START MICROFILMED 1985 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY GENERAL LIBRARY BERKELEY, CA 94720 COOPERATIVE PRESERVATION MICROFILMING PROJECT THE RESEARCH LIBRARIES GROUP, INC. Funded by THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES THE ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION Reproductions may not be made without permission. CU-B SN 00542.5 AUTHOR" Paaific press publishing house TITLE: Album of Oakland, California... - PLACE: Oakland, Calif. DATE: 1€93 VOLUME CALL F 869 MASTER $§§- NO. O2P3 NEG. NO. ($63 Pacific press publishing house, Album of Ri California, comprising a bird's-¢ye vicw of the city, views of pronmens tusincss blocks, hotels, city and counly buildings, public schools, colleges, churches, residences, c¢tec., and a description of Oakland Ly the president of the Board of trades, Onk- and, Calif, Pacific press publishing company, 1593, 1 pel.,18 plates, <20s ps. 16x24cn. Holmes sale Dec. 1548 "Oakland, prepared by ii. J. Keller, president of the Board of trade": p. 1-85 1 CU-B 49 FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA a——— BERKELEY, CA A 94720 | 11743 sos no. 8|5 74 DATE 5 9 g|. 5 REDUCTION RATIO Al Lt DOCUMENT = ef "SOURCE THE BANCROFT LIBRARY fro wi = ii Il 1 c= le = le 2 fs ne MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) st LLL LULL LLU LLL LL LL LL yl METRIC 1 2 1 6 —o—t ALBUM + OF me — QAKLAND, « TALIFORN ~1 A DN COMPRISING A Birp’s-Eve View oF tHe City, Views oF ProMinenT Business Breck, HoteLy, City Ane County Bulbine, PusLic Sener, CoLLEGES, Crurcnes, Resibences, Ere. oa A A ea Description oF OAKLAND BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOAR D OF TRADE —— + OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Zo SN= 2114) ASNT DW Hela, 2 alt Wee | 14 § 4,00 A GRAND ENDORSEMENT a DR. J. M. CILSTRAP “The Bruenn Piano furnished me for my concert <_ THE FAMOUS DENTIST ! in Alameda has the finest tone and touch I have ever performed on in mv concert tour in the United States.” oh oS Ong Qian Pt To : Cor. 9th and Broadway, Oakland ' (na (1117 ! He Wakes a Specialty of BRUENN Received Highest Award at the Midwinter Fail 7 7 Gold Crown and Bridac Work teceived Highest Award at the Cal. State Fair, 'S3 yf And will do vour Pent lowing reasonable r : A PIANOS Received Highest Award at the Cal. State Fair, "so IAL ARE PERTH ON GOLD) ATE rn. sm ava TEMG Work at the f easonable rates s Ee SAN FRANCISCO. FULL SET, “Upper and Lower,” on Rubber 20.00 ’ bits wm ww 3 Ra GOLD CROWNS S.00 : He yin ; : > & a “ GOLD FILLINGS from $2.00 up : = Bessa oN gn x Bruenn Pianos are for sale on easy payments at | LLL OTHER FILLINGS : Loo * : EXTRACTING BY HIS SECRET PROCESS 1.00 228 Post Street 1070 Broadway San Francisco Oakland QUALITY AND NOT CHEAPNESS is our motto OFFICE HOURS, 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M, OPEN SUNDAYS, OQ A. M. TO 3 P. M. pee 3. $500 REWARD $500 ——— by DR. GILSTRAP to any DOCTOR or Dex ance with Cocaine the results in Painless Tooth oduces with, his WONDERFUL SECRET ) ND) ‘ ry 1 S. (2. Baldwin i 4 i Gio, see and be convinced that TEETH CAN BE EX- Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar Studio TRACTED FREE FROM PAIN! : v >F., AT HIS WASHINGTON Room 8 JAKLAND OFFICE OAKLANI L A Fanti Voor ov ~ 5 : ./ From Litho Elliott Pub Co. SF , ; \ ) hrs insh ie i i to the last day of each month : . : Lb evo BIRDS' EYE VIEW OF THE CITY OF OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA. 1 a * MGLFODOlitan Furniture GO. | AYDELOTTE'S BUSINESS -GOLLEGE (1. IM PHRED) Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, OAKLAND, CAL. 2 Importer and Dealer in A Thorough Commercial and English Training School for both [7 sexes. Occupies two floors in the Y. M. C. A. Buildin. 0 i 3 | \ ip J 1 ’ Fine Rooms; Thorough Course; Complete Bquipment; : i LTT hi a hui Skilled Instructors. Four Denartmaats atting, Oilc , Linoleum, Rugs, Window . { Be "Piha Matting, Ojicioh Lintinih, Russ. Window Commereial, Shorthand, Telegraphy and English BB oe i Shades, Lace Curtains, Etc. Oakland is a beautiful city of homes and schools, and is free from — ul. § Vu Metropolitan vices. School the eutire year. CHAMBER SUITS A SPECIALTY One Year - $100 Six Months — i. § Va Address, L115, 1117, 1119 and 1121 Washington Street, S. W. Cor 13th J. H, AYDELOTTE, Proprietar and Manager Open Saturday Evenings ORKLAND, CAL. OAKLAND, CAL. COURTNEY'S GREAT BARGAINS in UMBRELLA FACTORY Has moved from 470 I3th St. to : Bamboo Furniture 14 13th St «AT. 5 we have inst received a New Stock of 1 and will sell them cheap- : oe sol pili Ni Ton Bin San C H A S . W. FONG=——=51% Thirteenth St, Francisco. AS WE MUST HAVE MONEY < AT ONCE 2 Umbrellas and Parasols Govered ALL KINDS OF or Repaired Cheapar than Ever MADE TU ORDER ) I Xx x * Bamboo 1Qork AT SHORT NOTICE Making to Order a Specialty, NX. B.—5314 13th St. MILLS COLLEGE. DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND INSTITUTE H. HERSHBERG ... 8 CO... 255 Men's ~ - | HY Furnisbers I 2 AT S Binggron 2 IE WR AND Hatte rs BR : You canrot match them for the price elsewhere WH ASK FOR OUR.... $1.50, 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00 KENNEY & WELLS. GARRETT & TAGGART, DRUGGISTS, 14™ & BROADWAY. OAKLAND, CAL. Garrett & Taggart DRUGGISTS Physicians’ Prescriptions Carefully Compounded A UR all Hours, Day or Might 23 SUSHCHET, P y rT 4 H H 2 RE A i w I = a NATIONAL BAN K_ ITH ELLIO NAT Srey | | : A RB ein a RT ——— ——— ih - — Proprietors of the — = 1201 BROABWAY Celebrated Japanese Sachets and Neroli Cologne JUNCTION SAN PABLO AVE. & [14T¥ STS OAKLAN DD. GAL 1201 BROADWAY : av — : . a ] UNION NATIONAL BANK. MACDONOUGH THEATER, —w= \ TELEPHONE M. J. KELLER COMPANY V9 VV [ailoring, Shirtmaking, =—=—= Furnishing, and Hats VV VV 1105, 1107 and 1109 Broadway Oakland, Cal. W. W. DAMES "DAMES & DORSAZ The Leading Photographers Ah oosasafesse. 4 1116 WASHINGTON STREET, BET. 12TH and 13TH, Oakland ABR. oncacntBb. Direct Photographs from Life Groups from 20x24 Size Down Portraits in Water Color and Crayon Dames’ Ftchings, the Latest Thing Out KUHNLE Bay State MARKET Corner SERS CERES Pio diene AR Aa I 010 191 See Ro fo . fv pe ) 3 Beef, Pork, Mut- : Bal Py OU) 0 0} 2 ton, Veal, : ers EY kj ih Xf JeZ~ Corned Beef, i z= ; #7 Ras Hams. Bacon, Lard, Etc. TELEPHONE 405 J. T. LATIMER Dealer in Fruits, Groceries, Family Supplies, Etc. r~ ; Turkeys, Xmas ©oods, tc. FOR THE HOLIDAYS Ei 1274 MARKET ST., ' > F RECORDS. es —— CITY HALL. OAKLAND GAS LIGHT & HEAT CO'S BUILDING. CLAY & 13 RESIDENCE, 558 10TH S1 ROOMS 1 AND 2 TELEPHONE 441 11606 BROADWAY OAKLAND, CAL. FI. Y NN — Importer ¢i— DRY and FANGY GOODS LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FURNISHINGS Have removed from the Blake Block to—————-—— 1117 and 1119 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. CABINET PHOTOS $3.00 per doz. 9 Eva NS First-Class Work 1065 Washington Street holo St buds Oakland, Cal. Opp People’s Theater 2, HEVERIN a Sewer Contractor Office and Residence. 862 Twenty-first St., Oakland SEWERS LAID AND REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed Promptly Attended W. M. WATSON & CO. CH HA B. SHEAR. TENTH & WASHINGTON ST OAKLAND TRIBUNE. BLAKE & MOFFITT BUILDING OENTRAL OYGLERY Central Bank Building Cor. 14th and Broadway Columbias Clevelands JFalcons RENTING AND REPAIRING RIDING TAUGHT B. C. LUND, PROPRIETOR Reliance Building Reliance Building Cor. San Pablo Ave. and 17th Cor. San Pablo Ave. and 17th BG. Wilhelm’s Sons BuiLbeErs oF CHurRcH ORGANS Manufacturers and Importers of Pictures, Hrames, [Hirrors, [Houldings ARTISTS’ MATERIAL, ETC. Art Framing and Cabinet Work, Carving Natural Wood Finish and Polish Specialties First-class Workmanship, Reasonable Prices, Square Dealing Reliance Building Reliance Building Cor. San Pablo Ave. and 17th Cor. San Pablo Ave. and 17th Broadway and Fourteenth Streets Oakland, California CAPITAL STOCK - - - $1,000,000 JOHN CRELLIN, - - - - President W. G. PALMANTEER - - - Vice President C. RR. YATES - - - - - Cashier DIRECTORS THOS. CRELLIN GEO. C. PERKINS F. K. SHATTUCK GEO. D. METCALF CHARLES D. PIERCE L. C. MOREHOUSE J. W,. PHILIPS H. B. AINSWORTH W. G. PALMANTEER JOHN CRELLIN Transacts a Commercial and Savings Banking Business, buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Létters of Credit issued which enable the traveler to obtain money in any part of the world. RES. EX-GOV. GEO C. PERKINS, VERNON HEIGHTS Ry NR CENTRAL BANK. RELIANCE BUILDING. NORDHAUSEN BROS OWNERS Thirteenth and . . . | 28 2 Ne $< << W. H. H. GRAY, — THE BIZYOY |mm— Jefferson Streets 0 0 CNS = Proprietor KE CRERW AND (ONFECTIONERY Special Service Arranged for Parties Desiring Water Ices Sherbets and Punches JAMES CAHILL & CO. DEALERS IN Wall Paper & Window Shades 00000000 PAINTERS AND DECORHTORS SeeeLOP0 408 TWELFTH STREET, BET. BROADWAY AND FRANKLIN OAKI. AND, CAL. American Gas and Ventilating Machine Co. Manufacturers of the only truly Automatic Gas Machine in the United States also Hydraulic Air OAKLAND, CAL. 318 T7TH..ST. For lighting Houses, Factories. Pub- lic Buildings, etc; tists, ‘Goldsmiths, Tinsmiths, Copper- Machine for the use of Jewelers, Den- smiths, Chemists, etc. LOUIS JURGENS ——DEALER IN—— Boots and Shoes 873 Broadway, Oakland Goods are all Fresh and New, Direct from the Factory Sold at Lowest Figure for Cash Only COLESCHOOL. CLAWSON SCHOOL. ADOLPH H, ROT : ¢ ape in Bakery iy F.M FARWELL & SONS i HUGH HAMILTON — | PAINTS. © OILS, : VARNISHES -— [Luis ie co cream and Charlotte Muss DRUSHIES, WALI PAPER, ETC 4 AGENTS FOR + Made 10 Order Heath & Milligan's Mixed Paints and Colors, Scuonr's Floor [I Yaigiaa SANT tia riistiealiv. Omnented i . . : ! PHHRIY | VV CUT LK CS FHSHIcuiy Ornamented Paint, Hucter's and Valentine's Varnishes. PAPER HANGING AND GLAZING i COFFEE ano DINING ROOMS 1012 Broadway, YeuSPiONS Oakland, Cal. | gu 0 577 Dh Se. Ren Jefferson and Clay Oakland. Cal. NO. 571 OAWI.ANID BRANCH | ABIApn | Our Goods are the Very Best that can be Suits to Order L EB 1 Our Goods are the Very Best that can | FROM $10 to $20 Produced. : sass: TATE Our Prices are Lower Than Any Other Pants to Order Es 57 Lt House on the Pacific Coast. From s3 (WOOLEN MILLS! WE HAVE NO GOMPETITORS —%= WEOI nS AJ." "TAIL. ORS — 870 WASHINGTON STREET, e 2 ” OAKLAND, CAL. TA SM TRG 7 TY sy ORIENTAL BLOCK. EVERTS BLOCK PARK BLOCK. AGARD & CO. GROCERS Shoes at Reduced Drices School Shoes g Specialty N. SCHNEIDER & SON XC EF ioe Iss . For Sale or Rent at Wilbur's Gye ing Academ 24 SAN | PABLO AVE. OAKLAND. CAL xl Improvegd Methods of $e Q Teaching | | Reorganizeq 1804 Mhitney Transfer Cu. San Fy: aneisco, Oakland , Stoe ‘kton, Pet Temese ‘al, Pie yr 4 lameda, aluma, Golden Gate, dmont erkeley Lorin, and FF ruitvale OFFICES 3 Lomn nercial Street A 2 oop frien Stockton, HT Sutter Street, T lephaon a Park Strep Ferd Santa Clara J. R Littie, Beri ley Sta, Alani da, I'¢ hc Telep one 174 Tel. 16+ «ephone 3; Main Ofc C Joju Buea next to Bank ' and Bro adw. ay. ‘Pe cept Why Petalum, Moma Cc Compare G. MOsSBaCcHER MANU \CTURERS ea LOAKS, LADIES sno INFANTS’ = WEAR is 1009 and 10 Washington Street Bet. 10th and 11th CRELLIN BLock OAKLAND, CAL. - AS MRS. BLAKE'S SEMINARY. DR.EH WOOLSEY'S HOSPITAL HOTEL CRELLIN. HOTEL ALBANY The White House 1007 Brose Ian LEADERS IN LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS —_— —— Please Inspect our Stock Before Purchasing Elsewhere TWOMEY, DODD & CO. Telephone 4859 Coal, Wood, Hay, Grain AND SEWER PIPE 1318 San Pablo Ave., Between 16th and 17th Streets OAKLAND, CAL. Som Wilko, MILLINER 35¢ si 3% M5 Washington St. OAKLAND, CAL, Fine Millinery at Popular Prices FISCHER'S BAKERY a zz \ O70 PER ONe EY ATA Ve ec BETWEEN SEVENTH AND EIGHTH STREETS 866 WASHINGTON STREET Chas. Reimers * OAKLAND, CAL Proprietor, <=" Wedding Cakes and anv kind of ( drnamental Cakes Made to Order on Short Notice * oA 1.ALAMEDA 2. OAKLAND HARBOR 3 LAKE MERRITT. 4. NAR GAUGE WHARF, 5 BD. GAUGE WHARF. 6. GOAT ISLAND. VIEW FROM INSPIRATION POINT, BLAIR PARK. VIEWS ON LINE OF PIEDMONT CABLE ROAD. 7 SAN FRANCISCO. 8. GOLDEN GATE 9 ANGEL ISLAND 10. BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Il. MOUNTAIN VIEW CEMETERY 12 BERKELEY J. A. MCCARI, J. ACO J. A DESLAURIERS J: A. McCARILI., & CO. Plumbers. Tinners, Gas s Steam Fitters ELECTRIC WIRING AND BELL WORK Le LOCK AND KLY REPAIRING YALE LOCKS A SPECIALTY PLANS FIGURED AND BSTIMATES GIVEN 365 Twelfth Street OAKLAND ~~ ~>Qakland Fournal | DAVIS BLOCK | BUSWELL BLOCK, 4™ & BROADWAY. A TK ALBERT KAYSER, Proprictor 1 i ! LIN Gl The Only German Mewspaper [Published in Ellameda County A a HST ARBI.ISHIZI) 1874 - 3 Er | ily . IT HAS A LARGE CIRCULATION, AND IS THEREFORE A FIRST-CLLASS ADVERTISING MEDIUM | All Kinds of Job Printing Executed with Promptness and Dispatch at Reasonable Rates ICI HK PPHION 3.34 OAKLAND JOURNAL (GERMAN), 7% & WEBSTER STS. MASONIC TEMPLE. PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING CO Wr. WILSON 3 YOIRLL WAVE AS If you have your Clothes made by WATGHMAKER AND JEWELER | {ily BYRON RUTLEY FASHIONABLE TAILOR OF WASHINGTON STREET 952 BROADWAY, EAST SIDE, BETWEEN ’ Finest Workmanship % Perfect Fitting * Lowest Price 9TH AND 10TH STREETS i Finest of Cutting on the Coast Jr Samples and Infallible Rules for 2 Self-measurement Sent Free OAKLAND. - - OALIFORNIA BYRON RUTLEY, MERCHANT TAILOR ” i ill NE Pg 1167 WASHINGTON STREET NFAR FOURTEENTH ® SNELL SEMINARY. FIRST CONG CHURCH. gees Vous on. TUE EASIEST T0 [SE » [HE HARDEST TO WEAR OUT Least Fatigue | “The World's Greatest” FRAC LE FIC COAST BQH 4 PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING eO. ~ OAKLAND, CAL, or, 115 Crocker Building, San Francisco + vA © VE. T.vA COAST BORAX (O'S WORKS. GERMAN OLD PEOPLE'S HOME, FRUIT.VALE. PACIFIC 4 - TTR SETS LE SN Ed ok ES EE FLINT'S PHARMAGY CEO. B. FLINT, PROPRIETOR 1171 Broadway, near Cor. 14th St. OAKLAND, CAL. Telephone 830 mt WORTHINGTON & HUGHES Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all Kinds of Wood, Goal, Coke, Hay, Grain and Feed 524 SAN PABLO AVE., OAKLAND. CAL. VR O=x@Ox VY DEPOT FOR LIVERMORE HAY All orders promptly attended to. A good supply always on hand .at Lowest Market Rates. “= MIRIAAT CR Telephone 55 (1). Printed this Album & Comercial 2. and Hlrtistic Pacific . . . Press. . .. PRI NTERS Publishing AND Company > 4 Publishers OAKI.ANID Corner I"'welfthh and Castro Strecte SAN FRANCISCO 1183 Crocker Building, Marlret Street XT le TN a ——————————— FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, 8TH y ii : ll AVE M.E. CHURCH. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES CHURCH. (00D GROGERIES Staple or Fancy AGUGARD & CO. Have a..,.. Complete Stock TITTY © PTT 475-479 Fourteenth Street Oakland, al. E. A. HERON HERON & HOLCOMB Hgcents tor the Purchase, Sale, care and Appraisal ot « = Real Estate O50 BROADWAY Telephone 147 OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA FRANK C. HOWE Successor to ROBERT J BEEBY Manutacture 1d De Harness. Saddles, Whips, Collars, Lap Ribes BLANKETS, ETC. 1064-1000 Broadway. near 12th St. Oakland, Cal Telephone No. 566 + \gent for La Crosse-Wallis Co.'s Buggies. Surreys and Phaetons MY RON 'T. HOLCOMB 1160 JONES BAZAR R.J. BEEBY SRY J (TILL 3 mz ENQUIRER BUILDING. THE JEFFRESS, MITCHELL TUTT CO SALINGERS NEW DEPARTMENT STORES. J.T. MORAN. E M HALL. J C NEWSOM. _ ee] —1 —] nan 3 LI J P GARLICK. E.A HERON. M.T. HOLCOMB - A - > > RESIDENCES OF LINDA VISTA TERRACE. SRE le Xl a | " ac Hill - _ < > Ei . RA ER ae me a3 f= sr 2 1 = ees MISS R. A. GALLAGHER Jrders a Specialty OP y 1153 Washington Street, OAKLAND, CAL CALL AND SEE cath The Singer fg. Co.’s x New Improved : Sewing [lachines AUTOMATIC, OSCILLATOR AND VIBRATOR Salesrooms. 1155 Washington St., Oakland, Cal. Poor Man's Friend —eemth ~oYes wre SR MORRIS HAPP DEALER IN Gents Fue nishing Goods, Hats & Caps TRUNKS AND VALISES TTT TTT Men's Anp Boys’ Pants a SPECIALTY 905 Washington St., bet. 8th and 0th Sts.. Oakland. Cal. Dr. J. P. Sarsfield’s == SANITARIUM TT aL 1103 Filbert Street — = Qakland At this Institution Diseases of the Blood, Ulcers, Abscesses, Inflammatory Dis- eases, Rheumatism, Piles and Kindred Diseases Are Successfully Treated with SARSFIELD'S SPECIAL REMEDIES (View of Sanitarium on Opposite Page) eli SG Ta ——" RES. T. L BARKER, 13™ & CASTRO STS. RES. DR. J.P SARSFIELD, 12 ™* 2 FILBERT STS. i] CR J RES DR G. E. BRINCKERHOFF, s82 ALBION ST. RES CL MAXWELL, 1266 4™ AVE. } RES J M MERRELL, TELEGRAPH AVE. & 25™ ST RES ALBERT BROWN, UNDERTAKER, ALICE ST. itrittids HIT { HE RES CAPT. J. N. KNOWLES, 15 ™ & JACKSON STS. RES W. H BAILEY, JACKSON ST LW. FORSTING, 1357 24 AVE EX-GOV. H. G. BLASDEL, EAST HIGHLAND PARK COL. J.C. MS MULLEN 23° AVE. & 27 ™ ST EM GRIMES, 574 AVE & 147TH ST. S.H. WADE, 10™ AVE & 18™ ST, EAST OAKLAND RESIDENCES CCSCHERLING, PERALTA HEIGHTS. Mr i Rll SX Prepared by M. J KELLER, THE city of Oakland is distinguished for its advantages, both as a prosperous business center, and as an inviting place of residence. Abroad, the city is best known, perhaps, for its assemblage of beautiful homes, but observers living nearer its borders, as well as those living within them, note unmistakable indications that it is destined to become an important commercial point. To persons seeking simply a desirable place of abode we call attention to Oakland’s location, on the east shore of the noble Bay of San Francisco, and in near proximity to the ocean; to the excellent condition of its broad streets, to its many miles of cement sidewalks, rendering pedestrianism perfectly prac- ticable to almost any extent, in all directions, and in all states of the weather; to its miles of attractive residences, in which dwell citizens, kindly, moral, industrious, and enterprising; to its churches of all denominations, from the pulpits of which conscientious pastors dispense the gospel to their congrega- tions; to the city’s superior educational facilities, further men- tion of which will be made on page 6; to its delightful climatic conditions, to which special reference is made on pages 3 and 4; to the really beautiful scenery of its suburbs; to its extensive system of street railways, embracing cable, electric, and horse- car lines, pertaining to which some details will be found on President Ian! \ of the Board of Trade. page 6; to its system of steam ferries, giving its citizens half- hourly communication with San Francisco, and thence bring- ing them by ferries, steam trains, or street railway lines, to some of the most charming towns and delightful resorts on the coasts, both north and south of the Golden Gate, and, finally, to its railroad facilities, putting its inhabitants riot only in daily’ connection with all parts of California, but affording them speedy transit to every State in the Union. OAKLAND’S COMMERCIAL FUTURE. The natural situation of Oakland is highly favorable to extensive commercial enterprises. The fact that business men have been tardy in taking advantage of the remarkable facilities nature has here provided for them, and in develop- ing the place into a rendezvous for the merchant ships of the world, is attributable only t6 themselves. Here, naturally, converge the great thoroughfares of both land and sea, and here exists water frontage adequate for the almost limitless trans- fer of traffic from railway to ship and from ship to railway, thus converting the city into a vast mart for commerce. In this direction we confess to have made but slow progress. For over forty years the harbor front of Oakland has been 0 — 5 SS Ey RS LY ZH: NSE SP virtually barred against its citizens, owing to the method of control adopted by the Water Front Company, its assumed owners, and to the dilatoriness of the general government in improving the fine natural harbor to the extent of making it easily approachable by the largest ocean ships. For these reasons Oakland’s home trade, as well as its commerce, has been greatly restricted, and made to pay tribute to other cities. Notwithstanding this serious drawback, the future of the city is bright with promise as to its facilities for conducting commerce with other parts of the world. Since 1874, when the United States Government began to improve Oakland harbor, the shipping trade of the place has constantly increased, by means of small craft chiefly. The statistics to be obtained on this subject are incomplete for all the ycars since the above date. Those reliable are given in the accompanying table. Table Showing Growth of Freight and Passenger Traffic Between Oakland and San Francisco and Other Seaports. I TERT : 1 S. P. Ferry Ferry traf- oS. P. Wharves Total freight Year. fic in tons. vile Tons trafic, traffic tons. igs 0,000 .. a HE 9,645,368 221,370 wan mk viride ah hn pee 10,450,173 240,768 397,165 2,393,180 11,558,652 263,696 381,823 2,571,477 11,640,067 hho 278,082 536,205 3,073,373 12,700,870 1892 2,202,170 333,235 482,263 3.017,968 13,190,718 The question of water front titles is now before the courts. The harbor improvements require some fostering appropria- Ni as NIL EN | tions and some additional work by the General Government in | theline of dredging and deepening portions of the harbor. Al- | ready some of our citizens have begun to provide new docks, piers, sites for warehouses, etc. At the eastern part of the city E. C. Sessions has reclaimed a large tract of low land fronting on the harbor, and has at great expense prepared it for shipping and warehouse requirements. Upon the completion of the docks now in process of con- struction by the Edson Adams estate, Oakland will have the best shipping facilities of any town in the State. These docks comprise some fifty acres of land lying along the harber front. The dock line is about 1,800 feet long, and along this at low tide there will be a depth of twenty-three feet of water. This will, for the first time in the history of Oakland, enable the largest sea-going vessels, when loaded, to lie at dock without touching ground. On the land side the dock tract is skirted by railroads. This work will be completed early in 1894, when the docks will be open for business,and will afford excellent fa- cilities for all lines of shipping, especially those which require the bringing of ship and railway together. These docks have long been needed in Oakland, and when ready for business will open new and profitable fields to our merchants. Besides these, smaller docks and wharves have recently been coustructed by John L. Davie, V. L. Fortin and other individ- uals, and with the title to the city’s water front lands finally adjudicated and the extension of its streets to deep water, other similar constructions are anticipated. These expectations realized, the commerce of Oakland will have attained metropolitan facilities. The city will no longer be subsidiary to San Francisco, as it has been in the past. A ONL 5) CANN ETT TT ET amr NST MANUFACTURES. Lack of space compels but brief reference to the manufac- turing enterprises of Oakland. There are about one hundred establishments of this class, large and small. With the in- creased facilities for shipping goods, and for receiving raw material, which we shall have when the harbor is perfected, and competing lines of railway here meet the ocean carriers, the factory interests of the city will greatly increase. The variety of articles manufactured in Oakland is large, and their quality is excellent. The products of its cotton mills find ready sale both at home and in distant mark- ets, in competition with similar goods made elsewhere. The same may be said of the large amount of fruit packed in its canneries,and ofthe products of its pottery, tannery, flour, jute, and iron mills, the goods from which all rate high in Pacific Coast markets. The Judson Manufacturing Company does an extensive business in the manufacture of steel and iron build- ing materials, nails, tacks, etc. Nearly one hundred million feet of lumber are consumed in the buildings erected annually in the city and its suburbs. This vast quantity is prepared for the purpose in local planing mills, of which there are some twenty-seven in the city, giving employment to from ten to eighty hands in each. This, in itself, is a large local industry, and is supple- mented by extensive sash and door works. CLIMATE AND HEALTH. The situation of Oakland near the sea, and its peculiar top- ographical features render it one of the healthiest localities of | TNL LIN SAT XIN CNRS the coast. The temperature is always bracing, varies little between summer and winter, and is never uncomfortably cold or disagreeably warm. In winter the ocean breezes are greatly modified by winds from off the vast mid-ocean warm stream, south of us, and off that branch of it which flows southward along the entire length of our Pacific Coast, not far out to sea. For several years a careful record of the climatic conditions of the place has been kept at the Chabot Observatory, located in the heart of the city. The record of one year is here ap- pended. It is a fair sample of other annual records, and shows that extremes of heat and cold are unknown in Oakland. ee Record of Temperature [lade at Chabot Observatory | | y Months. Mean for the Month. Maximum for] the Month. | Minimum for the Month. Monthly Range. Mean Dail Iolyi.. his vee Angust,... ....... September.... (October ... November... December .. January.... February. . Zug enzsy 2888883323 © gs LhpEgera pens 2 8 ERPURYBUER, 2338223 8233383323553 +» = ‘THE RAINFALL. Largely conducing to the equable climate and consequent healthiness of Oakland is the rainfall, which has never failed, and has never deluged this favored city. The official record for twelve years past is here given, and bears unimpeachable witness to the unfailing rainfall at least nine months in every year. The numerous benefits derived from this source include far more than mere health. Flowers, fruits, and garden products are assured in abundance, the sewers are flushed, streets and gutters are cleansed, and the atmosphere is constantly refreshed by the plenteous rain. Frequently light showers fall early in September, though in some seasons not until several weeks later. The heavier rains hold off until nearer mid-winter, but they, too, vary as to date. The so-called “rainy season’ is a variable period, occurring at any time during the winter months. As the entire city slopes gradually to the bay, the streets are quickly dried after the heaviest showers. It will readily be seen by reference to the following record of rainfall that the distribution of rain extends through a large portion of each year, fails entirely in no season, and seldom exceeds a moderate supply. Cyclones and tornadoes are unknown, snow seldom falls, and thunder storms are rare indeed. Rainfall in Inches in Oakland for Twelve Seasons. =|Quantity. I~ w/Days. July. August.... September October.... November December. January. . F ebruary . Ww, NENG haahehege TL ES — CHO UL) TCI) 4G) 00 4 m= = J BuRE POON bt pt ie SHoOVOLNIN Lopes nu N=oO IN HOONWOTON = — Su © 5 I Quantity. —_ : DI Cri CYCLO OH ig + 1885-6. | 1886-7. | 1887-8. | 1888-9. | 1889-90. | 1890-1. 1891-2. | 1892-3. | | | | Days. Quantity : 1 Quantity. tity. &/Quan y » 9: = 01 T1190 00 G2 S2FINY3E SLSESB/RE 5 4 7 Q > n 15 O Totals.. [18.13 | 64 a] PS] < 64 f46.95 | 98 28.19 | Mean annual rainfall for twelve years—24.65, , SUN Is SANIT ———————— £3 AA CSD NTS 7 INN (ROBY > d < N= a —————— KAN \\ 0 v LOW DEATH RATE. In addition to the climatic conditions shown by the preceding records, other elements contribute to the healthfulness of Oak- land, and diminish the dcath rate. The prevailing breezes from the west sweep over the city, laden with ozone from the Pacific ocean, dispell all noxious gases, and give health and strength to all forms of life. The Secratary of the Board of Health has carefully tabulated the mortality records for ten years past, and they are here given as conclusive evidence that Oakland is one of the healthiest residence cities in the the world. With all this evidence we believe this important point is substantiated: — Healthfulness of Oakland —Comparative Table of Iortality by Months and Years. | 1887-8 : 1885-6 g D- Rate per 1,000. FRstimated Pop- z Rh) »° Estimated Pop- 2% No. of Deaths. wl © ulation. mated geo : mated ti ulation. [Fatinanted Po : Rate per 1,000. | No. of Deaths. Estimated Pop- Estimated Pop- Rate per 1,000. No. of Deaths. ,000/17.05 40 37 ,000 12 30 | 50 33, 000(15.78 413),03) 12.61 59 3), 100) [15.33 42 3), ,000(12.92| 51/43, 000 14.23 ? 4) 39,000 12 30] 33 43, 100) 10. 60 | 43/39,00)(13.23 47,39,0)0 [14.49 54/45,000 14.40 | 46,39,000(14.15 48 43,00)|13.3) 55! 43, 00) | 14.65 45 39,000/13.84 43 /43,000(12.00| 3943, 1000 10.4) 33 3, 00)/11.69, 58 43, 000 (16.18| 57 4300) 15.2) ; April 3) 320)! 9.23 37 143, 0)0|10.32 55 45,000 14.65 46,000 | 9.39 May | 59 3,00)/15.33 29 143.000 8.0)| 47/4502)(12.53 56(45,00)|14. ol Juns | 4540, ,00{13. 80, 47 43030 13. 1! 41/45,00)! 11.47] 63]49,000 16.63 Tot’s F 0 nn [12 75(585 13.22 5 (12.36 750 | J ia No. of Deaths. Sa boo No. of Deaths. Quib Ha! SUAS Average death rate per 1,000 for the past eleven years, 13.51. Rate per 1,000. 17.39 11.28 1128 13.68 . 16.56 7055, . 59 60, 000 11.80 13.20] 65/5 ; 7260. 1000 14.40 17.04 61 55, 84 60, 00) 16.8) 15.12 74 55, 3 16.14 6660, ,000 (13. 20 | 61 60,000 (13. 20 62 15.36 78 | 55, 17.00 100 |60, 1000 20, 00 | 69,000/16.00 63 | 50, 14.83 12.20 59 60, 000 11. 80 | 63 50, 000 16.08 | 63 | 60, ,000 12.60 | 69 |60; 090 | 13.80 ( | 69 | 60, 000 77 55,000 13.49 63 60, "000 12.60 | 6360,000 | 12.601 52/60,000] 10.40 | 58) 160,000/1 i (824) (14 82 | [343 Lo 12.80(832 J | | y 2 ° 2 £ 2 5 i Estimated Pop Rate per 1,000. Rate per 1,000. No. of Deaths, 23 & ai No. of Deaths. : Gian ulation. ulation. ulation. Rian: Aiation. Estimated Pop- Fetimuted Pop- Rate per 1,000. Rate per 1,000. $4383 No. of Deaths. 2222222222 Estimated Pop- SERRRREEEEEE Estimated Pop- Boo 52(60,000 72(69,000 | 14.40 222222282228 288238822822 | ht et pd ek fd ok fk fd fk fk pk ek 44 60, 0] 66 (60,000 13.20 i 3ES NRW WHE re tooo a a Rate per 11,000. gszzges "OP [ht it pd dd pt Nf ot pt pd ft |FORROR |282TE | A8eERB22ALR3 No. of Deaths, BEESON LonSHn 32B3IBIVIERE r= « ® & 3 =i [= © a Comparative Death Rate of Seventeen Principal American Cities, Including Oakland. New York 5 Brooklyn 24.24 Baitimore.... ....22.13 i St. Louis 20.71 San Francisco... 19.90 Philadelphia. ...21.85 23. Cincinnati.... ....22.11 Cleveland.... ...19.17 Washington 24.4 Detroit.... Pittsburg 23.61 Oakland New Orleans. ...26.62 Milwaukee..... .20.39 EDUCATIONAL. Oakland has always maintained a high standard of schools, both public and private. The latter comprise colleges, semi- naries, convents, parochial and preparatory schools, wherein at the present time 2,077 students are taught. In the public schools there are 8,285 students, for whose teaching 199 in- structors are engaged at salaries averaging $175 per month for men and $80 for women. Oakland pays its public school- teachers high salaries, and this, together with the desira- bility of the city as a place of residence, has availed to bring hither thie best teaching talent in the United States. The value of the public school property, other than buildings, is about $500,000. The present buildings, containing 195 class- rooms, cost as much more. The city is now engaged in con- structing a new High School building of brick, stone and iron, having twenty-four rooms, at a cost of $165,000 and four other buildings, having in all a capacity of sixty classrooms,at a cost of $400,000. The public school edifices of the city,at the close of the present year, will compare favorably with those of other cities anywhere, and will accommodate 12,000 students. The new buildings now being erected are on plans according to best modern improvements, especial attention being given to light, heating, ventilation, etc. Nearly all the school yards are bituminized, and the public school grounds are the best sewered of any in the city. The citizens of Oakland take a just pride in maintaining the efficiency of their public schools, and the Board of Educa- tion is composed of gentlemen, earnest, careful, and devoted to their duties. OAKLAND’S RAILWAY FACILITIES. During the last six years, Oakland has surpassed all other Pacific Coast cities in the extension and multiplication of its street railway facilities. In the matter of electric and cable street railways espe- cially, great improvement has taken place. Upwards of $7,000,000 have been invested in franchises,rights of way, and the building and equipment of this class of roads. At the present time the city and suburban roads afford cheap and rapid intercourse between the business part of town and the surrounding country. The operating of the roads ex- tending into the suburbs has also brought within quick communication many desirable tracts of land whereon hand- some residences are constantly in process of building, thusserv- ing to increase materially the taxable property of the city, and also its population. All portions of the State may be reached by trains from Oakland. ‘The competitive lines now operat- ing between this city and San Francisco are fast reducing the rates, of both passenger and freight traffic. Another com- peting line between the two cities is promised,in the near future. In the equipment of the street railway systems, all the modern improvements and latest inventions have been adopted. The cars are models of comfort and elegance. The road beds are carefully constructed, and the rails are laid in an enduring manner. For five cents a passenger may ride many miles through beautiful streets and lovely suburban localities, by the system of transfers from one road to another. These various railways afford employment to a large number of men, and every month disburse large sums of money. ISSIR = A) are) EL SZ I yx Vi TY PROPERTY VALUES AND TAXATION. The assessment rolls of the City Assessor show a gradual but gratifying increase from year to year in the value of Qak- land real estate. The following are the official figures, tak- en from the Auditor’s books and represent on an average about sixty-five per cent of the actual cash values: — Year Value Year Value Year Value 1882..........928,289,650 1886.......... $29,866,200 1890... -+++0.830,453,392 2883........... 28,353,338 1887. ........ 32,096,250 1891 42,739.380 33,802,450 ceeeee aa. 44,481,343 29,217,050 1889.......... 35,843,979 1893 ......... 44,810,725 By charter provision the limit of taxation is tixed at one dol- lar on the hundred, other than for payment of bonds. The bonded indebtedness of the city is comparatively small, amounting to $700,000, of which $400,000, bearing 5 per cent, is for school buildings now in process of construction. Five per cent of these bonds mature each year for twenty years. Alto- gether the city’s financial affairs are in excellent condition. MATERIAL DEVELOPIENT. In the foregoing pages we have shown that Oakland has made steady progress in port traffic, in taxable property, in educational facilities, in local railway and other enterprises. Thus far the city has been overtaken by no period of financial disaster, consequently its growth has been steady, inspiring a feeling of confidence in men seeking a place wherein to invest capital. The citizens have an abiding faith in its continual ad- vancement, and after becoming a resident of the place one readily accepts their opinion on this point. The population within the present city boundaries slightly exceeds 60,000. It is increasing, in a moderate, healthy way, which has about it no inflated “boom”’ features. The splendid street rail- way facilities have brought all parts of the city and suburbs within easy reach of each other, and the consequences are that hitherto remote localities have become desirable to home-seekers. The Fruitvale, Twenty-third Avenue, and Highland Park districts, in the eastern section of the city, have quadrupled their population within the past two or three years. So of the Heights back of what was formerly Brook- lyn, or Fast Oakland. Hundreds of handsome homes now adorn the once lonely landscape. The recently annexed Pied- mont district contains one of the most attractive residence lo- calities of Oakland—the Linda Vista Terrace—a beautiful pla- teau on the line of the Piedmont cable road, about ten min- utes’ ride from the center of town. From this terrace may be had a sweeping view of land, lake, bay and sea, and the neigh- borhood is rapidly building up with pleasant homes. The record of these material developments might be multi- plied, but it is sufficient to say, in eonclusion, that all of Oak- land’s territory is bound to be occupied by homes, business houses and other structures devoted to trade, commerce, edu- cation and the various requirements of society. Then, its surrounding suburbs—many of them already thriving towns and hamlets— must come knocking ct its gates, for participa- tion in the grandeur and prosperity of the future consoli- dated City and County of Oakland. NRE THE MERCANTILE DISTRICT. While Oakland’s mercantile district is not extensive, com- pared with that of some other cities, and its importance is not so great as it would have been had its distance from San Francisco been greater, and had its harbor been improved as it should have been, it nevertheless has some features worthy of mention. For many years, Broadway, a magnificent street extending from the harbor line on the south to the foothills on the north, a distance of about four miles, has been the main business artery of the city. Business houses have grown up along the thoroughfare until now some thirty blocks are quite solid. The parallel streets both on the east and west are fast yielding to business demands. At the present time, business is tranacted chiefly on the three avenues—Broad- way, Washington and Franklin—and intersecting cross streets. A noticeable feature of the mercantile district, which may be said to occupy the area between Seventh, Fourteenth, Washing- ton and Franklin Streets, is, that the streets are broad, well lighted, well paved, mostly bituminized, and are kept scrupu- lously clean. Two or three times each week the municipal sweepers remove all accumulations therefrom, and when the elements fail to lay the dust the city water carts accomplish the work. There are no foul alleyways, no filthy gutters, no ill- smelling, disagreeable localities in this part of the city. Mer- chants and tradesmen generally take pride in this air of cleanliness, and the stranger out on a shopping trip is at once struck with the healthful, pleasant environment. Broad side- walks, generally of stone or cement, afford ample room for pedestrians and for the delivery of goods. Another feature of business life in Oakland is that few fail- ures occur. It is several yearssince a house of any magnitude was forced to close its doors. The banks and other mercantile houses are generally known to be solid. They enjoy the con- fidence of the community, and each year show a balance on the profit side of the ledger »ccount More than one hundred of the leading merchants and busi- ness men of the place are associated in the Oakland Board of Trade, and the number is increasing. The Board takes an active part in all matters pertaining to the material interests of the city, and especially in advancing the commercial prestige of the place. The present officers of the Board of Trade are: President, M. J. Keller; Vice Presi- dent, W. A. Kenney; Secretary, J. F. Street; Directors, W. A. Kenney, James Cahill, C. L. Dam, C. C. Nordhausen, H. C. Capwell, E. J. Murphy, J. P. Taylor, C. R. Root, R. T. Ken- nedy, S.B.Boyce, M.J.Keller. In conclusion it is proper to state that Oakland has an energetic press devoted to extending the reputation of the city. Three daily, and several weekly, newspapers are published in the place, and they are recog- nized as strong factors in the upbuilding of the community. The Pacific Press Publishing Company, devoted to book and job printing, has the largest plant of its kind on the Coast. In its office all kinds of printing, bookbinding, electrotyping, and stereotyping are done in the best manner known to the craft. Its customers may be found in all parts of the Coast. Every year the style and character of the buildings in this section show marked improvement, many being fine and sub- stantial edifices, particularly the larger mercantile houses and those devoted to banking. Jeading Business ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. KENNEY & WELLS, 1110 Broadway, Oakland; 422 SutterSr,, S.F. Importers and Manufacturers of Artists Materia S, Frames, Pictures, Parquetry, and Inlaid Floors, Egyptian and Moorish Grill Work. Best of work guaranteed. BAKERIES. CAPE ANN BAKERY, 569 to 577 Central Avenue, Hugh | Hamilton, Proprietor. Bread, Cakes, etc, Birthday ne Wedding Cakes artistically ornamented. Coffee an dining rooms. Baker to the Pullman Palace Car go FISCHER’S BAKERY & COFFEE PARLOR, 866 Washinton St. Fred. Reschert, Prop. We have the reputation oo giving the purest cup of coffee in the City. We Te have largest sale of Bread, Fancy and Wedding Cakes. etc. BANKS. ; CALIFORNIA BANK AND TRUST CO., N. WW, Cor., Wal ington and Twelfth Sts., A. C. Henry, President; 200 Greenhood, Vice President; Frank H. Brooks, Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Bugue Foreign and ic Exchange bought and sold. a NE. Cor. Broadway and Fourteenth St. Capt. J. C. Ainsworth, President; W. G. Palmauieer, Vice President; C. R. Yates, Cashier. This bank teans. acts both a Commercial and Savings Business, and is conducted under a conservative management. euses of Darland. BANKS. INGS. THE OAKLAND BANK OF SAV . oy St. and Broadway. Authorized capital, $1,000,000; Paid-up ; $580,000; Deposits Jan. 1, 1893, N. E. Cor. Twelfih Capital and Reserve, : : $5 De 283. Isaac L. Requa, President; WwW. E. Miller, Vice resid a ai Cashier. President; W. W. Garthwaite, THE UNION NATIONAL BANK, N. W. Cor. Twelfth Sean Broadway. Capital $150,000; Surplus and Undivi e Profits, $177.000. Transacts a general banking business. Thos. Prather, President; J. West Martin, Vice President; Chas. E. Palmer, Cashier. BARBER SHOP. CENTRAL SHAVING PARLOR, N. E. Cor. Broadway su Fourteenth St. John Tisch, Prop. Located under Geuze Bank, and first-class in every respect. The finest and mos c'egantly furnished barber shop on the Coast. ARS. GRAND RULE BAZAAR Zon and 862 Washington St. Stationery, School Books and Supplies, s of a Sole agents Econ- ; and Household Utensils, etc. : we furnish free to those using our coal a JONES BAZAAR, 1158 and 1160 Washington Sires . Fancy Goods, Willow Ware, Household Goods, Croc ery, Lamps, Bird Cages, Toys, Dolls, Wagons, Baby Carriages, Trunks and Valises, Stationery, Plush Goods, etc., etc. BOOTS AND SHOES. LILIENTHAL, S., 962 Washington St. Our $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Men’s Shoes are best in the land. Latest styles of Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s Shoes at reasonable prices. Repairing Neatly done. The Standard Shoe House. BRASS WORKS. CITY BRASS WORKS, 477 Fourth St. V. Chloupek, Prop. Manufacturers of all kinds of Brass Works, Plumbers’ and Brewers’ Supplies, etc. Repairing Promptly done. BRICK, LIME, ETC. REMILLARD BRICK CO., Cor. Second and Clay Sts. Man- ufacturers of Pressed and Common Brick, also dealers in Fire Brick, Fire Clay, Lime, Plaster, Cement, etc. Tele- phone 63. P. N. Remillard, Pres.; P. H. Lamoureaux, Sec BUSINESS COLLEGE AYDELOITE’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Y. M.C. A. Building. A thoroughly equipped Commercial Training School. Four courses: English, Shorthand, Telegraphy and Commer- cial. Open the entire year. day and evening. CAR BUILDERS AND MILL WORK. INGLER & ATKINSON, Fourth and Washington Streets. General Mill Work and Tanks. Hardwood Doors and Panel Work a Specialty. Doors, Windows, Blinds, Mould- ings, Frames, etc. Telephone 525. CARPETS. ANDERSON, S., 1105 Washington St., (Masonic Temple.) Dealer in Carpets, Oilcloths, Mattings, Rugs, Window Shades, etc, Carpets taken up and cleaned by the latest process. Refitting and laying a specialty. Telephone 42. CARRIAGES. COLUMBUS BUGGY CO., 400 and 402 Twelfth St., Corner Franklin. Headquarters for everything on wheels; also a full line of Harness, Whips and Robes. Fine Paint and Varnish Rooms, and only the choicest materials used, with first-class results. See cut of building on last leaf. CLOTHING. LETTER, J., 1001 Broadway, Cor. Tenth St. Established 1861. Oakland Clothier and Merchant Tailor. Men’s Attire, Juvenile Attire, and high grade Furnishings. We make a specialty of Hats and Trunks. THE NOVELTY, 1051 Broadway, Cor. Eleventh Street. C. and A. Nordhausen, Proprietors. Importers and Man- ufacturers of Gents’, Youth’s and Boys’ Clothing, and a full line of Furnishing Goods. COAL DEALERS. BRIDGES, M. M,, Cor. Sixth and Washington Sts. Whole- sale and Retail Dealer in Wood, Coal, Coke, and Charcoal. Orders promptly filled at lowest cash prices. Weight and quality guaranteed Free delivery. Telephone 364. TAYLOR, JAMES P., 455 Ninth St., Oakland. Alameda Office, 1507 Park St. Whqlesale agent for Dunsmuir’s Genuine Wellington Coal. Retail dealer in Foreign and Domestic Coals Telephone 761. WILSON, J. C. & CO., 908 Broadway. Telephone 54 Dealers in all kinds of Coal, Wholesale and Retail. Will deliver in quantities to suit to any part of Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley and Piedmont, at very lowest market rates. Mo 14 i CONFECTIONERY. LEHNHARDT, 471 Fourteenth St., near Broadway. The largest manufacturer of Ice Cream and Candies in Ala- meda Co. Only the purest and best materials used. Ice Cream for family trade a specialty. Telephone 497. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. JONES, HERBERT E., 522 Sixteenth St. Contractor and Builder. Store and Office Fittings. Screens and all kinds of Repairing and Jobbing. Telephone 178. Box 9, Builders’ Exchange. Residence, 1766 Market St. WILKINS, C. W., Residence, 1469 Twelfth Ave. Con- tractor for General Building. Estimates furnished upon application. Satisfaction guaranteed. Houses built on easy terms. Box 8, Builders’ Exchange. CORSETS. A. COPLIN’S CORSET HOUSE, 1157 Broadway. The fin- est stock of Imported and American Corsets and Waists, Pongee Silk Corsets a specialty. Corsets fitted to the form. Agency for the Royal Worcester Corsets. CREAMERY. OAKLAND CREAM DEPOT, 1367 Broadway. J. A. BLISS. TELEPHONE 747. J. R. MOTT. Pure Milk and Cream, Choice Creamery Butter and Selected Ranch Eggs. Families supplied in all parts of Oakland. CROCKERY AND STOVES. G. R. READ & CO., 1012 Washington St. Crockery, Lamps, Stoves and Household Hardware. Best brands of Oil and Gasoline. Large variety of Oil and Gasoline Stoves. Patent faucet oil can furnished our customers free. CROCKERY BAZAAR. SCOTT’S GRAND BAZAAR, 1053 Washington St. Crock- ery, Glassware, Oil Stoves, Lamps, Tinware, Cutlery, Sta- tionery, Wood and Willow Ware, Agate Ware, Etc. Rogers’ Bros. Plated Ware. Crockery rented reasonably. DENTISTS. A. F.ERRIIMAN & SONS, N. W. Cor. 10th and Broadway. Vegetable Vapor for painless extraction of teeth. Pleas- ant to take, and beneficial to weak lungs. Lasts only one minute, and several teeth may be extracted without pain. DOORS, SASH, ETC. CALIFORNIA DOOR CO., 460-464, Second St. A. L. Smith, Manager Oakland Branch. Manufacturers and Dealers in Doors, Windows, Blinds, Weights, Cord, Pulleys, etc. Hardwood Doors and Sash a Speciaity. Telephone 169. OAKLAND SASH AND DOOR CO., 671 and 673 Broadway, Cor. Third St. Kiln dried Redwood Doors, Hardwood Doors and Sash, Windows, Weights and Cords. Estimates given. Factory, Kirst and Broadway. Telephone 638. DRAYMAN, H. Parrish, 413 Fourth St. (Succassor to Tate & Parrish) Truckman and Expretsman. Safe Moving and Heavy Granite Hauling a Specialty. Orders promptly filled at lowest rates. Telephone 234 Residence, 224 12th St, DRESS GOODS AND FANCY GOODS. ABRAHATISON BROS., S. E. Cor. Washington and 13th Sts. Long Distance Telephone 863. Importing Retailers in Dress Goods, Silks, Fancy Goods, Art Goods, Curtains, etc. Agents Hte. Jouvin Kid Gloves. Dressmaking Parlors. 2g LATIN nS dA A L520 1 {7 Er BJ PD fC SW RC Se AE Ea AE Pho YY SH! 127 2 DRUGGISTS. BOWMAN, H. & CO., Cor. Ninth and Broadway. We carry a full line of Fine Toilet Requisites, including Brushes of all kinds Combs, Sponges, Manicure Goods, Soaps, Per- fumery, etc.; also Electric Batteries, Trusses, etc. GARRETT & TAGGART, 1201 Broadway, Cor. 14th St. This drug store is known as the Central Pharmacy, and the main electric and cable roads pass its doors. Proprie- tors of the celebrated Japanese Sachets and Neroli Cologre. HENDERSON & GRAHAM, Cor. Tenth and Washington Sts. This pharmacy is centrally located under Hotel Crellin. Special agents for Lloyd’s Eclectic Remedies. Special care given to filling Physicians’ Prescriptions accurately. KIRKLAND & TROWBRIDGE, Cor. Tenth St. and Broadway. Popular Price Druggists. _ Full line Squibb’s Pharmaceu- ticals, Merck’s Chemicals, Physicians’ Supplies, Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Batteries, Crutches, Bandages, etc DRY GOODS. GREENHOOD, MAX & CO., 467 and 469 Fourteenth St. The oldest Dry Goods House in Oakland. Established 1868. Best lighted store in the city. Our go ds are selected with especial care and our prices are reasonable. TAFT AND PENNOYER, 1163, 1165, 1167 Broadway. Importers of Dry Goods, Cloaks and Suitings. Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications; also for Dent and Centemeri Kid Gloves. Samples sent on application. DRY GOODS AND FANCY GOODS. | JOYCE, James A., 955, 957, 959 Washington St., and 512 and 514 Ninth St. Pioneer Dry Goods House of Washington St. Importer of the finest lines of Dry and Fancy Goods. House Furnishing Goods, and Cloaks. O'HALLORAN, T. M. & CO., 1011 Washington St. Import- ers of Dry and Fancy Goods, Dress Goods, Silks, Velveis, Plushes, Chenille Portieres, Lace Curtains, and Table Linen. Complete assortment of fine Hoisery and Corsets. SALINGER’S NEW STORES, 1015,1017, 1019, Washington St. Ladies in need of Dry Goods should not think of pur- chasing until you have visited our daylight stores where you can see what you are buying. and get lowest prices. DRY GOODS anND FURNISHING GOODS. P. FLYNN, 1061 Washington St. Between Eleventh and Twelfth. New and desirable Season Goods always on hand. Immense variety of Dress Goods, Hosiery, Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings and House Furnishing Goods. EXPRESS COMPANY. WHITNEY, STANDARD AND OAKLAND TRANSFER Co. 422 9th St., Oakland; 3 Commercial St., San Francisco. Largest Transfer Company on the Coast, operating their own line of steamers between San Francisco and Oakland. FANCY DRY GOODS AND LACE CURTAINS. LACE HOUSE, S. W. Cor. Washington and Twelfth Sts. Di- rect importers Ladies’ and Children's Furnishings, Infants Wear and Lace Curtains. Agents for Siccardi and Mag- gioni Francesco Kid Gloves and Standard Paper Patterns. ZOOS 5 LATS I ——— Seat ———————— 142, SA XY SMES 2 \Y: FLOUR MILL. BAY CITY FLOURING MILLS, Cor. Clay and First Sts. Samm & Westphal, Proprietors. Manufacturers of the Celebrated Bay City Roller Patent Flour. Also dealers in Feed and Meals of all descriptions. Telephone 37. FRUIT AND PRODUCE. OAKLAND FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO., 460 and 462 Elev- enth St. Frederic Sinclair and Joseph P. Lemoge, Proprietors. Commission Merchants. Wholesale and Re- tail Dealers in Fruits, Produce, Poultry and Wild Game. FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. J C. WESTOVER & CO., 1117 and 1119 Broadway. Specialties: Perfect-fitting Shirts, Fine Neckwear, Gloves, Underwear, Hosiery, and Latest Styles in Hats, at reasonable prices. Largest stock and best assortment in the city. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. KINSEY, C. W., 462 and 464 Thirteenth St., Bet. Broad- way and Washington. Dealer in Fine Furniture, Car- pets, Trunks, etc., and General Auctioneer. A full line of Household Goods at Private Sale at Auction Prices. SCHREIBER FURNITURE CO., 1157-1159 Washington St. Oldest Furniture House in California, Established 1850. You will be agreeably surprised to see our elegant line of Furniture, Carpets and Upholstery Goods. Lowest prices. FURNITURE AUCTION HOUSE. J. L. LYON & SON, N. E. Cor. Fifteenth St. and Broadway. New and Second-hand Household Goods of Every Descrip- tion. Auction Sales at Private Residences. Storage at Low Rates. Only iron storage house in the city. CUSHING, JOHN & SON, S. W. Cor. Fourteenth and Wash- ington Sts. Only the best Staple and Fancy Groceries. Finest Creamery Butter. Agents for the celebrated Para- gon Oil Can. We sell you the oil and loan you the can. DAVIS, GEO. A. J., 919 Washington St., S. W. Cor. Ninth. Telephone 321. Wholesale and Retail Grocer. We furnish our customers with the Best Goods at the Lowest Cash prices. Your orders respectfully solicited. LEVIN BROS., S. W. Cor. Tenth and Washington Sts. We do a strictly cash business. We have a wholesale house and a retail store in San Francisco. We keep only first- class goods, and sell cheaper than any other store in Oakland. PHELAN & FISH, 466 to 472 Eleventh St. Wholesale and "Retail Grocers. This is one of the largest houses of the kind on the Coast, handling about ons hundred tons of goods per week, and supplying 20,000 people with groceries. SCHULZE, MAX C., 911 and 913 Washington St. Im- porter of and dealer in Groceries, Tea and Coffee, Delica- cies, Smoked and Spiced Fish, Dairy Produce and Lunch Supplies. Wood aud Willow Ware. Telephone 563. sAnCH LS2ARY TORREY, WHITIMAN & GARDINER, 461 and 463 Eleventh St., near Broadway. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries. Goods delivered free to all parts of Oakland and Berkeley. Telephone 116. HARDWARE. EVERSON, WALKER & SMITH, Cor. Ninth and Broadway. Full assortment of Builders’ Hardware, Blacksmiths’ Supplies, Cutlery, Garden Tools, Hose and Family Hardware. MAXWELL, C. L. & SONS, 1164 and 1166 Washington St., and 481 Fourteenth St. Importers of and dealers in Builder's Hardware and Fine Cutlery. Mechanics’ Tools a Specialty. Telephone 149. PIERCE HARDWARE CO0., 971 Broadway and 457-461 Tenth St. Dealers in Fine Builders’ Hardware, Cutlery, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, etc. Agents for National Cash Register and Victor Bicycles. Telephone 22. HARNESS AND CARRIAGES. R. J. BEEBY, 1064 and 1066 Broadway. Manufacturer aud dealer in Fine Carriages, Harness, Saddles, Whips, Horse Clothing, Lap Robes, Horse Boots, and Turf Goods. Harness Cleaned, Oiled and Repaired. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. BOUDREAU, 469 Ninth St., Between Broadway and Washington. Harness Maker and Dealer in Saddles, Bridles, Whips and Horse Clothing. Harness Made and Repaired. All work neatly done on short notice. HATTER AND CLOTHIER. J. T. FMORAN, 1017 and 1019 Broadway. Importer of Men's and Boys’ Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Gocds, Trunks and Valises. Merchant Tailoring Department. Hat Department. Best Stock of Goods in Oakland. HOSPITAL. OAKLAND HOSPITAL AND HOTEL FOR INVALIOS, Twelfth St., Bet. Jackson and Madison. E. H. Woolsey, M. D., Proprietor. This is a private Hospital occupying an entire block, easily reached by local trains. HOTELS. HOTEL ALBANY, N. E. Cor. Fifteenth St. and Broadway. F. A. Wilder, Proprietor. This Hotel has becn renovated and refurnished and is now one of the leading hotels of Oak- land. Special accommodations for Commercial Trave'ers. HOTEL CRELLIN, N. W. Cor. Tenth and Washington Sts. This Hotel is situated in the central part of the city, cable and electric cars passing the door. It is under new man- agement, and everything is new and first-class. HOTEL MEIROPOLE, Thirteenth and Jefferson Sts. W. E. Veazie, Proprietor; Col. W. H. O'Brien, Manager. Strictly First-class. All modern improvements. Electric Lights and Elevator. Hot and cold water in each room. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. H. SCHELLHAAS, 404 to 416 Eleventh St. Dealer in all grades of Household Goods, Parlor, Dining and Bedroom Suits. Choice line of Carpets, Oilcloths and Mattings. New Ranges on hand at all times. Please give us a call. IRON WORKS. OAKLAND IRON WORKS, Second and Jefferson Sts. Man- ufacturers of Stationary and Marine Engines and Boilers, Refrigerating Machines for Breweries, etc. Largest Ma- chine Shop, Foundry and Pattern Shop in Oakland. INSURANCE. BECKWITH, JOHN A., 960 Broadway, Bet. 9th and 10th. Manchester Assurance Co., Organized 1824, Capital $7,500,000; Caledonian Insurance Co., ' 1805, “$2,250,000; American Insurance Co., Xe 1846, “$2,048,584. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Conn., Strong & Co., Agents, 460 Ninth St. Organized 1794. Oldest Insurance Co. in Hartford. Cash Assets, $7,109,- 825.49. Net surplus, $2,582,834.54. L.osscs paid, $40,000,000. MEESE, EDWIN, 907 Washington St. Alameda County- Agent for the North German Fire Insurance Co. of Hamburg. Capital and Accumulations, $2,282,461.42. Telephone 537. NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO., 902 Broadway. A. G. Davis, Manager Alameda and Contra Costa Counties’ Branch. Capital $5,000,000. Real Estate in San Franciso, $300,000. JEWELER. W. EDWARDS, 963 Broadway. Importer of Diamonds Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks and Watches. Engraving Artistically Executed and Jewelry Repaired. We make a specialty of Fine Watch Repairing. LAUNDRY. CONTRA COSTA LAUNDRY, Cor. Fourteenth and Kirkham Sts. The Larges: and Best Equipped Laundry on the Pa- cific Coast. Telephone 489. Oakland Office, 867 Broadway. San Francisco Office, 56 Sacramento St. LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO. DWIGHT WAY LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., Berkeley, Cal. J. C. McMullen, President; V. D. Moody, Vice Pres- ident; BR, I. McMullen, Assistant Secretary. Capital $100,000. LUMBER COMPANIES, OAKLAND LUMBER CO., 417 First St., Bet. Broadway and Franklin. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Humboldt Redwood and Puget Sound Pine, R. R. Ties, Shingles, Lath, Lime, Plaster, etc. Bills cut and shipped to order. PUGET SOUND LUMBER CO., First and Washington Sts. G. W. Fisher, Manager. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Pine and Redwood Lumber, Shingles, Stakes, Laths, etc. Cargoes cut to order. Telephone 176. MACHINE WORKS. SCOVILLE IRON WORKS, Cor. Second and Brush Sts. Ives Scoville, Prop. All kinds of Machinery made to order. Marine and Stationary Engines, Mining, and Dredging Machinery. Jobbing done with neatness and dispatch. MEAT MARKETS. EGERT & MESPLOU, N. W. Cor. Eleventh and Clay Sts. Dealers in Choice Fresh Meat of all kinds. Goods deliv- ered to all parts of the city free of charge. Telephone 690. SAMSON, MARTIN M., 477 Eleventh St. Only market in Oakland owning its Slaughterhouse. Particular attention to Hotels, Restaurants, and Vessels. Sells 20 per cent cheaper than other Oakland Markets. Telephone 131. Te zs, LY! Cg MEN’S FURNISHINGS. C. ISAACS, 868 Washington St., Bet. Seventh and Eighth Sts. The Elite Men’s Furnishings, Neckwear, Hosiery, Valises, Bags, etc. The Best $1.00 shirt on earth. MERCHANT TAILORS. BROWN & McKINNON, 1018 Broadway. Established 1877. The Oldest and Best House of the kind in Oakland. We make a specialty of Fine Garments and guarantee a per- fect fit in every case. MILLINERY. LAYIANCE, IRS. NETTIE, 955 Broadway, Bet. Ninth and Tenth Sts. Importer of the Latest Kuropean Patterns and Novelties in Fine Millinery. WONDER HAT, FLOWER AND FEATHER STORE, 1213 Broadway and 1214 San Pablo Ave. Branch, 969 Washington St. Latest Styles in Hats, Flowers, Feathers, Trimmings, at Lowest Prices. Hats trimmed to orders MILL WORK. BURNHAT1-STANDEFORD CO., Washington and First Sts. Oakland Planing Mills. Sugar Pine, Cedar and Black Walnut Lumber for Sale. Kstimates given on all kinds of Mill Work and Wood Working. Telephone 330. MOUNTAIN WINE DEPOT. W. I. WATSON & CO., 1006 and 1008 Washington St J. H. O'BRIEN. W. M. WATSON. Wholesale Dealers in Pure California Wines, Brandies. Kentucky Whiskies, and all other kinds of Liquors. MUSIC AND PIANOS. CLARK WISE & BRO., 1108 Broadway. Chickering, Blas- ius and Other Pianos. Martin and Warren Guitars, and the Celebrated Imperial Professional Banjos. Largest Stock of Music and Music Books in the city. NEWSPAPERS. OAKLAND ENQUIRER, 10th 3t. near Broadway. The £n- quiver is the leading paper of Oakland. In connection with the newspaper, the Enquirer conducts a general Printing and Book Binding business. OAKLAND JOURNAL, S. W. Cor. Seventh and Webster Sts. Established 1874. The only German Newspaper published in Alameda County. Subscription $2.50 per year. Adver- tising at Reasonable Rates. Job Printing a specialty. OAKLAND TRIBUNE, 413, 415, and 417 Eighth St. The circulation of the Daily Tribune is more than double that of any other paper published in Alameda County. The Weekly Tribune is only $1.50 per year, and has no equal. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. E. G. BUSWELL PAINT CO., 710 to 716 Broadway, Cor. Fourth St. Manufacturers of Mixed Paints and Colors. Also dealers in Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, etc. Sam- ple card of colors or samples of Wall Paper sent free. FARWELL F. I. & SONS, 1012 Broadway. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Wall Paper, etc. Agents Heath & Milligan’s Mixed Paints and Colors; Senour’s Floor Paint, Hulter & Valentine’s Varnishes, House, Sign, and Ornamental Painting, Paper Hanging and Glazing. Te SS LAD D NK QS PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. WHITTIER, FULLER & CO., 412-414 Twelfth St. Manu- facturers and Importers of Paints, Oils and Glass. Sole agents for the French and Belgium Plate Glass Co.; also Pacific Coast Agents for Valentine’s Varnishes. PAPER AND PAPER BAGS. EUREKA PAPER CO., 1153 Washington St. Dealers in all kinds of Manilla and Straw Paper, Paper Bags and Twine. Druggist, Tissue and Butter Paper. Paper cut any desired size. Agents for Roll Paper and Cutters. PHOTOGRAPHERS. HAUSSLER, 911 Broadway. Superior Fotografer. Keeps by far the Finest Studio in Oakland or California. The average work of this establishment is guaranteed superior to any in this State. WEBSTER, F. A., 1069 Broadway. Fine Photographs from a Locket to Life Size. Our New ‘Aristo’ pictures are unsurpassed for Brilliancy and Finish. Trioplates show- ing three positions on one card specially fine for children. PHOTO STOCK HOUSE. B. Y. I'ORRIS, 412 Fourteenth St. Dry Plates, Filins, Cameras and Kodaks. Best attention to all branches of Amateur Work. Developing and Printing a specialty. Views taken of Houses, etc. Interior flash lights of Groups. PIANOS AND ORGANS. BISHOP, E., 1165 Washington Street. Agent for Knabe, Bush & Gertz and Haines Bros. Pianos. Pianos Repaired Repolished, Tuned and taken on Storage. Sold on easy terms. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. LILIES ILM 22 A. , N 7. 20 INAS AN PIANOS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. KOHLER & CHASE, 1013 Broadway. Our warerooms are fully stocked with Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments of all kinds, Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise. Prices the lowest on the Coast; equal to the best Eastern figures. SHERTI1AN, CLAY & CO., 1112 Broadway, Bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth. Pacific Coast Agents for the Steinway, Weber and Emerson Pianos. PLUMBING. STURM & LEITCH, 363 Twelfth St.. Bet Franklin and Webster. Practical Plumbers and Gas Fitters. Sanitary Plumbing a specialty. Jobbing promptly attended to. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. DALZIEL & TIOLLER, 1152 Broadway, Cor. Thirteenth. Dealers in Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, etc. Hot Water and Hot Air Heating, and Sanitary Plumbing a Specialty. The oldest established firm in Alameda County. POPULAR RESTAURANT. HALLAHAN BROS., 1020 Broadway. California’s luxuri- ance of fruits and all good things renders Californians a critical people in things pertaining to the table. Here the most fastidious epicure will delight in the profusion of good things served in elegant style at popular prices. PRINTERS AND BINDERS. PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING CO., Cor. 12th and Castro Sts. Publishers, Printers, Binders, Electrotypers, and Stationers. The largest printing plant on the Coast. General agents for the ‘Densmore’ Typewriter, The World’s Greatest Typewriter. S. F. Branch, 602 Market St. VITINE HAD EZ A ANNE N27 CJ SNL ITASILA AN — REAL ESTATE. ANTHONY, R. M., 466 Ninth St. Real Estate and Insur- ance Agent. City and Country Property, Improved and Unimproved, for sale. Loans negotiated. Ranch proper- ties bought, sold, and exchanged. Correspondence invited. BARNARD, W. E. & SON, 468 Ninth St. Real Estate | Dealers. Visiting strangers are cordially invited to call, and will be shown attractions of the city without charge. Information freely given. Correspondence solicited. BARRE & CANNON, 468 Tenth Street. Successors to Will H. Burrall. Real Estate Agents. Notary Public. Houses Rented, Rents Collected, Loans Negotiated, Appraise- ments made. Property attended to in absence of owners. BENEDICT & CO., 457 Ninth St. We make a specialty of ne- gotiating loans and exchanging properties in connection with our old established department of House Renting and Collection Agency. A Notary Public always in our office. BENHAM & THOIAS, 465 Ninth St. Real Estate and In- vestment Brokers, Stock Ranches, Fruit Farms, Timber Lands, Business and Residence Property for sale or ex- change. Reference, First National Bank of Oakland. BREED, A. H., & CO., 460 Ninth St. Real Estate Brokers and Publishers of the Alameda County Real Estate Review, only Real Estate and Financial Paper published in this county. Choice Residence and Business Property always on hand. CAMERON, HUGH M., 479 Ninth St. Cottage Homes on In- stallments, Fine Residences and Building Sites in central and suburban locations. Ranches for sale and exchange. Special attention to Rents, Insurance, and care of property. REAL ESTATE. CLOUGH & BAKER, 1002 Broadway. Dealers in Real Es- tate. Property, Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Money to Loan, Houses Rented. Notary Public. Telephone 637. CONGDON & CAHOON, 907 Broadway. We have a com- plete list of Improved and Unimproved Real Estate in Oakland and Vicinity. Houses and Lots sold on the Installment Plan. Give us a call or send for Maps. DENISON, 0. I. & CO., 472 Tenth St., Bet. Broadway and Washington. Agents for the Purchase, Sale and Care of Real Estate. Loans Negotiated, Houses Rented, Rents Collected. Notary Public. DINGEE, WILLIAM J., 460 and 462 Eighth St. A choice variety of City and Suburban property may at all times be found on our books. Houses rented, Loans negotiated. HERON, E. A., 1050 Broadway, Cor. Eleventh St. Subdi- vision and development of large bodies of land a spe- cialty. Choice lots on Cable and Electric roads, street work Sully completed, from $20 per front foot. Improved and Unimproved Business and Residence Properties. KOENIG & KROLL, 900 Broadway, Blake & Moffitt Build- ing. Real Estate Brokers, Conveyancers and Notaries Public. Loans Negotiated. Special Attention to Property for Absent Owners, also to Collection of Rents, etc. LAYMANCE, M. J., & CO., 466 Eighth St. General Real Estate Agents and Land Auctioneers. Full charge taken of large tracts of land, subdivided and sold at private and auction sale. The Largest List of Improved and Unim- proved Property of any firm in Alameda County. REAL ESTATE. MOSS, J. W., 958 Broadway, Bet. Ninth and Tenth. Real Estate Agent and Notary Public. Money to Loan, Houses Rented, Rents Collected. Personal attention given to the care of property for absent owners. MYERS, J. S., 1002 Broadway. Select lots in and adjacent to the city, Bargains, and on easy terms. Special induce- ments to Eastern parties seeking investments. Houses Rented, Sold, and Exchanged. Care of property solicited. PRATT & CO., 459 Ninth St. Real Estate Agents. Ex- changes a Specialty. Kden Park Tract. Gem Tract. Lots sold on Monthly Payments. We exchange California property for property in any State in the Union. RILEY, J. C., 466 Tenth St., Between Broadway and Wash- ington. Real Estate Investments and Insurance. Tele- rhone 559. SALSBURY & CAMPBELL (A. Campbell, L. L. Salsbury, Notary Public) 460 Ninth St. Land Owners and Insur- ance Agents. Tracts subdivided, a.d lots sold on pay- ments of $5.00 to $25 per month. Money Loaned. SMITH, FRANK N., 454 Ninth St. Real Estate Investments. Special attention given to Subdivision of Large Tracts. Correspondence solicited. Notary Public. Agent for ‘‘ Boulevard Heights,” the “ Nob Hill” of Oakland. TAGGART, GRANT I. & SONS, 1167 Washington St. Im- proved and Unimproved City and Country Property for sale. Especial attention given to the care of Property for absent owners. Appraisements made at reasonable rates. | | | | REAL ESTATE. WURTS, Il. L., 467 Ninth St. I,and Owner and Dealer in Real Estate. Boulevard Heights, and other Choice Resi- dence Property a specialty. Office established 25 years. Houses Built on Suburban Property on easy payments. ZABRISKIE, C. B., 467 Ninth St. Special attention given to making large investinents. Rents Collected and Prop- erty of non-residents given careful supervison. Choice City and Country Real Estate for sale. REFRIGERATORS AND MILL WORK. GURNEY REFRIGERATING AND MILLING CO., 654 Wash- ington St. Manufacturers and Jobbers of all kinds of Refrigerators, Cold Storage Warehouses, Refrigerators for Vessels, Refrigerator Cars, Cooling Rooms, etc. SEWING MACHINES. PRESCOTT, F. S., 1057 Washington St. Full Line of all Leading Sewing Machines, New Home, Domestic, Stand- ard, Automatic,etc. 2d" Machines, $10 up. Repairing a specialty. Machines rented, and rent applied on purchase. SPECIALIST. SARSFIELD’S SANITARIUM, N. W. Cor. 12th and Filbert Sts. Specialist in diseases of the Blood, Cancer, Skin Dis- eases, Hip Disease, White Swelling, Ulcers, and Diseases of the Rectum. Send for Circular of Testimonials. STOVES AND RANGES. JEFFRESS, MITCHELL, TUTT CO., 465, 467, 469 Thir=- teenth St. Importers and Dealers in Stoves, Ranges, Gas Fixtures, Hardware, Mantels and Household Utensils. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, and Tinning. Telephone 231. rr rr rr rr CML FENN 2 NLS STOVES AND RANGES. r., 1465 San Pablo Ave. Plumbing and Tinning. Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Metal Roofing done in the best manner. Jobbing promptly attended to. Sole Agent Union Hub Range. SHEAR, CHAS. B., N.E. Cor. Tenth and Washington Sts. Full Line of the Best Coal and Gas Stoves in the market. Complete Stock of Agate Iron Ware, Tin Ware, etc. We do a General Plumbing and Tinning Business. TAILOR. DAM, CLEVE L., 1172 Broadway, Macdonough Building, Carries a complete line of Imported Worsteds, Cheviots, Tweeds, etc., and does absolutely first-class work. He should receive the patronage of the people of Oakland. TAILORS AND FURNISHERS. J. KELLER COMPANY, 1007-1009 Broadway. Tailors and Shirt Makers. We keep a dozen men traveling through- out California,Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mon- tana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado,Arizona and New Mexico. TENTS AND AWNINGS. T. DAHL & CO., 558 Seventh St. Manufacturers of awn- ings, Tents, and Flags; also Horse, Wagon, and Mer- chandise Covers. Yacht Sails made and repaired. Floor Covers and Sidewalk Canopies for rent. TRANSFER COMPANY. RAPID TRANSFER CO., Main Office 425 Eleventh St., Oakland. Offices in San Francisco, -Alameda, Berkeley, Stockton, and Petaluma. Transfer and Storage of Mer- chandise, Baggage, Furniture, Freight, etc.,at lowest rates. SANFORD, 0. oN | | TRUNK FACTORY. BLANCHARD'S OAKLAND TRUNK FACTORY, 412 Twelfth St. Manufacturer of Trunks, Valises, Bags and Traveling Equipments. Sample Cases Made to Order. Largest Assortment, Lowest Prices. Repairing in all branches. UNDERTAKERS. ALBERT BROWN, 466-468 Thirteenth St., Bet. Broadway and Washington. Undertaker and Embalmer. Tele- phone No. 18. LEITCH & SANFORD, 866 Broadway, Cor. Eighth St. Un- dertakers and EEmbalmers. Calls promptly attended, Day or Night. Telephone 240. VETERINARY SURGEON. DR. G. W. STIMPSON, Office and Hospital Nineteenth St. Near San Pablo Ave. Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, 1883. Three years Assistant State Surgeon of Illinois. Residence 770 Nineteenth St. Hospital telephone, No. 445. Residence. telephone, No. 27. WATCHMAKER. T. M. Fry, 960 Broadway. Practical Watchmaker. I have had over 20 years’ experience, and by giving pers:nal attention to all work, am confident of giving entire satis- faction. All work first-class and guaranteed one year. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. WALTER MEESE, 907-909 Washington St. Importer of Wooden and Willow Ware and House Furnishing Goods, such as Brooms, Baskets, Dusters, Baby Carriages. Bird Cages, Tubs, Pails, Washboards, Etc. Telephone 537. END OF TITLE END OF REEL. PLEASE REWIND.