MCR hot ¥ i "Q "CLINFON" REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. ELECTRIC WELDED FABRIC AS USED IN CONCRETE FLOOR AND ROOF SLABS Manufactured by Wickwire Spencer Steel Corporation 41 East 42nd Street, New York Worcester Buffalo Detroit Philadelphia Chicago San Francisco - Los Angeles WHY "CLINTON" ? As successors to The Clinton Wire Cloth Company our Structural Products, including Welded Fabric, Wire Lath and Welded Sheathing, are marketed under the registered trade mark "CLINTON." Although similar products are now manu- factured by other concerns The Clinton Wire Cloth Company was the original manufacturer of each of these products. Clinton Wire Lath, the first efficient form of metal lath ever devised, was used as early as 1856; and Welded Fabric, now established as a staple commercial product, was invented and originally manufacturered by The Clinton Wire Cloth Company. - These products have gained an enviable reputation for quality and efficiency and may justly be considered as the standard by which similar products are now gauged. The mark "CLIN- TON" therefore represents a standard of dependability established by an experience of more than half a century in the manu- facture of wire products of the highest quality. WICKWIRE SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION wWELDED FABRIC The Ideal Mesh Reinforcement for Concrete Bridges Buildings Docks Flumes Grandstands Levees Pipe Reservoirs Roads Sewers Subways Viaducts WIickwIrE® SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION Properties and Structural Advantages of Clinton Welded Fabric Uses-The material, now known commercially as "Welded Fabric," was invented and originally manufactured by The Clinton Wire Cloth Company. Clinton Welded Fabric has been successfully and economically applied to practically every form of reinforced concrete construction, and as a result of its twenty years of extensive use, has long been recognized as an ideal mesh reinforcement for concrete. The material possesses many distinctive advantages from the standpoint of structural utility and economy which have been established, not only by exhaustive tests, but proved by many years of successful use in all classes of construction. Combining, as it does, the distinctive properties of drawn steel wire with the advantages of an accurate and rigidly fabricated mesh, Clinton Welded Fabric is especially adapted for reinforcement in all kinds of concrete slab construction. It is extensively used in concrete floors, roofs, walls, roads, pipe, sewers, reservoirs, levees, and numerous other structures. The material is used also to special advantage in any work involving the fireproofing or covering of structural steel with concrete, as in buildings, bridges, viaducts, subways and tunnels. Quality of Material-Results of numerous laboratory and practical tests of construction lead to the following conclusions as representative of the general average strength and physical properties of Clinton Welded Fabric: 1. Grade of steel used in the manufacture of Clinton Welded Fabric is such as to render it especially adapted to the reinforce- ment of concrete. 2. Ultimate tensile strength 65,000 to 75,000 pounds per square inch. 3. Yield point 70 to 75% of the ultimate strength. 4. Elongation 15 to 20% in 6 inches. a. Contraction of area 60 to 70°. 6. The process of cross-welding does not in any way impair the tensile strength of the longitudinal wires. 7. - Shearing strength of welded connections for any given size of longitudinal wire increases with the size of the cross wire. 3 EnEcrrrc WEupED FABRIC 8. Shearing strength of welds in many cases exceeds the tensile strength of the longitudinal wire. Wire as Reinforcement-The function of steel reinforce- ment in concrete is to resist tension and, for carrying tensile stress, a wire as compared with a bar is in many respects a superior product. The two materials are fundamentally different in their respective processes of manufacture. The bar is hot- rolled while the wire is formed by drawing cold through a die. It is by virture of these two essentially different processes of manufacture that the wire is a more reliable and dependable material than the bar. A wire during its manufacture is thus subjected to high tensile stress and every section of the material is thereby actually tested and proved, otherwise it could never survive its process of manufacture. The process of drawing wire, which involves pulling the material through a die of smaller diameter than the wire itself, subjects the material to high tensile stress accompanied by high lateral pressure. Wire- drawing is not a skinning action. The material is not stripped behind the die, but is forced through in a rolling, wave-like process, which compresses the fibers into a compact mass. The danger of pits, flaws or granular sections is thus reduced to a minimum and every strand of wire is, of necessity, tested as to strength and quality. Defects, which might easily occur in ordinary reinforcing steel, are, in the case of drawn wire, thus detected and safeguarded by its very process of manufacture. From the standpoint of quality alone, even with the same ulti- mate tensile strength, conservative design would justify the use of wire with a smaller factor of safety than that adopted for a bar, or, which is the same thing, the use of less sectional area of steel for wire than that required for bars. This distinction has not only been recognized by leading practitioners, but, in fact, is embodied in the building codes of New York and other leading cities of the country. In these municipalities structural members designed upon the basis of bars are required to provide substantially 25% more cross- sectional area of steel than those designed with wire as the reinforcement, and in this way recognize an important distinction between the two materials. Welded Connections-The cross-welding of longitudinal and transverse wires in Clinton Fabric results in an absolutely £53 WickwIrE® SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION rigid connection between the two groups of wires. Numerous tests have proved that the force necessary to shear a cross wire apart from the wire to which it is welded, in many cases actually exceeds the tensile strength of the wire itself. This absolute connection between longitudinal and transverse strands assures at all times the alignment of the wires and the integrity of the mesh. The strength of connections is such that every unit is rigidly held in its proper place and the most severe usage in shipping and handling cannot distort the mesh or displace any of the wires. The absence of all wraps or clips eliminates all waste material; every pound of metal represents, therefore, a pound of effective reinforcement. Furthermore, a mesh, wherein fabrication is effected by clean-cut right-angle intersections without any knobs or lumps to obstruct the free flow of the concrete, will result in a dense concrete free from voids and thoroughly covering all parts of the reinforcement. Another important and distinguishing feature of a mesh with welded connections is the fact that, when placed in the work, it will lay flat with all longitudinal wires in substantially the same plane. The transverse wires, which are the spacing and holding members for the longitudinals, are straight and cross on the same side of all longitudinals. They are not woven under and over adjacent longitudinals; consequently the cross wires have no tendency to buckle and warp the fabric or to force the main wires alternately up and down. Rectangular Mesh-Clinton Welded Fabric is of rectangular mesh; there are no zigzag or diagonal members in the material. The parallel longitudinal and the parallel transverse members are at right angles to each other and each group is located on the direct lines of tension when used as reinforcement in a slab subjected to transverse loading. The late Frank E. Kidder, C. E., Ph. D., in his Architect's and Builder's Handbook, in speaking of Clinton Welded Fabric, designates the material as an ideal reinforcement for slab construction. Quoting from this authority he states: "The direction of the wires coincides with the line of stresses so that there is no tendency to distort the rectangle of the mesh." The rectangular mesh therefore enables Welded Fabric to perform its function of reinforcement in the simplest and most efficient manner. [6] WEubpEDp While the longitudinal members may thus be located directly in line with the principal tension, the transverse or secondary members, arranged at right angles to them, afford an efficient means of distributing concentrated loads in a direction perpen- dicular to the main reinforcing members. In slabs, designed on the basis of distributed loads, this is a most important factor in enabling such a slab to receive a heavy concentration of loading upon a relatively small area. Affording as it does an effec- tive transverse as well as longitudinal reinforcement, Welded Fabric provides a perfect net-work of steel, which knits and binds the concrete together, reinforcing it in both directions. The material is therefore particularly efficient in the resistance of stresses caused by shrinkage or temperature changes. Perfect Bond-In reinforced concrete, a perfect bond of union between the concrete and the steel reinforcement is neces- sary in order that the two materials may act as one. The struc- tural utility of reinforced concrete is entirely dependent upon an adequate bonding of the two materials. When Clinton Welded Fabric is used as reinforcement for concrete, slipping of the steel is resisted not only by the adhesion or grip of the concrete along the surface of the wires themselves, but also by a mechanical bond due to the presence of the cross wires, which are rigidly connected to the longitudinals and create at each welded point an absolute anchorage against slipping in the concrete. In any reinforced concrete member the bond of adhesion, that is, the bond not obtained mechanically by a ridge on the reinforcing unit or by a sudden change in its shape, is directly a function of the area of contact between the steel and the con- crete. In a wire fabric it is possible to use units of much smaller diameter than would be commercially practical for bars. Since the ratio of surface to cross-sectional area increases as the diam- eter is diminished, it is apparent that the bond is materially increased by using a greater number of small units rather than a less number of larger units. In commenting on this subject, the late Frank E. Kidder, in his Architect's and Builder's Handbook states: "A greater number of small rods or bars is preferable to a smaller number of larger ones, because the proportion of the area of adhesion between steel and concrete to the sectional area of steel is greater in the former case. This result is apparently attained in systems where wire fabrics are used." 67] WICKWIRE SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION In referring specifically to Clinton Welded Fabric, Mr. Kidder, in the same publication, also states: "The cross-wires, being welded to the carrying wires, are rigidly held in place and prevent the latter from slipping in the concrete." Thus Clinton Welded Fabric, through adhesion of the wires themselves, not only affords a more efficient bond than can be obtained with bars, but in addition thereto, as a result of the rigidly connected cross-wires, establishes, irrespective of the size or surface of the wires, a definite mechanical bond between the concrete and the reinforcing fabric. Fabric Compared With Loose Bars-Through the use of Clinton Welded Fabric in floor and roof slabs, it is possible to obtain a perfect continuity of reinforcement from one span to the next without any lapping or splicing of the material. The fabric comes to the work in rolls which in many cases are of sufficient length to be laid in continuous unbroken strips through all spans from one side of the building to the other. ' With the use of loose bars, it is always necessary to resort to numerous laps and splices in order to obtain continuity throughout the con- struction. These laps, if properly made, are no doubt efficient, but, under the least laxity of inspection, will introduce some degree of structural uncertainty. Furthermore, this lapping of each unit in practically every alternate span requires a con- siderable amount of extra metal, which, of course, represents additional expense. Where large areas of concrete are to be laid, as in floors, walls, and especially roads, the use of loose bars results in labori- ous and costly methods. It is necessary to handle each unit separately and carefully space and hold them apart by some adequate means. This involves time and expense, and even then the position of the steel is completely at the mercy of the carelessness and lack of intelligence shown by the ordinary class of labor usually employed for such work. After a most careful spacing of loose bars it is not at all uncommon to find them dis- placed materially from their required position by the workmen moving about over the work during the pouring of the concrete. The use of Welded Fabric eliminates such danger and expense. By the rigid union of transverse and longitudinal wires, all members are spaced on exact centers. The spacing is established by machinery at the factory and it is impossible for the relative (83 Cr1InTtor EnEcrric WErLDED FABRIC position of the various members to become changed in the slightest degree. This renders the material foolproof. The fact that large areas can be laid quickly by the most unskilled labor with absolute assurance that every strand of wire is in its proper position, renders Welded Fabric the safest, most efficient, and most economical reinforcing material for its in- tended purpose. Galvanizing-Clinton Welded Fabric may be furnished with all wires galvanized. This offers an efficient protection against the development of rust when exposed to the weather or other corroding agents. In case the concrete should be of inferior quality, containing certain acid elements injurious to steel or be so porous that it would not prevent the entrance of moisture or gases, the galvanizing would in such cases protect the metal against decomposition which might otherwise quickly result in a complete destruction of the reinforcement. Galvanized fabric is thus protected against the development of rust and may be ex- posed for extended periods to the most severe climatic conditions without developing serious corrosion. The fact that Clinton Welded Fabric may be furnished with this galvanized protection at a. relatively small increase in cost is especially worthy of consideration in cases where the nature of the construction is such as to require open-air storage or where the work is so situated that long hauls and slow delivery of materials are necessary. [9] WickwIrE® SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION Description, Sizes and Weights of Welded Fabric General Description Type of Material-Clinton Welded Fabric is a wire mesh con- sisting of a series of parallel longitudinal wires held at intervals by means of transverse wires, arranged at right angles to the longitudinals, and cross-welded to them by an electrical process. Sheet of Clinton Welded Fabric Note the perfect alignment of the wires and efficient manner in which all wires are held in their proper relative positions. The connection between longitudinal and transverse wires is not in any way secured by twisting or by loops or clips. There is no metal added; the two wires are merely crossed and welded together by the application of an electric current, a process which actually fuses the two wires into one homogeneous section. The Clinton Electric Weld In this view the two wires have been cut through at their point of union, revealing a perfectly smooth surface. It is a perfect weld; the two wires are actually fused together. £104 C1inTonN EnEcrric Wruo®rbp FaBriC Manufacturing Limits Size of Wires-Longitudinal or transverse strands may consist of Nos. 0 to 13. inclusive, Washburn-Moen gauge wires. When the same size wire is not required in both members of the fabric, the heavier size may be placed either longitudinally or transversely although structural requirements in such cases usually call for the heavier wires in the longitudinal strands. The difference in size between longitudinal and transverse wires must not exceed the following limits. Allowable Difference in Size Between Longitudinal and Transverse Wires Size of Allowable Size of Size of Allowable Size of Longitu- Transverse Wire Longitu- Transverse Wire dinal Wire | Maximum J Minimum dinal Wire |Maximum | Minimum No. 0 No 83 | Np 8 No 7 Now1 | 'No. 11 64 1 ‘ 6¢ 2 1 64 7 ud 8 66 2 66 12 64 2 64 1 | 66 8 64 9 64 4 66 12 66 3 64 0 ‘ 64 8 66 10 66 5 64 12 64 4 64 0 | 64 9 64 11 66 7 66 13 66 5 64 0 ‘ 64 10 66 12 64 8 66 13 646 6 64 0 1 66 10 66 13 l 66 11 66 13 Spacing of Wires-Longitudinal wires may be spaced on centers of 2 or more inches in steps of 1 inch. Transverse wires may be spaced on centers of 2 to 10 inches in steps of 1 inch and on centers of 10 to 18 inches in steps of 2 inches. Widths-The following table gives maximum widths of fabric as measured from center to center of outside longitudinal wires which cannot, in any case, exceed 100 inches. Transverse wires must project at least 14 inch beyond the outside longitu- dinal wire but may have any specified projection in excess of 14 inch provided their total tip-to-tip length does not exceed 102 inches. 119 WickwIrE® SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION Maximum Widths of Fabric in Inches Center to Center Outside Longitudinal Wires Size of Longitudinal Wires Spacing of Longitudinal Wires No. 0 No. 1 No. 2 and smaller q 48" 56" (0M a/ 60" Go' 90" 4/1 72/1 96” 10011 Note-When longitudinal wires are spaced on centers wider than 4", any multiple of such spacing may be furnished up to a maximum width of 100". Rolls or Sheets-Welded Fabric may be furnished either in rolls or flat sheets. It is necessary that fabrics having longitudinal wires heavier than No. 2 gauge be shipped always in sheets. The size of sheets should not exceed 6 x 20 feet if shipped in box cars, or 8 x 32 feet if shipped in open-top cars. Rolls may be of any desired length not exceeding 150 feet for heavy sizes, 200 feet for medium sizes and 400 feet for the light sizes. Finish-Welded Fabric is furnished both in "Plain Steel" and "Galvanized" grades. Galvanized fabric is not galvanized after fabrication, but is manufactured into mesh form by using galvanized wire instead of plain wire. Commercial Sizes How to Specify-In Welded Fabric the dimension of any "mesh" is the distance center to center of its parallel wires- not the clear space between these wires. The "longitudinal" wires are those which extend lengthwise of the roll, or sheet. The "transverse" wires are arranged at right angles to the longitudinals and extend across the width of the roll or sheet. In describing Welded Fabric the spacing and gauge of longitu- dinal wires precede, in their respective positions, the same ele- ments of the transverse wires. Thus 4" x 16" mesh No. 3/8 wires indicates that the longitudinal wires are No. 3 Washburn & Moen gauge spaced 4" center to center; and the transverse wires are No. 8 Washburn & Moen gauge spaced 16" center to center. [12] Cu1inTor EnErctric WELDED FABRIC Fabrics are also indicated by "Style Number'" in which the numerals of the mesh are combined with the numerals of the gauge of wires and followed by the letter "G" or "P" to indicate respectively " Galvanized" or " Plain Steel" finish. Thus the above described fabric may be specified in either of the following ways: Clinton Welded Fabric, 4" xz 16" 3/8 Galvanized (or "Plain") or Clinton Welded Fabric, Style No. 416-88G (or "P"). Selection of Sizes-In selecting the size of fabric to meet certain structural requirements, it is advisable to restrict selec- tion, if possible, to the standard sizes, or preferably the stock sizes, herewith listed. This will usually result not only in economy of cost, but will facilitate greatly the ease and promptness with which the material may be procured. In case the quantity of material of any one size is relatively small, that is to say, some- what less than a minimum car load, it may prove more economical, not only from the standpoint of price, but more particularly with respect to delivery, to utilize the nearest stock size, although that size may be somewhat heavier than actually required for the work. In cases where the requirements are such that they cannot be reasonably met with a standard size and the quantity of material is sufficient to justify the use of a special fabric, any desired combination of mesh and gauge may be used but care should be exercised in the selection of spacing, gauge and width so that the combination will conform in all respects with the manufacturing limits as specified above. Furthermore, in the selection of special fabrics, it is important to resort to combina- tions which will involve certain economies in manufacture and thereby gain the advantage of low unit price. Special care in avoiding, when possible, close spacing of transverse wires, narrow widths, flat sheets and other features which involve additional expense of manufacture will often result in a fabric having the most economical cost without sacrlficmg any ele- ment of strength or utility. As a general proposition the cost of Welded Fabric is governed by its weight, although the unit price per pound is influenced somewhat by certain features affecting the type of material and size and spacing of the wires. Welded fabric has a minimum price per pound when all of the following conditions exist: [13] WICKWIRE SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION 1. Gauge, any allowable size of transverse wires but longi- tudinal wires No. 6 gauge or heavier. 2. Mesh, any allowable spacing of longitudinal wires but with transverse wires spaced 12" or more. 3. Finish, plain steel. 4. Width, 40" or more. 5. Length, in rolls of any allowable length but not less than 100 feet. 6. Quantity, minimum carload or more. The foregoing is intended to serve merely as a guide in the selection of special fabrics when the strictest economy of price is desired. The above conditions are not in any way to be con- strued as limiting factors of manufacture, since Welded Fabric may, if required, be furnished in practically any combination of mesh and gauge. In fact, the wide range of possible sizes con- stitutes one of the principal advantages of the material by thus enabling it to be readily adapted to such a great variety of structural requirements. Commercial Width-The width of Welded Fabric is con- sidered as the width center to center of outside longitudinal wires. Unless otherwise definitely specified all fabrics have a standard projection of transverse wires of 1" beyond each out- side longitudinal wire. Except in the case of special projections, no charge is made for the overhang of transverse wires, i. e., square footage is calculated and the material is sold on the basis of width center to center of outside longitudinal wires. Sectional Areas-The cross sectional areas of steel as here- with listed for either the longitudinal or transverse wires of Welded Fabric are the true areas given by the actual size and spacing of the wires of either group considered independently. No claim whatever is made for any portion of the area in trans- verse wires as being effective longitudinally or vice versa. This is in accord with the best engineering practice and contrary to the data commonly given for certain other types of wire mesh having triangular shape wherein decidedly questionable value is assigned to the transverse wires, by considering them partially effective as longitudinal reinforcement. Weights-The listed weights of Welded Fabric and also tables for determining weights have been based upon a uniform (141 Cu1INToN EnEcrric WrEuorp FABRIC width of fabric of 60" center to center of outside longitudinal wires with standard projection of transverse wires of 1" beyond each outside longitudinal. Standard Sizes-Clinton Welded Fabric Sec. Area of Spacing Size Wires |Steel Sq. Ins.\ Weight] - Standard Style of Wires W & M Gauge | per ft. width |lbs. per Rolls Number i: i i o £ 100 Sq. ongi- |Trans-| Longi- |Trans-|Longi- |Trangs-| - Ft. « tudinal] verse |tudinal] verse |tudinal| verse Width] Length *216-28 24 y 2 8 | .O15 | 1to.1 | 60'' | 150° *216-38 an to' 3 8 2s0 | .Of5 | tos.0 | 60" | 150° *216-49 2 16" 4 9 2s0 | .0l3| ss.5 | 60% | 150° *216-510 2 16" 5 10 202 | 74.6 | 60° | 150° *216-610 2{ [964 6 10 A174 |..011 | 64.7 |. 60°" | 200, *316-28 3" 16" 2 8 "217 | .015 | s2.6 | 81" | 150° *316-38 3 ' 16" # 8 A87 | :O15 | 72.0 | s4" | 150° 3 ' 16" 4 9 160 | .013 | of.4 | S4" | 150° *316-510 3 ' to" 5 10 "A1S5 | OLL | | 81°" | 150" *316-610 + 16" 6 10 [ 45.1 S1" | 200 *416-38 4" to'" 3 8 "140 | O15 | 56.1 s1"'" | 150' *416-49 4" 16 / 4 9 120 | 013 | 47.90 | s1" (| 150° *416-510 "" 10" 5 10 101 | .0Of1 | 410.4 | 84" | 200" *416-610 4" to'" 6 10 i037 | | a5.2 | s1'" | 200° *416-711 4" 16" a 11 074 | .009 | 20.7 | s4" | 200° *412-812 2 / 12" 8 12 062 | .009 | 25.5 | s1" | 200° *412-912 4y" 19" 9 t2 052 | 000 | 21.s | si" | 200 *412-1012 4" t2"' 10 12 013 (|..009 | 1ts.06. [100 | 300° *{112-1212 A" 12" 12 12 .026 009 12.6 |100'' | 400: 412-55 4 / % 5 i 101 | .034 | 48.4 72" | 200 412-66 a" 12" 6 6 | .029 | 4ft.0 | 72". | 200° 412-77 44" 12" Pf a 074 | .025 | 35.1 | 72" | 200° 412-88 4° 12" 8 8 "062 | O21 | 20.0 | 72 ¢ | 200° *59-1212 5" o" t2 12 124] 612 | 11.s (100'" | 1400 612-06 6" 12" 0 6 148 #20 | 65.3. | 72" 612-33 6" 12." 3 3 093 017 | 51.2 | 72" | 200° 612-44 e mo' 4 4 080 0140 | 43.8 | 72" | 200° 612-55 6% 12" 5 5 067 034 37.0 72% 200 612-66 6 ' 1214 6 6 058 020 | s1.s | 72" | 200° 612-77 6" 124 T ig 049 025 27.0 72" 200" 22-1010 24. 27 10 10 086 0sG | 60.3 | 56" | 200° * 22-1212 24 ral 12 12 052 052 36.8 56" 300" 44-44 4y* 4ye 4 4 120 | .t20 | | s4" | 150° 44-66 t 4 6 6 O87 | .Os7. | Gol.0 | s1" | 150° 44-88 A4" 4" 8 8 062 | .062 | 44.1 81" | 200 66-44 6" 6 ' 4. 4 oso | .os0 | 57s | si" | 200: 66-55 6" 6"* 5 5 0067 | 067 | 4s.s | S1" | 200° * 66-66 6" 6" 6 6 oss | 03s | 12.0 | st" | 200° 66-77 6" 6" 7 a ©1090 | 0149 | 35.7 | si" | 200° * 66-88 6 3 8 8 611 | 011 | 30.0 | st" | 200 * 66-1010 6 6" 10 10 020 | .o20 | 20.7 | 96° | 300 *Denotes sizes ordinarily carried in stock. {Shipped only in flat sheets. ; 15] WICKWIRE SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION Diameter, Area, and Weight of Various Sizes of Wires Size f A Diam. Area Weight Actual Size Vgfilgg Inches|Sq. Ins.|lbs. per ft. 0 a0065 1 :0738 20506 1 25850 | 00620 21306 2 20250 | .O541 .1838 3 2437 | .0406 1584 4 2203L .0390 1354 5 2070 |. 03837 1148 6 1920-1 0200 .0983 7. AZTIO | 0246 .0836 8 1620. 1.0206 0700 o 1483 | .O178 .0587 #0 13350 |- .0143 .0486 11 4205 | .0114 .08387 12 1055 | 0087 0297 13 0015 |_ .0066 0223 [16] Area in Square Inches Per Foot of Width for Various Spacing of Wires Size Diam. of Area of Center to Center Spacing in Inches W & M One Wire One Wire Gauge (Inches) (§q. In.) 124 3 ' 4" 5". 6'* 7." S" 0" 10" 12" 14" to' 0 3065 .O7878 A43 205 | 221 |. A77 | .14s | .126 | .I | .o0s | .0so | 074 | .003 | .055 1 2830 06290 311 202 189 A81 1206 108 .094 .084 075 .063 054 .047 2 2625 05412 328 2106 102 190 108 093 .O81 072 .065 054 046 .041 3 {eas T 04665 .280 t87 | 14140 | .112 | .093 | .0os0o | .070 | 062 | .0536 | 016 | 0140 | .035 4 2253 .03987 .239 't50 | .1t20 | 006 | .os0 | .oo6s | 0560 | .053 | 01s | .o140 | .024> | .0O30 5 2070 .03365 202 .t 101 | :0s1 | 067 | .053s | .050 | 015 | .o10 | .o31 | 020 | .025 6 1920 .02895 174 £10 .087 .069 O58 050 043 .039 035 .029 025 022 T. " 02461 148 098 | .074 | .039 | .0149 | .012 | .0Os7 | .0s3 | .0s0 | .025.]| .021 | 01s 8 1620 02061 124 082 | .062 | .019 | 011 | 035 | 031 | 027 | .025 | 021 | .O1s | .015 9 .1483 O1727 104 .069 052 041 085 .030 .026 023 021 O17 015 .018 10 1850 » 01431 .086 057 .043 .034 .029 025 021 .019 O17 014 012 O14 31 "1205 01140 .068 046 .034 2T 928 020 O17 Q15 .014 .0O11 010 009 T2 f 10585 00874 (052 085 | .020 | .0O21 .Ol7 | .015 | 013 | .0t2 | .o10 | 6690 | .oc7 | .007 TS .0915 .00658 .039 (026 | 020 | | C13 | .Of1 O10 | .069 00s | .007 | .006 | .065 oIUgy,J[ DIHWLLOWIY NOLNITO WickwiIirE SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION Tables for Determining Weight of Welded Fabric Weight in Pounds Per 100 Sq. Ft. in Longitudinal Wires Gauge Spacing of Longitudinal Wires in Inches Center to Center of Wires 2/1 3M 4:1! 5/1 6/1 10/1 12” 0 1595.37 | 105.25 80.19 65.16 55.18 35.08 30.07 1 132.43 89.71 68.35 55.04 46.99 29.90 225.03 2 113.96 71.20 58.82 47.79 40.44 23.13 22.00 3 os.21 66.53 50.69 41.18 34.85 22.18 19.01 4 83.95 56.87 43.33 35.20 29.79 18.96 16.25 5 70.587 48.01 30.35 20.72 29.18 16.00 13.72 6 60.96 41.29 31.46 20.50 21.63 13.70 11.80 7 51.81 20.10 20.74 21.79 18.38 tt. 70 10.03 8 43.40 29.40 22.40 18.20 15.40 9.80 8.40 9 50.37 24.64 TS.77 15.25 12.901 §.21 7.04 10 30.14 20.42 o 12.64 10.69 6.851 3.593 11 24.01 16.27 12.39 140.07 $.52 5.42 4.65 t2 18.41 12.47 9.50 T- ie 6.55 4.16 5.56 13 13.84 9.38 Tt5 3.81 4.91 3.13 2.68 Weight in Pounds Per 100 Sq. Ft. in Transverse Wires Gauge Spacing of Transverse Wires in Inches Center to Center of Wires 2/1 3/1 4/1 6/1 8/1 12/1 16/1 0 155.37 | 103.58 | 71.00 51.79 38.84 25.90 19.42 1 132.43 88.20 66.22 44.14 39.11 22.07 16.55 2 113.96 70.97 | 56.08 37.99 28.49 18.99 14.24 3 98.21 65.47 | 49.10 32.74 24.55 16.37 12.28 4 83.95 85.07 | 41.97 27.98 20.99 13.99 10.49 5 70.87 47.24 35.43 23.62 t1.S1 8.86 6 60.96 40.64 30.48 20.32 15.24 10.16 T62 x 51.81 34.54 | 25.90 17.27 12.95 8.63 6.48 8 43.40 28.085 | 21.70 14.47 10.85 7.23 5.43 9 36.37 24.25 12.12 0.00 6.06 4.55 10 30.14 20.09 15.07 10.05 7.53 5.02 3.71 td 24.01 16.01 12.01 8.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 12 18.41 12.27 9.20 6.14 4.60 5.07 2.30 13 13.84 9.23 6.92 4.61 3.46 2.31 1.78 Example-Find weight 3" x 16" mesh 5/10 wires. Weight in longitudinal wires No. 5 wires spaced 3" c/c (upper table) 48.01 Ibs. per 100 sq. ft. Weight in transverse wires No. 10 wires spaced 106" c/c (lower table) Tia fils too it ofthe te Weight of fabric {me aut aa ltt e Note-After adding weights as above take total to nearest 4p pound. The commercial weight of 3" x 16" 5/10 Welded Fabric therefore is 51.8 lbs. per 100 sq. tt. (183 EnEctrrrc WEubEDp FABRIC Square Feet Per Roll of Welded Fabric « Length of Roll Width of Length of Roll fins (Feet) fan (Feet) (Inches) (Inches) 150 200" 150 200 21 263 350 61 763 TO17 22 275 367 62 io 1033 23 288 383 63 788 1050 24 300 400 64 800 1067 25 313 417 65 813 1083 26 325 433 66 825 1100 27 338 450 67 838 TH17 28 330 467 68 850 T133 29 363 483 69 863 1150 30 310 500 70 875 T167 31 388 517 7d 888 32 400 533 T2 900 1200 33 413 550 Ts 913 1217 34 1425 567 74 925 1233 35 438 583 To 938 1250 36 450 600 76 950 1267 27 463 617 I7 963 1283 38 475 633 78 975 1300 39 488 650 79 988 tat? 40 500 667 80 1000 1333 41 513 683 81 T0O1s 1350 42 525 700 S2 1025 1367 43 538 T17Z 83 1038 1383 44 550 Tag 84 1050 1400 45 563 750 85 1063 1417 46 578 7G7 86 1075 1433 47 588 783 87 1088 1450 48 600 800 88 1100 1467 49 613 817 89 1483 50 625 833 90 1125 1500 51 638 850 91 1138 1517 52 650 867 92 1150 1533 33 663 883 93 1163 1550 54 675 900 94 1175 1567 55 688 9017 95 1188 t5s3 56 700 933 96 1200 1600 5 7 Ts 950 97 t213 1617 58 125 967 98 1225 10633 59 738 983 99 1238 1650 60 Tod 1000 100 1250 1667 [19] WICKWIRE SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION Concrete Floor and Roof Slabs Types of Floors Beam and Slab Construction-As illustrated by the accompanying sketches, Clinton Welded Fabric may be readily adapted to concrete floor and roof construction of various types and conditions. Where the supporting beams are of reinforced concrete, and as is usually the case are poured monolithic with the slab, the fabric may be adapted to the construction as shown in Figure 1. The elevation of the reinforcement into the top of the slab over the beams may be obtained by setting small precast concrete blocks on the forms at each side of the beam opening; or the fabric may be allowed to rest upon runner bars, extending parallel with and located on each side of the beams, these bars being supported at the proper elevation by small clips or chairs fastened to the slab forms. This method of elevating the fabric over the tops of the beams is applicable also in cases where the slab rests on the top flanges of steel beams, as shown in Figure 2; a common type of con- struction where the supporting beams are not fire-proofed with concrete. In steel-framed buildings of the modern fireproof type where the steel beams are protected with concrete, the common construction is that as shown in Figure 3, or, where complete fireproofing is desired, that illustrated in Figure 4. In such cases, where concrete haunches are employed around the steel beams, the slab is usually located so that the top surface will finish about 114" above the top flanges of the I-beams. This arrangement admits of very simple installation of the reinforcement whereby its proper location in the slab is obtained by merely resting the fabric upon the top flanges of the beams and allowing it to droop to its required position near the bottom of the slab in the central portion of the span. Ribbed Floors-An economical type of reinforced concrete floor for long spans and light loads consists of shallow and narrow concrete ribs or joists closely spaced and surmounted with a thin concrete slab. This type of floor, as shown in Figure 5, may be constructed with removable forms which leave ex- posed ribs in the ceiling below or with hollow tile centers which remain permanently in place and, being set flush with the [20] CiInNToN EnErorric WEubEDp FaBric C/flzéfl lté/dé’d’ Mn; xt’e/fi/‘a/ze/Wew‘ Fig. 2. Slab Supported on Tops of Steel Beams Fig. 3. Steel Beams with Concrete Haunches L Clinter Nelded hpe Kewfercemenrt lirtfon Nelaed Kre Zam MM///zy Fig. 4. Steel Beams with Complete Concrete Fireproofing | CGintony Welded |.s* | Fabric |% , Fig. 5. Ribbed Floor [21] WICKWIRE SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION bottom of the ribs, result in a flat ceiling to which the plastering may be directly applied. Because of its light load and short span the slab portion of this construction requires very little, if any, reinforcement against beam action, especially when constructed with permanent hollow tile or metal dome centers. Owing to the extremely thin slab, usually not more than 2%", this type of floor is decidedly weak in the resistance of temperature and shrinkage stresses unless the slab be provided with a light reinforcement of some kind. Longitudinal contrac- tion is resisted by the full cross-section of the floor including the combined sectional area of the slab, the ribs, and the longitu- dinal bars in each rib. Transverse contraction, however, is resisted only by the thin cross-section of the slab, which if not provided with steel reinforcement, is evidently inadequate to resist this tensile stress. Therefore, regardless of whether the slab has a clear span between ribs or is constructed with perma- nent centers, this thin top layer of concrete should always be provided with efficient temperature reinforcement. Design of Slabs Position of the Reinforcement-A floor slab, simply supported at its ends and carrying ordinary floor loads, has tension in the bottom of the slab throughout its entire length. If, however, the slab be made continuous by monolithic con- struction extending over several supports, it becomes a con- tinuous slab, and the tension or tendency to crack occurs not only in the bottom of the slab near the center of the span, but also in the top of the slab over the supports. Since, for given span and loading, a continuous slab is stronger than one freely supported at its ends, it is economical, therefore, in floor con- struction, to provide for continuity by locating the slab reinforce- ment in such a way that it will be near the under-gurface be- tween beams and near the upper-surface over the beams. This correct position of the reinforcement may be obtained with Clinton Welded Fabric, often in one continuous length extending from one side of the building to the other, by merely rolling the fabric over the beams and allowing it to droop to the required depth between beams without any bending, shaping or splicing. Thickness of Slab-While a minimum of slab material is [22] Cu1Intor EnEscrric WEubpEp FABRIC theoretically required in bays or panels containing supporting beams placed comparatively close together, there is, however, a limit of slab thickness obtained by practical consideration other than mere requirements for strength. For instance, if steel beams are used, a very close spacing of beams, while reduc- ing the required thickness of slab, may result in a greater cost for steel than would be saved in concrete, especially since steel is proportionately more expensive than concrete. Furthermore, very thin slabs are more expensive to construct than thicker ones; difficulty arises in the practical placing of reinforcement in thin slabs, and in any slab sufficient concrete must always be provided at the under-surface to provide adequate protection for the reinforcement. These conditions, therefore, generally limit the economical thickness of slab to an absolute minimum of 3", or possibly 214"' in the case of ribbed floors where the slab reinforcement is usually laid flat at a uniform level about 3" from the bottom of the slab. This minimum, however, should never be used where excessive live load or shock may occur. For ordinary floor loads, the thickness of slab, not including cinder fill, should never be less than one-thirtieth of the span, with a minimum of 314" or preferably 4". While this minimum thickness of 314" or 4" is that limited by practical and economical considerations, the actual thickness, of course, must be designed from the bending moment determined by the conditions of span and loading, in order that the slab may have proper depth to prevent overstressing of the concrete. Fire Protection-As the greatest tension in a slab between beams exists at the under-surface, the metal reinforcement to be of the greatest service should be as near the bottom as possible. Protection of the metal against fire, however, requires that a sufficient thickness of concrete be left at the ceiling line, below the metal, in order to provide a proper protective covering for the reinforcement. In the case of slabs this protective layer of concrete should be not less than $4" for thin slabs and about 1" for slabs 5" or more in thickness. In using Clinton Welded Fabric this required thickness of concrete below the reinforce- ment may be obtained either by setting small blocks on the forms at the center of the span or by working up the reinforcement with a wire hook as the concrete is being poured. [23] WIickwIrE SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION In the fireproofing of steel beams and girders, modern practice calls for a protective layer of concrete of not less than 114" or 2". In the case of steel I-beams, the webs are, of course, covered with a greater thickness than 2" owing to the convenience of casting straight haunches without attempting to conform to the contour of the beam. In covering the bottom flange of an I- beam, however, it is necessary to use reinforcement in order to support the thin layer of concrete which covers the under- surface of the lower flange. This under layer of concrete may be securely held in place by reinforcing with a light grade of Clinton Welded Fabric, sections of the fabric being wrapped around the I-beam in such a way that the wires extend under and hook over the bottom flange. Live Loads-Owing to a great diversity of opinion among engineers and the varying requirements of different municipal building codes, it is difficult to establish definite live loads to be assumed for various classes of buildings. As an indication of modern practice, however, the requirements of several leading cities are shown in the following table. Minimum Live Loads for Floors and Roofs Pounds per Square Foot Bp Bp Alp 8) .g 3 g 2) € $ S-: 23 =s) & $8) & City § | 2 | > 133 Ea“; $ <5) -at £ 2 | § fel felS& Ad) i | , 38) «k) £ = | s |§7 3 2 |a 3 reg © # ks < & [« al ha o Pil 9.9 =] 086) $= SS 3a a) 2) € 3) A 3! 2 a [4 4 |Z 21 && | s | 31 3) E Baltimore.... . 601. 60 -..... 60, - 751 . 75 30 .%... 50 50 100) B0] - 125] 250} 100] 60) ~40 as Buffal® .... :.:?..l¢ ', 3G) 160 1201 150! . 70) ;,., 40]. 30 Chicago...; /.... 40] ' 40/700] .- 5G! 100). ; .. yy meas 20 Minneapolis:... ... . 50 ~ 50! 125);-50. . 1... 100 -. ~ To. 100" 530] 30 New Orleans ...... 10) >.. |; 40] . 40/ -;... [1251200] «+30 .'. New York...;:: n.; 10} 60) 100) 60) ._.. 1201 150] 060) 751. 40! 30 PhiacdelpMma....... 70 70" 120 70° 1501 120 1500 100 .....1 ~30)° - 30 Pittsburgh ........ TOM .~] 180 :. *.: .%. 50 oe. St. Louis'". ...y." 50) .-50f 100. 70; 150° 100) 150}. - 751 30) 30 San:-Erancisco .,, ... 601! 60° ...) 6060) 250 125) 2501 .GO: 751 30) 20 401. 40° . :~ 501 +; % 125) .. 501.- 501 ~40.. .% C1InTor EnEctric FaBric Dead Loads-The dead load of various types of floors and roofs may be estimated from the following approximate data. Weights as given are per square foot of floor or roof surface. Dead Loads for Floors and Roofs Material Weight per Square Foot Wooden wearing surface. ;..20...1l.«.....nt n sh...}. 4 lbs. per inch thick. Cranolithic finish, ;.. . .. as alla vile ail onlv is ta rue tel nea Paibile 'a) ap aie 2 fad titt # Cinder filline.".,"," 1.7. ".n n.; sa os pa a a tg a fe aon, paly 5 t n on ag g Stone concrete. .y.... .sis t s yd aida 1 ad t:" . tf Cinder concrete. . . .a tl al t. vid an ag ain aas a ried a ian 9 ag ta aat A Plaster (tivo coats). . ..0 ar a uhh a hie sua aie a ve een rik sh 5 y S:-ply felt and eravel roofing.... } ( c. aa 6 ¥ 3-ply ready roofine _. sl sa dt vty Ar ia a rea aia din, 1 A Slate: (3a thitelo).. ".. cal shal are. oo ad on ad dis a hen + Clay tlle ........................................ 12 t Tin roofing.... .,. yasmine sean ailes ae g . 1 +4 Copper roofing. ... .... sian .l vu Pr d idk < - a s aah, 2 & Corracated tron .s . .u. sl t aia. ts t ia hal aad o . 5 £ ~lory cinders..." .u. lly Lala da aa safe nds C4 aie saas a fod ig , 4 t$ Tables for Designing-Tables on pages 27 to 35 give the required cross-sectional area of steel in square inches per foot width of slab for various spans and loading. The loads at the heads of the various tables will cover the customary roof and floor and are the safe loads which may be applied to the slab in addition to its own weight. While, in using these tables, no consideration need, therefore, be given to the weight of the slab, the applied load, however, must include the live load, the weight of plastering, if applied directly to the slab, and the weight of: wood flooring, cinder fill or granolithic surface; that is to say, all loads which the slab must support other than its own weight. Tables have been computed on the basis of stone concrete, but steel areas below and to left of heavy zigzag lines may also be used in cinder concrete slabs without exceeding a safe, com- pression in the concrete. When cinder concrete is used the applied loads as given may be increased 314 pounds for each inch thickness of slab. Bending Moments-The Slab tables have been computed 2 on the basis of fully continuous spans, i. e., M = V—% They may, however, be used also in designing partially continuous wl wl? spans, i. e., M = 10 ** simply supported spans, i. e., M = 5 by using increased span lengths in the tables. For instance, a partially continuous span may be designed from the tables by assuming it to be equivalent to a fully continuous span 10% [25] WICKWIRE SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION longer; or a freely supported span by assuming it to be equiva- lent to a fully continuous span 25% longer. Thus the reinforce- ment for a partially continuous span of 8 feet should be the same as for a fully continuous span of about 9 feet, while the reinforce- ment for a freely supported span of 8 feet should be the same as for a fully continuous span of 10 feet. Unit Stresses-The slab tables have been computed on the basis of stone concrete reinforced with cold drawn steel wire, using maximum compression in the concrete of 650 pounds per square inch and maximum tension in the steel of 20,000 pounds per square inch. Steel areas below and to left of heavy zigzag lines may also be used in cinder concrete without exceeding approximate unit stresses of 300 pounds per square inch compression in the con- crete and 20,000 pounds per square inch tension in the steel. Use of Tables-Use of the accompanying slab tables is best illustrated by the following typical examples: Example 1. Required to select the reinforcement for a slab of 7-foot span to carry a live load of 60 pounds per square foot. Let it be assumed also that the floor is to have a wood wearing surface on cinder fill and that ceilings are to be suspended from the beams. The total load on the floor not including the weight of the slab, i. e., the total applied load, is estimated thus: EAaverload. is ..o tun f s po maul aan cal 60 lbs per square foot J-Inch wooden sks} arriadl t. . cinder fill. .', ; :s . n sult imens nag at dla aid d igh 10 As. .% ($ d Total applied load., .23."._. AEL. ial Wie noen oe Ta sie !f da . Referring to table III, page 28, it will be seen that for a 7 foot span and even an applied load of 80 pounds per square foot a 3" minimum thickness of slab may be used. As the slab in question is not to be used for a roof but prob- ably as the floor of an apartment house or hotel, subjected to more or less moving and variable load, it would be advisable to select a slab not less than 4" thick. The required reinforcement is determined as follows:- (Fable ITE) Steel area for 80 lb load =.107 (Table II) =.089 € 'a, ** 20 Ib. difference =.018 Steel area for 14 lb. difference - 14/20 x .018 =.013 60 ** load (Table II) = i$ a tt 9A lb. load =.102 Referring to table of areas for various size and spacing of wires, page 17, No. 5 wires 4" center to center gives .101 square inches of steel per foot of width. Table, page 15, shows standard fabric having No. 5 longitudinal wires with 4" spacing to be 4" x 16"" mesh No. 5 and No. 10 wires. [26] EnEocrric WrEuoErp FaBriC Example 2. Design slab for same conditions as in example 1, but with maximum allowable tension in steel of 18,000 lbs. per square inch instead of 20,000. It may be assumed without appreciable error that the required sectional area of steel is inversely proportional to the unit stress in the steel. Therefore, required steel area is 20/18 of .102 = .113 square inches per foot width. Table, page 15, shows standard fabric, in which longitudinal wires provide this sec- tional area, to be 3" x 16" mesh No. 6 and No. 10 wires. Example 3. Design slab for same conditions as in example 1, except for cinder concrete instead of stone concrete. Total applied load, as before, is 74 lbs. per square foot. With cinder con- crete, however, the slab itself will be lighter than the stone concrete slab by an amount equal to 34 lbs. per square foot for each inch of thickness. The minimum thickness of slab below heavy line in Table II for 7 foot span is 4" and in Table III is 414". As a trial, select 4" slab, in which case applied load for Table II may be increased 14 lbs. or is equal to 74 lbs. for cinder concrete. As this happens to be the exact applied load on slab, the required steel area may be selected directly from Table II, which gives for 4" slab on 7-foot span .089 square inches per foot width. Reference to table, page 15, gives nearest standard fabric having this sectional area in longitudinal wires as 4" x 16" mesh, No. 6 and No. 10 wires. Table I. Applied Load 40 Pounds per Square Foot Thick- Con- Sq. Ins. Steel Per Ft. Width ness crete 0 Below Span of Slab in Feet Slab Steel Inches Inches | 4 $.: ~ 6 | 7 8 9 10 1 12 3 4 off| oss foos issl. _. {.t. t: .. 51% 34 026) Lore 06o|_ os2) ool o[ "[a ~. 4 I . a. a" .038| - .055|" O73] .095 al .. 414 sae it 10°14] oso! oegy coool . 110] .t12) 70)... f to yas, pio) _ [Oss iof fo) 170) 302 6 A . ¥ ass. 061] .080| _.101| .125]_i1511 i182 7 py tat apr irie oss og>) Tz tie toes Table II. Applied Load 60 Pounds per Square Foot Thick- Con- Sq. Ins. Steel Per Ft. Width ness crete of Below Span of Slab in Feet Slab Steel Inches | Inches | 4 | 5 | 6 7 I 8 9 10 ‘ 11 I 12 3 ji | 027! ooo] 085 .118‘ sol & a tail cla 2. 314 34 (053) oss Liss airs) y o oe 4 3% gzo, Lole) ort -o] ip) 15°, io h To. 414 a last 'ofol oso! osol tos. 13s). 10, 5 $. ai.." 010) 059) 07e '"."10'5n_ Ast] 170, s07| ois 6 yan" sual van? oss oot, tis] 190) 215 7 f rsf rasp at "3 .064| .084| .105 .136| .164I 192 WICKWIRE SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION Table III. Applied Load 80 Pounds per Square Foot Thick- Con- Sq. Ins. Steel Per Ft. Width ness crete of Below Span of Slab in Feet Slab Steel Inches Inches 4 | 5 6 T 8 } 10 11 12 3 4 07 LP. O4 - 44d! ¢ ae y a 1s tige ails os » Leray y 314 34 000 .. 1062) ..a a. . | s .less Lael ancy 4 34 D3412:.055f¢: .O70Lf .. 1071%..14 1). ;- 182]... . . : la cisely. s + 414 $4. yk ugg 01490 070) .O97]~:127| .1601...204]... . [...}... 5 .. oad - 47) . .0GS| .094 1251 :.100] 1971 2481... .. 6 t- s" gail . ." 0611 1.082! .1T3s]f 4681 207) .245 7 Trat faa ll a [027] Loos .119‘ .153I sil) 202 Table IV. Applied Load 100 Pounds per Square Foot Thick- Con- Sq. Ins. Steel Per Ft. Width ness crete ngf Belovsi Span of Slab in Feet ab Stee Inches Inches 4 y 8 6 4 I 8 9 10 11 12 3 ig ~ | wossf aos) Assen a. bt l pra 314 34 Wed AAL _" " srt taal o ra tape oan ® 4 § osa t oct aos :[ 7. 30s 414 34 02s, "osof" (11. fro "* ta.. 5 eac tua |i. eae (5 ma n O77 .108| .14 ABI 22271 A sr aac 6 Tsa. g- / a as i 070) .00921 121]. 1541; 1941 .2341 -280 74 ."" {s.. Alan rascals. 'Os1l .140]f .171; .24G Table V. Applied Load 120 Pounds per Square Foot Thick- Con- Sq. Ins. Steel Por Ft. Width ness crete e of Below Span of Slab in Feet Slab Steel Inches Inches 4 3 6 . 8 0 10 11 12 3 § pop 092. P e aa e csr : 314 34 ©0352] -~ to) . 1G41 2s .~. mil e Las | a ass. a A eca to ile He, meile 4 $A 645) .Of0Jf AOL 1411 ASSL..." | ae le o a eep 44 § 040]. 1250 464) 2141... {(as C. | sale} 5 1 030)- 061]. .Os8Sfp A22) .% 6 t s mins a( tane 37 076 31011] >187 172 metel izes) T I ; sss alesis 7 an" (9% 117 lo4| seo, 273 CrInToN EnEoerric WEubEp FABRIC Table VI. Applied Load 140 Pounds per Square Foot Thick- Con- Sq. Ins. Steel Per Ft. Width ness crete of Below Span of Slab in Feet Slab Steel Inches | Inches | 1 | 5 | 6 7 |. 8 | o | 40 | 11! 42 3 $i | | .u6Ss .109‘ s te t al sat or a. 314 § 002!» Salt. 4200... 09 t asta. ttr a snd a Al ao 4 34 .050 .077I A15 tad)" 210082 ._ ul s l asl settee ., 414 34 0451 .070 .1(le_ dM WTS _ c. l. a n als one x § 1 043] .067 .098‘ tor! .1821 - .298] oo0li.'. .. l..>.. 6: C3. O| es pss) TH] ias) io. sss) - 7 n a t at -s Sarle raat. o s au e. 0981 132] .168| 2d?) 252 .302 Table VII. Applied Load 160 Pounds per Square Foot Thick- Con- Sq. Ins. Steel Per Ft. Width ness crete of Below Span of Slab in Feet Slab Steel Inches | Inches | 4 5 6 7 | 8 9 ton ets [ t> 3 34 'orel 182] .- |-... Paa se sal all 2 314 3A : 103 Tat: sas f s e 1 o ao seule ae a alii. ail reas a 4 34 0551 2087) A281 A71. /is" 4 sla aas clan. a 414 34 659] :112] A54] _. iy taa tl ao y . 5 1 1 ".073] . 108 J521 "1081~ 254) . aril an t "/=: 6 J- ;- {X. aA e 091 t26F 1405] 210) 202]. .., 4 1° } A- a teat taal. 107, asi dss ress) s73 t S30 Table VIII. Applied Load 180 Pounds per Square Foot Thick- Con- Sq. Ins. Steel Per Ft. Width ness crete % of Below Span of Slab in Feet Slab Steel = a Inches Inches 4 5 6 7 8 ’ o | 10 to 12 3 ye a_ arc at tse. Thai?. 314 § 071L 113) . ssa t. 3 y as s : aed o 18. s 1 mir s 4 34 .0951 11401; .1061> .. syc. .e tay ris las. t "Fs ases 414 34 0541 Os5f "170 2201; . . M. aw. .t.. 0a Ar 35 J O52" Oso 1101 :2181 3221. ;.. 91.. cy H asl... 6 1." a .s. .178] 228) 2831l.. 7. has m "ue. ,l , ..... 115, 156| 1906). .244l. .208]- .360 WICKWIRE SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION Table IX. Applied Load 200 Pounds per Square Foot Thick- Con- Sq. Ins. Steel Per Ft. Width ness crete of Below Span of Slab in Feet Slab Steel Inches Inches 4 5 6 7 8 | 9 Io | 11 12 3 34 " Aeol:." . [.z t. "" ae Pisce n lias. 314 P1 OS) s 124; TSB : Sil a ale eae TT aa is a Lass is. a[ Aae e a 4 § .070_ 2041 ADAN . sa aly s d. as t a lae as ale eet ann '. 414 A4 "0621: 20921 L. 13511 . 18506) 2802 a. " f. uns {Vv il Ta nak. 5 J 0s7|. ; 180.236) .l 6 1. @ M a=. aya .105_ f 146 SAOBL _2401 .314l ::-. T Jira fishy i yesil A | .126I .168I eti) 263] 321] .s97 Table X. Applied Load 220 Pounds per Square Foot Thick- Con- Sq. Ins. Steel Per Ft. Width ness crete 0 Below Span of Slab in Feet [Slab - Steel Inches Inches 4 5 l 6 T 8 0 To 11 12 a 3A TO2 : so Ii is ran s Aramis | ale saa 1 ann a al aa s ea [8 # ae a 314 34 A31 .... :a rel ection | ivi (a fe atop | a an b a 4 § 6071, MS) -~ Nol. %. 1. oss ae ata fs s .a | ar aa a 414 34 0631 101 .154[ 204122 Msn ar l p aie als a ner ih a d. 5 1 060) .O95f- 1401 2s. ll a sal s an a ss 6 T-. e Alar rara cis 116]... 200] .2060) .S3828|....:1.:... 7. 1 sys" 19. ual , ..... I 138| 1TSl .2821-.3441 7.7". . Table XI. Applied Load 240 Pounds per Square Foot Thick- Con- Sq. Ins. Steel Per Ft. Width ness crete of Below Span of Slab in Feet Slab Steel Inches Inches 4 t 5 6 73 8 o to 11 [ "412 3 34 .108l ........................................ 314 34A 0911) & 145. Ate ray as a aa a 14 ie laa als. as 4 K4 ; «ISO.; "Iss al I rai ad venir iy sa aay 2 414 34 .067| 1OTV L218] s >i ut : aa a. {ay s lca eral a aas 3 1 (goa): AO°f- L182) 2014] Q3 TOL... ... aas _ 6 Ts as l suk e e s m 16S| [223]. 2851 .:. n ill. . as vd {* "uss EIT Gls aes a s 147] 1901" 2411 370]... .. CrmTorn EnEctrric WEubED FABRIC Table XII. Applied Load 260 Pounds per Square Foot Thick- Con- Sq. Ins. Steel Per Ft. Width ness crete - |-- of Below Span of Slab in Feet Slab Steel Inches | mches | 4 | 5 6 7 | 8 | 9 | to, | 11. [~ 423 3 4 .117’ ........................................ 314 4A O07 A. sate n tat e a e rrr rire on [ ae haga 4 34 O0Ss1f 1285] 1903(""; "t: asc asks 414 1 R2821¢ . . t>. Syria a .at: .: 5 f 060; _.. 1091 .162 229 ......................... 6 1 i t aa o 1701 237 |...." 7 yas yi oif s .156I lasst ... .nl .. Regulations Governing the Use of Stone and Cinder Concrete Floor Slabs in New York City In the city of New York the allowable capacities of floor slab are no longer based on tested approvals, but are now determined by an empirical method of computation, which method, how- ever, applies only to a particular form of construction with limited length of span. This special method of computation applies only to flat slabs of either stone or cinder concrete when cast between steel beams, and when the span of slab does not exceed 8'. For these condi- tions a minimum thickness of 4" is required. While 4" is thus fixed as the minimum thickness of slab, still a 4" thickness may be used on any span up to 8', and for any load which does not exceed the computed capacity of the slab, the actual capacity in any case being determined by the thick- ness of the slab, the conditions of continuity, and the amount and kind of reinforcement used. The following important clauses governing this particular type of construction are herewith copied from Article 17 of the New York Ordinance relating to fireproof construction: [31] WICKWIRE SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION When concrete is used as floor filling it shall consist of one part of Portland cement, and not more than two parts of sand and five parts of stone, gravel or cinders, reinforced, in the case of slab construction, with steel as herein pro- vided. The stone or gravel shall be as required for reinforced concrete in Article 16 of this chapter. Cinders shall be clean, well-burned, steam-boiler cinders. When reinforcement is required it shall consist of steel rods or other suitable shapes, or steel fabric. The tensional reinforcement in any case shall be not less than twelve-hundredths per cent in the case of cold drawn steel fabric, nor less than twenty-five-hundredths per cent in the case of other forms, the percentage being based on the sectional area of slab above the center of the reinforcement. The center of the reinforcement shall be at least 1 inch above the bottom of the slab, but in no case shall any part of the reinforcement come within five-eighths of an inch from the bottom of the slab. When the concrete floor filling is used in the form of segmental arches, the thickness shall be at least 4 inches at the crown. Such arches shall have a rise of not less than 1 inch for each foot of span. When the concrete floor filling is in the form of slabs the thickness shall be not less than 4 inches, except as otherwise provided in this article for special roof construction. In determining the safe-carrying capacities of concrete slab floor fillings, the gross load in pounds per square foot of floor surface shall not exceed the product of the depth in inches of the reinforcement below the top of the slab, by the cross-sectional area in square inches per foot of width of the tensional steel, divided by the square of the span in feet, all multiplied by the following coefficients when cinder concrete is used: 14,000 if the reinforcement is not continuous over the supports, 18,000 if the reinforcement consists of rods or other shapes securely hooked over or attached to the supports, and 26,000 if the reinforcement consists of steel fabric continuous over the supports, and, when stone concrete is used, 16,000, 20,000 and 30,000 respectively. In fireproof buildings the span of any floor filling shall not exceed 8 feet except when reinforced concrete or reinforced terra cotta is used. The tables on pages 33 to 35 have been computed on the basis of the above requirements and give the required reinforce- ment and proper sizes of Clinton Welded Fabric for spans from 4' to 8' and for applied loads varying from 50 to 300 pounds per square foot. For all spans beyond the limits of these tables stone concrete must be used, as the use of cinder concrete is prohibited on spans exceeding 8". Not only must all such spans be of stone concrete, but also their carrying capacities must be determined by the usual methods of calculation as provided in Article 16 of the New York ordinance. For spans exceeding 8' stone concrete slabs may, therefore, be selected from the tables on pages 27 to 31, which have been computed on the basis of 650 pounds compression in the concrete and 20,000 pounds tension in wire mesh, which requirements are in accord [32] Cu1InTor EnEorric WEubEDp FABRIC with Article 16 of the New York Ordinance governing reinforced stone concrete. Floor Slabs-New York City Requirements Table Computed on Basis of Special Requirements of New York City Building Code for Concrete Slabs Cast Between Steel Beams and not Exceeding 8-foot Span Cinder Concrete Stone Concrete Ap- plied| Thick-| Area Required Area Required Span | Load| ness | Steel Clinton Steel Clinton lbs. |of SlablSq.Ins.| Welded Fabric Sq.Ins. Welded Fabric per | Inchesfper Ft. per Ft. Width] Mesh Wires Width] Mesh Wires 4'-0"" 50 4" 0432 |1" x 12"| Nos. 9-121 .0482 |4" x 12" Nos. 9-12 4'-0"" T0 4," 0432.1" < 12" #. 9-121 04132 |14" x 12" £ . 9-12 4-0" | 200 L" 0432 (4s 12" #i 9-121 0432 x 12"' * 90-12 "| 125 4" 0432 1" x12" _ "*> 0-121 0432 |(4" x 12" ** 0-12 40" 1 ;125 14!" "0132 |i" «x 12") " 0-121 0132 4" = 132" ". o-12 4-0" | 175 A"" 04323 14" x12" "- 9-121. .0132 |4"' x I2". .*" - o-12 4-0" | 200 4" "0484 |1"" x 12" ~ '~ '0-121 01145 (1"' x12" " 9-12 4-0" | 225 X"" 0335 |4"''x 12") "_ 0-121.04809 |(4" x 12"! '* 9-12 | 250 c 'O587 |(1¢ < 12" '.. s-12].0534 14" z 12° ~ s-12 +'-0 '* | 275 "" 0038 |(14¢ x 12"}_ '* - 8-121k0578 14" x 12". ''# 8-12 +€'=0'"' | 300 4" 0650 |A" x16" "' '; . 7-111 .0622 I4" x 12" .**" s-12 4'-G" 50 4" "0132 14 x 12 Nos. 9-12] .0132 i414" x 12" '* 0-12 €'-0"' 795 4" ;Q132 14" x 12" '~. |(4" zx 12" .'' 0-12 4-0" | 100 1" 0432.14" x12"! "*/ O-121.0132 1" x"12""| **. 0-12 4-0" |~125 €" 043214" x t2". ;*"* 0-121 0432.4" .x 12" @. 0-12 4-6" | 150 4" 0483 x 12 : '~~.0-121]|:- 0450 4" x '* "0-12 4-06" 1. 175 4" 0548 |4"' x 12 "|_ '"' a-121 0506141" 12" '*'. "0-12 #'-6'' | 200 €*", 10618 (4 x 121. "&. -8s-121 050311" x.12" *** 8-12 4-0" | 225 4"" 0678 [4 ix 16" ;*. 7-11] iA" **. s-12 4*%~0" | 250 A"" 0749 [4% x. A106" !~ "s :0O675 14" x 16 ""] -' "'* 7-11 4-06" ' 1 275 *"! ;0808 13" x ~s-121 .O731 4" x 10"|. ' _ 4-6" | 300 44" Os73 (s' x to' ./ T-I1l 'O7Ts7 3" x 12") - "s-12 5-0" 50 #** 01432 (+" x 12" Nos..90-12)] 0132 1" x12" Nos. 9-12 5-0 "' ver 4"" (01432 |4" x 12" "*' |i" x12" "' 5-0" | 100 4" (4x 12" '*+>0-121..0432 14" x12" " 0-12 5-0 | 125 4" 0510 |¥" .x 12" " " . 11"'.x 12". ** ~ 0-12 5-0" F 150 4" 05907 (4 .x. 12" ''i* §-12] 0556 M'" x 127"| -2'. 5-0") 175 A*" 0677.4" x16") '*. 7-111 0625 :41" x 12" "* 8-12 3-0" 1 200 +"! 0757 I3" x 12") ** "8-121 .0605;:1" x "_ 7-11 5-0" | 225 4" .O8s37 Is"" x12" "¢ ' m-121.0764 |4" x 106.1. .'; (7-11 3 O' h 2510 4" 0017 12" x 106" !~: 0834.1" x. 10". (6-10 5-0 ' | 275 3" 0998 3" x 16", ~ 7-11] .0003 |4"" x 16. ' o-1o 5-0" | 300 4!" 1078 13x 16" ts "6-101 13". x 16% "" 7=-It [33] WIcKwIRE SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION Floor Slabs-New}York City Requirements fip—d They Cinder Concrete Stone Concrete ple 1¢k- | | Load] ness | Area Required Area Required Span | lbs. lof Slab | Steel Clinton __ Steel linton per |Inches |[Sq.Ins. Welded Fabric |Sq.Ins. Welded Fabric Sq.ft. per Ft. per FL |-- Jream Width | Mesh Wires |Width| Mesh Wires 5-6" 50 3" 0132 14" ~ 12" Nos. 0-121 :01432 |14" x 12" Nos. 0-12 3-6. 70 4" 0132 : 14" x 12" 1.0432 -|4" < 12% 5-6" | 100 4" os28 1" x 12" _ ** 0-121 .035014|4"' x 12" 9-12 5-0" | 125 | 14" [.06z25 4 "'= 12", ! s-t2].0588s 4" z 12", " s-12 5-6 ' | 150 4" (4 k 16" @* 7-11] .0678. 4" x "'* 7-11 5-06" 1 175 t"} Os18. I5" x 12" "*- _s-12].0750 . |4"" x:10")» & 3-6" | 200 L/ 13" '% 16" "* ~7-11].08140 I4" x 16"|. '". 0-10 5-6" | 225 (1 A012 4": x-160"| *' 13" x 16" '*. 7-14 5-6" | 250 4" 1110 |3"x 16'"t.. '' 6-10 | .1008. 14" x . 16""|..~*** 5-10 D+-6"' | 275 L" 1206.14" x 16"|. *'. 4-0 1092 13" x 16" "[" ** 5-6" | 300 AM 1303 is"" x t6"l .. '' 3" =x 16" % 6-10 6 °0 ~" | 50 & 01432 (1 x 12] Nos. 9-12] .0132 |A" < 12 Nos. 9-12 6-0" 75 A!" 0513 :14"' x 12"|.. ** 9-121 :0500 |4"" ~ 12" t: 00-12 6-0: | 100 #"" ©0628 (4 x 12" "o §s-121.0600 I4" x 12" i>. 8-12 6-0" | t25 4" 0744 (1" x to" "> T-111.0700 |" < 16 7-11 6 -U ' | 150 A" .0s59 |14" x to" " 6-101.0s00 |4"' x 16 | . 6-10 6-0 ~ | 175 4 0974 (14" x 16" >" 5-101.0000 4" ~ to' '" 6-10 6-0 | 200 3"" 1089 13" x !' 6-10] 1000 |4€"' x 16") ~_*' 5-10 6-0" | 225 4" t205 |4" s 16" ". 14-0 (3 '~ to' | '* 6-10 6-0" | 250 4" 1320 |3" x 16" ''' a-tol 1200 (£" < to' | '' 4-90 66°00 | 275 | 4" 1430 |2" x to". " 7-111 .1300 (3: zx-to . ~ 5-10 6'-0 "" | 300 ay" 531 [s¢ x 161. 's. 4-0 1400 |(1" x tol. ' 3-5 6-06" | 30 | 4" |.of68 1A" x 12" Nos. 0-12 | .O170 4" x 12"! Nos. 0-12 6-6" rey 4" 06061 (1 x 12" '*. s-12 ( .058s7 (1 & 12") '' "s-12 6'-6"" | 100 14 073G.14"" &(160'" "© " 7-1M1-0705 |! x 16" " » T=11 6-6" | 195 1.4" I1" x 16", '* 6-f0o|-0s22 |4" x 16 "| " 6-10 1 ts0 | I" |.1007 (t" z io". '' [14" s 16" ' 5-40 6-6" | 175 * e ttis {s" x 16"! '' 6-1ft0o|.1f056 1" < 16" '" - 5-10 6'-6"" | 200 M 1278:13"" x 16" * p-IO| 1174 [1] x 106% *. 4-0 6-6" | 225 4" 1114 |4"" x 16" t- ~ 3-8 1201 13" x 16" '' 0-10 6-0" | 250 A"" 1549 |3" x 16" -" . 4-9 1408 [4"" x 16" **: 3-56 6-6" { :275 A. 10685 |[2" x 16" * ~C6-101 15206 I3" x. 16" ". 4-0 6-6" | 300 3" 1820 I3" x 106" ~:: 8-5 10643. I3" x 16"']: ~*~. 4-90 7-0" 50 € .05340 |4" x 12") Nos. 8-12] 0545 |1 ' x 12] Nos. 8-12 Te0O'' 7 o A"" 0607 |14"" x 16" o 7-11T] .O6s1 x 16 "o_ 7-1 7-0" | 100 4"! 'Os355 1" x to '! "> (4 x 16" ~ 6-10 4" |: 125 A" MOT (4¢ x . '' 5-10] .0953 is"" > 1G" j: 7-11 1-0" (©1350 A" ities !s x tor '* o-f0| 1089 13) > 16°" a 6-10 1-0 ' | 175 4"" (1925 (83 x 16" sro s10] : t225 |4'' x 16° 4-9 7-0" | 200 4" 11st |2" x 16") " 7-11] 1801 |3" x I6} ' 7-0" 1.225 %"" 1630 !2!' x 16" © " |( .t497 |2"" x to. i“ 7-11 7 =0'' | 250 4" 17060 |3"' x 16") ~'. a-s 1636 12" x 106" o 6-10 1 =0" | 275 #" toss (2 x 16". ''. a-t0ol 1770 |2"' x To' oo 6-10 Te-0 ' I 300 t"" 210 |2"" x 16" < 4-0, |. t906 (2 x 16 ¢ 5-10 [34] Cu1mTonr EnEctr:c WrErubpEp FABRIC Floor Slabs-New York City Requirements Ap- Cinder Concrete Stone Concrete plied |Thick- Load | ness | Area Required Area Required Span | lbs. lof Slab| Steel Clinton Steel Clinton" | per |Inches |Sq.Ins.| Welded Fabric |Sq.Ins.| Welded Fabric Sq.ft. per Ft. per Ft. Width | Mesh Wires Wldth Mesh Wires 7 -0"' 50 %' 0620 4" x 12" Nos $-121:0025 4" x 12" Nos 8-12 7-6" 75 4" 0800 [3 x12" $-12] 07832 114" x 16" 6-10 7=0"" | 100 A"" '0os1 |3"' x 16") 's |3¢".x I6") **. 7-11 125 t" ' A160 18" x 6-10) M1094 |3"' x 16" 6-10 7-6" 1-150 t"" 13" x "1250 x 1G ' 7 +6" | 170 A/ 1522 18 ' x 106 !. 4-0 1407 )}4'' x 16"! - ** ~3-8 7-06" |- 200 4" 1701 |2"" x 16". '*. G-10f| 13033" «x 16" '- 4-9 T -0 ' | 225 4" 1882 (3 "x 10'' " 3-58 k«l7TID |2"¢:x 10""!' " . :6-10 7-0" -| 250 A*" 20061 12x 16". "**. "B-1I0l 1875 |3"'x.1T6" $" 7-0 1] 275 "* 1224189 12 Ax 16" _ | 2032 x 16", ". 5-10 7-6" ' 4 300 34" 2423 |2" x10. :'~ 14-0 2188 |2"" x 16'~"|- ** - 4-0 8'-0"" 50 *t" 0706 x 16 {Nos. 7-111] .0O1741. 4"' x I6" Nos. 7-11 8'-0"" T9 A"" 081113" x 16") ~* ~7-11 | .Oss0 -!4""'x 16"). ** 6-10 $'-0'' :t 100 MY ATIG I3" x 16" "*/ G-10]-:1067 (A'~x 161. *.. 5-10 S -0" 1 125 'Al mo2l |a'' x I6". "ts S~1OL .I241 I1" x 10") -! 4-9 $ =0 '. | 150 A" A526 13 x 106""!1 '*. 4-0 1422 {4'"' x 106"). "*.. 3-5 $ | 175 #L" 1732 |2 "x 106" 6-10] 1000. |3"" x 16" .'' . 4-0 8'-0''*| 200 4" 1086. |2". x 16" "*. p-10l 1778 [2x 16.1 ** 6-10 § -0 | 225 4" 21412. ]2" x10 '} :'" 4-0 10306 |2""' x 16": ''.. '5-10 S -0" i 250 A4! 2246 |2" x10". ~*. 459 | 421335. j2"" x 10" '*' 414-0 8-01 275 *" 2058 I2" x 16" '* 's-8 | 2311 12" ~ 16"! "'~ 41-0 8S'-0 'I 300 4" 2758 |2" x 10" **. 3-8. |.241489 |2" x 16" . '*_ 3-8 Note -For spans exceeding 8" use tables pages 27 to 31, which have been computed in accordance with New York City requirements for reinforced concrete. [35] WickwirE® SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION Tests of Floor Slabs Fire, Load and Water Test- On July 30, 1913, a test was conducted at the Columbia Fire Testing Station, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, N. Y., upon so-called fireproof floors of three different types. These floors were constructed side by side and subjected simultaneously to the regulation fire, load and water test as prescribed by the Building Department of New York City. The test was, therefore, a comparative one, showing the behavior of these different types of construction under the same conditions of test, and for this reason the results are both significant and interesting. The specimens included a floor slab of cinder concrete, one of terra cotta, and one of gypsum and shavings, reinforced with Clinton Welded Fabric. Each of these types of construction have, from time to time, been tested separately, but this was the first instance where these different materials were tested side by side and subjected to the same identical conditions. The slabs were erected by experienced workmen, and every precaution was taken to have the constructions similar to those employed in actual practice. The gypsum slab was erected by an experienced man in the employ of the United States Gypsum Company, the cinder concrete slab was erected by workmen experienced in that type of construction, and the terra cotta slab was laid under the supervision of a man who has had years of experience in that particular kind of work. The results showed that the cinder concrete floor went through the entire test practically uninjured, and sustained the final load- ing of 600 pounds per square foot with a deflection of only 9/32 of an inch. The gypsum slab suffered a loss of all material below the rein- forcement at the end of the water test and failed before the after load of 600 pounds was reached. The terra cotta floor showed a splitting and breaking up of the lower webs of a number of the blocks when the water was applied, and a destruction of other lower webs under the application of the after load of 600 pounds. Careful examination of this arch at the conclusion of the test revealed the fact that more than 75% of the lower surface of the arch had been destroyed. Practically [36] CuInTorn EnErctric WELDED FABRIC the entire load was being carried by the central webs and the upper faces of the blocks, and even though these were sufficient to carry the desired load, the fact remains that in an actual building considerable expense would be involved in order to restore such a floor to a suitable structural condition by furring, lathing and plastering the entire lower surface. The test was conducted by Mr. Harold Perrine, of the Univer- sity of Columbia, and was witnessed by official representatives from the Bureau of Buildings, New York City. Mr. Perrine's report was as follows:- REPORT OF A FIRE, LOAD AND WATER TEST INTRODUCTION The system to be tested forms the roof of the test house, which structure is essentially a cinder-concrete oven of permanent construction. Properly sup- ported upon piers 214 feet from the ground is a grate composed of railroad rails and wire mesh, about 280 square feet in area. The vertical distance from the grate to the roof is about 914 feet. The floor system to be tested is supported by steel I-beams resting on the tops of the walls, spaced at distances suitable to the span or spans under test, and having a clear span themselves of about 14 feet. Ample draft openings and flues are provided to facilitate the control of the fire. The structure, as well as the methods used in the herein-described test, conforms with the specifications adopted by the Bureau of Buildings of the City of New York and by the American Society for Testing Materials. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION The floor system under test was comprised of three separate and distinct types of arches, i. e., cinder concrete, terra cotta and gypsum. In the first or west bay was installed a 4" slab, 5 3" in length, of 1 part Pennsylvania Portland Cement, 2 parts Cow Bay Sand and 5 parts clean hard-coal steam cinders, mixed wet, reinforced with Clinton Electrically Welded Wire reinforcement, 4" x 12", No. 6 x No. 10 wires, of 75,700 pounds per square inch tensile strength, every sixth wire clinched over beam flange covered with a 2",1-10cinderfill. Ageon day of test, 29 days. In the second bay was built a side construction terra cotta arch 5 3" in length, of ' Natco" 10° tile 8 ' x 10;' x 12", 6 hole $"" web laid up wet in 1-3 Portland Cement mortar, fairly well grouted between blocks, but with no mortar between skew-backs and surfaces of supporting I-beams, all covered above with a 4", 1-10 cinder fill. Age on day of test, 20 days. The third 5 3" span was composed of a 4" slab of a mixture of gypsum and wood shavings, furnished by the United States Gypsum Company, reinforced with the identical type of Clinton wire mentioned above, every wire clinched over beam flanges and covered with a 2", 1-10 cinder fill. Age on day of test, 14 days. [37] Wickwir® SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION Each supporting beam was protected by the material comprising the ad- joining arch. One-half the under surface of each of the first two arches was plastered with two coats, while the gypsum slab was plastered throughout its entire length. The soffits of the I's were surrounded by 10" x 12", No. 12 x No. 12 Clinton wire. Estimated weight, dry, of cinder slab material, equals 98 pounds per cubic foot. Estimated weight, dry, of gypsum slab material, equals 70 pounds per cubic foot. PURPOSE OF THE TEST The purpose of the test is to determine the effect of a continuous fire below the floor lasting 4 hours, at an average temperature of 1700° F., a temperature generally conceded to be that of a burning building, the floor carrying at the same time a distributed load of 150 pounds per square foot. At the end of the 4 hours the under side of the floor, while still red hot, is subjected to a 1514" stream of cold water through a hose at short range, under a 60 pound pressure, for 5 minutes; the upper side of the floor is then flooded with water at low pressure, and afterwards the stream is applied at full pressure to the under side for 5 minutes longer. Deflections of beams and floor are measured continuously during the test. On the following day, when the floor is cool, the load is in- creased to 600 pounds per square foot, and deflections noted. LOAD Pig iron, stacked in segregated piles to eliminate arching, was the material used for load. During the fire the cinder concrete and terra cotta arches carried 150 pounds per square foot, but the gypsum only 75 pounds per square foot. TEMPERATURE The temperature of the fire was obtained by three electric pyrometer couples suspended through the floor from above and hanging about 6"' below the ceiling. The locations of the couples are indicated on the plan of the building. Readings were made upon each couple every 3 minutes. The fuel used was dry cord wood, one-half oak and one-half pine, the fre- quency of firing being determined by the temperature of the test chamber. DEFLECTIONS Deflections which occurred during the test were measured by a Y-level reading upon rods located at the ends and middle of each beam and at points over the centers of the slabs. CORRECTED DEFLECTIONS FOR MID-POINTS OF ARCHES Cinder Concrete Terra Cotta End fire, 150 pounds per square foot load 34" 1 #;" Floor fire, 150 pounds per square foot load 14" $4. Total load, 600 pounds per square foot #1" [38] WrEuoErDp FaBr1C Gypsum End fire, 75 pounds per square foot load 1s" Floor cool, 75 pounds per square foot load 23" Load, 450 pounds per square foot Y" Load, 496 pounds per square foot Failure WATER Water was applied by firemen with an engine detailed from Fire Station No. 238, Greenpoint, Brooklyn. A pressure of well over 60 pounds was maintained at the nozzle. The stream was thrown back and forth over the ceiling and not allowed to strike continu- ously in one spot. The total time of the two applications at full pressure was 10 minutes. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS Day-Fair. Temperature-95°. Age of cinder and terra cotta floors-29 days. Age of gypsum arch-14 days. EFFECT OF WORKING LOAD None of the arches showed appreciable deflection under initial load, i. e.: cinder concrete and terra cotta, 150 pounds per square foot; gypsum, 75 pounds per square foot. EFFECT OF FIRE AND WATER Cinder Concrete. The combined effect of fire and water was to remove the plaster entirely from the slab, leaving the concrete itself in excellent condition. It was only in a region near its center, in order to strike which the stream had to be elevated to nearly a vertical position, and consequently causing maximum punishment, that the surface was slightly pitted. The protection to the deep supporting I-beam naturally suffered more severely. Possibly about 5% of the lower flange was exposed with rather deep- seated cracks running a foot or so in both directions from the stripped portion. The remainder of the protection was deeply scored except for about 18" at the front of the house where the water could not strike it. There it had retained its original sharp edges. The maximum deflection observed at the center of the slab at end of fire was 34". Terra Cotta. About 80% of one beam protection, including many of the bottoms of the skew-backs, 10% of the other beam protection, and the lower faces of six arch blocks were knocked off during fire and water application. At completion of load test the under surface of the arch was examined care- fully. It was found that well over 75% of the lower faces were unsound, por- tions of which could be easily removed by hand. Practically the entire load was being carried by the central webs and upper faces of the blocks, many of the lower faces being entirely loose, but keyed in by the remaining mortar joints. This arch had attained a maximum deflection at the end of the fire of 17;" . [39] WICKWIRE SPENCER SEETL CORPORATION Gypsum. It will be noted that the protection to the reinforcement and to the supporting I-beam flanges in this bay was entirely removed where the water had full play. Toward the front of the house, where this condition did not obtain, the gypsum covering remained. The material above the wires was softened, deeply scored, and presented a discolored, smoky appearance. Four hours of fire produced a total deflection of only #45". Conducted Heat. Thermo-couples were inserted in the concrete and gypsum arches from the top through the cinder fill and into the slab to within 14" of the bottom. Readings were taken from time to time throughout the fire, with the result that after 4 hours' duration the maximum readings were as follows:- Cinder concrete = 620° F. Gypsum 229° E. Effect of Cooling. Both the cinder and terra cotta arches recovered after cooling, whereas the gypsum settled somewhat. Effect of Load. The cinder slabs withstood the load of 600 pounds per square foot, with slightly over 14 '' deflection. A deflection of less than }{" was noted in loading the terra cotta arch to this amount. After release of load, the camber of the arch could be plainly seen by sighting along the lower flanges. When the load upon the gypsum slabs had been increased to 450 pounds per square foot, the total deflection was 54". At 496 pounds per square foot, failure occurred, and the slab was propped from beneath to prevent its total destruction. Details of the test were carried out by Messrs. H. P. Banks, F. Miller and H. E. Slade. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Harold Perrine. Fabric and Bars Compared by Test-Photographs on pages 42 and 43 distinctly illustrate the strength of a concrete slab reinforced with welded fabric as compared with a similar slab reinforced with bars. The bar-slab, with the same span and thickness but with 33% more sectional area of steel, failed under practically half the load carried by the fabric-slab without failure. Aside from the actual load carrying capacity of the two slabs, the photographs show a very significant difference in their behavior under load. The photograph of the bar-slab after destruction, page 42, shows two prominent tension cracks in the concrete. These cracks appeared at a relatively early stage of the loading and continued to open until failure resulted under a load of 486 pounds per square foot. The fabric-slab under a load of $26 pounds per square foot, page 43, sustained its load without any visible signs of incipient failure. [40] CiInTor EnEcrr:c FABRIC In the case of the fabric-slab, the effect of the welded wire mesh with its comparatively close spacing of wires and the rigid connection between longitudinal and transverse member, was to bind the concrete together in addition to its actual reinforcing value in such a way as to actually toughen the concrete and prevent excessive cracking. Inspection of the under-surface of the fabric-slab would reveal a myriad of fine cracks instead of one or two large cracks as occurred in the bar-slab. The tendency to crack thus being distributed over a wide area instead of being localized at one or two points, resulted in the fabric-slab carrying its load with the slab still intact, although it had taken the excessive deflection as shown by the photograph on page 43. Welded fabric, therefore, serves a dual purpose; it provides not only the required structural reinforcement, but acts also as a binder which toughens the otherwise brittle concrete, a function similar to that of wire mesh in the familiar product known as Wire Glass. Concrete, reinforced with welded fabric, is therefore a tougher and more dependable material than that reinforced with bars. The concrete, by virtue of the toughening action of the wire mesh, will sustain a greater load and withstand more - abuse before the appearance of dangerous cracks and subsequent failure. (313 aome Tested by R. F. Felchlin, Engineer. Test of Slab Reinforced with Clinton Welded Fabric In background, 4" slab, 1:2:4 concrete reinforced with Clinton Welded Fabric, 3" x 12" mesh, No. 3 and No. 8 wires, giving area steel in longitudinal wires .187 sq. ins. per foot of width. Slab has center span of 12' with 3' cantilever at each end. In this view slab is loaded with 550 lbs. per square foot, but was subsequently loaded with 826 lbs. per square foot without failure. In foreground, slab of same dimensions, but reinforced with 3%" sq. bars, 634" on centers, giving steel area .249 sq. ins. per foot of width. This slab failed with load of 486 lbs. per square foot. NOLLVHOIHXO) THMILG HHONMHIQ HHLMXOI M [€¥] Tested by R. F. Felchlin, Engineer. Test of Slab Reinforced with Clinton Welded Fabric The same slab reinforced with Clinton Welded Fabric described on previous page. In this view slab is loaded with 826 lbs. per square foot without failure. [ UHMHUITIHXHM DIHMLOWMTIM NOLNITT) WICKWIRE SPENCER STEEL CORPORATION Jofes) Load 55000 /by. Loading _ Fatform 7 Néelzed Mre I'x /2" Mosh *L4~-*T Kres o ‘2‘:;—‘__'_"|:n_,..~ u:..‘., - .. C a, wks. . |centre Os . leg [.. e Ps a ( : y - G 7: p" ~-BEmporzry supports / far/27007” bag)?” Observation a} Alere [LL } C [6roan/%?r{_ MAAC a" % "al A ite e aP nin: Tachs men e rere el rare AML n + eft le te o 4 L Bruno Wozney, Architect. Floor Test, Elmer Garage, Springfield, Mass. Diagram showing size of slab and reinforcement, maximum load, and special apparatus for measuring deflections. Nine deflection points were also set at intervals of 1'-9"" under the loading sill and in a line parallel with the supporting beams. Readings on these points showed deflections to exist under the load for a width of 14'-8"", whereas the length of the loading sill was only 7-6", The No. 9 transverse wires, extending in a direction parallel with the supporting beams, served as reinforcement in this direction and thus enabled the slab to distribute the load a considerable distance beyond each end of the timber sill through which it was applied. This illustrates the efficiency of Clinton Welded Fabric in carrying heavy concentrated loads. The reinforcing action of the transverse wires enables the slab to distribute such a load over a considerable width of floor, thereby reducing greatly the stresses in the slab directly under the load. (41) CuInNTor WrupEp FasrRric 8 © "% on or NEw a & ii p #5t or rioen anos near #48 ins ras socans rear | w C 3 psrai¥et:iex } Horace Trumbauer, Architect. Floor Test, Widener Building, Philadelphia, Pa. A 4" cinder concrete slab having a span of 6'-6" and reinforced with Clinton Welded Fabric, 4" x 12" mesh, No. 4 and No. 9 wires. In this in- teresting test a strip of floor 5 wide was isolated by cutting two parallel slots completely through the slab and across the entire length of span. All trans- verse wires of the reinforcement were cut along these openings, and the 5 sec- tion of slab, thus entirely separated from the adjacent portions of the floor, was loaded with a concentrated load at the center of the span as shown. With a maximum deflection of only #5", the slab carried a total concentrated load which was equivalent to a uniformly distributed load of 868 lbs. per square foot, or practically seven times the live load for which the construction was designed. (451 L[9F] Slab 73/51/7955 Typical Method of Loading Summary of Floor Tests Below are listed results of loading tests made on completed floors in a number of representative buildings. In all cases the slabs were tested by concentrating the loads at the center of the span, thus eliminating any possibility of arching of the load. The full value of the applied load was, therefore, effective in causing bending in the slab. In analyzing the results of these tests it must be appreciated that these floors were not tested to destruction. In fact, no slab listed below revealed any signs of distress whatever under its maximum load. The results, therefore, indicate a tre- mendous reserve strength, in this type of construction, far in excess of that required for any practical loading which these floors might ever be expected to receive in actual use. 3 Thick- s Area of | Equiv. | Max. Building Location Test Conducted by | A24 Of | ness of | BRAD Clinton _, |Steel, sq.| _ Dist. |Deflec- Concrete | gap |of Slab| Welded Fabric! ins. per | Load Ibs. | tign ft. Width] per sq. ft. Continental Fire Chas. T. Main, Cons. Insurance Co. |New York City |Engr., Boston, Mass. Cinder 4" 5-2" | 4" x12" 7-10 074 1287 Fook Prof. A. W. French, Park Building Worcester, Mass. | Worcester, Mass. Cinder A"" 7-01 4" x 12" 6-10 .087 3a54* f s y H. Trumbauer, Archt. Widener Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. |Philadelphia, Pa. Cinder %" 66" { 4" x 12" 4-0 120 904 15" Vanderbilt Resi- Warren and Wetmore dence New York City Archts., N. ¥. City. Cinder 4" 5-3" | 3x 12" 6-10 1106 1906 Bigelow - Carpet Chas. T. Main, Cons. Co. Lowell, Mass. Engr., Boston, Mass. | Stone |11'-D'' | 2" x12" 3-8 .280 1069 1%" f Chas. 'E. Main, Cons. Elmer Garage Springfield, Mass. |Engr., Boston, Mass. | Stone 6" 0-0" 1 3x 12" 4-0 A60 1705 14" Clinton : Wire § Chas. F. Main, Cons. Cloth Co Clinton, Mass. Engr., Boston, Mass. Stone 1415" 110-0" |. 4" x 12" 3-8 140 1038 14 "' *Tested for acceptance only. Loading discontinued after reaching 300 lbs. per sq. ft. or four times designed live load. NOLLYVY¥OIHO7) THMLQG YHMDONHMIdQ MHMIMMDI M & N By a t lok (hie: BP Rt ts Mosel 1% lr IP war