Extreme Temperature Maps Northern Hemisphere Upper Level Including maps of annual range of temperature 10,000 feet (3,050 'meters), 20,000 feet (6,100 meters) 10, 13, 16, and 19, kilometers j Primed by I U. 8. weather Bureau 1 Washington, D. C, July 1945 EXTREME TEMPERATURE HIPS PREFACE The first 72 maps displayed in this volume show isotherms of absolute maximum and absolute minimum temperature at the levels 10,000 and 20,000 feet, 10, 13, 16, and 19 kilometers, between the approximate latitudes 10° and 70° over the Northern Hemisphere. These maps were prepared through a cooperative project of the U. S. Army Air Forces and the U. S. Weather Bureau. INTRODUCTION The definitions of absolute maximum and abso- lute minimum temperature as used in this study depended in large part on the data which were available, and are briefly, as follows: The absolute maximum temperature is the high- est temperature observed during the last five years, or in the absence of a complete record of direct observations, the best estimate of that maximum temperature which could be derived from available evidence. The absolute minimum tame ature is, similarly, the lowest observed tem- perature in five years or the best estimate of that minimum. The period of record for observa- tions at 10,000 feet over the Uhited States was more nearly ten years, and in general the extremes at that level are prepared on the basis of ten years. . The approach to the general problem of obtaining the extreme temperatures was determin- ed by the available record of upper air observa- tions over-the hemisphere, by the reliability of these observations, and by the distribution of the observations in time and space. The final plan embraced the following steps: the collec- tion of data; the establishment of reliable extreme temperatures over North America for the period of record; a study of the final North American isotherms to discover pattern or mean- ing; the application of this pattern, through whatever systematic procedures could be develop- ed, to the normal upper air temperatures over Eurasia and North Africa, with due regard for the temperatures actually observed over these regions; a study of the observed extremes over the oceans in order to arrive at methods for their extension and use; and, finally, the coup pletion of the isotherms around the hemisphere. The idea of continuity was to be used both as a guide and a check. laps would be analyzed first, level for level, to achieve continuity in the horizontal plane; lapse rate charts or cross- sections, from surface to tropopause, and from tropopause to the highest level, were to assure a rational vertical picture; and graphs of the monthly extremes were to be relied upon to give smooth monthly and seasonal progression. 0n the charts which follow, the isotherms are drawn for intervals of five degrees Centigrade. The minimum isotherms are shown as solid lines, the maximum as broken lines. The exact levels are the same as those of the Normal Weather laps, Northern Hemisphere Upper Level, namely,3050,6100, 10,000, 15,000,16,000, and 19,000 units of 0.98 geodynamic meter. SOURCES OF DATA Temperature data were obtained from original standard level data, from the publications of 4 United States, Alaska, and Canada. ,0..qu s the yar1oug foreign meteorological services, and\)Sl parison made with the curves at 10,000 feet and 'from radio or telegraphic reports. Observations from the latter source were regarded with some with similar curves drawn for points in the HHS United States and Alaska, and the observed suspicion and were used mainly as checks exceptEjiaTHGXteres adjusted. in regions of very sparse data. The table at The methods so far described yielded satis- the and shows the sources of data for regionsSC' meactory results over North America at all levels having any significant number of observations; the numbers refer to the bibliography at the end of this report. Temperatures for scattered regions not listed in the table were in general of use only as checks against the values deter- mined by more indirect methods 18 19 2°. The stations are representative of those within each area having the longest period of record or the most numerous observations. METHODS OF ANAIJSIS ANAIKSIS OF NORTH AMERICAN EXTREMES Since the extreme temperatures over North America were to be used as the basis for study and for development of methods to be applied elsewhere, considerable time was devoted to the refinement of all data from stations in the Trial quick- ly showed that it was not possible simply to plot the recorded absolute extremes obtained by inspection of the data for each station and then draw isotherms fitting these values. This sim, ple analysis of the data ignored such obvious difficulties as missing observations, instrumen- tal and other errors, and the fact that the length of record varied greatly from station to station. In_an attempt to make all records from the United States and Alaska comparable in time and in reliability, the recorded extremes for each month of each year were plotted on maps and analyzed. Well-defined patterns were discern- ible on these maps, the extremes for a consider- able area often occurring on a single day; and careful checking of the observations now became a systematic necessity. The absolute extremes at selected points were then found by interpolan tion from the isotherms, and these values used on the final charts. — The record of upper air temperature observa- tions over Canada was less than two years, in general, but its proximity to the Uhited States and Alaska made it a logical region for careful study. The following method was devised for use at the 10,000-foot level over this area: the monthly extreme maps for each year, analyzed over the united States and Alaska, were new extended through Canada when data there or in adjacent regions seemed to warrant ’doing so. From these isotherms over Canada, mean maximum, mean minimum, and normal temperature curves were plotted for selected points.’ The mean values were, smoothed, and these smoothed curves were assumed to approximate very closely the mean of the yearly extremes for each month. The next step was to evaluate the deviations of the abso~ lute from the mean extremes over the northern United States and eastern Alaska, draw isolines for these deviations, and connect the lines over Canada. For the appropriate points, the inter- polated deviations in Canada were now applied to the mean maximum and mean minimum curves, and the final extreme temperatures obtained. At levels above 10,000 feet in Canada essentially the same procedure was followed: the: normal curve and the two extremes were plotted on graphs, the deviation from normal studied, come (7 «fl / AirlU . , . z \ below 19 km.; at this level, however, the obser- vations were so few, ranging from three or four in the winter months to forty or fifty in July, that the analysis of monthly extreme maps for each year proved unsatisfactory. To permit using all data for a given station for the entire year, the normal and extreme curves were plotted on yearly graphs for selected points at 19 km. The recorded extremes appeared to be scattered in almost random fashion about the normal, although, considering the greater number of observations in the summer,there was some slight evidence that the deviation of extreme from normal is greater in winter than in summer. It was decided to use the most nearly objective method possible under the circumstances: the maximum deviation of extreme from normal throughout the year was plotted- for each sta- tion, and the largest values used in drawing isolines over North America. Since these iso- lines of deviation from normal were distributed almost latitudinally, the largest deviations occurring in the south, they were simply extend- ed around the hemisphere; with so few data, no better estimate of the extremes at this ,level seemed possible. EXTENSION OF NORTH AMERICAN EXTREMES AROUND THE HEMISPHERE The extension of the North American extreme isotherms around the hemisphere was accomplished in essentially the same fashion at every level._ The first step in each case was a careful study ‘ of the data for individual stations. This study involved the following steps: consideration of the progression of observed extremes from month to month throughout the year, of the nermal teme perature, and of climatological features as sug« gested by surface normals and anomalies; compar- ison of normal and extreme temperatures with those at similar localities in North America, similar localities .connoting places of like - tions yielding the extremes. latitude, topography, continental or marine exposure, and circulation; and finally, .an adjustment of the recorded extremes,this adjust- ment being affected by the number of observa- It was found that the most convenient means of making such a detailed study was to plot on yearly graphs the curves of normal and recorded absolute maximum and minimum temperatures. Since similar graphs had already been drawn for about forty points over North America, as a check for continuity, comparison thus became an easy matter. Samples of these graphs are shown in Figures 1 and 2. From the smoothed curves values of deviation' of each extreme from normal were obtained and plotted on maps of the Northern Hemisphere. These maps were then analyzed, the deviation patterns in regions of little or no data being ‘ made to conform as far as possible with those over similar regions of good data. The whole procedure synthesized, to some extent, the fol- - lowing assumptions: for areas of sparse data the normal temperature, as taken from the Normal weather mapsl, should ‘be ‘the beat posSible estimate of any temperature in these regions, for any given map the range of deviation of extreme from normal should always be small coma pared with the range of the extreme temperature; and the extreme temperature deviations or anoma— lies should prove a convenient tool for climato- logical reasoning. Since the deviations were distributed in some continuous fashion over each map, the largest values being roughly associated with the colder normal temperatures, it was felt that the deviation charts as finally analyzed, when added to the normal, gave a fairly good estimate of the extreme temperatures. In the table below, the greatest range of the deviation values appearing at any given level is compared with the range of the extreme tempera- tures for the appropriate map: Range of Deviation Range of of Extreme Extreme Level from Normal Temperature (degrees C) (degrees 0) 10,000 feet 24 57 20,000 feet 18 38 10,000 meters 12 27 13,000 meters 10 17 16,000 meters 9 32 19,000 meters 11 45 Another obvious attack on the problem of obtaining the upper air extremes was to extrapo- late from observed surface maximum and minimum temperatures. Over land areas, this method was useful as a check from the surface to 10,000 feet, particularly for the minimum temperatures; over ocean areas, it was applied with consider- able care. Additional ocean data at this level had become available since the preparation of the normal maps, and it was felt also that a study of lapse rates offered a better starting point (at least over the western and central oceanic regions) for meteorological reasoning than did the deviation from normal charts. Accordingly, from month maximum and minimum sea surface temperatures plotted and analyzed, and from extreme temperature data at 10,000 feet for island, ship, and coastal stations, tempera- ture differences between these levels were obtained and carefully analyzed. Highly quali- tative as were these temperature-difference or lapse-rate charts, they offered a rational means of estimating the extremes at 10,000 feet over the oceans; it was possible to study the maps with respect to the sources of the coldest and warmest air masses, the modification of these air masses by the sea surface, and the attain- ment of fairly homogeneous lapse rates over con- siderable areas. For regions where the air tem- perature could be expected to be much warmer than the sea surface, that is along the coasts in summer for the maximum temperatures, it was assumed that little or no modification of the upper air took place. Fortunately, considerable coastal data and some for the critical ocean regions simplified the problem implicit in this assumption. To summarize the foregoing, the extension of the extreme temperatures from North America , around the hemisphere entailed the following: at 10,000 feet, extrapolation from the ocean sur- ' face and analysis of deviations of extremes from the normal; at 20,000 feet, 10, 13, and 16 km., construction of monthly charts of deviation from normal, analyzed so that the‘ patterns for sec- tions of scanty data conformed well with those for regions of numerous observations; and at 19 km., construction of annual charts of deviation from normal, with the deviation values assumed to be a simple function of latitude. Thus the greatest effort was given the 10,000-foot level, the basis for vertical continuity and the level of most observations, while the least care was taken at 19 km. where there were fewest observa- tions. CHECKING Checking the extreme temperature maps, as finally analyzed, was largely a matter of veri- fying continuity from month to month and from level to level. The analysis of each station's temperatures had already assured good continuity for large areas of the hemisphere; for the rest, the temperatures at some thirty points in areas of little or no data were taken from the maps and plotted on a temperature-height and tempera- ture-time graphs. Curves drawn through these points were in general so smooth that little or no adjustment to the maps was necessary. Exank ples of the temperature-height graphs, showing normal and extreme curves, appear in Figures 3 and 4. EVALUATION It is hoped that the description of the pro- cedures followed in this study of maximum and minimum temperatures in the upper air has.sug- gested the measure of reliance to be placed on the charts which follow. Reference to the table of observations shows that the results are most dependable at the lowest level and least at 19 km. The following regions are listed in decreas- ing order of reliability: the United States, Alaska, western Europe, India, the higher lati- tudes of the Atlantic,and the lower latitudes of the Pacific Ocean. The extremes for other areas are at best an estimate based on the normal tem- peratures, the scattered observations available there, and the limited statistical and meteoro~ logical reasoning which could be applied to such a study. It should be noted that the normal tem- peratures are considered the least reliable of the quantities appearing on the Normal Weather Mapsl; naturally the extremes, based at least in part on the normals, can be expected to share this defect. Nevertheless, for the purpose for which the project was conceived, the isotherms appearing in this volume at any level and over any region should be a reasonable and an ade- quate estimate of the highest and lowest temper- atures occurring during a teahyear period at 10,000 feet and during a five-year period at higher levels. ANNUAL RANGE OF TEMPERATURE IN THE UPPER AIR The last 6 maps in this volume show the annu- al range of temperature at 10,000 and 20,000 feet and at 10, 13, 16, and 19 kilometers over the Northern Hemisphere and were prepared through a co-operative project of the U S Army Air Forces and the U. S Weather Bureau These charts are an elaboration of earlier research, undertaken by the Army, the Navy,and the Weather Bureau, which had for its object the determin— ation of normal pressures and temperatures in the upper atmospherel. The annual range of temperature as here defined is the difference between the warmest and the coldest normal monthly temperature at any point. The values were determined at selected intersections of latitude and longi- tude for each of the levels, from the Ngrmal eather Mh , and lines drawn for intervals of five degrees Centigrade. Where the accuracy of the normals was believed to permit closer defi- nition of the annual range of temperature than could be secured by linear interpolation between the five-degree isolines, lines for each 2 1/2 degrees' range are drawn. Since the temperatures of the Normal Weather Maps were followed more or less exactly in the preparation of the annual range of temperature charts, questions of reliability and of ultimate determination of the temperatures may be referred to the former publication. It is suf— ficient only to point out that the probable accuracy of the charts is greatest at the lower levels over North America, Western Europe, and the Atlantic Ocean, which are the regions of most ample data. 1. Normal Weather Maps, Northern Hemisphere Upper level, U. S. Army, U. S. Navy,and U.S. Weather Bureau. Washington, D. C. October 1944. 2. Upper Air Temperature Records of the U. 8. Weather «Bur eau. 3. Upper Air Temperature Records of the U. S. Army. 4. Upper Air Temperature Records of the U S. Navy. 5. Upper Air Temperature Records of the Canadi- an Meteorological Service. 6. Great Britain. Meteorological Office. Obser- vatories' Yearbook, 1922-1937. london 1925- 1939. 7. Finland,Meteorologiska centralanstalt. Mete« orologisches Jahrbuch ffir Finland,1932-1937. 8. France. Office National Météorologique. Bul- letin guotidien, January 1937 to May 1939. 9, Hungary. Iagyar Kiralyi. Orszégos meteoro16~ giai és Faldmégnességi Intézet. fivkanyvei, (Jahrbucher), 1925.1934. . 10. Spain. Servicio Meteorologico. Resumen de observaciones aerologicas efectuadas en Espana durante e1 afio, 1925-1935. Madrid, 1932-1936. 11. Sweden. Statens meteorologiskehydrografiska anstalt. Arsbok, 1928-1933, 1935—1937. 12. Germany. Lindenberg Aeronautical ObServa- tory. Ergehnisse der arbeiten, 1932-1933. 13. Baden. Badische Iandeswetterwarte, Deutsches Meteorologisches Jahrbuch, 1933. Karlsruhe, 1954. 14. Germany,Deutsches Meteorologisches Jahrbuch Teil 5, "Aerologische Beobachtungen“, 1935; Parts l-12 of 1936, 1937, 1938. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. India, Meteorological Department, Upper Air Data, 1928-1935. Italy. Ministero dell' Aeronautica. Annali Dell' Ufficio Presagi, Vol. II, IV, V. Ieipzig. Uhiversitat. Geophysikalisches Institut und sachs. Iandeswetterwarte Ergebniese der Registrierballonfahrten,1926- 1927. observatorio aerologiaj O Tateno, Japan. Aerologia Observadoj meteorologiaj kaJ f— faritaj, 1932-19 3, Tateno, Japan. Tateno, Aerologia obeervatorio,Raporto, Nos. 9-10, 1931-1932. Tateno. China. Academia Sinica. National Research Institute of Meteorology. Bulletin of UERer Airvgurrent Observations, Vol. IV,1933;V01. V, 1934. TIppendix to Vbl. VI 1935, "Aerolo- gical Soundings of Kite Flight at Peiping." United States Hydrographic 0ffice.Manuecript Data. SOURCES OF DATA Total Nunber of Observations -IO° LENGTH OF RECORD OF EXTREME DATA- 5 YEARS DATA SMOOTHED FOR CONTINUITY -l5° -20° UNCORRECTED MAXIMUMS DATA -25°- ~30° NORMAL TEMPERATURE CURVE fl TEMPERATURE IN' ‘C. -40° / UNCORRECTED MINIMUM DATA {J . —45° -50° l l l l I J l l I I l 1 l J F M A M J J A S O N 0 FIGURE I- MONTHLY VARIATION OF MAXIMUM, NORMAL AND MINIMUM TEMPERATURE AT 6 KILOMETERS AT 50’N., II5'W. 0 Period of . Each Month Record 10,000 20,000 10 kl 13 kl 16 kn 19 kn ft. ft. United States 2 3 4 Washington 1934-44 300 150-190 100-165 55-150 14-80 0-35 Charleston 1939-44 135-180 135-180 105-165 70-140 35-105 6-55 Brownsville 1940-44 120-150 120-150 120-150 76-130 60-90 14-55 Sault Ste maria 1937-44 240 170-200 120-160 75-140 25-100 0-25 Bismarck 1940-44 150-180 150-180 100-150 90-150 30-125 0-54 Oakland 1936-44 240-270 180-210 150-210 120-190 80-160 13-95 Seattle 1934-44 160-260 80-145 65-145 40-100 14-65 0-14 Alaskan Area 2 3 4 Juneau Fairbanks Dutch Harbor 1942-44 40-75 35-75 2-60 0-35 0-20 0 Attu 1943-44 5-60 5-55 0-40 0-22 0-10 0-2 Canada 5 Gander 1941-44 30-115 30-115 25-100 20-80 9-50 0-12 'Upper Frobisher Bay 1943-44 15-42 10-35 5-20 3-15 0-5 0-1 Prince Albert 1942-44 45-70 45-70 25-45 15-24 8-20 0-8 Atlantic Ocean 2 3 4 Greenland 1941-44 ’ 20-80 15-80 5-45 3-40 1-30 0-13 W Iceland 1942-44 55-80 43-80 15-35 6-25 0-25 0-3 Bermuda 1942-44 0-50 0-50 0-40 0-10 0-2 0 Europe 6 7 8 9 , Larkhill 10 11 12 1942-44 6090 60-90 60-90 60-90 50-70 0 Paris 13 14 16 1937-39 60-100 35-75 30-40 30-40 3-25 1-20 Hamburg 17 1936-38 85 0 0 0 0 0 Slutsk 1934-37 0-35 0-30 0-25 0-12 0-5 0 lbscow 1936-37 3-25 0-25 0-20 0-10 0-2 0 Sevastopol 1936-37 0-20 0-15 0-7 0-5 0-2 0 Africa 3 - Marrakeoh 1943-44 0-30 0-30 0-30 0-20 0-15 0-3 India 15 Agra 1928-38 -60 60 55 50 40 30 Pacific Ocean 4 Pearl Harbor 1934-44 250 65-100 0-25 0-20 0-15 0-5 . 13"“ 0 “:‘u‘: I I ----- AXIMUM ............... NORMAL MINIMUM LENGTH OF RECORD OF EXTREME DATA—I YEAR I6 -5 . I3 ‘2‘? DATA SMOOTHED / w FOR CONTINUITY , . I: 3:... _IO ' If : '. I LIJ .n 2 '- K / 2 5 , UNCORRECTED g .., _ / MAXIMUM x‘o / DATA 5 —I5 . E LIJ '._ . I . V‘ . . a. \ A . \\ ‘ \ -20 6 -. \'"-\ \\ NORMAL / I"}\ \ TEMPERATURE ‘-..\ \\ CURVE -.\\ \ . \ \ \\l . I a.- \ 1-25 ’,—- 3 —I00 L —80 —60 1 ~40 I -20 I 0 +20 ’ TEMPERATURE IN °C. FIGURE 5- TEMPERATURE-HEIGHT CURVES FOR BISMARCK AND CHARLESTON FOR JANUARY. I9 _30 \\“~___—”,/////, TEMPERATURE IN °C. \ I I3 -40 / ~45 HEIGHT |N_KILOMETER$ O / / / \ 16 MINIMUM NORMAL MAXIMUM -35 L, L» ' . UNCORRECTED MINIMUM . DATA 1 6 \ _55 l I I l I 1 L I ' I l "'I I D J F M A M J J A S O N D J FIGURE 2- MONTHLY VARIATION OF MAXIMUM, NORMAL AND 3 . . . . I \ I MINIMUM TEMPERATURE AT 6 KILOMETERS. AT MOSCOW. “'00 '80 '50 -40 ~20 0 +20 TEMPERATURE IN °C. FIGURE 4- TEMPERATURE-HEIGHT CURVES FOR 50°N., I05°E. FOR JANUARY 'W‘“’ ”EL” ' WM” * *7 > 7777* ”*0” fi—v—vai ’1. - 1' ~-w/~~A—— 7~~—~—~A —-»— .- --——~ ,,,, , I , ~~r -~ ~74 _ _,_, ~ , 9U §9| 09! / 54,00," / o 0/ I , \ Don," A \ 52 J DI 1 I105! o O Wrchna -' 0 , I ‘1 -« ' W” APB‘VVNNW" ‘ 4 L , 5 I "Ion ‘T ‘35: II \ I Icaoo \~§-/? 0". § - 0 man“, "Ca . PREPARED BY HEADQUARTERS, ARMY AIR FORCES, , WEATHER DIVISION i AND U. 5. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, WEATHER v 1.°—"‘—'—’ Ufumanlfliie' —_. Cal/g 0 “Toni / ’ / I \ ‘ \ x to mum“, o \ //, \ / _\ f) \ ‘ fl ' ‘ v 6“ , / ’ O TEMPERATURE EXTREMES IN THE UPPER AIR\ \ o o W“ ’ / Ii“ ' o ,1 I \ >< , \r ., 6 “a“, , \ f f o 7u_\ OPT ‘j‘, / 0 / $0 IOIOOO FEET ’°/5 0”"“Em” W / \ CRIno'W" , 00mm 0 <1—001| IIn 'f 05'°"" 90 r, \‘ —-§ ‘ ° JANUARY ’° 7‘ " ‘ . / \ \\ San Salvador / / \ " .\ f/ . K aha-“0““ " / :3 — =ABsQLUTE MINIMUM TEMPERATURE (°c.) \ / \Z < ‘ ~ - ~ ~ Io —' 5“” I — — — = ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (°C.) / ‘ r~ \.,\ " ., .0031}; "gnoi, 505—2.; m $1433., .oLg' ”b m: IQ ‘~~‘~&795 fly ,- 35» -7" " k ‘7”; 15 19 Ag sw- a! nu.- " vuum Lou-Inu- I PREPARED BY I I HEADQUARTERS. ARMY AIR FORCES. I \ WEATHER DIVISION i \ AND u. 5. DEPARTMENT OF ' \‘QTCOMMERCE, WEATHER I r’ \ BUREAU I o» “no \‘9 d0 fava ,2 I 5 2 i I w, ‘ fig}. 8‘ no ‘ \ o O \Q o \ I z/ 2 I ° ~ II . m u / I I w 1,, \ .V: "a I , ,/ m . I ‘00 o 3%/ 3 ‘ at} 1 ' . ' ‘I I; 0 II ‘\ . , n IUI .— 1 \ I . :~ /o O / —- O mmgmaufl I ablancg ' .60: OH GU 99l I I v 091 0; ’1 SI“ 3 \o ‘U/‘I’Ifi' ‘ ° 0 cm ( O o'maha ~’ :Dené, 7" '0' \g 0) r» o I_ .f \ o o‘IWorIB 0 I' ‘ ‘ I I o\, \ -1 ‘3 0" ‘ - . 0- Oman: P... , ° ; . I . ,‘ _’ 'l)° \Efovmvilln ‘ __,__25 a . u ‘ R o ‘ Chg/7:? 20,000 FEET \\ Q TEMPERATURE EXTREMES IN T PPER AIR \ ’ -‘ o’é—w ': lln " 05'0“ I X ‘ JANUARY ‘ r“ -— = ABSOLUTE MINIMUM TEMPERATURE (°C.) LOIHudl , I L_,,,l,, 4°. / INSO 0 I00 [00 300 «:0 500 600 700 I00 900 |w0 75 7o /5€ Sam 0! nu.- u Item: um.“- ———=ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE ('0). \ TEMPERATURE EXTREMES IN THE UPPER AL 10 KILQMETERS JANUARY —— = ABSOLUTE MINIMUM TEMPERATURE (°c.) — - — = ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (°C.) “ole H°dQ Ariana-IEO" ‘ ,/ I x; T . . ‘M-mf H ”Lair « t \ Twnaun In” I Pf“ / x m flsobvanca f 211:) .’/ LE1 IWSO 0 PREPARED BY HEADQUARTERS, ARMY AIR FORCES | WEATHER DIVISION \{NZOMMERCE WEATHER * BUREAU ‘ , AND US. DEPARTMENT or T T a . x A ' EM A00 16 K 1‘ v5 k 0 N i i 1 7 i n: N 1 T \\ \21 x \ / L Y ,4: o ‘\ X» ' . ”WV v 90 .-. v . . 1 7 / ’f’f' ¢ - 4 fig: ,/ ; ..... ¢ . I 30' % / vvvvv . . m- ‘ 20' \ A 1 ‘ ‘, . K \ ‘ $ \ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , , 1 ‘ , U ; o auwoo . , A A ,V 4 , \ A A , 0' 100 300 QM 500 ‘00 7W 800 900 I000 Sun at IN. N van...- Lungs"