The USSR Foreign Ministry First Deputy Ministers : Deputy Ministers Eduard Amvrosiyevich Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Ivan Pavlovich Aboimov Viktor Georgiyevich Komplektov Bessmertnykh Eastern Europe Latin America; Shevardnadze North America; Middle East international economic affairs Anatoliy Leonidovich Adamishin Anatoliy Gavrilovich Kovalev Africa; humanitarian and cultural affairs Valentin Mikhaylovich N ikiforov General international affairs Personnel matters Boris N ikolayevich Chaplin Yuliy Mikhaylovich Vorontsov Protocol and consular affairs Vladimir Fedorovich Petrovskiy Ambassador to Afghanistan Leonid Fed orovich Il’ichev UN—related issues; Middle East General international affairs Igor’ Alekseyevich Rogachev Asian affairs Viktor Pavlovich Karpov Arms control; Problems of Arms Limitation and Disarmament Administration Functional Offices . i Evaluation and International Problems of Arms Limitation Protocol Department Planning Administration Organizations Administration and Disarmament Administration Chief : Vladimir Ivanovich Chernyshev Ch1ef: Lev lsaakov1ch Mendelev1ch Ch1ef: Vsevolod Leon1dov1ch Oleandrov Chief: V1ktor Pavlov1ch Karpov Research Coordinating Council General International International Scientific and F1? Deputy (Philef: . h M'kh 1 Director: Vladimir Viktorovich Shustov ' ° ° ° ' ' ° ' onstantrn e orov1c 1 ay ov Ettoltilegns Adilnllrtnstrtiationh B 1 3:113“?!CEO?er?thnhfimlnl:-tmtwn D 'Ch' f . Treaty and Legal Department 1e . ergey e san rov1c ogomo ov 1e . orls r1gor yev1c ayors 1y eputy re .s. . Chi ef: Yuriy Mikhayl ovi ch Rybakov . . . Sergey Borlsov1ch Batsanov Humanitarlan and Moscow State Institute - - - , - - . . . . . . Gngorly Vital yev1ch Berdennrkov Cultural Ties Administratlon of International Relations . . Yevgeniy Nikolayevich (3010ka Chief: Yuriy Borisovich Kashlev Rector: Rlchard SergeerICh Ov1nn1kov . . . . . The Problems of Arms Limitation and Disarmament Information Administration . Nonahgned Movements Department Administration is the principal arms control body Ch1ef: Gennadiy Ivanov1ch Geras1mov Ch1ef: Sergey Yakovlev1ch Srmtsyn within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It has sections . . that include the areas of strategic offensive arms, Intermtlonal Ethnomtlc defense and space, nuclear testing, Conference on Relations Administration Disarmament issues, and conventional arms control Chief: Ernest Yevgen’yevich Obminskiy questiOflS- LDA 89-10850 March 1989 ovsoz 'O‘G ‘umfiumsem ssaifiuog J0 £121ng aoyuag uogwoudnpoloqd :JO (05917-st (£01.) usaa Japlo suN all] "no aoyuas aupadxa oi) I9IZZ VA ‘plaufiuuds 9603 Mon 110d sszs aoyuas uogteuuogul Izoruqoal lzuoimN ZLUOJ} (111050131111 10 Adoo Jaded u; 19mg; suogeogqnd ogpsds sseqomd flew sowes uopdposqns u; p91saie1ur 1ou luauiuiaAog S {1 sq] apislno Sielsanbeu I9Izz VA ‘lefiuuds P808 Mon 110d sszs sogues uogmluiowl leaguuoal leuogmN :10 0790: 'C)‘(I ‘uolfiumSBM ssoifiuog J0 nmqn uogsgqu mg) pm; afiumpxg noelmd (x3300) Bumpedxzr luewnooa :01 sayirnbug Buyssaippe Aq euo sgq1 01 Jenuns suogwonqnd V13 01 suopdposqns uquo [new momma/mg S {1 sq] apysmo smssnbsu ‘Kousfiv souefimswl [enueg 9L1] [1101; spuueqo uosien q3n01q1 .10 Anselm luawnoop sup J0 sogdoo [Buopgppe ugmqo flew slegawo momma/mg sn ‘slueuiannbei oijiosds 119141 199m 01 paufigssp 912 1u91uoo pue ‘ofieiaAoo ‘nauuog sq] pue ‘sleyomo momma/mg S {1 J0 asn sq} 10} paiedeid s1 uoiwouqnd sgql Directorate of ; .« Intelligence The USSR Foreign Ministry Organizational Structure A Reference Aid LDA 89- I 0850 March 1989