““753, r ' .4.‘.,.- .1, v... . wv‘g...“ T... S 0 P .3 v. flr‘waru-v~ u-v. n‘" _| .. r . _ .v . .. .. u. . ._. - . “as -y. y, _ . R [ill 1" PO I NT (1A RI)11NS LIBRARY II (7' 1777II7’7 77777 I 77.7 77 I 7777/ (7 757.7'. 7II7I777\ I L'77717777777(77777777I 7I'.._I . L- -- ,_ ‘w THE BOTANICAL GEOGRAPHY OF SYRIA AND PALESTINE. BY THE REV. GEORGE E. POST, M.D. , Professor of Surgery and Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the Syrian Protestant College, at Beirl’lt, Syria. BEING A PAPER READ BEFORE THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE. WITH A MAP. AUTHOR’S COPY. For Private Circulation only. \ _ \‘\ \£\ 2 DR. rosr ON THE BOTANICAL \g. separate name. The range trends sonth-south-west, about one“ hundred miles, and ends in the mass of J ebel Mfisa, which over- hangs the sea at its western extremity, forming the bold head- land of Ras-el-Khanzir (the Boar’s Head), which constitutes the .eastern pillar of the entrance to the Gulf of Iskanderfin. The highest peaks of the Amanus chain range from 5,600 to 8,000 feet. . Through the valley which separates J ebel Mfisa from Mount Cassius (El-Jebel-el-’Aqra) flows the Orontes, which, after its long course to the north, turns sharply to the west- south-west above Antioch, and rolls with a swift turbid stream ' to the sea. ' Mount Cassius is an isolated cone, 6,500 feet high, but, from its eastern base, a low range runs parallel to the course of the Orontes until it abuts against the northern end of the Nusairy Mountains. The Nusairy chain trends nearly due south, and, after a course of over 100 miles, ends in the latitude of Hums (Ernessa), in the valley which separates it from Lebanon. Through this valley, which is about fifteen miles broad, flows the Nahr-el-Kebir (Eleutherns). The highest peaks of the Nusairy chain do not much exceed 3,500 feet above the sea. The chain of Lebanon follows in general a south—south-west course, to a point midway between Sidon and Tyre, Where the Qasimiyah, the continuation of the Litany (Leontes), breaks through the southern spurs of the range and separates them from the hill country of Galilee. The length of Lebanon is about 120 miles, and its highest peaks range from 6,000 to 10,000 feet above the sea. The hill country of Upper Galilee is a tableland, about 2,500 feet above the sea, from the general level of which rises the peak of Yermuk to a height of 3,900 feet. The tableland of Lower Galilee is only a few hundred feet above the sea, and the peaks of Taber and Little Hermon 1,700 feet. The valley of Esdraélon separates the plateau of Galilee from that of Samaria, and the chain of Carmel, which bounds it to the south, abuts against the tableland of Samaria as that of Cassius does against the N usairy chain. The highest point of Carmel is 1,728 feet above the sea. The plateau of Samaria and Judaea is broken by the few marked peaks of Ebal, Gerizim, and Olivet. The general level is from 2,500 feet to 3,000 feet above the sea. South of Hebron this tableland breaks away by successive steps to the Tih, which desert plain is intersected by several low ranges of chalk hills, and ends in a gigantic V-shaped GEOGRAPHY or SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 3‘ bastion, the escarpment of which overhangs the sandy plain of Debbet-er-Ramleh, which separates it from the range of Sinai. Thus it will be seen that a series of mountain chains extends from tWo hours south of Marash to Sinai. The course of this series is, in general, north and south, nearly parallel with the coast. In some places, as at Ras—el-Khanzi‘r, El-Museiliha (the Cape of the Divine Countenance), the Ladder of Tyre, and Carmel, the mountains dip directly into the sea. In others they recede, leaving a more or less broad alluvial plain, -which is known as the littoral. The most noteworthy of these maritime plains are those of Lattakia, ’Akkar, Beirut, Sidon, Acre, and Philistia. There cross this series deep river valleys at Suadiyah, En-Nahr-el-Kebir, El-Qasimiyeh, and Esdraélon. dividing it into the before—mentioned separate chains of Amanus, Cassius, and the Nusairy Mountains, Lebanon, and Galilee, with the continuous range of Samaria, J udaea, and the Tih. The loftiest peaks of the series are in Lebanon, then in Amanus, then in Cassius. The general height of the N usairy chain is about equal to that of Palestine. On the eastern flank of this great mountain series is a remarkable cleft, extending from near the northern limits of Syria, a little to the west of Killis, to the head of the Gulf of of ’Aqabah. This cleft is at first a depression in the uplands north of the bend of the Orontes, through which flows a tributary to that stream. Following up the Orontes towards its source, the cleft at first narrows to a deep gorge, then , broadens out into a wide plain between the Nusairy chain and that of the low hills which separate it from the Syrian desert. At the latitude of Hums, where the east and west valley of the Nahr-el-Kebir crosses it, there is no eastern ridge to mark the boundary of the north and south valley, which is here ‘ continuous with the plain to the east. This meeting place of the four arms of a great cross is the “ Entrance of Hamath ” (Nani. xxxiv. 8; Josh xiii. 5, 850.). A few miles south of Hums, however, the cleft becomes a broad elevated valley, Coelesyria, between Lebanon and Antilebanon. As a geographical feature it is much more marked here owing to the great height of the mountain ridges which shut it in on either hand. For, whereas the Nusairy chain rises but l,000 to 1,500 feet above the valley of the Orontes between Hums and Hamath, and the eastern ridge is only a series of undulations on the plain, Lebanon and Hermon rise from 4,000 to 7,000 feet above Coelesyria, which is, doubtless, the bed of an ancient lake, which may have had two outlets, one by the Orontes to the north and one 4 DR. rosr on THE BOTANICAL by the Leontes to the south. The highest point of Coelesyria is about 3, 000 feet above the sea. At the latitude where the Leontes makes its sudden bend to the west to empty into the Mediterranean, the Hasbani, the northernmost of the sources of the Jordan, takes its rise, and the strange trough of the J01 dan begins. At the Huleh it has reached the level of 120 feet above the sea; at Tiberias it is 600 feet below the Mediterranean, and at the Dead Sea 1,292 feet. From the southern end of the Dead Sea the bottom of the trough rises at first by a cliff 50 to 150 feet high, and then gradually until at a point about forty miles from El ’Aqabah it reaches its greatest height above the sea, and then descends again to the Gulf of ’Aqabah. The eastern boundary of the great cleft 1s formed first by the range which bounds the water basin of the Orontes, 1n the neighboulhood of Killis; then by the low mound- like hills which shut in the valley of the Orontes, until near the latitude of Hums ; then by the chain of Anti-lebanon, which is about one hundred miles long, and ends in Hermon, a peak, 9,500 feet in height. Southward of Hermon, a spur sinks gradually to the level of the Jawalan, breaking up, before it reaches its last peak of Tel-el-Faras, into a chain of conical mound-like hills (or tels), which form a striking feature in the view from the high ground of the Leja. From Tel-el-Faras there is a break in the continuity of the mountain system for about thirty miles. Through this gap flow the Mandhfir and its tributaries, draining the plain of Hauran and Jawalan. This plain extends back for forty miles to Jebel-ed-Durfiz (Alsadamus, or the Hill of Bashan), a volcanic range about equal in length to the gap between Tel-el-Faras and Jebel ’Ajlfin, and which appears like a segment of the great mountain wall of the Jordan valley, set back forty miles to the east of the backbone of the range. The highest peak of this range is JebelfQuléb, 5,400 feet above the sea. The range of ’Ajlfin and Gilead rises to the south of the valley of the Mnndhfir, culminates in the peaks of Er-Rabadh and Hosha’, about 4,000 feet above the sea, and then sinks gradually to the level of the westein border of the plateau of Moab, 2,800 feet above the se:,1 and passing southward into the district known as el— Jebel (Mount Sen), culminates again in Mount Her, 5,000 feet above the sea. This range ends in the Wadi-el-Ithm, opposite the head of the Gulf of ’Aqabah. It is composed of igneous rocks, overlaid by sandstone and limestone, as in Sinai. It is well watered, and in places fertile. ' GEOGRAPHY or SYRIA AND PALESTINE: . 5 From the northernmost point of the Jebel-ed-Durfiz, a range of low tels extends northward to nearly the latitude of Damascus. A similar range extends north-east from Damascus toward Palmyra. Still another bounds the table-lands of Gilead and Moab to the east. The drainage of the eastern flanks of this watershed flows into the Syrian desert, and is lost there. Far away to the east is a range called the Dhohr- el-Barr’iyah (the Backbone of" the Desert), which constitutes the eastern limit of the Syrian wilderness. The waters from its western flank flow into the desert, and are lost there. Its eastern drainage reaches the Euphrates. These marked peculiarities of the physical geography of the country have caused a diversity of climate, meteorology. and life history quite unexampled in a territory of equal extent. For botanical research it is convenient to divide Syria and Palestine into ten regions. I. The Littoral. II. The range of Akherdagh. Ill. Amanus. IV. Cassius. V. The, Nusairy Chain. VI. Lebanon and Antilebanon. VII. The Table-lands of Palestine, east and west of the Jordan. VIII. The Trough of the Jordan. IX. The Southern and Eastern Deserts. X. The Central and Northern Plains. It is furthermore convenient to indicate the following divisions, according to elevation and surface :—I. The Littoral Plain. II. The Mountains from 400 to 4,000 feet. ‘III. Subalpine and Alpine regions. IV. The sunken Trough of the Jordan, Dead Sea, and ’Arabah. V. The Deserts, where rain is rare and capricious. VI. The Plains of the centre and north. These latter divisions are indicated in the accompanying map by different colours, while the former are indicated by the usual geographical symbols and names. Before proceeding to note the special peculiarities of the ten regions above indicated, it will be well to examine the general characteristics of the botany of Syria and Palestine. We will note the following points :— 1. The large Number of "Species in Proportion t0 the Geographical Exfent of the Uountry.—The work of preparation of the flora, on which the author is now engaged, is not yet sufficiently advanced to give accurately the number oflspecies. They are, certainly, however, not less than 3,000 of phmnoga- mous plants,and Horsetails,Ferns, and Clubmosses,——probably more, in a territorycontaining about 50,000 square miles. These species are distributed through one hundred and seventeen orders, none of which is peculiar to this country. 0f the 850 genera represented, only fin’cc,—Nastu1'tiopsis, Astoma, and 6 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL Brocchia,-——are peculiar to our region, and each of these has but a single species. The large number of species is attributable to the extremely varied surface of the country. The highest mountains attain an elevation of over 10,000 feet, and have an Alpine flora of great variety and interest. The deep trough of the Jordan valley, Dead Sea,‘ and ’Arabah, reaches a depression of 1,292 feet below the Mediterranean, with a climate like that of Nubia and Northern India. About twenty-five species of plants grow in this torrid valley and the wadis which debouche into it, which are not found again until we reach distant regions in more southerly latitudes. The great table- lands east of the parallel chains of mountains stretch half-way to Mesopotamia, and swell, by a large number of species, the wealth of the flora. It is safe to say that no territory of equal extent has such a diversity of surface, climate, and rain- fall. On the seaward face of Lebanon the rainfall is from 30 to 50 inches a year, nearly all of it being between December 1 and March 15. On the eastern table-land it is probably little more than half as much. In the desert of the Tih, it some- times fails entirely, and is always very small. In the wooded districts of the Amanus and Taurus it is distributed over a longer period, and comes in less violent floods. The considerable number of orders arises from the contact of our district with the floras of the three continents, which causes it to share some of the characteristics of them all, and to deprive it of those salient features which characterise the centrifugal floras of the distant portions of those continents. Thus the flora of Southern Europe overlaps Northern Syria, that of Northern Africa the Tih and adjacent deserts, While the great plains borrow their special botanical physiognomy from the vast regions drained by the Euphrates and Tigris. Although bounded on the north by a spur of the Taurus, yet such is the direction of the valleys of the Seihfin, the Pyramus, and the Euphrates, that they furnish channels down which the northern flora maybe said to pour through the mountains about Aintab and Marash, and along the Amanus chain. No continuous east and west Alpine chain like that of the Pyrenees, or the Caucasus, or the Himalayas opposes an impaSSable barrier to the species on either side. Still less is there any natural barrier between the great plains of Mesopo— tamia and the Syrian table-land. The low range of the Dhohr-el-Barriyah is barely a watershed, and in no sense a botanical limit. On the side of Egypt the broad isthmus of Suez gives unrestrained access to the plants of North—Eastern Africa. Hence the desert types of the Tih are to a large , “Rina .. «in gym « f. 5,3 .4? a w. 3% . 3" I I Q2 \‘ 9/244 Q\\I‘u'),,.' R :////n}ll)) . 4'; . \‘3 \5’ 4 ‘4‘? 4"." WW“? 4“ 4 47/4: MM 4“ 7%,, ,If/fl \ ’lml‘ , 3‘? 944 NW“ 7” M4441“ ‘1" “wa” . , _ . ‘ $2 . ‘-. I \Q .’ ‘ ». \\\uh§ \\ {\m: \\ ‘ ' . :v" . , (\l" ‘\\\\\\\\§ \‘m\‘44,\\\:‘_-"” ~\\§‘\\u«.\\~“\q m4 ‘ NV WW4 ’ 1/11““. ’hm‘fi', 2"“ ,._.\m\u' ,4 . W11!" Mfisw ’J ‘49! 4: Ab g llQl’A JI)“‘\4:‘“\§E ”be Qmfiwfif “\wm‘. J ‘1.\\\\\\¢m\\\ " 6 fifiwfim _,-.. -_-_\ 4‘ \ ,_--— ((I , \\ I \‘ ”Pkg/4’? \z\ “2‘7 flag; $3 a is- -=‘; \< ;._ :\\__.'__ § <2; \4 4:5 _ f: \\\: :\\\\\\4: J § \‘ Z:— 7,: 4:53 Kin“! «=4 .. 4 1/; \(“flmh 4m" s. ' =3; af 92:: -_\\\“\ .4444: 1: "s '4. \§ § 4: t ‘\\\\ 4K . “Q. 1 § ; E Explanatton of‘ colours. ”(2 444$ -— J!“ I?” hag/Mg; . R 3 E 4' '5 fix I a" 4? E CS”: 5 § fi 4 I 7/ - Interwr pZaz'Jw .............. Deserts .................... ' Depression below sea level- - (Capynght) TO ACCOMPANY A PAPER PREPARED BY D'.‘ POST FOR THE VICTORlA 1NST|TUTE. GEOGRAPHY 0F SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 7 extent the same as those of the Egyptian and northern Arabian desert, while the flora of the Syrian desert is an extension of that of Central and Southern Arabia. The efiect of a nearly, though not quite a continuous chain of mountains, even when they are not all Alpine in height, in limiting the diffusion of a flora, is well exemplified in the case of _the great mountain series of Ainanus, Cassius, the Nusairy chain, Lebanon, and the mountains of Palestine, which separate the narrow strip of coast from the eastern plains in the north, and the longitudinal trough of the Jordan in the south. The difference between the flora of the littoral plain and lower seaward slopes of the coast range and that of the interior is very striking. On the other hand Coelesyria, although bounded on either hand by lofty mountain ranges, yet, through its continuity northward with the tableland of northern Syria, shares the botanical characteristics of that region. Could we imagine a high range of mountains 100 miles east of the Antilebanon series, and shutting off Western Syria from Akherdagh to the Red Sea, with no broad east and west gaps to favour contact, the flora of the Syrian table—land would probably differ as much from that of Meso- potamia as does that of Afghanistan and Beloochistan. And were there a similar barrier across the Isthmus of Suez, and a continuous east and west chain dividing Syria from Asia Minor, we might, instead of three, have thirty genera peculiar to our district. . 2. A notable peculiarity of our region is the small number qf Ferns, only fourteen genera and but twenty species. A similar peculiarity, arising from the general dryness of the climate, is the small number of Orch’iclcce, only eight genera and thirty species, and the absence of the more showy plants of the order. 3. On the other hand, among the striking peculiarities of the Syrian flora is the large number of odorous plants dis- tributed through a considerable number of families, but especially in the Rutaceze, Compositaa, and Labiatae. 4. A further peculiarity is the very great number of thorny and prickly plants. Examples of these are Paliurus aculeatus, Lam., several species of Rhamnus and Zizyphus, Calycotome villosa, Viz/2L, a host of species of Astragalus, Onobrychis, several Acacias, Poterium spinosum, L.,* the Eryngiums, * Hundreds of square miles of the hill country are covered with this shrub, insomuch that a district on the eastern flank of Hermon is called Aqlim-el-Billan (be, the district of the Poterium spinosum). The bushes 8 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL many Compositm, the Acantholimons, Atraphaxis, and scores of others. So pronounced is this peculiarity that it is a great obstacle to the collector, who is perplexed to know how to deal with the refractory spines of such species as Balanites Egyptiaca, Del., Astragalus deinacanthus, Bois.9.,Astragalus ' Hermoneus, Bm'ss., Acacia Seyal, Duh, and a host of others. Syria and Palestine are abundantly supplied with ubiquists. The appended list includes those which are found everywhere except in the Alpine regions, but especially in the neighbour- hood of human habitations and along roadsides. It is merely illustrative but not exhaustive. Ranunculus muricatus, L. Uapsella bursa-pastoris, L. Senebiera coronopus, D.C’. 'Sisymbrium ofiicinale, Scop. Sinapis alba, L. ‘ ,, arvensis, L. ,, nigra, L. Raphanus Raphanistrum, L. Vaccaria vulgaris, Host. Silene inflata, Smith. Stellaria media, L. Cerastium vulgatum, L. ,, viscosum, L. Sagina apetala, L. Spergularia rubra, Pars. Spergula arvensis, L. Portulaca oleracea, L. ~ Malva rotundifolia, L. ,, sylvestris, L. Geranium Robertianum, L. Erodium cicutarium, L’Her Trifolium procumbens, L. ,, agrarinm, L. Melilotus parviflora, Desf. ' Medicago sativa, L. ,, denticulata, lV/illd. ,, coronata, Lam, and others of this genus. Vicia sativa, L., extensively cul- tivated as a fodder plant under the name of Baqiah. Conium niaculatum, L. Asperula arvensis, L. Sherardia arvensis, L. Galium aparine, L. Rubia tinctoria, L. Erigeron Canadense, L. Maruta cotula, L. Filago Germanica, L. Centaurea Cyanus, L. ,, Calcitrapa, L. Cichorium Intybus, L. Sonchus oleraceu's, L. ,, asper, Vill. Anagallis arvensis, L. Linaria Elatine, Mill. Antirrhinum Orontium, L. Veronica arvensis, L. ,, agrestis, L. ,, Buxbaumii, Ten. ,, hedera‘folia, .L. Verbena ofl‘icinalis, L. Brunclla vulgaris, L. Marrubium vulgare, L. Lamium amplexicaule, L. ,, purpureum, L. Ballota nigra, L. Lithospermum arvense, L. Heliotropium Europzeuin, L. Solanum nigrum, L. ,, Dulcamara, L. Datura stranlonium, L. Erythrzea ramosissima, Pars. ,, spicata, Pars. Chenopodiuln murale, L. ,, album, L. ,, opulifolium, L. ,, ambrosioides, L. Amarantus hypochondriacus, L. ,, retroflexus, L. ,, chlorostachys, Willd. Polygonum Persicaria, L. are a regular source of fuel for use in the public ovens and limekilns. Stacks of it are collected in the neighbourhood of a kiln, often scattered over a space of half a mile square, and form a remarkable feature in the landscape. ' GEOGRAPHY OF SYRIA AND PALESTINE. Polygonnm Hydropiper, L. ,, aviculare, L. Rumex crispus, L. ,, obtusifolius, L. ,, conglomeratus, Mun. ,, acetosella, L. Mercurialis annuus, L. Urtica urens, L. Salix alba, L. Lemna minor, L. . Alisma plantago, L. Juncus bufonius, L. Cyperus flavescens, L. ,, rotundus, L. Scirpus maritimus, L. Polypogon Monspeliensis, Dcsf. Cynodon dactylon, Pars. Poa annua, L. ,, trivialis, L. * Eragrostis pozeoides, Beauv. Briza maxima, L. ,, minima, L. Festuca ovina, L. Bromus mollis, L. ,, sterilis, L. Lolium perenne, L. ,. temulentum, L. Phalaris Canariensis, L. Panicum sanguinale. L. Setaria verticillata, Beauv. ,, glauca, Beauv. ,, viridis, Beam). Agrostis alba, L. With these remarks on the general botany of Syria and Palestine, we will proceed to the consideration of each of the ten regions above indicated. I. The Littoral.—This narrow strip of plain is 400 miles long, by a breadth varying from zero to fifteen or twenty miles. It commences in the plain of Issus at the head of the Gulf of Iskanderfin, which is continuous with the Cilician Littoral. As we pass southward the Plain of Issus narrows from about ten miles at Tchai Ko'l' to a sheer precipice over- hanging the sea at the famous “Syrian Gates,” by the so-called Qal’at Markes (in Turkish, Kislarkalessi). After widening into the small plain of Iskanderfin, it again ends where sea and mountain touch at the bold headland of Ras- el-Khanzir. It reappears at the mouth of the Orontes, and vanishes where the steep sides of Cassius plunge into the sea. Twenty miles north of Lattakia begins a plain, varying from twenty miles in breadth to one, and ending in the Museilihah ' (Theoprosopon, or the Cape of the Divine Countenance), a bold headland which juts into the sea north of Batrfin (Botrys). For twenty-five miles south from this headland Lebanon approaches quite close to the sea, and does not recede so as to form a broad plain again until a couple of miles south of the Dog River, at the pumping station of the Beirut Water Works Company. The plain of Beirfit is about four miles wide at its broadest part, and extends about six miles southward to the Ghadir, where it becomes reduced to a narrow strip or a mere beach, until an hour north of Sidon. The plain of Sidon is narrower than that of Beirfit. From its ‘ southern end to Tyre the strip of coast is again very narrow, and ends in the Ladder of Tyre and other precipitous breaks of the mountains into the sea. Then comes the broad plain B 10 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL of Acre, extending inland into the plain of Esdraélon, and ending at the south in the headland of Mount Carmel. From Carmel the Philistine plain broadens as it goes southward, until it is merged in the rolling dunes of the Northern Tih. The Museilihah divides this littoral region into two botanical districts. South of it flourish the palm, the banana, and the sugar-cane. They grow north of this cape, but do not thrive so well as to the southward. The plants of the littoral resemble those of the coasts of the eastern Mediterranean, far more than do the plants of the mountains those of the mountainous regions of Asia Minor, Greece, and Italy. The following list illustrates, but by no means exhausts, the resemblances :— Clematis Flammula, L. ,, vitalba, L. Anemone Coronaria, L. , [’apaver Rhoeas, L. Hypecoum procumbens, L. ,, ,, var. grandiflorum. Silene Gallica, L. ,, nocturna, L. ,, bipartita, Dcsfl ,, sedoides, Jacq. Alsine tenuifolia, L. Paronychia argentea, Lam. H ypericum perforatum, L. Linum Gallicum, L. Medicago littoralis, Rohde. Lotus ornithopodoides, L. Lathyrus Aphaca, L. Ceratonia Siliqua, L. Ammi majus, L. Scandix Pecten-Veneris, L. Ambrosia maritima, L. Diotis maritime, L. Erythrzea maritime, W'z'lld. Ipomzea littoralis, L. ,, sagittata, Desf. Anchusa aggregata, Lchm. Linaria lanigera, Desf. Tragus racemosus, L. Many of the plants of this region grow also in the lower ranges of mountains, especially the maritime chain. A few species have as yet not been found except in this district. They are :— Matthiola crassifolia, Boiss. ct Gaill. Tamarix Syriaca, Boiss. Silene Palzestina, Boiss. Trigonella cylindracea, Desf. Trifolium comosum, Lab'ill. Tetragonolobus Palzestinus, Boiss. [This species I think to be only a variety of T. purpureus, L.] Astragalus Berytheus, Boiss. at M'. Vicia galeata, Boiss. Onopordon cynarocephalum, Boiss. ct Bl. Anthemis Tripolitana, Boiss. et Bl. Centaurea araneosa, Bo-iss. Campanula sulphurea, Boise. ,, Sidoniensis,:B0iss. cthl. N onnea Philistzea, Boiss. Verbascum Berytheum, Bo-iss. [V. Blancheanum, B01333, is to be regarded as a variety of this species] Euphorbia Berythea, Boiss. Allium papillare, Boiss. Scleropoa Philistzea, Boiss. [A few. species peculiar to this region may have been overlooked in the foregoing list] The most abundant and showy of the wild flowers of this region are z—Anemone coronaria, L., with scarlet, blue, GEOGRAPHY OF‘ SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 11 lilac, and occasionally whitish flowers,—this plant flowers from December to’ April; Ranunculus Asiaticus, L., with crimson, yellow, and white blossoms, often three or four inches broad,—it flowers in March and April 3 Papaver Rhoeas, L., var. Syriacum, 30533., with brilliant crimson flowers as large as the last, with a deep blackish spot at the base of the petals,—it flowers from March to May, and often covers a sandy field with a mass of gorgeous colour; Silene Atocion, Mum, with pretty pink flowers, often growing in large quan- tities, so as to colour a considerable area,——it flowers from > February to May; Chrysanthemum segetum, L., and C. coro- narium, L., with their showy yellow flowers, opening in April and May; Specularia Speculum, L., with blue flowers, opening from March to May ; Gladiolus segetum,'L. and G. Illyricus, Kochwith bright pink blossoms, growing in spring time among the wheat; Iris sisyrhinchium, L., with blue flowers ; Asphode- lus microcarpus, Via, with inch-broad white flowers in showy panicles. All of these species are found in considerable abundance in the lower mountain ranges, especially the maritime chain. Of native trees there are very few, principally Pistacia Terebinthus, L., var. Palaestina (P. Palasstina, B0683.) ; Ficus sycomorus, L. ,- Alnus Orientalis; Salix alba, L. ; and Salix fragilis, L. Large groves of mulberries, olives, figs, palms, and pines (Pinus pinea, L.) are planted at various points along the coast. The most characteristic shrubs are Calycotome villosa, L., with bright yellow flowers, in blossom from December to May; Rhamnus Palaestina, 307333.; Lonicera Etrusca, L.,- Tamarix Pallasii, Vill. ,- Elaeagnus hortensis, M.B. ; Ephedra campylopoda, C.A.1ll.; Smilax aspera, L., var. Mauretanica, 301238.; and of the larger grasses Arundo Dorax, L. ,- Saccharum Egyptiacum, W'. ,- all of which are found also in the lower mountains. II. The [image of Akherdagh.—The most convenient point of access to this mountain from the south is Marash, a city of 30,000 people, situated in the lap of the mountain, about 2,500 feet above the sea. The Christian population of this town numbers about 10,000, of whom about 3,000 are Protestants. Around the base and on the lower slopes of Akberdagh are found Delphinium sulphureum, Boiss. ct Hausa/n; Amygdalus Orientalis,Ait.; Echinophora Sibthorp- iana, Guss. ,- Euphorbia denticulata, Lam. ,- Jthamnus petiolaris, Boiss ; Convolvulus Germaniciae, B01333. ct Haussk. ,- Verbascum Germaniciae, Haussk. ; Mespilus Germanica, L. ,- 12 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL and other plants, either peculiar to this range, or indicating the transition to the flora of the Taurus. As one rises on the shingly side of the mountain, and penetrates its mass through a broad valley channelled out of its southern flank, he meets with Jasminum fruticans, L.; Nepeta leptantha, Buriss. et Hauss/mec/Lt ,- Stachys Cretica, S. et Sm. ; Cephalaria stellipilis, Boise. (common also in Lebanon) ; Ferulago Blancheana, Post (a fine species thus far not elsewhere found, 6 feet high, and with a panicle 18 inches long) ; Cirsium Cataonieum, Boiss. at Haussk. (not elsewhere found) ; C. Afrum, Jacq. ; Jurinea ramulosa, Boiss. ct Haussk. ; Centaurea Cataonica, Boiss. et Haussk.; Bnplevrum Kurdicum, Boiss. As one rises to the higher regions of this mountain he iunfolds a vast prospect to the southward, taking in the northern portion of the Amanus chain, the hill country toward Aintab, and that around the head of the Gulf of Iskanderfin, and the distant Cilician Taurus. Half-way up the mountain side, a few miles west of the road through the clove, are some scattered cedars of Lebanon, sadly lopped, and almost killed. A little before reaching the summit, in a meadow, 6,000 feet above the sea, inundated by winter rains and melting spring snows, I found Heliotropium supinum, L., a great elevation for this species. A little higher up, Astragalus stromatodes, Bngc ; A. Kurdicus, Boise. ; Prangos Platychlzena, Boise. at Haussk. ; Cachrys goniocarpa, 1301193.,- Cousinia foliosa, Bates. et Hausa-7m. (peculiar) ; Acantholimon Armenum, Boise. ct Huct. Few or none of them found on the ranges to the south. As the traveller rises to the summit of Akherdagh, a truly wonderful prospect stretches away to the north. Opposite is the towering cone of Berytdagh, the mountain on.which is the town of Zeiti‘in, and beyond it range after range of the Taurus rolls away to the north like gigantic waves, a sea of mountains extending half across Asia Minor. The summit of Akherdagh is so bare and dome-like, and has so few inequalities, that the wind sweeps it almost bare of snow, and the exposed drifts, notwithstanding an altitude (8,100 feet) at which they remain throughout the year 011 Lebanon, melt early in the summer. The shingly soil Supports few plants, and a botanist must supplement the relatively scanty scientific reward of his exertions by the wonderful landscape which he has unveiled. The flora has been studied principally by Hansskneeht, Boissier, and the author, whose results are embodied in the forthcoming flora of Syria. While the flora of the base and lower slopes of Akherdagh is exceedingly GEOGRAPHY OF SYRIA AND 'PALESTINE. 13 rich, and exceptionally interesting as transitional from the northern plains to the system of the Taurus, that of the sub- Alpine and Alpine regions is meagre in comparison with that of Lebanon and Antilebanon. Opposite Akherdagh, to the southward, and separated from it by the valley of the Ak-Su, is a low range known as Kapu-~ Cham Dagh. This range is wooded, principally with Pinus Haleppensis, Mill., from the Turkish word for which the range takes its name. In one of the ravines at the western foot of this range I discovered Johrenia Porteri, Post, with elliptical segments to the pinnatipartite leaves,and in ameadow near by collected Ankyropetalum gypsophiloides, Fenzl. III. The Range of Amanus is a highly picturesque and beautiful mountain chain, chiefly characterised by the feature, almost unique for Syria, of extensive forests covering a large part of the mountain sides almost to the Alpine region. Most of the mountain peaks of this range are from 4,000 feet to 5,600 feet high. Only three,—Durbindagh, Banderasdagh, and Ziaretdagh,—are over 7,000 feet high. The writer has ascended onlythe latter, which is the northernmost of the range. The Amanus is cleft from north to south by the valley of the Dale-Sn, an affluent of the Ak-Su. After crossing the pass, 5,400 feet high, at Khotsch-Bel, the traveller descends the valley of the Durdikan-Su, which completes the longitudinal fissure of the range as far as Hassan Beyley, below which the range is single until its termination in Ras-el-Khanzir and J ebel-Musa. The forests of this range are composed mainly of Pinus Haleppensis, Mill. ,- J uniperns excelsa, M. B. ; J. drupacea, Labill ; Celtis Australis, L.; Quercus Cerris, L. ,- Q. coccifera, L. ; Q. Libani, Oliv. ; Q. ZEgilops, L.; Q. Lusitanica, Lam. ,- Fraxinus excelsior, L. ; Fagus sylvatica, L. ; Corylus avellana, L. (not before noted); Carpinus Duinensis, 860p. ,- Cornus mas, L. ,- Abies Cilicica, Ant. at K. (new for Syria) ; Taxus baccata, L. (new for Syria); Cupressus sempervirens, L. ,- Ostrya carpinifolia, 8001).; Salix alba, L.; S. fragilis, L.; Cedrus Libani, L. The author noted large numbers of this noble tree (new for Amanus), from the latitude of Hassan Beyley, where one young tree was seen, to the northernmost peaks of- the range, always at an elevation of not less than 4,000 feet. In some places, as Buyuk Hodhu, there are clumps and groves of them. On almost all these trees, and on many shrubs, there is a most extraordinary number and variety of galls. A specialist in this line of study would find much more to reward him in this range than in all the rest of Syria together. ' . . .,.m...w: 14 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL Among the noteworthy plants of this region are :— Alyssum samariferum, Boiss. et Haussk., with large orbicular fruits, abundant in the central parts of the range; Nigella Orientalis, L. ; EuOnymus latifolius, $0019.; Cytisus drepanolobus, Boise; Dorycnium Kotschyi, Boiss. et Reut. ; D. Haussknechtii, Boiss. ; (‘olutea arborescens, L.; Glycyrrhizopsis flavesceus, Boiss.; Astragalus Amanus, 301353.; A. ambiguus, Ky.; Vicia Cassubica, L. ,' Sanicula Europaea, L. ; Heracleum Amanum, Boiss. et Ky.; Lactuca seticuspis, Bots-3.; Cionura erecta, L.; Acantholimon laxi- florum, 130233.; Loranthus Europzeus, L. ; Linaria Dalmatica, L. The following species are peculiar to this chain, and are, as Will be seen, several of them new to science :— Silene Porteri, Post; Hypericum Doddsii, Post; H. Amanum, Boiss.; [Ethionema spicatum, Post; Chaerophyllum Oligocarpum, Post; Ferulago Amani, Post; Scaligeria capillifolia, Post; Galium Tolosianum, Boiss. ct Ky.; Ptosimopappus bracteatus,~B0iss. ; Centaurea arifolia, Boiss. ; C. foliosa, Boiss. ct Ky. ; Verbascum Amanum, Boiss. It is quite probable that most or all of the species heretofore regarded as peculiar to Cassius will be found in Amanus, when it shall have been as well explored. The subalpine regions of Amanus are limited to the tops of the lower mountains, and the flanks of the three alpine summits alluded to above. They are wooded, especially on the sheltered eastern flanks of the mountains. Among their characteristic, although not peculiar, plants are :— Papaver Caucasicum, 191.13.; Paronychia capitata, Koch; Orobus grandi- florus, 1302195.; Galium Orientale, 1101733.; Scrophularia variegata, ALB. ; Veronica Oriontalis, 31271; V. polifolia, 19th.; V. cinerea, Boiss. ct BILL; Salvia vcrhascifolia, ALB; Scutellaria difl‘usa, Bth. ; S. salvizefolia, Bth.; Marrubium faucidens, Boiss. et Bat; Phlomis Armeniaca, Willi; Asphodeline Taurica, Pall. ; Allium calyptratum, Boiss.; A. Cilicicum, Balsa; A. Cassium, Boiss. The alpine peaks of Amanus are isolated cones with a small area, and steep,—often precipitous—sides, on which little snow collects, and where it soon melts from its small bulk and complete exposure, leaving the naked rock with no source of moisture except the clouds. It results from this that the alpine flora of Amanus is far poorer than that of Lebanon, and mainly confined to low species growing in clefts of the rock. IV. Mount Cassius is a naked limestone cone, rising about 4,000 feet above the wooded hills, which cover about 100 square miles to the south and north-east of its base. The most convenient point for the ascent of the cone is from Kessab, a large village containing an Armenian and a Protestant community. This village is about 2,600 feet above the sea. It is remarkable for the size and number of its walnut trees. In rising above the town one encounters such plants as Alyssum Szowitzianum, F. and M. ,' Teucrium GEOGRAPHY 0F SYRIA AND PALESTINE. l5 Chamzedrys, L. ; and other plants, growing on dry thin soil or in clefts of rocks. At 4,000 feet, on the patches of rich earth, are quantities of Ferula meifolia, Fenzl., with ovate root- leaves a foot or eighteen inches long, dissected into in- numerable setaceous divisions, and stem-leaves expanding at base into a horn-shaped sheath, which will often held half a gill of water. The panicle of this species is a foot or eighteen inches long, with shiny golden flowers. It is one of the most striking field-plants of Syria. Higher up are a few scattered stunted trees of Ostrya carpinifolia, 8001)., and Acer Monspessulauum, L., which constitute almost the sole arboretum of the cone. Of her- baceous plants, Allium Cassium, 301333.; Galium Orientals, Boise. ; Thymus Serpyllum, L. ; Alsine juniperina, Fenzl.; Paronychia capitata, Koch. ,- Alyssum alpestre, L. ; Anoplanthus coccineus, Marsch., may serve as specimens. At the very summit I found Viola modesta, Fenzl. 'On the whole, the botanical output of the cone is meagre; but the View is surpassingly grand, taking in the southern portion of the Amanus to the north, the whole range of the Nusairy mountains, including the wooded region lying between, and all northern Lebanon, and the Phoenician coast as far south as the Museilihah. In clear weather the mountains of Cyprus and the Taurus are also visible. The wooded region of Cassius is so varied in surface and exposure that it is admirably adapted for the development of a rich and interesting flora. The most common trees are the same as those which constitute the forests of the Amanus, with the exception of the cedars, hemlocks, and beech. The following list of plants, many of them thus far found only in the woods of Cassius, but probably common also to the far less known Amanus, will show the botanical interest of this region:— Carpoeeras oxyceras, Boiss. Haplophyllum sylvaticum, B02193. Fumana oligosperma, Boiss. ct Ky. Glycyrrhizopsis flavescens, Boiss. Silene Cassia, Boz'ss. Pyrethrum Cassium, Boz'ss. Hypericum Cassium, Boiss. Celsia pinetorum, Boiss. Trifolium Cassium, Boz'ss. Onosma Cassium, Boiss. Arenaria Cassia, Boiss. Besides these local species the woods and glades of Cassius abound in Helleborus vesicarius, Aim/L, a species with globular capsules two inches in diamater; Paeonia corallina, Retz., a very showy species with flowers three or four inches broad ; Hypericum scabrum, L., and H. hyssopifolium, Vill., with showy corymbs and panicles; Pelargonium Endlicherianum, Fcnzl., with purplish showy flowers 5 Dictamnus Fraxinella, . . -2.“ $< ,4.— ,.- 16 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL Para, with foliage of strong rutaceous odour, and a handsome raceme of lilac flowers ; Rhamnus Kurdica, 307388., with edible berries as large as large currants ; Ferulago Cassia, Boiss.; Fontanesia phillyreoides, Labill., a shrub from four to ten feet high, with the aspect of a myrtle, but the key fruits of the ash family, and of which Cassius is the extreme southern habitat ; Heliotropium rotundifolium,Lieb.; Linaria genistifolia, L. ,- Origanum leevigatum, 1301333.; Orobanche Anatolica, Boiss. et Reuvt.; Sternbergia Fischeriana, Herb. Amar. ; Notochlaena Marantee, L. In the southern part of these woods is the farthest northern limit of Fragaria vesca,‘ L. The transition from the flora of Cassius to that of Lebanon is striking, and as the flora of the Nusairy chain, as far as explored, closely resembles that of the lower regions of Lebanon, Mount Cassius constitutes a some- what marked botanical centre, with its affinities in the direction of the northern rather than the southern chain. The following is a somewhat incomplete list of the plants collected by the author during two journeys to the regions of Northern Syria, the first in June, covering the territory from Lattakia to Mount Cassius, Antioch, and along Amanus to Beilan ; and the second in September from Beilan along Amanus to Marash and Akherdagh. It also includes a large number 'of plants collected by correspondents of the writer during the spring and early summer months. A considerable number of these species have not been heretofore noted in Northern Syria. Clematis cirrhosa, L., Mai-ash. ,, vitalba, L., Marash, Amanus. Thalictrum minus, L., Amanus. Anemone blanda, Sclwtt ct Ky., Man-ash, Amanus. Adonis autumnalis, L. ,, z‘estivalis, L., var. squarrosa, Marash. Ranunculus Sprunerianus, Balsa, Marash. ,, Damascenus, Balsa, Aintfib. ,, Cassius, 130633., Kessab. ,, muricatus, L., common everywhere. Ceratocephalus falcatus, Para, Marash. Helleborus vesicarius, Auch., Marash. Nigella stellaris, Boise, Marash. ,, ciliaris, D. C, Marash. Delphinium axilliflorum, D. 0., Mal-ash. ,, sulphureum, Boiss. ct ILmssh, Murash. ,, Ithaburense, Boise, Amanus. ,, peregrinum, L., var. laxum, Post. Pzeonia corallina, Rctz, Beilain. Leont-ice leontopetalum, L., Aintzib. Bongardia chrysogonum, L., Aintab. Rmmeria hybrida, L., Amanns, Aintfib. Papaver Caucasicum, M .13., Amanus, Akherdagh. GEOGRAPHY 0F SYRIA AND PALESTINE. Papaver somniferum, L., Ainta‘ib. ,, rhoeas, L., general. Glaucium luteum, Soap, Coast near Alexandretta. ,, Aleppicum, 301733., Aintéb. Fumaria officinalis, L., Marash. ,, parviflora, Lam, Marash. ,, Anatolica, Boiss., Aintéb. Corydalis solida, Sm, Mal-ash, Aintéb; Matthiola bicornis, L. ,, ,, var. pumilis, 307383., Mamsh. ,, ,, var. brevicornis, Boiss., Mal-ash. Arabis Turrita, L., Amanus. ' ,, Aucheri, B0iss., Mar-ssh. Nasturtium oflicinale, R. B72, common. Fibigia clypeata, L., Akherdagh. Alyssum sp., arash. ,, argenteum, With, Beilfin. ,, crenulatum, 307388., Cassius, Amanus. ,, samariferum. Boiss. et Haussk., Amanus. ,, montanum, L., Amanus. ,, eriophyllum, Boiss. et Haussk., Akherdagh. ,, Szowitzianum, F. at M ., Cassius. ,, Cassium, Boiss., Kesséb. ,, constellatum, 307233., Amanus. ,, alpestre, L., var. genuinum, 1307233., Marash. ,, przecox, Boiss., Beilén. ,, strictum, Willi, Marash. ,, campestre, L., var. longipilosum, Post, Marash. Erophila minima, 0. A. M ., Marash. Hesperis matronalis, L., var. runcinata, Boiss., Amanus. ,, Aintftbica, Post, Aim-3b. 1 Sisymbrium Pannonicum, L., Aintfib. ,, Sophia, L., Aintéb. Erysimum vermcosum, 302333., Marash. ,, scabrum, D.C'., Marash. Conringia clavata, 1301385., .Aintéb. Bmssica (Hirschfeldia) adpressa, Mamch, Marash. Sinapis arvensis, L., var. orientalis, 3065's., common. Diplotaxis tenuifolia, L., var. integrifolia, Boiss., Antioch. Lepidium Chalepense, L., Mal-ash. ,, graminifolium, L., Antioch. Aethionema longistylum, Post, Amanus. ,, coridifolium, D.C'., Beilan. ,, spicatum, Post, Amanus. ,, cristatum, D.C’., Aintéb. ' ,, Buxbaumii, Fisch, Aintéb, Marash. Clypeola J onthlaspi, L., Aintéb. Thlaspi perfoliatum, L., var. stylatum, Post, Kessab. Carpoceras oxyceras, Boiss., Cassius. Peltaria. angustifolia, D.C'., var. grandiflora, Post, Marash. Iberis Taurica, D.C'., Cassius. * Isatis Aucheri, Boiss., Mal-ash. ,, hispida, Post, Akherdagh. Cramhe orientalis, L., Aintfib. Neslia paniculata, L., Aintfib. Erucariu Aleppica, Gaertn., Aintéib. C 17 .I l '18 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL Ochthodium ZEgyptizwum, L., Marash. Raiphanus sativus, L, Aintab. Capparis spinosa, L., var. genuina, Bodssq Mar-ash. Reseda luLea, L, Marash. ,, ,, var. nutans, Boiss., Marash. ,, luteola, L., Beilén. Helianthemum salicifolium, L., Aintfib. ,, Kotschyanum, B07333” Marash. Fumana Arabica, L., Marash, Aintab. ,, glutinosa, L, var. viridis, 301353., Kessab, Antioch. ,, oligosperma, B01393” Cassius Viola. odorata, L., Kessab. ,, occulta, L., Kessab. ,, modesta, Fenzl., Summit of Cassius. Polygala pruinosa, Boiss” Marash. ,, supina, Schrebq Amanus. _ ,, Anatolica, Boiss. 6t Held“ Kessab. Diunthus floribundus, Boiss, Marash. ,, ,, var. Kerhanicus, Post, Kerhén. ,, multipunctatus, Sen, Amanus. ,, fimbriatus, M .B., Amanus. ,, polycladus, 807333., Marash, Amanus. ,, pallens, Sibtk., Beilfm. Ankyropetalum Reuteri, B01533. ct Haussk., Kapu-Cham-Dagh. Gypsophila Aucheri, B0iss., Akherdagh. ,, ortegioides, F. at M., Akherdagh. Tunica pachygona, F. at M., Aintzib. Saponuria. vaccaria, L., Marash. Melandrium eriocalyciuum, 1301333., Amanus. Silene Kotschyi, B0iss., Aintz‘ib. ,, compact-.1, Horn, Amanus. ,, racemosa, 0tth., Amanus. ,, macrodontu, B0iss., Aintfib ,, Atocion, M11772, Beilz‘m. ,, pruinosn, Boiss.,Akherd:1gh. ,, Portori, Post. ,top of Ziaretdagh and Akherdagh. ,, commutata, 07135., Morash. ,, swertiaefolia, Boissq Cassius. gigantea, L. Amanus. GiLhago crmcilis, 801338., Marash. ,, segetum, Desfq Marash. Cerastium vulgntum, L., common. ,, dichotomum, L., common. Holosteum liniflorum, Stcv., Marash. ,, umbellatum. L., Aintz‘ib. Stelluria holostea, L., Mamsh. Alsine, 83)., Mamsh. ,, juniperina, Fcnzl., Beilfm. ,, Smithii, Fcnzl., Amzmus. ,, tenuifolia, L. Marash. ,, macrospermu, J. 14.0613], Akherdagh. B11fi'0ni:1 macrospermu, J. A. Gay, Amanus, Akherdugh Queria Hispanics, Lafi, Amanus. Saginaw. apetala, Boiss., Amunus. Arenaria ucerosu, 130133., Amunus. Herniariai incunzi, Lam., Amunus, Akherdagli. GEOGRAPHY OI" SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 19 Habrosia spinuliflora, Sen, Aintéb. Paronychia capitata, Koch, Beilan. ,, argentea, L., Antioch. Tamarix Pallasii, Dem, Aintéb. Hypericum Doddsii, Post, Amanus. ,, ' cuneatum, Pair. _ ,, ,, var. maximum, Post, Antioch. ,,. scabrum, L., Marash. leave, Boiss. et Haussk., Amanus. ,, hyssopifolium, Vill., Marash, Amanus. ,, heliauthemoides, Spock, Akherdagh. ,, tetrapterum, Fries, Amanus. ,, Amanum, Boiss., Cassius, Amanus. ,, lanuginosum, Lam, Antioch. ,, Cassium, 1301283., Kessab. crispum, L., Marash. Alcoa rufescens, Boiss” Marash. ,, lavaterznflora, D. 0., Marash. Malva rotundifolia, L., everywhere. ,, var. perennans, Post, Top of Akherdagh. Linum nodiflorum, L, Marash. ,, orientale, L., M arash ,, rigidissimum, Post, Kapu~Cham- Dagh. ,, pubescens, Russ, Marash, Amanus. ,, usitatissimum, L., Amanus. ,, angustifolium, Buds, Marash. Geranium tuberosum, L., Marash. ,, asphodeloides, Willd., Marash. ,, rotundifolinm, L., everywhere. ‘ ,, molle, L., everywhere. Pelargonium Endlicherianum, Fenzl., Amanus, Marash. Erodium Romanum, L., Mamsh. ,, moschatum, L., common. ,, cicutarium, L., common. Ruta graveolens, L., Marash. Euonymus Europaeus, L.,Ma1'ash. ,, latifolius, 86019., Amanus. Haplophyllum Buxbanmii, Pain, Marash. Dictamnus Fraxinella, Fem, Cassius. Peganum Harmala, L., Aintéb. Paliums acnleatus, Lam, Amanus, Marash. Rhamnus Kurdica, Boiss. et Hoh., Marash. ,, Libanotica, Boiss., Amanus. ,, punctata, B0iss., Amanus. ,, Palmstina, Boiss., Amanus. ,, petiolaris, Boiss” Amanus Vitis vinifera, L. ,Amanus. ,, orientalis, Lam", Antioch. Acer Monspessulanum, L. ,Cassius, Amanus. ,, Hyrcanum, F. et M., Amanus. Rhus Cotinus, L. C,assius, Amanus. ,, Coriaria, L. Amanus, Akherdagh. Pistacia Terebinthus, L. var. Palwstina, Post, Amanus, Akherdagh Anagyris faztida, L. ,Amanus, Akherdagh aninus hirsutus, L., Kessab. 20 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL Cytisus puuciflorus, Post, Murash. Genista acanthocluda, D.C., Marash. ,, Anatolica, 302335., Cassius. ,, patula, M.B., var. Antiochia, Boiss., Antioch. ,, Libanotica, 301335., Marash. ' ,, albida, Willi, Amanus. Spartium junceum, L. Argyrolobium crotalarioides, B06352, Aintéb. Cytisus drepunolobus, Boiss, Cassius, Amanus. ,, Cassius, B02293, Cassius. ,, ,, var. multiflorus, Post, Cassius. Gonocytisus pterocladus, Boiss., Cassius, Amanus. Ononis leiosperma, Boiss., Marash. ,, Columnm, All., Cassius. ,, Natrix, L., var. stenophylla, 301253., Antioch. , biflora, Desfi, Marash. Trigonella. Kotschyi, Fcnzl., Marash. . ,, Coelesyriaca, Boiss., Aintzib. ,, spicata, L., Marash. Medicago sativa, L., common. ,, lupuiina, L., common. ,, falcata, L., common. ,, tribuloides, Rohde, Cassius. ,, Shepardi, Post, Aintzib. Melilotus alba, L., Marash. ,, parviflora, Desf., common. Trifolium Cataonicum, Post, Kerhan. ,, Cussium, Boz'ss., Cassius. ,, arvense, L., Mai-ash. ,, ungustifolium, L., Aintzib. ,, purpureum, Loiscl., Marash. ,, supinum, Sam, Aintz‘ib. ,, Alexandrinum, L., Marash. Camdollei, Post, Aintfib. ,, physodcs, 3601)., Beilz‘m. ,, resupinatum, L., Marash. ,, Aintubense, Bo'iss. ct Haussk., Cassius, Amt-ab. ,, xerocephalum, Fond, Marash. ,, repens, L., Mumsh. Petrisuvii, Clam, Aintzib, Marush. ,, speciosum, L., Marash. ,, erubescens, Fcnzl., Cassius. ,, ugrarium, L., Mairwsh. Cytisopsis dorycniifoliu, Jaub. ct Sp, Cassius, Antioch. Dorycniuin hirsutum, L., Marash. ,, ,, var. acuminutum, Post, Cassius. ,, Kotschyi, Boiss ct Rout, Amanus. ,, Haussknechtii, b’oiss, Amunus. Lotus corniculutus, L. ,, ,, var. alpinus, Boiss., Marash. ,, Gcbelia, Vent, Aintiib. Colutea arborcsccns, L., Alumnus, Kurddagh. Asti‘agulus, Sp, Antioch. ,, Sp, Murash. ,, tuburculosus, D. l'.. Murush. ,, hirsutissimus, D. (‘., Animus. GEOGRAPHY 0F SYRIA AND PALESTINE. Astralagus chrysophyllus, Balsam, Amanus. diphtherolobus, Bge., Amanus. ,, platyrhaphis, Fisch., Marash. ,, Sp, Kessab. _ gummifer, Lab., Akherdagh. ,,‘ stromatodes, Bge., Akherdagh. ,, ,, var. microphyllus, Post, Akerdagh. ,, ambiguus, Bge., Amanus. argyrophyllus, Boiss. at Chi/ill, Aintfib. andrachnaefolius, Fenzl., Marash. ,, Andrachne, Bge., Akherdagh. Seytunensis, Bge., Akherdagh. Drusorum, Boiss., Akherdagh. gossypinus, Fisch, Akherdagh. ,, elongatus, Willi, Marasb. . macrocephalus, Willi, Akherdagh. ,, angustifolius, Lam, Amanus. vaginans, D. 0., Amanus. ,, strictifolius, 1301193., Akherdagh. ,, schizoptems, 807333., Cassius. Glycyrrhiza glabra, L.. Amanus, Akherdagh. ,, echinata, L., Cassius, Marash. Hammatolobium lotoides, Fenzl., Marash. Coronilla varia, L., Mai-ash. ,, ,, var. paucifiom, BO’lSS., Marash, Antioch. ,, emeroides, Boiss. et Spin, Amanus. Hedysarum pogonocarpum, Balsa, Amanus, Marash. Onobrychis aequidentata, S. et Sm., Mamsh. sativa, Lam, var. montana, "B07353, Akherdagh. gracilis, 1302233., Marash. ,, Cadmea, 309335., Marash. cornuta, L., Marash. ,, aurantiaca, Balsa, Marash, Amanus. Vicia Noéana, Rent, Marash. ,, serioocarpa, Fenzl., Marash. ,, sativa, L., Marash. peregrina, L., Cassius, Max-ash. ,, gregaria, Boiss. et Held., Akherdagh. ,, Cracca, L., Marash. ,, Gerardi, Vill, Cassius. ,, Ervilia, L., common. ' tenuifolia, Roth, Amanus. ,, disperma, D. 0., Cassius. Ervum lenticula, Sam-eh, Cassius. ,, Orientale, 301235., Marash. Lathyrus Aphaca, L., Marash. ,, Cassius, Boiss., Cassius, Aintéb. amcenus, L., Aintz‘tb. ‘ H . . Orobus sessilifolius, S. et Sm, var. oblongifollus, Post, Marash. ,, hirsutus, L., var. angustifolius, Post, Amanus. Pisum elatius, M. B., Marash. Cercis Siliquastrum, L., Marash. Amygdalus lycioides, Spach., Aintfib, Marash. ,, ()rientalis, All, Marash. Prunus monticola, C. Koch, Cassius. ,, spinosa, L, Amanus. 21 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL Prunus ursina, Ky. ., Amanus. Cerasus tortuosa, Bates. et IIaussk., Aintab. Malus communis, L. M arash Rubus discolor, W. at N., Antioch. ,, tomentosus, Banish“, Marash, Antioch. Geum urbanum, L., Cassius, Mai-ash. Poterium verrucosum, Elm, Marash. Fragaria vesca, L., Amanus. Potentilla reptans, L., Mumsh. ‘ ,, recta, L. Amanus. ,, geranioides, Willd., Amanus. Agrimonia Eupatoria, L. Amanus, Cassius Rosa canina, L. Cassius. \ ,, Phoenicea, Boiss, Marash. ,, glutinosa, S. ec Sm, Amanus. Pyrus Syriaca, 301333., Cassius, Antioch. L‘otoneaster pyracnntha, L. Amanus. nummularia, F. etM., Amanus, Cassius. Crataegus Azarolus, L., Mamsh. ,, monogyna, Willi, Marash. Mespilus Germs-mica, L., Akherdagh. Saxifmga scotophila, 301388., Cassius, Antioch. Umbilicus Libanoticus, Labill, Marash. ,, Pestalozzae, Boiss. ., Mamsh. intermedius, Bows, common. Sedum, Sp” Mai-ash. ,, stoloniferum, Gmel., Amanus. , ,, album, L., Amanus. Lythrum Salicaria, L. ,.Antioch .,, Graofi'eri, Ten., Marash. J 11ss1aoa. repens, L., Aintab, Marash. Punica Granatum, L. ,Amanus, Mamsh. ‘ Epilobium hirsutum, L. ,Marash, Antioch. 1 ,, parviflorum, 1801111112., Marash. 1 ,, Sp, Akherdagh. Bryonia multiflora, Boiss. et Held. Marash, Kessab. ,, Syriaca, Boissq Aintzib. Datisca Cannabina, L., Marash. Eryngium Billardieri, Laroch. ,A.manus campestre, L. ,Amanus, Akherdagh. Echinophora Sibthorpiana, Guss, .Akherdagh, Marash. Sauicula Europzm, L. ,Amanus. Physospermum aquilogifolium, All. ,Cassius. Corizindrum sstivum, L. common. ,, tordylioides,Boiss.,Aintf1b. Smyrnium connatum, Boiss. ct K J, Cassius. Lecockia Cretica, Lam, Amanus. Falcaria. Alexandrettm, Post, Marshes of Alexandrotta. Buplevrum Antiochium, Post, Antioch. 11 ’5': 1. ”LL: .fi...‘jh/A.Z\"$:‘ ,, Boissieri, Post, Amanus. ,, croceum, Fcnzl, Aintab, Mamsh. ,, protractum, Link, Marash. ,, lophocarpum, Boiss. ct Bal., Marash. ,, odontites, L., Cassius. ., Gerardi, Jucq, Cassius. ., Kurdicum, Boiss., Amanus. GEOGRAPHY OF SYRIA AND PALESTINE. Buplevrum Cappadocicum, Boiss., Aintz‘ib, Marash. ,, irregulare, Boiss. et Ky., Amanus. Sium lancifolium, RI. 3., Amanus, Akherdagh. Pimpinella. corymbosa, Bo'iss” Amanus, Marash. ,, peregrina, L., Sea~coast Plain. Carum brachyactis, Post, Akherdagh. ,, nudum, Post, Amanus. _,, elegans, Fenzl., Aintéb. Scaligeria Cretica, L., Antioch. ,, capillifolia, Post, Akherdagh. Chaerophyllum oligocarpum, Post, Amanus. Scandix pinnatifida, Vent, Marash. ,, Pecten-Veneris, L., common. ,, Iberica, M. 3., common. Oenanthe pimpinelloides, L., Amanus. Zozimia absinthifolia, Vent, Marash. Cachrys goniocarpa, Boiss., Amanus, Marash. Prangos platychlaena, Boiss., Akherdagh. Colladonia. crenata, Fenzl., Cassius. Foeniculum Piperitum, D. 0., Kessab. Cnidium Onentale, Boiss., Cassius, Amanus. Ferulago Blancheana, Post, Akherdagh. ,, Cassia, 301583., Cassius. ,, pauciradiata, B01355. at Held, Cassius, Amanus. ,, Syriaca, 307333., Antioch, Amanus. ,, Amani, Post, Amanus. Ferula meifolia, Fenzl., Cassius. Peucedanum depaupertatum, Boiss. ct H eld., Akherdagh. ,, ,, var. alpinum, Boéss., Akherdagh Tordylium Syriacum, L, Marash. Ainsworthia trachycarpa, Boiss., Marash. J ohrenia selinoides, Boiss. et Bal., Antioch. ,, Porteri, Post, Kapa-Cham-Dagh. Exoacontha heterophylla, Labill., Axnanus. Malabaila pastinacaefolia, Boiss. et Bal. Amanus. ,, Sekakul, Russ, Marash. Artedia squamata, L., Marash. Torilis neglecta, Roam. et Sch, Akherdagh. Daucus setulosus, Gus-5., Aintab. ,, leptocarpus, Hochst., Marash. Turgeniopsis foeniculacea, Fenzl., Cassius, Amanus. Lisaea Syriaca, B0iss., Kessab. Turgenia. latifolia, L., Mai-ash. Laserpitium sp., Akherdagh. Angelica sylvestris, L., Kerhfim. Cornus Australis, C. at M, Cassius, Antioch, Amanus. ,, Mas, L., Amanus. Lonicera Etrusca, Santi, Marash. ,, nummularifolia, Jaub. et Sp, Amanus, Marash. ,, Orientalis, Lam., Amanus. Sambucus Ebulus, L., Amanus. Putoria Calabrica, L., Mararh. Rubia Aucheri, 30535., Cassius, Amanus. ,, Olivieri, Rich, var. stenophylla, 302193., Amanus. Galium cymulosum, Post, Amanus. ,, erectum, Huds., Amanus. 23 241 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL Galiuin Orientale, 30133., var. alpinum, 130153., Marash. n H n tenemm: , ,, ,, hispidum, Post,Gesbe1dagh. ,, aureum, V1.9. ., Cassius. ,, verum, L. ,Cassius, Amanus, Marash. ,, tricorne, L., Marash. ,, adhaerens, Boiss. et Bal., Mamsh. ,, Decaisnei, 30133., Cassius. coronatum, S. et Sm., Marash. Asperula dissitiflora, Post, Amanus. ,, odorata, L., Amanus. ,, humifusa, Bess., Amanus. ,, arvensis, L., Marash. ,, Onentahs, Bozss. at Hook, Mai-ash. ,, stricta, Bo1ss., Amanus. var. alpina, Boiss,Mz11‘a.sh. Callipeltis Cucullaria, L, Aintab. Crucianella macrostachys, Boiss. ,, ,, var. pennicillata, B0153, Marash. var.brachyst11chys,Boiss.,Marash. Valeriana Dioscoridis, S1bth., Marash. Centranthus longiflorus, Stev.,var.1atifolius, Boiss., Marash. ruber, L., Marash. Valerianella coronata, W., Marash. ,, vesicaria, W1lld., Mara-sh. ,, carinata, Loisel, Aintab. Boissieri, K1011, Aintab. Morin; Persica, L., Marash. Cephalaria setosa, Boiss. et Hook, Amanus. ,, stellipilis, Boiss., Akherdagh. ,, ambrosioides, Sibth. ,, J oppens1s, Spreng. ., Aintzib, Marash. Scabiosa rot‘1t11, M. B., Marash, Amanus. ,, ochroleuca, L.,var.inte1‘n1edi:1,Post,Amanus. ,, Palaestina, L, var. 1:1tilobi1, B01311, Marash. Ucmnica, L. Marash, Aintzib. Kn‘11uti‘11 hybrida, All.,v:11‘.bidens, Post, Mamsh. Pterocephalus plumosus, L. ,Cassius, Marash. Eupatorium cannabinum, L., type and var.Sy1‘i:10u111, Boiss., Antioch. Erigeron, sp , M‘1rshes near Kislar- Kalessi. Bellis perennis, L, Mal-ash ,, sylvestris, L. Marash. Helichrysum Siculum, Spring, Amanus In11111 viscosa, 1111., Antioch. Pulicaria Arubica, Cass, Antioch. Micropus longifolius, B0133. at Reut.,Aint11b Ambrosia m‘1riti1n‘1, L., ne‘1r 001st. Achillzea micmntha, M .B., Mamsh. ,, Santolin‘1,L,An1‘1nus. Artemisia monosperina, Del, Plain of Issus. ,, crithmifoli‘i. Anthemis tinctoria, L., var. discoidea, B01783, Cassius, Amanus Kurd Dagh, Mai-ash. ,, hyalim, D.O.,M111'1‘1sh. ., sc111‘ios:1, D. C, Aint11b. GEOGRAPHY 01' SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 2'5 Pyrethtum Cilicicum, Boiss.,Am1mus, Cassius. densum, Labill. ,‘Akherdagh. Senecio vernalis, WK“ Mai-ash. ,, dorizeformis, D. 0., var. megalophron, Bozss. ., Akherdauh. Echinops minimus, Post, Amanus. vaginanus, Boiss. at Hamsk, Akherdagh. Gundelia. Toumefortii, L. var. tenuisecta, Bows, Akherdagh. Cardopathium corymbosum, L., Amanus. J urlnea ramulosa, Boiss. at Haussk., Akherdagh. Xeranthemum squarrosum, Boiss.,M.1rash. Carlina. corymbosa, L., var. involucrata, Boiss., Amanus. ,, v:1r.Libanotica, Boiss., Amanus. Cirsium diaczmtha, Labill, Antioch. ,, Amani, Post, Amanus, above Hassan Beyley ,, leuconeurum, Boiss. at Haussl Akherdagh. Carduus nutans, L. Aintab. Staehelina apiculata, Labill, Antioch. Crupina crupinastrum, M oris., Marash. Centaurea Cassia, Boiss., Cassius. ,, axillaris, Willi, Marash. ,, aggregata, F. at M ., Marash. ,, Antiochia, 1301383., Antioch. ,, thrinciaefolia, D. 0., Cassius, Antioch, ,, depressa, M. B., Aintzib. ,, arifolia, Boiss. ., Plain of Antioch ,, Cataonica, Boiss. at 1117111337.“, Akl1erd.1gh. ,, polycephala, Post, Plain of Antioch ,, Urvillei, D. 0., Aintab, Max-ash. ,, Behen, L., Amanus. ,, solstitialis, L., Marash. ,, Iberica, Trev., Marash. ,, Babylonica, L. ., Amanus. cheiracantha, Fowl, Cassius. theopappus Kotschyi, Boiss. el Held.,Akherd11crh. Ptosimopappus bracteatus, B02363, Amanus. Zoegea leptaurea, L, Plain of Marash. Cichorium Intybus, L., Marash. Scolymus Hispanicus, L., common. Lampsana peduncularis, Boiss. ., Akherdagh. Hedypnms Cretica, L., Marash. Picris stricta, Joni, Antioch. ,, hieracioides, L., Cassius. ,, Sprengeriana, Lam, Marash. Helminthia echioides, L., Antioch. Lagoseris bifida, Via, Marash. Cymboseris Palaestina, B0iss., Marash. Crepis, parviflora, Desf., Marash. ,, Reuteriana, Boiss., Marash. Taraxacum Syriacum, Boiss., Akherdagh. ’ ,, officinale, "7'19 Akherdagh. $17., Akherdag h. Lactuca Scariola, L. ,Akherdagh. ,, vimiuea, L., Amanus. Sonchus asper, Vill, Marash. ,, oleraceus, L., common. Tragopogon Iongirostre, Bisch., Marash. D DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL Tragopogon latif'olium, 130153.. var. alngustifolium, B02333" Marash. ,, bupht:11moides, Boiss., var. stenophyllum, 30533., Marash. B0231, var. humile, Boiss., Mai-ssh. Scorzonem papposa, D 0., Marash. Leontodon asperum, W'. K., var. montanum, 130133., Amanus. Michauxia. campanuloides, L’Hem'tier, Marash. Campanulu Trachelium, L., Amanus. ,, ,, v:1r. solitariaefolia, Post, Amanus. 1, stricta, L., var. Libanotica, B01351, Akherdngh. ,, dichotoma, L., M:11‘~11sh. ,, strigosa, Russ, Marash. ,, retrorsa, Lab., Cassius. Rapuncului, L., Amanus, Marash. Speculariu pentagonimL ., Marash. ,, speculum, L., common. ,, f:1lc:11:1, Tam, Cassius. Arbutus Andrachne, L., Amanus. Erica verticillata, Fania, Cassius, Antioch, Amanus. Acantholimon laxiflorum, Boissq var. condensatum, Post., Amanus. ,, Baltanense, Willi, Amanus, ,, acerosum, Willd., Akherdngh. ,, Armenum, B02383. et Huet.,Akherd:1gh. ,, Kotschyi,JcLub. 615810., Akherdagh. ,, Lycaonicum, B02335. et Held. var. pictum, Boiss., Akherdagh. Statice Limonium, L., Alexandretta. ,. rorida, S. and S., Coast. Lysimachia dubia, 1111., Marash, Kerhfin. Androsace n1:1xim:1,L., Aintfib. An11tr 1111s arvensis, L., var. phoenicea, B02811, Marash. var. caerulea, B0153” Marash. Stvrax officinale, L., Marash. Jasminum fruticans, L. Amanus, Akherdagh. Fontanesia phillyreoides, L011, Cassius. Fraxinus oxyphylla, IV.B.,V:1r. Syri:1c:1,Bo2.,ss Amuuus. Vinca Libanotica, Zucc.,Mar:1sh. Periploca Grmca, L., Marash. Cynanchum acutum, L., Antioch. Cionum erecta, L., Marr1sh. Chlora se1‘oti11:1,Koch., Marash. ,, perfolima, IV 1'.,lld Amanus. Erythroeu ramosissima, Pew, Mamsh. Heliotropium supinum, L., Akherdagh. ,, Bovei,B01'ss.,M:11‘:1sh. ,, villosum, 9V 1Ild., common. Symphytum Palmstinum, B02'ss.,v:11.breviflom, 130133., Marash. I’aracaly 11111 Reuteri, B0233. ct flaussk., Akherdagh. Anchusu Italica, Reta, var. angusbitolia, Post, Mumsh. ,, Barrelieri, All. Pal, Mamsh. ,, Shattuckii, Post, Marash, Aintéb. ,, neglects, Alp h. D. C. ,C-11Ssius, Anianus. Nonneu obtusitolia, H. ,C:1ssi11s, A111111111s. Alk:1nn:1 111eg:110c:11‘p:1,Alph. I).C.,v:1r.Shattucki:1, Posh, Amanus Myusotis sylvatica, Hofim., Marash. ,, hispida, S2411, Marash. ,, refractu, Boiss., Cassius, Amauus. GEOGRAPHY OF SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 27 Cynoglossum Nebrodense, Gnss, Cassius. ,, pictum, Ada, common. Lithospermum arvense, L., Amanus. ,, tenuiflorum, L., Amanus. ,, hispidulum, b‘. at Sm“, Antioch, Ami-anus. purpureo- -caeruleu1n, L., Amanus. Echium Italicum, L., Marash. ,, glomeratum, Pair, Marash. Onosma. frutescens, Lam, Antioch, Amanus. ,, sericeum, Willi, Amanus. ,, flavum, Lehm., Aintab. ,, Cassium, Boiss, Amanus. ,, Roussaei, D. 0., Marash, Aintab. ,, giganteum, Lam, Amanus. ,, stellulatum, W. K. var. genuinum, Boiss., Marash. ,, brevifolium, ,, Cassius. Convolvulus Dorycnium, L., var. oxysepalus, Boiss., Cassius. ,, Aucheri, Choisy, El J cbel el- Ahmar. ,, Galaticus, Rust, Cassius. ,, althaeoides, L., Aintz‘ib. Ipomaea sagittata, Desf., Marshes of Alexandretta. Physalis Alkekengi, L., Marash. Hyoscyamus aureus, L., walls ; general. Withania somnil'era, L., Antioch. Solanum nigrum, L., general. ,,- Dulcamara, L. Cassius,_ Amanus. Cuscuta inonogyna, Vahl., Aintab. Verbascum Antiochiun1,Boiss., Walls of Antioch. ,, Caesareum, B01352, Cassius. ,, Galilaeum, B0iss., Marash, Amanus. ,, mucronatum, Lam, Akherdagh. ,, subnivale, Boiss. et Haussk., Akherdagh. ,, Barbeyi, Post, Amanus. Amanum, B0-iss., Amanus. ,, Syriacum, Schmd., Aintz‘ib, Marash. sinuatum, L., Base of Cassius. Germaniciaa. Hausskq Amanus,Ma1'ash. scaposum, Boiss.,Au1anus, Cassius. Siphonostegia Syriaca, B. at R., Antioch. Celsia heterophylla, Desf. ., Marash. Orientalis, L. Marash. Linaria geuistifolia, L. ,Akherdagh. Dalmatica, L. ,Amanus, Akherdagh. ,, lanigera, Desfl, Antioch. ,, Elatine, L. Ami-anus. ,, Graeca, Bory at (711., Amanus. ,, arvensis, L. var. flaviflora, Boiss, Aintab. ,, Chalepeiisis,L.,Ma1-ash. Persica., Chew, Aintab. Anarrhinum Orientale,Bth.,Ma1-ash. Scrophularia xanthoglossum, Amanus, Marash. sphaerocm'pa, Boiss. at Rent, Beilan. alata, Gilib, Marash. variegata, M. B. ,Cassius, \Iarash. Wulfenia Orientahs, Bm'ss. ,Antioch. Veronica Anagallis, L., Marash. ’5 77 28 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL Veronica Anmrallioides, Gus.s.,M11msh. ,, Oriem111is,M1llAm11nus, Marash. ,, ,, var. tenuifolia, 301.53., Akherdauh. ,, ' cinerea, Boiss. ct Bl.,Akherd.1gli. ,, stenohotrys, Boiss. ct Bl. Cassius. ,, Cymbalaria, Boiss.,A1'ntab,Marash. ,, acinifolia, L., Marash. ,, Syriaca, Roem. et Sch., Marash. Aleppica, B01311, Amanus. Odontites lutea, L., Antioch, Akherdagh. ,, glutinosa, M.B.,An111nus. ,, Aucheri, Bolss. Akherdagh. Eufrugia viscos11, L., Marash. Phelipea l11v1111dul11ce11, Rchb., Marash. ,, ramosa, L, Marash. Orobanche Anatolica, Boiss. ctReut An1:1nus,M11rash. ,, ,, var. glabrescens, Post, Mumsh. ,, Palzestina, Rent, Cassius. speciosa, D. C. ,C11ssius, Marash. Glob1i1111‘i11vulgaris, L.,An111nus,Marash. Acanthus Syriucus, Bo7.ss.,M111‘11sh. Verbena supin11, L ,Antioch. V1ir. minor, Post, Akherdagh. Vitex Agnus- -C-11stus, L. Antioch, Marash. Mcntha. syivestris, L, Antioch. ,, aquatics, L, Marash. Lycopus Europaeus, L., Antioch Origanum lsevigatuni, Boiss. ,Antioch. ,, Maru, L., Antioch. Thymus Serpyllum, L., Amanus, Akherdanh. ,, ,, var.K0tschy11nus,Boiss., Akherdagh. ,, Syriacus, 130133., Pl11in of Antioch. S11turei11 hortensis, L., Marash. ,, Thymbra, L., Antioch. Micromeria serpyliifolia, M. B., Antioch. Thymbm spicata, L., Amanus, Marash. Calamintha grandiflom, L, Amanus. ,, Clinopodiuni, Bth., KeSS11b, Akhe1d11uh. ,, graveoluns, ZiI. B.,Aint11b. Salvia. g11111difl0111,Ett.,Cassius, Antioch ,, Aucher1,Bth Cassius. ,, acetabulosa, 1711111., Amanus, Marash. ,, purpurascens, Post, between M11r11sh 11nd Adana. Pinzu‘di, B01512, Antioch. ., Sy ri11011, L., M11111 11. ,, E111)h111tiC11,1iI at 14.,11cl1 Aintuh. 801111111, L.,L assius ., gluti11051l7L11, A1111111us. verbascifuliu, AI. R, A1111111us. Horminuin, L., 00111111011. h1'11cliycz1lyx, 13011912, M11r11sh. Vc1bcn n11c11, L, common. Russdii, Bth. ., 1\int11h,Mz1111sh. [11) phol11 cliuopodoides, 31.1%., 1111 cuncscons, Boiss, Akher- dagh. cupituta, L., Mamsh. )s GEOGRAPHY 01‘ SYRIA AND 11111113111111. 29 Lallemantia Iberica, M. B., Aintab. Nepeta nuda, L., var. albiflora, 301233. ,, Orientaiis, M1ll., Marash. ,, Cilicica, 1301733., Akherdagh. ,, glomerata, Moi1tb., Akherdagh. ,, leptanbha, 30133. et Haussk.,Akherd11gh. Shepardi, Post, Aintab. Scutellamia Orientalis, L, var. z1lpina,B0133, Amanus. ,, var. genuina, B0133, Marash ,, fruticosa, Desf. ., Akherdagh. ,, difl‘usa, Bth., Marash. ,, - peregrina, L., Cassius, Antioch. Brunella vnlgaris, L., Cassius, Amanus. Siderit-is Libanotica, Labill., Akherdagh. Marrubium faucidens, B0133. et Bal., Marash. ,, Libanoticum, 30133., Akherdagh. var.Hern1011is,B0133., Amanus. Stachys Cretica, S. at S. ,Akherdagh. ,, ,, var. Garana, B0133, Marash. ,, viticina, 130133., Cassius, Antioch. ,, pinetorum, Bo1'33.,An1anus. ,, Gennanica, L., var. spicata, Post, Antioch. ,, lberica, AI. B.,A111anus. ,, pumiI-a, R1133, var. brachyodonta, 80133. ., Antioch diversifolia, 80133., Cassius, Ainanus. Lamiuni striatum, S. at S, var. minus, B0133. ., Amanus, Akher- dag h. ,, Aleppicun), 30133. et Haussk. ., Marash. ,, truncatum, B0133, var. longidematum, P031,Marash. Molucella lzevis, L, Marash. Phlomis Nissolii, L., Marash. ., Viscosa, P0112, Amanus. ,, Armeniaca, W1lld., Akherdagh. ,, linearis, 30133. et Bal., Akherdagh. ,, Herba-Venti, L, Marash. Teucrium multicaule, Montb. et Amh” Marash. a, ,, var planifolium, Post, Marash. ,, procerum, B. at BL, var. humile, B0133, Marash. ,, Uhamaedrys, L, Cassius, Amanus. ,, scordioides, Schreb., Amanus. ,, Polium, L., Antioch. Aju'ga laevigata, Ru33. ., Marash. Plant-duo lanceolata, L. Var. altissima, B0133. ., Marash ,, maritima, L., coast; near Alexandretta. ,, major, L., everywhere. Amarantus hypochondriacus, L., Antioch. ,, chlorostachys, W1lld., Antioch. retroflexus, L, common. Chenopodium album, L., Antioch, Mar-ash. Blitum virgatu1n,L ,Akhe1ducrh. Atriplex Amanum, Post, Gesbel—dzigh. Nozea spinosissirna, 111qu Akherdagh. ,, Tourneforbii, Spach, Akherdagh. Polygonuu-i Convolvulus, L., Amanus. ,, . equisitifonne, 1'. 0t Sm, Antioch. ,, Bellardi, AIL, Amanus. 30. DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL Polygonum Libani, Boiss., Akherdagh. ,, setosum, Jacq., Akherdagh. Rheum Ribes, Grown, Amanus. Rumex acetosa, L., Aintéb. ,, acetoselloides, Bal., Marash. ‘ ,, scutatus, L., Mamsh. ,, Cassius, Boiss., Cassius. Lygia Aucheri, Meisn., Aintéb. Aristolochia Maurorum, L., Mamsh. Daphne sericea, Vahl., Amanus. ,, olaeoides, Schreb., Hummus, Akherdagh. Laurus nobilis, L., Cassius, Antioch. Elveagnns hortensis, M. B., Marash. 'J hesiunl Bergeri, Zucc., Amanus, Cassius. ,, compressum, Boiss. et Held, Amanus. Osyris alba, Lam, Cassius, Anlanus. Viscum album, L., Amzinus. Arceuthobium Oxycedri, D. 0., Amanus. Euphorbiu pubescens, Vahl., Antioch. ,, altissima, Boiss., var. glabrescens, 1502755., Mamsh. ,, tinctoria, Boiss., Marash. ,, denticulata, Lehm, Mamsh. ,, Apios, L., Amanus. Cassia, Boiss, Cassius. Crozophora tinctoria, L., Antioch. ,, verbascifolia, Willi, Antioch. Cynocmmbe prostrata, Gacrtn., Antioch. Carpinus Duinensis, 80019., Amanus, Cassius. Ustrya carpinifolia, 8602)., Amunus, Cassius. Quercus Lusitunica, Lam, Ainzmus, Akherdagh. ,, Cerris, L., Cassius, Antioch, Amanus. ,, llex, L., Plain of Issus, Amzmus. ,. coccifem, L., Cassius, Anmnus, Littoral. ,, .(Egilops, L., Amanus. ,, Libzmi, Olin, Amanus, Akherdagh. Fagus sylvaticn, L., Amanus. Alnus Orientzilis, Dec, Amzinus. Celtis australis, L., Annmus. J uglnns regizt, L., Cassius, Amunus, Akherdagh. Platanus Orientalis, L., Amanus, Sillix zilba, L., Antioch, Amanus. ,, nigricuns, Fries, Amanus. Populus nigm, L., cultivated. Ccdrus Libnni, L., Amzinus, Akherdagh. J uniperus Oxycedrus, L., Antioch, Ann-anus. ,, drupacea, Labill., Amanus. ,, fwtidissinm, W'ilch, Afnanus, Akherdagh. Pinus Halepensis, JIill., Cassius, Anmnus, Akhcrdngh ,, Pineal, L., Plain of Issus. ,, Brutia, Ten, Akherdagh. Abies Cilicica, Amanus. Taxus buccatu, L., Amunus (Gesbeldagh). Epipuctis latifolin, All. Pei, Cassius. Cephulanthem ensifolin, Marin, Alumnus. Orchis sancta, L., Mai-rush. ,, tridentut-n, Stop, Amanus. GEOGRAPHY OF SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 31 Orchis longicruris, Link, Marash. ,, Anatolica, 30633., Marash. ,, laxiflom, Lam, Mal-ash. ,, var. major, 301133. ., Kerhan. ,, angustifolia, M. 3., Amanus, Akherdagh. ,, saccata, Ten", Aintab. latifolia, L., Marash. Ophrys fusca, Linin, Mamsh. ,, aranifera, Heals. ., Marash. ,, arachnites, 8301)., Mouth of Orontes, Cassius. Serapias pseudocordigera, M 'wrr. Anacampris pyramidalis, Rchb., Cassius. Iris Sisyrhinchium, L., common. ,, reticulata, M .3., Marash. ,, Palaestina, Baker, Marash. Crocus graveolens, 30333., Marash. Romulea. Bulbocodium, L., Cassius, Amanus. Sternbergia Fischeriana, Herb. Anmr., Mamsh. Gladiolus segetum, Gaw‘L, Marash. ,, Illyricus, Koch., common. ,, atroviolaéeus, 301333., Marash. Ixiolirion montanum, Labill., Amanus, Akherdagh. Tamus communis, L., Marash. Ruscus aculeatus, L., Cassius. Tulipa Oculus-Solis, St. Amaml., common. ,, montana, Lindl. ,Cassius, Amanus. Gages. foliosa, Presl., Marash. Fritillaria acmopetala, 30133., Cassius. Asparagus acutifolius, L., common. Asphodeline brevicaulis, Bert", Cassius, Amanus, Akherdagh. ,, Damascena, 30333., Antioch. lutea, L. ,Amanus, Cassius. Puschkinia scillioides, Adams, Marash, Cassius. Hyacinthus Orientalis, L., Cassius, Amanus, Akherdagh. Bellevalia ciliata, Gym, Aintab, Cassius. Muscari Pinardi, 302333., Marash. ,, comosum, Mill, Marash. ,, parviflorum, Deaf, Marash. ,, commutatum, GU33, Aintfib. ,, racemosum, L, Aintab. neglectum, 01133., Aintab. Allium Cilicicum,Boz'33.,Ma1-ash. ,, rotundum, L., Marash, Aintéb. ,, sphaerocephalum, L., Aintab. ,, Cassium, 301133., Mnraeh. ,, Tauricolum, 301333., Akherdagh. ,, Aschersonianum, Barb, Amanus. ,, chloranthum, 301233.,Ma1'ash. hirsutum, Zucc., Marasb. Oniithogalum Narbonense, L. ,Cassius, Amanus, Marash ,, . umbellatum, L. Marash. montanum, Gym, Aintab. Scilla autumnalis, L, Amanus. Urginea maritima, L. Plain of Issus. Colcliicum laetum, Steu, Amanus. ,, Decaisnei, 30333., Amanus. 32 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL Colchicum Haussknechtii, 1307535., Amanus. ,, latifolium, Sibth.'ct Sm, Amanus. ,, candidum, Schott. et Ky., Anlanus. ,, brachyphyllum, Boiss. ct Haussk., Aintab. J uncus maritimus, L., Coast, Marash. ,, bufonius, L., common. Helicophyllum Rauwolfii, BL, Marash. Arum Dioscoridis, S. et Sm, Aintz‘ib, Marash. Butomus umhellatus. L., Aintab, Marash. Cypcrus flavescens, L., Antioch. ,, fuscus, L., var. virescens, Balsam, Antioch. ,, longus, L., Marash. ~ Fimbristylis dichotoma, Rottb., Antioch. ,, ferruginea, L., Antioch. Carex divulsa, Good., Amanus. ,, divisa, Huds, Cassius, Amanus. Scirpus maritimus, L., common. . Spondiopogou pogonanthus, 307333., Plain of Issus. Oryza sativa, L., Marash. Panicum sanguinale, L., Antioch. ,, Crista-Galli, L.. Antioch. Setaria verticillata, L., Antioch. Andropogon hirtus, L., Antioch. ,, Ischaenum, L., plains along coast. Sporobolus pungens, Kth., coast. Antisthiria ciliata, L., Cassius. Piptatherum miliaceum, L., Antioch. Heleochloa schznnoides, L., Antioch. ,, alopecuroides, Schmd., Akherdagh. Polypogon Monspeliense, L., Cassius. Pennisetum Orientale, Rich, Plain of Issus, Wadi Kondil. Tragus racemosus, L., Plain of Issus. Imperata cylindrica, L., Plain of Issus. Crypsis aculeata, L., Marshes of Alexandretta. Cynodon dactylon, L., everywhere. Aruudo Donax, L., Plain of Issus, Alexandretta. Eragmstis mogastachya, Link, Antioch. Melica ciliata. L., Cassius. ,, Cupani, Guss, Marash. Cyuosurus elegans, Desf., Cassius. P011. annua, L., everywhere. ,, bulbosa, L., Marash. Scleropoa rigid-a, Cami, Marash. Brachypodium distachyum, L., Cassius, Amanus. Bromus erectus, Huds, Cassius. ,, tectorum, L., Cassius. [Egilops triuncialis, L., common. ,, ovum, L., common. ,, Aucheri, 1307333., Amanus. Hordeum murinum, L., Amanus. Cystopteris frugilis, L., Amanus. Asplenium Trichomanes, L., Antioch. Cetarach officinarum, L., Antioch. Scolopendrium otficinale, Sm, Antioch. N eplimdium rigidum, Sun, Mumsh. Notochlu‘na Vinnmtm, L..Cussius. ‘1’"5‘ r— umw-ngww .» GEOGRAPHY or SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 33 V. The N uswiry Chain consists of low featureless mountains, denuded of their forests, and in no case rising as high as 4,000 feet. This range has been less studied botanically, or even visited, than any other portion of Syria, not a single locality being noted in Boissier’s Flora, Orientalis. The following list, consisting of collections made by the writer, and by Dr. Kay, of the Syrian Protestant College, is the first attempt to catalogue the plants of this region. It is, of course, far from complete. It does not contain a single species new to science :— ‘ Anemone Coronaria, L. Raphanus sativus, L. ,, ,, var. caerulea, Boiss. Reseda lutea, L., var. nutans, Boiss. ,, blanda, Schott ct Ky. Cistus villosus, L. Adonis Aleppica, Boiss. ,, ,, var. genuinus, Boiss. Ranunculus aquatilis, L. ,, salviaefolius, L. ,, cuneatus, Boiss. Helianthemum salicifolium, L. ,, Asiaticus, L. Viola odorata, L. ,, chaerophyllus, L. ,, ,, var. Delmhartii, Boiss. ,, myriophyllus, Russ. Saponaria Vaccaria, L. ,, var. Hierosolymitanus, Silene Gallic-a, L. Post. ,, Damascaena, Boiss. et Gaill. ,, Constantinopolitanus, ,, bipartita, Desf. Aw. ,, Atocion, Murr. ,, , var. Palaestinus, Boiss. ,, longipetala, Vent. ,, lomatocarpus, Boiss. Cerastium glomeratum, Thuil. ,, var. cornutus, Post. Alsine tenuifolia, L. Nigella ciliaris, D. 0. Tamarix Pallasii, Desv. Papaver Rhceas, L. Alcea acaulis, Can, var. caulescens, Hypecoum grandiflorum, Bth. Boiss. ,, rocumbens, L. Lavatera Cretica, L. Corydalis solida, Smith. ,, trimestris, L. Fumaria parviflora, Lam. Malva rotundifolia, L. ,, Anatolica, Boiss. Linum pubescens, Russ. Nasturtium oflicinale, R. Br. ,, angustifolium, Huds. Arabis perfoliata, Lam. Geranium tuberosum, L. ,, verna, R. Br. ,, Libanoticum, Boiss. et Bl. ,, Montbretiana, Boiss. ,, molle, L. ,, Aucheri, Boiss. ,, Robertianum, L. Fibigia clypeata, L. ,, lucidum, L. ,, ,, var. rostrata, Post. Erodium Romanum, L. Alyssum Mouradicum, Boiss. et Bal. ,, cicutarium, L. Erophila setulosa, B07155. et Bal. ,, moschatum, L. Sisymbrium Thalianum, Steph. Pistacia Terebinthus, L. ,, officinale, L. ,, ,, var. Palaestina, Post. Capsella. Bursa-Pastoris, L. Ruta Chalepensis, L. Lepidium cornutum, S. et Sm. Lupinus, Sp. ,, crassifolium, M. K. Ononis Natrix, L. Biscutella Columnaa, Fen. ,, serrata, Forsk. Iberis odomta, L. Anthyllis vulneraria, L. Peltaria angustifolia, D. C. Hymenocarpus circinnatus, L. . Isatis Aleppica, Soap. Trigonella Hierosolyxnitana, Bozss. Ochthodium Egyptiacum, L. ,, filipes, Bozss. Enarthrocarpus arcuatus, Labill. ,. stellatum, L. 34 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL Trifolium purpureum, Loz’sel. ,, ,, var. prostratum, Post. ,, Alexandrinum, L. ,, clypeatum, L. ,, globosum, L. ,, resupinatum, L. ,, tomentosum, L. ,, spumosum, L. , ,, xerocephalum, Fenzl. ,, nervulosum, Boiss. ct Held. ,, repens, L. ,, speciosum, L. Cytisopsis dorycniifolia, J. at Sp. Tetragonolobus purpureus Mamch. ,, var. Palaestinus, Post. Astragalus macrocm‘pus D.C. ,, schizopterus, Bozss. Vicia sativa, L. ,, hybrida, L. ,, Palmstina, Boc'ss. Pisum elatius, M. B. Orobus sessilifolius, S. at Sm. Cercis siliquastrum, L. Malus communis, L. Potelium verrucosum, Ehr. Saxifraga. scotophila, Boz'ss. U mbilicus pendulinus, D. C. Sedum littoreum, Guss. Lythrum Graefi‘eri, Ten. Anlmi Visnaga, Lam. Scandix Pecten-Veneris, L. Tordylium ngyptiiwum, L. Caucalis leptophylla, L. ,, tenella, L. Sambucus nigm, L. Vaillmltia hispida, L. Rubia Olivieri, A. Rich. ,, var. stenophylla, Boiss. Galium tricorne, IVz'th. ,, ,, var. verruculosum, Post. ,, spurium, L. ,, Coronutum, S. et S771. ,, var. stenophyllum, Boiss. ,, nrticulatum, L. Asperula arvensis, L. Sherardiu. arvensis, L. Va1eriana Dioscoridis, Sibth. Valerianella carinata, Loisel. ,, coronata, W. ,, Kotschyi, Boiss. ,, vesicuria, IVilld. Knautia hybrida, All. Scabiosa Palmstinn, L. Helichrysum Siculum, Spr'iwg. Anthemis Cassia, Boiss. Anthemis montana, Boiss. ,, leucanthemifolia, Boiss. et ,, Chia, L. ,, cotula, L. Chrysanthemum segetum, L. Senecio vernalis, W.K. Centaurea cyanoides, Berg et Wahl. ,, spicata, Boiss. . Lagoseris bifida, Vis. Thrinciu. tuberosa, L. Tragopogon longirostre, Bisch. Scorzcmem mollis, M. B. Campanula. strigosa, Russ. ,, Rapunculus, L. Speculnria Speculum, L. Arbut'ls Andrachne, L. Erica. verticillata, Forsk. Primula acaulis, Jacq. Anagallis arvensis, L. ,, var. Phoenicea, Boiss. ,, var. czerulea, Boiss. Styrax oflicinale, L. J asminum fruticans, L. Phillyrea media, L. Vincn Lihanotica, Zucc. N erium Oleander, L. Cynoglossum pictum, Aft. Symphytum Palmstinum, Boz'ss. Anchusa. undulata, Guss. ,, strigosa, Labz'll. Alkanna macrophylla, Boz'ss. at Ifeltl. N onnea obtusifolia, IVz‘llcl. Myosotis hispida, Sch. Lithospermum arvense, L. Echium plantugineum, L. Convolvulus Cantabrica, L. Hyoscyamus nureus, L. Verba scum Blanchennum, Boz'ss. Celsia Orientztlis, L. Linaria. Chalepensis, L. Antirrhinum Orontium, L. ,, var. brevifnlium, Post. Scrophularia Scopolii, Hoppc. Veronica Anagallis, L. ,, ,, vandenticulata, Post. ,, Syriaca, D. C. ,, cymbalaria. Bozss. Trixago Apula, Stev. Eufragia lutifolia, L. ,, viscosa, L. Phelipen rumosn, L. Globularin trichosantha, F. ct BI. Salvia trilobn, L. - ,, bruchyculyx, Boiss. ,, Horminum, L. Stachys annua, L. ,, Arabica, Horn. Lamium auplexicaule, L. ,, truncatum, Boiss. Phlomis viscosa, P027. ,, var. lanceolata, Boiss. Ajuga Orientalis, L. Chia, Pair. Plantago major, L. lanceolata, L. ,, var. altissima, Boiss. H ,, Cretica, L ,, Psyllium, L. Polygonum, sp. Rumex bucephalophorus, L. Laurus nobilis, L. Euphorbia tinctoria, Boz'ss. Celtis Australis, L. Morus alba, L. Urtica urens, L. ,, pilulifera, L. Parietaria oflicinalis, L. ,, J udaica, L. Cupressus sempervirens, L. J uniperus Oxycedrus, L. Cephalanthera ensifolia, Murr. Orchis papilionacea, L. GEOGRAPHY 0F SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 35 Orchis lactea, Pair. ,, longicruris, Link. ,, Anatolica, Boiss. Serapias pseudocordigera, M 1m: Ophrys lutea, Gav Iris Sisyrhinchium, L. ,, pseudacoxus, L. ,, Palaestina, Baker. Gladiolus segetum, Gawl. Ruscus aculeatus, L. Allium Orientale, Boiss. Bellevalia ciliata, Cyr. ,, ,, var. paniculata, Post. ,, trifoliata, Ten. ,, macrobotrys, Boiss. ,, flexuosa, Boiss. Muscari racemosa, L. Hyacinthus Orientalis, L. Puschkinia scillioides, Adams. Scilla hyacinthoides, L. Ornithogalum N arbonense, L. ,, montanum, Cy'r. ,, fimbriatum, Wzlld. ,, ,, var. oillatum, Bozss. Fritillaria acmopetala, Boiss. Libanotica, Bozss. ,, Mono, L. Tulipa. Oculus-Solis, St Am. ,, sancta, L. Gagea. reticulata, Pall. VI. Lebanon and Antilebanonr—These majestic mountains form the most commanding feature in the physical geography of Syria, and are better known botanically than any other portion of the country, except the Littoral. They have been perseveringly explored by Labillardiére, Boissier, Blanche, the author, and his pupils in the Syrian Protestant College. They are easily acCessible, and a botanist can find in most parts of Lebanon, and in many of Antilebanon, tolerably comfortable quarters in the native villages. The northernmost range of Lebanon is known as Jebel ’Akkar, and at its summit is a bold. escarpment 2,000 feet high, facing to the west, and overlooking the fertile plain of ’Akkar. Its highest peaks are but little lower than the more visited summits of Makmel above the cedars. Its botany is far less explored than that of the remainder of Lebanon. Along its eastern flank, and in some of its sheltered ravines, it is somewhat densely wooded. Its more thorough study will doubtless multiply the number of the already rich Lebanon flora. South of this range is that of Makmel, with its sister peaks of the Dhohr-el-Qodhib, the most truly alpine summits of the chain. These rise to a height of over 10,000 feet. 36 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL Their surface is for the most part rounded or conical, and they rise from a plateau or tableland about 9,000 feet above the sea. At the latitude of the cedars, the range of Makmel breaks down into a ridge about 7,000 feet above the sea. This ridge runs southward about thirty miles to J ebel Sunnin, a pyramidal peak 8,500 feet above the Mediterranean. The top of this peak is truncated, with a triangular surface, having three nearly equal sides, each about three miles long. This surface is broken and hollowed into funnel-shaped excavations, from 500 to 1,000 feet broad at top, and from 200 to 500 feet deep. In these excavations the snowdrifts are deep enough to last all through the summer and autumn, so that Sunnin is never without snow. South of Sunnin is another depression of the main chain of Lebanon, to a height of 6,000 feet, then a cathedral-shaped peak 7,500 feet high, known as Jebel Keniseh (the Church Mountain), then a depression again to about 6,000 feet, a height which is maintained for about twenty-five miles; then a saddle-back double peak, Taumat- Niha (the Twins of Niha), about 6,500 feet high ; after which the chain of Lebanon sinks gradually through the range of Jebel Rihan until it ends opposite the Qal’at-esh Shuqif (Castle of Belfort). Antilebanon, separated from Lebanon by the Valley of Coele-Syria, begins opposite the northern end of Lebanon, and runs most of its course as a sub-alpine chain, about 6,000 to 7,000 feet high, until, at its southern extremity, it rises to the only true alpine peak of Hermon, variously estimated at from 9,500 to 10,500 feet high. The great diversity of surface of these chains, the lofty height of so large a part of their mass, their north and south course, the different meteorological conditions of their seaward and landward slopes, and their isolation on all sides, give a special character of the highest interest to the Lebanon and Antilebanon flora. The list of pecular plants is a long one. . Doubtless it will be diminished as the botany of Northern Syria is better known, but it will still remain one of striking peculiarities and interest. Lebanon and Antilebanon were once heavily wooded. The many allusions in Scripture indicate that, at least as late as the time of Isaiah, Lebanon was a forest-clothed range. Of its cedar-forests only a few groves remain. They are as follows. The northernmost thus far noted is that of Besherri, the famous “Cedars 0f the Lord,” with about 450 trees. A few miles south of this are the forests of the Maronite Patriarch at El-Hadeth. Farther south are groves at ’Ain Zehaltah, Barfik, and Me’z‘isir. Cedars have not been noted on GEOGRAPHY or SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 37 Antilebanon. It would not be strange if they should yet be found. Of other forest trees, the cypress, Quercus Lusitanica, me.; Q. Cerris, L.; Q. Libani, 00522.,- Q. coccifera, L.,- Pinus Halepensis, Mill; Acer Monspessalanum, L. ; A. Syriacum, Boiss. et Gaill.; Pistacia Terebinthus, L., with its variety Palestina; J uniperus excelsa, M .B. ,- J. drupacea, Lab. ,- Prunus ursina, Ky., are common. Pinus Pinea, L., is cultivated in open groves, rarely in dense forests, over a large portion of the outcropping sandstone spurs of Lebanon, from an elevation varying from the base to 4,500 feet. It is little, if at all, cultivated in Antilebanon, seeming not to thrive far from the sea. Ceratonia Siliqua, L., is scattered here and there over the lower slopes. But the term “forest,” in the sense of a continuous, dense growth of trees, covering large tracts of country, can hardly be applied to the tree growth of Lebanon, and only to that of a few places on the eastern flanks of Antilebanon.‘ Isolated trees of Quercus coccifera, L., usually planted near tombs of Moslem, or Druze, or N usairy, or Mutawaly sheiks, often attain imposing proportions, and stand out in bold relief on the mountain peaks, and on the flanks of the ravines. Of cultivated trees, the olive, the mulberry, and the fig cover a large part of the slopes of Lebanon from its base to a height of 3,000 to 5,000 feet. Silk culture forms one of the principal branches of industry. Wheat and barley are cultivated to a height of 6,000 feet. On the higher levels they are sown in autumn, sprout immediately, are then covered with snow, which kills the tops; but as soon as the snow melts they grow rapidly and vigorously in the moist soil, and produce strong stalks and fine grain. But for terracing, a large part of Lebanon and Antilebanon would be naked rock. Under the good government guaranteed by the European powers, this process is extending from year to year. If applied to the higher levels, which could thus be utilised for forest—culture, the ancient character of this range could be restored with vast advantage to the climate of the whole Levant. A complete list of all the plants found in the chain would greatly exceed the limits of this article, and include a large part of the flora of Syria. I will confine myself to a list of plants not hitherto observed elsewhere, so far as known to the writer :— Ranunculus Pinardi, 301193., Antilebanon. _ Papaver Libanoticum, 30655., Lebanon and Antllebanon. Aubrietia Libanotica, B0iss., Lebanon. 38 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL Draba oxycarpa, Boise, Lebanon. ,, vesicaria, Dose, Lebanon. Viola Libanotica, Boise, Lebanon. Silene Makmeliana, Boise, Lebanon. ,, grisea, Boise, Lebanon, Alsine rupestris, Labill., Lebanon and Hermon. Arenaria Libanotica, Ky, Lebanon. Astragalus hirsutissimua, 110., Lebanon. ,, Cedreti, Boise, Lebanon. \ ,, emarginatus, LabilL, Lebanon and Hermon. ,, Antilibani, Bunge, Antilebanon. ,, coluteoides, Willi, Lebanon and Antilebanon. ,, Hermoneus, Boise, Lebanon and Antilebanon. Vicia canescens, LabzlL, Lebanon. Rosa Schergiana, Boise, Antilebanon. Potentilla Libanotica, Boise, Lebanon. Poterium compactum, Boise, Lebanon. Buplevrum Libanoticum, Boise et BL, Lebanon. ,, irregulare, Boise et Ky., Lebanon. Prangos Hermonis, Boise, Antilebanon. Pimpinella depauperbata, Post, Lebanon. Ferula Hermonis, Boise, Lebanon. Eerulago frigid-a, Boise, Alpine Lebanon and Antilebanon. Galiuni Pestalozzae, Boise, Subalpine Lebanon. ,, Ehrenbergii, Boise, Subalpine Lebanon. ,, jungermannioides, Boise , Snbalpine Lebanon. Helichrysuln Billardieri, Boise ct BL, Lebanon. Cousinia Libanotica, D.C., Lebanon. Oirsiuin phyllocephalum, Boise st BL, Lebanon. J nrinea stzehelina, l).C'., Lebanon and Antilebanon. Phanopappus Libanoticus, Boise, Lebanon and Antilebanon. Centaurea hololeuca, Boise, Lebanon. Leontodon Libanoticum, Boiss, Lebanon. Scorzonera Libanotica, Boise, Lebanon. ,, Mackmeliana, Boise, Alpine Lebanon and Antilebanon. Crepis robertioides, Boise, Alpine Lebanon and Antilebanon. ,, pterothecoides, Boise, Antilebanon. Hieraciunl Lib-anoticuxn, Boise, et BL, Subalpine Lebanon. Campanula trichopoda, Boise, Subalpine Lebanon. Convolvulus Libanoticus, Boise, Lebanon and Antilebanon. Verbascum Cedreti, Boise, Lebanon and Antilebanon. Veronica bombycina, Boise at Ky., Alpine Lebanon. Origanum Libanoticum, Boise, Lebanon. ,, Ehrenberqii, Boise, Lebanon. 0 n ‘ . - j I Micromerla, nummularlzefoha, Bozse, Lebanon and Hermon. ,, Libanotica, Bozse, Alplne Lebanon. Marrubium Libanoticum, Boise, Lebanon and Antilebanon. Stachys Ehrenbergii, Boise, Lebanon. Phlomis brevilabris, Elm, Lebanon and Antilebanon. ,, chrysophylla, Boise, Lebanon and Antilebanon. Acantholimon, Libanoticum, Boise, Lebanon and Antilebanon. Polygonuin Libani, Boise Lebanon and Antilebanon. Thesium Libanoticum, Boise, Alpine Lebanon. Euphorbia erinacea, Boise ct Ky., Alpine Antilebanon. ,, caudiculosa, Boise, Alpine Lebanon. Colehicum Libanoticum, Elna, Alpine Lebanon. GEOGRAPHY OF SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 39 Tulipa Lownei, Baker, Lebanon and Antilebanon. Ornithogalum Libanoticum, Boiss. et BL, Lebanon. Allium Schergianum, Boise, Antilebanon. ,, Zebedanense, Boiss. at Noc., Antilebanon. A botanist ascending Lebanon from the seacoast plain passes in many places through plantations of Pinus Pinea, L., and native groves of P. Halepensis, Mill., and scrubs of Quercus coccifera, L. He will note at an elevation of 1,000 feet Erica verticillata, Forsk., which flourishes especially on the red sandstone which crops out occasionally from the lime- stone; Cistus villosus, L., and C. salviaefolius, L. At a height of 4,000 feet he will encounter Centranthus longi- florus, Stem, and Sambucus Ebulus, L. ,From this level the flora begins to be sub-alpine, comprising such plants as Eryngium Billardieri, Lar.‘; Rhododendrum Ponticum, L. ; and Cedrus Libani, L. It is not until the alpine region is reached, however, that the peculiarities of Lebanon appear. On these rounded, naked summits are innumerable hemi- spherical clumps of Acantholimon Libanoticum, Boise, several excessively thorny erinaceous species of Astragalus, and Onobrychis cornuta, L. On the surface of the rocks are patches of Cerasus prostrata, Labill., and Cotoneaster nummularia, F. at M., both intricately branched shrubs. In the patches of soil among the rocks are herbaceous perennials, such as Heracleum humile, Flor. Gram, Nepeta Cilicica, Boissd and in crevices and caves Asplenium Buta- Muraria, L. ; A. Bourgeei, Boise. ,- and Cystopteris fragilis, L. On the gravelly hillsides are found Pisum formosum, Stein, Erodium trichomanefolium, L’Her., and Astragalus trichopterus, Boise. After a few minutes collecting the portfolio of the botanist is full of rare and most interesting species, many not elsewhere found. VII. The Table-lands of Palestine, east and west of the Jordan, are about 2,500 feet above the Mediterranean. The climate is considerably cooler than that of the semi-tropical maritime 'plain, and the rainfall in winter“ is abundant. There is a general resemblance between the flora east and west of the Jordan, but that of the former shades off gradu- ally into that of the central and northern plains. Thus in rising from the maritime plain to the hill country of Palestine one encounters the plants of the coast range of Lebanon. At the summit he finds a flora closely resembling that of the middle zone of Lebanon. Soon after crossing the watershed and descending towards the Ghor, the flora assumes the desert type, which increases as one descends into the trough 40 DR. POST ON THE BOTANICAL of the Dead Sea. Thus there is a very strong contrast between the eastern and western slopes of the Palestine hills. On the other hand, on rising from the Jordan valley up the hills of Moab and Gilead, the botanist soon begins to encounter the familiar plants of the western slopes of Palestine and Lebanon. Western Palestine has few trees and almost no forests. Eastern Palestine, on the contrary, has some forests, espe- cially in Gilead. There is a considerable grove of Arbutus Andrachne, L., on the northern slope of Jebel Hosha, and there are shady forests of oak, pine, and terebinth in many of the wadis which debouche into the Jordan Valley. So closely are the botanical characteristics of the uplands of western Palestine allied to those of the lower and middle zone of Lebanon that there are almostno plants peculiar to this region. East of the Jordan in Moab and Gilead the following plants were found by the author in the spring of 1886 :— [Ethionema Gileadense, Post. Trichodesma Boissieri, Post. Anthriscus laticarpa, Post. Scrophularia Gileadense, Post. Hypochzeris altissima, Post. VIII. The Trough of the Jordan and Dead Sew—The flora of the mountain flanks on either side of this great cleft changes at the sea level, which is about half-way down their sides at the latitude of Jericho and three quarters at Tiberias. Above this level the plants are those of the middle mountain zone, while below it they approximate more and more to the desert types. In going down from Jerusalem to Jericho or from Bethlehem to the Dead Sea the change on the former route is noted at Khan Hatrfir (the inn Where the Good Samaritan left the wounded man), and on the latter above Mar. Saba. The first of the characteristic plants met with IS Statice Thoujni, Viv. ,- then Atriplex Palestinum, Boiss. ,- Matthiola oxyceras, D.0. ; and, as we descend deeper into the torrid valley, Gymnocarpum fruticosum, Pers.; Haplophyllum longifolium, Boise. ,- Gypsophila Rokejeka, Del. ,- Allium Hierochuntinum, Bots-3.,- and Zygophyllum dumosum, B01733. To the present time the following species have been found only in this valley :— Tamarix Jordanis, Boz‘ss. Verbascum Tiberiadis, Boiss. Umbilicus lineatus, Boiss. Asparagus Palestinus, Baker. Daucus J ordanicus, Post. ,, Lownei, Baker. Psammogetou microcarpum, Post. There are, however, a number of striking species which are peculiar to this cleft as far as our district is concerned, GEOGRAPHY or SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 41 such as Balanites ZEgyptiaca, Dal; Solanum coagulans, Farsi: ; Ualotropis procera, "7731.141. ; Loranthus Acacize,Zurc.; Boerhaavia plumbaginea, Cue. ; Periploca aphylla, Dem,- Popnlus Euphm ratica, 01230.,- besides a considerable number of herbaceous plants, in all about twenty-five species. The fringe of trees along the Jordan is principally composed of Populus Euphratica, Olin, several Salices, and Tamarix Jordanis, Boiss., and T. Pallasii, Base. The most numerous of all the trees of the plain about Jericho is the Zizyphus Spina-Christi, L. The flora of the deep valleys Which drain the table—lands on either side of the Jordan is quite of the desert type. For example, about Callirrlioé are found Aizoon Canariense, L.; Moringa aptera, Gaesfn.; Pentatropis spiralis, .Fm'sk. ,- Daamia cordata, R. Br. ; Fagonia glutinosa, Del. ,- Cleome trinervia, Fresen.; Trichodesma Africauum, L. From these valleys the transition is easy to— IX. The Deserts—The surface of these deserts is extremely varied, and the substratum not less so. In some places there is nothing but hot, barren rocks, and yet even from these spring many interesting plants, such as H elianthemum Kahiricum, Del. ,- Chenolea Arabica, Boiss. ; Moricandia dumosa, Boiss. ,- Reaumuria Palestina, Boiss. ; Boucerosia Aaronis, Hart. (peculiar, so far as yet known, to Mount Seir); Capparis spinosa, L. In other places Where the soil is sandy or gravelly, as at the bottom of the wadis, there is a host of annuals, such as N igella deserti, Boiss. ; Notoceras Canariense, R. Br. ; Anastatica Hierochuntinum, L. ; Hippocrepis corni— gera, Boiss. ; Linaria macilenta, Decaisn.; L. Hzelava, FUTS‘IG. ,- Atriplex dimorphostegium, Km. et Kir. ; Kochia latifolia, Fresen. ; K. muricata, L. The majority, however, of the desert plants are perennial herbs or shrubs, as Farsetia ovalis, Buiss. ; Reseda muricata, Presl. ; and R. pruinosa, Del. ; several species of Zygophyllum and Fagonia; Nitraria tridentata, Desf., the Gharqod of the Arabs; Astragalus Sieberi, Del.; Acacia Seyal, Del. ; Lithospermum callcsum, Vahl. ; Phelipea lutea,De.s:f. ; and Ph. tubulosa, Schenk. ; Statice pruinosa, L. ; Atriplex Palestinum, B02733. ; and Ephedra alata, Decaz'sne. The following species have their centre of dispersion in or not far from the Tih, although all are not Wholly confined to our deserts :— Delphinium deserti, Boiss. Koniga Arabica, Boiss. ,, anei, Dec. Isatis microcarpa, J. Gay. Glaucium Ambicum, Fres. Moricandia duinosa, Boiss. M orettia canescens, Boiss. Schimpera Arabica, H. Nasturtiopsis Arabica, Boiss. Dianthus J udaicus, Boise. lIussonia uncata, Boiss. Reaumuria Palestina, Boiss. 42 ' DR. rosr ON THE BOTANICAL Moringa aptera, Gum-tn. Salsola tetragona, Del. Crucianella membmnacea, Boiss. ,, . lancifolia, Boiss. Scabiosa eremophila, Boiss. Ephedra Alto, 0. A. M. ,, arenaria, Forslc. Iris Helenze, W. Barb. Anthemis microsperma, Boiss. Pancratium Sickenbergeri, A sch. et ,, melanopodina, Del. at G. Schwciwf. Chamaemelum auriculatum, Boz'ss. Allium Sinaiticum, Boiss. Brocchia cinerea, Del. . . ' ,, modestum, Boiss. Artemlsm J udalca, L. ,, hirsutum. Zucc. Atractylis prolifera, Boiss. ,, Rothii, Zucc. Centaurea ammocyanus, Boz'ss. Mnscari longipes, Boiss. Carduncellus eriocephalus, Boiss. Trisetnm glumaceum, Bowlss. Leontodon Arabicum, Boz'ss. Avena Wiestii, Stead. lrepis Arabica, Boiss. Boissiera bromoides, Hochst. Pentatropis spiralis, Forsk. . anpia pectinella, Dal. Boucerosia Aaronis, Hart. Sclerochloa dichotoma, Forsk. Traganum nudatum, Del. The following plants are peculiar to the as yet almost un- known. Syrian Desert, which is, however, more to be regarded as an extension of the great plains than a proper desert :— Reaumuria Billardieri, Jarub. ct Sp. Haplophyllum Blanchei, Boiss. Trigonella Blanchei, Boz'ss. Astragalus ancistrocarpus, Bofss. at Haws/c. 'Ferula Blanchei, Boz'ss. Picris Blancheana, Boiss. Scleropoa procumbens, Curt. X.—’I’Izc Great Plains of Coele-Syria, Hauran, Damascus, Aleppo, and Aintfib are extensive prairies, often broken by ranges of hills or isolated eminences. On these breezy uplands grow a great number of species not found in the mountain, coast, or desert regions, but having a wide range to the eastward, which the journeys of successive travellers are ever extending. These plains are in many places exceed- ingly fertile, and once supported a teeming population, as is testified by the ruined cities of Haur‘an and the vast territory to the north-east of Aleppo. The most characteristic genus of these plains is Astragalus, with a list of about thirty species. After it come Verbaseum and Phlomis. The following list of plants thus far found only in these plains, but in many cases doubtless found also in the Syrian Desert, which shades ofl' into them by imperceptible lines. The peculiar genera are in italics :— Malcolmia Anranitica, Post. Habrosia spinuliflora, Ber. (712.7‘3/suchamcla velutinn, l). U. Hypericum retusum, Aueh. Brassica Aintabensis, Post. Erodnun Gaillardoti, Bows. Isatis cochlearia Boiss.‘ F agonia Olivieri, l).(}. GEOGRAPHY 01‘ SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 43 Haplop‘ayllum fruticulosum, Labill; ,, villosulum, Boiss at Haussk. Medicagq Shepardi, Post. Trifolium Aintabense, Haussk. Psoralea Jaubertiana, Fenzl. Ast-ravgrilus triradiatus, Bye. Boa'ss. e: ,, pauciflora, Post. ,, Damascenus, Boiss. et Gail]. ,, aulacolobus, B01193. ,, conduplicatus, Best. , Dorcocems, Bye. ,, chrysophyllus, Boiss. ,, Rousseanus, B01733. ,, lepidanthus, Boz'ss. ,, Aintabicus Boiss. ,, deinacanthus, Boiss. ,, dipodurus, Bge. ,, oxyphyllus, Boc'ss. ct Haussk. ,, Russelii, Boiss. ,, Oocephalus, Boz'ss Trachoniticus, Post. Hedysarum atomarium, Bozss. Unobry Chis meganaphros, Boiss. ,, galegii’olia, B0185. Vicia. mollis, Boiss. et Haussk. ,, Aintabensis, Boiss. et Haussk. (Incumis trigonus, Roeb. Actinolema eryngiodes, Fenzl. (mum polyphyllum, Boiss. et Bl. ,, brachyactis, Post. ,, nudum, Post. Conandrum tordylioides, Boz'ss. Uniladonia Aurauiticay, Post. Suiyrniopsis cacln‘oides, Boiss. F erulago Aumnibica, Post. Ferulago Truchoniticn, Post. Galium Syriacnm, Boiss.‘ ,, bractearum, Boiss. JIericm-pwa vaillaunimdes, Boz'ss. Achilluea membranacm, Labill. ,, oli-rocephula, 1). C'. Anthemis Haussknechtii, Boiss. et Bul. ,, Dumas-ma, Boz'ss. et Guill. Uhumazmclum grandiflorum, B0155. _ at Haussk. Dlpterocome pusilla, F. et AI. Echinops Blancheana, Boiss. Cousinia. Aleppica, Boiss. ,, Aintabensis, Haussk. Centaurea. laxa, Boiss. et Haussk ,, thrinciaefolia. D. C. ,, Onopordifolia, B0153. ,, polycephala, Post. ,, Trachonitica, Post. Postii, Boiss Zoegeh leptaurea, L. Garhadiolus hamosus, Boiss. at Bl. Picris Kotsch‘yi, Bozss. Scorzonera Kotschyi, Boiss. Trachelium Postii, Boiss. Convolvulus scachydlfolius, Clwz'sy. Verbascum simplex, Labill. Boz'ss. et ,, Syriacum, Schrad. ,, pnychophyllum, Boz'ss. ,, Damascenum, Boz'ss. ,, Germaniciae, Haussk. ,, Aleppense, Benth. Liumia. D1m11s0ena,Boiss. at Gaill. Scrophulnria scariosa, Boiss. ,, tagetifulia, Boiss. et flayussk. Zizyphom acutifolia, Montb. et Auch. N epeta, cryptantha, Boiss. et Haussk. ,, bhepardi, Post. ,, Trachonitica, Post. St whys satureoides,M011tb. etAuch Lumiiim Aleppicu111,Boiss. et Haussk. Teucrium Auraniticum, Post. Pulygonum Aleppicum, Boiss. et Haussk. Euphorbia Chesneyi, Kl. et Gike. ,, Postii, Boiss. Biarum Russelianum, Schott. Arum melanopua, Boz'ss. Iris fumosa, Boiss. et Haussk. Uolchicum fasciculare, L. ,, bracllyphyllum, Boiss. 65 H 11/115515. [These two species are probably one, and identical with C. Ritchii, in which case they are not peculiar to this region] Allium Noéanum, Rent. Bellevaliu densiflora, Boiss. Asphodeline Dainascenu, 11025: Besides the above list; of plants thus fa1 peculiai to these plains, the follmvimr plants, although found faibher east and north, ale highlv chzuflactelistic: —— \i)‘ a‘ s. 44 on. rosr ON THE BOTANICAL Delphinium Cappadocicum, Boiss. ' Onnbrychis Gaillardoti, Boz'ss. bterigma sulphnreum, Russ. Lathyrus chrysanthus, Boiss. Crambe ()rientalis, L. Asperula Urientalis. 30583. et Holt. l lleonie ornithopodoides, L. Postia lanuginosa, D. C'. Trigonella Aleppica,Boiss. at Haussk. ,, microcephala, Boiss. Astragalus Aleppieus, Boe'ss. Aeantholopis Orientalis, L. ,, Echinops, Boiss. Phelipea salsa, C. A. RI. Onobrychis Kotscuyana, Fenzl. Bellevalia nervosa, Bert. ‘ The isolated range of Jebel-ed-Durfiz might almost be erected into an eleventh botanical subdivision of the lands which form the subject of this article. This range, which was called by the Romans Alsadamus, and by the Hebrews the Hills of Bashan, is one of the most remarkable geological features of Syria. Set back forty miles from the main chain which bounds the great longitudinal cleft to the east, it differs from the other mountains in that it is volcanic in origin. Jebel-Quléb, the highest peak, 5,400 feet above the sea, is a long extinct crater, with its steep cone still formed of pumice. El—Jawalil, the next in height, is not crater-like, but is none the less volcanic. Tel-Shihan, at the eastern angle of the Leja, is one of several craters, formed of pumice and lava, the im- mense stream of which has. flowed across the plain, and formed the strange sea, amid the solid waves of which are the crevasses and caverns in which the rebellious Druzes have often been able to defy the military power of Turkey. The black basalt, which is scattered freely over the plain, and of which the solid stone doors and windows of the giant cities of Bashan are formed, extends more or less northward to Aleppo. Doubtless the whole of the region from Callirrhoé to Aleppo was once a seat of volcanic disturbance and erup- tions. In this respect it is in striking contrast with the regions west of the Jordan, and Cele—Syria, and the valley of the Orontes. Only at Sat'ed, at the base of Cassius, about Antioch, and in portions of the Anianus chain is there evidence of volcanic disturbance, and that of the highest antiquity. Nevertheless, the periodical earthquakes at Safed, liattakia, and Antioch show that some vestiges of subterranean activity are still at work. The flora of the Hauran Mountains and the continuous ranges of hills to the north and south is as little explored as that of the surrounding plain. Nevertheless, it is certain that the woods which once covered the higher regions of these hills are all cut down. A scanty fringe of l'istacia terebinthus, L., only remains on the cone of Jebel-Quleb. There are, how- ever, extensive oak scrubs along the western foot of the range. Of the herbaceous flora, in addition to other peeulia of the trans-Jordanie region, the writer noted Thalictrum isopy- \ GEOGRAPHY or SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 45 roides, 0. A. 17., and Anthriscus nemorosa, M. B., on the northern declivity of the cone of Jebel—Quléb. These plants have not before been observed in Syria. He also observed an immature Dianthus, perhaps D. libanotis, Labill. The summit of El-Jawalil, is almost totally bare of vegetation. Two new species, Trifolium Alsadami, Pas-hand Alopecurus involucratus, Post, were discovered near the base of Jebel- Quléb, and Verbascum Qulebicum, Post, near its summit. In closing this article it may not be amiss to allude to the range and number of plants cultivated with ease in the open air in Syria and Palestine. Nigella arvensis, L., is raised from the black seeds which are known as the El-Habbat-es- sauda (the black seed), or Habbat-el-Barakat (the seed of blessing). These seeds are sprinkled over the surface of the flat loaves of bread. They are the fitches of Is. xxviii. 25, 27. Paeonies grow wild in the northern mountains. The opium 4 poppy, Papaver somniferum, L., is common in cultivation, " though opium is not made in Syria. The capsules are used in making sedative infusions. Of crucifers we have black and white mustard, cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, cresses, and radishes. Flax, rue, sorrel, and Cactus Ficus-Indica grow wild. The vine, with an endless variety of fruits, is universal, even to a hei ht of 6,000 feet above the sea. There are ma 1e, _ . tamarfisk, terebinth, Schoenus, Pride of India, and jujipibeii/lflfiz!m trees. The lemon, orange, and Citron are cultivated every- where along the coast from Tripoli southward. Of Leguminosae the number of cultivated plants is very large,—lupine, beans, horse-beans, peas, lentiles, Cicer arietinum, mash (a species of Phaseolus), carob-trees, acacia (the Shittim of Scripture), and the locust, the latter introduced. Of Rosaceous plants, the strawberry, blackberry, peach, plum, almond, apricot, nectarine, apple, quince, medlar, and Photinia J aponica, all flourish. Syria is pre-eminently a rose country, most cultivated varieties attaining an excellent development. Of Grossulaceaa there are none which succeed well in this land, although gooseberries and currants have been cultivated. The pomegranate is indigenous in the north, and the myrtle = everywhere. Eucalypti flourish in marshy ground. Water- melons, musk-melons, squash, pumpkins, and cucumbers all/MA/IC reach a fine development. Of Umbellifera), the coriander, dill, fennel, caraway, anise, celery, parsley, parsnip, and carrot either grow wild or flourish under cultivation. p 46 DR. ros'r ON THE BOTANY or SYRIA. Valerian grows wild, as also carthamus, chicory, and lettuce of several kinds, and artichokes are cultivated. Of Solanaceous plants the potato, tobacco, tomato, and egg-plant are cultivated, and henbane and nightshade grow wild. The sesame forms a considerable part of the produce of the plains. The olive flourishes everywhere, and yields a considerable part of the wealth of the country. Figs, sycamores, mulberries, hemp, and the ramié (Chinese silk) plant all flourish. The plane tree, the walnut, the edible pine, and a considerable variety of oaks, the hornbeam, and the beech are abundant, the latter two especially in Northern Syria. The castor-oil plant is almost universal. Of Monocotyledons the palm, the banana, many liliaceous flowers, the Colocasia antiquorum, Schott (which is cultivated in marshy ground), many kinds of iris, tulip, and crocus flourish in appropriate situations. . Grass is not cultivated for hay, except on the farm of the Damascus ‘Road Company at Shetoorah, in Code-Syria. Nevertheless, the success of this company, which makes the hay there raised a considerable part of the food of its large number of horses and mules, warrants the belief that hay could be made one of the staples of Syria. Maize, wheat, barley, sorghum, and sugar-cane are staples. The papyrus is now confined to the Hfileh, and perhaps to the marshes of the Kishon. Arundo Donax and Saccharum Egyptiacum, the gigantic grasses of the country, are put to numerous uses. They are everywhere cultivated as hedge lants. p In conclusion, although this list is illustrative, but by no means exhaustive, it will be seen from the foregoing sketch, that the variety of the flora of Syria and Palestine corre- sponds with its central situation and diversity of soil, climate, and surface, and the extreme inequality of the meteorological conditions of its different though not distant regions. It will not escape the thoughtful observer of these facts, that the microcosm selected for the development of the chosen people and the revelation of the Word was thus eminently suited to be the physical basis of the world- rcligiou. ' e‘ ‘ fiihfb ~ 4 ‘ ~ .T‘W:mf'fifi‘§,i’3‘7.“v'~»”"’w ._ ,, o . i The idictnria destitute, fitilosupgiml Society of (great 15mm. No. 7, ADELPHI TERRACE, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. Correspondence (including communications from intending Members or Associates, etc.) to be addressed to “ The Secretary.” ' THE PRIMARY OBJECTS. ‘HIS SOCIETY has been founded for the purpose of promoting the following Objects, which will be admitted by all to be of high importance both to Religion and Science :— First.—To investigate fully and impartially the most important questions of Philosophy and Science, but more especially those that bear upon the great truths revealed in Holy Scripture ; with the view of reconciling any apparent discrepancy between Christianity and Science. Second—To associate MEN OF SCIENCE and Aurnons" who have already been engaged in such investigations, and all others who may be interested in them, in order to strengthen their efforts by association ; and by bringing together the results of such labours, after full discussion, in the printed Transactions of an Institution, to give greater force and influence to proofs and arguments which might be little known, or even disregarded, if put forward merely by individuals. Third—To consider the mutual bearings 0f the various scientific conclusions arrived at in the several distinct branches into which Science is now divided, in order to get rid of contradictions and conflicting hypotheses, and thus promote the real advancement of true Science; and to examine and discuss all supposed scientific results with reference to final causes, and the more comprehensive and fundamental principles of Philosophy proper, based upon faith in the existence of one Eternal God, who in His wisdom created all things very good. Special advantages are secured to Country and Colonial Members and Associates in the Journal of Transactions. The Journal of Transactions Contains the Papers read at the Meetings and the Discussions thereon. Before these are published in the Journal, both' are finally submitted to their Authors for any revision. and MS. comments and supplementary remarks are added, which have been sent in by such British, American, and other Members to whom, as being specially qualified to contribute information noon the respective subjects, proof copies of the Papers had been submitted for consideration—the authors of Papers adding their final comments. These arrangements, which are found to add greatly to the value of the Journal, are carried out with a view to securing the special usefulness of the Journal to all, whether home or Non-resident Members or Associates ; these thus find in the Journal much valuable matter, and often much (contributed by men of learning in all parts of the world) in addition to that which had come before those actually present at the Meetings. (The Journal is sent post-free.) " The Society now consists of 1,200 Subscribers (about one-third of whom are Foreign Members); including Literary and Scientific Men and others favourable to the Objects. (The present average annual increase is upwards of a hundred) TEE VICTORIA INSTITUTE. ‘bfl , President. Professor G. G. STOKES, M.A., D.C.L., President of the Royal Society. Vice-Presidents. Sir H. BARKLY, K.C.B., G.C.M.G., F.R.S. Sir J. RISDON BENNETT, M.D., F.R.S. W. FORSYTH, Esq., (2.0., LL.D. Sir JOSEPH FAYRER, K.C.S.I., M.D., F.R.S. Rev. ROBINSON THORNTON, D.D. PHILIP HENRY Gossn, Esq., F.R.S. , A. MOARTHUR, Esq., M.P. Correspondent Ill embers. Professor L. PASTEUR, F.R.S., Paris. 1 Sir J. W. DAWSON, K.C.M.G., F.R.S. Professor MASI’ERO, Cairo. l HORMUZD RASSAM, Esq. | Professor NAVILLE. The Council (24 Members).—Professor ALLEYNE-NICHOLSON, F.R.S E. Revs. W. ARTHUR and Dr. ANGUS. The BISHOP or BEDFOBD. J. BATBMAN’, Esq., F.R.S. J. F. LL-Tnonn BATEMAN, F.R.S., F.R.S.E. Captain CBEAK, F.R.S. Dr. GUNNING, F.R.S.E., F.R.C.S.E. Surg.-G_en. GORDON, C.B. Dr. F. B. HAWKINS, F.R.S. D. HOWARD, Esq., V. Pres. Chem. 800., Pres. S.C.I., &c. &c. Trustees.—Sir ROBERT N. FOWLER, Bart., M.P. ; R. BAXTER, Esq. Hon. Auditors—G. CRAWFURD HARRISON, Esq. ; J. ALLEN, Esq. Honorary Treasurer. —WILLIAM NOWELL WEST, Esq. Hon. Sec. and Editor of Journal.—Captain F. W. H. PETRIE, F.G.S.,&c. MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTIONS. Intending Members and Associates are requested to address “The Secretary.” The Annual Subscription for Alembers is Two Guineas, with One Guinea Entrance Fee (see privileges). The Annual Subscription for Associates is One Guinea, without Entrance Fee. (All receive the Journal post free.) In lieu of Annual Subscription, the payment of Twenty Guineas (without Entrance Fee) will constitute a Life Illember, or Ten Guineas a Life Associate. The payment Of a Donationof not less than Sixty Guineas qualifies for the office of V ice-Patron, with all the privileges of a Life Member or Life Associate. [It is to be understood, that only such as are professedly Christians are entitled to become [Members] *,,* Subscriptions are payable to the “ VICTORIA INSTITUTE’S” credit at “ Ransom’s Bank,” 1, Pall Mall East, S.\V., or may be remitted to the Secretary, at the Office. Cheques or Post Ofiice Orders (on General Post Office) should be made payable to “ Victoria Institute or order,” and crossed “ Ransom & Co.” PRIVILE GE S. MEMBERS—on election, are presented with any Volume of the First or Second Series of the Journal of the Transactions, and ARE ENTITLED—to a Copy of the Journal, either in the Quarterly Parts, or the Annual (bound) Volume, for the years during which they may subscribe, and to a copy of any other documents or books which may be published under the auspices of the Society, and, on application, to a copy of every paper re~pub1ished in the “People’s Edition ” ; to the use of the Library (Books can be sent to the country), Reading and Writing Rooms (affording many of the conveniences of a Club) ; and to introduce two Visitors at each Meeting. The Council are chosen from among the Members, who alone are eligible to vote by ballot in determining any question at a General Meeting. Members are further privileged to' obtain any Volumes, other than that chosen, of the Transactions issued prior to tbeir joining the Institute at half-price (half-a-guinea each), or any Quarterly Parts for past years at half-a-crown each. The Library, Reading and Writing Rooms are open, for the use of the Members only, from ten till five (Saturdays till two). The Institute exchanges Transactions with the Royal Society and many other leading English and Foreign Scientific bodies, whose Transactions are therefore added to the Library. ASSOCIATES—ARE ENTITLED, to the Journal. in Quarterly Parts or in the Annual Volume, for the years during which they may subscribe; to obtain the earlier Volumes or Parts at a reduced price ; and to introduce one Visitor at each Meeting. Members and Associates have the right to be present at all Meetings of the Society. The Meetings, Of which due notice is given, are held at 7, Adelphi Terrace, at Eight o’clock on the evenings of the First and Third Mondays of the Winter, Spring, and Summer Months. Proof Copies of the Papers to be read can be had by those desirous of placing their opinions thereon before the Members (when unable to attend, they can do this in writing). Members and Associates on 1st January, 1871, 203.——Joined since—In 1871. 91 ;-—1872, 109 ;—1873, 110 ;—1874, 111;——1875, 115 ;~1876, 107 ;—1877, 100 ;—-—1878, 101 ;—1879, 105 ;—1880, 104g—1881, 122;—1882, 122 ;—1883, 126 ;——1884, 109 ;—1885, 110 ;—1886, 101;——1887. Foreign, 47 ; Home, 62— 109. 188 of the VICTORIA I f Vice-Patrons, Members, ’1‘ o a . o E an :5. Q H a . .2 _‘ E r. d a a .. g tn E 5.3 30' z m .9. m - H o 23 < 2 i "* Q r—c IS! <1 3 CI . g 9‘3 I: g Cd 0 <1 A 0 (5 o On: .; E4 - . a g. tr 0 a. 23‘ 0-9 -‘ H H g .s K 0 e >*J g V * >~ 8 « a: '8 °° S a 2 W VV'" mN 2'5 0 "t H Q“ I 0 +3 g ‘3 *s s 8 5:“ so 2 s g IQ .o '3 CD 4;; a? _ Q Q g m we s ‘34 '5‘ g; "8 a) "a >5 '~ '0 g Q , 3 L .Q 3-4 Q) Q *6.) O .2 3 g :9 , S 42 :6 {ix 3 q; H > § to E a x N: 2 :u '9 e m m s3 is a c o =-‘ z o r~_. co '91 9 q: .6. w op '— V.) we m g S 9 0 g V.) 6-! PI.) 0 g a; g 32 3 E: E <. V: s a s s 5b b s g s be. 2 .9 :1 I-Q g n a ‘2 Q) S C3" 4 3 3'3 ,1, S -S 9 § '3 ,Q a; ‘-' ‘D c‘ s 3 G "Q ’« & med 3 Q) Q Q 1'1.) Q) ’n O o 4 k 0 E a 23 vc g a H .. .Q .9 “00 N x Q Q :9 v—ux. Q " to Q) \- C Q 1:. Co 2‘. s 23 s s 3. If, '3 3 ~.. 2% N“ g :1 7g . is ‘1 ‘g :—+ E N H a: ' '8 E Q“ Q. :2 g E O _ g e 3 x as ”s = e :—+ O z e -e cs . JOURNAL OF TRANSACTIONS. VOL. XVIII. 69. On Misrepresentations of Christianity. By Lord O’NEILL (the late). 70. 71 72. 73. 74. Science not Opposed to Revelation. By J. L. PORTER, D.1)., LL.D., Pres. Queen’s Coll. Recent Egyptological Research in its Biblical Relation. By the Rev. H. G; TOMKINS. Cuneiform Inscriptions as illustrative of the times of the Jewish Captivity. By W. ST. CHAD BOSCAWEN, F. R. Hist. Soc. N ebuchadnczzar, King of Babylon—On Recently Discovered Inscriptions of this King. By E. A. BUDGE, M.A., M.R.A.S. Buddhism. By Rev. R. COLLINS. Remarks by Dr. LEITNER (Lahore), Professor RHYS DAVIDS, Mr. RASSAM, Rev. S. COLES (Ceylon), &c. Also a Full Note on Krishna. Pessimism. By (the late) W. P. JAMES, Esq. On the Prehistoric Factory of Flints at Spiennes. By Rev. J. MAGENS MELLO, F.G.S. The Evolution of the Pearly Nautilus. By S. R. PATTISON, Esq., F. G.S. On “Prehistoric Man in Egypt and the Lebanon.” By Sir J. W. DAWSON, K.C.M.G., F.R.S., McGill University, Montreal. Remarks by Professors W. WARINGTON SMYTH, F.R.S., W. BOYD DAWKINS, F.R.S., T. RUPERT JONES, F. R.S., T. WILTSHIRE, F.G.S., Colonel HERSCHEL, F.R.S., Dr. RAE, F.R.S. VOL. XIX. 0n the Inductive Logic. By Prof. R. L. DABNEY, D.D., LL.D. Speeches by Sir H. BABKLY, K.C.B., G.C.M.G., F.R.S., Sir J. LEFROY, K.C‘.M.G., F.R.S., am. On Evolution by Natural Selection. J. HASSELL, Esq. Remarks on Evolution by Professor VIRCHOW. On the Recency of the Close of the Glacial Epoch. By D. MACKINTOSH, Esq., F.G.S. Communications from Prof. T. RUPERT JONES, F. R.S., and others. On the recession Of N lagara (with the United States Government Survey Diagrams). "It" .1 THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE . On the Religion of the Aboriginal Tribes of India. By ProfessorJ. AVERY. Remarksby :3 General H are, Mr. H. RASSAM, and others. . On the Evolution of Savages by Degradation. Rev. F. A. ALLEN, M. A. Some Thoughts on the Evolution of Religions. By Rev. W. R. BLACKE'I‘T, M. A. . 0n the Relation of Fossil Botany to Theories of Evolution. By late W. P. JAMES, F. L. S .1 Remarks by Sir R. OWEN, F. R. 8., Prof. W. CARRUTHERS, F. R. 8., Dr. J. Ban'roN I: HIOKs, F. R S., &c. 75- Was Primeval Man a Savage? By J. HASSELL, Esq. 1 Remarks on Evolution and Development. By Rev. J. WHITE, M. A. On' Some Characteristics of Primitive Religions. By Rev. R. COLLINS, M.A. KHuman Responsibility. By Rev. G. BLENCOWE. ‘1: 76. On the Worship and Traditions of the Aborigines of America. By Rev. M. EELLS, M.A. 3 Remarks by Professor J. O. DORSEY, U.S .Survey. 2 ‘ Note on Comparative Religions. . VOL. XX. 77. Special Address by the Institute’s President, Professor G. G. STOKES, M. A., D. C. L. ., ,, President of the Royal Society. Egypt: Physical, Historical, Literary, and Social By J. LESLIE PORTER, D.D., D.C.L., . President of Queen’ s College, Belfast. Remarks by the Earl of BELMORE, Right Hon. A. S. AYRTON (the late), 8113. On the Theory of Natural Selection and the Theory of Design, By Professor DUNS, D. D. , , F.R.S.E. Remarks by Right Hon. Lord GRIMTHORPE, &c. 78. On Agnosticism. By J. HASSELL, Esq. On the Structure of the Gorilla. By‘ E. CIIARLESWORTH, Esq., F. GS. ; with illustration. ' Notes on the Antiquity of Man. By the EDITOR. The Chronology of Animal Life on the Earth prior to the Advent of Man. By Sir J. WILLIAM DAWSON, K. C. M. G., F. R. S. ., . President of the British Association. Histoiical Evidences of the Migration of Abram By W. ST. C. BOSCAWEN F. R Hist. Soc. with drawings. Notes by Professor SAYCE, F. R. S. E. A. W. BUDGE, Esq. ., &c. A Samoan Tradition of Creation. By Rev. T. POWELL, F.L.S. ; Notes on the Islands. 79. The Fundamental Assumptions of Agnosticism. By Rev. H. J. CLARKE. On Miracles. By Rev. H. C. M. WATSON. Remarks by Lord GRIMTHORI’E, &c. On Accounts of the Creation. By W. P. JAMES, Esq.L F. LS . (the late). 80. On Final Cause. By Professor R L. DABNE Y, D 1)., ' g 011 Structure and Structureless. By Prof. LIONEL S. BEALE, M. B, F. R. S. - 011 the Meteorology of Syria and Palestlne. ByF Professor G. E. 1’0ng F. L. S‘. (with chart)” Remarks by Sir JOSEPH FAYRER, K. C. S. I, RS., No. On the Geographical Names on the List of Thothmes III. Bv Professor G. MASPERO ’ (with map). Remarks by Sir CHARLES WILSON, K. C 8., K. C. M. G., F. R. 8., Captain ~ C. R. CONDER, R. E. Dr. WRIGHT, Ste. Note on Excavations round the Sphinx. By: Prof. MASPERO. t "5n ‘1‘ VOL. XXL—488718. 51. Results of an Expedition to Arabia Petreea and Palestine (with chart). By Professor E. HULL, F. R. S. Director of the Geological Sui vey of Ireland. Jewish, Phoenician, and Eaily Greek Ait. By Rev. Dr. PORTER, President, Queen's Col- lege, Belfast. 82. The Discoveries at Sidon. The Empire of the Hittites. By Rev. W. VVRIGIIT, D. D. Note on the Hittites. Canaan, Ancient and Modern. By Professor TRISTR AM, F. R. S. 011 Caves. By Professor T. MCK. HUGHES, F. G. S. (Cambridge), with comments by Sir ' J. W. DAWSON, K. C. M. G., F. R. 8.. Sir VVARING’I‘I)N W. SMY'I‘H, F. R S., and others Oriental Entomology. By Rev. F. A. WALKER, I). 1)., F. L.S. Notes byS .T. KLEIN, Esq. ., F.L. S., and others. Petra. By P10fessor E. HULL, F. R. S. (with chart). S3. 011 Krishna. By Rev. R. COLLINS, M A. Notes by Sir M. MONIER- WILLIAMS, K. C I. E. , Professors MAX MiiLLEn, E. B. COWELL, DOUGLAS, DE L \COUPERIE, D11. LEITNER, and l Dr.EDEnsHE1211. The Pedigree of the Coral Reefs of England. By S. R. PATTISON, F. G. S. Remarks by 1 Professor G. G. STOKES, P. R. S. Practical Optimism. By Canon SAUMAREZ SMITH, B D. 84. T1 aditions of the Aborigines of North America. By Rev. S. D. PEE'I‘ (with illustrations). 0n the Beauty of Nature. By Lmd GRIMTHORPE, with special paper by Rev. . ARTHUR M. A. 2 Evolution. By Rev. H. J. CLARKE, M. A. Remarks by SirJ. W. DAWSON, K. C. M. G. F. R. S .1 The Jewish Nation and Diseases. Egy tiun Discoveries In 1888. (Library List, 8w. ) Appendices The Sacred Books of th ast. By Sir M. MONIER- WILLIAMS, K.C.I.E. . ,, ,. . $32k” U C BERKELE EY \ W U W x\~V4.1‘\~\‘~£2~\‘N%M CUBHQHSHHE YNLL. 1F.“ such.” 1