The Adaptive Significance of Territoriality in New World Cichlidae By Gerald Harvey Meral s. (University of Michigan) 1965 DISSERTATION Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Zoology in the GRADUATE DIVISION of the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Approved: Committee in Charge DEGREE CONFERRED DECEMBER 15! 197i ' l/‘ii ”308? 1973 7%" *Here it may be seen in early summer assiduously brood— »ing and driving away minnows and larger fishes, even its Iownl‘ species, which would disturb its oval, pursuing them ta few feet, and Circling swift ly to its nest again.} . (The Freshwater Sunfish at its nest) . A Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers by H D Thoreau (1849) A remarkable co-ordination exists between the two parentS.It Alt almoSt seems that an 1ntelligence,wh1cn one would be. loath to ascribe to a fish, was in operation. (description of parental cichlids) 'BrederiandIBosen,11966. iii, yAquowLEDGEMENTS ifSDr;> George Barlow has provided constant aSsiStance §and helpful criticism throughout our associatiIon.y’He”I imade one of the fi ey1d trips poSsib le (funded in part by »NSF grant GB-— 13426), and his encouragement and good I, ‘advice has been of the highest value to me." In Central AmeriCan Professor William Bussing of 1' -the Univers idad fdeV Costa Rica proVided a great deal of iaSSistance, includin g suggesting Study sites, helping .maintain and ship fiSh, and identifying various species .. 'Ing. and Sra.I Werner Hagenauer provided a most gracious 1hOSpitality during my tWo Study periods in Guanacaste 'ProVince Their warm reception always made a Costa URica trip worthwhile. 'D Joseph T osi permitted me to ioccupy his house on the Rio Puerto Viejo. I {I —The70rgagrzation for Tropical Studies allowed me to IuseiSome‘ofgtheir field stations and helped in those' iproblems of logistics which beset the temporary researcher gin the trOpiés; zSr. Jorge Campabadal was especially . II My fellow students David Noakes, Alan Bond, Cathy IBle1ck and Jeff Baylis prov1ded many worthwhile I idlscussions.-WI¥ I I_' I" I . I _. .1 J F1nally I especially wish to thank my parents‘ Iand Mrs. Abe Meral for providing encouragement and funds Qboth of which were vital in my studies and various fi eld itrSPS~- iv -‘j ABSTRACT I observed territorial, social and other behavior I? I'.I~ ‘\ _Most were relatively undisturbed by m y presence.1 I pro-,. vide a description of the coloration most relevan't. to the behavior described The fish are primarily bottom-dwel-§ 'ling, and live in calm or slow moving water. They feed Imostly on algae, detrius, or in sOme case-s, fish. H 'Schooling iIs' common in some Species, nearly absent in ‘ "others.f Aggression in nonbreeding fish is’h \ The female of most Spe01es initiates sourtship, but does not hold a territory until after pairing.g She de- .fends her male from other conspécific females, and he ft -. 2:34 w h: EeVBntually aids her in attatking nearby females., Both _fish select and prepare a nest site, although the female ' . r1 A , ”4K , :11. _13» ore active in this téanstheW1aff: 7 fidi’ ..... 5““fl "SHE f Egg care is the responsimility cf the female al;r Tflhough some males also helps Both fish carry out nestf ,v V Té} "fl. fdefense Ealthough since the female is in the nest, shei Sr v'v -. ' , . ,_ - ' - no .r .- 5::;" 5.1.30: " "e". 1:}: . ($51,. ,1 1):. , ‘h 't'v ‘ f; e ‘3. : 5usually does less than the maIey Likelyregg predators= iare kept farther from theénestitfian other fish , E 1“" A day orntwo after spawing the eggs hatch into Mr ‘2“? I'Frg‘i‘n La? h a? ahelpless larvae, Eabout«fomrrtb*five days later the Qyoung become free swimming an leave the nest,,and both 1 ' :‘h' .U-‘f- .‘fi '2, - I. we. 25:: a .. we. ~ ,,,-; ‘ ""4“.“ 141:: parents guard gt «m. :the young isgactively defended,amore by the female than {by theimalgp All Species are*kept away frOm the young lalthough predators are attacked at the greatest distance. . . In Some species the parents actively feed the young 1by turning leaves and stirring up debris. In Cichlasoma ;nigrofasciatum the males can become polygamous. Families ibreak up when the yoUng leave. When the young begin to look like juven1les the parents may attack them. ~In, some species; territorial defen se weakens as the young :grow older but in others defense remains strong throughout.fig Tr; .sn» I Competition for neSts is minimal in moSt spec 19$!- rTherel_- is almost no direct eV1dence for competition for;‘ food i Although little data are avallable I hypot heSize that breeding is pr1marily limited by the need to ac— 'cumlate energy before 1n1tiat1ng breeding. Predationfionr [young fisWhg is probably mOSt Significant in population? _. control Territorial1ty is probably most significant-in protecting eggs and young, and thus increaSes reproductive potentialt, ”TABLEWOFTCONTENTS "Aoknowledgements‘ ,TablélofJContents_i CAbstract # '1. T‘- CIntroductlon ? ; *Materials and Methods V ’Breeding Area and Territory JDefinitions eResuits'. ' 'Env1ronmefit 9C nigrofasciatum C ,C. dovii 39' citrinellum V 7C.1longimanu3‘. Gobiomorus dormitor lVarious species, L Jiloa LC. centrarchus1: C. nlcaragpense Neetrgplus nemat_pus JO~ ;*rostratum 1;, TCalfarl o EVSpilurflm 1c; §ffiuba CLQJT7 10 ExperimentsRNJ Feeding Spec1alization Discussion Color : Slze . 4 ‘ ' 1 :.;v": ,‘ . IV. R" l ' .. u .. iii ,1~vi . 1 _iV-‘._ ‘Xi ' 2a‘ 25_ L 6? _ [74 W79. .82; .89: 92} ‘93 101‘ 115 124 128 136. ,lu3 1.4-7 I 1577} Hométifafigéi _Teflritory size irlng for more than”one£finnnrh ;_ Fdingth ydung -t§55fatpry§ys; Eield‘observations Hierarchies and territorles .r.‘. LkfifiéckifiS §OnS§édifiC$%:«f Intersbe01fic interactions Breeding nd population limitation L‘:fi":", ~ _:‘."“". ‘..‘ -~" . . - . .. ”ii-H .L LiteratUreicitéd v! 1,».- ,QTABLE§C vfl Study periods LQCL :7”? a ikgi Feeding by single C nigrofasciatum Guanacaste iéiiéLeaf turnig by C nigrofasciatum Guanacaste 13 1 2 5 111', . Q.- ‘;",'\"i' V i . {-55.5 ~.." ‘ Iv". ‘7 N “ x V v ,A 1. - v , , ',J._- { .7 .‘u- ' f . \j ,fi . . ,,. .., V A _. _' .' . ‘ Q .. nu- 1: ‘,.. I. {‘1' ‘ ‘I ‘ l'. QIQLC: -Guanacastei“““ Frequency of cichlids and Gobimorus in L Jiloé Frequency of cichlids in Rio PuertQ Viejo g;;Food habitat, and nest s1tes; "*Estimated percent of cichlids breeding LDichromatism and eye color PBreeding size ..... Summary of conclusionsl. Light in Rio Puerto Vielo Breeding in C nigrofasciatum L. Jiloa ...... 7Stonyness of cichlid breeding areas , L Jiloa .1 ,gyDuquesa, Guanacaste Territorial defense by C nigrofasciatum at Q.?« Emergence of female C nigrofasciatum from the nest, ,,,,,,, Presence Qf breeding male C. Cnigrofasciatum at the_. nest or young "”- . “'5. .,5 . Cfirritoriai defense by cichlid parents at L Jiloa “L“ 1‘3...) ’:-- - mi ‘c‘fi" '44 f}; {+1 Sexual difference in attacking by parental C. nigro-” fasciatum, Guanacasta-ng- . ‘ . {#1, - .-’\ I‘v‘u EiV¥Sién Qfiylau°r*in leaf turning by C nigrofasciatum ;jacaste ' m, , ld . . _ ,_. , I. “if‘q ‘95:;11,‘ {$211. . - . 3" '3’ . - ; 7' ' "2“" . 7 " I {dry Ff" .ah Repeated observation of _, nigrofasciatum pairs Cfianaé" Gr.‘ 4! F flqk7 f» fix caste y_¥_rgz_gghwn RepegygqubSQrvation #rif u.u~v-~ 0f pairs, L. Jiloa , ‘flttackihg'bi paréntai‘ofchlids L Jiloa-7 3" v‘ Territqflial“de¢ense by cichlids at R10 Puerto Viejo u ‘ [[[[[[ a A ix 15213¢peafié3fiébéiieféfr‘fiat‘i-onsn19f " ba'i r3, Rio Pue r1301 V193 0 ’ fiabservations of feeding in Gobiomorus, LL Jiloaf iTerritorial defense by sex." ;Sexual differences in attacking by parental C rostratum, Guanacaste ; x i 1 :Attacking by parental oichlids with young, Rio Ruerto Viejo '~ m A _ Ci;2illlustrations and phOtOGPaphS 0f study SpeCies‘ i3§;{ GifTerritorial defense by pair 3, §_. nigrofasciatum fiGGuanacaste " . , V ,..g7 . . {5;}: 91.6. ’ ‘FIGURES GMap of study are a GTerritorlal defense _by C.n1grofasciatum Guanacaste _ :Part Qf study area, L. Jiloa . L.Map of study Site in Guanacaste, Rio Sandillal YY‘LI 9?;2 f9; -Deformed MC? alfari., Rio Puerto Viejo }Qf.Spilurum pelvic fins '.C. tuba fry " Ration 0f Size of male to female, all species’ 1 Xi INTRODUCTION H . Although naturalists.have observe1dI territoriality , for centuries it was not br ought to the attentlon of . the scientific world until the latter part of the last chentury (Altum,1868; Moffat, 1903;_Howard, .1920) . Most" 1Icf the e arly subse quent work was done with birds, and has 11been reViewed by Ma yr (1935L Nice=(l9ul) and Lack (194”) While birds have received the most1attention,I territo- riality has become known in many other animal groups.‘ '“Bees and crickets (Alexander, vl96l) for example, have - long been known to b e aggre551ve and even territorial. *1But territoriality has recently been shown in such diverse 1animals as mantid shrimp 1(IDingle and Caldwell 1969) an d ' limpets (Stimson, l970) II ‘ Mammal ian territoriality hLas been reviewed by 1 Jewell and Loizos (1966) It is WideSpread cocuring11 19in ungulates (Estes, 1969 ), rodents (Bopp, l968), pri— Cmates CDeVore, 1965) -and other groups., And it is now5 6becoming apparent that amphibians and reptiles often 1;show territorial behavior (Carpenter, 1967; S Emlen, 1I1968 Goodman, 1971) 11 . Parental behavior has long been known in fish (Gill 191907), and from a wide variety of species.- Many 1m-19hif77 ;Eportant references are given in the following. Noble1h II 8(1938) Barlow (1961) Magnuson (1962) Breder and Rosen1 1,(l966) Heuts (1968) ;Jones (1968), and Assem (1967, 1970) 51 Bird model Most early workers studied bird territo- giriality 1n the temperate Zone. This led to a "classical" ,‘ xii model (Nice, 1941 Lapk 19H”).I A male bird defends_ pan area may times greater 1n diameter than his body length. ~‘He repels conspecific males and attracts females ithrough visua1 or acoustic signals. The ma1e and fe—' Imale raise the young in the territory, repelling cen- :specifics from it. . Thi-srbehav1or is carried out in Irelative Synchrony with nearby conspecifics. The lterritories are abandoned after breeding.h;y ‘ Even in birds, this type of territorial behavior 4 13 common mainly intflueeasily observed passerines. “Equally common are territories uSed only for pairing, ICOpulation, feeding Or for n esting (Hinde, 1956 ).‘ 3' '11 The same diversity 13‘ present in fishes.' But most 30f what we know about territoriality is from laboratory hobservations where the artifacts of the situation fmake tigt difficult to determine more than the pattern ,of territorial behav1or. Nevertheless, a suprising Idiversity IUof territorial behavior has emerged H! I There have been few studies of free living fish, hand these have emphasized mainly the natural history . Awhile neglecting behavior. Rarely have obServors stayed Ito watch an entire breeding cycle. 1n addition, only a ffew studies have compared the behavior of different" ...... &but related species. Thus studies of fish territoriality .n.~ Vhave not produced the kind of information necessary to fform conclu31ons about its adaptive significance. I It was my goal to examine the pattern of territorial ‘ .‘“ ft}. . $21,) fhehaVior in asrmnnyspecies of Central AmeriCan cichlid xiii ifishes as possible, and to try tQ reach some conclusions gabout the adaptive significancefiof thaQ hehavior.I While ;doing this I also had to describe mUCh of Ithe natural ghistory of the fish since the adaptive Significance of is iany behanQfiIQan only be understood in the contQXt of the. Qanimalsi environment. In addition information on cichlid “natural history will be vaIUable to the increasing number ‘of workers who are using ciohlids in laboratory experiments, =especially Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum which is becoming .thé "white rat" of the cichlid world MATERIALS AND METHODS I ...... primaffliy in Costa Rica and Nicaragua (Table lL IThe' primary study sites are described in their reSpectlve l . . 0.3., v I sections.;3 13f.1“ffg ;‘fi:"f,g I I sat on the banks of small streams and took notes . P while observing.. I also observed in the water in rivers -' v and lakes, wearing a neOprene diving suit.ii I took notes 3;“ 'r‘. ' .:. .on plastic slate...flfiitx* Most fish were observed at depths of l --2 m., 1 L' ',‘ ‘ ‘.l‘ .7 ‘4‘ .‘l. "kiwi“; ‘ L W! while I - 2 m. from the fish.; Total lengths of the flSh were estimated and also measured directly using as 7.1.12? {E marks objects on the bottom where the fish had paused .,_ ,‘ , 1-4; ,x, .1 . I recognized lndiV1éBal fish by scars, coloration 31.55.. . _'):_: 51‘ a- . .. ISize, pattern prese} e and size of young, location at m. I attempted to mark individuals with colored Efieads, butflthe fish were then pestered by the charaCin Astyanax and sought out by predators inclu_a .4": - ’ V 11 . 1 ' , c211 1'. . _ I. . 1" _ , I - h ding birds 5 A, , I is - '\.'~.J.n . ‘5‘; ;' ‘72; , u. h *%w . H, , . I . .1 mployed binoculars in a few areas to watch fish inathe fifteruor frdm shore did not unduly :43» K: “FM-“‘3 a disturb’the fisha Keenleyside'Ql962) and Keenley51de 1 fu,“‘.::_ and Yamamoto (IQGZIxéound that observations of salmonids 3/" can be made addenwater, andLmanyrauthors Qe g., Clark 97.3” . » . I”; ‘3- defy-.1 . 197%,Hohson, lgéflg Léfiex;_1259) have used SCUBA equip-g ...... “a ~43“ \t “- iii?- " 1‘11 a“); ifs ”a ‘ 4’ fi- (F. {1'29 , g f; f: gut serieutiv dh % iigii ' :‘f 1‘ heir behavior37although Lasey .. 39.;i , , ~— 3". at _ ' 5 7-1-1~.,'i;-2.~ jV ..; 32"." r"« . ' .‘ , . . ’ HT! 1- .- r5 .4, . ' 1-. 1‘. ., ... 33341 . {4' 3;. fresorted to blindsw I have found no records bf diVing observations of cichlids in the Old World, probably fibecause the danger of water—borne diseases is great in imany~areas. 28: V DIFFERENCE,':BETWEE1\I "'BREEDII-JG AREA AND 1331:1031"? Breedingnarea.d This is where the parents nest 'and move With the young.i The spac e must be relatively 11mited' and the family must rema1n in it for at least :several days.» Other pairs Qf conspec1fics an d congeners ,find 1t difficult or impossible to nest w1thin it Territory: Thls is the area defended at a g1veh ;moment It moves with the family inside th_e* breeding, larea.. the entire breeding area may be defended within hthe course of an hQur or a day. Most fish are ex— A .eluded from the territoryu To nest in the breeding area of a nestingipair tan intruding pair would have tQ exclude the family from 'part of their breeding area.t This is possible only ..... ‘if the breeding area is larger than usual haéig§j breeding area is thus analogous to the compressible- jrubber disc concept of a territory (Huxley, 1934) The territory may also shrink a little in areas of Ehigh breeding or predator density, but it is lesS ivariable than the breeding area. DEEINLTIONS AND THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS " V.“ v 3"): J-‘r; _,. _ ‘1’... l‘ Definitions in the field of territorial Study ihave been largely of two types'v those based on defenSe ’I ".‘._";‘ 50f objects (territories) and those based on the actual defensive behavior.,rFF ...... Territories-* The classic statement -"Terr1tory is iany defended area" (Noble, 1939) is a spatial definition. TBut as early as 1936 Tinbergen pointed out that defense iconstruct. This is not always true, Since an animal may imodify its territory‘so.mnchgthat conspecifics avoid the . “I,“ " “FF fit": y, Prev} - :territory even if the-ewhervis not present Thus Assem wé1”“””;"1'r ' (1967) defined stichlebapk ternitory as "An area where the presence of antowmertexcludesior would exclude the Til: Ft." .3: simultaneous presence of cdfiépecifics" (emphasis added) .zfi"'.b Tinbergen (1957) expanded the definition Of territory to include even.moving objepts (such as the bitterling s L nesf), He conceived of_teflr§tdriality as site attach- g"' I; p‘,r I."L ment (faithfulness to a particular geographical area) and; i‘H associated‘aggrepsigepess Brown (196H 1969) stated that; IIIII if defending a resource that is competed for maximizes survival and reproductive success aggression will evolve?” ' JV 4 to produce a territorial system defending that resource. ”a a ..... ‘W *~ 1% ..... r°wn thus Widenedithe a fintion well bey0nd the classicalf 51’ ‘. :2: T ‘ PT: - F «1" ,I \ "by“...p Ipicture of aggressiph.between conspecifics over a piece LWURfipreperty. Thia;wa§ consistent with the View of )3": FM". 4\ {territory that continues to develop a territory may in— elude the mate, the young, the food source, a sheIter, Fa mpbile nest and so on._ I '- Territorial behavior" EtholOgists have tried to give ha more preciSe definition o f territorial behavior than ‘"defense of Ian area,? a simple tranSposition of Noble' s statement.- By this definition 'a plant secreting Ia chemi- cal substance into the ground to inhibit other plants is being territorial.” Pitelka (1942) argued that the real vboundaries of a territory were the limits which the occupier aggreSSively defended He later (1959) eXpanded 'hiesf defintion .making‘excluSive use of an area and not .- ‘if-h x {5' F" Idefense the real test of territoriality.: This definition' would seem not to include animals which use only one re-Cf source in an area although this wasnnot his intention. :;; v . x10?“ Jrrlm _J. Emlen (1957), however, emphasized the importance of ..... demonstrating that something Was actually being defended, n» ‘and that territoriality should only be applied to domin-IQI ance behavior. -r.‘«.. .'.. , . .‘ .., .» . ~ .lo- a,- »., T.f.fl ,_I .l I "L v ', n‘ .7. _-'.' ’ 4' |‘( . I‘II‘I‘ I’I. I ‘ n A a .‘.r'..' -; I . '- ~ .‘ - IéI : I: l . I, . 2 - :J'f In light of these criticisms twe'workers7havevfl garrived at similar definitions for territorial behavior.I {Hinde (1956) wrote that such behavior should (1) oo re-7 stricted tp a particular area"(2) the animal should de-l ‘fend the area- and (3) there should be self-advertisement I Iwithin the area anno ing that the area Will be de- 'fended _ He believed (p. 346) that this definition al- ilowed for defense of a wide variety of stable and moving ......... 'flbjects, and also for defense against any species, not 7simply conspecifics.i Assem (1970) presented a Similar ’defintion, but emphasized exclusion of conspecifics.. DefinitionS‘of territoriality have moved from the iphys1cal (spatial, ecological) to the behavioral -I ‘‘‘‘‘‘ Territoriality,is thehaggressive exclusion of at least conspecifics from a limited area, the :«f‘ ‘ ‘ " » J‘Wfi 33' "I territory,3cenflaining a resource. The territo—fi rial animal,3through behavior or physical ap— .,3# Pearance, infprms other animals that the re- ‘ " sis. 2-2.; ; 2)} V _ .‘ sources will be defended r '.'1‘;-_";.r£ r"? W. " J V)" . :1" "' i 1::- *J j ' ' I have tried to exclude both ind1v1dua1 distance and homey," vx‘" range, butaha"’wpermrtted the animals to have a mov1ng territory, and to defend it against any SpeCleS Tso long xl/ --.‘;:, ,1. as conspecifics.are also excluded Territorial pro-.‘ ’nouncement of‘some sort (sound, color, odor, change of iti is included._ Progeny at any stage of de-~ 517?:9: : ‘1'; velOpment are a defendable resource within the terms of the definition.¢ The principal development over,Hinde s‘ derinition is the emphasis onaa resource which is de--‘ fended. '-*RESULTSI' 1-: I provide for each Species (Fig. l) a brief des- Icription, an account of feeding behavior, and a summary :of social behavior.I I emphasize breeding behavior, ine eluding courtship, nest1ng, care of the young , and ter— Sritorial defense.‘ If a behaVior is not described it §means it was not observed, not that it never occurS. 'The basic model of the behavior seen is 'that: described tforI C. nigrofasciatum.b (31" I have summarized the follow1ngfeatures in sepa- Irate tables'. ' the frequency of various species in 1L; Jiloa C Table 2), the frequency of various species in Rio Puerto VleJO (Table 3) food, habitat, and nest sites (Table H)I,_ estimated percent of ci chlids breeding (Table 5), d1chromatism and eye color ( Table.6), breeding 8126 (Table 7), various aSpects of social and breeding ibehavior (Table b}fi,and some Of the conclus1ons on ter- r1tor1allty and breeding (Table 9). SeLe Sanchez (1968) for a key to the species~_3 5141,; '." {:1 .:1""I"Iu_'~I' The species.are presented in the following order: ethose found at least in L. Jiloa and thenI those found Ii: . .9 Eonly in Rio Puerto Viejo.e¥~t9' ENVIRONMENT ,L‘ . "’K mmaannually (1793 mm at Canas) and falls almost ent1rely 3. between April and November., The dry season is warm .windy, anfgclear, with up to 10 hours of insolation per day. Annual mean temperature is between 26° nd 29 Rio Puerto Vieio'i The ar ea is trOpical wet forest .4 (Holridge, 19677 between 3000 and.MOOO \ mm and heaviestffrom May to*August and November to Deeember. No month raver-ages less than“ 100 mm.'- The first $.- studyxperiod was”innankextraordinarily drypperiod ‘with . g ,‘E. ‘j‘j'V - 5 if“: :2 "P .“x little rain falling f““Several wee‘ '"Ahnual temperature averages 2h° C and IS stable year round.g; ’z} ‘ ’-‘-_:':‘-"‘;;E137:‘:;~" : . j»: .1 _ u w. '4 1 . I . -. ; _ . 4 GuanCaSte ' .3 :51; ' ‘5 . ”Q ' 1 ‘ ’ ' I; ' - ':"'i:':7":'“3: 0“, ~._ . .171. 31‘; 4: ‘2', -, t ’1‘: 3"”- 13$“? ‘ "”4 — f I ;-'f: 2. “g“; #533 The Piain of Guanoaafiefiisjlocated in the .,,—. w" 9:] §fi5f§§38s€“rnjquartersof Costa Rica (figure 3) I The_study'sfi aims are_nearnCanas, fltde halfway 3,." '1 af(estimated average dry season flow less than 1 m3 per 1LSecond (c. m. s. ) to large rivers (up Ito 5 c.m. s. I) In 11the dry seasonim_ost streams had clear water. For a day ,yarz tho. after a local stIorm, or one in the mountain water- 1shed they becameI muddy brown. During the dry season the rise due to rain Iis only a few cm to a few dec1meters, 11but heavy weIt- season rain can raise the level of eVen T1small streams as much as two meters, and large rivers ‘_as much as several meters (Sr.IHagenauer pers.-comm. ). The_ flow in the streams Sandillal and Duquesa was about D6 0. m. s. at most times, and l - 3 c. m. s.Iin the Ilarger rivers (Corob 1c1, Tenorio). Water temperatures 1ranged from 25° in the larger Irivers tIo 29° in the small .1streams, varyin g only a degree 6r two from day to day. fiyThe lowest pH was recorded at 6. M in the Tenorio, and 1-the highest was 7. 2 1in Quebrada Duquesa. 1 Water speed (current) varied conS1darably. Surface 'Iveloc1ty i n calm areas averaged about 7cm/sec. i n the fcenter of small streams, and probably1simllar in rivers. ; Short rapids With much faster Current separated the calm, I areas. 1 1 1 Bottosz Reflecting their slow descent (3- 5m/km) the _ 1ariver and stream bottoms consisted prlmarily of Small 1 1 rocks, and of sand and debris in areas of low current Lanear shores anId in pools. Except in rapids, debris and i leaves covered much of the bottom.; Streams had sticks Ejand tw1gs, and rivers had large logs 1and branches in 13the water along the banks.11 .TTVPlants: There were no rooted plants in the streams, except in the rapids where some plants clung to the rocks. Roots oIf Iland plants protruded from some banks into the water. Some plants hung QVer or into the water.v Trees shaded smaller streams, and the Shore of rivers. 4 I ' During leaf drOp ( the start of the dry season) many sleaves are blown into the water and contribute to the -nutrients available to stream life.I MuCh other debris" Idrop s or blows into the river: twigs, branches, fruit, e’tc. g All this is carr1ed to lower elevations where the - slowed current permits it to settle out ' Algae is the most important plant to the cichlid. Within a week it Iforms a' green film on all hard objects. Tentering the river which receive any light -— rocks and -stones, twigs, branches logs and man-made objects.~fl ~Cichlids ( and other fish, such as Poe01lia) seem to:f, Thave a great effect Qn algal growth. {Algal growth -is heavier in upstream areas without {cichlids. In 1968 -. \ gan OTS course (Norman Scott, pers. comm. ) poisoned the Zfish of a portion of the Ri o Montengro k a small stream) ithe next year fish were still lacking and a heavy growth I Iof algae almost filled the stream in calm areas. hIhhh Despite the fiSh, hard surfaces remain covered» fiwith algae, especially inI the dry season when the water gis low and clear._ Evidently, t he fish cannot feed on lalgae less then a few mm long., Silt° Fine organic and inorganic matter is carrled . Eby the streams espec1ally during and after ra1ns.I This 7 110 Silt is deposited in areas of low current. Even 1nd" rainless p riods, newly cleaned objects are c overed with a fine layer in I or12 days3 its thickness is limited by cprfiént erosion.I&I I 'I . 1 1” . §§2§Eft Costa Rican law provides that trees may not be cut withmnr2® ‘of afistream.= Ihe law 15 rarely obeyed, although a belt of‘treesxup to 5 m wide l1nes m ost streams. With its 10 m belt Ithe Tenorio is usually clear, and clears rapidxy after aQrain while the treeless Higueron is cloudy, and stays muddy for several days after a storm. Murky waters probably reduces algal grthh, an d may inter-I fere with cichlid parent-young interactions. . I . 1 Most banks are gently slo p1ng. In the dry season a few cm of stream bed and up to a meter of river bed are exposed., rMan's effects- Sr. Hagenauer (pers. comm ) reported that during the last 10 years the Corobici and other rive rs‘ have gotten lower in the dry Seascn and flooId; more 1n’~ the wet season. He attributes this to\deforestation of the waterShed ,which :1s proceeding at a rapid rate. This deforestation decreases the number bf leaves, twigs and V I5 I511: M51” IfisFishing for C dovii is intense in some areas of public access.g Local fishermen take as many as six k1. Il'.‘ large dovii from a pool in a single weekend by hook and line and by spear fishing.~ This undoubtedly affects all other species. Small boys also take a few other fish EC inifrcfasiciatuma Astyanax).5wa ~ Wfi'll Pesticide use in Guanacaste should decline as . cotton * r + 4~ " “:5. w' Liis phased out..“Sn Hagenauer (pers. comm) reported that 7 {fiup to 7 gallons pervacrerof toxafene (a chlorinated 7-K éfh ydrocarbon) and large amounts of parathion were applied ach year to cotton land in up to 30 applications. The. Laircraft sprayed across rivers without stOpping. The . ; Society for the Prevention of Malaria (SNEM, a government. r7agency) sprays DDT twice a year along the river banks and g7in homes atI a concentration of one gram of DDT per mg {iThe effects of pesticides here are unkown, but Johnson ‘3 7(1968) described the effects of pesticides on fish, and -the fish I have studied may have been similarily - afflicted ‘ Water pollution occurs from the wastes of man and T‘his animals.~ Many streams are employed for sewers and iffor washing..h . H. Some water is used for irrigation and domestic eon— , :ssumption but not enough to reduce stream flow significantly. ‘is' Hagenauer Operates the largest diver31on works in 37duanacaste, a small wing dam and canal on the Corobici Terrestrial and riparian animals- The Basiliscus slizard (which can run across water) feeds on fiS h i nb some ngocatlons (Shaklee, 1968) "madOPhorus (St? iped lizard) a gfialso can eat fish, although I am uncertain it they hUnt ' 33them. fI uanaand Ctenasaur are common near streams J‘*.::‘ . 3:21. :ibut they are probably not piscivorous. The small turtle53g°f ‘12"; v‘ t3(K1nosternon) is found near and in rivers and streams.gqufi yv.“t.2- ELI don't know-its feeding habits. H~ s? ‘. 12 The only birds of any importance are the king-5 fishers (see Rio Puerto Viejot).I They eat fish, but are Ith present in greatI numbers.; A few cormorants take Some Iflsh in the larger r1vers.pr1p;ee . I I Many Species QfI frogs and toads 1ive 1nthe r1pariani Phabitat.‘ The adults are terrestrial ‘ Tanoles are rare [when fish are present althoughu they are Qommon in fIish- less small ponds and streams.. There were many in the pre— v1ously poisoned Rio Monteverde. . . A SQme insects (aQUIts and larvae) live in the water, especlally Qraan flies water bugs, and water beetles. ‘These (except for bugs l1ving on the water surface) are Irare where Ifish are present. V _‘Of greater food importance '[ Ito t he f1sh are the many ant hropods ( ant s,' spiders, and Qflylng 1nsects) that fall into the s tream. . I i In the l owe r Corobi 01 small snails were abundant.. @These may compete with the cichlids for algae. They were‘ salmost entirely absent from the upper /area_s of that river ,- iand others. 1 ‘15._1‘ w I1.1 ‘I_ 13M\\;\ 1" h A freshwater shrimp 1s common. .Inthe,CQrQbiciQne' was under almost erery. loose ch k. .They'attain a cheliped .1 lSize of overI 2C cm_.f I rarely saw themactive Since they , ”ere nocturnal. They undoubtedly compete with cichlids [for detritus‘ and may prevent C. n1grofasciatum from nest- ‘1ng under rocks.». . H. . A . II I cannot assess the 1mportance Q f the various‘1 _mammals that vis1t the stream (mostly at night) They ginclude otters racoons, coatis peand bats. .They probably 13“ take some fish but must be a'minor source of mortality. Fish Some fish species were evidently of minori- importance to the cichl%d5.I Awaous is an uncommon filter- feeding goby.; RebOides is a scale eating characin and 3 ."' “'3 may ICauSe some injuries' it is nocturnal (Bussing, pers.' comm.) and was not seen.I Several marine Species (such , . L :3 . :2: as the "cuminate A Tachysuridae) penetrate the larger rivers too arOund the Pan American HighwaygInone occur in the smaller study streams.l I Observed few GobiomorusI dormitor Ibut more were present in the early summer Of 1970 in the Corobic1° they are eff ectiVe predators.' . Brachyraphis a grazing poecilid, occur in a few small schools in th e larger rivers.I They.might Compete With C ,nigrofasciatum for fo od.I In 1969 I estimated the ratios of Astyanax to POecili a to C. nigrofasc1atum to C. _rostratum to C. dovi i in streams at 1500 500: 50:1 l. InII 1970 there seemed t o be feWer nigrefasciatum and more AstyanaX° I estimated the frequencies of Astyanax to PoeciCia/to nigrofasciatum as 100 30 1. In all case s I may have overestimated Asty anax and underestimated the two rarer Species. In the large rivers the proportions of Astyanax is undoubtedly higher,- “c.-s Since there are schools of several thousand Astyanax but no large schools of 'igrofasciatum. ..i7 C All estimates of species frequencies (including those in Tables 2 and 3) were made entirely from observation, both above and underwater.x They are mostly based on estimates of school size of the characins and poeCiliids, 14 and actual counts of cichlids in specific areas. Although seining in large pools in the small creeks in II .65.: ‘Guanacaste produced ratios very close to those estimated I do not place much reLiance on such seining, since there is no assurance of random sampling. ThelbeSt-method .of such pOpulation sampling would be rotenone poisoning, but this would render the pOpulation unusable for be— hav1oral studies. - “ The water: MCCOll (1970) has described the water chemistry of the riVer and its tributaries including con- .ductivity and the concentrations of V arious ions. 'The pH averaged around 6 0 a,“ I measured water clarity by observing the distan ce at which a bright red ribbon (6 om x 2 cm) disappeared ’Horizontal Visibility was taken a meter below the surface, lvertical visibility from the surface.' Clarity Was ex— ftremely variable decreasing from as much as 7'cm to al- most zero When rain-caused erosion clouded the water. IVisibility i n 1969 was usually 4- 7 m horizontal and 3- 5 . m vertical. In 1970 frequent rain reduced both Visibilities Ito 2 3 m and less.” Light meter readings taken on a par— .tially overcast day in 1969 are found in Table 10. - 9 Temperature.. Temperature varied from 23- 26° C.,.but. :was usually 25° at the surface. No change in temperature Iwas night or during rainy periods .” Few readings iwere taken.p River level andgf10w: ’During the dry_season the} I -- is A. ;. iriver is well within its banks, rarely rising more than fa meter. In theswet season the riVer can rise up to 12 I47} QI' ImetersIovernight with greatly increased turbidity and fourrent.hhéfggéjffji1"}.yxéhb$~fiyx sygII . III I estimated dry season flow to b e a‘s' little as 10 (cmsIat low water and up to 3 0 cms at higher water. hCurrent flow at low water '(‘l969) was .la. 3 m/sec I near the Icenter 0£ the river, and 03 m/sec 2 Inear the shore.. Flow rates increases markedly When theI [river rises. Fish less than 15 cm long _inI the cen ter of jtheriver (especially relatively weak swimflfirs likeI cichlids) :often move frOm eddy to eddy. 2 ‘,I‘I _‘_. ‘ _ I Bottom topography The river bottom is mainlystonv, gexcept for deep pools with. andybottoms.° Most stones are alO-2Q cm in diameter, but some large boulders l 2 m in I Idiameter are present The bottom is heterogeneous IesgI Ipecially near the shore where large trees and logs are.6 Icommon; occa51onall forming brush piles many meters in fdiameter.‘ Some logs are up to 30 m long and l 5 m thick. ESand and detritus accumlate in low current areas.. Silt PTA. gcovers almost everything, accumlating up to 6 mm in pro—' P'I“ It-iIII . ,. nnnn I h ' I ' ‘Ill. - _ ; . ; VI 4 1- .. ,"- 'f’a}. ( ,II-'~I.:'-I'Ih' .\‘,I‘ :4; f;_|_'1 g _. ..\ . ..,.' ..". "'..|“_‘ .5 ‘ I“ II I I I II I "‘ "'-"".".' ’,"/...x..n ... .. , , . .‘ -. 4 “I. - , ,' . V ‘. ,. F. ’37"; 1...,“ ,. '1 .,' _IIII , _»-.~:::.,-> , III'I’::I”} _ “g, “‘-..‘:'; a . fl. .. f .. . '1ftfifiPl“itsfu Some land plants hang into the water mostly éhanging from trees, and herbs which grow on shore. Neit her . gig] I Tare important as a source 0: eichlid fOOd or shelter. fThe PQOtS 0f shore plants sometimes grow i nto the wateth2 ”f3: . ;from the bank 'providing some shelter and a substrate f 0r 1 ‘III"\P I::‘I1|.I_‘I_‘ Q I." «(—‘L I ‘ XII" vvi falgae torgrow on. Most of the banks are bare underwater 16} however;} Algae grows on all hard Substrates. It is up toaa 5cm long in areas whi chQ receive intense sunlight, and shorter elsewhere._ In 1970 algal growt h Seemed less than in 1969, a year of lower and clearer w ater. 31 Plant detritus (Such as Iogs and brush piles) iichommon.. Much material (as at Guanacaste) floats down the river.‘ It accumulates in piles on the bottom in “Quiet places, and forms a major pa rt of the diet of some of the cich lids. Several Species eat floating material. The Shore;f The ferest at FincaI la Selva has been _ Idescribed by Riekerk (1969)QQ MoSt of the west side onQ che river is shaded by mature forest ‘t hat comes down toI sthe water' s edge., The east bank forest is gone, although ,some trees stand near the water. The sho res are earth ,oIriclay. In several places large logs are ledgé d: in the' Qr1ver bank. 6” ¢ Q I Q I Q Human influence Residents state that in recent _years there has been a trend toward lower water during fthe dry season and higher roWs during the wet Season.I ,This phenomenon, as in Guanacaste may be due #¢ defores-I Qtation of the watershed The Standard Fruit Company has I' 4‘_ . fclearcut and burned much nearby forest for banana planta-I ftions.I Lumbering and colonlzation also contribute to dee QforeStation'xugfpig_“a3.?. " 7.: 3. Q.'Q~Q,Q ‘I‘ - Iu- I; DDT 18 applied as in Guanacaste._ Few pesticide s are, if I! fusedfiin local agriculture except on cattle but Qpes ticide£ {use is likely to increase due to large plantings of 1? bananas'upStream.‘ ‘us Although fishing is banned from QTS prOperty, some iaTS people do fish. 4 People living acr oss t he river also ”fish occasionally for 922;; although other species are Ecaught. Fishing is by hook and line and by spear. Fish- ing is more Common elSewhere. Shrimp and turtles are ‘take n in some areas, but probably not in the study area. uEggggfi‘Elgh; _The cichlid species present in the istudy area Were Cifalfaris dovii,.nicaraguense, rostratum,- "spi lurum, and tuba, and Neetroplus‘nematOpus.“‘9.- 'friedrlchstahlii and nigrofasciatum occur elsewhere in :the'river. There are perhaps as many as 50 fish.species present (Bussing, pers. comm.) at various times including characins, poec1liids eleotrids,‘gobies, and even-a rare _Shark (CharCharinus leucas) from the Rio.San Juan. I;". will discussonly_thS species I felt directly affect the lives of the cichlids. Tables 2 and 3 summarize where {the cichlids are/found Birds: The important birds are the three species ,Of kingfishers (Megaceryle torquata, the ringed;:Chloro-e ‘ceryle amazona, the amazon; and C. ameriCana, the green; fSlud 1964) They frequently take. fish from the river. .They probably eat mid-wate r Species such as Astyanax more .than the bottOm dwelling cichl ids. _ I I 'Herpetofauna.' Some frogs breed in the driver,i but }no tadpoles were observed Large turtles which may by :pisciverous, were rarely seen.. Fifteen or 1 ess lived ing 5the study area. 18’ Mammals No river otters (Lutra annectans?) ”were present when I was in the area, although a few appeared soon after I left.. They probably take some fish. The ‘several specie s of procyonids in the area may occasionally L A catch fish from the shore.' ' I I I Crustaceans A freshwater crab (Potamocarcinus?) is sometimes found under stones. 2 Far mo're, common is the fresh water shrimp. Most I. observed were under IO cm in body length, but I measured individuals with 25 cm "chelipeds, " and longer abodies.‘ Loc al peOple report an1mals up to l m long, including length of cheliped.Dur1nguthe day they remain1 jhidden alone or in groups under logs, rocks land' in, holes 1n banks . Up to six or more hide under lo gs only 5 16U cm long. A few crawl about on the bottom. At-night fthe bottom swarms with hundreds of them. -Larger animals ‘seem to be territorial fighting with any objeCt poked into their holes, and are seen day aft er day in the same \hollowlog, etc .2A 1 " = H InsectS°l Insects falling in the water are eaten by the characins and the cichlids. ‘Some larvae (Odonata, Hemlptera) live in the river. I Location and Descriptién A Lake Jiloa (Xiloa) is inii‘.. 'the state of Managua about 20 km by road for Managua,.*' lthe capitol of‘Nicaragua.l It is on a peninsula projecting ~into Lake Managua (Xolotan) from the west The lake is separated from L. Managua by a low narrow strip of land, 19 thand from the elevated L. Apoyeque by a high ridge, which .is the wall of a volCanic crater. ~ I ’The lake is approxiamtely lkm2 in area, with a maximum depth of over 60 meters. The steep walls on its :west side indicate it may be a crater lake. *When water ~ levels were higher it was probably connected to L. Managua ;Iat the shallow south end; Villa (1968) agrees. L. Apoyeque's - location in a higher steep sided crater indicates that the two lakes were never connected. I I a'flaggg:’Dry-seasondaytime water temperature was relatively constant: 28.9f29.4° at the surface, 28.3-28.96 -at l m on the.bottom, and 27.76 at 2'm onthe bottom. Wet: seaSon daytime water temperature at the surface was about 30°.“ I I I I Water clarity in the early dry season was better than in the wet season,_a1th0ugh visibility decreased markedly at theend of the dry season. In February fish at depths of_4 to 6meters were visible from the surface., HoriZontal visibility was 4 to,5 meters. Visibility decreased by : one thirdto one half in the Wet season. {In August, a ' SeChi disc reading 200 m from shorewas 5 m.aa " .Water-level is highest at theend of the rainy {season, and drOps throughout the dry season. ‘ln February of l970, L.diloa.dr0pped S cm in 16 days. [High lake levels aare_correlated with_years of highrainfall (P. Astorqui, pers. comm.). L. Nicaragua varies several meters from year " 'Shore; ,The shore and surrounding slepes are rocky7 20 “hovered by shrubs and tiges. -Wheregthe ground has been -cleared,_sedges and grasses prevail:7 Two public beaches are maintainedgst7flx. Lake‘Bottom:l The areas near shore are mestly.rocky, with some Sand and gravel. The reck is mainly volcanic, "although in some is smoother and granitic looking. Rock Size ranges from small pebbles to boulders several meters.across; the model size is lO—MO cm. in most Aareas thebottom drops off quickly, attaining a depth of ~2-4-3 m within 10-20 m of shore, then deepening more rapidly. 'The south shore is almost allsand andgrayel and descends -gently, being 2 m dee p 30 m from shore. There is a similar' sarea on the east shore. In other places rock walls formg' _thé'Shores3 descending abruptly to over 40 mi(Sr. Solora‘ ‘Zano3 pers; comm.). Almost all the bottom more than 3 or 4 m deep is >Covered with 2-20 Cm-of silt. Downto at least 8-10 m, shallow white depressiOns are common in the silt; ‘9. 'c1tr1nellum create these by fin-digging while feed- ~ing3 the white color is from dead snail shells. In about 1 5 m bf water the silt overlies a greenish sli me gel-like esubstance.. .. I ' I A 1 Plants 1 P1lamentous algae grow on all surfaces in I Ithe lake° rocks, logs33refuse, etc. It is up to 3 cm long near the surface, but is shorter where fi sh can get at ‘it The water must have many ph yto- ahd zoOplankton. "At the end 0f the wet season algae grow on submerged 3! l land plants around the shore.m5 21 Most aquatic plants grow at the shallow south end SOf the lake, inextensive beds up to 3 m from the shore. Some rushes have been planted in a few areas. ‘The fish use these plants in three ways. Several speCies feed on_algae and aufwuchs. Most use aquatic and submerged'land plants as shelter. Some Species raise familiesamong the plants. The boundaries be— tween rooted plant and open areas are high in fish num- bers and species, typical of such ecotone areas. Animals: The following 0 ichlids occur in the lake: Cichlasoma nigrofasc1atum, centrarchus, nicaraguense, longimanusgjrostratum, citrinellum, dovii, and Neetroplus nematopus.‘- Villa (1971) also reported C. managuense (a .dgvii sibling species) but I know of no one else who "has collected it there. Table 1 lists the various habitats; .the frequency offtfie'cichlid Species in each habitat; add the relative frequency of each species. ; . Other important fish species are Gobiomorus dormitor } '(Eleotridae), Poecilia sphenops (Poecillidae), and Melaniris ”s ardinia (Atherinidae) Villa (1968) also listed Rhamdia nicaraguense (Pimelodidae) and Synbranchus marmoratus 2(SynbranChidae),_but I did not observe them. Barlow (pers. comm.§hasobserved Rhamdiawhile SCUBA diving at 'night,‘1 . _,a Theonly other vertebrates I saw were two specimens ‘of turtle (Pseudemys scripta: Villa, 1968). The alli— 'gators which were fOrmerly present have apparently been. exterminated. -Buf0'marinus and Smilisca baudini (Villa, 22 1968) occur on shore; no tadpoles were observed. InSect larvae are numerous under rocks. The most Cplentiful invertebrates a re snails, whose dead shells cover the bottom and form most of the gravel in some areas. Barlow (pers. comm.) observed live animals at night.I The shells are well preserved, attesting to the high pH of the water (Villa,1968){ In-rocky areas the freshwater crab (PotamocarcinuS‘nicaraguensis)Iiscommon.. . Landelants and animals: Relatively little plant 'material enters the lake compared t o rivers or streams. During the dry season-most trees defoliate. Many leaves and Some insect's. are blown into the water near shore and are probably well utilized, s1nce the fish are concen- ‘trated there.I ~ The sporadic frlgate b1rds and cormorantsmay take small numbers of fishE but are unimportant in the lake's energy balance.v Cattle dr1nk from the lake and fertilize it by excret1ng near and iIn it. This energy source could become 1mportant as agriculture near the lake ex- spands. 1;; I i’ ' .Man:buThe two beaehes are the center of human acti- vity. Power boatbs} are used throughout the lake on week- ,ends. Except near the beaches, these activities seem to 'have little effect on the fish. A Fishing is important. Most is for 0.9Q111 (and Imanaguense9) but 0 itrinellum are also taken. The :Citrinellum see m unaffected, but dovii are timid. -This Imay*be due to the low level of Spear fishing for C, dovii. .23 Observations were limited to water less than ~5‘orr6m'édeep(usuallywithin20 m of shore). Most fish.‘ occur around rocks and gravel, with relatively few .Iover sand and silt. Barlow reported (pers. comm.) Ithat many fish are present in deeper water, also nearf ’rochs. 'ConcluSions: Increased shelter would almost, certainly increase the number of fish (and crabs) in theJIaké.lpLargetr0cks, fences, fallen trees, and other obstacles always have many fiSh around them, espe01ally citrinellum and Neetroplus. The lake is best suited for species that tolerate an open environment, with only a little bottom spatial complexity. In descending order of availability, food apparently consists of organic mate rial in silt, algae, ‘ plankton, fish and invertebrates. YEAR '29 YEAR FcoM-E‘ArRIsoNs IGuanacaste°j I noticed no important differen ces from *_l969 to I970, e xCep t that there appeared to be fewer 1 nigrofasciatum individuals and pairs from 1969 to 1970. ” Rio Puerto Viejo; Therewas generally less breeding, . fewer juveniles, and smaller fry in the school. This pwas especially marked in Neetroplus and g. EEEE- The V largest.schooling fry seen in each species in 1970 was ,62 cm. The number of juvenile tuba fell from many gfthousands in I969 to a few individuals in 1970. The only noticeable environmental differences between the two .years was amount of rainfall ( see climate section). 2h 258 I9. NIGEOFASCIATUM .4 Effect of observer. C. 'nigrOfasciatum is a bold gspecies holding ground in the preSence of an observ3r. ”Aggression directed at nearby fish is frequent. Parents loften_darken at first and then regain their former color— bation in'a few minutes.4 In most Observations, there is littlesign that a qniescent observer infernces be-' .havior. Unless otherwise,noted, all species are caUtious When the observer approaches, but evidently adapt in-a few to several minuteS.'lJuVeniles are Ibolder then adults, and parents arebolderthan single fish. ' . ‘ '85 f h V 'Qéggrt Erx and juven1les' 'Fry less than 5 mm ( length) appear wither light or dark, depending on vlighting.= Fry larger then 5 mm uniformly dark, but begin to be barred at about 8 or 9 mm., Juveniles are rusually heav1ly barred but the bars are paler in some rfish. The dorsal fin of f1sh over 4 cm long has a Ibluish edge. ,”1 --Malg§' Males over 5 cm have a pinkish background Hcolor. , The ventral area and lower head are yellow._ EThe upper half of the body is white to pink. Before hand during courtship a pattern Of four spot 3 ( the firstv Ibeing on the operculum) runs, parallel to and near the ,lateral l1ne.' Sometimes the first two spots are con- «talned inbarstn A peduncleISpot is present.‘ Court- .ing males gréfdistingnished from females by darker bars," greater contrast, and larger_size; iLakemJiloa malesI' 26 E,SOmetimes showed red around the operculum. ‘ .In nesting_males_the fins occasionally become lfmore yellow. The eye isyellow to yellow—red. Nest- iying males are more crypitc-then their mates. - Males with young retain the yellow head and body color. Barring is variable; some fish show juSt the first two bars, while in others four strong bars are visible. Jiloa males uSually show the four-spot pattern, and sometimes the central bar. TheColor pattern is labile; a more contrasting pattern often ,appears when the young are threatened. . 'Eemales:~Whilefemalesare conspicuous at both Jiloa and Guanacaste, there are substantial differences I_in coloration. Guanacaste females: Courtship: .The body color becomes darker, almost oharcol gray. Females vary greatly; a darker color seems to be a sign of greater readiness to breed. Some bars are usua1ly visible. ”Each s Cale along the forward part of the abdomen takes ’fon a gOld color. Thé dorsal caudal, and anal fins K _have brilliant and irridescent red, blue green and yellow highlights When erect - The dorsal fin, which "can be folded almost Out of sight, is brightest. The lleast brill1ant colors are in the caudal ,which can 5.9 Only part1ally concealed The fins losegtheir brllliance ifinesting females- Agfiandtake on a yelloweblue color,_but they are still more ,ffidplorful thantthe male's. The female's barring is 27 I'darker in most pairs, as is her forehead. ‘ A female with free- swimming young darkens con— ;siderably.- Her eyes are dark. The fins become a ‘ dark translucent gray, but the edges retain blue : highlights, especially the dorsal. Unless she is ‘ Very-dark the lower part of the operculum has a pink caSt. The lower half of the body is nearly black, ‘ibecoming-almostsolid black during aggression. '(Mertz, Il967, observed Such an almost total black colbr in captive femaleenigrofasciatum from Nicaragua attempting "to set up territories.' I observed no such behavior.) ‘ The bars are highly contrasting (more so than the . male's)and theybecomeeven darker within 10-30 ,.seconds during aggression (Merts, l967). Jil oa females: These show red, not gold, along the forward p art ofII the abdomen, and between the bars. The Iconspicuous courting female hasI a vivid red forward -labdomen, blue lips, andldark eyes. IIn-contrast to the "Guanacastefemale's mere irridescent fins the Nicaraguan ",female' 8 fins may either be all blue, or the forward ffhalf of the pelvics blue ,'and the latter half yellow, _the anal fin can beyellow with th e lower half blue. Yellow pimay also “Su ffuse the caudal peduncle area. The opercular M-spots stand out. If the female is relatively light, PIthe first bar and the central bar are heavy, with the hecenter bar entering the dorsa l fin. The body color may.' f'be dark, with gold green and biué highlights. ""”« As in Guanacaste the light celors fade on spawning, 28 although in Nicaraguathered abdomen can persistslightly. (MertZ,l967, noted a total loss of such color in captive females after spawning, but these females lacked acarotenoid-rich diet.) The fins become moderately dark. The firs t four spots remain, and sometimes part of the central bar are retained. In both sexes the forehead occasionally appears gray. . I 1 Color in Jiloa nigrofasciatum is variable, but the above patterns are consistent. _ Color varies greatly between pairs and individuals. Some parents are always light, other usuallydark,and' others change readily.v Some adults have distinctinve marks or streaks on the body or fins, making the individual recognition easy. Health: The only seriously sick fish seen was a 6”6 cm long mottled and discolored individual at the south ‘end of Lake Jiloa; he sWam poorly. In Guanacaste one male lacked a caudal fin, but he and a female were rais— ing yo ung. Other irregularities included missing small spieces of fin, m1nor scars or marks, and small pin iTSpots which may have been paraSites. Brushing against 1the“substrate (chafing) Was rare, as were other "comfort movements," such as rapidly flickering the * caudal or dorsal fin. Habitat and numbers y:C. nigrofasciatum remain with- .in 50 cm of the substratef and favor wood and rocks, 'Iand shallow: plant areas in lakes. They_were one of the most common fish at J1loa and the most common cichlid ,29. ihflcuanacaSte ( Table 2).. a 'Feeding: At any momentmost fish are feeding or movingfrom one feeding area to another. Newly free- .SW1mm1ng lake fry (2 mm long) feed mostly from the ‘watér probabl y on plankton, and a little from rocks. ‘All otherfry feed from leaves, submerged roots of landplants,_silt, rocks, and wood (mainly from rocks 'anddetritus inlakes). They seem to take algae :from hard 3 urfaces.l One 4 mm long Jiloa young may .have "contacted" (Ward and Barlow, 1967) his father. Contacting was not otherwise observed. V Juveniles and single adults feed mainly by_ . cropping algae from rOCks, wood, and debris. They feed . on algae strands by swimming forward (usually straight, ’Vbut sometimes tilted forward), graspingvthe algae, Wand pulling bacK and twisting. .This method is most‘ Suitable for algae growing on firm substrates, in-cone" iétrast to the nipping method of fee ding (used by C. ’ scentrarchus) which is suited to more pliant substrates. hMicro-organisms and small insects may also be taken 'from the algae.l': - i. ' Both adults and juveniles Sometimes "plow" or "fin ;_dig.' ' The fin-digging fish points its body Slightly_ Adownward just above the substrate and stirs up silt . .pby beating the pectoral fins. The plowing fish swims. :fi forward, often w1th the mouth open beating the pec- toral fins and possibly the anal fin. In both behavior3_ fmuch of the s1lt_is blown out, and newly eXposed detritus 30 is fed on. This behavior was rare in single Guana- [Tcaste adul ts and juveniles; in 617 fish/minutes of observation it occurred only six times, and was ’performedbe only two individuals (one bout each). 3 . Jiloaadults occasiOnally turn over rocks and feedbeneath them from-the exposed rock,possibly on insect larvae. Thedeo not feed from the water.surface. fDiscuSSion: C. nigrofasciatum--in lakes probably ' have a great effect on the standing Crop of algae on rocks. Where the water was shallow (l—2 cm). or where no nigrofasciatum were present (as in L. Apoyeque) 1the algae was longer and more luxuriant. 1*ffiGuanacaste: So many additional foods are eaten that the nigrofasciatum there can be called omnivorous. 'Any arthropod (crickets, spiders, ants) that falls into "the water iseaten, if not taken first by the more 'opportunistic Astyanax. -Detritus is also ingested. Silt ischewed. BitSof leaves, debris, and grass' trailing in the water are torn apart and deVoured ,'as Vlare r oots growing into the water (probably the root hairs- - and algae on them are eaten). _ Single fish feed about gin1ne times per minute ( range of 4- 24 times per minute; T'Tab1e 11). w. ' ' ‘ ‘ at Leaf is common.) It is similar to plowing. ' The fish grasps a leaf at an edge and instead of point- doWn as in plow1ng, it swims up at an angle of .gabout 30— 45° ntil the leaf is at leaSt vertical. The. leaf is then released and usually fall away from the 31 fish.“ If it falls back in—place the fish may try again,switch to anotherleaf, ordesist. The fiSh-usuallyfeeds from the overturned leaf or from the uncOvered subStrate; Each attempt was Counted as a wfleaf turn.” - Leaf turning occurs in bouts.offrom a few to 20 attempts; uIn the Sandillal, leaf turning was in- frequent, In Quebrada Duquesa some fish turned a leaf “at least every few minutes (Table 12). Leaf cover . was greater and the current was less than at the San—_ idillal. I 7 Adult single fiShturned leaves and plowed more than juveniles, especially when in near+courtship colors. I Astyanax, nigrofas01atum, and Poecilia often came rw.ithin a few cm of each other, while grazing on algae, but tended to segrate. Feeding schoOls integrated some— what, espe01ally during the wet season when most feeding Ion algae was from rocks near the surface., More obser—. "vation is necessary to confirm this.g Astyanax instantly swam to and trie d to eat any-' rthing that fell into the water (e g. , twigs, insects, gleaves,-or chewing gumL If an object was too large' 5 to be eaten 1mmediately, nigrofa501atum quibkly swam (over, displaced the Astyanax and took the food. 'Poe01lia (primarily a bottom graze r) usually did not hcompete for these items, but did attempt to eat any 1litem that sank near th em. When nonparental nigrofasciatum stir up debris 32 {fiby plowing erjturhihg leaves, nearby conspecifics and 'Astyanax often crowd around and feed from the newly oexposed material.‘ The plowing or leaf turning fish 'Qsometimes darts atjfish Within a few cm, but otherwise ,Hlidoes not attack. Thephenomenon is most common in high density areas. Laboratory fish often trail feces several cm long from the vent. ‘This was rare in Guanacaste. One “female trailed feces 1 cm long. It was more common ‘i in the lakes of Nicaragua, where algae apparently ‘imakes up more of the diet. Social Behavior: .Schooling is weak; most schools are formed by groups of 3—6 fish less than 4 cm long, I although some small schools of-adults feed briefly " together. _Feeding schools in Guanacaste were commoner tin the wetseason, but were not cohesive: individuals "_came and went. Juveniles in Guanacaste sometimes '“ briefly joined Poecilia schools. Aggression is rare, consiSting mainly of short Oidarts or chases. It is usually directed at smaller *fiSh. One Guanacaste female (with courtship colors) acted aggressively toward seven other fish in ten -minutes, and was diSplaced by two other fish. Such” 'females are more aggressive than other fish. Single males are unresponsive reaCting to other fish only if i';a pproached closely while feeding.' Sometimes small nigrofasciatum approached nes t Abuilding pairs or those with young. They w.erei attacked 33 again and again, especiallyby the female, but kept ~returning. ' M I . I h ‘1Clumping: Although pairs are often found close together, they are uSually evenly distributed (.5—1 m apart at Jiloa in plant borders andstudy area: Figure ,5)' stream pools were distributed evenly y'along the Sides and on the bottom in Quiet water. Any jclumping seemed to be the patchiness of the ..substrate.* Many pairs were far from conspecific vpairs, sometimes because of the presence of an isolated rock or tin can suitable for breeding. 7 Percent breeding: iiiga: I estimated that 25%' ‘ of all adults Were breeding.- I then counted all adults as I swam slowly and cautiously along predetermined \routes in heavily populated areas. I don' t think Ksingle fish flee much more readily than those breeding, I and I am almost certain that nonbreed1ng males and fe- “ males flee at nearly the same rate.‘ Three conclusions, _ may be drawn: (Table 13):» (I) at least 50 to 60% ofv :111 adults were breeding, (2) about 80% of all nonbreeding Ibfish were females .and C3) abOut 84% of. the males and 7507 of the females were breeding. The sex ratio was £1M. 1 6F. d';%r_gi ’ “'C"“" I 7 ‘ Guanacaste-fl Densities were highest — abou t 2O/m2 - ~at ends of pools (Wher e) debris gatherS), around rocky . outcrops in sandy bottoms halong river Shores‘ and in :pools between rapids. In Rio Sandi llaI in 1969, I'l y ‘ -1est1matedvthat between 30 and 50% of adults were breeding. 3U \ yr 1/"- :No mor e1 than 207 bred in any stream in 1970. {‘9- Breeding sites 4 Large Rivers Fish here breed Iwithin a few meters of ShOre —— at the base of a fallen Itree, in a hole in the bank, or i'nI rocky piles. Young _are kept nearby in areas of low current. Streams. _Nesting is similar to that in rivers, lbut a few nests are built in calm, rocky, midstream Ia'reas.r Typical nest sites were a hole under a log tburiIed.I in the bank-, under a leaf at the side of a rock (a rarity -- the eggs were eXposed to light), -a hole in the bank, in a leaf and debris pile and Iin tree roots. - I IIIFamllies with free- swimming young range over any abottom -- rocky, 1e afy, sandy, silty. Most families stay in low current but some enter current so strongI gthat the youn g Imus t swim within a few mm of the bott 0m. Young near the Shore in low ourIrent swim along the entire theight of the bank. Most families stay in moderate gI ,current, shallow Water, and oVer rook bottom, but some are in deep woody pools. MM Lakes: Most-nests are under rocks 20;50 cm across. ISmaller rocks usually lack an Opening beneath them; :few pairs breed in are as of small rocks. The bottom lover which nigrofasciatum pairs were found in the sstudy area was 56% covered with rocks (Figure 5, Table I l“). the figure is lowered by pairs nesting at Single rocks in otherW1se silty areas. The entire study area' I I was 37% covered w1th rocks.I The study area had one o f .nesting, and parental) pairs, up to one per 2m . 36. the highest mean densities of breeding (Courting, ‘ 2 7Courting fish were also common in suCh breeding areasQ7' A variety ofnest sites other than rocks was used} »tin cans (2); a large boulder, holes into the conglomerate-like_subStrate near shore, holes under logs and wood; thebase of rushes, and holes into a clay wall of anartificial channel. Theonly nest requirement seemsto be a hole into or under a relatively firm Substrate. oReprOductiVe behavior: Williams, 1962, has deScribed ”reproduction behavior of this Species in great detail; This-section is divided into two parts. The first deals 'with the behavior of the parents and you ng within r \ ”f/ \v,” 1\ 1/ the family. The second part deals with territorial behavior. *"Courtship: Courtship was seen much more often in Jiloa than in Guanacaste, but the pattern was similar in both placeS. 'It took place in midstream (the area used for feeding, Schooling,. and occasional young care) 'in Guanacaste, and in rocky areas ( used for the same ,;purpcse)éin'the‘1akés; The female initiates courtship by trying to stay with the male. _Jiloa ;X Some females .stay in an area of several m2, lapprOaching pasSing males."~ Others use a stone as a ‘_center for actiV1ty, sometimes {di‘ggxugunder it, ands. ~Tthen courting passing males._ This stone ( a posSible 37 future nest site?3fiis*sometimes weakly defended from other passing'females.3 Guanacaste streams 'The females seemed to twander at random while courting males, although one (described later) established a territory from which she courted a male With a family. . The courting female usually approaches the male near his head or f the side, and mildly tail beats tow-ard. him once or twice. She often raises her brightly 'colored fins. If he does not chase her away or sWim away himself he often feeds, followed cloSely by the female. He may permit her to swim with him, or even mildly tail beat at her. ‘( A Lake Jiloa female may then swim toward the rock mentioned above, and the male sometimes follows. She usually enters the nest, and themale either follows or stOps and swims off.) \? If the male does not'leave, the female Continues .to give occasional mild tail beats and lateral displays (toward his head', They then swim together and often feed side by side, _cher females court the male, but they female_vigorously drives them off. This can lead to‘ conflict_betweenthe twofemales, and even mouth fighting. .But usually if the female attacks vigorously the in- Etruding femaleleaves,although she often returns several times. iWithin a day or two after pairing, the male showshis first aggressivess by helping his female i Idrivefloff.thesegother3females. These courting females iaIwaySflee~(without counterattacks)when he chaSes them; 38‘ One Guanacaste pair Ted together (mostly by turning sleaves) and attacked SOme nearby nigrofasci at um and a group of Astyanax who swarmed around the leaves. Only two single males (both at Jiloa) showed signs of territoriality or courtship. One stayed around a Clorox bottle in the silt for a least 30 minutes. He chased a_few fish near it ( such-as £3 citrinellum) but ignored others, such as a 4 cm long nigrofasciatum. He did not court. A second male remained about 30 cm from a spawning rpair.of Q, rostratum. The'rdstratum'attacked him several times, but he merely fled a short way and 'returned. -He chased small nigrofasciatum that came near. 'When females approached he displayed laterally by ,opening all his fins and turning on his side a_little. Some females nipped at hisside. No other courtship ‘~behavior was seen, and no female remained With him, kalthough somehad courtship.colors. The male's behavior éppeared to invite grooming, but was coupled with mild territorial defense. He was gone the next day. Nest selection and building; 'The following description 'is drawn mainly from observations at Lake Jiloé, although ‘.mQSt of it was Observed in Guanacaste. Nest Selection '_inGuana9aste may take place faster than at‘Jiloa: one newly matédkpéifg for instance, frequently went under-a. ‘ piece of bark for one day; the next day they nested under- Nest construction probablyoccurs after the male 39 .first Shows aggressiveness. The pair continues to -roam for about a day or two. [They enter spaces under rocks and other obstacles separately, or together, and defend them for a day or more, but may leave them and continue rOaming. Thepair may break up at any time during_this stage, since-some females ovserved with males were later seen without them. Perhaps they have difficulty staying together at night, not having a nest to orient tothe next day. The female Stays withthe male; if he strays she swims quickly around him (as if looking forhim) until she meets him. rMales do not return to the female, or anyplaCe, until nesting. .IAt apotential nest the male may begin to show signs of courtéhip. He tail beats-the-female, and displays laterally while Spreading his opercles. He quivers, as does the female, They may chase fish near Ithe neSt.’ W-After the pair selects a nest site they dig out material (mostly silt) from under the rock. 'The femaleusually digs more than the male, and is more aggressive in chasing away nearby fish. Occasionally the pair tail_beatand laterally display at each other, and begin to have pendulum fights with nearby breeding pairs of fish,- from whom they have fled earlier. They fee d near the nest frequently, but at times both are away from it. I ‘ :IMost cichlids are kept away, especially female iconspecifics, who may be attacked by the female even #0 .within 5*néaéby Sendai. :Attacks against males are usually weaker. ”Th :female attacksmore than the .male, even when both fish see the intruder. For Sexample, a male and female building a nest swam parallel to a nearby male but didn't attack. Finally the female chaSed him away. Spawning 7 Spawning has been observed many times in the laboratory (Mertz, 1967; Wallach, 1970). It Itakes only.a few hours and occurs inside the nest. I saw it only.once in the field, when a Guanacaste pair ( the "exposed" pair) spawned on the side of a rock by making frequent alternate paSSes along it. The male dug frequently next to it. Both fish fanned 'the eggs. Many.nearby conspecifics~were attacked, although closer Astyanax were rarely attacked. A few minutes afterspawning the male went off to feed near midstream. -The female nipped a few the eggs. All fish within 10 cm of the nest and cichlids Within 30 cm were attacked (Tables 15, 18, 19; Figure 3, u). The 'female attacked more than the male during and after spawning, and she chased fish up to 70 cm away. Within I’an hour afterwards her attacks became fewer and she [chased les s. FiSh were permitted to come closer to ~the nest. I ‘ “a1f”Care'Of'the'eggS'and wrigglers - This behavior has ibeenObserved.often in the laboratory in a variety off New World cichlid species: 'C. 'nicaraguense,(Stratton, 1968) C nigrofasciatum (Armitage,196C;lwallach, 1970), .41 _.‘spilurum (Schein 1968) etc.g The following _description is drawn mainly from observations in :IGuanacaste, although the pat ter n 0f behavior described ,was also noted at Jiloa. A pair' Sgbehavior indicates that Spawning has dvtaken'place.. BéfbretspaWning both fish can simultaneously leave the nest to feed falthough the male leaves more “often than the female. After spanning the male still leaves to feed occasionally, but remains mainly in front of the nestr indicating its presence to the observor.’ :The female Stays mostly in or near the nest, rarely I .VmOV1ng more than half a meter from it. She emerges occasionally to feed; attack nearby fish, or just to SWim briefly about.lf the male is nearby she often 'approaChesand circles him, or contacts his body fin (”greeting").' She then returns to_the nest. ’These "outSide excursions" usually took only 10—15' ‘seconds.1 Females spent at most 1/4 of their time 'ffand-usuallymuch less) outside of thenest (Table 16). nThe three mOSt frequently observed females emerged once every 2. 5- 3 minutes.- This means they fed only every ife w minutes at m0st much less than nonbreeding fish. LiSome males relieved the female briefly but fairly often,‘ fTOr occasionally entered while she was inside. The eggs “were almost never left unguarded. The female sometimes fdug in or near the nest. I I d 3" I ‘ Females often emerged and then attacked fish they . could not .have Seen from inside. Some femalesfl_heads. H2” protrudedfromthe nest opening, while others never did. I V .‘ I ’ Fanning may occupy much of her time in the nest. The female whose eggs were visible and eXposed in the current, spent muchimore time fanning than her mate. ~Both parents were often near the nest. They faced in opposite directions, one on each side of the small neSt rock.' I l w 'The melee spent about half of their time within at least .2—. 5 m of the nest, and about half away (Table 17). _ S1nce stream and river nests were in slow .current, the algal growth near them was probably less than in midstream where the current was faster. The ' males often fed in midstream and other feeding areas ”has far as several meters from the nest. Wriggler care: The female with the "eXposed" ihnest suddenly abandoned the nest rock, and the pit ,idug in frOnt of it rapidly filled with debris. The "next day a light covering of algae had grown over the fl_rock. ‘The pair's feeding from it had evidently pre— lvented algae from accumulating there; no other fish had Tbeen. allowed near it. . The male still defended the rock Eaggressively, but he Oriented toward the grass where the female (and wrigglers?) were hiding. ; The next day hjh e de_fended the rock much less.' His behavior indicated ~the importance physical objects can a ssume. Another female changed nests.; She spent-little l'time in the new nest, and the next day she appeared a h3'i “meter away With a heap of baby fish who could hardly 1swim. She fanned th em, and Spit sand near them. Once Tboth she and the male were 10- 15 Cm from them, unusual 5for parentai fish The male Was 1ater {poly gamous., 11 Territoriality (The following d1escription of 'attack behavior generally applies to all species observed.) IThere are several levels of attack behavior in parental grisn, varying in intensity with the context of the attack 13fid the Species being attacked= The degree of aggressive- 7ne ss was1Judged from the parents' color (darker with .higher inten51ty) and by increased chasing, speed of 'attack and number of abrupt movements made. 1 Incipient attaCK is simply orientingtoWarda Tpassing fish 1usually with the median fins raised. I fididngtmscore this a s an attack, although it sometimes caused intruding Tish to leave the area. The follow1ng increasingly aggre ssiVe behaviors were scored as attacks: (1) the mild dart -- a rush for a few cm toward fish 30— hMO cm away, (2) Slowly following an intruding cichlid; 1(3) the fast dart to Within a few cm of the intruder 3(4) contacting 0r biting the intruder (hard to distinguish 1 afrom close approach) I I(5) chasing the intruder to the 1 hterritorial boundary (the point beyond which attacks irarely occur) (6) chasing the intruder fish wellj’ 1beyond the boundary, even beyond the breeding area éboundary.;19;' 1 11,1 1 1 1 1 11 A Wider range of behaviors was used against approaching isingle conspecifics and other cich1ids ,‘including _more ¥ 44,- Hritualized attacks (Baerends and Baerends - van Boon, .1950) Tail beating, lateral diSplay , and frental idisplay were given almoSt exclus1vely to adult or near . Hadult conspecifics, eSpeclally by males. Lateral display Twas most common, ta1l beating and frontal diSplay being irare.g Tail beating may :othur while following fish through :th e territory, or a fter a relatively mild dart. Females ;-<11d little tail beating except at the mate. ‘ 8 Prior to Spawning th e female goes fr cm the nest to «feed with the male, and chases small conspecifics near . him. ; H e rarely chases them. They both attack conspecifics' inear the nest. i”. A N‘ 8; 8: {G b I: I in The following descriptlons 15 mainly derived from ”observations a_tl Guanacacaste but is generally true at Jiloa_h E(Table 15) I . Nesting mal es usually attack more than ’their females (Tables l8, l9) although I fa few females attacked mo re. (At Jiloa meSt females ‘ attack more than . :their males ) Apparently lmo’st females are «more aggressive, but have less opportunity to attack Nevertheless, some females were jclearly less aggressive than their males <(Pair 3, Figure M Pair l) 8'. ' Although noncichlids are far more‘ Aeommontthan eichlids land are more often_ fattacked parentalinihrofa801atum fre-8 _quently single out c1chlids (espeCially as; juveniles) for attack while ignoring lnearby honcichlids (Tables 15, M8 7 Figure 3) Attacks on. Juvenile con- '53,:- Specifics were also more seVere (with chasing, biting and rapid darting) I than on any other SpeCleS except C dozii. IAttacks on adult cons pecifics were often slow darts foliowing lateral display, etc., but some adults 7 (especially courtship colored females) were strongly attacked _ Interactions with other pairs were_ 'rare, Pairs searching fOr a nesting sift’e were usually chased away, either 7 ‘ slowly or with an attack. H Most pairs kept conSpeCifics more athan 2 m from the nest, usually attacking at U m. Exceptions, however were: legiont‘ some parents attacked conspecifics 1.5 m away, only to ignore similar fiSh within ,3- .m of hthe nest a little late. 3&1: a 7““ Aatyanax and PoeCilia sometimes were: ;not attacked until 1 m from the nest, and generally were permitted closer than the gcichlids.f'Poecilia may be attacked because; “they commonly feed from rocks and woOd on' I 7the bottom, and thus near the nests.7 Still 'they frequently were permitted to feed right H6 in front of the nest. A single attack on-a school of noncichlids (especially POecilia) can drive it away, making further attacks on that Species less likely for awhile. 'Care Of the‘young: The old nest is sometimes de— fended for a short time after the young are free- swimming, or if the wrigglers are transferred. This ceases within a day or two. One Guanacaste female ‘_put her few-day-old young into the old nest during an attack by'Astyanax. (The nest area is defended only if the young are near_it., The parents may occasionally re—enter the nestif it has not deteriorated. (It‘is difficult to estimate the numher of young. There are typically about 1004200 at first. The number ‘nusually diminishes rapidly. One Guanacaste female had -only four 1 cm loné;young. ,‘Females generally feed within .5 m of the young. (Males feed up to several meters away (less at Jiloa). h, While away from the young, the female often feeds hastily with rapid sharp movements. The male is more '. easily attracted away from the a disturbance .than the female. (There is no obvious sekual difference ('in single fish.) l The parents "alternate" over the young, firét one ”Tifeeding then theother. A parent (usually the male) can ycome backhand then leave again. The female stops at ’- least a little while between feeding trips. The young M7 are almost never alone. One such case occurred when "a Guanacaste male, alone oVer the young, was attracted to a disturbance over a meter away caused by some Astyanax.; The young were alone until the female returned. Such periods are of great importance, for if'a school of Astyanax were to pass by, the young would be quickly'deyouned. I ' H I The amount-of'time the individual parents were away .varied greatly between pairs. .As in nesting, the male is away from the young 50%of the time (Table 17: - Guanacaste),‘usually while feeding. Almost all males are away more often and longer than their females.- one male (#7) was almOSt never present, and was barely vtolerated by the female near the young. Another male (#2) Stayed near the young as much or more than his female.1 V V During "alternation" the "greeting" relief ceremony described earlier Sometimes oCCurs. The male does not so greet thg returning female.’ Females often dart out toward the returningmale, but do not attack. Aggression between the parents: -Parents Sometimes 'nip at each other gently,but this may be grooming. Rarer aggreSSive nips sometimes are given in periods of. aggression toward other fiSh. ‘Females are more likely to-nip malesthanvice versa. 1A female sometimes darts or nips at her mate when his head is buried in leaves orhidden from her View behind a rock. When his head dreappearsi7and he turns sideways; the female desists.h '7or merely butts her head against his side and returns afto the young. ThlS indicates that females recognize Timales by the head pattern which is variable in terms exof size and pattern of operular spots, shape 0f first ; bar, etc. (Dr. Roy Caldwell, pers.Icomm. has suggested (that the females may be attacking the male when his taattentio n Wanders fro m the young.) ' I.” I fOthers (Noble and Curtis, 1939; Schein, 1968)“ found that a fémale cichlid will attack her mate if (hisfheIadr is obscured oerainted . I ' lpaSs under the mal e than over him. (This observationn 'is not quantified but was repeated many times.) ThisI .hmay reflect dominance? or her greater desire to be .4 'Ehear the y oung. fN§éE§r‘: V ‘ ' ~ Movement Movement of families Varies greatly. j[one Guanacaste family moved almost 1 m during an As tyanax (attaCK; another did not move at all. Some families ‘ (5(eSpecially in the lake) stayed in the same place for "several days, but many moved (within the breed1ng area) Mil m or more in 15 minutes.’ Movement 15 usually slow grand in a straight or gently curving line.. .Mo vements fl'in Guanacaste are limited by pool size and rapids but ' ' the open spaces in the lakes probably permit longer hhmovements by families. 1.. M“ I _ . f A Leading"Guanacaste°In general the young seem to A affollow the parents. In most but not all families I I thhey stay nearer’ the female than the male. ThisIlvt U9 may relate to the greater frequency of the female' s ereding the young, but it also Occurs if such feeding is absentV,i. The young sometimes continue to move forward afteth e parentsstop, and the parentstegin to move againTVTheyoung can thus lead the parents for up to several deC1meters. SmalVl.3 young stay in more compact groups ‘andfmflJ4NJthe parents more closely than do older young. Young-parent signals The most important communication' Vbetween young and parent occurs during defense o f the fyoung. At other times the shape and movement of the . parents may suffice to attr act the young . uMany signals" Ihave evidently evolved from the parental aggressive Vmovements. Fast abrupt movements have the greatest effect on the young. Tf a parent suddenly swims for ward pand sharply stops the young approach him, but if he m does not stop the young do not follow.; This enables :the parents to leave when "alternating" over the young H (Baerends and Baerends—von Boon, 1950) , VI The following Signals are arranged in order of ~increasing 1ntensity as judged by the Vabruptness of the Imovement and the urgency of its usual context. They hal'lg attract the young, and the more intense s1gnals cauSe the young to drop to the substrate. All can occur at the nest even if the mate lS norpresent.. (l) The Iyoung may ‘ap proach a parent if it onl y faces them .I ISometimes the parent makes a very small head movement Vperhaps producing a sound (2) The parent swims forward Vusing the caud al fin and then suddenly stops with the. 5O pectorals ("Jolting": Baerends and Baerends-von Roon, _l950).. (3) The "turning shake": the parent turns Quickly and abruptlyabout the dorso-ventral axis. Several consecutive movements turn the fish in'a circle.' This behavior occurs while the parent is watching or attacking nearby fish. (4) The most intense movement is the ”returning shake." The parent turns sharply .to one side, and immediately returns to near the 'starting,position.g-The fins all Spread at the end of the movement. This vigorous action is usuallyaccompanied by darker colorationand frequent attacking. The young sometimes show a waning response to such signals during a-period Oflmany parental attacks on iintruders. This may be habituation to the almost continuous 'Short Jerky movements made by the parents. 'The school of young then spreads outsomewhat. Feeding theyoung: Plowing and_rock turning by :parentalnigrofasciatum at Jiloé.was rare. ,Young at any age are attracted by these and other feeding movements, algae pulling. 'Leaf turning, as described below, was seen only in Guanacaste. ~j'Leafjl‘turg‘ing“andplowing: ‘Leaf turning by the parents is apparently not independent. Although I observed - parental leaf turning hundreds of times, I never saw both parents turn leaves at the same time._ Leaf turning by and'large occurred in bouts, with one parent at a» .time‘perfOrming the behavior several times in a row. SeVeral Single indiViduals frequently leaf turn [51‘ h;simultaneonsly. IThe rIate Iof leaf turning by parental in Rio Sand1llal was far higher than that in ' Easingle fish (Table 12), but given the above mate f dependence of the beh_avior, I consider reasonable __to double the parental rate to make it more comparable I to rates 1n single fish. If this doubling is done ‘at Q. DnequeSa the leaf turning rates of parental fish ‘ are higher.than those in single fiSh, although leafT I-turning by.single fish is more common in Duquesa than I elsewhere. Inother streams parental fish were often 'ItheonlyponesIturning,leaves., V 'iParents aimost always leaf-turn among or near the 'young. ~If‘donéwdaway from the school it is far'away; a'the young are not;- attracted “ ~ Parents. can make up t'ol several triesa.1n arow Ilto turn an individual leaf. The parent turning the §«leaf sometimes feeds fromI it. The mate rarely does, but IIsingle fish never permit conSpecifics to feed from ; turned leaves.' 7‘ I (q i . h ,‘1 Young from all around the school respond immediately and markedly by crowding around the leaf and feeding from tithe eXposed side the debris stirred up, and the exp osed .5 pbottom. If the leaf turned settlescnltflmayoung, they , - ‘fqu1ckly emerge and feed from it. . Parental fish plow, dig, and spit more ofteIn than Iisingle fish.I The young approach a plowing parent. IiParents onlyI plow among the young. Digging seems to »,V‘I¢_. ; occur a little less often than plowing. A few times . 52° fiparents (usually females) spit sand or debris into ithe school of y oung.. I could not tell if the young Efed from this material I. 1 1‘3: Feeding the young is primarily a female function :(Table 20) I Only male 2 usually turned a few more leaves Ithan his female.. Overall, Ithe' leaf turn1ng ratio IWasIF:M: :2. 5: I With great variation.» Correlation w1th aggression The female predominates ii“ b0th tOta number Of attacks and number of feedings‘ Tof the young5but this probably can be eXplained 1n I 1terms of underlying parental motivation. If leaf turnihg 19? plowing were redirected aggression (e. g.5 HeiligIenberg5 31965a) they could be high during bouts of attacking. hBut most leaf turning occurred outside of bouts of attacking. 5'91455, 52:," ’v 1' w‘Locatibn Leaf turning is lowI in leafépOCr areas leuch as the east side of the Sandillal (pairs 1 and 3), 3.:- ,v )' I fand high in lbaflfier areas, such as the WeSt Side of Sandilfaleairs 3... and 4) and in Duquesa.i This corresponds 'with leaf turning by Single fish in these areas.‘ Leaf - 1turning in parental fish thus depen ds on stimulii both afrom the youngqand the physical environment Spittinegoung5 Guanacaste ' Sometimes one parent inf another picks up a young, mouthes it5 and-spits it gback into the school This oc¢urred both when a school. {of youngzwas being attacked ,and when no aggression was: itaking place. One female sucked up a young a few mm long ....... }and spit it over -an’ obstacle the school Was crossing. -’ 53 Territorial behavior. Defense of the young: Almost all intruding fiSh faare attacked vigorously (Table 18). ' ConspeCifics may be :gespec1ally singled out for attack and receive more than their share of attacks.j While it would have been desirable toquantify this, it was impossible to determine both 1) the fish being attacked and the distance at which they were attacked; and 2) the numbers of each species I‘present and their distance from thefamily. ‘ _ '2 Fish swimming toward the young were attacked more ' sharply and at a greater distance-fromuthe young than thoSe swimming by or away from them. A The rate of attack was prOportional to fish density. This was noted in GuanaCaste when a family moved from 'jan area of low~(shore) to high (midstream) fish density. Pairs i‘afids3 (in low density areas) attacked less than pairs 2, 4, 5 and 7 (in higher density areas )(Table 19). '-The effect is sometimes obscured by the presence of Astyanax :schools. Isolated pairs in lakes-likewise make fewer hattacks than those in rocky areas with many fish. I ...... Redirection It is difficult to say if a partiCular .Lattack is the result of (1) an earlier territorial diSpute; 1(2 ) the parents' hav1ng been frightened earlier; or (3) 2:a fish coming close to the young. Cn a few occasions : redlrection ((1) and (2)) seemed to eXplain an attack. Soon after a territorial dispute with another pair, a:- Guanacaste pair attacked fish at a greater distance ‘ than . before the dispute. Another Guanacaste pair lost a 5H 'f“territorial dispute with a pair of C. grostratum and immediately afterwards began to attack nearby con-. ". specifics and Astyanax. The following describes the reactions of parental lknigrOfasciatum"in the two habitats to the various Species most often attacked. ‘Jiloa: ,GObiomorus: 'This predator is always attacked and '_usually chased.within.AO Or 50 cm of the young, while ' most other fish are permittedufijgfijl30 cm and are rarely chased.' Attacks on Gobiomorus longer than 10 cm are cautious. The parents dart forward, retreat, and dart forward again without making contact. They may make a A quick nip at it and rapidly return to the young. These I attacks are almost always directed to its side or back, not its head. 6 6 Differential survival of the young could result "from variation in theseverity and number of attacks of different parents. One female made over 50 attacks ina ,1 .15 minutes, while another pair in a similar area frequently .fed away from their young, and made only 11 attacks . (see Gobiomorus section) Gobiomorus can act as a selective agent on ciChlids.- When a 20 cm long Gobiomorus struck into a school of 9 mm long n1grofasc1atum fry, the parents stayed away from ”:him. He then approached a pair With 11 mm long young- ,{The male drove him away with a sharp at tack. The first Axtfg,_school had about l5 young and the second had about 60, 55 . perhaps reflecting_a difference in effectiveness of. defense. " G'u'an'aca's‘te 3 ' Astyanax-"avalanChing": Astyanax.are often permitted. to come nearer the-young than cichlids (Table 8), and sometimes pass freely over the young in-water at least 20 cm deep. Nevertheless, Astyanax sometimes attack the young. ‘Astyanax are usually attacked within 30 cm of the young, but chases occur up to 2 m away. The greatest‘danger to the fry is probably not [from'attacksby individualestyanax, which the parents _ effectively prevent. Most important, but much rarer, is "avalanching"-e a sudden piling up of attacks which , overwhelms the parents' defenses. I T"Avalanching" can Occur when a family is relatively near a school of Astyanax. Some disturbances near the family attracts one.of a few Astyanax. This disturbance can;either be asteaking"nigrofasciatum, a sharp attack by theparents,oreven the movement of the young. »As the parentS'attackya.few.Astyanax, the abrupt movements |attractjmoreschool members.“ More attacks occur, and _thetcommotionaattracusother fish, sometimes including -nigrofasciatum and ggvii The ensuing number of fish attacking the young becomes too great for the parents ,‘and some cf the young are eaten. Eventually the parents, Iattacking as m any as one fish every second or two, succeed in driVing most of the attackers away, and the_ "avalanche" .subsides.4¢ 56 One"avalanche"developed'on afemale with her ,young. ‘She was doing poorly until the male appeared andhelped her drive off the attacking fish. It would bedifficultto save many young from an "avalanche. " . .‘-Discussion:i Although "avalanches" are infrequent (I saw only three or four). their threat is undoubtedly serious enough to affeCt all the territorial behavior “of theparents. Every time a parent attacks it runs ,the riskof attraCtingAstyanax: It is possible that_ 1a balance between aggression and caution has been selected 'for."AstyanaX'are not attacked until they come near ‘the young, and thenare usually dartedat, not Chased 1(Chasing could easily attract other Astyanax). "Astyanax over the young are not attacked, since they are not a serious threat (they rarely strike down at food, 'having a §.superior mouth). This modified aggression ...... Ireation to Gobiomorus in Lake Jiloa, 'where the danger _of attracting more-predators to the young is minimal. -In areas.of high Astyanax density (schools of 1000- 2000) a nigrofasciatum family causes-a "bubble" l m across Gito appear in the school. This is partially maintained Iby occasional parental attacks, butthe A styanax also seem j to keep the.distanCe themselVes, perhaps to prevent attacks Fby the parents. ‘ C,. nigrofasc1atum Females sometimes attack con- 6 ‘ ' _;Spe01f1cs a few meters away While feeding from the young. On a few occasions adult nlgrofas01atum avoided coming 57 near breeding cOnspecifics. They would swim toward_' the family,stop upon seeing it (before any reaction bytheparents), and change their course to pass at a; .greater'distance.' There are two mechanisms by which this avoidance could occur. First,the fish might, slearn to-avoid any fish with the intense parental dis- hcoloration. Second, parents attackingcould cause the hfish'to learn to'avoid the family's location. 1"Sneaking": I have twice observed a phenomenon in Q. nigrOfaSciatum similar to "sneaking" in stickle- _backs (Assem,'l968).' One female-size fish repeatedly A tried to swim over a schoolof young, although the parents attacked her.' She did not attack the parents or young. The resulting parents' attackS'fattracted a largenumber of Astyanax and‘nigrofasciatum. Before an "avalanche" .resulted the flsneaking"'fish was driven away. _ A On another occaSion a male came near a female aloneh .withaher'young.' He displayed laterally and stayed over the young although the female repeatedly attacked him. A large number of Astyanax quickly gathered, and began to attack the young. The "sneaking" male hi d from t.h.e' n .female' 5 attacks under a nearby ledge. The male parenth returned and joined the female in driving off the "sneaking" male.1 By this time an "avalanche" had started. During the parents' attacks the "sneaking" .male did not attack young or parents.‘ He gave lateral 1 displays, and flinched when the parents bit him. ' After' the parents drove off the Astyanax the Same male returned 58 and the male parent once more drove him off. 5.9°.92K££; Even Efllii as large as 50 cm are always fiattacked within 50 cm of the young. 'They are attacked. . farther from the young than any other species, but they 1,are not common inGuanacaste -- less than 20 attacks 'were seen. . I Once a schoolof young ggzii (1.2 cm) that had evidently just left their parents approached a'nigggf fasciatum family. ;The parents repeatedly attacked the .dovii and drove them off. The young doVii did not Iappear to attack the nigrofasciatum fry, although they might have been large enough to eat them. 9. r0stratumzfl Few were present -- less than 20 Pwere attacked in all timing periods. They were treated Emore or less like nigrofasciatum.5 - F'Size of breeding area and territory: Figure 6 shows~ the diStributiOn of families in the west end of the Rio Sandillal in-l969.' Breeding areas, from which other ‘jbreéding pairs are usually excluded, can overlap somewhat. ‘Family 3 sometimes Ventured into the areas used by family f'5 When family 5 was in other parts of their area.. Most I7Guanacaste breeding areas were about 3-4 m2 (Table 21), ELand l— 9 m2 at Jiloa (Table 22) . Territory siZe varied with reSpect to the Species attacked, the stage of d erelopment of the young, and the 1ndiv1dual pair. While conste i fies are the species most pa ttacked dur1ng spawn1ng, Astyanax is attacked increasinglyI ‘often during nesting,I and eSpecially when the youngI are fréé- swimming._ Poe01lia are occa31onally attacke d during 7nesting.f Gobiomorus and C. $211; are attac ked almost FSolely when the young are free— swimming (Tables 15, 233 gand 24I Figure 3) I I h 33 I Overall the parents defend a ci rcle with a radius of 30 cm with the young at the center.I Many attacksi "occur outside this circumference and sbme fish are fallowed to enter it Without attack. The first has a radius cf 5-10 cm (for Poecilia), the second 10-20 cm ?The fins are clear. TWo bars connect the eyes acrossthe forehead. The background color-is whitish yellow. The eyes are pgold to gold-green. vThey keep the same basic pattern at night. Malesnare'deeper'bodied thanfemales; and. Lsometimes have a small nuohal hump. 'They-are remarkably‘ '5 ;_similar'to C. rostratum, especially whenyoung. 1 Habitat and numbers: TheyHareffrequent in or near I.che e dge of d rowned or aquatic plants. They are.somewhatai .i-more common than C.centrarchus.(Table 2). n M), Health They commonly rest 0n the bottom, which _ could indicate some malaise, but is probably just a ,Vspecies characteristic. ' . H V H Feeding;§ Few were seen feeding. When still with' p.1their parents they'occasionally feed from rocks. Sometimes L¥_adult3jtake in, chew,.and*Spit_out sand. 805*- - Social behaVior: Fry school with the parents and ~“, } just after leaving them, but Juveniles and adults are almost always alone.' Aggression.among juveniles and nonbreeding adults 7was rarely Seen: ‘ There seems to be little tendency for pairs t0- p_breed in groups. Several pairs, however, were found within A'ga few meters of eaCh other near the edge of some aquatic -'-gygplants. ......... Breeding sites. Only three nests were seen. Two 5W? re at the base of plants or between two stones, and one was 1 m from he nearest plants. Young were kept near or in the plants. ReproduCtiVe behavior: The female fans the eggs and guards an area 25 cm in radius arOund the neSt. She is reluctant to move from oVer the eggs or wrigglers. The '.h-male is not always present but often is in the area. v Families With 2 9 mm lo ng young stay in Or near the 'edge of plant Older fry are kept over silt or . T’rocks near or among plant 8. The male and female alternate . over the young, but the female leaves rarely and briefly, , wh11é the male is absent frequently. 'The defense radius around the young 18 about 25 cm (Table l8). Gobiomorus L is strongly attacked but cichlids and other species * 51w are sometimes ignored eVen if near or among the young. ConSidering the frequent absenCe of males, families ‘j aprobably break up either when the male leaves or when :ijthe'large_young’leave the parents. The male might leave. . .‘n f I" . .. , .181 during nest1ng.h Nocturnal behavior°' The fish stay at night in the same places as during the day, > ,_ .. Topography This species rarely leaves plant areas. . Interaction with'other speCies: The parents move with the young, and encounters With families of other rSpeC1es (eSpecially C» nigrofaSC1atum rostratum, and Neetroplus)»are common; tAs little as 10 cm may separate families} 82 GQBIOMORUS DORMITOR zAlthough Gobiomorus Was seen at all three study' Sites, the following description is derived mainly from L. Jiloa. The more general of the descriptions apply to all three sites. Effect ijobserver: They are not timid. Adults and juveniles react or flee only when approached within 20 to 50 cm. .They may be touched it hiding beneath some— thing; even if then they move only a few-meters. Color: The background color is green to brown, with black or dark gray bars across the back joining the stripe on the sides. The markings can be distinct or'= .blurred. 'The fish are hard to see on the bottom, especially-on broken rock, and even on a sandy-bottom (they lighten and darken quickly). The colorpattern. is the samé at night. I l I "Th 'eye .show a diffraction grating pattern. ‘The fins are Clear. Young (schooling age) fish have a vertical black mark on the dorsalfin, apparent when the fin is raised. It_is probably used in schooling. Either it is fless distinct or the fin is raised less often in adults. ,Fish to 35 cm long Wereseen in Jiloa, and to 50 cm long ‘atVRio Puerto Viejo.'g ~~ lit 1 lHabitat'andnumbers: Thay are found in great numbers around rocks orstones, upon whichthey rest. .Many occur V oversandy bottom-and-neag plants. They are rare'overa gsiltg; MannyWim in midwater; especially in atherine _ 83“ ‘schools. With the exception of Mel aniris they appear to be the most common cichlid in Jiloa. Heal th: They appear healthy and well fed, some— timespositivelybulging with food. Feeding: Darnell (1955) described nocturnal feed- ting in Gobiomorus dormitor in Mexico, where the fish left 'the water to feed on terrestrial animals (Spiders and insects). *I did not obServe terrestriality, but'L.-Jilog has a Variety of fish available as prey. .Meek and ,Hildebrand (cited in Darnell) stated that Gobiomorus probably feed on all forms of water life. The smallest Gobiomorus probably feed on'small’ 'Poecilia; both stay in water a few cm deep near shore. "The usual adult food is fish. I observed feeding t on cichlids and Melaniris over 20 times (Table 26). They. (undoubtedly also feed on Poecilia and perhaps on crabs. Atherines are taken mostly by striking up into the school _ from the bottom; but also by chasing down individuals .within the schOol. The swimmingpredator also strikes r‘down or forward. ‘They also hunt along the edge of plant , areas rich in Poecilia and cichlids. They sometimes strike into schools of Cic hlid fry, provoking strong ‘ attacks by the parents. " yMost feed in the late afternoon. They emerge from. ,under the rocks 1nto open water and onto the bottom. 'Small groups of varylng sizes lie on‘he bottom. Each swims v off, hunts byastriking and ambushin g, and then returns. 8.“ Most cichlids are captured from ambush. The .predator lies under a rock, often with his head protruding. iThe prey, usually a ci chlid 2- 6 cm long, is taken with 'a sudden rush. Headefirst capture is preferred but cichlids are held be the back, belly and tail. Tails rarely proe trude from-the eleotrid's mouth, indiCating that head-l 'first capture leads to the passage of least resistance. .When a fish is caught so it cannot be swallowed easily, it is shaken and bitten hard ,Vprobably‘until killed,- -and manipulated to pass down the throat. Fish may be held for half an hour or more." One Gobiomoru s could not- ‘swallow a small nigrofasciatum held tail first due to the erect dorsal fin. .Other such cases were seen.. Social behavior: 'Small fish frequently school, more so in August than in February. Schools had up to 3“ fish n. 5 cm long, but most had only 8-15.1Barlow V (per s. comm.) encountered Schools of more than 1,000 'young fish in water about 1 5 m deep. Few school had :fish 15—20 Cm long.Schools occur near the.bottom :ahé in mid—water. - There is almost no .aggress ion.~ Cannibalism is fpossible o_n; occurs in captivity, small fish do not remain an front of larger nnes.; If a Gobiomorus has prey in kits mouth conspe01fics gather around him without ,aggress1on although the fish with the prey often swims Haway.t Most hunting does not l.ead itself to group action, yalthough when up to 5 hunt in a s chool of atherines they 3may facilitate capture for each other, ‘since it would be 85 i~dif ficult for the atherines to watch all the predators. Breeding I observed no breeding behavior. Many 'fish in the tropics breed only in the wet season (Lowe- McConnell, 1969)..~ But.all sizes-of fish are seen in all (seasons; they may breed year round, as do their prey. ICrepuscular‘and‘noCturnal behavior: .The striated . eye may detect motion at low light intensities, and could be used to see atherines swimming at the surface at tWilight. VAt night are in the same places as _ durin g the day. Topography: :Gobiomorus are affected by topographic _features. They quickly hid under almost all the plates I put out. A few large fish (the same individuals?) (hid underthe same rocks day after day.- Large individuals .probably.have home1ranges, or eVen home rocks,although I observed no territorial defense. I I . Competition for food: The other large predator is C. 22X££° ‘While dgvii_may-be more efficient in ambUshing in plants, GobiomoruS“seems to have the advantage in Open water and rocky areas. Perhaps dovii is better adapted -to~moving Water, and Gobiomorus to calm: Gobiomorus l,decreases in numbers going up rivers fr om estuaries, While ‘Ldovii is more common in rivers of moderate current than fin the shallow depths of lakes. '; Interactions With cichlids Gobiomorus_can evidently recognize parental cichlids. It has three possible ,reactions to them continue the same direction, move‘ Yfaway, or attack the young. *It almost never attacks the 86 ' parents. A Gobiomorus swimming toward a cichlid family .may turn away before or after the parents orient to it, . but the parents may attaCk anyway. The young are suitable prey: when I frightened _ parents away, Gobiomorus quickly ate the young. Large (20—30 cm lOng) predators occasionally struck into the' school of young deSpite the parents' attacks, but were - I.quickly driven off. ,GObiomorus also struck into the .school from_under a rock. ’They then quickly retreatedh ,under the rock or swam off. ‘One-lO cm IOng fish-struck between two nigrofasciatum who were building a nest and .did not yet have young. 'It hit bottom and swam away. VIt'was too small to attack the parents._ Such indiden ts 'Sug gest that GobiOmorus recognize breeding cichlids. The reaction of cichlids to Gobiomorus: Cichlids . 3— A cm long of ten fol low Gobiomorus that are I15 om long, 'Ior more, for up to Several decimeterS. When a large Ipind1v1dual swam toward some small cichlids, they frequently _cswam around tIO‘ his sides and rear and followed him, even . =Iif he had just st ruck at them. They did not accompany yOther large fish (such as cichlids) They reacted in anII .Iadaptive manner by almost never approaching from the w»front Small parental cichlids approached large Gobiomorus, IIprior to attack, from the Sides and"rear; like juveniles. Gobiomorus with live fish in their mouths are LIattractlve to Cichlids and Gobiomorus of all ages (especially, {I ' ' I leuven1les), who approach from all Sides. The young ,ic1chlids could learn the form of allarge predator in this: I 87I I-Way. In a laboratory eXperiment twenty— five 5- 10 mm long nigrofa301atum and twenty-five 3- 7 mm long Poecilia _ Were placed~in a Sh_liter aquarium (30x30x60 cm) with a'lQ cm long Gobiomorus.'=Many obstaCIes were also placed inythe tank. ,After five days the Gobiomorus had eaten all the Poecilia, but six nigrofasciatum were left.w The cichlids spent much of their time near the babk and sides .of the pre dator observing him.. The poeciliids did not. I Keenleyside (1961) described similar behavior in I young salmon and trout, who followed the diver near their _territories.. Schools of adult Lutianus mOnOStigma (Lutjanidae) follow nearby predators such as barracuda, blacktippedsharks, and Lutianus bohar (Potts, 1970). Like the eichlids, the prey did not approach the predators frontally, but moved to the sides and the rear. The behavior probably serVes to prevent predation by dis- orienting the predator. But since Gobiomoruins more of a lurking predator, I doubt if the young cichlids ‘disorient them.e . -Changes in attack patternsz' Much of the following IIwas seen in n1grofasciatum but it was observed in other [aspe01es as well. When a pair forms and begins to seek a I territory they attack varibus fish (mainly conspecifi cs). I IgGobiom orushh is large1y ignored. This continues during I nest building, although nigrofasc1atum occasionally darts at Gobiomorus. Even when the eggs are laid and almost iall nearby fish are attacked, Gobiomorusis only nipped 88 rat/or'mildly chagéd¥within a few cm of the nest. "But onCéVthe yon g are free-swimming Gobiomorus is attacked harder fnem a greater distance and chased further. than any other‘apéeiest(Table 23). 'Attacks up to_a meter away and_ehaeeéif6fg2-3 m are_not unusual. The adaptive significance'df.sgch behavior is ObviOus._i As‘g. fostfatum and longimanus fry get older their ‘parents often allewVeichlids to mingle with the young, ' but always attack and chase nearby Gobiomorus. The end of parental behavidr is near.when Gobiomorus are allowed -to settle cloSe to the young;1 89' VARIQCSISPECIESJ' Melan1ris (sard1nia9) These atherine fish are yshy but Will feed near a motionless observer. They 5range in length from a few to 8 cm. They are found I . - above all habitats,~ but are most chmon in water 3 m deep ifor less, in school of from lOO to some thousands. They_ Fhswim about lO-cm below.the surface, but often descend “as much as 1 5m below the surface. ' 3 They feed on particles on the Surface or in the water (probably plankton and detri tus) Wh1ch are large ,Tenough to see, and perhaps on smaller particles. Gobiomorus often strike into the schools causing ‘ them to scatter and to Jump out Of the water . Predat1on{; hoccurs Ithoughout the day, but is most Common near sun-_ ‘ .set.' C.ggv11Imay prey on them in weedy areas. V I At 'nCight they float passively near the surface. The f hschbols seem It-o disperse. ’ > I Melanir1s rarely have any interactions with c ichlids Ls1nce mo st cichlids stay near the bottom._ SometimesI Q,the'u ;atherines feed With1n 5to l m of the young but even Iparental cichlids never attack them. Various fish Toccasionally swim within the atherine hSChOBlS’ Mostly ........ 'these are Gobiomorus but some are-C. c1tr1nellum and nicaraguenese. Barlow (pers..comm ) observed Neetroplus 'fOllOWlng below spawning schools and apparently eatin g 'the falling eggs. The crab Potamocarcinus sp: fOnly individuals 9O Twith a carapace diameter larger than 5 cm Were Seen, apossibly indicating low reproduction.. The crabsare 'scarce due to llttle cher in my study areas.g Barlow I(pers..comm Q)I found that the crab s are abundant on the irockier‘west side of the lake.I In most lakes they are factive mainly at ni ght. ' I saw only one at n ight in -Lake Jiloa, indicating their low numbers. -The ClaWS‘ [are large, up to IO cm lon g.. One claw is usually Ishorter than the other. They feed on detritus: tWo ate fdead fish. V d The crabs are probably of greater significance in IL Apoyo where they are very numerous. Their effect in J1loa must be less than that of the shrimp at 'Rrio .‘..4. Poecilia'(sphenops?) Poecilla is common around 3the shore, especially in plantfl] areas, and often school in irocky areas. They are evidently algae gra zers and may Ttherefore Compete with ci chlids. Bussing (pers.. comm. ) fhas found large numbers of protoZo a in their stomachsI ?1n other Central American lakes. 3. Eur-.5. ',',.~, ' Poecllia is rarely attacked by parental Qichlids, *even near the youngw These herbivorous poeciliids ''''' gprobably pose little threat to the. young.f one femaleIf '2'! .nigrofasciatum attacked a school feeding near her young; ”butlalsohattacked many other fish. 1' L. Matlng behavior is common with males actively gpurSU1ngwccourting, and copulating wi th females. Many ,,,,, Ihave red or orange caudal dorsal or anal fins eSpecially ,males.s The red is also found Just in the fin horders.A iFish with red fins seemed the most aggressive but 1 image observations are needed The turtle, PSeudemys Scripta: One was Seen in ruShes,and theother wasswimming-along the surface in Si ideeprater} Both Were large, with carapaces 25 and 35'“ em long, reSpectively.- Their effect on cichlidS-must be minor.. V92_ ' g; cE-NTRA-Rcfiusg_? Effect of observer° This Spe ci es is not sensitive. 'It is not as bold as C nlgrofa301atum nor as shy as :longimanus or rostratum._ £21237; Body color is usually gold W1th some silver. :There are usually two opercular spots, surrounded by blue in large r 1nd1V1duals making them conspicuous. CA peduncleh spot i."s present .and another Spot is often vis1ble On the midline in the central bar.t Most f1sh Show a series of §faint Slde bars.1 Bars ' in adults have a single or double Crow of spots sometimes surrounded bay; blue. The eyes.arer yellow or yellow-orange.‘ 1 1 1’1 M Size°“ Juveniles appear to reach adulthood at aroun d ‘7 cm._ No breeding was seen. Habitat and number5°' This Species is common inf My” :areas with plants‘and lS rare in rocky and other areas. ,1, .éi'. {7’27 KhmFeedin“} KC GentrarChus feeds on algae on plant -surfaces, and also from the surface of the water. 'It. -,I 4! [swims forward’and nips at the algae and then bac ks up. fit , Sbcial behavior'; Single fish of all Slzes are ;often seen“. Rarelfi schools consisted of l0- 12 adult gfish up to l2€cm long Almost no aggression was seen by 2‘. single or schooling fish. "93, 9,. NICARAGUENSE (GEffectfof observer: Although more cautious than ;smaller cichlids, nicaraguense (= g. Spilotum) is not Ftimid,'and does not flee unless the observer makeS' sudden moves 0r approaches within 50 cm.' For the first (few minutes of observations some parents attacked other fish at an inCreaSed distance. I gglgr; The fry look plain but a central spot is visible in fish 2 cm long, and a central line can appear in fish several cm long. Juveniles at Puerto Viejo . 2 (less than 20 cm long) have either a black central Spot! fior line, both,.or neither.- If the spot is missing the 'line is interrupted Where the spot would be., That area Ican be faintly darker yellow. Captive fish_can change .th ese features within a few minutes. The Juveniles' background color is weak yellow, in cont.ra sIt‘ to the adultS' brighter color. The ,e'yes are yellow to gold. TThe dorsal fin can be a bit reddish, or translucent to clear.uiIl .,. H ’-'vI ‘ . “III In Lake Jiloa I observed tw o white fish With normal Imarkings. Another (seen several times) had a bright forange red head, the color going farther down one sid e' iCpast the operculum) than the other. A I I _ Adults (longer than 20 cm) at Puerto Viejo are fbrlght Igold, probably indicating.sexual maturity. As :both sexes approach breed1ng readiness they develop 2' .bluish heads. The color can be infienSeo The femalest 4 .91; ' belly becomes reddish to almost orange anterio rly, and she may deVelop a mild1y irridescent dorsal fin, reminiScent of a courting female nigrofasciatum. Before-or during courtship the male develops a "checkerboard" pattern, a apparently due to a darkening of each scale' s margin. Breeding colors: The eyes may become more golden.b VFaint.bars posterior to the Center Spot sometimes appear. Almost allparentalfish have the central the central ' Spot, and often the line. 2 l The female sometimes retains a reddish belly throughout breeding. 'The male keeps the checkerboard pattern can can also have a reddish belly. Males sometime s have a nuchal hump less than 5 mm high. - The breed1ng coloratlon is not marked ~The blue .head ( and red belly of the female) stand out, as does the male s checkerboard pattern. - The similarity b et ween nicaraguense and rostratum at L. Vinloa is lessened by the difference in body color of parental fiSh; but when the fish court, both species are yellowish. Ieggd Habitat and numbers '“RlO TPuert‘o YleJo Fi sh up to 20 c.m' long are often ’ ,, _ I? I_Tr{h,_ Seen schooling in the center of the riVer, whe re the current is swift. ~They are'also common in deep water With. large rocks, and (to a lesser extent) around large log 1piles.I Adults are found in all these places, but are more ,common in areas of low current and silty bOttom (Table 2). Jiloa The fish are found over silt in shallow an d . 95 ‘deep areas. The species is rarer than rostratum but ,commoner than longimanus. Large schools were seen in the wet season (Table 2).. I Health: Although no scarred or wounded fish- Were noted at Jiloa, many were seen in Rio Puerto Viejo. Split and torn fins, and head and body scars were most frequent, even in breeding fish. One male chafed and fin—fliCkered. — A Feeding: Juveniles and adults take in bottom silt “and presumably filter it. The silt is passed out the gill slits and also Spat out. Adults were rarely seen to feed. Fry seem to feed from the water at Jiloé. ' Social Behaviori VSchooling was common on the west side of Jiloa in August (up to 100 even—sized- individuals per school), but rare in February. Schools are common in the river, containing fish to adult size. 'Some Schools seem to stay in one area for more than a day. Mixed schools _ of' nicaraguense and Ne etroplus are common. F7 Single nicaraguense are less aggressive than smaller species. Parents are .aggressive, attacking and chasing fish a meter or more from the young.r in Clump1ng I Some pairs breed near each other in gJiloa, but clumping seemed stronger Rio Puerto Viejo, where some silty, low carrent areas near log piles had two or pmore breeding pairs, while many similar areas had more. 'Perhaps the areas used had some special feat ures, -but I noticednone.l One to feur pairs without nests often as tayed nea r a c Onspecific family; this was similar to 96 troStratum at L; Jiloa. ,Frothhese observations, I conclude that nicaraguense clump when breeding, :Breeding'sites:_ M / ,_ , ‘fJiloa: The nest is usually a hole in the bottom fin areas of'Silt 5 cm or more deep. The substrate is , underlain with rocks or compacted material, so the holes .ddo nOt Collapse. _: do not know the holes' origin; They may be TOrmed by settling of silt, or may be dug by the ’fish or-crabs. Onceabandoned, they disappear quickly, .so the fish must maintain them. The pair often digs. silt out of them. The neSts are in water frOm l- 2 m deep, , but undoubtedly are also in deeper water (5— 7 m, Barlow, pers. comm.), and possibly in shallower. Most families ’are also in these areas but also occur in 50-cm of water gdr less, -usually:‘ over si or silt and rocks. ~ H - Rio Puerto Viejoi'The nest sites I saw in the river Were remarkedly d1fTerent from those in the lake. The "entrance to one was in the bottom side of a log; the other was in a deep ho le in the end Of a log._ 7 Families occur in Ha§var1ety of habitats. :Most .stayed in quiet w ater over Silt near logs suitable for ‘InESts, Some were in weak to moderate current over silt Sand Stones, but never in deep _areas with large rocks. lFew occurred over gravel or all stone substrate, although one family didso for seyeral days. Reproductive“béhavior9* courtship' Some adults with courtship colors swim alone.yc 'Courtship movements,are rare'rev1dently conSiSting of the 97 zfemale swimming near the male.' At'first.the female :follows him and feedsnear the male, seeking him out if bshe loses him. In a fedeays he begins to seek her out, falthough she remains more active in this. Nest selection and buildingI: Qne Puerto Viejo _pair remained near the hollow end of a log buried in the ysand. They didrnot defend the Site, but no other adults came within 2 m. For several days auJilba'pair swam in Ian area about u by 6 m in which a few pairs were nesting. They investigated some holes, and eventually selected '(or dug) one.I I ~ ‘ Egg and wriggler care: This behavioris essentially the same as in n1grofasciatum the female almost I always stays inside the nest and the male outside guarding ragainst conspecifics. I C Young care: The- newly free— swimming young are kept Chearby for a day or two, although a Jiloa family left the _nest area 1mmed1ately.-;-II ' A 1. C. n1caraguense parents feed leSs than those Of. other spec1es._They sometimes alternately feed away ifrom the young. No single parents were seen, perhaps 'indicatipg the strength«of the pair bond. a I Parental n1caraguense defend a larger area than Ismaller spe01es. This Imay be due to the great number of Cyoung (1 2“(COO or more) the large size of the school C(up to II m across),' or the size oftfluaparents (Table 7) I I They attack less than smaller species. (In rivers, gf1sh living nearby may learn the Iquite stable boundaries - 9‘8 ; :of the territory ) Some attacks occurred up to 2 m faway, but many fish 20 c.m from.theyOung were not attacked. Ismall nigrofasciatum, bat C. doVii Was attaCked moSt gstrongly, even when more than a meter away. C. ituba . was rarely attacked within 50 cm of the young, but tsometimes was attacked a me ter away.I iv H In the Iake most territorlal defense Was against x: V .4 iI9;'oitrinellum rostratum and conspecifics, especially >in areas of clumped nests where seVeral conSpecific pairs were found 3 Gobiomorus Mas v1gorously attacked #7,)- whenever it comes near the young. Females take oVer I‘moSt of the defense whentflueyoung are about 2 cm. long, fand ClChlldS are permitted to come nearer than when the young were+smaller.I ‘ River families if n1caraguense remained in one 5place more than other SpeCleS (Table 25). One family iistayed in one area for at least seVeral days, anId‘ then :moved 30 m downstream to a similar area3 for at leaSt 9 'Vmore days; The areas were about 30m2 (about average for ftthis spec1es) I Such patrilocality was not observed at ifJiloa, perhaps because of the mere Widespread nature 'b f the silty substrate which ma-y' permit moreI mOVement ifby the family._ ‘2. . Mast r1ver families moved slowly Within the breeding hiarea, bringing the young to new feeding areas.a They Ifcurrent brings in new b1ts of detritus in even the calmest jgareas.I One pair moved several meters in I5 m1nutes b ut '99 Tth at was above average. 'Thevparents”usually lead the" iyoung, although somet1mes the yQung lead a little. ”-4.3" Home range . At Jiloa the red—nosed individual was. 'seen in a 10x 20 m area for over a week. Such behavior ‘5' pis probably typical in lakes and rivers, although the cathol1c Choice habitat may permit wider ranging. Nocturnal behav1or°- They are scattered over the Vlake bottom and along the edge of log piles in the river. .Families move into log piles and under rocks. 'UTogogréphy:, Large logs and branches delimit the. pboundaries of some river breeding areas and give these areas stability. ' Competit1on for ne sts: 'Large shrimp must compete 'wi th river nicaraguense for holes in logs. Neetroplus. fand tuba also nest in holes and might compete with ,nicaraguense. JiloJ One male defended the mouth of a hole near éseveral other nests. The hole’i contained a barely visible_ large crab. The male Chased nearby cichlids and tail beat at and chased a l5 cm Gobiomorus that put its head 'into the hole.' The hole, male and crab all disappeared - the next day.Q No female or young were seen7 . Perhaps~ :the crab evicted the nicaraguense._ In the same area a nicaraguense pair took over an d ...... Interactions with other cichlids ‘ Puerto VleJO Neighboring families within the breeding area were,:7 usually Neetroplus, g ‘spilurum, or alfari . Most of 100 the interaCtions were with spilurum. Fights were rare unless the two pairs were less than 1.5 m apart. The nicaraguenSe families generally took precedence with other pairs moving out of the-way. 101 NEETROLPUS NEMATOPUS 'Effect'of observerz' Neetroplus is one of the “bOldest species. 'Parents briefly watch the_observer, but quiCkly resume normal activity, and do not flee runless almost touched. I - Coloration: The-teeth are red, and easily Visible ,in the open mouth. At Puerto Viejo the eyes are bright ‘blue, or blue-white in some conditions, but at Jiloa the eye eclor is an indist1nct white- gold—green. The fins ,are clear. A small peduncle spot is present. A thin margin onwthe dorsal fin in adults is red. Males develop! VplOng white pelvic fin threads._ They sometimes have small gnuchal humps an d are slightly deeper bodied than females. Sexual.colgr dimorphism is minimal. I Fry a fewimm long are dark above and light below. -At several; m they becomeratherblotchy,with an outline 'of 3wide bars on the sides. These dark bars become Lmore discrete.and then the Central bar (extending from ‘a7little below the dorsal a-little above the ventral : surface)becomes prominent and the others fade. Fish 2 3 cm l Ong (still with the parent 5) have one central bar, gibut some hav'e‘ several bars. Some blotchy fish only 1.5 1cm long live alone. I . i I I I. There are three basic color patterns. .(1) A light- to dark background color with one heavy dark central bar (darkbar); (2) Similar background color with 5- 7 evenly spaced bars (multibar) (3) -Dark brown background color .w1th a white bar in place o-f the Central black one (lightbar). 102 Juyeniles maintain the darkbar pattern, as do ' .most adults.' Mature adults (especially males) begin to showthe multibar pattern. Adults can be quite dark, especia'lly in‘L. Masaya..-And dark fish in the lakes Were ;more common in the wet season than the dry (main breeding) -seasOn. Fish in school most_often show the darkbar pattern," vReproductive colors: .Courtship: During early stages both males and females usually show the darkbar or multibar patterns, although courting females at Jiloa [Often had a fa1nt whitebar pattern. .During territory establishment the multibar pattern was most common. Nesting} The female shows the lightbar pattern at .most times, especially when in the nest. The male often has the darkbar Or multibar pattern, but exhibits the - lightbar pattern during attaCKs or other times of stress. .'Young'care: Both parentsquually show the lightbar ,pattern; although males sometimes exhibit the other two .patterns.l The female rarely does so. If the young are' .threatened of attaCked both parents show an intense_ ' ’whitebar pattern. Variability: tThe fish can change from one 3 pattern to.an0ther in a matter of a few_seConds, especially 'during.aggression. -Thepattern can overlap, with a white; I .Ibar on the multibar pattern, etc. Variability is high ; between parents: some ma les al.most always show the ?glightbar pattern while others rarely do. I In the river parents seemed to show the lightbar 103." fpattern more often in deep or fast movingI wa ter. .In .addition river parents seemed tQ show the lightbar -pattern more often in deep or fast moving w-ater. River7' vparents tended more to revert to the multibar pattern Twhen leaving the young ZtAQ feed. A . A laboratory raisedebrood had a double bar on Vboth sides.I Hab1tat and numbers Neetroplus is abundant around frock and wood They seem equally well adapted to lake and iriver life (Tables 2 and 3) Neetroplus at Jiloa did not frequent the clay banks 34‘}. i" e [of ap-- canals althopgh the area Was Similar to a bank yused forI breeding at Puerto Viejo.» But the riVer bank Ehad wood near it Health ‘ Rio Puerto ViejM Approximately lQZ of the Neetroplus.i :bore injuries.p SQme parental fmsh had prominent wounds. A H The only markedly diseased fish Was a female c aring for'Td iwrigglers in a hollow log.' She had a fungal infection Ifh ion her body, mouth and f1ns, which probably Would have AKA Lkilled most laboratory fish She gradually recovered Ialthough the infection ev1dently spread to the youn g whofV were lost The fish sometimes rub their Sides aga1nst stones ‘or wood A few wriggled or shimmiéd between these :chafing bouts.I I saw no para51tes, but his behav1or~ could be in reSponse to them. A few fish brought into the 7laboratory developed parasitic skin worms.a Sometimes , 101:1 fish would nipI nonaggressively at the Side of its f ”A. mate 1pQSSibly picking something off _ 1 A Jiloé Qne T dm—long parental female was mottled 1 1aInd discolored as if she had 1a. fungal disease.1 Her bee » 1hav1or was normal 1as were the young.}fi£r d iscoloring 'might haVe been genetic/“ l' I . Feed1ng Neetroplus eat mainly filamentous algae (sometimes afer tugging and pulling) from rocks and wood. 3 The fish usually bite directly down, but sometimes eat Vwith sideways head movements., They also take waterborne 1debr1s., 1111 11 1 111” 1 I 1 . V 1 11 At 1Ji-loa young fish (and occas1onal adults) fin dig :(see C oitr1nellum), and feed directly from the bottom.Ihx JFry feed from the water.I Neetroplus adults1 Will eat the 1small fry of any species ifI t he obServer scares away 'the parents. 1 Social behavior‘1'1 Schoolingf1 Fish leave :h1é1r,“ \parents when 2 3 cm long, and stay alone or form loose Vschools. River schools rarely haVe moIre. than 15- 20 .individuals of varying siZes.1 But L-.1J1loa schools 1had up1 to 200jfi_sh1 in the Wet season and Barlow (pers. icomm ) observed schools or up to several thousand hovering1 1well off the bottom at depths of 10- 15 m',' I saw relatively I :few schools in the early part 51 the Idry season: tIhve 11 glargest were loosely organlzed groups of 10— 2Q f1sh 12Mosth1 11ndiV1duals were alone 1 1 1 I 1 11 Nonbreeding aggress1on consists mainly of dartlng 1at neighbors whil e feedingo. 105 Clumping._ Nesting river pairs tended to Clump,z :fespecially in an earth bIanK area where nest s were SpaCed at meter intervals, even though a large number of suitable , _holes were available..ISimilar banks were utilized less.' I Despite this tendency, many isolated hollow logs and other ' sites were usEd as nests by single pairs . j~I observed no ‘Wsuch- tendency\at Jiloa, even where pairs were common ”(Figure 5). Many families were several meters from others,-" : despite closer available nesting sites.I ' Breeding ‘s ites:_ '”,. MIL J1loa° Most nests were under rocks, and7were' 'gsometimes eXCaVated somewhat. Others were in the crack 'Hof a tree limb under a log, and 1n an erect pipe (inside .Ndlameter W cm) Qne family was out an a tree limb. 51(Neetroplus may prefer hollow logs 'andI holes as nest sit es,I '-but it also breeds under rocks. Thre were few logs ' available and many breeding pairs ) Most families stayed gsin rocky or woody areas. The 5 pairs in the study area werecnmm*bottom which was 60% covered with stones (Table 1A) _.. I v . . . . 'Rio Puerto Viejo. ‘In'contraSt, river Neetroplus Huse wood and holes almost exclus1vely. ‘INests Were built §Ahorizontally in hollow logs, earth banks Iand (rarely) fin hollows in stony areas.I Hole s in the earth were en- filarged and gray earth was sometimes depos1ted in front. ” 'iA small pit was occasionally dug in front ~'Hollow logs ’fiwere favored by shrimp, who can exclude Neetroplus. Most {Inests were near the bottom but some were more than a meter -, 4 - v. - . - - ... 43-22112 , 1 106 ‘ E'abeve 1t. 2 Most were in areas of low current'p but a few were in strong current I One pair of NeetrOplus, with young just past the I fiwriggler stage (normally still in th e nest), were near their nest, threatened by a shrimp whose chelipeds just ‘emerged fromtfluanest blocking the entrance. The female \ :dar ted at the shrimp.¥ The pair eventually moved away. .N’ IParents attacked shrimp near the family, but conflicts ' were rare s1nce the fish are diurnal and the Shrimp ' nocturnal But the conflicts were more common than ‘1 Tbetween shr1mp and other cichlids because Neetroplus breed C.Where shrimp are Common. The earth bank with many nests swas alive w1th shr1mp at night ”8 I Parents with yOung never went more than 8 m from ushere;' Families near shore cccured almost everywhere Ipat depths from .3- u m, over stony, silty, l eaf c overed, fpor rocky bottom and in log piles, and in areas of from "72 ero to fast current Parents usually kept young lessf lfthan 1 cm long in low current areas.I In areas with =fstrong current small young made good use of bottom eddies .f Reproductive behavior: ' 1 observed much more breeding 'Lin the dry season than the wet season, both in terms of sinumbers and dens1t1es.; I Courtship Courtship 1n Neetroplus is similar to ' that described for nigrofasc1atum. Females (either, iterritorial or free-swimming) court passing darkbar males. NIThe female follows the male and defends him from other'; yfifemales, he later helps in driVing them off A few males ,_"‘“A 107' JShowed sporadic courtShi p and territorial defense. Nest selection and building The courting female ,may choose the nest but most pa1rs probably do so 1 -together. A few IIriver pairs defended areas of l to :several m2: centering around a potential nest site.‘ IOne J1loa .p air swam and ate rapidly and jerkily in an harea With logs, chased nearby fish, and entered and xexited from a log for several hours, but were gone the next day. -Another pair nested in 'a-nearby log. Once a neSt is selected the pair rarely leaves Iitr‘ The female undertakes most nest excavation. I The paifr‘ pendulum Tights With neighbors, and chases con— $Spe01f1cs, other c1chlids, and Goblomorus (Jiloa) (Table 18) . 'I . I SpawningII I presumed spawning had o courred when ”the female started remaining inside the nest. . Egg care-“(5 7 days) ‘ The-patte rn is as in.gig32g II‘fas01atuma f req uent female emergence and attacking; male feeding up to several meters away; female sometimes Icircling the male; and female cleaning nest I Rio‘Puerto Vie30° NeSts mwe’re defended against other.' Icm.I Nests were often in areas with few fish :so.thei inumber 0f attacks was low. ~Attacks seemed to increase {in proport1on to the fish present IA few adUlt spilurum» Ain breeding color potential nest competitors,Iwere' I hattacked.« ........... Wriggler care~~ The only Wrigglers I saw were Ah? ‘ 108 Ldiseased ones mentioned above, and thoSe eXpelled by the shrimp. :They normally remain in the n est., .4: Care of the'youngp; A‘At first the fry are kep t inea r the 013d; nest, which th e female oft en re- enters. ‘The school in initially about 20 cm in diameter, increasing to about 50 cm as the young get older. :In lakes the young fed from the water 10-20 cm above nth§539b5t rate, but river fry stayed near the bottom. :TheAsohool diameter deoreases when the family moves. I"p Breed1hg'35re1: Several families were seen re- peatedly from 3 to lA days (Tables 22 and 25)4 but psome disappeared in oany, one or two days. Most breed- ylng areas were 20— 30 m2, an d most families apparently iremalned 1n an area about 100 m2. 2,» Some families staye d ‘within a few m one Stay ed near some large rocks in -J;l°é even after th e rocks were overturned. ”A SOme families moved slowly about: A one in the griver moved A m in 30 minutes. The parents rarely fed fimore than a meter from the soh0014 but often fed outside fthe territory boundary. My impress1on is that most females éspend more time over the young than do the males4-and :the parent that feeds away the most usually attacks less, Abut more data are needed 4 I 4 A” A OccaSionally When a- malereturns from feeding4 hi s fmate butts his side in an abbreViated aggress1ve movement. sMales rarely do this to females. Parents near the river Shank sometimes enter creVices. V A I. I h A I A 3“":‘If‘v. ', y. . If” A few erGR parents fed their young by plowing near -109 ”w,- lor among them. The young flocked to the plowing iparent The adult fish were not seen to feed from the material stirred up. Territorial defense As in C. nigrofasciatum‘ the female is usually more aggresSive thanthe male (Tables ‘8, .18,2u). Jiloé The attack pattern is like that in c. .nigrofa801atum. Conspecifics and g. nigrofasciatum may ,be attacked out bfproportionto their frequencies of poccurrence,,but data on absolute numbersof fish presents is size,but.many holes are available.' Even 3233’ the most .COmmon'species, probably faces no Competition for nest V Sites, since it is so catholic in its choice of sites. gThis may be a feature which has been selected for avo id— 1ng intraspec1f1c compet1t1on.. Competition with_shrimpi ' may_be more Serious, but further obserVation is needed. 192 Unequal numbers'of males and females: This factor could-limit population only if there are not enough. males to service the availablefemales, and if the breeding fish do not replace both themselVes and the fish that do not breed.. An inequality of the sexes could limit breeding in the more common sex. However, the large numbersof fry all species produce seem adequate to maintain population levels, even if some fish do not breed. [So the only important question is whether breed— ing itself is limited. . In nigrofasciatum at Guanacaste, and especially at Jiloa (Table 13), there seem to be more females available for breeding than males, as shown by actual counts, by the common site of several females pursuing one male, and 'by other competition by females for males. A similar but less marked situation occurs in nicaraguense and to 'a lesser extent in spilurum at Rio Puerto Viejo. Caldwell (pers. comm.) suggests one reaSon may be the longer» timeit-takes femalesto prepare forrbreeding (egg - _marShalling time, compared to male sperm production time). lThe pOssible cause of the fraQtional male/female ratio lis'disdgsséd fin the section on "size?" Energy reserves: The most important factor limiting breeding is probably accumulations of energy. This would be less 1mportant in the larger Specie s that can I accumulate more ene rgy reserveS°v parents in the larger species feed less than in the small species. When - =brought intothe lab and fed well, all species, but. 193 'especially the Small ones,.breed at a size less than ever seen in the field (e.g,, 3-H cm long Neetroplus), indicating that energy reserves may be insufficient tonermit them to breed in the wild, It is also possible ~the newly captured fiSh did not grow well in the lab, but the time between capture and breeding was short. Females are especially in need of energy during breeding. The small-species nest in holes where much .fanningmay be required to provide ventillation and to prevent fungusing of the eggs. Females are probably vulnerable to disease at this time, since they rarely feed (compare Table 16 to 11: nesting female nigro faScitaum feed at most every 2-3 minutes, while single females feed 8—10 times per minute).' In addition, the small species are aggressive, and this is also energy consuming. The problem may be less critical for the male (Table 17 : male nigrofasciatum feed Over 50% of the _time during nesting), but thecourting female selects a -1arger~male, thereby excluding small males from breeding. Females also spend more time than males feeding the young 1(Tab1e20), and guarding them (Tables 15, 18,- 19, 2h and 28). Population L1m1tat10n Food: While probablv an important ultimate factor, Vfood Iappears to be of little importance as a proximate” factor in controll1ng population. It may be difficult Ito accumulate enough energy to breed (and thus breeding , rmay b e limited) but I see l1tt1e eVidence that actual Fpopulation SiZe is controlled directly by food Supply.) 19U ‘The following are posSihle exceptions: C. 2921i and; managuense, eSpe cially juveniles, may have difficulty finding sufficient food;, I observed little feeding but they may feed mainly at night or in crepuscular periods. There were many unhealthy Citrinellum at Jiloal, a possible sign of lack of food ~gI. Ithuba adults disputed over leaves. drifitng downstream, but many leaves were not ‘eaten so this competition probably does not indicate alfoodIshortage} Disease:l Although a large number of fiSh were in— Jaredor diseased even some of the most unhealthy looking ‘ones bredQn I doubt if the population of any Species is regulated by_injuronr diseases. -‘ 'Environmental factors: ’Thesemay help limit upStream diStribution of detrital alfari _and rostratum. "Bot I-nicaraguense and spilurum preferl quiet water for breeding, but they both can tolerate fairly fast ~water.A AlthoughI the most common r iver ~~species, tubaI' 5. numbers change greatly between 1969 'and I197O, indiCating that survival of juveniles may decline during years of high flow whiCh produce dirty 'fast wate r.' Competition.I I haVe discussed nest and food com— : petition. I observed few Signs of any .competition b etween Icichlids and nonc1chlids, Ialthough it is likely between dovii and Gobiomorus. It may also be important between' ‘PoeCilia (and other poeciliids) and the cichlid algivores. :Poecilia Was present in large numbers in all Ithree 195 environments¢f 'Predatidnidiln’most species a Sharp decline in' numbers was noted between the fry and juvenile age classes. This decline was most noticeable in alfarir (Whose Juveniles stay in brushy habitat favored by £2331), dgvii (where the tran51t10n between fry feeding from logs to predacious juvenile must be difficult), nicaraguense and c1tr1nellum. It was less noticeable in spilurum, Neetroplus, and nigrofasciatum (Where-maturation may take. less time, but predation could cOntinue on the adults). The Egba’adult-juvenile ratio was smallin 1969, but almost infinite in 1970. 'The break was in the class 12 to 25 cm in length. .Increased difficulty in finding food may in part be responsible.. But I suspect the loss of parental ' protection,_resulting in increased predation, is the main "Cause.. Except for the the three small species, once ,juveniles mature, they are essentially immune from Ipredation. So if the above reasoning is correct, most of thelimitations_on the population are applied thrOugh’ predation between the time the young leave the parents' until maturation; * 197 (pers. obs ii” The "sneaking" fish may have been brought into the parental state by the re.peated site of young. The "sneak1ng" fish often cause an "avalanche", and thus Select against the fiSh into whose territory they intrude by reducing the number of surviving offspring. I doubt if this is the adaptive significance of the behavior, especially since the young are not attacked or , eaten by the "sneak. " 198 gFUNCTlONT IFOr almost a hundred years a controversy has f . J revolved around the question of function, or adaptive' Significance, of territoriality.. The behavior presumably increases reproductive success Q ch as when territorial animals defend food supplies, mate, rear and protect their young, or hide from predators. controversy usually arises OVer whether the observed behavior also has a secondary effect; suCh as regulation of population density, preventingConspecifics from breeding, or causingu mortality. ‘ To determine i f territoriality serves a function it Would b e desirable to find SpeCies Which us e bo th 7territor1al and nonterritorial reproductinve syste ms, but this is rare.‘ Next best is to .cosmpare closely related * species.i A summary of the conclusions about .the function of territoriality on the study species is provided in 1 ‘Table 9 The .r ead er is also referred to the separat e ispecies descriptions; Brown in his 1964 discussion Of territorial be- ‘haVlOP, cautions against the use of the Word "function". in connection With territoriality, Since it is difficult to ascribe the evolution of an entire territorial system to a Single selective force. ,Heaneverthelessrecognized thege~1ndiVidual.selective_pressures,pand‘attempted-to relatethemto an ‘c‘ro‘vjéralslg‘the‘ojr‘etical." frameW-drk’ name 1y ’ 199-. ?overa11 max1mization of survival and reproducti on of the 1nd1v1dualw V1 concur and 1n the follow1ng discussion AI attempt, as he did to relate the various selection _pressures to the overall "goal" of the 1nd1vidual to Isurvive and reproduce; Food:. Early Workers suggestethhat territorial' behavior reserVes a fOQd supply for the territory holder and/or his offspring.‘ Larval ant lionsVand beetles? andadnlt dragonflies, maintain feeding territories. So does the_ow1 limpet 7(Stimson,1970). V V V V Many birds maintain feeding territories, especially ,humm1ngbirds (Pitelka 1942;ArmitageV,1955; Wolf , 1969; iStiles and Wolf, 1970). Ka11e berg (1958) showed that ijuvenile trout and salmon with the nest feeding territories Vgrew fastest j Pomacentrus jenkinSi must have a feeding fterritory before breeding (Rasa, 1969). Many\other fish have feeding terr1tories.V V Of greater interest and importance is the role of fo od in the territorial behaV1or of animals who mate or {rear young in thelr territories.4 Verner and Engelson V V(197O) noted that food-rich territories of male long—billed marsh wwrens were more attractive ,rto females than food-poor V fterr1tor1es. Magnuson (1962) found that territories of Vcaptive medaka in simple tanks were evenly Spaced if food V Vwas evenly d1str1buted Male garibaldis reserve enough food in their territorles: {for their own body wieght, VThese year round territories 200 shave specialnesting sites (Clark, 1970). AsSem (1967) irejected the poSSibility that Sticklebacks reserve food in their territories, since the young leave; but in nature the males may feed on the'territory.l Several writers have maintained that reservation of food is the main function of moSt territorial behaVior, at least in Nice' s Type A territories (Carpenter, 1958). Hinde (1956) separated territories into those used for feeding and breeding, and those used only for breeding, implying that food reserVation can sometimes be important. But he later (p. 360, 0p cit.) stated that although there ‘was some evidence of control ofterritory size by food 'in birds With Type A.terriroties, he didn't believe it was usually important, Brown (1964) disagreed, stating that territories would only include food ifthe supply werelimited and defendable. He later (1969) pointed out that'food protection could only be important in the rare cases where territOrial behavior dispersed the pOpulation.f Wynne-Edwards (1962) cited Altum (1868) on the food retention function, butdiscOunted its importance exCept infeeding territories. In the fish I studied, the usual form of territory was a modified Type A or a roam1ng territory. The young fish always, and the parents usu ally,_fed within the breeding area.{ In some species o ne or both parents. often fed outside it but rarely attacked at that time, .1ndicat1ng they were not protecting a food resource. ' I, ’doubt that any territorial behaVior reserved food. Even 201 if breeding areas_were small and well defined, other fish ‘(bOth'conspecifics and other-species)_usually were per- mitted to feed in them.' Also, to some extent, breeding hareas overlapped. Tinbergen (l957) pointed'out'that' 'despite‘thei overlap in some temperate birds, food reservation could Still be important. For if the “territorial birds had divided up the available food, it was no longer important if they fed equally on each other's “territories._ But not all cichlids breed at any one time, and other breeding and nonbreeding species feed on the breeding area. Some ciChlids roam widely, having either no breeding area or a poorly defined oneg'so food .couldnit“be defended (Table 8). 'Finally, some widespread food sources are not defendablet plankton, silt, material 'carried by the current, etc. I I Baerends and Baerends- van Roon (1950) doubted ‘whether oiChlids would reserve food in their territory, rb-ut Withheld judgment pending field observations. My observations confirm their prediction. But there is p oss1'bly some relationsh1p Fir st,-small 9. dovii (and possibly managuense) briefly hold feeding territories; adults may do likewise.‘ second' there may be some Tcorrelation between amount of food supply and territory Size ih nigrofa501atum (Guanacaste) Third, parents hkeep other fish away from the young, who can feed un- idisturbed V F1nally, the movement of the family in 'most soe01es constantly brings the young into contact with \Y. “9‘! . u. _ “fresh sources of food In Lo-ADOY 0'( and somewhat in_ .202 .other lakes) the breeding areas of citrinellum and managuense Valmost coincide withthe"territory3most families move- very little. The young feed on plankton in the water. Thissourceof food couldbe depleted, but the water in L. Apoyo hasmany currents (probablydueto volcanic aCtion and wind) whiCh Constantly renew the plankton. "Contacting" may also have developed to supplement the limited food 3 ource. DenSity control(dispersion): 'Huxley, in his studies of swans and mudhens (1934), first suggested a role for territory in controlling density. He compared a territory ~to an elaStic disc, which could be compreSsed only to a limit by adding other territories, thus limiting the density '.Of'the breeding population. 6 A uniform minimumdistance between territories is common, and implies regulation of denSity (Wynne-Edwards, 1962):.‘Bullfrogs Show such uniformity (S. Emlen, 1968). The distance'betweendendrobatid frog territories follows a truncatediPoisson distribution; none were closer than L2 m (Me ra1, 1970) .j ‘ Black headed gulls space their nests ,-restricting- 'the colony population (Patterson 1965). Blue grouse dmaintain a minimum Sized breeding territory (Bendell and ‘Elliott 1967) : Kluyver and Tinberge n (195“) proposed that Lisfiiy territorial competition forced some great tits out of ghi gh food and high population .density into less favorable habitats when nesting pairs are removed, they are replaced I by t h-e non nesting firs_t year pairs (Krebs, 1971). 203 Territorial aggression in wildebeeSt was highest 'when the territories Were denseSt (Estes, 1969). The same was true in O nigrofas01atum in Lake IlopOngo (Baylis;Ipers.-comm.).7Ilhus, increasing aggreSSion may limit territory density._ I . I Gerking (1953) suggested that territoriality may have caused stream fish to move from what he believed. to be high to low population density areas. Cyprinodon ivariegatus' territory does not Significantly disperse the population (ItzkoWitz,. 1970). Sticklebacks have a minimum territory siZe, which may cause dispersion (van ;Iersel, 1958; Assem, 1967). , I 9. Howard (1920), and Carpenter_(1967).propoSed that 'dispersion is 'a prime or secondary function of . territorlal behavior, but.Assem (1970) believes it is an artifact. -Tinbergen (1936, 1957) suggested that if territorial behaviordiSpersed populations-from areas tof limited food, then the dispersion could be counted as aprimary.function. He found little evidence for this hypothesis.3 Hinde (1956) concluded that territoriality ~in somecases could cause diapersion, while Wynne— [EdwardsI3(1962)believes that it frequently does. (Since 7most field work is done on central populations, Orian and Willson (1964) suspect spillover into secondary habitats is rarely Seen. I)- 3 _ . L . 3 Brown (1969,1969) h as tried to put the evidence Ifor regulation of bird density by territorial behavior éinto a general evolutionary framework. He recognized 204 three levels ofincreasing territory density: (1) no 'effect_on territory spacing; '(2)'dispersion of the territories across the available habitat, some animals forced into secondary habitats; (3) habitat completely ‘filled with incompressible territories, some animals prevented from breeding. {e found little evidence for level 2 and almost none for 3.; He hypOthesized that a territory can have a particular adaptive significance only if a competed-for resource is defended. In contra- -diction with Wynne—Edwards, Tinbergen (1957), and Hinde (1956), he felt that the dispersal effect is only Secondary.' Study_ s peCies:' I reject the argument that territo- riality controls breeding— —pair density for the following reasons; (l ) Pairs continually court and nest even in densely populated areas. fDensity reaches-an apparent localmaximum ohl y very rarely; (2)‘Artificial, usuable nest sites put out in high and low density areas were Irarely used; {3) Evidently usuable natural nest sites go unused; (M) Nest sitesand breeding areas abandoned after breeding are rarely reused, although obviously suitable._ Such evidence is easier to obtain in -( tropical) animals with year round unsynchronized breeding, than ‘in synchron1zed seasonal temperate birds, on which many ghypot heses are based. Few of the fish I studied (perhaps ,the local populat1ons of C n1grofaSC1atum at Jiloa/) reached even level 2 (Brown, I969), and dispersal was probably 9minimal.' Furthermore, the clumping observed in some 205 {species indicates that territorial behavior doesn't iprevent pair aggregation. I Territorial encounters between neighboring pairs indicate that denSity of breeding pairs is to some extent being regulated by territoriality, and the rate ofthese enCounters is an indirect measure of the degree of control of density which is occurring. Considering the relatively lowrate of such encounters 1 observed in almost all situations (except for nigrofasciatum and in 7 one situation at Rio Puerto Viejo), the conclusion that territorial behavior does little to regulate breeding -density seems justified. . _Popu1ation control: Moffat (1903) suggested that territorial behaviorcould set an upper population limit ”by-preventing7breeding in some individuals. Population 'control could occur if there is no more room for the panimals to breed (level 3 density. Brown, 1969); or if some animals are eXCIuded from breeding through behavioral gmeans (epideictic display : Wynne—Edwards, 1962). -A1ter- natively, territorial animals could actively disrupt tor even kill nonbreeding members who attempt to breed. Eiigi' Bendell and Elliott (1967) fOund that high fterritorial den51ty may prevent some blue grouse fr om _breeding. Territorial pairs of birds 8 hot from a pine forest were replaced by other birds (Hensley and Cope, 1951; Stuart and Aldrich 1951), but only males were replaced v(Brown 1969) ‘femaleS'mustbe excluded from breeding to regulate.popu1atibfi€bMiéSe, 1930). VA female surplus 206' VhaS'rare1y_been demonstrated. Tompa (1962,1964) and Ficken and Ficken (1965) claimed population regulation through territbrial ex- iclusion in birds but prObably only showed density regu— lation (Brown, 1969, agrees). Crook (1970) listed six bird; studies which purport to show thatiterritorial exclusion caused increased mortality. 1 - t ‘ iFish:ths sem (1967) hypothesized that territoriality could limit breeding in male sticklebacks. Similarly some garibaldi males are excluded from breeding (Clarke, 1970). TerritOrial male HysOblenniuS-(especially E. jenkinsi) exclude females from shelters, possibly ‘exposing-them to predation (Losey, 1968). -Study'species: 'There is little chance that any are ever excluded from breeding by territorial c0nspecifics. .Courtship occurs in the areas of highest breeding density. I suspect that; at most a newly mated pair may move off a short distance to nest. I I Mating and avoidance of disruption of reproductive ,behavior: Many speCies in most phyla use a special area 'for mating and oth6er7 reproductive behav1or. Maintaining ~'a territory around this area can prevent disruption of '}the reproductive cycle by conspe01fics and other species. .Fr0g3° SpeCies of dendrobatid fro gs with greater interterritorial distance (C. ta1amancae and nubicola) had. less . disruptions during mating than one (D. p umelio) with a smaller distance and more poorly defined territbrial borders (Mera1,p1910 pers. obs. )'.g 207 girds: NonterritOrialI wood duCKs disrupt eac h others' reproductive behavior at high fp'opulation densities (Jones and Leopold, 1967). LargeIterritory size in other duck species prevents this.' Similarly, Ficken (1962) hobs erved that mating d1srupt1on occurred when redstart _territory centers were close together. This may also take place 1n Fr1ng111a coelebs (Marler, 1956). Bendell and Elliott (1967):hypothes12ed_that spacing due to territorial display (booting) 1n blue grouse may prevent mating disruption by other males. Male song sparrows intruding into established territories disrupted breeding (Tompa, 1964). Male bower birds can destroy their .neighbor's bowers:l territoriality evidently is not always Successful in preventing disruption (Marshall, 195“). - ‘ Eigh; Male lampreys sometimes fight over females aboVe the spawning pits,1ndicat1ng the failure of territorial Ibehavior to iSolate breeding pairs (Surface,l898). Similar mating.disrupt1on can occur in territorial desert ,pupf1 sh (Barlow, 1961). Territorial darter species suffered {less mating disruption than weakly or nonterritorial tspecies (Winn, 1958) ‘Itzkowitz <1970> stated that mating tsuccess is the ma in function of male territoriality in I tCyp_1nodon var1egatus.- Mating disruption often-occurred in high density areas.7.1t2kowitz' s laboratory experiments Iindi cated that evolution has reduced the length of mating sequences to avoid disruption 1” Nonterritorial poecili1ds frequently disrupt each toffiéfé'lmatihg (pers, obs.).. Assem (1967) concluded that 208' one of the'main functions of stickleback territoriality 1s to prevent breeding disrupt1on, especially by "sneaking"neighbors.' ¥ In cichlids, one of the main functions of Tilapia territoriality is to avoid mating disruption (Lowe, 1956). In most Of the study species-males,not females, face the problem 'of pursuit. V :In most theoretiCal papers interference with mating behaviOr is only briefly mentioned. ‘Tinbergen (1936) and Carpenter (1958) noted possible occurrences, but Hinde (1956) discounted it in birds. ' I Interference is probably of greatest danger to the "male during spawning. "His Sperm may notfertilize the eggs if another male intrudes. Spawning females and males ‘of all species vigorously pursue conspecifics near 4' the spawning site (9. nigrOfasciatum, Tables 15, 18, 19; 'Figure 2; rOstratum,Table 28; and citrinellum, seen ‘spawning in L. Apoyo). I concluded that avoidance of disruption of the r eproductive cyc le is an important- l.function of territoriality in the species studied. ”3 ‘ """ predation on the young and adults: T,Keying in on ,predatorswas discussed earlier.. And mobbing ‘of predatorsand nestparasites (e;g., redStarts attacking Fricken, 1962) are only variations of the more tusual direct attack by the parent 5. I Nest defense is common in many fish families (Breder pand Rosen, 1966). ‘It has been noted in lampreys (Greeley, £1934), centrarchids_(Keenleyside; 19653 Greenberg, 1947), p209 blennies (Losey, 1969), cyprinids (Miller, 1964) and other species.‘ Keying in on egg predators was observed in darters (Winn, 1958), garibaldi (Clarke, 1970), Chromis punctipinnis (Turner and Ebert, 1962), and otehrs. EtropluS'maculatus_ chase the large predator Ophicephalus (Sundra Raj, 1916). Whitehead (1962), Lowe (1956), and others mentioned earlier, described attacking against potential predators of eggs or young.- I emphasized earlier that there is little separation between territorial behaViOr directed at Conspecifics, ‘ closely related spec ies, or potential predators; displays -are given to conspeC1fics and related species more often _ .than to predators. But since even conspecifics may be predators this distinction breaks down. In addition,' _ predators may be congenericv=and the parents sometimes display at them rather than simply attacking. Defense against predators has not always been con— ‘ Sidered a form of territoriality, but based on the des- criptions.of territorial behavior I have presented, and ,on the Ispe—cial reactions the fish show to predators such as GobiomOrus (Table 23),'dox£1;(Table 29, lligure 2), Hand Astyanak (Figure 2),1 conclude that increasing repr eductive success b y protecting the eggs and young from . predation is the main funCtion of territorial behavior in the species studied. >210, ZETUDY“_IEP'EIRIj(-3:]fi3°s{ffi(HOURSOF ’ OBSERVATION IN ;.-'I>A_NE.1\ITHE°SES )..._‘ , , Amm.mmV AHHV sopmz. “mm.qav pm: _AHv umSw:< onmfi> gOppmdm cam @Ammemva .. Amb.wmv,ug¢wmmm. Am.:Hvummm54, ‘,.mmxmg_ .ficmsmmpmoflz “Ammmmmezmmmmmmo mo mmpomv mgonmm,wapgm. H mqmH HHH >H ‘ .mHQHmH>.mmm3Hm,zqu sumacmgg.">H .mHnHmH> mzmzfim macw .coEEoo "HHH maamooa mmeflmeom .HwQOflmmooo "HH pummmpm mam,mmC0pm no mxoop %H >H >H HH .cmmm 30m .mpmp pcmmmgm mpmhpmnzm pHHm.mfl HH HHH H» +HHH H mHH a *HH‘ .1NQ0pm Ucm meom mxssne mmhe 62m mocmm .mmgmsm, .coEEoo "H..mpmp HH HH HH ,H_ WHW_ HH. .>H. .;*HHH ,. q... , .. mismamm¢ HNQHPQ§U¢ mpm> "I. hHCo u+ mace u*_ H. _ Hw>ow, HH mSQmEHwQOH .HH,gm:£opwpquo Hlmwcmswwhmofic. HH wy espmmpmop ;m. HH ,L. mfifioEOflpow; meHH mH mSQOPmEm: .m >H ,ESHHmthuwo ‘m Mw>H_Espwflomm%0Lch .m .mpdmam.. mwmfiomam Umczopas . __ <2wummpo wcfl> %H0H0m Ummmn mmmeHpMM2. ..o.pcoo m mqmfipmamm , _Hfl>ow mScmEHmEOH msgohwppcmoH ‘..mmcm:wmam0fls. EspwpmeM .0. mSLOEOHQOU mSQOmemC rm .Ezfidmnfifipfio .o, Efipwfiowmko%wwc,gmn unflommm‘ '21“ niigBLE 3'_ fififiQUENéy OFCICHLIDS IN ' 'R10:?UER$Q;VIEJQ}.COSTA RICA 21M .mpfim madam pm mQOpr>Hmeo wcH>HU wsomeSQ so mamaom Ummwn Umpmeflpmm HH H HH HHH >H HHH .>H mmfiflm gmmpE, 6cm wed .manfimfi> mmmzam thE_.p:mzwmp% manflmfl> mmmzam mEow .coEEoo mmeflmeom .HQCOHmwooo "HH .cmmm Ema .mhmm ”H . HH .HH HH. ,HHH HHH >H >H HH ">H .coEEoo mHHmooa .mHmH hHm> mmHHm wag onom H .... _... HH H .I H . . . H .H 6% HH; .HH HHHHJHbsm_ _T H I I HH. I >H . HH HH» .HH HH m mxoom.mwamq.©cmw-mvcwm .H.Hhm>fim‘ ‘Ucmmunmpmz mmma. V. . Ho mamez .mpasom.nwm mmaflqm>5w.n>3m HH>ow Expmmpmog .mmcmfiwmhmvfic, ESHSHHQm 0| HHmme . 'Zl msaoumfimfi . HQHH., A mmflommw_ HOHH Hemoo «ome> oemmpm OHm 2H,mqumoHu Ho Hozmaammml m mam¢m .mmwmmw \ 03H .. $9” .monmdvmhm m>wumamm. \ uypcoo m mqmumm901 Uoom HmSmD . pmpflnmm HmSwD mmm¢q mmH ApHHm mmeopv hsoum .mmHHa:m0Hem. .._H9. . mndp. mwOH . . ; _._. H. _. . . .. . ;: :H mmHog ..HmdeHpmownmmemv.pCmEHoom ,AmmHHQ wOHV HpHHm HDxQOHW .HmmsmswmpmoHc. 1:! m.csomxss _.a.. -mapHHpmH..pcmaHHum -..unuHquuaon.HHHm..quoH;».H. ,aauwnumoma “HHKQHHHA- H .wuw H ... waucmeHHom,. c.»g. AHHOOH Hoozv pHHmuHa,H ... HHHHHmwmm.- Hg;»w.. _ mumm»r ... H.4axm..._ _»%.Wm.am_ mmm>Hm HQHm Hamoo HmHHmamoz mxwogh.....,. «., _--W..w9; . _,. _ ., ., . ..,, _ _. , ,. . , - _1 .Ho mmmn .: ... .AmmpmmbmpHMPCHv_anm.. _.H . 5H ._%&oom;._.a_wmm¢m:wmcmsy 1; wHOOH Ha mpflmHQ.-l . . . . ..,...H-.-w_ .. . . . _. .. . _ .. .. .. _ . ...,.. ., . Haw xOHmp .4; ..Ammumypmpnm>ch :mHm; ,. HopmznmmmvfiwmpcmHn on w gywfi mxwmw.HH?oww.. Soupon ..¢¢m. . o c In mHOOH cH ...a ., a; ,,H 9a.. ..a.. - -,. _..w.+_. ,. ...a. ,.-mmHoa..;d_ mHHHCm pamEmenmemem- _,fi.ugm.x.m.m Q . mmmnmgHHmmwfiuwfiadHHMQHHMHom. ...- l . . .2. wmpHm Ammmmnpmmmmm :H Hmcofl_.qw0v Ammmmnpcmpmm cH HQQOHmmooov ..:mmwwH mmHoQO . wanmmz.. swam m ©m>hwmnol Doom Hmsz p.mpHnmm HmSmD . u? :. 6.9Qoo. . : mqm49. caocxcs mmHo: .mxoop nwmm>me _mo nonvy .czocxci .NwmeHv nzocxcs .meon .mwOH soHHogfi AwmwOme xflmr :fiwn... g.meon. mmpHm wchmmz, Awmmpmmnmppo>ch :mHU. mapprmU. U003 Ucm Moog 90 mmem, muQmEHUmm‘ ..£m3pn .Uooz.wmcouw mmcoum .mwOHznmUnda 'r-i fr—l J > '0 “C3 uESDMHOmmHOLwHQ; ‘.pHst. ..... mSHmmem m2<.mmm> m Hon.nHv£WHm_ _ . mspngou, .mon Ucm xoop so mmew. ‘; ;. H.k,msqupmc_._ .. . ..w0H Uchxoop so wwme .mmpm3.EHwo Aym>oo AwQHUmmhnupHHmv meOM _hcmv mmHHQ on ..HH>owr Amde .msaofim50gm » C v... _»UUHHW..wwHHg~moH. .AmmmMQDthmm(cH HmCOHmmmmov cmpmm Um>hmm no: Uoom HNSwDa U ucoo : mqmO© Esafimgflgpflo .m. mSQOmemslyz. mmcmdmmpMOflc Edamflomm%opmflq 4m] , : m Umsmflswsflpmfiw maflwwmp mpmymuoe u m gmHsmchmHu 0p gums mmermeOm amHfiHH u H mac: n o ‘uzmz mmeCMwCHO H O msan n m Boaamm n w mpwnz u 3 Qmmpw u Hm way u m UHOU u o umpoaoo o NIH o m file I .mIH m :Im H m z : NIH NIH prCmpmm mcflwmmpm IQHQmppzoo Imsflwmmppcoz mpoaoo_cmm3pmm mocmpmmmfla H w Hme w N o mIH H NIH H H . m m ‘_m Hapcmhmm mfizwppsoo U Sapmppmop va m . mmwmm Hnw . mmmmmm .m zmlm ., _ mSQOmemC .m . m .mQSp m . ESHSHHQm wIw mwcmsmemOHc .m OhmH> OBmMSm.OHm EmflmeOLQOHQ U.ucon o mHmHB Lofiov mmm . wmfiommm 2 2-1 TABLE 7 BREEDING siZE .. _ . .,, , , .- _..; _ .mMpHm Ham | ,m.oa . . _ .malm .m.oa .‘ _> ‘ E . moma ..,E:pwflommmopwfis..o mgmO©.amw E4H. :21, mno - "» wha. u 23% Eam— .m _ mm on. on. ma wag :H :H 64H :2: COCO mm- .IE 2. mwmd owma opumo T onH __mmmH _.mmma. . \owma. .owma. mmcmswmhmOHQ:s ESpmpmeL Amnmug. .1 .wfl . I up: ommH>woemmpmmon;. :‘H g ' mmmswsa .5. II I '1# >o,u,,..,,...m .Ezpdwuww%0hwfinp.m mmpflm www sapmaumm%0pwflq .0. .mmflommm ;ABquQmfi©mE.x ..Aaov-mwcmm. w AEov_ngwsmq . ‘z..04xmmv ‘uwmw Hmpoe gmmz ©.pcoo u mgm45 .3:- m w .. ma: . .. mm NH m.m.m oml mm s ONumm‘h r-l ma _m N. .V. . OH- .‘ ma 2w, . ONmH. NH , 3H: mwm. ‘ , Vmaaw ma ,.om:mH mow r—ILs- moo H .-. NH._ m .., . , 4- . _w.t NH» .2 ammma .. memNQEm: «z mto (moo 000 ms. oom- ‘ . NH . mm-HH . , _ NH, ._ mm-mfl A 'Lx-N pm 2 .oNnmm. .m..m.<,d~ . mauma - m.mH . N N ¥NH . mfluma. . M‘ NH. 2 V ONmH: m.mH . . mmuaa ..‘ . Na,” m,om . mmuma ‘ .mamm ,mxma omumfl . _. ._1_ m1rfl. pfi ... mm,_ . om-om ,. . A.m.:m. .OH, , 1.. ,momam _Hmmgam.aux ‘mm mm .mH ‘ _ .N ..warma. ¥ . . , {omN . m, mmwom g . . Nuam‘wa._w.m 51m tizfi. 2m .dwmfl.“ mm:m5mm&moHQ . Agov cmflums . Asov‘mmsmm.m__.wauv guwcmq_mNm«. xmm , , mmw _. .. . wofiommmV ‘ . , ‘ Hmpoe swag : a w H.; +, ; .. w. c.9coo N mqm5 .TABLE 8? SUMMARY OF SCHOOLING AND AGGRLSSIVE TENDENCIES, AND " ‘ SIZES OF TERRITORIES AND BREEDING AREAS . mLoE m>oE ,mEOm .mE 3mg «mmhm UmpHE IHH maamdmz mamvflz Smog acme n m wpcme .905 cmfiefl » wmemO pmoE NE 3mg magma Im>oE wcoa .HMCOHmmooo n... m E 3m% mEom. E Hmhm>mm mchaH mszopmfipsmo. EsumflommeQqu Esymfipmon OI ‘esaamgwppfio,. m390pmemc . OI mmeswmpmoac . 8.2 waSm mam. mam nwfig scan: pm.mocmuwflm w mflmmSmm Hmfloom_ mmm<fl oa mappfla WNE Hmpm>mm Emmapm go Som10H on as. Emmhpm mo Sow Op Q: a E ammow prm>mw. wms ngm>mm momfig mco CH mmpm .mE 3mm . mamwflz whoa Smog mEom N mmp<,wnwvmmpm .H ‘Hw9w>mm. om @CHOE om onlom om msom mhmp mama .osow. mama coEEoo .mco: mcoc. mEOm mama mm . .mpmp {mmmu .Hfl>oc .c.m .goflo..amsoo »%«<.,s0Hmmmgww< mcfidoosom .n.wpnmhmm hp Umxomppm «gm gwflg gOng pm mocmpmfia p0H>m£mm Hwfiuom _c.pcoo w mqmow‘. ol- ,mem¢oog mmcmsmmcmaa mscmfiflmefl. mmfiamtm A . QOQHEQOb.mQQoEOHQQN. .U. mUHHQOHo u .QoHo wOHHHoQOQoo u .Qono EQQNHome memmpr .Q HHmUHz ENOQ . _. Q - . . mEomnmE ONIQH. on A oolom , om .‘ Q, .mEOm . @QNQ.. mQQOQNEmQ..m meEm>oE wgow .. Q . . . . a NE HQQ®>mm OOH Jomlom om , @50m ,9 QOQ, . EQHQHHMN wQHENOQ mEOm .NE oomJOm _. . . g . . QOQ QOQ SQQNQQNOQ on N8 UmQ _, . Q Q h f IUQQQ Hon>mm om om . onQ _ _ QOQ . HQNHHN. QwNOU HQO>mm _fiooH A. omlom omwom . mE0m . QoEEoo mememQQOHQ. QQQHQ . . th mUHm on . . , .; Q . Q0 EOQH.QQOQN . emu om . QOQ. QmeQUmQQ _ HHQOU‘ g Qm>HQ . gbdeHm on .mE . _ , . r w. . I» Qmmww HHQQEm .ooH om om. . , x QOQ .wmQQ QQm> mQQp .O ObmH> OBQmDQ OHm HH>OU_.@ww .QQHo .mNQoo .QfiQ QOHmmeww< mQHHOOQomI . _ mmHoQO me<.wQHUmemH./.,x .m QQmeQ HQ Umxomppw_N _, . QoH>NQmQ HmHoom p QO QmHH QOHQB pm monpmHQ U ono w QOQm. mmmmmm pocHE m3 0 v . a . H wmpme ._ m. .Umnm mmcmzmmkmowc ,mEOm m: o._. a o H ,_.m ,o . .wwpgwbcm Espmapmop. gemme .m .. m o. p.m . -.¢. ;%HH .y>qm_.umwm. wasp. .0: q .. of. H .3 :3 . F Ba .33 3a .wmh .Qom Hohpsou msdommmw mcHUmugn mpHmch Upmsw Uoom. . .. , . : Hoppsoo ., Hogpcoo_ . . RummmH mmHommm .womoe szHmeopHame Ho COHpocsm wQHUmmam COHpmHSQom m mqm¢9 m mqmonw Eo ma mow%p5m Scamp So ma ..mwmzm Aevgpgma mmpq. OH mam<8 5"3Afffi 0:34 ‘ (x' .‘ “4 u ‘ ‘ if. ‘. in ‘ ’ wt Al} 2,12 9 230 0.0 cams Umpsmfimz m.m mea _ . S m . m mma .. _‘ .. 0H 3 S . , m. .4 m5 4 0H N «H mm a m 8 _ KL .: mw m. m o: .. OH N mm . . m.m : mmmzwza .a 0.0H CQOE mma m m m: mm. .. . N .mu m N: N m w mm . m.: ,m .m. . . km. _m Hmaaflcmmm oflm mm _ . m CHE\mQHUmmm, mmcfiwmmm QOprbhmeO goWucHE. AEoV mNfim xmw Ha mqmmmHV L Um>pmmnm mmpzqwz I swam NH mamHUGHV mamnfim ”Aw®QSOLmV mHmCHw Um>pmmno £mah. mmmswda wmmdw3@\ Hmfiaflucmm. .Hmadfiwqmm Hmaafiocmm. HOHpMOOA . TABLE '13 NUMBERS AND DENSITY 0E BREEDING AND NONBREEDING 1 MALE AND FEMALE g,NIGR0FASCIATUP, L. JILOK .mmHmEm% who: mpHdUm wcflcmmpnsoc Ham go Rmm so 2m mm. . , . sz+mm 5: mm msflcmegn pcmogmm H.HH m.m_..m.a ma ooa\% .mm. Hm_ dfl .nom: ms5m .HH in. a. .”ow m, *mm .mm N ooa : m .N o ow m NH» 0 m ow m. mH m H ow H E _ é. mhflwm AmEv mmh4_ maQOo.m mawcfim ma admin. ".235 TABLE 114 STONYNESS .OF CICHLIDA’BREAEDING. AREAS , ‘ Ly; .JI‘LOA’ ' V236 .meOpw an Umhm>oo.&mm mm; Umphzooo.pflmg EspmHOmm%onwflq xm m :oflgz :fi mnsmwSm.Efim mwmpm>m. m£p_.m3£B .Umpgsooo HHMQ wwflaaoflo mswwmmhnomsy goagz 3H mpmswm pmume oz» mnp 2H, _©mpm>oo unwopmm.unp.wCHmefipmm anGMQHEpmumU mm: Umpmboo Soupon.m£pl%o pcmuhwmamnfi .93 .m.m H.wm .mmcopm.£9fi3.6mnm>oo.80ppon mp pQQOhmm wwwaaqfioawwm. mmcmswmmeH: ©1- EzpmHOmwwOmwflc . :EzumameL.w ‘,fi)fi' mmfiomam» Ame_oaa.n Eon x.soav mogfl mcspm mpfipsm. :H.mqm.w o.Hm w.m m.m 5.: m.m m.m m.m m.mH om b.m m.H 33 w. .51». .2. 85pmfiommmopwfic ma m. ma m. o m.» H m.» H o _.pmHm m mfiafiomom Umxompp< nmfim .AEov_xomppw mo mcsom 80pm moQMpmfiU came n pmflu AEov Umxowppm cwfim mo.£uwcma Haven same u :mH UmXoMupw amass: mama u z .:,psonw 09 case; mpcmnmm Ham pom 2 came umpczoo MH .Umpcsoo pom HH>OU HHmEm mo Hoozom co pawn m zn xompp< "** .UmucsoO pom .Um>pmmno pswwk,gdascamm mawcfim um Ammcfiefip mv mcsoz Qua: .Ammgfleflp NV wsfipmmz m.OH w.:H .SQOQ m.HH w.w m m.OH H.w 2 m.: gpom w.mH : h om m. 2 .pmav m pumpmm go xmm xmcmmpm¢ ; ma mam¢e mumpmuwoammm. 2 came Umpcdoo pH N.MH m.mH 5.:H m.HH .m.OH N.Hm m.NH om o.m; .pmfic 4m .. mESw mmm-Hm ,m.mH om .pmfiw Hfi>oc .Umpcsoo m.m .w. Mom m.. m _m, .o o. 0 sad .m AEov Xonpm mo mcsoz Eopm mocwpmfiu :mmE n .pmflu AEoV Umxompum nmfim go npwcma ampOp came u QmH, Umxomppm meEsc Emma z .2 psonm mp wasoz mpsmgmm Ham now no: Hfi>oo HHmEm mo Hoonom so pawn m an xompp< ..** Umpczoo p0: .©m>hmmpo pnmfim Edazncmg oawcflm “* 3 . mm. m” wH. m m w _ 4... O o o o .pmflu cmH m asymppmop umxomppm smfim .U. unoo ma mqm¢E npop_ mncmkmm flo xmm munch Sufi: Amwcfiefip NV _ wsfipmmz mumpm .ognmm 2-39 ” 'TABLE‘16 VEMERGENCE OF FEMALE 9, NIGROFASCIATUM FOR THE NEST, ' ' GUANACASTE“ ‘1 240 :.m V cme Umpgwflmz ohm “mad m.H . _H ofl 3oN 3 mme. H.m m ma mmocmmmem cmmzpmp macagm>gmmno go..oz .mmocmwpmem. ,.cHE mo * cam: ma mqmfimwQON.QHE. 85w .mamamm. TABLE 17 PRESENCE OF BREEDING MALE C. NIGROFASCIATUM WITHIN 50 CM OF NEST OR YOUNG, GUANACASTE Uwunwfimz . ..r. . .in> 2.. nflrf *1 nl.rn » .\. n.— f. pgmm .wLHH- .mEHB R. ‘2M3 .TABLE718' 'TERRETORIAL DEFENSE AGAINST VARIOUS SPECIES BY PARENTAL CICHLIDS, L. JILOA,1969—7o (15 minute timings) ’ o N 3 pm F m.H spon Ammcflefip NV 0 TB 0 m4 mm m H m . w A .. o :m m.w m.m mm 5 m. z ‘ mcflpmmc expmfiommmopmfic .o o m.~m ~.m o o spop o o o m , ., o m.wm n.w m o z mcso% AwCHEHu HV 0 H.> HH . . 0 upon 0 m.m> 5.0 w .o _um.. . .. o om w.p : . o z wsflpmmc chfiafip Hv.. o m.wm w.m m om w . m. neon . Amwcfiafip.mv_ 1» o m.m : . . o. m . , ‘ «u ,. Jiggl o Fm m.: m om w m.“ .2. wcfiszmmm H . Esummpmoa Jo om m m om m m ON a m .gpop . .\ chfigfip av“ : om . m m cm m m ,ON 2 m m w .4 . ,; .r o o , o z mason , mscmfifimcoah.o pmHU .cmd _m pmHU cmfi.m pwwv :mw nm xmw muwpm sopmmm y . .v, mscmEfiwQOH Esafimcflppao mssopmhpsmo , , ‘nu wmxowpp¢ smfim wH, ma mm, .. OH .g .m c>oc3 b¢~b— _.r4H . mm .. OH m mm oa. m .m ; m o r10r4 «Deva. mm om ma :m‘ m ocjo 0 mm ,, . fiQfflri 1:,mm ‘Nm . mm o. . am. Vm.wa . mm ,.o ..N.Nm , pm mm NH Mm . m GOO GOO 3.... p5. ._ m. .. a mam .m, Willi? 11.: . I m“ o.psoo.wa.mqmb ED 000 [In gapog_ madam Eopm moQMpmHU cwma u gmflm “o upwcmaflmpop smme n. wmxowpnm hmnesm game u z amuse» .mufipmm: maze» AmeHEHp :v. chflefip av ‘msmOmemc. .Ammcfieflp mv . Swan 2 manomwppcmo v.9:oo mfi mqm¢e‘ mpMum opgmm pmHU cmH .m Expmflommmopwfl: .o mmaommm. H.wm 0.0m m.©m om om m.wm wm pwflu cmH 0 mm o moo (‘0’ CO mmm I COKOKO \O'LOKO mm: m 5 arm ma: mmH zl msagoppmmz H mm mm om pmfiw N w w :mH me . COO om a HH zl mmcmswmQMOHc U.pcoo wH mqmm 0.3m 2. om is” 0.0m 9mm fimm w.:m .m,:H m.oa OH pm om zl can _ or. m} ea c m,“ _ m.a: . 0.. m.. .,,>.mm _x~mflv V. rd \ U.pfloo ma mqmde a ._ N. 3 m. ..~m N.. ,M cma‘ .m. manageanow. 2.146- TABLE’l9 SEXUAL DIFFERENCES IN ATTACKING BY PARENTAL - " C. NIGROFASCIATUM WHEN BOTH PARENTS WERE PRESENT LGUANACASTE '2g2u7.' .mpflc .m' -r-{ O\ . C 0' o o? Lnr4 chr+ .A-Hr4rno rnO\ou30fiCHO°*q>C”3 -£b can .42. :m» .oa :m HH um V -mH ‘,mH Q _ ,mmH . E. .om_ .HM.N LNH wwwfl ofl. ma. rm mm OH; ”‘4‘"; “ ; '\ gmwoWTwfibt9\ :5ox r%é{0hfl+4?4bmrhflcvfif -—‘u1— - m mam pmmd wasom, quom ummc» wcsoz. wqaoh ,mflsom mcsom wc30% wczoa munch mama», pmmc, mason ummG Wzmmw wcsom» umm: .omwme NMh. .mxumpp<_ampoe _pzz. ,«mflmmnmga. wwmewem .m ”a3....wm._‘_.u§_mm tanfir4 ruomNZ“VNfiiflnbflbc”9§§ TABLE 20 DIVISION OF LABOR IN LEAF TURNING BY PARENTAL " C NIGROFASCIATUM GUANACASTE .. .m N_... OH..wmfl_ \- :,I_ \ \ .. r . , x . T. ‘v. , ~..l .wywwm.wm¢; . , mmmzy . omquZB mwfifiza 250 TAB-LE '21 ‘ REPEATED OBSERVATIONS OF Eg'NIGROFASCIATUM PAIRS, ' GUANACASTE ‘ -k‘.’--A-‘ .. r , . \, . A“ .. .. . a . .~ . ... , y . . . _ Jw s Oh$ .WO muse»M WWWh mm wwcsomw mayo”,H chfiom 4 wcdo% wmfiozlpmmc; “WW wcso hupmoa fiwfl.fl..._._.m_pp..p,m. KW.“ .v c Wm. .14" p L. n p . .. , g&.\.uflfl 14.),1‘» H mafiéA . . wczohtpmms V, . V .vm. 9‘}.- .J. a h.| II ‘ .51. a.) o. . .3... .41. .‘r. II ‘n . . ‘ .x. «W.» ,..,.!~( , . . . H . .4 . In. ’ < .II\.I. . .1 .u .. ..,. . ..n‘.. ..\r .., ..... .. . ..,.....a...\ .. ‘ f . xxxxx eradiu av wmpd Qficmmpmm wm>nmmno m%mm wmacmg Hmrmqm¢5 “11v, ,"FfiBLE 2__2_ REPEATED QBSERVATIGNS OF CICHLID PAIRS JILeA, 1970 253 UOHEmQ SOHpm>nmeo thpEm map psonwdomzp Um>pmmno msHmQ mmz HHmQ mEmm map pan» UoonHHxHH m>Hpomn95m mEB zpmHmppmo* pmmfl .ummf-.. .. . . ”1.1..“ . Emma. H;;e4 :47 rt . upwmg .M.pmmn. V .- .-L a :. ' '5 :1. ,. . ,.; H u ' P‘ ‘ I‘ Wi a$ 1H”f¢,q¢\4 D amaze» 9» , O 2 -. , . .1. . . .. .. , .5. ”.mEJOE. ¢ . . :.' ;4* _ ‘ “ I ,\ ' E ‘1 .‘ _ ,-_ , '3} ‘. ‘ ._ ‘ ‘ . .. ' .' . ‘- , L ‘ ‘ .wnnow. I '3 .21 j 1.; " 3'; t.‘ ;m :wnrgn tn Hr ' 5 54 A K {1 x. I\. ,.z .\ v a. ....,. .m Ha, .. é . gwww :4; mSQOHUEmcauz» .O\ t»' ox a) t~ \o,.Q\ a) :9 a) c» m.wcso»» I _ . .m. ,4 r , I‘ ~ ‘4 - . ~ 2" ' ' I 1, Ewssom H Hnm.H... .mm ESpwppmopwm. H .pmmca ..A&. .M. ESHHmQHHUHQme. O ?,\Q. qi_.d;"u> .H. :— rH ;-» {Viwgi H * ......... .mmmpm,mUopgmmygmzpsmeEmox‘ ANEV mwn< Um>awmno mama prm3 ,,.4 .. .1 . __ . , mcHUmmnm ,. g..xh. ;mm_meaHm; -?54: [TABLE523g 7PABE§TAiiCICHLTDS$IN3L3551LQflJ ' ;255 .Mmem. , 3N m . E.». hmsmoEOHnow. _mcaanoao Umxompg¢ Qwflm mxompp< fl9 oapmm xompp< %9 pmnazz modmpmam 30mpm¢ dams . mm. I . . 9...... . . 4 .q. “”0...“ .. . .13. n+4... at»! . 4. cl“... aim. .. . . . .. 1M»: ‘:‘r,. ...<. . .finq....». m: ‘.. .. Hm . I {WVWLH . madam spas wptuhmm mpsmxompu¢ .1 ... . . . x . . .r n y. .. . .... . . u: o . ..~. , . .. J? . . . .fi. .. in. w. w. ”A. mMompp< .0 oapmm‘ mxomep< mo 902832 .54., AEov moqmpmfim deuu« cams gmuummwM%mcfiwszwhmflmwivufim 232.2%. .. ...,,ldA .M 4 13...; UPI. 256? TERRITORIAL DEFENSE AGAINST VARIOUS SPECIES BY PARENTAL CICHLIDS RIO PUERTO VIEJO, ' 7 99 ' 1969 1970 v (15 mlnute tlmings) 257. AEov x omppm mo mEEoz Eopm moEmumHU EmmE u.pmHU. AEOV Umxomppm EMHE mo EqumH HmpOp EmmE n.EmH Umxomppw EmEEEE Ede. .z mwmnm>m HHmEm>o 0E .wEHmmHE mmEEme EEmE O. _ "v, ' r . I - gym», . .. ' v' _ . »-..‘. .mmH m.EwH. . pm.:Evon: .\ _.» ; Ee_o a: . wQSOEo: .....__ EBLHHHH m. .._...Q .J. .4.) 9:0L...., .«muH :..on. o..-nponE .. www.mwm.wwmmmg. .§wme .OOH ‘om.».m. 2 pg aramcnomwa,. u».» msaopmamn.z‘ _,'oooo ' mm \o . o H H 050 o . t . D ‘ y . . .. . . L . . . E w ’51 .E 1.. . . I .\ . . ,K .0. r E ... . MVJE. . K... .. .. . .O Q . . . , .. , E . . . tww. .. It)» . . .I . .. . . a. . . . w a. .. .. ..... . . a. ,. . r .3 v . u A . : u i A n . ; . . . .. .. E ul . 1‘ , , , . . . . E . r» M y . u . . . . o, ,. . u . L . k . . .. ‘ 4 z_.e , mEEoE: «2....z HEM .E...... .. ...E... . .....E. E .E .... ... ........,,.. . . T. t. 000 fi-a 4 in Eng. . EoumE m. w. _?r OE . _ -2 .m... do 0 .E: w.EmEEmE {1... w! (W- mpwpm euqmm wwww . A2“ 1 ‘. ' ‘. ~‘hu ' ' ' Lv ‘ ‘ xxfivflmaHEmmHm mH% ., HH>OU .. a. Hm.E...,...E_... .000 m m @00 :mm HH ‘ .mamwmwm 1'40! 000 . .pmflw cmH ‘mwmmswmgmUHc 2| _.o¢,.. .m. W_pmflu cufi om .. ma om. . ma rm 3 8. S. mm ANM OHH OOH mm mmm : : ' 0 HH ooo mmm ‘Mboo r; mfimW. "CO 0 w pmfio. cmH~. o .wflwm .EsnsaHmw . mSHmompmmz_.qz. ’z I4 . .. u.pcoo am mqmmmau_ o d: O fr—iLnxb EL.“ 1 d mmfiimwmfmflfii fifi'?“ mm» .0 h .m_MHn 3m.mwn«ex. smH_a.z . xmnmt@m«x - - b 00 ofd‘o O o Q ' 3 a iwnsjflfiw a:¢3”' .quw_.aeapmmumnw:m 258 TAB-I33 '25- REPEATED OBSERVATIONS OF PAIRS PUERTO VIEJO 1969 259 ‘VHmst>HucH mech n =wmp= coammg soapm>pmmpo mnp mcflpsw ©m>oE 9H a mag ** _ . .UOHLmQ COHpm>Wmmno mpflpcm mgp psoflwzopnp Um>hmmpo wcflmp mm; pflwg mama msp pmgp coogHHxHH m>flpomn95m wze "mchMpnmo* masom .w. m o m . . . .mQSOH. m. mm HH H EspsHHam mcsom w. om m m, MQSOH w. om : .: wCSO% m. 0H m m .wcdom w. 0H m m . _ mQSOH m. .0H m H HmmHHm mazez o; com .w : wzsoz .m. cm m m wcsomlpmmc 0. NH 3. .m -1 wssom m. **om.oa_ .:H H mmCmswm&NOflq mesa» m. cm m H. EzwmwquL; wasom m. H m .m wcsom m. H. m m“ . AHmmg wm. H m H» wcsomlpmmc an H 2 Mn wnsoztpmmq_ m. OH :H m ; . . mssoztpmmc m. Hm. :H H; quSH. _.msdoz .m. :mxooa m . w.m wcsom m. mNom. ,m 1H,‘ I Agmfim mfimcfimv m. cm OH =Umfli fiH>Ob «0 mumpm «wopgmm. *Hqumppmo Hmev,mmp< Um>nmmno mng pHmmV . mmHommm : z._ . wsflcmmpm . . ., ; A GOHLmQ COpr>pmmno mancm map psongOMQH ,Umbhmmno wchQ mmz nHwQ msmm map page voonHHxHH m>H pome:m mre zchmupmo*_ yggf NW chdozlpwmcm_ . wGsOHIpwmcg p mmc; .mcsomluwmc _ ;. wcsom_ ;_mpmeth3Ipmmc H. >mmmmww “HW'W, Hmmzmmb ‘.‘”fmmmmwwi H¢*%f:fiHEfiEBO‘ cHUmmmm wwwmmeAangmfiHp *zchmphmo Amsv,wmp< Um>pmwpo mm m..nHmAHww 0.9G00 mm mqmmmwno Swab AmmEHp NV mfikficmdmz AmmEHp mv mfipwsmamz “Eowv ussmeflwcoa AEozv Esaamcflppao “Eomv,55pmfipmop AEomv Sapmfiumm%ofiwfic AEomV 4 ham Sdpmaommgofiwac mm mXHme hmpmm.. :mpmm.hdpfimmom cmuwm xawpficflmmm . pm xosppm mm mqm<9 s. ... a .-'mmh"ai'r4n.a nmimfioo flag- .m w 2.3mw mEAmQA.. mazw .cmpwo pmoa wcflxomupm pcmhwm_ 53m. ....J‘... . %.E:pwaommm0hwfici, Ezmsafiamxgmw mSQOmemn z mandEHwSOH It ...SSpmpumohwzm, u.,,v.N . . 3+ » ..§«... mndp 0 a c . . . ,... . f. . .. a ...H .. . r . . . . v, . ...n. . ..p. . t . V .7. . . V I .. it .mmfiow m: f , ... .7 ‘- p F7. . . . ., u , .lvn.:n...u ,. . 4,2 A . .mv..v_.., QMBIJE F2815 : Ell-2135557 TM» EieiiéiiRO‘S'TRM-‘UM a':-J'9UANACASJ:TE v ~ ‘ .2654 4mm. :5. ., m m _Azwmwuwxumpp¢wgo.oflgwmm ...... me». w« mm .. . am: H _ m H .. wgfiokn . ~ .. ‘ i ...m...». .. . ... Wu: . .. . . . .u ., . .. .. 4 u . ... . 4 . . _ .mHH .... . ..., .I .. .y.\ n 1.. .4 ...”..wunwfi...‘....nt Ms.».u.. . . ...I...‘.. v . . v,.A..qu\m/. 4. . ., .. ”.er .34.. T». 4.. .“k F. . .. .....,.- ,. . -run. ..rA....w H . A I u . . ‘ n . .. duo. ..1.-v.; .... .V. 1.1.. Av...| ‘ .fl‘l L l n i‘ . «4 .... f. .2 c..‘ ... ‘... ... . . .1 . r..,.. y... .. .. J. . . 2.. .. “PL .... , .. x. . 40nd , . , ,5. . . . .. .. 330. .1 VI, .. . v . “.3... .. ...., . . .. .1. . 1... .....m..... . . . .H..l ..y y w. ., I .... . . .,....H ... . .. . . . . . . y. . ... . . ......mfi . L ..... .. . . ...u fl... .- l .. N . HR. . . .... .. ,1... ...» .. a .mXumgpm 93m ’I; . . a. . :~ '.- u» :- E: .‘ ~,‘ 5‘ -3‘~ A '1." , 1-” ._ _. ''''' ATTACKS AGATNST QICHLIDS AND c 991;; BYE: FARENTAL CICHLIDS WITH YOUNG RIG FPUERTO VIEJQ 21-6 7:. _ I. mmm ANNH V;_Ho . Hsowmu; .n._awnwanofioJ .wu%o%u¢¢mnwamw.w «.,gum»%m¢¢fl.oouwuuahdgMpwaflwopmm4. mammmumaeq gwwm,MHmmHfim>¢;Mmmmw&qmqpfl.‘ .51.. a mamwmw~m+,.u.»h.wfi»fl I .v...J 7 ..;;T . mflfyafifiyf .4 .. ,. ‘ n. a, . ,, , . r. NA...” a. . . 554.... ..,. 7.... wwmgnmppfi.$mufimgawz_ . I.“ M ‘..a. ‘ . . ‘l . ' ' x - 4- I a N PH QT OGRAPHS ‘_- ‘ . OFSTUDYSPECIES ILLUSTRATIONS OF SPECIES C meeh‘ . C. rosIraIum 9. NIGROFASCIATUM A 268a 268b g. 'DOVII 3111‘} V LL ‘ _ .1, ”.1 “”13“ n I; H u w _C_. 'C‘ITRIN’E‘LL‘UM ('='LAB‘I‘ATUM) 268C 9. LON’GI‘MA‘NUS WHIHJHHMiiii}IUHHHIHHIHHIl‘11]HHHHUHHIHHHHHIIHHIHAHI'Hllll V " 7 V I V Y I l I ' I ' I 1 V 1 ll" NIIIIYIIIIIIHHIMIIIIHHIHHHH " n .' zz‘mn ml ,cafrpnk‘c‘m g. SPILURUM g. TUBA 268d g. NI CARAGUENSE N EETROP LUS NE’MATOP US "Iviiéiiill m lllllllll nun III” | l I IHH ”I!“ [IN mm MUHHM ‘ v‘ ' ' N E E TR 0 r L“ 5 NEflflflij 268a 268f g. ROSTRATUM aim" - - ' ‘ ‘ ------- -" : Ill-[I I A '. 6 7 A ‘I ’0 H 2 ‘ I I; ( ..._.__, , M ..... .___._V. 1051 LATUM Q.‘ALFARI 31%;};‘inm'5i‘hJIf .‘ml‘WHl: A“, m‘11pm'n'lmm1lrnqm'mlyuynum 268g C . MAN AG'UENSE WU”iHHHIHHIIHIH'iiIHHHIIIIliHHHmmmuullmuumu ' ' I! ' y l , r g 1 '—V—" v I 269 , "lacking in numbering chi?" , .. n ." "I -, v' ‘ -, C-x' m Muff ‘57 -' l.‘4 ‘ ‘A -r.. . ', I'H‘H'“ . ,. .- " nu F v I 271 Map sf study areas: Costa Rica and Nicaragua .272 FIGURE 3 7TERRITORIAL DEFENSE IN C, NIGROFASCIATUM GUANACASTE CA= Ast‘anax, P = Poeci1ia N nigrofasciatum, ' ‘ M R-= rostratum, D = dovii) ' ” 3o '28'. 26 2h 22 20 18 16 -1h 12 IO. a .l—Hx- L ¢ z \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ .. - #22:: .A A P N A P N'R/D. spawning ~nesting with young ‘ 3 18 N = “O N Reproductive State (Né number of observations) 273 .274 FIGURE u "CHRONOLOGiCAL HISTORY OF TERRITORIAL DEFENSE *, BY g, NIGROFASCIATUM (pair 3) 275 l I .1 i rOH INH 1 3H ,8” .; ON .3. w mm iom mm Amwwnm>m msfioaamv mxomppm * 278 FIGUnEfs,__ IMAP OF STUDY AREA, EAST SIDE ‘ ' _ OF LAKE JlLOA 9 FEB, 1970 - 2, nigrofaSCiatum ‘ fl, nematopus l§,'rostratum large Stones 1. scale; 2 meters 279 ’“280 'FIGURE,6{ -MAP;QF3PART”CFES%UDZ'31TE RIO'SANDILLAL,¥GUANACASTEW 281r _Am>z .Hmwmd do .mdmmm. mdm awwmmm; meuam bzmmHo>Z mHmmzbmv zcadmdm dmddunowwm$ ow mumouwp. o. spmflOI Hmm0%mnca Umpdmw vwmmawsm \J OSdHHSmQ H: mOHHa ow Udoxm: mmmm mflqmms mac»: wroqm o . x. . / ,VWX _ J g. , WW.” @ . aozamnamma_ @ nowfir myowm _.,manm .. .H .Bmdwu. §z :PNflmm , flonwm. ’28? “FIGUREW7: .T6§ NTEW OE DEFORMEDQ,”A£%ARI (laem);i '"‘" ”~figRLOjPUEBTO,VIE35’*’- » #3. 2283- 284 FIGURE 8;; PELV1c FiN OF 95_SPILURUM ADULT FEMALE ' 285 - 286' FiGURE-g. m ow. mm (8mm) 1 287 288' - FIGURE; '10 - ‘9RATIQ OFfifiENGTHS OF MALE/FEMALE PARENTAL CICHLIDS. 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