a PRS SUVS CPP RP CPE a Zz ] Vita . Fa Ae ~~ THE MORAL AND PHYSICAL CONDITION | WORKING CLASSES rE EMPLOYED IN THE COTTON MANUFACTURE IN MANCHESTER. SECOND EDITION ENLARGED : AND CONTAINING AN INTRODUCTORY LETTER TO THE REV. THOMAS CHALMERS, D.D. PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, ETC. BY JAMES PHILLIPS KAY, M. D. LONDON: : JAMES RIDGWAY, NO. 169, PICCADILLY. MDCCCXXXII. MANCHESTER: Printed by Harrison and Crosfield, Market Street. pee +f L O ND Sf TO THE REV. THOMAS CHALMERS, D.D. My Dear Sir, Tuar the former edition of this Pamphlet should have been commended by those, who, deeply conscious of the moral and physical evils endured by the working classes, earnestly seek to arouse the power and intelligence of so- ciety, to vigorous efforts for the improvement of their con- dition, has strengthened the strong convictions which I then felt concerning the source and the proper remedies of these ills. I was especially deeply gratified when the principles which I had there supported received the warm approbation which you so cordially expressed, since I knew that the energies of your exalted mind had long been perseveringly devoted to an investigation of the actual condition of the poor, and to a profound consideration of the means of their relief. I have for some time delayed publishing a second edition of this pamphlet, chiefly because new sources of information have been opened to me whilst engaged with the very intel- ligent members of the Board of Health, established in Man- chester, in devising, and urging into operation, plans for the relief of persons suffering from Cholera. 804600 4 In minutely tracking the steps of this singular malady, some general considerations have been impressed upon my mind, which, as to no one can they be so appropriately offered as to yourself, so am I urged by every impulse of ‘esteem and adiniration to address them to you. Thus occupied. in tracing the means by which the conta- gious principle of cholera is disseminated, I have felt sur- prise at the singular frequency with which I have been led to the most loathsome haunts of poverty and vice. Predis- position to the reception of this contagion is strongly pro- moted by all those agencies which depress the physical energies: but though I was well aware of this law, I was by no means prepared to discover, that, in its operation, it observed so strict a relation to the degree in which these agencies were combined. Had I been a stranger to the pur- lieus of pauperism—if it had not been my custom, in the exercise of public professional duties and for purposes of local observation and inquiry, to frequent the precincts of vice and disease, thither I should have been infallibly led by this unerring guide. I am aware that exceptions to the rule have occurred elsewhere, which, as I have not wit- nessed them, I am not prepared to explain; but I felt a melancholy pleasure in proving the singular constancy with which this law operated here. Moreover, though I had at- tributed to these sources that physical depression which favours the invasion of disease, and particularly the spread of contagion, and had; ere Cholera appeared in Manchester, predicated its haunts, yet this practical demonstration of a theoretical law did not fail to produce in my mind the effect of a deeper and more entire conviction of the amount and quality of the evils flowing from these sources, and a more eager determination to attempt their removal. You, who minister in the sacred office, must have more frequent opportunities than I, of observing with regret, that 5 many who recognize the constant presence of a presiding Providence, fail in practically acknowledging the perpetual influence of a mighty source of moral causation; and especi- ally, that they witness great events rather with the ignorant wonder of the savage, than with that enlightened sagacity, which seeks, with humility and caution, to discover their great moral tendencies. You must have perceived that such men regard great epochs, such as a pestilence or a famine, as isolated facts of history, as though eras which powerfully affect the human mind, could possibly be separated from their inevitable moral consequences, and hence from those events which necessarily flow from them. Nay, it is as- tonishing that they do not perceive, that it is utterly im- possible to separate any event which is witnessed by a human intelligence, from a certain inevitable moral sequence; or that they who know that to drop a pebble on the surface of the world disturbs the planet, should not perceive how, of an equal necessity, events acting on the human spirit, in pro- portion to their novelty and power, disturb, for good or for ill, the constitution of society. These observations premised, you will pardon me, if] having been placed constantly in the presence of that malady which has ravaged our country, and having been engaged in minutely contemplating its progress, I should presume upon that acquaintance with its operation which I have reaped by study, so far, as to indicate certain moral consequences, which it seems likely to induce in the elass amongst which it prevails, and amongst the other orders of society. It is melancholy to perceive, how many of the evils suffered by the poor flow from their own ignorance or moral errors. In a much worse state of society, sobriety, pru- dence, industry, and forethought, would produce more real comfort, not to speak of domestic happiness and that inward quiet which flows from a well founded self respect, than would 6 the greatest external prosperity, in which ignorance, dis- solute habits, imprudence and idle extravagance prevailed. Some prejudiced men, accustomed to examine only one side of the shield, are hence eager to attribute all the evils suffered by the poor, solely to their ignorance or moral de- viations. On the contrary, not only do they suffer under the pressure of extraneous grievances, but even those which immediately flow from their own habits, may often be traced to the primary influence of the imperfect institutions of so- ciety on their character—to the combined effects of an un- tutored ignorance—bad example, uncounteracted by a sys- tem of moral instruction—and the desperate straits of a per- verted spirit battling with hunger and toil. Their errors are not more their fault than their misfortune, and they, who would rescue them from their condition, must depend not alone on elevating them physically, but must seek to pro- duce a strong and permanent moral impression. In these efforts the disease now prevailing in their habitations, and likely, I fear, to remain as an endemic malady, is powerfully calculated to assist, as it conveys the strongest admonition of the consequences of insobriety, uncleanliness, and that im- providence and idleness which waste the comforts of life, in- duce weakness, and invite disease. Especially in the present state of society, persevering in- dustry, watchful forethought, scrupulous temperance and economy are necessary to elevate a working man into a situation of physical comfort, and abundant means may be speedily dissipated in the absence of these presiding virtues of poverty. A well furnished habitation in a salubrious site, nutritious food, decent comforts, and warm clothing, may speedily be exchanged, by the tavern spendthrift for a narrow ill ventilated apartment, rickety furniture scarcely capable of sustaining his squalid family, whilst he, his character lost, may roam in ragged beggary, in vain seeking the means of 7 sustenance, and return to the noisome court and thickly peopled barrack of pauperism in which is his abode, con- veying in his own bosom from some haunt of vice, the fatal element of contagion to poison his offspring. On the other hand, he that would extricate his family from the loathsome dwelling in the close alley, amongst whose de- based inhabitants cholera lurks, and would seek some more salubrious abode, and would even then banish the enemy from his household, must provide the means of sustaining it in a state of physical comfort, lest, when he is least aware, it de- -solate his home. This isa theme whose practical comment is unfortunately at every door, and on which we are anxious to invite every well wisher to the poor to enlarge, From events happening in the vicinity of their dwellings, which demonstrate that the fatal visitations of Cholera are made in the houses of squalid poverty and reckless vice, they will not fail to draw arguments in favour of industry and virtue, if care be taken that they substitute none of that vulgar sophistry which ignorance suggests to delude. One thing is necessary, that the impressions, which the events are themselves calculated to make, should be sedulously strengthened by earnest ad- monitions, from every source of public ministration and of private counsel. On the other orders of society, Cholera commits such occa- sional inroads, that if those sympathies which attach us to all our kind were inno respect outraged, and man,—individuality lost in the impersonated generality,—did not stand forth to re- sist his invisible enemy, still selfishness would prompt those elevated above poverty anxiously to watch the insidious pro- gress of a malady whose presence benumbs the energies of society, and paralyses commerce. He that values the pre- cious jewel of hislife, and would guard the treasure, endea- vours the extirpation of a disease which like a thief walking in 8 darkness, might, he fears, pass his threshold secretly, and rifle the casket as he sleeps. No event is more calculated painfully to excite the public mind, than the invasion of pestilence, and since it cannot be regarded as an isolated calamity, but prevails in consequence of, and in proportion to the existence of others,—no other can be so well calculated to unmask the deformity of evils which have preyed upon the energies of the community. He whose duty itis to follow the steps of this messenger of death, must descend to the abodes of poverty, must frequent the close alleys, the crowded courts, the overpeopled habitations - of wretchedness, where pauperism and disease congregate round the source of social discontent and political disorder in the centre of our large towns, and behold with alarm, in the hot-bed of pestilence, ills that fester in secret, at the very heart of society. That these evils should have been overlooked by the aristocracy of the country, cannot excite surprise. Very few of their order reside in, or near our large provincial towns. Their visits to the country are generally intervals, snatched from the pleasures or business of the metropolis, in which their time is spent in an unbroken quiet, gentle amusements, or the unembarrassed society of a circle of friends, with some necessary attention to their estates, and the magisterial duties of a rural district. Their parks are not often traversed by those who are capable of being the exponents of the evils endured by the working classes of large towns, and the hoarse voice of popular discontent dis- turbs not the Arcadian stillness of the scene. No transient visit, prompted by curiosity concerning the wonderful com- binations of mechanical skill, can afford them any correct knowledge of the moral and physical condition of the poor. Too often is it the interest of some to deceive them. What wonder then, that the miseries of the people have 9 been solemnly denied in both houses of parliament—that popular tumults have been attributed, most unphilosophically (as to a sole and sufficient cause) to the instigation of unprin- cipled leaders,—as though a happy people could love discord —and that they who have asserted the truth have been sup- posed to garble facts for their own political designs. The public welfare will be most powerfully promoted by every event, which exposes the condition of the people to the gentry of England. It might be apprehended that the merchants of the country were sufficiently conversant with the habits and wants of the operative population. The pure merchant is, however, seldom in immediate contact with the people. No association exists between him and them—the scenes of his enterprise are distant, and the objects of his calculation concern not the methods of production, but the barter of things produced. The productive classes of society are engaged in supplying the elements of commercial exchange, but he only in effect- ing the exchange itself. The ingenuity, the minute know- ledge of detail, and the industry expended in the execution of his plans, suppose so complete an absorption of the whole intellectual capacity, that we can scarcely wonder that few engaged in the anxious and harassing pursuits of com- merce, should find leisure to become personally acquainted with the state of the population, much less to expose the evils which they suffer. Between the manufacturers of the country, staggering under the burdens of an enormous taxation and a restricted commerce ; between them and the labouring classes subjects of controversy have arisen, and consequent animosity too generally exists. The burdens of trade diminish the profits of capital, and the wages of labour: but bitter debate arises between the manufacturers and those in their employ, con- cerning the proper division of that fund, from which these B 10 are derived. The bargain for the wages of labour develops organized associations of the working classes, for the pur- pose of carrying on the contest with the capitalist: large funds are subscribed : frequent meetings are held, at which inflammatory harangues are delivered, and committees and delegates chosen ;—a gloomy spirit of discontent is engen- dered, and the public are not unfrequently alarmed, by the wild out-break of popular violence, when mobs of machine breakers defy the armed guardians of the peace. In these contests personal animosity and party rancour have some- times indulged in the most flagrant excesses ; the characters of individuals have been most grossly maligned, their pro- perty destroyed, and such severe personal assaults have been made on those of the labouring class, who did not unite in the general league, that they have occasionally produced the loss of life, and, more than once, a master has been sacri- ficed by an assassin. Notwithstanding these demonstrations of insensate rage, the enlightened manufacturers of the country, acutely sen- sible of the miseries of large masses of the operative body, are to be ranked amongst the foremost advocates of every measure which can remove the pressure of the public bur- dens from the people, and the most active promoters of every plan which can conduce to their physical improvement, or their moral elevation. There are, it is to be lamented, a few who would hide the condition of the working classes, lest its exposure should become an apology for the excesses of the operatives, or an argument in favour of the nostrums of political speculators. When this results not from ignorance it is a crime, and I am not willing to screen those from just contempt, who are so blind to the true interests of their own order, or so fearful of the propositions of every quack, that, deaf to the appeals of humanity, they represent the people to be happy and contented. Surely, if they are 11 stubborn to the threats and furious assaults of the enraged populace, still the scenes of suffering which they behold, the embarrassments of their own enterprises, and the expostula- tions of the wise, might dissuade them from pursuing the crooked schemes of a narrow and devious policy. Notwithstanding the general knowledge which the manu- facturers must have of the condition of the working classes, yet, before the appearance of the Cholera, they were not so well convinced as they now are, that the minute personal inter- ference of the higher ranks is necessary to the physical and moral elevation of the poor. A new sphere is now opened, to which their personal safety attracts their attention, and in which the most active benevolence may expand and exhaust itself. The pestilence is in their cities—at their very doors— daily it smites in the crowded manufactories, and snatches its victims from their very side. All past schemes—all past exertions have been futile : some new development of mer- ciful interference, is necessary to raise the people above the influence of a new disease. In this spirit, in anticipation of the invasion of Cholera, the inspections of the streets and houses of the large towns, were performed with a zeal and energy, which proved how powerfully the sympathies and anxieties of the inhabitants were awakened. The dense masses of the habitations of the poor, which stretch out their arms, as though to grasp and enclose the dwellings of the noble and wealthy, in the metropolis, and in our large provincial cities, have heretofore been regarded as mighty wildernesses of building, in which the incurable ills of society rankled, beyond the reach of sanative inter- ference. The good despaired that by their individual efforts they could relieve the miseries, which, in their errands of mercy, they beheld; and committees of inquiry sat only to lengthen the records of crime, mendicity, ignorance and pauperism. One fact alone became prominent, that the 12 united exertions of the individual members of society were required, to procure a moral and physical change in the community ; and it was evident that some circumstance was wanting, to disturb the apathy which paralysed their energies. The ingression of a disease, which threatens, with a stealthy step, to invade the sanctity of the domestic circle ; which may be unconsciously conveyed from those haunts of beggary where it is rife, into the most still and secluded re- treat of refinement—whose entrance, wealth cannot absolutely bar, and luxury invites, this is an event which, in the secret pang that it awakens, at the heart of all those who are bound to any others by sympathies which it may harshly rend, ensures that the anxious attention of every order of society shall be directed to that, in which social ills abound. Though the political safety of the wealthy is truly endangered when ignorance and immorality prevail amongst the poor, that fact is not rendered so apparent by daily and hourly illustration, as is the personal hazard, incurred by permitting municipal evils and barbarous manners to exist so generally as to invite the inroads, and encourage the progress of pestilence. This danger would certainly assume a more threatening aspect, were the vulgar notion removed that Cholera is a mere epi- demic visitation of a few months, and were it known that once introduced, the disease generally continues to lurk long in the places where it has appeared, still desolating the com- munity, like the plague, with occasional bursts of epidemic violence. Cholera can only be eradicated by raising the physical and moral condition of the community, in such a degree as to remove the predisposition to its reception and propagation, which is created by poverty and immorality. Were this notion, as it ought to be, widely diffused ; did it become, as it will, the conviction of every intelligent man, what additional force would be added to the arguments sug- gested by sympathy and selfishness! 13 You must perceive how the constant presence of this new danger will eventually affect the public mind. Boards of Health established in conformity with the Orders in Council, will become permanent organized centres of medical police, where municipal powers will be directed by scientific men, to the removal of those agencies which most powerfully de- press the physical condition of the inhabitants. But I chiefly depend on the strong impression made upon the pub- lic mind, when I confidently expect that the singular energy of this restless era will be directed to promote, not only by general enactment, but by individual exertion, every scheme devised for the moral elevation of the working classes. This expectation will not be blighted, since every event combines to prove that we have arrived at a great moral and political crisis. The object of government is universally acknowledged to be the happiness of the many ; and every interest is staked upon its right administration. The lives, the fortunes, and the liberties of the people will henceforth we may hope be entrusted to those who know their wants, sympa- thize with their distresses, and in whose experience, ability, and integrity, they can repose the trust of devising means ~ for their relief. At this period therefore, an event which exposes the miseries and privations of the labouring classes, cannot fail to produce auspicious results. These are some of those moral consequences which will, I conceive, flow from the introduction of Cholera. You will not, I hope, think I am presumptuous, if I add that I am the more prone to this view of the subject, since it seems to me to afford a beautiful proof how mercy abounds even in the midst of apparent judgment. That our intellectual errors necessarily lead to mischievous conse- quences, and that our moral deviations are the very gates of suffering, are facts, which he that examines his inward con- sciousness, will find proved by daily experience. That 14 these are the fruitful sources of the misery of the world, its whole history proclaims. Our own hands sow the seeds of evil, and we reap its harvest. But in the terrific visitations of these natural ills, whose mighty sum has been accumu- lated by the repeated intellectual and moral errors of man, how grateful is it to watch the constant interference of a pre- servative Power, whose presence pervades the world. Signal eras of calamity are calculated to produce such deep and lasting impressions, that it is of the utmost conse- quence they should be rightly understood. Events attended with physical misery often create moral happiness ; rouse the human spirit from apathy, and purge it from vice. Re- volutions which overthrow every social institution, and dis- solve every moral tie, tend by a destructive process to eradi- cate antiquated errors, and to reform and renovate the fabric of society. As storms dissipate pestilential miasmata, so war, the scourge of the earth, overthrows the altars of super- stition, and at its very shrine immolates its priests. War, that wastes the treasures of despotism, nerves the arms of the people, and amidst the struggles of feudal pride they as- sert their rights, and claim their peaceful possessions. Thus it is, that the noxious elements which threaten man with physical and moral evil are dissipated, and if we are tempted to regard the ministers of a beneficent Provi- dence as clothed in the apparel of wrath, a moment's in- spection will show, that calamity is the consequence of error, but that they are messengers of mercy who bring good out of ill. I am thus disposed to hope that many events have concurred to impress the public mind with a sense of the importance of minutely investigating the state: of the working classes. Wishing to strengthen this conviction, and to assist in the benevolent designs in which it must issue, I offer the statis- 15 tical evidence contained in this pamphlet, as a humble con- tribution to the fund of information concerning the moral and physical condition of the poor, throughout the kingdom. I have carefully avoided instituting any comparison between the state of the labouring classes of Manchester, and that of those in other large manufacturing towns. Iam not without the hope that similar inquiries will be undertaken elsewhere; and if they become general, the first object of this work will be accomplished. = Were such investigations conducted, with a zeal corresponding with that evinced by my fellow townsmen, in the prosecution of this, I fear it would be dis- covered, that Manchester might be very favourably com- pared with many large towns. The improvements which are constantly projected here, are carried on with an energy which shows that the inhabitants of Manchester, as they are second to none in the successful application of science to the arts—in foreign enterprise—and in wealth—so are they determined, in the future, to yield the palm to none in the perfection of their municipal regulations—the number of their institutions for the spread of knowledge and the advancement of science—in the stability of their civic economy, and the ornaments of their social state. The evils here unreservedly exposed, so far from being the necessary consequences of the manufacturing system, have a remote and accidental origin, and might, by judicious management, be entirely removed. Nor do they flow from any single source: and especially in the present state of trade, the hours of labour cannot be materially diminished, without occasioning the most serious commercial embarrassment. This pamphlet chiefly exhibits a frightful picture of the effects of in- judicious legislation. The evils of restricted commerce affect not the capitalist alone: for the working classes are reserved the bitterest dregs of the poisoned chalice. We have a poor law operating as a direct bounty on the increase of an indigent 16 population—depriving the virtuous poor of the incentives to industry, and glutting the market with labour. The state receives support from taxes so regulated by recent laws, that they facilitate the increase of the haunts of intemperance, and the consequent demoralization of the people. There is no sufficient provision for the education and the religious and moral instruction of the poor; and their ignorance and misery often prompt them to desperate deeds. These and other evils demand immediate legislative inter- ference ; and if the slight sketch contained in this pamphlet of the monstrous effects of this imperfection of the law, hasten, by one moment, the period at which that change shall be commenced, the ultimate design of its author will have been fulfilled. I am With great respect, Yours, JAMES PHILLIPS KAY. MORAL AND PHYSICAL CONDITION OF THE WORKING CLASSES, &ec. SELF-KNOWLEDGE, inculcated by the maxim of the ancient philosopher, is a precept not less appropri- ate to societies than to individuals. The physical and moral evils by which we are personally sur- rounded, may he more easily avoided when we are distinctly conscious of their existence ; and the virtue and health of society may be preserved, with less difficulty, when we are acquainted with the sources of its errors and diseases. The sensorium of the animal structure, to which converge the sensibilities of each organ, is endowed with a consciousness of every change in the sensations to which each member is liable ; and few diseases are so subtle as to escape its delicate perceptive power. Pain thus reveals to us the existence of evils, which, unless arrested in their progress, might insidiouslyin- vade the sources of vital action. Society were well preserved, did a similar faculty preside, with an equal sensibility, over its constitu- tion ; making every order immediately conscious of C 18 the evils affecting any portion of the general mass, and thus rendering their removal equally necessary for the immediate ease, as it is for the ultimate wel- fare of the whole social system. The mutual depend- ance of the individual members of society and of its various orders, for the supply of their necessities and the gratification of their desires, is acknowledged, and it imperfectly compensates for the want of a faculty, resembling that pervading consciousness which presides over the animal economy. But a knowledge of the moral and physical evils oppressing one order of the community, is by these means slowly commu- ' nicated to those which are remote; and general efforts are seldom made for the relief of partial ills, until they threaten to convulse the whole social constitution. Some governments have attempted to obtain, by specific measures, that knowledge for the acquisition of which there is no natural faculty. The statistical investigations of Prussia, of the Netherlands, of Sweden, and of France, concerning population, la- bour, and its commercial and agricultural results; the existing resources of the country, its taxation, finance, &c. are minute and accurate. The economist may, however, still regret, that many most interesting subjects of inquiry are neglected, and that the reports of these governments fail to give a perfect portraiture of the features of each individual part of the social body. Their system, imperfect though it be, is greatly superior to any yet introduced into this 19 country. Here, statistics are neglected ; and when any emergency demands a special inquiry, inform- ation is obtained by means of committees of the Commons, whose labours are so multifarious, as to afford them time for little else than the investigation of general conclusions, derived from the experience of those supposed to be most conversant with the sub- ject. An approximation to truth may thus be made, but the results are never so minutely accurate as those obtained from statistical investigations; and, as they are generally deduced from a comparison of opposing testimonies, and sometimes from partial evidence, they frequently utterly fail in one most important respect, namely—in convincing the public of the facts which they proclaim. The introduction into this country of a singularly malignant contagious malady, which, though it se- lects its victims from every order of society, is chiefly propagated amongst those whose health is depressed by disease, mental anxiety, or want of the comforts and conveniences of life, has directed public atten- tion to an investigation of the state of the poor. In Manchester, Boards of Health were established, in each of the fourteen districts of Police, for the pur- pose of minutely inspecting the state of the houses and streets. These districts were divided into mi- nute sections, to each of which two or more inspec- tors were appointed from among the most respectable inhabitants of the vicinity, and they were provided with tabular queries, applying to each particular 20 house and street. Individual exceptions only exist, in which minute returns were not furnished to the Special Board : and as the investigation was prompted equally by the demands of benevolence, of personal security, and of the general welfare, the results may be esteemed as accurate as the nature of the investi- gation would permit. = The other facts contained in this pamphlet have been obtained from the public offices of the town, or are the results of the author’s personal observation. The township of Manchester chiefly consists of dense masses of houses, inhabited by the population engaged in the great manufactories of the cotton trade. Some of the central divisions are occupied by warehouses and shops, and a few streets by the dwell- ings of some of the more wealthy inhabitants; but the opulent merchants chiefly reside in the country, and even the superior servants of their establishments inhabit the suburban townships. Manchester, pro- perly so called, is chiefly inhabited by shopkeepers and the labouring classes.* Those districts where the poor dwell are of very recent origin. The rapid growth of the cotton manufacture has attracted hither * To the stranger, it is also necessary to observe, that the investi- gations on whose results the conclusions of this pamphlet are founded, were of necessity conducted in the township of Manchester only ; and that the inhabitants of a great part of the adjacent town- ships are in a condition superior to that described in these pages. The most respectable portion of the operative population has, we think, a tendency to avoid the central districts of Manchester, and to congre- gate in the suburban townships. 21 operatives from every part of the kingdom, and Ire- land has poured forth the most destitute of her hordes to supply the constantly increasing demand for labour. This immigration has been, in one important respect, a serious evil. The Irish have taught the labouring classes of this country a pernicious lesson. The sys- tem of cottier farming, the demoralization and bar- barism of the people, and the general use of the potato as the chief article of food, have encouraged the population in Ireland more rapidly than the available means of subsistence have been increased. Debased alike by ignorance and pauperism, they have discovered, with the savage, what is the minimum of the means of life, upon which existence may be pro- longed. The paucity of the amount of means and com- forts necessary for the mere support of life, is not known by a more civilized population, and this secret has been taught the labourers of this country by the Irish. As competition and the restrictions and bur- dens of trade diminished the profits of capital, and consequently reduced the price of labour, the conta- gious example of ignorance and a barbarous disre- gard of forethought and economy, exhibited by the Irish, spread. The colonization of savage tribes has ever been attended with effects on civilization as fatal as those which have marked the progress of the sand flood over the fertile plains of Egypt. Instructed in the fatal secret of subsisting on what is barely neces- sary to life—yielding partly to necessity, and partly to example,—the labouring classes have ceased to enter- 22 tain a laudable pride in furnishing their houses, and in multiplying the decent comforts which minister to happiness. What is superfluous to the mere exigen- cies of nature, is too often expended at the tavern ; and for the provision of old age and infirmity, they too frequently trust either to charity, to the support of their children, or to the protection of the poor laws. When this example is considered in connexion with the unremitted labour of the whole population engaged in the various branches of the cotton manu- facture, our wonder will be less excited by their fatal demoralization. Prolonged and exhausting labour, continued from day to day, and from year to year, is not calculated to develop the intellectual or moral faculties of man. The dull routine of a ceaseless drudgery, in which the same mechanical process is in- cessantly repeated, resembles the torment of Sisyphus —the toil, like the rock, recoils perpetually on the wearied operative. The mind gathers neither stores nor strength from the constant extension and re- traction of the same muscles. The intellect slumbers in supine inertness; but the grosser parts of our nature attain a rank development. To condemn man to such severity of toil is, in some measure, to culti- vate in him the habits of an animal. He becomes reckless. He disregards the distinguishing appetites and habits of his species. He neglects the comforts and delicacies of life. He lives in squalid wretched- ness, on meager food, and expends his superfluous gains in debauchery. 23 The population employed in the cotton factories rises at five o’clock in the morning, works in the mills from six till eight o'clock, and returns home for half an hour or forty minutes to breakfast. This meal generally consists of tea or coffee, with a little bread. Oatmeal porridge is sometimes, but of late rarely used, and chiefly by the men; but the stimulus of tea is preferred, and especially by the women. The tea is almost always of a bad, and sometimes of a deleterious quality; the infusion is weak, and little or no milk is added. The operatives return to the mills and workshops until twelve o'clock, when an hour is allowed for dinner. Amongst those who ob- tain the lower rates of wages this meal generally con- sists of boiled potatoes. The mess of potatoes is put into one large dish; melted lard and butter are poured upon them, and a few pieces of fried fat bacon are sometimes mingled with them, and but seldom a little meat. Those who obtain better wages, or families whose aggregate income is larger, add a greater proportion of animal food to this meal, at least three times in the week ; but the quantity consumed by the labouring population is not great. The family sits round the table, and each rapidly appropriates his portion on a plate, or they all plunge their spoons into the dish, and with an animal eagerness satisfy the cravings of their appetite. At the expiration of the hour, they are all again employed in the work- shops or mills, where they continue until seven o’clock or a later hour, when they generally again indulge in the use of tea, often mingled with spirits accompa- 24 nied by a little bread. Oatmeal or potatoes are how- ever taken by some a second time in the evening. The comparatively innutritious qualities of these articles of diet are most evident. We are, however, by no means prepared to say that an individual living in a healthy atmosphere, and engaged in active em- ployment in the open air, would not be able to con- tinue protracted and severe labour, without any suffering, whilst nourished by this food. We should rather be disposed on the contrary to affirm, that any ill effects must necessarily be so much diminished, that, from the influence of habit, and the benefits derived from the constant inhalation of an uncon- taminated atmosphere, during healthy exercise in agricultural pursuits, few if any evil results would ensue. But the population nourished on this aliment is crowded into one dense mass, in cottages separated by narrow, unpaved, and almost pestilential streets, in an atmosphere loaded with the smoke and exhala- tions of a large manufacturing city. The operatives are congregated in rooms and workshops during twelve hours in the day, in an enervating, heated atmosphere, which is frequently loaded with dust or filaments of cotton, or impure from constant respiration, or from other causes. They are engaged in an employment which absorbs their attention, and unremittingly em- ploys their physical energies.* They are drudges * A gentleman, whose opinions on these subjects command univer- sal respect, suggests to me, that the intensity of this application is exceedingly increased by the system of paying, not for time, but according to the result of labour. 25 who watch the movements, and assist the operations, of a mighty material force, which toils with an energy ever unconscious of fatigue. The persevering labour of the operative must rival the mathematical pre- cision, the incessant motion, and the exhaustless power of the machine. Hence, besides the negative results—the ab- straction of moral and intellectual stimuli—the ab- sence of variety—banishment from the grateful air and the cheering influences of light, the physical energies are impaired by toil, and imperfect nutri- tion. The artisan too seldom possessess sufficient moral dignity or intellectual or organic strength to resist the seductions of appetite. His wife and children, subjected to the same process, have little power to cheer his remaining moments of leisure. Domestic economy is neglected, domestic comforts are too frequently unknown. A meal of coarse food is hastily prepared, and devoured with precipitation. Home has little other relation to him than that of shelter—few pleasures are there—it chiefly presents to him a scene of physical exhaustion, from which he is glad to escape. His house is ill furnished, un- cleanly, often ill ventilated—perhaps damp ; his food, from want of forethought and domestic economy, is meagre and innutritions; he generally becomes debilitated and hypochondriacal, and unless supported by principle, falls the victim of dissipation. In all these respects, it is grateful to add, that those among the operatives of the mills, who are employed in tke D 26 process of spinning, and especially of fine spinning, (who receive a high rate of wages and who are elevated on account of their skill) are more attentive to their domestic arrangements, have better furnished houses, are consequently more regular in their habits, and more observant of their duties than those engaged in other branches of the manufacture. The other classes of artisans of whom we have spoken, are frequently subject to a disease, in which the sensibility of the stomach and bowels is mor- bidly excited ; the alvine secretions are deranged, and the appetite impaired. Whilst this state con- tinues, the patient loses flesh, his features are sharpened, the skin becomes sallow, or of the yellow hue which is observed in those who have suffered from the influence of tropical climates. The strength fails, the capacities of physical enjoyment are des- troyed, and the paroxysms of corporeal suffering are aggravated by deep mental depression. We cannot wonder that the wretched victim of this disease, invited by those haunts of misery and crime the gin shop and the tavern, as he passes to his daily labour, should endeavour to cheat his suffering of a few moments, by the false excitement procured by ardent spirits ; or that the exhausted artisan, driven by ennui and discomfort from his squalid home, should strive, in the delirious dreams of a continued debauch, to forget the remembrance of his reckless improvidence, of the destitution, hunger, and unin- terrupted toil, which threaten to destroy the re- maining energies of his enfeebled constitution. 27 The contagious example which the Irish have exhibited of barbarous habits and savage want of economy, united with the necessarily debasing con- sequences of uninterrupted toil, have demoralized the people. The inspection conducted by the District Boards of Health, chiefly referred to the state of the streets and houses, inhabited by the labouring population—to local nuisances, and more general evils. The greatest portion of these districts, especially of those situated beyond Great Ancoats-street, are of very recent origin ; and from the want of proper police regula- tions are untraversed by common sewers. The houses are ill soughed, often ill ventilated, unprovided with privies, and, in consequence, the streets which are narrow, unpaved, and worn into deep ruts, become the common receptacles of mud, refuse, and disgust- ing ordure. The Inspectors’ reports do not comprise all the houses and streets of the respective districts, and are in some other respects imperfect. The returns con- cerning the various defects which they enumerate must be received, as the reports of evils, too positive to be overlooked. Frequently, when they existed in a slighter degree, the questions received no reply. Predisposition to contagious disease is encouraged by every thing which depresses the physical energies, amongst the principal of which agencies may be enumerated imperfect nutrition; exposure to cold and moisture, whether from inadequate shelter, or v 28 from want of clothing and fuel, or from dampness of the habitation ; uncleanliness of the person, the street, and the abode ; an atmosphere contaminated, whether from the want of ventilation, or from im- pure effluvia; extreme labour, and consequent physical exhaustion; intemperance; fear; anxiety; diarrheea, and other diseases. The whole of these subjects could not be included in the investigation, though it originated in a desire to remove, as far as possible, those ills which depressed the health of the population. The list of inquiries to which the in- spectors were requested to make tabular replies is placed in the appendix, for the purpose of enabling the reader to form his own opinion of the investiga- tion from which the classified results are deduced. The state of the streets powerfully affects the health of their inhabitants. Sporadic cases of typhus chiefly appear in those which are narrow, ill venti- lated, unpaved, or which contain heaps of refuse, or stagnant pools. The confined air and noxious ex- halations, which abound in such places, depress the health of the people, and on this account contagious diseases are also most rapidly propagated there. The operation of these causes is exceedingly promoted by their reflex influence on the manners. The houses, in such situations, are uncleanly, ill provided with furniture ; an air of discomfort if not of squalid and loathsome wretchedness pervades them, they are often dilapidated, badly drained, damp : and the habits of their tenants are gross—they are ill-fed, ill-clothed, 29 and uneconomical—at once spendthrifts and destitute —denying themselves the comforts of life, in order that they may wallow in the unrestrained licence of animal appetite. An intimate connexion subsists, among the poor, between the cleanliness of the street and that of the house and person. Uneconomical habits, and dissipation are almost inseparably allied ; and they are so frequently connected with uncleanliness, that we cannot consider their concomitance as altogether accidental. The first step to recklessness may often be traced in a neglect of that self-respect, and of the love of domestic enjoyments, which are indicated by personal slovenliness, and discomfort of the habita- tion Hence, the importance of providing by police regulations or general enactment, against those fertile sources alike of disease and demoralization, presented by the gross neglect of the streets and habitations of the poor. When the health is depressed by the con- currence of these causes, contagious diseases spread with a fatal malignancy among the population sub- jected to their influence. The records* of the Fever Hospital of Manchester, prove that typhus prevails almost exclusively in such situations. The following table, arranged by the Committee of classification appointed by the Special Board of Health, from the reports of Inspectors of the various District Boards of Manchester, shows the extent to which thie imperfect state of the streets of Manches- * Abundant evidence of this fact was collected by Mr. Wallis, lately House Surgeon to the House of Recovery. 30 ter may tend to promote demoralization and disease among the poor. No. of streets No. of No. of streets No. of streets! No. of streets|No. of streets/containing heaps District inspected. unpaved, [partially pvd.|ill ventilated. of refuse,stagnant pools, ordure, &e. 1 114 63 13 7 64 2 180 93 7 23 92 3 49 AD 2 12 28 4 66 37 10 12 52 5 30 2 5 5 12 6 2 1 0 1 2 5 53 13 5 12 17 8 16 2 1 2 v 9 48 0 0 9 20 10 29 19 0 10 23 11 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 1 1 4 13 55 3 9 10 23 14 33 13 0 8 8 Total...” 687 248 | 53. 112 352 A minute inspection of this table will render the extent of the evil affecting the poor more apparent. Those districts which are almost exclusively inhabited by the labouring population are Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10. Nos. 13 and 14, and 7, also contain, besides the dwellings of the operatives, those of shopkeepers and tradesmen, and are traversed by many of the principal thoroughfares. No. 11 was not inspected, and Nos. 5, 6, 8, and 9, are the central districts containing the chief streets, the most respectable shops, the dwellings of the more wealthy inhabitants, and the warehouses of merchants and manufacturers. Subtracting, therefore, from the various totals, those items in the reports which concern these divisions only, we discover in those districts which contain a large portion of poor, namely, in Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 31 10, 13, and 14, that among 579 streets inspected, 243 were altogether unpaved—46 partially paved— 93 ill ventilated—and 307 contained heaps of refuse, deep ruts, stagnant pools, ordure, &c.; and in the districts which are almost exclusively inhabited by the poor, namely, Nos. 1,2,3, 4, and 10, among 438 streets inspected, 214 were altogether unpaved—a32 partially paved—63 ill ventilated—and 259 contained heaps of refuse, deep ruts, stagnant pools, ordure, &c. The replies to the questions proposed in the second table relating to houses, contain equally remarkable results, which have been carefully arranged by the Classification Committee of the Special Board of Health, as follows. Z ZT PZ *F 752% 2 zre | 1 850 399 128 112 17 70 326 2 2489 898 282 145 497 109 755 3 213 145 104 41 61 52 96 4 650 279 106 105 134 69 250 5 413 176 82 70 101 11 66 6 12 3 5 5 5 7 343 76 59 57 86 21 79 8 132 35 30 39 48 22 20 9 128 34 32 24 39 19 25 10 370 195 53 123 54 2 232 11 . 12 113 33 23 27 24 16 52 13 757 218 44 108 146 54 177 14 481 74 13 83 68 7 138 Total... | 6951 | 2565 960 930 | 14355] 45% «.|.2221 It is however to be lamented, that even these nu- merical results fail to exhibit a perfect picture of the ills which are suffered by the poor. The replies 32 to the questions contained in the inspectors’ table refer only to cases of the most positive kind, and the numerical results would therefore have been exceed- ingly increased, had they embraced those in which the evils existed in a scarcely inferior degree. Some idea of the want of cleanliness prevalent in their habitations, may be obtained from the report of the number of houses requiring whitewashing; but this column fails to indicate their gross neglect of order, and absolute filth. Much less can we obtain satis- factory statistical results concerning the want of fur- niture, especially of bedding, and of food, clothing, and fuel. In these respects the habitations of the Irish are most destitute. They can scarcely be said to be furnished. They contain one or two chairs, a mean table, the most scanty culinary apparatus, and one or two beds, loathsome with filth. A whole family is often accomodated on a single bed, and some- times a heap of filthy straw and a covering of old sacking hide them in one undistinguished heap, de- based alike by penury, want of economy, and dissolute habits. Frequently, the inspectors found two or more families crowded into one small house, containing only two apartments, one in which they slept, and another in which they eat; and often more than one family lived in a damp cellar, containing only one room, in whose pestilential atmosphere from twelve to sixteen persons were crowded. To these fertile sources of disease were sometimes added the keeping of pigs and other animals in the house, with other nuisances of the most revolting character. 33 As the visits of the inspectors were made in the day, when the population is engaged in the mills, and the vagrants and paupers are wandering through the town, they could not form any just idea of the state of the pauper lodging houses. The establish- ments thus designated are fertile sources of disease and demoralization. They are frequently able to accommodate from twenty to thirty or more lodgers, among whom are the most abandoned characters, who, reckless of the morrow, resort thither for the shelter of the night—men who find safety in a con- stant change of abode, or are too uncertain in their pursuits to remain beneath the same roof for a longer period. Here, without distinction of age or sex, careless of all decency, they are crowded in small and wretched apartments ; the same bed receiving a suc- cession of tenants until too offensive even for their unfastidious senses. The Special Board being desi- rous that these lodging houses should be inspected by the Overseers, the Churchwardens obtained a re- port of the number in each district, which cannot fail to be a source of surprise and apprehension. PAUPER LODGING HOUSES. No. of houses. No. of houses. District Novi 1. seneirrinsiros Of District NO. 0 ..coisteir sisininis 0 ie trast sen, 108 16>... .... 12 Biv yeni iiss 51 divi vei. dudes 26 d coisas 0 12 v.icr vie vis — Budi oid, 6 13d. vit Ata 60 Biss cinrnvens 0 1d ooo vesroie 1 Giri. 3 rs Brie a nal since 0 267 The temporary tenants of these disgusting abodes, 34 too frequently debased by vice, haunted by want, and every other consequence of crime, are peculiarly disposed to the reception of contagion. Their asy- lums are frequently recesses where it lurks, and they are active agents in its diffusion. They ought to be as much the objects of a careful vigilance from those who are the guardians of the health, as from those who protect the property of the public. In some districts of the town exist evils so remark- able as to require more minute description. = A por- tion of low, swampy ground, liable to be frequently inundated, and to constant exhalation, is included between a high bank over which the Oxford Road passes, and a bend of the river Medlock, where its course is impeded by a weir. This unhealthy spot lies so low that the chimneys of its houses, some of them three stories high, are little above the level of the road. About two hundred of these habitations are crowded together in an extremely narrow space, and they are chiefly inhabited by the lowest Irish. Many of these houses have also cellars, whose floor is scarcely elevated above the level of the water flowing in the Medlock. The soughs are destroyed, or out of repair: and these narrow abodes are in con- sequence always damp, and are frequently flooded to the depth of several inches, because the surface water can find no exit. This district has sometimes been the haunt of hordes of thieves and desperadoes who defied the law, and is always inhabited by a class re- sembling savages in their appetites and habits. Itis % fin, 35 surrounded on every side by some of the largest fac- tories of the town, whose chimneys vomit forth dense clouds of smoke, which hang heavily over this insalu- brious region. The subjoined document resulted from an inspec- tion made by a Special Sub-committee of Members of the Board of Health, and the signatures of. the gentlemen forming that Sub-committee were ap- pended to it.* * TO THE MAGISTRATES OF THE DISTRICT. GENTLEMEN, The undersigned having been deputed by the Special Board of Health to inquire into the state of Little Ireland, beg to report that in the main street and courts abutting, the sewers are all in a most wretched state, and quite inadequate to carry off the sur- face water, not to mention the slops thrown down by the inhabit- ants in about two hundred houses. The privies are in a most disgraceful state, inaccessible from filth, and too few for the accommodation of the number of people. —the average number being two to two hundred and fifty people, The upper rooms are, with few exceptions, very dirty, and the cellars much worse ; all damp, and some occasionally overflowed. The cellars consist of two rooms on a floor, each nine to ten feet square, some inhabited by ten persons, others by more: in many, the people have no beds, and keep each other warm by close stowage on shavings, straw, &c.; a change of linen or clothes is an exception to the common practice. Many of the back rooms where they sleep have no other means of ventilation than from the front rooms. Some of the cellars on the lower ground were once filled up as uninhabitable ; but one is now occupied by a weaver, and he has stopped up the drain with clay, to prevent the water flowing 36 Near the centre of the town, a mass of buildings inhabited by prostitutes and thieves, is intersected by narrow and loathsome streets, and close courts de- filed with refuse. These nuisances exist in No. 13 District, on the western side of Deansgate, and chiefly abound in Wood-street, Spinning Field, Cumberland-street, Parliament Passage, Parliament- street, and Thomson-street. In Parliament-street there is only one privy for three hundred and eighty inhabitants, which is placed in a narrow passage, whence its effluvia infest the adjacent houses, and must prove a most fertile source of disease. In this street also, cess pools with open grids have been made close to the doors of the houses, in which dis- from it into his cellar, and mops up the water every morning. We conceive it will be impossible effectually to remove the evils enumerated ; and offer the following suggestions with a view to their partial amelioration. First, to open up the main sewer from the bottom, and to relay it. Secondly, to open and unchoke the lateral drains, and secure a regular discharge of the water, &c., into the main sewer. Thirdly, to enforce the weekly cleansing and purification of the privies. Fourthly, if practicable, to fill up the cellars. Fifthly, to provide the inhabitants with quicklime, and induce them to whitewash their rooms, where it can be done with safety. Sixthly, if possible, to induce the inhabitants to observe greater cleanliness in their houses and persons. In conclusion, we are decidedly of opinion that should Cholera visit this neighbourhood, a more suitable soil and situation for its malignant development cannot be found than that described and commonly known by the name of Little Ireland. 37 gusting refuse accumulates, and whence its noxious effluvia constantly exhale. In Parliament Passage about thirty houses have been erected, merely sepa- rated by an extremely narrow passage (a yard and a half wide) from the wall and back door of other houses. These thirty houses have one privy. The state of the streets and houses in that part of No. 4, included between Store-street and Travis- street, and London Road, is exceedingly wretched— especially those built on some irregular and broken mounds of clay, on a steep declivity descending into “Store-street. These narrow avenues are rough, irregular gullies, down which filthy streams perco- late ; and the inhabitants are crowded in dilapidated abodes, or obscure and damp cellars, in which it is impossible for the health to be preserved. Unwilling to weary the patience of the reader by extending such disgusting details, it may suffice to refer generally to the wretched state of the habita- tions of the poor in Clay-street, and the lower por- tion of Pot-street ; in Providence-street, and its ad- joining courts; in Back Portugal-street; in Back Hart-street, and many of the courts in the neigh- bourhood of Portland-street, some of which are not more than a yard and a quarter wide, and contain houses, frequently three stories high, the lowest of which stories is occasionally used as a receptacle of excrementitious matter :—to many streets in the neighbourhood of Garden-street, Shudehill:—to Back Irk-street, and to the state of almost the whole of 38 that mass of cottages filling the insalubrious valley through which the Irk flows, and which is deno- minated Irish town. The Irk, black with the refuse of Dye-works erected on its banks, receives excrementitious matters from some sewers in this portion of the town—the drainage from the gas-works, and filth of the most pernicious character from bone-works, tanneries, size manufactories, &e. Immediately beneath Ducie- Bridge, in a deep hollow between two high banks, it sweeps round a large cluster of some of the most wretched and dilapidated buildings of the town. The course of the river is here impeded by a weir, and a large tannery eight stories high (three of which stories are filled with skins exposed to the atmosphere, in some stage of the processes to which they are sub- jected) towers close to this crazy labyrinth of pauper dwellings. This group of habitations is called “ Gib- raltar,” and no site can well be more insalubrious than that on which it is built. Pursuing the course of the river on the other side of Ducie-bridge, other tanneries, size manufactories, and tripe-houses occur. The parish burial ground occupies one side of the stream, and a series of courts of the most singular and unhealthy character, the other. Access is ob- tained to these courts through narrow covered entries from Long Millgate, whence the explorer descends by stone stairs, and in one instance by three succes- sive flights of steps to a level with the bed of the river. In this last mentioned (Allen's) court he discovers 39 himself to be surrounded, on one side by a wall of rock, on two others by houses three stories high, and on the fourth by the abrupt and high bank down which he descended, and by walls and houses erected on the summit. These houses were, a short time ago, chiefly inhabited by fringe, silk, and cotton weavers, and winders, and each house contained in general three or four families. An adjoining court (Barrett’s,) on the summit of the bank, separated from Allen’s court only by alow wall, contained, besides a pig-stye —a tripe manufactory in a low cottage, which was in a state of loathsome filth. Portions of animal matter were decaying in it, and one of the inner rooms was converted into a kennel, and contained a litter of puppies. In the court, on the opposite side, is a tan yard where skins are prepared without bark in open pits, and here is also a catgut manufactory. Many of the windows of the houses in Allen’s court, open over the river Irk, whose stream (again impeded, at the distance of one hundred yards by a weir) separates it from another tannery, four stories high and filled with skins, exposed to the currents of air which pass through the building. On the other side of this tan- nery is the parish burial ground, chiefly used as a place of interment for paupers. A more unhealthy spot than this (Allen’s) court it would be difficult to discover, and the physical depression consequent on living in such a situation, may be inferred from what ensued on the introduction of cholera here. A match- seller, living in the first story of one of these houses, 40 was seized with cholera, on Sunday, July 22nd : he died on Wednesday, July 25th; and owing to the wilful negligence of his friends, and because the Board of Health had no intimation of the occurrence, he was not buried until Friday afternoon, July 27th. On that day, five other cases of cholera occurred amongst the inhabitants of the court. On the 28th, seven, and on the 29th two. The cases were nearly all fatal. Those affected with cholera were on the 28th and 29th removed to the Hospital, the dead were buried, and on the 29th the majority of the in- habitants were taken to a house of reception, and the rest with one exception dispersed into the town, until their houses had been thoroughly fumigated, ventila- ted, whitewashed, and cleansed; notwithstanding which dispersion, other cases occurred amongst those who had left the court. These facts are thus minutely related, because we are anxious to direct public attention to the advan- tage which would accrue, from widening this portion of Long Millgate, by taking down the whole of the houses on the Irk side of the street, from a factory which projects into it, on that side, as far as Ducie Bridge, and thus improving this important entrance to the town, from Bury, and from the North East of Lancashire. The houses of the poor, especially throughout the whole of the Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, are too gene- rally built back to back, having therefore only one outlet, no yard, no privy, and no receptacle of refuse. 41 Consequently the narrow, unpaved streets, in which mud and water stagnate, become the common recep- tacles of offal and ordure. Often low, damp, ill ven- tilated cellars exist beneath the houses ; an improve- ment on which system consists in the erection of a stage over the first story, by which access is obtained to the second, and the house is inhabited by two separate families. More than one disgraceful example of this might be enumerated. The streets, in the dis- tricts where the poor reside, are generally unsewered, and the drainage is consequently superficial. The houses are often built with a total neglect of order, on the summit of natural irregularities of the surface, or on mounds left at the side of artificial excavations on the brick grounds, with which these parts of the town abound. One nuisance frequently occurs in these districts of so noxious a character, that it ought, at the earliest period, to be suppressed by legal interference. The houses of the poor sometimes surround a common area, into which the doors and windows open at the back of the dwelling. Porkers, who feed pigs in the town, often contract with the inhabitants to pay some small sum for the rent of their area, which is immediately covered with pigstyes, and converted into a dung-heap and receptacle of the putrescent garbage, upon which the animals are fed, as also of the refuse which is now heedlessly flung into it from all the surrounding dwellings. The offensive odour 42 which sometimes arises from these areas cannot be conceived. There is no Common Slaughter-house in Man- chester, and those which exist are chiefly situated in the narrowest and ‘most filthy streets in the town. The drainage from these houses, deeply tinged with blood, and impregnated with other animal matters, frequently flows down the common surface drain of the street, and stagnates in the ruts and pools. More- over, sometimes in the yards of these houses—from the want of avigilant circumspection—offal is allowed to accumulate with the grossest neglect of decency and disregard to the health of the surrounding in- habitants. The attention of the commissioners of police cannot be too soon directed to the propriety of obtaining powers to erect a Common Slaughter-house on some vacant space, and to compel the butchers of the town to slaughter all animals killed in the town- ship in the building thus provided. The districts, Nos. 1,2, 3, and 4, are inhabited by a turbulent population, which, rendered reckless by dis- sipation and want,—misled by the secret intrigues, and excited by the inflammatory harangues of demagogues, has frequently committed daring assaults on the liberty of the more peaceful portions of the working classes, and the most frightful devastations on the property of their masters. Machines have been broken, and factories gutted and burned at mid-day, and the riotous crowd has dispersed ere the insufficient body of police arrived at the scene of disturbance. The 43 civic force of the town is totally inadequate to main- tain the peace, and to defend property from the at- tacks of lawless depredators; and a more efficient, and more numerous corps ought to be immediately or- ganized, to give power to the law, so often mocked by the daring front of sedition, and outraged by the frantic violence of an ignorant and deluded rabble. The police form, in fact, so weak a screen against the power of the mob, that popular violence is now, in almost every instance, controlled by the presence of a military force. The wages*® obtained by operatives in the various branches of the cotton manufacture are, in general, such, as with the exercise of that economy without which wealth itself is wasted, would be sufficient to provide them with all the decent comforts of life— the average wages of all persons employed in the mills (young and old) being from nine to twelve shillings per week. Their means are too often con- sumed by vice and improvidence. But the wages of certain classes are exceedingly meagre. The intro- duction of the power-loom, though ultimately des- tined to be productive of the greatest general bene- ® «The wages are paid weekly, not once a fortnight, or once a month, as is the case in collieries and many other places. The youngest child in the mill earns three shillings per week, and the best female spinner twenty one shillings. The total paid is £356.—averaging nine shillings and three pence per week to each person employed.” Letter to Lord Althorp in Defence of the Cotton Factories of Lancashire. By Horranp Hoo, Esq. 44 fits, has, in the present restricted state of commerce, occasioned some temporary embarrassment, by di- minishing the demand for certain kinds of labour, and, consequently, their price. The hand-loom weavers, existing in this state of transition, still con- tinue a very extensive class, and though they labour fourteen hours and upwards daily, earn only from five to seven or eight shillings per week.* They consist chiefly of Irish, and are affected by all the causes of moral and physical depression which we have enumer- ated. Ill-fed—ill-clothed—half-sheltered and igno- rant ;—weaving in close damp cellars, or crowded workshops, it only remains that they should become, as is too frequently the case, demoralized and reck- less, to render perfect the portraiture of savage life. Amongst men so situated, the moral check has no in- fluence in preventing the rapid increase of the popu- lation. The existence of cheap and redundant labour in the market has, also, a constant tendency to lessen its general price, and hence the wages of the English operatives have been exceedingly reduced by this im- migration of Irish—their comforts consequently di- minished—their manners debased—and the natural influence of manufactures on the people thwarted. We are well convinced that without the numerical and moral influence of this class, on the means and on the character of the people who have had to enter into competition with them in the market of labour, * Evidence of Joseph Foster before the Emigration Committee, 1827. 45 we should have had less occasion to regret the phy- sical and moral degradation of the operative popu- lation. The poor-laws, as at present administered, retain all the evils of the gross and indiscriminate bounty of ancient monasteries. They also fail in exciting the gratitude of the people, and they extinguish the charity of the rich. The custom is not now demanded as the prop of any superstition ; nor is it fit that in- stitutions, well calculated to assuage the miseries which feudalism inflicted on its unemployed and un- happy serfs, should be allowed to perpetuate indi- gence, improvidence, idleness and vice, in a commer- cial community. The artificial structure of society, in providing security against existing evils, has too frequently neglected the remote moral influence of its arrangements on the community. Humanity rejoices in the consciousness that the poorest may obtain the advantages of skilful care in disease, and that there are asylums for infirmity, age, and decrepitude ; but the unlimited extension of benefits, devised by a wise intelligence for the relief of evils which no human prescience could elude, has a direct tendency to en- courage amongst the poor apathy concerning present exigencies, and the neglect of a provision for the con- tingencies of the future. A rate levied on property for the support of indi- gence is, in a great degree, a tax on the capital, from whose employment are derived the incentives of 46 industry and the rewards of the frugal, ingenious, and virtuous poor. If the only test of the application of this fund be indigence, without reference to desert —be want, irrespective of character—motives to fru- gality, self controul and industry are at once removed, and the strong barrier which nature had itself erected to prevent the moral lapse of the entire population is wantonly destroyed. The tax acts as a new burden on the industrious poor, already suffering from an enormous pressure, and not only drags within the limits of pauperism unwilling victims, but paralyses with despair the efforts of those whose exertions might otherwise have prolonged their struggle with adver- sity. The wages of the worthy are often given to encourage the sluggard, the drunkard, and the man whose imprudence entails on the community the pre- cocious burden of his meagre and neglected offspring. The feeble obstacle raised in the country to the pro- pagation of a pauper population, by making the indi- gent chargeable on the estates of the land-owners, is even there rendered almost entirely inefficacious by the too frequent non-residence of the gentry, or the indifference with which this apparently inevitable evil is regarded. In the South of England the fatal error has been committed of paying a certain portion of the wages of able bodied labourers out of the fund ob- tained by the poor-rates; and a population is thus created, bound like slaves to toil, and having also like them a right to be maintained. But, in the large towns, the feeble check to the increase of pauper- 47 ism, which thus exists in some rural districts, is entirely removed. The land is let to speculators who build cottages, the rents of which are collected weekly, a commutation for the rates being often paid by the landlord when they are demanded, which seldom occurs in the lowest description of houses. A married man having thus by law an unquestioned right to a maintenance proportioned to the number of his family, direct encouragement is afforded to improvident marriages. The most destitute and immoral marry to increase their claim on the stipend appointed for them by law, which thus acts as a bounty on the increase of a squalid and debilitated race, who in- herit from their parents disease, sometimes deformity, often vice, and always beggary. The number of labourers thus created diminishes the already scanty wages of that portion of the popu- lation still content to endeavour by precarious toil to maintain their honest independence. Desperate is the struggle by which, under such a system, the up- right labourer procures for his family the comforts of existence. Many are dragged by the accidents of life to an unwilling acceptance of this legalized pen- sion of the profligate, and some, over informed by mis- fortune in the treachery of their own hearts, are se- duced to palter with temptation, and at length to capitulate with their apparent fate. Fearful demoralization attends an impost whose distribution diminishes the incentives to prudence and virtue. When reckless of the future, the intelli- 48 gence of man is confined to the narrow limits of the present. He thus debases himself beneath the animals whose instincts teach them to lay up stores for the season of need. The gains* of the pauper are, in prosperity, frequently squandered in taverns, whilst his family exists in hungered and ragged misery, and few sympathies with the sufferings of his aged relatives or neighbours enter his cold heart, since he knows they have an equal claim with him- self, on that pittance which the law awards. The superfluities which nature would prompt him in a season of abundance to hoard for the accidents of the future, are wasted with reckless profusion; because the law takes care of the future. Selfish profligacy usurps the seat of the household virtues of the English labourer. Charity once extended an invisible chain of sym- pathy between the higher and lower ranks of society, which has been destroyed by the luckless pseudo- philanthropy of the law. Few aged or decrepid pensioners now gratefully receive the visits of the higher classes—few of the poor seek the counsel, the admonitions, and assistance of the rich in the period of the inevitable accidents of life. The bar of the overseer is however crowded with the sturdy appli- cants for a legalized relief, who regard the distribu- tor of this bounty as their stern and merciless oppressor, instructed by the compassionless rich to * See evidence of Mr. Allen concerning pauperism in Spitalfields. 49 reduce to the lowest possible amount the alms which the law wrings from their reluctant hands. This disruption of the natural ties has created a wide gulph between the higher and lower orders of the community, across which, the scowl of hatred banishes the smile of charity and love. That government have appointed a Commission of inquiry into the evils arising from the administration of the Poor-laws, must be a source of satisfaction to every well wisher to the poor. Since it would be unjust to annul the existing provision for a rapidly increasing indigence which the law has itself fostered, the im- provement of its present administration is all that the most sanguine can expect as an immediate result of this inquiry. Every change which assimilates the method of distributing this legal charity to that by which a well regulated private bounty is admin- istered, must be hailed. The present official organi- zation in the large towns is incapable of producing these results. The parish officers and sidesmen are not sufficiently numerous to enable them (if they were per- mitted by law) to make a discrimination—concerning the characters of individuals, their actual condition, and the accidents or faults that may have occasioned it—equal to that which is observed in the most judi- cious distribution of private bounty. Since desert does not enhance the claim which indigence can enforce, the only relation which the parish officer now has with the applicant for relief is that of the investigation and proof of his indigence ; and, to this G 50 end, those now employed may be sufficiently proper agents. But if we would substitute any portion of that sympathy with the distresses of the poor, and that gratitude for relief afforded—that acknowledged right to administer good counsel, and that willing- ness to receive advice— that privilege of inquiring into the arrangements of domestic economy, instructing the ignorant, and checking the perverse—all which at- tend the beneficent path of private charity, much superior men must be employed in the office of visit- ing the houses of the poor, and being the almoners of the public. Such an office can only be properly filled by men of some education, but especially of high moral character, and possessing great natural gen- tleness. An attempt should be constantly made to relieve the mind of the independent poor from the necessity of receiving an eleemosynary dole, by re- commending the worthy to employment. It is not sufficient that the sidesman or churchwarden should give a few hours daily to an examination of all ap- plicants in our enormous townships, but the towns should be minutely subdivided, each district having its local board, which (besides an executive parish overseer resident in the district, and thus possessing every means of becoming minutely acquainted with the character of the inhabitants,) should also be fur- nished with its board of superior officers. By such means : by adopting the test of desert, at least to determine the amount of relief bestowed: by dis couraging or even rejecting those whose indigence is A 51 the consequence of dissipation, of idleness, and of wilful imprudence; and by making the overseers themselves the means of instructing the poor, that every labourer is the surest architect of his own fortune —by constituting them the patrons of virtue and the censors of vice, and besides being the almoners of the public charity, the sources of a powerful moral agency—much good might be effected. The enor- mous expenditure, incurred by the present system, might be exceedingly reduced, and the alms might at length (by a process whose success would depend on the gradual moral improvement of society,) be con- fined to such of the aged, the decrepid, and the un- fortunate, as being without the hope of assistance from the charity of relations or friends, were thus reluctantly driven, by a hard necessity, to have recourse to the fund of the poor. Societies for mutual relief should be everywhere encouraged, and a constant effort should be vigorously maintained to disburden the public of this enormous tax, by every other means which would contribute to the virtuous independence of the working classes. At present this alarming impost increases so rapidly, that it threatens ultimately to absorb the fund which ought to be employed solely in rewarding the labour of the industrious poor, and hence, to re- duce the whole population to the condition of helots. The fund derived from the poor’s-rate for the re- lief of the indigent, is, in Manchester, as judiciously 52 administered as the state of the law will permit. Too much praise can scarcely be given to the zealous exertions of those gentlemen who fill the offices of churchwardens and sidesmen. Yet, the effect of the present state of the law is but too apparent here. Pauperism is every where accompanied with moral and physical degradation. Impressed with this opinion, we endeavoured to discover, from such facts as might be ascertained at the town’s offices, how this calamitous law affected Manchester. Unfortunately, the distribution of the poor rates is not registered separately for each of the police divi- sions. We are therefore only able to compare the four sections of the town visited by the overseers. The first and second of these four sections, which we shall denominate the Newtown and the Ancoats dis- tricts, comprise Nos. 1, 2, and 4, and therefore con- tain almost exclusively poor inhabitants. On the other hand, the third, or central division, besides Nos. 5, 6, 9, and a small part of No. 8, which are inhabited by a great number of shopkeepers and tradesmen, contains also Nos. 10, 11, and 14, which have a very large proportion of poor. The fourth, or Portland-street District, besides Nos. 3, 7, and 13, containing many poor, likewise comprises No. 12, and the greater part of No. 8, in which the poor inhabitants are relatively much less numerous. We have subjoined a table exhibiting the popula- tion of each of the police divisions, according to the 53 last census, and arranged in the four sections visited by the overseers of the poor, so as to exhibit their relative population. Newtown. Ancoats. Central. Portland Street. No. 2.. 25581 No. '1..31573 |No. 5 ..: 7275|No.'3°.. 11431 5 of 4.. 93372|2 of 4.. 62251 6..x12740 7... 0784 0 + 3318 30f 8 .e 72085 10....3886 . 12... 1859 11 ..13635 “a3 .. %260 14 .. 6834 1of8.. 686 3490182 377981 36908 32401 The cases relieved at the Churchwardens’ offices are classed as Irish and English cases: the first con- sist exclusively of Irish cases without seltlements, but under the denomination of English cases, are included all who have obtained settlements, whether English or Irish ; and this class comprises a very great propor- tion of Irish. We have been enabled, by the liber- ality of the Churchwardens, and Mr. Gardiner’ politeness, to obtain returns of the relative proportion of these cases during the four winter months of the four years from 1827 to 1831 inclusive. The general table is inserted in the appendix,® but from this we have deduced some more minutely classified results, which we conceive strongly to corroborate the opinions which we have hazarded, concerning the origin and growth of pauperism. The table contained in the Appendix exhibits, in the first place, an alarming increase of pauperism in * See Appendix No. 1. 54 the whole township. The total number of cases (each representing, on the average, two and a half individuals) relieved in the township, in the months of November, December, January, and February of 1827 and 28, was 30,717, or included 76,792 indi- vidual acts of relief, each continued for an indefinite period. This number had, in the same months of 1830-31, increased to 45,842, or, at a period when the population amounted to 142,026, it included 114,605 individual acts of relief, each of which com- prised indefinite portions of the four months, or had almost doubled in four years. Supposing these acts to have been administered at all times to different persons, then, more than four-fifths of the whole po- pulation were relieved for an indefinite portion of the four winter months. The relative proportion of Irish cases without settlements, and of English and Irish cases with settlements, and their relative increase during these four years, are perhaps still more remarkable. ~ DISTRICTS. Nov. Dec. Jan. & Feb. of 1827-8, 1828-9, 1829-30, 1830-31. Irish. English. Irish English.Irish English. |Irish English. NEWTOWN. [1559 6059 [1490 5434 (3911 8023 4051 9129 No. 2 & 3 No. 4 ANCOATS. 1482 6701 [2155 7158 [2690 8022 [3818 9027 No.1 & % No. 4 CENTRAL. Nos. 5, 6, 9, 10, 11,14, & 1 No.8| 366 7422 | 532 7161 | 742 0668 | 909 10214 PORTLAND ST. Nos. 3,7,12,13, and 4 of No 8] 264 6864 | 577 6974 1186 8591 1114 7580 55 The proportion of Irish cases without settlements, in the Ancoats and Newtown Divisions, containing Nos. 1, 2, and 4, and its relative increase, are ex- ceedingly greater than in the Central and Portland Street Districts ; notwithstanding that the number of Trish in these latter sections is much augmented by the inclusion of Nos. 3, 7, 10, and 13. By the following table, this increase may be more easily compared. DISTRICTS. | Nov. Dec. Jan. and Feb. of 1827-8, 1828.9, 1829-30, 1830-31. NEWTOWN ANDI Irish. English.\Irish, English.|Irish. English.|Irish. English: ANCOATS. 3041 1276013645 125926601 16045|7869 18156 CENTRAL AND PORTLAND ST. | 630 14286!1109 14136{1928 18259(2023 17794 The Newtown and Ancoats Districts have always contained a greater proportion of Irish than any other portion of the town; but the increase of pau- perism in the Central and Portland Districts, must evidently be ascribed to the recent rapid coloniza- tion of Irish in Divisions 3, 7, and 10 ; since, whilst the Irish cases, having no settlements, have increased from 600 to 2,000, or are more than trebled,—the cases having settlements, which have been relieved, have only increased from 14,000 to 17,000, or about two-ninths. In the same period, the rapid relative increase of the Irish cases having no settle- ments, in the Newtown and Ancoats Districts, ren- ders it extremely probable, that the increase of 56 those cases which have obtained settlements, is in a great measure to be imputed to the Irish; and that pauperism, therefore, spreads most rapidly, in an ignorant and demoralized population. These tables also abundantly testify, that pauperism chiefly pre- vails in those portions of the town, where the sources and evidences of moral and physical depression, to which we have alluded, are the most numerous. The relative proportion of the population to the cases and individuals relieved, in the four Sections visited by the Overseers, is displayed in the follow- ing table. Pages Sieve) fav lagmgnd acts i it Ti lief for in- DISTRICTS | ithe four winter POPULATION. Gednite periods months, 1830-31. of time. NEWTOWN. . 13180 349182 of which 2=139671| 32950 ANCOATS.... 12890 37798L . +=12599% 32225 Total... 26070 [72717 .. $=271430 65175 CENTRAL .. 11123 36008 .. +%=11072 T% 27807% PORTLAND. . 8694 32401 .. 2 — 8100 21735 Total... .. 19817 69309 49542 The following table® shows the relative propor- tion of cases relieved in the four Overseers’ Sections during three portions of the year 1830-31, each con- taining four months. DISTRICTS. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. |March, April, May, June. July, Aug. Sept. Oct. Irish. English, Irish. English. Irish. English. NEWTOWN..| 4051 9129, 3896 7958, 3409 7996 ANCOATS. . .| 3818 9027] 3333 7801, 3280 8107 CENTRAL..| 909 10214) 815 9474] 695 0287 PORTLAND..| 1114 7580, 897 7050, 863 7766 08902 35950| 8941 32283] 8247 33156 * See Appendix No. 2. 57 The population of the township is 142,026 ; and the acts of parochial relief in one year, each con- tinued through indefinite periods of time, were 321,172, of which acts 67,700 concernedlrish who had obtained no settlements. The sources of vice and physical degradation are allied with the causes of pauperism. Amongst the poor, the most destitute are too frequently the most demoralized—virtue is the surest economy—vice is haunted by profligacy and want. Where there are most paupers, the gin shops, taverns, and beer houses are most numerous. The following table enumerates the taverns of the town. Gin shops are held under the same licence, and are attached to three fourths of these establishments. NO. OF LICENSED TAVERN AND INNKEEPERS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MANCHESTER. No.d....::.02 NO. B...e vs 39 No. 11........37 Dr drink 44 iin 0010 12...7....16 Shes stirs 48 Sate eieious 10 13... deine 31 9... 30 14... 5... 13 Biviy.ii «40 YO. 4 I Total... .. 430 To this number may perhaps be added 322 gin shops. These last establishments especially abound in the poorest and most destitute districts, where their proportion to the taverns is at least four fifths. We were unable to procure, from the officers of excise in Manchester, information concerning the relative pro- portion of the beer houses in the several divisions of the town ; but we are informed by Mr. Shawcross, H 58 of the Police department, that their number is at least three hundred. If we subtract fifty respectable inns, which, however, have generally tap rooms at- tached to them, one thousand haunts of intemperance exist in Manchester. The districts 1, 2, 8, and 4, may be conceived to represent most correctly the exclusively labouring population ; but in estimating the relative number of all these sources of vice frequented by the population of these districts, it is necessary to include those of the adjoining divisions 5 and 6, where a much smaller proportion of poor resides. The result is, that in Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, there are 270 taverns, 216 gin shops, (estimated as four fifths of taverns,) 188 beer houses, (estimated as being distributed through the divisions of the town in the same ratio as the taverns,) total, 674, or more than two thirds of the whole number of taverns, gin shops, and beer houses of the town, may therefore be considered as chiefly ministering to the vicious propensities of the inhabitants of Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4. Some idea may be formed of the influence of these establishments on the health and morals of the people, from the follow- ing statement; for which we are indebted to Mr. Braidley, the Boroughreeve. He observed the num- ber of persons entering a gin shop in five minutes, during eight successive Saturday evenings, and at various periods from seven o'clock until ten. The average result was, 112 men and 163 women, or 275 in forty minutes, which is equal to 412 per hour. - 59 The report of the Committee on gaols reveals the gross migmanagement of the licence systemin London, and shews that taverns are the rendezvous of criminals and profligates of the lowest order. The scenes of depravity which occur in them, without the shadow of concealment—the constant temptations to moral errors which they unblushingly offer to those orders of society, which have the least power of repelling them —the seductions to grosser sins by which they enthral the idle and unwary—the maxims of iniquity, and the arts of dishonesty, which are undisguisedly taught in them, by the miscreants who find a daily shelter there—all these glaring abuses demand the prompt and energetic interference of authority with the regu- lations of establishments, which, without the pretence of necessity, or the veil of one virtuous amusement, are public schools of vice. The decency of our towns is violated, even in this ~ respect, that every street blazons forth the invitations of these haunts of crime. Gin shops and beer houses encouraged by the law (which seems to value rather the amount of the public revenue, than the preva- lence of private virtue) and taverns, over which the police can at present exercise but an imperfect con- troul, have multiplied with such rapidity that they will excite the strong remonstrances which every lover of good order is prepared to make with govern- ment, against the permission, much less the sanction, of such public enormities. Two physicians of great experience who practise in two of our largest manu- 60 facturing towns, inform us, that delirium tremens (a disease occasioned by continued intemperance) has increased, within the sphere of their observation, in an alarming ratio since the passing of the Beer-act; and another, who superintends one of the largest public Lunatic Asylums in the provinces, discovers that one great cause of the prevalence of insanity of late years is an addiction to the use of ardent spirits. The amount of crime is one chief means of ascer- taining the moral condition of a community. To the perfection of this estimate it is, however, essential that crimes committed against the person should be distinguished from those against property. *« The moral guilt of the latter depending considerably upon the equality of the distribution of wealth throughout the country, the degree of ease in which the people live ought also to be brought into view; and when we compare the criminal calendars of different na- tions, we ought not to omit to refer to their respec- tive modes of administering justice, and to the at- tention paid in each country to that branch of it which we call preventive. That prevention is by far the more important care, in point both of duty and expediency, is a truth which governments are be- ginning to perceive ; though in most countries re- pression, and in not a few vindictiveness, still form the spirit of the penal code.” So long as the will * Foreign Quarterly Review, vol. v. p. 404. + Works of Charles Lucas—also “ De la Justice de la Prévoyance™ and “ De la Mission de la Justice Humaine.” Par M. Depéctiaua. 61 of man is free, and it is in his power either to con- form to the law, or to violate it, the care of the legislature should be to turn that will into the right channel.” ; The state of the registers, required for an accurate investigation of the amount of crime committed in Manchester, was such as to demand more time in their classification, than, under the circumstances in which this pamphlet was prepared, we were able to give the subject. We have obtained, however, an account of the number of persons committed at the New Bailey Court House, Salford, for the different offences under which their commitment is recorded. The amount of crime exhibited in this table results therefore from a much greater population than that contained in the township ; the out-townships being also included, or a population of at least 240,000. 1829(1830 1831 (70tal Number of Felons... i.e uueeerrneanneenn. 580| 559] 6381777 Persons committed for want of sureties to keep the peace—non-payment of fines—neglect of Family; 80Cucissiv + visn oon bitiniige vin win Witine ui 819! 960| 9962775 For want of sureties to appear at the Sessions. .| 192| 153 182) 527 For disobeying orders in Bastardy ........... 174| 151 181] 506 Rogues.and. Vagabonds., . ..... ss vsmnisne sins 620] 743| 8352198 7713 We subjoin, in a note, a table extracted from avery valuable pamphlet published by Mr. Ridgway, en- titled “ An Enquiry into the State of the Manufac- turing Population, and the Causes and Cures of the 62 Evils therein existing,”* by which the reader may be enabled to form a more accurate opinion concerning the relative extent to which crime prevails in Man- chester. There is, however, a licentiousness capable of cor- rupting the whole body of society, like an insidious disease, which eludes observation, yet is equally fatal in its effects. Criminal acts may be statistically classed—the victims of the law may be enumerated —but the number of those affected with the moral leprosy of vice cannot be exhibited with mathemati- cal precision. Sensuality has no record,{ and the relaxation of social obligations may coexist with a half dormant, half restless impulse to rebel against all the preservative principles of society; yet these chaotic elements may long smoulder, accompanied only by partial eruptions of turbulence or crime. *1827. 1827 eae 8a8 Mannteiming Population [Crime 8 8% ig Population.|Crime 253 Sad Sag Cheshire .... 304,130) 497| 612| Berkshire. ...| 143,400| 208| 690 Lancashire .. |1,226,6002459| 495|/ Essex ......| 319,400 451| 708 Middlesex ... (1,295,100(3381| 353||Hertford .. ..| 144,300| 205 704 Northumberla| 220,500 96/2300| Kent ....... 468,900| 632| 742 Nottingham. .| 206,300 298| 695||Hampshire ..| 314,000| 341] 920 Stafford .....| 378,600, 569| 665|Westmoreland| 55,800{ 20/2790 Warwick....| 310,500 602| 515||Wiltshire.. ..| 245,000 365| 671 York oi... 1,321,600(1223|1080|| Devonshire ..| 484,200| 432(1121 Average... ui ivan. SAO. LL An Le LAL T,043 + Norecord exists by which the number of illegitimate births can be ascertained. Even this evidence would form a very imperfect rule by which to judge of the comparative prevalence of sensuality. 63 In the absence of direct evidence, we are unwilling that any statements should rest on our personal tes- timony ; but we again refer with confidence to that of an intelligent and impartial observer.* One other characteristic of the social body, in its present constitution, appears to us too remarkable and important to be entirely overlooked. Religion is the most distinguished and ennobling feature of civil communities. Natural attributes of the human mind appear to ensure the culture of some form of worship ; and as society rises through its suc- cessive stages, these forms are progressively deve- loped, from the grossest observances of superstition, until the truths and dictates of revelation assert their rightful supremacy. The absence of religious feeling, the neglect of all religious ordinances, affords substantive evidence of so great a moral degradation of the community, as to ensure a concomitant civic debasement. -The social body cannot be constructed like a machine, on abstract principles which merely include physical motions, and their numerical results in the pro- duction of wealth. The mutual relation of men is not merely dynamical, nor can the composition of their forces be subjected to a purely mathematical calculation. Political economy, though its object be to ascertain the means of increasing the wealth of nations, cannot accomplish its design, without at the * «Inquiry into the State of the Manufacturing Population.” p. 24. Ridgway. 64 same time regarding their happiness, and as its lar- gest ingredient the cultivation of religion and morality. With unfeigned regret, we are therefore constrained to add, that the standard of morality is exceedingly debased, and that religious observances are neglected amongst the operative population of Manchester. The bonds of domestic sympathy are too generally relaxed ; and as a consequence, the filial and paternal duties are uncultivated. The artisan has not time to cherish these feelings, by the familiar and grateful arts which are their constant food, and without which nourishment they perish. An apathy benumbs his spirit. Too frequently the father, enjoying perfect health and with ample opportunities of employment, is supported in idleness on the earnings of his op- pressed children ; and on the other hand, when age and decrepitude cripple the energies of the parents, their adult children abandon them to the scanty maintenance derived from parochial relief. That religious observances are exceedingly neg- lected, we have had constant opportunities of ascer- taining, in the performance of our duty as Physician to the Ardwick and Ancoats Dispensary, which fre- quently conducted us to the houses of the poor on Sunday. With rare exceptions, the adults of the vast population of 84,147 contained in Districts Nos. 1, 2, 8, 4, spend Sunday either in supine sloth, in sen- suality, or in listless inactivity. A certain portion only of the labouring classes enjoys even healthful 65 recreation on that day, and a very small number fre- quent the places of worship. The fruits of external prosperity may speedily be blighted by the absence of internal virtue. With pure religion and undefiled, flourish frugality, fore- thought, and industry—the social charities which are the links of kindred, neighbours, and societies—and the amenities of life, which banish the jealous sus- picion with which one order regards another. In vain may the intellect of man be tortured to devise expedients by which the supply of the necessaries of life may undergo an increase, equivalent to that of population, if the moral check be overthrown. Crime, diseases, pestilence, intestine discord, famine, or foreign war—those agencies which repress the rank overgrowth of a meagre and reckless race—will, by a natural law, desolate a people devoid of prudence and principle, whose numbers constantly press on the limits of the means of subsistence. "We therefore re- gard with alarm the state of those vast masses of our operative population which are acted upon by all other incentives, rather than those of virtue; and are visited by the emissaries of every faction, rather than - by the ministers of an ennobling faith. The present means or methods of religious in- struction are, in the circumstances in which our large towns are placed, most evidently inadequate to their end. The labours of some few devoted men—of whom the world is not worthy—in the houses of the poor, are utterly insufficient to produce a deep and I 66 permanent moral impression on the people. Some of our laws, as now administered, encourage indigence and vice, and hence arises an increased necessity for the daily exertions of the teachers of religion, to stem that flood of prevailing immorality which threatens to overthrow the best means that political sagacity can devise for the elevation of the people. The exertions of Dr. Tuckerman, of Boston, in establishing “a ministry for the poor” had been, until very recently, rather the theme of general and deserved praise, than productive of laudable imitation. This ministration is to be effected, chiefly by a visita- tion of the houses of the poor, and he proposes as its objects, religious instruction, uninfluenced .by sec- tarian spirit or opinions:—the relief of the most pressing necessities of the poor—first by a well re- gulated charity, and secondarily, by instruction in domestic economy—exhortations to industry—ad- monition concerning the consequences of vice, and by obtaining work for the deserving and unemployed. The minister should also encourage the education of the children, should prove the friend of the poor in periods of perplexity, and, when the labourer is sub- dued by sickness, should breathe into his ear the maxims of virtue, and the truths of religion. He might also act as a medium of communication and a link of sympathy, between the higher and lower classes of society. He might become the almoner of the rich, and thus daily sow the seeds of a kindlier relationship than that which now subsists between the 67 wealthy and the destitute. He might also serve asa faithful reporter of the secret miseries which are suffered in the abodes of poverty, unobserved by those to whom he may come to advocate the cause of the abandoned. The prevalence of the principles and the energetic practice of the precepts of christianity, we may hope, will thus ultimately be made to bind together the now hostile elements of society. The success of Dr. Tuckerman’s labours in Boston had, before the commencement of a similar plan in Manchester, given rise to several societies for the Christian instruction of the people in the Metropolis, and in other parts of the kingdom. Six such societies are now in operation in Manchester and its out-town- ships—five amongst the Independent, and one amongst the Unitarian Dissenters. The objects proposed by these associations and the means by which these ob- jects are prosecuted, may be estimated by the perusal of an extract from the report of that connected with the Mosley-street Independent Chapel, placed in the appendix. But we regret to add that their number is utterly insufficient to affect the habits, of more than a small portion of the population. The vast portions of the town included in the Ancoats, Newtown, and Portland districts, are utterly unoccupied by this beneficent system ; and, when it is further observed, that in those districts reside the most indigent and immoral of our poor, it will be at once apparent, what need there is of the immediate extension of the same powerful agency to them. 68 Having enumerated so many causes of physical depression, perhaps the most direct proof of the ex- tent to which the effect coexists in natural alliance with poverty, may be derived from the records of the medical charities of the town. During the year preceding July, 1831---21,196 patients were treated at the Royal Infirmary---472 at the House of Re- covery—-3163 at the Ardwick and Ancoats Dispen- sary, of which (subtracting one sixth as belonging to the township of Ardwick) 2636 were inhabitants of Manchester---perhaps 2000 at the Workhouse Dis- pensary, and 1,500 at the Children’s---making a total of 27,804, without including the Lock Hospital and the Eye Institution. “If to this sum,”* says Mr. Roberton, engaged in making a similar calculation, “« we were further to add the incomparably greater amount of all ranks visited or advised as private pa- tients by the whole body (not a small one) of profes- sional men; those prescribed for by chemists and druggists, scarcely of inferior pretension; and by herb doctors and quacks ; those who swallow patent medicines; and lastly the subjects of that ever flourishing branch---domestic medicine; we should be compelled to admit that not fewer, perhaps, than three fourths of the inhabitants of Manchester an- nually are, or fancy they are, under the necessity of submitting to medical treatment.” # «Remarks on the Health of English Manufacturers, and on the need which exists for the Establishment of Convalescents’ Retreats.” By J. ROBERTON. 69 Ingenious deductions, by Mr. Roberton, from facts contained in the records of the Lying-in Hos- pital of Manchester, prove, in a different manner, the extreme dependence of the poor, on the charitable institutions of the town. The average annual num- ber of births, (deduced from a comparison of the last four years,) attended by the officers of the Lying-in Charity, is four thousand three hundred; and the number of births to the population may be assumed as one in twenty-eight inhabitants. This annual average of births, therefore, represents a population of 124,400, and assuming that of Manchester and the environs to be 230,000, more than one-half of its in- habitants are therefore either so destitute or so de- graded, as to require the assistance of public charity, in bringing their offspring into the world. : The children thus adopted by the public are often neglected by their parents. The early age at which girls are admitted into the factories, prevents their acquiring much knowledge of domestic economy; and even supposing them to have had accidental op- portunities of making this acquisition, the extent to which women are employed in the mills, does not, even after marriage, permit the general application of its principles. The infant is the victim of the sys- tem ; it has not lived long, ere it is abandoned to the care of a hireling or a neighbour, while its mother pursues her accustomed toil. Sometimes a little girl has the charge of the child, or even of two or three collected from neighbouring houses. Thus abandoned 70 to one whose sympathies are not interested in its wel- fare, or whose time is too often also occupied in household drudgery, the child is ill-fed, dirty, ill- clothed, exposed to cold and neglect ; and in conse- quence, more than one-half of the offspring of the poor (as may be proved by the bills of mortality of the town) die before they have completed their fifth year. The strongest survive; but the same causes which destroy the weakest, impair the vigour of the more robust ; and hence the children of our manu- facturing population are proverbially pale and sallow, though not generally emaciated, nor the subjects of disease. We cannot subscribe to those exaggerated and unscientific accounts of the physical ailments to which they are liable, which have been lately revived with an eagerness and haste equally unfriendly to taste and truth ; but we are convinced that the ope- ration of these causes, continuing unchecked through successive generations, would tend to depress the health of the people; and that consequent physical ills would accumulate in an unhappy progression. Before the age when, according to law, children can be admitted into the factories, they are permitted to run wild in the streets and courts of the town, their parents often being engaged in labour and unable to instruct them. Five infant schools have been esta- blished in Manchester and the suburban townships, in which six hundred children (a miserable portion of those who are of age to learn) receive instruction. “In Britain and Ireland, all sects and all parties approve 71 of infant schools ; in France, those who are best qua- lified to form a judgment, fully appreciate their value, and public tranquillity is alone wanted to se- cure the universal adoption of them in that country : in Geneva, they are received so zealously as to have become improved by the systematic addition of gar- dens, in which the children pass more hours than in the school-room ; in North America they are gaining ground with the rapidity and steadiness with which everything prospers in the United States: and the republicans of the West, abandoning a deeply rooted and barbarous prejudice, are in some places even pro- viding infant schools for their young slaves. At the Cape of Good Hope the just union of the white and coloured races is begun, not more by the newly im- parted equality of rights, than by these establish- ments being opened in common to the offspring of both; they are in like manner begun to be offered to all classes without invidious distinction in India ; and in the Ultima Thule of civilization New South Wales, the innocent children of both the convict and the free are, in some measure, rescued by infant schools, from abominations which affect the young, in a man- ner to which our distance from the scene renders us careless.” The importance of this system, to our large manufacturing towns, is such that we hope funds will be speedily granted by government, so that it may be extended, until all the children of the poor * Westminster Review, No. xxxiv. 72 are rescued from ignorance, and from the effects of that bad example, to which they are now subjected in the crowded lanes of our cities. With a general system of education, we hope will also be introduced institutions, in which the young females of the poor may be instructed in Domestic Economy, and where those pernicious traditional pre- judices, which, combined with neglect, occasion the great mortality of their children, may be removed, and they may receive wholesome advice concerning their duties as wives and mothers. We have avoided alluding to evidence which is founded on general opinion, or depends merely on matters of perception; and have chiefly availed our- selves of such as admitted of a statistical classifica- tion. We may, however, be permitted to add, that our own experience, confirmed by that of those mem- bers of our profession, on whose judgment we can rely with the greatest confidence, induces us to con- clude, that diseases assume a lower and more chronic type in Manchester, than in smaller towns and in agricultural districts; and a residence in the Hospi- tals of Edinburgh, and practice in its Dispensaries amongst the most debased part of its inhabitants, enables us to affirm, with confidence, that the diseases occurring here admit of less active antiphlogistic or depletory treatment, than those incident to the de- graded population of the old town of that city. Frequent allusion has been made to the supposed rate of mortality in Manchester, as a standard by 73 which the health of the manufacturing population may be ascertained. From the mortality of towns, however, their comparative health cannot be invari- ably deduced. There is a state of physical depres- sion which does not terminate in fatal organic changes, which, however, converts existence into a prolonged disease, and is not only compatible with life, but 18 proverbially protracted to an advanced senility. The difficulty of obtaining returns of burials, from all the places of interment, in the town and suburbs of Manchester, prevented the estimation of the rate of mortality, when the former edition of this Pamph- let was published. Since that period a parliamentary paper has been published (No. 729,) containing a re- turn of the number of burials, occurring annually in Manchester, from 1821 to 1830; and the Board of Health have obtained returns for the last four years, which are confirmatory of this Parliamentary docu- ment. We have, from these returns and the census, constructed a table, showing the mortality of every “year from 1821 to 1831, inclusive. The population, by the census of the townships of Ardwick, Broughton, Cheetham Hill, Chorlton-upon- Medlock, Hulme, Manchester, and Salford, in 1811 was 108,993 :—in 1821, it was 152,683 :—and in 1831, 224,143 ; or the increase in the first of these periods was to that of the latter, nearly as 44 parts of 115 are to 71 parts of the same number. Hence, supposing the sources of increase from births and im- migration, to remain nearly the same, in the interme- K 74 diate periods, we obtain a rule to distribute the in- crease of population between 1821 and 1831. Divi- ding this period into two equal parts, the rate of in- crease during the first five years would be 44 of 115 equal parts of the whole increase, or in 1826 the po- pulation would be 152683427369 (+ of the whole increase) =180052 which+44091 (sz, which ratio is assumed to occur during the second five years,) = 224143, the population of the town in 1831. These sums being again distributed by the same rule to half of the first and second cycles of five years, and the pro- ducts thus obtained, divided by five, a tolerably accu- rate approximation to the half-yearly increase of the population is obtained. By this rule, the following Table of the annual rate of mortality was constructed. Interments|Interments| Year Char pent Dos iss. Teal of} Population. [Rate of Mortality. 1821} 1561 1726 3287 152683 46.45 1822) 1285 1044 2329 156663 67.223 1823] 1585 3230 4815 160664 33.36 1824| 1428 3219 4647 166117 35.74 1825] 1398 3530 4928 173083 35.12 1826) 1548 3804 5352 180052 33.64 1827| 1604 3235 4839 186462 38.53 1828, 1615 4106 5721 102874 33.73 1829) 1479 3719 5108 201691 38.80 1830] 1590 4383 5073 212913 35.64 1331 6736 224143 33.27 Some error appears to have occurred in the returns of interments for the first two years, therefore omit- ting them, the mean annual rate of interments acting as a divisor on the mean numbers of the population from 1828 to 1831 inclusive, will give an approxima- ® 75 tion to the mean rate of mortality or 188666 —5356 — 85.22, the mean rate of the annual mortality of Manchester. Diseases, we have said, assume in this town a com- paratively chronic type ; and a general prevalence of such maladies is compatible even with a low rate of mortality. Acute diseases (which are eminently fatal) prevail, on the contrary, in a population where the standard of health is high, and attack the most ro- bust and plethoric. Thus, a high rate of mortality may often be observed in a community, where the number of persons affected with disease is small ; and on the other hand, general physical depression may concur with the prevalence of chronic maladies, and yet be unattended with a great proportion of deaths. We have elsewhere discussed the origin and shown the great prevalence of dyspepsia, gastralgia,® enter- algia, and chronic bronchitis and phthisis,{ in Man- chester ; and this reference to the subject may there- fore be sufficient here. The preceding statements must, we fear, be re- ceived as valid evidence that many sources of physi- cal depression exist in Manchester. The Special Board of Health, in the course of their inquiries, discovered that they possessed very limited means of removing the evils whose existence was ascertained * Second Number of the North of England Medical and Surgical Journal: On Gastralgia and Enteralgia. + Third Number of the North of England Medical and Surgical Journal. 76 by the reports of the District Inspectors. Some thou- sands of houses were whitewashed. Several addi- tional gangs of scavengers were employed; and the result of their operations was evident in the im- proved condition of the public thoroughfares of the town : but to repair and sewer the unpaved streets, courts, &c., and to remove the gross accumulations of filth which they contain, would have entailed upon the town an expenditure for which the fiscal authori- ties were unwilling to become responsible. Letters were also addressed to the landlords of all houses re- ported to be out of repair, and of those in which the soughs required repair—which were damp—ill ven- tilated—or which had no privies, informing them of the defects reported, and requesting them to assist the Special Board in their efforts to ameliorate the phy- sical condition of the poor, by remedying these evils. The disease of the body politic is not superficial, and cannot be cured, or even temporarily relieved, by any specific : its sources are unfortunately remote, and the measures necessary to the removal of its disor- ders include serious questions on which great differ- ence of opinion prevails. | Visiting Manchester, the metropolis of the com- / mercial system, a stranger regards with wonder the | ingenuity and comprehensive capacity, which, in the \ short space of half a century, have here established the staple manufacture of this kingdom. He beholds with astonishment the establishments of its merchants 77 — monuments of fertile genius and successful design : —the masses of capital which have been accumula- ted by those who crowd upon its mart, and the rest- less but sagacious spirit which has made every part of the known world the scene of their enterprise. The sudden creation of the mighty system of commercial organization which covers this county, and stretches its arms to the most distant seas, attests the power and the dignity of man. Commerce, it appears to such a spectator, here gathers in her storehouses the productions of every clime, that she may minister to the happiness of a favoured race. When he turns from the great capitalists, he con- templates the fearful strength only of that multitude of the labouring population, which lies like a slum- bering giant at their feet. He has heard of the turbulent riots of the people—of machine breaking —of the secret and sullen organization which has suddenly lit the torch of incendiarism, or well nigh uplifted the arm of rebellion in the land. He re- members that political desperadoes have ever loved to tempt this population to the hazards of the swindling game of revolution, and have scarcely failed. In the midst of so much opulence, however, he has disbelieved the cry of need. ~ Believing that the natural tendency of unrestricted commerce, (unchecked by the prevailing want of edu- cation, and the incentives afforded by imperfect laws to improvidence and vice,) is to develop the energies of society, to increase the comforts and luxuries of 78 life, and to elevate the physical condition of every member of the social body, we have exposed, with a faithful, though a friendly hand, the condition of the lower orders connected with the manufactures of this town, because we conceive that the evils affecting them result from foreign and accidental causes. A system, which promotes the advance of civilization, and diffuses it over the world—which promises to maintain the peace of nations, by establishing a per- manent international law, founded on the benefits of commercial association, cannot be inconsistent with the happiness of the great mass of the people. There are men who believe that the labouring classes are condemned for ever, by an inexorable fate, to the unmitigated curse of toil, scarcely rewarded by the bare necessaries of existence, and often visited by the horrors of hunger and disease—that the heritage of ignorance, labour, and misery, is entailed upon them as an eternal doom. Such an opinion might appear to receive a gloomy confirmation, were we content with the evidence of fact, derived only from the his- tory of uncivilized races, and of feudal institutions. No modern Rousseau now rhapsodises on the happiness of the state of nature. Moral and physical degrada- tion are inseparable from barbarism. The unsheltered, naked savage, starving on food common to the deni- zens of the wilderness, never knew the comforts con- tained in the most wretched cabin of our poor. Civilization, to which feudality is inimical, but which is most powerfully promoted by commerce, 79 surrounds man with innumerable inventions. It has thus a constant tendency to multiply, without limit, the comforts of existence, and that by an amount of labour, at all times undergoing an indefinite diminu- tion. It continually expands the sphere of his rela- tions, from a dependance on his own limited re- sources, until it has combined into one mighty league, alike the members of communities, and the powers of the most distant regions. The cultivation of the faculties, the extension of knowledge, the improve- ment of the arts, enable man to extend his dominion over matter, and to minister, not merely to all the exigencies, but to the capricious tastes and the ima- ginary appetites of his nature. When, therefore, every zone has contributed its most precious stores—science has revealed her secret laws—genius has applied the mightiest powers of nature to familiar use, making matter the patient and silent slave of the will of man —if want prey upon the heart of the people, we may strongly presume that, besides the effects of existing manners, some accidental barrier exists, arresting their natural and rightful supply. The evils affecting the working classes, so far from being the necessary results of the commercial “system, furnish evidence of a disease which impairs its energies, if it does not threaten its vitality. The increase of the manufacturing establishments, and the consequent colonization of the district, have been exceedingly more rapid than the growth of its civic institutions. The eager antagonization of 80 commercial enterprise, has absorbed the attention, and concentrated the energies of every member of the community. In this strife, the remote influence of arrangements has sometimes been neglected, not from the want of humanity, but from the pressure of occupation, and the deficiency of time. Thus, some years ago, the internal arrangements of mills (now so much improved) as regarded temperature, ventilation, cleanliness, and the proper separation of the sexes, &c., were such as to be extremely objec- tionable. The same cause has, we think, chiefly occasioned the want of police regulations, to prevent the gross neglect of the streets and houses of the poor. The great and sudden fluctuations to which trade is liable, are often the sources of severe embarrass- ment. Sometimes the demand for labour diminishes, and its price consequently falls in a corresponding ratio. On the other hand, the existing population has often been totally inadequate to the required production ; and capitalists have eagerly invited a supply of labour from distant counties, and the sister kingdom. The colonization of the Irish was thus first encouraged ; and has proved one chief source of the demoralization, and consequent physical depres- sion of the people. The effects of this immigration, even when re- garded as a simple economical question, do not merely include an equation of the comparative cheapness of labour ; its influence on civilization and morals, as 81 they tend to affect the production of wealth, cannot be neglected. In proof of this, it may suffice to present a picture of the natural progress of barbarous habits. Want of cleanliness, of forethought, and economy, are found in almost invariable alliance with dissipation, reckless habits, and disease. The population gradually be- comes physically less efficient as the producers of wealth—morally so from idleness—politically wort/- less as having few desires to satisfy, and noxious as dissipators of capital accumulated. Were such man- ners to prevail, the horrors of pauperism would accu- mulate. A debilitated race would be rapidly multi- plied. Morality would afford no check to the increase of the population: crime and disease would be its only obstacles—the licentiousness which indulges its capricious appetite, till it exhausts its power—and the disease which, at the same moment, punishes crime, and sweeps away a hecatomb of its victims. A dense mass, impotent alike of great moral or phy- sical efforts, would accumulate; children would be born to parents incapable of obtaining the necessaries of life, who would thus acquire, through the mis- taken humanity of the law, a new claim for support from the property of the public. They would drag on an unhappy existence, vibrating between the pangs of hunger and the delirium of dissipation—alter- nately exhausted by severe and oppressive toil, or enervated by supine sloth. Destitution would now prey on their strength, and then the short madness L 82 of debauchery would consummate its ruin. Crime which banishes or destroys its victims, and disease and death, are severe but brief natural remedies, which prevent the unlimited accumulation of the horrors of pauperism. Even war and pestilence, when regarded as affecting a population thus demo- ralized, and politically and physically debased, seem like storms which sweep from the atmosphere the noxious vapours whose stagnation threatens man with death. : Morality is therefore worthy of the attention of the economist, even when considered as simply minis- tering to the production of wealth. Civilization creates artificial wants, introduces economy, and cul- tivates the moral and physical capabilities of society. Hence the introduction of an uncivilized race does not tend even primarily to increase the power of pro- ducing wealth, in a ratio by any means commensu- rate with the cheapness of its labour, and may ulti- mately retard the increase of the fund for the main- tenance of that labour. Such a race is useful only as a mass of animal organization, which consumes the smallest amount of wages. The low price of the labour of such people depends, however, on the pau- city of their wants, and their savage habits. When they assist the production of wealth, therefore, their ; barbarous habits and consequent moral depression must form a part of the equation. They are only necessary to a state of commerce inconsistent with such a reward for labour as is calculated to maintain 83 the standard of civilization. A few years pass, and they become burdens to a community whose morals and physical power they have depressed ; and dissi- pate wealth which they did not accumulate. Conscious of the evils resulting from the immigra- tion of Irish, we nevertheless tremble at the thought of applying unmodified poor-laws to Ireland. In England the system of parochial relief has a most prejudicial influence, in chaining redundant labour to a narrow locality, and thus aggravating the pres- sure of partial ills, and in relaxing those bonds of the social constitution, industry, forethought, and charity.* Much less could the habits of the Irish be corrected by a parliamentary enactment : and to at- tempt the removal of their misery, by a constant sup- ply of their wants, would be to offer direct encourage- ment to idleness, improvidence, and dissipation. It would ultimately render every individual dependent on the State, and change Ireland into a vast infir- mary, divided into as many wards as there are parishes, whose endowment would swallow up the en- tire rental of the country. Such a measure, says Mr. Senior, would $< divide Ireland into as many distinct countries as there are parishes, each peopled by a population ascripta glebe ; multiplying without fore- * Chalmers’s “ Christian and Civic Economy of Large Towns.”’— « Speech before the General Assembly.”’—< Political Economy.” Page 398, &ec. &c. + Letter to Lord Howick on a Legal Provision for the Irish poor, &e., &ec., p. 33. 84 thought ; impelled to labour principally by the fear of punishment ; drawing allowance for their children, and throwing their parents on the parish; consider- ing wages not a matter of contract but of right; at- tributing every evil to the injustice of their superiors; and, when their own idleness or improvidence has oc- casioned a fall of wages, avenging it by firing the dwellings, maiming the cattle, or murdering the persons of the landlords and overseers; combining, in short, the insubordination of the freeman with the sloth and recklessness of the slave.” We believe, however, that an impost on the rental of Ireland, might be applied with advantage in employing its redundant labour in great public works—such as draining bogs, making public roads, canals, harbours, &c., by which the entire available capital of the country would be increased, and the people would be trained in industrious habits, and more civilized manners. England would then cease to be, to the same extent as at present, the recepta- cle of the most demoralized and worthless hordes of the sister country. The Irish, who were invited to eolonize the coun- try, at a period when the demand for labour was greater than the native population could supply, have suffered more than any other class from the introduction of the power-loom. The state of tran- sition in employment consequent on a new invention, (by which the powers of production are increased, its cost diminished, and the demand for a peculiar 85 kind of labour almost extinguished,) will always be followed by an embarrassment, whose pressure and duration will be determined ceteris paribus, by the extent of the market for manufactures. If by the want of commercial treaties—by the imposition of injudicious duties on foreign produce, which provoke jealous retaliation—the existence of arbitrary re- strictions and monopolies, the extent of the market for manufactures be diminished, the demand for la- bour will be confined within the same limits. A new invention will thus be robbed of half its re- wards, since we deprive other nations of the power of buying our manufactures, by refusing to accept what they offer in exchange. We depress the spirit of their enterprise; and we discourage our own. The relations of commerce are those of unlimited recipro- city—not of narrow and bigoted exclusion. We encourage genius and industry in proportion as we permit them to receive their reward in the riches of every clime. We dam up not only the well-spring of our own wealth and happiness, but of that of other nations, when we refuse to barter the results of the ingenuity and perseverance of our artisans, for the products of the bounty of other climates, or the arts and genius of other people. Unrestricted commerce, on the other hand, would rapidly promote the advance of civilization, by cultivating the physical and mental power of individuals and nations to multiply the amount of natural products, and to create those artificial staple commodities, by the barter of which 86 they acquire the riches of other regions. Every new invention in agriculture or manufactures—every im- provement in the powers of transmission, would enable its possessors, by the same amount of labour, to obtain a greater quantity of foreign products in exchange. The labour of man would be constantly, to an indefinite extent, diminished,* whilst its reward would be, at the same time, perpetually increased. Human power would be employed “in its noblest occupation, that of giving a direction to the mere physical power which it had conquered.” But under a restrictive system, the demand for the results of labour is limited, not by the wants of the whole world, but of the market from which com- modities are received in exchange. Even then, as civilization multiplies the desires, and stimulates the industry and ingenuity of man, the quantity of pro- ducts permitted to be bartered for our manufactures has a constant tendency to increase. Unfortunately, however, the restrictions which fetter commerce are so numerous, and the monopolies which exclude free trade from the fairest portions of the earth are so ex- tensive, as to render the progressive increase in the demand for the results-of our labour and capital slow. * Observations on the Influence of Machinery upon the Working Classes of the Community, By John Kennedy, Esq.: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, vol. v. second series.—Also The Economy of Machinery and Manufactures, By Charles Babbage, Esq. + Results of Machinery, p. 193. 87 Population, nevertheless, increases the supply of labour in at least as great a ratio as the demand ex- isting under a restrictive system. Every invention, therefore, which diminishes the quantity of labour necessary to produce the objects of barter, lessens its price, and excludes, for an indefinite period, a great part of the population from employment. By this system the profits of capital are increased, though not in the same ratio as the wages of labour are for a time diminished. But, were the restrictions abo- lished, each new invention would not only enable man to purchase, by a smaller amount of labour, a larger portion of foreign products, but would, by these means, powerfully stimulate the genius and industry of other nations, whose demand for our manufactures would increase in a ratio at least. equal to: their ac- cumulation. In other words, improvements in ma- chinery diminish the cost of production ; but if the demand for manufactures be limited by arbitrary enactments, tke increased employment which would also be their natural and inevitable result, is prevented, until commerce is able, in some other way, to com- pensate for the evils of injudicious legislation. We have capital and labour—but to obtain the greatest amount of commercial advantages, we must also have an unlimited power of exchange. We believe, therefore, that chiefly to this cause ‘must be attributed the combined misery of severe labour and want entailed on that wretched but exten- sive class, the hand-loom weavers of the cotton trade. 88 Were an unlimited exchange permitted to com- merce, the hours of labour might be reduced, and time afforded for the education and religious and moral in- struction of the people. With a virtuous population, engaged in free trade, the existence of redundant labour would be an evil of brief duration, rarely ex- perienced. The unpopular, but alas, too necessary proposals of emigration would no longer be agitated. Ingenuity and industry would draw from the whole world a tribute more than adequate to supply the ever increasing demands of a civilized nation. The duties imposed on the introduction of foreign corn were originally intended, by raising the price of grain, to act as a compensation to the landowner for the supposed unequal pressure of taxation upon him. This inequality of the public burdens has, however, been exceedingly exaggerated, and those taxes, which are said to be derived from land on which corn is grown, are also procured from many other des- criptions of property which are not protected. The faults of our present financial system* are so numer- ous, that if the principle of relieving the inequality of the pressure of taxation be admitted, we must pay back in bounties one third of what is obtained by taxes. The scarcity and dearness of food certainly bring to the agricultural population no benefit, after the brief demand for labour necessary to bring fresh soils into cultivation is past. The landowner alone receives * Sir H. Parnell, on Financial Reform. 89 any advantage from the high price of food, and that much less than has generally been supposed. The fluctuating scale by which the duties on corn are at present regulated, has produced the most disastrous effects among the agricultural tenantry : rents have been paid out of capital, and estates have been in- jured, in consequence of the embarrassments of the cultivators. A tax on the staple commodity of life enhances the price of all other food, by increasing the wages of labour, and the rent of land; and, as it enters as an element into the cost of every article produced, (and that in a ratio constantly accumulating with the amount of labour employed,) it presses heavily, though indirectly, on the superior classes, and upon all other consumers. Not the least inju- - rious effects of the present Corn-law, are the burden of supporting an unemployed population, which it en- tails on society at large, and the insecurity of pro- perty which results from the near approach to desti- tution of a large portion of its members. But since this system simultaneously contracts the market of the capitalist, (by excluding one most important ob- ject of barter,) and increases the cost of production, its direst effects are felt in the manufacturing dis- tricts, which have long been maintaining an unequal struggle with foreign competitors. In the cotton trade, to the expense of importing the raw material, and that chiefly from one of those countries where bounties on manufactures exist, is added the pressure of one tax, on the raw material, and of another, which, M 90 by raising the price of labour, increases that of the manufactured result. Industry, invention, the most subtle sagacity, and the most daring enterprise ap- pear at length almost baffled by the difficulties they encounter. The profits of capital are reduced to the most meagre attenuation—the rapidity of pro- duction, of transmission and return, appear to have reached their utmost limit. Injudicious duties on foreign produce have provoked retaliation, and the manufactures of other countries are supported by ar- tificial expedients in rivalry with our own. The difficulty of changing the system is every day in- creased, until, ere long, it may become a serious question with other countries, whether the advanta- ges to be derived from free trade can compensate for the sacrifice of the capital embarked in their com- mercial establishments. The cotton manufacture is rapidly spreading all over the continent, and parti- cularly in Switzerland and France; and America threatens us with a more formidable competition. Under these circumstances, every part of the sys- tem appears necessary to the preservation of the whole. The profits of trade will not allow a greater remuneration for labour, and competition even threat- ens to reduce its price. ~~ Whatever time is sub- tracted from the hours of labour® must be accompanied with an equivalent deduction from its rewards ; the * The effect of such a measure is thus correctly described in an able and perspicuous pamphlet lately published, entitled “ A Letter TR Ly TT re 91 restrictions of trade prevent other improvements, and we fear that the condition of the working classes can- not be much improved, until the burdens and restric- tions of the commercial system are abolished. We will yield to none in an earnest and unquali- fied opposition to the present restrictions and burdens of commerce, and chiefly because they lessen the wages of the lower classes, increase the price of food, and prevent the reduction of the hours of labour :— because they will retard the application of a general and efficient system of education, and thus not merely depress the health, but debase the morals of the poor. Those politicians who propose a serious reduction of the hours of labour, unpreceded by the relief of com- mercial burdens, seem not to believe that this measure would inevitably depress the wages of the poor, whilst the price of the necessaries of life would con- to Lord Althorp, in Defence of the Cotton Factories of Lancashire, By Holland Hoole.” «If Mr. Sadler’s bill becomes a law, the masters will have the choice of two evils. Either they must reduce the hours of labour to the limit proposed to be fixed for children, (fifty eight hours per week) or they must place their establishments without the pale of this enactment, by discharging all persons under eighteen years from their factories.” “In the former case a reduction of the wages of all persons em- ployed, whether children or adults, corresponding with the reduc- tion of the time of labour must inevitably take place.” “Not a few of the master cotton spinners have determined to adopt the other course above mentioned, namely, to discharge from their employ- ment all the hands under eighteen years of age, as soon as the proposed law comes into operation.” 92 tinue the same. They appear, also, not to have suffi ciently reflected, that, if this measure were unaccom- panied by a general system of education, the time thus bestowed, would be wasted or misused. If this de- pression of wages, coincident with an increase of the time generally spent by an uneducated people, in sloth or dissipation, be carefully reflected upon, the advocates of this measure will, perhaps, be less dis- posed to regard it as one calculated to confer unqua- lified benefits on the labouring classes. To retrace the upward path from evil and misery, is difficult. Health is only acquired, after disease, by passing through slow and painful stages. Neither can the evils which affect the operative population be in- stantly relieved, by the exhibition of any single nota- ble remedy. Men are, it must be confessed, too apt to regard with suspicion, those who differ from them in opinion, and rancorous animosity is thus engendered between those whose motives are pure, and between whose opinions only shades of difference exist. We believe that no objection to a reduction of the hours of labour would exist, amongst the enlightened capitalists of the cotton trade, if the difficulty of maintaining, under the present restrictions, the commercial posi- tion of the country did not forbid it. Were these restrictions abolished, they would cease to fear the competition of their foreign rivals, and the working classes of the community would find them to be the warmest advocates of every measure which could 93 conduce to the physical comfort, or moral elevation of the poor. A general and efficient system of education would be devised—a more intimate and cordial association would be cultivated between the capitalist and those in his employ—the poor would be instructed in habits of forethought and economy ; and, in combination ‘with these great and general efforts to ameliorate their condition, when the restrictions of commerce had been abolished, a reduction in the hours of labour, would tend to elevate the moral and physical condition of the people. We are desirous of adding a few observations on each of these measures. Ere the moral and physical condition of the operative population can be much elevated, a system of national education so extensive and liberal as to supply the wants of the whole labouring population must be introduced. Ignorance is twice a curse—first from its necessarily debasing effects, and then because rendering its victim insen- sible to his own fate, he endures it with supine apathy. The ignorant are, therefore, properly, the care of the state. Our present means of instruction are confined to Sunday Schools, and a few Lancasterian and National Schools, quite inadequate to the wants of the population. The absence of education is like that of cultivation, the mind untutored becomes a waste, in which prejudices and traditional errors grow as rankly as weeds. In this sphere of labour, as in every other, prudent and diligent culture is necessary 94 to obtain genial products from the soil ; noxious agencies are abroad, and, while we refuse to sow the germs of truth and virtue, the winds of heaven bring the winged seeds of error and vice. Moreover, as education is delayed, a stubborn barrenness affects the faculties—want of exercise renders them inapt— he that has never been judiciously instructed, has not only to master the first elements of truth, and to un- learn error, but in proportion as the period has been delayed, will be the difficulty of these processes. What wonder then that the teachers of truth should make little impression on an unlettered population, and that the working classes should become the prey of those who flatter their passions, adopt their preju- dices, or even descend to imitate their manners. If a period ever existed, when public peace was secured, by refusing knowledge to the population, that epoch has lapsed. The policy of governments may have been little able to beat the scrutiny of the people. This may be the reason why the fountains of English literature have been sealed—and the works of our reformers, our patriots, and our confessors— the exhaustless sources of all that is pure and holy, and of good report, amongst us—have not been made accessible and familiar to the poor. Yet, literature of this order is destined to determine the structure of our social constitution, and to become the mould of our national character ; and they who would dam up the flood of truth from the lower ground, cannot prevent its silent transudation. A little knowledge 95 is thus inevitable, and it is proverbially a dangerous thing. Alarming disturbances of social order gene- rally commence with a people only partially instructed. The preservation of internal peace, not less than the improvement of our national institutions, depends on the education of the working classes. Government unsupported by popular opinion, is deprived of its true strength, and can only retain its power by the hateful expedients of despotism. Laws which obtain not general consent are dead letters, or obedience to them must be purchased by blood. But ignorance perpetuates the prejudices and errors which contend with the just exercise of a legitimate author- ity, and makes the people the victims of those ill- founded panics which convulse society, or seduces them to those tumults which disgrace the movements of a deluded populace. Unacquainted with the real sources of their own distress, misled by the" artful misrepresentations of men whose element is disorder, and whose food faction can alone supply, the people have too frequently neglected the constitutional ex- pedients by which redress ought only to have been sought, and have brought obloquy on their just cause, by the blind ferocity of those insurrectionary move- ments, in which they have assaulted the institutions of society. That good government may be stable, the people must be so instructed, that they may love that which they know to be right. The present age is peculiarly calculated to illus- trate the truth of these observations. When we have 96 equally to struggle against the besotted idolatry of ancient modes, which would retain error, and the headlong spirit of innovation, which, under the pre- tence of reforming, would destroy—mnow, hurried wildly onwards to the rocks on which we may be crushed; and then, sucked back into the sullen deep, where we fear to be whelmed—between this Scylla and that Charybdis, shall we hesitate to guide the vessel of the state, by the power of an enlightened popular opinion! The increase of intelligence and virtue amongst the mass of the people, will prove our surest safeguard, in the absence of which, the posses- sions of the higher orders might be, to an ignorant and brutal populace, like the fair plains of Italy, to the destroying Vandal. The wealth and splendor, the refinement and luxury of the superior classes, might provoke the wild inroads of a marauding force, before whose desolating invasion, every insti- tution which science has erected, or humanity devised, might fall, and beneath whose feet all the arts and ornaments of civilized life might be trampled with ruthless violence. Even our national power rests on this basis, which power is sustained *¢ not so much by the number of the people, as by the ability and character of that peo- ple;” and we should tremble to behold the excellent brightness and terrible form of a great nation, rest- ing, like the ‘image’ of the prophet, on a population, ¥ Cobbett’s Cottage Economy. Introduction. 97 in which the elements of strength and weakness are so commingled, as to ensure the dissolution of every cohesive principle, in that portion of society, which is thus not inaptly portrayed by the feet which were part of iron and part of clay. The education afforded to the poor must be sub- stantial. The mere elementary rudiments of know- ledge are chiefly useful, as a means to an end. The poor man will not be made a much better member of society, by being only taught to read and write. His education should comprise such branches of general knowledge, as would prove sources of rational amuse- ment, and would thus elevate his tastes above a com- panionship in licentious pleasures. Those portions of the exact sciences which are connected with his occupation, should be familiarly explained to him, by popular lectures, and cheap treatises. To this end, Mechanics’ Institutions (partly conducted by the artisans themselves, in order that the interest they feel in them may be constantly excited and main- tained) should be multiplied by the patrons of edu- cation, among the poor. The ascertained truths of political science should be early taught to the labour- ing classes, and correct political information should be constantly and industriously disseminated amongst them. Were the taxes on periodical publications re- moved, men of great intelligence and virtue might be induced to conduct journals, established for the ex- press purpose of directing to legitimate objects that restless activity by which the people are of late N 98 agitated. Such works, sanctioned by the names of men distinguished for their sagacity, spirit, and in- tegrity, would command the attention and respect of the working classes. The poor might thus be also made to understand their political position in so- ciety, and the duties that belong to it— that* they are in a great measure the architects of their own for- tune ; that what others can do for them is trifling in- deed, compared with what they can do for them- selves ; that they are infinitely more interested in the preservation of public tranquillity than any other class of society ; that mechanical inventions and disco- veries are always supremely advantageous to them; and that their real interests can only be effectually promoted, by displaying greater prudence and fore- thought.” They should be instructed in the nature of their domestic and social relations. The evils which imprudent marriages entail on those who contract them, on their unhappy offspring, and on society at large, should be exhibited in the strongest light. The consequences of idleness, improvidence, and moral deviations, should be made the subjects of daily ad- monition ; so that a young man might enter the world, not, as at present, without chart or compass, blown hither and thither by every gust of passion, but, with a perfect knowledge of the dangers to which he is exposed, and of the way to escape them. * McCulloch, on the rise, progress, and present state of the British Cotton Manufacture. Edinburgh Review, No. 91. 99 The relation between the capitalist and those in his employ, might prove a fruitful source of the most beneficial comments. The misery which the working classes have brought upon themselves, by their mis-. taken notions on this subject, is incalculable, not to mention the injury which has accrued to capitalists, and to the trade of this country. Much good *would result from a more general and cordial association of the higher and lower orders. In Liverpool a charitable society exists denominated the “Provident,” whose members include a great number of the most influential inhabitants. The town is subdivided into numerous districts, the in- spection and care of each of which is committed to one or two members of the association. They visit the people in their houses—sympathize with their distresses, and minister to the wants of the necessitous ; but above all, they acquire by their charity, the right of inquiring into their arrangements —of instructing them in domestic economy—of re- commending sobriety, cleanliness, forethought, and method. Every capitalist might contribute much to the hap- piness of those in his employ, by a similar exercise of enlightened charity. He might establish provi- dent associations and libraries amongst his people. Cleanliness, and a proper attention to clothing and * An Address to the Higher Classes on the present State of Feel- ing among the Working Classes. 100 diet* might be enforced. He has frequent op- portunities of discouraging the vicious, and of admo- nishing the improvident. By visiting the houses of the operatives, he might advise the multiplication of household comforts and the culture of the do- mestic sympathies. Principle and interest admonish him to receive none into his employ, unless they can produce the most satisfactory attestations to their character. Above all he should provide instruction for the children of his workpeople : he should stimulate the appetite for useful knowledge, and supply it with appropriate food. Happily, the effect of such a system is not left to conjecture. In large towns serious obstacles oppose its introduction ; but in Manchester more than one enlightened capitalist confesses its importance, and has made preparations for its adoption. In the country, the facilities are greater; and many estab- lishments might be indicated, which exhibit the re- sults of combined benevolence and intelligence. One example may suffice. Twelve hundred persons are employed in the fac- tories of Mr. Thomas Ashton, of Hyde. This gen- tleman has erected commodious dwellings for his workpeople, with each of which he has connected every convenience that can minister to comfort. He resides in their immediate vicinity, nd has frequent * True Theory of Rent, By T. Perronnet Thomson, Esq. 101 opportunities of maintaining a cordial association with his operatives. Their houses are wel! {ornished, clean, and their tenants exhibit every indication of health and happiness. Mr. Ashton has also built a school, where 640 children, chiefly belonging to his establishment, are instructed on Sunday, in reading, writing, arithmetic, &c. A library, connected with this school, is eagerly resorted to, and the people fre- quently read after the hours of labour have expired. An infant school is, during the week, attended by 280 children, and in the evenings others are in- structed by masters selected for the purpose. The factories themselves are certainly excellent examples of the cleanliness and order which may be attained, by a systematic and persevering attention to the habits of the artisans. ~ The effects of such enlightened benevolence may be, to a certain extent, exhibited by statistical state- ments. The population, before the introduction of machinery, chiefly consisted of colliers, hatters, and weavers. Machinery was introduced in 1801, and the following table exhibits its consequences in the augmentation of the value of property, the dimi- nution of poor rates, and the rapid increase of the amount assessed for the repairs of the highway, du- ring a period, in which the population of the town- ship increased from 830 to 7138.— a 102 ; Township of Hyde, in the Parish of Stockport, in the County of Chester. ~~ Estimated : value of pro-| Sums assessed |Sums assessed for Popu- Year. [perty asses-(for the Relief of |the Repairs of the Intion REMARKS, sable to the the Poor. Highway. Poor’s Rate. £, grok ood £5 od, 1801} 693 10, 53312 © 2 11 6 | 830|Machineryintroduced. 2| 697 Of 394 19 4 51:19 5 3/:607 0] 336 8 0 52° 3 03 41697 10° 325 10° 0 52 5 03 5724 0.385 17 4.1100: .6 11% 6] 786 of 830 06. 0 {| 110. 12 41% vhe00 woriov6. 6 8.172: 7 9% 81/808 10-223 1 4 | 177 610 Ot. 915 ‘of 286 16 84 152 17 9 18107935 Of 34510 0 | 146 18 32 11 045° 10 417 6° 4 {199 10 311806 2.975 15) 471...8,..4.1.168 1). 1 Riots, Machinery bro- 3/086 of 687 7 8] 148 18 11} ken in various places. 4) 007 «0 1630 6 8 | 144 18 81 Power Looms intro- 5{1020° 15] 50318 0 | 00 9 3% duced. 61070 5; 800 2 O. | 156 0 52 “(y100 15 502 ‘3 6 | 150 2 ‘8% Spl4g cof 42k 2.0 [171..15..90 9{1242.. 0] 431 6 O.| 201 8 73 18201272 "Of 355 4 81220 '11''7 {1371 15). 274 7.0. 265 1 1 [3355] New County Rate 2/1429 5| 435 10 6 | 440 12 03 made: from this time 31570 of 479 8 0 | 454 8 8% the County Rate, to- 41792 ol 348 17 0 | 506 2 ai gether with the salary 51957 of 39811 0 | 524 19 3% of the oe officer, 62003 10} 438 7 6 | 573 10 72 Eoge goad pra 7l9354 15 (470 6 3 1508 10 5 ? 812533. 0} / 502 7.4 .1.732 .4¢ 3% o|2623 0; 79011 "0 | 681 10 63% 18302727 0] 1 549 16 0 | 578 10 1 ila783 0] %334:18 0 1-350 5. 51/7138 Total in 31yrs.13994 13 ¥ 18405 19 7 Average,..... 451 10-0 [271 7 2 * A considerable balance in the Overseer’s hands. 103 This table exhibits a cheering proof of the advan- tages which may be derived from the commercial system, under judicious management. We feel much confidence in inferring that where so little pauperism exists, the taint of vice has not deeply infected the population; and concerning their health we can speak from personal observation. The rate of mortality, from statements® with which Mr. Ashton has politely * Minute of Deaths among the Spinners, Piecers and Dressers, employed at the works of Mr, Thomas Ashton, in Hyde, from 1819 to 1832, 13 years, viz :—SpiNNERs. Rd. Robinson, James Seville, David Cordingly, Eli Taylor. Precers. Jas. Rowbotham, Wm. Green. Dressers. John Cocker, Samuel Broadhurst. There are employed at these works 61 rovers and spinners, 120 piecers, and 38 dressers: total 219; among whom there are at this time 10 spinners whose ages are respectively from forty up to fifty six years; and among the dressers there are 12 whose ages are equal to that of the above spinners. We have no orphans at this place, neither have we any family receiving parochial re- lief; nor can we recollect the time when there was any such. The different clubs or sick lists among the spinners, dressers, overlookers and mechanics employed here, allow ten or twelve shillings per week to the members during sickness, and from six to eight pounds to a funeral; which #pplies also to the member’s wife, and, in some cases, one half or one fourth to the funeral of achild. The greatest amount of contributions to these funds has in no one year exceeded five shillings and sixpence from each member. The weavers (chiefly young women) have also a funeral club, the contributions to which are fourpence per member to each funeral. In the above period of thirteen years there have hap- pened among them only forty funerals. Total number of persons employed, twelve hundred, who main- tain about two thousand. Josep TiNnkEr, Book-keeper. Hyde, 27th March, 1832. 104 furnished us, appears to be exceedingly low. In thirteen years (during the first six of which, the num- ber of rovers, spinners, piecers and dressers was one hundred, and during the last seven, above two hundred) only eight deaths occurred, though the same persons were, with rare exceptions, employed during the whole period. Supposing, for the sake of convenience, that the deaths were nine ; then by as- cribing three to the first six years, and six to the last seven, the mortality during the former period was one in 200, and during the latter, one in 233. The number of weavers during the first six years was 200, and during the last seven 400; and in this body of workmen 40 deaths occurred in thirteen years. By ascribing thirteen of these deaths to the first six years, and twenty seven to the last seven, the mortality, during the former period, was one in 92, and during the latter, 1 in 103. These facts indicate that the present hours of labour do not injure the health of a population, otherwise favourably situated, but that, when evil re- sults ensue, they must chiefly be ascribed to the combination of this with other causes of moral and physical depression. Capitalists, whose establishments are situated in the country, enjoy many opportunities of controling the habits and ministering to the comforts of those in their employ, which cannot exist in a large manu- facturing town. In the former, the land in the vicinity is generally the property of the manufacturer, ALT TE Ry Rr UA Jp ty Ty WANUOANL (0 STO REPLY TL 105 and upon this he may build commodious houses, and surround the operative with all the conveniences and attractions of a home. In the town, the land is often in the possession of non-resident proprietors, anxious only to obtain the largest amount of chief rent. It is therefore let in separate lots to avaricious specu- lators, who (unrestrained by any general enactment, or special police regulation) build without plan, wretched abodes in confused groups, intersected by narrow, unpaved or undrained streets and courts. By this disgraceful system the moral and physical con- dition of the poor undergoes an inevitable depression. In Manchester *¢it is much to be regretted that the surveyors of highways, or some other body of gentlemen specially appointed, were not, forty years ago, invested with authority to regulate the laying out of building-land within the precincts of the town, and to enforce the observance of certain conditions, on the part of the owners and lessees of such pro- perty.” Private rights ought not to be exercised so as to produce a public injury. The law, which describes and punishes offences against the person and property of the subject, should extend its author- ity by establishing a social code, in which the rights of communities should be protected from the assaults of partial interests. By exercising its functions in the former case, it does not wantonly interfere with * Dr. Lyon on the Medical Topography and Statistics of Man- chester.— North of England Medical and Surgical Journal, vol. i. page 17. 0 106 the liberty of the subject, nor in the latter, would it violate the reverence due to the sacred security of property. The powers obtained by the recent changes in the police act of Manchester are retrospective, and exclusively refer to the removal of existing evils : their application must also necessarily be slow. We con- ceive that special police regulations should be framed for the purpose of preventing the recurrence of that gross neglect of decency and violation of order, whose effects we have described. Streets should be built according to plans deter- mined (after a conference with the owners) by a body of commissioners, specially elected for the purpose— their width should bear a certain relation to the size and elevation of the houses erected. Landlords should be compelled, on the erection of any house, to pro- vide sufficient means of drainage, and each to pave his respective area of the street. Each habitation should be provided with a due receptacle for every kind of refuse, and the owner should be obliged to white- wash the house, at least once every year. Inspectors of the state of houses should be appointed: and the repair of all those, reported to be in a state incon- sistent with the health of the inhabitants, should be J enforced at the expense of the landlords. If the rents of houses are not sufficient to remunerate the owners for this repair, their situation must in general be such, or their dilapidation so extreme, as to ren- der them so undesirable to the comfort, or so preju- 107 dicial to the health of the tenants, that they ought no longer to be inhabited. Sources of physical depression, arising from the neglect of these arrangements, abound to such an extent in Manchester, that it has been sagaciously suggested that some powerful counteracting causes must also be in operation, or we should otherwise frequently be subjected to the visitation of fatal epidemic diseases. What all those causes may be it would perhaps be vain to speculate, but it might be demonstrated that the establishment of the House of Recovery has had a most salutary influence in check- ing the spread of typhus fever. The associations of workmen, for protecting the price of labour, have too frequently been so directed, as to occasion increased distress to the operatives, embarrassment to the capitalist, and injury to the trade of the country, whereas, were they properly conducted, they might exercise a generally beneficial influence. No combination can permanently raise the wages of labour, above the limit defined by the relation existing between population and capital; but partial monopolies, and individual examples of op- pression might, by this means, be removed, and occa- sions exist, when, on the occurrence of a fresh demand, the natural advance of the price of labour might be hastened. So long, however, as these associations needlessly provoke animosity, by the slander of private character, by vexatious and useless interference, and by exciting turbulence and alarm, many of their most 108 legitimate purposes cannot be pursued. Distrust will then prevent masters and workmen from framing re- gulations for their mutual benefit, such as modes of determining the quantity or quality of work produced, and the collection of correct statistical information— or from combining in applications to government for improvements of the laws which affect commerce. Capitalists, fearing combination amongst their work- men, will conceal the true state of the demand, and thus at one period, the operative will be deprived of that reward of his labour, which he would otherwise obtain, and, at another, will receive, no warning of the necessary reduction of manufacturing establish- ments ; which change may thus occur at a period, when, having made no provision for it, he may be least able to encounter the privation of his ordinary means of support. The risks attending the outlay of capital, the extension of the sphere of enterprise, and even the execution of contracts are, by the uncer- tainty thus introduced into circumstances affecting the supply of labour, exceedingly augmented. Larger stocks must be maintained, less confidence will attend commercial transactions, and an increase of price is necessary to cover these expenses and risks. «¥ If an establishment consist of several branches which can be only carried on jointly, as, for instance, of iron mines, blast furnaces, and a colliery, in which there are distinct classes of workmen, it becomes necessary * The Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. By Chas. Bab- bage, Esq. Page 250. 109 to keep on hand a larger stock of materials than would otherwise be required, if it were certain that no combinations would arise. The proprietors of one establishment in the trade which has been men- tioned, think it expedient always to keep above ground, a supply of coal, for six months, which is in that instance equal in value to about £10,000.” The efforts of these associations have not unfre- quently occasioned the introduction of machinery into branches of labour, whence skill has been driven, to undertake the severer and ill rewarded occupation of ordinary toil. When machinery thus suddenly excludes skilled labour, much greater temporary dis- tress is occasioned to the operative, than by the natu- ral and gradual progress of mechanicalimprovements. By employing the power of these associations, at periods when an advance of wages has been impos- sible, or to resist a fall which the influence of natural causes rendered inevitable, the workmen have not only prevented the accumulation of the fund for the maintenance of labour, ata period when the advance of population was unchecked, hut they have dissi- pated their own savings, as well as the monies of the union, in useless efforts, and, when pride and pas- sion have combined to prolong the struggle, their furniture and clothes have been sold, and their fami- lies reduced to the extremes of misery. The effects of these ¢strikes’ are frequently shared by unwilling sufferers, first, among those whose labour cannot be conducted independently of the body, which has re- 110 fused to work, and secondly, by those whose personal will is controled, by the threats or the actual violence of the rest. During the ‘strike,’ habits of idleness or dissipation are not nnfrequently contracted—sus- picion degenerates into hatred—and a wide gulph is created between the masters and the workmen. The kindlier feelings are extinguished, secret leagues are formed, property is destroyed, such of the operatives as donot join the combination, are daily assaulted, and at length, licence mocks the law with the excesses of popular tumult. It is impossible that the distrust, thus created, should not sometimes occasion the exclusion from the trade, of the entire body of workmen concerned, and the introduction of a new colony of operatives into the district. The labourers thus immigrating, are not seldom an uncivilized and foreign race, so that, if ever the slightest tendency to cordial co-operation existed between the capitalist and the operative, that is now dissolved. The obstinacy with which this struggle with the manufacturer has sometimes been conducted, has occasioned the removal of establish- ments to another district, or even to a foreign coun- try, and these contests are always unfavorable to the introduction of fresh capital, into the neighbourhood where they occur. The more deserving and intelligent portions of the labouring class, are often controled by the greater boldness and activity of that portion which has least knowledge and virtue. Thus, we fear, that the 111 power of the Co-operative Unions has been directed to mischievous objects, and the funds, the time, and energies of the operatives, have been wasted on un- feasible projects. Moreover, they who, as they are the weakest, ought to be, and generally are, the firm- est advocates of liberty, have been misled into gross violations of the liberty of their fellow workmen. The power of these unions, to create disorder, or to attain improper objects, would be destroyed, if every assault were prosecuted; or the violation of the liberty of the subject prevented by the assiduous interference of an efficient police. The radical remedy for these evils is such an education as shall teach the people in what consists their true happiness, and how their in- terests may be best promoted. The tendency to these excesses would be much diminished, did a cordial sympathy unite the higher with the lower classes of society. The intelligence of the former should be the fountain whence this should flow. If the results of labour be solely re- garded, in the connexion of the capitalist with those in his employ, the first step is taken towards treating them as a mere animal power necessary to the mechanical processes of manufacture. This is a heart- less, if not a degrading association. The contract for the rewards of labour conducted on these princi- ples issues in suspicion, if not in rancorous animosity. The operative population constitutes one of the most important elements of society, and when nu- merically considered, the magnitude of its interests 112 and the extent of its power assume such vast propor- tions, that the folly which neglects them is allied to madness. If the higher classes are unwilling to dif- fuse intelligence among the lower, those exist who are ever ready to take advantage of their ignorance ; if they will not seek their confidence, others will ex- cite their distrust ; if they will not endeavour to pro- mote domestic comfort, virtue, and knowledge among them, their misery, vice, and prejudice will prove volcanic elements, by whose explosive violence the structure of society may be destroyed. The princi- ples developed in this Pamphlet, as they are con- nected with facts occurring within a limited sphere of observation, may be unwittingly supposed to have relation to that locality alone. The object of the author will, however, be grossly misunderstood, if it be conceived, that he is desirous of placing in invidi- ous prominence defects which he may have observed in the social constitution of his own town. He be- lieves the evils here depicted to be incident, in a much larger degree, to many other .great cities, and the means of cure here indicated to be equally capable of application there. His object is simply to offer to the public an example of what he conceives to be too generally the state of the working classes, throughout the kingdom, and to illustrate by specific instances, evils everywhere requiring the immediate interference of legislative authority. 113 APPENDIX. TABLE No. 1. p. 28. INQUIRIES CONCERNING THE STATE OF HOUSES. District. No. Name of Street, Court, &c. Name of Street, Court, §e. Nu No, 1. Is the House in good 12. Is a private privy at- 4, Are the rooms well ven- tilated, or can they be without change in win- dows, Sc... x 5. Is the house damp, or 6. Are the cellars inha- bited ? i... ad Sei 14. Will they allow the Town’s Authorities to whitewash them, if they cannot conveniently do it themselves ?........ Repair? vee vo suns tached to the house ?.. 2. Isiteleanl.,......- 13. Will the tenants assist 3. Does it require White- in cleansing the streets washing 2.. Jubb uh and houses ? ........ 0 15. Are the tenants gene- rally healthy or not ?.. 7. Are theseinhabited cel- lars damp or ever flooded? 8. Are the soughsin a bad state? ..... .... uv: .> 9.2Who is the proprietor? 10. What number of fami- lies or lodgers does the house contain? ...... 11. What is the state of the beds, closets, and furniture? LL... dein 16. What is their pepe tion? .. iv. with wiwiae . 117. Remarks concerning food, clothing, and fuel. 18. Habits of life. 19. General Observations. 114 TABLE No. 2. p. 28. INQUIRIES CONCERNING THE STATE OF STREETS, COURTS, ALLEYS, &c. District. No. Inspectors. Name | Name | Name Names of Streets, Courts, Alleys, &e. Is the street, court, or alley narrow, and is it ill wentilafed? ...... nr. chad) 00.8 Isitpavedornot?........................ If not, is it under the Police Act?............ Does it contain heaps of refuse, pools of stag- nant fluid, or deepruts &......cvis vv vinninn Are the public and private privies well situated, and properly attended to? ...... .... So Is the street, court, or alley, near a canal, river, 3 | F brook, or marshy land 2"... 0%. L000... GlenBrAl ODSBISALIONS vv iv. circ vesannvr | I EXTRACTS FROM REPORTS OF CHRISTIAN INSTRUCTION SOCIETIES. (Note, page 67.) Mosley-street Christian Instruction Society, “ITs members agreed to consider a certain section of the Town, adjacent to the Chapel, as the field of their labour, and to visit periodically all the abodes of the poor within the limits so marked out, for the purpose of conversing with the inmates on the great truths of the gospel, lending them tracts and books on those momentous subjects, and inducing them to attend public worship, and to live themselves, and train up their children, as immortal beings. From that time to the present about forty individuals have followed out this under- taking within a district of which Market-street, Mosley-street, and Deansgate, on the South side, as far as Bootle-street, have constituted the boundaries, At the commencement of the present year, returns were made, from which the following facts were ascertained. The dwellings visited by the Society were about 350, containing nearly 600 families, which consisted of about 1800 resi- dent members. In those families there were, children under ten years of age, 453; children sent to Day Schools, 149 ; children sent to Sunday Schools only, 240: children old enough for school but not sent, 93. © There were, of families possessing bibles, 327; of families in which the adults did not regularly neg- 115 lect public worship, only 150; of Catholic families, 60 ; of families the heads of which were avowed infidels, 5. To make the description of the Society’s dis- trict answerable to the impressions of it on the minds of the visitors, there would have to be added, to these facts, details of drunkenness and sabbath-breaking, of vice and misery, of the complete negation of moral and religious sentiment, of flagrant vice, and shameless profligacy, of squalid poverty, of wasting sickness, and of hopeless death. When the visitors attained some extensive knowledge of the domestic circumstances and spiritual wants of the people whom they had taken under their charge, they became desirous to join, to their own agency; that of one who might give his whole time to such cases as were perpetually de- manding more attention than they could possibly pay ; cases of protracted ill- ness, of approaching death, and of awakened inquiry, &c. For this office they selected a member of the church, Mr. Robinson, who has since devoted himself with the utmost diligence to the labours of his honourable, but arduous and extremely self-denying, vocation. Two preaching stations have been established ; one in Queen-street, Deansgate, and one in Gee’s Buildings, near Lloyd-street. Both are occupied on Sunday Evening; Mr: Robinson being engaged at one place, while private members of the church most kindly and acceptably supply the other.” London Christian Instruction Society. “Its design is, irrespective of the particular denominations of Christians, to advance evangelical Religion amongst the inhabitants of the Metropolis and its Vicinity, by promoting the observance of the Sunday—the preaching of the Gospel—the establishment of Prayer Meetings and Sunday Schools—the cir- culation of Religious Tracts, accompanied with systematic visitation—and by the establishment of gratuitous Circulating Libraries—with every other legiti- mate method which the Committee may from time to time approve, for the ac- complishment of the great object contemplated by the Society. To facilitate the operations of the Society, the Metropolis is divided, by the establishment of Associations, into districts, to each of which is appointed a Superintendent, with the approbation of the Committee, who presides over the proceedings of the Society in the District to which he belongs, and reports to the Committee, at their conference with the whole body of the Superintendents, the state of the District committed to his care. At the present time there are sixty-five Associ- ations, which engage the benevolent attention of 1173 gratuitous visitors, who have, during the past year, visited 31,591 families, being an increase of 4677 families since the last Report. So that, by this agency alone, religious tracts and 116 books are now placed within the reach of at least 150,000 individuals, Through the benevolent efforts of the Visitors during 1830, 1260 cases of extreme dis- tress were relieved, 617 copies of the Sacred Scriptures were brought into cir- culation, and 2303 children were sent to the various Sabbath Schools, and more than 1200 individuals were induced to attend public worship. Many zealous Visitors have included within their spheres of benevolence, the hospi- tals, workhouses, police stations, and manufactories, that are found in their res- pective neighbourhoods. Connected with the numerous Associations are ninety- three stations for reading the Scriptures, exhortation, and prayer. These meet- ings are usually held in the apartments of the poor, who appear gratified with the opportunity of showing their respect for the Visitors by lending their abodes for such a purpose. At various stations not less than 200 sermons were preached to congregations, varying from 100 to 1000 persons.” Greenock City Mission.—* This society is engaged, 1st, In visiting the lower classes in their own houses; 2d, In collecting into one house individuals living in the same neighbourhood, for the purpose of reading and expounding the Scriptures ; and 3d, In an investigation into the state of the community gene- rally. From this investigation, it appears that Greenock contains 6,200 fami- lies, and 26,500 inhabitants, of whom 8,360 are below 12 years of age: 4,370 are betwixt 12 and 20: 13,970 are above 20 years. About 3000 children at- tend day schools, therefore there must be nearly 2000 betwixt 6 and 14 years of age, who do not attend school. It is not the business of the Directors to pro- pose a remedy for this apparent neglect of education, but it certainly suggests the propriety of exertions being made, to have parish schools established in Greenock, being the legal means of affording cheap education to all classes. The number attending Sabbath evening schools is nearly 2,000, and there being about 5,000 youths in Greenock, betwixt 7 and 16 years of age, it follows that 3,000 receive no Sabbath school instruction. And allowing liberally for those whose parents instruct them at home, a number will still remain, sufficiently great, to show the necessity of more vigorous efforts to afford the means of re- ligious instruction to the young. As far as could be ascertained, there are 500 individuals, chiefly grown up, who cannot read. The Directors particularly call attention to the subject of church accommodation and church attendance, in- formation in regard to which is next in order, . The number of sittings said to be taken in churches is 8,850, being only at the rate of two-thirds of a sitting to each person above 20 years of age—of course, one-third or 4,621 persons above 20 years, have no sittings in any church, and there is no provision at all for those below 20. It must be allowed that in a Christian community, every individual above 12 or 14 years of age ought to have a sitting in church, so that nine thousand in Greenock, above 14 years of age, are without sittings in any church. But, in fact, there is little more than church accommodation in town, 117 for the number of sittings said to be taken, and several of the churches are not full ; it follows therefore, that not nearly one half of the population above 12 years, attend church on any one Sabbath!!” About 3,100 families state they belong to the Established Churches, 1,500 families are Dissenters, and 360 families are Catholics; nearly 1,200 families could not distinctly tell to what church they belonged !! Seven thousand two hundred persons are communi- cants, being only one half of the population above 20 years of age! Surely such a statement as this needs no comment, and the Directors merely draw from it a pressing argument for increased exertions to support this Society, whose ob- ject is to attend to those at home, who either cannot or will not come to the house of God. It is remarkable that there are no fewer than 1,450 widows who keep house, being betwixt a fourth and fifth of the whole number of house- holders. The number of paupers, or those who enjoy regular assistance from the parish funds, is about one thousand. It is unnecessary to state the number of families in want of Bibles, the Greenock Bible Society and Association, having kindly offered to supply any deficiency of this kind.” Glasgow City Mission.— The object of the Mission is ‘To promote the Religious Interests of the Poor of Glasgow and its vicinity.” It enacts that the Agents of the Society be chosen from all denominations of professing Christians: that they be men of approved piety, prudence, and zeal; and who, by their acquirements, especially in Divinity, may appear fitted for the duties of the agency : that the Agents occupy themselves, at least four hours daily, in the service of the society, excepting Saturday, which js allowed them for study ; that they select such hours of call as will best suit the convenience of the peo- ple ; and that no calls be made at the hour of dinner: that preaching-stations be appointed in the districts visited by the Agents, to which the poor shall be invited : and that the co-operation of ordained ministers and preachers of the Gospel be solicited to maintain worship at the said stations, &c. Lastly, that no Agent be required to act contrary to the laws prescribed to him, by that body of Christians with which he is connected. Of the twenty Agents employed in 1828, six were members of the Church of Scotland ; ten, seceders, of the various sects; two Independents ; one, a Reformed Presbyterian; and one, a Baptist. “ The printed ¢ Instructions to the Agents’ are liberal and judicious ; but they are too long to admit of being inserted. Every Agent has his own allotted district. He is required to keep a schedule, in which he enters the number of hours employed in the service of the society, and the number of families visited each day. He is also required to keep a regular journal or diary for the in- spection of the Directors, An idea of the work done by the Agents, may be formed from the statement, that in the month of October, 1828, when only 16 Agents were in employment, four thousand and seventy families were visited in the ordinary course of visitation, Z'wo Lundred and eighty-eight sick and dying 118 had special visits paid to them; 239 meetings were held, attended by as many as 2514 poor; chiefly of such a class as otherwise might not have heard the Gospel. The number of families, the subjects of regular visitation, in 1828, was about twelve thousand. These devoted Agents read and expound the Holy Scriptures to the poor, and converse with them on every topic connected with their own religious instruction, and that of their children. They supply them with books and tracts. They enlist their children as scholars in the various Sunday Schools, which happily are to be found in every neighbourhood. In cases of extreme want and destitution, they are also often the means of obtaining pecuniary help, through the benevolence of opulent individuals, to whom they consider it a part of their duty to make such cases known.” eRe rele TABLE of the SEL Gd Trish cases without Settlements, and of all v cases os that have Tt Settlements, “and hence denominated English, (whether English or Irish,) which received Parochial Relief in the Township of Manchester, in the four winter months of the years 1827-8, 1828-9, 1829-30, 1830-31, and of the sums thus ewpended. *No. 1. NEWTOWN. © ANCOATS. CENTRAL. PORTLAND STREET, No. of Cases. Amount pd. No. of Cases, Amount pd. No, of Cases. Amount pd. No. of Cases. Amount pd. 1827 and 1828. Lo sd: Le 8 de Loins ithe Lavi viol November. [English 1456) 208 18 3 |English 1694| 207 17 0 [English 1818| 245 13 0 [English 1670{ 226 3 6 Irish 369] 54 10 6 |Irish 348] 38 0 6 (Irish Irish December, [English 15634] 204 12 0 [English 1708{ 209 11 6 {English 1874 246 , 10 6 [English 1782{ 229 9 0 Irish 396] 52 17 6 |Irish 379] 41 10 6 (Irish Irish January. [English 1561| 213 1 2 [English 1674) 206 8 0 |English 1911] 262 2 6 |English 1738) 237 9 © Irish 400 54 14 6 [Irish 386] 42 3 6 [Irish 195] 19 19 0 [trish 183112 2170 February. (English 1508) 210 2 6 (English 1625 193 9 0 [English 1819 232 8 6 |English 17241 223 19 0 Irish 394 51 14 0 [Irish 369 39 10 0 [Irish 171 16 19 6 |Irish 13113 1° 6 1828 and 1829. 7618/1050 10 5 8183| 977 10 0 7788{1023 13 0 71281 932 .19 0 November. (English 1291( 1563 9 6 |English 1620] 191 1 6 (English 1684| 208 7 93[English 1689 2g 18 0 Irish 309] 34 0 6 [Irish 488) 56 12 0 [Irish 122 12 5 0 [Irish 144 10 ¢ December. Baglish 1339] 159 7 6 [English 1701| 207 18 6 |English 1784| 216 17 0 |English 1 211 5.0 Irish 342] 37 2 0 [Irish 507| 57 4 6 [Irish 134 16 7 0 |Irish 130 5 6 Jt January. (English 13471 161 8 0 |English 1836| 221 8 0 |English 1847| 231 0 3 |English 1748 al 19 6 od Irish 365] 39 7 0 [Irish 547] 62 9 0 [Irish 133] 16 6 3 [Irish 147) 16 8 0 © February. |English 14571 179 1 0 |English 2001f 244 4 0 [English 1847| 236 4 0 |English 1800( 227 6 0 Irish 474 55 7 6 (Irish 613] 72 4 6 [Irish 143) 15 9 6 [Irish 156] 16 4 6 1829 and 1830. 6924) 819 3 0 93131113 2 © 7694| 950 16 93 75511 925 19 6 November. (English 2053] 292 2 1 English 2069 245 9 6 [English 2278 329 5 6 [English 20301 269 0 0 Irish 930| 114 19 6 [Irish 639 68 5 6 [Irish 166] 19 19 0 [Irish 228° 22 6 0 December, [English 1997| 285 14 6 |English 1960 228 5 0 [English 2346] 320 13 3 |English 21211 282 5 0 Irish 985| 122 3 4 [Irish 640 65 5 0 [Irish 168] 19 14 6 [Irish 250] 24 2 6 January. |English 1931 267 15 2 |English 1934 231 14 13(English 2481| 363 6 b [English 21501 278 19 6 Irish 961| 127 18 10 |Irish 694] 74 5 73|Irish 198 23 8 6 [Irish 3201 28 16 0 February. |English 2042 290 11 11 |English 2069 245 9 11|English 2663 305 9 3 |English 22001307 2 9 Irish 1035) 137 8 9 |Irish 717}~.80: 6. 0 lirish 210] 25 18 0 [Irish 379 34 9 6 1830 and 1831. 11934|1638 14 1 10712{1239 0 8 104101467 14 5 9777|1247 1 38 November. [English 2065 322 1 6 (English 2210 278 1 63|English 2395) 321 156 1 |English 1765] 202 5 6 Irish 925 125 8 6 [Irish 925| 126 8 6 [Irish 204 24 9 6 |Irish 2301 23° 1 6 December. |English 2374 360 9 5 [English 2333 314 5 10 |English 2697) 851 3 93|English 1864] 225 12 8 Irish 1128} 157 17 6 [Irish 978| 107 5 0 [Irish 233) 30 10 2 |Irish 289, 20-1. 6 January. [English 2477| 428 14 4 |English 2328) 336 3 8j|English 2673| 377 8 10 [English 1984 242 12 103 Irish 1022| 146 4 6 [Irish 994 107 9 0 (Irish 243) 32 10 0 [Irish 304] 80 17 0 February. |English 2213| 335 2 6 [English 2201 278 7 8 |English 25649 348 1 6 [English 1967] 231 8 © Irish 976| 133 3 3 |Irish 921) 96 8 0 |Irish 2291 29 0 6 [Irish 291 30 19 6 131802009 1 6 12890(1643 9 3 111231514 19 43 8694(1015 18 63 *SI}ULIJ ‘PIAYS0I) PIB TISIUR PAROCHIAL RELIEF administered in eight months of the year 1831, in the TOWNSHIP of MANCHESTER. ‘I*No. 2. NEWTOWN. ANCOATS. CENTRAL. PORTLAND STREET. 1831. No. of Cases. | Amount paid. | No. of Cases. | Amount paid. | No. of Cases. | Amount paid. | No. of Cases. | Amount paid. £5 dl LD. od £0. d Land March. [English ~~ 2037| 285 12 8 [English 1943] 250 19 6 |English 2430} 334 19 4 [English 1764 199 3 10 Irish 1099 138 2 4 [Irish 804 86 6 6 [Irish 226] 28 8 6 |Irish 236¢ 25° 0 6 April. |English 2022] 317 3 4;|English 1917 264 8 6 |English 2879] 332 4 O0}|English 1769,.213.-.5.0 Irish 984| 127 16 9 |Irish 806 85 15 0 [Irish 202) 23 18 2 |Irish 230-25: 3 0 May. English 1931] 293 16 6 [English 1961) 2564 7 6 [English 2285) 314 6 9%|English 1735) 204 14 2% Irish 902| 116 11 6 [Irish 841) 88 14 0 |Irish 180] 21 12 2 (Irish 2141 21 9 0 June, |English = 1968 286 6 8 [English 1980] 249 4 6 |[English 2380] 327 15 10 (English 1782 207 2 6 Irish 911|:117 7 6 |Irish 882 94 1 0 [Irish 207] 24 3 0 [Irish 217,221: 13 6 11854(1682 17 33 11134(1373 16 6 10289{1403 7 10 7947) 917 11 6% July. |English 1986] 306 14 103|English 1969| 275 18 6 |English 2378| 323 15 0 |English +1730{ 218 5 8 Irish 888) 117 7 ‘2 [Irish 856) 92 12 6 |Irish 199 25 1 0 [Irish 220 24 10 7% August. |English ~~ 1987| 291 8 111/English ~~ 2024] 271 1 9 |English 2324) 305 15 8 |English 1687] 205 8 6 “|Irish 856| 115 19 10 |Irish 813] 83 10 6 |Irish 175) «2k 6: 6 [Irish 227, 24 12 0 Septemb.|English 2086| 294 | 3 11 |English 2023 274 18 4%|English 2284 307 18 6 [English 1754) 201 12 6 Irish 856| 110 0 6 [Irish 823] 85 1 0 (Irish 152| 16 19 0 [Irish 205 20 3 6 October. | English 1937) 289 10 10 [English = 2091 258 19 2 |English 2301} 312 10 2 |English 17327179. 7 6 Irish 809) 106 1 9 (Irish 788 80 12 0 |Irish 169) 19 4 2 |Irish 211. 20. 17 © 114051631 7 10 11387|1422 19 92 9982(1332 10 0 7766{ 894 7 33% 0cl RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO===p 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 |2 3 HOME USE 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW SENT ON ILL AUG 2 & 1995 RECEIVE] CIRCULATION DRpT ap? hee APRT 4 1998 bd UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELE FORM NO. DDé BERKELEY, CA 94720 : Fesiiprereairir