The Alaska Earthquake March 27, 1964: Effects on the Hydrologic Regimen This volume was published as separate chapters A—E GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 544 Eid“ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director CONTENTS [Letters designate the separately published chapters] (A) Eflects of the March 1964 Alaska earthquake on the hydrology of south- central Alaska, by Roger M. Waller. (B) Effects of the March 1964 Alaska earthquake on the hydrology of the Anchor- age area, by Roger M. Waller. (C) Hydrologic effects of the earthquake of March 27, 1964, outside Alaska, by Robert C. Vorhis, with sections on Hydroseismograms from the Nunn— Bush Shoe 00. well, Wisconsin, by Elmer E. Rexin and Robert C. Vorhis, and Alaska earthquake effects on ground water in Iowa, by R. W. Coble. (D) Effects of the March 1964 Alaska earthquake on glaciers, by Austin Post. (E) Seismic seiches from' the March 1964 Alaska earthquake, by Arthur McGarr and Robert C. Vorhis. U.S. GOVERNMENT RINTING OFFICE: INFO-275832 The Alaska Earthquake. March 27, 1964 South-Central Alaska GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL :LPAPE'KR .544-A -7 THE ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964: EFFECTS ON THE HYDROLOGIC REGIMEN Effects of the March 1964 Alaska Earthquake On the Hydrology Of South-Central Alaska By ROGER M. WALLER Water-level fluctuations, long—term changes, and temporary efiects caused by response of the ground water to seismic waves GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 544—A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1966 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 — Price 30 cents (paper cover) THE ALASKA EARTHQUAKE SERIES The U.S. Geological Survey is publishing the results of investigations of the Alaska earthquake of March 27, 1964, in a series of six professional papers. Professional Paper 542 describes the effects of the earthquake on Alaskan communi- ties, Professional Paper 543 describes the earthquake’s re— gional effects, and Professional Paper 544 describes the effects of the earthquake on the hydrologic regimen. Other Pro- fessional Papers will describe the history of the field in- vestigations and reconstruction effort and the efiects on transportation, communications, and utilities. 8:76" Abstract _____________________ Introduction __________________ Effects on lakes _______________ Ice cover _________________ Wave action ______________ Seiche waves __________ Landslides ____________ Changes in water storage--- Damage to water-system structures ______________ Effects on streams _____________ Ice cover _________________ Ground fissures and slides-- Changes in flow ___________ 1. Map of Alaska showing af- fected areas _____________ 2. Map of south-central Alaska locations ________________ 3. Shattered front of Colony Glacier scattered on Lake George ice ______________ 4. Wave efl’ects on lake ice cover ___________________ 5. Ice—deposited gravel and or- ganic ripples ____________ . Fractured outwash delta-___ . Lakeshore slump ___________ . Stream-stage hydrographs of streams draining lakes-- _ _ 9. Fissures along edge of river terrace _________________ OOKIG'fi Page A 1 1 WKIWHRHAI'P couscous Page A2 (”NO 9 CONTENTS Effects on streams—Con. Sediment load ____________ Effects on ground water ________ Immediate effects _________ Artesian wells _________ Shallow wells _________ Flows of sand and mud- Damage to well struc- tures _______________ Long-term changes ________ Anchorage ____________ Chugiak___-__________ Copper River basin_-_ _ Cordova _____________ ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURES 10. Kasilof River stage, March 18—April 17, 1964 ________ 11. Stream-stage hydrographs of increased flow ----------- 12. Stream—stage hydrographs of tsunami effects __________ 13. Sediment load of Matanuska River, 1962 and 1964 _____ 14. Water-level hydrograph of well in water-table aquifer _________________ 15. Large fissure and sand flow- _ 16. Aerial View of mudflows_ _ _ _ 17. Large sand flow ___________ 18. Pressure ridges on Kenai Lowland ________________ Page A13 13 13 13 13 14 16 17 18 19 19 20 Page A10 11 11 12 14 14 15 16 17 Eifects on ground Water—Con. Long-term changes—Con. Homer _______________ Kenai Lowland ------- Kenai area _______ Soldatna—Sterling area ___________ Anchor Point-Kas- ilof area________ Matanuska Valley ----- Seward _______________ Valdez _______________ Summary ____________________ References cited _______________ 19. Water-level hydrographs of changes in wells at An- chorage _________________ 20. Water-level hydrograph of changes at Chugiak ______ 21. Sketch map of Cordova showing well locations- - _ _ 22. Hydrographs of water-level changes on the Kenai Low- land ____________________ 23. Hydrographs of water-level changes in the Matanuska Valley __________________ 24. Sketch map of Seward show— ing well locations ________ Page A21 21 21 22 23 23 24 26 26 27 Page A18 20 20 21 24 25 THE ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964: EFFECTS ON THE HYDROLOGIC REGIMEN -EFFECTS OF THE MARCH 1964 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE ON THE HYDROLOGY OF SOUTH-CENTRAL ALASKA The earthquake of March 27, 1964, greatly affected the hydrology of Alaska and many other parts of the world. Its far-reaching efiects were recorded as water-level fluctuations in gages oper- ated on water wells and streams. The close-in effects were even more striking, however; sediment-laden ground water erupted at the surface, and even ice- covered lakes and streams responded by seiching. Lake and river ice was broken for distances of 450 miles from the epi- center by seismic shock and seiche ac- tion. The surging action temporarily dewatered some lakes. Fissuring of streambeds and lakeshores, in par- ticular, caused a loss of water, and hydrologic recovery took weeks in some places. Landslides and snow ava- lanches temporarily blocked streams and diverted some permanently. The only stream or lake structures damaged were a tunnel intake and two earthen dams. The winter conditions—low The earthquake occurred March 27 , 1964, at 5 :36 p.m. Alaska stand- ard time and was centered in Prince William Sound (fig. 1). The land vibrated for as long as 6 minutes from this main shock which had a Richter magnitude of 8.4—8.6. Numerous aftershocks were distributed for about 500 By Roger M. Waller ABSTRACT stages of water and the extensive ice cover on lakes and streams—at the time of the earthquake greatly reduced the damaging potential. Ground water was drastically affected mostly in unconsolidated aquifers for at least 160 miles. from the epicenter. Within 100 miles of the epicenter, vast quantities of sediment-laden water were ejected in most of the flood plains of the glaciofluvial valleys. A shallow water table and confinement by frost seemed to be requirements for the ejections, which were commonly associated with crater- ing and subsidence of the unconsolidated material. Subsidence was also com- mon near the disastrous submarine land- slides, and was probably caused by loss of water pressure and by lateral spread— ing of sediments. Effects on ground wa- ter in bedrock were not determinable because of lack of data and accessibility, particularly Within 50 miles of the epi< center. Deep aquifers in unconsolidated sedi- ments, which in most areas are under high hydrostatic pressure, were also greatly affected. Postearthquake water levels for a year were compared with long-term prequake levels to show per- manent changes in an aquifer system. At Anchorage and in parts of the Kenai Peninsula, artesian-pressure levels dropped as much as 15 feet. These lower pressures were probably caused either by grain rearrangement which increased the porosity within the aquifer or by a displacement of material that allowed water to discharge more freely at the submarine terminus of the aquifer. Seismically induced pressure on ground water was instrumental in caus- ing most of the disastrous slides. Wa- ter quality was not changed except for temporary increases in turbidity in wells and streams. The sediment load in streams during the April spring run- off appeared to be greatly increased over previous years. INTRODUCTION miles (Press and Jackson, 1965) along a zone of faulting extending from Prince William Sound to Kodiak Island. During the main shock, and possibly during some of the first aftershocks, more than 40,000 square miles of land was lowered as much as 8 feet, and more than 25,000 square miles of land was raised as much as 33 feet (Plafker, 1965). Surface bodies immediately responded to the shaking and tilting of the land. Fortunately, from the standpoint of life and property, reservoir storage and streamflow were at their annual minimums, and a 2— to 6-foot seasonal frost penetrated A1 A2 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27 , 1964 '33“ W a Z 7 ' *v K'ODIA '; x1. ‘3); “at: . 4,»! REPORT EXPLANATION m Zone of subsidence (After Plafker, 1965) Extent of appreciable effect on ground and surface water A Recording stream-gage station Lettered stations are referred to in text or in other figures 100 MILES 1 Zone of uplift (After Plafker, 1965) X Epicenter 0 Observation well 1.—Map of Alaska showing epicenter, areas of uplift and subsidence, and extent of significant hydro- logic effects. EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY OF SOUTH CENTRAL ALASKA most of the land and water surface. The minimum water and maxi- mum ice conditions reduced fluctu- ations and lessened the flooding from temporarily impounded streams or breached outlets. The extent of the hydrologic ef- fects was possibly the greatest that has ever occurred on the North American continent and probably the greatest ever recorded. Water levels in streams, lakes, bays, and ‘95 9M4, ’2») F 3? Mawhuska o 4 b' E 7’“ 361321.365 3mm, 1:; F“? amer 3:: v tnuska 185 $5235?” 23‘5“ , 34a; .1 120 Eklum ‘vja ’ Lgthflq‘ Campbell 505 $9 ‘ Miners E Lake “(10) 3a a: PRINCE = \. \‘A . f - . . ' ~ ~ \ Kenaz' Lake' " 3?, F”! l . i \ \ 3 Divide ”H 57/,6‘?” a? . ~ - \Tustumenam W A”, , ’* 7‘ . , . (f? \ Laice\e w,” g3; . i: w (5 . \ 7/, VSEWARD ‘ ~ Lake f' ‘v ‘ :- r' 24:), . huglak ,, \(Af .. ,0_‘.fv. , gvfdngf, \\ 4, If 9,, , Q/Irfv. Ila-0| , ¢ ANCHORAGE gag ,—;, « fl (IN-kw “ A3 reservoirs fluctuated throughout most of the continent. Alaska has only a few recording stream-gage stations (figs. 1, 2), hence records of surface—water fluctuations are scarce. Several gages recorded the 9.. 146 ° '. ‘glennallen gaff ;" > $5", KSON PASS\ AVA " 5 Wfifi ,2’bméi%\§ “i 1:6, r” t he .3. c» '0, / * ' 71.533 , who; ,39 [I 5):; '1 / - ‘ I VII 1 ' “II V l tee A L 0/ Y. O F l A S (0/ Q E A 9%" (59$ F I 09/"1V U L I Q (3 / I I o 50 100 MILES I I l l i EX P LA N AT l O N Area of tectonic change .X Dashed where inferred Eplcenter (After Plaflcer, 1965) AC .15 Recording stream-gage station Lettered stations are referred to W text or in other figures Observation well Numbered wells are referred to in text 2.—Map of south-central Alaska showing locations of surface-water and ground-water observation stations. 209—981 O—~6 6-——2 A4 earthquake, and one gage (McCul- loch, 1966) recorded most of the postquake seiche action on Kenai Lake. A few visual observations by witnesses supplement the avail- able data. Hydrologic effects out- side of Alaska have been described by Donn ( 1964) , Wigen and White (1964) , Miller and Reddell (1964) , and McGarr (1965). Subsurface water was also af— fected at great distances—fluctua- tions of ground-water levels were recorded as far away as Europe ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, (Vorhis, 1966). 1964 Articles pu‘ - lished to date on ground-water fluctuations include reports by the US. Coast and Geodetic Survey (1964) , Miller and Reddell (1964) , and Waller and others (1965). Only five water—level recorders were operating in wells in Alaska—all at Anchorage. Hence, this great event occurred not only in an area of sparse population, but also in an area of sparse in- strumentation. The eflects described in this ICE COVER One of the most noticeable ef— fects of the earthquake was the breaking of the ice cover—as much as 3.5 feet thick—on most of the lakes in south-central Alaska. The ice cover was randomly bro— ken in most lakes, pressure ridges were produced in the ice along the shoreline of many, and ice chunks were thrown on the beaches of oth- ers. Grantz and others (1964, p. 6, 10) noted a generally east-west orientation of the pressure ridges and cracks in the lake ice. The ex- tent of the ice breakage in Alaska is also shown by Grantz and others (1964, fig. 1) and lies far beyond the zone significantly affected by the quake (fig. 1). Kachadoorian (1964) indicated ice breakage in an area of 100,000 square miles, and Péwé stated (1964, p. 9) that “Strong oscillations were noted in lakes on Seward Peninsula and on the south side of Brooks Range, more than 500 miles away from the epicenter.” Where the lakes fronted glaciers (fig. 3), some glacier fronts were shattered and glacial ice was thrown out onto the ice-covered lake. Although Ragle and others EFFECTS ON LAKES chapter are not at or near the epi- center. Most were observed from 25 to 200 miles away (fig. 2). The writer has relied on eye- witnesses and colleagues for their field observations and descriptions. In addition, several published arti- cles have supplemented both the data and the interpretations of various aspects of hydrology. The help of the author’s colleagues in Alaska during the first few weeks after the earthquake is gratefully acknowledged. 3.—Front of Colony Glacier shattered by earthquake and scattered on Lake George ice; photograph by C. M. Hembree, April 4, 1964. (1965, p. 13) reported some shat- tering, they found no direct proof that the glacier fronts of Colony, Portage, and Miles Glaciers calved extensively as a result of the earth- quake. Other observers disagree. For example, Arthur Kennedy, US. Forest Service, who was at Portage Glacier at the time of the earthquake, noted in his personal diary for March 28, 1964, that “The glacier no longer has a sheer face—it is sloped upglacier from lake at about a 30° angle.” WAVE ACTION Although most of the lake ice was doubtless fractured during the earthquake as seismic waves tra— versed the land, most of the ice was broken by wave action as the lake waters continued to oscillate long EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY OF SOUTH CENTRAL ALASKA A5 4.—Earthquake-induced features on lakes. A, Pressure ridges on Kenai Lowland lake. B, Broken ice on a lake fronting Columbia Glacier; dashed line indicates front of glacier; photograph by C. H. Hembree, April 4, 1964. after the earthquake. In some lakes, secondary waves were gen- erated by subaerial or subaqueous landslides. The larger lakes showed the most extensive wave action and subsequent breakage of ice, whereas the smaller shallow lakes showed the most conspicuous pressure ridges along the shores (fig. 4A). A comprehensive study on fisheries, including effects on lakes, was made by the Alaska De- partment of Fish and Game (1965). Many of their observa- tions are included below. The rough texture of the lake ice and the abundance of jumbled ice blocks deposited on the shore of the lake fronting Columbia Gla- cier (fig. 48) give the impression that the glacier itself had collapsed rather than that ice was stranded on the shore by the drop in lake level. The latter interpretation is that of Eagle and others (1965, p. 20), who then conclude that all the stranded ice disappeared as the level rose during the summer of 1964, because by August the lake had reached the April preearth- quake level again. A drop in lake level would have left large sheets of ice on the shore, much like those left on Eklutna Lake each winter as water is withdrawn for hydro- electric power generation. Thus it seems more likely that the stranded ice was deposited ‘by seiche action and that by August it had melted. SEICHE WAVES Arthur Kennedy also recorded in his diary for March 27—28, 1964, an eyewitness account of wave ac- tion and ice breakage. Kennedy and four others were making depth soundings on Portage Lake, fronting Portage Glacier, when the earthquake occurred. They had just finished measuring the depth (534 ft plus 3 ft of ice) in one hole when, as Kennedy states, “I first recall a distant roar sound then the lake began to violently vibrate. Toward the glacier I heard a very loud roaring.” Then the ice “be- gan to heave * * at the hole we had just drilled—the water was going down and out of sight, then A6 gushing up to the top and slightly over-flowing. The ice was now heaving up and down in big surges and at the same time Violently vibrating. We noticed small cracks (couple inches wide) run- ning great distances * * *. I could hear these cracks forming ‘ * *.” After the major rum— bling stopped and the vibrations and heaving had diminished, they headed for shore. About 400 feet from shore, “The cracked ice be- gan to get more frequent * * *. We edged forward to within 75 feet of shore.” As they started to cross this badly fractured zone, noting the time as 6 :15 p.m., they noticed that the ice began to move, and they heard water running. Kennedy continues, “Then I no- ticed the shoreline looked higher than it was before.* * * [The] lake surface ice was going up and down—I think it was oscillation.” (Kennedy later wrote that he esti— mated this oscillation was about 5 ft.) The party then walked around the west shore of the lake looking for an escape route. The ice was still surging about 3 feet at the lake outlet. Kennedy wrote that the “inter— val between oscillations in time was about 2 minutes [from the] highest point to low and return— then there was a period of about 5 minutes between each then back to 2 minutes * * *.” Finally, at 7 : 20 p.m., they found a place to get ashore; at that time no noticeable surge was felt. This party appar- ently experienced the direct seis— mic motion as an intense vibration, and then felt the secondary effect as an oscillation (seiche) of the water body which continued al— most 2 hours. Whether any sub- aqueous slides occurred in this lake is unknown, but if there were any, they would also create waves. Seiche action was also noted in other large lakes. Joe Secora, liv— ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 B 5.—#Seiche-induced features on lakes. A, Deposits of iron-stained gravel derived from nearshore lake ice washed up on the beach by seiche waves. B, Lake-bottom ripples possibly formed by organic material sorted by seiche waves. ing on the northeast shore of Tus- tumena Lake on the Kenai Penin- sula (fig. 2),stated (oral commun., 1964) that the 5-inch lake ice start- ed “boiling” and that wave action lasted about 2 hours. The ice EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY OF SOUTH CENTRAL ALASKA A7 cracked badly, especially along the shore, as the water level oscillated about 2 feet. Other lakes which had notable seiche action are Ski- lak Lake, north of Tustumena Lake; Bradley Lake, at the head of Kachemak Bay, Kenai Penin- sula; Campbell Lake, south of An- chorage; and Eklutna Lake, south of Palmer. Tuthill and others (1964) state that “All lakes in the Martin River area [east of Copper River delta, fig. 2] experienced subaqueous landslides, some of which generated seiches.” A stream-gage recorder, located on the outlet of Trail Lake (north of Seward, fig. 2), shows a typical oscillation pattern (fig. 8). At Kenai Lake on the Kenai Peninsula a water—level recorder, operated by a power company, reg- istered for about 18 hours the seiche action caused by the seismic disturbance as well as wave action generated by landslides. McCul— loch (1966) gives a complete de- scription of the effects on Kenai Lake. Some lakes showed no evidence of wave action, even though they were adjacent to others where the ice was highly fractured. Small circular fracture patterns were ob- served in several large lakes—usu- ally in the center, but sometimes in a bay or near one end. This pat- tern may reflect seiche action limited to the deeper parts of the lake. One large lake near the epi- center was practically devoid of extensive fracturing; Ralph Mig- liaccio (written commun., 1964) flew over Miners Lake a few days after the earthquake and noted the absence of fractures, although snow could have covered small cracks. The closeness to the epi- center may not have been con- ducive to development of damag- ing long-period seismic waves. Furthermore, the bedrock basin underlying the lake would respond less to long—period seismic shock waves than would unconsolidated material. Some effects of wave action con— tinued to be visible long after the earthquake. At Tustumena Lake, isolated piles of gravel and cobbles on the beach (fig. 5A) were ob— viously foreign to the beach and were probably derived from the underside of ice blocks that had been washed up on shore by wave action. The nearshore lake ice had frozen into the beach prior to the quake. Other investigators noted similar deposits on other lake- shores. In the Copper River basin the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (1965, p. 35) reported that ridges of sand and gravel, de— posited from ice, blocked some lake outlets. Ripples composed of or- ganic material, probably derived from the beach, formed in a shal- low embayment of Tustumena Lake at low lake level (fig. 5B). The ripples were about 1—2 feet high and about 50 feet between crests. These ripples may have been formed by the extended seiche action after the quake. Local resi- dents did not recall having seen such ripples prior to the quake. 3. ‘ 1 Trees along the shoreline of many lakes have been scarred by ice. Bark was peeled off as high as 20 feet on trees on Kenai Lake (Alaska Dept. Fish and Game, 1965, p. 29, fig. 20) and 30 feet on Tonsina Lake (p. 35) , LANDSLIDES The glacial landscape, including many lakes, was modified by snow and rock avalanches, earth slumps, and subaqueous slides which were triggered by the earthquake. The prime sources of slides were glacial deposits along steep valley walls and rapidly deposited alluvial or delta deposits encroaching upon the lakes. In general, the snow and rock avalanches had a negli- gible effect on the lakes, although when they occurred beneath or slid into a lake they generated waves and a few of these were destructive to manmade structures or ‘to vegetation. The earth slumps were the most destructive slides. The delta fronts along large lakes usually slumped and fractured (fig. 6). Trees growing along such delta fronts and bordering alluvial fans 6.—Fractured outwash delta and sand flows at head of Tustumena Lake. Photo- graph by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. A8 were submerged (fig. 7) as the land subsided. McCulloch (1966) re- ported that the earthquake-in- duced slides in Kenai Lake gen- erated waves that washed back into the slide area and also waves that hit the opposite shore. These waves destroyed buildings and scarred the trees several feet above ground level. Many coastal lakes along Prince William Sound and on Kodiak Island were inundated with salt water and silt by the series of tsu- namis that washed inland. For example, Potatopatch Lake at Kodiak is now part of the tidal flats. Some of these lakes had been the source of fresh-water supply for nearby residents or were im- portant for fresh-water sport fish- ing. Now the lakes will remain saline until the salts have been flushed out. CHANGES IN WATER STORAGE Secondary effects of the Alaska earthquake temporarily drained or dewatered many lakes. Lake levels were lowered either by spill— age and overflow during seiching or by drainage through fracture systems in the lake basin. Gages on the Bradley Lake and Trail Lake outlets (fig. 2) recorded a temporary loss in stream stage (fig. 8), reflecting lowered lake levels. Discharge from Kenai and Tustumena Lakes also decreased for several hours to several days after the quake. The Finger Lakes in the northern part of the Kenai Lowland (fig. 2) showed the only long-term change in stor- age capacity. These lake levels were five feet below their prequake levels by October 26, 1964 (Alaska Dept. Fish and Game, 1965, p. 27, fig. 19). A small lake north of Kenai started losing water as late as mid-June. ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 7.—Trees submerged by minor earth slump along lakeshore. ll|llTllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Trail River near Lawing Station G GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET Bradley River near Homer Station J HHHHH‘HIlllllllllHHLllHllIHLg, 27 28 29 MARCH 1964 8.—Hydrographs of two streams drain- ing lakes on the Kenai Peninsula. See figure 2 for locations. Many lakes were perched above the seasonal areal water table at the time of the earthquake and thus were able to drain through seismic fractures in the frozen un- consolidated material. The lake levels also were lowered from seiche action. The prolonged wave action, as long as 2 hours on Portage and Kenai Lakes, re— peatedly washed water over low points of the shoreline or out through the normal outlet of the lake. Hence, some lakes were par— tially or completely drained. For— mer levels were restored Within a few days by streams or within a few weeks by snowmelt. Tectonic tilting may have changed the storage capacity in some lakes, particularly those long lakes that lie parallel to the direc— tion of tilting. Kenai Lake was tilted to the east, and Skilak and Tustumena Lakes were possibly tilted eastward 1—2 feet, as in— ferred from regional tectonic sub- sidence (Grantz and others, 1964). Field investigations of these lakes and Eklutna and Bradley Lakes were inconclusive because of lack of prequake control. Hence, a program of establishing bench marks to determine future tilting EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY OF SOUTH CENTRAL ALASKA A9 was established on 17 large lakes in south-central Alaska (Hansen, 1966). DAMAGE TO WATER- SYSTEM STRUCTURES Two manmade lakes were drained because of the earthquake. The rupturing of the earth-filled dam on Campbell Lake, at the mouth of Campbell Creek south of ICE COVER The ice cover on many streams was broken during the earthquake. However, the ice cover was not broken extensively; seiche waves, therefore, presumably did not de- velop in the streams and breakage must have resulted from seismic shock. The ice remained unbroken on the Copper River where it flows through Woods Canyon—a bed- rock gorge about 70 miles east of the epicenter. Bedrock is known to respond less than unconsoli- dated material to seismic shock; thus, the lower amplitude of the ground response may explain why the ice was not broken in this bed- rock gorge. Other streams were routinely checked for this relation- ship during air reconnaissance, but no consistent pattern was found—— perhaps because the other major streams observed do not. flow in such a bedrock gorge. GROUND FISSURES AND SLIDES Extensive fissuring and asso- ciated earth flowage were the most prevalent effects of the earthquake along the streams in south-central Alaska. Fissuring was fairly ran- dom throughout the area but was very noticeable because of the ex- Anchorage, allowed the water to drain out. The dam on a lake near O’Malley Road south of Anchor- age also was breached. Perhaps the most serious and costly damage was the displace- ment of a tunnel-intake structure in Eklutna Lake. The structure was partially displaced either by wave action or by differential sub— sidence of the lake floor; the earth below the log and earth-filled dam had also subsided. A peripheral area of lake bottom about 200 feet wide was exposed because the lake was at a low level from winter withdrawals. This area subsided because of compaction or lateral spreading of the offshore la‘ke— bottom silt. It appears that the submerged intake-structure was disturbed primarily by subsidence, although seiche action may have contributed to the damage. EFFECTS ON STREAMS posed sand and gravel bars of the braided streams. Some fissures ex- tended across stream flood plains, but most were on adjacent terraces parallel to the streambanks (fig. 9). Silt, sand, or gravel were ejected along many of the fissures and formed ridges on one or both sides, or sometimes formed flows or sheets which extended many feet from the fissures. Landslides or snow avalanches blocked several streams, notably the Klutina River in the Copper River basin, Ship Creek near An— chorage, and the Tiekel River and several other streams along the Richardson Highway north of Thompson Pass. A snow and earth slide on the Klutina River about 9 miles below Klutina Lake (fig. 2) apparently did not block the river immediately, but, as re- ported by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (1965, p. 43, fig. 33), “Before the spring breakup 9.—Fissures on terrace parallel to Copper River bank. Photograph by R. M. Migliaccio, September 14, 1964. A10 the river had begun to cut a new channel around the slide. By mid- summer the channel re-routing had been completed * * *.” A minor snow slide on Ship Creek about 4 miles upstream from the lowland caused much concern and anxiety to water-sup- ply oflicials, because the slide tem- porarily dammed the creek and therefore cut off the water supply for the city of Anchorage and nearby military bases immediately after the quake. It was almost 48 hours before normal flow resumed at the diversion dam, and about 10 days before downstream flow re- turned to prequake levels. There were numerous reports of slides that blocked other streams; one report of a slide on the Copper River received national news cov— erage. The writer believes that most such reports of dry riverbeds were based on aerial observations of extensive mudflows subse- quently frozen on top of river ice in some reaches of the rivers. In other instances, where snowslides appeared to block a channel com— pletely, the slide had not broken the ice cover. CHANGES IN FLOW Changes in streamflow were con- trolled by fissures in and adjacent to streambeds and by landslides and snow avalanches. The slides commonly did not block the flow for long, but some residual effects persisted for longer periods. For example, Ship Creek, which was flowing about 15 cfs (cubic feet per second), was dammed for about 18 hours. During this time the un- derflow in the streambed below the dam continued to drain, and the upstream supply was entirely di- verted for public use at the dam. Thirty-six hours after the earth- quake the creek supply at the dam exceeded the diversion and began to recharge the drained-out creek- ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27 , 1964 bed. It took about 10 days for the creek to regain its prequake flow, and by then snowmelt began to augment the base flow of the stream. Hydrographic loss in the reach of Ship Creek, a very flat alluvial fan, was increased by ground fis- suring in and adjacent to the stream. Flow in a neighboring stream, Chester Creek, which de- pends entirely upon ground-water discharge in late winter, decreased from 12 to 4 cfs on March 31, and recovered to 13.6 cfs by April 6. The flow decrease is attributed to loss through fractures in the streambed and to decreased out- flow of ground water. The latter is believed to be more significant, because artesian levels in the area were drastically reduced immedi— ately after the quake. Changes in flow, particularly losses, were noted in larger streams also, but ice cover inhibited ac— curate observations. Extensive areas of fissuring on adjacent banks were noted along many streams. The most conclusive evi- dence for streamflow loss was noted where a stream drains a lake. The U.S. Geological Survey has installed stream-gage recorders 011 outlets of several lakes in this re— gion (fig. 2). The hydrographs shown in figure 8 illustrate the drop in height of the water surface Which indicates a decrease in streamflow. Flow in the Kasilof River, which drains Tustumena Lake (fig. 2), was so reduced that many observers reported that it was dry. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (1965, p. 29) stated that “Its flow was halted to such an ex- tent that a biologist was able to walk up its channel the following day wearing overshoes.” A plot of the river stages at the Geological Survey gaging station on the Kasi- lof River bridge (fig. 2) is shown on figure 10. The plot shows dim- inution of flow, from 566 to 70 cfs, by March 30. The loss of flow in the Kasilof River and in other streams drain- ing lakes is due primarily to de— creased outflow from the lakes. Many such streams recovered their flow slowly because, like Ship Creek, the subsurface sediments had to be recharged before the streams could resume their normal flow. An increased flow was also re- corded in some streams, but it was not as common as stream losses. The hydrographs of three streams in south-central Alaska which showed an apparent increase in flow are shown in figure 11. The increased flow of Power Creek is believed (M. J. Slaughter, written commun., 1964) to be “* * * the l l I | I | I I I I | I I I I \ //"___?'\\ Kasilof River near KasIIof A E 3 _ ~~~~~ / 556 cfs \ Station F _ I.IJ \ LL \ z ' \ ””””” j \\ ’’’’’ ,_ _ v I 2 \ _ C] \ LTJ _ \\ _ I \ / LIJ _ \ / 2 I \ 150 cfs / _ o / / - /70 cfs A 0 1 | I I | | I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I m I | I | | I I I T I | | I I I MARCH I I 181920212223242526272829303112 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617 APRIL 10.—Water-1eve1 stage of Kasilof River from March 18 to April 17, 1964. See figure 2 for location. EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY OF SOUTH CENTRAL ALAsKA A11 4 IIHIIllllllllllllIlllllllllllllll‘lllllllllll Snow River near Divide Station H OJ Power Creek near Cordova Station | GAGE HEIGHT. lN FEET N Little Susitna River _ near Palmer lllllIlllIlllIllllllllllllllllllllll|||ll|llll 27 28 29 MARCH 1964 ._. 11.—Hydrographs of three streams in south-central Alaska. See figure 2 for locations. result of released water stored be- hind an ice dam upstream prior to the quake.” The Little Susitna River had an increased flow which perhaps is also attributable to re- lease of water from behind ice con- strictions. Here, as in most of the streams, the seasonal warming trend was beginning, and snow- melt began to mask the prolonged earthquake effects in a few days. The flow of Snow River was un- usual. The water level, in the still- ing well at least, rose more than a foot in a few minutes with no ap- parent surge. The water then gradually receded to about its for- mer level in 24 hours. A possible mechanical cause of this unusual fluctuation was reported by J. P. Meckel, hydraulic engineer (oral commun., 1965). He believes that the bubble gage did not respond to the rapid upward surge caused by the seismic shock because the gage is “sensitized to normal fluctua- tions.” Probably the water was rapidly forced up into the stilling well, as noted in wells and in sand fountains, and then gradually drained out. The Tiekel River north of Val- dez was dammed by a snowslide 209—981 0—l66——3 and nearby Tonsina River was dammed by ice jams; both had to be opened with explosives to pre- vent highway flooding. Gages on three streams on Kodiak Island recorded the tsu- namis that were so destructive at Kodiak, Old Harbor, and else- where. Figure 12 shows two of these hydrographs that reflect the earthquake shock, tsunamis, and high tides. Tsunamis traveled up these streams at least five times as recorded at the Myrtle Creek gage. , The float was hung up by the third wave, but it registered subsequent 7 - and 9-foot surges. Tectonic land subsidence or up— lift may eventually steepen or less— en, respectively, the gradients of these streams and thus alter the streamflow pattern. The pattern alteration may not be recognizable in the immediate years ahead ex— cept in areas of extreme change, such as the part of Montague Is- land (fig. 2) which was uplifted 33 feet. The most immediate and noticeable effect in subsided areas is the greater extent of tidal inun— dation and backwater in coastal streams. This condition was dis- astrous to fish—spawning areas and has been investigated by the Alas- ka Department of Fish and Game (1965). US. Geological Survey recorders on the three streams on Kodiak Island now register most high tides, whereas before the sub- sidence they recorded only extreme high tides. Other gages in south-central Alaska (fig. 2) responded to the earthquake shock, but either the records were disrupted or the float was too solidly frozen into the still- ing well to show postquake effects clearly. The US. Geological Survey op— erated recorders in other parts of Alaska. The northernmost station that registered the shock was on llllllllllllll].iT1_rlllllllI|ll|lllll|lll ‘ UganikRiver 64— 8'22 StationL I 0.5 mile upstream from mouth High tides — J \ i|ll||llllll|llllllllIllillllllllllllllI| 4s Illlllllllllll llilllllllllllllll‘llll / i \ 4.85 \4'53 - 7.58 GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET 4; I High tides 3 _High tide‘ / Earth- quake 2*\JJ — TerrorRiver StationM — 0.7 mile upstream from mouth “ llllilliiiillllllilillililllillllililiill 27 28 29 MARCH 1964 J K i 12.—Hydrographs of two Kodiak Island streams showing effects of tsunamis and of land subsidence. See figure 1 for locations. the Tanana River at Tanacross (fig. 1, location A). Three other stations west and north of Cook Inlet (fig. 1, locations B, C, and D) did not record the seismic shock even though they were within 200 miles of the epicenter. One other instrument, north of Bristol Bay and about 400 miles VV‘SW frcln the epicenter, also was not visibly affected. In contrast, 19 of the 30 hydrograph stations in southeast— ern Alaska, some as much as 700 miles distant, recorded effects of the shock wave. Six stations near tidewater recorded the tsunamis. One station on a lake recorded seiche action for several hours. A12 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 10,000 l T I 10000 EXPLANATION _ —o-o—o- . o 1962 dlscharge o/\O _ O. —.—l—.- / \O 1964 dischar e g /000 - ‘ O 1 1962 concentration 0/ n 00/ '- ~ 1964 concentration / - 000\ 00 . p 0000 . A '. O \ IO 0.. In, k. 3-“; / ._.‘ ’. £00,. 0.. /./ \ .0 ‘ \/ ‘o IOOOOOOOOOOI . \o. 096‘)”. \u'.*.’. n z 1000 — I’ [05% ‘ f . a 1000 g A II 550% . ‘ d _ I ’0 ‘. “ . i o 2 _oooooooooo O’O _ g D: g . LLI 0 - o o O _ 0' OOQ ’00 0230000] ' . ' ' ' 3 m . 0 r— 5 . . . . A r: o: ' . L|J < ' . u u I n. D. ' I I ’— _ I ' _ E . ' I ‘ a ' - w » ' . . u. g . I I I I n I I ‘ AA " I I‘ I o p: _ I ‘ , n _ a < ' ' . . D n: - o '— A Z I Z M _ o _ _ _' ‘ _ M Z ‘ A‘ A A O O A a: o . ‘ < p— . AL (I) Z (1) Lu ' ' A a E i A B "’ 100 ~ A 100 A u . A A A A A 10 ' ' 10 APRIL MAY 13,—Suspended-sediment concentration and discharge in the Matanuska River near Palmer, 1962 and 1964. EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY OF SOUTH CENTRAL ALASKA A13 Several hydrographs indicate an increase of streamflow immedi- ately after the trace of the shock. However, V. K. Berwick, hy- draulic engineer, reported (writ- ten commun., 1965) that an anal- ysis of precipitation data indicates that rainfall occurring on March 27 and subsequent days probably caused the increases. The writer concurs with this analysis because data from 12 stations showed a be- ginning rise in stream stage before the quake, whereas only 5 stations show a rise coincident with the ar- rival of the shock wave. Probably the shaking motion, although not generally felt in bedrock areas of southeast Alaska, disturbed the ice-choked parts of some of the streams and thus caused a tempo- rary rise in streamflow. Two hydrographs, which showed an appreciable drop after the disturb— ance, probably reflect temporary damming of the streams by ice. SEDIMENT LOAD As a result of the intensive fis- suring and the ejection of sedi- ments into the streambeds, the dep- osition of landslide material onto the ice-covered streams, and the erosion of loosened material on the mountain slopes, the spring runoff transported unusual amounts of sediment. The sediment load of the streams was greatly increased, but the increase was apparently of short duration. Three stations for measuring daily sediment load were in operation in south-central Alaska. The station at the high- way bridge on Twentymile River at Portage (fig. 2) was destroyed, however, and was discontinued after the observer was evacuated. The station on the Ninilchik River bridge north of Homer (fig. 2) continued in operation, but re— corded no significant change, prob- ably because the stream flows through a lowland having no steep valley slopes and because the site is about 150 miles from the epicenter. The long—established station on the Matanuska River bridge (fig. 2) showed a large increase in sedi— ment load during the month of April (fig. 13). A plot of the sus— p e n d e d—sediment concentration shows that in April 1964 the stream carried five times the amount of sediment it carried in 1962 during a comparable period and flow. L. S. Leveen (written commun., 1965) stated that sus- pended-sediment loads during the summer were normal. EFFECTS ON GROUND WATER IMMEDIATE EFFECTS The initial seismic shock and the associated seismic waves immedi— ately altered the hydrologic regi- men. Short-term effects included (a) surging of water in wells, (b) extrusion of water, mud, and sand, (0) failure of well system, and (d) turbidity of water in wells and springs. The long-term effects, resulting from physical changes in the aquifers, are discussed in a later section (p. A17). ARTESIAN WELLS The immediate reaction of wa- ter in artesian wells near an epicen- ter is due principally to the stresses imparted to the aquifer. Ferris and others (1962, p. 87) summarize previously published American works on such fluctuations and 'state that when shock waves from an earthquake reach an aquifer “* * * there will first be an abrupt increase in water pressure as the water assumes part of the im- posed compressive stress, followed by an abrupt decrease in water pressure as the imposed stress is removed. In attempting to ad- just to- the pressure changes, the water level in an artesian well first rises and then falls.” Of the five recorders operating at Anchorage, four were on arte— sian wells. However, the instru- mentation was not sufficiently damped to register accurately the sudden and intense fluctuations in water level caused by the seismic impulses on the aquifers. Two records were unintelligble. One well recorded 6 feet of fluctuation before the pen was flipped off the chart. The fourth instrument op- erated during the quake and for 8 hours recorded continuous fluctua- tions of the water level. The total fluctuation, estimated to exceed 24 feet, is some indication of the fluc- tuations of this and other arte- sian systems of south-central Alaska. SHALLOW WELLS Shallow wells, as considered here, are wells that tap near—sur— face aquifers that are not over- lain by a confining layer. Water in these water-table wells does not respond to seismic waves as does water in artesian wells because it is free to move vertically as the pressure wave passes through the aquifer. However, Within the re- gion of intense ground motion, the inertia of the water body and the oscillations set up in the ground water produce movements that op- pose the g r o u n d movement. Hence, unconfined ground water, A14 7.30IIIIIIIIIIIr ‘ «7.35 d 7.40 - - _ Well Anc 316B — Depth 15 ft m Altitude of land _ 2 7-50 ’ surface 98 ft u. n: _ _ D (I) D _ z 7.60 — < _I g _ _ 9 g 7.70 _ flAflershocks _ ’— L|J Lu P ' LL E O of 7'8 Aftershocks Lu 2 - ~ - 3 \ .9 7.90 - \Earthquake ' I 5:36 PM I- _ n. _ In D 8.00 , ‘ 8.10 - ‘ _ «8.16 ‘ I | | I I I I I I I I I 262728293031 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MARCH APRIL 14.—Hydrograph of water-table well Anc 3163, south of Anchorage, from March 26, 1964, to April 7, 1964. as well as bodies of surface water, probably tends to oscillate but the the ground-water m o t i o n is damped by friction within the aquifer. The widespread water fountains and flows of sand and mud were erupted from the water-table zone. These extrusions indicate that high pressures must have existed in the water-table aquifer, and thus a temporary confining layer must have been present. The behavior of unconfined wa— ter levels during an earthquake is illustrated by an excellent rec- ord obtained at Spenard, south of Anchorage, in a well tapping a“ zone of water—saturated sand 7 .8— ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 15 feet below land surface. The depth of frozen ground probably was about 5 feet at the time——‘ hence the water was not confined, because there was about 3 feet of unsaturated sand between the for— zen layer and the water table at 7.8 feet. The record (fig. 14) shows that in this well the water table fluctuated less than a foot. The area near this well, and the well-k n o w n Turnagain area, where similar conditions pre— vailed, yielded no signs or reports of sand or water ejections. In con- trast, stream valleys and high tidal marshes at Anchorage did have areas of ejected water and mud, because there the water table was confined by the seasonal frost. FLOWS 0F SAND AND MUD “Sand-spout,” and “mud- spout,” or “mud fountain,” “mud volcano,” “sand blow,” “sand boil,” “mudvent,” crater, and several other terms have been used to describe certain features which appear during most great earth- quakes and are associated with water-saturated sediments. Wa- ter-borne material is ejected from fissures during the earth move- ments and, in some places, the flows continued long after the shocks had passed. In areas where the ground water is confined, as in river beds, the increased hydro- static pressure is also relieved. The pressure head raises or other- wise disturbs the streambed, and the sediments are saturated to the quicksand condition. Prob- ably every major valley in south- central Alaska showed evidence of fissures and flows. Lemke (1965, p. 121) reported that the lower part of the J ap Creek fan at Seward fissured when “loose gravels were compacted by vibratory action during strong ground motion. Where the water table was high the frozen ground surface was ruptured.” Ground water was released under hydro— static pressure to heights of 6 feet and sand boils developed. The ejected sediment came principally from well-sorted sand lenses, one of them 12.5 feet deep. Lemke also suggests that differential com- 15.—Large fissure and sand flow in the Skilak River valley near Tustumena Lake. Split tree indicates about 3-f00t displacement. Note 6- and 8-inch rocks ejected upslope. EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY OF SOUTH CENTRAL ALASKA A15 16.—Aerial view of extensive mud flows and fissures in the Placer River valley near Portage. paction, controlled by the irregu- lar buried bedrock surface, lim- ited the areas of fracturing to the outer parts of the fan. In con- trast to the J ap Creek alluvial fan, the Lowell Creek fan at Seward did not fissure extensively. The Lowell Creek fan has been largely dewatered, and only near sea level, where the water table is near the surface, were fissures formed. Fissures on deltas also occurred only on the lower slopes. In those areas, however, the fissures are un- doubtedly tensional f e a t u r e 5 formed behind the free face of the delta front (fig. 6). Furthermore, the hydrostatic pressures in the acquifers are less confined because the water table is very near the surface on the lower slopes. A typical fissure parallel to the shore of the delta in the Skilak River Valley is shown in figure 15. The extruded material—-silt, sand, and gravel—was deposited principally downslope. Fissures and flows in stream val- leys and on flood plains were 10- cally controlled by the configura- tion of the water table. Constric- tions in the valley floor and the points of change in slope of the stream are places where the ground-water movement is re- strained; hence, the water level is nearer the surface than elsewhere in the valley. At such places fis- suring and outflows seemed to be more extensive than elsewhere. One extensive area of fissuring and flowage is in a poorly drained part of Placer River Valley, near Portage (fig. 16). In some places (fig. 17, p. A16), the outflows removed so much ma- terial from the ground that local collapse and probably general sub- sidence occurred. Although col- lapse craters generally had out- flow channels, some craters formed where there was no evidence of dis— charge. Some of these were on river terraces, but most were on flood plains. This restricted oc- currence indicates either that the underlying material was com- pacted or that the fine material was removed by ground water and ejected some distance from the crater. Davis (1960, p. 499) noted extensive separation between crat- ers and flows at Huslia in 1958, and found that the distance between one crater and the nearest flow was 600 feet. It is also possible that these craters formed long after theearthquake. R. M. Migliaccio (oral commun., 1965) stated that A16 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 17.——Sand flow from 2-foot fissure more than 200 feet long, parallel to Tustumena Lake shore. Sand flowed mainly to left toward the lake. some craters were first noted after the early-summer stream runoff. Another effect of the seismic waves on shallow water confined by seasonal frost was formation of pressure ridges along the margin of a long, large swamp represent- ing an abandoned glacial-melt— water channel south of Tustumena Lake (fig. 18). The ridges were observed from the air and were seen to be overthrust layers of the surface vegetal material about 3 feet thick and jutting upward as much as 10 feet in the air (on the basis of comparison with the height of a fleeing moose). The linearity of the pressure ridges suggests tectonic movement, but a more logical explanation is that the compression was caused by the oscillation of the frozen surface layers over a water-saturated substratum. An example of the pressures that can be created by compression of the shallow water table was noted at Anchorage 2 weeks after the earthquake. The floor of a small swale in southwest Anchor— age bulged, and many residents thought that a volcano was about to erupt. At that season, however, the shallow ground-water table characteristically begins to reflect annual spring recharge. The sea— sonal frost cover, and possibly an abnormal constriction down gradi— ent at a road crossing confined the increasing head of water, and the ground rose about 2 feet in a 20- foot area. A shallow water table appar- ently contributed to the extensive effects noted in unconsolidated material in south-central Alaska. Where the water table was some- what lower than the seasonal frost or a semiconfining zone at the land surface, there was little surface evidence of earthquake effects. DAMAGE TO WELL STRUCTURES The failure of some well systems was mainly due to sanding or silt- ing of the pump column or to the differential movement of well cas- ings and the surrounding rock. Most of the wells are unscreened and have a foot or several feet of uncased hole. These conditions readily lend themselves to cave-ins or slumping of the walls under earthquake stress. Fine-grained material washed into the well by dilation and compression of the aquifer may also contribute, but normal pumping of wells probably causes a greater flushing action than that of the earthquake. Re- sumption of pumping after the quake brought fine material into the system and caused turbid water or malfunction of the pump. Other wells that have pumps re- quiring a full pipe of water for a prime probably lost their prime during the violent water fluctua- tion in the well. Thus, erroneous reports of dry wells were as com- mon as they usually are after most quakes. At Anchorage three city wells were damaged. The most sig- nificant damage was caused by the failure of artificial fill at the city’s main well. The resulting move- ment destroyed the pumphouse and bent the well casing. The cas- ing was straightened and a new pumphouse was built. A well near the large Turnagain slide was de- stroyed by lateral movement. The third well, also in the Turnagain area, was abandoned because of damage, apparently from lateral movement. At Seward the three city wells (4—6; see fig. 24, p. A25), all be- lieved to be about 100 feet deep, were ruined by ground move- ment and fissuring. Wells Sew 4 and 5 (old City 1 and 2, re- spectively) would not pump water after the earthquake. When an attempt was made to pull the pump EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY OF SOUTH CENTRAL ALASKA A17 18.—Pressure ridges in a long, large swamp (Kenai Lowland). columns, the binding of the column and easing was so great that the casing pulled apart in Sew 4: and the column would not budge at Sew 5—probably because of the horizontal shift of part of the al- luvial fan. Well Sew 6, about 10 feet higher than Sew 4 and 5, sur- vived the earthquake, but near the end of April 1964, the pump tur— bine jammed because the ground moved or settled and caused a gradual increase of friction. The pump column could not be pulled because of a casing offset. In the meantime, the US. Army Corps of Engineers drilled replacement wells adjacent to Sew 5 and 6. These two new wells had water from a depth of 34 feet intermit- tently to a total depth of 200 feet. The wells were developed in the best part of the aquifer, at about 160—170 feet, and had water levels of about 21 feet below the sur— face—a confined aquifer is thus indicated. At Valdez a 24-foot well was bent seaward by land movement, and its casing was sheared at a threaded joint 15.5 feet below the surface. One of the city wells was damaged, possibly by an elec— tric failure during the quake, but the other was operable and was being used to pump water into temporary surface pipe for dis- tribution. LONG-TERM CHANGES The long-term effects on the hy- drology of south-central Alaska i n c l u d e temperature changes, changes in the chemical quality of Ridge of overthrust material (or) in foreground is about 500 feet long. the water supply, and the residual lowering of water—level or artesian pressures. The lower water levels or lower artesian pressures Were the most noticeable effect and pre- sumably stem from changes in dis- charge rates or transmissibility of aquifers. Locally, notable subsidence of land, not related to tectonic sub— sidence, marks another residual ef- fect. This subsidence is generally associated with areas of extrusion of water and mud. Some subsided areas, such as at Portage and at Anchorage (Waller, 1966b), showed no surface evidence of loss of water or sediment; subsidence probably reflects compaction of the aquifer after loss of hydrostatic pressure in the higher reaches of the aquifer. A18 ANCHORAGE The artesian aquifers at Anchor- age are composed of sand and gravel interbedded with clay and glacial till (Cederstrom and oth- ers, 1964). The deposits are as much as 500 feet thick and extend under the adjacent Knik and Turnagain Arms of Cook Inlet (fig. 2). Periodic water-level measurements have been made in 50 water wells in the Anchorage area—some dating back to- 1951. Hence, preearthquake water-level records, frequent measurements made after the earthquake, and previous studies (Waller, 1964) have all contributed to a thor- ough evaluation of the long-term effects of this earthquake. A re- port on the earthquake effects at Anchorage is presented in detail elsewhere (Waller, 1966b). A summary of the preliminary find- ings is presented here. The 50 observation wells were measured periodically, starting a few days after the earthquake. All but one of the Anchorage ob— servation wells indicate changes to the water-table and artesian- aquifer system. One well taps the Tertiary bedrock about 400 feet beneath the glacial drift. Almost all the well measure- ments show that the pressure level was lowered as much as 24 feet but that recovery started immedi- ately. Within about 6 months the pressure had recovered completely or had risen to a new level of sta— bility. The new pressure level in about one-third of the wells is as much as 15 feet lower than pre— quake levels. In about two—thirds of the wells the level is within 5 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 feet of, or at the same level as, the preearthquake level. Representa— tive hydrographs of three wells tapping glaciofluvial aquifers (fig. 19) show the range of residual changes. The areal distribution of the measured changes of water level in the wells is not entirely consistent, but it implies that most of the changes occurred in areas underlain by thick estuarine or lake deposits of fine sand and silt. In several wells, the postquake water levels are higher than they were before the earthquake. These wells are located within the area of influence of the city and military well fields. Because all wells drawing water from the Anchor- age artesian system were suddenly without power for pumping, the artesian system had a chance to partially regain its natural prede- Olllllllllllllllllllll Well Anc 441 Depth 117 ft Altitude of land surface 89 ft 10* lllllllllll lllllllllll wk _——"\ ’A llllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllll Illl‘lllllll lllllllllll Illllllllllllllllllll WW3 Illlllllllllllllllllllllll llll lllllllllll 155~ Illllllllll lllllllllll Illllllllll lllllllllll llllllllllIlllllllllllllll Lu 0 < u. m _ a \J ~__’__/’\——'\\__'——"—"——_——/ ———-—_- O z WellAncl f5 Depth540f‘t 3 Altitude of land surface 321 ft 01657 — _| E K» B lllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllIllll L4: lllllllllll Illlllllllll lllllll Illllllllll lllllllllll Illllllllll Illllllllll lllll Z40 /\\/_/\/\ 7 _ \ N . \__,/’\\ a / \A *- \ \\_._,__ < / 350* fl 0 WellAncSOS l— Depth453ft l I Altitude of land surface 166 ft l l" 0. / LIJ l // 0609 l r/, __ 70* ~ ‘lllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllIlllllllJ_Llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Dec. June Dec. June Dec. June Dec. June Dec. June Dec. June Dec. June Dec. June 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 19.—Hydrographs of three Anchorage wells, 1958—65, showing residual changes in artesian pressure after the earthquake. EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY or SOUTH CENTRAL ALASKA A19 velopment pressure. However, power was restored sporadically, and most wells were back in opera— tion within 2 or 3 days. They gen- erally were pumped for greater lengths of time than was custom— ary before the earthquake be- cause of leakage in the distribu— tion systems. As a result of this disruption of the normal pump— ing pattern, some water levels rose above prequake levels. Many more water levels were extremely low during the first few weeks owing to overdraft of public-sup- ply pumping and the general low- ering due directly to the earth- quake. After the summer recharge pe- riod (note annual fluctuations in the hydrographs, fig. 19), the re- sidual changes in the water levels could be ascertained. A full year’s record now confirms the net lower- ing of water levels. The residual change to a lower pressure level implies that recharge has de- creased, or water has found new outlets and is moving through the aquifer at a faster rate. Because of the lowered pressures and the inference that the water movement in the aquifer has increased, the as— sumption is made that either the permeability of the aquifer has been increased by an increase in pore size, or a change has taken place in the outlet'of the aquifer so that water can leave the aquifer more readily. Fracturing of the subsurface confining beds of clay or glacial till is not considered probable, nor would it cause the variable drop in pressure. The aquifers at Anchorage are inter- connected (Cederstrom and others, 1964; Waller, 1964), hence, addi- tional interconnections would have little area-wide effect. Fracturing at depth in the water-saturated de— posits also seems unlikely. The natural discharge may have been increased locally by removal or re- arrangement of the estuarine silt cover overlying sub-inlet dis- charge zones of the aquifer. The porosity of the sand and gravel aquifers may have been increased locally by flushing of fine material into wells or areally by aquifer ex- pansion owing to an imposed stress from seismic waves or the tectonic subsidence (about 3.7 ft) and hori- zontal movements. Observation of the water level in the one well that taps a Tertiary aquifer (Ana 1, fig. 19) indicates that that aquifer also underwent some changes. The lower water level seems to be permanent. Water in the Pleistocene Boot— legger Cove Clay was a significant factor in the extensive sliding that occurred at Anchorage. Water pressure in sand lenses within the clay presumably was increased by seismic motion until failure occur- red and the land moved laterally toward the sea. Pore pressure measured in the clay since the quake shows that some areas are gradually losing the pressure ex- isting after the quake, whereas a few others show pressure buildup. Sea water may be encroaching beneath Fire Island in Cook Inlet ofi' Anchorage, inasmuch as the chloride content has steadily in- creased since the earthquake. One of the wells on the island had been drilled into a salt-water—bearing formation several years previ- ously but was reportedly cemented or sealed off. Possibly the earth- quake disrupted this seal, rather than the confining layer over the salt-water formation, and now salt water is leaking into the upper fresh-water aquifer that supplies the other wells. Observation of these wells is continuing. CHUGIAK The ground-water conditions in the Chugiak area, adjacent to and northeast of Anchorage (fig. 2), are similar to those at Anchorage except for a greater percentage of till and a lesser thickness of glacial drift. The effects of the earth— quake in this area were similar to those at Anchorage. Dale Pier- son, Chugiak well driller, reported (The Johnson Drillers J our., 1964, p. 5) that “Locally * * * numer- ous wells went dry. Others have become muddy and silty.” A well Pierson was drilling at 102 feet reportedly was offset between the 50- and 60-foot level. The state— ment regarding numerous dry wells has not been verified, but because there are many shallow dug wells in this area and they were at their seasonal low-water level, the statement does appear reasonable. The water levels of six observation wells in this area were periodically measured be- fore and after the earthquake. Two of the four water—table wells showed possible effects of the earthquake—a temporary rise in water level of a few feet, probably owing to recharge from the sur- face through ground fractures. Of the two wells which tap arte— sian aquifers, one was little af- fected and the other (well 120) showed a decline in water level of about 10 feet (fig. 20, next page). Preearthquake water-level data are presented in Waller (1960). COPPER RIVER BASIN Effects on the aquifers in the Copper River basin were reflected in water levels in wells (Ferrians, 1966). The following description is drawn largely from Ferrians’ findings. The Copper River region is Within the permafrost zone of Alaska and is characterized by a lack of fresh-water aquifers. Moreover, the sparse development of water wells on the aquifers has restricted the interpretation of ef— fects. Water levels in several wells reportedly lowered appre- A20 ciably, but generally the levels were restored in a few days. Three wells in the Glennallen area were reported to have gone dry. These were probably shallow wells which had low water levels at this time of the year. The apparent negligible effect of the aquifers in this region, as close to the epicenter as Anchorage or the Matanuska Valley, is probably due to the presence of deep perma- frost. Stream flood plains had fis- 53lll|lllllll| ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH. 27, 1 964 suring and mudflows as did those in the nonpermafrost zone. CORDOVA Cordova is the only community in the uplifted area (fig. 1) that has a drilled-well water supply. The community is largely built on bedrock, but a standby well-water supply is located on a thick deposit of glacial drift (Walters, 1963, p. 4). This small area of unconsoli- dated material is at least 140 feet U1 U1 3 C _l Lu m .— film 57 1 Well Chu 120 _ u. 2 Depth 124 ft 2 3:. 1 Altitude of land 0—6:) surface 350 ft _ mm :10 59 — - a; //1 9 ' // \ ' / \ I 61 — / _ E // \ g ‘ W // \“ \ / \\ -/———~ \ 63 ~ \* 64 . l . l . l . l . l . l l l l l l l . | . | . l l l l l . Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. 1964 1965 20.—Hydrograph of water-level changes in a well in the Chugiak area. ORCA INLET deposits Bedrock undifferentiated O 400 800 FEET Geology after Walters, (1963) 21.—Sketch map of Cordova showing well locations. thick and separates Eyak Lake from the ocean (fig. 21). There was little visible effect of the intense earth shocks at this lo- cation only 50 miles from the epi- center, probably because most structures are built upon bedrock. The ice on Eyak Lake broke and some pressure ridges developed along the shore. East of Cordova on the outwash deltas of the glacial streams and the Copper River, there was extensive fissuring and flows (Reimnitz and Marshall, 1965) and much damage to the Copper River h i g h w a y and bridges (Kachadoorian, written commun. 1966). The greatest ef- fect at Cordova was the tectonic uplift of about 6 feet, which left the city with a useless boat harbor (fig. 21) but made some new land of an appreciably flatter slope than much of the city. The Cordova Public Utilities " manager, Reg Bodington, re— ported that the earthquake had no visible effect on their ground-wa- ter supply and facilities. How- ever, possible changes to the un- consolidated material and its rela- tion to sea—water encroachment are of major concern because the town is only about 20 feet above mean ‘ sea level (Walters, 1963, p. 8). A water sample, collected on July 27, 1964, from the standby well (Cor 5, fig. 21), had a chloride content of 50 ppm which is an increase of 10 ppm over the content in samples taken in 1962 of wells Cor 4 and 5. Only subsequent analyses can de- termine if the increase is signifi— cant. In general, the chances of sea-water encroachment are slight because Eyak Lake, the probable recharge source for the aquifer, was raised 6 feet relative to sea level and the lake depth was unchanged. A few water-level measurements had been taken in wells Cor 2, 3, and 4 in 1961 and 1962, and addi— tional measurements were made in EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY OF SOUTH CENTRAL ALASKA A21 July 1964. These measurements show that 4 months after the quake the water levels were about 1 foot higher than in July 1962. Even- tually, the water level in the aq- uifer will probably drop in re- sponse to the 6-foot uplift of the land. The artesian-pressure levels in wells 4 and 6, measured July 30‘— 31, 1962, fluctuated with tidal load— ing of the presumed extension of the aquifers into Orca Inlet. These tide-induced pressures were compared to postearthquake pres- sure measured in the same wells during a comparable tidal cycle on July 27—28, 1964. The 1964 meas- urements showed the artesian-pres- sure cycle was 6 hours out of phase with the tidal cycle—when the tide was high the ground-water level was low, and vice versa. The 1962 measurements were not as com- plete, but they indicate that the artesian-pressure cycle lagged only about 1 hour behind the tidal cycle. The change in the time lag may relate to changes in aquifer char- acteristics, to changes in points of tidal loading of the aquifer, or to some combination of these and other causes unknown. Because of the uplift in this area, the Eyak River may even- tually steepen its gradient back to- the outlet of Eyak Lake and thus lower the lake level, possibly as much as 6 feet. HOMER The effects of the earthquake on the aquifers at Homer have been described in detail (Waller, 1966a); a summary is presented here. To determine the effects of the earthquake on the aquifers, 15 of the wells previously used for an observation-well network were re- measured periodically for a year after the earthquake. The meas— urements indicated that both the water-table and confined-water aquifers in glaciofluvial and Ter- tiary formations were greatly dis— turbed, even though Homer is about 160 miles from the epicenter. However, water levels in all but two wells recovered in a few months. One well tapping Terti- ary rocks (Horn 15, fig. 2) had a lowered pressure level of more than 8 feet but had recovered 4 feet in a year’s time. The sandstone aquifer probably was dilated by strain induced by seismic stress. If the residual change is perma- nent, it may be comparable to the change in the Anchorage well (A110 1, fig. 19) that also taps Ter- tiary sandstone. The other well (Hom 49, fig. 2) was a shallow water-table well which drained completely dry in the first few months after the earthquake. The water level then recovered to its former level, but its seasonal fluc- tuation is now greatly amplified over its previous cycle. The aqui- fer may have been fractured in nearby blufl’s so that the rate of natural discharge is increased while seasonal recharge from pre- cipitation is unchanged. KENAI LOWLAND The Kenai Lowland occupies the western part of the Kenai Pe- ninsula (fig. 2) and consists of a thick sequence of glaciofluvial de- posits overlying Tertiary rocks. Ground water occurs in both wa- ter-table and confined aquifers, and their response to the earth- quake is comparable to that at An— chorage. For discussion purposes, the Homer area on the southern tip of the peninsula is excluded. Eight observation wells had been measured sporadically in the 2 years preceding the earthquake but none had been measured in the preceding 8 months. Although oc— casional measurements were sub- sequently resumed in these wells, it is difficult to evaluate the long- term effects on the aquifers. Nevertheless, the record correla- tions and hydrogeologic similari- ties to the Anchorage area suggest that the hydrologic effects are also comparable. Of the eight wells in the Kenai Lowland area (fig. 2), the three wells tapping artesian aquifers had adequate records from which to evaluate seismic efl'ects. Each well represents an area which is discussed separately in the follow- ing sections. The water-table wells are discussed also, but their records show that generally they were only slightly affected by the quake. KENAI AREA For the Kenai area, measure— ments from one well (Ken 17, figs. 2, 22) indicate that pressure in the confined aquifer dropped more than 10 feet. The maximum recov— ery has been only about 9 feet, hence the aquifer sustained a long— lasting change. Although the mineralized water in the aquifer suggests that it is a separate aqui- fer system, the efi'ects probably are representative for the Kenai area. Measurements in a shallow 0 lllllllll>lllllll)lllll‘lIlll‘lllllllllll “J --—-?—~. 2 WellSol63 ' “- I Soldatna n: 5 Depth 100ft | - D Altitude of land I m Surface 100 ft : // \ g : // \\ < , - 410 I7 % IllllllllIIIlllllilllllilllllillllll d 30 1 WWW...“ W,“ , :3 /\ ______ _,__1 Bi — Well Ken 17 _ : Kenai u. Depth 163 ft AltitudeI 235‘ of land surface 80ft I I , — /-/\ I /\ / of / \ I I W. Lu _ / \ l I \ I— / \. / < / ‘\?.\l / _ 340’ WeHAF’9 l7 0 Depth 100ft I' *— - Altitudeofland : A‘ r" I / I ,_ surface 240ft | I \ I LL45~ l / \I - “J I J \, D . V _ _ ? ? 0 llllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllLLlLL 1962 1963 1964 1965 22.—Hydrographs of three wells in the Kenai Lowland showing residual changes. A22 water—table well adjacent to Ken 17 indicated only that the water level might be lower than in other years. The greater Kenai area evidently had more well trouble than any of the other areas except Valdez. Many wells sanded up, probably because the wells are commonly finished with preper— forated casing in fine to medium sand. A verified change in chemical quality and an increase of tem- perature of ground water was in— vestigated at the Bernice Lake powerplant north of Kenai (fig. 2). The powerplant has two 174- foot drilled wells which pump wa- ter used for cooling. The standby well did not operate after the earthquake because it was sanded up to about 168 feet from the sur- face. The pump column was pulled in mid-April 1964 and re— duced in length 5 feet in order to pump water from above the sanded-up part. The water was yellow and was warmer than it had been earlier; one workman re— ported later that he remarked to his coworker at the time that the pump column felt warm at about the 70-foot level. The well was pumped for a few hours and the water temperature remained about 68°F, whereas water from the other well 200 feet away was 41°F. The temperature of the water from both wells was 39° F at the time of drilling in 1962—normal for this area. The chemical concentrations in the water from the warmer well are shown in the following table: Parts per million Constituent W Calcium (Ca) _______ 11 48 Magnesium (Mg)____ 1. 3 12 Sodium (Na) _______ 50 80 Bicarbonate (H003) _ 236 151 Carbonate (003) _ _ _ _ 0 12 Sulfate (S04) _______ 1 41 Chloride (Cl) _______ 9. 2 99 Hardness as CaCOa__ 33 170 Alkalinity as CaC03_ 194 124 Total alkalinity as HCOs ____________ 236 151 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 The geology and hydrology of the site indicate that at about 60— 70 feet a water-table aquifer hav- ing a high iron content overlies a clay-silt sequence, which acts as a confining layer over the 154- to 174-foot aquifer. The pressure surface for the deeper aquifer is about 130 feet below the surface. The water-table a q u i f e r dis- charges on the sea blufl‘s about half a mile west, and presumably the confined aquifer discharges be- neath the sea. The water-table aquifer was reported “irony” by the driller, and discharge points along the Kenai bluffs show a dis— tinctive iron—stained precipitate. A possible source of the in— creased temperature of the well water is hot water derived from the steam discharge of the plant blow-down pit, a little more than 100 feet upgradient from the as- sumed ground-water flow. The plant had been in operation for about 6 months, and hot water pre- sumably filtered down to the shal- low water and heated it as it slowly migrated seaward. The intense shaking and water-pres— sure increases at the time of the earthquake probably disrupted the confining layer between the two aquifers, and allowed hot water from the shallow aquifer to flow down to the deeper aquifer, prob- ably along the outside of the eas- ing or possibly through disturbed parts of the confining layer. To test this theory, a dye was put into the blow-down pit, but the test was inconclusive because the well discharge was observed only 1 day, whereas the ground-water flow is most likely much less than 100 feet a day. An alternative explana- tion would be that the shallow- aquifer water seeped through the well casing, but the plant ofi’icials are confident that there is no break in the casing. Water from the shallow aquifer may have been leaking to the lower aquifer for a considerable time. If so, changes in quality and tem— perature might never have been known if the well had not been sanded up by the earthquake. A chemical analysis of the shallow water is needed to evaluate better the quality changes. The well up- gradient from the‘blow-down pit is still used. Its water temperature in May 1964 was 41°F, 2°F warmer than it was in 1962. SOLDATNA-S’I‘ERLING AREA The Soldatna-‘Sterling area is east of Kenai and is very similar to Kenai in geology and hydrol- ogy. Soldatna, located in the Kenai River valley, has some flow— ing artesian wells. Well effects were similar to those in other areas but, because of the flowing condi- tions at Soldatna, the pressure drop was more noticeable to resi- dents. Many wells in the Sterling area were sanded because the wells penetrating the fine sand aquifers had preperforated casing. Sporadic observations in two wells near Sterling indicate that the water level in the shallow-wa- ter-table gravel aquifer may have been gradually lowered locally owing to increased discharge from springs or outflow along the Kenai River banks. One well (Sol 42, fig. 2), that had had 3 feet of water, was dry by mid—June and was still dry in November. The plotted hydrograph of the only observation well at Soldatna (Sol 63, figs. 2, 22) shows a drop in pressure level of at least 8 feet. The drop was possibly several feet more, but an ice cap in the well prevented measurements during April and May. The fact that the peak recovery a year later was only 4 feet implies a change in the aquifer. Analogy with geologic conditions at Anchorage and Ke- nai suggests that permeability of EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY OF SOUTH CENTRAL ALASKA A23 the aquifer may have been in- creased by removal of fine mate- rial, or by dilation of the aquifer by the e a r t h q u a k e-imposed stresses. An alternative explana- tion, a change in the discharge zone, is difficult to evaluate for the following reasons: (1) The eleva- tion of the well is only about 100 feet above sea level, but the depth of the well is also 100 feet. (2) Moreover, the water level in the well is above the level of the ad- j acent river, so the aquifer is pre- sumably unrelated to this seg- ment of the river. It is reasoned that the aquifer extends seaward at a gentle gradient and dis- charges into Cook Inlet, 8 miles away. If so, a lowering of water level caused by a disturbance in the discharge zone should pro- gress inland, as the record of the Kenai well (Ken 17) suggests, and then the water levels should resume a normal seasonal cycle. This progression cannot be sub— stantiated because no measure- ments were made in the well (Sol 63) during the first 3 months fol- lowing the quake. ANCHOR POINT-KASILOF AREA The geologic and hydrologic conditions in the area between the Kasilocf and Anchor Rivers are similar to those in the Kenai Low- land, but the land is generally higher toward the south at Anchor Point. The shallow-water-table wells in sand aquifers south of Ninilchik were remeasured period— ically and no change in water lev- els was detected. The one observation well at An— chor Point (AP 9, figs. 2, 22), which taps a sand and gravel arte- sian aquifer, was greatly affected by the seismic shocks. The water level dropped at least 12 feet, and recovered only 5 feet in a year’s time. A new seasonal cycle ap- pears to be established for this permanent change in pressure level. The lower water level prob- ably result-s from a change in the discharge zone. However, water loss owing to earthquake damage to the well casing may be the cause; an obstruction in the well at about 50 feet was noted while sounding the depth of the well. MATANUSKA VALLEY The Matanuska Valley in the area around Palmer and Wasilla (fig. 2) has a geologic and hy- drologic environment similar to that of Anchorage, but it does not have as great a thickness of estua- rine clay and silt (Trainer, 1960). Trainer established a network of observation wells, and 10 of the wells have been periodically meas- ured since 1952. All the observa- tion wells were measured a few hours or a few days before the quake. These measurements, to- gether with knowledge of the areal hydrology, made possible a thor- ough evaluation of the effects of the earthquake in this area, some 10 miles closer to the epicenter than Anchorage. In the Matanuska Valley, as at Anchorage, all power was cut off by the earthquake so that wells were not pumped for about 20 hours. Initial reports indicated many well failures, but most were mechanical failures, chiefly the parting of plastic pipe joints. The artesian system is not as extensive as at Anchorage, so pumping ef- fects do not greatly influence other wells. Water-level measurements were started on all wells by March 31, and a lower artesian pressure was noted in most. However, when the surge of heavy pumping stopped, most water levels recov— ered to normal. Residual effects were observed in some wells where water levels either rose higher than normal or did not recover a pres— sure loss. The hydrographs of four wells (fig. 23, next page) illustrate sig- nificant changes or residual effects. One well (MV 365) illustrates the effects of pumping a little—used standby well (MV 363b) for the city of Palmer for a few days after power was restored. Upon cessa- tion of the pumping, the water level recovered to its prepumping level. However, an abandoned city ~well (MV 363a) closer to the standby well than MV 365 showed a continued rise and as of March 1965 appears to have had a perma- nent rise of water level. This rise may not have been due to a wide— spread aquifer change caused by the earthquake. I‘t is more likely that some local change occurred to improve the recharge area of the well. The standby well and MV 363 have long had peculiar differ- ences of water level that are re- lated to the variations in aquifer characteristics, although they both tap the same aquifer and are Only 208 feet apart (Trainer, 1960). Well MV 445b, adjacent to a well that was extensively pumped after the earthquake, showed pro- gressive lowering of artesian pres- sure that may be permanent. Be- cause this well taps a higher con— fined aquifer than the pumped well, and was formerly little af— fected by its pumping (Trainer, 1960, p. 51), the postquake lower- ing of the water level apparently is the result of a structure change in the aquifer. Trainer (1960, p. 51) believes that the upper aquifer re- charges the lower one through thinner or more permeable parts of generally impermeable till. If so, the pressure head of the lower aquifer should eventually rise. Well MV 185 (fig. 23) shows the water—level changes in a deep wa- ter-table aquifer. The graph shows that there was no change un— til normal recharge from snow- melt and late summer rains raised the water level to 69.58 feet below the land surface—a new high in A24 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 l|l||l||l|l[l|l[l|l|||||ll||l|||l|lll 5 _ Flowing H l l l l l l ( Well MV 445D _‘-—_—“ Depth 160 ft LPN \\ Lu 0 _ AltItude of land surface 172 ft \__.__—————‘\\\ v 0 < E I I | I | | l | | | | I | I l I l I | I | I | | I l I l I I I | I 3 -3 (n 25 o ——""“~~“§ z \—————__ _//\\\ < “—a" \\_——-————-——~\ _I \ / a l \\J/ 3 30 — Well MV 365 \ — 3 Depth 79 ft 0 Altitude of land surface 365 ft l Z < Lu 35 I l I I l I I I | l I I | I l I l I l I l I | I | I l I l I l I S 45 CD \ < \\\ E Well MV 363a \\\\ Lu Depth 159 ft \\\ / LL . -._———————\\ z 50 1 AltItude of land surface 388 ft \\\_/ _ g _ ,,——#——‘~~~A L; ‘W 3 \ 9:55IIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIlIIIlIlI L|J }_ 66 < 3 Well MV 185 Depth 83 ft 70 _ Altitude of land surface 172 ft ///\\ — /\‘ —/—’ \\\ ,/ ~~§__,/—~\\__M \\‘//’——— 75 I l I l I l I L I l I l - l I l . l I | I | I l I l I l I l I | I | I l I Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. 1963 1964 1965 23.—Hydrographs of water-level changes in four wells in the Matanuska Valley. the 15 years of record. Records through 1960 have been published for this well and well MV 365 (Waller, 1963, p. 8—9). The in- creased rise in water level presum- ably resulted from above-normal precipitation over a period of sev— eral months, or possibly from changes in the aquifer in the re- charge area. SEWARD Seward is at the head of a steep, mountain-walled fiord (fig. 24). Most of the town and dock facilities lie on an alluvial fan built into the fiord by Lowell Creek. The creek has been di- verted into the city water system at the apex of the fan; thus the al— luvial fan is probably virtually dewatered. North of the business district, residential areas are lo- cated on the Jap Creek alluvial fan which extends onto the Resur- rection River valley deposits. Along the waterfront, near the toe of the alluvial fan, fissures were formed behind submarine slides, and water and sediment were ejected. On the J ap Creek allu- vial fan, at the Forest Acres resi- dential area, extensive fissuring and flows also developed. Lemke (1966) noted the imme- diate effects on two wells north of Seward. One flowing well was so damaged that no water is now ob- tainable, but a nearby nonflowing artesian flowed for at neast a week immediately after the earthquake. Only one well (Sew 8) was located on the Lowell Creek alluvial fan. The prequake water level is un- known except for the reported original level of 66 feet when the well was drilled to 78 feet. This low water level at the apex of the fan and the mouth of the canyon, about 123 feet above sea level, may have been due to lack of surface- water recharge because of the up- stream diversion. According to Max Lohman, city utilities man (oral commun, 1964), the well could not be used after the quake because water levels were too low. Several measurements made be- tween May 10 and August 23, 1964, showed that the water level rose EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY OF SOUTH CENTRAL ALASKA from 75.12 to 74.07 feet below the land surface. From these meas- urements it appears that the 78- foot well lost enough head that pumping was not feasible with only 3 feet of water in the well. Whether the water level would have recovered eventually will never be known because the well was deepened to 123 feet in Jan- V ( MOUNTAINS Seward Airport RES URRE C TI ON BA Y EXPLANATION O 8 Well 1 Base of mountain é Alluvial fan 500 O 500 FEET 24.—Sketch map of Seward, art the base of Kenai Mountains, showing geomorphology and well locations. A25 uary 1965. A new water-bearing zone, or continuation of the up- per zone, was developed near bed- rock and the static water level on February 5 was reported to be 96.5 feet. Water-level measurements were made in wells Sew 5 and 6 on the Jap Creek alluvial fan in June 1961 (Tryck-Nyman and Assoc, written commun, 1961) and were reported to be a little more than 18 feet below land surface in each. One measurement made in each well on May 10, 1964, showed that the water level was still about 18 feet in Sew 5 and about 21 feet in Sew 6. Subsequent measurements could not be made to show any trends or to confirm the measure- ments. However, measurements made from July 9 to August 23, 1964, in the new well adjacent to Sew 6 showed that the water level lowered from 21.50 to 22.45 feet during this time. Hence, the water level of this new deep well seems to correlate with those of the old wells of unknown depth and implies that they all tap the same aquifer. The available evidence suggests that aquifers on the J ap Creek fan are a complex of alluvial— fan deposits and an underlying alluvial aquifer deposited by the Resurrection River. The wells tap the deeper part of the aquifer complex. Comparison of water levels in the old wells with those so far determined in the new wells suggests that the earthquake had no permanent effects on the aquifers. Postearthquake drilling of test holes on the shore at the head of Resurrection Bay (fig. 24) pene- trated artesian aquifers having suflicient head to flow 10 gallons per minute at 6 feet above the sur- face. A water sample taken Au- gust 14, 1964, was analyzed by the U.S. Geological Survey. The A26 61° F water had 25 parts per mil- lion chloride, a hardness of 98, a pH of 8.0, and a specific conduct- ance of 250 micromhos at 25° C. This water is probably from an aquifer correlative with the deep aquifer on the J ap Creek alluvial fan. Lemke (1966) believes this artesian system helped to reduce the stability of the submarine slopes that failed nearby during the quake. VALDEZ Valdez was perhaps the most ex- tensively devastated of the larger towns affected by the earthquake. The overall effects to the communi- ty are described by Coulter and Migliaccio (1966). Valdez is near the head of Port Valdez (fig. 2) on a glaciofluvial outwash delta that drops off steep- ly underwater into the fiord. The silt, sand, and gravel deposits of Alaska’s water resources were visibly and invisibly subjected to tremendous forces during the earthquake. The greatest hydro- logic effects were confined to areas of thick unconsolidated deposits within a radius of about 200 miles from the epicenter. Effects prob- ably were lessened because the event occurred in late Winter, be- fore spring thaws began, when water levels were at their annual low and depth of frozen ground at its seasonal maximum. Immediate effects were gener— ated by the seismic waves. The ground or surface waves caused noticeable oscillations and turbid- ity of water in lakes, rivers, and shallow ground water 450 miles from the epicenter. The compres- sional waves, acting on confined water, caused eruptions of sedi- ment-laden water in most of the ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, the delta are saturated with water to within 10 feet of the relatively flat land surface. As best as can be determined from the few sub~ surface data, the water-bearing formations are not confined. Nu- merous home owners had driven wells to reach the shallow water table. The city had two wells about 60 feet deep. Water levels stood about 4 feet below land sur- face when these wells were drilled in 1954. Many first-hand reports of resi- dents indicate the tremendous ef- fects of the earth motion on the ground and on the shallow aqui— fer. Basements were filled with silty water gushing in through floor drains or cracks. Water and sediment were ejected from cracks that opened in the streets. Else- where some 5 feet of snow masked many of the cracks. Water and 1964 SUMMARY alluvial areas within 100 miles of the epicenter and increased the tur— bidity of artesian wells. Artesian water levels fluctuated as much as 24 feet in one area. The seismic shock or stresses imposed by the earthquake caused changes in many aquifers that may be permanent. As a result of these aquifer changes, water levels were lowered and some are apparently not recovering to their former height. Long-term changes in the hy- drologic regimen are being brought about by rearrangement of granular material, subsidence or elevation of landmasses, land slides, and the formation of rock fractures and fissures. As a re- sult, ground water is establishing new flow patterns, lakes are estab- lishing new levels, and streams are sewer lines were broken in numer- ous places, and streets were flooded in places by the outflow of water. Sea water, in successive waves, was mixed with the ejected ground water and with the erup- tions from sewerage and water mains in the streets and from the channels formed by the fissuring. A water-level measurement made on one well in town on May 3, 1964, showed that the water table was 6 feet below the surface. This figure probably represents the ap- proximate low level for the year. The unused city well had a water level of 10.39 feet on May 3, 1964, but the water level was undoubted- ly lowered somewhat by an ad- j acent pumping well. Lack of pre- and post-quake water-level data makes it impossible to determine the long—term effects on the aquifer. establishing new gradients and are either aggrading in subsided areas or eroding in uplifted areas. The long-term effects on ground water are the most important be— cause these changes may aflect the yield of aquifers and may eventu- ally cause deterioration of the quality of the water. A quotation of an early, perhaps the first, scientific earthquake writer (Oldham, 1883, p. 60) is an appropriate epilogue: Vast, however, as these efiects ap- pear, they are in reality insignificant, mere scratches in the paint of the earth in whose history they will leave no permanent record. Hundreds of acres of land may be broken up, thousands of tons of earth may be precipitated into the river, and for days and weeks, or even months, the stream may boil and foam through the wreck, carrying ton after ton of earth away in its tur- bid stream, but only to be deposited EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY OF SOUTH CENTRAL ALASKA A27 once more lower down, or even in its ultimate destination, the sea. Time however, will put an end to all this disturbance; soon the river course will Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1965, Post-earthquake fisheries evaluation; an interim report on the March 1964 earthquake effects on Alaska’s fishery resources: Ju- neau, Alaska, 72 p. Cederstrom, D. J., Trainer, F. W., and Waller R. M., 1964, Geology and ground-water resources of the An- chorage area, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey WateroSupply Paper 1773, 108 p. Coulter, and Migliaccio H. W., 1966, Eifec-ts of the earthquake of March 27, 1964, at Valdez, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 542-0, 36 p. Davis, T. N., 1960, A field report on the Alaska earthquakes of April 7, 1958: Seismol, Soc. America Bull., V. 60, no. 4, p. 489—510. Donn, W. L., 1964, Alaskan earthquake of 27 March 1964—remote seiche stimulation: Science, V. 145, no. 3629, p. 261—262. Ferrians, O. J., Jr., 1966, Effects of the earthquake of March 27, 1964, in the Copper River basin: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 542—0. (In press.) Ferris, J. G., Knowles, D. B., Brown, R. H., and Stallman, R. W., 1962, Theory of aquifer tests: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1536— E, p. 69—174. Grantz, Arthur, Plafker, George, and Kachadoorian, Reuben, 1964, Alas- ka’s Good Friday earthquake, March 27, 1964—a preliminary geo- logic evaluation: U.S. Geol. Sur- vey Circ. 491, 35 p. Hansen, W. R., 1966, Investigations of the U.S. Geological Survey, in The Alaska earthquake, March 27, 1964—Field investigations and re- construction eflort: U.S. Geol. Sur- vey Prof. Paper 541. (In press.) Johnson Drillers Journal, The 1964 earthquake proves value of well water system: The Johnson Drill- be cleared and once more the river will flow as placidly as ever; wind and rain will break down the sharp edges of the overturned masses, will fill up REFERENCES CITED ers Jour., July—August, v. 36, no. 4, p. 4—5. Kachadoorian, Reuben, 1964, Effects of Alaska’s Good Friday earth- quake on land [abs] : Am. Geophys. Union Trans, v. 45, no. 4, p. 634. Lemke, R. W., 1965, Engineering geo- logic effects of the March 27 , 1964, earthquake at Seward, Alaska [abs]: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 82, p. 121. Lemke, R. W., 1966, Effects of the earthquake of March 27, 1964, at Seward, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 542—E. (In press.) McCulloch, David, 1966, Slide-induced waves, seiching and ground frac- turing caused by the earthquake of March 27, 1964, at Kenawi Lake, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 543—A. (In press.) McGarr, Arthur, 1965, Excitation of seiches in channels by seismic waves: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 70, no. 4, p. 847—854. Miller, W. D., and Reddell, D. L., 1964 Alaskan earthquake damages Texas High Plains water wells: Am. Geophys. Union Trans, v. 45, no. 4, p. 659—663. Oldham, Thomas, ed., 1882, The Cachar earthquake of 10 January 1869: In- dia Geol. Survey Mem., v. 19, art. 1,98 p. Péwé, T. L., 1964, Good Friday earth- quake, Alaska: Geo‘Times, v. 8, no. 8, p. 9—10,22—23. Plafker, George, 1965, Tectonic defor— mation associated with the 1964 Alaska earthquake: Science, v. 148, no. 3678, p. 1675—1687. Press, Frank, and Jackson, David, 1965, Alaskan earthquake, 27 March 1964—Vertical extent of faulting and elastic strain energy release: Science, v. 147, no. 3660, p. 867—868. Ragle, R. H., Sater, J. E., and Field, W. 0., 1965, Effects of the 1964 Alaskan earthquake on glaciers and related features: Arctic Inst. the cracks and holes, and in a few years at most the surface will be smooth and as luxuriantly clad with vegetation as ever it was before the catastrophe. North America, Research Paper 32, 44 p. Reimnitz, Erk, and Marshall, N. F., 1965, Effects of the Alaska earth- quake and tsunami on recent del- taic sediments: J our. Geophys. Re- search, v. 70, no. 10, p. 2363—2376. Trainer, F. W., 1960, Geology and ground-water resources of the Mat- anuska Valley agricultural area, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Water- Supply Paper 1494, 116 p. Tuthill, S. J ., Laird, W. M., and Freers, T. F., 1964, Geomorphic effects of the Good Friday (March 27, 1964) earthquake in the Martin River and Bering River area, south-central Alaska [albs]: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 82, p. 209. U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1964, Prince William Sound, Alaskan earthquakes, March—April 1964: U.S. Coast and Geod. Survey, Seis- mology Div. Prelim. Rept, 83 p. Vorhis, R. 0., 1966, Hydrologic effects of the March 27, 1964, earthquake outside Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 544—0. (In press.) Waller, R. M., 1960, Data on water wells and springs in the Chuvgiak area, Alaska: Alaska Dept. Health, Sanitation and Eng. Sec., Water Hydrolog. Data 10, 28 p. —— 1963, Alaska, in Hackett, O. M., Ground-water levels in the United States, 1959-60, Northwestern States: U.S. Geol. Survey Water— S'upply Paper 1760, p. 3—12‘. —— 1964, Hydrology and the effects of increased ground-water pump- ing in the Anchorage area, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1779—D, 36 p. 1966a, Effects of the earthquake of March 27, 1964, in the Homer area, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 542—D. (In press.) 1966b, Effects of the March 1964 earthquake on the hydrology of the Anchorage area, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 544—B. (In press.) A28 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 Waller, R. M., Thomas, H. E., and Vor- Walters, K. L., 1963, Geologic recon- Wigen, S. 0., and White, W. R. H., 1964, his, R. 0., 1965, Effects of the Good naissance and test—well drilling, Tsunami of March 27—29, 1964, west Friday earthquake on water sup~ Cordova, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Sur— coast of Canada [abs.]: Am. Geo- plies: Am. Water Works Assoc. vey Water-Supply Paper 1779—A, phys. Union Trans., v. 45, no. 4, p. J our., V. 57, no. 2, p. 123—131. 11p. 634. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: I966 0—209—981 The Alaska arthquake March 27, 1964 .. Anchorage Area. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONALINPAPER 544—3 THE ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964: EFFECTS ON THE HYDROLOGIC REGIMEN Effects of the March 1964 Alaska Earthquake On the Hydrology Of the Anchorage Area By ROGER M. WALLER A description and analysis of temporary and lasting efiects of the earthquake on surface and ground water in the Anchorage area GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 544—B UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1966 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 60 cents (paper cover) THE ALASKA EARTHQUAKE SERIES The US. Geological Survey is publishing the results of investigations of the earthquake in a series of six Professional Papers. Professional Paper 544 describes the effects on the hydrology. Other Pro— fessional Papers describe the effects of the earth- quake on communities; the regional effects of the earthquake; the eflects on transportation, communi- cations, and utilities; and the history of the field investigations and the reconstruction effort. CONTENTS Page Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ B1 Introduction _______________________________________________________________ 1 Changes in the hydrologic system _____________________________________________ 2 Streams _______________________________________________________________ 2 Lakes _________________________________________________________________ 4 Ground water __________________________________________________________ 4 Water wells ________________________________________________________ 5 Response of the shallow water table ___________________________________ 6 Artesian—aquifer response ____________________________________________ 6 Piez ometric levels- _ _ _ _- ______________________________________________ 8 Causes of residual changes ___________________________________________ 10 Discharge zones ________________________________________________________ 12 Chemical quality _______________________________________________________ 12 Ground water in the Bootlegger Cove Clay _____________________________________ 13 Subsidence _________________________________________________________________ 15 Conclusions ________________________________________________________________ 17 References cited ____________________________________________________________ 18 ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE 1. Map of Anchorage showing effects of earthquake on water levels in wells _________ poi?“ FIGURES 1—5. Hydrographs: Page 1. Anchorage streams _______________________________________________ B3 2. Well Anc 316B __________________________________________________ 6 3. Five Anchorage-area wells ________________________________________ 7 4. Two wells east of' Anchorage and graph of city pumpage ______________ 8 5. A well near Anchorage in Tertiary strata ___________________________ 10 6. Map showing artesian-pressure changes at Anchorage _________________________ 11 7. Knik Arm bottom changes ________________________________________________ 12 8. Hydrographs of pore pressures versus water levels ____________________________ 14 9. Hydrographs of piezorneter observations ____________________________________ 15 10. Map showing relative subsidence at Anchorage ______________________________ -16 THE ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964: EFFECTS ON THE HYDROLOGIC REGIMEN EFFECTS OF THE MARCH 1964 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE ON THE HYDROLOGY OF THE ANCHORAGE AREA, ALASKA The Anchorage hydrologic system was greatly aifected by the seismic shock. Immediate but temporary ef- fects included increased stream dis- charge, seiche action on lakes, and fluctuations in ground-water levels. Generally, ground—water levels were residually lowered after the initial period of fluctuation. This lowering is attributed either to changes in the dis- charge zones offshore or to a change in the permeability of the aquifers by seismically induced strain. By Roger M. Waller ABSTRACT Water supplies were disrupted tem- porarily by snowslides on streams and by sanding or turbidity in wells. Salt- water encroachment to wells on Fire Island seems to have increased. The approximate 3.7-foot lowering of land level and the diminished artesian head may permit further salt—water encroachment. Increased pore pressure in the Pleis- tocene Bootlegger Cove Clay led to liquefaction in silt and sand lenses that contributed to the disastrous bluff land— The earthquake occurred at 5:36 p.m. Alaska standard time and lasted about 6 minutes; the epicenter was located in Prince William Sound. The main shock was of Richter magnitude 8.4—8.6. During the main shock, and pos- sibly during some of the earlier aftershocks, about 40,000 square miles of land, including the Anchorage area, was lowered from a fraction of a foot to as much as 8 feet, and about 25,000 square miles of land was raised from a fraction of a foot to as much as 33 feet (Plafker, 1965). The Geological Survey has INTRODUCTION been conducting water-resources studies in the Anchorage area for about 15 years. A network of ob- servation wells and stream-gaging stations provided preearthquake control for assessing the effects of the earthquake. The number and frequency of observations were increased for a time after the earthquake. Information on hydrologic con— ditions in and near the disastrous landslides along the Anchorage blufl's was obtained during a soils study reported by Shannon and Wilson, Inc. (1964). Measure- ments of pore pressures in the slides. Measurements after the earth- quake indicate that most pore pressures are declining, whereas some remain high or are increasing. Subsidence in the area was caused principally by tectonic readjustment, but differential compaction within the Bootlegger Cove Clay contributed to subsidences estimated to be as much as 0.6 foot beneath Anchorage. Bootlegger Cove Clay, of Pleis— tocene age, were initiated by Shannon and Wilson and were continued by the Geological Sur- vey. The writer is indebted to the District Engineer, US. Army Corps of Engineers, for coopera- tion in making those further studies possible. The well-dam— age and water-loss data were col- lected by L. L. Dearborn; his results and interpretations are in- corporated in a following sec— tion. A description of the general earthquake effects at Anchorage was given by Hansen (1965). B1 B2 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 CHANGES IN THE HYDROLOGIC SYSTEM STREAMS The Anchorage streams were in their annual period of low flow and were ice covered at the time of the earthquake. The ground waves and the oscillations of water in the shallow streams broke the ice cover. Water and sediment were ejected at some places, par- ticularly along the tidal reach of each stream, as the confined water was subjected to pulsating seismic waves. Snow and rock avalanches oc- curred in the headwaters of each stream rising in the Chugach Mountains, but only one slide is known to have affected the stream- flow. A snowslide on Ship Creek about 3 miles upstream from the lowland temporarily dammed the stream. In a short time the stream had cut through the slide, but the temporary stoppage of flow had depleted the reservoir at the diver- sion dam downstream (fig. 6). Within a few hours after the earthquake, all the water behind the dam was diverted to the mili- tary and city distribution systems. Because of this complete diversion, no water flowed over the diversion dam until the afternoon of March 29. This 2-day loss of flow had a long—term effect on the down- stream part of Ship Creek. The discharge of Ship Creek, South Fork Campbell Creek, and Chester Creek during the periods March—June in 1963 and 1964, respectively, is shown by hydro- graphs (fig. 1). The 1964 dis— charge pattern differs from the discharge pattern for 1963 and indeed for the preceding 10 years. For example, the prequake dis- charge of Ship Creek was about 15 cfs (cubic feet per second). After recovering from the effect of the snowslide, discharge in- creased abruptly and reached a plateau at about 50 cfs. This rate of flow was maintained for about 6 weeks, and then discharge in- creased normally as a result of increasing snowmelt in the moun- tains. The earthquake therefore temporarily increased the rate of discharge by about 200 percent until the normal discharge pattern was resumed. Discharge records of the South Fork Campbell Creek show nearly the same pattern (fig. 1) as that for Ship Creek. Preearthquake discharge records for South Fork Campbell Creek are not as de- pendable as those for Ship Creek, but the increased flow related to the earthquake apparently was be- tween 20 and 25 cfs. The plateau on the discharge hydrograph is similar to that of Ship Creek, and was maintained for about 6 weeks until snowmelt greatly increased the discharge. Differences be— tween the Campbell Creek and Ship Creek hydrographs probably are dependent, at least in part, upon locations of the gaging sta- tions (pl. 1). The South Fork Campbell Creek gage is more than 2 miles from the mountains, and within this distance the stream has cut through glacial till and has deposited an alluvial fan (Miller and Dobrovolny, 1959; Ceder- strom and others, 1964), whereas the Ship Creek station fronts the bedrock mountain. Thus, the additional discharge recorded at the South Fork Campbell Creek station during the early part of April probably was derived from ground water. Discharge records of S'hip Creek and South Fork Campbell Creek indicate that base flow from the mountain valleys was increased by the earthquake. Ground water in glacial deposits, as well as in the bedrock, provides the base flow for the streams throughout most of the winter. The intense ground movement probably fractured the frost cover and compacted streambeds, and thereby released ground water to the streams. Similar increases were noted in streams draining areas affected by an underground nuclear detonation in Mississippi (C. P. Humphreys, J r., and R. E. Taylor, written commun., 1965). The major cause of increased dis- charge in both places probably is compaction of near-surface sedi- ments which releases water from the unconfined aquifer. Chester Creek, a stream that rises'in the lowland (fig. 6), dis— played a postearthquake discharge pattern somewhat different from that of Ship and Campbell Creeks. The preearthquake discharge had been about 12 cfs for more than a month; on March 31, when the first information was obtained after the earthquake, the flow was 4 cfs but apparently was increas- ing. The stream either lost water from its channel after the earth- quake, or recharge from the ground-water reservoir decreased. Channel loss is more likely be- cause the streambed was probably perched above the water table at that time of the year and the frozen streambanks were fractured. Discharge measurements of Rus— sian Jack Springs were made fre- quently after the earthquake. No decrease in discharge was found, but the March 1964 discharge was lower than any March discharge except one in the preceding 13- year period of record (Waller, 1964, p. 11). This apparent lack of decrease in discharge of Rus- 217—089 0—66—2 EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY, ANCHORAGE AREA \\ (\I‘w/ \I x _ Nana/Vi \\I‘Al\a DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND Ship Creek ‘ / K < / ||l|l South Fork Campbell Creek _ A .J Chester Creek _ III] I lllll l I \ - L\_/-‘—\\,’ ‘4‘» DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND Ship Creek //\/\/\/\v/\ South Fork : Campbell Creek _ Chester Creek llll JUNE 1.—Hydrographs of three Anchorage streams, March—June, 1963 and 1964. B4 sian Jack Springs, which derives water from the confined aquifers, is in contrast to the loss of artesian pressure noted in wells that tap those aquifers (Waller and others, 1965, p. 126). The postearthquake pattern of discharge from Chester Creek differs from that of previous years (fig. 1). The 1963 hydrograph shows the normal increase in dis- charge which is greater than that of Ship Creek owing to early melt- water contribution in the lowland; the two sharp peaks on the hydro- graph in April illustrate this meltwater contribution. In 1964, discharge from Chester Creek did not exceed that of Ship Creek and it did not produce normal peaks. The reduced artesian pressures and the fractured ground in and adjacent to the stream both prob- ably influenced streamflow during April and May by allowing greater loss of water through per— colation to the ground. The 2-day cessation of flow in Ship Creek below the diversion dam resulted in dewatering the stretch of the creek immediately below the dam. During-the first week after flow over the dam re- sumed, stream‘bed losses below the dam, as shown by the gaging sta- tion at Elmendorf Air Force Base (pl. 1), amounted to 60—65 percent of the flow over the dam. Discharge measurements at these two stations are shown in the following table. Discharge of Ship Creek, March—April 1964, in cubic feet per second Below At Elmen- Loss Date diversion dori Air (rounded) dam Force Base Mar. 31 ______ 35.9 2.05 33 Apr. 3 ...... 50. 9 17.1 34 6 ...... 45.0 29. 6 15 8 ...... 52. 3 32. 2 20 10 ______ 47. 3 40. 0 7 24 ...... 44. 4 39. 3 5 Measurements had been made in each of 3 previous years to deter- ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27 , 1964 mine normal water loss between these stations and thus to estimate the amount of recharge to the ground—water basin from this source (Waller, 1964, p. 12). Those measurements showed losses ranging from 3 to 6 cfs. Analysis of records from the two gaging stations for the year preceding the earthquake showed that the monthly mean loss between the diversion dam and the gage at Elmendorf Air Force Base ranged from a high of 93 cfs in July to a low of 10 cfs in October. During the 3 months just preceding the earthquake the average loss was 10 cfs. Hence, although the loss in flow during the week following the earthquake was large for that time of year, it was not excep— tional. The apparent postearth— quake losses probably were in part recharging the dewatered per- meable materials immediately un— derlying the bed of Ship Creek below the diversion dam. When flow past the dam resumed, much water sank into the streambed and subjacent permeable material, and utimately restored the stream- bed to its normal condition of saturation. Analysis of discharge records of Ship Creek for the year following the earthquake shows that the monthly mean discharge loss in the reach ranged from 148 cfs in June 1964 to 9 cfs in March 1965. A comparison of monthly means for the 2 years does not indicate an increase in loss nor a decrease of flow. The high loss of 148 cfs in June 1964 may reflect increased percolation resulting from low ground-water levels during a period of unusually heavy pumping. LAKES The most noticeable hydrologic effect of the earthquake was the random breakage of the ice cover by ‘ oscillating waves (seiches) caused by the seismic waves. These waves, in general, were small because the lakes are shallow. The ice was broken up mainly along the shorelines by the seiches, which continued for an undeter- mined period. People living near Campbell Lake (fig. 6) reportedly saw water and sediment ejected 200 feet. or more from the lake. Ac- cording to Hansen (1965, p. 29), large mud fountains formed at Lake Otis, Lake Spenard, Hood Lake, Connors Lake, and others. The earth-filled dam creating Campbell Lake and one dam on a lake south of O’Malley Road were breached (Engineering Geology Evaluation Group, 1964, p. 25) either by fracturing or by com- paction and lateral spreading of the earth fill. The lakes in the Anchorage area represent the level of “the water table in the surficial deposits. Re- ports (Engineering Geology Eval- uation Group, 1964, p. 25) of 2—3- foot lowering of lake levels were not confirmed by continuation of measurements started in 1958 (Waller, 1964, fig. 2). GROUND WATER The earthquake effects on ground water were determined in part from water-level records of wells penetrating the shallow water table and deeper aquifers. VVater-level records of five wells in the Anchorage area show the immediate upward fluctuation of the water in the well casing as seismic waves induced pressure on the aquifer. The other immediate effects on ground water in the Anchorage area included reported failures of well systems and mud- died or turbid well or spring water. Generally the ground-water levels were residually lowered after the initial fluctuation. The failure of some of the well systems resulted mainly from EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY, ANCHORAGE AREA B5 sanding or silting of the pump fol- lowing agitation of the well water and differential movement bet ween well casings and the surrounding rock. Most of the wells are un- screened and reportedly have as much as 1 foot of uncased hole at the bottom. These conditions fa- cilitate the heaving of material under earthquake stress. Fine- grained material flushed into the well by dilation and compression of the aquifer was pumped into some systems; this material caused turbid water and possibly a mal- function of the pump. Erroneous reports of dry wells were common, probably because some pumps that require a full pipe of water for a prime lost their prime during the violent water fluctuation in the well. Anchorage lost three wells (The Johnson National Drillers’ Jour- nal, 1964). At well 1 (fig. 10) the casing was bent when artificial fill failed, but the well was repaired. Well 7 at the edge of the Turn- again slide was damaged beyond repair. Well 6 was abandoned be- cause of its low yield. WATER WELLS Surging of water in wells in regions affected by earthquakes probably has been noted ever since wells have been constructed. The immediate surging effects on aqui- fers at Anchorage were no differ- ent from those near previous large earthquakes, but the magnitude and duration of residual or long- term effects may be greater. Surg- ing of water in artesian wells near an epicenter is due principally to the compressional waves acting on the aquifer and, to a lesser extent, to differential movements of well casing and the water standing in the well. Ferris and others (1962, p. 87) summarize previously pub- lished American works on such temporary fluctuations and state that when shock waves from an earthquake pass through an aqui- fer, “* * * there will first be an abrupt increase in water pressure as the water assumes part of the imposed compressive stress, fol- lowed by an abrupt decrease in water pressure as the imposed stress is removed. In attempting to adjust to the pressure changes, the water level in an artesian well first rises and then falls.” This phenomenon has been noted in wells that are hundreds and even thousands of miles from epicen- ters. At these distances the long- period waves of the earthquake cause the fluctuations, whereas in wells close to the epicenter only the short-period waves can effec- tively move water rapidly into and out of the well (Thomas, 1940, p. 97). A water-well survey was made by L. L. Dearborn of the Geologi- cal Survey to determine if well depth, type of aquifer, type of well-construction, or geologic con- ditions played a significant role in the observed and reported effects of the earthquake upon wells. In addition to 30 wells used for water—level measurements by the Geological Survey, 70 additional wells were selected, generally one per square mile, to obtain data on earthquake effects. Efforts were made to select wells that included a wide range in depth, penetrated a variety of aquifer lithologies, and had detailed drillers’ logs. Most of the information on the 70 wells was obtained from well owners several weeks or months after the earthquake and, there- fore, could not be verified by per— sonal observation. The results of the survey are shown on figure 2; Dearborn’s interpretations (writ- ten commun., 1964) are presented in the following paragraphs. Seventy percent of the wells were affected in some manner other than the initial water—level fluctuations. The data indicate that wells were affected by the earthquake without regard to their depth. Among the wells less than 100 feet deep, 73 percent were affected; wells between 100 and 200 feet deep, 62 percent; and wells deeper than 200 feet, 75 percent. The wells range in depth from 16 to 540 feet. Gross aquifer lithologies range from fine sand to coarse gravel (pl. 1). Of the 55 wells affected by the earthquake for which ade- quate logs are available, 33 percent are in sand, 23 percent in gravel, 28 percent in sand and gravel, and 16 percent in till. Of the 23 un— affected wells for which logs are available, 31 percent are in sand, 17 percent in gravel, 35 percent in sand and gravel, and 17 percent in till. Presumably those wells drilled into till, such as well 44 (Anc 64; see tab-1e, pl. I) obtain water from thin layers of sand and gravel (Ceders‘trom and others, 1964, p. 50). These data suggest that the lithology of the aquifers was not a significant factor in con- trolling the overall effects of the earthquake upon wells. Of the 100 wells inventoried, 6 have screens and 62 have open end or slotted casing. No information is available as to the finish of the 32 remaining wells, but presum- ably most are open end. The num- ber of wells equipped with screens is too few to provide convincing evidence as to the relationship, if any, between method of well con- struction and the effect of the earthquake upon the well. In summary, Dearborn con- cluded that well depth, type of aquifer, and geographic distribu- tion of wells were not determining factors of the earthquake effect on wells. A factor which may have been significant, but which cannot be evaluated because of the lack of B6 information, is the percentage of silt and clay in the aquifers. Continuing measurements subse- quently showed that long-term changes of water levels had oc— curred and that there is a pattern to the areal distribution of those effects (fig. 6; see p. B11). RESPONSE OF THE SHALLOW WATER TABLE Water in unconfined aquifers generally is not as much affected by seismic waves at great distances from the epicenter as is water un- der pressure in artesian aquifers. In south—central Alaska, how- ever, water was violently ejected wherever it was close to the land surface. Housner (1958, p. 161) has concluded that ejection of sand and water during earthquakes does not require “any unusual proper- ties of soils.” However, it is be— lieved that the season-a1 frost layer prevailing at the time of the Alaska earthquake temporarily confined the water so that the shal- low water-table aquifers re- sponded in much the same manner as would deeper confined aquifers (Waller, 1966). Evidence that a confining layer may determine the degree of re- sponse is provided by the record of well Anc 316B (pl. 1; fig. 10), which taps a water-bearing sand extending from 7.8 to 15 feet below the land surface. The depth of frozen ground in the vicinity of this well probably was not more than 5 feet at the time— hence, there was about 3 feet of unsaturated sand between the bot- tom of the frozen zone. and the water table, so the aquifer was not confined. The record (fig. 2) shows that in this well the water level fluctuated less than 1 foot be- cause there was no restrictive con- fining layer in the aquifer. This well is probably typical of the en— ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 7.3011uIIIIluIII t «7.35 ‘ 7.40 ‘ _ _ Well Anc 316B — Depth 15 ft Lu _ Altitude of land - 2 7'50 surface 98 ft I1 0: _ _ D m g 7.60 — — < _I g — —l 9 I63 7'70 _ flAflershocks _ .— DJ uJ _ _ I... Z 7 80 If ‘ Aftershocks I.I.I l; _ . _ 3 \ I9 7.90 ‘ \Earthquake ‘ I 5:36 PM '— n. _ _ Lu 0 8.00 — — 8.10 - - _ «8.16 _ I I | L I | | I 4 L Li 26272829303112 3 4 5 6 7 MARCH APRIL 2.——Hydrograph of water—table well Anc 316B from March 26, 1964, to April 7, 1964. (See fig. 10 for locations.) tire Spenard area, as well as the Turnagain area to the west, where no signs or reports of sand or water ejections are known. There the low late-winter water table must have been generally below the depth of frost penetrations. In contrast, water and mud were ejected locally in stream valleys, notably the 3,200—square foot sand boil in the shallow valley of Fish Creek in the Turnagain area (Engineering Geology Evalua— tion Group, 1964, pl. 8), and on highest tidal marshes at Anchor- age (Hansen, 1965, p. 29). In such areas, the water table was probably at or above the base of the frost layer, and the water in the shallow valley-bottom aqui- fers was thus effectively con- fined—therefore, under pressure. ARTESIAN—AQUIFER RESPONSE The mechanics governing the response of well-aquifer systems to seismic waves was analyzed re- cently by Cooper and others (1965). Using this analysis, Bredehoeft and others (1965) computed from a recorded water- level fluctuation in a Florida well the oscillation of the pressure head in the aquifer and the vertical land-surface motion due to the Alaska seismic wave. The theory developed by these investigators enhances the usefulness of the water-level recorder as a seismic tool. At Anchorage the Geological Survey had recorders on four artes’ian wells. Hydrographs from two instruments were unin- telligible. The recorder on a well east of Anchorage showed at least 6 feet of fluctuations before the pen flipped ofl' the chart. The other recorder (Anc 590, fig. 3) that continued operating through- out the earthquake showed vir- tually continuous activity of the water level for about 8 hours, and the fluctuations are estimated to have exceeded 24 feet. The pre- earthquake water level was about 5 feet below the surface. After the 8—hour period of fluctuation, there was a continuous decline for over 5 hours to about 23 feet where the water level remained steady for several days. The 8-hour period of continu- ous fluctuation probably resulted in part from the beginning of con- tinuous pumping in nearby hous- ing-development wells. Power was restored in some areas shortly after the earthquake, and it is reasonable to assume that some pumps were in steady operation for several hours or days either to catch up with the demand or EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY, ANCHORAGE AREA B7 140 I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 135 r _ 130 \ —_._ __7_____ ‘ \\\\ \ 7 125 _ Anc 263A 'I _ Altitude 150 ft ‘ Water from 51 ft ““’—" ?| 120 1 Anc 505 A Altitude 168 ft I Water from 453 f1: | _‘ 115 r _\ I _ “J W \ > I B /\\\\\q\h < 110 _ IAnc 590 I Lu AItItude 100 ft . ‘ ‘0 Water from 258 ft 2 l < w 105 - I 2 Lu > I 8 100 I I I I I I : 70 I I I I ,,rL.‘ | Ifl /// u. / Z 65 -__,// __ Anc 609A . g Altitude 110 ft I? k Water from 320 ft I I I I I I I I I I ‘ Lu , 4 60 l ”’r I I I I T I 7 I I 9 a: II- In 55 I_ \ / _ 2 o \ N e \ ‘L 50 — \ - 45 — ? - 40 — _ 35 I I l' I l I I I I I I I I I I, I I I 25 | I | I I I I I I I | I ‘I I | I I I I Anc 606 Altitude 106 ft 20 - Screened 137—162 ft ’_~ ‘ ’ ‘—I-“~7 V \’ 15 I I AL I AL, I I I l?I I I I I I I I I I I M A M J J S O J F M A M J J A S O N D M A M J 1964 1965 3.—Hydrographs, 1963—65, of five wells in the Anchorage area but probably outside the area- influenced by pumping of city and military wells. The graphs show, by yearly comparison, the residual changes in Iarbesian water levels after the earthquake (See figs. 6 and 10 for locations.) B8 perhaps to compensate for leaks in distribution systems. After several days the water level began to recover. Recovery, however, was not complete, and by fall the level was still about 5 feet below that prevailing before the quake. This lowering may be permanent. Because of the small number of recorders and the incomplete hy— drographs obtained, neither a de- tailed e 'aluation of the immediate effects on the artesian system nor a calculation of aquifer pie- zometric levels using the method of Bredehoeft and others (1965) can be made. Resumption of pumping from wells before re— corders were restored to operation also complicated evaluation of the immediate earthquake effects. However, it, is reasonable to as- sume that the artesian system was materially affected by the intense oscillating pressures which lasted ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 for 3—5 minutes. The surging in and out of well intakes caused fluc- tuations of as much as 24 feet and caused sanding of wells. Beyond these immediate and transient ef- fects, however, there were seem- ingly residual or permanent changes in piezometric levels. W'a‘ter-level measurements, begun a few days after the earthquake, indicated lowered water levels, which in turn implied changes in the aquifers. These changes have persisted for a year after the quake. Such permanent changes at Anchorage are important with respect to changes in aquifer yield, interference between pump- ing wells, rates of recharge, and sea-water encroachment. PIEZOMETRIC LEVELS About 50 observation wells (see locations on pl. 1) were measured periodically starting a few days after the earthquake. Most of the wells had records of previous measurements~some of several years duration—so the postearth- quake changes could be evaluated. Nearly all the pertinent data show that the artesian—pressure surface was lowered, locally as much as 24 feet, but that recovery started immediately and that within 6 months the water levels either had recovered to their former level or stabilized at a different level. The new piezometric level is as much as 15 feet lower than preearthquake levels in about one-third of the wells. Almost all the observations indicate changes in the artesian- aquifer system in the glaciofluvial deposits. The record from one well (Anc 1, on Fort Richardson; see pl. 1) shows that similar changes may have occurred in the Tertiary bedrock beneath about 400 feet of the glacial drift. (/1 Z 9 0 E O 50 - __ j ._ _ E < 100 — - LL '— —— _ E 0 150 I I I | I I I I I I I I I I l I I I — I I I 5 195 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I I I I D n. 190 — \ , l \ —\ Anc 64 l 7 \ 185 _ Altitude 200 ft I _ E Water from 58 ft 7 Lu _I . Li. “J I z a 180 1 I I I I I I I J I I I I | I | l I I I l I I I I I -_ —' 145 I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If I "‘ \ / I-IJ Anc 9O \\ -l Z 140 — . \7 __ 0 ( AItItude 168 ft Lu E 2 Water from 104 ft I '— / Lu Lu 5 > 135 l— l — ° 8 a < I E I 130 \ I — \ J. 125 — _ \. \i ,I 120 I I \ I /l I I I I I I l I\ II I L I I I I I I I I I I J F M A M J J S O N D J F M A M J J S O N D J F M A M 1963 1964 1965 4.——Hydrographs of wells Anc 64 and Anc 90, and graph of Anchorage pumpage for 1963—65. (See fig. 6 for locations.) EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY, ANCHORAGE AREA B9 Because pumping was resumed at greatly increased rates when electric power had been restored after the earthquake, the artesian- pressure levels were also greatly affected by pumping. Postearth- quake pumpage and comparable preearthquake (1963) pumpage is shown on figure 4. The postearth- quake increase of about. 2 mgd (million gallons per day), together with increased military pumpage during April, undoubtedly ex- tended the area of reduced artesian pressure not only far beyond the limits of effect noted during the previous year, but also beyond that determined in an earlier study when total pumpage was about 8 mgd (Waller, 1964, pl. 3). Hydrographs of water levels in five representative wells are shown on figure 3. These wells (pl. 1) are west or south of Anchorage and are believed to be outside the area influenced by pumping of city and military wells. The hydro- graphs show the extensive lower- ing of artesian pressures after the earthquake and the gradual recov- ery to a new level somewhat lower than 1963. On the other hand, the hydrograph for A110 606 (fig. 3) shows little change in level; evi- dently some aquifers or parts of aquifers had no lasting changes. Although the hydrographs (fig. 3) are thought to represent effects on wells that are outside the area of influence of the city well field, earlier studies (Waller, 1964, p. 30) shewed that the area of in— fluence may extend 3—4 miles from the city well field. Well Anc 590 lies within this distance. Further~ more, pumping wells in a nearby housing development probably caused some of the drawdown ob- served in Anc 590 after the earth— quake. Nearby pumping may also be responsible for as much as 8 feet of drawdown in Anc 609A and about 5 feet in Anc 263A. Water levels in Anc 505 are not known to be influenced by pumping of other wells. The 10-foot lowering of levels in that well, therefore, prob- ably resulted entirely from changes in the aquifer brought about by the earthquake. Well Anc 503A, nearby, shows a similar change in level of about 13 feet. Well Anc 606 does not show ap- preciable change in water level after the earthquake. This well, which penetrates a coarse aquifer and is one of the most. efficient wells in the Anchorage area, produces 320 gpm (gallons per minute) with only 1.9 feet of drawdown (Ceder- strom and others, 1964, p. 91). The coarseness of the aquifer in that vicinity, the construction and good development of the well, and its location far west of the city well field may be factors that help to explain the lack of residual lower- ing of water level following the earthquake. Two hydrographs of wells rep- resentative of the eastern part of the Anchorage area are shown in figure 4 along with a graph of city pumpage. Well A110 64 has been measured periodically since 1954, so there is a fairly long record of its annual fluctuation and its re- sponse to city and military pump- ing (Waller, 1964, fig. 4). The data indicate a residual lowering of 4 feet at the end of 1964. The apparent response of A110 90 (fig. 4) to the earthquake is ex- ceptional. Prior to the earth- quake, water levels in Anc 90 fluctuated quickly and greatly in response to pumping at the city well field. VVater-level contours in the vicinity of Anc 90, prior to the earthquake (Waller, 1964, pl. 3), showed a conspicuous valley of low permeability. The response since the earthquake has been much different. Water levels in Anc 90 rose to elevations not reached in the well between 1960 and the time of the earthquake, and the hydrograph obtained thereafter shows virtually no re- sponse to pumping of city wells even though withdrawals from that well field have been larger than they were prior to the earth- quake. This rise during a period of increased discharge must reflect more effective recharge, perhaps from overlying aquifers. The thick sequence of glacio- fluvial sediments in the Anchor- age area is underlain by sandstone and shale of Tertiary age (Ceder- strom and others, 1964). Aquifers in the sandstone have not been de— veloped because of their low yield, but one well (Anc 1, which was 540 feet deep when drilled and which taps those aquifers) has been used as an observation well by the Geological Survey for 7 years. The water level fluctuated seasonally less than 3 feet during this period. Measurements made shortly after the earthquake showed (fig. 5, next page) that the water level declined nearly 15 feet; subsequent measurements through June 1965 show no return to pre— earthquake levels. Because the well is uncased below 350 feet, its total depth was checked in 1965 and found to be only 285 feet. The well had either filled with material prior to or during the earthquake. The Tertiary forma- ations are weakly indurated and could be expected to cave into an uncased well. However, filling probably occurred gradually dur- ing several years, because if filling was earthquake induced, the water level should have risen rapidly and then slowly declined to the normal static level. The lowered water level correlates with the general lowering of artesian pres- sure elsewhere in the Anchorage area. Thus, Anc 1 is probably hydraulically connected with the overlying glaciofluvial aquifers. B10 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 165 , f F __l_?‘ I I I I I I I l T I I E d I u. > | z 3 160— I _ 3 < Anc 1 Lu “J I Altitude 320 ft 5 w | Water from below -30 ft 4 Z 155— _ 9 E If 2 Lu I.|J 2 > 150— \ \ - O // ————_4L____ 2 m \/ M E < ? o. 145 I I I I I I I I I L I_ I L I F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J 1964 5.—Hydrograph of 3 Well in Tertiary bedrock vat Anchorage, 1964—65. 1965 (See 1)]. 1 for location.) Measurements for a full year after the earthquake showed that the general lowering of the arte- sian-pressure level in the Anchor- age area persisted. The pattern of seasonal fluctuation remains as it was before the quake. Thus, re charge. to the system occurs at the same time of the year, and discharge from the aquifers con- tinues as before. The areal dis- tribution of water-level changes is plotted on figure 6. The contours on figure 6 show the residual lowering of piezo- metric levels in the Anchorage area as inferred by the writer from the data available. Location of the line representing zero change near the Anchorage well field is tenta— tive inasmuch as postearthquake measurements reflect not only the drilling and pumping of wells that were added to the system after most of the preearthquake refer- ence measurements had been made, but also possible earthquake-in— duced changes A. J. F eulner (oral commun., 1964) believes that there is a residual lowering of water levels in the city well field of 5710 feet. The writer admits to both the new-well influence and earthquake—caused change possibil- ities, but believes that earthquake- caused changes in the city well field are not required to explain pie- zometric levels observed there since the earthquake. Evidence for greater residual lowering of water levels in aquifers south of An- chorage near Turnagain Arm of Cook Inlet is reasonably conclu— sive. Neither the known geology nor the known characteristics of aquifers from place to place in the area explains the inferred pattern of residual change illustrated in figure 6. CAUSES OF RESIDUAL CHANGES The causes of residual changes in water levels in aquifers of the Anchorage area could not be de- termined from field evidence, but several possibilities exist. Among these are tectonic lowering of the land in relation to sea level, a change in the recharge to the aquifers, a change in the porosity of the aquifers as a result of strain from seismic stresses—stresses which may take time to dissipate, the opening or closing of passages in till or clay, or a change in the subsurface discharge zone. Some of these causes have been previ- ously suggested for residual changes noted from other earth- quakes and for this earthquake in other parts of Alaska (see Waller, 1966) . The Anchorage piezometric levels show residual lowering ranging from near. zero to more than 10 feet. Only one well showed a residual rise. The tec- tonic lowering of the land should have resulted in a general rise of water levels from 3.7 feet at the shoreline to progressively lesser rises inland. This raised water level may have been cancelled by the generally lowered water levels resulting from other causes. The lowered piezometric sur- face could be related to a decrease in recharge which takes place in the eastern part of the area. However, there was no apparent, change in stream recharge (see p. B4). A rearrangement of aquifer grains as a result. of seis- mic stresses has been generally ac- cepted as a change which increases compaction and reduces perme- ability. The lowered water levels can be explained only by visualiz- ing a strain produced by seismic stresses that would rearrange the grains so as to increase the perme— ability. Such strain seems diffi- cult to visualize at first, but the long period of time during which successive waves of compression and dilation were active at An- chorage and the fact that the seis- mic wave fronts are refracted by different geologic conditions seem to indicate that some grain rear- rangement may have occurred that resulted in increased permeability. The tectonic subsidence of more than 3 feet and horizontal move- ment of as much as 10 feet (about 0.5 feet per mile), in the upper Cook Inlet area (U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1964, 1965, p. 17), could also produce a strain in the aquifers that would change the porosity and permeability. F rac- turing in the confining beds of clay or glacial till was also possi- ble, especially in the till, but such fracturing would not have signifi- cantly affected water levels inas- much as the various aquifers were already hydraulically intercon- nected. The change in the bottom EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY, ANCHORAGE AREA B11 150900, A 149°45' l _ ,1 ELMENDORF / AIR FORCE BASE Cairn Point 61 ° 15' — MERRILL IE FIELD __ . (1) Rusmkm Jack l Springs | Point Woronzof ANCHORAGE ' O INTERNATIONALI— AIRPORT - , ° 1* 61 ° 10' — ————————— ‘ 606—0 Point Campbell EXPLANATION . (2) Public-supply well Oumer’s'number in parentheses O 594 —8 >Domestic or unused well __5__ Water-level change contour Based on differences in water level between December 1963 and December 1964. Contour interval 5 feet I ‘ \ qumzi LakeD CAMPBELL AIRSTRIP Sand Lalce '« Jewel \W Campbell Lake ‘7 4’47 § ///A Well field Drainage boundary 6.—Areal distribution of artesian-pressure changes in the Anchorage aquifer system. Numbers above line are well numbers; numbers below line are changes in water level, in feet. ' B12 topography of Knik Arm (dis— cussed below) and evidence of compaction (discussed under “sub- sidence”) are the only other ob— servations pertinent to evaluation of the causes of the residual changes in water levels. DISCHARGE ZONES The US. Coast and Geodetic Survey makes routine bathymetric surveys of the Knik Arm of Cook Inlet because it is a ship channel. The Turnagain Arm is not rou— tinely surveyed. Surveys of the Knik Arm before and after the quake, plotted by T. N. V. Karl- strom, show (fig. 7) that there were extensive changes in the dis- tribution of bottom sediments be tween 1963 and the period imme- diately after the earthquake in ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 1964. If similar changes occurred in Turnagain Arm, they might have had a significant effect upon the ground-water hydrology of the Anchorage area. Aquifers of the area apparently discharge to the sea through bottom sediments in both Knik and Turnagain Arms (Cederstrom and others, 1964, p. 48; Waller, 1964, p. 33). The dis- charge is probably by upward movement of water directly from truncated aquifers or less directly by movement from the aquifers up— ward through semipermeable sedi— ments that floor parts of the es- tuaries. Thinning or removal of such semiconfining sediments might readily cause increased dis- charge from the aquifers and re- sultant lowering of piezometric Susitna Lowland Anchorage Point Campbell Tu""lélsain Arm \ EXPLANATION W Area of bottom deposition Blank areas are areas (2an change or of sediment removal 7.—Changes in distribution of bottom sediments in the Knik Arm of Cook Inlet, 1963—64. Plotted by T. N. V. Karlstrom from US. Coast and Geodetic Survey data. levels in upgradient parts of the aquifers. There is no direct evidence that the earthquake caused the redistri— bution of bottom sediments in Knik Arm as indicated in figure 7. The well-known effects of seismic waves upon unconsoli- dated water-saturated materials, especially those resting on un- stable slopes, suggest, however, that the redistribution was indeed caused by the quake. CHEMICAL QUALITY The earthquake probably in— creased the turbidity of all well water, although the increase in many wells was so slight that it was not visible. L. L. Dearborn (oral c0mmun., 1964) reported one well in which the water remained visibly turbid for 2 weeks fol- lowing the earthquake. Trouble from this cause in Anchorage, however, was min 0 r . Bother- some turbidity generally disap- peared within a few hours or a few days. The rate of sea-water encroach— ment at one well on Fire Island, near Anchorage, may have been in— creased by the earthquake. Anal— yses of water samples from that well had shown a slow, continuing increase in chloride concentration for some years. The rate of in- crease of chloride concentration accelerated after the quake; the concentration increased, for ex- ample, in the period J anuary—J uly 1965 from about 600 ppm (parts per million) to 850 ppm chloride. One of three other wells on the island penetrated a saline-water aquifer when drilled. The saline aquifer was reportedly cemented off. Inasmuch as samples of wa- ter taken from the cemented well after the earthquake show only 266 ppm chloride, saline water evi- dently is not leaking into fresh- water aquifers along the bore of that well. The sources of increase EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY, ANCHORAGE AREA B13 in the well having 850 ppm chlo- ride in July 1965 have not been discovered. \Observations of water quality on Fire Island are continuing as part of the watch for potential salt-water encroachment upon aquifers underlying Anchorage. It seems likely that tectonic low- ering of the land surface of about 3.5 feet at Anchorage has in— creased the load on the seaward margins of the aquifers underly- ing Cook Inlet. This load, equiva- lent to an additional 3.5 feet of water, must favor landward move- ment of the interface between salt and fresh water in the aquifers. GROUND WATER IN THE BOOTLEGGER COVE CLAY Ground water in sand and silt lenses within the Bootlegger Cove Clay, of Pleistocene age, has been considered a major factor in caus- ing the devastating landslides that occurred at Anchorage (-Shannon and Wilson, 1110., 1964). The wa— ter-saturated lenses probably be— came fluid in response to the re- peated earthquake shocks, and thus became glide planes along which blocks of ground moved lat- erally toward the sea. Consider— ation has been given to dewatering parts of the formation in order to enhance its stability. The rela- tion of the ground water in the Bootlegger Cove Clay to the aquifer system in the Anchorage area is therefore significant, both as to the feasibility of dewatering the formation and as to the effect of dewatering on the Anchorage ground-water supply. Cederstrom, Trainer, and Waller (1964, p. 56) and Waller (1964, p. 9) reported that ground water in sand and silt lenses in the Boot— legger Cove Clay is derived from the continguous sand and gravel aquifers by lateral movement and slow vertical leakage through the rather impermeable clay confining layers. This conclusion was based on the increase in piezometric levels with depth in wells and on the fact that some of these piezom— etric levels were above the water table in the area underlain by the Bootlegger Cove Clay. Further— more, interconnection is suggested by the observation that some shal- low artesian aquifers appeared to be influenced by pumping from the deeper artesian aquifers. Pore pressures in the sand and silt lenses in the slide and in areas immedi- ately adjacent were unknown ex- cept from a few wells tapping sand lenses in the eastern part of the formation. Further evidence of the hydraulic interconnection of the water-saturated Bootlegger love Clay and the artesian aquifer system, and to the overlying water- table aquifer was indicated by the lack of salinity in the water-bear— ing lenses in the clay. The forma— tion, marine in part, has been part— ly elevated above sea level in rela- tively recent times, and the en- trapped connate water has been flushed out ’by the dynamic hydro- logic system (‘Cederstrom and others, 1964, p. 73). Measurements of the peizometric level in the artesian aquifers indi- cate that the level in the Turn— again. slide area was about 20 feet and in the downtown area about 15 feet above sea level at the time of the earthquake. Measurements in the surface sands indicate a water-table level of about 80 feet above sea level in the Anchorage downtown area and 60 feet in the Turnagain area. Pore-pressures in the various sand and silt lenses and layers within the clay were unknown. After the earthquake, nearly 50 piezometers were installed in the clay, and pore pressures were mon— itored (Shannon and Wilson, Inc, 1964) until August 1964. Since then, the Geological Survey has measured the pore pressures in most of the piezometers at irregu- lar intervals. Pore pressures gen— erally decreased in the months fol- lowing the earthquake, but there was little uniformity. The pres- sures varied from stratum to stratum within the formation and from place to place at equivalent depths. However, according to M. M. Marcher (oral commun., Oct. 6, 1965), pore pressures in many of the peizometers had de- clined to levels that were equiva- lent to or less than piezometric levels measured at the same time in wells tapping the main artesian aquifers of the area. This decline implies that the seismically in- duced pore pressures may have gradually returned to a natural state. In a few piezometers, how— ever, pore pressures remained sig- nificantly higher than the artesian— aquifier piezometric level. The possibility exists that those high readings reflect piezometer tubes that are plugged. Figure 8 shows a possible correlation of pore pres- sures and piezometric levels of ar- tesian aquifers at two sites. The patterns of representative pore- pressure fluctuations from June 1964 to May 1965 are shown in figure 9. Reduction of pore pressures in the Bootlegger Cove Clay is be- ing attempted by partial dewater- ing of the formation in areas where pressures are relatively high and the danger of future land- B14 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 64 I l I I I I I I I I 63 — / \ _ \ / \ / \\ / ~\ Piezometer BlOl / \) Altitude 92 ft 62 - / ‘\ Water from sea level — \ d \\ a h \ _I I \ < 61 — \ \ A a l \ \ z \ < l u.I (a Anc 274B 2 Altitude 92 ft g 60 _ Water from —82 to —92 feet - O m < 1- Lu Lu L 59 — — E I I I I I I I I I I _'- 30 I I 1 T I I I I 1 I In > Lu —' "“-———?—____ 9 —_ o: E 75 _ Piezometer 0102 _ g Altitude 93 ft 3 Water from 37 ft E 70 I I I I I I I I I I 40 T I I I I I I I I I Am: 299A Altitude 100 ft 35 Water from 21 ft _ 30 I I I I I I I I I I J J A S 0 N D J F M A M 1964 1965 8.——Hyrodgraphs of pore pressures (piezometers B101 and D102) versus artesian- aquifer pressures (wells A110 274B and 299A) at sites near the West High School and L Street slides. (See fig. 10 for locations.) EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY, ANCHORAGE AREA B15 90 ' I I , I | I I _____. __?___ 95 ' Piezometer BIOSPZ Altitude 94 ft Water from 8 f1: 85- 75 ' Piezometer F105 Altitude 118 ft Water from 68 ft ______ 7 _\_ _§7“ Piezometer BlOBPl ' Altitude 94 ft Water from 45 ft ‘ -§“ 50 I PIEZOMETRIC LEVEL, IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL / //// 'Piezometer 0140 /I//’7' Altitude 74 ft /// _ Water from sea level /// // / to _ f _ 1 5 l | 1 I l L I I n ' M J A s o N D J M A M 1964 1965 9.—Hydrographs of piezometer observations from June 1964 to May 1965. (See slides is great. .Dewatering is presumably desirable fo r engineer- ing stability, but it may affect ad- versely the ground-water supply of the Anchorage area. If the formmion is dewatered by pump- ing the sand and gravel aquifers Subsidence of unconsolidated material by compacti n during earthquakes has been reported from many previous earthquakes, notably the New Madrid earth— quake of 1811 (Fuller, 1912). The Alaska earthquake of 1964 caused subsidence in In my of the areas underlain by unconsolidated deposits in south-central Alaska fig. 10 for location.) beneath or within the clay to re- duce water leakage into the clay, the problem of decreased piezo- metric level in the artesian system near the estuary would arise im- mediately. The result might be incursion of sea water into the aquifers. If, on the other hand, dewatering is restricted to the clay, the clay would become more stable and more impermeable, and dewatering might thus improve the capability of the clay to con fine the artesian aquifers. SUBSIDENCE (Grantz and others, 1964, p. 26). In the Anchorage area the land surface subsided 3.7 feet at the city dock according to tide-gage records (US. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1964, 1965). This sub- sidence includes an unknown amount of tectonic subsidence of bedrock in the region, and prob— ably local compaction as well. The tectonic subsidence is prob- ably the larger factor. Subsidence due to compaction of unconsolidated material is im- portant because of its possible ef- fect on the aquifer system. In order to determine whether com- paction did take place in the An- chorage area, pre— and postearth- quake-level data within the city B16 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 150°00' 149°45, 150°15' l V UOtter i (”99" Lake North Pt Lake / I / _ v r \.. 2r 01 - 61°10’ <3 _- / | FIRE ISLAND ‘3‘ , ELMENDORF l / AIR FORCE BASE | ' RT Cairn Point R HARDSON WDAVIS Hr/GHWAV _ 61°15’ West Pt Point Woronzof 0 C140 0 O l V Spenard Fish 0 Hood Lake I . . =5 | INTERNATIONAL [— Lake I AIRPORT « Spenard ° 0 I o L Confers Lake I 61 ° 1 0' w ————————— W— — —- — — ~ . 606 40 O 590 U / / ' i \ DeLong Lake Q/ _ 609A ‘— Point Campbell to in report 590 Observation well Equipped with recording gage A Stream gaging station Relative subsidence contour Arrow shows direction Contour interval 0.1 feet. Dashed where inferred Drainage boundary I ‘90 1 MERRILL «1, / 1FIELD _-~ ‘éfix Russian Jallclc l CAMPBELL | g <2? _ AIRSTRIP Surwli n1 ; a! QLake 17 be“ 0 b l l \‘. Jewel Cam? I E) 5 Campbell Lake I ‘7u\\~ [— - —-——— . __._ . 4 ' __ | E ig; ~. ,»/ @124) s _.-'_// \J—l Eii \ / 0 i3 -_ o / 0 F505 v3 EX P LA N ATl O N § 0 4 \ Public-supply well 7 Number is owner’s number “ Well field \ 0 263A Observation well Numbered wells are referred Landshde / / Forbkicharqson Military Reser 10.—Map showing relative subsidence, landslides, and well locations in Anchorage. EFFECTS ON HYDROLOGY, ANCHORAGE AREA B17 were obtained from the Anchorage Department of Public Works. These data were tied to the new US. Coast and Geodetic b‘urvey tidal reference, and differential levels of some 70 bench marks were measured. Additional data on levels obtained from studies in the Turnagain area (Shannon and Wilson, Inc., 1964) suggested that compaction had indeed t a k e 11 place. Well casings in the ob- servation-well network also indi- cated minor compaction within the city area by the fact that after the quake many casings protruded farther above ground than they had earlier. The data (fig. 10) show that subsidence within the city limits was greatest along the shore bluffs behind the slides and was progressively less toward the east and south. The differential subsidence in this 2—mile zone par— allel to Knik Arm ranges from 0.6 foot at the bluffs to 0.2 foot in the Lake Otis area. The direction of increasing subsidence of this zone is nearly opposite to the direction of regional tectonic subsidence (Plafker, 1965) ; thus the 0.6 foot of differential subsidence at the bluffs probably represents the minimum amount of compaction of the unconsolidated sediments underlying the city. Compaction of unconsolidated deposits from seismic stresses can The Anchorage hydrologic sys- tem was materially affected by the seismic shock. Patterns of stream discharge were changed during the first months after the earthquake, but subsequently have not been affected either by the land subsidence of nearly 4 feet or by the lowered pressure head in the occur by the rearrangement of grains during lateral spreading of the deposit or during the shaking. Rearrangement at either time would very likely decrease the porosity and the permeability, and hence increase the piezometric gradient. However, inasmuch as water levels in the sand and gravel aquifers in the area of known compaction did not rise, compac- tion probably did not occur in the aquifers. Compaction of the clay part of the Bootlegger Cove Clay is also ruled out because its impermeability precludes instan- taneous release of water during the earth movements. The only other types of material present that are capable of compaction are the silt and fine sand that occur as lenses and layers within the Boot- legger Cove Clay. The parallelism of contour lines showing differential subsidence t0 the bluff line (fig. 10) suggests that the compaction occurred in the fine sand and silt lenses in the Bootlegger Cove Clay, including those associated with the land- slides, and the slide investigations showed that liquefaction did take place in these lenses (Shannon and Wilson, Inc., 1964). According to Terzaghi’s (1956) description of the process of compaction dur- ing liquefaction and slope failure, CONCLUSIONS ground-water system. Perma- nent changes have resulted in an ‘ apparent increase in discharge from the ground-water system and a lowering of artesian pressure. Water in the Bootlegger 'Cove Clay was the most important fac- tor contributing to bluff failures along Knik Arm. Postearthquake pore pressure is released and pro- gressive liquefaction extends rapidly away from the point of re- lease. Hence, perhaps the silt lenses within the Bootlegger Cove were progressively compacted be- hind and away from the slide areas. The gradual decrease in subsidence away from the bluffs, indicated by releveling, seems to support this postulation. The general zonation and par- allelism of the differential subsid- ence also correlate with the wedg- ing out of the clay formation towards the east (Trainer and Waller, 1965). Differential com- paction of the silt lenses through- out the formation could explain the decrease in subsidence to the east because the formation is thin- ner in that part of the area. Differential subsidence may be caused by withdrawal of ground water from aquifers and the re- sulting leakage of water from clay deposits overlying the aquifers. The overall preearthquake lower- ing of artesian pressures, how- ever, was only 3—5 feet between 1958 and 1964. Furthermore, the data on water levels indicate that the subsidence is not confined to the area of greatest ground—water withdrawals, so as yet there prob- ably has been very little subsidr ence caused by pumping. piezometric data suggest that lo- cally pore pressures are still high, but most are declining as expected. Land subsidence of 3.7 feet in the area probably occurred princi- pally by tectonic readjustment and to a lesser degree by compaction of silt layers within the Bootlegger Cove Clay. B18 Ground-water supplies-for mu- nicipal and private use were dis— rupted at first, and some long-term efl'ects have been observed. Com- paction appears to have affected water-saturated silt layers rather generally; this effect may mean that the total ground-water yield of the area will. be reduced by a small amount. The concurrent Bredehoeft, J. D., Cooper, H. H., Jr., Papadopulos, I. S., and Bennett, R. R., 1965, Seismic fluctuations in an open artesian water well: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 525—0, p. C51—oC57. Cederstrom, D. J., Trainer, F. W., and Waller, R. M., 1964, Geology and ground-waiter resources of the An- chorage area, Ala-ska: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1773, 108 p. Cooper, H. H., Jr., Bredehoeft, J. D., Pa‘padopulos, I. S., and Bennett, R. R., 1965, The response of well- aquifer systems to seismic waves: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 70, no. 16, p. 3915—3926. Engineering Geology Evaluation Group, 1964, Geologic report—27 March 1964 earthquake in Greater Anchor- age area: Prepared for the Alaska State Housing Authority and the City of Anchorage, Anchorage, Alaska, 34 p., 12 figs, pls. 1—17. Ferris, J. G., Knowles, D. B., Brown, R. H., and Stallman, R. W., 1962, Theory of aquifer tests: U.S. Geol. Survey WalterdSupply Paper 1536— E, p. 69—174. Fuller, M. L., 1912, The New Madrid earthquake: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 494, 119 p. Grantz, Arthur, Pl-afker, George, and Kachadoorian, Reuben, 1964, Alas- ka’s Good Friday earthquake, March 27, 1964—a preliminary ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, p MARCH 2 7, l 964 lowering of the land and of the artesian pressure may have in- creased the possibility of sea-water encroachment into the aquifers. To date there has been no indica- tion of such an encroachment on the mainland, but one Fire Island well that showed slowly increasing chloride concentrations before the earthquake now yields water in which chloride concentrations ap- pear to be increasing at a much faster rate. Dual use of surface and subsur- face water supplies was proven a good insurance. Even though both sources were partially dis- rupted, together they provided a continuous supply of water. REFERENCES CITED geologic evaluation: U.S. Geol. Sur- vey Circ. 491, 35 p. Hansen, W. G., 1965, Effects of the earthquake of. March 27, 1964, at Anchorage, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Sur- vey Prof. Paper 542—A, 68 p. Housner, G. W., 1958, The mechanism of sandblows: Seismol. Soc. Amer- ica Bull., v. 48, no. 2, p. 155—161. Johnson National Drillers’ Journal, The, 1964, Earthquake proves value of well water system: July— August, p. 45. Miller, B. D., and Dobrovolny, Ernest, 1959, Surficial geology of Anchor- age and vicinity, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1093, 128 p. Plafker, George, 1965, Tectonic defor- mation associated with the 1964 Alaska earthquake: Science, v. 148, no. 3678, p. 1675—1687. Shannon and Wilson, Inc., 1964, Report on Anchorage area soil studies, Alaska, to U.S. Army Engineer District, Anchorage, Alaska: Se- attle, Wash., 109 p. Terzaghi, Karl, 1956, Varieties of sub- marine slope failure: Texas Conf. Soil Mechanics and Found. Eng., 8th, Texas Univ., 1956, Proc., 41 p. -Thomas, H. E., 1940, Fluctuation of ground—water levels during the earthquakes of November 10, 1938, and January 24, 1939: Seismol. Soc. America Bull., v. 30, no. 2, p. 93—97. Trainer, F. W., and Waller, R. M., 1965. Subsurface stratigraphy of drift at Anchorage, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Sur- ~vey Prof. Paper 525—D, p. D167— D174. U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1964, Tidal datum plane changes, Prince William Sound, Alaskan earth- quakes—~March—April 1964: U.S. Coast and Geod. Survey Prelim. Rept., 4 p. U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1965, Assistance and recovery, Alaska, 1964; A report covering the activi- ties of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, in conjunction with Prince William Sound, Alaska, earth- quake of 1964 for period Mar. 27— Dec. 31, 1964: U.S. Coast and Geod. Survey, 45 p. Waller, R. M., 1964, Hydrology and the eiTects of increased ground-water pumping in the Anchorage area, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Water— Supply Paper 1779—D, p. D1—D36. 1966, Effects of the March 1964 Alaska earthquake on the hydrol- ogy of south-central Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 544—A. (In press.) Waller, R. M., Thomas, H. E., and Vorhis, R. 0., 1965, Effects of the Good Friday earthquake on water supplies: Am. Water \Vorks Assoc. Jonr., v. 57, no. 2, p. 123-131. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICEJSSG 0—217—089 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR PROFESSIONAL PAPER 544—B Base by US. Geological Survey, Anchorage and vicinity, 124,000, 1962 PLATE 1 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TABLE OF WATER WELLS IN THE ANCHORAGE AREA Driller's logs are on file for all wells except those indicated by an asterisk. Altitudes preceded by "e" were estimated from a recent topographic map. All others were determined by survey or altimeter. All wells were drilled except 61; and 90, which were bored,and 98, which was jetted. Use of water is indicated asIDom., domestic; Ind., industrial; Obs., observation; P.S., public supply; Rec., observation well equipped With an automatic recorder; and Irr., irrigation. Yield of wells is in gallons per minute. The earthquake effects, other than those recorded in observation wells, are based on unverified information provided by owners, residents, and drillers. 7 4IOI I_ 61020 WATER-LEVEL DATA 5 J 1 \ \ .. 4 I 3 . (“\f/ l 1 I (Depth below land surface in feet) R | >_. I NUMBER DATE ALTITUDE DEPTH. DIAMETER Before After \ I II : ON MAP WELL LOCATION OWNER DRILLER DRILLED (feet) (feet) (inches) USE YIELD quake Date quake Date EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS \ I II I 1.12 N., 11.3 w. I I I 1 -- NW1/hSWl/1LSEC.11 R. Findorff Anc.Dr.Co.% ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ 6160 65+ 6 Dom. "" -- -- -- -- Water leltrei drogpeill2§ ft.thFisIsI,u{-e Eeailgygfpumped sand. I 2 _- SW1/11NWl/1lsec.5 Swafford ($9) - - - ' e130 115— 6 Dom. "" -- u 6 611 -— --2 611 Well wen ry, rl e ano er 0 e o . I 3 L61 NEl/hSEl/llsec 6 PAGO Inc. Schachle 5—5h 133 61. 6 Obs. 65 31.15 9-2 - 35 .311 h- 9- Water level probably fell at least 5 ft. 11 -' SWl/llSEl/hsec:6 B. Cdlderoon Penn—Jerseys 7'23 6 e100 150 8 P.S. ““ Flowing 3-26-611 Flowing 3-28-614 Unafé‘ected. -— NW1 W1 usec.6 C. Grahman Swafford—X— 19 0‘ 1 - — — 73 6 Dom. "" “ " .. _- 0' . 8 1167 MllbbfiEllnsecJ C. Brown Brandl 7-53 126 L9 6 Dom. ——-- 311 7-53 -- -- 6h Reportedly went dry; was redrllled- 7 1.68A SW1/11NEl/1lsec.7 FBI Hyland 9—59 109 56 5 Dom. 10 8.68 9—29-63 7.63 5—13— Unaffected. 8 -- NEl/bSWl/Llsecfl Crestview do 9‘59 e110 58 6 P.S. "'— -- -- -- -- Muddy for 1 day. Subdivision . I 9 _- SEl/11NW1/1lsec.9 J. Colgan A&L g—gh 851(5) 55 2 130m. Ii ;2- {-3-11 62 -- :: giggfgzyegnd drilled to 123 ft in 11—611. Water level now 30 ft. 10 __ SE1 hSEl/llsec.15 Colman Swafford — 2 e 2 l om. _ _ —- . 11 —— SWléllNWl/llsecJS D. Leach Clemenson 11-63 e370 136 6 Dom. 10 128 11.63 —- —- Went dry 3 wks after quake. Deepened 13 ft. 12 503A NWl/LSEl/Lsec.19 Evergreen B. Claus 1963 171 138 6 Irr. 20 118.66 2—27—6h 57.71; 8-1—61; Water level dropped at least 13 ft. Cemeter 13 505 NWl/bnwl/Lsec.20 Scbandelileier Schachle 6—53 166 1153 8 Ind. 200 9-26-63 71.09 1149—61; Water level dropped at least 25 ft.,possibly more. 111 -- SEl/hSWl/llsec.2l Clemenson Clemenson 3-63 e320 62 6 Dom. 16 25 3-63 " -- Muddy for 1 day. ft k D d 10 ft ‘th 1 15 -- NWl/118W1/1Lsec.23 D. Crow Sunset Dr.Co.>><- — — - — e690 2114 6 Dom. ---- —— —— " ‘— WentddryIab01.I:;c.IIa?lII.I IIIDIOIIL’ZheaquZEequa e. eepene wi ess pro uc ion e . -— l SE1 .2 M. M'll r Swafford 5—63 8570 213 6 Dom. 11 206 5-63 -— -- Went dry; recovery unknown. 17 -— gillsmlliiial R. thnzon Brandl 1252 e180 100 6 Dom. ---- 82.5 5-53 " " Muddy for about 1 week- 18 -— sw1/th1/Asec.33 E. Mull Swafford 161; e170 129 6 P.S. 9 85 1—6h -- ~~ Muddy for 2 days- \ 1.12 N., R. b w. , \g}\ 19 590 NEl/LNEl/tsec.l uses G. Ramsey 12-55 115 258 8 Rec. —-—— 8.97 3—27—61. 23.01 3—29—611 Water level dropped about 19 ft; still recovering (lo—61.). 20 “ SEl/bSEl/LLSGCJ Bill Pierce (-8) - - - - 6105 _-_ —~ P.S. -—-- Flow1ng 3-611 -- “ 6 Lost arteSlan flow; has not returnedé 6),; 21 59h NW1/hNW1/hsec.2 Wm. Schwaner Brandl 9-511 151; 311: 6 Dom. _10_ 175119.811 633—63 91.1.89 11-3- 11 IIAIIIaEZr Eve; gose and fell; now at 11 ft (9- ). SW1 1 sec.2 Wm. Re olds Swafford l—56 12' 13 3 Dom. — —— -- ,u y or ays. . . :3 6819A SElélllgglétsec.3 E. CraftIrord Ramsey 1951 111 320 6 Dom. --—- 1.10.58 9—26—63 711.52 11-2-61-1 Water level rose and fell; still recovering, at 511 ft on 9—611. 28 606 NEl/anl/Lsec. 3 Natl. Guard McInroy—x— 5—58 106 270 10 Ind. 270 86.62 9—26—63 88.37 8—3-61: Unaffected. 25 __ Not known,sec.6 U. S. Army (->’-) ~—-»- ---- 180 10 ---- ---- ” n " “' D0- 26 —— NEl/hSWl/hsec.9 R. Chace McInroyd/f -»-— 8180 165 6 Dom. ---- -- —— -- -- Rumped sand for aboutI2 days. Water level unchanged. 27 6111 NWl/l-tNEl/bseC-9 L. JOhnSOH J. Currie before 1952 6150 165 6 Dom. ———- 157 —— -- -- Went dry, possibly still dry. 28 —— NWl/llSWI/llsec.ll H. McClure Swafford 5-58 elOO 195 6 Dom. 10 23 5—58 -- -- Muddy about 1 day. 29 __ NEl/hSEl/hsecll H. McLellan do 7—63 6105 286 6 Dom. 9 1.12 7—63 -— '" Went dry; came back about 1 month later. 30 —— NWl/1LSEl/bsec.12 J. Barnett Clemenson 11-61 e70 206 6 Dom. 5 3 11—61 -- -- Pumped sand for 1 day or so. I 31 639 SWl/llNWl/hsecJB T. Schofield Penn-Jersey 8—55 65 9O 6 Dom. 10 25 8-55 —— -- Muddy for undeterminable length of time. 32 __ NWl/hSW1/1lsec.l3 L. Kelm at 1960? e65 63 ’6 Dom. ——-- -— -- —~+ -- Unaffected. 33 -- NEl/bSWl/hseth Central Alaska (*1 ---- 955 1486 -— P.S. 60 Flowing 3—611 25- 8-611 Water level dropped an estimated 25 ft. Completely recovered. 3h 6M) NW1/11NWl/1lsec.111 C. Topliff Kosloski l2—511 66 128 6 Dom. 110 11‘: 12—511 12 14-611 Muddy for 2 days; water levelldropped about 8 ft. 35 6119 NWl/hSEl/hsec.21t 0- Rollins Brandl before 1952 6100 116 6 Dom. 111 -- —- —— Pumped sand; strong odor for 5 day. T. 13 N., R. 2 w. 36 I 19 INEl/ASWl/Asec.6 {uses [uses {6-51: 281 I131; 6 1013s. 1---- I 13.33 ]12-30—63) 111.95 Ill-2961; I Water level dr0pped at least 1 ft. T. 13 N., R. 3 W. o‘— 37 22 SWl/llSEl/llsec.1 U. S. Army Hyland 6-56 2118.8 100 6 Obs. -——— 26.78 12—30—63 37.88 14—1—61; Water level dropped about 10 ft; recovered 6 ft. , , I , ., I 38 25 SEl/llNWl/llsech USAF Army 19113 162 228 8 PS- -—-- 1514 . 1983 -- —- Unaffected. / LI 39 —_ sw1/st1/Lsec.8 Anc. Liq. Cas Co—op ---- e60 200 6 Ind. 5 Flowing -- -- _- Do, I_L___L§_L-..__-W 0—— 110 50 SEl/llSWI/llsec.9 City of Anc. Western Dr.Co. 9—56 1148 370 8 Rec. "“ 122-82 3—5-614 121.13 11—5-614 Water level probably dropped; fast recovery. 1 _. 111 -— SE1/hSEl/11sec.9 E. Beagle Hyland 5—56 8150 118.5 6 Dom. ---- 38 5—56 -— -— Muddy for 11 days, / /E’W\‘§;\ . 35- L2 57 NW1/1lSWl/1lsec.10 Flower Laundry Schachlew‘t 7.511 169 55 -— ObS- 111-5 39.98 12—30—63 37.78 L-29-6h May have dropped 2 ft. / 7/1677“; I! \- f 113 -— SEl/hSWl/llsec.10 C . Ledoux Penn—Jersey 1-56 e170 37 6 Dom. 30 30 1—56 —— —- Unaffected. , \IIIIIadoff s— 1111 611 SWl/bNWl/hsec.ll USGS Ramsey(USGS) 11—52 200 138.9 8 Rec. ---- 18.32 3—27—611 25.18 330—611 May have dropped more than 7 ft. / I x I f. 115 —— SEl/bNEl/hsech U. s. Govt. Clemenson 7—62 225 159 10 HOSP- 250 32 7-62 —— —— Unaffected. ' 2» 1 °_—, 116 69 SWl/llNWl/bsec.l2 U. S. Army Penn—Jersey 5—56 229 225 8 Obs. ---— 25.63 2-9-611 29.58 h—l—éh Dropped at least hlft. I o— 117 72A NW1/11NE1/11sec.13 Robert Drumm Swafford 5-58 258 20 6 Obs. 10 7,93 2—5—6h 9.116 8—29-68 Possibly dropped 15 ft I _. 118 -- NWl/hSEl/hsecJB B- Weatherly Add. 1961.1 9250 105 6 P.S. l6 25 19611 -— —— Muddy for 2 weeks; water level dropped slightly. I 0.. 119 —— Nw1/LNw1/Lsec.l3 E. Sutton Swafford 6—63 2115 98 6 Dom. lb 25 6—63 —- -— Unaffected. 1 50 8? sw1/bsw1/Lsec.l3 M. B. Contracting Co-op 8-56 252 123 6 Ind. 15 19 8—56 —— —— Do. I 51 -SE1/11NW1/11sec.15 H. Entz Swafford 1-59 170 22 6 _——_ 5 15 1—59 —- —— Muddy for 2 days. 1 / . _ 52 111-A NEl/hSWl/llsecJé City of Anc. Western Dr.Co. 6—56 130 1170 8 Rec. ———- 75-55 3-27-614 -- —- Casing bent and broken. 1/ 53 117 Nw1/1tSEl/1lsec.l7 G. Spernak Penn—Jersey 9-55 125 1119 6 Dom—Ind 15 25 9-55 —- —— Unaffected. 1 III 5h 1111A SW1/hlIE1/hsec.l7 City of Anc. Western Dr.Co. 6-56 108 210 8 Rec. 300 52.59 3-27-6h 67.37 3-29-6L Dropped at least 15 ft, may be partly due to pumpage. ;_I“____“I __~_____7/"_MI_“__III “1:? 55 122 SEl/llNEl/llsec.18 C. R. Lewis Co. McInroy 11~53 122 227 6 Ind. ———— —- -— -— -— Unaffected. I 5 f I, 56 122A NWl/hNWl/llsec.l8 Garrison Freight Swafford ---- e30 313 6 P.S. ———— 2 -- -- -- Muddy 2 days; production poor at low tides now. 7/0 R Cih I 57 “ NEl/lLNEl/hsec.l9 J. Gore Penn-Jersey 11—58 e60 106 6 P.S. ---- 30 11-58 -- . —— Muddy for 1 day. ,/ 'I I I55 58 13h SEl/LNEl/bsec.l9 Ind. Air Prod. McInroy 7-511 61: 157 8 Ind. 100 Flowing 7—511 FlOWing L—6L Muddy for 3 days. 2 I III, 59 -— NEl/llSWl/llsec.l9 Apex Cement Swafford 8—58 e75 130 6 Ind. 10 Flowing 8-58 Flowing 8-611 Unaffected. . . III 60 -_ NEl/hSWl/llsec.l9 Mann do 3-58 e105 99 6 13,3, 10 33 3-58 -- -- Muddiness cleared With pumping. AI 61 -- SE1/hSE1/hsec.l9 Joe O'Neal Co—op 7-56 9100 112 6 Dom. 15 15 7—56 " -- Muddy for 2 days. I 62 -- SW1/hSW1/hsec.20 R. Drogge Swafford 11-57 6110 137 6 Dom. 9 131 14-57 " -- Quite muddy for several days. . I 63 " SEl/DNWI/bsecio 'J. Morrison Swafford 9-58 e75 77 6 Dom. 9 Flowing 9—58 -- -- Reported to have been polluted by quake. Damaged casmg? I 611 186 NEl/LNEl/Lsec.21 Semlek Vamell 8-50 e150 31 —- Dom. -—-- 28 8-50 -- ~- Unaffected. . I 65 192 NEl/hSEl/bsec.22 J. McKinnon Penn—Jersey 5-55 250 1111 6 Dom. 16 59.211 12-30-63 65-211 11-2—614 May have dropped 5 ft or more. I 66 195A llEl/bNWl/hsec.23 Spenard Util. do 8-59 220 1119 6 P.S. ---- 19.56 12—30—63 234116 11-1—611 Dropped at least 3 ft: Cairn Polnt I 67 -— NEl/hNWl/hsec.21l H. Abbas Chapman 11-56 e270 120 6 Dom. ——-- Flowing 11—56 25- 11—611 Flow lost and had to install pump. ‘I I 68 —- SEl/llNWl/hsec.211 Louis Hyland 6—59 ' e305 53 6 Dom. ---— 6—59 ——+ -— Muddy for about 1 week. I T. 14 N. 69 -- sEl/LNw1/Lsee,25 Wm, Fox (->:-) -—-- e350 1110 6 Dom. ———— —— ——- 80— 8—611 20 ft of mud in casing. Pumped at 60 gpm for 30 hours to clear. . ___________ I_- T 13 II 70 -— NW1/11NW1/1lSec.26 P. Boniface Penn—Jersey 8—59 e210 88 6 Dom. 15 21 8—59 _- __ Water level fell (pump damaged). I , . _ 71 208 NEl/hNWl/nsec.26’ Buttdehl Schachle -—-— 2‘80 105 6 Dom. —--- 85? 3-55 -— -— Unaffected. I 72 213A NEl/hSWl/llsec.26 w. Parker Swafford 3—55 28h 89 6 Dom. --—- 26 3-55 -- —— Do. i ..... 15' 73 217B NWl/llNW1/1lsec.27 Alaska Meth- do 7—60 e220 139 6 Dom. 10 70.06 946-63 85.32 [1-5-614 Water level fell at least 10 ft and perhaps 20 ft. 15’ I odist Univ. . 711 217A NEl/hSWl/llsec.27 A. M. U. do 6-60 168 36 6 Shop 8 15.08 12—3063 6.511 8-29-61: Muddy for unknown length of fine 8 . 1 75 —— mill/LSWI/llsec.29 Earl Norris Hyland 9—59 61110 176 6 Dom. nu -- __ -_ —- Unaffected. / I3 76 -- NEl/1LSEl/1tsec.30 KHAR Swafford 12463 e120 108 6 P.S. 7 7 12—63 —— -— Do. II . II ‘1‘ r __________________ I I 77 -»— SW1/hSEl/1lsec.31 W. Guest do 7-58 e115 33 6 Dom. 6 10 7-58 —— —— Had to redrill; now has arteSian at 115 ft, muddy. 77 I/ I I 78 __ Nm/uslfl/usec32 Southgate Svc. Bob Cross 5-55 e120 118 6 Ind. 31 11.7 5-55 -- -- anffected- / >Ii I 79 263A SEl/st1/Lsec. 32 L. Anderson Swafford—x— 1957 emo 51 6 Dom. -_-- 13.61 9-26—63 27.011 114-61; Mlnlmum drop about 111 ft. / 33I I 80 -— NWl/llNWl/llsec. 33 Standard Sta. do 7—59 e165 100 6 Ind. 10 35 7.59 —— —— Unaffected. / :3! I 81 273 sw1/an1/Asec.33 M. Abraham Co-op 5-55 e165 178 6 Dom. 5 20 5-55 —— —- Do. 51 I 2 __ Nw1/hNE1/bsec. 33 H. Rediske Swafford 8-63 e180 1L8 6 Dom. 10 18 8-63 -— -- Muddy for 5 days. ,3! "I _"_;j T. 13 N., R. 3 W. III _ I“ 83 283 sw1/nsw1/nsec.23 City of Anc. Merrington 11.952 71 211 8 P.S. 30 56.03 3—30—62 59.70 1-1-61; Possible drop of L ft or more. . I 81; 282 NEl/llSWl/hsec.23 City of Anc. Penn-Jersey 6.59 70 1197 8 P.S. 353 113.118 12—30-63 62.66 9-29-611 Presumably fell minimum of 19 ft; casmg severely damaged. all 85 -- SW1/111Ml/llsec.21l A. Robert do 2-59 e95 102 6 Dom. 15 60 2—59 -- -- Water level fell and caSing destroyed. IL 86 299A NEl/ASEl/Asec.2t Romig Park J. L. Curry* 1950 90 79 6 P.S. —-—- 63.12 2—27-6b 61.62 L—1—6L Probably unaffected. I Water Co. 87 —- NW1/11NEl/1lsec.211 E. Jornsgaard Pennwlersey 8—57 630 1011 6 Dom. 65 Flowing 3—26—611 Flowing 3—28-611 Unaffected. I 88 —— NEl/hNEl/llsecjll G. Voight do 6-57 61.10 511 6 Dom. 20 16 6—57 -— —— Very muddy for 3 days; reported odor. I 89 —- SEl/LLNEl/hsec.25 Tenney do 10-57 e90 81 6 Dom. ---~ 20 10—57 -- —— Muddy for many weeks; water level may have dropped. I 90 316B NEl/hSEl/llsec.25 City of Anc. (*) 1960 95 l6 l6 Obs. ---- 7.86 3—26—611 7.62 3-27-611 Water level rose slightly; normal in 1 day. 1 91 —— SEl/st1/Lsec.26 A. Woodward Co—op 556 611 232 6 Dom. 9 50 5-56 -— _- Unaffected. I 92 398 NEl/hNWl/bsec.26 City of Anc. Merrington 11—511 80 1106 8 P.S. 205 53.39 12—30—63 57.07 b-1—611 Probably dropped at least 3 ft, possibly more. I 93 1116 NWl/hNEl/llsec.27 D. Beattie Penn—Jersey 10—55 72 305 6 Dom. 20 50 10-55 __ —— Unaffected. I 91; —— SEl/llNWl/llseth st. of Alaska Western 11-59 e80 370 16 P.S. 16.6 61 11-59 70 10-61 Unaffected (2). Heavily pumped, water level down 9 ft. I 95 1122 SWl/llNEl/hseth Union Oil Co. Schachle 11—53 711 319 6 P.S. 25 55.9 11-53 -- -- Unaffected. I I I _ 96 1132A SWl/hSWl/llsec.35 Cordova Airline Co-op 9—56 80 233 6 Ind. 15 60 8—56 -— —— Muddy for 1 day. I_II II _ \I 97 1:30 NWl/llNEl/llsec.35 Lake Motel Merrington 1952 72 278 8 Ind. 110 —- ~— —— -— Muddy for 1 day. .. I .. 98 14111 NEl/hNWl/llsec.36 USGS Chausse 1951 914 117 14 Obs. ---- 9.76 1230—63 12.51; 11—1—611 Water level dropped about 3 ft. : 99 1136 NWl/llNEl/hsec.36 Delbecq Swafford 7-56 135 231 6 Dom. l5 8 7—56 29 7~23—611 Water level reported to have dropped 10 ft. ,_ I T. ll. N., R. 2 w. 7'7? 100 I l lNWl/AsEl/usec.3o 1U.S.Army Layne Dr.Co. [1-56 [316 I580 10 Iota. 1“" 1158.811 |9—26-63 161.90 Ill-L611 I Water level dropped about 10ft. / 7//_ 17 16 S X —: XL ”'/ —— U / _ I — A 7 _ I.I-II- II —— E — Point Woronzof —.-_. l —— \‘ 1“ I _ I /' — . w 74 . g i ‘ ~84? (r 20 :“ LZf .. , m rm": 3‘ 44' I: fiw~ E Z S ARI: ,r ' /fl\ ‘1' :1 // 4‘ __ \<\ 1 ":3 3L \l l \\ 29 :I 29‘; 28 / 2 _ / / ~ _ ll\ IIIIII Ix“,— // 3% \I \\"r’ """"""" \‘"\~\\ ,.__g// III/l ~.\\ . .’ 1 .\ \V/\ / A \ \\ 9”, —‘_— \ // UM, '\\\\I :7 I/fl/Hood In, a? I \ ~a._L\\ /// g2 s U 5 I K“ ii \1'1 Lake :/\\\ _'_. _ \ . ‘ —_'=— \ /4 ‘1 l— \ \..l //j {.3 Z / ’ f : 1’7 : // . 0 ii ‘1 1 ; i 2 71 33 E 131 32 I C; , 32 33 , <9 : 4 . ,L' . LL 3 ’_ // 1:3 7 INTERNATIONAL: / r ,1 ‘- , . :_. e .3 , // ,, . _ [J c 0 E: 1': : “\— K’ ) __ 0° 1\\\ \5/3:\ T' ‘3 N' / F”. _ “Lola __ L... _ L_ .L LL. _-- _L _n L_ ,. —‘ T— -\r \‘7‘ t . ‘ ‘1’“ . °3 I "i ‘ A.-..=La~_——r::v."::.: __ ._._._.._._.._,_...a._ 10' lO’/,’_ 1 ‘2 N a“. '0’: EL :Conners . -II\ ~~ IoI . I I/ / . ‘I 1 f) O . 2:7" : ‘3 _ Lake 3 14 } \E I T32 N. ,l ' 19 I? I , V — : I. ; III: , . :\ . 81-3 I' _"; 7;. i 7» ti 1 ‘ 1 «1 ——~ ”f" . l 7 1 l V/ — x \ ,/ o \g 7 1/ 1 r / 32-3,- 9' 'fi “\ 11 6 (:3 5 ‘1 9" L t 2 7 _, f ..... i 5 I . I ”LEE ,Iq \ L .~_ . 1 ’ 3 »1 Point 1 a; , f 1 . - s;- L . a, »»»»»»»» \- I . EXPLANATION / Campbell a 1‘9 3 Q l“; // I25 5th / 1 I,.I I/ (3 ~ 1_ ,/ I 1‘ \ / 250 v 1 fl 5 / * ‘ 1:‘ WELL SYMBOLS . . . \,‘u ,, 1 7 eeeeeeeee _I 1 -' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ O 1 +— Well not noticeably affected a” :j'—’ \. I E— , 30 \\\\i\ 7 1:. ‘ Well went dry \:~.\. I <2 %I 3 Number to the right of well symbol indicates number \\ I — of days well was dry ‘\.~ \= 6' 1‘ ‘- “~».\ \\ _ , " _ \.\\\ \ 8 _\ I1 I;_\ 65 \\ \ I3: C/ \ ‘\ \ \~ I 7 2663.2 <7 1;: 1%: > Water level rose ’ (f) x . \ 1 ‘7 ‘ h {—— -‘\ v6, ‘1 {A ,7 - Number above well symbol indicates amount of rise, \ x. - _ _, e a - . \I /, 2. r I . 2 ln feet - 4» . :3 ,_ ‘ \ ' l. .x. :;f ‘ er mg ~ I I: Q o '9 / I e < 19 *Y \\ 2‘3] {/16 1 Water level fell \ .11 1. ../ I Number below well symbol indicates amount of fall, / K 15; r’ I I/ in feet ' (I/ \\“~1 . ‘1 /’ E .I :76; {5* , 32169 13 BI 18 (4’ : 17 Q9 5 150 OD \ r” I u I)> I-_I Water muddled \ I,» I - : - Number to the right of well symbol indicates number \\ I» I1I';I' I ._. Of days well was muddy. “L" indicates more than \IVI: . 1 ”.7 I 43.. ~. two weeks. “L" indicates one day or less. Query 0 \\. 1 000 \* indicates length of time unknown w ‘\\ . I _ ‘z \ 139/” . L ALASKA \35 : I/wII 1 I O D ‘3’ 1 Well destroyed or damaged 1 -2 1., .. Anchorage ‘- \ . I/III/l/ 1I P]. 3 P/ 40 \~-\ // .55 : 1;: = . Well number \\ g/ ((9.53... I15 e 1‘ D J . t, \F I ;. .. - ‘1 3 a \\ a ’5 535$ 23 1= 17% :2- II yao \\ 1,9 “$12 . / 11;“ . . I I . K ‘6‘ a // - ~l- 1.L_'_ ‘1. '\ , l 19 ‘L WELL LOG SYMBOL INDEX MAP SHOWING \\ W323“ III/ a1; I1 III 0c IZQ 1 I s ANCHORAGE AND LOCATION \ 3:3 / . . . l3 '1 _ *— OF EPlCENTER \\I \ABQI I 31 0er I . I _ * \\\\ Q§\\I I' 7‘ . l D I _ Q — _ .\\ ‘ N ‘ I .01 . % Cl \\ \N (x. l 1 l ,o l s ay Sandy clay \\ (Q Kggi): if T r :11," 7 7 'I T — — _ \ l’\ I _ 00 \\\ 15‘ _— L—0 «y (9 \\\ Silt Gravelly clay Sand Silty sand 00 —o O 0 o0 _e Gravel Clay and gravel O‘O _ 0. so 2 Sand and gravel Clay and boulders 2 Os ’4 O o ,,. Rock or bedrock Gravel and boulders MAP SHOWING EFFECTS OF THE 1964 EARTHO 1 JAKE ON WATER W ELLS runner...) N. d avenue 7 5/ IN THE ANCHORAGE AREA, ALASKA I O I II I _I __ . . Lu T. H N. 7 251g SCALE 1:31680 E E L LIJ I 1 1/2 O 1 MILE OU‘ 50 . . . . .. E 6: 1—1 1—4 1—< l—~| l—l :— l I Z Vertlcal line 1nd1cates pos1t1on 8 a: 1 .5 O 1 KILOMETER E _ and length of well screen i a” l—————a I g I_I I_I I_. H ._I D 100 u! .1 < w ‘0 One day W l——'_—‘— > O m < E 4919 IL Seismic seich E J L; _ A DJ .J D S D- 4918 3.—Hydroseism caused by the Alaska earthquake, recorded at the disposal pond of the National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho. One of the best recorded seiches was from a pond at the National Reactor Testing Station in Idaho (fig. 3). Although the seiche had a maximum rise and fall in water level of only 0.56 foot, the oscil- lations continued over a period of 2 hours. The pond bottom is in alluvial sand and gravel of the Big Lost River. The sand and gravel overlie basalt. This geo- logic setting seemingly is favor- able for the generation of a seismic seiche in the pond. SEISMICALLY INDUCED CHANGE IN STAGE An unusual record is the one from Little Haw Creek near Se- ville, Fla. (fig. 4). At the time the seismic waves reached the gage, the water stage began to decline and dropped 0.33 foot in about 15 minutes. Then the trend reversed and the water level began to rise. Another unusual record was ob- tained on Tensas River at Tendal, La. (fig. 5). The water level sud- 5" Ln 9‘ o Alaska earthquake GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET .u' GI 27 MARCH 1964 5.—Bubbler-gage r e c o r d of Alaska earthquake for Tensas River at Tendal, La. Central standard time. HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA 5 r l SCALE. IN FEET a 26 Alaska earthquake\ C9 28 MARCH 1964 4.—Seismically induced decline in stage at Little Haw Creek near Seville, Fla. Eastern standard time. denly declined 0.20 foot, then rose only 0.15 foot and remained level for 7 hours even though the trend before and after the quake was a slow steady rise. Because the bub- bler-type gage on which this was registered has a built—in delay, rapid fluctuations do not record. The first motion detected by the instrument was a water-level decline. Three surface-water recorders in Kansas also registered the quake as a temporary decline in stage. A small sharp decline in water level was followed by a slightly less rapid rise to the preearth- 4,0 fivmiw W, 1 7777A} GAGE HEIGHT IN FEET \ ‘ i 1 STAGE, IN FEET MARCH 1964 6.—Bubbler-gage records of the Alaska earthquake from Kansas. A, Big Blue River near Manhattan. B, Neosho River near Chanute. 0, Neosho River near Burlington. Central standard time. quake level (fig. 6). Inasmuch as all three charts were recorded by bubbler gages, the traces may not represent a true decline in stage. The author has not yet been able to establish whether rise or fall is related either to the location of the gage on the cross section of the stream or to the seismic waves. SEISMICALLY INDUCED FLOW(?) Among the 755 charts examined, only one appears to show what may be seismically induced flow. The hydrograph from March 25— 29, 1964, of Paxton Creek in Penn- sylvania shows (fig. 7) the efi'ect of a rain in the basin on March 26. On March 28 a smaller rise 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 25 26 27 28 29 MARCH 1964 7.——Stage of Paxton Creek, Pa., show- ing increased flow on March 26 from 0.36-inch rainfall and possible seismi- cally induced discharge from an aquifer on March 28, 1964. Eastern standard time. 010 is shown, but the rise seems quite rapid and is followed by a gradual decline to or below the preearth- quake trend. There was no known rainfall that could have caused this rise. The time is inconclusive, for the rise occurred 13 hours after the earthquake. This increased flow has been interpreted by Louis ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 Carswell (oral commun., Septem- ber, 1964) as reflection of a slug of ground water squeezed out of an aquifer into the creek some miles upstream. If this supposi— tion is true, the slug then retained its identity for 13 hours during its travel to and past the gage. The hydrologic efl'ects recorded at surface-water gages, although far smaller in size than many of the hydroseisms in wells, are of interest because they are so un— usual. Never before, to the au- thor’s knowledge, have seismic seiches been reported in flowing streams at great (teleseismic) dis- tances from an epicenter. HYDROSEISMOGRAMS FROM THE NUNN-BUSH SHOE CO. WELL, WISCONSIN BY ELMER E. REXIN and ROBERT C. VORHIS The most detailed of all hydro- seismic records of the Alaska earthquake are from the Nunn- Bush Shoe Co. well in Milwaukee, Wis. These were obtained from a recorder built and maintained on the well by Rexin. The recorder operates with a chart speed of 576 inches per day and magnifies the fluctuations to five times their natural size. The well, which is at Fifth and Hadley Streets in Milwaukee, was drilled in 1925. It has a 10-inch casing with welded joints to a depth of 107 feet, an 8-inch casing from 104 to 215 feet, and an 8-inch open hole from 215 feet to the bot tom at 400 feet. The artesian aquifer penetrated by this well is formed by the Wau- bakee and Niagara Dolomites of Silurian age. This aquifer char- acteristically is not uniformly per- meable, and water occurs chiefly in joints and along bedding planes. On the night of March 27, 1965, as the watchman marked 22:00 hours on the chart of the water- level recorder, he found that some- thing quite violent was being re- corded. He immediately called Rexin to report that the float was banging down in the well, the wa- ter was gurgling, and the pen was flying back and forth from end to end of the recording drum. The senior author arrived 20 minutes later and verified that the chart (fig. 8) was recording a ma- jor earthquake. The preliminary movement was recorded at 21:43: 20 c.s.t., March 27 (03:43: 20 G.c.t., March 28) with a clear and distinct initial drop in water level of 0.005 foot.. Movement contin— ued small and somewhat indecisive for 21/2 minutes, then the water level quickly rose 0.034 foot. This was followed by a decline, and rhythmical movements were re- corded for the next 41/2 minutes. Then movement became more vio— lent (apparently owing to arrival of the S wave) for a period of less than a minute. A lesser motion (in the sense that the motion was barely within the recording limits of the instrument) followed for a 3-minute period. Immediately thereafter the water level began to fluctuate so violently that the range of movement exceeded the limits of the recorder. The period of these violent fluctuations was about 15 seconds each. The maximum movement during this phase could not be measured but was estimated to have been about 12—14 feet. Large waves with periods meas- ured in minutes, in addition to the 15-second waves, are suggested if one sketches in a line that con- nects the midpoints of fluctuations; The more significant details shown on these hydroseismograms (figs. 8, 9) are tabulated below (table 2) along with the epicentral times of the quake and the aftershocks that were recorded. The hydroseismograms from this well are truly unique in that they are the only expanded—scale records showing in detail the effect of the Alaska earthquake on water levels. As such, they will un- doubtedly be subjected to much de- tailed study in the years ahead. Rexin’s observations of the many earthquakes recorded in this well have shown that the long-period waves such as followed the Alaska quake are invariably associated with major earthquakes that also generate tsunamis. He believes that this aspect may have an im- portance in itself that will make further study worthwhile. TABLE 2.—Chronological list of hydro- seismic data from the Nana-Bush Shoe Co. well at Milwaukee, Wis., March 28-30, 1964 [Greenwich civil time] March 27, 1.964 20: 20 _________ Measured depth to water was 99.20 feet. March 28, 1964 03:36:13 ______ [Time of Alaska earth- quake, at epicenter.] 03:43 _________ Arrival of P wave (fig. 8). 03:49 _________ Arrival of S wave (fig. 8). Cll HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA oonmo 2,3 “coxadBag ad :95 60 925 559532 E .3283 mm wagufiug dams? we EfiMoSmmomoncmmlfi NEE. ::>_0 IO_>>mem0 um< mus—fr wmma .mN 10mg). 935 omuwo ONQO ofi¢o [83170 01 72:70 won 1040991 U! meals] omumo Dino 229—356 0—66——3 012 TABLE 2.—Chranological list of hydro- seismic data from the Nunn-Bush Shoe Co. well at Milwaukee, Wis., March 28—30, 1964~Continued March 28, 1964—Continued 03:52 _________ Start of L(?) wave (fig. 8). 03:55 _________ Start of major water- level oscillations. 04:24 _________ Pen ran out of ink and had to be refilled. 04:28 _________ As recording resumed, the oscillations be- gan to decrease in amplitude. The record suggests that there was a “super- wave” of about 24 minutes in period and, as the record continued, the period gradually lessened to about 4 minutes. 05:12 __________ Water level began a slow steady rise that continued to 11:18 G.c.t. and, as meas- ured from the charts, represents a mini- mum rise of 1.64 feet. 06:17 _________ A distinct water-level rise and decline that occurred over a 2%- minute interval. End of chart 1. 09:26 _________ Start of distinct train of 16—second waves with maximum dou- ble amplitude of 0.008 foot superim- posed on long con- tinuing waves of 4- minute period (fig. 9A). 09:52:54 ______ Aftershock of magni— tude 6.2 (as deter— mined at Pasadena, Calif). 10:14)é—10:20-- Record of aftershock, with wave of 16- second period and maximum double amplitude of 0.016 foot (fig. QB). 10:35:39 ....... Aftershock of magni- tude 6.3 (Pasadena). 11:00 _________ Aftershock recorded as a distinct train of 18-second waves ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 O 1 2 3 4 5 WATER LEVEL, IN FEET C 11:00 10:57 on Mar 28 15:14 E 15:09:50 \~ 15:11 15:09 on Mar 28 G 04:46 on Mar 29 Unidentified surface wave; W—PAW period 16 sec; double ampl 0.002 ft 06:27 on Mar 29 17:11 on Mar 29 9.—(above and on p. 013).—Hydroseis1nogra1ns of aftershocks of the Alaska earthquake recorded in the Nunn-Bush Shoe Co. well. Greenwich civil time. HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA 1 0.01 02:42 on Mar 30 K 07:35 on Mar 30 13:30 on Mar 30 0 2 3 WATER LEVEL, 1N FEET L_,-L ‘ » L ‘l TiME, IN MINUTES 02:56 March 28, 1964—Continued with maximum dou- ble amplitude of 0.046 foot (fig. 9C). 12:20:48.8___- Aftershock of magni- tude 6.5 (Pasadena). 12:44—13:02--_ Aftershock recorded as a distinct train of 18- second waves with maximum double amplitude of 0.037 foot (fig. 9D). End of chart 2. 14:47:38.7 and Two aftershocks of 14:49: 15.0. magnitudes 6.3 and 6.5, respectively (Pasadena). 15:02:40 ______ P? wave. 15:09:50 ______ S? wave. 15:11 _________ L wave. March 28, 1964—C0ntinued 15:14 _________ L maximum with period of 13 seconds and double ampli- tude of 0.04 foot (fig. 9E). 20:29 : 05.9- _ - _ Aftershock of magni- tude 6.6 (Pasa— dena). 20:50 _________ S? wave. 20:53 _________ L wave. 20:54 _________ L maximum with period of 16 seconds and double ampli- tude of 0.26 foot (fig. 9F). March 29, 1964 04:46 _________ Small surface wave of unidentified origin ()6 : 06:“ 16: 17: 02: 02: 02: O2: 07: 07: 07: 13: 13: 16: 16: 013 March 29, 1964—Continued with period of 16- seconds and double amplitude of 0.002 foot (fig. 90). 04:43.4_ - - - Aftershock of magni- tude 5.8 (Pasa- dena). 31 ,,,,,,,,, L maximum with period of 18 seconds and double ampli- tude of 0.0068 foot (fig. 9H). : 10 ,,,,,,,,, Measured depth to water was 87.07 feet giving a water- level rise of 12.13 feet since pre— earthquake mea— surement on March 27, 1964. End of chart 3. 40:59.3- _ -- Aftershock of magni- tude 5.8 (Pasadena). 11—17 :20--- Distinct wave train with waves of 16- second period and double amplitude of 0.02 foot (fig. 91). March 30, 1.964 18:05.6- _ - - Aftershock ' of magni- tude 6.6 (Pasadena). 20 _________ P? arrival. 35% _______ S? arrival. 42-02z56___ Surface waves with period of 17 seconds and maximum dou- ble amplitude of 0.062 foot (fig. 9J). 09:34 ______ Aftershock of magni- tude 6.2 (Pasadena). 35 _________ S? wave. 39 _________ Surface waves with 12- second period and maximum double amplitude of 0.048 foot (fig. 9K). 03:34.7_-_- Aftershock of magni— tude 5.3 (Pasadena). 30—13z40___ Very faint waves with period of 14 seconds and maximum dou- ble amplitude of 0002 foot (fig. 9L). 09:27.2____ Aftershock of magni- tude 5.5 (Pasadena). 34—16:45_-- Waves with maximum period of 25 seconds and double ampli— tude of 0.0022 foot (fig. 9M). End of chart 4. Cl4 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS AFRICA LIBYA A good record of the Alaska earthquake was made on a re- corder in Wadi Labdah near Homes, Libya (Fituri Deghaies, Libyan Ministry of Agriculture, written commun., Feb. 15, 1965). The well (3236—1417—B) is about 4 kilometers from the Mediter- ranean Sea, has a depth of 77 meters and a diameter of 8 inches. It yields 40 cubic meters per hour. The fluctuation had a double am— plitude of 0.24 feet, and the rise was equal to the decline. Three other wells at Bir a1 Ghanam, Wadi al Maganin, and Qasr Khiar recorded the quake, but no other details have been furnished (Hadi Ali Tarhuni, Libyan Min— istry of Agriculture, written com- mun., Dec. 25, 1964). REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA About 100 charts from obser- vation-well recorders in the Re‘ public of South Africa were examined, but only three showed a fluctuation caused by the Alaska earthquake (O. R. Van Eeden, Di rector, Geol. Survey, written com— mun., Sept. 8, 1965). Two of the wells are on Robben Island (lat 33°49’ S. and long 18°22’ E.). They penetrate Malmesbury Hornfels of Precambrian age and are 135 and 74 feet deep. The Alaska earthquake caused a fluc- tuation at about 04:00 G.c.t., March 28 of 0.23 foot in the shal— lower well and 0.20 foot in the deeper well. The third well, at Fauresmith (lat 29°45’ S. and long 25°20’ E.) , penetrates shale and sandstone of the Beaufort Series of the Karroo System (Permian-Triassic in age) and is 130 feet deep, and the depth to water is about 13 feet. The Alaska earthquake caused a fluc- tuation of 0.60 foot. SOUTH-WEST AFRICA The Alaska earthquake was reg- istered in an observation well at Windhoek (Dr. W. L. Van Wyk, Assistant Director, Geol. Survey of South—West Africa, written commun., Aug. 25, 1965). The re- corder chart, with a time scale of 12 mm per day and a gage—height ratio of 1:5, had a fluctuation of 0.50 foot at about 05:00 G.c.t. The well is 600 feet deep, in quartzite and mica schist. The water was struck in a fault zone, and the water level is 100 feet be- low land surface. UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC (EGYPT) The Alaska earthquake was re- corded in an artesian well in Kharga Oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt. The initial re- sponse was a fluctuation with a double amplitude of 0.079 meter (0.24 ft) followed about 1% hours later by a fluctuation of 0.030 meter (0.09 ft), and 5 hours after the initial response by a fluctua- tion of 0.007 meter (0.02 ft). (R. L. Cushman, U.S. AID—USGS engineer, written commun., J anu— ary 1966.) ASIA ISRAEL The Alaska earthquake was re- corded in eight observation wells, of which three were in the moun- tains and five in the coastal plain. of Israel (M. Jacobs, Director, Water Comm. Israel, written com- mun., May 19, 1965). The double amplitudes of fluctuations ranged from 0.003 to 0.075 meters (0.01— 0.25 ft). REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Hydroseisms from the Alaska earthquake were recorded in 17 of 25 instrumentally equipped wells on the Island of Luzon, Republic of the Philippines. The hydro- seisms ranged from 1 to 15 centi- meters (0.03—0.46 ft) in double amplitude. (A. B. Delena, Bu- reau of Public Works, written commun., April 13, 1966.) AUSTRALIA In the Northern Territory, two observation well recorders, 16 miles southeast of Darwin, were in oper— ation at the time of the Alaska earthquake and both registered hydroseisms (R. N. Eden, Director of Water Resources, written com- mun., Aug. 11, 1965). These two are 170 feet apart, are at lat 12°- 30’35” S. and long 131°04’50” E. Well M1, with a depth of 114 feet, had a fluctuation at about 04:00 G.c.t. of 0.10 foot. Well M2, with a depth of 227 feet, had fluctua- tions of 2.25 feet at 04:20 G.c.t., 0.98 foot at 06:00 G.c.t., and 0.08 foot at 07:20 G.c.t. A seismic seiche was recorded at gaging station 113A on the Vic— toria River at lat 16°22’ S. and long 131°06’ E. This station was the only one of a large number in operation in the Northern Terri- tory of Australia that registered any effect of the Alaska earth- quake. The seiche had a double amplitude of 0.033 foot and was recorded at 04:20 G.c.t. A recorder on the Tatangara Reservoir in New South Wales, at lat 35°47’53" S. and long 148°— 39’44” E., recorded a seiche at 04:20 G.c.t. on March 28, 1964, that also was caused by the Alaska earthquake. Twelve charts from water-level recorders of the Victoria State Electricity Commission were ex— amined closely for unusual move- ments on March 28, 1964, by G. Patterson, Engineer for Design and Construction (written com- mun., Oct. 19, 1965). On only one was there any discernible fluc- tuation. This gage on the Melicke Munjie River recorded a seismic seiche at about the time of the Alaska earthquake. EUROPE BELGIUM An extremely interesting and unusual hydroseism was recorded at Heibaart, Belgium (fig. 10). A large fluctuation preceded the maximum one, whereas all the hydroseisms recorded in the United States seemingly showed the maximum fluctuation at the start of the record. Another un— usual feature of this hydroseism is that the waves that went the long way around the world (W2, W3, . . .) were recorded dis— tinctly. A copy of the hydro— seismogram was received from A. Sterling, Director, Hydraulic Re- search Laboratory, Belgian Min- istry of Public Works, and is reproduced as figure 10. DENMARK The Alaska earthquake was re- corded in 7 of 14 observation wells in Denmark (Andersen, 1965, p. 40). The largest double ampli- tude was 0.12 meter (0.40 ft) in a well that is 66 meters deep, cased to 62 meters, and 10 inches in di— ameter. The well produces from HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA 1 E ’Tl‘PTTFl—T‘T T‘FT—{W’flmfil‘l—Fffilf l l l l l l l l l WATER-LEVEL 1 CHANGE, IN ‘ CENTIMETERS l 1 F0 i o 12 24 j i l l l l I i l4 1 l l i | l l l l i l l ‘ l l i 28 29 MARCH 1964 10.—Hydroseism of the Alaska earth- quake recorded at Heibaart, Belgium. Greenwich civil time. 015 limestone in which the casing is seated. The water level in the well at the time of the quake was 14 meters below land surface. UNITED KINGDOM The effect of the Alaska earth- quake was recorded on 34 wells in England (J. Ineson, Chief Geolo- gist, Water Dept, Geo]. Survey and Museum, written commun., Feb. 12, 1965). Of these, 25 are in Cretaceous chalk, 7 in Jurassic limestone, 1 in Permo-Triassic sandstone, and 1 in the Lower Greensand. The maximum fluc- tuation was 1.08 feet in the Lin- colnshire Limestone of Jurassic age. The maximum fluctuation in chalk wells was nearly as large, being 1.05 feet. These wells range in depth from 200 to 1,271 feet. CANADA ALBERTA Hydroseisms of the A l a s k a quake were recorded in 24 of 48 observation w e l l s in Alberta. Fluctuations ranged from greater than 5 feet to less than 0.02 foot. Three records showed a permanent change in water levels after the quake. One of these is interpreted by Gabert (1965) to result from stress induced in the aquifer by the quake and which was dissi— pated gradually with time. None of the records showed any of the aftershocks even though Alberta is closer to the epicenter than any other geographic area from which hydroseisms were reported. Thirty seismic sciches from sur— face-water gages in Alberta were reported (R. H. Clark, Secretary, Canadian Natl. Comm. Internat. Hydrologic Decade, written com- mun., Sept. 21, 1965). These ranged from 0.01 to 0.32 foot. BRITISH COLUMBIA Three observation wells in Brit- ish Columbia that penetrate uncon- solidated Pleistocene clay, till, and Cl6 sand failed to record any effect of the Alaska quake (E. Carl Hal- stead, Canada Geol. Survey, writ- ten commun., Oct. 30, 1964). The Alaska earthquake was reg- istered on many surface-water re- corders in operation in British Columbia. On most of these the quake was recorded as a small jog on the chart. A total of 13 seismic seiches ranging in size from 0.05 to 1.25 feet are reported from British Columbia by R. H. Clark (written commun., Sept. 21, 1965). In addi— tion, 10 others, of which 7 are illus- trated, are given by Wigen and )Vhite (1964b, p. 6, figs. 2, 4). A peculiarity in the distribution of the seiches was noted by H. T. Samsden (District Engineer, Can- ada Dept. of Natural Resource, written commun., Dec. 1, 1964). None of the recorders on Van- couver Island or in the Koanagan River and Lake system in British Columbia registered any effect of the earthquake. MANITOBA Wells in the Red River Valley near Winnipeg, Manitoba, showed fluctuations greater than 1 foot. These wells penetrate an artesian aquifer in the Red River Forma- tion of Ordovician age. The aqui— fer is in fractured carbonate rocks and is confined by till and glacial- lake clay (Scott and Render, 1965, p. 264). In a tabulation” of seiches in Can- ada (R. H. Clark, written com— mun., Sept. 21, 1965), seven are listed from surface—water gages in Manitoba. The largest. fluctuation, 0.39 foot, was at a gage on Nelson River; the smallest, 0.03 foot, was at a gage on Lake Manitoba. NORTHWEST TERRITORIES “7igen and White (1964b, p. 6) list a seiche of 0.30 foot at Cam— bridge Bay. R. H. Clark (written commun., Sept. 21, 1965) lists four ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 other seiches in the Northwest Ter— ritories: Talston River (0.15 ft), VVillowlake River (0.03 ft), Great Bear Lake (0.22 ft), and Lockhart River (0.08 ft). ONTARIO Three out of 20 instrumentally equipped wells of the Ontario Wa- ter Resources Commission re— corded hydroseisms of the Alaska earthquake (B. A. Singh, Division of Water Resources, written com- mun., Jan. 3, 1966). Near To- ronto, two wells in a gravel aquifer recorded hydroseisms with double amplitudes of 0.14 and 0.08 foot. The third, a well in a sand and gravel aquifer in the County of Perth, recorded a double amplitude of 0.08 foot. A well record in the Ottawa area also showed the Alaska earth— quake. This well, which pene- trates an unconfined aquifer, showed an initial increase of 0.20 foot in water level followed by a decline of 1.1 feet and a recovery to the original level after several days (Scott and Render, 1965, p. 267). Four small seismic seiches at stream gages in Ontario are re- ported by R. H. Clark (written commun., Sept. 21, 1965): Gull River ( 0.03 ft), Skootamata River (0.04 ft), Mississagi River (0.07 ft), and French River (0.03 ft). SASKATCHEWAN R. H. Clark (written commun., Sept. 21, 1965) reported five seis- mic seiches from surface-water gages in Saskatchewan: Buffalo Pound (0.06 ft), Fond-du~Lac River (0.07 ft), Weyburn Reser- voir (0.05 ft), Deloraine Reservoir (0.45 ft), and Long Creek (0.32 ft). A farmer in Saskatchewan re- ports that on the day following the Alaska earthquake his well water had a distinctive purple color. Believing that the ejector was re- sponsible for the discoloration, he opened the well and pulled the casing to check on the ejector. The farm well is 6 inches in diam- eter, 111 feet deep, and had the ejector set at 90 feet. The static level normally was 44 feet but when the well was opened the level was at 69 feet, about 25 feet lower than normal. Prior to the Alaska quake, the purple colora- tion had never appeared. When sampled on April 24, 1964, the well water still had a purple color. The purple color faded gradually and by midsummer had disap— peared. (W. Nemanishen, Sas- katchewan Dept. of Agriculture, written commun., June 4, 1965). UNITED STATES Hydroseismic effects were re- ported virtually throughout the United States, although New Eng- land and the States east of the Ap- palachians did not register many hydroseisms. New Jersey, how- ever, reported 40 hydroseisms in wells but only 1 from surface- water gages. Vermont reported none from a well but two from gages. Hydroseisms were most numerous and of largest size in the southeastern States, the ones, sur- prisingly, that are most distant from the epicenter. Hydroseisms in the Unite d States are listed by State in table 3, and are broken down into ground—water observation wells and surface-water gages. Listed also are the maximum well and gage fluctuations recorded in each State. Data on individual hydroseisms in wells caused by the Alaska earthquake are given in table 7 (p. C39). ALABAMA Hydroseisms from the Alaska earthquake were recorded in 20 ob- servation wells scattered through- HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA TABLE 3.—N umber and maximum hydroseisms recorded in the U m'ted States from the Alaska earthquake of M arch 27, 1.964 Observation wells Surface-water gages N umber Maximum Number Maximum recorded double recorded double amplitude amplitude (feet) “9%) Alabama _______________ 20 > 10 27 0. 22 Alaska _________________ 3 >24(?) 32 1. 53 Arizona ________________ 12 1. 1 9 . 35 Arkansas _______________ 5 3. 3 41 1. 45 California ______________ 42 2. 4 27 . 42 Colorado _______________ 1 . 3 14 . 30 Connecticut ____________ 0 __________ 0 __________ Delaware ______________ No report __________ No report __________ Florida ________________ 92 17 93 . 66 Georgia ________________ 24 > 10 26 . 22 Hawaii ________________ 18 4. 6 5 . 17 Idaho __________________ 24 >5 5 . 56 Illinois _________________ 21 > 10 8 . 10 Indiana ________________ 22 8. 2 16 . 39 Iowa __________________ 13 4. 7 3 . 02 Kansas ________________ 1 . 4 12 . 34 Kentucky ______________ 20 1. 8 4 . 57 Louisiana ______________ 37 >5 69 . 68 Maine _________________ 1 . 2 0 .......... Maryland ______________ 4 . 3 3 04 Massachusetts __________ 1 . 6 0 __________ Michigan ______________ 48 >5 16 1. 83 Minnesota _____________ 15 4. 4 1 . 03 Mississippi _____________ 11 2. 3 22 . 90 Missouri _______________ 31 >10 18 . 87 Montana _______________ 3 2. 9 16 . 10 Nebraska ______________ 9 4. 1 14 . 18 Nevada ________________ 5 1. 7 0 __________ New Hampshire ________ O __________ 1 Trace New Jersey ____________ 40 4. 4 1(?) . 08(?) New Mexico ____________ 12 >5 27 . 26 New York _____________ 9 2. 1 4 Trace North Carolina _________ 3 l. 8 1 . 05 North Dakota __________ 3 1. 9 3 . 06 Ohio __________________ 32 5. 8 25 . 25 Oklahoma ______________ 6 >1 37 . 44 Oregon ________________ 1 . 055 8 . 14 Pennsylvania ___________ 19 2. 2 2 05 Puerto Rico ____________ 4 3. 4 0 __________ Rhode Island ___________ 0 __________ 0 __________ South Carolina _________ 8 9. 0 8 . 12 South Dakota __________ 4 23 6 . 14 Tennessee ______________ 21 3. 9 32 . 42 Texas _________________ 28 >5. 8 70 . 67 Utah __________________ l4 3. 1 8 . 06 Vermont _______________ 0 __________ 2 23 Virgin Islands __________ 1 . 05 0 __________ Virginia___- _____________ 1 1. 6 0 __________ Washington ____________ 7 3. 9 21 1. 04 West Virginia______,____ 1 .3 0 » __________ Wisconsin ______________ 17 3. 5 6 . 02 Wyoming ______________ 2 2. O 12 . 08 Total ____________ 716 __________ 755 __________ out the Valley and Ridge, Pied- mont, and Coastal Plain provinces of the State. A water—level fluc- tuation of more than 10 feet in one well in Jefferson County (Jef—l) that is equipped with 1: 10 gage- scale gears was indicated by the fact that the drum made more than one rotation. Drums in three other wells equipped with 1: 2 and 1 : 1 gears also made complete rotations. In a well in Lawrence County (Law—2), the water mo- tion was so severe that it caused 017 the beaded cable to jump off the grooved pulley of the drum. Seismic seiehes were recorded at 25 gaging stations on rivers in Alabama. The maximum double amplitude of 0.22 foot was re- corded at Buttahatchee River be- low Hamilton, Ala. A double amplitude of 0.18 foot was re- corded at two gaging stations, one on the Tennessee River at Triana, the other on Locust Fork at Sayre. ALASKA For hydrologic effects in Alaska, see Waller (1966a, b). ARIZONA Water levels in wells in several areas in Arizona fluctuated as a result of the Alaska earthquake. The water level in a well in Avra Valley near Tucson, on the fringe of a highly developed agricultural area where large amounts of ground water are withdrawn for irrigation, fluctuated a b o u t 8 inches, and lesser fluctuations con- tinued for several hours after the initial shock. The water level in another well near Phoenix fluctu- ated about 6 inches as a result of the earthquake. Other measur~ able changes in water level oc- curred near Bowie where ground water is under artesian pressure. Hydroseisms were recorded in 10 wells in the Colorado River valley. The largest hydroseisms were in two of these wells; fluctuations ex- ceeded 1 foot, but only one well recorded any aftershocks. The largest seiche in the State was recorded at Coolidge Dam on the San Carlos Reservoir. The maximum double amplitude was 0.35 foot, and fluctuations con- tinued for nearly 2 hours. Seiches were recorded at five other gages, a minor drop in stage was recorded for the earthquake at two other gages, and a slight trace was re- corded at another. 018 ARKANSAS The hydroseisms reported from five wells in Arkansas were all rather large: Two that rotated the recorder drum showed movement in excess of 1 foot; the other three ranged from 1.49 to 3.30 feet in double amplitude. Even though the hydroseisms are large, none of the wells recorded any after- shocks. Nearly all the 41 hydroseisms from surface gages in Arkansas were recorded as seiches. The largest was 1.45 feet on Lake Oua- chita near Hot Springs (fig. 2A). The record from Piney Creek near Dover seems to show a second seiche recorded an hour later than ' the main shock. The amplitudes were 0.24 foot for the first seiche and 0.03 foot for the second. The gage on South Fork of Ouachita River near Mount Ida recorded a seiche of 0.11 foot followed by a drop in stage of 0.015 foot. At Six Mile Creek subwatershed near Chismville, the earthquake was re- corded as a brief 0.03-foot decline in stage. CALIFORNIA The hydroseisms recorded in California were rather uniformly small. The maximum reported was 2.39 feet, and only 3 wells out of 42 had movement greater than 1 foot; however, some of the rec- ords are unusual. Two adjacent piezometers, 7E2 and 7E4, in T. 6 S., R. 10 W., Orange County, re- corded hydroseisms, one from an aquifer (fig. 11A) at 90—120 feet, the other from an aquifer (fig. 11B) at 300-330 feet. The con- trast between these two records is interesting because the upper aquifer registered a rise of only 0.03 foot but a fall of 0.17 foot. In the lower aquifer the relative movement was the reverse—~a rise of 0.11 foot and a fall of 0.06 foot. ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 5.0 A 4.5 4.0 23 3.5 Lu LL 2 3.0 r LLI & 5 a? 2. W Lu E .o B 1.5, 1964 11.—Two dissimilar hydroseisms re— corded from two aquifers tapped by adjacent piezometers in Orange County, Calif. 12.—Two similar hydroseisms recorded from two aquifers tapped by adjacent piezometers in Orange County, Calif. In two other similarly adjacent piezometers, 1Q,4 and 1Q6, in T. 6 S., R. 11 W., the hydroseisms re- corded almost identically in both the upper aquifer (fig. 12A) at 70—170 feet and the lower one (fig. 12B) at 300—360 feet. These two wells are the only ones known to the author in which hydroseisms from the same quake have been re- corded for two different aquifers. The second deepest well known from which a hydroseism has been recorded is in Fresno County (well 19S/17E—35N1). It is 2,030 feet deep (measured depth, 1,955 ft), and the casing is perforated from 608 feet to bottom. In California, 27 hydroseisms were recorded at gaging stations. On the chart from Lower Twin Lake near Bridgeport, the seiche was recorded during a 4-hour pe- riod. The gage at Lake Success near Success, Calif, registered a 0.02—foot rise over about a 10—min- ute period at the time when the quake was recorded at the other gages in the State. The gage on LaFayette Reser- voir east of Berkeley showed fluc- tuations above the normal water level but none below. The earth- quake—induced, water-level move- ment continued for possibly as long as 4 hours, but the maximum rise was only 0.02 foot. The Yuba River at Englebright Dam re— corded a seiche that seemingly lasted about 8 hours. The gage at Merced River diversion showed a 0.01-foot permanent drop in water level at the time of the earthquake. The largest seiche, of 0.42 foot, was recorded on the gage at Chabot Reservoir, and fluctuations died down in about 3 hours. COLORADO Three recorders were in opera- tion in Colorado wells, but only one recorded a hydroseism. It is on the flood plain of the Arkansas River in southeastern Colorado. The distribution of hydroseisms at Colorado gaging stations was unusual. Fourteen were recorded on the western slope of Colorado, but not one was recorded in the en- tire eastern half of the State. About 40 stations were out of oper- ation due to ice conditions at the time of the quake. No doubt some of these stations would have re- corded the earthquake if they had been operating. The largest seiche of 0.30 foot recorded at “rhite River near Meeker was unusual; for so large a fluctuation, there was no coda portion. The water level returned instantaneously to nor- mal level. CONNECTICUT Neither wells nor stream gages in Connecticut recorded the earth- quake. DELAWARE No report received from Dela— ware. FLORIDA The Alaska earthquake gave Florida two distinctions. Even though it is the State farthest from the epicenter, more wells and more streams in Florida recorded the earthquake than in any other State. It furnished 92 well records compared with 48 from Michigan, which had the second largest num- ber. Likewise, the fluctuation of 17 feet in a well (Taylor 35) at Perry, Fla, is the second largest recorded fluctuation for any well outside Alaska and is the largest reported fluctuation in an open— hole well. The earthquake evi-_ dently caused violent water move— ment in some wells, especially in the Tampa area, for there one recorded pen was dislodged, and at six wells the beaded cable was thrown ofl" the recorder pulley. Of the 92 wells in which the earth— quake was recorded, 49 had fluctu- ations with a double amplitude greater than 1 foot. Aftershocks HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA were recorded in only one well, that at Perry, Fla. A few wells in Florida were re- sidually affected by the earth— quake. A well in Clay County on the crest of a water-table high re- corded a “normal” hydroseism of large size, but immediately after— ward the water level began a slow decline (fig. 13). This decline continued for several weeks until. the water level finally stabilized about 4 feet below the preearth- quake level. This prolonged de- cline may indicate that the earth- quake caused water-table highs to be lowered slightly by somehow facilitating drainage. Water lev- els in other wells seemed to show a change in trend coincident in time with the earthquake. A well in Hardee County (731—145—1) showed a sudden drop of 0.4 foot coincident with the initial phase of the earthquake, and a “coda” portion then registered at the lower level. From the chart it would appear that the drop in level must have some physical significance. Practically every surface-water gage in Florida recorded the Alaska earthquake. The records were so numerous that copies of only the 93 best records were sub- mitted. The maximum hydro— seism at a gage was 0.66 foot. The gages on some tidal streams and canals of coastal Florida are equipped to record both stage and deflections of velocity vanes. From the record of the deflections, the changes in velocity and in di— rection of flow can be calculated. Two examples of such records are shown in figure 14, The records of these gages promise some inter- esting interpretations if studied further. GEORGIA The hydroseism recorded in a Piedmont well at the Georgia Nuclear Laboratory, Dawson C19 County, enabled the author to score a scientific “first.” Upon examining the recorder chart on the day after the earthquake he realized from study of previous hydroseisms from this well that the earthquake was of great mag- nitude. He telephoned his find- ings to the Atlanta Journal-Con- stitution, and the Sunday paper reported that the quake was greater than an 8.3 magnitude and “may be bigger than any quake yet recorded instrumentally.” This is the first and only instance known where a hydroseism has provided an estimate of earthquake magni- tude as quickly as one furnished by seismologists. Of the 24 hydroseisms recorded in Georgia wells, 20 were larger than 1 foot. Seismic seiches were also recorded at 26 gaging stations scattered throughout the Valley and Ridge, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain Provinces (fig. 15). Most of these stations are on fairly deeply entrenched streams. The maximum double amplitude was 0.18 foot. No seiches were recorded or re— ported from Brunswick or Savan— nah on the Atlantic coast. This absence was unexpected because seiches were so large and numerous on the gulf coast. At Brunswick, the water levels began to rise in all the wells imme- diately after the quake, and a slow steady rise continued for about 15 days. The measured rise was 3.3 feet in well E—143, 2.9 feet in well J—35, 3.0 feet in well J—36, and 2.6 feet in well J—67. The water level in well J—67 continued to rise after the others leveled off. Residents of the area reported that after the earthquake their wells yielded wa- ter containing black sooty mate- rial. The earthquake seemingly produced a surge so violent that it loosened black iron sulfide that had gradually coated well casings, 020 55 56 57 58 WATER LEVEL, IN FEET 59 60 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 i /A|aska earthquake M x’\ 27 28 29 3O 31 1 MARCH 1964 APRIL 1964 13.~Part of a 4-foot decline caused by the Alaska earthquake in water level in a well in Clay County, Fla. Eastern standard time. fif l HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA Noon — Stage Deflection 0) Lu I 0 E6 2 —_ A Lu 0 < l— (I) .J <(O z <( o Deflection — Noon decrease in velocuty 0.04 ft per sec { Noon — 0.10 ft per sec change in velocity 0.15 ft per sec change in velocity — Noon 27 28 MARCH 1964 14.—«Alaska earthquake shown on stage and deflection records. A, Biscayne canal near Miami, Fla. B, Snake Creek Canal at North Miami Beach, Fla. Eastern standard time. C21 022 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 _ EXPLANATION 1770 ‘ A Sites where seismic seiches were recorded A 1820 A Sites where no fluctuations of river stage were detected 0/5 Magnitude of recorded fluctua- ‘QE’ tion caused by Alaska earth- 2175 A 9% quake is shown in feet ‘ 1920 94 1770 Gaging station identification 2185 number 2195 22055 @f: 1975 Aug-115mg G a, 2230 ‘ 1976 ‘ 1930 Macon O 05 2233 '— 003 ‘ 2130 6'e C‘ on 499 Columbus 0 %@ 0.09 2030 0.09 33 2255 "(3 s as ‘72 2155 [93% 2260 ‘ 9 2270 0.03 A 09 2261 22; 6; Satilla 8W“ 0 Waycross 15,—Map of Georgia showing locations of gaging stations and size of seiches recorded from the Alaska earthquake. 'C- . a. pipes, and iron fixtures of water systems. Others reported that for- mer flowing wells began again to flow. Most of these were old wells that had been drilled to a water- bearing unit of sand and calcareous sand that lies above the principal artesian aquifer. These old wells are from 450 to 500 feet deep and obtain water from sand at depths of 350—450 feet. The rise in ground-water level due to the earthquake was seem- ingly a permanent change in the Brunswick area. When piezo- metric maps for the end of 1962 and 1964 were drawn and com- pared, the seismic boost in water level made the two maps look simi- lar despite increased consumption that normally would have caused a decline in regional water levels. The spring flow used as a public supply at Cave Spring and water from the city sup-ply wells at Cedartown became turbid at the time of the earthquake and re- mained so for several days. The earthquake coincided with ex- tremely heavy rainfall, so it is not certain whether one or the other or both were the cause of this tem- porary deterioration in water quality. HAWAII Sixteen hydroseisms reported from wells in Hawaii had recorded double amplitudes ranging from 0.05 to 1.85 feet. A comparison of seven of these with the tidal effi- ciencies of the wells suggests that tidal efficiency of a well has no re- lation to the amplitude of a hydro- seism. The largest fluctuation in Ha- waii was not recorded in a well but in a horizontal tunnel 1,614 feet long. The tunnel, driven into a mountain for water, has the inner— most 24 feet shut off by a 10-foot bulkhead that holds water at 160— 180 feet of pressure. At the time of the Alaska earthquake the wa- ter was discharging and pressure 229—356 0—66——4 HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA was only 126 feet, or 55 p.s.i. (pounds per square inch). It was this pressure that fluctuated 4.60 feet owing to the earthquake. Five seiches were recorded at gages on the Islands of Kauai and of Hawaii, the largest having a double amplitude of 0.17 foot. The others were all small and hardly noticeable on the charts. No seiches were recorded at gaging stations on the Islands of Oahu, Maui, or Molokai. IDAHO A total of 24 hydroseisms was ‘ reported from Idaho. The most outstanding is from a well in Latah County where the double ampli- ture was more than 5 feet and where nine aftershocks were reg— istered. No other well in the State is known to have recorded more than one of the aftershocks. The largest seiche reported from Idaho was recorded in a pond in Butte County (fig. 3). The depth of water in the pond at the time was 14.10 feet. The maximum double amplitude was 0.56 foot, and the fluctuations continued for about 2 hours and diminished slowly to a static level. The pond bottom is in alluvial sand and gravel of Big Lost River. Only four other seiches were reported from gages in Idaho. These were 0.04 foot or less in size and were all in the Idaho Falls area. The earthquake worsened the pumping problem at the Clayton Silver Mines in Custer County, Idaho. After the earthquake the flow of water in the mine increased from 750 to 1,150 gallons per minute. ILLINOIS A total of 28 hydroseisms was reported from I l l in oi s wells. Only two aftershocks were re- corded, and both were registered in well DuPage ANL—lO. Seismic seiches were recorded in Illinois at two lake stations: Wolf 023 Lake at Chicago and Money Creek at Lake Bloomington. These seiches were both recorded at 10 :00 p.m. c.s.t. on March 27, 1964, and had a double amplitude of 0.08 foot at the former and 0.05 foot at the latter. The Illinois Water Sur- vey reports that two river gages, one on the West Branch, the other on the East Branch of DuPage River, recorded seiches from the Alaska earthquake. The fluctua- tions were 0.04 foot and 0.03 foot, respectively. A well in Cook County (37N 14E—22.1b), which taps a Cambro- Ordovician sandstone and has a depth of 1,648 feet, reportedly pumped sand following the quake. Two wells in Union County re- portedly yielded muddy water af- ter the quake. INDIANA Twenty-one hydroseisms having double amplitudes ranging from 0.08 to 8.25 feet were reported from Indiana wells. Well Marion Ma— 32 was exceptional in that it re- corded 12 aftershocks, one of the most complete records in any well in the United States. This well is equipped with a recorder oper- ating with 1: 1 vertical gears, so the Alaska earthquake itself was shown only as greater than 1 foot, but oscillations of this amount or more continued throughout at least a 2-hour period. Seismic seiches were recorded at 16 stations in Indiana. Of these, the maximum fluctuation was 0.39 foot at an auxiliary gage on the White River near Nora where fluctuations were recorded over a period of 55 minutes. Four of the seiches were on lakes and one was on a reservoir. IOWA—ALASKA EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS ON GROUND WATER By R. W. COBLE The Alaska earthquake caused the water levels to fluctuate in many wells in Iowa. The earth— quake occurred at 9 :36 p.m. c.s.t., C24 and the L wave arrived in Iowa about 9 :50 pm. The L wave was calculated to have arrived at Loras College Seismograph Station, Du— buque, Iowa, at 9 :52 p.m., c.s.t., or 03:52 G.c.t. (Dr. William Stauder, St. Louis Univ., written commun., Feb. 26, 1965). The timing mech- anisms on the water-level recorders on wells in Iowa are not precise enough to determine the exact minute that the earthquake af- fected the aquifers in the State, but there were many indications that something happened just be- fore 10 pm. Aquifers in Iowa responded to the earthquake waves as shown by (1) the seismic fluctuations on some recorder charts; (2) turbid water in some wells and springs, probably caused by the disturbance and movement of silt, clay, and colloidal particles within the aqui- fers; and (3) in some wells a per— manent change, either 'a rise or fall, of the water level. These ef- fects are summarized in figure 16 and in table 4. At Redfield Dome, the water levels in several different aquifers showed various types and amounts of seismic fluctuations as is shown in figure 17. In this same area, two of the four observation wells drilled to the St. Peter Sandstone of Ordovician age showed a seismic fluctuation; the other two showed no effect. Why some wells are af- fected and others are not is yet to be determined. The best record of a seismic fluc- tuation is shown on a recorder chart from an observation well in the Franconia Sandstone of Cam— brian 'age at Vincent Dome (fig. 18). A seismic fluctuation of 0.23 foot occurred just before 10 pm. A series of smaller fluctuations were recorded after the main one. Many of these can be matched with some aftershocks; however, many aftershocks were not recorded. ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 A A. A Scarville Rock Rapids Milford Buffalo A Lake Mills D Sioux Center Center Clayton Clairon Elkader I Humbol t I ‘ I Hampton A ‘ Sioux City Fort I. AldeR-l Ackley Dubuque D . Dodge Vincent Iowa Falls A. Dome Lohrville I Whittier .Ames .Laurel .Cedar Cl' . Rapids lnton‘ Redfleld O Dome .‘ ADes Moines ‘Norwalk C ' alro St Charles . .Melcher Dome . AStanton B 1' ur mgton‘ 0 40 80 MILES I 16.——Location of reporth ground-water disturbances in Iowa caused by the Alaska earthquake. 0, seismic fluctuation; A, permanent change; I, turbid water. TABLE 4,—Summary of ground-water disturbances in Iowa caused by the Alaska earthquake Aquifer Efiect Locality Seismic Water-level change System Lithology fluctua- Turbid lasting more than tion water 1 week (rt) Ackley ............ X . Lowered. Ames _____________ Quaternary ..... Sand and gravel. 0. 15 ________ Buffalo Center._.. ______________________________________________ )< Burlington ________ Mississippian Carbonate. _ . ... __________________ Lowered 2 it. and Devonian. Sandstone _________________ Lowered 1.81t. Cairo Dome 1 _____ Carbonate. _ Cedar Rapids ..... Clarion... _________________ Raised. Clayton .................. Des Moines ....... Elkader ........... Fort Dodge.. . . ..- Hampton......-_. Humboldt ........ Iowa Falls ........ Lake Mills ........ Laurel ............ Lohrville. _ Melcher Milford. Norwalk Redfield Dome 4... Rock Rapids ...... St. Charles ........ Scarville .......... Sioux City.. Stanton ........... Vincent Dome ‘... Whittier .......... Cambrian and Ordovician. Mississippian. . . ..... do_____...... Quarternary Cretaceous ...... Mississippian _ . . Quaternary ..... Cretaceous ______ Cambrian. Silurian. . _ . Sand and gravel. .......... Sandstone ....... 2 Sandstone. . Carbonate. Raised 15 ft.3 _ Raised 18 ft.3 Raised 40—50 ft.3 Several reported lowered. Sev- eral reported raised. Lowered 10 it.3 Lowered . . Raised. _ Lowered 1 ft. - Do. _ Raised 8 ft.3 : Lowered 5 or 6 it. _ Raised 5 ft.3 Lowered 30 It in 2 days. Raised 40 ft after 7 days. 1 Data from Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America. 2 Pumping rate fluctuated. 3 Known to have lasted more than 7 months. 4 Data from Northern Natural Gas Co. HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA 025 153 206 154 \_\ 208 155 210 156 W 212 157 \ 214 \ ,_ 158 216 E E Walker 2 well Hummell 3 well “- Lu So-called Elgin Limestone Galena Dolomite Z LL l l —. 159 218 0:” E a of < E 3 < o 3 194 216 ._ O I 195 218 u E 10 p.m. \ 10 p.m. D D I | 196 220 197 \ 222 198 \I‘ \ 224 199 226 Book 1 well Garrett 1 well St. Peter Sandstone Mount Simon Sandstone 200 228 201 23 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 0 MARCH 1964 MARCH 1964 17.—Water-level fluctuations at Redfield Dome, Iowa. The seismic fluctuation was so rapid in observation wells drilled to the Dakota Sandstone of Creta- ceous age at Sioux City and the Ordovician dolomite at Cairo l | l l I I l l WATER—LEVEL CHANGE, IN FEET l — Earthquake l l | | | l l l 26 27 28 29 MARCH 1964 18.—Seismic fluctuations in the Peter- .son 1 well at Vincent Dome, Iowa. Cen- tral standard time. Dome that the recorder pens be- came disengaged from the float- pulley mechanisms. At Sioux City, the water-plant operator could feel air moving in and out of the well casing as the water level fell and rose. He noted that this “sucking and blowing” of air, which gradually increased in in- tensity and then slowly dimin- ished, lasted from 5 to 10 minutes. Several wells produced turbid water after the earthquake. The water generally became clear after a few hours or a few days of nor- mal pumping. Similarly, water from several springs, the water supply for Humboldt, also became turbid. These springs, on the bank of the West Fork of the Des Moines River, flow from limestone Central standard time. of Mississippian age. This water had always contained less than 5 ppm (parts per million) of sus— pended matter. On the morning of March 28, the turbidity ranged from 70 to 80 ppm. Nearby, water from several small springs that discharge through the river bed was observed to be red, brown, or blackish brown. The turbidity di- minished on March 30, but in- creased again after a few rainy days during the first part of April. It did not completely disappear for another 2% weeks. In several localities the ground— water levels seem to have been per— manently changed. At Sioux City, the water level in an observation well, tapping the Dakota Sand- stone, rose 6 feet and remained 026 high for at least the rest of the year (fig. 19). At Rock Rapids, 75 miles north of Sioux City, the water level in another well drilled to the Dakota Sandstone rose 8 feet. A third well, bottoming in the same aquifer at Sioux Center, which is almost midway between Sioux City and Rock Rapids, showed no seismic fluctuation or permanent change whatsoever. Limestone of Mississippian age yields water to the municipal well at Lohrville. The nonpumping water level had been 97—98 feet below the land surface for more than 1 year before the earthquake (fig. 20). On March 28, the water level had dropped 3 feet, and after 11/2 months the total drop was 10 feet below the original level. This diminished level persisted through the rest of the year. The water level in a well in the Jordan (Cambrian) and St. Peter (Ordovician) Sandstones at the Ford Motor Co. plant in Des Moines rose 18 feet (from 101 to 83 ft) after the earthquake. The level was still high in June 1965. The town of Elkader has several wells that produce water from the Jordan-St. Peter interval. Shock waves from the Alaska earthquake affected all of them in the same manner—the water level rose 40— 50 feet and has remained high (fig. 21). In the city of Clinton, adequate records are available for two of the wells which produce water from the Cambrian and Or- dovician interval (Mount Simon Sandstone and several overlying sandstone formations through the Prairie du Chien Group). Im- mediately following the initial shock, the water level rose more than 20 feet in city well 7 (fig. 21). Seismic fluctuation was inferred in city wells 3 and 7 in that the pumping-rate recorders show a total fluctuation. of more than 1 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 I i l | i i | l | | | | 1 i 1 | l i | i | i | | i | | i | i | l l 15 _ Sioux City I I [\A i: 1.. ,. ' - \I """ __ _ f ‘ '\‘-\. \[V _ _ I f _ 20 —— . . -— : /_-\..:"'~ /\ : _. ////\\ ___,/. l _ 25 —/\ / \ — " / \/ _ ~ \ \ , ._ _ \/ / .\/\ / _ Lu . E — \ Z -_ 30 — n: Lu i- < 3 269 — Sioux Center — ,9 270 —<,/'\/._._._,/-—-\ _____ /.\, ............. ~ ............. /.§,_._,_._ _ — I 271— \./_ E 272 — — Lu D 100 — Rock Rapids /-\ _ _ .\_ 105 b— '— : \'\~—- -...\___ : 110 T l l i i | i i | I i i l i l | I | i I i | i l i i | | i i i i | | | | i— 1962 1963 1964 19.——Water levels in the Dakota Sandstone in northwest Iowa. percent just at 9:55 pm. est. (03:55 G.c.t.). A permanent change in water levels implies a change in the physical properties of the aqui- fers. A logical assumption is that the porosity and thickness of the aquifers have decreased where the water levels rose and increased where they fell. This change need not be large, even where the level increased as much as 50 feet as at Elkader. Such a change would require only a change of 22 psi in the hydrostatic pressure in the aquifer. Considering only the Jordan Sandstone, which is 100 feet thick near Elkader, and as— suming that it has a porosity of 15 percent, the compression of the gorjiiiillili iiilililllifi ,_ m LIJ LL 2 95— —~ _ Alaska earthquake m' \\\\—/—_ Lu 9— ; 100 * Lohrville 3 well — O Mississippian limestone ,_ I —_ __ F105 0. Lu 0 “oiiiihiillli IiiiJilllllfl JFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASOND 1963 1964 20.——Water levels in the city well at Lohrville, Iowa. HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA 0 ‘ w v T T l l0 1 l L-/’ Elkader 3 well \ ,- 20 ‘ Prairie du Chien Group I ,_ and Jordan Sandstone Lu E 30 ' \\.\\ /Effect of Alaska Z ~\\\ \ earthquake _ 40 P _ \‘l- E; l I \\‘>\\ * _, i_ ,k, l '\ _ g so.L e t 7 i o 130 ~ mi 7 7 W ae l l l— l 1 j E 140 Clinton 7 well ; ._. l E i E Prairie du Chien Group l [V \ ‘ o 150 through Mount Simon —74Li*4~ ~~ ,_ . *7» ~7~ Sandstone. Wel|3 . \x . I. . ‘x'l‘. 160 [ being pumped /\\ I. ,4“; l ,. \_j' 170 #P'i ’t W T" ‘ \ . / \l i 180 K a; . " , L ,, ,,,,, i l i l 1962 1963 1964 1965 21.—Water levels in wells at Elkader and Clinton, Iowa. water would have to be only about 1.5 X 10'5 feet to raise the pressure 20 psi. This amount of compres- sion would decrease the thickness of the aquifer from 100.000000 feet to 99.999985 feet and the porosity from 15.000000 percent to 14.999985 percent. These compu- tations take into account only the compression of the water. If the sandstone itself were compressed, as it probably would be, the thick— ness of the aquifer would be de- creased somewhat more than 1.5 X 10—5 feet. This decrease in poros- ity is extremely small and can be considered insignificant with re- spect to the productivity of the aquifers. The earthquake was recorded at two surface-water gages in Iowa. Shell Rock River at Northwood declined 0.02 foot in stage between 03:00 and 04:00 G.c.t. on March 28. The stage was steady then un— til 05:30 G.c.t. and rose 0.01 foot by 06: 00 G.c.t. (midnight). A seiche of 0.02 foot was recorded on Lake Ahquabi. KANSAS In Kansas, in only 1 out of 12 ob- servation wells is a hydroseism from the Alaska earthquake known to have been recorded, and it had a double amplitude of 0.37 foot. Only 7 surface—water re- corders out of 150 or so in opera- tion gave noticeable evidence of the Alaska earthquake. Gaging stations close to those that were affected went through the period without recording the slightest change. Three gages that re- sponded noticeably to the earth- quake each showed (fig. 6) a sud- den drop in stage with complete recovery in 15—30 minutes. There was no rise above normal level at any of the three stations. These three hydroseisms were recorded at stations equipped with bubbler gages, so the response probably re- flects instrumental failure to re- cord rapid fluctuations. Thus, some interesting-looking records of the earthquake may be worth- less as far as indicating true water-level response to the seismic waves. KENTUCKY Twenty hydroseisms were re- corded in a total of 60 observation wells in Kentucky, but only one well had a fluctuation greater than 1 foot. This well is at Mammoth Cave National Park. Four seismic seiches were re- corded by gages. The largest, 0.57 C27 foot, was recorded on Buckhorn Reservoir at Buckhorn. The next largest, 0.40 foot, was recorded on Nolin River Reservoir near Kyrock. The Louisville Courier-Journal (Mar. 31, 1964) carried an article describing the effect of seismic seiches on two other Kentucky lakes: Witnesses said water about 4 miles from Dix Dam at Lake Herrington slopped around like it does in a dish— pan, but people at either end of the lake reported nothing unusual. The superintendent of Lake Cumber- land State Park confirmed * * * re— ports by fishermen of a series of myste- rious waves that swept across Lake Cumberland at about the time of the Alaska quake. Superintendent John Flanagan said the waves were a foot to 18 inches high. and snapped two cables on the Jamestown boat dock. Other reports told of the lake falling and rising from 3 to 4 feet several times. The boat-dock operator called up and said the lake was acting funny—calm in the middle but whirling in circles near the shore. LOUISIANA A total of 37 hydroseisms was reported from Louisiana wells with double amplitudes ranging from 0.04 foot to greater than 5 feet. One record (EB—90) is from a well 2,120 feet deep cased to 2,025 feet; this is the deepest well in the Nation from which a hydro— seism was reported. Eight identi- fiable aftershocks were recorded in 1 well (SJB—17). In no other well in the State are aftershocks known to have been recorded. Seismic seiches along the gulf coast and in the bayous were large enough to cause destruction. The New Orleans States-Item (Mar. 28, 1964) reported: Boats were sunk and some roads in communities close to the Gulf of Mexico were flooded by a wave that rolled in, then subsided. Other boats were torn from their moorings. At Golden Mead- ow on Bayou Lafourche a big oyster ves- sel was thrown against a store building on the bayou. For a brief instant a C28 foot and a half of water covered roads on both sides of the bayou at Golden Meadow and neighboring Galiano. Grand Isle, located right on the Gulf, apparently didn’t get a ripple from the strange wave action. At Delacroix Island, where several boats were washed from their moorings, one man crawled along his deck to land on hands and knees to keep from getting washed away by the tide. Between midnight and 01 :00 est. on March 28, 1964, in the midst of a TV bulletin giving the first news of the Alaska earthquake, a special bulletin announced that a tidal wave had struck the Louisiana coast, sunk small boats in Chef Menteur pass, and is now enter- ing Lake Pontchartrain. A large barge-mounted drilling rig on location in Lake Ponchar— train at lat 30°09.6’ N. and long 89°56.8’ W. experienced a seismic wave also. The barge was lifted approximately 2 feet as tanks were being flooded to sink it to the bot- tom. Only one wave was noted. Tugs in the Industrial Canal, which with the Gulf Seaway con- nects Lakes Pontchartrain and Borgne, reported they experienced momentary tides of 6 feet or more (Rex Meyer, written commun., June 12, 1964). Almost all the gages throughout Louisiana recorded seismic seiches from the Alaska earthquake. The largest was 0.90 foot in double am— plitude. Many others were of large size, but none showed a coda portion lasting more than an hour. MAINE One hydroseism of 0.19 foot was recorded in a well at Brunswick, Maine. This is one of the few hydroseisms recorded in the New England States. No surface-wa- ter gages in the State showed any eflect of the quake. MARYLAND The earthquake was recorded in four wells in Maryland. Al- though the four all bottom in sand aquifers, the response of one was markedly different from the other ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 three which showed normal hydro- seisms. In the fourth well (Dor— Cd 40) the water-level dropped 0.20 feet during a 25—minute pe- riod, but this drop is coincident with a decline due to earth tide, and it is impossible to separate visually the effect of each. The earthquake was also re- corded at three gages on streams, but the maximum fluctuation was only 0.04 foot. MASSACHUSETTS The earthquake was recorded in one well in western Massachusetts. The well, which penetrates Stock- bridge Limestone, registered a fluctuation of 0.62 foot. MICHIGAN The State of Michigan reported 48 hydroseisms in wells—second only to Florida in the number re— ported; however, only two wells recorded aftershocks. A well in Genessee County, which recorded three aftershocks, is unusual in that it bottoms in an old water- filled coal mine. This type of construction may possibly be fa- vorable for recording hydroseisms because many have been reported from this well over the years. Two partly buried reservoirs owned by the city of Lansing and equipped with recording gages showed seismic seiches. In one reservoir, having a capacity of 7 million gallons, a fluctuation of 1.84 feet was recorded; in the other, having a capacity of 10 mil- lion gallons, a 1.25-foot fluctuation was recorded. The time of occur- rence at Lansing was 03.55 G.c.t. on March 28. The 16 seiches recorded at gaging stations were all small; the largest was 0.06 foot in double am- plitude. Lasting changes in stage were recorded at two gages: a 0.01- foot drop on the Cedar River at East Lansing and a 0.01-foot rise on the Cass River on the northern peninsula of Michigan. MINNESOTA Although some of the 15 hydro- seisms reported from Minnesota were rather large, no aftershocks were recorded. In each of two wells in Hennepin County, the wa- ter level declined 2 feet in 40 hours following the earthquake. This decline may have been caused by local pumping, but the similarity of record and the timing suggest that the response may represent some local effect induced by seismic waves from the earthquake. In another well, the water level changed so rapidly that the ink of the pen did not flow fast enough to give a complete record. Only one seiche was reported from surface-water gages in Min- nesota. It had a double amplitude of 0.03 foot and was recorded on the Roseau River at Ross. MISSISSIPPI The instruments on observa- tion wells in Mississippi recorded 11 hydroseisms. Of these, five were on or near the Tatum salt dome. The response was some- what anomalous in that the water level declined instantaneously and then took several hours to rise to the preearthquake level. Of the 22 hydroseisms reported from surface-water gages in Mis- sissippi, all were recorded as seis- mic seiches, and 10 had double amplitudes of 0.10 foot or greater The largest seiche, 0.90 foot, was recorded on the Pearl River gage at Monticello. MISSOURI Of the 28 hydroseisms in wells reported from Missouri, some were quite large and others were quite unusual. One well in Greene County had a fluctuation greater than 10 feet and, following the earthquake, the water level rose 50 feet between March 28 and June 2, 1964. The same reaction but on a smaller scale occurred in Madison County where well 33N/7E—20bcd had a water—level rise of 5.55 feet in the first 40 hours after the earth— quake and an additional 1.65 feet of rise in the next 98 hours. In Polk County well 33N/Z1W—5adc the water level fell 1.1 feet in 11/2 hours after the quake. The largest seiche of 0.87 foot was recorded by the Black River gage at Poplar Bluff, but no coda portion was recorded. Several stations in Missouri equipped with bubbler gages re- corded the earthquake, but water- level change was recorded either as an upward or downward motion, never as both up and down, evi- dently because of the relative unre- sponsiveness of this type of instru- ment. According to Fellows (1965), many home wells and the munici- pal wells at Rogersfield and Mans- ville, in southwestern Missouri, yielded turbid water, some of it reportedly “blood red,” for a few hours to a few days following the earthquake. Fellows (1965, p. 3, 4) reports further that: Within two months after the quake, static water levels in two deep wells in Springfield rose by several tens of feet. Unfortunately, these wells were not equipped with automatic depth re- corders and static water levels were not determined at regular intervals. Fishermen at Table Rock Lake in Taney County, Mo., observed mysterious waves on the lake the night of the quake. MONTANA Hydroseisms were recorded in only three wells in Montana. In one of these wells (Gallatin County well Al—4—25dc) the response was greater than 1 foot for the main quake, and seven of the major af- tershocks were recorded. The re- corder on this well in alluvium at HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA Bozeman has been maintained for many years by Dean C. C. Bradley of Montana State College and has registered many other earthquakes. The Billings Gazette (Mar. 30, 1964) reported that a “small wave developed on Hauser Lake north- west of Helena a few minutes after the Alaska quake and tore a boat dock from its moorings.” Of the 21 hydroseisms from stream-gaging stations in Mon- tana, the largest double amplitude was 0.16 foot. Practically all the records came from the mountain- ous part of the State, and none were recorded on the main stem of the Missouri River. Gages on the North Fork of Milk River and Sage Creek, both on the interna— tional boundary, showed a rise in water level of 0.01 or 0.02 foot at the time the earthquake was re- corded at other gages. NEBRASKA The largest hydroseism in Ne— braska for the seven wells reported was 4.10 feet, but no after-shocks were recorded. This well had a fluctuation 18 times as great as that which was recorded for the Heb- gen Lake, Mont., earthquake of August 17, 1959. A well in Thayer County (4—1—9bac) had an unusual response: The water level rose 0.87 foot but at no time de- clined below the prequake level. The 14 hydroseisms from Ne- braska stream gages were all re- corded as seismic seiches. This response was unusual in that seiches were sparsely recorded elsewhere in the northern Great Plains. NEVADA All five of the hydroseisms re- corded in Nevada were in Clark County wells. The one in well S19/60—9bcc caused the recorder drum to make a complete rotation, and four of the major aftershocks 029 were recorded. This record is to be expected because hydroseisms have consistently been clearly re- corded in this Well. NEW HAMPSHIRE Hydroseisms were not recorded in New Hampshire wells, but one surface-water gage registered the earthquake. NEW JERSEY A total of 40 hydroseisms was reported from wells in New Jersey. Of these, only six had fluctuations greater than half a foot. The maximum fluctuation, 4.37 feet, occurred in Hillside well 4 in Union County. One distinct af- tershock was recorded by this well, which is the one in New Jersey m 0 st sensitive to earthquake shocks. Only one somewhat questionable hydroseism was recorded by a sur- face-water gage in New Jersey. The large number of wells that responded to the quake seem in odd contrast to the one question- able record from a stream gage. NEW MEXICO In New Mexico hydroseisms were recorded at 12 observation wells. Of these, two had fluctua- tions of more than 5 feet, but neither one showed any after— shocks. The Hot Springs well 6 in Sierra County had a fluctuation of more than 1 foot, and some af- tershocks were registered. The main shock thus may have caused the recorder drum to rotate many times, so the actual fluctuation must have been considerably greater than 5 feet. At another well the motion caused the pen to pull the paper off the recorder, and in another the motion was so rapid that the ink could not flow fast enough to give a complete record. C. V. Theis (writ-ten commun, Aug. 4, 1964) furnished the fol- lowing comments: C30 In New Mexico, the Alaska earth- quake produced a fluctuation of the Greenfield observation well in the Ros- well artesian aquifer of about 13 feet. This well is comparatively shallow, is just below the lip of the confining beds, and is in a part of the aquifer with transmissibility in the millions. The Artesia recorder well, located where the aquifer is deeper, with a trans— missibility of only 100,000 or so, and where the strata are becoming more calcareous near the old reef, had a fluctuation of only a small fraction of a foot. * * * Lea Lake, east of the Pecos and approximately east of Ros- well, the largest of the Bottomless Lakes, about 300 feet deep, and an acre or so in surface area, produced a water spout said to be about 15 feet high. Maddox [U.S. Geol. Survey, Roswell] saw old tires and other objects floating on the surface of the lake the next day, these having been cast up from the bottom. The brine observation wells at Malaga Bend near Carlsbad, which fluctuated about a foot from the Turkish earthquake of about 1939, lost the record of the Alaskan quake because the pen of the Friez recorder was thrown over the cylinder. Roy Foreman, who runs a con- cession at Lea Lake, N. Mex., ob- served the effects of the Alaska quake on the lake and the follow- ing is a summary of his observa- tions: About 9:40 pm, March 27, 1964, waves about 10 feet high rose on Lea Lake. At this time my wife and I heard a loud noise, which sounded like a strong wind although it was a calm eve— ning. The water flowed over a 3-foot high guardrail which is 54 feet from the normal port margin. A section of the guardrail was washed out by the flow of water. I Before the earthquake a small trickle of water flowed from the lake through a 12-inch culvert. The morning after the quake, the 12-inch culvert was car- rying a full capacity of outflow. The discharge as of August 1964 was still more than the prequake discharge. In the Carlsbad area, 6 of 21 gages on flowing streams recorded hydroseisms, but the 6 hydroseisms recorded were all of small double amplitude. Elsewhere in the ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27 , State, 21 hydroseisms were re— corded of which 19 were seismic seiches and 2 were minor changes in stage. NEW YORK Nine hydroseisms were recorded in New York State wells. These did not include Saratoga 529 and Queens 64 which previously had shown rather outstanding re- sponses to earthquakes. Recorders had been removed from both these wells before the Alaska earth- quake. The Chautauqua 10 well, however, had a fluctuation of 2.10 feet and also recorded one after- shock. It is interesting to note that this well had a fluctuation of 0.22 foot for the Hebgen Lake earthquake of August 17,1959. At another well, the recorder pen failed during the Alaska quake. Only four seiches, each less than 0.01 foot, were recorded at stream gages in New York State. In addi— tion, one record from the Mahwah River near Sufi'ern showed a drop in stage of about 0.01 foot. NORTH CAROLINA Three hydroseisms were re- ported from North Carolina wells; the largest hydroseism had a dou— ble amplitude of 1.85 feet. NORTH DAKOTA North Dakota reported three hydroseisms from wells that pene- trate glaciofluvial sand and gravel. The earthquake was also re— corded at two surface—water gages in the State. The record from one, on the Cheyenne River near Kin- dred, is questionable in that it seemingly was made an hour ear- lier than it should have although this may be due to clock error. The record looks like a seiche of 0.05 foot double amplitude fol- lowed immediately by a decline in stage of 0.02 foot. The other gage, on Jamestown Reservoir near 1964 Jamestown, showed a rise in water level of 0.07 foot in about 10 min- utes, declined 0.05 foot during an approximate 20-minute interval, and then remained steady for the next 91/2 hours. OHIO Observation wells in Ohio re- corded 32 hydroseisms from the Alaska earthquake. The largest fluctuation was 5.8 feet in a well in Van Wert County. Even with so large a fluctuation, the aftershocks were not strong enough to be re— corded, perhaps because the gage- scale gears were 1 :10, and the record was so compressed that the minor fluctuations were obscured. A total of 188 analog recorders was in operation in Ohio at the time of the Alaska earthquake, but only 25 showed any noticeable ef— fects. The seismic seiches prob- ably were obliterated at a few of the gaging stations because of nor— mal river surging or fluctuation caused by wind action. The maxi— mum double amplitude was 0.25 foot on a lake gage near Jefferson, Ohio. Another gage, 800 feet away on Mill Creek, recorded a sharp drop in stage of 0.04: foot fol- lowed by a rapid rise of 0.03 foot. The water level then remained steady at this slightly lower level. The Mahoning River gage at Al— liance, Ohio, showed a drop of 0.01 foot at the time of the earthquake. One other gage, at Atwood Reser- voir near New Cumberland, also showed a similar reaction. OKLAHOMA Hydroseisms were noted in wells equipped with water-level record- ers in the Oklahoma Panhandle, central, and eastern parts of the State. The fluctuations in water levels were more than 1 foot in wells in the panhandle, in Grady County, and in the Arbuckle Mountains; about 0.4 foot in a well in Washita County; and about 0.1 foot in one in the Arkansas Valley. Hydroseisms are tabulated for six observation wells (table 7). In one well the water movement was so rapid that the beaded cable slipped on the pulley of the re— corder. Two wells in sec. 25, T. 6 N., R. 18 E. provide an interest— ing contrast. Both penetrate the Ogallala Formation to a depth of 99 feet, and both are equipped with recorders which show similar responses to barometric changes and rainfall. HOWever, one showed rapid water-level fluctua— tions due to the earthquake, whereas the other showed no response. At Byrd Mill Spring south of Ada, a surface-water pool showed a drop of 0.15 foot in water level at the time of the quake, and it took about 11/2 hours to recover to the preearthquake level (fig. 22),. The spring originates along a faulted limestone section in the Arbuckle Group and seemingly the shock wave for a time partly closed the opening along which water flows to the spring. A total of 45 seismic seiches caused by the Alaska earthquake was recorded in Oklahoma. Of these, the largest had a 0.44-foot double amplitude recorded on Lake of the Cherokees at Langley. Minor decline in stage seemingly caused by the earthquake occurred at gages on Little River near Wright City, Muddy Boggy Creek near Farris, and Verdigris River near Inola. A slight rise in stage seemingly caused by the earth- quake occurred at the gage on Sal- lisaw Creek near Sallisaw. The decline and recovery of water level as described above for Byrd Mill Spring Pond was also recorded at four other gages, but the maxi- mum decline was only 0.04 foot. These four gages are on Lake Texoma near Denison, Tex., HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA i 1“ Vlll CHANGE IN WATER LEVEL, IN FEET l l 2 0'0 ,4‘_L 4,1 A _l_l_4_1_L_LA4_L,4l_L.;1.1_l ' P- ' Z 0 5 I 5. o O l g < 0 Z O z 8 Z o D 8 o - (o' 8 [\i 2 N .4 o 4. O ‘4“. 27 28 MARCH 1964 22.—Efl:'ect of the Alaska earthquake on the surface-water pool formed by Byrd Mill Spring, Okla. Central standard time. Glover Creek near Glover, Okla, Sand Creek at Okesa, and Verdi- gris River near Claremore. OREGON Only one hydroseism of 0.055 foot was recorded in Oregon wells; however, only three well re- 25lllllllllllllTl W Alaska earthquake *1 26’ DEPTH T0 WATER, IN FEET 27 ,llllllillllllll 181920212223242526272829303112 MARCH APRIL 1964 1964 23,—Hydroseism from well Y0 180 in York County, Pa. Eastern standard time. C31 corders were in operation at the time of the quake. Inasmuch as Oregon is fairly close to Alaska, unrecorded water-level fluctua- tions probably occurred in many wells. Seismic seiches were recorded by eight gages in Oregon. The largest had a double amplitude of 0.14 foot. PENNSYLVANIA Among the 19 hydroseisms re- ported from Pennsylvania wells are some that are unusual. The earthquake records in seven wells in Dauphin, Luzerne, and York Counties all were at the bottom of a “low” superimposed on a water-level “high.” This type of response may have been caused by local barometric changes rather than by the earthquake (fig. 23). A stream gage on Paxton Creek did not record a seiche but it reg— istered a sudden increase in stage 13 hours after the quake. No rain was reported in the basin. This rise in stage may represent water squeezed from an aquifer cropping out upstream (fig. 7). Only two seismic seiches were recorded in Pennsylvania al- though 102 gaging stations equipped with analog recorders were in operation at the time. The double amplitudes recorded were 0.05 and 0.04 foot. PUERTO RICO Of the four hydroseisms re— ported from wells in Puerto Rico, one was surprisingly large. The fluctuation measured 3.40 feet and was recorded so fast that the beaded cable slipped on the pulley. This well (J auca 2) is in a graben near a fault zone. RHODE ISLAND No trace of the Alaska earth- quake was recorded either at ob- servation wells or surface-water gages in Rhode Island. C32 SOUTH CAROLINA The hydroseisms recorded from South Carolina were large. In Beaufort County well 304, the re- corded fluctuation was 8.98 feet, but the beaded cable was thrown off the pulley, so the fluctuation may have been even larger. Be- cause of this disruption, no after- shocks were recorded; however, Jasper County well 46, which had a fluctuation of only 4.72 feet, re- corded five aftershocks. Seismic seiches were recorded by eight gages in South Carolina. The largest double amplitude was 0.12 foot. SOUTH DAKOTA Only two hydroseisms were re- ported from South Dakota, but one is the largest recorded for this quake in any well outside of Alaska. This one was recorded on a pressure recorder in a test well drilled to an artesian aquifer, which had an original pressure head of 266 feet above land sur- face. At the time of the quake the pressure head was 121 feet above land surface, so a pressure recorder of 200 feet capacity was mounted on the well. This unusual situa- tion permitted the full range of the Alaska earthquake-pressure effect of 23 feet to be recorded in the well. The well produces from sandstone of the Opeche (Permian) and Minnelusa (Pennsylvanian and Permian) Formations and is at the northwest edge of the Black Hills. Because 41/2 inches on the chart represents 200 feet of pres— sure, it is not surprising that no aftershocks appear on the chart. Six seismic seiches were re— corded by gages in South Dakota. The maximum double amplitude was 0.14 foot. TENNESSEE The following information con- cerning Tennessee wells is ex- tracted with slight modification ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 from a paper by Hassler (1965) : Hydroseisms recorded at Geologi— cal Survey wells ranged from a trace to 3.90 feet. The shock was so violent that recorder pens were flipped off the charts at J ellico and New J ohnsonville. Two major aftershocks on March 29 and 30 were also recorded at the Caple- Ville (J—l) well. Only two wells (Sloanville, U—l and U—2) were equipped with Stevens A—35 re— corders with large time scales (2.4 in. per day). Records from these instruments indicate the first waves arrived at approximately 10 pm. est, and the major fluctu- ations occurred about 20 minutes later. Water levels in both wells fluctuated for about 3 hours after the major shock. Hassler (1965) also reported that seismic seiches were recorded at approximately 20 percent (22 gages) of the surface-water gag— ing stations equipped with analog recorders. This figure w o u l d probably be much higher had not many streams been receding from fairly high stages at the time the quake occurred. The duration of the oscillations ranged from about 5 minutes to 35 minutes. The three largest seiches in the State were all recorded at gages on the Cumberland River : 0.36 foot at Carthage, 0.42 foot below Old Hickory, and 0.42 foot at Rome. The other seiches recorded were all much smaller; ranged from 0.10 to 0.14 foot, and 13 were less than 0.10 foot. In Dickson, Knox, and Mont- gomery Counties, muddy water was reported in many wells tap- ping the Fort Payne Chert. The quake coincided with a period of heavy precipitation, so it is not known whether the heavy rains, the earthquake, or a combination of both produced the muddy water in wells. TEXAS Data on some of the hydroseisms from the Alaska earthquake as re- corded in Texas wells have already been published. Miller and Red— dell (1964) list five wells in the High Plains area that recorded such fluctuations. Montgomery (1964) describes three from wells in Bexar County. Mills ( 1964) lists 28 recorded in US. Geologi- cal Survey observation wells in Texas; the data from these 28 rec- ords are included in table 7. Af- tershocks are known to have been recorded in only two Bexar County wells—five in one and four in the other. Most of the largest hydro- seisms occurred in wells penetrat- ing the Edwards Limestone. A. list of seismic seiches in Texas compiled by W. B. Mills (written commun., November 1964) shows that 69 gages were affected by the earthquake. The up and down amplitudes were all equal except for Lake Winnsboro near Winns- boro where the entire motion was down (0.03 ft). The largest dou- ble amplitude was 0.68 foot re- corded at Sabine River near Rulifi'. The next largest was 0.64 foot re- corded on Angelina River near Zavalla. The duration of the dis- turbance at both of these stations was 60 minutes. At Lake Hous— ton near Sheldon, the double am— plitude was only 0.13 foot, but the disturbance continued for 90 minutes. The earthquake was recorded at two stations equipped with bub- bler gages: one on the Guadalupe River at Cuero and the other on the Nueces River at Mathis. Both gages recorded only a downward motion of the water level, 0.29 foot at the former and 0.06 foot at the latter. The bubbler gages have a built-in delay of a few seconds. The gages probably responded to the first motion to reach them and were unable to respond quickly enough to the upward surges of the seiche. Consequently, the records of these gages may be proof that the first motion to affect them was a decline in water level. UTAH Fourteen hydroseisms were re- corded on observation wells in Utah. Of these, two were on pres- sure recorders, but the 2-foot and 12-foot fluctuations recorded are small compared to the 23 feet for the pressure recorder in South Da- kota. Two wells recorded after- shocks: seven in a Tooele County well and one in a Weber County well. Both wells were equipped with recorders that would meas- ure a maximum fluctuation of 1 foot—less than the fluctuation for the main quake. A well that had a measurable fluctuation of 2.50 feet seemingly recorded one after- shock, so the fluctuation in the others probably was more than 2.5 feet. Eight seismic seiches were re- corded at gages in Utah. The largest was 0.06 foot in double am- plitude. The others were minor, ranging from 0.01 to 0.03 foot. VERMONT Two seismic seiches were re- corded in Vermont. The larger seiche, at the VVrightsville Deten- tion Reservoir gage, had a fluctua- tion of 0.23 foot. The smaller, at the East Barre Detention Reser- voir gage, had a fluctuation of 0.06 foot. The general lack of hydro- seisms at both wells and stream gages in New England makes it surprising that these were re- corded. The gages were both on reservoirs; no seiches were re— corded on streams anywhere in New England. VIRGINIA One well in Virginia recorded the Alaska earthquake. The well is at Shenandoah National Park, HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS is 280 feet deep, and penetrates metabasalt of the Catoctin Forma- tion of Precambrian( ?) age. The total fluctuation was 1.60 feet, which is divisible into a rise of 0.45 foot, an upward displacement of the water level of 0.55 foot that apparently occurred at the time of maximum fluctuation, and a de- cline of 0.60 foot. No surface-water gages in the State showed a trace of the earth— quake. VIRGIN ISLANDS The most distant hydroseism to be recorded in United States terri- tory was a 0.05-foot fluctuation in a well in the Virgin Islands. WASHINGTON Seven hydroseisms were re- ported from Washington, of which one had a fluctuation of 3.92 feet and was followed by six after- shocks. The other hydroseisms were all relatively small in ampli— tude and none was followed by aftershocks. In one well, which had an instantaneous fluctuation of only 0.16 foot, the water level rose 1.20 feet during a 4-hour period immediately after the quake and then stayed at this higher level. The gage on Snohomish River at Snohomish showed a strong fluctu- ation of about 0.45 foot superim- posed on a much larger tidal cycle. This fluctuation occurred at 03 : 50 G.c.t. on March 27, so it undoubt- E 12.54 , if E E» c, 12.53 - — a I Lu 2 a 12.52 ' 27 28 MARCH 1964 24.—Seismic seiche and wind seiches at Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake at Grand Coulee Dam, Wash. Pacific standard time. OUTSIDE ALASKA 033 edly was caused by waves from the earthquake. The gage on Franklin D. Roose— velt Lake at Grand Coulee Dam re- corded an interesting seiche (fig. 24). Prior to the seismic seiche a long train of wind seiches had been recorded. Four other smaller but typical seismic seiches were re- corded elsewhere in the State. Several atypical seismically caused water changes were re- corded at other gages in Washing— ton. At Whitestone Lake near Tonasket, the gage recorded a sud- den 0.03—foot rise of water level followed by the recording of a seiche. Slight residual upward changes in water level were re- corded at two gages, and slight temporary changes were recorded at three other gages. The gage at Lenore Lake near Soap Lake re- corded seiches from wind all day on March 27, but beginning at 8 pm. P.s.t. the Alaska earthquake surface waves increased the am- plitude of the seiches. WEST VIRGINIA Only one hydroseism was found in West Virginia, and it was re- corded in a well at the extreme east tip of the State (see table 7). This well in Berkeley County pen- etrates Beekmantown Limestone of Ordovician age and had a 0.30- foot fluctuation. WISCONSIN Of the 17 hydroseisms recorded in IVisconsin, the most detailed is the partial record obtained by E. E. Rexin at the well of the Nunn- Bush Shoe Co. in Milwaukee, dis- cussed on page C10. In three wells, the water level rose and stayed at the higher level. In the Nunn-Bush Shoe Co. well there was an apparent rise of about 12 feet. In another Mil—, waukee County well the water level rose 7.3 feet after the quake. In a Monroe County well the C34 water level rose 1.43 feet and re- mained at this level. Six surface-water gages in Wis- consin recorded small seiches caused by the Alaska earthquake. The largest seiche was 0.02 foot, and the others were barely visible on the charts. Both the small size and the small number of seiches ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27 , 1964 that were recorded at surface- water gages contrast markedly with the large size and the large number that were recorded at wells. WYOMING The Alaska earthquake was re- corded in two observation wells in Wyoming. In one the motion was about 2 feet, but no after- shocks were recorded. The earthquake was recorded at nine stream gages, all in western Wyoming. Thus the distribution of the records corresponds to the distribution in Colorado where ef- fects were recorded only in the western part of the State. HYDIROSEISMS FROM AFTERSHOCKS The Alaska earthquake gener— ated literally thousands of after- shocks, but few of the major after- shocks occurred near the epicenter of the main shock. Instead, many occurred 2°—8° southwest of the epicenter, and practically none oc— curred to the northeast. A mag- nitude-8.4 earthquake normally would have generated a few shocks of magnitude 7, but the largest magnitude of any of the Alaska aftershocks was 6.6. Those aftershocks that generated a hydroseism in one or more wells are listed in table 5. Two other earthquakes that occurred during the period from March 28 to April 4, 1964, and that generated hydro- seisms are also listed. One oc- curred on March 31 in the Queen Charlotte Islands of British Co— lumbia. The other occurred on April 3 off the northwest coast of Sumatra. The aftershocks were not re- corded consistently in wells. For example, of the two aftershocks of magnitude 6.6, the one on March 28 at 20: 29 Get. was recorded in 14 wells, but the one on March 30 at 02: 18 Get. was recorded in 30 wells. Some of the aftershocks re- ported as having been recorded in one, two, or three wells may have been misidentified. The aftershocks were recorded in only about 4 percent of the wells in which the main shock was re- corded. In general, those wells that recorded the aftershocks are those in which earthquakes are best and most frequently recorded. No aftershocks were recorded at any surface—water gages outside of Alaska. The aftershock records from the more seismically sensitive wells are listed in table 6. TABLE 5.’Earthquakes recorded in seismically sensitive observation wells, March 27—April 4, 1.964 Epicenter Number of __________ Magnitude wells in Date Epicentral time (G.c.t.) measured at which North West Pasadena recorded latitude (°) longitude (°) March 28 .............. 03:36:12.7. .................. 61.05 147. 5 8. 4 713 09:01:00 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 56.5 152.0 6.2 3 09:52:54.. 59.7 144.6 6.2 5 10:35:39.. 572 152. 4 6. 3 5 11:08:26.. 60.] 148. 5 6. 2 1 12:20:49.... 56.5 154.1 6.5 24 14:47—14:49 .................. 60. 4 146. 5—147. 1 6. 3—6. 5 16 20:29:06-. 59. 8 148. 9 6. 6 14 March 29 .............. 06:04:43-. 56. 2 154. 2 5. 8 4 16:40:59.. 59.8 146. 9 5.8 5 March 30 .............. 02:18:06_. 56. 6 153.0 6. 6 30 07:09:34.... 598 145.9 6.2 19 13:03:35.. 56.5 152.7 5.3 1 16:09:27.. 56. 6 152.2 5. 5 1 March 31 .............. 09:01:33_. 50. 8 130. 1 6 1 20 April2 ................ 01:11:56.. 6.1 295.4 7 33 April 3 ................ 22:33:39.. .._. 61. 7 147. 7 6 2 April 4 ................ 17:46:08 ..................... 56. 3 154. 5 6M 11 22:16:57 ...................... 59. 5 145. 0 Not 1 reported 1 Earthquake in Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. 1? East 3 Earthquake off northwest coast of Sumatra. HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA TABLE 6.—Seismz'c fluctuations in sensitive wells, March 28—Apm‘l 4, 1.964 [Greenwich civil time] Fluctuations, in feet March 28 March 29 March 30 Mar 31 Apr 2 Apr 3 April 4 State, county, and well 14:47 03:36 09:01 09:52 10:35 11:08 12:20 ling 20:29 06:04 16:40 02:18 07:09 13:03 16:09 09:01 01:11 22:33 17:46 22:16 : 9 Arizona: Yuma, (c—11—24)23bcb.__ >1 ............................ 0.025 ____________________________ 0.014 0.005 ______________ 0.003 .............. 0.01? _______ Florida Taylor, 35 _______________ l17 . 10 . O4 ______________ .06 ______________ .12 ....... Georgia: Dawson, 12-3 ..... . 02 Tr.? .012 _______ Dougherty, 13L4. .054 . 03 . 048 _______ Mitchell, 10G313 _________ . 072 . 036 .05 0. 016 Hawaii: Oahu, 83 ________________ .006 _____________________ .04 ____________________________ Idaho: Cassia, 35—2lE—18bb1. ._. 1. 44 ............................ .04 ___________________________ Tr ________________________________________________________ ijJatah. 39N-4W—7 ........ >5 ....... .05 .............. .10 . 05 .14 Tr. 05 .10 .06 .............. .14 .05 0.04 .05 _______ nais: DuPage, ANL—lO....__. 7. 70 ____________________________ TL? .025 _____________________ .07 _____________________ .03 ............................ Indiana: Marion, Ma-32 ___________ >1 .021 020 . 021 0 027 . 052 . 034 . 040 008 . 005 .21 . 044 ______________ . 011 _______ . 018 . 066 _______ Pulaski, Pu—6 ___________ > 1 ............................................................... . 03 . 02 _________________________________________________ Louisiana: St. John The Baptist, SBJ—17 ________________ >1 ............................................................... .058 .012 ______________ . 008 ______________ .010 _______ Michigan: Genesee, 7N—7E—17—L... >2 ____________________________ .076 .032 _____________________ .08 ..................... . 02 ______________ .072 ....... Kent 6N-12W—34—1 ...... >5 _______________________________________________________________ . 02 . 012 _________________________________________________ Missouri: Barton, 32N/30W-300d..- >5 ____________________________ . 07 . 05 .04 ....... (2) Franklin, 44N/1W-27__.. >3. 90 ............................ .04 ____________________________ .04 ________________________________________________________ Montana: Gallatin, A1—4—25dc ..... >1 .............. . 009? ....... . 002 .02 _____________________ .026 . 024 ______________ . 05 ______________ . 006 ....... Nevada: Clark, SlQ/60—9bcc1 ______ >1 ____________________________ .03 (3) .014 ______________ .022 ..................... .016 ____________________________ New Jersey: Union, Hillside 4 ________ 4. 37 ____________________________ Tr. ____________________________ . 06 ________________________________________________________ New Mexico: Sierra, Hot Springs 6. _ __ >1 .012 ....... .005 _______ .04 (3) .024 .............. . 166 .02 ______________ . 06 ____________________________ New York: Chatauqua, Cu—10 ....... 2. 10 _______________________________________________________________ .04 ________________________________________________________ Pennsylvania: Luzerne, Dennison St. borehole _______________ South Carolina: Jasper, 46 ________________ Tennessee: Shelby, Sth—l ........... Texas: Bexar, F-172 ............ —1 ___________ _ > Jackson, PP—80—03—10L _ _ tah: Tooele, (C—3—2)14bad—1-_ Weber, (B—6—1) 30cca—1. . Washington: Pierce, 20/3—18c1 _________ Wisconsin: Milwaukee, M1—120 ______ 1 Estimated. 2 Pen ran out of ink? 3 Masked by water-level change. C36 This report is the first in which hydrologic effects of a major earth— quake have been gathered from throughout the world. Little at- tempt has been made at interpre- tation because the major eifort so far has been concentrated on as- sembly of the data. Interpretive studies will possibly show that the areal distribution of effects has some significance. Several inter— pretive studies are in progress but are not ready. The theory of “The response of well—aquifer systems to seismic waves” as developed by Cooper and others (1965) goes far toward ex- plaining seismic fluctuations in wells, but no theory as yet explains adequately the lasting change in water level that was observed in many wells. Similarly no theory accounts for the asymmetry of water«level response in wells. The theory of Cooper and others as— sumes seismic waves to be sinusoi— Andersen, L. J., 1965, Korttidsvaria- tioner i grundvandstanden i rela- tion til jordskaelv og barometer- stand: Vand Teknik, v. 33, June, p. 38—42; August, p. 53—55. Austin, 0. R., 1960, Earthquake fluc- tuations in wells in New Jersey: New Jersey Div. Water Policy and Supply, Water Resources Circ. 5, 13 p. Blanchard, F. B., and Byerly, Perry, 1935, A study of a well gage as a seismograph : Seismol. Soc. America Bull., v. 25, no. 4, p. 313—321. 1936, The effect of distant earth« quakes on water level in wells: Am. Geophys. Union Trans, 17th Ann. Mtg., pt. 2, p. 405—406. Bredehoeft, J. D., Cooper, H. H., Jr., Papadopoulos, I. S., and Bennett, R. R., 1965, Seismic fluctuations in ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 CONCLUSION dal, whereas some well records show only a brief rise or fall from static level. Theory as yet explains ade- quately neither the “draining” of a piezometric high nor the ob- served “recharging” of a cone of depression, phenomena that were both observed in the weeks im- mediately following the Alaska earthquake. Thus there is still a gulf between theory and observa- tion. Similarly, the rigorous mathe- matical interpretation of seismic seiches by McGarr (1965) goes far toward explaining the many seiches that were recorded. How— ever, one of the two major factors which he states (p. 853) “help to convert the energy of large-magni- tude earthquakes efficiently to pro- duce seiches at large distances from the epicenter” is “a very thick layer of soft sediments.” According to McGarr (1965), this layer serves REFERENCES CITED an open artesian water well: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 525—0, p. 051—057. Byerly, Perry, and Blanchard, F. B., 1935, Well gages as seismographs: Nature, v. 135, no. 3408, p. 303-304. Carragan, William, Katz, Samuel, and Michalko, Frank, 1963, Shallow and deep wells in earthquake and ex- plosion detection: Rensselaer Poly- technic Inst. Dept. Geology, Sellll' ann. Tech. Rept. 4, Con‘tr. AF 19 (604)—8376, 18 p., 18 figs. Carragan, William, Michalko, Frank, and Katz, Samuel, 1964, Water wells in earthquake and explosion detection: Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Dept. Geology, Final Rept., Contr. AF 19(604)—8376, 44 p., 40 figs. to amplify the seismic motion and especially the horizontal ground acceleration. This factor seem- ingly is minimal in importance or nonoperative in Colorado, Wyo— ming, and Vermont. In the west— ern half of both Colorado and “’yoming many seiches were re- corded, and two were recorded in Vermont, places Where sedimen- tary deposits are thin to absent, but in eastern Colorado, eastern Wyo- ming, and through the northern Great Plains, no seiches were re— corded although this area is under- lain by a sizable thickness of such deposits. Thus, there is also a gulf between theory and observations concerning seismic effects on sur— face-water bodies. It is hoped that the data pre- sented in this report will encourage further studies so that the discrep- ancies that exist between theory and observation can be narrowed and ultimately bridged. Coble, R. W., 1967, The Alaskan earth- quake of March 27, 1964, and its effect on ground-water levels in Iowa: Iowa Acad. Sci. Proc., 1965, v. 72. (In press.) Cooper, H. H., Jr., Bredehoeft, J. D., Papadopoulos, I. S., and Bennett, R. R., 1965, The response of well- aquifer systems to seismic waves: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 70, no. 16, p. 3915—3926. Costa, J. A. da., 1964, Eflfect of Hebgen Lake earthquake on water levels in wells in the United States: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 435-0, p. 167—178. Cross Section, The, 1964, Alaskan earth- quake damages water wells: Lub- bock, Tex, V. 10, no. 11, p. 1. Davis, G. H., Worts, G. F., Jr., and Wilson, H. D., Jr., 1955, Water— level fluctuations in wells, in Earth- quakes in Kern County, Calif, during 1952: California Div. Mines Bull. 171, p. 99—106. Donn., W. L., 1964, Alaskan earthquake of 27 March 1964—rem0te seiche stimulation: Science, v. 145, no. 3629, p. 261—262. Eaton, J. P., and Takasaki, K. J., 1959, Seismological interpretation of earthquake-induced water-level fluctuations in wells [Hawaii]: Seismol. Soc. America Bull., v. 49, no. 3, p. 227—245. Fellows, L. D., 1965, Effects of the Good Friday Alaskan earthquake in southwestern Missouri: Missouri Geol. Survey and Water Resources, Mineral Industry News, Y. 5, no. 1, p. 2—4. Fore], F. A., 1895, Le Léman—mono- graphie lirmnologique. v. 2, Meta- nique, Chimie, Thermique, Optique, Acoustique: Lausanne, F. Rouge, 651 p. Fuller, D. L., 1964, Water wells in Mis- souri disturbed by the Alaskan earthquake: Missouri Geol. Sur- vey and Water Resources, Mineral Industry NeWs, v. 4, no. 5, p. 3. Gabert, G. M., 1965, Groundwater-level fluctuations in Alberta, Canada, caused by the Prince William Sound, Alaska, earthquake of March 1964: Canadian Jour. Earth Sci., v. 2, no. 2, p. 131—139. Hassler, Mi‘lburn, 1965, Hydrologic ef- fects in Tennessee of Alaskan earthquake, March 27, 1964: US. Geol. Survey open-file report. Hopkins, W. B., and Simpson, T. A., 1960, Montana earthquakes noted in Pennsylvania mine-water pools: Am. Geophys. Union Trans. v. 41, no. 2, p. 435—436. Katz, Samuel, 1961, Shallow and deep wells in earthquake and explosion detection: Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Dept. Geology, Semiann. Tech. Rept. 1, Contr. AF 19(604)—8376, 14 p. 1962, Use of water-level detec- tors in shallow and deep wells, in Vesiac special report deep—borehole seismic research: Michigan Univ. Inst. Sci. and Technology Acoustics and Seismics Lab., p. 78—82. 1963, Shallow and deep wells in earthquake and explosion detec- tion: Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Dept. Geology, Semiann. Tech. Rept. 5, Contr. AF 19(604)-—8376, 4 p. HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA K'atz, Samuel, Carragan, William, and Michalko, Frank, 1962a, Shallow and deep wells in earthquake and explosion detection: Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Dept. Geology, Semiann. Tech. Rept. 2, Contr. AF 19(604)—8376, 22 p. 1962b, Shallow and deep wells in earthquake and explosion de- tection: Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Dept. Geology, Semiann. Tech. Rept. 3, Contr. AF 19(104)—8376, 16 p. Kvale, Anders, 1955, Seismic seiches in Norway and England during the Assam earthquake of August 15, 1950: Seismol. Soc. America Bull., v. 45. no. 2, p. 93—112. LaMoreaux, P. E., 1953, Water-level fluctuations in observation wells in Alabama caused by the Kamchatka earthquake on November 4, 1952: Alabama Acad. Sci. J0ur., v. 25, p. 37—39. LaRocque, G. A., J r., 1941, Fluctuations of water level in wells in the Los Angeles Basin, California, during five strong earthquakes, 1933—1940: Am. Geophys. Union Trans, v. 22, p. 374—386. Leggette, R. M., and Taylor, G. H., 1935, Earthquake instrumentally recorded in artesian wells : Seismol. Soe. America Bull., v. 25, no. 2, p. 169—175. McGarr, Arthur, 1965, Excitation of seiches in channels by seismic waves: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 70, no. 4, p. 847—854. Miller, W. D., and Reddell, D. L., 1964, Alaskan earthquake damages Texas high plains water wells: Am. Geophys. Union Trans, v. 45, no. 4, p. 659—663. Montgomery, Porter, 1964, Eflects of Alaskan earthquake on water levels in the Edwards underground reser- voir in Bexar County: South Texas Geol. Soc. Bull., v. 4, no. 8, p. 6—10. Parker, G. G., and Stringfield, V. T.. 1950, Effects of earthquakes, trains. tides, winds, and atmospheric pres- sure changes on water in the geo- logic formations of southern Flor- ida: Econ. Geology. v. 45. no. 5. p. 441—460. Peterson, G. T., 1964, Fluctuations in well water levels, in Prince \Vil- liam Sound, Alaskan earthquakes, March-April 1964: U.S. Coast and Geod. Survey, Seismology Div. Pre- lim. Rept., p. 56—57. Piper, A. M., 1933, Fluctuations of water surface in observation wells C37 and at stream-gaging stations in the Mokelumne area, California, during the earthquake of Decem- ber 20, 1932: Am. Geophys. Union Trans, 14th Ann. Mtg, p. 471—475. Piper, A. M., Thomas, H. E., and Robin- son, T. \V., 1939, Fluctuations re- lated to earthquakes, in. Geology and ground-water hydrology of the Mokelumne area, California: US. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 780, p. 131—132. Rexin, E. E., 1952, A water well oscilla- tion seismograph: Earthquake Notes, v. 23, no. 2, p. 14—16. 1960, A well water seismometer: Earth Sci., v. 13, no. 1, p. 15—18, 29. 1963, Sensitive wells take earth- quake’s pulse: Plant Eng., v. 18, p. 122-123. 1964a, Seismic sea waves as recorded from a remote phreatic seismometer: Earthquake Notes, v. 35, nos. 3—4, p. 45, 54. 1964b, Alaskan earthquake ex- cites Nunn-Bush well: Earth Sci., v. 17, no. 4, p. 152—156. Rexin, E. 19., Oliver, Jack, and Prentiss, David, 1962, Seismically induced fluctuations of the water level in the Nunn-Bush well in Milwaukee : Seismol. Soc. America Bull., v. 52. no. 1, p. 17—25. Richter, C. F., 1958, Elementary seis- mology: San Francisco, Calif, W. H. Freeman and Co., 768 p. Scott, J. S., and Render, F. W., 1965. Effect of an Alaskan earthquake on water levels in' wells at Winnipeg and Ottawa, Canada: Jour. Hy- drology, v. 2, no. 3, p. 262—268. Stearns, H. T., 1928. Record of earth— quake made by automatic recorders on wells in California: Seismol. Soc. America Bull.. v. 18, no. 1, p. 9—15. Stearns, H. T., Robinson, T. W., and Taylor, G. H., 1930, Geology and water resources of the Mokelumne area, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 619, 402 p. Stermitz. Frank, 1964, Effects of the Hebgen Lake earthquake on surface water: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 435—L, p. 139—150. Stewart, J. W'.. 1958, The effects of earthquakes on water levels in wells in Georgia: Georgia Geol. Survey Mineral Newsletter, v. 11, no. 4, p. 129—131. Strilaeff. P. W.. 1964. Effect of Alaska earthquake on recorder charts: Canada Dept. Northern Affairs and 038 Natl. Resources, Water Ways, no. 4. 1). 13—16. Thomas, H. E., 1940, Fluctuation of ground-water levels during the earthquakes of November 10, 1938, and January 24, 1939: Seismol. Soc. America Bull.. v. 30, no. 2, p. 93—97. US. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1945— 1965. United States earthquakes, 1943—1963. Vorhis. R. C. 1955, Interpretation of hydrologic data resulting from earthquakes: Geol. Rundschau, v. 43, no. 1, p. 47—52. 1964a. Earthquake-induced wa- ter-level fluctuations from a well in Dawson County, Georgia: Seis- mol. Soc. America Bull., v. 51, no. 4, p. 1023—1033. ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 Vorhis, R. C., 1964b, Ground-water data from the Prince William Sound earthquake: Earthquake Notes, v. 35, nos. 3—4, p. 47. 1965a, Earthquake magnitudes from hydroseismic data: Ground Water, v. 3, no. 1, p. 12—20. 1965b, Ground-water data from the Prince William Sound earth- quake : Georgia Mineral Newsletter, v. 17, p. 46. Waller, R. M., 1966a, Effects of the March 1964 Alaska earthquake on the hydrology of south-central Alaska: I'.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 544—A, 28 p. 19661), Effects of the March 196-1 Alaska earthquake on the hydrol— ogy of the Anchorage area, Alaska: I'.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 544—B, 18 p. Waller, R. 31., Thomas, H. E., and Vor- his, R. C., 1965, Effects of the Good Friday earthquake on water sup- plies: Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour., V. 57, no. 2, p. 123—131. Wigen, S. 0., and \Vhite, W. R. 1-1., 1964a, Tsunami of March 27—29. 196-1, west coast of Canada [abs] : Am. Geophys. Union Trans, v. 45. no. 4, p. 634. -~1964b, Tsunami of March 27—29, 1964, west coast of Canada : Canada Dept. Mines and Tech. Surveys, 12 p. Wilson. J. 31., 1964. Effect of the Alaskan earthquake of March 27, 1964, on groundwater levels in Ten- nessee: Tennessee Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 39, no. 3, p. 92—94. Depth to water: Depth in feet below land surface unless otherwise indicated; a pre- ceding plus sign indicates height of the piezometric level above land surface; a preceding plus or minus sign in parentheses indicates depth to water above 6+) or below (—) sea level. LSD, land surface datum. Figure in parentheses follong depth to water is rise (if plus) or fall (if negative) from the preearthquake to post‘ earthquake water level; this change where reported is not due to water-level trend but is either change in stress on the aquifer caused by the earthquake waves or excessive friction in the recorder installation. HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA TABLE 7.—-Hydroseisms in wells in the United States caused by the Alaska earthquake by the compiler. as reported. Water-level fluctuation: E, estimated. Remarks: Because aftershocks can be expected to record only in wells with the largest hydroseisms, failure to record aftershocks is mentioned only for those wells in which aftershocks might have been recorded. Recorder character as to inches of chart per day and gage-height ratio are given only for wells whose charts were examined ’1‘, transmissibility; S, coefficient of storage. C39 Other data are First num- Water-level fluctuation (feet) ber, de th of we 1; second, From preearthquake County, well Lati- Longi- Water-bearing formation depth of Depth to water level Remarks tude, N. tude, W. casmg to (feet) ’ screen, per- Double forated amplitude casing, or Upward Down- open hole ward (feet) Alabama Baldwin, Bal—l _____________ 30°24’ 87°42’ Sand ...................... 134/134 24. 6 0.03 0.02 0.05 Calhoun, Cal-1. . ' 33°42’ 85°49’ Conasauga Formation _____ 213/124 9. 2 1.5 1. 6 3. 1 Coffee, Cof~1-. _ 31°19’ 85°51’ Sand of Lisbon Formation. ____________ 179 .47 .28 .75 Colbert, Col-1 _______________ 34°46’ 87°38’ Fort Payne Chert ......... 265 7. 5 2. 9 3. l 6. 0 No aftershocks recorded; 0.3 in. per day, 1:12. Col—2 _______________ 34°41’ 87°41’ Tuscumbia Limestone _____ 171 10. 35 (-. 30) 1. 60 1 85 3. 45 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Franklin, Fra—l _____________ 34°31’ 87°44’ Tuscaloosa Group and 210/146 27. S7(-. 06) ..................... 1 Drum rotated many Bangor Limestone. times. Jefferson, Jef—l ______________ 33°26’ 86°53’ Bangor Limestone... . ...-. 140/68 27. 1 ..................... >10 N8 3ajfltlershocldrs refided; . . r ay, : . Henry, OW—5 ______________ 31°37’ 85°04’ Clayton Limestone ........ 80? 18. 85 .55 .41 .96 First quil e ever recorded in w . Lawrence, Law—2 ........... 34°40’ 87°21’ Fort Payne Chert ......... 200/55 15.0 2. 4 l. 5 3. 9 Cable thrown off pulley; 0.3 in. per day, 1:12. Limestone, Ct.2 ____________ 34°48’ 86°58’ ..... do ..................... 132/50 11. 1 4. 4 3. 1 7. 5 No aftershocks recorded; 1.2 in. per day, 1:12. Madison, Ct-Bl _____________ 34°38’ 86°34’ Tuscumbia Limestone... . 188/36 22. 30(— 10) . 10 . l7 . 27 Mad— ___ 34°44’ 86°35’ Fort Payne Chert _________ 140/69 51. 65 .07 .05 . 12 34°45' 86°35' Tuscumbla Limestone. - 104/61 . 7 1. 32 1. 31 2. 63 34°40’ 86°43’ Fort Payne Chert ......... 119/21 22. 53(-. 04) ..................... >1 Another quake(?) on Mar. 29, but no aftershocks recorded; 1.2 in. per day, 1:1. Q—174 ______________ 34°42’ 86°35' Tuscumbia Limestone. _ . . 65/60 16. 3 . 11 . 15 . 26 Marshall, Mal—2-. _ 34°20’ 86°19’ Fort Payne Chert ......... 130/124 14. 1 1. 6 1.5 3. 1 Monroe, Mon-3 ______________ 31°31’ 87°20’ Sand, gravel, and lime- 128/88 62. 28 >. 50 >. 50 >1 N o aftershocks recorded; stone. 0.3 in. per day, 121. St. Clair, St. C—1 ____________ 33°35’ 86°16’ Floyd Shale, Fort Payne 209 . 2 1.0 1.6 2. 6 Ebert, Maury Forma- ion. Talladega, Tel-2 ............ 33°10’ 86°15’ Marble ____________________ 202/68 15. l(—. 2) .7 .9 1.6 Tuscaloosa, Tus-2 ........... 33°11’ 87°36’ Gravel .................... 90/72 17.93 41 .27 .68 Arizona Maricopa, (C—l—4) 6bba 3°23’ 112°42’ Alluvium _________________ 1,694 83. 86 (-. 24) 0.20 0. 22 0. 42 Pima, (D-15—11) 5ccc.. 32°09’ 111°15’ ..... d ................ 712 324.65 .36 .36 .72 Yuma, (68/23E—32Rl). 33°31’ 114°44’ Sand, gravel, and silt 560 88. 48(—. 12) .07 . 25 .32 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. (B—2—9) 7abb. _ .. 33°32’ 113°13’ lluvium ____________ 1, 692 297. 35 (~ 51) .00 . 51 .51 N 0 rise; drop in level only. (B—6—21) 20ddd__ 33°50’ 114°26l Sand, silt, and gravel 584/120 11. 70 .28 . 25 . 53 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. (C—4—6) 18dad-_ . 33°03’ 112° ’ Alluvium ............ 600 35. 68(+. 08) ..................... >1 No aftershocks recorded. (C—4—10) 228bb_. 33°04’ 113°17’ ..... do ................ 274 131. 45(—. 035) . 102 . 135 . 237 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. (C-9—22) 4dbc2 ...... 32°26’ 114°30’ Sand, gravel, and silt ...... 240 ........................................ 1.14 Clock stopped 3 days be- fore quake; 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. (C—9—25) 35bab ...... 32°36’ 114°48’ ..... do ..................... l, 190 17. 14 . l3 . 17 .30 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. (C-10-24) 15cdd ..... 32°33’ 114°43’ _____ do ..................... 202 ........................................ .73 Clock stopped 5 days be- gne qlugke; 0.3 in. per ay, : . (C—10—25) 3lbbb ..... 32°31’ 114°40’ Sand and gravel ........... 286 80.31 . 10 . 13 . 23 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. (C—11—24) 23be _____ 32°27’ 114°42’ Silt, sand, and gravel ...... 1,038 77. 98 ..................... >1 Aftershocks recorded (see table 6); 0.3 in. per day 1:1. Arkansas Craighead, 13N—2E—35daa1.. 35°42’ 90°50’ Quaternary sand .......... 120 55. 97 0. 72 0.77 1.49 No aftershocgs recorded; 24 in. per ay, 1:6. Dallas, lOS—l3W—34aca ....... 33°48’ 92°25’ Sparta. Sand ______________ 888/836 114. 10 1. 70 1.60 3. 30 Do. Dasha, 11S—2W—3ccal ........ 33°46’ 91°17’ Cockfield Formation ...... 754 21. 86 ..................... >1 No aftershocks recorded; 2.4 in. per day, 1:12. Drew, 158-4W-12dda1. _ _ _-.- 33°24’ 91°28’ Sparta Sand ............... 760 32. 32 ..................... > 1 Do. Lincoln, 7S—5W—17ccc1 ....... 34°06’ 91°37’ Quaternary sand .......... 120/110 17. 56 .95 1. 15 2. 10 No aftershocks recorded; . 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 TABLE 7.—-Hydroseisms in wells in the United States caused by the Alaska earthquake—Continued First num- Water-level fluctuation (feet) ber, de th of we 1; second, From preearthquake County, well Lati- Longi— Water-bearing formation depth of Depth to water level Remarks tude, N. tude, W casing to (feet) screen, per- Double forated amplitude casing, or Upward Down- open hole ward (feet) California Fresno, 15S/16E—20R1 _______ 36°36' 120°14’ Alluvium: upper aquifer 1, 250/490 71. 10 0. 71 0. 60 1.31 zone. 17S/17E—21N2 _______ 36°26’ 120°08’ Alluvium: upper and 1, 005/404 313. 75 .07 .07 . 14 lower aquifer zones. _ 198/17E—35N1 _______ 36°13}? 120°26’ Alluvium _________________ 2, 030/608 494. 08(—. 09) .07 .24 .31 Imperial, 8 (l4S/11E—32R)... 32°54’ 115°52' Alluvial silt, sand, and 560 120. 02 . 12 . 12 . 24 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. grave . 11 (15S/18E—15M).. 32°35’ 115°05’ _____ do _____________________ 383 25. 30(—. 21) .03 .27 .30 Took 2 weeks for water level to recover to stage indicated by prequake rend 12 (l6S/19E-11D).. 32°30’ 114°59’ Deltaic alluvial deposits... 630 13.04 .46 . 44 . 90 0. 3 in. Per day, l: 2. 2 (l6S/19E—32G1)__ 32°28’ 115°0114’ Alluvium _________________ 252 34.00 .08 .12 .20 Water- vel trend reversed coincidentally at time of quake; 0.3 in. per day, 122. Kern, 25S/26E— —1A2 .......... 35°47’ 119°07’ _____ do _____________________ 875/200 352.56 .07 .04 .11 32 S/—28E —20Q1 ......... 35°07’ 118°59’ . 950 212. 10(-. 50) . 03 .64 .67 Los Angeles, 11N/9W—13L1__ 35°03’ 117°47’ . 462 161. 5 .38 .37 .75 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. 8N/10W—8R3.__ 34°48’ 117°57' _ 230 ? .075 .075 . 15 6N/10W—20PL . 34°35’ 117°58’ . 260 232. 57 .09 . 08 . 17 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. lS/9W—3B1 ..... 34°07’ 117°49’ _ 408 103. 92 .06 .02 .08 1.0 in. per day, 1:1. 2S/11W—5L1 34°01’ 118°03’ _ 101 20. 50(—. 10) .20 .22 .42 1.0 in. per day, 1:5. 28/12W—10Q2 34°00’ 118°07’ _ 552 109. 30(-- 06) .50 .42 .92 D0. Orange, 3S/9W—33Q2___1 33°52’ 117°50’ Alluvium _____________ 135 218.48 .08 .07 . 15 2.3 in. per day, 1:10. 389/ 9W—31J4_ ,,,,,, 33°52' 117°51’ Alluvium (La Habra 400 158.06 .21 .17 .38 Formation). 4S/10W—1C2 _________ 33°51’ 117°53’ Pleistoclene sand and 514 102. 05 .31 . 24 . 55 Do. grave 4S/9W—30E1 _________ 33°48’ 117°52’ ..... do _____________________ 235 64. 35 . 53 . 36 . 89 D0. 5S/11W—16D2 _ 33°45’ 118°02’ Alluvium _________________ 400 (—)2. 60 .26 .20 .46 1.2 in. per day, 1:5. 6S/11W—1Q9 _________ 33°40’ 117°59’ Pleistocene sand and 168/68 ? .02 .38 .40 grave . 68/11W—12G1 ________ 33°40’ 117°59’ _____ do _____________________ 200 2. 73 .05 .63 .68 Prdessurle recorder; 51° per ay : . 68/10W-7E2 _________ 33°40’ 117°58’ _____ do _____________________ 330/300 ? . 22 . 12 .34 Pressure records from two 68/10W—7E4 _________ 33°40' 117°58’ _____ do _____________________ 120/ 90 4. 70 .05 .37 .42 depths in adjacent piezometers; 51" per day.1 6S/11W—1Q4 ......... 33°40’ 117°59’ _____ do _____________________ 170/70 ___________________ . 02 . 25 . 27 D0 6S/11W-1Q6.. . . 33°40’ 117°59’ . 02 . 21 . 23 ' GS/llW-1Q3 ......... 33°40’ 117°59’ .10 .35 .45 Prdessurle' égcorder; 51° per ay, . . 68/11W-1Q9 ......... 33°40’ 117°59’ .02 .38 . 40 Praessurle1 recorder; 51° per 8&1 Riverside, 78/22E—17P ______ 33°34’ 114°43’ 265 6. 00(- 05) .07 . 12 .19 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. San Bernardino,11/26E—3101. 35°00’ 114°38’ _ 143 6. 5O .60 . 64 1. 24 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. Santa Barbara, 6/32—11G3._ _ 34°37’ 120°14’ _ 28/25 7. 349 .002 .010 .012 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. 7/35—22N2..- 34°40’ 120°34’ _ 194 7. 24(—. 02) . 18' .31 .49 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. 7/35—28R1___ 34°391/é’ 120°3334’ Careaga Sand _____ . 551 60. 328(-' 005) .017 .018 .035 0.3 In. per day, 1:1. 7/35-33R1..- 34°38}? 120°34’ Gravel of Careaga _,, 420 112 157(— 004) .08 .068 .148 D0. 10/33—7Rl. _ _ 34°57’ 120°23’ Alluvium _________________ 210 . 06 . 07 . 13 T=2X105; S =0.15—0.30; 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. Santa Clara, 7S/1E— —9D2 _____ 37°20%’ 121°521/é’ 600 135.41.07 1.32 2 39 7S/1E— 1605. 37°191/é’ 121°52’ 917 164. 36(—. 15) .63 1.05 1.68 . Solano 8N/1W— —33A1_.- ___________________ 200/20 94 .20 .24 .44 2.4 in. per day, 1:12. Tulare, 238/25E—16N3. 35°55l/é’ 119°l7’ 430 173. 99 .23 .18 .41 238/25E-16N4. _ 35°551/é’ 119°17’ 250 95 88 .027 .022 .049 238/25E—17Q3 W 35°55V2’ 119°17%’ 355 100.19 .32 . 36 .68 . Yolo, 8N/1E-17F1 ______________________________ 200/20 67.23 .54 .43 .97 2.4 in. per day. 1:6. Colorado Prowers, CZ3~42-13cdab ..... I 38°03’ 102°06’ Alluvium _________________ ' 48 I 7.45 0.12 0.15 0.27 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. Connecticut No wells recorded the quake. Delaware No report received. Florida Bay, 006-536-423 ............. 30°06’ 85°36’ Limestone of Floridan ____________ 4o. 10 o. 40 0.38 0.78 1.2 in. per day, 1:6- 012—550—331 ............. 30°12’ 25. 60 .75 .82 1. 57 1.2 in. per day, 1:12. 012—541—213.._.__..,_.._ 30°12 6.13 .35 .73 1. 58 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA C41 TABLE 7.—Hydroseisms in wells in the United States caused by the Alaska earthquake—Continued First num- Water-level fluctuation (feet) ber, depth of well; second, From preearthquake County, well Lati- Longi- Water-bearing formation depth of Depth to water level Remarks tude, N. tude, W casing to (feet) screen, per- Double forated amplitude casing, or Upward Down- open hole ward (feet) 1 Florida—Continued Broward, F291 ______________ 26°00’ 80°08’ Limestone of Biscayne 107 (+)1. 17 2. 04 2. 47 4. 51 0.3 in. getg day,1 aquifer. float after quake. 26°05’ do (+). 54 . 03 .03 . 06 0.3 in. per dgay,l 26°05’ (+)3. 6 . 12 . 11 .23 0. 26°11’ (—). 88 2.87 2.89 5. 76 Tape thrown off pulley. 26°18' (+)3. 34(-. 01) .03 .01 .04 S329 26°06’ (+). 17 1. 91 1. 91 3. 82 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. Clay,9 948—202-8 ______________ 29°48’ 56. 61 ..................... >5 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. No aftershocks; water level declined at time o quake and continued as if aquifer was being drained to a level 4 ft lower. Collier, C131 ________________ 26°25’ 81°16’ Tamiami Formation ______ 54/52 . 1. 30 1. 28 2. 53 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. 380 25°58’ 81°15’ Nonartesian _________ 60/9 (+)4. 30 . 50 . 56 1. 06 Do. _ 26°06’ 81°41’ do (+)5. 00(—. 39) . 19 .44 .63 Do. 0382 . 26°10’ 81°42’ (+) 7. 96 .82 .93 1. 75 Do. Columbia, 9 _________________ 30° 82° 91.82 .42 32 .74 1.2 in. per day, 1:12. Dede, F45 ___________________ 80°12’ (+)1. 60 1 24 1 47 2. 71 2.4111. per day, 1:6. F17 80°20’ (+)1. 35 1 16 1 32 2. 48 0.3 in. per day, 1:6. 80°15’ do (+) 1. 51 1 51 1 66 3. 17 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. 80°28’ Limesigone of Biscayne 54 (+).93 0 17 0 15 0,32 aqu er 25°57’ 80°25' Oolitic limestone of 4. 6 (+)4. 25 33 .36 .69 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. Biscayne aquifer. 25°36’ 80°18’ Limesitone of Biscayne 24/19 (+)1. 13 . 48 .39 .37 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. aqu er. 25°30 80°20’ _____ d (+)2. 21 1.10 1 19 2.29 Do. 25°42' (—). 60 .02 .02 .04 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. ° ’ (+).33 .08 .15 .23 Do. 2532 (+)2. 02(— 01) .04 .07 .11 0.3 in per day, 1:2. 26°05’ (+)3. 60 .63 .54 1_ 17 25°45’ (+)6.12(— 01) .31 .35 .66 1. 2 in. per day, 1: 6. 25°45’ (+)6. 64 .36 . 42 .78 0.3 in. per day, 1: 2. ° ’ (+)4.80 .38 .50 .88 1.2 in. per day, 1: 6. 25°39’ (+)3.08(- 02) .05 .13 .18 0.3in. per day, 1: 5. 25°37' (+)1. 38 .09 .10 .19 Do. ° ’ (+)3. 68(-. 03) . 10 .21 .31 Do. ° ' (+)2.4 .06 .08 _ 14 25°26' (+).74(— 02) .22 .24 16 Do. ° ' (+)4. 70 .19 .18 _37 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. 25°52' (+)2. 60 .05 .07 .13 Do. 25°51’ (+)3. 85(-. 01) .20 .00 .20 1.2 in. per day, 1:12. 2552 (+)5. 60(-. 02) .06 .08 _14 Do. 25°49' (+)4. 80 .49 . 00 _49 Do. 25°29’ (+). 75 .35 .33 .68 0. 3 in. per day, 1: 5. ° ’ (+).66(+ 04) 1.22 .07 1.29 1.2in. per day, 1: 3. 25°19' (—). 47 .40 .47 .87 D. 25°19’ (+). 07(—. 02) .51 . 43 .94 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. 5°24’ .13 .14 .27 0.3 in. per day, 1: 5. 25°19’ (+)0. 68 _____________________ >2 0.3 in. per day, 1: 2: tape thrown ofi pulley 523’ 4. 56(—. 01) .06 .10 .16 Do. 25°55' (+)1. 98 .35 .23 .58 25°48’ (—). 20 2. 40 2.89 5‘ 29 No aftershocks recorded; 0.3 in. per day, 1 5 25°48’ (—)1. 93(—. 04) 1.47 1. 07 2.54 12in. per day.1 6 25°35' (+)1.7 . 00 . 04 , 10 Do. 2530’ do (+)1. 23(——. 02) .04 .10 _14 27°04' 81°47’ Limestone of Hawthorn 460/112 (+)4. 91(+. 33) .90 .14 1.04 1.2 in. per day, 1:12. Formation. __________________ 30°15’ 81°45’ Floridan aquifer.....__.... 1, 700/1, 000 14.85 .15 .12 .27 Gulf, 302 (948-518—1). 29°48’ 85°18’ _____ do _____________ .. 63/300 7. 18(—. 02) 1. 50 1. 50 3_ 00 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. Hardee 731-145—1 27°31' 81°45’ .......................... 450 25. 40(—.40) .18 .52 .70 1.2 in. per day, 1:12. 734—202-332 _________ 27°34’ 82°02’ Floridan aquifer (lime- 1,062/81 65. 38 (—. 29) .81 1 19 2, 00 stone and dolomite). 738—151—223 ......... 27°38’ 81°51’ __________________________ 737/50 43. 02 1. 60 1. 86 3. 46 Pen dislodged by quake. Hillsborough, 5.801—213-213a . 28°01‘ 82°13’ Limestone of Floridan 417/67 1. 77 _>_1. 63 21 73 >3_ 36 Cable thrown ofi; 1081: aquifer. — float and counterweight; 1 2 in per day, 1:6. 803—234-3131.... 28°03’ 82°34’ 1, 120/700 (+)1. 73 Cable thrown ofl pulley. 803—238—212-.. ° ' 2°38’ 807/710 (+)2. 70 Do 805-235-1113.... 28°05’ 82°35’ 1, 200/656 12 53 Do. 805—236—333.... 28°05’ 82°36' 1, 200/697 (+)4. 89 Do. 805—238—100.._. °05’ 82°38' 1, 117/605 (+). 32 Do. 807-230—133... 28°07’ 82°30’ 300/141 ? No aftershocks recorded. 807-230—421.... 28°07’ 82°30' 1, 250/720 17.87 Cable thrown off pulley. 134:38307-230— 28°07’ 82°30’ 362/70 17. 81 809—232—4414.... 28°09’ 82°32’ 375/65 14.85 2. 62 2. GE 5. 2E Water level declined 0.2 ft in 3 hrs after quake recorded, then rose 2.15 it during next 63 hrs. 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. Lake, 832—154—334 ____________ 28°32’ 81°54’ ..... do ..................... 160/63 2. 32 1. 17 1. 13 2, 30 e, L- 6 81°49’ Tamiami Formation ...... 27/19 (+)16. 43 . 18 .20 ,33 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. ________________ 26°38’ 81°49’ Hawthorn Formation..... 94/60 (+)15. .60 .60 1, 20 1.2 in. per day, 1:12. C42 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27; 1964 TABLE 7.———Hydrase'£sms in wells in the United States caused by the Alaska earthquake—Continued First num- Water-level fluctuation (feet) her, do th of we 1; second, From preearthquake County, well Lati- Longi- Water-bearing formation depth of Depth to water level Remarks tude, N. tude, W casing to (feet) screen, per- Double forated amplitude casing, or Upward Down- open hole ward (feet) Florida~Continued Leon, 7(027—416—1) ___________ 30°27’ 84°16’ Limestone of Floridan 314/165 159. 31 4. GE 4. 57 9. 2E 1.2 in. per day, 1:12. Madison, 18 (028—325—1) ______ 30°28’ °25’ 322/307 22. 25 2. 10 2. 58 4. 68 Pasco, 13 (815—226—1).._. . 28°15’ 82°26’ 49/43 5. 76 . 86 .67 1. 53 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. 821—217—221 ___________ 28°21’ 82°17’ 699/205 108. 52(—. 10) _____________________ >5 6 hours after quake re- corded, water level began to rise and rose 0.94 ft in 12 hrs. 826—211—214 ........ . ° ’ 82°11’ _ 227/49 16. 29(-. 04) 1. 26 1. 02 2. 28 Pinellas, 561 (750—240—1)___ 27°50’ 82°40’ . 188 3. 40 . 73 .85 1. 58 665 758—244—4) _____ ° ’ 82°44’ . 299/81 21. 10 1. 18 2. 01 3. 19 1.2 in. per day, 1:12. 246 (758—247—1) _____ 27°58’ 82°47’ . 208 26.10 1.80 1. 70 3. 50 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. 667 (759-243—313)- _ . 27°59’ 82°43’ _ 845 54. 32 1.09 1. 7E 2. 8E 77 (804-245-1) ...... ° ’ 82°45’ _ 282 65. 58 .27 .26 .53 1.2 in. per day, 1:12. 13 (808—245—1) ______ ° ’ 82°45’ _ 141/33 9. 48 1.90 1.91 3. 81 Do. Polk, 753-158—311 ____________ 27°53’ 81°58’ _ 710/237 26. 41(+. 06) 3. 88 3. 70 7. 58 D0. 810—144—1 ______________ 28°10’ 81°44’ _____ do _____________________ 425/102 8. 72(—-. 08) 2.15 1. 48 3. 63 Water level began to de- cline after quake recorded and fell 1.7 ft over 17 days. 1.2 in. per day,l : 6. Sarasota, 9(719—225—1) _______ 27°19’ 82°25’ Limestone of Floridan 730/101 3. 92 . 51 2. 30 2. 81 Upward motion blocked aquifer. (7). Water level rose 1. 7 it during 5 days after (11131391 recorlded; 1. 2 in. per ay Seminole, 125(841—122—1) _____ 28°41’ 81°22’ ..... do _____________________ 158/74 38.50 .30 . 71 1.51 Water levell rose 0.6 ft' 1n 48 hrs after quake; 1 2 in. per day, 1:21. Sumter, 821—202—3 ........... 28°21’ 82°02’ ..... do ..................... 143/20 4. 59(—. 04) .33 . 16 .49 Water level began to rise 6 hrs after quake and rese 0.65 ft in 20 hrs; 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. Taylor, 35 (003—330—1) ....... 30°03’ 83°30’ ..... do ..................... 245/189 20. 2(+. 3) 3. 5E 8. 5 1. 7E Only well 111 Florida to record aftershocks; for list, see table 6; 1.2 in. per day, 1:24. 36 (003-331-1) ....... 30°03’ 83°31’ Sand ______________________ 35 6. 52 1.13 1. 41 2. 54 Volusia, 31 (856-105—1) ....... 28°56’ 81°05’ Floridan aquifer _______ . 113 4. 96 .78 . 65 l. 43 905-113-3 ........... 29°05’ 81°13’ ..... do _______________ 351/93 . 16 2. 7E 2. 74 5. 4E . 909—106—4 ___________ 29°06’ 81°06’ ..... do _____________________ 220/152 5. 74(—. 04) 2. 7E 2. 66 5. 4E Water level rose 0.25 ft In 18 hrs after quake; 1.2 in. per day y, 1:6. 910-105—1 ___________ 29°05’ 81°05’ ..... do _____________________ 234/102 14. 90 4. 86 4.36 9. 22 Water level rose 0.5 ft in 6 hrs after quake, 1. 2 in. per day.1 Georgia Chatham, 63 (370,7) ......... 32°05’ 81°06’ Ocela Limestone .......... 525/120 2. 50 2.88 3. 30 6. 18 No aftershocks recorded. 993( 7Q16)-.. 32°04’ 81°04’ do. , Do. 143A (36Q20) 32°00 81°50’ . D0. 317 (38Q2)... 32°02’ 80°54’ _ 24. 10 D0- 382 (36Q8). 32°05' 81°08’ . 101. 34(—. 07) D0- 429 (37Q34) . 32°00’ 81°05’ _ 32 74. 72(-. 47) D0- Dawson, 12—3 ............... 32°20’ 84’05’ Crystalline metamorp c 400/79 22. 04 Aftershocks recorded (see me male 6); 2. 4111. per day, DOUEherty, 133—400—4 ........ 31°33' 84°00’ Ocala Limestone .......... 243/206 27. 95 3. 88 ? 7. 76E Attershocks recorded (see iagle 6); 2. 4' in. per day, 135-406—3_.__ .. . . 31°36’ 84°06’ Clayton Formation _______ 760/713 61. 25 .20 . 15 .35 First qllllake ever recorded in we . Eflmgham, 7 (34R36) ........ 32°09’ 81°23’ Ocala Limestone __________ 431/273 17. 00(—. 02) ..................... >2 Fulton, 26 ................... 33°42’ 84°26’ Injection complex _________ 350 13. 42 .002 .021 .023 First quake ever recorded in this watertable well. Glynn, E143 ................ 31°10' 81°30’ Ocala Limestone and 950/823 (+)3. o ..................... >5 'I‘=1.4X106; s=2x10-4; lépper. part of Claiborne no aftershocks recorded; mu 1. 2 in. per day, J35 .................. 31°08’ 81°29' Ocala Limestone __________ 710/611 (+)12. 7 3. 3 2. 7 6.0 T= 1.6X100; S=3X10"' Pressure recorder. J36 .................. 31°07%’ 81°29’ Ocala Limestone and 1, 007/539 (+)15. 3 3. 6 3. 3 6. 9 T=2.7X106; S=4><10-‘; Gpperp part of Clairbone no aftershocks recorded. r011 Pressure recorder. J 67 .................. 31°05’ 81°25’ Ocela Limestone __________ 755/550 (+) 23. 7 3. 0 2. 6 5. 6 T=10°; S=3X10-‘; Pressure recorder. Laurens, 21T1 .......... _ 32°27’ °04' __________________________ 113 25. 04(—. 06) . 98 .99 1- 97 Lowndes, 19E2__.. . 30°50’ 83°17’ Suwannee Limestone ______ 342/200 115. 96(+. 02) .36 . 16 .52 First qllilake ever recorded in we . Mlller. 8H2 .................. 31°10’ 84°44’ Clayton Formation _______ 1, 040/776 31.10(+.30) 1. 4s .00 1. 48 Water level rose 1.48 ft in 20 min, then declined 1.18 ft 1111 hr; 1.2 in. per . day, 1:6. Mitchell, 10G313 ____________ 31°05’ 84°26’ Ocala Limestone ______________________ 43. 00 _____________________ >5 Aftershocks recorded (see Eagle 6); 1.2 in. per day, HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA C43 TABLE 7 .—Hydroseisms in wells in the United States caused by the Alaska earthquake—Continued First num- Water-level fluctuation (feet) ber, depth .___ of well; sneco nd, From preearthquake County, well Lati- Longi— Water-bearing formation depth of Depth to water level Remarks tude; N. tude W casing to (feet) screen, per- Double forated amplitude casing, or Upward Down- open hole ward (feet) Georgia—Continued Thomas, 14E l5 .............. 30°50’ 83°58’ Ocala Limestone .......... 548 195. 20 ..................... >5 Cable thrown off pulley and float stuck. 14E20 .............. 30°51’ 80°57’ Suwannee Limestone ...... 299/147 223. 19(+. 04) 1.29 1. 26 2. 55 First qizlake ever recorded in we . 15E12 ______________ 30°47’ 83°51’ _____ do _____________________ 183/136 (+. 084) ______________________ >1 Do. Tift, 17Kl ______ 31°27’ 83°31’ Ocala Limestone ______ _ 312 123. 50(—. 40) .20 . 52 .72 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. Wayne, 30L3 ________________ 31°37’ 81°55’ Tampa and Suwannee 594 65. 18 1. 15 1. 22 2. 37 =2.5X10°; 2.4 in. per Limestones. day, 1:6. Hawaii Oahu, 1A ................... 21°16’ 157°46’ Bassarlit of Kolau Volcanic 131/100 8. 27 _____________________ >1 e es. 2 _____________________ 21°17’ 157°48’ ..... do ..................... ?/100 25. 15 _____________________ >1 83 ____________________ 21°18’ 157°51’ ..... do _____________________ 474/458 (+)25. 84(+. 06) _____________________ 1. 85 Aftershocks recorded (see table 6); 1.2 in. per day, 1:1. 286 ___________________ 21°35’ 158°ll’ Bzgsalites of Wainae Volcanic 447/447 +6. 87 0.03 0.05 .08 Tidal efiitciency= 10 ere percen . 332 ___________________ 21°35’ 158°07’ Baésalt of Koolau Volcanic 225/205 +2. 98 . 28 . 32 .60 Do. er1es 333 ................... 21°35’ 158°06’ 163/68 9. 14 .09 .05 . 14 Tidal aficiency= 15 peroe 157°53' 115/66 21. 95(+. 10) . 21 . 12 .33 2. 3 in. per day, 1: 1. 158°06’ 60/39 23.28 .10 .17 .27 Tidalefliciency= 4percent. 157°55’ 85/59 19.12(+.07) ? 1' .16 2.3 in. per day, 1 1 157°56’ 321/170 19. 35 _____________________ >1 D0. T—57 .................. 21°36’ 158°06’ Basalt of Koolau Vol- 33/11 2.03 . 75 .83 1.58 Tidal efficiency= 15 per- canic Series. cent, T—67 ................. 21°23’ 157°57’ _____ do _____________________ 1, 308/91 4. 17 . 2 .03 . 05 T1dal teiflciency= 2 per- T—69 ................. 21°20’ 157°52’ _____ do _____________________ 283/233 24. 55(7) .31 . 33 .64 Chart pulled from drum by pen; 1.2111. per day, T—75 _________________ 21°23’ 157°56’ ..... do _____________________ 250/75 18. 16(7) _____________________ >1 Rising float stuck between counterweight and cas- ing;1.2 in per day, 1:1. T—96 _________________ 21°35’ 158°09’ Reef limestone ____________ 60/16 7.00 .35 . 60 . 95 Tidaltefliciency=30 per- cen . Shaft 4 _______________ 21°29’ 158201’ Basalt of Koolau Vol- ____________________________________________________ Trace canic Series. Shaft 17 .............. 21°35’ 158°05’ _____ do _________________________________ 237. 60 . 05 .05 . 10 Mimi-type shaft, 608 ft. 011g. Waibee Tunnel (1,624 21°27’ 157°51’ _____ do _________________________________________________________________________ 4. 60 Pressure change on hori- ft long; 24 ft satu- zontal discharge line rated and held by near the bulkhead. dike and bulkhead) Idaho Bingham, 5S—3lE—23ab1 ..... 42°58’ 112°49’ Basalt of Snake River 46 24.70 0.04 0.05 0.09 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. rou Blaine; 18—11915—3ch ......... 43°21’ 114°12’ Clay, 51]., t, sand, and 51/51 17.97 .81 .75 1.56 Do. ave 2S—20E—1ac2 _________ 43°17’ 114°01’ Basalt of Snake River 208/208 151. 24 .56 .47 1.03 Do. Group and alluvium. Butte, 3N—29E—14ad1........ 43°35’ 112°58’ Baéalt of Snake River 588 459.02 2. 27 1. 71 3.98 2.4 in per day, 1:6. roup. 7N -31E~34bd1 _______ 43°55’ 112°43’ __________________________ 320 269. 44 . 04 . 05 . 09 Canyon, 2N—lW—7bb4._ 43°32’ 116°31’ Basalt of Idaho Group. _ .. 103/96 11.28 .05 .05 .10 Cassia, 13S—2lE—18bb1 ______ 42°18’ 114°03’ Paleozoic limestone _______ 850/20 430. 92 .66 .76 1. 42 Aftershocks recorded (see table 6); 0. 3 in. per day, Elmore, 1S-4E—10da1 ________ 43°21’ 115°57’ Sand and grave] of Idaho 525/485 341. 68 .04 .06 . 10 0. 3 in. per day, 1: l. ‘roup. . Gooding, SS—l4E—l6bc1 ...... 42°44’ 114°50’ Basalt 01‘ Snake River 53/50 39. 55 .02 .02 .04 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. Jeflerson, 5N-32E 3—6_ad1 __.. 43°43’ 112°38’ 406/361 330.07 . 71 . 50 1. 21 Do. N——36E 223b4 _____ 43°54’ 112°07’ 35/18 7.09 .33 .40 .73 O. 3 in. per day, 1: 1. Jerome 787—1715451101. . 42°51’ 114°30’ 345/322 314. 53(— 02) .02 .02 .04 0. 3 in. per day, 1: 2. Latah, 39N—4W—7... _____ 46°45’ 117° ____________ 255. 1 ..................... >5 Aftershocks recorded (see table 6); 1. 2 in. per day, Lincoln, 5S—17E-26ac1 ....... 42°58’ 114°24’ 255 202. 20 .44 .42 .86 0. 3 in. per day, 1: 2. Minidoka, 7S—25E—19ba1 _____ 42°48’ 113°35’ 284/284 244. 38(—.02) .82 .96 1.78 Do. 88-23E-2ba1 ______ 42°46’ 113° 254/80 208. 65 . 62 1. l4 1. 76 Do. SS—Z4E.20dbl.--. 42°43’ 113°40' 367/ 154. 10 . 15 . 15 .30 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. SS-Z4E—3ldcl _____ 42°41’ 113°42' 213/175 153. 53(-. 04) .09 . 16 .25 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. 88-25E—24bd1. . . . 42°43’ 113°29’ _____ 180/160 145. l3(-. 02) . ll . 09 . 20 D0. Power, 5H3E—35cc1 ........ 42°56' 112°34’ Gravel ____________________ 25. 29 .04 ...................... Float hung on down movement; 0.3111. per day, 1-1 C44 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 TABLE 7.—Hydroseisms in wells in the United States caused by the Alaska earthquake—Continued First num- Water-level fluctuation (feet) ber, depth __ of well; — “— . ‘ . second, From preearthquake County, well Latl- Longl- Water-beanng formation depth of Depth to water level Remarks tude. N. tude, W. casing to (feet) _~ screen, per- Double forated amplitude casing, or Upward Down- open hole ward 1 (feet) Idaho—Con tinned Power, 7S—30E—28bb1 _______ 42°47’ 112°58' Basalt of Snake River 288 198. 29 0.00 0. 12 0. 12 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. roup. Teton, 4N—45E—13ad1 _______ 43°40’ 113°05’ Alluvium _________________ 304 201. 46 _____________________ >5 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. Twin Falls, llS—19E—17aa1.. 42°29’ 114°15’ Baéalt of Snake River 860 321.92 .22 .28 .50 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. roup. llS—20E—21ch. 42°27’ 114°07’ _____ do _____________________ 280 69. 85 . 24 . 32 . 56 Do. Illinois [Data furnished by the Illinois Water Survey and the Northern Illinois Gas Co ] Chalrlnpaign, CHM 19N9E— 40°07’ 88°12’ Glacial sand and grave]. _ .. 163 113. 77 0.03 0. 05 0.08 Cook/00K 39N12E—11.7f... 41°53' 37°50 Cambrian and Ordovi- 1, 640 553.0 _____________________ >10 cian sandstone. Degiali), DEK 40N3E— 41°56’ 88°51’ _____ do _____________________ 1, 007 130. 87(+. 51) . 51 . 30 .81 Dufétge, DUP 39N11E— 41°51’ 87°55’ Silurian dolomite __________ 350 40. 90 .82 1. 32 2. 14 10 7 1 DUP 38N10E- 41°47’ 88°05’ _____ do _____________________ 53 13.08 . 01 .00 .01 . a . 27 6 DUP 38N10E— 41°-45’ 88°05’ _____ do _____________________ 114 47. 20 . 40 .33 . 73 ' L-9 ............ 42° 88° Niagara Dolomite ......... 140/90 96. 09(+. 03) ..................... >1 1. 2 in per day, ANL-lO ........... 42° 88° ..... do _____________________ 199 81. 12(+. 21) 4. 30 3. 40 7. 70 Aftershocks recorded (see table 6); 1. 2 in. per day, LaSalle, Wealdon 9 .......... 89° 41° Troy Grove Gas Storage ____________ 89. 4 .45 .45 .9 Quake recorded at bottom Field. of water level “low”; 1.2 in. per day, Weldon 15 __________ 89° 41° _____ do _________________________________ 90. 36 .00 . 00 .00 Water level changed trend and rose 1. 0 ft in 13 hrs after quake; 1.2 in. per day, l: 10. Amlahr 3 ___________ 85° 41° _____ do _________________________________ 90. 37 8 .8 1. 6 1.2 in. er day, l: 10. Roulston 3 ......... 89° 41° _____ do _________________________________ 80. 4 ________________________________ Water i; vel began drop- ping when quake hit, fell 1.4 ft in 2 hrs, then re- versed and rose 3. 6 ft in 60 hrs; 1. 2 in. per day, 1: 10. Fordyce 2 (or 3?)... 89° 41° Arfifiofi; Gas Storage ____________ 144. 4 .3 3 .6 1. 2 in. per day, 1: 10. e . Scheuer 2 ........... 89° 41° Garfield Gas Storage ____________ 164. 7 .7? 2 1? 2. 8? Float hung during quake; Field 1.2 in. per day, 110 Fe hr2 ______________ 89° 41° 142.4(+. 2) .2 .2 .4 1.2 in. per day. 1 10 Peoria, PEO 8N8E—6. 1e _____ 40°42’ 89°37’ 69.0 . 80 . 70 1. 50 PE E0 8N8E-16 7g. .... ° ’ 89°36’ 28. 82(+. 04) .09 .05 .14 PEO 8N8E— 17. 2e2... 40°40’ 89°36’ 33. 13(+. 02) .02 .02 .04 Tazewell, TAZ 24N5W—3. 83- 40°33’ 89°39’ 37. 25 (-. 03) . 02 . 13 . 15 TAZ 26N4W—31. 2g. 40°40' 89°36’ 3. 28(- 02) . 17 . 08 . 25 Will, WIL 37N10E—10. 611.- .. 41°43’ 88°04’ 73. 12 .30 .20 . 50 Indiana Allen A1-4 .................. 41°08’ 84°53’ Limestone ________________ 44 30. 48 0. 32 0.39 0.71 1.2 in. per day, 1:5. A1—5 .................. 41°04’ 84°50’ _____ do _____________________ 100 23. 71(+. 01) ..................... >1 No l.afitlershocldxs regarded; - Def fly, Benton, Be—2 ............... 40°31’ 87°23’ Gravel ____________________ 37 12. 67 . 12 .07 . 19 0 3 in. per day. 1:1. Clinton, Cl—4. ___________ 40°17’ 86°30’ _____ d 230 17. 58(+. 03) . 09 . 02 . 11 l. 2 111.1)91' day, 125. Jagper, Jp~4_. ........... 41°03’ 87°01’ Limestone ................ 300 4. 53(—. 10) .05 .22 . 27 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. Je erson, J {—4. ___________ 38°46’ 85°26’ Ordovician rock ........... 75 25. 71(— 08) .06 .08 . 14 1 2 in per day, 1:5. Madison Md—8. ___________ 40°16’ 85°50’ Limestone __________ 41.5 28. 9o(—. 10) .27 .36 .63 1. 2 in. per day, 1:10. Marlon, Ma—3l ............. 39°51’ 86°01’ Niagara Dolomite. 347/210 101. 70(+. 7) 3. 65 4. 60 8. 25 0 31 11.1191 day, 1:10. Ma—32 .............. 39°52’ 86°08’ ..... do ..................... 322/60 9 92(-—. 14) ..................... >1 Aftershocks recorded (see table 6); l. 2 in. per day, Marshall, Ml—2 .............. 41°21’ 86°19’ Gravel .................... 127 22. 03 .29 .25 .54 0. 31 in. per day, 1:5. _ . Ml—4 ......... 41°27’ 86°19’ Sand... 133 4 .‘ .03 .03 .06 0.3 in. per day, 1:10. M1am1, Ml-2 ____________ 40°40’ 86°08’ Limestone . . 165/66 44. 28(~'. 12) 1. 78 1 38 3. 16 1.2 in. per day, 1:10. Newton, Ne—3 .......... 40°47’ 87°27’ Sand and gravel. . .... 103 36. 57 1. 14 .80 1. 94 1.2 in. per day, 1: 5. Parke, Pa—3 ................. 39°48’ 87°22’ ..... do ................. . 124 48. 55 .04 .04 . 08 0.3 in. per day, Porter, I’ll-9. ............... 41°28’ 87°13’ Limestone_ ............... 379/236 23. 14(- 1. 92) ..................... >1 N8. gltershoclésl reedl'ded' in per ay,1 Posey, Py —2 ................ 38°07’ 87°47’ Pennsylvanian rock ....... 236 11.6.04 .06 . 10 1.2 in. per day, 1:5.1 Pulaski Pu—6(29/4W—4L1)_.. 40°59’ 86°53’ Niagara Dolomite ......... 663 15. 93C!) ..................... >1 Aftershocks recorded (see liable 6); 1. 2 in. per day, Ripley, Ri—4 ................ 39°14’ 85°06’ Sand and gravel. ......... 34 3. 59 .03 .05 .0812 in. per day, 1: 1. Spencer, 14 ............. 37°58’ 87°08’ S 11 56/53 8.46 .015 .02 .035 Sin. per day, 1: 1. Starke, Sk—2 ......... 41°14’ 86°37’ 83 4. 04 . 21 . 19 . 40 Do. Tippecanoe, Tc—7 ...... . 40°26’ 86°55’ 207 168.99 .17 .12 .291.2 in. per day, 1: 1. Vanderburgh, Van—3 ........ 37°59’ 87°31’ 90 24. 00 .035 .04 .075 0.3 in. per day, l: 1. HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA TABLE 7,—Hydroseisms in wells in the United States caused by the Alaska earthquake—Continued First num- Water-level fluctuation (feet) ber, de th __.__—_-_ of we 1; : second, From preearthquake ; County, well Lati- Longi- Water-hearing formation depth 01' Depth to water level 1 Remarks tude, N. tude, W. casing to (feet) -__m___.___ ‘ screen, per- Double l forated amplitudel casing, or Upward Dowu- l E open hole ward 1 (feet) 1 Iowa Des Moines, 69—3—6A1 __________________________ St. Peter Sandstone _______ 1, 205/854 182. 75(-1. 75) 0.00 1. 75 1. 75 Water level dropped at time of quake. No other water-level move- ingnt; 2.4 in. per day. Lee, 67—4—3J1 ___________________________________ Sand and gravel. _________ 156 12. 00 . 1 . 1 .2 1.2 in. per day, 1:10. Linn, 83—7—28H1 _______________________________ Siliirlian'kimestone and 420/75 67. 7(—. 1) . 15 . 15 .3 2.4 in. per day, 1:12. o omi e. Cairo Dome of Natural Gas Pi eline Co. of America: ouisa, Jones G—l __________________________ Ordovocian shale and ?/376 149. 9 .00 . 16 . 16 Water-level decline only; Silurian rock. 1.2 in. per day, 1:10. Hutchinson 0—1. ___________________ Galena Dolomite _________ ?/571 133. 1 2. 1(+?) 2. 6 4. 7(+?) Cable slipped on pulley at time of quake; 1.2 in. per day, 1:10. Madison, 75—26—23A1. . _. ................... Mississippian limestone. _ . 1, 058/657 262. 45 .55 . 55 1. 10 2.4 in. er day, 1:3. Marion, 74—21—11K1 _____________________________________________________ 113/76 44. 30(—. 05) .025? .025? .05? Reoor or made a. jerky- type record; 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. Story, 83—24—2Q1 ___________________________ Sand and gravel __________ 110 53. 85 . 075 .075 . 15 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. Washington, 77—924A1 ...................................................... 110/47 3. 57 . 11 . 10 .21 0.3 in. per day, 126. Keota Reservoir of Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America: , Washington, Anderson 1. ................... St. Peter Sandstone ....... ?/1, 189 100. 23(+. 4) . 75 .41 1. 16 Float seemingly hung for 7% hrs after quake; water level then be an to rise (1.82 ft in 40 rs); 1.2 in. per day, 1:10. E. V. ________________________ do _____________________ 'I/l, 219 153, 9 . 18 .18 .36 1.2 in. per day, 1:10. Green 1. Flynn G—l. Galena Dolomite. . _ ?/814 120.0 . 25 . 46 . 71 Do. Woodbury, 89~47—22B2. - ____ Dakota Sandstone. _ _.__._ 343 22. 65(-. 05) .61 .55 1. 16 2.4 in. per day, 1:12. Kansas Kearny, 23—28—11db _________ 38° 101° Unconsolidated deposits. _ 296 219. 53 0. 18 0. 10 0. 37 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. Kentucky Christian, S—1,502.3—196.8_._. 36°51’ 87°27’ Ste. Genevieve Limestone. 85 14. 09 0.06 0.07 0. 13 Edmondson, S—1,901.4—311.0_ 37°11’ 86°05' _____ do _____________________ 295 129. 10(+. 13) 1.0 .8 1.8 N o attershocks recorded; . 0.3111. per day, 1:10. Elliott, N—2,315.1—210.7 ______ 38°04’ 87°09’ Rocks of Pennsylvanian 70 22. 60 .06 .06 . 12 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. age Graves, S—1,150.7-208.2 ...... 36°52’ 88°39’ Sand ______________________ 106 16. 34 .06 .04 . 10 Do. S-1,154.15—139.90_ 36°40’ a38’ _____ do _______________ 183 88. 17 .23 . 18 .41 Do. Jefferson, N—1,540.0-258.6 38°11’ 85°51’ Glacial sand and gravel 112 60. 37 . 09 09 . 18 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. N 1 38°14’ 85°45’ Limestone .......... 190 49. 46 . 141 . 165 .306 Do. , . . . . 38°12’ 85°50’ Glacial sand and gra 117 77. 39 . 12 . 10 . 22 Johnson, S—2,864.6—536.6_ 37°46' 82°45’ Sandstone and shale of 115 26. 96 _____________________ >1 No aftershoeks recorded; Breathitt Formation. 0.3 in. per day, 1:]. Letcher, S-2,851.7—329.6. _ _ .. 37°12’ 82°49’ ..... do ..................... 180 17.0 . 53 1. 13 No aftershocks recorded; 0.3 in. per day, 1:10. S—2,909.1—321.7_ _ _ _. 37°10’ 82°37’ ..... do ..................... 146 21. 87 .07 .05 . 12 S—2,858.0—299.9_ _ _ .. 37°06’ 82°48’ ..... do _____________ _ 53 11. 18 .04 .03 .07 Livingston, S—1,276.1—259.3_ _ 37°01’ 88°14’ Warsaw Limestone ________ 205 46. 77 .20 .20 .40 S—1,276.6—347 .9. _ 37°15’ 88°14’ Fredonia Limestone, 365 22. 30 . 10 . 11 . 21 Member of Ste. Gene- vieve Limestone. Lyon, S—l,298.8—270.2 ........ 37°03' 88°09’ Warsaw Limestone ________ 99 31.84 .10 .10 .20 Marshall, S—1,246.2—272.0_ _.. 37°03’ ° ’ Gravel and sand._ _ 92 26.03 .01 .01 .02 McCracken, S—1,119.0—310.2_. 37°08’ 88°46’ ..... o _______________ 86 47. 65 .30 .26 .56 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. Ohio, S-31,672.0—396.7_ _ .._._ 37°25’ 86°52’ Tradewater Formation..._ 298 152. 46 .01 .02 .03 Pulaski, S-2,332.3~243,3_ . .._ 36°59’ 84°36’ Limestone of Fort Payne 146 81. 08 . 09 .04 . 13 Formation. Warren, S—1,888.1—265.3_ _._._ 37°03’ 86°08’ St. Louis Limestone ______ 94 71. 51 .09 .09 . 18 Do. Louisiana Acadia, AC—40 .............. 30°18’ 92°25’ Chieot aquifer ............. 303 53. 28(?) 1.07 0. 94 2. 01 Float hung after fluctua- tion; 2.4 in. per day, 1:12. Ascension, An—2 ............. 30°14’ 90°55’ Older alluvium ............ 590/550 1. 64 _______________________ >2 No aftershocks recorded; pen hung; 0.3 in. per day, 1 :2. Calcasieu, Cu—77 ............ 30°14’ 93°16’ “500-f9fot” sand, 011th 512/450 125. 55 .20 .20 40 2.4111. per day, 1:6. aqui er. Gil—445 ........... 30°11’ 93°19’ ..... do ..................... 540/460 114.40 .78 .80 1. 58 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. (Du—446 ........... 30°11’ 93°19’ “700—ftiifot” sand, Chicot 738/658 83.32 .95 1.05 2. 00 D0. . aqu er. C46 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 TABLE 7.—Hydroseisms in wells in the United States caused by the Alaska earthquake—Continued First num- Water-level fluctuation (feet) ber, depth of well; second, From preearthquake County, well Lati- Longi- Water-bearing formation depth 01 Depth to water level Remarks tude, N. tude, W casing to (feet) screen, per- Double forated amplitude casing, or Upward Down- open hole ward (feet) Louisiana—Continued Calcasieu, Ctr—583 ___________ 30°13’ 93°17’ “700491012” sand, Chicot 670/570 170. 70(—. 05) 0.24 0.24 0.48 2. 4 1n. per day, 1: 6. mm er. East Baton Rouge, EB—78- . 30°30’ 91°11’ “400-foot" sand ____________ 423/332 115. 34(+.05) >. 33 .29 >. 62 2. 4 in. per day, 1' 6. EB 90—_- 30°28’ 91 °09’ ”2,000~foot" sand.. _ 2,120/2,025 145. 22(—.27) >. 23 .34 >. 57 2. 4 in. per day,1. EB-123 _ 30°26’ 91°10’ “600-foot" sand.. . 729/630 90. 26(+.03) .03 . 35 .38 Do. EB—127 . 30°26’ 91°11 ’ “400—foot” sand. . 330/229 29.16 .04 .00 .04 D. EB—l28 . 30°26’ 91°10’ “800-foot" sand__ 970/840 102. 00(—.14) _____________________ >5 No aftershocks recorded; perday,1: 5. EB—155. 30°29’ 91°10’ "400-1001;” sand ____________ 412/311 103. 50(+.06) .40 . 50 .90 2. 4 in. per day, 1: 6. EB—293. 30°30’ 91°11’ “600-foot” sand.. 600/540 129. 50 1.07 l. 10 2.17 2. 4 in. per day, 1: 0. EB—652 . 30°32’ 91°08’ “1 ,500-foot” sand. _ 1,345/1,264 64. 83 2. 77 >1. 14 >3. 91 2. 4 in. per day,l : East Feliciana, Ef—l ......... 30°52’ 91°01’ Quaternary upland. 143 7. 45(+.008) .06 .06 . 12 2. 4 in. per day, 1: 1.2. Iberville, Ib—2 ............... 30°17’ 91°14’ Alluvium _________________ 280/260 5. 30 ..................... >5 Reversed on both sides of 1: l.gchart; 2 4 in. per day, IB—92 _____________ 30°07’ 91°15’ __________________________ 200/160 +1.20 1.10 > .20 >l.30 2. 4 in. per day, 1: 6. Jackson, 18—49 ............... 32°17’ 92°46’ Sparta Sand _______________ 570 158. 35 . 62 1. 41 2.03 Record unusual but diffi- cult to interpret because of reversal; 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. Jefferson, Jf—120 _____________ 29°59’ ° ’ “700-1‘oot" sand ____________ 780/705 78. 70 2.24 >1. 30 >3. 54 2. 4 in. per day, 1:6. Jefierson Davis, J D—485 _____ 30°13’ 92°59’ Chicot aquifer. . 250/240 45. 50 . 10.75 .85 2.4 in. per day, 1:12. Morehouse, Mo—5 ___________ 32°46’ 91°55’ Sparta Sand... _ 860 198 1. 15 1. 70 2.85 2.4 in. per day, 1: Orleans, Or—42.. _______ 29°57’ 90°02’ “700-foot” sand. _ 757/664 106. 27(—.08) 3. 10 >. 20 >3. 30 2.4 in. per day, 1 0r—4 7. ....... 30°02’ 90°04’ _____ do ___________ _ 610/527 100.10 1. 53 1. 52 3.05 D0. St. Charles, SC—9. _______ 30°00’ 90°24’ _____ do ......... . 777 32.13 .14 .12 .26 0.3 in. per day, 125. 80—1 14 .......... 30°00’ 90°24’ “400-foot" sand. _ 404/324 69. 00 .88 .77 1. 65 Do. St. John The Baptist, 30°03’ 90°27’ __________________________ 310 31. 95(+.07) _____________________ >1 Aftershocks recorded (see SJ B—17. table 6); 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. SJ B—86 ..... 30°04’ 90°29’ _____ do ..................... 368/324 31. 38(+.04) 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. SJ B—145.___ 30°02’ 90°39’ Pleistocene _ 320 5 11. 74(—. 005) 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Union, Un—26 _______________ 32°44’ 92°09’ (Syparta Sand. _ 745/670 159. 07(—. 04) _ D0. Vermilion, Ve—6 ............. 29°58’ °08’ hfoot aquifer. _ 214/125 5.50 . 68 . 58 1. 26 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. Ve—601 ........... 29°46’ 92°20’ _____ do ......... . 249/167 4. 20(+. 02) . 17 . 21 . 38 Do. Vernon, V—104 ______________ 31°04’ 93°13’ Miocene. . _ . ._ __ . 855’825 2.06 25 .12 .01 . 13 D0. Washington, Wa-7..........’ 30°47’ 89°51’ Pliocene(?).. 600/525 11. 47 .27 .25 .52 Do. Webster, Wb—27 ____________ 32°58’ 93°27’ Sparta Sand _______ . 312/231 111.43 .08 .08 .61 D0. WestBatonRouge,WBR—5_. 30°28’ 91°12’ “1,200—foot" sand.. _ 1,338 93.30 .68 2. 20 2. 86 0.3 in. per day, 125. WEB—43. 30°25’ 91°13’ Alluvium _________________ 185/170 18. 16 ..................... >5 N o aitershocks recorded; 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. West Feliciana. WF—57 _____ 30°47’ 91°23’ Zone 1 Tertiary ___________ 351/311 93. 22 .23 .44 .67 0.3111. per day, 1'2 Maine Cumberland, C—26 .......... 43°54’ 70°01’ Glacial sand and gravel. . _ 101/81 32. 37 0. 08 0. 11 0. 19 Well drilled to bedrock. Barometric efllciency = 20 percent; 0.3 in. per day, 1'1 Maryland Charles, Ch—Cb7 ............ 38°34’ 77°12’ Sand of Patapsco Forma- 400/154 68. 54 0.07 0. 07 0. 14 0.3 in per day, 1:5. tion. Dorchester, Dor—Cd40 ...... 38°34’ 76°06’ Sand 0! Piney Point 401/369 (—.20) .00 .20 .20 2.4 in. per day, 1 :6. » Formation. Prince Georges, PG-Cifi _____ 38°57’ 76°44’ Sand of Magothy Forma- 207/? +53. 49(—.03) .10 .14 .24 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. tion. PG—Fd39... 38°44’ 76°50’ ..... do ..................... 456/436 +39. 25 .13 .15 .28 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. Massachusetts Berkshire, Lee—44 ........... 42°19’ 73°14’ Stockbridge Limestone... 49 9.13 0.31 0.31 0.62 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. Michigan Bay, l7N 4E 22—1 ........... 43°51’ 83°59’ Saginaw Formation _______ 110/60 5. 35 0. 18 0. 18 0. 36 _ Calhoun, 18 7W 32—3. 42°20’ 85°09’ Marshall Formation 95/40 25. 00(+ .1) 1.27 1. 01 2. 28 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. . 28 SW 2-1- 42°19' 85°12’ _____ do _____________ 92/45 15. 25 . 71 .56 1. 27 Cllnton, 5N 2W 31—1. 42°46’ 84°36’ Saginaw Formation. . 195 61.22 . 16 . 19 .35 Delta, 39N 23W 28-3. 45°45’ 87°09’ Munising Sandstone 530 2. 94 1. 12 1.10 2. 22 Eaton, 3N 3W 2—1. _ 42°40’ 84°38’ Glacial drift. _ _____ 66/66 4. 04 .21 . 15 .36 4N 4W 11-1. 42°45’ 84°45’ Saginaw Formation- 350 251 . 16 . 11 .27 4N 4W 2—1. . 42°45’ 84°45’ _____ (10 376/23 29. 77 .005 .01 .015 0.3 in. per day, 1: 1. _ 4N 3W 12—1-.. 42°44’ 84°37’ _____ 381/140 81. 88 .42 . 46 .88 Genesee, 7N 7E 17—1. . 43°00’ 83°40’ Saginaw Formation 2 25.68 ..................... >2 Aftershocks recorded (see Well bottoms in old table 6); 0.3 in. per day, coal mine. 1:2. HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA C47 TABLE 7.—Hydroseisms in wells in the United States caused by the Alaska earthquake—Continued First num- ber, de th of we 1; second, County, well Lati- Longi- Water-bearing formation depth of tude, N. tude, W. casmg to screen, per- forated casing, or open hole [ (feet) 1 Depth to water (feet) Michigan—Con tinued Water-level fluctuation (feet) From preearthquake level Remarks Double amplitude Upward Down- ward Gogebic, 48N 47W 34—2 ...... 46°31’ 90°09’ Glacial drift. _____________ 35/35 0. 71 (+. 02) 0.00 1 35 1. 35 47W 34—3 ...... 46°31’ (10 22/22 3.04 . 88 74 1. 62 48N 47W 31—1 ______ 46°31’ 115/115 22. 40 .60 . 58 1. 18 Ingham, 4N 2W 24—1. . 42°43’ 53/80 65. 10 .92 .82 1. 74 0.3 in. per day, 1:10. 4N 1W 27—1. - . 42°42’ 278/77 6.85 _____________________ >1 0 3 in. per day, 1:1. 4N 1E 21—1 - . 42°43’ 265 21. 525 .055 . 055 . 11 3N 2W 23—2. - . 42°38’ 268/50 . 33 _____________________ >1 Do. 2N 1W 5—2- . 42°35’ do 210/37 22. 50 . 19 . 185 375 Ionla, 7N 7W 25—1. .. . 42°58’ 85°05’ Glacial drift. ..._ 23 16. 92 .015 . 00 . 015 Jackson, 33 1W 2—1.. . 42°14’ 84°23’ Marshall Formation ______ 221 38. 50 1 67 2. 06 3. 73 0.3 in. per day, 1:10. 38 1W 10—1 _________ 42°13’ 84°25’ Saginaw and Marshall 323/55 31. 65 73 .84 1 57 Formations. 3S 1W-11-3--.- _ 42°14’ 84°23’ Glacial drift. 36/33 12. 00 .04 04 .08 Do. Kalamazoo, 28 11W 20— - 42°17’ ..... d 81 17. 20 .03 .03 .06 3S 12W 11—1 . 42°13’ 248 (+)0. 365 .12 .08 .20 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Kent, 6N 12W 27-1. .-. . 42°53’ 265/207 52. 6 .40 .40 .80 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. 6N 12W 34-1 .......... 42°52’ 300/150 68. 21 ..................... >5 Aftershocks recorded (see Eagle 6); 0.3 in. per day, 6N 9W 3—1 ............ 42°56’ 17.55 02 .02 04 5N 12W 4-7. 227/182 8. 63 . 19 . 22 .41 5N 12W 4—3... 11. 77(—. 04) .43 .35 . 78 0.3 in. per day,1:1. Livingston, 2N 4E 3—1 Saginaw Formation. . 148 12. 75 2. 27 2. 27 4. 54 Mackinac, 42N 2W 7—1... Mauistique Dolomite 102 25. 70 2. 20 2. 60 4.80 Manistee, 21W l7N 14—1. _ . 212 33. 06 . 13 . 175 . 305 Do. Marquette, 47N 28W 1—1._ 216 19. 09(-. 01) 30 .45 .75 47N 28W 3—1. 75 ........................................ .70 Oakland, 3N 911‘. 36-1.. 134 96. 78 03 . 03 06 3N 10E 13-2. 183/173 86.80 1.05 1. 05 2.10 3N 10E 31-1- 173/153 78.85 .35 . 45 .80 0.3 in. per day, 1:10. 3N 10E 32—1. 160/7 79. 90 80 1. 10 1. 90 D0. 3N 11E 4—1...- 73 28.60 25 .25 50 Presque Isle, 33N 6E 15—1.. 83°41’ Traverse Group--. 31/22 6. 90 45 . 45 90 Schoolcraft, 47N 16W 30—1. 86°21' Prairie du Chien '__:Group. . 57/40 15. 45 07 .08 15 Van Buren, 48 16W 22—1 86°09’ Glacial drift- 134/119 27. 46 005 .005 01 Washtenaw, 38 6E 16-3 °44’ 55/36 12. 50 35 .35 70 E 5—1. 83°38’ 69 3. 34 06 .05 11 BS 7E 9—3. 83°38’ 94/90 66. 34 05 . 07 . 12 3S 7E 24—6-- 83°34’ 75/70 33. 51 31 .86 1 17 Wayne, IS 8E 17—1. _.. 83°31’ 114 53. 90 .58 .59 1. 17 Wexford, 21N 9W 4—1 ........ 44°22’ 85°24’ 277 25.995 . 18 . 105 . 285 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Minnesota Dodge, 107.17.34dcc1. . ..... 44°01’ 92°50’ St. Peter Sandstone ....... 500/118 88.95 >0. 5 >0. 5 >1 Drum rotated more than once but no aftershocks recorded. Grant, 129.42.9cccl __________ 45°59’ 95°58’ Glacial drift _______________ 214/200 77. 02 .06 .05 . 11 Hennepin, 29.23.19cdd1.. 44°58’ 93°13’ Hinckley Sandstone..1,016/925 180.13 .39 . 12 .51 117.21.16cca. . 44°56' 93°21’ Jordan Sandstone ______ 421/280 76. 5(—. 2) . 5 . 5 1 117.22.5abd2 ...... 44°58’ 93°29’ Sandstone and limestone _ 483/201 45. 7 >1 >1 >2 Drum rotated more than once; water level declined 2 ft in 40 hrs after quake. 117.22.8dbd2 ..... 44°57’ 93°29’ Jordan Sandstone ......... 503/228 22. 26 >. 79 >. 44 21. 23(?) Do. 117.23.11bbd1 . . . . 44°57’ 93°33’ _____ do ..................... 437/270 18. 48(+. 32) >1 >1 >2 Drum rotated more than once. 117.23.34daa2 _____ 44°53’ 93°33’ Sandstone and limestone. _ 468/199 58. 30 >1 >1 >2 Do. Itasca, 55.25.1731ch .......... 47°14’ 93°32’ Glacial sand and gravel. _. 147/143 32. 80 .52 .39 .91 Mower, 102.18.2bdd1... 43°40’ 92°58' Limestone ................ 44 19. 05(+2. 35) 2.35 2.05 4. 40 No aftershocks recorded. Nobles, ________ 43°36’ 95°37’ Glacial sand and gravel. .. 34/18 .09 .09 . 18 St. Louis, 57.20.5dad1 _______ 47°26’ 92°53’ Biwabik Iron- formation. 430/315 65. 68(+. 40) .62 .00 .62 57.20.31dbcl ______ 47°22’ 92°55’ Glaclal 1outwash sand and 92/82 11.26 .02 .02 .04 grave 58.18.12cccl ....... 47°31’ 92°34’ _____ do ..................... 97/76 17. 24(—. 05) >. 26 >. 36 >. 62 Ink flowed too slowly to record fluctuation. Yellow Medicine, 44°42’ 96°17’ ..... do ..................... 62/44 8. 71 19 . 20 39 114.45.4dcd1. Mississippi Forrest ...................... 31°19’ 89°15’ Terrace sand and gravel... 108/88 12.90 0. 7 0.6 l. 3 0n bank of Leaf River; 1.2 in. per day, 1:1. 31°11’ 89°11’ Hattiesburg Formation. __ 416/392 127 89(—. 03) . 16 . 13 . 29 Grenada ................. 33°50’ 89°47’ Tallahatta Formation ..... 282/227 8.66 .20 .20 .40 Lamar, HT16 .............. 31°09’ 89°33' Pascagoula and Hatties- 889/838 101. 50 .5 .5 1 Riovi syncline, Tatum salt burg Formations. dome. lI'I‘2A .............. 31°07’ 89°34’ Hattiesburg Formation. .. 1, 080/935 132. 53 5 . 5 1 D0. IIT5 ................ 31°08’ 89°34’ Catahoula(?) Sandstone... 680/579 104. 24 5 . 5 1 01(11 top of Tatum salt ome. E7 .................. 31°08’ 89°34’ Lianestone caprock of salt 1, 386/945 94. 10(+. 25) 2. 25 .09 2. 34 D0. ome E9 .................. 31°08’ 89°34’ ..... do ..................... 1,450 84. 96(+. l) .60 .70 1.30 D0. Lowndes .................... 33°23’ 88°26' Sand 01 Gordo Formation. 500/400 .85(—. 06) 1. 15 1. 15 2. 30 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE , MARCH 2 7, 1964 TABLE 7.——Hydroseisms in wells in the United States caused by the Alaska earthquake—Continued First num- Water-level fluctuation (feet) ber, de th __ of we 1; second, From preearthquake County, well Lati- Longi- Water-bearing formation depth 0! Depth to water level Remarks tude, N. tude, W casing to (feet) .-- _____ 1 screen, per- Double forated amplitude . casing, or Upward Down- open hole ward (feet) Mississippi—Continued Rankin _____________________ 32°18’ 89°47’ Cockfield Formation ______ 594/565 104.07 .20 . 20 .40 Washington _________________ 33°02’ 90°59’ Alllélvlium of Mississippi 105/80 11. 59 . 18 . 22 .40 ey. Missouri [Data furnished by the Missouri Geological Survey and Water Resources] Barton, 32N/30W—30cd _______ 37°29’ 94°16’ Dolomite ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 971/553 223. 83(+. 4) >2. 85 >2. 15 >5 Aftershocks recorded (see table 6); 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. Bollinger, 28N/9E—32dca _____ 37°03’ 90°05’ Quaternary alluvium___. . 115/70 7.15 .02 .04 .06 Butler, 26N/5E—34ea 36°52’ 90°31’ Gasconade Dolomite. . 631 139. 27(+. 65) 2.45 >. 23 >2. 68 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. Callaway, 44N/11W—15ba . . 38°36’ 92°10’ Quaternary sand.... _ 99/91 32.07 . 1 ........... . 1 033% Girardeau, 29N/12E— 37°11’ 89°45’ Quaternary alluvium...... 75/70 18. 1 .02 . 2O . 22 Dunklin, 22N/10E-340dc. . .. °30’ 89°58’ Wilcox (7) Group __________ 130/104 14.9 . 55 >1. 1 >1. 65 Franklin, 42N/1W—26dd _____ 38°21’ 90°59’ Dolomite ________ 255 67.8 .05 . 12 . 17 44N/lW—27cbbc. . . 38°32’ 91°01’ d 1, 360 75. 0 > 1. 0 2. 9 >3. 9 Altershoeks recorded (see table6); 1.2in.perday,l.6. Greene, 29N/22W—13bcc _____ 37°13’ 93°17’ 1,346 393. 9 >9. 9 >. 1 >10 Between Mar. 28 and June 2, water level rose 50 ft; 1.2 in. per day, 1:12. Howell, 24N/8W—2103 ________ 36°44’ 91°51’ 1, 305/800 308.45 6. 45 >1. 55 >8 ‘ 26N /10 OW—16._.. . 36°56’ 92°03’ 780/650 212. 5 1. 55 . 5 2.05 1.2 in. per day. 1:6. Howv$113§West Plains), 32N/ 36°45’ 91°45' ____________ 148. 4(+. 24) 6. 5 >1. 6 >8. 1 1.2 in. per day, 1:12. Jasper, 27N/32W— lbac ______________________________________________________ 1, 747/375 42.7 1.95 .85 2.80 McDonald, 21N/33W—22aa. . . 36°32’ ° ' Dolomite.. 850/99 86. 5 2. 2 2. 9 5. l 23N/30W—18aad.. 36°40’ 94°14’ Limestone ______ 346/44 123. 35 . 1 . 05 . 15 . Madison, 33N/7E-20bcd ..... 37°32’ 90°18’ Dolomite, sandst 590/187 103. 55 __________ 1. 10 >1. 10 Water level rose 5.55 ft 1n 40 arkose. hrs after quake and 1.65 it more in next 98 hrs. Marion, 58N/5W—lOab _______ 39°51’ 91°26’ Alluvium _________________ 129/81 23. 98 . 05 . 12 . 17 Mississippi, 25N/16E—290ob.. 36°47’ d 130/113 8. 15 .06 . 06 . l2 Pemiscot, 17N/11E—36ab _____ 36°04’ 195/126 15. 9 . 15 . 15 .30 Perry, 34N/8E—34c _____ _ 37°36’ ____________ 177. 3(+. 60) 1. 65 1. 05 2. 70 Phelps, 34N/9W—18... . 37°39' 450/273 189. 0(— 3) 2. 3 >1. 5 >3. 8 1 2 in. per dayl Polk, 33N/21W—5adc ,,,,,,,,, 37°37’ 200/42 67. 66(— 1 1) __________________________________ Water level fell 1.1 ft in 154 hrs after quake. Ripley, 22N/4E—3dd ......... 36°35’ 90°37’ Alluvium and dolomite ... 65/61 13. 65 .04 .04 . 08 St. Clair, 38N/26W~22adc._.. 38°02’ 93°46’ Dolomite __________________ 875/20 109. 4 . l5 . 15 .30 St. Louis, 44N/3E—34cdba.. . 38°30’ 90°40’ St. Peter(?) Sandstone. .__ 150 77. 55 .05 .05 . 10 47N/8E—18... 90°09’ Quaternary alluvium. _ ._. 125/100 35. 18 .05 . 10 . 15 Scott, 26N/14E~2lbab 89°33’ ..... do .. 145/142 8. 25 , 25 . 25 . 50 Shannon ............................. . .. Upper aquifer ___________ (—. 55) ..... .. ........... >5. 00 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Loweraqulfer" (—.55) _ . .. 2.95 Taney, 24N/18W—13d. . . . 36°45’ 92°53’ Dolomite.... . _ 598/206 250. 67(+1. l7) 1. 17 . 1 1. 27 Texas, 30N/llW—l7dda ,,,,,, 37°18’ 92°10’ _____ do ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 481/50 272. 57 . 13 . 13 . 26 Montana (lallatin, A1—4‘25dc. . . 45°48’ 111°10’ Alluvium. . . . .. 101 16. 49(+. 02) ,,,,,, ... . >1 Altershocks recorded (see table 6); 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Flathead, 29720—29bd" 48°14’ 114°11’ Valley 1111.. . . . 152 26. 52 0.385 0.22 0.605 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Missoula, 13—19—8013 ________ 46°54’ 114°03’ ,,,,, do,,___ , , A 112 51.47 1.43 1.45 2.88 No aftershocks recorded: 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. Nebraska I 1 Adams, 7~10~23ab. . .. 40°34' 98°24’ Pleistocene sand and 155 109 i 0. 10 ‘ 0. 10 l 0. 20 ‘ grave ‘ 1 1 Hamilton, 10-6—261)c.. . 40°48’ 97°58’ ,,,,, do ,,,,,,,,,, . , _ 130 87. 5(—. 05) ;’ . 13 i .13 .26 1 Kearney, 5—153im. .. 40°26’ 99°00’ ,,,,, do ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 122 96 i .09 l .03 ‘ .12 Lancaster A10— 6—36cdd. 40°47 96°41’ Dakota Sandstone .. 170 62. 60 x 2.05 2.05 4. 10 ' No altershocks recorded. Merrick, 12— 8— 36hc ,,,,, 40°58' 98°11’ Pleistoclene sand and" 8 3.45 l‘ .025 .025 ‘ .05 , rave . 1 1 1 Polk. 14—2—2ldb. . .. 41°10’ 97°33’ .g. ._ ., ., 130 81, 45 l , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Water level declined 0.201: : 8 hrs after quake. Saline, A8—3—19ad _ . .. 40°38’ 97°07’ Pleistocene sand and 151 97. 37(—0. 07) l . 06 l . l4 . 20 l gravel. 1 1 Thayer, 4—1—9bac._ _. 40°20’ 97°25 _____ do_..__....... ._ , 95 89 l .87 1 .00 1 .87 l N? fall below prequake . 1 eve York. 9—4—6dd . .. . . 40°53’ 97°35' ..... do ..................... 102 86 l 1,18 ' 1.16 ‘ 2.34 § , . HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA TABLE 7.——Hydroseisms in wells 11:. the Umted States caused by the Alaska earthquake—Continued First num- Water-level fluctuation (feet) ber, depth of well; second, From preearthquake County, well Lati- Longi- Water-bearing formation depth of Depth to water level Remarks tude, N. tude, W. casing to (feet) screen, per- Double forated amplitude casing, or Upward Down- open hole ward (feet) Nevada Clark, S 19/53—32aaa1 ........ 36°15’ 116°02’ Alluvium _________________ 300 27. 11(+. 004) 0. 015 0.01 0. 025 0.3 in. per day, 1: 1. S 19/60—9bcc1 _________ 36°19’ 115°19’ _____ do _____________________ 830/140 106. 02(—-. 14) _____________________ >1 Aftershocks recorded (see table 6); 1. 2 in. per day, S 21/54—103acl ________ 36°21’ 115°53’ ..... do _____________________ 800/472 71. 09(—. 02) . 51 1. 22 1. 73 Pen lmoved faster than ink could flow. 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. S 21/54—28bd1... ._.. 36°06’ 115°55’ 140 22. 72 .03 .03 .06 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. S 22/61—4bccl ......... 36°04’ 115°10’ 355 109. 85(—. 28) . 18 . 29 . 47 1.2 in. per day, 1:1. New Hampshire No wells recorded the quake. New Jersey Atlantic, Pleasantville ______ 89°24’ 74°30’ Kirkwood Formation 680 (—)34. 39 O. 06 0.03 0. 09 (800-tt sand). Amatol ____________ 39°35’ 74°41’ Cohansey(?) Sand ......... 137 5.11 .03 .03 .06 Wharton 2—G 39°40' 74°40’ Cohansey Sand .__. __. 76 (+) 92. 95 . 09 . 09 . 18 Jobs Point. 39°18’ 74°37' Kirkwood Formation _ 680/670 (—)28. 74(—. 04) .24 .09 .33 Oceanville. 39°27’ 74°27’ __________________________ 570/560 (—)21. 11(—. 03 . 01 . 12 . 13 Burlington, Medford. 39°55’ 74°50’ Englishtown Formation. . 265/253 (+)45. 84(—. 01) . 10 . 13 . 23 74°50’ Raritan Formation. 410/400 (—) 14. 90(—. 02) .08 . 10 . 18 Lebanon 18— V. . 39°54’ 74°28’ Cohansey Sand. 99 (+)128. 85(—. 03) .06 .12 . 18 Sawmill 1.. 39°52’ 74°31’ 79 (+) 114. 92(—. 02) .01 .05 .06 Sawmill 2.. 39°52’ 74°31’ 81/76 10. 80 .03 .04 . 07 Camden, Egbert ............ 39°52’ 75°04’ Raritan and Magothy 454 (—)39. 63 .04 . 13 . 17 Formations Elm Tree 3 _______ 39°49’ 74°56’ Englishtown Formation. . 717/706 (‘) 25. 92(—. 07) .01 . 14 . 15 Esterbrook. 75°07’ Raritan Formation ........ 300 (—)5. 04(—. 18) .26 .53 .79 Oaklyn ............ 75°04’ Raritan and Magothy 112 (—)34. 20 . 11 . 11 .22 Formations. N.Y. Ship._...___ 39°54’ 75°07’ Raritan Formation ........ 104 (— )21. 47(+. 02) .10 .06 .16 New Brooklyn 1. . 39°42’ 74°56’ ..... do ..................... 1, 495 (~ —.04 . 06 . 11 . 17 New Brooklyn 2_ . 39°42’ 74°56’ Raritan and Magothy 848 (— )24. 23(— 01) .06 . 01 . 07 Formations. Cape May, Canal ........... 38°57’ 74°55’ Cohansey Sand ........... 252/242 (— )13 .06 .05 . 11 County Park-.__ 39°06’ 74°48’ Cohansey Sand. . 232/217 (+)6. 25(—. 01) .08 .12 .20 Higbee Beach. _. 38°57’ 74°57’ .......................... 252/242 (— )11. 80 .20 . 21 .41 Essex, East Orange W.W.... 40°44’ 74°20’ Wisconsin terminal 64 (+)131. 31(-. 10) .00 .10 .10 moraine. Bellantine ........... 40°43’ 74°08’ Brunswick Shale .......... 875 (—)80. 14 . 13 . 07 .20 Gloucester, Shell 5 .......... 39°49’ 75°13' Raritan and Magothy For- 327 31. 63 . 13 . 13 . 26 mations. Shell 7 .......... 39°49’ 322 31. 18 . 14 .09 .23 Texaco 3. _ 39°52’ . do 298/225 -)48. 42 .22 . 14 .36 Hercules 39°49’ 75°16’ Raritan Formation ........ 100 (—)2. 68 :07 .06 . 13 ( Gibbstown) Middlesex, Forsgate 3 _______ 40°20’ 74°27’ Raritan and Magothy 138/128 (+) 70. 65 . 05 .08 . 13 Formations. Duhernal 1 ...... 40°24’ 74°21’ Old Bridge Sand Member 67 (+)4. 57 .015 .005 . 02 of Raritan Formation. Morris, International Pipe. . 40°52’ 74°26’ Wisconsin drift ............ 155 (+)295. 42(+. 04) 1.30 1. 57 2. 87 Randolph Township 39°40’ 74°33’ Byram Granite Gneiss.... 218 .18 .23 .41 Whippany ___________ 40°49’ 74°23’ Wisconsin glacial outwash. 170 (+)17 . 11 . 14 . 25 Madison 4. . 40°45’ 74°23’ Wisconsin drift ............ 100 (+) 173. 45(+. 10) .24 .33 . 57 Ocean, Colliers Mills 1. 40°04’ 74°27’ Englishtown Formation... 427/417 . 02 . 03 . 05 Colliers Mills 3. 40°04’ 74°27’ Mount Laurel Sand ....... 267/257 18. 68(—. 01) . 01 .04 .05 _ Garden State 2. _ 39°47’ 74°14’ Kirkwood Formation _____ 317 (+) 37. 18 .02 .00 .02 Umon, Hillside 4 ........... 40°41’ 74°13’ Brunswick shale __________ 400 (+) 24. 40 2. 14 2. 23 4. 37 Only one distinct after- shock recorded (see table 6); 1. 2 in. per day, :5. White 2. ............ 40°40’ 74°16’ ..... do ..................... 250 (+)56. 16 1. 13 1. 21 2. 34 9 White 4 ______ 40°40’ 74°16’ 350 (+)51. 18(+. 05) . 15 . 10 . 25 County Park. 40°41’ 74°17’ 290 (+)59. 03 .24 .22 . 46 Hatfield ............. 40°37 ’ 74°16’ ? (+) 17. 37( +. 08) . 40 . 49 .89 New Mexico Chaves, Berlrggiig 333) 33°27’ 104°31’ San Andres Limestone.... 258 56. 15 0. 95 0.99 1. 94 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. Berrendo-Smith 33°26’ 104°31’ ..... do ..................... 324 53. 55 >3. 5 >1. 5 >5 Pen moved faster than ( ink could flow. N 0 attershocks recorded: 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. 11. 23. 3. 342 .......... 33°22’ 104°36’ ..... do ..................... 595 188 .38 >. 14 . 76E 2.4 in. per day, 1:1.2. Eddy, 18. 26.6. 442 ____________ 32°46’ 104°24' ..... do ..................... 1,008 148. 03 >3 >2 >5 Aftershocks(?). C50 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 TABLE 7 .—H ydroseisms in wells in the United States caused by the Alaska earthquake—Continued First num- Water-level fluctuation (feet) her, do th of we 1; second, From preearthquake County, well Lati- Longi- Water-bearing formation depth of Depth to water level Remarks tude. N. tude, W casing to (feet) __ screen, per- Double forated amplitude casing, or Upward Down- open hole ward (feet) New Mexico—Continued Eddy, __________ 32°21’ 104°15’ Alluvium _________________ 260 ?(+. 07?) 0. 05 0. 048 or 0. 10(+7) Entire fluctuation was .07 above prequake water level; 1.2 in. per day,1:l. ........... 32°26’ 104°14’ Capitan Limestone ........ 327 21.61 _____________________ >1 Chart pulled from drum lloy1 pen. 1.2 in. per day, Grant, .......... 32°45’ 108°22’ Conglomerate ............. 580 ................... .02 .02 .04 2.4 in. per day, 1: 12. Lea, ............. 32°49’ 103°37’ Ogallala Formation _______ 252 158.87 .033 .04 .073 A watgr—tallule well; 1.2 in. per ay, : . 1636.5 Lotz ____________ 32°57’ 103°22’ _____ do ..................... 97 58. 13 .005 .010 .015 1.8 in. per day, 1:2.4. Roosevelt, 1N.33.36.4OOC.. __ 34°l5’ 103°25’ Valley fill ................. 43 18.52 .03 '! 7 A water-table well in which water level rose 0.03 ft then declined to normal over 4 hrs time; 18 in. per day, 1:2.4. 1..34 25. 211. . _ 34°12' 103°19’ _____ do ............... 101 73. 0(+. 01) . 02 .02 . 04 1. 8 in. per day, 1: 2. 4. Sierra, Hot lSprings 6 ________ 33°07’ 107°15’ Magdalena Group ......... 105 . 10(—. 38) _____________________ >1 Aitershocks recorded (see table 6); 1. 8 in. per day, 1:10. New York Chautauqua, Cu-10(208— 42°08' 79°12’ Sand and gravel .......... 232 30. 06 1. 20 0.90 2. 10 One aftershock recorded 912—16) (see tabll: 6); 1.2 in. per ay, : . Erie, 255—812—2 ______________ 42° 78° Glacial sand and gravel... 81/81 4. 93(—. 03) . 00 . 04 . 04 Water level rose 0.23 It in 22 hrs after quake; 0.3 in. per day, 1 1. Genesee, 259-809—3 .......... ° 78° __________________________ 54/51 21.04 .30 .38 . 68 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Nassau, N—7161 ________ . 40°39’ 73°39’ Magothy Formation 671/661 (+)5. 75 . 1 . 1 . 2 . N-3867 ...... _ 40°39' 3°43' ____________________ 517/506 (+) 3. 35 . 48 . 55 1. 03 Nlagara, 306—902-1. . _ . 43°06’ 79°02’ Lock 0ort Dolomite. . 36 18. 35 .02 .02 . 04 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. Onondaga, 253—614—1. _ 42°53’ 76°14’ Ham lton Grouif 160/43 41. 5 ? '2 1. 70 Rensselaer, 235—342—10-. . 42°35’ 73°42’ Coarse sand an gravel- . _ 96 27. 79 . 21 . 22 .43 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. St. Lawrence, 452—459—2 _____ 44°52’ 74°59’ Beekmantown Dolomite.. 180/54 13. 12 .22 . 24 .46 Pen quit recording during (lullake; 0.3 in. per day, North Carolina Chowan, CEO—2 ............ 36°14' 76°39’ ____________________________ 320 9. 21 0. l7 0. 00 0. 17 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. Water level rose quickly 0.17 ft then declined to prequake level in 20 min. New Hanover-Kare Beach__ 34°00’ 77°55’ Castle Hayne Limestone.. 158 17. 30 .92 .93 1. 85 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. Onslow ..................... 34°45’ 77°25' ____________________________ 240 9.07 1. 00 .78 1.78 D0. North Dakota Burleigh, 138—77-22aad _________________________ 126/118 12 _____________________ 1. 9 ? in. per day, 1:12. 138—8—15cdd __________________________ 168/140 36 _____________________ . 32 ‘l in. per day, 1:6. Ward Test Hole 2216, 48° 101°30’ 107 40.80 0.60 0.29 .89 2.4 in. per day, 1 :6. 155—82—19dbd. Ohio Auglaize, Au—2 .............. 40°32' 84°23’ Gravel ____________________ 100 26. 68(—. 08) 0.08 0.13 0.21 _ . Belmont .................... 40°02’ 80°44’ Alluvial sand and gravel. . 59 437 . 14 . 13 2.7 Coda lasted 40 mm. Fu‘St detectable motion 15 min before L max; 9.6 in. per ' clay, 1:1. Carroll, C—1 ................. 40°37’ 81°05’ Sandstone _________________ 60 23. 51(—— 07) .16 .16 .32 Champaign, Ch-2 ........... 40°06’ 83°45’ Gravel ____________________ 29 19. 63 _ . 05 . 05 . 10 Clark, Cl—l ................. 39°58’ 83°43’ Glacial outwash gravel.... 57 4.6 .52 .68 1.20 0.3 in. per day, 1:10. 01—2. ........... 39°55’ 83°51’ Gravel ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 74 5 80 .20 .20 .40 0.3 in. per day. 1:5. Cl— 8. ....... .. 39°58’ 83°48’ Limestone ________________ 75 21. 90(+. 06) . 39 . 33 . 72 Delaware, Dl— —3_ .. .... 40°21’ 83°04’ Columbus Limestone ..... 135 29. 92(+. 48) .79(?) .77 1. 56? Do. Fulton, Fn-l... ......... 41°35’ 84°00’ Gravel .................... 130 61. 11 . 08 . 04 . 12 Geauga, Ge—3a .............. 41°25’ 81°22’ Sandstone of Cuyahoga 120 40. 28(+. 08) . 50 .20 . 70 . Formation. Hamllton, H—l ............. 39°11’ 84°47’ Gravel, . _ 124 25. 36 . 06 . 06 . 12 H— . 39°17’ 89 12.50 .36 .36 .72 Do. 39°l3’ 168 104. 10 . 22 . 19 . 41 Do. H—lo ............. 39°12’ 170 92. 35 .30 .27 . 57 0.3 in. per day, 1:10. Holmes, Ho—l ............... 40°35’ 81°54’ San istone 0 Logan 43 3. 58 .58 .46 1. 04 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. Formation. Lucas, Lu—l _________________ 41°37’ 83°36’ Limestone ________________ 250 95. 26 . 10 . 10 . 20 Marlon, Mn—l _____________ 40°34 100 9. 05 .25 .28 . 53 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. M1am1, M1—1 ................ 40°02’ 49 9.04 . 13 . 12 . 25 HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA C51 TABLE 7.——Hydroseisms in wells in the United States caused by the Alaska earthquake—Continued First num- Water-level fluctuation (feet) bet, de th of we 1; second, From preearthquake County, well Lati- Longi- Water-bearing formation depth of Depth to water level Remarks tude, N. tude, W. casmg to (feet) screen, per- Double Iorated amplitude casing, or Upward Down- open hole ward (feet) Ohio—Continued Montgomery, Mt— 6 _________ 39°45’ 84°11’ Gravel ____________________ 60 36. 05 0.45 0.3 in. per day, 1:10. Mt t-49.. . 39°40’ 84 16’ ..... d 220 18. 69 .07 Pickaway, Pk—2 39°42’ 82°57’ 87 18.2 . 62 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. Portage Po—3 41°10’ 81°02{ 172 25. 60 . . . 12 P0 —4. . 41°10’ 81°06’ _____ 225 28. 72 . . .24 Ross, Ito—6.... . 39°15’ 83°09’ 78 2.6 .46 .44 .90 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Seneca, Se—2. _ 41°08’ 83°09’ 250 20. 3(—. 15) .15 .15 .30 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. Stark, St-5a _____ - 40°49’ 81°20’ 132 292 .37 .30 .67 Do. Trumbull, T-2 . 41°16’ 80°51’ 124 48. 89(+. 09) . 17 . 13 .30 Tuscarawas, Tu-l. . 40°36’ 81°32’ 23 10. 50(—. 05) .18 .26 .44 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. — - 40°36’ 81°32’ _____ 200 48. 89(+. 09) .10 .16 .26 Tu-3 _ 40°32’ 81°29’ 63 5. 35 .30 .28 .58 0.3 in. per day, 1:10. Tu —4 . 40°36’ 81°32’ .. 43 7. 05 .30 .30 .60 0.3 in. per day, 1.5 Van Wert, Vw—l ____________ 40°52’ 84°33’ Limestone ________________ 340 27. 10 3. 10 2. 70 5. 80 N o aftershocks recorded; 0.3 in. per day, 1:10. Oklahoma Grady, 4N—8W-33 ........... 34°46’ 98°03” Rush Springs Sandstone. _ 254 84. 70 _____________________ >1 No aftershocks recorded; 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Pontotoc, 1N—6E—4 __________ 34°34’ 96°40’ Arbuckle Limestone ______ 1, 707 128. 85 _____________________ >1 Aftershocks recorded(?); 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. 1N-5E-27 _________________________________ do ____________________________________________________________________________________ Beaded cable slipped at time of quake. Texas, 1N—12E-35 ___________ 36°30’ 101°44’ Ogallala Formation _______ 386 192. 37(—. 13) _____________________ >1 No aftershocks recorded; 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Wagoner, 19N—16E—26 _______ 36°05’ 95°34’ Alluvium _________________ 31 28. 40 0. 05 0.05 . 10 0.3 in. per day, 1 1 Washita, 10N—19W-10 _______ 35°21’ 99°12’ Elk City Member of 55 37. 17 . 18 .18 .36 Do. Quartermaster Forma- tion. Oregon Yamhill, 4W—24J1 ___________ 45°12’ 123°07’ Alluvium _________________ 114/94 5. 44(+. 01) 0. 045 0. 01 0. 055 Recorder tends to “hang up”; 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. Pennsylvania Chester, Ch—152 ............. 40°08’ 75°30’ Stockton Formation _______ 750 LSD Flfggt 2. 18 2. 18 Flcilwirig well; no after- 5 cc 3. Cumberland, Cu—2.. _ 40°02’ 77°18’ Ledger Dolomite .......... 37 16. 30(—. 06) .00 .08 .08 0. 3 in. per day, 1: 10. Dauphin, 020—646-8. _ 40°30’ 76°46’ Martinsburg Shale. 400 31. 51(—. 37) . 10 . 71 .81 Do. 020—646—9... _ 40°20’ 6°46’ _____ o._-__...._ 23. 96 .00 .20 .20 0.3'1nD.oper day, 1: 1. l 020-646—10. . . 40°20' 76°46’ ..... do.-.. . . 18. 60 . 00 . 28 . 28 _ 020—646—2. _ 40°21' 76°46’ Limestone _____ \ 6. 29(-. 17) _____________________ 1 Franklin, Fr—2 ______________ 39°59’ 77°39’ Stones River Lunestone... 441/60 28. 0(‘?) 1. 10 65(+?) 1. 75(+?) Tape cause ofi pulley; 0.3 in. r ay, 1'10. Fulton, Fu—l ________________ 40°03’ 78°08’ Mauch Chunk Formation. 108 3. 45 .06 .09 . 15 0.3 infier day, 1:5. Lackawanna, Dodge shaft..- 41°23’ 75°41’ Coal mine _____________________________ 594 78 .61 .64 1. 25 0.3 in. per day, 1:10. Olsl’lplflfnt 41°27’ 75°36’ ..... do _________________________________ 716. 61(+. 03) . 32 . 28 . 60 Do. 5 a . Storrs 2 shaft.. 41°27’ 75°38’ _____ do _________________________________ 604. 82 1. 30 .88 2. 18 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. Lancaster, Ln—32(Ln—242)_.. 40°09’ 76°33’ New Oxford Formation... 300 6. l4(?) ..................... >2 Beaded cable came ofi {Ju211ey; 0 3 in. per day, Luzerne, Lu—243 ............ 41°18’ 76°15’ Catskill Formation........ 195 51. 70 _____________________ >1 No aftershocks recorded; 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. Dennison St. Bore- 41°19’ 75°51’ Coal mine _____________________________ 512 _____________________ >2 Aftershocks recorded (see hole. Eagle 6); 0.3 in. per day, Mercer, Mr—1364 ............. 41°22’ 80°23’ Cussewago Formation. 235 5. 14 . 13 . 12 .25 Do. Montgomery, Mg—225 ........ 40°08’ 75°21’ Stockton Formation. 300 38. 20(+. 30) .30 .008 .308 Quake recorded at bottom ., of “low” in water level; 0.3 in. per day, 1:10. York, Yo—180 _______________ 40°03’ 76°45’ New Oxford Formation__ . 490 21. 15(—. 10) . 61 . 97 1. 48 Quake recorded at bottom of “low” in water level; 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. 007—637—7 _____________ 40°07’ 76°37’ ..... do ..................... 148 6. 33 . 49 .96 1. 45 Quake recorded at bottom ’ of “10W” in water level; ‘ 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. 005—639—7 ............. 40°05’ 76°39’ ..... do ..................... 222 19. 30 . 24 .53 . 77 Quake recorded at bottom of “low” in water level; 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. 1 Records atypical, but similar in all three wells. C52 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 TABLE 7,—Hydroseisms in wells in the United States caused by the Alaska earthquake—Continued First num- Water-level fluctuation (feet) ber, de th __ of we 1; second, From preearthquake County, well Lati- Longi- Water-bearing formation depth of Depth to water level Remarks tude. N. tude, W casing to (feet) screen, per- Double forated amplitude casing, or Upward Down- open hole ward (feet) Puerto Rico Santa Isabel, J auca 2 ________ 18°01’ 66°22’ Tuflaceous clastics ________ 300 82. 50(?) 1.60 1.80 3. 40 No aftershocks recorded; beaded cable slipped on pulley. Well is in a graben of a fault zone: 2. 4 in. per day, 1: 6. Lajas, La Parguera .......... 17°58’ 67°02’ Limestone ................. 92 38. 30 .30 .29 .59 2. 4 in. per day, Bayamon, Fort Buchanam. 18°24’ 66°08’ Sand, limestone, and 242 37. 52 .01 .01 .02 Quake recorded lat bottom clay. of water-level “low”; 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Vega Alta, Sabana Hoyos-.. 18°26’ 66°20’ Limestone ................. 94 +29. 22 .08 .06 . 14 Another quake(?) re- corded 60 hrs later; 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Rhode Island No wells recorded the earthquake. South Carolina Beaufort, BFT—lOI __________ 32°10’ 80°44’ Ocalazé?) Limestone ___________________ 15. 14(-. 36) _____________________ >2 FT—304 .......... 32°08’ 80°50’ __________________________ 649 7. 4(?) 4. 49 4. 49 8. 98 Beadedl cable thrown off pu ey. Florence, FLO—126 _____________________________ Upper Cretaceous sand. _ 706 ________________________________________ . 22 Jasper, J—46 ................. 32°18’ 80°58’ Ocala(?) Limestone“ _ 334 22. 83 1.97 2. 75 4. 72 Aétegshocks recorded (see a e6 Lexington, LEX—79.... ___________________ U Cslper Cretaceous sand_._ 280 ________________________________________ 1.17 Orangeburg, ORB—5... _ 33° 81° cmite-hornblende 1,839 ________________________________________ .90 BB —7 ________ 33° 81° _____ scdo ..................... 1, 969 ________________________________________ .30 Richland, RICO-200 ......... 34° 81° Crystalline rocks ______________________________________________________________ .21 South Dakota Beadle, Huron 2 ............ 44° 98° Basal sand of glacial 74 15. 27 0.06 0. 06 0. 12 0.3 in. per day, 1:5. 1 . 113-63-2bbbb ........ 44°37’ 98°22’ Glacial outwash ___________ 155/71 28. 52(—. 05) .05 .07 . 12 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. 111—63—15b02._.. . 44°25' 98°23’ _____ do ..................... 52/2 16. 65(+. 03) .053 ___________ .053 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Lawrence, A—7—2—10badc_ _ _ _ 44° 103° 0 che and Minnelusa l, 306/1, 266 +121 12 11 23 Pressure recorder; 51° ormations per day, 1:558, no aftershocks recorded. l Tennessee Campbell, Cb: 0—6 .......... 36°34’ 84°07’ Rockcastle(?) Sandstone" 620 74. 99 >1 >1 >2 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Pen thrown off recorder by quake. Crockett, Ck: B—5 __________ 35°42’ 9°05’ Clailiornedglroup (“500”- 537 40. 16 .27 .34 .61 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. foo San . Dickson, Di: F—19 ........... 36°04’ 87°23’ Fort Payne Chert _________ 387 23. 00(—. 07) .35 .65 1.00 0.3 in. per day, 1:10. Fayette, Fa: W—l ............ 35°22' 89°33’ Wilcotx Grgllp (“1400"- 1, 025 73. 98 .03 .15 . 18 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. 00 san . Fa: W—2 ............ 35°22’ 89°33’ Claiborne Group .......... 365 41.36 .02 04 .06 Do. Franklin, Fr: F—l ___________ 35°03’ 86°16’ Fort Payne Chert_ 100 30. 60 .105 .105 .21 Do. Humphreys, Hs: H-l _______ 36°01’ 87°57’ _____ do _____________________ 187 86. 70 >1 >1 >2 0. 3 in. per day, 1: 1. Pen throlzvn off recorder by ua e Madison, Md: N—l.’ .......... 35°42’ 88°37’ Ripley Formation......... 659 128. 6 . 12 .14 .26 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Shelby. Sh: J—l .............. 35°00’ 90°05’ Claiborne Group __________ 334 42. 17 2. 86 1.04 3. 90 One aftershock recorded (see table 6); 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. Sh 35°05’ 89°55’ Terrace deposit ___________ 91 44 6 . 12 .09 .21 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. Sh: 89°51’ Claiborne Group .......... 578 93.58 .005 .00 .005 0.3111. per day, 1: 1. Sh 89°45' __________________________ 220 74. 91(—. 03) . 145 .04 . 185 D0 Sh 90°01’ Wilciox Group ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1,387 73.3.05 .05 . 10 0. 3 in. per day, 1: 10. Sh 90°02’ Claiborne Group“... 472 117. 5 .42 .38 .80 Do Sh. 89°54’ 344 101.62 .79 .42 1.21 0. 3 in. per day, 1: 2. Sh: 89°48’ 384 90. 44 .017 .13 . 147 0.3111. per day, 1: 1. Water level declined 0.13 ft in 24 hrs after quake. Sh 89°52’ 336 69. 36 .10 .04 .14 0.3 in. per day, 1:2. Sh- 89°57’ Wilcox Group _____________ 1, 558 53.8 .47 . 49 . 96 2.4 in. per day, 1:24. Sh: 89°57’ Claiborne Group 440 51. 1 . 96 ___________ >1. 00 Do. Ti £011, Tp.’ 89°47’ _____ do _______________ . 496/466 197. 49 . 24 .30 . 54 1.2 in. per day, 1:2. W lliamson, 86°54’ Knox Dolomite ___________ 1,160 35. 3, .00 .27 .27 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Water level declined 0.27 ft in 16 hrs after quake. TABLE 7.—-—-Hydroseisms in wells in the United States caused by the Alaska earthquake—Continued HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OUTSIDE ALASKA C53 First num- Water-level fluctuation (feet) ber, depth _____________ of well; second, From preearthquake County, well Lati- Longi- Water-bearing formation depth of Depth to water level Remarks tude, N. tude, W casing to (feet) _______ . screen, per- Double forated amplitude casing, or Upward Down- open hole ward 1 (feet) 1 Texas Bexar, D—59 _________________ 29°34’ 98°41' Edwards Limestone _______ 400 279. 26 1. 31 l. 75 3. 06 Float hung after major wave. 29°32' 98°28' Aftershocks recorded (see Eagle 6); 2.4 in. per day, 29°35’ 98°30’ ' ' 28°29’ 98°26’ Do. 29°42’ 98°08’ 29°35’ 98°19’ 29°37’ 98°18’ Dallas (3—19 32°59’ 7°00’ El Paso, Q—86 31°56’ 106°36W Alluvium ..... 2.4 in. per day, 1 :6. 8—igwa—2) 31°57’ 106°37’ Balsam deposit . Do. (Ia-18226115 31332;?“ ‘15253'3‘77" Do. 91— —203(CR—5).. 31°56’ 106°37' ______ - 31°47’ 106°22’ Galveston, 15—93.. . 29°23’ 95°06’ Do. L—6 29°22’ 95°04’ 2.4 in. per day, 1:12. Harris, W—109__ 29°54’ 95°08’ Beaumont Clay ___________ 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. 895 _________ 29°42’ 95°16’ Gulf Coast aquifer.. _ _ .__- l 651/1, 027 ................... Jackson, PP—80-03-1 ...... 28°59’ 96°42’ _____ do _____________________ 590/ Aftershocks recorded (see llzalgle 6); 2.4 in. per day, PP-66—60—605. . . 29°03' 14o ___________________ ' ' Medina, C-9—53 ............. 29°29’ 247 . 29°27’ 538 . 29°21’ 712 _ 29°27’ 237 _ 29°22’ 721 . 29°26’ 201 . 29°12’ 350 ___________________ Val Verde, XV—la ........... 29°22’ 750 2.4 in. per day, 126. Utah Davis, (B—2-1) 24bad3 ....... 40°53’ 111°54’ Alluvium _________________ 386 (+)29 1 1 2 Pressure {egorden 51° per “Y. Juab, (D—11—1) 8aad1 ________ 40°52' 111°59' ..... do _____________________ 100 12. 24(—. 02) .27 .21 .48 0.3 in per day. 1: 1 Millard, (C—16-7) 12dcd _____ 39°24’ 112°35’ _____ do _____________________ ? (+)21.2 1.0 .2 1.2 Prgssurle. {ggorden 51° per 83’, (C—16-8) 21bcbl__ __ 39°25’ 112°45’ _____ do _____________________ 988/118 3. 97 1.30 1. 20 2. 50 2. 4 in. per day, 1:6. C—19—5) 4ddd1 _____ 39°11’ 521 32. 74(— 06) .04 .06 .10 D. Salt Lake, (C—3—l) 32cad2. _. 40°30’ 218 27 06(—.06) .04 .15 .19 1.2 in. per day, 1: 1. (0+1) 23dbd1__ 40°26' 152 52. 87(?) .22 .23 .45 Float hung at time of quake; 0.3 111. per day, 1:1 Tooele, (C—2—6) 36dcc1 ______ 40°35’ 112°28’ _____ do _____________________ 176 92. 36 .44 .58 1.02 0 3' 1n. per day y, 1: 2. (C—3—2) 14bad1 ______ 40°33’ 112°02' _____ do _____________________ 1,000 324. 42 >. 58 >. 42 1 Aftershocks recorded (see tablze 6); 2. 4 in per day, 1:1 (C-7—8)10cbd1 _______ 40°13’ 112°44' Alluvmm _________________ 175 90. 65 . 16 . 025 . 185 Float2 may not have moved freely; 2. 4' 1n. per dav, 1:1 (C 2—433) ....... 40°36’ 112°17’ _____ do _____________________ 182 18. 50 _____________________ >1 1.2 in.2 per day, 1: 1. Utah, (D— 5—1)8dcc1__.'. ..... 40°23’ 111°51’ 240 14. 7(—. 24) 1. 48 1. 66 3.14 1. 2 in per day, 1' 6. Weber, (A-6—1)llcab1 ....... 41°16’ 111°48’ 354 14. 69(+. 01) .04 . 024 . 2.4 in. per day, 1 6. (B—6—1)30cca1 _______ 41°13’ 112°00’ 756 35, 17 _____________________ >1 Aftershoeks recorded (see table 6). Water level rose 0.08 ft in 8 hrs after qulake; 1.2 in. per day, 1: . Vermont No wells recorded the earthquake. Virgin Islands St. Thomas ................. 18°21’ 65°00' Andesite volcanic breccia 220 ___________________ 0.02 0.03 0. 05 and tufi. ' 1 Virginia Page ........................ 38° 78° Basalt of Catoctin Forma- 280 44. 85(+0. 50) 1.16 0.45 1. 61 The aquifer of metamor- tion. phosed basalt is steeply dipping; 2. 4' in. per day, 1:12. C54 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 TABLE 7,—Hydroseisms in wells in the United States caused by the Alaska earthquake—Continued First num- Water-level fluctuation (feet) ber, de th of we ; _ ' second, From preearthquake County, well Lati- Longl- Water-bearing formation depth of Depth to water level Remarks tude, N. tude, W casing to (feet) ___ screen, per- Double {orated amplitude casmg, or Upward Down- open hole ward (feet) 1 Washington Grant, 14/25—28E1 ___________ 46°40’ 119°42’ Ringold Formation ....... 648/492 472. 83(——. 03) 0.05 0. 07 0.12 15/26-28Q1 ___________ 46°45’ 119°41’ Yakima Basalt ____________ 892 307. 80(+. 66) . 08 .08 . 16 Water rose 1.20 it within 4 hrs after first shock wave and stayed that way; 2.4 in. per day, 1:1.2. Pierce, 20/3—1801 ____________ 47°10’ 122°23’ Vashon outwash sand and 185/152 101. 60 1.97 1. 95 3. 92 Aftershocks recorded (see gravel. tallale 6); 1.2 in. per day, . 1: 0. Spokane, 25/43—13H1 ......... 47°40’ 117°20’ Sand and gravel ___________ 71/65 66. 53 .01 . 01 . 02 26/45—32J2. . . _ _ _. 47°44’ 117°10' d 155 130. 42 .57 .65 1. 22 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. Thurston, 17/2—19M2 ________ 46°56’ 122°36’ 97 23. 87 .03 . 03 .06 Yakima, 12/17-8N1 __________ 46°32’ 120°43’ 212 10. 79 . 12 . 22 . 34 West Virginia Berkeley, 20—5—7 _____________ 39°27’ 77°58’ Beekmantown Limestone. 250 38. 58 0. 15 0. 15 0.30 1.2 in. per day, 1:5. Wisconsin Dane, Dn—9/11/34—4 __________ 43°12’ 89°10’ St. Peter Sandstone ....... 70 51. 11(+. 01) 0. 09 0. 00 . 00 0.3 in. per day, 1:1. Dn—8/6/26—11 __________ 43°08’ 89°44’ Pleistoclene sand and 59 13. 29 . 17 .00 . 17 Do. grave . Dodge, Dg-11/16/5-4 ......... 43°27’ 88°37’ Camlagian and Ordovician 475 119. O4(+. 81) .81 . 19 1.00 0.3 in. per day, 1:10. san tone Fond du Lac, F1—15/17/11—12. 43°47’ 88°25’ ..... do _____________________ 817 67. 97(—. 42) . 50 .66 1. 16 Do. Kenosha, Ke—2/20/18—19B____ 42°37’ 88°11’ Sand and gravel. .. 74 1. 46(+. 02) .02 . 05 . 07 Ke—1/22/13—46 ______ 42°32’ 87°50’ Dolomite __________________ 125 21. 33 . 13 . 05 . 18 Marinette, Mt—30/23/l9—5..__ 45°03’ 87°44’ Cambrian and Ordovician 703 20. 35(+3) >3. 35 >. 17 >3. 52 Pen caught at edge of sandstone. chlag‘t; 1.2 in. per day, Milwaukee, M1—7/22/29—45-.. 43°02' 87°54’ Milwaukee Formation.... 1, 015 47. 70 .43 .34 .77 0.3 in.'per day, 1:10. Ml—7/22/17—120._ 43°04’ 87°54’ _____ do _____________________ 400 (+7.8) _____________________ >12E. Agtegshtégks recorded (see a e . Ml—6/21/32—148_. 42°56’ 88°01’ _____ do _____________________ 179 35. 57 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >2 Monroe, Mo-8/2W/29—17... .. 44°00’ 90°39’ Cambrian sandstone. _ ..._ 192 5. 26(+1. 43) 1. 43 .......... 1. 43 Permanent rise of 1.43 it; 1.2 in. per ay, 1:6. Portage, Pt—23/8/13—410 ...... 44°28’ 89°30 Sand and gravel ........... 90 7. 52(—. 01) . 09 . 09 . 18 1.2 in. per day, 1:1. Sank, Sk-10/6/3—1 ............ 43°22’ 89°46’ Cambrian sandstone ______ 426 81. 78 . 10 . 10 .20 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. Sheboygan, Sb—l5/2l/28—19... 43°44’ 87°59’ Niagara Dolomite ......... 450 3.18 1. 21 1. 29 2. 50 1.2 in. per day, 1:10. Waukesha, Wk—6/19/2—l4..__ 43°00’ 88°13’ Camlarian and Ordovician 1. 300 351. 45(+. 45) .45 .00 .45 0.3 in. per day, 1 :10. san stone. Waupaca, Wp—21/11/9—63. ___ 44°18’ 89°10’ Pleistoeiene sand and 94 21. 49(—. 03) .37 .35 . 72 1.2 in. per day, 1:6. grave . Wp—22/l4/12—13. . . 44°23’ 88°44’ _____ do ..................... 203 ll. 25(—. 01) . 08 . 03 . 11 Do. Wyoming Laramie, 14—67—18ddc._...__. 41°11’ 104°56’ Siltstone of Brule Forma- 311 20. 26 0. 03 0. 03 0.06 tion. Platte, 29—69-24db02 _________ 42°28’ 105°04’ Hartville Formation ______ 840 15. 18 1. 00 1E. 2E. No aitershocks recorded; 2.4 in. per day, 1:6. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1966 0—229—356 The Alaska Earthquakye 9!? 7f 75 ', 54' 4 -) DISPLAY Effects On Hydrologlc Regimen . r , ;. _ ‘ .‘_ tiY “ t; D. GEOLOG IC AL ’_ S U RSV E Y‘ . P R 0 FE S S I O ‘N -;_A L PA PE R '5 44 4ND]; 1 THE ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964: EFFECTS ON THE HYDROLOGIC REGIMEN Effects of the March 1964 Alaska Earthquake on Glaciers By AUSTIN POST GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 544-D UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1967 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 - Price 45 cents THE ALASKA EARTHQUAKE SERIES The U.S. Geological Survey is publishing the results of investigations of the Alaska earthquake of March 27, 1964, in a series of six Professional Papers. Professional Paper 544 describes the effect on hydrology. Other Professional Papers, some already published and some still in preparation, describe the effects of the earthquake on communities; the regional effects of the earthquakes; the effects on transporta- tion, communications, and utilities; and the history of the field investigations and reconstruction effort. Page Page Abstract _____________________ D1 Earthquake-induced rockslide Changes in drainage and flow of Introduction __________________ 1 avalanches on glaciers—Con. glacially fed rivers due to the Acknowledgments _________ 2 Smaller avalanches—Con. 1964 earthquake ____________ Possible effects of earthquakes Allen Glacier _________ D21 Efl’ects of the 1964 tectonic dis- - on glaciers __________________ 2 Fickett GlaCiel‘ ........ 21 placements on glaciers _______ Snow avalanching _____________ 3 Unnamed glacier near Direct effects of the 1964 earth- Ice avalanching _______________ 5 Paguna Bay ________ 21 quake on tidal glaciers _______ Earthquake—induced rockslide Rockslide avalanches not asso- Interpretation of the data ______ avalanches on glaciers ________ 6 ciated with the 1964 earth— Effect of avalanche-caused Sherman Glacier __________ 6 quake ______________________ 26 thickening on the flow of Schwan Glacier ___________ 13 Avalanches before the 1964 glaciers ________________ Bering and Steller Glaciers- 13 earthquake ............. 26 The earthquake-ad v an ce Martin River Glacier ______ 13 Rockslide avalanches since theory _________________ Sioux Glacier _____________ 13 August 1964 ............ 26 Glacier surges _____________ Smaller avalanches ________ 21 General characteristics of the Summary and conclusions ______ Saddlebag Glacier____ -_ 21 larger rockslide avalanches--- 31 References ___________________ ILLUSTRAITONS FIGURES Page Page. 1. Map of south-central Alas- 10. Schwan Glacier on August 18. Allen Glacier rockslide ava- ka _____________________ vi 26, 1963 ________________ D14 lanche 1, August 25, 1965- 2. Head of Meares Glacier, 11. Schwan Glacier on August 19. Childs Glacier, August 26, August 24, 1964 _________ D4 25, 1964 ________________ 15 1963 ___________________ 3. Cliffs on south side of Har- 12. Map of rockslide avalanches 20. Childs Glacier, August 25, vard Glacier, August 24, in the Waxell Ridge region, 1965 ___________________ 1964 ___________________ 5 Bering and Steller Gla- 21. Allen rockslide avalanche 4, 4. Horizontal profiles of rock— ciers ___________________ 16 August 25,1965 _________ slide avalanches on gla— 13. Map of rockslide avalanches 22. Rockslide avalanche on Fair- ciers ___________________ 7 on the Martin River and weather Glacier, August 5. Map of rockslide avalanches western Steller Glaciers_-- 17 22, 1965 ________________ in the Sherman and Sad— 14. Map of rockslide avalanches 23. Map of rockslide avalanche dlebag Glaciers area ______ 8 and rockfalls in the Sioux, on Fairweather Glacier--- 6. Rockslide avalanche on Sher- Johnson, and Miles Gla— 24. Rockslide avalanche on Net- man Glacier, August 25, cier region ______________ 18 land Glacier, August 29, 1965 ------------------- 9 15. Sioux Glacier, August 26, 1964 ___________________ 7. Sherman Glacier, August 26, 1963 and August 24, 1964- 19 25. Map showing relation of 1963 ------------------- 10 16. Saddlebag Glacier, August earthquake subsidence and S. Sherman Glacier, August 24, 26, 1963 and August 25, uplift to glaciers _________ 1964 ___________________ 11 1965 ___________________ 20 26. Observed glacier surges since 9. Map of rockslide avalanche 17. Map of rockslide avalanches 1936 in Alaska and western on Schwan Glacier ------- 12 on Allen Glacier --------- 22 Canada _________________ TABLES Page. 1. Snow avalanches on large glaciers near the epicenter of the 1964 earthquake _________________________ D4 2. Earthquake-induced rockslide avalanches ________________________________________________________ 6 3. Rockslide avalanche deposits on glaciers since 1945 and prior to 1964 earthquake _____________________ 26 4. Rockslide avalanches more recent than 1964 earthquake ___________________________________________ 26 5. Late August levels of glacier-dammed lakes in the Chugach and Kenai Mountains, 1960—65 ____________ 33 6. Changes in termini of tidewater glaciers in the Chugach and Kenai Mountains, 1960—65 _______________ 36 7. Lengths and times of sudden movement of glaciers observed by Tarr and Martin after the 1899 earth- quake _____________________________________________________________________________________ 39 CONTENTS V Page D33 34 36 36 36 37 38 41 Page D23 24 25 27 29 30 32 35 40 \ 138° I \ o 50 100 MILES C: Lafitg—l I \ é. o, o 50 100 KILOMETERS |___l—___| m > ,, sea I 0‘ >1» a a U1 __—-— Schwan Cordo fi Sherman and Saddlebag Sioux, Johnson, and Miles Netlcmd OF Yakutat ALASKA \ | l EXPLANATION ‘Bagley ______ ‘ Allen D Icefields and glaciers Limit of cracking of alluvial deposits Epicenter of 1964 earthquake Glacier areas shown as figures and photographs in this report FIGURE 1.—Map of south-central Alaska showing the major glaciers and icefields and the epicenter of the March 27 earthquake. VI THE ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964: EFFECTS ON THE H YDROLOGIC REGIMEN EFFECTS OF THE MARCH .1964 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE ON GLACIERS The 1964 Alaska earthquake occurred in a region where there are many hundreds of glaciers, large and small. Aerial photographic investigations in- dicate that no snow and ice avalanches of large size occurred on glaciers despite the violent shaking. Rockslide ava- lanches extended onto the glaciers in many localities, seven very large ones By Austin Post ABSTRACT occurring in the Copper River region 160 kilometers east of the epicenter. Some of these avalanches traveled sev- eral kilometers at low gradients; com- pressed air may have provided a lubri- cating layer. If long-term changes in glaciers due to tectonic changes in alti- tude and slope occur, they will probably be very small. No evidence of large- Alaskan glaciers are of such size and number that they influence the climate, streamflow, and works of man in many parts of the State. Their influence is especially im- portant in the region most strongly affected by the Alaska earthquake of March 27 , 1964, where about 20 percent of the land area is covered by ice (fig. 1). North, east, and west of the epicenter, the Chugach Mountains are covered with ap- proximately 6,500 km2 (square kilometer) of icefields and snow- filled valleys from which more than a dozen major and hundreds of s ma 1 l e r glaciers descend. Southwest of the epicenter the Sargent and Harding Icefields and other glaciers cover approxi— mately 4,200 km2 in the Kenai Mountains. East of the Copper River, the Bagley Icefield con- tains some 10,400 km2 of glaciers. INTRODUCTION Most rivers in this area derive a part of their flow from glaciers, and, for many major streams, such as the Matanuska and Copper Rivers, glacier melt provides a substantial part of their summer runoff. Although it is primarily the glacial rivers that affect works of man in the State, in a few places the glaciers themselves are near transportation routes or facilities. Changes in glaciers resulting from earthquakes thus may have eco- nomic as well as scientific interest. The 1964 earthquake was one of the strongest ever recorded in North America. Tectonic dis- placements occurred over a larger area than has previously been ob- served (Plafker, 1965a; Plafker and Mayo, 1965). The area in which cracking occurred in allu- vial deposits is considered the probable limit of the area where noticeable effects on glaciers might be expected (fig. 1). scale dynamic response of any glacier to earthquake shaking or avalanche loading was found in either the Chugach or Kenai Mountains 16 months after the 1964 earthquake, nor was there any evidence of surges (rapid. advances) as postulated by the Earthquake-Advance Theory of Tarr and Martin. The author conducted aerial- photographic investigations on glaciers in northwestern North America from 1960 to 1963 under grants from the National Science Foundation. This project was administered by the University of Washington, Seattle, P. E. Church being principal investigator. Practically all of the larger gla- ciers in Alaska were examined and their various features noted. More than 2,000 oblique and vertical photographs were taken each year. These observations and pictures provide detailed information about the glaciers before the earth- quake occurred. The U.S. Geological Survey continued these studies in 1964 and 1965 as part of a broader program of investigation of the relation of glaciers to climate and the role of glaciers in the hy- drologic cycle. Mark F. Meier directed this program. D1 D2 By comparing photographs taken before and after the earth- quake, the immediate effects on glaciers can be analyzed. The data available make it possible to determine what changes have occurred in other years in the shaken area. Changes in regions where earthquake shaking did not take place were also analyzed. Studies were conducted in late August and in September, the time when the seasonal snow cover on glacier ice is at a mini- mum. High-resolution aerial cameras were used. The follow- ing glacier features were visu- ally examined and photographed: Firn line and snow cover. Snow, ice, and rock ava- lanches. Extent of crevassing and evi- dence of changes in glacier thickness and rate of flow. Surface features including ogives, icefalls, medial ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 19614 moraines, superglacial streams and lakes. Glacier termini—position, configuration, and relative activity. Iceberg discharge of tidal glaciers. Outlet and marginal streams, and glacier-dammed lakes. Terminal and lateral mo— raines, trimlines, and bar- ren zones. In addition, a careful search was made during the 1964 and 1965 flights to find evidence of changes in glaciers attributable to the earthquake. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was made possible by utilizing aerial photographs taken for the National Science Foundation in 1960, 1961, and 1963 under contract with the University of Washington, Seat- tle, Wash. Information and(or) photographs were furnished the author by George Plafker of the Geological Survey and Troy Péwé of the University of Alaska, John Sater of the Arctic Institute of North America, and W. 0. Field of the American Geographical Society. John R. Reid of the University of North Dakota, Colin Bull of the Ohio State University, Institute of Polar Studies, Samuel Tuthill of Muskingum College, Ohio, fur- nished information regarding studies of Sherman and Martin Rivers Glaciers. Mark Meier of the Geological Survey discussed the probable effects on glaciers of avalanches and tectonic displace— ments. W. R. Fairchild, Don Sheldon, and Jack Wilson pro- vided ‘skilled piloting on aerial photographic missions. D. R. Crandell of the Geological Sur- vey and W. O. Field critically reviewed the manuscript. POSSIBLE EFFECTS OF EARTHQUAKES ON GLACIERS Earthquakes and changes in the surface of the earth related to earthquakes can affect glaciers in many ways. The glaciers can be made thicker or thinner, the land surface can be so deformed as to cause changes in net mass budget (difference between accumulation and ablation of snow and ice) or in the slope of the glaciers, glaciers which calve off into water can be affected by shaking or by changes in the water body, and the glacier ice may be directly affected by shaking. Seven possible changes are: 1. Increased ice thickness result- ing from: a. Extensive avalanching of ice and (or) snow from adjacent glaciers. b. Rockfalls and rockslide avalanches from ad- j acent slopes onto glaciers. c. Decreased melting due to insulation of ice pro- vided by heavy ac- cumulations of dust or rock debris on glaciers. d. Decreased melting due to increased albedo (solar radiation reflectivity of the surface), caused by accumulation of clean avalanche snow and ice over dirty ice. Increased ice thickness on glaciers results in accelerated glacier motion (Nye, 1952; Weert- slopes onto man, 1957) and a possible advance of the terminus. Sudden spectac- ular glacier advances after the severe 1899 earthquake were re- ported by Tarr and Martin (1914); they attributed the ad- vances to extensive earthquake- induced avalanching of snow and ice onto the glaciers. Less spectacular effects of increased ice thickness might be a slowing of the glacier retreat, stability, or a slow advance of the terminus. 2. Decreased ice thickness result- ing from accelerated melting due to decreased albedo, caused by a thin surface layer of dust and rock debris. Reduced ice flow, slowing of advance, stagnation. or retreat of the terminus, or even complete disappearance of the glacier are possible eflects of thinning. 3. Disruption of glacier-fed rivers by: a. Glacier advance, blocking the normal course of streams 'or rivers and forming lakes, which may be followed by a sudden release of water when such glacier dams burst or are overtopped and rapidly disintegrate. b. Closing or opening of en— glacial or marginal chan- nels resulting in the im- poundment or release of runoff. Highways parallel the Matan- uska and Copper Rivers, and transportation routes follow rivers in the Kenai Mountains. In addi- tion, major ports, such as Seward and Valdez, are near the mouths of glacier—fed rivers. Severe dam- age could result from flooding if EFFECTS ON GLACIERS these streams were afl'ected by earthquake-induced changes in glaciers. 4. Change in flow characteristics of glaciers due to shaking. Sud- den advances of glaciers have been reported where no snow and ice avalanching have been observed. The possibility that earthquake shaking of unstable glaciers di- rectly results in such advances has been considered (Post, 1960). Such advances might result from: a. Changes within the struc- ture of the glacier ice that alter its flow—law properties and, in conse— quence, the speed of in— ternal deformation of the glacier. b. Changes in the properties of the boundary layer be- tween the glacier and its bed that alter the rate at which the glacier slides. The author knows of no physical mechanism which would permit The 1964 earthquake occurred at a time of year when large quanti— ties of snow were present on gla- ciers, and avalanche hazard was high in some areas. E. R. La- Chapelle, snow avalanche special- ist with the US. Forest Service, stated (oral commun., 1966) : The Good Friday earthquake oc- curred during a period of known nat- ural avalanche hazard in the Chugach Mountains in the vicinity of Anchorage and Turnagain Arm. The snow cover at this time was recorded as unstable. For this reason, the Forest Service ranger on duty at Alycska Ski area closed parts of that area to public use a few hours prior to the earthquake. The subsequent occurrence of ava- lanches in this and other nearby areas indicates that the hazard prediction was correct. 231—319 O—67——-—2 SNOW AVALANCHING Because of the unstable snow conditions mentioned by La- Chapelle, major avalanching onto the glaciers might have been ex- pected during the earthquake. However, George Plafker (writ- ten commun., 1964) found little evidence of snow avalanches on the glaciers during flights made March 29 and April 6, 1964. He wrote: My general impression gained from the reconnaissance flying is that the volume of snow shaken down by the earthquake is infinitely small relative to the size of the drainage basins of the coastal glaciers. I seriously doubt that the amount of snow observed in these avalanches could have a signi- ficant effect upon the regimen of any of the glaciers I saw * * *. D3 shaking to cause appreciable changes in glacier flow rates by either of these phenomena. has much as no observational data on either mechanism are available, these phenomena are considered purely hypothetical and are not discussed further in this report. 5. Breakup of the terminus of tidewater glaciers due to shaking. Accelerated discharge of icebergs and possible retreat of the» glacier might result. 6. Changes in the terminus of tide- water glaciers due to vertical movement of the land. Advance of raised glaciers and retreat of lowered glaciers are possibilities. 7. Long-term changes in mass or flow characteristics of glaciers or both, due to change in altitude or slope caused by tectonic displace- ment. Eflects may be greater or less, depending upon the magni- tude of the changes. Ragle and others (1965a, p. 2) made reconnaissance flights be- tween April 9—19 and September 4—24, 1964, and summarized their findings as follows: The scarcity of obvious change was surprising because the glaciers must have been shaken violently by the earth- quake. There were few snow ava- lanches or snow slides in the glacier basins and none of them appeared to have added enough substance to af- fect glacier regimen appreciably * * *. With a few exceptions, hanging glaciers did not appear to have been afiected and there was no unusual calving of glacier termini into tidewater. Photographs taken April 1, 1964, by T. L. Péwé show the termini of Meares, Yale, Har- vard, and Columbia Glaciers. No evidence of avalanching is shown. ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH FIGURE 2.—Head of Meares Glacier, August 24, 1964. The snow avalanches, which may have resulted from the March 27 Furthermore, no evidence of significant avalanching of ice or snow was found during the au- thor’s investigations in August 1964. Traces of large Winter or spring snow avalanches can usually be detected on glaciers as late as August because of difi'er- ing snow texture, streaks of fine debris, or the obscuring of gla- cial structures. All of the larger glaciers in the Chugach Moun- tains were observed. Detailed oblique photographs were taken of the precipitous slopes adjacent to the Columbia, Meares, Yale, and Harvard Glaciers, all of which are near the epicenter (fig. 1). The areas of these glaciers and the areas of earthquake-in- earthquake, are shown by arrows. TABLE l.-—Snow avalanches on large glaciers near the epicenter of the 1964 earthquake Distance from epicenter Glacier Area of glacier Approximate area (km?) of snow av- Km Direction alanches (km!) Columbia _____________ 25 NE ________________ 1, 370 5 Meares _______________ 23 NNE ______________ 135 5 Yale _________________ 26 N _______________ 225 0 Harvard ______________ 35 N ___________________ 505 25 duced avalanches of snow found on these glaciers are summarized in table 1. On the Columbia Glacier, evi- dence of snow avalanching was so minor that no more avalanches were noted than are shown in pho— tographs taken in other years. A few small snow avalanches oc- curred near the head of Meares Glacier (fig. 2). Evidence of snow avalanching has been found each ,year the glaciers have been examined. The amount of avalanching in 1964 was not, in general, more than that usually detected. All observ- ers’ reports and the evidence seen in August 1964 indicate that snow avalanching resulting from the earthquake was not great enough to materially affect any glacier’s regime. Large-scale avalanching of ice from hanging glaciers and ice- veneered cliffs adjacent to large glaciers could materially afl'ect a few glacier regimes. The glaciers were carefully scrutinized in August 1964 to determine if ice avalanching had taken place. EFFECTS ON GLACIERS ICE AVALANCHING The ice-sheathed cliffs near the head of Harvard Glacier are among the most extensive and steepest in the Chugach Moun- tains. Many small avalanches oc- curred on the south side of the glacier (fig. 3), but only two were large enough to leave conspicuous deposits. No evidence of extensive D5 ice avalanching was noted ad- jacent to the Yale Glacier. Although some steep ice on slopes had an unusually shattered appearance after the earthquake (Nielsen, 1965) , no ice avalanches were found that were large enough to materially affect any glacier’s regime. FIGURE 3.——Cliffs on south side of Harvard Glacier, August 24, 1964. Sliding of snow has taken place on these slopes, as shown by the avalanche paths and filled crevasses on the left and 'by the avalanche rdebris at the foot of the cliffs in the center of photograph. However, hanging glaciers on these cliffs apparently were little affected 'by the earthquake. D6 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 EARTHQUAKE-INDUCED ROCKSLIDE AVALANCHES ON GLACIERS Apparently the most important TABLE 2.—Earthquake—mduced rockslide avalanches effect of the 1964 earthquake on [Slide area: more important slidesinltalic] glaciers has been the change in G1 01 1 A 81 h . . . a e V 3110 e their regime resulting from rock- slide avalanches. Rockfalls 00- Lou . Slides curred over a very broad area as a Name Area (km?) N0. Latitude tn 6 . . , No. Area Length Direction result of the earthquake. This am”) am) traveled distribution is not a simple func- ., , . , tion of distance from the epicenter, Sherman ---------- 57 --------------- g 60 g; 145 (1)3 } f; g 5 EV“ but is related to local structure and i 3; (1’3 } Lg § 5 11:11-13 weakness in bedrock. Direction 30‘1““ ----------- 14° -------------- é “0 2‘; 145 11 i 9 5 ‘1‘ 5 gNw Martin River ______ 290 ______________ 1 60 36 143 36 1 5' 3' N'Nw. of avalanche movement apparently g g3 32 g If, g E s ‘58]: was controlled by local topog- 4 32 39 i ”14:2 g 5 SisyE' ' . ' ' ' 5 . . . 1aphy, no particular direction of B 5330 i 60 33 143 1,; % 1i 25 2' ‘ ' ering ____________ , ____________ 2 . movement predominating. Most 2 30 10 1 2. 5 6. 5 S. of these rockfalls and rockslide i 33 06 i W i‘ 5 ESE. ' ' ' 5 28 142 27 l l. 5 2. 5 N. avalanches were mlnor 1n bOth Slze Steller _____________ Branch of Bering ; 60 g; 143 g 1 {.6 g: £11.: ' BC er. . . and importance. 3 33 32 1 .5 2.5 SSE. Rockslide avalanches which oc- g 3% 33 1 i :5 gsw. curred between August 1963 and 51°“ """""""""""""""" é 6°32 ”4 {3 § i f5 $.NW,3SW,1 August 1964 that were observed by 3 32 18 1 1 1 Nev? W the author are listed in table 2. §$%§$6_‘:::: 313% g g g i? ii :IW’EN ‘ ' an eve ......... 6 . The location and area 0f the Saddlebag _________ so 31 145 06 4 2.5 2.5 1 ssg, 2 sw, 1 glamers and of all rockshde ava- £1.31“, ____________ 60 33 145 01 1 1 3 NEE: lanches of more than 0.5 kmz, to- e" """""""" 6°12 1“ 22 i i g5 fi‘w gether With the general direction €503: ______________ 60 1:; 145 38 3 1.5 1‘5 .311?” of movement of the avalanche, are u e """"""" 6° .1; 145 ll 1 1 S EWZ 1' t d Tasnuna .......... 31 61 02 145 27 1 1.5 2.5 WNW IS 8 . Columbia _________ 61 lg 147 14 g i {5 :1ng Several very large rockslide ava- 8111111119? __________ a} 3‘1) 117 $2 1 1 5 g- : g3. . lanches occurred at the time of the We 11 me """"" 6 1 8 i3 1 I5 2' E'. S ' ........... 61 2 l4 1 2 3 3 ESE earthquake. Profiles of these ava- 1111;313:513“ _____ 33%: 1:3 23 i 1 2.5 11:11. ______________ 1 8 .5 . lanches are shown on figure 4. Tvggntymile _______ so 57 14s 38 :1 a a5 va 2 NW . . . . 56 8 .5 .5 .' IiidiVidual rockslides are described Contact ___________ so 23 14s 23 4 3 1. 5 .' b l 59 48 149 57 3 1.5 1.5 . e O‘V. 59 42 150 03 2 2.5 1.5 W, SW 59 44 150 15 1 . 5 l. 5 . SHERMAN GLACIER lDust. The Sherman Glacier (figs. 4A, 5) received one very large rock— slide avalanche and several smaller ones at the time of the the ablation area of the glacier, thickness of 5 m (figs. 6, 7, 8). earthquake. The largest of these, is 5.6 km long, as much as 4 It has been computed by George which covers about 50 percent of km wide, and has an average Plafker (1965b) to contain about EFFECTS ON GLACIERS METERS 100° ‘ A Sherman 1 0 | ‘l | l I l o 2000 4000 6000 METERS 2000 — B Schwan 1 1000 — 0 l | l I | | 2000 C Steller'l 1000 0 I I | I I I I I 1000 — 0 I I I I 2000 7 E Allen 4 1000 ‘ 0 I I I I I I I 4000 — 3000 — F Fairweather 2000 - 1000 — I I I I I I 2000 4000 6000 0 FIGURE 4.——Horizontal profiles of rockslide avalanches 0n glaciers. mean sea level. D7 D8 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 _60 3O0 1 2MILES L—l——l o 1 2 KILOMETERS . 145°07'3o'v EXPLANATION AVALANCHE DEBRIS Probably 1 meter or more Small volume of dust and Source area of avalanche Direction of view shown thick containing rock fine rock debris in accompanying photo - fragments 3 meters or graph more long —> 1 ————— D c ~~~~~ Direction of movement Number of avalanche listed Ice-covered divide in an accompanying table FIGURE 5.-—Map of rockslide avalanches in the Sherman and Saddlebag Glaciers area. EFFECTS ON GLACIERS D9 FIGURE 6.—Rockslide avalanche on Sherman Glacier. The source was from the area marked by the fresh scar on Shattered Peak in middle distance. The debris displays flowlines and terminal digitate lobes. No marginal dust layer is present. The steep margin, about 20 m above the clear ice, is due to more rapid melting of the exposed glacier than the ice pro- tected by the debris (see figs. 4A, 5, 7, 8). Photograph taken on August 25, 1965. D10 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 FIGURE 7.—Sherman Glacier on August 26, 1963, showing conditions before the earthquake; compare with figure 8. EFFECTS ON GLACIERS D11 FIGURE 8.—R0ckslide avalanche on Sherman Glacier. The avalanche was formed by the collapse of Shattered Peak in the middle distance. The debris shows flowlines and terminal digibate lobes. No marginal dust layer is present. View look- ing southeast. Photograph taken August 24, 1964. 231—319 0—457 n a) D12 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 | 145°oo' O 1 2 MILES L‘_l—_l O l 2 KILOMETERS |___|__: — 60°50’ | EXPLANATION AVALANCHE DEBRIS Probably 1 meter or more Small volume of dust and Source area of avalanche Direction of movement thick containing rock fine rock debris fragments 3 meters or more long : 1 Direction of View shown in Number of avalanche listed accompanying photograph in an accompanying table FIGURE 9.—Mva.p of rockslide avalanche on Schwan Glacier. 25 million m3 (cubic meters) of shattered rock debris and minor amounts of admixed ice and snow. Practically all of this ma- terial came to rest on the glacier below the firn line. No marginal dust layer is present. Possible effects of the avalanches on the glacier include reduced ablation, increased flow, and advance of the main glacier. W. 0. Field of the American Geographical Society (written commun., 1966) has commented: “The Sherman Glacier has re— treated about 800 meters previ- ous to 1950, from forest trimlines. From August 5, 1950, to June 1965, recession at the outermost part of the terminus in the mid- dle of the valley totaled 375 meters, representing an annual average of 25 meters.” However, by late summer 1965, an advance of as much as 6 m in some parts of the terminus may have oc- curred (M. T. Millett, oral com- mun.). A push moraine about 5 m high had formed (W. 0. Field, oral commun.). Aerial photo- graphs t-aken of the terminus in 1963 and 1964 show a small re- treat between those dates; little further change in the terminal position of the glacier was noted in 1965. The effect of the avalanche de- posit on the behavior of the glacier and the mode of deposition of the avalanche debris are being investi- gated by Colin Bull of the Ohio State University Institute of Polar Studies (written commun., 1966). SCHWAN GLACIER Although the rockslide ava— lanche (figs. 43, 9) on Schwan Glacier is one of the largest re— sulting from the 1964 earthquake, it covers only about 15 percent of the ablation area of this large gla- cier. Its effect on the glacier’s re- EFFECTS ON GLACIERS gime therefore should be relatively s m a l l . Photographs taken in 1963, 1964, and 1965 show no ap- parent dynamic change in the gla- cier between these dates (figs. 10, 11). BERING AND STELLER GLACIERS With its major branch, the Stel- ler Glacier, the Bering Glacier covers an area of about 5,800 kmz. Four rockslide avalanches more than 5 km in length and several smaller ones originated on Waxell Ridge. Th e largest avalanche (Steller 1) is 6.5 km in length, has a maximum width of 2 km, and probably contains at least 10 mil- lion m3 of rock. Because it lies well above the snowline and is therefore largely snow covered in all photographs, few details are known. From a maximum source altitude of nearly 3,000 m, the rock debris descended slopes of about 43° for 600 in. On reaching the nearly level glacier, the material swept out with a gradient decreas- ing to less than 2° in the last 3 km (fig. 40). Snow on the upper parts of the other rockslide ava- lanches on Waxell Ridge obscures source areas (fig. 12). Four small avalanches occurred on the western part of the Steller Glacier (fig. 13). N0 dynamic response to ava- lanche loading has been noted in any of the branches of Bering and Steller Glaciers where avalanches occurred. Long-term effects of the avalanche debris will be to re- duce ice melt somewhat, but, rela- tive to the size of these large gla- ciers, this effect will be insignifi- cant. MARTIN RIVER GLACIER The Martin River Glacier (fig. 13) is fed by three major trib- utaries, the most northerly of D13 which received three major ava- lanches (Tuthill, 1966). Together these probably contain about 24 million in3 of broken rock. Three other avalanches 011 this branch appear to be little more than thin layers of dust. The avalanches on this branch of the glacier are so large that some dynamic response to the loading would seem likely. About 5 percent of the glacier sur— face was covered with rock debris. As this material moves into the ablation area, its effect will be to reduce ice melt. A medial mo- raine near the center of the main tributary of the glacier moved down valley about 240 In between August 1964 and August 1965. SIOUX GLACIER The Sioux Glacier (unofficial name, Tuthill and others, 1964; Tuthill, 1966. Figs. 4]), 14) re— ceived the greatest number of rockslide avalanches, for its size, of any valley glacier (fig. 15). As a result, easily detectable changes in the glacier’s regime are anticipated. Long-term effects of the debris will be to reduce ice melt, which 'will favor rejuvena- tion of the relatively inactive terminal ice and may eventually result in advance. Various features of the glacier are listed below. Size Feature (kmz) Accumulation area _________ 12 Area covered by debris- 2 Ablation area ______________ 5 Area covered by debris before earthquake____ 1 Area covered by debris after earthquake _____ 4. 5 About 17 percent of the ac- cumulation area of the Sioux Glacier was covered by rockslide debris. Little dynamic response to this loading could be found in a comparison of vertical photo- D14 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 FIGURE 10.—Schwan Glacier on August 26, .1963, Showing conditions before the earthquake; compare with figure 11. EFFECTS ON GLACIERS D15 FIGURE 11.—Rockslide avalanche on Schwan Glacier. The source of the avalanche is the mountain peak behind and to the left of the debris. A broad layer of dust surrounds the deposit. View looking southwest. Photograph taken August 25, 1964. D16 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 — 60°30’ 0 Bering 1 Mt Steller ‘ [0,460 FT/ _(3172m) x a” \ . \ , 2 MILES L—|___._i 0 l 2 KILOMETERS i____|—l BERING ' .(\ A FIGURE 12.—Map of rockslide avalanches in the Waxell Ridge region, Bering and Sheller Glaciers. WAX \ EL \ LD v L \ BA GLEY IcEFIE %} i \ i )” l T T ”3°20 10’ EXPLANATION 143°00' AVALANCHE DEBRIS Steller 1 E1 ~§§\\ Probably 1 meter or more Small volume of dust and Source area of avalanche __ fl / thick containing rock fine rock debris C \\ / fragments 3 meters or X fl more long 1 j fl \&> —> Number of avalanche listed ******* Xi‘j'f - \Q Direction of movement in an accompanying table Ice-covered dlvlde i l EFFECTS ON GLACIERS D17 l 143°40' O i l 2 MILES |_.—_._J_—'| O l 2 KILOMETERS |__._l—J /___,, EXPLANATION AVALANCHE DEBRIS —> Probably 1 meter or more Small volume of dust and Source area of avalanche Direction of movement thick containing rock fine rock debris fragments 3 meters or more long 1 Number of avalanche listed ——— ~—— —————— )c —————— in an accompanying table Firn line Ice-covered divide FIGURE 13.—Map of rockslide avalanches on the Martin River and western Steller Glaciers. D18 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 GLACIER 2 MILES 2 KlLOMETERS |—__L_____l 144°30’ | AVALANCHE DEBRIS Probably 1 meter or more Small volume of dust and Source area of avalanche Direction of movement thick containing rock fine rock debris fragments 3 meters or more long :> 1 —————— iiiiii D ( ***** Direction of view shown Number of avalanche listed ' Firn line Ice-covered divide in accompanying photo- in an accompanying table graph FIGURE 14.—Map of rockslide avalanches in the region of Sioux, Johnson, and Miles Glaciers. D19 EFFECTS ON GLACIERS m>$w> .QH .wu $3 535 55358503. 93 E $9.3m E35 flu, 695580 woczmufioe .8535 .Efio wwbfl Scam wing mg @238 mg» 385% E5 no so; “855.? can we fix >2wa 3:9: $3 {a pmswi ES 3%: m2: 5 5335.8: MEMOS 52 2: no Mama 9: :o Managua wonoaw->a mung—won mm umbwwd no .8826 58me ma $58 a D20 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 FIGURE 16.—Saddlebag Glacier on August 26, 1963, showing conditions before the earthquake (above) and on August 25, 1965, showing conditions after the earthquake (below). Note the change in Shattered Peak. View looking north. graphs taken in August 1964 and August 1965. Some slight in- crease in crevassing in the area of the firn line may have taken place. After the earthquake, nearly 90 percent of the ablation area of this glacier was covered with debris. Tuthill (1966) estimated the avalanche debris at 8,400,000 m3. According to the observa- tions of J. R. Reid (University of North Dakota) on August 1, 1965 (written commun.), “This [avalanche debris] is already seen to be an important factor in the regimen of this glacier as the cover has already relatively raised the surface approximately 50 feet above the bare ice adjacent to it.” SMALLER AVALANCHES In addition to the large ava- lanches described above, several smaller ones occurred which have features of interest as noted below. SADDLEBAG GLACIER Saddlebag Glacier (fig. 5) is quite similar to the Sioux in size and configuration. Approxi- mately 50 percent of its ablation area was covered with debris from many small rockslides. The glacier terminates in a lake, which is more than 1.5 km long and was formed largely during the retreat of the glacier since 1948. No appreciable change in the glacier terminus was noted between August 1963 and August 1965 (fig. 16). A small advance or an increase in the rate of ice EFFECTS ON GLACIERS discharge into the lake is likely because of the decreased melting resulting from the avalanche debris. ALLEN GLACIER Three rockslide avalanches were noted in 1964 on Allen Glacier (fig. 17). The digitate margin of the largest avalanche deposit and the paths followed by various parts of the debris clearly indicate that. several rock- falls must have occurred from the same general source area. No marginal dust area is present. No dynamic effects of the ava— lanches on the glacier have been noted. The fact that the ice in the area where the largest 1964 avalanche (fig. 18) came to rest has remained almost unchanged from 1964 to 1965 suggests that there has been no significant in- crease in the amount of ice flow- ing from this part of the glacier. The relation of glacier regime to earthquake effects is compli- cated by the fact that the Allen Glacier has shown evidence of in- creased flow in the terminal area each year since 1961. The nearby Childs Glacier, which is similar to the Allen in many respects, also clearly shows evidence of rejuve- nation and some advance in the terminal area (figs. 19, 20). The cause of the advance is unknown, but these glaciers probably are re- sponding normally to climatic fluctuations. About half of the terminal area of Allen Glacier is covered with ablation moraine and D21 has remained stagnant. The sec- tion where ice is exposed appeared smooth and almost inactive in 1961; there were more crevasses in 1963. The 1964 observations dis- closed an advance of about 300 m during the previous year; in 1965 an advance of an additional 300 m had occurred, and both an increase in thickness and more crevassing were discernible in nearly all of the lower parts of the glacier. It seems likely that neither the shak- ing nor avalanche loading is re- sponsible for the present advance of Allen Glacier, for the advance was already under way prior to the earthquake in 1964. FICKETT GLACIER A rockslide avalanche origi- nated on a peak at the head of the small Fickett Glacier (fig. 5) and swept down the center, coming to rest in the terminal area. Al— though nearly 40 percent of the glacier surface received some rock debris from this rockslide, the vol- ume of the material was relatively small. Some decrease in ice melt will probably result. UNNAMED GLACIER NEAR PAGUNA BAY Small rockslides from at least five sources avalanched onto a small unnamed glacier in the Ke— nai Mountains at lat 59°42’, long 150°03’. About 50 percent of its surface was covered with rock de— bris. Decreased melting and pos— sible future advance of this glacier may result. D22 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 Approximate recent maximum 3 MILES |__|—_l___._—J Mt Williams 7200 FT 0 1 2 3 KILOMETERS l___|—.l____l (21951“) 145°00’ 144°40' l | l EXPLANATION AVALANCHE DEBRIS Probably 1 meter or more Small volume of dust and Source area of avalanche Direction of movement thick containing rock fine rock debris fragments 3 meters or more long 1 —A————— —————— x —————— Number of avalanche listed Firn line Ice-covered divide in an accompanying table FIGURE 17.—-Map of rockslide avalanches on Allen Glacier. EFFECTS ON GLACIERS D23 FIGURE 18.—Allen Glacier rockslide avalanche 1 (see fig. 17). The digit‘ate margin of this avalanche deposit and the paths followed by various parts of the debris, some of which override others, clearly indicate that several rockfalls must have occurred from the same general source area. No marginal dust layer is present. Photograph taken on August 25‘, 1965. ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 FIGURE 19.—Childs Glacier, August 26, 1963, showing conditions before the earthquake; compare with figure 20. EFFECTS ON GLACIERS D25 FIGURE 20.—Childs Glacier, August 25, 1965, showing conditions after the earthquake. The size and distribution of the small rockslides on the glacier are fairly typical of the slides in many areas in the Chugach and Kenai Mountains. N0 dynamic response of the glacier to these avalanches has been noted, nor, in view of the small volume of the rockslide‘s, is a response probable. Since 1960, this glacier has thickened and advanced in the terminal area. Note the change in the glacier on the right; the small marginal lakes visible in the 1963 view are almost completely covered by the advancing glacier in 1965. The Million Dollar Bridge, a span of which was shaken down by the earthquake, crosses the Copper River (lower right of the photograph). D26 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 2'7, 1964 ROCKSLIDE AVALANCHES NOT ASSOCIATED WITH THE 1964 EARTHQUAKE AVALANCHES BEFORE THE 1964 EARTHQUAKE Large avalanches on several gla- ciers in Alaska occurred in the two decades before the 1964 earth— quake. Prominent older undated deposits are located on the Chisto- china Glacier in the Alaska Range and on Casement Glacier in Gla- cier Bay. Rockslides have ava- lanched repeatedly on Margerie Glacier near Glacier Bay, the most recent in 1961. Some especially conspicuous avalanches on glaciers that were noted before the 1964 earthquake are listed in table 3. In the Chugach Mountains the 1960 ava- lanche on Barry Glacier and the 1963 avalanche on Surprise Glacier occurred about 38 and 55 km, respectively, west of the 1964 earthquake epicenter. A rockslide avalanche from the same source as the 1963 avalanche covered part of the Surprise Glacier at the time of the 1964 earthquake. ROCKSLIDE AVALANCHES SINCE AUGUST 1964 Two very large rockslide ava- lanches occurred in south-central Alaska between August 24, 1964, and August 22, 1965. One of these (Allen Glacier 4, fig. 21) occurred in the vicinity of three rockslide avalanches on Allen Glacier that had probably been caused by the 1964 earthquake. It is larger and has a lower gradient than any of the rockslide avalanches that oc- curred at the time of the earth— quake (fig. 4E). A rockslide avalanche on Fair— weather Glacier .(fig. 22), which TABLE 3.~—Rockslide avalanche deposits on glaciers since 1945 and prior to 1964 earthquake Glacier Avalanche Name Area Year Latitude Longitude Area Length Direction (km?) (km?) (km) traveled Casement ........... 181 1945? 59 07 135 47 3 2. 5 SE Johns Hopkins _______ 310 1961? 58 47 137 10 2 2 NE Margerie ____________ 130 1961 58 56 137 13 2. 5 3 SE Netland _____________ 39 1952? 59 26 137 54 2. 5 2. 5 NW Smith _______________ 18 1955? 61 16 147 48 . 5 1. 5 E Bryn Mawr __________ 23 1960? 61 15 147 52 1 3 ESE Vassar ______________ 13 1958? 61 13 147 53 1 l. 5 ESE Barry _______________ '- 78 1960 61 11 148 07 4 3. 5 SE Serpentine ___________ 16 1963? 61 O7 148 16 . 5 2. 5 W Surprise _____________ 57 1963 61 02 148 31 . 5 1. 5 SE Pigot _______________ 21 1945? 60 54 148 29 1 3 E probably occurred during the sum— mer of 1965, is the longest of any of those observed. gradient is also much the steepest, in that the material was derived from as high as 4,050 m on the mountain Whereas the toe of the debris is at only 700 m (figs. 4F, The Fairweather Glacier avalanche is 600 km east-south— east of the 1964 earthquake but near the Fairweather fault along which movement occurred during the 1958 earthquake. earthquake, which registered more than 8 on the Richter Scale, caused a major rockslide avalanche into Lituya Bay some. 30 km south. The location, area, and length of Allen 4 and Fairweather Glacier avalanches as well as other 23). the TABLE 4.—Rockslide avalanches more recent than 1964 earthquake Its overall This latter recent smaller rock avalanches are listed in table 4. These avalanches do not differ significantly from those which occurred at the time of the earthquake. A rockfall avalanche, 1110 re 'than 6 km in length, occurred on Emmons Glacier on Mount Rainier, Wash, in 1963 (Crandell and Fahnestock, 1965). N0 earth— uakes of notable magnitude had occurred in the region between 1948 and 1964, and no earthquake was recorded at the time of the initial rockfall. dicates that large and potentially destructive rockslide avalanches, although more likely to occur during violent earthquakes, do occur at other times. This evidence in- Glacier Avalanche Name Area Year Latitude Longitude Area Length Direction (km?) (km?) (km) traveled Allen (avalanche 4)-__ 230 1965? 60 47 144 56 7. 5 7. 5 NNE Fairweather --------- 260 1965? 58 53 137 40 8. 5 10. 5 WSW Blossom _____________ 8 1965 60 03 140 05 1. 5 1. 5 E Marvine _____________ 310 1965 60 06 140 07 l 3 , W D27 EFFECTS ON GLACIERS FIGURE 21.—Allen rockslide avalanche 4, View looking southwest. This avalanche was not present on August 24, 1964. The source area was the black cliff at the head of the tributary branch of Allen Glacier. This avalanche traveled 7.5 km and has a maximum width 01" 1.5 km (figs. 4E, 17). Many large rock fragments are included in the debris and a thin layer of dirt and dust borders the edge of the deposit. A much smaller avalanche; Allen 3 "(table 2), which occurred in 1964, can be seen to the left of the 1965 debris. Photograph taken on August 25, 1965. ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 .Ew .mfi a 83 go 28$“. 32:? Esaimfi a can .95 8% B: @2355 26:53; 25. 53a 3.50m 2: 89¢ $.53. «o :3“ dosascoo 2: 8 “mafia £503 umsn .wwafi inward 5 303.5 no: ma? umfimopfiErH 332 no anew anonflgw 09H ammo Magoo“ 33> ”meg .mm ume5< H335 35$?an no 23525:“ oczmmoofildm ”553% S R E I C A L G N 0 m C m F E D30 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 J l I l 137°55' 50' 45' 40’ '/ (4061m) (4663” o 1 2 3 MILES ,3325 FT 15,30\o FT .___ J 0 \ o 1 2 3K|LOMETERS ’\ \_gp_n .In.M ...... I .. . AVALANCHE DEBRIS EXPLANATION Probably 1 meter or more Source area of avalanche Firn line Ice-covered divide thick containing rock fragments 3 meters or more long FIGURE 23.~——Map 0f rockslide avalanche on Fairweather Glacier. EFFECTS ON GLACIERS D31 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LARGER ROCKSLIDE AVALANCHES Sherman 1, Schwan 1, Steller 1, Sioux 1, Allen 4, and the Fair— weather Glacier avalanches dis— play several common character- istics: (a) the source area was a cliff currently undergoing glacial erosion; (b) the volume of the material moved was probably at least 400,000 1n3; (c) the ava- lanche initially descended very steep slopes for at least 600 In and gained very high velocity; ((1) on reaching the glacier, the rock debris swept over surficial features, such as medial moraines, without greatly modifying them; (e) the gradient of the avalanche on the glacier surface was often less than 5°; (f) the distance traveled by the avalanches at low gradient was several kilometers. Profiles of these avalanches are shown in figure 4. The distances traveled by the largest Sherman, Schwan, Allen, Steller, and F airweather rockslide avalanches at low gradients sug- gest that the friction of the de- bris on the glacier surface was remarkably small. This prompted one observer to com- ment that glaciers must be “slick as ice.” Shreve (1966) suggested that compressed air may have constituted an easily sheared lu- bricating layer for the Sherman avalanche. The avalanches exhibit varia- tions in the size of the fragments and the density of material. Most of the larger avalanches contain blocks exceeding 3 m in greatest dimension. The bulk of the material consists of fairly small fragments either scattered uniformly over the deposit or concentrated in irregular hum- mocks or windrows. Clearly de- fined banding or flow lines in the direction of movement is shown by only one avalanche (fig. 6). The margins of several deposits terminate in fairly smooth, rounded outlines (fig. 21) ; others are moderately irregular with digitate margins (fig. 6) . Smaller avalanches were highly irregular (fig. 18). E. R. La-Chapelle (written com- mun., 1966) comments: The digitate lobes exhibited by the Allen 1 and Fairweather rockslide avalanches [figs 18, 22] are character- istic of wet-snow avalanches. The ‘wheeling’ and erratic crossflow shown in figure 18 are often seen in large wet- snow avalanches which run out onto nearly level terrain. It appears that the same flow mechanism must be at work in both wet-snow and rock ava- lanches. The presence of water in the latter is to be suspected. Dry- snow avalanches do not exhibit these peculiar flow patterns. Rockslides on glaciers resulting from the earthquake appear to be generally composed of coarse materials or are thick enough to reduce rather than increase melt- ing of the underlying ice. Thus, after a few years’ ablation, ava- lanches below the firn line tend to become platforms whose sur- faces stand considerably above the surrounding ice. A good ex- ample of such effects after several years’ ablation is a large deposit on Netland Glacier in the Alsek River valley which resulted from a rockslide avalanche occurring some time after 1951 (fig. 24). W. 0. Field (written commun. 1966) states, “At the lower end of the Sherman slide, the debris was already on a well-formed platform on October 1, 1964, after only one ablation season. In July 1965 the top of the de— bris at the lower end of he slide. which was about 5 feet thick, was already about 30 feet above the surrounding clear ice surface.” Figures 11 and 21 show a con- tinuous dust layer 30 m or more in width around the margins of the Schwan and Allen 4 ava- lanches. If these avalanches traveled on cushions of com- pressed air, this dust may have been expelled from beneath the debris as the avalanche came to rest (Crandell and Fahnestock, 1965, p. A10). Dust bands are not present adjacent to most smaller avalanche deposits, or where the avalanche deposit has a digitate margin (Allen 1, Sher— man 1, and F airweather). A layer of dust around the margin of a small rockfall on Scott Gla— cier is separated from the coarse debris by 30 m or more of clean snow. Some smaller avalanches seem to consist largely of dust and fine rock debris. ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 FIGURE QA.—Rocks1ide avalanche on Netl‘and Glacier (location shown on fig. 1). This avalanche occurred sometime between 1951 and 1961. Note the height of the “table,” estimated to be 30 m or more, formed by the debris which has retarded the melting of the underlying ice. Photograph taken August 29. 1964. EFFECTS ON GLACIERS D33 CHANGES IN DRAINAGE AND FLOW OF GLACIALLY FED RIVERS DUE TO Reports that the discharge of the Copper River was greatly re- duced temporarily after the earth- quake led to some speculation that changes in glaciers near the river might have been the cause. No- major changes were found in large glaciers which border the river. Several glaciers in the area af- fected by the earthquake block side valleys and form lakes (Stone, 1963). Most of these lakes drain under or alongside the glaciers d u r i n g the summer months. Ragle, Safer, and Field (1965b) observed several of these lakes in April 1964, but, because of the presence of snow and because of the dearth of observations made in former years for comparison, they were unable to draw any firm con- clusions as to the effect of the earthquake on these lakes. The author’s photographs of many of these lakes taken in 1960, 1961, 1963, 1964, and 1965 provide evi- dence that conditions observed in late August 1964 were typical of other years. A large lake on the west side of Columbia Glacier (lat 61°02’, long 147 °08’) was considered by G. Swinzow to have been lowered by the earthquake (cited by Eagle and others, 1965a, p. 20). - No evi- dence supporting this lowering was found in a photograph of the lake taken by T. L. Péwé on April 1, 1964. If recent lowering of the lake had taken place, snowfall since the earthquake had con— cealed all evidence along the shore- lines of any former level of the water. The late August levels of most of the larger glacier-dammed lakes in the Chugach Kenai Mountains are listed in table 5. Although THE 1964 EARTHQUAKE TABLE 5.—Late August levels of glacier-dammed lakes in the Chugach and Kenai Mountains, 1960—65 [D, drained practically dry; H, high; In, intermediate level; L, low] Lake Glacier Lati- tude Longi- tude Length (km) 1960 1961 1963 1964 1965 Remarks Unnamed ...... Barkley ........ Unnamed ______ Do _________ Canyon ........ Unnamed ______ Van Cleve ...... Unnamed ...... Trap ___________ Unnamed ______ Iceberg _________ Unnamed ...... Number One... Unnamed ______ ..... do__.__...- ..... do______._. ..... do__._..... ..... do__......_ _____ do........- _____ do_.__..___ _____ do.________ Tana __________ _____ do____.____ Unnamed _____ Martin River. _____ do.....-... _____ do__,______ McPherson__ .. Unnamed ..... Tsina _________ Valdez ________ Tazlina ....... ..... do___.._.__ N elcina ....... _____ do...-...._ Columbia _____ _____ do._...__.. _____ do......... 17 15 17 24 23 25 44 47 47 30 31 42 42 35 49 61 14 13 36 38 39 42 07 o I 142 56 143 01 07 16 30 32 47 142 37 57 143 44 54 144 12 144 22 29 37 32 145 55 146 07 28 38 52 55 48 In In In Marginal, near McIntosh Peak; probably does not drain. Near head of Kosakuts River. In Grindle Hills. Lowered to lateral moraine about 1959 by glacier recession. Marginal embayment, northwest side of Grindle Nunatak. In Khitrof Hills be— tween'Bering and Steller Glaciers; drains rarely if at all. In Khitrof Hills, Steller Glacier side; generally ice filled. Southeast of present Berg Lake. Formed owing to glacier recession by joining of 5 former marginal lakes. Present out- let on bedrock. Ap- parently drains rarely if at all. Formerly as much as ll km long in Granite Creek valley. Outlet is along margin of Tana Glacier. Altitude 957 m; outlet under Tana Glacier. Altitude 1,250 m; be- tween two glaciers; ice on three sides. Formerly up to 3 km long; drains under glacier. Side valley, outlet over lateral moraine to gilrzlacier; not recently ed. Between Miles and Van Cleve Glaciers; probably drains annually. Lateral, probably drains annually. Drainage caused wash- out of art of Copper River ighway in 1965. Glacier blocks main valley; between two glaciers, West Branch Rude River. Between two glaciers; probably does not drain.- Between two glaciers formerly joined. In side valley, east side of glacier; probably drains annually. In side valley, west side of glacier between glaciers. May lower annually. South lake of two lakes on east side of glacier. North lake of two lakes on east side of glacier. Between Columbia and Anderson Glaciers. Seldom if ever drains. In side valley southwest of lake Number One. Seldom it ever drains. West of Clear Creek. Generally ice filled. D34 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 TABLE 5.—Late August levels of glacier-dammed lakes in the Chugach and Kenai Mountains, I960—65—Continued Lati- tude Lake Glacier tude Longi- Length (km) 1960 1961 1963 1964 1965 Remarks o I o I Unnamed ______ Columbia _____ 02 147 08 Billys Hole __________ do _________ 06 12 Knik__________ 17 148 35 Unnamed _____ 60 29 55 Excelsior ______ 02 42 George _________ Unnamed ______ Ellsworth _____ 07 149 01 Bear __________ 60 00 34 Do ______________ do _________ 04 36 Skllak _________ 12 56 Do _________ Tustamena _____ 02 150 27 ' Do _________ Yalik ......... 59 31 44 Petrof ......... 24 47 In lateral valley, north- west of terminus; probably lowers annually. In lateral valley; seldom if ever drains. In lateral embayment, generally ice filled. In lateral valley on east side. annually. In lateral valley, west side, formerly over 3 km long, lowered by glacier recession. In lateral valley near terminus; probably has not filled for several years. In lateral valley, alti- tude 400 m; mostly ice filled. In embayment on east side of glacier, alti- tude 890 m. Blocked by lateral lobe of glacier; outlet over bedrock; probably does not drainy _________________________ In lateral valley on east side, altitude 400 m. ......................... In lateral valley on east side, altitude 150 m. Usually drains annually. Probably drains data are not complete, the indica— tions are that 1964: conditions fol- lowed normal patterns and that the 1964 earthquake had little, if any, effect on the formation and drainage of theSe lakes. Careful observations were made in 1964 and 1965 to determine if there had been changes in surficial or englacial drainage systems, but no evidence of such changes was found. A few minor changes in stream channels near glaciers re- sulting from alluvial cracking were noted. Some minor stream diversion was found where water from Sherman Glacier crossed a1- luvial outwash. There was no evi- dence of any permanent changes in stream channels. EFFECTS OF THE 1964 TECTONIC DISPLACEMENT 0N GLACIERS A subsidence in the central- western Chugach and Kenai Mountains as a result of the earth- quake has been reported by Piaf; ker (1965a, p. 1677). It would appear that in almost all places the accumulation areas of the icefields in these mountains were lowered 1—2 m. The axis of greatest sub- sidence was near the crest of the main icefields. In the vicinity of Cordova an uplift of nearly 2 m took place. The relationship of such changes to glaciers is shown on figure 25. Where the land is raised with respect to the sea, the area above the snowline on glaciers is in- creased and the area below the snowline is decreased. A change of altitude of 2 m, which is about the maximum believed to have taken place during the earthquake, would have buta tiny effect, be- cause the changes in area above and below the snowline of most glaciers would be less than 1 per- cent of their total area. Any im— mediate'changes are doubtless too small to be detected, owing to the masking effect of greater varia— tions in the volume of snow ac- cumulation and ablation resulting from variable and unmeasured climatic factors. However, im— mediate slight changes would be followed by continuing changes, and a new surface altitude would be reached gradually. The total additional change in thickness after a long period of time for a 15-mm netrmass budget perturba- tion would be of the order of magnitude of 1 m (assuming a typical ice extension rate of 1.5 percent per year) according to the theory proposed by Nye (1960, p. 568). In all probability this change could not be detected. .In several areas, glaciers flow in the direction the land was tilted by the earthquake. The slopes of at least 15 small glaciers (none longer than 8 km) flowing north— westward toward Nellie Juan River and Kings Bay from the Sargent Icefield were increased by about 0.1 to per km. However, the surfaces of these glaciers slope about 100—300 In per km, so the percentage of increase due to the earthquake was inconsequential. A few major glaciers flow in a direction opposite to the way the land was tilted. The gradients of both the Chenega (Sargent Ice- field) and the lower Columbia Glacier (Northern Prince William Sound)—appr0ximately 75 and 25 m per km, respectively—were lowered by about 0.1 m per km. Although the speed of glacier flow is sensitive to changes in slope, D35 EFFECTS ON GLACIERS 3385 932 can Hanna—m 89d Ban .2362» 8 in: 65 8:325 oxaaufiudw no 8553 ”533m acfilfim ESE _ _ mammoflm 6:5 mEQGwOH _|_||J wmmhizodxog 0m 0 fil‘tl_|_ mud: OOH Om PEA: .8 . $25335 335 we mm: I'll ENSEI z©i