~~ .39 ‘ .t‘ !.L: .v.‘ ' Uutdoor Exhibit of Hodgson Portable Houses at Dover. Mass. Thirty years ago we started in a hutnble way in a small shop. Today we have a spacious, daylight factory equipped with the most modern machinery and operated by men who have made portable liotises a life-long study. With this equipment and training. the houses we are able to turn out have won for us an undisputed reputation for being practical, durable and artistic. with a decided sense of individuality and refinement that appeals to all who appreciate these qualities. The fact that 75 per cent. of our business each year comes through customers who have u-ed our houses for years. proves that our eflorts in build- ing a portable house with these features have been appreciated. They are to be found on the finest estates in this country. being used for cottages, garages, playhouses, garden houses, overflow houses. poultry houses, etc. Send for our Catalog. It tells you all. E. F. HODGSON CO. 71-73 FEDERAL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. FACTORY ANI) OUTDOOR EXHIBIT NEW YORK SIIOW ROOM DOVER, MASS. (IRAFTSMAN IIIJHL. 0 EAST 39th ST. Copyright. 1923 ~ v -a._’.. , ‘2 I ‘ I , I i I J | . v No. 2001 IIUIHLSUN PORTABLE COTTAGE Price $660.00 OFFICE OF TIIIRI) ASSISTANT SECRETARY. DEPARTMENT OF STATIC. WASHINGTON “I am very glad to say that the portable house which I purchased of you a year ago. and which is now on the shores of Lobster Lake. Maine. has given me every satisfaction and comfort.” William Phillips. - . .W‘ v‘r _¥ :4“ — ~ #— ‘ .\ .. ‘ v ' — p' -. ‘ Muff. U ”is“ ' ‘- \... 21m HHIHLSU\ I'HR'I‘\HI.F. (Zn'l‘TUW. Prin- $227M)" “I um «lo-lighh-«l “ith my humm- us I \srntc pun lung ugn. l usc' it as u >tlldiw—it is right nn 3M». 2110 HHINLNA I’UH’I'HHL (IH'I‘TUJ-I l'rim- $212M!“ llu- mlgc- «J u lukr. quih- smuthc-n-d in In tn-vs :unl ultngc-thc-r it is u gnu! suvu'ss. I haw also mun. \umxu “PW” I“ “H" “H I'I‘HHHHN l-HHHIH’“ “"‘VH uxMc-«i u Iurga- lvrirk rhimm-x and ”pa-n lire-plurr. 1 “(MM lilu- mmc- mun- uf yuur lmuklt'ts as all ‘I. \wnuxx. \I\\IHI \m «\n. “H {I’ic'mL ml“. UIH'.“ ‘ ‘ ”“4- {Hunt} [hr pnller huuw \sllhll \uu ~uplu|iml u‘ unh in I'M” vuu‘mle pmnlnalult- in: lln~ n-IHhv-In hm‘ gvtting unsuers ‘ ttnnngh. tlmt l lvvl you \muhl ruthc‘r hun- tln- Qum'n-s h-ttc-r." Bun}; Hut ~t.. \nttn'rtn. (:U\\E(ITICI T. "lln. (farm-gin hull lht‘ purtuhh’ sunpurlur lluth uhirh ~hc- lmught of _\uu ut Bur Hurhur lust sensun. ~hippml llt'l't‘. She- has ht‘t'll wry much please-d \sith thc- huuw. It i~ ghing grc-ut sutiSlut'tinn." .lrrhi/m/rl (f. Barron. Sm‘n‘tur). thur \lt'~‘. \ndrms (IurnegicJ llm w HILL Run». (lmzmmcn. (In\\. "I J!“ \c-n glut]. huh-ml. to \sritc‘ )uu how much “0 Imw c-nicm-«l tlw purtuhh- t‘nttuge \w huught of nut. It i~ lllt‘ grmtwt phanurv tn lllt‘ vhihlren and c-u-nthing almut it is must satisfactory." (Una) (I'usttn‘ St‘lzu'ull. Um-o-n Hi~uln-tln and tho- Lc-ltc-r Shc- \Vrntc- UWFSUkl-I F\R\l. (LRH-INWHIH. (IUNX. 'l-‘uur .\t':lt‘~ nun, I lmuuht ntln' nt‘ .\|>llr purtuhlv huumw t'nr H1) «hmzhtvrs, m that tl1«-.\ might play hnusn- in :l l‘t'tll litlh- hnnm- It hn~ nut Huh tm-n ;. I'nnsltlltt ju_\' tn tho- rhihlrwn. but u sunrm ut‘ :ru-nt rmnt'urt [H ”w :rnwnups. us 'ln-ru- h",- nn-wr Inn-n [hr .ligtm-q m-mt uf ro-pnlring anything ulmut th~~ hnuw. 'l‘hruuuh thu- \\nr.~'t sturtns ut‘ tmth wintt-r :In-l unnnn-r it hn~ na-n-r Ia-nkul. uml it is in n~ lwrfw-t :n runnlitiun tmln) :IS “'hvn \H' first 50-! it up. ’l‘ho- ~-\tvrinr, nnw. n \.~r_\ nun-h prvltin-r thun it “us, ll! lllo' FUN-n hnn- u-llmtu-tl up In tha- mot and fur!” :Ill :H‘I'IIWJI)‘ M‘vr tha- lmrvh. I will ll_\ In lulu smuthvr [uh-ungrnph “ha-n thr) nru- ln hlunln. :llltl “ill svml it In put Ito-\t .lum- \\'.- [3 u] that yuu «lvsvt‘vv it \I'll' “1' thumb {rum tlu- o-ntiro- ftllllll) lh-llvn- luv," Sim-v-rvly ynurs. Idaht'l N. It’m‘kc‘h'llt'l‘. .w‘g. .- \h 12 x 12 ft. with 6 x 12 l’oreh llUlNiSUN PORTABLE CAMP llUliSl': l'riee 8373.00 These houses are very much like our eottagzes exeept that they have large screened openings protected by (-anyas-eoyered shutters, making: them eost less than our voltages. They are tnade in units of 6 x 12 ft. so that the camp can be enlarged at any time. They haye a durahle eedar roof guaranteed for 15 years. and can he used winter and summer. SCREENEI) SAND (DR l’l..-\Y llOl'SE No. 2l2‘l 0 x 0 ft. l'riee $80.00 liltltW'NsHLLE. PA. “We have never had anything which afforded more pleasure to the children. and after a seyere winter they are looking forward to the time when they can get out again and into their ‘l’lny House.‘ “The hoy is anxious for a catalog showing chicken houses." Mrs. Harry A. Ifdel. Send for Play House Catalog ALFRED l. DUPONT, WILMINGTON, DEL. “The play house which you sold me has proven per- fectly satisfactory.” Alfred I. DuPont. BOSTON. MASS. “The play house and screened sand house have proven very satisfactory. The children are getting a great deal of pleasure out of them. They are placed on a hill back of our summer residence in New Hampshire. The guinea pig house is also affording a great deal of satisfaction to the young people." William A. Richardson. llODCSON PORTABLE PLAY HOUSE No. 2130 8 x 12 ft. Price $295.00 , x n ,..r;zw 7‘“ as: [\o. -l38 HUINbUN PORTABLE (.ARAUL l2 \ l8 ft. Price» 330“)" \T mum's 05“,»an mus. I . . 0!» \ms Bi ll.l)l\l.’ llosToV , .! lllu pc;rtalilc- llouse‘s that l limolmuglnt from you lmw- give-n pc-rfm't sutl-fuvllolL 'l'lu-v uro- built of “tltzlll-l nu end dllt an- of strong i-onstrurtion, and stood winter snows and lnul m-utln-r in u suiJm-n rv ' - I-l l“ now 3’. gm"! ‘1“ mm. . I 1 ”Mix/ll. .uul urr uw Amrs. 0:- HHINLMH l‘HR'I‘HHlZ (Il‘l ll ”01 5F. \\o- umlu- Srlioolliousvs. (Iliurrlu-s. (Luluiusiuius. Hospitals. Hurrah-ks. ('U'. l'riu-s and «lo‘tuil information upon application (in\l.\ll'l"l‘EE H\ \\ \\." \.\|) \ll‘.\\$. llUl'SF. HF RH’RESPZNTYI‘HF5. WASHINGTON. I). (I. "l gun vutin-h plc-usml \sitli lmtli of tlw portalrli- llotlst‘s‘ \\lll1'll \\lll(‘ll _\ou sun! to \irginiu l owupy on Sum 'l‘lu- liousc- at Hamilton. .\lnss.. is use-(l us an ollim'. llolll lbuilillngs ul‘t' [wrlim'lly stillslttt'lol‘). Sc-ml for llousv ('utulog l llthllgllt from you. Yours wry truly. 'l‘ln- voltage lays. uln'nvwr possilvlv. (luring: tln‘ svssions of Congress. .1. 1’. Gardner. 5L No. 4 WIGWARM LAYING IIOL'SE. nits 10 x 50 ft. Capacity 200 hcn~ 7 — 7 ___ 7‘— I'RII'I.’ LIST Price $710.00 POL'LTRY AND PET STOCK HOUSES “c- make a complete line of pet stock houses. for dogs, ruhhita pigeons. chickens, hird~. etc. Our poultry cata- log dcwrihcs and illustrates thcm. going prices and de- tail». All our houses are llt‘tlll) painted and complete in cu-ry «lo-tail ready for use. 'Ihc) are made of good mate- ri.|l~ and will last for years. 'l‘ho-v are attractive and prac- timl. mo ’_ ‘U ' nn’ _ i 7 Host' ____ ‘io?!’_-_—' ("4" ‘\'. I. P, IC \ \ . r) ‘ IC IC ; 10 “3, )0 ‘0. ‘0 Kt‘an'I .\0. I 21: ‘ I n" 3-0.00 - , ' “' '0 - _ W 3‘. x ) IL. ’...J ‘a. 7.7: 1 .3J _ ,, x “ht—5 " A; [\t-ririol \0. - - I’Idn No I 5 I'nits or I’ens OLD HOMESTEAD BIRD HOUSOE0 10 rooms. 16 ft. pole. Price 815. 'l‘ttENTox. .\'. J. 10 x 10 ft, House ] pun 819000 10 x 20 ft. ”Misc 2 pcnn 81t201m 10 x 30 ft. House It pens 3430,00 10 x 40 ft. House 4 puns SBMHNI 10 x 50 ft. Hourw 5 pen! $710 “0 t'upm-lty 40 ho-nn pcr pun "Kindly ship nu- ;tt once one of your .\o. l Ilo” Kcnncls. pricc $20.00. Sllt‘ 2‘ -_» IX -1 It. i. r ‘ '-" ' "z s «,1» s "The (.mnp Ilourc I bought Nu m .H'irlaIE' 1 «till in line shape. very warm and cos}. n d( , V . H t ‘ . . ' " ton 9' ' Loos AT 20° BELOW ZERO i, Mt. mpmmtilt- for the sale )0" made ”‘ he" ' 108 FULTON STREET. New You (Itrv. about a year 8g0. . d WIGWARM bETTlNG AND BROODINC CPO “I enclose you a little photograph of Colony House , ' George A' Rwl‘ar ' Price complete $10.50. Price of Coop 35.15 No. 0 which I bought from you last fall. and no doubt it * w~ - ; Extended yard $3.50. Shelter $1.25. Size 2 x 8 It. is the most satisfactory house ever made. My chickens 1‘hi.(‘oop is also Used as a hutch for rabbits or guinea pigs were laying at 15 and 20 degrees below last winter." E. F. Keller. “ ' ‘ , ' ‘ Catalog tltmosox t'ottTAttu: (:otoNY LAYING Horst-I ”n" n" loumy and Bird Home No. 0 Capacity I2 Ilene Price $35.00 Complete, ready for the hens, including the yard IIII: *‘ '