requiPements MEIER OF 501mg at the University of California. by FLOELIECE BRO‘FRE . Berkeley, California , may, OF THE I). UNIVERSITY or / CALIFORNJEA ’ Wyn ~r< ’this binary systen is 5: rap1? :otion; The System of e Hydrae. The system of e Hydrae, as it is now known: is cmngosed of the close double AB, he Struve companion C, and the faint star Holden. In 1880 Otto Struve suspected an elongation of the large star in neerly a vertical directioa, and in 1864 noted the same appearance in about 190: The separation of the large star AB was made by Schisoerelli in 1888. Soon‘aftew tie discovevy by Soniaparelli it was found that ae measures of Burnham with the 38—inch telesco e is toe ye?-8 1V98 to 1892 SLO‘ a” zncrease in angle of 38° in the four yearsg Still later oosarvations Show a; in— . w _‘ _ ‘ o - ~ In ’7‘ r3‘216- coo a enfs j 325 H 3‘9??? 9? two wnole megnétcaea lJ . p, u -g , _ -- . ..... - _ v _ 191944 bsiQLtness, and their maximum sopareit severation is O." 27. The third star 0, about 3" distant from 232‘ of this system": .forms with the close pair the double star 2 1273. C has a slow direct motion about AB, the distance for about seventy years remaining practi» Cally constant. On the hypothesis of uniform motion this member would have a period of about 650 years. t is the binary system.made up of this star and the close double AB that Burnhan says shows periodic systematic variations due to the piling up of the systemetic errors of observations, as in Cancri. Seeligerjin the LstronOKische Nechrichtes after carefully computing frmn Burnhsm‘s orbit fines tnst this verietios in Hydrae cannot be due to U toe cause stated be Burnhem, and tuet the variations are not periodic, a~ we other cause. Q in g Csncria but must be sue to 5 P3 L; I“) O n: 523 U) (D H.) O “J ("‘5 :3" {D 1". '1' *‘S ('I‘ m C} p...) m *3 J. 5+ -1. a U} IJO " x ,_ 6+ ,3 ’7) O (“P J! 9 , ; O "‘J ( + L) (D U] (‘1’ (1‘ '15 O Seeliger explains oy the fact teat LB is is rapid motion.. Using Dr. Litken‘s orait, he cmgutes the oositions o? the centre of gravity of AB and shows that or connecting the measures of C so as to refer teem to the center of gravftr of AB instead of to the orighter star A, the irreg— ularities lose their systematic character and are no greater in emoust the: coulfl easily be accounted for by accidents] errors of measurement. n '1 ' :. c an — ,_ T . . ~"ext S‘fflielifit c verir't more: 3;; tie mot] on \. C C‘" (1, L1 .1. :21 (4* r‘ix' « .H‘ h n iLlS str’ngthess tpe my . ' -_ ~‘ -< v \“--~ u ". 7 r. - + 1»‘.'r., ' i: 7‘1? 4.: ‘03:.“ -‘ V311 of ore sts‘ about asotue- may as one to Jestu.ost10hs u. o buuld coed. Plotting the observations given in Burnham‘s Star Catalog, and those used by Dr. Ai ken in l. “. Bulletin No. 36, and the later ones kindly communicated by letter they are found to be represented satisfactorily by an ellipse. By the graphical method an orbit of AB of G Hydrae has been computed. In deriving the elements, Only‘the comulete coservations were used. Owing to the unfevorable condftions under which they were taken those enclosed by parentheses were not used. The elements derived are: T 1901.11 d6 122 .7 P l5.63 V6815 1 63 .29 e 0.69 a: 929 .9r c O "‘ ‘ 7 In. 2“ .OES Epheneris. 1909.825 200198 o.“2o 1910.825 214.85 0. 19 1911.825 222.59 0. 19 '1912.e25 244.79 0. 19 1913.825 260.03 0. 19 1914.825 275.57 0. 18 1915.825 294.29 0. 15 19‘6. 2. 2.51 0. 09 1917.82: 129."1 0. 17 1918.82: 137.75 0. 23 ‘91..82: 1% .13 9. :5 rifhe table appended gives (>11 the micrometric observafions, published and undublished, of this Dan“ 11:) to the present. T '1701020 \ 17/4725131/q/Ayzy‘£ yyxzvzr~j xizizlyfir 1704425' /7I£r£$ 19/0325 * I?/Z$lf le/Kzzv /7/7zzr /72z92f' 140LI/ ’ I70Al/ 7700// /70A// I7aA/I I70L/J 1700/0 IqaL/I . x9atx/ [7000/ 0700/! 1701/! $.715 7;715' 10.745 [L716' ',/2J7/5 13,715 I4Jn*f" 15715' /0705‘ rZ7I6‘ _ I$7/6’ /%700~ 004017 00$740 101747 /00z74 010032 A/372d 0/6770 1/765; A2£3II 020334 . .2710? 027030 230260 434477 .237232 143/07 £44665 '&+0753 .2531”? .fl55365 R5Y544 X61047 4‘345L 4657F3 20q72 £2075 £4078' abii/ 274€€ 3/570 33%?!‘, 3047590“ 0$07fléxffl 40&04}&0@ 43400fi404 000000004 — {6170 - 15077 — 13100 ~ (2115 — I05%7 ~ $é3l - '54410 é¥l 5K7? 115% /0Z€2 lax/8' - $335’ — 70:7 — 0150 - bLbZ _ $205 v. 449: - 2420' V &LI @700 ¥gl€ 5%44 0%07 a?é75$ 0530/6 44271L 0907+/ 0/173% 17*7“. 269242 ‘ $70$$¥ @7508] 292/07 0/¢2$7 43/355 L335Y+ ' 400042 477€$2 a03567‘ L+$56¥ 49/752 0060;3'1, Zl/7/0 a/Iy/s q3¢736 0511/5 dos/Z/ — zzaL ‘ ~z000 - 'KQ?D ~ 7077 ~ '7A70 ~ 0%3I- ~~ 4%?0» z4é 5470 4570 7g$7 7020 ~l7%71 —16E60 ~_lbé$b —If&7¥ - 14095 ~11£62 -~ 7Z?l;‘ (%i2 [0552 13A$6 z¢77¥ [504$ _151+c 15240 25144 15144 151%; ' £5i¢é zfifi%¢,g, 25244 25104 25144 25Z¥L '45200 $i74 ?“$‘ = 0142 ’”551 ”5“ ’3“‘* /4L5*f 97%33 003 3000 4:00 5500 L035?/ [$2357 Q$713D 456642 031¥37 40b3L9 {5135/ " ‘A//r¥0 , $700go 273313 000303 Ql7003 000207, L%¢?$6 05/750 420260 470405 izoa63’ 1/6777 , 07020; $53016 .44?¥? 700707 .3/007 7X1; qaas(7ayu7 11/M10£%fl 517402007 420703733).210M154$fi 000(07050 gq/7p7zgd 402/ 0500' 2000 3023 1227 1227 Ilzj 11A . 1227 0027 ‘ [2&7 _ 0247 1227 [2&7 12A7 0247 200370 2, 0,000 0.2737 240.70 ,2 00303 2701’57. 470.117 +2067 0000/ » 037.75 ,0070 [051% 1?$?7/ w '295267qm €5777$vv {7370/ w £4zzzz«w' 700307 273533 ‘ 27770$ fi7/+48 $03746 756/63 270/030» {$3310 1795?L Z7210/ 25$21% ilb435 $70650 iaififa _~ {3406/ 155771 $43;7/ 2345/4 10343/ 043/ aoz: 0520 ad Q3KL WV a/$3¥ wv 00%00 04251 , 00007 Q3012 a030¢ 024/4 .4307 Lb$/ A91: A520 A312 [($33 Q7170. 45743 ' 4307& 463%5 Q7éfé A22I# A4307 422557 02/055 al$055' 0’4051 00732% {€0350 175751 fi¥z7€é 1$o53a {7305? aoZégb 4/5555 X?¢115 3,7434 2/24K’ 1427%5 , i63652 {$1550 . €€7704 aggaia Z?0%3¢’ 173/35 204714 270320 acyzifi L4L§Ij 0536$0 027+7b 013355 005062 Q00470 a76$5$ 400004 @0/573 4037¢0 407755 '150513 i;%1$7 247/67' 1267/7 0007$L £16617 1/677? '&54558 123045 1360/4 i+0076 »%40735 01220 0’77 0177 0."/7 0577 09/ if 0176' ' 0,"0 L/ 0377 09.3 0720’ 0:125 ~ 3 ,\ . ‘ A6(0-c) A ,(9 —c) I'Att em er fa) [/90 Mfé (IA/c lo M , ' /Y.7/ (0.425) 0.41 («am «1:01 A 94/8) It W 44/. [370.30 150.7 H9437 0.23 0.525: +‘éz/ +0.0). __-o.02 W ~5‘ [$70.37 M73 MAO?! 4351 0.015” —/.3/ ~40?) ‘14/0 7W :2) / [$70.71 /7o,o MQ/J 0./7‘ 0.927 +3,$'6‘ 1—0.0; (-405 W02, ”71.027 /7/, 5 H9745 (0.7%) ' 0.17 (+423? +0.00 (+a,/é)- W}, / M71. 392 I733 147% 0.42 04244 +3.57 +0.0! ~aoz ‘ '» a” flux/<5 1776 I777 0.9.x 0.25 +/.é7 - +0.00 «402- W oz /??»‘ 7/3007 266477 £77770 130277 277775 17/125 05¢7o% Rig/ay- 01,050 1izéa7‘ £7500% 102670 150312 Z02;?€’ 104600 130073 Q5I55WV 0307-w 0105? k 0/037 mo 0047 -u» 007/2- 0/00? 03123 04/?7 Q4416 00707 LSIGS L349 A175$ L/007 [007 09000 03034 «6777 45705 .45574 43/73 010050 013640 077700 00057/ 0025/0 295547 f75//# 133104 17636f 77*‘/7 250010 $15005 144557 202000 000200 2%077/ 052/0/ 20000/ 273437 297525’ 20324? 108TH 050501 '010074 013002 0/0042 005350 004340 ~000540 00/331 '400503 400354 021j31 107;a% 220716 120077, 000975 as/SYE 115003 225312 1203¢4 {I76#? 1/5fi7/ 0:00/7 017 0/? 01% 0/7 000 0/0 ' 0/5. 4/b_ 015 70/4 004 00¢ 0/? 0/3 000 022 00/ Q10 01% 013 _0&0 0// + 005 000 000 + 001 + 001 + 003 + 00; + 001- — 002 + 000 007 (110130 I701]: (17069214) /40130 + Q15 Lflmfifqhwg 000 liafléo l70(31 170306 1/011y /70120’ 170106’ 17141/ /7d£1/ 11141/ 170011 170/// /701// /70L// 1101/! 17011/ 170111 170L1/ 1 al? + . 040 + Al/ + «£7 + 1/6 1 '-117 1 A76 + 003. + &/¢ + 074 + 413 727175 {30103 232222 2¥2007 ‘ 405308 007555 439003 430750 033041 Q46$35 a4755¥ ab¥1fl$ 400339 00$4r€ 11$?40 14/5¢/ [#37%% AbEasb [65713 [0927? [$3063 0757K] + 135 r 10/ + %79 +‘1543 + 0003 + 214/ «+ 4%?! + 4470 + ¥Z£7 + 0171 + 7200. + 1127 1%30 + ’f751 r 4L$3 + 60%0 + 5446 .+ {%is +.g4/X f gmfil f 10575 +10%33 1 00; 11$ +' 105‘ + 2472 + 3020 . r 3123 r +z11 + 4104 + 4%41 + 531$ + 5%41 {06407 110015 {/1051 258236 170476 27827/ 215411 277104 {91070 012099 Q14Y7$ .143173 216%51 Z4713: 275002 0133/? a/5077 030437 433748 435?/é 44%?25 45/7L¥‘ 1576 1&37 107A 4175 5305 + 5440 + L105 f 1501 + 1033 7400 T 74,0 3032 3270 3152 $150 +,0;ab +16152 12230 +13010 +1327é l¢fi0$ +1100» 2%175 £7114 2?;75 33200 07c 17% ~ 2&70 3020 3%22 415% 1540 040415 24/04/ £37157 £70772 fajszs 217173 273715 274573 277449 2177¥6 001001 407041 @05007 440823 Z3541% $70011 $34177 ' 13%57/ 24/124 141575 262412 205417 Sfifibazoi ‘1fi7fiau07 460401170 1271@1zzb 30/ 100 1110. 1147 hiJ7 2282 2130 1127 1207 1227 1227 1227 112,7~ [1&7 1247 12z7 1207 12z7 ‘71J% _73fl7 ' 7A4é [Offl V 1157/ 12é7 /3&3L 10117 10017 14552 10203 "’“" @7a33 holewfih4éng¢tww 4%7 thqu¥ 13120 1105 1322 1412 1+z/ fidfifi/ +14333 luvwfitmwa -1017/ Lflwg¢t>w% + Q70 ~ /567 ~ 104 + 10% — ¢g$ £11130 iatbz/ £90555 117213 £47303 £6647? 100232 $12362 $31737 £03317”; ~2520922~ 113,50 1?244% 212075 27/549 15317/ 250%22 114555 11Léz5 010002 {07170 1301/!- 017%5 00752 00742 4y193 Q3443 @3223 007 0010¢¢ . 001447 01811«/- 043,310 40115 03243 azzyz . 00307 00557' 44777 073 440350 090553 1,772 _ 123,3 150713 151102 257275 10$1$7 11/07/ 1%3104 2?é$4$ 117735 297368 ' 407525 000000 152140 Z5570¢ 659152 .000370- 119677 201401 111212 013139 204701 170027 114041 a£0038 Q/ioi/ 4140/1- ao/oza 000060 000100 001210 001404 00142% 003540 000044 060351 E6777% i6?//o io$311 {£1077 125325 - {35027 235617 13035! £39713 {40175 005 005 Q05 Q11 m1], 0/8 ,qzl 421 443 Q15 415 ali W00au7flzmtf::fié::2 a; i wwlkuavg’ .017 0/0 . 025 azf 413 Q¢B ' . — a03:t ' - 005 + 000 + 002 '~ 00; 00012» ¥ ‘ #1 , V. I; A .v , ‘ . 5, ,/~,. _§wng/ /?afi27 zqa%¢¢‘ I70Lo€ teal/I Ifolzé I?”&$£F,i'\ 17uL/l [€0LII /qoL// lidfll/ I7dA//V. '/7dA/u' ‘+ i/fi + 333 r., %?4 + - adv r , 675 f. -Z7/5 450243 aisaao abf3z3 a77715 a$4€30 a$%23¢ = £70474 £94553 @05600 21%043 . 4/7/63 444767 r + 7124 '+ g&;/ +1/373 + ISKI7 I5d¢4 1726? $-. ‘ +11L3/ +1;L¥o +z3i4a -+ [547% /é€40 l7ié3 5“ + 5565 + GQQO +véiza + A7Z%é $470 $1344; 4/4530 «45449 a43gao \ aésgzl. aiq2¢¢ A7355? “ a53356 44227; 430036» ‘ Log/o7 .Azoozo 447385 + 7aaz +.7¢57. + gaol. + $%Sé {@34 1170* +14236 +15&l$ +LéA02 +/§Z/l [7171' I72¥0V 4432 5344 6A4X ‘6X5fi 71/5 71gb 40279/ 41/732 a264$7 44ob3$ 45/754 .470571 267337 $76345 ?€///3 aosab¥ 4/4531 -assl?$ 3516 3¢12 31/3 4&4; 554% 6&03 1227 1127 £227 [1&7 /£27 /427 ;* /%7flé Iszfii 1¢L$$ I7A/4 [7&35 [3173 ' 14%; 15%% IGQX [71¢ liil /?%3' _ 37L + L93 + %92 + $44 + aga‘ + 607 i9a?a4w 274/77Mr {$30774~ 29570L w Z7357¥1v 249?$$ufi,'g 1$I2¢7 255/62 i7/?6¢ 17757! 13245? ' ¢$3773 2* a&%?3 v» 4356/ «J 45244 ~v (2615 we 46677 wv abifi ww- A6476 A35b/ L5244 AOLF 4&077 .A&$?$ ag/yao 4/32Q7 axis/0 4&0?45 azaoie - a£a7$¢ $33524 fl7$306 107$7¢ £64253 1%6/45 135602 ‘ @04366 440300 QI/uél 0/773? a2¢$$é asqlao 152270 ¢+o%$# 137?/7 {37708 23571/ £33157 Q36 425 aas 42¢ aza 42/ azf 423 aaa age aa7 4Ll~ , 40%, , a0: — 40; + a0; + a0%. Q00 The System of/3 883. The components of/3 883, whose wifor 1900.0 is 4 hr.5m.40s. O . 1 o v and 5 +10 54', are of tne magnituses 6.5 and 6.6. The motion is rapid and nearly two revolutions have been LJ. SC 0 completed by the caspsnion, s2nce its d very in 1879. The maxiaum distance does not exceed U”.§35. In 1891 Burnhsmis first measures at the Lie: Observatory show- ‘4. t H. ed 1 the fourth Quadrant. At the sresent time, the component has passed this point in the apparent orbit. Locording to ?orter this ster has no sensible preper motion. Using the observations given in Burnham's " General Catalog of 1! Double Stars an aoproximete orbit has been canputed. Using T 1907.2, 3 better set of residuals, witn the exceotisn of a few of the very early ones, was Obtainet. inese elements reiresent the observatiOns as well "r?- L as those of Schoenberg given in he Astronomische Nacnrichten“ 178. sage 187, 1908, and those of See given in Eontnly Hotices 58, page 568, 1908. in the weients give; to the various Observations. The differences in the three sets of e‘ements may tnerefore be reverses as a measure of tde For comosrison I give the elements derived by Schoenberg, Zieet Schoenberg. P 16.90 years 5—3 1907.39 e 0.42 a, O".21 J1 5414 16108 H. ,b _ £90 1723.99 1909.84 1910.84 1911.84 1912.84 1913.84 1914.84 1915.84 ‘ 1916.84 1917.84 1918.84 1919.84 1920.8» O".24 33.5 3537 19713 Ephemeris. 343242 10.69 12.17 61.68 79 a 3:3 93.89 118.04 207196 o."19 O. 21 0. 26 o. 28 o. 30 O. 30 O. 30 0. 23 o. 27 O. 83 O. 20 O. 17 The table uppenfled gives all the published and unpublished micrometfc measures of this system up to the present. MMS «v MW” S 2 70" (a! ORBIT or € HYDRA}: SCALE III/(MES: 0-"/ 172 ‘r 0. TI'RS'T' REVOLUTIUN _- _ _ SECONDRIVOLUTION, fifi :- VB“ \ . a :1! .11 [904.05] ‘ Q ‘“ ‘ ~/- “704-17 [7045qu ,~>O\ $04, 5 \ .. “105.95 «3 (“H7 5“ ~L ”0'5.” 0 H.03J‘7‘ .W" M0777 /7/0.77 17/777 77/9037 17/3077 /7/777 ”/0707; /7/0, —- 14147 ~— /L/._20 » (77,57 ,. 150.00 _, H.127 £0770 20774 20Z7é 9.0770 10770 9.0777 2077; * ' guzfl 2077; 207,70; «2027‘ 20770 E 3/4430 73.3.07 3453,34 357,70 [3.4—4 02/50 ' 374$ , 71.2.2 H74 363,42: 7730 7771 01/0770 7.4778] 7,3/3zé 727/33 7.37735 757570 . 7.73357 ,1 7.000.012 002070 0.30075 0.07712 US$20 @770/72. 757/77 7.02.0008 7137/0 7027057 747702 7.5157? 77347.? 77/77). ‘/7.277 0‘53737 077543, . P swim/.72] 2/0/B:aéfl 7/3D5‘077] 0057357712? 10.54 17.07 035873 37.35 «37” 5733 73.77 73.74% 77.767 g '- 02; .21 .22. 29. .29; , .22 22 .22 021 22 g 3 40,7 2 E3 70 07 372 37 37/372 321’ 00 3707 77.35 56366” M0 3 7 7’33 70. $7 // 7‘07 6 1 007 02:07 2000 1/7334. i;7,/7337 . 7.3.2070 v0 77/ 7354” 7.3462700 7755/3» M, 7773,12“, 7777.25,» 777/30w 777/050“ 7777704., 7503,15 M, 303230 .44, ,W/HZ 37.77775 , 7.33700 748747 757733 70/ W7 7162/74 . 7.57755 ‘ 7.51.770 7.70/1 0 7/2453 81/0011 3&0“ .0'57/ 4m 002/74 w 0.3086 w 0.3737 w 07/357» 0.7/3 w; .373 v» 0.367 w 0.25/7 w 1337 w 00/7270'w 2.9-0.7J47 1077/ 1.2/74 450% ' A3777 ALA/‘35 7.4/8 *’ 7.373 7367 [.2678 /./33$ [0128 751777053 00370] 0.03550 00/440 ' 0/3774 0.15030 0/5/07 0/7375- 0.13677 0.07 70:2 005453 000552 “77572.5 7.75/54 . 7.77075 0.00000 \ 7.78777 7.70807 773/78 7.77632 7.73673 7.05077 73/70/2- 7.77/73 10074 00752 000 557 000000 0.00772 0.0/70/ 0.0770/ 0008323 ' 01/372 020277 0.55670 007205 7277/ 7 7.33757 7.72777 74572.2 7.77727 7448 /0/ 7.40787 {4-7671 770707 73 5370‘ 7.0.7 570 73/ / 72 ;, 0‘ / 7 0312 / 0122 a 0.12 x 03230 01:30 0‘23 0‘ 0.227 0.112 7 0.123 0:22 d 030/ J ,; A00-c) 0.10%) 0 - ' 1’- Daz‘f-c Go 60 {on pa: Amok 04’1"! ’0 W W M7700 I730” . 10°52 ‘0."35 03127 + ‘0’“ + 0.00 + , 0.06 W] (7 " H517 ’7 $4. 0 ,3?) 0/5 0/3 —~ .2053 ~ 0.0 4.1; '.%_.400[;3 /7—307.10(~7.711— 317,50 — 330027 —27111 » ‘25‘3‘57 e 238,674 + 11153 — 701$ - 7%01 _ 4232 — 1077 + zz7é + 4245 +1145? +1£77¥ f 13244 7 MN — 03.0.4 ~ 0732 — 24.01 a $07) + {055’ + 23.72 + 6771—7 + 64?] 08.53 0.00700 0.00222 1,000.11? 7.1.0007 1/7150 1/7377 7.041015 015711 033073 011175 0,5’0145' 0.0.5000 (20705:: 7.10132 200073 7.33322 7.533728 0.35.317 0.532511 400(14/ + 71.51 -— £1.01 ~ 50.02 40.00 ~ 13.10 + 13.7%, + 31.57 11 00/2 1 73.38 74/0 +1167“ 49.2.09 -1ao.a1‘ r7200 ~ 120.32 1— 217143 - + 6202 1131.244 +14éjé 1502,10 9.07.11 107.9% 00111 207/10 21171; 20zy1, ' ' 5107,10 207,70 207.70 21470 154.15 T $7.12 117.1% 110771 111.61 00010 276.70 311.10 35172 0.10 7061040 1.43707 0.1701? 7.510071} 3.15639 0.10100 M/o’zH 255$“ 3.16571 21114000 75.13212 1.33.207 0.315201 M7761 0.31111 405.411 0.30133 . 0.111350” _ 285716 7133022 020 {HUMMH 67.33 611701051 0103(14my) 112107171) égtéséztzffi) {101(235512) 10747011431) 1610(3ny0) 0‘12 9c 10.5w 107,00 E13115! 1041,17 411072 .2315! 310,00. 3143/ 1715 ,2” 12,7, 90’ 17.1- $1. 111.1 117.0 0101 W 503.1 3510 1.1 2.1 0:7 (0—09 11» 42759 - MHZ?) £— 10.11 -—-1&TS7 4- MS — 7.0; - 1011/ —1I.4$ MS? 43,202 ,I e_ 1“ ‘ . ! 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