START MICROFILMED 1985 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY GENERAL LIBRARY BERKELEY, CA 94720 COOPERATIVE PRESERVATION MICROFILMING PROJECT THE RESEARCH LIBRARIES GROUP, INC. Funded by . THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES THE ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION Reproductions may not be made without permission. CU-B THE PRINTING MASTER FROM WHICH THIS REPRODUCTION WAS MADE IS HELD BY THE MAIN LIBRARY - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 FOR ADDITIONAL REPRODUCTION REQUEST MASTER NEGATIVE NUMBER 75-3022 AUTHOR: Stanford Unwersity . TITLE: Souvenir program of grand minstrel... PLACE: L San Francisco 7 1 DATE: C 184s 1 VOLUME ~ CALL so MASTER %S- NO. L442 NEG. NO. 3622 « «84741 teland Stanford Junief University. Students. Souvenir program of grand minstrel and vaudeville entertainment given by the students of Stanford University, ‘Thanksgiving night, November 28, 1895, Bush Street Theatre, under the auspices of the Stanford Vaudeville Club. [San Francisco? 1895] [17] 2. illus., ports. 17x2Tcm. Gift 1956. 2) . SHELF LIST FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 JOB No. 8 6 0/5 125 5 PATE 11 8/5 REDUCTION RATIO | 2 DOCUMENT rrtetesameenebm "SOURCE THE BANCROFT LIBRARY 1.0 i flze Jz == li fl 22 — Bn = Fe jl = = I 2 — — i— . 2 lis ne MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) nm T T T LE | T T ry T a T I T wt 8 A a PE Tr, > me I 2 BLS i PINE 4 3 SETH i695 ~ Rim : wr —— on™ ER Nw rt « SB A A———— Mp: ee AAG OF GRAND MINSTREL FS anp VAUDEVILLE ENTERTAINMENT STUDENTS OF . STANFORD UNIVERSITY NOVEMBER 2. 1555 pe BUSH STREET THEATRE THANKSGIVING NIGHT E AUSPICES OF THE STANFORD VAUDEVILLE CLUB wv CHAS. B. PINKHATr, anager CHARLES DILLON, Stage anager H. D. CONNICK, Tllusical Director i Nn oF THE COLUMBIA THEATER STAFF. Messrs. FRIEDLANDER, GOTTLOB & MARX 1 A “#1 SOUVENIR PROGRAMME f= GRAND MINSTREL AND VAUDEVILLE ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN BY THE STUDENTS OF STANFORD UNIVERSITY i THANKSGIVING NIGHT NOVEMBER 28, 1895 —~ggy— ame Be AR BUSH STREET THEATRE STANFORD VAUDEVILLE CLUB W¥ CHAS. B. PINKHAT, Manager CHARLES DILLON, Stage anager H. D. CONNICK, Tllusical Director AND UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE COLUMBIA THEATER STAFF Messrs. FRIEDLANDER, GOTTLOB & MARX Retake of Preceding Frame «1 SOUVENIR PROGRAMME ++ GRAND MINSTREL AND VAUDEVILLE ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN BY THE STUDENDS OF He THANKSGIVING NIGH] STANFORD UNIVERSITY NOVEMBEE 26. 107 pe BUSH STREET THEATRE STANFORD VAUDEVILLE CLUB ‘ Ye CHAS. B. PINKHATL, Nlanager 3 CHARLES DILLON, Stage “lanager FE H. D. CONNICK, [lusical Director 1 ? 1 | | “5 " i A | | t | RE i 4 Retake of Preceding Frame lon of THE COLUMBIA THEATER STAFF Messrs FRIEDLANDER. GOTTLOB & MARX PIONEER TREE ‘1 °S ‘1994LS AHTO 111 Souq LelLI3)3q ‘O00 ONINAMAMAY aNyY INaL © YINMOATTY TAKE NOTICE! ) ITV, oe oh THAT IT IS NOW CHEAPER TO TRAVEL OVER THE SHASTA ROUTE ] } EE THAN TO STAY AT HOME ONLY $5 00 Between SAN FRANCISCO and PORT- . LAND for Second-class Tickets, including Sleeping Berth. _—_ OR — $ I 0 0 for First-class Ticket, including Sleep- . ing Berth in Standard Pullman Sleeper SHASTA FROM STRAWBERRY VALLEY This route forms unquestionably the SAFEST ano SPEEDIEST means of communication between California and the great ONLY 34 HOURS BETWEEN SAN FRANCISCO AnD PORTLAND Northwest, as direct conpections are made at Portland to and from the Puget Sound country, and at San Francisco and Sacramento to and from points south. 70 <3 avs & 3 a Minstrel First Part ’ « INTERLOCUTOR (Specially engaged from the Bay District) GEO. REY DEL SANTA ANITA END TEN (Conposed of the members of the Executive Committee of Student Corpse) CHAS. DOUGGOUT GEO. SANDY PICKENS (The only Albino in the cemetery) Rei a Estudientina, - - - - - - - La Combe TENNESSEE TROUBADOURS When the Days Grow Longer, - - - : - Thornton BR’ER RASTUS JEFFERSON, assisted by de whole conflagration Madrienne, - - - - , i GEO. FANNING WASHINGTON CHAS. FLAMBO CHAS. RAYN BOW CHAS. WASHOUT “Ha, Ha, Ha! California! U. C. Berkeley! Zip, Boom, Ak!” «« Tackles” Sunset Iimited tackles and overcomes the field. “Rah, Rah, Rak! ) ] Rak, Rak, Rak / > > Rah, Rah, What are the boys yelling for? SUNSET LIMITED Stanford 1" ‘Left Tackle’ Nothing « gets left’ that Sunset Limited tackles. ‘“(oal Line’’ Sunset Limited always strives ‘“ Substitute’ None for Sunset Limited. for touch-downs a S. P. Co’s incomparable Solid Vestibuled Train Service San Francisco to New Orleans—Plays twice a week Tuesdays and Saturdays—Game called at 10 P. Tl. sharp ‘«“Snaps’’ “Soft ones’ in dining cars. . pe & ““ Ends” Sunset Limited ends competition. ‘Fair A la Carte. . ’s «« Signal A signal success—Sunset Limited. ‘“ Fouls’’ On the broiler. « Safety ’ ““ Coach” Sunset Limited On Sunset Limited. best, at any cost. ‘¢ Score’’ Attractions of Sunset Limited. “PDown’’ Sunset Limited down for winning. will have the <4 . ys fe 5 di v = ead - raed ME RTE g oR STANFORD FOOTBALL TEAM MERCHANT TAILOR 007 larket or Street, Near Fifth SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Under the Windsor Hotel - SPECIAL $20.00 IMPORTED SACK SUITS DAY ANSON 7~ ee Progress Restaurant— 4 pA —— Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars 327 and 320 BusH STREET Second Door West of Bush St. Theater yr FRANCISCANER, | EXTRA PALE AND IMPORTED ES PILSNER ON DRAUGHT EXCELLENT SERVICE ce — SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Gn Soro, “My Dream of You” - DRINKING SoNG—Honeymoon March, Oh, we'll go down the road to the little Vendome, When the stars are shining bright, And we'll fill up the bumpers and never go home Through all the livelong night; we'll drink, drink, drink, with laughter free, A toast to our University. SECOND BASSES But the night must pass, And there comes, alas, A dark brown taste in the morning. CHORUS Oh fill up your glasses, don’t be a dig, Who cares a fig if his head is big, And what care we so long as we drink till the dawning. OVERTURE—Prince Ananias - - FRANK COFFIN BY DE BROOMS FIRST BASSES But next day in recitation, Oh, how hard to keep awake, Raging thirst without cessation, All one grand headache! CHORUS Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha! What though sadly we may suffer, What though suspicious be our looks, Every student is a bluffer, We will sleep behind our books. Come then, drink, with laughter free, Drink to the University! All too swiftly each year passes, College life is wondrous fair, ORCHESTRA Programme-—Continued - - - - Rodney Dedicated to the brides of the season Up then, boys, and fill your glasses, Drink to the days that know no care. Come then, drink, come drink her down! Then we'll fill up a glass to the sparkling brim, And drink until we fall; Whoever can drink it, we’ve welcome for him, Beneath the redwood tall; We'll drink, drink, drink, with laughter free, Beneath the stately Palo Alto tree. Though the night must pass, And there comes, alas, A world of woe in the morning, We'll fill up our glasses, the man ’s a dig, Who cares a fig if his head is big, And what care we so long as we drink till the dawning! CAROLUS AGER. - - ~ Victor Herbert THE SOHMER PIANOS ARE PREFERRED AND USED BY THE STUDENTS OF STANFORD UNIVERSITY ByrRoN MAuzy, 308-314 POST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, SOLE AGENT PACIFIC COAST 28 Montgomery St. wn FIRST-CLASS LADIES’ and FAT1ILY RESTAURANT * 6 oO Prices Reasonable mam NO TIPS '* THE GOLDEN BEAR'' ws [Heamish + Fu IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF # Shirts, Underwear « 018-022. Men's Furnishing Goods MARKET ST. Hats 2» 2 a a Bet. Stockton and Powell TELEPHONE SAN FRANCISCO Ae BUSH 25 STANFORD AND——Mmm BERKELEY HEADQUARTERS A V2 oA Nr GUNS AND FISHING TACKLE E. T. ALLEN & CO MAIN 1013 TELEPHONE 416 Market Street Photo by Thors ad - PRESIDENT, PHIL, F. ABBOTT 1st Tenor— oY WELDON ED SEWELL WM. SOUTHERLAND 2d Tenor— WM. MCNEIL B. D. WEIGLE DECKER BUSH GLEE CLUB Accompanist H. D. CONNICK MANAGER, CHAS. B. PINKHAM 1st Bass— CHAS. B. PINKHAM PHIL F. ABBOTT WILLARD YOUNG CHAS. DILLON 2d Bass— B. F. SNIPES SCHLAEKS Van KING A. G. KAUFMAN GO TO=— — SWAIN S oN SUTTER STREET JUST ABOVE KEARNY FOR FINE J OYSTERS SALADS axp ICE CREAMS * AFTER THE THEATRE ——= OPEN UNTIL 12 0’CLOCK v WV Down the Chutes LONDON Tonic and fun! NEW YORE A jolly scoot ! 4 OHICAGO For old and young lt, SAN FRANCISCO Q ~ Shuman IY = = = = SITOOTING TEE CIEUTES! AFTERNOON AND EVENING ® HAIGHT ST., ONE BLOCK EAST OF GOLDEN GATE PARK C. H. REHNSTROM O. W. NORDWELL . Affe i O. W. NORDWELL & CO. 1 — Come DRAPER AND TAILOR J IY& 218 BUSH STREET San Francisco, CAL. Second Annual Horse Show ww OF THE Horse Show Association of (he Pacific Goast TO BE HELD AT THE MECHANICS’ PAVILION, San Francisco, Cal. December 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th, 1895 OPEN DAY AND EVENING General Admission, Daytime 50c, Evening $1.00 Over $20,000.00 in Cash Prizes and Reserved Seats. $2, $1.50, and x ¥t Silver Trophies cents Fxtra, to be on sale at H. S. CROCKER'’S Stationery Store, 227 Post Street, after November 25th. No Seats Reserved for day’s exhibition Except Private Boxes and Season Tickets. Music Afternoon and Evening by Noah Brandt's Orchestra nN © ‘on + +» Vaudeville Programme —» Part [. ANNIE LAURIE, : - - - - GLEE CLUB DANSE DE GAITE, - - - - FRAULEIN VON PUMPERNICHEL DurET PATHETIQUE—'' In the cold, cold world” REAPPEARANCE OF THE FAVORITE PIONEERs—THE BAKERSFIELD BROTHERS THE THREE OLD FAKES, - - - - BOZZY—SLACK WIRE—GARTER (SILVER BUCKLE) STANFORD UNIVERSITY MARCH, - - - - MANDOLIN CLUB Dudley Buck - Von Suppe Carolus Ager - Kaufman The STANFORD MANDOLIN .UB unequivocally indorse the HENRY MASON Guitars anc andolins— st Agents ERM A x E. MasoN G a Mandolin Pa ( cific Coast Ag HERMAN, C Th M C 1 h M t: 1 1 ; A ts, SHERMAN, Cray & Co. Box Couches —™® AT THIS TIME Comfort Couches—® OF THE YEAR ONE NATURALLY / BEGINS TO THINK ’ OF HOLIDAY GIFTS. SUPPOSE YOU GIVE A PRETTY PIECE OF FURNITURE THIS TIME; SOMETHING USEFUL TO THE RECIPIENT, BESIDES BEAUTIFYING THE WHOLE HOME %* California [Furniture wrcasecor (Company Space is valuable, wardrobes are expensive, closets are scarce, but the Box Couch is a capital solution of the problem. Closed—a comfortable couch, immensely decorative in a room. Open—A spacious cedar chest; moth proof. Covered in Denim, upholstered top, £12.50; spring top, §i15 oo. Sk Comfort Couches have a wealth of ease and restfulness about them. We make them, covered in Denim, for as little as $700 Draped with portiere or couch cover, as shown above, for $10.50. Made Especially for Men Folks \ Every 5 Student Should 9 Have One Ahn Ninn aeeaasEsEEEEaRsEaEaESREaTTARNoaLNRST NNN NY This handy little Secretary-bookcase should appeal keenly to every student. Roomy desk part—writing leaf If you have never had a Shaving Stand you have missed being 28 by 15inches. Pigeon-holes for papers and things. one of your greatest privileges. e drawers are all just Shelves for your books of reference ; in fact there’s room 1 1 7 12 1 G ARY ST wide enough for folded garments, Apartments for collars, for quite a library. Solid Antique Oak at Eight Dollars. = E R . cuffs, neckwear and shaving utensils. Not at all expensive. Photo by Thors UNIVERSITY, FROM THE LAKE & li 5 ET EE Er TT CE Ee ST CHEW BEEMAN’S PEpPsIN GUM x THE PERFECTION OF CHEWING GUM | | A Delicious Remedy for Indigestion eo BEWARE OF IMITATIONS A HAIR GROWER HALL'S ROSEMARY AND QUININE HAIR TONIG CURES DANDRUFF STOPS FALLING HAIR PREVENTS BALDNESS HAS PROVED ITSELF A GREAT SUCCESS AT THE UNIVERSITY PREPARED ONLY BY THE PALO ALTO PHARMACY B. F. HALL PALO ALTO, CAL REFERENCES—THE FOOTBALL TEAM You MISS IT—— IF YOU DON'T SMOKE THE Juan F. Portuondo “Chico” Cigar (CUBAN HAND-MADE) [LANGLEY & MICHAELS CO. PACIFIC COAST AGENTS B. F. HALL, acenT. - = - - PALO ALTO Programme—Continued 6. GRAND BALLET PARISIEN, LED BY THE FAMOUS PREMIERE OF THE THEATRE DU CHATELET MADEMOISELLE KALEOKALINIOHIPUAUMA ASSISTED BY THE FOLLOWING FAMOUS CORVYPHEES : MLLES. BERGERE MLLES. ARETHUSE MLLES. GEORGETTE o MOLLIE ‘ BRUNIE BENICIA MLLES. MARLETTI CHARLOTTE Tee. E> > wo OVERTURE ILriNois BATTLE SBIP MARCH, - - - - - : - - Sousa ORCHESTRA OLD PIONEERS-CALL AND SEE US EINSTEIN & SMALL ee 9 x O] © E85 G. W. LAPEIRE & SON emda BP Dry Goods, Faney ( Goods ] HG GROCERIES AND HARDWARE p= GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS GENTS’ FU RNISHING GOODS SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO THOSE CONNECTED WITH THE UNIVERSITY MAYFIELD, SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CAL. ACENTS FOR CLEVELAND BICYCLES MAYEIELD, | CALIFORNIA E. A. DORNBERGER BERNARD AYER DEALER IN 0,00 General Merchandise, Fine Groceries D rugs an nd Stati oner y ~—=00C—~ ~ TEAS AND COFFEES, HARDWARE, DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, ETC. "ALSO COMPLETE STOCK OF Photo by Thors ain and Lincol 5, aufield, Gal. Reis CIE = TAT Pa Se. So bo. 4 1 1 1 1 i SPORTING GOODS DIRECTOR, A. G. KAUFMAN MANDOLIN CLUB MANAGER, G. G. WEIGLE 2d Mandolin = - 1st Mandolin— i 1st Guitar — 2d Guitar— 2d Guitar— 2 W. D. GRAHAM T. one MARK PORTER EM. WeLcH 3d Guitar. Flute— HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE EE — W.B. WELLS 4 sandofis ARTHOLEMEW GEo. WiLsoN I.E. McCHESNEY oe R. Po Rice ED. SEWELL . V. ANDERSON WM. I. MCGUIRE ED. JAMES G. G. WEISLE Cello— - CHAS. FLEMING s - FRITZ SCHNEIDER o C. POWELL B. D. WEIGLE H. S. SLADEN MAYFIELD, CALIFORNIA Goods Delivered at the University free of Charge. Terms Cash WE MAKE THE—© . +«. . SHIRTS. .. . AND ‘ Bliett ” COLLARS ano CUFFS SOUVENIR OF FASHION MAILED FREE TO ANY ADDRESS x ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Xk k Clusdd, Coon 1 £0, MAKERS SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. P. 0. BOX NO, 2285 The Bridgeport Gun Implement Company BICYCLE SUNDRIES CYCLOIMETERS, Three Models, A, B,c ~~ BICYCLE LANTERNS STAR LANTERN BRACKETS for Head and Handle-Bar Post, Right and Left Front Forks, Head having outside Brake, and for the Axle. STAR TOE CLIPS of Improved Pattern BROOKLYN BICYCLE STANDS SIMPLICITY STANDS BELLS CALLS OILERS, Etc. FOR SALE BY THE TRADE W. A. SEAVER, Agent, sAN FRANCISCO, 517 and 519 Market Street CAL. OROSCO’S GRAND OPERA HOUSE Monday Evening, November 25th “ROGER IA HONTE" Or A MAN'S SHADOW From the French of Mari and Grisien by Robert Buchanan. Arranged for the American stage by Augustin Daly. In four strong acts. GRAND THANKSGIVING MATINEE, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 28TH SYNOPSIS NEXT WEEK Act I.—DeNorville’s House at Ye d’Aoray 6 ‘ ys Act II.—Salon in the House of Laroque 6 h B 1 Act II1.—Interior Palais de Justice § T e a rg an ACT 1V.—A Cabaret on the Frontier Programme—Continued Part II. TRILBY. THE GO-ED —OR—— SVENGALI’'S FORWARD PASS A REeaListTIC ToucH PERSONS REPRESENTED TAFFEY—Center on Stanford ’Varsity and Art Student incidentally - - - THE LAIRD—Tackle on Stanford ’Varsity and Art Student incidentally - W. C. PRICE LITTLE BILLEE—Quarter-back on Stanford ’Varsity and Art Student incidentally - - - - WALTER MCINTOSH TRILBY—Art Student, with outdoor Lab. work in the afternoons - CHARLES AGER MADAME VINARD—Housekeeper for the Three Athletes and President of the Household Club - - - - T. McGREW SVENGALI—Manager of the Berkley 'Varsity and Member of the U. C. Faculty - - - - - GEO. BALDWIN ScENE—The Room of the Three Students in the Rue de I’Lodges By CARoOLUS AGER MR. H. H. BROWN SUMMER HEADQUARTERS FOR STUDENTS MADRONE MINERAL SPRINGS NO FOGS, WINDS, FLEAS OR Grains per U. S. Gal. Silica....oevnnennn Ce eee 6.34 Potassium (Bi) Carbonate. ........................ 1.11 Sodium Chloride... ....... .. ee eee... L36 Sodium Bi-Carbonate ..... et eee. 44.43 Calcium Carbonate. .... .............. ..... 55.10 Calcium Phosphate... ...... .........o.o0 iin .31 Barium Carbomate........ .......cocieeeniiiian .10 Magnesium Carbonate . .......................... 12.84 Iron Carbonate.. ... ...... ee eee .56 Manganese Carbonate........ eee .10 Total .... © cetera eee 122.25 Temperature of Spring, 58-60 F. [By PROFESSOR Geo. E. CoLy, U.C. Free Carbonic Acid Gas, Cu. In. per Gal. 348.00 SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CAL. THESE SPRINGS WILL BE OPEN FOR THE SEASON OF = ‘96 & MOSQUITOES @® A RURAL RETREAT ORDER YOUR MADRONE MINERAL WATER | SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET .. -. DIRECT FROM THE SPRINGS AND GET IT FRESH. AN INFALLIBLE REM- EDY FOR INDIGESTION. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS AND PROFESSORS II. TT. DTER . Elevation, 2200 Feet MANAGER OFFICE RT SPRINGS . * MT. HAMILTON RANGE B. F. HALL, Agent - PALO ALTO, CAL. SODA, IRON, SULPHUR AND ARSENIC WATER Photo by Thors VIEWS IN THE QUAD LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONES FOR $2.50 PER MONTH aNp FIVE CENTS PER SWITCH HAVE A TELEPHONE IN oa. a mam a he amma a gd ddhed dah AAA PACIFIC TELEPHONE 2 TELEGRAPH COMPANY one Subscriber on each wire, Individual Bells, Perfect Service YOU CAN TALK WITH YOUR DOCTOR, YOUR BUTCHE YOUR COAL DEALER, YOUR MILKMAN, VOUR GREEN-GROCER, YOUR UMBER OF 6000 YOUR RESIDENCE | Two Party Line of two wires, R, YOUR BAKER, FISHMAN AND ALL YOUR FRIENDS TO THE N oN @ You can call the Police Patrol and have your burglar captured, or call the nearest Fire House in case of Fire L. H JACOBI Contract Agent 216 BUSH ST. Programme —Continued Hamlin Er VAQUERO, - - - - - - - - MANDOLENATAS DE SCRAPPEGIO 3. SKIRT DANCE—The latest craze in Naples, SIGNORINA CHARLOTTA IGNATIO DILIONINI 4. Our ApoLpH’s LEETLE PANDT, - - By special request of the Committee on Student Affairs ‘“ The best College Band in the world west of the Mississippi” GLEE CLUB 5. GraxD OpErRATIC Duo—Balcony scene from “ Romeo et Juliette ” : - - - - Broga INTERPRETED BY MME. CALLIOPE CARDINALE AND SIGNOR FRESNO CAMPO BELLOW Lumber, String and Stage Properties kindly donated by the '97 Management—'‘ As You Like It” G.W. MCNEA SA N FRANCISCO, RANC R CALIFORNIA. H. LEBARON SMITH X Jpeg ERE TAILO Weert ante inean enthin | TL LLL il THE AMERIGH Wee eet sant ant settee 323 BUSH STREET NEXT DOOR TO BUSH ST. THEATRE ABOVE MONTGOMERY SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 1214 PER CENT. TO COLLEGE STUDENTS Photo by Thors DIRECTOR, H. D. CONNICK 1st Violin—A. V. SCHUBERT B. F. ABBOTT J. F. ABBOTT V. V. ANDERSON 2d Violin—F. DULLEY KLAUBER Bass—DOLE STANFORD ORCHESTRA Flute—POOLE 1st Clarionet—BELL 2d Clarionet —PINKHAM 1st Cornet—VAN NORDEN 2d Cornet—ROGERS Cello—DULLEY MANAGER, CHAS. B. PINKHAM Cello—COOLIE 1st Trombone—KAUFMAN 2d Trombone—MORSE French Horn—SCHOEFIELD Piano—MCGREW Bass—WILSON DRUMS—AUFEUGER = emington” To the * Front 66 R. 1 99 means for BICYCLES what it means for emington firearms, typewriters, etc.—the Standard of Excellence. REMINGTON RELIABILITY is the feature of the “REMINGTON” BICYCLE The wonderful facilities of the great Remington Arms Co. are all at the service of « Remington’’ Bicycles. The same perfect knowledge of materials, the same high degree of proficiency in workmen, the same scientific accuracy of adjustment and pro- portion that are devoted to its world-renowned rifles and guns are applied to its Bicycles. Is it strange that ‘“ Remingtons’’ are TO THE FRONT. Send for handsomely Illus- rated Catalogue— FREE. PACIFIC COAST DEPOT REMINGTON ARTS COMPANY 418 & 420 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. J.R. SMITH & Co. W. HALL, SUCCESSOR * - : he _ _ _ _ _ ¥ Ki - erchant @ailors A 7c - * . Eivening Press Sits a Specialty . 230 BUSH STREET Mills Building SAN FRANCISCO W. A. ROEBLING, Vice-Pres. CHAS. G. ROEBLING, Pres. S. V. MOONEY, Mngr. H. I. SHIPPY, Secty. F .W. ROEBLING, Treas. JOHN A. ROEBLING'S SONS GO. (NEW JERSEY WIRE CLOTH CO.) MANUFACTURERS OF WIRE, INSULATED WIRE AND WIRE R 4 = WIRE ROPE = ev 25-27 FREMONT STREET WORKS AT TRENTON, N. J. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TELEPHONE 673. Proprietor of the West Coast Wire and Iron Works Living Pictures By STANFORD VAUDEVILLE CLUB Assisted by STAFF OF COLUMBIA THEATRE Living Picture Music selected and arranged by H. D. CONNICK EE NATURE'S MIRROR, - - - - - - THE MoNARCH—From the famous gallery of Luxenbourg, AT THE BROOK, . - - . - ‘THE CHORISTERS, - - - - - OLp FriENDs—By the deaf and dumb artist, - - - THE FATES, - - - - THE VAcANT CHAIR, - - - - - Becker - Meissonnier? - Perrault - Brooks Humphrey Moore ? - Thurmann Toby Rosenthal FENCE ADVERTISING SHOOT THE_2D : BROWN & JOHNSON mb 7 mma sms | SIGN @ PAINTERS THE EUREKA BLANK POWDER CARTRIDCE IS THE BESTMADE | = - 739 MARKET STREET C.PW.5M oN Ell The California Powder Works ST . . OPPOSITE GRANT AVENUE ——————————————230 California Street ] ] ' MANUFACTURERS OF San Francisco, Cal. PICTORIAL SIGNS em. HOUSE ano STORE PAINTING b SPORTING, BLASTING AND CANNON POWDER NEUSTADTER BROS. GOLDSTEIN & GO. nN Successors to JAHN & FORSTER and J. H. McCABE Henrie” COSTUMERS, DECORATORS +. THEATRICAL SUPPLIES PLAYBOOKS, « OPERAS «. AND . (MANUSGRIPTS 26-30 FARRELL STREET, NEAR MARKET S. W. COR. SANSOME AND PINE STS. TELEPHONE MAIN 1615 SAN FRANCISCO STANFORD BUILDINGS eatres in the City in connection with GOLDSTEIN AND COHN Furnishers for all the Th « STE d Hairdressers, 822 MARKET ST., Phelan Building Wigmakers an San Francisco, Cal. AN SON SSS VALE VS This Artist (SKETCHED FROM LIFE) Has a Troubled Expression 4 Why? VN BECAUSE he is drawing a very elaborate design for reproduction, and fears that the Photo Engrav- er will spoil it . . . He would have no such fear if he knew that his work was to be engraved by . . - Phe———— CALIFORNIA PHOTO ENGRAVING COMPANY 513 MARKET STREET (Wasp Building) Which does the best work by the latest and most improved Eastern methods, at the lowest possible prices . . . GET OUR ESTIMATES AND BE CONVINCED IO. IT. 12. THE TAMBORINE GIRL, Living Pictures—Continued ONE BricuT Dav—A sketch from life, - - - - THE FISHER MAIDEN, St. CECILIA, Tue ToILERs—Another sketch from student life, - The SOHMER PIANOS are preferred and used by the students ot Stantord University—BYRON Street, San Francisco, Sole Agent Pacfic Coast RAH! RAH! RAH! RAH! RAH! RAH! RAH! RAH! STANFORD MAUZY, 308-314 Post - Marks Amadee Jourllon ? Keisel Revaunlt - Millet”? BoORTON OFFICE : 122 Summer Street NEW YORK OFFICE: 43 Leonard Street GREENEBAUM & CO. (INCORPORATED) AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS 115-117 Bush Street San Francisco, Cal. S2YALO ALTO Mn mores WR UNIVERSITY STABLES WM. GC, LITND, Prappisior Palo Alto, California RF. M. PETER « Qostumer 720-731 MARKET STREET OPPOSITE EXAMINER OFFICE Theatrical and Masquerade Costumes COUNTRY ORDERS AR SPECIALTY WIGS PLAYBOOKS Telephone, Main 330 ; : . Prints_» ® © [poerything FINE PARTY—— 535 CLAY STREET A WE PRINTED THIS SOUVENIR SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. NEW YORK OFFICE BOSTON OFFICE © 1 Leonard street 122 Summer Street TPALo ALTO | AND eo UNIVERSITY GREENEBAUM & CO. (INCORPORATED) Y Iv 3 \. Y STABLED> io VB OY COMMISSION MERCHANTS TNL CLINT, rates 115-117 Bush Street San Francisco, Cal. Palo Alto, California Telephone, Main 330 i IF. MM. PETER Se Prints _» + Qoslumer = 720-731 MARKET STREET OPPOSITE EXAMINER OFFICE Theatrical and Masquerade Costumes COUNTRY ORDERS AR SPECIALTY WIGS PLAYBOOKS © © [ooerything A SPECIALTY OF FINE PARTY and SOCIETY WORK 535 CLAY STREET WE PRINTED THIS SOUVENIR SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Retake of Preceding Frame — ~—— —— TT rr —) a — 3) : 1 YALO ALTO UNIVERSITY STABLES AUCTIONEERS leroy Cone C AND GREENEBAUM & CO. SOMMISS ON MERCHANTS Palo Alto, California Felephone, “lain 330 1. NI. IIE TID IR ‘ Prints =» ° Coslumer . . foverything A SPECIALTY OF FINE PARTY 31 SPARKED ~TRELT Theatrical and Masquerade Costumes and SOCIETY WORK 535 Cr.AY STREET WE PRINTED THIS SOUVENIR SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Retake of Preceding Frame PO AE IXY i fd BE EAE PY tT ay M. Stachelberg & Co. 01: ART PUTT Esraglisnes RTE M. A. GUNS & an CTT TTT TE EY HAP END OF TITLE "END OF REEL. PLEASE ~ REWIND.