“.5. 53. flAcnfiirfinsgnvngafiaflvdflrI g 4 f “15.5,...5. n? #15151rbsazrié2flli, 3.1... 5,355. 451145514153: Q5355 .aaxvfiz 1511.33.55.. £1551 an an" r awn”? .mxfluflWEi ,,. {(Juvvflnflxi 4.9.2!» : 5!, VI , «anti , . f Dal ,n(0.55).~.§ . ,4! Us 1v 5. 555,, L5 3, 1.,3i:&.355r§ ; 15“! r. , 5. , ,. , 5 . . 3 gafiiwwiwru , , ,, , . , . , . , , , . . , , . . , . , , u . . . , 5.5655 5.... .xéxiC, , . . .,11t5xh§\ .2..1§E,fi.i.. v i _ , s 1. 56.5.. 1 .. inwatfwt; z... ,5. 5. \., 1.». 55 I i , , , , . , , . , . . , , , . , .. . , . . .I¢k.1_5 3.2.3355??th}, 1.. .5 . , , , . if. 56,2551 , , , . , , . , , . , , , 1. i , , , , . , . , ., . .1116. .5434 14:15.3.5- . .155,5 .555: ,1 .5 . $154.51.. . . , ,. , 5 . 4. , , 5‘55... 5.\..:i.5\57\9= 1. 2.5 .52.}: . . 56?: 655.15%}... 5 c i 5M,5.u%¢wi..t IV..1.«5J .55 1.- 555415.. a .5 ’rh‘. 5: 5 .5 5.47.5 5555 5.5..5,”.55\§5. .‘g' .‘ *1} /~’ I / / ///,///er flw/ .x WWW »A____fl.___.w._. My“. , ‘ _ 'IOR,\ , A The Builder’s GenerallAflifiant. DEMONs‘TRATINo,‘ I“ w ‘~- 3 nITHP MOSPEASYIHH3PRACTMAL METHOE ALL THE PRINCIPAL RULES or ARCHITE CT}URE,)CI FROM THE GROUND PLAN To THE ORNAMENTAL FINISH. ILLUSTRATED WITH ' Several New and Ufeful DESIGNS of HOUSES, with their Plans, Elevations, and Sed'tionst, h " ALSO, a ' . ’ Clear and Ample INSTRUCTIONS annexed to each Subject, in Letter-Prel's ; with a LIST of PRICES for Materials and Labour, and Labour only. ~ \ This WOrk will be univerfally ufeful to all CARPENTERS, BRICKLAYERS, MASONs, JOINERS, PLAISTERERS, and others concerned In the feveral Branches of Building, {9%. comprehending the following Subjects, viz. I Plans, Elevations, and Seé’tions of Gentlemen’s Houfes. Domes Sk lights: 6"" all made ‘plain and cal" ‘to 1h. 7 5 Y Y \ , . . ' it 't . Defigns for Doors, Chimneys, and Ceilings, with them proper meane CapaCI y Embellifhments, in the molt modern Tafie.- ’ The Proportion of Windows for the Light to Rooms. A great Variety of Mouldings, for Bafe and Surbafe Architraves, Preparing Foundations ; the Proportion of Chimneys to Rooms, Impofis, Friezes and Cornices, with their proper Ornaments, and Seé’tions of Flews. ' for Prafiice, drawn to half-lize: To which are added, Scales The r'nc' lT'mbers r l 1 'd t - _ ' l for enlarging or lefl'ening at Pleafurc. P l Ipa 1 P opery a1 ou ’ on each Plan, wz the Manner of framing the Roofs, and finding the Length and 'V ‘ I Alfo, great Variety of Stair-Cafes; {hewing the praé’tical Methodi Backing 0f Hips, either fquare or bevel. Scantlings of the of executing them, ‘in any cafe required, viz. Groins, Angle- i Timbers, figured In Proportion to their Bearing. The Method Brackets, Circular Circular Flewing and Winding Soflitsfl for trufling Girders, Séarfing Plates, We. ’ And many other Articles, particularly‘ufeful to all Perfons in'the BnILDING PROFESSIoN. *— \ The Whole Correctly engraved on Forty-two Folio Copper-Plates, frdm the Original DESIGNS'o? WILLIAM and JAMES PAIN ' ' ‘ L O N D 0 N: PRINTED FORIiAND L TAYLOR I »g' IAT THE ARCHITECTURAL LIBRARY, N0. 56, HIGH HOLTORN. , mucoxcm. . pi .i . ‘p x [Price Mahmud.) , , ,ENV'RGNV [3‘1 WEYH/ ‘I’ TABLE OF CONTENTS; ,,29 fNAWS“ P3212. “' L7); 3 5’78 , Plate I 1 _ - ‘ ‘ Page 3 > The a’efirzption of a Gentleman’s hon/e, with the elevation, fiction, ana’plan: of every floor and roof —- I 5 1 6 The defcription of a gentleman’: hon/e, with the elevation and fiction, two way, and the plan: of 27; l every floor, faction of flew: and roof 1, 2' 9 J if } chigmfor chimney-piecec, with the moulding: halfi/ize. —--- 2 \ 't 2 :2 The cle/Eription qfa— town-hozg/e, with elevation:, fictions, and plan of every floor and roof --—-.-- z I 5 ~ ‘ 1 6 I .I 7 I 8 :2 Dejigncfir chimney-piece: .__.__.. 2, 3 2 1‘ 22 J , - , , ' 23 Plan and elevation of a Gentleman’: hon/e L .__.__— .'.._.. 3 _ 24 2 5 Plan, elevation, andflfiionc, two way:,/hewing the hond-timherx, lintel:, 29’: wimp/am qfe‘very 26 floor --—-—,,—— 3 27 , \ 28 Two de/igmfbrflairx --—- --—- .__.__- .__.__.. 3 fl Two cle/igm for ceiling: —— .__.__— ..—......... .__.__..... .__.__.. 3 30 Two a’eflgm for door: .__— _——— .__.__.. 3 31 The Corinthian cap at large —--—- —--—- .__— .__..... 3 \ 3: } Proportion of the Order: -—--—-— ~— -—--— .__.__..... 3’ 4 i 7 34 Dagmar 2'th . —— -—-— -—--= -— —-—- 4 35 Deflgmfor architra'vec, E9’c. —-—-— —--— -—- —— .__.. 4 36 De/ign: for frieze ana’ cornice: —-—- .__.__- -—-’-L 4 '37 De/igmfbrflair—cefl’: —-—- —-—-- -—-—-— -—--- ~——- 4, 5 38 Grainy, angle-Machete, Es’c‘. -.v-'---- -—--—-- ---—- 5 , \ 39 Curve-line roof}, circular jofitc, Es’c. -—-—— —— ————- ‘ .__.__..; 5’ 5, 7 " 4o Stair-cafe, jhewing how to frame the newelc, We. --—- -—-—- .——._.. 7 ‘ 41 Circular and ovalflair—ccg/e: -——--—- -—-— -——-— .__- .__..... N7 42 The hand-rail and curtail-flep flretchea’ out -—-- ---—- ---- -—-'-- 7" Preparingfonndatiom, and the proportion (flight: to room: ----—-- ------ 3 The proportion ofchinmey: .__._— -———. ,"""""" -—- .__- 7 ' .j "-25%" ' Prim V Price: for CARPENTERS DAY. BILLS. 'For each man per day ._ For every fingle hour For a pair of fawyers cutting old flu:fi', per day Fir-timber, per foot cube Ditto, for ufe and waf‘te 1n fhoring '- Ditto, for good old fir- timber Ditto, for good old oak timber Ditto, for new oak, in fcantling not more than 12 feet and to inches fquare - Ditto, for new oak, die-fquare - All oak timbers of larger fcantlings to increafe proportion- ally 1n price. 5. d. om 7 tot-ION oox m+m00++ Retail Price: of DEALS, BATTENS, 65%. Length of deals. 10 feet 12 feet 14 feet Thicknefs. 5. d. 5. d. 5. d. 3 inches 4 6 5 6 6 6 2finches 3 IO ‘ 4 8 5 6 2 inches ‘ 3 o 3 8 4 4. 15inch 2 6 3 o 3 6 ‘ If inch » 2 2 2 7 3 o 1 inch 1 7 1 11 2 3 .3, inch 1 5 1 8 2 o Slit deal I 2 1 4. 1 6 Feather edge 1 4 1 7 1 10 Length of battens. ‘ IO feet 12 feet 14 feet Thicknefs. 5. d. 5. d. 5. d. 3 inches 3 2 3 8 4 4 2finches 2 6 ' 3 o 3 6 2 inches 2 o 2 4 2 9 11-inch 1 8 2 o 2 4 lfinch 1 5 1 8 ‘ 2 o 1 inch I I , I 4 1 6 L} inch 1 o 1 2 I 4. Slit deal 0 9 o 11 I I Featheredge o 11 i x. 1 3 For all deals 1 1 inches wide, add {:th of the above price. Clean and fecond-bel’c whole deals, at per foot fuperficial. Clean Second-bef’t Clean f’teps Second-belt N» . d. 9 7 IO 8 . 0000?- All other thicknefl‘es in proportion. Preparing inch white deal flooring- -boards, fit for laying, to feet boards, from 2d. to o 2; For 12 feet boards, from 2,11. to For 14 feet, from 4:1. to VYellow whole deal flooring-boards, well prepared, fit for Each - o 3 board. ' 0 4% ’ laying. 10 feet, from 2%. to 34’. 12 feet, from 34. to 3,;d. 14. feet, from 4:1. to 45d. I Wainfcot, meafured neat, at per foot fuperficial. 5. d. f inch , - - o 21- '3 inch - - o 3-; 4 inch - - o 5' 1 inch - - o 7 1,}inch - -‘ o 9 tfinch - - o 11 2 inch - - 1 2 2‘; inch - - 1 6 3 inch - - 1 9 } per board. Mahogany meafured neat, at per foot fuperficial. 5. d. .1. inch - - o f inch - - o 81; %inch - ., 1 o 1 inch - - 1 4. L} inch - - 1 8 11; inch - - 2 o 2 inch - - 2 7 2: inch - - 3 2 3 inch - - 3 9 4t' [4] PIE C . S O F D E A l_., At per foot run. 5. :1. At per foot fuperf. 5. d. 3 inch - - o i -, - 0 8f 2% inch - - - o 5,“. - - o 7 2 inch * - 9 4f ---- - - o 6 1% inch - - o 3; ——-—- - of 5% 1;; inch - - 0 32‘ -—-.-"- - o 4%,; 1 inch - - o 21, -—————- - - o J: 7-} inch - - o 2 ' ——-—-~—--- - - o 2; Slitdeal - - o 1% _______. . - o 2.} Feather-edge - o 1.1. ——-———— - 0 2f; PIECES »OF BATTEN,S \At per foot run. 5. d. At per foot fuperf. 5. d. 3 inch - - o 41; ' £ - o, 8 2-: inch - - o i— - -' o 7 2 inch - - o 2.3 -——- - - o 4 1;‘- inch - - o 2% ———-- - - o 37:- 1; inch 1 - - o 2% —--——- - - o 3 1 inch - - - 0 1,3— —— - - o 2-;- g. inch - - o 1: ~-‘——-— - - o '2 Slit - - o If ———-— - - o 1‘} Feather edge - o 1f 0 17’,- OAK PLANK, at per foot fuperficial. Thicknefs. Newplanks. 5. d. Old planks. 5. d. 2 inch - - o 9 - - o' 6 2% inch - - I 2 -————- - - o 7:- 3 inch - - 1 1 -—-———— -. - o 9 4 inch - -‘ 1 5 - - 1 0 Oak wedges, per pair. Fir wedges, per pair. 5 d. . 11. Small lize - o 9 Small 621:, - o 6 15 inches by 9 I 2 , —— o 9 2 feet by 1 foot 1 8 ———-—-— 1 2 ' All other fizes to be charged 1n proportion. 5. 4. Lead falh weights, per pound - - o 3 Iron fafh weights - - o 2 Small box- -pulleys and pins, each - o 2 2 inch ditto, each . - - o 3 V‘Vainfcot pulleys and boxing, each - o 8 Common red and white line, per yard . o 1;. Good white line, per yard - _ - o 2 Beft white flax- line, per yard - - o 2.;- Glue, per pound ~ - - ’0 Io Screws per dozen. Nailsand brads,perhundred. ' '5. d. 5. d. 4 inch {crews - 1 6 Forty-penny nails - 3 4 3; inch - - I o Thirty-penny nails 2 6 2 inch - - 0 IO Two-{billing nails 2 o 131 inch - - o 8 Twenty-penny nails I 6 1;. inch - - o 6 Ten-penny nails 0 10 % inch, and all under 0 4 Six-penny nails 0 "6 Four-penny nails 0 4 T-hree -penny nails 0 3 Two- -penny nails 0 2 All larger nails, hold falls, wall- hooks, 81c. 6d. per paund. . Side-hinges, per pair. H L- -hinges, per pair. 5. d. 5. d. 6 inches - - I o 4 inches - - - o . 6, 7 inches - - 1 2 5 inches - - o 7‘ 8 inches - - 1 4 6 inches - - o 8 9 inches - - 1 3 7 inches - -. o '10 10 inches - - g o 8 inches - - I 2 11 inches - . 2 9 9 inches - - I 6 12 inches - - 3 9 But- hinges per pair. 5. a’. Garnet hinges, perpair. 5. d. 1* inch 0 7 10 inch - .. o ,0 ‘17,. 3 inch - - o. 8 11 inch - - o 1: 2? inch - - 0 1o 12 inch - - I o 2.} inch ‘ - ~ 1 o 13 inch. — . I 1 25; inch — - 1 3 14 itch - - 1 z 25inch - I 6 15 inch - - 1 3 3 1nch - - o 2 16 inch - - 1 4, 31; 1nch - - 2 i 17 inch - - 1 5 4 inch - - 3 4 18 inch — - 1 6 4.1,- inch 4 With {crews and nails s. With fcrews. ' ‘ For all locks, or other itonmongery goods, not here 1n~ ferted, add one-fifth to the prime coll. E S OF D E S’I I CR1 PTIO THE GNS' N PAIN’s BRITISH PALLADIO. PLATEI. ‘I' he principal plan ana’ elevation of a gentleman’s hen/e, with the principal timber: for the floors, reefs, partitions, and the fcantling: figured for prafiice, in propertion to their hearings. HE length of the girders on this floor is 23 feet; the clear between the walls 21 feet 6 inches; the fcantlings 13 by 12 inches; the clear bearing of the bind- ing-joift about 10 feet, the fcantling 9 inches by 4;, and they mui’t be framed about half an inch below the under-Ede of the girder, and the girder furred down for the lathing, otherwife the ceiling will crack at the girder, "which will fpoil its beauty. The fcantling of the bridg- ing-joifi, 5 inches by 3, to lie about a foot apart; the ' ceiling-joif’t, 3‘by 2;; the difiances for framing the bind- ing-joiii from 4 feet to 6, or 6 feet 6 inches, as they will beit come in. The difiance for framing the trimmer from the chimney-breafi: I foot 6 inches, or not to exceed 1 foot 9 inches. Wall-hold, for girders to lie on the wall, from 9 inches to 12 inches; ditto for binding-joifi: 6 inches. It is neceiTary to turn arches over the ends of girders; for, if any fettlement- fhould happen, that will prevent the wall from breaking. Of the room; on the principal plan. A the dining-room; B the withdrawing-room; C the common fitting-parlour; D the breakfal’c-room; E the bell flair—cafe; F the back-fiairs; G vefiibule. Fig. H the feéiion of the floor for the principal rooms; a the gir- der; 1) the binding-joil’t; c the bridging-joil’t; a’ the ceil- ing-joift. This feétion is drawn half an inch to a foot. Divide the depth of the binding-joii’t into eight parts, and difpofe of them as figured to the tenons and bearings. PLATE ”II. The, ha/ement—plan andjefiz'on of. Plate 1. with apartments laid out. A the kitchen; B fervants hall; C the heufekeeper’s ;oom; S {tore-room to ditto; E butler’s pantry; F wine: cellar; G beer-cellar; H {lair—cafe; I pafl'age; K flair- cafe to the area; L feétion from M to N on the plan. PLATE III. Plan of the one-pair of flair: floor, and attics. : A the‘oneapair floor; B the attic floor. The’one-pair is divided into five bed-rooms, the attic into fix. Fig. a is the feé‘tion of the floors for the one-pair and attics, drawn half an inch to a foot. The principaljoif’ts to this floor are about half an inch deeper than the girders, to prevent the ceiling from cracking ; and they are framed at fuch adif’tance as will admit of two or three intermedi- ate joii’ts between them, as lhewn in the feétion‘. The ceiling-joii’t is framed into, the principal joii’t, as in the feétion. B the intermediatejoii’t; D the principal joifi; C the ceiling joifi; G the girders. PLATE 1V. T he plan ofthe reef ana’fefiion of the floors. Fig. A the plan of the roof; B the beams; C the bind. ing-joil’t for the ceiling-floor; D the ceiling-joif’c; E the . railing-plate; F the principal rafters. The length ofthe beams is 48 feet, which have a bearing On the party-wall, fo that the clear bearing does not exCeed 24 feet; the fcan-tling of ditto 9 inches by 6.}; length of principal raf. ters 15 feet; fcantling, 9 inches at bottom, 7 at top, 6;— inches thick; king-poit 1 foot 4 inchesjby 6.; thick; firms 6.} by 4; railing-plate, 9 inches by 6; binding.‘ joil’t, 6 by 4; ceiling-joif’t, 3—;- by 2;; fcantling to quarter- partitions, 4. by 3 ; door-pofi, 4 by 4. Fig. B fcarfing- plates/and dove-tailing at the angles; fig. C',juggling beams on the railing-plates; P the pole-plate for the fmall rafters to {land on ; R the principal rafter, &c. A P L A T E V. Principal plan and elevation of a gentleman’s hotye. A the hall; B the dining-room; C the withdrawing—' room 5 D the common fitting-room;.E the drefiing-room . . ,for z A DESbRIPTION OF THE DESIGNS “for the mailer; F the {making—room; G the mulic-room ; H belt l’tairs; I back-ltairs; K water-clpfet; L clofet to put the utenfils in for cleaning the houfe; M flair-cafe to , bafement. - / . P _ L A T E VI. Big/elem: plan ofthe Mg” in Plate V. A the kitchen; B the fcullery; C, the cold larder; .D the butler’s pantry; E the footmen’s room; F and G the houfe-keeper’s apartment; H the water-clolet; l the ale-cellar; K the wine-cellar; L fmall-beer cellar; M the f’ceward’s room; N the fervant’s hall ; O clofet to ditto; P paifage; (Lfeétion from A to B on the plan; R the area, S knife and {hoe-houfe; T wood-houfe; U coal- houfe. P “L A T E \VII. T he one pair of flair: divided into nine he'd-rooms. A B water-clofets; D the feétion from A to B on the plan; D well—hole for the back-fiairs; E well-hole for the belt fiairs; F landing of ditto; G palfage to the bed- rooms. The attic floor is divided in the fame manner as , the one—pair of hairs. The bridging-joif’t to lie about one foot apart in the clear between. P L A T E VIII. Plan of the attic floor: and roof. The references for Plate VII. will anfwer for thofe in , Plate VIII. the plan of the rooms being the fame. P L A T E IX. ' The fifiion qf the flewr, and manner of placing the timherrfer . the floors. The ends of the girders, joif’ts, &c. are all fhaded, and fuppofed to lie one foot clear of the flews, &c. The fec— tions are marked with letters, as A, B, G, F, E, D, C- Thefc letters have reference to the hearths on the plan of each wall that the flews are in: the breafl and flews D go from one-pair of (fairs, and are built on {lone corbles, marked 1, 2, the trimmer-joil’c lying clofe to the (tone,- which is' plain to infpeé‘tion. The timbers the fame as in the plah. ‘ Leiegth and/centliflg of the Iimhers. The‘girders about 24 feet bearing; fcantling 13 by 12; binding-joif’t 8.; by 4;; bridging-Jodi 5 by 3; Ccll‘ ing-joift 3; by 21.. It will be requrfite to trufs the gir- tiers, and likewife to cut them cambering, half an inch in'io feet, and fo on in proportion; if 20 feet long, an ~ inCll Cflmbfiring; ifgo, an inch and a half. Fig. A is the feétion ofa girder, lhewing the manner oftrufling, with a l\t 00000 \0 $0 00 ocwm "l‘ "l” woo 04:- use: “l" 0\N00 00 0\ Q) N}!— 00 \I\l O\\Iv~. 71‘ Labour to ditto Whole deal boxings to (butters, at per loot fuperficial ' Rough inch-deal floors, edges (hot, at per fquare 1/. 55. to ' Labour only, 45'. to Ditto, ploughed and tongtted Labour only 1 Inch wide deal folded floors, planed and laid, at per fquare Labour only, 4.3. 6 d. to —-——-.—————— ——-—- —— i , ——~ ———-—~ 5'..- ———i —-— ”- no—l ‘ Inch yellow deal floors, pldughed and tongued, at per fquare Common liraight-joint nailed floor, at per fquare Labour to ditto Ditto, with headingfii’oints, ploughed and tongued, one edge nailed in fight, at per fquare, 21,53. to Labour, 75. 6(1’. to Yellow tvholeaieal' folding floors, at per fquare Ditto common llraight joint with heading- joints, ploughed and tongued, one edge nailed in fight Labour to ditto, 8 5. to Ditto, fecond belt, at per fquare Labour to ditto Ditto, dowelled Labour to ditto, 155. to ' Ditto, bel’t clean deal dowelled, at per fquare Labour to ditto Inch and % firaight joint batten floors, per fquare ' » Ditto, heading-joint ploughed and tongued, and one edge nailed " Labour, from 85. to Ditto, dowelled, per fquare Labour, from 12:. to Ditto, fecond bel’t (matched) Ditto, the belt clean battens, well matched Labour , lnch and 71— right wainfcot dowelled floors, at per fquare " Ditto, the bell wainfcot, well matched .__———-—-— __ ————-—- 5—— _— —— lll t-I-an 0‘03 00.) 0 ‘10 ~— l lllll HO-fiOW/ON l I l —— Of Columns and Pilaflerr. Whole deal diminifh’ed pilaf’ters, at per foot fuperficial, is. to ‘ Ditto, diminilhed columns, from 1:. per foot fuperficial to ’ Labour to ditto, at per foot Tooth dental, per foot run Fret dental, per foot run Doric entablature, at perfoot fuperfi'cial, from 1 5. led. to . ‘ ~ . Labour only, from 10:]. to Triglyphs, per foot fuperficial Blocks and mutules, capped with ogee, each Ditto, raking ~ Ionic and Corinthian entablatures, at per foot Labour only Inch and 1; deal fluted pilal’ters, per foot fuperf. 2-inch and 4} fluted columns, at per foot fua perficial, 1 5. 9d. to i ’ Labour, to flUting columns and pilal’ters, at per foot run -- ..-... , Of Doom. Two-inch 6 pannel deal doors, {luck both fides with 4-inch margin, per foot fuPer- ’ ficial , ‘ Ditto, ovolo flat and bead flufh back, per foot Labour from 5d. to ...._.... Ditto, quirk ogee and bead on both fides, and aflragal on the pannels, at per foot fuper. ficial Ditto, raifed pannel in front, ovolo flat back TWO-inch and 1; deal doors, with double mar. gins in the middle, and a bead {luck on ditto, 6~inch margins {luck with ogee and bead aflragal on the pannels, at per foot __ Eight pannels in the'door. .— ——'—— — __-—-— __._——-- N, - OHOH O OH too 53 nsooo 0 0000 0 00 00000000 3,. d. o 9, 8 o 4. 6 11 o 6 o 10 o 5 o 19 o 2 do 6 6 IO, 0 8 o 6 o 13 o 9 o 5 0 IO 0 18 o 16 0 to o‘ I o 1-4 0 18 0 IO 0 16 o 14_ o 4 o- o o 5 o 10 o o o 5 o I 2 1 to o to O 7 o 8 2 0 1 o I 1 _o 4. o 6 2 .0 1 o I 3 1 IO, 0 2 2 I 3 6 8 1 6 2? 4 Labour 12. Labour to the foregoing, at per foot fuper- - ficial . Twoinch Four-pannel' doors, ovolo flat and bead flufh back, at per foot Labour to ditto 7 ‘ Inch and ;. 4-pannel, per foot Labour to ditto, per foot tSIit deal rough edgedgdoors, at per foot Labour to ditto . . Ditto, planed on two fides Labour to ditto , Three-quarter rough deal doors, ledged, per foot fuperficial Labour to ditto Ditto, planed and ledged, per Foot Labour to ditto ’ Ditto, ploughed andtongued, at per foot Labour Inch deal rough doors, ledged Labour to ditto Ditto, planed on two fides, ploughed an tongued, per foot ‘ ~ Labour to ditto ‘ ~VVhole deal rough ledged doors, at per foot Labour to ditto Ditto, planed on two fides, ploughed and tongued, ledged, &c. at per foot Labour to ditto, per foot Inch and f rough ledge doors, at per foot fuperficial Ditto, planed on two fides, ploughed, tongued and ledged, at per foot Labour to ditto Inch and -;— 4-pannel fquare doors, at per foot fuperficral Labour to ditto Ditto, ovolo falh-door, two pannels ovolo, flat and {quare back, per foot Labour to ditto — , InCh and f; 6-p1nnel doors, ogee and bead fq. back I -—————- Labour to ditto Two inch 4-pannel door, ovolo flat, perfoot ifuperficial Labour to ditto iliiiil 00000000 u—u—q Ill u———-—. ill CL “—— -—.—... ——— m -——-—— Wairg/cot Doom. Two inch and 1; 6-pannel doors, {luck on both fides, at per foot fuperficial Labour only, per foot Ditto, {luck with quirk ogee and bead on both fides Mahogany Doors. , Two inch and f 6 pannel doors, ovolo flat, f’tuck on both fides, folid mahogany, per foot fuperficial Ditto, with quirk ogee and bead, per foot Labour to ditto,-from 3r. (ad. to If al’tragals on the pannels Two inch folid mahogany doors, (luck on both fides, with fix pannels, and bead on the pannels, at per foot fuperficial Labour, from 3 5. per foot to , A Doors veneered with mahogany muf’t be va- ‘lued according to the goodnel‘s of the fiufl" and workmanfhip. Two—inch and «,L gates, deal, bead fiufh front and fquare back, in 18 pannels, at per foot {uperficial Labour to ditto -——-o i » Ditto, bead flulh‘ on both fides ~ Labour to ditto, per foot V Ruf’tic work, with 2-inch, and ‘3 deal, fuper- ficial, per foot 15. 8d. to Labour Only, per foot, I r. to \ 'Whole’ deal 2-pannel fhutters, fquare, in two heights, per Foot fuperficial Ditto, in one height Labour to ditto, aid. to Ditto, two pannels in one height, ovolo flat and {quare back ' fl .— -———— l 0 —_ oo‘oo 05“ 00000000 0000 o- o 0 0000 0 00 ESTIMATE 05” 00 0000 00000000 0000000“ 00 0 H H ONON 00 OF PRICES, 0000 0\ ' Labour tO/(litto, from 6 d. to . Labour to ditto, 5 d. to 85¢. - Ditto, four pannels, in one height, ovolo flat and fiufhback, at per foot fuperficial Ditto, quirk ogee and bead flufh back Inch and % fquare deal fhutters in one height, at per foot l'uperficial Inch and 1; two-pannel lhutters, ovolo flat and fquare back, in one height, at per foot Ditto, flat and bead flufh back Labour only Ditto in four pannels, per foot Labour only Ditto, quirk ogee and bead, pannels raifed, and flufh back, per foot Labour to ditto, from 8 o’. to Note, All [butters that are under one foot in width, are worth more per foot, labour only, than thofe that are from one foot to one foot 6 inches, &C. from two pannels in a {butter to five. \ —_ n-——— .— a-——p If fmall ai‘tragals be laid on pannels of doors, fhutters, mitred, glued, and needle-points included, at per foot run Labour, to getting out ditto, per foot run Inch—deal dado, keyed, per foot Raking up fiairs Wholevdealditto, at per foot Ditto, raking to (lairs Labour to ditto, from 3 d. to Wholedeal, framed in backs, elbows, foflits, €56. ovolo flat, at per foot Ditto, quirk ogee and bead, per foot Labour to ditto, 3351. to —-_ -_ lllll .— .— —_ Booeriningr to Windows, See. Inch—deal back-linings, framed, bead butt, at per foot fuperficial Ditto, 3 pannels in height Labour, from 24'. to Inch and ,1 double-rabbeted jambs and {of- fits, framed, ovolo and flat (panels, per foot Ditto, bead Hufh Labour to ditto Ditto with quirk ogee and bead, pannelsraif- ed, with an ovolo on the railing, at per foot fuperficial Labour only, 3% d. to VVhole-deal fquare dwarf wainfcotting, at per yard Ditto, two pannels in height Labour to ditto Ditto, raking to Ptairs Labour to ditto Whole-deal level dwarf wainfcot, ovolo an flat pannels, at per yard Two pannels in height, at per yard —— -— ~—-—- _~ n—‘ —— ’5 —_ lllll 00000 l'lo. 00009 . Ditto, ovolo flat raking up fiairs, per yard Ditto, with quirk ogee and bead Labour to ditto, from 1 .r. 5d. to Inch and f fquare partitions, flat pannels, at per foot fuperficial Labour, per foot fuperficial Two-inch partitions, per foot fuperficial Labour to ditto Ditto, ovolo and flat pannel fquare back Labour to ditto Ditto, ovolo flat and‘flufh back Labour to ditto, 44’. to Small Mouldings. Small beads of' deal, per f00t run Labour, to getting out, per foot run Inch-ogee ofdeal, per foot run Labour, to getting out and flicking, per foot run . Single cornices, per foot run Labour, to getting out and flicking Four-inch tingle architraves, per foot run — Four-inch and f ditto ~ Labour, to getting out and flicking l | —_ l l oooooooo llllll ——d —-—_.‘ iii 00;)» 00 00 0000000 000 0.0 \0y0 000 000000 00000 OHOHH OH 0000000 000 00 OH 0 oi-voooooo, H-F-P-P-w’ Dime-1000») oo ‘ooo oomQ-hn .+H $\ON-F-0 ‘ESTIMATE, ‘\ Ditto, 5-inch tingle architrave, per Foot run 0 0 Run oF Fmall fiuting on pannels, FaFcias, &c. from 8 4’. per Foot run to Bafe and FurbaFe mouldings in deal, at per [Foot Fuperficial, 1 .r. 2:1. to Labour to ditto, at per Foot Fuperficial Impofi; mouldings, From I 5. 3 d. to Labour only Double architraves, at per Foot Fuperficial, From I .r. -351. to Labour only Chimney-caps,at per Ft. FuperF. From 1:. 6d. to Labour, From 7 d. per Foot Fuperficial, to -- Note, All breaks, except the two external breaks, to be allowed For each Common block dental, at per foot run —— Labour to ditto, per Foot run Eye dentals, at per Foot run Labour to ditto, per Foot run Ditto fretdentals, at per Foot run Labour, per Foot'run Ditto Fret eye dentals, at per Foot run — Labour to ditto, at per Foot run Right wainl‘cot mouldings, firaight, at perfoot Fuperficial , Labour to ditto, at per Foot {uperficial —— Circular ditto, at per Foot Fuperficial —-- Labour, per Foot Mahogany l’traight mouldings, at per Foot Fuperficial ' Labour to ditto Circular ditto, at per Foot Fuperficial Labour to ditto ——- —— _ fi—u—F—h— ~n—-_——_ ——-—~ .— —— —_ _ —— -———- —— —— Ill 0 O O O Stair Ccy'er. Common inch white deal Preps and ril'crs, including carriages, at per Foo; Fuperficial Labour to ditto, From 3% of. per Ft. luperF. to Ditto, yellow deal Preps and riFers Common whole yellow— deal Reps and rifers, including carriages, at per Foot 7 Labour From 4d. to —-- —— Second-belt whole deal Reps and riFers, in- cluding carriages, with moulded nofing, fieps properly glued and backed, cloFe- firing, at per Foot Fuperficial -— -— Labour to ditto, Fuperficial, per Foot -— Belt clean deal Reps and riFers, with moulded nofings, mitered to receive the returns at the ends of the Preps; rifers mitered to re- ceive the brackets , and Preps dove-tailed For the banil’ters, at per Foot luperficial LabOUr only , Circular block to curtail flep, at per Foot cube Labour to preparing ditto, From 45. to —— Circular veneered rifer to curtail l’tep. at per Foot Fuperficial ‘ Labour to preparing and laying ditto. —- Circular round and hollow to ditto, at per Foot run IF a Fr'nall cock-bead to ditto, at per Foot run Labour to ditto, at per Foot run Clean deal {’teps and riFers to geometrical flairs on a circular plan, with nofings and riFers mirered, at per Foot Fuperficial — Labour to ditto, at per Foot Fuperficial -'- Circular firing board, glued up, to aaner the wreath-rail, a bead on the bottom-edge, and one Funk Face, at per Foot Fuperficial -- .Labour to ditto, at per foot Fuperficial -— Two-inch and -; deal moulded hand-rail, at per Foot run _-- - Ditto ramp -— T --- -- Labour, From 7 d. per Foot run to Ditto twil‘ted Labour to ditto, at per Foot run Two-inch and f mahogany handrail, am at per Foot run Ditto ramp, at per Foot run Ditto twifled a Labour to flraight rail, perfect .————- lllll 0 0 O 0 0 hr, 00 * ”—C .‘m .3) I Q 0 0 O O O O 0 O O O O O 0 O 0 0 O O O O O O 0 000° 0 O 00" O O 0 0 H 0-H Onooooooo I H 0 H O H H.§ON n‘q H03 O\O\Ofln Q cocoons Liotu‘q\o Nb mu C\Oln 0 000m #0000 0 ex O\0vu‘fi O\N or Parana m. Labour to ramp, at 'per Foot run" -‘- Labo‘ur to twill, at per Foot run A- -— Two inch and ,1 mahogany hand-rails, glued up in thicknefs, at per Foot run Labour to ditto, at per Foot run Ditto Folid, on a circular plan, per Foot run Labour to ditto '- Mahogany capping to iron rails, with Folid blocks, at per Foot run -— —- Labour to ditto, at per Foot run -——- Ditto level rail, on a circular plan, at per‘ ‘ Foot run ,—-—— -— -- Labour to ditto, From 3 5. 6 d, to -— Three-inch deal Fquare newels, per Foot run Ditto turnihg - . ~ Mahogany neWels, at per Foot run Ditto turning Inch and ideal banif’ters and turning, each Ditto mahogany banifiers and. turning -— Seven-eighths Fquare wainFcot bar banillers, at per Foot run Ditto, dove-tailed into f’teps Clean inch-deal Fquare bar banif’ters, at‘per Foot run -— ~— ' Ditto, dove-tailed into fieps Plain block brackets and end nolings, each Plain cut brackets and returned end nolings, each —— , ’ — -—- Neat cut brackets, with Ferole and. end nofings, each -- —— — Ditto in mahogany, each .— _ Circular deal brackets, with returned end nofings to geometrical fiairs, each -—-—- Of 84/1365. Inch and f deal Fafhes, fixed, moulded with ovolo, per fuct Fuperficial Ditto, prepared to hang or Hide ._._. Two-inch deal ovolo fixed Falh, perfoot FuperF. Ditto, prepared to hang or flide .— Labour toditto, at per Foot Fuperficial, 2: d. to Inch and f ovolo wainfcot fixed falh, at per Foot Fuperficial -- Ditto, to flide or hang ._._.. Ditto, al’tragal and hollow —- Ditto, to hang or Hide -— Labour to ditto, at per foot Fuperficial Two-inch ovolo wainFcot Falh fixed, at per Foot Fu'perficial' —-— _. Ditto, to hang or Hide, at per Foot .. Ditto, al’tragal and hollow -—- __ Labour to ditto, at per Foot 3 d. to .— Mahogany inch and 3L Falh fixed, at per Foot Fuperficial -- —— Ditto, to hang or Hide, at per Foot Ditto, af’tragal and hollow —- .— Ditto, 2-inch ovolo mahogany Falh Ditto, af’tragal and hollow, at per Foot Labour, at per Foot Fuperficial, 4d. to Two inch and f wainFcotovolo Falh, at per Foot .Ditto,'afi:ragal and, hollow Two-inch and J; mahogany ovolo Fafh —— Ditto,'al’tragal and hollow -—- .— u—u—g lllll 0 0 O 0 O llllll O O O O 0 0 O 0 0 O ' Two-inch wainFcot ovolo Falh, circular on the plan, at per Foot fuperficial -- _.-.. Ditto, with afiragal and hollow ..—.. __ Two-inch mahogany Falh, on a circular plan, at per Foot -- -—- . .._. , Ditto, al’tragal and hollow —. _. Foot Fuperficial -— .. Ditto, hipped ends, at per Foot ‘—- .. Ditto, wainFcot ~— —- _ Ditto, hipped at the ends, p‘er. Foot —— Two-inch and 1; lky light, deal, Framed with ovolo, at per Foot _ Ends hipped, at per Foot Fuperficial -— Two-inch and -,L,wainl‘cot lky-light, Framed with ovolo, at per Foot ..... .... ..... Ditto, ends hipped, at per Foot p...- Labour tg ditto, at per Foot Fuperficial 3: d. to Twodnch deal Fquare pitch fky-lights, at per 00 'OC'OH 00-” O 0 0-0 0 O O O O O O O O 0 O 0 0 O O O O ‘ O 0 0o 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 Henuoo-rs‘op \IN, 0 O O O O 0 O O O 0 O O O O O H H H H 0 H H H H H (n H D H N N i H N H \ 00L 00x0» 0‘» N (no 3: mooo’ O 0 00000 0 O-# O O can H cfintn <1st "h dfid 0‘0, 03 prehNh H ' w 1" >11 00 or» ”b Ho-bxianHO. PP H fim’ JP 0000 at h o—PVQH ‘fih . a). 2,1“ ‘4'. ‘ Of Sa/l; Framer. Deal cafe- Frames for inch and 4; fallies, with oak funk fills, prepared to hang fingle, at per foot fuperficial Ditto, to hang double, at per foot Deal linings, with oak fills funk, wainfcot -— pulley-pieces and beads, to hang fingle, at ‘ per foot fupcrficial Ditto, to‘ hang double, at per foot Ditto, with mahogany pulley-pieces and beads to hang double, at per foot ' LabOur to ditto, from 31,- d. per foot to Inch and f wainfcot fafh ovolo deal lining, oak funk fill, wainfcot pulley—pieces and beads hung with lead weights, and lines complete, per foot fuperficial Labour to ditto, per foot fuperficial Ditto, with mahogany pullies, fiiles, and beads, and inch and % mahogany faihes, at per foot fuperficial — _ Ditto, hung double, at per foot fuperficial Deal cafe fafh-frames, with wainfcot pulley- f’tiles and beads, inc-h and {— faihes,wainfcot, with iron weightsand lines complete, double hung, at per foot fuperficial , Ditto, with mahogany pulley-{tiles and beads, and inch and f mahogany fafh, hung COm- plete, at per foot fup’erficial Deal cafe-frames, with 2-inch deal fafhes, with lines and weights, hung complete, at per foot fuperficial Deal cafe-frames, with wainfcot pulley-pieces and beads, 2-inch wainfcot faih, with lines and weights, hung complete, at per f00t Deal cafe-frames with mahogany pulley- ieces and beads, and 2—inch mahogany falh, with lines and weights, hung com- plete, at per foot fuperficial Deal cafe—frames with wainfcot pulley-pieces and beads, and 2-inch wainfcot fall), hung double, with lines and weights, complete, at per foot fuperficial Deal cafe-frames, with mahogany pulley-pieces and beads, with 2 inch and f mahogany faih, double hung, with lines and lead weights, complete, at per foot fuperficial Dale cafe for Palladian windows, with 2-inch wainfcot fafh, the middle fail] to hang, with lines and weights complete, at per foot fuperficial —- -— — The dimenfions fuppofed to be 6 feet, or 6 feet 6 inches, on the bafe,the circular head- frame to be veneered with wainfcot, and 2-inch wainfcot fafh, circular, head of falh and bead glued up in thicknefs, at per foot fuperficial - - ' , '- Nale, If brafs pullies and boxes, to be charged extra per value. - ~——-—- .— -—-. —— Circular Sa/laer. Inch and 1; circular-headed deal fathes, at per ' _ foot fuperficial, ovolo {th Ditto, wainfcot Ditto, mahogany ' .. Inch and f deal fan-light, Gothic, (luck with ' ovolo, at per foot / Ditto, wainfcot Ditto, mahogany . Two-inch common fan~light itto maho an ‘I'i‘wo-inch wginiyc'ot, Gothic, with a hair-li arch --~ Ditto, mahogany —— All — u—' iii .— "U __,_ — l I 00 —-—-‘ Circular Work. Circular {lit-deal cover-board and bearer, planed on two (ides, at per foot fuperficial Ditto, circular fofi‘it, backed with canvas, per foot fuperficial ._.. Inch-deal, circular on the face, planed on one fide, at per foot fuperfiCIal Ditto, circular on the plan, per foot —— an. 3—..— [a 000 00000 J. U) WNN +w wn+up E1 :1; 10' 000 0%!) O-F\O “00 O -F\) ‘3??? ‘3? +1 n p ESTIMATE OF Paicas,'ac. Whole-deal circular rabetted foflit, at per ,. foot fuperficial ‘ Ditto, circular framed foflit, with fmall al’tra- gal laid on the pannel, two pannels, and the fiiles veneered, per foot fuperficial 7 Labour to ditto, per foot fupeificial Ditto, circular frame, in three pannels, allra- gal on the pannels, at per foot fuperficial Labour to ditto, at per foot fuperficial Ditto, circular, circular fofiits, quirk ogee and bead, two pannels, and [tiles veneered, at per fOOt fuperficial Labour to ditto, at per foot fuperficial Ditto, with mahogany, per foot Labour to ditto, at per foot fuperficial Circular columns, at per foot fuperficial, I .r. rod. to Fluting columns and pilai‘cers, at per foot run Nate, Circular work is three times the price offlraight work of the lame kind, and circu-« lar circular three times the price of circu- lar of the fame kind. —— -—-— __ wh- ., .- p.. —- —_...'.._‘ Carving Ionic Capitals is done by the face, at fo much per face, according to the dia- meter of the column. Suppofe the diame- ter to be ten inches, at 15. per inch, each face will be worth 10:. then the cap will cof’t carving in deal In wainfcot, 1 5. 3 a’. or I 5-. 4d. per inch, then the whole will coil 21. 10:. or In mohogany, 15. 6d. or I .r. Sal. per inch, and then the whole cap will coi’t 31. or Corinthian caps, at 2:. 6 d. per inch, at 10 inches diameter, that is per face, in deal 80 the whole cap will cofi Ditto, in wainfcot, at per inch 3 5. which is 30 5. per face, the whole cap will cof’t —- Ditto, in' mahogany, at per inch 3:. 6d. fo the whole cap will coil: Floting pannels for doors, fhutters, &c. at perfect run, 8 d. to . Note, 7726 about Primfar Labour only. -_ _ .—- — , Rough flit-deal, including labour and nails, per foot fuperficial Ditto, edges {hot Ditto, in packing-cafes, ledges to be mea- fured, per foot fuperficial Slit-deal, planed on one fide Ditto, grooved and beaded -- Ditto dove-tailed, in drawers not lefs than 18 inches in front, per foot fuperficial Rough % deal, labour and nails included, per foot fuperficial Ditto, edges {hot Ditto, in packing-cafes, the ledges meafured, fuperficial Ditto, planed on one fide —- Ditto, planed on one fide, ploughed and tongued, per foot fuperficial Ditto, dove-tailed in drawers, not lefs than 18 inches long, with bearers, per foot fu- perficial w .— Y‘- _———_ .u-n- .« —— Inch-deal, rough, per foot fuperficial Ditto, edges fhot Ditto, with bearers Inch-deal rough packing-cafes Ditto, planed one fide Ditto, plugng to walls Ditto, planed on one fide, ploughed and tongued, per foot fuperficial Ditto, planed on both [ides Ditto, in cut fiandards and foot fuperficial Ditto, dove-tailed in drawers, per foot fuperf. Rough whole-deal, labour and nails includ- ed, per foot fuperficial Ditto, edges fhot Ditto, with bearers Ditto, in rough packingcafes 6 —n—-—-_ lllllll 000000 —- I l 00 funk flielves, per -———-l .._-—— * 0 0000 00 D l‘o 00 0000 : a'. I 7' 2‘ 6 0 IO 2 9 ’ I o 7 6. 2 6 9 0‘ 3 6 2 o O 2 o 0‘- 13 4' 6 5 o o o o o b o I o o 2; o 2.2. o 2?F 0 3f 0 4— ° 7 0 3 0 32‘: o 34: o gs 0 5 0 2 o 5; o 3—: 0 4s: 0 4 o' g. 0 .5 ° *3 o 6;. o 8 ° 4% o 0 5%: ° 5 Ditto, _ESTIAIATE‘C)F Patcrns am" I. r. 4’. Ditto, planed on one fide‘ _.. _._ o 0 5; Ditto, ploughed and tongued, or framed, per foot fuperficial ._ _._ o o 6;: Ditto, framed grounds to doors or chimneys o 0 6%» Ditto, planed on both fides, and framed ..<_-. o o 71; Ditto, both fides planed, and framed, beade ‘ boxes, per foot {uperficial _._-— o 0 Ditto, dovetailed, in drawers to drefl‘ers, &e. - 9 per foot fuperficial —- o o 9 Ditto, cut fiandard and funk (helves, per foot, , _ 8 J. to -— --—i -— o o 9 Inch and f deal, rough, per foot fuperficial o 0 5% Ditto, edges villot -—- _. o o 5% Ditto, with bearers ._ . __ o o 6.; _ Ditto, planed on both fides _._. ._ o o 7% Ditto, framed —- —— o o 8"; Ditto, with grooved fhelves or cut flandards o o 9;: Ditto, cut brackets and {pit-racks —-—- o 1 o Two-inch deal, rough, per foot fuperficial o o .7 Ditto, edges i’hot -—- t -- o o i 7% Ditto,.with bearers —-. _. o o 3 Ditto, planed on one fide —- —- o o 8; Ditto, on both [ides -— _._ on 0 IO Ditto, and framed —— _ o o I 1;; Clean 2—inch drefler-top, per foot fuperficial o I 2 Two-inch and 43 deal, rough, per foot fuper- ficial o o 9 Ditto, edges {hot —— ._ o o 9% Ditto, planed on one fide -— o o 10-;— Ditto, planed on both fides, and Framed 0 1 2 Two-inch and i clean drcller-top, per foot 0 1 '2 Ditto, rabetted and moulded front,per foot 0 1 6 Three-inch deal, planed on one fide, plough- ed and tongued Ditto, planed on both fides -—-~—- _. Ditto, framed, fuperficial , _._. 4 T hree-inch drefler-top, per foot _._ HHHN 0000 «=me W PRICEtnrMasoNsiyonm Portland Prone, fcapled, at per foot cube Sawing ditto, at per foot fuperficial Plain work to ditto, per foot fuperficial Circular plain work, per foot fuperficial Moulded work, flraight, per foot Circular moulded work, from r 5. 4 d. to Plain funk work, at per foot Sunkjoggling. per foot run Groovrng, per foot run Cutting frets, per foot run Portland Ptone coping, 13 inches wide and 3 inches thick in front, 1 inch and 1; thick be- hind, throated, cramped, and run with lead, at per foot fuperficial Portland [lone links, 6 or 7 inches thick, at per foot fuperficial, 3 5. 6 d. or Portland Prone balullrades, 1 foot 8 inches long, about 4 inches and :- or five inches diameter, and‘joggled in at each end, each I l. 8:. or _._. Portland flone paving, in ftraight courfes, 1 inch and {; thick, per foot fuperficial —-—~ Ditto, two inches thick _._...— Ditto, octagon and black dots, per foot fup. Yorklhire paving, per foot fuperficial —-'--— Black and white marble fquares, in paving, at per foot fuperficial NewPurbeckpaving,fquared in l’traight courfes Ditto, laid in tarras, per {OOt fuperficial Holes cut foriron work, each .——— Ditto, laid in mortar _._—_._.- _._... Mortice-holes made fquare, each’zor 3 inches Larger ditto, each Holes cut 7 or or 8 inches deep, and 5 or 6 inches fquare, each, m...— a... Iillll l l OOOOOOOOO\O roOOr-«r-io-IHOOD oxoa-pOthOm‘O-F-Oy l l. 100 {0000 OSHA H 0000000 ooooe- H 004809000 O p 0 Portland f’tone chimney-pieces and (labs, not lefs than 1 inch and f thick, per foot fup. Ditto, 2 inches thick -—--- _._... Ditto, 2-inches and ,1 thick _ Slit Ryegate {tone hearths and covings, at per foot fuperficial -——-- Whole ditto —— _._—- Purple marble covings, 2 inches thick, per foot {Uperficial _.'_... Black marble ditto, 3 inches thick -—-—— Veined MarHe Claimmyr. Veined marble, per foot cube Plain work to ditto Ditto, moulded work -—-—- _— ' Veined marble flabs, jambs, mantles, &c. not lefs than one inch 3% thick, per ft. fup. Egyptian marble mantles and jambs, at per foot fuperficial _._—_— New dove marble, per foot _._. Ditto, inch {lab .___.. New purple marble per foot Black and yellow plinths, per foot cube — Plain work to ditto, per foot {uperficial -—- Sunk work to ditto, at per foot :- , Ditto, plain jambs and mantle, at per f't. fup. Statuary-marble, per {Cot cube Plain work to ditto, per foot fuperficial Moulded work to ditto Ditto, circular work, per foot New inch and f fiatuary (labs, jambs, and mantle, per foot ‘-—-— — New bal’tard fiatuary, per foot _ -—-'—— Sawing fiatuary marble, per foot _._... Jafper—marble in veneering, per f00t fuper- ficial, from I]. 5 .r. to Sienna-marble in veneering, per foot fuper- ficial, 15:. to _._- Painting. Painting once in oil, per yard _‘ _._..." Outlide painting three times in oil, per yard Infide new work common colours, per yard If extraordinary colours, as olive, 8m. per yard ' Prepared Pruman blue per yard Greens, per yard Salli-frames done twice in oil, each 9 d. or Safh-fquares, per dozen, 9 d. or Window-lights, three times in oil, each Cafements, each a...— L Iron-bars, each Cloak-pins, twice in oil, per foot run Salli-frames, three times in oil, each Ditto, falh-fquares, per dozen Stucco, three times in oil, per yard Ditto, four times in oil, per yard Ditto, and landed, per yard Fine flat white, four times in oil, at per yar Safh-fqtiares, dead white, per dozen Mahoganygrained, per yard -— Ditto, and varnifhed, per yard — — ill Q. Hi Glazier: Work. Newcal’tle crown, per foot fuperficial —- Belt London crown, per foot -— Crown-glafs, in broad lead cemented, per ft. Plumém Work. Lead to gutters, flats, &c. per cwt. Ditto, folder, per pound -— —- Ditto, per cwt. -— -— -- —- Milled lead for hips, flalhings, 81c. per cwt. Three-quarter pipe, per yard —- -- Inch ditto ~— —— -— —— Inch and quarter ditto — a- —- Inch and half ditto -- —- —~—- Two-inch ditto -- —-- — —— Three-inch and half rain water pipe, from as. 4 d. to --- -- - -- ill'llll ‘5 l. r. 4; o I 9 o 2 o o a 4. o I a o I 8 o 6 o -o 7 6 I o o o 3 6 o 7" o' o 5 o o 12 6 o 7 o o 5 O o 6 o I 15 o o 5 o —o 9 o o 8 o I 10 o ,‘0 3 9 o 7 o 0 IO 0 8 o o 6 ,o o I o I to o o 18 o O O 2 o o 8 o o 6 o o‘ 8 o .0 IO 0 I o o o 10 o ,o to o o 4. o o 4. o o I o o I o ,I o o I o o o 3 o o 10 o I o o I o o .I 3 o I o o I a I 2 o, I 4. o o I I o 0 ‘0'9 4- 4 9 I 2 o o 2 4. ° 3 4- o 3 6 o 4. 8 o 6 4 o 2 8 Black- 16 BIoc/jmz't/o: Work, done a} Weight. All forts ofhammered work, as chimney bars, {’tays, upright window-bars, {butter-bars, pump-work, bolts, faddle—bars, cramps, hold-fal’ts, dogs, gudgeons, and all black work ofthe fame kind,from 4d. per pound to Cafements, crofs window-bars filed, and all {och work, from 4-2111. per pound to Large {crew-bolts and nuts, at per pound - Iron-doors and (butters, from rod. per pound to Wengt of Square Iron Barr, on: Foot 1angtb,wry ufefulfor g/iimating Iron fl/oré. Width Thick. Square. lb. qr. oz. in nefs. -§- 0 § 0, Inches. —; I i- 2 . 3 1% .I 23- I I a} ’3‘ a 2 I 3 I .1. I Inn} 2 .3. o I“ f 1 ‘ ° 3 a} 3 1 ~31 ; 1 -i- 4- ‘} O I 3.; 1 I 2’: 5 ‘l’ 31" I 'i' A 1 I a 6 f, z ' 2. o 1 1 4 i 7 3: 2 2 ‘1‘ .2: 1 .3. ,9 f o 2 E i I ~3- 10 v} 3-;- 2 2 1 :1 ,7, 12. f; 1., 2 -} : a o 14 o o z 7} 1r 2 ,1 15 .3, I 3 o, i 2 7‘; I7 3“ 3 3 o . :1- 2 5;- 19 .3. o 3 3 I 2 é“ 21 -%- 2 . 3 T . 251. 2 i. 24 2. o 3 3:; . ’5 2 £— 26 $3 3 2- I 9. J, 28 % 3 3 3L 2 3 0 3I a 0 3 1 gr 3 a 37 o o 3 at z— 3 “i 42 €- 0 .3 § % 3 7% 49 a 0 ,4. o 56 o o Flori/lore)": W orle Lime and hair mortar on lathing, at per yard 1') o to ‘ _ O O 31: Labour only, from 3 d. to l. O O 0 0 5'5"“ 110 :1 \oxoxr axooxun mmmm+¥+mmmm 1° 1o to n. 5. HO, *lwvlr‘el-r 0 NP 0 ~11 o sawmwiw 111— o our-«1+ o *1»: o 1-H» d. Wig/21‘ offlot Iron Bar: on: Foot 1n Lengtb. Common rough cal’ting, from 1 .1. per yard to o 1 4. ESTIMATE OF PRICES, &c. Labour only, from 4 d. to Settingcommon ceilings with fineflu‘l“ ,peryd. Rendering one coat rough, per yard Ditto and fer, per yard, 411.01‘ Ditto groins, per yard Not fer, but trowelled fmooth for paper —- Floated rendering on brick- work, per yard, 64’. or . Raifed 'chamfered ruf’tics, per foot fuperf. Plain railed fafcia, per foot Counterceilings on lath, per yard Floated lath and plaifler, fet, per yard Ditto, fet and white Ditto, with f’trong Fir-lath and fourpenny. nails, walhed for painters, at per yard —— Floated lath and plaifler, fet 1n plaifier and putty, per yard Ditto 1n groins Stucco on bricks, per yard Ditto on lath Circular ditto Bead and quirk to quoins, per Foot run Plain mouldings, 5 inches girth, per foot Circular ditto Plain plaifler cornices, per foot {uperficial Dental ditto Block cornices, with leaves in the block and flowers in Coffers, per foot Ditto, three members, enriched with flower and bands in the foflit, per foot Ditto with eye-dental',-and whited Doric COrnices, three members, enriched with bells and flowers‘in coffers, per foot Plain Ionic modillion—cornice, per foot Ditto, two members, enriched modilli‘ons and flowers in coffers, per foot Plain Corinthian cornice, at per foot Ditto, fully enriched Circular ditto, enriched Ditto frize, enriched with foliage and flowers, per foot Vitruvian fcrole, flower, and hulk, per foot fuperficial C1rcular ditto Guilochi and flowers, at per foo: fuperficial .— . . I ,. I11- oooooo H l 1 0000000‘000 - .11....— ~— ~— 1—- “ n—nu—h-ul—q llllll _ ———. _. —- '— _ ~——_—. ’ F. 000000 0 0 o o». 00 0 O 0». 0 000000" 0000 N's—11d 1-110 u-1 HOOOONDHHF‘ ~ HNOOOO .1. NWN I to 06:11.14 roux Pa «11- ‘ON tar-«\J:O\\o\1. 0‘0 CWn N O\0 GNOVI" _ -D~ ‘03 0-5 Q 9300090 000x ‘ n / ‘ 19’, / fill. I . J . ' T . ' V - , a i , » / ' Plate I. ' I I / I, / ‘ \ “fl _ ,5/ . - - ”Emmi/nun XMwV/a.&f/}d ram. , . 1 \ I I , / I 4 «an. . i ’ I ‘ l ”Em kflwwfl. ffoléoiw. . 7 1 0 I 1* _,__-_._ r_+~_._, ,. ‘ 1/0 , .30 I’uééflwd as Illa/11¢ alt/360m, Jan {1371733, 4y I. at J. Tgylo/tNfi; 1‘ :0 ._.__L, }~_._._4fl_4~._ , m , 3. . i, .‘ , A», x , q , b :9 , t. ,‘ h ‘P ‘4 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ , W x . k m w z N \ . .bJ \ , _ \ fix “ mm A m . A _.--_1 -31.-fl:3.-1-u:u t TWIIITI m 11"..."Z. ,, w I a. N W \ n». g a .. 1,. £ 9" .38wa mwxuk fifiuufifi ( -._—.——————-——-..—.4»—_— L_F_-_,____A~___4,__ '.) 1g]: ‘ 1 Fig C y I, 5: J. flylnw, J '2'6271/0160/71 ~88, [I - . - _l' .w J'lz/I/ar/Iu/ Ild‘ M" x/(‘/ l/I/vw/u', Jam. I. l/ I . . . v: .4 w \ w J . . ,3, ¢ . 2%“, 4» fl \ I .4 S . z . p . “3 rv ‘ ~ / v . ,, . \ , .4 . .. x _ , . \ 1 “My \ A” . . K . . /. ~ \ . , r / . I { . ., ‘ . y ‘ . f. ‘ . w, 1w M k m . w W ,. . . .n. . a 3 I . x o ' H . 5, . rd . , .1. b m, m; k ,k ,\ I u . . My no, 8 / . ‘ ./ V ”J l , J. m . t u I _ . , 4w ,. “““ u. . . .u H W o .fn . > r I ‘ x 5,“ . 7t . 1 ,M . w , 4. 0% ‘ a /. .. 70.x. n ‘0‘ . . L , Ira . \ . .4 , . f F / , . ~ _ \ F » I . . « A 1 \k. 1 O 13-21: Q W'X’IPa/zn , VVaoaIIruv-t kmtliwi/E 0/ 0‘2 E _| Q 3 #0 re ' 5: a ' '.. lf ,z’ ."[1 (9. n’I’M/iJ/fifl'fz’lflflil dwrfifiml'm 1 76’ 'I‘, [In I 1. .fl. «9 i, '4, wé A WAC Jl’m Jal f - \. )‘ 5E1 3. \ one/W of' (‘24sz I. l I l I I I i i i I : I J_L_L VlI FL: I l 1 I l I 1 g ’1 n n - 3 ,0 20 .3'0 20 rabbi/ta! 4-? 2/26 .4!!! duvets, JZuaIyz {"1788 , 5} I. 5: J. qulol'. M'J'K', [{déurn . \ f \ I \ ’ ~ \ ‘ \ Kw‘; $3: I ‘CT .- 14 «’3 «.yfim z” 3 y waif V v- 1,. 3 *' i" { Pub/ml/u’d le‘ l/n: 1le all/"mm, Jam .‘r I .1; 738, 5y I (c J. I kyle/1, ZV': 561110150”: . i“ “M," , I ‘ w 513: J . H V 2 ~ \ 1 "2 \ \ [/l‘f " \\‘\\\\\ ‘\\\\ 3‘ x K\ \\ \\\\\ _._._._ I,” // r/lf ”I 1‘ \\ \\\\\§\\\ W x Q“ \‘\:\ 2 ”x 42 VI," .gng \\ HQ \ \‘ x [/62 WW? "'i""‘\\\“x W k\‘ \“\\ ‘ l // a/h/f/éH?}\‘1‘{‘l‘,\\\\\fia . ,2 \x \ . u t' m 5 ’3’» , E _ g E: W ,; ”“3 ‘ H s / \ . um 33 h 2 2» E ‘ ufly H m, / ' ”’ ; Ha, I ‘ W ’1 ' \ Z L / ‘ Z i . \\ i S M \\\\\ \ muumumu // + < ‘ I fffflflflflmfl: . 2 .1 5 a - ummmmuw , , 2g \ unumuummx W ” A m flit. him . . W5 _ , 'fl ,/ ‘ 1/ // «mtwuuga - _ fax/2.25221 ,2.» 24,; .2101 2122222.». 17111 ”My"! _ .*1ii§!ilfl‘“““f 1 mm (l k, ,91 y - ,\ ‘, ,1 U” MY) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ‘N. V #013.» N§ \xité . \$\\\§.§.\\ NE. \\:. . \‘.\. \xVfixxhr? ”G .._.\\M\%% \ \NV \. Mr. ”Faiwan £11fiu/au- J’r ‘ u #1924224ng WA If) Feet J ‘ l4 |2 Ngmrmxka F. Sh KR 29.4 A...» Kg ”6 «0M5» m<< N k. .5 “3&3” §Amw§u§§lw . Mitffazh. dc!’ mvm scwabmfc [.3 T1 , léFeet Wklfatn Jel,’ Max:511»): kflfill/owf.RLf/€ul C.‘ T/ze/zrthcz/‘wlflpm' H,lllllll'1 ,l l_.__ L lo 20 do " 40 71.50]? I’ulllzi/wd a: W flat Mots, Jan :71 7’17 88, 5y I. 3c J. Ttgylol‘.4Vf‘561HbMol‘lL. . Mpzlrnan A‘MWW J'cal/L I 55:10 Wa‘JPazzz.Jd.’ 2"? 40 q *1 [0 1’qu a..- 2/” 1M'W;Jdllty1f[1;3&éy 1. a- J. Tw‘flmmm. W! 9"! m 1/1 ’ sf £7! 07w pair oj’ft‘ax'm floor V \»>>>>>\ \\ x ‘ \\ ~ \\\\\ \ 1| 0/ // 7/ ‘11} 2:51;! - {ma . 01. »‘ 7/ 4 ,/ A .~ ~' 1/, I’ I' \ §\ § m i“? 1 09 “l 1 ‘. W \N " ‘ . ('. “1» 22011113221? “3/;{1 aw_,6) [”13 y» 1%?sz 21.211 3’2“??? ”[2 hag/y 07 4‘4,de [”1” 7771‘! y 1/sz ézng mu] a yp‘n 44049 .g/Ilu ,1 , ”Min ‘ lilH 19%wa fitflda’zrm, Jan. . Q7198, /)_y I. KcJng/lonM;6§HaMarn . W15 ‘ -————_I ' Jae Jm yafiw Giro?”- draw’cl fine Eggltr 0/ij to afiot. 3% 22% M, ’r ,, u.‘ . t, g “i? 3‘ , ’ 'm\\}\ \\.¢\\\\ ._\\.\ \\\\h\‘.\_3 ‘\\\l L‘: EAukfi \w.‘ N. b .N. NWaxQ§§~wM§NNw§E.r1lri4¥ih Int inninl Jul-.36...-r _ =_5:5:___=_:__=§ u/Imr/nvm a Jul/W 1,, - 'A'A'A'A'A'A'A'A{A‘A'A"'LVA ’AVA"'A.A'.§7"L' L'A'AVA'A'A'L’A'J I urn-ll Ill.-r.-- I’A‘-JI- III-l.il.- . u on. -‘-.v.‘uvg. nu. v.v.vr‘uv.-u. “Av-V‘uuu-‘v .0".O_v.v‘v.U.---.----u-n'.vw‘vA A'A‘g“""AV-‘A‘AVAVA"A In‘l‘.‘n‘.‘p4‘."‘u‘.l‘p‘I‘I‘."...‘|II- .‘.“.I.>ll.'..‘..l..Alul.'.‘..lu'.ll.‘.II.4I.II.' .‘Ifliflqa‘Iflts‘i-afigi I ‘! ‘Iqt!_.'..¢ :i‘.‘ ‘I S IQ.‘I..I,.' ‘IU‘IAII, ISIS-EIFI 5‘ FMW‘W E‘flrfhfln" II: HQ.” 59,2. a : \»-\»\\.m\§§\h a R? K3. $thth .N‘tfib «CNS» \: N. Kn, .\. 525:,” L ./r/. «‘5' IF 2 ./ /:/((I fit 15 . _1 affill‘fir w r1 ; E" as aw - L , *1 E 3%??ka z... \\2. \\~<\\\\wi\.?.\2< no \kfi \..;_ \. k. .N a??? Ax§NNQ§$

/. _ x V x . x \ ‘ . 4 . , . # fir 15:“; r . mg? n, ’ = _. ‘67“? __ __'—. —-——.'—;:—:—~—— —— . .. r 3 E. - -:—.:. ::E‘—:_——;——~—:—-:%:T::5—: \ ._ : l ‘I r :: 1. . 3:3 ' W 'i: ’- “i — H : ‘ _ .1‘ h mam» yfllgzlowfiMrd am (EM’GMIL . ' / i”; ' . .. «@“f‘ u ‘ My . i“f‘.:t ‘ r \\\‘\ ,v \\\\ \ .. ":34 ."y , . 3? V? 9% _ w; . v,‘ x“ \ T In; ermmf J‘lmy 9 fiat. [723 Pnkapal Jtog/ 16/261“. 1721’ one [2:21) of J‘ (711)15‘ 12 flat. T/IeA/iz'n‘é Ito/9' g /éef7. 1' /1c’ [fig/l Ito/3'1}? I’dVI'l/IZIM 14 flit .‘ The one pat} 0/0.)?th in dilz‘o 11 fl’ct.’ $§\\\ s ‘41,; ‘ ‘ CA \ § td 25 Z 3 a $353» ~+ 10-3 \* WM \ \ Xxx 1'; E ' :3} ‘ . 8 \- Kz \ 4 ’ \\ \ - \K \ \W‘ V ,.\ A 05 ‘3 Z 1” C ‘2, M ‘ 3 1‘9" ..... 19 ‘ 17 ‘ Q , 3‘“) .Q O.‘ K I“ t N ' H «3 K D 3 § . ‘ 37A: I ‘ C :3 \' , \ \ . . :24 * 30 2 \ 73"?“ ‘ 3"“ k . 24 I 1 . \ .K : . » . ', IE . Q. P E I V' k \ .1 I ‘ ‘ Q I 4 '_L_L.L. : P ...... \ R c? . 3° °°‘ F u \x j} .. V ‘r F ' t1: — 1.1 10 z B :3 ' . , ‘3 . , ‘ . _ ‘ _ ‘ . ' _ . ¥ _ ::::;u' ,- V \ ' {9 N ' ‘ _' J4 ' ’ ‘ ‘ - \\\, , . ‘33” . , ' ' ‘ J I , ' . 54 ' ¢ "."'.‘__9{::: \ . .13 ‘ , -—~ \\ ‘ .. ' \ . , ' ’ ‘ W \ "If? m \ ‘ : Q——--———-————‘-~'———--—-——‘—-—————— ‘_ ____ __ _ _ -- \\\\\ > ‘ :2 _ ______________________________________ -5‘ . fl??? * 511%, ‘ D f . '12th a flu 11¢ ambf 1.49 .11ng 3170564151501”. 1 l \ Q ' .. u "31; 2.. $4 1‘ " ,9 ,gx \ v t \. O . \ I \ y I ‘ \ D . , I .- / / O x u , \ \\ \\ A \\\ \ \ .\ \ / y x \ \ z \ I 111/ \ \ x .\ / \ / \ z \x / m x / x l/ \ \ I x x x z x r x / 0 x z x 1/ \\ z x I \ / / x \ r \ 1/ \x / \ , \ / \ / x / 0 . \ x \ I \\ / \ x / \ Nix/\l / x z x / x / ;\\ / R \ r \ Wx 11/ z / \ , \ I , \ z \ x \\ I: \ z \ x / x , \ / ~ ‘ \\ 0 l/ r \ \ x , T 1 \ / / \ z \ x / x x Q \\\ 11/ z \ x . z x x > , t 1 x / x z x x / x . / z \ \ z / x . ./ , / , x / _. /// \\\ / z x z x x . z x f , x / n ,_ (I \\ x I r x z x \ z \ r x / finflw, // \\ x z / x / \ / \,& / x I ‘ / \\ x I z x \ / x , x z . a ll \\ x x z x : x \ r \ r /k\ x I V\ v x \ 6 z \ \\ /1/ \x x / x / x / \ z x X A // z \ x \ I \ z \ z \ \\ / x / \ / x z \\ / / \\\ III/ \ Ix \ / U x / DI. \ \ J \\ S r \ / a \ z \ 7N x , \ / / /// W \\\ \ / u \ I \ I //l \\\ \ r \ z» I/ \\ x / x / . \ I \\\ \ / , \ f / , x x . ~ / \ 0P \/\1\/ / q \ . / \ / z x . \ x x z . \\\ ‘ /// QSWS \ / \ / , / x . f. \ , x \ \ ~ I \ x / x \ \\ \ / \ fl / x a. x / \ / / .Trzfimw , \ . , . , \ , ~ \ $3023an firmly}, flmnA foB on [Jan \ \\ I \\\v // E, x, W Butlers fan/try Paw/ma a- #24440: W Jag”; m; as, y 1.1k- J.‘ 1192,,» N96: mom. , \ / Mud .7me Room / \ . \\ \ \ / / // // \x/ :E:: // \\\ \ \ \ \ \ W / ‘41le [74/2 L__l ""1 /. Q a/J'zm'r VFW fur >1 mfim ‘ . m mmnm 'r . 1 . 1‘ l i I I ‘ I .5 ‘ '0 2o Jattbn if the-filer J't'ored‘ Wide .Dzizezizyflamnfi mfhte 24. E0: .» C IIIIIIII‘IIIIHIIIIIIIIIII ————-r————-—\’ Mal‘ ‘ " ,AMA‘V m. —u Vulfu'bid.’ max rim—4 l 1 . (may: dcagirm: Méijyflfiy-[k .1.er «x M. a . fl _ . .. _ _ a . V . A _ J W I . . — , . _ _ . _ _ _ _ .4 V / _ r _ _ — , ,. _ . I a f . * . ._ _ _ V _ , _ ._ _ fl 7 . _ ‘ _ fl _ _ . v _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . y ., F _ V _ _ _ « V ,c /_ _ r. 7 fl 1 _ , v A i _ v x 1 ¥ . _ _ ,_ _ W _ ,_ W _ _ \ _ _ A H H 4 _ . _ _ _ _ fl _ , . A _ x _ _ _ , . . y . ~ . _ _ ‘ fl _ _ _ _ _ f _ . _ s , _ _ _ _ _ _ H J . . _ . ‘ _ _ . _ _ v . _ _ x , f , ._ _ _ _ _ . r, _ _ F . H > I , . I I \ x . xx. , am \— m... \ ; . D\_ «w. , W. V. . H: ‘ r x \ Mx . Av In.“ \ 7.th 0/ N ,... {Maw/Ta . all?“ . r .32.! \ _ J I Q (a). WV .0 7w, ____,'___-______L_ __._____-_v.______.-.4 \9 wt in a film/é /z/an.é7 or in flvur angiév, a flMZ/W 1447/ & a}: [473‘ o/zr/ahjw. pr [/16 Edging; Mix/(2’ W51}[. A} lizard flan? M1 Plan 146 flit/am [fie .rdZe furl/t, Ma fflirénf/‘r wl/Z 52 F3744 zlr 2‘54 flat Maid for one yuarkr » K __:=___=_=_==_. .Z’ufiluV/zed cw t/zlr do! dd'wm, Jan IV] 1“] 719:9, 6/ I. «it J. fwd/7417.36: l/a/fiér/L . .— m m. \I h - , v v v v v n v m v V v v , v _ v _ v V , v _,. .y . WV , l ti - V 'n'n'A'A rum/z“! m- m, rm de'na, Jamt'z. 27m 15,, I, .v ./ van/m M155. ”dim/'71.. vfi'viivii’fimii . ' air-Aim "whip-n". IiAIiA'nlhinfiAfi infiflninnl Alumni-In 8TM1M7wfx - > . ‘ Mflflillllfl A I A. ozwl‘ux'.n" , I . )6 r . ‘ ‘ ‘ t (3.9.2... . 5 V 7‘. :6...;; 1.5 '|3. ”i”-‘g.;:.:.' 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Books of Ufe to Carpenters, Bricklayers, and Workmen in general, &c. Sec. 'Which, with the belt Ancient Authors, are confiantly on Sale At 1. and J. TAYLOR’S Architectural Library, No. 56, High Holborn, London: Where may be had the Works of the molt celebrated French Architect's and Engineers. PLANS,Elevations, Seaions and Viewsof the Church of Batalha, in the Province ofE/iremadura, in Portugal, with an Hiftory- and Defcription by Fr. Luis dc Soufa, with Remarks"; to which is perfixed, An lntrodué‘tory Difcourie on thel’rinciples of‘Gothic Architeo‘ture, by fame: Murphy, Architeé‘t. lllull'ratcd with 27 plates. Elegantly printed on imperial folio, and hot prefl'ed, price 41. 143. 6d. ., a T he flrchitecture of this Stru‘c’iure it of the hofl Gothic, and one of the mzfl chefle and magnificent flecilfinhn: of the flyle earl/ling; and well deyer'ues the attention of the Antiquary and the flrtifl, for its purity ofole. ign and elegance of ornament. _ THE Ancient Buildings of Ronze, accurately’mealured and delineated, by flntony Defgodetz, with Explanations in French and dinglifh; the Text tranllated, and the Flares engraved, by the late Mr. George Mar/hall, Architect, 2 vols. imperial folio, with 137 plates, priCe 5l. 53.‘h;ilf«b0und, or 4i. 145. 6d. fewed. ’ thgodetz’s A'ntiquities has ever heen highly valued by Amateur: and Profeflors, for the flecuracy of the [Wee/urementr, and the Choice ‘ of elegant Suhjefls. The W’orh includes Doyigns at large of thefollowing celehrateel S truflures, viz. the Pantheon, Temple of Bacchus, Temple of Vefla at Rome ,- 'Jemple oj he ’3 '1 at Ii'uoli ; Temple of Fortune: Virilis, '1 vemple of Jntoninus and Fan/lino, Temple of Concord, fl emple of 7u/12ter Stator, Tel/epic cfyupiter Torrens, Templejof Mars the fluenger, Frontzfliece of Mro, Ba/ilica of Almo- m'nur, forum of Alert/a, Portico of S vptimiu: Severus, zirch of Titus, role of Septimius, flreh of the Golel/miths, Arch of Con/famine, . The Cali/earn, The flznphitheatre at Verona, The Theatre of Marcellus, The Bath: of Diocletian, and The Bath: of Paula: Emilius. Thirty Capitals of Columns, with Six Friezes, from the A’ntique. Engraved in Aqua-tints. by G. Rieharoflon, on 18 Plates. uarto, I 55. - Defigiils for Shop-Fronts and Door-Cafes, on 27 plates, 'quarto, iOs. 6d. ‘ g. V Defigns for Monuments, including Grave-Stones, Compartments, Wall-Pieces, and Tombs. Elegantly engraved on 40 quarto Plates, halfdiound, lbs. . Defigns for Chimney Pieces, with Mouldings and Bafes at large, on 24. quarto Plates, 103. 6d. . The Ruoimenrs offlncient architeer‘ure: containing an Hifiorical Account of the Five Orders, with their Proportion, and Examples of each from Antiques: Alfo, Extraéts from Vitruvz‘us, Pliny, (Sec. relative to the Buildings of the Ancients; calcu— lated for the Ufe of thofe who wifh to attain a fummary Knowledge of the Science of Architecture, with a Diftionarv of Terms: illuftrated with eleven Plates, boards, 65. ~ ' Sketches for Cottages, Villas, &c. with their Plans and appropriate Scenery, by 7ohn Soane ; to which is added, Sip; Defigns for improving and embellifhing Grounds, with Explanations, by an Amateur, on 54. Plates elegantly engraved in aqua-tinta, 2l. 125. 6d. half bound. ' - ' Plans, Elevations, and 89310115, of Buildings, executed in the counties of Norfolk, Ssz‘olh, Writ/hire, Wilt/hire, Warwick/hire, Stafird/hzre, Somerjezfliire, &C. By 70hr: Soane, Architect. On forty-fever: folio plates, 21. 2s. , The fame on imperial paper, 21. 12s. 6d. . » . Plans, Elevations, and Sections, of Noblemen and Gentlcmcn’s Houfcs, Stabling, Bridges public and private, Temples, and other Garden Buildings, executed in the Counties of Derby, Durham, Middlefex, Northumberland, Nottingham, York, Elfex, Wilts, Hertford, Suffolk, Salop and Sorry; by 7amer Paine Architeét, Joint Architect in the Board of W With 176 very large folio Plates, ()l. lbs. 6d. half—bound. . , The Defigns of Inigo 7mm, confifiing of Plans and Elevations for Public and Private Buildings; including the detail of the orks : 2vols, intended Palace at Whitehall ; publifhed by l/V. Kent, with tome additional Deligns, 2 vol. imperial folio, 4l. 43. in iheets; ' or half-bound, 4.1. 123. . ‘ Plans, Elevations, and Seélions, of the Hon/e of Correftion for the County of Middleflw, erected in Cwld Bath Fields, London - together with the Particulars of the fevcral Materials to be contraéted for, and manner of uling 'the fame. in bUilding_ 1 N. B. This Work is engraved from the original defigns, and publilhed with the authority of the Magiftrates, by Char/g: Middleton, Architeét. Engraved on 53 plates, imperial folio, half bound, 21. 123, 6d. The Cabinet—.Maher and UphoMeroru Guide, or Repofitory of Defigns for every article of Houfehold Furniture, in the fiewefi and molt approved tulle: difplaying a great variety of patterns for Chairs, Stools, Sofas, Confidante, Ducheffe, Side Boards Pedcf’cals and Vafes, Ccllcrets, Knife Cafes, Defk and Book Cafes, Secretary and Book Cafes, Library Cafes, Library Tables, Reading Defks, Cheils of Drawers, Urn Stands, Tea Caddies, Tea Trays, Card Tables, Pier Tables, Pembroke Tables, Pambour laliles, Drcliing Glall'es, Drefling Tables and Drawers, Commodes, Rudd’s Tables, Bidets, Night ,Tables, Bafon‘Srands, Wardrobes, Pot Cupboards, Brackets, Hanging Shelves, Fire Screens, Beds, Field Beds, SWCep Tops for ditto, Bed Pillars, Candle Stands, Lamps, Pier Glalfes, Terms for Bufis, Cornices for Library Cafes, Wardrobes, &c. atlarge. Ornamented Tops for Pier Tables, Pembroke Tables, Commodes, &c. &c. in the plaineli and mof’c enriched fiyles, with a fcale to each, and an explanation in letter-prefs. Alfo the Plan of a Room, {hewing the proper dift‘rihution of the furniture. The whole exhibiting near three hundred different defigns, engraved on one hundred eight folio plates: from drawings by /i. Heppelwhite {3’ Co. Cabinet—Makers, bound, 2]. 23. The Builder’s Price Book; containing a correct Lyl of the Price: allowed by the mo/l eminent fur‘veyors in London to the fl-verfll ar- ' tificers concerned in building; including the 7ourneymen’5 Prices. A new edition, corrected, with great additions, by an experienced furveyor, fewed, 25. 6d. and twenty- Ferme Ornée, or Rural Improvements, 21 Series of Domefiic and Ornamental Defigns, fuited to Parks, Plantations, Rides, Walks,- ~ Rivers, Farms, Sec. confif’ting of Fences, Paddock Houfes, a Bath, Dog-Kennels, Pavilions, Farm-Yards, lr‘ifhianoufes, Sporting—Boxes, Shooting- Lodges, Single and Double Cottages, &c. calculated for Landfcape and Pié’turefque EH‘BfiS. By 70hn Plow, Architeét, engraved in aqua-tinta on 38 plates, with appropriate Scenery, Plans, and Explanations, quarto, boards, 11. Ms. 6d. . , Rural xirchitcflure, or Defigns from the {imple Cottage to the Decorated Villa, including form: which have been executed by ‘7ohn Plow, on 62 Plates, with Scenery, in aqua—tinta, in boards, 2]. 25. " Familxar Architecture; confifiing of original Defigns of Houfes for Gentlemen and Tradefmén, Parfonages and Summer Retrtats; with Back—Fronts, Seétions, &c. together with Banqueting—Rooms, and Churches. To which is added, the Mafonry of the Semicircular and Elliptical Arches, with practical Remarks. By the late Thomas‘Rawlinr, Architec‘t. On fifty—one plates, royal quarto, 11. Is. ' , Crunolen’s Convenient and Ornamental xlrchztee‘iure; confifiing of original defigns for. plans, elevations, and fcaions, beginning With the farm—houfc, and regularly alcending to the melt grand and magiiificent villa; calculated both for town and country, and to fuit all pcrfons in every flation of life; with a reference and explanation in letter-prels, of the 'ufe of every room in each feparatc building, and the dimenfions accurately figured on the plans, with exact kale“ for the mea- furemcnt, elegantly engraved on feventy copper-plates, bound, 163., C A TiA Lo G U E of . Modem 1300,16 'onflfl’li’r‘efim’? ‘ A Serie: of Plans for Cottage: or Habitation: of the Labourer, either in Hufbandry, or the Mechanic Arts, adapted as well to Towns, as to the Country. ‘ To which is added, an lntroduélion, containing many ufeful Oblervations on this Clafs of Build- ing, tending to the Comfort of the Poor and Advantage bf the Builder—With Calculations of Expencns. By the late _‘ Mr. 3‘. l/Voool, of Bath, Architeét. A newEdition, with 30 Plates, large quarto, 15s. in boards. _ ' ' The Country Gentleman’: Arehitefl, in a great variety of new defigns for cottages, farm-houfes, country-lloufes, villas, lodges for park or garden entrances,- and ornamental wooden gates; with plans of the oflices belonging to each delign 3 dittributed r with a firiét attention to convenience, elegance, and economy. Engraved on thirty—two quarto plates, from defigns drawn ,. by j. M'ller, Architect, fewed, 105. 6d. Vitruviur Britannicus. 3. vols. half bound, 61. 65. The Continuation to Ditto, 2~vols. , Chamhen’s (Sir' ”/illiam) Treatife on the Decorative Parts of Civil Architecture, 3d edit. half bound, 31. 135. 6d. ’ Buildings and Views of Kew Gardens, half bound, 21. 10s. Defigns for Chinefe Buildings, 8cc. Inigo form’s Dtyignr, by Kent, 2 vols. folio. Lewis’s Deflgn: in lrchiteflure, half bound. Paine’: Plans, Elevations, &c. of Noblemen’s Seats, 5C6. folio, 2 vols. half-bound, 61. 165. 6d.- Plans and Elevation: of Holhhom—Hall in Norfolk, on 5 plates, 23. ’ Ruins of Athens, by Stuart, 3 vols. of Balbec, Palmyra, Poeltum, Ionia, de la Grece, par Le Roy, «Soc. 8w, Rieharoyon on the Five Orders, folio, boards, ll. its. 6d. ’ Plans, Elevations, 8m. folio, 31. 138. 6d. Nut/hel’s, Plans for Houfer, oétavo, boards, 53. 1 g ' Newton’s Tran/lotion of Vitravias, 2 vols. folio. ' .4 Treatifi on Theatre's, including fame Experiments on Sound by G. Saunders, with plates, quarto, boards, 105. 6d. Perroner for let Pontr, 2 tom. Belidor l’rlrrhiteo'ture Hydraulique,‘ 4 tom. quarto. Nouvelle flrch. Hydranlique, par ole Prony, tome premier, quarto. Piramfl’s lVorhs, compleat, 20 vols. large folio. g Diflionare D’flrehitefiure, Civile, Militaire et Navale, par Roland, 3 tom. quarto, with too Plates, 21. 12s. 6d. Dr. Brooh Taylor’s Method of Perfleflive made eofi, both in Theory and Praflice; in two Books; being an attempt to make the Art of Perfpeétive eafy and familiar, to adapt it entirely to the Arts of Defrgn, and to make it an entertaining Study‘to any ———-———'- r Gentleman who {hall choofe fo polite an amufement. By 7o/hua Kirhy. llluflrated with thirtyfive copper-plates, cori reétly engraved under the Author’s infpeétion. The third edition. with feveral Additions and Improvements. Elegantly printed on imperial paper, halfbound, 11. 105. - The fame Work in two Volumes quarto, fewed, 11. Is. - The Peiflbeflive of Architeé'ture, a work entirely new: deduced from the principles of Dr. Brook“ Taylor, and performed by two ' rules of univerfal application: illuflratcd with feventy—three plates. Begun by command of his prefent Majefly when Prince of Wales. By 7o/hna Kirby. Elegantly printed on imperial paper, 11. 165. half bound. Yb: Defcription and Ufi if a new Irylrument called the n'rohitee‘tonio Seétor, by which any part of architeéture may be drawn with facility and exaélnefs. By fo/hua Kirby. Illul’trated with twenty-five plates. Elegantly printed on imperial paper, half bound, lirts. \ . Kirby’s Works on Perfpeétive, 3 vol. complete, uniformly half-bound, 41. 4s. The two Frontifpieces, by Hogarth, t0 Kirby‘s Perfpeélive, may be had feparaté, each 55. r . The Starlent’r onlruftor, in drawing and working the live Orders of Architeé’cure; fully explaining the belt methods for f’triking regular and quirked Mouldings, for diminifhing and gluing of Columns and Capitals, for finding the true Diameter ofan Order to any given height, for {triking the Ionic Volute circular and elliptical, with finifhed examples on a large Scale of the Orders, their Planceers, &c. and fome Deligns for Door Cafes, by Peter Niche/fan, engraved on 33 plates orfiavo. Price 65. bound. The Carpenter’s New Guide, being a complete Book of Lines for Carpentry and Joinery, treating fully on Praétical _Geomet'ry, Soffits, Lines for Roofs and Domes, with a great variety of Deligns for Roofs, Truffed Girders, Floors, Domes, Bridges, 8tc. Stair—Cafes and Hand-Rails of various confirue‘tions, Angle—Bars for Shop Fronts, and Raiking Mouldings, with many other things entirely new. The whole founded on true Geometrical Principles ; The Theory and Practice well explained and fully exemplified on 78 Copper-Plates, including fome Praétical Obfcrvations and Calculations on the Strength of Timber, by Peter Nichol/”on, hound, 125. The Carpenter’s and yoiner’: Repofitory ; or, a new Syftem of Lines and Proportions for Doors, Windows, Chimneys, Cornices, and Mouldings, for finifhing of Rooms, &c. &c. A great variety of Stair-Cafes, on a plan entirely new, and eafy to be underflood. Circular circular Soflits, fiewing and'winding in f’traight and circular \Valls,Groins, Angle Brackets,'circular and elliptical Sky-Lights, and the method of fquaring and preparing their circular liars, Shop Fronts, &c. BV [7. Pain, Joiner. Engraved on fixty-nine folio copper-plates. bound, 163. ' , ' Pain’: Briti/h Palladio, or the Builder’: General Aflflant; demonl’crating, in the melt eafy and praé‘tical method, all the principal rules of Architeéturc, from the ground plan to the ornamental finilh. Illufirated with fevcral new and ufeful deligns or houfes, with their plans, elevations, and feétions. All‘o clear and ample initrué‘tions annexed to each fubjcét in letter-prefs; with a lift of prices for materials and labour, and labour only. Thil u’orh will he aniveoflzlly u/i’fiel to all carpenters, hri'cl-rliyerr, mafonr, joiner-r, plaiflererr, and others, eonoerned inJhe/everal branches of hailrling, Ur. comprehending the following fuhjeéls, viz. Plans, elevations, and feétions of gentleman’s houfes. Defigns for doors, chimneys, and ceilings, with their proper embellilhments, in the moll modern tafie. A great variety of mouldings, for bafe and furbafe architraves, impolls, frieaes, and corniccs, with their proper ornaments for praélice, drawn to half line: to which are added, fcales for enlarging or lcflening at pleal'ure, if required. Alfo, great variety of flair-cafes; {hewing the practical method of executing them, in any' cafe required, viz. groins, angle-brackets, circular circular flewing and winding foflits,'domes, lky—lights, &c. all made plainand eaiy to the meanel’t capacity. The proportion of windows for the light to rooms. Preparing foundations; the proportion of chimneys to rooms, and feélions of flows. . The principal timbers properly laid out on each plan, viz. the manner of framing the roofs, and finding the length and backing of hips, either fquare or bevel. Scantlings of the timbers, figured in proportibn to their bearing. The method of trulling girders, fcarfing plates, ENZC- and many other articles, particularly ufcful to all pcrfons in the building profefiion. The whole correétly engraved on fortynwo folio copper plates, from the original defigns of [William and ‘j‘ames Pain, bound, 16s. The Praitiral Hon/e Carpenter; or, Tout/2’s In/Zrac‘ior : containing a great Variety of ufeful Dcfigns in Carpentry and Architcélut'c; as Centering for Groins, [Vic-hes, lice. Examples for Roofs, Sky-Lights, 8cc. The Five Orders laid down by a New Scale. Mouldings, Stc. at large, with their Enrichments. Plans, Elevations and Seélions of lrlouleS for Town and Country, Lodges, Hot-Houfes, Green-Houfes, Stables, lite. Delign for a Church, with Plan, Elevation, and two Sec‘tions ; an. Altar—l’iecc, and Pulpit. Deligns for Chimney-Pieces, Shop-Fronts, Door-Cafes. Seétion of a Dining-Room and U- brary. Variety of Stair~Cafes, with many other important Articles, and uleful Embellifhments. To which is added, a Lill of Prices for Materials and Labour, Labour only, and Day Prices. The whole illullrated, and made perfeflly only. lay :48 Copper-Plates, with Explanations to each. By ll’illiam Pain, Author of the Praétical Builder, and Britilh l’a'iudo. TL»: Fourth Edition, with large Additions. Price 155. bound. N. B. This is PAIN’s iaa work. 3 l [3]- fbe Pro/friml Builder, or W'orknian’s General Affiflant ; ‘ihewing the molt approved‘and eafy methods for drawing and working the whole or feparate part of any building ; as, the tire of the tramel forgroins, angle brackets, niches,’&c. femicircular arches on flewing jambs, the preparing and making their foflits; rules of carpentry, to find the" length and backing of {traight or Curved hips, trufles for roofs, domes, &c. Trufiing of girders, feé’rion of floors, &c. The proportion of the five orders in their general and particular parts: gluing of columns; flair-cafes, with their ramp and. twii’red rails, fixing their carriages, newels, «Soc. Frontilpieces, chimney-pieces, ceilings, cornices, architraVes, &c. in the newei’t tails; with plans and elevations of gentlemen’s and farm houfes, barns, &c. By b7. Pain, Architet‘l and Joiner. Engraved on eighty. three quarto plates, bound, us A new edition, with improvements by the Author. ‘ 772a Carpenter’s Pocket Diree7ory ; containing the belt methods of framing timbers of all figures and dimenfions, with their feveral parts; as floors, roofs in lcdgments, their length and backings; trufl‘ed roofs, {pi-res, and domes; trufiing girders, partitions, and bridges, with abutments; centering for arches, vaults, 8w. cutting Prone ceilings, groins, doc. with their , moulds: centres for drawing Gothic arches, ellipfes, &c. With the plan and feétions ofa barn. Engraved on twenty-four plates, with CXplanations. By WV. Pain, Architeét and Carpenter, bound, 4s. - , Ybe Builder’s Complete (Zfliflrmt; or, a Library of Al: and Sciences, ahfolutel)’ necefl'ary to be underl’rood by Builders and Workmen in general, V32. 1. Arithmetick, vulgar and decimal, in whole numbers and fraétions. 2. Geometry", lineal. fuPerfiCial’ and {Olid' 3' Arcmmaur‘?’ unive‘lél- 4- Menfuration. 5. Plain trigonometry. 6. Surveying of land, 25cc. 7. Mechanic powers. 8. Hydrol’raticks. lllui’rrated by above thirteen hundred examples., of lines, fuperficies, fond” mouldings, Padefials’ comm“, P'lafiel‘S, entablatureS, pediments, impOlis, block cornices, ruftic quoins, frontifpieces, arcades, porticos, 8m. proportioned by modules and minutes, according to Andrea Palladio; and by equal parts. Like- Wife great varieties Of trufied‘mOfs’ timber bridges, CenteringS, archeS, groins, twified rails, compartments, obelika, vafes. PCdCfials for buflos, fun—dials, fonts, 86c. and methods for railing heavy bodies by the force of levers, pulleYS, axes in peri- trochio, ferews, and wedge“ as alfo water by the.C0mm°n pump, crane, &c. whereint-he Properties and Preffiire of the a." on water, 8“” are explained. The Whole exemplified on 77 large quarto COPPCr-Plates, by Batty Langley. The fourth " edition, 2 vol. royal oélavo, bound, 123, Deflgm in drobiteéi‘ure; confifiing of plans, elevations, and fec'tions for temples, baths, caffines, pavilions, garden feats, obeliiks, and 0th” buildings : for decorating pleafure—grounds,. parks, forefis, 86c. 82c. By 7obn Soane. Engraved on thirty-eioht cOpper~ plates, imperial oé’cavo, fewed, 63. D Grotefque Ari-biterfiure, or Rural Ainufelnent; anfifiing of plans, elevations, and feé’tions, for huts, fummer and winter hermit- ages, retreats, terminaries, Chinefe, Gothic, and natural grottos, cafcades, rufiic feats, barns, mofques, morefque pavi— lions, grotefque feats, grc?njhoufesa Sic. _many of which may be executed With Hints, irregular (tones, rude branches and roots of trees; containing twenty—eight new defigns, with fcales to each. By IV. Wrigbt, Architeét. Oétavo, fewed, 4s. 6d. Idea: for Ru/iio Furniture, proper for Garden Chairs, Summer Houfes, Hermitages, cottages, &c. engraved on 25 Plates, Oétavo. Price 43. ,, , . ‘ Tbe Temple Builder’s mo/i ufeful Companion: containing original deligns in the Greek, Roman, and Gothic tafie. By C, 7‘, Overton. Engraved on fifty c0pper—plates, oi’tavo, fewed, 75. x Tbe Carpenter’s Treofure; a colleétion oidefigns‘ for. temples, with theirplans; gates, doors, rails, and bridges, in the Gothic ’ tal’re, with centres at large for {hiking gothic curves and mouldings, and fome fpecimens of rails in the Chinefe tafle, forming acomplete fyPrem for rural decorations. By N. Wallis, Architec't. Sixteen plates, ofiavo, fewed, 2s. 6d. Golbir drobiteo'z‘ure improved by Rules and Proportions in many grand defigns of columns, doors, windows, chimney-pieces, arcades, colonnadé‘S, porticos, umbrellas, temples, paVilions, Sic. Wl'th plans, elevations and profiles, geometrically exem- plified. By B. {9’ T. Langley. To which 18 added, an Hifiorical Dilcourfe on Gothic Architecture. On 64, plates, quarto, bound, 155. - ‘Ibe Modern yoiner; or, a Colleétion of original Defigns, in the prefent taf’te, for chimney-pieces and door-cafes,_with their mouldings and enrichments at large; frizes, tablets, ornaments for pilailers, bafes, fub—bafes and cornices for rooms, fire. with a Table, {hewing the proportion of chimneys, With the entablatures, to rooms of any fize. By N. Woo/1,}, Architeélz, quarto: 88- Outlines of Defigns for Sloop Front: and Door Cafes, with the Mouldings at large, and Enrichments to each Defign. Engraved On 24 Plates, quarto, 55. _ Currus Cim'lir, or Genteel Defigns for coaches, chariots, poll-chaifes, vis-a-vis, road and park phaetons, Whiikies, {ingle horf‘e chaifes, &c. Engraved on thirty plates, quarto, fewed, 105. 6d. An Efly m the Con/lruéiion and Building of Chimneys, including an enquiry into the common caufes of their fmoking, and the melt effeétual remedies for removmg f0 intolerable _a nuifance; With a Table to proportion chimneys to the fize of the room. Illuftrated with proper figures. A new edition. By Robert Clawrzng,’ Builder, fewed, zs. 6d. ' Obfervations on Smoky Chimneys, their Caufes and Cure, with Confiderations on Fuel and Stoves, illuflrated with proper Figures, by 3. Franklin, LL. D. 25. fewed. , . . , Tbis Work, with Clawring’s Eflay, may be bad togetber, m boardr, 4s. 6d, The Manner of fecuring all Sort: of Building: from 'Fire; a treatife upon the conf’rrué’rion of arches made with bricks and Platter, called flat arches; and of a roof Without timber, called a briclg roof: with fome Letters that paired between the Count D’Efpie, Peter Wyclie, and William Beckford, hlqrs. on this fubjeé‘t. Odiavo, fewed, 2s. Tbe Builder’siPoelzer Treofiire, in which not only the Theory but the Praétical Part of Architeéiure are carefully explained and cor- reétly engraved on fifty-five Copper-plates, With printed Explanations to each, by Mlliam Pain. Oétavo, bound 65. Langley’s Builder’s Dir-eo’ior, or Bench Mate; being a pocket treafury of the Grecian, Roman, and Gothic orders of Archi- teéture, made eafy to the meanef’r capacny, by near 500 examples, engraved on :84. copper- plates, Izmo. bound, 4s. Langley’s Builder’s 7ezvel, bound, 4s. 6d. ' Hawney’: Complete zWeafurer, 35. Hoppus’s MrI/ltrer. Tables ready caf’c, 2s. 6d. Plate Clafi Boole, 4.5. Every Man a Complete Builder; or eafy Rules and Proportions for drawing and working the feveral parts of Architefture. In which are given a plan, elevation, and feétiOn of the curious trufled carpenter’s work ereé’ted to {u ort the Black-Friars Bridge, from an exaét meafurement. compiled by Edward Oaltley. Oflavo, fewedfp45‘ 6d. centre amh Of Ybe 7oiner and Cabinet Mabem Darling ; containing fixty difi‘erent defigns for all forts of frets, friezes, (Soc. fewed, 35. Tbe Carpenter’s Companion ; containing thirty-three deiigns for all forts of Chinefe railing and gates. Oé'tavo, fewed, 23. Tbe Carpenter’s Complete Guide to the whole Syflem of Gothic Railing; containing thirty-two new defiens, with fcales to cash Oéiavo, fewed, 23. - a a Tbe Carpenter’: and foiner’s Vade 1Weoum. By Robert Clavering and Company, fewcd as. d Geometrical View of' tbe Five Orders of Column: in drcbiteo’iure, adjulled by aliquot parts; whereby the meanefl: capacity, by'in- tpeétion, may delineate and work an entire order, or any part, of any" magnitude required. On a large iheet, is. o \ ”Elevation ofthe New Bridge athleehFrmm Vthh plan ‘of the foundation and fuperf’trué’cure.» . By R. Baldwin. :2 inches by 4.8.inch/cs, 55. , , . , Plant, Elevation: and Sefliont of ‘the Machines and Centering tiled in ereé’c“ " ' I . , . ~ . ma Black-F I.“ B d - 2 . « « a“ R. Baldwin, clerk of the work; on {even large plates, with explanationsbzos. 6d. rolhivitli‘ th: ,613L222’8n’lilislsengraVCd Ly Elevation of .: he Stone Bria’ built ov th S ' ' . - - ~ engravedi‘by Rooher. If? 6d. er e evern, at Shrew/hwy, wrth plan Of the foundation “3d luperf’trué’turc, Cle'émd)’ ATpatifl on Building in [Vaten By G. Semple. Quarto, with 63 plates, fewed, Izs. . Plans, Elevations, and Seétion of the Gaol, Bride'well and Sheri ’5 Ward latel b 'lt t P ' ' " t ' ‘ by 7ohn Call, Efq. upon the plan recommended ,by’j‘ohn waara’, Bk. Oi; gullarg: {fifimzzgfgdme county Cf Cornwall, London and llfiflmz'ryler improved. Illufirated by plans To which is fi ' ' , ‘ i - ' . . , ~ _ _ . _‘ pre 3,“ aDrfcourfe on ubl M or . ' :lons 191? thle gatet9f arts 3"? graft; 1“, thls kingdgrp; \ivherein the fi’udy of the Politdbartiicis ffdiiiifx‘ixghii’edwaiihniihfeelizg o a 1 era 6 ucaron: concu e ome r0 0 ' ' . . , Architeét. Board5,.5s. y P P as re atrve to places not laid down in the plans. By film Gwyn", Plans, Elevations, and Sections, prefented to the corporation of Bath, for the improvement of the hath: in that citv- intending to make the yvhole one grand, uniform elegant, and convenient Ft 6,} f ~ . 1 . Engraved on nine folio plates, by Rodher,l&c. fewed, 6s. ru ure 0 thCVIOHIC order. By the late R' Ding/t)“ .Efq. Encazylie, or Count Caylus’s Method of painting in the manner of the Ancients. By 7. H. Mumz, Octavo bound 53 ) ~ ) o The Young Draft/man’s Guide to the true Outline of the Human Fi - ' . . gure or a rear variet of eat exan l . Body; calculated to encourage young beginners, and thereby lead ’totheghabit of dilawinghvith 1aijceusiagf: gill: 223i? On true prmctplee. By an emznent zlrtg/l, deceafed. Engraved on eighteen ceppcr-plates, folio, {ewcd, 55. i Y I BOOKS OF ORNAMENTS, &c. Ornament: Di/playea’, 'on a full liz‘e for Working, proper for all CarVers Painters 85c containin ~ 2. v -' r - e . . . ’ ' 1; . e. {7' ‘ - V of Foliage and Friezes, elegantly engraved in the manner of Challis, on 33 large folio Plates, {exéd’yéseccumte Examples flNew Booh ofOrnament: ; containing a variety of elegant defigns for modern pannels common' ' _ or painting, and ‘ufe-d in decorating principal rooms. Drawn and etched by P. Columhani_ &::::ui:g‘ehn {7211623, woods 1 Variety ofCapitals, Frizes, and Cornices; how to increafe or decreafe them, fiill retainincr the fame . a . . .. . Likewil‘e, twelve defigns for chimney-pieces, drawn an inch and a half to a foot. 0?: twelve pigtgfipoiliftgua: 2116 ogglnal. P. Columhanz. F0110, fewed, 6s. . e n etc edhy .The Principles of Drawing Omanients made eafy, by proper examples of leaves for mouldinos ca’ ital { 1 , l . , engraved in imitation of drawings, on fixteen plates. With infii-uéiions for learningbttli'thdjnt as’mEi’ifieii, hillefhiihrii)il?gea _&.°' to carvers, cabinet-makers, flucco-workers, painters, fmiths, and every one concerned in orpamenlm Clary nietul By an flrtifl. Qiarto, fewetl, 4s. 6d. . ‘ ' “ . eCo’atloflt‘f. Ornamental Iron lVorlt‘ or defigns in the prelent tafie, for fan-lights flair—cafe railing window Guard i i ' -' . ’ , . _ ‘ . 7 ‘ r t 5? la”) “'Ong izl. i, and ates. With a fcheme for ad ufim defions wrth facrht and , b ,. rim ’ p *2. P3 . dots : feweg, 65. J g D y accuracy l0 any 110136. Englaved on 21 plates, quarto, 1! new Boo/é g“ Ornaments, by S. fliht’n. On fix plates, fewed, 25. 6d. .- i Twelve new Defigns of Frames for Looking-Glades, Piétures, &c. by S. H carve-r, fewed, 2s. 1! Boo/l o Tablet: done to the full fize commonly ufcd for chimne - 'e e . D f , fewérd, 35. (id. - y4p1 C s e lgned and etched bl .7 Pelher, on fix Plagesé Ornaments in the Palmyrene Toy?“ engraved on twelve quarto plates. By N. lVa/lz'r, fewed, 4s. 6d, Law’s new Book of’Ornaments, fevved, 25. I ' A Book of Vales, by 7‘. Law, fewed, 25. A Bookfiof Vales, by P. Columhani, fewcd, 25. A new Bobk of Eighteen Vafer, Modern and Antique, 23. A-Book of Vales from the Antique, on twelve plates, fewed, 25. x . \ Gerard’s new Book of Foliage, fewed, 2s. ‘ A (mail Book of Ornaments, on fix leaves, by G. Ea’wara’s, Is. A new Book of Defigns for Girandoles and Glafs Frames. By B. Peflorz‘m', on ten plates, fewed, 45, i ' 'D ham Cathedral a ' - . . _ , A“ 11:22"; 11253132: 1(5an a half by’22njndl :fi:ggqfhzhgapllpg::t Got/72c Shrine 1n the fame. Elegantly engraved'on two An Exterior and Interior View of St. Giles’: Church in ther'eldr, elegantly engraved by Walker, file 18 inches b I - the a' A Plan and Elevation of the King of Portugal’s Palace at Mafra, on two large fheets, 65, ; Y '5 a P 1r,_5s. A north-welt View of GreenWich Church, IS. . An elegant engraved View of Shoreditch Church, 2 feet 4 inches by I foot 8' inches, 3‘5. An eleoant engraved View of the Monument at London with the 3. ts . _ ‘ _ girzial by S” C- Wren; and an Hif’torical Account in letter Preg,r7s.g66d(imemca11y ’ has 21 bl 33 males} from an ori- Sir Chri/lopher lyren’s Plan ’for rebuilding the City of London after the great Fire 1666, Is. Plan‘ and Sections of a curious Sailing Machine,-neatly coloured, 55. The Art of Practical Meafuring by the Sliding Rule; fl'lCWino‘ how to f' . . ‘ . . . alfo gauging, 85c. By H. Coggelh‘all. ‘A new edition, byDJ. Ham, [35:13? Ember, fion‘e, board, glafs, painting, 35¢, The Buildingalfi ofthe 14th Geo. Ill. With plates, fhewin the ro er th' k f _ . . A complete index, lift of furve‘yors‘and their refidence,g&c. PInpa {mallet gscigthZLZYfgsgs: :5)???“ waHS’ “d Chlmne NIB. The notice and Certificate re u' d b th b - - ‘ I . each, or 13,?” 23; ‘q ”C Y e a OVC aéb may be had printed wrth blank {paces for filling (up, ‘price 2d. Animals drawn from Nature, and engraved in Aquatinta, by Charles Catton, on 36 plates folio, 2]. 175. in boards Smeaton’s EXperiments on Under-{hot and Over-{hot Water Wheels, 85c. Oé‘tavo, with 5 Plates, boards 48. 6d I A General Hl'flory of Inland Navigation, Foreign and Dame/lie . containing a complete element of 1h 0 I . . , , . . , s i t l : [Mill With Conflderatton: on tho/é pmflfled‘ To whzoh are aalrled, Prafliral 0%"vatz'oLns. [li’uflz'iztegniiitz Safe? glerzildfdi/2”LE7§- Bf’dg‘“, {Ta ”Ida/{"33 Mapof England coloured,_/hewmg ”-73 Li”?! qfr‘z‘he Canalr executed, thofl' propo/od and the \Ar, ~03}, Rwerr. . 1! new Edition, with Two zlddendar which complete the Hylory to 1795. Boards, 11' 85. .- : atnga a N. B. The Addendas may he had feparate, by former purchafers of the work. Alfo, The Map maybe had feparate, price 55‘. coloured. rs- , b. . 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