MICROFILMED 1985 ~ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY GENERAL LIBRARY BERKELEY, CA 94720 COOPERATIVE PRESERVATION MICROFILMING PROJECT THE RESEARCH LIBRARIES GROUP, INC. Funded by THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES THE ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION Reproductions may not be made without permission. THE PRINTING MASTER FROM WHICH THIS REPRODUCTION WAS MADE IS HELD BY THE MAIN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 FOR ADDITIONAL REPRODUCTION REQUEST MASTER NEGATIVE NUMBER g5- 156 author Tenpomry directors ¢o., isco - TITLE: Temporary directory: - PLACE: San Francisco, Cale: pate: [19061 VOLUME ©9 g€S°- ’ ASTER NO. h 5 x NEG NO. [35 Fie [0 HS C . Cty wa [OF] (f: Tepnorary rectory ¢o.. San Francisco. Temporary directory of San Frencisco busgi-~ nas3 and professions! men togetrner with alrectery of municipal and state officers, and other usetul infcrmation gathered irem latest announcements. San Francisco, Calif. Temporary directory co. 190675 cover-title,60 p. RZcm. "Directory of relief stations cafter the Sen Francisco earthquake and firea®: p. 20-22. ro) WEL LT wd FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 Jono. 8[3 1 7 4 3 DATE . 5 8/5 REDUCTION RATIO 3 DOCUMENT THE BANCROFT LIBRARY LLL INCHES +--+ METRIC 1] I zg Jz i a a l22 ll22 i Fe lee fle fie MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) NL A NO TT TAIT TTT IITA LLL LLL LLL WR 2, 3 (TTT TTT TT TTT Na, USK ITH - OF SAN. FRANCISCO, BUSINESS, AND PROFESSIONAL MEN Toge thir with ‘DirectoRy ofiMuniélipal and” State Officers, and’ 5 Other Usetul Information Gathered from Latest Announcements \ f I AMAIA 0 IR MA IA SR BA MI Mounta ain, Ty Springs and Seaside Resorts Better plan now to send your family away for the summer We can give you full infor- mation regarding all resorts SOUTHERN PACIFIC fF Temporary Directory. Go. ~~ 1715 O’FARRELL STREET : (SAN, FRANGISOO., GALIFORNIA. i Civil & Mechanical Engineer. 1 SonsSAN FRANCISCO = fh ) hs iy | — PRON La \ ie, Politz & Co. Brandenstein ... Rosenbaum & Co. Lloyd, Gilbert &gfjobertson Sol E. Sheeline Cunard Steamship Co. Southern Pacific ... Fay-Sholes TYpewnjtery Hei H. W. Thomas Pacific Wrecking Co. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Mayor’s Office, Fort Mason. Mayor’s Secretary, John J. Boyle, Franklin Hall. Assessor, northwest corner California and Webster. Tax Collector, 2511 Sacramento. Auditor, 251 3 Sacramento. Treasurer, 2513 Sacramento. District Attorney, northwest corner California and Webster. City Attorney, 2513 Sacramento. County Clerk, northwest corner Cal- ifornia and Webster. Sheriff, same. Recorder, Congregation Beth .Israel Synagogue (basement), Geary street, near Octavia. Superior Courts (except Departments 5 and 8), Temple Israel, northeast cor- ner California and Webster. Department 5, 2009 Webster. Department 8, 2011 Webster. Public Administrator, 1931 Fillmore. Justices’ Courts, Pioneer Automobile Co. garage, southeast corner Golden Gate ave. and Octavia. Police Courts, same. Bond and Warant Clerk, same. Police Headquarters, southeast cor- ner Bush and Fillmore. Board of Supervisors, Mowry’s Hall, Grove and Laguna streets. Coroner, same. Board of Health, same. Board of Public Works, 1762 Ellis street. Ei--tion Commission, Mowry’s Hall, Grove and Laguna sfreets. Attorney-General, 2319 California street. Retake of Preceding Frame Civil & Mechanical Engineer. ~o158AN FRANCISCO, CAL, Sensy oy EX | | LR Sha i lei Politz & Co. Brandenstein ... Rosenbaum & Co. ............... a. Lloyd, Gilbert &gobertson Sol E. Sheeline Cunard Steamship Co. ................... Southern Pacific ... Fay-Sholes Typewriters ... H. W. Thomas OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Mayor’s Office, Fort Mason. Mayor’s Secretary, John J. Boyle, Franklin Hall. Assessor, northwest corner California and Webster. : Tax Collector, 2511 Sacramento. Auditor, 2513 Sacramento. Treasurer, 2513 Sacramento. District Attorney, northwest corner California and Webster. City Attorney, 2513 Sacramento. County Clerk, northwest corner Cal- ifornia and Webster. Sheriff, same. Recorder, Congregation Beth .Israel Synagogue (basement), Geary street, near Octavia. Superior Courts (except Departments 5 and 8), Temple Israel, northeast cor- ner California and Webster. Department 5, 2009 Webster. Department 8, 2011 Webster. Public Administrator, 1931 Fillmore. Justices’ Courts, Pioneer Automobile Co. garage, southeast corner Golden Gate ave. and Octavia. Police Courts, same. Bond and Warant Clerk, same. Police Headquarters, southeast cor- ner Bush and Fillmore. Board of Supervisors, Mowry’s Hall, Grove and Laguna streets. Coroner, same. Board of Health, same. Board of Public Works, 1762 Ellis street. : Ei--ztion Commission, Mowry’s Hall, Grove and Laguna streets. Attorney-General, 2319 California street. Retake of Preceding Frame JOHN S. PRELL Civil & Mechanical Engineer. ~ .=SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, $015 INDEX ADVERTISERS Poliz & QO. . ono i vein, inane Sertal aren i Bs ol a BrABGoNSIoIR: Le eee a GET in ei i nee le $tie ee ses cer steise see eas ees sae ew we we eee ee eee ee Lloyd. Gilbert &gRobertson EE mal SE Eh eh Le Rh RI Sol E, Sheelifi@ ...........00c'ieives LE ua Cunard Steamship Co. ........covvivennnn Ee aE arn ee i Southern Pacific ... .......coivvines NC ee hu ie Fay-Sholes Typewriters ... ........... SE ae ES le H.W. Thomas . ........ a ne a a Pr eTelecare ley wee ee ee ie ai ee Ree yt ty gg gE AL OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Mayor's Office, Fort Mason. Mayor's Secretary, John J. Boyle, ;o : Franklin Hall. { Assessor, northwest corner California i and Webster. \ 3 Tax Collector, 2511 Sacramento. : 3 Auditor, 2513 Sacramento. 3 Treasurer, 2513 Sacramento. District Attorney, northwest corner California and Webster. City Attorney, 2513 Sacramento. County Clerk, northwest corner Cal- i : ! ifornia and Webster. ¢ : Sheriff, same. Recorder, Congregation Beth Israel Synagogue (basement), Geary street, near Octavia. Superior Courts (except Departments 5 and §). Temple Israel, northeast cor- ner California and Webster. Department 5, 2009 Webster. Department 8, 2011 Webster. Public Administrator, 1931 Fillmore. Justices’ Courts, Pioneer Automobile Co. garage, southeast corner Golden Gate ave. and Octavia. Police Courts, same. Bond and Warant Clerk, same. Police Headquarters, southeast cor- ner Bush and Fillmore. Board of Supervisors, Mowry’s Hall, Grove and Laguna streets. Coroner, same. Board of Health, same. Board of Public Works, 1762 Ellis Street. Ei ~tion Commission, Mowry’s Hall, Grove and Laguna streets. Attorney-General, 2319 California Street. Retake of Creceding Frame PT MEN RLY GARI on 1 nh Ma fA nan nL ASR, 8 TR "We Believe in Greater San Faneisto ind Have: Estab- ivi! vil 5 Me echunical Enginee : lisehd Our Wester n Br. anch Here. vot 2 TEPAN FRANCIY Q CAL, : = x . — ” . = ADVERTISERS ierman New 1906 M joan. A Ane Fa y d 16S 1 D6 W P | 6rd or : on rhb : ; : : ’ A ) ‘x A Sol KE. Sheoline i vy | f "103 rr unarg Sie nal hme : Southern Pacific rocking Co OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Office, Fort Mason, «Secretary, John 3 Jovie, Hall. northwest corner California “Gombined Gorrespondence and Billing Machines Fg ME 2543 Sacramento : i ¥ 1K. > . . iii, | . Freasurey, 2513 Sacramento With interchangeable Carriages for wide and District Attorney. northwesi corner & ; : . Bs Yaiifaornia and Webster, narrow sheéts, Two Color Ribbons, etc., etc. | tarpey, 2513 Sacvramenta, nty Clerk, northwest corner Cal- : & and Webster os Sheriff. same > $ 100.00 each. Recorder, Congregation Beth Israel t basement), Gears street, ‘Installment Price, Cash Price, 1 Machine, 85.00 each pear Octavia, : Superior Courts (except Departments Cash Price, 5 Machines, 75 00 each » and So. Temple Israel, northeast cor- : ’ ner California and Wehster .Cash Price,'10 Machines 70.00 each Department 5, 2000 Wehater. : repariment 8, 2011 Websted . . 5 ! Public Adminisirator. 1931 Fillmore. Cash Price, 25 Machines . 65.00 each Justices” Courts, Pioneer Automobile : ; : ‘Dn. garage, southeast corned Golden and Octavia Ourts, same 1069 Broadway, Phone, Oak 4829 Oakland Dane ang Lh ll BE oe 1838 Fillmore Street, - - San Francisco ns of a ewe Ha Permanent Address, Pacific Branch, After June Ist TOV and Lazuna Streets yanetr, same, 630 Monadnock = - - ~~ San Francisco Ded of Hah MU en opu : ; Board © ublic orks, (62 Kins tion Commission, Mowry's Hall, Grove and Laguna streets. Attorney-General. 2219 (California THE ARITHMOGRAPH COMPANY yw NEW YORK CHICAGO ; SAN FRANCISCO i ATTORNEYS. A Abbott, Wm M (law dept United Rail- roads), 'Oak and Broderick. * Ach, H, 2312 California, also Kohl bldg Acker, N A, 203 Telegraph ave, Oak- land. Ackerman, LL S, 1423 Sutter. Adams, E M, 2424 Pacific ave. Adams & Adams, 2509 Webster. Aitken & Aitken, 1901 Post. Alexander, D E, 2059 Berkeley Way, Berkeley. Alexander, J E, 2711 Pine, nr Devisdro Allen, Jas M, 3400 Washington. Allen, John P, i608 Scott. Allen, W W Jr, 1852 Webster. Ames, Fisher, 1756 Fillmore. Anderson, L. H, 1756 Fillmore. Andros & Hengsteler, 1926 Broadway. Anthony, H M, 2104 Market. Antonovich, W G, 3108 Deakin street, Berkeley. Armbruster, G W, 132 Steiner. Arnold, C E, 1437 Fillmore st. Asher, Hugo K, 2425 Sutter st. Asher, Maurice L, 2513 Sacramento. Atwood, Alfred L, 906 Broadway, Oak- land. : : B Bacigalupi, T J, 3001 California. Baggett, W T, 2513 Sacramento. Bahrs, Geo H, 1901 Post. Bailey, H W, 1070 Page. Ball, A E, 1123 Laguna. Ballentine, J A, Piedmont. Bearendt, A H, 2872 Pine. Barnes, W S, 1223 Golden Gate ave. Barnett, A T, 1942 Fillmore. Barnett, John F, 10 Mission. Barrett, J J, 1416 Post. Barows, W H, 1450 Hayes. Barry, J E, 436 Page. Bartlett, Louis, 2415 Fillmore. Bates, G E, 1728 Steiner. Bauer, H A, 2301 Pine. Beatty, Hon W H, San Rafael. Beatty & Sanderson, 12 Middle st. Beedy, L. S, 2350 Washington. Benjamin, P L, 919 Fillmore. Belcher, E A, 1814 Sutter. Bell, F V, 906 Broadway, Oakland. Bell, Strauss & Atwood, 906 Broadway, Oakland. Bergerot, P A, 1019 Franklin. Berlin, F A, 1525 Chestnut, Alameda Berry, O L, 636 B st. Bianchi, E, Jr, 1344 Geary. Bien & Jackson, Hotel Majestic, Sut- ter and Gough. Bishop & Hoefler, 130 Haight. Block, Benj, 110 Presidio ave. Bluxome, JF, 3001 California. Boardman, LL P, 1718 Webster. Boland, F E, 1453 Franklin. / Edward Pollitz & Company 2023 CALIFORNIA ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Bolton, A E, Bacon blk, Oakland. Booth, Wm F, 203 Telegraph ave, Oak- lana. Bosley, W B, 1100 O’Farrell. Bourdette, J W, Belmont, S Mateo Co. Bowie, J F, 2413 Washington. goyhien, CC, 1910 Gough. radley & McKinstry, 2323 Washington Brady, M, 2310 Pine Boynton, C' C, 1910 Gough st. Bradley & McKinstry, 2323 Washington. Brady, M, 2301 Pine. Brandenstein, H U, 2053 Sutter. Brandon, F D, 863 Hayes. Brandt, I B Li, 1482 Sutter. Brann, W S, NE cor Fillmore & Pacific Breen, P A, 2059 Bush. Breen & Kelly, 16 Laguna. . Brennan & Lane, 2321 California. Bridgeford, E A, 1610 Turk. Brobeck, W I, 1860 Webster. Brownstone, L. H, 2000 Steiner. Bruck, E A, 2865 Washington. Bryan, J W, 2513 Sacramento. Buford, C M, 1814 Sutter. Bull, F P, 1417 Scott. Bunnell, C S, 2178 Pine. Burchard & Houston, 2418 Sacramento. Burke, Bart, 1887 Page, nr Shrader. Burke, F' J, 968 McAllister. Burke, W G, 2513 Sacramento. Burnett, W S, 1860 Webster. Burt, J J, SE corner Washington and Byington, LL F, 1412 Post. : C Campbell, Metson & Campbell, 1101 Laguna, S F; 1274 Franklin, Oakld. Chapman, E C, room 10, Ferry bldg. Cornish, F V, 3672 24th" st. Cooley, A E, 1247 Franklin. Cooper, Hon J A, 2723 Pacific ave. Cope, W B, 1860 Webster. Choynski, H, hdqrs 1st Inf Regt, Church and Market. ; Cator, T V, 49 Portola st. Curran, T E, 3326 25th st. Coffey, J V, 1601 Scott. Coffey, E I, 1601 Scott. Alfred J. Brandenstein REAL ESTATE Entire Charge of Property Taken ; 1901 Galifornia St. San Franciseo Craig & Craig, 2661 Washington st. Cotton, A R, 2514a Clay. Clausen, E A, 1139 Devisadero. Crothers & Crothers, 2998 Pacific ave. Crisp, F J, San Anselmo. Cross, R H, 251 Bacon bldg, Oakland. Campbell, J C, 1101 Laguna. Calden, G C, 957 Broadway, Oakland. Cohen, A H, 906 Broadway, Oakland. Conlan, Jas G, 800 Fulton. Coogan, T C, 906 Broadway, Oakland. Cousins, W G, 1782 Bush. Cooper, Edwin T, 2325 Fillmore. Cormac, T E K, British Consulate, 1107 Jefferson st, Oakland. Chapman, I F, Kohl bldg. Curtin, D A, 1020 Masonic ave. Cohn, J E, 1265 Ellis. Cashman, W E, 1718 Pine. Creighton, C E A, First Infantry, Mar- ket and Duboce ave. Chickering & Gregory, Kohl bldg, also Bacon block, Oakland. Choynski, M L, 906 Broadway, Oakld. Cannon, Wm M, 1769 Geary. Cross, C W, 19 Baker. Castlehun, F J, 2489 Guerrero. Carson, Jno B, 1955 Geary. Carpenter & Hittell, 1359 Eddy. Cullinan & Hickey, 2345 Bush. Cushing, Grant & Cushing, 1652 O’Far- rell. Costello, S V, 1027 Ellis. Costello, FF A, 1027 Ellis. Cornish, F V, 1807 Fillmore. D Davis, H H, 2663 California. Daniels, Rees P, 1088 McAllister. Davis, Milton M, 2663 California. Deamer, W W, 1801 Van Ness. Deering, FF P, 2324 Clay. Deal, WE F, 2702 Sacramento. Dorn, Dorn & Savage, 1600 Fell. Dunne, Hon F H, 3188 Washington st. Daniels, J R, 2342 Broadway. Davidson, W W, 5111 Broderick. Denson, S C, 3013 Clay. Denson, H B, 1928 Eddy. Durbrow, C W, 1109 Union Sav Bank bldg, Oakland. Dunne, P F, 1109 Union Sav Bank bldg, Oakland. Draper, T F, 2324 Pacific ave. Drew, FF C, 1101 Laguna, S F; 1274 " Franklin, Oakland. Drolla, C P, 2215 Bush. ‘De Laveaga, J V, 2201 Scott. Denicke, F A, 3001 California. Dwyer, J J, 2069 Bush. Davis, J F, Code Comr, 1430 Masonic ave. Duffy, D M, 1925a Fillmore. : Dibble, H C and Oliver, 2022 Fillmore. Drown, Leicester & Drown, 1860 Web- ster. ctf FRANKLIN K. LANE J. D. LEDERMAN GEO. W. LANE LANE, LEDERMAN & LLANE Temporary offices, 2112 Jackson Street, near Buchanan. Phone; West 184. Will occupy former offices in Kohl Building shortly. - Phone, Main 377. All papers and records intact. Dibble, Albert J, 2210 Jackson. Dorn, W, Kohl bldg, also Bacon block, Oakland. Delmas, D M, 2127 Fillmore. * \ Dam, C L, 23rd st, bet Telegraph ave and Balley st, Oakland. Deering, J H, 2023 Broderick. Dorsey, J W, 1718 Pine. Diviny, Thomas M, 906 Broadway, Oak- land. Dessouslavy, A P, 1019 Franklin. Devoto & Richardson, 1704 Union, cor Gough. Davis, Wm H, Ferry bldg, S F; also Bacon blk, Oakland. Deal, W G, 2702 Clay. Dinkelspeil, H G W, 1265 Ellis. Dam, F H, 2320 California. Davis, H G, 2528 Mission. Davis, Jas A, 1635 Webster. Davidson, T D, 1416 Post. Dobbins, B W, 1708 Fillmore. Drum, J S, 1416 Post. Dibert, P C, Bacon blk, Oakland. Downing, W S, 1860 Webster. De Forest, J G, NE corner Golden Gate and Gough. Duke, R D, 2127 Fillmore. Dannenbaum, A J, 2863 Washington. BE ' Elliott, A H, 957 Broadway, Oakland. Eastin, Sooy & Dorn, 1811 Fillmore. Eells, Alex. G, 2325 Fillmore. Eells, Hobart K, 2325 Fillmore. Elkins, Luther, 1918 Sutter. Eliassen, E R, Union Savings Bank bldg, Oakland. Earle & Spaulding, Union Savings Bank bldg, Oakland. Elmore, J M, 1811 Fillmore. ® Felral, Robt, 334 Spruce st, Sausalito. Feehan, J B, 483 Page. Feigenbaum, Sanford, 2713 Clay. Frohman, I, 1712 Buchanan. Forster, E L, 2127 Fillmore. Frost, C A S, 1486 49th ave. Telephone, West 308 Telephone West 308 CHAS. W. ROSENBAUM & CO. Real Estate and Insurance 2100 JACKSON STREET SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA Ds Fallon, F J, 484 Oak. Fancher, F W, 2602 Sutter. Foulds, J E, 1109 Union Sav Bk bldg, Oakland. Fitzgerald & Abbott, 856 Broadway, Oakland. Finch & Melsted, 1916 Pine. Farquar, C S, 1026 Ellis. Fickert, C M, Kohl bldg. Farry, J, 1898 Pine. Frohman & Jacobs, 1712 Buchanan. Fitzpatrick, T I, 928 Oak. Finnell, Bush, 2327 California. Ford, Tirey L (law dept United Rail- roads), Oak and Broderick. Frank & Mansfield, 218 Presidio ave; also 12th and Broadway, Oakland. Frost, C A S, 1918 Sutter. Fenton, Frank L, 1416 Post. Frisbie & White, Bacon blk, Oakland. Ferrari, Louis, 1362 Hayes. Fuhrman, Alfred, 642 Laguna. G Garber, Cresswell & Garber, 2412 Web- ster. Golden, I, 1110 Devisadero. Gould, F H, 23131 California. Gleason, W J, 1725 Vallejo. Gehrini, A, 306 San Jose ave. Graham, Hon T F, 432 7th ave. Geary, J L Jr, 550 30th st. Gradwohl, M, 1112 Ellis. Groves, A, 1437 Haight. Gorrill, W H, 2415 Fillmore. Gadsby, F L, 2312 California, also Kohl bldg. Garroutte & Goodwin, 1901 Post. Gish, John D, 1802 Fillmore. Griffin, F A, 1925a Fillmore. Gardner, C F, 1401 Willard. Goodfellow & Eells, 2415 Pierce. Goldaracena, O M, 2449 Jackson. Gray & Leet, 223 Bacon block, Oakld. Galpin, P G, 1918 Sutter. Greeley, John J, 1362 Hayes. Gutsch, Gustav, 2122 Clinton ave, Ala: meda. H Herrin, W F, 1109 Union Sav Bk bldg, Oakland. : Harrison, E C, 941 Fillmore. Harrison, Ralph C, 2067 Green. Harrison, Richard C, 2067 Green. Harrison, Robt W, 2067 Green. Heynemann, A, 2520 Sacramento. Hennessey, F J, 1135 Gough. HeHbbard, Hon J C B, 1979 Jackson. Heller, E S, 2020 Jackson. Heller, Powers & Ehrman, 2020 Jacksn Hosmer, Hon J A, 2018 Baker. Hassett, M C, 1725 Vallejo. Haber, Jos, 2640 Jackson. Hillyer, C, St Mungo bldg, Golden Gate ave and Fillmore. Harding, R T, 1925a Fillmore. ‘Hirsch; L, 1553 Fulton. le vy) Lloyd, Gilbert & Robertson General Insurance Agents and Adjusters 2017 WEBSTER ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL Surety Bonds, Burglary, Fire, Acecidnt and Employers’LiabilityInsurance Pacific Coast Managers National Surety Co., New Amsterdam Casualty Co. Hankins, S J, 1101 Geary. Heggerty, C J, 2319 Scott. Hayes, W J, 1101 Geary. Hurd, N H, 1935 O’ Farrell. Hernan, M H, 20131 Fillmore. Henderson, J W, 1852 Webster. Hawkins, S J, 1101 Geary. Humphrey, W H, 2640 Steiner. Hobson, H F Co., 451 Frederick. Hillyer, McInnis & O’Brien, St Mungo bldg, Golden Gate ave and Fillmore. Hirshberg, D S, 2313 California. Hall, LL B, 1810 Devisadero. Hutton, H W, 2334 Franklin; also 9 Mission. Heineman, H E, 2234 Bush. Hanlon, C F, 1782 Bush. Hatton, Geo F, 2100 Bush. Hanson, E J, 2070 Sutter. Healey, Benj, 2940 Pierce. Holton, C H, Kohl bldg. Haven, T E, 1802 Fillmore. Herrin, W J, 1901 Post. Harris, I, 2053 Sutter. Hubbard, T W, 2381 Geary. Humphrey, C F, 3529 Washington. Hendrickson, Wm, 1801 Gough. Hart, W H H, 2514a Clay; also Palo Alto. Hathorn, Ralph L, 2446 Jackson. Hollzer, H A, 1782 O’ Farrell. Harris & Hess, 2053 Sutter. Hess, W T, 2053 Sutter. Hubbard, W P, 2714 California. Hill, E J, Presidio Cantonment 142. Hall, Gordono, Presidio Cantonment 142 Humphreys, Wm P, 2127 Fillmore. Hanlon, J F, Bacon blk, Oakland. Hewlett, Bancroft & Ballentine, 227 San Pablo ave, Oakland. J Jacobs, L. H, 1712 Buchanan. Joachimsen, H L, drug store cor Post and Buchanan. : Jury, J G, 3708 Clay. Johnson, H W, 1925a Fillmore. Judkins, T C, Emeryville, Cal. Jennings, C M, 1816 Lyon. SOL. E, SHEELINE Stock and Bond Broker 1827 CALIFORNIA ST. ER ing Sins Jellett & Meyerstein, 2516 Octavia. Jones, J R, 2079 16th st. Johnson, Albert M, 2130 Green. Johnson, Roger, 1435 Fillmore. Jacobs, H A, 1265 Ellis. Jordan & Brann, 2396 Pacific. Judkins, T C, 1769 Geary. Johnson, J K, 2031 Bush. Johnson. W P, 906 Ellis. K : Klaud, O A, NW cor Fillmore and Ful- ton. Kollmyer, W B, 2308 California. Kelley, E E, 1211 Octavia. Kennedy, J L, 1852 Webster. Knight, E D, 37 Hill. Kirk, J, 2412 Pine. Kierulf, T C, 300 Haight. Kellogg, M B (SV W W), cor Herman and Church. Keyes, A D, 1703 Gough. Kingwell, FF I, 609 Ashbury. Kaufman, Leo, 1048 Golden Gate ave. Kellogg, Sheldon G, 2325 Fillmore. Kidd, A M, 1712 Buchanan. Kase, T K, 739 Van Ness avé. Knight, Samuel, 1860 Webster. Kennedy, J B, 2413 Washington. Knight & Heggerty, 2319 Scott. King, R W, 1756 Fillmore. Kaufman, W W, U S Appraisers’ bldg; also 2121 California. Kent, W H, 924 Page. Kuhl, M J, 818 Page. Kann, J H, 2663 California. Kearney, W T, 222 Clayton. Kierce & Gillogley, 1024 Masonic ave. L Lawlor, Hon W P, 2965 Jackson. Lewis, J W, 838 Webster. Lee, C A, 1249 Hayes. Lennon, LL C, 918 Eddy. Lindley & Eickhoff, St Mungo bldg, Golden Gate ave and Fillmore. Lipman, G M, 1809a Eddy. Loessel, A, 2084 Pine. Lynch & Drury, 3294 Clay. Lake, F B, 2008 Lyon. Levy, EW, 2318 Clay. Lukens, G R, 1362 Jackson, Oakland. Levey, E C, 919 Fillmore. Lewis & Royce, 1935 Broadway. Liechti, A W, 2444 Jackson. Lewis, J M, Kohl bldg. Lloyd & Wood, 2520 Sacramento. Langhorne, J.P, 2419 Pacific ave. Long, P V, 2053 Sutter. Livernash, E J, 1362 Page. Lilinthal, J W, 1805 Franklin. Lane, Lederman & Lane, 2112 Jackson. Lynch, E J, 1931 Fillmore. Lyons, Timothy J, 917 Noe. Lande, Edward, 1027 Golden Gate ave. Lawler, F W, 1362 Page. Lent & Humphrey, 1050 Eddy. ro - General Agents on the Pacific Coast for the Cunard Steamship Co., Ltd J.owest rates to and from all points in Europe. Reservations made and through tickets issued Cabin plans, oss lists and booklets cheerfully urnished on application. a F. BOOTH, P HENRY AVILLA, Gen. Pacific Coast Agent. City Ticket Agent 1704 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, Cal. Liess, Emil, 920 Fulton. Lovell, Chas H, 1860 Webster. Linforth, W H, 1257 Octavia. Lapachet, B P, 1524 Fell. ; Loewy & Gutsch, 958 Clay st, Oakland. Louderback, Davis, 1222 Geary. M McNab, Gavin, 1435 Fillmore. McNutt, Maxwell, 2511 Pacific ave. McInnis, W C, St Mungo bldg. McCaughey, J, 2683 Bush. McPike, H H, 1523 Geary, nr Laguna. McKinlay, P, 1180 Fulton. McIntosh, M W, 910 Steiner. Meyers, F V, 144 Sanchez. Maguire, J G, 850 Fulton. Maguire, A G, 281 Page. Meyer, J S, 828 Webster. Macks & Tomsky, 1250 Ellis. Maddox, K, 2224 Sacramento. Marios, T M, 794 Grove. Marble, J H, 305 Frederick. Mogan, E P, 1144 Haight. Mann, R L, St Mungo bldg, Golden Gate ave and Fillmore. Monroe, H E, 1925a Fillmore. Murphy, D C, 2786 Sacramento. Mhoon, J B, 1944 Webster. Myrick & Deering, 2324 Clay. Miller, H B M, 2123 Fillmore. Merrill, G B, 704 8th st, Oakland. Mackenzie, J A, 1101 Laguna. Metson, W H, 1101 Laguna. McIsaac, H J, 2124 Bush. Manson, P I, 1423 Sutter. Macbeth, FF D, 1003 Golden Gate ave Maddux & Maddux, 1911 Post, corner Fillmore. Msdden, E W, 19253 Fillmore. Moody, R R, 2127 Fillmore. McGowan, Frank, 206 Haight. Moran, Nathan M, 2413 Washington. Michael, M F, 2210 Webster. Marks, C B, 2210 Webster. McCulloch, Alexander, First Infantry. Market and Duboce ave. McMurray, Edwin T, 2413 Washington. Moore, A A, 1031 Ellis and 957 Broad- way, Oakland. Moore, Stanlev, 957 Broadway. Oakld Mumma, Wilmer, 758 Golden Gate ave Molkenbuhr, S W, 1769 Geary. Morgenthal, A. 1530 Grove. Myers, Edward, 1974 Bush. Mulvehill. Henry, 855 Castro. Mannon, J M, 2415 Fillmore. Oi McAllister, Elliott, 2197 Pacific ave. Madden, W M, 2319 Scott. Mann, Seth, 808 Broadway, Oakland. Miller, H B M, 555 Baker. Murphy, E B, 1050 Eddy. McCloskey, H H, 1223 Golden Gate ave. McCutchen, E J, 1860 Webster. FOUR shrdlu etaoinana Muller, P J, 1860 Webster. Mee, J H, 1808 Fillmore. Madison, F D, 1860 Webster. Mazza, J J, 632 Montgomery. Merrill, Geo W, 2068 Pine. Montague, H B, 2613 Union. Mayer, Joseph H, 1416 Post. McEnerney, Garret W, 1416 Post. Marsh, J A, NE corner Golden Gate and Gough. ; Morrow, R H, 2127 Fillmore. Manning, J E, 1756 Fillmore. Mogan, R F, 619 Fillmore. Mueller, Carl, 642 Laguna. Mosebach, FF H, 2318 Clay. McGee, W J, Cosmos Club, Sutter and Octavia. Marks, A M, 1783 Turk. Morrison, A F, 1860 Webster. Morrison, Cope & Brobeck, 1360 Web- ster. N Nichols, J F, 2511 Sacramento. Noon, M E, 1131 Laguna, Nathan, M A, 2000 Steiner. Newberg, H, 536 Broderick. Nuckolls, A M, 1703 Gough. Nowlin & Fassett, 2104 Market. Naphtaly & Freidenrich, Octavia and Nightingale, F W, 1652 O’Farell. 0 O’Connell, D, 86a Sanchez. O’Gara, J, 2415 Bush. O’Brien, E A, St Mary’s bldg. O’Callaghan, C F, 1929 Sutter. Owens, H M, 710 Fil'more. O’Brien, J M, 2960 Broadway. Olney & Olney, 2415 Fillmore. Oatman, C H, 1101 Laguna. Orrick, W H, 1430 Masonic ave. Otis, Frank, 808 Broadway. Oakland. O’Donnell, Jos E, 1830 O’Farrell. O’Brien, Percy H, 2053 Sutter. P Partridge, J S, 25th and Guerrero. Peery, G D, 1050 Eddy. Pringle & Pringle, 2124 California. Putnam, O, 1944 Webster. Prescott, LL E, 1929 Sutter. Powers, FF H, 2020 Jackson. Peixotto, E D, 1626 Sutter. Peart, H F, 2100 Bush. Pawlicki, T E, 1119 Van Ness ave. Porter, R C, 2323 California. Perkins, T A, 706 Broderick. Powers, F E, NW cor Pine and Steiner. Pait, A C, Oakland. JO Percy, J A, 1010 Dolores. Pippy & Bahrs, 1910 Post. Plunkett, W T, 2020 Geary. Powell & Dow, 906 Broadway, Oakland. Pomeroy, Carter P, 2210 Webster. Palmer, Brooks, 2446 Jackson. Pohli, Emil, 1715 O’Farrell. : Pidwell, John T, 130 Highland ave. Pence, C J, 1441 Fillmore, : Page, McCutchen & Knight, 1860 Web- ster. Page, Chas, 1860 Webster. Pillsbury, E S, 1860 Rensier. Pillsbury, H D, 1860 Webster. Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro, 1860 Web- ster; also 1155 Washington st, Oak- land. Peck, J F, 1910 Gough. Perry, Arthur W, 906 Broadway. Platt & Bayne, 2107 Webster. Parlin, E E, 909 Steiner. Peery, Chas S, 800 Fulton. Q Quinlan, J C, 1135 Sangh, Reinstein, J B, 906 Ellis. Redington, A H, 2232 Broadway. Reed, C W, 1465 Masonic ave. Robbins & Breeze, 2027 Sutter. Robinson, W H, 2178 Pine. Roche, T J, 1137 Gough. Romaine, B, 3231 Jackson. Rheindollar, C F, 834 Stanyan. owe, P, 816 Clayton. Ho & Rigby, rm 60, Blake blk, Oak- land. Redman, LL A, 957 Broadway, Oakland Ryan, D A, 2124 Bush. Rothschild, Jos, 2311 Broadway. Ricketts, A H, 2503 1% California. Raymond, Albert, 1805 Franklin. Reardon, J E, 1769 Geary. Ritter, E M, 592 Castro. Ruef, A, 1931 Fillmore. Rosenthal, Marcus, 809 Van Ness ave, also 1353 Grove st, Oakland. ’ Roldan, E W, 856 Broadway, Oakland. Rothchild, Herbert L, 20131 Fillmore. Rosenheim, S, 555 Baker. Rothchild, Walter, 1416 Post. Robison, J L, 1416 Post. Reid, J S, 1433 Devisadero. S Sheehan, J F, 2247 15th st. Stafford, H J, 3316 23rd st. Stafford, W F, 1665 McAllister. Smith, A, 143 Haight. Stevens, M, 922 Haight. Smith, E K, 2416 Washington. Shadbourne, G D, 904 Devisadero. Sawyer, W F, 1726 Steiner. Samter, S M, 906 Ellis. Shay, F, 1109 Union Sav bldg, Oakld Seawell, Hon J M, 421 Baker. Slack, C W, 2224 Sacramento. el] Shortridge, S M, 2819 Pierce. Sims, R M, 908 14th st, Oakland. Shephard, W C, 909 Bilis. Son, C A, 2124 Broadway. Stetson, H N, 1801 Van Ness ave. Sullivan, E D, 1074 Florida. Sloss, Hon M C, San Rafael. Sims, J C, 2119 Broadway. Stephens, J A, St Mungo bldg, Golden Gate ave and Fillmore. Sullivan & Sullivan, 1137 Gough. Schlesinger, Bert, 2059 Bush. Solomons, LL L,, 1812 Laguna. Symonds, H C, 1703 Gough. Skaife, A C, 2407 California. Scrivner, J J, 906 Broadway, Oakland. Sargent, G C, 2511 Broadway. Stratton & Kaufman, 2121 California. Smith & Pringle, 1704 Fillmore. Swasey, F W, 1818 Fillmore. Strauss, Gaston, 906 Broadway, Oak- land. Schmitt, M L, 1920 California. Saffold, Ray P, 758 Golden Gate ave. Stone, Leonard, 3919 California. Solinsky, & Wehe, 1910 Gough st. Stearns, E H, 2627 Hyde. Sweeney, Jas P, 1809 Fillmore. Samuels, Jacob, 1325 Octavia. Stratton & Kaufman, U S Appraisers’ bldg; also 2121 California. Stratton, F 8S, U S Appraisers’ bldg; also 2121 California. Sutro, Alfred, 1860 Webster. Sutro, Oscar, 1860 Webster. Solinsky & Wehe, 1910 Gough. Sawyer, F W, 856 Broadway. Steinhart, Jesse H, 20131 Fillmore. Sullivan, E D, 1652 O’ Farrell. Spilman, J S, 906 Broadway, Oakland. Sweigert, Wm, 315 Scott. Scheeline, S C, 2418 Pacific ave. Sweigert, C A, 1209 Page. Smith, Geo. W, 925 Grove. Low, Chas A, 2663 California. Shurtleff, C A, 315 Laurel. Samuels, Leon, 619 Fillmore. Schwab, Edwin, 1860 Webster. T Tauszky, E, 2586 Pine. Thornton, C, 2908 Jackson. Thornton, J T, 2908 Jackson. Treadwell, A B, 2309 California. Tyler, J F, 642 Grove. Tum Suden, O, 3008 Clay. Tardy, H J, 714 Grove. Titus, Wright & Creed, Union Bk bldg, Oakland. Twamley, W R, 143 Haight. Thompson, W J, 73 Washington. Thomas, Gerstle & Frick, 2350 Wash- ington. Treadwell, E F, 2627 23rd st. Thorne, A, 2217 Pacific ave. Talbott, E J, 1901 Post. Tuska, W J, 1901 Post. Towne, Percy E, 2520 Sacramento. Theisen & Jung, 809 Van Nes ave, also 1088 Capp. : Tevlin, J F, 1362 Page. Tilden, C L, NE corner Golden Gate and Gough. U U’'Ren, M T, 2713 Clay. : Vv Van Ness & Denman, 1990 Sutter. Van Nostrand, J J, 819 Oak. Van Wyck, S M, Jr, 1944 Webster. Voglesang & Brown, 2070 Sutter. Van Fleet & Mastick, 2319 California. Ww Wilson & PePrkins, 706 Broderick. Wolff, H K, 1782 O’Farrell. Waldheimer, M J, 2361 Sutter. Wascherwitz, M H, 2234 Bush. Wilbur, E D, 1224 Golden Gate ave. Wittenmyer, Li A, 1417 Scott. Walker, F, 1109 Union Sav Bk bldg, Oakland. : Wall, F R, with Water Comn, Fillmore near Bush. Wright & Wright, 1703 Gough. Webb, U S, Atty-Genl, 2468 Bush. Williams, J T, 2511 Sacramento. Weiler, A B, 1426 Steiner. Whipple, G H, 3369 Jackson. Wilson, C H, 95 5th ave. Wilson, J R, 2702 Clay. Wiel, S C, 1817 Jackson. Westerfeld, C, 2127 Fillmore. Wise, W A, 1812 Laguna. Wilson, C E, 706 Broderick. Webb, E H, 2217 Pacific ave. West, de Journel, O’Neill & Jones, 1631 Pierce. Weyl, B A, 2070 Sutter. Watt, J A, NW corner Pine and Fillmore Wheeler, Chas S, 2413 Washington. Westlake, Elmer, 227 16th ave. Whiting, R V, 1435 Fillmore. White, J E, 1236 Fillmore. Whipple, G H, Kohl bldg, also Bacol. block, Oakland. Wolf, E M, 1940 Fillmore. Wilson, O C, 1321 Devisadero. Willard, Chas W, 1860 Webster. Wright, C I, 1860 Webster. . Weil, A L, 1707 Octavia. Wright, Geo T, 1703 Gough. Wright, Allen G, 1703 Gough. Wolff, Harry K, 1782 O’Farrell. Williams, Bryan & Carr, 2515 Sacra- mento. Wilson & Wilson, 1680 Webster. Wilson, M S, 1860 Webster. Wright, John A, 2222 Washington. Wright, F M, 1454 Page. Whitmore, Welles, 10031 Broadway, Oakland. Webb, W C, 1860 Webster. is] en Williamson, W F, 1247 Franklin. Y Young, E B, 3001 California. Young & Blanchard, 2198 Geary. Young, LL Foster, 1416 Post. Z Ziegler, W G, 899 Fulton. BANKS. Bank of California, 2510 Octavia. Rank of British North America, 2828 Washington street. Donohoe-Kelly Banking Company, 2410 Pacific avenue. First National Bank, northwest cor- ner of Clay and Laguna streets. San Francisco National, 2340 Pacific avenue. Anglo-Californian Bank, California and Franklin streets. Wells-Fargo Nevada National, Frank- lin and Sacramento streets. London, Paris and American, 1806 Pacific avenue. Crocker-Woolworth National, 2129 Lagunsa street. American National, with First Na- tional, Oakland. Mercantile Trust, 464 California. Canadian Bank of Commerce, 1715 Pacific. : Western National, Powell and Market streets. Central Trust, 2121 Laguna street. International Banking Corporation, 1809 Fillmore street. Italian-American Bank, northwest corner Washington and Walnut. National Bank of Pacific, 2621 Devis- adero. California Safe Deposit Company, 2139 Pierce. Germania National, 2121 Laguna. French-American Bank, 2632 Cali- fornia street. The Mission Bank, 2675 Mission street. City and County Bank, 1548 Post street. Scandinavian-American Savings Bank, corner Washington and Maple streets. Bank of Italy, 2745 Van Ness avenue. United States National Bank, 1700 Geary street. Metropolitan Trust and Savings Bank, 1130 Eddy street. National City Bank of New York, with Oakland Savings Bank. Mechanics’ Savings Bank, 1247 Franklin street. Japanese Bank, 551 Seventh street, Oakland. French Savings Bank, 78 Ashbury streei. Hibernia Savings and Loan Society, —14— Jones and McAllister streets. Humboldt Savings Bank, 1261 Waller street. Metropolitan Trust and Savings Bank, 1130 Eddy street. San Francisco Savings Union, 2617 Pacific avenue. Mutual Savings Bank, 2201 Laguna street. Savings and Loan Society, 2501 Steiner street. Swiss-American Bank, 2200 .Green street. Citizens’ State Bank, 1410 Haight street. : Columbus Savings and Loan Society, 700 Montgomery street. Russo-Chinese Bank, 1300 Octavia street. Union Trust Company, 2020 Jackson street. CONSULATES. British Consulate General, 1061 Clay st., Oakland. Chinese Consul-General, 371 Ninth, West Oakland. French Consulate, cor. California and Scott sts. German Consulate, 954 Clay st., Oak- land, and 1924 Post st., S. F. Mexico, Consulate of, 811 Scott st. Netherlands, Consulate of, 1392 Har- rison st., Oakland. Peruvian Consulate, New Tribune Building, Oakland. Russian Consulate, 1300 Octavia st. Salvador, Consulate of, 1630 Octavia st., and 5820 Telegraph ave., Oakland. Switzerland, Consulate of, 1882 Washington st. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Alliance of Philadelphia, James D. Bailey, 538 San Pablo ave., Oakland. San Francisco office, 1915 Franklin st. : Aachen & Muenich, C. Bertheau, N. E. cor. Eleventh and Clay sts, Oakland. Aetna, Boardman & Spencer, 458 Ninth st., Oakland. Agricultural, Edwin Brown & Sons, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. American of Philadelphia, Edwin Rrown & Sons, 1008 Broadway, Oak- land. American Central, Christensen, Ed- wards & Goodwin, Telegraph ave. and Twentieth st., Oakland. Atlas, F. J. Devlin, 547 Eighteenth st., Oakland; San Francisco office, 1373 Page st. Austrian Phoenix, Dickson & Thieme, 1060 Broadway, Oakland. American of Newark, Gordon & Fraser, S. W. cor. Broadway and Thirteenth st., Oakland. Alliance Assurance of London, C. F. Mullins, 511 Fourteenth st., Oak- land. American Boston, C. L. Stovel, Bacon Block, Oakland. Atlanta Birmingham, Watson, Taylor & Sperry. Aetna Life Insurance Company, Union Savings Building, Oakland. San Francisco office, 1845 Fillmore st. British American, W. L. W. Miller, 950 Broadway, Oakland. Buffalo German, C. J. Stovel, Bacon Block, Oakland. Balfour, Guthrie & Co., Marin Depart- ment, 714 Broadway, Oakland. California, G. W. Brooks, 906 Broad- way, Oakland. Caledonia, T. J. Conroy, San Francisco office 1104 Bush. Concordia, Dickson & Thieme, 1060 Broadway, Oakland. Colonial, McNear & Wayman, Union Savings Bank, Oakland. Continental, C. E. Kline, Fourteenth and Broadway, Delger Block, Oak- land. Commercial Union of London. Commercial Union, New York, C FR. Mullins, 511 14th st. Oakland. Citizens’, Palache & Hewitt, 1st Nat. Bank, Berkeley. Camden, E. E. Potter, 11th and Wash- ington st., Delger bldg, Oakland. Connecticut, E. J. Smith, 522 13th st., Oakland; 2310 California st., S. PF Calumet, Watson T. & ‘Sperry. Delaware, Edward Brown & Sons, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. i i Dutchess, C. J. Stovel, Bacon Block, Oakland. : Davis & Son, J. B. F., San Francisco, 819 34 st. Equitable, W. J. Dutton, Odd Fellows’ Building, 11th and Franklin sts. Oakland. : Eagle, R. W. Nason & Co., Delger Block, Oakland. Federal, V. C. Driffield, Harmonia Hall, Alameda. Franklin, C. F. Graney, 219 Bacon Block, Oakland. Fire Assurance, Gutte & Frank, 1253 Broadway, Oakland. : Fidelity & Casualty, 466 10th st., Oak- land. George H. Foster & Co. 1255 Clay st., cor. 15th st., Oakland. Germania, W. H. Breeding, 901 Broad- way, Oakland. Globe & Rutgers, Edward Brown & Sons, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. German of Peoria, Duncan & Rahfisch, 1116 Washington st., Oakland. we ee Glen Falls, E. E. Potter, 11th and Wash- ington, Delger Building, Oakland. Girard, C. J. Stovel, Bacon Block, Oak- land. German American & German Alliance,, G. H. Tyson, S. F. office 1107 Fill- more; Oakland office 1060 Broadway. German of Freeport. and German Na- tional, C. N. Ward, 901 Broadway, Oakland. Gutte & Frank, S. F. office 2109 Pacific ave; 470 11th st, Oakland. Hanover, C. Bertheau, N. E. cor. 11th and Clay sts., Oakland. Hamburg Breman, R. Herold, 11th, bet. Broadway and Washington, Oakland. Home Fire & M. St. Ives, 506 9th st. Oakland. Hartford, Palache & Hewitt, First Na- tional Bank, Berkeley. Home of Utah, Palache & Hewitt, First National Bank, Berkeley. Home of New York, H. L. Rolph, 916 Broadway, Oakland. Haldan E. B., San Francisco office, 482 California st.; 270 11th st, Oakland. Home Life Ins. Co., 12th and Broadway, Oakland. Insurance Company of North America, James D. Bailey, 538 San Pablo ave., Oakland; S. F. office, 915 Franklin st. Indemnity, W. H. Lowden, Bacon Block, Room 88, Oakland. Kings County, F. J. Devlin, 547 18th st, Oakland. Law Union & Crown, Catton, Bell & Co., 310 13th st., Oakland. Liverpool & L. & G., C. D. Havens, 8th st., opposite Tribune Building, Oak- land; S. F. office 2027-2045 Sutter st. London Assurance, W. J. Landers, 467 10th st., Oakland; S. F. office 2321 Buchanan st. London & Lancashire, Wm. McDonald, 545 14th st., Oakland. Loiza W. & Co., 10566 Washington st., Oakland. Milwaukee Mechanics, L. L. Brownwell, MacDonough Building, Oakland. Mereantile, Christensen, Edwards & Co., Telegraph and 20th sts, Qakland. Manchester, F. J. Devlin, 547 18th, Oakland. Michigan, C. E. Henry & Co., 1018 Broadway, Oakland. Mannheim, Dibbern & Co., 468 11th st., Oakland; S. F. office 9 Mission st. Mitchell, Geo. N. & Co., 813 Grove st., San Francisco. Mutual Life Ins. Co., S. F. office 1864 Pine st., and Union Savings bldg., Oakland. McNear & Wayman, Union Savings Bk. Oakland. {fe Niagra , W. J. Landers, 467 10th st., Oakland; S F, 2321 Buchanan st. Norwich Union, W. H. Lowden, Bacon block, room 88, Oakland; S F office, 1912 Fillmore st. New York Underwriters, Mann & Wil- son, 464 10th st, Oakland. Natienal Union, A. G. Nason & Co., 2017 t Antonio ave.,, Alameda; Delger block, Oakland; S§ F office 2872 Washington st. North German of Hamburg, Walter Speyer, 1009 Washington st., Oakld. Northern, F. L. Hunter, 45-46 MacDon- ough building, Oakland. New York of New York. North River. New Brunswick. Nassau of Brooklyn, C. J. Stovel, Bacon block, Oakland. North German of New York, J. H. An- kele, 1611 Central ave., Alameda. New Hampshire, George H. Tyson, 1060 Broadway, Oakland. Northwestern National, W. W. Hutchin- son, 1018 Washington st., Oakland. National Insurance Co., G. D. Dornin, 1112 Broadway, Oakland. North British & M., T. C. Grant, Lay- mance—~8th, between Broadway and Franklin. New Zealand, 460 10th st., Oakland. Nippert Paul M., & Co., S F office 2815 Steiner st. ! National Life, S F office, 84 Sanchez st. Orient, William MacDonald, 554 14th st., Oakland. Provident of Washington, J. D. F. Cur- tis, 468 11th st., Oakland. Philadelphia Underwriters, Gutte & Frank, 1263 Broadway, Oakland. Phoenix of London. Pelican, W. Irving, 1069 Broadway, Oakland. Prussian National, D. W. Letten, 1056 Washington st., Oakland. ‘Pacific Underwriters, McNear & Way- ‘man, Union Sav. Bank, Oakland. Palatine, C. F. Mullins, 511 14th st., Oakland. : Phoenix of Brooklyn, A. C. Olds, 955 Broadway, Oakland. Pennsylvania, R. W. Osbourne, 578 San Pablo ave., Oakland. Phoenix of Hartford. Protector Underwriters, G. H. Tyson, '1060 Broadway, Oakland; S F office, 1107 Fillmore st. Potter, Edward E., 8 F office, 917 Sac- ramento st. Pacific Mutual, Kilgariff & Beaver, S F office, 2526 Webster st; 309 Bacon block, Oakland. Pacific Coast Casualty Co., 8 F office, 2621 Pacific ave. Oakland, 952 Broadway. Queen. Royal, Rolla V. Watt, Northeast corner of Clay and 15th st., Oakland; S F office northwest corner of Fillmore and Pine sts. Royal Exchange, Dickson & Thieme, 1060 Broadway, Oakland; S F office 1788 Post st. Rochester German, T. J. Conroy, § F office, 2104 Bush. Rhein Moselle, Sietz & Co., 8S F office, 806 Franklin st. Security of Baltimore, J. H. Ankele, 1611 Central ave., Alameda. Spring Garden, Edward Brown & Sons, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. Svea, Edward Brown & Sons, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. St. Paul, E. & G. Christensen, Tel. ave., and 20th st., Qakland. Scottish Union & National, D. J. A. Tiedemann, 468 11th st., Oakland. Scott Underwriters, T. J. Conroy, 8S F office, 2104 Bush. Springfield, G. D. Dornin, 1112 Broad- way, Oakland. Sun, C. A. Henry & Co., 1018 Broadway, Oakland. State, Wm. MacDonald, 564 14th st., Oakland. Security of New Haven, BE. E. Potter, 11th and Washington sts; DeEger building, Oakland. Swiss Marine, 47814 10th st., Oakland. Stovel, C. J, S F office, Kohl building. Sietz & Co., 806 Franklin st., S F. Transatlantic, V. C. Driffield, Harmonia Hall, Alameda. Traders, Gordon & Fraser, Southeast corner Broadway and 13th sts., Oak- land. . Teutonia, Mann & Wilson, 464 10th st., Oakland. Union Assurance Society, Catton Bell & Co., 310 13th st., Oakland. United Fireman, Gutte & Frank, 1253 Broadway, Oakland. Union of Philadelphia, R. W. Osbourne, 578 San Pablo ave., Oakland. Victoria, Catton Bell & Co., 310 13th st., Oakland. Western of Toronto, W. I. W. Miller, 950 Broadway, Oakland. Williamsburg City. Westchester, E. E. Potter, S F office, 1917 Sacramento st. Western Underwriters, C. H. Ward, 901 Broadway, Oakland. Tyson, Geo. H., S F office, 1107.Fillmore st.; Oakland office, 1060 Broadway. Travelers Ins. Co., S F office, 2918 Van Ness ave., MacDonough bldg, Oakld. —19— | | 4 | | | 4 —e Union Central Life, 466 10th st., Oakld. Mettman, F. X., 2121 Jackson st. State Insurance Commissioner’s office, 1940 Fillmore st., E. Myron Wolfe, Insurance Commissioner. NEWSPAPERS. Bulletin, The, 1708 Fillmore st. Call, The, 1651 Fillmore st.: Chronicle, The, 1804 Fillmore st. Examiner, The, 1881 Fillmore st. Recorder, The, 1920 Fillmore st.; Oak- land office, 1003 % Broadway, rm 5. Wasp, The, 2531 California st. NOTARIES PUBLIC. Cavalli, Geo. F., 1838 Fillmore st. Daggett, A. K., 905 Fillmore st. Hess, Wm. T., 2053 Sutter st. Knox, Geo. F., 2394 Pine st. Meininger, 2604 California st. Hanley, Chas. T., 1920 Filmore st. DIRECTORY OF RELIEF STATION Ss. Relief District No. 1. Boundaries on south, Fulton street. East, Devisadero street. North and west; San Francisco Bay and Pacific Ocean, Presidio Reservation. Stations. 1085 Fulton st. Elias Rhine. Children’s Hospital. M. L. Hughson. California and Lyon sts. National Guard. 3857 Clay st. E. H. Mitchell. Catholic Cemetery. Ellis & Broder- ick sts. _ Fulton and Lyon sts. Supervisor Hamlock. Grant Primary School. H. J. Crocker. Geary & Broderick sts. Sergeant Jones. Little Sisters of the Poor. Lake st. and Fourth ave. Lombard and Devisadero sts. Capt. Howthorne. 3187 Seventh ave. Sunset District. Maria Kip Orphanage, Seventh ave. and Lake st. Protestant Episcopal Old Ladies’ Home, Golden Gate ave and Central. Point Lobas ave. and Collins st., W. H. Harrison. U. S. Life Saving Station, Beach. Capt. Varney. District No. 2. Boundaries on north, Fulton st. East, Devisadero and Castro st. West, Pacific Ocean. : Stations. Haight and Masonic, ave. Thos Mal- loy. Boat House Golden Gate Park. R. R. Graham. Waller st. and Buena Vista ave. —90— Hayes and Devisadero sts. B. J. loss. Golden Gate Park Emergency Hos- pital. Golden Gate Park Tennis Court. Oak and Broderick sts. C. S. Lau- meister. 600 Devisadero st., Hebrew Orphan Asylum, ¥ . Young Men's Hebrew Association, Page and Stanyan sts. District No. 8. Boundaries on west, Devisadero st. South, Union st. north and east, San Francisco Bay. Stations. Telegraph Hill, St. Francis Church. Military Station, Bay and Taylor sts. District No. 4. Boundaries on north, Union st. South, Market st. East, Bay st. West, Devisadero and Castro sts. Stations. Ellis and Steiner sts. Board of Public ‘Works. : Bush and Webster sts. 305 Buchanan st., California Club. Mrs. A. W. Scott. 1818 Edd: st. Rev. Father McGinty. Eagles Station, Bush and Fillmore sts. Franklin Hall, Fillmore st., for work- ers only. Laguna and Fell sts. 2131 Vallejo st., Flood Barns. Toxhall Market, Fillmore near Wash- ington st. 847 Fillmore st., S. F. F. D. Head- quarters. Green and Gough sts. H. J. Crocker. Geary and Gough sts. Sisters of Charity. : Hayes and Fillmore sts. Hamilton Square, Post and Scott sts. Hamilton Square Baptist Church, Post and Scott sts. Independent Order of Foresters, 1919 Sutter st. ; Jefferson Square. Col. Huber. Japanese Relief, 121 Haight st. Laguna and Market sts. J. W. Lake. Laffayette Square. J. H. Crocker. Red Cross Headquarters. Steiner & Washington sts. Red Cross, 1919 Steiner st. St. Mary’s Cathedral, Van Ness ave. 201 Fulton st. Sisters of Mercy. Turk, bet. Buchanan and Webster sts. Masonic Relief, 1741 Fillmore st. 2513 Sacramento st., Municipal Head- quarters. 547 Fulton st., St. Marys. Oak and Fillmore sts. Old People’s Home, Pine and Pierce sta. a rer ete apt rere oe re nd ry rr fT Gr trap 5 Vor Haight and Gough sts., Protestant Orphan Asylum. 2345 Bush st. Pine and Gough sts., Japanese Mission. Telephone employes only. Pine and Steiner sts., Pacific States Union Square. Laguna and Jackson sts. District No. 5 Boundaries on north, Market st. East, Bay st. South, Eighteenth st. West, Castro st. Stations. Seventeenth and Harrison sts. Board of Public - Werks. : Seventh and Harrison sts., Columbia Square. Seventh and Bryant sts, Camp Bryant. Eighteenth and Howard sts. M. Mc-' Donald. First and Bryant sts. Capt. Pink- ham. Sixteenth and Potrero sts. Dr. J. Camp. Seventeenth and Castro sts. G. Ber- bert. Fourth st. Bridge. Abrams. Third st. Bridge. National Guard. Potrero ave., foot of Tenth st. District No. 6 Twenty-fifth and Treat ave. E. B. Stevens. Twenty-fifth and Iowa sts., P. Duffy. Twenty-fifth and Potrero sts. P. Duffy. Mission and China sts. E. Ray. . Twenty-ninth and Mission sts. T. P. O'Dowd. i Twenty-third and Mission sts. Mt. St. Joseph’s Infant Asylum. Precita Park, cor. Precita and Folsom sts. Police Station, Fourteenth ave., South and Railroad ave. Railroad ave. bet. Ninth and Tenth sts. Twenty-first and Florida. R. F. Walsh. Bethany Church, Twenty-fifth and Bartlett sts. District No. 7. Police Station, Twentieth and Shot- well sts. 5 Police Station, Seventeenth and Doug- lass sts. Twenty-second and Castro sts. F. B. Lorigan. Police Station, Twenty-second and Mission sts. Twenty-first and Capp sts., Grace Church. Relief Committee I. O. O. F., corner Geary and Steiner. Masonic Board of Relief, 1154 O’Far- rell st. —99_ EE ear Nrvattvaieamenam——— RAILROADS. Burlington Route. Chicago and Northwestern Railway. Chicago, Rock Iisland and Pacific Rail- way. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail- way. Canadian Pacific Railway. Colorado Midland Railway. Cook & Sons. Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Com- pany. Erie Railroad Company. El Paso and Southwestern Railway. Great Northern Railway. Judson Excursions. Missouri Pacific Railway. Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway. New York Central Lines. Nickel Plate. Northern Pacific Railway. Pennsylvania Lines. Piedmont Air Lines. Southern Railway. Texas and Pacific Railway. REAL ESTATE BOARD. Armstrong, Quatman & Co., 1000 Gold- en ‘Gate ave. Baldwin & Howell, 2120 Fillmore st. Bovee, Toy & Co., 2118 Fillmore st. Burnham & Marsh Co., 1942 Fillmore. Center & Spader, 2828 Sixteenth st. Lyon & Hoag, 1923 Fillmore st. Madison & Burke, 2126 Fillmore st. i ‘Magee, Thomas & Sons, 2550 Pacific av. Nelson, Johnson & Co., 1816 Fillmore. O’Brien, Charles F & Co., 2126 Fillmore Rich, A J & Co., 2421 Fillmore st. Speck & Co., 1902 Fillmore st. Shainwald, Buckbee & Co., 2510 Pacific ave. Umbsen & Co., G H, 905 Fillmore st. Harrigan, Weidenmuuller & Rosenstirn, 2003 Pine st. Buckingham, A E, 2808 Jackson st. Boardman Bros & Co., 1928 Vallejo st. Stern, David & Sons, 2323 Devisadero st, 12 to 1 o’clock. Sage, -Dealey & Co., 1635 Bush st. B P Oliver, 1904 Fillmore st. W E Boody & Co., 1540 Fell st. O D Baldwin & Son, 2965 Washington. Landgrebe, MecNevin & Jones, 1264 O’Farrell st. Landry C Babin & Co., 2301 Pine st. Baldwin & Stetson, 2000 Fillmore st. Hooker & Lent, 2220 Washington st. Davidson & Leigh, 2007 Fillmore st. Cranston, Belvel & Dwyer, 1190 Mec- Allister st. Luthi & Thurston, 2460 Broadway. Von Rhein Real Estate Cu., 2332 Pine st. MacKenzie & Underhill, 20131 Fill- more st. DAT x9Tg _93_ Aronsin Realty Co., 2120 Pacific ave. L J Scoofy, 2612 Webster st. Hoag & Lansdale, 2304 Fillmore st. C G Stovel Realty Co., 1732 Steiner st. David Bush & Son, 1845 Fillmore st. Oscar Heyman & Bro., 2332 Pine st. Gunn, BM & Co., 2521 Scott st. Southworth & Paterson, § W corner Laurel and Pacific ave. Mau, Cooper & Co., Consolidation of Wm F Mau and Chas E Cooper Co., 1828 Fillmore st.’ P J Sullivan, 401 Montgomery st., Kohl Building. Strong, Belden & Farr, Room 617 Kohl Building. J W Wright & Co., 233 Maple st. C M Wooster Co., 1141 McAllister st. W B McGerry & Co., 919 Fillmore st. D W Carmichael Co., 1008 Fillmore st. DeRuyter, Krighaum & Co., 3011 Jack- son st. Spencer & Plotner, 712 Montgomery st. Mooser & St. Germain, 2941 Fillmore st. Jones & Hayden, 2032 Pierce st. W H Crim & Co., 2301 Pine st. Albert J Pon, 414% Elizabeth st. Ashton & Gardner, 467 Hayes st. STREET CARS OPERATED. The following are the eighteen lines at present operated by the United Rail- roads: Fillmore street, from Bay to Bryant and Sixteenth streets. Kearny and Mission, from Noe and Twenty-ninth, on Mission to Fifth, to Market and thence to the ferry. Cemeteries and Mission, from Holy Cross Cemetery, via Mission street to Fifth, Market and the ferry. Ingleside and Mission, from Ingleside, via Ocean avenue, Mission, Fifth, Mar- ket and the ferry. San Mateo suburban, from San Mateo and Burlingame, via Mission, Fifth and Market; cars leave half hourly from Fifth street until 10:30 p. m. Market and Castro streets, from the ferry on Market to Seventeenth, Castro and Twentieth streets. Kentucky-street line, from Fourth and Channel to Railroad avenue and the Six-mile House. Eighth and Eighteenth, from Six- teenth and Bryant, via Sixteenth, Kan- sas, Eighteenth, Kentucky and Twenty- third street and Union Iron Works. Bryant street, from Sixteenth to Twenty-sixth and Mission streets. Folsom street, from Sixteenth to Twenty-sixth and Folsom streets. San Bruno road, from Mission and Twenty-sixth to Folsom, to Army, San Bruno road and Dwight street. — 94 Eddy and Fulton streets, from ferry on Eddy to Devisadero, Sacramento, Lake, Sixth avenue, Fulton street and the Chutes, and back same route except from Devisadero. Ellis and O'Farrell streets, from Fill- more on Ellis to Devisadero, Oak, Stan- van, H street and the beach. Eighteenth and Harrison streets, from Castro, via Eighteenth, Danvers, Ash- bury, Frederick, Clayton and Waller and gtanyan streets. West Twenty-second and Twenty- ty-fourth streets, from Mission, via Twenty-second, Chattanooga, Twenty- fourth to Hoffman avenue. East Twenty-second and Twenty- fourth streets line, from Mission, via Twenty-second, Howard, Twenty-fourth to Rhode Island and the County Hospi- tal. Clement street and Sutro line, from Presidio avenue and Sutter street, via California, Clement, Point Lobos avenue and Cliff. Fulton and Strawberry Hill, from Eleventh avenue, via Fulton to Twenty- fourth avenue, down Turk to ferry. Cars operated from 5:30 a. m. to 12 p. m. * MISCELLANEOUS A Aachen & Munich Fire Insurance Co., cor Clay and 11th sts. Oakland. Acme Lumber Co., 6th and Channel sts. Acme Metal Co. 5th and Brannan sts. Aetna Life Insurance Co., 1845 Fillmore Aetna Indemnity Co., 2815 Steiner st. Abrens Pein & Bullwinkle, Wholesale Liquors, 846 Clayton st. Aitken & Aitken, Attorneys-at-Law, 1923 Fillmore st. Alameda Sugar Co., 1127 Union st, Ala- meda. Albion Lumber Co., 4th and Channel sts. Allee J., Cleaning Works, 2310 Fillmore Allen, Dr. A. W., 1121 Devisadero st. Allen, W. B., & Co, Pianos, 937 Bu- chanan st. : Alliance Assurance Co., 511 14th st, Oakland. Allis Chalmers Co., Machinery, 906 Broadway, Oakland. American Can Co., 1st and Filbert sts, Oakland. American Chicle Co., 1181 Treat ave. American Newspaper Association, 1373 Broadway, Oakland. American, Dr. S., 246 Waller st. Anglo-American Crockery and Glass- ware Co., 2489 Jackson st. Anspacher Bros., Hay and Grain, 2105 Pacific ave. Armstrong, Quatman & Co., Real Estate, 1000 Golden Gate ave. 05 Armitage & Rowell, Architects, 1427 Post st. Arnstein Simon & Co., Woolens, Maple Hall, Oakland. y Aromson Realty Co., 2120 Pacific ave. Artigues, Dr. J. E., 2947 Fillmore st. Association Oil Co., 2029 California st. Atlas Insurance Co., 1373 Post st. BB . Bachman, S. & Co., Cigars, 1509 Gough. Bacigalupi, P., Phonographs, 1107 Fill- more st. Bacigalupi & Stevens, Real Estate, 1107 Fillmore st. Badger Fire Extinguisher Co., 145-143 Howard st. Bailley, Dr. T. E., 1917 Fillmore st. Baird, Dr. F. G., Dentist, 2241 Post st. Baldwin Jewelry Co., 1521 Sutter st. Baldwin, O. D.,, & Co., Real Estate, 2965 Washington st. Balfour, Guthrie & Co., Cement & Steel, 2010 Washington st. Barry, J. H., & Co., Printers, 2145 Cen- ter st., Berkeley. Barth, H., Architect, 2500 Fillmore st. Barnard & Bunker, Grain and Beans, 11th and Washington sts, Oakland. Bass-Heuter Paint Co., 2322 Howard st. Bay City Market Co., Van Ness and Ivy ave. Baxter, J. H., Wholesale Lumber, 1601 , Gough st. Bauer, Schweitzer Hop & Malt Co., 1722 Buchanan st. Bay Counties Realty Co., 414 Castro st. Bay View Dairy Ranch, 2924 Railroad ave. Bean, Dr. G. L., Dentist, cor Washington and Fillmore st. Beatty & Sanderson, Attorneys-at-Law, 12 Middle st., nr Calif. and Webster. Bender Chaquette Law Books, 2152 Broderick st. : Berteling Optical Co., 2505 Clay st. Bew, G. E, & Co., Real Estate, 227 Lake st. Bibo, Sam, & Ceo., 414 Sanchez st. Bickford, C. E., 2626 California st. Bissinger & Co., Hides and Tallow, 1902 Broderick st. : Bjorn Bros., 4034 Army st. Blackstone Manufacturing Co., Mucilage, 2272 Howard st. Blake Moffitt & Towne, Paper, 403 12th st., Oakland. Blake, Dr. S. L., 906 Eddy st. Blaskower, M & Co., Cigars, San Rafael. Bliss, Chas., Tailor, 1347 McAllister st. ‘Bliss & Faville, Architects, "407 Steiner. Block, James N., Insurance, room 202 Bacon bldg, Oakland. Boehrer, J., Carpenter and Builder, 2902 Clay st. oo Boldemann, A. C., & Co., Chocolate, 2624 Sutter st. Bollman, John & Co., 6th and Broadway st., Oakland. Boesch Lamp Co., 1569 Grove st. Borger, Dr. J. N., Dentist, 2281 Sutter. Bovee Toy & Co., Real Estate, 2118 Fillmore st. Bowers, Rubber Co., 4565 Merrimac st., Oakland. Bowie, Dr. H. C., 1046 McAllister. Boynton, C. C., Attorney, 1910 Gough. Bradstreets, 22, 24, 111 Bacon block, Oakland. Bradley & MclInstry, Attorneys, 2323 Washington. Brandon, F. D., Attorney, 863 Hayes st. Brandenstein, M. J., Coffee, cor Califor- nia and Gough sts. Brilliant, T., Furniture Co., Golden Gate and Fillmore sts. British Consulate General, 1061 Clay st., Oakland. ; Britton & Rey, Lithographers, 631 Fill- more st. Brown, A. A., & Co., 2008 Devisadero st. Brown & Duncan, Doctors, ‘Chiropodists, 2024 Sutter st. Brown & Power Co., Printers, 5610 Cole. Bruckman, J., Insurance, 2076 Bush st. Brunt, W. N., Printer, 4173 12th st., nr Castro. Brunswick, Balk, Collender Co., Bil- liards, etc., 20th and Harrison sts. Bryant, R. E. Dr., 1944 Fillmore st. Burnham & Marsh, Real Estate, 1942 Fillmore st. Building & Loan Association, 1933 Ellis. Bunker, C. D., & Co., Custom House Brokers, Custom House. Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining Co. 2661 Broadway st. co Caire, Justinian, 908 Harrison st., Oak- land. Calden, G. C., Attorney, 957 Broadway, Oakland. California Asphaltum Co., 16th and Illi- nois sts. California Door Co., 16th and Wood sts. California Canneries Co., 2018 Webster. California Electric Works, 642 Folsom. California Fireworks Co., 16th ave and L st. California Glue Works, 1235 Potrero ave. California Gas & Electric Corporation, 1100 O’Farrell st. California Home Building Loan Co., 1117 Mission st. } California Jewelry Co., Delger bldg, cor 14th and Broadway, Oakland. California Optical Co., 2109 Fillmore st. California Safe Deposit & Trust Co., 2139 Pierce st. : ss Of Capital Mills, Rolled Oats, Washington st Wharf. Capitol Refining Co., 525 13th st., Oak- land. : Carver, L. H., Mining Engineer, 452 east 16th st.” Castlehuhn, F. J., Attorney, 948 Guer- rero st. Carmichael, D. W., & Co., Real Estate, 1008 Fillmore st. Caswell, Geo. W., & Co., 857 Franklin st., Oakland. Ceciat & Co., French Laundry, 1047 McAllister st. Centennial Stables, 22nd ave and Lake. Center & Spader, Real Estate, 2828 16th street. Chatfield & Vincent, Real Estate, Grove and Van Ness ave. Chickering & Gregory, Attorneys, Kohl building. Church of Advent, at St. Stephens’, Ful- ton and Fillmore sts. Citizens’ National Bank, 1849 Bush st. Citizens’ State Bank, 1410 Haight st. City Realty Ceo., 712 Golden Gate ave. City Transfer Co., 822 Alabama st. City Street Improvement Co., 17th and Harrison sts. Claremont Oil Co., 16th and Illinois sts. Clark, J. A., Drayman, 12th and Harri- son sts. Coast Auditing Co., Accountants, 2315 Broadway. Cohen, A. Dr., 2915 California st. Cohn, Dr. R. D,, 1404, Sutter st. Coffey, E. T., Attorney, 1601 Scott st. Coffey, J. V., Attorney, 1601 Scott st. Columbia Marble Co., 347 Brannan st. Comercial Union Ass. Co. 511 14th st.,. Oakland. Commins, E. H., Public Accountant, 2832 Bush st. Connecticut Fire Ins. Co. 2310 Cali- fornia st. Continental Building & Loan Associa- tion, Market and Church sts. Consulate of Netherlands, 1392 Harri- son st., Oakland. Consulate of Mexico, 811 Scott st. Cook, H. N., Belting Co., 2612 Webster. Cooper, E. T., Attorney, 2325 Fillmore. Cordes Furniture Co., 1196 McAllister. Cotton, A. R., Attorney, 2514 Clay st. Crim, W. H., & Co, Real Estate, 2301 Pine st. Crocker Woolworth Nat Bank, Post and Market sts. Crowley, Dr. T. J., cor. Fillmore and ‘Hayes sts. Crown Celumbia Paper & Pulp Co., 2417 Franklin sts. Cunningham, Curtis & Welch, Station- ers, 2523 Pacific ave. Curtaz, Ben}., Pianos, 2262 Franklin st. ; Curtis, E., Auctioneer, 1909 Fillmore st. D m, C. L., Attorney, 824 Laguna st. De R. D., & Co, Dry Goods, 849 Devisadero st. Davis, N. K,, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 1814 Gough st. Davidson & Leigh, Real Estate, 2007 Fillmore st. Davis, J. F., & Orrick, W. H,, Attorneys- at-Law, 1430 Masonic ave. Davis, J. B. F., Insurance, 1809 Oak st. Davidson, Dr. J. R., 2119 Buchanan st. Day-Bew, Dr. Lolita, 227 Lake st. Daily Pacific Builder, 1719 ‘Webster st. Davis, H. H. Attorney, 2663 California. Dannenbaum, A. J. Attorney-at-Law, cor Fillmore and McAllister st. Denigan, Thos., Wool, 1715 Octavia st. Deremer, Jeweler, 217 Church st. Deane Steam Pump Co., 714 Cole st. Deardorft, A. G. M. D., 1822 Sutter st. De Martini, W. J., Attorney, 969 Broad- way st., Oakland. Dennison’s S. F., Plating Works, 3454 21st st. : Devlin, C. J., Architect, 618 Baker st. Decker, Dr. C. W., Dentist, 2115 Bush. Deere Implement Co., 131 Kansas st. Denigan, Thos. & Son, Wool and Hides, 1715 Octavia st. DeLaval Dairy Supply Co., 309 12th st, Oakland. DeRuyter, Krigbaum & Co., Real Es- tate, 3011 J ackson st. : Dinkelspiel, J. S., Diamonds, 2408 Fill- more st. Dillon Dry Goods, 538 Haight st. : Donovan & Grimes, Painters and Sign Writers, 554 Haight st. Dorr, Dr., 2023 Fillmore st. Dohrmann Comercial Co., 1090 Page. Dore & Co., Draymen, 2007 Pacific ave. Dreyfuss Bros. & Co., Contractors, 1715 Jackson st. Drown Leicester & Drown, Attorneys, 1860 Webster st. Duffy, D. M., Attorney, 1825 Fillmore st. Dunham, Carrigan & Co., 1228 Madison st., Oakland. E Eastern Outfitting Co., 9315 Webster st. Eastman, F., & Co., Printers, 2259 Jackson st. Edwards, Dr. W. M,, 1120 Masonic ave. Eells, A. G., Attorney, 9325 Fillmore st. Ehrman Bros. & Co., Cigars, 11th and Washington st., Oakland. : Eichorn, J. A. & Bros., Tailors, 108 Chattanooga st. Ellsworth, O., Attorney, Market st Bank, 7th and Market sts. Elliott, O. H., Attorney, 957 Broadway, Oakland. —0.— Keeley. Emporium, The, 1201 Van Ness ave. Empire Plaster Co., 16th and Harrison streets. Emmons, G. W. Co., Draymen, 11th and Bryant sts. Enterprise Electrical Co., 1623 Devisa- dero st. Equitable Life Assurance Co., 2430 Jackson st. Excelsior Redwood Co., 4th and Chan- nel sts. . F Farnum, Dr. C. E., 513 Devisadero st. Fargo, A. BE. & Co., Liquors, 23rd and Broadway, Oakland. Farnsworth & Rugles, Draymen, 155 Townsend st. Federal Can Co., 2200 Pacific ave. Ferrolite Company, Architects, 12th and Madison sts., Oakland. Fehleisen, Dr. F., 902 Devisadero st. Fisher, Chas., Real Estate, 567 4th ave. Fitzgibbon, Dr. J., 204 Haight st. Fireman’s Fund Ins. Co., 11th and Franklin, Oakland. Flamm, G., Ladies Tailor, 1825 Sutter. Foltz, Clara, Attorney-at-Law, 726 2nd ave., Richmond Dist. Forster, Dr. W. M., 906 Eddy st. Frederick, Dr. W. M., 2015 Fillmore st. Freidenrich, D., Attorney-at-Law, 2100 California st. Frank, M. A., Insurance, 214 Kohl bldg. - Freyermuth, G. N.,. Civil Engineer and Surveyer, 1562 Ellis st. _ Frank, S. H.,, Shoes, 1214 Geary st. Fuller, W. P. & Co., Paints, 412 12th st, Oakland. Fultons Compounds, 1203 Broadway, Oakland. : G Gale, Dr. H. A., 889 Haight st. - Gantner & Mattern, Knitters, 607 Grove Geary, J. L., Attorney, 894 Fulton st. Getz Bros. & Co., Importers & Export- ers, 2719 Pacific ave. German Consulate, 954 Clay st., Oakld. German Consulate (Branch), 1924 Post st., S F. Gedge, Dr. D. M., 2924 Steiner st. Getz, B., & Co., Real Estate, San Mateo. Giant Powder Co., room 295 Bacon blk, ~ Qakland. Girvin & Eyre, Cement & Steel, 408 -13th st., Oakland. Ghirardelli, D., & Co., Chocolate, 940 North Point st. Globe Dicket Co., 1430 Webster st. Glens Falls Ins. Co., 1917 Sacramento. Gorham Rubber Co., 4th and Washing- ton sts., Oakland. Goss, Dr. Alice M., 1800 Buuchanan st. Gould-Sullivan Co., 951 Eddy st. we 3) =e dman, Max, Insurance, 1936 Fill- more st. Goodyear Rubber Co., 2600 Pacific ave. Golden Gate Undertaking Co., 2475- 2483 Mission st. Graham, James & Co., Stoves, Newark, Alameda Co. Great Western Smelting & Refining Co., Spear and Folsom sts. : | grifin, F. A., Attorney, 1925 Fillmore. Grifin, Marion, Real Estate, 500 Fill- more, and 920 Broadway, Oakland. Grace, W. R. & Co., 8th and Franklin sts., Oakland. Griswold, Dr. W. H., 894 Eddy st. Gruggel, Dr. A. L., 2329 Pine st. Grangers Business Association, 1637 Webster st., Oakland. Gunst, M. A., & Co., Cigars, 1214 Eddy. Guide, The, 834 Webster st. Oakland. Gunn, W. J., Real Estate, corner Devis- adero and Green sts. Gunn, B. M., & Co., Real Estate, 2521 Scott st. Guggenheim Co., Dried Fruit, 2703 Cal- ifornia. H Hadwen Swain Mfg. Co., Printing Ma- chinery, 2521 Octavia st. Hagan, Joseph, Funeral Director, 2530 California st. Hahn, Felix, Sign Painter, 1123 Fill- more st. Haight, G. W., Attorney, 2530 Tele- graph ave., Berkeley. Hall, Dr. A. P., 1673 Sutter st. Halsey, N. W., & Co., Bankers, Frank- lin and O’ Farrell sts. Hanlon, C. F., Attorney, 1782 Broderick. Hanlon, D. M., Real Estate, 2366 Broad- way st. Haldan, E. B., Fire Insurance, 482 Cal- ifornia st. Hanover Fire Insurance Co., Clay and 11th sts., Oakland. IHansens Employment Agency, 233 3rd ave., Richmond Dist. Harrigan Weidenmueller & Rosenstein, Real Estate, 2003 Pine st. Harris, M., Pension and Patent Attor- ney, 2228 Ward st., Ashby station, Berkeley. Hardin & Monroe, Attorneys, 1925 Fill- more st. ! Harley, Chas., & Co., Metals, 61 Haight. Harrison, Dr. S. T., 3063 California st. Harris, Dr. Henry; 2470 Bush st. Hastings Clothing Co., 2576 Green st. Hart, Dr. C. E., 897 Clayton st. Hatch, Dr. J. H., & Dr. E. C. Park, Den- tists, 321 Maple st. {Haupt, O., Architect, 1815 Gough st. Hawaiian Commercial Co., 2023 Cali- fornia st. Healds Business Colege, 1451 Franklin. eB ee Healy, Dr., 126 Devisadero st. Heine Piano Co., 1745 Pine st. Henry, A. J., Notary Public, 1901 Post. Hendy, Joshua, Machine Works, Bay and Keanry sts. : Hearfield, David, 347 Brannan st. Herman Safe Co., The, 1226 Willard st. Herrin, W. J., ‘Attorney, corner Fillmore and Post, 1493 Masonic ave. Herring, Hall, Marvin Save Co., 1928 Pine st. Henshaw Buckley Co., Machinery, 1010 Washington st., Oakland. Heyman, Oscar & Bro., Real Estate, 2332 Pine st. Herrington, Dr. H., 1869 Fillmore st. Herrman, Geo. Co., 2504 Scott st. Hicks Judd Co., Printers, 1534 Sutter st. Hilbert Mercantile Co., 514 Haight st. Hilderbrandts Stables, Fell and Stanyan. Hill, Dr. H. P., 2376 Jackson st. Hillyer, M’Innis & O’Brien, Attorneys- at-Law, cor Golden Gate and Fillmore Hinz & Cliff, Contractors and Builders, 2646 Howard. Hind, W. G., Architect, 1168 McAllister. Hinz & Landt, Wholesale Millinery, 286 Devisadero. Hoag & Landsdale, Real Estate, 2304 Fillmore. Hoin, T. S. Contractor and Builder, 3137 Steiner. Hoffman, Rothchild & Co., Clothiers, 3600 Clay st. Hollister, Geo. W., Attorney-at-Law, 9234 Dolores st. Home Insurance Co., 462 9th st., Oakld. Honkong & Shanghai Bank, 1003 1% Broadway st., Oakland. Hooker & Lent, Real Estate, 2229 Wash- ington st. Hornung, C. C., Pianos, 1762 Eddy st. Hub Clothiers, Fillmore nr Sutter. Hume, G. W., 969 Broadway st., Oakld. Hulse-Bradford Oo 2000 Lyon st. Ils, J. G., Stoves, 2314 Filbert. International Banking Corporation, 2045 Sutter. Ireland, W., Broker, 2011 Sutter. Irvine Stanton Co., 303 12th st., Oakld. Isaacs, Abe, Jewelry, 1607 Laguna st. Israelsky, Julius, Insurance, 1346 Mec- Allister st. J Jacobi, T. L., Notary Public, 2711 Pa- cific ave. Janes, L. L., Insurance, 717 16th st. Oakland. Jenks, L., Attorney, Golden Gate ave. and Gough st. Jersey Ranch Dairy, 548 Castro st. Jesse Moore Hunt Co., Liquors, 200 Laurel st. Johnson Bros., Grocers, 2203 Fillmore. —32— 9 Johnson, H. W., Attorney-at-Law, 1925 ; Fanmoe st. ohnson & Higgins, Ins. > Facitc 2 Brokers, 2606 ohnson, Locke Mercantile Co : Broadway, Oakland. al Jones & Hayden, 2032 Pierce st. n’s Museum of A i BSodenick st. Bion. Wt ordan, Dr. I. J., 704 Broderick st Josselyn & Co., Ship Ch ge. : Ta P andlers, 316 oy’s Drug Store, 2105 Pine st Judis, A., & Co., Jewelers, 1 3 UY: Dekland. siti uilly, Dr. Geo., 21st and Howard Jungblut, August & Co., Bil re : 857 2 iugus § vs liard Tables, udah, H. R.,, Asst. G. P. A 1 ana, Ferry Depot. e Bosh udah, Floyd, Informati Sy, ation Bureau, 426 K Kahn, A., Ladies Tailor. Kahn, H. & Co., Opticians, 2253 Fill- more st., and Post and Van Ness. toa, Dr. > oe 1075 Gough st. ge, 3. ., Attorney-at- Fillmore st. Jest law, 2528 ennedy, D. T., Und day 2, ertakers, 1719 ern, H., Decorator and : a lal Painter, 433 eystone Bros., Saddler - 3° Jars, 320 Hayes st. y a Ha eystone Jewelry Co., 1607 Lagun t Kidd, A. M., Attorney-at-L 325 Fill. : Nay y aw, 2325 Fill- ings County Fire Ins. Co., 1373 Pa Kierulff, T. C., Attorney, 300 Haight 2 Knight, McLaren & Goode, Public Ac- rans, 238 Sacramento st. nigstein, Dr. G., Chi : Suigsien ropodist, 1813 ohler & Chase, Pianos, 824 Fult . , on st. Rrouignasn, Dr. H. J., 2317 Webster st. uhl, M. J., Attorney-at-Law, 818 Page. L Lan y ) 7 Sh Te Wty S . ” i” Be EL oi ® 3 rvnn & Lane ttorsiris. I Eo Bes Real Es- We > ? & Sa ot ni and a AL Tk 907 Washington st., CE eS ee Leavitt, J. W., & Co., Autos, 911 Web- ster st. Lewin Meyer Co., Grocers, 2007 Califor- nia st. Levy, Dr., Chiropodist, 909 Eddy st. Lewitt, Dr. W. B., 2501 California st. Lent & Humphrey, Attorney-at-Law, 1050 Eddy st. Lenzen, T. W., Architect, 2045 Green st. Leek, Dr. G. W., Dentist, 997 Steiner st. Levy, S. N., Tailor, Larkspur. Levy, L., Trunks, 1128 Fillmore st. Livernash, E. J., Attorney, 1362 Page st. Liberty Dairy, 624 Russian ave. Lietz, A. C., & Co., Surveying Instru- ments, 918 Broadway, Oakland. Lloyd, E. J., Real Estate, 500 Fillmore. Llovd, Gilbert & Robertson, Insurance. Bonds, 2017 Webster st. Long’s Syrup Refinery Co. 8th and Brannan sts. London Assurance Corporation, 2321 Buchanan st. Loss, C. E., & Co., Contractors, 1824 Post st. ’ London & Lancashire Ins. Co., corner California and Gough sts. Lyons, Henry, Tailor, 2264 Franklin st. Lyons, T. J., Attorney, 917 Noe st. Lyon, T. J., Attorney, 917 Vallejo st. Lyon & Hoag, Real Estate, 1922 Pill- omre st. M Makawli Sugar Co., 2023 California st. May, Cooper & Co., Real Estate, Fill- more st. Maurer, Fred Jr., Pianist, 1726 LeRoy ave., Berkeley. Mayerle, G., Optician, 1115 Golden Gate _ave. Manufacturers Shoe & Supply Co., 759 Buena Vista ave. Martin, A. W., Undertaker, 1868 Geary. Madison & Burke, Real Estate, 2126 Fillmore st. Maguire, Lindsey, Houx & Barrett, At- torneys-at-Law, 850 Fulton st. Magee, Thos., & Co., Real Estate, 2550 Pacific ave. Magner Bros., Paints, 1258 O’Farrell st. Martin, Dr. W. A., Oculist, 870 Fell st. Magnus, Dr. A. M., 681 Hayes st. Martens & Coffee, Architects, 1120 Turk Mann, Seth, Attorney-at-Law, 803 Broadway, Oakland. Manchester Assurance Co., 1373 Page. Main, Winchester, Stone & Co., Saddlery 224 San Pablo ave., Oakland. Mariposa Commercial & Mining Co., 2661 Broadway st. Mannheim Dibbern & Co., 9 Mission st. Mauzy, Byron, Pianos, 1165 O'Farrell st McLean, Dr. D., 906 Eddy st. Mangrum & Arter, Grates, 64 Stanyan st hr 4 » Maldonado & Co., Commission Mer- chants, 2020 Buchanan st. McCarthy, M. C, Dr. C. F., 2417 Wash- ington st. McDougall Bros., Architects, 721 De- visadero st. MclIsaacs, Hugh, Attorney, 2124 Bush st McNear & Wayman, Insurance, 406 13th st., Oakland. McNutt, Maxwell, Attorney, 2511 Pa- cific ave. McCann, Allen & Co., 1998 Pacific ave. McLean, Dr. E. E,, 504 Broderick st. McFadden, McBrearty & Green, Funeral Directors, 1070 Haight st. McDonald, Paul, Attorney, 1307 % Guer- rero st. Merrigan, M., Painter, corner of Ellis and Webster sts . Metropolitan Iron Works, corner 9th and Brannan sts. Medina, F. P., Attorney, 1539 Haight st. Meyers, F. V., Attorney, 144 Sanchez st. - Merganthaler Linotype Co., 1201 Gold- en Gate ave. Merton & Co., Coffee, 2010 Golden Gate ave. Meyerstein Co., Gents Furnishing, 1901 Franklin st. Meyer Wilson Co., 2030 Lyon st. Merchants Association, 1703 Gough st. Metropolis Trust & Sav. Bank, 1130 Eddy st. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 925 Golden Gate ave. Mercantile Trust Co., 464 California st. Mitchell, J. W., Contractor, Sansome and Lombard st. Michael, M. F., Attorney, 2210 Webster. Middleton Motor Car Co., 607 Van Ness ave. Mills & Hagebohm, Tailors, corner 12th and Clay sts., Oakland. Mitsui & Co., 1715 Broderick. Mitchell, Dr. J. B., 2420 Gough st. Michigan Insurance Co., 1018 Broadway st., Oakland. McLean, D. R. A., 1895 Sutter st. McMurdo, Dr. J. R., 2026 Steiner st. Moore & Scott, Iron Works, 412 Main st. Monte Christo Oil & Dev. Co., 2312 Cal- ifornia st. Moise Klingner Co., Rubber Stamps, 903 Fulton st. Monarch Visible Typewriter Co., 2846 California st. Monterey County Water Co., 569 9th st., Oakland. Montague, W. W. Co., Stoves, etc., 1023 O’Farrell st. Morse-Mier Co., Clothiers, 1712 Steiner. Mountain Copper Co., 1020 14th st., Oakland. Moore, C. C., Engineers, 3100 Washing- ton st. a Morrisey, Dr. J. G., Haight and Masonic ave. Moore, Geo. A., & Co., 2404 Broadway. Mountain Gold Mines Co., 452 east 16th st., Oakland. Mount Olivet Cemetery, 2535 Sutter st. Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1864 Pine st. Mysell-Rollins Co., 576 12th st., Oak- land. N : Nappthaly, J., Attorr 2y, 2100 Califor- nia st. Nathan Dohrman Co: pany, 1090 Page. Nason, R. N., & Co., Paints and Oils, Utah and 15th sts. Nelson, Johnson & Co., Real Estate, 1816 Fillmore st. Nelson, Dr. A. B., 906 Eddy st. Newmann, Dr. Mark, 1278 7th ave., Sun- set Dist. : : Newsome & Newsome, Architects, 1163 Alice st., Oakland. Neustadter Bros., Mens Furnishings, 908 Washington, Oakland. Nelson, Chas. & Co., Lumber, 1st and Clay st., Oakland. Newnberry, F. T., Surveyor, 203 Cle- ment st. New York Life Ins. Co., 604 Mission st. New York Underwriters Agency, 464 10th st., Oakland. Netherlands, Consulate of, 1392 Harri- son st., Oakland. New York Central Lines, 1168 Broad- way, Oakland. Newhall, H. M., & Co., Bankers, 2009 Pacific ave. Nippert, Paul M. Co., 2815 Steiner st. Niagara Fire Ins. Co., 2321 Buchanan. Nordman Bros., Watches, 2505 Clay st. Noonan, J. F., 2416 Folsom st. Northern California Power Co., 1100 Gough st. Nordin, August, Architect, 500 Fill- more st. No Percentage Drug Co., 1265 5th ave. North British & Mercantile Ins. Co, 2027 Sutter st. oO O’Brien & Spottorno, Poultry Dealers, 1536 McAllister st. O’Brien, Chas. F., & Co., Real Estate, 2126 Fillmore st. Ocularium, The, 2253 Fillmore st, and Post and Van Ness. O'Connor, J. C. & Co., Undertakers, 1062 Fulton st. : O'Callaghan, Dan., Real Estate, 656 Fell st. 0O’Connor, Moffit Co., Dry Goods, 923 Grove st. O’Connor, D. J., Contractor, 3689 Sac- ramento st. Ohmen Engine Works, 772 Noe st. Olney & Olney, Attorneys-at-Law, 2415 Fillmore st. e306 ee Olliver, B. P., Real Estate, 1904 Fill- ‘more st. O’Reilley, Cloak and Suit House, 1608 Scott st. Oriental Cons. Mining Co., 2661 Broad- way st. Oriental & Occidental Steamship Co., 2017 Brannan st. Orrick, W. H., Attorney-at-Law, 1430 Masonic ave. Otis Elevator Co., 2527 Sacramento st. Osbourne Hardware & Tool Co., 517 Golden Gate ave. P Pacific Mail Steamship Co., 1st and Brannan sts. Palace ‘Hardware Co., 942 Magnolia st., Oakland. Pacific States Type Foundry, 2821 Stein- er st. Palace & Grand Hotels, office, 2515 Gough st. Parkside Realty Co., 2732 Vallejo st. Patton, C. L., Attorney, 672 Fulton st. Pagnuelo, Attorney-at-Law, 1340 Lom- bard st. Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 1100 O’ Far- rell st. Pacific Hardware & Steel Co., 7th and Townsend. Pacific Refining and Roofing Co., 16th and Mississippi sts. Patrick & Co., Rubber Stamps, 2508 Green st. Pacific Amonnia Bottling Co., 2504 Scott st. ~ Pacific Fire Extinguisher Co., 144 How- ard st. Palatine Ins. Co., 511 14th st., Oakld. Parrot Estate, 401 Montgomery st. Pacific Tool & Supply Co., 1766 Fell st. Page McCutcheon & Knight, Attorneys, 2212 Steiner st. Pacific Coast Oil Co., 1028 10th st, Oakland. Pacific Lumber Co., 6th and Channell st. Pacific Construction Co., Ferry Depot. Pacific Box Factory, 5th and Berry sts. Pacific Coast Casualty Co., 2621 Pa- cific ave. Patridge, John, Printer, 759 Fillmore. Patton, J. W., Attorney, 447 Devisadero. Peck-Judah Co., Information, 426 Schrader st. Pence, Chas. J., Attorney, 1441 Fill- more st. Penn Mutual Life Ins., 3331 Sacramento Peck, J. F., Attorney, 1910 Gough st. Pelton Water Wheel Co., 1259 Alice st., Oakland. Pennsylvania Steel Co., 1829 Golden Gate ave, Phoenix Assurance Co. of London, 3075 Clay st. Phillip, Dr. J. H., 2410 Steiner st. Phoenix Ins. Co., room 210 Kohl bldg. Phillips, Dr. H. J., 906 Eddy st. Pioneer Automobile Co., 901 Golden Gate ave. Pichell, Dr. K., 1817 California st. Pittsburg Safe Co., 2518 Clay st. Pissis, A., Architect, 2506 Clay st. Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro, Lawyers, corner Pine and Webster sts. Pinkertons Nat. Detective Agency, 1105 O’Farrell st. Pinus Medicine Co., 1001 Washington st., Oakland. Plant Rubber & Supply Co., 6 Mission st Plummer, W. A., Tents, 560 Franklin st., corner 1st, Oakland. v Powell, Dr. J. S., Dentist, 2000 Sutter. Porporato, J. A., Architect, San Ansel- mo. Porter, Robert C., Attorney, 2323 Cal- ifornia st. Pohli, Emil, Attorney, 1715 O'Farrell st Pockwitz, Leo, Insurance, 372 12th st. Oakland. Pommeroy, C. P., Attorney, 2210 Web- ster st. Potter, T. B., Realty Co., 1017 Steiner. Pon, A. J., Real Estate, 4141 Eliza- beth st. Potter & Campbell, Contractors and Builders, 1017 Steiner st. Price, Thomas & Son, Chemists and As- sayers, 2503 Broadway st. Prudential Ins. Co., 865 Eddy st. Platt, Bayne, Attorneys, 2107 Webster. Preservaline Manufacturing Co., 2484 Bush st. Q Quast, Chas., Real Estate, 3360 Devisa- dero st. Queen Ins. Co., northwest corner Pine and Fillmore sts. Quinan, Dr. C., 2208 Steiner st. Quinlan, J. C., Attorney, 2301 Pine st. R Rathjen Co., Liquors, 3251 Fillmore st. Raphaels Clothiers, 2705 Buchanan st. Rambo, W. T., Insurance, 511 14th st.. Oakland. Regensburger, Dr. Martin, 3376 Clay st. Reddington & Co., Druggists, 1262 Broadway, Oakland. Renters Loan & Trust, 730 2nd ave. Reid, Dr. W. P., 2105 Pine st. Redwood Manufacturers Co., 450 Haight Rich, A. J., Real Estate, 1422 Park st., Alameda. Rixford, P., 2500 Fillmore st. Richards, Dr. C. W., Dentist, 1998 Val- lejo st. Richmond Brick Co., 2344 Devisadero. Risdon Iron Works, corner Stewart and Folsom st. ; Remington Typewriter Co., 2123 Fill- more st. Rosenbaum, I. S., & Co., Insurance Bro- kers, 1716 Post st. Roberts, J. W., Real Estate, 2225 Blake st., Berkeley. Roebling, John A., & Son, Construction, 1116 Broadway, Oakland. Rowe, Purcell, Attorney, 816 Clayton st. Rothchild Ladies Tailor, 2348 Franklin. Rodgers, Dr. Nathan, 1926 Pine st. Rothchild, Dr. M., 902 Devisadero st. Royal Cloak & Suit Co., 2307 California. Roos Bros., Clothiers, 2000 Jackson st. Royal Ins. Co., northwest corner Pine and Fillmore sts. Rousseau & Son, Architects, 2200 Pine Roth, Blum & Co., Packers, 1226 Post st Rosseau, C. J., Architect and Engineer, 820 Stanyan st. Ruef, A., Attorney-at-Law, 1931 Fill- more st. S . Sage Dealy & Co., Real Estate, 1635 Bush st. San Francisco Breweries Co. (Lt.), 240 Second st. San Francisco Construction Co., 712 Golden Gate ave. San Francisco Stock & Exchange Board, 1407 Gough st. ‘Sanborn & Corinson, Surveyors and Civil Engineers, 1374 Eddy st. Sanborn Vail & Co., 2718 Webster st. Sargent, G. C., Attorney, 2511 Broadway Santa Fe Railroad Co., Ferry Depot. Sawyer Houghton, Architect, 2003, Broadway. Sawyer, W. F., Attorney, 1726 Steiner Scatena, L., & Co., Produce, 321 11th st Scott & Magner, Hay and Grain, 453 Berry st. Scort, Dr. Catherine V. C., 1386 Haight. Scharff, Dr. C. L., Chiropodist, 1836 Fillmore st. Scheeline, S. C.," Attorney, 2418 Pacific ave. Schell, G. W., Attorney, 2015 Oak st. Schilling, A., & Co., Coffee and Tea, 2307 Broadway, Oakland. Schmitz, H. L., & Co., Ins. Brokers, 1562 Ellis st. Schultz-Hansen Co., Dairy Produce, 314 11th st., Oakland. Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Co., 2000 Gough st. Seely, Walter Hoff, Insurance, Ferry building. . : Selig Bros. Co., 1330 McAllister st. Seybold Machines Co., Printers Outfit- ting, 1194 O’Farrell st. Shattuck, E. J. Co., Inks, 544 11th st. Oakland. Shadburne, G. D., Attorney, 904 Devisa- dero st. Shaw, E. A.,, Attorney, 2224 Dana st.. Berkeley. 38. = as Sheldon, L. C., Grain, 618 Kohl bldg. Sherman Clay Co., Pianos, 2214 Steiner. Shea Bocqueraz Co., Liquors, 1393 Gol- den Gate ave. Sherwood & Sherwood, Liquors, 524 13th st., Oakland. Shreve & Co., Jewelers, Post and Grant ave. Simons, L. S., 114 Presidio ave. Simpson Lumber Co., room 7, Post Of- fice, Ferry. Sims, W. M., Kohl bldg, and 1243 Ellis. Smith Premier Typewriter Co., 1929 California st. Smith’s Cash Store, 16 Stewart st. Smith, A. B., & Co., and Bell Tailoring Co., 1155 McAllister st. Smith & Pringle, Attorneys, 1704 Fill- more st. Smith, J. R., Tailoring Co., 936 Willow st., W Oakland. Southern Pacific Co., Ferry Depot. South Park Creamery, 1405 Valencia st. Solissky & Wehe, Attorneys, 1910 Gough Sollom, C. J., General Advertising Agts, 1936 Fillmore st. Speck & Co., Real Estate, 1902 Fillmore Spreckles Sugar Co., 569 9th st., Oakld. Spreckles Market Co., 1919 Fillmore st. Stafford, W. G., Coal, 214 East st. Spreckles, C. & R., 2413 Washington st. Standard Milk Co., 1820 San Bruno ave. Stapler, Dr. T. F., Sherman Hospital. Steltzner, Dr., 1234 Geary st. Sterling Furniture Co., 6th st., near King st. Standard Oil Co., 7th and Irwin sts. Stern, The Painter, 2205 Buchanan st. Stewart, Howe & May Co., 114 Presidio ave. Steiger Terra Cotta Works, 18th and Division sts. Steil, H., & Co., Tailors, 726 Fillmore st. Stratton & Kaufman, Attorneys, Ap- praisers bldg. Sullivan & Sullivan and T. J. Roche, At- torneys, Fillmore and Ellis sts. Surrhyne, F. B., Real Estate, 1188 Mec- Allister st. Sanborne, Vail & Co., 2718 Webster st. Sutro & Co., Powell and Market sts. Swayne & Hoytt, Shipping, Howard st. Wharf. Swett, Dr. W. M.,, 2417 Washington st. Sutro, Chas., Banker, 2109 Broadway st Sun Insurance Co., 1018 Broadway, Oak- land. Standard Motor Car Co., 3844 Clay «t. Sussman & Wormser, Grocers, 1819 Oc- tavia st. T Taylor, Dr. A. M,, 1914 Pine st. Tay, G. H., & Co., Terra Cotta, 1732 Buchanan st. Taussig, L., & Co., 2460 Fulton st. Tachimura, K. & Bros., 1759 Union st. der Tevlin, J. F., Attorney, 1362 Page st. Thomas, Dr. F., 810 Turk st. Thompson, Dr. J. E., 200 4th ave., Rich- mond Dist. Thorne, A., Attorney, 2217 Pacific ave. Thorne, Dr. W. S., 2217 Pacific ave. Tillman & Bendel, Wholesalers, 1001 Clay st., Oakland. Toyo Kinsen Kaiisha, Sa. Co., 217 Bran- nan st. Townsend’s Candies, 1203 Valencia st. Trownsen, J., Contractor and Builder, 1751 Lyon st. Tollman, D. H., Money Loaned, 1008 Fillmore st. Turner, J. S., & Co., Tents, Twine, Bur- lap, 9 Mission st. Turner, G. A., & Co., Real Estate, 1362 Page st. Typewritorium, 1746 Fillmore st. U . Umbsen, G. H., & Co., Real Estate, 905 Fillmore st. Underwood Typewriters, 2288 Bush st. Una, Harry, Wood & Willow, 214 Spruce Union Brewing & Malting Co., 18th and Florida sts. Union Lumber Co., 6th and Channel sts. Union Oil Co., 16th and Illinois sts. Union Sugar, 1127 Union st., Alameda. United States Nat. Bank, 1700 Geary st. Upton Bor. & Delzelle, 1818 Baker st. Vv Valveline Oil Co., 2950 Fulton st. Vanderslyce, W. K., & Co., Jewelers, 1551 Devisadero st. Van Fleet & Mastick, Attorneys, 2020 Pacific ave. Van Frank Electric Manufacturing Co., 609 Ashbury st. Vecki, Dr., 1234 Geary st. WwW Warren Featherbone Co., 114 Presidio ave. Wayman, G. T., Real Estate, 2803 Wash- ington st. Watters, R. J., & Co., Photographers, 1946 California st. Wall, Pringle & Christensen, Mines In- surance, 974 Eddy st. Welcker, A., Attorney, 2244 Bancroft way, Berkeley, Welti, Dr. C. S., 3902 Clay st. Weissbein & Co., Real Estate 2087 Bush st. Westerfeld, Dr. O. S., 1144 Masonic ave. Western Machinery Co., 230 Main st. Western Electrical Works, 642 Folsom Westshore Realty Co., 2817 Pine st. Western Fish Co., 2984 Folsom st. Wenzelburger, A., Acountant, 2960 Steiner st. Weidenthal Gosliner Electrical Works, 1759 Geary st. Weeks, S. F., Chandlers, 127 Berry st. —41— * Westchester Fire Ins. Co., 478 10th st, Oakland. Western Fuel Co., 340 Stewart st. Western Meat ‘Co., South San Francisco. Western Sugar Refining Co., 569 Ninth st., Oakland. Wells Fargo & Co., Ferry Depot. Westinghouse Electric Manfg. Co., Sec- ond and Harrison sts. Western Iron Works, 814 Wallert st. Wells Fargo Nevada Nat. Bank, 2020 Jackson st. Western Distilleries, 1008 Washington. Whitely, H. M., Fire Ins., 2310 Califor- nia st. J Whitelaw Wrecking Co., 336 Main st. White, H. S., Machinery Co., 9th and Bryant sts. White, C. C., Stationery, 1631 Lyon st. Whitcomb, F. R., Attorney-at-Law, Kohl bldg, and 1243 Ellis st. White, J. E., Attorney, 1236 Fillmore st White House, The, 807 Pacific ave. Wilson, Dr. H. T., 3765 17th st. Wismer, Hother, Violinist, 2945 Fill- more st. Winterberg, Dr. W., 1813 Laguna st. Wismer, Dr. Paul, Dentist, 2945 Fill- more. Willard Bros, Cigars, 2200 Post st. Wieland, C. F., Engineer, 1928 Fell st. Wilson, W. F., & Co., Plumbers, 1179 Turk st. Wiley, J. A., Furniture, 52 Webster st Wolfe, Edward & Co., Wholesale Cigars, 2077 Bush st. Woodman Realty Co., 749 Fillmore st. Wolfe & Isenbrook, Typewriters, 2846 California st. Wright, G. A., Architect, 1361 Park st., Alameda. Wright, F. F., & Son, Shoes, 1107 Fill- more st. Walter, D. N. & E. Carpets, 1803 Franklin st. Y Yokohama Specie Bank, corner Pine and Gough sts. VA Zellerbach & Son, Paper, 514 11th st., Oakland. Zoebel, Dr. A. J., 352 Lake st. Zumwalt, Dr. F. H., Fillmore and Wash- ington sts. SUPPLEMENT. A American Trading Co., 1165 Washing- ton st., Oakland. American-Hawaiian Eng. & Con. Co. 3471 Washington st., S. F. Alexander-Yost Co., 324 Maple st. Ames, Hughes & Co., 2590 Bush st. Arnstein, Simon & Co., 1717 Jackson st. American Import Co., 1109 Jefferson st. Oakland. American Steel & Wire, 16th and Fol- som sts. Ames, Harris & Neville Co., 2050 Lyon. Armsby, J. K. Co., 520 San Pablo ave., Oakland. Ameriean Oil & Paint Co., 617-619 King st. Allen, Wiley B. Co., 937 Buchanan st. Alexander & Co., L. & M., 565 Baker st. American Biscuit Co., 1062 Webster st. Oakland. Alameda Sugar Co., 1127 Union st., Ala- meda. Abner Doble Co., 2611 Broadway. Alaska Commercial Co., 2370 Washing- ton st. Armstrong, R. T., (Western representa- tive Bippart, Griscom & Osborn, New- ark, N. J. Care R. W. Edwards, 1117- 19 Broadway, Oakland. Abbott, F. H., Printer, 605 San Pablo ave., Oakland. Anglo-American Crockery & Glassware Co., 3032 Washington st. American Credit Indemnity Co., of N. Y., 12th and Harrison sts., Oakland. Alaska Packers’ Association, Steuart st, Dock. American Institute of Architects, 1343 McAllister st. Automatic Sprinkler Co., 1912 Fillmore. Aigeltinger Co., 3rd and Berry sts. Arnstein & Co., Webster and 14th sts., Oakland. Acme Lumber Co., 6th and Channel sts. Allis Chalmers Co., 906 Broadway, Oak- land. B Bohm, Bristol, 2506 Fruitvale ave., Fruitvale. Budinsky, F. F., 1659 Haight st. Burlington Route, 1071 Broadway, Oak- land. Borel, Antone, 1882 Washington st. Bray Bros., Wholesale Grain, etc., Union Sav. Bank bldg, Oakland. Blake, Dr. Alfred E., 1703 O’Farrel st. Bennett Bros., Hardware, Fillmore nr Haight st. Baldwin, O. D.,, & Son, 2965 Washing- ton st. Bush, David, & Son, 3942 Clay st. Bonestell, Richardson & Co., 514 12th Oakland. Barneson-Hubbard Co., Macondray Co., Shipping and Commission, bulkhead, Mission st. Wharf No. 2. Bowers Rubber Works, Broadway and Merriman st., Oakland. P. O. B. 516. Bancroft Whitney Co., 1030 Dolores st. Bay Cities Water Co., 3248 Washing- ton st. Bauer, Schweitzer Hop & Malt Co., 1722 Buchanan st. Bateman, J. C., Builder, Southwest cor Bush and Steiner sts. Builders’ Association, 1526 Broderick st Britton & Rey, Lithographers, 631 Fill- more st. Bradstreets, Bacon Block, Oakland. Brown, Jas. & Alex, Coal Importers, 1919 Sutter st. Bender Chaquette Co., 2152 Broderick st Brooks Follis Elec. Corp., 563 13th st. Oakland. Boston Woven Hose & Rubber Co., 572 E. 12th st., E. Oakland. Bollman, John Co., cor Broadway and 6th sts., Oakland. ; Bryan Elevator Co., Union Savings Bnk bldg, Oakland. Brown & Power, 510 Cole st. Barth, Herman, 1813 Pierce st. Bachrach & Co., Printing, 870 Webster st., Oakland. Breuner, John Co., 951 Eddy st. Bachman, S., 1509 Gough, nr Sutter st. Bellington Bay Imp. Co., Sansome st. Yard, S. F. Bankers’ Warehouse Co., 1218 Broad- way, Oakland. Brilliant, F., Furn. Co., R. 25, St. Mun- go Apartments, N. W. cor. Golden Gate ave and Fillmore st. Bridge & Beach Mfg. Co., 22d and In- diana sts. Boericke & Runyon Co., 1207 Broadway, Oakland. Baker-Vawter Co., R. 17, 1018 Wash- ington st., Oakland. Buckingham & Hecht, 1817 Jackson st. Bush & Mallett, 2125 Broderick st. Blow, A. W., & Co., Stocks and Bonds, 2689 Union st. Butler, John & Son, Liquor Dealers, 2209 Steiner st. Brune, Dr. A. E., 406 Baker st. Barry, Edwin, Stocks and Bonds, 1012 Adeline st., Oakland. Bauer Bros. & Co., P. O. box 717, Oak- land. Butler, F. W. Co., 334-336 11th. st, Oakland. Brown Bros. & Co., 1620 Fillmore st. Brunsing, Folle & Postet, 210 East st. Boas, Nat., 1293 O’Farrell st. Baker & Hamilton, 2701 Pacific ave. Burnstine Bros. Co., Iron and Metals, 538 Brannan St. Blackstone Mfg. Co., 2272 Howard st. Boardman, The W. F. Co., 1119 Jeffer- son st. 5 Burling, G. P., 2424 Sutter st. Bass-Hueter Paint Co., 2322 Howard st. Blaisdell, Nat., 222 Sansome st. Brunsing, Tolle & Postel, Inc., Whole- sale Liquors, 210 East st. Barth, J., & Co., 2295 Franklin st. walla B L.. Moffitt & Towne, 403 12th st., Oakland. Boole, W. A., & Son, foot of Adeline st., Oakland. : Blaskower, M., Co., San Rafael, Cal. Bolton, Robert C., Broker, 2345 Broad- way, st. Brandt & Co., 12th and Washington sts., Oakland. : Bothin Real Estate Co., Atlas bldg, Mission and 2nd sts. Blickensderfer & Fox, 1009 Washing- ton st., Oakland. Byron Jackson Machine Works, 18 Tele: graph ave., Oakland. Braun, F. W., Co., 2513 24th st. Q Cal. Canneries, 2018 Webster st. Colman, J. C., 108 Walnut st. Cal. Iron Yards, 412 Main st. Cowell Lime & Cement Co., 2nd and Clay sts., Oakland. China & Java Export Co., S. W. cor 19th and Harrison sts. Columbia Loan & Collateral, 1303 Page. Cavanagh Furnituure Co., 885 Clayton. Cal. Hydraulic Eng. & Supply Co., 1169 Jefferson st., Oakland. Crane Co., 13th and Webster sts., Oak- land. Chinese Consul General, 371 9th st, Oakland. Chanslor & Lyon, Motor Supply Co.. ~ Baker and Grove sts. Curtin-Beals Mercantile Colection Agen- cy, 1020 Masonic ave. Center & Spader, 2828 16th st. Chicago & Northwestern Line, 435 14th st., Oakland. Cal. Wine & Cordial Co., Bristol Hotel, 1528 Sutter st. Cal. Market, 1616 Broderick st. Christeson, A. R., 68 Bacon block, Oak- land. 2 City of Paris, 1024 Franklin st. Com. Union Assurance Co., 511 14th st., Oakland. Cal. & Hawaiian Sugar Refining Co., 716 Broadway, Oakland. Cal. Fruit Canneries Association, 1st and Filbert sts., Oakland. Cluett, Peabody & Co., Blanding Hall, Alameda. Colorado Fuel & Iron Co., Room 232, Bacon Building, Oakland. Cal. Electrical Works, 642 Folsom st. Crown Columbia Pulp & Paper Co, 2417 Franklin st. ] Call, S. F., Editorial room and business office, 1653 Fillmore st. Carmichael, D. W., 2739 California st. Cal. Ink Co., West Berkeley. Clinton Bridge & Iron Works, 1001 22d ave., E. Oakland. Casket (S. F.) Co., 17th and Shotwell. ol ce ip e Cantin, Alexander A., 1709 Encinal ave., Alameda. Cal. Wire Cloth Co., 2241 Santa Clara ave., Alameda. Carson Glove Co., temporary address, . Ross, Marin Co., Cal. Cal. Powder Works, 2171 Shattuck ave., Berkeley. Christensen, Edwards & Goodwin, In- surance, cor Telegraph ave and 20th st., Oakland. City of Hamburg Co., 868 Madison st., Oakland. Commary, Adams & Co., Contractors, 2416 Fillmore st. Campodone & Burns, 310 11th st., Oak- land. Comstock Mining Companies, 2102 Cal- ifornia st. Clerfayt, Jules, 15th and Broadway, Oakland. Cluff Co., Wm., Wholesale Grocers, 958 Franklin st., Oakland. Cal. Stevedore & Ballast Co., 8 Mission. Crescent Feather Co., 19th and Harrison Cal. Casket Co., Mission, bet 5th and 6th Carpenters’ Headquarters, 1400 Devis- adero st. Cook, H. N., Belting Co., 2612 Webster. Crown Distilleries Co., 7th and Town- send sts. Cal. Co-Op. Meat Co., 325 12th st, Oak- land. Corville Packing Co., 230 Duncan st. Coast Audit Co., 2315 Broadway st. Cordes Furniture Co., 1196 McAllister. Cunard Steamship Co., 44 San Pablo ave., Oakland. Cal. Safe Deposit & Trust Co., 2231 Washington st. Curtaz, Benj., & Son, 1132 Valencia st. Consumers’ Ice Co., 2779 Folsom st. Cal. Bottling Co., 775 Clayton st. Canadian Bank of Commerce, 1715 Pa- cific ave. Cal. Neckwear Co., 1051 Broadway, Oakland. Center & Spader, 2828 16th st. Chicago & N. W. Line, 435 14th st, Oakland. Coast Mfg. & Supply Co., 1547 Shattuck ave., Berkeley. Columbia Phonograph Co., 512 13th st. Oakland. Roger, Chickering, R., 90 Bacon block, Oakland. Crown Flour Mills, Washington st. Whar. Cleveland Faucet Co., 719 Cole st. Cudahy Packing Co., 1294 Turk st. Chinn-Beretta Optical Co., 466 13th st. - Oakland. Crane Co., 13th and Webster, Oakland. California & Northwestern Railway, Tiburon, Cal. Coxhead & Coxhead, 2323 California st. saree fe uyler, Lee, 106 Presidio ave. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 1071 Broadway, Oakland; 2524 Pierce st., S. F. California Asphaltum Sales Agency, 16th and Illinois sts. Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco, 3768 Howe st., Oakland. Continental Bldg. & Loan Association, Church and Market sts. Cook, Thos. & Son, 1117 Broadway, Oakland. Chicago House Wrecking Co., care Ex- aminer, Tribune office, Oakland. California Glue Works, 1235 Potrero ave. D Donohue, Kelly Banking Co., 2410 Pa- cific ave. Davidson & Leigh, 1133 Hayes st. Denson, S. C.,, 3010 Clay st. Dyer Bros., Structural Steel Cons., 1613 Fillmore st. Dietzgen, Eugene, 2125 Union st. Dorn & Dorn, 1600 Fell st. Dickhoff, D. S., Druggist, Fillmore and Geary sts. Davis, W. H., 33 Bacon block, Oakland. Dow, Geo. E. Pumping Engine Co., 3116 Washington st. Dinkelspiel & Sons, 1509 Gough st. Dempsey Lumber Co., Hooper st., bet 7th and 8th sts. Dencker Dill Co., Inc., 616 Page st. Detmer Woolen Co., 1652 Page st. Delaporte, Geo. 2nd and Townsend sts. Deal, W. E., Law Offices 2702 Sacto st. Dennison Mfg. Co., 412 Jersey st. Dewey, Strong & Co., 10 Bacon block, Oakland. Deutscher Kreiger Verein, hdqrs West- ern Carriage Fecty., Pierce st., bet Eddy and Ellis sts. Dierks, Theo., cor McAllister and Devis- aderc sts. Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co., Book- keeping and Cashiers’ office 1228 Madison st., Oakland; sales office, purchasing dept and stock rms 131- 153 Kansas st. Deremer, , Jeweler, 1539 Arch st. Berkeley. Dreyfus Bros. & Co., Contractors and Builders. Store and office fixtures, 1715 Jackson st., or Police hdqur, 2053 Sutter st. Donovan & Grimes, Painters and Sign Writers, 554 Haight st. Deckmann, F. W., Dried Fruit Bkr, 2615 Santa Clara ave., Alameda. Deere Implement Co.. 131 Kansas st. Day, Thos., Co., 2900 Broadway. Dental Depots, J. W. Rooch, 401 Fill- more st. Decker, Dr. Chas. W., 2115 Bush st. Darby Lavden Co., 219 Steuart st. oll es Dun, R. G., 574 12th st., Oakland. Davis, W. & Son, 659 2d ave. Diebold Safe & Lock Co., 14th and Web- ster sts., Oakland. : Dodge, E. J. Co., Pier 27, Lombard st. Wharf. Davis, Schonwasser & Co., 1808 Pacific ave. Dolan Bros. & Co., 1607 Market st. Del Monte Milling Co., foot of Franklin st., Oakland. E Ellis, Milton, 1910 Fillmore st. Empire State Surety Co., 222 Broderick. Ehrman Bros. & Co., Mission San Jose, Alameda, Cal. Edwards, Jas. W. & Co., Dental Sup- plies, 725 Golden Gate ave. ’ Egg-0O-See, 1010 Haight st. Eberhard Ce., The Geo. F., 2431 Dana st., Berkeley. Emmons, G. W. Co., 1060 Broadway, Oakland, and 11th and Bryant, S. F. Ehrmann, M. & Co., 2240 Pacific ave. Easton Coal Co., 131 Folsom st. F U. S. Fidelity & Guarantee Co., 180 Townsend st., S. F., and 803 Broad- way, Oakland. Force, S. B., Chemist, San Leandro. Fraten, Brotherhood, Relief. Headquar- ters, 1115 Broadway. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 969 Broadway, rm 30, Oakland. Flynn, J. W., 119 Lyon st., nr Oak. Frank & Co., Marshall A., Pac. Coast Agt. Casualty Co., 2621 Pacific ave. Fulton Iron Works, Harbor View, S. F. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 969 Broadway, Oakland. French Savings Bank, N. E. cor Cali- fornia and Scott sts. Fisher, Chas., 32 6th ave. Fossing & Gallagher, 310 11th st, Oak- land. Faber & Co., 1290 Webster st., Alameda Forster, Edwin L., 2127 Fillmore st. Filmer Bros. Electrotype Co., 711 Scott. Foster, Geo. H. Co., 1252 Clay, cor 15th, Oakland. Fuller, Geo. H., Desk Co., 418 14th st., Oakland. Freeman & Remmel, Architects, 2863 Pacific ave. Frisco Sign Co., New., Fillmore, bet Geary and Post sts. Ferrolite Light Co., 12th and Madison sts., Oakland. Friedmann, M., & Co., 1058 Washington st., Oakland. : Fritsch, Geo., Folsom st. wharf No. 2. Fleischacker, A., 2408 Pacific ave. Fredericks, Jos. Co., 2200 Webster st. G Globe Grain & Milling Co., cor Chest- dB. nut and Montgomery sts. % ® Gregory, E. H. L., Union Savings Bank bldg, Oakland and 1845 Fillmore st. Goldman, Benj. J. Co., 2326 Grove st., Berkeley. Godeau, Julius S., Undertaker, Laguna nr Lombard st. Gray, J. A. Co., 2d and Castro sts, Oak- land. Germania Club, 722 Steiner sts., Oakld. Gettleson, Collins & Co., 816 Keller st., Petaluma (temporary). Graf Bros., 2065 Bush st. Gallway, D. John, 1025 Devisadero st. Golden, Isidore, Justice of the Peace, 1110 Devisadero st. : Goodman’s Pianos, 1132 Valencia st. Gump, 8. & G., 1224 Geary st. Greenzweig & Co., Geo., Wholesale Jewelers, 2322 California st. Ganter Mattern Co., Grove and Laguna. Grifin & S. Kelly Co., Dried Fruits, Emeryville. Geodyear Rubber Co., 443 Fillmore st. General Electric Co., Union Savings Bank bldg, Oakland. Girvin & Eyre, 408 13th st., Oakland. Graham, Jas. Mfg. Co., Ranges, fcty. Newark, Alameda Ceo., Cal. Great Am. Importing Tea Co., 24490 Pacific ave. : Guadaloupe Dairy Co., 1814 San Bruno ave. Galli, A. Fruit Co., 11th st., Oakland. Greenberg, P. & Co., 3000 Sacramento. G. & J. Fire Co., 1013 Clay st., Oakland. Graham, Geo. S., Real Estate and Inv. 1521 Golden Gate ave. Gundlach, Bundschu Wine Co., Rhein Farm, Sonoma. Guguenheim & Co., 2703 California st. General Electric Co., Union Savings Bank bldg., Oakland. Gruenhagen Bros., 27 Pierce st. Goldberg, Bowen & Co., 2829 California Greenbaum, Weil & Michels, 4th and Washington sts., Oakland. Gates, J. R. & Co., Devisadero and Cal- ifornia sts. Golden Eagle Distilleries, 259 st. H Humphrey, C. F., Attorney, 3529 Wash- ingten st. Herman, Co., Geo., Pac. Bottling Co., 2504 Scott st. Herron, R. H., 111 Townsend st. Harbor View Sanatorium, Harbor View. Haines, Jones & Cadburg Co., Plumbers, Vallejo. : Hess & Hopkins Leather Co., Sample rms, basement 1066 Washington st., Oakland. Harron, Rickard & McCone, 7th and Berry sts., S. F.; 2 and Clay sts. Oak- land. Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 17th and Willow sts. wna fi i : a | pt | Hoelscher & Co., 2425 Green st. Heynemann, Hermann, 916 Franklin st., Oakland. Hamburg American Line, 1011 Broad- way, Oakland. Harrison, M. C., & Co., Fire and Marine Ins. Co., 2005 Green st. Hale Bros., 2010 Lyon st. Heyman, Oscar, & Bro., Real Estate, 3330 Jackson st. Hyde, Harjes & Co., 58 Bacon block, Oakland. Hirsch & Kaiser, 1757 Fillmore st. Heller & Frank, 1500 Sutter st. Harrison, Wm. Greer, 2813 Scott st., S. F.: Union Savings Bank bldg.,,Oakld. Hotels Richelieu & Granada, inquiries can be made at 1802 Green st. Hind, N. G., Architect, 1168 McAllister. Hume, W. T., 142 Belvedere st. Hirsch & Stoff, 707 Central ave. Healy & Gillespie, 2370 Market st. Hilmer, Harris Co., 360 11th st. Oakld. Heminway & Miller, 969 Broadway, Oakland. Hammer Bray Co., Ranges, 12th and Castro sts., Oakland. Hammersmith & Frela, 1117 Broadway, Oakland. Hastings Clothing Co., 2576 Green st. Heller, Bowers & Ehrman, 2020 Jack- son st. Hendry, C. J. & Co., 1003 56th st., Oak- land. Herrmann, Geo. Ce., 2504 Scott st. Hicks, Judd & Co., Printers, 1534 Sul- ter st. Hoey, John & Co., 1315 Devisadero st. Hughson & Merton, 3844 Clay st. Heald’s Business College, 1451 Frank- lin st. Hilbert Mercantile Co., 604 Mission st. Hammer & Co., 1003 Broadway, Oak- land. Hotaling, A. P. & Co., 429 Jackson st. Heyneman, Herman, 916 Franklin st. Hendrie & Bolthoff Mfg. & Supply Co., 1287 Page st. Holmes, Howard C., Realty Syndicate, Oakland. Holm & Nathan, Foresters’ Bldg., 13th and Clay sts., Oakland. Hobson, H. F. Co., 451 Frederick st. Heynemann, Milton Co., 518 11th st. Oakland. Hopkins, C. C., 1262 Broadway, Oakld. Hellman Bros. & Co., 1356 Geary st. Hgroutes Gas Engine Works, Alameda, al. Holcombe & Co., R. A., 18 New Trib- une bldg., Oakland. Hobson, The H. F. Co., 451 Frederick st. Holcombe, R. A. & Co., Mdse Bkrs, 1915 Sacramento st., S. F.; New Tribune bldg, Oakland. — 50 Hoffman, Rothchild & Co., 3600 Clay st. Hooper & Jennings, Wholesale Grocers, 368 6th st., Oakland. Hamburg American Line, 955 Broad- way, Oakland. Herman’s Market, Bush & Laguna sts. Hub, The, King Soloman bldg, Sutter and Fillmore sts. Hinton, Russell, Painter and Decorator, 1659 Sutter st. Hughson & Merton, 3844 Clay st. Hutton, E. F. & Co., E. F., 424 10th st., Oakland. Haas Bros. & Co., 2007 Franklin st. Haas, Baruch & Co., 2007 Franklin st. Herzog & Co., European S. S. Agency, 617 Broderick. Hirschfelder & Meaney, Trunk and Bag Mfrs., 20th and Florida sts. : Hammond, J. & Co., 7th and King sts. Hall, A. I. & Son, 1113 Broadway, Oak- land. Hastings Estate, 2300 Fillmore st. Hearns & Toepke, 1221 Golden Gate ave Heromada, Adolph Co., 1256 Masonic ave. Harris Bros. & Co., and Lewis Packing Co., 1628 Sutter st. Halsey, N. W. & Co., Franklin and O’Farrell sts. Hirschler, A., 2505 Broadway. Hatteroth, Wm., 1938 Eddy st. Hammond Milling Co., 2252 Broadway. Hooper, C. A. Co., 1st and Alice sts, Oakland. Hercules Gas Engine Works, Park st., Alameda. Holmes Lime Co., 1904 Devisadero. I Irvine, Stanton Co., 2247 Dwight Way, Berkeley. Indianapolis Furniture Co., eor 6th and King sts. International Banking Corp., 2045 Sut- ter st. Illinois Pacific Glass Co., 278 Bacon block, Oakland. I. O. B. B. Dist. Grand Lodge, No. 4, Geary st., Temple, S. F. Italian-Swiss Colony, Greenwich and Battery sts. Ide, Geo. P. & Co., M. J. Keller Co. J Judson Mfg. Co., Emeryville, Ca. Jennings, C. B. Co., 958 Franklin st, Oakland. Johnson, J. C. & Co., Cloyne Court Hotel North Berkeley. Jones, Florin L. & Co., Real Estate, 2029 Vallejo st. Joost Sons & Co., Real Estate, 2016 Sutter st. James Force & Co., rm 34 McDonough bldg, Oakland. Jersey Farm Co., 2779 Folsom st. we D3 ee Jones, Dr. H. I., 228 East 16th st. Oak- land. : . Johnson & Higgins, 2606 Pacific ave. Joost, M. & Bro., 351 Gough st. Kohler & Chase, 1013 Broadway, Oak- land. Kutz, G. M. Shee Co., 2230 Sacramento. Klein, John M. Electrical Co., 106 Tel- egraph ave., Oakland. Kahn & Co., Henry, Opticians, 2709 Jackson st. Keil Estate Co., 1578 Fell st. Kelley, Clarke Co., 23-24 Tribune Bldg., Oakland. ’ Kane & Jaunet, 612 Central ave. Keystone Type Foundry, 304 Telegraph ave., Oakland. Knowles, Wm., Architect, 239 Spruce st. Keystone Bros., 1238 Masonic ave. Kellogg, G. H., 2126 California st. Knights of Pythias, hdqrs 1831 Devisa- dero st. Keenan, Dr. A. S., 2721 Folsom st. Kent Law School, 539 Birch ave. Keeley Institute, 262 Devisadero st. Kragens, 1914 Sacramento st. Kline, Lewis & Co., 2010 Pacific ave. Knight, Fred S., 2319 Scott st. L Laib, Franklin Hall, Fillmore and Bush. Lippman Bros., Inc., cor Hayes and Oc- tavia sts. Lilienthal, Jessie W., Attorney, 1805 Franklin st. Leitz & Co., A., 1908 Broadway. Libby, McNeil & Libby (G. Lederer), 2271 California st. Landgrebe, Macnevin & Jones, 1264 O'Farrell st. Levin-Meyer Co., 416 5th st., Oakland. Lund, Henry, & Co., 8th and Franklin sts., Oakland. Lyons, Chas., 200 Presidio ave. Leavitt, J. W. & Co., 370 12th st., Oak- land. Levison Ptg. Co., 1616 McAllister st. Livingston Mfg. Co., 439 Petaluma ave., San Rafael. Labonte, Dr. Henry, 1111 Filbert st, Oakland. Lustig, Dr. D. D., 3032 Washington st. Lenfeld’s Pharmacy, 1701 Buchanan st. Labor Council, hold meetings at Frank- lin Hall, Bush and Fillmore sts. Laymance Real Estate Co., 460 8th st. Oakland. Long, The, Syrup Refining Co., 8th and ~ Brannan sts. Livingston Bros., 2896 California st. Lyons, Henry, & Sons, Mens Outfitters, 92264 Franklin st. L’'Italia, 878 Broadway, Oakland. Labor Bureau Assn., 315 Devisadero st. Levi Strauss & Co., 10th and Clay sts., Oakland. oy Lascelles, A. S. & Co., 861 Fell st. Louvre, The, 27756 Clay st. M Mark Hopkins Institute of Art, 2661 Pine st. Mooser, M., Architect, 2941 Fillmore st. McIntyre, J. B. Bindery Co., 1928 Pierce st., S. F.; and 479 11th st., Oakland. Minaker, Welbanks, 330 11th st., Oak- land and 1142 Masonic ave. Mitsui Co., 1715 Broderick st. McCormick, Chas. R. & Co., St. Paul bldg, 12th and Clay sts., Oakland. Morgan, W. & Co., rm 257 Bacon bldg, Oakland. Marine Dept., 714 Broadway, Oakland. Metropolitan Match Co., 2000 Gough st. Mills Novelty Co., 413 10th st, Oakld. McNear, Geo. W. Port Costa Milling Co. Metropole Trust & S. Bank, 1130 Eddy. Milliken Bros., Inc., rm 40 969 Broad- way, Oakland. Meyerstein Co., 1901 Franklin st. Moore & Scott Iron Works, Union Bank bldg., Oakland. Meininger, —, Notary, 2604 California. Mogan, R. F., Attorney, 967 Oak st. McCarty Wireless Telephone Co., 102 Bacon bldg, Oakland. Magnes, R. Shoe Co., 1628 Haight st. McMahon, Keyer & Stiegeler Bros, Tailors, 1312 Hayes st. Minimax Fire Extinguishers, 1720 Pine. McAvoy, O’Hara & Co., 131 Haight st. McGerry, W. B. & Co., 1328 O’Farrell st Marsh & Kidd Co., 30 Carl st. Meyer, Wilson & Co., 2030 Lyon st. Miler, W. A. & Co., 333-335 Berry st. Maldonado & Co., Inc., 416 Mission st., San Rafael, Cal. Midvalestell Co., of Pa., Fort Steel, warehouse and office 228 Folsom st. Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., 901 Union Savings Bank bldg., Oakland. Morgan & Allen Co., Silver, 1867 Post st., S. F., and 12th and Washington sts., Oakland. Mills & Hagbren, Brown Block, Oakld. Metropolitan Surety Co., Judson Brusie, 232 Montgomery st. Moore, Jesse, Hunt Co., 200 Laurel st. Morse Patrol, 1938 Post st. Martin, E. & Co., 5th and Peralta sts., Oakland. Monahan, John, Printer, 449 Dubose ave McNab & Smith, Brannan st., bet 8th and 9th. Mercantile Warehouse, 2069 Sutter st. Maccabees, 1724 Devisadero st. Mitchell, Geo. M. Co., 1813 Grove st. McMenomy Branch Meat Market., 5914 San Pablo ave., Oakland. Mandel, Wiener & Co., 1602 Washing- ton st., Oakland Musicians’ Union, 2306 Pine st. 53... Magner Bros., 1258 O’Farrell st. Malm, C. A., & Co., 18th and Folsom st Murdeck, C. A., & Co., 2d and Oak sts.. Oakland. Moore, Chas. C. & Co., 417 14th st, Oakland. Marcuse, Felix, 103 Third ave., near Lake. Mercantile, The, Agency (R. G. Dunn & Co.), 574 12th st, Oakland. Moss, 1712 Steiner st. Mountain Copper Co., Ltd., 1020 14th st., Oakland. Main Winchester Stone Co., 224 San Pablo ave., Oakland. Mager, Thos. & Sons, 2550 Pacific ave. Hillbrae Cal. Milk Co., 21st and Felsom. Mangrum & Otter, 64 Stanyan st. Moraghan, M. B. Oyster Co., 1352 Mc: Allister st. Mailliard & Schmiedell, Tiburon, Marin Co., Cal. Mauzy, Byron, 1165 O'Farrell st. Michalitschke Bros. & Co., 1814 Golden Gate ave. Mobile Carriage Co., Golden Gate ave and Gough st. Merchants’ Ice and Cold Storage Co., Lombard and Sansome sts. McNicoll, A. J., 2725 Sacramento st. Meyer Wilson Co., 2030 Lyon st. Metropolitan Iron Works, 9th and Bran- nan sts. N Newhall, H. N., 2009 Pacific ave. North German Lloyd S. 8S Co., 1114 Broadway, Oakland. North, The, British & Mercantile Co., 1632 Vallejo st., S. F. Nieland, (gas engines), 1728 Bryant st. Nathan, S. J., Son & Co., 2023 Sacra- mento st. National Biscuit Co., San Pablo ave. opp. 37th st, Oakland. Northern Commercial Co., 1518 Grand st., Alameda. Nathan Dohrmann & Co., 1090 Page st. New, The, Book Store, 2428 Telegraph ave., Berkeley. Newsom & Newsom, 1163 Alice st., Oak- land. : New Home Sewing Machine Co., 2352 Fulton st. National Mastic Roofing Co., 18th and Wood sts., Oakland. National Tube Co., 16th and Folsom st. Neustader Bros., 11th and Broadway. Oakland. North American Dredging Co., 76 Ba- con block, Oakland. National Cash Register Co., 1227 Gold- en Gate ave. Noble, H. H., 1100 Gough st. Nelson, Chas. Co., 1st and Clay sts. Oakland; branch office, 9 Mission st. Nason, Arthur G. & Co., 2872 Washing- ton st. Nason, R. N. & Co., Utah and 15th sts. Newell & Bros., 313 Davis st. oO Occidental Supply Co., 1810 Vallejo st. Orpheum, 1809 California st. O’Connell, Dr. Robert. E., O’Connell, Dr. George, 211 Devisadero. Overland Freight and Transfer Co., Howard st. Wharf. O'Rourke Eubanks Hat Co., The, 660 Cole st. Pr Pacific Implement Co., 131 Kansas st. Payot, Upham & Co., 777 Bacon block, Oakland. Parafine Paint Co., 405 Union Sav- ings Bank bldg, Oakland, and 1306 Post st. Pacific Tank Co., 518 11th st., Oaklana. Pacific Construction Co., Ferry Depot. Patrick & Co., Rubber Stamps, 2508 Green st. No Percentage Drug Co., 1265 5th ave. Pelton Water Wheel Co., 1259 Alice st., Oakland. Pierce-Rodolph Storage, Fillmore and Eddy sts. Parcells Safe Co., Maple Hall, 14th and Webster sts., Oakland. Pacific Coast Borax Co., rm 80 Bacon blk Oakland. Polito, John L., 86A Sanchez st. Pacific Saddlery Co., 615 Sansome st. Pacific Cereal Association, 1821 Broad- way, S. F. Pacific Mfg. Co., of Santa Clara, 68 Waller st., nr Duboce Park. Pacific Foundry Co., 18th and Harrison. Peerless Oil Co., 1010 Washington st. Politzer, Alex, 2316 Buena Vista ave., Alameda. Pacific Portland Cement Co., 817 Van Ness ave. Potter & Campbell, 1017 Steiner st. Pierce, Geo. N. Co., Automobiles and Bicycles, 1013 Clay st. Oakland. Provident Life & Trust Co. 1035 Bry- ant st., Palo Alto. Pacific Box Factory, 5th and Berry sts. Pacific Surety Co., 952 Broadway, Oak- land. Pacific Coast Glass Works, 898 Fillmore Phenix Ins. Co., 955 Broadway, rear, Oakland. Peck & Garrett, Wm. T. Garrett & Co., Peck Judah Co., 426 Shrader st. Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Co., of Hart- ford, Conn., 618 Webster st. Pacific Lumber Co., Oakland Savings, 3d floor. Pioneer Automobile Co., 901 Golden Gate ave. Pacific Shipyard & Ways Co, Alameda Pt. | | | H Pittsburg Safe Co., 2518 Clay st. Peruvian Consulate, New Tribune Bldg., Oakland. v Pacific Portland Cement Co., 817 Van Ness ave. Pacific Transfer Co., Howard st. wharf, Phillips & Van Orden Co., 2835 How- ard st. Phillips, M.- & Co., Southern Pacific Warehouse, 2d and Townsend sts. Platt Iron Works Co., rm 100, Bacon bldg, Oakland. Pacific Typewriter Co., Mill Valley, Cal. Pennington, Geo. W. Sons, Montgomery and Chestnut sts., and 934 Shotwell st., 8. P. Pope & Talbot, Foot of 3d st. Popetoledo Touring Car Co., 2518 Oc- tavia st. Pissis, Albert, 2506 Clay st. Potter & Campbell, 1017 Steiner st. Pacific Stevedoring & Ballasting Co, 53 Mission st. Pascoe, J. C., Watchmaker, 310 Haight. Power & Pike Co., 1747 Laguna st. Pacific Improvement Co., 1006 Broad- way, Oakland. R Renton Holmes & Co., & Port Blakely Mill Co., care Fisher Lumber Co., 3d and Oak sts Oakland. Radjohn’s Art Store, 408 14th st. Oak- land. Rock Island Frisco Lines, 410 14th st. Oakland. Rosenthal, Dr. Adolph G., German Hos- pital. Roetling, Jno. A. & Sons, 1116 Broad- way, Oakland. Roesch, Louis Co., 2413 Howard st. Rosenblatt, 2901 California st. Radke & Co., 1198 McAllister st. Red Men’s Headquarters, 1817 Devisa- dero st. Red Men’s Headquarters, Mission Dis- trict, 41 Bartlett st. Richmond Land Co., 1223 Broadway, Oakland. Regal Shoe Co., Inc., 24 San Pablo ave, Oakland. Redington & Co., 1262 Broadway, Oak- land. Royal Cloak & Suit Co., 2307 California Rothschild, John & Co., 2207 Buchanan Rivers Bros. 838 Hayes St. Rosenthal, Maurice, rm 15, Bacon block, Oakland. Richardson Bros., Expert Safe Openers, 756 Clayton st. Risden Iron Works, Steuart & sts. Reynolds Typewriting Agency, 1221 Webster st. Rosenheim, Samuel, Miller H. B. M,, Attorneys, 555 Baker st., S. F. and Blake and Moffit bldg., Oakland. Gn Rusconi & Fisher, Wholesale Liquer Dealers, Fillmore and Geary sts. Richmond Land Co., 1223 Broadway, Oakland. Repsold, A. & Co., Napa City, Cal. Radke Co., 1813 Devisadero st. Richardson Bros., 123 New Montgom- ery st. Rulofson, A. C., & Co., Ashby Station, Berkeley. Raphael, Julius W., Turk and Fillmore. Rinaldo Bros. & Co., 2180 Sutter st. S Stauffer Chemical Co., terminus of 9th. Stuparich Mfg. Co., 638 Steiner st. Stetson-Renner Drayage Co., Sherwin, William Co., 971 Broadway, Oakland. Smith, Francis & Co., 8th and Townsend Stern, David & Sons, 2323 Devisadero. 8. F. Chemical Co., 1020 14th st., Oak- land. Stafford, W. G. & Co., 214 East st. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 783 Haight. Sierra Lumber Co., N. E. cor 4th and Channel sts. Sterling Cens. Boiler Co., 245 Bacon block, Oakland. S. F. News Co., 1711 San Pablo ave, Oakland. Skaggs Springs, Sonoma Co., Cal. Sunset Magazine, 2d floor, Ferry bldg. Stand. Underground Cable Co., 94 Ba- con block, Oakland. Sun Tent & Awning Co., 518 Devisadero S. F. Business College, 16 Belmont ave. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 853 Hayes. Spring Valley Water Co., 501 Hermann st., eor Church. Stewart Bros., Grocers, 1607 Fillmore. S. F. Olympic Club, Union Savings Bank bldg, Oakland. Shipper, Sol, Tailor, 1221 Buchanan st. Spaulding, Geo. & Co., 1838 Fillmore st. Sunset White Lead Works, 19th and Alabama sts. Solomon, C, Jr., 4050 24th st. Suhr, H. F., 2919 Mission st. S. F. Transfer Co., 2379 Post st. Southern Pacific Milling Co., Salinas Valley Lumber Co., rm 88, 906 Broad- way, Oakland. San Mateo Milk Depot, 1515 Fillmore st Siebe Bros. & Plageman, 2291 Sacra- mento St. Standard Shirt Factory, 2108 Golden Gate ave. Samuels, D., Lace House, 1624 Octa- via st. Snook, Jas. & Co., East st., foot of Mis- sion st. Schussler Bros. & Co., (Inc) 1117 Broadway, Oakland. "Son Bros. & Co., 2124 Broadway. S. F. & Portland S. S. Co., G. L. Blair, Bn me En QE hk ph EE RR a Fi a RNAS 0 5 Arn IS bd i agent; Spear st. Wharf. Somers & Co., Hay, Grain, warehouse, 341 Berry st.; office, cor 6th and Irwin sts. \ Standard Brass Casting Co., Spear and Folsom sts. Scott-Curtaz Piano Co., 560 Hayes st. Stiefvater & Munch, Flour, 906 Central ave., Alameda. San Pedro XL. Dairy, 10 5th ave. Stanford-Lang Co., 938 Fillmore st. Steinberger & Kalisher, 3369 Clay st. Stone & Co., San Pedro XL Dairy, 10 bth ave. Steil, ‘Henry Co., Tailors, 726 Grove st. Slade, S. E. Lumber Co. Wholesale Lumber, 1250 Clay st., Oaklahd. Schmidt Litho Co., 2614 Sacramento st. Stewart Bros., Grocers, 1607 Fillmore. Suhr, H. J. & Co., 2919 Mission st. Schoenholz & Elsbach, Dry Goods, Gents and Ladies’ Furnishing Goods, 2011- 2013 Fillmore st. Selby Smelting & Lead Co., U. S. Mint and Smelting Works, Vallejo Junc- tion, Cal. Selig Bros. & Co. Wholesaler Tailors, 1330 McAllister st. Stein & Schapiro, Real Estate, 1618 McAllister st., S. F.; 1119 Union st, Alameda. Swayne & Hoyt, Shipping Agents, 1159 Jefferson st., Oakland; Howard st. Wharf, S. F. S. F. & Portland S. S. Co., G. L. Blair, agent, Broadway wharf, Oakland. Studebaker Bros. Co., 2444 Jackson st., 8. F., 221 J st.,, Sacramento. Standard Elec. Works, 604 Mission st. Son Bros. Co., 2124 Broadway. T Theirbach, Chas. F. Co., 709 Scott st. Topping, Dr. Frank P,, 1826 Vallejo st. Tyler, S. H. & Son, 2487 California st. Trobock & Bergen, 338 11th st., Oak- land, Montgomery block bldg, S. F. Tregor, Theo., Wigmaker, 842 52d st, Oakland. Tuska, Wal J., Attorney, S. W. cor Post and Fillmore sts. Technical Society of the Pacific, Coast Headquarters, 1908 Broadway. Tacoma Mill Co., 1896 Green st. Thierbach, Chas. F. Co., 709 Scott st. Linen Thread Co., The, 3d and Mag- nolia sts., Oakland. Toplitz, R. L. Co., Fillmore and Cali- fornia sts. Tausig, L. & Co., 2450 Fulton st. Tchiguro, Photos, 1609 Fillmore st. Taylor Iron & Steel Co., Oroville, Cal. Tracy Engineering Co., 419 10th st, Oakland. Trower Bros., 1238 Filbert st., Oakld. ee ee Turrell, Geo., & H. N., Shoes, 681 36th st., Oakland. U Uhl Bros., Wall Paper, 401 12th st. Oakland. United Railroads of S. F., Turk and Fill- more sts. car house, S. F. Union Transfer Co., 2116 Market st. United Can Co., 19th and Harrison sts. Vanderslice, W. K. Co., 1551 Devisa- dero st. Union Trust Co., 2020 Jackson st. Van Trees, Frank S., 914% Devisadero. United Sheet Metal Works, 328 Missouri st. United Cigar Stores Co., 1212 Geary st. U. S. Land Office, business temporarily suspended. Union Pacific R. R., 44 San Pablo ave, Oakland. Union Fish Co., 11th st., Oakland. United Cigar Stores, 419 10th st., Oak- land. Union Gas Engine Co., 23rd ave., East Oakland. Union Litho Co., 426 9th st., Oakland. Union Fish Co., 327 11th st., Oakland. Union Lumber Co., 6th and Channel sts. U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co., 180 Townsend st. Universal Adding Machine Co., 2217 Octavia st., S. F., L. M. Fletcher, dist. sales mgr. : : Vv Van Trees, Frank, Architect, 914 De- visadero st. Verein Deutsche Foerster, members ad- dress F. Kasten, 544 A. st. : Vapghan, Fred W. & Co., Oliver Type- writers, 907 Fillmore st. Vorsanger, Dr. Wm. C., 3032 Washing- ton st. Van Der Nailen’s School of Engineering, 51st st and Telegraph ave., Oakland. WwW Western Creameries Co., 353 Eleventh st., Oakland. Williams Diamond Co., Pier 23, Green- wich st. wharf. Wolff, Wm. & Co., rm 8, Bacon bldg, Oakland. Wempe Bros., Paper Box Fecty., 5th and and Adeline sts., Oakland. Wetmore, Bowen & Co., 814 10th st, Oakland. Western Meat Co., South San Francisco, San Mateo Co. Cal. Wellman, Peck & Co., 1065 Washing- ton st., Oakland. Whittier, Coburn Co., Paint and Oil, office 2028 Jackson st. Waterhouse & Lester, 3840 Clay st. Westinghouse Electric Co., 834 Fillmore The White House, 1806 Pacific ave. Y Younz, 8. H., 2549 Groen st. —59— Zz Zimmerman, Wells Brown Co., 1317 Athol ave., East Oakland. Zenter & Co., P. O. Box 2160, S. F. rE SECRETARY'S OFF ICE 5 2 ~ Oceanic Steamship Company Hakalau Plantation Company Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Company - Paauhau Sugar Plantation Company Kilauea Sugar Plantation Company H.W. THOMAS, Secretary 2023 CALIFORNIA ST. : | San Francisco, California “VD © "nT rTn. °C VON lint Pacific Wrecking ompany | Capital, $1,000,000 Market Street Bank, Depositary Estimates Given Free Materials of All Kinds Purchased or Sold On Commission We contract to Wreck and clean your place in so many days or we will forfeit for over time We are prepared to furnish 5000 men on short notice. We have martialed together a corps of experienced Architects, Engineers and | ~ Wreckers. FIRST IN, FIRST SERVED Call or write us, No. 7, Seventh Street. " Reference, Market Street Bank E. J. LLOYD, EMIL POHL, F. L. BURTON, President ~ Sec’y and Treas. General Manager. 4 : | 5 4 ¢ = a 5 i IE . 4 8 de - 4 F ] § : gi I be » a. TES TY : \ y END OF TITLE END OF REEL. PLEASE REWIND.