some individuals 0i inclined lonsdaleioid dissepiments. Septa of cardinal K. walcotti. The tendency for subcyclindrical growth quadrants are thickened in all the ephebic stages and in advanced ephebic stages is greater than in K. wal- are laterally in contact in all the early ephebic stages. cotti. Calice reproductive offsets were not recognized in Most septa are withdrawn from the axis and terminate K. walcotti. peripherally at the inner margin of the lonsdaleioid In mature pattern of construction Kobeha ketO- dissepimentarium. Minor septa are either suppressed phylloides resembles the species of Ketophyllum from or inconspicuous as short discontinuous crests. In the the Silurian of Gotland, that is figured by Wedekind neanic stages the cardinal septum is short within the (1927) and the species from the Silurian 0f Czecho- fossula which is bordered by thick septa touching lat- slovakia 0f Poéta (1902)- The septal discontinuities erally. Tabulae are mostly complete, wide, close to of Ketophyllum are greater and lonsdaleioid separa- rather widely Spaced, and distally arched; in normal tions more pronounced. Unlike Kobeha, the wide tab- mature stages tabulae are rather flat to Slightly sag- ulae of Ketophyllum are usually rather flat, whereas ging axially and periaxially and are peripherally de- those of K obeha are strongly arched distally and have pressed. Some individuals have tabulae that are rather a median sag. Kobeha ketophylloides has thickened irregular and sharply arched distally in the neanic septa in the neanic and earlier growth stages, espe- stages. Tabulae are bent sharply downward, funnellike cially in the cardinal quadrants; the developmental at the cardinal fossula. Septa of the counter quad- thinning 0f the septa begins peripherally in the neanic rants become thinned and lonsdaleioid dissepiments growth within the counter quadrants, a characteristic develop in the early to mid-neanic stageS; the cardinal feature 0f Kabeha and Papiliophyllum ontogeny. quadrants are bordered by lonsdaleioid dissepiments Wedekind’s figures (1927, pl. 10, figs. 8—11) 0f the externally until late neanic or early ephebic stages. neanic Stages 0f Ketophyllum elegantulum d0 hOt Remarks—The diagnosis here given is modified show thickened septa and the septa are short neani- slightly from that of Stumm (1949, p_ 16). Of special cally, Whereas in Kobeha ketophyllOideS the septa are significance is the seeming absence of minor septa in thickened and approach the axis. These early develop- some mature transverse sections, although in some mental differences by themselves are believed SUfll‘ specimens minor septa are recognizable as weak crests cient to justify h0t assigning the Nevada forms to near the peripheral border of the tabularium. Also im- Ketophyllum. portant taxonomically is the absence of lonsdaleioid Occurrence—Lower part Of the Nevada Formation, dissepiments in the cardinal quadrants until the late lower beds of unit 1. Early Devonian, coral zone B, neanic stage. southern Roberts Mountains: type locality M1042. Papiliophyllum differs from Kobeha in having a bet- At the type locality, K- ketophylloides is associated ter defined dissepimentarium with smaller and more With a Gypidula that resembles G- coeymanensis,Acro- numerous lonsdaleioid dissepiments, especially in the 3P” if er sp., Leptocoelia sp., and a brachipod that re- mature transverse sections. In Kobe/2a the septa] sembles the Pholidostrophia of the Rabbit Hill Helder— crests carry through to the outer wall; they do not in berg. This horizon may be slightly older than the beds Papiliophyllum. Minor septa are better defined and that contain specimens assigned to K. ketophyllozdes more continuous in Kobeha. 1n the Sulphur Spring Range. Southern Sulphur Papiliophyllum differs from Eurekaphyllum in pos- Sp ring Range. localities M69’ M1039' sessing much more numerous and smaller lonsdaleioid Genus PAPII-IOPHYI-I-UM Stumm: 1937 dissepiments. Eurekaphyllum shows widely spaced 1937. Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm, p. 430. tabulae with a pronounced axial-periaxial sag, whereas 1940. Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm, Merriam, p. 52, Papiliophyllum usually shows distally arched com- 53, pls. 12, 16. l l t t b l 1949. Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm, p. 16, pl. 7. mon y C ose-se a u ae' 1956. Not Papiliophyllum Hill, p. F274, fig. 186, 4c, 4d. Type species.—By original designation Papiliophyl- Papiliophyllum eleganiulum Siumm lum elegantulum Stumm (1937, p. 430, pl. 53, fig. 7, Plate 7, figures 4—10; plate 8, figures 1—8 ————7 SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 51 1937. Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumrn, p. 430; pl. 53, fig. 7, pl. 54, figs. 7a-e. 1940. Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm. Merriam, p. 52—53, pl. 12, fig. 3, pl. 16, figs. 1, 2. 1949. Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm, p. 16; pl. ‘7, figs. 11, 12. 1956. Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm. Hill, p. F274, fig. 186—4a—4b. Type material.——Stumm’s transverse thin section of the holotype is similar to the transverse section of Merriam (1940, pl. 16, fig. 1) made by cellulose peel. The holotype is one of the fossils from the Nevada Formation presented by Merriam to the US. National Museum. Paratype, USNM 94448. Lower part of the Nevada Formation, unit 1, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Diagnosis.—This is a large Papiliophyllum. The width of the mature lonsdaleioid dissepimentarium is less than half the radius and consists of three to seven columns of medium to large, steeply inclined dissepi- ments. Some tabulae are complete, arched distally. They are usually flattened axially and periaxially in the ephebic stages and commonly are arched more deeply and rather irregularly in the neanic stages. In advanced ephebic stages the dissepimentarium is nar- rowest at the cardinal fossula; the thickened septa bounding the fossula invade this peripheral band. Minor septa are weakly developed or unrecognizable. Septa of the cardinal quadrants are heavily to mod- erately thickened in the ephebic stages. External features—These curved trochoid or curved ceratoid corals usually have well-defined septal grooves but commonly do not show very pronounced annular folds or rugae; these features suggest fairly continuous growth. The outer wall is commonly broken away in the places where large wall blasts occur within. The deep and rather flat-bottomed calice is bordered in mature specimens by blisterlike lonsdaleioid dissepi- ments; on the axial surfaces of these dissepiments lie septal crests that become weaker toward the rim. There is no calicular shelf. Transverse sections.——Mature transverse sections have an average of about 56 major septa, some of which reach or nearly reach the axis. Minor septa occur as thin discontinuous crests toward the peripheral edge of the tabularium; some mature individuals show almost no trace of minor septa. Septal crests are rarely observed within the dissepimentarium and almost never meet the wall. In advanced ephebic stages the width of the dissepimentarium varies from less than one-third to more than one-third of the radius. The dissepiments lack uniformity, ranging in size from small to very large and they subtend 12 or more septa. In late ephebic stages septa of the counter quadrants are always thinned; those of the cardinal quadrants are thickened and commonly several remain laterally in contact. The cardinal septum is shortened or aborted in a fossula which encroaches peripherally upon the dissepimentarium. In the mid-neanic stages there are about 38 septa. The septa vary from being all thickened and laterally in contact with one another to being considerably thinned in the counter quadrants, and some of those in the cardinal quadrants are partly separated even though they are thick. At the mid-neanic stage, but usually a bit later, lonsdaleioid wall blasts begin to develop in the counter quadrants only. The cardinal septum roughly defines a plane of symmetry; on either side of this plane the thickened septa are more or less parallel near the periphery but bend laterally toward this plane as they pass axially, some join near the axis to produce a primitive fossula. Counter and alar septa are not distinguishable with assurance. In early ephe- bic stages lonsdaleioid dissepiments are generally not developed or are just beginning to develop in the car- dinal quadrants, and the thick septa are here largely or partly in contact laterally. Longitudinal sections.——In advanced ephebic stages the tabularium width exceeds one-half the corallite diameter. Sections parallel to the alar plane show fairly uniform, distally arched tabulae, some of which are complete and accompanied by wide tabellae. The broad axial-periaxial part of the tabularium is flat or has a slight sag, the peripheral part sags abruptly. In neanic stages the tabular uparching is more pro- nounced and axially convex to angular distally. Medial sections through the cardinal fossula reveal the ex- Measurements of Papiliophyllum elegantulum S tumm Ephebic section Neanic section Calice Corallum bottom length Calice outside Number of Number of Figured restored depth diameter Diameter major Diameter major specimen (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) septa (mm) septa. 51 22 23 19.8 44 21 38 82 68 46 52 45 58 i 52 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN tensive stereoplasmic septal thickening and the pro- nounced funnellike proximal sag of tabulae associated with the fossula. Columns of lonsdaleioid dissepiments V number seven or more in the advanced ephebic stages; dissepiments vary greatly in size, and smaller ones are scattered throughout. Very large wall blasts are com- mon, but large dissepiments seen in some specimens may also occur at the axial margin of this band. Comparison with related forms. —Papili0phyllum elegantulum seems to have evolved from the same stock that also gave rise to Kobeha and Eurekaphyl- lum, which are discussed elsewhere under their defini- tions of genera. Papiliophyllum elegantulum differs from Kobeha walcotti in having smaller and more nu- merous lonsdaleioid dissepiments and in not having septal crests within the dissepimentarium— the ab- sence of these crests is a diagnostic feature of K. wal- cotti. Eurekaphyllum breviseptatum differs in having only a few very large wall blasts and lonsdaleioid dis- sepiments and in having its very widely spaced tabulae which are depressed proximally, not arched distally as in P. elegantulum. Occurrence—Lower part of the Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone C of late Early Devonian age, approximately Emsian. Associated with Acrospiri- fer kobehana. Lone Mountain: localities M74, M286, M1044. Southern Roberts Mountains: locality 18 of Merriam (1940). Northern Roberts Mountains: locali- ties 13, 94 of Merriam (1940). Southern Sulphur Spring Range: locality M68. North end of Antelope Range: locality M1035a. Hot Creek Range: locality M1066?. Northern Panamint Mountains, California: localities M184, M1065. Funeral Mountains, Califor- nia: localities M1059, M1063. Papiliophyllum elegantulum subsp. d Plate 7, figures 1, 2 This subspecies is insufficiently known to character- ize. It is an evolutionally advanced and a geologically younger derivative of the elegantulum lineage with very numerous lonsdaleioid dissepiments and crowded fairly uniform wide tabulae that are only slightly arched. Measurements—Diameter of the late ephebic sec- tion is 78 mm; the number of major septa is 62. Occurrence.——-Lower part of the Nevada Formation, unit 2. Devonian coral zone D1 of late Early Devonian age. Lone Mountain: locality M1037; associated with Sinospongophyllum sp. d, Chonetes macrostriata, Gypidula loweryi, Spirifer pinyonensis, and Dalma- nites meeki. Ranger Mountains, Clark County, Nev.; a similar Papiliophyllum occurs here at locality M1034, associated with a fauna which may be that of coral zone D1. Genus EUREKAPHYLLUM Stumm, 1937 1937. Eurekaphyllum breuiseptatum Stumm, p. 431, pl. 53, fig. 8; pl. 54, figs. 8a—b. 1940. Eurekaphyllum Stumm. Lang, Smith, and Thomas, p. 58. 1949. Eurekaphyllum Stumm, p. 17, pl. 7, figs. 15—17. 1956. Papiliophyllum Stumm (in part). Hill, p. F273 (in part), fig. 186—4c—d. Type species. —— Eurekaphyllum breviseptatum Stumm (by original designation). Lower part of the Nevada Formation, Lone Montain, Eureka County, Nev. Diagnosis—Large curved trochoid Papiliophyllum- like rugose coral with a peripheral zone of very large irregular lonsdaleioid dissepiments and widely spaced irregular wide tabulae which are axially depressed. Inner ends of the septa are withdrawn some distance from the axis; septa 0f the cardinal quadrants are thickened. Septal crests are present in the dissepimen- tarium. Remarks.—Eurekaphyllum has the lonsdaleioid dis- sepiments and thickened mature cardinal quadrant septa of Papiliophyllum and Kobeha, but differs from both in possessing exceedingly large irregular dissepi- ments and in having a small number of tabulae, most of which sag proximally. In transverse section, Eureka- phyllum resembles Kobeha in having septal crests within the dissepimentarium; Papiliophyllum com- monly lacks these outer crests and differs in having a much greater number of dissepiment columns. Eurekaphyllum breviseplatum Stumm Plate 8, figures 9, 10 1937. Eurekaphyllum breviseptatum Stumm, p. 431, pl. 53, fig. 8, pl. 54, figs. 83—1). 1949. Eurekaphyllum breviseptatum Stumm, p. 17, pl. 7, figs. 15—17. Type material. ——Holotype, USNM 94449. Lower part of the Nevada Formation; Lone Mountain, Eu- reka County, Nev. This is the only known specimen of Eurekaphyllum. Diagnosis.—See generic diagnosis. Transverse section—Septa number about 64; all are considerably withdrawn from the axis; minor septa, if distinguishable, exceed half the length of the major septa. Septa of the cardinal quadrants are thickened. Some septa extend discontinuously to the outer wall as thin crests. Width of the dissepimentarium is about equal to the length of the major septa; most dissepi- ments are very large, irregular and nonuniform; the longest extends one-fourth of the circumference. Fos- sula is indistinct. Longitudinal section.—Tabulae are few; some are complete, the more nearly complete are widely sepa- rated and have a pronounced U-shaped sag with a ——7 SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 53 somewhat flattened axial-periaxial segment. Large dis- sepiments of irregular form are in one or two columns. Occurrence—Lower part of the Nevada Formation, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. The horizon from which this form came is unknown; it probably came from unit 1, coral zone C, which is the zone in which Papiliophyllum is the abundant rugose coral. Hill (1956, p. F273—F274) regards Eurekaphyllum as a junior synonym of Papiliophyllum. Study of a very large suite of specimens shows that the Eurekaphyl- lum structure is not normal or modal for the type of coral here placed in Papiliophyllum. As no additional representatives of E urekaphyllum have been collected from the beds which probably yielded the type and only specimen, it seems likely that this form may be an aberrant and uncommon development from the Papiliophyllum stock. There are no intergradational forms, morphologically speaking. Without knowledge of the exact horizon or zone from which the type came, it is believed desirable to let the genus in question stand for the present. Like Kobeha it could well be found to have stratigraphic as well as morphologic significance. Family BETHANYPHYLLIDAE Stumm, 1949 Reference form—Bethanyphyllum robustum (Hall) 1876. Middle Devonian, New York. Medium and large trochoid to ceratoid rugose corals with long, thin major septa and a cardinal fossula. Multiple columns of medium to small normal globose dissepiments occur in a wide dissepimentarium. Tabu- larium is medium or wide, consisting of combinations of straight, nearly complete tabulae and tabellae. Septa of the cardinal quadrants are unthickened be- yond the nepionic stages. Bethanyphyllidae may have sporadic zigzag carinae, but these are uncommon; in some species the fossula is weakly developed. The dissepimentarium-tabularium margin is usually not sharply defined. No lonsdaleioid dissepiments are known. This family designation is appropriate for a strati- graphically important early Middle Devonian coral group possibly evolving from the ancestral stock of the Halliidae which precede Bethanyphyllidae in the De- vonian of the Great Basin. In a recent revision, the Family Bethanyphyllidae has been abandoned, Bethanyphyllum being assigned to the Zaphrentidae, together with Heliophyllum (Stumm, 1963, p. 139; 1964, p. 38). Pedder (1965, p. 207) has emended the Bethanyphyllidae to accommo- date Bethanyphyllum, Ceratophyllum, Moravophyl- lum, Tortophyllum, and Stathmoelasma. In these gen- era, septa are smooth or weakly carinate, unlike H elio- phyllum which has strong yardarm carinae. The car- dinal septum is relatively short. In mature stages it is difficult to recognize the cardinal fossula of some spe- cies; this is one of several features which distinguishes Bethanyphyllidae from Halliidae. Genus BETHANYPHYLLUM Stumm. 1949 1876. Cyathophyllum robustum Hall, pl. 22, figs. 1—14. 1937. Cyathophyllum? lonense Stumm, p. 435, pl. 55, figs. 3a—b. 1937. Grypophyllum giganteum Stumm, p. 433, pl. 54, figs. 9a—b. 1937. Grypophyllum curviseptatum Stumm, p. 433, pl. 55, figs. 2a-b. 1937. Grypophyllum' nevadense Stumm, p. 432, pl. 53, fig. 9, pl. 55, figs. 1a—b. 1937. Tabulophyllum nevadense Stumm, p. 434, pl. 55, figs. 4a—b. 1949. Bethanyphyllum Stumm, p. 18, pl. 8, figs. 1—4. 1956. Bethanyphyllum Hill, p. F278, figs. 189—6a—b. 1963. Bethanyphyllum Stumm, p. 139. 1965. (?)Stathmoelasma Pedder, pl. 31, figs. 1—5. Type species.—Cyathophyllum robustum Hall, 1876, by original designation. Middle Devonian; Ham- ilton Group of western New York State. Diagnosis.——Medium to large solitary trochoid to cylindrical rugose corals have numerous long, thin, usually fairly smooth septa. The longer septa reach the axis. Cardinal fossula is well defined to weak, without pronounced pinnate arrangement of several bordering septa. The dissepimentarium is wide, with multiple columns of steeply inclined mostly small dissepiments. The tabularium is wide or medium wide, consisting of a variable complex of partial to nearly complete, straight or bowed tabulae that are peripherally bor- dered by large tabellae passing into dissepiments lat- erally. Conspicuous vertical gaps commonly separate the tabluae. Outer wall is thin, lacking a peripherally continuous septal stereozone. Remarks.—Bethanyphyllum lacks the more evident bilateral arrangement of septa characterizing Aulaco- phyllum and usually has no axial whorl like Torto- phyllum. Some species assigned to Bethanyphyllum have septal thickening in the initial cardinal quadrant which persists well into the neanic stages (B. antelo- pensis). In mature stages, however, the septa of Beth- anyphyllum are normally unthickened in cardinal quadrants alone, one of several features which distin- guish this genus from the Papiliophyllum stock. If there is septal thickening in the late stages of Bethany- phyllum, it afiects especially the axial parts of major septa in any or all quadrants. Bethanyphyllum also lacks the large lonsdaleioid dissepiments of Papilio- phyllum. Carinae are absent in most species of Beth- anyphyllum; those species that do have scattered car- inae, like B. antelopensis, are small and of the zigzag thickening type rather than the true yardarm carinae. — 54 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN Stathmoelasma, recently described by Pedder (1965, p. 207, pl. 31, figs. 1—5, pl. 32, fig. 10) from the Australian Devonian, is similar to Bethanyphyllum, of which it may be a synonym. Pedder’s figures show indications of a weak fossula, and the longitudinal sections reveal nearly complete straight to slightly bowed tabulae like those of Bethanyphyllum, with conspicuous gaps. There is no septal stereozone. Bethanyphyllum of coral zone D2 is preceded by Papiliophyllum of coral zone C, which ranges up into coral zone D1; Papiliophyllum has not been found in association with the more typical Bethanyphyllum, as exemplified by B. lonense (Stumm). However, in coral zone D1 Papiliophyllum individuals with intermediate features occur with advanced; these individuals reveal minor mature septal thickening in the cardinal quad- rant and in some specimens a few rather inconspicuous lonsdaleioid dissepiments are present. Whereas these specimens suggest development toward Bethanyphyl— lum, they appear on the whole to be somewhat closer to the Papiliophyllum stock. Bethanyphyllum lonense (Stumm) Plate 11, figures 1—4; plate 12, figures 3—10 1937. Cyathophyllum? lonense Stumm, p. 435, pl. 55, figs. 3a, b Tabulophyllum nevadense Stumm, p. 434, pl. 55, figs. 4a, b. 1940. Cyathophyllum sp. Merriam, pl. 12, figs. 2, 4. Type material. —— Holotype, USNM 94453; lower part of the Nevada Formation, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Diagnosis. ——Bethanyphyllum has thin, commonly rather wavy septa which may be slightly thickened toward the axis. Tabulae varying from straight, wide, and nearly complete to large and small tabellae. More continuous straight tabulae and larger tabellae bound the bigger longitudinal gaps. The dissepimentarium has several columns of rather small and steeply in- clined dissepiments. The fossula is generally unrecog- nizable in mature growth stages. External features—Poorly known. This form seem- ingly does not become very large and tends to remain trochoid with a very deep calice. Transverse sections—Major septa of the advanced growth stages average 36, some of which approach or reach the axis in mature sections. Minor septa are usually less than half the radius. Septa are thin and wavy, never entirely smooth, with abrupt angular bends. Some septa may be slightly thickened axially, where they may be contorted but not twisted to form an axial whorl. Between septa, the dissepiment traces and tabellar intersections are concentric and either evenly concave axially or occur as chevrons. The outer wall is thin, without appreciable stereoplasmic thick- ening. Neanic and ephebic sections show no fossula or cardinal septum. No nepionic or early neanic sec- tions are available, but presumably the septa of car- dinal quadrants are thickened, to judge from the re- lated species Bethanyphyllum antelopensis. Longitudinal sections—The tabulariums of ephebic stages vary considerably in width within the corallum; they usually exceed half the diameter. The presence of a few straight, wide, and nearly continuous tabulae is characteristic, these tabulae separate longitudinal intervals of tabellae and shorter tabulae and define larger vertical gaps. Dissepiments, mostly small and globose, are disposed in numerous columns bounded axially by larger, less globose dissepiments or periph- eral tabellae. Comparison with related forms. — Bethanyphyllum lonensis differs from B. antelopensis in having a wider tabularium and shorter minor septa; major septa are more sinuous in B. lonensis. Some mature individuals of B. antelopensis have a cardinal fossula not observed in lonensis. B. robustum (Hall) differs in having a weakly defined ephebic cardinal fossula, more even septa, and relatively larger peripheral dissepiments. Measurements of Bethanyphyllum lonense Stumm Ephebic section Figured USN M Diameter N umber of specimen N 0. (mm) septa 1 ................................ 159272 30 40 2 . .. 24 34 3 . 31.5 38 4 .. 124 134 1 59278 13 26 1Early ephebic. Occurrence—Nevada Formation, unit 2. Devonian coral zone D2; in association with Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) invaginatus. Lone Mountain: locality 58 (Merriam, 1940), localities M55, M1036, M1048. Northern Roberts Mountains: locality 11 (Merriam, 1940). Southern Sulphur Spring Range: locality M1047. Northern Fish Creek Range, Grays Canyon: localities M3, M51. Bethanyphyllum antelopensis n. sp. Plate 10, figures 1—7; plate 11, figures 5, 6; plate 12, figure 11 Type material. — Holotype, USNM 159265; para- types, USNM 159266—159269, 159274. Lower part of the Nevada Formation, Combs Peak area, Eureka County, Nev. Diagnosis.——This Bethanyphyllum has long major septa, commonly about two-thirds as long as the major septa, usually with a correspondingly wide dissepimen- tarium, and with several axially-periaxially straight tabulae separated by wide vertical gaps. The septa are thin except for the axial part which may be somewhat ———' SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 55 horizon about 270 feet stratigraphically above the base of the Nevada Formation and just below a 15-foot quartzite bed of Oxyoke Canyon type. The associated fauna of the Spirifer pinyonensis zone includes abund- ant “Martinia” undifera. Similar corals provisionally assigned to B. antelo- pensis (pl. 11, figs. 7-9) occur at Lone Mountain (locality M1045) in the upper part of unit 2, possibly as high as Devonian coral zone D3 thickened; septa show only moderate waviness or ir- regularity. A fossula is present in some mature indi- viduals. External features—Inadequately known. Transverse sections—Major septa average about 38 in mature sections. Septa are thin, only slightly wavy, and for the greater part approach the axis toward which they may be slightly thickened, especially in the cardinal quadrants. Minor septa are long, in some sections two-thirds the length of major septa. In some specimens, a fossula may be defined by a bending of pairs of septa at their axial ends toward the symmetry plane of the cardinal septum, which, if correctly iden- tified, remains fairly long in mature stages. Dissepi- ments between septa appear to be axially concave, and chevron features make a concentric pattern. Outer wall appears to be thin and without stereozone. Septa of cardinal quadrants are very much thickened and in lateral contact through to mid-neanic stages. One neanic section with 30 major septa shows thick cardi- nal quadrant septa laterally in contact except near the alar positions; the cardinal septa are arranged on either side of a somewhat shortened cardinal septum. Major septa are withdrawn slightly from the axis. Within the tabularium, the counter quadrant septa are also thickened slightly. There are rows of concen- tric dissepiments in the counter quadrants, but none were recognized in the cardinal quadrants. Minor septa are slightly less than half the length of the majors. The wall is unthickened by stereoplasm. Longitudinal sections. —— The tabularium, usually rather narrow, ranges from one-fourth to nearly one- half the corallite diameter in the mature growth stages. Nearly straight, almost complete tabulae define verti- cal intervals separated by intervals of less complete tabulae and peripheral tabellae. The more complete straight tabulae commonly occur where the vertical separation is greater. Dissepimentarium has numerous columns of steeply inclined, small to medium and large dissepiments, of which the smaller predominate. Comparison with related forms—See Bethanyphyl- lum lonense. Belhanyphyllum 5p. d Plate 10, figures 8—10; plate 13, figures 6,17, 9 Figured specimens.——USNM 159270, 159271, 159281, 159281a. Lower part of the Nevada Forma- tion, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Specimens classified as Bethanyphyllum sp. (1 differ from B. lonense and B. antelopensis in features of the tabularium; they are wider, and the tabulae are more closely spaced with a tendency toward distal arching. The wide vertical gaps between some tabulae of lon- ense and antelopensis were not found in sp. (1. It is probable that sp. (1 lacks the very deep calice of some individuals of lonense. Occurrence—Lower part of the Nevada Formation, lower beds of unit 2; Devonian coral zone D1. Lone Mountain, locality M1037, where it occurs with the fa ma including the advanced Papiliophyllum elegant- ulum subsp. (1. Family CHONOPHYLLIDAE Holmes, 1887 Reference form.—-Chonophyllum Edwards and Haime, 1850. These solitary rugose corals are of medium to large size, dissepiments partly or wholly lonsdaleioid; some tabulae are complete, flat or domed. Major septa are lamellar, elongate, discontinuous peripherally, little thickened. Fossula is weak or absent. Genera included in this family are as follows: Chonophyllum Edwards and Haime, 1850 Ketophyllum Wedekind, 1927 Tabulophyllum Fenton and Fenton, 1924 Sinospongophyllum Yoh, 1937 Diversophyllum Sloss, 1939 The Chonophyllidae are commonly quite rugate externally because of their numerous rejuvenescence Measurements of Bethanyphyllum antelopensis n. sp. //Ephebicsection Neanicmfim flanges and cone-in-cone growth habit. The septal / . _ Number of Number of stereozone 1S usually not a conspicuous feature, and US?! Digger '33:: D1133)" mfg the tabularium ranges from narrow in Chonophyllum 159265 (holotype) ________ 39 38 to wide or very wide in the other genera. igggggflggiggggg '_'_'_'_jj_‘_ 35_ ‘f‘j 1'43 g5 Genus SINOSPONGOPHYLLUM Yoh, 1937 159274 (paratype ........ 29 32 1937. Sinospongophyllum planotabulatum Yoh, p. 56, pl. vi, figs. 2—5. Occurrence—Lower part of the Nevada Formation, 1940' Si’lwgpongophyllum Y°h~ Lang, Smith, and Thomas, D- 1 . unit 2; Middle Devonian, Devonian coral zone D2. . . 1949. Tabulophyllum Stumm, p. 27 (in part ; 1. 12, fi . 20, Locality M27, 1.75 miles south of Combs Peak at a 21. ) p gs fi 56 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN 1956. Sinospongophyllum Yoh. Hill, p. F300, fig. 204, 5a—b. Type species.—Sinospongophyllum planotabulatum Yoh (by original designation). Upper part of the mid- dle Devonian; Kwangsi, China. Diagnosis—This ceratoid to subcylindrical Chono- phyllidae has rather closely spaced, wide to very wide tabulae which are either straight or sag axially and peripherally. Septa are amplexoid, smooth or minutely wavy, noncarinate, and usually withdrawn from axis. Minor septa are well defined. Peripheral zone has sep- tal crests, large irregularly distributed lonsdaleoid dis- sepiments, and smaller normal dissepiments. Septal stereozone is narrow to moderately wide. Fossula is weak or absent. Remarks.—Yoh’s figures and the type show very steeply inclined dissepiments in a rather narrow band, very wide, flattened tabulae, and no fossula. Diversophyllum (Sloss, 1939, p. 65) differs in having longer septa that reach the axis, more arched and irregular tabulae, and less tendency to produce lons- daleioid dissepiments. Tabulophyllum, as typified by the Upper Devonian T. rectum, differs from Middle Devonian Sinospongo- phyllum in having weakly developed minor septa and a less evident septal stereozone. However, the two genera have much in common, and Sinospongophyllum is regarded by Stumm ( 1949, p. 27) as a possible syno- nym. For the present, however, it seems desirable to retain Sinospongophyllum, pending more thin section study of topotype material of both species. Externally the eleven described Iowa Late Devonian species of Tabulophyllum (Fenton and Fenton, 1924) show a great variety of form, from turbinate to subcylindrical, and some with wide dissepimentarium. In the Cordilleran belt, corals assignable to either Sinospongophyllum or Tabulophyllum are character- istic of late Middle and Late Devonian rocks in the Great Basin, southeast Alaska, and northwest Canada (Smith, 1945). They occupy Great Basin late Middle Devonian coral zone F in association with Hexagon- aria. Those corals of lowermost Middle Devonian coral zone D that are placed in SinOSpongophyllum have a very wide tabularium, and some specimens have only a few sporadic lonsdaleioid dissepiments. These coral zone D specimens occur with Siphonophrentis (Brevi- phrentis) invaginatus, variants of which they resem- ble. Stumm’s (1949, p. 25) Breviphyllum that was founded upon Nevada Formation material was pos- \ sibly inspired by examination of such associated mate- rial; the holotype is seemingly without dissepiments and probably represents a specimen of invaginatus. Possibly such sparingly dissepimented zone D corals may be derived from the Breviphrentis invaginatus stock by the aberrant development of dissepiments. At present they are insufliciently known for specific description and accordingly are designated informally by letter. Sinospongophyllum sp. d Plate 17, figures 1, 2, 5, 6 Figured specimens.—USNM 159312, 159314; lower part of the Nevada Formation, Lone Mountain and northern Antelope Range, Eureka County, Nev. The lonsdaleioid dissepiments are large, elongate, and irregularly distributed in one or two columns. The tabulae are closely spaced. The septal stereozone is narrow. Occurrence—Late Early Devonian, coral zone D1. Locality M1037, south pediment of Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Early Middle Devonian, coral zone D2. Locality M1035, north end Antelope Range, southern Eureka County, Nev. Sinospongophyllum sp. e Plate 17, figures 3, 4, 10, 11 1937. (?) Amplexus nevadensis Stumm, p. 427, pl. 54, figs. 3a—c. northern Antelope Range, Eureka County, Nev. The lonsdaleioid dissepiments are small and irregu- larly distributed in one to several columns. The tabu- lae are closely spaced. The septal stereozone is narrow. Major septa are withdrawn from the axis. Occurrence—Early Middle Devonian, coral zone D2. LocalityM1038, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Locality M1035, north end Antelope Range, southern Eureka County, Nev. Sinospongophyllum sp. 1 Plate 17, figures 7, 8, 9 Figured specimens.—USNM 159315, 159316; lower part of the Nevada Formation, Grays Canyon and northern Antelope Range, Eureka County, Nev. The lonsdaleioid dissepiments are small and irregu- larly distributed in one to several columns. The tabulae are closely spaced. The septal stereozone is narrow to fairly wide. Major septa extend to the axis where they are twisted together in an axial plexus. Occurrence—Early Middle Devonian, coral zone D2. Locality M3, Grays Canyon, southern Eureka district, Nev.: Locality M1035, north end Antelope Range, southern Eureka County, Nev. Family ENDOPHYLLIDAE Torley, 1933 Reference forms.~Endophyllum bowerbanki Edwards and Haime and E. abditum Edwards and Haime, 1851. Devonian; Torquay, England. These cerioid and aphroid rugose corals have wide —————' SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 57 corallites, a broad marginarium of partly large lons- daleioid dissepiments and a narrow to very wide tabu— larium comprising closely spaced tabulae. There is no axial structure. Genera provisonally assigned to the Endophyllidae are Endophyllum Edwards and Haime, 1851, Yassia Jones, 1930, and Australophyllum Stumm, 1949. Undescribed Late Silurian corals in the Great Basin and the Klamath Mountains are related to Australo- phyllum; the Klamath forms are a separate genus, and those of the Great Basin a subgenus of Australophyl- lum. Some corals here regarded as Endophyllidae have previously been assigned to Spongophyllum, a genus not included in this family. It is proposed that the term S pongophyllum be applied to species with slender corallites agreeing in general structure and proportions with the Devonian S. sedgwicki as originally illustrated by Edwards and Haime (1853, pl. 56, figs. 2, 2a—c, 2e). In addition to the wide lonsdaleioid marginarium, Late Silurian representatives of Yassia and a subgenus of Australophyllum manifest a decided tendency to abbreviate and lose septa in mature growth stages. These characteristics are not observed in S pongophyl- lum. Genus AUSTRALOPHYLLUM Stumm, 1949 1911. Spongophyllum cyathophylloides Etheridge, p. 7—8, pl. A, fig. 3, pl. C, figs. 1—2. 1949. Australophyllum Stumm, p. 34, pl. 16, figs. 1—2. 1956. (?)Australophyllum cyathophylloides (Etheridge). Hill, fig. 207—43—b. Type species.-—Spongophyllum cyathophylloides Etheridge; by author designation. “Lower Middle Devonian”; Douglas Creek, Clermont, Queensland, Australia. Diagnosis. —— The cerrioid Endophyllidae have medium wide to narrow, closely spaced, proximally sagging tabulae. The wide to very wide dissepimen- tarium has scattered to wholly lonsdaleioid dissepi- ments, some of which are large. Remarks. ——Australophyllum differs from Spongo- phyllum in possessing multiple columns of elongate, lonsdaleioid dissepiments, and more closely spaced sagging tabulae which lack a peripheral depression. Stumm’s diagnosis of Australophyllum includes carin- ate septa, although his figures do not show these convincingly. The wall of typical Australophyllum is somewhat thickened stereoplasmically; septal crests do not appear to be characteristic, as they are in the Silurian subgenus. Australophyllum landerensis n. sp. Plate 25, figures 1—4 Type material.——I—Iolotype, USNM 159353; para- type, USNM 159354. Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Limestone, Toquima Range, locality M1150. Diagnosis—This Australophyllum has long minor septa; all septa are thickened in the tabularium. The outer dissepiments are steeply inclined for the genus; the outer wall is thickened and beaded with wall crests. The tabularium is medium wide; close-set tabu- lae have a pronounced sag. External features—Occurs in compact ceriod heads up to 15 cm or more in diameter. Transverse sections.——Septa are about 44, all of which are long and usually thickened within the tabu- larium; minor septa are more than one-half the length of major septa. Some major septa reach the axis where they are twisted. Some septa may be minutely wavy and, where thickened, show minute nodes and lateral bumps, but there are no true elbow carinae. The stere- ome-thickened wall has a beaded appearance because of the wall crests; other septal crests are sparse in the lonsdaleioid band. Longitudinal sections.——The tabularium, about one- third the corallite width at maturity, is very sharply set off from the dissepimentarium. The tabulae, 4 or 5 per millimeter, have a pronounced sag which may be angulate axially. Large outer dissepiments are steep for this genus; the smaller ones become vertical at the tabularium margin. Dissepiment columns range from 7 to 12. Thickened axial segments of major septa reveal minute lateral bumps. Reproductive offsets—One mature corallite shows three calice wall offsets internally situated. Fine structure—Some thickened septa may have a median clear trace; trabecular structure and lamina- tion are poorly defined in the septal stereozone, Comparison with related forms—Australophyllum cyathophylloides, the type species, differs in having fewer septa which lack thickening in the tabularium. Australophyllum sp. (plate 25, fig. 5) from the upper part of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone, Owens Valley, Calif. (locality M1093), resembles landerensis but lacks the thickened septa. The Vaughn Gulch form occurs in beds of Late Silurian or Early Devonian age that are immediately above the Late Silurian coral zone E which contains an Australophyllum so different that it is placed in a new subgenus. The form from Silurian coral zone E has broader mature corallites with a considerably smaller septal count and lacks septal thickening; this form has outer lonsdaleioid dis- sepiments inclined at a low angle, a larger number of very large dissepiments and, unlike landerensis, tends to reduce and lose septa at maturity. Measurements. ——Mature corallite diameter and septum count: fi 58 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN Ugfiftllgfi“ uflifitfia such as columns of true horseshoe dissepiments with Corallites __________________________ A B C A B contiguous peculiar trabecular bundles or sheaves. Diameter (in mm) ...13 14 10 13 10 ' ' ' ' Major septa ______________________ 22 22 22 20 22 Moreover, in the Great Basrn stratigraphic column the Occurrence—Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone, Petes Canyon, locality M1150 at north end of Toquima Range, southern Lander County, Nev. At locality M1150 this colonial coral is associated with a typical Rabbit Hill fauna like that of the type locality. Colonial corals of this kind are uncommon in the Rab- bit Hill Limestone, which usually contains only the small solitary rugose coral Syringaxon. Family DISPHYLLIDAE Hill, l939 Reference form.—Disphyllum caespitosum (Gold- fuss), 1826. Middle Devonian, Germany. These phaceloid, cerioid, thamnastraeoid, and aph- roid rugose corals have smooth or carinate, continuous lamellar, and usually little-dilated septa. The tabular- ium is wide, combining straight and slightly domed tabulae with marginal tabellae. Dissepiments in sev- eral columns are normal-globose or elongate; rarely Ionsdaleioid. There are no horseshoe dissepiments. Species with a wide dissepimentarium have bases of outer dissepiments nearly horizontal. This large complex Devonian family includes the following genera and subgenera: Disphyllum de Fromentel, 1861 Cylindrophyllum Simpson, 1900 Acinophyllum McLaren, 1959 Hexagonaria Giirich, 1896 Hexagonaria (Pinyonastraea) new subgenus Billingsastraea Grabau, 1917 Taimyrophyllum Chernychev, 1941 Aphroidophyllum Lenz, 1961 Cerioid Hexagonaria-like genera are common in the Silurian and Devonian; most of these do not fit well in this family. Among these are the Australian X ystri- phyllum Hill with wedge-thickened smooth septa and a narrow dissepimentarium and Columnaria-like spe- cies with few and irregularly distributed dissepiment columns of the German Devonian (Glinski, 1955). Certain other European Devonian species assigned to Hexagonaria appear to be affiliates of the Family Phil- lipsastraeidae (Rozkowska, 1960; Moenke, 1954). The true spongophyllids and the Endophyllidae, which include Endophyllum and Australophyllum, are distinguished by a lonsdaleioid marginarium. How- ever, this type of dissepiment arose independently in several rugosan families and may be expected to appear sporadically in Hexagonaria and other disphyl- lid genera. The Family Phillipsastraeidae as here interpreted does not include the disphyllid corals (Hill, 1956, p. F279-F282; Stumm, 1964). Phillipsastraeidae are characterized by highly distinctive internal features disphyllid forms are older, occurring in coral zones D2 and F; the true Phillipsastraeidae are of Late Devonian age, present only in coral zone I. Genus DISPHYLLUM Fromentel, 1861 1826. Cyathophyllum caespitosum Goldfuss, p. 60, pl. XIX, fig. 2b only; not pl. XIX, figs. 2a, 2c, 2d. 1846. Cladocora goldfussi Geinitz (in part), p. 569. New name for Cyathophyllum caespitosum Goldfuss, 1826, p. 60, pl. XIX, figs. 2a—d; not pl. XIII, fig. 4. 1935. Cyathophyllum caespitosum Goldfuss 1826 (p. 60, pl. XIX, fig. 2b only). Lang and Smith, p. 545. 1940. Disphyllum de Fromentel. Lang, Smith, and Thomas, p. 53. 1945. Disphyllum Fromentel. Smith, p. 20—21 (in part only). 1949. Disphyllum de Fromentel. Stumm, p. 32, pl. 15, figs. 1—5. 1956. Disphyllum de Fromentel. Hill, p. F280, fig. 191—10a—b. fuss, 1826, p. 60, pl. XIX, fig.2b only (Lang and Smith, 1935, p. 545; Smith, 1945, p. 20—21). Middle Devo- 20—21). Diagnosis—These bushy and phaceloid rugose cor- als have fairly long slightly thickened major septa dissepiments are nearly flat, but the axial ones steepen to vertical in a border zone of small dissepiments. . Some septa may have zigzag carinae, but these are uncommon; there are no yard- Remarks.—Disphyllum is here interpreted accord- ing to illustrations of the type species of Smith ( 1945, pl. 11, figs. 8a—c) and of Stumm (1949, pl. 15, figs. 1—5). Acinophyllum McLaren (1959, p. 2228) has a narrower dissepimentarium and wider, straighter tabu~ lae without marginal tabellae. Some other phaceloid rugose corals which might be confused with Disphyl- lum have marginal horseshoe dissepiments; these include Phacellophyllum Giirich and Peneckiella Sosh- kina, possibly a synonym of Phacellophyllum (see SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 59 McLaren, 1959, p. 22—23; p. 28—29). Cylindrophyllum Simpson has yardarm carinae; Eridophyllum has cari- nate septa and an aulos. Sociophyllum, which is the commoner coral of this general type in the Nevada Formation, has a wide peripheral zone of lonsdaleioid dissipiments and lacks carinae. Disphyllum nevadense (Stumm). 1937 Plate 18, figures 7—10 1937. Spongophyllum nevadense Stumm, p. 435, pl. 53, fig. 10, pl. 55, figs. 5a, b. (?)Spongophyllum expansum Stumm, p. 436, pl. 53, fig. 11, pl. 55, figs. 6a, b. 1940. not Spongophyllum cf. expansum Stumm. Merriam, p. 56—57. not Disphyllum nevadense Stumm, p. 63. Type material.— Holotype, USNM 94454; lower part of the Nevada Formation, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Diagnosis.—This slender Disphyllum has few dis- sepiment columns, including both globose and narrow elongate dissepiments; large, elongate dissepiments are interseptal and not lonsdaleioid. Transverse section—Major septa, 16 to 18, extend to the axis in many corallites. Minor septa vary from short to more than half the length of the major septa. Septa, thin and wavy or straight, are more inclined to waviness in the tabularium; they are noncarinate. The wall is thin and lacks a stereozone. Longitudinal section—The dissepiment columns range from one to three. The dissepiments are either small and globose or elongate. In places a nearly flat, elongate dissepiment extends from the periphery to the tabularium. Commonly there are one or two small nearly vertical dissepiments at the inner margin. The tabularium is wide; tabulae, mostly continuous or com- plete, are usually uparched distally with a periaxial sag; they are rarely straight. Reproductive offsets—Lateral offsets are developed at the calice periphery to form branches. Comparison with related forms—Disphyllum eure- kaensis n. sp. has larger corallites with zigzag carinate septa and many more dissepiment columns lacking the elongate individual dissepiments. Disphyllum goldfussi (Geinitz) has more small dissepiment columns and lacks the elongate dissepiments of D. nevadense. Remarks—Disphyllum nevadense Stumm, (1940) is a Late Devonian species of coral zone I and not closely related to the form here reassigned to Disphyl- lum. Measurements.——Diameter and major septa, three corallites of colony USNM 159320: Corallites ......................... 1 2 3 Diameter (in mm) ........ 8.3 7.3 7 Major septa .................. 18 16 16 534—041 0 - 74 - 5 Occurrence—Nevada Formation, unit 2. Devonian coral zone D2. Lone Mountain: Eureka County, Nev. locality M1046; at this locality it is associated with Disphyllum eurekaensis n. sp. Disphyllum eurekuensis n. sp. Plate 18, figures 5, 6 Type material—Holotype, USNM 159319. Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Lone Mountain locality M1046. Diagnosis—This Disphyllum has corallites of large diameter and multiple columns of predominantly small dissepiments. The tabulae are mostly wide and fairly straight; some specimens are complete and some have peripheral tabellae and a tendency for peripheral depression of tabulae. The septa are slightly thickened in the dissepimentarium; some have weak zigzag carinae. External features.—- Longitudinal grooves are not well shown; in places transverse rugae are fairly pro- nounced. There are lateral mergings of corallites in positions of marginal calicinal offsets. Transverse sections—Major septa, which number 18 to 22 do not reach the axis; minor septa are about two-thirds the length of the major septa. The septa are minutely wavy to zigzag and have sporadic zigzag carinae in the middle part of the dissepimentarium. Outer dissepiments are rather irregular; some are concave peripherally. All septa are continuous to the wall. The wall is thin and lacks a stereozone. Some are thickened slightly toward the inner edge of the dissepimentarium. Longitudinal sections. -—— Dissepiments, small and medium size, are in as many as eight columns on each side; outer three or four columns are medium, globose, and nearly flat to low dipping axially; inner four col- umns are small and steep to vertical. There are some large elongate dissepiments in the outer zone. The tabulae are rather closely set and for the most part fairly continuous and straight; some are complete, with large periaxial tabellae. Peripheral parts of the tabulae are depressed in some specimens. Traces of carinae appear in local patches. Reproductive ofisets.—- The merging of corallites laterally indicates reproductive offsets from calice margins. Comparison with related forms—Disphyllum eure- kaensis differs from D. goldfussi (Geinitz) in having more wavy and partly zigzag, weakly carinate septa; the tabularium of D. goldfussi (see Smith, 1945, pl. 11, figs. 8a—c; Stumm, 1949, pl. 15, figs. 2—3) is wider with more tabellae at the tabularium margin. Disphyllum nevadense (Stumm, 1937) has narrower corallites lacking the zigzag carinae, fewer dissepiment columns, 60 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN and partly elongate dissepiments. Disphyllum nevad- ense Stumm (1940, p. 63, pl. 7, fig. 10; pl. 8, figs. 11a— b), a much younger species from the Devils Gate Lime- stone, is more slender, has fewer columns of dissepi- ments and a wide tabularium with medial flat tabellae, and lacks the more nearly complete straight tabulae of D. eurekaensis. Measurements.——Diameter and major septa; three corallites of colony USNM 159319: Corallites .............................. 1 2 3 Diameter (in mm) ..... 19 16.6 17 Major septa ........................ 20 20 22 Occurrence—Nevada Formation, unit 2. Devonian coral zone D2. Lone Mountain: locality M1046, associ- ated with D. nevadense (Stumm, 1937). Genus HEXAGONARIA Giirich, 1896 1900. Prismatophyllum Simpson, p. 218. Type species. —— Cyathophyllum hexagonum Gold- fuss; by subsequent designation (Lang and others, 1940, p. 69). Middle Devonian; Eifel district and Bens- berg, Germany. Diagnosis.—The colonies are spherical and mush- room shaped; the polygonal corallites are separated by a discrete, usually unthickened wall. Calices have a flat or axially sloping peripheral platform and a deep axial pit. Major septa are unbroken from the wall into the tabularium and commonly reaching the axis; minor septa end at tabularium margin. Septa are normally thin, modified by waviness, minor zigzag elbow carinae and strong yardarm carinae. Dissepimentarium, usu- ally wide, has multiple columns in which peripheral dissepiments lie nearly flat. There are no horseshoe dissepiment columns and no associated trabecular bundles. Remarks.—Most species of true Hexagonaria have long septa, some of which reach the axis. The septa commonly thin abruptly within the tabularium. There are, however, aberrant forms with all the septa short- ened and an overly widened tabularium. The patterns of tabulae are usually irregular and include variable combinations of arched tabellae against inclined and incomplete tabulae; straight complete tabulae are un- usual. Thickened walls and septa are uncommon, al- though there are species in which some individuals have moderate radially extended dilation or sporadic small bumpy or knobby swellings (Rozkowska, 1960, figs. 9, 11, 12). Most species presently interpreted as Hexagonaria have carinae; usually yardarm carinae are in some but not all corallites or are restricted to parts of a single corallite. For example, Stumm’s figures of the type species H exagonaria hexagona Goldfuss from the Eifel district show definite and numerous yardarm carinae (Stumm, 1948a, pl. VI, figs. 1, 2). However, Sorauf’s (1967, p. 10, fig. 4) figures of a specimen assigned to hexagona from Frasnes, Belgium, reveal no clear indi- cation of yardarm carinae. It is assumed that the Eifel district material from the Middle Devonian is more nearly representative of the Goldfuss type species. Unrelated Hexagonaria-like Rugosa.—Any family of dissepimented rugose corals may theoretically give rise to compact cerioid species by adaptive radiation. Within the Phillipsastraeidae have evolved rather closely related solitary, bushy, and lastly cerioid forms which parallel H exagonaria. Convergent or homeomor- phic cerioid corals of this sort are known in Paleozoic strata from Silurian to Carboniferous. All share the compact growth habit, by itself not a feature of over- riding taxonomic importance. Five of these families have cerioid radicles: (1) Kyphophyllidae, (2) Endo- phyllidae, (3) Spongophyllidae, (4) Disphyllidae, and (5) Phillipsastraeidae. Within a wide range of internal structure combinations, each family gave rise to line- ages paralleling or mimicking Hexagonaria of the Disphyllidae. Silurian rugose coral genera possessing the cerioid growth habit of H exagonaria have received little atten- tion from paleontologists. Undescribed corals from the Klamath Mountains Gazelle Formation possess a nar- row, weakly developed tabularium and are classified with the Kyphophyllidae, Other western Silurian forms are endophyllids with strong lonsdaleioid dis- sepiments. Late Silurian Hexagonaria-like species of eastern North America are members of the cerioid genus Entelophylloides Rukhin, as are some Russian species. Stratigraphic range of Hexagonaria.—Hexagonaria has been reported in Devonian rocks of western Europe as old as Emsian and Siegenian (Sorauf, 1967, p. 24). In general those species which are convincingly dis- phyllid appear in the Eifelian rocks. In Europe the highest known Hexagonaria is Frasnian Late Devo- nian. The Hexagonaria from the Great Basin appears as the subgenus Pinyonastraea in the Nevada Forma- tion, unit 2 and coral zone D2, probably in earliest Eif- elian. True H exagonaria peaks in coral zone F, which is the higher Eifelian of this province. No coral zone I or Frasnian H exagonaria is known with assurance in the Great Basin; all cerioid species of zone I thus far iden- tified are Phillipsastraeidae. Hexagonaria systematics. — Characters by which Hexagonaria may be subdivided taxonomically and distinguished from Phillipsastraeidae and other fami- lies have been reviewed by Stumm (1948a), Schouppé (1958), and more recently by Sorauf (1967). At pres- ent H exagonaria is a large morphologically diverse and ———i SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 61 complex genus of worldwide distribution in need of descriptive study and taxonomic appraisal. Some morphologically similar taxar within its scope are doubtless products of convergent evolution. As with Billingsastraea and other disphyllids, it is not unlikely that similar internal structures developed in not very closely related genetic stocks; in this light Hexago- naria may be quite polyphyletic. Current investigations of Hexagonaria differentia- tion in Great Basin Devonian coral zones D and F sug- gest that subgenera may be used appropriately. Ac- cordingly the earliest H exagonaria of coral zone D is discribed as subgenus Pinyonastraea. Of uncertain relationship to H exagonaria are three noncarinate Devonian groups of H exagonaria-like cor- als: (1) the genus Xystriphyllum; (2) a group having a few small sporadic lonsdaleioid dissepiments; and (3) aberrant species structurally intermediate be— tween Hexagonaria and Columaria. Xystriphyllum, unlike H exagonaria, has a thickened wall, thickened gradually wedge-tapering smooth septa, narrow tabulae, and very steeply inclined or vertical dissepiments. Group 2, with its scattered small lonsdaleioid features, may conceivably be a Hexago- naria derivative, for dissepiments of this kind clearly arose in numerous genetically unrelated lineages. Aus- tralophyllum of the Endophyllidae differs in possessing a well-defined lonsdaleioid band. Group 3, a heterogeneous, probably polyphyletic form group, from the Devonian of Western Europe, comprises thick-walled species with a very wide tabu- lae, a reduced dissepimentarium having few columns, and thick wedge-tapering, commonly short septa (Glinski, 1955). Generic or subgeneric grouping may eventually prove appropriate for these local differenti- ates. Certain Polish species of “Hexagonaria” described by Moenke (1954) appear, on examination of the pub- lished figures, to be better assigned to the Phillipsas- traeidae. The origin of this family is unexplained. Whether the distinctive horseshoe dissepiment col- umns and trabecular bundles arose in a Middle Devo- nian disphyllid line can only be inferred at present. In the Central Great Basin, beds of coral zone F with H exagonaria also contain disphyllids of the Taimyro- phyllum type surficially mimicking Late Devonian (coral zone I) Pachyphyllum of the Phillipsastraeidae. These mimics lack the horseshoe dissepiment columns and trabecular bundles. Study of H exagonaria suites from coral zone F, sup- plemented by review of the literature on Disphyllidae, suggests that the following characters are of special taxonomic value within this and allied genera. 1. Septal configuration: thin, smooth and straight; or thickened, tapering gradually from wall; or wavy, zigzag with elbow cari- nae, yardarm carinae, or combination of these. 2. Wall in transverse section: thin and wavy or straight; or thickened stereoplasmically with obtusely wedge-tapering septum bases. 3. Width of tabularium relative to dissepimen- tarium. 4. Outer dissepiments in longitudinal section: vertical to steeply inclined toward axis; or nearly horizontal. 5. Outer dissepiments in transverse section: nor- mal concentric, or irregular with herring- bone pattern. The width of the tabularium is a feature having a good deal of latitude within a species and between species. Normally about one-third the corallite diameter in most species, the tabularium may broaden to exceed one-half the corallite diameter, and the dissepiment band narrows correspondingly as the septa shorten. At the opposite extreme is Hexagonaria with narrow tabularium and thin axial septum extensions which meet in a twisted axial plexus accompanied by median uparching of tabulae. A small raised median calice boss may result, but no discrete axial rod or columella. Subgenus PINYONASTRAEA. new subgenus 1937. Prismatophyllum kirki Stumm, p. 437; pl. 55, figs. 7a—b. 1940. “Prismatophyllum” kirki Stumm. Merriam, pl. 16, fig. 5. Type species.—Prismatophyllum kirki Stumm, here designated. Nevada Formation, unit 2, Devonian coral zone D2; Lone Mountain. Diagnosis.——This Hexagonaria has a thin wall and thin minutely wavy septa lacking yardarm carinae. The dissepimentarium is wide and has numerous col- umns of globose dissepiments; the peripheral dissepi- ments are nearly flat. The calice is shallow with a broad brim platform and an axial pit. Remarks. — The subgenus Pinyonastraea differs from Hexagonaria (Hexagonaria) as typified by its type species hexagona Goldfuss (Stumm, 1948a, p. 11— 15, pl. VI, figs. 1—2) in lacking crossbar or yardarm carinae and other septal thickenings. Carinae, if de- veloped in Pinyonastraea, are weak and of the zigzag elbow or angulation type. Stumm, in 1937 (p. 437), called attention to this coral type as possibly having developed from ancestry different from that of other “Prismatophyllum.” If it has, study of more adequate material might justify separate generic designation eventually. Selected individuals of Pinyonastraea kirki resemble internally the associated Billingsastraea nevadensis, ‘— 62 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN especially subspecies arachne; the principal difference is lack of the outer wall. As elsewhere noted, it is con- ceivable the two come from common ancestry. Pinyonastraea is a relatively uncommon coral in the higher part of Nevada Formation, unit 2, unlike the local occurrence of H exagonaria s.s. which is abundant in higher Middle Devonian coral zone F. The new sub- genus has not been recognized outside of the Great Basin Province. Hexagonaria (Pinyonastmea) kirki (Stumm) Plate 23, figures 5—10 1937. Prismatophyllum kirki Stumm, p. 437, pl. 55, figs. 7a—b. 1940. ”Prismatophyllum” kirki Stumm. Merriam, pl. 16, fig. 5. 1949. Hexagonaria kirki (Stumm), pl. 15, figs. 16, 17. Type material.——Holotype USN M 94456; lower part of the Nevada Formation, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Diagnosis—This Pinyonastraea has large corallites, minutely undulant, very weakly zigzag, thin carinate septa and thin, even, commonly straight walls. Some of the outer dissepiments are sublonsdaleioid in the peripheral irregular zone of the dissepimentarium. External features—This species occurs in large len- ticular colonies 25 cm or more in greatest diameter. In- dividual corallites are considerably larger than average for Hexagonaria. A well-preserved distal surface (pl. 23, fig. 7) shows shallow calicinal pits with a weak crateriform rim; the calicinal platform is concavely depressed to almost flat, and the thin outer wall stands sharply in relief. Transverse sections—Major septa number 20—23; these are uniformly thin, and for the greater part ex- tend without discontinuity to the axial vicinity. Minor septa are more than half to nearly as long as the major septa, which extend to the tabularium margin. Some minor septa are discontinuous, represented by crests, or lacking; minor septa commonly do not pass periph- erally to the wall. Septa range from straight and nearly smooth to minutely undulant and zigzag carinate. However, the carinae are not abundant; they are minute, and in some specimens confined to a few septa, in which they occur alternately in radial succession. There are no yardarm carinae. The peripheral zone of irregular dissepiments is wide; the outer sublonsdalei- oid dissepiments, if present, usually are small. Longitudinal sections—The flat-lying dissepiments which make up most of the dissepimentarium show little size regularity; they range from small to large, the larger predominate. Significant features are nearly straight, continuous, horizontal, and somewhat thick- ened tabulae in parts of this zone. Comparison with related forms. — In the Roberts Mountains at locality M1054, a subcerioid variety with corallite walls partly rounded transversely is associ- ated with normal kirki; this fact suggests a phaceloid tendency (Merriam, 1940, pl. 16, fig. 6). An Hexago- naria-like species occurring in the Toiyabe Range at locality M1151 near Reeds Canyon (plate 25, fig. 10) has wide corallites and may be allied either to kirki of coral zone D or to Hexagonaria flexum (Stumm) of coral zone F. H exagonaria (Pinyonastraea) kirki has no described close relatives elsewhere. It is possible this form is derived from the stock which produced the corals assigned to Billingsastraea nevadensis. Measurements—Holotype USNM 94456; diameter of a mature corallite, 17 mm; major septa, 20. Figured specimen USN M 159345: diameter of a mature coral- lite, 17 mm; major septa, 23. Occurrence—Lower part of the Nevada Formation, unit 2. Devonian coral zone D2. Lone Mountain: local- ity M1052. Northern Roberts Mountains: locality M1054. Northern Antelope Range: locality M1053. At Lone Mountain this coral may range into coral zone D3 at locality M1052. Genus BILLINGSASTRAEA Grabau, 1917 1917. Phillipsastraea (Billingsastraea) Grabau, p. 957. 1937. Billingsastraea Grabau. Stumm, p. 437, pl. 53, fig. 13, pl. 55, figs. 8a—b. 1949. Billingsastraea Grabau. Stumm, p. 35, pl. 16, figs. 8—11, ?fig. 7. 1951. Billingsastraea Grabau. Ehlers and Stumm (in part). 1953. Billingsastraea Grabau. Ehlers and Stumm, p. 1. 1956. Billingsastraea Grabau. Hill, p. F280, fig. 191—7. Not 1958. Billingsastraea Grabau. Schouppé, p. 235—237. 1964. (?)Billingsastraea Grabau. Stumm, p. 43, pl. 40, figs. 1—3. 1964. Billingsastraea Grabau. Oliver, p. B1—B5, pls. 1—2. 1964. Radiastraea Stumm. Pedder, p. 446—449, pls. 71—73. Type species. —Phillipsastraea verneuili Edwards and Haime, 1851 (by monotypy). According to Ed- wards and Haime, the type occurrence is in the State of Wisconsin; the type is now believed to have come from glacial drift. Diagnosis.—Oliver’s (1964) diagnosis is as follows: Astraeoid, thamnastraeoid, or slightly aphroid corals with cal- ices peripheral platform. Septa are radially arranged and lightly to heavily carinate with zigzag or crossbar carinae. Major and minor septa extend from the periphery; minor septa terminate composed of closely spaced, horizontal complete tabulae. The dissepimentarium is composed of gently to strongly curved dissepiments that are horizontally arranged except next to the tabularia where they are inclined toward the corallite axes. Remarks—Grabau (1917, p. 957) introduced the ——’i SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 63 name Billingsastraea in a subgeneric sense without definitive treatment. Stumm first defined Billingsas- traea as a genus in 1937. Redefining the genus in 1949, Stumm (p. 35) in effect interpreted his genus Radias- traea (Stumm, 1937, p. 439) as an objective synonym of Billingsastraea, thus suppressing Radiastraea. As noted by Oliver, the species Radiastraea arachne Stumm (type species of Radiastraea) was regarded by Stumm (1949, p. 35) as a weakly carinate species of Billingsastraea. Oliver’s diagnosis above supplements that of Stumm in taking into account the characters of R. arachne. Because the internal features of “Phillipsastraea” verneuili Edwards and Haime, type species of Billings- astraea, are unknown, the status of this genus remains clouded. Pedder (1964, p. 447) regards certain species assigned to Billingsastraea by Ehlers and Stumm (1951; 1953) as constituting a separate but unde- scribed compound H eliophyllum-like genus; these are doubtless the strongly yardarm-carinate forms. He has accordingly resurrected Radiastraea for the noncari- nate to not so strongly carinate species of the arachne type. At present too little is known of the taxonomic sig- nificance of prominent crossbar or yardarm carinae to decide whether or not these features constitute a suf- ficient basis for separating the species bearing them as a genus distinct from the species presently in Billings- astraea which have noncarinate septa or zigzag cari- nae. The problem is similar to that in connection with Hexagonaria. In accord with Stumm’s 1949 review and the reeval- uation of Oliver (1964), the term Billingsastraea is provisionally retained for the Nevada forms here dealt with, in the hope that eventually the type of verneuili may be sectioned and studied. Billingsastraea nevadensis (Stumm) and B. arachne (Stumm) were both described from the lower part of the Nevada Formation at Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Both occur in the lower part of the Ne- vada (in unit 2) and in coral zone D2; it is not im- probable they are within the range of variation of a single species. However, full confirmation of this iden- tity will depend upon variation studies of more com- plete suites of specimens from the same locality and horizon than are at present available. Probably the best course at this time is to consider B. arachne merely a subspecies of B. nevadensis. Billingsasiruea nevadensis (Stumm) Plate 24, figures 1—3, 5, 6—8 1937. Billingsastraea billingsi nevadensis Stumm, p. 438, pl. 53, fig. 12, pl. 55, figs. 9a—b. 1940. Billingsastraea nevadensis Stumm. Merriam, pl. 12, fig. 1. 1949. Billingsastraea nevadensis Stumm, pl. 16, fig. 8. Type and figured material. — Holotype USNM 94467; lower part of Nevada Formation, Lone Moun- tain. Figured specimens: USNM 159346, 159347, localities M1055, M1035, Antelope Range; USNM 159348—159350, locality M55, Lone Mountain. Devo- nian coral zone D2. Diagnosis.—This thamnastraeoid Billingsastraea has uniformly thin finely wavy or zigzag septa and numerous weak zigzag elbow carinae. Longer major septa reach the axis; their waviness generally increases as they approach the center. Minor septa are two- thirds the length of the major septa; their axial tips just enter the tabularium. Concentric dissepiment traces, close-set at the inner margin of dissepimen- tarium, form a false inner ring that normally has no significant thickening. Tabulae are mostly irregular, arched distally, and some of them are complete. Flat outer dissepiments range in size from small to large; inner steeply inclined dissepiments are small. External features.——Ovoidal colonies that are 15 cm or more in greatest diameter show polygonal outlines resembling those of large corallites that have raised margins with the external appearance of a wall. Calice pits commonly lack the raised crateriform margin characteristic of subspecies arachne. Transverse sections.—-Major septa average about 16, most of them extend to the axis; in the tabularium, major septa, wavy and irregular, commonly produce an incipient plexus, join laterally or with their opposite septa. Some individuals reveal a moderate thickening of both major and minor septa only in those parts where they pass from dissepimentarium to tabularium; others show no such thickening. No wall separates corallites, most septa pass into septa of adjacent corallites peripherally. Dissepiment traces are usually evenly concentric in the close-spaced periaxial area; they become more irregular or nearly straight in the more open peripheral area. Septal waviness varies con- siderably from those with numerous small, even bends without carinae to those with closely spaced, zigzag bends having fine sharply projecting carinae at the elbow angles. No crossbar (yardarm) carinae are pres- ent. Astraeoid patterns are slightly developed periph- erally, but no aphroid tendencies have been recognized in this predominantly thamnastraeoid species. Longitudinal sections.—The diameter of the tabu- larium is about one-third of or slightly less than the corallite diameter. In a broad zone of nearly flat lying dissepiments, small to large dissepiments have irregu- lar distribution; limbs of larger dissepiments subtend as many as five small underlying ones. The innermost column of small dissepiments stands near vertical. The — 64 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN tabulae, rather closely spaced, commonly are arched distally in an irregular fashion and have a periaxial depression. A few tabulae nearly complete, most ter- minate as large tabellae. Carinal traces show in scat- tered patches. Horseshoe dissepiments are lacking. Comparison with related forms. —Billingsastraea nevadensis differs from B. verrilli (Meek) in the struc- ture of its septa, which are thickened within the dis- sepimentarium of verrilli (Smith, 1945, pl. 19, figs. 2b—c; and in cellulose peels of a Meek paratype); B. nevadensis has uniformly thin septa in this region. B. verrilli, figured by Pedder (1964, pl. 71, figs. 1—5; pl. 72, figs. 4—5), is less thickened here than is Meek’s paratype specimen, but it has thicker than normal nevadensis septa in the dissepimentarium. Among the adequately illustrated species of Billing- sastraea, the one under consideration bears a signi- ficant resemblance to B. afl‘inis (Billings) as figured by Oliver ( 1964). The differences are a greater number of major septa (about 19 in afi‘inis, 16 in nevadensis) and possibly in the vertical sides of calicular pits in afl‘inis. Billingsastraea afl‘inis, reported by Oliver ( 1964, p. B3) from the Grande Greve Formation of Coblenzian age, is possibly not a great deal older than B. nevadensis from the beds of coral zone D2. Measurements.—The measurements of representa- tive corallites of figured specimens are: USNM No. ................................................. 159.946 159.947 15934.9 Diameter (in mm) ............ 16 14 11 Major septa .................................. 19 17 16 Occurrence—Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Lone Mountain: localities 104 (Merri- am, 1940), M55. Northern Roberts Mountains: local- ity 3 (Merriam, 1940). Northern Antelope Range: 10- calities M1035, M1055. At localities 3 and 104 (Mer- riam, 1940) B. nevadensis is associated with subspecies arachne. Billingsastraecr nevadensis subsp. arachne (Stumm) Plate 24, figure 4 1937. Radiastraea arachne Stumm, p. 439, pl. 53, fig. 13; pl. 55, figs. 8a—b. 1940. Radiastraea arachne Stumm. Merriam, pl. 13, fig. 5. 1949. Billingsastraea arachne (Stumm), p. 35, pl. 16, fig. 9, 10, 11. 1964. Radiastraea arachne Stumm. Oliver, p. B3. 1964. Radiastraea arachne Stumm. Pedder, p. 446—447, pl. 72, figs. 1—3, pl. 73, figs. 1—5. Type material.—Holotype USNM 94458. Lower part of the Nevada Formation, Lone Mountain. Diagnosis.—This Billingsastraea has uniformly thin, moderately wavy to only slightly wavy or nearly straight septa, with a few zigzag carinae limited to a few septa. The distal surface of type has prominent raised crateriform rim at the edge of calicular pits. Remarks—Stumm (1937, p. 439) defined Radias- traea to contain species having these features, together with an inner aulos or “tubular ring.” Later Stumm (1949, p. 35) noticed that an aulos was not present; accordingly he concluded that R. arachne is a weakly carinate species of Billingsastraea. This appears to be a reasonable interpretation. Pedder (1964, p. 446—449) has reinterpreted Stumm’s Radiastraea as a genus and has proposed its adoption to include arachne and ver- rilli (Meek). Occurrence—Lower part of the Nevada Formation, unit 2. Devonian coral zone D2. Lone Mountain: locali- ties 58, 104, 105 (Merriam, 1940). Northern Roberts Mountains: localities 3, 36 (Merriam, 1940), M1073. Southern Roberts Mountains: locality 15 (Merriam, 1940). At localities 3 and 104 this subspecies occurs with typical Billingsastraea nevadensis. Billingsastraeu? sp. '1' Plate 25, figures 6—9 This Billingsastraea? has thamnastraeoid to aphroid growth habit. Its thickened septa lack carinae but are minutely wavy. Septal dilation is rather evenly dis- tributed radially through the dissepimentarium; there is a greater swelling of twisted axial segments in the tabularium. Closely spaced tabulae, mostly incomplete and irregular, have a slight proximal sag. In longitu- dinal section this species resembles Billingsastraea nevadensis (Stumm). Billingsastraea? sp. T differs from B. nevadensis in lacking septal waviness and angulation carinae and in having thickened septa. Moreover, nevadensis nor- mally is not aphroid. The partly aphroid growth of this form is suggestive of Billingsastraea-like corals with dilated septa occur- ring in Nevada Formation, unit 4 (coral zone F) at Lone Mountain. These undescribed coral zone F forms are more appropriately classified as Aphroidophyllum Lenz (1961, p. 505) or Taimyrophyllum Chernychev 1941, the relationships of which have recently been discussed by Pedder ( 1964) . Occurrence.——Toiyabe Range, Nev.; Austin quad- rangle, locality M1 151, west range front 0.8 mile south- southwest of mouth of Reeds Canyon. Lower part of Devonian limestones correlative with the Nevada For- mation. Middle Devonian within the interval of coral zones D to F. Family CYSTIPHYLLOIDAE Stumm. 1949 Reference form—Cystiphylloides aggregatum (Bil- lings) 1859. Devonian; Ontario, Canada. These compound and solitary Devonian cystimorphs lack septa beyond initial growth stages, except for traces or weak radiating septal ridges on mature calice ——’i SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 65 floor and wall. The transverse thin sections of some of which were supplied by McLaren), show corallites species do not show septal crests. The calice is deep in neanic and mature growth stages. None have septal and has a V-shaped profile. The tabularium is gener- crests, even at the periphery where they appear in ally narrow, in keeping with the deep, conical calice. some cystiphylloids. Most of the dissepiments decrease The dissepimentarium is not abruptly set off from the in size axially; they become less globose in the columns tabularium. Straight tabulae are uncommon; the hori- bordering the wide tabularium where there is a rather zontal structures consist of two or more tabellae with abrupt change to large tabellae. bases nearly horizontal or axially inclined at a low Yoh’s Cystiphylloides (1937), from the Middle De- angle. All the dissepiments are concave peripherally vonian of Kwangsi Province, South China, was pro- in lonsdaleioid fashion. posed without reference to prior use of this generic The Devonian Cystiphylloidae differ from the Silu- name by Chapman. Yoh’s excellent figures suggest rian Cystiphyllidae in lacking the trabecular septal that it is a solitary coral with a wider dissepimentar- spines that extend inward from dissepiment surfaces. ium and a narrower tabularium which is less abruptly Transitional forms probably exist between the Cysti- set off from the former. Septal crests are present per- phylloidae and the Digonophyllidae, which generally ipherally, a feature not noted in the Onondaga form. have septal crests and ridges. Cystiphylloides, according to either Chapman’s or Yoh’s definition, rather conclusively does not belong Gem’s CYSTIPHYLLOIDES Chapman 1893 in synonymy with Plasmophyllum where it has re- 1859. Cystiphyllum aggregatum Billings, p. 137, text fig. 28. cently been placed by Birenheide (1964, p. 17). 118:3; Cyfgphxllziiis_gha§mfin’94:4 1 V fi _4 The cystiphylloid corals from the Nevada Forma- 1340: 22+. Ci} 88?; hi, ll: li d: $01.35;, ,Srfriitli, agilil'l‘homas, p. tion may be segregated as colonial or solitary and, on 48. the bas1s of septal crests, into two groups; one group. 1940. Cystiphylloides Chapman (in part). Stumm, p. 39 (in lacks septal crests entirely or has some scattered but part); not pl. 19, figs. 1—7; not pl. 20, figs. 14—15. poorly developed, and the other group has well-devel- 1956- M esoPhylllfm (CyStiPhyUOideS) Chapman, 1893- Hill: oped peripheral septal crests. Within this morphologi- T pe 2221222303325; 225;?fii6nit222regatum Billings cal range there is a great diversity of type with respect 185g Devonian' Onandaga near Simcoe Ontario, to features of the dissepimentarium and tabularium. Canada Cystipliylloides Yoli 1937 is a honionym an d’ The term Cystiphylloides of Chapman is applicable to ' ’ some of these types, especially to the colonial forms. is probably not congeneric with Cystiphylloides Chap- Other types, morphologically closer to Yoh’s Cysti- man, although It has generally been so regarded phylloides may require a new generic name Generic (Stumm 1949, p. 39). Unfortunately the internal ' structure of Billings’ type of Cystiphyllum aggregatum names such as Mesophyllum and Digonophyllum are . . . . available for these cystlphy1101des w1th false septa or is unknown, and the spec1men is lost. Accordlng to D J McLaren (written commun Sept 1 1966) Bil- septal crests alined radially in the separate growth . . . . cones. llngs’ speCIes is almost certalnly the common Onon- daga dendroid to phaceloid form, as suggested by Bil- Cystiphylloides rober’tsense (Stumm) lings’ figure of the exterior. Sections of this species are Plate 23, figures 1_4 avallfible; the diagnos1s 18 base‘?‘ on them' ‘ 1937. M esophyllum robertsense Stumm, p. 440, pl. 53, fig. 14; Diagnosts.—These are medium and large dendr01d p1, 55, figs, 10a_c. to phaceloid and solitary cystiphylloid Rugosa; indi- Type material. —-Holotype USNM 94459, Frazier vidual corallites range from trochoid to cylindrical. Creek, northern Roberts Mountains; paratype USNM The mature dissepimentarium, of medium width, is 94460, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Lower composed mostly of small- and medium-sized, rather part of the Nevada Formation. uniformly globose dissepiments. The border between Diagnosis. ——The mature corallites are cylindrical the tabularium and the dissepimentarium is rather and narrow for the genus; probably colonial. A definite well defined but not sharp; there is a change from peripheral zone of small dissepiments passes rather small steep dissepiments to large axially inclined ta- abruptly into an inner band of large dissepiments that bellae. The tabularium is medium wide to wide. Septa are not sharply set off from the tabularium. and septal spines or crests are commonly absent. External features.——The cylindrical corallites have Remarks.—A series of transverse sections of a den- rather coarse external longitudinal ribs. The parallel droid, a moderately compact colony from the Onon- alinement of corallites in the matrix. A bushy colonial daga Limestone of Hagersville, Ontario (Royal On- growth form, although no lateral connection was tario Museum Collections No. 8950H), (photographs observed. h 66 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN Transverse section. —The peripheral zone shows about four columns of small dissepiments; at the axis there is a fairly abrupt change to large dissepiments. Within the outer band of small dissepiments there is stereoplasmic thickening but septal crests, if present, are indistinct. No septal crests were observed inter- nally Longitudinal section—The change from small dis- sepiments to large ones in the peripheral zone is con- spicuous, but the separation between the tabularium and the large dissepiments is indistinct; the innermost roughly horizontal arched features considered to be tabellae occupy the axial part of the corallite that is usually narrow. Reproductive ofi’sets.—Stumm (1937, p. 440) notes the presence of a calice offset in the holotype. Comparison with related forms.—Other Great Basin cystyphylloids become cylindrical when mature, but this specimen is the only one I have reason to think may be a phaceloid colonial. Measurements—Figured specimen USN M 159343: mature corallite diameter 22 mm; width of peripheral band of small dissepiments 3 mm. Occurrence—Lower part of Nevada Formation, lower part of unit 2. Devonian coral zone D. Lone Mountain: locality M1046. Northern Roberts Moun- tains, Nev.; type locality of species on Frazier Creek. At Lone Mountain locality M1046 this coral is associ- ated with Disphyllum nevadense (Stumm) and D. eurekaensis n. Sp. Cystiphylloides lonense (Stumm) Plate 19, figures 1—9 1937. M esophyllum lonense Stumm, p. 440, pl. 53, fig. 15; pl. 55, figs. 11a—b. Type material and figured specimens. ——Holotype USNM 94461, paratype USNM 94461a. Figured speci- mens USNM 159322—159327: lower part of the Ne- vada Formation, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Diagnosis.—This medium-sized, solitary, ceratoid Cystiphylloides has large tabellae not sharply set off from large interior dissepiments; few recognizable sep- tal crests are present in transverse sections, but the deep calice has weak, raised, discontinuous radial stri- ations. Both large and small dissepiments are in the peripheral band. Transverse sections.—About two-thirds the diame- ter of the mature stages consists of larger dissepiments and tabellae; a few large dissepiments are at the peri- phery. There are a few scattered septal crests in the peripheral band, and incomplete cones of stereoplas- mic thickening occur at about the inner edge of the dissepimentarium. Longitudinal sections—Most dissepiments, includ- ing those in the peripheral band, are steeply inclined. The tabularium is commonly occupied by two large tabellae, which are either nearly flat or axially inclined at a low angle; in the early neanic stages there may be a few complete and flat tabulae. Comparison with related forms—The younger Cys- tiphylloides robertsense of coral zone D2 has a greater concentration of small dissepiments in the outer band of the dissepimentarium and is cylindrical and prob- ably colonial when mature. Cystiphylloides america- num (Edwards and Haime) has a much wider dissepi- mentarium with numerous columns, the outer columns are nearly flat. Its tabularium usually shows several laterally contiguous tabellae in a rather wide and fairly discrete tabularium. M easurements.—Three figured specimens (in mm) : USNM No. ........................................................ 159.122 159.92.? 159.124 Length of corallum restored ............ 39 69 70 Diameter at calice edge .................... 22.5 31 31 Outside diameter at calice bottom ................... 17 17 23 Depth of calice ....................... 16 35 29 Occurrence—Lower part of the Nevada Formation, unit 1. Devonian coral zone C. In association with Pa- piliophyllum elegantulum, Siphonophrentis (Brevi- phrentis) kobehensis, and Acrospirifer kobehana. Lone Mountain: localities M74, M286. Cystiphylloides an. d Plate 19, figures 10, 11 1884. (?) Cystiphyllum americanum Milne-Edwards. Walcott, p. 106. 1937. (?)Mesophyllum flexum Stumm, p. 441, pl. 55, figs. 12a—b. 1938. (?)Mesophyllum vesiculosum (Goldfuss). Stumm, p. 483, pl. 59, figs. 8a—b. These cystiphylloid rugose corals resemble Cysti— phylloides americanum (Edwards and Haime). They occur in the IOWer part of the Nevada Formation, prob- ably ranging up through coral zone D to coral zone E. In coral zone D these corals are represented by the form here referred to as Cystiphylloides sp. d. There is insufficient material to justify a specific name at present. Like C. americanum, this form grows to a large size with numerous columns of medium and large dissepi- ments that are not sharply set off from from tabellae in the axial vicinity. In C. sp. (1 the dissepiments are in- clined steeply and many are elongate, whereas in C. americanum the peripheral dissepiments are less steeply inclined. The calice of C. americanum is deep and bellshaped, whereas the calice of C. sp. d may be very deep and conical or funnel shaped. No septal crests are noted. ——7 SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 67 Occurrence—Nevada Formation, unit 2. Devonian coral zone D2. Southern Sulphur Spring Range: local- ity M36. Family DIGONOPHYLLIDAE Wedekind. 1924 Reference form—Mesophyllum defectum Schliiter 1889. Middle Devonian, Germany. Large, solitary, pervasively dissepimented rugose corals have septa which tend to be discontinuous lamellar plates, both vertically and radially. Bilateral symmetry is obscure in mature growth stages; at the mature stage the fossula is usually not clearly defined. The Digonophyllidae include forms ranging from a type with conspicuous septa to a type with greatly reduced mature septa, which may appropriately be called cystimorphs. The dissepimentarium is always wide; the tabularium is narrow and may be poorly dif- ferentiated. Many of these corals have a wide calice brim or platform. As noted by Wedekind (1924), the septal tissue of the Digonophyllidae develops discontinuously in suc- cessive growth cones (septal cones of Wedekind). The family and generic classification of these corals remains in a confused state. Multiplication of genera by Wedekind and associates reflects the taxonomic philosophy of the extreme “splitter,” although the coral divisions appear to have been related to strati- graphic units. Birenheide (1964) , in a painstaking and detailed revision, eliminates many of the Wedekind genera. Hill (1956, p. F314—F320) has adopted some Wedekind genera as subgenera in a practical and rea- sonably satisfactory scheme based on current under- standing of this complex group. For purposes of this study two subfamilies of the Digonophyllidae are adopted: Digonophyllinae and Zonophyllinae. In the Great Basin Province the Digo- nophyllidae appear in Devonian coral zone D2 and are not known above coral zone F. Here, as in Germany, they are characteristic of Middle Devonian, especially the Eifelian. Subiamily DIGONOPHYLLINAE Wedekind, 1924 Reference form—Mesophyllum defectum Schliiter 1889. Middle Devonian, Germany. The large Digonophyllidae have septa uniformly de- veloped or sporadic and vestigal in growth cones. The septa in the growth cones are either radially continu- ous plates or radially alined ridges and crests. Strip carinae are present in the marginarium of some genera. Normal but irregular dissepiments of the periaxial band change peripherally to irregularly lonsdaleioid. The dissepiment pattern is highly complex and non- uniform in the marginarium of species having periph- erally suppressed septa. In all Digonophyllinae the tabularium is relatively narrow and poorly differentiated and lacks straight tabulae. The calice is deep and conical, floored by two or more tabellae; in those forms having a wide brim- platform, the inner conical part of the calice is a steep-sided pit. Hill (1956, p. F317) and Birenheide (1964, p. 6) note the presence of a fossula in some Digonophylli— dae; however, no fossula is recognized in the Great Basin species, and it. seems probable that symmetry features of this kind are not generally conspicuous in the Digonophyllinae. No preparations of Great Basin material convinc- ingly show vertical continuity of homologous septal lamellae from one incremental growth cone to those above and below, within successive nested cone sequences. The radially broken septa of some species commonly have such closely spaced component crests that the septa almost look continuous. Observed in transverse thin section, each crest or spine is an outgrowth from one or more tabellae or from one or more of the dissepi- ments. As noted elsewhere, it is probable that Digonophyl- linae with almost wholly lonsdaleioid dissepiments in- tergrade with the Cystiphylloidae. Genera and subgenera classified with the Digono- phyllinae are as follows: Digonophyllum (Digonophyllum) Wedekind, 1923 Digonophyllum (Mochlophyllum) Wedekind, 1923 Mesophyllum (Mesophyllum) Schliiter, 1889 Mesophyllum (Arcophyllum) Markov, 1926 Arcophyllum is classified as a subgenus under Meso- phyllum by Hill (1956, p. F318). Other possible sub- genera of Mesophyllum are: Lekanophyllum Wede- kind, 1923, Atelophyllum Wedekind, 1925, and Dialy- tophyllum Amanshauser, 1925. The Digonophyllinae appear in Early and early Mid- dle Devonian coral subzones D2 and D3 of the Great Basin with the genera M esophyllum and Arcophyllum. Corals of this subfamily peak in the higher Eifelian interval of coral zone F. Genus MESOPHYLLUM Schluter, 1889 1956. Mesophyllum Schlu'ter 1889. Hill, p. F318. Type species. — M esophyllum defectum Schliiter, 1889. Middle Devonian; Eifel district, Germany. Diagnosis. — These Digonophyllinae have nonuni- formly discontinuous septa which become obsolete peripherally in a wide band of irregularly lonsdaleioid dissepiments, with or without localized groups of strip carinae. Remarks. —— The corals assigned to M esophyllum range in structure from maturely cylindrical cysti-' i 68 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN morphs with only a few weak septal traces and scat- tered or no bar carinae to those with numerous dis- continuous and fairly strong continuous irregularly thickened septa and abundant strip carinae. At present the adoption of Mesophyllum as a genus with subgenera, more or less in accord with the scheme used by Hill (1956, p. F317—F320) seems to be a rea- sonably satisfactory rationalization of the taxonomic dilemma in this difficult and complex group. Biren- heide’s detailed systematics (1964) are, on the other hand, quite different; he classifies Mesophyllum as a subgenus of Plasmophyllum. Of the seven subgenera of Mesophyllum listed by Hill, only two, Mesophyllum (Mesophyllum) and Me- sophyllum (Arcophyllum) , are pertinent in this study. Cystiphylloides Chapman is not here classified as a subgenus of MeSOp/zyllum. Subgenus MESOPHYLLUM sensu stricto 1956. Mesophyllum (Mesophyllum). Hill, p. F318, fig. 219—5. Type species—Same as genus. Diagnosis—This Mesophyllum has a highly discon- tinuous, patchy, nonuniform, and unstable pattern of prevailingly weak septa, with or without a few rather poorly defined bar carinae. Remarks.—On the one hand, this subgenus includes cystimorphs resembling Cystiphylloides with only a few weak septal traces; on the other, it probably grades into the sugenus Arcophyllum with partly strong sep— tal crests and numerous bar or strip carinae. Corals of this general category occur in Nevada For— mation, unit 2. Because they are known only from fragmentary material, they are accordingly designated provisionally by letter only. Mesophyllum (Mesophyllum) sp. 13 Plate 21, figures 1, 2 Figured specimens.—USNM 159334. Lower part of the Nevada Formation, Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. Early ephebic transverse sections show many rather stout septal crests of variable length; most of these are concentrated in a zone halfway between wall and axis. Inner dissepiments and tabellae are large. Carinae were not recognized. In fully mature stages the septal crests probably become thinner and more scattered. Occurrence—Lower part of the Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nevada; locality M36. Mesophyllum (Mesophyllum) sp. 6 Plate 21, figures 3, 4 Figured specimens.—USNM 159335. Lower part of the Nevada Formation, northern Antelope Range, Nev. Mature transverse sections show sporadic, mostly vague septal traces in groups with widely scattered short septal crests. Inner dissepiments and tabellae are relatively smaller than in sp. b. In longitudinal section all the rather small dissepiments in a very wide zone are steeply inclined, the tabularium is very narrow, and the septal cones and calice are acutely conical. Thickened trabecular septal crests are developed at the inner edge of the dissepimentarium. Carinae were not recognized. Occurrence. — Lower part of Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D. North end of the Ante- lope Range, Eureka County, Nev.; locality M1035. Subgenus ARCOPHYLLUM Markov, 1926 (as a genus) 1926. Arcophyllum Markov, p. 49—60, pl. 3. 1940. Arcophyllum Markov. Lang, Smith, and Thomas, p. 20, 41. 1949. Arcophyllum Markov. Stumm, p. 39, 43, pl. 21, figs. 1—3. 1922. Cosmophyllum Vollbrecht (not Blanchard, 1851), p. 17. 1925. Cosmophyllum Vollbrecht. Wedekind, p. 39. 1931. Cosmophyllum Vollbrecht. Wedekind and Vollbrecht, pl. 28, figs. 1—6, pl. 32, fig. 8. 1931. (?)Pseudocosmophyllum Wedekind and Vollbrecht, pl. 19, figs. 1—4, pl. 20, figs. 1, 2, 5. 1931. ('2) Hemicosmophyllum Wedekind and Vollbrecht, pl. 31, figs. 1—12, pl. 32, figs. 1—7. 1932. Cosmophyllum Vollbrecht. Wedekind and Vollbrecht, pl. 33, figs. 1—4. 1932. Hemicosmophyllum Wedekind and Vollbrecht, pl. 36, figs. 1—8. 1932. (?) Pseudocosmophyllum Wedekind and Vollbrecht, pl. 38, figs. 1—5. 1937. Mesophylloides kirki Stumm, p. 441, 442, pl. 55, figs. 13a—b. 1956. Mesophyllum (Arcophyllum) Markov. Hill, p. F318, fig. 219—1. 1956. ('2) Mesophyllum (Hemicosmophyllum) Wedekind and Vollbrecht. Hill, p. F318, fig. 219—3a, b, c. Type species.—Arcophyllum typus Markov, 1926 (by original designation). Middle Devonian; Calceola beds, western slope of Ural Mountains, Russia. Diagnosis. — The solitary Digonophyllinae have large, commonly elongate subcylindrical mature growth stages with thick external annulations and rejuvenescence constrictions. The calice, deep and inversely bell shaped to funnel shaped, is reflected peripherally as a platform or brim, which is either inclined axially, flattened, or broadly convex distally. The brim surface is ornamented by numerous edges of strip carinae. Septa are numerous, somewhat with- drawn from axial tabellae, and range from continuous to discontinuous as radially alined septal crests, the more continuous septa predominate. Septa are thick- ened locally in the tabularium; septa pass peripher- ally into a wide band of irregular dissepiments, within which some septa terminate short of the outer wall. Concentric rows of strip carinae are vaguely defined i SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY 69 peripherally in transverse thin sections; outermost strip carinae are commonly detached from the septa with which they are alined. Minor septa range from about one—half to nearly full length of the major septa; minor septa are more prone to discontinuity as alined septal crests. The dissepimentarium is wide, is com- monly three-fourths of corallum radius, and consists of mostly small steeply inclined dissepiments which pass axially without discontinuity into the narrow medial zone of the tabellae. Outer dissepiments are mostly lonsdaleioid; inner dissepiments form concen- tric irregular chevrons and forks. Flat continuous tabu- lae are few. In longitudinal thin section, prominent isolated groups of diagonally inclined strip carinae abut in the outer dissepimentarium against parts lack- ing carinae. Remarks.——Because of delay in publication, Voll- brecht’s (1922) genus Cosmophyllum appeared in print before Markov’s (1926, p. 49) Arcophyllum, with which it is probably congeneric (Lang and others, 1940, p. 20). However, the generic name Cosmo- phyllum, being an homonym, is superseded by Arco- phyllum (Stumm, 1949, p. 43; Hill, 1956, p. F318). Cosmophyllum-like digonophyllid Rugosa similar to Arcophyllum are recorded by Wedekind (1924, p. 84, 85; 1925, p. 70, '71; 1926, table, p. 201) from the middle part of the Middle Devonian, Eifel district, Germany. The species in question are variously assigned to Cos- mophyllum, Hemicosmophyllum, and Pseudocosmo- phyllum. Further taxonomic revision of these Eifel district genera is called for, in the light of field strati- graphic occurrence, to establish their relationship to Arcophyllum. Available illustrations of Hemicosmo- phyllum and Pseudocosmophyllum suggest that these corals may be closely related to, if not synonyms of, Arcophyllum; detailed variation study is needed, not- ing such features as presence of strip carinae in fully mature individuals. Hill’s (1956, p. F317—F319) revi- sion of the Digonophyllinae interprets Arcophyllum and other genera of this subfamily as subgenera of Mesophyllum Schlfiter. Arcophyllum-like corals from southeastern Alaska have continuous septa, not the radially broken septa of Mesophyllum, and may accordingly be more closely allied to the genus Digono— phyllum. Mesophyllum (Arcophyllum) kirki (Stumm) Plate 21, figures 5—7; plate 22, figures 1—6 1937. Mesophylloides kirki Stumm, p. 441, pl. 55, figs. 13a—b. Type and figured material.——Holotype USNM 94463; figured specimens USNM 159336—159342. Lower part of Nevada Formation, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Diagnosis.—-This large Arcophyllum has a subcylin- drical mature corallum. The wide dissepimentarium consists of many columns of small steeply inclined dis- sepiments; the relatively narrow tabularium has few tabellae. The septa are withdrawn from the axis, some- what thickened toward axis, and partly discontinuous as septal crests. Strip carinae of the peripheral part of the dissepimentarium are conspicuous in longitudinal sections, inconspicuous or shadowy in. transverse sec- tions. There is no stereozone, fossula, or other indica- tion of bilateral symmetry in the mature corallum. The funnel-shaped calice has a wide brim, which is distally convex and proximally inclined toward narrow axial pit. External features.-—The epitheca is thin and is absent over most of mature surface, possibly due to wear. The complete coralla of some individuals are very elongate and have annular folds and rejuvenes- cence constrictions. Strip carinae project conspicu- ously from the wide calice brim. Transverse sections.——The septal count is 80; this count includes minor septa, some of which are nearly as long as the major septa; some reach the coral- lum periphery, but most become unrecognizable peripherally in the generally complex dissepiment tis- sue. The septa are partly continuous and partly dis— continuous as septal crests. Minute to small lonsdalei- oid dissepiments compose a broad peripheral band; the dissepiments increase in size axially and pass without discontinuity into the tabellae of the narrow tabular- ium. Inner dissepiments are composed of a complex tissue which includes concentric but uneven traces, herringbone chevrons, forks, and minute semiglobose dissepiments that terminate against a single septum at all edges. Septal thickenings are of the tapering variety, without nodes and bumps of the acanthophyl- loids. In transverse sections the strip carinae appear as concentric radial rows of shadowy yet translucent thickenings mainly within the peripheral lonsdaleioid part of the dissepimentarium. Longitudinal sections—The narrow tabularium about one-sixth the diameter of mature growth stages, consists of three or four axially inclined tabellae or less commonly a single complete tabula. Small peripheral dissepiments reveal a progressive size increase axially and pass without break into the less steeply inclined tabellae. Groups of prominent strip carinae, which terminate abruptly against the normal dissepiments, reveal an earlier growth stage calice brim. Comparison with related forms.—Mesophyllum (Arcophyllum) kirki of this report is, with some mis- givings, assigned to Stumm’s species founded upon an incomplete specimen from Nevada Formation, unit 2 at Lone Mountain; this unit is also the source of the —<— 70 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN material here described. The holotype transverse thin section of Stumm’s Mesophylloides kirki shows the inner part of a corallum lacking the outer dissepimen- tarium band which normally reveals strip carinae in Arcophyllum. Stumm’s holotype has thinner, more continuous septa with fewer septal crests than the specimens here described. The material referred to Mesophyllum (Arcophyl- lum) kirki resembles M. (A.) dachsbergi (Vollbrecht) and M. (A.) limbatum (Wedekind and Vollbrecht), the first was originally placed in Cosmophyllum and the second in Hemicosmophyllum. MeSOphyllum (Arcophyllum) dachsbergi differs from M. (A.) kirki in having a broader tabularium and more numerous tabellae. These differences apply also to M. (A. ) limba- tum. An undescribed Middle Devonian Arcophyllum- like coral from the Alberto Islands, southeast Alaska, has continuous septa, a wider tabularium with more numerous tabellae, and a well-developed strip carinae in the larger individuals. Occurrence—Lower part of the Nevada Formation, unit 2. Devonian coral subzone D3. Lone Mountain; localities M29, M1036. The corals here assigned to Mesophyllum (Arcophyllum) kirki characterize the uppermost beds in the “Spirifer pinyonensis” zone of previous usage. Comparison with Arcophyllum dachs- bergi and A. limbatum suggests that coral subzone D3 is within the Middle Devonian. According to Wede- kind and Vollbrecht (1931, pl. 28; 1932, pl. 36), Area- phyllum dachsbergi and A. limbatum occupy the zone of “Cosmophyllum dachsbergi” at Gerolstein, Eifel district, Germany. Wedekind (1925, p. 71 table) assigns the zone of “Cosmophyllum dachsbergi” to the upper part of his coral zone “St-Stenophyllumstufe,” which is shown by him as well up in the middle Middle Devonian. Markov’s type of Arcophyllum, being reported from Calceola-bearing beds of the Ural Moun- tains, may be older. The comparable southeast Alas- kan Arcophyllum-like coral from the Alberto Islands is associated with Acanthophyllum, Australophyllum, and Heliolites in a fauna which probably underlies that containing Stringocephalus in this Alaskan strati- graphic section. Subfamily ZONOPHYLLINAE Wedekind, 1924 Reference form.—Zonophyllum duplicatum Wede- kind. Early Middle Devonian; Germany. The cystimorph Digonophyllidae lack continuous septal lamellae; septal crests in growth cones that tend to be greatly thickened stereoplasmically, form septal wreaths or festoons where in contact laterally. The Zonophyllinae range from cystimorphs with a few sporadic septal crests to those with radially alined, usually stout thickened crests and either a crescentic festoon or a completely circular stereoplasmic septal wreath. Nepionic growth stages have thick stumpy septa in lateral contact. The stereoplasm of septal wreaths passes from one growth cone to those adjacent, as revealed in longitudinal thin section. In Germany and in the Great Basin, the Zonophyl- linae are characteristic of the early Middle Devonian; none have been recognized above coral zone D2. Genus ZONOPHYLLUM Wedekind, 1924 1924. Zonophyllum Wedekind, p. 12—21, figs. 1—8. 1940. Zonophyllum Wedekind, Lang, Smith, and Thomas, p. 142. 1949. Zonophyllum Wedekind, Stumm, p. 46—47, pl. 22, figs. 16—22. 1956. Zonophyllum Wedekind, Hill, p. F314—F315 (in part), fig. 216—1a—c. Type Species.—Z. duplicatum Wedekind by subse- quent designation, Lang, Smith and Thomas (1940 p. 142). Lower Middle Devonian; Nohner Schichten at Nohn Eifel district Germany. From Wedekind’s (1924, p. 85) zone D (Digonophyllumstufe), which is the lowermost Middle Devonian as interpreted by him. Diagnosis.—Medium-size and small solitary cysti- phylloids of ceratoid to cylindrical growth habit have thick stumpy to long septal crests in the peripheral zone of mature individuals; in longitudinal section the septal crests reveal thick trabecular spines which are directed distally and axially. The peripheral zone of small and medium-sized steeply inclined dissepiments passes axially into a zone of large dissepiments and periaxial tabellae. The axial zone has irregular, distally convex tabulae, some of which may be almost flat and wide. The ontogeny is distinctive. The late nepionic stage has about twelve thick stumpy septa touching laterally and has a suggestion of bilateral symmetry though no specific cardinal septum may be recogniz- able. In mid-neanic stage, there is a peripheral zone of dissepiments with thinner septal crests and an inner periaxial zone of thickened septal crests forming a sep- tal wreath. In later growth stages, dissepiments and tabellae are introduced between the two septal zones. Septal crests are usually thick and numerous peripher- ally in earlier ephebic stages. Advanced ephebic stages are cystiphylloid with traces of septal crests. Remarks.—Wedekind’s (1924) researches by means of serial sections demonstrated that cystiphylloid rugosa of the Zonophyllum group were distinct from those of the true Cystiphyllum group. In this connec- tion ontogenetic changes seem to be highly significant. Cystiphyllum itself is a Silurian genus (Lang and oth- ers, 1940, P. 48). The Devonian strata include descend- ants and no doubt numerous homeomorphic strains, such as Zonophyllum of the late Early and the Middle —-’—7 LOCALITY REGISTER 71 Devonian. In accordance with Wedekind’s views (1924, p. 29) , the early Middle Devonian Zonophyllum group was possibly the ancestral stock whence came the very numerous Digonophylloids of the ensuing Middle Devonian, all of which include cystiphylloid types. Wedekind’s theory of the septal cone (septalkegel) is set forth in connection with his description of Zono- phyllum and its presumed evolutionary offshoots (1924, p. 21). This theory is reviewed by Hill (1956, p. F252, F314), who noted that in some of the rugose corals under consideration, septal tissue is developed only in successive inverse cones of thickening in which large trabeculae are present. Zonophyllum haguei n. sp. Plate 20, figures 3, 4, 9, 10 Type material.——Holotype USNM 159333, paratype USNM 159331; Grays Canyon, Eureka district, Nevada. Lower part of the Nevada Formation; coral zone D2. Diagnosis.——Zonophyllum has a peripheral wreath of thick septal crests in the dissepimentarium and small very steep outer dissepiments. For part of the septal wreath, thick crests are joined discontinuously in a general stereoplasmic mass. The tabularium is occupied by large axially inclined tabellae and rather widely spaced tabulae which are, for the most part, distally convex. External features.——The mature corallum is rather small and subcylindrical. Transverse sections—All dissepiments and tabellae are concave peripherally. There is progressive increase in size from small outer dissepiments to the large tab- ellae but no discrete border between dissepimentarium and tabularium. Some thick outer septal crests origi- nating at or near the outer wall penetrate two or more rows of the small peripheral dissepiments. Stubby sep— tal crests are sparsely developed within the tabularium. Longitudinal sections.——The stereoplasmic deposits in the outer septal wreath partly fill the dissepimen- tarium. Large and elongate trabeculae extend inward and distally; in some instances they penetrate columns of smaller dissepiments. Dissepiments merge with size increase into large less steeply inclined periaxial tab- ulae. A few nearly flat tabulae may be more than one- third the corallite diameter in the mature stages. Comparison with related forms.—Zon0phyllum haguei differs from Z. duplicatum Wedekind, the type species, in lacking a well-defined inner wreath of thick- ened septal spines; the outer wreath of spines in haguei shows a more extensive deposit of stereoplasm. Other forms assigned to Zonophyllum from the Great Basin may represent distinct species but, being known from insufficient material, are not formally described. Occurrence—Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral subzone D2. Grays Canyon, Northern Fish Creek Range; localities M3, M51. Zonophyllum sp. a Plate 20, figures 5, 6 Figured specimens—USNM 159332; lower partof the Devonian section, Ranger Mountains, Nevada. Septal crests are short and scattered, not joined as in haguei, to form a discrete septal wreath. The tabel- lae are large in the wide tabularium. Occurrence—Lower part of Devonian section; prob- ably coral zone D1. Ranger Mountains, Nev.: locality M1058. ' Zonophyllum sp. b Plate 20, figures 11, 12 Figured specimens—USNM 159351, lower part of the Nevada Formation; northern Fish Creek Range, Nevada. The few septal crests are largely confined to an inner zone of diffuse stereoplasmic thickening which borders the dissepimentarium. Occurrence—Lower part of Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Grays Canyon, northern Fish Creek Range; locally M51. LOCALITY REGISTER (see figs. 1, 2. 3, 4) I. Southern Great Basin 1. Desert Range, Clark County, Nev. Locality M1057. ——Army Map Service, Las Vegas, Nev., quadrangle; southwest edge of Desert Range east of Braun’s Playa, in the W1/2 sec. 10, T. 16 S., R. 58 E., altitude 3,200 ft. Early Middle Devonian. Collected by C. R. Longwell. 2. Ranger Mountains, east of Frenchman Flat, Clark County, Nev. Locality M1034. — Frenchman Lake SE quadrangle, Nevada; lat 36°46’45” N., long 115°52’00” W. Between 10 and 25 ft above base of Nevada Formation. Collected by F. G. Poole. Locality M1058.—Frenchman Lake quadrangle, Nevada; southeast side of Frenchman Flat, 1.5 miles east of Nye County—Clark County line in higher part of the southern Ranger Mountains; 1,500 ft northwest of summit 4907. Limestone about 20 ft above base of Nevada Formation; fossil zone 4 (Devonian unit A) of M. S. Johnson and D. E. Hibbard (1957). 3. Northern Panamint Mountains, Ubehebe district, Calif. Locality M184.——Marble Canyon quadrangle, California; south side of Andy Hills in northwest corner of quad- rangle, east side of Hidden Valley, on central ridge of Andy Hills near summit 5612. Upper part of McAllister’s (1952, p. 15—17) Hidden Valley Dolomite, unit 3b con- taining Papiliophyllum and Costispirifer arenosus. Locality M1.065.—-Marble Canyon quadrangle, California. Andy Hills, south side; measured section across Mc- i 72 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN Allister’s unit 3b of the Hidden Valley Dolomite; in Nevada. Same as Locality M48 on southeast side of same area as locality M184. Zoned collections A through Rabbit Hill. Rabbit Hill Limestone, Lower Devonian, H by J. F. McAllister, April 1965. 2. Antelope Range, northern part ‘ 4. Funeral Mountains, Calif. Locality M1035. — Bellevue Peak quadrangle, Nevada. Locality M1059.—Ryan quadrangle, 1.8 miles N. 48° W. North tip of Antelope Range, west side of lower slope of Pyramid Peak, Funeral Mountains. Uppermost part east of hill 6754, altitude 6,680 ft. Nevada Formation, of Hidden Valley Dolomite with rugose coral fauna. unit 2. Late Early Devonian. Collected by J. F. McAllister, Locality M1035a. — Same as Locality M1035, but a lower June 1962. stratigraphic horizon. Locality M1060.—Ryan quadrangle, 1.6 miles N, 58° W. Locality M1053. — Bellevue Peak quadrangle, Nevada. of Pyramid Peak, Funeral Mountains. Uppermost part North end of Antelope Range, NEIA sec. 16, T. 16 N., of Hidden Valley Dolomite with rugose coral fauna. R. 51 E., 2,200 ft north-northwest of summit 7602, alti- Late Early Devonian. Collected by J. F. McAllister, tude 7,000 ft. Nevada Formation, unit 2. April 1962. Locality M1055. — Bellevue Peak quadrangle, Nevada. Locality M1061. — Ryan quadrangle, northwest slope of North end of Antelope Range; top of spur, altitude 7,100 4298 hill, 4.5 miles S. 47° E. of Pyramid Peak, Funeral ft and 500 ft southwest of M1053. Nevada Formation, Mountains, altitude 3,750 ft. Uppermost part of Hidden unit 2. Valley Dolomite with rugose coral fauna. Collected by 3. Southern Fish Creek Range J. F. McAllister, May 1964. Locality M1033. — Bellevue Peak quadrangle, Nevada. Locality M1062.——Ryan quadrangle, 6.2 miles S. 71° E. of North tip of Fenstermaker Mountain, 3 miles southwest Pyramid Peak, Funeral Mountains, altitude 3,450 ft. of Fish Creek Springs near top of range at altitude 6,700 Uppermost part of Hidden Valley Dolomite with rugose ft; 1,200 ft north of southern edge of quadrangle. Nevada coral fauna. Collected by J. F. McAllister, November Formation, unit 2. 1963. Locality M1070.—Cockaloru_m Wash quadrangle, Nevada. Locality M1063.—Ryan quadrangle, 4.7 miles S. 51° E. of First north-south ridge east of southern Fish Creek Pyramid Peak, Funeral Mountains, altitude 3,700 ft. Range, near south boundary of Eureka County; 0.8 mile Uppermost part of Hidden Valley Dolomite with rugose southeast of Eightmile Well near top of knob at altitude coral faunas. Collected by J. F. McAllister, April 1965. 6,400 ft. Nevada Formation, unit 2. Locality M1064.—Ryan quadrangle, 6.23 miles S. 72° E. of Locality M1043.—Cockalorum Wash quadrangle, Nevada. Pyramid Peak, Funeral Mountains, altitude 3,450 ft. One mile south of Nyeka (BM 7352), on line between Uppermost part of Hidden Valley Dolomite with rugose secs. 4 and 5, T. 14 N ., R. 52 E. Limestone conglomerate. coral faunas. Collected by J. F. McAllister, March 1965. 4. Northern Fish Creek Range Locality M3.—Pinto Summit quadrangle, Nevada. Near 11' South-central Great Baszn mouth of Grays Canyon, 1 mile south of Pinnacle Peak 1, Hot Creek Range, Nev.,middle part and 800 ft east of quadrangle boundary; east side of Locality M1066.—— Army Map Service, Tonopah, Nev., canyon near bottom, altitude 7,250 ft. Nevada Forma- sheet. Probably in Hot Creek Canyon about 4 miles tion, unit 2- west-northwest of Hot Creek Ranch houses. Devonian Locality M51 .—Same as Locality M3- including lower part of Nevada Formation with rugose 5. Mahogany Hills corals. Collected by H. E. Cook (thesis, Univ. California, Locality M 2 7.—Bellevue Peak quadrangle, Nevada. Combs Berkeley, 1966). Peak area, 1.7 miles south of Combs Peak on top of spur 2. Monitor Range, Nev., middle part in saddle at altitude 7,520 ft. Nevada Formation, unit 2. Locality M1067. —Army Map Service, Tonopah, Nev. Locality M1071.—Whistler Mountain quadrangle, Nevada. sheet. Dobbin Summit, northern Nye County, Nev.; 1 Mahogany Hills, east side (Mountain Boy Range) at mile southeast of East Dobbin Summit Spring on east Modoc Peak; near quadrangle boundary at south side of side of canyon; west edge sec. 32, T. 13 N., R. 49 E. MOdOC Peak. Nevada Formation, unitsl and 2. Lower part of Rabbit Hill Limestone, Locality M1084. —— Bellevue Peak quadrangle, Nevada. Locality M1068.—Dobbin Summit, northern Nye County, West side of Mahogany Hills, 1.75 miles west-southwest Nev.; same as M1067, but a higher zone in Rabbit Hill 0f summit 0f Combs Peak. Lower part Of Nevada FOI- Limestone. mation. Locality M1069.—Dobbin Summit, northern Nye County, 6. Lone Mountain (see fig. 3) Nev.; same as M1067, but upper part of Rabbit Hill Locality M1045.—Bartine Ranch quadrangle; Lone Moun- Limestone. tain, northwest side, 2,200 ft S. 50" W. of U. S. Mineral Monument No. 6828 and about 1 mile northwest of ”1' Central Great Basin summit of Lone Mountain, Nevada Formation, unit 2, 1. Monitor Range, northern part upper 250 ft. Locality M 48. — Horse Heaven Mountain quadrangle, Locality M1052.——Bartine Ranch quadrangle; Lone Moun- Nevada. West side Copenhagen Canyon, southeast slope tain, northwest side. Same as locality M1045. Rabbit Hill, altitude 7,100 ft. Type section Rabbit Hill Locality M1048.——Bartine Ranch quadrangle; Lone Moun- Limestone, Lower Devonian. tain, northwest side, 2,500 ft S. 33° W. of U. S. Mineral Locality M49. — Horse Heaven Mountain quadrangle, Monument No. 6828, altitude 6,640 ft. Nevada Forma- Nevada. One mile north of Locality M48, SEIASEIA sec. tion, unit 2. 35, T. 16 N ., R. 49 E.; in Rabbit Hill Limestone. Locality M286.—Bartine Ranch quadrangle; Lone Moun- Locality M187. — Horse Heaven Mountain quadrangle, tain, northwest side, 2,700 ft S. 39° W. of US. Mineral 7—7' LOCALITY REGISTER 73 Monument No. 6828, altitude 6,560 ft. Nevada Forma- tion, unit 1. Locality M1036.——Bartine Ranch quadrangle; Lone Moun- tain, northwest side, 3,500 ft N. 62° W. of Lone Mountain summit 7,936 at altitude 6,900 ft. Nevada For- mation, unit 2 near middle. Locality M1044.——Bartine Ranch quadrangle; Lone Moun- tain, west side, 2,400 ft southwest of Lone Mountain summit 7,936 at altitude 7,280 ft. Nevada Formation, unit 1, upper beds. Locality M29.—Bartine Ranch quadrangle; Lone Moun— tain, west side; 2,000 ft south-southwest of Lone Moun- tain summit 7,936, above altitude of 7,200 ft. Nevada Formation, unit 2. Locality M55.—Bartine Ranch quadrangle; Lone Moun— tain, west side. Same vicinity and zone as locality M29. Locality M74.—Bartine Ranch quadrangle; Lone Moun- tain, south side, 3,800 ft S. 7° E, of Lone Mountain summit 7,936 at altitude 7,020 ft. Nevada Formation, unit 1. Locality M1050.—Bartine Ranch quadrangle; Lone Moun- tain, south side, 4,000 ft S. 16° E. of Lone Mountain summit 7,936 at altitude 6,960 ft; 1,200 ft west of quad- rangle boundary. Nevada Formation, unit 2, lowermost beds. Locality M1046.——Bartine Ranch quadrangle; Lone Moun- tain, south side, 4,500 ft S. 23° E. of Lone Mountain summit 7,936 at altitude 7,000 ft; 700 ft west of quad- rangle boundary. Nevada Formation, unit 2. Locality M1038.—Whistler Mountain quadrangle; Lone Mountain, south side; at west edge of quadrangle, 2,500 ft S. 36° W. of summit 7,360 at altitude 6,890 ft, Nevada Formation, unit 2. Locality M1049.—Whistler Mountain quadrangle; Lone Mountain, south side; 1,700 ft S. 34° W. of summit 7 ,360 at altitude 6,920 ft; 600 ft east of quadrangle boundary. Nevada Formation, unit 2, upper beds. Locality M1037.——Whistler Mountain quadrangle; Lone Mountain, south side. Southeast pediment slope 1.5 miles north of Highway 50; 6,500 ft S. 11° E. of summit 7,360, altitude 6,420 ft. Nevada limestone in fault contact with Permian beds. . Southern Roberts Mountains Locality M1042.——Roberts Creek Mountain quadrangle, Nevada; 1.75 miles north of Roberts Creek Ranch house, 0.75 mile east of Roberts Creek and 1.25 miles northwest of top of hill 7,504 (Pyramid Hill); top of knob, altitude 6,850 ft. Nevada Formation, unit 1. . Northern Roberts Mountains Locality M1072. ——Roberts Creek Mountain quadrangle, Nevada. Near top of main spur south of Niel Creek, 1.4 miles S. 30° W. of Western Peak and 1,000 ft northeast of summit 8,168, altitude 7,800 ft. Same as Merriam (1940, pl. 1) locality 1 (R 24). Lower Devonian. Locality M1073. —-Roberts Creek Mountain quadrangle, Nevada. In saddle 1,500 ft southeast of Cooper Peak at altitude 9,150 ft. Nevada Formation, unit 2. Same as Merriam (1940, pl. 1) locality 11 (R 1). Locality M1054.—Same as locality M1073. . Northern Simpson Park Range Locality M1074.——Walti Hot Springs quadrangle, Nevada. Foothills 0.5 mile southeast of Walti Ranch and west of McClusky Peak at middle of north edge sec. 4, T. 23 N., R. 48 E. Rabbit Hill Limestone; Lower Devonian. Col- 10. lections by R. J. Roberts and R. E. Lehner, 1954. Locality M1075.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Near mouth of Coal Canyon, east side along ridge top of summit 6,909, SE14 sec. 17, T. 25 N., R. 49 E. Rabbit Hill Limestone, Lower Devonian. Locality M1032.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. East side of Coal Canyon, NW1A sec. 21, T. 25 N., R. 49 E. Rabbit Hill Limestone. Locality M1076.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Near mouth of Coal Canyon, east side. Mostly float below ridge top of summit 6,909 and down slope to west. Rabbit Hill Limestone, Lower Devonian. Southern Sulphur Spring Range (see fig. 5) Locality M 4.—Garden Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Prince of Wales mine area; 1,200 ft southeast of mine and northwest of summit, 7,530, altitude 7,300 ft near old charcoal pit. Nevada Formation, unit 1. Locality M69. —— Garden Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Prince of Wales mine area. Foat material near locality M4. Locality M1041.———Garden Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Prince of Wales mine area. Measured section through locality M4 southeast of mine, and northwest of summit 7,530. Nevada Formation, unit 1. Locality M68. —— Garden Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Prince of Wales mine area. Top of ridge east of mine at signal station 7,530. Nevada Formation, upper part of unit 1; Acrospirifer kobehana fauna. Locality M67. —— Garden Valley quadrangle, Nevada. East side of range 0.8 mile N. 65° E. of Bailey Pass at altitude 6,520 ft, 0.1 mile south of road on top of spur. Nevada Formation, unit 1. Locality M36. —— Garden Valley quadrangle, Nevada. South of Bailey Pass 0.9 mile at altitude 7,200 ft on north side of knob. Nevada Formation, unit 2 with S pirifer pinyonensis and Chonetes macrostriata. Locality M198. -— Garden Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Same as Locality M36. Locality M197. —— Garden Valley quadrangle, Nevada. S. 12° E. of Bailey Pass 0.8 mile on ridge top at altitude 7,080 ft; 1,000 ft northeast of Locality M36. Rabbit Hill Lower Devonian fauna. Locality M1031.—Garden Valley quadrangle; southern Sulphur Spring Range, 0.5 mile north-northwest of Romano Ranch house at east end of old lake terrace, altitude 6,000 ft; 500 ft west of BM 5,836. Nevada For— mation, unit 2 with rugose corals. Locality M1078.——Garden Valley quadrangle; southern Sulphur Spring Range 0.5 mile northwest of Romano Ranch house, south side of old lake terrace at altitude 6,000 ft; 1,000 ft southwest of BM 5,836 and 500 ft south- west of Locality M1031. Nevada Formation, unit 2. Locality M1047. ——Garden Valley quadrangle; southern Sulphur Spring Range about 0.5 mile west-northwest of Romano Ranch house, altitude 6,000 ft; about 0.5 mile southwest of BM 5,836. Nevada Formation, unit 2. Locality M1'079.——Garden Valley quadrangle; southern Sulphur Spring Range 1.5 miles N. 83° W. of Romano Ranch house; 2,000 ft northeast of summit 6,933 at altitude 6,560 ft. Nevada Formation, unit 2 with quartz- ite interbeds and fossils. Locality M1080.——Garden Valley quadrangle; southern Sulphur Spring Range; S. 86° E. of Mulligan Gap 1.2 miles on top of northeast spur, altitude 6,885 ft; 2,500 L_________———---IIIIlIIIIIIll-IIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIII 74 LOWER AND LOWER MIDDLE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF THE CENTRAL GREAT BASIN ft northeast of 7,446 summit. Lower Devonian with rugose corals. Locality M1081.——Garden Valley quadrangle; southern Sulphur Spring Range. In ravine 600 feet west of Locality M1080 at altitude 6,800 ft; 2,000 ft northeast of 7,446 summit. Lower Devonian with Rabbit Hill Helder- berg fauna. Locality M1040. —Garden Valley quadrangle, Nevada; southern Sulphur Spring Range. South-southeast of Bailey Pass 1.1 miles near range top and 750 ft north- east of summit 7,378, altitude 7,240 ft. Lower Devonian beds with Oriskany fossils. Locality M56. — Garden Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Southernmost Sulphur Spring Range, 1.6 miles S. 25° E. of Mulligan Gap, east side of ravine on top spur at altitude 6,690 ft. Nevada Formation, unit 1 with Oris- kany fauna. Locality M186. —— Garden Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Southernmost Sulphur Spring Range, 1.7 miles S. 22° E. of Mulligan Gap, east side of ravine, altitude 6,560 ft, and 750 ft southwest of Locality M56. Nevada For- mation, Beacon Peak Dolomite Member with Rabbit Hill Helderbergian fauna. Locality M1039. — Garden Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Southernmost Sulphur Spring Range. 1.5 miles south- southeast of Mulligan Gap and 1,500 ft west of 6,927 summit on east side of ravine. Nevada Formation, unit 1. Locality M1051.—-Garden Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Southernmost Sulphur Spring Range. 1.25 miles south- southeast of Mulligan Gap near top main spur at alti- tude 7,150 ft; 2,700 ft south of summit 7,446. Nevada Formation, unit 2. Locality M1077. — Garden Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Southernmost Sulphur Spring Range; 1.3 miles S. 25° E. of Mulligan Gap on east side of ravine at altitude 6,720 ft. Nevada Formation, unit 1, with Lower Devon- ian rugose coral fauna. Locality M1082.—-Garden Valley quadrangle, southern- most Sulphur Spring Range, east side. 1.2 miles due west of BM 5,867 on top spur at altitude 6,440 ft; 1,400 ft east-northeast of summit 6,474. Lower Devonian Beacon Peak Dolomite Member with Rabbit Hill Helderberg fauna. IV. N orth-central Great Basin 1. Northern Sulphur Spring Range Locality M1018. —- Mineral Hill quadrangle, Nevada. Northwest of Union Summit in McColley Canyon. Lower beds of the McColley Canyon Member of the Nevada Formation of Carlisle and others (1957), Lower Devonian with rugose coral fauna. Localities M1021 to M1025 inclusive—Mineral Hill quad- rangle, Nevada. Same general areas as locality M1018, in same stratigraphic unit. Lower Devonian with rugose corals. 2. Cortez Mountains Locality M1083.—Cortez quadrangle, Nevada. Southeast side of Mt. Tenabo, east slope of the Cortez Mountains; northeast side of upper Horse Canyon, 1,000 ft north, 700 ft west of SE cor. sec. 4, T. 26 N., R. 48 E., altitude 7,900 ft. Rabbit Hill Lower Devonian fauna with S yringaxon and Pleurodictyum. V. West-central Great Basin 1. Northern Toquima Range Locality M1150. —Wildcat Peak quadrangle, Nevada. SW14 sec. 16, T. 16 N., R. 46 E., top of spur 1,600 ft south of summit 7,188 and 2,800 ft east of Petes Canyon road. Rabbit Hill Limestone on Silurian graptolite- bearing shale. 2. Toiyabe Range Locality M1151.—Austin quadrangle, Nevada. SE14 sec. 36, T. 17 N., R. 42 E.; in first main canyon at range front 1 mile south of Reeds Canyon. Devonian coral- bearing limestone. SELECTED REFERENCES Billings, Elkanah, 1858, New genera and species of fossils from the Silurian and Devonian formations of Canada: Cana- dian Naturalist, v. 3, no. 6, p. 419—444. 1859, On the fossil corals of the Devonian rocks of Canada West: Canadian Jour., n. s., v. 4, p. 97—140. 1874, On some new or little known fossils from the Silurian and Devonian rocks of Ontario: Canadian Naturalist, n. s., v. 7, p. 230—240. Birenheide, Rudolf, 1962a, Die Typen der Sammlung'Wede- kind aus den Familien Cyathophyllidae und Stringophyl- lidae (Rugosa): Senckenbergiana Lethaea, v. 43, no. 2, p. 101422. 1962b, Revision der koloniebildenden Spongophyllidae und Stringophyllidae aus dem Devon: Senckenbergiana Lethaea, v. 43, no. 1, p. 41—99, 7 pls. 1964, Die “Cystimorpha” (Rugosa) aus dem Eifeler Devon: Senckenbergischen Naturf. Ges., Abh. 507, p. 1— 119, 28 pls. 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Page A abditum, Endophyllum . .......................... 56 Acanthophyllum .. 21, 25, 70 Acinophyllum ..... 58 Acknowledgments .................... 6 acuminatum, Laccozzhyllum 39 Syringamon ....... 39 afi‘im‘s, Billinysastraea 30, 64 Age, coral zone B .......... 32 coral zone C ..... 30, 32 coral zone D ._ ..... 30 coral subzone D1 coral subzone D2 ....................... 31 coral zones, distant regions .. 29 Early Devonian ........ 29, 32, 33 Early middle Devonian 2.9 Late Silurian ................. 33 Nevada Formation, unit 2 31 uggregatum, Cystiphylloides 64, 65 Agtmiatites nevadensis 30 Alaska ............................. 29, 31, 56, 69 Alberto Islands, Alaska . 70 Alleym'a ................... 39 (Nicholsom'a) . 39 americanum, Cystiphylloides . 66 Ammonoids ..... 18, 30, 31 Amphipm‘a ...... . 9, 15, 17, 22 Amplexus invagmatus ,. . 42 lonensis ................. .1 42, 43 magnus . 56 'nevadensis 42, 56 Anastrophia verneuih‘ . 29 Andy Hills ......................... 32, 33 Antelope Range 6, 43, 52, 56, 62, 63, 68 Antelope-Roberts Mountains facies belt 1, 6, 13, 15, 17,29 antelopensis, Bethanyphyllum ...... 21, 33, 53, 51, Aphroidophyllum ................. 58, 64 arachne, Billingsast’raea 64 Billingsastraea nevadensis.. 34, 38, 62, 63, 61, Radiastraea ....... . 63, 64 Arachnophyllidae 37 Arcophyllum 30, 34, 36, 67, 68, 70 dachsbergi 70 kirki ....... 30 limbatum 70 typus ................ 68 (Arcophyllum) dachsbergi, Mesophyllum.. 70 kirki, Mesophyllum .......... 21, 30, 34, 69 limbatum, Mesophyllum .............. 70 Mesophyllum .................................... 67 Acrospirifer kobeham.... 13, 20, 24, 32, 33, 52, 66 fauna _ . 8, 20 zone 18, 30 51) ............................... 20, 32, 50 arenosus, Costispirifer 11, 1’7, 19 20, 23, 29,31, 32, 33,49 Assemblage, brachiopod ............ 31 coral-hrachiopod-tribolite 24 astreifo’rmis, Stauria ......... 45 Atelophullum ........ 67 Atrypu nevada‘na 21 Atrypa Peak ..... _ 42 Aulacophyllum . 24, 32, 33, 46, 53 convergens ................. 47 sp. 0 ............ 20, 33, 46 INDEX ___.—— [Italic page numbers indicate major references] Page Austin, Nev ........... . 17, 31 Austin quadrangle 64 Australophyllum ....... 28, 29, 33, 34, 57, 61, 70 cyathophylloides ..................... 57 landere’nsis ., 20, 23, 33, 34, 57 S13 ............................................... 57 B Barrandeophyllum .. 39 perplexum ........ 39 Bartine Ranch quadrangle .. 5 Bay State Dolomite Member ............ 9, 18, 15, 16, 17, 19,21, 22, 23 lithology ......................................... 16 Beacon Peak Dolomite Member . 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 23, 28, 31, 40 lithology ........ 15 type section .. 11 Beechwood Limestone .. .1 47 Belmont mine ......... 19, 22, 25 Bensberg, Germany .......... 60 Bethanyphyllidae .. 17, 27, 29, 30, 33, 53 Bethanyphyllum ..... 24, 33, 53, 54 antelopensis .. 21, 33, 53, 51, lonense ...... .. 21, 33, 51,, 55 robustum .. 53, 54 sp. (1 ...... .. 33, 55 Billingsast'raea .. 20, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 58, 61, 62 afi‘inis 30, 64 arachne 64 billingsi nevadensis ............... .. 63 nevadensis .......... 21, 30, 31, 34, 38, 61, 62, 6'3 arachne ,. ........ 34, 38, 62, 63, 64 verrilli . ....... 31, 64 sp. '1‘ ..... A 32, 34, 64 (Billinysastraea) , Phillipsastraea ...... 62 billingsi nevadensis, Billingsastmea. Biofacies, Breviphre‘ntis ................... H exagmwria-S ociophyllum Kobeha Papiliophyllum .. Phillipsast'raea .. Syringamrm ........ __ Biofacies aspects, Devonian corals Biofacies indicator .................. Bioherms Biometrics . Biostratigraphy, central Great Basin Devonian ........ 17 Birenheide, Rudolf, cited 67, 68 bowerbanki, Endophyllwm .1 ..... 56 Brachiopods ....................... 5, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 50 spiriferoid ......................... ._ 17 Branik Limestone, Bohemia .. 39 Breviphre'ntis ....... 24, 27, 33, 38, 41, 1,2, 44, 45 inoaginatus ........ 30, 42, 43, 44, 46, 56 kobehenais 29 (Breviphrentis) invagimtus, Siphanophre'ntis ....... 21, 30, 32, 33, 38, 42, 45,54, 56 kobehemis, Siphonophrentis .............. 20, 30, 33, 42, 43, 66 Siphanophrentis ...................................... 32, 41 Breviphyllum ............................................ 41, 43, 56 Breviphyllum—Continued lo'nensis ..... 42 breviseptatum, Eurekaphyllum 33, 52 Bryozoans ................. 23 Biicheler Schichten . 45, 46 Bush Creek ............... 30 C caespitosum, Cyathophyllum . .. 58 Disphyllum ,. 58 Calcarenite ........ Calceola beds, Russia Caledonian Revolution Canada, western ....... Carlin, Nev ................. Caryophyllia gigantea castanea, Leiorhy'nchus . Central Peak . Cephalopods .. orthoceratid . Ceratophyllum Charcoal Gulch Chert nodules Chewelah area .. Cho’netes macrost'riata .. Chonophyllidae .. Canophyllum ...... Cladocora goldfussi Clams ..................... Clark County, Nev ._ Clermont, Australia . Coal Canyon ................ Cockalorum Wash quadrangle ...................... 5 Coeymans Limestone, New York 23, 30, 42, 44 coeymanemis, Gyzn'dula ......... : ..... . 20, 29, 50 Collection procedure Calumnaria ................. (Cyathophylloides) disjuncta Combs Peak ............ Compressiphyllum . Confusion Range Conglomerate ..... Conodonts ........ Contact Gulch co’nverge‘ns, Aulacophyllum Odontophyllum Convergent genera . cooperi, Trematospira _ Copenhagen Canyon .................. Coral assemblage, Gotlandian Coral assemblages, succession Coral distribution, Devonian ..... Coral evolution, biologic factors Devonian ............. geologic factors . Late Silurian ...... related to faunal migration .. 25 related to geologic changes 25 Coral fauna, Ludlovian 19 Onondaga Limestone 25 Rabbit Hill ....... 19 Coral Gulch Coral Ridge .. Coral subzones .................... Coral succession, related to faunal migration related to geologic change 25 25 79 fi 80 Coral zonation, Devonian ....................... .. 22 Coral zone A ........ 8, 11, 17, 18, 19, 23, 28, :29, 31 _ 8, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 25, 28, 2.9, 32 ....... 8, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28, 2.9, 32, 42, 44, 47, 53 D .............. 8, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 80, 32, 42, 43, 44, 45 E ._ 3, 17, 18, 19, 21, 25, 28, 29, 33, 45 F _. . 5, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17,18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 31‘ correlation .......................................... 31 G ...................... 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 28 H ._ ..... 17, 18, 19, 22, 25, 28 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 28 _ .. 5, 9, 23 Carboniferous _ ...... 38 colonial ............. dissepiments favositid horn 1. internal structures ..... Paleozoic ................... 37 pycnostylid ............. l. 11 rugose 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 25 septa . 35, 37, 38 septal carinae ..... 36, 37 septa] stereozone . 37 Silurian ............... 37 skeletal features 34 solitary .......... 21, 24, 25, 35, 36, 37, 38 stereoplasmic deposits . 37 tabulae ......................................... 36', 37 tabulate ........ 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 29, 36 Cordilleran Belt .. ............ 25, 29, 30, 31, 37, 56 corniculum, Streptelasma 40 Correlation, coral subzone D2 .. 31 coral zones, Cprdilleran Belt .. 31 distant regions ._ .29 Cortez Mountains 31 Desert Range .. 82 Funeral Mountains 32 Hot Creek Range ....... 32 Hume Formation ....... 31 Nahanni Formation . 31 Nevada Formation 31 unit 1 32 unit 2 32 north-central Great Basin _. 31 northern Inyo Mountains .. 32 northern Panamint Mountains ..... 32 northern Sulphur Spring Range 31 Oriskany ..................................... 31 Rabbit Hill Limestone ,. 31 Ranger Mountains .92 south-central Great Basin 32 southern Great Basin . 32 Toiyabe Range ............. 31 Tuscarora Mountains, southern 31 west-central Great Basin .......... .. 81 Cortez Mountains .................. 31, 40 Cosmophyllum . 68, 69, 70 dachsbergi .. ................ 30, 70 Costispirifer _ 13, 19, 20, 23, 29 arenasus _ 8, 11, 17, 19, 20, 23, 29, 31, 32, 33, 49 Crinoids .......................................... 8, 21, 23, 24 curviseptatum, Grypophyllum .. 53 Cyathaxonia silurie‘nsis 39 Cyathophz/lloides .. 45 rhenanum ........................ 45 (Cyathophyllm‘des) disjuncta, Columnaria.. 45 cyathophyllaides, Australophyllum . Spongophyllum Cyathophyllum ............ caespitosum .. hexagonum lonense . __________ (Moravophyllum) . INDEX Cyathophyllum—Continued robustum .. 53 sp ................. 54 cycloptera, Howellella 19, 29 Cylindrophyllum 58, 59 Cyrtina ................ 20 Cyrtospin'fer beds, Devils Gate 19, 22 Cyrtospirifer zone ..... 22 Cystiphyllidae ......................... 65 Cystiphylloidae _. 29, 33, 34, 35, 64 Cystiphz/llorides 6, 21, 24, 25, 33, 34, 65, 68 aggregatum _ americanum lone'nse ............. robertse’nse .. sp. d ............... (Cystiphylloz’des) , Mesophyllum .. Cystiphyllum ..... 70 Czechoslovakia . .......... 40, 50 D dachsbergi, Arcophyllum ....................... .. 70 Cosmophyllum .. ..................... 30, 70 Mesophyllum (Arcophyllum) . 70 Dalmam‘tes meeki . defectum, M esophyllum Dendrostellu ............... disjuncta ........ praerhemma 46 rhenuna 46 romanenszs .. __ 21, 33, 45 (Dendrostella) praerhenamz, Favistella 45 rhenana, Favistella .......... 45 Descriptive paleontology ._ .93 Desert Range . 32, 43 Devils Gate 9, 18, 19, 25 Devils Gate Limestone _. ................. 6, 9, 15, 17, 21, 22, 25, 28, 29, 60 lithology ................................... .. 9, 17 type area _ 22 type section . 19 Devils Gate Pass 22 Dialytophyllum ........ 67 Diamond Mountains _ 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 27 Diamond Mountains facies belt ............ 1, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17, 29 Diamond Valley 15 Digonophyllidae ..... l. 17, 24, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 65, 67, 71 Digonophyllinae . ......... 34, 67, 68 Digonophyllum 21, 25, 65, 69 (Digonaphyllum) , .. 67 (Mochlophyllum) . (Digonophyllum) , Diganophz/llum . Dimorphism ..... Disconformity _. _ ...... 8, 19, 27 disjuncta, Columnarfa, (CyathophylloidesL 45 Dendrostella, .............................................. 46 Disphyllidae .............. 17, 29, 33, 34, 38, 58, 60, 61 Disphyllum ........... . 21, 22, 24, 34, 58 caespz‘tosum ............... 58 eurekaensis _ 21, 34, 59, 66 goldfussi ,,,,, 59 nevadense 34, 5.9, 60, 66 nevadensis .. ............... 21 Dissepimentarium 36 Dissepiments .......... . 86' Diversophyllum ..... 55, 56 Dobbin Summit .. ..... 17, 19, 40 Dolomite ........... , 8, 9, 13, 15, 19, 20, 27, 28, 32 diagenetic . . 3, 23 recrystallization 23 saccharoidal ....... . 16, 22, 29 Douglas Creek, Australia 57 duplicatum, Zonophyllum ..... . 30, 70, 71 Page E Early Devonian coral zones 19 correlation ........................ 29 Early middle Devonian coral zones 1.9 correlation ._ 29 East Ridge ......... .. 11 Eifel district, Germany 30, 58, 60, 67, 69, 70 Eightmile Well .................. _. 15 elegantulum, Ketophyllum .. .. 50 Papiliophyllum l. 20, 24, 32, 33, 46, 47, 50, 66 Encrinite ................................................ 13, 15 Endophyllidae 28, 33, 34, 37, 56‘, 58, 60. 61 Endophyllum abditwm bowerbanki _ 56 Entelophglloides . 60 Entelophyllum 28, 35 Erben, H. K., cited 30 Eridophyllum .. 59 Eureka, Nev .................................. 27 Eureka County ........ 23, 43, 44, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 59, 62, 63, 65, 68 Eureka mining district, Nevada 4, 5, 29, 32, 42, 43, 56, 71 Eureka Quartzite ...................... 15 eurekaensis, Disphyllum . 21, 34, 5.9, 66 Eurekaphyllum .................. _ _ 33, 47, 50, 52 breviscptatum ................ 33, 5.2 Eurekaspirifer pinyonensis . 18,21 expansum, Sponyophyllum 59 F Fauna, brachiopod .. coral .................... coral zone A ................. 19, 20, 28, 40 B _. 20, 28, 30, 31, 46, 47, 49, 50 C ., . 20, 30, 31, 46, 50, 52, 54, 66 D .............................. 20, 21, 27, 31, 32, 41, 46, 56, 61, 62, 64, 66, 68 E .. 21, 57, 64, 66 F .1 . 21. 27, 30, 32, 56, 58, 60, 61, 62, 64, 67 Onondaga .............. 30 Rabbit Hill .............. 29, 31, 50, 58 subzone D1 .. 20, 21, 30, 47, 52, 54, 55, 56, 71 subzone D2 ........ 21, 30, 46, 54, 55, 56, 58. 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 70, 71 subzone D3 ..................... 21, 30, 55, 62, 67, 70 Trematospira 29 trilobite ........... 31 Faunal migration, related to coral evolution 25 Favistella ............................... 33, 45 (Dcndrostella) rhe’na’rw, 45 praerhenana ............ 45 Fa/uistina .................. Favosites ............ Favositid heads .. 8, 24 Fenstermaker Mountain ....... .. 45 Fish Creek Range .......... 5, 6, 9, 15, 43, 45, 54, 71 fleamm, Hexagonaria. .. 62 M esophyllum ........ 66 foerstci, Syringaactm i. 19, 31, 33, 39 Foraminifera ........... 34 Fossil Gulch ....... 8 Fossils, silicified . .. 23, 24, 25, 34 Frasnes, Belgium Frazier Creek ..... Frenchman Flat County, Nev ._ Funeral Mountains Fusulinids ............... Page G Garden Valley Formation ......... 15 Garden Valley quadrangle 5 Gastropods ............... 15, 24 Gazelle Formation . 60 Genomorph concept 38 Geologic change, related to coral evolution ................ 25 Geologic structure, Lone Mountain .. 5 Germany ............................... Gerolstein, Eifel district .. gigantea, Caryophyllia i. 41 Siphonophrentia ...... 41 giganteum, Grypophyllum 53 Gold Hill mining district, Utah 27 goldfussi, Cladocora ......... 58 Disphyllum .. Goniatites ....... Goniophyllidae Gotland ................ _ 44, 45, 50 Gotland reef complex 22 Grande Greve Formation . 30, 64 Graptolite beds . , 17, 19, 32 Grays Canyon .. . 15, 43, 54, 56, 71 Great Basin, central .............. . 39, 43, 71 coral reference sections .. 6 correlation ................. . 31, 32 Devonian Facies belts b‘ faunas 24, 53, 56, 57, 60, 67, 71 north-central ....................... 74 Rugosa, classification south-central .. southern ....... west-central Great Basin province 23, 25, 27, 29, 45, 62, 67 Green Springs quadrangle 22 Greifensteiner Kalk, Germany _ 40 Grypophyllum curviseptatum 53 giganteum ......................... 53 nevadense 53 Gypidula ................. 29, 50 coeymanensis 20, 29, 50 loweryi ................................... 20, 21, 52 H haguei, Zonophyllum ......... 21, 30, 34, 71 Hallia .......... 46 insignia 46 Halliidae 17, 20, 24, 29, 30, 33, 37, 46, 53 Halliinae .. ..... 33, 46 Halysites 11 I-Ialysitids ....................... 28 Hamilton Formation 30 Helderbergian fauna , helderbergium, Pseudoblothrophyllum ........ 44 Heliolites ............................ 25, 70 Heliophyllum .. . 35, 53, 63 venatum H emicosmophyllum . (Hemicosmophyllum), Mesophyllum .......... 68 Heterophrentis ........ 30, 41, 42, 43 nevadensis ........ 42, 43 hexagona, Hewayonanu 60, 61 Hexagonan'a ...................... 21, 25, 30, 32, 34,37, 38,56, 58, 60,63 flexum ............ .. 62 hexagona ...... 60, 61 (Hexagomaria) 61 kirki ................. 62 (Pinyonastruea) .. . 32, 58 kirki ................ 21, 34, 38, 62 (Hexagonaria), Hexagonaria 61 hexagonum, Cyathophyllum 60 Hidden Valley .................. 33 Hidden Valley Dolomite unit 3b ............... Hill, Dorothy, cited . ——"' INDEX History of investigation ..... H omalophyllum ............ 41 Homeomorphic genera 34, 70 Hot Creek Canyon ....... .i 32 Hot Creek Range ..... 6, 32, 52 House, M. R., cited .. Howellella cycloptera _ Hume Formation ......... 31 I, J Independence Shale, Iowa .. 39 insignia, Hallia, .. 46 Introduction ...... 1 invaginatus, Amplexus . .. 42 Breviphrentis ................ 30, 42, 43, 44, 46, 56 Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) ...... 21, 30 32, 33, 38, 42, 45, 54, 56 Inyo Mountains 33 Joana Limestone 28 K Keriophyllum .......................... 21 ketophylloides, Kobeha .. 20, 33, 48, 49 Ketophyllum ........ _ 50, 55 elegantulmn _ 50 Kirk, Edwin, cited 4 kirki, Arcophyllum .. 30 H exagonaria, ............ (Pinyonastrea) Mesophylloides ............ Mesophyllum (A'rcophyllum) .. 21, 30, 34, 69 Prismatophyllum .. 61, 62 Klamath Mountains .. 5‘7, 60 Kobeha ...................... 8,13, 17, 20, 23, 24, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53 fauna ..................... 8, 20 ketophylloides . 20, 33, 48, 49 walcotti 19, 20, 23,29, 31, 33, 48, 49, 52 zone 48 Kobeha Valley project . 5 kabehuna, Acrospirifer ,. 13, 20, 24, 32, 33, 52, 66 kobehensis, Breviphrentis .............................. 29 Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) ...... 20, 30, 33, 42, 43, 66 Kodonopbyllidae ...................... .. 28, 33, 44 Kodonophyllinae ....... 33, 45 Kodonophyllum _. 33, 37, 43, 45 milne-edwardsi 44 sp. a 33 sp. f .. 45 Kozlowskiellina ................. 19 Kwangsi Province, China 56, 65 Kyphophyllidae .. 60 L Laccophyllidae .............................. 17, 27, 33, 37, 38 Laccaphyllum ....... 39 acuminatum . 39 Lake Manitoba ........ 46 Lake Winnipegosis 46 Laketown Dolomite 27 Lander County, Nev .............. ,. 58 landerensis, Australophyllum .. 20, 23, 33, 34, 57 Late Devonian coral zones ......................... 21 Late middle Devonian coral zones 21 Leiorhynchns castanea .......... 13, 16 Lekanophyllum ....................... 67 (Lekanophyllum), Mesophgllum . 21 lenticnlaris, Pleuradictyum ........... 31 Leonaspis 19, 23, 29 sp 46 Leptaena ...... 20 Leptocoelia 19, 31 sp ............ 50 Leptostrophiu sp .. . 20 Levenea subcarinata 19, 29, 31 limbatum, Arcophyllum ................. Mesophyllum (Arcaphyllum) 70 8, 9, 15, 16, 17,19, 22, 27, 32 Limestone ............ argillaceous . . 3, 13, 22, 24, 28 calcarenite dolomitic stromatoporoid _ Lithology, Bay State Dolomite Member ._ Beacon Peak Dolomite Member . . 15 Devils Gate Limestone ................. Nevada Formation, unit 1 unit 2 .. .................... unit 3 1. unit 4 . unit 5 .................. .. 9 Oxyoke Canyon Sandstone Member 15 Rabbit Hill Limestone ............................ 17 Sentinel Mountain Dolomite Member. 15 Woodpecker Limestone Member . . 16 Locality register . 71 Lone Mountain .. 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 39, 43, 44, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70 reference section 6, 8, 16, 17, 19, 28, 30, 32 Lone Mountain Dolomite ............ 8, 15, 19, 27, 28 Lone Mountain Dolomite—Nevada Formation boundary ................ 28 lonense, Bethanyphyllum Cyathophyllum ........... Cysiiphylloides _ Mesophyllum lonensis, Amplemus _ Breviphyllum .. Louisville, Kentucky .. Lower-Middle Devonian boundary . loweryi, Gypidula, .............. Lycophyllidae .................... M McAllister, J. F., cited McColley Canyon MacGeea ................... macrostriata, Chonetes _ Maggie Creek ......... magnus, Amplexus Mahogany Hills ........ Mapping procedures 5 Marble Canyon quadrangle, Calif 32 Martinia ki’rki zone . 21 undifera .................. 55 masoni, Nevadaphyllum 33, 44 Mazourka Canyon 33 meeki, Dalmanites Odontophyllum . 20, 29, 30, 33, 46, 47 Meristella ............... 21, 33 robertsensis 20, 33 Merriam, C. W., cited . Mesophylloides kirki ........ Mesophyllwm .............. 21, 25, 30, 33, 34, 65, 6‘7, 68 defectum ....................... 67 flexu’m .. 66 lonense 66 robertsense 65 vesiculosum . 66 (Arcophyllum) 67 dachsbergi .............. 70 kirki ............. 21, 30, 34, 69 limbatum .................. 70 (Cystiphylloides) . 65 (Hemicosmophyllum) 68 (Lekanophyllum) 21 (Mesophyllnm) ...... 67, 68 sp. b . sp. c (Mesophyllum), Mesophyllum 1 Methods of investigation ................................ 5 t 82 Page Middle middle Devonian coral zones ............ 21 Miller, A. K., cited .............. 3O milne-edwardsi, Kodonophyllum 44 Mineral Hill district ......................... 31 (Mochlophyllum), Digomophyllum . 21, 67 Modoc Peak ................. Moenke, Maria, cited , Mollusca ..... Mollusks ..... 5 Monitor Range u _ ............... 6, 17, 19, 39, 4O Monitor—Simpson Park facies belt 3, 6, 17, 29 Monte Cristo ................................. n 19, 22, 25 M crow ophyllum ............................ 5 3 (Moravophyllum), Cyathophyllum _ 21 Morey Peak ................ 32 Mount Tenabo 31, 40 Mucophyllum 35 Mulligan Gap .......... 20 Mulligan Gap fault 15 Mutation .................. 38 Mycophyllinae ................. Nahanni Formation .. Nautiloids ................................... 24 Nevada Formation ..... 6, 8, 32, 40, 47, 52, 54, 56, 59, 63, 65, 68, 71 barren zone ........................ 3, 8, 13, 15, 21, 25 Beacon Peak Dolomite Member .......... 6, 40 type section ......................................... 8 unit 1 ...................... 8, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 66 lithology .................................... 8 unit 2 ............. 6, 8, 1.9, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 52, 54, 55, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71 lithology 8 unit 3 ............. . 8, 13, 15, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29 lithology . 8 unit 4 ............. _. 8, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 28, 29, 31, 64 lithology . ................................... unit 5 .............. 8, .9, 13, 15,16, 19, 21, 22 lithology ..... 9 nevadana, Atmpa 21 nevudaensis, Schizophoria . 21 Schuchertella ...... _ 20, 21 Nevadaphyllum 33, 37, 38, 41, 44 masom‘ ............................... 33, M nevadense, Disphyllum .. 34, 59, 60, 66 Grypophyllum Spongophyllum .. Tabulophyllum nevadensis, Agom‘atites . Amplexus ................... Billingsastraea .. 21, 30, 31, 34, 38, 61, 62, 65' Billingsastraea bill-ingot Disphyllum ...................... Heterophrentis ........................... arachne, Billingsastraea, _ 34, 38, 62, 63, 64 New York .......................... .. 29, 53 Newark Mountain ......... 9 Niagaran reef complex 22 NichoLeom'a ............ 39 (Nicholsom‘a) Alleym'a . 39 Nohner Schichten .......... 30, 46, 70 North Sand Peak .. 13 Nye County, Nev .. 32 O Odontophyllum .......................... 24, 30, 33, 46, 47 convergens 47 meeki ...... .. 20, 29, 30, 33, 46, 47 patellatu’m . 47 Ohio ......... 46 Oklahoma . ............. 29 INDEX Page Old Whalen mine area .................................. 29, 31 Oliver, W. A., Jr., cited _ 23, 24, 25, 38 quoted .......................... 62 Onondaga Limestone, New York _. 24, 29, 30, 41 Hagersville, Ontario 65 Orbitoids ............ 34 Oriskany Peak .. 13 Orthoceras .......... 24 Orthoquartzite .. 15 Orthostrophia strophomenm'des 29 Owens Valley, Calif . 57 Oxyoke Canyon .................................. 21 Oxyoke Canyon Sandstone Member 8, 13, 15, 32 lithology ..................................... 15 P Pachyphyllum ............... 22, 25, 29, 35, 61 Paffrath Basin, Germany . 45 Paleophyllum ........................ 45 Panamint Mountains .. 32, 33, 39, 43, 52 Papiliophyllinae ........ _ 27, 33, 37, 47 Papiliophyllum 13, 17, 20, 24, 29, 32, 33, 47, 50, 53 elegantulum .. 20, 24, 32, 33, 46, 47, 50, 66 subsp. d ............ 20, 30, 32, 33, 52, 55 fauna .......................... 8 patellatum, Odcmtophyllum 47 Peneckiella ............................ 58 Permia 39 perplexum, Barrendeophyllum , 39 Perry County, Tenn 39 Petes Canyon ..... 58 Phacellophyllum . 22, 25, 35, 58 Phacopa ..... . 19, 23 rana ..... 21 Phillipsastraea 22 25, 35 (Billingsastraea) . ....... 62 biofacies .................. 19 verneuili l 62, 63 Phillipsastraeidae . 22, 25, 29, 33, 34, 35, 37, 58, 60, 61 Phillipsburg mine .. ...... 15 Pholidostrophz’a 50 sp .............. 20 phryyia, Zaphrentzs 41 Pilot Shale ................... 17, 22 lower .. 19 upper 6 Pinto Summit quadrangle ................... _ 21 Pinyonastraea ........................ 24, 30, 34, 35, 60, 61 (Pinyanustmea), Hexagonaria. ................ 32, 58 kirki, Hezayonaria .......... 21, 34, ,38, 6‘2 pinyonensis, Eurekaspin'fer ., ............... 18, 21 Spirifer ................................... .. 46, 52 planatabulatum, Sinosptmgaphyllum . 55, 56 Plasmophyllum ........................... . 65, 68 Plethorhyncha 19 Pleuradictyum . . 19, 23, 29, 31 lenticularis .. 31 Polycoeliidae . .. 39 Polyphyletic 35, 61 praerhenana, Dendrostella ...... 46 Favistella (Dendrostella) 45 Prince of Wales mine .. 11, 20 Prismatophyllum . 60, 61 kirki ,. 61, 62 Praetus ...... 19 Protocorallites .. .. 38 Pseudoblothrophyllum 43, 44, 45 helderbergium ._ ..... 44 Pseudocosmophyllum ._ 68, 69 punctuliferu, Strophonella, ............. 20 Purpose and scope of investigation . 3 pustulosa, Strophonella 20 Pycnostylidae .. 28, 35 Pyramid Peak ._ 32 Q, R Quartz grains .................................... 8, 23, 31 Page Quartzite ......................................... 32, 55 Queensland, Australia .. 57 Rabbit Hill .................. . 19, 40 Rabbit Hill Limestone . _ 5, 6, 8, 15, 17, 19, 23, 28, 29, 33, 39, 40, 57, 58 lithology ..... .. 17 type section 17, 19 Radiastraea . 38, 63, 64 arachne 63, 64 Tana, Phacops .......... .. 21 Ranger Mountains .. 32, 43, 52, 71 rectum, Tabulophyllum 56 Reeds Canyon _ Reef Point Reefs, patch ........................... Reference section, coral zone C coral zone D ., coral zone F coral zone G coral zone I ........ Lone Mountain . Sulphur Spring Range .. Reference sections ..... References selected Rensselundia .. rhenana, Dendrostella. 46 Ftwistella (Dendrostella) 45 rhenanum, Cyathophylloides _ 45 Rhine Valley ............................. 46 Roberts Creek Mountain . 29 Roberts Creek Ranch .................. 20 Roberts Mountains .............. . 6, 25, 29, 30, 49, 50, 52, 54, 62, 64, 65 Roberts Mountains Formation ............ 19, 28, 31 robertsense, Cystiphylloides Mesophyllum ............ robertsensis, Meristella . robustum, Bethanyphyllum _ Cyathophyllum ............ romanensis, Dendrostella, Romano Ranch .............. Rézkowska, Maria, cited Rugosa .................. calice features Carboniferous ........... 38 classification .............. .93, 35 Coeymans Limestone 23 colonial 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 31, 35, 36, 37, 38 Cordilleran descriptive terms digonophyllid dissepimented Early Devonian Early Silurian ....... eastern North America Eureka mining district evolution ......... Devonian . Late Silurian zone D .. zone F . zone I exterior corallum features fine structure .. Great Basin . growth stages ............................. interior corallum structures . Nevada Formation ...... Ordovician ..... pycnostylid Rabbit Hill Limestone reproductive features Rhine Valley ............... 4 solitary .. 21, 24, 25, 35, 36, 37, 38 symmetry ............................ 37 taxonomy ,. 31,, 36, .97, 38 western North America ............. 3 Ryan quadrangle, Calif .................................. 32 ‘ Page S Sandstone, quartzitic ................................ 8, 11, 15 siliceous .................... .8,13 Schizophm‘ia nevadaensis . 21 Schuchertella ______ nevadaensis Section Ridge sedgwicki, Spongophyllum 57 Sellersburg Limestone . 47 Sentinel Mountain ......... 21 Sentinel Mountain Dolomite Member .......................... 8, 1.7, 15, 23 lithology .. . 15 Septa ............... 85, 37,38 Septal stereozone . ......... 37 Sevy Dolomite ...... 27 Silurian-Devonian boundary 27, 28 silurie’nsis, Cuathaxo’m'a .. .. 39 Syringuaum ............. .38, .99, 40 Simpson Park Mountains . 6 28, 33, 40 Simpson Park Range ., 6, 17 Simpson Peak Range .. Sinosptmgophyllum ..... ,, planotabulatum . ....... 55, 56 sp. (1 .. 33, 52, 56' sp. e . ........ 33, 56 sp. f . 34 44, 56 spp .. 21 Siphonophrentinae .. 17,27, 29, 30, 33, 36,37, 45 Siphonophrentis. ................ 33, .61, 45 gigantea oariabilis .. (Breviph'rentis) invaginatua , 38, 42, 45, 54, 56 kabehemis ....... 20, 30, 33, 42, 43, 66 (Siphonophrentis) 41 (Siphonophre'ntis), Siphtmophrentis 41 Sociophyllum ............................................ 21, 25, 59 Southern Sulphur Spring Range, reference section , 6, 8, 9 spatiosa, Zaph’rentis .................. 41 Spirifer kobehana zone .. 30 pinyo’nensis 46, 52 zone .. 18, 20, 21,29, 30, 55, 70 Spirifers .................... 32, 33 Spongophyllidae .. 33 37, 58, 60 Spongophyllum ............... 57 cyathophulloides . 57 w”, sum 59 "' U .. 59 sedgwicki ............................. . 57 Stathmoelasma . .53, 54 Stauriidae ......... 33, 34, 45 Stauria ..................... 45 astreifo‘rmis 45 534-0410 - '74 - 7 INDEX Stereoplasmic deposits .. Stevens County, Wash ..... 31 Stratigraphy, Central Great Basin Devonian Rocks ................ 6 Streptelasmu corniculum 40 Streptelasmatidae .......... 33, 40 Streptelasmidae 33, 40 Striatopora ........................... 19, 23 Stringocephalus . . 9 15 16, 21, 46, 70 zone .............................................. 22 Stromatoporoid- -Amphipora biofac1es . 19 Stromatoporoids ..... ... .9 15, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25 strophomenoides, Orthostrophia 29 Strophonella ................................... 32 punctulifera, 20 pustulasa ...... ... 20 Stumm, E. C., cited .. 4, 22, 33, 51, 57, 66, 69 subcan‘nata, Leve’nea ..... 19,29, 31 Sulphur Spring Range... 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15. 17,18, 19, 20, 23,24, 29, 31, 40, 43, 45, 46,48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 67, 68 Synaptophyllum . 45 Syringaacon .......... at ' “I'm 39 biofacies ....... 19 foe'rstei ...... ,. 19, 31, 33, 39 silun‘e’nsis . 38, 39, 40 sp ............... 31 Systematic paleontology ........ .93 T Tabulae ......... Tabularium Tabulata ....... Tabulophyllum .. 21, 55, 56 nevadense .. 53, 54 rectum ............... 56 Taimyrophyllum .. 21, 25, 29, 32, 58, 61, 64 Taxonomy, Rugosa . . 31,, 36, 37, 38 Rugosa, interior corallum .. 35 Teicherticeras 30, 31 Temnophyllum . 22 Tennessee .. 29 Tentaculites 24, 31 Terrace Butte 13, 15 Thrust plates 5 Toiyabe Range . Toquima Range . Torquay, England . 56 Tortophyllum ........... 53 Trematospira cooper-i . 29 fauna ................. 29 Trilobites ...... . 5, 19, 23, 24, 29, 30 Tryplasmatidae . 34, 35 Turbidity ............. 24 83 Page Tuscarora Mountains .............................. 20, 23, 31 Twin Hills ................ .. 11 typus, Arcophyllum Unconformity ...... undifera, Martinia . Ural Mountains, Russm . Utaratuia ........................ variabilis, Siphonophrentis Variation ........................ statistical analysis Vaughn Gulch Limestone venatum, Heliophyllum vernem'li, Anastrophia. Phillipsastmea ..... verrilli, Billingsastraea .. ' 1 nan/vy- M rLur’ W,X walcotti, Kobeha ...................................... 19, 20, 23, 29, 31, 33, 1+8, 49, 52 Wales Peak ......................... .. 11, 13 Walti Hot Springs area Wedekind, Rudolf, cited Well, J. W., cited ............... West Peak .......... West Sand Peak Whistler Mountain quadrangle White Pine mining district, Nevada ............................ 4, 19, 22, 25 Wisconsin ............................................ Woodpecker Limestone Member .. . 15, 16, 17, 19, 21 lithology ..... Xystriphyllum Yahoo Canyon . Yassia ............. Yoh, S. S., cited .. Zaphrentidae Zaph’re’ntis ..... phrygia ______ spatiosa . Zaphrentoid sp Zoantharia ........ 1 Zonophyllinae .. , 70 Zonophyllum ....... 30, 34, 70 duplicatum ........ 30, ‘70, 71 haguei .......... 21, 30, 34, 71 sp. a .. 34, 71 sp. b 34, 71 sp ........................... 32 PLATES 1—25 [Contact photographs of the plates in this report are available, at cost, from US. Geological Survey Library, Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 80225] PLATE 1 FIGURES 1—8. Syringaxon foerstei n. sp. P‘P‘WN!" 6. Oblique calice View of holotype ( >< 11/2), USNM 159243. Lateral view of paratype ( X 2) , USNM 159244. Calice view of paratype ( X 1), USNM 159245. Calice view ( x 2). Early ephebic transverse thin section of paratype ( X 6), USNM 159246. Longitudinal thin section of paratype ( X 6), USNM 159247. 7, 8. Mature transverse thin sections of two individuals ( X 2, x 4). Early Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Devonian coral zone A. Locality M187, Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, Eureka County, Nev. 9—12. Syringaxon foerstei n. sp. 9, 10. Mature transverse thin section and longitudinal thin section (X 3%), USNM 159352. 11, 12. Calice views of two silicified individuals ( X 2) . Early Devonian; Devonian coral zone A. Locality M197, south of Bailey Pass, Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 13, 14. Syringaxon foerstei n. sp. Mature transverse thin section and longitudinal thin section of paratype (X 4), USNM 159248. Early Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Devonian coral zone A. Locality M1032, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Range, Nev. 15, 16. Syringaxon foerstei n. sp. 15. Lateral View of paratype ( X 2), USNM 159249. 16. Lateral view of paratype ( X 2), USNM 159250. Same horizon and locality as figures 1—8. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 1 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY S YRIN GA X ON PLATE 2 FIGURES 1—6. Kobeha cf. K. walcotti n. gen, n. sp. 1,2. Exterior and calice interior (X 1). Lower Devonian; Devonian coral zone B. Locality M1021, McColley Canyon, Sulphur Springs Range, Nev. 3. Exterior (X 1). Lower Devonian; Devonian coral zone B. Locality M1018, McColley Canyon, Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 4, 5. Longitudinal and transverse thin sections (X 11/2). Lower Devo- nian; Devonian coral zone B. Locality'M1024, McColley Canyon, Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 6. Exterior of two attached corallites ( X 1). Lower Devonian; Devonian coral zone B. Locality M1025, McColley Canyon, Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 7—9. Siphonophrentoid coral. Lateral and calice views (X 1) and longitudinal thin section (X 3). Lower Devonian; Devonian coral zone A (Helderbergian); locality M186, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. ——’1 PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 2 GEOLOGICAL SU RV EY KOBEHA AND SIPHONOPHRENTOID CORAL PLATE 3 FIGURES 1, 2, 6. Kobeha walcotti n. gen., n. sp. 1. Calice View of paratype ( X 1) , USNM 159251. 2. Lateral view of paratype ( x 1) , USNM 159252. 6. Lateral view of holotype ( x 1), USNM 159253. Lower Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone B. ' Locality M56, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 3—5, 8, 9. Kobeha ketophylloides n. sp. 3—5. Lateral, calice, and calice interior views of paratype ( X 1) , USNM 159254. Lower Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devo- nian coral zone B. Locality M1039, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 8, 9. Oblique calice view ( x 1) and neanic transverse thin section (X 2) of paratype USN M 159255. Lower Devonian, Nevada Forma- tion, unit 1; Devonian coral zone B. Locality M69, southeast of Prince of Wales mine, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 7. Kobeha cf. K. walcotti n. gen., n. sp. Transverse thin section (x 2) of late neanic stage. Lower Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone B. locality M1040, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 3 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 8 K OBEH A PLATE 4 FIGURES 1—4. Kobeha walcottin.gen.,n.sp. Early ephebic (x 2), late neanic (x 4), late ephebic (>< 11/2), and longitudinal thin section (>< 11/2) of paratype USNM 159256. Early Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1, Devonian coral zone B. Locality M1041, southeast of Prince of Wales mine, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 5, 6. Kobeha cf. K. walcotti n. gen., n. sp. Longitudinal thin section (x 2), neanic transverse thin section (x 2). Early Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1, Devonian coral zone B. Locality M67, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 4 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 4 I 3’ ' 6’ K OBEHA PLATE 5 FIGURES 1—7. Kobeha walcotti n. gen., n. sp. 1,2, Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of paratype ( >< 11/2), USNM 159257. Lower Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone B. Locality M56, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 3—5. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (x 1%) and transverse thin section of late neanic stage (x 2). Lower Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone B. Locality M4, southeast of Prince of Wales mine, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 6. Longitudinal thin section ( x 2). Lower Devonian, Nevada Forma- tion, unit 1; Devonian coral zone B, Locality M67, northeast of Bailey Pass, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 7. Longitudinal thin section of holotype ( >< 11/2), USN M 159253. Lower Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone B. Locality M56, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. ., a _ ., f. , 5 E T A L P 5 0 8 R E P A P L A N O I S S E F O R P GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PLATE 6 FIGURES 1—7. Kobeha ketophylloides n. sp. 1—5. Longitudinal thin section (>< 2), transverse thin section (>< 1), enlargement of previous thin section (>< 2), early ephebic transverse thin section ( x 2), and neanic transverse thin section (>< 2), all of holotype USNM 159258. 6. Neanic transverse thin section ( x 2). 7. Early ephebic transverse thin section of paratype (>< 2), USNM 159259. Lower Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone B. Locality M1042, 1.75 miles north of Roberts Creek Ranch, Roberts Mountains, Nev. 8, 9. Kobeha walcotti n. gen., n. sp. Neanic transverse thin sections (>< 2), (>< 4) of paratype USNM 159260. Lower Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone B. Locality M69, southeast of Prince of Wales mine, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 10. Kobeha walootti n. gen., n. sp. Transverse thin section of late nepionic growth stage (>< 4), Lower Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone B. Locality M56, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 6 KOBEHA FIGURES 1, 2. 5—7. 10. PLATE 7 Papiliophyllum elegantulum subsp. d. 1,2. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (x 1%). Late Early Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D1. Local- ity M1037, south pediment of Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Papiliophyllum cf. P. elegantulum Stumm. Lateral exterior (X 1). From limestone cobble, Locality M1043, Cobble Hill, Cockalorum Wash quadrangle, Fish Creek Range, Nev. Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm. Calice interior (X 1). Early Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone C. Locality M286, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm. Lateral and calice interior views ( x 1) and early ephebic transverse thin section (x 4). Early Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone C. Locality M74, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm. Neam'c transverse thin section ( X 4). Same locality as figures 5—7, Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm. Neanic transverse thin section (x 4). Same locality as figures 5—7. Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm. Late neanic transverse thin section (X 2). Same locality as figure 4. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 7 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PAPILIOPHYLL UM 534-041 0 - 74 - 8 PLATE 8 FIGURES 1—4. Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm. Mature transverse thin section ( x 2), early ephebic thin section ( x 2), longitudinal thin section ( x 2), mature transverse section ( x 11/2). Early Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone C. Locality M286, northwest side of Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. 5, 6. Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm. Longitudinal thin section (X 1), mature transverse thin section (X 1). Early Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone C. Locality M1044, west side Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. 7. Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm. Longitudinal thin section ( X 1%). Early Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone C. Locality M68, east of Prince of Wales mine, Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 8. Papiliophyllum elegantulum Stumm. Early ephebic transverse thin section ( x 1%). Early Devonian, Nevada Formation. Locality M1035a, north end Antelope Range, southern Eureka County, Nev. 9, 10. Eurekaphyllum breviseptatum Stumm. Longitudinal and transverse thin sections ( x 1) of holotype; copies of original figures (Stumm, 1937, pl. 54, figs. 8a, 8b). Nevada Formation, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 8 PAPILIOPHYLL UM AND E UREKAPH YLL UM FIGURES 1—5. ‘ 6—9. 10. 11. 12. 13, 14. PLATE 9 Odontophyllum meeki n. sp. 1—4. Calice view and two lateral views ( >< 11/2) , tilted calice view ( x 2) of holotype USNM 159261. 5. Lateral calice view ( X 1) of paratype USNM 159262. Early Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone C. Locality M74, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Aulacophyllum sp. c. 6, 7. Calice view (X 1), early ephebic transverse thin section (x 3%). USNM 159263. 8, 9. Calice view (x 1), ephebic transverse thin section (>< 31/2). USNM 159264. Same horizon and locality as figures 1—5. Aulacophyllum-like rugose coral. Lateral-interior of weathered specimen (X 1) showing down-bend of tabulae at fossula. Same horizon and locality as figures 1—5. Aulacophyllum-like rugose coral. Mature transverse thin section ( X 2). Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone D. Locality M36, south of Bailey Pass, Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. ?Aulacophyllum sp. Calice view ( X 1) . Same horizon and locality as figures 1—5. ?0dontophyllum sp. Calice and lateral views ( X 1). Same horizon and locality as figures 1—5. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 9 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY * ODONTOPHYLL UM, A ULA COPHYLL UM, AND A ULACOPHYLL UM—LIKE RUGOSE CORALS PLATE 10 FIGURES 1—7. Bethanyphyllum antelopensis n. sp. 1, 2. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of holotype (X 2), USNM 159265. 3. Transverse thin section of paratype (X 2), USNM 159266. 4. Longitudinal thin section of paratype (x 2), USNM 159267. 5. Longitudinal thin section of paratype (x 2), USN M 159268. 6, 7. Late neanic thin section ( x 4) and ephebic thin section ( x 2) of paratype USNM 159269. ’ Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M27, Combs Peak, southern Mahogany Hills, Bellevue Peak quadrangle, Eureka County, Nev. 8—10. Bethanyphyllum Sp. d. 8, 9. Neanic transverse thin section ( X 4) and longitudinal thin section (X 2), USNM 159270. Late Early Devonian, Nevada Formation; Devonian coral zone D1. Locality M1037. Pediment slopes, south side of Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. 10. Neanic transverse thin section ( X 4), USNM 159271. Same horizon and locality as figures 8, 9. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 10 J “ vi“ flwfig a: BETHANYPHYLL UM PLATE 1 1 FIGURES 1—4. Bethanyphyllum lonense (Stumm). 1, 2. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections ( X 2), USNM 159272. 3, 4. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections ( X 2) , USNM 159273. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M3, Grays Canyon, southern Eureka district, Nevada. 5, 6. Bethanyphyllum antelopensis n. sp. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of paratype (X 4), USNM 159274. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M27, Combs Peak, southern Mahogany Hills, Bellevue Peak quadrangle, Nevada. 7—9 Bethanyphyllum cf. B antelopensisn. sp. Exterior (x 1), longitudinal thin section (X 2), transverse thin section (X 2), USNM 159275. Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D3. Locality M1045, northwest side of Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 11 : . ‘-, 1 3 ' " ' 1' 1‘ a... " I " fl‘ A‘ ‘4 4‘ c V ,‘ > I . agxglig. ;' t‘! m E???) a: . m ;, , gas. '3 "xiifgi’a§ a " ~35 ' . m. w.” z W ”b * kfiafix‘w‘ , a f 4 we» ~ “ , i BE TH ANYPH YLL UM PLATE 12 FIGURES 1,2. Bethanyphyllum cf. B. lonense (Stumm). Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (>< 11/2), USNM 159276. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2. Locality M1046, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, N ev. 3—5. Bethanyphyllum lonense (Stumm). Two transverse thin sections and a longitudinal thin section (x 2), USNM 159277. Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devo- nian coral zone D2. Locality M1047, east side Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 6—8. Bethanphyllum lonense (Stumm). Longitudinal section, earl Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M1048, northwest side of Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. 9—10. Bethanyphyllum lonense (Stumm). Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (X 2), USNM 159279. Devo- nian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Middle Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M3, Grays Canyon, southern Eureka district, Nevada. 11. Bethanyphyllum antelopensis n. sp. Longitudinal thin section at calice ( X 2). Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M27, Combs Peak, southern Mahogany Hills, Bellevue Peak quadrangle, Nevada. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 12 BE TH AN YPH YLL UM GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PLATE 13 FIGURES 1, 2. (?)Kodonophyllum sp. f. 3,4. 6, 7. 1. Transverse smoothed surface (X 1). Photographed in water. 2. Transverse thin section ( >< 3). Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D. Locality M1033, north end of Fenstermaker Mountain, Fish Creek Range, Nev. Nevadaphyllum masoni Stumm. 3. Transverse thin section ( >< 11/2) of holotype, USNM 94447. 4. Longitudinal thin section ( x 3) of paratype, USN M 94447a. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D. Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. . Nevadaphyllum-like rugose coral. Transverse thin section (x 2), USN M 159280. Early Middle Devonian, Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D. Locality M1049, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Bethanyphyllum sp. d. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections ( X 2), USNM 159281. Late Early Devonian, Nevada Formation; Devonian coral zone D1. Local- ity M1037, pediment slopes, south side Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. . Bethanyphyllum cf. B. lonense (Stumm). Transverse thin section (x 1%), USNM 159282. Early Middle Devo— nian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D. Locality M1050, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Bethanyphyllum sp. d. Longitudinal section ( >< 11/2), USNM 159281a. Same horizon and local- ity as figures 6, 7. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 13 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY fl ». n ‘ ) (?)KODONOPHYLL UM, NE VADAPH YLL UM, NEVADAPH YLL UM -LIKE RUGOSE CORAL, AND BETHANYPHYLL UM PLATE 14 FIGURES 1—15. Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) kobehensis n. sp 1. Lateral View of paratype (X 1) , USNM 159283. 2. Lateral view of holotype ( x 1) , USN M 159284. Early Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone C. Locality M286, northwest side of Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. 3. Lateral View of paratype ( x 1) , USN M 159285. Early Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone C. Locality M74, west side of Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. 4. Lateral view of paratype ( x 1), USNM 159286. Same horizon and locality as figures 1, 2. 5. Lateral view of paratype ( X 1), USNM 159287. Same horizon and locality as figures 1, 2. 6. Calice view of paratype (>< 1), USNM 159288. Same horizon and locality as figures 1, 2. 7. Calice View of paratype ( X 1), USNM 159289. Same horizon and locality as figures 1, 2. 8. Longitudinal thin section of paratype ( X 2), USNM 159290. Same horizon and locality as figures 1, 2. 9,10. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of paratype (>< 4), USN M 159291. Same horizon and locality as figure 3. 11. Longitudinal thin section of paratype (X 2), USNM 159292. Same horizon and locality as figure 3. 12. Longitudinal thin section of paratype (>< 4), USNM 159293. Same horizon and locality as figure 3. 13, 14. Two early neanic transverse thin sections ( X 7), USN M 159294. Same horizon and locality as figure 3. 15. Nepionic transverse thin section (>< 7), USNM 159295. Same hori- zon and locality as figure 3. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 14 SIPH ON OPHREN TI S (BRE VIPHREN TI S ) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PLATE 15 FIGURES 1—11. Siphonophrentis (Breuiphrentis) invaginatus (Stumm). 1, 2. Transverse thin section (>< 2) and longitudinal thin section (X 4), USNM 159296. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D. Locality M1033, north end of Fenstermaker Mountain, Fish Creek Range, Nev. 3, 4. Transverse thin section (>< 4) and longitudinal thin section (X 2), USNM 159297. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonial coral zone D. Locality M198, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 5, 6. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections ( x 2), USNM 159298. Devonian coral zone D. Locality M1034, Ranger Mountains, Nevada Test Site. 7, 8. Transverse and lon tudinal thin sections (>< 2), USNM 159299. Same horizon and locali y as figures 1, 2. 9. Transverse section (X 2), USNM 159300. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M3, Grays Canyon, southern Eureka district, Nev. 10. Longitudinal thin section ( X 2), USNM 159301. Devonian coral zone D. Locality M1035, north end Antelope Range, Eureka County, Nev. 11. Longitudinal thin section (X 2), USNM 159302. Same horizon and locality as figure 9. TE 15 PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLA ’ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 10 V SIPHONOPHRENTIS (BREVIPHRENTIS) 534-041 0 - 74 - 9 PLATE 16 FIGURES 1—13. Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) invaginatus (Stmnm). 1, 2. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (X 2), USNM 159303, Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M55, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. 3. Transverse thin section (X 2), USNM 159304. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M3, Grays Canyon, southern Eureka district, Nevada. 4. Longitudinal thin section (X 2), USNM 159305. Same horizon and locality as figure 3. 5—7. Transverse thin section ( x 2), longitudinal thin section (X 2), and transverse thin section of neanic stage ( x 4), USNM 159306. Same horizon and locality as figure 3. 8. Transverse thin section ( X 2), USNM 159307. Same horizon and locality as figure 3. 9. Transverse thin section (X 2), USNM 159308. Same horizon and locality as figure 3. 10, 11. Transverse and longitudinal thin section ( X 2), USN M 159309. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M1033, north end Fenstermaker Mountain, Fish Creek Range, Nev. 12,13. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (x 2), USNM 159310. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M27, Combs Peak, southern Mahogany Hills, Eureka County, Nev. 14. Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) kobehensis n. sp. Transverse thin section of paratype (x 2), USNM 159283. Early Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone C. Local- ity M286, northwest side of Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. 15, 16. Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) invaginatus (Stumm). Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (x 2), USNM 159311. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M1036, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. V GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SIPH ON OPH REN TI S ( BRE VI PH REN TI S ) PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 16 FIGURES 1, 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. 8, 9. 10, 11. 12, 13. PLATE 17 Sinospongophyllum sp. d. Longitudinal and transverse thin sections (x 2), USN M 159312. Late Early Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D1. Locality M1037, south pediment slope, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Sinospongophyllum sp. e. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (x 11/2), USNM 159313. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M1038, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Sinospongophyllum sp. (1. Longitudinal and transverse thin sections (X 2), USNM 159314. Early , Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M1035, north end Antelope Range, southern Eureka County, Nev. Sinospongophyllum sp. f. Transverse thin section ( X 2), USNM 159315. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M3, Grays Canyon, southern Eureka district, Nevada. Sinospongophyllum sp. f. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (X 2), USNM 159316. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M1035, north end Antelope Range, southern Eureka County, Nev. Sinospongophyllum sp. e. . Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (x 2), USNM 159317. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M1035, north end Antelope Range, southern Eureka County, Nev. Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) invaginatus (Stumm). Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (x 2), USNM 94445. Holo- type of Amplexus lonensis Stumm which is the type species of Brevi- phyllum Stumm 1949. Nevada Formation, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 17 BREVIPHRENTIS) ( SIN OSPON GOPH YLL UM AND SIPH ON OPH REN TIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PLATE 18 FIGURES 1—4. Dendrostella romanensis n. sp. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of holotype (x 2), USNM 159318. Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, Devonian coral zone D. Locality M1031, southern Sulphur Spring Range, northwest of Romano Ranch, Eureka County, Nev. 5, 6. Disphyllum eurekaensis n. sp. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of holotype ( x 4), USNM 159319. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M1046, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. 7—10. Disphyllum nevadense (Stumm). 7—9. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (x 4), USNM 159320. Same horizon and locality as figures 5, 6. 10. Longitudinal thin section (x 4), USNM 159321. Same horizon and locality as figures 5, 6. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEN DR OS TELLA AND DI SPH YLL UM PLATE 19 FIGURES 1—9. Cystiphylloides lonense (Stumm). 1, 2. Calice and lateral views (x 1), USNM 159322. Early Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone C. Locality M74 Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. 3,4. Lateral and calice views (X 1), USNM 159323. Early Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 1; Devonian coral zone C. Locality M286, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. 5. Lateral view (X 1), USNM 159324. Same horizon and locality as figures 3, 4. 6. Transverse thin section (X 2), USNM 159325. Same horizon and locality as figures 1, 2. 7,8. Longitudinal and transverse thin sections (X 2), USNM 159326. Same horizon and locality as figures 1, 2. 9. Longitudinal thin section (x 2), USNM 159327. Same horizon and locality as figures 1, 2. 10, 11. Cystiphylloides Sp. (1. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (x 2), USNM 159328. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M36, Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 12, 13. Cystiphylloides sp. Transverse section and longitudinal section at calice (>< 11/2), USNM 159329. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M1048, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. ) PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 19 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY C YS TI PH YLL OI DES PLATE 20 FIGURES 1,2. Cystiphylloides sp. Transverse thin section ( >< 11/2), longitudinal thin section ( x 2), USN M M159330. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M1051, south end Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 3, 4. Zonophyllum haguei n. sp. Transverse thin section ( x 4), longitudinal thin section (x 2) of para- type, USNM 159331. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M51, Grays Canyon, south- ern Eureka district, Nevada. 5, 6. Zonophyllum sp. a. Longitudinal and transverse thin sections (x 2), USNM 159332. Early Middle Devonian; Devonian coral zone D. Locality M1058, Nevada Test Site, Frenchman Flat, Nev. 7, 8. Zonophyllum cf. Z. haguei n. Sp. Longitudinal and transverse thin sections (X 2). Early Middle Devo- nian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M1035, north end of Antelope Range, Eureka County, Nev. 9, 10. Zonophyllum haguei n. sp. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections ( X 2) of holotype USNM 159333. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M3, Grays Canyon, southern Eureka district, Nevada. 11, 12. Zonophyllum Sp. b. Transverse thin section ( x 2), longitudinal thin section ( x 4), USN M 159351. Same horizon and locality as figures 3, 4. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 20 C YSTIPH YLLOIDES AND ZONOPHYLL UM PLATE 21 FIGURES 1, 2. Mesophyllum (Mesophyllum) sp. b. Two transverse thin sections (X 2), USNM 159334. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Local- ity M36, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. 3, 4. Mesophyllum (Mesophyllum) sp. 0. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (x 2), USNM 159335. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D. Locality M1035, north end Antelope Range, Eureka County, Nev. 5—7. Mesophyllum (Arcophyllum) kirki (Stumm). Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (X 2) and enlarged trans- verse thin section (X 4), USNM 159336. Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D3. Locality M29, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 21 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MESOPHYLL UM AND MESOPHYLL UM (ARCOPHYLL UM ) PLATE 22 FIGURES 1—6. Mesophyllum (Arcophyllum) kirki (Stumm). . Transverse thin section ( X 2), USN M 159337. Transverse thin section ( x 2), USN M 159338. Enlargement of transverse thin section ( x 4), USNM 159339. Longitudinal thin section at calice (X 2), USNM 159340. Longitudinal thin section ( x 4), USN M 159341. . Longitudinal thin section ( X 2), USN M 159342. Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D3. Locality M1036, northwest side of Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. amewww PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 22 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ) MESOPHYLLUM (ARCOPHYLL UM PLATE 23 FIGURES 1—4. Cystiphylloides robertsense (Stumm). Transverse, longitudinal, longitudinal, and transverse thin sections (x 2), USNM 159343. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M1046, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. 5—10. Hexagonaria (Pinyonastraea) kirki (Stumm) n. subgen. 5,6. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of holotype (x 2), USNM 94456. Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D. Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. 7. Upper surface of large colony (x 1), USNM 159344. Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D3. Locality M1052, northwest side of Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. 8, 9. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (X 2), USNM 159345. Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D. Locality M1053, north end of Antelope Range, Eureka County, Nevada. 10. Transverse print from stained cellulose peel ( x 2). Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D. Locality M1054, south side of Cooper Peak, Roberts Moun- tains, Nev. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 23 10 CYSTIPHYLLOIDES AND HEXA GONARIA (PINYONASTRAEA) FIGURES 1—3. PLATE 24 Billingsastraea nevadensis (Stumm). Longitudinal thin section (x 2), surface of colony (x 1), and transverse thin section (X2), USNM 159346. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M1055, north end Antelope Range, Eureka County, Nev. Billingsastraea nevadensis subsp. arachne (Stumm). Upper surface of colony (X 1), USNM 94458. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Copy of Stumm’s (1937, pl. 53, fig. 13) holotype figure. Billingsastraea nevadensis (Stumm). Transverse thin section (x 3), USNM 159347. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M1035, north end Antelope Range, Eureka County, Nev. Billingsastraea nevadensis (Stumm). 6. Longitudinal thin section ( X 4), USNM 159348. 7. Transverse thin section ( x 4), USNM 159349. 8. Longitudinal thin section ( x 4), USNM 159350. Early Middle Devonian, Nevada Formation, unit 2; Devonian coral zone D2. Locality M55, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev, 24 ”fluke“ h ‘ yraw vkwfifi n- . A 1. fl. :7 . 4f»; 36% ma.» . PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE , wwvaWm—Jw ."'§K\.~\‘WV «I, . v .‘ . an w.....9§:. Kafimmewfia 3...... , ..%&$V.. g «at .I ,. A“ . ,4 at. a, H. a . GEOLOGICAL E URVEY BILLINGSASTRAEA FIGURES 1—4. 6—9. 10. PLATE 25 Australophyllum landerensis n. sp. 1, 2. Transverse thin section (X 2%) and longitudinal thin section ( >< 21/2) of holotype USNM 159353. 3, 4. Longitudinal and transverse thin sections ( x 2) of paratype USNM 159354. Early Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone. Locality M1150, north end of Toquima Range. Australophyllum sp. Transverse thin section (X 2). Upper Silurian or lowermost Devonian just above Silurian coral zone E, upper unit of Vaughn Gulch Lime- stone. Locality M1093, Mazourka Canyon, northern Inyo Mountains, Calif. Billingsastraea? sp. T. 6, 7. Transverse thin sections ( X 2, X 3). 8, 9. Longitudinal thin sections ( X 3) . All sections cut from same colony. Middle Devonian. Locality M1151, Reeds Canyon area, Toiyabe Range. ('2) Hexagonaria sp. _ Transverse thin section ( x 2). Same locality and horizon as figures 6—9. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 805 PLATE 25 A USTRALOPHYLL UM, BILLINGSASTRAEA?, AND (?)HEXAGONARIA U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1974 O - 534-041 4 a i ,1 U EARTH SUEHCES LIBRARY Geology of the Chewelah—Loon Lake Area, Stevens and Spokane Counties, Washington GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 806 Prepared in cooperation with the Washington Division of Mines and Geology “,M 0031! ‘ A??? NPWTMENT APR 171975 fl”; \ / 1 x,‘ / ‘2 ~ 477,, S % CIENQEW/ M n LifiatnKY u IVERiiTV 0F CALIFORN' W 19 1975 was T Geology of the Chewelah—Loon Lake Area, Stevens and Spokane Counties, Washington By FRED K. MILLER and LORIN D. CLARK With a section on POTASSIUM-ARGON AGES OF THE PLUTONIC ROCKS By JOAN C. ENGELS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 806 Prepared in cooperation with the Washington Division of Mines and Geology UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1975 !__J UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. 7 3-6003 14 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 — Price $2.15 (paper cover) Stock Number 2401-02587 l_ CONTENTS Page Page Abstract ...... 1 Paleozoic rocks—Continued Introduction . 1 Carbonate rocks—Continued Location and accessibility .................................................. 1 Devonian or Mississippian carbonate rocks—Con. Previous work 2 Unit 2 . 30 Present work 3 Unit 3 . 31 Acknowledgments 3 Mississippian carbonate rock .................................... 31 Regional geologic setting ---------------------------------------------------- 4 Paleozoic carbonate rocks, undivided ...................... 32 Precambrian rocks ----------- 4 Mesozoic plutonic rocks . 33 Belt Supergroup . ------------ 4 Flowery ‘Trail Granodiorite .............................................. 34 Prichard Formation ---------------------------------------------------- 4 Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite ............................... 38 Ravalh Group . - 6 Phillips Lake Granodiorite (and associated dikes).... 40 Burke Formation --------------------------------------------- 6 Two-mica quartz monzonite .............................................. 44 Revett Formation. -------- 7 Coarse-grained quartz monzonite ...................... 45 St- Regis Formation ----------- 8 Muscovite quartz monzonite ..................................... 46 Wffllafl‘l” FGormation """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1i) Cenozoic plutonic rocks ................................. 47 Missgt 'apedroPupk F rmati 11 Silver Point Quartz Monzonite ........................................ 47 r1 ea ° on """""""""""""""""""""""" Granodiorite 50 Member a """""""""""""""""""" 12 Fine-grained quartz monzonite ........................................ 50 Member b """"""""""""""""""""""""" 12 Difierentiation of the plutonic rocks ........................................ 51 Member c ......................... 13 . . Potassrum—argon ages of the plutomc rocks, by Joan C. Member d ...................................................... 16 Deer Trail Group .- 16 Engels 52 Togo (-2) Formation __________________________________________________ 17 Cenolcficf:i hyiplabyssal, volcanic, and sedimentary rocks ........ 58 Edna Dolomite 17 A adc _ 1 es 58 McHale Slate 17 B” 55‘“ 2° Stensgar Dolomite ...................................................... 17 L321}: F t’ 6(1) Buflalo Hump(?) Formation ....................... 18 anglomfgg 1°“ 61 Deer Trail Group, undivided .................................... 18 . . . . . Relation between the Belt Supergroup and the Glacial, alluvral, and talus depos1ts, undlfferentlated... 61 Deer Trail Group 18 Structure _ 62 Metamorphic rocks, undivided ________________________________________ 24 Structures in the Belt Supergroup block ........................ 62 Windermere Group .. .. 24 Folds 62 Huckleberry Formation ............................................ 24 Faults , ----- 64 Monk Formation ________________________________________________________ 26 Structures in the Deer Trail Group block .................... 65 Paleozoic rocks 27 Other differences between the two blocks ..... 66 Addy Quartzite 27 Structure separating the two blocks ................................ 67 Carbonate rocks 29 Other faults 69 Metaline Formation ............................................... 29 Mineral deposits 69 Devonian or Mississippian carbonate rock ____________ 30 References cited 71 Unit 1 . . 30 Index 73 ILLUSTRATIONS Page PLATE 1. Geologic map of the north half of the Chewelah—Loon Lake area, Stevens and Spokane Counties, Washington In pocket 2. Geologic map of the south half of the Chewelah—Loon Lake area, Stevens and Spokane Counties, Washington In pocket FIGURE 1. Index map showing location of Chewelah—Loon Lake area 2 2. Map showing location of some geographic features referred to in the text 3 3. Generalized columnar section of the Prichard Formation . V 5 4. Generalized columnar section of member c of the Striped Peak Formation on Quartzite Mountain ....................... 14 III IV FIGURE 5. 10. 12—15. 16. 17—21. 22. 24. TABLE h CONTENTS Page Photograph showing argillite and breccia from member 0 of the Striped Peak Formation .......................................... 14 Photograph showing soft-sediment breccia in the McHale Slate, probable correlative of member c of the Striped Peak Formation . . ............................ 15 Columnar sections showing possible correlations between the Deer Trail Group and the Belt Supergroup ............ 21 Generalized geologic map showrng the dlstributron of the Belt Supergroup and Deer Trall Group In and around the Chewelah—Loon Lake area .. ........ 22 Photograph showing the bold cliffs (dip slopes) of Addy Quartzite which form the west side of Quartzite Mountain .............................................. . ...... 27 Photograph showing the contact between the Addy Quartzite and member (1 of the Striped Peak Formation .......... 27 Ternary plots of modes of plutonic rocks ................................................................................................................................ 34 Photographs showing: 12. Fine-grained dike-form mass of graphically intergrown rock that intrudes the Starvation Flat ' Quartz Monzonite ................................................... 13. Stained slab of Phillips Lake Granodiorite .............. 14. Stained slab of Silver Point Quartz Monzonite and granodiorite 15. Silver Point Quartz Monzonite ..................................................... Map showing potassium-argon sample localities ............ Graphs showing: 17. Changes in apparent ages of hornblende, biotite, and muscovite in an older pluton intruded by a younger one .. .. ....... . 55 18. Apparent ages of hornblende and biotite from the Flowery Trail Granodiorite ............................................... 55‘ 19. Apparent ages of muscovite and biotite from the Phillips Lake Granodiorite and associated dikes .............. 56 20. Relation of apparent ages to concentration of clean-clear hornblende in the fine-grained quartz monzonite ......... 57 21. Plots of mafic dike modes .. .............................................................................. 58 Map showing location of major fold axes in the Belt Supergroup block ....................................................................... 63 Sketch map showing alternate interpretations of the relation of the Addy Quartzite to the northwest-trending faults between Eagle Mountain and Jumpofl" Joe Mountain ................................................ 64 Cross sections showing possible interpretations of thrust relations between the Belt Supergroup and Deer Trail Group ..... .. . . .. ........ . 68 TABLES 1. Chemical analyses and CIPW norms of basalt and one tufl'aceous rock from greenstone of the Page Huckleberry Formation .. ............................. 25 Petrographic data on plutonic rocks ........................................................................... 35 Potassium-argon data on plutonic rocks ........ . __ 53 Mineral composition of selected mafic dikes . ...... FED.” GEOLOGY OF THE CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON By FRED K. MILLER and LORIN D. CLARK ABSTRACT The report area, two 15-minute quadrangles, is in the south- ern part of Stevens County and the northern part of Spokane County, about 30 miles north of Spokane. Much of the area is underlain by two great Precambrian sections—the Belt Super- group and the Deer Trail Group. The Deer Trail Group appears to be equivalent to the upper part of the Belt Super- group, although differences in thickness and stratigraphy sug- gest that the sites of deposition of the two sections were much farther apart than the sections are now. The Precambrian Huckleberry Formation and Monk Formation unconformably overlie the Deer Trail Group, but not the Belt Supergroup. Both Precambrian groups are overlain by the Cambrian Addy Quartzite. Cambrian, Devonian, and Mississippian carbonate rocks are found above the Addy Quartzite where it overlies the Belt Supergroup. Nine plutons, representing three periods of plutonic activity, intrude the Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks. They range in composition from granodiorite to alkali-rich quartz monzonite. The oldest is the Flowery Trail Granodiorite, an isolated pluton near the center of the area. It appears to have been intruded about 200 million years ago. Five others, mainly in the northern part of the area, were intruded about 100 million years ago, and intrusion of the remaining three, the Silver Point Quartz Mon- zonite and two small satellitic plutons in the southern part of the area, apparently climaxed plutonic activity about 50 million years ago. Andesite of Oligocene(?) age occurs in one small area south- west of Chewelah. Yakima-type(?) flows of the Columbia River Group are preserved at lower elevations in the southern part of the area. Small patches of conglomerate, possibly of Tertiary age, unconforrnably overlie the Huckleberry Formation south- west of Chewelah and the Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite near Cliff Ridge. Quaternary glacial and alluvial deposits cover large parts of the west half of the area at lower elevations. The Belt Supergroup and the Deer Trail Group appear to be confined to different structural blocks that are separated by a major structural discontinuity. The chief structures of the Belt Supergroup block, which underlies most of the eastern part of the area, are a roughly north-south-striking anticline and syncline. Both folds are overturned to the west in the northern part of the area. Six large northwest-striking high- angle faults appear to predate the folding and are probably Precambrian. Although the sense of movement on these faults is not well established, five show apparent left-lateral slip, and one shows apparent right-lateral slip. The five could well be dip-slip faults that have displaced rocks on the north sides downward relative to the south sides. The north-south folds and northwest faults of the Belt Super- group block are apparently truncated by the Deer Trail Group block, which underlies the western part of the area and strikes N. 30°—40° E. The consistency of the different trends of, and in, the two blocks and the apparent differences in facies and thickness of probably equivalent rocks in each block suggest that the blocks have been juxtaposed along a thrust fault. High-angle faults, which are found in both structural blocks, strike about N. 50°—60° E. and have displaced rocks on the south sides downward relative to the north sides, These faults may be contemporaneous with a set of approximately north- south-striking faults which are inferred along the east side of the Colville River valley. The major thrusting is interpreted as having taken place less than 100 million years ago. The inferred north-south faults on the east side of the Colville River valley appear to cut the 50- million-year-old Silver Point Quartz Monzonite but do not offset the Miocene and Pliocene Columbia River Group. INTRODUCTION LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY The report area, which coincides with the east half of the Chewelah 30-minute quadrangle, covers about 400 square miles of Stevens and Spokane Counties in northeastern Washington (fig. 1). Although the 30- minute topographic map is now out of print, 7 1/2 -minute topographic coverage is available for the entire quad- rangle. The north half of the report area comprises the Calispell Peak, Cliff Ridge, Chewelah, and Goddards Peak 71/2-minute quadrangles, and the south half the Nelson Peak, Valley, Springdale, and Deer Lake quad- rangles. In addition, the north half is topographically mapped at a scale of 1 : 62,500 and is named the Chewe- lah Mountain quadrangle. Figure 2 shows the location of the report area in relation to Spokane, the nearest major city, and in addition shows many of the geographic features fre- quently referred to in the text. South of Chewelah, the west edge of the area follows the west edge of the Col- ville Valley, and the east border roughly follows the divide separating the Colville and Pend Oreille River valleys. Most of the roads in the area are unsurfaced. Numer- ous county, logging, and mining dirt roads provide easy access to all parts of the area except the northeast corner. The Burlington and Northern Railroad links Chewelah, Valley, Springdale, and Loon Lake with 1 2 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON ////:/ 16 49° 37/ Spokaneo 1 WASHINGTON I} — ,._.—J K/-———” 0 10 20 MILES EXPLANATION Completed work Work in progress Togo Mountain quadrangle — R. C. Pearson Orient area — Bowman (1950) Northport area — R. G. Yates Deep Creek area — Yates (1964) Kettle Falls area (west of river) — C. D. Campbell Kettle Falls area (east of river) — J. W. Mills Colville area -— W. A. G. Bennett Twin Lakes quadrangle — G. E. Becraft lnchelium quadrangle — A. B. Campbell 10. Bead Lake area — Schroeder (1952) 11. Wilmont Creek quadrangle — Becraft (1966) 12. Hunters quadrangle —Campbell and Raup (1964) 13. Turtle Lake quadrangle — Becraft and Weis (1963) 14. Mt. Spokane quadrangle — A. E. Weissenborn 15. Greenacres quadrangle — Weis (1968) 16. Metaline area — Dings and Whitebread (1965) 17. Magnesite belt — Campbell and Loofbourow (1962) 18. Newport 30-minute quadrangle (includes remapping area 10) — F. K. Miller 5953395999.“? FIGURE 1.—Location of the Chewelah—Loon Lake area and surrounding areas for which geologic maps at a scale of 1: 62,500 or larger are available or mapping is in progress. Date indicates published report available; see list of references in text. Spokane to the south, and Nelson, British Columbia, to the north. PREVIOUS WORK e Weaver (1920), in a comprehensive report on the mineral resources of Stevens County, published the first geologic map of the area and attempted to estab- lish a stratigraphic section. Jones (1928) mapped the Chewelah 30-minute quadrangle in considerably more detail than Weaver. He retained most of Weaver’s units, difierentiated several more, and recognized the con- glomerate at the base of the Huckleberry Formation. Studies since Jones’ have concentrated‘mainly on the northeastern Washington magnesite belt, immediately west of the report area (fig. 2). The magnesite belt is underlain by many of the Precambrian and lower Pale- ozic units found in the report area. Bennett (1941) prepared the first good geologic map of the magnesite belt. He improved on earlier struc- tural and stratigraphic interpretations, and he assigned a Precambrian age to the thick section of fine-grained elastic and carbonate rock beneath the Huckleberry Formation. Besides mapping in the magnesite belt, Bennett prepared a map of the south half of the Colville 30-minute quadrangle, a generalized version which appeared in Mills and Yates’ report on high-calcium limestone (1962, pl. 6). Campbell and Loofbourow ( 1962) prepared a detailed geologic map of the entire magnesite belt and assigned all rocks beneath the Lower Cambrian Addy Quartzite to the Precambrian. They also compared the rocks of the Deer Trail Group with those of the Belt Supergroup (p. F20). Campbell and Raup (1964) mapped the Hunters quadrangle, which covers most of the southwestern part of the magnesite belt. Their map, although at a slightly smaller scale than Campbell and Loofbourow’s, is more detailed. Schroeder (1952) mapped an area about the size of a 15-minute quadrangle around Bead Lake, east of the report area (fig. 2). He correlated parts of a thick sec- tion of quartzites, argillaceous sandstones, and argil- vv INTRODUCTION 3 117°30' METALINR 30' QUADRANGLE 1 18°00' COLVlLLE 30' QUADRANGLE_ CHEWELAH NEWPORT 30' QUADRANGLE 30’ QUADRANGLE ‘ Calispell Peak “if . .x caidge Phctllzps Lake i v . c’ ewe” Johnson Mountain >(6WIlson Mountain 48° 30' Eagle Mountain fijGoddards Peak >< xChewelah Mountain Quartzite Mountain >991. thCmDO >un< :33 55.5.5. Emzmoxw EEonm szmoxm mmcmzu 3.08 ”235 .8 So 53:; :3 c. " .L ....mu_~tm:O 03...“,~ \Jl‘rdl/Ifil VlthBOQ mcum N la]! \ 1 W33 gaze: Emmcmy . , .,€_u..m....€& .......... n6: I 23:5. cotmELou >tmnm_v_o:I 20 « m402_DZ_ “.0 >._._J_m<_:_mm .20....0wm mtmOmEOU. (mm; km01mmmxh Z. 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Ewwn. kl|||||| 22 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON 1 1 80 49° \ /\/‘\7\ '1/\—/\ \/\\_\<‘/\/ ‘ /\ ~ \/\ / ’ :l //\/ '\ \’ ///\/\l//(/<|’ \\/)\\>/\\/\/\l—\ / ’\ MD ‘ - ~ «lL/_‘\ Jib/l” /’\ .- \. \/\’_\/“/\\/l /\l‘\ 2‘ VJ \-,-\/ \/—|/1\‘\—/\'\' \/|\"L\1_/ I/ \,/\\ Tl\‘\\/_\l/i\:\ \/l'\\/\/\/ ‘.T4\’l/L \/_/_\/l\ l\?’ /’—\7\7 \l \\/\/_/\ \/ \/‘/ ‘L~ ~\~\’\ qu+p€v+p€dt I\:/’I:1\\/\:\ \/\\\/_\,/3‘/~\/|/\\5\\L/\“/< //\\/l\’/\| dt/\/\//\I:‘\—7\’1\// \\/\—/\\\\—/’ C ’/’\/\\/L\—* M) /|/\ /__'\ /\/_} ///’\l\ \/\/\1 \\ \‘/\/ / \l l\ \\// / , /\/\ / /\ ~“ _/-/~ 7\’- <’\ //\/\/\~\/‘\* ‘/‘ (\‘»\/‘/ / ,\/ \’/\/ (\ ‘|—’\\‘\ /|\/\ ’ \1/ /I\/‘ ’I\' xx /\/\ ’\<‘\/\I\L’- ’7» CW \ ”(A \\;\/ , l\ i / / /’\_.-\I\L\~\l/,\)' \\‘/\CI/;\(I/‘\'\’ / 7 ’’/\\l/'g\r‘<7“\/\/‘C\\\l _ \ \ ..» ’(xx’Ri/\/7\\7\/\/\l//I >‘/<’/\ /_:I1\/\/,l/\/_\\// ‘/1/\\\//\,\\~//\\ \\»\1\ /\/1~1\/_/_\ /_ \/ \\/\{_\\ /\/,./—-/\\\//\/, \\/I\ ‘:|/I<’\/ by; NAM \_\/\1\/. r/xp —~\‘,//‘\‘T\\//\’I;/\/\\/’\:/f/‘L\ \7>\/—\/—/\\1\\/_ _\/\ \f (I—\\:7\7>/),\/\\‘/\:v\/l\‘/\l , _ _ / \, , / _ V5 |/’\/\/ D/Y’I’7/\/\\/\\/\ />/\/‘\\/ ' /\l\\\l/‘/_I\ \‘\;A,REA;\\/\ j/\>\>‘IL\7\L 7":/\\:\\:1 »/\/\\ .\// \\\\ 5/ \\’ // l \ / \ \ ._/’ 01 ,\ \\ < ,\ , .7>/\L‘//I \ :— /\/S'* - _ / I , / / \, ;\ __- ‘/\\/1‘//’ :,§ V5? \t/‘\\l_l\l . . . . 3—“_ AREA OF MAP 0 5 10 1 5 MILES 1‘" LWASHINGTON . \ ._-s\ ' / _,_.’ ———i PRECAMBRIAN ROCKS 23 EXPLANATION Tertiary and Mesozoic intrusive rocks as Paleozoic rocks, undivided Cambrian rocks Mostly Addy Quartzite and Gypsy Quartzite, but includes Maitlen Phyllite and some Metaline Formation in places V %/ % Mo k Formation : :1 Huckleberry Formation, Leola Volcanics, and Shedroof Con- glomerate p€dt Deer Trail Group and Priest River Group Belt Supergroup /-—’ Contact ______— __ _ _ Fault Dashed where approximately located WALLL...? ......... ? Fault separating Deer Trail Group and Belt Supergroup Dashed where approximately located; dotted and queried where concealed or destroyed by younger rocks. Sawteeth on presumed upper plate; hachured where fault is downdropped by younger faults ___I__——_fi___ Normal Overturned Axis of anticline, showing direction of dip of limbs Dashed where approximately located 7__ __7_ Axis of syncline, approximately located Quen‘ed where concealed .... / _, Deer Trail Group Belt Supergroup Generalized strike of strata where reliable data are available FIGURE 8.——-Generalized geologic map showing the distribution of the Belt Supergroup and the Deer Trail Group in and around the Chewelah—Loon Lake area. No postintrusive rocks shown. Geologic data modified from Huntting, Bennett, Livingston, and Moen (1961), Schroeder (1952), Park and Cannon (1943), Bennett (1941), Campbell and Loofbourow (1962) , and Campbell and Raup (1964). clastics and carbonate rock. Unfortunately, distinguish- ing internal characteristics are generally absent in both units. Although only about 2,500—3,000 feet of the upper Wallace Formation is preserved in the report area, the unfaulted thickness before erosion could have been somewhat greater. The quartzite at the top of the Togo Formation has a counterpart in member a of the Striped Peak Forma- tion, although the lithologic correlation is not as close as that between the other units correlated. The Togo quartzite is chiefly light-colored medium- to fine- grained quartzite with a small amount of interbedded argillite. Member a, however, is predominantly darker siltite interbedded with some argillite. The Togo quartzite contains ripple marks and mud cracks similar to those that are so abundant in member a, but the two units difier from the others correlated in the two sec- tions in that they are not look-alikes. However, the Togo quartzite exhibits major facies and thickness changes within the magnesite belt. Equal or larger differences could exist between the magnesite belt and the report area, especially since the Precambrian sec- tions of the two areas appear to have been juxtaposed by a thrust fault and thus were probably widely sepa- rated when the rocks were deposited. Member a does not closely resemble member 1 of the Clark Fork and Coeur d’Alene sections either, even though both are siltites. Rocks similar to those in mem- ber 1 thin from a thickness of over 1,500 feet south of the Coeur d’Alene district (Shenon and McConnel, 1939, p. 5) to about 600 feet in the Clark Fork quad- rangle (Harrison and Jobin, 1963, p. K17), but the units are lithologically similar at both localities. If member 1 varies so greatly in thickness from north to south, its lithologic character may possibly change slightly to the west, and member a and the Togo quartzite may be reflections of this change. Because only part of member a is preserved in the report area, it is also possible that the carbonate-bearing siltite, which characterizes unit 1 to the east, was deposited in the report area but because of faulting is no longer exposed at the surface. A remarkably good unit-by-unit match is evident between the remainder of the Deer Trail Group and the Striped Peak Formation. The Edna Dolomite is indistinguishable from the light-tan and gray carbonate that characterizes all but the upper part of member b. The McHale Slate is almost identical with member c and even displays the same type of soft-sediment defor- mation that characterizes the member. Differences in appearance result largely from the greater dynamic metamorphism of the McHale Slate. Although no car- bonate unit of significant thickness which could corre- late with the Stensgar Dolomite is known to overlie h 24 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON member 0, the maroon argillite, siltite, and quartzite of member d might be compared with the maroon argil- lite that bounds the Stensgar Dolomite and seems to thicken toward the northeast end of the magnesite belt. The Buffalo Hump Formation at the top of the Deer Trail Group has no equivalent in the Belt section of the report area, as the Cambrian Addy Quartzite rests un- conformably on the eroded surfaces of member (1 and older rocks. The Buffalo Hump Formation may be roughly the same age as parts of the Missoula Group that A. B. Campbell ( 1960, p. 560) described in the St. Regis—Superior area to the east or as parts of the Libby Formation. Either of these correlations would imply considerable changes in facies and thickness. Within the magnesite belt, the Buffalo Hump Formation changes from predominantly argillite at the northeast end to predominantly quartzite at the southwest end (Campbell and Loofbourow, 1962, pl. 2; Campbell and Raup, 1964) ; thus major facies changes do occur in this part of the section. METAMORPHIC ROCKS, UNDIVIDED Deformed mica schist injected by leucocratic dikes and sills occurs in several small areas in sec. 29, T. 34 N., R. 41 E., and sec. 34, T. 35 N., R. 41 E. These highly metamorphosed rocks cannot be reliably as- signed to any formation. In addition, they lie near the boundary between the Deer Trail Group and Belt Supergroup, and so they cannot even be assigned to one or the other. Highly recrystallized quartz-mica schist, quartzite, and amphibolite underlie a narrow strip about 9 miles long between Nelson and Goddards Peaks along the east border of the report area. All the rock in this area was derived from the Prichard Formation. It is mapped separately from the Prichard Formation because a short distance east of the report area it is not possible to distinguish from which formation the metamorphic rocks were derived. The metamorphic rocks, which are intruded by many large and small bodies of two-mica quartz monzonite, extend to the west side of Pend Oreille Valley, 6 miles east of the report area. The extreme recrystallization of the rocks was caused by the numerous bodies of two-mica quartz monzonite. The contact with the Prichard Formation cannot be located precisely because a gradational zone as much as 1 mile wide separates the units and because there are very few exposures east of the divide separating Nelson and Goddards Peaks. WINDERMERE GROUP HUCKLEBERRY FORMATION A thick section of conglomerate overlain by an equally thick section of greenstone constitutes the Huckleberry Formation in the magnesite belt. The for- mation rests unconformably on the Deer Trail Group there. The two lithologies and their stratigraphic rela- tion to the rocks above and below them were first recognized by Jones (1928, p. 115), who referred to them collectively as the greenstone phase of the Chew- elah Argillite. Weaver (1920, pl. 1) earlier differenti- ated small areas of greenstone locally but at most places included both conglomerate and volcanic rock in the Addy Quartzite. Bennett (1941), p. 8) divided the conglomerate and greenstone and described them in detail, but he assigned these rocks to the Lower Cambrian. He recognized the major unconformity be- tween the conglomerate and the underlying Deer Trail Group and coined the names Huckleberry Conglomer- ate and Huckleberry Greenstone. Campbell and Loof- bourow (1962, p. F24) showed that the contact between the greenstone and Addy Quartzite is also an unconformity and assigned the conglomerate and greenstone to the Precambrian. They gave these two units member rank in a formation they named the Huckleberry Formation. That usage is followed in this report. The Huckleberry Formation in the report area is made up almost entirely of the greenstone member. Conglomerate, which is found only on the hill southwest of Chewelah, was not differentiated from the green- stone on the geologic map. The largest area underlain by the formation is about 8 miles due north of Chew- elah. Here the greenstone is faulted against the Addy Quartzite on the east and is unconformably overlain by the Monk Formation on the west. It is not known whether the absence of the conglomerate at this local- ity is due to faulting or to nondeposition, but the latter is suspected. On their geologic map of the magnesite belt, Campbell and Loofbourow (1962, pl. 1) showed the formation thinning toward the southeast, east, and northeast, and as the formation is thin on the hill 1 mile southwest of Chewelah, it may wedge out a few miles north of the town. The large area of greenstone north of Chewelah con- sists of flows, breccias, and a minor amount of light- colored tuff. Petrographically, much of it resembles volcanic breccias and aquagene tuffs in British Colum- bia that Carlisle described (1963, p. 57). Fine-grained dark-green basalt appears to be the most common rock type in the greenstone. Although these rocks are mildly chloritized and epidotized, the primary igneous tex- tures are perfectly preserved in many places. In several specimens, pyroxene crystals (augite Ny=1.686, 2V: 54°) are completely unaltered, although almost all plagioclase reflects a low-grade metamorphism in that it is much more sodic (Anm) than an unaltered basalt PRECAMBRIAN ROCKS 25 should be. The Na20 content of the rock, however, is too low for a spilitic rock, although alkalies may have been removed during metamorphism. Analyses (table 1) of three samples considered to be representative of the basalt flows and an analysis of a fine-grained tuff show that the rock is chemically a basalt but contains unusual amounts of a few compo- nents. The total iron content is high, and the calcium low. The analyses are most like those of a tholeiitic basalt (Nockolds, 1954, p. 1030) , except that the silica content averages 1 or 2 percent low. Normative quartz is calculated in three of the specimens because of the extremely low alkali content. Whereas almost no planar structures, primary or secondary, are developed in the greenstone north of Chewelah, southwest of the town both the greenstone TABLE 1.—-Chemical analyses and CIPW norms, in weight per- cent, of basalt and one tufiaceous rock from the greenstone of the Huckleberry Formation [Analystsz P. L. D. Elmore, S. D. Botts, Lowell Artis] 1 2 3 4 5 Chemical analyses 42.6 43.8 44.8 47.5 12.7 12.0 13.2 13.4 .95 1.6 1.0 2.4 3.5 12.2 11.5 10.9 7.3 7.1 6.3 7.5 5.0 7.8 6.6 6.7 1.9 .95 2.8 2.1 .59 .28 .85 .9 .14 .15 .18 .43 5.0 5.7 4.8 4.4 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.3 .72 .54 .45 .25 20 .21 .21 .22 5 5 4 3 4.8 .24 Total ................................. 100.60 99.83 99.79 99.24 Chemical analyses (calculated on H20- and COz-free basis) 47.9 48.8 49.5 50.4 48.7 14.3 13.4 14.6 14.2 14.1 1.1 1.8 1.1 2.6 1.3 15.2 13.6 12.7 11.6 13.8 8.2 7.9 7.0 8.0 7.7 5.6 8.7 7.3 7.1 7.2 2.1 1.1 3.1 2.2 2.1 .66 .31 .94 .96 .64 3.9 3.6 3.1 2.4 3.5 .81 .60 .50 .27 .64 . .22 23 23 .23 .23 Total .................................. 99.99 100.04 100.07 99.96 99.91 CIPW norms (calculated on H20- and Gog-free bass) 6.3 ............ 2.0 ............ 1.8 5.6 9.0 26.2 30.8 23.1 3.5 4.1 19.7 12.4 18.0 12.6 3.5 3.9 . 2.6 1.6 . 6.8 5.9 . 1.4 1.2 Total .................................. 100.0 99.9 100.1 Percent norm’ative an in plagioclase ..................... 55.7 77.2 47.0 58.8 59.6 1. Fire-grained basalt, 700 ft E., 2,100 ft N. of SW cor. sec. 26, T. 34 N., R. 2. Fifie—isagied basalt, 1,050 ft E., 1,850 ft N. of SW cor. see. 26, T. 34 N., 3. Fine-grained basalt, 1,500 it E., 1,550 ft N. of SW cor. sec. 26, T. 34 N., 4. Fige-égagied tuft, 4,200 ft E., 1,700 ft N. of sw cor. sec. 26. T. 34 N., 5 . Average composition of the three basalts. and the conglomerate are cut by a well-developed cleav- age which imparts a phyllitic character to the rock and in most places masks any bedding or layering that may have been present. Attitudes in the large greenstone area north of Chewelah are difficult to obtain because of the almost complete lichen cover and the gradational character of the contacts between flows and breccia horizons. At the few locations where attitudes could be determined with relative certainty, the sequence appears to strike approximately north-south and to dip westward at low angles. In at least one place in the eastern part of the outcrop area, the greenstone dips eastward; thus the great width of the outcrop may be due to a broad open fold. Because of the difficulty in determining attitudes in the greenstone the thickness of this formation cannot be accurately estimated. The few attitudes available were used in drawing a cross section across the strike of the large outcrop area north of Chewelah. If the cross section is correct, the greenstone must be at least 1,200 feet thick to account for the outcrop width. As the base is not exposed, the unit could easily be much thicker. In several small areas 6 miles north-northeast of Chewelah and at several places north and east of Val- ley, greenstone appears to intrude the rocks of the Deer Trail Group. Similar dikelike bodies of greenstone too small to show on the map are found on the hill west of J umpoff Joe Lake. All these intrusive bodies are prob- ably related to the extrusive rocks of the Huckleberry Formation. Some caution must be exercised in assign- ing greenstone, whether intrusive or extrusive, to the Huckleberry Formation, for similar-appearing green- stone of Paleozoic age is present 17 miles southwest of Chewelah in the Hunters quadrangle (A. B. Campbell, written commun., 1965). In the Metaline quadrangle, about 40 miles northeast of Chewelah, Park and Cannon (1943, p. 7—11) described some 5,000 feet of conglomerate that uncon- formably overlies argillite of the Priest River Group. The conglomerate is in turn overlain by some 5,000 feet of greenstone. They applied the names Shedroof Conglomerate and Leola Volcanics to these two units and correlated them with the formation Daly (1912) named Irene Conglomerate (later named the Toby Con- glomerate by Walker, 1926, p. 13) and Irene Volcanics in Canada. Becraft and Weis (1963, p. 173) correlated the conglomerate of the Huckleberry Formation with the Shedroof and Toby Conglomerates, and the green- stone with the Leola and Irene Volcanics. The conglomerate northeast and southwest of the report area is fairly thick, and its near absence within the area suggests either nondeposition due to a topo- graphic high or rapid thinning in a southeasterly direc- 26 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON tion. The basin in which the various conglomerate and volcanic units were deposited appears to have been fairly extensive in a northeast-southwest direction (Becraft and Weis, 1963, p. 16), but little is known about its extent, if any, to the northwest or southeast. MONK FORMATION The Monk Formation is poorly exposed in the report area, except on the mountain west of Cliff Ridge and for a distance of about 3 or 4 miles to the southwest (out- side the quadrangle). The most distinguishing char- acteristic of the formation is probably its heterogeneity. Although predominantly slate and argillite, it contains numerous beds of dolomite, conglomerate, and quartz- ite. The Monk Formation was named by Daly (1912, p. 148) for exposures of slate, phyllite, schist, and con- glomerate along Monk Creek in southeastern British Columbia. He measured a section about 5,500 feet thick. Park and Cannon (1943, p. 11) estimated the thickness of the formation to be about 3,800 feet in the Metaline quadrangle. There, it is mostly fine-grained phyllite with numerous interbeds of carbonate rock, quartzite, and grit. Rocks probably belonging to the Monk Formation are found in the hills bordering Bayley Creek, on the mountain west of Cliff Ridge, and on the hill 1 mile southwest of Chewelah. The patchy occurrence of this unit is due chiefly to faulting, but the variation in thick- ness also results from Precambrian erosion. The upper contact is everywhere an unconformity with the Addy Quartzite. Some of the rocks, especially those east and southeast of Bayley Creek, may not be part of the Monk Formation, but were so assigned because they are apparently underlain by the Huckleberry Forma- tion. On the mountain west of Cliff Ridge, dolomite of the Monk Formation rests on greenstone of the Huckle- berry Formation. The dolomite is pale yellow to pale gray and highly recrystallized, and it occurs in beds .as much as 5 feet thick. It is restricted to the lower 150 feet of the unit within the area and grades upward into a section that consists predominantly of slate, some of it carbonate bearing. About 1.5 miles to the southwest, along strike, the lower carbonate zone thickens and is overlain by rocks displaying an upward gradation similar to that found to the north. From there, for about 2 miles farther southwest, beds of conglomerate and carbonate-bearing slaty argillite separate the car- bonate rock and the greenstone. Although poor expo- sures do not permit detailed stratigraphic observations, the conglomerate part of the unit appears to become progressively thicker to the southwest. Park and Cannon (1943, p. 12) found a similar sequence of units near the base of the formation in the Metaline quadrangle, except that the thicknesses of the individual units differ from those in the report area. They reported that conglomerate forms the base of the Monk Formation north of the headwaters of Gypsy Creek and is overlain by 200—300 feet of limestone. South of the Gypsy Creek headwaters, however, the conglomerate is missing, and presumably the same limestone rests on greenstone of the Irene Volcanics, the Huckleberry greenstone equivalent. In and just west of the report area, clasts in the conglomerate are pebbles and cobbles of greenstone from the Huckle- berry Formation, an andesitic-looking rock not found in the area, and fine-grained white quartzite. The matrix is metamorphosed but appears to have been carbonate-bearing argillite or siltstone that was sandy in places. The slate overlying the dolomite west of Cliff Ridge is the most common lithology in the formation. It is purple to maroon with thin pale-green beds which range in thickness from about one-sixteenth inch to about 2 feet. The purple beds are chiefly argillite, but the pale-green layers are composed of slightly coarser grained silt-sized material. Almost all the argillite is finely laminated, although in much of it the lamina- tions are quite subtle. Both the purple and green layers are carbonate bearing. Higher in the section, the slate contains progressively less carbonate, and in the upper half of the unit almost no carbonate-bearing rocks are found. The small fault-bounded outcrops of this unit 4.5 miles due north of Chewelah are made up of both the lower dolomite and the purple slate. At this locality, however, the transition zone contains several tens of feet of pisolitic sandy carbonate beds. The pisolitic rock is light yellow brown and forms beds as much as 2 feet thick. It grades upward bed-by-bed into slaty maroon argillite. The Monk Formation west of Bayley Creek and on the hill 1 mile southwest of Chewelah is made up, in part, of lithologies not found in the more extensive sec- tion west of Cliff Ridge and could be part of the Stens- gar Dolomite. West of Bayley Creek, the Addy Quartz- ite rests on about 100 feet of cream-colored dolomite. The dolomite is faulted over about 150 feet of purple to maroon argillitic dolomite and carbonate-bearing argillite, which includes a 20-foot-thick bed of conglom- erate and pebbly mudstone near the top. This pebbly mudstone and the carbonate rocks below it may be part of either the Monk Formation or the Stensgar Dolo- mite. The Monk Formation is overlain by the Lower Cam- brian Addy Quartzite on the hill southwest of Chew- elah. There the Monk consists of about 400 feet of medium-gray slaty siltite and argillite and contains PALEOZOIC ROCKS 27 beds of light-gray dolomite as much as 50 feet thick in the lower 150 feet. The slaty rock and dolomite overlie, or are faulted against, about 350 feet of highly sheared conglomerate provisionally assigned to the Huckle- berry Formation. This rock strongly resembles the conglomerate member of the Huckleberry Formation in the magnesite belt, but is also similar to the conglom- erate found in the Monk Formation southwest of Clifl Ridge. The conglomerate overlies the maroon argillite, carbonate-bearing pebbly mudstone, and dolomite be- lieved to be part of the Stensgar Dolomite. PALEOZOIC ROCKS ADDY QUARTZITE The Addy Quartzite, first described and named by Weaver (1920, p. 61—63), is a thick fine- to medium- grained vitreous quartzite. It crops out at many places in the west half of the report area and is one of the best stratigraphic markers in the region. This unit and its probable equivalent to the north, the Gypsy Quartzite, underlie much of northeastern Washington. The best exposures of the Addy Quartzite in the report area are due east of Chewelah on the west flank of Quartzite Mountain, where about 1,500 feet of the unit forms spectacular, near-vertical cliffs (fig. 10). Eagle Mountain marks the northern limit of an approximately north-south discontinuous belt of Addy Quartzite which extends southward to just beyond Springdale. This belt is bounded on the west by a fault of variable dip and unknown displacement. The fault trace is covered by glacial and alluvial material for the entire length of the belt. A surface of low relief was eroded across rocks of the Belt Supergroup after they had been faulted and broadly folded. The Addy sediments deposited on this surface therefore rest unconformably on several of the Precambrian units. At most places in the area, however, the angular discordance is so slight that it cannot be reliably measured. On’ the west flanks of. Eagle Moun- tain and Quartzite Mountain, the Addy rests on mem- ber c of the Striped Peak Formation, and at various places south of Quartzite Mountain, it rests on mem- bers a, c, and d (figs. 9, 10). On the hill 1 mile south- west of Chewelah, and on the mountain 10 miles north of Chewelah, just west of the report area, the formation rests on the Monk Formation. Southwest of Valley it appears to have been deposited on the Buffalo Hump(?) Formation of the Deer Trail Group. The unconformity at the base of the Addy Quartz- ite is well exposed on the west flank of Quartzite Moun- tain and on J umpofl Joe Mountain. At both localities, the basal 100-300 feet is a distinctive purple quartzite. These beds are well stratified and generally are marked FIGURE 9.—The bold clifl’s are dip slopes of Addy Quartzite which form the west side of Quartzite Mountain. Member c of the Striped Peak Formation underlies the quartzite just beyond the lip of the cliffs. The exposures formed by member c in the low swale near the center of the mountain and those behind the most prominent cliff on the south flank of the mountain are the best of any Belt formation in the area. The steep slopes on the hill in the right background are underlain by the Revett Formation. View east. FIGURE 10.—Contact between the Addy Quartzite and member d of the Striped Peak Formation is at the base of the bold outcrops in the left center of the picture. The contact is well exposed here, but the angular discordance between the two units is so small that it cannot be measured. The base of member d is near the break in slope at the right edge of the photograph (arrow). Outcops are on the small hill immedi- ately south of the Loon Lake copper mine. View north. h 28 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON by a well-developed thin black striping which is easily mistaken for bedding. From the basal beds the Addy grades upward through pink quartzite over a strati- graphic distance of about 100—200 feet into the white and light-gray quartzite which characterizes most of the formation. At several places in the area, the purple quartzite is separated from the underlying Precambrian rocks by as much as 500 feet of white, gray, or pink quartzite and siltite (Reynolds, 1968, p. 11). The bulk of the Addy Quartzite is white to light-gray vitreous quartzite, although some beds have a pale- yellow or pale-pink cast. Small pink quartz grains are sparsely scattered throughout this rock and are a char- acteristic of the formation. The beds range in thickness from a few inches to over 20 feet but average about 3 feet. Although a poorly developed bedding-plane part- ing is usually present and gives the rock a massively bedded appearance, bedding, as defined by differences in grain size or lithology, is not obvious owing to the homogeneity of the formation. Real bedding in the lower purple quartzite, as contrasted to the black strip- ing, is defined by thin partings of argillaceous material or by beds of coarser grained quartz. Beds of purple quartzite average 1—2 feet in thickness, but massive beds as much as 5 feet thick are common. Reynolds (1968, p. 13, 15) studied the lower part of the formation in detail, including the purple beds, and found that the rocks consist of fine to medium sub- rounded to well rounded moderately to well sorted quartz grains. These observations also apply to the rest of the formation. Small lenses of pebble conglomerate are common in the lower 200—400 feet and are abundantly exposed on Quartzite Mountain. Pebbles of quartzite are the most common clasts. Pods of con- glomerate and sedimentary breccia as much as 5 feet thick occur locally at the contact with the underlying Precambrian rocks, on Deer Lake Mountain, and Quartzite Mountain. The clasts in these pods are com- posed of the immediately underlying material and are probably locally derived. Small lensoidal pockets with a friable appearance are another feature characteristic of the Addy Quartzite as a whole but much more common in the lower 500 feet. Much of the cementing material in these pockets has apparently been leached out from between the grains, but the grains are held together strongly by a small amount of silica cement. Where numerous, the pockets impart a vuggy appearance to the rock. At least 50 feet of shale, some of it sandy, occurs about 1,000 feet above the base of the unit on Quartzite Mountain. This shale is well stratified and light gray, pale green, and pale maroon. It is overlain by more light-colored quartzite identical with that below. The upper part of the formation is preserved only on the hill 1 mile south of Springdale. There, a few hundred feet of medium- to thick-bedded white quartzite is overlain by the Metaline Formation. An interval about 100 feet Wide between argillaceous limestone of the lowest Met- aline and quartzite of the highest Addy is covered, and so it is not known if there is any slate or argillite between the two units, as there is in sections north of the report area. The most complete section of Addy Quartzite in the vicinity of the report area is just east of the town of Addy (fig. 2), about 4 miles northwest of Chewelah. There, a north-dipping, apparently homoclinal section of Addy Quartzite about 4,000 feet thick overlies Huckleberry greenstone and is reasonably well exposed. The upper part of the quartzite contact appears to be faulted against the Huckleberry Formation. Only two fossil localities are known in the formation. One is located about 2,500 feet above the base of the section east of Addy. Fossils from this locality were identified by A. R. Palmer (written commun., 1964) and include Nevadella addyensis (Okulitch), Kutor- gina?, and Hyolithes sp. Palmer concluded that the trilobite indicates that the quartzite is very Early Cam- brian. The other locality is about 1 mile to the south- west, on the west side of Addy. Among those who have examined fossils from this second locality, Okulitch (1951, p. 405) seems to have made the most detailed study. He reported finding the following fauna: M icro- mitra (Paterina) sp.,Kutorgina cf. K. cingulata (Bil- lings), Kutorgina sp., Rustella cf. R. edsoni Walcott, Hyolithellus sp., Nevadia [:Nevadella] addyensis Okulitch, olenellid fragments, and fucoids. Okulitch concluded that “The fauna is undoubtedly Lower Cam- brian in age; and the presence of the rare genus N evadia [:Nevadella], with its very primitive characteristics, suggests the lower portion of the Lower Cambrian.” Lithologically, the fossil-bearing rock is not typical of the formation as a whole. It is thin- to medium- bedded fine-grained quartzite which is locally argilla- ceous and contains detrital muscovite. Beds range in thickness from 1 to 12 inches and are interbedded with argillite bands as much as 4 inches thick. The argillite is medium gray, black, and gray green. Some of it is laminated, but most is not. In the upper part of the fossiliferous zone are a few beds of dolomitic siltite. Above the dolomitic zone are more thick to massive quartzite beds typical of the formation. None of these atypical lithologies have been recognized within the report area. The purple quartzite near the base of the Addy is one of the most important stratigraphic markers in the region, but appears to have been largely ignored by previous workers. Bennett ( 1941, p. 9) briefly described the formation, but did not mention the purple zone. —’7 _ PALEOZOIC ROCKS 29 Campbell and Loofbourow mentioned a zone in which the bedding planes are emphasized by thin purple bands, but did not specify in what part of the section it occurs. On a brief trip the authors found the purple zone near the base of the formation on Stensgar Moun- tain, which is about in the center of the magnesite belt. Park and Cannon (1943) did not report a purple zone in the Metaline quadrangle, nor did Yates (1964) in the Deep Creek area. Becraft and Weis (1963, p. 12) reported that the Addy Quartzite is about 3,900 feet thick in the Turtle Lake quadrangle, 30 miles southwest of Chewelah. They correlated the formation with the Gypsy Quartz- ite in the Metaline quadrangle. Forty miles northeast of Chewelah, in the Deep Creek area, about 2,900 feet of the Gypsy Quartzite conformably underlies the Maitlen Phyllite (Yates, 1964), but the section is faulted at the base. On Crowell-Sullivan Ridge near the type section of the Gypsy Quartzite in the Metaline quadrangle, the unit is 8,500 feet thick (Park and Can- non (1943, p. 13). About 7 miles west of that, however, the section is only about 5,300 feet thick. CARBONATE ROCKS Paleozoic carbonate rocks crop out discontinuously from Eagle Mountain to south of Springdale. Only the Cambrian, Devonian, and Mississippian Systems have been identified, but other systems may have gone unrec- ognized owing to the sparsity of fossils. Exposures in the area are inadequate to construct a complete com- posite section, and part of the section may not be exposed owing to faulting or erosion. Thick sections of Cambrian and Ordovician strata not found in the report area occur to the west in the Hunters quadrangle (Campbell and Raup, 1964) and to the north in the Colville area (Bennett, pl. 6, in Mills, 1962), Deep Creek area (Yates, 1964), and Metaline quadrangle (Park and Cannon, 1943, p. 17-22). This distribution may be due to rapid and large-scale facies changes; however, it is equally possible that these units were never deposited in the report area. Most of the Paleo- zoic rocks here may have been deposited at a distant location and brought in by large lateral movements. Because of the discontinuous and patchy occurrence of the Paleozoic carbonate rocks that are preserved, the stratigraphic relations of these rocks are not well estab- lished. Much of the carbonate rock, especially between Loon Lake and J umpoff Joe Lake, is exposed only in small, widely separated outcrops and had to be mapped as undivided Paleozoic. METALINE FORMATION About 1.5 miles southeast of Springdale, carbonate rocks of the Middle Cambrian Metaline Formation rest with apparent conformity on the Addy Quartzite. According to R. G. Yates, who examined these rocks with the authors in the field, the rocks closely resemble the lower and middle units of the Metaline Formation in the Deep Creek area, about 60 miles north of Spring- dale. There, the formation varies considerably from place to place owing to both facies changes and large lateral movements along faults; complete sections are more than 5,000 feet thick and consist chiefly of lime- stone and dolomite (Yates, 1964). In the northeastern part of the Hunters quadrangle, 15 miles northwest of Springdale, Campbell and Raup (1964) reported that as much as 8,000 feet of limestone and dolomite overlies the Addy Quartzite. They assigned these rocks to Weaver’s (1920, p. 66) Old Dominion Limestone. Simi- larities in lithology and faunal assemblages, and rela- tionship to the Addy Quartzite, make at least part of the Old Dominion a most likely correlative with the Metaline Formation in the area. In the Deep Creek area and in the Metaline quad- rangle, the Metaline Formation is separated from the Gypsy Quartzite (correlative with the Addy Quartzite) by the Maitlen Phyllite, which is over 5,000 feet thick in both areas. In the Hunters quadrangle and the report area, the Old Dominion Limestone and the Metaline Formation may rest directly on the Addy Quartzite. A covered area about 100 feet wide separates the highest outcrops of Addy Quartzite from the lowest Metaline carbonate on the hill southeast of Springdale, and con- ceivably that much phyllite could separate the two units. As no phyllite float was found in the covered area, the carbonate rock is assumed to rest directly on quartzite. The absence of the Maitlen Phyllite in the southern part of Stevens County is apparently due to nondeposi- tion rather than faulting. A major fault with large lat- eral transport separates sections containing the phyllite from those without it. The fault separating the Belt Supergroup and Deer Trail Group may also divide the Paleozoic section of the report area from that typified by the Paleozoic rocks in the Deep Creek area. Southeast of Springdale the base of the Metaline Formation consists of gray to blue-gray limestone. Irregularly shaped yellow-brown—weathering argilla- ceous seams are distributed throughout the rock in an interwoven network. The surface of the weathered rock is typically grooved or fluted, resembling a rillenstein like surface. The rock is thick to thin bedded and gener- ally fine grained. About 4,000 feet northeast of the Addy-Metaline contact, most of the lower part of the Metaline Formation is repeated by a fault. There, num- erous beds of black shale as much as 1 foot thick, which are not exposed to the southwest, are interlayered with the argillaceous limestone. Above the argillaceous lime- i 30 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON stone thick- to thin-bedded tan to light-gray dolomite is interlayered with a small number of thin dark-gray shale layers. , The partial sections are very poorly exposed and may be repeated more than once by faulting. The upper contact is a fault, and so the thickness of the Metaline Formation in the area is not known. Because of poor exposures and uncertain structure, the thickness of even the preserved part of the formation cannot be accurately estimated. The part immediately above the Addy Quartzite and southwest of the fault that repeats the section may be homoclinal. If this portion of the section is not faulted, it is about 2,000—2,500 feet thick. Trilobites and brachiopods were collected in the SW14 sec. 35, T. 30 N., R. 40 E. A. R. Palmer examined two collections and identified the trilobites as Peronopsis, Bathyuriscus, Olenoides, and undeter- mined ptychopariods, and the brachiopods as Linnars- sonia and Acrothele. Palmer (written commun., 1968) stated that the col- lections contain undoubted Middle Cambrian fossils and also that “The * * * [fauna] * * * is most probably of late Middle Cambrian age, and could be the same age as the earlier faunas from the Metaline Limestone [Formation]. Olenoides is a long-ranging genus and precise placement * * * within the Middle Cambrian on its own merits is not possible.” DEVONIAN OR MISSISSIPPIAN CARBONATE ROCK Some of the carbonate rocks in the Loon Lake quad- rangle that Miller (1969, p. 3) described as Mississip- pian( ?) may include strata as old as Devonian and are here referred to as Devonian or Mississippian. Lime- stone containing fossils overlies these rocks with no apparent unconformity. The lower age limit is less pre- cisely based on Upper Devonian fossils found in isolated outcrops of carbonate rocks. The lower dolomite of the earlier report is divided into two units, and the over- lying dolomite and calcareous slate are retained as a third. UNIT 1 The lowest unit in this sequence is a dark-gray dolo- mite that crops out discontinuously from the south flank of Eagle Mountain to the mouth of Cottonwood Creek. It also crops out in a small area along the Bur- lington Northern Railroad tracks 1.5 miles northeast of Springdale. Although not very extensive, the best exposures of the unit are on the hill in sec. 19, T. 32 N ., R. 41 E. The dolomite is uniformly dark gray, except for a few zones which are a mottled light gray. N o limestone beds were found in the unit, and in fact, very little of the rock is even slightly limy. In places the dolomite appears to be argillaceous, and it contains sparse sand grains throughout. Bedding is well defined, ranging from a few inches to 5 feet in thickness. The texture varies from aphanitic to coarse grained. Sedimentary structures are found throughout the unit and along with the dark color serve to distinguish the dolomite from all other carbonate units. Oolites are common, usually confined to individual beds less than 1 foot thick but locally occurring as irregular patches. Dolomitic conglomerate is also found throughout the unit. It is composed of angular to slightly rounded clasts as much as 1 inch across, which are almost identical in appearance with the surrounding carbonate matrix. Randomly oriented curved chips of white coarse-grained dolomite scattered through most of the unit may be recrystallized fossils. Some resemble the curved cross section of a brachiopod shell, whereas others are cylindrical and may be pelmatozoan remains. The exposed portion of the unit is estimated to be between 600 and 700 feet thick. The lower contact is covered by surficial deposits everywhere in the report area. Beneath the younger cover unit 1 must be faulted against either the Addy Quartzite or Metaline Formation. An exploratory oil well drilled by the Empire Exploration Co. in the NE 14 sec. 30, T. 31 N., R. 41 E., penetrated carbonate rock, most of it dolomite, for 2,192 feet. At 2,664 feet quartz- ite was penetrated immediately below a fault zone, although it is difficult to ascertain from the description of well cuttings if the drill was in unit 1 before hitting quartzite. UNIT 2 The contact between units 1 and 2 is reasonably well exposed on the hill in sec. 19, T. 32 N ., R. 41 E. Where examined, it is marked by a rather abrupt change from dark-gray to almost white dolomite. Like unit 1, unit 2 is internally homogeneous. The beds of white dolo- mite at the base are representative of the unit as a whole, except that large oolites or pisolites are found only in the lower 10—20 feet. Other than bedding and the oolites near the base, the unit contains no obvious sedimentary structures, perhaps because of recrystalli- zation. Although the units bounding it are predomi- nantly fine-grained or aphanitic carbonate rock, unit 2 is almost uniformly coarse grained. Bedding is less well defined than in unit 1. Beds range from a few inches to about 5 feet in thickness; the average is about 3 feet. The thickness of the beds gives the rock a massive appearance, but close examination of weathered surfaces shows that most of the thicker beds are thinly laminated internally. A. K. Armstrong of the U.S. Geological Survey examined specimens col- lected from this unit and concluded that “Oolites and coated carbonate lithoclasts in a matrix of smaller pieces of the same material suggest a shoaling environ- — ————7 PALEOZOIC ROCKS 31 ment for part of the carbonate” (oral commun., 1967 ). These shoaling rocks alternate bed by bed with others containing algal structures suggestive of an intertidal environment (Miller, 1969, p. 3). No fossils other than the nondefinitive algae have been found in the unit. The unit is 500—650 feet thick on the hill in sec. 19, T. 32 N., R. 41 E. The faulted section that is well exposed along the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks 2 miles northeast of Springdale is nearly horizontal and at least 550 feet thick. The rocks at this locality are very light gray rather than white. Because most of the units in this area are fault bounded, the rocks assigned to unit 2 here could conceivably be a different part of the section. They have been assigned to unit 2 because they contain oolites, especially near the base, and are underlain by dark- gray dolomite Wthh resembles unit 1. UNIT3 Overlying the white dolomite is an extremely distinc- tive unit which, unlike some of the carbonate units, is recognized with confidence wherever mapped. It is not internally homogeneous like the other two units but is made up chiefly of light-colored dolomite, maroon slate, and all gradations between the two. The base of the unit is predominantly light-gray and cream-colored dolomite and rests with apparent conformity on the white dolomite of unit 2. About 40 or 50 feet above the base, several beds as much as 2 feet thick of pale-gray- green argillaceous dolomite and maroon slate are inter- calated with the carbonate rock. The maroon beds become thicker and more numerous upward in the sec- tion. Two to three hundred feet above the base is a zone of thin-bedded maroon slate about 100 feet thick. The maroon rock grades into pale-green argillite both above and below the zone. These color changes are especially well displayed in the exposures northeast of Springdale. The slate is generally well laminated and contains thin seams of dolomite. It grades upward into light- gray and cream-colored dolomite similar to that in the lower part of the unit. In the section northeast of Springdale, predominantly light- gray to white dolomite that strongly resembles the rocks of unit 2 is found 500—600 feet above the base of unit 3. The contact between this rock and the under- lying cream-colored dolomite of unit 3 is not exposed but is thought to be a fault. If it is a fault, the preserved part of unit 3 is between 500 and 600 feet thick. Bedding thickness in the dolomite ranges from a few inches to about 10 feet. Although the dolomite is cream colored (described as tan or gray tan by Miller (1969, p. 3) ) , the weathered color, which is almost pale orange, is more characteristic of the unit. The texture is partly saccharoidal, but some of the rock is sufficiently apha- nitic to resemble chert. MISSISSIPPIAN CARBONATE ROCK Limestone and dolomitic limestone containing Mis- sissippian fossils are found on the hill 1 mile north of Springdale and on a smaller hill 1.5 miles east of Valley. Most of the limestone is medium gray to blue gray. The lower part of the unit contains a few zones of tan to tan-gray dolomitic limestone, some of which are lami- nated. Bedding thickness ranges from less than 1 inch to more than 15 feet but averages about 2 or 3 feet. Chert, in beds and nodules, is common but confined to definite zones. On the small hill near the center of sec. 27, T. 30 N., R. 40 E., about 400 feet of limestone in which cherty rock alternates with noncherty is well exposed. The cherty zones are about 80 feet thick, and the zones without chert about half that. Most of the chert beds are only a few inches thick, but some are as much as 10 inches. Slightly higher in the section to the northeast, some of the thicker beds appear to have been bioclastic limestone that has been locally replaced by chert. The grain size of the limestone on the hill north of Springdale varies from coarse to fine and to some degree may coarsen in the direction of the coarse-grained quartz monzonite. Where dolomitic, the rock tends to be slightly coarser than the limestone and ranges from medium to coarse grained. Approximately 500 feet above the base of the preserVed section there is about 10 feet of dark-gray to black aphanitic limestone which serves locally as a marker within the unit. Both the very fine grain size and the color of this zone distinguish it from the other rocks in the unit. Neither the upper nor the lower contact is exposed in the area. Northeast of Springdale the upper contact is a fault, and the lower part is concealed beneath surfi- cial material. A thickness of 600—700 feet for the pre- served part of the unit is calculated from outcrop width, but this figure may be in error because of undetected faults. Fossils are found throughout the unit but are abund- ant in only a few places. The tan to tan-gray beds in the lower part of the unit contain abundant fenestellid bryozoans and a few solitary corals. The medium-gray to blue-gray beds in the same general part of the section contain abundant pelmatozoan debris and a few fenes- tellid bryozoans, but all are partly recrystallized. Near the middle part of the exposed section northeast of Springdale is a dolomitic limestone bed which contains abundant corals, brachiopods, gastropods, and pelma- tozoan debris. A. K. Armstrong of the US. Geological Survey identified the following fossils (written com- mun., 1967): Coral: Amplexizaphrentis sp. i 32 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON Brachiopods: Unispirifer sp. indet. Spirifer sp. indet. Pseudosyrinx? sp. indet. Gastropod: Platyceras sp. Armstrong reported the following: The fossils are poorly preserved as fragments which have been replaced by coarse chalcedony within recrystallized dolomitic limestone. Acid etching has yielded a small fauna. ently devoid of a syrinx may possibly belong to the genus Pseudosyrmx. The original shell structure was not pre- served and the fragmentary nature of the material makes positive generic identification impossible. Fragments of pedicle valves strongly indicate the presence of both the genus Spirifer and Unisperifer. The fauna suggests a MiSSissippian age. The limestone on the hill 1.5 miles east of Valley presumably belongs to the same unit. A. J. Boucot (written commun., 1966) recovered the following brachiopods and suggested that the rocks were prob- ably Mississippian in age: Rhipidomella sp. Composita sp. indet. spirifer (fine ribs) indet. spirifer (coarse ribs) Crurithyris sp. indet. brachiopods Gilbert Klapper (written commun., 1966) examined rocks from the same locality for conodonts. Samples of a light-tan dolomitic limestone bed were collected about 30 feet stratigraphically below the gray limestone col- lected by Boucot and yielded the following: Siphondella isosticha (Copper) Pseudopolygnathus multistriata Mehl & Thomas Gnathodus sp. Klapper concluded that “The * * * [age of the rocks] * * * is definitely Mississippian. It contains about the same fauna as that known from the basal Banif Forma- tion of Crowsnest Pass, Alberta * * *. The fauna is one zone higher than the fauna described from the basal Lodgepole * * *”. (See Klapper, 1966, p. 5.) Embysk (1954, p. 14) identified the following ostra- codes from the same locality: Graphiodactylus tenuis Jonesina craterigera Cavellina aff. C. corelli Except for these sparse outcrops in the report area, no Mississippian rocks have been reported in north- eastern Washington or northern Idaho. The significance of this fact cannot be competently evaluated by work 'in and around the report area, however, because the entire Paleozoic is so incompletely exposed and poorly understood. PALEOZOIC CARBONATE ROCKS, UNDIVIDED Much of the Paleozoic carbonate rock is mapped as undivided because of the lack of distinguishing charac- teristics needed to either assign the rock to established units or define a new unit. In some of the areas shown as bedrock on the geologic map, the exposure consists of only a few widely separated small outcrops. Some of the undivided carbonate rock undoubtedly belongs to units already described, but much of it definitely does not. Although lithologic descriptions of many indi- vidual outcrop areas would serve little purpose, some localities should be mentioned because the rocks there contain a few fossils. Jones (1929, p. 43) reported finding brachiopods in a 2-foot-thick bed of purplish-red limestone in the SE cor. sec. 22, T. 33 N ., R. 40 E. These were identified by Branson (1931, p. 70) as Kutorgina cingulata (Bil- lings) of Early Cambrian age. The limestone is enclosed in light- to dark-gray dolomite, cream colored in places. Most of the carbonate in this small area of outcrop is highly brecciated dolomite—so brecciated that bedding is difficult to recognize. These fossil beds were searched for without success. Exposures are good only locally, and stratigraphic rela- tions are not clear in this area. Kutorgina cingulata (Billings) is found in the upper part of the Addy Quartzite, and Jones and Barnes may have collected the fossils from a fault slice of that unit. The lithologic descriptions by Jones and Branson are not detailed enough to test this hypothesis, although Branson ( 1931, p. 70) mentioned that “the limestone is reddish in color, dense, sandy, and bears thin lenses of impure argillite.” Some of the fossiliferous beds in the Addy Quartzite east of Addy would fit this description. The rocks from which the fossils came may also be part of the Old Dominion Limestone of Weaver ( 1920) , which overlies the Addy Quartzite north of Colville (Bennett, in Mills, 1962, pl. 6). Although quite fossil- iferous, the limestone there contains only Archaeocya- tha, however. R. H. B. Jones and J. P. Thompson collected Late Devonian fossils from a rather nondistinctive medium- gray limestone in the north-central part of sec. 19, T. 31 N., R. 41 E. The rock appears to be interbedded with light-gray and cream-colored dolomite, but expo- sures are not good enough to determine even local stratigraphic relationships. The limestone is punky in places owing to the presence of intricate solution cavities. In addition to the brachiopods, the rock con- tains solitary corals, which are poorly preserved, and pelmatozoan debris. ——’i MESOZOIC PLUTONIC ROCKS 33 J. T. Dutro and Helen Duncan of the US. Geologi- cal Survey examined these fossils and identified the brachiopod Cyrtospirifer sp., which, they remarked, “is widely distributed in rocks of Late Devonian age in the United States and elsewhere” (written commun., 1958). Another collection was made from a locality a few hun- dred yards farther north by R. G. Yates, J. C. Moore, and F. K. Miller. The collection was examined by C. W. Merriam of the US. Geological Survey, who stated that the collection “probably is Upper Devonian as sug- gested by Tenticospirifer which resembles Tenticospiri- fer utahensis of the Devils Gate Limestone in Nevada and other species of this genus in the Late Devonian of Iowa. This fauna may be of about the same age as those from the Devonian examined by Dutro and Dun- can” (written commun., 1965). In 1927, R. H. B. Jones and J. P. Thomson collected fossils from a poorly exposed fine-grained medium- to light-gray dolomitic limestone in the NW% sec. 23, T. 30 N., R. 40 E. These fossils were identified in 1958 by J. T. Dutro and Helen Duncan as follows: Large crinoid columnals, indet. Fenestella sp. Cystodictya sp. Leptargonia cf. L. analoga (Phillips) productoid brachiopod, genus indet. Tetracamera? sp. camarotoechid brachiopod, indet. spiriferoid brachiopod, indet. Syringothyris? sp. Dutro and Duncan concluded that “The association of Leptargonia of. L. analoga (Phillips), Tetracamera? sp., and Syringothyris? sp., together with productoid and spiriferoid brachiopods, indicates an Early Missis- sippian age. A reservation is placed on this assignment only because the poor preservation of the fossils make positive identifications difficult” (written commun., 1958). The unit from which these fossils were collected may be the same as the Mississippian limestone, but lithologic differences are too great to map it as that. Embysk (1954, p. 15) collected the following fossils from limestone found in secs. 23, 26, and 27, T. 30 N., R. 40 E.: Rhabdammina sp. Ammobaculites? sp. Endothyra sp. M illerella sp. Globovalvulina cf. G. bulloides Trochammina sp. Lophophyllidium cf. L. proliferum Rhombopora nitidula S pirifer aff. S. rockymontanus ? Squamularia transversa Small Composita Amphissites cf. A. centronotus Amphissites cf. A. simplicissimus She reported that the fauna is Pennsylvanian in age, but she did not indicate exactly where in those three sections the fossils were collected. Despite a concerted effort to recover the locality, no Pennsylvanian fossils were found. Unfortunately, four of the Paleozoic car- bonate units in addition to the carbonate rocks mapped as undivided are found in sections 23, 26, and 27. MESOZOIC PLUTONIC ROCKS Plutonic rock underlies a total of about 150 square miles at the north and south ends of the report area and intrude the complexly faulted and folded Precam- brian and Paleozoic rocks. Eight'distinct plutonic bod- ies, ranging in composition from granodiorite to alkali- rich quartz monzonite, have been mapped. These plu- tons are part of the Kaniksu and Colville—Loon Lake batholiths, following the terminology of Yates, Becraft, Campbell, and Pearson (1966, p. 56). Geochronologic work by Joan C. Engels shows that the plutons represent at least three periods of intrusive activity, although they are not easily grouped on the basis of mineralogical or physical characteristics. The plutons range in area from about 1 square mile to more than 60 square miles. Most are irregular in shape, and the configuration of only a few appears to have been controlled by preexisting structures. Some plutons are not named because they are too small to be of regional importance or are obviously an early- or late-stage variant of a larger pluton. Four of the plutons considered to be of regional importance have been named. The rock classification used is shown in figure 11. Approximately 150 specimens were stained using the method developed by Laniz, Stevens, and Norman (1964) and were modally analyzed. The number of specimens stained from any one pluton is a function of the size of the pluton and the variation of mineral com- position within the pluton. The greatest number of modes were determined for the larger plutons and those that showed noticeable variations in mineral com- position. In most specimens for which accuracy was checked, a total of 1,000—1,500 points insured no more than a 2 percent error in any constituent. Point counts were made with a glass plate imprinted with a grid of points spaced 0.06 inches apart. The plate was placed upon a stained slab, and the number of points falling on each mineral was counted under a binocular micro- scope. Modes of some fine- grained rocks were obtained using stained thin sections and methods described by Chayes (1956). Almost all thin sections used for petrographic descriptions were stained for potassium feldspar. All 34 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON Quartz Quartz monzonlte Q 50 50 -m 0 I-__ 10 35 65 K-feldspar P l. Flowery Trail Granodiorite K . P 2. Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite K Plagloclase Boxed points are border zone specimens Plutonic igneous rock classification used in this report (see text) 0 Q 1 3. Phillips Lake Granodiorite K P 4. Leucocratic dikes K P K 5. Two~mica quartz monzonite .._| P 6. Muscovite quartz monzonite K 7. Coarse-grained quartz monzonite P 8. Silver Point Quartz Monzonite K Boxed point is composition of fine-grained grou ndmass (see text) Q Q P 9. Granodiorite K P 10. Fine-grained quartz monzonite K P Average modes of all plutons K FIGURE 11.—Modes of plutonic rocks in the Chewelah—Loon Lake area. Circle is the average for each pluton. Modes recalculated to 100 percent quartz, plagioclase, and potassium feldspar. mineral identifications are from hand specimen or FLOWERY TRAIL GRANODIORITE thin section; no X-ray work has been done. Plagloclase LOCATION, EXTENT, AND T OPOGRAPHI C EXPRESSION composrtlons were determlned by measurlng refractlve indices using oil-immersion methods. The refractive The Flowery Trail Granodiorite, named by Clark and indices of amphiboles were measured in the same man- Miller (1968, p. 3), is an elongate pluton about 10 ner. Although a small amount of overlap of indices was square miles in area, one of the few entirely within noted, each pluton contains a hornblende of different the report area. The west end lies about 1 mile east of refractiveindices and presumably difierentcomposition. Chewelah, and the long axis extends east-northeast Table 2 summarizes the mineralogy and texture of from there for about 7.5 miles. The width nowhere the major plutons in the report area. exceeds 2 miles. About 5 square miles is covered by 5 3 S K C O R C I N O T U L P C I 0 Z 0 S E M .oNNHU=0 534 ”NM .Hnnmwfiu 039553393 :0:qu 500:? 00:03:00: xhuvnNHV 01.3“? 053300800 530050: .v0:_aum 050 00:50:05 55:0 .3500.» .0:0Aam :« 00:00 04 ed .53" :3 Esau“ ......... 300.585.:0 Mp4 “mm 00032005 3 53002 0: giduMé—Jh .oMHHO < N 534“»: 500.5 .mu £0ch EangHN new .5055 .35 $1.5 .5095. .:00:u ”Na {093—8 #03505 0:00.: :00“? 00.5395: u—uvaNHV 0.50“? .254 0» =34 55.00.30: .0EQH050MEEE .0032: 6:215 :m 00:00 04 H4. .53“ :00 ”Hum—“NEE? 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AC 00300:».8 334 0”— §:4 4:33.30: 6050.9 000000 03.530:qu 0:091: .0003an :m 00:00 m4 «Ulcoau :00 uaumuvn :3 uAMm—“N 6:0 0:300:25“ 500m v0:oN “mm insignia“ 0» 5300: 3 30:9 :0Bofih 0010000004 0:0flcuhh 00305 330mm 01:03:05: puma—0.0“ 00300305“ 000—: 009.034 0.53mi.- Ama 05 :33: «0 0502” "00:03 «Bangonm 00:0 000:0: .53.“ £5.35 0:3Nmm 300.. 3:83: :0 3% 03:0..m030amld Ham—<9 i 36 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON glacial and alluvial material. The Flowery Trail road traverses the length of the pluton and in the eastern part provides excellent roadcut exposures. A major canyon is incised along the length of the pluton and owes its presence, at least in part, to the nonresistant nature of the rock. Natural outcrops, where present, are usually quite weathered. The best exposures are found where the granodiorite is in con- tact with more resistant metamorphic rocks. INTERNAL FEATURES The Flowery Trail Granodiorite is an even-grained hornblende-biotite granodiorite. Although relatively small, the pluton shows the largest compositional var- iation of any in the report area. Modal analyses indi- cate compositions ranging from granodiorite, through quartz monzonite, to monzonite. In contrast to normal zonation in a plutonic body, the most quartz-rich specimens are found around the mar- gins of this pluton. The quartz-rich rock at the margins, however, contains about 15 volume percent more mafic minerals than the rock in the center. This variation in mafic minerals may reflect primary mineralogical zon- ing, but the high quartz content of the border rock is probably due to assimilation of the host rocks—quartz- rich metasedimentary rocks of the Belt Supergroup. Some modes of rocks from the interior of the pluton do not indicate any zonal distribution of minerals. If the zoning suggested by most of the modes is real, itis too complex to be outlined by the few samples whose modes have been determined. Unfortunately, in- complete exposure due to heavy forest cover and glacial deposits precludes sampling at the density needed to reliably determine whether the zonation is real or apparent. CONTACT RELATIONS Most of the contact is concealed by glacial and allu- vial material or heavy forest cover. Even where the granodiorite is shown on the map, outcrops are some- what patchy. The best exposures of the contact are in the west half of the pluton in the vicinity of the Jay Gould mine, the Juno Echo mine, and the Blue Star mine. At these three localities, which are on both sides of the pluton, the contact with the metamorphic rocks appears to be steeply dipping and is very irregular on a small scale. Abrupt changes in direction every 10—100 feet are complicated by abundant, irregularly oriented granodiorite dikes and sills which intrude the host rock. The metamorphic aureole surrounding the Flowery Trail Granodiorite varies in width. Along most of the south border of the pluton, noticeable effects appar- ently do not extend more than half a mile into the host rocks. One of the outermost areas where discernible effects are found is on the northeast flank of Quartzite Mountain, about 1 mile south of the pluton. There, carbonate-bearing rocks of the upper Wallace Forma- tion have been recrystallized to calc-silicate hornfels of the low albite-epidote-hornfels facies of Turner and Verhoogen (1960, p. 511). North of the pluton, the only place where the metamorphic effects can be dis- tinguished from those of the Phillips Lake Granodiorite unmetamorphosed rocks near the summit of Eagle Mountain. Low on the north flank, the metamorphic recrystallization again becomes apparent and increases northward toward the Phillips Lake body. On the north side of the pluton, mineral assemblages characteristic of the hornblende-hornfels facies of Tur- diopside-quartz-calcite-microcline and quartz-musco- vite-biotite-plagioclase-andalusite. More than a few hundred feet from the contact, host rocks at most places are completely recrystallized, often with the formation of large porphyroblasts, but with the formation of min- erals characteristic of the albite-epidote hornfels facies. Common assemblages include quartz-albite-muscovite- chlorite-clinozosite-green biotite, quartz-muscovite- tourmaline, and quartz-a1bite-muscovite-actinolite- clinozoisite. About half a mile east of the pluton, in the SW cor. sec. 32, T. 33 N., R. 42 E., kyanite-bearing schist is found in the upper part of the Prichard Formation. Although this locality is not far from the Phillips Lake Granodiorite, the kyanite probably crystallized owing to the intrusion of the Flowery Trail Granodiorite. The latter is considerably closer, and when it was intruded the amount of cover was probably thicker than when the Phillips Lake body was intruded. Abundant andalu- site schist is found on the east and northeast flanks of Goddards Peak in rocks of about the same chemical composition as those forming the kyanite schist, but these rocks are closer to the Phillips Lake Granodiorite and were probably crystallized by that pluton. PETROLOGY Most of the Flowery Trail Granodiorite is medium to fine grained. Locally the border rock is slightly foliate, but most of it is structureless. Inclusions are common though not abundant. Mafic minerals are abnormally rich in irregular patches as much as several hundred square feet, and these contrast strikingly with the more leucocratic surrounding rock. If alpine exposures were available, the rock would appear mottled on a large scale, with the light and dark areas blending over a ————" MESOZOIC PLUTONIC ROCKS 37 distance of a few feet or less. Its high color index dis- tinguishes the Flowery Trail Granodiorite from all other plutonic rocks in the area except for a granodio— rite south of Springdale. Plagioclase, the most abundant constituent of this rock, occurs as subhedral to euhedral crystals that are both normally and reversely zoned. Most of it is oligo- clase; some rims are calcic albite, and some cores inter- mediate andesine. In most sections the calcic cores are obvious owing to large concentrations of small euhedral clinozoisite crystals, calcite, and muscovite or sericite. These minerals, especially the clinozoisite and calcite, indicate that the plagioclase cores were probably more calcic before alteration and recrystallization. The potassium feldspar is microcline, although some untwinned crystals may be orthoclase. All crystals are anhedral and appear to have filled spaces between other minerals. Where alteration of the granodiorite is obvi- ous, especially near the Jay Gould mine, only the potas- sium feldspar has been notably affected. There, the mineral appears to have been preferentially removed from the rock during mineralization. This relationship is found only in the alteration zones around noticeably mineralized areas. Clear anhedral quartz is present as small interstitial grains and less commonly as rims around plagioclase. Some grains contain hairlike crystals of what may be rutile, and some have undulatory extinction. Most grains are 0.04 inch or less across and are difficult to see in hand specimen. Because of this and the high mafic mineral content, the rock is easily mistaken for a diorite in the field. Homblende, the most abundant mafic mineral, is euhedral to subhedral, averages about 0.08 inch in length, and is easily identified in all hand specimens. Some crystals are corroded and embayed by biotite, both around the edges and in the interior. Rounded cores of monoclinic pyroxene (2V~60°) occupy the centers of a few hornblende crystals. This is the only known occurrence of pyroxene in the Flowery Trail Granodiorite. Biotite is present in all thin sections, but is always less than half as abundant as hornblende. Crystals are usually subhedral and closely associated with the hom- blende. Sphene is by far the most abundant accessory min- eral and makes up as much as half a percent of some specimens. Crystals range in size from 0.004 to about 0.12 inch. The characteristic wedge-shaped crystals are visible in all hand specimens. Apatite is the only other abundant accessory mineral in the Flowery Trail Granodiorite, although it is not as abundant as sphene. Zircon, magnetite, and ilmenite(?) are ubiquitous but not abundant. Minerals of the epidote group are the most common alteration products in the granodiorite. Both epidote and clinozoisite are present; highly birefringent epidote (~0.35) is the most common. Epidote occurs as clus- ters of small anhedral to euhedral crystals around hornblende and biotite and within plagioclase crystals. Some are slightly pleochroic: Z’::very light green, X’=colorless. Pyrite, sericite or muscovite, tourmaline, and carbonate minerals are the only other secondary minerals in the granodiorite, and all but the sericite or muscovite are rare. Changes in the characteristics of some minerals, evi- dent only under the microscope, suggest a mild metamorphism that increases in an easterly direction. Highly discordant apparent potassium-argon ages on homblende-biotite pairs support this conclusion. (See section “Potassium-Argon Ages of the Plutonic Rocks”) In thin section, plagioclase crystals are free of the cloudy haze of late-stage alteration products almost always found in normal plutonic plagioclase. In their place, scattered internally through the plagioclase, are anomalous-looking small euhedral crystals of clino- zoisite, epidote, and muscovite which were probably formed by recrystallization of this late-stage alteration haze. Although metamorphism did not proceed far enough to erase zoning in the crystals, in plane- polarized light they look like the clear unaltered plagio- clase found in metamorphic rocks. These relations are most noticeable at the east end of the pluton, suggest- ing the source of the metamorphism was in that direction. Pleochroism and refractive indices of hornblende in rock from the eastern part of the pluton are markedly different from those in rock from the western part: X Y Z ny West ............ Tan ............ Olive green ........ Blue green ........ 1.679 East ........ Pale tan ........ Olive green ............ Green ............ 1.691 Eskola (1952, p. 166), Shido (1958, p. 171), and Shido and Myashiro (1959, p. 86) reported a change in pleochroism of hornblende from blue green to green with advancing metamorphism. The changes they re- ported were in regionally metamorphosed rocks, but the comparison may be valid. The metamorphism could have been caused by any of several younger bodies to the east. The younger Phil- lips Lake Granodiorite and leucocratic dikes lie to the north and east but may not be the sole cause of meta- morphism, as the former shows some of the same meta- morphic features found in the Flowery Trail Granodio- rite. Younger intrusives are found about 10 miles south- east of the Flowery Trail Granodiorite. Although these intrusive bodies are probably not close enough to have affected the Flowery Trail, discordances in potassium- t 38 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON argon dates suggest that other younger plutons may be buried at shallow depth just east of the report area. ENIPLACEMENT The location and shape of the Flowery Trail Grano- diorite appear to have been controlled by two or more east-northeast-trending high-angle faults. Rocks and preexisting structures which strike towards the pluton are bent parallel to it near the contact and suggest that the emplacement was, at least in part, forceful. Abun- dant dikes and xenoliths and apparent contamination by country rock near the contact, however, hint that stoping and assimilation were at least as important as forceful intrusion. STARVATION FLAT QUARTZ MONZONITE LOCATION, EXTENT, AND TOPOGRAPHIC EXPRESSION Starvation Flat, located in the northwest corner of the report area, is underlain almost entirely by a tex- turally and mineralogically uniform quartz monzonite. The rock was named by Clark and Miller ( 1968, p. 3) in the preliminary report on the Chewelah Mountain quadrangle, the north half of the report area. The pluton occupies about 20—25 square miles within an area extending on the south from the abandoned Cliff Ridge Lookout to the north and west boundaries of the quadrangle. Glacial debris covers much of the north- west corner of the report area. The east side of the pluton terminates at a high-angle fault of probably large displacement, which places it against the Phillips Lake Granodiorite. The quartz monzonite is found in many of the roadcuts along State Highway 294 north and west of the quadrangle and thus extends well out- side the report area. Seventeen miles northeast of Calis- pell Peak, quartz monzonite that is texturally, min- eralogically, and modally identical with the Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite crops out in large roadcuts along State Highway 31, just north of Lost Creek. The pluton forms a topographic low in the general landscape and attains significant relief only near con- tacts with the more resistant metamorphic rocks. The rather subdued topography around Starvation Flat is typical of that underlain by the Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite. Although not mapped in detail, at least part of the contact between the quartz monzonite and the metamorphic rocks to the southwest can be inferred from topographic differences. CONTACT RELATIONS On Blacktail Mountain, near the north border of the area, intrusive relationships between the Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite, the Phillips Lake Granodiorite, and highly metamorphosed sedimentary rocks are ob- scured because leucocratic quartz monzonite dikes and sills have intruded all three rock types. The configura- tion of the contact between the Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite and the metamorphic rocks suggests a near- vertical relation. At localities far distanct from the quartz monzonite, the leucocratic dikes are closely associated with the granodiorite and genetically related to it. Since the quartz monzonite is intruded by the dikes, it must be older than the granodiorite and pre- sumably is intruded by it. South from Blacktail Mountain the inferred contact between the Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite and the Phillips Lake Granodiorite is buried under glacial de- bris, but appears to be essentially straight. A contact this long and straight could be a fault, or it could be controlled by a preexisting fault. One well-located fault and two inferred faults are alined with the contact from the south and project toward it. Mylonite and cata- clasite are developed for about 3 miles to the northeast and southwest along the contact from the point where it intersects Little Bear Creek. Along the south border of the pluton, the quartz monzonite intrudes the Huckleberry Formation. How- ever, the contact is almost entirely covered by glacial and alluvial sedmients, and its attitude is not known. Just outside the west boundary of the area, the contact swings south and roughly parallels the boundary of the area for 2 miles. Here the contact is fairly well exposed and quite irregular in configuration. The outcrop pat- tern and narrow width of the metamorphic aureole sug- gest that the contact is generally steeply dipping. Pelitic, basic, and carbonate-bearing quartz-feld- spathic rocks of the Monk Formation underlie the W1/2 sec. 27, T. 34 N., R. 40 E., at the west margin of the map area. About 400 feet from the quartz monzonite contact, the carbonate-bearing rocks are recrystallized to plagioclase-diopside-grossularite-quartz hornfels, and the basic rocks to plagioclase-diopside-hyper— sthene-quartz hornfels characterizing the pyroxene hornfels facies of Turner and Verhoogen ( 1960); in the interval from approximately 400 to 1,500 feet, actin- olite replaces the hypersthene resulting in an assemb- lage characteristic of the hornblende hornfels facies. Beyond about 1,500 feet metamorphic effects diminish abruptly. In contrast to the Monk Formation, noticeable re- crystallization effects in the Huckleberry Formation extend only a few hundred feet from the quartz monzo- nite. At greater distances changes in the greenstone are microscopic. The metamorphic effects of the Star- vation Flat Quartz Monzonite and the Phillips Lake Granodiorite on the host rocks between them cannot be differentiated by source. ———" MESOZOIC PLUTONIC ROCKS 39 P‘ETROLOGY The Starvation Flat pluton consists of a medium- to coarse-grained hypidiomorphic-granular hornblende- biotite quartz monzonite. The rock is extremely uniform in both mineralogy and texture. Modal analyses show that the composition is also uniform, except along the southwest border where the rock is contaminated ap- parently by assimilation of Huckleberry greenstone or by reaction with it. The average modal composition of the noncontaminated. rock plots well within the quartz monzonite field, but toward the granodiorite side. (See fig. 11.) In hand specimen the quartz monzonite is light gray and commonly speckled with pink feldspar. White plagioclase, pink or white potassium feldspar, clear or smoky quartz, shiny black biotite, greenish-black hom- blende, and golden-brown crystals of sphene are easily seen without a hand lens. A distinguishing feature of this rock is the ubiquitous occurrence of biotite in euhedral pseudohexagonal tablets. Plagioclase is the most abundant mineral in the rock. Crystals are subhedral to euhedral and average about 0.15 inch in length, although some reach 0.4 inch. Aver- age composition is An25. The most calcic plagioclase core measured is A.n35, and the most sodic rim Ango. Some crystals appear to be unzoned, whereas others are highly complex and show both normal and reverse zoning. Most of the potassium feldspar appears to be ortho- clase. Perthitic intergrowths are common but extremely fine and difficult to see even under very high magnifica- tion. Carlsbad twinning is present but rare. Crystals are anhedral and occur interstitially to all other min- erals of comparable grain size except quartz. Average size is about 0.2 inch; some grains are as large as 0.6 inch. No compositional zoning was noted, but small crystals of plagioclase, quartz, hornblende, biotite, and apatite are oriented parallel to crystallographic direc— tions in some crystals. Quartz also occurs as anhedral grains, filling inter- stices between plagioclase and the mafic minerals. Crys- tals average about 0.14 inch in size. Undulatory extinc- tion is present in. all grains but is not extreme. The quartz is clear in thin section and contains only a few almost submicroscopic inclusions. Mafic minerals average 13 percent of the Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite. The hornblende to biotite ratio averages about 0.7 except in the vicinity of the Huckle- berry greenstone where hornblende is slightly more abundant. Biotite occurs as subhedral and euhedral crystals averaging about 0.12 inch across. Hornblende is present in every specimen. Individual crystals are from about 0.04 to 0.16 inch long. Crystals are subhedral to euhedral and have reasonably consis- tent optical properties throughout the pluton. They are commonly partly altered to epidote or chlorite. Optical properties and accessory minerals are g1ven in table 2. Small rounded mafic inclusions composed mostly of hornblende, biotite, and plagioclase are common, though not numerous, throughout the pluton. Only along the south border of the body where the quartz monzonite intrudes greenstone of the Huckleberry For- mation is the identity of these inclusions known. There they are many times more numerous than in the inter- ior and are demonstrably xenoliths. In specimens col- lected within a few hundred yards of the contact, the average plagioclase composition is more calcic by about An10 than in the typical quartz monzonite, and mafic minerals are almost 50 percent more abundant. Horn- blende predominates over biotite in the border rock, which is the reverse relationship of that in the bulk of the pluton. The average modal composition of “normal” and border-zone rock is as follows: Normal Border zone (nine specimens) (four specimens) Plagioclase ...................................... 37 43 Potassium feldspar ......... 24 15 Quartz .......................................... 26 23 Mafic minerals .............................. 13 19 Mafic minerals in border specimens are concentrated in small clusters, along with sphene, apatite, and opaque minerals. In addition, clinopyroxene (ZAC: 37°) is present in the cores of some hornblende crystals. During emplacement, chemical and physical condi- tions in the magma apparently allowed rapid assimila- tion of the greenstone. This is reflected not only by the larger number of inclusions near the contact, but also by compositional and mineralogical differences between the contaminated marginal rock and the relatively uncontaminated interior. The contamination effects appear to extend less than 1 mile into the interior of the pluton, and diminish most rapidly within the first 500 feet from the contact with the greenstone. OTHER ROCKS INCLUDED WITH THE STARVATION FLAT QUARTZ MONZONITE A rock of unknown extent, which may be either a porphyritic phase of the Starvation Flat Quartz Mon- zonite or a separate plutonic mass, crops out due north of Starvation Lake and for several miles along State Highway 294 north of the area. Although its ground- mass texture is similar to that of the Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite, the rock contains phenocrysts of microcline as much as 3 inches long and almost no hornblende. In all other respects, including optical mineralogy and accessory minerals, the rock is similar to the Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite. If this rock is not a phase of that pluton, the similarities suggest that it may be at least genetically related. t 40 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON A leucocratic dikelike body intrudes the Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite in secs. 34 and 35, T. 35 N ., R. 40 E., and the two sections immediately to the south. In outcrop the rock resembles aplite and contains small pod-shaped bodies of coarser grained material. The coarser grained pods are less than 1 inch in diam- eter, but some are as much as 4 inches long and crudely tabular. In addition, the rock contains small miarolitic cavities. Most of the rock is pale pink to light gray. Biotite, the only dark mineral, makes up less than 1 percent of the body. The rock is unusual in that the fine-grained part is a mass of graphic intergrowths of quartz in albite and potassium feldspar (fig. 12). The graphic texture, however, is not easily detected in hand FIGURE 12.—Photomicrograph of the fine-grained dike-form mass of graphically intergrown rock that intrudes the Starva- tion Flat Quartz Monzonite. The texture is typical of the entire rock, not just an isolated area. Long dimension of photograph is about 2.5 mm. Crossed nicols. specimens. None of the rock has the xenomorphic tex- ture typical of aplitic dikes. The average modal compo- sition of four specimens is as follows: Albite ..... 28 Orthoclase (microperthite) .......................... 36 Quartz 36 Biotite ........................................................ Trace The homogeneity of the rock is indicated by the indi- vidual modes, none of which vary more than 2 percent from the average. Although an unknown, but probably small, amount of error is introduced, the mode can be used to approximate a norm because the plagioclase composition is only Anz, and the microperthitic potas- sium feldspar contains few lamellae of albite. The mode plots in the SiOg-NaAlSiSOS-KAlSiaog minimum trough for 2,000 bars H20 pressure (Tuttle and Bowen, 1958, p. 55), but falls about 10 percent off the ternary mini- mum point for that pressure in the direction away from the NaAlSi308 corner. PHILLIPS LAKE GRANODIORITE (AND ASSOCIATED DIKES) LOCATION, EXTENT, AND TOPOGRAPHIC EXPRESSION The name Phillips Lake Granodiorite is here coined for the muscovite-biotite granodiorite exposed so well around Phillips Lake, its type locality, in sec. 34, T. 34 N ., R. 41 E. This pluton underlies about 60 square miles in the northeast corner of the report area. A plutonic rock that is mineralogically, texturally, and modally similar has been found 17 miles north of the area on Huckleberry Mountain in the Spirit quadrangle (Yates and Engels, 1968, p. D245). To the east, the granodio- rite is found in the Tacoma Creek drainage in the northwest quarter of the Newport 30-minute quad- rangle. The full extent and configuration of this body in the areas to the north and east have not yet been determined, but the pluton appears to underlie a much larger area outside the quadrangle. Unlike other plutons in the report area, the Phillips Lake Granodiorite underlies the highest elevations, and it appears to be considerably more resistant than any of the other plutons. However, this may be due largely to the more resistant remnants of metamor- phosed Precambrian roof rocks and the leucocratic dikes which inject the pluton. The divide which runs partly outside the east boundary of the area from north of Calispell Peak south to Goddards Peak is capped by small but numerous roof remnants of metamorphic rock. Most of these appear to be less than 500 yards long and in this part of the area consist of amphibolite and mica schist. INTERNAL FEATURES The Phillips Lake Granodiorite is easily distinguish- able from all other intrusive rocks in the report area. It is dominantly a biotite-muscovite granodiorite but varies greatly in composition (fig. 11). The interstitial arrangement of the muscovite and biotite flakes among the larger crystals of anhedral quartz and subhedral plagioclase is distinctive in hand specimen as well as in thin section (fig. 13). The micas in much of the rock impart a slight foliation, which was probably formed before the pluton totally solidified. The granodiorite is intruded almost everywhere by leucocratic dikes which fall into three general groups. The most abundant are medium- to fine-grained equi- granular quartz monzonite dikes from less than 1 inch to over 200 feet thick. Where most numerous, in the eastern part of the pluton, they average about 50 feet thick and appear to be randomly oriented. The dike walls are roughly parallel and relatively planar. The quartz monzonite also forms irregular bodies, the larg- est of which is a small cupola about 1 mile in diameter that crops out northwest of Lenhart Meadows (sec. 23, MESOZOIC PLUTONIC ROCKS 41 FIGURE 13—Stained slab of Phillips Lake Granodiorite. Feld- spar is white, quartz dark gray, and biotite black. Even though the specimen contains only about 5 percent potassium feldspar, it is not foliate as is typical of most potassium feld- spar-deficient parts of this body. The specimen shows the interstitial occurrence of the biotite around the felsic miner- als. Muscovite, although it does not show in the photograph, has the same relation to the quartz and feldspar as the biotite. Specimen is 3.5 inches long. T. 34 N., R. 41 E). Concentrations of quartz monzo- nite float suggest similar bodies may be present in the northeastern part of the Phillips Lake Granodiorite. The general distribution of the quartz monzonite dikes is shown on the geologic map by an overprint. Where it intrudes sedimentary or metamorphic rocks, this rock invariably forms sills. Poor exposures prevent precise calculations of the total area underlain by the equi- granular quartz monzonite, but the area should be at least a third of that mapped as Phillips Lake Granodio- rite. Dikes belonging to the other two groups are rela- tively few in number and underlie probably less than 1 percent of the area shown as Phillips Lake Granodio- rite. They consist of aplites and pegmatites of the more typical varieties. Pure white aplite dikes, without bio- tite, occur throughout the pluton but are especially common around the margins. Although they have rela- tively planar walls, these dikes are considerably more irregular in shape than the quartz monzonite dikes. In hand specimen, microcline, plagioclase, quartz, musco- vite, garnet, and tourmaline are visible. Pegmatities are irregularly intermixed with the aplites and also, to about the same degree, with the quartz monzonite dikes. The association with the latter is largely restricted to the margin of the pluton. Most of the pegmatites consist only of perthite, sodic plagio- clase, quartz, and muscovite, but some also contain biotite, garnet, tourmaline, and rarely beryl, or colum- bite. Where associated with the biotite-bearing quartz monzonite dikes, the pegmatites commonly contain intergrowths of muscovite and biotite in the same pseudohexagonal tablet. The three dike types are found together in only a few places, but where they are, the pegmatites and aplites both cut the quartz monzo- nite dikes. From Phillips Lake eastward to the border of the report area, all three dike types become increasingly more numerous, and in the vicinity of Calispell Peak, the granodioritic country rock makes up probably less than half the rock exposed. This increase in the ratio of dikes to host rock is accompanied by a decrease in the potassium feldspar content of the granodiorite from an average of 15—20 percent near Phillips Lake to 0—5 percent along the east border. Also, the foliation in the granodiorite, barely perceptible at Phillips Lake, be- comes increasingly more pronounced toward the east border. The concentration of dikes thus may be related to the degree of foliation and to changes in composition of the host rocks. Several hypotheses were considered to explain these relations. The most probable explanation is that during the later stages of crystallization, when the composition of the remaining melt was similar to that of the dikes, the alkali- and volatile-rich melt was removed from the interstices of the already crystallized material, perhaps by filter pressing. The mobilized melt formed the dikes; thus, the granodiorite is most defi- cient in potassium feldspar where the dikes are most numerous. The foliate texture results from the collapse accompanying removal of the melt, which forced the micas and remaining melt into interstices between the larger quartz and plagioclase crystals. The partitioning of potassium between microcline, muscovite, biotite, and plagioclase is also interpreted to mean that part of the melt was physically removed from the granodiorite. Neither the muscovite nor biotite, 42 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON the only other two mineral phases in the granodiorite containing appreciable amounts of potassium, system- atically changes in amount with the decrease in potas- sium feldspar content in the eastern part of the pluton. Plagioclase composition does not change systematically either. The bulk composition of the original magma would have been considerably more alkali rich than the com- position of the Phillips Lake Granodiorite indicates if all the dikes were originally derived from the Phillips Lake magma as suggested. The presence of two micas as characterizing minerals in the granodiorite supports this suggestion. Muscovite and biotite are not the char- acteristic minerals one would expect in a rock of this composition, especially along the east border of the area where the feldspar ratio of the host rock is that of a quartz diorite. However, a theoretical composition resulting from the combination of the magmas from which the granodiorite and the leucocratic dikes crys- tallized would be one from which muscovite and biotite might crystallize. To arrive at a weighted-average mode for the grano- diorite and dikes combined, the ratio of dike rock to pluton was estimated from surface exposure. As close as can be estimated, about 35 percent of the area shown as granodiorite on the map is underlain by dike rock. By using this estimate, the average modal compositions of the granodiorite and the dike rocks were weighted proportionately, and the following mode calculated: Plagioclase ...................................................... 40 Potassium feldspar ............. 17 Quartz ................................................... 30 Mafics (including muscovite) ...................... 13 This mode still plots in the granodiorite field, but near the granodiorite-quartz monzonite boundary. If the volume of dike rock is actually greater than that of the granodiorite, an original magma from which they could have crystallized would have a quartz monzonite com- position. Except for the large remnants of roof rock in the eastern part of the pluton, almost no inclusions of any kind have been found within the Phillips Lake Grano- diorite or the associated dike rocks. Even near the borders, the only perceptible difference from the rock in the interior, with respect to foreign material, is an increase in the amount of micas. Brecciation and shearing resulting from faulting have been recognized only along the northwest border of the Phillips Lake Granodiorite and west and south of Bear Canyon, where the rock is highly fractured in places and recemented with quartz, chlorite, and epidote. More than one set of joints is found in many outcrops of the Phillips Lake Granodiorite. Mineralized joints are cut by nonmineralized joints, suggesting more than one generation. Joint attitudes were not systematically measured and recorded on the map because most of the rounded outcrops into which the granodiorite char- acteristically weathers have obviously been rotated or moved by frost heaving. CONTACT RELATIONS The contact between the Phillips Lake Granodiorite and the metamorphosed host rocks is exposed only in a few roadcuts, and in some of these, injection of the leu- cocratic dikes has been so intense as to obliterate con- tact relations. A few generalizations can be made, however. Possibly the most striking feature of the contact is its generally shallow clip. The outcrop pattern on the map shows a very low angle dip on the north flank of Wilson Mountain and around Bell Meadow. The southeastern- most 2 miles of the contact was drawn with very little control because of poor exposure and heavy forest cover. However, the presence of highly recrystallized schist with porphyroblasts of andalusite as much as 4 inches long in the saddle north of Goddards Peak sug- gests that the pluton underlies this area at shallow depth and therefore that this segment of the contact is indeed shallow. Almost all the roof remnants in the eastern part of the pluton also have shallow-dipping contacts. From the vicinity of Bear Canyon south to The Tinderbox, the contact appears to be steeper. Where exposed, the contact is highly irregular owing to numerous dikes of both granodiorite and the leuco- cratic rock. Along most of the contact the host rocks appear to have reacted relatively passively; one excep- tion is the large internal septum underlying McDonald and Brewer Mountains, which was probably rotated in a counterclockwise direction by the magma. The Precambrian host rocks surrounding the Phillips Lake Granodiorite show contact metamorphic effects for several miles from the surface trace of the contact. Because of the shallow dip of the contact, none of the Precambrian rocks south of the pluton are very far from the source of metamorphism. In the area between the Phillips Lake Granodiorite and the Flowery Trail Granodiorite, calc-silicate minerals have formed in all the carbonate-bearing rocks except those on the west flank of Eagle Mountain and at higher elevations on the mountain. Contact metamorphic effects along the seg- ment of the contact west of The Tinderbox but south of the northwest-bordering fault do not appear to extend as far into the host rocks as they do south of the pluton. In the McHale Slate, which is intruded by the grano- diorite at The Tinderbox and on the hill immediately to the north, recrystallization is not apparent at dis- tances greater than half a mile from the contact. This is MESOZOIC PLUTONIC ROCKS 43 probably because the contact is steep here but may be related to the greater distance from the Flowery Trail Granodiorite. The latter, which is an older intrusive, appears to have “prepared” the host rocks for the Phil- lips Lake Granodiorite. Whether this “preparation” consisted of preheating or was of a chemical nature is not known, as potassium-argon dates suggest that the Flowery Trail Granodiorite is about 100 my. (million years) older than the Phillips Lake Granodiorite. Along the south boundary of the Phillips Lake Granodiorite, recrystallization of the host rocks at the contact has developed mineral assemblages indicative of the transition between the albite-epidote-hornfels facies and hornblende-hornfels facies of Turner and Verhoogen (1960, p. 511). Mineral assemblages in a single thin section of a metamorphosed carbonate-bear- ing rock typically include albite, epidote, clinozoisite, quartz, biotite, microcline, diopside (rare), and abun- dant medium-green amphibole that is highly birefring- ent. Highly quartzose pelitic rocks form coarse-grained quartz-mica schists that only rarely contain aluminum silicates. A typical assemblage includes quartz, albite, muscovite, biotite, tourmaline, and, in some specimens, andalusite. The assemblages developed in pelitic rocks are clearly indicative of the albite-epidote-hornfels facies, but the appearance of diopside and a hornblende- like amphibole in the carbonate-bearing rocks suggests the transition to the homblende-homfels facies. In the roof remnants. along the east border of the area, the rocks are well into the hornblende-hornfels facies. As most of the rocks were originally carbonate bearing, a typical assemblage includes diopside, horn- blende, quartz, and plagioclase of intermediate compo- sition. On the spur trending northwest from Calispell Peak, a small roof remnant contains the assemblage vesuvianite, scapolite, diopside, quartz, calcite, clino- zoisite, and plagioclase of intermediate composition. At distances greater than 2,000 feet from any con- tact of the Phillips Lake Granodiorite, all rocks are well down into the albite-epidote-hornfels facies, but almost all are, nevertheless, thoroughly recrystallized. The difficulties in separating the contact metamorphic effects of the Phillips Lake Granodiorite from those of the Flowery Trail Granodiorite to the south have al- ready been discussed. See section “Flowery Trail Granodiorite, Contact Relations.” Pronounced meta- morphic effects do not extend more than about half a mile south of the Flowery Trail Granodiorite, and so most of the metamorphic effects more than 1 mile north of that pluton are probably due to the Phillips Lake Granodiorite. PETROLOGY Plagioclase is by far the most abundant mineral in the granodiorite. Crystals average 0.12—0.2 inch in length and are mostly subhedral. Composition averages about Ann. Normal zoning with minor reversals is present, although it is not obvious in all crystals. The most sodic zone measured is An16 and the most calcic Any. The plagioclase is generally glass clear and free of the normal haze of sericite and other late-stage alter- ation products commonly found in plagioclase from plutonic rocks, but it does contain small euhedral to subhedral crystals of clinozoisite and epidote similar to those in the Flowery Trail Granodiorite. These inclu— sions and the highly discordant ages obtained from potassium-argon analyses of muscovite and biotite sug- gest that the granodiorite has been metamorphosed. Potassium feldspar content averages about 11 per- cent but ishighly variable, as the modes show (fig. 11). Only microcline has been identified, but orthoclase may also be present. The crystals vary in size but are about the same as the plagioclase. Locally, the rock is notably porphyritic, with microcline phenocrysts as much as 1 inch long. Smaller microcline crystals are mostly an- hedral and appear to be interstitial to other minerals. As with the plagioclase, no alteration is apparent other than a slight clouding in some crystals. Small crystals of muscovite are common within potassium feldspar crystals in some thin sections and probably formed dur- ing metamorphism. The quartz is a very distinctive pale gray violet and most commonly occurs in clusters of several grains which look like one large crystal. Clusters are from 0.2 to 0.4 inch across and are roughly oval in cross section. Inclusions are rare. Myrmekitic intergrowth of quartz and plagioclase are common. Biotite and muscovite crystals average about 0.04 inch in length and occur in clusters as much as 0.4 inch across. Commonly both micas rim or mantle either quartz or feldspar. All crystals are subhedral and show almost no signs of alteration. Biotite is abundant and Widespread, but muscovite is locally almost absent. The total amount of mica averages about 15 percent of the rock; the muscovite to biotite ratio averages about 0.3. Epidote is found in all specimens but consistently amounts to less than 1 percent of the rock. Crystals are small, averaging about 0.008 inch. Some of the epidote may be primary, as many of the larger crystals have conspicuous cores of allanite. Apatite, garnet, magnetite, zircon, and tourmaline occur as accessory minerals, but only apatite and zir- con are widespread. Apatite is most abundant, and some crystals are as much as 1 mm long. Magnetite is rare or absent in almost all specimens. Garnet and tourma- line are present in only a few specimens and are probably the product of metasomatism accompanying instrusion of nearby pegmatites or aplites. 44 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON TWO-MICA QUARTZ MONZONITE LOCATION, EXTENT, AND TOPOGRAPHIC EXPRESSION The west edge of a two-mica quartz monzonite pluton crops out on the east flank of Nelson Peak. An area of about 2 square miles along the east border of the report area is underlain by the pluton. The total extent is not known, but anomalously gentle slopes continue for about 4 miles to the southeast in the adjacent Newport quadrangle and indicate a surface exposure consider- ably greater than that within the report area. This quartz monzonite, like most of the plutonic rocks in the area, forms a topographic low and gentle slopes except where in contact with more resistant metamor- phic rocks. INTERNAL FEATURES Muscovite and biotite characterize this pluton. They were found everywhere that the rock was examined. The ratio of muscovite to biotite averages about 0.30 and varies only slightly from place to place. The Phil- lips Lake Granodiorite and its associated dikes are the only other rocks in the area that contain two micas. The quartz monzonite has a hypidiomorphic-granular texture and is uniformly coarse grained. It is almost invariably deeply weathered and friable. The feldspars have a bleached appearance, and biotite is commonly surrounded by a brown stain of iron oxides. Texturally and mineralogically the rock appears to be quite uniform, but exposures are so poor that in- ternal variations could easily go unnoticed. No dikes or inclusions were found, and exposures are not such to show joint development. Modal analyses of seven specimens from different localities scatter on both sides of the quartz monzonite- granodiorite boundary (fig. 11); however, the average composition, shown below, is on the quartz monzonite side and is close to the calculated average modal compo- sition of the Phillips Lake Granodiorite and associated leucocratic dikes. (See section “Phillips Lake Grano- diorite (and associated dikes), Internal Features”) 1 2 Plagioclase ........................................ 38 40 Potassium feldspar ..... 21 17 Quartz ................................................ 30 30 Mafics (including muscovite) ........ 11 13 1. Average modal composition of two-mica quartz mon- zonite. 2. Calculated average modal composition of Phillips Lake Granodiorite and associated leucocratic dikes. If not just coincidental, the similarity suggests that the two plutons are related or are disconnected parts of the same pluton. In the Rattlesnake Hills, 15—20 miles south-southeast of Loon Lake, Griggs (1966) mapped another two-mica quartz monzonite which is almost identical in modal composition, texture, and appearance with the one in the report area. If all three two-mica bodies are geneti- cally related, they represent a widespread plutonic entity in northeastern Washington. CONTACT RELATIONS The contact between the two-mica quartz monzonite and the Prichard Formation is nowhere exposed, but the relation of topography and inferred contact config- uration suggests that it is steeply dipping. Contact metamorphic effects are noticeable 1 mile southwest of the pluton but cannot confidently be dis- tinguished from those caused by the coarse-grained quartz monzonite immediately to the south. Just east of Nelson Peak, argillite 200 feet from the quartz monzonite has been recrystallized to a quartz-musco- vite-biotite hornfels with small porphyroblasts of chlor- ite and garnet. The chlorite shows signs of reaction and probably became unstable when the garnet began crys- tallizing. Although a contact metamorphic occurrence, the assemblage is most like the quartz-albite-epidote- almandine subfacies of the greenschist facies (Fyfe and others, 1958, p. 224). PETROLOGY The plagioclase in this rock is oligoclase. The crystals are subhedral to euhedral and commonly have sodic rims and calcic cores. Some plagioclase crystals contain crystals of biotite and muscovite. Large parts of some plagioclase crystals are replaced by irregular-shaped grains of microcline. All potassium feldspar appears to be microcline. The characteristic grid twinning is well developed. The potassium feldspar does not occupy interstices between other minerals, as it would if it were a late-stage filling, but occurs as subhedral crystals with the same relation to surrounding minerals as the plagioclase. In this respect it is different from that in most of the plutonic rocks of the report area. Large gray anhedral knots of quartz fill spaces be- tween other minerals. The quartz contains inclusions of all other minerals in the rock and shows little undula- tory extinction. Muscovite and biotite are randomly oriented and not wrapped around felsic minerals as in the Phillips Lake Granodiorite. They most commonly occur in patches in which the two minerals are intergrown with one another. Biotite has the pleochroic formula X=golden tan, Y=Z=reddish brown. Apatite and zircon are the only common accessory minerals in the rock. Zircon is unusually abundant and dots the biotite with pleochroic halos. Opaque minerals are unusually scarce. MESOZOIC PLUTONIC ROCKS 45 COARSE-GRAINED QUARTZ MONZONITE LOCATION, EXTENT, AND TOPOGRAPHIC EXPRESSION An area of about 15 square miles in the southern part of the report area is underlain by coarse-grained biotite quartz monzonite. The pluton has a highly irregular outline and crops out in two separate areas divided by a septum of Belt rocks just east of Deer Lake. The east- ernmost of the two areas extends beyond the report area for an unknown distance. The pluton is a perfect example of how easily the plutonic rocks in this region are eroded relative to the metamorphic rocks. The part of the pluton northeast of Deer Lake forms an open-ended basin, and a notice- able break in slope marks almost the entire length of the contact in this area. South of Deer Lake and north- east of Loon Lake, almost the entire axis of this part of the pluton is marked by prominent valleys. North and west of Loon Lake the pluton forms low hills or underlies flat alluviated areas. Most of the rock is deeply weathered. In numerous 10—15-foot roadcuts, in all parts of the area, only loose friable rock can be found. Natural exposures are rare, and most of them are highly weathered. Only on State highway 292, 31/2 miles east of Springdale, and on the road between Loon Lake and Deer Lake is the rock reasonably fresh. INTERNAL FEATURES The coarse- grained quartz monzonite is easily identi- fied by grain size: The average size is greater than half an inch. Grains of quartz and feldspar are about equal in size, but grains of biotite are only about %—% inch across. Although most of the rock has a hypidiomorphic- granular texture and is not obviously porphyritic, phenocrysts of pink potassium feldspar as much as 2 inches long are locally common. Even where the rock is nonporphyritic, the abundant potassium feldspar im- parts a pink cast. Locally, the distribution of potassium feldspar is not uniform. In places, as much as a cubic yard of rock may consist of 50—60 percent potassium feldspar. Pods of potassium feldspar are irregular in shape and common throughout the pluton. Textural relations and grain size within these pods are the same as those in the rest of the quartz monzonite. The pods may represent crys- tal accumulates. Alternatively, they may have formed by some sort of localized filter pressing process or may be metasomatic. The nonuniform mineral distribution makes it diffi- cut to estimate the overall composition of the pluton with accuracy. The average composition shown in figure 11, however, is probably reasonably accurate because it represents modal analyses of several large samples from each locality. Samples from a number of places in secs. 18 and 19, T. 30 N., R. 42 E., show a pronounced bimodal grain size. Crystals of potassium feldspar, quartz, plagioclase, and biotite averaging about 0.2 inch in size make up about 65 percent of the rock and are set in a ground- mass of the same minerals with an average grain size of about 0.05 inch. This pronounced textural variation may be due to thermal or pressure quenching of a crys- tal-magma mixture. These textural variations could not be mapped, but they have been found only on and around the projections of preintrusion faults (pl. 2). As thin sections show no cataclasis, the texture is pre- sumed to be a primary feature and is probably due to some deviation from the normal crystallization condi- tions of the pluton. The melt may have intruded host rock that was shattered enough so that it could not retain the fluid pressure maintained by the rest of the intrusive. Upon loss of fluid pressure, relatively rapid crystallization took place locally and possibly sealed the system from any further leakage. Leucocratic muscovite-bearing bimodal rocks are present at the outer margins of the pluton, near the contact. These, however, are finer grained than the bulk of the pluton. Inclusions of any sort are not abundant in this plu- ton, but dikes are common, especially around the mar- gins. Some are normal-looking aplites and fine-grained muscovite-bearing rocks with graphic texture. These are probably genetically related to the quartz monzo- nite because of their consistent spatial relationship. Others, which consist of a dark-green rock, are highly altered. They also out other plutons and may not be related to this pluton. CONTACT RELATIONS The attitude of the contact could not be measured directly, but the relationship of its configuration to topography suggests that it dips outward between 40° and 50° in most places. Contact metamorphic effects of the quartz monzonite are pronounced within a few hundred feet of the con- tact but fade out rapidly beyond that. Good exposures of metamorphosed siltite and argillite on J umpoff Joe Mountain, Deer Lake Mountain, and on the ridge east of Benson Peak furnish excellent control for determin- ing the degree of metamorphism caused by the quartz monzonite. At all three localities the range in chemical composition of the host rocks is about the same. Other physical and chemical conditions must have been uni- form also, because the aureoles are nearly the same width at all three localities and the minerals that crys- tallized are almost identical. Less than 200—300 feet 46 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON from the contact, the most common mineral assemblage is andalusite-cordierite-biotite-muscovite-quartz, in- dicative of the hornblende-hornfels facies of Turner and Verhoogen (1960, p. 513). Beyond 200—300 feet, andalusite and cordierite are absent. Quartz-albite-musc0vite-biotite of the albite-epidote- hornfels facies is the typical assemblage in the interval from 200 or 300 to about 600 feet. All the rocks in this interval are thoroughly recrystallized but do not con- tain any of the higher grade minerals. Beyond 600 feet, chlorite porphyroblasts, fine-grained muscovite, incipi- ent biotite, albite, and quartz are the characteristic minerals. Much of the rock beyond 600 feet does not appear to be thoroughly recrystallized. Beyond about 1,500 feet, few obvious metamorphic effects are observ- able. PETROLOGY The mineralogy of the coarse-grained quartz monzo- nite is relatively simple and uniform. Plagioclase, the most abundant mineral, averages An20 and occurs as white euhedral to subhedral crystals ranging in size from about 0.2 to 0.8 inch. Most crystals show some zoning, but it is not particularly pronounced. Locally the plagioclase is sericitized and is pale green in hand specimen. Microperthitic orthoclase crystals are subhedral to anhedral and range in size from about 0.2 inch to more than 2 inches. One of the characteristics of the rock, the significance of which is not understood, is the presence of a thin hairline film of potassium feldspar around most plagioclase crystals. No evidence was seen to indi- cate whether this film resulted from exsolution or from crystallization of the late-stage potassium-rich solutions. Biotite constitutes about 7 percent of the rock and is the only mafic mineral. It is generally finer grained than the other major minerals. The borders of most crystals are slightly chloritized, but the centers are unaltered. Some sphene crystals are as large as a quarter of an inch across and easily seen in hand specimen. The other accessory minerals, given in table 2, are normally fine grained and less abundant. MUSCOVITE QUARTZ MONZONITE LOCATION, EXTENT, AND TOPOGRAPHIC EXPRESSION Leucrocratic muscovite quartz monzonite is exposed in three areas in the southeastern part of the report area and underlies a total area of about 2 square miles. The largest exposure, in sec. 9, T. 30 N., R. 42 E., ex- tends about 2.5 miles east of the report area and under- lies as much as 3 square miles outside the area. A. B. Griggs located small outcrops of muscovite quartz mon- zonite at two localities just south of the report area. One is 4 miles south of Clayton, the other 3 miles south- east of Deer Park (oral commun., 1968). The rocks at both localities are identical in every respect and are undoubtedly genetically related to the muscovite quartz monzonite in the report area. In addition, Griggs reported that the same rock type crops out at various places in the mountainous part of the Clayton quad- rangle. Although individual plutons appear to be rela- tively small, the rock type is apparently widespread in the region. Like most of the other plutonic rocks in the area, the muscovite quartz monzonite forms topographic lows. The contact of the pluton with the more-resistant metamorphosed host rock generally is a break in slope. Although exposures are generally poor, contacts can be reliably mapped on the basis of this break in slope and the presence in the soil of mica from the decomposed plutonic rock. CONTACT RELATIONS Other than small variations in grain size, the musco- vite quartz monzonite at the contact is identical with that in the interior. As with some of the other plutons, the metamorphic effects on the country rock are diffi- cult to separate from those of other plutons nearby. On Blue Grouse Mountain, which is almost 1 mile from any any other pluton, the contact metamorphic effects are very slight. At the contact, siltite has been recrystal- lized into medium-grained quartz-muscovite schist. However, hand specimens of host rock from more than 50 feet away show almost no metamorphic effects, and thin sections of this rock show only slight recrystalliza- tion. The south border of the largest muscovite quartz monzonite intrusion in the report area is cut by numer- ous huebnerite-bearing quartz veins, as is the adjacent host rock. Parts of the contact are greisenized, and the quartzite and siltite as much as several hundred feet from the contact are pock marked where limonite psuedomorphs have been leached out. These veins and the associated mineralization appear to be related to the quartz monzonite. PETROLOGY On the basis of mineralogy, the rock is quartz monzo- nite in composition and is referred to as such in this report. However, because the plagioclase is sodic albite, the rock could be classified as granite chemically. The average mode, a chemical analysis, and CIPW norm of an apparently representative sample are as follows: CENOZOIC PLUTONIC ROCKS 47 Chemical amlysisi CIPW norm Average of 6 modes (weight percent) (weight percent) (volume percent) Q .......... 32.3 Plagioclase .......... 34 C .......... 1.4 Potassium or ........ 27.2 feldspar ............ 33 ab ........ 34.7 Quartz .................. 27 an ........ 2.4 Muscovite ............ 6 en ........ .4 — fs .......... 2 100 mt ........ 3 i1 .......... 1 cc ........ .1 99.1 100.01 1Analyzed sample collected in NE1/4, sec. 25, T. 30 N., R. 41 E. Analyzed by P. L. D. Elmore, S. D. Botts, Lowell Artis, James Kelsey, Gillison Chloe, James Glenn, and Hezekiah Smith. The mineralogy of the rock varies little from place to place. Although the proportion of the minerals varies slightly, all specimens are made up of the same min- erals. The only noticeable textural variations are slight differences in grain size. Near the margins and in the smaller intrusions, the grain size is only about 0.15 inch, compared with about 0.2 inch for the bulk of the rock. The texture of the entire quartz monzonite is hypidiomorphic-granular. Color is pink to cream, de- pending on how altered the potassium feldspar is. Small spots of limonite a few inches to a few feet apart are present in most of the quartz monzonite. No dikes or inclusions were found anywhere in the rock. Average modal analyses of this rock indicate that potassium and sodium feldspar contents are almost equal. Miller (1969, p. 5) earlier reported the plagio- clase composition to be about Anlo, but additional work using immersion oils indicates an average composition of Ang. Normative An of plagioclase calculated from two analyses averages 3.5. The crystals are subhedral to euhedral, well twinned, and almost devoid of zoning. The rock does not appear to have been albitized. Potassium feldspar is subhedral to anhedral pink or cream-colored microcline. In thin section most crystals show the characteristic grid twinning. Most of the microcline is microperthitic, but the sodic phase appears to have formed from normal exsolution rather than by albitization. Along with quartz, the microcline occupies interstices between other minerals. Muscovite, the sole characterizing mineral, averages about 6 percent of the rock. No textural features in hand specimen or thin section suggest that any of the muscovite is secondary. The rock contains no mafic minerals other than specks of magnetite, pyrite, or limonite. Accessory min- erals, in order of abundance, are garnet, apatite, and zircon. The garnet is pale brownish red and ranges from a trace to 2 percent. CENOZOIC PLUTONIC ROCKS SILVER POINT QUARTZ MONZONITE LOCATION, EXTENT, AND TOPOGRAPHIC EXPRESSION The Silver Point Quartz Monzonite underlies about 30 square miles in the southernmost part of the report area. It was named by Miller (1969) for exposures at Silver Point on the west shore of Loon Lake. Although its total extent is not known, this pluton apparently underlies an extremely large area. The rock is exposed in roadcuts along US. Highway 2 that are 15 miles east-northeast of Loon Lake and may extend beyond there. South of the area, the pluton extends at least 2 miles into the northern part of the Clayton quadrangle. Rock similar in appearance to the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite is found about 20 miles southwest of Loon Lake on the west side of the Wellpinit quadrangle but may not belong to the same plutonic mass (A. B. Griggs, oral commun., 1968). The Silver Point Quartz Monzonite forms areas of moderate to low relief. Almost all exposures are deeply weathered. Along US. Highway 395 near the south border of the area, some new roadcuts 20 feet deep do not penetrate unweathered rock. In the hills bordering Ahren Meadows, however, most of the quartz monzo- nite is relatively fresh, probably because of glacial ero- sion. The least weathered and best exposures are along the west and south shores of Loon Lake, where roadcuts have recently been blasted into very fresh rock. INTERNAL FEATURES AND PETROLOGY The Silver Point Quartz Monzonite is a porphyritic hornblende-biotite quartz monzonite. One of the most striking features of the rock is its lack of internal varia- tion, either in composition or texture. Modal analyses (fig. 11) plot in a very small field that would probably be even smaller if slightly larger slabs had been counted. Several specimens collected 10—15 miles east of Loon Lake do not vary more than 2 percent in any mineral phase from specimens obtained around Loon Lake. Near the borders, the pluton shows no obvious con- tamination effects and no variability in modal compo- sition. Color index ranges from 14 to 21, but for almost all specimens it falls in a relatively narrow range be- tween 14 and 18. The ratio of hornblende to biotite is consistently between 0.75 and 1.0. g The texture of the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite is unlike that of any other plutonic rock in the report area. The distinctive feature is the groundmass, which is 48 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON composed of two size groups of crystals (fig. 14): Crys- tals of hornblende, biotite, plagioclase, potassium feldspar, and quartz averaging 0.1—0.2 inch in size make up about 40 percent of the rock; the rest of the ground- mass consists of crystals averaging only 0.02—0.06 inch in size and is composed of all mineral phases found in the rock. This bimodal texture, like the modal compo- sition of the quartz monzonite, varies little from place to place. The greatest element of textural variability is the size and content of potassium feldspar phenocrysts, which range from 1A; to 1 1/2 inches and from less than 1 to about 5 percent. FIGURE 14.—Stained slab of Silver Point Quartz Monzonite (upper) and granodiorite from the small pluton southeast of Springdale (lower). The Silver Point specimen is a perfect example of the unusual texture found throughout that pluton. The large felsic and mafic minerals are “floating” in a finer grained interstitial mass of the same mineral types. Sparse potassium feldspar phenocrysts are typical of the pluton. The granodiorite specimen shows the high color index and equi- granular texture typical of this body and contrasts sharply with the texture of the Silver Point specimen to which it is probably genetically related. Plagioclase is white, potassium feldspar gray, and hornblende and biotite black. Quartz is too fine grained to show well. The Silver Point specimen is 5 inches long, and the slabbed face of the granodiorite 3 inches long. The table following compares the average modal com- position of four specimens on the basis of the size range of crystals: Four Four specimens, Four specimens. groundmass Entire specimens, groundmass recalculated pluton. entire rock only to 100 percent ( a) ( b ) ( c) ( d ) d—b Plagioclase ....40 42 13 21 —-21 Potassium feldspar ....25 26 22 36 + 10 Quartz ............ 18 18 15 25 + 7 Mafics ............ 17 14 11 18 + 4 Large crystals .......... 39 The specimens are from the southeast end of Loon Lake. As the last column shows, the proportion of plagioclase in the groundmass is considerably lower than it is in the rock as a whole, whereas the proportion of potassium feldspar, quartz, and mafic minerals is higher. If the larger crystals are considered to be earlier crystallization products, as they probably are, then the different proportion of minerals in the two size grOups would suggest that a normal but pronounced differen- tiation occurred during crystallization. The average modal composition of the . groundmass is plotted in figure 11 for comparison with the average composition of the rock as a whole. Some event, such as a rapid loss of heat or volatiles, caused approximately the last 60 percent of magma to crystallize so rapidly that it could not react with already crystallized minerals. The Silver Point Quartz Monzonite shows none of the features interpreted as recrystallization effects in the Flowery Trail Granodiorite and Phillips Lake Gran- odiorite. Mafic minerals appear to have the same optical properties throughout the pluton, and the feldspars contain the haze of alteration products normally found in feldspar of plutonic igneous rocks. Several north- to north-northwest-trending shear zones have been recognized west of Loon Lake. The largest zone, immediately west of the lake, is 500 feet wide at one place and was traced for more than 4 miles. In sec. 31, T. 30 N., R. 41 E., one of the zones intersects the contact between the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite and the fine-grained quartz monzonite, apparently without offsetting it. The exposures are so poor in this area, however, that the contact could be offset as much as half a mile in an apparent right-lateral sense. Within these zones, the rock is highly sheared and displays cataclasis. Thin, anastomosing seams of silica and chlorite bond the rock and make it extremely strong. Small aplite dikes within the zones are highly broken and are offset in a right-lateral sense along indi- vidual shears. In thin section all minerals appear highly granulated and almost all mafic minerals appear to be ground up and chloritized (fig. 15). The highly CENOZOIC PLUTONIC ROCKS 49 B FIGURE 15.-——Photomicrographs of Silver Point Quartz Mon- zonite. A, Typical undeformed Silver Point Quartz Monzon- ite. Crossed nicols. B, Cataclastic Silver Point Quartz Mon- zonite from the shear zone south and west of Loon Lake. Note that all the mafic minerals, so abundant in A, are not present; presumably they have been broken and altered to chlorite and opaque minerals. Plane—polarized light. Long dimension of both photographs is about 4 mm. deformed rock in the shear zones grades into completely undeformed rock over a distance of 20 or 30 feet. Plagioclase, the most abundant mineral, occurs as subhedral to euhedral crystals in both the fine- and coarse-grained fractions of the groundmass. Average composition is about Anzo, with zoning ranging from An15 to An”. Potassium feldspar, which appears to be microper- thitic orthoclase, is the only mineral that forms pheno- crysts. It does not show the microcline grid twinning, but its crystal symmetry was not checked by X-ray. Phenocrysts are euhedral, but groundmass minerals are anhedral and fill intergranular spaces. In fresh speci- mens it is pink and easily distinguished from the plagioclase. Quartz makes up about 18 percent of the rock but is difficult to see without a hand lens, as most grains are less than 0.04 inch long. It shows undulatory extinc- tion and is interstitial to all other minerals. Homblende occurs as subhedral to euhedral crystals as much as 0.4 inch long. Average size is about 0.12 inch. Most shows no alteration. The optical properties shown in table 2 were checked in six samples from vari- ous localities, and little variation was noted. Biotite, which is present throughout the pluton, is closely associated with hornblende. More biotite is pres- ent in the fine-grained groundmass than in the coarse. Only a few biotite crystals are as much as 0.12 inch in size, whereas most of the hornblende is this size or larger. Sphene is the most obvious accessory mineral and is easily seen in hand specimen. Sphene, magnetite, and less conspicuous apatite occur in about equal propor- tions. Small zircon crystals are scattered throughout the rock but are not abundant. Allanite, relatively rare, occurs in crystals as much as 0.08 inch long. CONTACT RELATIONS Almost nowhere is the contact between the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite and any other rock exposed. Even where contacts are shown on the map, the actual trace is almost invariably covered. Because of this, no field evidence was found to ascertain the relative ages between the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite and the two smaller plutons adjacent to it west of Loon Lake. Along this part of the contact, the quartz monzonite exhibits no reduction in grain size, no foliation, and no increase in the number of inclusions normally found in the rock. Neither of the two adjacent plutons exhibit these features either, and no apophyses or dikes were found that might indicate relative age. On the south flank of Loon Lake Mountain, the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite intrudes the Revett, Burke, and St. Regis Formations, and just east of Loon Lake Mountain, it intrudes the lower part of the Wallace Formation. The rocks are highly weathered here also, and none of the contacts are exposed. However, small but resistant outcrops of metamorphic rocks are found within 100 feet of the most uphill occurrence of soil containing decomposed granitic debris. Most of the rock intruded ranges from silty argillite to quartzite. Within a zone approximately 400 yards wide next to the pluton, the argillitic rocks have been converted to quartz-albite-muscovite-biotite schist. Where the quartz monzonite intrudes the lower part of the Wallace Formation in sec. 32, T. 30 N., R. 42 E., the carbonate-bearing siltstone is recrystallized to a 50 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON fine-grained quartz - albite - diopside - garnet - scapolite hornfels. The presence of albite in this group of miner- als probably indicates a disequilibrium assemblage. Assuming an approximately constant pressure at the particular level in the host rocks now exposed, during the emplacement of the quartz monzonite the tempera- ture could have increased through the stability range of the albite-epidote-hornfels facies and into that of the hornblende-homfels facies. However, because the albite has not been converted to more calcic plagioclase, the temperature probably did not remain high long enough for a stable assemblage indicative of the hornblende- homfels facies to form. At distances of more than half a mile from the quartz monzonite, the host rocks show almost no metamorphic effects. GRANODIORITE A small elongate body of hornblende-biotite grano- diorite 2 miles southeast of Springdale underlies an area of about 1 square mile. The rock does not occur any other place in the report area and has not been reported outside the quadrangle. Although this pluton and the Flowery Trail Granodiorite are similar modally and mineralogically, their ages are considerably different, according to potassium-argon analyses. INTERNAL FEATURES AND PETROLOGY The granodiorite is easily distinguished from other plutonic rocks in the report area by its high color index and by the fact that it is equigranular. In addition, it exhibits hypidiomorphic-granular texture and is com- pletely unfoliated. The pluton is nearly uniform inter- nally, with no obvious variations in mineralogy, grain size, or texture. The equigranular texture and high color index impart a salt-and-pepper appearance (fig. 14). Both feldspars are white, and quartz, although present, is not obvious. Abundant specks of honey-brown sphene averaging 0.05 inch in length occur in all specimens and make up as much as half a percent of some. Average grain size of the major minerals is 0.1—0.15 inch. Small aplite dikes as much as 6 inches wide cut the pluton but are not common. Rounded mafic inclusions from 0.5 to 6 inches in diameter are scattered through- out the pluton. Irregular-shaped, wispy mafic segrega- tions as much as 1 foot across are found from place to place but are not abundant. Plagioclase, the most abundant mineral, forms euhed- ral to subhedral crystals, whose average composition is between An25 and Anso. Crystals are normally zoned from about An35 in the cores to about An20 at the rims. In most specimens, 'both feldspars show very little alteration. Potassium feldspar appears to be microperthitic orthoclase. No microcline twinning was observed, but the crystals were not checked for symmetry by X-ray methods. The potassium feldspar, along with quartz, occupies interstices between other minerals. Quartz is anhedral, clear of inclusions, and only slightly strained. The granodiorite has less quartz than any pluton in the report area. The hornblende-to-biotite ratio is approximately 1:1. Hornblende forms euhedral crystals, some of which have partially altered pyroxene cores. Both mafic min- erals occupy the same textural relationships to other minerals, and neither is segregated from the other. Sphene, by far the most abundant accessory mineral, is obvious in all hand specimens. Apatite, zircon, and magnetite are abundant but visible only in thin section. CONTACT RELATIONS The granodiorite is in contact with the Addy Quartz- ite and three other plutonic rocks. Contacts are poorly exposed, like those of most of the other plutons. On the west and north sides of the body, the contacts with the coarse-grained and the fine- grained quartz monzon- ites are not exposed but were mapped on the basis of float. The southeast segment of the contact with the Silver Point Quartz MonZonite is locally exposed, but evidence bearing on the relative age of the two plutons is lacking. Because the configuration of the contact is highly irregular, the dip is hard to estimate from the relation of the surface trace to topography. Along a small segment of the contact, the granodiorite intrudes the Addy Quartzite, but because the quartzite contains relatively few impurities, the pluton produced no obvi- ous recrystallization effects. In the SW cor. sec. 2, T. 29 N., R. 40 E., almost half a mile from the contact, the impure lowermost part of the Metaline Formation contains needles of tremolite. These are the only obvi- ous contact metamorphic effects attributable to the granodiorite. FINE-GRAINED QUARTZ MONZONITE Fine-grained hornblende-biotite quartz monzonite underlies about 1.5 square miles between Springdale and Loon Lake. The pluton is irregular in shape but crudely elongate in an east-west direction. Rock of this type is not found at any other place in the report area and appears to be confined to this single pluton. In general, the rock is deeply weathered and very poorly exposed. Roadcuts along State Highway 292 about 3.5 miles east of Springdale show that the rock is highly weathered more than 10 feet below the sur- face. Because of this deep weathering, part of the south border was mapped on the basis of sparse float and is not well located. DIFFERENTIATION OF THE PLUTONIC ROCKS 51 INTERNAL FEATURES AND PETROLOGY The fine-grained quartz monzonite has a rather uni- form hypidiomorphic-granular texture throughout but varies somewhat in grain size. In railroad cuts along the tracks of the Burlington Northern Railroad about 3.5 miles east of Springdale, dikes of this rock have chilled borders and cut the more extensively exposed coarse- grained quartz monzonite. In this area and along the nearby roadcuts on Highway 292, the grain size is 0.02— 0.05 inch, but at the northwest end of Loon Lake, it is about 0.1—0.15 inch. In hand specimen the rock is characterized by its relatively fine grain size, a salt-and-pepper appearance due to the interspersed light and dark minerals, and a splotchy pink cast due to coloring of the potassium feldspar. Small aplitic dikes and dark-green aphanitic dikes are common but not abundant in the pluton. Large inclusions are rare, but the small inclusionlike clots are almost everywhere in the finer grained parts of the pluton. The mineralogy appears to vary little in the few thin sections examined. Average plagioclase composition is about Anzo, but many of the crystals have pronounced zoning. In all specimens examined, at least some of the plagioclase crystals are noticeably larger than all other crystals. Potassium feldspar is microperthitic ortho- clase and together with quartz occurs as small irregular grains interstitial to the other minerals. Homblende is subhedral and commonly contains cores of partially altered pyroxene. Its indices of refrac- tion are considerably lower than in other plutons, and its pleochroism is noticeably different: X = pale tan, Y : pale olive green, Z = pale green. The homblende- to-biotite ratio is about 1: 1, as in the granodiorite and the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite. Biotite is similar to that found in the other hornblende-biotite-bearing plutonic rocks. Homblende and biotite occur in about equal propor- tions and make up about 18 percent of the rock. To a noticeable degree, they occur in clots. The clots are larger and more apparent at some places than at others and may be partially resorbed mafic inclusions derived from the Huckleberry greenstone or the Precambrian sills of the Prichard Formation. This may explain the highly discordant potassium-argon ages obtained from the hornblende. Sphene, by far the most abundant accessory mineral, can be seen in most hand specimens. Apatite, magne- tite, and zircon are common. Allanite is present but not as abundant as the other accessory minerals. CONTACT RELATIONS The fine-grained quartz monzonite is in contact only with other plutonic rocks. The southern contact is very poorly exposed, and the relation of the age of this plu- ton to that of the granodiorite and Silver Point Quartz Monzonite is not known, nor is the attitude of the contact. On the other hand, the contact with the coarse- grained quartz monzonite is locally well exposed and appears to dip less than 50° N. The coarse-grained plu- ton is clearly older than the fine-grained one. No con- tact metamorphic eifects resulting from the intrusion of the fine-grained quartz monzonite have been observed. DIFFERENTIATION OF THE PLUTONIC ROCKS In the preliminary report on the north half of the report area, the existence of an apparent differentiation sequence in the plutonic rocks was suggested (Clark and Miller, 1968, p. 3). A report on the south half (Miller, 1969) suggested that two separate differentia- tion sequences might exist and that it might be pos- sible to separate rocks belonging to the Kaniksu and Colville—Loon Lake batholiths on the basis of which apparent differentiation sequence a particular pluton belonged to (Miller, 1969, p. 4 and fig. 2A). Potassium- argon ages since determined for most of the plutonic rocks show that the ages of plutons thought to belong to one apparent differentiation sequence span a period of 150 my. Unless a differentiating magma can exist for 150 my, it would appear that the previously pro- posed differentiation sequences are more apparent than real. Most of the muscovite-bearing rocks appear to form a crude trend, and all appear to belong to a 100-m.y. period of plutonic activity. The Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite also belongs to this age group even though it is a hornblende-biotite-bearing rock, and it plots closer to the apparent differentiation sequence charac- terized by hornblende and biotite. (See fig. 11.) It seems more than just coincidental, however, that the average modal compositions of the plutons plot on such regular curves, that all the hornblende and biotite- bearing plutons plot on one curve, and that all the muscovite and two-mica plutons plot on another. To postulate a differentiating melt existing for over 150 my. strains the credulity of even the most imaginative geologist. However, a differentiation may have occurred even though the parent material was not continuously molten. It is possible that this parent material, regard- less of whether it was derived from igneous, sedimen- tary, or metamorphic rocks, melted more than once without a change in the factors controlling difierentia— tion. During the quiescent periods between melting, differentiation of the parent material, and emplacement 52 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON of the individual plutons, chemical factors could have been essentially constant. Then, when a new period of melting occurred, differentiation could have begun where it had left off at the end of the preceding period. POTASSIUM-ARGON AGES OF THE PLUTONIC ROCKS By JOAN C. ENGELS Seven of the eight major plutons in the report area have been dated by the potassium-argon method, in addition to several of the other plutonic rock types associated with them. Although the apparent absolute ages of two plutons have been determined and the relative age relations between others are known, the complete sequence of intrusion has not yet been estab- lished with certainty. Potassium determinations were made in duplicate on Baird and Instrumentation Laboratories flame photometers with a lithium internal standard. Argon analyses were made on a 6-inch 60° Nier-type sector mass spectrometer, using standard isotope dilution techniques. K40 decay constants: Ae:0.585 >< 10—10yr'1 As=4.72 >< 10—10yr‘1 K‘°=1.19 X 10—2 atom percent Errors (: values) have been assigned on the basis of both experience with duplicate analyses and uncertain- ties in the individual runs and represent 20. Early in the study of the plutonic rocks by the potas- sium-argon method, it was found that a pair of minerals from a single rock often gave strikingly different ages. Efi‘orts were then made to obtain rocks from which more than one mineral could be extracted for dating. By analyzing mineral pairs, an age disturbance could be detected if the two minerals yielded different ages. Of all the rocks dated, only two, the Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite and the Silver Point Quartz Mon- zonite, appear to yield concordant ages on mineral pairs. Table 3 gives ages of the rocks analyzed, and figure 16 their locations. Examination of the two together shows that the amount of discordance between indi- vidual mineral pairs within other plutons generally increases to the south and east. The discordances sug- gest a widespread thermal disturbance about 50 my. ago in the region just east of the report area. Although the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite lies in this direction and is among the youngest intrusive bodies in the area, it is not known for certain if the thermal effects of this pluton are widespread enough to have caused the dis- cordances in the other plutons. If the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite is the source of the discordances, the effects extend several tens of miles from the surface outcrop, or else part of the pluton underlies at shallow depth the area north and northwest of Where it is pres- ently exposed. Hart (1961, 1964), Doe and Hart (1963), and Han- son and Gast (1967) studied the effects of younger intrusions on host rocks, using a number of dating methods. They found that the apparent ages of the host rocks range from their true age to the age of the intrusion, and they plotted apparent age of the host rock against distance from the contact. In any given area, each mineral and each dating method employed should have a distinctively shaped age-retention curve which depends on a number of factors, including size and composition of the units and pressure-temperature conditions. In general, hornblende has retained almost all argon within a relatively short distance of the contact, whereas biotite has retained argon only at much greater distances. Muscovite is intermediate but is generally closer to biotite than to hornblende. Figure 17 diagrams these qualitative observations, without regard to dis- tances involved or size of intrusions. The expected distribution of apparent ages for each mineral type in an older pluton can be obtained by projecting the curve onto a line extending outward from the contact with the younger body (fig. 17). The areal distribution of apparent ages obtained by more than one method on several mineral types may initially lead to confusion. The scatter of apparent ages can range from the true age of the host rock to the age of the younger pluton. Thus, in an area where isotopic ages of plutonic rocks show many discordances and apparent anomalies because of a younger plutonic event, interpretation is simplified by initially comparing ages obtained using only one dating method on a single mineral type. The unit which seems to best illustrate this qualita- tive treatment of the effects of a younger plutonic event is the Flowery Trail Granodiorite. Three biotite-hom- blende pairs from this pluton show a progressive age loss in an easterly direction. The oldest age obtained for the pluton is 194 my on hornblende from a sample (No. 1, fig. 16) collected in the western part of the body near the Jay Gould mine. Biotite from the same rock yields an age of only 98 my. Hornblende from another sample (No. 2) collected about 1.5 miles farther east gives an age of 183 my, and biotite an age of 84 my. Sample 3, collected about 3.3 miles east of the first one, yields ages of 143 my. for hornblende and 64 my. for biotite. The apparent age of these three samples is compared with their location along an east-northeast—west-south- west line in figure 18. Although more data would be desirable, the graph at least suggests an approach to POTASSIUM-ARGON AGES OF THE PLUTONIC ROCKS 53 TABLE 3.——Potassium—argon data on platonic rocks i v ’3 a e g :3 .§ 5 :3 Egg Pluton or rock type Mineral :1 a 5% $3. 5 Location :75 e “A g a g; g, 5% ‘4 1 Flowery Trail Granodiorite ................ Hornblende ...... 1. 44 4.348X 10‘10 11.2 194i7 NW1/40 sec. 9, T 32 N ,.R 41 E. Biotite .............. 8. 71 1.283 X 10‘9 15.0 98 i 5 2 do Hornblende ...... 1. 41 4.007X 10'10 9.4 183+6 Center sec. 3, T. 32 N. ,.R 41 E. Biotite .............. 8.175 1.041 X 10‘9 22.5 84— + 3 Do. 3 do Hornblende ...... 1. 39 3.042X 10‘10 11.4 143—— + 5 NW1/4 sec. 1, T. 32 N., R. 41 E. Biotite .............. 8. 852 8.481 X 10‘10 69.9 64 i 3 Do. 4 Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite....Hornblende ...... .6855 1.003 X 10‘10 20.1 97i 3 SVchS.}§W1/; sec. 3, T. 34 N., Biotite .............. 8.405 1 .254 X 10'9 7.8 98 i 3 Do. 5 Phillips Lake Granodiorite ................ Muscovite ........ 10.765 1.092X 10'9 24.0 671‘2 NEM; sec. 34, T. 34 N., R. 41 E. Biotite .............. 9.360 7.922 X 10‘10 10.0 56 i 2 . Do, 6 do Muscovite ........ 10.64 1.356 X 10‘9 11.1 84 i4 SW14 sec. 8, T. 36 N., R. 42 E. (Colville 30-min quadrangle) . Biotite .............. 9.26 1 .089 X 10‘9 9.5 79 i 3 Do. do Muscovite ........ 10.665 9.244X 10‘10 9.1 5st 2 NEM; sec. 12, T. 33 N. R 41 E. Biotite .............. 9.448 7.259 X 10‘10 11.4 52 i 2 Leucocratic dike .................................. Muscovite ........ 10.72 1.366 X 10'9 11.1 84 i 2 NE% sec. 32, T. 35 N. R 41 E. Biotite .............. 7.895 6.996 X 10‘10 45.4 59 i 2 do Muscovite ........ 10.68 1.438X 10'9 13.8 89i6 SWIAO sec. 21, T. 35 N. ,.R 41 E. ( Colv1lle 30- -min quadrangle) . Biotite .............. 8.695 9.568 X 10‘10 29.8 74 i 2 Do. 10 Silver Point Quartz Monzonite .......... Hornblende ...... .817 7 .304X 10‘11 32.7 60: 2 NW% sec. 11, T. 29 N., R. 41 E. Biotite .............. 8.70 6.502 X 10‘10 12.0 50 i 1 Do, 11 do Hornblende ...... .6078 4.642X 10‘11 37.5 51 1‘5 NW% sec. 5, T. 30 N., R. 44 E. (Newport 30-min quad.). Biotite .............. 8.45 6.016 X 10'10 21.8 48 i 1 Do. 12 Granodiorite ........................................ Hornblende ...... .874 8.231 X 10'11 26.6 63i2 NE1/4 sec. 11, T. 29 N., R. 40 E. Biotite .............. 8.88 6.493 X 10‘10 10. 8 491' 2 Do. 13 Fine-grained quartz monzonite ........ Hornblende ...... .338 1.745X 1010 17. 51 320i23 NWIA sec. 32, T. 30 N., R. 41 E. Biotite .............. 8.825 6.657 X 10‘10 1 1. 8 50— + 2 Do, 14 do Hornblende ...... .3555 1.671 X 10’10 35.0 294 i' 15 Do. 15 do Hornblende ...... .374 1.136 X 10‘10 38.7 195 i 8 Do. Biotite .............. 8.455 6.445 X 10‘10 48 3 51 i 2 Do. 16 Muscovite quartz monzonite .............. Muscovite ........ 10.235 1.204X 10‘9 8.0 78i2 NWIA sec. 25, T. 30 N., R. 41 E. 17 Two-mica quartz monzonite .............. Muscovite ........ 10.745 9.042 >5'10‘10 21.7 56i 2 SEM; sec. 9, T. 31 N., R. 42 E. Biotite .............. 9.12 7.568 X 10‘10 14.4 55 i 2 Do. 18 Aplite Muscovite ........ 11.00 1.033X 10‘9 9 5 631‘2 NEM; sec. 34, T. 34 N., R. 41 E. finding the true age of the Flowery Trail Granodiorite. The three biotites lie on a straight line which intersects the 50-m.y. level approximately 2 miles east of sample 3, while a smooth curve drawn through the three horn- blende points intersects the 50-m.y. mark at about the same location. This construction is remarkably similar to the curves depicted by Hart (1964). The projected point of intersection may be the point at which an out- crop of the pluton causing the disturbance would be expected, or it may be the outer limit of complete argon loss in the rocks that the pluton intrudes. Extrapolated westward, the hornblende curve appears to flatten out, which may indicate that the “true age” is not much greater than the oldest age found for hornblende, 194 my. These older hornblende ages do not appear to be due to excess argon in low-potassium minerals, because the homblendes have a relatively high potassium content, averaging about 1.4 percent K20. Also, there is no cor- relation between higher apparent excess argon and lower potassium content, as might be expected in cases of excess argon; in fact, the potassium values for these three samples are remarkably similar (table 3). Other plutons of early to middle Mesozoic age are known from northeastern Washington and southern British Columbia (Rinehart and Fox, 1972; Wanless and others, 1965, p. 14), although, like the Flowery Trail Granodiorite, each is associated with internal age discordances. Clark and Miller (1968) assigned the Flowery Trail Granodiorite a Mesozoic(?) age on the basis of geologic relations. This assignment is here refined to Late Triassic or Early Jurassic. The next youngest pluton is the Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite, which appears to be unaffected by the younger intrusive rock, at least where the dated sample was collected. Hornblende from a specimen collected on the west border of the area yields an age of 97 my, which agrees well with an age of 98 my. on 54 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON 6(10 miles) t \\"~) ‘4 \ \\ \ T. 35 Ni I'43” \\\\‘//\\\ \\ll/ \ “ \/"\\\ // = II I) \\ , T.34N, U\\,, // :~\\\“ =1 / \\"\\//¢/ ;,,///"\ \\n= // T, 33 Ni T.32 N. T.31N. CHEWELAH-LOON LAKE AREA NEWPORT 30' OUADRANGLE / T.3O N. T.Z9 No R.40 E. EXPLANATION Silver Point Quartz Monzonlte \ l r r L7 ’/\\/|/\, AV h A \/\/ Fine-grained quartz Coarse-grained quartz monzonite monzomte .— . + Granodiorite Muscovite quartz monzonite Phillips Lake Granodiorite Two—mica quartz monzonite Il‘ \\ = \\ “(I \\ \\ ,l/ \\\\\ Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite Contact 0 4 8‘MILES FIGURE 16.——Generalized map showing distribution of plutonic rocks in and around the Chewelah—Loon Lake area and the potassium-argon sample localities. Numbers correspond to sample numbers in table 3. POTASSIUM-ARGON AGES OF THE PLUTONIC ROCKS 55 u: 2 3:] l: 100 — Lu g 90 ‘ u. e E 80 — ° 3 70 ‘3 o < >- 60 ' m 3 Q 50 - ——————————— u: “3‘; 40 — H? 30 - 5'3? 20 g ‘ I u, 10 — | D- l 0 I l Distance within an older plu- l ton from the contact with l a younger pluton | I llllll | l I l | ITITII I I | | 1 50 7 O 80 90 | Apparent ages of different minerals in map plan. Hornblende | . . l Shows graphically the relation between apparent lfi I I I I l I I I I ages and why at any given distance from a 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 younger intrusive body, different minerals give Muscovite different apparent ages '4 I I I I I I I I I J . _ 10 20 30 50 70 80 90 Biotite PERCENTAGE OF AGE DIFFERENCE RETAINED BY OLDER UNIT FIGURE 17 .—-Changes in apparent ages of hornblende, biotite, and muscovite in an older pluton intruded by a younger one. West-southwest «———> East-northeast Hornb/e I7 100 — m o I APPARENT AGE (MILLION YEARS) 0 1 | l 1 2 3 Sample number l<——1.5—-—>I<——1.8——>I DISTANCE (MILES) FIGURE 18,—Apparent ages of hornblende and biotite from the Flowery Trail Granodiorite plotted against the distances sep- arating specimen localities. biotite from the same specimen. The potassium-argon dates allow revision of the Mesozoic(?) age assigned by Clark and Miller (1968) to Cretaceous. Muscovite-biotite pairs from two samples of the Phil- lips Lake Granodiorite collected within the area and one sample collected about 10 miles north of the area all yield discordant ages (table 9). Muscovite in the northernmost sample (No. 6) gives an age of 84 m.y., and biotite 79 m.y.; muscovite in the intermediate sam- ple (No. 5), 15 miles south-southwest of sample 6, gives an age of 67 m.y., and biotite 56 m.y.; and muscovite in the southernmost sample (No. 7), 18 miles south- southwest of sample 6, gives an age of 58 m.y., and biotite 52 my Yates and Engels (1968, p. D245) reported similar but less pronounced discordances from probably cor- relative rocks in the Deep Creek area at a locality about 20 miles north of the report area. A rock which is mad- ally, texturally, and mineralogically identical with the Phillips Lake Granodiorite was mapped as part of the Kaniksu batholith by Yates (1964) and gives a biotite age of 92:3 m.y. However, muscovite from a pegmatite associated with this rock gives an age of 99:3 m.y (Yates and Engels, 1968). About 2 miles north of these sample localities, the Spirit pluton, Which Yates and Engels regarded as probably part of the Kaniksu batho- lith, gives a similar discordance (muscovite, 96:3 m.y.; hornblende, 94:3 m.y.; biotite, 91:3 m.y.) , and 56 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON biotite from a rock collected about 14 miles to the west gives a 100:3-m.y. age. They concluded that the bio- tite in the eastern samples lost part of its argon and that all these rocks were emplaced about 100 my. ago. If the correlation of the Phillips Lake Granodiorite with the Kaniksu rocks is correct, the probable age of the granodiorite is then 100 m.y., much older than any of the ages obtained so far for this rock in the report area. Two of the leucocratic dikes that are associated with the Phillips Lake Granodiorite and cut it in places were also dated. A sample of the southernmost of the two (No. 8) was collected on the west flank of Blacktail Mountain where the dikes intrude the Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite. Biotite from this rock gives a 59- m.y. age, and muscovite an 84-m.y. age. Sample 9, which was also from a dike intruding Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite, was collected about 2 miles north of sample 8 and yields a biotite age of 74 my and a muscovite age of 89 my. Since leucocratic dikes of this type cut the Phillips Lake Granodiorite, the maxi- mum age obtained for the dike establishes a minimum age for the pluton. Thus, even though 84 my is the oldest date obtained on the Phillips Lake body, the 89-m.y. apparent age of the dike rock more closely approaches the 100-m.y. age of the rocks to the north with which the pluton is believed to be correlative. The relative discordances within the Phillips Lake Granodiorite and its associated leucocratic dikes point to the same area of disturbance as the Flowery Trail Granodiorite. A plot of the apparent muscovite and biotite ages of both the Phillips Lake Granodiorite and the associated leucocratic dikes versus distance between projected sample locations (fig. 19) shows a pattern similar to that predicted from figure 17. A sample of the two-mica quartz monzonite north- east of Deer Lake gives a muscovite age of 56 my and a biotite age of 55 my. Despite the seeming accordance, these ages are probably anomalous owing to the prox- imity of the samples to a younger plutonic event. This interpretation is supported by petrologic evidence that the two-mica quartz monzonite is the same as, or related to, the Phillips Lake Granodiorite. Muscovite from a sample (No. 16) of the muscovite quartz monzonite collected 2 miles south-southeast of Deer Lake gives an age of 78 my. This sample was dated before it was known that the pre-Tertiary plu- tonic rocks had been disturbed by a later event. Because of the proximity of the sample locality to the apparent source of discordances noted in other units, the signifi- cance of the 78-m.y. date is questionable. The coarse-grained quartz monzonite was not sam- 'pled for potassium-argon dating in this area, because it is highly susceptible to weathering and because the only datable mineral in the rock, biotite, is slightly 100l— North-northwest H South-southeast 25‘ APPARENT AGE (MILLION YEARS) 0 I | I I 9 8 5 7 Sample number +1.5H‘E6fi-F—25—‘I DISTANCE (MILES) 7 FIGURE 19.—Apparent ages of muscovite and biotite from the Phillips Lake Granodiorite and associated dikes plotted against the distances separating specimen localities. chloritized. Even if a date that did not reflect the effects of alteration could be obtained, its significance would be difficult to evaluate because of the nearness of Terti- ary plutonism. Field relations and spatial association, however, indicate that this unit and the muscovite quartz monzonite were probably emplaced during the same general event, but a little later than the Phillips Lake Granodiorite and its associated dikes and sills. With the possible exception of the granodiorite and fine-grained quartz monzonite, the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite appears to be the youngest plutonic body in the area on the basis of both potassium-argon dating and crosscutting relationships found east of the area. Hornblende from a sample (No. 11) collected 15 miles east of Deer Lake in the Newport 30-minute quad- rangle yields an age of 51 m.y., and biotite from the sample an age of 48 my. Biotite from a second sample from the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite (No. 10), col- lected near the southeast end of Loon Lake, yields an age of 50 m.y., whereas hornblende from this sample gives an age of 60 my. A greater discordance was found in a sample from the small granodiorite pluton between Springdale and Loon Lake. Biotite from this sample yields an age of 49 m.y., and hornblende an age of 63 my The most striking discordance, however, is from a sample of the fine-grained quartz monzonite (No. 13) collected between Springdale and Loon Lake. Biotite from this sample gives an age of 50 m.y., but the hornblende gives an age of 320 my. A reanalysis of a split of the hom- blende from the same rock yields an age of 294 my Another sample of the rock was collected and processed ————'i POTASSIUM-ARGON AGES OF THE PLUTONIC ROCKS 57 to check the large discordance, and a 195-m.y. age was obtained on the hornblende and a 51-m.y. age on the biotite. Although potassium-argon dates appear to have been lowered by thermal events in many of the other rocks, the hornblende may give a misleading age for these three plutons. The granodiorite and the fine-grained quartz monzonite are thought to be genetically related to the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite on the basis of spatial associations and almost identical mineralogy. In addition, biotite from all three plutons gives an age of about 50 my, as does cogenetic hornblende from the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite east of the area. Thin sections show that the hornblende in the grano- diorite and in the fine- grained quartz monzonite, which yields ages in excess of 50 my, exhibits two character- istics that differ markedly from the hornblende in the sample of Silver Point Quartz Monzonite, collected east of the area. While some of the amphibole in the two smaller plutons occurs as isolated crystals, much of it is clustered together into clots of crystals. The other anomalous characteristic is the presence of pyroxene cores in many of the crystals. In much of the rock, the pyroxene has been partly altered to hornblende, and its optical properties are not normal for either mineral. Pyroxene cores and clotted hornblende have also been observed in thin sections of samples of the Silver Point collected near the southeast end of Loon Lake, but both characteristics are much more sparsely devel- oped than in the granodiorite and fine-grained quartz monzonite. The hornblende clots may represent incom- pletely digested material picked up by the Tertiary plutons from either the Huckleberry Formation or the amphibolite sills in the Prichard Formation. (See “Fine-grained Quartz Monzonite, Internal Features and Petrology”) . Grain counts in immersion oils show that all three samples of hornblende from the fine-grained quartz monzonite consist mainly of pale-green crystals free of alteration and inclusions. The remainder of each sample consists of crystals that contain abundant opaque and semiopaque material and may represent incompletely altered pyroxene. Since all gradations between the two types are present, the counts are somewhat subjective, but a rough correlation between degree of purity and age does seem to exist (fig. 20 and following table). The higher proportion of crystals that appear to be altered in the samples yielding older hornblende ages suggests that these crystals may be the cause of the older ages owing to incomplete outgassing of argon. The data are not conclusive but do suggest that the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite, along with its satellitic plutons, is about 50 my. old. Whether this pluton or others as yet unrecognized east of the area are responsi- APPAR ENT AGE (MILLION YEARS) 90 100 PERCENTAGE OF CLEAN-CLEAR HORNBLENDE FIGURE 20.——Re1ation of apparent ages to concentration of clean- clear hornblende in the fine-grained quartz monzonite. Clean-clear taken to be all of ‘clean + 1/2 intermediate, Composition of hornblende separates used for potasstum-argon dating Intermediate hornblende2 ( percent ) Apparent potassium- argon age of sample (m.y.) I mpure hornblendea (percent) Clean hornblende1 (percent) 320 32 35 31 (also 2 percent biotite) 294 40 42 15 (also 3 percent biotite) 195 58 26 14 (also 2 percent biotite) 1Pale green and clear. 2Alteration noticeable; contains inclusions of other crystals; also contains fine-grained opaque material. 3Same as intermediate, but much more pronounced. Many crystals almost opaque owing to alteration and opaque minerals. ble for the pronounced discordances shown by the older plutons is not yet known. Miller (1969) assigned the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite a Tertiary age, which is here referred to an Eocene age. Hypabyssal dikes, some of which have petrologic affinities to the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite, are found throughout the report area and are especially abundant in the area just east of the Flowery Trail Granodiorite. Yates and Engels (1968, p. D246) reported ages of about 50 my on lamprophyre dikes, shonkinitic sills and dikes, and volcanic rocks from the north half of the Colville 30-minute quadrangle. The lamprophyre dikes, in particular, strongly resemble some of the hypabyssal dikes in the report area and may be related to the same period of igneous activity as the Silver Point Quart Monzonite. If so, the intrusive event represented by these 50-m.y.-old rocks may be widespread in northeastern Washington. The varied potassium-argon dates reported here can be explained by as few as three main periods of plutonic activity, if the dates are considered in conjunction with the petrographic and field relations of the plutonic rocks. The oldest, apparently involving only the emplacement of the Flowery Trail Granodiorite, occurred in Late Triassic or Early Jurassic time. The Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite and the Phillips Lake Granodiorite and its associated dikes and sills were emplaced in mid-Cretaceous time. The absolute age of the muscovite quartz monzonite and coarse- *— 58 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON grained quartz monzonite is uncertain. Field relations and spatial associations suggest that they were prob- ably emplaced during the mid-Cretaceous event, but later than the Phillips Lake Granodiorite and its asso- ciated dikes and sills. Plutonic activity in the area apparently climaxed in the Eocene with the intrusion of the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite, the granodiorite, and the fine-grained quartz monzonite. CENOZOIC HYPABYSSAL, VOLCANIC, AND SEDIMENTARY ROCKS MAFIC DIKES Fine-grained dikes or dike-form bodies, rich in mafic minerals, are scattered throughout the report area. Almost all cut across bedding, but some are locally concordant where they intrude Precambrian metasedi- mentary rocks. Although they could be called lampro- phyres, perhaps sodium-rich minette or vogesite, they are referred to here simply as mafic dikes because they do not fit well into any of the lamprophyre categories. Although the dikes do not form an appreciable per- centage of the bedrock anywhere, they are obviously concentrated in some places. Three such places are in and around the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite, the Phillips Lake Granodiorite, and in the vicinity of Jay Gould Ridge. Dikes are numerous though Widely scat- tered throughout the area underlain by the lower part of the Belt Supergroup, but almost none were found in the Deer Trail Group, Huckleberry Formation, or the Paleozoic rocks. Most of the dikes are between 10 and 30 feet wide and too small to map. The largest of the few that were mapped are immediately south of Cottonwood Creek. One is just over 1 mile long, and the other, although not exposed along its entire length, is about 1.5 miles long. They average about 300 feet in width, but the shorter one bulges to about 1,000 feet near its north end. A Another large dike, but one considerably different in appearance, crosses Jay Gould Ridge in sec. 9, T. 32 N ., R. 41 E. It averages about 150 feet in width and is about half a mile long. No preferred orientation common to even a majority of the dikes is evident on a regional scale. Their orien- tation appears to be controlled almost entirely by local structural and sedimentary features such as foliation, faults, joints, and bedding. The emplacement of the two large dikes south of Cottonwood Creek was obvi- ously controlled by bedding in the host rocks. At least one dike, too small to be mapped, intrudes part of the fault in sec. 9, T. 33 N., R. 41 E. If the dikes were better exposed and more data available on the orienta- tion of the smaller bodies, a regional trend might be- come apparent. The dikes vary greatly in appearance, even though all are fine grained and most have approximately the same mineral composition. Three dikes coarse grained enough for modal analyses are of monzonite and quartz monzonite composition (see following table and fig. 21); most of the others are too fine grained for modal Modes of three mafic dikes Specimen N o. .......................................... 2 8 9 Plagioclase: Phenocrysts ...................... 19 20 12 Groundmass ...................... 25 23 28 Potassium feldspar .................. 25 26 28 Biotite ........................................ 9 6 14 Hornblende .............................. 11 11 7 Pyroxene ................................. 4 1 0 Quartz ........................................ 6 10 10 Apatite ...................................... Trace 1 Trace Opaque minerals ...................... 1 1 1 Calcite ............................. 1 Trace Sphene ........................... Trace Trace Total ............................ 100 100 Plagioclase 35 65 K-feldspar FIGURE 21.—Plots of mafic dike modes. Felsic minerals recalculated to 100 percent. analyses. Almost all the dikes are unusually fresh and show little alteration. Because of this, they commonly crop out even where the host rock is completely covered by a thick layer of forest debris and soil. Minerals found in the dikes are, in order of decreas- ing abundance, plagioclase, potassium feldspar, horn- blende, quartz, biotite, magnetite (or ilmenite), apa- tite, Sphene, chlorite, epidote, calcite, hematite, zircon, pyrite, allanite, and actinolite(?) . Not all these are found in every dike. Table 4 gives the minerals of a representative group from throughout the report area. Phenocrysts are generally euhedral or subhedral and consist of only plagioclase, potassium feldspar, quartz, biotite, hornblende, and pyroxene. Plagioclase pheno- crysts are found in most of the dikes and average 0.12— 0.2 inch in size. Their average composition is An“, CENOZOIC HYPABYSSAL, VOLCANIC, AND SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 59 TABLE 4.—Mineral composition of selected mafic dikes [X=mineral present; A=mineral present, but altered] Phenocrysts Groundmass a a =9 a I) '2 ,g a ‘H 0 S . 3 E s g E E E 22 3 3 3 i g ”-1 u—. O In H up: No. See. (N.) (E ) § .. 1? .3 g g 3 a ‘3 g a g g a g 'E: g -: g 3 g 2 Remarks eggggg:§,sésaa2stafiiés m a 0‘ :3 m n. m m o' m m S <: m 'in <: H o m m o 4: , 32 41 X A X X X X X X X Aphanitic groundmass. 34 41 X A X X X X X X X X X X X X X See mode (table, p. 5 8 ). 34 41 A X A X X X X X X X X X X X Color index over 40. 82 41 X A X A X X X X X X X X X X Grfougdmass is high in potassium e spar. 5 .. 28 84 41 X X X X X X X X X X X Even-grained large hornblende phenocrysts. 32 41 X X A X X X X X X X X X X Grgéligdmass is high in potassium spar. 33 41 X X X X X X X X X X X X X 33 41 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X See mode (table, 1). 5 8 ). 32 41 X X X X X X X X X X X X X Do. 30 41 X X X X X X X X X X X X Gray aphanitic groundmass, pink potassium feldspar phenocrysts. 29 41 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Low color index, large potassium feldspar phenocrysts. 29 41 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 29 41 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 29 41 X X X X A X X X X X X X X X Same as 10 in appearance. 29 41 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Same as 11 in appearance, but no potassium feldspar phenocrysts. 29 40 X X A X X X X X X X X X X X Same as 11 in appearance. 80 41 X X X X A X X X X X X X X X X X Dark-gray even-grained phenocrysts are small. 18 ............ 16 29 41 X X X A X X X X X X X X X X Same as 11 in appearance, but no potassium feldspar phenocrysts. 19 ............ 1 29 40 X X A X X X X A X X X X X X X Roufiided pottaéssium feldspar p enocrys . 20 ............ 6 29 41 X X A X X X X X X X X X X X Large potassium feldspar pheno- crysts. Strong resemblance to Silver Point Quartz Monzonite. 30 41 X X X X X X X X X X X Dull-pink groundmass. 30 41 X A X X X X X X X X X X X X X Same as 17 in appearance. 31 42 X X X X X X X X X High color index. 31 42 X A X X X X X X X X X 81 41 X X X X X X X X X X Dull-pink groundmass. 31 41 X A X A X X X X X X X X X X X Pink groundmass. 31 41 X A X A X X X X X X X X X X Dull-pink groundmass. 31 41 X A X A X X X X X X X X X X X Do. 31 42 A X X X X X X X X Same as 23 in appearance. 1Probably includes ilmenite. 2Margin of same dike as No. 2. whereas average groundmass composition is An”. In addition, potassium feldspar phenocrysts as much as 0.8 inch long are found in dikes in and around the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite that may be related to that pluton. Hornblende, the most common mafic pheno- cryst, is found in about 90 percent of the dikes. Biotite is found in about 80 percent, but in many of these it is altered partly or completely to chlorite. In dikes that contain phenocrysts of both biotite and hornblende, one of the two minerals is always altered. In most, only one of the mafic minerals is found in the groundmass, and it corresponds to the unaltered mafic phenocryst. Almost all the biotite in the dikes associated with the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite is severely altered. These crystals may not have been stable in the physical- chemical conditions which produced the potassium feldspar phenocrysts found in all these rocks. Pyroxene phenocrysts are found only in the large dikes south of Cottonwood Creek and in the chilled margins of an unusually mafic dike about 2 miles west of Phillips Lake. The borders of all pyroxene crystals examined are altered to hornblende, biotite, or chlorite. Groundmass grains are euhedral to anhedral and range from 0.001 to 0.005 inch in size. The variation in grain size is somewhat a function of the proximity to the borders, although chilled margins are not obvious in the field. Width of dike and grain size of groundmass are generally related. The groundmass is some shade of gray in all dikes except the two large ones south of Cottonwood Creek. The darker dikes contain a higher concentration of mafic minerals in the groundmass than do the lighter ones. The color of the dikes south of Cottonwood Creek is a distinctive dull pink, which might be the result of an abnormally large amount of small potassium crystals in the groundmass. As with the feldspar-rich dikes associated with the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite, the biotite in all the pink rocks is highly altered. 60 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON The dikes are younger than any of the plutonic rocks. Engels used potassium-argon methods to date several dikes in the northeast quarter of the Colville 30-minute quadrangle (Yates, 1964). Two lamprophyre dikes which are similar to some of the mafic dikes in the report area and may be related to them were dated as 49.9:15 my. and 51.7 :15 my. (Yates and Engels, 1968, p. D243). ANDESITE Relatively well exposed black andesite underlies an area of about a quarter of a square mile, 3 miles south- west of Chewelah. It is not found any other place in the report area, but somewhat similar rocks have been mapped in the Turtle Lake quadrangle to the south- west by Becraft and Weis (1963) . They referred these rocks to the Gerome Andesite (Weaver, 1920) and assigned them to the Oligocene on the basis of plant fossils in interbedded tufiaceous rocks (Becraft and Weis, 1963, p. 37) . The Gerome Andesite has also been mapped in the west half of the Hunters quadrangle, just 22 miles west of Valley, by Campbell and Raup (1964) , and in the adjacent Wilmont Creek quadrangle by Becraft (1966). Becraft renamed the unit the Gerome Volcanics. The lithologic descriptions given by Becraft and Weis partly fit the andesite in the report area, but they differ in some important aspects. The andesite in the Turtle Lake quadrangle is higher in SiO2 and A1203 but is noticeably lower in FeO and MgO than the andesite described here. Other constituents are about the same. The andesite appears to rest on the Stensgar Dolo- mite, but the exposures do not show whether the con- tact is extrusive or intrusive. The top is not preserved, and no flow structures were observed. If the andesite is extrusive, and assumed to be near horizontal, it must be at least 240 feet thick. Phenocrysts of olivine, hornblende, and, to a lesser degree, biotite are easily seen in hand specimen. Plagio- clase and pyroxene crystals larger than the groundmass, but smaller than the phenocrysts, are abundant al- though obvious only in thin section. The mode in the table that follows is representative of the andesite. Hornblende is the most abundant mafic mineral. Al- most all of it is highly oxidized and has thick rims of magnetite or ilmenite finely disseminated in a semi- opaque material. Inside the alteration rim the remain- ing hornblende is slightly altered and highly zoned. It is probably basaltic hornblende because of the oxida- tion products, medium to high birefringence, and pleo- chromism, X=1ight tan, Y=yellow brown, and Z: deep golden brown. Olivine crystals are as much as 0.08 inch in size and are surrounded by fine-grained olive- green to golden alteration products that have moderate Chemical analysis, CIPW norm, and mode of andesite southwest of Chewelah [Analystsc P. L. D. Elmore, Hezekiah Smith. James Kelsey, Lowell Artis, and James Glenn] Chemical analysis CIP W norm M ode (weight percent) (weight percent) (volume percent) 8102 .................... 58.3 Q .......... 8.0 Plagioclase .......... 8 A1203 .................. 14.7 or ........ 19.0 Homblende .......... 20 Fean .................. 2.5 ab ........ 25.6 Pyroxene .............. 3 F60 .................... 3.8 an ........ 17.0 Olivine .................. 1 MgO .................. 5.8 wo ........ 3.3 Biotite .................. 1 CaO .................... 5.8 en ........ 14.5 Groundmass ........ 67 Na20 .................. 3.0 fs .......... 3.7 __ K10 .................... 3.2 mt ........ 3.6 100 H20+ ............... 1.1 11 .......... 1.7 TiOa .................... .89 ap ........ 1.2 P205 .................... .51 cc ........ .2 MnO .................. .11 —— CO, .................... .10 99.7 99.61 birefringence. The olivine has a 2Vx of about 80°~90°. Biotite is much less abundant than the hornblende but is surrounded by the same rims of fine-grained opaque minerals. Its pleochroism is X=light yellow brown and Y=Z:red brown. Pyroxene is the second most abundant mafic mineral but is not easily identifiable in hand specimen. It ranges in size from about 0.12 inch down to microlites in the groundmass and is the only mafic mineral that appears to be relatively free of any alteration. The 2 V2 is about 45°—50° in some crystals, but about 0°—25° in others. At least some of the pyroxene appears to be pigeonite, and some augite. Plagioclase ranges in size from about 0.12 inch. down to microlites in the groundmass. It appears to be andesine but is highly zoned. The finer grained plagioclase and pyroxene, along with opaque minerals and partially devitrified brown glass, form an aphanitic groundmass with a pilotaxitic texture. Much of the very fine grained material may be devitrified glass. Although it is too fine grained to identify in thin section and has not been X-rayed, its alkali content (see preceding table) suggests that much of it is quartz, potassium feldspar, and albite. BASALT About 10 square miles in the southwest part of the area is underlain by basalt, but more than half of this is masked by younger glacial and alluvial debris. The basalt appears to be confined chiefly to elevations below 2,500 feet, except on the northwest slope of J umpofi Joe Mountain, where it is found as high as 2,900 feet. Individual flows and flow thicknesses could not be dis- cerned, and so the attitude of the flows could not be measured directly. Since the base is found at about the same elevation in most places in the area, the flows must be nearly horizontal, except around irregularities in the —i CENOZOIC HYPABYSSAL, VOLCANIC, AND SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 61 underlying surface. In the NE1/4 sec. 30, T. 31 N., R. 41 E., Empire Explorations Inc. drilled a test well which penetrated 139 feet of basalt. Assuming that the basalt is nearly horizontal, this is the most accurate measure- ment of a partial section but probably does not repre- sent a maximum thickness in the area. The rock is black to dark gray, nonporphyritic, and locally vesicular. Columnar jointing is well developed in places but is not obvious because exposures are poor. Petrographically, the rock has a hyalo-ophitic texture. Plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine crystals generally constitute about 45 percent of the rock. Dark-brown almost opaque glass with abundant disseminated mag- netite and (or) ilmenite makes up the rest of the rock. Several thin sections of rocks from different localities showed little variation in mineralogy or texture. The only notable variation was found in a specimen collected in the NW% sec. 17, T. 31 N., R. 41 E., which contained about a third more plagioclase and pyroxene than other specimens and about a third less glass and olivine. The following table gives the modes, in volume percent, for specimens of this basalt: One specimen from sec. Specimens from three 17, T. 31 N., R. 41 E. localities1 Plagioclase .............................. 26 35 Pyroxene ................................ 13 17 Olivine .................................... 6 3 Glass ........................................ 45 35 Opaque minerals .................... 10 10 Total ............................ 100 100 1Average of three modes; less than 3 percent variation in any constituent. Weaver (1920,p. 99) and Jones (1929,p. 50) applied the name Camas Basalt to all the Tertiary volcanic rocks in the report area but recognized that the basalt is largely continuous with the Columbia River basalts to the south. They erroneously included the andesite 3 miles southwest of Chewelah with the basalt, however. Griggs (1966) mapped basalt of the Columbia River Group within 2 miles of the southwest corner of the report area. Becraft and Weis (1963, p. 39-40) reported at least 900 feet of Columbia River Basalt in the Turtle Lake quadrangle, at least part of which appears to be “Late Yakima flows.” D. A. Swanson, of the US. Geo- logical Survey, examined several thin sections of basalt from the report area and reported that they strongly resemble Yakima Basalt, which is of Miocene and Plio- cene age (oral commun., 1966). LATAH FORMATION Hosterman (1969, p. 56) assigned the clay-bearing strata found in two small claypits in sec. 4, T. 29 N., R. 42 E., and sec. 32, T. 30 N., R. 42 E., to the Latah For- mation of Miocene age. In an earlier report, Miller (1969, p. 4) erroneously included these clay beds in the Quaternary. The formation was originally named by Pardee and Bryan (1926, p. 1), who thought that the unit was overlain by the Columbia River Basalt. Kirkham and Johnson (1929, p. 483) showed that the Latah Forma- tion actually interfingers with the basalt. The contact between the basalt and Latah Formation is not exposed in the report area. In the two claypits the formation consists of sand- stone, siltstone, silty clay, and what Glover (1941, p. 282) described as “bog iron.” The so-called bog iron consists of rust-colored cohesive material which re- sembles limonite and which cements elastic material ranging in grain size from coarse sand to clay. The sur- face of the bog iron is botryoidal in many places. The bog iron may be confined to a single bed at both pits and if so may prove an aid to prospecting for clay. (See Miller, 1969, p. 6 and fig. 3.) The clay is unconform- ably overlain by glacial material. CONGLOMERATE Small isolated patches of well-indurated unsorted pebble to boulder conglomerate are found on the hill southwest of Chewelah and on the south and east flanks of Cliff Ridge. At both localities, the clasts are com- posed of the unit on which the conglomerate is lying or of nearby lithologies. Southwest of Chewelah, the conglomerate appears to cling to the side of the hill. Stratification is not obvious in the rock, and so it is not known if this is a buttress relationship. At Cliff Ridge, the conglomerate is uncon- formably overlain by glacial material. Many of the clasts in the conglomerate southwest of Chewelah are fairly well rounded, but most of those in the unit at Cliff Ridge are angular. The age of the rock is not known. The conglomerate at one locality may not even be the same age as at the other. The unconformity at the base of the conglomer- ate and the fact that the rock is well indurated lead us to suspect a Tertiary age. GLACIAL, ALLUVIAL, AND TALUS DEPOSITS, UNDIFFERENTIATED Glacial, alluvial, and talus deposits were mapped as one unit. Alluvial material is confined to the beds and flood plains of modern streams. Glacial debris consists chiefly of sand and gravel and locally fine-grained lacustrine deposits. The debris forms moraines, out- wash plains, terraces, and thin mantles on hillsides. The distribution of glacial erratics, striae, and moraines suggests that ice covered the western two- thirds of the report area and that a lobe moved east— ward from the main body in Burnt Valley. The presence of glacial debris on top of Quartzite Mountain led Clark and Miller (1968, p. 3) to surmise that the glacial ice h 62 in the Colville River valley must have been more than 2,000 feet thick. Chewelah Mountain does not appear to be glaciated above the 5,000-foot elevation, although bedrock is deeply frost riven. Similarly, that part of Calispell Peak above this elevation must have pro- truded above the continental glaciers, but two cirques on the north side of Calispell Peak indicate local moun- tain glaciation, presumably during the waning phase of glaciation. Moraines are common in the area, but many have been eroded almost beyond recognition. A prominent moraine is responsible for the sharp switchback in the road in the NE% sec. 24, T. 33 N ., R. 41 E. Additional small moraines are found at about the 3,600-foot level on the slopes north of Burnt Valley. The erosionally resistant north-south belt of Addy Quartzite, Striped Peak Formation, and upper Wallace Formation appears to have dammed westward-flowing glacial streams and caused deposition of large volumes of glacial debris in basins east of it. The largest of these basins is now drained by Cottonwood Creek. Others to the north are now drained by Sherwood Creek, Thomason Creek, South Fork of Chewelah Creek, North Fork of Chewelah Creek, and Bear Creek. Poorly indurated lacustrine materials, probably de- posited in ponded water behind ice dams or moraines, are found at several places in the area. An excellent example is exposed in small roadcuts at the top of the divide which lies on the line between secs. 15 and 16, T. 31 N ., R. 41 E. The sediments there are fine grained, light gray to white, and thin bedded. Almost none of the lacustrine deposits crop out in natural exposures. Although they contain some clay minerals, these depos- its do not have the high proportion of clay minerals found in the lake sediments previously described by Miller (1969, p. 4). Talus deposits are found chiefly below bold outcrops, formed mainly by the quartzite units. STRUCTURE Structural and stratigraphic interpretations are closely interrelated in the report area because interpre- tations involving one are almost invariably based on the other. Much of the structure shown on the map and cross sections is inferred or at best based in part on indirect evidence because of the generally poor expo- sure. This is particularly true for much of western part of the area, where the structural complexity is greatest. To a certain extent, the degree of interpretive freedom is inversely proportional to the amount and quality of exposure. During the mapping, as stratigraphic infor- mation increased and interpretations became more re- fined, the complexity of the structural history became increasingly apparent. Because the amount of interpre- CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON tation is so great and the structure so complex, the authors have tried their best to distinguish observed from interpreted structures in the following section and, as much as possible, to point out the basis for interpretations. Two distinct structural blocks are evident in the report area. (See fig. 8) The eastern block, which underlies most of the area, consists largely of Belt rocks that form the west limb of a large anticline. Numerous faults cut this fold, and the northern part of the fold is overturned toward the west. The western block is underlain primarily by the Deer Trail Group, which here forms the north end of the magnesite belt. Signifi- cant differences in stratigraphy and structures within the blocks suggest that a major fault separates them and that a large but unknown amount of lateral move- ment has occurred. The J umpoff Joe fault may be this fault, but this possibly cannot be demonstrated con- clusively. (See section “Structure Separating the Two Blocks”) At the few localities where the fault is ex- posed, it appears to dip shallowly to the west and places Precambrian Deer Trail rocks on the west side against Paleozoic rocks on the east side. Most of the fault, however, is concealed beneath the surficial debris filling the Colville Valley, and so it is not known for certain whether the various segments mapped as the J umpoff Joe fault are in fact parts of a single, con- tinuous fault. STRUCTURES IN THE BELT SUPERGROUP BLOCK FOLDS The northerly trending west limb of a large anticline is evident from the outcrop pattern and attitudes of Belt rocks in the east-central partof the report area. (See pls. 1, 2; figs. 8, 22). Southeast of Deer Lake the flower part of the Belt Supergroup strikes northwest and dips at moderate angles to the west. North of Deer Lake the strike of the section swings progressively more northward, and the dip becomes increasingly steeper. At about the latitude of Grouse Creek, the section strikes north-northeast and is overturned towards the west. Northward it becomes progressively more over- turned, but the strike remains fairly constant up to the latitude of Quartzite Mountain. There, it begins to swing farther eastward until in the vicinity of God- dards Peak the section strikes east-northeast, and locally east-west, and is then cut off by plutonic rocks. The east limb of this anticline, east of the report area, is not nearly as well defined. Attitudes of the Belt rocks between Fan and Horseshoe Lakes (fig. 2) , about 7 miles east of Deer Lake, indicate that the rocks are near the axis of the fold, as the strike swings to east- west, and in places east-northeast. In this area all the STRUCTURE 63 strata are right-side-up and dip gently to the south. If single structure. About 5 miles west of them, he mapped the strike of the section continues to swing to the north- an anticline which Schroeder (1952, p. 26) had previ- east, the strata will form the east limb of the anticline. ously named the Snow Valley anticline. This anticline However, plutonic rocks may interrupt this continua- is en echelon with an unnamed anticline that Barnes tion. mapped near the southwest end of Priest Lake, but is This anticline, here named the Nelson Peak anticline, separated from it by about 8 miles of intervening and the partially exposed syncline to the west, here younger granodiorite. All the folds are rather open, and named the Chewelah syncline, are shown in figure 22. the strike of the axes varies somewhat. The general They are the westernmost in a series of rather evenly strike, however, is about due north. spaced generally north-south-trending folds extending In the Bead Lake area, Schroeder (1952, p. 25) map- eastward almost to Pend Oreille Lake in Idaho. Barnes ped only the east limb of a fold that he called the New- (1965, pl. 1) mapped two synclines, the Priest River port syncline and suggested that its axis lay to the and the Peewee, in the Priest River valley in Idaho. The west, approximately in the position of the Pend Oreille two folds project toward one another and may be a River. From the strike of the beds of the east limb, the 118000, “7°30, 117° 00 COLVILLE METALlNE\ ! 30' UADRANGL‘ ’ : 48° 30' o a 30 QUADRANGLP ' CHEWELAH NEWPORT 30‘ QUADRANGLE 30’ QUADRANGLE ( ‘ CH EWELAH- «)2 LOON LAKE l g ' AREA l 1: ' I -° l 33 w t}. 4 20 i I m; 2 .. ,9 § I .\ 2 :2“ i“ . A 7 Z CHEWELAH SYNCLINE NELSON PEAK ANTICLINE ————-—-—_-———IDAHO WASHINGTON *3. 8 Note: Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks in this area are covered EXPLANATION by surficial material or intrud- FOLDS ed by p|utonic rocks —-+——? __H——_.7—. Normal Overturned Anticline —-i—-+ —7—. —-H——?-—— Normal Overturned Syncline Showing trace of axial plane and direc- tion of dip of limbs. Dashed and queried where inferred 0 10 20 MILES FIGURE 22.—Location of major fold axes in the Belt Supergroup block. 64 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON axis should have about the same strike as the Snow Valley anticline. The Priest River syncline, Snow Valley anticline, and Newport syncline are all rather open folds with gentle to moderately dipping flanks. The Nelson Peak anti- cline and Chewelah syncline are noticeably tighter than these three and are in part strongly overturned. There is an equally noticeable increase in the intensity of folding from south to north within the report area. Both limbs of the Nelson Peak anticline at about the latitude of Deer Lake are normal, but to the north, at the lati- tude of Chewelah Mountain, the west limb is strongly overturned to the west. The Chewelah syncline, al- though ill defined and complicated by faulting in the southern part of the area, is reasonably well developed from the Jay Gould Ridge area north to Johnson Mountain. Comparison of cross sections B—B’ and A—A’ (pl. 1) shows the change between these two areas. Although strongly overturned, the syncline at the lati- tude of B—B’ is rather regular. Along A—A’ however, the limbs of the fold are attenuated, and the nose is con- siderably thickened. The structural change in thickness is due at least in part to the extreme development of a closely spaced slip cleavage in this area. The cleavage appears to be about parallel to the axial plane of the fold and is so pervasive that'it has given the rocks a highly sheared appearance. In the vicinity of B—B’ the slip cleavage is relatively low dipping and roughly par- allel to the axial plane of the syncline but is not nearly as well developed as it is to the north. The right-side-up part of the syncline is exposed on Johnson Mountain, in Ten Mile Creek southeast of the Flowery Trail Granodiorite, and in the vicinity of Deer Lake. FAULTS A group of northwest-trending faults offset the Belt Supergroup rocks with rather large apparent displace- ment, all but one in a left-lateral sense. Parts of the traces of all of them are masked by glacial debris, and so their position can only be inferred in many places. The apparent movement along these faults could have been strike slip or dip slip, probably the latter, and is thought to be Precambrian in age. These faults are con- sidered to predate the development of the major folds in the Belt Series, as they do not appear to cut the Cambrian Addy Quartzite, which is involved in the folding (fig. 23). The fault east of Quartzite Mountain (No. 2, pl. 1) has a minimum apparent displacement of 10,000 feet in an apparent left-lateral sense. At the west end the displacement of the lower contact of the Addy Quartzite is only about 1,000 feet and is inter- preted as renewed post-Cambrian movement along a Precambrian fault. Faults 3 and 4 do not cut the Cam- brian quartzite, although they appear to be truncated 5-5;. 2 Reference line 523':Reference line l B C O 2 4 6MILES APPROXIMATE SCALE FIGURE 23.—Sketch maps showing alternate interpretations of the relation of the Addy Quartzite to the northwest-trending faults between Eagle Mountain and J umpoff Joe Mountain. A, Present mapped relation. B, Lower contact of Addy Quartzite restored to position undisturbed by faults. Inferred northeast-striking fault has been removed, C, Probable con- figuration of lower contact of Addy Quartzite if movement on northwest faults had all been post-Addy. Arrows indicate apparent offsets only. by a north-northeast-trending, perhaps roughly con- temporaneous, fault before they reach the quartzite. Fault 5, which has a minimum apparent offset of about 11,500 feet, passes through an area covered by glacial drift, across which the Addy Quartzite has a roughly comparable offset. The fault relations in this covered area are largely interpretive and are complicated by a well-documented large northeast-trending fault and a small thrust fault, the existence of which is based largely on interpretation. Most of the apparent left- lateral offset of the Addy Quartzite in this area is prob- ably caused by dip slip on the large northeast-trending fault just mentioned. This fault clearly offsets the lower contact of the Addy Quartzite and also offsets the in- ferred contact between the quartzite and overlying car- bonate rocks south of where it cuts fault 5. The trace of fault 6 is covered for its entire length, but the existence of the fault is inferred in order to explain the juxtaposition of unlike Belt units to the north and south of it. Because of the dips of the strata involved, a prohibitively large dip slip would be required to bring the rocks here from their original location. STRUCTURE 65 Although broken by other faults, fault 6 appears to strike northwest. The best reconstruction of premove- ment paleogeology necessitates about 7 miles of right- lateral slip along this fault. However, this distance may bear little resemblance to the actual amount of move- ment along the fault because of complications by other faults in the immediate area and uncertainties in cor- relation of offset features across the fault. The best “matc ” across the fault appears to be the syncline on Deer Lake Mountain with a similar syncline on the south flank of Blue Grouse Mountain. Both folds have the same axial strike, are rather open and involve the same stratigraphic units. If they are offset parts of the same structure and are related to the Nelson Peak anti- cline and Chewelah syncline, then fault 6 must have formed after the folding and is much younger than faults 1 through 5 are considered to be. Faults with approximately the same northwest strike as fault 6, and with right-lateral offset as well, are abundant and well documented in the Coeur d’Alene district and in the Clark Fork quadrangle. The two largest and most widely known of these are the Hope fault in the Clark Fork and Libby areas, and the Osburn fault in the Coeur d’Alene district. Harrison and J obin (1963, p. K28) reported 16 miles of apparent right-lateral offset on the Hope fault but estimated that some of this is due to vertical movements. They suggested that the major strike-slip movement took place in the Precambrian and that the dip-slip move- ment occurred in Laramide or post-Laramide to pre- Pleistocene time. Hobbs and his colleagues estimated as much as 16 miles of right-lateral strike-slip movement along one segment of the Osburn fault. Detailed structural analy- sis suggests that the major strike-slip movements along this fault occurred after the intrusion of the 100-m.y.- old monzonitic stocks in the vicinity but before the extrusion of the Miocene Columbia River basalts (Hobbs and others, 1965, pl. 10, p. 128). Even though the major movement along this fault is probably Cre- taceous, a zone of weakness approximately coincidental with the present position of the fault may have existed there much earlier (Hobbs and others, 1965) . The probable strike-slip movement along fault 6 in the report area may have occurred during the Creta- ceous, when the Osburn fault was most active. If the northwest-trending faults are folded, as the cross sections indicate, their trace on plates 1 and 2 should be sinuous rather than straight, especially where they pass from a slightly overturned to a more tightly overturned part of the section and where they cross areas of rugged topography. The faults probably do have sinuous trace, but exposure is simply not ade- quate to map actual fault traces. Locally, offset fea- tures are exposed well enough that short segments of a fault can be drawn. Most of the segments whose strike can be determined with some reliability trend north- west. Gross offsets such as those east of Quartzite Mountain and in the vicinity of Cottonwood Creek are obvious, but actual fault traces could be quite irregular there as exposure is poor even in areas shown as bedrock. To minimize interpretive prejudice, separated segments along a fault have been connected by relatively straight lines through areas of sparse outcrop or glacial cover, even though the trace may actually be quite irregular. Previously published cross sections (Miller, 1969) show the faults unfolded. Neither interpretation can be conclusively proved or disproved, but as the Addy Quartzite is involved in the folding, the faults, which apparently predate the quartzite, also must be folded. Differential movement along preexisting faults dur- ing folding, in addition to the later small-scale thrust- ing, has created a locally complicated structural knot where the Cottonwood Road intersects the Addy Quartzite (sec. 5, T. 31 N., R. 41 E.). Much of the rock in this small area is highly crushed, broken, or tightly folded. If exposures were more complete, detailed study here could help to better define the relations between the various structures. STRUCTURES IN THE DEER TRAIL GROUP BLOCK The Deer Trail Group block and most of the struc- tures within it strike almost unvaryingly northeast- southwest. Beds, faults, and, to a lesser degree, folds diverge little from this trend. The trend is not well dis- played in the relatively limited outcrops of the Deer Trail Group in the report area but is excellently devel- oped southwest and northeast of the area. North-south and northwest-southeast trends within the Belt Super- group block appear to be truncated by the Deer Trail Group. The differences in trend and the truncation distinguish one block from the other. No large struc- tures in the Deer Trail Group block strike northwest- southeast. A few faults strike northwest-southeast, but none have large displacements or great extent (Camp- bell and Loofbourow, 1962, pl. 1). The rocks north of Chewelah form the northeast end of the magnesite belt. Most of the rocks here are covered by glacial and alluvial material, but the north- east-southwest trends that characterize the magnesite belt are better developed here than elsewhere in the report area. Because exposure is so sparse in this part of the report area, a small amount of reconnaissance mapping was done just outside the west boundary, in the Iron Mountains, where the rocks are fairly well exposed. Structure and stratigraphy can be projected from there into the report area. A series of four north- 66 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON east-southwest-trending moderate-angle reverse faults, which project into the area, are well developed in the Iron Mountains. Two more, not well defined in the Iron Mountains, are found in the report area. Although they appear to be steeper, almost all the faults that Camp- bell and Loofbourow ( 1962, pl. 1) mapped in the mag- nesite belt are reverse faults and have a similar strike and trend. In the north half of the magnesite belt, Campbell and Loofbourow showed an inferred northwest-southeast fault folded by a locally developed north-south-striking anticline and syncline. Another anticline and another syncline with the same axial strike are found on Gold Hill and Deer Mountain 3 miles northwest of Chewelah. There the folds appear to involve the Addy Quartzite and are therefore post-Cambrian in age. Campbell and Loofbourow suggest the sequence of structural events in the magnesite belt began with development of the northeast-southwest faults, followed by local folding with subsequent development of the few northwest- southeast faults. Presumably the northeast-southwest strike of the entire magnesite belt was established dur- ing or before development of the faults with that strike. OTHER DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TWO BLOCKS The primary lithologic differences between the Deer Trail Group and the upper part of the Belt Supergroup are exaggerated by differences in degree of dynamic metamorphism. Throughout most of the magnesite belt, the argillites of the Deer Trail Group are to some degree phyllitic and (or) slaty. This is especially true of the Togo Formation and the McHale Slate. The Edna Dolomite contains argillite zones as much as 600 feet thick and also bedding-plane partings of argillite. Almost all the argillite is phyllitic; in places it even imparts a phyllitic look to the dolomite. From recon- naissance in the magnesite belt, the authors gained the impression that the Deer Trail Group is noticeably and consistently more phyllitic than the Belt Super- group east of the Colville Valley. Deer Trail Group rocks are relatively undeformed only in isolated pockets —for example, the Stensgar Dolomite 4 miles north- west of Chewelah on the north side of US. 395 and the argillite in the SW cor. sec. 22, T. 33 N., R. 40 E. (fig. 6). The McHale Slate within 20 feet of the Stens- gar Dolomite at the locality just mentioned, however, is converted almost to a phyllonite, as is argillite within 100 feet of the undeformed argillite in sec. 22. In con- trast, the Belt Supergroup rocks east of the Colville Valley are only locally phyllitic, and where they are it is due to the extreme development of a slip cleavage, particularly in the northern part of the area. In general, however, the difference in dynamic metamorphism be- tween the two sections is real and noticeable. In addition to structural and stratigraphic contrasts, a significantly different group of rocks overlie the Deer Trail Group and Belt Supergroup blocks. The Addy Quartzite rests on the Huckleberry and Monk Forma- tions in the Deer Trail Group block, whereas it directly overlies the Belt Supergroup in the other block. There are only two localities in the report area where the Huckleberry or Monk Formations possibly overlie Belt rocks. In sec. 7, T. 33 N., R. 41 E., and in sec. 29, T. 34 N., R. 41 E., small areas are underlain by green- stone and amphibolite injected by many leucocratic dikes. These localities are just east of what may be the main structure separating the Deer Trail and Belt blocks at this latitude. However, another fault which also may be the main break passes just east of the greenstone and amphibolite. Across the international boundary, and on strike with the Priest River Group, Rice (1941, map 603A) showed a thick section of the Purcell Series (the Can- adian correlative of the Belt Supergroup) overlain by the Irene Volcanics and Toby Conglomerate (the Can- adian correlative of the Huckleberry Formation). Al- though the descriptions by Rice (1941, p. 8-13) fit the Belt equivalent Purcell Series much better than the Priest River Group, there is some doubt as to whether the specific section in the southwest corner of the map area fits the descriptions. Furthermore, it is not known if the structure separating the Deer Trail and Belt blocks in the report area extends this far north. Along its strike length the Huckleberry Formation is intermittently continuous for at least 90 miles. Near the center of the magnesite belt, it is 4,500 feet thick (Campbell and Loofbourow, 1962, p. F22, F23). Only 10 miles east, however, across the strike of the magne- site belt, it is not found between the Cambrian and Belt rocks. The basin in which the Huckleberry Forma- tion and its equivalents were deposited may, therefore, have been elongate in a northeast-southwest direction. Even so, a basin this long might well have greater lateral extent, and the narrow configuration preserved today may be the result of structural shortening across the basin. Erosion prior to the deposition of the Addy Quartzite is known to have removed parts of both Pre- cambrian sections and could have removed all or most of the Huckleberry and Monk Formations from above the Belt Supergroup now preserved east of the J umpoif Joe fault. There is a consistent difference in trend betWeen the Deer Trail Group and the Belt Supergroup block. North of Chewelah the northeast-trending Deer Trail rocks abut younger plutonic rocks but continue with the same trend on the other side of the batholith, in the IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII----——————_______L STRUCTURE 67 Metaline quadrangle. In the Metaline quadrangle they are called the Priest River Group (Park and Cannon, 1943, p. 6), but are correlated by Becraft and Weis (1963, p. 16) with the Deer Trail Group. Just south of the Metaline quadrangle, in the Bead Lake area, Schroeder (1952, pl. 1) showed the Newport Group (Belt Supergroup) with a generally north-south strike. Although the Newport and Priest River Groups are separated over a distance of 15-20 miles by younger plutonic rocks, their structural relationship appears to be the same as that of the Belt Supergroup and Deer Trail Group, respectively, in the report area. In both areas the Deer Trail Group or its correlatives are con- fined to the northeast-trending block, which appears to truncate the less well defined north-south trend of the Belt Supergroup and its correlatives. Only locally in the northeastern part of Washington are the Belt rocks known to have this northeast regional trend, and only locally does the Deer Trail Group diverge from it. STRUCTURE SEPARATING THE TWO BLOCKS Stratigraphic differences between the Belt Super- group and Deer Trail Group, structural differences be- tween the two blocks to which they are confined, and differences in the sections which overlie the two lead to the conclusion that they are separated by a thrust fault along which an undetermined, but possibly large, amount of movement has occurred. This fault is thought to be the Jumpofi Joe fault. However, subse- quent faulting, possiblyiregional tilting, and conceal- ment by glacial and alluvial debris combine to make study of the fault contact difficult. The J umpoff Joe fault is exposed at several localities in the report area. It separates rocks of the Deer Trail Group from those of the Belt Supergroup, but Whether it juxtaposes the two sections or merely downdrops the major structure is uncertain. The fault is well located but poorly exposed on the hill immediately west of J umpof‘f Joe Lake; here Paleozoic carbonate rocks dip under argillite probably belonging to the Deer Trail Group. South of there the fault is covered by younger deposits for a distance of 2 miles but crops out on the hill north of Springdale, where it again places presumed Deer Trail argillite against Paleozoic carbonate rock. Here the fault dips at a moderate to shallow angle under the Deer Trail Group and is clearly a low-angle reverse or thrust fault. The fault is covered from J ump- off Joe Lake to Chewelah. It is exposed on Embry Hill northeast of Chewelah and north of there on the west , flank of Eagle Mountain. The actual fault plane or fault zone is not exposed on Embry Hill but can be located precisely enough to confidently show that the fault dips shallowly to the west under the Deer Trail Group. The fault is steeper on Eagle Mountain but may be slightly downdropped by a younger, high-angle fault. North of Eagle Mountain relations are obscured by glacial cover. The fault appears to bend to the west at the north end of Eagle Mountain and then continue northward through The Tinderbox. The rocks in that areaare extremely deformed and resemble those adjacent to the fault on Eagle Mountain. From The Tinderbox the fault must follow Bayley Creek for a short distance and then continue to the northeast, forming the boundary between the Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite and the Phillips Lake Granodiorite. Where it cuts through the plutonic rocks, the fault forms a prominent mylonite and cataclastic zone as much as 500 feet wide. How- ever, from the south boundary of sec. 31, T. 34 N., R. 41 E., to the north edge of the area the identity of this fault is uncertain. It may be the Jumpoff Joe fault, one of the northeast-striking faults which project from the southwest, or a combination of both. The mylonite and cataclastic zone is thought to be part of the J umpofi Joe fault because it dips from 30° to 45° NW. In addi- tion, no extension of the J umpoff Joe fault is known on the northwest side of the zone. An inferred fault passes just east of The Tinderbox, across the north fork of Chewelah Creek, and up Bear Canyon (pl. 1) . It merges with the J umpoff Joe fault to the south and with the mylonite and cataclastic zone to the north. The fault is drawn through a number of isolated but extremely contorted and brecciated out- crops and may represent the main trace of the J umpofi Joe fault. If the J umpoff Joe fault is the major structure that juxtaposes the two Precambrian sections, then the Deer Trail Group has been thrust over the Belt Super- group; but if it merely downdrops the major structure, then, because of the distribution of the two sections, the Belt Supergroup would be thrust over the Deer Trail Group (fig. 24) . Although the field relations per- mit either conclusion, the former is favored because it is simpler and because the trends of the Deer Trail block appear to truncate those of the Belt Supergroup block. The fact that it is not even known with certainty which section has overidden which, or for that matter if one section is even thrust over the other, illustrates how equivocal the data concerning this problem are. Re- gardless of the exact form of the structure, however, the obvious differences in trend, internal structures, and stratigraphy of the two blocks indicate the exist- ence of some sort of large-scale break. Although there are significant facies changes, fairly good stratigraphic correlations can be made between the Belt Supergroup in the Coeur d’Alene district, at Clark Fork, and in the report area. The facies changes are not unreasonable, considering the distances in- fi‘ 68 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON E Surface Surface Surface EXPLANATION Addy Quartzite Belt Supergroup Deer Trail Group FIGURE 24.—Diagrammatic cross sections showing possible interpretations of thrust relations between the Belt Super- group and Deer Trail Group. A, Simple thrust relation- ship. Deer Trail Group thrust eastward over the Belt Supergroup. This is considered the most likely relation and is the one shown on the geologic map and sections. B, Belt Supergroup thrust westward over the Deer Trail Group. Thrust later displaced by the Jumpofl' Joe fault and upper part removed by erosion. C, Deer Trail Group thrust eastward over the Belt Supergroup. Thrust is in subsurface only and is displaced by the J umpoff Joe fault. This interpretation assumes the thrusting is Precambrian in age. volved. No large-scale thrust faults are known in the area between these localities, and so if the Belt section of the report area had been thrust over the Deer Trail Group, the rest of the Belt rocks east to the Clark Fork and Coeur d’Alene areas would have had to move with it. The thrust sheet would be tremendously large and would contain no known imbricate thrusts, and the thrust plane would be nowhere exposed at the surface. If this is the case, however, the upper plate would be thrust from east to west, as no section resembling the Deer Trail Group is known east of Chewelah. For the same reason, if the Deer Trail Group is thrust over the Belt Series, as is suspected, the upper plate must be thrust from west to east. Unfortunately there are no exposures of the Deer Trail Group or Belt Supergroup west of the relatively narrow magnesite belt that would allow an estimate of how much move- ment has occurred. The facies changes in the Belt sec- tion between Clark Fork and the report area are more pronounced than those between the report area and the magnesite belt. This suggests that the amount of thrusting may not be too great. Unfortunately, a complete section of Addy Quartz- ite resting on the Belt Supergroup is nowhere exposed in the area. Because systematic differences in thick- ness of the basal Cambrian quartzite are known to exist in the region, comparison of the thickness of the quartzite on the Belt Supergroup with that above the Deer Trail Group might furnish information on how far the two sections were originally separated. Addy Quartzite overlying the Belt rocks east of the area should be examined with this in mind. Paleozoic rocks on Addy Quartzite appear to be different above the two Precambrian sections, but the Paleozoic carbonate rocks above the Belt Supergroup are not well enough nor extensively enough exposed to make meaningful comparisons with those above the Deer Trail Group. In the Hunters quadrangle, which includes the southern part of the magnesite belt, Camp- bell and_ Raup (1964) showed several thousand feet of limestone, slate, and chert of Ordovician age or older above the quartzite, where it overlies the Deer Trail Group. Yates (1964) also showed several thousand feet of carbonate, phyllite, and slate of Ordovician age or older above the quartzite, all of which apparently overlies the Deer Trail or Priest River Group, but no rocks corresponding to either of these thick sections are found above the quartzite resting on the Belt Super- group. Throughout the report area, Mississippian car- bonate rocks are found above the Addy Quartzite where it rests on the Belt rocks, but they have not been found anywhere else in northeastern Washington. The J umpoff Joe fault is thus presumably younger than the Mississippian carbonate rocks and is probably younger than the Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite and the Phillips Lake Granodiorite. This would indicate that the thrusting took place less than 100 my ago. Although it has been suggested here that the J ump- oif Joe fault is the major structure separating the Deer Trail and Belt blocks, it is possible that the large north- east-striking faults that pass a few miles northwest of Chewelah mark the division between the blocks and that one of the faults in that system is significantly MINERAL DEPOSITS 69 larger than the others. If this were the case, several interpretations that have been proposed would have to be altered: (1) The rocks west of the J umpoff Joe fault that have been assigned to the Deer Trail Group, primarily on the basis of their association with the greenstone of the Huckleberry Formation, are actually part of the Belt Supergroup, (2) the greenstone, al- though thin, is present within the eastern structural block, and (3) the J umpofi Joe fault, although a large fault, has not had a significant amount of lateral move- ment along it. There are two significant reasons for suggesting that this other fault system, and not the J umpoff Joe fault, is the major structure separating the two structural blocks: (1) All rocks and structures with the northeast trend so consistently found in the Deer Trail block would be restricted to that block. Most of the rocks in the report area west of the J umpoff Joe fault and south of Chewelah do not have this northeast strike. To sug- gest stratigraphic assignments on the basis of struc- tural evidence in this manner is ordinarily not justified. However, the consistency of the northeast trends within the Deer Trail block is so striking and is developed over such a large area that any rocks assigned to this block not having the northeast trend should be regarded with some suspicion. (2) The topographic lineament formed by faults of this zone within the report area continues to the southwest outside the area. Campbell and Loof- bourow (1962, pl. 1) mapped a fault along part of this lineament, but the fault passes beyond the limits of their mapping a short distance to the south. Considering stratigraphic and structural relations jointly, the following correlations and sequence of events are tentatively proposed to explain the relation between the Deer Trail Group and Belt Supergroup: (1) The Deer Trail Group is roughly equivalent to the upper Wallace Formation and the Striped Peak For- mation; (2 ) the strata of the two blocks were deposited at localities more widely separated than at present, although information is not sufficient to accurately esti- mate how far apart they were; (3) the two groups underwent separate, though possibly related, deforma- tion at their respective sites of deposition; and (4) sometime after the extrusion of the Huckleberry vol- canics and deposition of the Addy Quartzite, and prob- ably after intrusion of the Starvation Flat Quartz Mon- zonite, the two sections were brought together by thrust faulting. OTHER FAULTS Several of the faults that have a general north-south strike appear to be older than the Flowery Trail Grano- diorite because the brecciated rocks in one of the fault zones near the pluton are thoroughly recrystallized. Most of these faults are not exposed, but are inferred because of anomalous relationships across alluvium- filled valleys. The faults immediately east and west of the J umpofi Joe fault appear to belong to this group. These faults may have been active at the same time as the large northeast-striking faults, some of which are interpreted as cutting the north-south faults and some as being cut by them. The fault separating the Addy Quartzite from the Paleozoic carbonate rocks southeast of Chewelah probably belongs to this group. Two sets of northeast-striking faults are found in the Belt Supergroup block, but one set has a consistently different strike (N. 50°—60°E.) from the faults in the Deer Trail Group block. The large fault that passes through the Upper Cottonwood Road area is repre- sentative of that group. The other set, which approxi- mates the N.30°—40° E. strike of the major faults in the Deer Trail Group block, is not represented in the report area. Three large faults with this trend are found south of Horseshoe Lake, about 4 miles east of Blue Grouse Mountain. West of Loon Lake, three shear zones are found in the 50-m.y.-old Silver Point Quartz Monzonite. These zones strike about north-south to north-northwest. Within the zones the rock is highly brecciated and has been recemented by chloritic material and quartz. Aplite dikes in the zones are both twisted and broken, as if the process which formed the shear zones may have been active when the dikes were intruded and con- tinued active for some time after the dikes solidified. Numerous smaller faults, some inferred, some ob- served, are shown on the geologic maps. Most cannot be dated by crosscutting relationships with closely dated rocks or other structures. MINERAL DEPOSITS Commodities of economic interest in the report area include copper, silver, lead, tungsten, barite, clay, silica sand, and feldspar. Individual mine workings and pros- pects that were accessible between 1963 and 1968 were described in detail by Clark and Miller (1968, p. 4—5 and pl. 2) and Miller (1969, p. 6). Clark and Miller also described from old company mine maps some workings in the Eagle Mountain area that were not accessible during the study period. Only general mine areas will be discussed here. The reader is referred to earlier reports by Weaver (1920), Patty (1921), Huntting (1956), Clark and Miller (1968), and Miller (1969) for individual mine descriptions. In terms of total value of ore produced, the copper- silver mines around Eagle Mountain are by far the most important in the area. Of the 10,551,098 pounds of recorded copper production from the report area, 70 CHEWELAH—LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON about 94 percent is accredited to the mines around Eagle Mountain (Fulkerson and Kingston, 1958, p. 27—28). Almost 100 percent of the recorded silver pro- duction also comes from these mines. The copper-silver ore is found in quartz-carbonate veins which range in thickness from a few inches to over 25 feet. Most are between 10—25 feet wide and are within or near well-developed steeply dipping north- northeast shear zones confined to the upper and lower parts of the Wallace Formation. Sulfides are sparsely disseminated in the veins and host rock and include pyrite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, pyrrhotite, covellite, and chalcocite or digenite. Malachite and hematite are also present. Most of the mines in the north half of the report area, including those around Eagle Mountain, are in country rock peripheral to the Flowery Trail Granodiorite, and the mineralization may be related to that pluton. The sections accompanying the preliminary geologic map by Clark and Miller (1968, pl. 1) show Eagle Mountain to be underlain by a nearly horizontal thrust fault. However, additional work since the publication of that map and the delineation of individual Belt forma- tions suggest that the mountain probably is not floored by a thrust fault and that the shear zones which appear to control the location of the veins are probably con- tinuous at depth. Both the thrust and nonthrust inter- pretations are based on poor exposure in critical areas, however, and should be reevaluated if additional data become available. Only minor exploration has ever been attempted below the main adit level in any of the mines in the Eagle Mountain area. Regardless of whether the area is floored by a thrust fault or not, the vein system should be explored at depth by drilling. Patty (1921, fig. 8) showed a rich streak of tetrahedrite continuing 350 feet below the main adit level in one mine and widening with depth. In addition, old company maps and records indicate an increasing silver-copper ratio at depth. The ever-increasing demand for silver pos- sibly warrants exploratory drilling of the lower parts of the vein system. Smaller deposits have been mined on Embry Hill, about 1 mile southwest of the Eagle Mountain area. These are also on the north side of the Flowery Trail Granodiorite. They are roughly on strike with the Eagle Mountain vein system, but whether the two are con- tinuous is uncertain because faults and an area of poor exposure separate the two localities. Only 4,011 pounds of copper and 22 ounces of silver have been recovered from the ore of the Embry Hill mines (Fulkerson and Kingston, 1958, p. 28). The deposits differ from those on Eagle Mountain in that they have a much higher copper-silver ratio and also contain small amounts of molybdenite. The Embry Hill veins may have been emplaced within the southern continuation of the Eagle Mountain shear zone or formed in Subsidiary breaks related to the J umpoff Joe fault; the latter may border the west margin of the mineral deposits at this locality. A few deposits of lesser importance are found on the south side of the Flowery Trail Granodiorite. Only the Jay Gould mine has had recorded production. The veins in the Jay Gould area are typified by lead and silver-bearing minerals and thus differ from the Eagle Mountain and Embry Hill ores. Argentiferous galena, the major ore mineral, is found in quartz veins as much as 10 feet wide. The distribution of base metal deposits around the Flowery Trail Granodiorite appears to exhibit a zona- tion of sorts. The lead-silver deposits of the Jay Gould area and the Blue Star mine of the Eagle Mountain area occur within the margins of the pluton and in the adjacent sedimentary rocks. Next and relatively near the contact are the silver-copper deposits of Embry Hill, in which the silver-copper ratio is relatively low. The Eagle Mountain deposits, which have a high silver- copper ratio, are farthest from the pluton. The only other base metal deposit in the report area which has had any significant production is the Loon Lake copper mine, in .the NE% sec. 33, T. 31 N., R. 41 E. It has a production record of 622,555 pounds of cop- per and 532 ounces of silver (Fulkerson and Kingston, 1958, p. 45). The production was recorded principally for the period between 1916 and 1919 and came from an individual ore shoot in a quartz vein from 4 to 20 feet wide. Most of the ore came from a secondary zone of azurite, malachite, and cuprite. N 0 new shoots were found by additional exploration. No other base metal mines with any production are located within several miles of the Loon Lake copper mine, although numerous large quartz veins similar to the one on which the prop- erty is developed are found in the mountains to the east and southeast. Several tungsten deposits have been found on Blue Grouse Mountain east of Deer Lake. They consist of sparsely disseminated huebnerite crystals in quartz veins, greisen, and pegmatite segregations around the periphery of the muscovite quartz monzonite. The min- eralization appears to be related to this quartz monzo- nite pluton. Barite deposits have been found on Eagle Mountain, the hills north and east of Valley, and a few hundred feet southwest of the Loon Lake copper mine. Moen (1964) described all the deposits, gave production figures, and estimated reserves. All the barite occurs in veins or a series of veins which range in Width from less than 1 inch to several tens of feet. Moen reported 634 tons of barite shipped, reserves of 2,300 tons meas- REFERENCES CITED 71 ured and indicated, and 24,750 tons inferred. The veins are scattered and appear to be unrelated, but all are restricted to the Striped Peak Formation or its probable equivalent, the Deer Trail Group. Two claypits in the Latah Formation are located southeast of Deer Lake, near the south edge of the map area. Similar deposits are found less than 1 mile east of the report area at the same latitude as those southeast of Deer Lake and just south of the area at the town of Clayton. Hosterman (1969, p. 55, 56) studied the clay deposits of Spokane County in detail. He described the deposit just east of the area and gave analyses of the clay. Miller (1969, pl. 1) prepared a highly general- ized map which shows the possible location of addi- tional clay in nearby areas. The Addy Quartzite may in part be pure enough to be a source for silica sand. Above the purple and pink zones at the base of the formation, the sand is generally white or light gray and probably almost pure quartz. An extensive sampling program would be necessary to block out an area of sufficient purity. On Lane Moun- tain, a few miles west of the area, the quartzite is being mined for the manufacture of glass. There, however, the silica cement has been removed or was never depos- ited, and the rock is extremely friable. All the Addy Quartzite in the report area would require considerable crushing. Feldspar for use as a flux in glass manufacture may be available from the 'muscovite quartz monzonite. Analyses of this unit (see section “Muscovite Quartz Monzonite, Petrology”) show that it contains very little iron or manganese, two of the chief contaminants in glass making. Abundant, easy-to-reach reserves are available in the southeastern part of the area and just east of the area. REFERENCES CITED Anderson, A. L., 1940, Geology and metalliferous deposits of Kootenai County, Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology Pamph. 53, 67 p. Barnes, C. W., 1965 Reconnaissance geology of the Priest River area, Idaho: Wisconsin Univ., Madison, Ph.D. thesis, 145 p. Bateman, P. 0., Clark, L. D., Huber, N. K., Moore, J _ G. and Rinehart, C. D., 1963, The Sierra Nevada batholith—a synthesis of recent work across the central part: U.S_ Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 414-D, p. D1—D46. Becraft, G. E., 1966, Geologic map of the Wilmont Creek quad- range, Ferry and Stevens Counties, Washington: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Quad. Map GQ—538, scale 1:62,500. Becraft, G. E., and Weis, P. L., 1963, Geology and mineral deposits of the Turtle Lake quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull, 1131, 73 p. Bennett, W. A. G., 1941, Preliminary report on the magnesite deposits of Stevens County, Washington: Washington Div. Geology Rept. Inv. 5, 25 p. Bowman, E. 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K., quoted... .................... 30, 32 B Bald Mountain . . 8, 10 Barite ..... 69, 70 Basalt ..... 60 Batholiths . . 4, 16, 33, 51, 55 Bayley Creek ....... 26, 67 Bead Lake . , 18, 63, 67 Bear Canyon . 42, 67 Bear Creek 62 Beitey Lake . 12, 15, 16 Bell Meadow . 42 Belt Supergroup 2, 4, 65 dikes . 58 relation to Deer Trail Group. structure . Benson Peak .. Blacktail Mountain Blue Grouse Mountain . Blue Star mine .. Branson, C. C., quo Breccia .................. Brecciated rocks .. Br ' h'nn Brewer Mountain .............. 42 Buffalo Hump Formation 18 relation to Belt Supergroup.. 24 Burke Formation ........................... 6 relation to Silver Point Quartz Monzonite . 49 Burnt Valley ..................... 61 C Calispell Peak ..................... .. 38, 40, 41, 43, 62 Games Basalt ....... 61 Carbonate rock 8, 29, 80, 31, 32 Chewelah Argillite 24 Chewelah Creek ........ 67 Chewelah Mountain 5. 6, 62, 64 Chewelah syncline . 63, 64, 65 Clark Fork 67 Clay . 61, 69, 71 INDEX [Italic page numbers indicate major references] Page Cliff Ridge ................. Clifl Ridge Lookout . Coeur d’Alene district. 23, 65, 67 . 4, 61 . 33, 51 Columbia River Group ......... Colville—Loon Lake batholith.. Colville River .. 62 Colville Valley .. .. 62, 66 Conglomerate . 2, 24, 25, 26, 61 Copper ........................ 69, 70 Cottonwood Creek . 13, 30, 58. 66 Cr» ‘ “if"! 7, 10 Cross—laminations ........ 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16 Crowell—Sullivan Ridge ...... 29 Crystallization ........... Dating methods Deep Creek Deer Lake Deer Lake Mountain Deer Mountain .. Deer Park ........ Deer Trail Group... relation to Belt Supergroup .. structure undivided . Defamation Dikes Dolomite Duncan, Helen, quoted. Dutro, J. T., quoted ........ 33 E Eagle Mountain ................................................ 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 27, 29, 30. 36, 42, 6'7. 69, 70 Edna Dolomite ................................................ 17', 66 relation to Striped Peak Formation .. Fan Lake . ......... 62 4, 8, 38. 64, 67, 69 F ‘1 1r- 69, 71 Flowery Trail Granodiorite... .. 33, 52, 57 relation to mineralization" 70 relation to Phillips Lake Granodiorite ...... 43 Flows . Folds . Fossils: Acrothele ................... 30 Ammobaculites sp 33 Amphissites centro'notus . 33 simplicissimus ...... 33 Amplexizaphre’ntis an 31 Archaeocyatha .. 32 Bathyuriscua .. .. 80 Brachiopods 30 32, 33 Bryozoans ......... 31 Cavellina corelli . 32 Composite ......... 33 Fossils—Continued Composite—Continued sp .................................... Conodonts Corals ...... Crinoids .. Crurithyria sp Cyrtospin'fe'r sp Cystodictya sp Endothyra sp Fe’nestella. sp Fucoids Gastropods . Globo'valvuli'na bullm‘des . Gnathodus sp .. Graphiodactylus teams . Hyolithes sp ....... Hyoh'thellus sp .. J onesina crateriaera Kuto'rgi'nu, ....... ci/ngulata . sp ............... Leptargom'a analoga 33 Linnarsstmia .. 30 Lophaphullidium pro iferum .. 33 Micromitra (Paten'mz) sp 28 Millerella sp .. 33 Nevadella, addyerms 28 Nevadia [=Nevadella] addyemus.. . 28 Olenellids . ............................ 28 Olenm'des . 30 Ostracodes . . 32 Pelmatozoan debris . 30, 31, 32 Peronopsis ......... . 30 Platycems sp .. 32 Pseudopolygnathus multistn'ata 32 Pseudosyrinm sp 32 Rhabdammina sp 83 Rhipidomella sp .. 32 Rhombopm‘a, m'tidula .. 33 " ‘ " edsom', 28 Siphondella isoaticha, .. ............ 32 Spirifer rockymontanus . 33 sp .............................. 32 Squumulan‘a transverse . 33 Stromatolites ....... 13 Sun'ngothyn's sp 33 Tenticospin'fer utahemn's . 33 Tetracamem sp . .. 33 Trilobites ............. 28, 30 Trachammina sp 33 Um'spififer sp ..... 32 Garnet .. 4‘7 Geologic setting ........ 4 Gerome Andesite 60 Glacial deposits . 61 Goddards Peak .. . 6, 24, 36, 40, 42, 62 Gold Hill ................................. 66 Graded bedding ..... 6, 11, 14, 16 Granodiorite ........ ...36, 40, 50, 56 relation to Silver Pomt Quartz Monzonite ................................ 57 G1 ‘one 24 73 74 Page Grouse Creek . 7, 10, 62 Gypsy Creek 26 Gypsy Quartzite .................. 27, 29 H Hope fault ........... 65 Horseshoe Lake .. 4, 62, 69 Huckleberry Formation .. 2, 24. 66 relation to Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite 38 Huckleberry Mountain 16, 40 Huckleberry volcanics 69 Hydrothermal alteration 8 Hypabyssal rocks ................. 58 I, J, K Ilmenite ....................... 37 Irene Conglomerate 25 Irene Volcanics 25, 66 Iron .................. 25, 61 Iron Mountains . ................ 65 36, 37. 52, 70 7, 58, 64 64 . 42 62, 66. 6‘7, 69, 70 ...... 18, 25, 29, 67 11, 12, 27, 45, 60 Jay Gould mine... Jay Gould Ridge .. Johnson Mountain Joints .................. Jumpofi Joe fault J umpofi Joe Lake... Juno Echo mine. ....................... 36 Kaniksu batholith ............................. 33, 51, 55 Klapper, Gilbert, quoted ............................. 32 L Lane Mountain ...... 71 Latah Formation 61 Libby Formation 24 Limestone . 31, 32 47 ....................... 38 29, 46, 47, 48, 56, 57, 69 12, 15, 16, 70 Loon Lake Mountain . .................... 8 relation to Silver Pomt Quartz Monzonite ............................. 49 Lost Creek ............ 38 M McDonald Mountain . 8, 42 McHale Slate ........... . 17, 66 relation to Striped Peak Formation... 23 Magnesite belt . 2, 16, 17, 18, 24. 62, 65 Magnetite ...... 7, 37, 43, 47, 49, 50, 51 Maitlen Phyllite . 29 Merriam, C. W., quoted 33 Metaline Formation 29 Metamorphic rocks . ........ 24 Metamorphism 6, 37, 45, 66 Mineral deposits ........ 69 Missoula Group . ............................ 11 relation to Buffalo Hump Formation. 24 Monk Formation ............................................ 26, 66 relation to Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite ................................ 38 INDEX Page Mud-chip breccias ................................... 7, 8, 12 Mud cracks ............. .. 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 N, 0 Nelson Peak ......................... 5, 6, 24, 44 Nelson Peak anticline.. 68, 64, 65 Newport Group ........... 19, 67 Newport syncline . ............. 63, 64 Old Dominion Limestone. .............. 29,32 Osburn fault .................. 65 P Palmer, A. R., quoted... 30 Parker Mountain .. 10, 13 Peewee syncline ...... 63 Pegmatite ................ . 41, 43 Pend Oreille Lak . 6, 10, 63 Pend Oreille Valley... 24 Phillips Lake ................ 59 Phillips Lake Granodiorite. 40 55, 57 dikes ..................................... 58 relation to Flowery Trail Granodiorite ............................ 36 relation to Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite ............... 38, 67 Plutonic rocks . 4, .98, $7, 51, 52 Previous work .. .. . 2 Prichard Formation . 3, «6 relation to Togo Formation. 19 Prichard Lake ...... 4 Priest Lake ......... . 63 Priest River Group . 16, 25, 66, 67 Priest River syncline.. 63, 64 Purcell Series .. 4, 66 Pyrite ............... 47 Q. R Quartz monzonite ........... 39, 47 coarse~grained 45, 56, 57 fine-grained ...... 50, 56 relation to Silver Point Quartz Monzonite ................................ 57 vite M 56, 57 two-mica ......... . M, 56 Quartzite .............. 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 19, 23, 24, 26, 27 ........ 8. 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 27, 28, 36, 61, 62, 64, 65 Quartzite Mountain... Rattlesnake Hills Ravalli Group Recrystallization . 44 3, 6' . 6, 36, 37, 43, 44, 46, 48. 69 7, 49 . 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12. 14, 16 Revett Formation Ripple marks ....... S St. Regis Formation... . 7 relation to Burke Formation. 7 relation to Silver Point Quartz Monzonite 49 Salt casts .. 12, 16 Sand ....... 69 Sandstone . ............................... 2, 61 “ l" 24 Scour and fill features .................................... 16 Sedimentary rocks 58 Page Shale ........................ 28 Shearing ................ 42 Shedroof Conglomerate . 25 Sherwood Creek 62 Silica 69, 71 Sills .. 6. 8, 24, 36, 41 Siltite .. 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 18. 19 Siltstone .. 61 Silver ...... 69, 70 Silver Point Quartz Monzonite. . 47, 52, 56, 57 dikes 58, 59 faults 69 relation to dikes... 57 relation to granodiorite 57 relation to quartz monzonite, fine- grained . 57 Slate .......................... 17. 26 Snow Valley anticline... 63, 64 South Fork of Chewelah Creek .. 6, 62 Sphene ............ 49 50, 51 Spirit pluton .. .. 55 Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite .............. .98, 51, 52, 53, 57 relation to Belt Supergroup and Deer Trail Group .......... 69 relation to Priest Lake Group. 67 Starvation Lake ............................... 39 Stensgar Dolomite .......... relation to andesite. 60 relation to Striped Peak Formation 23 Stratigraphic correlations 67 Striped Peak Formation... 11 relation to Belt Supergroup.. 19 relation to Deer Trail Group.. 69 relation to glacial deposits... 62 relation to Togo Formation. 23 Structure ......................................... 4, 62 T Tacoma Creek .................................. 40 Talus deposits Ten Mile Creek The Tinderbox . The m Creek Thrusts .................... Toby Conglomerate Togo Formation relation to Prichard Formation .. 19 relation to Striped Peak Formation... 23 Tourmaline Tuif .............. Tn ‘ V, W, Y, Z Volcanic rocks .. 58 Wallace Formation .................................... 8, 69, 70 relation to glacial deposits .................... 62 relation to Silver Point Quartz Monzonite ..................... . . 49 relation to Togo Formation. . 19 Wilson Mountain ...... 7, 42 Windermere Group 24 Windermere rocks ............................ 4 Yakima Basalt .................................. 61 Zircon ..... '7. 37. 43, 44, 47, 49, 60, 51 Zoning 34 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 117°45' .4 . 48°30' 1 500:"): 48°30' I‘47 H.402» R.41E.I‘49 1‘50 40' [‘51 J I52 I‘53 ‘54 ‘55 :55 35.57 ,M, “25 .59 .50 280 goo-FEET .52 11 °30' PE D ORE LLE co I—mm Q ‘ , u h.) N O St: rvat i‘on ‘ 5369 550 000 FEET 5367 5366 5365 5363 25’ 5362 f _ 5361 T.34Nr " " ' ' » I “ ’ , ' - i _ ' . T.34N. T.33N. '- ‘ ‘i . ‘1 ~ ‘ ‘. ‘ ‘: ‘ ' ' ‘ TISBN, "5359 , 5358 3557 \ ‘ I 4‘ ‘, 5356 v1). l H . ~ I " SP 5 ‘\ 1 , - ' \5 Ed I $ “ . cl; . 273 W ._ s . w ' i . ”é“? . I - QT " 2900 r Afiras-___ '-='T A » ‘ 3311 5355 5355 ‘ I ’ ' " » 1/ _, -. l9 ealey dw .1 ». a 4 i \ ,. ¥ Q38 , . 0 I §\ 3% ”fir ; g . \ ' \, / / 5 ~ \' 1254's ’ N .-'.._ . ’35.... f 65 -. ‘ /' i, , § . $55. Grovql/ [M ‘ .53 P9 W - \ 9' f . . ‘ . 54 5354 , . \ > _ ‘ . . ’ \\ _ 35 A IONAL . ‘ 20' - "3 x \i. I 20' ' 'v Q \ " . ‘ .. 5353 : ,_ \ \ ‘ \ \ 5353 :47B _ *3 3‘ v.1 I: . - i' am I a 5‘ rt fix ’ T x r' 2’? I! / " . ‘ 3352 5352 . H II / /// \ \a. . Q . ; ’p 1/ \ Ia ‘ U ,1”; f .— flasoa ‘1 X 4 ,—L . ~ \:,I 5 53 , ,, ’ , 3600 _ 07-9 5L =4: / I, ' / 5351 f/ u , ./ . T. 33 N. i’ . N - ’/ a * (QC . . r _, T. 33 N. 4.... ' c - , ‘ -~ _ T. 32 N. -' 0 i . I ' ,, V T. 32 N $ ) 4);:4 o §§\\ . I \\ e S a \\ >V ”é / all 0 :Q) r / ‘ 53 ' .. .... 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E E _ III II 1‘ I so? > i 3 E «56,, ' ' , .. . _ ' /. ff 48° 5 ‘1 I! , . "I 1,} Is . . W A .4 .. """ \J‘I " 48°19 117145 445 2 760 000 FEEr ~49 450 40' ‘51 ‘52 ‘53 Qag ‘54 ’ ‘55 ‘56 35’ .57 .59 ,60 ,6} «520% r; 117°30' Base from US. Geologica Survey 91: SCALE 1:62,500 Geology by L. D. Clark and Chewelah Mountain 1:62,5)0, 1966 1 1/2 0 1 2 3 MILES F.K.Miller,1963-64; F.K.Miller 1000-meter Universal Tranvrrse Mercator E H H H H ,_, assisted by J‘ 0 Moore, 1965 grid ticks g i 1 5 0 1 2 3 KILOMETERS ; cu: H H H I——-—l l—l " QUADRANGLE LOCATION APPROX‘MME WAN CONTOUR INTERVAL 80 FEET DECLINATION,1974 DOTTED LINES REPRESENT 40-FOOT CONTOURS DATUM IS MEAN SEA LEVEL '_ ___________ _, . e 3 i.) o E , ________________ E I/ c .9 W A , _ "I a a e »»»»» K A’ Glacral deposrts 0 Z O 1 fl P 4800' 4800 omitted in this area '3- L“ ”J ‘ -' """ \~ , , E m (I) 3 I 3200' ' h ‘33 PCm “ 3200' 1600’ 1600’ SEA LEVEL SEA LEVEL 1600’ 1600' 3200' 3200' 4800' 4800’ 3200' 3200' 1600’ 1600' SEA LEVEL SEA LEVEL 1500' 1600’ 3200' 3200' 4800’ 4800’ 117°45' 117°30' 48°30' . EV: / 4800' C P91“ V C 0' . . 7 pCh g 480 "E 3200' (3‘; P951) 3200' Qag Qag p€sc Qag III V 1600,81 pee 1600' 48°19 . 7 #7 SEA LEVEL 7 ’ SEA LEVEL Undifferentiated/- / Undifferentiated Belt Plate 2 1600' " Deer Trail, Belt/7. /S and plutonic rocks 1600’ and plutW1 /« 3200' ' , Interior-Geological Survey, Reston, Va.—1974 3200 48°00' GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE CHEWELAH-LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON PROFESSIONAL PAPER 806 PLATE 1 CORRELATION 0F MAP UNITS Qag > QUATERNARY Unconformity ! > TERTIARYC’) CENOZOIC Unconformity \ > Eocene(?) TERTIARY CRETACEOU S Lower Jurassic or JURASSIC OR Upper Triassic TRIASSIC MISSISSIPPIAN OR DEVONIAN CAMBRIAN Unconformity Windermere Group Unconformity Deer Trail . d Group Missoula 8:21;: Group Formation Belt Supergroup Ravalli Group DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS GLACIAL, ALLUVIAL, AND TALUS DEPOSITS, UNDIFFERENTIATED Chiefly unconsolidated gravel, sand, and clay CONGLOMERATE — Well-indurated cobble to boulder conglomerate MAFIC DIKES — Euhedral phenocrysts of hornblende, biotite, and feldspar in a fine-grained matrix PHILLIPS LAKE GRANODIORITE (Cretaceous) — Contains muscovite and biotite, Medium to coarse grained. Double dash overprint indicates presence of dikes associated with the Phillips Lake Granodiorite; wavy line overprint indicates where metamorphic roof remnants are numerous in the unit 7 "Ks : ,: STARVATION FLAT QUARTZ MONZONITE (Cretaceous) — Contains horn- blende and biotite, Medium to coarse grained FLOWERY TRAIL GRANODIORITE (Upper Triassic or Lower Jurassic) Contains hornblende and biotite. Has high color index UNIT 3 — Light-tan dolomite and purple and green calcareous slate UNIT 2 — White dolomite, in part oolitic UNIT 1 w Dark-gray dolomite. Oolitic and conglomeratic PALEOZOIC CARBONATE ROCKS, UNDIVIDED ADDY QUARTZITE (Cambrian) — White to purple vitreous quartzite WINDERMERE GROUP (Precambrian) MONK FORMATION — Slate, dolomite, conglomerate, and quartzite HUCKLEBERRY FORMATION — Slightly metamorphosed basalt and volcanic elastic rocks. Minor conglomerate DEER TRAIL GROUP (Precambrian) STENSGAR DOLOMITE - Pink, tan, or gray dolomite, argillite, and siltite McHALE SLATE — Black, gray, and green laminated argillite EDNA DOLOMITE — Impure dolomite, argillite, and quartzite METAMORPHIC ROCKS, UNDIVIDED — Schist and phyllite. Probably derived from Belt Supergroup or Deer Trail Group BELT SUPERGROUP (Precambrian) MISSOULA GROUP STRIPED PEAK FORMATION Member c ~ Gray laminated argillite and siltite Member b ~ Impure gray and maroon dolomite WALLACE FORMATION p€d A Upper part; dark laminated argillite _7__ Contact — Approximately located; queried where doubtful Lower part; carbonate-bearing siltite and quartzite, and argillite RAVALLI GROUP ST. REGIS FORMATION — Lavender and maroon argillite, siltite, and quartzite REVETT FORMATION — White fine-grained quartzite BURKE FORMATION — Light- to medium-gray siltite PRICHARD FORMATION—Laminated argillite, siltite, and quartzite. pCd. metadiabase sills CD _'__7.... Fault — Dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed; queried {a >i where doubtful. U, upthrown side; D, downthrown side. Arrows indicate relative direction of lateral movement, or apparent lateral movement. T and A on cross sections indicate movement toward and away from the observer. Circled numbers indicate northwest-trending faults discussed in text #7..” Thrust fault — Dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed; queried where uncertain. Sawteeth on upper plate f —\, \iFL Shear zone Fold, showing trace of axial plane— Dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed ____‘_ ......... Anticline ___._+ Syncline —fi' .......... Overturned syncline Strike and dip of beds _|_ Inclined ~12)— Overturned T79; Rotated more than 180° _+_ Vertical 9 Horizontal Strike and dip of schistosity l Inclined ._.._ Vertical + Horizontal Strike and dip of parallel beds and schistosity 70 Inclined x Vertical Strike and dip of cleavage L Inclined l-—-l Vertical Strike and dip of parallel beds and cleavage — Where bedding is shown over- turned, cleavage may or may not be overturned 1L Inclined l—l—l Vertical '-:)—-' Overturned Strike and dip of slip cleavage L Inclined H—H Vertical “BI—u Strike and dip of overturned beds and slip cleavage — Cleavage may or may not be overturned 70.— Bearing and plunge of minor fold axis . MESOZOIC & PALEOZOIC % PRECAMBRIAN UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY pCs 2 780 000 rear ‘17'37'30" SI 35' 11.41 E. rm: E. 2 510 000 rarer 117'30' AE‘IS' / _ '.‘v . an». T"""‘-'_ //’ ‘1' / 1 .1 new" 33,939?“ iii7£“T4 131 N. 530 000 FEET g eta-07's wz £473 l narrow "u HA] \ Loon Lake Suva: (Point .. " j Fish 2 M. 233/ LOO/v 1.4x: 390 000 FEET '72’TF. ~ spawn mnru‘nrsrniA-rrbu \ ,5" , , , 2 760 000 FEET‘ ' ‘- 117°17'30" _, / ILL] E. 1.1.2 E. 48°00' 117°45‘ Base from U.S. Geological Survey SCALE 1152.500 Geology by F. K. Miller, 1965-67; 1:24 000 advance sheets; Nelson Peak, , assisted by J. C. Moore, 1965, and ’ . 1 /2 0 1 2 3 MILES Valley, Springdale, and Deer Lake,1965 g EEELl—i H H ,._—_—e R. L. Reynolds, 1967 lOOO-meter Universal Tranverse Mercator “3‘ grid ad“ 5 1EEEEE§E1::2‘E§ KILOMETE RS APPROX‘MATE MEAN CONTOUR INTERVAL 40 FEET QUADRANGLE LOCATION DECLINATlON,1974 DOTTED LINES REPRESENT 20'AND 40- FOOT CONTOUHS DATUM iS MEAN SEA LEVEL ’R .-“ A/ . A g __ 4800 ...... a ,. ,4 _ ' b ' m 3200 Q Qag / Qag \ .\' L1\/»\\7/lfiy\/ A, ' " : ~ . D’N/PVKL” <4): 1600' ’ . . ‘7 s ' '- . . i ;;\/),\7_\7-QQ\\/\://_\\v L t \“ R10:/>’|<\§l:‘:\/\l‘/:C‘\ , <, . .7 “ ',' .1. ‘ « L . l>]\/\‘/)\/i:’\/A\‘:g/l\\\q\},’\: ¥F\/\ \_. :.r\ 3159 (mm \ .-,;’,\\ 4800 Interior—Geological Survey, Reston, Va.——1974 GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE CHEWELAH-LOON LAKE AREA, STEVENS AND SPOKANE COUNTIES, WASHINGTON Deer Trail Group on 4800' 3200' 1600’ SEA LEVEL 1600’ 3200' 4800' CORRELATION 0F MAP UNITS Qag Unconformity -. , a] #77. Unconformity Unconformity ll Unconformity Winderm ere Group Unconformity Missoula Group Belt Supergroup < Ravalli Group } RH Pliocene and Miocene Oligocene(?) Eocene(?) Eocene Striped Peak Formation DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS }QU ATERNARY1 TERTIARY C RETACEOUS MISSISSIPPIAN MISSISSIPPIAN OR DEVONIAN CAMBRIAN GLACIAL, ALLUVIAL, AND TALUS DEPOSITS, UNDIFFERENTIATED Chiefly unconsolidated gravel, sand, and clay fine-grained basalt of Yakima type (‘2) a fine—grained matrix Medium to fine grained to coarse grained acterizing mineral acterizing mineral. Very coarse grained UNIT 2— White dolomite, in part oolitic to dark-gray WINDERMERE GROUP (Precambrian) elastic rocks. Minor conglomerate DEER TRAIL GROUP (Precambrian) AN DESITE — Hornblende-biotite-pyroxene-olivine andesite UNIT 1 - Dark-gray dolomite. Oolitic and conglomeratic PALEOZOIC CARBONATE ROCKS, UNDIVIDED BASALT OF COLUMBIA RIVER GROUP (Miocene and Pliocene)—Black LATAH FORMATION (Miocene) — Clay, silty clay, and sandy clay MAFIC DIKES — Euhedral phenocrysts of hornblende, biotite, and feldspar in GRANODIORITE - Contains hornblende and biotite. Equigranular texture SILVER POINT QUARTZ MONZONITE (Eocene) — Contains hornblende and biotite. Porphyritic with phenocrysts of orthoclase in bimodal matrix FINE-GRAINED QUARTZ MONZONITE — Contains hornblende and biotite. TWO-MICA QUARTZ MONZONITE — Contains muscovite and biotite. Medium MUSCOVITE QUARTZ MONZONITE — Contains only muscovite as char- COARSE-GRAINED QUARTZ MONZONITE — Contains only biotite as char— LIMESTONE — Cherty medium -gray limestone and dolomitic I'mestone UNIT 3 — Light-tan dolomite and purple and green calcareous slate METALINE FORMATION (Cambrian) — Limestone and silty limestone, light- ADDY QUARTZITE (Cambrian) — White to purple vitreous quirtzite BUFFALO HUMP(?) FORMATION # Gray argillite, siltite, and quartzite STENSGAR DOLOMITE — Pink, tan, or gray dolomite, argillite, and siltite Mc HALE SLATE — Black, gray, and green laminated argillite EDNA DOLOMITE — Impure dolomite, argillite, and quartzite TOGO(?) FORMATION — Sheared gray and green argillite DEER TRAIL GROUP, UNDIVIDED METAMORPHIC ROCKS, UNDIVIDED — Schist and phyllite. Probably derived from Belt Supergroup or Deer Trail Group 117°45' 117° 30' 48°30' Plate 1 48° 15 Plate 2 48°00 L CENOZOIC MESOZOIC PALEOZOIC >PRE—‘ CAMBRIAN HUCKLEBERRY FORMATION — Slightly metamorphosed basalt and volcanic ?-—?— ED ‘T .A——L?_A.-A.. __t..__, —_i ........ __g ......... 70 ._A_ 70 tile 70 till 70"— PROFESSIONAL PAPER 806 PLATE 2 BELT SUPERGROUP (Precambrian) MISSOULA GROUP STRIPED PEAK FORMATION Member d — Maroon argillite, siltite, and quartzite Member c — Gray laminated argillite and siltite Member b ~ Impure gray and maroon dolomite Member a — Gray siltite, argillite, and quartzite WALLACE FORMATION Upper part; dark laminated argillite Lower part; carbonate-bearing siltite and quartzite, and argillite RAVALLI GROUP ST. REGIS FORMATION — Lavender and maroon argillite, siltite, and quartzite REVETT FORMATION — White fine-grained quartzite BURKE FORMATION — Light- to medium-gray siltite PRICHARD FORMATION—Laminated argillite, siltite, and quartzite. pCd, metadiabase sills Contact # Approximately located, queried where doubtful Fault — Dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed; queried where doubtful, U, upthrown side; D, downthrown side. Arrows indicate relative direction of lateral movement, or apparent lateral movement. T and A on cross sections indicate movement toward and away from the observer. Circled numbers indicate northwest-trending faults discussed in text Thrust fault — Dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed; queried where uncertain. Sawteeth on upper plate Shear zone Fold, showing trace of axial plane— Dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed Anticline Syncline Overturned syncline Strike and dip of beds Inclined Overturned Rotated more than 180° Vertical Horizontal Strike and dip of schistosity Inclined Vertical Horizontal Strike and dip of parallel beds and schistosity Inclined Vertical Strike and dip of cleavage Inclined Vertical Strike and dip of parallel beds and cleavage # Where bedding is shown over- turned, cleavage may or may not be overturned Inclined Vertical Overturned Strike and dip of slip cleavage Inclined Vertical Strike and dip of overturned beds and slip cleavage — Cleavage may or may not be overturned Bearing and plunge of minor fold axis mgr :5 A "\5’ Geochemical Anomalies of a Claypit Area, Callaway County, Missouri, and Related Metabolic Imbalance ' in Beef Cattle I GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 807 DOCUMEN TS DEPARTMENT AUG 13 1973 I I rut-ch-egfifsyu . Ira-mp... ; i Geochemical Anomalies of a Claypit Area, Callaway County, Missouri, and . Related Metabolic Imbalance in Beef Cattle By RICHARD J. EBENS, JAMES A. ERDMAN, G. L. FEDER, ARTHUR A. CASE, and LLOYD A. SELBY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 807 A study of the concentrations of chemical elements and compounds in samples of clays, soils, waters, and plants, and an interference syndrome in cattle, where mining activities have altered the natural geochemical environment UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress catalog—card No. 73-600086 S. Government Printing Office e Superintendent of Documents, U. c GPO Bookstore 2 ~ Price 65c domestic postpaid or 45 Stock Number 240100337 For sale by th Washington, DC. 2040 CONTENTS Page Page Abstract .................................................................................... 1 Methods of sampling and anlysis—Continued Introduction ............................................................ 1 Analytical methods—Continued Methods of sampling and analysis .................................... 2 Beef cattle ................................................................. 6 Sampling media and techniques ......... 2 Results and discussion ................................................................ 6 Surficial deposits ............................................... 3 Establishing typical geochemical values for Efflorescent salts .................................................... 3 sampling media as bases for defining Plants .................................................... 4 anomalous values .......................................................... 6 Water .......................................... 4 Surficial deposits ......................................................... 7 Beef cattle ............................................................. 4 Efflorescent salts ....................... 8 Analytical methods .............................. 5 Plants ............................................... 9 Surficial deposits ............................ 5 Water ......................................................... 14 Efflorescent salts ......................................... 5 Beef cattle ...................................... 17 Plants ................................ 5 Summary and conclusions .................... .. 20 Water ......................................................................... 6 References cited ....................................................................... 23 ILLUSTRATIONS Page FIGURE 1. Map of claypit area showing sample localities ................................................................................................................. 2 2. Aerial photograph of claypit area ................................................................................................... 3 3. Diagram showing movement of elements through the geochemical system .................................................................. 22 TABLES TABLE 1. Approximate lower limits of detection for surficial deposits and plant materials 2. Compounds and elements in samples of surficial deposits and efllorescent salts f 3. Ash yield and elemental composition of plant samples from the claypit area .............................................. 4. Physical properties and chemical composition of surface water samples from the claypit study area ................... 5. Breeding and calving history of three distinct beef cattle herds on Ranch A for the 1970 and 1971 breeding and calving seasons ............................................................................................................................................................... 15 6 Selected trace elements In whole blood samples from beef cattle hav1ng interference syndrome and from those that were unaffected ................................................................................................................................................ 15 7. Concentrations of biochemic constituents in blood serum from beef cattle having interference syndrome and from those that were unaffected ................................................................................................................................ 16 8. Mean chemical compositions, with central 95-percent range, of media that are comparable to those sampled in the claypit area ................................................................................................................................................................ 16 9. Concentrations of selected elements and compounds in anomalous amounts in one or more samples of clay from the claypit area, the average of these elements and compounds in soils in the vicinity of the claypit, and the average for the Oak-Hickory Forest soil ............................................................................................................ 19 10. Elements and compounds that occur in anomalous concentrations in one or more samples of materials from the claypit area .......................................................................................................................................................... 21 III GEOCHEMICAL ANOMALIES OF A CLAYPIT AREA, CALLAWAY COUNTY , MISSOURI, AND RELATED METABOLIC IMBALANCE IN BEEF CATTLE By RICHARD J. EBENS, JAMES A. ERDMAN, G. L. FEDER, ARTHUR A. CASE, and LLOYD A. SELBY ABSTRACT Geochemical studies of waters, alluvial deposits, and vegeta- tion revealed that aluminum, beryllium, cobalt, copper, molyb- denum, and nickel occurred in anomalously high concentrations in an area adjacent to a claypit in Callaway, County, M0. The principal sources of these and other elements that were found in anomalous amounts are believed to be the clay, shale, lime- stone, coal, and pyrite that were exposed when the clay was the health of beef cattle in nearby pastures. The purpose of this report is to call the situation to the attention of environmental scientists who may wish to compare our findings and interpretations with those resulting from future studies of situations that may be similar. Only through continuing studies of this kind will complete and final interpretation of the health effects be possible. and waters of the area. Pyrite, especially, affects the mobility of some of these elements because, by weathering, it produces sulfuric acid which increases the solubility of certain compounds. On the two ranches studied, young beef cattle exposed to lain by carbonate rocks of Mississippian and Ordovician age. An oak-hickory forest constitutes the predominant native vegetation in both areas. An abandoned claypit several hundred feet wide, about 60 feet deep, and partly filled with water is located at the “break” in the topography near the west edge of the area (fig. 2). The clay, which was mined for use in the ceramic industry, occurred in a sink that had developed in the underlying carbonate rock. McQueen ( 1943, p. 47) noted that in this part of Missouri, fire clay commonly is mined from deposits in sinks. A large claypile and a smaller pile immediately north of it are located on a ridge at the east margin of the pit. The large pile consists of clay with abundant fragments of both gray shale and carbonaceous shale, and smaller amounts of pyritic material, gypsum, and carbonate roc , whereas the smaller pile consists almost exclu- sively of clay. Some surface runoff from the claypiles drains westward into the claypit; the remainder drains northward, eastward, and southward into Rocky Creek. I contributed to this syndrome. Anomalous concentrations of elements may exist at many other locations in Missouri and throughout the Midwest where similar materials are brought to the surface by clay and coal strip-mine operations (especially if pyrite is present). INTRODUCTION Claypits, with associated mounds of clay and debris distributed about the ground surface, are anomalous features compared to naturally occurring surficial mate- rials. If such materials are suspected of contributing unusual amounts of certain elements to the surround- ings, the desirability of making detailed studies of their chemical nature is apparent. One such situation in Cal- raway County, reported to the Environmental Health Surveillance Center, University of Missouri, was pos- sibly contributing to breeding failures and growth sup- pression in beef cattle that ranged nearby. The clay deposit and its epidemiological implications were called to the attention of US. Geological Survey personnel who currently are engaged in a geochemical survey of ——’i 2 GEOCHEMICAL ANOMALIES OF A CLAYPIT AREA, MISSOURI 92° 02' 30" MISSOURI \ N ,K Ranch BB 0 ‘ . B O 1000 2000 3000 FEET FIGURE 1.——Claypit area, Callaway County, Mo., showing locations of numbered sites where samples vlillfre 1:03:30ng Base from US. Geological Survey, New Bloomfield (1969) and Osage City (1967) , 0., : , . Only the cattle that were pastured on land with direct Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri—Colum- access to Rocky Branch were reported to have meta- bia, for reviewing the manuscript. Messrs. David P. bolic disorders. Hutcheson (nutritionist, School of Veterinary Medi- Ebens (geologist), Erdman (botanist), and Feder cine, University of Missouri—Columbia), Larry Ed- (hydrologist) of the US. Geological Survey conducted monds (Enviromental Health Surveillance Center, Uni- the geochemical studies. Case (clinical veterinarian, versity of Missouri—Columbia), and Vincent Raaf toxicologist) of the School of Veterinary Medicine, (Area Livestock Extension Agent) assisted in gather- University of Missouri—Columbia, and Selby (epide- ing and interpreting data. We thank Messrs. Robert miologist, veterinarian) of the Environmental Health Helzer and Byran Hungate (ranchers), and Merrill Surveillance Center and the School of Veterinary Medi- Townley (veterinarian) for their cooperation in con- cine, University of Missouri—Columbia, conducted the ducting the field studies.- studies of metabolic imbalances of the beef cattle. Par- tial support of these studies by Selby was provided by METHODS OF SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS US. Public Health Service Grant No. E. s. 00082 to SAMPLING MEDIA AND TECHNIQUES the Environmental Health Surveillance Center. Samples were collected to determine which elements We express our appreciation to Messrs. Z. S. Alt- were present and in what concentrations in surficial schuler, Hansford T. Shacklette, Richard W. White, deposits, vegetation, and water in order to characterize and Mrs. Josephine G. Boerngen, all with the US. the geochemistry of the claypit area. Studies of meta- Geological Survey, for their assistance in collecting and bolic imbalances of the beef cattle conducted at the preparing samples, and in interpreting the data. We are ranches were supplemented by laboratory examinations also indebted to Terrence M. Curtin of the School of and analyses of selected materials. 4...— METHODS OF SAMPLING 3 FIGURE 2.—Aerial View of claypit area, Callaway County, Mo. This view, looking south, shows the smaller claypile (left foreground) and the larger claypile (left center) with diver- sion ditches leading to the water-filled claypit (right center). Before these ditches were constructed, some runoff from both claypiles flowed to the left, and entered a branch of Rocky SURFICIAL DEPOSITS Surficial deposits, as defined in this study, consist of clay and rock collected from the claypiles and the clay- pit, alluvium collected from two forks of Rocky Branch that drain slopes and small valleys below the claypiles and claypit, and soils collected from plant-sampling sites and from upland fields that are not affected by drainage from the claypiles or pit. A total of 31 samples of surficial materials from 14 sites was collected. The locations of the sampling sites are given in figure 1. Clay, rock, and some soil samples were collected at depths ranging from a few centimeters to 15 cm by using a mason’s hammer or a trowel. The eight samples of loess soils were 1-inch-diameter cores obtained with a stainless steel punch auger from depths of 2—15 cm. Samples of both pyritic material and gypsum were handpicked from the surface of the large claypile. All samples were placed in waterproof paper containers, dried in an oven with circulating air at 50°C, and pul- Branch. Overflow from the claypit enters a branch of Rocky Branch to the right of the wooded area, thence down the valley to low areas of the livestock pasture shown in the left background. Dump truck at lower right indicates scale. Photographed February 1972. verized in a ceramic mill to approximately minus-100- mesh particle size. EFFLORESCENT SALTS Yellowish-brown efflorescent salts a few millimeters thick at water seeps covered several tens of square feet at the southeast side of the large claypile. Two samples of this material were picked by hand from the ground surface and placed in waterproof paper containers. It was not possible to mechanically remove all clay par- ticles from the efl‘lorescent salts. Therefore, in order to obtain a better estimate of the elements present in each component of the samples, the following separation procedure was used: 43 g (grams) of one of the samples ( N o. 10, table 2) was placed in 1,600 ml (milliliters) of distilled water at about 35°C for 24 hours. This mate- rial was then filtered with a ceramic candle that had a maximum pore radius of 0.6 micron, thus removing 16.5 g of insoluble residue from the 43-g samfle. The insol- uble residue, sample 12, table 2, was dried at 90°C and ———” 4 GEOCI-IEMICAL ANOMALIES OF A CLAYPIT AREA, MISSOURI pulverized in a ceramic mill to a grain size of minus-100 mesh. The filtrate was evaporated at 25°C and the resulting evaporative residue, sample 11, table 2, was air dried and pulverized in a ceramic mill to a grain size of minus-100 mesh. - PLANTS A total of 36 plant samples, divided into four suites, from 10 sites was collected and analyzed. The sampling localities are indicated by the numbered sites in figure 1. Two samples of redcedar trees that grew either in native soil or in claypile material were collected on May 7, 1971. One of these samples occurred near the edge of the claypit west of the smaller claypile (fig. 1, site 1) . The other sample was collected at site 3 where some dead oak trees stood in clay deposits that resulted from erosion and downslope movement from the larger pile onto the native soil. A second suite of samples consisted of grasses and forbs (broad-leafed herbs) that were collected on June 17 in conjunction with water sampling, and their locali- ties correspond to the water sampling sites shown in figure 1, as follows: site 2, the south margin of the clay- pit pond; site 9, streamside about 1,000 feet east-south- east of the claypile; site 12, margin of a farm pond northeast and across the valley from the claypile; and site 18, streamside 0n Ranch B about 1.5 miles down- stream from the claypit. Woody native plant species sampled June 30 were the same species as those sampled in an earlier study which was made for the purpose of chemically charac- terizing the vegetation—type areas of Missouri, and for which we had already estimated typical concentrations and ranges of selected elements in the plant species. These samples were collected along the south fork of Rocky Branch along a traverse downslope from the claypile. The final suite of plant samples, composed mostly of white sweetclover, was collected in late September. This plant species was believed, on the basis of an earlier analysis, to concentrate molybdenum; moreover, these plants showed evidence of having been grazed by cattle. Certain species of plants associated with white sweetclover also were found to contain anomalously high concentrations of molybdenum, and were, there— fore, included in this suite of samples. Plant samples were cut with pruning shears, placed in paper or cardboard containers, and dried in an oven with circulating air at 50°C. Samples of forbs that were used for separate analysesof roots and aboveground parts were pulled from the ground and thoroughly washed in tapwater before being dried. The 6- to 10- inch terminal parts of deciduous tree and shrub stems (branches) without leaves were used for analysis. The redcedar samples were sim'lar, but included both stems and scalelike leaves. Forbs and grasses were sampled by cutting the plants near the ground, and the samples included stems, leaves, and, if present, flowers and seeds. These samples were not washed. WATER Water samples were collected from four sites (fig. 1, sites 2, 9, 12, and 18) on June 17. The samples were not filtered, in order to determine the trace elements that were present in the water-sediment mixture that the cattle might drink. Sites 9 and 18 were chosen because adversely affected cattle had access to the water at these sites. Even though cattle did not have direct access to water in the claypit (site 2), during intense rainfall the claypit overflowed and drained into streams that flowed through the pastures. The farm pond at site 12 was chosen as a control because it received no drainage from the claypiles or claypit. Samples were collected in acid-washed polyethylene bottles by immersing them 1 foot below the surface of the water. Each bottle was filled and drained twice with sample water before collecting the final sample. The trace-element samples were treated with 1.5 ml double redistilled reagent grade concentrated nitric acid. Samples for nitrogen-cycle determinations were col- lected in 500-ml bottles, treated immediately with 30 mg mercuric chloride, and placed in an ice-filled cooler. The samples in which the various forms of nitrogen were to be determined were shipped in an ice-filled cooler by bus to the US. Geological Survey laboratory in Little Rock, Ark., where they were analyzed imme- diately in order to minimize the effects of changes in the nitrogen cycle components on the analyses. Field determinations of pH, alkalinity, specific conductance, the temperature were made at each sample site. On July 16 a raw-water sample was collected for microscopic determination of the presence and con- centrations of potentially harmful microorganisms in the claypit water. One liter of water was filtered through a 50-mm-diameter 0.45-micron filter. The final 15 ml of unfiltered water and the filter were placed in a petri dish. Within 2 hours of collection, Robert Lips- comb, U.S. Geological Survey, St. Louis, Mo., prepared a wet slide of an aliquot of the water sample which he examined for the presence of microorganisms. BEEF CATTLE On two ranches, designated “Ranch A” and “Ranch B” in this report, beef cattle were pastured in fields adjacent to and downstream from the claypile area (fig. 1). Ranch A is immediately adjacent to this area, and cattle on this ranch were more intensively studied than those on Ranch B located farther downstream from the area. A thorough epidemiological workup of the cattle on Ranch A was undertaken, and cattle on METHODS OF SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS 5 both ranches were examined during numerous visits. On Ranch A, in 1970, the cattle consisted of two distinct herds—one composed of 54 Angus cows 7 years old, the other, 66 Angus cows 4 years old. In 1971 an additional herd of 24 Charolais cows 4 years old was brought to the ranch. Both Angus and Charolais bulls serviced the herds (table 5). Only the herd of 4-year- old Angus cows showed signs of metabolic imbalance. On Ranch B, one yearling and four older Charolais bulls exhibited these signs. The yearling bull was purchased from a ranch in southwest Missouri in April 1970. Our first visit to observe the cattle was in May 1971. Frequent visits to the ranches were made throughout the summer and autumn of 1971 to examine the cattle, to collect specimens, and to discuss the problem with the ranchers, the local veterinarian, and the Area Live- stock Extension Agent. Blood samples of the affected and unaffected cattle were analyzed for selected trace elements, blood serum enzymes, and macrominerals, and the pH of rumen samples was determined. Cattle were isolated from the claypit area and flood plain, and rations were recommended to correct the interference syndrome. ANALYTICAL METHODS SURFICIAL' DEPOSITS Concentrations of elements in surficial deposits were determined by analysis of pulverized samples in the laboratories of the US. Geological Survey in Denver, C010. and Washington, DC. Magnesium, sodium, cadmium, lithium, and zinc contents were determined by atomic absorption methods, arsenic by colorimetric methods, fluorine by the fluorine selective ion electrode method, and mercury by the mercury detector method described by Vaughn (1967). Organic carbon concen- trations were determined by making separate analyses for total carbon and carbonate carbon and computing the difference, according to the method described by Tourtelot, Huffman, and Rader (1964). Silicon, alumi- num, ferrous iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and selenium contents were determined by X-ray fluores- cence methods. Concentrations of the other elements were deter- mined by semiquantitative spectrographic analysis. The spectrographic method used is virtually that described by Myers, Havens, and Dunton (1961), but the analytical results are given in six, rather than three, steps per order of magnitude. These results were reported in geometric brackets having the boundaries 1.2, 0.83, 0.56, 0.38, 0.26, 0.18, 0.12, and so forth, per- cent or parts per million (ppm); the brackets are iden- tified by their respective geometric midpoints, such as 1.0, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2, and 0.15. Thus, a reported value of 0.3 ppm, for example, identifies the bracket from 0.26 to 0.38 as the analyst’s best estimate of the concentra- tion. The precision of a reported value is approximately plus or minus one bracket at the 68-percent level of confidence, and plus or minus two brackets at the 95- percent level. The approximate lower limits of analytical detection for surficial deposits are given in table 1. Some combi- nations of elements in a sample, however, affect these limits. Concentrations somewhat lower than these values may be detected in unusually favorable mate- rials, whereas these limits may not be attained in unfav- orable materials. Surficial materials, except soils, were analyzed by X-ray diffraction to determine their mineral content. EFFLORESCENT SALTS Efflorescent salts were analyzed for element concen- trations by the same methods that were used for samples of surficial deposits and, in addition, were examined by X-ray diffraction to determine which min- erals were present. PLANTS The plant samples were oven dried, then pulverized in a Wiley mill. Wet digestion methods were used to prepare the samples for determining the arsenic, mer- cury, and selenium concentrations. For determining the concentrations of other elements in the samples, the pulverized plants were transferred to ceramic crucibles, TABLE 1.—Approximate lower limits of detection for surficial deposits and plant materials [Analyses made by semiquantitative spectrographic method, except as indi- cated. Dry surficial material was used for analyses of all elements. Dry plant material was used for arsenic, mercury, and selenium analysesmlsnt ash was used for analyses of all other elements. Limits are given in parts per million ............. no data available] Lower limit of Lower limit of detection (ppm) detection (ppm) Element Element Surficial Plant Surficial Plant deposits materials deposits materials A] ........................ 110,000 25 24 2300 50 1 2 3 '4 2100 2100 10 .......... 70 .......... 5 2 1300 '40 10 20 100 .......... 1.1 3.5 5 5 110,000 .......... ............... 20 5 10 100 .......... 2 5 ‘7 5 10 20 1 2 10 ’25 10 20 1 Analysis by X-ray fluorescence method. 2 Analysis by atomic absorption method. 3 Analysis by colorimetric method. 4 Analysis by method of Tourtelot, Huffman, and Rader (1964) . 5 Analysis by fluorine selective ion electrode method. 3 Fe, total. " Analysis by mercury detector method. 6 GEOCHEMICAL ANOMALIES OF A CLAYPIT AREA, MISSOURI weighed, and burned to ash in an electric mufl‘le furnace in which the heat was increased 50°C per hour to a temperature of 550°C and held at this temperature for about 14 hours. The ash was then weighed to deter- mine the ash yield of the dry plant sample. Colorimetric methods were used to analyze the ash for phosphorus and molybdenum (Reichen and Ward, 1951), and the atomic absorption method was used for cadmium, cal- cium, cobalt, lithium, potassium, sodium, and zinc determinations. Concentrations of the remaining elements in ash were determined by the same semiquantitative spectro- graphic method described under “Surficial Deposits,” except that the ash was diluted with an equal weight of matrix composed of sodium silica (10 percent Na). The lower limits of detection of the analytical methods that were used for plant analyses are given in table 1. Several samples did not contain enough mate- rial for these lower limits to be attained; therefore, the detection limits were higher for elements in these samples. WATER Because of the possibility of changes occurring rapidly in certain chemical properties of water after sampling, determinations of pH, alkalinity, specific con- ductance, and temperature were made at the sample sites. Procedures for making these determinations were given by Brown, Skougstad, and Fishman (1970). All laboratory determinations, except those of nitro- gen cycle components, were made in the US. Geological Survey laboratories in Denver, Colo., under the super- vision of Marvin W. Skougstad, The nitrogen cycle determinations were made in the Survey laboratories in Little Rock, Ark., under the supervision of Charles T. Bryant. Cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, zinc, mercury, arsenic, and nitrogen cycle components were deter- mined by methods given by Brown, Skougstad, and Fishman (1970). All other determinations were made by spectrographic methods described by Barnett and Mallory (1971). BEEF CATTLE Whole blood samples from the beef cattle studied were analyzed for trace-element content by the Environmental Trace Substances Center, Research Reactor Facility, Columbia, Mo., under the supervision of Dr. James 0. Pierce. Whole blood samples were col- lected by venipuncture in tubes containing 6 mg EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetate) per 5 ml of blood, and were wet ashed with a 5: 1 ratio of nitric and perchloric acid. The residue was then dissolved in 1-percent nitric acid and the sample analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, using recommended methods ( Ker- ber, 1971). Blood serum analyses, using the methods of Tumble- son(1969), were performed by Dr. David P. Hutche- son, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri at Columbia, for the determination of the biochemic constituents cholesterol, total bilirubin, glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, alkaline phospha- tase, lactic dehydrogenase, total protein, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, calcium, inorganic phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and chloride. The pH of rumen samples was determined by Selby and evaluated by Dr. Hutcheson. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of laboratory analyses of surficial mate- rials, efliorescent salts, plants, and water samples are given in tables 2—4. The data and observations pertain- ing to beef cattle are given in tables 5—7. ESTABLISHING TYPICAL GEOCHEMICAL VALUES FOR SAMPLING MEDIA AS BASES FOR DEFINING ANOMALOUS VALUES The substances that occur in anomalous concentra- tions in various surficial materials must be identified by evaluating the deviations of their concentrations from typical concentrations in comparable materials from other areas. Anomalous values can only be defined as deviations from values that are considered typical for the materials under consideration. Therefore, typi- cal values must first be established for each category of material; then a judgment must be made as to the degree of deviation from the typical value that is required to classify other values as “anomalous.” Devi- ations above the typical values may, for convenience, be designated “positive anomalies,” and those below, “negative anomalies.” The selection of criteria that are to be used in distinguishing anomalous from normal concentrations is a matter of judgment that must be made according to the requirements of the study. We have chosen to define normal concentrations as those that are within the central 95-percent range of concentrations found in comparable materials thought not to have been affected by pollution; anomalous concentrations are those that occur outside this range. The geometric mean is a measure of central tendency of the frequency distribution and, as such, is an esti- mate of the typical or most common concentration for the element or compound. Approximately 95 percent of the values occur in the range whose limits are the geometric mean divided by the square of the geometric deviation and the geometric mean multiplied by the square of the geometric deviation. The central 95- percent ranges of the distributions of each element and compound were computed on this basis (table 8), and these ranges were used to define anomalous concentra- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 7 tions of the chemical constituents in samples from the claypit area as given in table 10. If the concentration of an element or compound was beyond the normal 95- percent range in one or more samples of a given material (table 10), this element or compound was considered anomalous in that material. For example, the geometric mean alumina content of B-horizon soils from the Oak-Hickory Forest vegetation type area in Missouri is 5.1 percent and the geometric deviation is 1.47 (table 8). Probably 95 percent of the samples have alumina contents in the range 5.1 —:— (1.47)2 (2.4 per- cent) to 5.1>< (1.47)2 (11 percent). These two limits define the range against which the alumina analyses of the clay samples from the claypit area were compared; in this example, alumina concentrations in all five of the clay samples were judged to be beyond the normal 95-percent range and are, therefore, anomalous with respect to the B-horizon soils. Typical values that were used to identify anomalous values in sampling media from the claypit area are given in table 8. This table gives geometric means and geometric deviations for the concentrations of elements and compounds in different categories of surficial deposits and vegetation; they are believed to be the best available data on typical concentrations of ele- ments in the respective materials. The data in table 8 were developed from sampling programs that were entirely unrelated to the claypit study. (See Shack- lette, Erdman, and Keith, 1971.) The means and devi- ations in this table are antilogs of the arithmetic means and standard deviations, respectively, of the logarithms of the analytical values. Where some of the element concentrations were determined to be less than the sensitivity of the analytical method (table 1) , the mean and standard deviations of the logarithms were esti- mated by means of a censored-distribution technique devised by Cohen (1959) . No reliable data were available for use as norms for identifying anomalous concentrations of elements and compounds in water. SURFICIAL DEPOSITS The concentrations of selected elements in 31 samples of surficial deposits collected from the claypit area are given in table 2. Sample site numbers, dates samples were collected, and a brief description of the samples are included. The mineralogy, as determined by X-ray diffraction analyses, is shown for all the samples except those of soil. In order to ascertain the possible effect that the mined clay could have on the local environment, the elemental composition of the clay was compared with that of soils of the area, because both of these materials influence the water in Rocky Branch and the supply of elements available to plants. The elemental composi- tions of clays from the claypiles and claypit differ markedly from those of soils in the problem area and from most B-horizon soils from the Oak-Hickory For- est, the vegetation type which occurs throughout much of southern Missouri and in which the claypit area is located (table 9). The elements listed in table 9 are those that were found to occur in anomalous concentra- tions in one or more samples of clay. The four samples of soil (Nos. 32—35, table 2) from the white sweetclover sampling localities were composed mostly of clay on the large claypile or of clay washed from the claypile, and their elemental composition is similar to that of the samples designated as clay. Except for nickel in sample 21 (table 2), the concen- trations of trace elements in a sample of dolomite ( N o. 19) and in two samples of carbonate residuum (Nos. 20 and 21, table 2) collected from the walls of the clay- pit are not anomalously high with respect to the soils. A sample of shaly coal (No. 4, table 2) collected from the large claypile contained concentrations of beryl- lium, lead, lithium, mercury, molybdenum, scandium, vanadium, ytterbium, and zinc that are anomalously high with respect to the soils, although apparently nor- mal for this type of coal. The elemental compositions of four samples of allu- vium (Nos. 13, 14, 16, and 17, table 2) collected from the beds of creeks that drain away from the claypiles are similar to those of samples of clay from the clay- piles. The clay-size fraction and the coarse-grained fraction of the alluvium do not differ significantly in trace-element composition. The amounts of clay and shale particles which are derived from the claypiles and carried by creeks, and the maximum distance that the particles are carried, are not known. However, clay similar to that found in the claypiles has coated rocks in Rocky Branch and occurred as deposits (as much as 10 cm thick at sample site 5) in ephemeral pools in the creekbed as far downstream as Ranch B, the farthest downstream point in the study area. Clay and shale particles similar to those found in the claypiles were observed on parts of the flood plain several hundred feet downstream from sample site 6 (fig. 1), the farthest point downstream that the flood plain was inspected. Gypsum (CaSOyHgO) was found to be widespread on the surface of the large claypile and probably was produced by the action of sulfuric acid solution on cal- cium-bearing minerals in the claypile. Sample 8 (table 2), which is composed of gypsum, clay, quartz, apatite, and crandallite(?), had anomalously high concentra- tions of dysprosium, gadolinium, phosphorus, praseo- dymium, samarium, and yttrium compared to those found in the clays and the other gypsum sample that were analyzed. In this sample these elements probably 8 GEOCHEMICAL ANOMALIES OF A CLAYPIT AREA, MISSOURI occurred in the clay or in the phosphate minerals apa- tite and crandallite. Barium, chromium, selenium, and strontium were the only trace elements detectable in gypsum sample 7 (table 2) although the concentra- tions were low; other trace elements, if present, were in concentrations below the detection limits given in table 1. Pyritic material was widely disseminated throughout the large claypile; the presence of pyrite was verified by X-ray diffraction of samples 5 and 6 (table 2). Sample 5 was contaminated with clay, gypsum, and calcite; hence, the chemical data for this sample reflect the chemical composition of these materials. The con- centration of cobalt was high in this sample compared to that found in the clays. Sample 6, which was only slightly contaminated with clay particles, contained no abnormally high concentrations of trace elements com- pared to the composition of normal soils from the area. The presence of pyrite is important in geochemical sys- tems, however, because the weathering of this material results in the formation of sulfuric acid, which increases the solubility of certain compounds. The mobilities of constituent elements in these compounds, therefore, are generally increased. EFFLORESCENT SALTS Chemical properties of the efflorescent salts are given in table 2. X-ray diffraction analyses of sample 11 (table 2), which consisted of residue obtained by evapo- rating the soluble fraction of the efllorescent salts, and of sample 10 (table 2) indicate that alunogen, a hydrous sulfate of aluminum having the formula A12(SO4)3-nH20, is the dominant crystalline phase of these salts. Palache, Berman, and Frondel (1951, p. 538—539) reported that alunogen occurs principally as an efllorescence or crevice filling in coals, shales, and slates that contain pyrite, and that the mineral is TABLE 2.—Compounds and elements in samples of surficial [Analystsz Leon A. Bradley, G. T. Burrow. Carroll Burton, J. P. Cahill, W. H. Ficklin, Larry D. Forshey, I. C. Frost, Johnnie Gardner, Roose- velt Moore, M. W. S] These elements. ot, J. A. Thomas, R. L. Turner, and J. S. Wahlherg. Some elements were looked for in all samples but were not found. analyzed by the semiquantitative spectrographic method. and their lower detection limits, in parts per million, are as fol- lows: Antimony, 150; bismuth, 10: europium, 100: germanium. 10: gold. 20; hafnium, 100; indium, 10; palladium, 1: platinum, 30; rhenium, 30; silver, 0.5; tantalum. 200; tellurium, 2,000; thallium, 50: thorium, 200; tin, 10; tungsten 100; and uranium, 500. If lanthanum or cerium Site Date Compound or element Sample Labora- Material Total Fe NO- 3.10. (3,13, 521%??? sampled Remark“ SiOz A1203 as Fean MgO (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent) Large claypile 1 D149910 1 Kaolinite; lesser amounts of illite and mixed—layer clay .......................................................... i 48 30 2.2 0.8 2 D150439 1 d 45 29 2 .64 8 D150448 1 44 31 1.4 .6 4 D149912 1 . 13 8 16 .08 5 D149913 1 Contains clay, gypsum, and calcite. 8 4 35 .28 6 D150447 1 Slight clay contamination .................. 1 1 65 1 7 D150433 1 3 5 <.1 01 8 D150450 1 About 50 percent clay; contains quartz, apatite, and crandallite ('I) ...................................... 35 24 2.2 .41 9 D150434 1 1—5 mm temporary salt crust (mostly alunogen) on clay at seeps, base of large claypile (south end); contains clay 23 20 6.5 1.04 10 D150435 1 ........ do 18 17 6.1 1.11 11 D150436 1 Evaporative residue (1.17 g residue per 100 ml of . solution), obtained from sample 10 ........ .2 ........ .03 12 D150437 1 Insoluble residue obtained from sample 10 .. 43 24 7.3 .56 13 D154026 5 Clay, upper 3—10 cm of streambed deposit... 52 28 3.9 .97 14 D154027 5 Sand, silt, and clay collected in creekbed immediately below sample 13 ...................................... 52 27 2.6 .71 Small claypile 15 D149911 1 Kaolinite: lesser amounts of illite and mixed-layer clay .......................................... 46 34 1.5 0.55 16 D154024 10 Clay', upper 3—10 cm of streambed deposit 49 84 1.3 .56 17 D154025 10 Sand. silt, and clay collected in creekbed immediately below sample 16 ...................................... 51 31 1.7 .54 Clayplt 18 D150445 2 June 30 Clay .............................. Kaolinite: lesser amounts of illite and mixed-layer clay 41 33 1 0.42 19 D150446 2 ...... do ...... Silty dolomite .............. Collected from drainage dit southeast part of claypi .. 5 1 2 16 20 D150442 2 ...... do ...... Carbonate residuum Collected from north wall 0 79 8 2.8 .45 21 D150449 2 ...... do ............ do ......................... d0 71 11 5.7 .64 Soils from Vicmlty of claypit 22 D149914 8 75 9 2.8 0.52 23 D149915 7 75 9 2.5 .48 24 D149916 11 70 11 4.7 .86 25 D149917 13 70 11 4.4 .78 26 D149918 14 82 7 2 .36 27 D149919 15 75 8 3.8 .47 28 D149920 16 77 8 3 .48 29 D149921 17 ' 82 7 1.7 29 30 D150440 6 Associated with white oak and buckbrush sampling localities ....................................................... 77 8 2.9 .38 31 D150441 ........ .0 . 78 7 2.1 .33 32 D154028 1 Associated with white sweetclover sampling localities ........ 47 32 1.4 .56 33 D154029 1 59 25 2.8 .89 34 D154030 2 50 30 1.7 .53 35 D154031 4 54 29 2.6 .90 ————i RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 9 formed by the action of sulfate solutions resulting from present, were in concentrations below the detection the oxidation of the pyrite on aluminous minerals. limits given in table 1. The complete distance that Analysis of the efl'lorescent salts served to identify these elements are moved in solution or in suspended some of the elements that move in solution in the imme- solids by runoff from the claypile is not known. How- diate vicinity of the claypile. Samples 9 and 10 (table ever, the crust of efflorescent salts that was sampled on 2) reflect, in part, the chemical composition of the clay June 30 was not observed during a visit to the claypit from the large claypile because it was not possible to area on September 28. A 3-inch rainfall on September remove all clay particles from the salts. The chemical 22 is thought to have washed the efflorescent salts from . composition of the residue sample (No. 11) derived this area, and conditions conducive to the formation of from the evaporated soluble material in sample 10 new crusts of salts were not in evidence. reveals soluble elements in the efflorescent salts, plus those that were released from the clay by the acid PLANTS solution. Chemical analyses of the 36 plant samples from the Aluminum, cobalt, copper, and nickel have the high- claypit area are given in table 3. Where several samples est concentrations in sample 11, and barium, beryllium, of a species were collected and analyzed, the samples chromium, gallium, lithium, manganese, scandium, that are considered to be more directly affected by the ytterbium, yttrium, and zinc are present in lower con- chemical composition of the claypile generally are centrations. Other trace elements analyzed for, if listed first in the table in order to facilitate examina- deposrts and efi‘lorescent salts from the claypit area were found in a sample, praseodymmm with a lower detection limit of 1 ppm was looked for in the same sample but was not found. If yttrium concentration in a sample exceeded 50 ppm, the following elements, with their stated lower detection limits, were looked for in the same sample, but were not found: Erbium, 50: holmium, 20; lutetium, 30: terbium 300; and thulium. 20. Asterisk, analysis by a semiquantitative spectrographic method. Results are reported as geometric midpoints of geometric classes, in the series 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, and so forth. ______________ , no data available] Compound or element Carbon- CaO NazO K20 P205 Total C ate C Organic C As B" “ Be“ Cd Ce“ Co“I 01-" (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) Large claypile 0.3 0.13 3.6 0.5 0.6 0.06 0.5 ........ 70 500 3 <1 300 7 300 .1 .14 2.9 .3 .88 .01 .9 8 6 50 200 3 <1 150 3 150 .3 .09 2.9 .3 .6 .01 .6 6 4 50 150 2 <1 150 3 300 , < 1 .02 .4 .1 37.8 .06 37.7 ........ <20 30 3 .5 <150 3 70 16 .02 .5 .1 3.3 3 3 <.1 ........ <20 30 1.5 .5 <150 30 30 .4 .01 <.1 .3 7.24 7.2 .3 <20 30 <1 <1 <150 <3 7 32 <.01 <.1 <.05 .......................... <1 <20 10 <1 <1 <150 <3 2 5.9 .13 2.1 5.9 51 < 01 5 6.8 50 500 3 <1 300 <3 150 6 .04 1 3 6.7 20 70 5 <1 <150 50 70 6 .03 .9 2 13.4 20 100 7 <1 <150 70 50 ........ .0001 <20 1.5 15 <1 <150 200 15 .2 .09 2.1 .5 12.9 50 300 3 <1 150 15 150 .2 .16 4.3 .2 8.0 70 300 3 <1 300 10 200 .5 .11 2.7 .3 .13 .9 9.1 70 300 3 <1 300 15 200 Small claypile <0.1 0.36 2.5 0.2 0.71 0.09 0.6 200 2 <1 300 5 300 .2 .10 2.9 .2 .44 .01 .4 200 3 <1 300 7 300 2 14 2 7 2 2.99 <.01 3 0 200 3 <1 300 15 200 0.2 0.08 1.3 0.1 0.32 <0.01 0.3 30 2 <1 <150 15 200 29 .02 .3 <.05 11.8 11.3 .5 30 <1 <1 <150 5 7 4 .63 1.4 .05 .83 <.01 .8 500 <1 <1 <150 7 30 6 .75 1.6 1 37 <.01 4 700 1 5 <1 <150 7 70 Soils from v c 0.4 1.05 2 0.1 1.91 0.1 1.8 1.000 <1 <1 150 15 70 .5 1.08 1.8 .2 2.6 .11 2.5 70 1.5 <1 150 15 70 .5 .94 1.9 .2 1.88 .11 1.8 700 <1 150 15 70 .4 1.03 1.8 .2 1.25 .07 1.4 700 1 <1 150 15 70 .2 .94 2.1 .1 1.17 .08 1.1 700 <1 <1 150 16 70 .6 1.06 1.6 .2 1.82 .06 1.8 700 <1 <1 150 15 70 .5 1.01 1.8 .1 1.32 .12 1.2 700 <1 150 15 70 .2 .88 1.8 .1 2.05 .08 2 700 <1 <1 150 70 .5 .81 1.7 .1 1.48 .01 1.5 7.9 30 500 <1 <1 <150 15 50 .3 9 1.9 .3 1 16 <.01 1.2 5.5 30 700 <1 <1 <150 10 50 .3 .09 2.9 .3 .33 <.01 .3 1.2 70 300 3 <1 300 7 300 .4 .06 4.7 .07 3.41 .02 3.4 1.4 70 300 <1 150 7 300 .3 .08 2 .2 .46 <.01 .5 6.9 70 200 3 <1 700 30 200 .8 .11 4 .3 .53 .06 .5 2.7 70 300 3 <1 300 10 200 h 10 GEOCHEMICAL AN OMALIES OF A CLAYPIT AREA. MISSOURI TABLE 2.—Compounds and elements in samples of surficial Compound or ‘ t Sample Laboratory Cu2 Dy2 F Ga" Gd‘ Hg La‘l Li Mn‘l M0‘ No. No. (ppm) (ppm) (percent) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) Large claypile 1 D149910..... ........ 50 0.08 150 153 30 < 3 2 D150439 .03 30 .17 70 242 20 3 3 D15o448 .11 50 .12 100 258 7 15 4 D149912 ........ 7 1.3 so 78 3 7 5 D149913 ........ <5 .75 30 22 60 <3 6 D150447 <.001 15 .48 <80 10 5 3 '7 D150433 <.001 <5 ........ .15 <30 <5 <1 <3 8 D150450 .084 50 50 <.01 150 195 3 <3 9 D150434 .11 20 <50 .34 30 180 30 <3 10 D150435 .17 20 <50 .27 30 156 50 <3 11 D150436 ........ 50 <50 ........ <30 1.6 100 <3 12 D150437 .096 50 <50 .25 100 210 15 5 13 D15402 .. .12 70 <50 .06 150 150 100 3 14 D154027.. .1 70 <50 .06 150 242 700 3 Small claypile 15 D149911 30 <50 ........ 50 <50 0.11 150 320 7 7 16 D154024... 50 ........ .098 70 ........ .03 70 284 30 3 17 D154025 50 ........ .084 70 ........ .02 70 280 300 3 Claypit 18 D150445... 150 0.084 50 0.06 70 338 50 7 19 10 .034 <5 <01 <30 <5 150 <3 20 10 .022 10 .. . .07 3o 22 500 <3 21 20 .052 20 ........ .04 30 27 150 <3 Soils from vicinity of claypit 22 D149914 15 15 0.04 50 24 1,000 <3 23 D149915 15 15 .07 70 24 1,500 <3 24 D149916 20 20 .06 70 25 500 <3 25 D149917 20 20 .05 50 24 700 <3 26 D149918 7 10 .04 50 21 500 <3 27 D149919 10 15 .05 70 20 1.000 <3 28 D149920 10 15 .06 60 23 1,500 <3 29 D149921 7 15 .07 30 20 200 <3 30 D150440 10 10 .09 50 22 1,500 <3 31 D160441 15 10 . .08 70 22 1.000 <3 32 D154028 100 70 <50 .02 150 246 15 3 33 D164029.. 70 70 .02 7o 41 20 3 34 D154030.. 50 50 .05 300 148 70 7 35 D154031.. 30 50 .02 150 144 70 3 tion of the table for anomalous element concentrations in plants. Plant species have inherent abilities to concentrate certain elements in their tissues. This ability varies among different species in such a manner that normal levels of certain elements in one species may be highly anomalous in another. Superimposed on this inherent ability of species is their tendency to increase their absorption of some of the elements that are unusually abundant in the soil on which they grow. Both of these characteristics of species must be taken into account when seeking to identify anomalous element concentra- tions in plant tissues that may be related to anomalous levels of the same elements in the soil. Ideally, data on the typical concentrations of ele- ments in plants that are to be used for identifying anomalous concentrations should be established for each species, on the basis of analyses of plants that grew in an environment that was typical for the species. Because of the large number of plant species that may be of interest in the geochemical study of a suspected anomalous area, completely satisfactory data of this sort are not commonly available. Therefore, the best available data must be used, with the result that the typical values that are established for each species or group may range from highly reliable to doubtfully applicable as bases for identifying anomalies. This var- was found in our 11 the claypit area. iation in reliability of typical values study of the plant species that grewi The data that were used for establishing typical values (table 8), arranged in order of most reliable to least reliable, are discussed in the paragraphs that follow. In earlier biogeochemical studies in Missouri, we established estimates of typical element concentrations in three species of woody plants that are widespread in the State, and that grow in the claypit area. These species (white oak, buckbrush, and smooth sumac) are common in the Oak-Hickory Forest, a vegetation type mapped by Kiichler ( 1964) in which the Callaway County claypit area is located. Typical ranges of ele- ment concentrations for the three species are presented in table 8. Redcedar is another species which grows in the clay- pit area and for which we have estimates of typical element concentrations. These estimates (table 8) are based on analyses of 10 samples from the Oak-Hickory Forest area. In certain species for which we do not have adequate data, the normal element concentrations can be esti- mated by using the analyses of closely related species; this procedure is based on the assumption that the ele- ment-concentrating ability among species is related to their degree of taxonomic affinity, which may be gen- erally, but not invariably, true. For example, data are —’r RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 11 deposrts and efl‘lorescent salts from the claypit area—Continued Compound or element Nb“ Nd* Ni' Pb“ Pr" Sc‘ Se Sm* Sr'l Ti* V" Y’I Yb‘ Zn Zr'l (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (percent) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) Large claypile 15 150 100 30 30 1 300 50 5 35 150 10 100 50 30 30 .3 300 70 7 31 150 10 100 30 50 30 .5 700 50 5 27 150 <10 <70 20 70 15 .15 500 50 7 132 30 <10 <70 150 15 10 .15 50 70 ........ 17 30 <10 ........ 15 <10 <5 .02 10 15 ........ 12 10 <10 ........ <5 <10 <5 .002 <7 (10 <1 <5 <10 <10 200 30 30 30 .5 200 150 7 20 100 <10 <70 300 15 15 .2 70 70 7 33 70 <10 <70 500 15 15 .15 70 100 7 31 70 <10 < 70 1,500 <10 10 <.0002 <7 150 15 1.7 <10 10 100 100 30 20 .3 200 70 7 48 100 15 150 100 50 30 7 300 70 7 47 150 15 150 100 70 30 5 300 70 7 32 150 15 150 70 50 .......... 5o 1 700 70 7 26 150 20 70 100 30 <100 30 7 500 50 5 30 150 20 100 100 50 <100 30 7 300 50 30 150 10 70 100 20 30 0.5 500 20 3 31 150 <10 ........ 20 <10 <5 .01 15 <10 <1 8 <10 10 <70 7 15 7 .3 5o 30 3 39 300 <10 <70 50 15 10 .2 100 30 3 77 200 10 70 15 15 10 0.3 <100 200 0.3 100 so 3 49 300 10 70 20 20 7 .6 <100 150 .3 7o 30 5 52 300 10 70 15 30 15 .6 <100 200 .5 150 30 3 67 300 10 70 15 30 15 .7 <100 200 .5 150 50 7 56 200 10 70 15 15 7 .2 <100 150 .5 7o 30 3 34 300 10 70 15 30 7 .4 <100 150 .5 70 30 3 44 300 10 7o 15 20 7 .2 <100 150 .5 100 30 3 43 300 10 70 15 15 7 .3 <100 150 .5 70 30 3 39 300 10 <70 15 20 7 .6 <100 150 .3 70 50 5 47 300 10 7o 7 15 7 .5 <100 150 .5 5o 50 5 29 500 20 200 70 7o 30 .7 <100 700 .7 700 70 7 31 150 20 70 70 30 20 .9 <10 500 .7 150 50 5 36 200 20 300 50 30 30 2.8 <100 1,000 .7 300 50 7 24 150 50 150 70 30 30 1.2 <100 1.000 .7 300 50 5 38 150 not available in our files or in the available literature on which to establish typical element concentrations in white sweetclover; however, we do have data on the element content of 10 samples of yellow sweetclover, a closely related species, from other parts of the United States. In the absence of better estimates of the normal values, these data are given in table 8 for use in evalu- ating the element content of white sweetclover samples from the claypit area. Certain element-concentrating capabilities are char- acteristic of many species within a plant family, and somewhat predictable differences in these abilities may occur among families. We have seven samples of grasses from the claypit area, but have no highly reliable means of estimating a corresponding norm for use in identify- ing anomalous values. If we assume that members of the Grass Family tend to concentrate elements simi- larly, analytical data obtained for 18 samples of meadow feScue from locations throughout Missouri, as given in table 8, may be used for judging anomalies in the claypit grass samples. If corresponding analytical data for certain species sampled in the claypit area are unavailable, there may be no reliable basis for judging anomalous element con- centrations in these species. Nevertheless, we do have estimates of typical element values, and ranges in values, for plants in general; these estimates are based on about 1,100 plant samples, including many different species, from throughout the conterminous United States. These samples were collected in a nationwide study of soils, described by Shacklette, Hamilton, Boerngen, and Bowles (1971). The values, given in table 8, may be used for identifying extremely high or extremely low concentrations of elements in plant samples from the claypit area if no better means for such identifications are available. Anomalies in the elemental compositions of the plants growing in the claypit area are recognized by comparing their analyses as given in table 3 to the typical values (central 95-percent range) listed in table 8. The following discussion of these anomalies is organ- ized by species or plant type, and the sample numbers refer to those in table 3. Five white oak trees were sampled on a traverse extending from the margin of the larger claypile to the wall of the claypit and down the drainage system to the area in which cattle had been pastured. Cadmium was unusually highly concentrated in all the samples except No. 3, and sodium was abnormally low in all the samples (table 3). Elemental compositions of the samples from the trees most closely associated with the claypile (Nos. 1 and 2) were the most divergent from typical values. In general, these-samples had positive anomalies in concentrations of aluminum, cadmium, h 12 cobalt, copper, potassium, lanthanum, molybdenum, nickel, ytterbium, and zinc. Negative anomalies were apparent for barium, calcium, and sodium. Several anomalies, unique to samples of white oak, were the low calcium levels in the samples from site 1 near the claypile, the only lanthanum anomaly (sample 1), and the abnormally high zinc values in samples 1 and 4, col- lected from the pasture site. The most extreme positive anomalies were reflected in the cobalt, copper, molyb- denum, and nickel concentrations in these samples. Both samples of redcedar from near the claypiles con- tained unusually high levels of aluminum, beryllium, cobalt, and nickel, and unusually low levels of barium and sodium. Sample 6, collected at site 3 where the surficial deposits from the larger claypile were thick, [Analysts: Harriet G. Neiman, Thelma F. Harms, and Clara S. E. Papp. ........ GEOCHEMICAL ANOMALIES OF A CLAYPIT AREA, MISSOURI had additional positive anomalies in chromium, copper, gallium, scandium, titanium, vanadium, and ytterbium. The scandium anomaly in this sample is unique; no other sample collected from the area contained detect- able amounts of this element. Of all the plants sampled, only redcedar contained detectable beryllium. This element was found in samples of the claypile, and analyses of water samples and efflorescent salts showed that it was moving from this source. Beryllium is not commonly detected in plant samples. Of about 900 samples of various plant species from throughout Missouri, only eight contained 2 ppm or more beryllium, and of these eight samples, all were of shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) trees except one which was of smooth sumac. No beryllium TABLE 3.—Ash yield and elemental composition ..._, no data available. Ash, As, Hg, and Se reported as percent or ppm in dry following equation: element (ppm) in dry material = element’ (ppm) in ash X “11 content (percent). Some elements were looked for in all samples but 0 follows: Antimony, 300; bismuth, 20; cerium, 300; europium, 200; germanium, 20; gold, 50; hafnium, 200; indium, 20; niobium, 20; palladium, 2; platinum, sample, the following elements, With their stated lower detection limits, were looked for in the same sample, but were not found: Neodymium, 150; geometric classes, in the series 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, and so forth] Sample Labora- Site Datled S A511 or element tory No. samp e pecies Plant part sampled A h Al‘ A B* B 4 1- No. s s a Be N°- (fig' 1) (1971) (percent) (percent) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) Trees 1 D415622 1 June 30 White oak (Quercus alba) ........ Branches, terminal 8—10 in ..... 2 0.7 (0.25 300 500 (2 2 D415623 1 d ....... do . ........ do 3 .7 <.25 200 1.000 <2 3 D415627 3.8 .3 <.25 200 3.000 <2 4 D415625 3.2 .2 <.25 200 3.000 <2 5 D415630 ........ o 3.5 .15 .25 150 2,000 <2 6 D415578 Redcedar (Junipems virginiana) . 3.7 7 (.25 200 500 3 7 D415579 ........ o .......................................... 4.5 1 5 (.25 200 150 2 8 D415621 Buckbrush (Sympho-ricarpos orbiculatus) .. 2.4 1.5 (0.25 200 5 000 <2 9 D415626 ........ do ..... 2.3 1.5 (.25 150 2,000 <2 10 D415624 2.2 .7 (.25 100 2,000 <2 11 D415629 2.5 1.5 (.25 150 3,000 <2 12 D415692 1 ........ do 2.2 3 (.25 200 3.000 <2 13 D415620 Stems, terminal 8—10 in 3 .2 (.25 200 7,000 <2 14 D415628 ........ do ........................................ 3.2 .5 (.25 200 3,000 <2 Grasses and sedges 15 D415641 2 June 17 Wood reed grass (Cimm arundinacea) ............ Above-ground parts ................ 10 0.5 (0.25 50 200 <2 16 D415643 9 ...... do ...... Fowl meadow grass (Glycerin atriata) ........ do ........................................ 7.4 .5 <.25 50 200 <2 17 D415642 9 ...... do ...... Common bullrush (Scirpus atro’uirem) .. 7.4 5 <.25 100 300 <2 18 D415648 18 ...... do ...... Meadow fescue (Festuca elatior) .................. 8.4 7 (.25 70 200 <2 19 D415649 18 ...... do ...... Timothy (Phleum pratense) and Japanese chess (Bromus japo'nicus) .............. 16 5 5 100 700 <2 20 D415651 18 _.do ...... Bluegrass (Poo pratensia) and meadow fescue ........................ 9.7 1 <.25 70 500 <2 21 D415647 18 ...... do ...... Timothy, meadow fescue, and redtop (Agrostz'a alba) .......... 11 7 <.25 50 1.000 <2 22 D415639 2 June 17 Goldenrod (Solidago sp.) .......... Above-ground parts ................ 11 1 (0.25 150 150 (2 23 D415644 9 ...... do ...... Common plantain (Plantago major) ........ do 14 5 (.26 150 2.000 (2 24 D415650 18 ...... do .............. do ............... do 13 1 .25 150 700 (2 25 D415646 12 ...... do ...... (Eupatorium mgosum) ........ do ........................................ 18 1.5 (.25 100 1,500 (2 26 D415640 2 ...... do ...... White sweetclover (Melilotus alba) 2d-yr. green stems and leaves 10 .1 <.25 150 1,000 (2 27 D415684 ........ do 2d-yr. dead stems and seeds.... 2.9 1 .25 300 1,000 (2 28 D415685 ........ do ......................... 2.3 1 (.25 700 300 (2 29 D415686 ........ do 2.1 1.5 (.25 300 500 (2 30 D415687 lat-yr. green stems 7.2 .7 (.25 300 70 (2 31 D415688 ........ do ............. 8 3 .25 300 200 (2 32 D415689 lst-yr. roots ..... 3.8 5 (.5 150 150 (2 33 D415690 1st-yr. green stems and leaves 7.2 3 ........ 300 150 (2 34 D415691 (Lespedeza striata) .............. Above-ground parts ................ 5.2 2 <.25 200 500 (2 Aquatic plants 35 D415638 2 June 17 Cattail (Typha- latifolia) .......... Leaves ........................................ 6.7 1 (0.25 70 70 (2 36 D415645 12 ...... do .............. do ........ do 10 1 <.25 70 3,000 <2 ———7 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 13 was found, however, in any of the 110 samples of red- cedar collected from throughout Missouri in an earlier study. If this plant is, in fact, a beryllium accumulator, high soil concentrations of this element appear neces- sary for the accumulation to occur. Buckbrush samples, collected at the white oak sampling sites, generally contained positively anoma- lous concentrations of molybdenum and nickel, and negatively anomalous amounts of sodium. Cadmium occurred in unusually high concentrations in the two samples (Nos. 8 and 9) from nearest the larger clay- pile. Abnormally high concentrations of aluminum, cop- per, gallium, tin, and vanadium were found in the single sample that was collected in September (No. 12). Anomalous concentrations of iron, potassium, manga- of plant samples from the claypit area nese, lead, and titanium occurred in other samples of this species. Smooth sumac, as indicated by the analyses on table 3, is much less sensitive to the element content of the underlying soils than is white oak, an observation con- sistent with the conclusions of Shacklette, Sauer, and Miesch (1970, p. C25). In the two sumac samples, only cadmium and cobalt occurred in unusually high con- centrations, and sodium occurred as a negative anom- aly. Molybdenum was abnormally high in sample 13 collected at the edge of the claypile, and magnesium was anomalous in sample 14 collected from the wall of the claypit. Of the six samples of grasses that were collected in the claypit area, only sample 19, from Ranch B, con- material. Other elements reported as ppm or percent in ash; these values in ash can be converted to approximate values in dry material by using the were not found. These elements, analyzed by the semiquantitative spectrographic method, and their lower detection limits, in parts per million, are as 70; rhenium, 70; silver, 1; tantalum. 500; tellurium, 5,000; thallium, 100; thorium, 500; tungsten. 200; and uranium, 1,000. If lanthanum was found in a praseodymium, 200; and samarium, 200. Asterisk, analysis by a semiquantitative spectrographic method. Results are reported as geometric midpoints of Ash or element Ca Cd Co Cr“ Cu" Fe“ Ga‘ Hg K La‘ Li Mg" Mn“ Mo Na Ni‘l (percent) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (percent) (ppm) (ppm) (percent) (ppm) (ppm) (percent) (ppm) (ppm) (percent) (ppm) Trees 22 10 60 7 500 0.3 <5 <0.025 13 70 20 3 30,000 10 0.04 200 26 11 60 3 200 .2 <5 <.025 9.8 <70 16 2 30,000 10 .04 200 30 6.2 4 5 150 .3 <5 <.025 6.4 <70 4 3 20,000 4 .04 70 31 7.4 4 2 150 .15 <5 <.025 7.4 <70 <4 3 10,000 4 .04 30 32 8.4 7 2 100 .1 <5 <.025 8 <70 1.5 20,000 <4 .03 50 22 9 20 50 200 1 7 025 11 <70 40 2 15,000 <5 .07 300 23 5 4 25 20 7o 5 <5 025 9 2 <70 18 3 15,000 <5 .08 300 Shrubs 16 45 6 15 300 0.7 <5 <0.025 17 <70 8 3 20,000 10 0.06 50 15 35 8 20 150 .5 <5 <.025 22 <70 16 2 15,000 10 .06 50 12 10 2 10 150 .2 <5 <.025 25 <70 <4 3 , 10 .06 7 12 28 8 3 100 1 <5 <.025 18 <70 12 5 20,000 <4 .11 50 15 14 5 50 1,000 .7 10 .025 17 <70 22 3 , 20 .22 30 23 5.2 9 5 150 .1 <5 <.025 15 <70 4 2 1,500 10 .03 30 21 4.8 5 5 50 .2 <5 <0.25 17 <70 <4 5 1.500 4 02 20 Grasses and sedges 3.4 0.4 2 7 50 0.15 <5 <0.025 17 <70 220 0.7 1.500 10 0.02 20 3.6 .3 1 7 30 .15 <5 .025 20 <70 4 3 700 10 .03 5 4.6 .9 1 7 50 .1 <5 <.025 24 <70 4 2 1.500 4 .03 7 3.2 .3 3 7 30 .3 <5 .025 26 <70 4 3 1.000 10 .12 7 6 3 7 50 50 2 7 .......... 14 <70 12 5 1,500 10 .09 7 4.4 1.2 2 7 50 .3 <5 .025 26 <70 <4 3 1,000 4 .07 10 2 4 5 1 5 50 3 <5 05 28 <70 14 2 1,000 <4 .12 20 Forbs 8 6 2 14 15 150 0.3 <5 <0.025 26 <70 12 2 2,000 10 0.03 50 15 1 2 3 100 .15 <5 .025 22 <70 <4 5 500 <4 03 ........ .9 9 20 50 .5 <5 <70 <4 7 1.500 04 10 4.2 1.2 15 15 100 .5 <5 05 29 <70 <4 1.5 7,000 4 06 15 22 .8 4 2 50 .1 <5 <.025 17 <70 <4 5 300 60 .05 30 16 9.2 28 10 150 .2 <5 <.025 19 <70 22 3 500 10 .17 100 29 3.2 17 15 200 .3 <5 <.025 6 6 <70 6 3 500 60 .18 50 25 3.3 14 30 1,500 .5 <5 <.025 8 4 <70 12 5 500 750 27 7o 16 1.0 s 5 15 300 .15 <5 .025 21 <70 10 3 300 180 13 50 14 .8 8 50 1.000 .5 <5 .025 17 <70 16 3 700 40 19 30 4.3 ...... 15 70 200 .7 10 .......... 27 <70 28 5 500 250 1 8 70 11 ...... 10 50 200 .7 <5 <.05 20 <70 8 5 700 50 26 70 17 ...... <5 30 700 .7 <5 .025 12 <70 16 5 7,000 50 15 150 Aquatic plants 10 0.3 8 3 100 0 1 <5 <0.025 29 <70 4 2 15.000 10 0.88 30 6 8 .4 20 <2 50 <5 .025 30 <70 <4 3 20.000 10 .6 15 t 14 GEOCHEMICAL ANOMALIES OF A CLAYPIT AREA. MISSOURI TABLE 3.—Ash yield and elemental composition of plant samples from the claypit area——Continued Ash or element Sample Laboratory P Pb“ Sc' Se Sn“ Sr“ Ti“ V“ Y* Yb"l Zn Zr" No. No. (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (percent) (ppm (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) Trees 1 D415622 300 <5 <05 <20 1,000 0.03 <5 <20 2 1,060 <20 2 D41562 200 <5 <.5 <20 1,000 .02 <5 <20 2 380 <20 3 D415627... 150 <5 <.5 <20 1,000 .02 <5 <20 <2 360 <20 4 D415625... 150 <5 <.5 <20 2,000 .015 <5 <20 <2 680 <20 5 D415630... 70 <5 <.5 <20 2.000 .01 <5 <20 <2 400 <20 6 D415578... 300 7 <.5 <20 1,000 .20 70 <20 5 440 50 7 D415579 ....... 100 <5 <.5 <20 500 .07 30 <20 <2 440 30 Shrubs 8 D415621... 18,000 500 <5 <0.5 <20 3.000 0.10 20 <20 <2 1,600 70 9 D415626 18,000 200 <5 <.5 <20 1,500 .10 30 <20 2 1,000 50 1o D415624 24,000 30 <5 <.5 <20 2,000 .05 10 <20 <2 1,500 20 11 D415629 24,000 300 <5 <.5 <20 2,000 .20 50 <20 2 2,100 70 12 D415692 24,000 500 <5 70 2 000 10 50 20 <2 1,550 70 13 D415620 18,000 50 <5 <.5 <20 5.000 .02 <5 <20 <2 1.000 <20 14 D415628.... 24,000 50 <5 <.5 <20 3,000 03 <5 <20 <2 680 30 Grasses and sedges 15 D415641.... 6.000 <20 <5 0.5 <20 200 0.02 10 <20 <2 240 50 16 24,000 <20 <5 <.5 <20 200 .02 10 <20 <2 240 <20 17 18,000 <20 <5 <.5 <20 300 .02 10 <20 <2 260 <20 18 18,000 <20 <5 <.5 <20 200 .02 10 <20 <2 160 20 19 12,000 20 <5 .5 <20 200 .20 70 <20 2 260 150 20 24,000 <20 <5 <.5 <20 200 .05 10 <20 <2 470 30 21 24,000 <20 <5 <.5 <20 300 .03 10 <20 <2 340 20 22 12,000 <20 <5 500 0.05 20 <20 <2 380 <20 23 18,000 <20 <5 1.500 .05 <5 <20 <2 360 50 24 24,000 <20 <5 700 05 20 <20 <2 280 50 25 18,000 <20 <5 1,000 07 20 <20 <2 300 70 26 12,000 <20 <5 1,000 007 <5 <20 <2 220 <20 27 18.000 70 <5 1,500 03 <5 <20 <2 270 20 28 12.000 150 <5 1,000 .05 <5 <20 <2 240 20 29 24,000 300 <5 1.500 .05 20 <20 <2 420 20 30 18.000 100 <5 700 015 <5 <20 <2 290 <20 31 24,000 200 <5 700 1 50 <20 <2 410 70 32 48,000 20 <5 1,000 3 100 20 2 520 50 33 18,000 20 <5 700 1 50 20 2 280 50 34 D415691... 45.000 200 <5 500 1 30 20 2 700 50 Aquatic plants 35 D415638 ....... 12.000 <20 <5 <05 <20 700 0.005 <5 <20 <2 220 <20 36 D415645 ....... 24,000 <20 <5 <.5 <20 2,000 .01 <5 <20 <2 220 <20 tained anomalous concentrations of elements, all of which were positive. These anomalies were in alumi- num, boron, cobalt, chromium, iron, gallium, titanium, and ytterbium. Inasmuch as the mixture of grasses in this sample did not include meadow fescue (the grass species used to establish typical values), these un- usually high concentrations may be due more to species differences in absorption capability than to contamina- tion of the soil. White sweetclover is of special interest because it is a known molybdenum accumulator, and because molybdenum was found in anomalous concentrations (3—15 ppm) in samples of clay, shale, and alluvium from the claypit area. In parts of the Western United States where soils contain high levels of molybdenum (1.5 ppm or more), severe illness has occurred in cattle that grazed this plant (Barshad, 1948) . In white sweet- clover sample 26 (table 3), collected in June, 60 ppm molybdenum was found in the ash (6 ppm in dry mat- ter), and although this concentration is not considered anomalous if judged by the central 95-percent range of values for a closely related species (yellow sweetclover, table 8), it exceeds the tolerance level of 5 ppm in dry matter for cattle that was given by Webb and Atkinson (1965). Molybdenum levels in another sample of white sweetclover (No. 29, table 3) from the claypit area, collected in September, exceeded this tolerance level by a factor of three. In addition, samples of White sweetclover contained anomalous concentrations of aluminum, boron, chromium, cobalt, copper, gallium, lead, manganese, nickel, tin, and titanium. Japanese clover (sample 34, table 3) was the only other forb (broad-leaved forage herb) sampled that reflected the anomalous copper and nickel levels in sub- strates of the claypit area. This species, like white sweetclover, is a palatable forage plant and its element content, therefore, is important in searching for causes of the metabolic disorders of cattle at this site. WATER Chemical analyses of the four samples of water from the claypit area are given in table 4. The chemical com- positions of surface waters, as were sampled at the claypit study area, are greatly influenced by meteoro- logical conditions at a location both before and at the time of sampling. Water samples from this area were collected June 17, about 1 week after a mild thunder- storm had occurred. During the previous few months, however, very little rain had fallen; therefore, the prop- erties of the samples were more representative of water ————i RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 15 TABLE 4.—Physical properties and chemical composition of TABLE 6.—-Selected trace elements in whole blood samples from surface water samples from the claypit study area beef cattle having interference syndrome and from those I [Analystst P. R. Barnett, 0. J..Feist, Jr., Darwin Golden, R. L. James, E. C. that were unaffected Mallory, Jr., and R' D' McKIbben. All samples collected June 17' 1971] [Concentrations given as mg/ 100 g. Blood samples were drawn on the ranches in the forenoon of June 17, 1971, and submitted immediately for analysis] Origin of sample. Farm pond Claypit Email xfiml inh Rockfy Brhnlgh Site No. (fig. 1)“. 12 2 cc 3 ranc on line Cattle having interference syndrome Unaggcltfidflgttle PhYSical properties, at time of collection Labggtory Angus cows, Chg‘rllfilais Angus cows, Chlasnlallais Appearance .......... Medium Bluish green, Light tan, Slightly Ranch A Rancli B Rana Ranch B brown» With murky milky turbid 01—821 02-875 03—851 07—038 04—422 C5—456 06411068 muddy cast Temperature °C.... 33.5 29.0 26.9 28.4 Specific conduct- 165 830 295 800 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 (0.25 ance (umhos/ <.05 <.05 <.05 <.05 <.05 cm at 25°) . .070 .067 .067 .071 .071 pH .......................... 7.50 4.27 7.73 8.22 1 84 2 04 2.04 2.04 2 04 , , . , _ 010 010 .010 010 010 Chemical composrtion (pg/l, except as indicated) .050 .050 .050 .050 .050 110,000 13,000 59,000 630 1‘22 ‘95 '95 2'04 '95 4 <1 <1 <1 250 19 110 14 . . . 1,622 $3 320 mg the only water 1n the creekbed occurred 1n Isolated < . <1: <3 <5 :5 pools. Therefore, water from the claypit pond and the 1; 1291 1; <é claypiles was not reaching Ranch B. However, during 83 $33 1,33% 8 033 44% periods of intense rainfall water from the claypit area ' <5 ’ 17 <5 does flow through this ranch, as indicated by the clay <33 <11 <10 <11 . . 4 933 1 933 1 73(2) 10% coatings on many rocks in the streambed. Rocky ’<8 '<3 ’<2 <3 Branch is springfed at Ranch B, and at the time of 130 470 78 <11 . . . . 23;?) 3 fig <43 sampling was flowmg at an aproxunate rate of 1 cub1c 1 ggg 222 1 233 1go’ foot per second. , , 7 . . . . . 00 212 133 3 The only bas1s available for Judglng any poss1b1e 0 1 20 . . . . . gr . ' N 880 <11 120 <11 abnormal1t1es 1n the compos1t10ns of surface waters Nr§3%1f1)/?§N ...... 31.1; 0.07 1.21 .34 collected from the claypit area is an analysis (table 4) .......... . .0 0 ~ NH: (Tali/1) as N .7 .02 .01 0 of a sample from the farm pond at s1te 12 (fig. 1). The N03 (mg/l) .......... 2.3 .3 1.3 .2 ‘ sample collected and analyzed contained a large quan- tity of suspended silt and clay and, therefore, repre- as it occurs during dry, rather than wet, periods. During sents stock water about as impure as it occurs under wet periods the stream waters carry abundant sus- normal conditions. The pond, however, received no pended material and, consequently, higher concentra- drainage from the claypit or the claypiles adjacent to it. tions of the elements that occur in the clay. The acid water in the claypit, as is evident from the The part of Rocky Branch that drains the claypiles data in table 4, contains unusually high concentrations (fig. 1) was not flowing at the time of sampling, and of several elements, including beryllium, cobalt, copper, TABLE 5.——Breeding and calving history of three distinct beef cattle herds on Ranch A for the 1970 and 1971 breeding and calving seasons [All cows were pasture bred: bulls remained in the pasture from June to September, therefore most cows calved during March and April of the following year. Numbers in parentheses are percentages. Herd No. 2 ranged on pasture affected by the claypile; herds 1 and 3 were kept on unaffected pastures. The breed of Herds 1 and 2, designated “Angus” m 1970, was changed to “Angus-Charolais" in 1971 because the sires were changed from Angus to Charolais] Herd Sires Dams Cows Calves No Breed B eed N b Age B eed Age B ed c 1 ed B 1' St‘llb C°mments . 1‘ um er (yrs) 1' (yrs) 1‘ 8, V OI‘n a 1V8 1 cm 1970 1 Angus Angus 3 7 Angus 7 54 54 (100) 54 (100) 0 (0) Brought to ranch in 1966. 2 ...... do ............ do ...... 1 2 ...... do ...... 4 66 36 (54.5) 31 (86.1) 5 (13.9) Brought to ranch Oct. 1969 already bred; 7—8 cows rebred. 1971 1 Angus-Charolais Charolais 1 9 Angus 8 54 54 (100) 54 (100) 0 (0) 01%;; callllf died soon after irt . 2 ...... do ............ do ...... 1 5 ...... do ...... 5 66 24 (36.5) 23 (95.8) 1 (4.2) Undersized dam of still- born calf died soon after calving, 3 Charolais ...... do ...... 1 4 Charolais 4 24 24 (100) 24 (100) 0 (0) Two cows had difficulty calving, but recovered. Artificial insemination, in addition to pasture breeding, was used. t 16 GEOCHEMICAL ANOMALIES OF A CLAYPIT AREA, MISSOURI TABLE 7,—Concentrations of biochemic constituents in blood serum from that were unafi‘ect [Blood samples were drawn on the ranches in the forenoon of June 17, 1971, and submitted immediately for analysis. mg/100 ml=milligrams per 100 milliliters; mEq/l=milliequivalents per liter; g/100 ml=grams per 100 milliliters] bsef cattle having interference syndroms and from those 9 Cattle having interference syndrome Unaffected cattle (controls) a o ai l, ' , Constituents of serum and reporting units Angus cows, Ranch A Ctharllcli Eu] Angus cows, Ranch A 0113:3113?“ 01—821 CZ~875 03—851 07—038 04—422 05—456 06—11068 Cholesterol, mg/ 100 ml ........................... 154 128 126 95 170 128 87 Calcium, mg/ 100 ml... ......... 9.8 9.4 9.3 9.6 9.2 9.3 9.7 Chloride, mEq/l ................... 97 96 98 97 99 98 96 Total bilirubin, g/ 100 ml.. .4 .3 .3 .5 .4 .4 .5 Creatinine, g/ 100 ml .......... 1.0 1.0 1.0 .7 .3 .4 .9 Total protein, g/ 100 ml ............. 7.4 6.6 7.4 7.0 7.6 7.7 6.7 Inorganic phosphorus, mg/ 100 ml.... 7.2 5.9 6.2 7.9 5.9 5.5 7.0 lood urea nitrogen, mg/ 100 ml ........ 25 21 18 14 24 26 18 Lactic dehydrogenase, Wacker Units1 ..... 572 530 576 511 547 455 403 lkaline phosphatase, King-Armstrong Units1 .. .. 19 18 17 28 20 16 27 Glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, King Units1 .............................. 124 140 116 127 116 112 106 Sodium, mEq/l .. 149 143 150 152 146 149 147 Potassium, mEq/l .............................. 6.3 4.8 5.6 4.9 4.6 5.2 5.6 1 Tumbleson (1969). nickel, and zinc. Samples coHected downstream from the claypit, however, contained no concentrations of elements that were notably high with respect to the water in the farm pond at site 12. Because samples of whole water were collected and analyzed, it is not known whether the elements present are in solution or in suspended particles. However, the low pH (4.3) of the claypit water may cause many ele- ments in the suspended particles to occur in soluble form. The question as to whether elements occur insoluble form or within suspended materials may be important TABLE 8.—Mean chemical compositions, with central 95-percent range, [These data were used for establishing ranges in typical chemical compositions of certain sampling media. GM, geometric mean: GD, geometric deviation;‘rl‘latio, per m1 ion. B-horizon soils from Oak-Hickory Forest vegetation type White oak stems Element or compound Central 95- Central 95- GM GD percent range Ratio GM GD percent range Ratio A], or A120,, percent;1 .......................................... 5.1 1.47 2.4—11 50:50 0.19 1.62 0.072—0.50 50:50 B 39 1.41 20—78 49:50 190 1.47 88—410 50:50 Ba ........ 390 1.78 120—1,200 50:50 4,200 1.58 1,700—10.000 50:50 Be .77 1.42 8—1.5 20:50 <2 . . 0:50 C, total, percent 1.1 1.72 37—3.3 50:50 .......... C. carbonate, percent .. .054 4.14 .0032—.9 44:50 .................. 0, organic, percent .. .96 1.69 .34—2.7 50:50 .................. Ca, 0,- 09.0, percentl .21 2.80 027—1.6 46:50 33 1.11 Cd <1 ............................ 0:50 3.7 1.33 Ce 78 1.45 37—160 6:50 <300 ........ Co ..... 10 1.71 34—29 49:50 2.2 2.33 Cr ..... 43 1.45 20—90 50:50 3.5 1.85 Cu _ 13 1.99 3.2—51 50:50 130 1.51 Fe, or total Fe as Fean, percent.1 .......................... 2.7 1.43 1.3—5.5 50:50 .14 1.38 Ga ........ 8.4 1.54 3.5—20 48:50 <5 ........ Hg __ .055 1.91 015—20 5050 .................. K, or K20, percent1 ............... 1.3 1.61 .50—3.4 50:50 5.5 1.35 La. 35 1.37 19—66 46:50 <70 ........ 'Li 18 1.33 10~32 50 50 .......... .. .......... Mg, or MgO, percentI ............................................. .30 2.25 .059—1-5 50 50 1.8 .51—6.2 50 50 Mn 730 2.16 160—3,400 50:50 12,000 4,000—36.000 50:50 Mo ...................................... <3 ............................ 2:50 <5 0:50 Na, or NazO, percent1 .. .38 2.01 094—1.5 50:50 .15 17:17 Nb 8.0 1.38 4.2—15 22:50 <20 0:50 Nd 47 1.35 26—86 12:50 .................... Ni . 12 1.82 3.6—40 47:50 21 P, or P205, percent‘ .076 1.88 022—.27 40:50 1.3 Pb 23 1.50 10—52 50:50 100 Sc .................... 5.4 1.49 2.4—12 37:50 <5 Se .31 1.90 086—1.1 48:50 .......... Si. or SiOz, percent1 ......................................... 283 37.43 468—97 50:50 .................... Sr 66 1.66 24—180 50:50 1,800 710—4,600 Ti, percent ......................................................... .35 1.44 17—.73 50:50 .016 .0057—.045 V 53 1.48 24—120 50:50 <5 .. Y . 27 1.50 12—61 50:50 <20 Yb 2.8 1.44 1.4—5.8 50:50 <2 .................... 0:50 Zn 36 1.59 14—91 50:50 310 210—450 17:17 Zr ....... 300 1.63 110—800 50:50 <20 .................... 12:50 See footnotes at end of table. —’7 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 17 because it bears on the availability of the elements to plants and animals. In other words, the environmental significance of an occurrence of a trace element in water cannot be ascertained from the magnitude of its con- centration alone. The lead concentration in the sample from the control farm pond, for example, is greater than that in the other samples; yet the lead that is present may be in a form that is not available to animal metab- olism, whereas the lead of lesser concentrations in the other waters may be readily available. Moreover, many elements that were not present in high concentrations in the waters from the claypit area at the time of sampling may occur in high concentrations during per- iods of heavy surface runoff. The elements found in the precipitate at the base of the claypiles could be ex- pected to occur in solution or as particulate matter in waters running off the claypiles during and immediately after periods of intense rainfall. High concentrations of certain microorganisms that may occur in water produce toxins to levels that can be harmful or fatal to cattle. Some species of blue-green algae are especially toxic. The concentration of micro- organisms was found to be low in an aliquot of water from the claypit; only a few objects that appeared to of media that are comparable to those sampled in the claypit area be unicellular green algae were found by microscopic examination (Robert Lipscomb, oral commun., 1971). BEEF CATTLE The extent of the interference syndrome in the breeding and calving history for the three herds on Ranch A is given in table 5. Analyses for trace elements in whole blood specimens from herds on both Ranch A and. Ranch B are given in table 6; analyses for bio- chemic constituents in blood serum are given in table 7. We first observed the affected cattle on Ranch A and Ranch B in May 1971, although the ranchers had noticed interferences with growth, nutrition, and repro- duction nearly a year earlier. We advised the ranchers to exclude the cattle from the claypit area and the flood plain below it by fencing; this was done on Ranch A only. At the time of this visit we thought these cattle were showing a favorable response to the better ration that had been provided and to the spring grass. On later visits, however, the cattle were noticed to be: unthrifty and to be losing weight as the grass became short under the influence of a drought in July and August, despite supplemental rations that were pro- vided. number of samples in which detected : total number of samples; central 95—percent range is calculated as GM+GD2 to GMXGD’. Means are given in parts except as indicated] Buckbrush stems Smooth sumac stems Redcedar stems and leaves Fescue grass, aboveground parts Central 95- Central 95- Central 95- Central 95- GM GD percent range Ratio GM GD percent range Ratio GM GD percent range Ratio GM GD percent range Ratio 1.2 1.33 0.12 2.11 0.026—0.53 50:50 0.47 1.61 0.18—1.2 10:10 0.56 2.53 0.087—3.6 180 1.35 200 1.26 130—320 50:50 210 1.30 120-350 10:10 48 1.24 31—74 3,800 1.63 1.400— 3,400 2.33 630-18,000 50:50 3,800 2 04 920—16,000 10:10 340 1.72 110—1.000 <2 ........ < ............. 0:50 <2 .. 0:10 <2 ........ .. 15 11 <300 5.2 21 180 .69 <5 "“15 <70 """3.6 1.3-9.8” 49:49 10,000 1.62 3,800—26,000 49:49 moo-21,000 : . 310-2200 1. 2.49 .23-8.7 7:49 2. .29-18 3:10 8 2.47 .79-29 .24 1.21 .16-.35 22:22 . 10:10 .. .......... <20 ........ .. 0:49 < 20 ........ 0:10 0:18 11 1.49 50-24 49:49 37 2.03 10:10 12:18 2.2 1.31 1.3-3.8 22:22 1.9 1.32 1.1-3.3 10:10 18:18 260 1.88 74-920 49:49 120 3. 5 11-1,300 10:10 18:18 <5 .. 0:49 <5 ........ .. 0:10 0:18 .................... <1 0:10 .1150?) "1196 ""3'901'5','8'00 4919 .2306 2161' ”570191300 10310 ""280 1. ' 120-680 "1"8":"1"8 . 2 1.73 040—.36 49 49 .030 2.00 .0075-.12 10:10 .037 2.23 .0074-.18 18:18 19 1.50 8.4-4.3 49 49 4.6 3. 5:10 2.0 5.99 .056-72 6:18 15 1.45 7 1—32 16 49 <20 0:10 <20 ............................ 0:18 1 4 1.42 69—2 13.49 <2 0:10 <2 0:18 1,800 1.40 660-2,500 22.22 430 10:10 .................... 79 2.16 17-350 49:49 29 3:10 44 15:18 See footnotes at end of table. h 18 GEOCHEMICAL ANOMALIES OF A CLAYPIT AREA, MISSOURI TABLE 8.—Mean chemical compositions, with central 95-percent range, of media th . at are comparable to those sampled in the claypit area—Continued Yellow sweetclover, total plant Parts of various species from throughout t e conterminous United States Element or compound Central 95- Central 95- GM GD percent range Ratio GM GD percent range Ratio A], or A1203, percentl ................................................... 0.26 4.26 0.014—4.7 0.65 3.52 0.052—8.1 1,109:1,117 B ._ __ .. 160 1.56 66—390 240 2.10 64—1,100 1,133:1,150 Ba 27% 2.03 66—1,100 390 3.75 28—5,500 1,151:1,151 < ........ <2 Be C. total, percent ............ C, carbonate, percent .. 0, organic, percent .. Ca, or 0210, percent1 Cd 8: 1,153 .................... .94 80—26 9.6 38—270 100 Fe. or total Fe as Fean, percent1 ............ .21 029—1.5 .36 a. .................... .20 Hg ........................................................... u .................... K, or K20, percent1 ..................... 13 En 1:10 <70 1 ........................................ Mg, or MgO, percent1 .............................................................. 10:10 3.0 1,120 1,153 Mn 110—560 10:10 1,000 4.38 57—21,000 1,153 1,153 o .......................................... 1.7—230 8:10 4.2 3.94 .2 — 5 45 ,124 Na, or N320, percent‘ ...... .......... .46 4.00 .029—7.4 277 277 Nb 0:10 .......................................................... .......... 32 6.21 .83—1,200 11:47 1.63 16 2.84 2.0—130 2.83 2.0 2.27 .39—10 2.22 86 6.17 2.3—3.300 ........ <5 Si. or SiOz. percent‘ ........................................................................................................................................................ Sr 1.89 250—3,100 10:10 880 3.78 62—13,000 1,145 1.152 Ti, percent .0091 2.39 .0016—.052 10:10 .026 3.49 0021—.32 1,122 1,148 V ........ .82 29.0 .00098—690 3:10 11 4.15 694 1,123 <20 ........ 1:10 <20 ........ 158 1,128 ........ . 1:10 <2 101:1.108 ........ .. 450 2.73 642 : 643 16.7 .0065—500 2:10 13 3.44 470:1,152 1Means given for plants are percentages of the element; means for 2Arithemtic mean. 3Standard deviation. ‘Central 95-percent range is calculated as arithmetic mean minus two stand One herd, composed of 54 older Angus cows on Ranch A, did not have access to the claypit area and in both 1970 and 1971 it produced 54 live calves (table 5). A herd composed of 66 younger Angus cows that were pastured adjacent to the claypit area produced 31 live and five stillborn calves in 197 0, and 23 live calves and one stillborn calf in 1971. A third herd, consisting of 24 Charolais cows 4 years old, was kept on pastures unaffected by the claypit area, and in 1971 it produced 24 live calves. On Ranch B one yearlin bulls that had access to a from the claypile develo g and four older Charolais pasture affected by runoff ped the interference syndrome. These bulls were unthrifty, grew slowly, and gained weight at a very low rate, although they were on ade- quate rations for normal develOpment. After being removed from the part of the pasture that was affected by runoff, the bulls slowly improved in condition, and finally recovered without obvious signs of permanent injury. The yearling Charolais bull weighed approximately 1,100 pounds (500 kg) when purchased in April 1970. During the following year he gained only 100 pounds (45.4 kg). On being returned to the southwestern Mis- soils are percentages of the compound. ard deviations to arithmetic mean plus two standard deviations. souri ranch from which he than the normal ex came, he gained even more pected daily weight gain of 2—3 pounds (0.9—1.4 kg). Using this latter rate of gain, it is estimated that a yearling Charolais bull could gain 730—1,095 pounds (331.1—497.7 kg) in 365 days. Herds 1 and 3 on Ranch A (table 5), which were not exposed to the pasture affected by runoff from the clay- pile, produced excellent calf crops, and the calves were normal and healthy. The breeding and calving record of Herd 2 which grazed on the affected pasture (table 5) indicates that the interference syndrome greatly reduced the reproductive capability of the herd. In addition, the condition and growth rate of the cows were affected; in 1971 these cows averaged about 600 pounds (270 kg) in weight, whereas normal Angus cows of the same age should weigh about 1,100 pounds (500 kg). After the 1971 calving season, all but 21 cows of this herd were disposed of, as it was apparent that they were not likely to reach the full size and weight usual for mature Angus cows. The calves produced by the 21 remaining cows were smaller and less growthy than is usual for Angus-Charolais calves. Interference syndromes are slow to develop, corrective response to a change in environment is 1i and kely ———7 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 19 TABLE 9.——Concentrations of selected elements and compounds in anomalous amounts in one or more samples of clay from the claypit area, the average of these elements and com- ounds in soils in vicinity of the claypit, and the average for the Oak-Hickory Forest soil [Values are in parts per million, except as indicated] s . 0' fl 6,. 5,. 5 u. _ has. 23 zg 23 z: z‘é 3,5 °:. gang's; w W as at» as was 4.2””; Element or as as 53 as 9.8 ass 5 sate compound as 58 ES Ea Ea 22-23% >54 8: 775 53 (I) til (I) "‘ > 4 8mg A1207, percent ...... 30 29 31 34 33 8 4 5 1 Ba . 500 200 150 200 30 700 390 3 3 2 2 <1 7 300 150 300 <150 <150 78 3 3 15 13 10 150 300 300 200 65 43 100 50 30 150 12 13 2 1 4 1.5 1 2.8 2 7 30 50 50 50 14 8 4 2 9 2 9 2.5 1.3 1 8 1 3 70 100 150 70 54 35 242 258 320 338 22 18 20 7 50 810 730 3 15 7 7 <3 <3 100 100 150 70 <70 47 50 30 100 100 14 12 .5 .3 .2 .1 .14 .076 so so so so 8.4 5.4 3.2 1.7 3 .4 .4 .31 45 44 46 41 76 83 700 700 700 150 160 66 .3 .5 1 .5 .43 .35 300 700 700 500 85 53 70 5o 70 20 35 27 7 5 7 3 3.8 2.8 1 Samples of clay from large pile east of claypit. Sample did not contain visible amounts of coal or sulfide minerals. 2 Sample of clay from smaller pile immediatehy north of large pile. l e13 Sample of clay from southwest wall of claypit about 5 ft above water ev . 4 Geometric means of 10 samples of soil (Nos. 22—31 of table 2) from the vicinity of the claypit. The samples were collected at depths of 2—15 cm and were not visibly contaminated with clay from the claypit. 5 Geometric means of 50 B-horizon soil samples from Oak-Hickory Forest areas in southern Missouri (Shacklette, Erdman, and Keith, 1971) . to be slow. The syndromes represented by the two groups of young cattle discussed in this report are not instances of calculated and controlled experimental procedures with known or predetermined factors. Although the cows in Herd 2 had free access to rations that were more than adequate for young beef cattle during their first gestation, their health steadily deter- iorated, with malnutrition, loss of weight, signs of avitaminosis-A, and other evidence of starvation becoming apparent. Yet these interference phenomena were not fully appreciated for many months. Infectious diseases and other possible causes for the deterioration of the herd were ruled out insofar as was possible under the circumstances. Although the history of the animals, and their con- dition as determined by observations, are of major importance in the establishment of a diagnosis, anal- yses from laboratory examinations provide very impor- tant supportive evidence and often reveal hidden inter- relationships. The blood samples reported in tables 6 and 7 were taken 8 months after the cattle had been removed from the affected pasture, and their analyses indicate a trend toward recovery of the animals. The trace element content of whole blood and the macro- mineral and enzyme values of the blood serum are within the normal range for beef cattle, although the ratios of concentrations of some elements may be abnormal. The effects of trace elements on human and animal health have recently been discussed by Selby, Marien- feld, and Pierce (1970). Deficiencies, as well as excesses, of certain elements may result in imbalances which disturb the normal nutrition and health of plants and animals (Mills, 1970; Church, 1971). The disturb- ance in animals may be so subtle as to suggest a minor ration deficiency, or so pronounced that an obvious toxicity is observed. We have worked with such inter- ference phenomena before, and are of the opinion that the syndrome shown by the young cattle on both ranches discussed in this report is most likely a com- plex imbalance of molybdenum, cobalt, sulfate, and copper. Poole (1970) emphasized the fact that cyto- chrome oxidase activity is depressed by copper defici- ency in the presence of interference by molybdenum or other trace substances. The copper values in blood shown in table 6 may be within low normal ranges, and are difficult to evaluate. The severe depression of nutrition, growth, and reproduction in Herd 2 best fits a diagnosis of chronic molybdenosis as reported by Fleming, McCormick, and”, Dye (1961) from Nevada, and by Barshad (1948) from California. The changes in color and condition of the hair coat and the abnormal thickening of the skin also, fit cases of unthrifty animals seen at Our veterinary clinics during the last 20 years, and resemble those described by Muir (1941). Other workers have described similar metabolic disturbances from many places. (See Britton and Goss, 1946; Kretschmer and Beardsley, 1956; Underwood, 1970, 1971; Dye and O’Harra, 1959; Clarke and Clarke, 1967; Radeleff, 1970; and Mills, 1970.) Our diagnosis of the problem as an interference syn- drome is supported by the studies of the element con- tent of the vegetation and other materials from the area affected by drainage from the claypile, as given in tables 2, 3, 4, 9, and 10 of this report. Data in these tables suggest that in plants from the affected area, certain elements other than those linked to molybdeno- sis ocCur in concentrations greatly in excess of nutri- tional requirements of cattle, as well as above the usual ranges for such elements in Missouri plants (Pickett, 1955; Church, 1971) . There could be many interrelations and imbalances of major and minor elements in addition to those men- tioned. Several workers have reported imbalances in which phosphorus, calcium, or vital metabolic enzymes were adversely affected by anomalously high or low amounts of other substances ingested by cattle (Thompson and others, 1971; Britton and Goss, 1946 ; h 20 GEOCHEMICAL ANOMALIES OF A CLAYPIT AREA, MISSOURI Davis, 1950; and Muir, 1941). Nickel may contribute to interactions with other trace substances when pres- ent in excessive amounts, and may reach interference levels that correspond to the levels reported in tables 2 and 3 (especially the levels in sweetclover and lespe- deza). O’Dell and Miller (1971) discussed various aspects of nickel as it affects ruminant rations. Muir ( 1941) described the natural soil, pH, and related con- ditions which promote mineral imbalances such as anomalous concentrations of trace elements (especially molybdenum), and he cited the work of pioneers such as J. S. Watson who suspected the nature of the copper- molybdenum-sulfate and other trace element inter- relationships early in the present century. We are of the opinion that the young Charolais bulls on Ranch B farther down the valley were affected by the same trace element imbalances that caused the interference syndrome in Herd 2 of Ranch A. These bulls were not as near the sources of the environmental contamination as were the cows of Herd 2, and received less exposure to the water and vegetation that con- tained the anomalous concentrations of elements nearer the claypit. These bulls made better recovery of health than did the cows of Herd 2, when both were moved from the affected pastures. The toxic plants native to the flood-plain pasture could make the imbalance of the trace elements worse, but has, in our opinion, made only minor contribution to the interference syndrome on Ranch A. The bulls on Ranch B were confined to lots where they did not have access to toxic plants, but grazed in a small pasture that was flooded by Rocky Branch, and they depended on a spring in the creek for their water supply. In our opinion, white snakeroot (Eupatorium rugosum) is the most dangerous of the toxic plants growing on either farm. Plants of the Nightshade Family, some of which are of known toxicity, are also present in the flood-plain pasture. We believe that the principal contribution of plants to the interference syndrome was not the organic poisons of certain plants, but the concentration of ele- ments that were found in certain plants, especially sweetclover and lespedeza, that grew in the pastures. Buckbrush also is browsed by cattle, and it contained anomalous amounts of certain elements where it grew in the contaminated area. Direct ingestion of the clay and associated materials, or of water that carried these materials, may also have affected the metabolism of these animals. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Anomalous concentrations of elements in the claypit area were due, in a large measure, to the chemical com- position of the materials that have been exposed by the mining operation. These materials include clay, shale, coal, limestone, and pyrite. Pyrite is of special impor- tance in effecting the release of certain elements into the natural environment because, by weathering, it produces sulfuric acid which is strongly reactive with other materials in the claypiles. Water that drained from the claypiles into the clay- pit was highly acid and supported few aquatic organ- isms. We believe that the principal importance of the water in the local geochemical environment was its downstream transport of elements in solution and in particulate matter, and the subsequent deposition of these materials in the flood-plain alluvium and in the beds of the streams. Plants that grow on the claypiles or in the alluvium that was carried from the claypiles may concentrate certain elements in their tissues as controlled by the inherent characteristics of the different species; and the concentrations present in the soil on which they grow. Some of these elements probably produce no impor- tant alteration of the natural environment, whereas others, if concentrated, are known to be toxic to most organisms. In this summary, as in the report, element concentra- tions in the clay and in other materials brought to the surface by mining are regarded as anomalous wherever they differ from the range of concentrations to be expected in soils of the area. Elements and compounds that are judged to occur in anomalous amounts in sampling materials from the claypit area are listed in table 10. Examination of this table reveals that the elements and compounds may be arranged in five groups, as follows: 1. Those that occur in anomalous amounts in the clay or alluvium, or both, and that also were found in anomalous amounts in many of the plant samples-— aluminum, copper, gallium, molybdenum, nickel, so- dium, and ytterbium. Special mention should be made of cobalt, which is negatively anomalous in the clay but positively anomalous in five kinds of plant samples. 2. Those which occur in anomalous amounts in the clay and alluvium, but which were found in anomalous concentrations in none, or only a few, of the plant samples—barium, beryllium, cerium, chromium, lan- thanum, niobium, phosphorus, potassium, scandium, titanium, vanadium, and yttrium. 3. Those that occur in typical, or lower, concentrations in the clay and alluvium but, nevertheless, are ab- sorbed in anomalous amounts by some plants— boron, cadmium, calcium, and zinc. 4. Those which are anomalous in the clay or alluvium, but for which we have no means of evaluating their concentrations in plants—carbon, lithium, neodym- ium, selenium, and silicon. Carbon is a major constit- ———’7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 21 TABLE 10.-—-Elements and compounds that occur in anomaloas concentrations in one or more samples of materials from the claypit area. [+. anomalously high; 0, typical; —. anomalously low; .......... , no data available] Materials sampled Clo. from Smooth Redcedar 31322113 White (full?! Element or compound clayypiles asllttisildlr‘n Wgégfngak 3113,2253” sumac stems and abovege, 335:7 agdvzi and claypit stems leaves ground total plant ground parts‘ parts1 + + + o + o o o o o _ o o o - + + o o + _ o .............................. o + ......................... o o ' o 6 i5 ' o o + + o + + O O O — 0 o + + + + 0 0 + + + + o + _ o — o o + + + o + + + + o o + + o o o + + .............................. o o o + ._ _ ... — o o + + + + 0 _ O —. — .— o + o o o + + ........................................ + + + + o + + + o o o o o + o — O O + + o o O + + + ........................................ + + """ c3 """" '6 ""‘o """" '_."" + o o o o + + + o + o + + + o o o o + + + o o + o o + o o 0 Zn ............................................................................. 1Bluegrass, common bullrush, fowl meadow grass, Japanese chess, meadow fescue, redtop, timothy, and wood reed grass. 2Cattail, common plantain, goldenrod, Japanese clover, and white snakeroot. uent of plants; the other elements are nonessential to plant metabolism. 5. Those whose tendencies in concentrations and move- ments through the local environment cannot be readily categorized with the data that are now avail- able—iron, lead, magnesum, manganese, and stron- tium. Elements in groups 1 and 3 potentially can influence the metabolism of grazing animals because of their con- centrations in plants, or their presence in deposits of the clay on the plant surfaces. Elements in groups 1 and 2 can affect these animals if the clay or alluvium is ingested directly, or if water is drunk in which these elements are in solution or suspension, even if the vege- tation is not grazed. Plants that concentrate certain elements in high amounts may be particularly important in contributing to nutritional disorders of animals, especially (as in sweetclover and Japanese clover) if the plants are very palatable and therefore preferentially grazed. The im- portance to the geochemical environment of certain less palatable accumulator plants, such as the trees and shrubs sampled in this study, may lie principally in their ability to concentrate certain elements in the upper soil horizons where they are readily available to other plants. In evaluating the total geochemical environment of the claypit area, four elements (beryllium, copper, molybdenum, and nickel) are seen to be conspicuously anomalous in the clay, alluvium, and plant samples. Moreover, the mobilities of certain elements (alumi- num, beryllium, cobalt, copper, and nickel, among others) are demonstrated by their high concentrations in efl'lorescent salts and in the claypit water. Cobalt, although not anomalous in the clay and alluvium samples, is a common anomaly in the plant samples. Of these elements, cobalt, copper, and molybdenum are known to be metabolically significant; in trace amounts they are essential to animals, but in high concentra- tions may be toxic. Aluminum occurs in anomalously high concentrations in all sampling media, and in an acid environment such as may be provided by the oxida- fi 22 GEOCHEMICAL ANOMALIES OF A CLAYPIT AREA, MISSOURI tion of pyrite it is readily mobile. However, high con- centrations of aluminum were found in plants only in samples that were on or near the claypiles. If highly concentrated, aluminum is thought to be toxic to animals. The interpretation of the movements of elements and compounds through the local environment from their principal source to grazing animals is summar- ized in figure 3. The interference with normal growth, nutrition, and reproduction in the cattle was caused by the severe imbalance of several elements that occur in anomalous concentrations in both the drainage from the claypit area, and in the vegetation contaminated by this drain- age The most likely imbalance is in the complex rela- tionship between copper and molybdenum, which is possibly influenced by other elements that are present in anomalous concentrations and that can, in them- selves, influence metabolism of cattle. Similar inter- ference syndromes (or toxicities) in which young cattle are most seriously affected are known to occur in the States of California, Florida, and Nevada, and in Can- ada, Europe, Australia, and other places. 800 Q%) Aquatic organisms in claypit water killed by acid or ele- ment content, or both plain available to grazing animals in: 2. Clay deposited on plant parts during flooding certain elements 1 O 1000 92c 02' 30" (\ CLAYPILES — SOURCE OF THE ELEMENTS THAT MOVE IN ANOMALOUS CONCENTRATIONS INTO 700 THE STREAMS,ALLUV|UM, AND CLAYPIT WATER Oxidation of pyrite forms sulfuric acid which increases solubility of certain compounds in the clay pile Element-concentrating plants grow on and around the claypiles; when these plants decay, the elements are released in a readily mobile form Elements in particulate and soluble form are trans- ported downslope by runoff O Dilution of soluble elements in runoff. Some elements, in both soluble form and particulate matter, can be concen- trated by plants growing on the flood \)O . \ Certain elements, through chemical reactions and movement, are made / / 1. Water and water-clay mix in intermittent streams and ephemeral 700 Particulate and soluble pools in the streambeds Lb elements carried 3. All parts of plants that grow on the flood plain and concentrate 2000 In field situations, some variables of the animals’ actual feed intake are not measurable—the amount of any one plant that the animals eat, whether all animals eat the same plants, the season of plant growth, and the individual consumption of feed supplements. Unlike laboratory experiments, the natural environment can- not be treated as a rigorously controlled system. There- fore, diagnosis of metabolic disorders must‘ employ plausible inferences that are supported by observations of the animals, study of the laboratory results, and evaluation of the total environment to which the ani- mals were subjected. The clay and associated materials that were exposed by the clay mining operation contain concentrations of certain elements that can be considered anomalous in the natural geochemical environment of plants and ani- mals. Runoff from the claypiles transports these ele- ments, either in solution or in suspended sediment, to other parts of the area. These elements generally can be absorbed by plants, and some of them may be con- centrated to high levels. Of the elements studied, alumi- num, beryllium, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, and nickel generally were found to have the greatest mobil- Claypit area MSSOUW _/ We“ \Ranch BD 9} ._\”./. O ck); 1.;0. , . downstream V 3000 FEET FIGURE 3.—Movement of elements through the geochemical system, claypit area, Callaway County, Mo. ————" REFERENCES CITED 23 ity in the local environment and to occur most com- monly in anomalous concentrations through the area. Young beef cattle exposed to anomalous element concentrations in the flood plain below the claypile experienced a severe interference syndrome due to an imbalance of minerals or other nutrients in their feed or water, or both. The disturbance in metabolism of cattle grazing on pastures affected by the claypile was most similar to chronic molybdenosis. Imbalances of copper and molybdenum, in addition to those of sul- fate, nickel, cobalt, and other substances, may have contributed to this syndrome. Anomalous concentrations of elements that present a hazard to livestock may exist at many other locations in Missouri and throughout the Midwest where similar materials are brought to the surface by clay and coal mining, especially if the chemical mobility of elements is increased under the acid conditions that may result from the presence of pyrite. REFERENCES CITED Barnett, P. R., and Mallory, E. 0., Jr., 1971, Determination of minor elements in water by emission spectroscopy; U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques of Water—Resources’Inv., Book 5, Ch. A—2, 31 p. Barshad, Isaac, 1948, Molybdenum content of pasture plants in relation to toxicity to cattle: Soil Sci., v. 66, no. 3, p. 187—195. Britton, J. 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Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price $1.75 Stock Number 2401—02379 CONTENTS Abstract Introduction ........................... Purpose and scope of investigation Acknowledgments ................................. History of investigation ......................................... Methods . Silurian and Early Devonian depositional belts of the Great Basin ...................................................................... 4 Areal distribution and stratigraphy of the Rabbit Hill Limestone .................................................. 5 Rabbit Hill, northern Monitor Range . 6 Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range ..... ' 7 Northern Toquima Range ................................ 7 McClusky Peak area, Simpson Park Range ...... 8 Coal Canyon, northern Simpson Park Range 8 Cortez Mountains and Tuscarora Mountains 9 Beacon Peak Dolomite, Sulphur Spring Range ........ 10 Age and correlation of the Rabbit Hill Limestone .............. 10 Lone Mountain Dolomite ........................................................ 12 Lone Mountain Dolomite, Lone Mountain ................... 12 Lone Mountain Dolomite, southern Mahogany Hills .. 13 Lone Mountain Dolomite, southern Fish Creek Range ........................................................... 15 Lone Mountain Dolomite, Sulphur Spring Range ........ 15 Age and correlation of the Lone Mountain Dolomite .......... 15 Conclusions regarding relation of Rabbit Hill Limestone to Lone Mountain Dolomite ................................................ 17 Great Basin Silurian and Devonian coral zones ................. 18 Systematic and descriptive paleontology ............................. 18 Fossils of the Rabbit Hill Limestone and Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation ................... 19 Order Tabulata Edwards and Haime .......... 19 Family Favositidae Dana ............ 19 Genus Favosites Lamarck ........................ 19 Favosites cf. F. helderbergiae Hall .. 19 Genus Striatopora Hall ............................ 20 Striatopora cf. S. gwenensis Amsden ............................................. 2O Genus Pleurodictyum Goldfuss ................. 20 Pleurodictyum nevadensis n. sp ...... 20 Pleudorictyum dunbari n. sp ............ 21 Order Rugosa Edwards and Haime ............ 21 Family Laccophyllidae Grabau ......... 21 Genus Syringaxon Lindstrom 21 Syringaxon foerstei n. sp. ................ 22 Family Streptelasmatidae Nicholson .............. 23 Genus Siphonophrentis O’Connell . .. 23 Siphonophrentis sp. B ...................... 23 Family Endophyllidae Torley ........................ 23 Genus Australophyllum Stumm ............ 23 Australophyllum landerensis n. sp .. 24 Australophyllum stevensi n. sp ........ 24 Australophyllum sp. v ...................... 25 Family Disphyllidae Hill ................... 25 Genus Billingsastraea Grabau .. 25 Page Fossils of the Rabbit Hill Limestone and Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation—Con. Order Rugosa Edwards and Haime—Continued Family Disphyllidae Hill—Continued Genus Billingsastraea Grabau—Con. Billingsastraea sp. m ........................ 25 Phylum Brachiopoda ........................................................ 25 Order Orthida Schuchert and Cooper .................... 25 Family Rhipidomellidae Schuchert . 25 Genus Rhipidomella Oehlert .................... 25 Rhipidomella rossi n. sp .................. 25 Family Dalmanellidae Schuchert ................... 26 Genus Levenea Schuchert and Cooper 26 Levenea subcarinata subsp antelopensis n. subsp .................. 26 Family 0rthidae Woodward .................. 27 Genus Orthostrophia Hall ................. 27 Orthostrophia strophomenoides subsp. newberryi n. subsp ............ 27 Order Strophomenida Opik .................................... 27 Family Stropheodontidae Caster .................. 27 Genus Leptostrophia Hall and Clarke 27 Leptostrophia sp. cf. L. becki tennesseensis Dunbar ................... 27 Genus Pholidostrophia Hall and Clarke .. 28 (?)Pholidostr0phia sp. R ................. 28 Genus Strophonella Hall ......... . ..... 28 Strophonella of. S. punctulifera (Conrad) .......................................... 28 Family Leptaenidae Hall and Clarke ........... 28 Genus Leptaena Dalman ........................ 28 Leptaena fremonti n. sp 28 Family Schuchertellidae Williams ................. 29 Genus Schuchertella Girty ...................... 29 Schuchertella cf. S. haraganensis Amsden ............................................ 29 Order Pentamerida Schuchert and Cooper .......... 29 Family Parastrophinidae Ulrich and Cooper 29 Genus Anastrophia Hall .......................... 29 Anastrophia cf. A. verneuili (Hall) .. 29 Order Rhynchonellida Kuhn .................................. 29 Family Uncinulidae thonsnitskaya ............ 29 Genus Plethorhyncha Hall and Clarke 29 Plethorhyncha andersoni n. sp ........ 29 Order Spiriferida Waagen ..................................... 30 Family Meristellidae Waagen 30 Genus M eristella Hall ....................... 30 M eristella martini n. sp ............ 30 Family Ambocoeliidae George ..... 30 Ambocoelia sp. a ...................................... 30 Family Leptocoeliidae Boucot and Gill ........ 31 Genus Leptocoelia Hall .......................... 31 Leptocoelia occidentalis n. sp ,. 31 Family Retziidae Waagen ........... 31 Genus Trematospira Hall ........................ 31 III IV CONTENTS Page P Fossils of the Rabbit Hill Limestone and Beacon Peak age Fossils of the Rabbit Hill Limestone and Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation—Con. Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation—Con. Phylum Brachiopoda—Continued Trilobites of the Rabbit Hill—Continued Order Spiriferida Waagen—Continued Family Dalmanitidae Vogdes ................. Family Retziidae Waagen—Continued Fossils 0f the Lone Mountain Dolomite ............... Genus Trematospira Hall—Continued Order Rugosa Edwards and Haime ......................... Trematospira mcbridei n. Sp .......... 31 Family Tryplasmatidae Etheridge ................... Family Delthyrididae Waagen ................... 32 Genus Tryplasma Lonsdale ..... Genus Kozlowskiellina Boucot ................ 32 Tryplasma sp. f __________________________________ Kozlowskiellina nolani n. sp ---------- 32 Family Kyphophyllidae Wedekind ................ Genus Howellella KOZIOWSki ------------------ 33 Genus Entelophyllum Wedekind ............ Howellella cyelopterrz (Hall) Entelophyllum engelmanni n. sp subsp. momtorensw n. subsp ....... 33 Entelophyllum engelmanni subsp. b Genus Acrospirifer Helmbrecht and Entelophyllum eurekaensis n. Sp Wedélfimd ---- . -------------- 33 Phylum Brachiopoda . Acrosplrlfer klelnhampll 11- Sp ------ 34 Order Orthida Schuchert and Cooper ______________ Family Costispiriferidae Termier and Family Enteletidae Waagen _______________ Termler , """ """""""""""""""""""""""" 34 Genus Salopina Boucot ........... Genus Costlsplrtfer Cooper ........................ 34 Salopina sp. f __________________ Costispirifer arenosus (Conrad) Order Rhynchonellida Kuhn subsp. dobbinensis n. subsp ............ 35 . ”d """""""""""""""""" Tentaculitids and conulariids of the Rabbit Familngfgfizrotoechu ae Schuchert and H111 L‘meSt°?}e """" ,' """""""""""""""""""""""""" 35 Genus Camarotoechia Hall and Clarke .. Order Conularllda Miller and Gurley 35 Camarotoechia pahranagatensis Family Conulariidae Walcott ........................ 35 Waite Genus Conularia Sp. cf. C. Camarotoechtaspb """"""""""" huntutna Hall. """"""""""""""""""""""" 35 Camarotoechia sp. f .. Mollusca of the Rabblt Hlll leestone . 35 . . . - . Order Splrlferlda Waagen ...................................... Family Platyceratldae Hall ............................ 36 . . . Famlly Merlstellldae Waagen ........................ Genus Platyceras Conrad ........................ 36 . . Pla Genus Hyattzdma Schuchert ._ tyceras sp. a """""" 36 ?Hyattidina sp f ................................. géatyceras Sp’ b """""" .' """"""""""" 36 Genus Hindella Davidson ........................ atyceras (Orthonychta) sp. 0 ....... 36 H' d ll Trilobites of the Rabbit Hill .......................................... 36 F .1 Atm fad“ 53:1? """"""" Family Odontopleuridae Burmeister ............ 36 amay r132? ae D1 1 """""""" Genus Leonaspis Richter and Richter 36 exit: t ry p a fa man """" Leonaspis cf. L. tuberculatus (Hall) 36 , ry p a. S_p' """"""""" Genus M iraspis Richter and Richter ...... 37 Famlly Delthyrldldae Waagen (?)Miraspis sp _______________________________ 37 Genus Howellella Kozlowskl .................. Family Phacopidae Hawle and Corda .......... 37 Howellell“ Pa‘fc‘let? Walte -------- Genus PhaCOpS Emmrich _______________________ 37 - . Howellella Smlthl alte ------------------- Phacops sp. A, cf. P, logani Hall ______ 37 Locality register -- """"""""""" (7) Phacops sp. B, cf. P. canadensis Selected bibllography ------ Stumm .............................................. 37 Index ..................... ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates follow index] Striatopora, Pleurodictyum, Favosites, and Platyceras. Syringaxon, (?)Phacops, (?)Miraspis, Leonaspis, and Conularia. Leptostrophia, Orthostrophia, (?)Pholidostrophia, Stropheodonta, Strophonella, Schuchertella, and Leptaena. Levenea and Rhipidomella. Leptocoelia and Anastrophia. Plethorhyncha, Trematospira, and Kozlowskiellina. 599°99‘97”“?!‘1t‘ Billingsastraea and Australophyllum. Entelophyllum. Hl-lD-l N’s-‘9 Howellella, ?Hyattidina, and Hindella. Costispirifer, Acrospirifer, Howellella, M eristella, and Ambocoelia. Siphonophrentis, Schuchertella, Leptostrophia, Orthostrophia, Howellella, Rhipidomella, and Phacops. Atrypa, Camarotoechia, Salopina, Tryplasma, Entelophyllum, pycnostylid coral, and Pycnostylus. FIGURE 1. TABLE 1. CONTENTS V Pa 6 Index map of part of the Great Basin showing location of Rabbit Hill Limestone and Lone Mountain 3 Dolomite fossils and approximate limits of Late Silurian—Early Devonian depositional facies belts ............. 5 Photograph showing view northwest across Copenhagen Canyon from Martin Ridge, showing Rabbit Hill and overthrust Ordovician Antelope Valley limestone cliffs . 6 Photograph showing south side of Rabbit Hill, showing minor drag folds in west-dipping Rabbit Hill Limestone of the type section ................... .. 7 . Correlation diagram showing stratigraphic relations of the Rabbit Hill Limestone and inferred equivalence of Lone Mountain Dolomite to the Silurian Roberts Mountains Limestone ........................................................ 9 Diagram illustrating history and present usage of the stratigraphic name Lone Mountain Dolomite ...................... 13 Photograph showing south side of Lone Mountain, showing east-dipping stratigraphic section upward from Ordovician Antelope Valley Limestone to Devonian Nevada Formation . ....... 14 Correlation diagram showing stratigraphic relations of the Lone Mountain Dolomite and its equivalence to the Laketown Dolomite of Utah . 14 Correlation diagram showing stratigraphic relation of Rabbit Hill Limestone to Lone Mountain Dolomite as interpreted . .......... . 17 TABLES Page Characteristic fossils of the Rabbit Hill Limestone and Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation 10 Characteristic fossils of the upper Lone Mountain—Laketown biofacies 16 PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA By C. W. MERRIAM ABSTRACT Lateral facies changes from diagenetic dolomite on the east to limestone on the west greatly complicate stratigraphy and paleontology of the Silurian and Devonian Systems in the cen- tral Great Basin. Occupying the Silurian interval on the east, the Lone Mountain Dolomite is nearly barren of specifically identifiable fossils in its type section, but in the Fish Creek Range and other parts of its type area it has recently been found to contain well-preserved fossils. In the west-central Great Basin, the highly fossiliferous Rabbit Hill Limestone of Helderberg (Early Devonian) age overlies Silurian limestone and calcareous graptolitic shale of the Monitor—Simpson Park belt, in which no Lone Mountain dolomite has been discovered. The Rabbit Hill Limestone lithofacies is unknown to the east in the Antelope-Roberts Mountains belt, in which Lone Moun- tain Dolomite occurs; however, Rabbit Hill fossils are present locally in dolomite and dolomitic limestone of the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation. Southeast of Eureka, Nev., in its type area, this member disconformably overlies the Lone Mountian Dolomite, being the lowermost member in that section of the Devonian Nevada Formation. In the Sulphur Spring Range, fossiliferous Beacon Peak under- lies Oriskany-age Nevada Formation containing Costispirifer arenosus. The Rabbit Hill fauna is far more diverse taxonomically than the Lone Mountain Dolomite fauna. Its diagnostic fossils include the corals Pleurodictyum nevadensis, Pleurodictyum dunbari, and Syringaxon foerstei and the brachiopods Levenea subcarinata subsp. antelopensis, Leptocoelia occidentalis, K02- lowskiellina nolani, and Howellella cycloptera subsp. monito- rensis. Upper beds of the Rabbit Hill Limestone at Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, contain the large spirifers Costi- spirifer arenosus subsp. dobbinensis and Acrospirifer klein- hampli, forms that foreshadow the Oriskany (Siegenian) age faunas in the lower part of the Nevada Formation. Species of Pleurodictyum, Levenea, Howellella, and Anas- trophia, among others, indicate correlation of the Rabbit Hill Limestone and Beacon Peak Dolomite with Helderbergian rocks of New York and Tennessee. Whereas the westerly facies Rabbit Hill Limestone was initially regarded as a possible time-stratigraphic equivalent of the easterly Lone Mountain Dolomite facies, paleontologic and stratigraphic evidence fails to support this view. A remote possibility of a very early Devo- nian horizon in topmost unfossiliferous beds of the Lone Moun- tain is not entirely ruled out. In areas recently mapped geologically within a few miles of Lone Mountain, silicified corals and brachiopods characterize dark-gray carbonaceous dolomite lenses in the upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite. Of these Lone Mountain fossils, the most diagnostic are species of the rugose coral Entelo- phyllum and the brachiopod Howellella. The small spiriferoids Howellella pauciplicata and Howellella smithi indicate a cor- relation with the uppermost part of the Silurian Laketown Dolomite in the Confusion Range, Utah. Entelophyllum is unknown later than the Silurian. INTRODUCTION The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Silurian and Devonian Systems in the central Great Basin is complicated by lateral facies changes from diagenetic dolomite on the east to limestone on the west. In the Silurian, the principal direction of this change is north- westerly, limestones on the west and northwest occupy- ing stratigraphic positions in which dolomite comes to prevail in the opposite directions. For example, at Lone Mountain and in the Eureka mining district the Silu- rian is entirely dolomite, whereas to the northwest in the Roberts Mountains and adjacent parts of the Simp- son Park Range it is largely limestone. Biofacies changes accompanying westerly to northwesterly dis- appearance of the Silurian diagenetic dolomite are com- mensurate with enclosing lithofacies differences. Fauna] disparity explainable by facies appears to be of such magnitude as to eliminate or render uncertain a direct paleontologic correlation of these two contrasting Silu- rian carbonate facies. In the central Great Basin, the Silurian limestones and calcareous shales are more abundantly fossiliferous than the easterly dolomites. Until recently, in fact, identifiable fossils were unknown in the Lone Mountain Dolomite in its type area, which includes Lone Moun- tain and mountain ranges within and adjacent to the Eureka mining district. Whereas the Silurian age of much of the limestone and shale has now been fixed paleontologically with Some confidence, dating hereto- fore of the dolomite facies has remained inferential because of the scarcity of determinable fossils. 2 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA The name Roberts Mountains Formation (Merriam, 1940, p. 11) was applied to the Silurian limestones and calcareous shales of the westerly belt in this part of the Great Basin. Limestones originally included as the uppermost part of the Roberts Mountains Formation in the Monitor Range (Merriam and Anderson, 1942, p. 1687 ) were found, in 1947, to be of probable Helderberg (Early Devonian) age. In 1963 (Merriam, 1963, p. 42) these lithologically distinctive and fossil-rich upper limestones were described as a separate formation, the Rabbit Hill Limestone. Rabbit Hill fossils described here include those of the original list from the Monitor Range type area (Merriam, 1963, p. 43). PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION The main objectives of this paleontologic report are to describe and illustrate stratigraphically significant megafossils from the Rabbit Hill Limestone in its type area in the Monitor Range and the Lone Mountain Dolomite in its type area in the vicinity of the Eureka mining district, Nevada. Collections from the Rabbit Hill in its type area are supplemented by material from outlying areas in the Monitor Range, Toquima Range, Simpson Park Range, Cortez Mountains, and the Tus- carora Mountains, where the Rabbit Hill fauna was discovered during the course of geologic mapping pro- grams. Especially significant stratigraphically are Rab- bit Hill fossils found in the lowermost part of the Nevada Formation of the Sulphur Spring Range during the Kobeh Valley program. Conclusions regarding rela- tive geologic ages of the Rabbit Hill Limestone and the Lone Mountain Dolomite, which as lithologic entities do not occur in the same stratigraphic section, are based upon paleontologic comparisons made in con- junction with studies of the structure, stratigraphy, and areal geology of their outcrop belts. Details of the stra- tigraphy of both units have been dealt with in other contributions (Merriam, 1940, 1963, 1973a, 1973b; Nolan and others, 1956). This comprehensive study of the previously unde- scribed Rabbit Hill and Lone Mountain faunas is intended to amplify and support stratigraphic-paleon- tologic conclusions of monographic studies of rugose corals in all Silurian and Devonian formations of the central Great Basin (Merriam, 1973a, 1973b, 1973c). Proposed zonation of Great Basin Silurian and Devo- nian rocks by means of Rugosa (Merriam, 1973a, 1973b) takes into consideration the stratigraphic occurrences of associated fossil groups, especially the brachiopods. Several well-represented phyla remain to be studied by specialists. Conodont and graptolite investigations bearing upon the complex interrelations of the Lone Mountain, Rab- bit Hill, and Roberts Mountains Formations have, in recent years, led to conflicting age results, conclusions seemingly out of phase with those founded upon coral and brachiopod research. A first step toward adjust- ment of this confusion is theISystematic collection and study of conodont material and graptolites, from beds and sequences that also yield diagnostic corals, brachio- pods, and other megafossils. Encouragement of such unifying field and laboratory procedures is an ancillary objective of this investigation. Conodonts are abundant in the Rabbit Hill Lime- stone in its type area and are briefly considered here (Huddle, J. W., written communs., 1969, 1970). Mono- graptid graptolites are reported from the type section (W. B. N. Berry, oral commun., 1971), although none were obtained during this study. In contrast, the Lone Mountain Dolomite in its type area has yielded neither conodonts nor graptolites during the course of this study. Accordingly, a searching review is called for of the somewhat circuitous and inductive stratigraphic speculations of conodont researchers whose reasoning leads to Devonian rather than Silurian age for the greater part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite (Clark and Ethington, 1966; Johnson, 197 0). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Reconnaissance geologic mapping of counties in the central Great Basin by geologists of the US. Geological Survey has extended known areal distribution of the Rabbit Hill Limestone and led to discovery of richly fossiliferous exposures of this formation. Among con- tributors to the map areas involved are F. J. Klein- hampl, northern Nye County, Nev.; R. J. Roberts and R. E. Lehner, northern Eureka County, Nev.; and E. H. McKee and J. H. Stewart, Lander County, Nev. L. D. Cress, US. Geological Survey, discovered the northern- most known Rabbit Hill exposures at Maggie Creek during geologic mapping in the vicinity of the Carlin, Nev., gold mine. Geologic mapping by E. H. McKee in the Wildcat Peak and Dianas Punch Bowl quadrangles, Toquima Range, Nev., led to the finding of Rabbit Hill fossils and has aided in clarifying the stratigraphic relations of the Rabbit Hill Limestone to Silurian strata correlative with the Roberts Mountains Limestone. Correlation and age determination of the Lone Mountain Dolomite were facilitated by mapping, strati- graphic study, and fossil collecting by R. K. Hose, US. Geological Survey, in the Silurian Laketown Dolomite of the Confusion Range, Utah. Glacial cobbles collected by F. K. Miller, U.S. Geo- logical Survey, in Stevens County, northeast Washing- ton, yielded silicified fossils suggestive of the Rabbit Hill fauna. A fossil collection from the Cortez Mountains, Nev., made by A. J. Boucot of Oregon State University has V INTRODUCTION 3 aided in establishing the relation of the Rabbit Hill to the Wenban Limestone. C. H. Stevens, San Jose State College, contributed a well-preserved colonial rugose coral from the Sunday Canyon Formation of the Inyo Mountains, Calif. J. W. Huddle, US. Geological Survey, prepared reports on Rabbit Hill Limestone conodonts, and Jean M. Berdan, of the Survey, identified ostracods from the same formation. The writer gratefully acknowledges the critical read- ing of the manuscript by G. Arthur Cooper, of the Smithsonian Institution. HISTORY OF INVESTIGATION The “Lone Mountain Limestone” in its type area, as described by Hague (1892, p. 57—62), included beds now differentiated as Late Ordovician and Silurian. In 1892 the Ordovician or “Lower Silurian” had not been fully adopted by the US. Geological Survey as a sys- tem. Hague’s (1892, p. 324—325) initial “Upper Silu- rian” assignment of the higher part of the Lone Moun- tain was inferential at best and predicated upon the position of these dolomites beneath strata of estab- lished Devonian age (Walcott, 1884, p. 4, 99—211). In redefining the “Lone Mountain Formation” at Lone Mountain in 1940, Merriam removed the sepa- rately mappable Late Ordovician dolomite as a lateral equivalent of the Hanson Creek Limestone. Merriam also concluded that an overlying medium-gray dolomite of Hague’s original “Lone Mountain Limestone” could reasonably be interpreted at that time as a southerly dolomite equivalent of the Silurian Roberts Mountains ‘Limestone exposed 20 miles to the northwest. Still undated by fossils, the restricted “Lone Mountain For- mation” of Merriam (1940, p. 13) was viewed as resting conformably upon the Silurian Roberts Mountains Limestone in the Roberts Mountains, and upon its inferred dolomitic counterpart at Lone Mountain. A prominent chert marker unit occurs at the base of the Silurian Roberts Mountains Limestone of the type area and occupies the same position below the Silurian dolomite at Lone Mountain. The chert unit has been referred to as the Silurian basal chert, because in subsequent years it was discovered at many widely scattered localities in the Great Basin, where it lies upon Late Ordovician strata of Hanson Creek Rich- mondian age. In some areas where thick dolomites above the chert marker have yielded no fossils, the higher part of this dolomite sequence probably includes beds of Early or even Middle Devonian age. Reconnaissance geologic mapping and stratigraphic investigation in the northern Monitor Range during the 1930’s (Merriam and Anderson, 1942, p. 1687) dis- closed a Silurian graptolitic sequence comprising cal- 506—612 0 ~ 73 - 2 careous shale and platy limestone resting upon the Silurian basal chert; these graptolitic beds are in the area overlain by richly fossiliferous limestones later mapped separately and designated as Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. In 1942, all of these beds, including the Rabbit Hill, were considered part of the Silurian Roberts Mountains Limestone. In accordance with Merriam’s 1940 redefinition, the entire sequence appeared, there- fore, to be older than the restricted Lone Mountain Formation at Lone Mountain. Absence of dolomites in this westerly Monitor Range column could be explained by absence in the west of beds representing their time- stratigraphic interval; more likely, the interval above the Silurian basal chert recorded by dolomite at Lone Mountain was occupied in the Monitor Range by lime- stone and calcareous shale facies of deposition. Paleontologic evaluation of the Rabbit Hill Lime- stone by Merriam in 1947 led to the conclusion that it was of Helderbergian (Early Devonian) age rather than Silurian, encouraging search elsewhere for equivalent Devonian strata at the top of the Roberts Mountains Limestone. In the light of this disclosure and the theory of lithofacies change from easterly dolomite to lime- stone in the west, it now appeared not improbable that the Lone Mountain Formation as restricted by Mer- riam in 1940 might also be of Devonian age. Progress toward eventual clarification of the Lone Mountain—Rabbit Hill age relation was made after 1957 because of continued geologic mapping and strati- graphic work under the Kobeh Valley project of T. B. Nolan and Merriam. Discovery of Rabbit Hill fossils in lowermost beds of the Nevada Formation and the finding of Silurian faunas containing Entelophyllum and H owellella in the upper 500 feet of the Lone Moun- tain Dolomite in its type area convincingly suggested that the Rabbit Hill Limestone was actually younger than the restricted Lone Mountain. Beds containing the lowest Nevada Rabbit Hill fossils are assigned to the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada For- mation which, in the Eureka mining district, rests dis- conformably upon the Lone Mountain Dolomite as mapped in that area (Nolan and others, 1956, p. 42). Restudy of the thick dolomite sequence that overlies the type section of the Roberts Mountains Limestone at Roberts Creek Mountain gave no direct fossil evi- dence of its age. These dolomites underlie the Nevada Formation, and in the absence of fossils were assigned in 1940 by Merriam to the Lone Mountain Formation. In the present state of knowledge of these rocks, it appears not unlikely that the upper part of the dolo- mite may represent the Beacon Peak Dolomite Mem- ber of the Nevada Formation, whereas the lower part is conceivably a northwestward-extending tongue of the Lone Mountain Dolomite. The underlying highest beds 4 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA of the Roberts Mountains Limestone contain the fauna of Silurian coral zone D. The fauna of Silurian coral zone E would be expected in the overlying dolomite, conceivably followed upward by an Early Devonian fauna of the Rabbit Hill Limestone within the upper- most dolomite. A forward step in unraveling the Late Silurian—Early Devonian stratigraphic relation in the central Great Basin was made in 1960 by Winterer and Murphy, who found the Early Devonian Rabbit Hill Limestone rest- ing conformably upon the Silurian Roberts Mountains Limestone in the northern Simpson Park Range. At Coal Canyon, 10 miles northwest of Roberts Creek Mountain, the uppermost Roberts Mountains Lime- stone contains Late Silurian coral zone E. No dolomite is present in this Simpson Park section, which repre- sents a westerly limestone and calcareous shale facies of the Monitor— Simpson Park belt. Description of Silurian brachiopods from the Lake- town Dolomite (Waite, 1956; Johnson and Reso, 1964) of the eastern Great Basin has facilitated study of the Lone Mountain Dolomite faunas, which are much more closely related to faunas of the Laketown than to faunas of the Silurian limestone facies. Detailed geo- logic mapping and stratigraphic study of the Laketown Dolomite in the Confusion Range of western Utah by R. K. Hose (written communs., 1954—1964) provided the fossil collections and other data employed here. lVIETHODS Fossils described here were for the greater part systematically collected in conjunction with geologic mapping and structural study in a region of intense deformation. Lateral facies change, thrusting, and per- vasive normal faulting are features that require cooper- ative effort of the geologist and the paleontologist in the piecing together of compositereference columns ever subject to critical revision. As a case in point, dis- covery of Rabbit Hill fossils in the basal Nevada For- fation above the Lone Mountain failed to support the conclusion drawn from initial mapping of the Rabbit Hill Limestone and the Lone Mountain Dolomite, that these contrasting carbonate facies occupied separate depositional belts and were mutually exclusive and possibly correlative laterally in a time-stratigraphic sense. Difficulty in continuous section measurement is well illustrated in the Rabbit Hill Limestone in its type area, where incompetent strata are folded and dragged beneath a major overthrust; only a few hundred feet of section is measurable at any one exposure. Regarding true vertical order of the Silurian faunas, in particular, uncertainties remain to be resolved by detailed geologic mapping and interpretation of geologic structure and lateral facies change. These paleontologic studies place emphasis upon the rugose corals. Systematic and descriptive research on these abundant and commonly well-preserved fossils makes possible their meaningful use in age determina- tion, geologic correlation, and problems of depositional facies. The Rugosa have been used in conjunction with brachiopods as a basis for paleontologic zonation of Silurian and Devonian rocks of the Great Basin (Mer- riam, 1973a, 1973b). Because fossils are more abundant and better preserved in the Silurian limestone facies than in the dolomites, the rugose corals of these facies have been more thoroughly investigated and are better understood. Because of the biofacies differences, cor- relation of Silurian faunal horizons across the inferred lithofacies boundaries will doubtless remain quite speculative. This report deals mainly with silicified fossils pre- pared by acid treatment. In the Rabbit Hill bioclastic limestones, silicification was strangely selective; the corals and brachiopods were replaced to a much greater extent that associated Mollusca, Echinoderrnata, and other organic groups, which evidently were chemically less amenable to silica replacement. All identifiable fossils from the Lone Mountain Dolomite are silicified. Although the fossils from dolomite are well preserved externally, the internal structures were commonly destroyed in part by recrystallization. SILURIAN AND EARLY DEVONIAN DEPOSITIONAL BELTS OF THE GREAT BASIN Silurian marine rocks in the southwestern part of the Cordilleran geosyncline (fig. 1) are distributed in three contrasting lithologic belts (Merriam, 1973a): (1) A western graywacke belt of the Pacific Border, (2) an intermediate limestone belt, and (3) an eastern dolo- mite belt. The intermediate limestone belt traverses the west-central Great Basin in a north to northeasterly direction between the graywacke on the west and the very extensive dolomite belt on the east. Passing from one to another of these belts, faunas of about the same age show biofacies differences that seem to be related in part to change of depositional environment as well as to features of paleogeography and faunal diSpersal. Similar facies belts are recognizable in the Devonian. The Silurian Roberts Mountains Limestone and overlying Rabbit Hill Limestone occupy the inter- mediate limestone belt; the Lone Mountain Dolomite lies in the eastern dolomite belt. A diagenetic dolomite, the Lone Mountain, occurs at the west border of a very extensive dolomite sheet which, as the Laketown Dolo- mite, includes all known Silurian strata of the east- central and eastern Great Basin. The graywacke or Pacific Border belt is preponderantly graywacke, vol- canic rocks, and conglomerate with subordinate lime- 4 AREAL DISTRIBUTION AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE 5 EXPLANATION oukeVieW OREGON MN m 7’2 OCH Western Graywacke l , Belt Lovelock | l l Winnemu l | Mountain GRE AT 8‘” LAKE DESERT 40° 2 Ruby 0 Lake 4‘ K 7 RobertsO 3‘5 12 Creek Lone Mountain . - L eka Intermediate 0 M‘" .9 °+gxyokecanyon . 1 Austin 1‘0 8a Limestone ‘ 1 11'.‘ 0E1), A Belt lkes ‘33 Rabbit Hill 1 Canyon 2A Dobbin Summit VGVAEIN Fallono oVirginia City °Carson City \ Walker \ Lake \ 0 Hawthorne BridgeportD \ \ Lake Tahoe Eastern Dolomite Belt E Manhattan a oTonopah Pioche° ,, Goldfield Caliente Pah ranagat 14 . Range 0 Independence Frenchman Flat Lake Mead Las Vegas 0 36° oBakersfield A Rabbit Hill fossils (Helderbergian age) ’ A Coral-bearing limestone of possible Rabbit Hill (Helderbergian) age 0 Lone Mountain Dolomite with fossils of Silurian age, and the upper Lone Mountain—Laketown biofacies 1. Type section of Rabbit Hill Limestone, northern Monitor Range. 2. Rabbit Hill Limestone, Dobbin Summit, medial Monitor Range. 3. Rabbit Hill Limestone, Petes Canyon area, northern Toquima Range. 3a. Rabbit Hill Limestone, Ikes Canyon, Toquima Range. 4. Rabbit Hill Limestone, Walti Ranch, Simpson Park Range. 5. Rabbit Hill Limestone, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Range. 6. Rabbit Hill Limestone, Cortez Mountains. 6a. Rabbit Hill Limestone, Maggie Creek, Tuscarora Mountains. 7. Beacon Peak Dolomite Member, Bailey Pass area, Sulphur Spring Range. 8. Beacon Peak Dolomite Member, South Mulligan Gulch area, Sulphur Spring Range. 8a. Beacon Peak Dolomite Member, type section in Oxyoke Canyon. 9. Lone Mountain Dolomite, type area at Lone Mountain. 10. Lone Mountain Dolomite, Mahogany Hills, southern part. 11. Lone Mountain Dolomite, Fish Creek Range, southern. part. 12. Lone Mountain Dolomite, Sulphur Spring Range. 13. Laketown Dolomite, Ibex Hills, Confusion Range, Utah. 14. Laketown Dolomite, Pahranagat Range. 15. Silurian dolomite, Ruby Mountains. 16. Vaughn Gulch Limestone (upper part), Inyo Mountains, Calif. 17. Sunday Canyon Formation (upper part), Inyo Mountains, Calif. 120° 116° 0 25 50 75 100 MILES 114° FIGURE 1.—Index map of part of the Great Basin showing fossil localities of Rabbit Hill Limestone and Lone Mountain Dolomite and approximate limits of Late Silurian—Early Devonian depositional facies belts. stone; it contains no diagenetic dolomite. These west- ernmost Silurian rocks occur at Taylorsville, Calif, just north of the Sierra Nevada, but are best'exposed in the Klamath Mountains and southeastern Alaska. AREAL DISTRIBUTION AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE Within the major intermediate limestone belt (fig. 1) of the southwestern part of the Cordilleran geosyncline, the Rabbit Hill Limestone rests upon Silurian lime- stones and calcareous shale; its exposures are confined to the more localized Monitor-Simpson Park facies belt in the west-central Great Basin. Scattered outcrops of this formation are known from Dobbin Summit in the Monitor Range northward 140 miles to the Tuscarora Mountains. On the east, in the subparallel north-south Antelope—Roberts Mountains facies belt, distinctive elements of the Rabbit Hill fauna, but not the Rabbit Hill Limestone itself, occur in dolomitic limestones assigned to the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member at the bottom of the Devonian Nevada Formation. At Dobbin Summit in the medial part of the Monitor Range, the Rabbit Hill Limestone overlies Silurian limestone containing calcareous shale and is in turn overlain by limestone of uncertain age yielding cono- donts reported as Mississippian (J . W. Huddle, written commun., 1966). Twenty miles north at the Rabbit Hill type section, this formation rests upon Silurian graptolite-bearing calcareous shale facies of the Rob- erts Mountains Formation (Merriam, 1963, p. 42). Because of faulting and erosion, no younger Paleozoic strata are found here. A key section with respect to stratigraphic relations of the Rabbit Hill Limestone is that in the northern Simpson Park Range, where this formation is conform- ably underlain by the highest Roberts Mountains Lime- 6 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA stone carrying the Late Silurian faunas of coral zone E. The Devonian Nevada Formation is here in fault con- tact with the Rabbit Hill Limestone. Limestones con- taining a Rabbit Hill fauna occur in the Toquima Range (McKee and others, 1972), where they rest conformably on the Roberts Mountains. Outlying areas where this fauna has been collected from limestones are Mount Tenabo in the Cortez Mountains and Maggie Creek northwest of Carlin. In terms of the major Silurian lithologic belts of the Cordilleran geosyncline referred to above, the Beacon Peak Dolomite containing Rabbit Hill fossils lies areally within the eastern dolomite belt. Here strata of Rabbit Hill Early Devonian age, but differing lithology, underlie Nevada Formation unit 1, which contains fossils of Oriskany (Siegenian) Early Devonian age. RABBIT HILL, NORTHERN MONITOR RANGE About 250 feet of Rabbit Hill Limestone is well exposed at Rabbit Hill in Copenhagen Canyon, Horse Heaven Mountain quadrangle (fig. 1). Here, in the type section at the south end of this small isolated hill, platy limestones and calcareous shales or siltstones separate thick lenses and beds of bioclastic limestone (pl. 8, fig. 15) containing abundant silicified fossils. Throughout the Rabbit Hill type area (figs. 2 and 3) these incompetent beds reveal evidence of drag folding (Merriam, 1963, p. 10). Deformation of these strata is sympathetic to the overthrust beneath which they lie and as a result the Pogonip Group on the west overrode the Roberts Mountains Formation and the Rabbit Hill. Because of the nature of this lower plate dislocation, it has not been determined whether the Rabbit Hill fossils range through a thickness much greater than 250 feet stratigraphically, as these beds are probably repeated across the broad exposure by drag folding and sympa- thetic slicing beneath the overthrust sole. All fossils collected from the 250 feet of type section of the Rabbit Hill Limestone are regarded as a single fauna. Other collections of fossils within these deformed strata of the type area north and west of Rabbit Hill itself appear to represent about the same assemblage. The largest fossil collections from the Rabbit Hill Limestone, those listed in connection with the original description of this formation (Merriam, 1963, p. 43) and described here, came from the southeast side of Rabbit Hill. Conodonts from the type section are listed below under age and correlation. Monograptus has been reported from the Rabbit Hill in its type area, and according to W. B. N. Berry (oral commun., 1971) , graptolites have been found at Rabbit Hill. In connec- tion with this study, no instance of interlayering of M onograptus beds with established Rabbit Hill Lime- stone was observed within the type area. Moreover, it is not unlikely that the thrust slicing within the outcrop belt might bring up slivers of graptolitic rock from Silurian strata of the subjacent Roberts Mountains. Most of the study fossil material from the Rabbit Hill Limestone in its type area was silicified and was prepared by the acid technique. The fauna of the Rabbit Hill Limestone at its type section is listed below: Favosites cf. F. helderbergiae Hall Striatopora cf. S. gwenensis Amsden FIGURE 2.—View northwest across Copenhagen Canyon from Martin Ridge, showing Rabbit Hill (RH) right of center, and overthrust Ordovician Antelope Valley limestone clifl's (0a) in distance. Dr—Rabbit Hill Limestone; S—Silurian grapto- litic beds of Roberts Mountains; WC—Whiterock Canyon; CC—Copenhagen Canyon. AREAL DISTRIBUTION AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE 7 FIGURE 3.—South side of Rabbit Hill, showing minor drag folds in west-dipping Rabbit Hill Limestone of the type section. Pleurodictyum nevadensis n. sp. Pleurodictyum dunbari n. sp. Syringaxon foerstei n. sp. Rhipidomella rossi n. sp. Levenea subcarinata subsp. antelopensis n. subsp. Orthostrophia strophomenoides subsp. newberryi n. subsp. Leptostrophia sp. cf. L. becki tennesseensis Dunbar (?) Pholidos trophia sp. R S tropheodonta sp. Leptaena fremonti n. sp. Schuchertella cf. S. haraganensis Amsden Plethorhyncha andersoni n. sp. M eristella martini n. sp. Ambocoelia sp. a Leptocoelia occidentalis n. Sp. Trematospira mcbridei n. sp. K ozlowskiellina nolani n. sp. H owellella cycloptera subsp. monitorensis n. subsp. Platyceras sp. a Platyceras sp. b Platyceras sp. c Orthoceras sp. Leonaspis cf. L. tuberculatus (Hall) (?)Miraspis sp. Phacops sp. (large) hexactinellid sponge spicules crinoidal debris (abundant) fucoids (pl. 8, fig. 14) DOBBIN SUMMIT, MONITOR RANGE Excellent exposures of Rabbit Hill Limestone were discovered by F. J. Kleinhampl at Dobbin Summit (fig. 1) in the middle part of the Monitor Range during geologic mapping of northern Nye County, Nev. The Rabbit Hill at this locality resembles that of the type section 20 miles north but is less disturbed and occu- pies a definable stratigraphic interval within a continu- ous column. Silurian limestone and calcareous shale conformably underlying the Rabbit Hill contain brach- iopod and graptolite faunas. The overlying limestones, which appear to be conformable, have yielded only conodonts reported to be Mississippian (J. W. Huddle, written commun., 1966). Within the approximately 400 feet of Rabbit Hill at Dobbin Summit the faunas change in character some- what passing upward in the column with introduction of the large spirifers Cos tispirifer and Acrospirifer, not found in the Rabbit Hill Limestone in its type area. The lower fauna is essentially that of the 250-foot interval at the type section. Following is a partial list of Rabbit Hill fossils from the lower 300 feet of the Dobbin Summit exposures: Favosites cf. F. helderbergiae Hall Pleurodictyum nevadensis n. sp. Syringaxon foerstei n. sp. Levenea subcarinata subsp. an telopensis n. subsp. Rhipidomella rossi n. sp. Leptaena fremonti n. sp. Plethorhyncha ,andersoni n. sp. M eristella martini n. Sp. Leptocoelia occidentalis‘n. sp. K ozlowskiellina nolani n. sp. Howellella cycloptera subsp. monitorensis n. subsp. Leonaspis cf. L. tuberculatus (Hall) In the upper 100 feet of the Dobbin Summit section, the two large spirifers Cos tispirifer arenosus subsp. dob- binensis and Acrospirifer kleinhampli appear; these forms are precursors of the later Early Devonian fauna of Nevada unit 1 and Great Basin Devonian coral zone B. Most of the species in the lower fauna continue into the upper interval. NORTHERN TOQUllVIA RANGE I kes Canyon—Limestones on the south side of this canyon near its mouth contain a fauna of Rabbit Hill age as follows: Leptaena cf. L. fremonti n. sp. Orthostrophia cf. 0. strophomenoides Hall Levenea subcarinata subsp. antelopensis n. subsp. Kolowskiellina nolani n. sp. M eristella cf. M. martini n. sp. Limestones underlying those of Rabbit Hill Early Devonian age at Ikes Canyon contain a coral assem- blage pertaining to Late Silurian coral zone E, below which are beds containing Monograptus (McKee and others, 1972). In this area, about 400 feet of limestone section including these fossils represents a part of the Roberts Mountains Formation overlain by the Rabbit Hill Limestone equivalent given the local name “Mc- Monnigal Limestone” by Kay and Crawford (1964). Fossils listed from the “McMonnigal” by Kay and Crawford (1964, p. 440) suggest that Lower Devonian beds younger than Rabbit Hill may also be represented. 8 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA Petes Canyon area.—A small structurally disturbed exposure of Rabbit Hill Limestone was discovered by E. H. McKee in the Petes Canyon area during recon- naissance geologic mapping of Lander County, Nev. (fig. 1). At this locality (McKee and Ross, 1969, p. 428), a few feet of deformed Rabbit Hill limestone lies in contact with Silurian graptolitic shales. The fossil assemblage comprises species characterizing the Rab- bit Hill type section in the Monitor Range 20 miles east, differing only by the presence of a colonial rugose coral Australophyllum landerensis n. sp. This is one of two occurrences of colonial Rugosa discovered in the Rab- bit Hill. Following is a partial list of the Petes Canyon fossil assemblage (Locality M1150) : Favosites cf. F. helderbergiae Hall Striatopora cf. S. gwenensis Amsden Pleurodictyum Sp. cf. P. nevadensis n. sp. Syringaxon foerstei n. sp. Australophyllum landerensis n. sp. Levenea subcarinata subsp. antelopensis n. subsp. Leptocoelia sp. Kozlowskiellina nolani n. sp. McCLUSKY PEAK AREA, SIMPSON PARK RANGE A Rabbit Hill Limestone fauna containing abundant trilobites was collected in the foothills east of Walti Ranch (Walti Hot Springs quadrangle) by R. E. Leh- ner and R. J. Roberts during reconnaissance geologic mapping of Eureka County. No data are available on the relations of these rocks to strata above and below. Following is a partial list of the fossils from this locality (M1074) : Pleurodictyum cf. P. nevadensis n. sp. Syringaxon foers tei n. sp. Leptocoelia cf. L. occidentalis n. sp. Leonaspis cf. L. tuberculatus (Hall) Phacops sp. (large) Proetus sp. Conularia cf. C. huntiana Hall Conularia cf. C. lata Hall tentaculitids COAL CANYON, NORTHERN SIMPSON PARK RANGE An especially important reference section for the Silurian and Early Devonian limestone facies of the westerly Monitor- Simpson Park belt is near the mouth of Coal Canyon, Horse Creek Valley quadrangle (fig. 1). The stratigraphy was studied by Winterer and Murphy (1960), who recognized the Rabbit Hill Limestone overlying richly fossiliferous Late Silurian limestone with lenses of coarse depositional limestone breccia. Although this area is faulted considerably, the deposi- tional relations of the Silurian Roberts Mountains For- mation are in some ways better shown here than in the type section of the Roberts Mountains Formation at Roberts Creek Mountain, 12 miles to the southeast. In order to elucidate the stratigraphy and geologic struc- ture, the Coal Creek area was mapped in some detail by Merriam as part of the geologic mapping of the Horse Creek Valley quadrangle by the US. Geological Survey. On the east side of Coal Canyon the upper part of the Roberts Mountains Formation is overlain con- formably by 1,100 feet of the Rabbit Hill Limestone. About 500 feet of the uppermost Roberts Mountains along the east side of the canyon appears to be unfaulted and it includes Late Silurian Coral zone E (fig. 4). The west side of the Coal Canyon is within the north-south Coal Canyon fault zone, which breaks the continuity of the Silurian column, although no great amount of the section appears to have been cut out by this defor- mation. West of the Coal Canyon fault zone the lime- stones of the Roberts Mountains contain a fauna simi- lar to that of Silurian coral zone D. One-half mile east of Coal Canyon, the Rabbit Hill Limestone is repeated in a seperate fault block, greatly broadening the exposure of this formation. About a mile east of Coal Canyon, Nevada Formation unit 2 crops out in another fault block. No normal stratigraphic boundary of the Nevada upon the Rabbit Hill has been found in this area. As discussed below under age and correlation of the Rabbit Hill Limestone, the results of this mapping and stratigraphic-paleontologic work do not support the conclusions of Johnson (1965), Johnson and Murphy (1969), and Johnson (1970) regarding age and strati- graphic sequence within the Roberts Mountains For- mation of this area. Rabbit Hill fossils listed below were collected from beds high in the formation. It is probable that the unit can be zoned here on the basis of bed-by-bed collecting. As at the Walti Ranch locality west of McClusky Peak, the Coal Canyon Rabbit Hill contains large trilobites in some abundance: Syringaxon foerstei n. sp. Levenea subcarinata subsp. antelopensis n. subsp. Leptostrophia cf. L. becki tennesseensis Dunbar Strophonella cf. S. punctulifera (Conrad) Leptaena fremonti n. sp. Schuchertella cf. S. haraganensis Amsden Plethorhyncha andersoni n. sp. M eristella martini n. sp. H owellella cycloptera subsp. monitorensis n. subsp. (?)Acrospirifer kleinhampli n. sp. (‘2) Costispirifer arenosus subsp. dobbinensis n. subsp. (?)Coelospira sp. (small) 1 AREAL DISTRIBUTION AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE 9 1 2 3 4 5 Monitor Range Simpson Park Range Roberts Mountains Sulphur Spring Range Diamond Mountains Rabbit Hill Coal Canyon Roberts Creek Mountain southern part nyoke Canyon : Devrls Gate .9 _ Limestone DD E Units 1 and 2 _ ‘- L L _ _______ Bay State r 0 Fault contact I, u. ' Thickness Dolomite Member 1 .u Beacon Peakl?) a o . (9 C ® Nevada / g Dolomitel ppr ximate '9 Formation 5 M ‘ ME ~ DD 1 1 Z ember, Woodpecker OF E Woodpecker ”:32 A» * “‘ ' “J “ E Limestone u? Limestone a . . 1/ ”1,3 \\Do|0mi‘e|\ g Member . Member / I E \ y E Sentinel Mountain Faulting and/ / —§ \\ ‘l E * Dolomite Member Sentinel Mountain alluvrum /’ / D ‘\ i '—"*- @ Dolomite Member /// r Dolomite/l : iy DD Unit 2 ,’ l '5 , l % (limestone /// / g Dolomite O 1 g facies) m Oxyoke Canyon // I o l u: '0 t C . Top / / ®DA Rabbit I 5 1% Lo \ D: “g; V,» Sands one Member 3 \t 5 “"“pmed Hill / :- ég’, Uni” 2 P k 0 \ 'E Limestone @E °5 7| DB Beacon ea 5 \ g ' ‘ 3 — - ‘ "'—‘ Beacon Peak Dolomite Member 0 ‘ °’ DA Rabbit Hill Dolomite ® _ L 50 MiLEs :2 “menu“ so DA Dolomite Member Disconformiw _ Manhattano E Roberts Mountains Roberts g g g 117° 116“ 115° I.“ F°”“a"°" SE Mountains 5' g '-°"° M°Umain g 5 Calcareous grapto- “I _ D | 'te = 3) litic shaly facies Limestone 5 Do . o Oml w Silurian basal chert Co | C so E Faulted section Faulted Hanson a anyon in — " section 5, Creek SD W fault zone 5 ‘5 'E _ _Limestone g 23 Silurian Halysiter 0 Eureka I’ g Ouartzite MZ‘ZEZIFZS 2° Unit 2 and pymosw Ids 1000 FEET Limestone E g Q Overthrust relation; upper plate is Ordovician Pogonip Group. g 4 @ Sandstone resembling Oxyoke Canyon Sandstone Member. a: _ 500 ® Coral zone SE unrecognized in dolomite facies. Silurian basal chert —_ ”rm 1 G) Rabbit Hill Helderbergian fossils in Beacon Peak Dolomite Member. Hanson Creek 6) Devonian and Silurian coral zones (DA, SD) shown on left of Base \Limestone Henson Creek 0 column. unexposed \\ Limestone \ VERTICAL SCALE ' ' ‘ Eureka ‘ Ouartzite FIGURE 4.—Correlation diagram showing stratigraphic relations of the Rabbit Hill Limestone and inferred equivalence of Lone Mountain Dolomite to the Orthoceras sp. tentaculitids Leonaspis cf. L. tuberculatus (Hall) Phacops sp. (large) ( ?)Phacops sp. B, cf. P. canadensis Stumm dalmanitid (very large) CORTEZ MOUNTAINS AND TUSCARORA MOUNTAINS Cortez Mountains—Rabbit Hill fossils occur in the Wenban Limestone of Gilluly and Masursky (1965, p. 29) in the Cortez area 8 miles northwest of the Coal Canyon section, northern Simpson Park Range. The Wenban occupies large areas in the western Cortez Mountains, where it rests upon the Silurian Roberts Mountains Limestone. As described by Gilluly and Masursky, this unit is probably more than 2,000 feet thick and seems to include much of the Devonian. It is fairly evident that a least the lower half represents the Rabbit Hill interval as exposed in Coal Canyon, whereas the upper half probably includes the Nevada Formation, possibly capped by a Late Devonian equiva- lent of the Devils Gate Limestone. Whether the Rabbit Hill part of the Wenban can on a lithologic basis be mapped separately from the Nevada in that area remains to be demonstrated. Collections of poorly pre- served fossils suggesting the Rabbit Hill fauna come Silurian Roberts Mountains Limestone. from localities along the west Cortez front. At locality M1083 on the southeast side of Mount Tenabo, a col- lection made by A. J. Boucot contains Syringaxon foerstei n. sp. and Pleurodictyum cf. P. nevadensis n. sp. Tuscarora M ountains.—Exposures of limestone con- taining a Rabbit Hill fauna were discovered in the southern Tuscarora Mountains by L. D. Cress during the course of geologic mapping in the Carlin Gold mine area. These disturbed limestones are in contact with the Roberts Mountains Limestone, which in that Vicin- ity contains Silurian Coelospira. At locality M1400 near Maggie Creek, 9 miles northwest of Carlin, the follow- ing fossils occur: Favosites sp. (massive forms) Pleurodictyum sp. cf. P. lenticularis (Hall) Syringaxon foers tei n. sp. Billingsastraea sp. m Schuchertella sp. cf. S. haraganensis Amsden Leptaena cf. L. fremonti n. sp. Rhipidomella sp. Leptocoelia sp. (shell fragments only) Acrospirifer sp. N ucleospira sp. cf. N. ventricosa (Hall) M eristella sp. phacopid trilobite pygidium (small) 10 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA Billingsastraea sp. m (pl. 9, figs. 1, 2) is the earliest known coral of this genus in the Cordilleran belt and is one of two known occurrences of colonial Rugosa in the Rabbit Hill. BEACON PEAK DOLOMITE, SULPHUR SPRING RANGE Geologic mapping of the southern Sulphur Spring Range (fig. 1) under the Kobeh Valley project has dis- closed many exposures of dolomite and dolomitic lime- stone containing a fauna similar to that of the Rabbit Hill Limestone in beds that conformably underlie Nevada Formation unit 1, which carries the Oriskany age (Siegenian) fauna of Devonian coral zone B. Because of their stratigraphic position and lithologic similarity to the Beacon Peak, lowest member of the Nevada Formation in the Eureka mining district, these beds are assigned to that unit (Nolan and others, 1956, p. 42). In its type area, the Beacon Peak (fig. 1) rests disconformably upon Lone Mountain Dolomite (fig. 4) and has yielded no determinable fossils. Although Lone Mountain Dolomite, where best exposed in the southern Sulphur Spring Range, lies in fault contact with the Beacon Peak and the higher Nevada, it is with some confidence believed to directly underlie Beacon Peak beds containing elements of the Rabbit Hill fauna. Fossils from two of the Beacon Peak localities in this area are listed below. South Mulligan Gulch area (locality M186) : Pleurodictyum sp. ' Favosites sp. (massive) Syringaxon foerstei n. sp. Siphonophrentis sp. B - Levenea subcarinata subsp. antelopensis n. subsp. Leptocoelia occidentalis n. sp. Anastrophia cf. A. verneuili (Hall) Strophonella sp. cf. S. punctulifera (Conrad) Bailey Pass area (locality M197 ) : Favosites sp. (massive) Syringaxon foerstei n. sp. Levenea subcarinata subsp. antelopensis n. subsp. Leptocoelia occidentalis n. sp. Leptaena cf. L. fremonti n. sp. Anastrophia cf. A. verneuili (Hall) M eristella sp. (large) Acrospirifer sp. cf. A. kleinhampli n. sp. AGE AND CORRELATION OF THE RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE The Rabbit Hill Limestone is of Helderbergian (Early Devonian) age. When first examined in the type area (Merriam and Anderson, 1942, p. 1687), these beds were included with the Roberts Mountains For- mation as a part of the Silurian System. Comparative study of brachiopods in 1947 strongly favored an Early Devonian age. Among its abundant and distinctive brachiopod genera, Leptocoelia appears first in this for- mation (table 1); so far as is known, this genus is con- fined to the Devonian and is especially characteristic of the Early Devonian. The genus Ambocoelia in the Rabbit Hill confirms a Devonian age. Supporting TABLE 1,—Characteristic fossils of the Rabbit Hill Limestone and Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation Simpson 0 5- Monitor ark an 53 Range Range 5 g E a: w ° a <0 mm: IE $5 .= s: 5; £52 a :3 ES m 8 E E8 '5 '5 '5 9 33 ~ ”5.25" g '8 8"; d 3 E = 3‘) Cd a Bun B o m an. Favosites cf. F. helderbergiae Hall .................... X X X .. . . Favosites sp. (massive) .................... X Striatopora cf. S. gwenesis Amsden ...................................... X X .. Pleurodictyum nevadensis n. sp .. X X cf. cf. .. Pleurodictyum sp ............................ .. Pleurodictyum dunbari n. sp ...... X . .. Syringaxon foerstei n. sp ............ X X X X Australophyllum sp. r ................... X . .. Rhipidomella rossi n. sp ............ X . Levenea subcarinata subsp. antelopensis n. subsp .............. X X X X Orthostrophia strophomenoides subsp. newberryi n. subsp ...... X Leptostrophia sp. of. L. becki tennesseensis Dunbar ...... X X (?)Pholidostrophia sp. R _ X Stropheodonta sp .......................... X Strophonella sp. cf. S. punctulifera (Conrad) ................ x x Leptaena fremonti n. sp .............. X X X cf. Schuchertella cf. S. haraganensis Amsden .............. X X Plethorhyncha andersoni n. sp __ X X X M eristella martini n. sp ............ X X x M eristella sp. (large) Ambocoelia sp. a ............................ X Leptocoelia occidentalis n. sp X X cf. Leptocoelia sp .................................. Trematospira mcbridei n. sp ...... X Kozlowskiellina nolani n. sp ...... X H owellella cycloptera subsp. monitorensis n. subsp .............. X X X Acrospirifer kleinhampli n. Sp ........ X cf. cf. Costispirifer arenosus subsp. dobbinensis n. subsp .................... X cf. (?)Coelospira sp. (small) ................ X Anastrophia of. A. verneuili (Hall) ........................................ X Platyceras sp. a .......... X Platyceras sp. b ...... X Platyceras sp. c ..... X Orthoceras sp ................................ X X Conularia cf. C. huntiana Hall X Conularia cf. C, lata Hall ............ X tentaculitids .................................... X x Leonaspis cf. L. tuberculatus (Hall) ........................................ X X X X (?) Miraspis sp ................ X Phacops sp. (large) ...................... X X x (‘2) Phacops sp. B, cf. P. canadensis Stumm .................... X dalmanitid (very large) ........... X Proetus sp ...................................... X —__ AGE AND CORRELATION OF THE RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE 11 brachiopod evidence is provided by the presence of Devonian types of Trematospira in the Rabbit Hill and of Anastrophia related to A. verneuili in the correlative Beacon Peak Dolomite Member. Moreover, Early Devo- nian Acrospirifer and large Cos tispirifer of the Oriskany C. arenosus type occur in higher Rabbit Hill beds. The colonial rugose coral Billingsas traea sp. m of the Rabbit Hill at Tuscarora Mountains further supports a Devon- ian age, this genus not being recorded in older rocks. Paleontologic comparison of the Rabbit Hill and Beacon Peak faunas with Devonian faunas of eastern North America demonstrates that several distinctive western species and subspecies have near relatives in Helderbergian (Early Devonian) strata of New York, Tennessee, and Oklahoma. Among fossil indicators of eastern Helderberg aflinity are two species of Pleura- dictyum, the trilobite Leonaspis of the L. tuberculatus type, and also the brachiopods Levenea subcarinata subsp. antelopensis, H owellella cycloptera subsp. moni- torensis, Anastrophia cf. A. verneuili, and Orthostro- phia strophomenoides subsp. newberryi. Evidence from study of Rabbit Hill conodonts also supports an Early Devonian age. A conodont faunule extracted from samples collected by the writer in the upper 100 feet of the type Rabbit Hill Limestone at Rabbit Hill is reported on by J. W. Huddle (written commun., 1969) as follows: ***Your collections M1326—1 and M1326—2 from the upper 100 feet of Rabbit Hill Limestone at the Rabbit Hill type sec- tion, Copenhagen Canyon, Horse Heaven quad., Nevada both contain abundant specimens of I criodus latericrescens n. subsp. B of Klapper 1969, I. latericrescens huddlei Klapper and Zieg- ler and single cusp conodonts generally referred to Acodina which seem to be associated with Icriodus latericrescens. These forms are characteristic of Johnson-Boucot (1968) Spinulosa-Zone I and Klapper et al in press Zone-5 (and Klap- per, 1969) which is thought to be Siegenian. Further permissive evidence of Siegenian age is pro- vided by conodonts from the uppermost part of the Rabbit Hill at Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Range (locality M1310) , identified by Huddle as follows: Belodella resimus Philip I criodus cf. I. latericrescens n. subsp. B of Klapper I criodus sp. Ostracods from a locality near the base of the Wen- ban Limestone near Cortez (Gilluly and Masursky, 1965, p. 31) have been reported on by Jean M. Berdan, of the US Geological Survey. The lower part of the Wenban is with assurance the lower part of the Rabbit Hill Limestone of the neighboring Simpson Park Range. Following are the ostracods listed by Berdan: Mesomphalus sp. Velibeyrichia sp. n. gen. aff. Welleria Saccarchites sp. 506-612 0 — 73 - 3 Aechmina? sp. Acanthoscapha sp. Tricornina sp. Tubilibairdia sp. Bairdia sp. aff. B. leguminoides As several of the genera listed range upward from Late Silurian into Early Devonian, it was not found possible on the basis of ostracods alone to fix the age of these beds. Samples from the uppermost part of the Rabbit Hill Limestone at Coal Canyon (locality M1310) yielding Belodella resimus Philip and other conodonts reported on by Huddle also contain ostracods, identified by Jean M. Berdan as follows: ***The ostracodes include Thlipsura sp. afl’. T. furca Roth, Parahealdia? aff. P.? convexoris Swartz and Whitmore, and several unidentifiable species. Thlipsura furca was originally described from the Haragan Limestone of Oklahoma. Para- healdia? convexoris was described from the upper part of the Manlius Limestone in southeastern New York; however, there is an undescribed species in the Port Ewen Limestone in the Hudson Valley which is even closer to the form from the Rab- bit Hill. These two species suggest that this part of the Rabbit Hill has affinities with the Helderbergian of the Appalachian region. Because of the high stratigraphic position of this ostra- cod and conodont locality (M1310) , it is assumed that these beds are younger than those in the Wenban Lime- stone near Cortez that yielded ostracods identified by Berdan. On the basis of fossil evidence, the westerly Rabbit Hill Limestone is correlated with the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member in the more easterly Antelope- Roberts Mountains facies belt (fig. 4). Fossils common to the two differing carbonate facies are similar types of Pleurodictyum, Syringaxon foerstei n. sp., Lepto- coelia occidentalis n. sp., Levenea subcarinata subsp. antelopensis, and similar Acrospirifer. Limestones possibly correlative with the Rabbit Hill occur in the Mazourka Canyon area, northern Inyo Mountains, Calif. (fig. 1), where they lie in the upper part of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone and in the upper part of the more or less equivalent Sunday Canyon For- mation (Ross, 1966, p. 31—35). These beds contain species of the colonial rugose coral Australophyllum similar to Rabbit Hill A. landerensis. The middle and lower parts of both formations are Silurian (Merriam, 1973a). Late Silurian coral zone E underlies the upper- most Vaughn Gulch division, which contains Australa- phyllum sp. v of possible Helderbergian age. Australa- phyllum stevensi in upper beds of the Sunday Canyon Formation is also conceivably Early Devonian. As map- ped by Ross (1966, pl. 1), the Vaughn Gulch Lime- stone changes northward into the more shaly Sunday Canyon Formation, in which Silurian graptolitic depos- f 12 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA its predominate, a facies change comparable to that noted elsewhere in correlative Roberts Mountains Limestone of the major intermediate limestone belt. With a single exception, there are no recorded occur- rences of the Rabbit Hill fauna in western North America outside of the Great Basin. Glacial cobbles collected by F. K. Miller, of the US Geological Survey (oral commun., 1965), in the Chewelah area, Stevens County, northeastern Washington, contain a fauna of Rabbit Hill affinity. Among the fossils are Syringaxon sp., Pleurodictyum cf. P. lenticularis (Hall), Levenea cf. L. subcarinata (Hall), and a species of LeptoCoelia. Data from stratigraphic position of the Rabbit Hill Limestone and correlative Beacon Peak Dolomite Member have a bearing upon the age and correlation of these units in a world sense. In the Sulphur Spring Range the Beacon Peak occupies the interval between the Lone Mountain Dolomite (below) and Nevada Formation unit 1 (above) (fig. 4). Lower beds of Nevada Formation unit 1 carrying Costispirifer areno- sus and Acrospirifer as well as the rugose corals of Devonian coral zone B are of Oriskany age, or Siegen- ian of the European scale. Hence a pre-Oriskany or Helderbergian age assignment of the Beacon Peak and Rabbit Hill is appropriate. Presence in the topmost part of the Rabbit Hill Limestone at Dobbin Summit of the large Costispirifer arenosus subsp. dobbinensis and the large Acrospirifer kleinhampli strongly sug- gests that the fauna of these upper beds foreshadows and may be little older than that of Nevada Formation unit 1 in Devonian coral zone B with its Oriskany or Siegenian elements. Moreover, the reported Siegenian age of the uppermost Rabbit Hill based on conodont evidence seems to be in harmony with these findings. Fixing of the age of the base of the Rabbit Hill Lime- stone is made possible by its conformable stratigraphic relation to underlying coral-bearing limestones in the northern Simpson Park Range. At Coal Canyon (fig. 1) the topmost Roberts Mountains Limestone contains a large and diverse coral assemblage of Gotlandian aspect and Late Silurian (Ludlovian) age (fig. 4) . These distinctive corals characterize Silurian coral zone E of the Great Basin and include the Silurian rugose corals M ucophyllum, Kodonophyllum, and Chonophyllum, and pycnostylids. They are not known in Devonian rocks, and, with the entire fauna of Silurian coral zone E, do not reappear in the Rabbit Hill. Conclusions by Johnson and others (Johnson, 1965; Johnson, 1970; Johnson and Murphy, 1969) regarding a possible Devo- nian age of the uppermost Roberts Mountains Lime— stone at Coal Canyon are not confirmed by the rugose coral and brachiopod studies of Merriam (1973a). The Late Silurian fauna of coral zone E has been found in the Toquima Range, Nev. (McKee and others, 1972) , where it underlies limestone with a probable Rabbit Hill fauna. A similar relation is recognized (Merriam, 1973a) in the Vaughn Gulch Limestone of the northern Inyo Mountains, Calif. In summary, an Early Devonian (Helderbergian) age for these Great Basin strata is supported by the strati- graphic position of Rabbit Hill Limestone at Coal Can- yon, Simpson Park Range, above Late Silurian (Lud- lovian) beds of Silurian coral zone E, by the occurrence of faunas of Rabbit Hill affinity below strata of Oris- kany (Siegenian) age in the Sulphur Spring Range, and most convincingly by paleontologic similarities of the Rabbit Hill fauna to faunas of eastern Helderberg formations. LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE The name “Lone Mountain Limestone” originally applied by Hague (1892, p. 57—62) to a more inclusive section was later, as “Lone Mountain Formation,” restricted by Merriam (1940, p. 13; 1963, p. 39) to some 1,750 feet of blocky saccharoidal dolomite over- lain by the Nevada Formation and underlain by a lower darker gray dolomite unit. At Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev., within the designated type area, there has been previous to this report no fossil evidence appli- cable to the restricted Lone Mountain Dolomite. Pre- sumed Silurian age was predicated upon stratigraphic position beneath Lower Devonian beds of Nevada unit 1, coupled with possible correlation of underlying darker gray dolomite with Silurian limestones named Roberts Mountains Formation by Merriam (1940, p. 11). In other Great Basin areas, the name Lone Mountain Dolomite has been adopted rather loosely in some instances for lithologically comparable and usually rather barren dolomites beneath an assumed Silurian- Devonian boundary. Whereas the Lone Mountain Dolo- mite was long assumed to be a westerly continuation of the Laketown Dolomite of the eastern Great Basin, there has previous to this report been no published fossil evidence to bear out this View. In recent years geologic mapping of areas within and bordering upon the Eureka mining district has dis- closed stratigraphic sections in which the Lone Moun- tain Dolomite is quite fossiliferous, and where the stratigraphic relations to contiguous formations may be determined. These sections lie in the southern Diamond Mountains, the southern Fish Creek Range, the Mahogany Hills, and the southern Sulphur Spring Range. ' LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE, LONE MOUNTAIN The “Lone Mountain Formation” of the type area as redefined by Merriam in 1940 (p. 13, 19) included only LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE 13 the upper “1,570 feet” of Hague’s inclusive “Lone Mountain Limestone” (Hague, 1892, p. 57). So delimited, the Lone Mountain'of Merriam is underlain by about 750 feet of darker weathering dolomite, at that time considered to be a southerly dolomite facies of the Roberts Mountains Formation, which in its type area is mainly limestone rich in Silurian fossils (‘Mer- riam, 1940, pl. 2, fig. 2). Recent disclosures call for some realinement of the dolomite units at Lone Mountain in the interest of clarity and simplicity. Because of the dolomitic nature of the entire section upward from the Silurian basal chert member to the Devonian Nevada Formation, it is here proposed to refer to the lower 750-foot darker weathering dolomite in the Lone Mountain Dolomite as Lone Mountain unit 1, designating the upper unit or Lone Mountain Dolomite (restricted) of Merriam (1940) as Lone Mountain unit 2 (fig. 5). So reappor- tioned, Hague’s original “Lone Mountain Limestone” comprises at the bottom a Late Ordovician dolomitic facies of the Hanson Creek Formation overlain by Lone Mountain Dolomite units 1 and 2. Of special strati- graphic significance at Lone Mountain (fig. 6) is the Silurian basal chert, which is as much as 80 feet thick in places and forms the bottom member of Lone Mountain Dolomite unit 1. Although no positively identifiable fossils have been collected from the type section of Lone Mountain Dolomite during these investigations, poorly preserved organic remains are not uncommon. Hague (1892, p. 59, 61) and Walcott ( 1884, p. 4, 273) make reference to the presence at Lone Mountain of “Halysites catenu- latus.” Because Hague gives its horizon as “within 50 feet of the quartzite,” it is likely this was an halysitid normally occurring in the Late Ordovician Hanson Merriam (this report) Nevada Formation Early Devonian unit 1 sis (early Emsian) Haque (1892) Merriam (1940) Nevada Limestone Nevada Formation Lone Mountain Dolomite Lone Mountain Formation (restricted) Silurian Lone Mountain Dolomite Lone Mountain Limestone Roberts Mountains Formation (dolomite facies) Hanson Creek Formation (dolomite facies) Hanson Creek Formation (dolomite facies) Ordovician Eureka Quartzite Eureka Quartzite Eureka Quartzite Pogonip Limestone Pogonip Limestone Pogonip Group is Beacon Peak Dolomite Member unrecognized. (I) Silurian basal chert marker red. FIGURE 5.—Diagram illustrating history and present usage of the stratigraphic name Lone Mountain Dolomite. Creek and Ely Springs Dolomite. Walcott (1884, p. 4) alludes to its poor preservation in stating that doubt existed in the mind of James Hall, who examined the fossil, as to the validity of the identification. Poorly preserved tabulate corals were collected by Merriam (1940, p. 13, 20) in the 1930’s at the base of Lone Mountain unit 2. These corals were considered more closely allied to Syringopora than Halysites. Many exposures of dark-gray dolomite showing conspicuous organic traces have been found in Lone Mountain unit 2 during detailed mapping of the Lone Mountain area by the US. Geological Survey. Car- bonaceous dolomites containing the poorly preserved fossils are most numerous in the upper 750 feet of the Lone Mountain and appear to be lenses or pods sur- rounded by lighter gray barren rock. The dark pods appear to have been loci of especially prolific organic activity within which the magnesian recrystallization was somewhat less destructive of fossil structure than in the lighter rock. Definite rugose coral structures occur at two locali- ties (M1122, M1122a) east of Charcoal Gulch on the southeast side of Lone Mountain, probably within the upper 500 feet of the Lone Mountain Dolomite. Mate- rial from locality M1122 shows broken, partly macer- ated Rugosa with fairly large subcylindrical corallites of diameters up to three-fourths of an inch and lamellar septa (pl. 11, fig. 32). These fossils suggest the Silurian genus Entelophyllum, well represented in the higher Lone Mountain Dolomite of the Mahogany Hills and Fish Creek Range as discussed below. LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE, SOUTHERN MAHOGANY HILLS Dark-gray carbonaceous dolomites containing abun- dant silicified fossils occur within the upper 500 feet of the Lone Mountain Dolomite 11/; miles north of the summit of Wood Cone Peak and 2 miles south-south- west of Combs Peak (Merriam, 1963, p. 41). As at Lone Mountain in the upper part of unit 2, these fossil- bearing carbonaceous dolomites are lenticular within the lighter gray barren dolomite and appear to occupy about the same stratigraphic interval (fig. 7). At locality M1112 the coral beds are quite extensive and are occupied almost solely by the colonial bushy Entelophyllum (pl. 10, fig. 11). Southwest of locality M 1112, and presumably much lower in the section, Halysites is present in dark-gray dolomite that possibly represents Lone Mountain unit 1. Still lower, in considerably faulted range-front ter- rane, are fossiliferous limestones of the Late Ordovician (Richmondian) horizons representing the Hanson Creek Formation (fig. 7). Walcott’s original locality for the “Trenton” fauna, now known to be that of the Han- 14 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA FIGURE 6.—South side of Lone Mountain, showing east-dipping stratigraphic section upward from Ordovician Antelope Valley Limestone (0a) on left to Devonian Nevada Formation (Dn) on right. Note color contrast differentiating darker gray Lone Mountain unit 1 (811) from lighter gray Lone Mountain unit 2 ($12). Oe—Eureka Quartzite; Oh—Hanson Creek Dolomite facies; Slb——Silurian basal chert; WP—West Peak; CP—Central Peak; FG—Fossil Gulch; CG—Charcoal Gulch. 1 2 3 4 5 Sulphur Spring Range Lune Mountain Mahogany Hills Diamond Mountains Confusion Range, Utah southern part southern part Oxyoke Canyon Ibex Hills® Devils Gate Devils Gate __‘_ Limestone Limestone S : ‘5 Bay State .9 m . Thickness ; Unit 5 (Bay State E Dolomite Member approximate g Dolomite Member) 3 Woodpecker u' Limestone F F Woodpecker Limestone Member Unit 4 Member E g Sentinel Mtn ' 3 Es Dolomite Member Sentinel Mountain 5 E Sandstgne E Dolomite Member 3 l2 em 9' Unit 3 (limestone facies) D Unit 2 (limestone g facies) '3 a Oxyoke Canyon in D m . . . 1:; Sandstone Member 5 C 5 Unit 2 (Iimestonejgclej) ___________ g m 2 Unit 1 z // Thwkfless 2 Beacon Peak XE B , apprDXImate _ Dolomite 5 o B P k - . / Nevada Formation M b to 3 ®A grammes ®— °"‘ ‘" ° 93 ® ® Lone Mountain (9; 4s Howellella E g Howells”: Dolomite E pauciplicm o E pauczp zca a F o . _. 2 o aulted 2 46 Vernczllopom, 8 'E Emelophyllum 3 Ente|0phv|lum section 0 Halysites, Huronia Faulted section 0 beds 0 M1112 D 40 Halysites .0 : t 2 ,7 ; Llsxocoelma . c Pycnastylux D : Faulted section 39, E E Halysites Unit 2 E ‘5' 34 Halysite: a a 5 g 25 E ”:2 2 Fish Haven Dolomite c . . . (D Sandstone resembling 0xvoke Canyon 8 a, [jalzsxtes Do|omrte facles Sandstone Member. 2 Halysites S. g (Flax; Eureka —- I 2 ® Measured section R.K. Hose, U.S. GeoL Survey 3 Pycnostvlids -' o Quartzlte (written commun. 1954): W - ' Fault contact W - Limestone , . (9 Hanson Creek Limestone fauna (Richmondieni, S Unit1 x § ®facies’,~” 1000 FEET Devonian coral mnes (D' E) Late Ordovician; locality of "Trenton fauna" " g; E ’1’” shown °" left °l column. (Haque, 1892, p. 58: Walcott, 1884, p. 273]. g G) 5 2 Base unexposed ® Disconformitv at base of Devonian. : f; g SOTO—mitE—_ § § 500 (9 Beacon Peak Dolomite Member with Rabbit HiH E g g E fades E E Helderbergian fossils in Sulphur Spring Range. 5%: in Eureka I :1 ® No field evidence of disconformity. '9 Quartzite 0 0 FIGURE 7.—Correlation diagram showing stratigraphic relations of the Lone Mountain Dolomite and its equivalence to the Laketown Dolomite of Utah. son Creek limestone facies, is situated here near the following forms: BM’7201, about nine-tenths of a mile north-northeast (‘2) Thamnopora sp. of Wood Cone, and one-half mile southeast of Entelo- Entelophyllum engelmanni n. sp. phyllum locality M1112. Camarotoechia sp. Except for abundant Entelophyllum, the fauna of ?Hyattidina sp.f locality M1112 is small and nondiverse, including only H owellella pauciplicata Waite AGE AND CORRELATION OF THE LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE 15 LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE, SOUTHERN FISH CREEK RANGE Low-dipping, considerably disturbed Lone Mountain Dolomite is in contact with the Nevada Formation 3 1/2 miles southwest of Fish Creek Springs, where these Devonian rocks and overlying Devils Gate Limestone make up the north end of Fenstermaker Mountain. Blocky Silurian dolomites exposed here lie within the upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite and yield well-preserved silicified coral-brachiopod assemblages (pl. 12, fig. 25) differing somewhat from the fauna of locality M1112 in the southern Mahogany Hills. Because of complex faulting not yet mapped out, the relation to the Nevada Formation is not entirely clear. It appears probable that these fossil-bearing dolomites directly underlie the Nevada and occupy about the same stratigraphic interval as the Mahogany Hills beds of locality M1112 and the fossil-bearing dolomite lenses at Lone Mountain locality M1122 (fig. 7). . Lone Mountain Dolomite faunas from two Fish Creek Range localities, both close to the south bound- ary of the Bellevue Peak quadrangle, are described here. The localities are M1 1 13, near the range crest, and M1087, a quarter of a mile west. The fauna from locality M1087 (pl. 12, fig. 25) is listed below: slender ramose favositids (thin-walled) Alveolites sp. Entelophyllum engelmanni subsp. b Tryplasma sp. ?Hyattidina sp. f H indella sp. a H owellella smithi Waite The fauna collected at locality M1113 follows: massive favositids (small colonies) ?Thamnopora sp. Entelophyllum eurekaensis n. sp. Entelophyllum sp. Cf. E. engelmanni subsp. b Salopina sp. f . Camarotoechia pahranagatensis Waite Camarotoechia sp. b Camarotoechia sp. f Atry pa sp. f ?Hyattidina sp. f H owellella smithi Waite LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE, SULPHUR SPRING RANGE Characteristic Silurian dolomites assigned to the Lone Mountain form the large fault block at East Ridge, south of Romano Ranch (fig. 1). The east- dipping blocky dolomite is in contact on the west with the Nevada Formation along the high-angle north- south Romano fault. The areal geology and structure as mapped in this vicinity strongly suggest that Lone Mountain Dolomite also underlies the Early Devonian Beacon Peak Dolomite Member between the Romano fault and the parallel major Mulligan Gap fault 2 miles west. The Lone Mountain Dolomite of East Ridge is about 1,200 feet thick. Silicified corals were collected at locality M1121 near the fault in lower strata of this block and at locality M1148 on the east in the higher beds. Both faunas represent a Halysites-pycnostylid biofacies (fig. 7 ). That of the lower horizon contains a large undescribed pycnostylid genus with flaring calice (pl. 11, figs. 28, 29) in association with Halysites. The upper fauna includes a great abundance of the slender phaceloid Pycnostylus (pl. 11, fig. 30) together with Halysites. Corals of the East Ridge H alysites-pycnostylid bio- facies are not related to those of the higher Lone Moun- tain in the Mahogany Hills and Fish Creek Range, which are the Entelophyllum-Howellella association designated below as the upper Lone Mountain—Lake- town biofacies. It is probable that these East Ridge dolomites are a lower interval of the Lone Mountain sequence, possibly including some of Lone Mountain unit 1. AGE AND CORRELATION OF THE LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE All identifiable fossils collected during this investi- gation from Lone Mountain Dolomite of the type area are of Silurian age. They include the Entelophyllum- H owellella assemblages of the Mahogany Hills and Fish Creek Range and those of the Halysites-pycnostylid facies of the Sulphur Spring Range (fig. 7). Rugose corals of the genus Entelophyllum and the pycnostylids are unknown in Devonian rocks; halysitids of the types occurring in the Lone Mountain are not known to have survived beyond the Silurian. Whereas studies of the Lone Mountain Dolomite at Lone Mountain itself have brought forth no unequiv- ocal evidence of Silurian age in that immediate locality, nearby exposures of this dolomite have yielded an abundance of Silurian fossil material. The three described E ntelophyllum-bearing faunas from localities M1112, M1087, and M1113 have species in common, and while differing somewhat in detail, probably all represent a single stratigraphic interval corresponding to the upper 500 feet of Lone Mountain unit 2 at Lone Mountain. These faunas are of Late Silurian age and characterize the upper Lone Mountain—Laketown bio- facies (table 2). Moreover, discovery in the Lone Mountain Dolomite at Lone Mountain of coralline lenses comprising large volumes of comminuted rugose corals suggesting Entelophyllum (pl. 11, fig. 32) seems to bear out the possible equivalence of these beds in 16 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA TABLE 2.—Characteristic fossils of the upper Lone M ountain— Laketown biofaces Lone Mountain Dolomite JEQEEEEEL Mahogany Hills M1112 Fish Creek Range Confusion Range Utah Unit 48 Pahranagat Range Nevada Laketown Dolomite Silurian dolomite M1087 X M1113 Massive favositids (small colonies) ............................ Ramose favositids (thin-walled) ...... ?Thamnopora sp Alveolites slp .............. Entelophyl um engelmanm 9 n. sp ............................................ Entelophyllum engelmanni n. sp Tryplasma sp x Salopina sp. f Camarotoechia sp X Camarotoechia pahranagatensis Waite .......................................... Camarotoechia sp. b Camarotoechia sp. f .......................... Atrypella carinata Johnson ............ Atrypa sp. f .. ?Hyattidina sp. f ....... ?Hyattidina hesperal W te H indella sp. a .................................... X Howellella pauciplicata Waite x Howellella smithi Waite .............. X X ?Meristina sp .................................... Douvillina geniculata Waite ........ Lone Mountain unit 2 to the Late Silurian Entelo- phyllum beds of the Mahogany Hills and Fish Creek Range. Comparison of the Entelophyllum-Howellella assem- blages of the Lone Mountain Dolomite with Silurian faunas of the higher Laketown Dolomite in the eastern Great Basin provides good evidence of age and correla- tion. A suitable Laketown reference section 'for present purposes is that of the Ibex Hills, Confusion Range, Utah, mapped and measured by R. K. Hose (written communs., 1954—1964). The Ibex Hills Laketown (fig. 7) is about 1,200 feet thick, underlain by Late Ordovi- cian Fish Haven Dolomite and overlain disconformably by probable Early Devonian beds of the Sevy Dolomite. Units 29 to 49 of the Hose measured section fall within the Laketown. Laketown unit 48, about 60 feet below the Sevy contact, contains the diagnostic Late Silurian fauna of the upper Lone Mountain—Laketown biofacies, whose key fossil is H owellella pauciplicata Waite. N0 Entelophyllum has yet been collected from unit 48 of the Ibex Hills section, although generally in the eastern Great Basin Laketown this rugose coral is present. Upper Laketown beds correlative with unit 48 occur «9X gxxgxxx 2x2 xx: xx-exéiiiiéi Ex: in the Pahranagat Range of southern Nevada (Waite, 1956; Johnson and Reso, 1964). In that area the char- acterizing Howellella is the coarser ribbed species H. smithi Waite, present also in the Lone Mountain of Fish Creek Range, but doubtfully represented in unit 48 of the Confusion Range, where pauciplicata predominates. Other Silurian faunas characterize the greater part of the Ibex Hills Laketown Dolomite below unit 48. The faunas in units 29 upward to unit 47 have not yet been found in the Lone Mountain Dolomite. Of special inter- est is the abundance of the dasycladacean alga Verticil- lopora in unit 46, a genus that reaches its peak in Late Silurian coral zone D of the Silurian limestone facies of the westerly Great Basin. H alysites appears to be absent or very uncommon in the Great Basin higher Silurian, not having been recog- nized in the upper Lone Mountain—Laketown biofacies or in Late Silurian coral zones D and E of the westerly limestone facies. However, halysitids are clearly facies controlled and generally through the Silurian and Late Ordovician may be very abundant or totally lacking in a given assemblage where other corals are common. Pycnostylid Rugosa are distinctive Silurian corals, seemingly also subject to some degree of facies control. The Halysites-pycnostylid association of the Silurian dolomite of Sulphur Spring Range has not yet been identified in the lower Laketown, where it is to be expected. In the Silurian limestone facies of the west- erly Great Basin, the pycnostylid genera range upward to coral zones D and E but, being absent from the Rabbit Hill, are not known to survive into the Early Devonian. The Lone Mountain Dolomite is assumed to be cor- relative for the most part with the Roberts Mountains Limestone, an assumption based upon stratigraphic position, but, because of biofacies differences, unsup- ported by direct paleontologic evidence (fig. 4). Con- clusive evidence of lateral intertonguing of the two car— bonate facies is unavailable; however, within the type section of the Roberts Mountains Limestone, interbeds of dolomitic limestone and dolomite (Winterer and Murphy, 1960) suggest the possibility of such a relation in that area. In this type section, the uppermost beds of the Roberts Mountains Limestone have largely changed over to dolomite. These uppermost strata fall in Late Silurian coral zone D. Above zone D, the section is barren dolomite wherein highest Silurian coral zone E would be expected; it is not improbable that these dolo- mites may represent a northerly tongue of Lone Moun- tain Dolomite unit 2, above which lies the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of Rabbit Hill (Early Devonian) age (fig. 8). RELATION OF RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE TO LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE 1 Simpson Park 17 2 Roberts Mountains Range Roberts Creek 3 Coal Canyon Mountain Lone Mountain | l — 12 miles 20 miles ' I \ | ‘ Elke g I . i,’_'_- Battle! t DF / Mountain DD Nevada /' ' ‘ Formation I E Nevada E 1:; DE Formation g; m / .7 ssssss t -_ —— a FEUI‘WQ and 1,,” Beacon Peakl?) \\\ DD ( alluvru/rn// Dolomite Member \\ E 7 .7*-» ““““ Devonian \\\ — \\\\\\ \ ‘ \oc Rabbit Hill ~~~~~~~ \ Coral zones DA and DB unrecognized \ DA Limestone ,/ Silurian ® Austin °Eureka (30 Emelophyllum beds (Silurian) o 569‘ i SE ® Lone Mountain . unit 2 ................... |\ Lone Mountain ‘\ : Coal Canyon Dolomite ‘\ (E fault zone \ a 3 SD , Dolomite U! Roberts Mountains SC [A Lone Mountain 0 25 50 MILES Limestone unit 1 o Silurian basal chert Manhattan . Silurian basal chert Hanson Creek E Dolomite Dolomite Eureka 5 '3 Ouartzite \\ \\ Ordovician G) Coral zone SE unrecognized in dolomite facies. @ Beacon Peak Dolomite Member contains Rabbit Hill fossils 10 miles east in Sulphur Spring Range. ® Beacon Peak Dolomite Member unrecognized at Lone Mountaln. Great Basin Silurian and Devonian coral zones (SA, DA) indicated by capital letters on left of column \‘\\ Hanson Creek Limestone Eureka . i Ouartzite ' '- Dolomite 1000 FEET 500 0 VERTICAL SCALE FIGURE 8.—Correlation diagram showing stratigraphic relation of Rabbit Hill Limestone to Lone Mountain Dolomite as interpreted. Fossils have not been found in the uppermost Lone Mountain Dolomite in its type area, that is, within the 300 feet or so between Late Silurian Entelophyllum- Howellella beds and the Devonian Nevada Formation. Accordingly, in a negative way it is not entirely possible at present to rule out Early, perhaps pre-Helderberg, Devonian age for the highest Lone Mountain. Factors to be weighed are Helderbergian age of the lowest Nevada member, the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member, plus absence from the type Lone Mountain section at Lone Mountain of the Beacon Peak. In that section Nevada Formation unit 1 with post-Helderberg fossils rests conformably upon the Lone Mountain as mapped. In View of a seemingly gradational boundary, it is there- fore not inconceivable that beds mapped as the highest barren Lone Mountain may occupy the Helderbergian time-stratigraphic interval. On tenuous evidence, the Lone Mountain Dolomite has in recent years been interpreted by several paleon- tologists as at least partly Devonian, a View seemingly inspired by earlier suggested lateral equivalence of the Rabbit Hill Limestone to the upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite (Merriam, 1963, fig. 7). A further complication has been added by conodont, graptolite, and brachiopod investigators (Clark and Ethington, 1966; Johnson, 1970), who conclude that a not incon- siderable upper part of the Roberts Mountains Lime- stone is also Devonian. These age conclusions are not substantiated by Merriam’s (1973a) rugose coral and brachiopod studies. Clearly an appraisal and adjust- ment of these conflicting paleontologic findings is called for, taking into account a review of the stratigraphic ranges of all fossil groups represented in the light of more recent structural and stratigraphic study of the enclosing rocks. CONCLUSIONS REGARDING RELATION 0F RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE TO LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE Among objectives of this investigation is elucidation of age and stratigraphic relation of the Rabbit Hill Limestone to the Lone Mountain Dolomite, the two units having previously been viewed as locally occupy- ing similar or overlapping stratigraphic positions and never occurring in the same stratigraphic column (fig. 8). These paleontologic studies strongly indicate that the Rabbit Hill fauna is of Helderbergian (Early Devo- nian) age and is accordingly younger than the highest 18 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA known Lone Mountain Dolomite fossil horizon, which is Late Silurian and lies no more than 400 feet below the top of the dolomite formation. This factor greatly narrows down the possibility of age equivalence of any of the Rabbit Hill to the uppermost part of the Lone Mountain. Factors of stratigraphic significance bearing upon the Rabbit Hill—Lone Mountain relation are: (1) probable time-stratigraphic equivalence of Lone Mountain unit 1 and much of Lone Mountain unit 2 to the Roberts Mountains Limestone of Silurian age as previously demonstrated, and (2) the stratigraphic position of the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member carrying a Rabbit Hill fauna and overlying the Lone Mountain Dolomite (figs. 4, 7). Failure to discover fossils in the uppermost type area Lone Mountain Dolomite leaves open the possibility that the beds in unit 2 carrying the Silurian (Ludlo- vian) upper Lone Mountain—Laketown assemblages might conceivably be succeeded upward by a very Early Devonian or Helderbergian fauna. However, the bio- facies differences here might well eliminate a direct fossil comparison. The Lone Mountain faunas of unit 2 include the spiriferoid genus Howellella and massive tabulate corals, each represented by differing species in the Rabbit Hill, but in general the biofacies differ- ences are great. In fact, it would appear that the mag- nitude of this faunal disparity, enhanced as it is by facies, may be somewhat disproportionate to actual age difference between the two formations. GREAT BASIN SILURIAN AND DEVONIAN CORAL ZONES Rugose corals were used to zone Silurian and Devo- nian strata of the Great Basin (Merriam, 1971a, 1971b). The five proposed Silurian zones are lettered A through E in ascending stratigraphic order. Zone A is of Early Silurian age (Llandoverian), B and C are Middle Silurian (Wenlockian) , and D and E are Late Silurian (Ludlovian). The nine Devonian coral zones are lettered A through I; of these zones, A, B, and C are Early Devonian, zone D is Early and early Middle Devonian, zones E, F, G, and probably the lower half of H are Middle Devonian, and coral zone I is Late Devonian. In both systems, the coral zonation is best shown in the limestone facies (figs. 4, 7, 8). The Rabbit Hill Limestone is within Devonian coral zone A, characterized by the Syringaxon biofacies. There is a very profound discontinuity in rugose coral history between Late Silurian coral zone E of the upper- most Roberts Mountains Limestone and Early Devo- nian coral zone A of the conformably overlying Rabbit Hill. Following a great burst of coral evolution in Silurian coral zone E, nearly all of the rugose coral genera drop out abruptly. In most places the Rugosa continue to be represented in coral zone A of the Rabbit Hill by the one small solitary genus Syringaxon, which is abundant. The next great burst of rugose coral evolu- tion took place locally in Devonian coral zone D. Knowledge of Rugosa in Silurian dolomite facies of the Lone Mountain and the Laketown Dolomite is at this time not sufficient for coral zonation. Rugosa are locally abundant in several horizons of the Laketown, ranging from beds with Palaeocyclus, possibly corre- sponding to Silurian coral zone A (Merriam, 1973a) , to those higher in the column containing Rhabdocyclus, Tryplasma, lykophyllids, and Entelophyllum. SYSTEMATIC AND DESCRIPTIVE PALEONTOLOGY This general paleontologic study of Rabbit Hill and Lone Mountain faunas is concurrent with research upon Great Basin Silurian and Early Devonian rugose corals. Among its objectives are support for and strengthening of conclusions based on the coral studies. Questions of stratigraphic superposition, age, and geologic correlation having to do with setting up of reliable composite reference sections for the Great Basin Silurian and Devonian require integration of all lines of paleontologic evidence derived from study of as much as possible of entire faunas. The rugose corals are by themselves insufficient for achieving these objec- tives. New genera and species of Great Basin Rugosa are in some instances unknown in distant standard sections of eastern North America and the Old World, hence at present are of no direct comparative value in this regard. Among megafossils normally associated ecologically with Rugosa, the brachiopods have been relied upon for age conclusions within the Cordilleran mid-Paleo- zoic. The determinative advantages of good brachiopod interiors, where these shells, like those of the Rabbit Hill and the Lone Mountain, are excellently preserved by silicification are well known. Among rugose corals in these environments, fine structures of wall and septa are usually damaged or nearly destroyed by the same silici- fication processes. Brachiopods named and described are those silicified and most abundant in the Rabbit Hill bioclastic limestones and in the dark-gray car- bonaceous facies of the Lone Mountain. Other brachio- pods are at this time insufficiently represented for naming and full description, and much remains to be done with the paleontology of this fossil group. System- atics of the Rugosa are entered into more fully in contributions dealing wholly with this Order (Merriam, 1973a, 1973b, 1973c). Of less commonly silicified fossils, few have been touched upon. Mollusca, Echino- derms, bryozoans, ostracods, and most of the trilobites FAMILY FAVOSITIDAE DANA 19 remain to be described. Rabbit Hill platy limestones and shaly-silty lami- nated beds are locally rich in trilobite remains and in places contain conularids and abundant tentaculites. Near Walti Ranch (locality M1074) in the Simpson Park Range, thin-bedded Rabbit Hill limestones yield well-preserved Conularia comparable to Hall’s C. hunti- ana of the eastern Helderbergian (pl. 2, figs. 18—20). In the taxonomic sense, greater faunal differentiation of the Rabbit Hill as compared with the upper Lone Mountain is noteworthy. Of the Rabbit Hill silicified bioclastic limestone fossils from the type section, some 26 taxa are listed here; these are only part of the total preserved fossil assemblages in this facies. Fossils are numerous in the restricted upper Lone Mountain dark- gray carbonaceous dolomite facies, but the preserved fauna is small and nondiverse. Only 11 taxa were recog- nized in the most diverse of these faunas from the Fish Creek Range. Some upward adjustment of this species count would doubtless be called for, if unsilicified, and therefore unrecovered, shell-bearing forms were known. It is seemingly a safe assumption that the diagenetic dolomite faunas of the higher Lone Mountain were initially far less diverse taxonomically than the Rabbit Hill Limestone bioclastic facies. Marine environmental differences, little understood, would appear to be a logical explanation for these disparities in faunal diversity. In general, shallow-water marine conditions during accumulation of the richly fossiliferous Rabbit Hill Limestones must have been far more hospitable than during deposition of the diagenetic upper Lone Mountain dolomites. Except for the local carbonaceous bodies, these magnesian carbonates are sparsely fossilif- erous or completely barren. FOSSILS OF THE RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND BEACON PEAK DOLOMITE MEMBER OF THE NEVADA FORMATION Order TABULATA Edwards and Haime, 1850 Family FAVOSITIDAE Dana, 1346 Tabulate corals are the abundant and usually the only colonial corals in the Early Devonian Rabbit Hill Limestone. As limestone builders, the favositids con- tributed much of the material in bioclastic facies, where they are accompanied by the small solitary rugose coral Syringaxon. Tabulates continue to predominate in coralline facies to the early Middle Devonian beds in the higher part of coral zone D, where colonial Rugosa become fairly common. In Middle Devonian coral zone F, colonial Rugosa outnumber Tabulata and the favositids are no longer common in this region. The local Devonian evolutionary peak of the Tabulata was thus reached in argillaceous limestone facies of Nevada Formation unit 2 and coral zone D, in which they out- number Rugosa. As noted by earlier researchers in 506-612 0 - 73 - 4 corals the Paleozoic Tabulata throve better in muddy seas than did colonial rugose corals, especially in turbid bottom environments, where stromatoporoids are absent. Similar argillaceous sediments are present as interbeds in both Rabbit Hill Limestone and Nevada unit 2. Tabulates are numerous in each case, and in each the stromatoporoids are quite uncommon. Three subfamilies of the Favositidae are present in the Rabbit Hill Limestone: (1) Favositinae with the genus Favosites; (2) Pachyporinae with Striatopora; and (3) Micheliniinae with Pleurodictyum. Genera that would be expected here, but have not been identi- fied, are Emmonsia, Alveolites, Coenites, and Clado- pora. There are no Heliolitidae or Syringoporinae in the collections, and Halysitidae are absent. Of special stratigraphic significance is the abundance of Pleuro’dictyum of the P. lenticulare lineage; as noted by several investigators, these corals characterize rocks of about Helderbergian age in widely scattered parts of the globe. Other and distinct Pleurodictyum lineages occur in strata of Silurian age (Amsden, 1949, p. 100) and range upward to the Middle Devonian (Fenton and Fenton, 1936; Stumm, 1950, 1964). Neither Pleuro- dictyum nor Striatopora have been recognized among the abundant tabulate corals of Nevada unit 2 and coral zone D. Subiamily FAVOSITINAE Dana. 1846 Genus Favosites Lamurck, 1816 Favosites cl. 1". helderbergiae Hall Plate 1, figures 16—19 The corallum of these massive favositids ranges from large and globose or hemispherical more than 6 inches in greatest diameter to elongate, digitate, and lobose. Coralla with polygonal corallites 2—3 mm (millimeters) Wide are distinguishable from those with small coral- lites less than 2 mm. The wall is uniformly thin, a char- acteristic of the genus; mural pores are moderately large, disposed in either one or two vertical columns per polygonal wall facet, have thickened rims, and may be covered by a pore plate. Tabulae are usually rather widely spaced, but in some coralla are closely set. Septal spines are minute and very scarce. There are no squamulae as in Emmonsia and certain species of the Favosites alpenesis group of Swann (1947). Numerous small reproductive offsets characterize some mature coralla. These are usually but not always situated inter- nally at wall facet junction angles. At present there are no criteria by which these Rabbit Hill massive favositids may be distinguished from surficially similar species of Nevada unit 2 (coral zone D). But available material of zone D Favosites does not reveal the numerous reproductive offsets on distal surfaces of mature coralla. Certain species of Silurian Favosites like F. gothlandicus, the type species, 20 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA attain a uniformly much greater corallite width than any of those in the Rabbit Hill or Nevada Formations. Subiamily PACHYPORINAE Gerth. 1921 Genus Striatopora Hall. 1851 ‘ Striatopom cl. S. gwenensis Amsden Plate 1, figures 1, 3—6 1963 S triatopora sp. cf. S. gwenensis Amsden. Merriam, p. 43. Branching S triatopora with thick cylindrical coralla tapering toward tips of branches. Septal ridges promi- nent in polygonal calices. Corallite walls thickened throughout by lamellar stereoplasm; greatly thickened laterally around calices. Tabulae few and widely spaced, visible in axial vicinity only, obscured by stereoplasm peripherally. No mural pores or septal spines recognized. Presence of large and small calices suggests corallite dimorphism as recognized by Oliver (1966) for the type species, S. flexuosa Hall. The type species appears to be of more slender construction and internally the “a-corallites” of Oliver (1966, p. 449) are much thinner walled axially than in the Rabbit Hill species. Associated with S triatopora in the Rabbit Hill Lime- stone are slender ramose tabulates of similar external appearance, but possessing thin walls, calices without septal ridges, and large mural pores. Some of these have an external holotheca covering calices of earlier formed parts of a corallum. Striatopora has not been recognized in Devonian strata above the Rabbit Hill Helderbergian of the Great Basin. Sublumily MICHELINIINAE Waugen and Wentzel, 1886 Genus Pleurodictyum Goldiuss, 1329 Type species.——Pleurodictyum problematicum Gold- fuss 1829. Lower Devonian, Coblenz and Eifel districts, Germany. Known in the form of molds with supposed worm tube in basal part. Diagnosis.—Corallum round-ovoid transversely with convex upper surface; base unevenly flattened, con- cave or convex. Corallites large, radiating outward from conical initial chamber, numbering from one to more than 30, with thick hexagonal walls pierced by irregu- larly spaced large communicating pores or canals. Walls with as many as 36 rudimentary pseudosepta com- posed of vertically arranged spines. Tabulae are usually absent. Remarks.—Like P. ploblematicum, the Lower Devo- nian representatives of this genus are in part low, laterally extended encrusting forms, the shape of whose corallum base is more or less determined by the sub— stratum. There are uncertainties about the structure of problematicum because of its preservation as moulds. Sardeson (1896, p. 292) interpreted this species as lacking tabulae, but later workers (Stumm, 1950), p. 210; Hill and Stumm, 1956, p_. F466) regard Pleura- dictyum broadly as having tabulae. Middle Devonian large forms with numerous tabulae and radially elon- gate corallites are assigned by some workers to M iche- linia de Koninck 1841 (Sardeson, 1896, p. 294; Hill and Stumm, 1956, p. F466). By others, Michelinia is regarded as a synonym. According to Stumm (1964, p. 77—79), Pleurodictyum includes larger species with abundant tabulae, and the genus is subdivided as two subgenera; Pleurodictyum (Pleurodictyum) has walls with strong septal ridges or spines and complete or incomplete tabulae, and Pleurodictyum (Procteria) Davis has smooth to faintly striate walls, cystose tabellae in the larger species, and a thick papillose peritheca. Some Middle Devonian forms such as “P.” stylopora (Eaton?) from the Hamilton Group of North America also are reported to have the tubular vermi- form body of problematicum. Simple species of Pleurodictyum having only a few large corallites were present in the Silurian as repre- sented by P. tennesseensis Amsden of the Brownsport Formation (Amsden, 1949, p. 100, pl. XXIII, figs. 1—3). Dunbar (1920, p. 118, pl. 1, figs. 5—7) has described P. trifoliatum, another primitive more or less encrusting species from the Lower Devonian Rockhouse Shale of Tennessee. If the new Rabbit Hill Helderbergian species Pleuro- dictyum dunbari is correctly assigned generically, it seems likely that these forms early developed two growth habits, the low encrusting one like P. lenticulare (Hall) of the New York Helderberg and the elongate stalked form like P. dunbari, which appears to be related to the Silurian P. tennesseensis and to the more abbreviated trifoliatum. Pleurodictyum nevudensis n. sp. Plate 1, figures 7—12 1963 Michelinia sp., Merriam, p. 43. Type material.—Holotype, USNM 159517; paratype USNM 159518. Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone, locality M404. Diagnosis.—Pleurodictyum with large polygonal ra- diating corallites having a deep calice. Base usually shows conical apex of initial corallite and may be flattened, convex, or concave. Pseudosepta, as many as 40, consist of longitudinal rows of close-set short spines. Walls thick, pierced by large connecting pores in com- mon wall of adjoining chambers, about 80 openings per square centimeter. No tabulae, the deeper medial calices extending almost to proximal (basal) wall. Smaller newly added chambers near periphery. Remarks.——-This form varies from encrusting indi- viduals with roughly concave proximal surface and thickened peritheca to erect forms with projecting FAMILY LACCOPHYLLIDAE GRABAU 21 initial corallite and very deep calices. Larger encrusting individuals have 36 corallites, but usually the erect ones have many fewer. Pleurodictyum nevadensis n. sp. resembles the Hel- derbergian P. lenticularis (Hall). Hall’s figures (1887, pl. III, figs. 1, 2, 3, 5) show large corallites that are shallow with broad floor, not open nearly to the coral- lum base as in P. nevadensis. It is not known whether the broad corallite floor of lenticularis is actually a tabula. Beecher’s (1893a, p. 211) studies of the devel- opment of lenticularis imply that this primitive species is nontabulate. Occurrence—Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, locality M1309 (cf.). Petes Canyon, Toquima Range, locality M1150 (cf.). Walti Ranch, Simpson Park Range, locality M1074 (cf.). Mount Tenabo, Cortez Mountains, locality M1083. Pleurodictyum dunbari n. sp. Plate 1, figures 13—15 1963 Pleurodictyum cf. P. trifoliatum Dunbar. Merriam, p. 43. Type material.—Holotype, USNM 159522; paratype USNM 159523. Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone, locality M409. Diagnosis.—Stalked, elongate, simply branching Pleurodictyum with one to six thick-walled large coral- lites with deep calice, a central calicinal boss, and about 22 prominent pseudosepta composed of longitudinally alined spines. Peritheca thick, with a basal expanded pedal attachment. Remarks.—The mural pores are large and serve to establish this aberrant form as a tabulate coral. A transverse thin section of the stalk 1 cm above the basal attachment shows parts of five closely appressed thick-walled corallites; these have about 12 thick pseudosepta or septal spines, some of which reach the center and are for the most part laterally in contact. The thick main stalk with expanded apical (or basal) attachment appears to be that of the initial corallite from which the others have budded off, more or less in the manner described by Beecher for Pleurodictyum lenticulare (Hall) (1893a, p. 207—212, pls. 9—13), but after the primary corallite attained large size and was growing erectly from its apical attachment disc. A silicified specimen reveals no trace of tabulae in longi- tudinal section. of the stalk, but these structures could have been destroyed by the silicification. Pleurodictyum trifoliatum Dunbar (1920, p. 118, pl. 1, figs. 5—7) of the Lower Devonian Rockhouse Shale in Tennessee lacks the stalk and is an encrusting form, but is otherwise similar to P. dunbari n. sp.; somewhat closer perhaps is P. tennesseensis Amsden (1949, p. 100, pl. XXIII, figs. 1—3) of the Silurian Brownsport Formation, which is erect but lacks the elongate stalk. Occurrence—Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Order RUGOSA Edwards and Haime. 1850 Family LACCOPHYLLIDAE Grabau, 1928 Reference form—Syringaxon siluriensis (McCoy), 1850. Small solitary trochoid to subcylindrical rugose corals with very deep calice, straight, smooth lamellar septa, a narrow septal stereozone, and tubular stereo- plasmic aulos. Tabulae partly complete, very strongly uparched; nearly flat within aulos, steeply inclined peripherally. No dissepiments. These nondissepimented, but otherwise specialized corals are distinguished by the strong inner ring pro- duced by swelling of septal tips and commonly rather heavy addition of extraneous stereoplasm. Arching of tabulae is pronounced. The Laccophyllidae occur in the Silurian and Devonian, wherein they may be abun- dant in a facies lacking other Rugosa. Nearly identical small corals like Permia, reappearing in the Carbonif- erous, may be homeomorphic (Hudson, 1944, p. 360; Flfigel and Free, 1962, p. 232). Somewhat less conver- gent are the Permian Polycoeliidae as revised by Schindewolf (1942, p. 55). Syringaxon, the only member of this family recog- nized in the Great Basin, is the characterizing rugose coral of the Helderberg (Early Devonian) Syringaxon facies. Genus Syringaxon Lindstréim. 1882 1882 1900 1902 S yringaxon Lindstro'm, p. 20. Laccophyllum Simpson, p. 201. N icholsonia Pocta, p. 184. Cited in plate explanations as Alleynia (Nicholsonia). Laccophyllum Simpson. Grabau, p. 82. Alleynia Poéta AN icholsonia Poéta). Grabau, p. 82 Syringaxon Lindstrom. Butler, p. 117. Syringaxon Lindstrom (in part). Prantl, p. 21. S yringaxon Lindstrom. Lang, Smith, and Thomas, p. 129. Syringaxon Lindstrom. Stumm, p. 10. Syringaxon Lindstro'm. Hill, p. F258. Syringaxon Lindstriim (in part). Fliigel and Free, p. 224. 1928 1928 1935 1938 1940 1949 1956 1962 Type species.—By monotypy, Cyathaxonia silurien- sis McCoy, 1850 (p. 281); Silurian, upper Ludlow, Underbarrow, Kendal, Westmorland, England. Accord- ing to Butler (1935, p. 118) and Lang, Smith, and Thomas (1940, p. 129), Lindstrom, in naming the genus, gave no diagnosis, merely using McCoy’s species siluriensis under the new generic name Syringaxon in his faunal lists of the Gotland Silurian (Lindstrom, 1882,p. 20). . 22 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA Diagnosis.—Small, solitary turbinate and ceratoid to cylindrical rugose corals with deep calice and lacking dissepiments. Axial ends of major septa dilated and laterally in contact to form an aulos. Tabulae strongly uparched distally, the aulos dividing them into inner flat or slightly sagging segments and outer segments that descend steeply to meet the outer wall (Fliigel and Free, 1962, fig. 3); tabulae either continuous from wall to wall through aulos stereozone, terminating Within the aulos or abutting proximally as tabellae against adjacent tabulae. Stereome usually abundant as aulos thickening and general thickening or filling in brephic and neanic growth stages. Narrow fossulae commonly reveal quadrants in late neanic growth stages. Remarks.—The genus Laccophyllrrm was proposed by Simpson (1900, p. 201) with L. acuminatum Simp- son from the Niagaran of Tennessee as type species. Butler’s exhaustive study ( 1935) fixed McCoy’s ( 1850, p. 281) “Cyathaxonia siluriensis” as the type species of Syringaxon Lindstrém, following which Lang, Smith, and Thomas (1940, p. 129) concluded that the holo- type of Laccophyllum acuminatum Simpson is assign- able to Syringaxon, making Laccophyllum Simpson a synonym of Syringaxon Lindstrom. Alleynia Poéta or Alleynia (Nicholsonia) Poéta (Lang and others, 1940, p. 15, 129) appears to be cor- rectly interpreted as a synonym of Syringaxon. Barrandeophyllum Poéta (1902, p. 190) resembles Syringaxon. According to Prantl (1938, p. 34), who studied Pocta’s cotypes of Barrandeophyllum per- plexum the type species, this genus is closely related to Syringaxon. Barrandeophyllum is distinguished by irregularities of the aulos, usually elliptical in trans- verse section, and by a sparing development of dissepi- ments. Stereoplasm is always present, though not abundant. The type species of Barrandeophyllum is reported from the Early Devonian Branik Limestone of Bohemia. Syringaxon ranges from the Tennessee Niag- aran through strata of Early Devonian (Helderberg) age in western North America and is reported in the Late Devonian Independence Shale of Iowa (Stain- brook, 1946, p. 402). As noted by Hudson (1944, p. 360), small, rather simple corals resembling Syringaxon range upward to the Carboniferous, where they are represented by Permia Stuckenberg. According to Hudson, Permia and Syringaxon are homeomorphs. Small solitary corals resembling Syringaxon occur in the Silurian part of the Hidden Valley Dolomite of the northern Panamint Mountains (McAllister, 1952, p. 15—17). Following the great proliferation of this genus in the Helderbergian of the Great Basin, it virtually disappeared from this region; scarce and fragmentary specimens that may belong either in Syringaxon or Barrandeophyllum have been found in Nevada Forma- tion unit 2 at Lone Mountain. Syringaxon ioerstei n. sp. Plate 2, figures 1—10 1963 Syringaxon acuminatum (Simpson). Merriam, p. 43. Type material.—-Holotype, USNM 159243; figured paratypes, USNM 159245—159250. Rabbit Hill Lime- stone, Early Devonian, Central Great Basin, Monitor Range. Diagnosis.—Syringaxon having a very deep calice, thick wall, prominent longitudinal grooves externally and on interior of calice wall, and a high septal count for this genus. Cardinal and alar septa differentiated in neanic stages. External features.—Corallum large for the genus, attaining a length exceeding 30 mm and greatest dia- meter of 27 mm at edge of calice; average length about 19 mm with maximum diameter 16 mm (see table). Calice very deep, in large individuals 16 mm, or more than half the corallum length. Average specimen trochoid; ceratoid individuals fairly common; turbinate and nearly cylindrical individuals uncommon. Septal grooves sharply defined and distinctly pinnate with reference to the primary septa. Rugae weakly defined or absent, rarely prominent. Occasional individuals with talons or attachment surface at apex. Septa extend distally as low subequal ridges on inside of calice, rarely becoming obsolete. Aulos defined as ring- shaped boss at bottom of calice in many individuals; in other specimens the aulos is ill defined and narrow fossulae may outline quadrants made by the primary septa. Transverse sections.—Mature sections show from 26 to more than 30 major septa extending three-fourths of the distance to the axis. Minor septa normally pres- ent, but in some individuals not recognized at matu- rity; these septa range from mere stubs to one-third the length of major septa; in some instances, they are buried within the peripheral stereoplasm. Septa usually Syringaxon (foerstei) n. sp. Table of measurements (in mm) Holotype USN M 1592 43 Paratype USNM 159244 Paratype USNM 159246 Paratype USNM 159248 Figured specimen USN M 159352 Restored corallum length Calice depth ........ 16 Outside diameter at calice bottom .............. 12 Number of major septa at calice bottom .............. 28 Ephebic section: Diameter .......... 9.5 13 15.6 Major septa 26 24 26 N H WK] H E" 01 N A n FAMILY ENDOPHYLLIDAE TORLEY 23 dilated toward tips, laterally in contact and reinforCed by stereoplasm to produce an aulos. Entire septum may be somewhat dilated. Individuals with poorly defined aulos show pairs of contiguous septa meeting axially like a tuning fork, the merged segments continuing toward axis; they may reveal quadrate transverse sym- metry. The peripheral stereozone may exceed 1 mm, but it is usually not as thick as the aulos. Amount of stereoplasm varies considerably; some early ephebic sections show entire aulos filled with this material. Appearance of false dissepiments may result from sec- tion cutting bulbous distal inflations of tabulae between aulos and outer wall. Longitudinal sections.—Outer segments of tabulae descend steeply, with upward inflection before meeting the stereozone. Some complete tabulae are vague within the aulos; others are traceable completely across. Aulos segments of tabulae may be thickened stereoplasmically. In some individuals complete tab- ulae have M-shape curvature with near-vertical outer segments. Tabular spacing nonuniform, usually fairly wide. Comparison with related forms.——Butler’s (1935) figures of Syringaxon siluriensis (McCoy) show a maturely cerioid to subcylindrical form with fewer septa and poorly developed minor septa. S. foerstei includes externally similar subcylindrical variants, but the norm is a trochoid corallum. Both species are inclined to have heavy stereoplasmic deposits in the aulos and a wide septal stereozone. Of several species figured by Prantl (1938) from the Devonian of Czecho- slovakia, most have a lower septal count and elongate subcylindrical coralla. Species described from the Greifensteiner Kalk (Eifelian) of Germany by Fliigel and Free (1962) have a weaker aulos and less arching of tabulae. Occurrence—Rabbit Hill Limestone of Helderberg (Early Devonian) age; Devonian coral zone A. North- ern Monitor Range, Rabbit Hill vicinity, localities M48, M49, M187. Middle part of the Monitor Range, Dobbin Summit area, localities M1067, M1068, M1069. North- ern Simpson Park Range: Walti Hot Springs area, locality M1074; Coal Canyon area, localities M1032, M1075, M1076. Cortez Mountains, Mount Tenabo area, locality M1083. Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of Helderberg (Early Devonian) age, Devonian coral zone A. Southern Sul- phur Spring Range, localities M186, M197, M1081, M1082. Family STREPTELASMATIDAE Nicholson, 1889 Genus Siphonophrentis O’Connell, 1914 Siphonophrentis sp. B Plate 8, figures 1—3 Fragrnentary specimens of a nondissepimented coral provisionally placed in Siphonophrentis were collected from the Beacon Peak Dolomite Member in the south- ern Sulphur Spring Range. A silicified individual with restored corallum length of about 45 mm and greatest diameter of 32 mm has about 60 straight, tapering septa of medium length, poorly differentiated as major and minor. An indefinite fossula lies on the convex side of the corallum. The septal stereozone is narrow. A smaller individual, possibly the tip of the above described larger corallum, has short septa, a narrow peripheral stereozone and rather close-set tabulae, part of which are complete. Large elongate tabellae are present peripherally. Occurrence—Southern Sulphur Spring Range, local- ity M186. Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation, in Devonian coral zone A with a Rabbit Hill Early Devonian (Helderbergian) fauna. Family ENDOPHYLLIDAE Torley. 1933 Reference forms.—Endophyllum bowerbanki Ed- wards and Haime and E. abditum Edwards and Haime, 1851. Devonian, Torquay, England. Cerioid and aphroid rugose corals with wide coral- lites, a broad marginarium of partly large lonsdaleioid dissepiments and a narrow to very wide tabularium comprising closely spaced tabulae. No axial structure. Genera assigned to the Endophyllidae are: Endophyllum Edwards and Haime, 1851 Yassia Jones, 1930 Australophyllum Stumm, 1949 Undescribed Late Silurian corals of the Klamath Mountains, Calif, and the Great Basin also belong in this family. These include an unnamed subgenus of Australophyllum characterizing Great Basin Silurian coral zone E and an unnamed genus related to Aus tralo- phyllum in the Silurian Gazelle Formation of the Northeast Klamath Mountains. Certain corals here regarded as Endophyllidae have previously been assigned to Spongophyllum, a homeo- morphic genus not included in this family. It is pro- posed that the term Spongophyllum be applied only to species with slender corallites agreeing in general struc- ture and proportions with the Devonian S. sedgwicki as originally illustrated by Edwards and Haime ( 1853, pl. 56, figs. 2, 2a—c, 2e). In addition to the wide lonsdaleioid marginarium, Late Silurian representatives of Yassia and the unde- scribed subgenus of Australophyllum manifest a decided tendency to abbreviate and lose septa in mature growth stages, characteristics not observed in Spongophyllum. Genus Australophyllum Stumm, 1949 1911 Spongophyllum cyathophylloides Etheridge, p. 7—8, pl. A, fig. 3, pl. C, figs. 1—2. 1949 Australophyllum Stumm, p. 34, pl. 16, figs. 1—2. 24 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA 1956 (?)Australophyllum cyathophylloides (Etheridge). Hill, fig. 207—4a—b. Type species. — Spongophyllum cyathophylloides Etheridge, by author designation. “Lower Middle Devonian”; Douglas Creek, Clermont, Queensland, Australia. Diagnosis.——Cerioid Endophyllidae with medium Wide to narrow, closely spaced, proximally sagging tabulae and wide to very wide dissepimentarium com- prising scattered to wholly lonsdaleioid dissepiments, some large. Remarks.——Australophyllum differs from Sponge- phyllum by having multiple columns of elongate, lons- daleioid dissepiments and more closely spaced sagging tabulae without peripheral depression. Stumm’s diag- nosis of Australophyllum includes carinate septa, although his figures do not reveal these convincingly. The wall of typical Australophyllum is thickened stereoplasmically; septal crests do not appear to be characteristic, as in the undescribed Silurian subgenus. Australophyllum landerensis n. sp. Plate 9, figures 3—6 Diagnosis .—Austral0phyllum with long minor septa, all septa thickened in tabularium and outer dissepi- ments steeply inclined for the genus; outer wall thick- ened and beaded with wall crests. Tabularium medium wide; close-set tabulae with pronounced sag. External features—Occurs in compact cerioid heads 6 inches or more in diameter. Transverse sections—Septa about 44, all of which are long and usually thickened within the tabularium; minor septa are more than one-half the length of major septa. Some major septa reach the axis, Where they are twisted. Septa may be minutely wavy, and where thickened show minute nodes and lateral bumps, but no true elbow carinae. Stereome-thickened wall with beaded appearance because of wall crests; other septal crests sparse in lonsdaleioid band. Longitudinal sections .—Tabularium about one-third the corallite width at maturity, very sharply set off from dissepimentarium. Tabulae 4 or 5 per millimeter, with pronounced sag that may be angulate axially. Large outer dissepiments steep for this genus, the smaller ones becoming vertical at tabularium margin. Dissepiment columns range from 7 to 12. Thickened axial segments of major septa reveal minute lateral bumps. Reproductive ofisets.—One mature corallite shows three calice wall offsets internally situated. Fine structure—Thickened septa may have a median clear trace; trabecular structure and lamina- tion ill defined in septal stereozone. Comparison with related forms.-—Australophyllum cyathophylloides, the type species, differs by having fewer septa that lack thickening in the tabularium. Australophyllum sp. v from the upper part of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone, Owens Valley, Calif., resembles Australophyllum landerensis, but lacks thickened septa; Australophyllum sp. v occurs in beds of possible Early Devonian age immediately above Late Silurian coral zone E, which contains a different sub- genus of Australophyllum. The coral zone E subgenus has broader mature corallites with a considerably smaller septal count and lacks septal thickening; this form has outer lonsdaleioid dissepiments inclined at a low angle, a greater number of very large dissepi- ments, and, unlike A. landerensis, tends to reduce and lose septa at maturity. . Measurements.—Mature corallite diameter and major septum count: Holotype Paratype USNM 159353 USNM 159354 corallites corallites A B C A B Diameter (in mm) ........ 13 14 10 13 10 Major septa .................... 22 22 22 20 22 Occurrence—Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone, Petes Canyon, locality M1150 at north end of Toquima Range, southern Lander County. At locality M1150 this colonial coral is associated with a typical Rabbit Hill fauna like that of the type locality. Colonial corals of this kind are uncommon in the Rabbit Hill, which usually contains only the small solitary rugose coral Syringaxon. Australophyllum stevensi n. sp. Plate 9, figures 8—13 Type material.——Holotype, USNM 165349; Sunday Canyon Formation, locality M1401. Diagnosis.—Australophyllum with few lonsdaleioid dissepiments, many small dissepiments, septal thicken- ing in tabularium moderate and nonuniform. Minute septal spines present. Transverse thin sections.—Septal count about 42 in a corallite of 13 mm diameter; longer septa minutely wavy and twisted near axis. Minor septa two-thirds length of major septa. Carinae absent. Septa moder- ately to slightly thickened in tabularium and innermost dissepimentarium of parts of some corallites. Wall mod- erately thickened stereoplasmically. Lonsdaleioid septa present in some corallites, where they are irregular and confined to small segments. Longitudinal thin sections.—-Tabularium medium wide to wide; tabulae close spaced and sagging. Dis- sepiments mostly small, with as many as eight columns on each side, many steeply inclined. Minute septal spines scattered. FAMILY RHIPILOMELLIDAE SCHUCHERT 25 Comparison with related forms.—Australophyllum stevensi differs from A. landerensis by having fewer and less uniformly developed lonsdaleioid dissepiments, a less thickened wall, and less extensive septal thicken- ing. The minute septal spines of A. stevensi were not observed in A. landerensis. Australophyllum sp. v of the higher Vaughn Gulch Limestone differs by having unthickened septa and a somewhat more uniform pat- tern of lonsdaleioid dissepiments. Occurrence—Sunday Canyon Formation (Ross, 1966, p. 32), Mazourka Canyon area, northern Inyo Mountains, Calif., locality M1401, east side of Al Rose Canyon. The Sunday Canyon Formation as demon- strated by Ross passes southward into the Vaughn Gulch Limestone. A. stevensi came from beds that may be of Early Devonian age about 40 feet stratigraphi- cally below the top of the Sunday Canyon. Study material is part of a single large corallum. Australophyllum sp. v . Plate 9, figure 7 Australophyllum sp. v. represented by a fragmentary corallum from the upper part of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone of the northern Inyo Mountains, Calif., shares some features of A. landerensis of the Rabbit Hill and some characteristics of A. stevensi of the Sun- day Canyon Formation. Australophyllum sp. v has the thickened wall of A. landerensis, but its septa are unthickened. The lons- daleioid band is somewhat better developed than in A. stevensi, and its septa are peripherally discontinuous as septal crests. Occurrence—Upper part of the Vaughn Gulch Lime- stone, Mazourka Canyon area, northern Inyo Moun- tains, Calif., locality M1093. The Vaughn Gulch Lime- stone (Ross, 1966, p. 30) is largely Silurian, but its upper unit is possibly of Early Devonian age like the upper part of the Sunday Canyon Formation, which passes laterally into the Vaughn Gulch beds. Late Silurian limestones of coral zone E underlie the beds that yielded Aus tralophyllum sp. v. Family DISPHYLLIDAE Hill, 1939 Genus Billingsastraea Grabau, 1917 Billingsastraea sp. :11 Plate 9, figures 1, 2 Figured material.—Specimen USNM 165350; south- ern Tuscarora Mountains, Maggie Creek, locality M1400. Diagnosis.—Billingsastraea with unusually small corallites for the genus and smooth uniformly unthick- ened septa. Transverse thin sections.-—Septal count about 35 in a corallite of 71/2 mm diameter; septa smooth, uniform and unthickened, the major septa extending to axis; minor septa more than three-fourths length of major septa. Septa slightly wavy only in tabularium. Small dissepiments crowded at inner edge of dissepimen- tarium. ‘ Longitudinal thin section—Only available section does not pass through tabularium. Some flat dissepi- ments very elongate. Comparison with related forms.——Corallites of this species are about one-half the width of those of B. nevadensis (Stumm) and B. affinis (Billings), both of which have a larger septal count and minutely wavy septa with small zigzag carinae not present in Billings- astraea sp. m. Occurrence—South end of the Tuscarora Moun- tains, locality M1400 near Maggie Creek northwest of Carlin. This coral is associated with a Rabbit Hill Early Devonian fauna, and appears to be the oldest known occurrence of Billingsastraea. Phylum BRACHIOPODA Dumeril. 1807 Class ARTICULATA Huxley, 1869 Order ORTHIDA Schucherl and Cooper, 1932 Family RHIPIDOMELLIDAE Schuchert, 1913 Genus Rhipidomella Oehlert, 1890 1958 Rhipidomelloides Boucot and Amsden, p. 165, pl. XII, figs. 5—9, pl. XIV, figs. 10—11, text figs. 9, 42. The Rabbit Hill brachiopods placed in Rhipidomella are most similar to species previously classified by Boucot and Amsden (1958) as “Rhipidomelloides,” a genus later placed in synonymy (Williams and Wright, 1965, p. 341). Rhipidomella rossi n. sp. Plate 4, figures 15—24 1963 Dalmanella sp. (small form); Merriam, p. 43. Type material.—Holotype, USNM 159556; para- types, USNM 159555, 159557—159561. Rabbit Hill Limestone, locality M409. Diagnosis.—Orthoid brachiopods with dorsal and ventral valves about equally convex, rectimarginate; dorsal valve Without sulcus. Ventral valve muscle field moderately large, ovoid—fan-shaped, and lacking the radial myophragms of some Rhipidomella. Dorsal valve with stout brachiophores and large thickened cardinal process. Exterior.—Outline ovoidal to subcircular. Hinge line about one-half maximum width of shell. Pedicle valve interarea curved, concave, slightly apsacline, much longer than dorsal valve interarea. Delthyrium large and open. Both valves flattened toward commisure; without trace of sulcus or fold. Fine radial ribs split anteriorly. Pedicle valve interior.—Delthyrial cavity large and deep; teeth large, supported by abbreviated but stout dental plates. The muscle field is bilobed, rounded anteriorly, and has a median septum which is promi- I 26 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA nent anteriorly at the union of the two large crescentic diductor scars and faint or nonexistent posteriorly between the adductors. The more or less heart-shaped combined adductor areas are relatively large for the genus. Radiating myOphragms that divide the muscle field of some Rhipidomella species were unrecognized. No pallial markings were observed. Crenulations at internal shell margin reported (Boucot and Amsden, 1958, p. 165, 168) to characterize “Rhipidomelloides” are too poorly preserved for meaningful comment. Where recognizable on the silicified shells, they are more suggestive of those of Rhipidomella than those of rectangular cross section in “Rhipidomelloides.” Brachial valve interior.—Median ridge varies from very heavy to rather faint; extends to middle of valve. Transverse ridge separating anterior from posterior adductor scars well defined to faint; anterior scar is larger. Stout shaft of cardinal process simple, may be constricted beneath myophore that has one to several tubercles. ‘ Comparison with related forms.—Rhipidomella rossi appears to be related to both R. oblata (Hall) of the Haragan Limestone and R. henryhousensis Ams- den of the Henryhouse Formation (Boucot and Amsden, 1958, pl. II, figs. 1—16; p1. XII, figs. 1—9; p1. XIV, figs. 10—11). R. rossi seems to be more nearly equivalved in transverse profile than oblata; the bra- chiophores and cardinal process of henryhousensis are less stout. Some specimens of oblata have well-defined radiating myophragms in the ventral-valve muscle field not noted in rossi, and the cardinalia of oblata are less heavy. Occurrence—Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Family DALMANELLIDAE Schuchert, 1913 Genus Levenea Schuchert and Cooper, 1931 1931 Levenea Schuchert and Cooper, p. 246, 1932 Levenea Schuchert and Cooper, p. 123, pl. 18, figs. 19-23., 25—32. Type species.—0rthis subcarinata Hall, 1857 (by author designation). Early Devonian (Helderbergian); New York and Tennessee. Diagnosis.—Dalmanellid brachiopods with subcircu- lar outline, hinge line narrower than greatest width, ventral interarea longer than dorsal; delthyrial cavity of ventral valve deep, dental plates thickened on inside to form fossette, diductor tracks deeply impressed. Cardinal process prominent with lobate myophore; adductor field or dorsal valve subcircular, or elliptical. This genus, though reported from the Silurian, is especially characteristic of the Early Devonian (Held- erberg) rocks. Levenea subcarinata subsp. antelopensis n. subsp. Plate 4, figures 1—14 1963 Levenea n. sp. cf. L. subcarinata (Hall). Merriam, p. 43. Type material.—-Holotype, USNM 159547; para- types, USNM 159548, 159551, 159552, locality M409. Paratypes, USNM 159549, 159550, locality M186. Paratype, USNM 159553, locality M1309. Paratype, USNM 159554, locality M1312. Rabbit Hill Limestone and Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation. Diagnosis.—Large unequally biconvex Levenea with well-defined brachial valve sulcus and medially sub— carinate pedicle valve. Brachiophore blades thick. Adductor scars of brachial valve large and deeply impressed on shelly platform with medial ridge. Cardi- nal process elongate and narrow to large with swollen bifid termination at myophore. Pedicle valve interior.—Delthyrial cavity deep; diductor tracks deeply impressed in thickened shell platform and separated by a wide flat-topped ridge which may have a median groove. Diductor and adjus- tor scars not differentiated. Teeth stout; dental plates short and merging with anteriorly projecting wall of delthyrial cavity. Dental plates may be thickened on medial side above umbonally directed grooves in wall of delthyrial cavity. Large rounded pit may develop just anterior to muscle platform. Pallial markings not well defined. Brachial valve interior.—The large subquadrate, quadripartite muscle field is sharply impressed in a thickened shelly platform having prominent raised rim; the median dividing ridge is usually stout and rounded from the cardinal process shaft through the posterior adductor pair, becoming more narrowly cari- nate anteriorly. Brachiophores are thick blades joining the raised outer muscle field rim dorsally. Sockets deep and rounded. In some individuals there is a weakly defined transverse lateral groove, the prolongation of that between anterior and posterior adductor scars. External features.—Subcarinate pedicle valve much more deeply convex than sulcate brachial valve in this biconvex shell. Valves ornamented by fine, close-set, more or less equal radial costellae that split anteriorly. Outline subrounded in commissure plane, greatest width anterior to hinge line. Comparison with related forms—Within its varia- tion range, subsp. antelopensis includes individuals whose brachial interior features may be matched closely With those of typical subcarinata as figured by Schuchert and Cooper (1932, pl. 18, figs. 19, 25, 31, 32) , and in general the new subspecies is morphologically quite similar to the eastern Helderberg species. Typi- FAMILY STROPHEODONTIDAE CASTER 27 cal subcarinata, unlike subsp. antelopensis, seemingly does not have a marked tendency toward bifurcation of the cardinal process, whereas antelopensis lacks the secondary shaft of the cardinal process over the median ridge (Schuchert and Cooper, 1932, p. 124) shown by subcarinata s.s. Occurrence—Early Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, localities M1309, M1311. Petes Canyon area, Toquima Range, locality M1150. Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Range, locality M1075. Early Devonian Beacon Peak Dolomite Mem- ber. Southern Sulphur Spring Range, localities M186, M197, M1312. Family ORTHIDAE Woodward. 1852 Genus Orthostrophia Hall, 1883 Orthostrophia strophomenoides subsp. newberryi n. subsp. Plate 3, figures 4, 5; plate 8, figures 6—9 1963 Orthostrophia sp. cf. 0. strophomenoides (Hall), Mer- riam, p. 43. Type material.—Holotype, USNM 159540; para- types, USNM 159616, 159617. Rabbit Hill Limestone, locality M409. Diagnosis.—Orthostrophia of the strophomenoides (Hall) type, large for the genus, with transverse out- line, ventral fold, and dorsal sulcus. Sulcus well devel- oped on posterior half only, becoming obsolete toward the commissure in mature shells. Strength of radial ornamentation medium to coarse for the genus. Dental plates abbreviated as anterolateral rims of delthyrial cavity. External features.—Shell with biconvex lateral pro- file; outline transverse-subquadrate. Hinge line wide and straight. Ventral interarea apsacline, longer than dorsal interarea, which is orthocline. Ornamentation multicostellate with heavier radial ribs rather coarse for the genus (5—7 ribs within 6 mm on mature part). Concentric incremental ridges widely spaced and rather subdued. Pedicle valve interior.—Muscle field small, of tri- angular outline, deeply impressed and terminating anteriorly as an elevated shelf. The dental larnellae develop as abbreviated anterolateral rims of the delthy- rial cavity. Pallial markings and margins of adductor and diductor scars indefinite on available silicified specimens. Brachial valve interior.—Brachiophores moderately thick at edge of wide and fairly deep notothyrial cavity. Sockets small. Cardinal process simple, swelling anter- iorly to merge with prominent rounded medial ridge that divides the muscle field. Adductor muscle scars deeply impressed on a raised shelly platform. Trans- verse ridges separating anterior from posterior adduc- 506-612 0 » '7': l : tor scars weakly developed. Pallial markings poorly shown. Comparison with related forms.—Orthostrophia strophomenoides newberryi resembles 0. strophomen- oides (Hall) quite closely, judged by the illustrations of Schuchert and Cooper (1932, p. 70—7 1, pl. 6, figs. 22, 24, 25, 27, 28) and of Hall and Clarke (1892, pt. 1, p1. V, figs. 24—27). The hinge plate and brachial valve muscle scar features are similar, but the available speci- mens of newberryi do not reveal the strong pallial markings of typical strophomenoides and the costellae of newberryi seem on the whole slightly heavier. Orthostrophia strophomenoides subsp. parva Ams- den (1958a, p. 41—45, pl. 1, figs. 22—32) seems to be a smaller subspecies, with somewhat less coarse radial costellae than subsp. newberryi. Amsden’s illustrations ( 1958a, pl. 1, fig. 30, 31, 32) show a better separation of anterior from posterior adductor scars of the brachial valve than in newberryi and strongly developed vascu- lar markings not known in the new species, possibly because of preservation by silicification. Occurrence—Early Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Order STROPHOMENIDA 6pik. 1934 Family STROPHEODONTIDAE Caster, 1939 Genus Leptosirophia Hall and Clarke. 1892 Leptostrophia sp. cf. L. becki tennesseensis Dunbar Plate 3, figures 1—3; plate 8, figure 5 Fragmentary ventral valves of this genus from the Rabbit Hill type section reveal interior details and sur- face ornamentation. Ventral interiors have large tri- angular diductor scars with bounding lateral ridges; the ventral process is large and where widest shows a median groove. Externally the ventral valve is slightly convex near the umbo, flattening laterally and anter- iorly. The surface is finely costellate, with about eleven costellae per width of 5 mm. Concentric rugae weak, recognizable only about halfway between umbo and shell perimeter. The Rabbit Hill shells resemble specimens from the Bois d’Arc Limestone of Oklahoma and from the Bird- song Shale of Tennessee referred by Amsden (1958a, p. 78—80; pl. 3, figs. 15—20; pl. 6, fig. 1; pl. 11, figs. 27, 28) to this subspecies. Those illustrated by Amsden are much less strongly rugate concentrically than the pos- sibly aberrant representative of tennesseensis described and figured by Dunbar (1920, p. 129, pl'. 3, fig. 18). The Rabbit Hill Leptostrophia resembles more com- pletely an undescribed species from the lower part of the Nevada Formation (unit 1), where it occurs in post-Rabbit Hill beds of Oriskany age. This form has a less expanded ventral process with a less conspicuous median groove. 28 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA Occurrence.-—-Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, locality M1309. Genus Pholidostrophia Hall and Clarke. 1892 (7)Pholidostrophia sp. R Plate 3, figures 6, 7 This distinctive, possibly aberrant, stropheodont is represented in the collections by a single silicified pedicle valve. The outer surface is smooth and without pseudonacreous texture, probably because of replace- ment by siliceous matter. This valve is deeply convex, with greatest width near hinge line; interarea wide, short, orthocline, and denticulate. The poorly preserved pseudodeltidium is thick, largely closing the delthy- rium, and probably had a median fold. The muscle field is rather deeply impressed; the large fan-shaped diductor scars, unlike normal Pholido- strophia, have strong lateral bounding ridges. Cardinal process receiving pits are large and deep, suggesting that the cardinal process of the brachial was thick. A long ventral process is split by a median groove throughout, this groove extending almost to the ante- rior shell margin. Adductor scars unusually large and oval. Pseudoteeth present. This form differs markedly from normal Pholidostro- phia by having diductor scar bounding ridges and a very elongate median groove of the ventral process. It may represent a distinct genus, but fuller characteriza- tion must await collecting of more material. 0ccurrence.—Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Genus Strophonella Hall, 1879 Strophonella cf. S. punctuliiera (Conrad) Plate 3, figures 10, 11 A large S trophonella with exterior features inter- mediate between S. punctulifera and S. bransoni Ams- den occurs at several localities in the southern Sulphur Spring Mountains in association with Rabbit Hill Hel- derberg species. The resupinate curvature is within the range of that illustrated by Amsden (1958a, p. 70) for bransoni, but the radial ornamentation is perhaps more like that of the New York Helderberg punctulifera (Hall and Clarke, 1892, pl. XII, fig. 10), which reveals finer costellae than the Haragan species bransoni. Strophonella has been recognized only in the Lower Devonian of Nevada, Where two other forms occur in Nevada Formation, unit 1; of these, one occurs in the Oriskany age beds of coral zone B and another slightly higher in the beds of coral zone C together with Papilio- phyllum and Acrospirifer kobehana. This genus was not found in limestone facies of the typical Rabbit Hill Limestone. Occurrence—Lower Devonian, Beacon Peak Dolo- mite Member of the Nevada Formation. Southern Sul- phur Spring Range, localities M186, M197, M1081. Family LEPTAENIDAE Hall and Clarke. 1894 Genus Leptaena Dalman. 1828 Leptaena fremonti n. sp. Plate 3, figures 16, 17, 19 1963 Leptaena sp. cf. L. rhomboidalis (Wilckens). Merriam, p. 43. Type material.—Holotype, USNM 159544; para- type, USNM 159545. Rabbit Hill Limestone, locality M409. Diagnosis.——Medium-sized Leptaena with fairly reg- ular transversely subquadrate, moderately alate out- line. Valves sharply geniculate anteriorly; externally the valves have few medium to heavy concentric rugae for the genus. Radial costellae may be subdued. External features.—Proportions and outline of this slightly alate, but not strongly mucronate shell, are characteristic. The trail bears only radial ornamenta- tion; ribs are coarse on the interior of both dorsal and ventral valve trail surfaces. Concentric rugae of pedicle valve exterior range from 6 to 9, few for this genus when mature. The trail is usually long, fairly even, and bends abruptly almost 90°, as shown on pedicle valve exterior. Pedicle valve interior.—Muscle field deeply im- pressed, with evenly rounded raised rim and median septum; configuration like that of many species of Leptaena. Brachial valve interior.—-Lobes of the bifid cardinal process of medium to large size, with extensive ovoid- triangular myophore surfaces. Median ridge between adductor scars may extend beyond valve middle as a weak septum. Broadened radial ribs prominent on inner trail surface. Inner valve surface may be strongly postulose. Comparison with related forms.—Leptaena fremonti resembles Leptaena cf. L. rhomboidalis (Wilckens) of Amsden (1958c, pl. II, figs. 12—15) from the Bois d’Arc Limestone of Oklahoma, which has a more irregular out- line. Leptaena acuticuspidata Amsden of the Oklahoma Haragan (Amsden 1958a, pl. III, figs. 1—9) is also simi- lar, but shows greater irregularities in and around the muscle field of both valves. Leptaena ventricosa (Hall) from the Frisco Limestone of Oklahoma as figured by Amsden and Ventress (1963, pl. II, figs. 9—14) is more elongate, less alate, and has a larger number of concen- tric rugae. Occurrence—Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, locality M1311. Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Range, locality M1075. Speci- mens compared to this species occur in the Southern Sulphur Spring Range in the Beacon Peak Dolomite at locality M197. FAMILY UNCINULIDAE RZHONSNITSKAYA , 29 Family SCHUCHERTELLIDAE Williams, 1953 Genus Schuchertella Girty. 1904 Schuchertella cf. S. haraganensis Amsden Plate 3, figures 12—15 1963 Schuchertella sp. (large form). Merriam, p. 43. The genus Schuchertella is represented in the Rabbit Hill collections by several silicified pedicle valves resembling that of S. haraganensis; these are of medium to large size for the genus, rather coarse ribbed and lack dental lamellae. With the larger shells, the valve is nearly flat or shallowly convex; the stout hinge teeth are buttressed by a thickened ridge beneath the palin- trope, but not projecting anteriorly along the floor as dental lamellae. One smaller deformed individual is much more convex and narrower at the hinge line, has more elongate interarea, and shows evidence of possible beak attachment (Stehli, 1954, p. 298). Pedicle valves of the Rabbit Hill Schuchertella have coarser ribbing than S. nevadensis Merriam from Nevada Formation unit 2. An undescribed species resembling nevadensis occurs in Nevada unit 1 with Acrospirifer kobehana; this undescribed form has incip- ient but very short dental lamellae in most but not all individuals and accordingly might be assignable to Schellwienella Thomas, rather than to Schuchertella (Amsden, 1958a, p. 90—91). Occurrence—Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. A similar Schuchertella occurs in these beds at Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, locality M1311. Order PENTAMERIDA Schuchert and Cooper. 1931 Family PARASTROPHINIDAE Ulrich and Cooper. 1938 Genus Anasirophia Hall, 1867 Anastrophia cf. A. vemeuili (Hall) Plate 5, figures 15—19 Several brachial valves of a possible new species of Anastrophia were collected in the southern Sulphur Spring Range at localities M186 and M197 in associa- tion with a fairly large fauna of Rabbit Hill Helderberg age. No pedicle valves were found. The internal features of these shells are quite similar to those of verneuili as illustrated by Schuchert and Cooper ( 1932, pl. 25, figs. 33, 36, 38, 39). The Nevada species is of medium size to large, with coarse radial costae and deeply convex brachial valve; the fold is weakly defined in some individuals, well defined in others. On the anterior part of large mature shells, the number of costae occuping the fold ranges from 5 to 7. The radial ornamentation of this form also resembles that of Anastrophia grossa Amsden (1958a, p. 65—68, pl. II, figs. 18—28). Presence of Anastrophia is significant in fixing the Helderbergian age of this fauna, because as in the New York area, this genus is not known above that interval (Amsden, in Amsden and Ventress, 1963, p. 194; text figs. 10, 51). Occurrence—Lower Devonian Beacon Peak Dolo- mite Member of the Nevada Formation. Southern Sul- phur Spring Range, localities M186 and M197. Order RHYNCHONELLIDA Kuhn, 1949 Family UNCINULIDAE thonsnitskaya Genus Plethorhyncha Hall and Clarke, 1894 Plethorhyncha andersoni n. sp. Plate 6, figures 1—7 Type material.—Holotype, USNM 159574; para- types, USNM 159575—159578. Rabbit Hill Limestone, locality M409. Diagnosis.—Large Camarotoechiacea with broad shallow fold and sulcus; brachial valve more convex than pedicle valve. N 0 dental plates. Rather small pos- teriorly situated pedicle valve muscle field. Brachial valve hinge plate (septalium) with median triangular pit bordered by adventitious thickenings. External features—Lateral profile biconvex; brach- ial valve with greater convexity. Shape transversely elliptical to subquadrate. Fold and sulcus broad and flatly rounded at commissure of mature shells; width one-half that of valves; these features developed only in anterior half of mature individuals. Pedicle valve flattened posteriorly. Shells ornamented by medium to fine subequal radial ribs, of which there are 8—12 in the sulcus at commissure of large individuals. Beaks small and subdued. Pedicle valve interior.—Hinge narrow; teeth are modifications of wall and without dental plates. No del- tidium covering recognized. Muscle field rather small, moderately impressed and flabellate, with thin median partition posteriorly; adductor scars partly differen- tiated. Pallial markings indistinct. Brachial valve interior.—Hinge plate and prominent median septum united as a continuous element (sep- talium). The hinge plate is thickened laterally to form rims or ventral socket plates and has a triangular median pit with lateral thickenings. In available speci- mens there is no indication of a cardinal process or myophore. The median septum extends about one-half the distance to the anterior edge of the shell. Comparison with related forms.—Plethorhyncha andersoni differs from P. speciosum (Hall), the type species (Amsden and Ventress, 1963, p. 94), by having more numerous and finer radial ribs and a well-defined fold and sulcus, these last being poorly developed in speciosum. P. speciosum is more elongate anteroposte- riorly. The hinge plate of some individuals of speciosum carries a bifid cardinal process, although young speci- mens are reported to lack this structure (Amsden and Ventress, 1963, p. 95), in this respect resembling our specimens of andersoni. Havlicek (1961, p. 127—131) 30 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA calls attention to progressive filling of the pit (“Septa- liumholung”) during ontogeny by shell material. It is possible that such a filling, together with the bifid cardinal process and myophore, were destroyed in our silicified specimens of andersoni, leaving only the pit. Most species previously assigned to Plethorhyncha such as P.? welleri (Stewart), P.? salinensis (Stewart), and P. barrandi (Hall) have, like Speciosum (Hall), a coarser pattern of radial ribbing (see Amsden and Ven- tress, 1963, pls. III and XII). Such a pattern is present in the foreign species P. diana (Barrande) and P. altera Barrande as figured by Havlicek (1961, pls. XV and XVI). Actually the surface ornamentation of P. ander- soni is somewhat more suggestive of species placed in Uncinulus and Costellirostra than Plethorhyncha (see Amsden and Ventress, 1963, pl. III; Schmidt, 1941, pl. 1; Havlicek, 1961, pl. XXII), but the marked differ- ences in internal structure do not support a direct rela- tion. For example, Uncinulus as established by Schmidt (1941, p. 15—25) and by Havlicek (1961, p. 139—149) has in the mature growth stages a comblike structure (Havlicek, 1961, p. 142, p. 56) that develops medially on the ventral surface of the hinge plate, a feature not known in Plethorhyncha. Occurrence—Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, locality M1311. Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Range, locality M1075. Order SPIRIFERIDA Waagen, 1883 Family MERISTELLIDAE Waagen. 1883 Genus Meristella Hall. 1860 Meristella martini n. sp. Plate 7, figures 23—27 1940 (?)Meristella cf. robertsensis Merriam, pl, 6, figs. 13—16. Type material.—Holotype, USNM 159606; para- types, USNM 159607, 159608. Rabbit Hill Limestone, locality M409. Diagnosis.—Of small to medium size. Outline of pedicle valve umbo acutely angulate posteriorly; curva- ture of wings in plane of commissure rather abrupt for the genus. Lateral surfaces of pedicle valve slope steeply just anterior to foramen and are not flattened toward hinge line as a false interarea. Pedicle beak not abruptly incurved or hooked. External features.——Shell smooth except for concen- tric incremental lines that are conspicuous only toward front of mature individuals. Lateral profile subsequally biconvex; some individuals have a deeper brachial valve with convexity exceeding that of pedicle valve. Steep sides are characteristic, pitching abruptly in front of an acutely angulate pedicle valve beak. Outline in com- missure plane more subtriangulate than subrounded, with abrupt curvature at greatest shell width, which is commonly anterior to middle. Brachial valve fold only near front of mature shells, where it is evenly rounded or slightly angulate at commissure. Pedicle valve sulcus only on anterior third of valve, where it is shallow except near commissure of larger individuals. Ventral valve beak prominent for genus, but not hooked anteriorly. Pedicle valve interior.—Muscle field wide, striated, and deeply impressed for this genus. Teeth large and posteriorly hooked. Mature shells with dental plates developed as short inconspicuous ridges which are sup- pressed with umbonal thickening. Brachial valve interior.—Hinge plate triangular, merging in front with a high, sharp median septum which usually extends more than one-half the valve length. Socket large. The brachiophores converge toward the beak outlining the large median triangular pit characteristic of M eristella. Some specimens reveal a process or thickening toward the apex that may be cardinal process myophore. Others have bilobed shelly fillings toward broader edge of pit, whereas some have pit filled by shelly material. Comparison with related forms.—Meristella n. sp. differs from Meristella robertsensis in shape and pro- portions of the pedicle valve, especially that part just anterior to the beak; M. robertsensis is also a larger form. Individuals figured by Merriam (1940, pl. 6, figs. 13—16) from Oriskany beds in the Lower Devonian of a horizon lower than those yielding the typical robert- sensis are quite similar to the new species and may be assignable to it (see also Cooper, 1944, pl. 127, figs. 24, 25, but not fig. 23). Meristella atoka Girty (Amsden 1958a, p1. X, figs. 1—15) is similar to martini but appears to differ in details of the hinge plate and includes numerous variants with acute fold and sulcus at the commissure. Meristella arcuata Hall and M. laevis Hall are similar externally, but too little is known of the internal features of these two species to make comparison meaningful. Occurrence—Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, locality M1311. Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Range, locality M1075. Family AMBOCOELIIDAE George, 1931 Ambocoelia sp. a Plate 7, figures 28—31 Figured material.—USNM 159609—159612; Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Several pedicle valves of Ambocoelia from the Rab- bit Hill type section are of special interest in supporting the Devonian age of this formation, as the genus is unknown in older rocks. The pedicle valve resembles that of A. umbonata (Conrad), the type species, by having prominent FAMILY RETZIIDAE WAAGEN 31 thickened hinge teeth unsupported by dental plates. However, the teeth are buttressed by a shelly thicken- ing beneath the delthyrium margin that merges toward the beak with extensive umbonal filling by shell mate- rial. The sulcus is broad and shallow for the genus. Occurrence—Rabbit Hill Limestone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Family LEPTOCOELIIDAE Boucot and Gill, 1956 Genus Leptocoelia Hall, 1857 Leptocoelia occidentalis n. sp. Plate 5, figures 1-14 1963 Anoplotheca Sp. cf. A. acutiplicata (Conrad). Merriam, .43. (?))Leptocoelia sp. Boucot, Johnson, and Staton, pl. 125, fig. 19. Type material.—Holotype, USNM 159562; para- types, USNM 159563, 159565—159570, locality M409. Paratype, USN M 159564, locality M197. Diagnosis.—Thick-shelled Leptocoelia with biconvex lateral profile and well-defined sulcus and fold. Hinge plate and cardinal process massive. Older shells have prominent pit just anterior to strongly impressed muscle field of pedicle valve. External features.—Size, medium to large for this genus; 3 or 4 prominent, rather sharply rounded radial costae lateral to the brachial fold and 3 or 4 lateral to the strong rib defining the pedicle valve sulcus. Outline nearly round, with subdued beaks. Hinge line narrow. The two strongest costea, which occupy the fold, rise above the lateral rib as they approach the commissure; fold not defined on posterior half of valve. Pedicle valve with strong median rib in sulcus, opposing interspace between the pair of fold ribs. Concentric incremental frills strong and closely spaced toward commissure of mature shells. Pedicle valve interior.—Hinge teeth large, separated from lateral walls by a rounded groove. Muscle field large, fan shaped, and rather deeply impressed. Pair of small ovoidal adductor scars separated by a narrow ridge that thickens posteriorly. The usually large rimmed pit in front of muscle field is distinctive. Brachial valve interior.—Hinge plate broad and thick, brachiophores merging basally with strong ven- tral socket ridges that converge posteriorly at edge of plate. Cardinal process thick and elongate-triangular in outline with long, dorsally inclined posterior grooves constituting the myophore. Heavy median ridge ex- tends anteriorly from hinge plate, narrowing to form dividing ridge of the large anterior adductor scars. Sockets large and ovoidal. Comparison with related forms.—Leptocoelia flabel- lites (Conrad) Hall is regarded as the type species (Amsden and Ventress, 1963, p. 178). The new species differs from L. flabellites by having a highly convex 1964 brachial valve, whereas that of the former is flat; there are also marked differences in hinge-plate structure. Leptocoelia acutiplicata (Conrad) as figured by Kindle (1912, pl. VI, figs. 1—15) is much less convex than occidentalis and differs in hinge-plate structure. Lepto- coelia infrequens (Walcott) is externally the closest to occidentalis, but is less convex; its internal features are not well enough known to make further comparison possible (Amos and Boucot, 1963, pl. 63, figs. 5—9). Leptocoelia occidentalis resembles species assigned to Australocoelia Boucot and Gill, 1956, but differs with respect to internal features, especially the cardinal process by which the genus is distinguished from the externally homeomorphic Leptocoelia (Boucot and Gill, 1956, p. 1174). Leptocoelia sp. (Boucot and others, 1964, pl. 125, fig. 19) from lower beds of the Nevada Formation is a brachial valve whose interior is quite similar to that of occidentalis in nearly all structural details. Occurrence—Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, locality M1311. Walti Ranch, Simpson Park Range, locality M1074 (cf. occi- dentalis). Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation. Southern Sulphur Spring Range, localities M186, M197. Family RETZIIDAE Waugen. 1883 Genus Trematospira Hall. 1859 Trematospira mcbridei n. sp. Plate 6, figures 8—15 1963 Trematospira sp. cf. T. equistriata Hall and Clarke. Mer- riam, p. 43. Type material.——Holotype, USNM 159579; para- types, USNM 159580—159585. Rabbit Hill Limestone, locality M409. Diagnosis.——Finely, uniformly ribbed Trematospira with well-developed sulcus; dorsal fold absent or very weakly defined. Pedicle valve with narrowly flabellate rather deeply impressed muscle field. Hinge plate sub- quadrate, thick and prominent, projecting about 2 mm posteriorly beyond beak. Sockets large. External features.——Shape transversely elliptical, with small subdued beaks. Lateral profile moderately biconvex; hinge line narrow. No interareas. The sulcus begins near the beak, remains shallow and fairly broad to commissure of larger shells. Brachial valve convexity changes anteriorly with slight medial swelling toward front, but usually without development of a discrete fold. Radial ribs close spaced, subequal, evenly rounded, separated by interspaces of comparable width. Splitting of ribs anteriorly uncommon. Concentric striations inconspicuous. About 9 radial ribs in sulcus of pedicle valve, with 18 to 21 ribs on each flank. 32 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA Pedicle valve interior.—Dental plates short and inconspicuous. Muscle field triangularly flabellate and rather deep, especially where its acute apex is impressed medially in floor of delthyrial cavity, forming wide lateral shelves. Adductor scars not differentiated. Pallial markings unrecognized. Brachial valve interior.—Thickened hinge plate var- iable, invariably projects prominently beyond valve edge in a posterior direction; this plate is a paired struc- ture including stout brachiophores that merge antero- dorsally with thick socket plates or brachiophore support plates. The medial ridge may be either strong, tapering anteriorly from the brachiophores along the valve inner surface as a ridge, or subdued and narrow. The cardinal process is a somewhat indefinite feature without a well-defined shaft and is bordered laterally by two posterior brachiophore projections. Comparison with related forms—Externally T. mc- bridei bears strong resemblance to T. equistriata Hall and Clarke 1894, especially as figured by Schuchert (Schuchert and Maynard, 1913, p. 430, pl. 73, figs. 8—9). The interior of equistriata is unknown but may be related to T. deweyi (Hall) assigned by Hall and Clarke (1894, p. 128, pl. 49, figs. 40—46) to Parazyga, the interior of which has been figured. The hinge plate of deweyi is similar to that of some individuals of mcbridei, although this structure is quite variable. Trematospira multistriata Hall has heavier radial rib- bing than mcbridei, and there are differences in hinge- plate details (Hall and Clarke, 1894, pl. 49, figs. 13, 14). Trematospira mcbridei resembles T. cooperi Mer- riam (1940, p. 82, pl. 6, fig. 12) externally and may be a subspecies. Because the interior of cooperi is unknown, however, the relation of these two Early Devonian forms must await preparation of suitable material. Occurrence—Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. I-‘amily DELTHYRIDIDAE Waagen, 1883 Genus Kozlowskiellina Boucot, 1958 1957 1958 1842 1857 1858 1963 Type species.—By original designation, Kozlowski- ella strawi Boucot, 1957. Wenlock Limestone, Great Britain; west of Wren’s Nest, Dudley, England, middle nodular beds of the Wenlock Limestone. Diagnosis.—Coarse-ribbed spiriferoid brachiopods having frilled growth lamellae, uncomplicated fold and sinus, a strong median septum in the pedicle valve, and a large distinctive double cardinal process. Interarea of pedicle valve long and extensive, that of the dorsal Kozlowskiella Boucot, p. 318. Kozlowskiellina Boucot, p. 1030. Delthris raricosta Conrad, pl. 14, fig. 18. Spirifer perlamellosus Hall, p. 57. Kozlowskiella Boucot, Amsden and Boucot, p. 121. K ozlowskiellina Boucot, Amsden and Ventress, p. 114. valve insignificant. Remarks.——As noted by Boucot (1957, p. 318—319), the pedicle valve of K ozlowskiellina is more convex than the brachial. The heavy ribs and interspaces are orna- mented by fine radial riblets that project over the con- centric lamellae as fringes of small spines. In mature individuals, the deltidial plates are conjunct except for an apical foramen. Dental plates are usually short but stout; in older individuals, these become partly embedded in secondary shell material deposited in the umbonal and delthyrial cavities. The strong median septum extends from one—half to two-thirds the dis- tance to the anterior margin of the pedicle valve. The double cardinal process may be deeply striated. Hedeina Boucot, 1957 is externally similar to K02- lowskiellina, but lacks the pedicle valve median sep- tum; the cardinal process is not of the distinctive double type found in Kozlowskiellina. Delthyris Dal- man, 1828 possesses a thinner median septum in the pedicle valve and differs from K 02lowskiellina by lack- ing the frilly external lamellae, as well as the distinctive double cardinal process and by having relatively longer and thinner dental lamellae. Kozlowskiellina occurs in rocks of Middle Silurian age in England (Wenlock Limestone), in the higher parts of the Roberts Mountains Formation of the type section, which is either Middle or Upper Silurian, and is especially characteristic of the Helderberg (Early Devonian) beds of the Rabbit Hill Limestone. Kozlowskiellinu nolani n. sp. Plate 6. figures 16—24 1963 Kozlowskiellina Sp. a, Merriam, p. 43. Type material.—Holotype, USNM 159589; para- types, USNM 159586—159588, 159590, 159591, Rabbit Hill Limestone, locality M409. Paratype, USNM 159592, Rabbit Hill Limestone, locality M1309. Diagnosis.—Kozlowskiellina with narrow hinge line, subquadrangular outline in plane of commissure, and few heavy radial ribs. Ventral valve greatly thickened by adventitious material in umbonal region. Dorsal hinge plate large, with strong bifid cardinal process flanked by thick brachiophore supports. External features.—Size medium to large for this genus. Hinge line width usually exceeds anteroposte- rior length. Width of fold at commissure may be more than one-third hinge line width. Fold and sinus broad, deep and rather evenly rounded. Lateral profile strongly biconvex; pedicle valve usually deeper than brachial. Radial costellae limited to one on either side of fold and one lateral to heavy ribs which border the sulcus. Concentric frills usually well developed; thread- like minor ribbing and spines at frill edges are not pre- served. Pedicle valve interarea long and apsacline; del- FAMILY DELTHYRIDIDAE WAAGEN 33 thyrial notch makes angle of about 28°. Brachial valve interarea insignificant. Conjunct deltidial plates and foramen not preserved. Pedicle valve interior—Muscle fields not distin- guishable in mature shells. Median septum high, usu- ally extending more than half the distance from beak to commissure. In early mature stages, septum thin, following floor of delthyrial cavity as a low plate sepa- rated from the dental lamellae; with older individuals having umbonal adventitious deposits, the median septum is much thickened posteriorly and merges with thick, short dental plates to form a troughlike pseudo- spondylium. The median septum commonly swells to an elongate boss on floor of delthyrial cavity. One or more pairs of apically trending grooves occur below teeth along the walls of the delthyrium, converging toward the beak. Brachial valve interior.—Hinge plate large, slightly less than one-third valve width at hinge line; a bifid cardinal process, lateral to which are expanded brachio- phore supports that make up most of the plate. Muscle impressions poorly defined, small, with low dividing ridge just anterior to hinge plate. Spiralia unknown. Comparison with related forms.—Kozlowskiellina nolani differs from K. strawi, the type species, in the narrowness of the shell and convexity of the brachial valve; the brachial valve of K. strawi is nearly flat. Compared with K. nolani, most described species have a more alate shell and are not known to have the exces- sive thickening of the pedicle valve median septum on the floor of the delthyrial cavity of older individuals. Perhaps the most closely related is K. velata Amsden (Amsden 1958a, p. 121, pl. VIII, figs. 1—13), though it is more alate and has more major costellae and a more angulate fold and sinus. An undescribed species of Kozlowskiellina in the upper Roberts Mountains Silu- rian is alate and has numerous major costellae and a smaller hinge plate. Occurrence—Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, locality M1309. Petes Canyon area, Northern Toquima Range, locality ,M1150. Genus Howellella Kozlowski, 1946 Howellella cycloptera (Hall) subsp. monitorensis n. subsp. Plate 7, figures 17—22; plate 8, figure 10 1963 Spirifer sp. a, cf. “S.” cylopterus Hall, Merriam, p. 43. Type material.—Holotype, USNM 159604; para- type, USNM 159603; Rabbit Hill Limestone, locality M409. Paratype, USNM 159605; Rabbit Hill Lime- stone, locality M1311. Diagnosis.—Howellella with evenly curved fold and sulcus, lateral to which are 5 to 7 prominent evenly rounded radial ribs on each flank. Dental plates short. Ventral muscle field flabellate, usually impressed, markedly striated, with low median partition. Interior of pedicle valve pitted lateral to muscle field. Valve surfaces ornamented by fine radial riblets that are prominent and possibly spinose at concentric incre- mental edges. External features.—Lateral profile moderately bi- convex, the two valves subequal. Hinge line width usually exceeds length. Shape in commissure plane subovoidal; cardinal extremities rounded. Fold and sulcus uncomplicated. Pedicle valve interarea short, concave-orthocline with hooked beak. Delthyrial notch making angle about 550. Deltidial plates unknown. Dorsal interarea very short. Pedicle valve interior.—The fan-shaped impressed, longitudinally striate muscle field undifferentiated except for median ridge, which varies from broad to weak or undefined. Dental lamellae short and ventrally divergent. Pitting of inner valve surface strongest near muscle field, but may extend to valve edge. Brachial valve interior.—Hinge plate wide, divided and open, with small cardinal process and thin, widely divergent, bladelike brachiophore supports. Muscle attachments weak or unrecognized. Comparison with related forms.—The Nevada speci- mens herein classified as a subspecies of cycloptera (Hall) resemble Hall’s figures of the New York Helder- bergian types rather closely and are quite similar to the Oklahoma Bois d’Arc individuals figured by Ams- den (Amsden 1958a, pl. VIII, figs. 14—26). The New York specimens reveal the striated pedicle muscle field and the pitting as in subsp. monitorensis and the exte- rior pattern of fine surface ornamentation present upon the Bois d’Arc individuals. The Bois d’Arc form reveals a suggestion of a weak median sulcus on the dorsal fold not recognized in subsp. monitorensis. The new sub- species differs markedly from the Silurian Lone Moun- tain Dolomite species Howellella smithi Waite, which has a flattened fold and sinus near the commissure, fewer lateral plications, and longer, more slender dental plates. H owellella pauciplicata Waite, also of the Lone Mountain, is smaller and has very weak lateral plications. Occurrence—Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, locality M1311. Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Range, locality M1075. Genus Acrospiriier Helmbrecht and Wedekind. 1923 1923 1944 1963 Acrospirifer Helmbrecht and Wedekind, p. 952. Acrospirifer Wedekind. Cooper, p. 323. H ysterolites (Acrospirifer) Helmbrecht and Wedekind, 1923. Amsden and Ventress, p. 105. 34 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA Type species.—Spirifer primaevus Steininger (Cooper, 1944, p. 323; Amsden and Ventress, 1963, p. 108). Lower Devonian, Germany. Diagnosis.—Cooper (1944) characterizes Acrospiri- fer as follows: “***Subsemicircular to transversely semielliptical, costate and lamellose spiriferoids; fold and sulcus noncostate; dental plates strong, muscular field large, elongate-oval; dorsal interior with thick socket plates.” Remarks.—Amsden and Ventress (1963, p. 105-111) have reviewed the present status of Acrospirifer in con- nection with the relations of A. murchisoni (Castel- nau). These writers treat Acrospirifer as a subgenus of Hysterolites Schlotheim 1820, following the usages of Maillieux (1941) and Havlicek (1959). Acrospirifer kleinhampli n. sp. Plate 7, figures 9—12 Type material.—Holotype, USNM 159599; para- type, USNM 159600. Rabbit Hill Limestone, locality M1309. Diagnosis—Large Acrospirifer with rather narrow hinge line for the genus, short dental lamellae, and 6 or 7 radial ribs on either side of the ventral sulcus. Mature individuals may show a tendency toward split- ting of radial ribs anteriorly. External features.—Cardinal extremities subrounded to subangulate. Radial ribs rounded, rather closely spaced and numerous for the genus. Pedicle sulcus deep and usually subangular toward the commissure of mature shells; brachial fold prominent and subrounded. Concentric lamellae not prominent, obscured because of silicification. Splitting or doubling of radial ribs toward the anterior margin of large individuals appears to be characteristic. Beak of pedicle valve slightly hooked. Pedicle interarea well defined but less exten- sive laterally than in other species of this genus. No trace of deltidial plates was noted. Pedicle valve interior.—Dental lamellae short and obtuse for this genus. Muscle field large, rather deeply impressed and striated. Brachial valve interior.—Hinge plate with thin dor- sally projecting flange medial to brachiophore as in Acrospirifer kobehana (Merriam); flange does not meet internal valve surface. Comparison with related forms.—Acrospirifer klein- hampli differs from A. kobehana (Merriam) by being somewhat smaller, with narrower hinge line and later- ally less extensive ventral interarea. The dental lamel- lae of kobehana are longer and thinner. The radial ribs of kobehana are heavier, fewer, and more widely spaced. Acrospirifer kleinhampli resembles A. murchisoni (Castelnau) but appears to be narrower (see Amsden and Ventress, 1963, pl. VI) and less alate. The complex pattern of concentric lamellae shown by murchisoni is not known in kleinhampli, possibly because of preser- vation by silicification. Occurrence—Rabbit Hill Limestone. Dobbin Sum- mit, Monitor Range, locality M1309 in the higher beds of this formation. Family COSTISPIRIFERIDAE Termier and Termier, 1949 Genus Costispiriler Cooper. 1942 1942 Costispirifer Cooper, p. 230. 1944 Costispirifer Cooper, p. 323, pl. 122, figs. 27—31. 1963 Costispirifer Cooper, Amsden and Ventress, p. 111—114, pl. 5, figs. 3—11, text—fig. 35. Type species.—Spirifer arenosus planicostatus Swartz (1930, p. 56—57, pl. 9, figs. 13—15) by author designation. From cherts in the upper part of the Giles Formation near Saltville, Va. Lower Devonian. Cooper (1942) regarded Costispirifer planicostatus (Swartz) as a distinct species. Diagnosis.—Large spirifers with costate fold and sulcus. The costae are broad and flat with narrow inter- spaces; costae ornamented with fine radial lines. Dental plates strongly developed. In brachial valve, the crural bases cup shaped and welded to sides of valve; noto- thyrial cavity broad and moderately deep. Delthyrium covered by a short convex pseudodeltidium. Remarks.—Spirifers similar to the eastern Oriskany Costispirifer arenosus (Conrad) are the most diagnos- tic and abundant brachiopods of Early Devonian (Siegenian) beds of the Great Basin, where they occur with large horn corals belonging to the Subfamily Papiliophyllinae. First recognized in the Roberts Mountains (Merriam, 1940, p. 50, pl. 7, fig. 17, pl. 11, fig. 17), these spirifers have been collected in large numbers from arenaceous limestones of Nevada for- mation unit 1 in the Sulphur Spring Range. Most speci- mens are pedicle valves that exhibit flattening of ribs toward the anterior margin of large shells; otherwise the costae are rounded. Fine, delicate costellae were not observed on ribs of unpeeled valves. A high per- centage of these shells appear to be especially wide at the hinge line as compared with more elongate figured specimens from the eastern Oriskany (Schuchert and Maynard, 1913, pl. 71, figs. 3, 8, 9). In silicified pedicle valves from the upper part of the Hidden Valley Dolomite, Panamint Mountains, Calif., the teeth are small and the short dental plates espe- cially heavy where they form a buttress beneath the interarea. N0 far-western Costispirifers showing the very wide, flattened costae of Costispirifer arenosus var. planicos- tatus Swartz (1930, pl. 9, figs. 13, 14) have been rec- ognized. Cooper (1942, p. 232) elevated Swartz’s variety to a species separate from C. arenosus (Con- rad) upon designating planicostatus as type species of FAMILY CONULARIIDAE WALCOTT 35 Costispirifer. Amsden and Ventress (1963, p. 111—114) have reviewed the relations and distribution of American Costispirifer, noting the taxonomic importance of flat costae and narrower interspaces. On the whole, differences in shell and ornamentation are not great when the New York, Oklahoma, and Great Basin forms are compared. The various geo- graphic taxa might reasonably be regarded as sub- species; some selected Nevada specimens are quite similar morphologically to some of those from the Appalachian belt as well as Oklahoma. Appearance of Costispirifer of the arenosus type in the higher Rabbit Hill fauna at Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, suggests that these beds are probably little older than Nevada unit 1, in which very similar brachiopods become dominant. Costispirifer arenosus (Conrad) subsp. dobbinensis n. subsp. Plate 7, figures 1—7 Type material.—Holotype, USNM 159594; para- types, USNM 159593, 159595—159597. Rabbit Hill Limestone, locality M1309. Diagnosis.—Large Costispirifer arenosus with shal- low to moderately deep pedicle valve sulcus, large deeply impressed ventral muscle field, short dental lamellae, and heavy dental lamella buttresses beneath the palintrope. The convex pseudodeltidium beneath the incurved beak is short and rather heavy. Remarks—The Dobbin Summit pedicle interiors reveal deeply impressed muscle scars and very short dental plates, except for the greatly thickened buttress beneath the interarea. The convex pseudodeltidium beneath the beak is short and rather heavy. This subspecies, judged by pedicle valve exterior features, is specifically like C. arenosus from Nevada unit 1. Wide individuals of subspecies dobbinensis resemble wide shells of the Hidden Valley Dolomite form, which have a somewhat more slender dental lamella buttress. The dorsal features of subspecies dobbinensis, like the Nevada unit 1 form, are poorly known, because most of the preserved shells are pedicle valves. Validity of dobbinensis as a subspecies must therefore await comparison of brachial valve features, likewise poorly known in the Hidden Valley representatives. The like- lihood that dobbinensis is ancestral suggests that dif- ferences in the ventral interior may be borne out in the rest of the shell when that is better understood. 0ccurrence.—Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Upper beds of the Rabbit Hill Limestone, Dob- bin Summit, Monitor Range, locality M1309. Frag- mentary shells possibly belonging to this subspecies have been collected from higher beds of the Rabbit 506»612 0 ~ 73 — 6 Hill Limestone at Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Range, locality M1076. TENTACULITIDS AND CONULARIIDS OF THE RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE Shells of Conularia are locally associated with abun- dant tentaculitids in platy limestones and calcareous shale interbeds of the Rabbit Hill Limestone. South- east of Walti Ranch (locality M1074) in the Simpson Park Range, such platy beds with Conularia contain small slender tentaculitids (pl. 8, fig. 18) having the ornamentation of Nowakia acuaria Richter. Trilobites Leptocoelia, Pleurodictyum, and Syringaxon also occur in this assemblage. Similar tentaculitids are present in platy Rabbit Hill interbeds at Coal Canyon, northern Simpson Park Range. In the Devonian of the Great Basin, Nowakia-like shells are most abundant in the Middle Devonian strata of Nevada Formation unit 4, where smooth Styliolina also is common. No large coarsely ribbed benthonic tentaculites like those of shaly interbeds of Nevada Formation unit 2 were observed in the Rabbit Hill. Subclass CONULATA Moore and Harrington Order CONULARIIDA Miller and. Gurley Family CONULARIIDAE Walcott Conularia sp. cf. C. huntiana Hall Plate 2, figures 18—20 Figured material.——USNM 159536, 159537; Rabbit Hill Limestone, locality M1074, Walti Ranch, Simpson Park Range. Flattened shells of this delicate Conularia range in length from 30 mm to more than 400 mm. The sharply sculptured transverse ribs are uniform, about 40 per mm, and ornamented by close-spaced small tubercles. In some individuals these tubercles are round, in others elongate and drawn out longitudinally toward the interspaces, but not to the extent shown in Hall’s figure (1859—61, pl. 72A, figure 2b) of the Helderbergian C. huntiana. Similar Conularia occurs in the Early Devonian Hunsriickschiefer of Bundenbach, Germany. Occurrence.—Rabbit Hill Limestone, locality M1074 southeast of Walti Ranch, Simpson Park Range. MOLLUSCA OF THE RABBIT HILL LllVlESTONE Mollusca, greatly outnumbered by the brachiopods, are generally not conspicuous in the Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Residues from hydrochloric acid solution of Rabbit Hill bioclastic limestones yielded few lamelli- branchs; their shells evidently were less amenable to silicification than were those of brachiopods, corals, and gastropods. Most gastropods so obtained are allied to Platyceras. Fragrnentary straight Orthoceras-like shells of small size were the only cephalopods recog- 36 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOU nized. No identification of the fragmentary lamelli- branchs was attempted. Family PLATYCERATIDAE Hall Genus Platyceras Conrad Three kinds of Platyceras occur in the type Rabbit Hill bioclastic limestones; these range in configuration from nearly planospiral through openly planospiral to somewhat helicospiral and disjunct. None of the large, excessively spinose forms of Platyceras like those that characterize lower beds of the Nevada Formation (unit 1) were found in the Rabbit Hill. Platyceras sp. a Plate 1, figures 20, 21 Platyceras Sp. a (USNM 159524) is nearly plano- spiral, smooth, comprises two whorls and has an ovoidal aperture and open umbilicus. Occurrence.——Rabbit Hill Limestone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Platyceras sp. b Plate 1, figures 22, 23 Platyceras sp. b (USNM 159525) is more typical of the genus, a small form with a single open whorl. The aperture is nearly round with generating curve increas- ing rapidly in diameter. Sinuosity of the growth line conforms to an irregular aperture margin with five minor embayments. Occurrence.—Rabbit Hill Limestone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. Platyceras (Orthonychiu) sp. c Plate 1, figure 24 Platyceras (Orthonychia) sp. c (USNM 159526) is a small disjunct species comprising two whorls with the character of the subgenus Orthonychia and having a very elongate, straight body whorl. Growth lines and aperture margin show two broad embayments. Occurrence.—Rabbit Hill Limestone. Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, locality M409. TRILOBITES OF THE RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE Trilobites of the families Odontopleuridae and Phacopidae are the common fossils at some exposures of the Rabbit Hill Limestone. This is especially true of the platy limestones in the Simpson Park Range west of McClusky Peak and at Coal Canyon. In the type area at Rabbit Hill, Monitor Range, and at Dobbin Summit, trilobite remains are abundant in some beds, whereas in the richly fossiliferous bioclastic lenses where the brachiopods and corals are silicified, the trilo- bites are not replaced by silica and do not appear in the acid residues. Thin beds in which trilobite remains are the common fossils yielded a few weathered specimens. Some of these beds are a virtual “trilobite hash” from which, by repeated splitting of large amounts of rock, well-preserved but disarticulated fragmentary trilo- NTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA bites may be prepared (pl. 8, figs. 12, 13). Most of these are small spiny Odontopleuridae; it is unlikely that articulated or complete specimens can be obtained from these bioclastic beds. Material available is not sufficient to justify more than a cursory review of the Rabbit Hill trilobites, referring the few kinds collected to the nearest de- scribed species. Trilobite beds yielding better material will doubtless be found by careful search of the Simp- son Park exposures, in particular those at Coal Canyon and near McClusky Peak (Walti Ranch), where frag- mentary larger phacopids are abundant. It is probable that most of the Rabbit Hill trilobites are undescribed species, in View of the lack of study of far-western Devonian trilobites. Family ODONTOPLEURIDAE Burmeisier 1843 Spiny trilobites of this family predominate in some trilobite beds of the Rabbit Hill Limestone. Leonaspis is the abundant genus, long-forked structures indicate the presence of other genera such as M iraspis and Odontopleura. Trilobites of this family seem to be uncommon in the Devonian section of this province above the Rabbit Hill; none were found in the Lower Devonian beds of Oriskany age in Nevada Formation unit 1. Leonaspis occurs sporadically somewhat higher in Nevada unit 2 of the southern Sulphur Spring Range northwest of Romano Ranch, where it was found asso- ciated with Spirifer pinyonensis in very sandy lime- stones. Genus Leonaspis Richter and Richter. 191'] Leonaspis c1. L. tuberculutus (Hall), 1859 Plate 2, figures 15—17 1859 Acidaspis tuberculatus Hall, p. 368—370; pl. 79, figs. 1—14. 1956 Leonaspis tuberculatus (Hall, 1859) . Whittington, p. 507— 509, pl. 57, figs. 1—9. 1963 Leonaspis Sp. cf. L. tuberculatus (Hall). Merriam, p. 43. Collections from the Rabbit Hill Limestone in its type section include a number of isolated free cheeks, pygidia, and hypostomas of this form well enough pre- served for identification. No cranidea were found. Free cheeks have been identified at most Rabbit Hill collect- ing localities. The mature free cheek is similar to those illustrated by Hall (1859), having 12 or 13 lateral spines, a mar- ginal row of rather coarse tubercles and scattered tubercles on the convex part of the cheek, these being more numerous internally. The lateral spines are less acute than on Hall’s illustrations and more like those shown by Whittington (1956, pl. 57, fig. 7; pl. 58, figs. 3, 4) for Leonaspis tuberculatus and L. williamsi. The pygidium has a general pattern quite similar to L. tuberculatus as illustrated by Whittington (1956, pl. 57, fig. 4), but the paired tubercles are smaller on the Rabbit Hill specimens and the median tubercle at FAMILY TRYPLASMATIDAE ETHERIDGE 37 the axial tip of L. tuberculatus is weak or absent. The differences in the two pygidia suggest only subspecific differences. Genus Mimspis Richter and Richter. 1917 (?)Miraspis sp. Plate 2, figure 14 Elongate paired or forked occipital ring spines are associated with Leonaspis in trilobite beds of the Rab- bit Hill Limestone. These spines probably came from an odontopleurid genus such as Miraspis or possibly Odontopleura, two genera believed to be limited to the Silurian. Family PHACOPIDAE Huwle and Corda. 1847 Trilobites of this family are common in certain beds of the Rabbit Hill Limestone in its type section. In some platy limestones of the Simpson Park Range, phacopids are the most numerous fossils. Only one genus, Phacops, has been recognized. There is some specific diversity, as between those with a genal spine and those lacking this feature. Although some of the material is fairly well preserved, most of the specimens are fragmentary. In this region phacopids are numerous in the Lower and lower Middle Devonian through Nevada Formation unit 2, but material available is insufficient for detailed species comparison. Genus Phacops Emmrich, 1839 Phacops sp. 11, cf. P. logcmi Hall, 1861 Plate 8, figures 16, 17 This form is represented at Rabbit Hill by fragmen- tary small to medium-sized pygidia that are not con- spicuously postulose and do not show a rim. The cephalon is unknown. The pygidia also resemble those of var. gaspensis and var. birdsongensis as figured by Delo (1940, pl. 1, figs. 10—12, 13—15). (?)Phacops sp. B, ci. P. canadensis Stumm Plate 2, figures 11—13 Large phacopids with well-defined pygidia] rim occur at Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Range. They are repre- sented in the collections by a nearly complete articu- lated specimen and by a partial crushed cephalon. The inflated glabella and short pygidium indicate that this form is probably related to the genus Phacops. There are, however, decided differences, among them a narrowness behind the swollen frontal glabellar lobe and the presence of genal spines. Among the described Phacopidae, Phacops canaden- sis Stumm( 1954, p. 213, pl. IV, figs. 7, 15, 18) pos- sesses a short genal spine but differs in features behind the swollen frontal lobe. The thorax and pygidium of P. canadensis are unknown. Pygidia associated with the cephalon of this species are of medium to rather larger size and have a narrow rim not recognized in Phacops sp. A. Family DALMANITIDAE Vogdes, 1890 The remains of larger trilobites from the Rabbit HiH Limestone include a large incomplete dalmanitid ceph- alon from the Coal Canyon section, Simpson Park Range. This individual was about 60 mm wide in the anterior part of the thorax. Although possibly a species of Dalmanites, preservation is too imperfect for a defi- nite generic assignment. Order RUGOSA Edwards and Haime, 1850 Family TRYPLASMATIDAE Etheridge, 1907 Genus Tryplasmu Lonsdale, 1845 1845 1871 1894 1907 1927 1927 1927 1936 1940 1940 1940 1950 1952 1956 1960 1962 Tryplasma Lonsdale, p. 613. Pholidophylum Lindstriim, p. 925. Spiniferina Penecke, p. 592. Tryplasma Lonsdale. Etheridge, p. 76—77. Tryplasma Lonsdale. Lang and Smith, p. 461. Pholidophyllum Lindstrom. Wedekind, p. 25. Stortophyllum Wedekind, p. 30. Tryplasma Lonsdale. Hill, p. 204. Tryplasma Lonsdale. Lang, Smith, and Thomas, p. 135. Pholadophyllum Lang, Smith, and Thomas, p. 99. Tryplasma Lonsdale. Hill, p. 405. Tryplasma Lonsdale. Schouppé, p. 80—84, Tryplasma Lonsdale. Stumm, p. 841—843. Tryplasma Lonsdale. Hill, p. F312. Tryplasma Lonsdale. Oliver, p. 96. Tryplasma Lonsdale. Oliver, p. 13. Type species.—Tryplasma aequabile Lonsdale, 1845; by subsequent designation (Etheridge, 1907, p. 42). Silurian near Bogoslovsk; east of northern Ural Moun- tains, Russia. Diagnosis.—Solitary and fasciculate rugose corals with acanthine septa that are vertical columns of tra- becular spines. Corallites elongate or subcylindrical. Septal stereozone medium wide to narrow. No dissepi- ments. Tabulae mostly complete, commonly straight and widely spaced. Remarks.~——Tryplasma and related corals with acan- thine septa have been the subject of special studies by Hill (1936), Schouppé (1950), ‘ Stumm (1952), and Oliver (1960). Species of this genus are characteristic of Silurian deposits in Europe, Australia, and North America; as noted by Duncan (1956, p. 226—227; figs. 3a—b) , they are among the common fossils in the Silu- rian of western North America. Oliver (1960, p. 96) notes that Tryplasma extends its range into the Lower Devonian of Europe, Australia, and eastern North America. The genus Tryplasma as understood includes species that differ considerably in growth habit, ranging from solitary ones with elongate corallum showing repeated rejuvenescence rims to bushy phaceloid colonies whose slender branches are cylindrical and relatively smooth. These corals are well represented in the Silurian limestone facies of the west-central and southwest 38 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVP+DA parts of the Great Basin but are poorly known in the dolomite facies. Tryplasma sp. 1 Plate 11, figures 24, 25 Isolated nondissepimented, cyclindrical corallites in the upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite of the Fish Creek Range are assigned to Tryplasma. The complete tabulae range from straight to undulant and sagging. Moderately long acanthine septal spines are well shown in both transverse and longitudinal thin sections. Occurrence—Upper Silurian, upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite. Southern Fish Creek Range, locality M1087 in association with Entelophyllum engelmanni and the H owellella brachiopod fauna. Family KYPHOPHYLLIDAE Wedekind, 1927 Reference form.——Kyphophyllum lindstromi Wede- kind. Silurian, Gotland, Sweden. The Kyphophyllidae are mostly colonial phaceloid, less commonly cerioid genera among which the fascicu- late species with long subcylindrical corallites predomi- nate. Long lamellar septa are characteristic, with one to several dissepiment columns, the outer of which are lonsdaleioid in some species. Tabulae are fairly wide, arched in some genera; in a few species a flaring calice rim is present. Described genera provisionally included in this family are: Kyphophyllum Wedekind, 1927 Strombodes Schweigger, 1819 Petrozium Smith, 1930 Entelophyllum Wedekind, 1927 Entelophylloides Rukhin, 1938 Neomphyma Soshkina, 1937 At least two generic or subgeneric groups Within the Kyphophyllidae of the Great Basin Silurian remain undescribed. All members of this family appear to be restricted to the Silurian System. Genus Entelophyllum Wedekind. 1927 1927 Entelophyllum Wedekind, p. 22—24, pls. 2, figs. 11—12, pl. 7, figs. 7—10, pl. 29, figs. 18—51. 1927 Xylodes Lang and Smith, p. 461—462, figs. 13—14. 1929 X ylodes Lang and Smith. Smith and Tremberth, p. 362— 367, pl. 7, figs. 1—6, pl. 8, figs. 2—4. 1933 Xylodes rugosus Smith, p. 516, figs. 6—7. 1940 Entelophyllum Wedekind. Lang, Smith, and Thomas, p. 57—58. 1940 Entelophyllum Wedekind. Hill, p. 411. 1940 Xylodes articulatus (Wahlenberg). Prantl, p. 10—13, pl. 1, figs. 1—3, pl. 2, figs. 1, 3, 4. 1956 Entelophyllum. Duncan, pl. 23, figs. 5c—d. 1956 Entelophyllum Wedekind, Hill, p. F275, fig. 187, 2a—c. 1962 Entelophyllum Wedekind. Oliver, p. 15, pl. 6, figs. 11—12. 1962 Entelophyllum Wedekind. Stumm, p. 2—3, pl. 1, figs. 6—8, pl. 2, figs. 9—11. . 1964 Entelophyllum Wedekind. Stumm, p. 32, l. 22, figs. 9-21. Type species.—Madreporites articulqitus Wahlen- bergZEntelophyllum articulatum (Wahlenberg); by subsequent designation, Lang, Smith, and Thomas (1940, p. 57, 140). Silurian, Gotland, Sweden. Accord- ing to Smith and Tremberth (1929, p. 366) , this species occurs in strata of Wenlock and Ludlow ages on the Island of Gotland and is recorded from the Wenlock Limestone in England. Diagnosis.—Phaceloid, possibly in part solitary rugose corals With elongate subcylindrical corallites. Major septa thin, slightly thickened near outer wall only; longer septa approach the axis. Tabularium wide, typically with close-spaced flat tabulae or tabellae and narrow peripheral sag bordering dissepimentarium. Dissepimentarium having few to many columns of small steeply inclined globose dissepiments. Outer wall thin, lacking a stereozone. No fossulae or other indication of bilateral symmetry in mature stages. Septa slightly to moderately wavy; well-developed elbow carinae not present in typical form. Attachment wall outgrowths characterize some species. Five or six reproductive olf- sets, marginal to calice. Remarks.—Not all Entelophyllum species have the well-defined peripheral depressed zone of the tabu- larium shown by the type species. Entelophyllum pseudodianthus (Weissermel) of the English Wenlock has zigzag thickened and carinate septa and less elon- gate cylindrical corallites (Smith and Tremberth, 1929, p. 361—362; Lang and Smith, 1927, p. 475, fig. 15); pos- sibly subgenerically or even generically distinct from Entelophyllum sensu stricto. Disphyllum of the Middle Devonian resembles Entelophyllum externally, but differs by having gen- erally slender corallites that lack the thick attachment outgrowths of Entelophyllum. Disphyllum also lacks the peripheral depressed tabular zone of typical Entelo- phyllum, has more even septa without carinae, and commonly has a somewhat Wider tabularium. Trans- verse sections of Disphyllum show a more uniform and even concentric distribution of axially concave dissepi- ment traces. Some species of Entelophyllum have a cycle of reproductive offsets at the calice margin, a characteristic not found in Disphyllum. Entelophyllum engelmanni n. 5}). Plate 10, figures 5—11 Type material.—Holotype, USNM 159413; para- types, USNM 159414—159418. Diagnosis.—Phaceloid Entelophyllum forming large laterally extensive bushy colonies of nearly straight cylindrical corallites joined by lateral outgrowths. FAMILY KYPHOPHYLLIDAE WEDEKIND 39 Tabularium wide, tabulae mostly complete, subparallel, usually lacking the peripheral sag of typical Entelo- phyllum. Tabulae with axial-periaxial sag or slightly arched distally. Tabellae uncommon. Major septa with- drawn from axis, slightly wavy and without carinae; minor septa short, usually less than one-half the length of major septa. Septa thin toward axis, but with wedge thickening peripherally. No stereozone. External features .—Very elongate cylindrical mature corallites, large for this genus, with well-defined septal grooves crossed by annular incremental striations. Coarse annular folds or rugae few. Some corallites have thick irregular lateral attachment outgrowths dis- tributed vertically along one side. Transverse sections—Major septa about 28, thinned axially and slightly withdrawn from the axis. Minor septa less than one-half the length of major septa. All septa thicken rather abruptly in wedge fashion toward outer wall, which is very thin. Septa slightly wavy, lack carinae. Dissepiments not numerous, somewhat irregu- lar as chevrons, forks, and simple traces that are either almost straight or slightly concave axially. Longitudinal sections.—Tabularium Wide, about two-thirds of corallite diameter. Tabulae mostly com- plete, varying from straight or slightly arched axially and periaxially with or without peripheral depression to those with axial-periaxial sag and no peripheral depression. A few broad, flat tabellae peripherally. Dis- sepiments globose in one to three columns, steeply inclined, and of small, medium, and large size. Comparison with related forms—Entelophyllum engelmanni differs from E. eurekaensis in the uneven- ness of its tabulae, which usually lack the peripheral depression. The extensively developed lateral connect- ing excrescences of this species were not observed in E. eurekaensis. Occurrence—Late Silurian, upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite; upper Lone Mountain—Laketown biofacies. Southern Mahogany Hills, locality M1112. Northern Fish Creek Range, locality M1087. A similar Entelophyllum occurs in Silurian dolomite of the Ruby Mountains. Entelophyllum engelmanni subsp. 1) Plate 10, figures 12, 13; plate 11, figures 26, 27 Entelophyllum engelmanni with subcylindrical coral- lites attaining large size and having diameters exceed- ing 1% inches or about twice normal for the species. The large corallites have some 38 major septa, steeply inclined dissepiments, no septal stereozone, and in some instances unusually thick and prominent external attachment processes. External rugae and protuber- ances more prominent than in typical form. Occurrence—Late Silurian, upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite. Southern Fish Creek Range, locality M1087 . Entelophyllum eurekaensis n. sp. Plate 10, figures 1—4 Type material.——Holotype, USNM 159412; para- type, USNM 159419. Diagnosis.—Subcylindrical to ceratoid Entelophyl- lum with wide tabularium and closely spaced, straight, nearly continuous tabulae and flat peripheral tabellae. Peripheral zone of tabularium proximally depressed as in typical Entelophyllum. Septa slightly thickened, longer major septa approach axis. In transverse sec- tions, the small to medium sized dissepiments show as axially concave and chevron traces. External features—This species, known only from isolated pieces, is assumed to have been bushy and phaceloid like E. engelmanni of the same beds. How- ever, available specimens of eurekaensis are more nearly ceratoid than cylindrical in shape. Transverse sections.—Major septa about 30; most are withdrawn, but a few approach the axis. Minor septa range from short wedge stumps to about one-half the length of major septa. Septa somewhat thicker than in most Entelophyllum species and show only a little waviness. No carinae recognized. Dissepiments include herringbone and chevron traces as well as concentric and axially concave. Septa thicken markedly in wedge fashion toward outer wall, but there is no continuous septal stereozone. Epitheca rather thin. Longitudinal sections.—-—Tabularium width about two-thirds corallite diameter. Most tabulae nearly complete, axially-periaxially very flat, peripherally depressed as in typical Entelophyllum. Flat peripheral tabellae present. Dissepiments in as many as five columns, of which the outer may have nearly horizontal basal planes; larger dissepiments elongate. Comparison with related forms—This species has much flatter, more even tabulae than engelmanni; tabulae are more closely spaced and have a well-defined peripheral sag. Dissepiments of eurekaensis are on the whole less steeply inclined, occur in more numerous columns, and are less globose. The bushy and cylindri- cal growth habit of engelmanni is not known in this species. No individuals of eurekaensis with prominent external attachment processes are known. Occurrence—Late Silurian, upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite; upper Loner Mountain—Laketown biofacies. Southern Fish Creek Range, locality M1113; associated with the H owellella-Camarotoechia-Atrypa brachiopod assemblage of this facies. 40 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA Phylum BRACHIOPODA Class ABTICULATA Huxley. 1869 Order ORTHIDA Schuchert and Cooper, 1932 Family ENTELETIDAE Waagen, 1884 Genus Salopina Boucot. 1980 Salopina sp. 1 Plate 11, figures 16—23 Small Dalmanellacea possessing an elongate ventral palintrope and a variously extended dorsal valve median septum are among common brachiopods in Silurian and Early Devonian rocks of the Great Basin. Need for taxonomic revision within this large and com- plex orthoid group has recently been indicated by detailed studies of dalmanellid morphology and syste- matics (Williams and Wright, 1963). Recently pro- posed generic names possibly applicable to certain of these taxa in the Great Basin Province are Salopina Boucot (1960), Protocortezorthis Johnson and Talent (1967b) , and M uriferella Johnson and Talent ( 1967a). Salopina sp. f is known mainly from silicified shells with valves articulated and showing only external features. Among newly described dalmanellid species, the closest similarities appear to be with the Late Silu- rian Salopina? sp. of Boucot (1960, pl. 1, figs. 1—5), from Devon Island, Northwest Territories, Canada, and Salopina cf. S. crassiformis (Kozlowski) of J ohn- son and Talent (1967a) from the Roberts Mountains. Better preserved interiors are required to fully estab- lish these relations. Occurrence.—Late Silurian, upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite; Southern Fish Creek Range, locality M1113. Order RHYNCHONELLIDA Kuhn, 1949 Family CAMAROTOECHIIDAE Schuchert and Levene, 1929 Genus Camarotoechia Hall and Clarke. 1893 Brachiopods of the Camarotoechia group are among the abundant and diverse fossils of the upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite. At least three forms are recognized, Camarotoechia pahranagatensis Waite, a related form designated as C. Sp. b, and a finely ribbed species resembling C. bieniaszi Kozlowski of the Polish Borszczow beds to which the designation C. sp. f is applied here. Camarotoechia-like brachiopods similar to sp. b and pahranagatensis have been described by Johnson and Reso (1964) from correlative Late Silu- rian beds of the Pahranagat Range. Camarotoechia pahranagatensis Waite Plate 11, figures 7—9 1956 Camarotoechia pahranagatensis Waite, pl. 3, figures 1—5. The shell assigned to this species agrees well in gen- eral proportions, strength, and number of radial ribs, and emargination of the anterior commissure with Waite’s figures of the holotype. Occurrence.—Late Silurian, upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite; Southern Fish Creek Range, locality M1113. Camarotoechia sp. 13 Plate 11, figures 10—13 This form is characterized by a pair or, less com- monly, three prominent radial ribs in the fold and sulcus; these ribs are more pronounced than in C. pah- ranagatensis. Ferganella? lincolnensis Johnson (John- son and Reso, 1964, pl. 19, figs. 5—12) differs by having three or more prominent ribs in fold and sulcus. Occurrence—Same as C. pahranagatensis at locality M1113. Camarotoechia sp. 1 Plate 11, figures 5, 6 This finely ribbed form with weakly developed fold and sulcus is with some hesitation referred to as Cama- rotoechia; it is rather certainly unrelated to the other brachiopods of the upper Lone Mountain fauna placed in that genus, sharing some of its external features with Trematospira and Atrypa. Externally similar brachio- pods have been described by Kozlowski (1929, p. 158, pl. V, figs. 12—14) as Camarotoechia bieniaszi from the Borszczow beds of Poland. Occurrence.—Same as C. pahranagatensis and sp. b at locality M1113. Order SPIRIFERIDA Waagen, 1883 Family MERISTELLIDAE Waagen, 1883 Genus Hyattidina Schuchert. 1913 ?Hyaifidina sp. 1 Plate 12, figures 30—33 Small, smooth biconvex Hyattidina-like and N ucleo- spira-like brachiopods, most less than 8 mm wide, are very abundant in the upper Lone Mountain faunas. Most of these articulated shells are probably immature growth stages of such Spiriferacea as Hyattidina and H indella. Brachial valves from Mahogany Hills locality M1112 have hinge-plate features suggestive of H yatti- dina congesta (Conrad); larger shells from locality M1087 in the Fish Creek Range reveal spiralia with lateral apices and pedicle valve muscle fields similar to ?Hyattidina hesperalis (Waite) of the Laketown Dolo- mite. Larger and more robust shells in these Lone Mountain faunas are assigned to the genus Hindella and are described separately. ?Hyattidina hesperalis (Waite) was initially placed in Protathyris Kozlowski (Waite, 1956) and later referred to H yattidina Schuchert by Johnson and Reso (1964). ?Hyattidina sp. f from the Lone Mountain Dolomite has no well-defined fold and sulcus, differing in this respect from mature Hyattidina congesta and the Laketown hesperalis. The largest shells of ?H. sp. f show a slight emargination of the commissure suggest- ing incipient fold-sulcus development. Externally very similar shells are described and illustrated by Norford (1962) from the Silurian Sand- if FAMILY DELTHYRIDIDAE WAAGEN 41 pile Dolomite of Northern British Columbia. The Sandpile species is assigned by Norford to Glassia variabilis Whiteaves. ?Hyattidina sp. f has a spiralium like that of the Meristellidae, with lateral apices of cones; Glassia Davidson by definition has the spiralium apices situated at the middle of the brachial cavity (Schuchert, 1913, p. 409). Occurrence—Late Silurian, upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite; upper Laketown—Lone Mountain biofacies. Southern Mahogany Hills, locality M1112, in association with Howellella pauciplicata and Entelo- phyllum engelmanni. Southern Fish Creek Range, locality M1087, in association with Howellella smithi and Entelophyllum engelmanni. Genus Hindella Davidson. 1882 Hindella sp. a Plate 12, figures 34—37 Hindella with valves about equally convex, length but slightly greater than width. Anterior commissure conspicuously bowed; fold of dorsal valve very weak anteriorly, ventral valve with incipient sulcus. Shell smooth except for incremental lines that are numerous near the commissure. This species is relatively wider than both H. prinstana and H. umbonata, and depth of the dorsal valve is more nearly that of the ventral valve. The interior of H. sp. a is unknown, leaving the generic assignment uncertain. Some of the small and possibly immature shells found in association and here interpreted as belonging to ?Hyattidina sp. f may be the young of H indella sp. a. Atrypella carinata Johnson (Johnson and Reso, 1964) has similar features in the beak vicinity, a more elongate shell with better defined fold and sulcus. Occurrence—Late Silurian, upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite, locality M1087, Southern Fish Creek Range. Family ATRYPIDAE Gill, 1871 Genus Atrypa Dalman, 1828 Atrypa sp.! Plate 11, figures 1—4 Small to medium-sized Atrypa with coarse radial costae, moderate even upward bowing of the anterior commissure, and rather weakly defined growth lamellae which produce small costal nodes. Costae may bifurcate anteriorly. Convexity of brachial valve does not greatly exceed that of pedicle valve. Among described American Silurian atrypas, this species appears closest to A. tennesseensis Amsden of the Brownsport and Henryhouse, but differs by having less prominent growth lamellae. Atrypa sp. of Johnson and Reso (1964) from the Silurian of the Great Basin has similar ornamentation and possibly represents the same species as Atry pa sp. f. Occurrence—Late Silurian, upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite, Southern Fish Creek Range, locality M1113. Family DELTHYRIDIDAE Waagen. 1883 Genus Howellella Kozlowski, 1946 Small and medium-sized spiriferoids of this genus are the most distinctive fossils of the Late Silurian dolo- mites of the Great Basin. These shells have a conspicu- ous fold and sulcus and strong dental lamellae, and lack a ventral valve median septum. The coarse radial costae which characterize this genus may become nearly obsolete laterally in some species. Howellella ranges from Late Silurian into the Helderbergian Rab- bit Hill Limestone, where it is represented by a larger species allied to H. cycloptera. Howellella pauciplicalu Waite Plate 12, figures 20—24 1956 Howellella pauciplicata Waite, p. 17, pl. 3, figs. 6—10. 1964 H owellella pauciplicata Waite. Johnson and Reso, pl. 20, figs. 8, 10—12. 1964(?) M acropleura? sp. Johnson and Reso, p. 82, pl. 20, figs. 1—7. This species is characterized by obsolete or nearly obsolete ribbing on the flanks of the valves. A large suite of individuals from Laketown Dolomite unit 48 of Hose in the Confusion Range, Utah (R. K. Hose, written commun., 1954) show a range in dorsal valves from those that are nearly smooth on either side of the fold to those having the fold flanked by a single coarse but subdued rib. In some individuals, the fold itself is rather weak. The upper Lone Mountain specimens have at least one subdued rib lateral to the fold, and the shell flanks are somewhat less smooth than in Waite’s holotype and other Confusion Range specimens. There is no indica- tion of continuous variation from the pauciplicata lineage into coarsely plicated H owellella smithi, also of the upper Lone Mountain. Occurrence—Late Silurian, upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite; southern Mahogany Hills, locality M1112, associated with Entelophyllum engelmanni and ?Hyattidina sp. f. Howellella smithi Waite Plate 12, figures 1—19 1956 Howellella smithi Waite, p. 17, pl. 3, figs. 16—19. This coarsely ribbed species, large for the genus, is abundantly represented in two fossil localities of the upper Lone Mountain Dolomite of the Fish Creek Range. The hinge line is narrow and the shell width considerably greater than the shell length. Fold and sulcus are prominent, flattened medially toward the commissure. Two coarse costae occupy the flanks of both valves, lateral to which are one or more subdued —‘— 42 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA ribs. Dental lamellae are well developed, but only mod- erately long; there is no suggestion of a pedicle valve median septum. In the brachial valve, the dental rockets and other hinge-plate features are similar to those of Howellella crispa (Hisinger) as illustrated by Hall and Clarke (1894, pt. II, pl. 36, fig. 4). Some individuals of this species, however, reveal a very weak incipient median septum in the brachial valve not known in crispa. A suite of specimens in various growth stages gives no indication of intergradation of Howellella smithi with pauciplicata of about the same stratigraphic horizon. Occurrence—Late Silurian, upper part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite; Southern Fish Creek Range, localities M1087 and M1113. Waite’s holotype is reported from Laketown beds “below the Sevy dolo- mite” in the Pahranagat Range. Howellella smith was not found in unit 48 of the Confusion Range, Utah, Laketown Dolomite which yielded abundant H. pauci- plicata. LOCALITY REGISTER1 Fossils of the Rabbit Hill Limestone and correlative strata Inyo Mountains, Calif. Locality M1093.—Independence quadrangle, California. NEIA sec. 8, T. 13 S., R. 36 E.; at mouth of Mazourka Can- yon east of Kearsarge. At measured stratigraphic section VG—l (Ross, 1966, pl. 1) 450 feet below top of Vaughn Gulch Limestone. Locality M1401.—Independence quadrangle, California. Ma- zourka Canyon area, east side Al Rose Canyon, 6/10 mile N. 78" E. of SE cor. sec. 36, T. 11 S., R. 35 E., on measured section SC—5 (Ross, 1966, pl. 1) 40 feet below top of Sun- day Canyon Formation. Monitor Range, Nev. (middle part) Locality M 1311 .—East side of Monitor Range near Dobbin Summit, northern Nye County. East side of road east of East Dobbin Summit Spring, altitude 8,500 ft (Army Map Service, Tonopah sheet, NJ 11—5). Lower part of Rabbit Hill Limestone. Same locality as M1067. Locality M1068.—Same locality as M1311; in middle part of Rabbit Hill Limestone. Locality M I309.—Same locality as M1311; in upper part of Rabbit Hill Limestone. Same locality as M1069. Monitor Range, Nev. (northern part) Locality M 409.—Horse Heaven Mountain quadrangle. Southeast side of Rabbit Hill near junction of Whiterock Canyon with Copenhagen Canyon; altitude 7,080 ft. Type section of Rabbit Hill Limestone. Other locality numbers same site: M48, M187, M1326. Locality M 49.—Horse Heaven Mountain quadrangle; 8/10 mile north-northwest of Rabbit Hill; altitude 7,300 ft. Rab- bit Hill Limestone with same fauna as type section. Toquima Range, Nev. (northern part) Locality M1150.—Wildcat Peak quadrangle. Petes Canyon area, northernmost Toquima Range. SW14 sec. 16, T. 16 1Locality numbers with M prefix (for example M1093) used in this report refer to US. Geological Survey fossil localities listed in the Paleozoic locality ledgers of the Menlo Park, Calif. center. N., R. 46 E.; on top of spur 1,600 feet south of summit 7,188, and 2,800 feet east of Petes Canyon road. Small iso- lated exposure of Rabbit Hill Limestone in contact with graptolitic shale. Same locality as M1147. Simpson Park Range, Nev. (middle part) Locality M1074.—-Walti Hot Springs quadrangle. Foothills half a mile southeast of Walti Ranch and west of McClusky Peak, altitude 6,000 ft. Rabbit Hill Limestone. Simpson Park Range, Nev. (northern part) Locality M1032.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle. Coal Can- yon area; east side of Coal Canyon in NWIA sec. 21, T. 25 N ., R. 49 E., altitude 6,600 ft. Rabbit Hill Limestone. Locality M1075.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle. Coal Canyon area, near canyon mouth on east side. Limestone beds near top of ridge 6909 on west side. Upper part of Rabbit Hill Limestone. Locality M1076.——Same as M1075, mostly float material below ridge top 6909 down slope to west. Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. Locality M1310.—-Horse Creek Valley quadrangle. Coal Can— yon area; SE14 sec. 17, T. 25 N., R. 49 E. West side of ridge 6909 near top. Upper 200 feet of the Rabbit Hill Limestone, in platy limestone with abundant trilobites. Cortez Mountains, Nev. Locality M1083.——Cortez quadrangle. Cortez Mountains, southeast side of Mount Tenabo, near head of Horse Canyon. 1,000 feet north, 700 feet west of SE cor. sec. 4, T. 26 N ., R. 48 E.; altitude 7,900 ft. Rabbit Hill Limestone fauna. Tuscarora Mountains, Nev. Locality MI400.——East side of Tuscarora Mountains near south end (Army Map Service, Winnemucca sheet NK 11—11). Nine miles northwest of Carlin, near top of bluff on east side of Maggie Creek; T. 34 N., R. 51 E. Rabbit Hill Limestone overlying Roberts Mountains Limestone. Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. (southern part) Locality M186.—Garden Valley quadrangle. South Mulligan Gulch area; east side South Mulligan Gulch near mouth; 2,000 feet southwest of summit 6927, altitude 6,560 ft. Beacon Peak Dolomite Member with Rabbit Hill fauna below beds with Oriskany-age fossils, and above probable Lone Mountain Dolomite. Locality M197.—Garden Valley quadrangle. Bailey Pass area; 34 mile south of Bailey Pass on main ridge crest 1,000 feet southeast of summit 7107. Beds with Rabbit Hill fossils below Oriskany-age faunas of the Nevada Formation. Locality M1081 .—Garden Valley quadrangle. South Mulli- gan Gulch area; east side of range 1 mile east of Mulligan Gap, 2,600 feet northeast of summit 7446; altitude 6,800 ft. Beacon Peak Dolomite Member with Rabbit Hill fauna. Locality M1082.—-Garden Valley quadrangle. South Mulli- gan Gulch area; due west of BM 5867, 12/10 miles on top of spur, altitude 6,440 ft; 1,400 feet east-northeast of summit 6474. Beacon Peak Dolomite Member with Rabbit Hill fossils. Locality M1312.—Garden Valley quadrangle. Near M186. Beacon Peak Dolomite Member with Rabbit Hill fossils. Locality M1319.—Garden Valley quadrangle. Prince of Wales mine area; southeast of Prince of Wales mine and northwest of summit 7530; altitude 7,200 ft. Beacon Hill Dolomite Member with Rabbit Hill fossils, below beds with Oriskany-age fauna. Fossils of the Lone Mountain Dolomite Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 43 Locality M1122.—Whistler Mountain quadrangle. Southeast side Lone Mountain, east side Charcoal Gulch, ‘1/10 mile due south of summit 7360; altitude 6,840 ft on top of spur. Dark-gray carbonaceous Lone Mountain Dolomite with fragmentary rugose corals. Locality M1122a.—Same area as M1122, 3,200 ft south- southeast of summit 7360; altitude 6,600 ft. Dark-gray Lone Mountain Dolomite with fragmentary corals. Mahogany Hills, Nev, (southern part) Locality M1112.—Bellevue Peak quadrangle. About 11/4 miles due north of top of Wood Cone Peak and half a mile north—northwest of BM 7201; in foothill exposures of Lone Mountain Dolomite. Altitude 7,300 ft. Dark-gray carbona- ceous dolomite with silicified corals. Fish Creek Range, Nev. (southern part) Locality M1087.——Bellevue Peak quadrangle. North end of Fenstermaker Mountain on west side at south boundary of quadrangle; about 2,000 feet due south of summit 7232, altitude 7,000 ft. Dark-gray Lone Mountain Dolomite with silicified fossils. Locality M1]13.——Bellevue Peak quadrangle. Same area as M1087; 4/10 mile south-southeast of summit 7232. Altitude 7,080 feet. Dark-gray Lone Mountain Dolomite with silici- fied fossils. Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. (southern part) Locality M1121.—Garden Valley quadrangle. East margin of range in East Ridge, 2 miles south-southwest of Romano Ranch, and 8/10 mile S. 60° W. of BM 5825; altitude 6,440 ft near top of ridge. Lower part of Lone Mountain Dolo- mite with silicified corals. Locality M1148.—Garden Valley quadrangle. East margin of range, east slope of East Ridge in northeast corner sec. 35, T. 23 N., R. 52 E.; half a mile north-northwest of BM 5867. Altitude 6,100 ft on top east-west spur. Lone Moun- tain Dolomite with corals. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Amos, Arturo, and Boucot, A. J ., 1963, A revision of the brach- iopod family Leptocoeliidae: Palaeontology, v. 6, pt. 3, p. 440—457, pls. 62—65. Amsden, T. W., 1949, Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Brownsport formation (Silurian) of western Tennessee: Yale Univ. Peabody Mus. Nat. History Bull. 5, p. 1—138, 34 pls., text figs. 1951, Brachiopods of the Henryhouse Formation (Silu- rian) of Oklahoma: Jour. Paleontology, v. 25, p. 69—96, pls. 15—20, text-fig. 1958a, Haragan articulate brachiopods, pt. 2 of Amsden, T. W., and Boucot, A. J ., Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Hunton group in the Arbuckle Mountain region: Oklahoma Geol. Survey Bull. 78, p. 1—144, 14 pls., text figs. 1958b, Supplement to the Henryhouse brachiopods, pt. 3 of Amsden, T. W., and Boucot, A, J., Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Hunton group in the Arbuckle Moun- tain region: Oklahoma Geol. Survey Bull. 78, p. 145—157, pls. 12, 14, text figs. 1958c, Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Hunton group in the Arbuckle Mountain region, pt. V, Bois D’Arc articulate brachiopods: Oklahoma Geol. Survey Bull. 82, 110 p., 5 pls. Amsden, T. W., and Ventress, W. P. S., 1963, Early Devonian brachiopods of Oklahoma; pt. 1, Articulate brachiopods of the Frisco formation (Devonian): Oklahoma Geol. Sur- vey Bull. 94, p. 9—140, pls. 1—12. Beecher, C. E., 1893a, The development of a Paleozoic porifer- ous coral: Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sci. Trans, v. 8, pt. 2, p. 207—214, pls. 9—13. 1893b, Symmetrical cell development in the Favositidae: Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sci. Trans, v. 8, pt. 2, p. 215— 218, pls. 14,‘ 15. Boucot, A. J ., 1957, Revision of some Silurian and Early Devo- nian spiriferid genera and erection of Kozlowskiellinae, new subfamily: Senckenbergiana Lethaea, V. 38, no. 5—6, p, 311—334, 3 pls. 1958, Kozlowskiellina, new name for K ozlowskiella Bou- cot, 1957: Jour. Paleontology, v. 32, no. 5, p. 1030. 1960, Brachiopods, in Boucot, A. J ., Martinsson, Anders, Thorsteinsson, R., Walliser, O, H., Whittington, H. B., and Yochelson, Ellis, A Late Silurian fauna from the Suther- land River Formation, Devon Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago: Canada Geol. Survey Bull. 65, 51 p., 10 pls. Boucot, A. J ., and Amsden, T. W., 1958, New genera of brach- iopods, pt. 4 in Amsden, T. W., and Boucot, A. J ., Stratig- raphy and paleontology of the Hunton group in the Arbuckle Mountain region: Oklahoma Geol. Survey Bull. 78, p. 159—170, pl, 14, text figs. Boucot, A. J., and Gill, E. D., 1956, Australocoelia, a new Lower Devonian brachiopod from South Africa, South America, and Australia: Jour. Paleontology, v. 30, no. 5, p. 1173—1178, pl. 126. Boucot, A. J ., Johnson, J. G., Harper, Charles, and Walmsley, V. G., 1966, Silurian brachiopods and gastropods of south- ern New Brunswick: Canada Geol. Survey Bull. 140, 45 p., 18 pls. Boucot, A, J ., Johnson, J. G., and Staten, R .D., 1964, On some atrypoid, retzioid, and athyridoid Brachiopoda: Jour. Paleontology, v. 38, no. 5, p. 805—822, pls. 125—128. Butler, A. J ., 1935, On the Silurian coral Cyathaxonia silu- riensis M’Coy: Geol. Mag., V. 72, p. 116—124, pl. 2. Clark, D. L., and Ethington, R. L., 1964, Age of the Roberts Mountains formation (Silurian?) in the Great Basin: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 75, p, 677—682. 1966, Conodonts and biostratigraphy of the Lower and Middle Devonian of Nevada and Utah: J our. Paleontology, v. 40, no. 3, p. 659—689, pls. 82—84. Cooper, G. A., 1942, New genera of North American brachio- pods: Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 32, p. 228—235. 1944, Brachiopoda, in Shimer, H. W., and Shrock, R. R., eds, Index fossils of North America: Cambridge, Mass, The Technology Press, Mass. Inst. Technology (New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) , p. 277—365, pls. 105—143. Delo, D. M., 1940, Phacopid trilobites of North America: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 29, 135 p., 13 pls. Dunbar, C. 0., 1918, Stratigraphy and correlation of the Devo- nian of western Tennessee: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 46, p. 732— 755. 1920, New species of Devonian fossils from western Tennessee: Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sci, Trans, v. 23, p. 113—149, pls. 1—5. Duncan, Helen, 1956, Ordovician and Silurian coral faunas of western United States: US. Geol. Survey Bull. 1021—F, p. 209—236, pls. 21—27. Edwards, H. M., and Haime, Jules, 1850—1854, A monograph of the British fossil corals: London, Palaeontographical Soc., 322 p., 72 pls. 1851, Monographie des polypiers fossiles des terrains palaeozoiques: Mus. Histoire Nat, Paris, Archives, v. 5, 44 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA 502 p., 20 pls. Etheridge, Robert, J r., 1911, The Lower Palaeozoic corals of Chillagoe and Clermont, pt. 1: Queensland Geol. Survey Pub. 231, p. 1—8, pls. A—D. [Australia] Fenton, C. L., and Fenton, M. A., 1936, The “tabulate” corals of Hall’s “Illustrations of Devonian fossils”: Carnegie Mus. Annals, v. 25, art. 5, p. 17—56, pls. 1—7. Fliigel, H., and Free, B., 1962, Laccophyllidae (Rugosa) aus dem Greifensteiner Kalk (Eiflium) von Wiede bei Greifen- stein: Palaeontographica, v. 119, no. A, p. 222—247. Gilluly, James, and Masursky, Harold, 1965, Geology of the Cortez quadrangle, Nevada: US. Geol. Survey Bull. 1175, 117 p. Hague, Arnold, 1892, Geology of the Eureka district, Nevada: US. Geol. Survey Mon. 20, 419 p. (with atlas), 8 pls. Hall, James, 1859—1861, Organic remains of the lower Helder- burg group and the Oriskany sandstone: New York Geol. Survey, Palaeontology, v. 3, p. 1—532, pls. 1—120, 1887, Corals and Bryozoa: New York Geol. Survey, Palaeontology, v, 6, p. 1—298, pls. 1—66. Hall, James, and Clarke, J. M., 1892, An introduction to the study of the genera of Palaeozoic Brachiopoda: Palaeon- tology of New York, v. 8, pt. 1, p. 1—367, 20 pls., text figs. [1893]. 1894, An introduction to the study of the genera of Palaeozoic Brachiopoda: Palaeontology of New York, v. 8, pt. 2, p. 1—314, pls. 21—84, text figs. Havlicek, Vladimir, 1959, Spiriferidae of the Silurian and Devonian of Bohemia: Rozpravy Usti-ed. Ustavu Geol., v. 25, p. 1—218 (Czech text), p. 223—275 (English summary), 27 pls., text figs. 1961, Rhynchonelloidea des b'ohmischen alteren Palac- zoikums (Brachiopoda): Roszpravy Ustred. Ustavu Geol., v. 27, p. 1—211, pls. 1—27. Helmbrecht, W., and Wedekind, Rudolf, 1923, Versuch einer biostratigraphischen gliderung der Siegener Schichten auf grund von Rensselaerien und Spiriferen: Gliickauf, v. 59, no. 41, p. 949—953. Hill, Dorothy, 1935, British terminology for rugose corals: Geol. Mag., v. 72, no. 857, p. 481—519. 1936, The British Silurian rugose corals with acanthine septa: Royal Soc. London Philos. Trans, ser. B, no. 534, v. 226, p. 189—217, 2 pls. 1940, The Silurian Rugosa of the Yass-Bowning District, N.S.W.: Linnean Soc. New South Wales Proc., v. 65, pt. 3—4, p. 388—420, 3 pls. 1956, Rugosa, in Moore, R. 0., ed., Treatise on inverte- brate paleontology, Part F—Coelenterata: New York and Lawrence, Kansas, Geol. Soc. America and Kansas Univ. Press, p. F233—F324, 1958, Distribution and sequence of Silurian coral faunas: Royal Soc. New South Wales Jour. and Proc., v. 92, pt. 4, p. 151—173. Hill, Dorothy, and Stumm, E. C., 1956, Tabulata, in Moore, R. 0., ed., Treatise on invertebrate paleontology, part F— Coelenterata: New York and Lawrence, Kansas, Geol. Soc. America and Kansas Univ. Press, p. F444—F477. Hudson, R. G. S., 1944, Lower Carboniferous corals of the genera Rotiphyllum and Permia: Jour. Paleontology, v. 18, no. 4, p. 355-362, pls. 56, 57. Johnson, J. G., 1965, Lower Devonian stratigraphy and corre- lation, northern Simpson Park Range, Nevada: Canadian Petroleum Geology Bull., v. 13, no. 3, p. 365—381. 1970, Great Basin Lower Devonian Brachiopoda: Geol. Soc. America Mem. 121, 421 p., 74 pls. Johnson, J. G., and Boucot, A. J., 1968, Brachiopods of the Bois Blanc Formation in New York: US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 584—B, p. 1—27, 8 pls. Johnson, J. G., and Murphy, M. A., 1969, Age and position of Lower Devonian graptolite zones relative to the Appala- chian standard succession: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 80, no. 7, p. 1275—1282. Johnson, J. G., and Reso, Anthony, 1964, Probable Ludlovian brachiopods from the Sevy dolomite of Nevada: Jour. Paleontology, v. 38, no. 1, p. 74—84, pls. 19, 20. Johnson, J. G., and Talent, J. A., 1967a, Muriferella, a new genus of Lower Devonian septate dalmanellid: Royal Soc. Victoria Proc., v. 80, pt. 1, p. 43—50, pls. 9, 10. 1967b, Cortezorthinae, a new subfamily of Siluro-Devo- nian dalmanellid brachiopods: Palaeontology, v. 10, pt. 1, p. 142—170, pls. 19—22. Kay, Marshall, and Crawford, J. P., 1964, Paleozoic facies from the miogeosynclinal to the eugeosynclinal belt in thrust slices, Central Nevada: Geol. Soc. 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A., Jr., 1960, Rugose corals from reef limestones in the Lower Devonian of New York: Jour. Paleontology, v. 34, no. 1, p. 59—100, pls. 13—19. 1962, Silurian rugose corals from the Lake Temiscouata area, Quebec: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 430—B, p. 11—19, pls. 5—8. 1966, Description of dimorphism in Striatopora flexuosa Hall: Paleontology, v. 9, pt. 3, p. 448—454, pls. 68—71. Poéta, Philippe, 1902, Anthozoaires et Alcyonaires, in Bar- rande, Joachim, System Silurien du centre de la Boheme: Prague, Recherches Paleontologiques, v, 8, pt, 2, 347 p., 99 pls. Prantl, Ferdinand, 1938, Some Laccophyllidae from the Middle Devonian of Bohemia: Annals and Mag. Nat. History, 11th ser., v. 2, p. 18—41,pls. 1—3. 1940, Korallengattung Xylodes Lang and Smith im béhmischen Silur: Czechoslovakia, Akad. Wiss. Mitt., Prague, 21 p., 3 pls. Ross, D. C., 1966, Stratigraphy of some Paleozoic formations in the Independence quadrangle, Inyo County, California: US. Geol. Survey Prof, Paper 396, 64 p., illus. 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Schuchert, Charles, 1897, A synopsis of American fossil Brachiopoda including bibliography and synonymy: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 87, p. 1—464. 1913, Brachiopoda, in Textbook of Paleontology: East- man-Zittel, Macmillian and 00., p. 355—420. Schuchert, Charles, and Cooper, G. A., 1931, Synopsis of the brachiopod genera of the suborders Orthoidea and Penta- meroidea, with notes on the Telotremata: Am. Jour, Sci., ser. 5, v. 22, p. 241—251. 1932, Brachiopod genera of the suborders Orthoidea and Pentameroidea: Yale Univ. Peabody Mus. Nat. History, Mem.,v. 4, pt. 1, p. 1—270, 29 pls., text figs. Schuchert, Charles, and Maynard, T. P., 1913, Brachiopoda, in Lower Devonian of Maryland: Maryland Geol. Survey, p. 290—450, pls. 1—98. Simpson, G. B., 1900, Preliminary descriptions of new genera of Paleozoic rugose corals: New York [State] State Mus. Bull. 39, v. 8, p. 199—222; republished as New York State Univ., New York State Mus. 54th Ann. Rept. of Regents, 1900, v.3. Smith, Stanley, 1930, Some Valentian corals from Shropshire and Montgomeryshire, with a note on a new stromatopo- roid: Geol. Soc. London Quart, Jour., v. 86, p. 291—330, pls. 26—29. 1933, On Xylodes rugosus sp. nov., a Niagaran coral: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 5, v. 26, no. 155, p. 512—522, 1 pl. 1945, Upper Devonian corals of the Mackenzie River region, Canada: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 59, 126 p., 35 pls. Smith, Stanley, and Tremberth, Reginald, 1929, On the Silur- ian corals Madreporites articulatus Wahlenberg, and Madrepora truncata L: Annals and Mag. Nat. HiStory, ser. 10, v. 3, p. 361—376, pls. 7, 8. Soshkina, E. D., 1937, Corals of the Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian of the eastern and western slopes of the Urals: Akad. Nauk SSSR, Paleozool. Inst. Trudy, v. 6, pt. 4, 112 p., 21 pls. [Russian English summary]. Stainbrook, M. A., 1946, Corals of the Independence shale of Iowa: Jour. Paleontology, v. 20, no. 5, p. 401—427, pls.57-61. Stehli, F. 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Survey Prof. Paper 430, p. 1—9, pls. 1—4 [1963]. 1964, Silurian and Devonian corals of the Falls of the Ohio: Geol. Soc. America Mem. 93 ,184 p., 2 figs, 80 pls. Stumm, E. C., and Tyler, J. H., 1964, Corals of the Traverse group of Michigan, Part 12, The small-celled species of Favosites and Emmonsia: Michigan Univ. Mus. Paleontol- ogy Contr., v. 19, no. 3, p. 23—26, pls. 1—7. Swann, D. H., 1947, The Fauosites alpenensis lineage in the Middle Devonian Traverse group of Michigan: Michigan Univ. Mus. Paleontology Contr., v. 6, no. 9, p. 235—318, pls. 1—17. Swartz, F. M., 1930, The Helderberg group of parts of West Virginia and Virginia: US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 158—C, p. 27—75, pls. 6—9, text figs. 1939, The Keyser limestone and Helderberg group, in The Devonian of Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geol. Sur- vey Bull., 4th sen, G19, p. 29—91, text figs. 46 RABBIT HILL LIMESTONE AND LONE MOUNTAIN DOLOMITE OF CENTRAL NEVADA Waite, R. H., 1956, Upper Silurian Brachiopoda from the Great Basin: Jour. Paleontology, v. 30, no. 1, p. 15—18, pl. 4. Walcott, C. D., 1884, Paleontology of the Eureka district [Nevada]: US. Geol. Survey Mon. 8, 298 p., 24 pls. Wedekind, Rudolf, 1927, Die Zoantharia von Gotland: Sveriges Geol. Undersokning, ser. Ca, no. 19, p. 1—94, 30 pls. Whittington, H. B., 1956, Type and other species of Odonto- pleuridae (Trilobita): Jour. Paleontology, v. 30, p. 504— 520, pls. 57—60. Williams, Alwyn, and Wright, A. D., 1963, The classification of the “Orthis testudinaria Dalman” group of brachiopods: Jour. Paleontology, v. 37, no. 1, p. 1-32, pls. 1, 2. 1965, Orthida, in Williams, Alwyn, and others, Brachio- poda, pt. H, of Moore, R. C., Treatise on invertebrate pale- ontology: Geol. Soc. America and Kansas Univ. Press, 927 p., illus. Winterer, E. L., and Murphy, M. A., 1960, Silurian reef com- plex and associated facies, central Nevada: Jour. Geology, v. 68, no. 2. p. 117-139, 7 pls. INDEX _ [Italic page numbers indicate both major references and descriptions] A Page abditum, Endophyllum .................................... 23 Abstract .................. .. 1 Acanthoscapha sp.. 11 Acidaspis tuberculatus 36 Acknowledgements .. 2 Acodimz .......... .. 11 Acrospin'fer .. ........ 7, 11, 12, 33, 31, kleinhamph 7. 8, 10, 12, .94; pl. 7 kobehana ........................ 28, 29, 34 murchisoni .. sp. D sp .. (Acrospinfer), Hysterolztes acuaria, Nowakia ....................... . 35 ' hm, L v-1," 22 acuticuspidata, Leptaena.. 28 acutiplicata, Anoplotheca 31 Leptocaelia .. Aechmi'mz sp ........ aequabile, Tryplasma ., afi‘im’s, Billingsastraea Alleym'a ....................... ( N icholsonia ) ..... alpenesis, Favosites altera, Plethorhyncha Alveolites V sp .. AWL 1 umbonata 30 $1). a .. .. '7, 10, 30: pl. 7 Ambocoeliidae ....... .90 Anastrophia 10, 11, 29 grossa 29 vemeuili . 10, 11, 29; pl. 5 andersoni, Plethorhyncha . 7, 8, 29, 30; pl. 6 Anoplotheca acutiplicata . 31 sp ................................... 31 antelopensis, Levenea subcan'nata .......... 7, 8, 10, 11, 26; pl. 4 Antelope-Roberts Mountains facies belt... 5. 11 arcuata, Meristella 30 Areal distribution .. ~5 arenosus, Costispirifer 11, 12, 34, 35 dabbinensis, Costispinfer ......... 7, 8, 12, planicostatus, Costispz‘rifer Spirifer Articulata ..... articulatum, Entelophyllum 38 articulatus, Madreporites ..... 38 Xylodes 38 atoka, Men‘stella . 30 Atrypa, .............. . 40, ‘1 * MM “sis 41 sp. f . sp ...... Atrypella cari’natu . Atrypidae ................. Australocoelia ...... Australophyllum cyathophylloides . landerensis stevemi sp r . 24 8, 11, 24, 25; pl. 9 11, 2.6. 25, pl. 9 ................. 11, 24. 25; pl. 9 Bailey Pass Bairdia legumimn'des sp ........ Barr " ,L 1 pair barra/ndi, Plethorhy'ncha .............. becki tennesseenais, Leptostrophia Belodella resi‘mus ............ Berdan, Jean M., quoted bie ' 07', Camar ‘ '"‘ Billingsastraea afim’s ........ nevudensis sp. m ............ birdsongemis, Phacops Birdsong Shale, Tennessee . Bogoslovsk, Russia ................. 37 Bois d’Arc Limestone, Oklahoma.. Borszczow beds, Poland ................... bowerbamki, Endophz/llum Brachiopoda . brachiopods Branik Limestone, Bohemia 2; 7, 10, 11, 17, 18, 35 bransoni, St’ropho'nella. .. 28 Brownsport Formation ............................. 21, 41 C Camarotaechia . 40 biem‘aszi ..... 40 pahmnagatemis 15, 16, .60; pl. 11 sp. b .. . 15, 16. 40; pl. 11 sp. f . 15. 16, 40; pl. 11 sp ......... . 14, 16; pl. 11 Camarotoechiidae 40 canadensia, Phacops .. 9, .97, pl. 2 carinata, Atrypella ....... 41 catenulatus, H alusites 13 Chewelah area, Stevens County, Wash. 12 Chr rL n Cladopora .. Coal Canyon fault zone . Coblenz and Eifel districts, German Coelospim sp ......... Coenites ..... Conclusions .. congesta, Hyattidina conodonts .. Conularia .. huntia'na . 8, 10, 19, .95; pl. 2 lata .. ..................... 8, 10 sp . . 35:131. 2 Conulariidae 86 conularids ..... 19, .95 Conulata ......................... .95 convexoris, Parahealdia, . 11 Cooper. G. A., quoted. 34 cooperi, Tremutospira, 32 Copenhagen Canyon, Horse Heaven Mountain quadrangle . 6 coral-brachiopod assemblages ........... 15 Page corals .................. 2, 13, 15, 19 Coral Zones ....... 18 Cordilleran geosyncline . 4, 5, 6 Cortez Mountains . 2, 9, 21,42 Costellirostm .. ....... 30 Costispirifer .. 7, 11, .94, 35 arenosus ........... 11, 12, 34, 35 dobbi’ne'nsis . 7, 8, 10, 12, 85; pl. 7 pla'nicostatus 34 planicostatus . 34 Costispiriferidae . .94 crassiformis, Salopina . 40 crinoidal debris ......... 7 crispa, H owellella, 42 Cyathaxom‘a siluriensis cyathophylloides, Austrulophyllum Spongophyllum ............................ cycloptera monitorenais, H owellella H owellella ............. cyclopterus, Spirifer D D ’ " sp 25 Dalmanellidae ............ 26 Dalmam'tes . 37 dalmanitid .. 9, 10 Dalmanitidae . 37 Delthyrididae .92, 41 Delthun’s ....... 32 raricosta .................. 32 Devils Gate Limestone. 9, 15 Devon Island, Northwest Territories, Canada 40 deweyi. Trematoapim .. 32 din/nu, Plethorhyncha, .. 30 Disphyllidae 25 Die L," 38 dobbinensis, Costispirifer arenasus ........ 7, 8, 12. Dobbin Summit .......... Dauvilli’na gem‘culata dunbari, Pleurodictyum E Ely Springs Dolomite 13 Emmmia .................... 19 Endophyllidae ................. 28 E .1 L 11 23 abditwm 23 bowe-rba'nlm 23 engelmzmm', Entelophyllum . 14, 38, 41; pls. 10, 11 enyelmanm‘ b, Entellophyllum .................... 15. 89 Enteletidae ............... 40 Entelophyllm'des 38 Entelophyllum 3, 13, 14, 16, 18, 38 articulatum ................................ 38 enyelmamti 14, 16, .98, 41, pls. 10, 11 b .. 15, 16, 8.9 eurekaensis ............................ 10, 15, 39; pl. 10 r A ,1- +1.... 33 15 48 Page Entelophyllum-Howellella assemblages 16, 16, 17 equistriata, Trematospira ............ 31, 32 eurekaensis, Entelophyllum 15, 39:11]. 10 Eureka mining district .. . 1, 2, 3, 10 F Favoaites ...... 6, 7, 8, 10, 19 alpenesis 19 gothla'ndicus 19 helderberaiae . 6, 7, 8, 10, 19:1)1- 1 sp ..... 9, 10 Favositidae 19 favositids ..... 15, 16 Favositinae ........... _. 19 Fergwnella. lincolnensis . .......... 40 Fish Creek Range ...... Fish Haven Dolomite flabellites, Leptocoelia . flew-wow, Striatopora foerstei, Sy-n‘ngaxon _ fremomi, Leptaemz Frisco Limestone, Oklahoma ........... 28 fucoids .................. 7 furca, Thlipsura. 11 G aaspensis, Phacops ............................. 37 Gazelle Formation, Klamath Mountains 23 geniculata, meillina. 16 Giles Formation, Virginia . 34 Glassiu variabilis ................... 41 gothlamlicus, Favosites 19 Gotland, Sweden . ..... 38 graptolites . 2, 3. 6, 7, 17 Great Basin .. ......... 1, 2, 4. 12, 18. 40 Silurian and Devonian depositional systems of ............... 1, 2, 1, Early Devonian coral zone B 7. 10, 12, 18, 28 Early Devonian coral zone C .............. 18, 28 Late Silurian coral zone D ........ 4, 8, 16, 18 Late Silurian coral zone E 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 18, 19, 24 Middle Devonian coral zone F . 18, 19 Silurian basal chert .............. 3 Greifensteiner Kalk, Germany . 23 urosaa, Anastmphia ..... 29 awenensis, Striatopom H H alyaites ............ catenulatus Halysites-pycnostylid biofacies Halysitidae ........... Hamilton Group Hanson Creek Limestone ........... 3, 13 Haragan Limestone, Oklahoma . 26, 28 hamganensis, Schuchertella ...... 7, 8, 9, 29, pl 3 H " ' . 32 helderbergiae, Favosites ............ 6, 7. 8, 19; pl. 1 Heliolitidae ....................... . 19 Henryhouse Formation . henryhouse'nsz’s, Rhipidomella hespemlis, Hyattidina ............. 40 hexactinellid sponge spicules . 7 Hidden Valley Dolomite, Panamint Mountains, Calif .............. 22, 34, 35 H‘ .1 n 40, 41 prinstana A. umbo’nata sp. a ....... History of investigation ...................... 8 Howellella 3, 15, 18, 33. 38, 41 crispa. ........ 42 cycloptera . .. 41 mmitorensis 7, 8, 10, 11, 38; pl. 8 pauciplicata 14, 16, 33, [,1, 42; pl. 12 amithi 15, 16, 33, .61, 42; pl. 12 INDEX Page Howellella-Cumarotoechia-A trypa. brachiopod assemblage 39 huddlei, Icn'odus latericrescens 11 Huddle, J. W., quoted ................. 11 Hunsriickschiefer Formation, Germany 35 huntiana, Conulan‘a . 8, 19. .95; pl. 2 Hyattidina ................... 40 congesta 40 hespe‘ralia .............. 16, 40 sp. f ............. . 14, 15, 16, 1,0, 41; pl. 12 sp ................................. pl. 12 Hysterolites (Acrospi'rifer) .. 33, 34 I Icriodus 11 latericresce'ns B . 11 huddlei 11 sp .......... 11 Ikes Canyon . 7 Independence Shale, Iowa 22 infrequens, Leptocoelia. . 31 Introduction .............. 1 Inyo Mountains, Calif. 42 K kleinhampli, Acrospirifer . 7, 8, 10, 12, 34:1)1. 7 Kobeh Valley project ..... 2, 10 kobehana, Acrospin‘fer 28, 29, 34 Kodonophyllum .. 12 Kozlowskiella .. 32 strawi ........................................................ 32 KV 1 1 ' "'Mn 82 nolam‘ 7, 8, 10, 82, 33; pl. 6 strawi 33 uelata 33 sp. a .............. 32 Kyphophyllidae 3'8 Kyphophyllum 38 lindstromi 38 L Laccophyllidae ........ 21 Lacvophyllum ...... 21 n ‘ him 22 laevis, Meristella ’ ........... 30 Laketown Dolomite, Confusion Range, Utah .......................... 4, 16, 18, 40, 41 landerensia, Australophyllum ........ 8, 11, 24; pl. 9 lata, Conula'r’ia, 8 lateficrescens huddlei, Ic‘riodus , 11 B, Icriodus ........... 11 legumimn'des, Bairdia .. 11 lenticularis, Plewrodictyum . Leonaspis 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, .96, 37 tuberculatus . 8, 9, 10, 11. 86 williamsi . .................. 36 sp .............. 36 Leptae’na . 7, 9, 10, 28 acuticuspidata fremonti ...... rhomboidulis ventricosa .. sp .............. Leptaenidae .. .. Leptocoelia 8 12, 31, 35 acutiplicata A ......... 31 flabellites . 31 infrequens .. 31 occidentalis .. A 7, 8, 10, 11, 31:19]. 5 sp .............. . 8, 9, 10, 31, 35 Leptocoeliidae . ....... .91 Leptaatrophia .............. 8, 27 becki tennesseensis . '7, 8, 10, 27; pls. 3, 8 sp ..... 7, 10, 27; pls. 3, 8 L . 12, 26 subcarinata .............................................. 12, 26 antelopemis ............ ’ 7, 8, 10, 11. 26:1)1. 4 Page lincolnensis, Ferganella .................. 40 lindstrb'mi, Kyphophyllum .. 38 Locality register .................... £2 ' ,, ‘, Phacops 37 Lone Mountain .......................... 1, 3, 12, 13, 42 Lone Mountain Dolomite 2, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 33, 38, 40 age and correlation of .......................... 3, 15 fossils of .......................... 4, 16, 17. 18, 19. 42 relation to Rabbit Hill Limestone 3, 17 Unit 1 ............................ 13, 15, 18 Unit 2 .................... . 13, 15, 16, 18 Lone Mountain Formation _ . 3, 12 Lone Mountain—Laketown biofacies . 15, 16, 18, 41 Lone Mountain Limestone . 3, 13 lykophyllids ......... 18 M mcbn’dei, Trematospim . 7. 31, 32; pl. 6 McClusky Peak .. Macropleura Madreporites artwulatus . Mahogany Hills ................. martini, Meristella, .. Meristella ..... arcuata _ atoka A. laem‘s .. martini ...... robertsensia sp . Meristellidae Meristina sp ,_ Mesomphalus sp Methods ...... Michelinia .. sp ................. Micheliniinae . Miraspis . 35, 36, .97 S1) .. . 7, 10, 37; pl. 2 Mollusca 35 monitorensia, Howellella cycloptem 7, 8, 11, .93. pl. 8 Monitor Range .................................. 2, 7, 21, 42 type area ......................... . 2 Monitor-Simpson Park belt 4, 5, 8 Monograptus 6, 7 Mucophullum 12 Mulligan Gap fault .. 15 Mulligan Gulch .................... 10 multistn'ata, Trematospira . 32 murchisoni, Acrospi-rifer ..... 34 Mum'fella ............................. _. 40 musculosa, Rhim’domella . N Neomphyma. .................................................... 38 Nevada Formation .................... 2, 6, 13, 17, 19, 31 Beacon Peak Dolomite Member 10, 15, 16, 17, 18 fossils .......................................... 3, 5, 6, 19 unit 1 6, 7, 10, 12, 17, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36 unit 2 S, 19, 22, 29, 35, 36, 37 unit 4 nevadensis, Billingsastmea . Pleurodictyum Schuche'rtella ....... newber-ryi, Orthostrophia strophomenm'des 7, 11, 27; pls. 3, 8 Niagaran Formation, Tennessee ............. Nicholsom'a _____________________ (Nicholsom‘a), Alleymia nolam', Kozlowskiellim N owakia acuaria Nu ' pira ventricosa _ O Page oblata, Rhipidomella ...................................... 26 accidentalis, Leptocoelia 7, 8, 10, 11, .91; pl. 5 Odontopleura. .. 36, 37 Odontopleuridae 86 Orthidae ....................... £7 Orthis subcari'nata. 26 Orthocems sp ....... (Orthonychia) sp. c, Platyceras 01thastrophia ............ strophomenm‘dea . newborn/1' pawn. .. sp ................ ostracods ....................... Pacbyporinae .................................................. 19, 20 pahmnagatensis, Camarotoechia .. 15, 1,0; pl. 11 Pahranagat Range 40 Palaeocyclus .......... 18 Papiliophullum 28 Parahealdia ..... 11 convexoris .. 11 Parastrophinidae . 29 Parazyga 32 purva, Orthost-rophia atrophomenoides 27 pauciplicata, Howellella 14, 16, 33, 41, 42; pl. 12 perlamellosus, Spirifer ........................ 32 Permit; .......................................... 21, 22 perplemum, Barrandeophyllum 22 Petes Canyon ............. 8 Pen ' .. 33 Phacopidae ......................................... .. 36. 87 Phacops ...... s7 birdsongemis 37 canadensis _. 9, 10, 37; pl. 2 gaspensis 37 loaam' ..... :7 sp. A 37; pl. 8 sp. B 9, 10, 87; pl. 2 sp .................... 7, 8, 9, 10 Pholadophyllum . 37 Pholidophylum . . 37 Pholidostrophia , ., :8 sp. R ........... 7, 10, 28; pl. 3 pinyonensis, Spirifer . 36 planicostatus, Costispirifer 34 arenosus ......... .. 34 Spirifer arenosua . 34 Platyceras . ............... 35, 86 7, 10, 86; pl. 1 _ 7, 10, .96; pl. 1 . 7, 10, 36:131. 1 sp. 3 sp. b .............................. (Orthonychia) sp. c Platyceratidae Plethorhuncha . altem ......... undersoni ban-andi diana _. saline'nsts ‘ speciasum welleri .......... Pleurodictyum dunburi ....... lenticulare lenticularis nevadensis (Pleu'rodictyum) problematicum (Procteria) stylopora. ..... tennesseenaia trifoliatum , sp .............. Pogonip Group Polycoeliidne INDEX Page primaevus, Spirife'r ........................ 34 primtana, Hindella. ....................... 41 prublematicum, Pleurodictywm _ 20 (Procten'a) Pleurodictyum ........ 20 Proetus sp 8, 10 Protathyris . _ 40 Protocortezo'rthis .......................... 40 pseudodianthus, Entelophyllum 38 punctulifera, Strophonella .......... 8, 10, 28:131. 3 Purpose and scope of investigation .......... 2 pycnostylids ........................... 12, 15, 16 Pycnostylus .. ..... 15 ............ pl. 11 Rabbit Hill ................... Rabbit Hill Limestone. age and correlation of _. areal distribution and stratigraphy of 5 type area ..... conularids of . fossils of .. mollusca of 35 relation to Lone Mountain Dolomite 3, 17 tentaculitids of trilobites of mricasta, Delthyris resimus, Belodella ..... Retziidae .................................. F“ n 'L J 1 a __ Rhipidomella .. henryhousenszs musculosa ......... oblata __ rossi .. sp Rhipidomellidae ..... Rhipidomelloides .. rhomboidalis, Leptae'na . . robertsensis, Men‘stella ........ 30 Roberts Mountains ...... Formation Limestone Rockhouse Shale, Tennessee Romano fault ........... rossi, Rhipidomella .. 2, 7, 10,13, 32 3, 4, 5,12, 18 rugosa, Xylodes .............................. 38 rugose corals .......... 2, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15. 16. 17, 18 S Saccarchites sp ............................. 11 salinensis, Plethorhyncha . 30 Salopimz 1,0 crassifmmzs 40 sp. f ................ . 15, 16, 40; pl. 11 51) ............................................ 40 Sandpile Dolomite, British Columbia, Canada ........................ 41 Schellwienellu 29 Schuchertellu 7, 8, 10, 29 haraganensis 8, 9, 10, 29; pl. 3 nevadensis _ .............. 29 sp ............... 9, 29; pls. 3, 8 Schuchertellidae ............................. 29 sedgwicki, Spongophyllum 23 Selected bibliography ............ 43 Sevy Dolomite ................... 16 siluriensis, Cyathaaco’nia 21, 22 Syringaxon .. . 21, 23 Simpson Park Range, Nevada ........ 1, 2, 4, 8, 21, 36. 37, 42 Siphonophrentis _ ........ 23 sp. B ......... . 10, 23; pl. 8 smithi, Howellella ., 15, 16, 33, 41, 42; pl. 12 speciosum, Plethorhyncha .. 29 Spiniferina ............................. 37 Page Spinulosa ....................... 11 Spirifer arenosus planicostatus .. 34 cyclopterus ............................. 33 perlamellosus .. 32 pinyonensis primaevus sp. a ......... Spongophyllum cyathophyllm'des sedgwicki .............. stevensi, Australophyllum . Startophyllum strawi, Kozlowskiella. Kozlowskielli'na Streptelasmatidae 23 Striatopma 6, 8, 10, 19, 20 f’ 20 gwenensis ................... . 6, 8, 10, 20; pl. 1 sp ........... Strombades _ Strapheadonta sp Stropheodontidae ......................................... 27 strophomenoides newber'rui, Orthostrophia 7. 11, 27; pls. 3, 8 Orthostrophia ............... 7, 27 pawa, Orthostrophia . 27 Strophonella .. 8, 28 bransom’ _ . 28 punctulifem . 8, 10, 28; pl. 3 sp . 10 Stylioh’na 35 stylopo'ra, Pleuradictyum ..... 20 subcarinata antelope'nsis, Leveneu .. 7, 8, 10, 11, Leveneu . .. Orthis .. Sulphur Spring Range 2, 10, 15, 28, 29, 36, 42, 43 Sunday Canyon Formation, Vaughn Gulch Limestone, Mazourka Canyon, Inyo Mountains, Calif ...... 11, 12,24 Syringaxo'n 18, 19, 21, 35 foerstei 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 22, 23; pl. 2 silurie‘nsis . 21, 23 sp ............ 12 Syringopam 13 Syringoporinae .. 19 Systematic and descriptive paleontology .. 18 T Tabulata ....................... 19 tennesseensis, Atrypa 41 Leptostrophia becki Pleurodictyum tentaculitids ............. Thamnopom sp . 14, 15, 16 Thlipsura furcu 11 sp .......... . 11 Toquima Range . .......................... 2, 7, 12, 21, 42 Torquay Formation, England 23 Trematospira . . 11 81, 40 ooopen’ 32 deweyi .. . 32 equistn’ata ............. . 31, 32 mcbridei 7, 10, .91, 32; pl. 6 multistriata ‘ sp ................ Tricorm'na sp .. trifoliatum, Pleurodictuum trilobites Tryplasma _ aequabile sp. 1‘ ............ sp ................... Tryplasmatidae . tuberculatus, Acidaspis Leanaspis Tubilibai'rdia. sp Tuscarora Mountains . 2, 9, 11, 25, 42 50 Page U umbonuta, Ambocoelia .................................. 30 Hindella, 41 Uncinulidae 2.9 Unci'nulus 30 V variabilis, Glassiu _________ 41 veluta, Kozlowskiellina . 33 INDEX Page Velibeyn‘chia sp .............................................. 11 ventricosa, Leptae'na _ 28 Nucleospira ........ .. 9 verneuili, Anastrophia . 10, 11, 29; pl. 5 Verticillopo’ra ................ 16 W Walti Ranch, Walti Hot Springs quadrangle ............. 8, 35, 36 Welleria 11 Page wellen‘, Plethorhy‘ncha .. Wenban Limestone ........ . 32, 38 Wenlock Limestone, England .. williamsi, Leonaspis ................... 36 X, Y X37 4 38 articulatus ...... 38 rugosa, 38 Yassia. _____ 23 PLATES 1—12 [Contact photographs of the plates in this report are available, at cost, from the US Geological Survey Photographic Library, Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 80225] PLATE 1 FIGURES 1, 3—6. S triatopora cf. S. gwenensis Amsden. 1. Lateral view (X 11/2); USNM 159475. 3. Lateral view ( X 2); USNM 159476. 4. Transverse thin section ( X 2); USNM 159514. 5, 6. Longitudinal thin sections (X 2); USNM 159515, 159516. Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Rabbit Hall, Copenhagen Canyon, Nev. Locality M409. 2. Digitate favositid sp. a. Lateral view (X 11/2) ; USNM 159513. Locality M409. (See figs. 1,3—6.) 7—12. Pleurodictyum nevadensis n. sp. 7, 8. Calice and lateral views of holotype (X 11/2); USNM 159517. 9. Lateral view of broken paratype (X 3); USNM 159518, showing pore distribution. 10. Interior view of wall (X 2); USNM 159519, showing pore pattern. Locality M409. (See figs. 1, 3—6.) 11. Calice view (X 11/2); USNM 159520. Upper part of Rabbit Hill Limestone, Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, Nev. Locality M1309. 12. Calice view (X 1); USNM 159521. Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Horse Canyon, Cortez Mountains, Nev. Locality M1083. tains, Nev. Locality M1083. 13—15. Pleurodictyum dunbari n. sp. 13. Lateral exterior of holotype ( X 11/2); USNM 159522. 14. Calice view of holotype (X 2%); USNM 159522. 15. Calice View of paratype ( X 2%) ; USN M 159523. Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, Nev. Locality M409. 16—19. Favosites cf. F. helderbergiae Hall. 16. Surface of massive colony ( X 1). 17. Longitudinal thin section (X 2). 18. Transverse thin section (X 2). 19. Longitudinal thin section (X 2). Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, Nev. Locality M409. 20, 21. Platyceras sp. a. Umbilical and aperture views (X 1); USNM 159524. Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, Nev. Locality M409. 22, 23. Platyceras sp. b. Lateral and aperture views ( >< 11/2); USNM 159525. Locality M409. (See figs. 20, 21.) 24. Platyceras (Orthonychia) sp. c Elongate surface of body whorl (X 1%); USNM 159526. Locality M409. (See figs. 20, 21.) 1 E T A L P 8 0 8 R E P A P L A N m S S E F O R P GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FA VOSITES, AND PLA TYCERAS STRIA TOPORA, PLEUR ODICTYUM, PLATE 2 FIGURES 1—10. Syringaxon foerstei n. sp. 11—13. 14. 15—17. 18—20. 1. Oblique calice View of holotype (x 11/2); USNM 159243. Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, Nev. Locality M409. 2, 3. Lateral view (x 1%) and calice view ( X 1) of paratype USNM 159245. Locality M409, (See fig. 1.) 6. Transverse thin section of paratype (X 4); USN M 159246. Locality M409. (See fig. 1.) 7. Calice view (X 2); USNM 159528. Lower Devonian, Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada For- mation; southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. Locality M197. 8. Calice view of paratype (X 21/2); USNM 159244. Locality M409. (See fig. 1.) ' 9, 10. Longitudinal thin section of two paratypes (X 4); USNM 159529, 159247. Locality M409. (See fig. 1.) (?) Phacops sp. B, cf. P. canadensis Stumm. 11. Dorsal surface of nearly complete specimen ( x 1) ; USN M 159530. 12. Cephalon showing right genal spine (X 1); USNM 159531. 13. Latex impression of pygidium (x 1); USNM 159532. Rabbit Hill Limestone, Coal Canyon, Simpson ( ?) M iraspis sp. Forked occipital ring spine (x 2), Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, Nev. Locality M409. Leonaspis cf. L. tuberculatus (Hall). 15, 17. Pygidium (X 4) ; USNM 159533 and free cheek (X 4)‘ USNM 159534. Locality M409 (See fig. 14.) 16. Free cheek (X 2); USNM 159535. Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Range, Nev. Locality M1311. Conularia sp., cf. C. huntiana Hall. 18. Lateral view (x 2) ; USNM 159536. 19. Surface of large individual ( x 2); USN M 159537. 20. Enlargement of part of fig. 19 ( x 8). Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; southeast of Walti Ranch, Simpson Park Range, Nev. Locality M1074. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 808 PLATE 2 _f.«'.;.a:/W¥A 1,: x x 7 1,1,» m: smut?! f ’ . SYRINGA XON, ('2) PHACOPS, (?) MIRASPIS, LEONASPIS, AND CONULARIA FIGURES 1—3. 4, 5. 6, 7. 8, 9. 10,11. 12—15. 16, 17, 19. 18. PLATE 3 Leptostrophia sp. cf. L. becki tennesseensis Dunbar. 1, 2. Exterior and interior of pedicle valve (x 2); USN M 159538. 3. Exterior of pedicle valve ( x 2); USNM 159539. Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, Nev, Locality M409. Orthostrophia strophomenoides subsp. newberryi n. subsp. Exterior and interior (x 2) of holotype; USNM 159540. Locality M409. (See figs. 1—3.) ( ?) Pholidostrophia sp. R. Exterior (x 1) and interior (X 2) of pedicle valve; USNM 159541. Locality M409. (See figs. 1—3.) Stropheodonta sp. Exterior (x 1) and interior (x 11/2) of same pedicle valve. Locality M409. (See figs. 1—3.) Strophonella cf. S. punctulifera (Conrad). 10. Latex impression of probable pedicle valve ( x 2). 11. Latex impression of brachial valve exterior ( X 1). Lower Devonian, Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation; southern Sulphur Spring Range Nev. Locality M197. Schuchertella sp., cf. S. haraganensis Amsden. 12—14. Pedicle valve exterior, interior and hinge views (x 1%); USNM 159542. 15. Pedicle valve exterior (x 11/2); USNM 159543. Locality M409. (See figs. 1—3.) Leptaena fremonti n. sp. 16, 17. Pedicle valve exterior and interior ( x 1), holotype; USNM 159544. 19. Pedicle valve interior ( x 1), paratype; USN M 159545. Locality M409. (See figs. 1-3.) Leptaena sp., cf. L. fremonti n. sp. Pedicle valve exterior (x 11/2); USNM 159546. Lower Devonian, Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation; southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. Locality M197. y PROFESSIONAL PAPER 808 PLATE 3 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY v S TR OPHE 0DON TA EPTAENA y LEPTOS TR OPHIA, 0R THOS TR OPHIA, (?) PHOLIDOS TR OPHIA ANDL STR OPHONELLA, SCHUCHER TELLA, FIGURES PLATE 4 1—14. Levenea subcarinata subsp. antelopensis n. subsp. 1—3. Exterior, interior, and umbonal views ( X 2) , holotype pedicle valve; USN M 159547. 4—6. Umbonal view (X 2), exterior and interior ( X 1%), paratype brachial valve; USNM 159548, Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, Nev. Locality M409. 7. Brachial valve interior (x 2), paratype; USNM 159549. Lower Devonian, Beacon Peak Dolomite Mem- ber of the Nevada Formation, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. Locality M186. 8. Umbonal view of articulated shell (>< 11/2), paratype; USNM 159550. Locality M186. (See fig. 7.) 9. Dorsal interior (X 2), paratype; USNM 159551. Locality M409. (See figs. 1—6.) 10. Pedicle interior (x 2), paratype; USNM 159552. Locality M409. (See figs. 1—6.) 11, 12. Brachial valve exterior and interior (>< 11/2), paratype; USNM 159553. Rabbit Hill Limestone, Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, Nev. Locality M1309. 13, 14. Pedicle valve interior and exterior (>< 11/2), paratype; USNM 159554. Lower Devonian, Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. Locality M1312. 15—24. Rhipidomella rossi n. sp. 15—17. Dorsal valve exterior, lateral and umbonal views (X 2), paratype; USN M 159555. 18, 19. Dorsal valve exterior and interior (X 2), holotype; USNM 159556. 20. Dorsal valve interior (>< 21/2), paratype; USNM 159557. 21. Ventral valve interior ( >< 21/2), paratype; USN M 159558. 22. Ventral valve interior (x 2), paratype; USNM 159559. 23. Ventral valve interior (>< 21/2), paratype; USNM 159560. 24. Dorsal valve interior (>< 21/2), paratype; USNM 159561. Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, Nev. Locality M409. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 808 PLATE 4 22 LEVENEA AND RHIPIDOMELLA PLATE 5 FIGURES 1—14. Leptocoelia occidentalis n. sp. ‘ 1, 2, 4. Pedicle valve, brachial valve, and lateral exterior views ( x 2) , holotype; USN M 159562. 3, 5. Anterior (X 2) and umbonal (>< 11/2) views, paratype; USNM 159563. Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, Nev. Locality M409. 6, 7. Brachial valve and pedicle valve exterior (x 11/2), paratype; USNM 159564. Lower Devonian, Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. Locality M197. 8, 9. Brachial valve exterior (X 2) and interior (x 3), paratype; USNM 159565. Locality M409. (See figs. 1—5.) 10. Pedicle valve interior (x 2), paratype; USNM 159566. Locality M409. (See figs. 1—5.) 11, 12. Pedicle valve interior of two paratypes (x 2); USNM 159567, 159568. Locality M409. (See figs. 1—5.) 13, 14. Brachial valve interior of two paratypes ( x 3) ; USNM 159569, 159568. Locality M409. (See figs. 1—5.) 15—19. Anastrophia of. A. verneuili (Hall), 9 15, 18, 19. Pedicle valve exterior (>< 11/2) and two views of interior of same individual; USNM 159571. Lower Devonian, Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation; southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. Locality M186. 16. Pedicle valve exterior (x 1); USNM 159572. Lower Devonian, Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation; southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. Locality M197. 17. Pedicle valve exterior (x 11/2); USNM 159573. Locality M197. (See fig. 16.) PROFESSIONAL PAPER 808 PLATE 5 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LEPTOCOELIA AND ANASTR OPHIA FIGURE. 16—24. Kozlowskiellina nolani n. sp. PLATE 6 1—7. Plethorhyncha andersoni n. sp. 1, 2. Brachial valve exterior and anterior view (x 1); holotype, USN M 159574. 3, 5. Pedicle valve exterior of two paratypes ( x 1); USNM 159575, 159576. 4, 7. Brachial valve exterior (x 1) and interior (x 2); paratype, USNM 159577. 6. Pedicle valve interior (x 1); paratype, USN M 159578. Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, Nev. Locality M409, 8—15. Trematospira mcbridei n. sp. 8, 10, Pedicle valve exterior (x 1) and interior (x 2); holotype, USNM 159579. 9. Pedicle valve exterior (x 11/2); paratype, USNM 159580. 11. Pedicle valve interior (x 2); paratype, USNM 159581. 12. Pedicle valve interior (X 2); paratype, USNM 159582. 13—15. Brachial valve interior of three paratypes (X 2); USNM 159583, 159584, 159585, showing details of the cardinal process. Locality M409. (See figs. 1—7.) 16. Brachial valve exterior (>< 11/2); paratype, USNM 159586. 17. Brachial valve interior (x 11/2); paratype, USNM 159587. 18. Brachial valve interior (X 3); paratype, USNM 159588. 19. Pedicle valve exterior (x 2); holotype, USNM 159589. 20, 21. Pedicle valve interior of two paratypes (>< 11/2); USNM 159590, 159591. Locality M409. (See figs. 1—7.) 22. Pedicle valve interior (>< 11/2); paratype, USNM 159592. Rabbit Hill Limestone; Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, Nev, Locality M1309. 23. Oblique posterior view (>< 11/2). Locality M409. (See figs. 1—7.) 24. Pedicle valve interior ( x 2); holotype, USNM 159589. Locality M409. (See figs. 1—7.) —————7 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 808 PLATE 6 PLETHORHYNCHA, TREMA TOSPIRA, AN D KOZL OWSKIELLINA FIGURES 1—7. 9—12. 13, 14. 15, 16. 17—22. 23—27. 28—3 1 . PLATE 7 Costispirifer arenosus subsp. dobbinensis n. subsp. 1, 4. Pedicle valve exterior (x 1%,) and posterior View (X 1); paratype, USNM 159593. 2, 3. Pedicle valve exterior ( X 1) and interior ( >< 11/2); holotype, USNM 159594. 5. Brachial valve exterior ( X 1); paratype, USNM 159595. 6, 7. Pedicle valve exterior of two paratypes; USNM 159596, 159597. Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, Nev. Locality M1309. Acrospirifer sp. Pedicle valve exterior (X 2); USNM 159598. Locality M1309. (See figs. 1—7.) Acrospirifer kleinhampli n. sp. 9, 10. Pedicle valve exterior and interior (X 11/2); holotype, USN M 159599. 11, 12. Pedicle valve exterior and interior (>< 11/2); paratype, USNM 159600. Locality M1309. (See figs. 1—7.) Acrospirifer sp. D. Brachial valve exterior and interior (>< 11/2); USNM 159601. Locality M1309. (See figs. 1—7.) Acrospirifer cf. A. kleinhampli n. Sp. Pedicle valve exterior and interior (x 1%); USNM 159602. Lower Devonian, Beacon Peak Dolomite Mem- ber of the Nevada Formation; southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. Locality M197. Howellella cycloptera subsp. monitorensis n. subsp. 17. Brachial valve interior (x 2); paratype, USNM 159603. 18, 19. Pedicle valve interior and exterior (X 1%); holotype, USNM 159604. Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, Nev. Locality M409. 20—22. Pedicle valve, brachial valve, and anterior views (>< 11/2); paratype, USNM 159605. Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, Nev. Locality M1311. M eristella martini n. Sp. 23, 24. Pedicle valve exterior and interior ( X 1); holotype, USNM 159606, 25, 26. Pedicle valve interior (X 112) and exterior (x 1); paratype, USNM 159607. 27. Brachial valve interior (>< 11/2); paratype, USNM 159608. Locality M409. (See figs. 17—19.) Ambocoelia sp. a 28. Pedicle valve exterior ( X 3); USN M 159609. 29—31. Three pedicle valve interiors (x 3); USNM 159610, 159611, 159612. Locality M409. (See figs. 17—19.) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 808 PLATE 7 22 23 26 COSTISPIRIFER, ACROSPIRIFER, HOWELLELLA, MERISTELLA, AND AMBOCOELIA FIGURES 6—9. 10. 11. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16, 17. 18. 1—3. PLATE 8 Siphonophrentis sp. B Calice and lateral views (x 1), and longitudinal thin section Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation; (X 3); USNM 159613. Lower Devonian, southern Sulphur Spring Range. Locality Schuchertella sp. Brachial valve interior ( x 2); USNM 159614. Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, Nev. Locality M1311. Leptostrophia sp. of. L, becki tennesseensis Dunbar. Brachial valve interior (x 2); USN M 159615. Lower Devonian, upper Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, Nev. Locality M1309. Orthostrophia strophomenoides subsp. newberryi n. subsp. 6, 7. Brachial valve exterior and interior (>< 11/2); paratype, USNM 159616. 8, 9. Pedicle valve exterior and interior (x 11/2); paratype, USNM 159617, Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, Nev. Locality M409. Howellella cycloptera subsp. monitorensis n. subsp. Latex impression of shell bed (x 1). Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Range, Nev. Locality M1311, Rhipidomella of. R. musculosa (Hall). Ventral valve muscle field (X 1). Lower Devonian, upper part of Rabbit Hill Limestone; Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range, Nev. Locality M1309. Laminated Rabbit Hill chert bed overlain by trilobite coquinite ( X 1). 12. Weather surface of coquinite showing parts of Leonaspis head shields. 13. Edge View showing chert layer overlain by trilobite coquinite. Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, Nev. Locality M409. Weathered surface of platy calcareous siltstone showing “fucoids” ( x 1). Weathered surface of coquinite composed mainly of bryozoans, brachiopods, and crinoidal debris (x 1), Lower Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; Rabbit Hill, Copenhagen Canyon, Nev. Locality M409. Phacops sp. A 16. Anteroventral edge of cephalon, showing glabella and one eye (>< 11/2). 17. Latex impression, showing dorsal surface of pygidium and several pleura (x 11/2). Lower Devonian, Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation; southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. Locality M197. Weathered surface of a tentaculite (x 8). Early Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone; southeast of Walti Ranch, Simpson Park Range, Nev. Locality M1074. part of Rabbit Hill Limestone; Limestone; Dobbin Summit, Monitor #1 PROFESSIONAL PAPER 808 PLATE 8 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 15 SIPHONOPHRENTIS, SCHUCHER TELLA, LEPTOSTROPHIA, 0R THOSTROPHIA, HOWELLELLA, RHIPIDOMELLA, AND PHACOPS FIGURES 1, 2. 3—6. 8—13. PLATE 9 Billingsastraea Sp. m. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections (X 3); USNM 165350. Early Devonian, Rabbit Hill Limestone, south end of Tuscarora Mountains at Maggie Creek, locality M1400. Australophyllum landerensis n. sp. Australophyllum sp. v. Transverse thin section ( x 2). Mazourka Canyon, northern Inyo Range, Calif.; locality M1093. Upper part of Vaughn Gulch Limestone. From beds of possible Early Devonian age above Silurian coral zone E. Australophyllum stevensi n. Sp. 8, 9. Transverse thin sections ( x 2) of holotype, USNM 165349. 10—13. Longitudinal thin sections ( X 2) of holotype, USNM 165349. Mazourka Canyon area, northern Inyo Range, Calif.; locality M1401, east side of Al Rose Canyon, From beds of possible Early Devonian age in upper part of the Sunday Canyon Formation. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 808 PLATE 9 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY .AJO.‘II!‘ . ‘ V-\.&...n.e4, L <’$ ho? a... , 36.43. .0 .v .,. . ‘MWN 7.." E. m. :! I41 . .. @131, , ‘43,» .., r; fit. . ("Wm M a .M 1‘ a: . e.. a ~ .9, ~ A; 'h , .1. ., a s. A. r II... I. c a I a , In ufiwfla. u A“, BILLINGSASTRAEA AND A US TRALOPHYLL UM PLATE 10 FIGURES 1~4. Entelophyllum eurekaensis n. sp. 1, 2. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of holotype (X 4); USNM 159412. 3, 4. Longitudinal and transverse thin sections of paratype (X 2); USN M 159419. Late Silurian, upper part of Lone Mountain Dolomite, southern Fish Creek Range, Nev. Locality M1113. 5—11. Entelophyllum engelmanni n. sp. 5. Transverse thin section (x 4), holotype; USNM 159413. 6, 7. Longitudinal thin section ( X 2, X 3%), paratype; USNM 159415. 8. Longitudinal thin section (x 3), paraty ; USNM 159477. 9. Longitudinal thin section (x 4), paratype; USNM 159414. 10. Longitudinal thin section ( x 2), paratype; USNM 159478. 11. Lateral view of paratype (slightly reduced); USNM 159417. Late Silurian, upper part of Lone Mountain Dolomite; southern Mahogany Hills, Eureka County, Nev. Locality M1112. 12, 13. Entelophyllum engelmanni subsp. b. 12. Lateral View of attached corallites ( X 1); shows attached Howellella smithi. 13. Lateral View of attached corallites (>< 11/2). Late Silurian, upper part of Lone Mountain Dolomite; southern Fish Creek Range, Nev. Locality M1087. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 808 PLATE 10 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY . ,1 "”i v 12 ENTELOPHYLL UM FIGURES 1—4. 5, 6. 7—9. 10—13. 14, 15. 1 6—23. 24, 25. 26, 27. 28, 29. 30. 31. 32. PLATE 11 Atrypa sp. f. 1—3. Ventral, dorsal, and lateral views (x 2); USNM 159479, 4. Dorsal view ( X 2); USN M 159480. Late Silurian, upper part of Lone Mountain Dolomite; southern Fish Creek Range, Nev. Locality M1113. Camarotoechia sp. f. Dorsal and ventral exterior (X 2); USNM 159481. Locality M1113. (See figs. 1—4.) Camarotoechia pahranagatensis Waite. Dorsal, ventral, and anterior views (X 2); USNM 159482. Locality M1113. (See figs. 1—4.) Camarotoechia sp. b. 10—12. Dorsal, ventral, and anterior views ( X 2); USNM 159483. Locality M1113. (See figs. 1—4.) 13. Dorsal view (X 2); USNM 159484. Locality M1113. (See figs. 1—4.) Camarotoechia Sp. Dorsal and anterior views (x 2); USNM 159485. Locality M1113. (See figs. 1—4.) Salopina sp. f 16, 17. Oblique dorsal and ventral views (X 2); USNM 159486. 18, 19. Dorsal valve exterior and interior views (x 3); USNM 159487. 20. Dorsal valve exterior ( x 3); USN M 159488. 21, 22. Dorsal and ventral exterior ( x 3); USN M 159489. 23. Dorsal exterior (>< 21/2); USNM 159490. Late Silurian, upper part of Lone Mountain Dolomite; southern Fish Creek Range, Nev. Locality M1087. Tryplasma sp. f. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections ( x 2); USNM 159491. Locality M1087. (See figs. 16—23.) Entelophyllum engelmanni subsp. b. Lateral exterior (>< 11/2) and transverse thin section ( >< 11/2); USNM 159492. Locality M1087. (See figs. 16—23.) Pycnostylid coral. Calice views of same corallite ( x 1, x 11/2). Silurian, lower part of Lone Mountain Dolomite; southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. Locality M1121. Pycnostylus sp. Longitudinal thin section (x 11/2). Silurian, lower part of Lone Mountain Dolomite, southern Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. Locality M1148. Medium-dark-gray carbonaceous Lone Mountain Dolomite containing silicified Entelophyllum engelmanni subsp. b ( X 1/2). Locality M1087. (See figs. 16—23.) Dark-gray carbonaceous Lone Mountain Dolomite containing fragmentary rugose corals, probably Entelo- phyllum (slightly reduced). Upper part of Lone Mountain Dolomite; east side of Charcoal Gulch, Lone Mountain, Eureka County, Nev. Locality M1122. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 808 PLATE 11 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ATR YPA, CAMAROTOECHIA, SALOPINA, TR YPLASMA, ENTELOPHYLLUM, PYCNOSTYLID CORAL AND ? PYCNOSTYL US FIGURES 1—19. 20—24. 25. 26, 27. 28, 29. 30—32. 33. 34—37. PLATE 12 H owellella smithi Waite. 1—3. Oblique posterior, anterior, and dorsal views (>< 1%); USNM 159493. 4, 5. Dorsal and ventral views ( >< 11/2); USN M 159494. 6, 7. Ventral valve interiors showing dental lamellae ( X 2); USN M 159495. 8. Dorsal valve interior ( x 2); USN M 159496. 9, 10. Dorsal and ventral views ( X 1%); USNM 159497. 11, 12. Dorsal and ventral views ( x 2) ; USNM 159498. 13. Dorsal exterior ( X 2); USNM 159499. 14. Dorsal exterior ( x 2); USNM 159500. 15. Dorsal exterior ‘( >< 11/2); USNM 159501. 16. Dorsal exterior ( X 4); USN M 159502. 17. Dorsal exterior (>< 2); USN M159503. 18. Dorsal exterior (>< 2); USNM 159504. 19. Dorsal exterior ( X 3); USNM 159505. Late Silurian, upper part Lone Mountain Dolomite; southern Fish Creek Range, Nev. Locality M1087. Howellella pauciplicata Waite. 20—22. Dorsal, ventral, and posterior views ( X 2); USNM 159506. 23, 24. Dorsal and ventral views ( x 6); USN M 159507. Late Silurian, upper part Lone Mountain Dolomite; southern Mahogany Hills, Nev. Locality M1112. Medium—dark-gray upper Lone Mountain Dolomite containing abundant silicified Howellella smithi (>< 1/2). Locality M1087. (See figs. 1—19). ?Hyattidina sp. Dorsal and posterior views (>< 2); USNM 159508. Late Silurian, upper part of Lone Mountain Dolomite; southern Fish Creek Range, Nev. Locality M1113. ?Hyattidina sp. Dorsal and lateral views (>< 2); USNM 159509. Locality M1113. (See figs. 26, 27.) ?Hyattidina sp. f. Dorsal, anterior, and lateral views (>< 3) ; USNM 159510. Locality M1087. (See figs. 1—19.) ?Hyattidina sp. f. Ventral view of peeled shell ( X 4) showing part of spiralium with lateral apices. USNM 159511. Locality M1087. (See figs. 1—19.) Hindella sp. a. Dorsal, ventral, lateral, and anterior views ( x 2); USNM 159512. Locality M1087. (See figs. 1—19.) U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1973 O - 506-612 PROFESSIONAL PAPER 808 PLATE 12 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 14 19 H0 WELLELLA, ? HYA TTIDINA, AND HINDELLA 13