cane The National Seoterer ae evtkie for Mental Health Information CONSULTATION IN MENTAL HEALTH AND RELATED FIELDS: A REFERENCE GUIDE eee INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH '' ''CONSULTATION IN MENTAL HEALTH AND RELATED FIELDS A REFERENCE GUIDE by FORTUNE V |MANNINO, Ph.D. Mental Health Study Center National Institute of Mental Health 1969 LS Fe bic Health Servier fh pee. IF20 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH 9454 Wisconsin Avenue Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015 ''PUBLIC HEALTH Public Health Service Publication No. 1920 fes atts, ot, / For sale by Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. * Price 50 cents ''RA 740 4 FOREWORD Azz Pb bec t oth Sica Listed in the regulations of the landmark Community Mental Health Ceh- ters Act of 1963 as one of the five essential services, was mental health con- sultation. Many fields, such as business, education, and medicine, have utilized and written about consultation for many years. However, mental health consultation is a relatively new area in which there have been only limited experiences. : Mental health consultation differs in two ways from consultation in other fields. First, it helps extend the effect-of the limited amount of professional manpower available to deal directly with the problems of emotional illness. Secondly, it spreads the effectiveness of the mental health movement so that mental health ideas have a broader and deeper impact on individuals and community agencies such as schools, welfare departments, police, recreation departments, and clergymen, all of whom are significant agents for preven- tion and treatment. As with any relatively new field, the recent literature has run ahead of efforts to organize and integrate the ideas. Many innovative ideas have been presented, many empirical examples given, and a variety of theoretical views proposed. But because the field has grown so rapidly, no sooner are bibliog- raphies published than they become out of date. It is necessary, therefore, that any bibliography be not only as up to date as possible, but that it at- tempt to categorize and organize the material so that future information can be meaningfully related to the past. In this volume, Dr. Fortune V. Mannino has developed a scheme for clas- sifying the mental health consultation literature. He has also included liter- ature from other relevant disciplines. As a result, he has made a significant contribution to the field and set the stage for a critical review of this emerg- ing area—a review that indeed can point the direction mental health con- sultation will take for at least the next decade. SAMUEL Duin, M.D., Acting Chief, Mental Health Study Center, National Institute of Mental Health. Davip D. Swenson, M.D., Chief, National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Information, National Institute of Mental Health. iii o1 ''PREFACE Others who have assembled and prepared bibliographical reference sources of this kind are undoubtedly aware of the magnitude of the work involved. Work on the bibliography was started more than 7 years ago. It has involved the effort of many individuals for whose help I am grateful. Special acknowledgements are due Mr. Herbert L. Rooney, Chief, Citizens “Participation Branch, NIMH, and Dr. Milton F. Shore, Chief, Clinical Re- search and Program Evaluation Section, Mental Health Study Center, for their helpful criticisms and suggestions. Although these individuals and many others made valuable contributions, responsibility for the final product, criteria for the selection of references, format, categories, interpretations, shortcomings and limitations are mine. It is hoped that an annual supplement to this bibliography will be issued. Hence, the author would appreciate any suggestions for improvements as well as notification of corrections and additions, F.V.M. iv ''CONTENTS MGreWOrdi 2 ee cos a ens ee ies sine. Oates ales Pretaces ce eee ee tes ok ure a HIE iiss « nisis ace eee od 1. Introduction.and Historical. Background............... 00060008 2: Consultation by -Wields:of Practice ..i.6 i663 es eee ee oe eet’ OCIA AVON. Slil acs hs cc ie a liee ly Cale oh oled cite Gg So vale ks PeyChaahiy, hot che Sa hw ets ele ee meu PNESIND Gaede eS cess cing Bee Cee aie less nia EVONOIOSY 6.5.5. oe ee sim ae ate des Dee PMICHIION: oo. ssdie ale cin ce ss eG. Mes se aint eee Mental health. 7s. . soe is vals owas ee ee tak EHAVIOFHL SCIENCE. eke. a oh ee eas ee ats See ores MeUICMG 80. 6245. eos ci ase ees ee, ee Business:and Management: ... 6.00. ee pe ee ee 3. Use of Consultation in Various Settings ............... eee eee BICNOOM acs Foes og os ee ee be ee os cto oe ole oe GCtAADENCIES. . oi. 5d ede cs ele oe be wee ee lee eee es CorrectionaleAsencies 32... 0.0. ee ie hee ae oe ee tia eis eg wt ees eh cae ys eae UNGUSII SE Ooi os ee cy ee ee ek te ee em wee = Hospitalsiand Institutions . 0. 260.5606 ecco es ess 2 aks MibCeManeGus ss. 2.5. ce ese eee els Cras ore Se oie gaat es Aue POrnis OF GONSUMALON . oo. cos eens sve oe ise lee ooo detec eve ee Mndividual: Case! Gonstiltation 2.05.60 es. cc eae cae es ce Gonsiltation with Groups: 2.