RESEARCH REPORT g DETERMINATION of ' ' ’ OCULAR THRESHOLD LEVELS for INFRARED RADIATION CATARACTOGENESIS I-DOCUMENTS DEPART‘IVW‘ SEPT 91980 n LIBRARY UIIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA , O‘RDEPOSITORY > ' us. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES I _ JUL) 1:! I980 Puiblc He aicIthServ Ce nert forDiaseseCo ntr ol Naiot nallnstitueortf Occ cuaiopt nalSafetyan adnHe alth x i / I! ,f EETERMINATION 0F ifiéfifllh’ OCULAR THRESHOLD LEVELS FOR 55/) O1; INFRARED RADIATION CATARACTOGENESIS fl/‘v / Donald G. Pitts, O.D., Ph.D. Anthony P. Cullen, O.D., M.Sc. Pierrette Dayhaw—Barker, Ph.D. University of Houston College of Optometry Houston, Texas 77004 NIOSH # 77—0042—7701 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ”*1‘? ~" Public Health Service Center for Disease Control \% National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthJ Division of Biomedical and Behavioral Science Cincinnati, Ohio 45226 JUNE 1980 For Ille by the Superintendent of Documentl. U.S. Government Printing Office, Walhlngton. D.C. 20402 I'I’I‘I'III'I I I I I I I I,’I ’I ‘I ’I I >‘I“Y,'V{‘Il I,‘I‘I I‘M I‘,‘ if I ‘4 I .x' (”fix & I I I I I IIHVIHVHV‘ IIIIIIMI I ’M‘II’1"|VVVIVV"“" I" VHIHIVI‘IH‘I I,I,I ‘ ”(VIVIMHVHHH‘Y 'III I HH'I'H‘ W, I HHIV I ,I IV,III,I:.I,IIHI ‘H I'lflymylfl'i‘w' I 1‘]! I I I I! ’I‘ I’M" I IV‘Iv ,‘I II'III ’ ‘HHVH I‘Iylfllyfl‘fiyly‘! II V ' I V'IVIH ”H Imw I IIIIII'HI III I'IH‘I'I I' 'I'I‘IW'I'I'I‘I'I‘I‘I‘I'I'I'II‘I‘I'I' VI‘HIHHH IIHII’VIIII mum. I IIIII. HIM Iwww I r,‘I"I‘u’v,‘I:.‘I{I,‘Ig.'I,'I vhw‘I‘V'hlvny'yl I IN I'IV,I‘IIIH’I|IIIII VH‘IV “V’IH‘I II M ”Vila“. DISCLAIMER I I II I The contents of this report are reproduced herein as received from the contractor. The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, nor does mention of company names or products constitute endorsement by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. I I luv mum I v I In! I I' IWI‘I’II‘I'I’I’I’I‘I’I' !‘ III”“1“!”th['I‘II'IVVIM, y“ HHV’H‘H‘H HIHIIHIM' M V. WI ’y‘L’lyjy‘I‘ylhv NIOSH Project Officer: C. Eugene Moss Principal Investigators: Donald G. Pitts, 0.D., Ph.D. Anthony P. Cullen, 0.D., Ph.D. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to express appreciation to Karsten Neilsen, 0.D., for assistance in all of the primate research and the latter stages of the rabbit studies. v? Ii? L DHHS (NIOSH) W. 80—121 ii TO: BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2—25—85 Date FROM: Library Unit PUBL Sender K. Bedau REQUEST FOR CATALOGING TCP ITEMS 80 5878 PUBL TCP no. XD Cataloging priority: RUSH/SPECIAL RUSH NORMAL Author/Title: Donald G; Pitts et al. Determination of ocular threshold levels for infrared radiation cataractogenesis. Branch locations: Send book along with form whenever possible. If book is not available for cataloging when paged by Bibliographic Services from Main Library Circulation, this form will be returned filled out below. FOR BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES USE BSD 1x may; :7 311/ £5 KEV P5 ABSTRACT )tZZflZ§// A 5000 watt Xenon high pressure lamp was used to expose 100 pigmented rabbit eyes and 10 monkey eyes to both infrared radiation and the full optical spectrum of the source. The primary ocular lesion was an ' anterior epithelial sub—capsular opacity which initially was seen as small whitish dots that developed into white patches in that area of the anterior capsule just beneath and in contact with the iris. No lenticular opacities were induced by direct exposure to the lens. Ocular damage from infrared exposure was related to the rate of delivery of the radiation. Infrared irradiances up to 3.9 W'cm"2 resulted in thresholds for the rabbit eye of 5000 Jocm‘2 for the cornea, 3500 J-cm‘2 for the iris, and 3750 J-cm‘2 forthe lens while irradiances above 4.0 W-cm‘2 gave rabbit ocular thresholds of 1250 J-cm'2 for the cornea, 1250 J-cm"2 for the iris, and 2250 J~cm‘2 for the lens. Exposures with the full optical spectrum of the source showed that the visible and the ultraviolet radiation were additive for damage to the lens. The monkey ocular thresholds were a factor of 6 above the respective rabbit threshold. The methodology for ocular protection, the criteria for ocular damage, and the levels of allowable infrared exposure are discussed. iii 205574 CONTENTS Abstract Acknowledgments Introduction Purpose of the Research Review of the Literature Eyelids Cornea Iris Crystalline Lens Retina and Choroid Instrumentation and Procedures Infrared Source Infrared Source Measurement Experimental Animals Exposure Procedures Evaluation Procedures Results Discussion Summary References INTRODUCTION Purpose of the Research The purpose of the research was to establish the ocular threshold exposure values for infrared radiation (IR) in the 700 to 1400 nanometers (nm) wavelength range necessary to produce cataracts in the crystalline lenses of experimental animals relevant to man, to identify and report effects observed in other ocular structures, and to recommend valid criteria for safety standards against ocular exposure to IR. Review of the Literature An extensive review of the literature was not necessary because of the papers of Turner (1), and Duke-Elder (2) and the exhaustive review by Moss et al. (3). Therefore, this section covers selected research, which produced experimental data, in an attempt to acquaint the reader with the irradiance levels in the IR spectrum necessary to produce ocular damage or to confirm that such data do not exist. An understanding of the absorptive or transmittance properties of the eye in the wavelength region of concern will assist in explaining some of the observed biological effects. Weisinger et al. (4), Geeraets et al. (5), Boettner and Wolter (6), Prince (7), and Geeraets and Berry (8) have pub- lished transmittance data for the rabbit, primate and human in the wavelength range from 300 nm to 2000 nm (Figures 1—3). These reports indicate that the mammalian ocular media are transparent to the near IR (radiation in the 750 nm to 1400 nm wavelength range) and essentially opaque to the far IR (radiation greater than 1400 nm). The corneal transmittance exceeds 90% between 500 and 1300 nm. Beyond 1300 nm, absorption bands at about 1430 nm and 1950 nm are found for the cornea but its transmittance remains high between these bands. Beyond 2000 nm, the IR absorption of the cornea appears to be almost complete. The aqueous humor transmits to about 2400 nm and has absorption bands centered at 980, 1200, 1430 and 1950 nm. The crystalline lens shows high transmittance to about 1400 nm with absorption bands centered at 980, 1200, and 1430 nm. The transmittance of the vitreous humor exceeds 90% and demonstrates absorption bands at 980 nm and 1200 nm with essentially no transmittance of IR beyond 1400 nm. Thus, IR above 2000 nm is absorbed almost entirely by the cornea and aqueous humor. Almost all of the near IR impinging on the iris is absorbed by the iris pigment epithelium layer which lies next to the lens. The near IR which passes through the pupil shows strong absorption bands above 900 nm while almost none of the IR above 1400 nm reaches the retina. The IR which is transmitted through the ocular media to the retina is absorbed by the pigment epithelium of the retina . The ocular effects of IR on the different anatomical structures beginning with the eyelid and proceeding posteriorly to the retina will be reviewed. TRANSMITTANCE (‘70) _ sss$§$$8 l 1 l N C) l (mu) H19N313‘7WM 09H OSOI 096 098 091. 099 09$ 0917' 092 ..... ...... .oI- - .- NVWI‘IH .LIGGVH 09H OSEI OSZI Figure 1. Transmittance curves for the human and rabbit ocular media (after Geereats). 80- 60- 40- 7 ‘ TOTAL TRANSMITTANCE o‘ AT THE VARIOUS . 20- ANTERIOR SURFACES I. AQUEOUS 3 . VITREOUS ' ‘ 2.LENS 4.RET|NA 3 o- A r . . . Z 300 400500 800 l200 2000 < l00 . ’- - DIRECT TRANSMITTANCE AT THE *- VARIOUS ANTERIOR SURFACES _ _ LAGUEOUS 2 80 2.LENs 01 . 3.VITREous z 4.RETINA 4 60- a: h I 40- 20" 0 I 300 400 5'00 800 I200 2000 WAVELENGTH (nm) Figure 2. Total and direct transmittance of the components of the human eye (after Boettner and Walter).6 3000 2500 < [A] Z a: O U > a: G [Ll a: n: O m (D < 2000 ABSORBED BY AQUEOUS I500 Aesonaeo av VITREOUS I000 700 l I l l C) C) (D C) ‘9 “5 7l5 nm “ 3' MIOTIC RABBIT EYE I \ 2' I I I o '— IRRADIANCE (Wcm'z) The threshold radiant exposure versus irradiance for the rabbit. These data show that the threshold varies with the rate of delivery of the source when the irradiance exceeds 3.5 w-cm‘z. earlier than the lens. These data also demonstrate greater variability due to movements of the animal during exposure. None of the exposures caused damage to the retina. Table IV presents the data for the IR spectrmn,focused beam, and with a normal pupil. These dataverr:intended as a check on the corneal threshold for an almost constant level of irradiance. The corneal threshold expo— sure was 5500 J-cm“2 for an irradiance of 3.6 W'Cm_2. These data compare quite favorably with exposure values obtained using a fOCused beam and miotic pupil (Tables III and IV) when the i 15% measurement error for the source is considered. An exposure at 6000 J-cm'2 with an irradiance of 2.9 W-Cm"2 resulted in a slight stippling and loss of the orange peel appearance at the anterior capsule of the lens. The effects of retinal exposure are presented in Table V. It is not possible using these data to make valid conclusions regarding the level of IR necessary to produce retinal damage. The optics of the source were not constructed for retinal effects study and extensive modification would have been necessary. When an animal was aligned to the optical beam, the beam was directed toward the band of medullated nerve fibers on the retina. Re—orientation of the animal would result in compensatory eye movements. One must be able to move the optical beam while keeping the animal stationary to study retinal effects. Despite these limitations, a retinal burn was found in animals IRlSR and IRl7L and retinal damage was caused in animals IR47R and IR39L from the IR spectrum. In addition, retinal damage was found in animals exposed to the full source spectrum with a focused beam and a dilated pupil. In each instance the exposure was greater than 6000 J-Cm' at the cornea but these data do not reflect true retinal damage exposure value for IR. A corneal lesion as observed by the biomicroscope, progressed with increased exposure levels from an initial epithelial haze, to a stromal haze, and then to erosion of the epithelium. A qualitative description of the effects of the exposure of the rabbit eye follows: Adnexa: No damage to the eyelids in the rabbit was produced. A drying and swelling of the nictitating membrane (Figure 9) was a common observation at the higher radiant exposures for both IR and full Spectrum radiation. Cornea: The corneal changes were apparent immediately after exposure. This confirmed the thermal nature of the lesion in contrast to the longer latencies found in the abiotic UV lesions. The damage to the cornea varied from epithelial haze to corneal erosion (Figure ll). All corneal damage healed rapidly, usually within 24 hours, with no scarring and the return of the cornea to a clinically normal transparency. No endothelial damage was found for the levels of radiant exposure used in these experiments. 27 Table IV. Rabbit Infrared Exposure Data, Focused Beam, Normal Pupil for Corneal Threshold Study Radiant Animal Irradiance Exposure Exposure Classification Number W-Cm'2 Duration-s J-cm’2 C L R IR41R 3.39 886 3000 - - — IR41L 3.39 1033 3500 - — — IR37L 2.90 1380 4000 — — - IR40R 3.39 1181 4000 - — - IR40L 3.39 1477 5000 +to- - — IR42R 3 .60 1390 5000 Eto— - - IR43R 3.60 1460 5260 jfio- — — IR44R 3.60 1529 5500 Hc — — IR42L 3.60 1599 5760 + — - IR39L 3.39 1772 6010 +to++ — — IR38R 2.90 2068 6000 + — - IR38L 2.90 2068 6000 ito+ — - IR39R 3.39 2067 7010 + - - 28 Table V. Rabbit Infrared Exposure Data, Focused Beam, Dilated Pupil for Retina Effects Study Radiant Animal Irradiance Exposure Exposure Classification Number w-cm‘2 Duration—s Jocm‘2 C L R IRl7L 3.49 1891 6600 ++ - + IR45R 3.39 2067 7010 + — - IR45L 3.39 2362 8010 I — - IR46L 3.81 2100 8000 + - — IR47R 3.81 2100 8000 + - : IR46R 3.81 2625 10,000 ++ - - IR47L 3.81 2625 10,000 ++ - — 29 Infrared corneal burns showing epithelial haze, stromal haze and epithelial exfoliation. Top: Immediately after exposure. Bottom: One hour after exposure. Figure ll. 30 Iris: Miosis due to irritation was observed approximately 5 minutes after an exposure began for those rabbits which had not been administered topical miotics or mydriatics. There was a stromal haze and swelling in the region of irradiation. Aqueous flare was only slight with cells noted occasionally in the anterior chamber when they could be detected. At exposure levels which produced lenticular damage, the iris involvement became more severe with the final stage being the production of fibrinous inflammatory by— products. Lens: Lens damage could not be produced by direct exposure of the lens to the irradiance and radiant exposure levels used in the experiments. Lens damage was easily produced when the iris overlying the lens was irradiated (Figures 12 and 13). At suprathreshold levels of radiant exposure, the anterior capsule and anterior stroma became slightly hazy and a few minute subcapsular opacities were found. The characteristic progression of the lesions for higher levels of radiant exposure is shown in Figure 13. The involvement of the overlying iris was considerable with exfoliation of the posterior pigment onto the anterior capsule of the lens together with fibrinous inflammatory material. There was an immediate involvement of the anterior lens and the anterior capsule (Figure 14A). They appeared hazy and white in the area underneath the irradiated iris. Within 1% hours after exposure, the lenticular lesion began to change into a white opacity surrounded by an area of haze (Figure 14B). This lenticular area corres— ponded to the overlying area of the irradiated iris which was in contact with the lens capsule (Figure 14C). The formation of the lenticular opacity was complete within one month, but occasionally residue pigment from the posterior of the iris remained on the anterior lens capsule (Figures 15 and 16). Retina: No retinal damage was observed following irradiation when the pupil had been miotic during the period of exposure. Retinal burns were produced (Figures 17 and 18) with IR alone and the full spectrum when the pupils were dilated. Threshold data could not be obtained because the exposure system was not designed to localize an exposure on a chosen area of the retina. Table VI provides data for rabbit full spectrum, fOCused beam with miotic and dilated pupils. The purpose of these experiments was to determine if UV and visible radiation were additi e or synergistic with IR. The threshold radiant exposure was about 750 J'cm_ for the cornea and 2250 J-cm‘2 for the lens. These threshold values may be compared with a corneal radiant expo— sure of less than 1200 J-cm'2 and a lenticular radiant exposure of 2250 J-cm‘2 using only IR and equivalent exposure conditions in Table VIII. Low levels of IR exposure produced no obvious subjective signs in the rabbit. As the exposure levels increased, a reflex blepharospasm of the lids and 31 Figure 12. Extreme swelling of the iris stroma with ectrOpion of the uveae. The radiant exposure was 12,500 J-cm‘2 delivered in 2567 s (IPSR) with an irradiance at 4.87‘2. Figure 13. Narrow strip of iris pigment is seen adherent to the anterior capsule of the lens. Radiant exposure was 12,500 J'cm'2 delivered in 2567 s with an irradiance of 4.87 w-cm"2 (IPSR). One month after exposure. 32 C Figure 14. D Characterisitc progression of lenticular opacities in the rabbit. A. Epithelial haze, stromal haze of the iris, opacification of the lens in the irradiated area underlying the iris. B. Discrete lenticular lesion surrounded by haze, upper border corresponds to the lower border of the pupil. Pigment spots and fibrinous inflammatory material seen just above pupillary margin. C. Lenticular lesion has become well organized. D. Lesion characteristic of IR or full spectrum exposure. Iris involvement is greatly reduced with only a small marginal tuft apparent. IR31R, 2250 J-cm‘z, 484 3, full spectrum, miotic pupil at an irradiance of 4.66 W-cm‘z. 33 Figure 15. Retroillumination of the lenticular opacity shown in Figure 14D reveals the granular nature of the perimeter of the lesion. The translucency of the center of the lesion suggests that the disturbance is intrafibrillular rather than structural damage or protein coagulation of the lens fibers (IR31R). Figure 16. Lenticular lesions of the rabbit from exposure of the overlying iris with 8030 J-cm—2 in 1800 s to the full spectrum beam with a miotic pupil. Lesions such as these were consistently 2 reversible within 4 weeks (IRlSR). The irradiance was 4.46 w-cm' . 34 Figure 17. Figure 18. Rabbit chorioretinal lesion produced through a dilated pupil. The central burn is surrounded by severe retinal edema. Radiant exposure was 6600 J-cm‘2 of infrared radiation measured at the cornea and delivered in 1891 s (IRl7L) with an irradiance of 3.49 w-cm‘z. Severe chorioretinal burn of the rabbit retina produced through a dilated pupil. The radiant exposure was 6000 J'cm— full spectrum measured at the cornea and delivered in 1288 s (IR17R) with an irradiance of 4.66 w-cm“2. 35 Table VI. Rabbit Full Spectrum Exposure Data Radiant Animal Irradiance Exposure Exposure Classification Number w~cm“2 Duration—s J-cm'2 C I L A. Focused Beam, Miotic Pupil 1R26R 3.81 52 200 — - — IR26L 3.81 131 500 - — — 750* HO IR25R 3.81 262 1000 + HL — IR31L 4.65 258 1200 + + + IR24R 3 .81 525 2000 + + i IR19R 4.66 429 2000 + + HL IR23R 4.66 483 2250 + + + IR31R 4 .66 484 2250 + + + IR22R 4.66 536 2500 + + + IR21R 4.46 673 3000 + + + IR18R 4.66 858 4000 ++ + + IRISR 4 .46 1800 8030 ++ -H- + B. Focused Beam, Dilated Pupil IR17R 4.66 1288 6000 + — — IR20R 4.66 1800 8390 + — — C. Unfocused Beam, Miotic Pupil IR15L 0.11 7200 790 + — — IR14L 0.16 7200 1150 + + — * Mean extrapolated exposure 36 miosis of the pupil in normal animals were found. The total spectrum expo- sures were accomplished only at relatively high levels of irradiance and produced extreme photophobia, reflex blepharospasm, and pupillary constriction. There was a tendency for the rabbit cornea to become "dry" and corneal damage from exposure was evident at lower radiant exposure levels when the "drying" occurred. The results of "drying" were a loss of corneal trans— parency, lowered corneal radiant exposure thresholds, and an effective protection of the iris and lens resulting in the raising of their radiant exposure thresholds. The rabbit data generally showed greater variability because it took time to devise an adequate restraint for the eyelids. In early exposures some rabbits had no restraint of the lids and responded with a protective ptosis, a partial closure of the nictitating membrane, or a complete closure of their eyes. Restraint of eyelid movements was attempted by using an ocular speculum, by using surgical tape to hold the lids open, and by using fixation sutures in the anterior part of the ocular globe. The ocular speculum was abandoned quickly because the interruption of the tear flow across the cornea resulted in corneal drying affecting the exposure levels. Taping the lids open was the method adopted because it allowed better control of the tear flow and reduced the subsequent drying of the cornea. The primate exposure data are given in Table VII. The radiant exposure levels required to achieve a threshold response were 8000 J-cm"2 for the cornea and iris and 12,500 J-cm"2 for the lens. These values are considerably higher than those found for the rabbit. All primate exposures included the iris and part of the pupil with the focused beam. A qualitative description of each of the ocular components should assist in understanding the result: Adnexa: No damage occurred in the eyelids of the monkey. Iris: The iris involvement was essentially the same as that for the rabbit. Cornea: At irradiance levels above 4.0 W-cm‘z, the blink rate of the monkey increased and probably afforded some protection to the cornea. It was felt that the increased blink rate was caused by reflex activity induced by increased heating of the cornea. Other effects observed were increased epithelium debris and haze. No significant corneal disturbance was produced until the radiant exposure attained 8000 J-cm‘z; however, these signs may have resulted from forcibly opening the eye (with normal lid position) because of the excessive blinking. Nevertheless, higher levels of radiant exposure resulted in more severe damage which included granules, stippling, epithelial haze, and stromal haze. 37 Table VII. Primate Infrared Exposure Data, Focused Beam, and Miotic Pupil Radiant Animal Irradiance Exposure Exposure Classification Number W'cm_2 Duration-s J-cm'2 C I L IPlL 4.55 440 2000 - i_ — IP2L 4.55 494 2250 - i. — IP2R 4.55 549 2500 — .i - IPlR 4.55 604 2750 - :_ — IP3R 4.87 718 3500 - i_ - IPSL 4.87 1437 7000 — + + IP4R 4 .23 1891 8000 BC HI Eto+ IP4L 4.23 2364 10,000 110+ + HL IPSR 4.87 2567 12,500 + + + IPSL 4.87 3080 15,000 + + + 38 Iris: No damage to the iris was found until a radiant exposure of 8000 J'cm'2 was reached. At this radiant exposure a localized stromal haze of the iris was seen. The stromal haze increased and swelling was seen at the 10,000 J-cm‘2 radiant exposure. At 12,500 J-cm‘z, flare was seen in the anterior chamber and there was an extreme swelling of the iris stroma with ectropion of the uvea (Figure 16). One month later, a narrow strip of pigment was seen adherent to the anterior lens capsule (Figure 17). This pigment probably represented remnants of the posterior pigment epithelium of the iris and indicated an old inflammation of the iris. Lens: No lenticular damage was produced by direct irradiation of the lens through the pupil at exposure levels up to 15,000 J'cm‘z. With radiant exposures of 8000 J-cm‘2 and 10,000 J-cm"2 through the iris, only very subtle lens changes were detected. These included a few minute subcapsular opacities at 10,000 J-cm‘2 which were visible only with high magnification and specular reflection. Subcapsular haze and discrete opacities of the primate lens were found with radiant exposures of 12,500 J°c1n‘2 (Figure 16). No permanent cataracts were produced. Retina: No retinal damage occurred to the primates during exposure. Table VIII summarizes the threshold exposure data for the cornea, iris, and the lens using the IR spectrum and the full spectra, and with miotic or dilated pupils for both the rabbit and the primate. These data demonstrate that the radiant exposure depends on the level of irradiance for the IR spectrum. The radiant exposure to attain a threshold response for the primate requires an increase of a factor of about 8.0 when compared to the rabbit. These data also show that with equal levels of irradiance, the rabbit radiant exposure threshold compares favorably for both the IR and full Spectra exposures. 39 Table VIII. Summary of All Threshold Radiant Exposure (J-Cm_2) Data for the Cornea, Iris, and Lens Irradiance (W-cm‘z) Cornea Iris Lens A. Rabbit Infrared Spectrum, Focused Beam, Miotic Pupil (Table III) 2.3 — 2.9 5500 4000 4000 3.4 — 3.6 4750 3760 4000 3£-—4J SWO 3W0 3WD 4.4 - 4.7 1250 1250 2250 B. Rabbit Full Spectrum, Focused Beam, Miotic Pupil (Table VI) 3.8 750 1000 2000 C. Primate Infrared Spectrum, Focused Beam, Miotic Pupil (Table VII) 4.2 - 4.9 8000 8000 10,000 40 DISCUSSION The mechanism of the formation of IR cataracts has centered around three hypotheses. Vogt (15, 16) interpreted his data to indicate that the IR induced cataracts were the result of the direct absorption of the radiant energy by the crystalline lens. There is some experimental evidence to support Vogt since ocular transmittance measurements demonstrate absorption bands of IR in the 800 nm to 1200 nm bandwidth. However, Vogt's own description of the source used to expose the animals could negate these interpretations. Vogt described the source as a carbon arc (Bogen lamp) "whose light was filtered through water, iodine and carbon disulfate" (deren Lict durch Wasser und Jod schwefelkohlenstoff filtriert wurde) (16). It is known that water absorbs IR in bands much like the aqueous and the vitreous, thus reducing the IR available for absorption by the anterior segment of the eye. Furthermore, iodine readily transmits the UV radiation produced by the carbon arc lamp. Vogt's descriptions of conjunctivitis and lenticular opacities are the same as those found for UV exposure (37). Thus, it is suspected that the direct absorption by Vogt's animals was UV radiation rather than IR. Verhoeff and Bell (9) suggested that the Vogt hypothesis was not sufficient. They argued that the outer surface of the cornea was air cooled and that the anterior capsule of the lens was cooled by circulation of the aqueous; thus, the cataract formed on the posterior surface of the lens. They further postulated that the heat interfered with the function of the ciliary body which subsequently interfered with the metabolism of the crystalline lens. Nearly every researcher, including Verhoeff and Bell, has reported anterior lenticular opacities and corneal involvement. Therefore, the air and aqueous are not sufficient to prevent anterior lens and corneal involvement. If the ciliary body was damaged some evidence should be seen in the aqueous and very little or no aqueous involvement has been observed. Thus, it appears that the model of Verhoeff and Bell, also, does not account for the experimental evidence. On the other hand, in many experiments the cornea could be dry during the exposure. The actual mechanism of the formation of IR cataracts was probably proposed by Goldmann (17—24). He interpreted his research to indicate that the subsequent cataract was due to the IR being absorbed by the iris and the indirect transmittance of the heat to the lens. Goldmann believed that the effects of the direct absorption of the IR were minimal. The experimental evidence accumulated has been substantially in favor of the hypothesis of Goldmann (30). Some research (38, 39) suggests that both direct absorption by the lens and indirect heating of the lens through the absorption of the iris account for IR induced cataracts. Our research supports the hypothesis of Goldmann because we were not able to produce a lenticular opacity by directly exposing the lens but obtained lenticular opacities only when the iris was exposed and then the opacity was directly beneath the area of the exposed iris. The contribution of direct exposure to the lens appears to be minimal. 41 What does an IR induced cataract or lenticular opacity look like? Where is the lenticular opacity located within the crystalline lens? Meyenhofer (11) described the chronic exposure "glassworker's cataract" as a posterior cortical opacity which took the shape of "stars.” Edbrooke and Edwards (40) contended that heat-induced cataracts started with an initial cobweb—like appearance and developed into a well—defined opacity in the outer layers of the posterior cortex of the crystalline lens. Vogt (15, 16) described grayish dots in the anterior lens epithelium from acute exposure which progressed to a posterior subcapsular opacity. Verhoeff and Bell (9) reported that the initial response was a mitosis of the lens epithelium in the area beneath and in contact with the iris pigment epithelium. They also described the posterior subcapsular opacity as a later phase of development. Goldmann's description (19) was almost identical to that given by Vogt. Langley, Mortimer and McCullough (30) described the clinical appearance as beginning in the region of exposure under the iris as diffuse, fine gray anterior subcapsular dots with iris pigment which may be adherent to the anterior lens capsule. The next stages involved clouding of the equator, migration into the anterior cortex of the anterior grayish dots, the appearance of a saucer—shaped posterior opacity, and the joining of the anterior cortex— equator-posterior complex into a "U" shaped opacity. Their conclusion was that the posterior lenticular opacity had a latent period of 60 to 90 days. The latent period for the cataract to develop may assist in establishing whether or not the lenticular opacity was caused by IR. If the lesion was induced by IR through the action(3fheat or temperature, the lesion should occur immediately after the exposure achieved or exceeded threshold. Vogt's description of the anterior lens epithelium dots indicated that they were the initial mitotic response and most certainly occurred within the first 24 hours. Goldmann also described the anterior subcapsular changes as an immediate or an initial response. Langley, Mortimer and McCulloch stated that their fine gray anterior subcapsular dots occurred within 24 hours. In our present study, the latency for the threshold response was as short as 1% hours and never as long as 24 hours but almost consistently close to 6 hours after exposure. It appears that most of the research has demonstrated anterior lens epithelium dots or granules occurring almost immediately after exposure and not more than 24 hours after exposure. It appears that the anterior subcapsular opacity is common to almost all types of radiation induced cataracts. Cogan, Donaldson and Reese (41) described the characteristics of the x—ray, the atomic bomb, and the cyclotron exposure induced cataracts. The initial or least advanced lesion consisted of spottiness and attenuation of the anterior subcapsular epithelium. There was a piling up of the equatorial cells with the failure of these cells to "drop off" into the cortex. The advanced stage in humans as seen with the ophthalmoscope was a doughnut-shaped configuration with sharply demarcated anterior boundary and a bivalve configuration. This description is very similar to the IR cataract progression given by Langley et al. (30). Duke— Elder (42) stated that the most interesting type of cataract was that caused by ionizing radiation, including x—rays, B-rays, y—rays, and neutrons. 42 Histologically, the anterior subcapsular epithelium was primarily involved along with secondary involvement of the cells of the equatorial area of the lens. The UV induced lenticular opacity was described as small, circum— scribed white spots located in the anterior epithelium just posterior to the anterior capsule (37). The experimentally induced IR opacity appeared similar to the UV induced opacity (9, 37) and was located in the anterior lens epithelium (9, 30, 37). The preponderance of experimental evidence describes the radiation induced cataract of both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation as an anterior epithelial opacity. The experimental evidence in the literature indicates that the acute IR induced lenticular opacities are not the "classically described posterior subcapsular opacities'that develop with a latency of 60 to 90 days. Past research and our present study indicate that the acute IR induced opacities lie in the anterior subcapsular or anterior epithelium of the lens. The acute opacities appear as discrete "whitish dots” or granules. If a suffi- cient exposure has been given, the granules or whitish dots form into a diffuse whitish opacity. We have followed exposed eyes for up to 45 days and did not observe the migration of the anterior opacities either equatorily or posterior subcapsularly into the anterior cortex but, instead, the anterior opacities faded and disappeared within 6 weeks after exposure. Pitts and Cullen (37) have described a posterior subcapsular lenticular opacity in the normal rabbit. The posterior opacity followed the posterior suture horizontally as far as the equator and could be described as saucer—shaped in appearance. Often, the posterior opacity projected a white filament anteriorly from the posterior pole to the lens nucleus and, occasionally, the lens nucleus took on a diffuse, whitish appearance. The posterior subcapsular cataract, found in 1002 of our laboratory rabbits, took on a denser appearance as the animal aged, much like the classical description of the IR cataract. We must emphasize that none of the lenticular opacities induced by either full spectrum or the IR spectrum exposures were posterior subcapsular opacities. For the above reasons, we conclude that the IR induced cataract is an anterior subcapsular opacity while the posterior subcapsular opacity is due mainly to the normal aging process which may or may not be accelerated by the exposure to IR. If it were accepted that the experimental evidence of the present study proves that the anterior epithelial opacities are caused by IR, an explanation of the origin or development of the "classical posterior subcapsular cataract" is needed. The epidemiological literature left no doubt that the number of workers in the iron, steel, glass and rail industries who have developed the "IR or heat induced posterior subcapsular cataracts" exceeded the number of workers in other industries. This is particularly evident in the epidemiological literature of the late 18903 and early 19005 (12, 25). Beginning in the 19203, epidemiological studies (27, 33) seem to indicate that workers in the "heat industries" show equal or fewer cataracts than control populations. What was the cause of this change? First, statistical procedures in handling epidemiological data had improved by the 19203. One example is the study of Eiller et al. (43) on the incidence of cataracts caused by sunlight. Their excellent study warns that definitive conclusions cannot be made because only inadequate records of cataract incidence and surgery were available. It is to be noted that if sunlight were the causative agent, UV radiation would necessarily be implicated because the atmosphere transmits radiation down to 295 nm and the 295 nm - 320 nm wavelength range comprises the ultraviolet action spectrum for cataracts. Finally, the decrease in incidence of IR cataracts from the worker's environment may be due to improved environmental conditions including protective devices for the eyes, automation of the manufacturing processes, and probably better dietary habits of the worker. Most experiments that report posterior subcapsular cataracts used massive radiant exposure levels. Duke—Elder (2) reported Meesman as stating that his radiant exposures were "3 cal-cmz-seE equal to 30 or more hours of radiation over 4 months." This calculates to a radiant exposure of 1.4 x 106 J-cm‘2 which is an extremely high exposure and approximately a factor of 100 above any exposure given during this study. Other researchers do not give measurements of their source but the description of the damage which resulted from their exposures indicates massive exposures. One should not forget that there are two phases to coagulation. The first phase is denaturation, a chemical change that involves hydrolysis. The second phase involves the flocculation of the denatured molecules in which coagulation occurs, perhaps by a physical process. These two processes may be separated by an indefinite period of time. Thus, the IR could be absorbed by the anterior epithelium of the lens and denaturation would occur. The white dots or grayish anterior haze would represent the denaturation process. The coagulation process is completed when the posterior lens material becomes opaque. The degree of opaqueness is related to the health of the individual and the level of radiation absorbed. The posterior subcapsular cataract would represent the agglutination portion of the coagulation process. Under this scheme, damage to the anterior lenticular epithelium by the absorption of the IR results in an increase in the posterior subcapsular cataract. Thus, the size and density of the posterior opacity might depend on the initial damage to the anterior epithelium. Since our radiant expo- sures were intended to determine threshold exposures, subsequent posterior cataracts were not found in our experiments. This analysis would account for the extensive delay in the development of the posterior subcapsular cataract which has been reported in the literature in spite of the fact that faint opacities occur naturally in the rabbit. The irradiances used for the exposures during this study varied from 0.002 to 4.7 W-cm" and the majority of the exposures compare favorably with the 0.02 to 0.4 W'cm"2 irradiance levels experienced by glassworkers, steel workers, brass workers, arc welders, and locomotive firemen. Despite these comparisons, the present data must be considered as reflecting acute rather than chronic exposure since most animals were exposed once and observed for only about 10 days. The total radiant exposure received by an annual during a single experiment might not equal the constant exposure received by a worker over years on the job. However, it appears that if protection were provided for the worker based on acute exposures, the chronic factors might be alleviated. hb It is difficult to compare data from various researchers for many reasons. Most researchers have failed to define their source and, therefore, one cannot be certain of the limits of the spectrum. Many researchers did not even measure the irradiance of their sources and provided only the durations of their exposures and the ocular damage which resulted. Many used sources which were thought to be only IR in output but have subsequently been shown to include more visible and UV radiation than the IR which was being studied. Even when the irradiance, exposure duration, radiant exposure, and wavelength range of the source are given, it becomes impossible to compare data. For example, Jacobson et al. used a 1600 W Xenon lamp to establish the corneal threshold at 5.8 J-cm‘2 for2 the wavelength range of 800 nm to 1670 nm with an irradiance of 34.2 W- cm 2for duration of 150 ms. The corneal radiant exposure threshold in this study was 5500 J- -cm 2 using a source with an irradiance of 3. 6 W cm 2 delivered over a duration of 1529 s using a source size of 0.8 cm x 1.5 cm (1.2 cm 2) at the plane of the cornea (Table IV). Which data are correct? Both sets of data are correct because of the source differences. The source of Jacobson et al. had an irradiance which was a factor of 9.5 greater than the irradiance of our source. Jacobson's et a1. exposure was delivered in 150 ms, a factor of 10,000 less than the duration of the exposure in our experiments. Finally, the size of the images at the plane of the cornea differed greatly. Hence, one may contrast but not compare the effects of the two different exposures. The rabbit data in Figure 10 may assist in a further understanding of the differences between certain studies. It appears that as long as the IR source irradiance is 3.5 W-cm'2 or less and the source area remains constant, there is little difference in minimal lesion exposures. As the irradiance exceeds 4 W-cm‘z, the radiant exposure decreases by a factor of 4.0 for the cornea and by a factor of about 2.0 for the lens with all other experimental variables held constant. Furthermore, the differences between the full spectrum data and the IR spectrum data for higher irradiances are minimal. This indicates that the visible and UV spectra combined with the IR spectrum are not synergistic but additive because almost identical threshold exposures are found for both conditions. Thus, these data would indicate that the damage was due to heat from the absorbed radiant energy and as long as the irradiance or rate of delivery exceeds a certain level, the damage should occur over a given exposure duration regardless of the spectral distribution of the source. These data indicate that the visible and UV radiation must be considered when establsihing protective criteria and formulating safety standards, especially for the IR region. Figure 19 shows the radiant exposure in J-cm‘2 versus the exposure duration in seconds required to reach threshold damage. The plot can be represented by a straight line whose formula y = 2.83 x + 619.5 indicates that the threshold radiant exposure HL may be calculated by multiplying the irradiance by 2.83 and adding the constant 619.5. The straight line characteristics of these data are taken to indicate that a single process was in operation during exposure which produced the minimal observable lesion. All evidence from these experiments indicate that heat is probably the causative agent. The data also demonstrate that in spite of the different 45 9V THRESHOLD RADIANT EXPOSURE (Jcm'z) 80001 7000- 6000- 5000‘ 4000- 3000- 2000- l000‘ Figure 19. 560 IO'OO ns'OO 2000 EXPOSURE DURATION (Seconds) Radiant exposure required to produce a minimal lesion in the rabbit eye for different exposure durations. HL in J-cm' is plotted on the ordinate and exposure duration in seconds along the abscissa. The symbol (0) represents data for the IR spectrum, focused beam, and miotic pupil while the (A) is the data for full spectrum, focused beam, and miotic pupil. irradiance levels and exposure durations used during experimentation the evaluation criteria and procedures arrived at a fairly uniform and consistent threshold value. Based on the above it can be stated that the threshold radiant exposure for the IR spectrum, above 700 nm with a 1.2 cm2 source image at the plane of the cornea and a source irradiance below 3.9 W-cm"'2 was 5000 J-cm"2 for the cornea, about 3500 J-cm‘2 for the iris, and 4000 J-cm‘2 for the lens. As the source irradiance exceeded 4.0 W-cm‘2 the threshold radiant exposure was 1250 J-cm‘2 for the cornea, 1250 J-Cm'2 for the iris, and 2250 J-Cm'2 for the lens. The radiant threshold exposure for the full spectrum from the source was 750 J-c:m‘2 for the cornea, 2250 J-cm‘2 for the iris, and 2250 J-cm‘2 for the lens. The monkey IR exposure data are approximately a factor of 6 above the rabbit data (Tables VII and VIII). It is difficult to account for such a large increase in threshold exposure but several factors may combine to account for at least part of the increase. The stroma of the iris of the monkey is much more vascular than that of the rabbit and, consequently, as the primate iris heats up, the vessels dilate, allowing more blood to pass and adding the the cooling capacity of the iris. The stroma of the monkey iris is thicker, denser, and more pigmented than that of the rabbit and these factors, along with increased blood flow, would dissipate heat prior to its reaching the iris pigment epithelium. Although the above factors should serve to increase the monkey threshold it is difficult to conceive of such a large increase in threshold. The increased transmittance by the primate cornea may offset at least some of the effects noted. Hence, the reasons for the increase in the primate threshold remain largely unsolved. Retinal lesions were produced with a corneal irradiance of 3.5 Them"2 for a duration of 1288 s with a corneal radiant exposure of 6000 J-Cm‘2 (Figure 17, IRl7R) and for an exposure duration of 1891 s with a corneal radiant exposure of 6600 J'cm‘2 (Figure 16, IR17L). The area of the source at the cornea was calculated to be 0.035 cm2 with the retinal irradiance of 29.7 w-cm'2 if a 0.7 cm pupil and 0.70 integrated transmittance was assumed. The retinal lesion was discrete and seen 24 hours after exposure. Ham et al. (44) exposed the rhesus monkey to the same wavelength range of IR and produced a threshold retinal lesion with a retinal irradiance of 23.4 W-cm‘2 from a retinal image diameter of 1000 um (0.008 cm2 area) in 180 seconds (retina radiant exposure of 4212_J-cm‘2). A retinal image of 158 um required 97.4 w-cm“2 for 180 seconds duration to produce a retinal lesion (retinal radiant exposure of 17,532 J-cm‘z). Thus, as the size of the retinal image decreased, the retinal radiant exposure required to produce a retinal lesion increased. The 158 um lesion required 4 times the retinal radiant exposure to produce a threshold lesion as the 1000 um retinal image exposure. 47 The experimental research variables on retinal lesions include pupil size, spectral transmittance of the ocular media, spectral absorption of the retina and choroid, the criteria used to evaluate the exposures, exposure duration wavelength or waveband of the source and the size of the retinal area exposed. As the exposure duration increases, the radiant power entering the eye to produce a retinal lesion decreases until exposure duration becomes ineffective and the lesion depends on the power density entering the eye. The retinal lesion data of this study cannot be validly compared to the data of Ham et al. because the experimental apparatus was not designed for retinal lesion research, the exposure durations differed by a factor of at least 7, the animal species differed, and the exposures were suprathreshold. Ham has also showed a threshold radiant exposure of 6. 91 x 104 J cm‘ 2for a 1000 5 exposure to the primate from IR in the 700 nm to 1400 nm wavelength range. The data of Ham et a1. should be considered whenever safety criteria are formulated for retinal protection against IR. In the early days, ocular protection was an empirical exercise in using protective devices of different types until it was demonstrated that the worker had been protected. The initial problem in any industrial environ— ment is determining the spectral distribution of the undesirable source of the Optical radiation. This may be a very difficult task but it allows subsequent protection philosophy to be based on valid concepts rather than becoming a hit—and—miss exercise. The government and industry now realize the importance of establishing the spectral distribution of the source and publications providing measurements of various industrial sources are beginning to appear in the literature. Ocular protection has commonly taken the form of goggles, shields, or helmets using absorptive orreflective filters to control the undesirable optical radiation. Filters that absorb IR are manufactured by incorporating oxides of iron into the glass meld. For example, Crookes glass absorbs about 95% of the IR and 100% of the UV radiation. Absorptive filters absorb the undesirable radiation and transmit the visible spectrum necessary for vision. The use of absorptive filters to control IR may be a questionable concept because the absorbed radiation raises the temperature of the filter and the filter then becomes a secondary source for the re—radiation of heat directly into the eye. Protective transmittance filters have been standardized into shade numbers with specific shade numbers recommended for specific industrial tasks (45, 46). Reflective filters are usually metallic coatings applied to the front surface of the filters and provide protection by reflecting the undesirable optical spectrum while transmitting the visible spectrum to allow one to see the task. Reflective filters are the most desirable method for ocular protection against IR because there is not heat build-up of the filter. Reflective filters can be very effective when properly chosen; for example, a gold coating reflects 96% of the IR and transmits maximally the part of the visible spectrum that is most efficient in providing vision. Platinum, 48 aluminum, and inconel (a mixture of iron, nickel and chromium) are other metals which provide excellent IR reflectance. The major difficulty in using reflective metallic coatings is their susceptibility to scratching, abrasions, and other ”breakdowns" of the coating. This problem has been overcome by depositing hard protective coatings over the metallic film or by sandwiching the reflective coating between two layers of optical material. The second layer, that is the layer next to the eye, could then be made absorptive to control other unwanted optical radiations such as UV radiation. An example of an excellent combination protective filter was the Pfund's glass developed by American Optical Company. It consisted of a thin gold layer placed between a layer of Crookes A glass and clear crown ophthalmic glass. The clear ophthalmic crown glass provided protection for the metallic coating. The gold layer reflects 96% of the IR while it allows 75% of the visible radiation peaked at 550 nm to be transmitted. The Crookes A glass absorbs 100% of the UV radiation. The major advantage of metallic reflective coatings, in addition to their control of IR is that the lens is cooler and more acceptable to the wearer. It may appear that the recommendation to use metallic coatings to control IR reaching the eye is "over—protection” since the data in this study clearly shows that a substantial IR exposure is needed to produce acute ocular injury. Metallic coatings provide a measure of protection against the low level chronic IR exposures typically encountered in glass and steel injuries, and serve to reduce the total heat load reaching the eye. In addition, the long term effects of acute exposure, such as those given during this study, are not known and maximum protection should be provided until the effects are more fully documented. The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) has recently published notice of intent to establish threshold limit values for the near IR in the 770 nm to 1400 nm wavelength range £47). The recommended IR exposure for wavelengths above 770 nm was 10 mW-cm‘ . The data in this study indicate that the 10 mW-cm‘2 figure is conservative and could be increased. We recognized that ACGIH recommendations are intended for delayed effects of chronic exposure while the data of this study concern from acute exposures; however, we are certain that our exposures were only to IR while recent measurements of rolling mills, glass furnaces, etc., indicate that a much higher proportion of UV may be contained in these relatively low temperature sources than previously suspected (42, 43). It has been shown that UV radiation in the 295 nm — 320 nm range is most efficient in producing lenticular opacities (39). In fact, the 295 nm waveband with a threshold radiant exposure of 0.15 J-cm2 is 8.3 x 10 more effective in producing lenticular opacities than the 1250 J-cm“2 threshold for IR. Permanent lenticular opacities could not be produced with the IR exposures but were easily achieved with UV radiation. For these reasons, it is felt that the 10 mW-cm‘2 recommended exposure limit for IR should be re—evaluated and increased to the more appropriate value of 25 mw-cm-Z. 49 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS A 5000 watt Xenon high—pressure lamp was used to expose 100 pigmented rabbit eyes and 10 primate eyes to IR in the 700 nm to 1400 nm wavelength range and to the full spectrum output of the source. The ocular expo- sures were evaluated independently with the biomicroscope by two researchers and classified. The following findings and conclusions were drawn: 1. The primary ocular lesions resulting from exposure to IR were corneal, iris, and lenticular. Corneal damage varied from epithelial haze to erosion and usually healed within 24 hours. No endothelial damage was found. The iris showed stromal haze and swelling in the region of exposure with severe damage resulting in fibrinous inflammatory byproducts. Lenticular opacities appeared as small white dots that occurred at the level of the anterior epithelium just beneath the anterior capsule. No lenticular opacities could be induced by direct exposure to the lens nor was it possible to produce permanent lenti— cular damage. All lens damage depended on iris involvement. Ocular damage from IR was related to the rate of delivery of the IR (Figure 10). The data indicate that as the irradiance level increases, the radiant exposure threshold decreases. Irradiance at and below 3.9 W-Cm"2 resulted in threshold radiant exposures of 5500 J'Cm'2 for the cornea, 3500 J-cm‘2 forthe iris, and 4000 J-cm'2 for the lens. If the irradiance exceeded 4.0 W-cm‘z, the threshold radiant exposure was 1250 J-cm"2 for the cornea, 1250 J-cm'2 for the iris, and 2250 J-Cm‘ for the lens. A plot of the threshold radiant exposure versus the duration of expo— sure indicates that the IR ocular damage was a single process and all evidence (Figure 18) points toward heat as that process. Exposures for the full optical spectrum, which included the visible and the UV spectra in the optical beam, were found to be additive for irradiance levels at 4 W-cm“2 and above. The threshold radiant exposures of 750 J-cm"2 for the cornea, 1000 J'cm‘2 for the iris, and 2000 J-cm‘2 for the lens were essentially identical to the IR exposure thresholds for the same irradiance levels. The prflmate threshold radiant exposure was a factor of 6 above the respective rabbit thresholds. 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