Historical Survey of US Seismograph Stations By BARBARA B. POPPE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1096 A listing of seismograph stations, including information on operating organizations, instrumentation, and availability of seismograms UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1979 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CECIL D. ANDRUS, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY H. William Menard, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 Stock Number 024—001—031 11-6 CONTENTS Abstract . Introduction . . Explanation of Station Listings. Acknowledgments. . . . . References . . Glossary of Abbreviations. Station Listings by State Alabama. . . Alaska . Arizona. Arkansas . California . Colorado . Connecticut. Delaware . . District of Columbia . Florida. Georgia. . . Hawaii and the Pacific . Idaho. Illinois . Indiana. Iowa . Kansas . Kentucky . Louisiana. Maine. Maryland . Massachusetts. Michigan . Minnesota. Mississippi. Missouri . Montana. Nebraska . Nevada . New Hampshire. New Jersey . New Mexico . New York . . North Carolina . North Dakota . Ohio . . . Oklahoma . Oregon . Panama Canal Zone. Pennsylvania . .Puerto Rico. . Rhode Island . South Carolina . South Dakota . Tennessee. Texas. Utah . Vermont. . Virgin Islands . Virginia . Washington . West Virginia. Wisconsin. Wyoming. APPENDIXES Appendix 1. Organizations operating in more than one state. Response curves . . 3 Alphabetic listing of station codes . 4. Regional maps of stations . . . Page monarch-w 162 . 166 . 361 . 363 . 367 . 383 I" v . «a r >-(\ 321:” HISTORICAL SURVEY OF U.S. SEISMOGRAPH STATIONS By Barbara B. Poppe ABSTRACT Although catalogs of seismograph stations have been compiled in the past, there has been no comprehensive modern record of the nearly 1500 stations in the United States. This survey contains the vital information about the sta- tions: who runs them, where they are, what instruments are used, and where the records are kept. For historical interest, information about closed stations that can no longer contri- bute records to the seismological community is nevertheless included. This survey will be useful for detailed study only in the few years after its release, because the data are con- stantly in flux. However, significant Operators and stations do remain the same, and this infor- mation should make station research easier in the next decades. INTRODUCTION This publication is a compilation of de- tailed information about seismograph stations in the United States, the trust territories, Pana- ma, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico current to June 1977. Its principal purpose is to provide information on availability of records. Stations no longer offering data are included if specifics about them were available; all infor- mation that was available was included, even if incomplete. Not listed are stations about which no information existed beyond a simple refer- ence. The majority of the information contained in this catalog was obtained from questionnaires sent to each station operator. Much updating and completing of these files was carried on by telephone. The U.S. Geological Survey and Coast and Geodetic Survey (NCAA) files that extend back to the 1930's were helpful in finding information on older stations. References that were of invaluable help are listed at the end of this publication. The data are presented alphabetically by state and then by the operating institution. In the upper right-hand corner of each page is the State name and the city in which the operating organization is located. Pages are arranged alphabetically, first by in-State addresses and then by out-of-State addresses. Although most networks are confined to one State, those net- works that overlap more than one have been split so that the address of the network operator is listed in each State with those stations of the network that are in that State. A listing of the states in which each organization operates stations is included in Appendix 1. Appendix 2 contains response curves for 11 instrument systems that are broadly used. Each curve is typical of a particular seismometer response, plotted as period vs. relative magnif- ication. Each is normalized to T . Appendix 3 is a cross-reference of stations in alphabetic order, and includes station name, state, oper- ating organization, and page reference. The stations coded by NEIS (National Earthquake Information Service) are plotted on region maps in Appendix 4. A critical point of confusion might arise in the use of station codes. The NEIS maintains a list of internationally recognized codes, which must not be confused with codes that have local validity but conflict with the estab- lished, assigned codes. Therefore, all assigned codes are written with no parentheses. Any station that has never contributed data to the NEIS and has consequently never had a code assigned by the NEIS has its local code listed within parentheses. Also in parentheses are codes of stations that have been properly regis- tered and reserved but have not yet submitted data to the NEIS. All codes in parentheses are nonetheless included because they are valuable to anyone wanting to obtain data from a particu- lar station or read published station reports. In some cases both an assigned code and one used by the operating organization exists. When this duplication occurs, both codes are listed, the second being in parentheses. EXPLANATION OF STATION LISTINGS General information.--Every effort was made to discern the individual or organization in- volved with each station. Stations and networks are listed under the operating organization, so that contact can be made directly with that organization for current information and answers to any questions. The records generally are available from the station, except where‘ the data are transferred to a data center. The National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center in Boulder, Colo., is equipped to respond to data requests by supplying copies of the records kept on file; the originals usually reside at the station. The address and telephone number listed in most cases refer to the operating organization's central location; sometimes this is the address of a station. The different offices of the USGS are treated as separate organizations because the responsibility is distinctly segregated. The Telex number is listed when applicable. Site information.--"Code" is the three- or four-letter code assigned, either by NEIS or the operator at each location. (The codes does not change in the event of a change in instrumenta- tion or controlling organization; however, a location change of more than 1 km necessitates a new code.) As mentioned above, any code not assigned by NEIS will be in parentheses; if both assigned and local codes exist, they will both be listed. The station name is generally the town closest to the station. Latitude and longitude are listed in degrees and decimal degrees. The four decimal places give the significance of minutes and seconds, but are not always truly significant to that level. Conver- sion to the four decimals was made from whatever form was supplied by the stations. "Elevation" generally is the elevation of the seismometer. Leaders (---) indicate no data. "Data opened" is the date that the site was occupied and started recording, regardless of which instru- ment system was involved or which organization was responsible. "Date closed" is the date recording ceased or when. the instruments were removed. When no date, not even the year, could be found, the "Date closed" column is merely noted "Closed." Foundation and geologic age are listed whenever this information was available. The information listed under foundation ranges from formation and series names to generic descriptions. Instrumentation.--Following the code, which is listed again in the instrumentation section, are type (make or design) of seismometer and, if listed, the model number. Most of the types listed are conventional enough to be readily identified. However, some makes may not be familiar; if further information is desired, it should be requested from the operating organiza- tion. "Seismometer component" is most generally listed as Z for vertical, NS for horizontal in a north-south direction, and EW for horizontal in an east-west direction. Conventionally, first motion is N and E on horizontal instruments, and thus, when written as NS and EW, the first letters imply a first-motion direction. When the reverse orientation is known, the component is listed as SN or WE. Unfortunately, the more conventional listing cannot imply absolutely that the convention for first motion is fol- lowed. No mention is made of polarity changes that have occurred during a station's operation. Orientations other than these are listed with their compass orientation. If the only informa- tion known is that there was a horizontal in- strument, it is listed simply as horizontal. "Seismometer T " is the free period of the seismometer, listed in seconds. "Galvo Tg" is the period of the galvanometer. For instrument systems that do not use a galvanometer, the filter characteristics are given, either in seconds or, where noted, in hertz (Hz). "Type recording" refers to the mode of recording (Helicorder, Develocorder) or the type of records (film, smoked paper). Magnification of the record is measured at the free period of the seismometer (T ) unless noted under "Remarks" as measured at another period. Though the magnification can often change, the stated magnifications refer to the most common settings used for a system. High noise level requires lower magnification; low noise level allows higher magnification. Leaders imply no data available, or in the case of Galvo Tg may indicate that a solid-state amplifier with a filter is used instead of a galvanometer. Listed under remarks is a variety of data about the particular station's instrumentation. A station recorded off-site is noted as telem- etered to another station or location. Newer communications systems, however, now enable various types of transmissions such as micro- wave, radio, and hard-wire; and these special systems are not delineated from telemetering. Particular standard-instrument networks such as WWSSN (World-Wide Standard Seismograph Network) and SRO (Seismic Research Observatory) are noted. "Timing system" refers to the clock used and how or if drift is checked. Virtually all currently operating stations now use the Nation- al Bureau of Standards broadcast WWV to check times, or WWVB to record directly on the rec- ords. In some cases the accuracy may be noted. The NEIS generally requires accuracy to a tenth of a second. System response curves are presented in Appendix 2. The curves were prepared from those sent by the station. Because the electronics of a system can be easily changed, these curves may not reflect the characteristics of a system at any future time. Short history.--Information about the sta- tion's origin, development, or role in partic- ular research is listed. This history is occasionally quite detailed, but may be only anecdotal. Some information about station reports and records may also be included under history. If no information was available for a history, this heading was omitted. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to several individuals for their help during various phases leading to the publication of this volume. Much of the initial data gathering was done by Pamela A. Covington; without her constructive beginnings, I would never have completed this project. Carl W. Stover contributed the computer plots of sta- tions and, along with John S. Derr, provided invaluable support and suggestions. Debbie A. John, Paula K. Smith, Kathleen Gentille, and Jan M. Nevin assisted in the volumes of compilation and cross-checking inherent in this type of work. Helen E. Hodgson maintained unflagging interest in the editorial form of this publica- tion, and I am most appreciative of her efforts. Additionally, several individual station operators spend generous amounts of time with me clarifying information about their own stations, as well as about other local stations, and this assistance was greatly appreciated. REFERENCES CITED University of Michigan Institute of Science and Technology, 1965, Handbook--World-Wide Standard Seismograph Network: Ann Arbor, unpaged. Charlier, Ch. and van Gils, J. M., 1953, Liste des stations seismologiques mondiales: Brussels, Observatoire Royal de Belgique, unpaged. Covington, P. A., 1974, Seismograph station abbreviations and coordinates: U.S. Geo- logical Survey National Earthquake Informa- tion Service, MS 967, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225, 72 p. McComb, H. E., and West, C. J., 1931, List of seimological stations of the world, 2d ed.: Nat'l. Research Council Bull., 119 p. Wood, H. 0., 1942, A chronological conspectus of seismologic stations: Seismol. Soc. Amer- ica Bu11., v. 32, no. 2, p. 97-159. GLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATIONS AFTAC Air Force Technical Applications Cen- ter. ARPA Advance Research Projects Agency. CIRES Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science, University of Colorado. C.I.T. California Institute of Technology. Do., do Ditto. HGLP High-Gain Long-Period--standard in- struments developed at Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory and currently maintained by the USGS. Hz Hertz (cycles per second). IGY International Geophysical Year. IQSY International Year of the Quiet Sun. IRIG-C A format for time signals, represented in binary-coded decimal (BCD). K Thousand. (Magnification of 10 K is the same as 10,000.) LASA Large-Aperture Seismic Array. LRSM Long—Range Seismic Measurement—-an AFTAC project. M.I.T Massachusetts Institute of Technology. NEIS National Earthquake Information Ser- vice. NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- ministration. sec Second (unit of time). SRO Seismic Research 0bservatory--standard USGS instruments. USC&GS U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Many stations and projects run under the USC&GS were eventually transferred within the U.S. Department of Commerce and finally to the U.S. Department of the Interior, as follows: USC&GS (U.S. Department of Commerce) to July 1965 USC&GS--Continued Enviromental Science Services / Administration (part of the USC&GS) July 1965-0ctober 1970 National Ocean Survey (within NOAA) October 1970-July 1971 Environmental Research Labor- atories (within NOAA) July 1971-Septem- ber 1973 USGS (U.S. Department of the Interior) September 1973- present The NEIS is an example of an office that evolved through this system, pre- viously being called the National Earthquake Information Center in the 0.8. Department of Commerce. USGS VELA- Uniform WWSSN WWV and U.S. Geological Survey. Prior to 1973 the USGS was doing seismic research primarily in the National Center for Earthquake Re- search (NCER) at Menlo Park, Calif. NCER and NEIS, as well as research branches from both Departments, merged to fonm the Office of Earth- quake Studies. A project funded by ARPA under which several seismic monitoring projects (LRSM, TFO, CPO, etc.) were conducted. World-Wide Standardized Seismograph Network--standard instruments _devel- oped by the USC&GS and currently maintained by the USGS. Call letters of radio stations of the National Bureau of Standards that continually broadcast time signals. They broadcast at different frequen- cies and WWVB also includes a time code consistent with Coordinated Universal Time that can be recorded directly on magnetic tape. Use ofbrand names in this report kfor descriptivepurposes only and does not constitute endorsement by the US. Geological Survey. ALABAMA Mobile, AL GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Spring Hill College Address: Seismic Observatory Spring Hill College Mobile, AL 36608 Telephone: 205-460-2315 Address to obtain records: Prior to 1952: WWSSN records: None available. National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Pen and ink, since 1952: Boulder, CO 80302 Spring Hill College Mobile, AL 36608 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age SHA Spring Hill College ----- 30.6944 88.1428 61 12/1910 Open-— Unconsolidated clayey sand. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rema ks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 r SBA Benioff 1051 --------- Z 1.0 0.76 Photo paper 6.25 K WWSSN. Benioff 1101- NS,EW 1.0 .74 --do ------- 6.25 K Do. Sprengnether --------- 2 15.0 100 --do ------- 1.5 K WWSSN. Magnification at 30 sec. --do ----------------- NS,EW 15.0 100 --do ------- .75 1( Do. Eisele AC transducer- Z,NS,EW 15.0 -~- Pen and ink 5 K Nonstandard instruments. Timing system: WWSSN standard used for all instruments at this station. System response curves: See figure 1, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY The Spring Hill College Seismic Observatory began operations in December 1910 with the installation of a Wiechert horizontal instrument. This instrument was operated continuously until 1935, with the exception of 1926. The observatory reopened in 1939 with a Wood-Anderson and, later, acquired a pair of McComb-Rombergs. These latter instruments and the Wiechert were continuously operated from 19h] until 1952, with the exception of the academic year 1947-48. In 1952, with the invention of a novel pick-up and recording system, three new seismometers were constructed--vertica1 and horizontals. These pen-and-ink units replaced all the previous instruments. After an initial installation in March 1962, WWSSN equipment was relocated in a new thermally insulated structure in_June 1963. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Telex: Teledyne Geotech Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 214-271-2561 73-2394 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 ALABAMA Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (AX-AL) Alexander City ---------- 32.8356 86.1764 183 12/03/65 12/13/65 Sand clay. (AXZAL) --do -------------------- 32.7772 86.1300 183 3/24/66 1/16/67 --- 1/19/68 1/19/68 (BO-AL) Brewton ----------------- 31.1697 86.8597 76 12/02/65 12/13/65 --- (EU-AL) Eutaw ------------------- 32.7792 87.8739 43 7/02/63 11/22/66 --- (EUZAL) --do -------------------- 32.7964 87.8847 43 11/12/66 1/16/67 --- 8/27/69 11/10/69 INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 (AXZAL), (EU-AL), (EUZAL): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --— Magnetic tape, (EU-AL): 70 K --- 35-mm film. Sprengnether---- z,Ns,Ew 20.0 --- --do ---------- --- --- (AX-AL), (AXZAL) (2d oper.), (Bo-AL), (EUZAL) (2d oper.): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape (AX-AL): 180 K Portable system. Geotech --------- 2,115,134 20.0 --— --do --------- --- --- Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. Special Data Collection System program which remains active. See figure 3, p. 364. Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: U.S. Geological Survey and Alabama Geological Survey National Center for Earthquake Research U.S. Geological Survey 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-323-8111 ext. 2526 Address to obtain records: ALABAMA Menlo Park, CA Alabama Geological Survey P.0. Drawer "0" University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 205-349-2852 As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age \ (DLC) Deerlick Creek ---------- 33.2608 87.4448 137 3/10/71 Open-- --- EMA Elm (South Holt) -------- 33.2210 87.4738 92 1/09/71 --do--' --- FLT Fleetwood --------------- 33.2580 87.4095 128 1/09/71 --do-- --- (BLT) Holt -------------------- 33.2223 87.5077 '95 1/09/71 --do-- --- LCA Log Cabin (Lake Nichol-- 33.3067 87.4683 132 1/09/71 --do-- --- (LOG) Rd.). (LDG) Lodge (Sharpes Rd.) ----- 33.2905 87.5350 95 1/09/71 --do-- --- (PEA) Pea Ridge (Pea Ridge---- 33.2553 87.4943 107 1/09/71 --do-- --- Rd.). PTR Peterson ---------------- 33.2172 87.4333 122 1/09/71 --do-- --- (PET) REA Reichold (East Holt)---- 33.2417 87.4660 83 1/09/71 --do-- --- (RED) (UOA) University of Alabama--- 33.2110 87.5433 67 1/09/71 --do-- --- (Fox). INSTRUMENTATION ”‘5‘ Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 emar 5 All stations Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1. --- Develocorder --- Telemetered to Univer- sity of Alabama. Timing system: System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY Ten 5 tations were originally See figure 2, p. 363. set up to monitor seismic activity near a deep disposal well. ALASKA Adak, AK GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service Address: Adak Observatory, NOAA U.S. Naval Station, Box 51 FPO Seattle, WA 97891 Telephone: 907-579-3250 or -3251 Address to obtain records: Helicorder records: Develocorder records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center CIRES NOAA/EDS, D62 University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80302 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age ADK Adak -------------------- 51.8837 176.6844 116 1/66 0pen-- Basalt, tuff breccia; Tertiary. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at To ADK Johnson-Matheson ----- Z 1.25 --- Helicorder 2.5 K --- M/N6480A. Benioff 1051 --------- Z 1.0 --- Helicorder 12.5 K Magnification also at l K, 100, and 10. , Develocorder 50 K, 1.25 K --- Benioff 1101 --------- NS,Ew 1.0 --- Helicorder 5 K --- Develocorder l K --- Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- Helicorder 500 K Magnification variable with earthquake. 1 Develocorder 50 K Do. Remote sites Benioff 4681 --------- 2 1.0 .2 Develocorder 50 K Located at one of the remote sites. Johnson-Matheson ----- Z 1.25 .2 --do -------- 50 K Magnification at 1 sec. M/N6480A. or filtered ' Three instruments lo- cated at three remote sites. 1 . . Four remote sites located 1.609 km north, south, east, and west, respectively, of the main vault. Timing system: Geotech TG-llO and Geotech 5400. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY ADK was started in early 1966 with instrumentation from an LRSM van. The station records data by telemetry from SMY and from the CIRES array. ALASKA Anchorage, AK GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Alaska Methodist University Address: Alaska Methodist University--Closed Anchorage, AK (Obsolete) Address to obtain records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age AMU Anchorage --------------- 61.1917 1b9.8050 53 2/65 12/05/75 Gravels; Quaternary. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To AMU Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.2 Helicorder 20 K --- Timing system: Sprengnether TS-lOO. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY AND was established at Alaska Methodist University to aid in 1964 aftershock work. It ran intermittently until December 1975. The records that are archived are colplete from March 1965 through May 1967. The intermittent recordings are complete through the end of 1971. The rest of the records were kept at the Geology Department of the University and are now lost. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Department of the Air Force 13th Missile Warning Squadron (ADC) Clear Mews, AK 99704 907-522-3333 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION Unknown. ALASKA Clear Mews, AK . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CMA Clear Mews -------------- 66.2900 149.1800 181 1964 1/74 Unconsolidated, glaciofluvial, sandy gravel; late Pleistocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rema ks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 r CMA Geotech 4681 --------- 2 1.0 --- Helicorder 250 K Two systems: one, part of the warning system; one, a monitor subsystem. Tiling system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY Not available. Oven-controlled, quartz-crystal frequency standard and Stroboscope, Model 5504. CMA was activated in 1964 in order to give warning of seismic disturbances that might require radar-antenna realinement. Poor location, difficulty in obtaining parts, and excessive maintenance led to deactivation of the station in January 1974. 10 ALASKA College, AK GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: College Observatory Yukon Drive on West Ridge College, AK 99701 Telephone: 907-479-6146 Address to obtain records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age COL College Outpost --------- 64.9000 147.7933 320 1/64 0pen-- Schist; Precambrian. CMO College (Fairbanks) ----- 64.8600 147.8350 180 1949 1977 Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 COL Benioff 1051 --------- Z 1.0 0.75 Photo paper 100 K WWSSN. Benioff 1101- ------ NS,EW 1.0 .75 --do ------- 100 K Do. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 --do ------- 15 K Do. Benioff MC ----------- 2 1.0 .52 --do ------- 350 K Nonstandard instrument. CMO Wilson-Lamison ------- Z 1.1 1.1 Pen and ink --- Not producing quality records. Wenner --------------- NS 8.2 11.8 --do- ------ --- --- Timing system: WWSSN standard. System response curves: COL, see figure 1, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY The earliest magnetic and seismic monitoring began in 1935 in the Eielson Memorial Building on the campus of the University of Alaska, as a cooperation between the University and the USC&GS. The College Magnetic Observatory was started in 1948 and has been operated by a succession of Government agencies since that time. CMO has been located on the campus of the University of Alaska since 1949. It housed the Benioff MC, as well as the Wilson-Lamison and Wenner; it also operated several strong-motion instruments from 1965 to 1977. The Wanner was used in the Tsunami Warning System until 1976. CMO records (photo paper) are on file in Boulder, Colo., through 1972. COL was established as a WWSSN station. 11 GENERAL INFORMATION ALASKA College, AK Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: Barrow Observatory--Closed c/o College Observatory College, AK 99701 (Obsolete) Address to obtain records: National Geophysical a NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION nd Solar-Terrestrial Data Center Code Station name Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date Foundation' eolo 'c a e (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed ’ 8 81 8 BRW Barrow ------------------ 71.3033 156.7484 -1.5 1/65 6/75 Silt over sand. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo TYPE Magnification Remark Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at To 5 BRW Wilson-Lamison ------- Z 1.1 0.5 Photo paper 75 K Magnification varies with background noise level. Timing system: Sprengnether frequency standard. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY The seismic program was initiated at the Barrow Observatory by the USC&GS in the fall of 1957, although the records presently available date back only to 1965. The program terminated in April 1975, the instruments finally being shut down in June. 12 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Alaska Address: Seismology Laboratory Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, AK 99701 Telephone: 907-479-7320 Address to obtain records: ALASKA Fairbanks , AK As above. SITE INFORMATION Code Station name Egzztfiéi 163253.136 (millilis) 022::(1 ngzzd Foundation; geologic age AGI Augustine Island -------- 59.3800 153.4200 580 8/71 1/76 -—- ANV Anvil Mountain ---------- 64.5655 165.3717 330 8/76 Open" --- (AUF) Augustine Island -------- 59.3878 153.4590 166 9/75 -—do-- --- (AUK) ---do ------------------- 59.3342 153.4270 259 9/75 --do-- “- (AUH) ---do ------------------- 59.3710 153.3528 106 9/75 --do-- --— (AUP) ---do ------------------- 59.3622 153.4205 1033 9/75 --do-- --- BDP Broad Pass -------------- 63.2312 149.2593 709 8/71 9/76 --- BIl Barter Islands ---------- 70.1318 143.6417 10 9/75 Open-- --- BIZ ---do ------------------- 69.6235 145.8952 1100 9/75 "do" -" BIB ---do ------------------- 69.5847 144.3707 690 9/75 --d0-- --- 314 ---do ------------------- 69.5202 142.9800 745 9/75 --d0-- --- (EMT) Blue Mountain ----------- 58.0467 158.3367 550 1975 --do-- --- BRH Bitch Hill -------------- 64.8648 147.6403 330 7/9/70 8/10/72 --- CCB Clear Creek Butte ------- 64.6480 147.8053 183 2/25/71 1/1/75 --- (CDA) Cape Douglas ------------ 58.9553 153.5295 390 1974 Open-- --- (CHI) Chirikof Island --------- 65.8378 155.5797 250 8/75 --do-- --- (CHO) Chowiet Island ---------- 56.0333 156.7117 250 1974 --do-- --- CNA Cantwell-—---—--1 ------- 63.3963 148.9450 700 8/71 9/76 --- DDM Donnelly Dome ----------- 63.7872 145.8617 920 9/77 0pen-- --- DMA Devil Mountain ---------- 66.3130 164.5220 240 8/77 --do-- --- (DMB) Dead Man Bay ------------ 57.0872 153.9605 300 10/75 --do-- --- ELV Elvey ------------------- 64.8603 147.8487 180 8/71 8/72 --- ENG Engineer Hill ----------- 64.7352 147.0460 220 9/7/71 6/76 --- (FLP) Featherly Pass ---------- 57.7012 156.2650 485 10/75 Open-- --- FYU Fort Yukon -------------- 66.5660 145.2317 137 2/9/72 --do-- --- FYI ---do ------------------- 67.2657 148.9755 1040 9/75 --do-- --- FY2 "ado ------------------- 67.1193 147.1163 670 9/75 --do-- --- FY3 --—do ------------------- 68.1460 145.6927 1440 9/75 --do-- --- l3 SITE INFORMATION--Cont.inued ALASKA--Continued Fairbanks , AK Code Station name 163:??? [63:21??? 01:11:34) 032:; 21):; Foundation; geologic age FY4 Fort Yukon -------------- 67.4545 146.2117 790 9/75 Open-- --- FYS ---do ------------------- 67.1418 143.2403 560 9/75 --do—- --- GIA Geophysical Institute-u 64.8600 147.8350 158 6/69 1/71 --- GKC Gold King Creek --------- 64.1787 147.9347 490 7/76 0pen-- --- GLM Gilmore Dome ------------ 64.9873 147.3890 720 8/68 --do-- --- (HDA) Harding Lake ------------ 64.4058 146.9538 450 9/77 --do-- --- (H011) Homer ------------------- 59.6583 151.6433 198 8/76 --do-- --- HPP Hepp -------------------- 64.7905 147.9592 170 11/9/71 6/76 --- HUR Hurricane --------------- 62.9788 149.6462 510 8/71 6/75 --- KTA Kotzebue ---------------- 66.8572 162.6112 25 8/76 0pen-- --- LVY Levy -------------------- 64.2167 149.2533 230 7/72 -'do-- --- (HAA) Maars ------------------- 57.8567 153.0803 131 5/20/77 --do-- "- MCB Moose Creek Bluff ------- 64.7283 147.2100 200 9/68 9/71 --- HCK McKinley ---------------- 63.7323 148.9350 610 12/64 0pen-- --- (HCN) McNeil River ------------ 59.1010 154.1998 273 1975 --do-- --- HCR Mercer ------------------ 63.9852 149.0503 456 9/71 7/75 --- MIK Minitrack --------------- 64.8723 147.8280 160 5/70 3/75 "- (MHC) Middle Cape ------------- 57.3333 154.6350 340 1975 Open-- --- NEA Nenana ------------------ 64.5892 149.0657 400 8/71 --do-- --- NRA North River ------------- 63.8918 160.5143 105 8/76 --do-— --- (OPT) Oil Point --------------- 59.6527 153.2297 625 1974 --do-- --- PAX Paxson ------------------ 62.9708 145.4687 1130 7/69 --do-- --- PJD Pedro Dome -------------- 65.0350 147.5083 740 1/67 11/71 —-- (PNH) Pinnacle Mountain ------- 56.8050 157.5833 442 1974 Open-- --- (PUB) Puale Bay --------------- 57.7733 155.5167 280 1974 --do-- --- (RAI) Raspberry Island -------- 58.0605 153.1592 520 10/75 --do-- --- RDS Richard D. Siegrest ----- 64.8265 148.1447 510 6/77 --do-- --- (RED) Redoubt Volcano --------- 60.4190 152.7720 1067 1974 --do-- --- RON Remote ------------------ 62.6912 150.2037 470 8/71 10/74 --- (SCF) Sheep Creek Facility---- 61.9947 150.0392 67 8/71 6/75 --- SCH Sheep Creek Mountain---- 61.8333 147.3277 1020 6/66 Open-- --- SCT Scotty Lake ------------- 62.3192 150.2972 140 8/71 6/75 "- (SHU) Shuyak Island ----------- 58.6280 152.3488 34 1974 Open-- --- (SII) Sitkinak Island --------- 56.5600 154.1820 500 10/75 --do-- "- (SKS) Sitkalidak Island ------- 57.1642 153.0803 135 8/11/77 --do-- --- 14 ALASKA--Continued Fai rbanks , AK SITE INFORMATIONHContinued . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ' . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg M) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (SPL) Spiridon Lake ----------- 57.7592 153.7713 600 10/75 Open" "- SSH Sunshine ---------------- 62.1667 150.0777 100 86/1 9/72 -—- TIM Tin City ---------------- 65.5617 167.4367 50 8/76 Open" --- INN Tanana ------------------ 65.2567 151.9117 504 1/65 --do-- --- (URL) Utashik Lake ------------ 57.4017 156.8550 410 10/75 --do-- --- (YCB) Yellow Creek Bluff ------ 56.6h83 158.6817 320 1974 --do-- --— INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar 5 A61, (AUF), (AUX), (AUH), (AUP), (MA), (HCH), (OPT), RED, (SHU): Hark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 --- Develocorder --- Telemetered to HON. ANV: Geotech 18300 -------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder --- Do. Geotech SL-210 ------- 2 Long --- ---do ------- --- Do. BDP, ENG, HPP, HUR, MGR, RON, (SCF), SCT, TNA, TNN: Geotech 8-13 --------- 2 1.0 --- --—do ------- —-- --- BIl, BIZ, BIS, 3114, FY], FYZ, H3, H6, FYS, FYU: Geospace HS-l-l-B---- Z 1.0 --- ---do ------- --- Telemetered to Fairbanks. (BHT). (CDA), (c110). (mc), (PNH), (PUB), '(YCB): Geotech 18300 -------- Z 1.0 --- ---do ------- --- Telemetered to H011. BRH, ELV: Geotech S-13 --------- Z 1.0 --- ---do ------- --- --— ccn, LVY, HCB, PJ'D: Geotech 18300 -------- Z 1.0 --- ---do ------- --- Telemetered to Fairbanks. (CHI). (DHB), (FLP). (HON), (RM), (311), (SKS), (SPL), (UKL): Ranger --------------- Z 1.0 --- ---do ------- -—— Telemetered to H011. CNA: Geotech 18300 -------- Z 1.0 --— Magnetic tape --- --- Dim, DNA, GKC, (HDG), KTA, HCK, NEA, NRA, PAX, RDS, SCH: ---do ---------------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder --- Telemetered to Fairbanks. 15 ALASKA--Continued Fairbanks, AK INSTRUMENTATION--Continued Seismometer ‘ Galvo Type Magnification Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 Remarks GIA: Geotech 18300 -------- Z 1.. --- Helicordern --- Telemetered to Fairbanks. Gm, ncx, MIK, SSH: UED SD-215 ----------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Develocorder --- The six-component system ---do ---------------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---d0f ------ --- was reduced to only short-period Z and EW. GLM and MCK are tele- metered to Fairbanks. Timing system: Tracor Inc. Model 05 crystal clock referenced to WWV. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY BLR and SVW were originally owned by the University of Alaska and were transferred to the Alaska Tsunami Warning Center on September A, 1971, and August 24, 1972, respectively. See ALASKA, Palmer, for the listing of these stations. BIG was originally owned and operated by the University of Alaska and was transferred to the USGS at Menlo Park, Calif., on July 31, 1972. See ALASKA, Henlo Park, for the listing. The Institute plans to publish a quarterly bulletin of Alaskan earthquakes starting in November 1977. 16 ALASKA Palmer, AK GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service Address: Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (formerly Plamer Observatory) P.0. Box Y Palmer, AK 99645 Telephone: 907-745-4212 Address to obtain records: Helicorder records: Develocorder records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center Alaska Tsunami Warning Center NCAA/EDS, D62 P.0. Box Y Boulder, CO 80302 Palmer, AK 99645 ’ SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BLR Black Rapids ------------ 63.5017 145.8450 809 3/65 Open" Schist; Devonian. (CDA) Cold Bay ---------------- 55.2700 162.8961 --- 8/70 11/70 Undifferentiated; Quaternary. CSA Cape Sarichef ----------- 54.5944 164.8750 152 11/28/70 5/18/71 Volcanics; Quaternary. GIL Gilmore Creek ----------- 64.9750 147.4950 350 10/13/67 0pen-- Schist; Precambrian. GMA Granite Mountain -------- 65.4286 161.2319 858 9/17/70 --do-- Granite; Cretaceous. IMA Indian Mountain --------- 66.0683 153.6786 1380 8/05/71 --do-- Andesitic volcanics; Late Jurassic- Early Cretaceous. KDC Kodiak ------------------ 57.7478 152.4917 13 4/02/64 --do-- Surficial gravels; Jurassic and (or) Cretaceous. MID Middleton Island -------- 59.4278 146.3389 37 4/10/64 --do-- Mudstones, siltstones, and sandstones of Yakataga Formation; Miocene to Holocene. NIK Nikolski ---------------- 52.9743 168.8528 207 5/17/71 --do-- Metamorphics and plutonics; Tertiary. PMA Port Moller ------------- 55.9786 160.4972 314 9/06/72 --do-- Volcanics; Pliocene. PMR Palmer ------------------ 61.5922 149.1308 100 9/01/67 --do-- Tuff; Mesozoic. PMS Palmer South ------------ 61.2447 149.5606 716 5/25/67 --do-- Metaclastics and metavolcanics of the (Arctic Valley). McHugh Complex; Late Jurassic and (or) Cretaceous. PWA Palmer West ------------- 61.6508 149.7133 137 5/23/67 --do-- Shallow glacial debris (Holocene), (Houston). underlain by shales, sandstones, and coal beds (Tertiary). SMY Shemya ------------------ 52.7308 174.1031 E. 58 11/17/70 --do-- Basement rocks (siliceous rock, argillite, and conglomerates); Tertiary. SVW Sparrevohn -------------- 61.1081 155.6217 762 8/67 --do-- Shale and sandstones; Cretaceous. TOA Tolsona ----------------- 62.1047 146.1722 909 9/15/71 --do-- Sandstone; Tertiary. TTA Tatalina ---------------- 62.9300 156.0219 914 8/10/72 --do-- Granitic intrusive; Tertiary. l7 ALASKA—-Continued Palmer, AK INSTRUHENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 BLR Geotech S-13 --------- 2 1.0 --- Helicorder 50 K Telemetered to PMR. (CDA) -~- --- --- --- --- --- --- CSA --‘ ~—- --- --- —-- --- --- GIL Geotech S-13 --------- 2 1.0 0.2 Develocorder 200 K Telemetered to PMR. Helicorder 100 K Do. GHA --do ----------------- 2 1.0 --- Develocorder 200 K Do. Helicorder 50 K Do. IHA --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .2 Develocorder 200 K Do. KDC Geotech 4681A -------- Z 1.0 .2 Develocorder 50 K Do. Helicorder 12.5 K Do. HID --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .2 Develocorder 6 K Do. Helicorder 1.6 K Do. HLP --- --- --- --- --- --- --- NIK Geotech S-13 --------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder 12 K Telemetered to PMR. Helicorder 6 K Do. PHA "do ----------------- Z 1.0 —-- Develocorder 6 K Do. PHR Geotech 4681 --------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder 10,000 K --- Helicorder .01, .1, 1 K --- Geotech 6102 --------- SN,WE 1.0 --- Helicorder 1 K --- 2 20.0 --- --do ------ .1, 1 K --- Geotech 8700C -------- SN,WE 20.0 --- --do ------ .1, l K --- PMS Geotech S-13 --------- 2 1.0 .2 Develocorder 100 K Telemetered to PMR. WA --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .2 --do -------- 100 K Do. SHY --do ----------------- 2 1.0 --- Develocorder 12 K Do. Helicorder 3 K Do. --do ----------------- 2 20.0 —-- Helicorder 01, 1, 1 K D0 SW --do ----------------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder 100 K D0. TOA --do ----------------- Z 1.0 --- -—do -------- 50 K Do. TTA --do ----------------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder 200 K Do. Helicorder 100 K Do. Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY Geotech 19000 . See figure 4, p. 364. PMR records all the stations in the Alaska Tsunami Warning System and is the headquarters for the Alaska Regional Seismological Network. BLR was previously equipped and operated by the University of Alaska Geophysical Institute and was transferred to Palmer on September 10, 1971. SW Sparrevohn was previously operated by the University of Alaska and was transferred on August 24, 1974. 18 ALASKA Petersburg, AK GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Petersburg Public School Geology students Address: Petersburg Public School P.O. Box 289 Petersburg, AK 99833 Telephone: 907-772-4434 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (PSA) Petersburg -------------- 56.8083 133.9533 17 12/75 Open-- Slate, phyllite, graywacke; Cretaceous. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remark Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at To 5 (PSA) Geotech S-13 --------- Z 1.0 --- Helicorder 10 K Magnification estimated. Timing system: Geotech TG-120. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY (PSA) was started as a high school project under the direction of Paul Bowen, an instructor at the school. 19 \ GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey Box 158 Sitka, AK 99835 Telephone: 907-747-3332 Address to obtain records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NOAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, co 80302 SITE INFORMATION ALASKA Sitka, AK I . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BIO Biorka ------------------ 56.8517 135.5583 61 6/08/67 5/70 Hornblende-biotite granodiorite; Cretaceous. SIT Sitka ------------------- 57.0569 135.3244 19 1940 Open-- Sitka Graywacke; Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remark Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To 5 BIO Geotech S-13 --------- 2 1.0 0.2 Helicorder 50 K Telemetered to SIT and PMR. SIT Benioff 4681A -------- Z 1.0 .2 Pen and ink 25 K Telemetered to PMR. Wenner --------------- NS,EW 7.0 15 0 Photo paper Uncalibrated --- Tiling system: Sprengnether TS-100 Crystal Chr System response curves: SIT--see figure 4, p. SHORT HISTORY onometer. 364. Recording in Sitka began in 1904 at the Astronomical Observatory using a two-component horizontal Bosch-Omori. Wenner horizontal components replaced the Bosch-Omori in 1932; they were refurbished in 1941-42. The instruments were moved to the present SIT location in September 1940. A Wilson-Lamison short-period vertical instrument was added in 1956. The Benioff mentioned above was installed in January 1972 and is recorded concurrently at the Alaska Tsunami Warning Center. BIO was founded in 1967 to enhance the regional capabilities of Sitka, but it proved to be too noisy. 20 ALASKA Boulder, CO GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Colorado Address: CIRES University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309 Telephone: 303-492-8028 Address to obtain records: CIRES University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age ADl Great Sitkin ------------ 52.0233 176.1517 244 1974 Open-- Basalt; Tertiary. AD2 Umak -------------------- 51.9033 176.0183 381 1974 --do-- Volcanics; Tertiary. AD3 Kagalaska --------------- 51.7428 176.3569 198 1974 --do-- Do. AD4 Hidden Bay -------------- 51.6986 176.6325 213 1974 --do-- Do. ADS Yakak ------------------- 51.6289 176.9252 152 1974 --do-- Do. AD6 South Kanaga ------------ 51.7083 177.2417 137 1974 --do-- Do. A07 North Kanaga ------------ 51.9000 177.0900 244 1974 --do-- Basalt; Tertiary. AD8 Adagdak ----------------- 51.9806 176.6003 259 1974 --do-- Do. AKl West Kanaga ------------- 51.6650 177.6417 61 1975‘ --do-- Volcanics; Tertiary. AK2 South Tanaga ------------ 51.6633 177.9300 99 1975 --do-- Do. AK3 North Tanaga ---------- -- 51.8067 177.8200 351 1975 --do-- Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 emar S A11 stations Hark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 --- Develocorder --- --- --do ----------------- EW 1.0 --- --do -------- --- --- Timing system: Geotech Model TG-110 and 5400. System response curves: See figure 2, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY These stations constitute a micro-earthquake network, centered on Adak, installed under a USGS grant to study earthquake prediction in an active subduction zone. All the AK stations were previously known as AT's and were changed as of October 1976. 21 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center SITE INFORMATION 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 ALASKA Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (AA-IS) Atka -------------------- 52.2117 174.2036 6 7/12/67 9/08/67 --- (AC-IS) Amchitka ---------------- 51.3894 179.3425 E. 61 7/06/67 9/10/67 --- (AD-IS) Adak Island ------------- 51.8750 176.6792 61 7/24/64 3/22/66 Glacial drift. (BQ-AK) Bethel ------------------ 60.7789 161.8836 46 7/06/67 9/10/67 --- (FE-AK) Fairbanks --------------- 64.9519 148.2842 716 9/03/68 10/10/68 Schist. (FBZAK) --do -------------------- 64.9100 147.4464 343 6/09/70 6/14/71 —-- (SP-IS) St. Paul ---------------- 57.1542 170.2181 10 7/02/67 9/10/67 --- (SQ-IS) Shemya ------------------ 52.7269 174.1092 61 7/14/67 9/10/67 ——- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 V (AA-Is). (BO-AK). . (SP-IS), (SQ-IS): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. (AC-IS): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do --------- --- Do. Geotech----¢---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do --------- --- Do. (ADeIS), (PB—AK): Benioff----‘---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, AD-IS: 40 K --- 35-m film. Sprengnether---- Z,N$,EW 20.0 --- --do ---------- FB-AK: 250 K --- (FBZAK): Sprengnether-u Z,NS,EW 20. 0 --- --do ---------- --- --- 22 ALASKA--Continued Garland, TX Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSH program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 23 GENERAL INFORMATION ALASKA Las Vegas , NV Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey 3060 \South Highland Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89109 Telephone: 702-734-3416 Address to obtain records: As above . Available only on 16-mm film on a limited basis. SITE INFORMATION Code Station name 163:3"??? Egzgigjge (mitgts) 0:22;] c2:::d Foundation; geologic age ACA Amchitka Central A ------ 51.4809 179.1193 42 5/08/71 12/11/72 Hardrock. ACB Amchitka Central B ------ 51.4626 179.0909 47 5/08/71 6/31/72 Do. ACC Amchitka Central C ------ 51.4843 179.0431 26 5/08/71 6/31/72 Do. ACD Amchitka Central D ------ 51.4282 179.1366 37 5/08/71 6/31/72 Do. ACE Amchitka Central E ------ 51.4005 179.1728 9 5/08/71 6/31/72 Marsh. ACF Amchitka Central F ------ 51.5258 178.9941 62 5/08/71 6/31/72 Hardrock. AHA Amatignak Island -------- 51.2884 179.1093 503 10/09/70 4/30/73 Do. ANA Amchitka ---------------- 51.6277 178.6564 133 8/25/69 4/30/73 D0. ANB Chitka Cove ------------- 51.6062 178.7917 160 10/14/70 4/30/71 Do. AND Amchitka ---------------- 51.5623 178.9534 186 7/18/70 4/30/73 Do. ASB --do -------------------- 51.3604 179.2474 34 5/25/69 4/30/73 Marsh. ASC --do -------------------- 51.4631 179.1583 40 7/28/69 12/11/72 Hardrock. ASD --do ---------------- ---- 51.3907 179.3421 61 5/29/69 4/30/73 Marsh. LSI Little Sitkin Island---- 51.9197 178.5338 —-- 10/20/70 6/30/72 Hardrock. RAT Rat Island -------------- 51.7991 178.3301 226 10/14/70 4/30/73 Do. 551 Semisopochnoi Island---- 51.8924 179.5883 178 10/17/70 4/30/73 Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T‘J ACA Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 DC to 16 Hz Develocorder --- --- ACB --do ----------------- Z 1.0 DC to 34 Hz Magnetic tape --- --- ACC --do ----------------- z 1.0 --do ------- --do --------- --- --- 24 ALASKA--Continued Las Vegas, NV INSTRUMENTATION--Continued Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at To ACD Mark L-AC ------------ Z 1.0 DC to 34 Hz Magnetic tape --- --- ACE --do ----------------- z 1 .0 --do ------- --do --------- --- «- ACF --do ----------------- z 1.0 --do ------- -—do --------- --- --- AHA Geotech S-13 --------- Z 1.0 DC to 16 Hz Helicorder, --- --- Develocordet. Hall-Sears HS-lo ----- NS,Ew 1.0 ~-do ------- —-do -------- --- --- ANA Geotech 8-13 --------- 2 1.0 --do ------- --do -------- --- --- ANB --do ----------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --do ------- Develocorder --- --- AND --do ----------------- Z 1.0 --do ------- Helicorder, --- --- Develocorder. ASB NGc—21 --------------- z,Ns,Ew 1.0 -—do ------- --do -------- --- --- ASC Mark L-AC ------------ 2 1.0 —-do ------- --do -------- --- —~~ ASD NSC-21 --------------- z 1.0 --do ------- --do -------- --- --- LSI --- --- --- --- --- --- --- RAT Geotech S-13 --------- Z 1.0 DC to 16 Hz Helicorder, --- --- Develocorder. Hall-Sears-IO -------- NS,EW 1 .0 --do ------- —-do -------- --- -—— SSI Geotech 5-13 --------- Z 1.0 --do ------- —-do -------- --- -—- Hall-Sears-lo -------- NS,EW 1.0 --do ------- --do -------- --- --- Timing system: Automatic recording of WWV. System response curves: See figure 2, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY All these stations were established to monitor the seismicity of the area in order to assess what effect, if any, nuclear testing had on the seismicity. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: Alaska Seismic Project National Center for Earthquake Research 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 Telephone: 415‘323-8111 ext. 2510 or 2579 Address to obtain records: National Center for Earthquake Research 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 SITE INFORMATION ALASKA Menlo Pa rk , CA Code Station name 1632:??? 1622:1533e (mi:::s) 0223;] £13222] Foundation; geologic age (BAL) Baldy ------------------ 61.0362 142.3445 1300 8/24/73 0pen-- --- (BCS) Bancas Point ----------- 59.9483 139.6167 10 6/25/76 --do-- --- (BGA) Beluga ----------------- 61.2223 150.9658 20 10/08/75 3/25/76 --- BIG Big Mountain ----------- 59.3890 155.2170 567 1966 Open-- --- (ELY) Burwash' Landing -------- 61.3725 139.0260 799 7/22/74 --do-- --- (Canada). CFI College Fiord ---------- 61.1827 147.7665 3 7/31/74 --do-- --- (CGB) Congabuna -------------- 61.0690 151.4525 160 10/08/75 3/25/76 --- CHX Chaix Hills ------------ 60.0667 141.1183 793 9/04/74 Open-- --- CKK Chekok ----------------- 59.9597 154.2332 732 7/29/72 --do-- --- CVA Cordova ---------------- 60.5465 145.7493 90 8/31/71 --do-- --- (DSB) Disenchantment --------- 60.0767 139.5450 640 9/08/74 6/08/76 --- DSK Disk Island ------------ 60.5020 147.6468 15 7/27/74 10/18/75 "- ERN Ernestine -------------- 61.4442 145.1123 570 9/16/71 8/29/73 --- FID Fidalgo ---------------- 60.7288 146.5965 488 10/07/74 0pen-- --- FIS Fire Island ------------ 61.1442 150.2185 76 9/24/74 5/04/76 --- (GLB) Gilahina Butte --------- 61.4418 143.8105 845 8/25/73 Open-- "- (GLC) Glacier Island --------- 60.8907 147.0725 3 7/24/72 --do-- --- (GYO) Guyot Hills ------------ 60.1463 141.4715 183 6/01/76 --do-- "- HIN Hinchinbrook ----------- 60.3968 146.5017 611 10/03/74 --do-- --- HQN Harlequin Lake --------- 59.4517 138.8770 372 10/01/74 --do-- --- ILM Iliamna ---------------- 60.1820 152.8162 550 8/07/71 --do-- --' KLU Klutina ---------------- 61.4928 145.9202 1012 7/22/72 --do-- "- (KMP) Kimball Pass ------------ 61.5143 145.0298 1103 --- -—do—- --— 26 SITE INFORMATION- -Continued ALASKAuContinued Menlo Park, CA Code Station name €322??? fizzgialge @3523) 03:6:d c116::d Foundation; geologic age KN'K Knik ------------------- 61.4125 148.4557 595 8/11/73 Open-- "- KTM Katmai ----------------- 58.3247 155.3765 945 7/27/73 8/24/75 --- KYK Kayak Island ------------ 59.8683 144.5232 375 10/02/74 0pen-- ‘-- rm. (an) Malaspina -------------- 59.7633 140.1500 46 9/04/74 --do-- --- (MRN) Martin River ----------- 60.5350 144.0083 957 8/22/75 1/15/76 --- MPA (MSP) Moose Pass ------------- 60.4892 149.3607 150 8/05/73 0pen-- —-- MTG Montague Island -------- 59.9118 147.4970 31 10/03/74 --do-- --- NGL North Gasline ---------- 60.8208 149.9982 122 9/26/74 3/25/76 -—- NIN Ninilchik One ---------- 60.0112 151.5355 110 8/28/71 8/24/72 --- NRA Nikishka---l ------------ 60.7430 151.2380 100 9/10/71 0pen-- --- NNL Ninilchik -------------- 60.0422 151 .2963 366 8/24/72 --d0-- "- N'l'K Nunatak ---------------- 59.8777 139.0352 1050 10/31/75 --do-- --- (PCL) Point Campbell --------- 61.1428 150.0155 90 9/04/73 9/15/74 --- PCA (PIN) Pinnacle --------------- 60 . 0967 140 . 2567 975 9/05/74 Open-- --- PNL Peninsula -------------- 59.6687 139.3970 579 9/02/74 --d0—- --- PTE (PRG) Portage ---------------- 60.8645 149.0237 55 8/29/72 --do-- --- (PTR) Potter ----------------- 61.0575 149.7292 695 8/12/73 9/15/74 --' PHI. Port Wells ------------- 60.8593 148.3348 549 8/03/74 Open-- --- RDT Redoubt ---------------- 60.5738 152.4062 930 8/09/71 --do-- --- (RGD) Ragged Mountain -------- 60.2192 144.5457 610 9/30/74 -~do-- --- (RIU) Riou ------------------- 59.8783 141.2283 15 8/03/76 --do-- --- SML (SAW) Sawmill ---------------- 61.8082 148.3330 740 8/31/73 --do-- --- (SEG) Seven Egg River -------- 60.9577 150.6773 3 10/08/75 10/23/75 --- (SGA) Sherman Glacier -------- 60.5012 145.2070 424 8/16/76 Open-- --- SKL Skilak ------------------ 60.5143 150.2152 660 9/09/71 --do-- --- SKT (SKN) Skwentna --------------- 61.9803 151.5297 564 8/08/72 --do-- --- SLV Seldovia --------------- 59.4713 151.5805 91 9/30/72 --do-- --- SPU Spurr ------------------ 61.1817 152.0543 800 8/10/71 --do-- --' 27 ALASKA--Continued Henlo Pa rk , CA SITE INFORMATION--Continued Code Station name 1632???? Iggzgislfge (milfiZs) 032::d c3:::d Foundation; geologic age SUA (SSN) Susitna ----------------- 61.4638 150.7433 1297 8/15/72 --do-- --- SNH (SSP) Sunshine Point ---------- 60.1800 142.8383 732 9/10/74 --do-- --- SST Susitna One ------------ 61.4342 150.7803 780 8/24/71 8/15/72 --- SGA (STG) Stephens Glacier ------- 61.4207 146.3948 1326 7/11/74 1/28/76 --- S'I'Y Stony River ------------ 61.1445 154.2018 1047 7/24/72 1/29/75 --- SUK Suckling Hills --------- 60.0767 143.7833 427 10/02/74 Open-- --- SEW (SWD) Seward ----------------- 60.1037 149.4493 55 8/22/72 --do-- --- TLK Talkeetna Mountains---- 62.4938 147.8780 1719 7/10/74 11/11/75 --- (TSI) Tsina ------------------ 61.2262 145.3373 1113 --- 0pen-- --- VLZ | Valdez ----------------- 61.1315 146.3320 10 9/02/71 --do-- --- VZS Valdez South ----------- 61.0442 146.3053 668 7/22/72 3/27/76 --- VZW Valdez West ------------ 61.0590 146.5540 796 7/17/72 Open" --- (WAX) Waxell Ridge ----------- 60.4500 142.8517 975 8/22/75 --do-- --- WLM willow Mountain -------- 61.7736 145.1981 988 2/29/72 6/14/72 --- WRG White River Glacier---- 60.0378 142.0317 550 9/10/74 0pen—- --- YAH Yahtse ----------------- 60.3633 141.7450 2135 9/05/74 --do-- --- YKT Yakutat ---------------- 59.4517 138.8770 372 10/06/72 9/30/74 --— (Y'KG) Yakataga --------------- 60.0700 142.4222 60 10/08/72 Open-- —-- (YTT) Yakutat Wa ------------- 59.5793 139.5120 15 9/14/73 9/30/73 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To All Stations Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 --- Develocorder, _.,_ BLY records on heat- magnetic tape. sensitive paper. GLB, RDT, SKN, and VLZ also have: Hall-Sears HS-lO ----- NS,EW 2.0 --- --do ---------- --- NKA, PRG, and 85? also had horizontals at one time. 28 ALASKA--Continued Henlo Park, CA Timing system: Geotech 19000. BLY uses an Electronics Research digital chronometer with WWV signals superimposed on the trace at the beginning and end of the record. System response curves: See figure 2, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY BIG was previously operated by the University of Alaska and was transferred on July 31, 1972 to the USGS. YKT was renamed HQN on October 1, 1974. YKG was closed from September 11, 1974, to June 2, 1976. 29 ALASKA Menlo Park, CA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: 11.8. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey Menlo Park, CA Address to obtain records: UNA: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NOAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ' . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age ADA Adak (Finger Bay) ------- 51.8633 176.6550 --- 7/49 4/54 --- HFA Mitchell Field ---------- 51.9350 176.5917 --- 7/49 after 1952 ——- SBY Sand Bay ---------------- 51.9976 176.0920 --- 8/48 after 1951 --— UNA Unalaska ---------------- 53.8733 166.5333 --- 4/06/54 9/10/56 --- A INSTRUMENTATION Sei tel: Galvo Type Magnification Rem ks Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 ar ADA HVO ------------------ NS,EW 7.5 --- Smoked paper --- --- MFA Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 7, 1.2, 0.7 --- --- --- --— SBY Condenser type ------- Z,NS,EW --- --- Pen and ink —-- --- UNA Wilson-Lamison ------- 2 1.0 --- Photo paper --- --- Tiling system: Not available. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY UNA was installed by the USGS with a seismometer on loan from the USC&GS. These stations were installed and operated by Austin Jones until his depsrture fro. Alaska. 30 ALASKA Palisades, NY GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Lamont-Doberty Geological Observatory of Columbia University Address: Department of Seismology Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Columbia University Palisades, NY 10964 Telephone: 914-359-2900 Address to obtain records: Photo records: Digital output: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center Teledyne-Geotech NCAA/EDS, D62 Seismic Data Analysis Center Boulder, CO 80302 314 Montgomery St. Alexandria , VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date a . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age FBK Fairbanks --------------- 64.8994 148.0056 330 9/70 4/72 Schist; early Precambrian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 FBK Geotech-7505A -------- Z 30.0 100.0 Photo paper 50-80 K --— Geotech-87OOC -------- NS,EW 30.0 100.0 Magnetic tape --- --- Timing system: Specific Products Model WTR. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HI S TORY FBK was part of - long-period seismological research program sponsored by ARPA and contrafted to Columbia University. 31 ARIZONA Flagstaff, AZ GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey Center of Astrogeology 601 E. Cedar Ave. Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Telephone: 602-774-5261 Address to obtain records: July—September 1972: Department of Geology Box 6030 Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, AZ 86001 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age FLG Flagstaff --------------- 35.2932 111.7024 2&45 11/66 9/72 Volcanic flows and ash beds. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 FLG Sprengnether 5007---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- Pen and ink --- --- PS-100-4S. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-lOO. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY The station was originated in an effort to study planetary bodies in conjunction with the lunar seismic system. 32 ARIZONA Flagstaff, AZ GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Sunset Crater National Monument Address: Supervisory Park Ranger Sunset Crater National Monument Tuba Star Route Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Telephone: 602-526-0586 Address to obtain records: As above. Recording erratic; a few tapes are on file for display purposes only. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age SCN Sunset Crater Nationa1-- 35.3689 111.5425 2121 7/20/70 0pen-- Bonita lava flow. Monument. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remark Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at To 5 SCN Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- ~-- Timing system: Kinemetrics TS-l. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY SCN was installed and equipped by Willard L. Groene. It is not manned by a seismologist, has encountered many maintenance difficulties, and is mainly used for display purposes. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Air Force Technical Applications Center Address: Tonto Forest Seismological Observatory--Closed P.O. Box F Payson, AZ 85541 (Obsolete) MMasmomnnmmMm Teledyne-Geotech ARIZONA Payson, AZ Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age TFO Tonto Forest Array ------ 34.2678 111.2703 1492 1963 3/75 Sandstones and limestones; Cambrian and Devonian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 TFO Johnson Matheson ----- Z 1.25 0.32 Film, 1,000 K Thirty-seven instruments magnetic tape. in an array. Geotech 7505A -------- 2 20.0 110.0 --do --------- 100 K One component of the three-component system at each of seven stations. 20.0 30.0 --do --------- 100 K Two components of the Geotech 8700C -------- NS,EW three-component system at each of seven stations. Tiling system: Hyperian model HI-155. System response curves: Available with records. SHORT HISTORY The Tonto Forest Seismological Observatory, built in 1963, was designed to record seismic events and to be used as a laboratory for seismograph equipment. The instrumentation was assembled, installed, and operated until April 30, 1965, by United Electrodynamics (UED)--1ater Earth Sciences, Teledyne Company. seismic-recording vans to extend the existing arrays. short-period array and a 7-e1ement long-period array were designed and installed. period) was discontinued in October 1971. 3A In March 1964, the LRSM program provided eight mobile On May 1, 1965, Geotech assumed the operation. During 1965, a 37-element Recording of 17 of these instruments (short- ARIZONA Scottsdale, AZ GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Willard L. Groene--Deceased Address: Mummy Mountain Observatory--Closed Tonto Hills 0bservatory--Closed 8102 N. Mummy Mountain Road 115 HO-HO-Kam Lane Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Tonto Hills (Obsolete) Carefree, AZ 85331 (Obsolete) Address to obtain records: Department of Geology Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85281 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age MMA Mummy Mountain ---------- 33.5544 111.9579 426 5/17/71 1/18/73 Conglomerate overlying igneous rocks. THO Tonto Hills ------------- 33.8753 111.8763 1134 2/04/73 7/74 Decomposed granite. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R m k Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 e ar 5 Both stations Sprengnether S-7000-- Z 1.0 ~-- Pen and ink 100 K ’ --- Timing system: Not available. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY MMA was started with private monies by Mr. Willard L. Groene. He moved the Mummy Mountain Observatory in 1973 because of noise problems. He established the Tonto Hills Observatory with the equipment from his original site. Upon his death in 1974, his equipment and records were donated to Arizona State University. 35 ARIZONA Tempe, AZ GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Arizona State University Address: Department of Geology Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85281 Telephone: 602-965-5081 Address to obtain records: Seismograph Station Department of Geology Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85281 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age ASU Arizona State ----------- 33.4163 111.93A7 354 11/71 Open-- Alluvium; Quaternary. University. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 emar s ASU Sprengnether --------- 2 13.0 --- Pen and ink Uncalibrated --- Timing system: Sprengnether TS—lOO since January 1, 1976. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY ASU was opened in November 1971 with equipment borrowed from Willard L. Groene (see MMA) in a corner basement office in the Geology Department at the University. It operated continuously to mid-1976. Mrs. Willard Groene donated all of the late Hr. Groene‘s seismic equipment to the Geology Department in late 1975. His TS-lOO timing system was then incorporated in January 1976. The station is expected to be operational in 1978. 36 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Navajo Community College Address: Navajo Community College c/o Prof. Ray Barreras Tsaile, RPO, Chinle, AZ 86503 Telephone: 602-724-3311 ext. 266 Address to obtain records: Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Group G-2 P.O. Box 1663, MS 676 ARIZONA Tsaile, AZ Los Alamos, NM 57h54 505-667-7165 SITE INFORMATION 1 i Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date ‘ . . . . Code } Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age TSL Tsaile ------------------ 36.3722 109.2436 2012 5/22/75 Open-- Sandstone. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at To TSL‘ Ranger SS-l ---------- Z 1.0 --- Helicorder 580 K Magnification at 10 Hz. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-250. Syltem response curves: Available with records. SHORT HISTORY TSL is a cooperative venture between the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and the Navajo Community College. The station is located near the Upper Greaaewood Trading Post; the data are telemetered to the Navajo Community College campus at Tsaile. 37 ARIZONA Tucson , AZ GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Arizona Bureau of Mines for the U.S. Geological Survey Address: Tucson Observatory U.S. Geological Survey 7290 E. Tanque Verde Rd. Tucson, AZ 85715 Telephone: 602-792-6420 Address to obtain records National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age TUC Tucson ------------------ 32.3097 110.7822 986 12/06/62 Open-- Gneiss; Precambrian. TUO Tucson Observatory ----- 32.2467 110.8350 770 1909 --do-- Silt, sand, and gravel; Quaternary. TUT Tucson Telemeter ------- 32.3350 110.7233 1439 1/05/58 1/62 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To TUC Benioff 1051 --------- 2 1.0 0.75 Photo paper 200 K WSSN; telemetered to the University of Arizona. Benioff 1101 --------- NS,EW 1.0 .75 --do ------- 200 K Do. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 --do ------- 1.5 K Do. TUO WoodeAnderson -------- NS 7.6 --- --do ------- 466 K --- --do ----------------- EW 7.8 --- 457 K --- Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .247 --do ------- Uncalibrated --- 85. Photo paper, --do -------- --- visible. TUT "do ----------------- Z .98 --- Pen and ink --- --- Timing system: TUC uses a WSSN standard system. TUO has a Standard Electric Co. pendulum clock. System response curves: TUC--see figure 1, p. 363, SHORT HISTORY TUO was originally a USC&GS magnetic installation, having been moved to Tucson from Baldwin, Kans. , in 1909. Original instrumentation consisted of two Bosch-Omori's (NS and Ew). These were discontinued in 1925 when two Wood-Anderson's (NS and EW) were installed. The Benioff was added in the 1940's. TUC was started with the installation of the WSSN system. The station is now telemetered to the University of Arizona. 38 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Arizona Address: Department of Geosciences Laboratory of Geophysi University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 Telephone: 602-884-2417 Address to obtain records: CS ARIZONA Tucson, AZ As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age UOA University of Arizona--- 32.2331 110.9528 741 4/72 Spring 74 Alluvium. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 emar s UOA Sprengnether --------- NS,EW 20.0 --- Pen and ink --- --- Timing system: Not available. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY UOA was operated sporadically as an instructional station. 39 ARIZONA Denver, CO GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey for the Bureau of Reclamation Address: U.S. Geological Survey Bureau of Reclamation \ Branch of Global Seismology Region 3 Office Stop 967 Boulder City, NY 89005 Box 25046, Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 Telephone: 303-234-3994 Telex: 45-509 Address to obtain records: U.S. Geological Survey Prior to 1976: Branch of Global Seismology Stop 967 National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center Box 25046, Denver Federal Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Denver, CO 80225 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ , Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BDA Boulder Dam ------------- 36.0154 114.7366 237 4/41 1961 Volcanic tuff. GCA Glen Canyon ------------- 36.9736 111.5931 1339 8/60 Open Sandstone. PFA Pierce Ferry ------------ 36.1208 114.0047 417 10/40 6/52 Terrace gravel overlying fine playa silt with gypsum cement. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 BDA Wood-Anderson -------- EW --- --- Photo paper ~-- --- GCA Benioff 4681A -------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder 150 K Telemetered to GLD. Benioff 6102A -------- NS,EW 1.0 --- --do -------- 150 K Do. PFA Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.5 --- 35—mm film --- --— Timing system: Time added at GLD (TC-120 precise time). BDA used 3 Seth Thomas clock. System response curves: GCA--available with records. SHORT HISTORY BDA was located in the Arizona abutment of Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam) in an abandoned grouting gallery approximately 10 km ENE of Boulder City, Nev. The Wood-Anderson instrument originally operated at BCN. BDA was used only as a check for local earthquakes. . GCA was established near the present Glen Canyon Dam in order to monitor seismicity of the area before and particularly after the filling of the reservoir. Telemetering began in 1976. Prior to that, the station recorded on 35-mm film. PFA was located 5 km west of the lower entrance to the Grand Canyon. The Benioff equipment was installed in 1942, re- placing two USGS-type vibration meters. 40 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Telephone: Telex: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 214-271-2561 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION ARIZONA Garland, TX Code Station name %3::t;?§ figzgi3736 (mE:::s) 032;:d c2:::d Foundation; geologic age (FS-AZ) Flagstaff --------------- 35.0692 111.3094 1890 10/14/61 5/12/63 Limestone and sandstone; Paleozoic. 2/27/66 3/12/66 (GE-AZ) Globe ------------------- 33.7756 110.5281 1475 4/09/64 10/04/65 Altered shale. (HR-AZ) Heber ------------------- 34.6697 110.7664 1875 7/10/64 10/04/65 Limestone. (JR-AZ) Jerome ------------------ 34.8256 111.9903 131] 3/30/64 10/04/65 Do. (KG-AZ) Kingman ----------------- 35.6417 113.9078 1067 4/19/63 7/11/63 Granite. 4/10/68 4/26/68 (KB-AZ) Kohls Ranch ------------- 34.4833 111.0342 2286 4/02/64 6/18/64 Residual soil. (LG-AZ) Long Valley ------------- 34.4078 111.5458 1768 4/02/64 10/04/65 Tuff and basalt. (NL-AZ) Nazlini ----------------- 35.9014 109.5694 1768 3/31/64 1/25/65 Claystone. (NLZAZ) --do -------------------- 35.8069 109.6286 1920 2/10/65 10/04/65 Alluvium. (FY-AZ) Payson (ARY) ------------ 34.2542 111.3269 1516 1/26/67 4/06/67 —-- (SF-AZ) Snow Flake -------------- 34.4386 110.5144 1981 12/03/61 5/03/62 Limestone. (SG-AZ) Seligman ----------------- 35.6408 \ 113.2608 1676 4/06/64 10/04/65 Sandy limestone. (SN-AZ) Sunflower --------------- 33.8636 111.6928 884 3/29/64 10/04/65 Granite. (SV-AZ) Springerville ----------- 34.1756 109.1469 2134 11/25/61 5/03/62 Sandstone. (UH-AZ) Williams ---------------- 35.4178 112.2150 1920 12/12/61 5/03/62 Limestone. (HO-AZ) Winslow ----------------- 34.8814 110.6208 1585 4/01/64 10/04/65 Sandstone. 41 ARIZONA--Continued Garland, TX INSTRUMENTATION--Continued Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 (PS-AZ), (GE-AZ), (HR-AZ). (JR-AZ), (KG-AZ), (KM-AZ), (LG-AZ), (NL-AZ), (NLZAZ), (SO-AZ), (SN-AZ), (SV-AZ), (WM-AZ), (WC-AZ): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (FS-AZ): 180 K --- 35-mm film. (GE-AZ): 350 K (HR-AZ): 400 K (JR-AZ): 250 K (KB-AZ): 100 K (LG-AZ): 250 K (ML-AZ): 260 K (NLZAZ): 350 K (SG-AZ): 440 K (SN-AZ): 200 K (SV-AZ): 145 K (WM-AZ): 360 K (NO-AZ): 310 K Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do ---------- --- --— (FS-AZ) (2d oper.), (KG-AZ) (2d oper.): Geotech 8-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape -—- Portable system. Geotech --------- z,NS,Ew 20.0 --- --do --------- --- Do. (FY-AZ): Geotech S-13 ----- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --— —-do --------- --- Do. (SF-AZ): Benioff ---------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (SF-AZ): 259 K --- 35-mm film. Timing system: Geotech Crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 42 GENERAL INFORMATION ARIZONA Pasadena, CA Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey and California Institute of Technology Address: U.S. Geological Survey Seismological Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA 91125 Telephone: 213-795-2956 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BPK Black Peak -------------- 34.1247 114.2097 504 4/74 11/09/76 Basaltic rocks; Quaternary. (FTM) Fortuna Mine ------------ 32.5548 114.3335 263 7/75 Open-- Gneiss; Mesozoic. (LGA) Laguna Mountains -------- 32.7597 114.4928 68 7/75 --do-- Nonmarine sediments; Quaternary or Tertiary. (SLU) San Luis ---------------- 32.5017 114.7773 41 3/73 --do-- Alluvium; Quaternary. (YMD) Yuma Desert ------------- 32.5547 114.5447 76 7/75 e-do-- Nonmarine sediments; Quaternary. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R marks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 e All stations Mark L-4C ------------ 2 1.0 0.062 Develocorder BPK: 12,000 K A11 magnifications at (FTM): 6000 K 0.071 sec. Tele- (LGA): 3000 K metered to Pasadena. (SLU): 24,000 K (YMD): 6000 K Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY BPK was removed because of access-road maintenance costs. See figure 2, p. 363, WWVB radio signal received and recorded as the top and bottom photographic traces. CIT and the USGS publish frequent reports on the data collected through their several networks. 43 ARKANSAS Fayetteville, AR GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Arkansas Address: Department of Geology University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone: 501-575-3355 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION _ Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age FAV Fayetteville ------------ 36.1214 94.1906 387 7/69 0pen-- Boone Limestone; Hississippian. FAY --do -------------------- 36.0911 94.1911 1004 1/52 7/69 D0. ' INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo hpe Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To Both stations Benioff 1051 --------- Z 1.0 0.2 Photo paper 100 K --- Benioff 1101 --------- NS,Ew 1.0 .2 --do ------- 50 K, 25 K, --- respectively Tiling system: IBH electrically-wound invar-pendulum type. Accuracy limits generally within 0.1 sec. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY The station was opened under the code FAY in January 1952. Owing to highway planning, the station was relocated in July 1969, and the code name was changed to FAV. A seismograph bulletin is published by the University of Arkansas on a biannual basis. Copies of the bulletin for previous years may be obtained from the Department of Geology upon request. Mo ARKANSAS Mountain Home, AR GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Elmer E. Rexin Address: Elmer E. Rexin Route 5, Kingswood Estates P.0. Box 216 Mountain Home, AR 72653 Telephone: 501-425-3057 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ~ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (MmA) Mountain Home ----------- 36.4056 92.3347 213 1/69 Open-- Cotter Formation; Ordovician. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rema ks Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 r (MHA) Sprengnether --------- 2 5.0 -v— Pen and ink --- --- Timing system: Manually checked with WWV. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY MHA is the avocation of the owner. Time is considered good to 5 sec. ARKANSAS Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (BK-AR) Bald Knob --------------- 35.3567 91.6450 122 7/06/62 7/11/62 --- 2/12/63 4/10/63 (CW-AR) Conway ------------------ 35.1356 91.9778 152 11/15/61 12/16/61 --- 5/09/62 6/09/62 (IR-AR) Ink --------------------- 34.6194 94.1025 305 11/10/62 12/13/62 --- (MP-AR) Mountain Pine ----------- 34.6017 93.1458 183 11/20/61 6/03/63 Sandstone; early Paleozoic. (MY-AR) McCrory ----------------- 35.3511 91.0797 61 7/16/62 8/03/62 --- (HZ-AR) Mount Ida --------------- 34.5586 93.6578 213 12/20/62 1/31/63 --- (PV-AR) Perryville -------------- 34.9294 92.6700 213 6/15/62 6/28/62 --- (NR-AR) Walnut Ridge ------------ 36.0583 91.2219 122 12/05/61 12/16/61 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (BK-AR), (1st open), (CW-AR), (IX-AR). (MY-AR). (PV-AR), (NR-AR): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (BK-AR): 150 K --- 35-min film. (CW-AR): 170 K (IK-AR): 220 K (MY-AR): 30 K (PV-AR): 210 K (WK-AR): 90 K (MP-AR), (Ml-AR): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --~ --do ---------- (MP-AR): 180 K --- (Ml-AR): 340 K Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do ---------- --- --- 46 ARKANSAS--Continued Garland, TX Timing aystem: Geotech crystal clock checked with WHV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSH program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 47 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: St. Louis University Address: Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences St. Louis University P.O. Box 8099, Laclede Station St. Louis, MO 63156 Telephone: 314-535-3300 Address to obtain records: ARKANSAS St. Louis, MO As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Date Date . . Code Station name (deg N.) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (HCI) Hatchie Coon Island ----- 35.6950 11/76 Open-- Alluvium (sandy clay). LRA Little Rock ------------- 34.7783 2/02/31 7/27/67 Sandstone; Ordovician. PGA Paragould --------------- 36.0600 12/28/74 Open-- Claiborne Group (clay-gravel); Eocene. POW Powhatan ---------------- 36.1520 6/19/74 --do-- Everton Formation (limestone); Ordovician. WLA Wittsburg Lake ---------- 35.1860 10/73 10/28/75 Jackson Group (cherty clay); Eocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Type Magnification Code Type Component recording at T0 Remarks (HCI) Mark L-4C ------------ Z Develocorder, 182 K Magnification at 10 Hz; magnetic tape. telemetered to Saint Louis. LRA 1931-1954 ------------ NS,EW Photo paper 5 K --- Wood-Anderson. 1954-1960 Reef ——————— NS,EW .0 --do ------- K --- 1960-1967 ------------ 2 K --- Wilson-Lamison. 1960-1967 ------------ NS,EW --do ——————— 5 K --- Wood-Anderson. PGA Mark L-4C ------------ Z Develocorder, K Magnification at 10 Hz; magnetic tape. telemetered to Saint Louis. POV --do ----------------- 2 --do --------- K Do. WLA Geospace HS-lO-l ----- Z Photo paper K --- 48 ARKANSAS--Continued St. Louis, MO Timing system: LRA used a Howard-Gaertner pendulum clock. WLA used a Sprengnether TS-lOO. All other stations have timing added in St. Louis. System response curves: Available with records. SHORT HISTORY LRA was founded as the third station in Saint Louis University's network. It ceased operation when St. John's Seminary was closed. The other stations are part of the New Madrid network. The University publishes the "Southeast Missouri Regional Seismic Network Quarterly Bulletin." 49 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of California, Berkeley Address: University of California Seismograph Station 475 Earth Sciences Bldg. Berkeley, CA 94720 Telephone: 415-642-3977 Address to obtain records: CALIFORNIA Berkeley, CA As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age ARC Arcata ------------------ 40.8767 124.0750 59 2/27/48 0pen-- Sandstone; Quaternary. BKS Byerly ------------------ 37.8767 122.2350 276 6/08/62 --do-- Claremont Shale (cherts and shales); Miocene. BRK Berkeley ---------------- 37.8733 122.2600 81 1887 --do-- Franciscan Formation (sandstone); Jurassic to Eocene. CLS Calistoga--------a ------ 38.6367 122.5850 457 1961 12/21/64 Alluvium (Quaternary) overlying volcanic flows. CNC Concord (Diablo --------- 37.9667 122.0717 36 9/12/60 12/06/66 Alluvium overlying Franciscan Valley). Formation (sandstone). FHC Pickle Hill ------------- 40.8017 123.9850 610 12/10/68 Open-- Siltstone (Jurassic/Cretaceous) over Franciscan Formation (graywacke); Jurassic to Eocene. \ FRE Fresno ------------------ 36.7683 119.7697 88 11/28/35 3/02/71 Alluvium; Quaternary. FRI Friant ------------------ 36.9917 119.7083 119 3/09/71 Open-- Alluvium (Quaternary) overlying granite. GCC Granite Creek ----------- 37.0300 121.9967 122 2/65 --do-- Granite; Jurassic. HRC Harris Ranch ------------ 36.7650 121.4133 228 3/17/66 7/11/66 Alluvium; Pliocene. JAS Jamestown --------------- 37.9467 120.4383 457 8/28/64 0pen-- Metamorphic rocks; pre-Cretaceous. LLA Llanada ----------------- 36.6167 120.9433 475 9/08/61 --do-- Alluvium (Quaternary) overlying sandstone. HMC Hount Hamilton ---------- 37.3417 121.6417 1282 4/24/1887 --do-- Franciscan Formation (graywacke (Lick Observatory). and greenstone); Jurassic to Cretaceous. MIN Mineral ----------------- 40.3450 121.6050 1495 1/02/39 --do-- Volcanic debris; Pliocene. MLC Manzanita Lake ---------- 40.5367 121.5617 1800 6/56 --do-- Volcanic pyroclastic rocks; Quaternary. PAC Palo Alto (Branner) ----- 37.4167 122.1817 83 11/21/27 5/31/65 Sandstone; Quaternary. PCC Pilarcitos Creek -------- 37.5000 122.3817 91 4/02/65 0pen-- Granodiorite; Jurassic. PRC Point Reyes ------------- 38.0800 122.8667 404 9/09/61 12/21/64 Alluvium underlain by granite. PRI Priest ------------------ 36.1417 120.6650 1187 9/15/61 0pen-- Altered serpentine; Jurassic. PRS Paraiso ----------------- 36.3317 121.3700 363 7/07/61 --do-- Granodiorite: Jurassic. 50 SITE INFORMATION--Continued CALIFORNIA-~Continued Berkeley, CA . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age SAO San Andreas Geological-- 36.7650 121.4450 350 7/11/66 0pen-- Granite; Jurassic/Cretaceous. Observatory. SCC Santa Cruz -------------- 37.0067 121.9967 128 6/11/61 2/65 Sandstone; Pleistocene. SFB San Francisco ----------- 37.7667 122.4667 100 4/31 11/35 Franciscan Formation (sandstone); Jurassic to Eocene. SHS Shasta (Shasta Dam) ----- 40.6950 122.3883 312 1942 5/30/64 Metavolcanics; Devonian. (USF) San Francisco ----------- 37.7667 122.4500 100 11/35 12/17/64 Franciscan Formation (sandstone); Jurassic to Eocene. VIN Vineyard ---------------- 36.7500 121.3850 330 2/03/59 3/09/66 Alluvium (Quaternary) overlying weathered granite. VIT Vineyard Telemeter ------ 36.7500 121.3883 360 5/31/61 2/10/65 > Dolomite (pm-Cretaceous) intruded by granite (Jurassic/Cretaceous). WDC Whiskeytown Dam --------- 40.5800 122.5400 300 3/08/73 Open" Metavolcanics; Devonian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rema k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at TO I s ARC Wood-Anderson -------- SN,WE 0.8 --- Photo paper 2.8 K \ --- BKS Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.75 --do ------- 25 K WSSN. Sprengnether --------- 2,NS,§w 15.0 100.0 --do ------- 3 K Do. --do ----------------- N45 E 100.0 300.0 --do ------- 230, 640 Two instruments. Ultra- long-period. BRK Benioff -------------- z 1.0 .2 Develocorder 25 K --— --do ----------------- 2 1.0 8.0 —-do -------- Variable --- Press-Ewing ---------- 20 15.0 30.0 --do -------- 1 K --- --do ----------------- Z,N45°E, 30.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Broadband. N45 W CLS Benioff -------------- 2 1.0 .2 Develocorder 60 K Telemetered to BRK. CNC --do ----------------- 2 1.0 .2 --do -------- 58 K Do. FHC --do ----------------- 2 1.0 .2 --do -------- 80 K Do. FRE Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW ~2.0 ~2.0 Photo paper 2: 4.5 K --- NS: 2.9 K EW: 2.3 K Benioff -------------- 2 1.0 .0 --do ------- 8 K --- FRI --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .2 Helicorder 64 K --- GCC "do ----------------- 2 1.0 .2 Develocorder 50 K --- HRC --do ----------------- z 1.0 .2 --do -------- 25 K ——- JAS --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .2 Develocorder, 760 K Telemetered to BRK. magnetic tape. --do ----------------- z,Ns,§w 1.0 .75 --do ----------- 250 K --- Willmore ------------- N45 E 3.0 .2 Magnetic tape --- Telemetered to BRK. 51 INSTRUPENTATION--Continued CALIFORNIA--Continued Berkeley, CA Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 LLA Benioff -------------- 2 1.0 0.2 Develocorder 75 K --- MMC Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .2 Develocorder, 85 K Telemetered to BRK. magnetic tape. Wood-Anderson -------- SN,§W .8 --- Photo paper 2.8 K --- Willmore ------------- N45 E 3.0 .2 Magnetic tape --- --- MIN Wood-Anderson -------- SN,EW .8 --- Photo paper 2.8 K --- Benioff -------------- 2 1.0 .4 Develocorder 60 K ~-- MLC Loucks-Omori --------- NS,EW 6.0 --- Smoked paper 250 --- PAC ‘ Wood-Anderson -------- NS,EW .8 --- Photo paper 2.8 K --- Benioff -------------- 2 1.0 .4 --do ------- 10 K --- PCC Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .2 Develocorder, 50 K Telemetered to BRK. magnetic tape. PRC --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .2 Develocorder 50 K Do. PR1 --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .2 Develocorder, 80 K Do. magnetic tape. PRS --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .2 --do ---------- 75 K Do. SAO Benioff -------------- 2 1.0 .2 --do ---------- 75 K Do. Sprengnether S-7000-- Z .2 20 Hz 800 K --- Sprengnether S-5007-- Z,NS,EW 30.0 10 Hz --do ---------- —-- --- Sprengnether S-7000-- Z .2 20 Hz magnetic tape --- A microearthquake array of three instruments. SCC Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .2 Develocorder 10 K --- SFB Wood-Anderson -------- NS,EW .8 --- Photo paper 2.8 K --- Lehner-Griffith ------ Z 1.0 .28 --do -------- 10 K -—- SHS Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.5 .45 35-mm film 50 K --- \ USF Wood-Anderson -------- NS,EW .8 —-- Photo paper --- --- Lehner-Griffith ------ 2 1.0 .28 --do ------- --- --- VIN Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .2 Develocorder --- Telemetered to BRK. Wood-Anderson -------- SN,WE .8 --- --do -------- 7.8 K --- Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 2.0 .2 Develocorder, --- --- magnetic tape. VIT Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .2 Develocorder 36 K Do. WDC Sprengnether --------- Z 40.0 --- Develocorder, 500 K Magnification at 1 sec, magnetic tape. filtered. Broadband. Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY WWSSN standard checked with WWVB. BKS--see figure ], p.363. Others available from station. ARC and FHC were established by the University in cooperation with Humboldt State College. BKS was established as a WWSSN station at its inception in 1962. BRK and MHC are the oldest seismograph stations in North America. CNC was established by Diablo Valley College in cooperation with the University. station was assumed by Diablo Valley College in 1966. 52 Total operational responsibility for the CALIFORNIA--Continued Berkeley, CA SHORT HISTORY--Continued FER was established by the University and then transferred to the City of Ferndale in 1962. (See California, City of Ferndale.) FRE operated until 1971, with a hiatus from December 30, 1966, to March 30, 1967, and then was moved to station FRI. FRI was established in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. GCC was established in cooperation with Richard E. Randolph. JAS was established and is run in cooperation with the California Department of Water Resources. MIN, established in 1939 by the University and Lassen Volcanic National Park, is in nearly the same location as the site established in 1926 by the USGS at the Lassen Volcano Observatory. This earlier station used a seismometer made by the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. ”LC was established in cooperation with the National Park Service. It is in service only during the summer months. ORV, owned and operated by the California Department of Water Resources, is also recorded at the University. PAC was established by Stanford University in cooperation with the University of California at the Branner Seismograph Station. The University of California assumed total operation of the station 1947. PRC and PRI were established in cooperation with the Federal Aviation Agency. SCC was established in cooperation with the City of Santa Cruz. SFB was established in cooperation with the California Academy of Sciences. It was later moved to USF. SHS was established by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and transferred to the University in 1952. VIN and VIT were established in cooperation with W. A. Taylor and Co. YER was established in cooperation with the City of Yerington. 53 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Tera Corporation for Pacific Gas and Electric Tera Corporation 2118 Milvia St. Berkeley, CA 94704 415-845-5200 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION Stuart W. Smith Geophysics Program 202 ATG Building, AK-SO University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 CALIFORNIA Berkeley, CA . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (BRY) Barry Ridge ------------- 40.7250 123.9739 790 6/18/74 Open-- Franciscan Formation; Jurassic to Eocene. (BZD) Buzzard Peak ------------ 40.5297 124.2189 427 1/15/75 --do-- Eel River sediments; Tertiary. (DIA) Diamond Ranch ----------- 40.4139 123.7575 534 6/18/74 --do-- Franciscan Formation; Jurassic to Eocene. (EKR) Elk River --------------- 40.6953 124.1394 49 6/20/74 --do-- Eel River sediments; Tertiary. (FKH) Fickle Hill ------------- 40.7908 123.9744 633 6/02/74 --d0r- Franciscan Formation; Jurassic to Eocene. (FOX) Fox Creek --------------- 40.5211 123.9922 113 6/19/74 --do-- Eel River sediments; Tertiary. (GWS) Gas Wells --------------- 40.6206 124.1314 221 6/02/74 --do-- Do. (RAH) Hanson Hill ------------- 40.5608 123.8139 1092 5/31/74 --do-- Franciscan Formation; Jurassic to Eocene. (HRS) Horse Mountain ---------- 40.8750 123.7322 1510 8/06/74 --do-- Do. (JBY) Jacoby Creek ------------ 40.8167 124.0278 49 8/13/74 --do-- Do. (LOL) Loleta ------------------ 40.6689 124.2286 122 6/20/74 --do-- Eel River sediments; Tertiary. (HHR) Monument Ridge ---------- 40.4233 124.0975 967 7/19/74 --do-- Franciscan Formation; Jurassic to Eocene. (HVR) Mountain View Ranch ----- 40.6764 123.8614 461 6/18/74 ~-do-- Do. (PTK) Port Kenyon ------------- 40.6044 124.2744 4 6/20/74 --do-- Eel River sediments; Tertiary. (RYN) Ryan Slough ------------- 40.7856 124.1197 6 8/13/74 --do-- Do. (TIT) Squaw Tit --------------- 41.0739 123.9803 642 8/15/74 --do-- Franciscan Formation; Jurassic to Eocene. WKC Walker Ridge ------------ 40.3900 124.2900 976 10/28/74 --do-- Do. 54 CALIFORNIA--Continued Berkeley, CA INSTRUHENTATION Seismometer L Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at To emar 5 A11 stations Mark L-loC ------------- Z 1.0 --- Film Variable Telemetered to Eureka, Calif. Tiling system: Time-code generator with WVB recorded directly. Syltel response. curves: See. figure 11, p. 366. SHORT HISTORY These stations were established to help determine which faults are active in the area. 55 CALIFORNIA Chico, CA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: California State University, Chico Address: Department of Geological and Physical Sciences California State University Chico, CA 95926 Telephone: 916-895-5262 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION ‘ Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CCO Chico ------------------- 39.0642 121.0094 60 2/23/72 0pen-— Alluvium; Quaternary. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 CCO Geotech SL-220 ------- Z Long --- Visible 4 K --- Timing system: Geotech TG-llO. System response curves: Not available. 56 GENERAL INORHATION Operated by: City of Ferndale Address: Ferndale Seismograph S c/o Smith and Scalvini 425 Main Street Ferndale, CA 95536 Telephone: 707-786-4575 Address to obtain records: Records since 1965: tation CALIFORNIA Ferndale, CA Records before 1962: As above. Seismograph Station University of California 475 Earth Sciences Bldg. Berkeley, CA 94720 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ‘ . Code Statlon name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age FER Ferndale ---------------- 40.5767 124.2617 15 1/33 Open-- Sandstone; Quaternary. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rem ks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 at FER Bosch-Omori ---------- NS,EW 10-15 --- Smoked paper 50 --- Timing system: Weight-powered timepiece. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY FER was established by the University of California, Berkeley, in 1933. It was given to the City of Ferndale in 1962 and is now used as an educational museum piece. 57 CALIFORNIA Kentfield, CA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: College of Marin Address: Geology Department College of Marin Kentfield, CA 949h0 Telephone: 415-454-3962 ext. 291 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age KFC Kentfield --------------- 37.9550 122.5528 5 1/66 0pen-- Franciscan Formation (sandstone); Jurassic to Eocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 KFC UED Ranger SD-Zlh ----- 2 0.981 --- Visible 35 K Magnification at 0.25 sec. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-100 synchronized with WWV. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY KFC was opened with the above-mentioned equipment. 58 CALIFORNIA Liver-more , CA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Lawrence Livermore Laboratory of the University of California Address: Seismic Research Group, L-42 Lawrence Livermore Laboratory P.O. Box 808 Livermore, CA 94550 Telephone: 415-447-1100 ext. 31975 Telex: 34-61407 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude ’ Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age LAC Landers ----------------- 34.3898 116.4115 792 8/68 Open-- Gneiss; Precambrian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R ks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To emar LAC Sprengnether --------- Z 20.0 --- Magnetic tape Variable Maximum magnification 100 K. Telemetered to Livermore and Menlo Park. --do ----------------- NS,EW 40.0 --- --do --------- --do---- Do. Tiling system: IRIG time codes B and C synchronized to WV. System response curves: See figure 5, p. 361.. SHORT HISTORY The principal interest of the Laboratory is to monitor nuclear explosions. LAC is located underground in a mine shaft. 59 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: City of Los Angeles Address: Griffith Observatory and Planetarium 2800 E. Observatory Road Los Angeles, CA 90027 Telephone: 213-664-1181 Address to obtain records: CALIFORNIA Los Angeles, CA As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age 60C Griffith 0bservatory---- 34.1130 118.3017 3&8 6/65 Open-- Quartz monzonite; Cretaceous. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 GOC Benioff 1051 --------- Z 1.0 0.2 Visible 300 K --- Timing system: Crystal-controlled oscillator synchronized with WWVB. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY GOC is operated as a public demonstration. 6O GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Southern California Address: Geophysical Laboratory 855 W. 37th Street University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90007 Telephone: 213-746-6124 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION CALIFORNIA Los Angeles, CA . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (BHR) Baldwin Hills ----------- 34.0085 118.3620 149 2/71 Open-- Palos Verdes Sand; Pleistocene. Reservoir. (DHS) Downhole Seismometer---- 34.0175 118.3855 —1425 3/73 --do-- Pliocene. Baldwin Hills. (DHT) Downhole Seismometer---- 33.7510 118.2208 -856 3/76 --do-- Do. Terminal Island. (DRP) Drake Park -------------- 33.7737 118.2167 1 8/72 3/74 Late Pleistocene. (FMA) Fort MacArthur ---------- 33.7075 118.2912 14 5/72 0pen-- Monterey Shale; Miocene and Pliocene. (GFP) Griffith Park ----------- 33.0178 118.3098 245 4/75 --do-- Granite. (HCM) Holy Cross Mausoleum---- 33.9940 118.3830 56 2/71 --do-- Late Pleistocene. (IPC) Inglewood Park ---------- 33.9707 118.3345 59 3/71 --do-- Early Pleistocene. Cemtery. (JBF) Junior Blind ------------ 33.9930 118.3447 79 2/71 4/75 Late Pleistocene. Foundation. (LCL) Rancho Los Cerritos ----- 33.8333 118.2068 8 8/72 Open-- Early Pleistocene. (LCM) Los Angeles County ------ 34.0178 118.2870 50 8/71 --do-- Alluvium; Quaternary. Museum. (LNA) Los Alamitos Naval ------ 33.7892 118.0545 1 5/72 --do-- Do. Air Station. (RCP) Recreation Park --------- 34.7777 118.1333 4 2/71 -—do-- Late Pleistocene. (TPR) Trippett Ranch ---------- 34.0889 118.5867 380 7/75 --do-- Miocene. USC Los Angeles (University- 34.0178 118.2870 50 2/71 8/71 Alluvium; Quaternary. of Southern Calif.). 61 CALIFORNIA--Continued Los Angeles, CA INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To Host stations Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 -- Magnetic tape, 10 K Magnification at 1 sec. strip chart. DHS Geospace ------------- Z,NS,EW 6.0 -- --do ---------- 100 K --- TPR Johnson-Matheson ----- Z 1.0 -- --do ---------- --- --- Timing system: System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY The seismotectonic study of the Los Angeles Basin and its offshore Eldorado 1710 time-code generator checked with WWV. area includes seismic-hazard assessment, effect of water-injection into oil fields on earthquake occurrence, and detection of precursory phenomena. 62 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of California, Los Angeles Address: Lookout Mountain Observatory Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics University of California Los Angeles, CA 90024 Telephone: 213-825-3123 Address to obtain records: CALIFORNIA Los Angeles, CA As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age LMO Lookout Mountain -------- 34.1086 118.3878 392 2/12/71 6/03/73 --- Observatory. LMS --do -------------------- 34.0692 118.4403 131 4/11/74 --- Terrace deposits and Palos Verdes Sand; Pleistocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rema k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 r s Both stations Sprengnether S-5007V-- Z 15.0 100.0 Photo paper 750 --- Timing system: Sprengnether TS-100 crystal chronometer. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY LMO was the original station; it operated until 1973 when it was moved to instruments are operating at LMS: a LaCoste-Rombetg earth-tide gravimeter and serving as seismic instruments. the current location, LMS. Two other a Sprengnether horizontal pendulum, both 63 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: 1 Telephone: U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Geological Survey National Center of Earthquake Research 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-323-8111 ext. 2822 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION As above. CALIFORNIA Menlo Park, CA Code Station name Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date Foundation; New Alternate Local (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed geologic age AARH --- (AARS) Airport Road ------------- 39.2762 121.0255 930 7/20/76 Open--- --- --- --- (ABAB) Bureau of Reclamation--—- 38.8793 121.0675 420 10/29/76 2/14/77 --- Building. ABJM --- (ABJS) Bob Jauregui Ranch ------- 39.1653 121.1912 457 7/27/76 0pen--- --- --- --- (ABP) Abalone Point ------------ 37.9392 122.7588 140 11/04/71 10/31/74 --- ABRM --- (ABRS) Brophy Road -------------- 39.1352 121.4868 24 2/14/77 Open--- --- ADWM --- (ADWD) Drytown Water District--- 38.4392 120.8482 251 7/21/76 --do--- --- AFDM ADC (AFHD) Forest Hill Divide ------- 38.9448 120.9683 524 2/72 --do--- --- AFHM --- (AFHS) Forest Hill Site --------- 39.0418 120.7913 1064 7/20/76 --do-—- --- AFRM --- (AFID) Fiddyment Ranch ---------- 38.7923 121.3485 31 12/02/76 ~-do--- -'- AGIM --- (AGRI) Gold Rush Inn ------------ 38.8447 120.9813 305 1/28/76 -'d0"- --- AHDM --- (AHDR) Hacienda Drive ----------- 39.0483 121.0765 483 10/28/76 --do--- --- AHRM --- (AHFR) Harold F. Ross ----------- 38.8543 121.0705 354 1/29/76 --do--- --- ALNM --- (ALIN) Lincoln ------------------ 38.9297 121.2878 54 12/02/76 --do-“ "‘ AODN "- (AOTD) Outingdale --------------- 38.6148 120.7285 520 10/19/76 --d0-‘- "’ AOHM --- (AOHO) Oregon House ------------- 39.3753 121.2560 457 2/14/77 --do--- --- APRM --' (APHR) Poppy Hill Road ---------- 38.8770 121.2172 133 7/15/76 --do--' --' ARJM --- (ARWJ) Robert W. Jensen --------- 38.6865 120.9563 .460 12/02/76 --do--- --- ARRN --- (ARRA) Rickey Ranch ------------- 38.7653 121.1718 127 12/02/76 --d0--- --- ARWH --- (ARPW) Richard P. Wilkes -------- 38.9563 121.1622 320 1/29/76 --do--- --- ASRH --- (ASHR) Slough House Road -------- 38.4977 121.2048 52 7/21/76 --do--- --- AVRM --- (AVRS) Valley Road Site --------- 39.0248 121.2680 91 7/15/76 --do--- --- BAVM --- (ANV) Antelope Valley ---------- 37.6458 121.0293 620 7/02/75 --dO‘-- "' BBGM "' (BGM) Big Mountain ------------- 36.5913 121.0253 1216 3/03/72 --do--- --- BBNM SBT (BEN) San Benito --------------- 36.5100 121.0755 448 1/28/71 --d0--- --- BCGM -- (CNR) Cienega Road ------------- 36.7092 121.3433 305 5/29/69 --do--- --- BCHM -- (BCH) Black Canyon North ------ 36.0543 117.7282 1265 9/26/75 --do--- “‘ 64 SITE INFORMATION--Continued CALIFORNIA--Continued Menlo Park, CA Code Station name Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date Foundation; New Alternate Local (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed geologic age BEHM EKH (ELK) Elkhorn Ranch ------------ 36.6647 121.1742 342 2/01/71 0pen--- --- BEMM EMT (EMM) Emmet -------------------- 36.6613 121.0960 488 8/14/70 --do--- Franciscan Formation (limestone); Jurassic to Eocene. --- --- (BGU) Bear Gulch Road ---------- 37.3423 122.3385 158 3/01/70 11/02/71 --- BHSM --- (HST) Hastings State Park ------ 36.3558 121.5398 646 9/04/75 0penf-- --- BJCM JHC (JHC) Johnson Canyon ----------- 36.5470 121.3922 207 6/18/69 --do--- Granite; Mesozoic. BJOM --- (JON) Mt. Johnson -------------- 36.6283 121.3133 --- 1/31/74 --do--- --- BLRM --- (LWR) Lewis Ranch -------------- 36.6660 121.2727 232 2/15/73 --do--- --- BMCM --- (MCP) McPhails Peak ------------ 36.6567 121.3652 1022 1/26/75 --do--- --- BMHM --- (MTH) Mt. Harlan --------------- 36.6863 121.4133 811 1/29/75 --do--- --- BMSM --- (MRS) Mercey Hot Springs ------- 36.6580 120.7937 769 12/06/73 --do--- —-- --- --- (BMT) Black Mountain ----------- 37.3158 122.1638 170 10/27/66 9/23/68 --- BPCM PNC (PNQ) Pine Canyon -------------- 36.5650 121.6358 268 2/14/76 0pen--- --- BPFM --- (PFP) Pfieffer Point ----------- 36.2300 121.7717 349 12/18/73 --do'-- --- BPIM --- (PIN) Pinnacles ---------------- 36.4900 121.1685 329 7/03/75 --do--- --- BPPM --- (PNP) Pinyon Peak -------------- 36.1687 121.3780 1591 12/19/73 --do--- --- BRMM --- (RBM) Rolling Bench Mark ------- 36.8345 120.8237 372 12/03/73 --do--- --- --- --- (BRO) Mt. Brow ----------------- 38.0080 120.4153 387 4/19/72 7/12/76 --- BRVM LRV (LRV) Little Rabbit Valley ----- 36.4243 121.0180 555 11/26/69 0pen--- --- BSBM --- (SW8) Swanson's Bluff ---------- 36.7378 121.2868 398 6/25/75 --do--- --- BSCM --- (STQ) Stone Canyon ------------- 36.6330 121.2342 357 10/06/76 --do—-- --- BSGM SHG (SHG) Shirt Tail Gulch --------- 36.4138 121.2537 192 6/18/69 --do--- Granite; Mesozoic. BSLM --- (SLV) Silva Ranch -------------- 36.7755 121.3493 155 7/16/75 --do--- Do. BSRM --- (SRQ) Salinas Radio Site ------- 36.6675 121.5193 396 3/09/77 --do--- Do. BVLM BVL (BVL) Bear Valley -------------- 36.5752 121.1890 510 9/03/70 --do--- Marine sediment; Miocene. BVYM --- (VYD) Vineyard ----------------- 36.7462 121.4182 753 12/11/75 --do--- Do. CACM --- (ACH) Antioch ------------------ 36.9762 121.7603 74 10/26/73 --do--- Do. CADM ADR (AND) Anderson Dam ------------- 37.1623 121.6242 244 8/25/67 --do--- Do. CAIM AGC (ANG) Angel Island ------------- 37.8613 122.4295 223 8/08/69 --do--- Do. CALM CVR (CAL) Calaveras ---------------- 37.4512 121.7992 265 10/19/67 --do--- Do. CAOM ARN (ARN) Arnold Ranch ------------- 37.3493 121.5327 628 10/19/67 --do--- Do. CBHM --- (CBH) Coso Basin North --------- 35.9882 117.7500 890 9/26/75 --do--- Do. CBRM BGC (BOL) Bollinger Road ----------- 37.8162 122.0620 610 8/23/69 —-do--- Do. 65 SITE INFORMATION--Continued CALIFORNIA--Continued Menlo Park, CA Code Station name Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date Foundation; New Alternate Local (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed geologic age CBWM BKC (BWR) Brookwood Reservoir ------ 37.9242 122.1067 221 4/28/71 Open--- Marine sediment; Miocene CCNM CYC (CCQ) Crow Canyon Road --------- 37.7915 121.9482 219 2/05/76 --do--- Do. ccon cor (cor) Coe Ranch ---------------- 37.2577 121.6725 366 10/03/67 --do—-- Do. CCYM -—- (CYO) Coyote Hills ------------- 38.5517 122.0908 67 5/01/75 --do-—- Do. CDOM D00 (D00) Doolan Road -------------- 37.7300 121.8353 198 7/29/70 --do--- Do. CDSM --- (DSR) Don Santos Ranch --------- 37.9663 122.2528 109 11/15/73 --do--- Do. CDUM DUC (DUR) Durate Ranch ------------- 38.0297 122.0008 168 4/28/71 --do--- Volcanics--thyolite to andesite, pyroclas- tics; Pliocene. CFWM --- (CFW) Cactus Flat West --------- 36.2083 117.9037 1384 9/26/75 --do--- --- CGSM --- (CGS) China Gardens South ------ 36.1900 117.6237 1689 9/26/75 --do--- --- CLCM LKC (LCH) Lake Chabot -------------- 37.7380 122.0638 312 11/21/72 --do--- --- --- --- (CLO) Calero Reservoir --------- 37.1908 121.7652 230 11/68 10/16/68 --- CMCM --- (MIL) Mills College ------------ 37.7813 122.1758 90 7/20/71 0pen--- --- CMHM MHR (MHR) Mt. Hamilton Road -------- 37.3595 121.7563 518 3/04/69 --do--- --- CMJM MSJ (MSJ) Mission San Jose --------- 37.5208 121.8705 498 7/01/72 --do--- --- CMOM MTC (MOR) Morgan Territory --------- 37.8113 121.8025 792 4/17/69 --do--- --- CHRM MNR (MNR) Mines Road --------------- 37.5947 121.6370 500 4/17/69 --d0--- --- CNCM --- (NCR) Norris Canyon Road ------- 37.7560 121.9900 306 9/02/76 --do--- --- CPLM PLC (PAL) Palomares ---------------- 37.6313 121.9562 463 6/27/69 --do--- -—‘ CPTM --- (CPT) Cactus Peak West --------- 36.0710 117.8498 1494 9/26/75 --do--- --- CRAM --- (SRA) San Ramon ---------------- 37.7672 121.9375 171 9/02/76 --do--- --- --- CRC (CRK) Castle Rock -------------- 37.2417 122.1303 607 3/01/66 6/01/77 --- CRPM --- (RUS) Russellman Park ---------- 37.9125 121.9055 331 9/18/70 0pen--- --- CSCM SVC (SVC) Silver Creek ------------- 37.2852 121.7725 128 6/10/67 --do--- --- CSHM CSH (CSH) California State --------- 37.6575 122.0533 170 1972 --d0--- —-- College, Hayward. CSSM --- (CSS) Coso Hotspring ----------- 36.0272 117.7673 1170 9/26/75 --do--- --- --- --- (CCR) Crow Canyon Road --------- 37.7917 121.9500 207 7/29/70 12/31/75 --- --- CYH (CYH) Coyote Hills----——¥F--r-- 37.5590 122.0937 38 12/15/66 4/29/75 --- --- DIR (DIR) Diamond Ranch ------------ 36.3363 120.3763 496 11/07/73 6/16/75 "' DKNM --- (DKN) Devils Kitchen North ----- 36.0510 117.8088 1347 9/25/75 Opeu-- --- DTEM -~- (DTE) Dunmovintown East -------- 36.0975 117.9258 1152 9/26/75 --do--- --- --- EGR (EGR) Empire Grade Road -------- 37.0352 122.1042 442 3/04/69 4/27/76 --- 66 SITE INFORMATION--Continued CALIFORNIA--Continued Menlo Park , CA Code Station name Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date Foundntion; New Alternate Local (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed geolog1c age --- --- (FOR) Forsythe ----------------- 36.7910 121.4547 433 9/25/67 4/27/71 --- --- --- (FWL) Fowler Lookout ----------- 38.0195 120.5833 880 [0/19/72 7/12/76 --- GAFM --- (AAF) Point Arena AFB ---------- 38.8932 123.5380 710 1/22/75 2/04/75 --- GAXM --- (ALX) Alexander Valley --------- 38.7108 122.7550 379 9/21/73 Open--- --- GBGM --- (BGG) Boggs Mountain ----------- 38.8140 122.6793 1125 6/26/75 --do--- --- GBOM --- (BKO) Black Oak ---------------- 38.8243 122.8428 879 6/20/75 --do--- --- 001111 --- (CMT) Cobb Mountain ------------ 38.8058 122.7552 1286 4/23/75 --do--- «- GCVM --- (cvn) Clovetdale --------------- 38.7690 123.0148 150 5/07/75 --do--- --- GDCM --- (DRY) Dry Creek ---------------- 38.7672 123.2395 772 5/07/75 --do--- --- 00LM --- (GLV) Glenview ----------------- 38.8967 122.7763 893 4/18/75 --do--- --- GGPM --- (GYP) Geyser Peak -------------- 38.7647 122.8442 1054 4/18/75 --do--- --- GHCM --- (HOC) House Creek -------------- 38.6060 123.1968 518 5/07/75 --do--- --- 0110M --- (1100) 1103 Mountain ------------- 39.1283 122.8245 903 4/18/75 --do--- --- GHLM --- (HLS) Highland Springs --------- 39.0405 123.0187 956 6/75 --do---' --- 0MCM --- (MCL) McLaughlin Ranch --------- 38.7927 123.1300 439 5/07/75 --do--- --- 011101 --- (111(1) Mt. Konoctai------------e 38.9695 122.7870 906 4/18/75 --do--- --- 0M0M —-- (MOE) Moffitt Ranch ------------ 38.7102 123.1432 802 5/07/75 --do--- --- GPMM --- (PNM) Pine Mountain ------------ 38.8475 122.9453 762 9/21/73 --do--- ~- GRMM --- (RDM) Round Mountain ----------- 38.0205 122.5843 469 6/26/75 --do--- --- GRTM --- (RTM) Round Top Mountain ------- 38.9387 122.6697 619 6/26/75 --do--- --- 0s0M --- (50M) Seigler Mountain --------- 38.8667 122.7100 --- 7/02/74 --do--- --- GSMM --- (SCR) Socrates Mine ------------ 38.7692 122.7812 1017 7/18/75 --do--- --- GSNM --- (SNO) Snow Mountain ------------ 38.9405 123.1917 870 6/20/75 «do-u --- GSSM SKG (SKG) Skaggs Springs ----------- 38.7020 123.0135 282 1/22/75 --do--- --- KAZM ANZ (ANZ) Anzar Road --------------- 36.8847 121.5909 122 6/29/67 --do--- --- HBTM --- (BTT) San Juan Bautista -------- 36.8502 121.5507 98 6/05/75 --do--- --- HCAM CDC (CAN) Canada Road -------------- 37.0253 121.4837 332 10/13/67 --do--- --- HCBM 0130 (c130) Chamberlin Ranch --------- 36.9313 121.6605 219 1969 --do--- --- “' HCC (HCC) H0137 Cross --------------- 36.9814 121.7225 159 5/02/67 10/12/75 Marine sediment;‘ middle Miocene. HCOM --- (CCC) Corn Cob Canyon ---------- 36.8865 121.7033 104 11/19/75 0pen--- --- HCRM CSR (CHR) Chase Ranch -------------- 36.9588 121.5847 241 10/05/67 --do--- --- HCZM --- (czn) Cordoza Dairy ------------ 36.9090 121.8003 30 11/13/75 --do--- -—— 67 CALIFORNIA--Continued Menlo Park , CA SITE INFORMATION--Continued Code Station name Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date Foundation; New Alternate Local (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed geologic age HDLH DIL (DIL) Dillion Ranch ------------ 36.8353 121.6440 204 8/09/67 Open--- --- HFEM SFL (FEL) San Felipe --------------- 36.9833 121.4015 323 10/14/71 --do--- --- HFHM --- (FTH) Flint Hills -------------- 36.8882 121.4688 101 12/10/75 --do--- --- HFPM FRP (FRP) Fremont Peak State ------- 36.7537 121.4905 705 9/02/70 --do--- Metamorphic rock; Park. Precambrian. HGSM GHS (GHS) Gilroy Hot Springs ------- 37.0958 121.4472 778 9/03/71 --do--- "- HGWM --- (GRW) Gilroy West -------------- 37.0170 121.6532 131 10/02/75 --do--- --- HJGM --- (SJG) San Juan Grade ----------- 36.7980 121.5738 171 6/21/67 --do--- --- HJSM --- (JSR) John Smith Road ---------- 36.8165 121.2987 215 6/75 --do--- --- I-[KRM --- (KNR) Kincaid Ranch ------------ 36.9017 121.4260 66 7/03/75 --do--- --- HLTM LTR (L'l'R) Lone Tree Road ----------- 36.8845 121.3082 183 8/17/70 --do--- Marine sediment; Late Cretaceous. HMOM MTR (MON) Monterey ----------------- 36.6117 121.9162 0 11/27/70 --do--- Granite; Mesozoic. HORM OCR (OCR) O'Connell Ranch ---------- 36.9172 121.5077 98 6/26/67 --do--- Nonmarine terrace deposits; Quaternary. HPHM PK}! (PKH) Parkhill ----------------- 36.8563 121.4062 122 8/17/70 --do--- --- HPI.M PCL (PCL) Pacheco Lake ------------- 37.0522 121.2900 152 5/10/68 --do--- --- HPRM PKC (PMR) Peckham Road ------------- 36.9532 121.6950 94 6/23/67 --do--- "- HQRM QSR (QSR) Quien Sabe Road ---------- 36.8337 117.2127 536 5/29/69 --d0--- Volcanic--rhyolite to basalt, pyroclastics; Miocene. HSFM --- (STF) Saint Francis Retreat---- 36.8120 121.4995 340 11/13/75 --do--- --- HSLM --- (SL8) San Luis Dam ------------- 37.0802 121.0942 122 3/02/74 --do--- --- HWSM --- (HWS) Haiwee Spring South ------ 36.1050 117.7607 1436 9/26/75 --do--- --- JALM AMC (ALM) Almaden ------------------ 37 .1583 121 .8470 244 10/16/68 --d0--- --- JBCH --- (BCR) Bear Creek Road ---------- 37.1603 122.0262 660 5/21/69 --do--- --- JBGM 361-1 (8611) Bear Gulch --------------- 37.3420 122.3390 158 11/02/71 --do--- --- JBLM --- (CBL) Camp Ben Lomond ---------- 37.1278 122.1663 792 4/27/76 --do--- --- JBHH --- (BAH) Black Mountain ----------- 37.3182 122.1527 820 2/24/75 --do--- --- JBZM --- (BUZ) Buzzard Lagoon Road ------ 37.0178 121.7858 213 10/07/75 --do--- --- JCBM CBO (CBO) Chesbro Reservoir -------- 37.1118 121.6888 192 8/24/67 --do--- Franciscan Formation; Jurassic to Eocene. JECM EUC (EUC) Eureka Canyon ------------ 37.0507 121.8093 438 5/28/69 --do--- --- J'EGM --- (ELG) El Granada --------------- 37.5140 122.4623 202 2/10/75 --do--- -—- JHLM —-- (HLM) Holstrom Ranch ----------- 37.1093 121.8325 908 10/02/75 --do--- --- JLTM LTW (LTW) Los Trancos Woods -------- 37.3537 122.2042 270 12/15/66 --do--- Franciscan Formation; Jurassic to Eocene. 68 CALIFORNIA--Continued Menlo Park , CA SITE INFORMATION--Continued Code Station name Latitude Longitude Elev Date ' Date Foundation; New Alternate Local , (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened Closed geologic age JLXM LXR (LEX) Lexington Reservoir ------ 37.2018 121.9862 244 2/04/75 --do--- --- JMGM MGA (MGA) Miligra Ridge ------------ 37.6370 122.4738 201 8/31/71 --do--- "- JPLM PEV (PLV) Pleasant Valley ---------- 36.9770 121.8322 158 7/01/72 --do--- --- JPPM --- (FOR) Portola State Park ------- 37.2645 122.2130 186 12/22/66 --do--- --- JPRM --— (PRO) Presidio ----------------- 37.7950 122.4750 107 9/26/68 2/11/69 “- JPSM PSD (PES) Pescadero ---------------- 37.1990 122.3483 84 11/25/70 0pen--- --- J'RGM --- (RGR) Rodeo Gulch Road --------- 37.0370 121.9645 213 1/28/76 --do--- --- JRRM --- (RDR) Redwood Retreat ---------- 37.0545 121.7268 408 1/09/76 --do--- --- J'RWM --- (J'RW) Joshua Ridge West -------- 35.9943 117.8215 1366 9/25/75 --do--- --- JSAM SAC (SAC) San Andreas Lake --------- 37.5825 122.4172 207 10/01/73 --do--- Franciscan Formation; Jurassic to Eocene. JSCM SEC (STV) Stevens Creek ------------ 37.2845 122.1237 357 12/23/66 --do--- --- JSFM SFT (SFT) Stanford Telescope ------- 37.4052 122.1758 143 12/13/66 --do--- ‘—- JSGM SGC (SGC) Saratoga Golf/Country---- 37.2827 122.0500 198 1/22/75 -‘d0--- --- Club. JSJ'M SJH (STJ) St. Joseph's Seminary---- 37.3338 122.0913 122 12/23/66 --do--- --- JSMM --- (SAW) Sawmill Road ------------- 37.2123 122.1677 262 7/14/71 --do--- --- JSSM SOS (SOS) Soda Springs ------------- 37.1695 121.9307 946 1/22/75 --do--- --- JSTM --- (SNT) Santa Teresa Hills ------- 37.2068 121.7973 149 10/02/75 --do--- --- JTGM --- (TGR) Trout Gulch Road --------- 37.0285 121.8763 253 10/02/75 --d0--- --- JUCM -—- (UCS) Univ. of Calif., --------- 37.0012 122.0485 177 1/29/75 '-d0--- --- Santa Cruz. JWSM WDS (WDS) Woodside ----------------- 37.4180 122.2722 280 12/21/66 --do--- --- --- LAS (LAS) Mt. Lassen --------------- 40.4752 121.5082 2650 10/01/73 7/16/73 --- LCFM --- (CCF) Crescent Cliffs ---------- 40.4863 121.5240 840 11/12/76 Open--- --- "- --- (LHD) La Honda ----------------- 37.3313 122.2803 226 12/18/66 5/01/70 --- LMZM --- (MZL) Manzanita Lake ----------- 40.5443 121.5643 329 11/12/76 Open—-- --- LRDM --- (RED) Reading Peak ------------- 40.4642 121.4612 859 11/12/76 -—do--- ~-- LSLM --- (SLA) South Lassen ------------- 40.4337 121.5362 1060 11/12/76 -—do--- —-- --- --- (LTP) Las Trampas Ridge -------- 37.7943 121.9940 256 9/02/76 6/01/77 --- MBFM --- (BFS) Blanchard Fire Station--- 37.6785 120.3633 309 11/03/76 Open--- ‘-- HCHM CRH (CRH) Carson Hill -------------- 38.0187 120.5095 475 4/19/72 --do--- Metavolcanics; pre- Cretaceous. "‘ "' (MGM) McCormick Mine ----------- 37.8862 120.5067 362 4/19/72 11/03/75 --- MCSM --- (CNS) Central Site ------------- 37.9388 120.5293 373 4/19/72 Open-—- —-— MCUM --- (cop) Copperopolis ------------- 37.9727 120.6170 336 4/19/72 --do--- -- CALIFORNIA--Continued Menlo Pa rk , CA SITE INFORMATION--Continued Code Station name Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date Foundation; New Alternate Local (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed geologic age --- MDC (MDC) Mt. Diablo --------------- 37.8817 121.9142 1173 5/27/67 6/01/74 Franciscan Formation; Jurassic to Eocene. --- --- (m0) --do --------------------- 37.8673 121.9282 719 5/27/70 7/29/70 "- MFSM MFS (MFS) McCloud Flat South ------- 36.1172 117.8550 1524 9/25/75 0pen--- --- MMWM --- (MW) Mi Wuk Village ----------- 38.0638 120.1815 1411 7/12/76 --d0-‘- --- MNHM --- (NI-1R) New Hogan Reservoir ------ 38.1458 120.8137 219 3/77 --do--- --- --- MOB (MOB) Menlo Park --------------- 37.4502 122.1833 21 9/22/67 9/11/76 --- MOYM -—- (OBF) O'Byrne Ferry ------------ 37 .9000 120.5673 176 4/19/72 Open--- ~- MRFM --- (RFR) Railroad Flat Road ------- 38.2453 120.5207 799 7/12/76 --d0--° --- MSTM --- (STN) Scent -------------------- 37.9045 120.4048 366 4/19/72 --do--- "- --- MTB (MTB) Montcbello Ridge --------- 37.2907 122.0905 347 2/07/75 12/23/76 “- NBPM --- (BRP) Berryessa Peak ----------- 38.6678 122.1933 67 5/10/74 Open--- “- NBRM BBR (88R) Beebe Ranch -------------- 38.2608 122.5498 137 8/14/70 --do--- --- NCDM CRD (CDR) Cavedale Road ------------ 38.3698 122.4617 620 3/08/71 --do--- --- NCFM --- (CAR) Canfield Road ------------ 38.3213 122.7955 98 8/14/70 --do--- --- NFIM --- (FAR) Farallones Islands ------- 37.6983 123.0000 107 5/05/71 --do--- --- NFRM FTR (FTR) Fort Ross ---------------- 38.5227 123.1610 528 1/22/75 --do--- --- NGVM GVR (GVR) Green Valley Ranch ------- 38.2807 122.2148 257 4/30/71 --do--- --- NHBM --- (HLB) Heraldsburg -------------- 38.5893 122.9090 165 2/21/75 -‘do--- --- NHMM HMR (HMR) Hamilton Ranch ----------- 38.1547 121.8003 65 4/29/71 --d0--- --- NLNM LOC (LNS) Lincoln School ----------- 38.1525 122.7125 120 8/14/70 --d0--' --- NMCM NMC (NMC) Nine Mile Canyon --------- 35.8440 117.9073 1080 9/25/75 --do--- --- NMHM --- (SHQ) Mt. Saint Helena --------- 38.6695 122.6338 1311 1/20/77 --do--- --- NMTM --- (MDT) Middletown --------------- 38.8057 122.4460 422 6/26/75 --d0--- --- NMWM MAC (MWS) Mark West Spring --------- 38.5505 122.7228 134 8/14/70 --do--- --- NMXM MIX (MIX) Mix Canyon --------------- 38.4113 122.0573 177 6/12/71 --do--- --- NOLM --- (OLQ) Olema -------------------- 38.0397 122.7925 30 2/23/77 —-do—-- --- NSHM --- (SHR) St. Helena Road ---------- 38.5200 122.6072 328 8/14/70 --do--- --- NSPM SNT (SPT) Sears Point —————————————— 38.1827 122.4533 88 2/03/71 --do-—— --- NTMM --- (TMN) Taylor Mountain ---------- 38.3858 122.6805 105 8/14/70 --do--- --- --- “- (NUT) Nutting Ranch ------------ 36.8243 121.4573 128 12/10/75 1977 --- NWRM --- (WHW) Wright Ranch ------------- 38.4570 122.8877 50 8/14/70 0pen~-- --- ‘-- '-— (OAR) Oak Ridge ---------------- 37.4653 121.7343 964 6/10/70 6/12/70 --- ' 70 SITE INTORHATION--Continued CALIFORNIA--Continued Menlo Park , CA Code Station name Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date Foundation; New Alternate Local (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed geologic age OBH'M --- (OBLO) Bloomer Hill ------------- 39.6517 121.4617 914 9/06/75 0pen--- --- --- --- (OBID) Bidwell Canyon ----------- 39.4882 121.4523 305 9/06/75 11/04/75 --- --- --- (OCAM) Camarillo Hill ----------- 39.5240 121.6233 122 8/05/75 9/01/76 --- OCH}! --- (OCOR) Cohasset Ridge ----------- 39.8758 121.7655 530 12/17/76 0pen--- --- --- --- (OCOX) Cox Road ----------------- 39.3800 121.5435 37 11/04/75 9/01/76 "- --- --- (ODAM) Oroville Dam ------------- 39.5310 121.4775 293 9/06/75 11/04/75 --- --- --- (OFIG) Fine Gold Gulch ---------- 39.4117 121.4762 152 9/06/75 9/01/76 --- --- --- (OFOR) Foreman Creek ------------ 39.5925 121.4492 384 9/06/75 9/01/76 --- OGOM -—- (OGOO) Van Goodin Ranch --------- 39.6537 121.6120 158 12/28/76 Open-'— --- 0110M --- (OHON) Honcut ------------------- 39.3357 121.4840 79 8/05/75 --do--- --- --- --- (OKAT) Katskill Hills ----------- 39.4018 121.4207 250 8/05/75 9/01/76 --- --- OLC (OLC) Olema -------------------- 38.0397 122.7925 30 12/22/66 2/23/77 Franciscan Fonnation; Jurassic to Eocene. -“ --- (OLON) Lone Tree Road ----------- 39.4445 121.5712 54 8/05/75 9/01/76 --- ~-- --- (OLUV) Olive Highway ------------ 39.5118 121.5118 168 10/22/75 9/01/76 --- ORAN --- (ORAT) Rattlesnake Point -------- 39.4687 121.4135 588 8/05/75 0pen--- --- --- --- (OSHP) Shippee ------------------ 39.5562 121.7175 40 9/06/75 10/17/75 --- OSTM --- (OSTI) Stimpson Lane ------------ 39.3688 121.5970 28 8/05/75 Open--- --- OSUM --- (OSUT) Sutter Buttes ------------ 39.2712 121.8523 67 4/01/76 --do--- --- OTBM --- (OTAB) Table Mountain ----------- 39.5457 121.5610 219 9/06/75 11/04/75 --- OWYM --- (OWN) Wyandotte ---------------- 39.4530 121.4868 168 8/05/75 Openu- ——- FARM --- (ATR) AntiCIine Ridge ---------- 36.2492 120.3420 485 9/05/75 --do--- --- PBWM BTW (BTW) Bitterwater -------------- 36.3150 120.9292 381 1/27/72 --do-—- -—- PCAM CTM (CAS) Castle Mountain ---------- 35.9317 120.3370 1189 12/15/70 --do--- --- PCRM —-— (CRY) Curry Mountain ----------- 36.0938 120.4347 296 9/04/75 --do--- --- --- --- (FEM) Permanente Quarry 1 ------ 37.3247 122.1055 466 5/08/70 5/28/70 --— --- --- (PER) Permanente Quarry 2 ------ 37.3243 122.1102 488 5/24/71 8/28/71 --- PGHI‘I GHC (GDH) Gold Hill ---------------- 35.8310 120.3528 433 3/21/68 Open--- --- PHCM --- (HEC) Hearst Castle ------------ 35.6822 121.1525 514 12/17/73 --do--- --- PHRM HVC (HER) Hernandez ---------------- 36.3730 120.8188 750 11/26/69 --do--— --- PIVM —-- (IND) Indian Valley ------------ 35.9065 120.6823 497 9/24/75 --do--- --— PJRM JOL (JOL) Jolon Road --------------- 36.0837 121.1692 336 6/18/69 --do--- Marine sediment; Miocene. PLOM LRC (LOR) Lone Oak Road ------------ 36.2465 121.0425 308 8/14/70 --do--- --- PMPH MOP (MOP) Monarch Peak ------------- 36.2152 120.7948 784 8/14/70 —-do--- —-- 71 SITE INFORMATION--Continued CALIFORNIA--Continued Menlo Park, CA Code Station name Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date Foundation; New Alternate Local (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed geologic age --- PNC (PNC) Pine Canyon -------------- 36.5622 121.6363 305 9/24/67 2/17/67 --- PPFM PKF (PKF) Parkfield ---------------- 35.8818 120.4135 469 1/11/68 0pen--- Marine sediment; middle Miocene. PPTM PTV ((PTV) Peach Tree Valley -------- 36.1083 120.7212 506 4/16/70 --do--- --- PSMM --- (SMM) Smith Mountain ----------- 36.0697 120.5947 988 9/24/75 --d0--- --- PTYM TRC (TAY) Taylor Ranch ------------- 35.9455 120.4742 552 1/12/67 --do--- --- --- --- (PVR) Poverty Ridge ------------ 37.4292 121.7425 975 7/12/68 5/07/70 --- PWKM WKR (WKR) Work Ranch --------------- 35.8145 120.5112 503 1/11/68 Open--- "- --- --- (QRY) Permanente Quarry -------- 37.3250 122.1047 453 2/07/75 1977 -‘- RCWM --- (RCW) Renegade Canyon West ----- 35.9502 117.6473 954 9/26/75 Open-—- --- RVCM --- (RVC) Rose Valley Central ------ 36.0080 117.8900 1067 9/26/75 --d0--- "' --- --- (SAL) San Andreas Lake --------- 37.5760 122.4233 335 7/13/67 9/27/72 --- --- --- (SCZ) Santa Cruz --------------- 37.0140 122.0345 137 1/01/69 3/04/69 --' --- SFR (SFR) San Francisco (Rincon)--- 37.7880 122.3895 8 --- 4/07/76 Franciscan Formation; Jurassic to Eocene. --- SHC (SHC) Mt. Saint Helena --------- 38.6703 122.6338 1200 12/07/73 1/20/77 Nonmarine terrace deposits; Quaternary. --- --- (SL1) San Luis Reservoir 1 ----- 37.0812} 121.0612 116 2/28/74 1/17/75 --- --— --- (SL2) San Luis Reservoir 2 ----- 37.0312 121.0553 293 2/28/74 1/17/75 --- --- --- (SL3) San Luis Reservoir 3 ----- 37.1147 121.1382 189 2/28/74 1/17/75 --- --- --- (SL4) San Luis Reservoir 4 ----- 37.0043 121.1150 219 2/28/74 1/17/75 --- --- ‘-- (SL5) San Luis Reservoir 5 ----- 37.0710 121.1560 180 2/28/74 1/17/75 --- --- --- (SL6) San Luis Reservoir 6 ----- 37.0283 121.0920 302 2/28/74 1/17/75 --- --- --- (SL7) San Luis Reservoir 7 ----- 37.0297 121.1402 219 2/28/74 1/17/75 --- --- --- (SMR) Smith Ranch -------------- 36.3820 120.9695 503 7/26/71 1/18/72 --- SMWM --- (SMW) Sugarloaf Mountain West-- 36.0193 117.8458 1116 9/25/75 Open--- --- --- SRC (SRS) Salinas Radio Site ------- 36.6685 121.5188 399 5/09/69 3/04/77 --- --- STC (STC) Stone Canyon ------------ 36.6350 121.2333 259 1/22/67 10/06/76 --- Observatory. “‘ TWN (TWN) Twin Peaks --------------- 36.0527 121.5075 148 12/17/73 9/04/75 “‘ --- --- (TYL) Tyler Island ------------- 38.1470 121.5625 1 7/07/72 10/24/72 --- VPEM --- (VPE) Volcano Peak East ------- 35.9495 117.8167 1463 9/26/75 Open--- --- --- --- (WAR) Walter Ranch ------------- 38.4830 122.7030 115 8/09/70 5/01/71 --- 72 CALIFORNIA--Continued Menlo Park, CA INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T0(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To Host stations Hark L-4C ------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder --- A few stations are also recorded on Helicorder. BJCM, BJOM, BSGM, HDLM, HFPM, HJGM, HQRH, JALM, JPLM, JSFM, JSGH, (OBID), (OCOX), (ODAM), (OFIG), (OLUV), 0TBM, SRC, and STC: Mark L-4C ------- Z,NS 1.0 --- --do -------- --- --- AFDM Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do -------- --- --- BVLM, CRC, (OLON), and OWYM: Mark L-4C ------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do -------- --- --- JBMM Mark L-AC ------- 2 1.0 --- --do -------- --- --- Wilmore --------- NS 5.0 --- --do -------- --- Operated only April-August 1975. Timing system: WWVB and IRIG signals recorded directly. \ System response curves: See figure 2, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY Coding of these stations is somewhat unusual. Local codes had been assigned that often conflicted with other international codes; therefore, when data were contributed to NEIS, alternate three-letter codes were assigned. To identify the networks and to obtain unique station names that would not conflict with existing codes, a system of four-letter codes was designed. These are the codes ending with M, listed in the column headed "New." The "Alternate" codes are those which were assigned by NEIS and are still valid. The "Local" codes are those which had been used by Menlo Park in cataloging data and which may still be useful in locating old records. The first letter of the four-letter codes signifies the network that contains the station. Therefore, A--M belongs to the network Auburn B--M Bear Valley C--M Calaveras G—-M Geysers H--M Holister J--M San Jose L--M Lassen M--M Melones N--M Napa O--M Oroville P-—M Parkfield The C050 network does not conform to this system. Its members include BCHM, CBHM, CFWH, CGSM, CPTM, CSSM, DKNM, DTEH, stu, JRWH, HFSM, NMCH, RCWH, RVCM, snwn, VPEH. Recording of seismicity near Auburn began in February 1972, with the installation of the station ADC; it is owned by the Bureau of Reclamation and operated by the USGS, Albuquerque. A horizontal Wood-Anderson began operating there in April 1973. On January 28, 1976, the operation of the station was turned over to USGS, Menlo Park, which expanded the network to include 20 stations. HORN was not operated from May 9, 1968, to December 3, 1969. JPPM was not operated from April 5, 1971, to August 20, 1975. JBCM, (LHD), (MDO), NFIM, CSHM, (FOR), and HCBH operate intermittently. The Center publishes a quaterly report entitled, "Catalog of Earthquakes along the San Andreas Fault system in Central California." 73 GENERAL INFORMATION CALIFORNIA Menlo Park , CA Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U. S. Geological Survey National Center for Earthquake Research 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 ' Telephone: 415-323—8111 ext. 2321 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (DFCC) Cottonwood Creek -------- 37.4702 117.9365 1682 3/09/70 1/71 --- (DFHR) Hanging Rock ------------ 37.2250 117.7313 1268 5/26/70 1/71 --- (DFHT) Horse Thief ------------- 37.3777 117.8300 1634 5/06/70 1/71 --- (DFVC) Victor Con Mine --------- 37.2582 117.8963 1079 5/26/70 1/71 --- (NRUB) Ubehebe Crater ---------- 36.8913 117.5040 1414 10/24/71 12/73 --— INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To All stations Mark L4-c ------------ Z 1.0 --- Develocorder --- Telemetered to Menlo Park. Timing system: System response SHORT HI STORY WVB and IRIG-C recorded directly. curves: See figure 2, p. 363, (DFCC), (DFHR), (DFHT), and (DFVC) are part of the Death Valley-Furnace Creek network; the other part is in Nevada. (NRUB) is part of the regional network; the other stations of this network are in Nevada. 74 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: California Institute of Technology Seismological Laboratory 252-21 California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA 91125 213-795-8806 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION CALIFORNIA Pasadena, CA Code Station name Eatitfieg Egggi;?§e (mE:::s) 03:6:d c2:::d Foundation; geologic age (ADL) Adelanto ---------------- 34.5563 117.4170 900 2/75 Open-- Alluvium; Quaternary. BAR Barrett ----------------- 32.6800 116.6717 510 1/17/52 --do-- Granodiorite; Cretaceous. BBC Big Bear ---------------- 34.2417 116.9083 2060 6/21/51 9/20/57 --- (BLU) Blue Ridge -------------- 34.4053 117.7253 1880 2/75 0pen-- Igneous and metamorphic complex (Precambrian), intruded by tonalite (Mesozoic). (BTL) Butler Peak ------------- 34.2572 117.0033 --- 11/75 --do-- Granite; Mesozoic. (CFT) Crafton Hills ----------- 34.0352 117.1110 671 1/75 --do-- Nonmarine sediments; Pleistocene. CHP Chuchupate -------------- 34.8083 119.0117 1590 1952 11/52 --- CIS Catalina Island --------- 33.4067 118.4033 485 7/01/71 VOpen-- Ultrabasic intrusive; Mesozoic. (CKC) Cook Canyon ------------- 34.1363 117.1747 550 4/75 -—do-- Nonmarine sediments; middle or early Pliocene. CLC China Lake -------------- 35.8167 117.5967 766 7/08/49 --do-- Quartz diorite; Cretaceous. (COQ) Corona Quarry ----------- 33.8605 117.5097 1634 1/76 -—do-- Metamorphics; Jurassic, Triassic. (COY) Coyote Mountain --------- 33.3640 116.3105 --- 1/76 --do-- Metamorphics; pre-Cretaceous. CPE Camp Elliot ------------- 32.8800 117.1000 213 11/72 --do-- Conglomerate; Eocene. CPT Camp Pendleton ---------- 33.3025 117.3395 61 1/75 --do‘- Nonmarine terrace deposits; Quaternary. (CRE) Crestline --------------- 34.2433 117.2617 1430 5/19/49 8/31/50 --- CWC Cottonwood -------------- 36.4383 118.0783 1620 10/13/65 0pen-- Quartz diorite; Cretaceous. (DBZ) Double Butte ------------ 33.7350 117.0620 625 4/75 --do-- Gabbro; Mesozoic. DHS Desert Hot Springs ------ 33.9667 116.5000 330 1948 3/49 --- DLT Dalton ------------------ 34.1700 117.8100 523 7/20/50 8/29/59 Volcanic; Miocene. ECA El Cajon ---------------- 32.8000 116.9500 135 1949 Closed --- ECC El Centro --------------- 32.7983 115.5483 -15 11/28/56 9/30/70 Alluvium; Quaternary. FTC Fort Tejon -------------- 34.8733 118.8933 990 11/21/52 9/30/70 --- GAV Glen Avon --------------- 34.0225 117.5123 289 --- 0pen-- Metamorphics; pre-Cretaceous. \J u: SITE INFORMATION--Continued CALIFORNIA--Continued Pasadena , CA Code Station name 163:3??? 16323133? (mitg‘rs) 032:: d 3:: d Foundation; geologic age GLA Glamis ------------------ 33.0525 114.8265 627 12/20/66 Open-- Basalt; Tertiary. GSC Goldstone --------------- 35.3017 116.8046 990 11/07/61 --do-- Granite; Cretaceous. HAI Haiwee ------------------ 36.1367 117.9467 1150 9/11/29 10/27/65 --- HAV Havilah ----------------- 35.5100 118.5167 990 7/52 9/04/52 --- HAY Hayfield ---------------- 33.7083 115.6383 439 6/20/56 0pen-- Quartz monzonite; Cretaceous. (HOT) Hot Springs ------------- 33.3140 116.5815 --- 1/76 --do-- Granite; Mesozoic. IKP Inkopah ----------------- 32.6488 116.1080 957 11/72 --do-- Quartz diorite; Cretaceous. IRC Iron Canyon ------------- 34.3900 118.4000 580 11/01/71 --do-- Shallow alluvium (Quaternary) over gneiss. ISA Isabella ---------------- 35.6633 118.4733 835 1/06/54 --do-- Quartz diorite; Cretaceous. (KEE) Keen Camp --------------- 33.6383 116.6532 1366 2/75 --do-- Tonalite; Mesozoic. Maintenance Station. KNO Knox Ranch -------------- 35.4833 118.5283 1090 7/52 11/10/52 --- KRC King Ranch -------------- 35.3267 119.7450 680 10/16/52 12/03/65 --- LGC Lakewood Golf Course---- 33.8358 118.1503 17 5/71 3/15/74 Alluvium; Quaternary. LJC La Jolla ---------------- 32.8633 117.2533 8 5/04/27 11/30/75 . --- (LRR) Little Rock Reservoir--- 34.5260 118.0277 --- 5/76 Open“ Alluvium. (MDA) Mount Davis ------------- 33.9130 116.9995 845 1/75 --do-- Nonmarine sedimentary rocks; Pliocene. (MLL) Mill Creek -------------- 34.0913 116.9363 1513 12/74 --do—- Igneous and metamorphic rock complex; Precambrian. MWC Mount Wilson ------------ 34.2238 118.0577 1730 4/23/28 --do-- Granodiorite; Cretaceous. PAS Pasadena ---------------- 34.1483 118.1717 295 3/17/27 --do-- Granitic gneiss; pre-Cretaceous. (PCF) Pomona ------------------ 34.0532 117.7907 --- 1/76 --do-— Volcanics; Miocene. (PEM) Pine Mountain ----------- 34.1673 117.8697 --- 2/76 --do-- Metamorphics; pre-Cretaceous. PLM Palomar ----------------- 33.3534 116.8617 1692 9/07/39 --do-- Quartz diorite; Cretaceous. (POB) Polly Butte ------------- 33.6867 116.9233 “— 5/76 --do-- Granite; Mesozoic. POM Pomona ------------------ 34.1000 117 . 7167 350 1949 Closed --- PRR Perris ------------------ 33.7800 117.2333 440 1949 --do--- --- (PSP) Palm Springs ------------ 33.7938 116.5488 195 3/75 Open-- Mylonitized metasedimentary rocks; Mesozoic. PV'R Palos Verdes ------------ 33.7583 118.3567 340 3/21/56 Closed Shale; Miocene. (RAY) Raywood Flat ------------ 34.0363 116.8112 --- 11/75 Open—- Gneiss. (RDM) Round Mountain ---------- 34.4000 117.1850 1426 12/76 --do-- Marine metasediments; Carboniferous. RVR Riverside --------------- 33.9933 117.3750 260 10/19/26 --do-- Granite; Cretaceous. 76 SITE INFORMATION--Continued CALIFORNIA--Continued Pasadena, CA Elev Me mmwm E§V:E$V$ mms.m; a; memwmmww SBB Saddle Back Butte ------- 34.6883 117.8250 832 1/03/74 0pen-- Quartz monzonite; Cretaceous. SBC Santa Barbara ----------- 34.4417 119.7133 90 5/10/27 --do-- Alluvium; Quaternary. SCI San Clemente Island ----- 32.9800 118.5467 219 11/71 --do-- Shallow terrace gravels over basalt; Quaternary. SCY Stone Canyon Reservoir-- 34.1062 118.4542 287 2/75 --do-- Metavolcanic rocks (Jurassic- Triassic) intruded by quartz monzonite (later Mesozoic). (SDW) Sidewinder Mine --------- 34.6092 117.0742 1184 2/75 --do-- Granite; Mesozoic. (SIL) Silver Peak ------------- 34.3478 116.8267 --- 11/75 --do~- Marine metasediments; Carboniferous. SJQ San Joaquin Reservoir--- 33.6200 117.8450 165 7/71 Closed Sandstone; Tertiary. (SME) Santa Rosa Mine --------- 33.8227 117.3553 494 2/75 Open-- Tonalite; Mesozoic. (SMO) Santa Rosa Mountain ----- 33.5358 116.4617 --- 6/76 --do-- Granite; Mesozoic. SNC San Nicolas Island ------ 33.2483 119.5233 275 7/24/57 1/24/68 Marine; Eocene. SNS San Onofre -------------- 33.4322 117.5488 152 1/75 0pen-- Marine sandstone; Eocene. (SSK) Sunset Peak ------------- 34.2162 117.6887 --- 1/76 --do-- Metamorphics; pre-Cretaceous. (SSV) San Sevaine -------- ~ ----- 34.2170 117.4890 1609 1/76 --do-- Granite; Mesozoic. SWM Sawmill ----------------- 34.7183 118.5817 1220 3/07/66 12/08/70 Metamorphics; pre-Cretaceous. SYP Santa Ynez Peak --------- 34.5267 119.9783 1305 6/67 Open-- Sandstone; Eocene. TCC Turnbull Canyon --------- 33.9945 118.0128 299 11/76 Closed Siltstone; Miocene. (THR) Three Sisters ----------- 34.5532 117.7183 --- 11/12/75 Open-- Basic intrusive; Mesozoic. TIN Tinemaha ---------------- 37.0550 118.2283 1195 9/04/29 --do-- Basalt; Quaternary. TPC Twentynine Palms -------- 34.1058 116.0488 720 5/72 --do-- Quartz monzonite; Cretaceous. (TPO) Tropico Hill ------------ 34.8788 118.2277 --- 5/76 --do-- Volcanic intrusives; Tertiary. TWL Twin Lakes-------a ------ 34.2783 118.5945 390 11/71 --do-- Sandstone; Cretaceous. (VGR) Vista Grande ------------ 33.8375 116.8088 1484 12/75 --do-- Granite; Mesozoic. VPD Villa Park Dam ---------- 33.8160 117.7622 183 7/71 --do-- Terrace gravels; Quaternary. (VST) Vista ------------------- 33.1567 117.2317 --- 1/75 --do-- Granite; Mesozoic. WDY Woody ------------------- 35.7000 118.8433 500 8/05/52 8/27/70 Granitic rock. WRC Williams Ranch ---------- 35.2983 118.6117 430 1952 1953 "' (WWR) Whitewater -------------- 33.9918 116.6560 702 1/75 0pen-- Coachella Fanglomerate (lower member); Miocene(?). 77 CALIFORNIA--Continued Pasadena , CA INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (ADL) Mark L-loC ------------ Z 1.0 0.062 Develocorder 6000 K Magnification at 14 Hz on Geotech viewer. BAR Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 90.0 Photo paper 3 K Also has a torsion meter. --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .2 --do ------- 300 K --- BBC --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .2 "do ------- --- --- (BLU) Mark L-lsC ------------ Z 1.0 .062 Develocorder 1200 K Magnification at 14 Hz on viewer screen. (BTL) --do ----------------- 2 1.0 .062 --do -------- 3000 K Magnification at 14 Hz on viewer screen. (CFT) --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .062 --do -------- 1500 K Do. CHP --- 2 1.0 --- --- --- --- CIS Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 .033-10 Photo paper, 430 K Telemetered to Pasadena. pen and ink (CKC) --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .062 Develocorder 1500 K Magnification at 14 Hz on viewer screen. CLC Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .2 Photo paper 500 K Telemetered to Pasadena. (COQ) Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 .062 Develocorder 1200 K --- (COY) --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .062 --do -------- 1200 K --- CPE Johnson-Matheson ----- 2 1.2 .2 Photo paper, 87 K Telemetered to Pasadena pen and ink and the University of California, San Diego. CPT Benioff-MC ----------- Z 1.0 .2 Pen and ink 80 K --- (CRE) Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 2 --- --- --- CWC --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .2 Photo paper 400 K Also has torsion meters and strong-motion instruments. (DB2) Mark L-4C ------------ 2 1.0 .062 Develocorder 6000 K --- DHS --- 2 1.0 --- --- --- --- DLT Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 2 --- --- --- ECA --- Z 1.0 --- --— --- -—— ECC Strong-motion -------- --- - - --- --- --- --- instruments only. FTC Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 2 --- --- ~-- GAV Mark L-AC ------------ Z 1.0 .062 Develocorder 1200 K --- GLA Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .2 Photo paper, 360 K Also has a torsion meter. pen and ink Telemetered to Pasadena. GSC Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .2 --do -------- 1080 K Telemetered to Pasadena. --do --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 .75 Photo paper --- WSSN station. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 5.0 100.0 --do ------- 1.5 K Do. 78 INSTRUMENTATION "Continued CALIFORNIA- -Continued Pasadena , CA Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 Remarks HA1 Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.2 --- --- -__ Wood-Anderson -------- Z,NS,EV .8 --- “' '" "‘ HAV Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 --- --- -" -" HAY --do ----------------- 2 1.0 .2, Photo paper 1900 K, Signal filtered two ways. 90 p 3 K (HOT) Mark L-loC ------------ 2 1.0 .062 Develocorder 1200 K --- IKP Electrotech ---------- Z 1.0 .2 Photo paper, 166 K Telemetered to Pasadena. pen and ink IRC --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .2 Photo paper 234 K Do. ISA Benioff -------------- 2 1.0 .2 Photo paper, 2100 K Also has torsion and pen and ink strain meters. (KEE) Mark L-éC ------------ Z 1.0 .062 Develocorder 6000 K Magnification at 14 Hz on viewer screen. no Benioff -------------- z 1.0 --— --- -—- --- KRC --do ----------------- z 1.0 0.2 --- —-- --- LGC Mark L-loC ------------ Z 1.0 .033-10 Photo paper 30 K Telemetered to Pasadena. LJC_ Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 2 --- --- --- (LRR) Mark L-loC ------------ 2 1.0 .062 Develocorder 1200 K --- (MDA) --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .062 --do -------- 3000 K Magnification at 14 Hz on Geotech viewer. (MLL) -—do ----------------- Z 1.0 .062 -—do -------- 1500 K Do. MWC Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .2 Photo paper, 237 K Telemetered to Pasadena. pen and ink PAS Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 .2 Photo paper --- Z telemetered to Pasadena. --do ----------------- -Z,NS,EW 1.0 90.0 --do -------- 3 K --- Wood-Anderson---- NS,EW .8 --- --do -------- --- --- Lehner-Griffith ------ Z,NS,EW .8 --- --do -------- 4, --- 100 Press-Ewing ---------- Z,NS,EW 30.0 90.0 Photo paper, 2000, --- pen and ink 25 --- --do ----------------- Z,NS,EW --- Ultra-long (PCF) Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 .062 Develocorder 1200 K --- (PEM) --do ----------------- 2 1.0 .062 --do -------- 1200 K ——- PLM Benioff -------------- 2 1.0 .2 Photo paper, 480 K Also has torsion and pen and ink strong-motion meters. (POB) Mark L-AC ------------ Z 1.0 .062 Develocorder 1200 K --- POM --- Z 1.0 --- --- --- --- PPR --- Z 1.0 --- --- --- —-- (PSP) Mark L-AC ------------ Z 1.0 .062 Develocorder 6000 K Magnification at 14 Hz on Geotech viewer. PVR Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 2 --— --- --- (RAY) Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 .062 Develocorder 1200 K --- 79 INSTRUMENTATION--Continued CALIFORNIA-~Continued Pasadena , CA Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at To (RDM) Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 0.062 Develocorder 1200 K --- RVR Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .2 PhotOvpaper 240 K --- --do ----------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 90.0 Pen and ink 3 K --- Wood-Anderson -------- 115,129] .8 --- Photo paper 2.8 K "- Lehner-Griffith ------ Z,NS,EW .8 --- "do ------- 100 NS component also record- ed at magnification 4. SEE Ranger --------------- 2 1.0 .2 Photo paper, 800 K --- pen and ink Geotech S-13 --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 90.0 Photo paper 3 K --- SBC Benioff -------------- 2 1.0 .2 Photo paper 20 K --- Wood-Anderson -------- NS,EW .8 --- --do ------- 2.8 K --- Lehner-Griffith ------ Z,NS,EW .8 --- --do ------- 100 NS component also record- ed at magnification lo. SCI Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .2 Photo paper 90 K --- SCY --do ----------------- z 1.0 .2 --- --- --— (SDW) Mark L-loC ------------ Z 1.0 .062 Develocorder --- --- (SIL) --do ----------------- z 1.0 .062 --do -------- 1200 K --- SJQ --do ----------------- z 1.0 .033-10 Photo paper 110 K --- (SHE) ——do ----------------- 2 1.0 .062 Develocorder 6000 K Magnification at 14 Hz on Geotech viewer. (5M0) Mark L-AC ------------ 2 1.0 .062 Develocorder 1200 K “- snc Benioff -------------- z 1.0 .2 --— --— --- --do ---------- z 1.0 90.0 -~- —-- --- Wood-Anderson -------- EW .8 --- --- --- --- SNS Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .2 Develocorder --- --- (SSK) Mark L-AC ------------ Z 1.0 .062 --do -------- 1200 K --- (ssv) --do ----------------- z 1.0 .062 --do -------- 1200 K --- sun Benioff -------------- z 1.0 .2 --- -—- --- SYE --do ----------------- 2 1.0 .2 Photo paper, 90 K --- pen and ink TCC Mark L-hC ------------ 2 1.0 .033-10 Photo paper 110 K -—- (THR) --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .062 Develocorder 1200 K --- TIN Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .2 Photo paper 60 K --- --do ---------- 1.0 90.0 —-do ------- 3 K --- Wood-Anderson -------- .8 --- --do ------- 2.8 K --- 'l‘PC Electrotech ---------- Z 1.0 .2 Photo paper, 376 K --- pen and ink (TPO) Mark L-loC ------------ Z 1.0 .062 Develocorder 1200 K --- M Electrotech ---------- Z 1.0 .2 Photo paper 117 K --- Geotech 5-13 --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 90.0 Pen and ink 3 K --- (VGR) Mark L-hC ------------ Z 1.0 .062 Develocorder 1200 K --- VPD Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 .2 Photo paper 220 K --- Geotech S-13 --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 90.0 Pen and ink 3 K --- (VST) Ranger --------------- Z l. 0 . 2 Develocorder --- --- 80 CALIFORNIA--Continued Pasadena, CA INSTRUMENTATION--Continued Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification c°de Type COHIPOIIent To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 Remarks WDY Benioff -------------- z 1,0 .2 --- ___ ___ Wood-Anderson -------- Ew .8 --- ___ --- ___ “RC --- Z 1.0 --- --— --- ___ (WWR) Mark L-AC ------------ Z 1.0 .062 Develocorder 3000 K Magnification at 14 Hz on Geotech viewer. Timing system: Custom crystal clock and WWVB radio signal. System response curves: GSC--see figure 1, p. 363. Others available from station. SHORT HISTORY Along with the extensive network noted above, C.I.T. shares responsibility with the USGS for nearly 100 other stations in southern California region. C.I.T and USGS efforts are closely coordinated; and, occasionally, funding and operational respon- sibilities for various stations are exchanged. Most of the stations currently operating belong to one of three networks: L. A. Basin, C.I.T. Telemetered, and San Bernardino. L. A. Basin network comprises: CIS, IRC, MWC, PAS, SCY, SJQ, SNS, SWM, TCC, TWL, and VPD. C.I.T. Telemetered network is composed of: CLC, CPE, GLA, GSC, IKP, ISA, PLM, RVR, SBB, SCI, SYP, TPC and (VST). San Bernardino network comprises: (ADL), (BLU), (BTL), (CFT), (CKC), (COQ), (COY), (D32), (DVL), GAV, (HOT), (REE), (LRR), (um), (MLL), (Per), (Pm), (FOB), (PSP), (RM). (RM). (SDW), (SIL). (SHE). (SMO), (SSK), (SSV), (TPO), (VCR), and (M). BAR replaced LJC, part of the original C.I.T. network. CLC was installed as a temporary station but later was made permanent. CPE was installed by the University of California, San Diego. Telemetering was added by C.I.T.; the station is now shared by both institutions. (CRE) was destroyed by fire and was subsequently replaced by BBC. CHP, DHS, ECA, HAV, KNO, POM, PRR and WRC were all temporary stations. CWC replaced HA1, which was razed to enlarge the Haiwee Dam. ECC established instruments in the same room with USC&GS strong-motion instruments in order to compare the magnitude deter- mination of the instruments. GLA was one of the original telemetered stations. GSC was started as a temporary station; it was then equipped with the permanent WWSSN equipment that was moved from Palomar. HAY was originally installed in a building constructed for the purpose of housing the instrument, but was later moved to a cave-vault 330 m from the building. IKP is located in Inkopah Park, San Diego County. IRC started as a temporary installation after the San Fernando earthquake in 1971. The instruments later were transferred to a permanent, insulated steel vault. ISA was installed following the 1952 Tehachapi earthquake. It moved to a more permanent location at Isabella Dam and later to a tunnel at Frenchman's Gulch. PAS was established by Carnegie Institution of Washington, D. C. In 1937, its operation was assumed by C.I.T. and it has since become the headquarters for the C.I.T. network. Several instrument changes have been made since 1937. PLM originally had a Beniof seismometer (t =1.5 sec) and a 35-mm film recorder, which were replaced after World War II with a variety of instruments installed for a microseism study. The WWSSN equipment, now at GSC, was originally installed here. RVR recorded on-site for many years; the torsion meters still do record on-site. The three-component Benioff system was added when telemeteting began. 533 and TPC are powered by solar panels. SBC was recorded for years on paper drums, with the exception of a period when recording was done on 35-mm film for economic reasons. The Lehner-Griffith instruments were added in the 1950's. The station was maintained by the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. SCI was installed with the help of the U.S. Navy, although the installation was not completed at the time and was "reestab- lished" 2 years later. ' SNC was established in cooperation with the U.S. Navy; it was later replaced by SCI. TCC was operated in cooperation with the USGS. TIN operated with the above-stated instruments from its inception. Except for the three-component Benioff's, which were added in the late 1940's. Telemetering was used for only a short period, and currently the station records on-site and is maintained by the Department of Water and Power for the City of Los Angeles. TWL was installed after the 1971 San Fernando earthquake with a Benioff seismometer, which was later replaced with an Elect- rotech. The three-component instruments have been recently installed and are telemetered to PAS. VPD was originally part of the C.I.T.-USGS L. A. Basin network; it is now operated by C.I.T., which has added the three- component instruments. 81 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by Address: Telephone: U.S. Geological Survey and California Institute of Technology U.S. Geological Survey Seismological Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA 91125 213-795-8806 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION CALIFORNIA Pasadena, CA . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (ABL) Mount Abel --------- 34.8508 119.2208 1981 6/76 Open-- Undivided metamorphic rocks, gneiss; Precambrian. AIC (SBAI) Anacapa Island ----- 34.0133 119.4372 113 2/23/73 --do-- Volcanic basalt; Miocene. AMS Amos --------------- 33.1413 115.2542 140 3/73 --do-- Igneous and metamorphic rock complex; Precambrian. (3C2) Big Chuckwalla ----- 33.6570 115.4612 1185 11/74 --do-- Granitic gneiss; Precambrian. Mountains, No. 2. BCC (SBCC) Colson Canyon ------ 34.9413 120.1720 610 11/24/69 —-do-- Marine sediments; middle Miocene. BCD (SBCD) Casitas Dam -------- 34.3687 119.3438 213 11/71 --do-- Nonmarine sediments; Oligocene. (BCH) Branch Mountain---- 35.1850 120.0842 1140 6/76 --do-- Marine sediments; Late Cretaceous. BCL (SBCL) Casitas Lake ------- 34.4125 119.3612 111 11/24/69 8/05/71 Nonmarine sedimentary rock; Oligocene. (BCM) Big Chuckwalla ----- 33.6553 115.4480 1135 4/74 11/74 Granitic gneiss; Precambrian. Mountains. BFC Brooks Farm -------- 32.7248 115.0440 43 3/73 0pen-- Dune sand over alluvium; Quaternary. (BHM) Bighorn Mountains-- 34.2788 116.6152 1850 4/74 11/74 Quartz monzonite or related rock; Mesozoic(?). BLG (SBLG) Laguna Peak -------- 34.1145 119.0642 415 11/69 Open-- Marine sediments; middle Miocene. BLP (SBLP) Lompoc ------------- 34.5603 120.4005 134 11/69 --do-- Marine sediments; Late Cretaceous. BMM Big Maria Mountains 33.7567 114.5857 564 4/74 10/76 Granitic rock; Precambrian. (BMT) Bear Mountain ------ 35.1358 118.5968 1237 8/76 0pen-- Granite, tonalite, and diorite; Mesozoic. (BON) Bonds Corner ------- 32.6945 115.2685 14 3/73 --do-- Alluvium or lake deposits; Quaternary. BSC (SBSC) Santa Cruz Island-- 33.9947 119.6332 457 11/69 --do-- Marine sediments; middle Miocene. BSM (SBSM) San Miguel Island-- 34.0375 120.3498 172 11/69 --do-- Do. BSN (SBSN) San Nicolas Island- 33.2450 119.5067 259 3/70 --do-- Marine sediments; Pleistocene. (CAM) Camarillo Hills---- 34.2545 119.0333 268 6/15/73 --do-- Nonmarine sediments; Pliocene- Pleistocene. (CEM) Cemetery ----------- 32.7160 115.5012 -1 1/74 1/75 Lake deposits; Quaternary. 82 SITE INFORMATION--Continued CALIFORNIA--Continued Pasadena, CA . Code Station name Egzitgei (3:21;?36 (mi:::s) oggzzd clzgzd Foundation; geologic age (CJP) Conejo ------------- 34.1820 118.9865 314 6/18/73 10/75 -~- (CLI) Calipatria --------- 33.1408 115.5273 -59 11/76 0pen—- Lake deposits; Quaternary. (CLP) Clark's Peak ------- 34.0888 118.9642 545 6/18/73 10/75 Volcanic basalt; Miocene. CMH Chemehuevi --------- 34.5530 114.5720 940 2/75 0pen-- Granitic rock; Precambrian. Mountains. C02 Co:comb Mountains-- 33.8472 115.3447 276 11/74 --do-- Metasedimentary rock; Mesozoic. o. 2. COA Coachella ---------- 32.8635 115.1227 34 3/73 --do-- Alluvium; Quaternary. (COK) Cook Ranch --------- 32.8492 115.7268 -15 4/73 --do-- Lake deposits; Quaternary. COT Chocolate Mountain- 33.3048 115.3533 293 3/73 --do-- Granitic rocks; Quaternary. (COX) Coxcomb Mountains-- 33.8725 115.3280 884 4/74 11/74 Metasedimentary rocks; Mesozoic. (CPM) Copper Mountain---- 34.1540 116.1967 937 6/74 Open—- Quartzite aplite(?); Paleozoic/ Mesozoic(?). (CRG) Cracker Grade ------ 35.2422 119.7233 1204 6/76 --do-- Marine sediments; middle Miocene. CRR Carrizo ------------ 32.8863 115.9683 98 3/73 --do-- Terrace deposit (Quaternary) over nonmarine sedimentary rocks (Pliocene). (DAH) Dahlia Canal ------- 32.7345 115.5578 -6 1/74 5/76 Lake deposits; Quaternary. (DBB) Double Butte ------- 33.7350 117.0620 625 4/75 Open-- Basic intrusive; Mesozoic. (DVL) Devil Canyon ------- 34.1998 117.3282 598 12/74 11/76 Metamorphic rocks; pre-Cretaceous. EAG Eagle Mountain ----- 33.8490 115.4732 366 11/74 0pen-- Alluvium; Quaternary. (ECF) Echo Falls --------- 34.4580 119.0907 1000 11/75 --do-- Marine sediments; Eocene. (EGG) Egg Ranch ---------- 34.1325 119.1470 --- 6/16/73 7/04/73 Alluvium; Holocene. (ELR) Elmore Ranch ------- 33.1473 115.8325 ~63 11/76 Open-- Sedimentary lake deposits; Quaternary. (FNK) Frink -------------- 33.3830 115.6377 12 11/76 --do-- Do. FTC Fort Tejon --------- 34.8733 118.8933 924 8/76 --do-- Alluvium; Holocene. (GRP) Granite Pass ------- 34.8043 115.6045 1238 4/74 --do-- Granitic rock; Mesozoic. (HDG) Hidalgo Mountain--- 34.4288 116.3050 1347 4/74 --do-- Quartz monzonite or related rock; Mesozoic. (HSP) Imperial Valley---- 32.7468 115.5618 -6 1/74 5/76 Lake deposits; Quaternary. Hospital. ING Ingram Ranch ------- 32.9883 115.3102 2 3/73 0pen-- Do. (INS) Inspiration -------- 33.9356 116.1943 1700 4/74 --do-- Undivided granitic rock (Mesozoic) and gneiss (Precambrian). (IRN) Iron Mountains ----- 34.1600 115.1840 980 9/74 --do-- Metasedimentary rock; Mesozoic. (KBY) Kobayashi Ranch---- 33.0402 115.7010 -51 2/75 5/76 Lake deposits; Quaternary. (KUB) Kubber Ranch ------- 32.6868 115.5810 -2 1/74 1/75 Do. 83 SITE INFORMATION--Continued CALIFORNIA--Continued Pasadena, CA Code Station name Egzitgéi Egggi;?ge (mg:::s) 032;:d c2:::d Foundation; geologic age (KYP) Key Point ---------- 34.1018 118.8795 700 6/73 0pen-- Volcanic basalt; Miocene. (LED) Lead Mountain ------ 34.4677 115.9365 853 4/74 --do-- Andesitic rock; Miocene. (LHU) Lake Hughes -------- 34.6710 118.4113 1036 6/76 --do-- Granite and adamellite; Mesozoic. LPC (SBLC) La Cumbre Peak ----- 34.4965 119.7135 1190 11/69 --do-- Marine rocks; Eocene. (LTC) Little Chuckwalla-- 33.4890 115.0700 458 4/74 --do-- Granitic rock; Precambrian. Mountains. LTM Little Maria ------- 33.9150 114.9183 744 4/74 --do-- Metasedimentary rock; Mesozoic. Mountains. (MDA) Mount Davis -------- 33.9130 116.9995 845 1/75 --do-- Nonmarine sedimentary rocks; Pliocene. (NVR) New River ---------- 33.1017 115.6835 -69 11/76 --do-- Sedimentary lake deposits; Quaternary. OBB Obsidian Butte ----- 33.1673 115.6367 -59 4/73 --do-- Rhyolite; Holocene. OCB Ocean Bottom ------- 34.0367 119.1835 -75 6/73 10/75 Sea-floor mud. (PIC) Picacho Peak ------- 32.9142 114.6432 263 7/75 0pen-- Nonmarine sediments; Pleistocene. (PIU) Piute Mountains---- 34.7403 115.0940 1209 4/74 10/76 Gneiss and granitic rock; Precambrian. (PKM) Peak Mountain ------ 34.8958 119.8188 1704 8/76 Open-- Marine sediments; Eocene. PLT Pilot Knob --------- 32.7312 114.7293 61' 3/73 --do-- Granitic and metamorphic rocks; pre-Cenozoic. (PNM) Pinto Mountains---- 33.9773 115.8008 1148 4/74 --do-- Metasedimentary rock; Mesozoic. (PTD) Point Dume --------- 34.0042 118.8063 40 6/73 --do-- Marine sediments; late Miocene. (RMR) Rimrock ------------ 34.2128 116.5753 1702 11/74 --do-- Quartz monzonite or related rock; Mesozoic. (ROD) Rodman Mountain---- 34.6297 116.6048 1292 5/76 --do-- Nonmarine sediments; Pleistocene. (RSE) Rose Pump ---------- 32.9255 115.4992 -41 2/75 --do-- Lake deposits; pre-Cenozoic. RUN Ruthven ------------ 32.9722 114.9772 151 3/73 --do-- Nonmarine sediments; Pleistocene. (RVM) Rio Vista Mine ----- 34.1802 114.2003 243 5/77 --do-- Basaltic rocks; Quaternary. RVS Riverside Mountains 34.0347 114.5180 677 4/74 --do-- Igneous and metamorphic rock complex; Precambrian. (RYS) Reyes Peak --------- 34.6433 119.3513 1841 6/76 --do-- Marine sediments; Eocene. (SAD) Saddle Peak -------- 34.0810 118.6650 732 8/73 --do-- Intrusive basalt; Tertiary. SGL Mount Signal ------- 32.6492 115.7253 110 3/73 --do-- Nonmarine sediments; Pliocene. (SHH) Sheep Hole --------- 34.1877 115.6545 1122 4/74 --do-- Metamorphic rock; pre-Cretaceous. Mountains. (SIP) Simi Peak ---------- 34.2040 118.7990 700 6/73 --do-- Marine rocks; Late Cretaceous. SNR Schaffner Ranch---- 32.8618 115.4368 -30 3/73 --do-- Lake deposits; Quaternary. SPH San Pedro Hill ----- 33.7467 118.3347 445 7/71 3/74 Marine sediments; middle Miocene. 84 CALIFORNIA--Continued Pasadena, CA SITE INFORMATION--Continued . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age SPM Ship Mountains ----- 34.4720 115.4027 915 4/74 Open-- Granitic rocks; Mesozoic. STP Stepladder --------- 34.5712 114.8480 628 4/74 10/76 Igneous and metamorphic rock complex; Mountains. Precambrian. (SUF) Sulfur Ridge ------- 34.4097 119.2025 --- 7/13/73 8/24/73 Marine sediments; middle Miocene. (SUP) Superstition ------- 32.9552 115.8238 220 3/73 0pen-- Granitic rocks; Mesozoic. Mountain. (TMB) Temblor Range SE--- 35.0873 119.5347 1021 6/76 --do—- Marine sedimentary rock; middle Miocene. TTM Turtle Mountains--- 34.3353 114.8275 1098 4/74 --do-- Basaltic rock; Tertiary. (WEL) Well --------------- 32.7160 115.5578 -4 1/74 10/75 Lake deposits; Quaternary. WHZ Whipple Mountains-- 34.3145 114.4092 1245 10/74 Open-- Gneiss; Precambrian. No. 2. (WHP) Whipple Mountains-- 34.3070 114.4958 606 4/74 10/74 Gneiss (Precambrian) intruded by andesite dikes (Tertiary). (WIS) Wister ------------- 33.2760 115.5930 -68 11/76 0pen-- Lake deposits; Quaternary. WLK Wiest Lake --------- 33.0513 115.4907 -52 3/73 --do-- Do. (WML) Westmorland -------- 33.0152 115.6225 -44 11/76 --do-- Do. (YEG) Yeguas Mountain---- 35.4363 119.9593 939 8/76 --do-- Alluvium; Holocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Re k Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 mar S All stations Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 0.062 Develocorder Variable Telemetered to Pasadena. Timing system: WWVB recorded directly on Develocorder. System response curves: See figure 2, p. 363 SHORT HISTORY The USGS and C.I T. cooperate in funding and operation of the above-mentioned stations. C I.T. also maintains another large network in this area. The responsibility for the different networks occasionally shifts between C.I.T. and C.I.T.-USGS. These stations are grouped into five networks; Mojave, Imperial Valley, Carrizo Plain-Palmdale, Dos Cuadros, and Santa Barbara-Pt. Mugu. Mojave network comprises (B02), CMH, C02, (CPM), EAG, (GRP), (HDG), (INS), (IRN), (LED), (LTC), LTM, (PNM), (RMR), (ROD), (RVM), RVS, (SHH), SPM, TTM, and WH2. Imperial Valley network is composed of AMS, (BON), (CLI), COA, (COK), COT, CRR, (ELR), (FNK), ING, (NWR), OBB, PLT, RUN, SGL, SNR, (SUP), (WIS), WLK, (WML), and (FTM) Arizona, (LGA) Arizona, (SLU) Arizona, and (YMD) Arizona. Carrizo Plain-Palmdale network consists of (ABL), (BCH), (EMT), (CRG), FTC, (LHU), (PKM), (RYS), (TMB), and (YEG). ( Santa Barbara-Pt. Mugu network comprises AIC, BCC, BCD, BLG, BLP, BSC, BSM, BSN, (CAM), (ECF), (KYP), LPC, (PTD), (SAD), and SIP). FTC began operation in November 1952. This station ran until it was closed in the 1960's. The present location is nearly identical to that of the old station. C.I.T. and the USGS publish frequent reports on the data collected through their several networks. 85 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Theosophical Universit Address: Theosophical Universit Point Loma, CA (Obsolete) Address to obtain records: CALIFORNIA Point Loma, CA Y y--Closed Unknown. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age Point Loma -------------- 32.7167 117.2500 91 1906 Closed Eolian hard pan on sandstone. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 West astatic pendulum NS,EW Custom instrument---- Z Timing system: Unknown. System response curves: Not available. 86 CALIFORNIA Sacramento, CA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: California Department of Water Resources Address: California Department of Water Resources Earthquake Engineering Office, Rm 216-4 1416 9th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: 916-445-8064 Address to obtain records: As above. SLD records for 1965-70 also available from: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION Code Station name %:::t§?; Egzgi;?ge (mi:::s) oBZEZd c?:::d Foundation; geologic age CED Cedar Springs ----------- 34.2772 117.3342 1067 3/65 7/67 --- (CSL) Crestline --------------- 34.2497 117.2783 1490 4/71 0pen-- Granitic rock; Mesozoic. CSP Cedar Springs ----------- 34.2980 117.3574 1268 7/69 --do-- Do. FEA Feather Falls ----------- 39.6191 121.2457 1227 6/66 1/69 Metavolcanics; Triassic. KRK Kanaka Peak ------------- 39.5833 121.3053 889 1/69 0pen-- Granitic rock; Mesozoic. MGL Magalia ----------------- 39.8117 121.5575 1010 6/66 --do-— Ultrabasic intrusive rock; Mesozoic. (MRD) Mojave River Dam -------- 34.6757 117.2408 969 1/72 --do-- Granitic rock; Mesozoic. ORV Oroville ---------------- 39.5556 121.2167 362 8/63 --do-- Metavolcanics; Mesozoic. PAM Palermo ----------------- 39.4488 121.5197 130 1/76 --do-- --- PEC Perris ------------------ 33.8919 117.1607 616 1/70 --do-- Granitic rock; Mesozoic. PYR Pyramid ----------------- 34.5680 118.7411 1247 7/69 --do-- Granitic rock, tonalite, diorite; Mesozoic. SLD San Luis Dam ------------ 37.0747 121.2206 443 11/65 --do-- Franciscan Formation; Jurassic to . Eocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type. Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 CED Benioff -------------- z 1.0 --- Photo paper --- --- (CSL), KPK, MGL, (MRD): Teledyne SD-210 ------ Z 1.0 --- Develocorder --- Telemetered to Sacramento. CSP Sprengnether S-7000-- Z 1.0 --- e—do ———————— --- Do. FEA Ranger --------------- 2 1.0 --- Photo paper --- --— 87 CALIFORNIA--Continued Sacramento, CA INSTRUMENTATION--Continued Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 ORV Benioff 1051, 1101--- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Develocorder --- Telemetered to Sacramento. Geotech 7505, 8700A-- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- -—do -------- --- Do. PAM Ranger --------------- Z 1.0 --- --do -------- --- Do. PEC, PYR: Sprengnether S-7000-- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do -------- --- Do. SLD Benioff 4681A -------- Z 1.0 .2 --do -------- 100 K, 3 K Telemetered to Sacramento. Two instruments run at different magnifications. Benioff 6102A -------- NS,EW 1.0 .2 --do -------- 100 K Telemetered to Sacramento. Timing system: All telemetered stations use an Astrodata 6190 time-code generator and WWVB, recorded directly. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY FEA, MGL, ORV, and SLD were initiated by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in conjunction with dam-building at each of the sites. The UGC&GS installed the equipment under a special arrangement with the Bureau. The USC&GS continued to run the stations until the Bureau no longer required the stations, at which time the stations were given to the California Department of Water Resources in 1968. Telemetering of these stations began at that time. JAS is funded by the Department of Water Resources and is run jointly with the University of California, Berkeley. 88 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: San Bernardino Valley College Department of Geology San Bernardino Valley College 701 South Mt. Vernon Ave. San Bernardino, CA 92403 714-885-0231 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION As above. CALIFORNIA San Bernardino, CA . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (SBVC) San Bernardino ---------- 34.0881 117.3105 319 1/72 Open-- Alluvium; Quaternary. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (SBVC) Geotech 4681, 6102--- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Pen and ink 3.5 K --- Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY Sprengnether TS-100 checked with WWVB. Not available. Interest in Seismology at the College was sparked by the proximity of the campus to the San Jacinto and San Andreas faults. 89 CALIFORNIA San Diego, CA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: San Diego State University Address: Department of Geological Sciences 5300 Campanile Drive San Diego State University San Diego, CA 92182 Telephone: 716-286-5586 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age SND San Diego --------------- 32.7772 117.0681 125 8/64 Open Poway Group (conglomerate); Tertiary. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 5ND Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 90 Helicorder 230 K Magnification at A0 sec. --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .2 --do ------ 7 5 K Magnification at 1 sec. Timing system: Custom quartz crystal clock with WV recorded on the records. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY SN'D was established as a teaching station as well as a serious scientific tool. 90 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of California, San Diego Address: University of California, San Diego San Diego, CA 92110 Telephone: 714-452-2890 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics CALIFORNIA San Diego, CA . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ' . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (LJC) La Jolla ---------------- 32.8633 117.2533 8 1927 Open-- Consolidated alluvium; Eocene. (PFO) Pinyon Flat Observatory- 33.6092 116.4553 1280 3/71 --do-- Granite; Mesozoic. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar S LJC Press-Ewing ---------- Z,NS,EW 10.0 --- Pen and ink-- --- Station run mainly for demonstration. PFO --do ----------------- Z,NS,EW 10.0 --- Magnetic tape --- --- Timing system: Custom clock checked with WWV. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY LJC was established by Carnegie Institution of Washington and Scripps Institute of Oceanography with two horizontal Wood- Anderson's. The station ran under the auspices of C.I.T. until May 1952. and is currently run by the University of California, San Diego. PFO also operates a three-component laser strainmeter, modified LaCoste~Romberg gravimeter, superconducting gravimeter, and several tiltmeters. It was reinstated at a slightly different location 91 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Golden Gate Park Address: Natural Science Curato M Josephine D. Randall Junior Museum 199 Museum Way San Francisco, CA 941 Telephone: 415-863-1399 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION r 14 CALIFORNIA San Francisco, CA . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age SFN San Francisco ----------- 37.7644 122.4369 103 1969 Open--‘ Franciscan Formation (chert); Jurassic to Eocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rem k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 at S SFH Bosch-Omori ---------- Z --- --- Smoked paper -—- Telemetered to San Francisco State Uni- versity and recorded on Helicorder. Wilson—Lamison ------- NS --- --- Pen and ink --- Do. Timing system: Chronometer checked with WWV. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY The instruments are used principally for d 92 isplay. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Santa Clara Ricard Memorial 0bservatory--Currently closed CALIFORNIA Santa Clara, CA Address: University of Santa Clara Santa Clara, CA 95053 Telephone: 408-984-4533 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N,) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age SCL Santa Clara (Ricard)---- 37.3500 121.9500 28 1909 mid-1950's Sand and gravel. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 SCL Weichert ------------- Z,NS,EW --- --— Photo paper --- --- Galitzin-Wilip- - Z,NS,EW --- --- --do ------- --- --- Wood-Anderson -------- NS,EW 1.0 --- —-do ------- --- --- Timing system: Weichert clock. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY The station had only the Weichert instruments when it began under the direction of Jerome S. Ricard. to the Jesuit Seismological Association Bulleti Data were contributed n. The station is currently inoperative, although it still has the instruments. Scientific research is no longer conducted in the building where the instruments are kept. 93 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: CALIFORNIA Ukiah, CA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for the U.S. Geological Survey Latitude Observatory 432 Observatory Avenue Ukiah, CA 95428 707-462-2208 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION Records through 1974: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 Records since 1974: National Earthquake Information Service Stop 967, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age UKI Ukiah ------------------- 39.1372 123.2106 199 9/31 Open-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 UKI McComb-Romberg ------- NS,EW 11 1.652 Photo paper --- --- Wilson-Lamison ------- Z --- --- -—do ------- ——- --- Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY Latitude Observatory was originally equipped with Bosch-Omori instruments installed by the USC&GS. Romberg instruments were installed; they were followed by installation of the Wilson-Lamison in 1956. Quartz crystal chronometer checked with WWV daily. Not available. In 1953, the McComb- The University of California at Berkeley assisted in these installations and, in 1965, installed a Benioff vertical instrument; it was removed in 1973. 94 CALIFORNIA Albuquerque, NM GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Sandia Laboratories Address: Sandia Laboratories Albuquerque, NM 37115 Telephone: 505-264-1468 Address to obtain records: Not generally available. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age DAC Darwin ------------------ 36.2770 117.5937 1433 6/60 Open-- Keeler Canyon Formation (limestone); Pennsylvanian and Permian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R marks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 e DAC Benioff 1051 --------- OZ 0 1.0 012 Magnetic tape Variable --- Benioff 1101 --------- 540,144 0 1.0 .2 --do --------- —-do---- --- NGC~23H -------------- 53.5 ,143.5 .8 --- --do---- -—- NGCeZ3V -------------- Z .8 --- --do---- --- Timing system: IRIG recorded directly at central recording site. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY This station is part of a network surrounding the Nevada Test Site. It is used for recording scheduled explosions and does not operate all the time. It is controlled remotely from the test site and is sometimes recorded by the USGS in Las Vegas. Data are not available to the public. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Telephone: Telex: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 214-271-2561 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION CALIFORNIA Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (BF-CL) Bakersfield ------------- 35.6481 118.8575 567 10/28/61 11/06/61 Granite. 1/08/62 4/23/62 4/19/63 7/09/63 4/15/68 4/26/68 (BP-CL) Bishop ------------------ 37.3600 118.6903 2317 4/16/63 7/18/63 Metamorphics. 8/27/66 9/09/66 4/13/68 4/26/68 8/29/69 10/10/69 5/08/73 5/22/73 (GP—CL) Campo ------------------- 32.7289 116.371] 1189 10/10/61 3/01/64 Granitic batholith; Mesozoic. 10/26/65 11/13/65 2/26/66 3/12/66 8/01/67 8/06/67 4/18/68 4/26/68 (DV-CL) Death Valley ------------ 35.8333 116.1017 792 12/29/61 1/20/62 Metamorphics. (KM-CL) Kramer ------------------ 34.88]1 117.2567 853 4/29/63 7/10/63 Dolomite. 1/14/64 3/21/64 2/25/66 3/12/66 4/15/68 4/26/68 (MLlCL) Mono Lake --------------- 37.8806 118.8494 2512 8/22/66 8/26/66 --- (MLZCL) --do -------------------- 38.0806 119.2442 2987 8/24/66 9/09/66 Shale. (ML3CL) --d0 -------------------- 37.5494 118.8153 2512 8/25/66 9/09/66 Sandstone. (ML4CL) --do -------------------- 38.3058 119.5536 2195 8/23/66 9/09/66 Granodiorite. (NV-CL) Marysville -------------- 39.2131 121.2931 183 10/18/61 3/10/64 Volcanics. 3/01/66 3/12/66 (ND-CL) Needles ----------------- 34.5992 115.5514 366 4/17/63 6/07/63 Metamorphics. 4/11/68 4/26/68 (TF-CL) Taft -------------------- 35.1636 119.9675 793 5/23/62 5/12/63 Folded sandstone; Cretaceous. 10/24/65 11/13/65 (TN—CL) Twentynine Palms -------- 34.1983 115.9500 533 2/01/62 5/03/62 Limestone. (YR-CL) Yreka ------------------- 41.6353 122.7539 914 10/25/65 11/13/65 --- 8/01/67 10/06/67 8/30/68 9/09/68 96 CALIFORNIA--Continued Garland, TX INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (BF-CL), (BP—CL), (CP-CL) (lst, 2d, and 4th oper.), (KM-CL), (NV-CL), (ND-CL), (TF-CL), (YR-CL): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- _ Magnetic tape, (BF-CL): 450 K --- 35-mm film. (BF-CL): 120 K (CF-CL): 215 K (KM-CL): 500 K (NV-CL): 225 K I (ND-CL): 150 K (TF-CL) (2d oper.): 120 K (YR-CL): 246 K Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do -------- --- --- (BF-CL) (2d oper.), (DV-CL), (TN-CL): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do -------- (DV-CL): 440 K --- (TN-CL): 250 K (BF-CL) (4th oper.), (BP-CL) (last 3 oper.), (CP-CL) (3d and 5th oper.), (KM—CL) (last 2 oper.), (NV-CL) (2d oper.), (ND-CL) (2d oper.), (YR-CL) (3d oper.): Geotech S-l3---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape (BF-CL): 450 K Portable system. (CP-CL): 215 K (KM-CL): 500 K (NV—CL): 225 K (ND-CL): 150 K Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 -‘- -‘do --------- --- Do. (BF-CL) (2d oper.), (MLICL), (HLZCL), (ML3CL), (ML4CL): Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do --------- (MLZCL): 280 K Do. (MLBCL): 300 K (MLACL): 250 K Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 97 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of‘Columbia University Address: Department of Seismology Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Columbia University Palisades, NY 10964 Telephone: 914-359-2900 Address to obtain records: CALIFORNIA Palisades, NY As above. SITE INFORMATION ‘ Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age OBS Ocean Bottom ------------ 38.1533 124.9067 -3840 1966 1972 - Seismometer. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 OBS --- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- -—- --- Recorded on shore. ' --- Z,NS,EW 15.0 --- --- --- Do. Timing system: Not available. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY This experimental ocean-bottom system was operated remotely from shore. 98 GENERAL I N'FORMAT I 0N Operated by: University of Nevada Address: Seismology Laboratory Mackay School of Mines University of Nevada Reno, NV 89507 Telephone: 702-784-4975 Address to obtain records: CALIFORNIA Reno , NV As above. SITE INFORMATION , Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . , Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (AVC) Adobe Valley ------------ 37.9160 118.7325 2225 7/75 Open-- Granite. HBM Hobart Mills ------------ 39.4017 120. 1533 1804 - 4/73 Volcanics. HBT --do -------------------- 39.4267 120.1633 1804 4/73 0pen-- Do. KBF Kyburz Flat ------------- 39.5068 120.2118 2079 4/73 --do-- Do. MPK Martis Peak ------------- 39.2957 120.0302 2484 4/73 --do-- Granite. TNK Tinkers Knob ------------ 39.2675 120.2358 2438 4/73 --do-- Do. VPK Verdi Peak -------------- 39.4747 120.0373 2469 4/73 --do-- Volcanics. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar S A11 stations Mark L-4C ------------ 2 1.0 --- Magnetic tape Variable Telemetered to Reno. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-210 digital chronometer. System response curves: See figure 2, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY These stations are used for local seismicity studies. 99 CALIFORNIA Washington, DC GENERAL INFORHATION Operated by: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation AddreSs: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Washington, DC (Obsolete) Address to obtain records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NOAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ' . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age SHS Shasta Dam -------------- 40.6950 122.3883 312 7/42 1953 Copley Greenstone (meta-andesite); Devonian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remark Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at To 5 SHS Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.5 --- 35-mm film --- --- Timing system: Chronometer with WWV, automatically checked several times a day. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY SHS was part of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation‘s "Central Valley" project. It is just below the confluence of the Sacramento and Fit Rivers near Reading, Calif. 100 COLORADO Boulder, CO GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Address: NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 Telephone: 303-499-1000 Address to obtain records: U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Global Seismology Stop 968, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 SITE INFORMATION Code Station name Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date Foundation' eolo ic a e (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed ’ g g 8 (ALC) Alamosa ----------------- 37.4800 105.8500 --- 1970 11/72 --- CGC Craig ------------------- 40.5233 107.5500 1925 1970 11/72 --- DGC Durango ----------------- 37.2500 107.8833 2340 1970 11/72 --- EGC Eagle ------------------- 39.6525 106.8281 2010 1970 11/72 --- NRC Montrose ---------------- 38.4701 107.8600 1790 1970 11/72 --- TDC Trinidad ---------------- 37.2536 104.3347 1750 1970 11/72 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at TO All stations Sprengnether or ------ 2 1.0 --- Pen and ink --- Three stations tele- Johnson-Matheson. metered to Boulder. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-llo. System response curves: Uncalibrated. SHORT HISTORY This array was used to study the crustal and upper mantle structure of Colorado. 101 COLORADO Boulder, CO GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Colorado Address: Department of Geology University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80302 Telephone: 303-492-8141 1 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Dbte . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age 1 ECU Boulder ----------------- 40.0083 105.2708 1654 12/53 1959 Pierre Shale; Cretaceous. 10/65 1968 \ INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 BOU Benioff MC ----------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- 35--mm f 1m 30 K When station reactivated, used photo paper. UED ------------------ Z,NS,EW 1.5 --- Pen and ink --- Operated only for a short time. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-lOO. System response curves: Available with records. SHORT HISTORY ‘ BOU operated from 1954 to 1959; it was then reactivated in 1965 to monitor theJDerby earthquakes. The Benioff seismometer is not the standard variable-reluctance type, but is a moving coil version develope by Benioff before he developed the instru- ment commonly called the "Benioff" seismometer. The NEIC also ran a station across the street from BOU from mid-1972 to August‘1974. 102 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Regis College Address: Regis College 50th and Lowell Eenver, CO 80221 Telephone: 303-433-8471 Address to obtain records: As above. Until 1964, only records with earthquakes on them were preserved. SITE INFORMATION COLORADO Denver, CO . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age DEN Denver ------------------ 39.7917 105.0333 1655 8/1909 0pen-- Partially consolidated shale (Denver Formation). INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s DEN Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 1.0 Photo paper 40 K Also recorded on Heli- corder (magnification 80 K). --do ----------------- Z,NS,EW 25.0 30.0 --do ------- 4 K Do. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-IOO Chronometer timed with WWVB. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY The Jesuit Seismological Association started DEN in 1909 with a Wiechert. 1946 (20-sec NS,EW). Newer models (long- and short-period) were installed in 1963. Jesuit Seismological Association Report. Long-period Sprengnethers were installed in The station contributes data to the 103 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Service Stop 967, Box 25046 Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 Telephone: 303-234-3994 Address to obtain records: GLD records kept at: National Earthquake Information Service Stop 967, Box 25046 Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 RBC records kept at: Environmental Research Laboratories 3060 South Highland Drive Las Vegas, NV 89109 SITE INFORMATION COLORADO Denver, CO U.S. Geological Survey Engineejing Geology Branch Stop 90 , Box 25046 Denver Federal Center Denver,‘C0 80225 303-234-3721 SIG recflrds kept at: Colorado School of Mines Green enter Golden, CO 80401 SMC recohds kept at: U.S. Geological Survey Engineering Geology Branch Stop 903, Box 25046 Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age GLD Golden ------------------ 39.7506 105.2214 1762 1974 Open-- Denver and Arapahoe Formations; Cretaceous and Tertiary. RBC Rio Blanco -------------- 39.8425 108.3922 1996 1/73 12/73 --- SIG South Ingalls ----------- 39.6878 105.0647 --— --- 8/65 --- SMC Somerset ---------------- 38.9333 107.4578 1905 7/69 0pen-- Mesaverde Formation (sandstone); Late Cretaceous. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 GLD Wilson-Lamison ------- Z 1.2 --- Helicorder 25 K --~ EV-300 --------------- 2 15.0 --- --do ------ 540 --- RBC --- --- - - --- --- --- Temporary stations set up in an array. SIG --- --- - - --- Pen and ink --- --- SMC Mark L-4 ------------- Z 1.5 --- Magnetic tape --- --- 104 COLORADO--Continued Denver, CO Timing system: GLD uses a Teledyne-Geotech TG-IZO digital timing system. SMC uses an electronic chronometer synchronized with WWV. System response curves: GLD--available from station. SHORT HISTORY NEIS moved from Boulder to Golden, Colo., in August 1974 and established the GLD site using instruments from the Boulder site. (See Colorado, Boulder, CO Short History). Colorado School of Mines also runs instruments at GLD; they are used chiefly for display. RBC was instituted as an array to monitor an atomic explosion designed to release natural gas. SIG was operated informally by Jerry Eaton, a USGS employee, in his back yard. NEIS telemeters data from selected stations run by the following organizations: California Department of Water Resources California Institute of Technology Delaware Geological Survey Ford Aerospace and Communications Corporation Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Lawrence Livermore Laboratory St. Louis University University of California, Berkeley University of Connecticut University of Nevada University of Utah University of Washington U.S. Air Force, Patrick AFB USGS in Arizona, California, New Mexico, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Washington Weston Observatory 105 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Colorado School of Mines COLORADO Go lden, C0 Address: Geophysics Department Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO 80401 Telephone: 303-279—0300 ext. 262 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age GOL Golden (Bergen --------- 39.7003 105.3711 2359 12/21/61 Open-- Schists and gneiss, Idaho Springs Park). Formation; Precambrian. 1100 Headquarters ----------- 39.5583 105.0792 1683 1/73 11/30/76 Alluvium; Quaternary. HLR Highlands Ranch -------- 39.5372 104.9744 1782 1/73 11/30/76 Denver and Arapahoe Formations; Cretaceous and Tertiary. (TLD) Tule Lake Drive -------- 39.6139 105.0497 1663 1/73 11/30/76 Do. WTC (MMV) Waterton (Martin ------- 39.5143 105.1375 1987 1/73 11/30/76 Schist and gneiss, Idaho Springs Marietta Vault). Formation; Precambrian. (WTN) Waterton --------------- 39.4994 105.0875 1668 1/73 11/30/76 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 GOL Benioff 1051 --------- Z 1.0 0.75 Photo paper 200 K WSSN. Magnification increases to 400 K during the summer. Benioff 1101 --------- NS,EW 1.0 .75 --do ------- 200 K Do. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 30.0 100.0 --do ------- 1.5 K WSSN. Magnification at 15 sec. Wood-Anderson -------- NS,EW .8 --- --do ------- 2.8 K Nonstandard instrument. HDQ Geotech 18300 -------- Z 1.0 .0625 Microfilm 500 K Telemetered to GLD. Mag- ' nification at 0.1 sec. HLR --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .0625 --do ----- 1500 K Do. TLD --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .0625 —-do ----- 1500 K Do. WTC --do ----------------- 2 1.0 .0625 --do ----- 2500 K Do. VI'N --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .0625 --do ----- 250 K Do. 106 COLORADO--Continued Golden, CO Timing system: GOL uses a WWSSN standard. All other stations used a General Radio Corporation type 11038 Synchronometer in conjunction with a modified Sprengnether TS-IOO clock. System response curves: GOL--see figure 1, p.363.(Note: Long-period WWSSN instrument not standardized to 15.0-sec period.) Others available from station. SHORT HISTORY GOL was started with the establishment of the WWSSN System. The station possesses the most inclusive library available for the earthquakes in the vicinity of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal Disposal Well in northeast Denver (Derby). HDQ, HLR, TLD, WTC, and WTN were all part of the Chatfield Network, which was constructed under contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers beginning in September 1972. 107 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Chevron Oil Company Address: Chevron Oil Company Rangely Oil Field Rangely, CO 81648 Telephone: 303-675-2244 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION COLORADO Rangely, CO . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age RGC Rangely ----------------- 40.1042 108.9270 1610 2/1/75 0pen-- Mancos Shale; Cretaceous. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 RGC Mark L-4 ------------- 2 1.0 --- Pen and ink --- An array of three in- struments within a radius of 5 km. Timing system: Clock set daily by WWV. System response curves: Not availablei SHORT HISTORY Field seismometers were installed in Rangely by the USGS for installed the present recording equipment. 108 experiments. When the tests were completed, Chevron COLORADO Trinidad, co GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Trinidad State Junior College Department of Science and Mathematics Trinidad State Junior College Trinidad, CO 81082 303-846-5516 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date , . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age TJC Trinidad State ---------- 37.2169 104.6912 2103 10/65 0pen-— Poison Canyon Formation (lower Junior College. beds); Paleocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 TJC Benioff 6102A -------- 2 1.0 5.0 35-mm film 100 K —-— Benioff 4681A -------- NS,EW 1.0 5.0 --do ------ -—- --- Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 30.0 --do ------ --- -—- Timing system: Geotech model 5400A. System response curves: SHORT HISTORY TJC opened in Boncarbo, 6010., under supervision of the USGS Seismology Branch, headquartered in Denver. maintenance personnel were then and are still supplied by Trinidad State Junior College, located in Trinidad. the project was supplied by Colorado School of Mines, located at Golden, for the first 2 years. from the State of Colorado. Available from station. Operating and Funding for Present funding is received COLORADO Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (DR-CO) Durango ----------------- 37.4647 107.7833 2225 10/01/61 12/30/64 Granitic basement; Precambrian. (FK-CO) Franktown --------------- 39.5867 104.4617 1803 11/17/66 6/26/67 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 (DR-CO), (PK-CO): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, DR-CO: 350 K --- 35-mm film. Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do ---------- --- --- Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seia-ic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 110 COLORADO Menlo Park, CA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey National Center for Earthquake Research 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 Telephone: 415-323-8111 ext. 2632 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION Code Station name I632??? 1232551.]? (“1335) 03:3; c282; Foundation; geologic age (COB) Coal Oil Basin ---------- 40.0987 108.8995 1643 11/69 11/73 "‘ (DDG) Dead Dog ---------------- 40.1445 108.8215 1831 10/69 3/74 --- (DI-1V) Downhole ---------------- 40.0975 108.8735 --- 5/70 12/72 --- (DHS) --do -------------------- 40.0935 108.9037 1661 5/71 11/73 --- (DPN) Douglas Pass North ------ 40.0612 108.7837 1795 9/69 3/74 --- (DPS) Douglas Pass South ------ 40.0117 108.7787 1725 9/69 11/73 --- (HDW) Hardaway ---------------- 40.0737 108.9567 1868 10/69 3/74 —-- (LGD) Little Gillan Draw ------ 40.0903 108.7278 1679 6/69 3/74 --- (MEL) Melon Hill -------------- 40.1552 108.9395 1722 5/70 11/73 --- (ONE) One --------------------- 40.0845 108.8962 1652 9/69 3/74 —-- (RAD) Radio ------------------- 40.1270 108.9492 1856 9/69 3/74 --- (RDG) Ridge ------------------- 40.1042 108.9270 1768 9/69 3/74 --— (RVR) Raven Ridge ------------- 40.0813 108.9222 1649 9/69 3/74 --- (SEC) Section ----------------- 40.0983 108.9143 1687 9/69 12/72 --- (SHV) Shavetail --------------- 40.0160 108.8975 1916 10/69 3/74 --- (SIX) Six --------------------- 40.0878 108.8775 1616 9/69 3/74 --- (SWC) stinking Water ---------- 40.0975 108.8735 1617 5/70 11/73 --- (TXC) Texas Camp -------------- 40.0962 108.8825 1632 9/69 12/72 _ --- COLORADO--Continued Henlo Park, CA INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rema k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 r 5 All stations Mark L-AC ------------ Z 1.0 --- Develocorder, --- --- magnetic tape. Timing system: Custom clock with WWVB also recorded. System response curves: See figure 2, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY This network was established to monitor the effect of fluid injection on the Rangely Oil Field. network was turned over to Chevron Oil Company when the study was complete. (DHV) also had a horizontal seismometer which was recorded under the code DHH. (MEL) and (RDG) were also recorded at low gain and these records were designated by NHL and RDL, respectively. 112 A small part of the CONNECTICUT Hartford, CT GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Trinity College Address: Science Department Trinity College Hartford, CT Telephone: 203-527-3151 Address to obtain records: Unknown SITE INFORMATION , Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age HAR Hartford ---------------- 41.7500 72.6833 --- 1947 1954 -~- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s HAR Linehan-Arringdale—-- Z,NS,EW --- --- —-- --- -—- Timing system: Not available. System response curves: Not available. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Yale University Address: Seismograph Station--Closed Peabody Museum Yale University .New Haven, CT (Obsolete) Address to obtain records: No longer exist . SITE INFORMATION CONNECTICUT New Haven , CT , Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age N'IIC New Haven --------------- 41.3167 72.9000 11 1925 Closed Sandstone. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 NHC Bosch-Omori ---------- NS,EW --- --- --- ~-- --- Tiling systel: Not available. System response curves: Not available. 114 CONNECTICUT Weston, HA jggggggg IIIOIIATIOH Operated by: _ Heston Observatory, Boston College Address: V V Weston Observatory Concord Road Weston, EA 02193 Telephone: 617-899-0950 .Addreu to obtain records: As above . SITE INFORMATION Code Station name 1232;??? 32:13.13“: (“2:38) 03;: d 32:; Foundation; geologic age APT Avery Point ------------- 41.3160 72.0639 3 1/07/72 6/10/77 Stonington Gneiss of Martin (1925)1; Paleozoic. BCT Brookfield -------------- 41.4933 73.3839 69 6/10/75 Open" Brookfield Diorite Gneiss of Gregory (1906)2; early Paleozoic. BPT Bridgeport -------------- 41.2221 73.2422 83 1/07/72 6/10/77 Straits Schist; Paleozoic. CPL Chaplin ----------------- 41.7890 72.1073 161 1/19/72 7/23/74 Eastford Gneiss; Devonian or Silurian. ECT Ellsworth --------------- 41.8346 73.4113 342 1/28/76 Open" Granite schist; Paleozoic. BDH Haddam ------------------ 41.4858 72.5232 24 12/23/74 --do-- Haddam Granite Gneiss;'Paleozoic. NSC North Stonington -------- 41.4807 71.8516 110 6/27/77 --do-- Hetavolcanics and gneiss; Ordovician. TNT Talcott Mountain -------- 41.8114 72.7989 290 1/07/72 6/10/77 Holyoke Basalt; Triassic. UCT University of ----------- 41.8317 72.2506 149 11/05/74 Open“ Brimfield Schist; Ordovician or older. Connecticut (Storrs) . 1Martin, L. H. 1925, Geology of the Stonington region, Connecticut: Connecticut Geol. and Nat. History Survey Bull. 33, 70 p. zGregory, H. 13., 1906, The Crystalline rocks of Connecticut: Connecticut Geol. and Nat. History Survey Bull. 6, p. 39-156. INSTRUHENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Re k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To mar S APT Benioff -------------- 2 1.0 --- Develocorder 1.68 K --- Geotech 5-13 --------- Z 1.0 --- r-do -------- 100 K --- BCT Geotech S-13 --------- 2 1.0 --- --do -------- 100 K Telemetered to WES. 1m --do ----------------- z 1.0 --- --do -------- 75 K Do. CPL --do ----------------- z 1.0 --- --do -------- 130 K Do. ECT --do ----------------- z 1.0 --- --do -------- 150 K Do. 115 CONNECTICUT--Continued Weston, HA INSTRUMENTATION--Continued Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R a k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 em r s HDM Geotech S-l3 --------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder 100 K Telemetered to WES. NSC Hall-Sears 10 -------- 2 1.0 --- --do -------- 100 K Do. TMT Geotech 5-13 --------- Z 1.0 --- --do -------- 100 K Do. UCT --do ----------------- 2 1.0 --- --do -------- 100 K Do. Timing system: WWSSN standard added at WES. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY This network was owned and operated by the University of Connecticut and was temporarily based at Avery Point between January 1977 and June 1977. The ownership and operation of the network were assumed by Weston Observatory in June 1977. APT had minor instrument changes throughout its operation. BPT was moved less than 30 m in June 1975 to reduce the higher frequency background noise. CPL was moved slightly in January 1973 and burned down on July 23, 1974. TMT is located at Talcott Mountain Science Center. The Observatory contributes data to the Northeastern United States Seismic Network bulletin. 116 DELAWARE Newark, DE GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Delaware Geological Survey Address: Delaware Geological Survey 101 Penny Hall University of Delaware Newark, DE 19711 Telephone: 302-738-2833 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (BBD) Blackbird State --------- 39.3461 75.6767 18 1/01/77 Open-- Columbia Group; Pleistocene. Forest. GTD Georgetown -------------- 38.7414 75.4144 15 1/01/77 --do-- Do. NED Newark ------------------ 39.7042 75.7082 47 11/19/70 --do-- Weathered gneiss; early Paleozoic. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 (BBD) Hall-Sears ----------- Z 1.0 --— Pen and ink Uncalibrated --- GTD --do ----------------- Z 1.0 --— --do ------- —-do -------- --‘ NED Geotech 18300 -------- Z 1.0 ——- Helicorder 15 K --- Timing system: Teledyne Geotech llO, transistorized, quartz-crystal controlled. Operates from a 12-V DC battery maintained by a trickle charger. System resPonse curvesz NED—~avai1able from station. SHORT HISTORY NED began with a vertical-component instrument in November 1970 at 101 Penny Hall. About a year later, the sensor was moved approximately 3 km away and telemetered to the University. Telemetry equipment was converted to solar power and batteries in November 1974. The station was out of operation for several weeks in late summer-early fall 1974 due to lightening damage. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Georgetown University Address: Physics Department Room 506, Reiss Science Georgetown University 37th & O Streets, N.W. Washington, DC 20057 Telephone: 202-625-4144 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington, DC . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age GEO Georgetown -------------- 38.9000 77.0667 29 1911 Open-- Diorite; Precambrian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 GEO Benioff 1051 --------- 2 1.0 0.75 Photo paper 25 K WWSSN. Benioff 1101 --------- NS,EW 1.0 .75 --do ------- 25 K Do. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 --do ------- 750 Do. Timing system: WWSSN standard. System response curves: See figure 1, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY The founder and first director was Rev. Francis A. Tondorf, S.J., who initiated the station's operation in 1911. joined WWSSN in 1961. 118 GEO GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Carnegie Institution of Washington Carnegie Institution of Washington 5241 Broadbranch Road, N.W. Washington, DC 20015 202-966-0863 Address to obtain records: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington, DC Unknown. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code - Station nane (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BED Bald Eagle -------------- 38.8200 77.0089 --- —-- Closed --— DTM Carnegie Institute ------ 38.9567 77.0644 67 --- --do—- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s Both stations Tiling system: Not available. System response curves: Not available. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Rockville, MD National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) Address: National Earthquake Information Center--Closed Washington Science Center Rockville, MD (Obsolete) Telephone: None Address to obtain records: NRL records not available. SITE INFORMATION WAS records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . , Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age NRL Naval Research ---------- 38.8333 77.0833 0 1953 1972 --- Laboratory. WAS Washington -------------- 38.8925 77.0331 1 1909 1969 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 Both stations Johnson-Matheson ----- Z 1. --- Helicorder Uncalibrated NRL telemetered to WSC. Timing system: Sprengnether clock checked with WWV. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY NRL was owned and operated by the U.S. Bureau of Standards. it on Helicorder. sequently discarded. WAS was located in the Commerce Building, 14th and Constitution, and was on display in the lobby. USC&GS moved its headquarters to the Washington Science Center. 120 In 1967, NEIC began telemetering this station and recorded The U.S. Bureau of Standards recorded their stations on Develocorder film, but this set of records was sub- It closed when the (See WSC). FLORIDA Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (BE-FL) Belleview --------------- 28.9053 82.0644 21 10/07/65 1/16/67 Limestone. 1/17/68 1/19/68 8/21/69 10/10/69 9/23/71 11/09/71 5/07/73 5/22/73 (OR-FL) Orlando ----------------- 28.4669 81.2214 20 5/14/63 9/15/63 Unconsolidated sand. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (BE-FL), (OR-FL): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (BE-FL): 25 K --- 35-mm film. Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do ---------- --- --- (BE-FL) (last 4 oper.): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do --------- --- Do. (OR-FL): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 ~-- Magnetic tape, (OR-FL): 40 K --- 35-mm film. Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (50-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3. p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 121 FLORIDA Washington, DC GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Department of the Navy Address: Office of Naval Research U.S. Department of the Navy Washington, DC 20375 Address to obtain records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age \ JAC Jacksonville ------------ 30.19167 81.6500 9 1950 1956 --- HIA Miami ------------------- 25.9167 80.3000 --— 1945 1956 --- WFF Whiting Field ----------- 30.7083 87.0167 -—- 1949 1956 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer ‘ Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 1 All stations Sprengnether --------- Z 1.0-2.0 --- Photo paper --- --- --do ----------------- Horizontal 6.0-10.0 --- --do ------- --- --- Timing system: Unknown. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY The Navy was interested in trying to track hurricanes by monitoring microseisms. Data from this network through 1956 are on file as stated above; HIA records only date back to 1949, however, even though the station began ‘operating in 1945. 122 GEORGIA Americus, GA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Georgia Southwestern College Address: Physical Science Department Georgia Southwestern College Americus, GA 31709 Telephone: 912-928—1245 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION ‘ Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Stat1on name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age AMG Americus ---------------- 32.0594 84.2177 106 9/01/73 Open-- Unconsolidated clayey sand; late Eocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 emar s AMG Benioff 1051 --------- Z 1.25 0.75 Heat-sensitive 20 K --- Geotech SL-210 ------- Z 15.0 --- --do ---------- --- -—— Geotech SL-220 ------- NS,EW 15.0 --- 2 K --- Timing system: Geotech TG-110. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY AMG started with the vertical short-period seismometer, and the NS and EW long-period instruments were added in September 1974. The vertical long-period seismograph became operational in September 1975. 123 GEORGIA Atlanta, GA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Georgia Institute of Technology Address: School of Geophysical Sciences Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332 Telephone: 404-894-2860 Address to obtain records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NOAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age ATL Atlanta ----------------- 33.4333 84.3375 273 6/21/63 Open-- Unseamed granite gneiss; Precambrian. CDG Carters Dam ------------- 34.6108 84.6713 351 1/01/75 --do-- Metamorphic rock: Paleozoic. CH5 Clark Hill Reservoir---- 33.7333 82.3250 132 12/75 --do-- Mafic metavolcanics. No. 5. CH6 Clark Hill Reservoir-—-- 33.8792 82.5194 146 12/75 --do-- Granite. No. 6. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 ATL Benioff 1051 --------- Z 1.0 0.75 Photo paper 50 K WWSSN. Benioff 1101 --------- NS,EW 1.0 .75 --do ------- 50 K Do. Sprengnether --------- Z 15.0 100.0 --do ------- 3 K Do. --do ----------------- NS,EW 15.0 100.0 --do ------- 3 K Do. CDG Geospace ------------- 2 1.0 --- Pen and ink 84 K Magnification at 15.0 sec. CH5 Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 --— --do ------- 25-200 K --- CH6 --do ----------------- Z 1.0 -—- --do ------- 25-200 K --- Timing system: WWSSN standard is used at ATL, Sprengnether TS-300 is used at CDG, and the TS-250 is used for the Clark Hill Reservoir network. System response curves: ATL--see figure 1, p. 363. Others available from stations. SHORT HISTORY ATL was constructed and maintained by the Engineering Experiment Station at Georgia Institute of Technology until June 1973 when it was transferred to the School of Geophysical Sciences. 124 GEORGIA Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (LA-GA) Lafayette --------------- 34.8572 85.4500 610 12/03/65 12/13/65 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 (LA-GA): Geotech S—13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do --------- --- Do. Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA~Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 125 HAWAII AND THE PACIFIC Ewa Beach, HI GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service Address: Pacific Tsunami Warning Center NCAA/National Weather Service 91-270 Fort Weaver Road Ewa Beach, HI 96706 Telephone: 808-689-8207 Address to obtain records: As above for most records. WWSSN records: HGLP records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NOAA/EDS, D62 Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory Boulder, CO 80302 USGS, Bldg. 10002, Kirtland AFB Albuquerque, NM 87115 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BAH (BAR) Barrette --------------- 21.3397 158.0772 --- --- 1970 Basalt. HKL Haleakala -------------- 20.7283 156.2550 3037 1975 Open-- Kula Formation; Quaternary. HON Honolulu --------------- 21.3217 158.0083 2 1902 --do-- ’Coral; Holocene. KIP Kipapa ----------------- 21.4233 158.0150 70 11/62 --do-- Koolau Volcanic Series; Pliocene(?) and Pleistocene. KKH Kailua Kona ------------ 19.6642 156.0089 55 1975 --do-- Basaltic lava flows; Holocene. KPH Kaena Point ------------ 21.5761 l58.2754 110 4/65 1976 Waianae Volcanics; Pliocene and Pleistocene(?). MKH Mauna Kea -------------- 19.8267 155.4725 4180 1975 Open-- Laupahoehoe Volcanics; Quaternary. MOK Mokapu ----------------- 21.4565 157.7365 90 4/65 -~do-- Koolau Volcanic Series; Pliocene(?) and Pleistocene. OPA Opana ------------------ 21.6906 158.0119 150 4/65 --do-- Do. PUP Pupukea ---------------- 21.6472 158.0278 ‘ --— 1960 1965 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 BAH --- -—- --- --- --- --- --- HKL Johnson-Hatheson ----- Z 1.0 --- Helicorder 1 K --- INSTRUMENTATION--Continued HAWAII AND THE PACIFIC--Continued Ewa Beach, HI Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 HON Geotech 18300 -------- NS,EW 1.0 --- Helicorder 1 K, 10 --- Johnson-Hatheson ----- 2 1.0 --- --do ------ 1 K, 10 --- --do ----------------- 2 1.0 .2 --do ------ 12.5 K --— Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 30.0 --do ------ 1 K, 100 K --- KIP Benioff -------------- 2 1.0 .75 Photo paper 12.5 K WWSSN Benioff ------------ NS,EW 1.0 .75 --do ------- 12.5 K Do. Sprengnether- ------ Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 --do ------- 750 Do. Geotech 1200 --------- 2 30.0 100.0 Photo paper, 45.9 K, 665 HGLP. Magnetic tape Geotech 1300 --------- NS 30.0 100.0 --do --------- 37.8 K, 761 Do. --do ----------------- EW 30.0 100.0 --do --------- 33.5 K, 611 Do. KKH Johnson-Matheson ----- 2 1.0 --- Helicorder 1 K --- KPH Benioff 4681 --------- 2 1.0 .3 Helicorder, 11 K --— 16-mm film. MKH Johnson-Matheson ----- 2 1.0 —- Helicorder 1 K —-- MOK Benioff 6681 --------- 2 1.0 .3 --do ------ 11 K —-- OPA --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .3 --do ------- 6.2 K --- PUP --do ----------------- Z 1.0 .3 --do ------- 12.5 K --- Timing system: WWSSN standard. System response curves: KIP-—see figure 3, p. 364, and figure 6, p. 365. Others available from stations. SHORT HISTORY The Tsunami Warning System detects and locates major earthquakes in the Pacific region, determines whether they have generated tsunamis, and provides timely and effective tsunami information and warnings to the countries that might be affected. for events above a certain magnitude. 1948, and the alarms were added in 1950. Tucson, Ariz.; Alaska; Berkeley and Pasadena, Calif.; and Honolulu, Hawaii. HON, established in 1902, has been in three locations in the southwest Oahu area: 1947-60--at Barbers Point, 1960-present--Ewa Beach. KIP was started when the WWSSN system was installed. PUP's instrumentation was moved to OPA when PUP closed in 1965. New instrumental techniques were developed to permit visible recording of earthquakes and triggering of alarms The first of these instruments were installed at USC&GS observatories in 1947 and The initial participating seismic-observatories were College and Sitka, Alaska; In addition to the four original stations, the system now includes Adak and Palmer, Newport, Wash., and numerous stations throughout the Pacific region. l902-A7--southwest 3 km of Eva, HAWAII AND THE PACIFIC Hawaii National Park, HI GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey Hawaii Volcano Observatory . Hawaii National Park, HI 96718 Telephone: 808-967-7328 Address to obtain records: As above. Archives are complete from 1958 to the present. Records before that were kept sporadically. SITE INFORMATION Code Station name Eazgt‘ifl; 7325511137 (“15:39 033; £22; Foundation; geologic age AHA (AHU) Ahua ------------------ 19.3733 155.2650 1 1070 1958 Open-- Basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. AIN Ainahou --------------- 19.3750 155.4603 1524 4/26/73 --do-- Do. (ALO) Aloi --------------- 7" 19.3667 155.2133 963 5/69 4/15/70 Do. CPH (CAC) Captain Cook ---------- 19.4882 155.9182 323 9/20/73 Open-- Do. CPK Cone Peak ------------- 19.2950 155.3283 1 1038 11/67 --do-- Do. (DAN) Dandelion ------------- 19.3570 155.6673 3003 4/29/76 -—do-- Do. DES Desert ---------------- 19.3367 155.3883 815 7/58 --do-- Do. (EKO) East Koae ------------- 19.3695 155.2498 1009 5/69 9/24/71 Do. ESR Escape Road ----------- 19.4113 155.2388 I 1177 9/71 Open-- Do. (GLN) Glenwood -------------- 19.4950 155.1650 732 4/68 4/30/70 Ash (firm soil); Quaternary or Tertiary. HIL Hilo ------------------ 19.7200 155.0883 20 1922 Open-- Basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. HLK (HAL) Haleakala ------------- 20.7667 156.2500 2090 9/58 --do-- Do. HLP Hilina Pali ----------- 19.2993 155.3105 707 9/70 --do-- Do. HPU Hale Pohaku ------ ‘ ----- 19.7808 155.4583 3396 8/18/69 --do-- Volcanic ash. (HSS) Humuu18 --------------- 19.6052 155.4855 2445 7/07/75 --do-- Basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. HUH (HUA) Hua1313i -------------- 19.6875 155.8387 2189 5/6/71 --do-- Do. HVO Hawaiian Volcano ------ 19.4233 155.2933 1240 1912 --do-- Do. KAE Kaena ----------------- 19.2892 155.1325 37 5/8/73 --do-- Pahoehoe basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. KEA (K110) Kealakomo ------------- 19 .3083 155 .1600 201 9/27/66 1969 Do. KHU Kahuku ---------------- 19.2483 155.6183 1939 8/26/69 Open-- Basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. (KII) Kaneikii -------------- 19.5093 155.7650 1841 7/06/75 --do-- Do. KKU Keanakolu ------------- 19.8898 155.3430 1863 3/23/71 --do-- Do. KLH (KPR) Kapapala Ranch -------- 19.2733 155.4450 610 10/2/69 --do-- Do. KLK Kealakekua ------------ 19.5220 155.9203 505 4/65 1/74 Do. K111. Kamuela --------------- 20.0317 155.7000 740 1962 10/30/71 Volcanic ash; Quaternary or Tertiary. KNH (KPN) Kipuka Nene ----------- 19.3350 155.2900 924 9/21/67 Open-- Pahoehoe basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. 128 SITE INFORMATION--Continued HAWAII AND THE PACIFIC--Continued Hawaii National Park, 111 Code Station name 163:2??? EgzgiCJl-lge (mitigs) 0:23;! cIl):::d Foundation; geologic age KNW Konawaena ----------- 19.5133 155.9183 495 1922 12/60 Basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. K0}! Kohala -------------- 20.1282 155.7795 1166 5/25/71 Open-- Ash (firm soil); Quaternary or Tertiary. KUH (KAA) Kaapuna ------------- 19.2663 155.8713 524 1/04/72 --do-- Basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. (LUA) Kalalua ------------- 19.4092 155.0708 622 12/09/75 --do-- Do. 1112 M12 ----------------- 19.3948 155.3075 1116 12/72 6/73 Pahoehoe basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. MKA (MFR) Makaopuhi ----------- 19.3678 155.1642 881 3/64 Open-- Basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. MLH (MLO) Mauna Loa ----------- 19.4967 155.3883 2010 7/58 --do—— Do. MLX Mauna L03 (2) ------- 19.4600 155.3450 1475 9/21/66 --do-- Basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. MVH (MTV) Mountain View ------- 19.5042 155.0625 409 3/71 --do-- Do. MWH (MOK) Mokuaweoweo --------- 19.4880 155.5997 4104 5/22/71 "do" Pahoehoe basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. NAA (NAL) Naalehu ------------- 19.0633 155.5867 205 1958 1/01/69 Volcanic ash; Quaternary or Tertiary. NBH (NGY) North Bay ----------- 19.4950 155.5800 4005 3/64 7/05/68 Basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. NGH (NAG) National Guard ------ 19.7020 155.0287 18 6/14/73 Open-- Pahoehoe basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. NPH (NPT) North Pit ----------- 19.4150 155.2833 1115 7/58 --do-- Basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. OUT (OTL) Outlet -------------- 19.3897 155.2823 1038 7/58 --do-- Do. PAH (PHA) Pahoa --------------- . 19.4950 155.9467 205 1958 1/01/69 Do. (PAX) Pahoa X ------------- 19.4850 155.9300 213 4/24/70 4/15/70 Do. PHH I Puu Huluhulu -------- 19.3750 155.2083 1021 7/69 11/73 D0. P110 Puu Honuaula -------- 19.4817 154.8900 215 4/70 Open-- Do. PPL Puu Pili ------------ 19.1583 155.4645 35 2/71 --do-‘ Do. .PUH (PAU) Pauahi -------------- 19.3770 155.2183 994 3/74 "do" Pahoehoe basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. PWH'(POL) Poliokeawe Pali ----- 19.2837 155.2245 169 5/23/73 --do-- Do. RIH Rim ----------------- 19.3983 155.2767 1128 5/73 --do-- Volcanic ash; Quaternary or Tertiary. (SCA) Summit Cabin -------- 19.4700 155.5847 4048 8/74 --do-- Basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. SP’I‘ South Point --------- 18.9818 155.6653 244 3/10/71 ——do-- Volcanit ash; Quaternary or Tertiary. (SWR) Southwest Rift ------ 19.4543 155.6050 4046 8/74 --do-- Basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. (TAN) Tangerine ----------- 19.4632 154.9752 351 Open-- --do-- Do. UWE Uwekahuna ----------- 19.4233 155.2933 1240 1930 --do-- Do. WHA Wahaula ------------- 19.3317 155.0487 29 3/02/71 --do—— Pahoehoe basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. (WHA) Waiohinu ------------ 19.0600 155.6100 274 5/01/68 9/01/70 Basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. WI Whitney ------------- 19.4317 155.2617 1210 1961 1961 Do. ULG Waldron Ledge ------- 19.4248 155.2615 1067 9/71 Open" Pahoehoe basalt; Quaternary or Tertiary. WP}! (WPT) West Pit ------------ 19.4117 155.2917 1115 10/31/62 9/24/71 Do. 129 HAWAII AND THE PACIFIC--Continued Hawaii National Park, HI INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 AHA, (ALO), CPH, DES, (EKO), ESR, (GLN), HLP, HPU, HUH, HVO, KAE, KEA, KHU, KKU, KLH, KLK, KNH, KNW, KOH, KUH, M12, MVH, MWH, NAA, NBH, NGH, (FAX), PAH, PHH, PHO, PPL, PWH, ‘ RIM, SPT, (TAN), WHA, (WHA), WHI, WLG, WPH: Electrotech EV-17 Z 1.0 15.0 Filmstrip-- --- —-- AIN, CPK, (HSS), ‘ (KII), MLX, PUH: Mark L-4 --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 -—- ---do ------ --- -—- (DAN), (LUA), MKA, NPH, (SCA), (SWR): Mark L-A --------- Z 1.0 —-- ---do ------ --- --- HIL, HLK: Electrotech EV-17 2 1.0 15.0 ---do ------ --— --- Wood-Anderson~--- NS,EW 1.0 ~-- ---do ------ --- --- KML: HVO-l ------------ 2 1.0 2.0 ---do ------ --— --- MLH: Electrotech EV-17 Z,NS,EW 1.0 15.0 ---do ------ --- -—— OUT: Electrotech EV-17 Z 1.0 15.0 ——-do ------ --- --- --—do ------------ horizontal 1.0 --- ---do ------ --— --- UWE: Sprengnether ----- Z,EW 1.0 1.5 Photo paper --- --- Electrotech EV-17 Z 1.0 15.0 --—do ------ --- --- HVO-l ------------ Z .8 1.5 Filmstrip-- ——- --- Press-Ewing ------ Z,NS,EW 15.0 90.0 Photo paper --- --- Timing system: Most stations use a USGS-built solid-state crystal-controlled clock. HIL and KML use a Sprengnether TS-100. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY In 1912, Omori seismographs were installed in Whitney Vault at the summit of Kilauea Volcano by Thomas A. Jagger, founder of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. Seismic signals were recorded on rotating drums with smoked paper. Later in 1912, the "Hawaiian type" short-period seismograph developed by T. A. Jagger and A. Romberg was installed at Hilo and tested in other parts of the island. Various types of low-magnification instruments were operated during the first half of the century. From about 1955, sensitive electromagnetic seismographs with peak magnifications of 20 to 40 K at about a 0.2—second period were used to replace the less sensitive mechanical instruments. By 1958, highly amplified signals from four stations around the summit of Kilauea were telemetered to the Observatory. About that time, standard Wood-Anderson seismometers at Haleakala and Hilo and a three-component long-period Press-Ewing system at Uwekahuna were put in operation. From 1966, single-station drum recordings were supplemented with 16-mm filmstrip records. Cable and FM radio carriers were used to expand the telemetry network. Currently a 40-station islandwide telemetry system is maintained by the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. Seismic signals are recorded on smoked and photographic paper, 16-mm filmstrip, and 1-in. magnetic tape. During the long history of the Observatory, several changes have occurred in the instrumentation and location of the stations. Many of the details of these changes can be obtained from the Observatory. HIL was originally located at St. Mary's School in the summer of 1927. In July 1949 the station was moved to its present location at the Catholic school on Ululani Street. MKA was twice moved from its original location of 19.36670 N., 155.1783o W. (elevation 885 m). In October 1965 it was located at 19.3633o N., 155.1675° W. (elevation 866 m). In July 1969 it moved to its current location, listed above. NBH is telemetered to Mauna Loa Observatory for recording. Many periods of interruption in recording occurred owing to lightning damage. No records exist from mid-April to mid-June 1968. PHH was located at 19.3742o N., 155.2110o W. (elevation 988 m) from June 1971 until November 1973 when the station was destroyed by lava flow. ' 0LT and WPH were destroyed by an eruption on September 24, 1971. 0LT was later reinstalled. 130 HAWAII AND THE PACIFIC Honolulu, HI GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Hawaii Address: Hawaii Institute of Geophysics University of Hawaii Honolulu, HI 96822 Telephone: 808-948-7864 Address to obtain records: As above (on a limited basis). SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age HIG Hawaii Institute -------- 21.2847 157.8194. 18 5/64 Open Nepheline basalt; Holocene. of Geophysics. HNL Honolulu (Manoa Valley)- 21.3583 157.8097 243 5/64 1974 Tholeiitic basalt; Pliocene-Pleistocene. MDY Midway Island ----------- 28.2067 177.3333 3 1966 1970 Coral atoll. (PON) Ponape Island ----------- 6.9500 158.2000 E. 85 4/72 9/73 Basalt. WKE Wake Island ------------- 19.3150 166.6267 E. 5 1956 1969 Coral atoll. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 HIG Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 23.0 --- Pen and ink-- 750 --- HNG Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Photo paper-- --- Operated intermittently. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 --- ---do -------- -—- Do. MDY Sprengnether --------- --- 15.0 --- Magnetic tape ——- Research station. (PON) HS 10-1 -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 -e- Hot stylus-—- 12 K --- _--do ---------------- z,Ns,Ew .1 --- ---do -------- 100 K "- WKE HS 10-1 -------------- 2 1.0 --- ---do -------- 1 K --- Sprengnether --------- 2 15.0 --- ---do -------- 10 --- Timing system: Sprengnether TS-ZOOO crystal chronometer synchronized with WWVB. System response SHORT HISTORY curves: Available from station. The University of Hawaii has operated a number of stations in the Pacific, as evidenced by stations MDY, WKE, and (PON). In addition to these stations, it also operates stations on Marcus Island, a Japanese territory, and on Easter Island, run in conjunction with the University of Chile. (PON) was an unusual station in that it was situated on a high volcanic island with numerous basaltic outcrops. The magnification of the system was higher than that of any of the coral atolls, and its operation was considered very useful. WKE was installed by the U.S. Navy, equipped with a Wilson-Lamison and a short-period Benioff, and transferred to the University on October 14, 1965. 131 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: U.S. Geological Survey U . S . Geological Survey Guam Observatory Box 8001 M.O.U. #3 HAWAII AND THE PACIFIC Agana, Guam Agana, Guam 96910 Address to obtain records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg E.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age GUA Guam -------------------- 13.5383 144.9117 230 4/63 Open-- Volcanic tuff; Holocene. GUMO --do -------------------- 13.5878 144.8663 14 8/75 --do-- Limestone. KOR Koror Island ------------ 7.3350 134.4850 30 1/50 12/58 --- Caroline Islands. PJG Potts Junction ---------- 13.5878 144.8663 14 5/57 Open-- Limestone. TRU Truk'Island ------------- 7.4458 151.8556 107 3/49 --do-- Basalt. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 GUA Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.75 Photo photo--- 6.25 K WWSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 ---do --------- 750 Do. GUMO Geotech 36000 -------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Helicorder,--- 20 K SRO. Magnification at magnetic tape. 25 sec. A recorded at 6.25 K at 1 sec‘ Digital data of 120‘dB dynamic range available on tape. KOR Sprengnether --------- NS,EW 7.0 7.0 Film, paper--- --- --- Wilson-Lamison ------- Z .95 1.5 ---do --------- --- --- HTL ------------------ --- .5 .5 ---do --------- —-- --- PJG Sprengnether --------- NS 7.0 7.0 Pen and ink--- 85 Part of the Tsunami Warning System. Johnson-Matheson ----- Z 1.25 .2 Helicorder---- 6.25 K --- TRU Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .2 Film, paper--- --- --- Sprengnether --------- NS,EW 7.0 7.0 ---do --------- —-- --- HTL ------------------ --- 5 .5 ---do --------- --- --- Timing system: System response curves: 132 WWSSN standard for GUA. GUA--see figure 1, p. 363. GUMOe-see figure 7, p. 365. KOR and TRU used a chronometer checked daily with WWV. Others available from station. HAWAII AND THE PACIFIC--Continued Agana, Guam SHORT HISTORY The earliest station on Guam was sponsored by the Manila Observatory; recording of a two-component Wiechert began in 1914 GUA was established in 1947 as part of the Guam Hicroseismic Project, along with NAH, Naha in the Ryukyu Islands, and SBP Subic Bay in the Philippines. It was run by the Fleet Weather Central Research Laboratory and was located approximately 20 km west-southwest of its present location. The project ended on the outlying islands by early 1950 and was terminated on Guam in 1955. The WWSSN station, GUA, was opened in April 1963. GUMO is an SRO station located on the main Observatory grounds at Potts Junction and has been in operation since August 1975. PJG was activated in May 1957 as a Geomagnetic Seismological Station for use in the IGY Pacific Project, along with KOR and TRU. In 1965, PJG became an integral part of the Pacific Tsunami Warning System. 133 GENERAL INFORMAT I 0N Operated by: Address: Telephone: Telex: Teledyne Geotech Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 314-271-2561 73-2394 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 HAWAII AND THE PACIFIC Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (EV-IS) Eniwetok ---------------- 11.3972 162.3753 E 411 6/28/63 9/31/62 Unconsolidated sand and coral pebbles. (HW-IS) Hawaii Island Array ----- 19.9803 155.7056 705 7/24/63 10/22/64 Unconsolidated lava and ash. (JN-IS) Johnston Island --------- 16.7339 169.5281 3 3/21/62 9/02/62 --- (DA-IS) Oahu Island ------------- 21.4575 157.9964 183 3/30/64 9/03/62 Do. 9/29/62 11/05/62 (PR-IS) Palmyra Island ---------- 5.8881 162.0942 3 4/06/62 8/03/62 Do. 9/30/62 11/04/62 (TC-IS) Tonagareva Island ------- 9.0600 158.0356 3 4/30/62 8/04/62 Do. 9/30/62 11/04/62 INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (Ew-Is), (Hw-Is): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 —-- Magnetic tape, (Eu-Is): 15 K --- 35-mm film. Sprengnether---- 2,115,131] 20.0 --— ---do --------- --- --- (JN-IS), (OA-IS), (PR-IS), (TG-IS): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- ---do --------- ~—— -—- Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. Special Data Collection System program which remains active. 134 See figure 2, p. 363. Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (50-msec tolerance). It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Work under these programs has been directed owards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nu lear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Boise State University Address: Department of Geology Boise State University Boise, ID 83725 Telephone: 7208-385-3629 Address to obtain records: IDAHO Boise, ID As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ , Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BSE Boise ------------------- 43.6500 116.0917 --- 5/75 Open-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s BSE Sprengnether --------- Z 1.0 --- Pen and ink --- --- Timing system: Sprengnether, calibrated with WWV. System response curves: Not available. 135 IDAHO Rexburg, ID GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Ricks College Address: Department of Geology Ricks College Rexburg, ID 83440 Telephone: 208-356-2011 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age REX Rexburg ----------------- 43.8125 111.7833 1532 4/20/72 Open-° Basalt; Pleistocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 REX Benioff 1051 --------- 2 1.0 --- Helicorder 50-100 K --- Timing system: Geotech TG-llO. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY The station operated until September 1976 when it was hit by lightning and damaged. It was repaired and again operational by Hay 1977. 136 IDAHO Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 340] Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ' . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (CL-ID) Challis ----------------- 44.4911 114.3417 2256 5/23/66 5/24/66 --- (HL-ID) Hailey ------------------ 43.6472 114.2506 1890 10/14/61 3/07/64 Limestone; Paleozoic. (NLZID) --do -------------------- 43.5611 114.4189 1829 3/29/64 7/23/65 Basalt and limestone. 10/07/65 11/15/65 8/09/67 12/10/67 8/27/68 9/09/68 (MO-ID) Mountain Home ----------- 43.0719 116.2656 792 11/17/66 6/26/67 --- (PO-ID) Preston ----------------- 42.2281 111.7158 1554 11/07/67 12/10/67 Sand, silt, and gravel. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (BL-ID), (HLZID) (first 3 oper.), (MO-ID): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (HL-ID): 340 K --- 35-mm film. (HLZID) (2d oper.): 400 K 'Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- -—-do --------- --- --- (CL-ID): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape- --- Portable system. (HLZID) (4th oper.), (PQ-ID): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- -------------- (PQ-ID): 320 K Do. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do --------- --- Do. Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (50 msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364, SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the aeialic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 137 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: U.S. Geological Survey 3060 South Highland Dr Las Vegas, NV 89109 Telephone: 702—734-3416 Address to obtain records: As above. On a limited basis. SITE INFORMATION ive U.S. Geological Survey for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Department of Energy IDAHO Las Vegas, NV . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age 331 Big Bend ---------------- 44.1762 111.4288 1950 6/74 Open-- Hard rock. DCI Dry Creek --------------- 43.9548 111.0958 2020 6/74 --do-- Do. GMI Garnes Mountain --------- 43.7065 111.3425 2630 6/74 --do-- Do. HID Hamer Butte ------------- 43.9627 112.1576 1504 8/73 --do-- Do. HPI Howe Peak --------------- 43.7133 113.0992 2621 10/72 --do-- Do. LRI Big Lost River ---------- 43.5283 112.9483 1509 12/71 See below Alluvium. MBI Menan Buttes ------------ 43.7864 111.9706 1707 9/73 7/74 Hard rock. TMI Taylor Mountain --------- 43.3064 111.9203 2255 10/72 0pen-- Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at To All stations Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1. --- Helicorder ~—- 831, DCI, GMI teleme- tered to Ricks College, ID. HID, HPI, DCI, TMI telemetered to the Idaho National Engi- neering Laboratory. Tine system: Geotech TG-110. System response curves: See figure 2, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY BBI, DCI, and GMI are owned by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and run for that agency by the USGS. Teton network. They constitute the HID, HPI, LRIm and TMI are owned by the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Health Services Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy (ERDA) Idaho Operations Office, 550 Second Street, Idaho Falls, ID 83401. LRI is not routinely recorded, although it is used as a backup system whenever another station is down. MRI was chosen as an alternative site to HID when initial problems were encountered. were eliminated and the instruments moved back to HID. 138 Subsequently, the instrument problems Records for HID begin when MBI was closed in July 1974. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Montana Address: Earthquake Research La Geology Department University of Montana Missoula, MT 59812 Telephone: 406-243-6422 or 243-23 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION boratory 41 IDAHO Missoula, MT . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BHI Bertha Hill ------------- 46.7640 115.7920 1652 10/71 1/14/76 Belt Supergroup (argillite, quartzite, and limestone); Precambrian. DEI Dent -------------------- 46.6400 116.1992 960 10/71 7/25/74 Basalt; Tertiary. ERI Eureka Ridge ------------ 46.5347 116.2748 862 10/71 7/26/74 Do. GHI Gilbert Hill ------------ 46.4702 116.3190 920 10/71 1/14/76 Do. HHI Harmony Heights --------- 46.4757 116.1465 636 10/71 7/25/74 Do. LGM Little Green Mountain--- 46.7330 116.0930 1455 10/71 7/25/74 Do. HAS Mason Butte ------------- 46.6327 116.3578 1141 10/71 1/14/76 Belt Supergroup (argillite, quartzite, and limestone); Precambrian. WEI Whiskey Butte ----------- 46.5826 115.9788 1341 10/71 1/14/76 Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar S All'stations Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 0.06 Develocorder 100 K Magnification at 10 Hz. Timing system: Direct recording of WWVB. System response curves: See figure 2, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY All these stations belong to the Dworshak Dam Array. 139 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey National Center for Earthquake Research 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 Telephone: 415-323-8111 ext. 2571 Address to obtain records: IDAHO Menlo Park, CA As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ~ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (YPMT) Mesa Falls --------- 44.1432 111.2882 1786 10/74 10/76 --- (YPTS) Trude Siding ------- 44.4623 111.3525 1926 10/74 10/76 --— INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 Both stations Mark L4-C ------------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder --- Telemetered to MHS. Timing system: WWVB recorded with custom-chronometer backup. System response curves: See figure 2, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY These stations have also been recorded on magnetic tape at various times, and these records are also available. Both stations are part of the Yellowstone network. 140 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: IDAHO Newport, WA U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey Newport Geophysical Observatory Rt. 4, Box 56A Newport, WA 99156 509-447-3195 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age NTI Nordman ----------------- 48.6300 116.9633 823 8/27/67 12/08/75 Miocene slates with other Tertiary strata. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R ark Code Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 em S NTI Geotech 18300 -------- Z 1.0 0.2 Visible 100 K --- Timing system: WWSSN standard. System response curves: SHORT HISTORY Available from station. NTI was established in August 1967 as a telemetry station for the Newport Geophysical Observatory, Wash. 141 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: University of Utah Department of Geology and Geophysics College of Mines and Mineral Industries University of Utah 717 Mineral Science Building Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Telephone: Address to obtain records: 801-581-6201 IDAHO Salt Lake City, UT As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ‘ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BEI Bear River Range -------- 42.1167 111.7823 1859 10/74 Open-- --- MLI Malad Range ------------- 42.0268 112.1256 1896 10/74 --do-- --- NPI North Pocatello Valley-- 42.1473 112.5183 1640 4/75 --do-- ~-- STI Star Valley ------------- 42.8023 111.0508 2149 12/76 --do-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 BEI Mark L-4C ----------- 2 1.0 -—- Develocorder 200-800 K Telemetered to the University. MLI ---do --------------- Z 1.0 --- ---do ------- 200—800 K Do. NPI ---do --------------- Z 1.0 --- ---do ------- 200-800 K Do. STI ---do --------------- 2 1.0 -~— ---do ------- 200-800 K Do. Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY WWVB recorded directly at the University. See figure 2, p. 363. These stations are an extension of the University's network in Utah. 142 IDAHO Spokane, WA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Bureau of Mines Address: Spokane Mining Research Center East 315 Montgomery Avenue Spokane, WA 99207 Telephone: 509-484-1610 ext. 325 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (BUI) Burke ------------------- 47.4650 115.7817 590 4/75 Open-- Belt Supergroup (argillite, quartzite, and limestone); Precambrian. KGI Kellogg ----------------- 47.4883 116.0817 1400 1970 --do-- Do. MUL Mullan ------------------ 47.4617 115.7817 1300 1968 --do-— Do. HAL Wallace ----------------- 47.4600 115.9650 1200 1965 --do-- Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s BUI: Sprengnether S-6000-- Z,NS,EW 0.5 --- Visual 100 K Magnification at 1 sec. KGI: ---do ---------------- Z,NS,EW .5 --- --do-- --- --- MUL,WAL: Sprengnether S-6000-- Z,NS,EW .5 --- --do-- 100 K Magnification reduced to 50 K when necessary for mining background. Geotech S-13 --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do-- 100 K Do. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-200 with a radio tie to WWV. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY All four stations primarily monitor rock bursts. Rock-burst reports are furnished to the mining companies and are available. BUI is located in the Star mine at Burke, 700 m below ground surface. KGI was closed in 1975 for approximately 6 months and its equipment moved to an adjacent mine within the Sunshine mine. MUL is at the Lucky Friday mine and originally had a Johnson-Matheson 5'10 seismometer on loan from the USGS. It was converted to the present equipment in 1971. WAL is at the Galena mine and originally had a Johnson-Matheson 8‘10 seismometer on loan from the USGS. It was converted to the present equipment in 1970. 143 ILLINOIS Chicago, IL GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Loyola University Address: Loyola University 6525 Sheridan Road Chicago, IL 60626 Telephone: 312-274-3000 ext. 255 or 389 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CHI Chicago-Loyola ---------- 41.9000 87.6333 183 9/1912 0pen-- Hard packed sand. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 CHI Sprengnether DH ------ 2 1.0 1.0 Photo paper Uncalibrated --- Sprengnether H ------- NS,EW 7.0 7.0 ---do ------ ---do ------- --- Sprengnether VR-40-0- NS 7.0 7.0 Visible---- ---do ------- --- Timing system: Sprengnether TS-lOO crystal clock. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY An 80-kg Wiechert horizontal seismometer was set up in September 1912. The first quake was recorded on September 29, 1912, and reported on the first page of the Chicago Tribune. 144 GENERAL INFORMATION ILLINOIS Chicago, IL Operated by: U.S. Weather Bureau and the University of Chicago Address: University of Chicago Chicago, IL 60637 Address to obtain records: National Geophysical a NOAA/EDS, 062 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION nd Solar-Terrestrial Data Center . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CHK Chicago ----------------- 41.7889 87.5992 180 1918 1967 Niagara Limestone; Middle Silurian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 CHK McComb-Romberg ------- NS,EW 10.0 --- Photo paper 330 --- Timing system: Seth Thomas clock. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY CHK was established by the U.S. Weather Bu reau and the University of Chicago in cooperation with the USC&GS. The original equipment consisted of a two-component Milne-Shaw seismometer and was located in the basement of Rosenwald Hall of the University. The above-mentioned equipment was installed in 1939. 145 ILLINOIS Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMAT 1 ON Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 7504] Telephone: 214-271—2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (PW-IL) Pontiac ----------------- 40.9161 88.5853 210 6/29/66 6/30/66 --- (HO-IL) Watseka ----------------- 40.8656 87.5864 198 8/23/69 10/10/69 --- 5/07/73 5/22/73 INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (PW-IL) Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. (HQ-IL) Geotech S-l3---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- ---do -------- --— Do. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do -------- --- Do. Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364, SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 146 ILLINOIS Saint Louis, MO GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Saint Louis University Address: Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Saint Louis University P.O. Box 8099, Laclede Station Saint Louis, MO 63156 Telephone: 314-535-3300 Address to obtain records: As above. Address requests to: Director of the Geophysical Observatory. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age ELC Elco -------------------- 37.2850 89.2270 153 7/19/74 0pen-- St. Louis Limestone (sandstone); Late Mississippian. SMV Samsville --------------- 38.4390 88.0820 134 4/74 --do-- Conemaugh Formation (clay over sand- stone); Late Pennsylvanian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R ma ks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 e r ELC Mark L-4 ------------- Z 1.0 16 Hz Develocorder, 1262 K Magnification at 10 Hz. magnetic tape. Telemetered to SLM. SMV Geospace HS 10-1 ----- Z 1.0 .5 Photo paper-- 100 K Autocorder. Timing system: ELC timing added at SLM. SMV has a Sprengnether TS-100. System response curve: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY ELC is part of the New Madrid Network. Its instrumentation is a modification of U565 microearthquake equipment. SMV was installed near the epicenter of an h.7 earthquake. It operated unattended for 1 month at a time from April 1974 until December 1976. A telemetry station is planned for that site starting in the fall of 1977. Saint Louis University publishes a quarterly bulletin of the Southeast Missouri Regional Seismic Network. INDIANA Bloomington, IN GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Indiana Address: Department of Geology University of Indiana 1005 E. 10th Street Bloomington, IN 47401 Telephone: 812-337-1008 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BLO Bloomington ------------- 39.1719 86.5222 230 12/61 Open-e Salem Limestone; Late Mississippian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 BLO Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 --- Photo paper 1200 --- Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- ---do ------ 60 K --- Timing system: Oven-controlled tuning fork and digital clock made in the laboratory. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY BLO was originally run by Saint Louis University under a U.S. Air Force contract. It was taken over by the University of Indiana in 1967. / 148 INDIANA Terre Haute, IN GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Gerald J. Shea Address: 1105 Springhill Road Terre Haute, IN 47802 Telephone: 812-232-6311 ext. 2435 Address to obtain records: 1950-1967: ' 1968-present: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center Records available only on a limited basis, and NCAA/EDS, D62 records are not retained on a routine basis. Boulder, CO 80302 As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (THI) Terre Haute ------------- 39.3556 87.3667 160 1/01/49 9/21/62 Sedimentary fill; Holocene. THI --do -------------------- 39.4069 87.3600 150 9/21/62 0pen-- Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s THI Electronic Research-- NS 7.0 12.0 Pen and ink- 1000 --- EW 10.0 10.0 ---do ------- 1000 --- Experimental --------- Z 3.0 5.0 Smoked paper 1000 --- Timing system: Electronic home-crafted crystal clock, manually timed with WWV. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY (THI) was started in 1949 to participate in the IGY. The station, moved to THI in 1962, was funded through the USC&GS until 1967. During that period, the instruments used were a Milne-Shaw modified, t =12 sec, and a Bosch-Omori, t =14 sec. Since 1955 the station has also maintained two strong-motion instruments, t0=1 sec. Experimental research-type instruments have been in use since 1967. 149 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Mrs. M. M. Seeburger Address: Mrs. M. M. Seeburger 1224 44th Street Des Moines, IA Address to obtain records: Unknown. SITE INFORMATION IOWA Des Hoines, IA . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age DMI Des Moines -------------- 41.6000 93.6833 296 12/20/34 6/37 Kansan till; Pleistocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 DMI Modified Bosch-Omori NS,EW 9.0 --- Smoked paper 15 EW component installed 3/35. Timing system: Gilbert Regulator clock Checked daily with WWV. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY DHI was the avocation of the owner. 150 A GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Loras College Address: Department of Physics Loras College Dubuque, IA 52003 Telephone: 319-588-7154 Address to obtain records: IOWA Dubuque, IA As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age DBQ Dubuque ----------------- 42.5067 90.6833 244 1962 Open-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s DBQ Wood-Anderson -------- --— --- --- Photo paper --- --- Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 --— --—do ------ --- --- Timing system: Westrex chronometer. System response curves: Not Calibrated. SHORT HISTORY DBQ was started as a VELA-Uniform station. It was operated by St. Louis University until 1967. IOWA Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Statlon name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (BY-10) Bloomfield -------------- 40.7692 92.4525 259 8/26/69 10/10/69 --- (VO-IO) Vinton ------------------ 42.2250 92.1269 274 9/1/64 3/22/65 Limestone. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (BY-IO) Geotech S-l3---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape- 70 K Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,Ew 20.0 ——- ---do --------- -—- Do. (VO-IO) Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, --- --- ' 35-mm film. Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do --------- --- --- Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 152 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: University of Kansas Seismograph Station Department of Geology University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66044 913-864-3242 Address to obtain records: KANSAS Lawrence, KS As above. SITE INFORMATION . . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age LAW Lawrence ---------------- 38.9594 95.2500 260 1909 Open-- Shale. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s LAW Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 1.0 Photo paper 20 K, 10 K, Magnification approximate. 10 K Timing system: Pendulum clock. System response curve: SHORT HISTORY LAW was started in 1909 and run by the Physics Not available. D Department until about 1930 at which time the Department of Geography took it over. The station operated intermittently until about 1933 when it was shut down entirely. Records from this early period are lost. New equipment was installed in 1952, and records are virtually complete from then to the present. 153 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Kansas State University Address: Department of Geology Thompson Hall Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66056 Telephone: 913-532-6724 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION KANSAS Manhattan, KS . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age MHK Manhattan --------------- 39.1874 96.5792 318 11/19/74 0pen-- Americus Limestone Member of Foraker Limestone; Early Permian. MMT --do -------------------- 39.1997 96.5806 339 9/61 6/71 Burr Limestone Member of Grenola Limestone; Early Permian. (MHT) --do -------------------- 39.1866 96.5790 314 11/12/73 11/74 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 MHK: Sprengnether S-5007-- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- Visible---- --- --- MET, (MHT): Benioff 4681A -------- Z 1.0 .75 Photo paper 27 K --- Benioff 6102A -------- NS,EW 1.0 .75 ---do ------ 27 K --- Sprengnether S-SOO7-- Z,NS,EW 15.0 90 ---do ------ 1.4 K --- Timing system: Times chronometer TS-3. System response curves: SHORT HISTORY MHT was constructed and initially funded by Saint Louis University as part of a project under VELA-Uniform. 1971 for lack of operating funds. Available from station. It closed in (MET) was opened as a temporary station while the construction of the site of MHK was being completed. MHK is a successor to MHT; it is a joint project of Kansas State University and St. Louis University. 154 KANSAS Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . , Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (EM-KA) Emporia ----------------- 38.5247 96.4728 2012 9/14/65 9/16/65 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (EM-KA) Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 155 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Kentucky Address: Department of Geology Seismograph Station University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40503 Telephone: 606-257-3758 Address to obtain records: KENTUCKY Lexington, KY As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (LEX) Lexington --------------- 38.0361 84.5050 299 10/01/74 5/76 Lexington Limestone; Middle and Late Ordovician. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Ghlvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 (LEX) Sprengnether S-7000-- Z 1.0 --- Visible 80 K Magnification at 5 Hz. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-300 Chronometer, solid state. System response curve: Available from station. KENTUCKY Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75051 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (RS-KY) Russell Springs --------- 37.1986 84.8683 274 12/03/65 12/12/65 INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (RS-KY) Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 -~- -—-do -------- --- Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. KENTUCKY Huntington, WV GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Department of the Army Address: ‘ Huntington District, Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 2127 Huntington, WV 25721 Telephone: 304-529-2281 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (PIVl) Paintsville Project ----- 37.7983 82.8492 --- 5/75 3/76 --- (PIV2) ---do ------------------- 37.8998 82.8733 --- 5/75 3/76 --- (PIV3) ---do ------------------- 37.8250 82.9557 --- 5/75 3/76 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at TO All stations Geotech -------------- Z 1.0 --- Helicorder --- Telemetered to Huntington office. Timing system: Geotech TG-lOO. System response curves: Not calibrated. SHORT HISTORY This network was located in the vicinity of a projected dam and also near a local fault. It was designed to monitor the seismicity of the area prior to construction. 158 KENTUCKY Saint Louis, MO GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Saint Louis University Address: Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Saint Louis University P.O. Box 8099, Laclede Station St. Louis, MO 63156 Telephone: 314—535-3300 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CRU Crutchfield ------------- 36.5950 89.0200 127 7/12/74 0pen-- Loess (Pleistocene) of the Wilcox Forma- tion (Paleocene and Eocene). WCK Wilson Creek ------------ 36.9340 88.8740 137 7/19/74 --do-- Loess (Pleistocene) over siltstone of the Wilcox Formation (Paleocene and Eocene). INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rem rks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To a CRU Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 16 Hz Develocorder, 310 K Magnification at 10 Hz. magnetic tape. Telemetered to SLM through Sikeston, Mo. WCK —--do ---------------- Z 1.0 16 Hz --—do -------- 695 K Magnification at 10 Hz. Telemetered to SLM and GLD. Timing system: Timing added at SLM. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY Both stations are part of the New Madrid Network, and the equipment is modified USGS microearthquake equipment. Saint Louis University publishes a quarterly bulletin of the Southeast Missouri Regional Seismic Network. 159 LOUISIANA New Orleans, LA 9 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Loyola University Address: Nicholas D. Burke Seismic Observatory Loyola University New Orleans, LA 70118 Telephone: 504-865-3647 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION ‘i . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age NOL New Orleans ------------- 29.9483 90.1200 2 1910 Open-- Thick alluvium (60 m and deeper). \ INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 NOL Sprengnether --------- NS,EW 18.0 20.0 Photo paper 20 K --- ---do--1 ------------- 2 2.0 2.0 ---do ------ 2 K Magnification at 20 sec. Timing system: Standard Electric Time Clock, Invar Pendulum, checked by WWV signal. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY NOL was started in 1910 with three Wiechert instruments: 80-kg inverted-pendulum N and E components and a horizontal- w pendulum Z component. In February 1946, these instruments were replaced by the present Sprengnether instruments. 160 7* '1 LOUISIANA Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (JE-LA) Jena -------------------- 31.7847 92.0153 46 2/06/64 11/23/64 Sandstone. 11/16/66 1/16/67 (LV-LA) Liddieville ------------- 32.1361 91.8750 15 6/28/63 1/30/64 Alluvium. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rem k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 er s (JE-LA), (Lv-LA): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EV 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (JE-LA): 30 K —-- 35-mm film. (LV-LA): 40 K Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do --------- -—- --- Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY . The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 161 MAINE Waterville, ME GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Colby College Address: Department of Geology Colby College Waterville, ME 20230 Telephone: 207-873-1131 ext. 241 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age WTR Waterville ----------- :-- 44.6483 69.6556 79 10/51 0pen-- Metamorphics of the Mayflower Hill Formation; Early Silurian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 WTR Wilson-Lamison ------- 2 1.0 1.5 Photo paper --- --- Timing system: Sprengnether clock. System response curve: Not calibrated. SHORT HISTORY WTR originally operated with a Sprengnether torsion seismometer, mainly used for teaching purposes. In 1961 the USC&GS provided the Wilson-Lamison currently in use. The station was inoperative early in 1977 while the system was changed to include a visual recording system and an electronic Sprengnether clock. 162 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Civil and Sanitary Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02138 617-253-7796 Address to obtain records: MAINE Cambridge, MA Unknown. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ‘ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (EMM) East Machias ----------- 44.7833 67.3533 33 7/32 Closed Granite. (Camp Technology). after 1940 INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s (EMM) Wenner --------------- NS,EW 7.0 --- Photo paper --- --- Timing system: Seth Thomas checked with WWV. System response curves: SHORT HISTORY Not available. The station at East Machias was located on the property of Camp Technology, owned and operated by M.I.T.. The USC&GS installed the system and help to advise the operators in the initial phases of operation. 163 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION MAINE Garland, TX Date opened Foundation; geologic age 11/04/61 8/22/62 10/21/66 9/27/71 5/10/73 2/20/75 12/11/75 Fine-grained phyllite. Paleozoic slate over Precambrian basement. Tg(sec) Type recording Magnification at T0 Remarks . Latitude Code Station name (deg N.) (BC-ME) Bangor ------------------ 44.6344 (MN-ME) Houlton ----------------- 46.1619 INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Code Type Component (BC-ME), (MN-ME): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW (MN-ME) (last 4 oper.): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS, Geotech --------- Z,NS, Ov—A 00 Magnetic tape, 35-mm film. "'d0 ________ Magnetic tape ___d° —————— q- (BC-ME): 45 K --- (MN-ME): 130 K -- Portable system. --- Do. Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. Special Data Collection System program which remains active. It continued until 1971, when it was replacedlby the Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 164 GENERAl INFORMATION MAINE / Weston, MA Operated by: Weston Observatory, Boston College Address: Weston Observatory Concord Road Weston, MA 02193 Telephone: 617-899-0950 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened Closed Foundation, geologic age AGM Allagash ---------------- 47.0817 69.0233 238 11/75 Open-- Indurated till; Pleistocene. CBM Caribou ----------------- 46.9325 68.1208 250 10/62 --do—- Vertically bedded schist; Silurian. (DlA) Dickey ------------------ 47.0586 69.0989 305 10/76 --do-- Metasandstone; Devonian. (DZA) ---do ------------------- 47.1304 69.1502 402 10/76 --do-- ‘ Do. (D3A) ---do ------------------- 47.0876 69.1669 259 10/76 --do—- Do. EMM East Machias ------------ 44.7392 67.4894 20 ~-- --do-- Volcanics and minor granitic intrusives; Silurian. MIN Milo -------------------- 45.2436 69.0403 140 7/75 --do-- Silurian metaquartzite and Devonian graywacke. TRM Turner ------------------ 44.2597 70.2551 113 1977 e-do-- Metashale, siltstone, and sandstone; Silurian. INSTRUMENTATION I Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R ark Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 em 5 All stations Hall-Sears 10 -------- Z l. --- Develocorder 75 K-200 K Telemetered to WES. Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY WWSSN standard added at WES. Available from station. AGM, (DlA), (DZA), and (D3A) constitute a subnetwork of the New England Seismic Network, run by the Observatory. The Observatory contributes to the Northeastern United States Seismic Network bulletin. Operation of CBM, EMM, and MIM was interrupted between September 1967 and May 1975, although CBM was reactivated for a 7- month period in 1968. MARYLAND Cheltenham, MD GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Address: Cheltenham Magnetic Observatory--Closed Cheltenham, MD (Obsolete) Address to obtain records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Bouldex, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CLH Cheltenham -------------- 38.7347 76.8458 72 11/1904 12/1928 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 CLH Bosch-Omori ---------- --- --- --- --- --- --- Timing system: Not available. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY ’ Cheltenham Magnetic Observatory was principally involved in magnetic observations and incidentally ran a seismograph station. The instruments were dismantled in 1928 and only operated for a few months in 1929. The observatory closed in 1956 and the staff moved to Corbin, Va. 166 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: National Earthquake Information Center Address: National Earthquake Information Center--C10sed Washington Science Center Rockville, MD (Obsolete) Telephone: None. Address to obtain records: WSC records: MARYLAND Rockville, MD All others not available. National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age NHB National Naval Medical--- 39.0016 7710837 91 1962 1972 --- Center. NLM Naval Ordinance Lab ------ 39.0324 76.9805 114 1962 1972 --- VIL Villa Mercy -------------- 39.0209 77.1887 0 1962 1972 --- WSC Washington Science Center 39.0505 77.1237 120 1965 1972 Pelitic schist. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R a ks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 em r A11 stations Johnson-Matheson ----- 2 1.0 --- Helicorder --- Telemetered to WSC. Timing system: System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY NBH, NLM, and VIL were owned and operated by the U.S. Bureau of Standards. The U.S. Bureau of Standards recorded their stations on Develocorder film, but this set of and recorded them on Helicorders. records was subsequently discarded. Sprengnether clock checked by hand with WWV. In 1967, NEIC began telemetering these stations WSC was started when the Seismology Division of the USC&GS (later, NEIC) first located in the Washington Science Center in mid-1965. 167 MASSACHUSETTS Cambridge, MA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University Address: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Building 54, Room 527 7 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02138 Telephone: 617-253-7796 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CAM Cambridge --------------- 42.3833 71.1167 5 1908 1930's --- (DUX) Duxbury ----------------- 42.0686 70.7678 27 10/76 Open-- Gneiss; Devonian. GLO Gloucester -------------- 42.6403 70.7272 15 8/75 --do-- Granite; Devonian. HRV Harvard (Oak Ridge) ----- 42.5064 71.5583 180 1933 --do-- Gneiss; Devonian. NFM Westford ---------------- 42.6106 71.4906 88 5/76 --do-- Granite; Devonian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 CAM --- -—- --- --- -—- --- --- (DUX) Mark L-4C ----------------- 2 1.0 --- Develocorder --- Telemetered to M.I.T.. GLO ---do --------------------- z 1.0 --- ---do ------- --- Do. HRV Geotech S-l3 -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- ---do ------- --- --- Geotech 7505A ------------- Z 23.0 --- -—-do ------- --- --- WFM Mark L-4C ----------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- —--do ------- --- --- Timing system: Sprengnether TS-250 digital timing system; Kinemetrics model WVTR mark IV with time-code stripper. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY CAM was owned and operated by Harvard University. It was located in the Geology Museum, Oxford Street, Cambridge. When the Observatory was moved from Cambridge to Harvard, Mass., HRV was established. It is still owned by Harvard University but is operated by M.I.T. under an arrangement made in 1970. DUX and GLO are temporary stations established for use in the Northeast Seismic Network. WFM (Wallace Observatory), located in Westford, Mass., is owned and operated by M.I.T. Underground vault construction was completed in April 1975, and the station opened May 20, 1975. Data are telemetered to M.I.T. and recorded at the Seismology Lab in Cambridge. WFM is also equipped with an earth-tide gravimeter and NS, EW tiltmeters. 168 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Weston Observatory, Boston College Weston Observatory Concord Road Weston, MA 02193 617-899-0950 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION As above. MASSACHUSETTS Weston, MA . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age FLR Fall River -------------- 41.7167 71.1215 52 3/24/75 Open-- Glacial deposits; Pleistocene. QUA Quabbin ----------------- 42.4566 71.3738 201 5/07/77 --do-- Fine-grained schist; Ordovician. WES Weston ------------------ 42.3847 71.3221 60 12/1930 --do-- Metavolcanics; Precambrian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 FLR Hall-Sears 10 -------- 2 1.0 --- Develocorder 50 K Telemetered to WES. QUA --do ----------------- 2 1.0 --- ---do ------- 150 K Do. WES Benioff 1051 --------- Z 1.0 .75 Photo paper- 50 K WWSSN. Benioff 1101 --------- NS,EW 1.0 .75 ---do ------- 50 K Do. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 ---do ------- 3 K Do. Timing system: WWSSN standard added at WES. System response curves: SHORT HISTORY Weston College Seismic Station began operating in 1930 with a Bosch-Omori recorded on smoked paper. was changed to a Weichert and then, in 1936, to a three-component Benioff system. newly established Weston Observatory site. New England Seismic Network was initiated. Hampshire. WES--see figure 1, p. 363. Others available from station. The Observatory contributes to the Northeastern United States Seismic Network bulletin. The instrumentation In 1949 the station was moved 300 m to the The WWSSN equipment was installed in December 1961,and several months later the The Observatory now runs stations in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and New Part of this work is supported by USGS grants. 169 MICHIGAN Ann Arbor, MI GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Michigan Address: Seismological Observatory Department of Geology and Mineralogy University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Telephone: 313-763-4069 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age AAM Ann Arbor --------------- 42.2997 83.6561 249 1940 Open-- Gravel. SUG Sugar Island ------------ 46.5214 84.1383 190 9/26/69 5/30/70 Jacobsville Sandstone; Precambrian. WPM White Pine -------------- 46.7515 89.5549 193 1973 Open-- Copper Harbor Conglomerate; Precambrian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 AAM Benioff 1051 --------- Z 1.0 0.75 Photo paper 12.5 K, 6.25 K WWSSN. Benioff 1101 --------- NS,EW 1.0 .75 ---do ------ 12.5 K, 6.25 K Do. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 ---do ------ 1.5 K Do. SUG Geotech 7505A -------- Z 30.0 100 0 Strip chart 55 K HGLP. Geotech 8700C -------- NS,EW 30.0 100.0 ---do ------ 55 K Do. WPM Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 --- Helicorder 15 K --- Geotech 7505A, 8700C- Z,NS,EW 30.0 --- Helicorder, Z: 17.5 K HGLP. magnetic tape. NS: 16.5 K EW: 16.5 K Timing system: AAM uses WWSSN standard. SUG used a Sprengnether TG-110 quartz-crystal chronometer. WPM uses a Geotech T6120. System response curves: AAM-—see figure 3, p.364. WPM--see figure 6, p. 365. SHORT HISTORY It was located James T. Wilson. The Seismological Observatory at Ann Arbor was established in 1909 and used a Bosch-Omori and a Weichert. at a slightly different location than the present one. AAM was established in 1940 under the direction of Dr. WWSSN equipment began operating at this station on October 22, 1962. SUG began operation as the first surface-installation HGLP prototype station, funded by ARPA. following two severe floods. WPM was established in the White Pine Copper Company mine (89 m deep) during 1973 and 1974 with funds provided by ARPA. First installed as an experimental station, it was raised to the status of the eleventh HGLP observatory in 1974. The station was dismantled 170 MICHIGAN Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (ED-MI) Edgewood ---------------- 43.2556 84.4114 213 12/02/65 12/13/65 --- (PF-MI) Pickford ---------------- 46.0878 84.4608 259 1/03/63 6/17/63 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (ED-MI): Geotech S-l3---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do --------- --- Do. (PF-MI): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, 80 K --- 35-mm film. Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replace by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards adva cing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 Telephone: 612-373-3137 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION University of Minnesota Department of Geology and Geophysics WWSSN re cords: MINNESOTA Minneapolis, MN National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NOAA/EDS Boulder, CO 80302 , D62 Code Station name fizzitgei Egzgi;?ge (mit::s) 032::d cgzzzd Foundation; geologic age (CMl) Central Minn. 1 -------- 45.9339 93.3546 324 1/01/77 Open-- Hinckley and Fond du Lac Formations; Precambrian. (CMZ) Central Minn. 2 -------- 45.9791 93.1696 323 1/01/77 --do-- Do. (CM3) Central Minn. 3 -------- 43.8801 93.0162 294 1/01/77 --do-- Do. (CM4) Central Minn. 4 -------- 45.7500 93.1033 298 1/01/77 --do-- Do. (CM5) Central Minn. 5 -------- 45.7939 93.3279 298 1/01/77 --do-- Do. (CM6) Central Minn. 6 -------- 45.8665 93.2073 310 1/01/77 --do-- Do: DUL Duluth ----------------- 46.8200 92.0833 340 1952 1961 Duluth Complex; Precambrian. MFM Ford Plant, St. Paul--- 44.9141 93.1936 226 6/76 Open-- St. Peter Sandstone; Middle Ordovician. MNM Minneapolis ------------ 44.9740 93.2381 204 12/74 1976 Do. MNN Minneapolis ------------ 44.9144 93.1900 217 1964 1967 Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type. Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (CHI-6) Geotech S-13 --------- l. --- Magnetic tape --- Telemetered to MMM. DUL Wilson-Lamison ------- 1. 0.58 Pen and ink --- --- Modified Sprengnether NS,EW 6. 6.5 ---do ------ -—- --— MFM Geotech 8-13 --------- Z 1. --- ---do ------ 5 K --- MNM ---do ---------------- 1. --- Magnetic tape --- --- MNN Benioff 1051, 1101--- Z,NS,EW 1. 0.75 Photo paper "' WWSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15. 100.0 ---do ------ "' Do. Timing system: System response curves: 172 WWVB directly recorded on tape. Available from station. MNN uses Accutron one-minute marks with WWVB superimposed once a day. MINNESOTA--Continued Minneapolis, MN SHORT HISTORY (CHI-6) is an array funded by the U.S. Department of Energy in the vicinity of the Lake Superior Geologic Province. It is of interest because of its proximity to the mid-continent gravity high and to a major fault, and because it is within 150 km of the epicenter of the 1975 earthquake. DUL was run by the University of Minnesota, Duluth. It operated intermittently before 1954 and then operated continuously between 1955 and 1956 using one short-period vertical Benioff. In 1956 the USC&GS installed two short-period horizontals. Some records Were sent to the USC&GS and a few were saved for display. The rest were discarded. MNM is located on the campus of the University. HNN was started in 1964 as a WWSSN station and ran until 1967. It was abandoned because of flooding problems. 173 MINNESOTA Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (GP-MN) Grand Rapids ------------ 47.6644 93.4894 427 9/02/64 12/01/64 Glacial drift. (GY-MW) Gaylord ----------------- 44.5047 94.0547 305 7/05/62 7/11/62 ‘-- (HT-MN) Hastings ---------------- 44.8528 92.8778 274 8/02/62 10/05/62 --- (JO-MN) Jordan ------------------ 44.7069 93.5083 290 7/13/62 7/30/62 --- (SE-MN) Sleepy Eye -------------- 44.4142 94.6653 244 1/24/62 6/19/63 Granitic basement; Precambrian. (WT-MW) Wykoff ------------------ 43.8014 92.3731 381 8/30/64 11/24/64 Dolomitic limestone. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (GP-MN), (WT—MW): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (GP-MN): 140 K --- 35-mm film. (VF-MN): 120 K Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do --------- --- -—— (CY-MN), (HT-MN), (JO-MN), (SE-MN): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- ---do -------- (CY-MN): so K --- (HT-MN): 50 K (JO-MN): 40 K (SE-MN): 225 K Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (50 msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing tr seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 174 rfifl "W 4‘ 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: University of Mississippi Seismological Observat ory--Closed University of Mississippi University, MS 38677 Address to obtain records: WWSSN records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION MISSISSIPPI University, MS . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age OXF Oxford ------------------ 34.5118 89.4092 101 8/63 5/76 Clay; Tertiary. (OXR) --do -------------------- 34.3000 89.6000 157 8/67 5/76 Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at TD OXF Benioff 1051, 1101—-- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.75 Photo paper 50 K WWSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 ---do ------ 3 K Do. (OXR) Sprengnether --------- Z 30.0 1.5 Pen and ink 1 K Located on campus; run infrequently. Timing system: Response curves: SHORT HISTORY WWSSN standard. OXF--see figure 1, p. 363. OXF was established as a WWSSN station in 1963 and operated as the only permanent station in Mississippi until funding was stopped in 1976. Original records are archived at St. Louis University. 175 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION MISSISSIPPI Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (GS-MS) Greenville -------------- 33.3292 91.0353 30 8/22/69 10/10/69 --- (LD-MS) Lucedale ---------------- 30.9500 88.8833 70 11/13/66 12/03/66 --- 1/19/69 2/02/69 4/11/70 4/22/70 (LDZMS) --do -------------------- 30.8528 88.5406 79 1/18/69 2/02/69 --- 4/14/70 4/22/70 (LD3MS) --do -------------------- 30.6661 89.0436 46 1/18/69 2/02/69 --- 4/09/70 4/22/70 (LL-MS) Laurel ------------------ 31.7214 89.3558 91 11/14/66 12/03/66 --- 1/19/69 2/02/69 4/09/70 4/22/70 (LU-MS) Lumberton --------------- 31.0389 89.2389 91 1/16/69 2/02/69 --- 4/07/70 4/22/70 (MB-MS) McComb ------------------ 31.3428 90.2864 122 11/15/66 12/06/66 Sand, clay, and gravel. 1/15/69 2/02/69 4/09/70 4/22/70 (PC-HS) Picayune ---------------- 30.5558 89.7825 12 11/12/66 12/06/66 --- 1/15/69 2/02/69 mono 4/22/70 (PU-HS) Purvis ------------------ 31.1519 89.5489 91 2/26/65 4/03/65 --- (RI-HS) Richton ----------------- 31.1978 88.8508 37 1/14/69 2/02/69 ‘-- 4/16/70 4/22/70 MISSISSIPPI--Continued Garland, TX INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (GH-MS), (LD-MS), (LDZMS), (LD3MS), (LL-MS), (LU-MS), (MB-MS), (PC-MS), (PU-MS), (RI-MS): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape (MB-MS): 40 K Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do -------- --- Do. Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WVV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 177 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Missouri Address: Department University of Missouri RollaY MO 65401 Telephone: 314-341-4364 Address to obtain records: of Geology and Geophysics MISSOURI Rolla, no As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened Closed Foundation, geologic age ROL Rolla ------------------- 37.9178 91.8689 200 1965 Open-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 ROL Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.75 Photo paper 50 K Recorded at the main campus and telemetered to SLM. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 90.0 ---do ------ 1500 Do. Timing system: Not available. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY ROL is owned and operated by the University of Missouri, Rolla, and University, which records this station, along with its own network, in St. Louis. 178 receives considerable support from St. Louis GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: St. Louis, MO 63156 Telephone: 314-535-3300 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Saint Louis University Saint Louis University P.0. Box 8099, Laclede Station Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION MISSOURI St. Louis, MO Code Station name Ezzétgfg nggiauge (mE:::s) 03:6:d c?:::d Foundation; geologic age BRM Bernie ------------------ , 36.6333 90.0597 109 1969 1973 Clay over gravel; Eocene. BRR Berryman ---------------- 37.9533 91.1750 250 1960 1962 Gasconade Dolomite; Ordovician. CGM Cape Girardeau ---------- 37.3167 89.5333 134 1938 Open-- Fernvale Limestone; Late Ordovician. DON Dongola ----------------- 37.1760 89.9330 165 7/10/74 --do-- Smithville Formation (cherty dolomite); Early Ordovician. DWM Dogwood ----------------- 36.8050 89.4900 92 11/20/74 --do-- Gumbo, sandy clay alluvium; Pleistocene. ECD Elk Chute Ditch --------- 36.0600 89.9400 79 9/25/75 --do-- Sandy clay alluvium; Quaternary. FLO Florissant -------------- 38.8017 90.3700 160 1928 8/31/71 Shale; Pennsylvanian. FRM Flat River -------------- 37.8358 90.4864 161 1969 12/72 Bonneterre Dolomite (Cambrian) overlying porphyry (Precambrian). FVM French Village ---------- 37.9840 90.4260 310 9/01/72 Open-- Bonneterre Dolomite; Late Cambrian. GRV Greenville -------------- 37.0533 90.3950 168 1964 1974 Roubidoux Dolomite; Early Ordovician. LST Lone Star --------------- 36.5230 89.7310 83 7/18/74 Open-- Gumbo sandy clay; Quaternary. MLD Malden ------------------ 36.5587 89.9698 80 11/67 11/69 Sandy clay; Quaternary. (MMM) Pea Ridge Mine ---------- 38.1300 91.0400 —244 12/75 Open-- Granite porphyry; Precambrian. NMM New Madrid -------------- 36.5910 89.5282 92 11/67 11/69 Sandy Clay; Quaternary. PTG Portageville ------------ 36.4277 89.7037 85 11/67 11/69 Sandy clay; Quaternary. RMB Rombauer ---------------- 36.8860 90.2780 147 6/27/74 0pen-- Roubidoux Dolomite (chert); Early Ordovician. SLM St. Louis --------------- 38.6361 90.2361 161 10/09/09 --do-- St. Louis Limestone; Late Mississippian. TYS Tyson Valley ------------ 38.5150 90.5680 195 2/19/74 --do-- Joachim Dolomite; Middle Ordovician. MISSOURI--Continued St. Louis, MO INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 BRM Sprengnether --------- 2 0.5 0.5 Photo paper 30 K Magnification at 0.3 sec. Recorded on autocorder. BRR Reeff ---------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 1.0 ---do ------ 100 K -—- CGM Benioff -------------- NS,EW 1.0 .75 ---do ------ 15 K --- DON Mark L-AC ------------ Z 1.0 16 Hz Develocorder 1200 K Magnification at 10 Hz. Telemetered to SLM. DWM ---do ---------------- 2 1.0 16 Hz ---do ------- 95 K Do. ECD -—-do ---------------- 2 1.0 16 Hz ---do ------- 206 K Do. FLO Galitzin-Wilip ------- Z,NS,EW 12.0 12.0 Photo paper 1 K Original instrumentation. Benioff ------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 .75 -—-do ------ 50 K WSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 ---do ------ 1500 Do. FRM Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 30.0 None Visible,---- 1500 Strainmeters also re- magnetic tape. corded. Telemetered to SLM. Magnification 25 K at 1 sec. FVM Benioff 15861 --------- 2 1.0 .75 Photo paper, 100 K WSSN. Filtered and re- magnetic tape. corded visibly and on magnetic tape. Tele- metered to GLD. Benioff 6102 --------- NS,EW 1.0 .75 ---do ------- 100 K WSSN. Sprengnetheru Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 ---do ------- 1500 WSSN. Z filtered and recorded visibly; telemetered to GLD. GRV Sprengnether --------- Z .5 .5 Photo paper 100 K Magnification at 0.3 sec. Autocorder. LST Mark L-loC ------------ Z 1.0 16 Hz Develocorder 167 K Magnification at 10 Hz. Telemetered to SLM. MLD Hall-Sears 10 -------- Z Short --- Magnetic tape 50 K Magnification at 10 Hz. Telemetered to PTG. (MMM) Geospace ------------- Z .22 --— Visible---- 50 K Magnification at 10 Hz. Located in a deep iron mine. NMM Hall-Sears 10 -------- 2 Short --- Magnetic tape 50 K Magnification at 10 Hz. Telemetered to PTG. P‘l‘G Hall-Sears ----------- Z Short —-- ---do -------- 50 K Magnification at 10 Hz. RMB Mark L-loC ------------ 2 1.0 16 Hz Develocorder 1390 K Magnification at 10 Hz. Telemetered to SLM. SLM Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 .75 Photo paper 25 K --- ---do ------------ NS,EW 1.0 .75 ---do ------ 7.5 --- Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 90.0 ---do ------ 750 Z also recorded with pen and ink and displayed in the lobby. TYS Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 16 Hz Develocorder, 720 K Magnification at 10 sec. magnetic tape. Telemetered to SLM. Sprengnether 8-7000 or Geospace HS-10-1--- Z 1.0 16 Hz ---do --------- --- --- 180 MISSOURI--Continued St. Louis, MO Timing system: WWSSN standard TS-lOO, Astrodata TCG. System response curves: FLO--see figure 1, p. 363. FVM--see figure 1, p. 363, and figure 6, p. 365. Others available from station. SHORT HISTORY BRM had many instrument problems and, consequently, only intermittent records exist. BRR was used as an experimental station for testing different kinds of instruments. CGM was founded in cooperation with Southeast Missouri State Teachers College in 1938. For some periods of a year or more, the station has not been in operation. DON, DWM, LST, and RMB are stations in the SIK array. Their instrumentation is modified USGS microearthquake equipment. EDD is a station in the PGA array. It uses modified USGS microearthquake equipment. FLO began operation in 1928 with a Wood-Anderson NS and EW system and a Galitzin-Wilip three-component system. The WWSSN equipment was installed on December 1, 1961 and operated until August 1971 when the equipment was moved to FVM. FRM was closed in 1972 because of the closing of the lead mine in which it was located. FVM is a remote site buried in a vault near the Missouri Conservation Department firetower site. A temporary system (Mark L-AC, helicorder) operated intermittently for 2 years before the WWSSN equipment was installed on October 5, 197A. The portable Benioff's were used instead of the larger units because of the difficult access to the vault. GRV was a temporary station, operating intermittently from its start in 1964 until 1969. It ran continuously from 1969 to l97h, with one intermittent period from 1972 to 1973. LST is located in a region of sand blows from the 1811-12 earthquakes. MLD, NMM, and PTG were part of an early tripartite network, later moved to Tennessee. SLM was founded in 1909 and has been in continuous operation since that time, having been relocated once in 1926 less than 1 km from its original site. Unfortunately, some of the older Wiechert records have been lost, over the years, and so continuous records do not exist before about 1927. Between 1925 and 1960, the station operated as Central Station of the Jesuit Seismo- logical Association. Presently, it serves as headquarters for the Saint Louis University network of some 25 stations in an area of 80,000 m2. TYS is located 30 km southwest of St. Louis at the Washington University biological preserve. It is used for testing other seismograph systems, and the instruments at TYS are used to test other locations. Sixteen of the stations in the University's multi-state network are supported by USGS grants. The University publishes a quarterly bulletin of the Southeast Missouri Regional Seismic Network. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73—2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION MISSOURI Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (EN-M0) Ellsinore --------------- 36.8828 90.5956 152 9/15/65 9/16/65 --- 10/25/65 2/25/66 (KC-M0) Kansas City ------------- 39.3558 94.6714 274 10/17/65 1/16/67 Limestone and shale. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (EN-M0) (2d oper.) (KC-MO): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1. --- Magnetic tape, (KC-MO): 50 K --- 35-mm film. Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --—do ------- --- --- (EN-MO) (lst oper.): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1. --- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. Timing system: System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364, SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. Special Data Collection System program which remains active. 182 Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. MONTANA Billings, MT GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Ford Aerospace and Conlnunications Corporation Address: 214 North 30th Street Billings, MT 59101 Telephone: 406-245-6332 Address to obtain records: VELA Seismological Center 312 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION Code Station name 1632?)??? 16322131318 (miizzs) 032:; 21):; Foundation; geologic age LAO LASA Array -------------- 46.6886 106.2222 744 1/66 Open-- Fort Union Formation; Paleocene. LB] LASA B Ring ------------- 46.7522 106.0917 754 1/66 --do-- Do. L32 LASA 3 Ring ------------- 46.6350 106.1628 694 1/66 --do-— Do. LB3 LASA B Ring ------------- 46.6592 106.3169 723 1/66 --do-- Do. L34 LASA 13 Ring ------------- 46.7681 106.2431 717 1/66 --do-- Do. LC1 LASA C Ring ------------- 46.8394 106.1275 719 1/66 --do-- Do. LCZ LASA C Ring ------------- 46.6694 106.0125 779 1/66 —-do-- Do. LC3 LASA C Ring ------------- 46.5742 106.2497 682 1/66 --do-- Do. LC4 LASA C Ring ------------- 46.7353 106.3739 764 1/66 --do-- Do. LD1 LASA D Ring ------------- 46.8397 105.8894 759 1/66 --do-- Do. LD2 LASA D Ring ------------- 46.5031 106.0108 661 1/66 --do-- Do. LD3 LASA D Ring ------------- 46.5497 106.4803 800 1/66 —-do-- Do. LD4 LASA D Ring ------------- 46.9419 106.3833 713 1/66 --do-- Do. (LE1) LASA E Ring ------------- 47.1628 106.0561 - 685 1/66 1/74 Do. (LE2) LASA E Ring ------------- 46.5128 105.3647 610 1/66 1/74 Do. (LE3) LASA E Ring ------------- 46.1494 106.3342 761 1/66 1/74 Do. (LE4) LASA E Ring ------------- 46.7608 106.9167 803 1/66 1/74 Do. (LFl) LASA F Ring ------------- 47.3708 105.1875 740 1/66 1/74 Do. (LFZ) LASA F Ring ------------- 45.9097 105.4856 754 1/66 1/74 Do. (LF3) LASA F Ring ------------- 45.9728 107.0817 837 1/66 1/74 Do. (LF4) LASA F Ring ------------- 47.4111 106.9436 707 1/66 1/74 Do. MONTANA--Continued Billings, MT INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To LAO, LC1-4, LD1-4, LFl-A, LEI-4: Hall-Sears 10-1A ----- 2 1.0 --- Develocorder, --- Each station has 15 ad- digital. ditional stations in an array within 3.5 km of the central station. Their instrumentation is the same as that of the LB stations. LCl has only 14 additional stations. Geotech 7505A --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- Digital ------ --- Do. LEI-4 Hall-Sears lO-lA ----- Z 1.0 --- Digital ------ --— Do. Timing system: A WWV synchronized time-of-day Hyperion Industries, Model HI-140, time-code generator and Motorola SLN-6039D Master Oscillator. System response curves: See figure 8, p. 365, SHORT HISTORY LASA was established to explore the possibility of using large arrays for seismic discrimination, specifically discriminating between earthquakes and blasts. Experimental work on the dynamics of large arrays continues. The Corporation puts out daily teleseismic event reports, weekly near-regional reports, and biweekly strip-mine blast reports. 184 The central site, LAO, is sometimes coded LA¢. MONTANA Bozeman, MT GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Montana State University Address: Earth Sciences Department Montana State University Bozeman, MT Telephone: 406-994-021 1 Address to obtain records: WSSN records: BZE records: National Geophysical and Solar- Sporadic records from operation during winter months. Terrestrial Data Center Contact the Earth Sciences Department. NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BOZ Bozeman ----------------- 145.6000 111.6333 1575 3/63 3/68 Granite gneiss. BZE Bozeman ----------------- 45.8060 110.9327 244 1974 5/77 --- BZM Bozeman ----------------- 45 . 6669 111.0453 1490 5/31 3/68 Alluvium. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo _Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 BOZ Benioff 1051, 1101--- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.75 Photo Paper 60 K WSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 ---do ------ --- Do. BZE .1302 ----------------- Z .25 --- Helicorder --- Recorded sporadically. BZM Wilson'Lamison ------- Z 1.5 1.5 Photo paper 12 K --- Sprengnether --------- NS,EW 11.0 8 ---do —————— 8 K Magnification at 8 sec. Timing system: BZM used a Seth-Thomas pendulum clock. BOZ employed the standard WSSN clock. System response curves: BOZ--see figure 1, p. 363. Others available from station. SHORT HISTORY BOZ was established as a WSSN station and operated efficiently until it encountered funding problems. It ceased operating at the end of 1966; its equipment was finally removed in 1968 and sent to Missoula, Mont., a currently operating WSSN station. BZE was established in the mountains near the University to monitor avalanche activity. BZM was located on the campus of the University and its operation contracted to the Physics Department by the USC&GS. MONTANA * Butte, MT GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology for the U.S. Geological Survey Address: Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology ‘ West Park Street Butte, MT 59701 Telephone: 406-792-8321 Address to obtain records: U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Global Seismology 4 Stop 967 Box 25046, Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date a . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age 4 BUT Butte ------------------- 46.0133 112.5633 1758 10/36 0pen-- Rhyolite; Tertiary. INSTRUMENTATION i Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 BUT Benioff MC ----------- Z 1.3 1.0 Photo paper 50 K --- Wood-Anderson (Henson) NS 8.0 --- ---do ------ 316 --- Wilson-Lamison ------- NS,EW 8.0 3.8 ---do ------ 12 K --- Timing system: Simplex Time Recorder type 93-2. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY Operation was started with the Wood-Anderson and an accelerograph. Both Wilson-Lamison's were added in June 1954. clock. College (formerly the Montana School of Mines) since 1944. 186 The Benioff was added and operational May 20, 1951. The original pendulum-type timer was replaced in May-June 1971 by the present , The station has been run for the USGS (and for its predecessors in the U.S. Department of Commerce) by the Montana MONTANA Columbia Falls, MT GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Roy E. Wendt for the U.S. Geological Survey Address: Roy E. Wendt Rte. 1A Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Telephone: 406-892-3715 Address to obtain records: U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Global Seismology Stop 967 Box 25046, Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age HHM Hungry Horse ------------ 48.3494 114.0275 1100 11/10/47 0pen-- Belt Supergroup (argillaceous limestone); Precambrian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar S HHM Benioff -------------- Z 1.05 0.50 Photo paper 188 K --- Wilson-Lamison ------- NS,EW 3.5 4.0 ---do ------ 10 K Magnification at 4 sec. Timing system: IBM clock, HRO-60 National receiver. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY HHM was established before the Dam was erected to monitor seismic activity of the area. Originally maintained by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, the NEIS took over the operation in about 1960. 187 MONTANA Libby, MT GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Department of the Army Address: Libby Dam Resident Office ‘ Resident Engineer Star Route 2 Libby, MT 59923 Telephone: In Seattle: 206-764-3711 Address to obtain records: Seattle District, Corps of Engineers ‘ Department of the Army P.0. Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ' . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age ‘ LDM Libby Dam --------------- 48.45 115.32 838 2/22/70 Open-- Calcareous argillite; Precambrian. RXF Rexford ----------------- 48.86 115.12 1231 10/01/76 --do-- Do. YKM Yaak -------------------- 48.86 115.71 1509 10/01/76 --do-— Do. I INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To LDM: Benioff 4681A -------- Z 1.0 --- Helicorder --- Telemetered to the power- 4 house at Libby Dam. RXF, YKM: Ranger SS-l ---------- 2 1.0 --- ---do ----- --- Do. Timing system: Kinemetrics DTS-l digital timing system. System response curves: Uncalibrated. SHORT HISTORY LDM was established to monitor the local seismicity around the Libby Dam before, during, and after the filling of the reservoir. Having supported several other stations run by the University of Montana, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers decided in 1976 to operate its own additional stations and thus opened RXF and YKM. 188 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: University of Montana Earthquake Research Laboratory Geology Department University of Montana Missoulay MT 59182 406-243-6422 or 243-2341 Address to obtain records: MONTANTA Missoula, MT As above. SITE INFORMATION Code Station name 13:;[307 E32:155?8 (mElEZS) 03:6:d c1:::d Foundation; geologic age 38” Big Bend ---------------- 48.3764 115.3275 719 2/71 7/09/74 Alluvium; Quaternary. BCB Big Creek Baldy --------- 48.6351 115.5454 1756 7/07/72 10/04/76 Quartzitic argillite; Precambrian. BLK Black Butte ------------- 48.8547 115.1177 969 2/07/71 10/04/76 DO CFM Cliffside --------------- 48.2081 115.4583 898 2/71 7/09/74 Do. CKM Coopers Lake ------------ 47.0666 112.9099 1353 8/02/74 10/04/76 Do. GBM Granite Butte ----------- 46.8593 112.4559 2237 10/09/74 10/04/76 Diorite and gabbro; Cretaceous. HLM Helmville --------------- 46.8894 112.9331 1365 9/03/74 10/04/76 Alluvium; Quaternary. LBM Little Butte ------------ 46.5149 111.8537 1524 10/09/74 10/04/76 Diorite; Tertiary. LFM Lubrecht Forest --------- 46.8898 113.4527 1256 8/02/74 10/04/76 Unconsolidated gravel, silt, and clay; Tertiary. LHM Lake Helena ------------- 46.6756 111.9434 1117 10/09/74 10/04/76 Alluvium; Quaternary. MSO Missoula ---------------- 46.8292 113.9406 1264 11/73 Open-- Quartzite; Precambrian. PNK Pinkham Creek ----------- 48.7677 115.0880 1150 2/71 7/10/74 Quartzitic argillite; Precambrian. SW’ Swamp Creek ------------- 48.6068 114.9850 1157 2/71 10/04/76 Silty glacial lake deposits; Quaternary. TEE Teeples Ranch ----------- 48.3795 115.5881 805 2/71 10/04/76 Glacial outwash; Quaternary. VCM Warland Creek ----------- 48.4583 115.1028 1704 2/71 7/11/74 Argillite; Precambrian. WHM Wild Horse Parks -------- 46.7621 113.1812 1792 9/06/74 10/04/76 Volcanic rocks; Tertiary. YCM YMCA.Camp --------------- 46.5256 112.3942 1597 8/06/74 10/04/76 Alluvium; Quaternary. 189 MONTANA--Continued Missoula, MT INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To All stations Mark L-AC ------------ Z 1.0 0.06 Develocorder 1000 K Magnification at 10 Hz (approximated). MSO Benioff 1051 --------- Z 1.0 .75 Photo paper 100 K WWSSN. Benioff 1101-— NS,EW 1.0 .75 ---do ------ 100 K Do. Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 ---do ------ 1.5 K WWSSN. Magnification of Z is 3 K. Timing system: Direct recording of WWVB. MSO uses WWSSN Model 8684 (Geotech) transistorized 60-Hz Current source controlled by a quartz crystal. System response curves: MSO--see figure 1, p. 363. Others--see figure 2, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY BBM, BCB, BLK, CFM, PNK, SWP, TEE and WCM belonged to the Libby Dam array. They were originally funded by the USGS and later by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Corps now maintains its own small array in the area. CKM, GBM, HLM, LBM, LFM, LHM, WAM, and YCM belonged to the Helena—Ovando array. M80 is equipped with instruments from the old WWSSN station at Bozeman (BOZ) and is funded by the USGS. 190 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Telex: Teledyne Geotech Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 214-271—2561 73-2394 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 MONTANA Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (AN-MA) Angela ------------------ 46.7522 106.0917 907 11/16/64 6/11/65 Sandstone and shale. (BS-HA) Billings ---------------- 45.7322 108.8922 1219 11/28/67 12/10/67 --- (DI-MA) Dillon ------------------ 45.1736 112.4478 1859 5/23/66 5/24/66 --- (FR-MA) Forsyth ----------------- 46.1000 106.4403 823 7/07/63 8/05/64 Sandstone. (GI-MA) Glendive ---------------- 47.1928 104.2194 732 7/17/63 8/05/64 Siltstone. (NV-HA) Havre ------------------- 48.4222 109.8222 884 10/25/65 12/31/65 --- 8/03/67 12/10/67 8/30/68 9/09/68 (HY-MA) Hysham ------------------ 45.9728 107.0817 975 11/30/64 79/19/65 Loose sand. (LN'MA) Lewistown --------------- 47.2119 109.1489 1448 11/07/67 12/10/67 (SW-MA) Sweetgrass -------------- 48.9689 111.9628 1113 10/16/65 9/13/66 Sandstone. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification ” R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar S (AN-MA), (BS-MA), (FR‘MA), (GI-MA), (HV-MA)7 (HY-MA): (SW—MA): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (AN-MA): 210 K --- 35-mm film. (FR-MA): 50 K (GI-MA): 110 K (HY-MA): 180 K (SW-MA): 70 K Sprengrether---— Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- —-—do ------ --- --- (DI-MA): Geotech S-l3---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. (NV-HA) (3d oper.), (LN-MA): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Do. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do -------- --- D0. 191 MONTANA--Continued Garland, TX Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 192 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: U. S . Geological Survey U.S. Geological Survey National Center for Earthquake Research 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 323-8111 ext. 2571 Address to obtain records: MONTANA Menlo Park, CA As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age GCR (YPGC) Grayling Creek --------- 44.7962 111.1065 2075 1/73 0pen-- --- (HL) Hebgen Lake ------------ 44.8718 111.3382 2050 1964 1972 --- (NE) North East Entrance---- 45.0053 110.0102 2257 1964 1972 --- (YPBB) Black Butte ------------ 45.0288 111.1168 2085 1/73 Open-- --- (YPDC) Denny Creek ------------ 44.7095 111.2397 2025 1/73 --do-- --- (YPHB) Horse Butte ------------ 44.7510 111.1953 2157 10/74 10/76 --- (YPHR) Hebgen Ridge ----------- 44.8523 111.3160 2060 1/73 Open" --- (YPRL) Red Lodge -------------- 45.1617 109.3017 1951 10/74 10/76 -—- (YPWY) West Yellowstone ------- 44.6058 111.0968 2292 10/74 Open-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 (NE), (HL): EV-17 ---------------- Z 1.0 --- Photo paper - GCR Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 --- Develocorder - Telemetered to Ml-IS. ---do ---------------- NS 1.0 --- ---do ------- - All other stations ---do ---------------- 2 1.0 --— ---do ------- - Do. Timing system: WVB recorded directly with a custom-chronometer backup. System response curves: SHORT HI STORY See figure 2, p. 363. These stations are part of the Yellowstone network. Many of these stations have also been recorded on magnetic tape at various times, and these records are also available. Older data (before 1972) may not be complete in the archives. 193 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Nebraska Wesleyan University Address: Department of Math and Physics Nebraska Wesleyan University 50th and St. Paul Lincoln, NE 68504 Telephone: 402-466-2371 Address to obtain records: NEBRASKA Lincoln, NE National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age LIN Lincoln ----------------- 40.8383 96.6533 366 1931 1961 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T0(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 LIN Sprengnether --------- NS,EW 1.0 --- Photo paper --- --- Timing system: Pendulum clock. System response curve: Not available. 194 NEBRASKA Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . / Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (AI-NB) Alliance ---------------- 42.1328 103.2764 1311 11/07/62 12/12/62 --- (CR-NB) Crete ------------------- 40.6644 96.8542 422 10/26/65 10/14/66 Sand and clay. (CRZNB) ---do ------------------- 40.6367 96.8483 418 8/14/69 10/10/69 -—- 9/26/71 11/09/71 5/05/73 5/22/73 (GO-NB) Gordon ------------------ 42.6328 102.2739 1097 12/28/62 3/21/63 --— (HS-NB) Hay Springs ------------- 42.4256 102.7144 1158 5/09/62 6/28/62 --- (MH‘NB) Mitchell ---------------- 41.8889 103.8917 1311 10/15/62 10/27/62 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar S (AI-NB), (GO-NB), (HS-NB), (MH-NB): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (AI-NB): 100 K --- 35-mm film. (GO-NB): 140 K (NH-NB): 90 K (CR-NB): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- ---do --------- (CR-NB): 20 K --- Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do --------- --- —-- (CRZNB): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do --------- --- Do. Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 195 NEVADA Boulder City, NV GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Address: U.S. Geological Survey 704 Avenue A Boulder City, NV 89005 (Obsolete) Address to obtain records: National Geophysical and Solar—Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D26 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date , _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BCN Boulder City ------------ 35.9808 114.8339 776 2/38 6/30/75 Fractured monzonite. OVE Overton ----------------- 36.5311 114.4425 395, 7/40 7/52 Terrace gravel overlying fine playa silt with gypsum cement; late Tertiary. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer ' Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 BCN Benioff -------------- NS,EW 1.0 --- Photo paper -—- --- Wood-Anderson -------- Z 1.0 --- --do ------- --- --- OVE Benioff -------------- 2 1.5 -—- --do ——————— —-— --- Timing system: Earliest timing relied on a tuning-fork chronometer. Later, BCN used a 60-Hz line clock. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY BCN was located in the basement of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Administration Building at Boulder City, Nev. The station originally operated a Wood-Anderson EW component which was later installed at BDA. ' OVE was located near the Lost City Museum, southeast of Overton. It operated a three-component Benioff system from June 1942 to October 1947, when the station was discontinued. In February 1949, it was reactivated with a single-component Benioff. When the station closed, this Benioff was used to establish a Boulder City outpost station which ran for a short time. 196 NEVADA Eureka, NV GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Willis A. DePaoli for the U.S. Geological Survey Address: Willis A. DePaoli P.0. Box 261 Eureka, NV 59316 Address to obtain records: U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Global Seismology Stop 967, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age EUR Eureka ------------------ 37.2138 115.9700 2178 5/58 Open-- Dolomite. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R marks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 e EUR Benioff-MC ----------- Z 1.0 --- Photo paper 260 K --- Timing system: Not available. System response curve: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY EUR was started by the USC&GS in May 1958 at the Ruby Hill mine, a few kilometers northwest of the present location. It moved in July 1960 to its present location. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey 3060 S. Highland Drive Las Vegas, NV 89102 Telephone: 702-734-3416 Address to obtain records: As above . SITE INFORMATION NEVADA Las Vegas , NV Code Station name 1622???? ‘ i‘gzgiauge (mitE‘rls) 03:11:] ‘32::‘1 Foundation; geologic age ADM NRDS -------------------- 36.7697 116.2853 1033 1965 1970 Alluvium. ALA Alamo ------------------- 37.2417 115.1150 1067 1/71 4/73 Hard rock. (APK) Angel's Peak ------------ 36.3190 115.0093 2680 5/75 Open" Do. BEA Beatty ------------------ 36.8833 116.7667 1183 1/72 4/73 D0. (BMT) Black Mountain ---------- 37.2835 116.5337 1920 9/75 0pen-- Do. BTY Beatty ------------------ 36.8833 116.7667 1183 1/71 4/73 D0. EUR 413 --------------------- 37.0505 116.1888 1490 1965 1970 Alluvium. CPN CP-17 ------------------- 37.1438 116.2713 ' 1761 1965 1970 Volcanic tuff. CPX CPl --------------------- 36.9320 116.0555 1285 1961 Open-- Dolomite. (EPN) Echo Peak --------------- 37.21384 116.3237 2280 7/75 --do—- Hard rock. ETS Engine Test Stand ------- 36.8325 116.3086 1158 1965 1970 Alluvium. GLR Groom Lake Road --------- 37.1995 116.0175 1435 11/75 0pen-- Hard rock. GZN Ground Zero ------------- 37.2360 116.5160 1840 1965 1970 Do. L02 Pahute Mesa ------------- 37.1979 116.3787 2019 5/73 1975 D0. LSM Little Skull Mountain--- 36.7387 116.2720 1146 1971 Open-- Do. LVN Las Vegas --------------- 36.1092 115.1400 610 1960 1970 Alluvium. LVW --d0 -------------------- 36.1700 115.1875 654 1970 Open-- Do. LVN 416 --------------------- 36.6183 116.3933 808 1970 --do-- Do. MCN Mercury ----------------- 36.9315 116.0561 1158 1971 --do-- Do. MCV --do -------------------- 36.6335 115.9998 1158 1971 --do-- Do. NPM North Pahute Mesa ------- 37.3840 116.3230 2250 9/75 --do-- ' Hard rock. NRM North Rainier Mesa ------ 37.2788 116.2042 2210 9/75 --do-- Do. PMN Pahute Mesa ------------- 37.2807 116.3020 214] 6/05/73 6/22/73 Hard rock. PRN Pahrock Range ----------- 37.4417 115.0667 1524 1970 Open-- Do. SMN Sleeping Mountain ------- 37.1433 116.7667 1341 1971 1973 Do. 851’ Shoshone Peak ----------- 36.9253 116.2185 2150 10/75 0pen-- Do. SSX SS] --------------------- 37.2282 116.2903 2248 1965 1970 Do. 198 SITE INFORMATION--continued NEVADA--Continued Las Vegas , NV . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . , Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age STX Station 2 --------------- 37.1940 116.1613 1632 1964 1970 Hard rock TMN Timber Mountain --------- 37.0837 116.4438 2190 10/75 0pen-- Do. TPV Tonopah ------------- *--- 38.0658 117.2280 1890 1965 1970 Do. TSV Twin Springs ------------ 38.2017 116.1750 1585 1965 1972 Alluvium. WSN Warm Springs ------------ 38.3833 116.1917 1768 1965 1970 Do. WSR Warm Springs Repeater--- 38.1914 116.3989 1890 1965 1970 Hard rock. 20X Ground Zero ------------- 37.2360 116.5160 --- 1970 1973 Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar 5 All stations Mark L-4C, NGC-21,--- Z 1.0 -- Develocorder 50-200 K --- or Geotech S-13. Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY of the USGS. See figure 2, p. 363. WWVB and IRIG signals recorded directly. This laboratory originally was part of the USC&GS, then run as NOAA's Earth Sciences Laboratory. In May 1973 it became part 199 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Nevada Address: Seismology Lab Mackay School of Mines University of Nevada Reno, NV 89507 Telephone: 702-784-4975 Address to obtain records: NEVADA Reno , NV As above. SITE INFORMATION Code Station name 22???? £1325??? (mE:::s) 03:3:‘1 38:; Foundation; geologic age (ANC) Anchorite --------------- 38.1732 118.7537 2249 5/76 Open" --- BGN Big Creek --------------- 41.6761 118.5969 1527 3/74 8/75 "" (BLM) Bell Mountain ----------- 39.1540 118.0910 1951 --- 7/75 --- BMN Battle Mountain --------- 40.4315 117.2218 1500 ~—- Open-- --- (BOD) Bodie ------------------ 38.1628 118.9702 2195 5/76 --d0-' “- (BON) Boundary Peak ----------- 37.9552 118.3017 1582 --- --do-- --- (CAN) Candelaria -------------- 38.1097 118.1932 2015 2/75 1976 --- CMN Crown Mine -------------- 40.8160 117.5278 1792 1964 Open" --- CND Currant ----------------- 38.8287 115.2872 2243 11/75 --d0-- --- (COL) Columbus ------------ ---- 38.1447 118.0542 1835 11/74 1976 --- (COR) Corey Peak -------------- 38.4482 118.7808 3170 --- 2/76 --- (COT) Cottonwood -------------- 38.6417 118.7718 1890 8/74 8/75 --- (DOG) Douglas ----------------- 38.3425 118.2178 1914 --- 3/76 --- EKO Elke -------------------- 40.8122 115.7762 1615 --- Closed --- (EST) Eastside ---------------- 38.0913 118.3267 1780 12/74 4/76 --- (EXC) Excelsior --------------- 38.3385 118.3242 1823 --- 0pen-- --- (FER) Ferguson ---------------- 38.5928 118.1750 1646 3/76 --do-- --- FPN Fairview Park ----------- 39.2028 118.1550 2255 --- 7/75 "- (GAR) Garfield ---------------- 38.4662 118.4743 1585 -—- 1976 --- (GET) Gilbert ----------------- 38.1630 117,6843 2137 7/76 6/77 --- (GIL) Gillis ------------------ 38.7313 118.5347 1676 7/74 7/75 --- (HSP) Huntoon Springs --------- 38.0882 118.5810 1810 --- 4/76 --- (HVL) Huntoon Valley ---------- 38.1832 118.5390 1856 --- 4/76 --- KVN Kaiserville--------I ----- 39.0510 118.1000 1829 --- Open-- --- (LBP) Lucky Boy Pass ---------- 38.4320 118.7390 2280 3/76 --do-- --- LDV Leadville --------------- 41.0975 119.3906 1798 3/74 5/76 "- LUN Luning ------------------ 38.6150 118.2097 --- --- Closed --- 200 SITE INFORMATION-~Continued NEVADA--Continued Reno , NV Code Station name (8:???) E32531? (mgtlz::s) 032:; 32:61 Foundation; geologic age LVK Lovelock ---------------- 40.1870 118.5245 1225 1970 11/75 --- (MAB) Mable Mountain ---------- 38.4292 118.3027 2039 --- 2/76 --- (MAM) Mammoth Rock ------------ 37.6060 118.9892 2896 --- 1974 --‘ (MAR) Marietta ---------------- 38.2223 118.2648 1844 --- 2/76 --- (MCR) Mono Crater ------------- 37.8872 118.9937 2267 5/76 Open" --- (MIL) Miller Mountain --------- 38.0248 118.1858 2030 —~— 3/76 "- MNA (MIN) Mina -------------------- 38.4328 118.1567 1525 *-- Open-- --- (MON) Mono Valley ------------- 38.0608 118.7758 2179 --- --do-— --- NRR North Reno -------------- 39.5720 119.8490 1634 1964 --do-- "- (PAR) Paradise ---------------- 38.7707 117.8965 1774 6/76 --do-- --- PNR Penrod ------------------ 38.8213 118.7938 --- --- Closed --- (PPK) Pilot Peak -------------- 38.3370 118.0272 2255 --- 7/76 --- (PZC) Pizona Creek ------------ 37.9652 118.5683 2103 7/75 Open" --- QRV Quinn River Valley ------ 41.6972 117.9550 1433 3/74 8/75 --- (QUA) Quailey Mine ------------ 38.3145 118.5000 1951 -~- 2/76 --- REN Reno -------------------- 39.5400 119.8131 1383 1911 2/75 --- (RYN) Ryan -------------------- 38.6282 118.5230 1585 --- Open-- --- (SIM) Simon ------------------- 38.4750 117.7675 1899 7/76 --do-- --- (SOD) Soda Spring ------------- 38.5648 118.2925 1463 --- 2/76 --- STM Slate Mountain ---------- 39.1140 118.2000 2020 1972 7/75 --- (SWN) Stillwater -------------- 39.8830 118.0623 2298 10/74 7/75 "- (TEE) Teel's Marsh ------------ 38.2063 118.4285 2140 --- 2/76 --- TNP Tonopah ----------------- 38.0820 117.2180 1932 8/31/64 Open-- --- UVN Unionvillew ------------- 40.4423 118.1583 1926 9/13/64 12/69 "- WCN Washoe City ------------- 39.3106 119.7563 1709 1972 Open-- --- (WLD) Wildhorse --------------- 38.8235 118.5747 1798 8/74 7/75 --- WMN Winnemucca -------------- 40.9800 117.9200 1524 3/74 7/75 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 Most stations Mark L-4C or Ranger 2 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Telemetered to Reno. 201 NEVADA--Continued Reno, NV INSTRUMENTATION—-Continued Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 BHN Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape 1,000 K Telemetered to Reno. KVN --do ----------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do --------- --- Do. MNA --do ----------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- s-do --------- --- Do. TNP --do ----------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do --------- --- Do. WCN --do ----------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do --------- --- Do. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-210 digital chronometer. System response curves: Stations with Mark L-4C or Ranger seismometers--see figure 2, p.363. Others available from station. SHORT HISTORY REN started in 1911 with a Wiechert and a Ewing duplex and operated through the 1930‘s. The station was opened again by the University of California, Berkeley, in 1948 in cooperation with the University of Nevada. This cooperative station became the University of Nevada's responsibility in 1963. The stations in the Mina area are supported by USGS grants. 202 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Sandia Laboratories Sandia Laboratories Albuquerque, NM 87115 505-264-1468 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION Not generally made available. NEVADA Albuquerque, NM . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (BMN) Battle Mountain --------- 40.4315 117.2218 1500 12/67 Open-- --- ELY Ely --------------------- 39.1313 114.8920 2011 - Closed --- NEL Nelson ------------------ 35.7122 114.8436 1061 10/63 0pen-- --- TPH Tonopah ----------------- 38.0747 117.2225 1890 9/61 --do-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (BMN) Geotech 18300 -------- OZ 0 1.33 --- Magnetic tape Variable --- NGC-23H -------------- 166 , 76 .8 --- --do --------- --do---- --- NGC-23V -------------- Z .8 --- --do --------- --do---- --- ELY Geotech 18300 -------- Z 1.33 --- --do---- --- NSC-23H -------------- Horizontal .8 --- --do---- --- NGC-23V -------------- Z .8 --- --do---- --- NEL Benioff 1051 --------- Z0 0 1.0 .2 --do---- --- Benioff 1101--- 144.8 , 54 8 1.0 2 --do---- --- Geotech 18300-- Z 1.33 --- --do---- --- NGC-23H -------- 142°, 52° .8 --- «do—u- --- NGC-23V -------------- Z .8 --- --do---- --- TPH Benioff 1051 --------- Z 1.0 .2 --do---- --- Benioff 1101-—— 136.20, 46.20 1.0 .2 -—do---- --- NGC-23H -------- 140°, 50° .8 --- --do---- --- NGC-23V -------------- Z .8 --- --do---- --- Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY These stations are part of a net surrounding the NTS (Nevada Test Site). and do not operate all the time. Stations are remotely controlled from NTS. data are recorded on a 24-hour basis by the USGS in Las Vegas. IRIG time code imposed at central recording site at the Nevada Test Not available. using their own timing and recording systems. Site. At times They are used for recording scheduled explosions Data are not available to the public. The USGS records the short-period vertical channels at high gains 203 NEVADA vBerkeley, CA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of California, Berkeley Address: Seismograph Station University of California 475 Earth Sciences Building Berkeley, CA 94720 Telephone: 415-642-3977 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (FAL) Fallon ------------------ 36.4733 118.7767 1207 7/02/56 6/57 Alluvium; Quaternary. (YER) Yerington --------------- 38.9883 119.1600 1335 7/03/56 6/57 Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (FAL) Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 2.0 2.0 Photo paper --- --- (YER) --do ----------------- 2,Ew 2.0 2.0 --do ------- --- --- Timing system: Spring-wound chronometer. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY (FAL) was established in the City Hall of Fallon, Nev. (YER) was established with the cooperation of the City of Yerington, Nev. REN was also established by the University of California, Berkeley, in 1948, in cooperation with This station was given to the University of Nevada in 1963. (See NEVADA, University of Nevada.) The Berkeley. 204 the University of Nevada. early records reside at NEVADA Garland , TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214—271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION Code Station name %:::t§7§ 13221;?ge (mi:::s) ogzizd c?:::d Foundation; geologic age (AT-NV) Austin ----------------- 39.4814 117.0739 1981 1/15/62 5/14/62 Metamorphics. 4/23/63 7/12/63 4/13/68 4/26/68 (CQ-NV) Caliente --------------- 37.9042 114.4708 1804 11/01/67 12/10/67 Limestone. (CU-NV) Currant ---------------- 38.6772 115.4550 1646 9/09/63 3/09/64 Limestone. (EK-NV) Eureka ----------------- 39.2089 115.7103 1951 11/11/63 11/02/64 Sandstone. (EY-NV) Ely -------------------- 39.4100 115.3128 2012 4/21/63 6/10/63 --- 4/19/68 4/26/68 (EYZNV) --do ------------------- 39.4314 115.3178 2012 3/01/66 3/12/66 --- (FA-NV) Faultless -------------- 38.6406 116.2230 1920 6/03/77 0pen--- --- (GF-NV) Goldfield -------------- 37.9175 117.2017 1707 2/08/63 3/29/63 --- (LM-NV) Lake Mead -------------- 36.5825 114.5353 536 11/25/61 12/20/61 -‘- 5/09/62 5/14/62 (LO-NV) Lovelock --------------- 39.9353 118.8394 1280 2/23/63 3/29/63 --- (MN-NV) Mina ------------------- 38.4361 118.1481 1524 9/19/61 1/15/69 Limestone and shale; Mesozoic. (NT-NV) Nevada Test Site ------- 37.2758 116.4183 1987 8/26/76 4/01/77 --- (NTZNV) --do ------------------- 37.2533 116.2853 2185 9/10/76 4/01/77 --- (OBZNV) Oak Springs Butte ------ 37.2253 116.0578 1542 8/16/76 Open--- --- (083NV) --do ------------------- 37.2325 116.0542 1609 4/20/77 Open--- --- (RH-NV) Rawhide Mountain ------- 38.2267 116.3814 1768 4/21/71 8/02/71 --- (ST-NV) Stillwater ------------- 39.4381 118.5800 1219 1/30/63 3/29/63 —-- (SZ-NV) Shoal ------------------ 39.2036 118.3800 1606 1/05/63 2/08/63 --- (TP-NV) Tippipah --------------- 37.2003 116.2261 2256 12/06/61 12/16/61 --- (WI-NV) Winnemucca ------------- 41.3506 117.4583 1524 12/10/61 3/03/64 Limestone; Mesozoic. (WZ-NV) Warm Springa ----------- 38.0628 116.4397 2073 11/07/67 12/10/67 Porphyritic granodiorite. NEVADA--Continued Garland, TX INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (AT‘NV), (BY-NV), (GF‘NV), (LN—NV), (SZ-NV), (TP-NV): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (AT-NV): 600 K --- 35-mm film. (EK-NV): 640 K (SZ-NV): 250 K (TP-NV): 140 K (AT-NV) (2d oper.), (CU-NV, (BK-NV), (LM-NV) (2d oper.), (LO-NV), (MN-NV), (RH-NV), (ST-NV), (WI-NV): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --r --do ---------- (CU-NV): 140 K (EY-NV): 600 K (MN-NV): 600 K (WI-NV): 460 K Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do ---------- --- --- (AT-NV) (3d oper.), (CO-NV), (EY'NV) (2d oper.), (NZ-NV): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape (AT-NV): 600 K Portable system. (CQ-NV): 60 K (HY-NV): 600 K Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do --------- --- Do. (EYZNV), (FA—NV), (NT'NV), (NTZNV), (OBZNV): Geotech S-l3---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape (NT-NV): 250 K Do. (NTZNV): 200 K (OBZNV): 600 K (OB3NV): Geotech 18300--- Z 1.0 --- --do --------- --- Outrigger site. Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance)2 System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. Five additional sites in Nevada ran strainmeters only, and four sites ran accelerometers only. Information on these nine sites are not included in this publication but can be obtained from Teledyne Geotech, Garland, Tex. 206 NEVADA Livermore, CA GENERAL INFORMATION Waumbw memehwmmehhmmw of the University of California Address: Seismic Research Group, L-42 Lawrence Livermore Laboratory P.O. Box 808 Livermore, CA 94550 Telephone: 415-447-1100 ext. 3475 Telex: 34-6407 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude ‘ Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age ELK Elko -------------------- 40.7448 115.2388 2210 11/68 Open-- Granite. MNV Mina -------------------- 38.4322 118.1544 1507 4/68 --do-- Limestone; Mesozoic. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 ELK Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- Magnetic tape 100 K Broadband system. Magni- W fication at 1 Hz. Tele- metered to Livermore, Menlo Park, and GLD. MNV Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape Variable Telemetered to Livermore, Menlo Park, and GLD. Broadband system. Timing system: IRIG time codes B and C synchronized to WWV. System response curves: See figure 5, p. 364, SHORT HISTORY d MNV was originally an AFTAC station. A vertical-component broadband system was installed just prior to AFTAC's eparture. ELK and MNV acquired their three-component systems in 1977. These stations are intended to monitor underground test ex- plosions and are also used in research. 207 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: 0.8. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 Telephone: 415-232-8111 ext. 2321 National Center for Earthquake Research Address to obtain records: As above . SITE INFORMATION NEVADA Menlo Park , CA Code Station name Egzétgé‘; 1632:15ng (mE:::S) 032321 CII):::d Foundation; geologic age (CNBC) Base Camp --------------- 38.3113 116.2773 1591 9/26/69 10/01/70 -—- (CNEC) Easy Chair -------------- 38.4688 115.9983 1682 9/26/69 10/01/70 --- (CNHC) Hobble Canyon ----------- 38.5907 116.2455 1811 9/26/69 10/01/70 --- (Cm) Halligan Mesa ----------- 38.5047 116.1465 2210 9/26/69 10/01/70 --- (CNHR) Hot Creek Ranch --------- 38.5232 116.3730 1786 9/26/69 10/01/70 --- (CNPS) Pritchards Station ------ 38.7660 116.2037 1942 9/26/69 10/01/70 ——- (CNSB) Slanted Butte ----------- 38.6280 116.1480 1960 9/26/69 10/01/70 --- (DFLM) Lost Mine --------------- 37.5928 117.9268 166] 5/26/70 1/71 --— (DFMM) Magruder Mountain ------- 37.4193 117.5935 2170 3/06/70 1/71 --- (DFOD) Oasis Divide ------------ 37.5530 117.7527 2173 5/26/70 12/73 --- (NRCE) Cedar Pass -------------- 37.7280 116.3107 2170 7/03/71 12/73 --- (NRCP) Cactus Peak ------------- 37.7498 116.8675 2085 7/11/71 12/73 --- (NRGF) Goldfield --------------- 37.6810 117.2458 1920 10/18/71 12/73 --- (NRGM) Groom Range ------------- 37.5267 115.8017 1942 11/16/71 12/73 --- (NRSL) Slate Ridge ------------- 37.3083 117.4147 1963 7/14/71 12/73 --- (NRWP) Worthington Mountain---- 37.9458 115.6292 1890 6/19/71 12/73 --- (NTll) First Aid Station ------- 37.2783 116.4367 1999 12/17/68 2/73 --- (NT12) Pahute Southeast -------- 37.2297 116.4468 1990 6/08/69 2/73 --- (NT13) Thirsty ----------------- 37.1570 116.6673 1628 7/12/69 2/73 --- (NT14) Stockage Wash ----------- 37.1443 116.2632 1737 12/17/68 2/73 --- (NT15) Pahute Southwest -------- 37.2263 116.5067 1891 6/08/69 2/73 --- (NT16) Airstrip ---------------- 37.0925 116.3160 1667 12/17/68 2/73 --- (NT17) Buckboard Mesa ---------- 37.1428 116.3857 1524 12/17/68 4/01/71 --- (NT18) Grass Spring ------------ 37.4293 116.3920 1649 6/08/69 2/73 --- (N119) Dead Horse Flat --------- 37.2833 116.3050 2135 6/22/69 2/73 --- (NTZO) Gold Flat Peak ---------- 37.4228 116.5647 1603 6/08/69 2/73 ~-- 208 NEVADA--Continued Menlo Park, CA SITE INFORMATION--Continued , Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ‘ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (NT21) Silent Butte ----------- 37.3752 116.4342 1637 6/08/69 2/73 “- (N222) Echo ------------------- 37.2135 116.3157 2198 2/12/70 2/73 --- (NT23) Black Mountain --------- 37.3013 116.6162 1838 6/14/69 2/73 --- (N124) Trail Ridge ------------ 37.2863 116.5145 1936 9/05/69 2/73 --- NYC (NYCH) Charlie ---------------- 37.1550 116.1553 1695 1/71 1/73 --- NYS (NYSR) Syncline Ridge --------- 37.0325 116.1688 1509 1/71 1/73 --- NYJ (NYJT) Joshua Tree ------------ 37.0080 115.9747 1286 1/71 1/73 --- NYM (NYMC) Climax Mine ------------ 37.2313 116.0523 1603 1/71 1/73 --- NYV (NYVN) Vern ------------------- 37.1128 115.9900 1442 1/71 1/73 "' NYR (NYRS) Receiver Site ---------- 37.0553 116.0917 1279 1/71 1/73 --- (NYND) Down-Hole --------------- 37.1327 116.0980 1094 8/17/71 1/73 --- (NYNC) North-Central ---------- 37.1417 116.0878 1329 4/21/71 8/16/71 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (NT14), (N222), (N124): EV-17 ---------------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder Telemetered to Menlo Park. All other stations: Mark L-4C ------------ 2 1.0 --— --do -------- Do. Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY The (CN--) stations The (DF--) stations are in California. The (NR--) stations The (NT-—) stations 3 station was moved, the twice, the final location being (N222); and (NT24) became (N124). WWVB recorded directly as well as IRIG-C. See figure 2, p. 363. constitute the Central Nevada Test Site network. listed above make up part of the Death Valley-Furnace Creek network; four other stations in this network constitute the Regional network, one of the stations being in California. make up the Pahute Mesa network. The numbering sequence on these stations reflects the fact that when new location was given a code which reflected this change: (NT19) became (N119); (NT22) was moved This network also has alias code names for each station which can be obtained from the station operator. The (NY--) stations constitute the Yucca Flat network. NEVADA Pasadena, CA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: California Institute of Technology Address: Seismological Laboratory 252-21 California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA 91125 Telephone: 213-795-8806 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date ‘ . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foandation, geologic age RUT Ruth -------------------- 39.2333 114.9833 2270 1/60 4/64 Ely Limestone; Late Mississippian to Permian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 RUT Press-Ewing ---------- Z,NS,EW 30.0 90.0 Photo paper --- --- Timing system: Crystal-controlled clock. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY RUT was established by C.I.T. in cooperation with University of California, Berkeley, and Kennecott Copper Corp. The station is sometimes referred to as Ely. 210 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: New Hampshire Highway Department for the 0.5. Geological Survey New Hampshire Highway Department Box 82 Twin Mountain, NH Address to obtain records: Unknown. SITE INFORMATION NEW HAMPSHIRE Twin Mountain, NH . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age FNN Franconia Notch --------- 44.1600 71.6817 1060 1967 1975 Granite. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 FNN Texas Instruments---- Z 1.0 --- 35-mm film --- Four instruments in an array. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-lOO. System response curve: Uncalibrated. SHORT HISTORY The small array was set up to monitor the activity around the Great Stone Face, so that the State Highway Department could evaluate the threat to this natural landmark created by a nearby highway. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Address: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Building 54, Room 527 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02138 Telephone: 617-253-7796 Address to obtain records: NEW HAMPSHIRE Cambridge, MA As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (DNH) Durham ------------------ 43.1225 70.8947 24 1/76 Open-- Granodiorite; Late Devonian. (ONH) Oakhill, Concord -------- 43.2792 71.5056 280 12/75 --do-- Schist; Early Devonian. PNH Pitcher Mt. ------------- 43.0942 72.1358 659 1/76 --do-- Gneiss; Early Devonian. (WNH) Whiteface --------------- 43.8683 71.3997 220 1/76 --do-- Schist; Early Devonian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To All stations Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 -—- Develocorder --- Telemetered to M.I.T. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-250 digital timing system. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY Kinemetrics model WVTR Mark IV with time-code stripper. (DNH), (ONH), PNH, and (WNH) are temporary stations established for use in the Northeast seismic network. All stations operate remotely and are telemetered to the Seismology Laboratory in Cambridge, Mass. NEW HAMPSHIRE Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (LB-NH) Lebanon ----------------- 43.6208 72.2756 274 6/14/62 6/28/62 --- (LS—NH) Lisbon ------------------ 44.2383 71.9225 287 9/27/63 3/22/65 Metamorphics. 12/17/66 12/20/66 1/19/68 1/19/68 INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (LB-NH): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (LS-NH): 100 K --- 35-mm film. (LS-NH): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 —-- ---do --------- --- --- Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do --------- --- --- (LS-NH) (2d and 3d oper.): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do -------- ——- Do. Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. NEW HAMPSHIRE Weston, MA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Weston Observatory, Boston College Address: Weston Observatory Concord Road Weston, MA 02193 Telephone: 617-899-0950 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w_) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BNH Berlin ----------------- 44.5906 71.2564 472 1/63 0pen-- Granite; Devonian. HWH Hanover ---------------- 43.7053 72.2856 180 6/15/75 --do-- Metavolcanics; Ordovician. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 BNH Benioff 4681A -------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder --- Telemetered to WES. HNH Mark L—4C ------------ z 1.0 -—- —-—do ------- --- D0. Timing system: WWSSN standard added at WES. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY BNH has run continuously since its installation with the exception of September-December 1967 and March 1974-February 1975, when the station was closed. HNH is at the same location as a station run intermittently by Dartmouth College. The Observatory contributes to the Northeastern United States Seismic Network bulletin. 214 NEW JERSEY Paterson, NJ GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Philip J. Del Vecchio Address: Philip J. Del Vecchio Station PNJ, P.0. Box 266 971 East 22nd Street . Paterson, NJ 07513 Telephone: 201-684-4345 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age PNJ Paterson ---------------- 40.9071 74.1548 31 3/72 Open-- Soft red shale and sandstone; Triassic. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remark Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 5 PNJ Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 0.6 Visible 140 K --- Reed (rebuilt) ------- EW 1.5 6 --do--— 2.5 K Operates intermittently owing to a shortage of paper. Milne-Shaw type ------ NS 20.0 50-75 --do--- .5-2 K Do. Timing system: Chronometer checked against WWV or CHU several times daily. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY PNJ is equipped with instruments originally used in IGY and IQSY operations; it is supported by loans and donations from various organizations. 215 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: of Columbia University Department of Seismology Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Columbia University Palisades, NY 10964 914-359-2900 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory NEW JERSEY Palisades, NY Code Station name %Z:;t§?§ EgzgiSY§e (mitZZs) ogzizd CI:::d Foundation; geologic age CNJ Catfish Pond ----------- 41.0358 75.0042 351 2/73 7/74 Shale; Ordovician. GPD Greenpond -------------- 41.0177 74.4608 360 8/76 0pen-- Green Pond Conglomerate; Silurian. OGD Ogdensburg ------------- 41.0875 74.5958 -367 1960 --do-- Franklin Limestone; Precambrian. PQN Pahaquarry ------------- 41.0073 75.0858 229 2/73 --do-- High Falls Formation; Silurian. (PRIN) Princeton -------------- 40.3669 74.7179 110 3/77 --do-- Brunswick Formation; Late Triassic. PVN Peters Valley ---------- 41.1957 74.8697 175 2/73 7/74 High Falls Formation; Silurian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 CNJ Geospace HS IO-ZB---- 2 0.5 0.02 Develocorder --- --- GPD ---do ---------------- Z .5‘ .02 ---do ------- 3200 K Magnification at 20 Hz.1 OGD Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 .75 Photo paper 50 K WWSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 ---do ------ 50 K Do. Geotech 7505A, 8700C- Z,NS,EW 30.0 --- Photo paper, 57.9 K, 49.8 K HGLP. magnetic tape. 61.3 K PQN Geospace HS 10-2B---- Z .5 .02 Develocorder 6400 K Magnification at 20 Hz.1 (PRIN) -—- --- -—— --- -—- --- —-- PVN Geospace HS 10-2B---- Z .5 .02 Develocorder --- --- 1 To obtain magnification at 1 Hz, multiply by 7.9 x 10- . 3 Timing sys System response curves: tem: Sprengnether TS-200. SHORT HISTORY See figure 9, p. 366. Lamont-Doherty publishes a bimonthly bulletin and a yearly bulletin, available from the Observatory. 216 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory Bldg. 10002 Kirtland AFB-East Albuquerque, NM 87115 Telephone: 505-264-4637 Telex: 66-0351 Address to obtain records: NEW MEXICO Albuquerque, NM As above. WWSSN records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION Code Station name %::;t;?; Egggia?ge (mE:::s) 03:3:3 cgggzd Foundation; geologic age ABQ Albuquerque ------------- 34.9425 106.4575 1849 1/01/74 0pen-— Gneiss. Precambrian. ALQ ---do ------------------- 34.9425 106.4575 1849 11/28/61 --d0-- D0. AMMO ---do ------------------- 34.9469 106.4569 1737 8/74 --do-- Do. CCN Cachucha Ranch ---------- 36.8333 106.8333 --- --- Closed --- CDN Cerro Del Durzno -------- 35.4546 107.3485 259] 1/76 0pen-- Basalt; Quaternary. CNM Chama ------------------- 36.9167 106.5689 --- --- Closed --- COH Cochiti ----------------- 35.5802 106.3048 1646 1/76 Open-- Basalt; Quaternary. DNM Dulce ------------------- 36.9333 1069958 --- --- Closed --- EST Estancia ---------------- 34.8645 105.7228 2055 6/76 0pen-- Limestone; Pennsylvanian. GNM Golden ------------------ 35.2496 106.1926 2417 1/76 --do-- Do. LAD Ladron Mountain --------- 34.4583 107.0375 1768 1/76 --do-- Gneiss; Precambrian. LPM Los Pinos Mountain ------ 34.3076 106.6336 1737 1/76 --do-- Granite. HLM Mesa Lucera ------------- 34.8144 107.1450 2088 1/76 --do-- Basalt; Quaternary. (VOL) Volcano ----------------- 35.1250 106.7675 1782 5/77 --do-- Do. WMA West Mesa --------------- 35.0722 106.8563 1804 -—— 12/75 --- (WTX) Socorro ----------------- 34.0722 106.9458 1555 6/77 0pen-- Granite; Precambrian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type. Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 ABQ Johnson-Matheson ------ 2 1.0 --- Develocorder 500 K Array of eight elements, aperture of 2 km. One instrument recorded on Helicorder. 217 NEW MEXICO--Continued Albuquerque, NM INSTRUMENTATION--Continued / Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 ALQ Benioff 1051, 1101—-- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.75 Photo paper---- 200 K WWSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 ---do ---------- 3 K Do. Geotech 7505A, 8700-- Z,NS,EW 30.0 --- Photo paper,--- 106 K, 52 K, HGLP. Z telemetered to magnetic tape. 50 K GLD also. ANMO Geotech 36000 -------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Helicorder,---- 40 K SRO. Magnification at 25 magnetic tape. sec. Z also recorded at 200 K at 1 sec. Digital data of lZO-dB dynamic range avail- able on tape. All others Johnson-Matheson ----- Z 1.0 --- Helicorder,---- 200 K Magnification approxi- Develocorder. mate. All stations telemetered to ALQ. Timing system: WWSSN standard used for all stations except ANMO, which uses a Systron-Donner clock. System response curves: ALQ--see figure 3, p. 364, and figure 6, p. 365. ANMO--see figure 7, p. 365. Others available from station. SHORT HISTORY In 1961 the USC&GS established its seismic instrumentation laboratory in Albuquerque after evaluating several sites for seismic noise, access to other government facilities, and proximity to a large city. The Laboratory has been engaged in in- strument development and deployment of the WWSSN, HGLP, SRO, and ASRO networks and the Tsunami Warning System; it continues in a supporting role for these networks. WXT is operated in conjunction with the New Mexico Jnstitute of Mining and Technology. 218 NEW MEXICO Albuquerque, NM GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Sandia Laboratories Address: Sandia Laboratories Albuquerque, NM 87115 Telephone: 505-264-1468 Address to obtain records: As above. Not generally available. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (ALB) Albuquerque ------------- 34.9750 106.4386 1935 12/59 0pen-- Granite; Precambrian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rem k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 ar 5 (ALB) Benioff 1051, 1101--- Z,NS,EW o 1.0 0.2 Magnetic tape 15.6 K 2 also records visibly. NGC-23 --------------- Z, 108.3 .8 --- ---do -------- 1 K --- Press-Ewing ---------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do -------- 5 K Z also records visibly. EW recorded as a broadband. Timing system: IRIG time code synchronized to WWV. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY The station operates only during the workweek. The magnification of all the instruments is variable. 219 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Address: Group J-13 University of California Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory P.0.’ Box 1663 Los Alamos, NM 87554 Telephone: 505-667-7165 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION NEW MEXICO Los Alamos, NM Code Station name 163:??? E325??? (miizé) 022;:‘1 32:; Foundation; geologic age BRC Barley Canyon ----------- 35.8903 106.7114 2261 6/76 0pen-- Cased well below water table; Permian. CLP Clara Peak -------------- 36.0358 106.2403 2591 9/73 --do-- Basalt; Pliocene. (CZL) Cerro Azul -------------- 36.2833 105.9103 2128 9/29/76 --do-- Quartzite; Precambrian. (DMPK) Dead Man Peak ----------- 36.4264 106.7757 2664 11/22/76 --do-- Sandstone; Triassic. EUM Eureka Mesa ------------- 36.0131 106.8439 2914 1/13/76 --do-— Sandstone; Permian. FCN Frijoles Canyon --------- 35.7719 106.2503 1945 5/07/73 7/73 Tuff; Pleistocene. LCV La Cueva ---------------- 35.8828 106.6742 2652 9/73 0pen-- Tuff; Pleistocene. LFC Lake Fork Canyon -------- 35.8769 106.6647 2451 11/04/75 --do-- Cased well near water table; Permian. LOA Los Alamos -------------- 35.8247 106.2944 2144 1/12/72 --do-- Tuff; Pleistocene. MSA Mount San Antonia ------- 36.8592 106.0178 3322 10/09/75 "do" Basalt; Pliocene. MTL Mount Taylor ------------ 35.2519 107.5964 3335 10/15/75 --do-- Rhyolite; Miocene. (OTZ) Ortiz Mountain ---------- 35.7603 106.1728 2091 9/17/76 --do-- Basalt; Pleistocene. RIO Rio Grant --------------- 35.7547 106.1756 2073 2/21/75 9/17/76 D0. (Caja Del Rio) SPD St. Peter's Dome Lookout 35.7578 106.3694 2566 9/73 Open-- Rhyolite; Pliocene. TSP Tesuque Peak ------------ 35.7853 105.7814 3664 10/14/73 --do-- Granite; Precambrian. TTP Tetilla Peak ------------ 35.6094 106.2064 2103 10/73 --do-- Basalt; Pleistocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer ‘ Galvo Type. Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 BRC Mark L4-C ------------ 2 1.0 --- Helicorder, 42 K --- Develocorder, magnetic tape. CLP Kinemetrics SS-l ----- Z 1.0 --- ---do --------- 40 K --- (CZL) Geotech S-13 --------- 2 1.0 --- ———do --------- 42 K —-- 220 INSTRUMENTATION--Continued NEW HEXICO--Continued Los Alamos, NM Seismometer Galvo Type. Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recordlng at T0 (DMPK) Geotech S-13 --------- Z 1.0 --- Helicorder, 37 K --- Develocorder, magnetic tape. EUM Mark L4-3D ----------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- ---do --------- 58 K --- FCN ---do ---------------- z,NS,Ew 1.0 --- ---do --------- --- --- ch ---do ---------------- z,NS,Ew 1.0 --- ---do --------- 1.3 K -—- ch Hark LA-c ------------ z 1.0 --- ---do --------- 1.2 K --- LOA Mark L4-3D ----------- z,NS,Ew 1.0 —-- ---do --------- 21 K --- HSA ---do ---------------- 2,115,191 1.0 --- ---do --------- 32 K —-- MTL ---do ---------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 —-- ---do --------- 34 K —-- (OTZ) Mark L4-C ------------ Z 1.0 —-- ---do --------- 43 K --- RIO ---do---------------/- 2 1.0 --- ---do --------- 42 K -—- SPD Kinemetrics SS-l ----- Z 1.0 --- ---do --------- 43 K --- TSP Mark Lh-SD ----------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- ---do --------- 40 K --- TTP Mark Llo-C ------------ z 1.0 --- ---do ————————— 42 K --- Timing system: System response curves: Geotech TG-llO. Available from station. 221 GENERAL INFORMATION New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Operated by: Address: Campus Station Socorro, NM 87801 Telephone: Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION 505-835-5212 or 835-5426 ‘ NEW MEXICO Socorro, NM . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BBN Black Butte ------------- 34.4078 106.7456 1524 2/15/70 12/18/71 Alluvium; Tertiary. CLN Carlsbad ---------------- 32.4027 103.7318 1094 4/05/74 0pen-- Caliche; Tertiary. SNM Socorro ----------------- 34.0702 106.9435 1511 7/62 --do-- Welded tuff; Tertiary. SRF Snake Ranch Flats ------- 34.2033 107.0900 1768 1/69 6/69 Alluvium; Tertiary. SRM Socorro (La Joya) ------- 34.3419 106.8986 1522 6/25/69 6/30/70 Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Re k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 mar s BBN: ASC-l ---------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --— Magnetic tape 28 K Peak magnification of I 324 K at 10 Hz. CLN, SRF, SRM: Custom-designed' ------ Z 1.0 --- 70-mm film --- Peak magnification of 400 K at 20 Hz. SNM: Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Film ------- 30 K LRSM system. Peak mag- nification of 128 K at 5 Hz. Press-Ewing ---------- Z 18.0 --- Film ------- 1300 --- Wood Anderson -------- Horizontal --- --- Photo paper 2800 --- Timing system: which is also recorded directly. System response curves: Not available. CLN uses a quartz clock checked with WWVB every 2 hours. SNM uses a Geotech digital clock checked with WWVB, GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION NEW MEXICO Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (GB-NM) Gasbuggy ---------------- 36.6869 107.2261 2164 5/29/77 0pen--- (GN-NM) Gnome (Carlsbad) -------- 32.2625 103.8569 1036 1/08/62 2/15/62 Limestone. (LC-NM) Las Cruces -------------- 32.4022 106.5994 1585 9/20/61 7/23/65 Limestone; Paleozoic. 9/28/65 11/15/65 8/02/67 7/16/69 9/01/69 9/16/69 9/26/69 10/10/69 3/13/70 3/26/70 3/16/70 3/26/70 9/27/71 11/10/71 5/08/73 5/22/73 (ML-NM) Mogollon ---------------- 33.4147 108.8364 1646 12/15/61 2/16/62 Metamorphics. (RT-NM) Raton ------------------- 36.7294 104.3603 1951 12/04/61 2/15/62 Limestone. 8/14/63 3/22/65 (TC-NM) Truth or Consequences--- 33.1842 107.4617 1524 12/20/61 5/03/62 Granite. (TD-NM) Tres Piedras ------------ 36.6556 106.1717 2926 8/22/63 11/26/63 Metamorphics. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar S (GN-NM), (ML-NM), (RT-NM): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (GN-NM): 115 --- 35-mm film. (ML-NM): 270 (RT-NM): 250 (LC-NM), (RT-NM) (2d oper.) (TC-NM), (TD-NM): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- ---do --------- (LC-NM): 370 --- (TC-NM): 280 (TD-NM): 450 Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do --------- —-- —-- (GB-NM), (LC-NM) (last 3 oper.): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 ~-- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do -------- --- Do. 223 NEW MEXICO--Continued Garland, TX Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WVV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 197], when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions.’ All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: State University of New York at Binghamton Address: Department of Geological Sciences - State University of New York Binghamton, NY 13901 Telephone: 607-798-2512 Address to obtain records: NEW YORK Binghamton, NY As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Code Station name (deg N.) BNY Binghamton -------------- 42.0896 INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Code Type Component BNY Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 0.0 Date . . . opened closed Foundation, geologic age Open-- Pleistocene glacial till overlying Devonian sandstone and shale. Type. Magniflcation Remarks recording at T0 Visible 7 --- W M 7171 -_do___ Timing system: Sprengnether TS-200. System response curves: Calibration changes to suit particular needs. SHORT HISTORY BNY started in 1970 as a research station. From 1955 to 1967 a station operated at nearly the same location; it Elleiott, 577 State Street. was run by a private individual named Charles NEW YORK Buffalo , NY GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Canisius College Address: Seismic Observatory Department of Physics Canisius College Buffalo, NY 14208 Telephone: 716-883-7000 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Statlon name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BUF Buffalo ---------------- 42.9333 78.8500 195 1912 Open-- Cherty limestone. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 BUF Wiechert---- NS,EW 1.0 --- Smoked paper --- --- Gallitzin-Wilip Z 1.0 --- Photo paper --- --- Sprengnether--- 2 1.0 --- --—do ------ --- --- Sprengnether --------- NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do ------ --- --- Timing system: Power-line frequency clock. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY BUF was inaugurated in 1910 as an early Jesuit Seismological Station; it moved to a new location in 1912. Its original instruments were the Weichert's and the Galitzin-Wilip described above. In 1930 a new Galitzin-Wilip was added. The Sprengnether's were added in 1946. The station is not currently operating but will be refurbished in the academic year 1977-78. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Harry H. Larkin, Jr. Address: Mr. Harry H. Larkin, Jr. 189 Van Rensselaer Street Buffalo, NY 14210 Address to obtain records: Unknown. SITE INFORMATION NEW YORK Buffalo, NY . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BBF Buffalo-Larkin ---------- 42.8475 78.6442 230 3/51 Closed —-- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 emar S BFF Sprengnether --------- NS --- --- --- --- --- Timing system: Not available. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY BFF was privately operated; some of its equipment was loaned by the USC&GS. 227 NEW YORK Glen Cove, NY GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Victor S. Aiello Address: Victor S. Aiello 3 Central Avenue Glen Cove, NY 11542 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ' . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age GCY Glen Cove ---------- 40.8583 73.6300 43 2/65 Open-- Alluvium. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T0(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 GCY Sprengnether --------- Z 3.4 17.6 Photo paper 4.4 K Magnification at 15 sec. Timing system: Pendulum clock with invar pendulum, corrected daily with CHU or WWV. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY The station is the avocation of the owner. 228 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Cornell University Address: Department of Geological Sciences Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14850 Telephone: 607-256-5267 Address to obtain records: As above for INY records. ITH records not available. SITE INFORMATION NEW YORK Ithaca, NY Code Station name Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date Foundation- geologic age (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed ’ INY Ithaca ------------------ 42.4438 76.4836 238 8/05/72 0pen-- Ithaca Member of Genesee Formation; Late Devonian. ITH Ithaca ------------------ 42.4500 76.4833 243 1909 1940’s Ithaca Member of Genesee Formation; Late Devonian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R m ks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To 8 at INY Sprengnether S-5007-- Z,NS,EW 25.0 0.1 Visible Z: 11.7 K Magnification at 1 sec. NS: 14 K Do. EW: 11.9 K Do. U.E.D. Lehner-Griffith Z 1.5 .025 Visible 85 K Do. ITH Bosch-Omori ---------- NS,EW --- --- --- ——— --- Timing system: Sprengnether TS-250 used at INY. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY Two of the Sprengnether's and the Lehner-Griffith instrument began operation when INY opened; the Sprengnether EW was added October 15, 1972. 1TH was located in McGraw Hall on the campus of Cornell University in 1909. The University published monthly bulletins during the time 1TH was operating. 229 NEW YORK New York, NY GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: City College of New York Address: Babor Seismograph and Weather Station City College of New York 139th Street and Convent Avenue New York, NY 1003] Telephone: 212-690-8203 Address to obtain records: Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Columbia University Palisades, NY 10964 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ‘ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CNY City College ------------ 40.8217 73.9533 --- 5/48 Open-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 CNY Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 2.0, 6.0, 2.2, 6.8, Photo paper --- --- 6.0 7.2 Timing system: WWV recorded with an IBM pendulum-clock backup. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY The station was run for over 20 years under the supervision of Daniel T. O'Connell and Arthur T. Pitschi. It became inoperative in 1970. The instruments are expected to again be operational in 1978. 230 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Fordham University Address: Seismic Station Department of Physics Fordham University New York, NY 10058 Telephone: 212-933-2233 Address to obtain records: NEW YORK New York, NY As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age FOR Fordham ----------------- 40.8631 73.8856 24 1910 8/76 Fordham Gneiss; Precambrian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Re R Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 mar 5 FOR Gallitzin-Wilip ------ Z,NS,EW 1.0. -- Photo paper --- --— Wood-Anderson -------- NS,EW 1.0 -- ---do ------ --- —-- Milne-Shaw ----------- NS,EW 1.0 —- ---do ------ --- —-- Wiechert ------------- NS,EW --- -- ---do ------ --- —-— Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 -- ---do ------ --- --- Benioff -------------- Z 20.0 -- ---do ------ --- --- Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 -- ---do ------ --- --- Timing system: Standard Electric Time, Invar Pendulum. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY FOR was inaugurated in 1910 but moved in 1921, 1926, and 1934. It was part of the Jesuit Seismological Association. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University Address: Department of Seismology Lamont-Doberty Geological Observatory Columbia University Palisades, NY 10964 Telephone: 914-359-2900 Address to obtain records: NEW YORK Palisades, NY As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundatlon, geologic age ADN Adams ------------------- 43.8333 76.1197 137 11/24/74 0pen-- Limestone, Trenton Group; Middle Ordovician. ALF Alfred ------------------ 42.2253 77.7972 671 1/71 --do-- Java and West Falls Formations; Late Devonian. ALX Alexander Bay ----------- 44.3225 75.9279 122 8/76 --do-- Gneiss; Precambrian. APH Airport Hangar ---------- 43.8413 74.4970 564 7/74 --do-- Do. ATT Attica ------------------ 42.8358 78.1942 470 7/71 1/16/76 Java and West Falls Formations; Late Devonian. (BGR) Bangor ------------------ 44.8271 74.3788 329 11/76 3/14/77 Potsdam Sandstone; Late Cambrian. (BKH) Bank Hill --------------- 42.8594 78.1522 366 1/16/76 6/76 Java and West Falls Formations; Late Devonian. BML Blue Mountain Lake ------ 43.8680 74.4020 305 9/71 10/73 Gneiss; Precambrian. CLY Crystal Lake ------------ 43.8513 74.4490 579 9/71 Open-- Gneiss; Precambrian. CTR Castle Rock ------------- 43.8742 74.4600 585 9/71 --do-- Do. (DHN) Doyle Hill -------------- 42.8256 78.1931 491 1/16/76 7/28/76 Java and West Falls Formations; Late Devonian. DNY Dersam ------------------ 42.8363 78.1688 381 7/71 Open-- Do. DSN Dusing ------------------ 42.8443 78.1803 412 7/71 1/16/76 Do. EGN Eagle's Nest ------------ 43.8595 74.4818 549 9/71 0pen-- Gneiss; Precambrian. ELM Elma -------------------- 42.8502 78.6433 216 7/71 7/28/76 Java and West Falls Formations; Late Devonian. GFN Grafton ----------------- 42.7928 78.4153 518 10/71 7/28/76 Cossayuna Group of Fisher1, 1962; Early Cambrian. HMB Hamburg ----------------- 42.6545 78.8525 290 9/71 7/28/76 Java and West Falls Formations; Late Devonian. HNY Hamilton ---------------- 42.8318 75.5148 500 7/74 Open-- Marcellus and Skaneateles Shales; Middle Devonian. (MRH) Merchants Hill ---------- 42.8392 78.2400 448 1/16/76 4/77 Java and West Falls Formations; Late Devonian. (MSNY) Massena ----------------- 44.9983 74.8621 55 2/77 4/77 ‘-' 1Fisher, D. W., 1962, Correlation of the Cambrian rocks in New York State: New York Geol. Survey Map and Chart Ser. 2. 232 SITE INFORMATION--Continued NEW YORK--Continued Palisades, NY Code Station name [63:33"; 1632531316 (mE:::s) 02:3; 32:; Foundation; geologic age OAK Oakfield ---------------- 43.0570 78.3372 259 9/71 11/74 Lockport Dolomite; Middle Silurian. OCN Over Castle Rock -------- 43.8848 74.5293 701 7/74 0pen-— Gneiss; Precambrian. PAL Palisades --------------- 41.0042 73.9092 91 1949 --do-- Palisade Diabase; Late Triassic. PNY Plattsburgh ------------- 44.8342 73.5550 177 8/71 --do-- Potsdam Sandstone; Late Cambrian. PTN Potsdam ----------------- 44.5725 74.9828 238 10/71 --do-- Gneiss; Precambrian. SFO Sterling Forest --------- 41.1962 74.2600 300 1962 Closed Gneiss; Precambrian. SKN Skaneateles ------------- 42.9915 76.4672 226 11/74 Open-- Oriskany Sandstone; Early Devonian. TBR Tablerock --------------- 41.1417 74.2222 261 7/75 --do-- Gneiss; Precambrian. TUS Tuscarora --------------- 43.1800 78.9592 165 6/71 3/74 Clinton Group; Middle Silurian. UWL Utowana Lake ------------ 43.8378 74.5433 561 7/74 Open-- Gneiss; Precambrian. (WLI) Wellesley Island -------- 44.3090 76.0098 90 8/74 8/16/76 Gneiss; Precambrian. WND Windham ----------------- 42.3373 74.1525 602 10/08/76 Open-- Kiskatom Formation; Middle Devonian. WNY Wilmington-"u"; ------ 44.3910 73.8595 598 10/71 --do-- Anorthosite in Adirondack Mountains; Precambrian. WPR Ward Pound Ridge -------- 44.2547 73.5857 152 3/71 --do-- Gneiss; early Paleozoic or Precambrian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type . Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 ADN Geospace HS 10-ZB---- Z 0.5 0.02 Develocorder 6300 K Magnification at 20 H21. Most stations also have a Helicorder with a 0.04 galvo. ALF ---do ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ------- -—- Do. ALX ---do ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ------- 3200 K Do. APH --—do ---------------- Z .5 .02 —--do ------- 6400 K Do. ATT -—-do ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ——————— 3160 K Do. (BGR) ---do ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ------- 6400 K Do. (3101) ---do ---------------- z .5 .02 ---do ------- 2300 K Do. BML ---d0 ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ------- —-- Do. CLY "'dO """"""""""" Z .5 .02 ---do ------- 14700 K Do. CTR ---do ---------------- NS .5 .02 --—do ------- 8000 K Do.» (DHN) ---do ---------------- Ew .5 .02 ---do ------- 1200 K 00. DNY ---do ---------------- z .5 .02 ---do ------- 1160 K 00. 1To obtain magnification at 1 Hz, multiply by 7.9 x 10- . 3 INSTRUMENTATION--Continued NEW YORK--Continued Palisades, NY Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remark Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 5 DSN Geospace HS-lO-ZB---- Z 0.5 0.02 Develocorder 3160 K Magnification at 20 H21. Most stations also have a Helicorder with a 0.04 galvo. EGN ---do ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ------- 4000 K DO- ELM ---do ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ------- 9300 K Do. GFN ---do ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ------- 9300 K 00- ].mg ---do ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ------- 2310 K Do. N —-—do ................ Z .5 .02 ---do ------- 5900 K Do. (m) -—-do ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ------- 2300 K D0- (MSNY) --—do ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ------- --- Do. OAK ---do ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ------- --- DD. OCN ---do ---------------- Z ,5 .02 ---do ------- 12800 K DO- PAL Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 30.0 100.0 Photo paper 250 Magnification at 25 sec. ’Wood-Anderson- NS,EW .8 --- ---do ------ 2800 --- Sprengnether --------- Z 15.0 75.0 Pen and ink 3 K --- Press-Ewing ---------- NS,EW --- --- ---do ------ --- --- PNY Geospace HS-lO-ZB---- Z .5 .02 Develocorder 1600 K Magnification at 20 H21. Most stations also have a Helicorder with a 0.04 galvo. m ---do ———————————————— z .5 .02 ---do ------- 11800 K Do. SFO ---do ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ------- 6300 K DO- SKN ---do ---------------- z .5 .02 ---do ------- 5900 K D0- TBR ---do ---------------- z .5 .02 ---do ------- 21400 K DO- TUS ---do ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ------- --- Do. qu ---do ---------------- z .5 .02 ---do ------- 12800 K DO- VCS ---do ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ------- 2300 K Do. (WM) "-40 ................ z .5 .02 ---do ------- 21400 K Do. WND ---do ---------------- z ,5 .02 ---do ------- 6400 K DO- N ---do ---------------- z .5 .02 ---do ------- 2000 K Do. wa ---do ---------------- Z .5 .02 ---do ------- 21400 K D0- 3 1To obtain magnification at 1 Hz multiply by 1.9 x 10‘ . 234 NEW YORK--Continued Palisades, NY Timing system: PAL uses a Sprengnether TS-IOO. All other stations use a Sprengnether TS-ZOO digital timing system. System response curves: See figure 9, p. 366. SHORT HISTORY ALF is operated jointly with Alfred University. CLY, CTR, and EGN are part of the Blue Mountain Lake array. BLM was a forerunner of this array. PNY is operated jointly with the State University of New York at Plattsburgh, Department of Earth Sciences. Telemetry for the New York stations is funded by the USGS. Lamont-Doherty publishes a bimonthly bulletin and a yearly bulletin, available from the Observatory. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: George E. Mercier Address: Rochester-Mercier 0bservatory--C10sed 100 Sandringham Dr. Rochester, NY 14610 (Obsolete) Address to obtain records: No longer available. SITE INFORMATION NEW YORK Rochester, NY . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age RHO Rochester-Mercier ------- 43.1317 77.5386 141 3/22/68 9/71 Limestone and granite. Observatory INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T0(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 RHO Willmore ------------- 2 1.0 0.5 Photo paper 100 K --- Sprengnether --------- NS,EW 60.0 45-60 ——do ------- --- --- Timing system: Springer pendulum clock timed with WWV daily. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY RMO was started as a high school project. Reports were sent to the USC&GS. GENERAL INFORMATION NEW YORK Rochester, NY Operated by: McQuaid Jesuit High School Address: Odenbach Seismic Observatory McQuaid Jesuit High School 1800 Clinton Avenue, South Rochester, NY 14618 Telephone: 716-473-1130 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev' Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age ROC Rochester --------------- 43.1245 77.5923 155 2/13/59 Open-- Lockport Dolomite; Middle Silurian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 ROC Wilmore (Hilger ------ Z 0.75 0.75 Photo paper --- -—- & Watts 98093). Benioff -------------- NS 1.0 1.5 --do ------- ——- -—- EW 1.0 6.3 --do ------- --- --- Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY ROC was begun in 1959 on the initiative of several students and some faculty. 60-Hz line clock. Uncalibrated. It used two long-period Sprengnether seismometers until 1964 when the Benioff's, previously used by Harvard University, were loaned to the school. The Observatory puts out periodic reports of observed disturbances and special reports of local disturbances, which contain observational data and an intensity map if possible. 237 NEW YORK Troy, NY GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Address: Department of Geology Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY 12181 Telephone: 518-270-6476 Address to obtain records: As above. Records for six components (three 0.5-sec instruments and three 22.0-sec instruments) are available on photographic paper through 1966. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age TRY Troy -------------------- 42.7311 73.6669 118 1960 Open-- Troy Shale of Ruedemann1 (1944); Cambrian. 1Ruedemann, Rudolf, and Cushing, H. D., 1914, Geology of Saratoga Springs and vicinity: N.Y. State Mus. Bull. 169, 177 p. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at TO TRY Press-Ewing ---------- 2 22.0 --- Helicorder 3 K Recorded on two record- ers with different response curves. Timing system: Tuning-fork clock timed with WWV hourly. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY TRY records on two recorders with two response curves, one with a lowered response at 7 sec to cut down on microseisms caused by storms in the Atlantic. NEW YORK Clifton, NJ GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Woodward-Clyde Consultants for Consolidated Edison Address: Woodward—Clyde Consultants 1425 Broad Street Clifton, NJ 07012 Telephone: 201-471-2000 Telex: 13-3541 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (BLMY) Blum -------------------- 41.3297 73.9552 134 6/16/75 Open" Gneiss; Precambrian. (CHRY) Calls Hollow Road ------- 41.2082 74.0543 183 6/17/75 --do-- Do. (DBMY) Dunderburg Mountain ----- 41.2947 73.9750 27 6/17/75 --do-- Do. (DPLY) Delli Paoli ------------- 41.2528 73.9108 67 8/18/75 -4do-- Norite; Ordovician. (GOBY) Gobbelet ---------------- 41.3295 73.9218 150 10/01/75 --do-- Gneiss; Precambrian. (GSCY) Girl Scout Camp --------- 41.2663 74.0040 110 6/17/75 --d0-- Do. (OSBY) Osborn— ----------------- 41.3603 73.9240 212 6/18/75 --do-- Do. (SNPY) Stoney Point ------------ 41.2408 73.9713 30 6/17/75 --do-- Diorite; Ordovician. (SPSY) St. Peter's School ------ 41.3020 73.8907 168 5/30/75 --do-- Gneiss; Precambrian. (SRMY) Scherman ---------------- 41.2283 74.0137 165 6/17/75 --do-- Do. (STLY) Stiles ------------------ 41.1887 74.0037 125 6/04/75 --do-- Diabase; Triassic. (WGLY) Wegel ------------------- 41.3588 73.8993 152 9/16/75 --do-- Limestone; Devonian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To emar 5 All stations Geospace HS-lO ------- Z 0.5 --- Magnetic tape --- Telemetered to Clifton. Three stations are also recorded visibly on drum recorders. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-250 chronometer used for visible recorders. IRIC-C used with tape recorders. WV checked daily. System response curves: See figure 9, p. 366. SHORT HISTORY All stations are part of the Indian Point Seismic Monitoring Network and were installed to determine seismic activity near a powerplant site. Operation of the Network was assumed by Woodward Clyde in early 1977 for Consolidated Edison. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Telex: Teledyne Geotech Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 214-271—2561 73-2394 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 NEW YORK Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (DH-NY) Delhi ------------------- 42.2442 74.8883 652 10/28/61 11/15/65 Sandstone; Paleozoic. 5/31/66 6/03/66 (DP-NY) Deposit ----------------- 42.0883 75.4522 579 7/07/62 7/17/62 - INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Component T°(seC) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (DH-NY): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 -- Magnetic tape, (DH-NY): 60 K --- 35-mm film. Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 -- --do --------- --- --- (DH-NY) (2d oper.): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 -- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 —- --do --------- —-- Do. (DP-NY): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 -- Magnetic tape, (DP-NY): 90 K --- 35-mm film. Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. Special Data Collection System program which remains active. See figure 3, p. 364. Geotech crystal clock checked with WV (SO-msec tolerance). It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. NORTH CAROLINA Chapel Hill, NC GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of North Carolina Address: MacCarthy Geophysics Laboratory Department of Geology University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Telephone: 919-933-1212 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ' . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CEH Chapel Hill ------------- 35.8908 79.0928 152 8/75 Open-- Bouldery saprolite; late Precambrian. CHC Chapel Hill ------------- 35.9028 79.0506 149 1953 12/70 —-- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rema ks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 r CEH Geotech 18300 -------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Helicorder 15 K Telemetered to the University. CHC Benioff 1051,1101—--- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Photographic 25 K --- Timing system: Geotech TG-110. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY CHC operated on campus from 1953 to 1970. The station was inoperative from 1971 to August 1975 when it was reestablished as CEH at a new site 5 km from campus. Signals are telemetered via phone lines to the department for visual display. A compilation of recorded events is available from the Division of Mineral Resources, P.0. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611. Request: "A Catalogue of Seismic Events Recorded at Seismograph Station CHC, Chapel Hill, NC, January 1, 1955 to December 31, 1970," North Carolina Geol. and Mineral Resources Section Spec. Publ. 6, 72 p. 241 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Carolina Power and Light Company NORTH CAROLINA Wilmington, NC Address: Carolina Power and Light Company First Union National Bank Building, Rm. 411 Wilmington, NC 28401 Telephone: 919-836-6146 Address to obtain records: Charles K. Ross c/o Carolina Power and Light Company P.0. Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age WNC Wilmington -------------- 34.0581 78.2461 20 5/03/76 Open-- Sandstone; post-Miocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 WNC Geotech RF-400 ------- Z 1.0 16 Hz Develocorder 100 K --- Timing system: Geotech TG-Zlo. System response curve: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY NRC is one of seven stations located in a circular array data for teleseisms. 242 having a diameter of 72 km. WNC is the only one that reports ION GENERAL INFORMAT Operated by: Address: Telephone: Telex: Address to obtai SITE INFORMATION Teledyne Geotech Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 214-271-2561 73-2394 n records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 NORTH CAROLINA Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (AE-NC) Albemarle --------------- 35.4336 80.0597 183 12/16/66 12/20/66 --- 1/19/68 1/19/68 INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (AE-NC) Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do --------- --- Do. Timing system: System response SHORT HISTORY The LRSM pr Special Data Col Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). curves: See figure 3, p. 364. ogram began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the lection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 243 NORTH CAROLINA Washington, DC GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Department of the Navy Address: Office of Naval Research U.S. Department of the Navy Washington, DC 20375 Address to obtain records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CPC Cherry Point ------------ 34.9000 76.8833 --- 1/50 12/56 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 CPC Sprengnether --------- Z 1.0-2.0 --- Photo paper --- --- --do ----------------- Horizontal 6.0-10.0 --- --do ------- --- --- Timing system: Not available. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY This station was part of a network of stations, which were mostly in Florida, run by the U.S. Navy monitoring microseisms. 244 to track hurricanes by NORTH DAKOTA Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ‘ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (HH-ND) Hannah ------------------ 48.9481 98.6925 488 7/22/63 8/05/64 Shale. (HH2ND) --do -------------------- 48.9442 98.6822 488 5/23/66 6/03/66 --- (RY-ND) Ryder ------------------- 48.0972 101.4944 640 7/22/63 3/22/65 ’ Glacial drift. 5/23/66 6/03/66 (TS-ND) Trotters ---------------- 47.1069 103.6731 816 10/02/64 5/14/65 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (RH-ND), (RY-ND): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (NH-ND): 60 K -—- 35-mm film. (RY-ND): 60 K Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do ---------- --- --- (HHZND), (RY-ND) (2d oper.): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. Geotech --------- z,Ns,Ew 20.0 --- --do --------- --- Do. (TS-ND): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 ~-- Magnetic tape, --- --- 35-mm film. Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364_ SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. ~ GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Bowling Green State University Address: Seismological Observatory Department of Geology Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH 43403 Telephone: 419-372-2531 Address to obtain records: OHIO Bowling Green, OH As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BGO Bowling Green ----------- 41.3781 83.6592 212 9/63 0pen-- Dolostone; Silurian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To 860 Geotech S-13 --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.75 Photo paper 30 K --- Timing system: Sprengnether TS-IOO. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY BGO started with the installation of one short-period seismometer in 1963. 246 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Xavier University Address: Seismological Observatory Xavier University Victory Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45207 Telephone: 513-731-2341 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION OHIO Cincinnati, OH . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CNN Cincinnati -------------- 39.1450 84.4967 203 1927 1963 Limestone. MLF Milford ----------------- 39.1374 84.2774 238 1963 Open-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) T8(SeC) recording at T0 emar S CNN Wood-Anderson -------- NS,EW Short --- Photo paper --- --- --do ----------------- NS,EW Long --- —-do ------- --- --- MLF Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Pen and ink --- --- Timing system: System response curves: Uncalibrated. SHORT HISTORY CNN was established by St. Xavier College (now Xavier University) in Sprengnether crystal clock checked daily with WWV. 1927. 247 OHIO Cleveland, OH GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: John Carroll University Address: Seismological Observatory John Carroll University Cleveland, OH 44118 Telephone: 216-491-4361 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude ' Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CLE Cleveland --------------- 41.4888 81.5321 328 1904 Open-- Pleistocene clay on Paleozoic shale. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 CLE Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 6.0 Photo paper 9.6 K --- Sprengnether --------- 2 1.4 1.3 --do ------- 1250 Magnification at 1.3 sec. --do ----------------- NS,EW 1.5 1.5 -—do ------- 1800 Magnification at 1.0 sec. --do ----------------- NS,EW 18.0 18.0 --do ------- 2.2 K Magnification at 12 sec. Timing system: Sprengnether TS 250 digital timing system. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY CLE was formally inaugurated in 1904 after several years of informal experimentation that began in 1900. In 1908, the Jesuit Seismological Service was organized and 16 stations began operating in the United States. Several instruments, in addition to those mentioned above, are run experimentally at this site. The station publishes an annual station bulletin. 248 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: ‘ University of Michigan Address: 1 Seismological Observatory Department of Geology and Mineralogy University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Telephone: 313-763-3438 Address to obtain records: OHIO Ann Arbor, MI As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w_) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age ANl Anna -------------------- 40.4314 84.1236 323 1/15/76 0pen-- Glacial till; Quaternary. (AN2) Anna -------------------- 40.8556 83.7311 277 8/01/76 --do-- Do. (AN3) Anna -------------------- 40.5486 83.8122 326 9/01/76 --do-- Do. (AN4) Anna -------------------- 40.2219 83.8978 346 9/01/76 --do-- Do. (ANS) Anna -------------------- 40.1061 84.1531 331 8/01/76 --do-- Do. (AN6) Anna -------------------- 40.6369 84.4322 254 9/01/76 ——do-- Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To emar 3 A11 stations Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1. ——— pen and ink ___ ___ Timing system: Geotech TG-120. System response curves: See figure 2, p. 363, SHORT HISTORY These stations make up the Anna, Ohio, array. of this relatively active area. The array was established in order to Monitor the seismicity in the vicinity Funding has been provided, in part, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 249 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION OHIO Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (GZ-OH) Galion ------------------ 40.6600 82.7833 372 8/23/69 10/10/69 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (GZ-OH): Geotech 8-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 ~-- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW‘ 20.0 --- --do --------- -- Do. Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. Special Data Collection System program which remains active. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 250 mtg—H—mwv—w ~_-..-u—-w‘..—v OKLAHOMA McAlester, OK GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Air Force Technical Application Center Address: Wichita Mountains Seismological Observatory--C10sed McAlester, 0K (Obsolete) Address to obtain records: Teledyne-Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center \ 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ~ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age WMO Wichita Mountain -------- 34.7181 98.5891 505 --- Closed --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar 5 WHO Johnson-Matheson ----- Z 1.25 --- Develocorder, --- Thirteen instruments magnetic tape. in an array. Timing system: Geotech TG-llO. System response curve: Available with records. SHORT HISTORY WMO was set up by AFTAC as one of five special-purpose arrays. The others were BMO, CPO, TFO, and U30. 251 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: University of Oklahoma Earth Sciences Observatory University of Oklahoma P.0. Box 5 Leonard, OK 74043 918-366-4152 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION OKLAHOMA Norman, OK TUL records since January 1971: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NOAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80 302 . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CRO Carnasaw Mountain ------- 34.1499 94.5556 302 5/17/77 Open-- Bigfork Chert; Middle Ordovician. Lookout Tower. M20 Mazie Landing ----------- 36.1316 95.3001 182 9/16/76 --do-- Weathered limestone, Boone Formation; Mississippian. NMO Norman ------------------ 35.2056 97.4440 354 mid 75 mid 76 --- 0L0 Oologah ----------------- 36.4573 95.7108 196 11/28/76 0pen-- Oologah Limestone; Middle Pennsylvanian. RLO Rose Lookout Tower ------ 36.1672 95.0261 384 5/77 —-do-- Boone Foundation; Mississippian. TUL Tulsa ------------------- 35.9106 95.7925 261 7/61 --do-- Sandstone; Pennsylvanian. WLO Wilson ------------------ 34.0648 97.3697 284 4/25/77 --do-- Alluvium; Quaternary. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T0(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 CRO Geotech S-13 --------- Z 1.3 --- Pen and ink 32 K Magnification at 1 sec. High-pass. Magnifi- cation 280 K at 10 Hz. MZO Geotech 8-13 --------- 2 1.3 --- --do ------- 16 K Magnification at 1 sec. High-pass. Magnifi- cation 140 K at 10 Hz. NMO Modified Johnson- Matheson ----------- 2 2.5 --- Helicorder --- --- 0L0 Geotech S-13 --------- 2 1.3 --- Pen and ink 16 K Magnification at 1 sec. High-pass. Magnifi— cation 140 K at 10 Hz. RLO ——do ----------------- z 1.3 --- --do ------- --- --- OKLAHOMA--Continued Norman, OK INSTRUMENTATION--Continued Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 Remarks TUL Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.75 Photo paper 100 K --- --do ----------------- Z 1.0 High-pass Visible, 35.6 K, Three instruments. 16-mm film 100 K, 10 K --do ----------------- Z 1.0 l-Hz Helicorder, 200 K bandpass. 16-mm film. --do ----------------- 2 1.0 16-Hz Helicorder 2000 K Magnification at bandpass. 16 Hz. Press-Ewing ---------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 100.0 Photo paper 5 K --do ------ Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- l6-mm film 200, 20, 2 Ten instruments. --do ----------------- Z 20.0 Low-pass Helicorder, 34 K, 53.6 K, High-gain. l6-mm film. 5.36 K, 536 VLO Geotech S-13 --------- Z 1.3 --- Pen and ink 16 K Magnification at 1 sec. High-pass. Magnifi- cation 140 K at 10 Hz. Timing system: Most stations use a Sprengnether MEQ-BOOB crystal clock with WWV recorded at the beginning of each record. NMO used the 60-Hz powerline corrected by WWV (not to within 1 sec). TUL has a digital system using a quartz crystal contained in a proportional oven. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY TUL was established in 1961 by Jersey Production Research Company as a broadly based geophysical observatory. In April 1965, the complete facility and its record archives were was given to the University of Oklahoma by Humble Oil Company. Since December 1961, three short-period and three long-period photo—paper seismograms have been recorded. From 1970 to the present, the seismometers have been modified and 17 other seismic recording systems have been added. NMO was located on the campus in Norman. The timing system was imprecise and the records are currently misplaced. A new array of 11 short-period vertical seismographs is being installed throughout the State. RLO and two new stations will be telemetered to TUL. M20, 0L0, WLO, CRO, and four new stations will be operated by volunteers who will mail all records to TUL. The new array, of which all the stations listed above except TUL are a part, will eventually contain 11 short-period vertical instruments. 253 OKLAHOMA Tulsa, OK GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Senturion Sciences, Inc. Address: Senturion Sciences, Inc. P.O. Box 15447 Tulsa, OK 74115 Telephone: Not available. Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . ' Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age TSO Tulsa ------------------- 36.1482 95.8979 210 2/73 4/29/74 Alluvium overlying terrace deposits; Quaternary. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 TSO Hall-Sears ----------- Z 0.5 --- Helicorder --- Intermittent operation. Timing system: 60 Hz measured from power signal, with WWV superimposed at beginning and end of record. Timing considered imprecise. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY TSO was located in downtown Tulsa outside the offices of Senturion Sciences. The site was noisy and only a few large teleseisms were recorded. 254 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION OKLAHOMA Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundatlon, geologic age (AK-0K) Atoka ------------------- 34.3683 96.0572 183 6/17/62 6/28/62 --- (AL-0K) Antlers ----------------- 34.3581 95.6125 213 7/04/62 7/11/62 --- (AM-0K) Ardmore ----------------- 34.0478 97.4114 274 12/08/61 12/20/61 --- (AP-OK) Apache ------------------ 34.8331 98.4358 427 9/25/63 12/31/63 Alluvium and limestone. 5/05/65 9/19/65 12/09/65 1/13/66 (CT-OK) Clayton ----------------- 34.4881 95.1272 305 7/14/62 10/05/62 Do. (DU-0K) Durant ------------------ 34.0364 96.2178 198 8/14/63 3/09/64 Clay. (HE-0K) Hobart ------------------ 35.1764 98.9103 491 11/09/61 4/10/63 Clay and limestone; Paleozoic. (TO-OK) Tishomingo -------------- 34.3564 96.5681 259 11/20/61 12/18/61 --- 5/09/62 6/09/62 (WA-0K) Watson ------------------ 34.4417 94.4911 305 10/17/62 10/27/62 Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s (AK-0K): (AL-0K), (AP-OK) (2d and 3d oper.), (CT-OK), (NB-0K), (TO-OK), (WA-OK): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (AK-OK): 150 K --- 35-mm film. (AL-OK): 290 K (CT-0K): 200 K (HE-OK): 85 K (TO-OK): 290 K 0KLAHOMA--Continued Garland, TX INSTRUMENTATION--Continued Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (AM-0K), (AP-0K) (lst oper.), (DU-OK): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do -------- (AM-0K): 100 K --- (AP-0K): 350 K (DU-0K): 160 K Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do -------- --- --- Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions: All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. OREGON Ashland, OR GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Southern Oregon State College Address: Geology Department Southern Oregon State College 1250 Siskiyou Blvd. Ashland, OR 97520 Telephone: 503-482-6477 Address to obtain records: As above. None usable as yet. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (ALO) Ashland ----------------- 42.2 122.7 720 3/22/73 0pen-- Granodiorite; Late Jurassic. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (ALO) --- 2 1.0 --— Helicorder 10-20 K --— Timing system: Sprengnether TS-100 clock checked with WWV. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY ALO was started by the late Dean Carder upon retirement from Government service in the field of seismology. Dr. Carder died before the station was operational, and the lack of expertise has delayed completion of the station. It is hoped it will be a contributing station by the end of 1977; the station is currently acquiring data which is troubled by noise that has not yet been correlated with any known disturbance. 257 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: Baker Observatory--Closed U.S. Geological Survey Baker, OR 97814 (Obsolete) Address to obtain records: 1962-1966: Teledyne-Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION OREGON Baker, 0R 1966-1975: U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Global Seismology Stop 967 Box 25046, Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age HMO Blue Mountain ----------- 44.8489 117.3056 1189 1962 5/12/75 Granite; Early Triassic. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 BMO Johnson-Matheson ----- Z 1.25 0.33 Helicorder 700 K Sixteen instruments in an array. Magnifi- cation at 1 sec. Benioff 1051 --------- 2 1.0 .065 Develocorder 25 K Located at the tank farm. Johnson-Matheson 7515 NS,EW 1.25 .33 --do -------- 360 K Do. Geotech 7505A, 8700A- Z,NS,EW 20.0 110.0 --do -------- 8.5 K Do. 3.2 K 4 K Geotech 87003 ———————— NS,EW 2.5 .64 -—do -------- —-- Do. Melton 10012 --------- Z 2.42 .64 --do -------- --- Do. Timing system: Geotech 11880. System response curves: Available with records. SHORT HISTORY BMO was an array,originally of 10 stations all situated within a 2.5-km radius, set up by AFTAC. Originally, the "tank farm" location had a total of nine instruments run at different gains and over to the USGS in 1966. having different periods. \ 258 The station was turned GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Oregon State University Address: Seismic Station School of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 Telephone: 503-754-2912 Address to obtain records: As above. COR records until 1962: Seismograph Station University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 SITE INFORMATION OREGON Corvallis, OR WWSSN records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age COR Corvallis --------------- 44.5857 123.3032 121 12/50 0pen-- Basaltic deposits; Quaternary. KFO Klamath Falls ----------- 42.2667 121.7450 1439 1962 --do-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 COR Benioff 1051, 1101--- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.75 Photo paper 25 K WWSSN. Magnification 12.5 K in winter. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 --do ------- 1.5 K WWSSN. Magnification 750 in winter. KFO Benioff -------------- 2 1.0 --- Helicorder 15 K --- Timing system: WWSSN Model 8684 Geotech. System response curves: SHORT HISTORY The first seismometer operating at the University was installed in 1944. Physics Building. COR--see figure 1, p. 363. KFO available from station. system and a Wilson-Lamison 1.0-sec vertical seismometer. It was a custom-made instrument located in the In 1950 the site was moved to its present location and was equipped with a three-component Schlicter, 1.0-sec In August 1962 the WWSSN equipment was installed. OREGON Eugene, OR GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Oregon Address: Seismic Station Department of Geology University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403 Telephone: 503-686-4573 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age PMT Pine Mountain ----------- 43.7909 120.9449 1924 9/22/69 Open-- Volcanic rock; Tertiary. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 PMT Geotech S-13 --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Helicorder 60 K --- Timing system: Geotech TG-llO (will be replaced owing to malfunction). System response curve: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY PMT operated for about a year with six components, then another year with only the vertical component of the short-period instrument. From 1972 to late 1976, the station was inactive. The station is again functioning, currently with only the short-period vertical component. 260 OREGON Portland, OR GENERAL INFORMATION Operated byé Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Address: Oregon Museum of Science and Industry 4015 S.W. Canyon Road Portland, OR 97221 Telephone: 503-248-5900 Address to obtain records: Oregon State University Seismic Station School of Oceanography Corvallis, OR 97331 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age PTD Portland ---------------- 45.5083 122.7164 208 5/64 0pen-- Columbia River Group (basalt); Miocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(SeC) recording at T0 emar s PTD Wilson-Lamison ------- 2 1.0 1.5 Visible 8 K --- Timing system: Pendulum clock, checked each day against WWV. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY PTD is chiefly run for display purposes. The equipment is on loan from the USGS, Albuquerque. 261 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Harold Mason Address: Harold Mason c/o Portland State University Earth Science Department Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 Telephone: 503-299-3022 Address to obtain records: Earth Science Department Portland State University Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 SITE INFORMATION OREGON Portland, OR . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age HMO H. Mason ---------------- 45.5381 122.5719 64 1975 Open-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer - Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 HMO Custom --------------- Z 1.0 ——- Pen and ink --- --- Timing system: 60-Hz line timer checked with WWV twice daily. System response curves: Not available. SHORT-HISTORY HMO was established as an avocation of the owner and operator, Mr. 262 Harold Mason. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Address to obtain record SITE INFORMATION Tera Corporation for Portland General Electric Company Tera Corporation 2118 Milvia Street Berkeley, CA 94704 415‘845-5200 5: Stuart W. Smith Geophysics Program 202 ATG Building, AK-SO University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 OREGON Berkeley, CA . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age FMC Four Mile Canyon -------- 45.6244 120.0283 305 11/75 Open-- Loess; Pleistocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 FMC Mark L-AC ------------ 2 1.0 --- Helicorder Variable Gain adjusted seasonally. Telemetered to Arlington, OR. Timing system: Sprengne System response curve: SHORT HISTORY ther clock checked with WWVB daily. Curve is slightly different from standard Mark L-4C microseismic system (fig. 2); peaks at 5 Hz. This station is part of a three-station array in this area, where there are no other instruments and the seismicity is low. Portland General is interested in being able to precisely locate occasional earthquakes when they do occur. 263 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Telex: Teledyne Geotech Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 214-271-2561 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION Center OREGON Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ‘ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (PK-0R) Pilot Rock -------------- 45.3175 118.9092 1036 6/06/62 6/28/62 --- (DT-OR) Pendleton --------------- 45.6111 118.8839 411 1/26/62 7/29/63 Basalt. (SR-0R) Sparta ------------------ 44.9403 117.4278 1341 3/19/63 6/03/63 Basalt and granite. (UK-0R) Ukiah ------------------- 45.0931 118.8986 1311 2/08/63 3/01/63 --- (VT-0R) Venator ----------------- 43.1136 118.4147 1341 1/16/62 5/21/62 Granite. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (PK-0R), (SR-OR), (UK-OR), (VT-0R): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 -- Magnetic tape, (PK-0R): 190 K --- 35‘mm film. (SR-0R): 180 K (VT-0R): 330 K (PT-0R): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 -- --*do --------- (PT-0R): 200 K --- Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 -- -—-do --------- --- --— Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. Special Data Collection System program which remains active. 264 See figure 3, p. 364, Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. GENERAL INFORMATI ON Operated by: University of Washington Address: Geophysics Program 202 ATG Building, AK-SO University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 Telephone: 206-543-7010 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION OREGON Seattle, WA . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age HRO Hermiston --------------- 45.8357 119.3808 172 6/75 Open-— Volcanics; Miocene. MFW Milton-Freewater -------- 45.9030 118.4058 384 10/71 --do-- Alluvium; Quaternary. PNO Pendleton --------------- 45.6120 118.7629 402 6/75 --do-- Volcanics; Miocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R a k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 em r S All stations Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 16 Hz 16-mm film 100-200 Ky Telemetered to the Univ- ersity. Timing system: Astrodata Time Code Generator and WWVB. System response curves: See figure 11, p. 366. SHORT HISTORY MFW used to belong to the Hanford array run by the USGS. The University The University publishes a bimonthly hypocenter-location bulletin. took over its operation in June 1975. 265 PANAMA CANAL ZONE Balboa Heights, CZ GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Panama Canal Company Address: Panama Canal Company 280 Administration Building Balboa Heights, CZ Address to obtain records: Before 1962: WWSSN records (since 1962): As above. National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date I . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BHP Balboa Heights ---------- 8.9608 79.5581 36 1914 3/77 Volcanics; Tertiary. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 BHP Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.75 Photo paper 12.4 K WWSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 ---do ------ 740 Do. Timing system: WWSSN standard. System response curves: See figure 1, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY BHP's original equipment consisted of two Bosch-Omori's; these were replaced in 1931 with two Wood-Anderson instruments. In January 1962 the WWSSN system was installed. 266 PENNSYLVANIA Kutztown, PA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Kutztown State College Address: Physical Science Department Kutztown State College Kutztown, PA 19530 Telephone: 215-683-3511 ext. 368 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age KTZ Kutztown ---------------- 140.5117 75.7800 148 10/67 Open-- Shaly limestone; Ordovician. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 emar s KTZ Geotech -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --~ Helicorder 4 K --- Geotech -------------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do ----- 2 K --- Timing system: WV recorded directly on records. System response curves: Not available. PENNSYLVANIA Millersville, PA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Millersville State College Address: Department of Earth Sciences Roddy Science Center Hillersville State College Millersville, PA 17551 Telephone: 717-872-5411 ext. 726 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (HVL) Millersville ------------ 39.9917 76.3667 91 10/23/74 Open-- Phyllitic marble; Ordovician. INSTRUMENTATION _ Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (MVL) Mark L4-C ------------ 2 1.0 --- Smoked paper --- --- Timing system: Sprengnether TS-300 digital clock checked daily with WWV. System response curve: Uncalibrated. SHORT HISTORY (MVL) operated in a temporary location in the basement of the building until March 1975. It then was located at a permanent site on bedrock. The station is intended to be part of a Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland-Delaware network under the supervision of Pennsylvania State University. 268 PENNSYLVANIA New Kensington, PA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Fred A. Keller Address: Fred Keller 508 Pershing Drive New Kensington, PA 15068 (Obsolete) Address to obtain records: Unknown. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age NKP New Kensington ---------- 40.5597 79.7542 251 1939 1959 Red shale; Pennsylvanian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rema ks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 r NKP Custom --------------- N 150 W 10.0 12.0 Smoked paper 500 —-- Timing system: Seth Thomas pendulum clock checked with WWV. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY NKP was the avocation of the owner and operator. He developed his own seismograph system which he described in various papers, one of which was in the "Seismological Observatory Bulletin" of the University of Pittsburgh, 1942. 269 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: The Franklin Institute Address: The Fels Planetarium The Franklin Institute Philadelphia, PA 19103 Telephone: 215-448-1000 Address to obtain records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia, PA . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age PHI Philadelphia ------------ 39.9589 75.1750 5 7/34 8/28/71 Solid rock. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 PHI Wenner --------------- NS,Ew 9.0 4.9 Photo paper, 1400 --- pen and ink. Timing system: Pendulum clock checked daily with Dominion Observatory. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY The station was established for the dual purpose of being a display item as well as a scientifically useful installation. At one point it housed a McComb—Romberg two-component horizontal system in addition to the Wanner. GENERAL INFORMATION PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburgh, PA Operatéd by: University of Pittsburgh Address: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Telephone: 412-624-4700 Address to obtain records: Unknown. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age PIT Pittsburgh -------------- 40.4450 79.9533 273 1929 1/62 Birmingham Shale Member of Conemaugh Formation; Late Pennsylvanian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 PIT Wenner --------------- N30°W,N60°E 12.3 15 Photo paper 200 --- Benioff -------------- Z Long --- ---do ------ 24 K --- Pittsburgh-type ------ NS,EW --- --- ---do ------ --- --- Timing system: Astronomical clock. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORX PIT was considered an excellent station, although it experienced interference from street cars. annual reports of seismic activity recorded at the station. The station published PENNSYLVANIA University Park, PA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Pennsylvania State University Address: Geophysical Laboratory Pennsylvania State University 204 Mineral Science Building University Park, PA 16802 Telephone: 814-865-2622 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (ABG) Abington ---------------- 40.1167 75.1333 --- 1975 Open-- --- (BVR) Beaver ------------------ 40.7000 80.3333 --- 1975 --do-- --- (ERP) Erie -------------------- 42.1333 79.9833 ~-- 1975 --do-- --- SCP State College ----------- 40.7950 77.8650 --- 1935 --do-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (ABG) , (BVR) , (ERP): Hall-Sears 10 -------- Z 1.0 --- Pen and ink --- --- SCP: Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 .75 Photo paper --- WWSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 ---do ------ --- Do. Timing system: SCP uses the standard WWSSN system. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY SCP operated from 1935 to 1945 using horizontal Bosch-Omori instruments (T = 6 sec). From 1945 to 1951 the station em- ployed horizontal Galitzin-type instruments with a period of 10 sec. A shorter period vertical instrument began operating in 1948. In 1952 the station had three components operating fairly consistently; the horizontal instruments had periods of about 17 sec and a vertical instrument had a period of about 3 sec. In January 1962 the WWSSN equipment was installed. The records before the WWSSN installation were on photo paper and are archived at the University. (ABG), (BVR), and (ERP) are located on the outlying campuses of the University. They will eventually be telemetered to SCP and recorded on Develocorder film. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Waynesburg College for Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Columbia University Address: Department of Geology Waynesburg College Waynesburg, PA 15370 Address to obtain records: Department of Seismology Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Palisades, NY 10964 SITE INFORMATION PENNSYLVANIA Waynesburg, PA Foundation; geologic age Shaly sandstone, thin limestone and bituminous coal; Early Permian. Magnification at To Remarks . Latitude Code Station name (deg N.) WAY Waynesburg -------------- 39.9017 INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Code Type Component WAY Custom, Lamont-type-- NS,EW Sprengnether --------- Z Timing system: Pendulum clock checked with WWV daily. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY This station was installed as part of a study of long-period waves undertaken by Columbia University. PENNSYLVANIA Garland , TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION Code Station name Ezzitfiéi 23::i653e (m::::s) 02:2:d cgzzzd Foundation; geologic age (AS-PA) Altoona ----------------- 40.7331 78.5239 469 8/26/69 10/10/69 --- (BB-PA) Bloomsburg -------------- 41.1822 76.5519 I 305 8/16/62 10/05/62 --- (ED-PA) Bedford ----------------- 40.1333 78.5078 366 12/22/62 3/21/63 --- (BR-PA) Berlin ------------------ 39.9242 78.8447 665 12/30/62 7/23/65 Sandstone and shale. (EV-PA) Belleview --------------- 40.6844 77.6233 244 11/08/62 3/21/63 --- (GT-PA) Galeton ----------------- 41.6317 77.8111 610 5/31/62 6/28/62 --- (ED-PA) Howard ------------------ 40.9956 77.5956 369 9/25/64 1/25/65 Sandy clay. (LT-PA) Lewistown --------------- 40.3392 78.0667 396 11/08/62 12/12/62 --- (HR-PA) Middleburg -------------- 40.8147 77.1756 213 10/11/62 10/27/62 --- (HS-PA) Montrose---------* ------ 41.7611 75.7975 457 7/24/62 7/27/62 --- (PJ-PA) Pottstown --------------- 40.2828 ,75.5836 91 8/29/69 10/10/69 --- (SH-PA) Shamokin ---------------- 41.0136 76.9136 183 10/11/62 10/27/62 --- (TU-PA) Tunkhannock ------------- 41.5714 76.1367 366 8/02/62 10/05/62 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type' Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (AS-PA), (PJ-PA): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape ---- Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do --------- --- Do. (BR-PA), (RD-PA): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (BR-PA): 90 K --- 35-mm film. (ED-PA): 100 K Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do ---------- --- --- 274 PENNSYLVANIA--Continued Garland, TX INSTRUMENTATION--Continued Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (BB-PA), (BD-PA), (EV-PA), (GT-PA), (LT-PA), (MR—PA), (HS-PA), (SH-PA), (TU-PA): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (BB-PA): 140 K --- 35-mm film. (ED-PA): 160 K (EV-PA): 140 K (GT-PA): 140 K (LT-PA): 130 K (MR-PA): 110 K (MS-PA): 80 K (SH-PA): 110 K (TU-PA): 110 K Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. GENERAL INFORMATION PENNSYLVANIA Palisades, NY Operated by: Lamont-Doberty Geological Observatory of Columbia University Address: Department of Seismology Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Columbia University Palisades, NY 10964 Telephone: 914-359-2900 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date , ~ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age HKP Hidden Lake ------------- 41.0382 75.0617 337 ‘ 2/73 7/74 Shale; Silurian. SSL Sunset Lake ------------- 41.1612 74.9160 259 2/13/73 5/76 Shale; Devonian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 HKP Geospace HS 10-23 ----- Z 0.5 0.02 Develocorder --- --- SSL --do ----------------- Z .5 .02 --do -------- 3700 K Magnification at 20 H21. 1To obtain magnification at 1 Hz multiply by 7.9 x 10-3. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-ZOO. System response curves: See figure 9, p. 366. SHORT HISTORY Lamont-Doherty publishes a bimonthly bulletin and a yearly bulletin, available from the Observatory. 276 PUERTO RICO Cayey, PR GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey San Juan Geophysical Observatory P.O. Box 936 Cayey, PR 00633 Telephone: 809-738-2281 Address to obtain records: U.S. Geological Survey SJG, SJP, and VQS records: Branch of Earthquake Tectonics and Risk Stop 966 National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Box 25046, Denver Federal Center Data Center Denver, CO 80225 NOAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Stat1on name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age APR Arecibo ----------------- 18.4577 66.7295 53 11/14/75 0pen-— Alluvial deposits; Pleistocene to Holocene. CAG Caguas ------------------ 18.2395 66.0353 350 8/16/74 7/17/75 Do. CCA Cerro Cariblanco -------- 18.0697 66.3263 269 2/15/77 Open-- Plutonic/volcanic rock; Late (Coamo). Cretaceous. CDP Cerro de Punta ---------- 18.1752 66.5913 1300 7/30/75 --do-- Do. CPD Cerro la Pandura -------- 18.0388 65.9155 370 7/30/75 --do-- Plutonic rocks; Late Cretaceous to (Yabucoa). Paleocene. CSB Colonia Sabana ---------- 18.2892 66.1560 480 7/30/75 --do-- Plutonic/volcanic rock; Late Cretaceous. DOS Dos Bocas --------------- 18.3295 66.6788 400 8/16/74 7/17/75 Plutonic/volcanic rocks; Early Cretaceous. EYP El Yunque (Luquillo)---- 18.3127 65.7912 1060 7/30/75 8/09/76 Plutonic/volcanic rocks; Late Cretaceous. IDE Isla Desecheo ----------- 18.3865 67.4795 218 2/15/77 Open-- Plutonic/volcanic rocks; Late Cretaceous to Paleocene. IMO Isla Mona --------------- 18.1115 67.9085 84 2/15/77 --do-- Limestone; Miocene. IMR Isla Mona --------------- 18.0883 67.8472 55 11/14/75 1/10/77 Do. LPR La Peregrina ------------ 18.3088 65.8697 580 8/10/76 0pen-- Plutonic/volcanic rocks; Late Cretaceous. LRS Lares ------------------- 18.2933 66.8450 440 2/15/77 --do-- Plutonic rocks; Late Cretaceous to Paleocene. LSP Las Mesas --------------- 18.1777 67.0862 390 11/14/75 --do-- Sandstone/plutonic rocks; Paleocene to Eocene. MCP Moca -------------------- 18.4190 67.1107 250 11/14/75 --do-- Limestone; Miocene. HGP Lajas (Maguayo) --------- 18.0077 67.0892 60 11/14/75 --do-- Plutonic/volcanic rocks; Cretaceous. HOV Morovis ----------------- 18.2820 66.3667 485 2/15/77 --do-- Plutonic/volcanic rocks; Late Cretaceous. 277 SITE INFORMATION--Continued PUERTO RICO--Continued Cayey, PR . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age PNP Ponce (Penuelas) -------- 18.0583 66.6837 200 7/30/75 Open-- Plutonic/volcanic rocks; Late Cretaceous. PON Ponce ------------------- 18.0033 66.6138 50 8/16/74 7/17/75 Alluvial deposits; Pleistocene to Holocene. SJG Cayey ------------------- 18.1117 66.1500 457 9/23/64 0pen-- Plutonic/volcanic rocks; Early Cretaceous. SJGC Cayey ------------------- 18.1117 66.1500 457 2/22/76 --do-- Do. SJP San Juan ---------------- 18.3817 66.1183 80 12/1925 12/1965 --- VQS Vieques ----------------- 18.1500 65.4500 20 9/1903 12/1924 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 CCA, CPD, CSB, IDE, IMO, LPR, LRS, MGP, MOV, PNP: Geotech 5-13 --------- Z 1. --- Develocorder 550 K Magnification at 10 Hz. Telemetered to the Observatory. APR, LSP, MCP: Geotech S-13 --------- Z 1. --- --do -------- 225 K Do. CAG, DOS, PON: Geotech S—13 --------- Z 1. --- --do -------- 100 K Telemetered to the Observatory. CDP: --do ----------------- Z,NS,EW 1. --- --do -------- 225 K, 112.5 K Magnification at 10 Hz; horizontals run at half magnification of verti- cal. Telemetered to Observatory; EYP: --do ----------------- Z 1. --- --do -------- 80 K Magnification at 5 Hz. Telemetered to Obser- vatory. IMR: --do ----------------- Z,NS,EW 1. --- --do -------- 160 K, 35.2 K Magnification at 5 Hz; horizontals run at half magnification of verti- cal. Telemetered to Observatory. SJG: Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1. .75 Photo paper -- WWSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15. 100.0 --do ------- --- Do. SJGC: Geotech 5—13 --------- Z 1. --- Develocorder 550 K Magnification at 10 Hz. 278 Telemetered to the Observatory. PUERTO RICO--Continued Cayey, PR INSTRUMENTATION--Continued Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 SJP: ‘ Wenner --------------- NS,EW 12.0 --- Photo Paper --- --- Benioff -------------- Z 1.04 .5 --do ------- --- --- VQS: Bosch-Omori ---------- NS,EW 25.0 --- --- --- --- Timing system: WWVB and IRIG-E signals recorded directly with a Geotech TG-llO used as a backup. System response Curves: SJG--see figure 1, p. 363. All Geotech 5-13 systems--see figure 10, p. 366_ SHORT HISTORY This network is used principally to determine the regional and local seismicity of Puerto Rico and to assess the seismic hazard. The San Juan Magnetic Observatory was established by the USC&GS in 1903, first at VQS and then at SJP. VQS was established in September 1903 at Fort Isabel Segunda, Vieques Island, Puerto Rico (18008.9' N., 65026.4' W. eleva- tion, 40 m). In March 1907 it was moved to 18008.8} N., 65 26.9' W., (elevation 20 m). This station was discontinued on December 1, 1924, and the instruments were moved to SJP. SJP was equipped with two Bosch-Omori seismographs, 8-sec periods, which began operating in January 1926. A destructive hurricane in September 1928 rendered the station inoperative; it resumed operation in November 1930 with two horizontal Wenner instruments. In November 1950 the vertical Benioff was added. PUERTO R I C0 Mayaguez, PR GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Puerto Rico Address: Department of Geology University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, PR 00708 Telephone: 809-832-4040 ext. 3575 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundat1on, geologlc age MPR Mayaguez ---------------- 18.2128 67.1393 --- 1973 Open-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 MPR Ranger SS-l ---------- 2 1.0 --- Pen and ink —-- --- Timing system: Sprengnether TS-300. System response curve: Not available. 280 GENERAL INFORMATION 0 erated b : Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of P Y Address: Telephone: Columbia University Department of Seismology Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Palisades, NY 10964 914-359-2900 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION PUERTO RICO Palisades, NY . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CSJ Cape San Juan ----------- 18.3830 65.6181 66 3/75 0pen-- Breccia and tuff flows; Cretaceous. Lighthouse. CUP Culebra ----------------- 18.335 65.309 120 6/75 --do-- Sedimentary rock; Tertiary and Cre- taceous. MTP Mount Pirata, Vieques--- 18.0940 65.5352 175 3/75 --do-- Weathered plutonic rock of varied com- position; Tertiary and Cretaceous. PWP Barrio Florida, --------- 18.135 65.445 10 3/75 --do-- Tholeiitic basalt, basaltic-andesite, Vieques. and associated sedimentary rock; Tertiary and Cretaceous. RRD Roosevelt Roads --------- 18.2361 65.618 40 3/75 --do-- Breccia, tuff, partly of marine deposi- Naval Base. tion; Early Cretaceous. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rema k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 r 5 All stations Hall-Sears 10 -------- Z 0.5 16 Hz Develocorder 250-750 K Magnification variable. Timing system: Sprengnether TS 100. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY These stations were installed and are being maintained as part of the 0865 Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program. RHODE ISLAND Groton, CT GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Connecticut Address: Marine Sciences Institute Avery Point Groton, CT 06340 Telephone: 203—446-1020 Address to obtain records: Weston Observatory Boston College Weston, MA 02193 617-899-0950 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age LAF Lafayette --------------- 41.5508 71.5067 40 3/25/76 6/10/77 Rhode Island Formation (shale and sandstone); Pennsylvanian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 LAF Geotech 5-13 --------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder 50 K Telemetered to APT. Timing system: Geotech 11395 programmer driven by a Geotech Model 5479 crystal oscillator. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY LAF was part of the University of Connecticut's network, which was based at Avery Point, Conn. The stations that remained active after July 1977 were transferred to Weston Observatory, Mass. LAP contributed data to the Northeastern United States Seismic Network bulletin. 282 SOUTH CAROLINA Aiken, SC GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy Address: Savannah River Laboratory E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc. Aiken, sc 29801 Telephone: 803-824-6331 ext. 2095, 3469, 2114 TWX: 810-771-2670 Address to obtain records: C.W. Krapp or I.W. Marine Environmental Transport Division E. I. du Pont SRL-773-16A Aiken, SC 29801 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (SRPD) Savannah River Plant---- 33.1550 81.7125 31 8/06/76 0pen-- Terrace deposits; Quaternary. D-Area. (SRPN) Savannah River P1ant---- 33.3290 81.5888 95 8/06/76 -’do-- Unconsolidated coastal-plain sedi- Navy. ments; Tertiary. (SRPW) Savannah River Plant---- 33.2023 81.5782 77 8/06/76 --do-- Do. Well DRE-20. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (SRPD) Mark L-AC ------------ Z 1.0 --- Helicorder 9.8 K Magnification is medium gain at 5 Hz. (SRPN) --do ----------------- 2 1.0 --- --do ------ 9.8 K Magnification is medium gain at 5 Hz; high gain is 51 K at 5 Hz. (SRPW) --do ------------- 2 1.0 -—- --do ------ 25.8 K Magnification is medium gain at 5 Hz. Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY Geotech TG-120 with error comparator with WWV. See figure 2, p. 363. The purpose of the network is twofold: first, to provide a continuous monitor of the seismic activity on and near the plant site and thus determine location and magnitude of local earthquakes; second, to determine whether there is a significant difference in the ground motion of the two geologically different materials that occur at the surface of the plant and whether the response varies over different thicknesses of coastal-plain sediments. SOUTH CAROLINA Columbia, SC GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of South Carolina Address: Seismograph Station, Geology Department University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208 Telephone: 803- 77 7-6449 Address to obtain records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NOAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CSC Columbia ---------------- 34.0000 81.0333 94 1/01/31 9/73 Granite; Paleozoic(?). INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 CSC Wilson-Lamison ------- Z 1.1 1.6 Photo paper 24 K --- --do ----------------- NS,EW 8.0 10.1 --do ------- 13 K --- Timing system: Pendulum clock. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY This station was a cooperative effort of the USC&GS and the University. It was closed because the site became too noisy. SOUTH CAROLINA Denver, CO GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Earthquake Tectonics and Risk Stop 968 Box 25046, Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 Telephone; 303-234-4041 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION Code Station name ESEEtfiei %g:§i&u§e (mii::s) 032;:d c?:::d Foundation; geologic age (BCS) Baptist College at ------ 22.9812 80.0717 12 3/31/76 Open-- Alluvium. Charleston. (CAF) Charleston AFB ---------- 32.9150 80.0638 10 2/27/73 9/28/73 Do. (CCS) Cawcaw Swamp ------------ 32.8162 80.2553 9 3/31/76 0pen-- D0. (CHF) ‘Calhoun Falls ----------- 34.0247 82.5867 152 2/14/77 --do-- Do. EMF Francis Marion National- 32.9540 79.8410 0 2/28/73 10/02/73 Do. Forest. (GVF) Givhans Ferry State ----- 32.0167 80.3667 15 2/28/73 3/04/73 Do. Park. GVS Graniteville ------------ 33.5970 81.8528 100 5/20/74 8/09/76 Granite. HBF Harts Bluff ------------- 32.9330 80.3780 10 3/23/73 0pen-- Alluvium. JSC Jenkinsville ------------ 34.2790 81.2580 120 5/20/74 ~~do-- Granite. LHS Liberty Hill ------------ 34.4790 80.8080 120 5/20/74 --do-- Alluvium and granite. (MGS) Middleton Gardens ------- 32.8970 80.1408 9 3/31/76 --do-- Alluvium. HKC Moncks Corner ----------- 33.1900 80.0400 25 3/13/73 10/01/73 Do. (MTT) Monetta ----------------- 33.7513 81.6362 182 8/09/76 0pen-- Do. NHS North Hampden ----------- 33.0720 79.7560 10 5/20/74 --do-- Do. 058 Orangeburg -------------- 33.5472 80.8444 91 4/02/77 --do-- Do. OSC Orangeburg -------------- 33.5400 80.8250 60 5/20/74 3/77 Do. PBS Pigeon Bay -------------- 33.2790 80.2640 25 5/20/74 0pen-- Do.' (PPS) Pierpont ---------------- 32.8237 80.0400 4 3/31/76 --do-- Do. PRM Parsons Mountain -------- 34.0833 82.3633 254 7/04/75 --dv- Hard rock. SGS St. George -------------- 33.1930 80.5120 25 3/08/73 --do-- Do. SMA Summerton --------------- 33.6280 80.3180 30 5/20/74 7/01/75 Do. (SVS) Slandsville ------------- 32.9688 80.2487 3 3/31/76 Open-- Do. VSC Varneville -------------- 32.8790 81.0500 30 5/20/74 --do-- Do. (WAC) Walterboro County ------- 32.9330 80.6330 25 3/02/73 3/23/73 Do. Airport. SOUTH CAROLINA--Continued Denver , C0 286 magnetic tape. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (BCS) Mark L-AC ------------ 2 1.0 --- Helicorder, 26 K Magnification at 2 Hz. magnetic tape. (CAF) Geotech 8-13 --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Develocorder 52.8 K Magnification at 2 Hz. Telemetered to the University of South Carolina. (CCS) Mark L-AC ------------ Z 1.0 --- Helicorder, 54 K Magnification at 2 Hz. magnetic tape. Telemetered to BCS. (Cl-II) --do ----------------- Z,NS 1.0 --- Develocorder 26 K Magnification at 2 Hz. Telemetered to the University. FMF --do ----------------- Z 1.0 --- "do -------- 211.2 K Do. (GVF) Hall Sears 10 -------- Z 1.0 --- Smoked paper 100 K Magnification at 2 Hz. GVS Geotech S-13 --------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder 35 K Do. HBF --do ----------------- Z 1.0 --- --do -------- 124 K Magnification at 2 Hz. Telemetered to the University. JSC --do ----------------- Z 1.0 --- --do -------- 240 K Do. LHS --do ----------------- Z 1.0 --- --do -------- 124 K D0. (MGS) Mark L-loC ------------ Z 1.0 --- Helicorder, 13.8 K Magnification at 2 Hz. magnetic tape. Telemetered to BCS. Mark L-7 ------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do -------- 2.8 K Magnification at 10 Hz. MKC Mark L-loC ------------ Z 1.0 --- Develocorder 105.6 K Magnification at 2 Hz. Telemetered to the University. Geotech 5-13 --------- NS,EW 1.0 --- --do -------- 105.6 K Do. (MTT) Geotech S-l3-- ------- 2 1.0 --- --do -------- 62 K Do. N'HS --do ----------------- Z 1.0 --- --do -------- 62 K Do. OSB --do ----------------- 2 1.0 --- --do -------- -—- Do. OSC -—do ----------------- 2 1.0 —-— —-do -------- 31 K Do. PBS --do ----------------- Z 1.0 --- -—do -------- 31 K Do. (PPS) Mark L-loC ------------ 2 1.0 -—- Helicorder, 13.8 K Magnification at 2 Hz. magnetic tape. Telemetered to BCS. PRM Geotech S-13 --------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder 240 K Magnification at 2 Hz. Telemetered to the University. scs --do ----------------- z 1.0 --- "do -------- 124 K Do. SMA --do ----------------- Z 1.0 --- --do -------- 31 K Telemetered to the University. (SVS) Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 --- Helicorder, 54 K Magnification'at 2 Hz. Telemetered to BCS . SOUTH CAROLINA--Continued Denver, CO INSTRUMENTATION--Continued Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R marks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 e VSC Geotech 5-13 --------- 2 1.0 —-- Develocorder 31 K Magnification at 2 Hz. Telemetered to the University. (WAC) Mark L—4C ------------ Z 1.0 —-- --do -------- 105.6 K Do. Timing system: Geotech TG-120. The mini-net uses a Geotech TG-llO. System response curves: See figure 10, p.366 for the main network. See figure 2, p.363 for the mini-net. SHORT HISTORY (BCS) is the central station of the mini-net comprising (BCS), (CCS), (MGS), (PPS), and (SVS). The main network consists of all the other operating stations. 287 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Jerome E. Payne Address: Jerome E. Payne Eagle Butte, SD 57625 Telephone: 605-964-3591 Address to obtain records: SOUTH DAKOTA Eagle Butte, SD As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age EBS Eagle Butte ------------- 44.9998 101.2322 735 5/72 0pen-- Clay. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 EBS Custom --------------- Z 1.0 --- Pen and ink 150 K --- Timing system: Westclox quartzmatic time adjusted to WWV twice daily. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY EBS is the avocation of the owner and operator of the station. 288 SOUTH DAKOTA Rapid City, SD GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: South Dakota School of Mines Address: Department of Geological Engineering South Dakota School of Mines Rapid City, SD 57701 Telephone: 605-394-2461 Address to obtain records: WWSSN records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age RCD Rapid City -------------- 44.0750 103.2083 995 9/43 0pen-- Belle Fourche Shale; Late Cretaceous. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 RCD Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.75 Photo paper '-- WWSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100 0 --do ------- --- Do. Timing system: WWSSN standard. System response curves: See figure 1, p. 363 SHORT HISTORY Although the station opened in 1943, operation did not become continuous until 1946 with the installation of a Wilson- Lamison vertical and a Wood-Anderson horizontal. In 1956 the instrumentation was expanded. On December 15, 1961, the WWSSN equipment was installed. Until 1974, recording was fairly continuous. Exceptions were a period between April 1967 and December 1969, when no recording was made, and from 1969 to 1973, when several months of data gaps occurred. In November 1974 the station was temporarily shut down because of construction nearby. An effort is being made to make the station operational again. 289 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Telex: Teledyne Geotech Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 214-271-2561 73-2394 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SOUTH DAKOTA Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (AY-SD) Academy ----------------- 43.5278 99.1083 610 7/14/62 10/05/62 --- (CO-SD) Colome ------------------ 43.2867 99.6703 640 7/06/62 7/11/62 --- (DL-SD) Dell Rapids ------------- 43.8328 96.7733 488 12/28/62 3/21/63 --- (MC-SD) Mitchell ---------------- 43.6544 97.9194 366 5/09/62 6/28/62 --- (RG-SD) Redig ------------------- 45.2164 103.5347 945 10/25/65 9/26/66 Granite. (SX-SD) Salem ------------------- 43.8747 97.2500 483 11/09/62 12/12/62 --- (SY-SD) Stickney ---------------- 43.6056 98.4917 488 10/12/62 10/27/62 --- (WN-SD) Winner ------------------ 43.2522 100.1961 792 12/08/61 6/19/63 Mesozoic and Cenozoic clastic 6/07/64 10/01/64 rocks and Paleozoic limestone. 10/25/65 10/14/66 8/03/67 12/10/67 INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (AY-SD), (RG-SD), (SX-SD), (WN-SD) (last 3 oper.): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (AY-SD): 60 K --- 35-mm film. (RC-SD): 70 K (SX-SD): 70 K (WN-SD): 60 K Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do ---------- -—— --— (CO-SD), (DL-SD), (MC-SD), (SY-SD), (WN-SO) (lst oper): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do ---------- (CO-SD): 40 K --- (DL-SD): 260 K (MC-SD): 200 K (SY-SD): 70 K 290 SOUTH DAKOTA--Continued Garland, TX Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 291 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey TENNESSEE McMinnville, TN McMinnville 0bservatory--Unmanned McMinnville, TN 37110 (Obsolete) Address to obtain records: 1962-1966: Teledyne-Geotech 1966-present: U.S. Geological Survey Seismic Data Analysis Center Branch of Global Seismology 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION Stop 967 Box 25046, Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CPO Cumberland Plateau ------ 35.5948 85.5704 574 2/13/63 0pen-- Sandstone and limestone; Pennsylvanian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 CPO Johnson-Matheson ----- Z 1.25 --- Develocorder, 400 K Telemetered to GLD. Helicorder. Magnification at 1 sec. Timing system: Time added at GLD. System response curves: Available with records. SHORT HISTORY CPO was established as part of the VELA-Uniform project. Texas Ihstruments and Geotech alternated operation of the station until May 1967 when the USC&GS took over the op array, as well as 6 additional instruments in t the station only operates a single instrument, 292 eration. Originally, CPO was constructed like BMO: it had 19 instruments in an he tank farm. This extended operation ceased in September 1975, and currently monitored remotely. GENERAL IN'FORMATI ON Operated by: Memphis State University, Address: Department of Geology Memphis State University Memphis, TN 38152 Telephone: 901-454-2177 and 454-2178 Address to obtain records: TENNESSEE Memphis, TN As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date 1 . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age MET Memphis ----------------- 35.1231 89.9258 93 11/16/73 0pen-- Loess; Pleistocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 MET Sprengnether S-5100-- Z,NS,EW 30.0 0.78, 0.77, Visual, 1 K --- 0.73 photographic. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-lOO crystal chronometer checked with WWV. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY MET was established to supply information about the area after public concern arose over the classification of Memphis in risk zone 3. The vertical unit was the first to be installed, followed by the horizontals in July 1975. Photo records were sent to Oxford, Miss., read, and then stored there. They are now stored at Memphis State University. 293 TENNESSEE Oak Ridge, TN GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Union Carbide Corporation--Nuclear Division Address: Office of Waste Isolation Union Carbide Corporation--Nuclear Division P.0. Box Y, Bldg. 9102-2 Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Telephone: 615-483-8611 ext. 3-5868 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age ORT Oak Ridge --------------- 35.9095 84.3048 370 6/67 Open-~ Knox Dolomite; Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 ORT Geotech 18300 -------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Heated pen 40-100 K Magnification of Z is 60—120 K. Geotech 28280 -------- Z 11.0 --- --do ------ 1-2.5 K Magnification at 10 sec. Timing system: Geotech TG-llO. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY ORT operated from July 1967 to May 1973 with a single short-period vertical instrument. From May 1973 to February [975, the station was inoperable; then it was moved within 1 km of the original site. The coordinates above are the current site. The station is located at what was known as the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 294 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Telex: Teledyne Geotech Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 214—271-2561 73-2394 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 TENNESSEE Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (CF-SO) Cumberland Plateau ------ 35.5947 85.5706 574 3/14/75 7/28/76 --- Observatory. (CS-TN) Crossville -------------- 35.8153 85.1594 579 1/01/63 3/21/63 --- (CV-TN) Centerville ------------- 35.7700 87.3844 183 11/25/61 12/20/61 --- 7/15/62 10/05/62 (JS-TN) Jackson ----------------- 35.6556 88.6128 152 12/11/61 12/19/61 --- 5/10/62 6/28/62 (LE-TN) Lewisburg --------------- 35.6347 86.7672 213 10/17/62 10/27/62 --- (MM-TN) McMinnville ------------- 35.5644 85.5889 381 12/17/61 4/01/63 Sandstone and limestone; Paleozoic. (MX-TN) Manchester -------------- 35.5503 86.2700 305 11/14/62 12/12/62 ‘ --- (PB-TN) Parsons ----------------- 35.7361 88.1361 122 7/06/62 7/11/62 --- (WT—TN) Wartburg ---------------- 36.1097 84.7578 427 4/12/63 7/31/63 Sandstone. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar S (CP-SO): Geotech 5-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape 130 K Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 10.0 --- --do --------- --- Do. Johnson-Matheson Z 1.0 --- --do --------- --- Instruments in an array. (CS-TN), (CV-TN), (JS-TN), (LE—TN), (MM-TN), (PB-TN), (WT-TN): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (CS-TN): 140 K --- 35-mm film. (CV-TN): 260 K (JS-TN): 50 K (LE-TN): 160 K (PB-TN): 230 K (WT-TN): 320 K INSTRUMENTATION--Continued TENNESSEE--Continued Garland, TX Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Re k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 mar s (CV-TN) (2d oper.), (MX-TN): Benioff --------- z,Ns,Ew 1.0 --- ---do --------- (MK-TN): 120 K --- Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do --------- --- --- Timing system: System response Curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 296 GENERAL INFORMAT I 0N Operated by: Saint Louis University Address: Telephone: Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Saint Louis University P.0. Box 8099, Laclede Station St. Louis, MO 63156 314-535-3300 Address to obtain records: As above . SITE INFORMATION TENNESSEE Saint Louis , M0 . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age DYl Dyersburg (Lane) -------- 36.1917 89.3917 120 1969 1970 Loess (Quaternary) overlying Wilcox Formation (Eocene). DY2 Lassiter ---------------- 36.3302 9 89.3520 110 1969 1970 Loess (Quaternary) overlying siltstone of the Wilcox Formation (Eocene). DY3 Tiptonville ------------- 36.4430 89.5069 87 1969 1972 Gumbo sandy clay; Quaternary. DY4 Samburg ----------------- 36.4167 89.3031 140 1969 1972 Loess (Quaternary) overlying Wilcox Formation (Eocene). DY5 Lassiter Corners -------- 36.3247 89.3621 134 1970 1972 Do. GRT Gratio ------------------ 36.2640 89.4250 137 6/28/74 Open-- Loess (Quaternary) overlying siltstone of the Wilcox Formation (Eocene). l'fl-[T Hurricane Hollow -------- 36.1711 87.9014 113 Early 60's Closed --- (LTN) Lenox ------------------- 36.0720 89.4700 148 8/77 Open-- Loess (Quaternary) overlying Wilcox Formation (Eocene). NKT Nankipoo ---------------- 35.8500 89.5540 153 6/26/74 --do-- Do. OKG Oak Grove --------------- 36.6260 89.8350 129 6/27/75 --do-- Do. ZZT Zu Zu ------------------- 35.3640 89.3720 120 3/74 9/75 Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To emar s DYl, DYZ, DY4, DY5: Hall Sears 10 -------- Z 1.0 0.5 Magnetic tape 50 K DY4 and DY5 telemetered to DY3. (Autocorders used before 1969.) DY3: Sprengnether --------- Z .5 --- --do --------- 50 K Magnification at 2 Hz. GRT: Mark L4-C ------------ 2 1.0 16 Hz Develocorder, 348 K Magnification at 10 Hz. magnetic tape. Telemetered to SLM. HHT: Unknown -------------- --- --- --- --° --- --- 297 INSTRUMENTATION-~Continued TENNESSEE--Continued Saint Louis, MO Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (LTN): Mark LA-C ------------ Z 1.0 16 Hz Develocorder, 400 K Magnification at 10 Hz. magnetic tape. Telemetered to SLM. EV—17H --------------- NS,Ew 1.0 16 Hz --do --------- 200 K Do. NKT Mark L4-C ------------ Z 1.0 16 Hz Develocorder, #10 K Do. magnetic tape. OKG --do ----------------- 2 1.0 16 Hz -—do ----- 442 K Do. ZZT Hall-Sears 10 -------- 2 1.0 .2 Photo paper 50 K Recorded on Autocorder. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-100. System response curves: Available from the University. SHORT HISTORY DY1 was founded as part of a tripartite network. It was too noisy and was moved to DY2 in early 1970. DY2 was only a temporary site for the instrument moved from DY1. CRT is part of the SIK array. (LTN), NKT, and OKG are part of the PGA array. The instruments were ultimately moved to DYS. The University publishes the quarterly bulletin of the Southeast Missouri Regional Seismic Network. 298 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Ralph W. McNeely Address: Ralph W. McNeely 9612 Crestedge Dallas, TX 75238 Address to obtain records: TEXAS Dallas, TX As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date , . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age DLS Dallas ------------------ 32.8778 96.7056 169 2/20/71 1975 Austin Group; Late Cretaceous. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 emar s DLS Sprengnether 100 ----- --- --- --- Helicorder --- --— Geotech 8700A -------- --- --- --- --do ------ --- --— Johnson-Matheson ----- --- --- --- --do ------ --- --- Timing system: Geotech 5400A. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY This station was the avocation of the owner. TEXAS Dallas, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Southern Methodist University Address: Dallas Seismological Observatory Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX 75275 Telephone: 214-692-2760 Address to obtain records: As above. WWSSN records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NOAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age DAL Dallas ------------------ 32.8461 96.7839 187 1953 Open-- Austin Group; Late Cretaceous. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 DAL Benioff ------- — Z,NS,EW 1 0 0.75 Photo paper 25 K WWSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15 0 100 0 --do ------- 1.5 K Do Timing system: WWSSN standard. System response curves: See figure 1, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY The WWSSN equipment began operating in June 1962. 300 TEXAS Denton , TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: John V. Crain Address: John H. Crain--Deceased Denton, TX (Obsolete) Address to obtain records: Apparently the only existing record is of a 1931 event, and it is held at the University of California, Berkeley: SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age DNT Denton ------------------ 33 . 2167 97 . 1333 208 1925 Closed Clay. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To DNT Custom, inverted ----- EW --- --- Smoked paper --- --- pendulum. Timing system: Not available. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY The station was the avocation of the owner. His record of the August 16, 1931, earthquake in Texas was used by Perry Byerly in his analysis of that event. TEXAS El Paso, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Texas Address: Kidd Memorial Seismic Observatory University of Texas at El Paso El Paso, TX 79968 Telephone: 915-747-5776 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date , _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age EPT El Paso ----------------- 31.7717 106.5058 1186 2/61 Open-- Andesite; Eocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T0(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 EPT Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.75 Photo paper --- WWSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 --do ------- --- Do. Timing system: WWSSN standard. System response curves: See figure 1, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY The Kidd Memorial Seismic Observatory was founded in 1959 through donations made in the memory of Professor John Kidd, a key figure in the early history of the University at El Paso. Fulltime operation was begun in February 1962. The original instruments were three-component short-periods. The WWSSN instruments were moved from OXF, Oxford, Miss., and began operation on June 7, 1977. 302 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Marine Science Institute of the University of Texas Address: Geophysics Laboratory Marine Science Institute University of Texas 700 The Strand Galveston, TX 77550 Telephone: 713-765-2158 Address to obtain records: TEXAS Galveston, TX As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age HKT Hockley ----------------- 29.9500 95.8333 -122 6/73 Open-- Salt dome. MOT McDonald Observatory---- 30.6797 104.0082 2020 8/75 --do-- --- (MT2) Eagle Mountain ---------- 30.8992 105.0146 2084 3/77 --do-- ——— INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s HKT Geotech S-13 --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Helicorder 300 K Telemetered to the Institute. MOT --do ----------------- Z 1.0 --- --do ------ 100 K Do. MTZ --do ----------------- 2 1.0 —-- --do ------ --- --- Timing system: Geotech clock checked with WWV daily. System response curves: Not available. 303 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION Center TEXAS Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (AZ-TX) Amarillo ---------------- 35.4300 101.9306 988 8/28/63 3/06/64 Dolomite. (BM-TX) Balmorhea --------------- 30.9264 103.8550 1067 1/20/62 2/15/62 Limestone. (EF-TX) Eagle Flat -------------- 31.1764 105.1300 1433 1/25/62 5/03/62 D0. (E02TX) Elmo -------------------- 32.6481 96.1586 158 3/15/68 3/26/68 --- (EP-TX) El Paso ----------------- 31.9328 105.9667 1615 1/15/62 5/04/62 Limestone. (FO-TX) Fort Stockton ----------- 30.9017 102.6978 880 6/21/64 4/12/65 Alluvium. (GA-TX) Grand Saline ------------ 32.6569 95.7044 '86 10/16/68 4/23/69 --- 10/25/68 4/23/69 3/13/70 8/11/70 (GA3TX) --do -------------------- 32.6597 95.7036 -94 10/01/71 11/10/71 --- (GL-TX) Garland ----------------- 32.9722 96.6350 168 1/19/68 1/19/68 --- (GRITX) Grit ------------------- r 30.7778 99.3842 518 5/19/67 5/23/67 --- (GRZTX) --do---. ----------------- 30.7864 99.4161 549 5/19/67 5/23/67 --- (GV-TX) Grapevine --------------- 32.8858 96.9983 152 6/02/62 12/31/65 Clay and shale; Cretaceous. (HE-TX) Hempstead --------------- 30.1997 96.0919 67 7/25/63 3/16/64 Clay. (JU-TX) Juno -------------------- 30.1119 101.0772 533 4/04/64 8/11/64 Alluvium. (LP-TX) La Pryor ---------------- 29.1797 99.6764 274’ 11/27/61 5/16/62 Limestone. (PO-TX) Post -------------------- 33.4756 101.3622 914 12/09/61 12/20/61 --- (SAZTX) San Angelo -------------- 31.5500 100.9075 732 4/17/67 5/08/67 Limestone. 4/16/67 5/16/67 (SA4TX) --do -------------------- 31.8247 101.4264 792 4/17/67 5/08/67 Do. 5/18/67 5/23/67 (SJ-TX) San Jose ---------------- 27.6119 98.3128 114 11/11/61 7/08/63 Caliche; Cenozoic. 10/26/65 11/15/65 8/03/67 9/18/67 1/16/68 1/19/68 8/21/69 10/10/69 9/23/71 11/09/71 5/08/73 5/22/73 304 SITE INFORMATION--Continued TEXAS--Continued Garland , TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (SK-TX) Shamrock ---------------- 35.0828 100.3639 671 8/19/63 3/06/64 Gypsum. (SH-TX) Seymour ----------------- 33.6822 99.1897 396 12/06/61 12/20/61 --- (SS-TX) Sanderson --------------- 30.0214 102.328] 732 10/19/61 6/11/63 Limestone; Cretaceous. (STITX) Streeter ---------------- 30.7522 99.3556 518 4/15/67 5/23/67 Granite. (STZTX) --do -------------------- 30.7922 99.4478 579 14/16/67 5/23/67 Limestone. (STATX) --do -------------------- 31.1633 100.0611 640 4/16/67 5/16/67 Limestone. (WP-TX) Wills Point ------------- 32.6069 95.8861 161 3/18/71 5/31/72 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (AZ-TX), (BM-TX), (GV-TX), (J'U-TX), (SJ-TX) (2d and 3d oper.), (SK-TX), (SS-TX): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (AZ-TX): 80 K --- 35-min film. (BM-TX): 300 K (GL-TX): 55 K (GV-TX): 35 K (JU-TX): 300 K (SK-TX): 150 K (SS-TX): 500 K Sprengnetheruu Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do ---------- ——- --- (BF-TX), (EP-TX), (FO‘TX), (HE-TX), (LP‘TX), (PO-TX), (SJ-TX) (lst open), (SH‘TX); Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do ---------- (BF-TX): 500 K --- (EP-TX): 300 K (FD-TX): 360 K (HE-TX): 50 K (LP-TX): 400 K (PO-TX): 150 K (SJ-TX): 80 K (SM-TX): 150 K (EOZTX), (GA3TX), (SAZTX), (SAloTX), (STATX): Geotech S-l3---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape SAZTX: 250 K Portable system. SAlo'I'X: 210 K STATX: 140 K 305 TEXAS--Continued Garland, TX INSTRUMENTATION--Continued Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rema k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at TO I S (GA—TX), (GL-Tx), (GRITX), (GRZTX), (SAATX) (2d oper.), (SJ-TX) (4th to 7th oper.), (STITX), STZTX): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do --------- SJ-TX: 80 K Do. STlTX: 350 K STZTX: 300 K Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do --------- --- Do. (WP-TX): Geotech 31300--- Triaxial 20.0 --— --do --------- --- --- Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked With WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364, SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 306 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Mandrel Industries, Inc. Address: Ray Geophysical Division Handrel Industries, Inc. 6909 Southwest Freeway P.0. Box 36306 Houston, TX 77036 Telephone: 713-774-7561 Telex: 077-252 Address to obtain records: TEXAS Houston, TX Unknown. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age HET Houston - ET ------------ 29.7200 95.4699 6 1961 Spring 65 -- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s HET Electra-Tech --------- 2 5.0 25.0 --- --- --- ' Timing system: Not available. System response curve: Not available. 307 TEXAS Houston, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Rice University Address: Seismographic Station Geology Department Rice University P.0. Box 1892 Houston, TX 77001 Telephonef 713-527-0886 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age HOU Houston ----------------- 29.7189 95.4022 15 ~1960 Open Clay; Holocene. INSTRUMENTATION ‘ Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 HOU Press-Ewing ---------- Z,NS,EW 12.0 --- Pen and ink l K --- Timing system: Tuning-fork chronometer synchronized with WWV. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY HOU is run on an experimental basis and has not been operated continuously. 308 TEXAS Lubbock, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Texas Technological University Address: Seismological Observatory Texas Technological University P.0. Box 4109 Lubbock, TX 79409 Telephone: 807-742-3116 Address to obtain records: WWSSN records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NOAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . , Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age LUB Lubbock ----------------- 33.5833 101.8667 979 6/48 Open-- Caliche; Pleistocene. JCT Junction ---------------- 30.4794 99.8022 591 3/10/65 --do-- Edwards Limestone; Early Cretaceous. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R marks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 e LUB Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.75 Photo paper 25 K WWSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 --do ------- 1.5 K Do. JCT Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 .75 --do ------- 200 K Do. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 --do ------- 1.5 K Do. Timing system: WWSSN standard. System response curves: See figure 1, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY LUB started operating its WWSSN equipment on December 12, 1961. after several years of operation using other equipment. The JCT site was chosen for its quiet, aseismic characteristics, as evidenced by the high short-period magnifications. Operations were continuous, but occasionally reduced in scope to record only the short-period vertical instrument. Texas A & M University ran the station from the time of installation until September 1, 1971, when ownership of the host facility passed by legislative action to Texas Technological University. 309 TEXAS Denve r , CO GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Earthquake Hazards Stop 978 Box 25046, Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 Telephone: 303-234-560A Telex: l65-509 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION Code Station name I(.:::t1§d§ Egzgigfge (mi:::s) 03:22] 31):; Foundation; geologic age K112 Kermit ------------------ 32.0925 103.0718 932 12/15/76 Open-- --- [(115 --do -------------------- 31.8317 103.0317 874 10/15/76 --do-- --- [(116 --do -------------------- 31.9825 102.8632 1030 10/16/76 --do-- --- K119 --do -------------------- 31.7482 102.8563 888 10/14/76 --do-- --- KME --do -------------------- 31.5782 103.1200 816 10/14/76 --do-- --- KT] --do -------------------- 32.0681 103.3261 930 11/08/75 --do-- -—— KT2 --do -------------------- 32.0894 103.1022 927 1/20/76 12/15/76 —-- KT4 --do -------------------- 31.9097 103.3153 948 1/17/76 Open—- --- KTS --do -------------------- 32.0680 103.3262 --- 3/24/76 10/15/76 --- KT7 --do -------------------- 31.7092 103.3061 847 11/13/75 0pen-- --- KTS --d0 -------------------- 31.7036 103.0981 840 1/16/76 --do-- --- KT9 “do -------------------- 31.7178 102.8811 869 1/17/76 10/14/76 -—- KTE --do -------------------- 31.5278 103.0975 799 1/15/76 10/14/76 --- KTT --do -------------------- 31.51.36 102.8819 795 11/10/75 Open-- --- KTX --do -------------------- 31.5306 103.2892 847 1/16/76 --do-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To All stations Mark L-4C ------------ 2 1.0 --- Develocorder 15-25 K Telemetered to GLD. 310 TEXAS--Continued Denver, CO Timing system: Time added at GLD. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY This network was established to monitor seismicity in conjunction with the water table. The numbering in the codes reflects the order in which‘the stations were installed; X, E, and T are abbreviations for 10, 11, and 12. The KM designation reflects a changed location for the KT station of the same number; when no code for a RT station of the same number exists, the station was planned but never became operational. TEXAS Henlo Park, CA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: National Center for Earthquake Research U.S. Geological Survey 345 Middlefield Road Henlo Park, CA 94025 Telephone: 415-323-8111 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CEC (TCEC) Childress East Central- 34.5720 100.3258 548 ~-- 1974 "- CNE (TCNE) Childress Northeast---- 34.5838 100.3103 555 --- 1974 "- CNO (TCNO) Childress North -------- 34.5780 100.3352 562 -—- 1974 --- CNV (TCNW) Childress Northwest---- 34.5917 100.3597 540 --- 1974 --- CSE (TCSE) Childress Southeast---- 34.5558 100.3305 521 --- 1974 --- CSW (TCSW) Childress Southwest---- 34.5570 100.3480 546 --- 1974 --- CWT (TCWC) Childress West Central- 34.5703 100.3437 549 --- 1974 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar 5 A11 stations Mark L-4C ------------ 2 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- --- Timing system: Not available. System response curves: See figure 1, p. 363. 312 UTAH Salt Lake City, UT GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Utah Address: Seismograph Stations Department of Geology and Geophysics 611 Browning Building University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Telephone: 801-581-6274 Address to obtain records: As above. UBO records: FGU records from 1960 to 1969: Teledyne—Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center National Geophysical and Solar- 314 Montgomery Terrestrial Data Center Alexandria, VA 22314 NOAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION Code Station name 163:3??? E3231»??? (mitts) 03:2:‘1 32:21 Foundation; geologic age AAU Alta -------------------- 40.5920 111.6383 2694 11/74 4/76 Shaly sandstone; Paleozoic. AN'U Antelope Island --------- 41.0397 112.2317 1353 11/75 0pen-- Quartzite; Precambrian. BDU Big Dutch Hollow -------- 40.8742 111.5340 2198 9/74 --do-- Conglomerate; Tertiary. BPU Bountiful Peak ---------- 40.9542 111.8175 2652 10/74 3/75 Schist, gneiss; Precambrian. CCU Cedar City -------------- 37.6753 113.0685 1775 12/68 Open" Alluvium; Quaternary. (CFU) Cove Fort --------------- 38.6188 112.5387 2012 3/77 --do-- Volcanic flow; Tertiary. CPU Coon Peak --------------- 40.6730 112.1903 2228 11/74 --do-- Limestone; Paleozoic. CWU Camp Williams ----------- 40.4458 112.1022 1945 10/74 --do-- Do. DAU Daniels Canyon ---------- 40.4125 111.2558 2771 11/74 --do—— Do. DCU Deer Creek -------------- 40.4137 111.5268 1829 11/74 --do-- Do. DUG Dugway ------------------ 40.1950 112.8133 1477 5/62 --do-- Rhyolite-quartz dacite flow; Tertiary. EPU East Promontory --------- 41.3951 112.4088 1436 9/75 --do-- Limestone; Paleozoic. ETU East Traverse ----------- 40.4773 111.8445 1884 7/74 --do-- Do. FGU Flaming Gorge ----------- 40.9263 109.3862 1982 1960 6/76 Sandstone; Jurassic. FPU Francis Peak ------------ 41.0263 111.8368 2816 9/74 0pen-- Schist, gneiss; Precambrian. GMU Granite Mountain -------- 40.5755 111.7632 1829 8/70 --do-- Quartz monzonite; Cretaceous, Tertiary. l-[DU Hyde Park --------------- 41.8045 111.7648 1853 3/75 --do-- Limestone, dolomite; Paleozoic. HTU Hoyt Peak --------------- 40.6753 111.2202 2576 11/74 --do-- Sandstone; Paleozoic. HVU Hansel Valley ----------- 41.7797 112.7750 1609 11/76 --do-- Limestone; Paleozoic. LMU Lake Mountain ----------- 40.2832 111.9370 2316 9/74 --do-- Do. LOG Logan ------------------- 41.7417 111.8133 1455 1/26/40 9/76 Alluvium; Quaternary. LTU Little Mountain --------- 41.5918 112.2472 1585 9/74 Open-- Limestone; Paleozoic. UTAH--Continued Salt Lake City, UT SITE INFORMATION--Continued . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age MCU Monte Cristo ------------ 41.4617 111.5075 2664 12/74 Open" Limestone, dolomite; Paleozoic. (MNU) Milford North ----------- 38.6198 112.8473 1664 1/77 --do-- Granitoid intrusive; Tertiary. MSU Marysvale --------------- 38.5133 112.1742 2141 11/75 --do-- Do. NSU North Stansbury --------- 40.9082 112.5060 1422 10/76 --do-- Quartzite, argillite; Precambrian. OGU Ogden ------------------- 41.2750 111.9440 1506 9/75 --do-- Quartzite; Paleozoic. PBU Perry Basin ------------- 41.4682 112.0097 1625 9/75 --do-- Metasediment; Precambrian. PCU Price ------------- , ------ 3 9.6067 110.8050 1714 5/62 --do-~ Shale; Cretaceous. PPU Promontory Point -------- 41.3107 112.4303 1874 9/74 8/75 Limestone, dolomite; Paleozoic. (PTU) Portage ----------------- 41.9293 112.3247 2192 12/17/76 Open" Limestone; Paleozoic. (PUU) Piute Reservoir --------- 38.3580 112.2745 2598 1/77 --do-- Volcanic flow; Tertiary. RBU Red Butte --------------- 40.7808 111.8083 1676 6/74 --do-- Sandstone; Triassic. (RFU) Richfield --------------- 38.7857 112.1092 1871 1/77 --do-- Sandstone; Tertiary. (RHU) Roosevelt Hotsprings---- 38.4723 112.8472 1905 1/77 --do-- --- SAU Saltair ----------------- 40.8197 112.0730 1283 3/74_ --do‘- Alluvium; Quaternary. SBU Stansbury Island -------- 40.8218 112.4667 1317 7/74 10/76 Limestone; Paleozoic. SLC Salt Lake City ---------- 40.7638 111.8478 1423 4/62 Open-- Alluvium; Quaternary. SQU Squaw Peak -------------- 40.2817 111.6105 2353 9/74 --do-- Limestone, dolomite; Paleozoic. SUU Santaquin --------------- 39.8887 111.7917 1987 9/74 --do-- Do. UBO Uinta Basin ------------- 40.3217 109.5668 1596 4/70 9/73 Sandstone; Jurassic. WHU Wild Horse -------------- 39.3805 112.1698 1993 10/74 Open-- Sandstone, limestone; Cretaceous. (WIU) Willard ----------------- 41.4222 111.9717 2643 11/74 3/75 --- WMU West Mountain ----------- 40.0883 111.8227 2054 12/73 Open" Limestone; Paleozoic. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at To AAU, BDU, BPU, CPU, DAU, EPU, ETU, FPU, GMU, HTU, LMU, LTU, MCU, (MN'U), NSU, OGU, PBU, PPU, (PTU), (PUU), RBU, (RHU), SBU, SQU, SUU, (WIU): Mark L-4C ------- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder 200-800 K Telemetered to the Uni- versity. 314 INSTRUHENTATION--Continued UTAH--Continued Salt Lake City, UT Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 ANU, (CFU), CWU, DCU, HDU, HVU, MSU, (RFU), SAU, WHU, AND WMU: Geotech 8-13---- Z 1.0 --- Develocorder 200-800 K Do. CCU: Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Photo paper 70 K —-- DUG: Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 .75 Photo paper 200 K WWSSN. Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 ---do ------ 3 K Do. Wood-Anderson--- NS,EW --- --- ---do ------ 2800 Non-standard instrument. FGU: Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- 35-mm film 200 K --- LOG: Wilson-Lamison-- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Photo paper 125 K --~ Wood-Anderson--- NS,EW 6.24 --- ---do ------ 2800 --- PCU: Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- ---do ------ 20-68 K --- Wood-Anderson--- NS,EW --- --- ---do ------ 2800 --- SLC: Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- ---do ------ 15-42 K --- UBO: Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Develocorder 600 K --- ---do ----------- Z,NS,EW Long --- ---do ------- 100 K --- All telemetered stations record WWVB directly. CCU uses a Geotech TG—110. DUG uses WWSSN standard. PCU uses a Simplex Model 25. SLC uses a Geotech 19000. Timing system: System response curves: DUG--see figure 1, p. 363. Others available from station. SHORT HISTORY CCU is operated by Southern Utah State College for the University of Utah. UBO was formerly run by AFTAC and was set up like BMO with a 10-station array. identical to those of BMO. LOG was owned and operated by the Utah State Agricultural College from 1940 to January 1964 when the University of Utah assumed responsibility for the station. SLU was originally established in 1939 at a slightly different location from the current one. FGU was operated by USC&GS for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation until it was given to the University in July 1970. Stations along the Wasatch Front were supported largely by USGS grants. Its equipment and array pattern were 315 UTAH Albuquerque, NM GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Sandia Laboratories Address: Sandia Laboratories Albuquerque, NM 87115 Telephone: 505-264-1468 Address to obtain records: As above. Not generally made available. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age LEE Leeds ------------------- 37.2431 113.3767 1097 4/63 Open-- Chinle Formation (sandstone); Late Triassic. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 LEE Benioff ------------ Z,87.9°,177.9° 1.0 0.2 Magnetic tape Variable --- Geotech 18300-- -- 2 o 1.33 --- ---do -------- ---do--- --- NGC‘23 ------------- 2,87 ,177 B --- ---do -------- —--do-—— --- Timing system: IRIG time code imposed at central recording site on the Nevada Test Site. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY This station was a replacement for an earlier station in an unsatisfactory tunnel. It was placed as near as possible in a line from the Nevada Test Site to the AFTAC station at Kanab, Utah (KN-UT). This station is part of a net surrounding the Nevada Test Site. It is used for recording scheduled explosions and does not operate all the time. It is controlled remotely from the test site and is sometimes recorded by the USGS in Las Vegas. Data are not available to the public. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Bureau of Reclamation Address: U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Global Seism Stop 967 Box 25046, Denver Fede Denver, CO 80225 Telephone: 303-234-3994 Telex: 73-2394 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION U.S. Geological Survey for the U.S. ology ral Center UTAH Denver, CO . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologlc age RMU Rainbow Monument -------- 37.0760 110.9700 1536 2/76 Open-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s RHU Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 --- Develocorder, --- Telemetered to GLD. Helicorder. Timing system: Sprengnether TG-120. System response curve: Uncalibrated. SHORT HISTORY RHU was established to monitor the seismicity near Rainbow Bridge. 317 UTAH Denver, CO GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey Engineering Geology Branch Stop 903 Box 25046, Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 Telephone: 303-234-3818 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BCU Bear Canyon ------------- 39.5983 110.3708 2438 1/62 3/77 Sandstone, Colton Formation; Eocene. FLA Flat -------------------- 39.4700 110.4378 1670 1/62 3/77 Mancos Shale; Late Cretaceous. HCU Horse Canyon ------------ 39.4883 110.3450 2134 1/62 3/77 Bluecastle Sandstone Member of Price River Formation; Late Cretaceous. PST Pasture Canyon ---------- 39.5767 110.3517 2118 1/62 3/77 Do. SCU Sheep Canyon ------------ 39.4873 110.2417 2182 1/62 3/77 Sandstone, Colton Formation; Eocene. SMU Sunnyside Mine ---------- 39.6000 110.3817 1981 1/62 12/68 Sandstone, Sunnyside Member of Black- hawk Formation; Late Cretaceous. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) T8(sec) recording at To All stations Willmore Mark I, ----- Z 0.67 --- Pen and ink, 36 K --- modified. magnetic tape. Timing system: Custom-made clock synchronized with WWV. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY This network was established to record tremors related to coal—mine bumps in the Sunnyside coal mining district. As many as 50,000 tremors of all amplitudes were recorded each year. The instrument system was continually inproved until November 1976. Records are essentially complete from January 1963 to March 1977. 318 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Telex: Teledyne Geotech Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 214-271-2561 73-2394 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 UTAH Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundatlon, geologic age (BX-UT) Blanding ---------------- 37.5633 109.4347 1707 8/08/63 3/18/64 Sandstone. (FM-UT) Fillmore ---------------- 39.2183 112.2069 1890 10/07/61 6/10/63 Limestone; early Paleozoic. (KN-UT) Kanab ----- 3/02/66 3/12/66 -------------- 37.0228 112.8275 1737 12/09/61 10/31/69 9/26/71 11/09/71 Sandstone; Mesozoic. (VN-UT) Vernal ------------------ 40.5086 109.5792 1768 10/20/61 6/01/62 Sandstone. (WW—UT) Wah Wah Mountains ------- 38.5139 113.5889 1829 4/16/63 7/15/63 Limestone. 4/23/68 4/26/68 INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R a ks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 em r (BX-UT), (KN-UT), (WW-UT): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (BX-UT): 400 K -e- 35-mm film. (KN‘UT): 380 K (WW-UT): 300 K Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do --------- --- --- (FM-UT), (VN-UT): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- ---do --------- (FM-UT): 240 K --- (VN-UT): 150 K (FM-UT) (2d oper.), (KN-UT) (2d oper.), (WW-UT) (2d oper.): Geotech 5-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- ---do -------- --- Do. UTAH--Continued Garland, TX Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364, SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA—Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 320 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Lawrence Livermore Laboratory of the University of California Address: Seismic Research Group, L-42 Lawrence Livermore Laboratory P.0. Box 808 Livermore, CA 94550 Telephone: 415-447-1100 ext. 3475 Telex: 34-6407 Address to obtain records: UTAH Livermore, CA As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age KNB Kanab ------------------- 37.0166 112.8224 1715 11/68 Open-- Navajo Sandstone; Jurassic and Triassic(?). INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rem k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 ar 5 KNB Sprengnether --------- 2 20.0 --- Magnetic tape 100 K Magnification at 1 sec. Telemetered to LLL. Timing system: IRIG time codes B and C synchronized to WWV. System response curves: See figure 5, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY This station was originally an AFTAC station. The seismometer is operated as a broadband instrument. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Vermont Address: Department of Geology Perkins Hall University of Vermont Burlington, VT 05401 Telephone: 802-656-3396 Address to obtain records: As above. No records before 1937. Sporadic rec SITE INFORMATION VERMONT Burlington, VT ords after that time. . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date , . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BUR Burlington -------------- 44.4800 73.1971 100 12/32 1956 Compacted glacial clay; Pleistocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 BUR Milne-Shaw ----------- N60°W,N30°E 12.0 --- Film --- --- Sprengnether --------- Z --- --- --- --- Used briefly in the 1950's. Timing system: Seth Thomas clock checked daily with WWV. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY BUR was established with a grant-in-aid from the National 322 Research Council. Its operation was intermittent. VERMONT Palisades, NY GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University Address: Department of Seismology Lamont-Doberty Geological Observatory Palisades, NY 10964 Telephone: 914-359-2900 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (ALV) Saint Albans ------------ 44.7917 73.0467 271 11/76 Open-- Underhill Formation; Lower Cambrian(?). (BRV) Barre ------------------- 44.2083 72.6000 402 10/05/76 10/26/76 Waits River Formation; Silurian and Devonian. (COV) Colchester -------------- 44.5777 73.1458 85 11/76 Open-- Cheshire Quartzite; Lower Cambrian. (ESJ) Essex Junction ---------- 44.5200 73.0317 213 9/76 11/76 Pinnacle Formation; Lower Cambrian(?). MDV Middlebury -------------- 43.9992 73.1812 134 3/70 Open-- Youngman and Carman Formations of Kay and Cadyl, 1947; Ordovician. lKay, G. M., and Cody, W. M., 1947, Ordovician Chazyan classification in Vermont: Science, v. 105, no. 2736, p. 601. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar 5 (ALV) Geospace HS 10-28---- 2 0.5 0.2 Develocorder, 3200 K Magnification at 20 Hzl. Helicorder. Telemetered to the Observatory. (BRV) --do ----------------- Z .5 .2 --do --------- 3200 K Do. (COV) --do ----------------- Z .5 .2 --do --------- --- Do. (ESJ) --do ----------------- Z .5 .2 ——do --------- 3200 K Do. MDV --do ----------------- Z .5 .2 --do --------- 12800 K Do. 1To obtain magnification at 1 Hz, multiply by 7.9 x 10_3. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-200. System response curves: See figure 9, p. 366. 323 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University Address: Seismology Department Lamont‘Doherty Geological Observatory Palisades, NY 10964 Telephone: 914-359-2900 Address to obtain records: VIRGIN ISLANDS Palisades, NY As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age ABV Anegada ----------------- 18.7222 64-3417 --- 3/75 Open-- Marine deposits, limestone and sands; Cenozoic. SCV St. Croix --------------- 17.7820 64.7887 --- 3/75 --do-- Marine deposits; Cretaceous. SJV St. John ---------------- 18.3453 64.7625 --- 6/75 --do-- Spilitic basalts; Cretaceous. VST St. Thomas -------------- 18.3542 64.9572 --- 6/75 --do-- Do. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To All stations HallsSears 10 -------- Z 0.5 16 Hz Develocorder 250-750 K Magnification variable. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-100. System response curves: See figure 9, p. 366. SHORT HISTORY These stations were installed and are being maintained as part of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program. VIRGINIA Blacksburg, VA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Address: Department of Geological Sciences Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA 24061 Telephone: 703-951-6521 (Department) 951-6729 (Station Director) Address to obtain records: As above. WWSSN records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BAV Blacksburg -------------- 37.2221 80.4250 622 9/73 Open-- Dolomite; Cambrian. BLA --do -------------------- 37.2113 80.4210 634 9/04/62 Open-- Dolomite; Cambrian. CLT Charlottesville --------- 38.0333 78.5167 150 1973 1973 Metamorphics; Precambrian. KMV Keen Mountain ----------- 37.2083 82.0258 500 1969 1969 Clastics; Pennsylvanian. NAV Narrows ----------------- 37.3167 80.7931 610 1968 1968 Shale; Ordovician. PUV Pulaski ----------------- 37.0889 80.8167 640 1968 1968 Shale; Devonian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s BAV: Geotech S-13 --------- 2 1.0 --- Pen and ink 2.6 K --- BLA: Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 .75 Photo paper 50 K, 100 K WWSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 —-do ------- 1.5 K Do. Johnson-Matheson ----- 2 1.0 --- Pen and ink 56 K Non-standard instrument. Telemetered to GLD. CLT, mv, NAV, PUV: Ranger --------------- Z 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, --- Temporary stations; rec- smoked paper. ords no longer exist. Timing system: BLA uses a WWSSN standard system. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY BAV records are not archived, except for ones containing special-interest events. BLA was established with the WWSSN equipment in 1962. CLT, KMV, NAV, and PUV were established only as temporary stations for the purpose of short-term microearthquake surveys. The magnetic tapes and smoked-paper seismograms that recorded their data were not retained. Nine additional installations are planned for mid-1978. 325 VIRGINIA Charlottesville, VA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Virginia Division of Mineral Resources Address: Virginia Division of Mineral Resources P.O. Box 3667 Charlottesville, VA 22903 Telephone: 804-293-5121 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . , Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age- CTV Charlottesville --------- 38.0326 78.5228 264 7/04/73 1/74 Rockfish Conglomerate; Precambrian. CVV Charlottesville --------- 37.9814 78.4608 167 4/74 0pen-- Catoctin Formation; Precambrian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 CTV Geotech S-l3 --------- Z 1.0 --- Heated stylus --- --- CVV --do ----------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do --------- 125 K Magnification 52 K in winter. Timing system: Geotech TG-110 crystal clock. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY CTV operated for about 6 months, until the station was moved to a temporary site near CVV. CVV, the permanent station, began recording on the vertical instrument in late April 1974. The horizontals were added in August 1974. 326 VIRGINIA Corbin, VA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: Fredericksburg Observatory U.S. Geological Survey Corbin, VA 22446 Telephone: 703-373-7601 Address to obtain records: Department of Geological Sciences Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA 24061 SITE INFORMATION , Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age CBN Corbin ------------------ 38.2050 77.3733 70 1971 Open-- Sedimentary rocks; Cretaceous to Quaternary. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s CBN Benioff -------------- Z 1.0 0.2 Pen and ink 50 K --- Timing system: Pendulum clock. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY Fredericksburg Observatory is a magnetic observatory run by the Branch of Electromagnetism and Geomanetism of the USGS. It maintains the seismometer as a monitor of local events and as a cooperative effort with seismology branches. VIRGINIA Harrisonburg, VA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: James Madison University Address: Department of Geology James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Telephone: 703-433-6130 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age HBV Harrisonburg ------------ 38.4383 78.8725 411 6/71 Open-- Edinburg Formation; Middle Ordovician. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 HBV Sprengnether --------- Z 1.0 --- Visible 100 K Magnification at 0.8 Hz. Timing system: Sprengnether TS-200, with a 10-MH2 crystal-oscillator frequency standard. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY The station was started with the installation of the above-mentioned equipment in 1971. 328 VIRGINIA Lexington, VA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Washington and Lee University Address: Department of Geology Washington and Lee University Lexington, VA 24450 Telephone: 703-463-9111 ext 269' Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age LEX Lexington --------------- 37.7894 79.4417 311 5/71 1977 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Rem k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 er s LEX Sprengnether 3692---- Z 15.0 --- --- --- --- Timing system: Not available. System response curves: Not available. 329 VIRGINIA Reston, VA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: His. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey Office of Earthquake Studies National Center, Stop 905 1220] Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 22092 Telephone: 703-860-6471 Telex: 89-9153 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age GSR Reston ------------------ 38.9479 77.3696 119 6/01/75 Open-- Boulder conglomerate, Newark Group; Late Triassic and Early Jurassic(?). INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type I Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 GSR Johnson-Matheson ----- Z 1.25 --- Helicorder 54.7 K --- 6480A. Timing system: Geotech TG-lOO. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY GSR was established when the USGS National Center was built in Reston in 1975. The single short-period instrument serves as a public display and can alert the personnel of the Office of Earthquake Studies to major earthquakes. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Virginia Address: Rouss Physical Laboratory University of Virginia University, VA 22901 Telephone: 804-924-3437 Address to obtain records: Unknown. SITE INFORMATION VIRGINIA University, VA . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (CHA) Charlottesville --------- 38.0333 78.5233 150 1927 6/36 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s (CHA) Custom, inverted ----- NS,EW 17.0 --- Smoked paper --- --- pendulum. Timing system: Clock, which kept time to within 0.5 sec. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY Interest in seismology at the University was evidenced by the unique and functional instrument built by Mr. Readings were submitted to the USC&GS and used to determine epicenters. Arthur J. Weed. 331 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Telex: Teledyne Geotech Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 214-271-2561 73-2394 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 316 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 VIRGI NIA Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (BI-VA) Big Stone Gap ----------- 36.8458 82.7069 549 11/07/62 12/12/62 --- (CG-VA) Cumberland Gap ---------- 36.6264 83.2600 396 6/01/62 6/28/62 Dolomitic limestone. 6/10/65 7/23/65 (CI-VA) Clintwood --------------- 37.1936 82.4158 549 10/15/62 10/27/62 --- (GD-VA) Grundy ------------------ 37.3928 81.9778 366 7/21/62 10/05/62 --- (SU-VA) Schuyler ---------------- 37.7597 78.7267 165 6/19/65 7/23/65_ --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (CG-VA), (CI-VA), (GD-VA): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (CG-VA): 410 K --- 35-mm film. (CI-VA): 130 K (GD-VA): 140 K (BI-VA), (CG-VA) (2d oper.): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do ---------- (BI-VA): 120 K --— Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do ---------- --- --- (SU-VA): Geotech S-13---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --— Magnetic tape --- Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- —-do --------- -—- Do. Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. Special Data Collection System program which remains active. 332 See figure 3, p. 364. Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. WASHINGTON Auburn, WA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Gerald Marshall Address: Gerald Marshall 35765 26th South Auburn, WA 98002 Telephone: 206-838-3578 or 927-4411 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age STT Seattle (Marshall) ------ 47.4228 122.3137 110 4/64 4/76 Glacial till; Quaternary. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 STT Galitzen ------------- NS 10.0 0.1 Pen and ink 1-2 K Magnification varied summer to winter. Timing system: Jewelled timer checked with WWV daily. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY The station was established to study microseisms, using magnifications of as much as 400 K. Continuous recordings were made until June 1970 when recordings became intermittent. The station was closed when the property was purchased by the Seattle- Tacoma Airport. 333 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Western Washington University Address: Geology Department Western Washington University Bellingham, WA 98225 Telephone: 206-676-3000 Address to obtain records: As above. Records are not catalogued and may not be complete. SITE INFORMATION WASHINGTON Bellingham, WA . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name 1 (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologlc age BLL Bellingham -------------- 48.7389 122.4847 96 12/61 1969 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 BLL Unknown ---------- +--- -- --- --- --- --- --- J Timing system: Not available. System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY BLL was operated by Western Washington College of Education, later incorporated into Western Washington University. 334 WASHINGTON Newport, WA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey Newport Geophysical Observatory Rt. 4, Box 56A Newport, WA 99156 Telephone: 509-447-3195 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age NEW Newport ----------------- 48.2633 117.1200 760 6/66 Open-- Miocene slates with other Tertiary strata. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at TO NEW Geotech 18300 -------- 2 1.0 0.2 Visible 200 K --- Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 30.0 --do--- 1000 and 100 Magnification at 0.05 Hz. Geotech TS-220 ------- NS,EW .8 --- --do--- 140 K, 14 K, Magnification at 5.0 1.4 K Hz. Timing system: Geotech 11880, with a Geotech 5400A backup system. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY The station began operation in June 1966 under the USC&GS. It is part of the Tsunami Warning System and receives signals from a selection of nine other stations throughout the Unites States, telemetered to NEW through the NEIS in Golden, Colo. 335 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: University of Washington Geophysics Department 202 ATG Building, AK-50 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 206-543-6505 Address to obtain records: WASHINGTON Seattle, WA As above. SITE INFORMATION Code Station name Ezzgthi E32§i6536 (mgizzs) 03:6:d c?:::d Foundation; geologic age BDG Badger Mountain -------- 46.2347 119.3175 475 3/69 Open-- Basalt; Miocene. BFW Baw Faw Mountain ------- 46.4867 123.2148 902 10/25/72 --do-- Volcanics; Eocene. BLN Blyn Mountain ---------- 48.0074 122.9718 585 7/02/70 --do—- Do. CBW Chelan Butte ----------- 47.8071 120.0327 1160 6/75 --do-- Gneiss; pre-Jurassic. (CHW) Chelan ----------------- 47.8692 120.0333 790 5/73 6/75 Metamorphic gneissic migmatite; Mesozoic. CLW Colville --------------- 48.5933 117.8820 585 6/75 11/76 Metamorphics; Cambrian. CPW Capitol Peak ----------- 46.9738 123.1363 792 7/29/70 0pen-- Volcanics; Eocene. CRF Corfu ------------------ 46.8252 119.3877 190 7/70 --do-- Basalt; Miocene. DHW (DYH) Dyer Hill -------------- 47.9605 119.7693 850 6/75 --do-- Do. DVW (DAV) Davenport -------------- 47.6383 118.2260 717 6/75 --do-- Do. (ENT) Entiat ----------------- 47.6789 120.2300 550 11/76 --do-- Do. EPW (EPH) Ephrata ---------------- 47.3522 119.5962 628 6/75 --do-- Do. ETP Eltopia ---------------- 46.4648 119.0590 219 3/69 --do-- Do. EUW (EUK) Eureka ----------------- 46.3958 118.5621 367 6/75 --do~ Do. FMW Mt. Fremont ------------ 46.9317 121.6720 1890 9/04/72 --do-- Volcanics; Quaternary. FPW Fields Point ----------- 47.9667 120.2129 352 6/75 -—do-- Gneiss; pre-Jurassic. FTW Fairmont --------------- 47.8767 122.2014 147 9/24/75 --do-- Glacial material; Quaternary. GBL Gable Mountain --------- 46.5977 119.4598 330 3/69 --do-- Basalt; Miocene. GHW Garrison Hill ---------- 47.0417 122.2725 268 9/24/75 --do-- Glacial material; Quaternary. GMW Gold Mountain ---------- 47.5479 122.7863 506 2/27/70 --do-- Volcanics; Eocene. GSM ' Grass Mountain --------- 47.2032 121.7945 1305 6/11/70 --do-- Volcanics; Oligocene, Miocene. HTW Haystack Lookout ------- 47.8035 121.7691 829 6/11/75 --do-- Volcanics; Eocene. JCW Jim Creek -------------- 48.1935 121.9295 616 2/18/71 --do-- Metasedimentary rocks; Permian. 336 SITE INFORMATION--Continued WASHINGTON- -C0ntinued Seattle, WA Code Station name Exit??? 163255-1316 (mivlzz‘rs) 03:3; 32:; Foundation; geologic age (LLB) Labor Lookout ---------- 48.7682 121.8160 3010 8/08/75 0pen—- Volcanics; Quaternary. LMW Ladd Mountain ---------- 46.6680 122.2913 1195 6/30/75 --do-- Volcanics; Eocene. I LON Longmire --------------- 46.7500 121.8100 854 3/12/58 --do-- Andesite; Quaternary LYW Lyman ------------------ 48.5353 122.1017 107 4/16/75 --do-- Sandstone; Cretaceous. MBW Mt. Baker -------------- 48.1840 121.8997 1676 11/08/72 --do-- Volcanics; Quaternary. MCW Mt. Constitution ------- 48.6797 122.8323 693 11/08/72 --do-- Metagraywacke; Carboniferous. MDW Midway ----------------- 46.6133 119.7608 372 3/69 --do-- Basalt; Miocene. ODS Odessa ----------------- 47.3067 118.7450 524 3/69 --do-- Do. OHW Oak Harbor ------------- 48.3233 122.5318 54 5/16/75 Open-- Glacial till; Pleistocene. OMW (OMK) Omak ------------------- 48.4803 119.5608 421 6/75 --do-- Gneiss; pre-Jurassic. 0TH Othello ---------------- 46.7390 119.2165 384 3/69 --do-- Basalt; Miocene. PRW (PRO) Prosser ---------------- 46.2127 119.6858 552 6/75 --do-- Do. RMW Rattlesnake Mountain-—- 47.4597 121.8053 1024 7/27/71 --do-— Volcanics; Eocene, Oligocene. RSW Rattlesnake Hills ------ 46.3912 119.5887 1037 7/70 --do-- Basalt; Miocene. SAW St. Andrews ------------ 47.7017 119.4010 704 6/75 --do-- Do. SCW Sherman Crater --------- 48.7675 121.8167 2990 3/31/75 10/01/76 Volcanics; Quaternary. (Mt. Baker). SEA Seattle ---------------- 47.6550 122.3083 30 1906 11/01/70 Vashon till; Pleistocene. SHW Mt. St. Helens --------- 46.1925 122.2367 1423 10/25/72 Open-- Volcanics; Quaternary. SMW South Mountain --------- 47.3195 123.3417 840 3/24/75 --do-- Volcanics; Eocene. SPW Seward Park ------------ 47.5537 122.2459 8 9/17/69 --do-- Sandstone; Oligocene. STW Striped Peak ----------- 48.1502 123.6700 308 6/27/73 --do-- Volcanics; Eocene. SYR Smyrna ----------------- 46.8630 119.6178 268 3/69 --do-- Basalt; Miocene. TUM Tumwater --------------- 47.0150 122.9083 83 5/58 --do-- Volcanics; Eocene. VTG Vantage ---------------- 46.9580 119.9873 208 7/70 --do-- Basalt; Miocene. WAH Wahluke ---------------- 46.7520 119.5780 231 7/70 --do-- Do. (WAT) Waterville ------------- 47.6986 119.9542 820 11/76 --do-- Do. WBW Wilson Butte ----------- 48.0178 119.1372 826 6/75 --do-- Do. WGW Wallila Gap ------------ 46.0447 118.9327 162 10/71 --do-- Do. WIW Wooded Island ---------- 46.4322 119.2882 122 7/70 --do-- Do. WNW (WEN) Wenatchee -------------- 47.5295 120.1942 1061 6/75 --do-- Sandstone; Miocene, Pliocene. WRD Warden ----------------- 46.9698 119.1433 379 7/70 --do-- Balsalt; Miocene. 337 WASHINGTON--Continued Seattle, WA INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 Most stations Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 16 Hz 16-mm film BFW: 150 K --- BLN: 115 K CPW: 135 K FMW: 100 K GMW: 145 K GSM: 165 K JCW: 120 K MCW: 70 K RMW: 190 K SHW: 45 K SPW: 65 K CBW, VTG --do ----------------- Z,NS 1.0 16 Hz l6-mm film --- --- CHW: Geotech S-13 --------- Z 1.0 --- --- 60 K --- LON: Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0.75 Photo paper 100 K WWSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 --do ------- 1.5 K Do. SEA: Bosch—Omori ---------- NS,EW 15.0 --- Smoked paper --- --- TUM: Geotech S-l3 --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 .75 Photo paper 40 K --r Geotech SL-210 ------- Z 15.0 90.0 --do -------- l K --- Geotech SL-220 ------- NS,EW 15.0 90.0 --do -------- 850 --- Timing system: Most stations use an Astrodata Time Code Generator and WWVB. LON uses the WWSSN standard. TUM uses a Simplex quartz crystal clock. System response curves: LON-—see figure 1, p. 363. TUM--availab1e from station. All Mark L-AC and Geotech 5-13 instruments except TUM-—see figure 11, p. 366. SHORT HISTORY BDG, CRF, ETP, GBL, MDW, ODS, 0TH, RSV, SYR, VTG, WAH, WGW, WIW, and WRD make up the Hanford network. This network was supported by U. S. Department of Energy and was originally run by the USGS out of its Menlo Park office, until the entire network was transferred to the University in June 1975. LON began operating the WWSSN equipment on August 22, 1962. SEA records from 1906 to 1931 are not at the University. Records since 1931 are on file. The stations in the Puget Sound area are supported by USGS grants. Publications from the University include a quarterly hypocenter listing and an annual hypocenter listing. 338 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Mount Saint Michael‘s Address: Seismograph Station Mount Saint Michael's Spokane, WA Address to obtain records: Unknown. SITE INFORMATION WASHINGTON Spokane, WA . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age SPO Spokane ----------------- 47.7300 117.3422 713 1909 1969 Basalt. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R a ks Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 em r SPO Wiechert ------------- NS,EW --- --- --- --- Wood-Anderson -------- NS,EW --- --- --- --- Timing system: Wiechert clock, System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY The station initially began operating at Gonzaga University and then moved to Mount Saint Michael's in 1930. Gonzaga University published a yearly bulletin. 339 WASHINGTON Berkeley, CA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Tera Corporation for Portland General Electric Company Address: Tera Corporation 2118 Milvia Street Berkeley, CA 94704 Telephone: 415-845-5200 Address to obtain records: Stuart W. Smith Geophysics Program 202 ATG Building, AK-SO University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age ALD Alter Ridge ------------- 45.8194 120.0667 427 11/75 0pen-- Basalt; Miocene. RPK Roosevelt --------------- 45.7617 120.2306 549 11/75 --do-- Basalt; Miocene. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 ALD Mark L-AC ------------ 2 1.0 --- Helicorder Variable Gain adjusted seasonally, Telemetered to Arlington, 0R. RPK --do ----------------- 2 1.0 --- --do ------ --do---- Do. Timing system: Sprengnether clock checked with WWVB daily. System response curves: Curves slightly different from standard Mark L-AC microseismic system (fig. 2); peak at 5 Hz. SHORT HISTORY The stations are in an area where no other seismometers exist and where seismicity is low. Portland General is interested in being able to precisely locate occasional earthquakes when they do occur. WASHINGTON Garland, TX GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Teledyne Geotech Address: Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 Telephone: 214-271-2561 Telex: 73—2394 Address to obtain records: Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (CC-WA) Cascade Tunnel ---------- 47.7692 121.0836 1036 11/08/67 7/29/68 Granodiorite. (CE-WA) Concrete ---------------- 48.5225 121.6872 274 10/15/62 10/27/62 --- (EL-WA) Ellensburg -------------- 46.9242 120.7300 975 5/28/62 6/28/62 --- (CC-WA) Glacier Peak ------------ 48.1622 121.2822 671 11/08/62 12/12/62 --- (LY-WA) Lynden ------------------ 48.6475 122.2028 122 11/08/67 12/10/67 --- (MU-WA) Mt. Baker --------------- 48.9167 121.9103 732 9/26/62 10/05/62 --- (PH-WA) Pomeroy ----------------- 46.3236 117.3281 945 11/08/67 12/10/67 --- (TK-WA) Tonasket ---------------- 48.7939 119.5878 549 8/21/63 5/17/64 Granite. (YA-WA) Yakima ------------------ 46.5000 119.9200 610 1/29/63 3/29/63 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Re R Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 mar s (CC-WA), (PH-WA), (TR-WA): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 -—- Magnetic tape, (TX-WA): 200 K --- 35-mm film. Sprengnether—--- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do --------- --- --- (CE-WA), (EL-WA), (CC-WA), (MU-WA), (YA-QA): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- --do --------- (CE-WA): 200 K --- (EL-WA): 160 K (SC-WA): 60 K (MU-WA): 110 K (CC-WA), (LY-WA): Geotech S-l3---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape (CC~WA): 350 K Portable system. Geotech--------¥ Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --do --------- --- Do. 341 WASHINGTON--Continued Garland, TX Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Special Data Collection System program which remains active. Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 342 WASHINGTON Menlo Park, CA GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Address: U.S. Geological Survey National Center for Earthquake Research 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 Telephone: 415-323-8111 ext. 2571 Address to obtain records: Records through 1974 on file as above. Records from 1975 are at the University of Washington. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg w.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (B) Badger Mountain --------- 46.2347 119.3175 475 6/69 2/75 --- (DA) Basin City -------------- 46.6032 119.1120 237 6/71 2/75 --- (CA) Berg Ranch -------------- 46.7222 119.3472 287 6/71 2/75 --- CNL (C) Connel ------------------ 46.6530 118.9170 293 6/70 2/75 --- (EA) Coyote Rapids ----------- 46.6388 119.6202 149 6/71 2/75 --- (AA) Hatton ------------------ 46.7468 118.8242 351 6/71 10/72 --- HSW (H) Hot Spot ---------------- 46.5295 119.5545 217 6/70 10/71 --- LSW (D) Landslide --------------- 46.4813 119.2453 262 6/70 10/71 --- (AB) Saddle Mountain --------- 46.7955 119.4913 570 10/72 2/75 --- (N) Sentinel Gap ------------ 46.7855 119.9222 189 6/71 2/75 --- (Y) Yakima Ridge ------------ 46.5123 119.7155 361 10/71. 2/75 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar 5 All stations Mark L4-C ------------ 2 1.0 --- Develocorder --- Telemetered to Menlo Park. Timing system: WVB recorded directly with a custom-chronometer backup. System response curves: See figure 2, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY These stations are part of the Hanford array, run by the USGS from 1969 to 1975. discontinued and the rest of the network was given to the University of Washington. In 1975 the above stations were WASHINGTON Washington, DC GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Address: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Washington, D.C. (Obsolete) Address to obtain records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NOAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age GCW Grand Coulee ------------ 47.9414 118.9800 462 1941 1949 Granite. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T0(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 GCW Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.5 --- 35-mm film --- --- Timing system: Chronometer with WWV automatically checked several times a day. System response curves: Not available. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: West Virginia University Address: Seismograph Station 213 College of Mineral and Energy Resources White Hall West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506 Telephone: 304-293-5695 Address to obtain records: WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown, WV As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date ‘ . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age MRG Morgantown -------------- 39.6331 79.9544 282 10/50 0pen-- Hard shale; Pennsylvanian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R a k Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 em r s MGR Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 1.5 1.5 I Photo paper 5 K, 3 K, 3 K Z component also record- ed on a pen-and-ink recorder. Timing system: Standard Electric pendulum clock. System response curves: Available from station. SHORT HISTORY MGR has operated continuously since 1950 with hiatuses during the summer months. report. The station publishes a semiannual 345 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Telex: Teledyne Geotech Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 214-271-2561 73-2394 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 WEST VIRGINIA Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (BL-WV) Beckley ----------------- 37.7989 81.3100 610 12/13/61 7/23/65 Sandstone, limestone, and shale; 5/31/66 6/03/66 Paleozoic. (EN-WV) Franklin ---------------- 38.5494 79.5131 750 5/04/64 8/28/64 Alluvium. 6/03/65 11/12/65 5/27/75 7/28/76 (PE-WV) Pineville --------------- 37.6147 81.6653 427 7/06/62 7/17/62 --- (RN-WV) Rainelle ---------------- 38.0764 80.8483 853 12/31/62 5/16/63 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 (BL-WV), (EN-WV) (2d oper.), (RN-WV): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 -- Magnetic tape, (BL-WV): 65 K --- 35-mm film. (RN-WV): 150 K Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 -- ---do --------- --- --- (EN-WV) (lst oper.), (PE-WV): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 -- ---do --------- (FN-WV): 170 K --- (PE-WV): 140 K (BL-WV) (2d oper.), (EN-WV) (3d oper.): Geotech S-l3---- Z,NS,EW 1.0 —- Magnetic tape (BL-WV): 65 K Portable system. Geotech --------- Z,NS,EW 20.0 -- --—do -------- --- Do. Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. Special Data Collection System program which remains active. 346 See figure 3, p. 364. Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (50-msec tolerance). It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. WISCONSIN Madison, WI GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Wisconsin at Madison Address: Department of Geology and Geophysics University of Wisconsin 1215 W. Dayton Street Madison, WI 53715 Telephone: 608-262-8960 Address to obtain records: WSSN records: National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center NCAA/EDS, D62 Boulder, CO 80302 SITE INFORMATION Code Station name Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date Foundation' eolo ’c (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed ’ g g1 age MDS Madison ----------------- 43.3722 89.7600 278 1/16/62 6/10/68 Baraboo Quartzite; Precambrian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording ‘ at T0 emar s MDS Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 0.75 Photo paper 100 K WSSN. Sprengnether --------- Z,NS,EW 15.0 100.0 ---do ------ 750 Do. Timing system: WSSN standard. System response curves: See figure 1, p. 363. SHORT HISTORY MDS began operation with the installation of the WSSN equipment. 347 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Department of Geological Sciences Sabin Hall University of Visconsin Milwaukee, WI 53201 414-963-4561 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION WISCONSIN Milwaukee, WI . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age UWM University of Wisconsin- 43.0794 87.8784 204 9/72 0pen-- Glacial till (Pleistocene) overlying at Milwaukee. the Milwaukee Formation (Middle Devonian). INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 UWM Benioff 4681, 6102A-— Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Pen and ink 20.5 K -—- Geotech SL-ZlO, ------ Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- Helicorder 900 Bandpass filter 0.01-0.1 Hz. SL-220. Geotech 7505A -------- Z 30.0 --- —--do ----- --- --- Timing system: System response curves: Geotech TG-llO and Sprengnether TS-250. Not available. SHORT HISTORY UWM started with the installation of the Benioff 468]. The three-component Geotech instruments were added in August 1973. The horizontal Benioff's were added in September, 1976, and the extra-long-period Geotech was added in May 1977. 348 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Marquette University Address: Seismological Station Department of Physics Marquette University Milwaukee, WI 53233 Telephone: 414-224-7700 Address to obtain records: ‘WISCONSIN Milwaukee, WI Unknown. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geolog1c age MLW Milwaukee --------------- 43.0333 87.9167 194 1909 1957 Alluvium. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To HIV Wiechert ------------- NS,EW 6.1, 5.4 --- --- 51, 61 --- Timing system: Not available. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY MEW was a member of the Jesuit Seismological Society. 349 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Telex: Teledyne Geotech Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 214-271—2561 73-2394 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 WISCONSIN Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (AR-VS) Aurora ------------------ 45.6967 88.1422 381 6/06/62 10/05/62 --- (BA-WS) Baldwin ----------------- 44.8994 92.2722 335 10/11/62 10/27/62 --- (CF-NS) Colfax ------------------ 45.0942 91.7664 366 11/04/62 12/12/62 --- (CN-WS) Cornell ----------------- 45.1928 91.1281 320 5/10/62 6/28/62 --- (MT-VS) Medford ----------------- 43.3475 90.5897 412 12/22/62 4/01/63 --- (NG-WS) Niagra ------------------ 45.7575 88.1492 396 11/19/61 5/26/62 Granite gneiss; Precambrian. 10/13/62 6/14/63 (RL-WS) Rib Lake ---------------- 45.3081 90.0986 472 4/10/63 5/13/63 Glacial till. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at To All stations Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 -- Magnetic‘tape, (AR-WS): 160 K --- 35-mm film. (BA—W5): 60 K (CF-VS): 140 K (CN-WS): 290 K (ME-VS): 130 K (NG-WS): 70 K (RL-WS): 170 K Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. Special Data Collection System program which remains active. See figure 3, p. 364. Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 350 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: University of Wyoming Address: Department of Geology University of Wyoming Laramie, WY 82070 Telephone: 307-766-1121 Address to obtain records: WYOMING Laramie, WY As above. SITE INFORMATION , Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age LAR Laramie ----------------- 41.3144 105.5831 2400 1954 1977 Chugwater Formation; Triassic. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification R k Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 emar s LAR Benioff -------------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Photo paper 90 K --- Timing system: Simplex quartz clock. System response curves: Not available. SHORT HISTORY LAR was started as a result of interest in a local earthquake and the.fortuitous availability of seismic equipment. WYOMING Berkshire, England GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Procurement Executive, Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom Address: Procurement Executive, Ministry of Defence Blacknest, Brimpton, North Reading Berkshire, England Telephone: Tadley 4111 ext. 7260 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age PMW Pole Mountain ----------- 41.2100 105.3347 2440 12/08/61 8/63 Sherman Granite, batholith; Precambrian. INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 PMW Willmore MK II ------- Z 1.0 --- Magnetic tape --- Thirteen elements in an array Dec. l961-Sept. 1962. Fourteen elements in an array Sept. 1962- Aug. 1963. Timing system: AWRE (T9601). System response curve: Not available. SHORT HISTORY PMW was the first operational large-aperature United Kingdom-type linear-cross array. It was installed for observation of the "Gnome" underground explosion at a 1000-km range and for studies of capability for recording underground explosions at teleseismic ranges. The array initially used Willmore MK 1's and switched to the 11's on December 16, 1962. GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: Telex: Teledyne Geotech Teledyne Geotech 3401 Shiloh Road Garland, TX% 75041 214—271-2561 73-2394 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION Teledyne Geotech Seismic Data Analysis Center 314 Montgomery Street Alexandria, VA 22314 WYOMING Garland, TX . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . . . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age (CY-WY) Cheyenne ---------------- 41.4167 104.8600 1920 7/06/62 7/11/62 --- (HK-WY) Hawk Springs ------------ 41.6958 104.3569 1494 7/17/62 10/05/62 --- (PI-WY) Pinedale-----e ---------- 42.4528 109.5486 2170 1/22/64 4/29/64 Sandstone. (PIZWY) --do -------------------- 42.7672 109.5619 2195 3/01/65 4/26/65 --— (PM-WY) Pole Mountain ----------- 41.2075 105.3608 2469 11/25/61 7/10/63 Granitic basement; Precambrian. (TL-WY) Thermopolis ------------- 43.3917 108.0881 1615 11/08/67 12/10/67 --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at T0 (CY-WY), (HK-WY) , (PIZWY): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Magnetic tape, (CY-WY): 110 K --- 35-mm film. (MK-WY): 50 K (PI2WY): 350 K (PI-WY), (PM-WY), (TL-WY): Benioff --------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- ---do --------- (PI-WY): 280 K --- (PM-WY): 150 K Sprengnether---- Z,NS,EW 20.0 --- --—do --------- -—- --- Timing system: Geotech crystal clock checked with WWV (SO-msec tolerance). System response curves: See figure 3, p. 364. SHORT HISTORY The LRSM program began in 1960 as part of the VELA-Uniform project. Special Data Collection System program which remains active. It continued until 1971, when it was replaced by the Work under these programs has been directed towards advancing the seismic-detection, identification, and location techniques necessary to detect and identify underground nuclear explosions. All work is accomplished under the technical direction of AFTAC, Vela Seismic Center, in Alexandria, Va. 353 GENERAL INFORMATION Operated by: Address: Telephone: U.S. Geological Survey for El Paso Natural Gas Co. U.S. Geological Survey 3060 S. Highland Drive Las Vegas, NV 89102 702-734-3416 Address to obtain records: SITE INFORMATION U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Global Seismology Stop 967 Box 25046, Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 WYOMING Las Vegas, NV . Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . ‘ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age P11 Pinedale ---------------- 42.5953 109.5453 2195 6/08/73 8/13/73 --- P12 ---do ------------------- 42.7667 109.7400 2234 8/13/73 10/18/73 --- P13 ---do ------------------- 42.4417 109.5792 2164 10/18/73 12/11/73 --- P14 ---do ------------------- 42.6283 109.8933 2194 12/11/73 2/22/74 --- P15 ---do ------------------- 42.5671 109.9117 2273 3/74 6/01/76 --- P16 ---do ------------------- 42.7262 109.6055 2225 3/74 6/01/76 Granite. PI7 ---do ------------------- 42.4397 109.5725 2179 3/74 6/01/76 Alunite. PIN ---do ------------------- 42.5825 109.7167 2225 3/22/73 6/08/73 --- INSTRUMENTATION l Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Component To(sec) T8(sec) recording at To All stations Mark L-4C ------------ Z 1.0 --- Develocorder --- Telemetered to GLD. Timing system: System response curves: SHORT HISTORY Timing added in Golden. See figure 2, p. 363. The network was installed to monitor the seismicity in the area of the Wagon Wheel drill site, which has as its objective the extraction of natural gas by use of explosives. The stations were telemetered through Boulder, Colo., and then to Las Vegas until March 1974; the data obtained in Las Vegas were used in USGS Open-File Report 74-30, 1974, written by K. C. Bayer and G. H. Wuollet. 354 GENERAL INFORMATION WYOMING Menlo Park, CA Operated by: 11.8. Geological Survey Address: U.S‘. Geological Survey National Center for Earthquake Research 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 Telephone: 415-323-8111 ext. 2571 Address to obtain records: As above. SITE INFORMATION Code Station name I632??? 1632:1311? (“15:22) 03:3; 36:; Foundation; geologic age CJW (YPCJ) Canyon Junction ------- 44.7438 110.4975 2426 10/74 Open-- -—- HHS (YPMH) Mammoth Hot Springs-—- 44.9770 110.6853 1781 1964 10/74 --- HJW (YPMJ) Madison Junction ------ 44.6483 110.8587 2111 1964 Open-- --- WW (YPMV) Mud Volcano ----------- 44.6272 110.4458 2400 10/72 --do-- --- NJW (YPNJ) Norris Junction ------- 44.7303 110.6930 2290 10/72 --do-- --- WI'W (YPWT) West Thumb ------------ 44.4145 110.5712 2365 10/72 --do-- --- (CJ) Canyon Junction ------- 44.7438 110.4975 2395 1964 1965 --- (LJ) Lake Junction --------- 44.5660 110.4012 2440 1965 1968 --- (YPEE) East Entrance --------- 44.1363 110.6667 2134 10/74 10/76 --- (YPLK) Lake Junction --------- 44.5660 110.4012 2399 10/74 10/76 --- (YPMC) Maple Creek ----------- 44.7593 111.0062 2073 10/74 Open-- —-— (YPML) Mary Lake ------------- 44.6028 110.6063 2519 10/74 --do-- --- (YPNG) Natural Bridge -------- 44.5245 110.4593 2390 10/74 -—do-- --- (YPOF) Old Faithful ---------- 44.4525 110.8413 2260 10/72 --do-- --- (YPPC) Pelican Cone ---------- 44.6483 110.1930 2939 10/74 --do-- --- (YPPR) Promontory ------------ 44.3923 110.2863 2390 10/74 10/76 —-- (YPSE) South Entrance -------- 44.1363 110.6667 2073 10/74 10/76 --- (YPSG) Silver Gate ----------- 45.0030 109.9875 2270 1/73 Open-- --- (YPTC) Trail Creek ----------- 44.2965 110.2320 2360 8/73 --do-- --- WYOMING--Continued Henlo Park, CA INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 Remarks (CJ), (LJ): EV-l7 ----------- Z 1.25 --- Photo paper --- -—- cw, NJw, (YPEE). (YPHC). (YPPc), (YPPR), (YPSE), (YPSG), (YPTC): Mark LA-C ------- 2 1.0 --- Develocorder —-- --- HHS: Lebner-Griffith- Z,NS,EW 1.25 --- --do -------- --- -'- m, uvw, m, (YPLK), (YPML), (YPNB), (nor): Hark L4-c ------- Z,NS 1.0 --- --do -------- -—— --— Timing system: WWVB recorded directly with a custom-chronometer backup. System response curves: See figure 2, p. 363 for short-period vertical instruments. SHORT HISTORY CJW operated for about one year (1964-65) at a slightly different locations than the current CJW site. HHS and MJW have operated intermittently since their installation. MVW has been located in two different locations but less than 1 km apart. IDA, Idaho Array (43.7867o N., 113.0225o W., elevation 1524 m), was one of six stations run on a part-time basis; they were telemetered to Menlo Park after working hours and recorded on Develocorder. This array ran from December 1968 to August 1969. Many of these stations have also been recorded on magnetic tape at various times, and these records are also available. Short-term networks in the area of Yellowstone National Park have been established for special studies: June 30-July 19, 1975: A 20-element array of short-period vertical instruments recorded on photo paper. Code names begin with YA, YD, and YL. August 20-October 20, 1965: Five short-period vertical instruments rotated between nine locations and recorded on magnetic tape. Older data (before 1972) may not be complete in the archives. GENERALVINFORHATION Operated by: U.S. Air Force Address: 1035th Technical Opera AFTAC/TGS Patrick AFB, FL 32925 Telephone: 305-494-2291 Address to obtain records: tions Group U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Global Seismology Stop 967 Box 25046, Denver Fede Denver, CO 80225 SITE INFORMATION ral Center WYOMING Patrick AFB, FL , Latitude Longitude Elev Date Date . _ . Code Station name (deg N.) (deg W.) (meters) opened closed Foundation, geologic age BDW (UA) Boulder ----------------- 42.7762 109.5683 2198 6/20/77 0pen-- --- WYO (U6) Wyoming Array ----------- 42.7778 109.5556 2182 6/20/77 --do-- --- INSTRUMENTATION Seismometer Galvo Type Magnification Remarks Code Type Component T°(sec) Tg(sec) recording at T0 BDW Geotech 23900 -------- 2 1.0 ~-- Develocorder, 1000 K, 500 K Telemetered to GOL. Helicorder. WYO Geotech 18300 -------- Z,NS,EW 1.0 --- Develocorder, --- Do. magnetic tape. Geotech 7505A, 8700C- Z,NS,EW 17.0 110.0 --do --------- --- Do. Timing system: Time added at GOL. System response curves: Available with records. SHORT HISTORY BDW is 1 element of a 13-element array, of which WYO is the center. WYO records a summed analog signal using all the elements of the array. The Wyoming array is operated by the U.S. Air Force; the USGS began telemetering in June 1977. 357 APPENDIXES Appendix 1.—-List of organizations that operate stations in more than one state Organization name Arizona: Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Chinle Air Force Technical Applications Center, Payson California: University of California, Berkeley U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park California Institute of Technology and the U.S. Geological Survey, Pasadena Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore Connecticut: University of Connecticut, Groton Colorado: University of Colorado, Boulder U.S. Geological Survey, Denver Maryland: National Earthquake Information Center, Rockville Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Weston Observatory, Weston Michigan: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Missouri: Saint Louis University, St. Louis Nevada: University of Nevada, Reno New Mexico: Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque New York: Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Palisades Oregon: Portland General Electric Company, Portland Texas: Teledyne Geotech, Garland Utah: University of Utah, Salt Lake City Washington: U.S. Geological Survey, Newport University of Washington States Arizona, New Mexico Arizona, Oklahoma California, Nevada California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Washington, Wyoming, Arkansas Arizona, California California, Nevada, Utah Connecticut, Rhode Island Alaska, Colorado Arizona, Colorado, South Carolina, Texas, Utah District of Columbia, Maryland Massachusetts, New Hampshire Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire Michigan, Ohio Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee California, Nevada California, Nevada, New Mexico Alaska, California, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Utah, Virgin Islands Oregon, Washington Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii and the Pacific, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming Idaho, Utah Idaho, Washington Oregon, Washington 361 Appendix 2.—-Heaponse curves for commonly used instruments These response curves are typical of commonly used instrument systems. Using the curves and the magnifications found in the station lists, the absolute magnification curves of some of the instruments can be deduced. The curves are normalized at 1 sec for short-period instruments and 25 sec for long-period instruments. Graphs that can be used for scaling are available from the network operators. \ \ ) P RELATIVE MAGNITU DE 3 u 01 \ I 08 0. 00‘ \ o 3 \ m on as v.0 3 0 IO an so 100 300 wouooo PERIOD, IN SECONDS RELATIVE MAGNITUDE o Figure 1.--Response curves characteristic of the standardized WWSSN instrumentation. The short- \\ period curve is plotted to the left of the long- period curve. 0001 001 00:5 006 01 03 06 v 3 a 10 PERIOD, IN SECONDS Figure 2.—-Response curve characteristic of the Mark L-4C instrument system as designed by the USGS, Menlo Park. Other short-period instrument systems sometimes exhibit this same response. 363 o a: 0‘ RELATIVE MAGNI l UDE o (.1 Appendix 2.——Resp0nse curves fbr commonly used instruments——Continued /\ 03 no I 3 E 10 30 PERIOD. IN SECONDS 60 ‘00 300 600 V000 Figure 3.--Response curves characteristic of the standardized LRSM instrumentation. period curve is plotted to the left of the long- 364 period curve. The short- RELATIVE MAGNITUDE o o m o 0‘ 006 001 0‘ 03 05 1 3 B IO PERIOD, IN SECONDS Figure 4.-—Response curve characteris~ tic of the short-period vertical instruments employed by the Alaska Tsunami Warning Center as well as by the station SIT. 08 D3 RELATIVE MAGNITUDE 000‘ 001 003 006 01 03 08 I 3 6 PERIOD‘ IN SECONDS ID 30 60 I 00 300 600 I 000 Figure 5.--Response curve characteristic of the broadband long-period Sprengnether instruments used by Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Calif. Appendix 2.--Response curves fbr commonly used instruments—-Continued /-\ RELATIVE MAGNITUDE O O m m \\ 003 u: so so woo PERIOD, IN SECONDS 300 300 l 000 Figure 6.--Response curve characteris- tic of the standardized HGLP in- strumentation. RELATIVE MAGNITUDE o o u m 01 001 0‘ 03 06 I 3 s 10 30 ea PEFuOD, IN SECONDS 300 000 ‘000 Figure 7.--Response curves characteristics of the standardized SRO instrumentation. The short- period curve is plotted to the left of the long- period curve. \ o :- RELATIVE MAGNITUDE a u OI 001 0‘ 03 08 I 3 6 IO 30 PERIOD, IN SECONDS 60 100 Figure 8.--Response curve characteristic of the LASA instruments. The short-period curve is to the left of the long-period curve . 365 366 Appendix 2.—-Response curves fbr commonly used instruments——Continued 600 300 30 RELATIVE MAGNITUDE a OB 03 OI 00‘ 003 006 01 03 06 l 3 PERIOD, IN SECONDS RELATIVE MAGNITUDE 50 03 01 00! 003 006 M 03 06 I 3 a 10 PERIOD‘ IN SECONDS Figure 10.--Response curve characteristic of Figure 9.--Response curve characteristic of the short-period vertical instruments employed by Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, N.Y. the Geotech S-13 instrument system used by the USGS in its South Carolina and Puerto Rico networks. o RELATIVE MAGNITUDE 0 0| 001 00‘ 003 006 0| 0 3 D E PERIOD. IN SECONDS I Figure 11.--Response curve characteristic of the short-period vertical instru- ment used by the University of Wash- ington. 1 Appendix 3.——Alphabetic listing of station codes Code State Operator Page Code State Operator Page (AA) Washington USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 343 ALF New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 232 (AA-IS) Alaska Teledyne Geotech 22 (ALIN) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 (AAF) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (ALM) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 AAM Michigan University of Michigan - 170 ALNM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 AARM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 (ALO) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 (AARS) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 (ALO) Oregon Southern Oregon State College 257 AAU Utah University of Utah 313 ALQ New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque, N.Mex.) 217 (AB) Washington USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 343 (ALV) Vermont Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 323 (ABAB) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 ALX New York Lainent—Doherty Geological Observ. 232 (ABC) Pennsylvania Pennsylvania State University 272 (ALX) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 ABJ'M California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 (AM-OK) Oklahoma Teledyne Geotech 255 (ABJS) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 AMA Alaska USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 24 (ABL) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 AMC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (ABP) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 AMG Georgia Georgia Southwestern College 123 ABQ New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque, N.Mex.) 217 AMMO New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque, N.Mex.) 217 ABRM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 AMS California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 (ABRS) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 AMU Alaska Alaska Methodist University 9 ABV Virgin Islands Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 324 (AN-HA) Montana Teledyne Geotech 191 (AC-IS) Alaska Teledyne Geotech 22 ANI Ohio University of Michigan 249 ACA Alaska USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 24 (ANZ) Ohio University of Michigan 249 ACB Alaska USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 24 (AN3) Ohio University of Michigan 249 ACC Alaska USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 24 (AN4) Ohio University of Michigan 249 ACD Alaska USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 24 (ANS) Ohio University of Michigan 249 ACE Alaska USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 24 (AN6) Ohio University of Michigan 249 ACF Alaska USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 24 ANA Alaska USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 24 (AC1!) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 ANB Alaska USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 24 (AD-IS) Alaska Teledyne Geotech 22 (ANC) Nevada University of Nevada 200 Am Alaska University of Colorado 21 AND Alaska 11393 (Las Vegas, Nev.) 21, ADZ Alaska University of Colorado 21 (AND) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 AD3 Alaska University of Colorado 21 (ANG) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 AD4 Alaska University of Colorado 21 ANU Utah University of Utah 313 ADS Alaska University of Colorado 21 ANV Alaska University of Alaska 13 AD6 Alaska University of Colorado 21 (ANV) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 AD7 Alaska University of Colorado 21 ANZ California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 AD8 Alaska University of Colorado 21 AODM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 ADA Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 30 AOHM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 ADC California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 (A0110) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 ADK Alaska NOAA (Adak, Alaska) 8 (AOTD) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 (ADL) California California Institute of Technology 75 (AP-0K) Oklahoma Teledyne Geotech 255 ADM Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 APH New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 232 ADN New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 232 (APHR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 ADR California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (APR) Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 (ADWD) California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 APR Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey. P-R-) 277 ADWM California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 APRM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 (AB-NC) North Carolina Teledyne Geotech 243 APT Connecticut Weston Observatory 115 AFDM California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 (AR-W5) Wisconsin Teledyne Geotech 350 (AND) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 ARC California University of California, Berkeley 50 arm California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 ARJM California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif.) 64 (ms) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 ARN California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (AFID) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 (“P") California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 61* AFRM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 AREA California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 AGC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 ARRM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 AGI Alaska University of Alaska 13 (ARWJ) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 AGIM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 ARWM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 A614 Maine Weston Observatory 165 (AS-PA) Pennsylvania Teledyne Geotech 274 (AGRI) California 11565 (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 ASE Alaska USGS (Las Vegas. Nev.) 24 AHA Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 ASC Alaska USGS (Las Vegas. Nev.) 24 AHDM California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 ASD Alaska USGS (Las Vegas. Nev.) 24 (AHDR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 (ASHR) California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif-) 64 (AHFR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 ASRM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 AHRM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 ASU Arizona Arizona State University 36 (AHU) Hawaii-Pacific uses (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 (AT-NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 ‘ (AI-NB) Nebraska Teledyne Geotech 195 ATL Georgia Georgia Institute of Technology 124 . AIC California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.'1‘. 82 (ATR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 AIN Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 ATT New York Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 232 (AK-OK) Oklahoma Teledyne Geotech 255 (AUF) AJaska University of Alaska 13 AKl Alaska University of Colorado 21 (AU'K) Alaska University of Alaska 13 AK2 Alaska University of Colorado 21 (AUM) Alaska University of Alaska 13 AK3 Alaska University of Colorado 21 (AUP) Alaska University of Alaska 13 (AL-OK) Oklahoma Teledyne Geotech 255 ‘ (AVC) California University of Nevada 99 ALA Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 i AV'RM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 (ALE) New Mexico Sandia Laboratories 219 ‘ (AVRS) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 (ALC) Colorado NOAA (Boulder, Colo.) 101 g (AX-AL) Alabama Teledyne Geotech 6 ALB Washington Tera Corporation 340 (AXZAL) Alabama Teledyne Geotech 6 367 Appendix 3.——Alphabetic listing of station codes--Continued Code State Operator Page 1 Code State Operator Page (AY-SD) South Dakota Teledyne Geotech 290 BIG Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 (AZ-TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 30/. B10 Alaska USGS (Sitka, Alaska) 20 (B) Washington USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 343 BJCM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (BA-WS) Wisconsin Teledyne Geotech 350 BJOM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 BAH Hawaii-Pacific NOAA (Eva Beach, Calif.) 126 (BK-AB) Arkansas Teledyne Geotech 46 (BAL) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 BKC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (BAN) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (3101) New York Lamont—Doberty Geological Observ. 232 BAR California California Institute of Technology 75 (BRO) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (BAR) Hawaii-Pacific NOAA (Eva Beach, Calif.) 126 BKS California University of California, Berkeley 50 BAV Virginia Va. Polytechnic Inst. 5 State Univ. 325 (BL-WV) West Virginia Teledyne Geotech 346 BAVM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 61. BLA Virginia Va. Polytechnic Inst. 6 State Univ. 325 (BB-PA) Pennsylvania Teledyne Geotech 274 BLG California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 BBC California California Institute of Technology 75 BLK Montana University of Montana 189 (BED) Delaware Delaware Geological Survey 117 BLL Washington Western Washington University 33‘ BBF New York Barry 11. Larkin, Jr. 227 (BLM) Nevada University of Nevada 200 BBGM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 (BLMY) New York Woodward—Clyde Consultants 239 BBI Idaho USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 138 BLN Washington University of Washington 336 BBM Montana University of Montana 189 BLO Indiana University of Indiana 158 m New Mexico N.Mex. Institute of Mining and Tech. 222 BLP California uses (Pasadena, Calif -) and C-I-T- 82 BBNM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 61. BLR Alaska NOAA (Palmer, Alaska) 17 BBB California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 BLRM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (BCZ) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 (BLU) California California Institute of Technology 75 BCB Montana University of Montana 189 (ELY) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) ' 26 BCC California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 (BM-TX) Texas Teledyne Geoteeh 306 BCD California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 BMCM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 BCGM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 61» BMHM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (BCH) California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif.) 64 BML New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 232 (BCH) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 31114 California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 BCHM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 61) . BMN Nevada University of Nevada 200 BCL California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 ‘ (BMN) Nevada Sandie Laboratories 203 (BCM) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 BMO Oregon USGS (Baker, Oreg.) 258 BCN Nevada USGS (Boulder City, Nev.) 196 BMSM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (BCR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (EMT) Alaska University of Alaska 13 (BCS) Alaska uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 (BMT) California “868 (Menlo Park. Calif-) 65 (nos) South Carolina uses (Denver, Colo.) 235 (EMT) California USGS (Pasadena. Calif .) and C-I-T- 82 BCT Connecticut Weston Observatory 115 (EMT) Nevada USGS (L83 V98“. NEVJ 195 BCU Utah USGS (Denver, Colo.) 318 . BNl-l New Hampshire Weston Observatory 216 (BB-PA) Pennsylvania Teledyne Geotech 274 BNY New York State Univ. of N.Y. at Binghamton 225 BDA Arizona USGS (Denver, C010.) 1&0 (BO-AL) Alabama Teledyne GGOCP—Ch 5 BDG Washington University of Washington 336 ‘ (BOD) Nevada University Of Nevada 200 EDP Alaska University of Alaska 13 1 (BOL) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 BDU Utah University of Utah 313 ‘ (BON) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 am: Wyoming 11.5. A11- Force 357 ‘ (BON) Nevada University of Nevada 200 (BE-FL) Florida Teledyne Geotech 121 BOU Colorado University of Colorado 102 BEA Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 BOZ Montana Montana State University 185 BED D.C. Carnegie Institution of Washington 119 (BF-CL) California Teledyne GEOCECh 96 arm California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 BPCM California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif-) 65 RBI Idaho University of Utah 142 BPFM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 BEMM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 BPIM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (BEN) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 BPK Arizona USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. ’03 (BF—CL) California Teledyne Geotech 96 BPPM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 BFC California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 En Connecticut Weston Observatory 115 (BPS) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 BPU Utah University of Utah 313 BFW Washington University of Washington 336 ‘ (HQ-AK) A183” Teledyne Geotech 22 (35.1413) Maine Teledyne Geotech 164 ‘ (BR-PA) Pennsylvania Teledyne Geotech 27b (BGA) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 BBC New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 BGC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 BRH Alaska University of Alaska 13 (1366) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 BRK California University of California, Berkeley 50 BGH California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 BRM Missouri Saint Louis University 179 (BGM) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 61» j 13er California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 BGN Nevada University of Nevada 200 ’ (BRO) , California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 55 BGO Ohio Bowling Green State University 246 1 (BR?) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (BGR) New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 232 ‘ BRR Missouri Saint Louis University 179 (BGU) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (BRV) Vermont Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 323 Bill Idaho University of Montana 139 ‘ BRVM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (BHM) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 ‘ BBW Alaska USGS (College, Alaska) 12 BHP Panama C.Z. Panama Canal Company 266 i (BRY) California Tera Corporation 54 (BER) California University of Southern California 61 1 (BS—MA) Montana Teledyne Geotech 191 Bl-ISM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 j BSBM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (BI-VA) Virginia Teledyne Geotech 332 ‘ BSC California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 Eli Alaska University of Alaska 13 3 BSCM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 BIZ Alaska University of Alaska 13 " BSE Idaho Boise State University 135 313 Alaska University of Alaska 13 1 BSGM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 814 Alaska University of Alaska 13 : BSLM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 368 Appendix 3.--Athabetio listing of station oodes--Continued Code State Operator Page Code State Operator Page BSM California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 CDUM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 BSN California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 (CE-WA) Washington Teledyne Geotech 31.1 BSRM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 CEC Texas USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 312 (BTL) California California Institute of Technology 75 CED California Calif. Department of Water Resources 87 (BTT) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 C211 North Carolina University of North Carolina 241 BTW California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (CH) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.’l‘. 82 B'l'Y Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 (CF-W5) Wisconsin Teledyne Geotech 350 BUF New York Canisius College 226 CPI Alaska USGS (Menlo Park. Calif-) 26 (BUI) Idaho U.S. Bureau/of Mines 143 CFM Montana University of Montana 189 BUK Nevada USGS (Las Végas, Nev.) 198 (CFT) California California Institute of Technology 75 BUR Vermont University of Vermont 322 (CPU) Utah University of Utah 313 BUT Montana Mont. Col. of Mineral Sci. and Tech. 186 (CW) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (BUZ) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 CM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (EV-PA) Pennsylvania Teledyne Geotech 274 (CG-VA) Virginia Teledyne Geotech 332 3V1. California USGS (Menlo Park, (381150 65 (CGB) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 BVLM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 CGC Colorado NOAA (Boulder, Colo.) 101 (BVR) Pennsylvania Pennsylvania State University 272 CGM Missouri Saint Louis University 179 BVYM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (CGS) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (BWR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 CGSM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (Bx-UT) Utah Teledyne Geotech 319 CH5 Georgia Georgia Institute of Technology 124 (BY-IO) Iowa Teledyne Geotech 152 CH6 Georgia Georgia Institute of Technology 124 (am) California Tera Corporation 54 (CHA) Virginia University of Virginia 331 32!. Montana Montana State University 185 CNC North Carolina University of North Carolina 241 BZM Montana Montana State University 185 (CH?) South Carolina USGS (Denver, 0010.) 285 (C) Washington USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 3103 CHI Illinois Loyola University 144 (CA) Washington USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 3423 (CHI) Alaska University of Alaska 13 (CAC) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 CH'K Illinois Weather Bureau and Univ. of Chicago 145 CACM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (CHO) Alaska University of Alaska 13 CADM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 CH? California California Institute of Technology 75 (CAP) South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 (CHH) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 CAG Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey, P.R.) 277 (CHRY) New York Woodward-Clyde Consultants 239 mm California uses (Menlo park, Calif.) 65 (can) Washington University of Washington 336 (CAL) California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif-) 65 CHX Alaska [1565 (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 CALM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (CI—VA) Virginia Teledyne Geotech 332 CAM Massachusetts M.I.T. and Harvard University 168 C15 California California Institute of Technology 75 (CAM) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 (CJ) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 (CAN) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (CJ'P) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 (CAN) Nevada University of Nevada 200 CJW Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 CAO“ California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (CKC) California California Institute of Technology 75 (CAR) California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif.) 70 CKK Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 (CAS) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 CKM Montana University of Montana 189 CBC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (CL-ID) Idaho Teledyne Geotech 137 (01311) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 CLC California California Institute of Technology 75 CBHM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 CLCM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (CBL) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 CLE Ohio John Carroll University 248 CBM Maine Weston Observatory 165 CLH Maryland USC&GS (Cheltenham) 166 CDN Virginia USGS (Corbin, Va.) 327 (CLI) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 CBO California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 CLN New Mexico N.Mex. Institute of Mining and Tech. 222 CBRH California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif -) 65 (CM) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 CBW Washington University of Washington 336 CLP New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 cam California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif -) 66 (CLP) California uses (Pasadena, Calif.) and c.1.'r. 83 (CC-WA) “8811111811011 Teledyne Geotech 341 CLS California University of California, Berkeley 50 CCA Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey, P.R.) 277 CLT Virginia Va. Polytechnic Inst. 6 State Univ. 325 CC]! Alaska University of Alaska 13 CLW Washington University of Washington 336 (CCC) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 CLY New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 232 (CCF) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (CHI) Minnesota University of Minnesota 172 CC“ New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque. N-Mex.) 217 (6M2) Minnesota University of Minnesota 172 CCNM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (0M3) Minnesota University of Minnesota 172 CCO California California State University, Chico 56 (CM/o) Minnesota University of Minnesota 172 CCOM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (6M5) Minnesota University of Minnesota 172 (CCQ) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (CM6) Minnesota University of Minnesota 172 (CCR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 CMA Alaska Department of the Air‘Force 10 (CCS) South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 CMCM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 CCU Utah University of Utah 313 (ME California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.'I‘. 83 CCYM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 CMHM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (can) Alaska University of Alaska 13 cum California 11565 (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (CDA) Alaska NCAA (Palmer, A1881“) 17 mm Nevada University of Nevada 200 CDC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 CMO Alaska USGS (College, Alaska) 11 CDG Georgia Georgia Institute of Technology 124 anon California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 CD11 New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque. N-MeX-) 217 CMRM California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 CD014 California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif -) 66 (cm) California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 GDP Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey. NM 277 (CN—WS) Wisconsin Teledyne Geotech 350 (CD11) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 CNA Alaska University of Alaska 13 CDSH California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (CNBC) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 369 Append ix 3. ——A thabetic listing of station codea——Continued Code State Operator Page Code State Operator Page CNC California University of California, Berkeley 50 CSC South Carolina University of South Carolina 284 CNCM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 CSCM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 CND Nevada University of Nevada 200 CSE Texas USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 312 CNE Texas USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 312 CSH California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (CNEC) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 CSHM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (CNHC) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 CSJ Puerto Rico Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 281 (CNHH) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 (CSL) California Calif. Department of Water Resources 87 (CNHR) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 CS? California Calif. Department of Water Resources 87 CNJ New Jersey Lamont—Doberty Geological Observ. 216 CSR California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 CNL Washington USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 343 (CSS) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 CNN New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque. N-Mex-) 217 1 CSSM California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 CNN Ohio Xavier University 247 CSW Texas USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 312 CNO Texas USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 312 (CT-0K) Oklahoma Teledyne Geotech 255 (CNPS) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 CTM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (CNR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 CTR New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 232 (CNS) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 CTV Virginia Va. Division of Mineral Resources 326 (CNSB) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 (CU-NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 CNW Texas USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 312 CUP Puerto Rico Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 281 CNY New York City College of New York 230 (CV-TN) Tennessee Teledyne Geotech 295 (CO-SD) South Dakota Teledyne Geotech 290 CVA Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 C02 California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 CVD California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 COA California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 CVR California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (COB) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 111 CW Virginia Va. Division of Mineral Resources 326 COE California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (CW-AR) Arkansas Teledyne Geotech 1.6 C01! New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque, N.Mex.) 217 CWC California California Institute of Technology 75 (cox) California uscs (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 CWT Texas USGS (Menlo Park. Calif -) 312 COL Alaska USGS (College, Alaska) 11 CWU Utah University of Utah 313 (COL) Nevada University of Nevada 200 (CY-WY) Wyoming Teledyne Geotech 353 (COP) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 CYC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (C00) California California Institute of Technology 75 CYH California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 COR Oregon Oregon State University 259 (CYO) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (COR) Nevada University of Nevada 200 (C2D) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 cor California 11563 (Pasadena, Calif.) and c.1.'r. 83 (CZL) New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 (cor) Nevada University of Nevada 200 (D) Washington USGS (Menlo Park. Calif -) 3363 (Gov) Vermont Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 323 (DIA) M51119 "9515011 Observatory 165 (cox) California uscs (Pasadena, Calif.) and 0.1.1'. 83 (DZA) Maine Weston Observatory 165 (COY) California California Institute of Technology 75 (D3A) Maine "65150“ Observatory 165 (CP—CL) California Teledyne Geotech 96 (DA) “85111118110“ USGS (M81110 Park, Calif.) 343 (CP-SO) Tennessee Teledyne Geotech 295 DAC California Sandia Laboratories 95 CPC North Carolina U.S. Department of the Navy 2“ (DAH) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 CPD Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey, P.R.) 277 DAL Texas Southern Methodist University 300 CPE California California Institute of Technology 75 (DAN) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 cm Hawaii-Pacific uses (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 DAU Utah University of Utah 313 CPK Hawaii-Pacific uscs (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 (DAV) Washington University of Washington 336 CPL Connecticut Weston Observatory 115 (D32) California California Institute of Technology 75 CPLM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (DEB) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 (CW) California 11563 (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 (DBMY) New York Woodward-Clyde Consultants 239 CPN Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 BBQ Iowa Lords College 151 CPO Tennessee USGS (McMinnville, Tenn.) 292 901 Idaho USGS (L33 V6833» NEVJ 133 CPT California California Institute of Technology 75 DC" Utah University of Utah 313 (an) California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 1 (DDG) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park, Calif .) 111 cm California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 DDH Alaska University of Alaska 13 CPU Utah University of Utah 313 DEI Idaho University of Montana 139 CPW Washington University of Washington 336 DEN C01018d° R9813 (1011586 103 CPX Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 ‘ DES Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 (CQ-NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 1 (DFCC) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 74 (CR-NB) Nebraska Teledyne Geotech 195 1 (DFHR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71; (CRZNB) Nebraska Teledyne Geotech 195 (DFHT) California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif -) 74 CRAM California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 ‘ (DFLM) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park. Calif -) 208 CRC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (DFMM) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park. Calif.) 208 CRD California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (DFOD) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park. Calif -) 208 (CRE) California California Institute of Technology 75 ‘ (DFVC) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 74 CRF Washington University of Washington 336 . DGC Colorado NOAA (Boulder, (3010-) 101 (CR6) California uscs (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 (DH-NY) New York Teledyne Geotech 2A0 CRH California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (DHN) New York Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 232 (CRK) California uses (Menlo Park, c3115.) 66 . DES California California Institute of Technology 75 CRO Oklahoma University of Oklahoma 252 : (DI-IS) California University of Southern California 61 CRPM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 ‘ (DES) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park. Calif-) 111 CR California uses (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 1 (DHT) California University of Scuthern California 61 CRU Kentucky Saint Louis University 159 (DHV) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 111 (CRY) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 ‘ DHW Washington University of Washington 336 (CS—TN) Tennessee Teledyne Geotech 295 (DI-MA) Montana Teledyne Geotech 191 CSA Alaska NOAA (Palmer, Alaska) 17 (DIA) California Tera Corporation 5/. C33 Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey, P.R.) 277 DIL California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 370 Appendix 3.——Athabetic listing of station codes—Continued Code State Operator Page Code State Operator Page DIR California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif -) 66 (ELR) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and c.1.r. 83 (DKN) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 ELV Alaska University of Alaska 13 DKNM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 ELY Nevada Sandia Laboratories 203 (DL-SD) South Dakota Teledyne Geotech 290 (EM-RA) Kansas Teledyne Geotech 155 (DLC) Alabama USGS and Alabama Geological Survey 7 EMA Alabama USGS and Alabama Geological Survey 7 DLS Texas Ralph W. McNeely 299 EMM Maine Weston Observatory 165 DLT California California Institute of Technology 75 (Elm) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 DMA Alaska University of Alaska 13 (EMM) Maine Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 163 (DMB) Alaska University of Alaska 13 EMT California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 DMI Iowa Mrs. M. M. Seeburger 150 (EN-MO) Missouri Teledyne Geotech 182 (DMPK) New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 ENG Alaska University of Alaska 13 (DNH) New Hampshire Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 212 (ENT) Washington University of Washington 336 DNM New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque, N.Mex.) 217 (EOZTX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 304 DNT Texas John W. Crain 301 (EP-TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 304 DNY New York Lamont-Doharty Geological Observ. 232 (EPH) Washington University of Washington 336 (DOG) Nevada University of Nevada 200 (EPN) Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 DON Missouri Saint Louis University 179 EP'I‘ Texas University of Texas 302 D00 California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 EPU Utah University of Utah 313 DOS Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey, P.R.) 277 EPW Washington University of Washington 336 (DP-NY) New York Teledyne Geotech 240 ERI Idaho University of Montana 139 (DPLY) New York Woodward-Clyde Consultants 239 ERN Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 (DPN) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 111 (ERP) Pennsylvania Pennsylvania State University 272 (DPS) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 111 (ESJ) Vermont Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 323 (DR—C0) Colorado Teledyne Geotech 110 ESR Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 (DR?) California University of Southern California 61 EST New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque, N.Mex.) 217 (DRY) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (EST) Nevada University of Nevada 200 (DSB) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 ETP Washington University of Washington 336 DSK Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 ETS Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 DSN New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 232 BTU Utah University of Utah 313 (DSR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (EU-AL) Alabama Teledyne Geotech 6 (DTE) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (EUZAL) Alabama Teledyne Geotech 6 DTEM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 EUC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 DTM D.C. Carnegie Institution of Washington 119 (EUR) Washington University of Washington 336 (DU-OK) Oklahoma Teledyne Geotech 255 EUM New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 DUC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 EUR Nevada Willis A. DePaoli 197 DUG Utah University of Utah 313 EUW Washington University of Washington 336 DUL Minnesota University of Minnesota 172 (KW-IS) Hawaii-Pacific Teledyne Geotech 134 (DUR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (EXC) , Nevada University of Nevada 200 (DUX) Massachusetts M.I.T. and Harvard University 168 (BY-NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 (DV—CL) California Teledyne Geotech 96 (EYZNV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 (DVL) California uses (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 BY? Puerto Rico USGS (Covey, P-R-) 277 DVW Washington University of Washington 336 (FA'NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 DWM Missouri Saint Louis University 179 (PAL) Nevada University 01‘- Calif., Berkeley 204 DYI Tennessee Saint Louis University 297 (FAR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 DY2 Tennessee Saint Louis University 297 FAV Arkansas University Of Arkansas 4" DY3 Tennessee Saint Louis University 297 FAY Arkansas University Of Arkansas ‘14 DY4 Tennessee Saint Louis University 297 (FE-AK) Alaska Teledyne Geotech 22 DYS Tennessee Saint Louis University 297 (FBZAK) Alaska Teledyne Geotech 22 (DYE) Washington University of Washington 336 FBK Alaska Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 31 (EA) Washington USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 343 FCN New Mexico Lo‘e Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 EAG California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 FEA California Calif. Department of Water Resources 87 ans South Dakota Jerome E. Payne 288 (FEL) California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif-) .68 ECA California California Institute of Technology 75 PER (33131-501113l City Of Ferndsle 57 ECC California California Institute of Technology 75 (FER) Nevada University Of Nevada 200 ECD Missouri Saint Louis University 179 FGU Utah University of Utah 313 (ECF) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 PEG California University of California, Berkeley 50 ECT Connecticut Weston Observatory 115 F113 Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 (ED-MI) Michigan Teledyne Geotech 171 F13 “-8510! USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 (BF-TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 30A (FK—CO) Colorado Teledyne Geotech 110 EGC Colorado NOAA (Boulder, Colo.) 101 (FRI!) California Tera Corporation 54 (EGG) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 FLA Utah USGS (Denver, Colo.) 318 BGN New York Lsmont-Doherty Geological Observ. 232 FLG Arizona USGS (Flagstaff, Ariz.) 32 EGR California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 FLO Missouri Saint Louis University 179 (ER-NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 (FLP) Alaska University of Alaska 13 EKH California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 FIR Massachusetts Weston Observatory 169 EKO Nevada University of Nevada 200 FLT Alabama USGS and Alabama Geological Survey 7 (21(0) Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 (FM-UT) Utah Teledyne Geotech 319 (Elm) California Tera Corporation 54 (FMA) California University of Southern California 61 (EL-WA) Washington Teledyne Geotech 341 FMC Oregon Tera Corporation 263 ELC Illinois Saint Louis University 147 FMF South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 (ELG) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 FMW Washington University of Washington 336 ELK Nevada Lawrence Livermore Laboratory 207 1 (FN—WV) West Virginia Teledyne Geotech 346 (ELK) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif-) 65 (FNK) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and c.I.T. 83 EL“ “3" York Lamont-Doherty 69°1°BiC31 Observ. 232 FNN New Hampshire New Hampshire Highway Department 211 371 Appendix 3.——Atha.bet11c listing of station codes-—Continued Code State Operator Page Code State ‘Operator Page (PO-TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 304 GLM Alaska University of Alaska 14 FOR New York Fordhan University 231 (GLN) Hawaii-Pacific .uscs (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 (FOR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 GLO Massachusetts M.I.T. and Harvard University 168 (FOX) California Tera Corporation 54 GLR Nevada uscs (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 FPN Nevada University of Nevada 200 (GLV) California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 FPU Utah University of Utah 313 GMA Alaska NOAA (Palmer, Alaska) 17 FPW Washington University of Washington 336 (men California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (FR—MA) Montana Teledyne Geotech 191 GMI Idaho USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 138 FRE California University of California, Berkeley 50 1 mm California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 FRI California University of California, Berkeley 50 1 anon California uses (““10 park, Calif.) 67 FRM Missouri Saint Louis University 179 Gnu Utah University of Utah 313 FR? California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (MW Washington University of Washington 336 (PS-AZ) Arizona Teledyne Geotech ‘51 (GM-NM) New Mexico Teledyne Geotech 223 FTC California California Institute of Technology 75 am New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque, 11.14”.) 217 FTC California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C-I.T. 83 (GO-NB) Nebraska Teledyne Geotech 195 (M) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (GOBY) New York Woodward-Clyde Consultants 239 (FTM) Arizona USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 43 soc California City of Los Angeles 60 FTR California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 601. Colorado Colorado School of Mines 106 FTW Washington University of Washington 336 1 (GP-MN) Minnesota Teledyne Geotech 174 FVM Missouri Saint Louis University 179 GPD New Jersey Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 216 (FWL) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 GPMM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 H1 Alaska University of Alaska 13 (cm'rx) Texas Teledyne Geotech 304 FY2 Alaska University of Alaska 13 (GRZTX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 304 FY3 Alaska University of Alaska 13 cm California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 FY4 Alaska University of Alaska 14 (GRP) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 H5 Alaska University of Alaska 14 CRT Tennessee Saint Louis University 297 FYU Alaska University of Alaska 13 GRTM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (GA-TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 304 GRV Missouri Saint Louis University 179 (GA3TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 304 (GRW) California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 GAFM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 . (c5415) Mississippi Teledyne Geotech 176 (GAR) Nevada University Of NGVBdB 200 GSC California California Institute of Technology 76 CAV California California Institute of Technology 75 (GSCY) New York Woodward-Clyde Consultants 239 cm California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif .) 67 GSGM California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (GB-NM) New Mexico Teledyne Geotech 223 @514 Washington University of Washington 336 63614 California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif -) 67 GSMM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 GBL Washington University of Washington 336 GSNM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 GM Montana University of Montana 189 GSR Virginia USGS (Reston, Va.) 330 GBOM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 GSSM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (GET) Nevada University of Nevada 200 (GT-PA) Pennsylvania Teledyne Geotech 274 (CC-WA) Washington Teledyne Geotech 341 GTD Delaware Delaware Geological Survey 117 GCA Arizona USGS (Denver, Colo.) 40 GUA Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Agana, Guam) 132 GCC California University of California, Berkeley 50 GUMO Hawaii—Pacific. USGS (Agana, Guam) 132 GCMM ' California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (CV-TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 304 6011 Montana USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 193 (GVF) South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 GCVM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 GVR California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 CC" Washington USC6GS (Washington, D.C.) 344 GVS South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 GCY New York Victor S. Aiello 228 (GWS) California Tera Corporation 54 (GD-VA) Virginia Teledyne Geotech 332 (CY-MN) Minnesota Teledyne Geotech 174 GDCM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (6Y0) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 (GDH) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 1 (GYP) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (GE-AZ) Arizona Teledyne Geotech 41 (CZ-0H) Ohio Teledyne Geotech 250 GEO D.C. Georgetown University 118 CZN Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 (CF-NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 (H) Washington USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 343 GFN New York Lanont-Doherty Geological Observ. 232 (RAH) California Tera Corporation 54 (61’?) California University of Southern California 61 EAI California California Institute of Technology 76 GGLH California USGS (Menlo Park, Cant) 67 (HAL) Hawaii-Pacific uscs (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 GGPM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 : EAR Connecticut Trinity College 113 6116 California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 HAV California California Institute of Technology 76 GECM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif-) 67 HAY California California Institute of Technology 76 GHGM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 . EAZM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 CHI Idaho University of Montana 139 1 (EB—0K) Oklahoma Teledyne Geotech 255 GEL“ California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 ‘ EBF South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 Gas California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 HEM California University of Nevada 99 GHW Washington University of Washington. 336 HM: California University of Nevada 99 .(GI-HA) Montana Teledyne Geotech 191 HBTM - California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 CIA Alaska University of Alaska 14 HBV Virginia James Madison University 328 GIL Alaska NOAA (Palmer, Alaska) 17 HCAM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (GIL) Nevada University of Nevada 200 11ch California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 GKC Alaska University of Alaska 14 sec California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (CL-TX) Texas Teledyne GGOtQCh 304 (MCI) Arkansas Saint Louis University 48 GLA California California Institute of Technology 76 (non) California University of Southern California 61 (GI-B) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park. Calif .) 26 HCOM California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (GLC) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park. Calif -) 26 new California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 GLD Colorado USGS (Denver, 0010-) 104 ECU Utah USGS (Denver, Colo.) 318 372 r' Appendix 3.--Athabetic listing of station codes——Continued Code State Operator Page Code State Operator Page HCZM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (HS—NB) Nebraska Teledyne Geotech 195 (ED-PA) Pennsylvania Teledyne Geotech 274 HSFM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (EDA) Alaska University of Alaska 14 HSLM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (EDG) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C-I-T- 83 (HS?) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 Km.“ California USGS (“81110 Park, C8115) 68 (HSP) Nevada University of Nevada 200 HDM Connecticut Weston Observatory 115 (1158) Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 HDQ Colorado Colorado School of Mines 106 (HST) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 RD“ Utah University of Utah 313 HSW Washington USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) ‘ 343 (HDW) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 111 (HT—MN) Minnesota Teledyne Geotech 175 (HE—TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 304 HTU Utah University of Utah 313 (BBC) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 HTW Washington University of Washington 336 (HER) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (HUA) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 PET Texas . Handrel Industries, me» 307 HUH Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 HFKM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 EUR Alaska University of Alaska 14 HFHM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (HV-MA) Montana Teledyne Geotech 191 arm California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif-) 68 avc California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 HGSM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (HVL) Nevada, University of Nevada 200 HGWM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 HVO Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 (EH—ND) North Dakota Teledyne Geotech 2115 HVU Utah University of Utah 313 (HHZND) North Dakota Teledyne Geotech 245 (MW-IS) Hawaii-Pacific Teledyne Geotech 134 HHI Idaho University of Montana 139 (HWS) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 HEN Montana Roy E. "and: 187 ‘ HWSM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 HHT Tennessee Saint Louis University 297 (HY-MA) Montana Teledyne Geotech 191 HID Idaho USGS (Las Vegas. Nev.) 138 IDE Puerto Rico uses (Cayey, P.R.) 277 EIG Hawaii-Pacific University of Hawaii 131 (IR-AR) Arkansas Teledyne Geotech 46 HIL Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 IR? California California Institute of Technology 76 HIN Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 ILM Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 HJGM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 [MA Alaska NOAA (Palmer, Alaska) 17 11.1814 California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 IMO Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey, P.R.) 277 (EK-W‘I) Wyoming Teledyne Geotech 353 no: Puerto Rico uscs (Cayey, P.R.) 277 HKL Hawaii-Pacific NOAA (Eva Beach. Calif-) 126 (IND) California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 HR? Penneylvenia Lamont-Doherty Geological ObseIV- Z76 ING California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 am California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif-) 68 (INS) California uscs (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 HKT Texas Marine Science Institute 303 my New York Cornell University 229 (EL) Montana USGS (M61110 Park, C811f-) 193 (IPC) California University of Southern California 61 (HL-ID) Idaho Teledyne Geotech 137 IRC California California Institute of Technology 76 (HLZID) .Idaho- Teledyne Geotech 137 (IRN’) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 (HLB) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 ISA California California Institute of Technology 76 HLK Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 1TH New York Cornell University 229 HLM Montana University of Montana 189 JAC Florida U.S. Department of the Navy 122 (HLM) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 JALM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 BL? Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 JAS California University of California, Berkeley 50 HLR Colorado Colorado School of Mines 106 J'BCM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (HLS) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 1 (JBF) California University of Southern California 61 (HLT) Alabama USGS and Alabama Geological Survey 7 JBGM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 HLTM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 JBLM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 ENE New York Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 232 JBMM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 HMO Oregon Harold Mason 262 (JBY) California Tera Corporation 511 HMOM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 JBZM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 HMR California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 JCBM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (HN-ME) Maine Teledyne Geotech 164 JCT Texas Texas Technological University 309 mm New Hampshire Weston Observatory 214 JCW Washington University of Washington 336 HNL Hawaii-Pacific University of Hawaii 131 (JE-LA) Louisiana Teledyne Geotech 161 HNY New York Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 232 JECM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (HOG) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 JEGM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (HOG) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 JHC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (HOM) Alaska University of Alaska 1h JHLM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 HON Hawaii-Pacific NOAA (Eva Beach, Calif.) 126 JLTM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 HORM California USGS (Henlo Park, Calif.) 68 JLXM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (HOT) California California Institute of Technology 76 J'MGM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 HOU Texas Rice University 308 (311-15) Hawaii—Pacific Teledyne Geotech 134 HPHM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (JO-MN) Minnesota Teledyne Geotech 174 HPI Idaho USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 138 JOL California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 HPLM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif-) 68 (JON) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 HPP Alaska University of Alaska 14 JPLM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 HPRM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 JPPM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 HPU Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 JPRM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 HQN Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif-) 26 JPSM California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 HQRM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (JR—AZ) Arizona Teledyne Geotech 41 (HR-AZ) Arizona Teledyne GeOtech 41 JRGM California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 BBC California University of California, Berkeley 50 JRRM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 mm Oregon University of Washington 265 (JRW) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (HRS) California Tera CorporatiOn S4 JRWM California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 HRV Massachusetts M.I.T. and Harvard University 168 (Js_'rn) Tennessee Teledyne Geotech 295 Appendix 3.-—Alphabetic listing of station codes—-Continued Code State Operator Page Code State Operator Page JSAM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 KVN Nevada University of Nevada 200 JSC South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) ‘ 285 KYK Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 JSCM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (KYP) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 JSFM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (LA-GA) Georgia Teledyne Geotech 125 JSGM California USGS (Menlo Park, CAI-if.) 69 LAO Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 JSJM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 LAC California Lawrence Livermore Laboratory 59 JSMM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 LAD New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque, N.Mex.) 217 (JSR) California USGS (M21110 Park, Calif.) 68 LAF Rhode Island University of Connecticut 282 JSSM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 LAR Wyoming University of Wyoming 351 JS'I'M California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 LAS California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 JTGM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 ‘ LAW Kansas University of Kansas 153 (JU-TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 304 I (LB-NH) New Hampshire Teledyne Geotech 213 JUCM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 L81 Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 W514 California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 59 L132 Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 (KAA) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 L33 Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 KAE Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 1, L134 Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun- Corp. 183 KBF California University Of Nevada 99 ‘ LEM Montana University of Montana 189 (KEY) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 3 (LB?) Nevada University of Nevada 200 (KC—MO) Missouri Teledyne Geotech 182 (LC—NM) New Mexico Teledyne Geotech 223 KDC Alaska NCAA (Palmer, A1851“) 17 LC1 Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 KEA Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 ch Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 (KEE) California California Institute of Technology 76 LC3 Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 KFC California College of Marin 58 L64 Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 KFO Oregon Oregon State University 259 LCA Alabama USGS and Alabama Geological Survey 7 (KG—AZ) Arizona Teledyne Geotech 41 LCFM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 [(61 Idaho U.S. Bureau of Mines 143 , (LCH) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (RH—AZ) Arizona Teledyne Geotech 41 3 (LCL) California University of Southern California 61 Kim Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 i (LCM) California University of Southern California 61 (KII) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 \ ch New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 KIP Hawaii-Pacific NOAA (Ewa Beach, Calif.) 126 [ (LD—Ms) Mississippi Teledyne Geotech 176 KKH Hawaii—Pacific NOAA (Ewa Beach, Calif.) 126 [ LDl Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 KKU Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 , LD2 Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 KLH Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 I (LDZMS) Mississippi Teledyne Geotech 176 KLK Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 LD3 Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 EU Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 ! (LD3MS) Mississippi Teledyne Geotech 176 (KM-CL) California TeledyneGeotech 96 1, LD4 Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 KMZ Texas USGS (Denver, Colo.) 310 : (LDC) Alabama USGS and Alabama Geological Survey 7 KMS Texas USGS (Denver, Colo.) 310 LDM Montana Department of the Army 188 KM6 Texas USGS (Denver, Colo.) 310 ‘ LDV Nevada University of Nevada 200 1049 Texas USGS (Denver, Colo.) 310 (LE—TN) Tennessee Teledyne Geotech 295 KME Texas USGS (Denver, Colo.) 310 ‘ (LE1) Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 XML Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 (LE2) Montana Ford Aerospace and Comun. Corp. 183 (KMO) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 ‘ (LE3) Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 (KMP) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 26 (LE4) Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 KMV Virginia Va. Polytechnic Inst. 5 State Univ. 325 (LED) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 (KN-UT) Utah Teledyne Geotech 319 LEE Utah Sandia Laboratories 316 KNB Utah Lawrence Livermore Laboratory 321 LEX Virginia Washington and Lee University 329 KNH Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 1 (LEX) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 KNK Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 ‘ (LEX) Kentucky University of Kentucky 156 KNO California California Institute of Technology 76 (LFI) Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 (KNR) California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (LFZ) Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 KNW Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (LF3) Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 KOH Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (LF4) Montana Ford Aerospace and Commun. Corp. 183 KOF. Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Agana, Guam) 132 LFC New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 KPH Hawaii-Pacific NOAA (Ewa Beach, Calif.) 126 LFM Montana University of Montana 189 (KPN) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 (LG-AZ) Arizona Teledyne Geotech 41 (KPR) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 128 (LGA) Arizona USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 43 KRC California California Institute of Technology 76 LGC California California Institute of Technology 76 KRK California Calif. Department of Water Resources 87 (LCD) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 111 KT1 Texas USGS (Denver, Colo.) 310 LGM Idaho University of Montana 139 KTZ Texas USGS (Denver, Colo.) 310 (LHD) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 KT4 Texas USGS (Denver, Colo.) 310 LHM Montana University of Montana 189 KTS Texas USGS (Denver, Colo.) 310 LHS South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 KT7 Texas USGS (Denver, Colo.) 310 (LHU) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 KT8 Texas uses (Denver, Colo.) 31o LIN Nebraska Nebraska Wesleyan University 194 KT9 Texas USGS (Denver, Colo.) 310 (L!) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 KTA Alaska University of Alaska 14 LJC California California Institute of Technology 76 KTE Texas USGS (Denver, Colo.) 310 (LJC) California University of California, San Diego 91 KTM Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 LKC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 KTT Texas USGS (Denver, Colo.) 310 (LL-MS) Mississippi Teledyne Geotech 176 KTX Texas USGS (Denver, C010-) 310 LLA California University of California, Berkeley 50 KTZ Pennsylvania Kutztown State College 267 (LLB) Washington University of Washington 337 (KUB) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 83 (LM—NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 KUH Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 LMO California University of Calif., Los Angeles 63 Append ix 3 . -—A thabetic listing of station codes——Continued Code State Operator Page Code State Operator Page LMS California University of Calif., Los Angeles 63 MCP Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey, P.R.) 277 LMU Utah University of Utah 313 (MCP) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 LMW Washington University of Washington 337 MCR Alaska University of Alaska 14 LMZM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (MCR) Nevada University of Nevada 201 (LN-MA) Montana Teledyne Geotech 191 MCSM California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (LNA) California University of Southern California 61 mm Utah University of Utah 314 (LNS) California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif-) 70 MCUM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (LO-NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 MCV Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 L02 Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 MCW Washington University of Washington 337 LOA New MGXiCO L05 Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 (MDA) California California Institute of Technology 76 Loc California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (MDA) California uses (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 LOG Utah University Of Utah 313 MDC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (LOG) Alabama USGS and Alabama Geological Survey 7 (MDO) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (LOL) California Tera COI’POI’atiOfl 54 MDS Wisconsin University of Wisconsin at Madison 347 LON Washington University of Washington 337 (MDT) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (LOR) California USGS (M81110 Park, Calif.) 71 MDV Vermont Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 323 (LP-TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 30“ MDW Washington University of Washington 337 LPC California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 my Hawaii—Pacific University of Hawaii 131 LP“ New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque, N.Mex.) 217 (MEL) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) lll LPR Puerto R190 USGS (Cayey, P-R') 277 MET Tennessee Memphis State University 293 LRA Arkansas Saint Louis University 48 (MF-WS) Wisconsin Teledyne Geotech 350 LRC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 MFA Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 30 LRDM California USGS (“EH10 Park, Calif.) 69 MFM Minnesota University of Minnesota 172 LRI Idaho USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 138 14173 California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (LRR) California California Institute of Technology 76 [{an California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 LRS Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey. P-R-) 277 MP" Oregon University of Washington 265 LRV California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 55 MCA California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (Ls-NH) New Hampshire Teledyne Geotech 213 MGL California Calif. Department of Water Resources 87 L51 Alaska USGS (Las Vegas, New) 24 MGP Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey, P.R.) 277 LSLM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (MCS) South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 LSM Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 (MU-NB) Nebraska Teledyne Geotech 195 LS? Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey, P.R.) 277 (M'HA) Arkansas Elmer E. Rexin 1.5 LST Missouri Saint Louis University 179 MHC California University of California, Berkeley 50 LSW Washington USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 343 MHK Kansas Kansas State University 154 (LT-PA) PennsyIVania Teledyne Geotech 274 mm California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (LTC) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 HHS Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 LTM California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 NET Kansas Kansas State University 154 (LTN) Tennessee Saint Louis University 297 (MHT) Kansas Kansas State University 154 (LTP) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 MIA Florida U.S. Department of the Navy 122 LTR California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 MID Alaska NOAA (Palmer, Alaska) 17 LTU Utah University of Utah 313 MIK Alaska University of Alaska 14 LTW California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (MIL) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (LU-MS) Mississippi Teledyne Geotech 176 (MIL) Nevada University of Nevada 201 (LUA) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 MIM Maine Weston Observatory 165 LUB Texas Texas Technological University 309 MIN California University of California, Berkeley 50 LUN Nevada University of Nevada 200 (MIN) Nevada University of Nevada 201 (LV—LA) Louisiana Teledyne Geotech 161 MIX California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 LV'K Nevada University of Nevada 201 NJ" Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 LVN Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 MKA Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 LVW Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 MKC South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 LVY Alaska University of Alaska 14 MKH Hawaii-Pacific NOAA (Eva Beach, Calif.) 126 (LWR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (MRI) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif-) 67 LXR California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (ML—NM) New Mexico Teledyne Geotech 223 (LY-WA) Washington Teledyne Geotech 341 (MLlCL) California Teledyne Geotech 96 LYW Washington University of Washington 337 (ML2CL) California Teledyne Geotech 96 M12 Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (ML3CL) California Teledyne Geotech 96 (MAA) Alaska University of Alaska 14 (ML4CL) California Teledyne Geotech 96 (MAB) Nevada University of Nevada 201 MLA Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 MAC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 MLC California University of California, Berkeley 50 (MAM) Nevada University of Nevada 201 MLD Missouri Saint Louis University 179 (MAR) Nevada University of Nevada 201 MLF Ohio Xavier University 247 MAS Idaho University of Montana 139 ML]! Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (MB-MS) Mississippi Teledyne Geotech 176 MLI Idaho University of Utah 142 MBFM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (MLL) California California Institute of Technology 76 MBI Idaho USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 138 Mm New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque, N.Mex.) 217 NEW Washington University of Washington 337 (MLO) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (MC-SD) South Dakota Teledyne Geotech 290 ‘ (MLS) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 MCB Alaska University of Alaska 14 ‘ MLW Wisconsin Marquette University 349 MCEM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 MLX Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 MCK Alaska University of Alaska 14 (MM-TN) Tennessee Teledyne Geotech 295 (MCL) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 ‘ MMA Arizona Willard L. Groene 35 (MCM) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 ‘ (MMC) Alaska University of Alaska 14 MCN Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 ‘ (MMM) Missouri Saint Louis University 179 (MCN) Alaska University Of Alaska 14 (mm) California Tera Corporation 54 375 Appendix 3. -—A thabetic listing of station codes——Continued State Code State Operator Page Code Operator Page (MMV) Colorado Colorado School of Mines 106 (NAG) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 MMWM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (NAL) Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (MN—NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 NAV Virginia Va. Polytechnic Inst. & State Univ. 325 MNA Nevada University of Nevada 201 NBH Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 MNHM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 NBPM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 MNM Minnesota University of Minnesota 172 NBRM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 MNN Minnesota University of Minnesota 172 NCDM ‘California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 MNR California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 NCFM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (MWU) Utah University Of Utah 314 (NCR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 MNV Nevada Lawrence Livermore Laboratory 207 (ND—CL) California Teledyne Geotech 96 (MO—ID) Idaho Teledyne Geotech 137 (NE) Montana USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 193 MOB California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 uEA Alaska University of Alaska 14 (MOF) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 NED Delaware Delaware Geological Survey 117 MOK Hawaii-Pacific NOAA (Ewa Beach, Calif.) 126 NEL Nevada Sandia Laboratories 203 (MOK) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 NEW Washington USGS (Newport, Wash.) 335 (MON) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 NFIM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (MON) Nevada University of Nevada 201 NFRM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 MOP California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (NG—Ws) Wisconsin Teledyne Geotech 350 (MOR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 ‘ NGH Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 MOT Texas Marine Science Institute 303 ‘ NGL Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 MOV Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey, P.R.) 277 ‘ NGVM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 MOYM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (NGY) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (MP—AR) Arkansas Teledyne Geotech 46 NHB Maryland Natl. Earthquake Information Center 167 MPA Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 NHBM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 MPK California University of Nevada 99 NHC Connecticut Yale University 114 MPR Puerto Rico University of Puerto Rico 280 NHMM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (MPR) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (NHR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (MR-PA) Pennsylvania Teledyne Geotech 274 NHS South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 MRC Colorado NOAA (Boulder, Colo.) 101 1 NIK Alaska NOAA (Palmer, Alaska) 17 (MRD) California Calif. Department of Water Resources 87 3 NIN Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 MRFM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 NJW Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 MRG West Virginia West Virginia University 345 NRA A188k8 USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 (MRH) New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 232 NKP Pennsylvania Fred A. Keller 269 (MRN) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 ‘ NKT Tennessee Saint Louis University 297 (MRS) California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (NL-Az) Arizona Teledyne Geotech 41 (MS-PA) Pennsylvania Teledyne Geotech 274 (NLZAZ) Arizona Teledyne Geotech 41 MSA New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 NLM Maryland Natl. Earthquake Information Center 167 MSJ California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 NLNM California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif.) 70 (MSNY) New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 232 NMC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 M80 Montana University of Montana 189 NMCM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (MSP) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 NMHM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 MSTM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 ‘ NMM Missouri Saint Louis University 179 MSU Utah University of Utah 314 1 NMO Oklahoma University of Oklahoma 252 (MT2) Texas Marine Science Institute 303 ‘ NMTM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif-) 70 MTB California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 NMWM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 MTC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 NMXM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 MTG Alaska uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 1 NHL Alaska USGS (Menlo Park. Ca11f-) 27 (MTH) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 1 NOL Louisiana Loyola University 160 MTL New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 NOLM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 MTP Puerto Rico Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 281 ‘ NPR Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 MTR California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 { NPI Idaho University of Utah 142 (MTT) South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 ‘ NPM Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 (MTV) Hawaii-Pacific uses (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 } (NPT) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park. Hawaii) 129 (MU-WA) Washington Teledyne Geotech 341 NRA Alaska University of Alaska 14 MUL Idaho U.S. Bureau of Mines 143 I (NRCE) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 (MV-CL) California Teledyne Geotech 96 3 (NRC?) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, 381150) 203 MVH Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (NRGF) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 (MVL) Pennsylvania Millersville State College 268 (NRGM) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 (MVR) California Tera Corporation 54 NHL D.C. Natl. Earthquake Information Center 120 MVW Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 NRM Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 MWC California California Institute of Technology 76 NRR Nevada University of Nevada 201 MWH Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (NRSL) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 (HHS) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (NRUB) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 74 (MNV) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (NRWP) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 (MK-TN) Tennessee Teledyne Geotech 295 NSC Connecticut Weston Observatory 115 (MY—AR) Arkansas Teledyne Geotech 46 NSHM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (Hz-AR) Arkansas Teledyne Geotech 46 NSPM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (MZL) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 NSU Utah University of Utah 314 M20 Oklahoma University of Oklahoma 252 (NT-NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 (N) Washington USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 343 (NTll) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park. Calif.) 208 (N119) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 (NT12) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 (N124) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 (NT13) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 (N222) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 (NT14) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 NAA Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 376 (NTIS) Appendix 3.—-Athabe‘t7lc listing of station codes——Continued Code State Operator . Page Code State Operator Page (NT16) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 0813 South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 (NT17) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 (0513‘!) New York Woodward—Clyde Consultants .239 (NTIB) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 OSC South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 (NT20) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 208 (OSHP) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (NT21) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 (OSTI) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (NT23) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 OSTM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (NTZNV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 OSUM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 NTI Idaho USGS (Newport, Wash.) 141 (OSUT) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 NTK Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 (OTAB) California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 NTMM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 0TBM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (NUT) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 0TH Washington University of Washington 337 (NWR) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 (OTL) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 W California USGS (“81110 Park, Calif.) 70 (OTZ) New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 NYC Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 OUT Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (NYCH) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 OVE Nevada USGS (Boulder City, Nev.) 196. NYJ Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 OWYM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (NYJT) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 (OWYN) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 mm Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 0107 Mississippi University of Mississippi 175 (NYMC) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 (OXR) Mississippi University of Mississippi 175 (NYNC) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 PAC California University of California, Berkeley 50 (NYND) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 PAH Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 NYR Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 PAL New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 233 (NYRS) Nevada ucsc (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 (PAL) California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif -) 66 NYS Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 PAM California Calif. Department of Water Resources 87 (NYSR) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 (PAR) Nevada University of Nevada 201 NYV Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 PARM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (NYVN) Nevada UGSG (Menlo Park, Calif.) 209 PAS California California Institute of Technology 76 (CA-IS) Hawaii—Pacific Teledyne Geotech 134 (PAU) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 OAK New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 233 PAX Alaska University of Alaska 14 (OAR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (PAX) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (OBZNV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 (PB-TN) Tennessee Teledyne Geotech 295 (033NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 PBS South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 01313 California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 PBU Utah University of Utah 314 (OBF) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 PBWM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 0151114 California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (PC—MS) Mississippi Teledyne Geotech 176 (01311:) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 WA Alaska USGS (Menlo Park. Calif .) 27 (OBLO) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 PCAM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 OBS California Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 98 PCC California University of California, Berkeley 50 (OCAM) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (PCF) California California Institute of Technology 76 can California uses (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 PCL California 11565 (Menlo Park. Calif -) 68 001-114 California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (PCL) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 OCN New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 233 PCRM California USGS (M81110 Park, Calif.) 71 (ocoa) California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 PCU Utah University of Utah 314 (OCOX) California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (PE-WV) West Virginia Teledyne Geotech 346 OCR California 11505 (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (PEA) Alabama uses and Alabama Geological Survey 7 (ODAM) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 PEG California Calif. Department of Water Resources 87 ODS Washington University of Washington 337 (FEM) California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif.) 71 (OFIG) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (PPM) California California Institute of Technology 76 (OFOR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (PER) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 OGD New Jersey Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 216 (PES) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 000M California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (PET) Alabama USGS and Alabama Geological Survey 7 (0600) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 PEV California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 OGU Utah University of Utah 311. (PF-MI) Michigan Teledyne Geotech 171 011cm California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 PFA Arizona USGS (Denver. Colo.) 40 (OHON) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (PFO) California University of California, San Diego 91 OHW Washington University of Washington 337 (PFP) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (our) California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 PGA Arkansas Saint Louis University 48 OKG Tennessee Saint Louis University 297 PGHM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 OLC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (PH-WA) Washington TeIEdyne Geotech 341 OLD Oklahoma University of Oklahoma 252 (PHA) Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (OLON) California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 PHCM California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif -) 71 (OLQ) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 PHH Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (OLUV) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 PHI Pennsylvania The Franklin Institute 270 (OMK) Washington University of Washington 337 PHO Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 OMW Washington University of Washington 337 171-{RM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (ONE) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 111 (PI-WY) Wyoming Teledyne Geotech 353 (ONH) New Hampshire Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 212 P11 Wyoming USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 354 OPA Hawaii-Pacific NOAA (Ewa Beach, Calif.) 126 P12 Wyoming USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 354 (OPT) Alaska University of Alaska 14 (PIZWY) Wyoming Teledyne Geotech 353 (OR-FL) Florida Teledyne Geotech 121 P13 Wyoming USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 354 ORAM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 P14 Wyoming USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 354 (ORAT) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 PIS Wyoming USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 354 ORT Tennessee Union Carbide Corporation 294 PI6 Wyoming USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 354 ORV California Calif. Department of Water Resources 87 P17 Wyoming USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 354 Appendix 3.--Athabetic listing of station coder-Continued Code State Operator Page Code State Operator Page (PIC) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 3 PRS California University of California, Berkeley 50 PIN Wyoming USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 35/4 ‘ PRW Washington University of Washington 337 (PIN) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 (PSA) Alaska Petersburg Public School 19 (PIN) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 PSI) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 PIT Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh 271 PSHM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (PIU) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and c.I.’I‘. 81. (PSP) California California Institute of Technology 76 (PIVl) Kentucky Department‘ of the Army 158 PST Utah USGS (Denver, Colo.) 318 (PIV2) Kentucky Department of the Army 158 (PT-0R) 0:980“ Teledyne GGOCECh 26" (PIV3) Kentucky Department of the Army 158 ‘ PTD Oregon Oreg. Museum of Science and Industry 261 PIVM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 (PTD) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.'I‘. 84 (PJ—PA) Pennsylvania Teledyne Geotech 274 PIE Alaska USGS (M21110 Park, Calif.) 27 PJD Alaska University of Alaska 14 PTG Missouri Saint Louis University 179 PJG Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Agana, Guam) 132 (PTK) California Tera Corporation 54 P13“ California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 PTN New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 233 (PK-OR) Oregon Teledyne Geotech 264 PTR Alabama USGS and Alabama Geological Survey 7 PKC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (PTR) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 PKF California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (PTU) Utah University of Utah 314 PKH California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 PTV California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (PKM) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 PTYM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 PLC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 1 (PU-MS) Mississippi Teledyne Geotech 176 PLM California California Institute of Technology 76 (PUB) A1851“! University Of A1851“ l4 PLOM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 PUH Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 PLT California uscs (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 8h PUP Hawaii-Pacific NOAA (Eva Beach. Calif.) 126 (PLV) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (PUU) Utah University of Utah 31/. (PM-WY) Wyoming Teledyne Geotech 353 ‘ PUV Virginia Va. Polytechnic Inst. & State Univ. 325 PMA Alaska NOAA (Palmer, Alaska) 17 ‘ (PV-AR) Arkansas Teledyne Geotech 46 PMN Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 PVN New Jersey Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 216 P'MPM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 71 ‘ PVR California California Institute of Technology 76 PMR Alaska NOAA (Palmer, Alaska) 17 ‘ (PVR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (m) California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (PW-IL) Illinois Teledyne Geotech 146 ms Alaska NOAA (Palmer, Alaska) 17 WA Alaska NOAA (Palmer, Alaska) 17 Pm: Oregon University of Oregon 260 PWH Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 PM“ Wyoming Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom 352 ‘ PWKM California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif.) 72 mo California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 Pm. Alaska USGS (Menlo Park. Calif.) 27 PNC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 WP Puerto Rico Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 281 PNH New Hampshire Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 212 } (PY‘AZ) Arizona T919531“! Geotech [‘1 PNJ New Jersey Philip J. Del Vecchio 215 ‘ PYR California Calif. Department of Water Resources 87 PNK Montana University of Montana 189 ‘ (PZC) Nevada University Of Nevada 201 PNL Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 QRV Nevada University of Nevada 201 (PNM) Alaska University of Alaska 14 (QRY) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (mm) California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 QSR California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (mm) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 QUA Massachusetts Weston Observatory 169 PNO Oregon University of Washington 265 (QUA) Nevada University Of Nevada 201 mp Puerto Rico uscs (Cayey, v.3.) 278 (RAD) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park. Calif.) 111 (PNP) California uscs (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (RAD Alaska University of Alaska 1’» (PNQ) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 RAT Alaska USGS (L88 V8833. Nev.) 24 PNR Nevada University of Nevada 201 (RAY) California California Institute of Technology 76 my New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 233 REC Colorado USGS (Denver. Colo.) 104 (PO-ID) Idaho Teledyne Geotech 137 (RBM) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (PO—TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 304 R311 Utah UniVEX‘Sity Of Utah 314 (P03) California California Institute of Technology 76 RCD South Dakota South Dakota School of Mines 289 (POL) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (RCP) California University of Southern California 61 POM California California Institute of Technology 76 (RCW) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 pan Puerto Rico uscs (Cayey, 9.3.) 273 RCWM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (pom) Hawaii-Pacific University of Hawaii 131 (RDG) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park. Calif -) 111 (pon) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (RDM) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 pow Arkansas Saint Louis University 43 (RDM) California California Institute of Technology 76 PPFM California uscs (Menlo. Park, Calif.) 72 (RDR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (PPK) Nevada University of Nevada 201 RDS Alaska University Of Alaska 14 PPL Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 RDT A1851“! USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 (PPS) South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 (RED) Alaska University of Alaska 14 PPTM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (RED) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 PPU Utah University of Utah 314 REN Nevada University of Nevada 201 PQN New Jersey Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 216 REX Idaho Ricks College 136 (PR-IS) Hawaii-Pacific Teledyne Geotech 134 (RFR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 PRC California University of California, Berkeley 50 (RFU) Utah University of Utah 314 (PRC) Alaska USGS (M61110 Park, Calif.) 27 (RC-SD) South Dakota Teledyne Geotech 290 PRI California University of California, Berkeley 50 RGC Colorado Chevron Oil Company 108 (PRIN) New Jersey Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 216 (RCD) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 PRM South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 (RGR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 PRN Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 (RH-NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 (PRO) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 RNA Alabama USGS and Alabama Geological Survey 7 (PRO) Washington University of Washington 337 (RHD) Alabama USGS and Alabama Geological Survey 7 PRR California California Institute of Technology 76 (RI-1U) Utah University of Utah 314 Append ix 3 . ——A thabetic listing of station codes--Continued Code State Operator Page Code State Operator Page (RI-MS) Mississippi Teledyne Geotech 176 SCV Virgin Islands Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 324 RIM Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 SCW Washington University of Washington 337 RIO New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 SCY California California Institute of Technology 77 (RIU) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 (SCZ) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (RL-WS) Wisconsin Teledyne Geotech 350 (SDW) California California Institute of Technology 77 RLO Oklahoma University of Oklahoma 252 (SE-MN) Minnesota Teledyne Geotech 174 RM]! Missouri Saint Louis University 179 SEA Washington University of Washington 337 R140 New York George E. Mercier 236 SEC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (mm) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 (SEC) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 111 RM“ Utah USGS (Denver, (3010-) 317 (SEC) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 RMW Washington University of Washington 337 SEW Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 (RN-WV) West Virginia Teledyne Geotech 346 (SF-AZ) Arizona Teledyne Geotech 41 ROC New York McQuaid Jesuit High School 237 SFB California University of California, Berkeley 51 (ROD) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 SFL California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 ROL Missouri University of Missouri 178 SFM California Golden Gate Park 92 RON Alaska University of Alaska 14 SFO New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 233 RPK Washington Tera Corporation 340 SFR California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 RRD Puerto Rico Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 281 SET California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (RS-KY) Kentucky Teledyne Geotech 157 (SG—AZ) Arizona Teledyne Geotech 41 (R5131) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 SGA Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 RSW Washington University of Washington 337 (SGA) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 (RT-NM) New Mexico Teledyne Geotech 223 SGC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (km) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 SGL California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 RUN California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 (SGM) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (RUS) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 568 South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 RUT Nevada California Institute of Technology 210 (SH-PA) Pennsylvania Teledyne Geotech 274 (RVC) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 SHA Alabama Spring Hill College 5 RVCM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 SHC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (RVM) California .USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 SEC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 RVR California California Institute of Technology 76 (SHE) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C-I-T- 8" (RVR) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 111 (SHQ) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif-) 70 RVS California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 (SHR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 EXP Montana Department of the Army 188 51-15 California University of California, Berkeley 51 (RY-ND) North Dakota Teledyne Geotech 245 5118 California USCG-GS (Washington, D.C.) 100 (RYN) California Tera Corporation 54 (SHU) Alaska University Of Alaska 14 (RYN) Nevada University of Nevada 201 1 (SI-1v) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 111 (RYS) California uses (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 1 SEN Washington University of washington 337 (SA2'1'x) Texas Teledyne Geotech 30!. 1 SIG Colorado USGS (Denver, Colo.) 104 (SA4’1‘X) Texas Teledyne Geotech 304 ' (SII) Alaska University Of AlaSka' 14 SAC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (SIL) California California Institute of Technology 77 (SAD) California uscs (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 (SIM) Nevada University of Nevada 201 (SAL) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (SIP) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 SAO California University of California, Berkeley 51 r SIT A135k8 USGS (51th. A1851“) 20 SAL] Utah University of Utah 314 1 (SIX) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 111 SAW Washington University of Washington 337 (SJ-TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 30‘ (SAW) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 SJG Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey, P-R-) 278 (SAW) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (5.16) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (SBAI) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 SJGC Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey, P.R.) 278 5133 California California Institute of Technology 77 ' SJH California USGS (Menlo Park, Cali-fa) 69 SEC California California Institute of Technology 77 SJ? Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey, P.R.) 278 (SBCC) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 SJQ California California Institute of Technology 77 (SBCD) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 SJV Virgin Islands Lamont-Doberty Geological Observ. 324 (SBCL) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 ‘1 (SK-TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 305 (SBLC) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 i SKG California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (SBLG) California uscs (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 1 SKL Alaska USGS (Menlo Park. Calif-) 27 (SBLP) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 E SKN New York Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 233 (SBSC) California uscs (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 (SKN) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif-) 27 (SBSM) California uscs (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 (“5) Alaska University of Alaska 14 (51351!) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 82 SKT A1551“ USGS (“5“10 Park, Calif.) 27 5131' California 11565 (Menlo Park, Calif.) 64 (SL1) California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif-) 72 5311 Utah University of Utah 311. (SL2) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 KiSBVC) California San Bernardino Valley College 89 (5L3) California USGS (M91110 Park, Calif.) 72 SBY Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 30 (SL4) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (SCA) Hawaii-Pacific uscs (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (SL5) California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif -) 72 sec California University of California, Berkeley 51 (SL6) California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif-) 72 (SC?) Alaska University of Alaska 14 (SL7) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 SCI California California Institute of Technology 77 (SL8) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 SCL California University of Santa Clara 93 (SLA) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 SCM Alaska University of Alaska 14 SLC Utah University of Utah 314 SCN Arizona Sunset Crater National Monument 33 SLD California Calif. Department of Water Resources 87 SCP Pennsylvania Pennsylvania State University 272 $1.14 Missouri Saint Louis University 179 (SCR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (SLU) Arizona USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 43 SCT Alaska University of Alaska 14 SLV Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 SCU Utah USGS (Denver, 0010.) 318 (SLV) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 379 Appendix 3.—-Alphabetic listing of station codes—-Continued Code State Operator Page Code State Operator Page (SM-TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 305 (STN) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 SMA South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 STP California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 85 SMC Colorado USGS (Denver, Colo.) 101. (STQ) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (SME) California California Institute of Technology 77 STT Washington Gerald Marshall 333 SML Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 (STV) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (SMM) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 STW Washington University of Washington 337 SMN Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 STX Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 199 (SMO) California California Institute of Technology 77 STY Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 (SMR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (SU-VA) Virginia Teledyne Geotech 332 SMU Utah USGS (Denver, Colo.) 318 SUA Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 SMV Illinois Saint Louis University 1&7 (SUP) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 85 SW Washington University of Washington 337 SUG Michigan University of Michigan 170 (SMW) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 SUK Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 SMWM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (SUP) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 85 SMY Alaska NOAA (Palmer, Alaska) 17 SUU Utah University of Utah 31/. (SN—AZ) Arizona Teledyne Geotech lol (SV-AZ) Arizona Teledyne Geotech 41 SNC California California Institute of Technology 77 SVC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 SND California San Diego State University 90 (SVS) South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 SNH Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 SW Alaska NOAA (Palmer, Alaska) 17 SNM New Mexico N.Mex. Institute of Mining and Tech. 222 (SW-MA) Montana Teledyne Geotech 191 (5N0) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 67 (SWB) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (SNPY) New York Woodward-Clyde Consultants 239 (SWC) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 111 SNR California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 81¢ (SWD) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 SNS California California Institute of Technology 77 SWM California California Institute of Technology 77 SNT California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (SUN) Nevada University of Nevada 201 (SNT) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 SW? Montana University of Montana 189 (SOD) Nevada University of Nevada 201 (SWR) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 SOS California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (SK-SD) South Dakota Teledyne Geotech 290 (SP-IS) Alaska Teledyne Geotech 22 (SY-SD) South Dakota Teledyne Geotech 290 SPD New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 SYP California California Institute of Technology 77 SPH California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 84 SYR Washington University Of Washington 337 (SPL) Alaska University of Alaska 15 (SZ'NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 SPM California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 35 (TAN) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 sro Washington Mount Saint Michael's 339 (TM!) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif -) 72 (SPSY) New York Woodward—Clyde Consultants 239 TBR New YOL'k Lamont-Doherty G@01081'3-‘11 Observ. 233 SPT Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (TC-NM) New HEXiCO Teledyne GeOtECh 223 (SPT) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 TCC California California Institute of Technology 77 SPU Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 27 (TCEC) Texas USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 312 SPW Washington University of Washington 337 (TCNE) Texas USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 312 (SQ—IS) Alaska Teledyne Geotech 22 (TCNO) Texas USGS (M61110 Park, Calif.) 312 sou Utah University of Utah 314 (TCNU) Texas USGS (Menlo Park. Calif.) 312 (SR-0R) Oregon Teledyne Geotech 264 (TCSE) Texas USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 312 (SRA) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 66 (TCSW) Texas USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 312 snc California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (TCWC) Texas USGS (Menlo Park. Calif -) 312 SRF New Mexico N.Mex. Institute of Mining and Tech. 222 (TD-NM) New Mexico Teledyne Geotech 223 SRM New Mexico N.Mex. Institute of Mining and Tech. 222 TDC C0101‘8d0 NOAA (BOUldBf. (3010-) 101 (SRMY) New York Woodward—Clyde Consultants 239 TEE Montana "“1““qu 0f Montana 189 (SRPD) South Carolina E. I. du Pont de Nemours 283 (TEE) Nevada University Of Nevada 201 (SRPN) South Carolina E. I. du Pont de Nemours 283 (TE-CL) California Teledyne GeOCGCh 96 (SRPW) South Carolina E. I. du Pont de Nemours 283 TFO Arizona AFTAC 34 (SRQ) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 (TC-IS) Hawaii-Pacific Teledyne Geotech 134 (5115) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (TGR) California USGS (Henlo Park. Calif-) 69 (SS-TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 305 THI Indiana Gerald J- $133 1‘9 SSH Alaska University of Alaska 15 (THI) Indiana Gerald J. Shea 159 $81 Alaska USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 24 THO Arizona Willard L. Groene 35 (SSK) California California Institute of Technology 77 ‘ (THE) California California Institute Of Technology 77 SSL Pennsylvania Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 276 TIN California California Institute of Technology 77 (SSN) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 (TIT) California Tera Corporation 54 58? Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 TJC Colorado Trinidad State Junior College 109 (SSP) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 (TR-WA) Washington Teledyne Geotech 341 SST Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 (TL-WY) Wyoming Teledyne Geotech 353 (SSV) California California Institute of Technology 77 (TLD) COIOIGCO C010t8d0 School Of Mines 106 SSX Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 198 TLK Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 (ST-NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 (THE) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 85 (STlTx) Texas Teledyne Geotech 305 TMI Idaho USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 138 (STZTX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 305 TMN Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 199 (ST/.TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 305 (TMN) California USGS (Menlo Park. Calif.) 70 STC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 M Connecticut Weston Observatory 115 (STF) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 68 (TN-CL) California Teledyne Geotech 96 (STC) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 TNA Alaska University of Alaska 15 STI Idaho University of Utah 142 i TNK California University of Nevada 99 (STJ) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 TNN Alaska University of Alaska 15 (STLY) New York Woodward-Clyde Consultants 239 \ TNP Nevada University of Nevada 201 $111 Nevada University of Nevada 201 (TO-0K) Oklahoma Teledyne Geotech 255 380 Appendix 3.-—Athabet1lc listing of station codes——Continued Code State Operator Page Code State Operator Page TOA Alaska NOAA (Palmer, Alaska) 17 (WAR) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (TP-NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 WAS D.C. Natl. Earthquake Information Center 120 TPC California California Institute of Technology 77 (WAT) Washington University of Washington 337 TPH Nevada Sandia Laboratories 203 (WAX) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 (TPO) California California Institute of Technology 77 WAY Pennsylvania Waynesburg College 273 (TPR) California University of Southern California 61 max Idaho University of Montana 139 ‘l'PV Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 199 NEW Washington University of Washington 337 TRC California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 WCK Kentucky Saint Louis University 159 TRM Maine Weston Observatory 165 WCM Montana University of Montana 189 TRU Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Agana, Guam) 132 WCN Nevada University of Nevada 201 TRY New York Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 238 WDC California University of California, Berkeley 51 (TS-ND) North Dakota Teledyne Geotech 245 WDS California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 (TSI) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 W'DY California California Institute of Technology 77 ‘l‘SL Arizona Los Alamos Lab and Navajo Comm. Col. 37 (WEL) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 85 T80 Oklahoma Senturion Sciences, Inc. 254 (WEN) Washington University of Washington 337 TSP New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 WES Massachusetts Weston Observatory 169 TSV Nevada USGS (L88 V2385, Nev-) 199 ‘ (WP-MN) Minnesota Teledyne Geotech 174 TTA Alaska NOAA (Palmer, Alaska) 17 WFF Florida U.S. Department of the Navy 122 1TH California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 85 WFM Massachusetts M.I.T. and Harvard University 168 TTP New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 220 (WGLY) New York Woodward-Clyde Consultants 239 (TU-PA) Pennsylvania Teledyne Geotech 274 WGW Washington University of Washington 337 TUC Arizona Arizona Bureau of Mines 38 WH2 California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 85 TUL Oklahoma University of Oklahoma 252 WHA Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 TUM Washington University of Washington 337 (WHA) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 TUO Arizona Arizona Bureau of Mines 38 WHI Hawaii—Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 TUS New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 233 WHM Montana University of Montana 189 TUT Arizona Arizona Bureau of Mines 38 1 (WHP) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 85 TWL California California Institute of Technology 77 1 WHU Utah University of Utah 314 TWN California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 (WHW) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 70 (TXC) Colorado USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 111 (WI-NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 (TYL) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 ‘ (WIS) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 85 HS Missouri Saint Louis University 179 (WIU) Utah University Of Utah 314 (U4) Wyoming U.S. Air Force 357 WIW Washington University of Washington 337 (U6) Wyoming U.S. Air Force 357 WKC California Tera Corporation 54 UBO Utah University of Utah 314 WKE Hawaii-Pacific University of Hawaii 131 (UCS) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 69 WKR California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 OCT Connecticut Weston Observatory 115 WLA Arkansas Saint Louis University 48 (UK-OR) Oregon Teledyne Geotech 264 (WLD) Nevada University of Nevada 201 URI California NOAA (Ukiah, Calif.) 94 WLG Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (URL) Alaska University of Alaska 15 (WLI) New York Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 233 UNA Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 30. WLK California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 85 UOA Arizona University of Arizona 39 WLM Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 (UOA) Alabama uses and Alabama Geological Survey 7 (WLO) Oklahoma University of Oklahoma 252 USC California University of Southern California 61 (WM-AZ) Arizona Teledyne Geotech 41 (US!) California University of California, Berkeley 51 W New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque, N.Mex.) 217 mm Nevada University of Nevada 201 (WML) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 85 UWE Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 WMN Nevada University of Nevada 201 UWL New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 233 WMO Oklahoma AFTAC 251 UWM Wisconsin University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee 348 WMU Utah University of Utah 314 (VGR) California California Institute of Technology 77 (WN—SD) South Dakota Teledyne Geotech 290 VIL Maryland Natl. Earthquake Information Center 167 WNC North Carolina Carolina Power and Light Company 242 VIN California University of California, Berkeley 51 WND New York Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 233 VIT California University of California, Berkeley 51 (WNH) New Hampshire Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 212 VLZ Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 WNW Washington University of Washington 337 (VN-U'l‘) Utah Teledyne Geotech 319 WNY New York Lamont-Doherty Geological Observ. 233 (W-IO) Iowa Teledyne Geotech 152 (WO-AZ) Arizona Teledyne Geotech 41 (VOL) New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque, N.Mex.) 217 (WP-TX) Texas Teledyne Geotech 305 VPD California California Institute of Technology 77 WP“ Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 (VPE) California uses (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 WPM Michigan University of Michigan 170 VPEM California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 72 WPR New York Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 233 VPK California University of Nevada 99 (WPT) Hawaii-Pacific USGS (Hawaii National Park, Hawaii) 129 VQS Puerto Rico USGS (Cayey, P.R.) 278 (WQ-IL) Illinois Teledyne Geotech 146 VSC South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 (WR—AR) Arkansas Teledyne Geotech 46 Wt Virgin Islands Lamont—Doherty Geological Observ. 32!. WRC California California Institute of Technology 77 (VST) California California Institute of Technology 77 WRD Washington University of Washington 337 (VT-0R) Oregon Teledyne Geotech 264 WRG Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 VIC Washington University of Washington 337 WSC Maryland Natl. Earthquake Information Center 167 (VYD) California USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 65 WSN Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 199 VZS Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 WSR Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 199 VZW Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 (WT-TN) Tennessee Teledyne Geotech 295 (WA-OK) Oklahoma Teledyne Geotech 255 WTC Colorado Colorado School of Mines 106 (WAC) South Carolina USGS (Denver, Colo.) 285 1 (WTN) Colorado Colorado School of Mines 106 WA]! Washington University of Washington 337 WTR Maine Colby College 162 WAL Idaho U.S. Bureau of Mines .143 W Wyoming USGS (MeuJ-O Park, Calif.) 355 Appendix 3.-—Athabetic listing of station codes-—Continued Code State Operator Page Code State Operator Page (WTX) New Mexico USGS (Albuquerque, N.Mex.) 217 (YPLK) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 (WW-UT) Utah Teledyne Geotech 319 (YPMC) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 (WWR) California California Institute of Technology 77 (YPMF) Idaho USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 140 WYO Wyoming [1.8. Air Force 357 (YPMH) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 (WZ-NV) Nevada Teledyne Geotech 205 (YPMJ) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 (Y) Washington USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 343 (YPML) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 (YA—WA) Washington Teledyne Geotech 341 (YPMV) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 YAH Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 (YPNG) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 (YCB) Alaska University of Alaska 15 (YPNJ) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 YCM Montana University of Montana 189 (YPOF) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 (YEG) California USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.I.T. 85 (YPPC) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 (YER) Nevada University of Calif., Berkeley 204 (YPPR) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 (YKG) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 (YPRL) Montana USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 193 YKM Montana Department of the Army 188 (YPSE) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 YKT Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 (YPSG) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 (YMD) Arizona USGS (Pasadena, Calif.) and C.l.T. 43 (YPTC) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 (YPBB) Montana USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 193 (YPTS) Idaho USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 140 (YPCJ) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 (YPWT) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 (YPDC) Montana USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 193 (YPWY) Montana USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 193 (YPEE) Wyoming USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 355 (YR-CL) California Teledyne Geotech 96 (YPGC) Montana USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 193 (YTT) Alaska USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 28 (YPHB) Montana USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 193 ZOX Nevada USGS (Las Vegas, Nev.) 199 (YPHR) Montana USGS (Menlo Park, Calif.) 193 ZZT Tennessee Saint Louis University 297 382 Appendix 4.——Regional maps of stations 30- n- 76' 74' 72- 70- ea- ! T T 4T 1 4r u-—. l, - / AGM CBMA ' C A N A D A I 1 M A l N E \ $15 I, 7 a» p- - PNYA PTN BNH A A wmrA VERMONT 3 | r- l APH AMDV ‘ (3% HNH 53: NEW w A N E W Y O R K UWL l IHAMPSHIRE) BUF noc SKN | ) A " ADNV A HNY PNH A TRYA L _ WF‘M GLO INY QUA HRV AALI: A AWND A AWES § _ _ _ _ ABNV / MASSACHUSETTS I? - ECT uc1'A ' 0° ' Aact AHI: '0 , PENNSYLVANIA M C M'I— ¢ -— § £§CP ‘3 V l l I_ _ _ _ I/‘ Ix m\MARYLANB mounzas aoo -\ - w , €52 — 3° I VA / VAI \ l I I Figure 12.——Stations operating in mid—1977 in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. SID. ar 95- 94- 32- 50° 75- we- I I T I l I _ I __—————+-9NED ! OHIO (J1me {/1117 5‘ MD 3w~ I \»-~ I N D I A N A \ GEO /ILLINOIS jfi Pf f1 GSRA 1%") (I W"\ ’fl W E S T In AHBV CBN \ ,J VIRGINIA cw A \ ~r w} / A \ Mussoum‘ ‘ KENTUCKY \ ~JBAVVIRG|N|A a,._ \ Ichx /\/v 4,, , _ )‘IJACRU ,1 ‘\ \Jh—‘~_\~—§/_{_—_—_—__ ——-""' AGRT j T ARK :ANKT E N N E S S E E Aom r-'" ACEH ,OKG Acpo ROLINA 35- _ _ \ _ _ ~ _ _ _ I 7‘“ \--——' ‘7/ fix- , MISSISSIPPI I A L A B I \ s Voru T H I A M A \ G E()R G IA ‘\\ C A R 0 LI N A \wuc I [l J l l 1 \ A o HLOMETERS 400 Figure l3.--Stations operating in mid-1977 in Delaware, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. 383 33‘ Appendix lo.--RegiomzZ maps of statiorLSnContinued 9" 89' 87' 85' 53' BI. 79' I T I I I TENNESSEE x- J NORTH CAROLINA 5 ,_ I _ _ .I ARKANSAS —— - _ _ _ _ __ _-/‘ “h,_ T Acne g Ar \ ’r \ PRM JSCA g) ‘\ embisoum CAROLINA , ALABAMA m CH5 a°35 PBS _ \ A \ SGSAA NHS ‘ MISSISSIPPI AEMA N vsc A A — FLT l GEORGIA \AHBF LCA 1 \ PTR \ ’ RHA \ 29' r ( _ I’___ LOUISIANA _I AMG FLORIDA Gulf of Mexico 25'— — / o KILOMEYERS 400 f) l I 4 I I 1 L Figure 14.--Stations operating in mid—1977 in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina. 58- 67' 56- as- u- I I I Anegada ABV Tortola St Mug/‘9. . Desecheo IDE Thomas ‘ - ‘9 VIrgIn A CUP ..- Gorda AMOV C33 A 4:5- ‘vsr .5 A Culebra SJV St John p mo RIC o 330 A A . r. Mona CCA CPDA Vleques _ scvf , . St Croix C a r l b b e a n S e a o KILOMETERS IOO L.~__%~__J l I I Figure 15.—-Stations operating in mid-1977 in Puerto Rico and [1.5. Virgin Islands. Appendix lo.—-RegionaZ maps of stationanontinued 57' 55' 53' BI ' WISCONSIN Wm 43' — ILLINOIS 39- _ 37‘ I I Lake Superior C A N A D A MICHIGAN Lake St Clair “u |ITI Z I '5 I _ I I ;.<— | < > AN1 |Z A OHIO I> I INDIANA . . , L J | I THI . A N/ ) ABLO MLF [J I «-\A # WEST , WHGIMA I o KILOMETERS aoo / \ I_______I____.L______J I I I I “ Figure 16.—-Stat10ns operating in mid-1977 in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. 385 Appendix 4.——Regioml maps of stationS——Continued 103' l01' 99' 87' 95' 93‘ 9" 69' I I I I< I I I I I A535 I MNM MFM I | YEMNN SOU MINNESOTA “__/ Anon TH DAKOTA I \ WISCONSIN \\ I I I I _—-—__ l‘“‘\——‘__ 2 ‘ l \ I \r’“\ \AclafL/____ I "' IOWA /I ‘ NEBRASKA I L (/j _-\_' X I I \———-—-—-———-—'\ ILLINOIS 00“ K —— I ——~———————-\? COLORADO. \ \\ MHK I ALAW“ I A SLM I I KANSAS I M'SSOUR' II as. FVM — I | AFIOL A\ I CGM I ‘ DONA d _i____ RMB‘A Dwm2:jf\\l I LSTAT‘J OKLAHOMA \_— -— SAg——— > ca ARKAN ED _ I I I I ’A'il I O KILOMETERS 400 I__I____I—I—I Figure 17.--Stations operating in mid—1977 in Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. 108' I0“ I02' IOO‘ 98' 96' 94' 92' 80' I I I I I I I I I _I gnu—4 — _ OLO - _ ’— - ‘- \ “'~ *7 M20 A RLO m, POWA A g — , MFA I A PGA / TENN ' OKLAHOMA ‘ FL, _ _ I ARKANSAS N E w M E x I c o I ' I ‘, 34- A [I |\__.\ \ CRO I K4 ._ LUB fik" I’V‘Lr ’ ‘d S A “I ’ MISSISSIPPI I DAL A KMZ ‘ k/‘K 32‘ _ __ \ KT1 me I r “ A‘ ‘ in x 5'" \ m .511? T E x A S )\ f \ KTX KME \_/__ \ MOT I \ A z 1 Am LOUISIANA 30' - Q D \ A‘\ \ I \/ \ \ \ 28' I» \ M E X I' C O \‘ Gulf of Mexico a NLOMETEHS Aoo \ 25- L x L \‘ I I I l I | I l I Figure 18.——Stations operat ing in mid-1977 in Arkansas, Louisana, Oklahoma, and Texan. 386 Appendix 4.—-RegionaZ maps of stations--Continued 40' - 47' r— 120 ‘22' I20' "0- 116' 114' 112‘ "0' I I 47* I T I I I _....—-—I Mc Maw~ -- -__ ...____————--‘—" w _-.__ mag 3w WASHINGTON "WA Aan A A0Mw l ALDM HHM NEW AI I A Awaw l I SAW DVW \ EPW KGI N A A A00$ I WAL§§§\ MONTA .4 WHO ' MUL Mso A/CRF A MDWm A\OTH \ - :32» «:yeuw ‘7 \ wew WIW ( ABUT ALDR 1__ \ PTD _, , “"fi. EPKy HRO MFW L r HMO "’ \ _...——-I /l con / ‘1 N vaw | D A H O — O R E G o N BBI WTW \ HID IDCI PMT HPI A A A ABSE A REX GMI I‘ WYOMING I MI A I .4 $11 A BDWA O KILOMETERS 300 | I—L___I______l I KFC)A I NPI BEI \ _ _ A A ‘1— ___I¥ I I I 44.._————MLIA!'_"—l I 36‘ Figure l9.--Stations operating in mid-1977 in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming. "9' 117' 115' 113' ',“. . 108' 107' I05' 103‘ I I I M I T I I OREGON “‘ WYOMING I NEBR I L,” I ____ .. _. -—— —- - | I. I P A—flGMu. 5m nan ISRGC GLDMDEN I chu W I GOL I CNDAAKVN I Sm;A c o I. o a A D o I AMNA. MNV U T A H — \ Amp. TPH AMsu I ' I | Accu \ NPM ”RM APRN I LEE no I \ {MN} GLR A KNB RMU f’ _ -— LSNM Mmpx MCN —A__A__A_____I_.__._—- A-— KLA LW A~Mcv GCA MSA I" ._. TSL A \vaA Al EUM {IgA _. \ NEL ch. LFCIBRC A’TSP A' co~ SPD TTP CALIFORNIA ASCN MTLALA 00H AGNM I I KA EST I MA | ALO. ANMO, ABQ ARIZONA LADAALPM SNMA - I ASU N E W M E X I C O | A I | c A(:LN TU l — \ Tue;Y — "' ""' M E x I c o I '— TEXAS \ ‘____J_J \ I I I I \x I I 0 KILOMETERS 500 L.__I____1__I___I_____I Figure 20.--Stations operating in mid-1977 in Arizona, Colurado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. 387 Appendix 4.--Regional maps of stations——Continued ‘24' 122° 1 On 118' I T 4T7 l N E V A D A *1: fi ('5 Q, g Salt 39" — lake 1 \ \\ \ \ c A L | F o R N n A \ \. ‘\ 37' H AFRI AT'N \ — MHR. svc FL ARN. MHC, coe, ADR, ceo \ AMC sn, SAO, FRP \ EUC, PEV, Hcc, PKC, csn, Acwc OCR, cac, ANZ, DIL ADAc MT“ ' MFS \ AACBHM \ 0 KILOMEYERS NMCA ACLC AISA l 1 Figure 21.——Stations operating in mid-1977 in northern California. ‘2‘" 119° I17° 1|5° I I 1 ‘ l Acasc \ 35% \) _ C A L I F O R N | A ) FTC A see PYR A CMH A LAC ASPM A \ AIRC csp A Tm:A wH2 \ A PAS AMWC A BLG SCY A TPC RVS «o ‘A (3 D9 Ame LMSA AK‘GOC GAVA ARVR A ALTM us EAG on asc 4 c AVPD Amac AAcoz ( E z‘ A ) O H w; AV '1‘ 0 a: 00 BSN 033 Cains < 0c» Q ma A Am 33.- ¢ R \A Ame AWN. q A SNRA A COA mp ASEL/-‘,‘>PLT ( \\ ‘ 0 KILOMETERS 200 MEXICO N I l 388 Figure 22.--Stations operating in mid-1977 in southern California. Appendix 4.——Regional maps of stations-—Continued I70' 180' 170“ IOO' ‘50‘ 140° 130° 9 / w I 1 1 \ \i. V A314 U S S R A L A s K A \ A \ ss-\ FWAA'FYAZ Fy5 FYU IMA A C A N A D A TNN COL GIL, GLM $2331 ‘ LW’A AGKC DDM SML A am 60°\ \ B e r i n g S e a 55' \ . ”PM“ Pacific Ocean fl” ° .4 AD1-a \o AK1—3 K W 9“ a NIK 50' \ 0 KILOMETERS I000 1 1 1 1 \ Figure 23.——Stations operating in mid—1977 in Alaska. 160' 159° 156° 157" 156' I55' I I T 7 T C MOLAKAI 21' '— ’° T) 90 _ LANAI If ' I O O 20' ’— (’6 9 ¢ 19' '— 0 KILOMETERS 100 g—Qfi—I 10- 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 24.--Stations operating in mid—1977 in Hawaii. 1) U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE:1978 777-102/7 REGION NO. 8 389