hn LC EPA L00/2-80-156 ( Ad “a €PA pre i Ni 6) PB80-220072 Dioxins. Volume I. Sources. Exposure, Transport, and Control PEDCo~Environmental, Incorporated Cincinnati, Ohio Prepared for Industrial Environmental Research Lab Cincinnati, Ohio June 1980 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Technical Information Service Wed United States Industrial Environmental Research EPA-600/2-80-156 4 fo Environmental Protection * Laboratory June 1980 Agency Cincinnati OH 45268 POAN-Z20C7: Publ Research and Development SEPA [Dioxins] a a1; Volume |. PUBL Usa Sources, Exposure, Transport, and Control NATIONAL TECHNICAL > INFORMATION SERVICE us. UPAR OF COMMERCE SPRINGFIELD, VA a. Cd o 220% XD &7 Gee defpiiss By ver PAU Aufl RESEARCH REPORTING SERIES Research reports of the Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, have been grouped into nine series. These nine broad cate- gories were established to facilitate further development and appiication of en- vironmental technology. Elimination of traditional grouping was consciously planned to foster technology transfer and a maximum interface in related fields. The nine series are: Environmental Health Effects Research Environmental Protection Technology Ecological Research Environmental Monitoring Socioeconomic Environmental Studies Scientific and Technical Assessment Reports (STAR) Interagency Energy-Environment Research and Development “Special” Reports Miscellaneous Reports This report has been assigned to the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TECH- NOLOGY series. This series describes research performed to develop and dem- onstrate instrumentation, equipment, and methodology to repair or prevent en- vironmental degradation from point and non-point sources of pollution. This work provides the new or improved technology required for the control and treatment of pollution sources to meet environmental quality standards. ©ENDOHWN = This document is available to the public through the National Technical Informa- tion Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. ” es Ve 1.2 PLE L TECHNICAL REPORT DATA (Please read Instructions on the reverse before completing) 1. REPORT NO. 2. 3. RECIPIENT'S ACCESSIOMNO. Ve EPA-600/2-80-156 Fis 220072 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. REPORT DATE June 1930 Dioxins: Volume I. Sources, Exposure, Transport i OW EoDE and Control 7. AUTHOR(S) . . 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NO. M. P. Esposito, H. M. Drake, J. A. Smith, and T. W. Owens 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT NO. ; 1BB610 PEDCo Environmental, Inc. , TCO RACT GRANTS 11499 Chester Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 Contract No. 68-03-2577 12. SPONSORING AGENCY NAME AND ADDRESS 13. TYPE OF REPORT AND PERIOD COVERED Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Final Office of Research and Development 14. SPONSORING AGENCY CODE u.s. Environmental Protection Agency EPA/600/12 Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 15. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Volume I of a three-volume series on dioxins 16. ABSTRACT Concern about the potential contamination of the environment by dibenzo-p-dioxins through the use of certain chemicals and disposal of associated wastes prompted this study. This volume reviews the extensive body of dioxin literature that has recently become available. Although most published reports deal exclusively with the highly toxic dioxin 2,3,7,8-TCDD, some include information on other dioxins. These latter reports were sought out so that a document covering dioxins as a class of chemical compounds could be prepared. A brief description of what is known about the chemistry of dioxins is presented first. This is followed by a detailed examination of the industrial sources of dioxins {Chemical manufacturing processes which are likely to give rise to 2,3,7,8-TCDD and other dioxin contaminants are thoroughly discussed. Other sources are also addressed including incineration processes. Incidents of human exposure to dioxins are reviewed and summarized. Reports on possible routes of degradation and transport of dioxins in air, water, and soil environments are characterized. Current methods of disposal of dioxin-containing materials are described, and possible advanced techniques for ulti- ate disposal are outlined. Finally, an extensive review of the known health effects f 2,3,7,8-TCDD and other dioxins is presented. This review emphasizes the results of recent toxicological studies which examine the effects produced by chronic exposures and also the various possible mechanisms of action for these toxicants. 17. KEY WORDS AND DOCUMENT ANALYSIS a. DESCRIPTORS b.IDENTIFIERS/OPEN ENDED TERMS |c. COSATI Field/Group Organic chemicals Dioxins 2,3,7,8-TCDD 07¢C Pesticides; Herbicides Environmental biology 06F Biodeterioration Chemistry 1M Toxicology Health effects 06T Waste disposal Hazardous wastes 138 18. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT 19. SECURITY CLASS (This Report) 21. NO. OF PAGES RELEASE TO PUBLIC Unclassified 20. SECURITY CLASS (This page) 22. PRICE Unclassified EPA Form 2220-1 (9-73) / . = US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1380 657-146 /5719 NOTICE THIS DOCUMENT EAS BEEN REPRODUCED FROM THE BEST COPY FURNISHED US BY THE SPONSORING AGENCY. ALTHOUGH IT IS RECOGNIZED TEAT CERTAIN PORTIONS ARE ILLEGIBLE, IT IS BEING RELEASED IN THE INTEREST OF MAKING AVAILABLE AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE. l-a EPA-600/2-80-156 June 1980 DIOXINS: VOLUME I. SOURCES, EXPOSURE, TRANSPORT, AND CONTROL by M. P. Esposito, H. M. Drake, J. A. Smith, and T. W. Owens PEDCo Environmental, Inc. Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 Contract No. 68-03-2577 Project Officer David R. Watkins Industrial Pollution Control Division Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ‘RESEARCH LABORATORY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY CINCINNATI, OHIO 45268 -b DISCLAIMER This report has been reviewed by the Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory-Cincinnati (IERL-Ci), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. ii FOREWORD when energy and material resources are extracted, processed, converted, and used, the related pollutional impacts on our environment and even on our health often require that new and increasingly more efficient pollution con- trol methods be used. The Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory* Cincinnati (IERL-Ci) assists in developing and demonstrating new and im- proved methodologies that will meet these needs both efficiently and economically. This report is one of a three-volume series dealing with a group of hazardous chemical compounds known as dioxins. The extreme toxicity of one of these chemicals, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD), has been a concern of both scientific researchers and the public for many years. The sheer mass of published information that has resulted from this concern has created difficulties in assessing the overall scope of the dioxin problem. In this report series the voluminous data on 2,3,7,8-TCDD and other dioxins are summarized and assembled in a manner that allows compari- son of related observations from many sources; thus, the series serves as a comprehensive guide in evaluation of the environmental hazards of dioxins. Volume I is a state-of-the-art review of dioxin literature. Detailed information is presented on the chemistry, sources, degradation, transport, disposal, and health effects of dioxins. Accounts of public and occupa- tional exposure to dioxins are also included. Volume II details the devel- opment of a new analytical method for detecting part-per-trillion levels of dioxins in industrial wastes. It also includes a review of the analytical literature on methods of detecting dioxins in various types of environmental samples. Volume III identifies various routes of formation of dioxins in addition to the classical route of the hydrolysis of chlorophenols. The possible presence of dioxins in basic organic chemicals and pesticides is addressed, and production locations for these materials are identified. For further information, contact Project Officer David R. Watkins, Organic and Inorganic Chemicals Branch, IERL-Ci. Phone (513) 684-4481. David G. Stephan Director Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Cincinnati PREFACE This report is Volume I in a series of three reports dealing with a group of hazardous chemical compounds known as dioxins. This volume dis- cusses the occurrence, environmental transport, and toxicity of this class of compounds, and also summarizes the reported incidents of human exposure to them and the techniques available for decontamination and disposal of dioxin-contaminated material. Other volumes of this series examine ana- lytical techniques used to identify the dioxins, the detailed chemistry of dioxin formation, and the commercial products with potential for containing dioxin contaminants. An extensive amount of literature published during the past 25 years has been concerned primarily with one extremely toxic member of this class of compounds, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Often described in both popular and technical literature as "TCDD" or simply "dioxin," this compound is one of the most toxic substances known to science. This report series is concerned not only with this compound, but also with all of its chemical relatives that contain the dioxin nucleus. Throughout these reports, the term "TCDD's" is used to indicate the family of 22 tetrachlorodibenzo-p- dioxin isomers, whereas the term "dioxin" is used to indicate any compound with the basic dioxin nucleus. The most toxic isomer among those that have been assessed is specifically designated as "2,3,7,8-TCDD." The objective in the use of these terms is to clarify a point of tech- nical confusion that has occasionally hindered comparison of information from various sources. In particular, early laboratory analyses often re- ported the presence of "TCDD," which may have been the most-toxic 2,3,7,8-isomer or may have been a mixture of several of the tetrachloro isomers, some of which are relatively nontoxic. Throughout this report series, the specific term 2,3,7,8-TCDD is used when it was the intent of the investigator to refer to this most-toxic isomer. Since early analytical methods could not dependably isolate specific isomers from environmental samples, the generic term "TCDD's" is used when this term appears to be most appropriate in light of present technology. iv ABSTRACT Concern about the potential contamination of the environment by dibenzo-p-dioxins through the use of certain chemicals and disposal of associated wastes prompted this study. This volume reviews the extensive amount of dioxin literature that has recently become available. Although most published reports deal exclusively with the highly toxic dioxin 2,3,7,8-TCDD, some include information on other dioxins. These latter reports were sought out so that a document covering dioxins as a class of chemical compounds could be prepared. A brief description of what is known about the chemistry of dioxins is presented first. This is followed by a detailed examination of the indus- trial sources of dioxins. Chemical manufacturing processes likely to give rise to 2,3,7,8-TCDD and other dioxin contaminants are thoroughly discussed. Other sources are also addressed, including incineration processes. Inci- dents of human exposure to dioxins are reviewed and summarized. Reports on possible routes of degradation and transport of dioxins in air, water, and soil environments are characterized. Current methods of disposal of dioxin-containing materials are described, and possible advanced techniques for ultimate disposal are outlined. Finally, an extensive review of the known health effects of 2,3,7,8-TCDD and other dioxins is presented. This review emphasizes the results of recent toxicological studies of the effects produced by chronic exposures and also the various possible mechanisms of action for these toxicants. This report was submitted in fulfillment of Contract No. 68-03-2577 by PEDCo Environmental, Inc., under the sponsorship of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This report covers the period June 15, 1978 to January 6, 1980, and work was completed as of January 6, 1980. CONTENTS Foreword Preface Abstract List of Figures List of Tables Acknowledgment List of Abbreviations 1. Introduction 2: Chemistry 3. Sources Routes of Human Exposure Environmental Degradation and Transport oa vu +» Disposal and Decontamination 7. Health Effects References Index vii 14 77 98 131 147 200 241 Preceding page blank Number ao a sh wn 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 FIGURES Formation of Dioxins Basic Chlorophenol Reactions Direct Chlorination of Phenol Flow Chart for 2,4,5-TCP Manufacture Flow Chart for Hexachlorophene Manufacture Locations of Current and Former Producers of Chlorophenols and Their Derivatives Map of Seveso Area Showing Zones of Contamination Map of Test Area C-52A, Eglin Air Force Base Reservation, Florida Diagram of Microagroecosystem Chamber Farms at Which Cow's Milk Samples Were Collected for TCDD Analysis in 1976 (July-August) Schematic of Molten Salt Combustion Process Schematic of Microwave Plasma System Schematic for Ozonation/Ultraviolet Irradiation Apparatus Internal View of Pesticide Micropit Excretion of 14C Activity By Rats Following A Single Oral Dose of 50 pg/kg (0.14 uCi/kg) 2,3,7,8-TCDD Proposed Mechanism For Induction of AHH and Toxicity By 2,3,7,8-TCDD Schematic of Rat Liver 13 Days After Administration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD viii 60 79 112 116 125 135 137 141 146 153 156 158 Number 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 FIGURES (continued) Drawing of Tissue From Heart of Monkey Fed 2,3,7,8-TCDD; Fixed With Formalin and Stained With Hematoxylin and Eosin Drawing of Heart Tissue From Monkey Fed 2,3,7,8-TCDD Drawing of Section of Skin of Monkey Fed 2,3,7,8-TCDD Drawing of Multinucleated Liver Cell From A Female Rat Given 0.1 pg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD/kg/day For 2 Years Drawing of Liver Tissue From Rat Fed 2,3,7,8-TCDD Drawing of Normal Membrane Junctions From the Periportal Region of A Test Animal 42 Days After Administration of 200 pg/kg 2,3,7,8-TCDD Drawing of Distorted Periportal Membrane Junction, Showing Loss of Continuity of Plasma Membranes Between Parenchymal Cells (42 Days After 200 pg/kg 2,3,7,8-TCDD) Focal Alveolar Hyperplasia Near Terminal Bronchiole Within Lung of Rat Given 2,3,7,8-TCDD At Dosage of 0.1 pg/kg Per Day Lesion Classified Morphologically As Hepatocellular Carcinoma In Liver of Rat Given 0.1 pg of 2,3,7,8- TCDD/kg Per Day Lesion Within Lung of Rat Given 0.1 pg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD/kg Per Day Linear Correlation of New South Wales Rate For Neural-Tube Defects With Previous Year's Usage of 2,4,5-T In Australia ix 160 161 163 164 165 166 167 168 185 186 197 TABLES Number 1 Chlorinated Dioxins 2 Physical Properties of Two Chlorinated Dioxins 3 Chlorodioxins Reported in Chlorophenols 4 Commercial Chlorophenols and Their Producers 5 1977 Pentachlorophenol Production Capacity 6 Former 2,4,5-TCP Manufacturing Sites 7 “Current Basic Producers of 2,4-D and 2,4-DB Acids, Esters, and Salts 8 Former Basic Producers of 2,4-D and 2,4-DB Acids, Esters, and Salts 9 Derivatives of 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol and Their Recent (13978) Producers 10 Former Producers of 2,4,5-T 11 Locations of Current and Former Producers of Chlorophenols and Their Derivatives 12 Dioxins in Selected Samples 13 Sources of Purified Dioxin Samples for Research 14 Dioxins In Commercial Gelatin 15 Reported Incidents of Occupational Exposure To Dioxins During Routine Chemical Manufacturing 16 Occupational Exposures To Dioxins Through Accidents In The Chemical Manufacturing Industry 17 Industries Using Dioxin-Related Chemicals 18 Concentrations of Herbicide Orange and 2,3,7,8-TCDD In Three Treated Test Plots I& w wu a ® 18 25 32 37 38 40 44 61 72 76 88 92 93 95 100 ‘TABLES (continued) Number 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Degradation of 2,3,7,8-TCDD In Soil Photodegradation of 2,3,7,8-TCDD Photodegradation of DCDD and OCDD Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD at Utah Test Range 4 Years After Herbicide Orange Applications Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD at Eglin Air Force Base 414 Days After Herbicide Orange Application TCDD Levels In Wildlife TCDD Levels in Milk Samples Collected Near Seveso In July- August 1976 Soil Application Rates and Replications Toxicities of Selected Poisons Biological Properties of Dioxins Enzyme Induction Body Burden of 14C Activity In Six Rats Given A Single Oral Dose of 1.0 pg of [14C]-TCDD/kg Toxicities of Organic Pesticides and 2,3,7,8-TCDD Acute Toxicities of Dioxins Acute Toxicities of 2,3,7,8-TCDD for Various Species Summary of Acute Toxicity Effects of 2,3,7,8-TCDD Effects of In Vivo 2,3,7,8-TCDD Exposure on Functional Immunological Parameters Summary of Neoplastic Alterations Observed In Rats Fed Subacute Levels of 2,3,7,8-TCDD for 78 Weeks Mutagenicity of Dioxin Compounds In Salmonella Typhimurium Combined Rate of Neural-Tube Defects in New South Wales and Previous-Year Usage of 2,4,5-T In Australia xi 114 114 119 152 170 1 171 172 177 183 187 196 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This report was prepared by PEDCo Environmental, Inc., under the di- rection of Richard W. Gerstle. M. Pat Esposito was the Project Manager and principal investigator. Contributing authors included H. M. Drake, Jeffrey A. Smith, M.D., and Timothy W. Owens. Additional technical assistance was provided by Terrence W. Briggs, Ph.D., F. Howard Schneider, Ph.D., and A. Christian Worrell of PEDCo, and Dr. Pat Sferra, EPA, IERL-Cincinnati. The chemical figures used throughout this report series were provided by Walk, Haydel & Associates. The hand renderings of photomicrographs in Section 7 of this volume were contributed by Lauren J. Smith. The cooperation of the many organizations and individuals who assisted in the collection of resource material is appreciated. In particular, we acknowledge Battelle Columbus Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio, for their part in the evaluation of disposal and decontamination technology. We also thank Mary Reece and Harvey Warnick (Office of Pesticide Programs, EPA), Charles Auer (Office of Toxic Substances, EPA), and Captain Alvin Young (U.S. Air Force), for their assistance in gathering and clarifying points of informa- tion for this document. xii DBDD's DCDD's Dioxins Hexa-CDD's Hepta-CDD's LDso MCDD's 0CDD PCP Penta-CDD's ppb ppm ppt TBDD's TCOD's 2,3,7,8-TCDD TCP Tri-CDD's LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS dibromodibenzo-p-dioxins dichlorodibenzo-p-dioxins dibenzo-p-dioxins hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins lethal dose to 50% of test group monochlorodibenzo-p-dioxins octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin pentachlorophenol pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins parts per billion (ug/1 or ng/ml) parts per million (mg/1 or pg/ml) parts per trillion (ng/1 or pg/ml) tetrabromodibenzo-p-dioxins tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin trichlorophenol - trichlorodibenzo-p-dioxins xiii SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION The growing concern with contamination of the environment by dioxins arises principally from their toxicity and their widespread distribution as contaminants of commercial products. The purpose of this report is to present in a systematic and summary manner what is currently known about dioxins and their effects. Although most published reports deal exclusively with the highly toxic dioxin 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin {2.3,7,8~ TCDD), some include information on other dioxins. These latter reports were sought out so that a document covering dioxins as a class of chemical compounds could be prepared. The report first presents an account of the chemistry of dioxins (Section 2), their physical and chemical properties and modes of formation. Section 3 considers the sources of dioxins, focusing on the chemical manu- facture of chlorinated phenols and their derivatives. Section 4 provides a brief account of the major known incidents of human exposure to dioxins in the environment. In the aftermath of these incidents, which include both occupational exposures and exposures of the general public, scientists of many disciplines have undertaken extensive and continuing investigations of the fate of dioxins when they are released to the environment. Section 5 reviews the findings of these studies, summarizing the known mechanisms of biodegradation, photodegradation, physical transport, and biological transport. The investigations indicate that the persistence of dioxins poses a serious environmental problem. In attempts to deal with this problem, numerous environmental research and development projects are aimed at developing methods of destroying these toxic contaminants after they have been formed. This work on dioxin disposal methods and decontamination procedures is described in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 reviews the current scientific knowledge of the health effects of dioxins, as indicated in epidemiological and laboratory studies of animal and human subjects who have been exposed to dioxin contam- ination. It is intended that this review of dioxin contaminants, from their formation through their dispersal into various environmental media and the consequent effects, can provide a point of perspective for those who are concerned with regulatory efforts and with research and development directed toward reducing the hazards of dioxin contamination. SECTION 2 CHEMISTRY A dioxin is any of a family of compounds known chemically as dibenzo- para-dioxins. Each of these compounds has as a nucleus a triple-ring struc- ture consisting of two benzene rings interconnected to each other through a pair of oxygen atoms. The structural formula of the dioxin nucleus and the convention used in numbering the substituent positions are as follows: Each of these substituent positions, numbered 1 through 4 and 6 through 9, can hold a chlorine or other halogen atom, an organic radical, or (if no other substituent is indicated in the formula or its chemical name) a hydrogen atom. The only differences in members of the dioxin family are in the nature and position of substituents. Most environmental interest in dioxins and most studies of this family of compounds have centered on chlorinated dioxins, in which the chlorine atom occupies one or more of the eight positions. Theoretically, there are 75 different chlorinated dioxins, each with different physical and chemical properties, differing only in the number of chlorine atoms in each molecule and in their relative locations on the dioxin nucleus. There are, for example, two monochlorodioxins, in which one chlorine atom is attached to the nucleus at either position 1 or position 2. If two or more chlorine atoms are present, additional isomeric forms are possible, in accordance with the following schedule (Buser, Bosshardt, and Rappe 1978): 2 isomers of monochlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (MCDD's) 10 isomers of dichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (DCDD's) 14 isomers of trichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (Tri-CDD's) 22 isomers of tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD's) 14 isomers of pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (Penta-CDD's) 10 isomers of hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (Hexa-CDD's) 2 2 isomers of heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (Hepta-CDD's) 1 octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (0CDD) Table 1 lists the 75 possible chlorinated dioxins, and also notes the 40 that have been prepared and identified and whose analytical character- istics have been published (Buser, Bosshardt, and Rappe 1978; Buser 1975; Pohland and Yang 1972; Bolton 1978). Five others, as noted in the table, have been identified as distinct compounds but have not been clearly differ- entiated from each other (Buser, Bosshardt, and Rappe 1978; Buser 1975; Rappe 1978). The interest of health and environmental researchers in dioxins arose principally because of the toxicity and distribution of one of these com- pounds, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, whose structural formula is as follows: Ci oO Ci Ci o Ci This is an unusual organic chemical, symmetrical across both horizontal and vertical axes. It is remarkable for its lack of reactive functional groups and its chemical stability (Poland and Kende 1976). It is an extremely lipophylic molecule, and only sparingly soluble in water and most organic liquids; it is a colorless crystalline solid at room temperature. The physical properties of 2,3,7,8-TCDD are shown in Table 2, along with those of OCDD, another chlorinated dioxin with twofold symmetry (World Health Organization 1977; Crummett and Stehl 1973). No published reports indicate that dioxins are formed biosynthetically by living organisms; these compounds apparently are not constituents of a normal growing environment. The presence of dioxins in fly ash, 2-chloro- phenol, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, and hexachlorobenzene indicates that there may be yet-undiscovered mechanisms that produce these compounds. In a recent study, chlorinated dioxins were created by pyrolysis of chlorocben- zenes in the presence of air (Buser 1979b). Dioxins have been made from catechols in condensations with polychlorobenzenes and chloronitrobenzenes (World Health Organization 1977; Gray et al. 1976; March 1968). A pesticide manufacturer has reported the finding of chlorinated dioxins in cigarette smoke and fireplace soot (Dow Chemical Company 1978). Other possible routes of formation are examined in Volume III of this series. One route that has been completely demonstrated by extensive chemical research is the formation of chlorinated dioxins from industrial chemicals, especially from certain "precursor" compounds that lead directly to dioxin formation. In generalized form, this reaction is as follows: TABLE 1. CHLORINATED DIOXINS 1-chloro a 1,2,3,4-tetrachloro a 1,2,3,4,6-pentachloro 2-chloro a 1,2,3,6-tetrachloro 1,2,3,4,7-pentachloro 1,2-dichloro a 1,2,3,7-tetrachloro 1,2,3,6,7-pentachloro 1,3-dichloro a 1,2,3,8-tetrachloro a 1,2,3,6,8-pentachloro 1,4-dichloro a 1,2,3,9-tetrachioro 1,2,3,6,9-pentachloro 1.6 dichloro a 1,2,4,6-tetrachloro 1,2,3,7,8-pentachloro 1,7-dichloro 1,2,4,7-tetrachloro 1,2,3,7,9-pentachloro 1,8-dichloro 1,2,4,8-tetrachloro 1,2,3,8,9-pentachloro 1,9-dichloro 1,2,4,9-tetrachloro 1,2,4,6,7-pentachloro 2,3-dichloro a 1,2,6,7-tetrachloro a 1,2,4,6,8-pentachloro 2,7-dichloro a 1,2,6,8-tetrachloro 1,2,4,6,9-pentachloro 2,8-dichloro a 1,2,6,9-tetrachloro a 1,2,4,7,8-pentachloro 1,2,3-trichloro a 1,2,7,8-tetrachloro a 1,2,4,7,9-pentachloro 1,2,4-trichloro a 1,2,7,9-tetrachloro 1,2,4,8,9-pentachloro 1,2,6-trichloro 1,2,8,9-tetrachloro a 1,2,3,4,6,7-hexachloro 1,2,7-trichloro 1,3,6,8-tetrachloro a 1,2,3,4,6,8-hexachloro 1,2,8-trichloro 1,3,6,9-tetrachloro a 1,2,3,4,6,9-hexachloro 1,2,9-trichloro 1,3,7,8-tetrachloro a 1,2,3,4,7,8-hexachloro 1,3,6-trichloro 1,3,7,9-tetrachloro a 1,2,3,6,7,8-hexachloro 1,3,7-trichloro a 1,4,6,9-tetrachloro a 1,2,3,6,7,9-hexachloro 1,3,8-trichloro 1,4,7,8-tetrachloro 1,2,3,6,8,9-hexachloro 1,3,9-trichloro 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro a 1,2,3,7,8,9-hexachloro 1,4,6-trichloro 1,2,4,6,7,9-hexachloro 1,4,7-trichloro 1,2,4,6,8,9-hexachloro 2,3,6-trichloro 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachloro 2,3,7-trichloro a 1,2,3,4,6,7,9-heptachloro Octachloro : Identified compounds. One or the other of these compounds has been prepared. d A mixture of these three compounds has been prepared. The Dow Chemical Company has recently reported the synthesis of all 22 TCDD isomers. 0 Ww oT Tee TABLE 2. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF TWO CHLORINATED DIOXINS 2,3,7,8-TCDD 0CcoD Empiric formula C;2H C140, C12C130, Percent by weight C 44.7 31.3 0 9.95 7.0 H 1.25 C1 44.1 61.7 Molecular weight 322 459.8 Melting point, °C 305 130 Decomposition temperature, °C Above 700 Above 700 Solubilities, g/liter o-dichlorobenzene 1.4 1.83 Chlorobenzene 0.72 Anisole 1.73 Xylene 3.58 Benzene 0.57 Chloroform 0.37 0.56 n-Octanol 0.048 Methanol 0.01 Acetone 0.11 Dioxane 0.38 Water 0.0000002 (0.2 ppb) X Y 0 ud 1D— Cr + 2XY Y XO 0 This reaction indicates that a compound may be a dioxin precursor if it meets two conditions: © The precursor compound must be an ortho-substituted benzene ring in which one of the substituents includes an oxygen atom directly attached to the ring. It must be possible for the two substituents, excluding the oxygen atom, to react with each other to form an independent compound. These conditions are met by many organic compounds, including a class of mass-produced chemicals, the ortho-chlorinated phenols. The hydroxyl group of the phenol supplies the ring-attached oxygen atom. The hydrogen of the hydroxyl group is capable of reacting with chlorine, the other substit- uent, to form hydrogen chloride, an independent compound. An even more likely precursor is the sodium or potassium salt of an ortho-chlorinated phenol because the coproduct of this condensation is sodium or potassium chloride, either of which is an even more stable inorganic salt. Almost all original dioxin researchers used ortho-chlorinated phenols as precursors. Most often, the reactions were conducted in the presence of sodium or potassium hydroxide, either of which will react spontaneously with the phenol groups to form the phenylate salts. Six chemical reactions, all of which have been performed in laboratory experiments, are shown in Figure 1 (Pohland and Yang 1972; World Health Organization 1977; Crosby, Moilanen, and Wong 1973; Milnes 1971). Not all of these reactions, however, have produced the expected dioxin in high yield, and investigators have detected other dioxins and similar compounds that were not attributable to these simple reactions. Numerous studies have therefore explored the reaction mechanism of dioxin formation and the complex of competing reactions that create other compounds of this type (Buser 1975; Nilsson et al. 1974; Jensen and Renberg 1972; Plimmer 1973; Buser 1978). The basic dioxin reaction actually occurs in two steps. In the conden- sation of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol, for example, one pair of substituents reacts first to form a phenoxyphenate, or substituted diphenylether, in accordance with the following reaction (Nilsson et al. 1974; Jensen and Renberg 1972; Buser 1978; Moore 1979). COPPER POWDER Laie IN WATER ING WATER ANC Cl POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE 0-CHLOROPHENOL POTASSIUM SALT OK $4 a UNSUBSTITUTED DIOXIN DIOXIN COPPER POWDER ox CATALYST IN YACUUM Cl Cl SUBLIMATOR 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOL POTASSIUM SALT 2.10000 Cl Ct CONDITIONS or UNREPORTED OF =X I —— Cl Ci (o) Cl 2.4. 5-TRICHLOROPHENOL SODIUM SALT 1.3,6.8-T¢00 VARIETY OF 1 Cr COND TIONS 1 I ———— Ci Cl Cl Oo Cl 2.4. 5-TRICHLOROPHENOL SODIUM SALT 2,3,7.8-TC00 Cl Cl Ci COPPER PONDER c OK CATALYST 0 o ——- IN VACUUM ci susLIMATOR ~~ CI 0 Ci Cl Ci 2.3,5,8-TETRACHLOROPHENOL POTASSIUM SALT 1,2,4,6.7,8-HEXA-COD Ci Cl PENTACHLOROPHENOL ocoo Figure 1. Formation of dioxins. Cl Ci cl OH HEATING ONLY © 0 cl — Ct Cl Ci Oo Cl ,Cl Cl Cl ONa Ci oO Cl cl Cl Cl Ci ONa Ci PREDIOXIN Compounds of this type have been termed "predioxins." They have been identified in waste sludges and commercial products as well as in the products of laboratory experiments (Jensen and Renberg 1972; Arsenault 1976; Jensen and Renberg 1973). There are other competing reactions, however. With some precursor compounds, condensation may occur with a chlorine atom that is not in the ortho position to a hydroxyl group. One study suggests that a meta chlorine will be favored, in accordance with the following reaction (Langer, Brady, and Briggs 1973). cl ONa cy ONa ci 0 ONa TX : cl ca C cl cl Ci Cl ci ISOPREDIOXIN The end product has been termed an "iso-predioxin" (Jensen and Renberg 1973). To this iso-predioxin, additional molecules of sodium-2,4,5- trichlorophenate may attach, creating a polymerized compound of three, four, or more monomers (Langer, Brady, and Briggs 1973; Langer et al. 1973). Ci cc ci Cl cic Cl n Investigators have noted similar reactions with para chlorine atoms, which form another type of iso-predioxin. Either of the iso-predioxins may polymerize into longer chains, or they may lead with loss of chlorine to the creation of dibenzofurans (Jensen and Renberg 1972; Langer, Brady, and Briggs 1973; Deinzer et al. 1979; Chemical Engineering 1978). ct ONa 0 a a 0 c JOC JCC Ci cl a ad ONa Ci ONa It is believed that dibenzofurans are also formed by reaction between a chlorophenol and a polychlorobenzene through an intermediate creation of another type of diphenyl ether (Buser 1978). ci ONa Ci Cl Cl o Cl C000 ~~ SCL Cl Cli Ci 1 Cl 1 C1 Cl Ci NaOH cl 0 — NaCl + HO + Ci Cl ci Another competing reaction that involves loss of chlorine is the reaction to form dihydroxy chlorinated biphenyls (Jensen and Renberg 1973). Cl Cl ci OH oC SOC OO Cl Cl HO OH Ci Cl The chlorine thus released may react with other rings to form com- pounds with higher chlorine saturation. Preparation of 2,3,7,8-TCDD was accomplished by treatment of unsubstituted dioxin (World Health Organization 1977). oO Ci 0 cl CLD = = JL o Cl o Cl Other competing reactions have been described for pentachlorophenol, which has been shown to degenerate, when heated, into hexachlorobenzene and water by a reaction sequence that includes an intermediate decachloro- diphenylether (Plimmer 1973). Cl Ci Cl 2 “ T= AX + HCI He! Cl Cl Ct &t GH Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl cl 0 ci Le CL CLC +H 0 => + Cl cic Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cli Cl Cl Ci Alternatively, the predioxin or the decachlorodiphenylether may lose chlo- rine through reactions with water to form hexachloro or heptachlorodioxins or to form octa- and nonachlorodiphenylethers. Loss of chlorine may also create octachlorodibenzofuran in accordance with the following reaction (Crosby, Moilanen, and Wong 1973; Jensen and Renberg 1973). Ci Ci Cl Ci Ci o 1] Cl oO Cl re cl ad cl Ct Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl These competing reactions are predominant only with acidic pentachloro- phenol, however. Heating the sodium salt of pentachlorophenol produces 0CDD in essentially quantitative yield (World Health Organization 1977). 10 Except for pentachlorophenol, once a predioxin is formed, there are apparently no competing reactions other than its reversal into the pre- cursor. In one test, when Irgasan DP-300, a predioxin (see Section 3 p. 57), was heated to 980°C, only two classes of compounds were created: dioxins and precursor molecules (Nilsson et al. 1974). The competing reactions clearly indicate why dioxins generally are formed only in trace quantities and why they appear in a complex mixture with polymers and other multi-ring structures, many of which are also toxic. It has been more difficult to explain why dioxins other than the one pre- dicted by theory are also found in these mixtures. In the laboratory, for example, a predioxin for 2,8-DCDD created a small amount of this dioxin when heated; however, the principal dioxin formed was 2,7-DCDD (Boer et al. 1971). Ci oO NaO Ci It was originally believed that such unexpected dioxins were created by arbitrary transfers of chlorine that occurred within the energetic predioxin molecules (Boer et al. 1971). More recent work has demonstrated that a long-recognized chemical phenomenon known as the "Smiles rearrangement" is often operational during dioxin creation, in which one of the rings spontan- eously reverses into its mirror image at the instant of ring closure (Gray et al. 1976; March 1968). This rearrangement fully explains the reaction shown above, and researchers can now predict with some certainty which dioxins will be formed from specific precursors or predioxins. Even this development has not satisfied all observational evidence, however, espe- cially with the more highly chlorinated dioxins. Some researchers believe that an equilibrium process is at work, in which dioxins slowly lose or gain chlorine atoms to approach the most stable mixture of compounds (Rawls 1979; Miller 1979; Ciaccio 1979). Predioxin formation does not ensure dioxin formation (Jensen and Renberg 1972; Jensen and Renberg 1973). Pentachlorophenol attains equilib- rium with its precursor in a reversible reaction but forms large amounts of dioxins only in the presence of an alkali (Langer et al. 1973). [Irgasan DP-300 can be chlorinated and otherwise modified chemically without inducing ring closure (Nilsson et al. 1974; Yang and Pohland 1973). "High amounts" of predioxins have been found in commercial products in which no dioxin could be detected. Another study revealed predioxin concentrations as much as 20 times greater than dioxin concentrations (Jensen and Renberg 1972). In still another study, the concentration of hydroxypolychlorodipheny]l ethers (predioxins plus isopredioxins) was more than 50 times the dioxin concentration (Deinzer et al. 1979; Chemical Engineering 1978). Although not specifically noted in published literature, predioxin formation appears 11 to be more likely than dioxin formation. It is possible that steric or electronic hindrances interfere with the final step of ring closure, and that predioxins may be formed under less-rigorous reaction conditions. Since dioxins usually are formed only in low yields, the minimum condi- tions leading to their formation are poorly defined. Heat, pressure, catalytic action, and photostimulation have all been shown to encourage the reactions from chlorinated precursors to predioxins and then to dioxins. The temperature required for dioxin formation is variously reported at values from 180°C to 400°C (Milnes 1971; Langer, Brady, and Briggs 1973; Crossland and Shea 1973; Gribble 1974; Buser 1978). As previously noted, sodium pentachlorophenate is converted to essentially pure 0CDD at approxi- mately 360°C (Langer et al. 1973). The same series of tests indicated decomposition of several other chlorinated dioxin precursors at temperatures from about 310° to 370°C, with formation of varying quantities of dioxins (Langer et al. 1973). Essentially quantitative formation of many different dioxins from chlorinated catechols and o-chloronitrobenzenes has been achieved at 180°C (Gray et al. 1976; March 1968). Direct combustion of herbicides or impregnated sawdust can create dioxins (Nilsson et al. 1974; Langer, Brady, and Briggs 1973; Stehl and Lamparski 1977; Ahling and Lindskog 1977; Jansson, Sundstrom, and Ahling 1978), especially if there is a deficiency of oxygen (Chem. and Eng. News 1978), but the temperature of formation under these conditions cannot be measured (this phenomenon may be limited to formation of dioxins from pentachlorophenol; reports are indefinite). Apparently no definitive study has determined the temperature of formation of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Pressure is needed to retain some precursor compounds in the liquid state to permit dioxin formation (Jensen and Renberg 1972). At atmospheric pressure, the boiling point of many precursors is apparently lower than the temperature needed to form dioxins, and therefore the precursors escape from the reaction vessel before decomposition reactions can occur. Irradiation of pentachlorophenol with ultraviolet light has caused the formation of OCDD (World Health Organization 1977; Crosby, Moilanen, and Wong 1973; Plimmer et al. 1973; Crosby and Wong 1976). Irradiation of 2,4-dichlorophenol, however, energized the hydrogen atom at position 6 of one ring and created a predioxin as a principal product, but ring closure apparently did not occur (Plimmer et al. 1973). This experiment also produced a dihydroxy biphenyl, probably through the competing reaction described previously. It has been postulated that although dichloro, trichloro, and tetrachloro dioxins may be formed by irradiation, they do not accumulate because they decompose rapidly by the same mechanism (Crosby, Moilanen, and Wong 1973). As outlined in Section 5, the less chlorinated dioxins are unstable when exposed to ultraviolet light. In laboratory production of dioxins, catalysts have been used to increase reaction rates and reaction yields. Powdered copper, iron or aluminum salts, and free iodine have been used (Pohland and Yang 1972; World Health Organization 1977), and all of these are known to stimulate many 12 reactions of chlorinated organic compounds (Wertheim 1939). One report indicates that heavy metallic ions may decrease decomposition temperature (Langer et al. 1973). Presence of heavy metals may, however, only encourage competing reactions; the silver salt of pentachlorophenol, for example, decomposes at about 200°C to yield polymerized materials but no dioxins (Langer et al. 1973). Formation of dioxins is an exothermic reaction (Langer et al. 1973) that releases heat as the molecules contract into a more compact arrange- ment. No published data define the amount of heat created by formation of the various dioxins. Once formed, the dioxin nucleus is quite stable. Laboratory tests have shown that it is not decomposed by heat or oxidation in a 700°C incinerator, but pure compounds are largely decomposed at 800°C (Ton That et al. 1973). A recent report states that the nucleus survives intact through incineration up to 1150°C if it is bound to particulate matter (Rawls 1979; Miller 1979; Ciaccio 1979). Chlorinated dioxins lose chlorine atoms on exposure to sunlight or to some types of gamma radiation, but the basic dioxin structure is largely unaffected (Crosby et al. 1971; Buser, Bosshardt, and Rappe 1978). In comparison with almost any other organic compound, the biological degradation rate of chlorinated dioxins is slow, although measured rates differ widely (Zedda, Cirla, and Sala 1976; Commoner and Scott 1976b; Matsumura and Benezet 1973; Huetter 1980). 13 SECTION 3 SOURCES DIOXINS IN COMMERCIAL CHLOROPHENOLS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES Since most reports of dioxins are associated with chlorinated phenolic compounds, this section examines this group of organic materials with re- spect to their reported dioxin contaminants and their utilization, manu- facture, production volumes, and derivatives. Similar information is pre- sented, when available, for hexachlorobenzene, which has been found to contain dioxins, and also for a group of other related commercial chemicals that theoretically could contain dioxin contaminants, although no analyses have been reported. For each chemical, the discussions include the probable processing steps that may promote dioxin formation and also the mechanisms through which dioxins could appear in the associated process wastes or be retained within the chemical products. Chlorophenols Chlorinated phenols are a family of 19 compounds, consisting of a benzene ring to which is attached one hydroxyl group and from one to five chlorine atoms. The positions of the chlorine atoms with respect to the hydroxyl group and to each other provide the opportunity for three mono- chlorophenols, six each of dichloro- and trichlorophenols, three tetra- chlorophenols, and one pentachlorophenol. Many researchers have established the presence of dioxins in these chemicals; Table 3 lists the results of several such studies. Data in this table show that until recently dioxins have not been found in commercially produced mono- or dichlorophenols. The presence of 2,3,7,8-TCOD in low concentration was found in 1979 in a railroad tank car spill of o-chlorophenol. One or more samples of all chlorophenols with three or more chlorine atoms that have been examined have contained dioxins. TCDD's have been identified not only in the 2,4,5-trichloro isomer but also in the 2,4,6-trichloro isomer. One or more samples of trichlorophenol have contained dioxins with two to eight chlorine substituents. Only dioxins with six to eight chlorine substituents have been found in tetra- and penta- chlorophenol. Numerous analyses have confirmed that dioxins with less than six chlorine substituents are not found in pentachlorophenol. Most commercial chlorophenols are used as raw materials in the syn- thesis of other organic compounds. Some of the less highly chlorinated phenols are used with formaldehyde to make fire-resistant thermosetting 14 Gl TABLE 3. CHLORODIOXINS REPORTED IN CHLOROPHENOLS Chlorodioxins (-COD's), ppm? Chlorophenol sample mono-COD's | DCOD*'s [tri-COD's TCDD's penta-CDD's | hexa-CDD's | hepta-CDOD's| OCDD Data source Ponachlorahena) -chloropheno ND ND ND b ND ND ND ND Firestone '72 o-chlorophenol - = * 0.037 (2,3,7,8) = + = % Chemical Week '79 Dichlorophenol 74-dTchTorophenol ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Firestone '72 2,6-dichlorophenol ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Firestone '72 Trichlorophenol Era opheis) ND ND ND 0.30 (1,3,6,8) ND ND ND ND Firestone '72 (1969) 6.2 (2,3,7,8) 2,4,5-trichlorophenol ND ND ND ND 1.5 ND ND ND Firestone '72 (1970) . 2,4,5-trichlorophenol ND ND NO ND ND ND ND ND Firestone '72 (1970) 2,4,5-trichlorophenol ND ND ND 0.07 (2,3,7,8) NO ND ND ND Firestone '72 (1970) Na-2,4,5-trichlorophenol ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Firestone '72 (1967 H32:415-trichiorophenct ND D.72 (2,7) NO 1.4 (2,3,7,8) ND ND ND ND Firestone '72 (1969) 2,4,5-trichlorophenol - - - 8.3-€2,3,7,8) ~ - - - Elvidge '71 2,4,6-trichlorophenol ND ND 93 (2,3,7)] 49 (1,3,6,8) ND ND ND ND Firestone '72 trichlorophenol - - = ND (0.5) - 0.5-10 0.5-10 0.5-10 Woolson et al. '72 Tetrachlorophenol 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol - - = 6 - - Buser '75 (Dowicide 6) 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol ND ND ND NO ND 29 5.1 0.17 Firestone '72 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol ND ND NO ND ND 4.1 ND ND Firestone '72 (1967) 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenal ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Firestone '72 tetrachlorophenol # % - ND (0.5) - 10-100 10-100 10-100 Woolson et al. '72 (continued) 91 TABLE 3 (continued) Chlorodioxins (-CDD's), ppm? Chlorophenol sample mono-CDD's | DCDD's | tri-CDD's TCOD's penta-CDD's | hexa-CDD's | hepta-CDD's{ 0CDD Data source Pentachlorophenol PCP ro 7 - = - - * 9 235 250 Buser '75 PCP - - * ND (0.5) ‘- 10-100 100-1000 [100-1000 | Woolson '72 Na-PCP (1967) NO ND ND NO ND 14 14.5 3.8 Firestone '72 Na-PCP (1969) ND ND NO ND ND 20 n.3 33 Firestone '72 PCP (1970) ND ND ND ND ND 39 49 15 Firestone '72 PCP (1970) ND ND ND ND ND 35 23 ND Firestone '72 PCP (1967) ND ND ND ND ND 0.17 ND ND Firestone '72 PCP (1969) ND ND ND ND ND 13 47 ND Firestone '72 PCP (1970) ND ND ND ND ND 0.91 2.1 5.3 Firestone '72 PCP (1970) ND ND ND ND ND 15 23 15 Firestone '72 PCP (1978) - - - ND (0.1) = 19 140 432 Dioxin in Industrial Sludges, '78 Pentachlorophenate = = # - - - + + Jensen and Renberg '72 PCP formulation - - - - - 870 50-3300 | Jensen and Renberg '72 PCP (technical grade) = = . ND - 33-42 19-24 7-1 Villanueva '73 PCP (reagent grade) - - = ND - 0.02-0.03 0.04-0.09 p.02-0.03| Villanueva '73 PCP (many samples) - # - ND - 9-27 90-135 575-2510 | PCP - A wood preservative '77 PCP's (17) - - - - - 0-23 & 0-3600 Crummett '75 PCP or PCP-Na (7) * C3 - - - 0.03-10.0 0.6-180 p.5-370 Buser and Basshardt '76 PCP (Dowicide 7 1970) . =< = - - 4 125 2500 PCP Ad Hoc Study Rept. 12/78 SAB PCP (Dowicide 7 1970) - 4 - - = 1.0 6.5 15 PCP Ad Hoc Study Rept. 12/78 SAB distilled PCP ® - - - - 9-27 # 75-2510 | Johnson et al. '73 NaPCP (Dowicide G, 1978) - = - “ - ND-2 1-12 4-173 Dow Chemical Co, '78 4 Key to abbreviations and symbols: ND = Not detected (minimum detection level, ppm). Other numbers in parenthesis indicate year chlorophenol sample was obtained, or specific dioxin detected. Bb Indicates not analyzed or not reported. Presence of 2,3,7,8-TCDD confirmed but not quantitatively reported. plastics (Doedens 1964). Those containing three or more chlorine atoms are used directly as pesticide chemicals. 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol is effective as a fungicide, herbicide, and defoliant (Hawley 1971). It was formerly used in large quantities in the leather tanning industry; however, its use in this industry has decreased substantially (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978a), probably as a result of the improved effectiveness and mass produc- tion of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol, a substance of sufficient importance to warrant a special section in this report. 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol is used as a preservative for wood, latex, and leather, and also as an insecticide (Kozak et al. 1979). Pentachlorophenol or its sodium salt is said to be the second most widely used pesticide in the United States. It is effective in the control of certain bacteria, yeasts, slime molds, algae, fungi, plants, insects, and snails. Because of its broad spectrum, pentachlorophenol is used in many ways: As a preservative for wood, wood products, leather, burlap, cordage, starches, dextrins, and glues As an insecticide on masonry for termite control As a fungicide/slimicide in pulp and paper mills, in cooling tower waters, and in evaporation condensors 'As a preharvest weed defoliant on seed crops As a preservative on beans (for replanting only) As a means of controlling slimes in secondary oil recovery injection water (in the petroleum industry) By far the major use of pentachlorophenol is as a wood preservative. It was once reported to have been used in shampoos; however, this chemical does not now appear to be used as an ingredient in cosmetics or drugs, since it is not listed either in the CTFA Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary (Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association, Inc. 1977), or in the Physicians' Desk Reference (1978). Manufacture-- Through either process variations or separation of mixtures by frac- tional distillation, manufacturers selectively produce chlorophenols with specific numbers and arrangements of chlorine atoms. Table 4 shows that 13 of the 19 possible chlorophenols are currently sold commercially in suffi- cient volume to be listed in the 1978 Stanford Research Institute Directory of Chemical Producers. Seven of these are made in much higher volume than the other six. The high-volume products are all made by one of two major types of manufacturing processes, referred to herein as the hydrolysis method and the direct chlorination method. 17 TABLE 4. COMMERCIAL CHLOROPHENOLS AND THEIR PRODUCERS? Chlorophenol . Manufacturer(s) o-Chlorophenol Dow Chemical Company Monsanto Company m-Chlorophenol Eastman Kodak Company Aldrich Chemical Company Specialty Organics, Inc. R.S.A. Corporation p-Chlorophenol Dow Chemical Company Monsanto Company 2,3-Dichlorophenol Specialty Organics, Inc. 2,4-Dichlorophenol Dow Chemical Company Monsanto Company Rhodia, Inc. Vertac, Inc. 2,5-Dichlorophenol Velsicol Chemical Corporation 2,6-Dichlorophenol Aldrich Chemical Company Specialty Organics, Inc. 3,4-Dichlorophenol Aldrich Chemical Company 3,5-Dichlorophenol Aldrich Chemical Company Specialty Organics, Inc. 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol Dow Chemical Company Vertac, Inc. 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol Dow Chemical Company 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol Dow Chemical Company Pentachlorophenol Dow Chemical Company Vulcan Materials Company Reichold Chemicals 2 source: Stanford Research Institute Directory of Chemical Producers, U.S., 1978. 18 As mentioned earlier, chlorophenols are benzene rings that contain one hydroxyl group and one or more chlorine atoms. The basic raw material in the manufacture of chlorophenols is benzene, and the two major manufacturing methods differ primarily in the order in which the substituents are attached to the benzene ring. In the hydrolysis method, chlorophenols are made by replacing one chlorine substituent of a polychlorinated benzene with a hydroxyl group. The hydrolysis method is the only practical method for producing some of the chlorophenols, such as the 2,4,5 isomer; this isomer is apparently the only one currently produced in large quantity by this method (Kozak 1979; Deinzer 1979; Chemical Engineering 1978). In the direct chlorination method, phenol (hydroxybenzene) is reacted with chlorine to form a variety of chlorophenols. Each manufacturing method is more fully described in the paragraphs below. In addition, a detailed description of the manufacture of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol (2,4,5-TCP) is outlined separately. Hydrolysis method--The first step in the hydrolysis method is the direct chlorination of benzene. Through a series of distillations, re- chlorinations, and other chemical treatments, several purified chlorobenzene compounds are obtained that contain from two to six chlorine substituents. Specific chlorophenols are then made by reacting one of the chlorine substi- tuents with caustic, thereby replacing the chlorine atom with a hydroxyl group (see Figure 2). The reaction takes place in a solvent in which both materials are soluble, and the mixture is held at specific conditions of temperature and pressure until the reaction is complete. The product is then recovered from the reaction mixture. The solvent is usually an alcohol (most often methanol), although use of other solvents is possible. A 1957 process patent describes the manufacture of pentachlorophenol from a starting material of hexachlorobenzene (U.S. Patent Office 1957e). Methanol is the solvent, and the reaction takes place at temperatures of 125° to 175°C and pressures of 125 to 360 psi. Reaction time is 0.3 to 3 oS. This method is known to have been used commercially (Arsenault 1 . A variation of this process using ethylene glycol as the solvent also has been used commercially for the production of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol (Commoner and Scott 1976a; Whiteside 1977). A process described in another 1957 patent uses water as the solvent in hydrolysis of dichloro- and trichlorobenzenes (U.S. Patent Office 1957c¢). Temperature is maintained from 240° to 300°C under alkaline conditions at autogenous pressure. Reaction time varies from 0.5 to 3 hours. By this method, monochlorophenols are produced in yields greater than 70 percent from o-, m-, and p-dichlorobenzene. Metachlorophenol is formed as an impurity from the ortho- and para- starting materials through ring rearrangment mechanisms. Orthochlorophenol, which is the most likely dioxin precursor, is not formed by ring rearrangement but is produced in 86 percent yield from o-dichlorobenzene. Also, hydrolysis of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene forms a mixture of dichlorophenol isomers in yields up to 95 percent. A 1967 patent describes the use of a combined methanol-water solvent system (U.S. Patent Office 1967b). Temperature is maintained at 170° to 200°C, under above-autogenous pressures. Reaction time is 1 hour or less. 19 DIRECT CHLORINATION SOME PROCESS" VARIATIONS Ci EMPLOY A OH CATALYST Ci. OH + Clg men fi SOLVENT , UNNECESSARY a ~Ci ci PHENOL HLOROPHENOL § HYDROLYSIS cl Cl Cl! Cl CATALYST ~ OH > UNNECESSARY cl + NaOH —me cI’ ~Cl SOLVENT REQUIRED Cl” ~Cl | | Cl Cl POLYCHLORINATED BENZENE PECIFIC CHLOROPHEND Figure 2. Basic chlorophenol reactions. 20 A 1969 patent describes still another solvent, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) (U.S. Patent Office 1969). Use of this solvent in a mixture with water permits the reaction to take place at atmospheric pressure; caustic hydrol- ysis of hexachlorobenzene to pentachlorophenol occurs at approximately 155°C and is complete in about 3 hours. This process apparently has never been applied commercially. When an alcohol is used as a solvent, the chemical mechanism that occurs involves an initial equilibrium reaction between the alcohol and caustic to form a sodium alkoxide, which is the reagent that actually attacks the chlorobenzene. The compound formed first is the alcohol ether of the chlorophenol. On standing, rearrangement of the compound occurs to form the chlorophenate plus any of several side reaction products (Sidwell 1976). This mechanism is significant because it explains the "aging" step that is a distinct phase in commercial hydrolysis sequences, and it also explains the substantial quantity of byproduct impurities that are derived from the alcohol solvents. In all these processes, the product is recovered through either of two methods. In one, extraction into benzene separates the organic materials from water, salt, and excess caustic. Subsequent vacuum distillation re- claims the benzene for recycle and also separates the chlorophenols into purified fractions. Extraction with benzene (or a similar solvent) is probably the preferred product recovery method for chlorophenols of lower molecular weight, especially the mono- and dichloro- products, since they are more easily distilled than the heavier products. The alternative product recovery method is to filter the reaction mixture, perhaps after partial neutralization or evaporation and subsequent cooling, to reclaim unreacted polychlorobenzenes. The solution is then acidified and filtered again to collect the solid products. This variation is probably best suited to recovery of tri-, tetra-, and pentachlorophenols because these products and their raw materials are solids at room tempera- ture and therefore can be removed more easily in the filtration operations. Chlorophenols can be purified by distillation to separate high-boiling impurities. Technical feasibility has been reported in three 1974 patents, in which purified pentachlorophenol is recovered in good yield by high vacuum distillation in the presence of chemical stabilizers (U.S. Patent Office 1974a, 1974b, 1974c). Purification of 2,4,5-trichliorophenol by distillation has also been reported (World Health Organization 13977). The high-temperature, high-pressure, and strongly alkaline conditions of the hydrolysis process are conducive to the formation of dioxin compounds. Although not in present U.S. commercial use, the hydrolysis manufacture of pentachlorophenol was especially favorable for the formation of octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (0CDD). As described in more detail later in this section, the commercial hydrolysis method is known to produce 2,3,7,8-TCDD from 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene. 21 Direct chlorination method--Direct chlorination begins by the addition of a hydroxyl group to benzene to form hydroxybenzene or phenol. This compound is manufactured in specialized plants, usually through sulfonation, chlorination, or catalytic oxidation of benzene. Dioxins have not been reported as resulting from this portion of the process; this study is there- fore concerned only with the second part of the process in which phenol is reacted with chlorine to form various chlorophenols. The reaction of phenol with chlorine actually forms a mixture of chlo- rinated phenols (see Figure 2), although certain compounds are formed pref- erentially. Direct chlorination is practical, therefore, only if the desired product is one of the high-yield compounds. Except for low-volume specialty isomers and the high-volume 2,4,5 isomer, all commercial chloro- phenols made in this country are those that are formed preferentially by this process (Buser 1978; Kozak 1979; Deinzer 1979; Chemical Engineering 1978). These include mono- and dichlorophenols that are substituted at positions 2 and 4, the symmetrical 2,4,6-trichlorophenol isomer, 2,3,4,6- tetrachlorophenol, and pentachlorophenol. Chlorination of phenol can be accomplished in batch reactors, but is best suited to the continuous process shown in simplified form in Figure 3 (U.S. Patent Office 1960; Sittig 1969). Liquid phenol and/or lower chlo- rinated phenols are passed countercurrently with .chlorine gas through a series of reaction vessels. Trace amounts of aluminum chloride catalyst are added, usually as a separate feed into an intermediate vessel. Equipment is sized so that all the chlorine is absorbed by the phenol; the last phenol- containing vessel is usually built as a scrubbing column to ensure complete chlorine absorption. Gas leaving the scrubber is anhydrous hydrogen chlo- ride, which is either used in other chemical operations or dissolved in water to form substantially pure hydrochloric acid as a byproduct. The chlorophenol compound created in greatest amount by this process is established by the ratio of feed rates of chlorine and phenol. Because all chlorine is consumed, it is fed at rates 1 to 5 times the molecular pro- portion of phenol, depending on the principal product desired. To prevent excessive oxidation that produces nonphenolic chlorinated organic compounds, temperatures are carefully regulated; the usual temperatures are 130° to 190°C for pentachlorophenol and 170°C for 2,4-dichlorophenol. Pressure is atmospheric, and reaction time is 5 to 15 hours (U.S. Patent Office 1960). The mixture from the first reaction vessel can be vacuum-distilled to separate the various compounds. Unreacted phenol and any undesired less- chlorinated phenols would be recycled. To make some products for which purity standards are rather flexible, very little purification is necessary, and some processes may include no final distillation or other treatment. Also, a chlorinated product may be withdrawn from the scrubber (usually a mixture of 2- and 4-mono- or 2,4-dichlorophenol) and may be either dis- tilled, with portions recycled to the first reactor for further chlori- nation, or sold as is. 2,4-Dichlorophenol may be further processed to the phenoxy herbicide 2,4-D. 22 £2 CHLORINE PHENOL Il Il Il NONCONTACT HEATING OR COOLING COILS IN EACH VESSEL AY LL MV ey CHLOROPHENOLS TO by PURIFICATION OR SALE Duo Figure 3. Direct chlorination of phenol. HYDROGEN —> CHLORIDE BYPRODUCT Supplemental processing steps may be necessary to remove contaminants such as '"hexachlorophenol" (hexachlorocyclohexadiene-1,4-one-3), dioxins, and furans from PCP made by this process. Hexachlorophenol may be formed during the process by overchlorination of the reaction mass (U.S. Patent Office 1939). Dioxins may be formed during distillation by the condensation of PCP with itself or with hexachlorophenol (see Table 1 of Volume 3 of this series). Dioxins have been reported in numerous samples of PCP, as shown in Table 3. Although hexa-CDD's, hepta-CDD's, and OCDD are known to be present in commercial PCP, 2,3,7,8-TCDD has never been found (Chemical Regulation Reporter 1978; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978e). All PCP made in the United States is produced by the direct chlori- nation of phenol; apparently the method involving the hydrolysis of hexa- chlorobenzene has never been used commercially for PCP production (American Wood Preservers Institute 1977). Dow reportedly changed its production process in 1972 to produce a PCP with Tower dioxin content; the other two producers of PCP apparently have not followed Dow's lead (Chemical Regula- tion Reporter 1978). Details of Dow's process change were not reported. Production-- Production figures for di- and tetra- chlorophenols are not available. Although current figures for pentachlorophenol production are also not available, it is estimated from production capacity information (Table 5) that U.S. manufacturers are producing as much as 53 million pounds of PCP annually. Annual U.S. trichlorophenol production is probably also in the range of 50 million pounds (Crosby, Moilanen, and Wong 1973). As Table 4 indicates, chlorophenols are apparently manufactured by at least 11 companies, which represent two diverse groups of chemical pro- ducers. Of the 13 commercial chlorophenols, 7 are made by Dow Chemical Company in Midland, Michigan. Except for 2,4,5-trichlorophenol, all of the isomers made by Dow are those formed preferentially through direct chlori- nation of phenol. Competitive with Dow in the sale of these seven chloro- phenols are four other companies: Monsanto Company - Sauget, Illinois Reichold Chemicals, Inc. - Tacoma, Washington Vulcan Materials Company = Wichita, Kansas Rhodia, Inc. - Freeport, Texas All of these companies are engaged for the most part in the mass pro- duction of organic chemicals for which market demand is relatively constant. These companies are geared to heavy chemical production, and their products are made to commercial standards of purity and are usually sold at rela- tively low prices. The other six chlorophenols are made by five companies that generally manufacture fine or specialty chemicals: 24 TABLE 5. 1977 PENTACHLOROPHENOL PRODUCTION CAPACITY? Production 1977 Capacity, Company location million of pounds Dow Chemical U.S.A.° Midland, Mich. 17 Monsanto® Sauget, I11. 26 Reichold Tacoma, Wash. 20 Vulcan Witchita, Kans. 16 Total capacity 79 3 Source: American Wood Preservers Institute, 1977. These figures presumably do not include production of sodium or b potassium salts of pentachlorophenol. Dow ceased production of the sodium salt of PCP (Dowicide G) in April, 1978 (Dow Chemical Company 1978). Monsanto stopped all PCP production as of January 1, 1978 (Dorman 1978). 25 Velsicol Chemical Corp. - Beaumont, Texas Eastman Kodak Company - Rochester, New York Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc. - Milwaukee, Wisconsin Specialty Organics, Inc. - Irwindale, California R.S.A. Corporation - Ardsley, New York Products from these manufacturers are often batch-produced under con- tract with specific industrial customers, sometimes to high standards of purity. They are manufactured in much smaller quantities than those des- cribed above, often intermittently, and they are sold at a relatively high price. Often, the products from these companies are used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, photographic chemicals, and similar high-quality chemical materials. Without exception, the chlorophenols made by these companies are those not formed preferentially through direct chlorination of phenol. Any chlorophenol with a chlorine atom at position 2 (ortho to the hydroxyl group) may be a precursor for dioxin formation. Nine of the 11 companies are reported to make at least one chlorophenol of this descrip- tion. Potential for the occurrence of dioxins is therefore not limited to the manufacture of chlorophenols for pesticide use. It is not known, however, whether the hydrolysis method, which is especially conducive to dioxin formation, is used to make the lower-volume chlorophenols. In many instances, this method probably is not used because the parent polychlorobenzenes needed for raw materials usually cannot be directly synthesized by conventional chlorination techniques. For pro- duction of m-chlorophenol in high yields, for example, general chemical references describe a synthesis route that involves chlorination of nitro- benzene, followed by reduction, diazotization, and hydrolysis of the nitrate group (Vinopal, Yamamoto, and Casida 1973). Multistep batch processes of this type are necessary to cause the substituents to attach to the ring at unnatural positions (Kozak 1979). These specialized production methods are not addressed in this report. The primary chemical producers described above are not the only com- merical sources of chlorophenols. Other companies purchase chlorophenols from primary producers, combine them with other ingredients, and market the formulated products. Still others deal only in distribution of the chemi- cals or chemical mixtures. Most often the trade name of the product changes each time it is bought and sold. 26 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol In 1972, hexa-, hepta- and octachlorodioxins were found at concentra- tions of 0.5 to 10 ppm in four of six trichlorophenol samples analyzed. Tetrachlorodioxins were not detected (0.5 ppm level of detection). The research report implies that the 2,4,5 isomer of trichlorophenol was being analyzed (Woolson, Thomas, and Ensor 1972). Also in 1972, another study showed dioxins in trichlorophenols (Firestone et al. 1972). Isomers identified in 2,4,5-trichlorophenol (or its sodium salt) at ppm levels were 2,7-di-, 1,3,6,8-tetra-, 2,3,7,8-tetra-, and pentachlorodioxins. High levels of 2,3,7-trichlorodioxin (93 ppm) and 1,3,6,8-tetrachlorodioxin (49 ppm) were found in the 2,4,6 isomers of trichlorophenol. The investigator analyzed for, but could not detect, mono-, hexa-, hepta-, and octachlorodioxins in these trichlorophenol samples. Data from these two studies are included in Table 3. A U.S. EPA position document on 2,4,5-TCP (U.S. Environmental Protec- tion Agency 1978i) was prepared to accompany the August 2, 1978, Federal Register notice of rebuttable presumption against continued registration of 74 5-Tep products. The position document gives the following description of the known uses of this chemical: The largest use of 2,4,5-TCP is as a starting material in the manu- facture of a series of industrial and agricultural chemicals, the most notable of which is the herbicide 2,4,5-T and its related products including silvex [2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) propionic acid], ronnel [0,0-dimethyl 0-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl)-phosphorothiocate], and the bactericide hexachlorophene. 2,4,5-TCP and its salts are used in the textile industry to preserve emulsions used in rayon spinning and silk yarns, in the adhesive in- dustry to preseve polyvinyl acetate emulsions, in the leather industry as a hide preservative, and in the automotive industry to preserve rubber gaskets. The sodium salt is used as a preservative in adhesives derived from casein, as a constituent of metal cutting fluids and foundry core washes to prevent breakdown and spoilage, as a bacteri- cide/fungicide in recirculating water in cooling towers, and as an algicide/slimicide in the pulp/paper manufacturing industry. There are some minor uses of 2,4,5-TCP and its salts in disinfectants which are of major importance relative to human exposure. These in- clude use on swimming-pool-related surfaces; household sickroom equip- ment; food processing plants and equipment; food contact surfaces; hospital rooms; sickroom equipment; and bathrooms (including shower stalls, urinals, floors, and toilet bowls). It is apparent, therefore, that all the uses of 2,4,5-TCP exploit the poisonous character of the compound and its derivatives. As a pesticide, it is subject to EPA registration in all of its applications except those associated with food processing. 27 Manufacture-- Only trace amounts of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol are created by direct chlorination of phenol. It can be made in about 50 percent yield by re- chlorination of 3,4-dichlorophenol (U.S. Patent Office 1956c). Neither of these production methods is in commercial use in this country. Domestic commercial production is accomplished through hydrolysis of 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene, which is a principal isomer produced by re- chlorination of o-dichlorobenzene. Conversion of this chemical to the sodium salt of 2,4,5-TCP is a batch reaction with caustic soda. Subsequent neutralization with a mineral acid forms the product. The basic process is a typical application of the hydrolysis method of chlorophenol production described earlier. The reaction sequence is given below: Cl Cl Cl ONa + 2NaOH meee Cl Ci Cl Cl 1,2, 4,5-TETRACHLOROBENZENE } HCI Cl OH ci cl 2,4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOL At least three variations of the basic process have been described in process patents specifically for production of 2,4,5-TCP, differing only in the solvents used and therefore in the conditions needed to drive the re- action to completion. The first patented process (U.S. Patent Office 1950) 28 uses a solvent of ethylene glycol or propylene glycol at preferred temper- atures of 170° to 180°C and pressures up to 20 1b/in.2. A second patent, the most recent, (U.S. Patent Office 1967b), describes the use of methanol as a solvent, with temperatures ranging from 160° to 220°C and with pressure less than 350 1b/in.2 (probably 50 to 200 1b/in.2). Both of these alcohol- based processes require 1 to 5 hours to complete. “A third patent (U.S. Patent Office 1957b) describes the use of water as the reaction solvent. Use of water necessitates the most severe operating conditions: operating temperatures from 225° to 300°C and pressures from 400 to 1500 1b/in.2. This method permits greater production, since reaction time is reduced to no more than 1.5 hours and in some instances to as little as 6 minutes. In addition to its production efficiency, the water-based process eliminates the side reactions between caustic and the alcohol solvents, which form undesired impurity compounds. The process also improves product yield and eliminates solvent costs. It appears, however, that the high-temperature, high-pressure, and strongly alkaline conditions of the water-based process promote a continuation of the reaction, in which 2,4,5-TCP combines with itself to form 2,3,7,8-TCDD. The patent examples cited above are fairly old, and details of the current 2,4,5-TCP production methods are difficult to obtain. A 1978 EPA report on 2,4,5-TCP briefly describes present-day 2,4,5-TCP manufacture as a reaction of tetrachlorobenzene with caustic in the presence of methanol at 180°C under pressure. Although a final product purification step is des- cribed in the most recent patent example (U.S. Patent Office 1967b), the EPA report does not describe it. A more detailed estimate of current production methods is derived from fragmentary descriptions of both U.S. and foreign operations (Sidwell 1976; World Health Organization 1977; Fuller 1977; Whiteside 1977; Fadiman 1979; D. R. Watkins 1980). (One plant from which much of this information was derived ceased production of 2,4,5-TCP in 1979.) Figure 4 is a flow chart prepared from these sources, showing the most likely process details. In this processing scheme, alcohol and caustic are mixed and heated. Tetra- chlorobenzene is added, an exothermic reaction begins, and cooling water is turned onto the reactor coils. After all the tetrachlorobenzene has been added, the batch is "aged"; during the aging period, sodium-2,4,5-trichloro- phenate (Na-2,4,5-TCP) is formed. Volatile compounds such as dimethyl ether also are formed during the aging step; these are vented from the reactor, along with small amounts of vaporized methanol. The presence of these flammable vapors presents a fire or explosion hazard, and the reaction vessel is usually enclosed in blastproof walls to minimize physical damage from any accident that may occur during the aging step. On completion of the reaction, the methanol is evaporated, condensed, and recycled. At the same time, water is added to keep the batch contents in solution. In this process, a toluene washing step is conducted to purify the product by removing some of the high-boiling impurities. Toluene condensed from the overhead of an auxiliary still is mixed into the cooled water solu- 29 1,2,4,5- TETRACHLOROBENZENE HYDROXIDE REACTION — \ EMISSION | ALCOHOL RECYCLE WATER ——s={ EVAPORATION - MIXING AND |. TOLUENE cold PHASE DISTILLATION = 10L 10 SEPARATION [TOLUENE > A + IMPURITIES 70 | CONVERSION Need Botcf PROCESS 1 NEUTRALIZATION ==——HYDROCHLORIC ACID 3 CENTRIFUGATION |= WASTEWATER DRYING ATK EMISSION Figure 4. 2,4,5-TCP PRODUCT Flow chart for 2,4,5-TCP manufacture. 30 tion of Na-2,4,5-TCP. The mixture is then allowed to stand quietly so that the water and organic phases can separate into layers. The organic layer, containing impurities, is decanted and returned to the toluene still as feed. The water layer, containing partially purified Na-2,4,5-TCP, can be used directly to manufacture a herbicide derivative. Alternatively, hydro- chloric acid can be added to neutralize the mixture. Acidic 2,4,5-TCP precipitates and is separated from the liquid by centrifugation. Many of the impurities created during this process, including 2,3,7,8- TCDD, accumulate in the bottom of the toluene still. Still bottoms are removed periodically to be discarded. Toluene still bottoms have been identified as the source of at least one exposure of the public to dioxins, and also as the source of one of the highest concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (40 ppm) ever discovered in such wastes (Watkins 1979, 1980; Richards 1979a) (Analysis of this waste sample is fully described in Volume II of this report series.) As shown in Figure 4, the acidic 2,4,5-TCP is dried and either packaged for sale or used to manufacture other derivative products. One reference shows one or more stages of purification of the product after it is centri- fuged from the water solution (World Health Organization 1977). One stage of high-vacuum distillation is conducted to create what is described as "agricultural grade 2,4,5-TCP." A second stage of distillation removes additional impurities to form "pharmaceutical grade 2,4,5-TCP." It is believed that all U.S. hexachlorophene is made from a distilled grade of this chemical. Process details concerning the only remaining 2,4,5-TCP plant in the United States have not been released. It was reported in 1967 that this plant (Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan) was using the water-based process described in its 1955 patent (Sconce 1953; U.S. Patent Office 1957b), but this probably is not the case today. Another report states that the process is conducted with very careful temperature control to prevent the formation of dioxins (Sittig 1974). This source also indicates that still bottoms from the manufacture of 2,4,5-T at this plant are being dis- carded by incineration; therefore, a distillation is presumably being performed. It is not known whether these still bottoms are from a toluene washing still or from a product still. Production-- Dow Chemical Company is apparently the only current producer of both 2,4,5-TCP and Na-2,4,5-TCP. Merck and Company has recently begun producing Na-2,4,5-TCP (SRI 1979). Current records related to the EPA Federal Insec- ticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) indicate that 42 companies, including Dow, are marketing 94 registered commercial products containing 2,4,5-TCP or its salts (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 19781). According to EPA sources, most, if not all, of these companies obtain the basic chemical from Dow (Reece 1978c). Former 2,4,5-TCP manufacturing sites are listed in Table 6 by location and owner. Details of the processes used by these former producers are 31 TABLE 6. FORMER 2,4,5-TCP MANUFACTURING SITES? Plant location Owner Niagara Falls, New York Jacksonville, Arkansas Verona, Missouri Monmouth Junction, New Jersey Linden, New Jersey Chicago, Illinois Cleveland, Ohio Hooker Chemicals and Plastics (approximately 45 years) Reasor-Hi1l Corp. (1946-61)° Hercules, Inc. (1961-71) ed Transvaal, Inc. (1971-78) Vertac, Inc., Transvaal, (subsidiary) (Nov. 1978- March 1979) Northeastern Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals Co. Rhodia, Inc. GAF Corp. Nalco Chemical Co. Diamond Shamrock Corp. 3 Unless otherwise noted, the information in this table was derived from Stanford Research Institute Directory of Chemical Producers, U.S., 1976-1979, and U.S. International Trade Commission Synthetic Organic Chemicals, U.S. Production and Sales, 1968, 1974, 1976-78. Chemical Week 1979a. Richards 1979a. 32 not known; however, "toluene still bottoms" were said to be the source that created a dioxin exposure at Verona, Missouri, which indicates that the toluene washing step described above may have been used (see Section 4). The methanol-based process with a toluene washing stage was used by Vertac, Inc. (Watkins 1980). Current U.S. production figures for 2,4,5-TCP and its salts are not available (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978i). In 1970, the esti- mated level of domestic production for 2,4,5-TCP and its derivatives was 50 million pounds (Crosby, Moilanen, and Wong 1973). In 1974, the reported annual world production of all chlorophenols and their salts was estimated to be 100,000 tons, or 200 million pounds (Nilsson et al. 1974). Chlorophenol Derivatives With Confirmed Dioxin Content The wide utilization of chlorophenols in chemical synthesis makes it virtually impossible to identify all the potential derivatives of this class of compounds. The following paragraphs outline the manufacture of deriva- tives that, upon analysis, have been reported to contain chlorinated dioxins. The products are all pesticides, which are usually made as only partially purified chemicals and are intended to be distributed rather broadly into the environment. 2,4-0, 2,4-DB, 2,4-DP and 2,4-DEP-- The compound 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is a widely used herbicide and a close chemical relative of 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T) described later in this section. A 50:50 mixture of these two chemicals, known as "Herbicide Orange" (earlier called "Agent Orange"), was used as a defoliant during the Vietnam conflict. The chemical formula of 2,4-D is shown below. OCH,CO,H Ci ci 2,4-D The herbicide 2,4-DB is 4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) butyric acid; 2,4-DP is 2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) propionic acid; and 2,4-DEP is tris [2 - (2,4- dichlorophenoxy) ethyl] phosphite; all are closely related chemically to 2,4-D. 33 In 1972, Woolson, Thomas, and Ensor found hexachlorodioxin in one sample of 2,4-D at a level between 0.5 and 10 ppm. No other dioxins were observed. Twenty-three other 2,4-D samples, as well as three 2,4-DB and two 2,4-DEP samples were analyzed, but no dioxins were found at a 0.5 ppm limit of detection. Apparently, only tetra-, hexa-, hepta- and octachlorodioxins were sought in these analyses. The samples apparently were not analyzed for dichlorodioxins, which should be more likely to occur. According to the World Health Organization (1977), 2,4-D is widely used as a herbicide for broadleaf weed control in cereal crops (wheat, corn, grain sorghum, rice, other small grains), sugar cane, and citrus fruits (lemons), and on turf, pastures and noncrop land. Food-related uses account for 58 percent of all 2,4-D used in the United States in 1975. Two manufacturing processes have been described for 2,4-D, only one of which starts with a chlorinated phenol. One process is a direct chlorina- tion of phenoxyacetic acid (U.S. Patent Office 1949). The other process is a reaction between 2,4-dichlorophenol and chloroacetic acid (U.S. Patent Office 1958a). The second process is similar to the 2,4,5-T manufacturing process described in the following section and is also similar to the process used to make 2,4-DB (U.S. Patent Office 1963). Since many companies make 2,4-D and its esters and salts, both produc- tion processes may be in use, although it is claimed that chlorination of phenoxyacetic acid produces a higher yield and is a simpler process. In a batch reactor, phenoxyacetic acid is melted by heating it to 100°C. With continuous agitation, chlorine is bubbled through the molten chemical and the temperature is increased slowly to 150°C. A stream of dry air is passed through the reactor to sweep away the hydrogen chloride byproduct. When the calculated amount of chlorine has been added, the resulting mass is cooled, pulverized, and packaged. No solvent is used, no special recovery operation is needed, and product purification is unnecessary. If dioxins are created during this process, the mechanism of their formation is unknown. The second process involves reaction of 2,4-dichlorophenol with chloro- acetic acid in a solvent mixture of water and sodium hydroxide. This process is said to be used by at least one large manufacturer (Sittig 1974). Heat is applied to the vessel, and the water is evaporated from the mixture. When the temperature begins to rise, indicating that most of the water has evaporated, heating is stopped and a fresh charge of cold acidified water is added. The product can be filtered from the mixture and dried; this pro- cedure would form an impure product. Alternatively, the product can be extracted from the cooled mixture with a water-immiscible solvent and then separated from the solvent by distillation. This latter recovery method would probably create anhydrous organic wastes and therefore is probably in use by at least one company that has been reported to incinerate waste tars from 2,4-D manufacture (Sittig 1974). 34 This chlorophenol-based process for making 2,4-D could create dioxins because it provides for an alkaline mixture of a dioxin precursor chemical in contact with hot heating surfaces. If the product is only filtered from the reaction mixture, the dioxin contaminants would be captured along with the product. If solvent extraction is employed, part of the dioxin would probably appear in wastes from the process and part would probably be cap- tured with the product. The process for manufacture of 2,4-DB uses 2,4-dichlorophencl and gamma butyrolactone in a solvent mixture of dry butanol and nonane, with sodium hydroxide as a reaction aid. The chemical reactions are shown below: CHaCHCH2COOH o 0 OH 0 NaOH gl + mm cl cl 2,4-01CHLOROPHENOL ol ’ 2,4-08 The ingredients are mixed and heated to a temperature of about 165°C for a period that may range from 1 to 24 hours. On completion of the reac- tion, dilute sulfuric acid is added and 2,4-DB precipitates; the precipitate is centrifuged from the mixtures, dried, and packaged. Liquids from the centrifuge are allowed to stand quietly and separate into two liquid layers. The water fraction is discarded, and the organic layer is recycled to the subsequent reaction batch. Any water that is brought into the reactor is removed by distillation before the next reaction is started. It is possible that dioxins could be produced in this process by the mixture of 2,4-dichlorophenol with sodium hydroxide being brought into contact with a hot surface. Product recovery methods are such that any dioxins formed would either be removed as solids along with the product or be recycled to the succeeding batch. 35 Commercial production of 2,4-D in the United States started in 1944 and by the mid-1960's had peaked at 36 million kg (World Health Organization 1977). After the use of Herbicide Orange was discontinued, production dropped. Production in 1974 is estimated to have been 27 million kg (World Health Organization 1977). Production figures for 2,4-DB and 2,4-DEP are not available. The current basic producers of 2,4-D and 2,4-DB acids, esters, and salts as reported by Stanford Research Institute in 1978 are listed in Table 7. Former producers or production sites are listed in Table 8. No current producers of 2,4-DEP are listed in the Stanford Research Institute publica- tion of 1978. Sesone-- The chemical name for the pesticide sesone is 2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) ethyl sodium sulfate. The only sample known to have been analyzed for dioxins contained 0.5 to 10 ppm hexachlorodioxin (Helling et al. 1973). No tetra-, hepta-, or octachlorodioxins were detected (0.5 ppm detection level). Analysis apparently was not performed for di-, tri-, or penta- chlorodioxins. Sesone is made from 2,4-dichlorophenol by boiling it for several hours in a water solution of beta-chloroethyl-sodium sulfate and sodium hydroxide. The following are the chemical reactions of the process: OH OCH CHa OBR c © ® NaoH cl + CICH2CH0SO3Na cl Cl 2,4-0 SESONE In more detail, the straight-chain reactant is made by combining ethylene chlorohydrin and chlorosulfonic acid in a refrigerated water solu- tion (U.S. Patent Office 1958c). After partial neutralization with sodium hydroxide, 2,4-dichlorophenol is added and the mixture is boiled for about 15 hours. According to the patent example, the mixture is probably not purified; it is simply spray-dried to form a usable product. It could be purified by repeated extractions with hot alcohol to separate the sodium sulfate impurity. 36 TABLE 7. CURRENT BASIC PRODUCERS OF 2,4-D AND 2,4-DB ACIDS, ESTERS, AND SALTS Pesticide Company Production location 2,4-D and esters and salts 2,4-DB and salts Dow Chemical Company Fallek-Lankro Corp. Imperial, Inc. North American Phillips Corp., Thompson-Hayward Chemical Co., subsidiary PBI-Gordon Corp. Rhodia, Inc. Riverdale Chemical Co. Union Carbide Corp. Amchem Products, Inc. subsidiary Vertac, Inc. Transvaal, Inc., subsidiary Rhodia, Inc. Union Carbide Corp. Amchem Products, Inc. subsidiary Midland, Michigan Tuscaloosa, Alabama Shenandoah, Iowa Kansas City, Kansas Kansas City, Kansas Portland, Oregon St. Joseph, Missouri Chicago Heights, Illinois Chicago Heights, Illinois Ambler, Pennsylvania Fremont, California Jacksonville, Arkansas Portland, Oregon Ambler, Pennsylvania 8 Source: Stanford Research Institute 1978. 37 TABLE 8. FORMER BASIC PRODUCERS ACIDS, ESTERS, AND OF 2,4-D AND 2,4-DB SALTS Pesticide formerly reported produced Company Production location 2,4-D acid, esters, and salts 2,4-DB and salts Chempar Miller Chemical subsidiary of Alco Standards Rhodia Thompson Chemical Woodbury, subsidiary of Comutrix Rhodia Portland, Oregon Whiteford, Maryland North Kansas City, Kansas St. Paul/Minneapolis, Minnesota St. Louis, Missouri Orlando, Florida North Kansas City, Missouri St. Paul/Minneapolis, Minnesota 2 Source: Dryden et al. 1980 (Volume III of 38 this report series). The manufacture of sesone meets all of the requirements for promotion of the formation of 2,7-DCDD. Both the raw material and the final product contain a chlorine atom ortho to a ring-connected oxygen atom, and the mixture is heated in the presence of sodium hydroxide. Although overall reaction temperature is only slightly above 100°C, it could be higher at the heating surfaces. The volume of sesone produced annually is not known. Only nine com- mercial products containing the herbicide are currently registered as pesti- cides with EPA. DMPA-- The chemical name for DMPA is 0-(2,4-dichlorophenyl) O-methyl iso- propylphosphoramidothioate (Merck Index 1978). Some of the relatively higher chlorodioxins (hexa-, hepta- and/or octachlorodioxins) were detected as m levels in at least one DMPA sample analyzed in 1972 (Helling et al. The following is the structure for DMPA. a i O=P—NHCH(CH3); OCHj cl HPA Synthesis of this molecule involves the methanolysis of 0-(2,4-dichlor- ophenyl) phosphorodichloridothioate, which is made through the phosphorala- Bon dichlorophenol (U.S. Patent Office 1960; Blair, Kaner, and Kenaga 1963). DMPA is known commercially as Zytron, K-22023, and Dow 1329 (Merck Index 1978). It is useful as an insecticide, especially against houseflies (Blair, Kaner, and Kenaga 1963). It is also useful as a herbicide for controlling the growth of undesirable plants (U.S. Patent Office 1963; Merck Index 1978). DMPA is not believed to be produced in large amounts. Currently three companies - Dow Chemical Company, Techne Corp., and Rhodia Chemical Company - have each registered one DMPA pesticide product with EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978f). Trichlorophenol Derivatives-- As mentioned earlier, the largest use of 2,4,5-TCP is as a starting material in the manufacture of several pesticide and bactericide products. Table 9 lists the known 2,4,5-TCP derivatives, their specific uses, and the companies which have recently been reported to produce them. 39 TABLE 9. DERIVATIVES OF 2,4,5-TRICHLORQPHENOL AND THEIR RECENT (1978) PRODUCERS Current Production Derivative Use producers location 2,4,5-T and Herbicide for |Dow Chemical, U.S.A. Midland, Michigan esters and woody plant salts control North American Phillips |Kansas City, Kansas Corp., Thompson-Hayward Chemical Co. , subsidiary PBI-Gordon Corp. Kansas City, Kansas Riverdale Chemical Co. [Chicago Heights, I1inois Rhodia, Inc.? Portland, Oregon or St. Joseph, Missouri Union Carbide Corp., Ambler, Pennsylvania Amchem Products, Inc. Fremont, California subsidiary St. Joseph, Missouri Vertac, Inc. Jacksonville, Transvaal, Inc. Arkansas subsidiary Silvex and Herbicide for [Dow Chemical, U.S.A. Midland, Michigan esters and woody plant salts control; plant|North American Phillips [Kansas City, Kansas (Fenoprop) hormone Corp., Thompson-Hayward Chemical Co., subsidiary Riverdale Chemical Co. [Chicago Heights, I1Minois Vertac, Inc., Jacksonville, Transvaal, Inc., Arkansas subsidiary Erbon Herbicide, Dow Chemical, u.s.A.9 Midland, Michigan weed and grass killer Ronnel Insecticide Dow Chemical, U.S.A. Midland, Michigan (Fenchlorfos) Hexachloro- Bactericide Givaudan Corporation Clifton, New Jersey phene 2 Source: 1978 Directory of Chemical Producers, United States. Rhodia is not listed in the 1978 Directory of Chemical Producers U.S.A., but has been recently cited by the EPA (Blum 1979) and the news media (Wall Street Journal 1979 and Environmental Reporter (1979a) as a manufacturer of 2,4,5-T. In 1979 this company ceased production of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol for subsequent conversion to 2,4,5-T and silvex. Although erbon is not listed in the 1978 Directory of Chemical Producers, several companies including Dow Chemical have regis- tered erbon pesticide products with EPA. basic producer of the herbicide. 40 Dow is most likely the 2,4,5-T--The chemical name for 2,4,5-T is 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid and it is the most important derivative of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol. It has been a registered pesticide for about 30 years (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978h) and was used primarily as a herbicide for con- trolling woody plant growth. 2,4,5-T is best known for its combined use with 2,4-D as Herbicide Orange, which was used extensively by the u.s. military as a defoliant during the Vietnam conflict. When the toxicity of this formulation became apparent, the government suspended all further military use of Herbicide Orange, and in 1970 stopped many registered domes- tic uses including application to lakes, ponds, ditch banks, homesites, recreational areas, and most food crops (World Health Organization 1977). Until 1979, domestic commercial use of 2,4,5-T continued for control of brush and other hardwood in forestry management and on power transmission right-of-ways, rangelands, rice fields, and turfs. Most of these uses have now been suspended (Blum 1979). Parts-per-million quantities of dioxins have been reported in 2,4,5-T since 1970 (World Health Organization 1977). A study (Woolson, Thomas, and Ensor 1972; Kearney et al. 1973b; Helling et al. 1973) of samples manu- factured between 1950 and 1970 found 0.5 to 10 ppm TCDD's in 7 of 42 samples tested; another 13 samples contained 10 to 100 ppm TCDD's. Hexa-CDD's were found in 4 of the 42 samples. The limit of detection in this study was reported as 0.5 ppm for each dioxin. Most samples came from a company that no longer produces 2,4,5-T. Elvidge (1971) reported that five of six 2,4,5-T samples contained TCDD's at levels ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 ppm. The dioxin was present in two 2,4,5-T ester samples at 0.2 to 0.3 ppm. TCOD's were also found in two 2,4,5-T ester formulations at 0.1 and 0.2 ppm. The level of detection was 0.05 ppm. Storherr et al. (1971) reported finding 0.1 to 55 ppm TCDD's in seven of eight samples of technical 2,4,5-T. Analysis of 200 samples of Herbicide Orange for TCDD's by the U.S. Air Force showed 0.5 ppm or less in 136 samples and more than 0.5 ppm in the remainder. The highest level was 47 ppm (Kearney et al. 1973). Early in 1976, investigators at Wright State University analyzed 264 samples of U.S. Air Force stocks of Herbicide Orange and found TCDD's at levels ranging from 0.02 to 54 ppm (Tiernan 1975). The level of detection was 0.02 ppm. 2,4,5-T with a TCDD isomer content of less than 0.1 ppm is now commer-= cially available from U.S. producers (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978h). Commercial 2,4,5-T guaranteed to contain less than 0.05 ppm TCOD's is available from foreign producers (World Health Organization 1977). The commercial method of producing 2,4,5-T is briefly described in EPA Position Document 1 (April 1978) on this pesticide (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978h). According to this document, 2,4,5-TCP is reacted with chloroacetic acid under alkaline conditions. Subsequent addition of sulfuric acid produces 2,4,5-T (acidic form), which can then be reacted with a variety of alcohols or amines to produce 2,4,5-T esters and amine salts. The chemical reactions are as follows: 41 Ci ONa Cl OCH 2COONa ci Cl Cl Cl Na-2,4,5-TCP HCI HCl + Cl Cl 2.4.5-T ede A more complete description of the 2,4,5-T production process appears in a patent record (U.S. Patent Office 1958a). Sodium 2,4,5-trichloro- phenate is most often delivered to the process as a water solution contain- ing excess sodium hydroxide directly from the Na-2,4,5-TCP manufacturing process. Amyl or isoamyl alcohol, or a mixture of these solvents, is added, and heat is applied to remove water as an azeotrope. When all water has been removed, chloroacetic acid is added to initiate the reaction that produces sodium 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetate (Na-2,4,5-T) and sodium chloride. The reaction proceeds under total reflux for about 1.5 hours at 110° to 130°C and atmospheric pressure. An excess of sodium hydroxide is present during the reaction. Water is then fed into the reactor and distillation is resumed, this time to remove the amyl alcohol and replace it with water. At the end of the second distillation, the reaction mixture consists of Na-2,4,5-T dis- solved in a sodium chloride brine. The patent example incorporates a purification step that may not be conducted in commercial practice. Near the end of the second distillation, activated carbon may be added to adsorb heavy or colored impurities, which would include dioxins that were present in the Na-2,4,5-TCP feedstock. On completion of the second distillation, the carbon would be filtered from the mixture and discarded. If this step is conducted, the process will generate a waste carbon sludge likely to be contaminated with dioxins. If this step is not conducted, any dioxins present are likely to be carried through the process and appear in the final product. In either variation, the next step is to add acid to neutralize the residual caustic and to form insoluble 2,4,5-T. The product is then filtered or centrifuged from the waste brine, dried, and packaged for sale. The filtrate from this step should contain only soluble sodium chloride and sulfate, excess neutralization acid, and very small quantities of organic matter; it is discarded as a liquid waste. 42 The patent that describes the manufacture of 2,4,5-T is unusually detailed and indicates that the temperature during the process is never above 140°C, which is lower than the temperature believed to be necessary to create dioxins. Any dioxins that enter with the feed will appear either in the product or in process wastes, but additional dioxins probably are not formed during 2,4,5-T manufacture. Even during abnormal operation or an industrial fire, it would be difficult for the temperature to exceed by far the low boiling point of amyl alcohol, since all operations take place in unpressurized vessels. The highest production of 2,4,5-T occurred between 1960 and 1968, when it peaked at 16 million pounds per year (World Health Organization 1977). Between 1960 and 1970 a total of 106.3 million pounds was produced domes- tically (Kearney et al. 1973b). Production declined during the 1970's because of restrictions on use of the compound. In 1978 the annual U.S. usage of 2,4,5-T was estimated at only 5 million pounds (American Broad- casting Co. 1978). Because of EPA's March 1979 emergency ban on most of the remaining uses (Blum 1979), current usage is believed to be even less, probably less than 2 million pounds per year. 2,4,5-T may be produced and formulated in several forms as salts and esters of the acid. The low-volatility esters have been used most often. Emulsifiable concentrates of 2,4,5-T salts and esters contain 2 to 6 pounds per gallon of the acid equivalent; oil-soluble concentrates contain 4 to 6 pounds of active ingredient per gallon (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978h). Until 1979, this herbicide was probably produced by the seven companies shown in Table 10. Over a hundred companies were recently marketing more than 400 formulated pesticide products containing 2,4,5-T (U.S. Environ- mental Protection Agency 1978h). Silvex--Silvex is a family of compounds that act as hormones to plants and can be used as specific herbicides. Formulations containing these materials were used for control of woody plants on uncropped land and for control of weeds on residential lawns until 1979, when sales of most products containing silvex were halted (Blum 1979). Silvex is still being used on noncrop areas, on rangelands and orchards, and on rice and sugar cane (Toxic Materials News 1979b; Chemical Regulation Reporter 1979c). The chemical name for silvex acid is 2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) propionic acid. It is also known as Fenoprop, 2,4,5-TP, and 2,4,5-TCPPA. Silvex is available either as the acid or as esters and salts of the acid. The low-volatility esters are probably the form most widely used. TCOD's were detected (1.4 ppm) in one of seven silvex samples manu- factured between 1965 and 1970 and analyzed in 1972; no other dioxins were detected (Woolson, Thomas, and Ensor 1972; Kearney et al. 1973b). 43 TABLE 10. FORMER PRODUCERS OF 2,4,5-T (Prior to 1978) Company Location Chempar Diamond-Shamrock Hoffman-Taff, Inc. Hercules, Inc. Monsanto Co. Rorer-Amchem Wm. T. Thompson Co., Thompson Chemical Div. Portland, Oregon Cleveland, Ohio Springfield, Missouri Wilmington, Delaware St. Louis, Missouri Ambler, Pennsylvania Fremont, California St. Joseph, Missouri Jacksonville, Arkansas St. Louis, Missouri @ Sources: SRI Directory of Chemical Producers, United States, 1976 and 1977. United States Tariff Commission/United States International Trade Commission. Synthetic Organic Chemicals, United States Production and Sales, 1968, 1974, 1976, and 1977. The following are recent producers of silvex as listed in the 1978 Stanford Research Institute Directory of Chemical Producers: Dow Chemical U.S.A. - Midland, Michigan North American Phillips, Thompson Hayward Chemical, subsidiary - Kansas City, Kansas Riverdale Chemical - Chicago Heights, Illinois Vertac, Inc., Transvaal, Inc., subsidiary - Jacksonville, Arkansas Hercules, Inc., of Wilmington, Delaware, is a former producer (U.S. Tariff Commission 1968). The 1978 EPA pesticide files indicate that more than 300 products or formulations containing silvex are registered (U.S. Environ- mental Protection Agency 1978f). Silvex manufacture is more complex than that of other 2,4,5-TCP deriva- tives. The compounds sold commercially are usually complex esters, made from a specialized alcohol and silvex acid. The final manufacture of the ester is well documented in a process patent (U.S. Patent Office 1956a), as is the manufacture of the specialized alcohol. No definitive information has been found, however, on manufacture of the silvex acid, probably because compounds of this type can be manufactured by a long-established chemical reaction that is used in many categories of the organic chemical industry (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1960). Silvex acid would be the source of any dioxins in commercial silvex products. The figure below illustrates the most likely chemical reaction that would form the silvex acid and also shows the sub- sequent esterification, as described in the patent. £00CH, Hy CH OH o + CHaCHCOOCHy —— Ci Cl Cl ci cl 2.4,5-TCP AGUEOUS ACID QCaty GOOCH; CHaCH COOH I ° HOCHZCHaCH o Gl 0C3Hy cl cl H2S04 cl cl 1 SILVEX ESTER SILVEX ACID 45 In the first step, 2,4,5-TCP is probably brought into reaction with the methyl ester of 2-chloropropionic acid, with methanol as the solvent and sodium methoxide as a reaction aid. This reaction would occur approximately at the boiling temperature of methanol, which is 65°C. The resulting com- pound would probably be separated from the reaction mixture by treatment with acidified water followed by extraction with a chlorinated hydrocarbon. The addition of more acidified water to the extractant and a subsequent evaporation at a temperature near 100°C would hydrolyze the intermediate compound and also would drive off the chlorinated hydrocarbon for recycle and the methanol byproduct to be reclaimed for other uses. The resulting compound is 2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)-propionic acid, which is known to be a reactant in the subsequent processing (U.S. Patent Office 1956a). Other methods could be used to prepare this intermediate acid, but none of them would utilize high temperatures or unusual solvents. The use of a strongly alkaline hydrolysis step, rather than an acidic medium, is possible. In any method, the last step is probably another solvent extrac- tion using 1,2-dichloroethane to prepare the mixture for the next operation. Silvex acid can be converted to various esters by using selected ether alcohols. The esterification steps are identical except for variations in the alcohol raw material. In a solvent of 1,2-dichloroethane, with concen- trated sulfuric acid as a reaction aid, the intermediate acid is mixed with an ether alcohol. In the example shown on the previous page, butoxypropoxy= propanol is used. The mixture is held at about 95°C for about 7 hours. During this period, the water formed in the reaction is removed by passing the reflux condensate through a decanter. At the end of the reaction, the product is present as an insoluble precipitate, which is filtered from the mixture, washed with sodium carbonate solution, and vacuum-dried at about 90°C. Although complete data are unavailable, no information indicates that temperatures greater than 100°C would occur at any step in the manufacture of acidic silvex or its esters. It is therefore unlikely that dioxin com- pounds would be created as side reaction products. Absence of detailed information makes it impossible to establish whether dioxin contamination would carry through from the 2,4,5-TCP raw material into the final product. Theoretical considerations do not permit an estimation of the degree of purification required by the various inter- mediate compounds. Probably, as noted above, at least two solvent extrac- tion operations are used to separate the principal processing materials from water solutions. Since TCDOD's are very slightly soluble in chlorinated organic solvents, some could be carried through these operations, but most should be rejected. Erbon--Very little information is available on erbon, which is derived from 2,4,5-trichlorophenol. Analysis of one erbon sample produced in 1970 indicated more than 10 ppm octachlorodioxin (Woolson, Thomas, and Ensor 1972). Tetra-, penta-, hexa-, and heptachlorodioxins were not detected (0.5 ppm limit of detection). 46 In 1978, nine companies had registered 17 products containing erbon (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978). Dow is probably the only producer of the basic chemical. The other companies are most likely formu- lators who obtain their basic erbon ingredient from Dow. The volume of erbon produced annually is not known. This herbicide is an ester based on 2,4,5-TCP. Although the initial manufacturing step is not reported, the first intermediate is almost iden- tical to that used to make sesin. General organic chemical references in- dicate that it is probably made by an initial reaction of 2,4,5-TCP with ethylene chlorohydrin (March 1968). Water is the most likely solvent, made strongly alkaline with sodium hydroxide, and the intermediate probably precipitates on addition of acid and is filtered from the solution and dried. A process patent (U.S. Patent Office 1956b) discloses that the second reaction step is a combination of the intermediate with 2,2-dichloropro- pionic acid in a solution of ethylene dichloride (1,2-dichloroethane), with addition of a small amount of concentrated sulfuric acid to remove the water formed in the reaction. These chemical reactions are shown by the following sequence drawing: OH OCH,CH,OH cl ci + CICHoCH,oH 29H cl ci ci cl 2,4,5-TCP CH3CCl,COOH H,SO0, % OCH,CHa0—C—CClaCH3 cl cl ci ERBON 47 The resulting reaction mixture is partially purified by washing with water and is then fractionally distilled under vacuum to recover ethylene dichloride for recycle and possibly to separate the product from any impuri- ties. The first step of the reaction is the one that could possibly form dioxins. Both the raw material and the resulting intermediate contain a chlorine atom ortho to a ring-connected oxygen atom, and the mixture is heated with sodium hydroxide. Temperatures are not high, however, since water is probably the solvent used and this simple reaction ordinarily does not require application of pressure. Dioxin formation could occur at the surface of steam coils if high-pressure steam is used for distillation. Apparently no operation other than the final distillation would remove any dioxin contamination from this material. Since the most likely impuri- ties would be more volatile than the final ester, even the distillation may not serve to isolate dioxins into a waste stream. Most dioxins either formed by the process or present in the raw material would probably be collected with the final product. Ronnel--The chemical name of ronnel is 0,0-dimethyl 0-(2,4,5-trichloro- phenyl) phosphoroate. This insecticide is also known by such names as fen- chlorfos, Trolene, Etrolene, Nankor, Korlan, Viozene, and Ectoral (Merck Index 1978). Ronnel is effective in the control of roaches, flies, screw worms, and cattle grubs (Merck Index 1978). In 1972, highly chlorinated dioxins were detected at ppm levels in an unknown number of ronnel samples (Woolson, Thomas, and Ensor 1972). The manufacture of ronnel is a two-step process (U.S. Patent Office 1952) in which Na-2,4,5-TCP- is reacted first with thiophosphoryl chloride, then with sodium methoxide. The chemical reactions are shown below: %5,/C! Sg OCHs ONa o’ cl 0" ocH, cl cl cl PSCl3 NaOCH, cl cl cl cl ol cl Na-2.4,5-TCP RONNEL In the first step, dry Na-2,4,5-TCP is added to an excess of thio- phosphoryl chloride (2 to 4 times the theoretical amount) and heated 48 slightly, perhaps to 80°C. Sodium chloride is formed as an insoluble pre- cipitate; it is filtered from the mixture and discarded. The clear filtrate is vacuum-distilled to recover the excess thiophosphoryl chloride for re- cycle and to fractionally separate the intermediate from side reaction impurities. In a separate reaction vessel, metallic sodium is mixed with methanol. Hydrogen gas is liberated, creating a methanolic solution of sodium methoxide. This solution is mixed slowly with the purified intermediate while the mixture is maintained at approximately room temperature with noncontact cooling water. When measured amounts of both reactants have been combined, the mixture is held for a period of time to ensure completion of the reaction. A non- reactive organic solvent is then used to extract the product from a mixture of methanol, excess sodium methoxide, and byproduct sodium chloride. Suit- able extraction solvents are carbon tetrachloride, methylene dichloride, and diethyl ether. The extraction solvent is decanted from the mixture, washed with water solutions of sodium hydroxide, and fractionally vacuum-distilled to separate the extraction solvent for recycle and to separate ronnel from side reaction byproducts. Throughout this process, the temperature probably does not exceed 150°C. The highest temperature probably occurs in the base of the final distillation column. In theory, additional dioxins are not likely to be created by this process because of the absence of high temperature and pressure, although all other conditions meet the requirements for formation of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. It appears even less likely that dioxins originally present in the Na-2,4,5-TCP raw material would be carried through into the product. If all the steps outlined above are properly conducted, some of the operations might isolate dioxins into waste streams. The solubility of dioxins in thiophosphoryl chloride is unknown; if they are insoluble, they would be removed with the first filtration. Because the solubility of dioxins in chlorinated methanes is very slight (0.37 g/liter for TCDD in chloroform), much of the dioxin present would not be captured by the extraction solvent and would be carried away with the methanol reaction solvent. Distillations afford two other opportunities to isolate dioxin contaminants into waste organic fractions. Although the probability of dioxins carrying through into the final product appears slight, definitive information is not recorded. Ronnel is reportedly produced by only one company - Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Michigan (Stanford Research Institute 1978). Annual production volume is not known. It is found in over 300 pesticide formulations registered by more than 100 companies. 49 Chlorophenol Derivatives With Unconfirmed Dioxin Content This subsection deals with several other chlorophenol derivatives that may contain dioxins. The compounds discussed include those that have been analyzed for dioxin content with negative results and also those for which analytical data have not been reported. Hexachlorophene-- Hexachlorophene is known chemically as either bis-(3,4,6,-trichloro- 2-hydroxyphenyl) methane, or 2,2'-methylene-bis (3,4,6-trichlorophenol). It is also known commercially as G-11 (Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association, Inc. 1977). Hexachlorophene is an effective bactericide and fungicide. Prior to 1972 it was widely advertised and distributed as an active constituent of popular skin cleansers, soaps, shampoos, deodorants, creams, and toothpastes (Wade 1971; U.S. Dept. HEW 1978). Although its use has been considerably restricted by the Food and Drug Administration, it still may be used as a preservative for cosmetics and over-the-counter drugs; the concentration is restricted to 0.1 percent in these products. Skin cleansers containing higher levels may also be sold but only as ethical pharmaceuticals, available by medical prescriptions (U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 1978). As an agricultural pesticide, hexachlorophene is a constituent of formulations used on three vegetables and on some ornamental plants for control of mildew and bacterial spot. It is also used in limited industrial and household applications as a disinfectant. The grade of hexachlorophene produced today is reported to contain less than 15 pg/kg (<15 ppb) 2,3,7,8-TCDD (World Health Organization 1977). In a 1972 analysis, dioxins could not be detected in hexachlorophene at a detec- tion limit of 0.5 mg/kg (0.5 ppm) (Helling et al. 1973). Four process patents have been issued on manufacture of hexachloro- phene, and all are variations of the following chemical reaction: OH OH OH cl He cl cl : = 20% HaC=0 ci cid Cl Cl Cl 2.4,5-TCP HEXACHLOROPHENE 50 Hexachlorophene is formed by reacting one molecule of formaldehyde with two molecules of 2,4,5-TCP at elevated temperatures in the presence of an acid catalyst (Moye 1972). The patented processes differ in temperature, reaction time, order of reagent additions, reaction solvents, and other physical parameters. In the first process, patented in 1941, methanol is the solvent and large amounts of concentrated sulfuric acid are used to bind the water that js formed as a reaction byproduct; the process takes place at 0° to 5°C over a 24-hour period (U.S. Patent Office 1941). A second patent issued in 1948 discloses that the methanol solvent is eliminated and the reaction is con- ducted with paraformaldehyde at an elevated temperature (135°C) over a 30-minute period (U.S. Patent Office 1948). A 1957 patent reintroduces a solvent, which is one of several chlorinated hydrocarbons (U.S. Patent Office 1957d). Temperature is 50° to 100°C, and reaction time is 2 to 3 hours. Oleum (sulfuric acid plus SO3) is used as the catalyst and concen- trated sulfuric acid is recovered as the byproduct. Finally, a 1971 patent revises the order of reagent addition and also emphasizes the chemical reaction mechanism (U.S. Patent Office 1971). This last-mentioned process is probably the one in present use; its processing sequence is shown in Figure 5. Patent information indicates that older manufacturing methods probably reclaimed the product from the reaction mixture by neutralizing the sulfuric acid with sodium hydroxide, which would have created a rather large amount of brine waste. In modern processes, conditions are probably maintained so that the residual sulfuric acid separates as a distinct liquid Tayer when agitation of the mixture is stopped after completion of the reaction. This acid, which contains the water formed during the reaction, is decanted from the mixture; it is strong enough to be used elsewhere in the plant complex, although it probably cannot be used in subsequent hexachlorophene batches. In the patent examples, the organic layer that remains after the acid is removed is mixed with activated carbon, which is then filtered from solution. The purpose of this treatment is to remove colored impurities. The clear filtrate is then chilled to approximately 0°C; crystals of hexa- chlorophene precipitate and are filtered from solution, dried, and packaged. The filtrate, which would contain some hexachlorophene, is probably directly recycled for use in succeeding batches. There is no indication that dioxins would be formed during the produc- tion of hexachlorophene, since highly acidic conditions are maintained throughout the process and temperatures are well below those known to be needed for dioxin reactions (Kimbrough 1974). If dioxins are found in hexachlorophene, the most likely explanation for their presence is that contamination in the 2,4,5-TCP raw material is carried through into the final product. In a situation identical to that of the 2,4,5-T process, the patent descriptions show the possiblity of activated carbon adsorption, which could cause accumulation of dioxins into an extremely hazardous waste. If carbon adsorption is not used in commercial practice or if it is not totally effective, any dioxins in the raw material will either appear in the 5] 2,4,5- TRICHLOROPHENOL ~~ CHLORINATED HYDROCARBON SULFURIC ACID FORMALDEHYDE AND SO, Ty y i REACTION \ DECANTATION ACTIVATED L_, SULFURIC ACID CARBON \ BYPRODUCT L_.] carson TREATMENT | WASTE CENTRIFUGATION f-—a= Jit CHILLING | RECYCLE CENTRIFUGATION | > DRYING RECYCLE - HEXACHLOROPHENE Figure 5. Flow chart for hexachlorophene manufacture. 52 hexachlorophene product or be recycled to succeeding batches. Although dioxins are not known to be soluble in sulfuric acid, they might be carried out of the process with the acid byproduct; if this were the case, dioxins could then appear in other products of the plant in which the sulfuric acid is utilized. Givaudan Corporation in Clifton, New Jersey, is apparently the only active U.S. producer of hexachlorophene. Until 1976, the 2,4,5-TCP for hexachlorophene manufacture was produced by Givaudan's ICMESA plant in Seveso, Italy, and shipped to New Jersey for conversion. In 1976, “right State University analyzed two representative samples of this trichlorophenol and found 1.8 and 1.9 ppb TCDD's (Tiernan 1976). An accident in 1976 closed the ICMESA plant and eliminated Givaudan's primary supply of 2,4,5-TCP. (For further details of the ICMESA incident see Section 4, p. 77.) It is now believed that all the 2,4,5-TCP for hexachlorophene manufacture is supplied by Dow Chemical Company and that Givaudan specifies an extremely low dioxin content. In 1978, five waste samples from the Clifton plant were analyzed for chlorinated dioxins. None were found at a 0.1 ppm level of detection (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978d). Subsequent analysis of three of these samples found no TCDD's at 0.1 or less ppb (see Volume II of this series). _About 400 commercial products containing hexachlorophene have been marketed recently in pesticide, drug, cosmetic, and other germicidal formu- lations. The annual production volume of the germicide is not reported. Bithionol-- Bithionol (2,2'-thio-bis[4,6-dichlorophenol]) is an antimicrobial agent that was approved at one time for drug use by the U.S. Food and Drug Admin- istration. This approval was withdrawn in October 1967 because the chemical was found to produce photosensitivity among users (Kimbrough 1974; Merck Index 1978). The U.S. EPA continues to approve its use as a pesticide in three animal shampoo formulations. These formulated bithionol products may no longer be actively marketed, however, because the single basic source of this chemical (Sterling Drug's Hilton Davis Chemical Co.) apparently no longer produces it (Chem Sources 1975; Stanford Research Institute 1978). The manufacture of bithionol is a one-step reaction between 2,4-dichlorophenol and sulfur dichloride (U.S. Patent Office 1962; U.S. Patent Office 1958b). Carbon tetrachloride is used as the solvent, and a small amount of aluminum chloride serves as the catalyst. Bithionol is formed in a reaction at about 50°C; batch time is about 2 hours. The chemical reaction is shown below. OH SCla AICi5 Cl Cl Cl 81 THIONOL 53 Two methods of product recovery are outlined in one process patent (U.S. Patent Office 1958b). In one method, water is added and impure bithionol precipitates. To form a crude product, it is necessary only to filter the solids from the mixture and wash them several times in water and cold carbon tetrachloride. They are then dried and packaged. Alternatively, to recover a purified product, water is added and the mixture is distilled to remove the carbon tetrachloride for recycle. Bithionol collects as an organic sediment, which is separated from the water solution by decantation, washed with water and sodium bicarbonate, vacuum- dried, redissolved in hot chlorobenzene, filtered, chilled to precipitate bithionol, and again filtered. A separate patent outlines a procedure for forming metallic salts of bithionol, which are compounds that permanently impregnate cotton fabrics with disinfectant properties (U.S. Patent Office 1962). The process uses sodium hydroxide and various metallic salts in room-temperature reactions, with water as the solvent. This manufacturing operation apparently provides no potential for production of dioxins by the known process of dioxin formation. In the manufacture of crude bithionol, there is no opportunity to reject any dioxins that may be present in the 2,4-dichlorophenol raw material. They would be carried through into the final product. If bithionol is purified by the process outlined above, one filtration operation would remove compounds that are insoluble in hot chlorobenzene. Some dioxins, however, are slightly soluble in this solvent and thus might persist even in purified bithionol or its salts. Sesin-- Sesin is an ester based on 2,4-dichlorophenol. The manufacture is similar to that of erbon, a 2,4,5-TCP-based herbicide described earlier. Although details of the first process step have not been reported, general organic chemical references indicate that sesin manufacture probably begins by a reaction between 2,4-dichlorophenol and ethylene chlorohydrin, as shown in the reaction sequence on the following page (March 1968). Water is the most likely solvent, made strongly alkaline with sodium hydroxide, and the intermediate probably precipitates on addition of acid and is filtered from solution and dried. A process patent discloses that the second reaction step is a combina- tion of the intermediate with benzoic acid (U.S. Patent Office 1956d). Xylene is the solvent, and a small amount of sulfuric acid is used to remove the water formed in the reaction. The resulting reaction mixture is neutralized with sodium carbonate and is then fractionally distilled under vacuum to recover the xylene for re- cycle and possibly to separate the product from any impurities. 54 OH OCH,CHa0H cl ct NaOH + CICHaCHaOH ~~ —— Ci , Cl CoH 2,4-01CHLOROPHENOL 02 H2S04 8 ccmono-t—_) Ci SESIN The first step of the reaction is the one that could possibly form dioxins. Both the raw material and the resulting intermediate contain a chlorine atom ortho to a ring-connected oxygen atom, and the mixture is heated with sodium hydroxide. High temperature is not present, however. Since water is probably the solvent, this simple reaction would not ordi- narily require application of pressure. Dioxin formation could occur at the surface of steam coils if high-pressure steam is used for distillation. Apparently no operation other than the final distillation would remove any dioxin contamination from this material. Even this distillation may not isolate dioxins into a waste stream. Most dioxins either formed by the process or present in the raw material would probably be collected with the final product. Triclofenol Piperazine-- A pharmaceutical compound can be made from commercial 2,4,5-trichloro- phenol for use as an anthelmintic (deworming medication) (U.S. Patent Office 1961a; Short and Elslager 1962). The research and animal tests of this drug were conducted prior to 1962 with unpurified commercial-grade 2,4,5-TCP. The drug was made by dissolving the chlorophenol in warm benzene and adding 55 a measured cuantity of piperazine. The resulting solution was filtered to remove insoluble matter, diluted with petroleum ether, and chilled. Crystals of the drug precipitated and were filtered from the mixture, washed with petroleum ether, dried, and packaged in gelatin capsules. If this drug is being manufactured, the volumes are very low because it is not listed in most pharmaceutical trade references. Manufacture would probably be by the same process used in the laboratory, probably in very small batches, and with equipment not much larger than standard laboratory apparatus. Any dioxins present in the TCP raw material are probably discharged in plant wastes rather than being concentrated into the pharmaceutical. Most of the dioxin probably is filtered from the benzene solution as part of the insoluble matter. Since some dioxins are slightly soluble in both benzene and petroleum ether, a portion might remain in solution and be transferred to solvent recovery distillation columns. The remaining dioxin would be discarded as part of an anhydrous tar from the base of these columns. The pharmaceutical industry usually incinerates both solid organic residues and solvent recovery tars. Dicamba-- : The herbicide dicamba is a derivative of salicylic acid known chemi- cally as 3,6-dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid. In 1972, analysis of eight samples indicated no tetra-, hexa-, or hepta-CDD's at a detection level of 0.5 ppm (Woolson, Thomas, and Ensor 1972). The presence of DCDD's is theo- retically possible, however. Dicamba is made by acylation of 3,6-dichlorosalicylic acid, which in turn 4s made from 2,5-dichlorophenol. The chemical reactions are shown below. OH Oo OH 0 och i cl HO-C HO-C cl co, c CH30803CH3 NaOH cl cl NaOH a 2.5-01CHLOROPHENOL DICAMBA The first step is known as the Kolbe-Schmitt reaction and is also used to make unsubstituted salicylic acid from unsubstituted phenol in addition to haloginated derivatives (U.S. Patent Office 1955a). Operating tempera- ture is probably below 200°C, and operating pressure is probably greater than 8 atmospheres. The chlorinated salicylic acid is mixed into water and sodium hydroxide and treated with dimethyl sulfate (U.S. Patent Office 1967a). The reaction is conducted initially with refrigeration to retard the otherwise violent reaction; the mixture is then heated for a few hours at reflux temperature (slightly above 100°C). 56 On completion of the reaction, the mixture is acidified with hydro- chloric acid. Dicamba precipitates and is filtered from the mixture, rinsed with water, and dried. Recrystallization from an organic solvent such as ether is possible, but probably is not conducted in commercial practice. Except for high temperature, all conditions necessary for formation of chlorinated dioxins are present. It is likely that at high temperature dicamba would lose carbon dioxide in a reversal of the initial manufacturing reaction, and any dioxins formed would not contain carboxyl groups. Dicamba is reported to be made by Velsicol Chemical Corporation in Beaumont, Texas, under the trade name Banvel (Stanford Research Institute 1978). It is commercially available in many formulated pesticide products. Other Chlorophenol Derivatives-- Compounds other than the products listed above are also potential dioxin sources, but are made and used in smaller volumes. A compound with the trade name of Irgasan B5200 is used as a bacterio- stat and a preservative. Often described by the generic abbreviation TCS, it is an acid amide derivative of a chlorinated salicylic acid, made by first reacting 2,4-dichlorophenol with sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide at high pressure, then reacting the resulting intermediate with 3,4- dichloroaniline (U.S. Patent Office 1955a). The germicide Irgasan DP 300 is a predioxin that was once sold in this country by Ciba-Geigy Corporation. As outlined in Section 2, it was used in some of the research of chlorinated dioxin chemistry, and dioxins were formed readily on heating of this compound. Its chemical formula is as follows: TL cr C1 HO ci This compound is a derivative of 2,4-dichlorophenol, although the process of manufacture has not been reported. The formulation called Dowlap was once used in the Great Lakes to control the sea lamprey, an eel-like fish. The active ingredient of the formulation was 3,4,6-trichloro-2-nitrophenol, whose chemical formula is as follows: ci OH ct NO, ci 57 This compound was made by direct nitration of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol using concentrated nitric acid in a solvent of glacial acetic acid (Merck Index 1978). A dye assistant chemical for use with polyester fibers was once made with the trade name Tyrene (Merck Index 1978). Its chemical name is 2,4,6- trichloroanisole or 2,4,6-trichloromethoxybenzene, with a structural formula as follows: O-CH3 It was probably made by acylation of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol with dimethyl sulfate. Dioxins in Chlorophenol Production Wastes Although the dioxin content of many products containing chlorophenols or their derivatives has been reported in the literature, little information is available on dioxins in the industrial wastes created by chlorophenol manufacture. One unpublished report (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978d) describes analysis for dioxins in 20 samples of liquid wastes from plants manufacturing trichlorophenol, pentachlorophenol, and hexachloro- phene. The limit of detection was 0.1 ppm. No TCDD's were detected in any of the samples. Hexa-, hepta-, and octachlorodioxins were found in the pentachlorophenol wastes. The report does not indicate clearly whether any of the higher chlorodioxins were found in the hexachlorophene wastes. Considerations of solubility and volatility suggest that large concen- trations of dioxins will be found in the stillbottom wastes from 2,4,5-TCP manufacture. Direct analytical evidence to this effect, though limited, is affirmative. Waste oils identified as early 1970 still residues from a former 2,4,5-TCP manufacturing plant in Verona, Missouri, have been analyzed and reported to contain ppm quantities of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Johnson 1971; Commoner and Scott 1976a). A toluene still bottom waste taken from Transvaal's plant in Jacksonville, Arkansas, has recently been found to contain 40 ppm of TCDD's (Watkins 1979; also see Volume II of this series). The effect of biological treatment on removal of dioxins from liquid industrial wastes is not known. In 1978, the Dow Chemical Company reported that no 2,3,7,8-TCDD could be detected in 13 of 14 grab and composite sam- ples from the secondary and tertiary outfall of its manufacturing plant, which produces large quantities of 2,4,5-TCP, 2,4,5-T, and other chloro- phenolic compounds; one sample was questionable. The reported level of detection ranged from 1 to 8 ppt. No information is given on the dioxin content of the untreated waste stream or on the treatment methods. 58 Apparently it has been common practice for chemical manufacturers to dispose of dioxin-contaminated wastes or othér toxic chemical wastes by landfill. Either liquid or solid forms of the wastes are placed in drums and stored or buried. Dioxin wastes disposed of in this manner would un- doubtedly be quite concentrated and potentially very dangerous. Recently ppt to ppb levels of TCDD's were reported in environmental samples from two landfills in Niagara Falls, New York (Chemical Week 1979). Hooker Chemical reportedly has dumped a total of 3700 tons of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol wastes over the past 45 years in these two dumps (Hyde Park and Love Canal) and in one other disposal site on the company's Niagara Falls property. The report estimated that the wastes buried in these landfills could contain over 100 pounds of TCDD's. At the Transvaal pesticide plant in Jacksonville, Arkansas, more than 3000 barrels of dioxin-contaminated wastes are stored on the plant property (Fadiman 1979). The total quantity of TCDD present in the wastes has not been estimated. No other known information describes the quantities of dioxins that might be buried elsewhere in the United States. In an effort to identify areas where landfills are most 1ikely to contain large dioxin wastes, Figure 6 illustrates the locations where chlorophenols and their derivatives are now or were formerly produced. A list of these locations is presented in Table 11; note that this list does not include locations of the many com- panies that are believed only to formulate or otherwise merchandise the chlorophenols or their derivatives. A detailed discussion of the methods used for disposal of dioxins is presented in Section 6. Additional information related to the environmental effects of dioxin disposal is presented in the subsection on Water Transport in Section 5. HEXACHLOROBENZENE In 1974, a technical paper reported the presence of 0CDD in samples of commercial hexachlorobenzene (Villaneuva et al. 1974). Three samples were analyzed, two of which contained OCDD in concentrations of 0.05 and 211.9 ppm. All three contained octachlorodibenzofuran (OCDF) in concentrations of 0.34, 2.33, and 58.3 ppm. One sample contained a trace amount of hepta- chlorodibenzofuran. It was established that the principal impurity in these samples was pentachlorobenzene in amounts ranging from 0.02 percent to 8.1 percent. When the samples were examined qualitatively, 11 other impurities having polychlorinated ring-type structures were identified: Octachlorobiphenyl Decachlorobipheny]l 1-Pentachlorophenyl-1,2,3-dichloroethylene Decachlorobipheny]l 59 1. PHILADELPHIA, PA. 17. SAUGET, ILL. 2. SAN MATEO, CAL. 18. CHICAGO, ILL. 3. PORTLAND, OREG. 19. KANSAS CITY, KANS. 4. CLEVELAND, OHIO 20. VERONA, MO. 5. MIDLAND, MICH. 21. TACOMA, WASH. 6. TUSCALOOSA, ALA. 22. ST. PAUL, MINN. 7. LINDEN, N.J. 23. ST. JOSEPH, MO. 8. CLIFTON, N.J. 24. CHICAGO HEIGHTS, ILL. 9. NAPERVILLE, ILL. 25. NITRO, W. VA. 10. JACKSONVILLE, ARK. 26. AMBLER, PA. 11. SPRINGFIELD, MO. 27. FREMONT, CAL. 12. NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. 28. PORT NECHES, TEX. 13. DOVER, OHIO 29. ST. LOUIS, MO. 14. SHENANDOAH, IOWA 30. WICHITA, KANS. 15. RAHWAY, N.J. 31. ORLANDO, FLA. 16. WHITEFORD, MD. Figure 6. Locations of current and former producers of chlorophenols and their derivatives. 60 TABLE 11. LOCATIONS OF CURRENT AND FORMER PRQDUCERS OF CHLOROPHENOLS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES Producer Location Chemical Type Aico Chemical Corp. Philadelphia, 2,4-D Pennsylvania J. H. Baxter and Company | San Mateo, California PCP Chempar Portland, Oregon 2,4,5-T 2,4-D Diamond Shamrock Corp. Cleveland, Ohio 2,4,5-TCP 2,4,5-T 2,4-D Dow Chemical, U.S.A. Midland, Michigan 2,4,5-TCP 2,4,6-TCP 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 2,4-D 2,4,5-T Silvex Ronnel Erbon DMPA Fallek-Lankro Corp Tuscaloosa, Alabama 2,4-D GAF Linden, New Jersey 2,4-D Givaudan Corporation Clifton, New Jersey Hexachlorophene Chemicals Division Guth Corp. Naperville, Illinois 2,4-D Hercules, Inc.? Jacksonville, Arkansas | 2,4-D Silvex 2,4,5-TCP Hoffman-Taft, Inc. Springfield, Missouri 2,4,5-T Hooker Chemical Corp. Niagara Falls, New York | 2,4,5-TCP Occidental Petroleum Corp., subsidiary (continued) 61 TABLE 11 (continued) Producer Location Chemical Type ICC Indus., Inc. Dover Chem. Corp., subsidiary Imperial, Inc. Merck and Co., Inc. Miller Chemicals Alco Steel subsidiary Monsanto Company Monsanto Industrial Chemicals Company Nalco Chemical Co. North American Phillips Corp. , Thompson-Hayward Chemical Co., subsidiary North Eastern Pharmaceuticals PBI-Gordon Corporation® Private Brands, Inc.© Reichhold Chemicals, Inc. Rhodia, Inc. Agricultural Division Riverdale Chemical Co. Roberts Chemicals, Inc. Rorer-Amchem Amchem Products, Inc., Div. (continued) d Dover, Ohio Shenandoah, Iowa Rahway, New Jersey Whiteford, Maryland Sauget, Illinois Chicago, Illinois Kansas City, Kansas Verona, Missouri Kansas City, Kansas Kansas City, Kansas Tacoma, Washington Portland, Oregon St. Paul, Minnesota St. Joseph, Missouri Chicago Heights, I11linois Nitro, West Virginia Ambler, Pennsylvania Fremont, California St. Joseph, Missouri 62 PCP 2,4-D 2,4,5-TCP 2,4-D 2,4,5-T 2,4-D PCP 2,4,5-TCP 2,4-D 2,4,5-T Silvex 2,4,5-TCP 2,4-D 2,4,5-T Silvex 2,4,6-TCP 2,4,5-T 2,4-D TABLE 11 (continued) Producer Location Chemical Type Sanford Chemicals Port Neches, Texas 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol PCP Thompson Chemicals St. Louis, Missouri 2,4,5-T 2,4-D Union Carbide Corp. Ambler, Pennsylvania 2,4-D Agricultural Products Fremont, California 2.,4,5-7 Division St. Joseph, Missouri Amchem Products, inc., subsidiary Vertac, Inc. Jacksonville, 2,4,5-TCP Transvaal, Inc., Arkansas 2,4-D subsidiary 2,4,5-T Silvex Vulcan Materials Co. ] Wichita, Kansas PCP Chemicals Division Woodbury Orlando, Florida 2,4-D Comutrix subsidiary 8 Sources: SRI Directory of Chemical Producers, United States. 1976, 1977, 1978, and 1979. U.S. Tariff Commission. Synthetic Organic Chemicals, United States Production and Sales, 1968. U.S. International Trade Commission. Synthetic Organic Chemicals, United States Production and Sales. 1974, 1976, 1977, and 1978. Hercules, Inc., was a former owner of the Jacksonville, Arkansas, facility now owned by Vertac, Inc. Private Brands, Inc., is believed to be a former owner of the Kansas City, Kansas, facility now owned by PBI-Gordon Corp. Former Rorer-Amchem facilities in Ambler, Pennsylvania; Fremont, California; and St. Joseph, Missouri, are now owned by Union Carbide Corp. b 63 Octachlorobiphenylene Octachoro-1,1-bicyclopentadienylidene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Nonachlorobiphenyl Decachlorobipheny? Pentachloroiodobenzene Heptachloropilium It is significant that this list includes no phenolic compounds and no predioxins or iso-predioxins. In fact, the only compounds in these samples that contain oxygen are dioxins and dibenzofurans. Uses Hexachlorobenzene is a registered pesticide formerly used to control a fungus infection of wheat. It is also a waste byproduct from manufacturing plants that produce chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents and pesticides (Villaneuva 1974; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978g). It can be used as a raw material in the manufacture of pentachlorophenol, but is not so used in this country. Hexachlorobenzene is not the same compound as benzene hexachloride. The empiric formula of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) is CgClg, and its structure is that of benzene in which all of the hydrogen atoms have been replaced with chlorine. Benzene hexachloride (BHC) is the common name of hexa- chlorocyclohexane. Its empiric formula is CgHgClg, and its structure re- sults from direct addition of chlorine to benzene rather than from replace- ment of hydrogen. One stereoisomer of BHC, the gamma form, is a powerful insecticide, and its use in this country is severely restricted. It is still made, however, because BHC is an intermediate in the most common synthesis method of producing HCB. Manufacture In the manufacture of HCB, the first step is a photochlorination, in which chlorine gas is bubbled through benzene (Wertheim 1939; U.S. Patent Office 1955b). This occurs in specialized reaction vessel fitted with a strong source of ultraviolet light. In a low-temperature reaction, the light catalyzes the conversion of approximately 25 percent of the benzene into a mixture of BHC isomers. This mixture is "crude" BHC, consisting of about 65 percent of the alpha isomer, 10 percent beta, 13 percent gamma, 8 percent delta, and 4 percent epsilon. It is separated by distilling off most of the excess benzene for recycle and then filtering the BHC crystals from the mixture. All stereoisomers of BHC are equally suitable for the manufacture of HCB. The continuation of the process consists of mixing BHC with chloro- sulfonic acid or sulfuryl chloride and holding the mixture at approximately 200°C for several hours (U.S. Patent Office 1957a). This step removes the 64 hydrogen from BHC and thereby restores the unsaturated benzene ring. When the mixture is cooled, HCB precipitates and is separated by filtration, rinsed with water, dried, and packaged. The following shows the overall chemical reactions of the process. a H H U.V. LIGHT Ci a + Cl, fp H Ci Cl H BENZENE H Ci BHC | CiSO4H Cl Cl Cl + HCI + HO Cl Cl + SO, 1 NEXACHLOROBENZENE Decriptions of these process steps provide no indication that dioxins are formed. The raw materials are benzene, chlorine, and chlorosulfonic acid, none of which are likely sources of dioxins. The only reactant that could contribute the oxygen needed to complete the dioxin ring is chloro- sulfonic acid, but in this compound the oxygen is tightly bound in a linkage with sulfur. There is, however, a supplemental process that contributes other chemi- cals that may lead to dioxin formation. This extra step may be conducted at some plants, or may have been conducted in earlier years. If a market exists for the sale of gamma-BHC as an insecticide, this material is extrac- ted from the mixture of crude BHC and benzene after most of the excess benzene has been distilled off for recycle. To this concentrated solution, water is added, along with other chemicals. The objective is to form an emulsion that will entrain part of the BHC. The solution is then filtered; the emulsion passes through the filter, while the solids that were not emulsified are captured. Since gamma-BHC accumulates preferentially in the emulsion, the solids from this first filtration are used for HCB manufacture and the filtrate is treated with salt to break the emulsion and then re- filtered. The second crop of solids contains up to three times as much gamma-BHC as the crude product and is dried and sold separately (U.S. Patent Office 1955b). As indicated by the process patent, chemicals added during this supple- mental step include a wide range of organic detergents and solvents, but 65 none of those listed are phenolic or have been shown to create dioxins. Detergents of the anionic type are preferred, especially salts of sulfonated succinic esters, although any of the common surface-active agents are suit- able. Supplemental solvents may not be employed, since benzene alone is said to be preferred, but other suitable solvents include dioxanes, any of the aliphatic substituted benzenes, any of the common chlorinated paraffin hydrocarbons, kerosenes, and ethyl ether. Dioxane is the one compound listed that might contribute to dioxin formation, although the reaction is not reported in published literature. Production Current information on the volume or production of hexachlorobenzene is uncertain. Annual production estimates range from 420,000 to 700,000 pounds. Stauffer was the only reported domestic producer in 1974; Dover Chemical Company of Niagara Falls, New York,was the only reported producer in 1977 (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978g). Dioxins have not been reported in any other chlorobenzene compounds. OTHER PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS WITH DIOXIN-FORMING POTENTIAL Several compounds with a phenol nucleus that do not contain chlorine are now being manufactured or were manufactured at one time. Four such compounds or classes of compounds are examined for their dioxin-forming potential in this section. These and others are described more fully in Volume III of this report series. Brominated phenols Three brominated phenolic compounds were once manufactured, and may still be. Because brominated dioxins have been made in laboratory experi= ments, they may be created during the manufacture of these compounds. Published data describe the production method for tetra-bromo-cresol, which is made by direct bromination of o-cresol in a solvent of carbon tetrachloride with aluminum and iron powders as catalysts (U.S. Patent Office 1943). The following reaction is conducted at room temperature, and it requires about 24 hours to complete a batch. CH3 CHa OH Br OH + Brg nef + HBr Br Br Br 0-CRESOL TETRABROMO-0-CRESOL 66 When the reaction is complete, the mixture is heated to about 80°C to drive off the carbon tetrachloride solvent and excess bromine. The residue is mixed with dilute hydrochloric acid to form a slurry, which is then fil- tered. The resulting solids are washed with water, dried, and packaged. Yield is about 95 percent. It is possible to recrystallize this product to separate nonphenolic impurities by dissolving the crude product in sodium hydroxide solution, filtering out insolubles, neutralizing the mixture with hydrochloric acid, and refiltering. This step may or may not be conducted in commercial prac- tice. Two other brominated phenolic compounds are believed to be made by essentially the same process. Structural formulas are as follows: Br Br OH H3C OH Br Br Br Br 2.4,68-TRIBROMOPHENOL 2,4,6-TRIBROMO-M-CRESOL Almost all brominations of organic compounds are low-temperature pro- cesses because bromine is readily vaporized and would be driven from the reaction vessels at high temperatures. A metallic catalyst is needed to activate the diatomic liquid bromine, and a volatile solvent is usually employed to maintain all reactants in the liquid state. Because the temperature during manufacture of these compounds does not usually exceed 80°C except at the surface of heating coils, dioxin formation would not be expected. If dioxin contamination enters with the raw mate- rials, brominated dioxins likely would appear in the crude product. If the product is recrystallized, the dioxins could be constituents of a waste sludge. The literature mentions dioxins that are both brominated and methylated (See Table 3 of Volume III of this series). By the known process of dioxin formation, 2,4,6-tribromo-m-cresol would be expected to form several dimethyltetrabromodioxins, and other cresols would also, in theory, form dimethyl dioxins. 0-Nitrophenol There is no direct utilization of o-nitrophenol as a completed chemical. It is a chemical synthesis intermediate, although it has fewer uses than p-nitrophenol. 67 The manufacture of o-nitrophenol is a hydrolysis of o-nitrochloro- benzene with sodium hydroxide in a process essentially identical to the hydrolysis method of chlorophenol production. The chemical reaction is as follows: cl OH CX + NaOH meee CX + NaCl NO, NO, Although the operating conditions of this reaction are not known, conditions of temperature are probably mild. In nitrochlorobenzenes, the chlorine atom is weakly attached, especially when the substituents are in the ortho position. The chlorine atom behaves like that of an alkyl halide and is readily replaced. In contrast, the nitro group is very strongly attached and its replacement is difficult (Wertheim 1939). Unsubstituted dioxin would be created if a further reaction did occur to remove the nitrate group by the following theoretical reaction: OH ON 0 Cm = C00 + NO, HO 0 This reaction is possible, and o-nitrophenol may be a source of dioxin contamination. See also Volume III of the report series. This compound is manufactured by the Monsanto Company, Sauget, I1linois. Salicylic Acid Salicylic acid is an important chemical synthesis intermediate used to make dyes, flavoring chemicals, and pharmaceutical compounds such as aspirin. Unsubstituted dioxin may be present, but has not been reported. Salicylic acid is made by a high-pressure reaction between phenol and carbon dioxide in the presence of sodium hydroxide; this reaction is known as the Kolbe-Schmitt reaction. 68 OH OH COOH NaOH cme Operating temperature is about 150°C. Higher temperatures are avoided to prevent a side reaction that forms p-hydroxybenzoic acid. This process includes some of the conditions needed to produce unsub- stituted dioxin, but not all of them. The hypothesis of possible dioxin formation is strengthened, however, by observations of products created by thermal decomposition of salicylic acid. When heated strongly, it decom- poses primarily into phenol and carbon dioxide, but also into smalier amounts of phenyl salicylate, which in turn condenses to xanthone: o o oe i PHENYL SALICYLATE XANTHONE Since the ortho carbon is held weakly in the salicylic acid molecule, and since the triple-ring xanthone structure has been identified, the formation of dioxins may also be possible, especially if oxygen is present. Both salicylic acid and xanthone are widely distributed in nature. Salicylic esters are responsible for some plant fragrances, and xanthone is a yellow pigment in flowers. 69 Salicylic acid is manufactured by four companies in this country: Dow Chemical Company - Midland, Michigan Monsanto Company - St. Louis, Missouri Hilton-Davis Chemical Company - Cincinnati, Ohio Tenneco Chemicals, Inc. - Garfield, New Jersey The combined capacity of these four plants is 24 million kilograms annually. Aminophenols The o-aminophenols could conceivably form dioxins through condensation with loss of ammonia. These are not high-volume chemicals and are not known to be made with halogen substituents. A class of related compounds is used in much larger quantity; these are the derivatives of o-anisidine (methoxy- aminobenzene), which in several forms are important dye intermediate chemi- cals. These might condense in appropriate environments into the dioxin structure through loss of methylamine. The environments would probably be acidic: O-CH3 o 2 CX rrr CX + 2 NH,CH3 NH, 0 Although this reaction is possible, it is unlikely because the amine group is tightly bound to the benzene ring. Aminophenols or similar compounds are not likely sources of dioxin contamination. DIOXINS IN PARTICULATE AIR EMISSIONS FROM COMBUSTION SOURCES Several reports describe the occurrence of dioxins in fly ash and flue gases from municipal incinerators and industrial heating facilities. In 1977, analysis of samples of fly ash from three municipal incinerators in the Netherlands showed 17 different dioxins (5 TCDD's, 5 penta-CDD's, 4 hexa-CDD's, 2 hepta-CDD's, and 0OCDD) (Olie, Vermeulen, and Hutzinger 1977). Although the specific number of isomers was not stated, the same dioxins were found in flue gas from one of the incinerators. In addition, large amounts of di-, tri- and tetrachlorophenols were found in flue gases, and high levels of chlorobenzenes, especially hexachlorobenzene, were detected in all fly ash samples. 70 Another team of investigators reported finding the same dioxins in Switzerland (Buser and Bosshardt 1978). This study quantitatively deter- mined that the total amount of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins in the fly ash from a Swiss municipal incinerator and industrial heating facility were 0.2 ppm and 0.6 ppm, respectively. High-resolution gas chromatography was then used to identify 33 specific dioxin isomers found in the fly ash samples. The dioxin isomers known to be most toxic, which are 2,3,7,8-TCDD, 1,2,3,7,8-penta-CDD, 1,2,3,6,7,8- and 1,2,3,7,8,9-hexa-CDD, were only minor constituents of the total dioxins found. Later in 1978, researchers at Dow Chemical Co. reported finding ppb levels of chlorinated dioxins in particulate matter from air emissions of two industrial refuse incinerators, a fossil-fueled powerhouse, and other combustion sources such as gasoline and diesel autos and trucks, two fire- places, a charcoal grill, and cigarettes. See Table 12. All of these sources are believed to be located on or near the Dow facilities in Midland, Michigan. Tetra-, hexa-, hepta- and octachlorodioxins were found. Concen- trations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD were minor relative to concentrations of other dioxins. Dow concluded from the study that their Midland facility was not a measureable source of the dioxins found in fish from nearby rivers, and that, in fact, chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins may be ubiquitous in combustion processes. A preliminary data analysis by the EPA does not entirely agree with Dow's conclusions. EPA continues to believe that Dow's Midland plant is the major and possibly the only source of the dioxins contaminating fish in nearby rivers. EPA has asked Dow for further clarification of the company's findings and analytical methods (Merenda 1979). In contrast to the Dow finding of 38 ppb TCDD's in powerhouse emis- sions, Kimble and Gross (1980) report finding no TCDD's in fly ash from a typical commercial coal-fired power plant in California; the detection limit was 1.2 ppt. In 1980 Wright State University chemists analyzed emissions from a U.S. municipal incinerator for chlorodioxins (Tiernan and Taylor 1980). TCDD's were detected in all seven samples. Isomer-specific analyses indicate that 2,3,7,8-TCDOD is a minor product, and evidence was obtained for the presence of 1,3,6,8-, 1,3,7,9-, 1,3,7,8-, 1,3,6,7-, and at least 6 other TCDD isomers. The formation of dioxins from the thermal decomposition of chloro- phenols and their salts (chlorophenates) is well documented. In 1971, Milne reported finding no evidence of formation of lower chlorinated dioxins from the thermal decomposition of dichlorophenols; all six dichlorophenol isomers were studied. However, Aniline (1973) found that pyrolysis of 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenate produced two hexa-CDD isomers. Later, Stehl et al. (1973) found that burning paper treated with sodium pentachlorophenate produced OCDD but burning either wood or paper treated with pentachioro- phenol did not produce the dioxin. In 1975, a series of pyrolysis experi- ments was conducted with 2,3,4-, 2,3,5-, 2,4,5- and 2,3,6-tri, 2,3,4,5-, 2,3,5,6- and 2,3,4,6-tetra, and pentachlorophenates to obtain samples of many tetra-, penta-, hexa- and octa-CDD's for study (Buser 1975). In 1977, 71 DIOXINS IN SELECTED SAMPLES? (ppb except as noted) TABLE 12. aL TCDD's Other TCDD Source 2,3,7,8-TCDD isomers Hexa-CDD's Hepta-CDD's 0cDD Soil inside plant 0.3-100 0.8-18 7-280 70-3200 490-20,500 Dust samples from Dow 0.7-2.6 0.5-2.3 9-35 140-1200 650-7500 Research Building Soil and dust from 0.03-0.04 0.09-0.4 0.3-3.9 0.4-31 Midland and metro areas Soil and dust from 0.005-0.03 0.02-0.14 0.10-3.3 0.35-22 major metro area Soil and dust from none none 0.03-1.2 0.035-1.6 0.05-2.0 urban area Soil and dust from none none none 0.02-0.05 0.10-0.35 rural area Dow stationary tar none none 1-20 27-160 190-440 incinerator particulates Dow rotary kiln incinerator none none 1.4-5.0 4-110 9-950 w/supplementary fuel Dow rotary kiln incinerator 110-8200 1800-12,000 1300-65,000 2000-510,000 | 3000-810,000 w/o supplementary fuel Dow powerhouse fired with none 38 2 4 24 fuel oil/coal (continued) €L TABLE 12 (continued) Other TCDD Source 2,3,7,8-TCDD isomers Hexa-CDD's Hepta-CDD's 0ocDD Automobiles catalytic - carbon none 0.1 0.5-2.0 2-14 8-72 catalytic - rust 0.4 4.0 0.7 3 28 noncatalytic none 4.0 none 3 10-16 diesel trucks 3.0 20.0 4-37 35-110 190-280 Fireplaces (scrapings) 0.1 0.27 0.23-3.4 0.67-16 0.89-25 Cigarettes (tars) none none 4.2-8.0 8.5-9.0 18-50 Charcoal-grilled steaks none none none 3-7 5-29 Residential electrostatic 0.6 0.40 34 430 1300 precipitator Particulates from rotary 46 200 970° 1200 kiln scrubber water w/supplemental fuel w/o supplemental fuel 2500 3400 26,000 42,000 Filtered scrubber water 0.0028 0.005 0.024 0.026 Cooling tower residues 1.6-6.0 10 12-25 56-119 Sewer waters before treat-| 1-4 N.A.D N.A.D 3-1500 ment (concentration-ppt) : Source: N.A. = not applicable. Dow Chemical, U. S.A. 1978. 2,3,7,8-TCOD was found as a combustion product of many 2,4,5-trichloro- phenoxy compounds, but the amount of this dioxin was very small relative to the amount of the 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy compound that was burned (Stehl and Lamparski 1977). Results of the study showed that only 1.2 x 10-5 to 5 x 10-5 percent by weight of the 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy species was converted to 2,3,7,8-TCDD by combustion. The origin of the dioxins in airborne particulates from combustion is not yet clarified. Rappe et al. (1978) suggest that polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins can be formed during combustion by dimerization of chloro- phenates, by dechlorination of more chlorinated polychlorinated dibenzo-p- dioxins, and by cyclization of predioxins. Dow Chemical Company (1978) suggests that because of the complex nature of the materials being burned and the complex chemistries of fire, the formation of chlorinated dioxins occurs in all combustion processes, i.e., that the formation is not necessarily limited to combustion in the presence of chlorophenates or chlorophenois. The presence of biosynthesized compounds with character- istics of dioxin precursors may give some credence to this contention. An alternative explanation for the observed presence of dioxins in the fly ash of refuse incinerators is that the dioxins enter intact as contami- nants of the wastes being burned. For example, silvex-treated grass clip- pings, sawdust or other wastes from PCP-treated wood (landscape timber, railroad ties), and "empty" PCP, silvex, or other pesticide containers from home or industrial use might be direct sources of the dioxins detected in municipal incinerator fly ash. If this were the case, seasonal variations in fly ash dioxin content would be expected, with larger amounts in spring and summer. DIOXINS IN PLASTIC In 1965, it was reported that dioxin is an impurity in the preparation of polyphenylene ethers (Cox, Wright, and Wright 1965). No reports further substantiating this finding are known. "PPO" is a trademark of General Electric Company for a polyphenylene thermoplastic derived from 2,6-dimethylphenol (Hawley 1971). The dioxin configuration one would expect from condensation of the dimethylphenol is as follows: OH CH3 2 — + 2 CHa 0 CH3 2,8-0IMETHYLPHENOL 1.8-DIMETHYLDIBENZO-P-DIOXIN 74 Because PPO is highly resistant to acids, bases, detergents, and hy- drolysis it may be used in hospital and laboratory equipment, and in pump housings, impellers, pipes, valves, and fittings in the chemical and food industries. DIOXINS PRODUCED FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES Many investigators have reported the sources of purified dioxin stan- dards used in their studies. Some of these dioxin sources and the names of the dioxins provided are listed in Table 13. 75 TABLE 13. SOURCES OF PURIFIED DIOXIN SAMPLES FOR RESEARCH Source Dioxin provided Reference Givaudan Ltd. Dubendorf, Switzerland Dr. K. Anderson University of Umea, Sweden Dr. C. A. Nilsson University of Umea, Sweden Stickstoffwerke Linz, Austria Dr. David Firestone Food and Drug Administration washington, D.C., U.S.A. Dow Chemical, U.S.A. Midland, Michigan ITT Research Institute Chicago, Illinois, J. S.A. A. E. Pohland Food and Drug Administration Washington, D.C. , U.S.A, A. Poland McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Dow Chemical, U.S.A. Midland, Michigan =mono-CDD 3-di-CDD 7-di-CDD 8-di-CDD ,2,4-tri-CDD 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1,2, 1,3,7-tri-CDD 2,3,7-tri=CDD 1,2,3,4-tetra-C0D 1,2,3,8-tetra-CDD 1,2,3,7-tetra-C0D 2,3,7,8-tetra-CDD 1,2,3,7,8-penta-CDD 1,2,4,7,8-penta-CDD 1,2,3,6,7,8-hexa-CDD 1,2,3,7,8,9-hexa-CDD ’ Unspecified dioxin standards ,9~hepta-CDD ,8-hepta-CDD 14C-TCOD hexa-CDD hepta-CDD octa-CDD Buser (1978) Buser (1978) Buser (1978) Buser (1978) Buser (1978) Villanueva (1973) Firestone (1977) Firestone (1977) 0'Keefe et al. (1978) C. D. Pfeiffer (1978) 76 SECTION 4 SOURCES OF HUMAN EXPOSURE The toxicity of some dioxins, especially 2,3,7,8-TCDD, has been demon- strated in a number of incidents of human exposure. The most serious inci- dents, including one man-made disaster, have affected the general public; these incidents have resulted from industrial accidents, improper disposi- tion of industrial wastes, and a variety of other exposure routes. In addition to exposures of the general public, human contact with dioxins has occurred in chemical manufacturing plants and in other locations because of the occupational handling of these materials. This report section summa- rizes both the reported incidents of human exposure to dioxins and the potential exposure routes. PUBLIC EXPOSURE Industrial Accidents The clearest demonstration of dioxin toxicity was a disastrous incident that occurred on July 10, 1976, in Meda, Italy, at a plant producing 2,4,5-TCP for the manufacture of hexachlorophene. The plant was operated by the Industrie Chemiche Meda Societa, Anonima, (ICMESA), an Italian firm owned by the Swiss company Givaudan, which in turn is owned by Hoffman- LaRoche, a Swiss pharmaceutical manufacturer. The incident often is described inappropriately as an explosion. A safety disc on an over- pressured 2,4,5-TCP reactor ruptured, and a safety valve opened, releasing the reactor contents directly to the atmosphere (Homberger et al. 1979; Peterson 1978). The quantity of TCDD's released has been estimated to be from 300 g to 130 kg (despite extensive study, there is still no agreement as to the most likely amount) (Bonaccorsi, Fanelli, and Tognoni 1978; Carreri 1978). The incident occurred late on a Saturday afternoon. It resulted from the closing of a valve that supplied cooling water to the reactor jacket. In the manufacturing process, caustic soda had been used to hydrolyze 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene in a solvent of ethylene glycol. After the mixture was heated, cooling water was turned onto the jacket and should have remained on until the reaction was complete. A decision had been made to postpone the next operation, a distillation to remove ethylene glycol, until the following Monday. During the standby shutdown procedures the cooling water valve apparently was closed inadvertently. Since the reaction was incomplete, temperature and pressure continued to increase until the limiting pressure of the safety devices was reached. When the release 77 occurred, the regular operators were not in the plant. Five minutes after the release started, someone opened the cooling water valve and the influx of cooling water began to slow down the reaction. Within 15 minutes, release of chemicals to the atmosphere had stopped. A slight breeze carried the toxic cloud over parts of 11 towns and villages, as condensed chemicals fell from the cloud like snow. The town most affected was Seveso, whose corporate limits adjoin the plant grounds. No emergency action was taken by plant personnel or local authorities, although several people reported to hospitals with chemical burns. Not until the next day, Sunday, was the mayor of Seveso notified of the acci- dent, and officials of other affected towns were not told until Monday. The plant resumed normal operations Monday morning. No official emergency decree was issued until 5 days after the accident, and the possible presence of 2,3,7,8-TCDD was not announced to the local population until after 8 days (Carreri 1978). By then, hundreds of animals had sickened and died, and people with chloracne, principally children, were being hospitalized. The plant workers went out on strike, finally closing the plant. Since ICMESA had no suitable laboratory, samples of the contamination had to be sent to Switzerland for analysis; not until 10 days after the accident did Givaudan and Hoffman-LaRoche confirm that the contamination was 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Only then were organized steps taken to assess the damage and to safeguard the health of the people who had been exposed (Reggiani 1977; Peterson 1978; Bonaccorsi, Fanelli, and Tognoni 1978; Carreri 1978). It was discovered that most of the dioxin had fallen in a narrow strip extending for about 5 km to the southeast from the plant (see Figure 7). The most heavily contaminated area of 267 acres was designated Zone A, and was further divided into seven numbered subzones corresponding to the rela- tive degrees of contamination. The population of Zone A was evacuated. A less contaminated area of 665 acres was designated Zone B; official evac- uation of this zone was not ordered. A much larger area was designated Zone R (Respect or Risk), in which dioxin contamination was judged to be too slight to be harmful. Chloracne began to appear about 2 days after the accident. Within 6 days, 12 children were hospitalized; within 8 days, there were 14 (Parks 1978). Those first affected were the most seriously affected, and some were still undergoing treatment 3 years after the incident (Revzin 1979). A screening of more than 32,000 children of school age in the Seveso region resulted in the discovery of 187 cases of chloracne (Hay 1978b). Official- ly, there were 135 confirmed cases within the first year, with "new" waves of the skin disease appearing 18 and 24 months after the accident (Bonaccorsi, Fanneli, and Tognoni 1978). Hoffman-LaRoche reported that most chloracne was of "mild severity and quick recovery" and that there was no increase in the susceptibility of the children to .infectious disease (Reggiani 1979a). Only a small percentage of those affected were adults, but a thorough medical survey of the adult population was never conducted. Since 2,3,7,8-TCDD had been shown to cause birth defects and sponta- neous abortions in laboratory animals, the incidence of birth problems in 78 ICMESA N ® SEVESO CESANO MADERNO fm — Figure 7. Map of Seveso area showing zones of contamination (A and B) and zone of respect (R). (Source: Adapted from Fanelli, et al. 1980) 79 the affected population was studied. At present, the resulting data are inconclusive and controversial, in part because of poor statistical data from prior years (Toxic Materials News 1979c). Through May 1977, the spon- taneous abortion rate for the entire Lombardy region of Italy, which includes the Seveso area, was lower than the worldwide frequency (15 percent versus 20 to 25 percent) (Reggiani 1977). A private organization, however, reported that 146 malformed infants were born during 1978 in the Seveso area, almost 3 times the number reported officially (Chemical Week 1979b; Revzin 1979). Four years after the ICMESA incident, the people of Seveso are resuming an almost normal life. Hoffman-LaRoche has bought some of the heavily contaminated properties near the plant and has enclosed them and the plant within a tall plastic fence. Contaminated debris and soil from other loca- tions, including the carcasses of 35,000 animals that died or were slaughtered (Parks 1978) have been dumped in the enclosure, and this area is now believed to contain 80 percent of all the dioxin that was released (Chemical Week 1979h). Some nearby houses have been decontaminated by removing the tile roofs, vacuuming and scrubbing the walls with detergents and solvents, and clearing the grounds around them (Parks 1978). All the former residents have been allowed to return to their homes. Having decided the danger is over, many no longer practice any safety precautions (Revzin 1979). None of the many proposals for decontaminating the plant property has satisfied everyone; the situation not only poses a massive technical problem, but is clouded with legal and political difficulties. The Seveso incident has been called an environmental calamity (Parks 1978), and the release of dioxins has been compared to an escape of nuclear radiation in its potential for disaster (Revzin 1979). The effects of the 20-minute release on July 10, 1976, are still continuing and will not be known for years, perhaps not for generations (Bonaccorsi, Fanelli, and Tognoni 1978). Although no human deaths have resulted from the incident thus far, in the light of present toxicological knowledge, late effects can be expected (Peterson 1978). Operations at the ICMESA plant have not resumed since the 1976 accident (Watkins 1979b). Contaminated Industrial Wastes Manufacture of organic chemicals creates wastes, some of which may contain dioxins. In one recorded incident a chemical plant waste known to contain a dioxin has been clearly responsible for illness of a person not associated with chemical handling operations (Beale et al. 1977). Other instances have been recorded and continue to be discovered in which dioxins have been or are being discarded with wastes in a manner that brings into contact with the general public. This report section lists the known examples of dioxin contamination of public land, air, and water from disposal of industrial wastes. All are associated with present or former producers of 2,4,5-TCP. 80 Contained or Landfilled Wastes-- The most concentrated waste sources of dioxins are the anhydrous liquids, tars, and slurries, which 2,4,5-TCP manufacturers may discard by burying them in the ground or by storing them in drums. These materials are handled both by personnel of the manufacturing company and by contractors responsible to the manufacturer. The most notable incident of nonoccupational exposure to dioxin- contaminated wastes of this type involved the spraying of waste oils con- taining TCDD's on horse arenas and a private road in east central Missouri in 1971 (Shea and Lindler 1975; Environmental Protection Agency 1975b; Commoner and Scott 1976a; World Health Organization 1977; Kimbrough et al. 1977). The wastes were traced to a plant of the North Eastern Pharmaceu- tical Co. (NEPACCO) in Verona, Missouri, which manufactured 2,4,5-TCP at that time. The residues of a distillation phase of the process were stored above ground in a 7500-gallon tank. Periodically, NEPACCO would contract with someone to dispose of the wastes. Between February and October of 1971, the Bliss Salvage 0il1 Company held this contract and during these 8 months hauled away 16,000 gallons. Presumably, most was incinerated. In May and June, however, waste oils mixed with these distillation residues were sprayed to control dusts on four horse arenas and a road on a farm owned by the operator of the oil salvage company. ‘Unexplained deaths of animals occurred for almost 2 years. By December 1973, over 60 horses had died in the arenas and over 40 had become i11 (Commoner and Scott 1976; Kimbrough et al. 1977). Many cats, dogs, rodents, birds, and insects had also died. Seven people developed various disorders as a result of exposure. A six-year-old girl who played regularly on an arena floor was most seriously affected; she was treated for inflammation of the kidneys and hemorrhaging of the bladder, along with other symptoms (Beale et al. 1977). She lost 50 percent of her body weight over the course of the illness, but has since recovered. Finally, the most heavily contaminated soil was removed from the arenas and replaced. This apparently solved the problem, as no further incidents have been reported. The soil, probably still containing dioxins, is now buried in a landfill and under a concrete highway that was being built at the time (Commoner and Scott 1976a). In Australia, Union Carbide of Australia Limited (UCAL), previously a manufacturer of 2,4,5-TCP and 2,4,5-T, disposed of dioxin-contaminated wastes by landfilling during the years between 1949 and 1971 (Chemical Week 1978b; Dickson 1978). At the time these wastes were buried, landfilling was the most acceptable method of disposal. It has been estimated that 16 to 30 kilograms of dioxins may be present in the buried wastes (Chemical Week 1978b; Dickson 1978; Chemical Week 1978c). In 1969, when dioxin contam- inants in 2,4,5-trichlorophenol were being publicized, UCAL began removing the dioxins by adsorption onto activated carbon. The dioxin-contaminated carbon, now stored in steel drums, presents a disposal problem (Dickson 1978). 81 Dioxins have been found in two chemical landfills in Niagara Falls, New York. One of these, the Love Canal, is now the site of a residential commu- nity, including a school. The landfill previously was used by the Hooker Chemical Company for burying chemical wastes, including those from the manufacture of 2,4,5-TCP. A rising water table has brought the chemicals to the surface (Chem. and Eng. News 1978). Approximately 80 different chemi- cals have been identified, including a number of known carcinogens (Cincinnati Enquirer 1978a). Recently it was reported that TCDD's were found at the site (Chemical Week 1979a; Wright State University 1979, 1979b). About 30 tons of 2,4,5-TCP wastes are buried in the Love Canal. Hyde Park, a larger toxic landfill used by Hooker, also has yielded positive analyses. Environmental evaluations of three plants located near the land- fi11 found TCDD's in dust from these plants and in water samples taken from sediments in a nearby creek (Chemical Regulation Reporter 1980). One of the largest accumulated quantities of dioxin-contaminated anhy- drous wastes now known is a cache of approximately 3000 drums of chemicals found in 1979 at the Vertac plant in Jacksonville, Arkansas (Fadiman 1979). The proper procedure for final disposition of this material, which may contain as much as 40 ppm or more TCDD's, has not been determined. (See Volume II of this report series.) Incinerated Wastes-- A number of present and previous producers of 2,4,5-TCP and 2,4,5-T disposed of wastes by incineration. This method is used by the Dow Chemical Company and was once used by the ICMESA plant and by NEPACCO, which dis- carded its wastes through a contract incineration company. A recent report has raised a significant question as to whether past or present incineration methods destroy all dioxins. Dow reported in 1978 that fly ash from both stationary tar and rotary kiln incinerators contains low concentrations of dioxins, even that from incinerators designed to burn chemical wastes (Dow Chemical Company 1978). TCDD's bound to particulate matter are largely unaffected by even high-temperature incineration (Rawls 1979; Ciaccio 1979; Miller 1979). It has been suggested that incineration of dioxin-contaminated chemical wastes is primarily responsible for the observed presence of TCDD's in and around the Dow plant in Midland, Michigan (Merenda 1979; Ciaccio 1979).* If this is shown to be the case, pollution of the atmosphere from chemical incinerators may be an important route in the exposure of the public to dioxin chemicals. Miller (1979) has suggested that a worldwide background of atmospheric dioxin contamination may exist as a result of the incinera- tion by the U.S. Air Force of 10,400 metric tons of Herbicide Orange con- taining up to 47 ppm TCDD's (see Ackerman et al. 1978). This operation took place in the Pacific in 1977. Although there are no data that confirm the presence of widespread atmospheric pollution from this source, TCDD's were detected in some stack emission samples (Tiernan et al. 1979). X Dow believes that the observed presence of TCDD's and other dioxins in Midland and other metropolitan areas is due not only to chemical inciner- ators but to various other combustion sources such as powerhouses, diesel engines, charcoal grills, etc. (Dow Chemical Co. 1978; Rawls 1979). 82 Discharged Water Wastes-- Dioxin concentrations that exceed theoretical solubility limits (Crummett and Stehl 1973) may occur in industrial wastewaters because of 1) the presence of other organic materials in the wastewater that would tend to increase the solubility of the dioxin, and/or 2) the presence of suspended solids to which the dioxins are adsorbed. In either event, it is possible that low levels of dioxins may be carried routinely into the environment by industrial effluents, especially those associated with the production of chlorophenols. Little published information addresses the question of dioxins in such industrial water effluents. A 1978 report from Dow Chemical Co. contends that their effluent discharges were not responsible for the dioxins found in a number of Tittabawassee River fish, collected downstream from the Dow discharge. The report states that dioxins are formed during any combustion process and therefore may be found everywhere in the environment. No dioxins were detected, however, in fish collected above the Dow effluent outfall. Other data presented in the Dow report indicate that particulates in scrubber water contained 46 ppb TCDD's, 200 ppb hexa-CDD's, 970 ppb hepta- CDD's, and 120 ppb OCDD. The water was used to scrub the gas stream from a rotary kiln incinerator fired with a supplemental fuel to burn chemical wastes. Disposition of the overflow from the scrubber is unknown; however, it is unlikely that any water treatment system can consistently remove 100 percent of a low-level constituent such as TCDD's, especially if a portion of the TCDD's are adsorbed to particulate matter. In 1976, analysis of effluent water from the Vertac plant in Jacksonville, Arkansas, showed 0.2 to 0.6 parts per billion of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Sidwell 1976a). In contrast, analysis of effluent from the city stabiliza- tion ponds, to which the plant effluent was sent, showed no 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Sidwell 1976b). Because no detection limits were reported, the presence of 2,3,7,8-TCOD in low concentration in the stabilization pond effluent remained a possibility. There was also a question of the validity of the analytical method used in the latter examination. Chemists at Wright State University have recently reported on the analysis of one hundred process and environmental samples taken by the U.S. EPA from the Vertac site and surrounding area (Tiernan et al. 1980). TCDD's were detected in many of the samples at ppt to ppb levels. Composite samples of soil and water from the city sewage treatment plant lagoon con tained 8 ppb TCDD's Bottom core samples from the Vertac cooling pond con- tained 2 to 102 ppb TCDD's; however, no TCDD's were detected in the cooling pond discharge sample (detection limit of 0.05 ppb). Similarly, liquid discharge samples (2) from the equilization basin contained no detectable TCOD's (detection limit 0.010 ppb), even though a bottom mud sample from the basin contained about 400 ppb TCDD's. Treatment of wastes at PCP production plants and wood treatment plants is usually accomplished by oxidation ponds, lagoons, or spray irrigation. The efficiency of these treatment schemes has not yet been evaluated where 83 dioxins are concerned. There is evidence, however, that water-mediated evaporation is at least partly responsible for the removal of chlorophenols (and also possibly dioxins) from oxidation ponds (Salkinoya-Salonen 1979b). Insufficient treatment could result in contamination of waterways and thus in potential public exposure. Transportation Accidents In January 1979, the derailment of a tank car of orthochlorophenol in Sturgeon, Missouri, resulted in symptoms of chloracne in a cleanup worker. Analysis of the tank car contents showed less than 0.1 percent trichloro- phenol contamination and also 37 parts per billion TCDD's. Subsequent analyses by the EPA confirmed that the dioxin contamination was 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Chemical Week 1979d and 1979e; Poole 1979). Further details of the inci- dent have not been released because of extensive legal actions now pending involving the residents of the town and employees of the manufacturing, transportation, and contract clean-up companies. Although the incident at Sturgeon is the only one reported in which dioxins were identified, it is especially significant because of the nature of the chemical involved. The manufacture of orthochlorophenol offers no direct chemical pathway to the side reactions that form 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Nevertheless, contamination with this most-toxic dioxin was present. Product distillation is at least a hypothetical origin. Continuing exam- inations of the source of the 2,3,7,8-TCOD are indicated and are being conducted. Herbicide Applications For many years, herbicides made from dioxin-contaminated 2,4,5-TCP were widely distributed into the environment. Since the herbicides were less toxic to grasses, canes, and established trees than to broadleaf weeds and undergrowth plants, they found wide application wherever the objective was to stimulate growth of the more resistant plants. The applications included residential lawns; right-of-ways for power lines, railroads, and highways; , forest lands intended for future lumbering; pasturelands; and food crops such as rice and sugar cane. Regulatory and environmental actions have now halted most of these uses of chemicals that may contain dioxins, but a number of public health incidents have been associated with herbicide appli- cations. In Oregon, application of 2,4,5-T and silvex by timber companies and the government to forest areas has brought charges of increased incidences of miscarriage by women living near the sprayed areas (American Broadcasting Company 1978; WGBH Educational Foundation 1979). It is claimed that among 8 of the women, 11 miscarriages occurred within 1 month after herbicide appli- cations. EPA investigated these charges and found sufficient evidence of danger of the public health in sprayed areas to place an emergency ban on continued use of 2,4,5-T and silvex in these and other areas (Blum 1979). Other incidents in Oregon involved several people who complained of illness after herbicide sprayings (WGBH 1979). Abortions among cows and deer, and the deaths of fish, quail, and grouse were also reported to be associated with the sprayings (WGBH 1979). An allergist specializing in environmental 84 medicine reported that the complaints of diarrhea and recurrent boils among the exposed people could have been caused by a dioxin contaminant in the herbicides (Anderson 1978). In northeastern Minnesota, a family reported that offspring of pigs, chickens, and rabbits that had fed in areas sprayed by a U.S. Forest Service helicopter were born deformed, or later developed deformities (ABC News 1978; Anderson 1978; Cincinnati Enquirer 1978c). For over 5 months after the spraying, the family complained of intense bellyaches, headaches, fever, nausea, diarrhea, and convulsions. An analysis of the family's water supply by the Minnesota health authorities revealed traces of a herbicide that contained 2,4-D, and 2,4,5-T. The presence of dioxins was not reported. Another source of concern is the possible effects of the massive appli- cations of Herbicide Orange in Vietnam. Reports from some researchers indicate that numerous deformities have been found in children 6 to 14 years old (Young et al. 1978). Some reports also state that spontaneous abortions among women in sprayed areas were not uncommon, and that some people died as a result of the spraying. It has been estimated that at least 25,000 chil- dren in South Vietnam could be assumed to have acquired hereditary defects from this cause (Young et al. 1978). Others claim that these reports are virtually impossible to validate. The National Academy of Sciences con- cluded from their studies that there was no consistent correlation between exposure to herbicides and birth defects (Young et al. 1978). In 1969, citizens of Globe, Arizona, complained of human and animal illnesses after the U.S. Forest Service had applied 3680 pounds of silvex and 120 pounds of 2,4,5-T to the nearby Kellner Canyon and Russell Gulch (Young et al. 1978). After investigation by the Office of Science and Education and by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it was concluded that there were no significant effects on birds and wildlife, there was no indi- cation of illnesses in livestock greater than in other regions, and human illnesses were those that commonly occur in the normal population, except for one individual who developed skin rash and eye irritation from cleaning out an empty herbicide drum. In Swedish Lapland, two infants with congenital malformations were born to women who had been exposed to phenoxy herbicides (Young et al. 1978). Medical scientists could find no evidence to substantiate any conclusion beyond a coincidental occurrence of the birth defects and the herbicide spraying. In New Zealand, two women who had been exposed to 2,4,5-T during their pregnancies gave birth to deformed babies (Young et al. 1978). In one case 2,4,5-T was ruled out as the cause because although the mother had been exposured to the herbicide during pregnancy, the exposure had occurred after the time in the pregnancy when the deformity is known to usually occur. No conclusions were reached on the other case. Also in New Zealand, it was reported that deformities in infants occurred in three areas of the country and that 2,4,5-T was suspect (Young et al. 1978). After an investigation, it was concluded that there was no evidence to implicate 2,4,5-T as the cause of the deformities. : 85 In Australia, skin rashes, respiratory problems, and higher incidences of birth defects and infant mortality may be associated with 2,4,5-T spray- ings and dioxin contaminants (Chemical Week 1978d). Although no published reports deal with the subject, large segments of the suburban U.S. population are seasonally exposed to 2,4-D spray applica- tions to lawns for weed control. Until 1979, silvex was also a common constituent of many of these formulations. There is no published information relating to the use of 2,4,5-T in rice fields. Rice is grown in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas and possibly also in Mississippi, usually in localized areas that include facilities for flooding of the fields (a requirement in rice culture). Dioxins, including TCDD's could be accumulating in the soil of these fields or in runoff channels. This appears to be a principal area of missing information with respect to continued use of these herbicides. Foods A number of human food sources have been found to be contaminated with TCDD's. Three different research teams have reported finding dioxins in the fat of cattle that had grazed on pasture treated with 2,4,5-T (Meselson, 0'Keefe, and Baughman 1978; Kocher et al. 1978; Solch et al. 1978, 1980). Levels reported ranged from 4 to 15 ppt and 12 to 70 ppt, and 10 to 54 ppt, respectively. In contrast, however, samples from cattle fed ronnel con- taminated with TCDD's showed no dioxins at a detection limit of 10 ppt (Shadoff 1977). TCDD's have been found at levels ranging from 14 to 1020 ppt in fish and crustaceans collected in South Vietnam (Baughman and Meselson 1973). Fanelli et al. (1980b) and Cocucci et al. (1979) found TCDD's in locally grown garden vegetables, fruit, and dairy milk supplies following the ICMESA accident in Italy in 1976. An investigator analyzed human milk samples collected in 1970 during the herbicide operations in South Vietnam, and found that they were contaminated with 40 to 50 ppt TCDOD's (Baughman 1974). He reported that the mothers could have been con- taminated either by direct exposure or by ingestion of contaminated foods. About 1 ppt TCDD's has been reported in breast milk from U.S. mothers living near pasture land (Meselson, O'Keefe, and Baughman 1978); however, a sub- sequent study of 103 samples of breast milk from mothers living in sprayed areas revealed no TCDD's at a detection limit of 1 to 4 ppt (Chemical Regulation Reporter 1980b). In 1973, TCDD's were detected in several U.S. commercial fatty acids (Firestone 1973). Other chlorinated dioxins have also been detected in foods. Tiernan and Taylor (1978) found hexa-, hepta-, and/or OCDD in 19 of 189 USDA beef fat samples at levels in excess of 0.1 ppb. Firestone reported finding hexa-CDD's, hepta-CDD's, and OCDD in gelatin samples obtained from supermarkets and in bulk gelatin (Firestone 1977). Gelatin is a byproduct of the leather tanning industry, which routinely used PCP and TCP as preservatives (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978b). Total United States consumption of gelatin is estimated at 32 million kilo- grams per year, of which 20 percent is imported. In this study, dioxins occurred in 14 of 15 commercial gelatin samples at levels ranging from 0.1 86 to 28 ppb total dioxins. Pentachlorophenol was also identified in most samples. 2,3,7,8-TCDD was not detected in any sample. These data are presented in Table 14. Analysis by Dow Chemical Company of fish from the Tittabawassee River, which receives the effluent from their Midland complex, revealed the pres- ence of TCDD's, Hexa-CDD's, and OCDD in trace quantities (Dow Chemical Company 1978). Catfish from the Saginaw Bay contained 0.024 ppb TCDD. Michigan health authorities have found TCDD's in fish from the Flint, Cass, and Shiawassee Rivers. The Food and Drug Administration has recommended that Michigan set a maximum residue level for dioxins in fish at 100 parts per trillion (Toxic Materials News 1979). TCDD's have been recently detected in leather meal, although in un- quantified amounts (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978b). Like gelatin, leather meal is a byproduct of the leather tanning industry. It is reported that the FDA permits up to 1 percent leather meal in swine food diets, but this level is believed to be too restrictive to be economically advantageous. Poultry feeding tests have indicated that 6 percent leather meal in the diet could be economically advantageous if the leather meal were free of dioxins. EPA recently withdrew an application to FDA for approval of the inclusion of leather meal in poultry feed because of the discovery of TCOD's in the meal. There is no published information relating to the residual level of TCDD's on harvested rice crops that have been treated with the herbicide 2.,4,5-T. Pentachlorophenol has been found in dairy products, grains, cereals, root vegetables, fruits, and sugars (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978e). Water Supplies Another apparent gap in information concerns drinking water. There are no published reports of studies that searched specifically for dioxins in surface or well waters used for drinking water supplies. A report from the National Academy of Sciences (1977) indicates that there are no reports of dioxins in drinking water, but does not indicate clearly whether dioxins have not been detected, or whether no research has been conducted. Dr. James Allen of the University of Wisconsin reported in 1978 that dioxins have been detected in Great Lakes waters, but apparently no data to this effect have been published. In 1978, Dow Chemical Co. reported that their analysts were unable to detect 2,3,7,8-TCDD in two surface water samples taken from the Titta- bawassee River near Dow's Midland plant. The detection limit cited was 0.001 ppb. It is possible that even if toxic chlorodioxins are not present in surface waters, they might be formed at low levels during purification of public water supplies. Early research with unsubstituted dioxins showed that chlorinated dioxins could be formed from the unsubstituted dioxin by 87 a TABLE 14. DIOXINS IN COMMERCIAL GELATIN 88 Dioxins, ppt? tp, [1.2.4,6.7,9 |1.2.3,6,7,9 [1.2,3,6,7.8 [1,2,3,7,8,9 [1,2,3,4,6,7,9]1,2,3,4,6,7.,8 otal Sample No. | Sample identity ppm HCDD HCDD HCDD HCDD pCDD HpCDD 0cDD Dioxins 1 Bulk domestic pork skin gelatin 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.0 0.1 0.1 bd Bulk domestic pork skin gelatin 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 1975 Consumer package (Texas) 3.8 0.00 0.2 0.00 0.03 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.6 4 1975 Consumer package (Texas) 6.4 ¢ 0.00 0.2 0.00 0.04 0.0 0.3 0.4 1.0 5 1977 Consumer package N.A. 0.00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.1 0.2 (Washington, D.C.) 6 1977 Consumer package N.A. 0.03 0.2 0.03 0.05 0.2 0.16 0. .8 (Washington, D.C.) 7 1977 Consumer package N.A. 0.1 0.7 0.4 0.09 0.8 0.8 0.6 3.6 (Washington, D.C.) Imported bulk gelatin 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.9 (Columbia, South America) 9 Taparied ilk gelatin-A 3.5 0.02,0.03 0.3,0.3 0.4,0.6 0.05,0.02 4.6,5.3 20,16 30,26 Mexico 10 Tasoried bulk gelatin-A 7.5 0.02,0.02 0.1,0.1 0.3,0.2 0.05,0.09 2.5,2.7 2.8,2.9 20,17 25,23 Mexico n Inported bulk gelatin-A 8.3 0.02,0.02 0.2,0.4 0.6,0.8 0.07,0.2 3.5,4.0 3.6,5.0 21,18 29,28 Mexico 12 Hporied sulk gelatin-B 0.3 0.00,0.00 0.00,0.00 0.00,0.00| 0.00,0.00 0.02,0.02 0.02,0.02 0.1,0.1}0.1,0.1 Mexico 13 Commercial blend (67% domestic 2.2 0.01,0.01 0.06,0.08 0.2,0.3 0.02,0.09 0.9,0.9 4.8,4.3]|7.0,6.9 pork skin gelatin, 33% Mexican-A) 14 Commercial blend (65% domestic 3.1 0.01,0.01 0.05,0.08 0.1,0.2 0.02,0.07 0.6,0.5 0.6,0.8 2.9,1.913.8,3.6 pork skin gelatin, 35% Mexican-A) 15 Commerical blend (91% domestic 1.0 0.01,0.01 0.02,0.03 0.04,0.09 0.01,0.02 0.2,0.3 0.3,0.4 1.4,1.1] 2.0,20 pork skin gelatin, 9% Mexican-A) 3 Source: Firestone 1977. b Limits of quantitation were about 0.006, 0.012 , and 0.018 ppb for the HCDD's, HpCDD's, and OCOD respectively, using electron-capture gas-liquid chromatography. € N.A. = Not analyzed. direct chlorination (Gilman and Dietrich 1957). Although no tests of this possibility have been reported, any dioxin entering a municipal drinking water system may become chlorinated during routine chlorine disinfection processes, and thus its toxicity could be greatly increased. Combustion Residues The presence of dioxins in fly ash from municipal incinerators is described in Section 3. Tests by Dow Chemical Company that found dioxins in fireplace soot and other combustion processes are also described elsewhere in the report. Here it is emphasized that these observations identify another source of exposure of the public to dioxins. To date, the available data are insufficient to allow definition of the relative importance of nonpesticide combustion as a contributor to dioxin pollution of the environ- ment. Miscellaneous Pesticide Uses In addition to their principal uses as a raw material and an agricul- tural pesticide, 2,4,5-TCP and other chlorophenols that may contain dioxins are brought into contact with the public in other ways. One such use is in disinfectants (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 19781). These are used on surfaces of swimming pools, household and hospital sickroom equipment, food processing plants and equipment, and hospital rooms, as well as on surfaces that contact food. They are also used in bathrooms and restrooms, on shower stalls, urinals, floors, and toilet bowls. Another minor use is as a constituent of metal cutting fluids. It is not known whether any of these cutting fluids are sold commercially. Commercial products containing pentachlorophenol are readily available to the public. Examples of such products are paints containing PCP as a fungicide or preservative, and formulations for wood preserving. The latter typically contain about 4 percent PCP. Exposure of the users of PCP products is most likely to occur during use. In one reported case, however, a woman became weak and lost 20 pounds over a 3-month period that followed the application of paint containing PCP to interior paneling. Chronic inhalation of the PCP vapors from the walls was said to be the cause (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978e). Dermal absorption of sodium pentachlorophenate (Na-PCP) resulted in the illness of nine newborn infants and the subsequent death of two (U.S. Envi- ronmental Protection Agency 1978e). This exposure occurred in a hospital after clothing and linens were accidentally washed with Na-PCP. Analysis of clothing and bed linens showed PCP residues ranging from 2.64 to 195.0 mg/100 g. Analysis for dioxins was not reported. Since many wood products are treated with PCP, exposure could occur by excessive handling or contact. Items such as telephone posts, fence posts, and similar products, readily accessible to the public, could present health hazards if subsequently handled. 89 Hexachlorophene Exposures Until 1972 hexachlorophene was widely used as a bacteriostatic agent in many commercially available products. Hexachlorophene is made from 2,4,5-TCP, a known dioxin source. In September 1972 the FDA began requiring new drug applications for all drugs containing 0.75 percent or more hexa- chlorophene and also required that these drugs be made available only by prescription. Products containing 0.1 percent hexachlorophene as a preser- vative are not subject to the prescription requirement and are still marketed commercially. Hexachlorophene for use in drug and cosmetic products is apparently made from purified 2,4,5-trichlorophenol. The dioxin content of currently marketed hexachlorophene is believed to be less than 15 pg/kg (15 ppb) (World Health Organization 1977). There apparently are no published refer- ences that report positive analyses of dioxins in hexachlorophene. Sickness and death resulting from exposure to hexachlorophene have been reported, occurring primarily among children and infants (Kimbrough 1976; U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 1978). It is not known whether dioxin contaminants are responsible. In one incident, four children died following exposure to a detergent containing 3 percent hexa- chlorophene (Kimbrough 1976). In 1972, 41 infants and children died and a much larger number became i11 after being exposed to baby powder to which excessive quantities of hexachlorophene had been added accidentally (Kimbrough 1976). The hexachlorophene concentration in the baby powder was 6 percent. A Swedish study concerned children born to mothers who were nurses in hospitals and who had been exposed to hexachlorophene soap in early preg- nancy; among 65 children, 11 malformations were found, 5 of which were severe (U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 1978). Out of 68 children born to unexposed mothers, only one slight malformation was observed. OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE Except for the 1976 disaster at Seveso, most clearly recognized human injuries associated with dioxins have been suffered by persons who came into contact with the chemicals as a result of their occupation. The most directly affected probably would be workers in plants of the chemical manu- facturing industry where the dioxins are created. Other industries and activities, however, also use dioxin-contaminated chemical products and thus represent another source of worker exposure (for purposes of this report, the exposure of Vietnam military personnel to dioxins is considered occupa- tional). Still other occupational exposures result from work in analytical or research laboratories and from handling of chemical wastes. This report section describes the reported incidents and the potential for human expo- sure due to occupational activities. A large-scale study of occupational exposure to dioxins is now underway by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). With 30 cooperation from the chemical industry, major unions, and the Department of Defense, NIOSH is compiling a registry of the population of chemical workers in the United States who have had documented exposure to 2,3,7,8-TCDD, either in the manufacture of herbicides or in industrial accidents. Once this registry has been developed, NIOSH plans to evaluate trends in mortal- ity of the exposed workers and, if the data permit, will consider conducting studies of morbidity and reproductive effects (Robbins 1979). The NIOSH program will augment similar studies in progress in connec- tion with present and former workers exposed to dioxins in Jacksonville, Arkansas, and Nitro, West Virginia (Occupational Safety and Health Reporter 1979). Chemical Manufacturing Industry More than 200 dioxin-related industrial accidents occurred around the world during the 30 years prior to 1979 (American Industrial Hygiene Asso- ciation Journal 1980). The following paragraphs represent only a sampling of these incidents, most of which involve the manufacture of 2,4,5-TCP. Table 15 summarizes some of the other incidents not described in detail. Table 16 is a sampling of the incidents involving plant accidents. The earliest major incident was an explosion in 1949 at a plant of the Monsanto Company in Nitro, West Virginia. This plant operated from 1948 to 1969, and the explosion was reported to have affected 228 people (Whiteside 1977; Young et al. 1978). The symptoms included melanosis, muscular aches, nervousness, and intolerance to cold, in addition to chloracne. A current occupational study of the long-term effects of dioxin exposure is being conducted of 121 people who were working in the plant at the time, including all of those who developed chloracne as a result of the accident. Prelim- inary study reports indicate no excess deaths from cancer or cardiovascular disease among these workers (American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 1980). In 1953, an explosion occurred in Germany at the factory of Badischer Anilin and Soda-Fabrik, which was producing 2,4,5-TCP by hydrolysis of 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene with sodium hydroxide in a solvent of methanol (Goldmann 1972). Following the explosion the safety valves released vapors, which filled all reactor rooms on all four floors of the plant. After a few minutes, vapors that had not been withdrawn with exhaust fans had condensed as solids on the apparatus, walls, windows, and doors. Chloracne developed in 42 people, 21 of whom also developed disorders of the central nervous system or internal organs. In addition, 5 years after the explosion a worker replacing a gasket on one of the reactors developed several disorders a few days later; one year later the worker died. An explosion at the TCP-producing factory of the Coalite and Chemicals Products at Derbyshire, U.K., resulted in 79 workers contracting chloracne (May 1973). Six months after an explosion in the Netherlands at the Philips-Duphar plant, which was producing 2,4,5-TCP, 9 of 18 men working on decontaminating the plant contracted chloracne (World Health Organization 1977). a1 26 TABLE 15. REPORTED INCIDENTS OF OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO DIOXINS DURING ROUTINE CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING Chemical Number of Year Country Manufacturer/plant location produced persons exposed 1949 West Germany N.A.°/Nordrhein, Westfallen PCP,TCP 17 1952 West Germany N.A./N.A. TCP 60 1952-53 | West Germany Boehringer/N.A. TCP 37 1954 West Germany Boehringer, Ingelheim/Hamburg cP; 2,4,5-T 31 1956 United States Diamond Alkali/Newark, New Jersey 2,4-D; 2,4,5-T 29 1956 United States Hooker/N.A. © TCP N.A. 1960 United States Diamond Shamrock/N.A.° TCP N.A. 1964 U.S.S.R. N.A./N.A. 2,4,5-T 128 1964 United States Dow Chemical/Midland, Michigan 2,4,5-T 60 1965-69 | Czechoslovakia Spolana/N.A. TCP 78 1970 Japan N.A./N.A. PCP; 2.4.57 25 1972 U.5.S5.R. N.A./N.A. TCP 1 1973 Austria Linz Nitrogen Works/N.A. 2,4,5-T 50 1974 West Germany Bayer/Uerdingen 2,4,5~7 5 1975 United States Thompson Hayward/Kansas City, Mo. TCP N.A. : Adapted from Young et al. 1978. N.A. - Not available. C Not known whether occupational exposure was involved in the incident. £6 TABLE 16. OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURES TO DIOXINS THROUGH ACCIDENTS IN THE CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY Product Number of Year Country Manufacturer/location involved workers affected 1949 United States Monsanto/Nitro, West Virginia TCP 228 1953 West Germany BSAF/Ludwigshafer TCP 55 2,4,5-T 1956 France Rhone Poulene/Grenoble TCP 17 1962 Italy TCP 5 1963 Netherlands Philips-Duphar/Amsterdam TCP 50 1966 France Rhone Poulene/Grenoble TCP 21 1968 United Kingdom Coalite and Chemicals Products/ TCP 79 Bolsover, Derbyshire b 1976 Italy ICMESA/Meda TCP 134 2 Adapted from Young et al. 1978. These were not workers but local resi affected. dents (124 children and 10 adults); no workers were reported During the Seveso incident, the public was more seriously affected, but the plant workers were also exposed to dioxins. Reports are fragmentary and sometimes conflicting. A company-sponsored report says that of the 10 workers in the plant at the time of the accident, none, not even those who came in direct contact with the reactor, showed signs of exposure; further, a year later, none of the plant workers showed any signs of disease associ- ated with dioxin toxicity (Reggiani 1977). Another report states that one volunteer worker, after helping to clean out the material that remained in the reactor after the accident, developed severe chloracne (Parks 1978). Another report states that among 170 workers exposed to the contamination, 12 developed chloracne, 29 developed liver disease, 17 developed high blood pressure, and 20 others suffered from other various disorders (Zedda, Cirla, and Sala 1976). Finally, another report states that 64.5 percent of 141 former workers suffer from liver problems and others suffer from a variety of other complaints; 79 of 160 workers involved in the cleanup campaign show chromosomal abnormalities (Chemical Week 1978a). Workers at the Vertac plant in Jacksonville, Arkansas, apparently have been affected by exposure to dioxins, even though no catastrophic event occurred during the many years the plant produced 2,4,5-TCP. Graphic accounts of chloracne attacks in plant workers appeared in an investigative article published in a popular U.S. magazine (Fadiman 1979). In June 1979, Arkansas health officials found signs of chloracne in 13 of the 74 current Vertac employees (Richards 1979c). In July 1979, a task force of medical experts began an intensive examination of about 150 present and former employees; no definitive conclusions have been reported. Although not necessarily employees of chemical manufacturers, some workers undergo occupational exposure to dioxins in the handling or trans- portation of bulk chemicals outside of the plant. In one reported incident after the railway derailment in Sturgeon, Missouri, low Tevels of 2,3,7,8-TCDD were found in the blood of two of the cleanup workers (Chemical Week 1979d, 1979, and 1979i; Poole 1979; Taylor and Tiernan 1979). These were employees of a firm hired by the railroad to clean up the spill. In a similar incident in Sweden, railroad workers were exposed to 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. A medical study concluded that these herbicides showed a possible tumor-inducing effect (Young et al. 1978). The presence of dioxins apparently was not considered in this study. Use of Chemical Products when makers of dioxin-contaminated products sell these products to other industries or organizations, the personnel of these secondary users are subject to occupational exposure to dioxins. Table 17 lists several related industries that process or handle chemical products with a potential dioxin content. It is estimated that 80 percent of all pentachlorophenol produced is used in wood-treating operations (Arsenault 1976; American Wood Preservers 94 G6 TABLE 17. INDUSTRIES USING DIOXIN-RELATED CHEMICALS Industry Chemical(s) Process application Textiles TCP Process water fungicide Leather tanning TCP, PCP Process water fungicides Wood preserving PCP Active ingredient in dip vat/pressure treatment Pulp and paper TCP, PCP Process water slimicide, fungicide Pesticide formulators 2.4.57 Active ingredient formulated or sprayed and applicators 2,4-D Active ingredient formulated or sprayed silvex Active ingredient formulated or sprayed ronnel Active ingredient formulated or sprayed erbon Active ingredient formulated or sprayed hexachlorophene Active ingredient formulated or sprayed Automotive TCP Metal cutting fluids, foundry core washes Miscellaneous industries TCP Slimicide in cooling tower waters Household and industrial TCP, Active ingredient disinfectant cleaning products hexachlorophene Building/construction PCP Termite control Drug and cosmetics hexachlorophene Product preservative or active ingredient Paint TCP, PCP Preservative/mildewcide Farming (cattle) Railroad, telephone, (construction and maintenance) 2,4,5,-T, 2,4-D 2.4,5-7 silvex 2,4-D Rangeland weed control Weed control on rights-of-way Institute 1977; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978e). Exposure in this secondary industry may occur during the mixing of the PCP crystals and solvent (American Wood Preservers Institute 1977). Many of the larger wood-treating operations now use automatic closed mixing systems, which limit the chances for worker exposure. Chloracne symptoms have developed, however, in workers in one wood-treating plant; the exposures resulted from manual opening and dumping of bagged PCP (U.S. Dept. HEW 1975). Workers also may be exposed to PCP by handling of wood after treatment. Other uses for pentachlorophenol and its sodium salt are in cooling tower water treatments, in pulp and paper mills, and in tanneries (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978e). Potential for worker exposure therefore exists in these industries. Cooling tower waters from one 2,4,5-TCP facility have recently been found to contain ppb levels of TCDD's (see Volume II of this series). People involved in the application of herbicides manufactured from or formulated with 2,4,5-TCP and derivatives may be exposed to dioxin contam- inants. These include workers involved in aerial applications and those employed by commercial lawn-care companies who apply phenoxy herbicides manually. Exposures to Herbicide Orange-- Thousands of military personnel were exposed during the Vietnam con- flict to Herbicide Orange; these exposures are currently the topic of considerable litigation and are not outlined in detail in this report. The General Accounting Office (GAO) notes that 4800 veterans have asked for treatment for exposure to Herbicide Orange (Toxic Materials News 1979d), and the suits are being brought against former manufacturers, reported to include Dow Chemical, Hercules, Diamond-Shamrock, Monsanto, Northwest Industries, and North American Philips (Chemical Week 1979c). Summaries of the situation were published in Science (Holden 1979) and by the New York Times (Severo 1979). Chemical Laboratories In 1957, a research worker in a laboratory synthesized the 2,3,7,8- tetrabromo dioxin. That same year, another researcher first synthesized 2,3,7,8-TCDD (about 20 grams) by chlorination of unsubstituted dioxin. In both cases, on completion of these achievements, the researcher was hospi- talized (Rappe 1978). The chemical laboratory continues to be a potential source of human exposure to dioxins. One case is reported involving three scientists in the United Kingdom (May 1973). Although it was believed that adequate precautions had been taken, all three were afflicted with various disorders. Two of the scien- tists had been working on the synthesis of dioxin standards. They had performed the synthesis under a fume hood and had worn overalls and dispos- 96 able plastic gloves. Both persons developed chloracne in addition to other symptoms. The third scientist, who had been working with dilute dioxin standards, had taken similar protective measures. He did not develop chloracne but he exhibited other symptoms, including hirsutism and excess cholesterol in the blood. In 1978, Dow Chemical Company reported that an employee contracted chloracne after disposing of laboratory wastes contaminated with dioxins. He reportedly had not followed standard safety procedures. Dow has devel- oped a set of elaborate laboratory safety rules to be used when working with dioxins. Similarly, stringent procedures are exercised by independent labora- tories who analyze samples containing dioxins. The Brehm Laboratory of wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, includes a specially equipped labora- tory with restricted access, specially trained personnel, and tight internal quality control based on mandatory routine wipe tests. All personnel use disposable gowns, gloves, and shoe covers. "Cradle-to-grave" control is exercised for all reagents, wash water, disposable clothing, towels, and all other materials used or consumed in the laboratory; nothing enters the sewer or is discarded as common trash. Everything enters sealable transportation barrels to be discarded in an environmentally acceptable manner. Gas chromatographs are vented through charcoal filter cartridges, which are routinely discarded into the barrels. Any dusty samples are handled in a special filtered glove box with total control of all dust and unused sample material. This laboratory has experienced no incidents of dioxin poisoning (Taylor 1980). Waste Handling Another possible route of exposure to workers is the handling of production wastes generated from manufacturing and formulation processes. Not only the employees of the company that generates dioxin-containing wastes can be affected by these wastes, but also those who work for a con- tract waste disposal firm. The incident at Verona, Missouri, indicates that the waste disposal company owner and/or his employees did not recognize the dangers of wastes with potential dioxin content. The synthesis of pentachlorophenol and its use in wood treatment also generate waste products. A current study sponsored by the EPA Office of Solid Wastes includes an analysis of sludge samples from various locations within three industrial plants that produce either trichlorophenol, penta- chlorophenol, or hexachlorophene (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978d). Also being sampled is a wood-preservation operation in which penta- chlorophenol is used. Initial results have shown low-ppm concentrations of hexa-CDD's, hepta-CDD's, and OCDD in sludges resulting from PCP production. Concentrations of the dioxins are not specified, but it is stated that the levels are below those designated as toxic in the published literature. Also, 0.06 ppm OCDD and low levels (not quantified) of hexa-CDD's and hepta-CDD's were found in the soil in the vicinity of the product storage area. 97 SECTION 5 ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION AND TRANSPORT This section addresses the fate of dioxins once they are released to the environment. Subsections on biodegradation and photodegradation deal with recent literature relating to biochemical and physical actions of the environment as they affect the integrity of the dioxin structure. Subsec- tions on physical and biological transport deal with the movement of dioxins in soil, water, and air and with the uptake of dioxins by plants and their fate in animals at various trophic levels. BIODEGRADATION In assessment of the persistence of a substance in the environment, the susceptibility of that substance to biodegradation* is a primary concern. Several studies on the biodegradabilityt of dioxins are described in the literature. The investigations show that dioxins exhibit relatively strong resistance to biodegradation, though they may not necessarily be totally recalcitrant. Most of the work has focused on 2,3,7,8-TCDD because of its extreme toxicity. This dioxin has been studied in both aqueous and soil environments, and results have been somewhat equivocal. Only one study (Kearney et al. 1973) has examined the biodegradability of another dioxin, 2,7-DCDD. Data from this study indicate that this dioxin can be at least partially degraded in soils. Several dioxin biodegradation studies are described in the following paragraphs. Approximately 100 strains of microbes that had previously shown the ability to degrade persistent pesticides were tested for their ability to degrade 2,3,7,8-TCDD. After incubation, extracts from microorganisms were prepared and analyzed for metabolites by thin-layer chromatography. Of the strains tested, five showed some ability to degrade the dioxin. * Biodegradation: the molecular degradation of an organic substance re- sulting from the complex actions of living organisms. A substance is said to be biodegraded to an environmentally acceptable extent when environ- mentally undesirable properties are lost. Loss of some characteristic function or property of a substance by biodegradation may be referred to as biological transformation. (CEFIC 1978) t+ Biodegradability: the ability of an organic substance to undergo bio- degradation. 98 Ward and Matsumura studied the biodegradation of !4C-labelled 2,3,7,8- TCDD in Wisconsin lake waters and sediments and reported in 1977 that the dioxin may be genuinely metabolized in aqueous systems, but that the rate is very low. They concluded that there is an optimum time for microbial degradation, probably 1 month, and that during this period available 2,3,7,8-TCDD is degraded while the nonavailable fraction is bound to the water sediments. The limited degradation of 2,3,7,8-TCDD is favored by the presence of sediment, microbial activity, and/or organic matter in the aqueous phase. The observed half-life of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in sediment- containing lake waters was 550 to 590 days; the half life in waters without sediment was longer. Kearney and coworkers studied two types of soil, which were incubated with 2,3,7,8-TCDD at concentrations of 1, 10, and 100 ppm and with *4C- labeled 2,3,7,8-TCDD at concentrations of 1.78, 3.56, and 17.8 ppm (Kearney et al. 1973a). The two soils were also inoculated with 1#C-labeled 2,7-DCDD at concentrations of 0.7, 1.4, and 7.0 ppm. The soil types were Hagerstown silt clay loam, which is relatively high in organic matter and microbial activity, and Lakeland loamy sand, which is low in organic matter and microbial activity. Over a 9- to 10-month period, the soil samples were monitored weekly for evolution of gaseous 1!4C0, as an indication of microbial degradation of the labeled dioxins. Very little CO, was liberated from soils containing either labeled or unlabeled 2,3,7,8-TCDD. In most cases 75 to 85 percent of the dioxin was recovered from both soil types up to 160 days after addition. No metabo- lites were found in TCDD-treated soil after 1 year. About 5 percent of the 14C-2.7-DCDD had degraded to liberate 14C0, after 10 weeks. Concentrations of 14C-2,7-DCDD in the soil had a slight effect on 14C0, evolution. It was postulated that the decrease in CO, liberation at the highest level may have resulted from the toxicity of the DCDD isomer to the microbes at this con- centration. Evolution of 14C0, was significantly higher in the Lakeland soil than in the Hagerstown soil. Analysis of DCDD-treated soil extracts also revealed the presence of metabolites, but the major metabolite could not be identified. In the same study, incubation of a clay loam (with relatively Tow organic matter) to which 14C-2,3,7,8-TCDD had been applied led to liberation of a "very small amount of 14C0," after 2 weeks. The U. S. Air Force studied test plots in Utah, Kansas, and Florida to determine the soil degradation rate of 2,3,7,8-TCDD under field conditions (Young et al. 1976). The three test plots were considered representative of various climatic conditions and soil types. Herbicide Orange containing 3700 ppb 2,3,7,8-TCDD was applied to all three plots at a rate of 4480 kg/hectare. Initial soil concentrations of the dioxin were not reported for any of the sites. Composite samples from the upper 15 cm of each soil were taken from time to time after the initial herbicide application, and ana- lyzed for both the herbicide and 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Results are presented in Table 18. 99 TABLE 18. CONCENTRATIONS OF HERBICIDE ORANGE AND 2,3,7,8-TCDD IN THREE TREATED TEST PLOTS Total Test Days after herbicide,” 2,3,7,8-TCDD, plot application ppm ppb Utah 282 8490 15.0 637 4000 7.3 780 2260 5.6 1000 2370 3.2 1150 960 2.5 Kansas 8 1950 c 77 1070 0.255 189 490 c 362 210 c 600 40 C 659 <1 0.042 Florida 5 4897 0.375 414 1866 0.250 513 824 0.075 707 508 0.046 834 438 c 1293 <10 c 3 Plots treated with 4480 kg herbicide per hectare. Composite sample from upper 0 to 15 cm layer of soil. Not analyzed. 100 From these data and other leaching data, the Air Force concluded that the disappearance of 2,3,7,8-TCDD was most likely due to degradation by soil microbes, because dioxin concentrations in the 15- to 30-cm layer indicated that leaching was insignificant. The Air Force report further stated that dioxin degradation was most rapid in the Kansas soil (Ulysses silt loam), followed by the Florida soil (Lakeland Sandy loam), and finally the Utah soil (Lacustine clay loam), but that variations in soil and climate had little overall influence on dioxin persistence. It was also reported that the initial breakdown rate was rapid, but decreased substantially over the test period. On the basis of this observation the investigators speculated that microbial enzymes responsible for herbicide metabolism and possibly dioxin metabolism are inducible. In an evaluation of the Air Force studies, Commoner and Scott (1976) came to different conclusions. After constructing semilogarithmic plots of dioxin concentrations in soil against days after incorporation of the diox- in, they concluded: (1) that there was no evidence that the rate of degra- dation changed with time; and (2) that degradation appeared to be more rapid in the Florida soil than in the Kansas soil (opposite of the Air Force conclusion). In another Air Force study with dioxin-contaminated soil the effects of nutrients and mixing on 2,3,7,8-TCOD degradation were assessed (Bartieson, Harrison, and Morgan 1975). Pots containing either test soils or control soils were placed outdoors and in a greenhouse. The soils were analyzed after 9 and 23 weeks. Soils tested in the greenhouse were moistened with a nutrient solution. The results are presented in Table 19. TABLE 19. DEGRADATION OF 2,3,7,8-TCDD IN sor? (parts per trillion 2,3,7,8-TCDD) Length of exposure, weeks 0 9 23 Controls 1100 - 1300 Outdoor exposure Tilled (top layer) 1100 520 Untilled 1000 530 Greenhouse Tilled (top layer) 640 460 Untilled 810 530 ad source: Bartleson, Harrison, and Morgan 1975. 101 The investigators concluded that the accelerated rate of degradation observed in soil from the pots in the greenhouse during the first 9-week period was probably due to increased microbial populations resulting from initial soil aeration and increased soil temperatures in the pots. Reduc- tion in the rate of breakdown after 9 weeks may have been caused by leaching or entrapment of dioxin in the bottom soil layer, which had not been mixed. It was also proposed, however, that the nutrient solution together with light or aeration caused either a direct chemical breakdown of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in the soil or an increase in microbial populations that accelerated break- down. Because green algae were observed on the surface of the greenhouse pots between tillings, it was also postulated that the algae were partly responsible for the degradation. This study was also evaluated by Commoner and Scott (1976), who con- cluded that mixing, nutrients, and increased exposure to sunlight did not significantly enhance degradation of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in soil. Pocchiari (1978) attempted to stimulate the microbial degradation of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in samples of Seveso soil contaminated with the dioxin from the 1976 ICMESA accident. The dioxin-contaminated soil samples were either inoculated with promising microorganisms (according to the previously des- cribed results of Matsumura and Benezet in 1973) or enriched by the addition of organic nutrients. No positive degradation effects have been found. Investigators from the Microbiological Institute in Zurick, Switzerland, have found that microbes cannot contribute quickly or effi- ciently to the decontamination of soil-bound 2,3,7,8-TCDD, although they might contribute slowly (Huetter 1980). The latter point is supported by the observation of two polar bands in thin layer chromatographs of some microbial incubations. Huetter and coworkers also have observed that when 2,3,7,8-TCDD is incubated with soil for a prolonged period of time, it is not as extractable as when it is freshly added to the soil, indicating that recoverability of the dioxin becomes increasingly more difficult with time. This information raises questions about the accuracy of work done by others in the past to measure the soil half-life of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Preliminary findings of studies under way in Finland indicate that 2,3,7,8-TCDD may be slowly biodegraded by anaerobic microorganisms in an organic matrix used for secondary treatment of chlorophenolic wastewaters from paper pulping operations (Salkinoya-Salonen 1979). Klecka and Gibson (1979) have recently reported that unsubstituted dibenzo-p-dioxin can be readily metabolized by a mutant strain of Pseudomonas (sp. N.C.I.B. 9816 strain II) when an alternative source of carbon such as salicylate is available. The dioxin molecule was metabolized first to cis-1,2-dihydroxy-1,2,dihydrodibenzo[1,4]dioxan (I), which was subsequently dehydrated to yield 2-hydroxydibenzo[1l,4]dioxan (II) as the major metabolite. The authors reported finding no organisms capable of utilizing dibenzo-p-dioxin as a sole carbon source. H H H H om H o OH H 0 OH H H 0 H H 0 H H H H H 102 I I PHOTODEGRADATION Photodegradation is the process of breaking chemical bonds with light. The process, also known as photolysis, involves the breakdown of a chemical by light energy, usually in a specific wavelength range. In photodegrada- tion of dioxins the ultraviolet wavelengths of light have been.-shown to be the most effective. In most photolysis studies, scientists are interested in determining one or more of the following parameters: 1. Photolysis reaction rates 2. Photolysis reaction products 3. Wavelength(s) required for photolysis 4. Other specific conditions required for photolysis The photolysis of chlorinated aromatic compounds usually involves Toss of a chlorine molecule to a free radical, or loss through nucleophilic displacement if a solvent or substrate molecule is present. These mecha- nisms may be influenced by the presence of other reagents or the nature of the reaction medium. Photolysis studies have clearly shown that dioxins may be photolytical- ly degraded in the environment by natural sunlight. The extent to which this mechanism actually removes or degrades dioxins in the "real world" environment is difficult to assess, but of all the possible natural removal mechanisms, photolysis appears to be the most significant. It should be noted that photolysis apparently results in the removal of one or more chlorine atoms from the dioxin molecule. Removal of chlorine from 2,3,7,8-TCDD may make it less toxic, but the basic dioxin structure remains. When penta-CDD is photodegraded, it may go to a TCDD isomer. (For further discussion see pp. 138-139 of Section 6.) Several dioxin photodegradation studies are discussed in the paragraphs that follow. Major findings from these studies are summarized in Tables 20 and 21. Crosby et al. (1971) studied photolysis rates of 2,3,7.,8-7CDD, 2,7-DCDD, and OCDD dissolved in methanol. Samples were irradiated with natural sunlight or artificial sunlight with a light intensity of 100 MW/cm2 at the absorption maximum of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (307 nm). Irradiation of a single solution of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in methanol for 24 hours in natural sunlight resulted in complete photolysis to less chlorinated dioxin isomers. The degradation of 2,7-DCDD was at least initially more rapid than that of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. After 6 hours of irradiation in artificial ultraviolet light, about 30 percent of the 2,7-DCDD remained unreacted whereas almost 50 percent of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD remained unreacted. The amount of 2,7-DCDD remaining after 24 hours was not reported. The OCDD was photolyzed much more slowly than the TCDD or DCDD isomers; after 24 hours, over 80 percent 103 vol TABLE 20. PHOTODEGRADATION OF 2,3,7,8-TCDD Light Length of Amount Reaction Physical conditions source exposure degraded, % products Reference TCOD in methanol Artificial 24 h 100 Trichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, Crosby et al (100 pw/cm?) Dichlorobenzo-p-dioxin TCOD in methanol Natural 7h 100 NR? Crosby et al. sunlight TCDD (crystalline) Artificial NR 0 NAD Crosby et al. in water (sunlamp) 1973 TCDD on soil 96 h 0 TCOD in benzene/water/ | Artificial NR >0 NR Plimmer et al. surfactant (sunlamp) 1973 TCDD crystals on glass | Natural 14 days 0 NR Crosby et al. plate sunlight TCDD in isooctane and Artificial 40 min 50 NR Stehl et al. 1-octanol (G.E. RS 1973 sunlamp) 24 h 100 NR Stehl et al. 1973 TCOD in Herbicide Natural 6h 60 Crosby and Wong Orange, on glass sunlight 1977 TCDD in commercial Natural 6h 70 NR Crosby and Wong Esteron herbicide, sunlight 1977 on glass TCOD in Esteron base, Natural 2h 90 Crosby and Wong on glass sunlight 1977 a b NR = Not reported. NA = Not applicable. (continued) S01 TABLE 20 (continued) Light Length of Amount Reaction Physical conditions source exposure degraded, ¥ products Reference TCDD in Herbicide Sunlight 6h 100 Crosby and Wong Orange, on plant 6 h 70 1977 leaves TCDD in Herbicide Sunlight 6h 10 Crosby and Wong Orange, on soil 1977 TCDD on silica gel Artificial A 7 days 92 NR2 Gabefuigi >290 nm 1977 TCDD on silica gel Artificial A 7 days 98 NR Gabefuigi = 230 nm 1977 TCDD in Seveso soil Sunlight ar- 7 days >90 NR Bertoni with ethyl oleate- tificial 1978 xylene mixture (Phillips MLU 3 days 100 300 W) TCOD in 1-hexadecyl- Artificial 4h >90 NR Botre et al. pyridinium chloride 1978 (ce) TCDD in sodium dodecyl |Artificial 4 h =50 NR Botre et al. sulfate (SDS) 8h =100 NR 1978 TCDD in methanol Artificial 4h =50 NR Botre et al. 8 h =75 NR 1978 TCDD in Seveso soil/ b tural 9 days >90 NR Crosby treated with aqueous sunlight 1978 olive oil solution or olive oil/cyclohexanone TCDD in emulsifiable Natural =8 days 50 NR Nash and Bealle silvex formulation sunlight 1978 TCOD in granular Natural =13.5 days 50 NR? Nash and Bealle silvex formulation sunlight 1978 NR NA Not reported. a b Not applicable. 901 TABLE 21. PHOTODEGRADATION OF DCDD AND OCDD Light Length of Amount Reaction Physical conditions source exposure degraded, % products Reference 0CDD in methanol Artificial 24 h >20 Series of chlorinated Crosby et al. uv light 100 dioxins of decreasing 1971 pw/cm chlorine content 0CDD on filter paper Artificial NR® More rapid in NR Arsenault sunlight natural sunlight 1976 than artificial Natural UV light sunlight 0CDD in oil (mineral Natural 16 h 66 NR Arsenault or petroleum) sunlight 1976 0CDD - no ofl Natural 16 h 20 NR Arsenault 1976 0CDD/benzene-hexane Mercury UV 4h 70 Hexa-CDD, hepta-CDD, Buser 1976 lamp penta-CDD 0CDD/benzene-hexane Mercury UV 24 h 90 Hexa-CDD, hepta-CDD, Buser 1976 lamp penta-CDD, TCDD (trace) 0CDD in isooctane Artificial uv 18 h 20 NR Stehl et al light 1973 0CDD in 1-octanol Artificial Uv 20 h 6 NR Stehl et al light 1973 DCDD in methanol Artificial UV 6 h =70 NR Crosby et al. light 1971 DCDD in isooctane and Artificial UV 40 min 50 NR Stehl et al. 1-octanol light 1973 2 NR = Not reported. of the initial OCDD (2.2. mg/liter) remained unreacted. Analysis of reaction products indicated chlorinated dioxins of reduced chlorine content. In another study the degradation of OCDD on filter paper was reported as being more rapid in natural sunlight than in artificial ultraviolet light (Arsenault 1976). Degradation of OCDD also proceeded more rapidly in the presence of mineral oil or a petroleum oil solvent than in the absence of oil. When OCDD in oil was exposed to natural sunlight, 66 percent was decomposed in as little as 16 hours. When exposed in the absence of oil, only 20 percent was decomposed within 16 hours. No TCDD's were found in the decomposition products. The same report describes a study of the rate of OCDD degradation on the surfaces of wooden poles treated with PCP-petroleum and Cellon. Pre- liminary results show that the OCDD is rapidly degraded. Breakdown products are not reported. In tests involving exposure of a crystalline water suspension of 2,3,7,8-TCDD to a sunlamp, the insolubility of the dioxin caused difficul- ties. Irradiation apparently had no effect on the water suspension. A crystalline state may prohibit the loss of chlorine or obstraction of hydro- gen atoms from each other (Plimmer 1978a). When a benzene solution of 2,3,7,8-TCDD was added to water stabilized with a surfactant and irradiated with a sunlamp, the dioxin content was reduced (Plimmer et al. 1973). In another study when 2,3,7,8-TCDD was applied to dry or moist soil, irradiation caused no change after 96 hours. Similar results were obtained by applying this substance to a glass plate and irradiating up to 14 days (Crosby et al. 1971). Buser (1976) irradiated samples of a solution of OCDD in benzene-hexane for 1 to 24 hours with a mercury ultraviolet lamp. After 4 hours of expo- sure, 30 percent of the OCDD remained unchanged; the major reaction products were hexa- and hepta-CDD's and trace amounts of penta-CDD's. After 24 hours of irradiation, the hexa- and hepta-CDD's still constituted the major reac- tion products, with significant amounts of penta-CDD's and trace amounts of TCDD's. Only 10 percent of the initial OCDD remained unchanged. It was concluded that since some commercial products contain up to several hundred ppm of the octa- and hepta-CDD's, photolytic formation of more toxic poly- chlorinated dioxins could have environmental significance. Exposure of TCDD's and DCDD's in iso-octane and l-octanol to artificial sunlight (General Electric RS sunlamp) showed that both substances had half-lives of about 40 minutes in each solvent (Stehl et al. 1973). Anal- ysis of the mixtures after 24 hours of irradiation showed no 2,3,7,8-TCDD at a detection limit of 0.5 ppm. A bioassay of rabbit ear skin tissue to which the photolysis products had been applied revealed no chloracnegenic activity. 107 when a solution of OCDD and iso-octane was exposed to artificial sun- light, about 80 percent of the OCDD remained unreacted after 18 hours. With a solution of OCCD and l-octanol, about 94 percent of the OCDD remained unreacted after 20 hours (Stehl et al. 1973). In a series of tests, thin layers of Herbicide Orange containing 15 ppm 2,3,7,8-TCDD were exposed to summer sunlight in glass petri dishes (Crosby and Wong 1977). After 6 hours, just over 40 percent of the dioxin remained. A commercial herbicide composed of butyl esters of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T and containing 10 ppm 2,3,7,8-TCDD was exposed in the same manner; after 6 hours only about 30 percent of the initial dioxin remained. A commercial mixture containing no herbicides, but with 10 ppm 2,3,7,8-TCDD was also exposed to sunlight on glass petri dishes. The original dioxin concentration was reduced by about 90 percent after 2 hours. Herbicide Orange was applied in droplets to excised rubber plant leaves and to the surface of Sacramento loam soil; the samples were then exposed to sunlight. At an application rate of 6.7 mg/cm? of leaf surface no TCDD's were detected on the leaves after 6 hours. At a lower application rate of 1.3 mg/cm?, however, about 30 percent of the TCDD's remained after 6 hours. It was also reported that upon application to the soil (10 mg/cm?) approximately 90 percent of the dioxin remained after 6 hours. The authors attributed the lesser degree of photolysis of 2,3,7,8-TCDD on the soil partly to shading of lower layers by soil particles. Investigators in this study concluded that there are three requirements for dioxin photolysis: 1. Dissolution in a light-transmitting film. 2, Presence of an organic hydrogen donor. 3. Ultraviolet light. In another study, 2,3,7,8-TCDD deposited on silica gel was irradiated with light having a wavelength greater than 290 nm. The original concentra- tion of the dioxin was reduced by 92 percent after 7 days. When irradiation was done with light of shorter wavelength (>230 nm), the dioxin concentra- tion was reduced by 98 percent after 7 days. It was concluded that cleavage of 2,3,7,8-TCDD was possible without a proton donor if the intensity of the sun at ground level was great enough to supply the required irradiation (Gebefuigi, Baumann, and Korte 1977). In a study reported by Bertoni et al. (1978) about 150 ml1/m? of an ethyloleate-xylene mixture was sprayed on a 1l-cm-deep sample of Seveso soil contaminated with 2,3,7,8-TCDD. More than 90 percent of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD was destroyed after 7 days of sunlight exposure. When a dioxin sample was placed in a room sprayed with the ethyloleate-xylene mixture, disappearance of the dioxin was almost complete after 3 days exposure under a Phillips MLU 300 W lamp. The xylene was used to reduce viscosity, although ethyloleate was just as effective when used alone. The more rapid photolysis in the room was attributed mainly to the smooth walls of the room receiving the full intensity of the radiation, including the wavelength of light that was absorbed most readily by dioxins. 108 The smooth gradual decrease of dioxin concentration in the 1l-cm-deep soil samples was unexpected because ultraviolet light does not penetrate soil. It was hypothesized that dioxin decomposition below the soil surface could result either from a diffusion mechanism in the oleate medium or from photolytic reactions occurring through long-lived free radicals. The solubility and photodecomposition of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in cationic, anionic, and nonionic surfactants was studied by use of both pure dioxin samples and contaminated materials obtained from the Seveso area (Botre, Memoli, and Alhaique 1979). To test the effectiveness of the solubilizing agents, homogeneous soil samples were treated twice with surfactant and then three times with the same volume of water to remove the surfactant. Extracts from the residual soil were then obtained with benzene and methanol, and the extracts were analyzed for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Untreated con- taminated soil samples were used for standards. In the pure dioxin solubil- jzation study, 4 ml of surfactant was used to treat the residues. Methanol was used as the reference solvent. The surfactants used were sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), an anionic surfactant, 1-hexadecylpyridinium sorbitan monooleate (Tween 80), hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide, and 1-hexadecyl- pyridinium chloride (CPC). Results showed that CPC was the best solubilizing agent for contam- inated soil taken from the Seveso area, whereas in the pure dioxin experi- ment the differences were slight. Photodecomposition experiments performed using 2,3,7,8-TCDD dissolved in surfactants and in methanol also revealed CPC as the superior medium. Irradiation with an ultraviolet lamp for 4 hours destroyed about 90 percent of the dioxin in the CPC solution. Only 50 percent of the dioxin in the SDS solution was destroyed after 4 hours of irradiation, although almost 100 percent disappeared after 8 hours. Over 25 percent of the dioxin in methanol remained after 8 hours. In a small-scale study in Seveso, olive oil was used in either a 40 percent aqueous emulsion or an 80 percent cyclohexanone solution and applied on a heavily contaminated area of grassland. These solutions supplied a hydrogen donor in an effort to facilitate photodegradation of the dioxin present. It was reported that after 9 days 80 to 90 percent of the 2,3,7,8-TCOD was destroyed, whereas concentrations in controls remained virtually unchanged (Wipf et al. 1978; Crosby 1978). In a study of the fate of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in an aquatic environment, samples of lake sediment and water containing 14C-1abeled 2,3,7,8-TCDD were incubated in glass vials under light and dark conditions for 39 days (Matsumura and Ward 1976). Results indicated no significant photolytic destruction of the dioxin. Whether artificial or natural light was used is not mentioned. The fate of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in emulsifiable and granular silvex formula- tions was studied after application to microagroecosystems and outdoor field plots (Nash and Beall 1978). (Experimental conditions of this study are described more completely in the subsection on physical transport.) It was observed that upon volatilization, the dioxin in both the emulsifi- 109 able and granular formulations was photolyzed not only in direct sunlight but also in shaded areas outdoors and in filtered sunlight passing through the glass of the microagroecosystem chambers. The mean half-life of the dioxin in the emulsifiable concentrate was approximately 7.65 days; the half-life in the granular formulation was 13.5 days. The half-life of the dioxin in the emulsifiable formulation on grass in a microagroecosystem ranged from 5 to 7.5 days. Crosby and Wong reported in 1973 that the major photodecomposition products of 2,4,5-T are 2,4,5-TCP, 2-hydroxy-4,5-dichlorphenoxyacetic acid, 4 6-dichlororesorcinol, 4-chlororesorcinol, and 2,5-dichlorophenol; 2,3,7,8- TCDD was not detected as a photolysis product. PHYSICAL TRANSPORT This section describes studies of the movement of dioxins in or into soil, water, and air. Because of episodes involving actual contamination, such movement has become a critical issue. The transport of a chemical in the environment depends greatly upon the properties of the chemical: Is it soluble in water? Is is volatile? Does it cling to soils readily? With the answers to these questions, it is possible to at least postulate reasonably where these chemicals might be found following release into the environment and by what means human or animal receptors are most likely to be affected. Transport in Soil Many studies have addressed the mobility of dioxins, especially 2,3,7,8-TCDD, in soils. Generally it has been found that dioxins are more tightly bound to soils having relatively higher organic content. Dioxins applied to the surface of such soils generally remain in the upper 6 to 12 inches. They migrate more deeply into more sandy soils, to depths of 3 feet or more. In areas of heavy rainfall, not only is vertical migration en- hanced but lateral displacement also occurs by soil erosion with runoff and/or flooding. Dioxins may appear in normal water leachate from soils that have received several dioxin applications. Kearney et al. (1973b) studied the mobility of 2,7-DCDD and 2,3,7,8- TCDD in five different types of soil. They observed that the mobility of both dioxins decreased with increasing organic content of the soil. Based on this observation and the finding that these dioxins were relatively immobile in the soils tested, the conclusion was that these dioxins would pose no threat to groundwater supplies because they would not be mobilized deep into soils by rainfall or irrigation. Similar conclusions were reached by Matsumura and Benezet (1973), who showed that mobility of 2,3,7,8-TCDD is relatively slow, much slower than that of DDT. It was concluded that any movement of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in the soil environment would be by horizontal transfer of soil and dust particles or by biological transfer (other than by plants). 110 During the 8-year period from 1962 to 1970, the U.S. Air Force sprayed 170,000 pounds of 2,4-D, and 161,000 pounds of 2,4,5-T, in two herbicide formulations (Herbicide Orange and Herbicide Purple) over a test area 1 mile square at the Eglin Air Force Base in Florida (Commoner and Scott 1976). A map of this area is shown in Figure 8. Originally, the applications were done for the purpose of testing spray equipment to be used in Vietnam (Young 1974). The exact concentration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in the herbicides used for the spraying tests is not known, but is estimated to have ranged from 1 to 47 ppm. The test site has since been analyzed for dioxin residues. In 1970 a 36-inch-deep soil core was taken from a portion of the test area that had received approximately 947 pounds per acre of the 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T Herbicide Orange mixture (Woolson and Ensor 1973). At the limits of detection (0.1 to 0.4 ppb), no 2,3,7,8-TCDD was found at any depth. Several explanations were presented for the absence of dioxin: (1) the 2,4,5-T applied contained less than 2 ppm of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, a concentration undetectable in the soil by the analytical method used; (2) the dioxin had migrated to a depth below 36 inches because of the sandy nature of the soil and the high incidence of rainfall in the area; (3) wind erosion had displaced the dioxin; and 4) biological and/or photochemical decomposition had occurred. In 1973, four soil samples were taken from the same test area and analyzed at low levels for 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Young 1974). The samples contained the dioxin in approximate concentrations of 10, 11, 30, and 710 ppt, and these concentrations were confined to the upper 6 inches of the soil layer. From March 1974 to February 1975 the Air Force performed another study at the Eglin Air Force Base (Bartleson, Harrison, and Morgan 1975). Two test areas were studied, and also an area where the herbicides had been stored and loaded onto planes. The original 1-mile-square area sampled in 1971 and 1973 contained dioxin in concentrations up to 470 ppt. A second test area, designated Grid 1, contained concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD as high as 1500 ppt. The highest dioxin concentrations were generally found in low-lying areas, and the lowest concentrations usually were in areas of loose sand; these findings indicate that the horizontal translocation had probably occurred through water runoff and wind and water erosion. The storage and loading area contained up to 170,000 ppt of 2,3,7,8~ TCDD. This area was elevated relative to a nearby pond. Limited sampling of the pond silt revealed a maximum concentration of 85 ppt, and 11 ppt was found in the pond drainage stream. These findings also indicated horizontal translocation of the dioxin, probably as a result of soil erosion. A core sample of soil taken from Grid 1 in 1974 showed the following concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD: Depth, in. Concentration, ppt 0-1 150 1-2 160 2-4 700 4-6 44 111 211 vow 0M i, I~ He Ny. a or eo, > 2 os ADS = Ey 2g af jus gt qt Ge 05d i | Go S=2 _ @® CONTRAVES ® INACTIVE ASKANIA © SPOTTING TOWER © CONTROL ha05. =— PAVED ROAD = CLAY ROAD === SAND ROAD O TOWER —— INTERANGE BOUNDARY LINE ~—= RANGE GATE AND BARBED WIRE FENCE \ INSTRUMENTED 1 SQUARE- MILE TEST GRID DD se $i C-52A Se 3 2 2s / Séot OS a ame™ Ses a¥ eet | rr »° - +” d % | " + : vw | GRIDT " ’, “ ’ DN Ra bE ° 2»? LN. ’ Wo, = ’, hadi L _— J : Rh Ws o »? Si IRE. 2 , a Wiside vo Lt ‘ NS etx ==” Re > Se ¢ . 8S 0s Nites faa “a Lio ORB] RE AL Een TRB AR SCALE Figure 8. Pf o1 Map of Test Area C-52A, Eglin Air Force Base Reservation, Florida (Source: Young, Thalken, and Ward 1975). These data indicate some vertical movement of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, probably as a result of water percolation through the soil. In another test, application of 0.448 kg/m? of Herbicide Orange to a test site in Utah resulted in the following concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD 282 days after application: Sample depth, in. Concentration, ppt Control 0-6 <10 0-6 15,000 6-12 3,000 12-18 90 18-24 120 In 1978, additional measurements at the Utah test site were reported (Young et al. 1978). Table 22 presents analytical results of plot sampling 4 years after application of Herbicide Orange at various rates. Table 23 gives results of a similar test performed at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. In the tests reported in Tables 22 and 23, samples were taken by means of a soil auger. Subsequent tests revealed that dioxin-containing soil was being carried downward as a result of the auger sampling technique and that the concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD below 6 inches were not detectable. Followup studies of the residual levels of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in three loading areas of Eglin Air Force Base were conducted during the period from January 1976 to December 1978 (Harrison, Miller, and Crews 1979). Two of the loading areas were relatively free of contamination. The third (described earlier on p. 111) had surface soil concentrations of TCDD's as high as 275 ppb. TCDD's were found at 1 meter depths at concentrations one-third the surface amount. The accident at Seveso in July 1976 released quantities of 2,3,7,8-TCDD estimated to range from 300 g to 130 kg over an area of approximately 250 acres (Carreri 1978). Because the Seveso soil is drained by an underlying gravel layer, much concern has arisen over the possibility of groundwater contamination. Early soil migration studies in some of the most contaminat- ed areas at Sevesa showed that the dioxin penetrated to a depth of 10 to 12 in. Later studies reported by Bolton (1978) found 2,3,7,8-TCDD at soil depths greater than 30 in. An observed 70 percent decrease in 2,3,7,8-TCDD soil concentration over a period of several months may support the sugges- tion that the dioxin can be mobilized laterally as well as vertically from soils during heavy rainfall or flooding (Commoner 1977). Following the incident at Verona, Missouri, when oil contaminated with 2,3,7,8-TCDD was sprayed on a horse arena to control dust, the top 12 in. of 113 TABLE 22. CONCENTRATIONS OF 2,3,7,8-TCDD AT UTAH TEST RANGE 4 YEARS AFTER HERBICIDE ORANGE APPLICATIONS? (ppt) Rate of Herbicide Orange application, 1b/acre Soil depth, in. 1000 2000 4000 0-6 650 1600 6600 6-12 11 90 200 12-18 NAD NA 14 3 Source: Young et al. 1978. NA = Not analyzed. TABLE 23. CONCENTRATIONS OF 2,3,7,8-TCDD AT EGLIN AIR, FORCE BASE 414 DAYS AFTER HERBICIDE ORANGE APPLICATION? 2,3,7,8-TCOD Soil depth, in. Herbicide Orange, ppm concentration in soil, ppt 0-6 1866 250 6-12 263 50 12-18 290 <25® 18-24 95 <25P 24-30 160 «25? 30-36 20 <25P 2 Source: Young et al. 1976. Detection limit. 114 soil was removed and replaced with fresh soil. After removal and replace- ment of the soil, no further episodes occurred involving sickness or death of human beings or animals. Investigators concluded that this supported the notion that the vertical mobility of TCDD's is limited (Commoner and Scott 1976). Nash and Beall (1978) report studies of the fate of 2,3,7,8-TCDD by use of microagroecosystems and outdoor field plots. A diagram of the microagro- ecosystem is shown in Figure 9. Two commercially available silvex formu- lations, one granular and one emulsifiable, were tested. The test and control formulations were applied three times to turf in five microagroeco- systems and once to turf on the outdoor plots. Throughout the test period a sprinkler system applied water to the soils to simulate rainfall. The 2,3,7,8-TCOD used in the study was labeled with radioactive hydro- gen or 3H. Throughout the study the labeled dioxin (or breakdown product) was tracked by extremely sensitive radiochemical assay methods. The pres- ence of the dioxin molecule in samples was confirmed by gas-liquid chroma- tography. In the first two applications (on days 0 and 35) the concentration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in the silvex was 44 ppb. In the third application (on day 77) the silvex formulations contained 7500 ppb (7.5 ppm) 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Soil, water, air, grass, and earthworms were analyzed for 2,3,7,8-TCDD at various times following each of the herbicide applications. Soil analyses showed that most (.80 percent) of the applied 2,3,7,8-TCDD remained in the top 2 cm of the soil. Trace levels at depths of 8 to 15 cm indicated some vertical movement of the dioxin in the soil. Analysis of water leachate samples from the silvex-treated microagro- ecosystems following the first two herbicide applications showed no detect- able 2,3,7,8-TCDD (limits of detection were 10 1€ g/g*). The dioxin was detected later, however, following the third herbicide application, and maximum concentrations of 0.05 to 0.06 ppb were found in the leachate sam- ples taken 7 weeks after that third application. In an ongoing study at Rutgers University 54 soil core samples (6 in. in depth) have been taken from samples of turf and sod from areas in the United States having histories of silvex and/or 2,4-D applications. The EPA will analyze the samples for dioxins or herbicide residues. Results are not yet available (Hanna and Goldberg, n.d.). Transport in Water Contamination of streams and lakes by 2,3,7,8-TCDD has also been of concern, especially because of the spraying of 2,4,5-T on forests to control underbrush. Possible routes of water contamination from spraying are direct Rr ——————— 10 16 g/g may also be expressed as 0.1 fg/g (0.1 femtogram per gram). It is equivalent to 0.0001 ppt. Is 30 =» D x | PLATE GLASS (1 cm) INLET FILTER / | HOLDER i r » r } F 5 ; : J 33 op | 70 2 ¢ 10 Ol REMOVABLE ACCESS PANELS oy cm Tr A | 10 0 4 | y . 0 } Te Feu ’) SUCTION FA D 4 ofl oh 3 722m 0 Ie ACRYLIC PLASTIC(0.7 cm) 9 N 1 N\ NZ LS as oiai SETA | SENAY AR ROSIN . ISSR RE A BE oe FLW = —_— 7/0 cn = a OUTLET FILTER feces 150 cm HOLDER SN a C 2 en a IE Figure 9. Diagram of microagroecosystem chamber. 116 application, drift of the spray, and overland transport after heavy rains. The latter, however, seldom occurs on forest lands because the infiltration capacity of forest floors is usually much greater than precipitation rates (Miller, Norris, and Hawkes 1973). The transport of dioxin-contaminated soil into Takes or streams by erosion constitutes another possible route of contamination. This is evi- denced by the detection of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in water samples from a Florida pond adjacent to a highly contaminated land area (Bartleson, Harrison, and Morgan 1975). Additionally, several laboratory studies have shown that lakes or rivers could become contaminated with minute quantities (ppt) of 2,3,7,8-TCOD and possibly other dioxins through leaching from contaminated sediments. In a study reported by Isensee and Jones (1975), 2,3,7,8-TCDD was adsorbed to soils, which were then placed in aquariums filled with water and various aquatic organisms. Concentrations of the dioxin in the water ranged from 0.05 to 1330 ppt. These values corresponded to initial concen- trations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in the soil ranging from 0.001 to 7.45 ppm.. The investigators concluded that dioxin adsorbed to soil as a result of normal application of 2,4,5-T would lead to significant concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCOD in water only if the dioxin-laden soil was washed into a small pond or other small body of water. Other investigations ‘have shown similar results. Using radiolabeled 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Matsumura and Ward (1976) showed that, after separation from lake bottom sediment, water contained 0.3 to 9 percent of the original dioxin concentration added to the sediment. Results of another test indi- cated that a total of about 0.3 percent of the applied dioxin concentration passed through sand with water eluate (Matsumura and Benezet 1973). In some cases, the observed concentration of TCDD's in the water was greater than its water solubility (0.2 ppb). The 1976 report suggests that some of the radioactivity apparent in the aqueous phase was probably due to a combina- tion of lack of dioxin degradation, presence of 2,3,7,8-TCDD metabolites, and binding or adsorption of TCDD's onto organic matter or sediment particles suspended in the water. In another study, application of !4C-TCDD to a silt loam soil at con- centrations of 0.1 ppm led to 14C-TCDD concentrations in the water ranging from 2.4 to 4.2 ppt over a period of 32 days (Yockim, Isensee, and Jones 1978). The findings of such investigations are consistent with recent reports that TCDD's are migrating to nearby water bodies from industrial chloro- phenol wastes buried or stored in various landfills. At Niagara Falls, New York, for example, 1.5 ppb TCDD's have been detected at an onsite lagoon at the Hyde Park dump where 3300 tons of 2,4,5-TCP wastes are buried (Chemical Week 1979a; Wright State University 1979a, b). Sediment from a creek adjacent to the Hyde Park fill (also in the Niagara Falls area) is also contaminated with ppb levels of the dioxin (Chemical Week 1979, 1979d). In Jacksonville, Arkansas, there is growing evidence that TCDD's have migrated from process waste containers in the landfill of a former 2,4,5-T production 117 site. The dioxins have been found both in a large pool of surface water on the site (at 500 ppb) and downstream of the facility in the local sewage treatment plant, in bayou bottom sediments, and in the flesh of mussels and fish (Richards 1979; Fadiman 1979; Cincinnati Enquirer 1979; Tiernan et al. 1980). TCDD's apparently are also being leached into surface and ground- waters from an 880-acre dump site of the Hooker Chemical Company at Montague, Michigan (Chemical Week 1979c; Chemical Regulation Reporter 1979b). Dioxins were found at the site at levels approaching 800 ppt. Transport in Air One study has been identified in which levels of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in air have been measured (Nash and Beall 1978). Femtogram (10 15 g) quantities of the dioxin were detected in the air after granular and emulsifiable silvex formulations containing radiolabeled 2,3,7,8-TCDD had been applied to micro- agroecosystems. Air concentrations of the dioxin decreased appreciably with time following application. The data appear to confirm that TCDD has a very Tow vapor pressure and that loss due to volatilization is extremely low, especially when low levels of 2,3,7,8-TCDD are involved and granular formu- lations containing the dioxin are used. Results of other investigations indicate that water-mediated evapora- tion of TCDD's may take place (Matsumura and Ward 1976). Transport of dioxins by way of airborne particulates has recently received much attention. Several studies have shown the presence of dioxins in fly ash from municipal incinerators (Nilsson et al. 1974; Olie, Vermuelen, and Hutzinger 1977; Buser and Rappe 1978; Dow Chemical Co. 1978; Tiernan and Taylor 1980). A recent report of Dow Chemical (1978) contends that particulates from various combustion sources may contain dioxins and that these dioxin-laden particulates are a significant source of dioxins in the environment. More details on these studies are presented in Section 3. It has also been recently reported that dioxins from buried chloro- phenol wastes are being mobilized by means of airborne dust particles (Chemical Regulation Reporter 1980a). BIOLOGICAL TRANSPORT This section discusses the potential for dioxins to accumulate and to become concentrated and magnified in biological tissues. In the past, pesticides (most notably DDT) have been found to accumulate in organisms at almost every trophic level. In some organisms these chemicals have been concentrated in the tissues. When an animal in a higher trophic level feeds on organisms that accumulate these chemicals, the animal receives several "doses" of the chemical, resulting in what is termed biomagnification. If this process proceeds to higher levels in the food chain, the chemicals may become concentrated hundreds or thousands of times, with possibly disasterous consequences. The ability for a chemical to accumulate and to become concentrated or participate in biomagnification depends primarily on its availability to 118 organisms, its affinity for biological tissues, and its resistance to break- down and degradation in the organism. Bioaccumulation, Bioconcentration, and Biomagnification in Animals The biological activity of dioxins with respect to accumulation, con- centration, and magnification has been addressed by several researchers. Briefly, bioaccumulation is the uptake and retention of a pollutant by an organism. The pollutant is said to be bioconcentrated when it has accumu- lated in biological segments of the environment. The increase of pollutant concentrations in the tissues of organisms at successively higher trophic levels is biomagnification. Several investigators (Fanelli et al. 1979, 1980; Frigerio 1978) have studied the levels of TCDD's in animals captured in the dioxin-contaminated area near Seveso, Italy. Data shown in Table 24 indicate that TCDD's accumulate in environmentally exposed wildlife. All field mice were found to contain TCDD's at whole-body concentrations ranging from 0.07 to 49 ppb (mean value 4.5 ppb). The mice were collected from an area where the soil contamination (upper 7 cm) varied from 0.01 to 12 ppb (mean value 3.5 ppb). These data are in agreement with Air Force studies by Young et al. (des- cribed below), which indicate that rodents living on dioxin-contaminated land concentrate TCDD's in their bodies only to the same order of magnitude as the soil itself; biomagnification does not occur. Several rabbits and one snake have been found to concentrate TCDD's in the liver. The snake also had accumulated a very high level of TCDD's in the adipose (fat) tissue. Liver samples from domestic birds were analyzed for TCDD's with negative results. TABLE 24. TCDD LEVELS IN WILDLIFE® TCDD level, No. of samples ng/g (ppb) Animal analyzed Tissue Positive Average Range Field mouse 14 Whole body 14/14 4.5 0.07-49 Hare 5 Liver 3/5 7.7 2.713 Toad 1 Whole body 171 0.2 Snake 1 Liver, 1/1 2.7 adipose tissue = 16 Earthworm rx Whole body 1/2 12 : Source: Fanelli et al. 1980. Each sample represents a 5-g pool of earthworms. Earlier studies by the Air Force evaluated alternative methods for disposal of an excess of 2.3 million gallons of Herbicide Orange left from 119 the defoliation program in Southeast Asia. The studies took place at the test site at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida (Figure 8) and at test areas in Utah and Kansas. In June and October of 1973, samples of liver and fat tissue of rats and mice collected from grids on a 3-mile-square test area (TA C-52A) at Eglin Air Force Base were analyzed for the presence of TCDD's (Young 1974). The samples contained concentrations of TCDD's ranging from 210 to 542 ppt. Tissue of control animals contained less than 20 ppt TCDD's. Because most of the concentrations of TCDD's in the group of animals tested were higher than those found in the soil, it was suggested that biomagnification might have occurred; however, because the animals studied failed to show terato- genic or pathologic abnormalities, the presence of a substance similar to TCOD's but with a lower biologic activity was postulated. Another Air Force report gives results of additional studies conducted at Eglin Air Force TA C-52A (Young, Thalken, and Ward 1975). In an effort to test the possible correlation between levels of TCDD's in the livers of beach mice and in soil, experiments were conducted to determine the possible exposure routes. Because contamination by TCDD's could be detected only in the top 6 inches of soil, it was thought that a food source might be respon- sible for the presence of the dioxin in animal tissue. Analysis of seeds (a food source for beach mice) collected in the area revealed no TCDD's (at 1 ppt detection level); therefore, another route of contamination was suggested. Since the beach mouse spends as much as 50 percent of its time grooming, investigators postulated that the soil adhering to the fur of the mice as they move to and from their burrows was being ingested. As a test of this hypothesis, a dozen beach mice were dusted 10 times over a 28-day period with alumina gel containing TCDD's. Analysis of pooled samples of liver tissue from controls indicated concentrations of TCDD's of less than 8 ppt (detection limit), whereas concentrations in samples of tissue from the dusted mice reached 125 ppt. Further analysis was done on samples of liver tissue from beach mice collected from Grid 1 of TA C-52A. A composite sample of male and female liver tissue contained TCDD's at levels of 520 ppt, and a composite sample of male tissue contained 1300 ppt. In contrast, the liver tissue of mice collected from control field sites contained TCDD's in concentrations ranging from 20 ppt (male and female composite) to 83 ppt (female composite). Air Force researchers concluded that although bioaccumulation was evident, there were no data to support biomagnification because the levels of TCDD's in the liver tissue of beach mice were in general no greater than levels found in the soil on Grid 1 (ranging from <10 to 1500 ppt). In evaluation of this Air Force study Commoner and Scott (1976) again reached a different conclusion. Because dioxin concentrations in the pooled liver samples represented an average value for the mice, they believed that this value should be compared with the average value for TCDD's in the soil of Grid 1, which was 339 ppt. They concluded that biomagnification was evi- denced by the significantly higher levels of TCDD's in mouse liver than in soil. 120 Analysis for TCDD's in the six-lined racerunner, a lizard found in the area, showed concentrations of 360 ppt in a pooled sample of viscera tissue and 370 ppt in a pooled sample of tissue from the trunks of specimens cap- tured in TA C-52A. Specimens captured at a control site showed concentra- tions of TCDD's less than 50 ppt (detection Timit). Early studies of aquatic specimens obtained from ponds and streams associated with TA C-52A showed no TCDD's at a detection limit of less than 10 ppt (Young 1974). In further studies, however, three fish species showed detectable (ppt) levels of TCDD's (Young, Thalkin, and Ward 1975). Pooled samples of skin, gonads, muscle, and gut from a species of bluegill, Lepomis puntatus, contained 4, 18, 4, and 85 ppt TCDD's, respectively. All of these specimens were obtained from the Grid 1 pond on TA C-52A, where bluegill was at the top of the food chain. Two other fish species, Notropis Lypselopterus (sailfin shiner) and Gambusia affinis (mosquito fish), also showed 12 ppt of TCDD's. These specimens were collected from Trout Creek, a stream draining Grid 1. (Mosquito fish samples consisted of bodies minus heads, tails, and viscera, whereas shiner samples consisted of gut). Inspection of gut contents of Lepomis specimens from Trout Creek showed that the food source of this fish consisted mostly of terrestrial insects. The source of the TCDD's was not identified, however. In another Air Force study, tests were done on 22 biological samples from TA C-52A and 6 samples (all fish) from the pond at the hardstand-7 loading area designated as HS-7 (Bartleson, Harrison, and Morgan 1975). A composite of whole bodies of 20 mosquito fish Gambusia collected from the HS-7 pond and 600 feet downstream showed a concentration of 150 ppt TCDD's. Liver samples from six small sunfish from the HS-7 pond also showed 150 ppt TCDD's, whereas samples of the livers and fat of 12 medium-sized sunfish from the HS-7 pond showed concentrations of 0.74 ppb. Because the solubil- ity of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in water is far below these levels (0.2 ppb), the data seem to indicate biomagnification in addition to bioaccumulation. The stream that drains the HS-7 pond flows north into a larger pond known as Beaver Pond. Composite samples of four whole large fish from Beaver Pond showed a concentration of 14 ppt TCDD's. The livers of 25 large fish and fillets of 8 large fish from Beaver Pond showed no TCDD's at a detection limit of 5 ppt. A followup study conducted from 1976 to 1978 showed that TCDD's were present in turtle fat and beach mouse liver and skin (Harrison, Miller and Crews 1979). In the same study, samples obtained from deer, meadowlark, dove, opos- sum, rabbit, grasshopper, six-lined racerunner, sparrow, and miscellaneous insects from TA C-52A were analyzed for TCDD's. TCDD's were detected in the livers and stomach contents of all of the birds. One composite sample of meadowlark livers contained 1020 ppt TCDD's, the highest level found in all samples. No TCDD's were detected in samples from deer, opossum, or grass- hopper. The sample from miscellaneous insects contained 40 ppt TCDD's, and the composite sample from racerunners, 430 ppt TCDD. The authors concluded that this study demonstrated bioaccumulation. The data also indicate that biomagnification may have occurred. Commoner and Scott (1976b) point out that the average concentration of TCDD's in soil from TA C-52A was 46 ppt. 121 It should also be noted that the composite insect sample most likely in- cluded insects that are eaten by the birds. In all cases the concentration of TCDD's in animal liver samples was greater than that in the insect sample, an indication of the possibility of biomagnification. Because none of the Air Force studies analyzed for TCDD's in a series of trophic levels, biomagnification was not clearly demonstrated. Woolson and Ensor (1972) analyzed tissues from 19 bald eagles collected in various regions of the country in an effort to determine whether dioxins were present at the top of a food chain. At a detection limit of 50 ppb, no dioxins were found. ’ Another study failed to show dioxin contamination in tissues of Maine fish and birds (Zitco, Hutzinger, and Choi 1972). In a similar study 45 herring gull eggs and pooled samples of sea lion blubber and liver were analyzed for dioxins and various other substances (Bowes et al. 1973). Analysis by gas chromatography with electron capture and high-resolution mass spectrophotometry revealed no dioxins. Fish and crustaceans collected in 1970 from South Vietnam were analyzed for TCDD's in an effort to determine whether the spraying of Herbicide Orange had led to accumulation of TCDD's in the environment (Baughman and Meselson 1973). Samples of carp, catfish, river prawn, croaker, and prawn were collected from interior rivers and along the seacoast of South Vietnam and were immediately frozen in solid CO,. Butterfish collected at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, were analyzed as controls. Samples of fish from the Dong Nai river (catfish and carp) showed the highest levels of TCDD's, ranging from 320 to 1020 ppt. Samples of catfish and river prawn from the Saigon River showed levels ranging from 34 to 89 ppt. Samples of croaker and prawn collected along the seacoast showed levels of 14 and 110 ppm of TCDD's, whereas in samples of butterfish from Cape Cod the mean concentration of TCOD's was under 3 ppt (detection limit). The authors concluded that TCDD's had possibly accumulated to significant environmental levels in some food chains in South Vietnam. Other investigators have studied the accumulation of TCDD's in mountain beavers after normal application of a butyl ester of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T to brushfields in western Oregon (Newton and Snyder 1978). They reported that the home range of the mountain beavers was small and that among all animals collected inside the treatment areas the home ranges centered at least 300 feet from the edge of the treatment area. Thus their food supplies, con- sisting primarily of sword fern, vine maple, and salmonberry, had definitely been exposed to the herbicide. Analysis of 11 livers from the beavers .showed no TCDD's in 10 of the samples at detection limits of 3 to 17 ppt. One sample was questionable; the concentration was calculated at 3 ppt TCDD's. Investigators in another study analyzed milk from cows that grazed on pasture and drank from ponds that had received applications of 2,4,5-T (Getzendance, Mahle, and Higgins 1977). Sample collection ranged from 5 days to 48 months after application; 14 samples were collected within 1 year 122 after application. Application rates ranged from 1 to 3 pounds per acre. Milk purchased from a supermarket was used as the control. The control samples contained levels of TCDD's ranging from nondetectable to 1 ppt. No milk samples from cows grazing on treated pasture contained levels of TCDD's above 1 ppt. In a similar study, milk samples were collected throughout the Seveso area just after the ICMESA accident occurred (Fanelli et al. 1980). The samples were analyzed for TCDD's by GC-MS methods. Results are given in Table 25. Figure 10 shows the sites where the milk samples were collected. Dioxin levels were highest in samples from farms close to the ICMESA plant. The high levels of TCDD's found in the milk samples strongly suggest that human exposure via oral intake must have occurred after the accident through consumption of dairy products. A milk monitoring program that has been sampling milk from outside Zone R since 1978 no longer detects TCDD's in any of the samples. Three research teams have analyzed fat from cattle that had grazed on land where 2,4,5-T herbicides were applied. In one study, five of eight samples collected from the Texas A&M University Range Science Department in Mertzon, Texas, showed the possible presence of TCDD's at low ppt levels when analyzed by gas chromatography/low-resolution mass spectrometry (Kocher et al. 1978). Apparent TCDD concentrations ranged from 4 to 15 ppt at detection limits ranging from 3 to 6 ppt. In the second study, 11 of 14 samples analyzed contained TCDD's (Meselson, O'Keefe, and Baughman 1978). The four highest levels reported were 12, 20, 24, and 70 ppt TCDD. In the third study, Solch et al. (1978, 1980) detected TCDD's in 13 of 102 samples of beef fat at levels ranging from 10 to 54 ppt. Shadoff and coworkers could find no evidence that TCDD's are biocon- centrated in the fat of cattle (Shadoff et al. 1977). The animals were fed ronnel insecticide contaminated with trace amounts of TCDD's for 147 days. Sample cleanup was extensive to permit low-level detection of the dioxin. Analysis was by combined gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (both high and low resolution). No TCDD's were detected at a lower detection limit of 5 to 10 ppt. Samples of human milk obtained from women living in areas where 2,4,5-T is used have also been analyzed for dioxins. In one study, four of eight samples were reported to contain about 1 ppt TCDD's (Meselson, O'Keefe, and Baughman 1978). In a subsequent study, no evidence of 2,3,7,8-TCDD con- tamination was found in 103 samples of human milk collected in western states (Chemical Regulation Reporter 1980). The lower level of detection in the latter study ranged from 1 to ‘4 ppt. Model ecosystems have been developed in aquariums to study the bioaccu- mulation and concentration of several pesticides including TCDD's (Matsumura and Benezet 1973). Concentration factors for TCDD's calculated from these studies were: Daphnia: 2198 Mosquito larvae: 2846 Ostracoda: 107 Northernbrook silverside fish: 54 123 TABLE 25. TCDD LEVELS IN MILK SAMPLES COLLECTED NEAR SEVESO IN JULY-AUGUST 1976 Map Date of TCDD concentration, number collection ng/liter (ppt) 1 7/28 76 2 7/28 7919 8/2 5128 8/10 2483 3 7/28 469 8/2 1593 8/10 496 4 8/10 1000 5 7/29 116 6 7/29 59 7 8/3 80 8 8/3 94 9 7/27 180 8/3 75 10 8/5 <40 5 Source: Fanelli et al 1980. Locations shown in Figure 10. 124 3SEVESD MILAN ICMESA ® SEVESO Figure 10. Location of farms near Seveso at which cow's milk samples were collected for TCDD analysis in 1976 (July-August). (Source: Fanelli et al. 1980) 125 The authors concluded that the biological and physical characteristics of organisms played an important role in the bioaccumulation and concentration of TCOD's and the other pesticides studied. They also indicated that be- cause of the low solubility of TCDD's in water and liquids and their low partition coefficient in liquids, TCDD's are not likely to accumulate in’ biological systems as readily as DDT. Another aquatic study involved a recirculating static model ecosystem in which fish were separated from all the other organisms (algae, snails, daphnia) by a screened partition (Yockim, Isensee, and Jones 1978). In this study 14C-TCDD was added to 400 g of Metapeake silt loam clay to yield TCDD's at a concentration of 0.1 ppm. Treated soils were placed in the large chambers of the ecosystem tanks and flooded with 16 liters of water. One day after the water addition, all organisms except the catfish were added. Samples of organisms and water were collected on days 1, 3, 7, 15, and 32. On day 15 a second group of 15 mosquito fish was added. On day 32 all organisms remaining were collected and analyzed. Also on day 32, nine channel catfish were added to the large chambers of the tanks containing the soil. Catfish were collected 1, 3, 7, and 15 days later. Of the two collected on each day, one was sacrificed for analysis and one was placed in untreated water. Bioaccumulation ratios (tissue concentration of TCDD's divided by water concentration) for the algae ranged from 6 to 2083, the maximum exhibited after 7 days. Bioaccumulations ratios for the snails ranged from 735 to 3731, with the maximum at 15 days. The ratios in daphnia ranged from 1762 to 7125, with the maximum at 7 days. The accumulation ratios in the mosqui- to fish ranged from 676 at day 1 to 4875 after 7 days. All mosquito fish were dead after 15 days, and their tissues showed an average of 72 ppb TCDD's. No bioaccumulation ratios were calculated for the catfish, but levels of TCDD's in the tissues ranged from 0.9 ppt after day 1 to 5.9 ppt after day 15. By day 32 of exposure all catfish had died. The average concentration of TCDD's in the tissue at this time was 4.4 ppb. It was concluded that under normal use of 2,4,5-T, concentration of TCOD's in sediments of natural water bodies would probably be 10% to 108 times lower than the concentration used in this experiment, and although the TCDD's could be a potential environmental hazard, the magnitude of the hazard would depend on biological availability and persistence in the aquat- ic ecosystem under conditions of normal use. In previously mentioned studies with microagroecosystems, earthworms contained 0.2 and 0.3 ppt 2,3,7,8-TCDD and/or breakdown products of TCDD's following two silvex applications to soil (Nash and Beall 1978). The silvex contained 44 ppb TCDD's. Another study not yet completed concerns the possible accumulation of dioxins in vegetation and earthworms in turf and sod of areas having a history of silvex and/or 2,4-D applications (Hanna and Goldberg, n.d.) 126 Isensee and Jones (1975) performed three experiments using algae, duckweed, snails, mosquito fish, daphnia, channel catfish and other organisms. Radiolabeled dioxin (!4C-TCDD) was adsorbed to two types of soil, which were then placed in glass aquariums and covered with water. One day later daphnia, algae, snails, and various diatoms, protozoa, and rotifers were added. In one experiment duckweed plants were also added on the second day. After 30 days, some daphnia were analyzed and two mosquito fish were added to each tank. Three days later, all organisms were harvested; in Experiments II and III, two fingerling channel catfish were added to each tank and exposed for 6 days. At the conclusion of each exper- iment the concentrations of 14C-TCDD in the water and in the organisms were determined and the concentration factors calculated. Table 26 summarizes soil application rates in each experiment and type of soil used. At soil concentrations as low as 0.1 ppb, 14C-TCDD was leached into the water and accumulated in the organisms. Bioaccumulation factors at this soil concentration and a water concentration of 0.05 ppt were 2,000 for algae, 4,000 for duckweed, 24,000 for snails, 48,000 for daphnia, 24,000 for mosquito fish, and 2,000 for catfish, corresponding to concentrations of 0.1, 0.2, 1.2, 2.4, and 0.1 ppb of 4C-TCDD in the tissues. Although some biomagnification was evident, results were highly variable. The differences in bioaccumulation factors found in this study relative to those of Yockim et al. (1978) were attributed to system design, differences in the organisms, and the fact that bioaccumulation factors in the other study were based on fresh weight whereas those in this study were based on dry weight. The authors conclude that since some bioaccumulation ratios were rela- tively high (as compared with those observed with other pesticides), espe- cially in daphnia and mosquito fish, the potential of TCDD's to accumulate in the environment is considerable. They further project, however, that at suggested application rates of 2,4,5-T, concentrations of TCDD's in the soil would probably not result in accumulation in biological systems unless erosion or runoff from recently sprayed areas is discharged to a small body of water (e.g., a pond). Dow Chemical Company, a producer of pentachlorophenol and the major producer of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol, reported in 1978 on a series of studies to determine whether dioxins are present in the Tittabawassee River, into which Dow discharges treated wastes. In one study, rainbow trout were placed in cages at various locations above and below the Dow Midland plant, in a tertiary effluent stream and in clear well water. Five of six fish placed in the tertiary effluent stream showed levels of TCDD's ranging from 0.2 to 0.05 ppb. Analysis of whole fish exposed for 30 days at a point 6 miles downstream of the effluent discharge showed concentrations of 0.01 and 0.02 ppb TCDD's. Analysis of whole fish from the tertiary effluent showed levels ranging from 0.05 to 0.07 ppb. In a laboratory experiment with 14C-2,3,7,8-TCDD, Dow (1978) determined that the bioconcentration factor in rainbow trout was about 6600. Dow also analyzed native catfish taken randomly from various locations in the Titta- bawassee River and tributaries. The analyses showed levels of TCDD's 127 TABLE 26. SOIL APPLICATION RATES AND REPLICATIONS? Total 14C-TCDD b Final concentrations added per tank,| Type of soil” and amount of 14C-TCOD, No. of ug of 14C-TCDD added, g in soil, ppm replicates Experiment I 149 L-20 7.45 3 0 L-20 0 1 Experiment II 63 L-20 3.17 2 63 L-20 + M-100 0.53 2 63 L-20 + M-200 0.29 2 63 L-20 + M-400 0.15 2 0 L-20 0 2 Experiment III 10 M-100 0.1 2 1 M-100 0.01 2 0.1 M-100 0.001 2 0.01 M-100 0.0001 2 0 M-100 0 2 3 Isensee and Jones 1975. b L = Lakeland sandy loam, M = Metapeake silt loam. In Experiment II, L was first treated with 14C-TCDD, then dry-mixed with M in treatment tanks. € 50i1 concentrations based on total quantity of soil in tanks. 128 ranging from 0.07 to 0.23 ppb, levels of OCDD from 0.04 to 0.15 ppb, and one sample with 0.09 ppb of hexa-CDD. Highest levels of TCDD's and OCDD were found in fish collected from the Tittabawassee at points approximately 1 to 2 miles downstream from Dow. Dow noted that caustic digestion used in sample preparation may have degraded octa-, and hexachlorodioxins. No other fish analyzed contained detectable levels of TCDD's (Dow Chemical Company 1978). Subsequent to the Dow studies, the U.S. EPA collected and analyzed fish samples from the Tittabawassee, Grand, and Saginaw Rivers in Michigan (Harless 1980). TCDD's were found in 26 of 35 samples (74 percent) at levels ranging from 4 to 690 ppt. Catfish and carp contained the highest concentrations, while perch and bass had the lowest. Accumulation in Plants Because dioxins are sometimes used in herbicides applied on and near areas where food plants may be growing, it is important to determine whether the dioxins may be incorporated into the plants. Thus far few studies have been done to determine whether dioxins might accumulate in plants. In the few studies that have considered this question, results seem to indicate that very small amounts, if any, are accumulated in plants. Kearney et al. (1973a) studied the uptake of DCDD's and TCDD's from soil by soybeans and oats. Soil applications of 14C-DCDD (0.10 ppm) and 14C-TCDD (0.06 ppm) were made, and a maximum of 0.15 percent of the dioxins was detected in the above-ground portion of the oats and soybeans. No dioxins were found in the grains harvested at maturity. Application of a solution of Tween 80 (a surfactant) and TCDD's or DCDD's to the leaves of young oat and soybean plants showed no translocation to other plant parts after 21 days. Studies of the absorption and transportation of TCDD's by plants in the contaminated area near Seveso have been reported (Cocucci et al. 1979). Samples of fruits, new leaves, and in some cases twigs and cork were taken from various types of fruit trees a year after the dioxin contamination occurred. TCDD's were found in all samples at pg/kg levels. Concentrations in the leaves were 3 to 5 times higher than in the fruits, which had the lowest concentrations. Levels in the cork samples were generally higher than in the leaves, but not as high as in the twigs. The findings show that the dioxin is translocated from the soil by plants in newly formed organs and suggest that the lower concentrations in fruits and leaves may be due to some form of elimination such as transpiration or ultraviolet photodegrada- tion. The latter possibility would agree with the photolysis results reported by Crosby and Wong in 1977. Cocucci and coworkers also examined specimens of garden plants such as the carrot, potato, onion, and narcissus. Again, pg/kg levels of TCDD's were found. In all plants, the new aerial portions appeared to contain less dioxin than the underground portions. Concentrations of TCDD's differed in the inner and outer portions of potato tubers and carrot taproots; the variation was attributed to the prevalence of conductive tissues in these 129 plant parts. The authors again suggested that the relatively low concentra= tions in the aerial parts of these garden plants was due to an elimination process such as transpiration or photodegradation, or possibly to metabolism of the dioxin by the plants. The elimination hypothesis was supported by the further observation that when contaminated plants were transplanted in unpolluted soil, the dioxin content disappeared. Young et al. (1976) used specially designed growth boxes to study the uptake of 14C-TCDD by Sorghum vulgave plants. After placing Herbicide Orange containing 14 ppm C-TCDD under the soil in the growth boxes, 100 plants were grown for 64 days. After 64 days the plants were harvested, extracted with hexane, and analyzed for 14C-TCDD. Some plant samples were also analyzed for 14C-TCDD before hexane extraction by combustion and col- lection of the CO,. Analysis before extraction showed a concentration of about 430 ppt 14C-TCDD in the plant tissue. After hexane extraction, the concentration of 14C-TCDD in the plant tissue was reported as being not significantly reduced. Young et al. concluded that the relatively high 14C activity in the plant tissue could have been due to the presence of (1) nonhexane-soluble TCDD, (2) a soil biodegradation product of TCDD's that was taken up, (3) a metabolic breakdown product of TCDD's found after plant uptake of the TCDD's, or (4) a contaminant in the original 14C-TCDD stock solution that was taken up by the plant. As mentioned elsewhere, concentration of 14C-TCDD in algae and duckweed has been observed. Bioaccumulation factors were 2000 and 4000, respectively (Isensee and Jones 1975). 130 SECTION 6 DISPOSAL AND DECONTAMINATION GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS One of the principal unsolved problems that has followed the discovery of dioxins is development of methods for destroying them once they are produced. Many investigators have studied various methods for disposing of commercial chemicals and production wastes that contain these compounds, and further research is needed. Even more important is the need for methods of destroying dioxins after they are released into the environment. Simple out-of-sight storage has been used on several occasions to dispose of dioxin-contaminated soils and equipment following industrial accidents from the manufacture of 2,4,5-TCP. Soil contaminated by the application of dioxin-containing wastes at Verona, Missouri, was used as fill under a new concrete highway and was also placed in a sanitary land- fill. Some was also used as fill at two residential sites, but was later removed and placed elsewhere (Commoner 1976a). The soil contaminated by the accident at Seveso, Italy, was partially removed from moderately contam- inated areas and added to the more heavily contaminated areas, which will remain uninhabitable for an indefinite period of time (Reggiana 1977). Following an explosion at Coalite and Chemical Products, Ltd., in England, portions of the plant equipment were buried in an abandoned coal mine (May 1973). Portions of the Phillips Duphar plant in the Netherlands, following its explosion, were encased in concrete and dumped into the ocean (Hay 1976a). The quantities of TCDD-containing wastes from the normal manufacture of 2,4,5-TCP that have been buried at various sites in the United States are not well documented, although some published figures are available. One company at Verona, Missouri, reportedly disposed of 16,000 gallons of 2,4,5-TCP distillation residues over an 8-month period (Shea and Lindler 1975). . A New York company reportedly disposed of 3700 tons of 2,4,5-TCP production wastes at three dumps in the Niagara Falls area over a 45-year period (Chemical Week 1979a). It is estimated that the 3700 tons of waste produced by this company could contain 100 pounds of TCDD (Chemical Week 1979a). An Arkansas facility has been producing 2,4,5-TCP and related products since 1957 and possibly earlier (Sidwell 1976a). Reports indicate that 3000 to 3500 barrels of TCP wastes are buried or stored on the manufac- turing site (Fadiman 1979; Cincinnati Enquirer 1979). Many of these barrels are now leaking and contaminating nearby water bodies (Richards 197%; Tiernan et al. 1980). 131 Continuation of land disposal is still being proposed as at least a temporary measure, however. Other proposals include chemical fixation, deep well disposal, burial in salt mines, and inclusion of these chemicals with nuclear fission byproducts in secured cavities. Although these practices postpone the need for solving the problems of disposal and decontamination, they offer no permanent solutions. Techniques that may be used to decompose dioxins and thereby remove them permanently from the environment are discussed in this section. The most extensively tested method is incineration, which entails a high-temperature oxidation of the dioxin molecules. Physical methods have also been proposed for some applications; these include the use of solvents or adsorbents to concentrate dioxins into smaller volumes for final disposal by incineration or other methods, and also physical methods of detoxification including exposure to ultraviolet light or gamma radiation. Proposed chemical techniques include the use of ozone or special chloroiodide compounds. Biological degradation techniques are also being considered. INCINERATION DISPOSAL METHODS Conventional Incineration Conventional incineration has reached a high level of development for disposal of pesticides and other highly toxic, hazardous materials (Wilkenson, Kelso, and Hopkins 1978; Ferguson et al. 1975; Ottinger 1973; Scurlock et al. 1975; U.S. EPA 1977a; U.S. EPA 1975a; Duvall and Rubey 1976). It is often preferred over other disposal alternatives (Lawless, Ferguson, and Meiners 1975; Kennedy, Stojanovic, and Shuman 1969), and has been used extensively (Ackerman et al. 1978). Incineration as defined here does not include open, uncontrolled burning, but denotes the use of special furnaces equipped with means for accurate regulation of furnace temperature, supplemental fuel usage, and excess air ratios. Industrial incinerators are also equipped with some form of emission control, often a water scrubber. Incinerator off-gas usually contains only low concentrations of carbon particulates, but does contain chlorine and hydrogen chloride if chlorinated organic chemicals are being burned. Incinerator operating conditions currently considered adequate for complete destruction of 2,3,7,8-TCDD and most other chlorinated organics are a temperature of at least 1000°C (1932°F) with a dwell time of at least 2 seconds (Tenzer et al.; Wilkenson et al. 1978). Laboratory tests have demonstrated that with a dwell time of 21 seconds, only half of the 2,3,7,8-TCOD in a sample decomposes at 700°C, whereas 99.5 percent decomposes at 800°C (Ton That et al. 1973). These data were obtained with a quartz tube apparatus. Using differential thermal analysis two other exper- imenters have observed that complete destruction occurs between 800° and 1000°C (Kearney et al. 1973b), which agrees with the work of Langer et al. 132 (1973). All of these studies have been conducted with relatively pure samples of dioxins. For incineration of impure mixtures, temperatures above 800°C are especially important because at lower temperatures (300° to 500°C) more TCDD may be formed from precursor material (Rappe 1978). Incineration is now used to dispose of wastes from pesticide manufac- ture at the Midland, Michigan, facility of Dow Chemical Company. Stationary and rotary kiln incinerators used at this location can handle almost any solid, semisolid, or liquid waste. Dow has emphasized in a 1978 report to the EPA that complete destruction of dioxins is difficult, in that reducing the concentration of a substance from 1 ppm to the equivalent of 1 ppb necessitates an overall efficiency of 99.9 percent, which is not possible with conventional high-capacity incinerators. The most extensive incineration of a waste chemical containing dioxins was the destruction of 10,400 metric tons (more ‘than 2 million gallons) of Herbicide Orange left over from military defoliation operations in southeast Asia (Ackerman et al. 1978). This substance was decomposed in two large incinerators mounted on the Vulcanus, a chemical tanker ship operated by a company from the Netherlands. Burning took place in the mid-Pacific ocean. In three separate trips, the herbicide was emptied from steel storage drums to railroad tank cars to the cargo holds of the tanker (the drums were rinsed with diesel fuel, which was added to the herbicide). The ship was then’ moved to the burn location and the mixture was incinerated at an average flame temperature of 1500°C with an incinerator residence time of 1 second. Flow of combustion air was regulated to maintain a minimum of 3 percent oxygen in the stack gases. Combustion efficiency was about 99.9 percent. Stack effluents were sampled and analyzed routinely, with a minimum detection limit of 0.047 ng/ml (ppb). Only one set of samples contained measurable amounts of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Tiernan et al. 1979). No analyses were performed for any other chemical constituents or decomposition products. This operation also resulted in more than 40,000 steel drums that were still slightly contaminated with Herbicide Orange. These drums were to have been crushed mechanically, then shipped to a steel mill to be melted as steel scrap at a temperature of about 2900°C (Whiteside 1977). No available reports confirm the completion of this procedure. Portions of the ship used in the incineration operation were also contaminated with 86 ug/m? of Herbicide Orange. Subsequent decontamination reduced the concentration by as much as 96 percent (Erk, Taylor and Tiernan 1979). The decontamination procedure and the fate of the residue are not known (Chemical Week 1978d). A high-temperature liquid and solid incinerator is being constructed as a mobile unit under an EPA contract (Brugger 1978). Its purpose is to decompose hazardous chemicals such as dioxins, and it is expected to be used to incinerate the dioxin-contaminated sludge now being stored in Verona, Missouri. It may also be used to burn some dioxin-contaminated activated carbon remaining from initial efforts by the U.S. Air Force to remove dioxins from Herbicide Orange by adsorption. This mobile incineration unit is to be equipped with an afterburner and a scrubber for the exhaust gases. 133 It will be able to handle the combustion equivalent of 75 gallons per hour of fuel oils and a solids equivalent of 3.5 tons per hour of dry sand. \ In another project a private partnership plans to convert a tanker for ocean incineration of toxic wastes including 2,4,5-TCP wastes. The ship will be equipped with three 25-ton/h incinerators capable of burning a 10,000-ton load of waste on a week's cruise. EPA will monitor the test burns during initial operations (Chemical Week 1979g). Incineration has been suggested for decontamination of the soil and other materials at Seveso, Italy (Commoner 1977; Pocchiari 1978), but local political pressure has killed the idea (Revzin 1979; Chemical Week 1979h). A giant incinerator was to have been built that would have held each furnace charge at 800 to 1000°C for 30 to 40 minutes. Estimates of the amounts of soil to be processed range from 150,000 to 300,000 megagrams. In addition there are huge quantities of contaminated furniture and decaying plants and small animals (about 87,000 in number), which are presently quarantined, awaiting final disposal. Authorities have refused to allow the incinerator to be built because the burning of such massive amounts of dioxin-contami- nated debris would take years. Furthermore, the residents and authorities fear that the presence of such an incinerator would result in Seveso becoming the industrial waste dumping ground for all of Italy. Advanced Incineration Techniques Two advanced incineration techniques have been studied for the decompo- sition of toxic substances. Molten salt combustion consists of burning a contaminated chemical with air below the surface of a liquified inorganic material. Microwave plasma destruction, although not a true combustion process, converts a mixture of contaminated chemical and oxygen into elemental oxides through the action of microwave radiation. Molten Salt Combustion-- The technology of molten salt combustion has been developed over the past 20 years by Atomics International Division of Rockwell International Corporation (Wilkinson, Kelso, and Hopkins 1978). It has potential applica- tion to the destruction of pesticides and hazardous wastes. A schematic of the process is given in Figure 11. A difficulty with developing this system for full-scale practice may be in locating suitable materials of construc- tion. The molten salt is sodium or potassium carbonate containing 10 percent by weight of sodium sulfate. It is maintained at 800° to 1000°C by appli- cation of heating or cooling as needed. When the molten salt is applied to chlorinated hydrocarbon wastes, the carbon and hydrogen in the waste are oxidized to CO, and steam, while the chlorine content is changed into sodium chloride. Tests have demonstrated that this bench-scale combustor can achieve virtually complete decomposition (more than 99 percent) of chlo- rinated hydrocarbons, 2,4-D, chlordane, chloroform, and trichloroethane. The 2,4-D tested was part of an actual waste that contained 30 to 50 percent 2,4-D and 50 to 70 percent bis-ester and dichlorophenol tars. The waste was diluted with ethanol and burned at 830°C. This combustion test destroyed 99.98 percent of the organic materials. 134 GET WASTE WASTE TREATMENT AND FEED AIR —= Figure 11. WASTE AND AIR —— STACK OFF-GAS CLEANUP MOLTEN SALT FURNACE TT TI ERI rill llia SPENT MELT DISPOSAL Schematic of molten salt combustion process. (Source: and Hopkins 1978, as adapted from Atomics International 1975.) SALT RECYCLE ffs ew — —— SPENT MELT REPROCESSING ' i ' a ' ' i 1 1 Loree svi od OPTION ASH Wilkinson, Kelso, Microwave Plasma Destruction-- Microwave plasma refers to a partially ionized gas produced by microwave-induced electron reactions with neutral gas molecules (Bailen and Hertzler 1976; Bailen 1978). The ionized gas or plasma is derived from the carrier gas which transports the molecules into the plasma zone (Oberacker and Lees 1977). When oxygen is used as the reactant gas in the plasma, highly reactive atomic oxygen is produced which then rapidly oxidizes organic compounds introduced into the system discharge (Bailen 1978). A laboratory-scale microwave plasma reactor with capacity of 1 to 5 g/h, and a pilot-scale reactor with capacity of 430 to 3,200 g/h have been tested by the Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory under a contract from EPA (Bailen and Hertzler 1976). A schematic diagram of these units is shown in Figure 12. Tests have been conducted with a variety of toxic materials, including two commercial PCB's, Aroclor 1242, and Aroclor 1254. The labora- tory-scale reactor converted 99.9 percent of the PCB's into carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, water, phosgene, and chlorine oxides. The pilot-scale reactor converted at least 99 percent of most materials tested into smaller molecules. One test, however, did not achieve complete destruction and left a black, tarry substance that still contained PCB's. The pilot reactor was also used in tests with a commercial clay- supported formulation of kepone charged to the reactor as compressed solid material, a 10 percent slurry in water, and a 20 percent slurry in methanol. Conversion of at least 99 percent of each charge matrial to basic oxides and hydrogen chlorine was achieved in all tests. Microwave plasma decomposition has also been used to detoxify U.S. Navy red dye (Bailen 1978). Specific application of this technique to dioxins is not reported, although it has been considered for detoxification of dioxin- contaminated wastes stored in Missouri (Bailen 1977). PHYSICAL METHODS Concentration One approach to disposal or decontamination of toxic substances is by use of techniques that selectively remove toxic constituents from mixtures. Such techniques would reduce the volume of material that must be treated and would offer potential for salvage of useful materials. To date, however, such techniques have presented serious problems because they have been used to concentrate dioxins even with no available means or facilities for dis- posal of the concentrate. In at least two instances, quantities of activated carbon heavily contaminated with dioxins are being stored because disposal methods are not available. In this country, extensive pilot-plant studies of carbon adsorp- tion were conducted before the Air Force decided to incinerate Herbicide Orange (Whiteside 1977; Young et al. 1978). Although the reprocessing 136 TUNING UNIT MICROWAVE POWER SOURCE — APPLICATOR TUNING UNIT PESTICIDE MICROWAVE POWER SOURCE RECEIVER Figure 12. (Source: COLD TRAP Bailen and Hertzler 1976). 137 FLOW METERS ALTERNATE VACUUM PUMP DROPPING FUNNEL pth: | PLASMA REACTOR TUBE 0, i SUPPLY GAS SUPPLY 3-WAY STOPCOCK MANOMETER MASS SPECTROMETER A COLD TRAP _— WN) [THROTTLE VALVE Schematic of microwave plasma system Wilkinson, Kelso, and Hopkins 1978, as adapted from method was technically and environmentally feasible, it was not possible to demonstrate an acceptable method for safely disposing of the dioxin-laden carbon. The contaminated carbon is now stored on an island in the Pacific. Similarly, Union Carbide of Australia created quantities of dioxin-contami- nated carbon in efforts to detoxify 2,4,5-TCP after they became aware of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD problem in 1969 (Chemical Week 1978b; Dickson 1978). This carbon is still stored in steel drums in that country. Although data are unavailable, activated carbon apparently can adsorb dioxins selectively from chemical mixtures, but the carbon cannot be regen- erated. Even after long periods of contact, solvent extraction will not desorb a major portion of the adsorbate. One study evaluated the desorption of phenol from activated carbon with 10 different solvents (Modell, deFilippi, and Krukonis 1978). After 2 hours of continuous extraction, the most effective solvent desorbed only 28 percent of the phenol. A newly proposed technology for regeneration of activated carbon is the use of supercritical fluids (fluids in the region of their critical temperatures and pressures), and in particular supercritical carbon dioxide (Modell, deFilippi, and Krukonis 1978). With one type of activated carbon (Filtrasorb 300, Calgon Corp.), 100 percent desorption was obtained within 3 hours. After the first regeneration, however, adsorption capacity of the carbon is only 50 to 85 percent. It is believed that the initial treatment causes formation of carboxyl, hydroxyl, and carbonyl groups on the surface of the carbon and that their chemical interaction with the carbon may lead to irreversible adsorption. In general, carbon adsorption techniques have not been proven effective for toxics disposal, even if the carbon is to be destroyed by incineration or other methods. After being contaminated with heavy organic chemicals, activated carbon must usually be dried and pulverized prior to incineration to ensure complete destruction. These additional handling steps provide the possibility of fugitive losses. Bailen and Littauer (1978) are presently investigating the possibility of using microwaves to regenerate spent activated carbon. It is not known whether activated carbon containing dioxins will be evaluated in the study. Solvent extractions of soil have been shown to be effective in analytical determinations of TCDD's (Teirnan et al. 1980). It has been suggested that solvents such as hexane could be used to extract dioxins from soil by use of equipment similar to that used to extract oil from olive seeds (Commoner 1977). It is not known whether this concentration process has been tested. The use of steam distillation has also been suggested as a means of concentrating dioxins, but no details are available. Photolysis The use of light to degrade halogenated aromatic compounds is well established in published literature (Mitchell 1961; Plimmer 1972, 1978a; Rosen 1971; Watkins 1974; Wilkinson, Kelso, and Hopkins 1978). Regarding degradation of dioxins, most studies have been concerned with the effect of sunlight on dioxins released into the environment, as outlined in Section 5. 138 Application of the same principle to detoxify dioxins with artificial light could lead to a means of decontaminating chemical mixtures. The Velsicol Chemical Corporation has proposed such a photolytic system as an alternative method for disposal of Herbicide Orange (Crosby 1978a, 1978b; Lira 1978). The herbicide mixture would first be hydrolyzed with caustic and converted into butyl alcohol, water, and salts of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. Additional butyl alcohol would then be used to extract the dioxins. The butyl alcohol and dioxins would be separated from the phenolic salts and water by decantation, and the organic layer would be irradiated with ultraviolet light. Irradiation would be accomplished in a special reaction apparatus, in which thin films of the liquid are exposed to light from quartz tubes. Although preliminary tests did succeed in destroying. 2,3,7,8-TCDD, the process had not been pursued because the toxicity of the resulting decomposition products was unknown and the butyl alcohol would have to be disposed of by incineration or other methods. Further tests of this principle were discontinued. No other studies of large-scale decomposition of dioxins by use of artificial light have been reported. Laboratory studies have shown, how- ever, that light does not destroy the structure of dioxins. Under appro- priate conditions, light converts the more toxic dioxins to less toxic forms by removing halogen substituents (Crosby 1971). Any applications of this principle will therefore be limited to decontamination and partial degrada- tion, rather than to complete disposal. Radiolysis Radiolysis, an extension of the photolytic method, has been studied experimentally. Gamma rays having properties similar to Tight have been shown to partially degrade dioxins. As with ultraviolet light, these rays may not totally destroy the dioxin structure, but only remove substituent halogens. In the most recent series of tests, investigators dissolved 2,3,7,8-TCDD in either ethanol, acetone, or dioxane at a concentration of 100 ng/ml (ppm) and irradiated the solutions at 10% rads/h (Chemical Week 1977; Fanelli et al. 1978). They found that 97 percent of the dioxin was degraded after 30 hours, when ethanol was the solvent. Degradation was somewhat slower in the other solvents. All irradiated samples showed the presence of tri-CDD and DCCD. In 1976, Buser dissolved OCDD in benzene and hexane at a concentration of 25 g/liter and exposed it to gamma radiation. After 4 hours, 80 percent of the OCDD was converted into dioxins with five, six, or seven chlorine substituents. Further degradation did not occur. Other researchers completed an extended series of tests using gamma radiation of the ionizing type to destroy pesticides (Craft, Kimbrough, and Brown 1975). Significant destruction of single representative compounds such as pentachlorophenol, 2,4,5-T, and 2,4-D was obtained, but no change 139 in PCB's or mixtures of compounds such as Herbicide Orange could be detected. This test series led to the conclusion that because of the inefficiency of radiation in destroying mixtures of pesticides and dioxins, costs would be prohibitive for routine use of this method in waste treat- ment. CHEMICAL METHODS Several chemical techniques have been proposed for the destruction of toxic dioxins. Vertac, Inc., reportedly developed a process for safely destroying its dioxin-containing wastes, but no details are available (Environment Reporter 1979b). Of the five methods outlined in the following paragraphs, only the first two have been tested specifically with dioxins. Ozone Treatment (0zonolysis) The use of ozone is common in chemical waste treatment applications, especially in decomposition of cyanides. It has been used most often in laboratory applications for decomposition of large organic molecules (Wilkinson, Kelso, and Hopkins 1978). In a recent test, ozone was bubbled through a suspension of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in water and carbon tetrachloride. It was reported that after 50 hours, 97 percent of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD had degraded. In this process, the dioxin apparently is suspended as an aerosol combined with carbon tetrachloride, which facilitates ozone attack (Cavolloni and Zecca 1977). Another modification of ozone treatment has been developed by Houston Research, Inc. (Wilkinson, Kelso, and Hopkins 1978; Mauk, Prengle, and Payne 1976). Tests with dioxins, however, have not been reported. In this tech- nique, treatment with ozone is combined with ultraviolet irradiation. The light activates organic molecules to a highly energetic state, thereby rendering them more susceptible to ozone attack. When this technique was applied to pentachlorophenol and DDT, these compounds were decomposed into carbon dioxide, water, and hydrochloric acid. A schematic diagram of the apparatus is shown in Figure 13. Two bench-scale reactors of 10- and 21-liter capacity have been constructed (Mauk, Prengle, and Payne 1976). Although these examples indicate that ozone treatment may be effective for use in dioxin disposal or decontamination, the use of ozone must be combined with some other mechanism that will activate the dioxin and promote the attack of ozone. Chloroiodide Degradation In a recently described method, 2,3,7,8-TCDD in contaminated soil is degraded by use of a class of compounds derived from quaternary ammonium salt surfactants and referred to as chloriodides (Botré, Memoli, and Alhaique 1979). The compounds are formulated in micellar solutions with surfactants that increase the water solubility of the substances. The two 140 MIXER EXHAUST GAS eo - UV LIGHT : g TEMPERATURE | CONTROL IMPELLER pH MONITORING SPARGED AND SAMPLING BATCH REACTOR - ghebbly ® oe 2% XK] VENT SOLUTION * OZONE pe GENERATOR x POWER OXYGEN OR AIR Figure 13. Schematic for ozonation/ultraviolet irradiation apparatus (Source: Wilkinson, Kelso, and Hopkins 1978, as adapted from Mauk, Prengle, and Payne 1976). 141 derivatives showing the most degradation potential are alkyldimethylbenzyl- ammonium (benzalkonium) chloroiodide and 1-hexadecylpyridinium (cetylpyridinium). When 2,3,7,8-TCDD in benzene was vacuum evaporated and the residue treated with a cationic surfactant aqueous solution containing benzalkonium chloroiodide, 71 percent of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD decomposed. When cetylpyri- dinium chloroiodide in cetylpyridinium chloride was used, 92 percent of the 2,3,7,8-TCOD was decomposed. These experiments were performed in absence of light to prevent photolytic degradation. In a test with soil from Seveso contaminated with 2,3,7,8-TCDD, only about 14 percent was degraded within 24 hours following treatment with benzalkonium chloride. When benzalkonium chloroiodide was added, an addi- tional 38 percent of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD was degraded. Total degradation during this test was 52 percent. Wet Air Oxidation Wet air oxidation is an accelerated oxidation process performed at high pressure and temperature. Oxidation takes place in an autoclave in which a charge of water and organic material is heated to 150° to 350°C while being pressurized with air to 40 to 140 atmospheres. Three commercial processes of this type are known as the Zimpro, Wetox, and Lockheed processes. They are used for rapid decomposition of sewage sludge, munitions waste, and sulfite liquor from pulp and paper mills. It has been proposed to evaluate the Wetox system for disposal of priority pollutants and other hazardous chemicals (Wertzman n.d.). This might also be an alternative method for disposal of dioxin and dioxin contaminated materials, but no tests have yet been reported. Chlorinolysis and Chlorolysis Although chlorinolysis and chlorolysis were developed primarily to produce chlorinated products from nonchlorinated or less chlorinated organics, some attention has been focused on their use in waste treatment (Shiver 1976). Chlorinolysis is used primarily to convert hydrocarbons con- taining one to three carbon atoms into perchloroethylene, trichloroethylene, and carbon tetrachloride (Diamond Alkali Company 1950; U.S. Patent Office 1972). As most often practiced, the process continuously reacts chlorine with ethylene or ethylene dichloride in a fluid bed catalyst reactor. The process usually creates small amounts of hexachlorobenzene, hexachloro- ethane, hexachlorobutadiene, tetrachloroethane, and pentachloroethane as side-reaction products. Chlorolysis, an associated process, is sometimes used to convert the side-reaction products from chlorinolysis into carbon tetrachloride; it can also be used with benzene or its derivatives or with mixtures of chlorinated aromatic or aliphatic compounds. Chlorolysis is a two-stage process in which gaseous feed materials are reacted with chlorine at pressures of 200 to 700 atmospheres and temperatures up to 800°C. No catalyst is used. 142 In cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Diamond Shamrock Company conducted pilot-plant studies to test the stability of 2,3,7,8-TCDD under the severe reaction conditions of chlorolysis (Kearney et al. 1973). Although the results of these studies are not known, the tech- niques may be applicable to disposal of certain dioxin-contaminated chemicals and might yield marketable products from otherwise waste chemicals. Catalytic Dechliorination Catalytic dechlorination is a simple chemical process in which the action of a catalyst reductively dechlorinates an organic compound. The usual catalyst is nickel borohydride, which is prepared in a reaction vessel by mixing sodium borohydride and nickel chloride in a solvent of alcohol. When this solution is mixed with a chlorinated organic chemical, the chior- ine atoms are removed from the molecules and hydrogen atoms are substituted (Cooper and Dennis 1978; Dennis 1972; Dennis and Cooper 1975, 1976, 1977; Wilkinson, Kelso, and Hopkins 1978). Laboratory tests have been conducted with this process to detoxify several commercial pesticides, including DDT's, heptachlor, chlordane, and lindane. Tests with chlorinated dioxins have not been reported. The pro- cess does not completely dechlorinate most organic chemicals and would not break down the basic dioxin structure. The reaction occurs rapidly, however, and at room temperature; for these reasons, the process may be of value in decontamination operations or in detoxifying small volumes of toxic dioxins. : Other processes have been used to dechlorinate aromatic compounds, including conventional catalytic hydrogenation with metallic catalysts and hydrogen gas (Dennis and Cooper 1975). In a small-scale laboratory experi- ment with a catalyst of palladium on charcoal, about 60 percent of a charge of 1,6-DCDD was reduced to unsubstituted dioxin in 1 hour at room tempera- ture and less than 1 atmosphere pressure. BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT One of the least expensive techniques for breaking down large organic molecules, and often one of the most effective, is to subject the molecules to the action of microorganisms. Although toxic chemicals are usually degraded slowly in uncontrolled exposure to the environment, more complete and more rapid breakdown can be achieved by controlling the microorganism species and providing specialized environments. Numerous studies have examined the susceptibility of dioxins, parti- cularly 2,3,7,8-TCDD, to microbial decomposition. Most of the studies have concerned decomposition in the uncontrolled environment, as described in Section 4. Much less attention has been directed to the controlled use of microorganisms. The following paragraphs describe available data on two aspects of the microbial decomposition of dioxins: soil conditioning and biochemical wastewater treatment. A specialized treatment system for toxic wastes is also discussed. 143 Soil Conditioning The large area of dioxin-contaminated soil surrounding Seveso, Italy, has stimulated studies of degradation of dioxins by soil microorganisms. Available data indicate that 2,3,7,8-TCDD is resistant to this method of decontamination, although under optimum conditions some slow degradation occurs. Rates of uncontrolled degradation have been variously measured in two studies. The U.S. Air Force reported the half-life of 2,3,7,8-TCDD at 225 and 275 days (Young et al. 1976). In a separate analysis of the same test data, Commoner (1976b) obtained a half-life of 190 to 330 days. In Seveso, however, Bolton (1978) reported finding no reduction in dioxin levels in the most heavily contaminated zone, and in the less contaminated zone reduction after 400 days was only 25 percent. Researchers in Zurich, Switzerland, have found that soil-bound 2,3,7,8-TCDD becomes increasingly difficult to recover quantitatively with time (Huetter 1980). This observation may explain the decreasing recoveries of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in soil degradation studies by the U.S. Air Force and others in which the "disappearance" of 2,3,7,8-TCDD with time was interpreted as evidence of biodegradation. Half-lives for 2,3,7,8-TCDD calculated from these studies may not accurately reflect the true persistance of this dioxin in the soil environment. One proposal for modifying the Seveso soil environment is to use char- coal or activated carbon to hold the dioxins in the soil, then to spread manure on the treated soil to increase the rate of bacterial growth (Young 1976). U.S. Air Force studies have shown, however, that although treatment of this sort increases the number and activity of soil microorganisms, the rate of dioxin degradation is reduced. Apparently, adsorption on charcoal causes the dioxin to be less available to the bacteria. No other proposals to modify the open soil environment have been advanced. Attempts have been made to inoculate Seveso soil with selected bacteria that might facilitate the breakdown of dioxins. Although initial results appeared promising, subsequent data indicated that the method had not been effective (Commoner 1977). The inoculated species either died out or became mutated to a strain that rejected the dioxins. In a similar laboratory study of 100 microbial strains that had shown ability to degrade pesticides, only 5 showed any ability to degrade 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Matsumura and Benezet 1973). Wastewater Treatment Systems Very little is known concerning the ability of biological or biologi- cal/chemical wastewater treatment to remove dioxins. Dow Chemical Company operates a tertiary treatment system to treat wastewater from its Midland, Michigan, pesticide manufacturing plant (Dow Chemical Co. 1978). A 2-year program of analysis of grab and composite samples taken from the tertiary effluent stream revealed only one with a 144 detectable amount (0.008 ppb) of TCDD's. In further investigations, six caged fish were placed in the tertiary pond effluent; subsequent analyses showed, in five of the six fish, concentrations of TCDD's ranging from 0.02 to 0.05 ppb in the edible portions and from 0.05 to 0.07 ppb in the whole bodies. These findings, when compared with data on control fish containing no detectable levels of TCDD's, clearly indicate the presence of TCDD's in the tertiary pond effluent. Data obtained in 1976 from Transvaal, Inc., showed no TCDD's in effluent from the city stabilization ponds, to which Transvaal sends all or part of its plant wastewater effluent (Sidwell 1976b). A sample from the Transvaal plant effluent, however, showed 0.2 to 0.6 ppb of this dioxin. Other than pH adjustment with lime, the effluent apparently undergoes no pretreatment. As previously discussed (p. 83) more recent studies of this site have been reported (Tiernan et al. 1980). In a third study sludge was sampled at the outlet of a lagoon holding effluent from a pentachlorophenol manufacturing plant. The sludge was analyzed for TCDD's, but none was found (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1978d). Since this dioxin has never been found as a decomposition product of pentachlorophenol, the negative analysis would be expected. The sludge was not analyzed for hexa-CDD's, hepta-CDD's, or OCDD, the dioxins normally associated with PCP manufacture. Researchers in Finland have patented a process for purifying waste- waters containing chlorinated aromatics in a biofilter (Salkinoja-Salonen 1979a). The filter consists of a layer of wood bark that contains a strain of bacteria able to degrade the organic compounds (Salkinoja-Salonen 1979 a,b). These bacterial strains were isolated by taking samples of bacteri- ferous water, mud, or bark residue from water bodies polluted by chlorinated and unchlorinated phenols and aromatic carboxylic acids, then feeding pollu- tants to the bacterial populations collected. Work is under way to prove the effectiveness of the filter in treating dioxins; its efficacy in treating aromatics such as tri- and tetrachlorophenols has been demonstrated. Micropit Disposal A detailed study of biological degradation of pesticides is being conducted by Iowa State University (Rogers and Allen 1978). The apparatus used in the study, shown in Figure 14, consists of a partially buried poly- ethylene garbage can filled with layers of rock and soil, and flooded with water. The study, sponsored by the U.S. EPA, deals with a variety of pesticides at various concentrations, and with the effects of nutrient additives and aeration. Two organochloride compounds are included among the pesticides being examined, but it is not clear whether the test includes dioxins. Test data are not available. 145 GALVANIZED GROUND LEVEL ya BASKET —— EE ————————— ( WATER A 29.2 cm (11.5 in.) ROCK | SOIL 20.3 cm (8 in.) ROCK 35.6 cm (14 in.) GALVANIZED —=i I": METAL SLEEVE : 212 LITER f PERFORATED POLYETHLENE BtrNet CLAY TILE Figure 14. Internal view of pesticide micropit (Source: Rogers and Allen 1978). 146 SECTION 7 HEALTH EFFECTS INTRODUCTION On a molecular basis 2,3,7,8-TCDD is perhaps the most poisonous synthetic chemical. As shown in Table 27, only bacterial exotoxins are more potent poisons. Not only is this TCCD isomer extremely poisonous but it also has extremely high potential for producing adverse effects under conditions of chronic exposure. Human exposure to 2,3,7,8-TCDD has induced chloracne (an often disfiguring and persistent dermatologic disorder), polyneuropathy (multiple lesions of peripheral nerves), nystagmus (invol- untary rapid movement of the eyeball), and liver dysfunction as manifested by hepatomegay (increase in liver size) and enzyme elevations (Pocchiari, Silano, and Zampieri 1979). In animals, this compound has been shown to be teratogenic, embryotoxic, carcinogenic, and cocarcinogenic (Neubert and Dillman 1972; Courtney 1976; Kociba et al. 1978; and Kouri et al. 1978). It has been established that under certain conditions 2,3,7,8-TCCD can enter the human body from a 2,4,5-T-treated food chain and can accumulate in the fatty tissues and secretions, including milk (Galston 1979). The available data indicate significant risks associated with the use of dioxin- contaminated herbicides. Based upon the work of Van Miller et al., estimates done by accepted risk assessment procedures indicate that daily human exposure to 0.01 pg (10 ng) of 2,3,7,8-TCDD is the dosage expected to result in "incipient carcinogenicity." Additionally, daily human exposure to 4 pg 2,3,7,8-TCDD would be expected to result in a shortened lifespan, 8a Jaity exposure to 290 pg would likely result in acute toxicity (Galston 9). Although 2,3,7,8-TCDD is considered to be the most toxic dioxin, others are also cause for concern. Kende and Wade (1973) have established certain chemical structural requirements that must be met for a dioxin to be toxic: Halogen substituents at positions 2,3, and 7 are minimum structural requirements. Bromine as a substituent is more active toxicologically than chlorine, which is more active than fluorine. At least one hydrogen atom must remain on the dibenzo-para-dioxin nucleus. 147 TABLE 27. TOXICITIES OF SELECTED POISONS? Minimum Molecular lethal dose, Substance weight moles/kg Botulinum toxin A 9 x 108 3.3 x 10°17 Tetanus toxin 1 x 108 1 x 10715 Diphtheria toxin 7.2 x 104 4.2 x 10 12 2,3,7,8-Tco0® 322 3.1x 107° Saxitoxin 372 2.4 x 10°8 Tetrodotoxin 319 2.5 x 10° 8 Bufotoxin® 757 5.2 x 1077 Curare 696 7.2 x 107 Strychnine 334 1.5 x 10° © Muscarin® 210 : 5.2 x 108 Diisopropylfluorophosphate 184 1.6 x 10° 5 Sodium cyanide 49 2.0 x 1074 Source: Poland and Kende 1976. These data were compiled by Mosher et al., and the values indicate only relative toxicity. It should be noted that the values deal with different species, routes of administration, survival times, and in one case the mean lethal dose rather than the minimum lethal dose. Except where noted, administration was by the intraperitoneal route in mice. LDgo* upon oral administration in the guinea pig. Intravenous injection in the cat. LDgq - the dosage lethal to half of a group of test animals. 148 Another finding is that the ability for a dioxin to induce* various enzymes correlates with its toxicity, as illustrated in Tables 28 and 29. As these tables show, 2,3,7,8-TBDD and Hexa-CDD are the only dibenzo-para- dioxin derivatives nearly comparable to 2,3,7,8-TCDD in acute toxicity or ability to produce chloracne. These two compounds are also comparable to 2,3,7,8-TCOD in induction of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH). The compounds OCDD and 2,7-DCDD are mildly toxic, with minimal ability to induce AHH. Thus bioassays of unknown dioxin isomers based upon enzyme induction hold promise for predicting biological activity and toxicity. METABOLISM In guinea pigs, 2,3,7,8-TCDD is moderately well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and has a plasma half-life of about 1 month (Nolan et al. 1979). Although dibenzo-para-dioxin is rapidly converted by the microsome-NADPH system into polar metabolites, this system has Tittle effect upon 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Vinopal and Casida 1973). A large proportion of administered 2,3,7,8-TCDD persists in unmetabolized form in the Tiver, partially concentrated in the microsomal fraction in all species studied. This finding implies that the unmetabolized compound, rather than a metabolite, is responsible for its toxic effects in mammals. A recent study has shown that 2,3,7,8-TCDD is slowly excreted via the biliary tract in the form of glucuronide and other more polar metabolites (Ramsey 1979). The same study indicated that enterohepatic recirculation of the compound was not extensive. Studies have indicated that its toxicity is not mediated by: Inhibition of mitosis (cell division) in mammalian cells Alteration of glucocorticoid metabolism Alteration of thyroid hormone function Increasing serum levels of ammonia Inhibition of the synthesis of flavin enzymes or The effect of superoxide anion via DT-diaphorase stimulation (Beatty 1977). Another aspect of 2,3,7,8-TCDD metabolism is its interaction with iron metabolism. Rats given 1.7 pg of the substance intragastrically have shown a 2-fold increase in the serosal transfer of iron, whereas no effect was observed on the mucosal iron uptake (Manis 1977). Sweeny (1979) has shown, however, that iron deficiency protects mice from many of the toxic effects of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. In the latter study, animals rendered iron-deficient were protected from elevated porphyrin levels (including the consequent skin AR An Anrtire rd Sneirre Jo . - . An induced enzyme is one that is synthesized only in response to the presence of a certain substrate or substrates. 149 TABLE 28. BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF DIOXINS? L050 (rat), Chloracne | Teratogenic | Embryotoxic Compounds mg/kg aptitude effect effect 2,3,7,8-TCDD 0.04 +++ +++ +++ Unsubstituted dioxinf >1000 0 0 0 2,7-DCDD ~2000 0 t + 2,3-DCDD >1000 0 0 0 2,3,7-tri-CDD >1000 2,3,7-tri-BDD >1000 1,2,3,4-TCDD >1000 0 0 0 1,3,6,8-TCDD >100 0 0 0 2,3,7,8-TBDD <1 +++ Hexa-CDD (mixture) ~100 * ++ + 0CDD ~2000 0 + + 3 Source: Saint-Ruf 1978. TABLE 29. ENZYME INDUCTION? b C Zoxazolamine ALAS AHH hydroxylase Compounds (chick embryo) (chick embryo) (rat) 2,3,7,8-TCDD +++ 1 +++ Unsubstituted dioxin 0 2,3-DCDD 0 0 2,7-DCDD 0 0 2,8-DCDD 0 0 1,3-DCDD 0 0 2,3,7-tri-CDD ++ 0.02 2,3,7-tri-BDD ++ 0.6 1,2,3,4-TCDD 0 0 1,3,6,8-TCDD # 0.2 2,3,7,8-TBDD 1.0 +++ Hexa-CDD 0.8 0CDD 0 0 3 Source: Saint-Ruf 1978. Amino-levulinic Ac id Synthetase. & Aryl Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase. 150 disease that resembles human porphyria cutanea tarda) and liver damage. Since mixed function oxidase enzymes were elevated in the iron-deficient mice, the authors speculated that depleted stores of iron in tissue were responsible for the observed amelioration of toxicity. The results of these studies have significant implications for toxicity in humans. Persons with high dietary iron intake would be expected to be more susceptible to 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxicity than persons with marginal iron intakes. Similarly, females might be less susceptible to its toxicity than males because they usually store less iron in the body. Finally, phlebotomy may prove clinically useful in treating 2,3,7,8-TCDD intoxication. Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution Two studies have extensively examined the pharmacokinetics of 2,3,7,8- TCDD (Piper, Rose, and Gehring 1973; Rose et al. 1976). Rose demonstrated that elimination of this dioxin followed first-order kinetics, and he fit the data to the one-compartment open model. Table 30 shows the body burden of 14C-2,3,7,8-TCDD in rats given a single oral dose of 1.0 pg/kg; the average fractional oral absorption of 14C-2,3,7,8-TCDD was approximately 84 percent, and the elimination half-life averaged 31 days. Piper's earlier study also found that after the first 2 days following oral dosages of rats, elimination followed first-order kinetics. The results of this study, however, which are summarized in Figure 15, show that only about 70 percent of ingested 2,3,7,8-TCDD was absorbed and the elimination half-life was only about 17 days. Over a 21-day period, a total of 53 percent of the ingested dose was excreted in the feces, while about 13 percent and 3 percent were excreted in the urine and expired air, respectively. Tissue distribution of ingested 2,3,7,8-TCDD has been examined in many species, including rats, guinea pigs, and monkeys (Piper, Rose and Gehring 1973; Rose et al. 1976; Gasiewicz and Neal 1978; Van Miller, Marlar, and Allen 1976). Rose et al. established that the accumulation of 14¢-2,3,7,8- TCDD in rat liver follows apparent first-order kinetics. In this study, the accumulation of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in rat liver could be simulated by the following equation: -kt Ce = Ces (1-e °°) where Cy = the concentration of 14C activity in the liver at time t Cq = the concentration of 14C activity in the liver at steady state R = elimination rate constant from the liver Values of Cg equal to 0.25 ug equivalent 2,3,7,8-TCDD per gram of liver per pg dose, and k equal to 0.026 days ~ were obtained by fitting experimental data. In this study, the concentration of the dioxin in rat liver was 5 times greater than that in fat, while concentrations in kidney, thymus, and spleen were 1/12th to 1/50th of those in the liver. Rose et al. (1976) also assumed that first-order elimination kinetics applied to accumulation of 2,3,7,8-TCOD in rat fat, and they calculated values of Cee and k equal _to 0.058 pg equivalent TCDD per gram of fat per pg dose “and 0.029 day -, respectively. 151 TABLE 30. “C BODY BURDEN ACTIVITY IN SIX RATS i GIVEN A SINGLE ORAL DOSE OF 1.0 ug OF 14C-2,3,7,8-TCDD/kg -l k, days Sex 1 ty, days Male 0.66 0.026 +0.001° 27 Male 0.77 0.018 +0.001 39 Male 0.91 0.021 +0.000 33 Female 0.93 0.022 +0.001 32 Female 0.87 0.019 +0.001 36 Female 0.91 0.033 +0.002 21 Mean + SD | 0.84 #0.11 0.023 +0.006 31 6 3 Source: Rose et al. 1976. Rose gives the following equation: Body burden = § (dose)e kt where f is the fraction of the dose absorbed; k, the elimination rate constant; ty, the body burden half-life. b Confidence limits 95%. 152 PERCENTAGE OF DOSE EXERETED 25 1 | | NOTE: - EACH POINT REPRESENTS THE MEAN * SE FOR ~ THREE RATS. 20 H _ 15 - 10 } - FECES URINE = EXPIRED AIR 7 DAYS Figure 15. Excretion of 14, activity by rats following a single oral dose of 50 ng/kg (0.14 uCi/kg) 2,3,7,8-TCDD. (Source: Piper, Rose and Gehring 1973) 153 In a study of male guinea pigs, Gasiewicz and Neal (1978) found the highest levels of radioactivity (percent of original dose per gram of tissue) on day 1 after injection in the adipose tissue (2.36 percent), adrenals (1.36 percent), liver (1.13 percent), spleen (0.70 percent), intestine (0.92 percent), and skin (0.48 percent). On day 15 of this study, the level of !4C-2,3,7,8-TCDD in the liver had increased to 3.23 percent/g; increases were also noted in the adrenals, kidneys, and lungs, and general decreases were seen only in adipose tissues and skin. Van Miller et al. (1975) found that 40 percent of the radioactivity of an administred dose of labeled 2,3,7,8-TCDD was concentrated in rat liver, whereas less than 10 percent was concentrated in monkey livers. In this study, high concentrations of the radioactivity were found in the skin, muscle, and fat of monkeys. Thus, there appear to be significant differences in the tissue distribution of 2,3,7,8-TCDD among various animal species. One study examined the tissue distribution and excretion of labeled 0CDD in the rat (Norback 1975). A radioactive analog of 0CDD at a daily dosage of about 12.4 mg/kg was administered for 21 days. Over 90 percent of the OCDD administered was recovered in the feces as unabsorbed material. The major route of elimination of absorbed OCDD in the rat was the urinary system, and the rate corresponded to a biological half-life of about 3 weeks. After 21 days of administration, approximately 50 percent of the body burden of OCDD was found in the liver; over 95 percent of the radio- activity in the liver was associated with the microsomes and was equally distributed within the rough and smooth fractions. The radioactivity in adipose tissue was about 25 percent of that in the liver. Significant levels of radioactivity were also found in the kidneys, breast, testes, skeletal muscle, skin, and serum. Enzyme Effects Several investigations show that 2,3,7,8-TCDD has a dramatic influence upon various enzyme systems in many species including man. The most notable were the mixed-function oxygenases. For example, 2,3,7,8-TCDD is approxi- mately 30,000 times more potent than 3-methylcholanthrene in inducing activity of the enzyme aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) in rat liver (Poland and Glover 1974). This dioxin is also a potent inducer of S5-amino-levulinic acid synthetase in the liver of chick embryo (Poland 1973). These properties of 2,3,7,8-TCDD have a considerable influence upon its toxicity. For instance, its ability to act as a cocarcinogen or to produce porphyria cutanea tarda depends upon alteration of enzymatic systems. Before the effects on enzymatic systems are catalogued, an examination of the mechanism of its effects on the cytochrome P-450-mediated monooxygenase enzyme system may prove informative. This enzyme system handles much of the influx of "foreign" chemicals and appears to rival the immune system in complexity (Fox 1979). A well-characterized subset of the P-450-mediated enzymes is a group of cytochromes whose. induction is regulated by one of a small number of genes. Fox (1979) has termed this genetic system the Ah complex (for aromatic hydrocarbon responsiveness). Work with 2,3,7,8-TCDD has demonstrated that 154 the Ah locus must involve a minimum of three gene products at each of two nonlinked loci, plus a structural gene for cytochrome P;-450 (P-448) as well. Other investigators have demonstrated that cytosolic binding sites for 2,3,7,8-TCDD enhance AHH activity by de novo* protein synthesis of apocytochrome P-448, and that these binding sites are not necessarily asso- ciated with AHH inducibility regulated by the Ah locus (Guenthner and Nebert 1977; Kitchin and Woods 1978). It has been postulated that the rate- limiting factor in AHH induction is protein synthesis of apocytochrome P-448 (Kitchin and Woods 1978). Fox (1979) suggests that 2,3,7,8-TCDD may act in a manner similar to steroid hormones. ‘He postulates that the dioxin may ride its receptor into a cell's nucleus, where it turns on specific Ah genes. Activation of these genes would then lead to the requisite protein synthesis for AHH induction. Figure 16 summarizes the mechanism of AHH induction proposed for 2,3,7,8-TCOD and possibly the mechanism by which this substance produces other toxic effects. As the figure shows, 2,3,7,8-TCDD moves into a cell and binds to a specific cytosolic receptor. The receptor-dioxin complex then moves into a cell's nucleus, where it "turns on" the synthesis of specific messenger RNAs, which direct the synthesis of cytochrome P;-450. Other 2,3,7,8-TCDD molecules can then react with newly formed cytochrome P,-450, possibly to produce reactive intermediates. These metabolites may be excreted as innocuous products, may afflict specific critical target cells in other organs, or may act as carcinogens or cocarcinogens. Several studies show that 2,3,7,8-TCDD induces many enzyme systems and suppresses others. Studies with rats indicate that females are more suscep- tible than males to enzyme alteration by the dioxin (Lucier et al. 1973). Further, 2,3,7,8-TCDD induces the following enzymes in addition to AHH, S-amino-levulinic acid synthetase, and the cytochrome P-450-containing - monooxygenases, mentioned earlier: UDP glucuronyl transferase (Lucier 1975); Aldehyde dehydrogenase (Roper 1976); Glutathione transferase B (Kirsch 1975); DT-diaphorase (Beatty and Neal 1976); Benzopyrene hydroxylase (Lucier 1979); Glutathione S-transferase (Manis 1979); Ethoxycoumarin deethylase (Parkki and Aitio 1978). Marselos et al. (1978) found that 2,3,7,8-TCDD decreases activity of the following enzymes: X primary or of recent onset 155 "(6461 x04 wouy pajydepe) Q00L-8°L°€“2 AQ A31D1X03 PUR HHY 40 UOLIONPUL 40) WSiueydIW pasudodd ‘9 ddnbly S773) Y3HL0 NI YIONVD 40 NOTLVILINI 1393v1 YITLI¥D 40 ALIJIXOL 9nya ] 1394VL TYIILIY¥D SANIG JIVIQIWYILINT JATLIVId mmm CO ilvid WY3LNI po LIVE 03134¥3x3 13041 YOLLIND BY (05p-Ld 3W0uHD0LAD) Siopdand NMONAN ES) SNI3L0¥d D14103dS 40 f SRORSONMI FESR SISHINAS 19310 5. YhR i SVYNY Y3ION3ISS3IW JI4133dS 40 SISIHINAS SI 3ISNOJSIY »03AI3I3Y. MON 39VSSIW 0a21-8°L‘€“2 SINYINTIOd HLIM S1OV3Y INVYGWIN OLNI $309 0Sb-ld SNITINN OLNI 113) NI SIAOW X31dWOI 4014303 401d373¥-43INANI SNITINN NI JLIS_NMONANN 1 SN3TINN 156 UDP-glucuronic acid pyrophosphatase; D-glucuronolactone dehydrogenase; L-gluconate dehydrogenase The following enzymes have shown no effects upon exposure to 2,3,7,8- TCDD: NADPH cytochrome (Lucier et al. 1973); B-glucuronidase (Lucier et al. 1973); UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (Marselos et al. 1978); Epoxide hydrase (Parkki and Aitio 1978); Glycine N-acetyl transferase (Parkki and Aitio 1978). As these lists indicate, the effects of 2,3,7,8-TCDD on more than a dozen enzyme systems have been studied extensively. Effects on Lipids 2,3,7,8-TCDD has dramatically altered the lipid profiles in laboratory animals and man. One study examined the effects of both sublethal and lethal doses upon the lipid metabolism of the Fischer rat (Albro 1978). A sublethal dose of 2,3,7,8-TCDD caused a temporary increase in triglyceride and free fatty acid levels, with a persistent decrease in levels of sterol esters. Lethal doses resulted in fatty livers and large increases in serum cholesterol esters and free fatty acids, with little change in triglyceride levels. These changes appeared to be due in part to damage sustained by lysosomes. A decrease in acid lipase activity observed in the study also supports the hypothesis that the 2,3,7,8-TCDD-induced myeloid bodies (see Figure 17) were derived from damaged lysosomes and probably accounted for the increased levels of cholesterol esters in animal livers. A mechanism by which 2,3,7,8-TCDD may exert its toxic effects is suggested by the observed rapid, dose-dependent increase in lipofuscin pigments.* Lipid peroxidation, which precedes the formation of polymeric lipofuscins, is known to seriously damage membranous subcellular organelles, including lysosomes. Studies of workers occupationally exposed to 2,3,7,8-TCDD have shown lipid abnormalities (Walker and Martin 1979; Poland et al. 1971). In Poland's study, 7 of 71 persons (10 percent) occupationally exposed to the dioxin in a plant manufacturing 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T showed elevated serum cholesterol levels (greater than 294 mg/100 m1). Walker's more recent study of eight dioxin-exposed workers with chloracne showed significant abnormal- .ities in 1ipid metabolism and liver function. In this study, the levels of triglycerides and y-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) were elevated in five men and were * Bronze colored (wear and tear) pigments. + Liver enzyme. 157 LIPID DROPLET Figure 17. Schematic of rat liver 13 days after administration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (50 ng/kg). Note concentric membrane array surrounding lipid droplet. X20502. (Source: Redrawn from Albro 1978) 158 normal in the other three. In all of the dioxin-exposed workers with chloracne, however, the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol were below the method mean, total cholesterol levels were above the method mean, and ratios of total to HDL cholesterol were consistent with a higher- than-average risk of ischemic (oxygen insufficiency) vascular disease. Two of the men in the study had experienced previous myocardial infarction (heart attack), and one had experienced possible transient ischemic attacks (TIA's) (reversible cerebrovascular insufficiency). In any event, the lipid abnormalities resulting from 2,3,7,8-TCDD exposure may be a significant risk factor for ischemic vascular disease. GROSS AND HISTOPATHOLOGIES The gross (macroscopic) and histopathologies (microscopic) of dioxin- exposed chickens, rats, and monkeys have been examined extensively (Gupta et al. 1973; Norback and Allen 1973; Allen 1967; Allen et al. 1975; Greig and Osborne 1978). The chicken develops extreme morbidity and mortality at dietary concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD that are only mildly toxic to rats, whereas response in the monkey is intermediate (Norback and Allen 1973). At post-mortem examination, the most striking finding in dioxin-exposed animals is usually substantial loss of body fat. Two types of lesions have been reported in all species studied: (1) involution of the thymus; and (2) testicular alterations, including atrophy, necrosis, and abnormal spermatocyte development. One lesion, hypertrophic gastritis, has been observed only in primates. This lesion is characterized by marked hypertrophy of the gastric (stomach) mucosa, which occurs in the fundic and pyloric regions combined with small gastric ulcers penetrating the mucosa (Allen 1967). In experiments with Macaca mulatta monkeys exposed to dioxins, (Allen 1967; Allen et al. 1975; Norback and Allen 1973) researchers found reduced hematopoiesis (formation of blood cells) and spermatogenesis, degeneration of the blood vessels, focal necrosis of the liver, and gastric ulcers. Under gross observation, experimental monkeys exhibited obvious dilatation of the heart, especially on the right side. Under microscopic examination, the cardiac muscle fibers were distinctly separated by fluid, and individual muscle cells were hypertrophic, with enlarged, distorted, and hyperchromic nuclei (see Figures 18 and 19). Although the lungs of the animals were not altered appreciably, isolated areas of atelectasis (small areas of collapse), congestion, edema, and fibrosis were observed. Livers from the monkeys were small, firm, and moderately yellow, with many enlarged, multi- nucleated parenchymal cells. Necrosis of parenchymal liver cells occurred in the centrilobular zone, and some areas of fibrosis occurred in the periportal area. Spleens from the animals were small; the germinal centers were surrounded by only scattered lymphocytes, and the blood sinuses were practically devoid of cells. The seminiferous tubules of the testes had abundant spermatogonia and sertoli cells; only a few primary spermatocytes were present, however, and no spermatids or mature spermatozoa were observed. Gastrointestinal changes have been described earlier. 159 Figure 18. Drawing of tissue from heart of monkey fed 2,3,7,8-TCDD; tissue fixed with formalin and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Muscle cells are hypertrophic with sn 27904 and distorted nuclei. X115. (Source: Redrawn from Norback and Allen 1973) 160 ‘MYOFIBRILS MITOCHONDRION Figure 19. Drawing of heart tissue from monkey fed 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Myofibrils of dilated cardiac fibers are separated, and the mitochondria are moderately swollen. Tissue fixed with Veronal acetate-buffered osmium tetroxide solution and stained with uranyl acetate. X9700. (Source: Redrawn from Norback and Allen 1973) 161 Mesenteric (abdominal) lymph nodes of the monkeys were light tan and edematous, microscopically resembling the splenic disarray of cellular architecture. Grossly, the bone marrow resembled coagulated plasma. Microscopically, only a few hematopoietic cells were seen in the marrow; these were equally divided between members of the myeloid (white blood cell line) and erythroid (red blood cell line) series. Changes in the skeletal muscle resembled those of cardiac muscle. Skin from the experimental animals was dry and flaky; loss of eyelashes with facial edema and petechiae (small hemorrhages) were commonly observed. Microscopic changes in the skin are illustrated in Figure 20. Along with facial edema, anasarca (widespread edema of abdomen and extremities) was commonly observed. The rat also has been studied extensively (Gupta et al. 1973; Norback and Allen 1973; Kociba et al. 1978; Greig and Osborne 1978). Gross pathological observation indicated that rats died with jaundiced ears, sub- cutaneous tissues, and visceral organs. Uterine size was decreased, and there was a generalized loss of subcutaneous and abdominal fat. The liver and spleen were small, and the liver was friable and dark tan. A11 thymuses were markedly atrophied, and hemorrhages were present in the gastro- intestinal tract and meninges. Microscopic observation showed a relative depletion of lymphoid cells in the spleen and lymph nodes, and markedly smaller thymic lobules with no demarcation between the cortex and medulla. Rats given large doses of 2,3,7,8-TCDD showed marked changes in liver cellular morphology and archi- tecture, as illustrated in Figures 21 through 24. Hepatocytes were round and large, and the hepatic cords were disorganized. Increased mitoses were seen in the liver parenchyma (mass of cells), and some areas contained hepatocytes with seven to ten nuclei (see Figure 21). Individual hepato- cytes showed proliferation of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and often distorted cell membranes. Also, the number of 1ipid droplets are increased. Atretic (degenerative and distorted) changes were noted in the ovarian follicles, and mucosol folds and glandular structures in the uterus were atrophied. Epithelial cells of the renal tubules were foamy and vacuolated with numerous hyaline droplets. Moderate to marked degenerative changes were noted in the epithelial cells of the thyroid follicles, and there were papillary projections into the lumen of the follicles. Focal hyperplasia (increased cell number) was noted in the terminal bronchioles of the lung (Figure 25). Congestion and elongation of the intestinal villi also were noted. Pathology of chickens exposed to dioxins is similar to that observed in other animals (Norback and Allen 1973). Chickens succumbed very rapidly, with hydropericardium (fluid in sac surrounding heart), hydrothorax (fluid in chest cavity surrounding lungs), and ascites. They also developed Tiver necrosis, hypoplastic testes, altered capillary permeability, and decreased hematopoiesis. Gupta et al. (1973) report pathologic findings in guinea pigs and mice exposed to 2,3,7,8-TCDD. In guinea pigs, mitotic figures and loss of lipid vacuoles were observed in the zona fasiculata, along with atrophy of the 162 LARGE KERATIN CYST HAIR FOLLICLE SMALL KERATIN CYST Figure 20. Drawing of section of skin of monkey fed 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Note the presence of keratin cysts and the lack of a hair shaft in the hair follicle. Tissue fixed with formalin and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. X15. (Source: Redrawn from Norback and Allen 1973) 163 NUCLEI Figure 21. Drawing of part of a multinucleated liver cell from a female rat given 0.1 ug of 2,3,7,8-TCDD/kg/day for 2 years. Uranyl acetate-lead citrate stain. X1620. (Source: Redrawn from Kociba, et al..1978) 164 ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM CELL MEMBRANE VESICLE SMOOTH =A ENDOPLASMIC —a=Su RETICULUM = LIPID DROPLETS Figure 22. Drawing of liver tissue from rat fed 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Tissue sample fixed in Veronal acetate-buffered osmium tetroxide solution and stained with uranyl acetate. X20400. (Source: Redrawn from Norback and Allen 1973) 165 NORMAL MEMBRANES Figure 23. Drawing of normal membrane junctions from the periportal region of a test animal 42 days after administration of 200 ng/kg 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate stain. X16000. (Source: Redrawn from Greig and Osborne 1978) 166 i t va - — - hd a = a "=e > -~ i. Cee "ane nt Pe J EE ’r - ~ - ~ hl ou - : ) Th amt » - 1. © 9 > ad <2 ~ T= Cais Tow - 7 ay —— -; - : . om - = ~. tM, SE an it _ : iid "al Wwe Te > TT = . LT ° . ea ae 5 ‘v *a a) - . te , Figure 24. Drawing of distorted periportal membrane junction, showing loss of continuity of plasma membranes between parenchymal cells (42 days after 200 ng/kg 2,3,7,8-TCDD); small blebs of normal membrane remain. Uranyl acetate and lead ¢itrate stain. X42500. (Source: Redrawn from Greig and Osborne 1978) 167 Figure 25. Focal alveolar hyperplasia near terminal bronchiole within lung of rat given 2,3,7,8-TCDD at dosage of 0.1 ng/kg per day. H&E Stain. X100. (Source: Redrawn from Kociba et al. 1978) 168 zona glomerulosa of the adrenals. Guinea pigs also had widespread hemorrhages in the subserosal region of the gastrointestinal tract, bladder, lymph nodes, and adrenals. Pathologic findings observed in mice are similar to those noted in other animals. ACUTE TOXICITY The acute and subacute toxic potential of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in animals relative to some other chlorodioxins and pesticides is illustrated in Tables 31 and 32. As the tables indicate, 2,3,7,8-TCDD is a highly toxic material, several orders of magnitude more potent than many pesticides. Some consider it to be the most toxic small molecule made by man (Poland and Kende 1976). Comparative Lethal Doses Table 33 lists the LDg, values for various substituted dibenzo-para- dioxins. The 2,3,7,8-TCDD isomer is 3 to 100 times more potent than the other tetrachlorinated isomers (Dow 1978). In comparison with 2,3,7,8-TCDD, the 1,3,6,8- and 1,3,7,9-tetrachlorinated isomers have little biological activity (Rappe 1978). Both octachlorodioxin and the unsubstituted dioxin are relatively nontoxic. Dioxin structure-activity relationships are discussed in a later subsection. The LDg, values for 2,3,7,8-TCDD in rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits are presented in Table 33. The male guinea pig appears to be the most sensitive, having an LDg, of 0.0006 mg/kg (0.6 Hg/kg). The LDg, values in monkeys exposed to a single oral dose range from 50 to 70 pg/kg body weight (McConnell, Moore, and Dalgard 1978). In mice, the LDgo is 0.2837 mg/kg body weight (McConnell et al. 1978). Target organs for the acute toxic effects of TCDD in commonly studied laboratory animals are listed in Table 34. All species of animals studied by Moore et al. (1976) showed severe thymus involution and testicular degen- eration. Reduction in the white pulp of the spleen combined with bone marrow hypoplasia (decreased cell number) were other common effects. Mice exhibited the greatest degree of liver toxicity, and female monkeys showed the most skin lesions and bile duct hyperplasia. Ascites was common in monkeys, but was more prominent in mice. Hyperplasia of the renal pelvis and urinary bladder was common in guinea pigs. Gastrointestinal hemorrhages were common in both mice and guinea pigs. \/ Aquatic Toxicity No data are available concerning the acute toxicity of 2,3,7,8-TCDD on saltwater organisms, and there are only scant data relative to freshwater aquatic life (U.S. EPA 1978c). Exposures of fish and invertebrate species to the dioxin in water and food and by intraperitoneal injection have demonstrated a variety of adverse effects at very low concentrations. Model 169 TABLE 31. TOXICITIES OF ORGANIC PESTICIDES AND 2,3,7,8-TCOD Maximum dose producing no observed adverse effect, Compound mg/kg per day -5 2,3,7,8-TCDD 10 Disolfoton and Phorate 0.01 Diazinon 0.02 Parathion and Methyl parathion 0.043 Aldicarb 0.1 Malathion 0.2 Silvex (2,4,5-TP) 0.75 Hexachlorobenzene 1 Hexachlorophene 1 Toxaphene 1.25 MPCA 1.25 Pentachlorophenol 3 Butachlor 10 Methoxychlor 10 2,4,5-T 10 Bromacil 12.5 2,4-D 12.5 Ortho- and Paradichlorobenzene 13.4 Atrazine 21.5 Captan 50 Arachlor 100 Methyl methacralate 100 Di-n-butyl phthalate 110 Styrene 133 3 Source: National Academy of Science 1977. 170 : d TABLE 32. ACUTE TOXICITIES OF.DIOXINS2 Dro (ra/ke)’ Substitutions with chlorine Guinea pigs Mice None® >50 x 103 (i.p.)® 2,8 >300,000 2.3.2 29,444 >3,000 2,3,7,8 0.6-2 283.7 1.2,3,7.8 3.1 337.5 1,2,4,7,8 1,125 >5,000 1,2,3,4,7,8 72.5 825 1,2,3,6,7,8 70-100 1,250 1,2,3,7,8,9 60-100 d >1,440 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 & >6003;7180 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 >4 x 108 1-N0.-3,7,8 >30,000 1-NH2-3,7,8 >30,000 1-N0»-2,3,7,8 47.5 >2,000 1-NH;-2,3,7,8 194.2 >4,800 Unless otherwise noted, taken from McConnell et al. 1978. All values are for oral doses unless noted; test period is 30 days. € World Health Organization, IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. 15:69-70, August 1977. of on Pentachlorophenol. Federal Register '43(202): 48454, October . 8. Interperitoneal. TABLE 33. ACUTE TOXICITIES OF §,3,7,8-TC0D FOR VARIOUS SPECIES Dosage, Species Sex Route of exposure LDso mg/kg Rat Male Oral 0.022 Female Oral 0.045 Guinea pig Male Oral 0.0006 Female Oral 0.0021 Rabbit Female and male Oral 0.115 Female and male Dermal 0.272 Female and male Interperitoneal 0.252 3 Source: Schwetz et al. 1973. in TABLE 34. SUMMARY OF ACUTE TOXICITY EFFECTS OF 2,3,7,8-TCDD? Monkeys Mice Guinea pigs (female) Thymus involution id i +44 Spleen reduction (white pulp) + + + Bone marrow hypoplasia + ++ Liver, megalocytosis/ degeneration ope - - Bile duct hyperplasia + + +++ Testicular degeneration ++ +++ N/A Renal pelvis hyperplasia - ++ + Urinary bladder hyperplasia - ++ = Adrenal cortical atrophy (Zona Glomerulus) - ++ = Hemorrhage: Intestinal + + - Adrenal = ++ = Ascites ++ - + Cutaneous lesions w - ++¢ & Source: Moore et al. 1976. Key as follows: - no effects + mildly affected ++ moderately affected +++ severely affected 172 ecosystem studies have demonstrated bioconcentration factors for 2,3,7,8- TCOD of 3,600 and 26,000 over a period of 3 to 31 days (Isensee and Jones 1975). Exposure of coho salmon to an aqueous concentration of 0.000056 pug/liter under static conditions for 96 hours resulted in 12 percent mortality, whereas mortality of control fish was 2 percent (Miller, Norris, and Hawks 1973). In the same study, all coho salmon exposed to 0.056 pg/liter for 24 hours were dead within 40 days. Isensee (1978) reports that 3 ppt of 2,3,7,8-TCDD is acutely toxic to mosquito fish. Structure-Activity Relationships The general structure-activity relationships of dibenzo-para-dioxins are presented earlier in this Section. Briefly, at least one hydrogen atom and a minumum of three laterally placed halogen atoms must be present in the dioxin structure for it to be toxic (Kende and Wade 1973). Studies have shown that a dioxin's ability for enzymatic induction correlates well with its toxic potential and thus its structure. In one study, age- and sex-related differences in hepatic mixed-function oxidase activity in rats apparently were inversely correlated with the 20-day LDso of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Beatty et al. 1978). The study also examined the effects of administering inducers and inhibitors of the hepatic mixed-function oxidase enzyme systems on the 20-day LDg, of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in rats. In all cases, there was an inverse relationship. CHRONIC TOXICITY Although chloracne is a common indicator of 2,3,7,8-TCDD exposure in humans and some animals, chronic exposure to this dioxin can affect nearly every organ system. In addition to chloracne, another dermatologic mani- festation of exposure is porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT), a photosensitive dermatosis caused by altered porphyrin metabolism. Hepatic (liver) toxicity resulting from prolonged exposure to 2,3,7,8-TCDD is common in animal models and has been observed in human workers after industrial exposures. In animal models, the dioxin has caused damage to renal (kidney) tubular epithelium and caused alteration in levels of serum gonadatropin (pituitary hormones influencing reproductive organs). A profound deficit in cell- mediated immunity is produced in experimental animals exposed to 2,3,7,8- TCDD in the perinatal period. Along with thymic atrophy, exposure to 2,3,7,8-TCDD leads to a depletion of cells in the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow. Hypertrophic gastritis has been observed frequently in exposed monkeys. Alterations in lipid metabolism produced by 2,3,7,8-TCDD exposure may greatly increase the risk of atherogenesis in occupationally exposed workers. Neuropsychiatric symptoms including neurasthenia (depressive syndrome with vegetative symptoms) and peripheral neuropathies have been attributed to 2,3,7,8-TCDD exposure. These various aspects of chronic toxicity are discussed in the following subsections. 173 Dermatologic Effects Dermatologic diseases are perhaps the most sensitive indicators of 2,3,7,8-TCOD exposure and toxicity in humans. Although chloracne is the most frequently observed dermatosis, PCT has been observed in as many as 10 percent of a group of occupationally exposed workers (Purkyne et al. 1974). Chloracne-- Chloracne, which is characterized by comedones, keratin cysts, pustules, papules, and abscesses, is a classical sign of 2,3,7,8-TCDD exposure in humans (U.S. NIEHS IARC 1978). Chloracne can be caused by ingestion, inhalation, or skin contact with chlorodibenzodioxins, and the disease may clear in a few months or persist for as long as 15 years (Crow 1978). All chlorodibenzodioxins that are acnegenic are also systemic toxins, but the external dose needed to produce chloracne is far lower than that needed to cause systemic toxicity (Crow 1978). Chloracne, which can be an extremely refractory form of occupational acne, was first described by Von Bettman in 1897 (Taylor 1974). The symptoms may appear weeks or months after the initial exposure to chlorodibenzodioxins. Rabbits can be used to test the acnegenicity of a chlorodibenzodioxin, because these compounds are active skin irritants and induce acneform lesions when applied to the skin of rabbit ears (Kimmig and Schulz 1957). Kimmig and Schulz (1957) provided a detailed description of the clinical manifestations of chloracne that developed in 31 workers in a German plant producing 2,4,5-T in 1954. In heavily exposed workers, derma- titis of the face accompanied by erythma and swelling was first observed. As these symptoms faded, acneform lesions appeared on the face and later on other parts of the body. In most workers, the initial manifestations of chloracne were patches of open comedones (blackheads) followed by pustules in the zygomatic region (cheeks) of the face. Upon initial examination, the observed skin changes included many blackheads, pinhead to pea-size closed comedones (whiteheads), associated follicular hyperkeratosis, inflamed pimples, pustules, and large boils. The face, ears, throat, and neck were affected in all cases; in severe cases, lesions were encountered on the breast, back, epigastrium (skin of upper abdomen), genitals, and extensor surfaces of the arms and thighs. Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (PCT)-- Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is a skin condition that usually occurs as a photosensitive dermatosis and is characterized by development of vesic- ulobullous (blistering) lesions over exposed areas (Benedetto and Taylor 1978). The dermatosis is precipitated by minor trauma, and may result in areas of healed bullae, crusts, scars, and milia. Hyperpigmentation, hypertrichosis (excessive growth of hair), and schlerodermoid (tightening of skin over the fingers) changes can also occur, along with dark red urine (Benedetto and Taylor 1978). Animal studies have shown that 2,3,7,8-TCDD is the porphyrinogenic compound formed during the manufacture of 2.4.57. Jones and Sweeney (1977) have shown that uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (UD) levels can be depressed in rats given 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Their results indicate that the dioxin depresses UD levels sufficiently to produce the biochemical 174 disturbance of PCT. Sweeney (1979) notes that iron-deficient mice are protected from porphyria produced by 2,3,7,8-TCDD exposure. Hepatic Effects The hepatotoxicity of 2,3,7,8-TCDD appears to be dose-dependent, and the severity of any changes produced varies among species (Gupta 1973). In rats and rabbits, hepatic necrosis produced by this compound is probably a contributing cause of death, whereas hepatic necrosis and liver insuffi- ciency are less extensive in mice and are minimal relative to these disorders observed in guinea pigs and monkeys (U.S. NIEHS IARC 1978). Van Miller et al. (1977) noted liver necrosis and bile duct hyperplasia in a group of rats fed 1.0, 0.6, and 0.05 ppm 2,3,7,8-TCDD for 65 weeks. In a 13-week toxicity study in which the dioxin was administered orally to rats, doses of 1.0 pg/kg per day increased the levels of serum bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase and caused pathologic changes in the liver; doses of 0.1 pg/kg per day caused a slight degree of liver degeneration (Kociba et al. 1976). The histopathologic changes in rat liver resulting from 2,3,7,8-TCDD exposure were described earlier. Renal Effects Several recent studies have examined the effects of 2,3,7,8-TCDD upon renal function in the rat (Anaizi et al. 1978; Hook et al. 1978). Anaizi et al. studied the steady-state secretion rate of phenosulfonphthalein (PSP) in rats pretreated with 10 pg/kg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD 5 to 7 days prior to in vivo measurements. The results were as follows: A significant increase in the tubular secretion rate of PSP occurred at low plasma levels of PCP. There was no increase in the maximum secretory capacity for PSP (Tm=-PSP). A significant change in the glomerular filtration rate from 1.17 to 0.90 m1/min per gram of wet kidney weight was observed in treated rats without a change in the mean arterial pressure. Anaizi et al. inferred from this study that glomerular structures in rats are highly sensitive to 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Hook et al. (1978) examined renal accumulation of p-aminohippurate (PAH) and N-methyl-nicotinamide (NMN) in rats given 10, 25, or 50 ng/kg 2,3,7,8-TCDD. In the 10 ng/kg dose group, only NMN accumulation was slightly decreased at 7 days. At 25 pg/kg, the capacity of renal tissue to transport both PAH and NMN was reduced 7 days after exposure. The GFR and effective renal plasma flow were decreased in rats after doses of 25 or 50 pg/kg. Volume expansion did not alter this relationship in the study. Thus these two independent studies confirmed the ability of 2,3,7,8-TCDD to decrease renal function in the rat. 175 Endocrine Effects It has been known for some time that 2,3,7,8-TCDD exposure in man is associated with hormonal imbalances that lead to acne, hirsutism, and loss of libido. Recently it has been shown that 2,3,7,8-TCDD can also have a dramatic effect upon hormones involved in reproduction. A recent study has indicated a suppressive effect upon testicular microsomal cytochrome P-450 content in guinea pigs (Piper 1979). Another study has shown that 2,3,7,8- TCDD increases serum thyroid stimulating hormone in humans 4- to 5-fold, and preliminary observations indicate that serum levels of prolactin and follicle stimulating hormone are affected in rats following treatment with the dioxin (Gustafsson and Ingelman-Sundberg 1979). Testosterone hydroxyla- tion in the 2B- and 16a-positions has been reduced by 50 percent in rats receiving less than 1 pg/kg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD orally (Hook et al. 1975). Similarly, exposures of female rats have shown 3- to 5-fold increases in the following enzyme activities (Gustafsson and Ingelman-Sundberg 1979): 3. 7a and 6B-hydroxylases active on 4-androstene-3,17-dione; 2. 7a and 2c hydroxylases active on 5a-androstane-3a, 17B-diol; and 3. 16a and 6B-hydroxylases active on 4-pregnene-3,10-dione. One recent study examined hormonal alterations in female rhesus monkeys fed a diet containing 500 ppt of 2,3,7,8-TCDD per day for 9 months (Barsotti, Abrahamson, and Allen 1979). Steroid analysis at 6 months showed alterations in five of seven animals treated. Progesterone levels in three animals decreased to 72.4 percent, 51.9 percent, and 47.3 percent of their pretreatment values. During the same interval, estradiol levels in two of these animals also decreased to 50.4 percent and 43.2 percent of the control values. The remaining two animals with abnormalities showed anovulatory patterns for both steroids. Estradiol never rose above 30 pg/ml of serum and progesterone remained below 400 pg/ml of- serum throughout the menstrual cycles. After these analyses, all animals were bred. All of the control animals conceived and gave birth to healthy infants. The two dioxin-treated animals in which estradiol and progesterone levels had remained normal did conceive, but one animal aborted the conceptus. Several other treated monkeys conceived, but all subsequently aborted. The one dioxin-treated animal that carried a fetus to term delivered a normal, healthy infant. After nine months, the only monkey that had showed hormonal alterations and survived was placed back on the control diet and subsequently delivered a normal, healthy infant. Immunologic Effects Exposure to 2,3,7,8-TCDD has caused thymus atrophy in all mammalian species studied. As illustrated in Table 35, impairment of cellular immunity has been a constant finding in studies of the effects of this dioxin on the immune system of animals. Thymus (T-)-dependent lymphocytes are most affected by the exposure; however, T-helper-cells are less compromised than other types of T-cells (Faith and Luster 1977). 176 LLL TABLE 35. EFFECTS OF IN VIVO 2,3,7,8-TCDD EXPOSURE ON FUNCTIONAL IMMUNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS? Species Parameter Effect? Reference Guinea pig Delayed type hypersensitivity +¢ Vos et al. 1973 Rat Delayed type hypersensitivity +c Moore and Faith 1976; vos et al. 1973 Rat Graft versus host activity +8 Vos and Moore 1974 Mouse Graft versus host activity +€/-¢ Vos and Moore 1974; Vos et al. 1973 Rat, mouse Rejection of skin allografts + Vos and Moore 1974 Rat Lymphocyte transformation by PHA +9 Vos and Moore 1974; Moore and Faith and Con A 1976 Mouse Lymphocyte transformation by PHA +€/-¢€ Vos and Moore 1974 Guinea pig Antibody response to tetanus toxoid -€:f/,6.0 Vos et al. 1973 Rat Antibody response to bovine y-globulin -4,f,d.0 Moore and Faith 1976 p Source: Vos et al. 1978. c Denotes the suppressive effect on immunological parameters +, slight; ++, moderate effect; -, no effect. d Treatment of young animals. e Treatment during the perinatal period. f Treatment of adult animals. g Primary antibody response. Secondary antibody response. Suppression of cell-mediated immunity appears to be age-related in the mouse and rat; perinatal exposure causes the greatest effect (Luster et al. 1978). It is important to recognize that TCDD can produce immunosuppressive effects at exposure levels too low to produce clinical or pathological changes (Thigpen et al. 1975). Many studies have examined the effects of exposure to 2,3,7,8-TCDD on impairment of cell-mediated immunity. Several studies have examined the effects of either postnatal or both pre- and postnatal exposure of rat pups by maternal dosing (Faith and Luster 1977; Luster et al. 13978). Results indicated that cell-mediated immune functions were depressed up to 133 days of age in both groups but less severely in animals exposed only postnatally. In addition, the ratio of thymus to body weight was depressed up to 145 days of age in prenatally exposed rats, but the ratio was suppressed only up to 39 days of age in the postnatally exposed group. These studies established that depression of T-cell function is selective in that helper T-cell func- tion was spared. Vos and Moore (1974) demonstrated that cell-mediated immunity in 1-month old rats was depressed only when toxic doses of 2,3,7,8-TCDD were administered. In vitro testing has demonstrated that DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis in splenic lymphocytes is severely inhibited when mouse spleens are only briefly exposed to 107 millimolar solutions of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Luster 1979a). Multiple studies have examined the effects of 2,3,7,8-TCDD exposure upon in vivo susceptibility to pathogenic organisms. Thigpen et al. (1975) administered sublethal levels of the dioxin to mice and then subjected them to challenges with Salmonella bern and Herpesvirus suis. At dose schedules of 1 pg/kg weekly for 4 weeks, Salmonella infection led to significant increases in mortality and reduction of time from infection to death. The dioxin exposure had no apparent effect upon the outcome of infection with Herpesvirus suis. Other researchers found that mouse pups from mothers fed up to 5 ppb of 2,3,7,8-TCDD withstood a live Listeria challenge as well as did the controls; however, maternal feeding at 2,3,7,8-TCDD levels as low as 1 ppb rendered offspring more sensitive to challenge with endotoxin (cell walls of gram negative bacteria) (Thomas and Hinsdill 1979). Nonspecific killing and phagocytosis* of Listeria monocytogenes in mice were not influenced by administration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Vos et al. 1978). In the same study, treatment with the dioxin did not affect macrophage reduction of nitro-bluetetrazolium, and the authors speculated that endotoxin sensitivity in treated animals is not the result of altered phagocytic function of macrophages. Similarly, challenge with pathogenic streptococcus in aerosol form led to similar mortality rates among treated mice and controls (Campbell 1979). Humoral immunity and B-lymphocyte function are resistant to the toxic effects of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Faith and Luster (1977) found that humoral immune responses to bovine gamma globulin were not suppressed in rats treated with the dioxin. Luster (1979b) then demonstrated that T-lymphocytes are much * The process by which cells engulf and destroy foreign material. 178 more susceptible to dioxin-induced immuno-suppression than B-lymphocytes with mitogens specific for lymphocyte subpopulations. By measuring the antibody response against tetanus toxoid in guinea pigs, Vos et al. (1973) showed only a slight decrease in humoral immunity in 2,3,7,8-TCDD-treated animals. Thomas and Hindsill (1979) demonstrated normal primary and secondary antibody responses in treated mice. Hematologic Effects One of the major target organs for TCDD toxicity is the hematopoietic system. Although many species have been studied, anemia has been observed only in rhesus monkeys (Allen 1967). This anemia was of an aplastic type (characterized by lack of cells in bone marrow) and was accompanied by atrophic bone marrow. The only abnormalities of the hematopoietic system noted in 2,3,7,8-TCDD-treated rats have been thrombocytopenia (increased numbers of platlets) and terminal elevated packed red cell volumes secondary to hemoconcentration (Weissberg and Zinkl 1973). In this study, the platelet counts of treated rats were significantly reduced and their bone marrows contained normal numbers of megakaryocytes. Zinkl et al. (1973) studied the hematologic effects of exposing guinea pigs and mice to TCDD. The leukocyte and lymphocyte counts in mice given a single oral dose of as little as 1.0 pg/kg TCDD were significantly lower after 1 week. A similar relationship was observed in guinea pigs treated with tetanus toxoid or Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In mice, the lymphopenia (decreased numbers of lymphocytes) was reversed 5 weeks after exposure to the dioxin. Gastrointestinal Effects Two studies have explored the effect of dibenzo-para-dioxins upon intestinal absorption of nutrients. Ball and Chhabra (1977) used in vitro everted sac and in situ closed loop techniques to study the effect of a toxic dose of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (100 ng/kg po) on adult male rats. Glucose uptake declined during the first few hours following dosage, rose above controls between one and two weeks, and declined again after three weeks. Leucine uptake was depressed throughout the study. Madge (1977) studied the effects of 2,3,7,8-TCDD and OCDD on function of the small intestine in mice. He found that absorption of D-glucose de- creased following a single oral dose of each of the compounds. No effect was noted on the absorption of D-galactose, L-arginine, or L-histidine. Total fluid transfer was generally unaffected by treatment with either compound, and D-mannose, an exogenous energy source, abolished the apparent malabsorptive effects of D-glucose in treated animals. Neuropsychiatric Effects Two studies have examined the neuropsychological function of rats exposed to 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Creso et al. (1978) found that exposure induced in irritability, aggressiveness, and restlessness in rats, without acquisition or loss of a conditioned avoidance reflex. In this study, the dioxin stim- ulated the activity of adenyl cyclase in the rat brain striatum and hypo- thalmus in vitro. It also enhanced the stimulatory effect of dopamine on striatal adenyl cyclase; however, this action was blocked by haloperidol. The study also showed that 2,3,7,8-TCDD acted synergistically with histamine in stimulating the hypothalmic adenyl cyclase. Elovaara et al. (1977) showed that treatment with 2,3,7,8-TCDD caused: (1) an increase in acid proteinase activity in the brains of normal Wistar rats, (2) reduction of RNA and protein contents in heterozygous Gunn rats, and (3) no changes in homozygous Gunn rats. Purkyne et al. (1974) found various psychiatric and neurological complaints in a cohort of 55 workers occupationally exposed to 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Seventeen subjects showed neurological abnormalities. The most common disorder was polyneuropathy of the lower extremities (confirmed by electro- myography). Most of these patients suffered from psychiatric disorders such as severe neurasthenia syndromes with vegetative symptoms. These workers complained of weakness and pain in the lower extremities, somnolence, insomnia, excessive perspiration, headache, and various sexual disorders. DEVELOPMENTAL EFFECTS A brief review of the pertinent nomenclature is given here to charac- terize the several developmental effects discussed in this section. The terms embryotoxicity and fetotoxicity denote all transient or permanent toxic effects induced in an embryo or fetus, regardless of the mechanism of action. These are the most comprehensive terms. A special fetotoxic effect is teratogenicity, which is defined as an abnormality originating from impairment of an event that is typical in embryonic or fetal development. For example, fetal growth retardation is a fetotoxic but not a teratogenic effect of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Neubert et al. 1973). The first clue to the teratogenic and fetotoxic potential of 2.3,7,8 TCDD resulted from a National Cancer Institute study begun in 1964 to eval- uate the carcinogenic and teratogenic potential of a number of herbicides (Collins and Williams 1971). In this study, 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D were shown to induce increased proportions of abnormal fetuses in hamsters. Courtney (1970) demonstrated the teratogenicity of 2,4,5-T containing approximately 30 ppm of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in two strains of mice. Subsequent investigations studied the fetotoxicity and teratogenicity of both 2,4,5-T and 2,3,7,8-TCDD in a number of species. 180 Teratogenicity Courtney (1970) showed that 2,4,5-T containing 2,3,7,8-TCDD increased the incidence of cleft palate in both C57BC/6 and AKR mice. Neubert et al. (1972), using the purest available sample of 2,4,5-T, showed that at doses higher than 20 mg/kg given orally during days 6 to 15 of gestation, the frequency of cleft palate was significantly increased in NMRI mice. The maximal teratogenic effect was produced when the drug was administered on days 12 or 13 of gestation. In the same study, doses exceeding 1 pg/kg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD produced an increased rate of cleft palate; maximal teratogen- jcity occurred with administration on days 8 and 11 of gestation. Although Courtney and Moore (1971) found no potentiation of teratogenicity with combinations of 2,4,5-T and 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Neubert and coworkers found that 1.5 ppm of 2,3,7,8-TCDD administered with 30 to 60 mg/kg 2,4,5-T potentiated the increase in cleft palate frequency. Moore and coworkers (1973) found that the mean average incidence of cleft palate was 55.4 percent in mice exposed to 3 pg/kg 2,3,7,8-TCDD on days 10 to 13 of gestation. In 1976, the threshold teratogenic dose of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in CF-1 mice was estimated to be 0.1 pg/kg per day (Smith, Schwetz, and Nitchke 1976). In golden hamsters, oral administration of 2,4,5-T containing dioxin on days 6 to 10 of gesta- tion increased the incidence of absence of the eyelid (Collins and Williams 1971). Although 2,3,7,8-TCDD is fetotoxic in primates at doses as low as 50 ppt, it has not been shown to be teratogenic in this species (Schantz et al. 1979). Fetotoxicity and Embryotoxicity In general, 2,4,5-T and 2,3,7,8-TCDD produce fetotoxicity at doses that do not produce teratogenic effects in a wide variety of species. Fetotoxic effects of 2,4,5-T containing 2,3,7,8-TCDD were first noted in Courtney's original work (1970). Both species of mice studied showed increased incidences of cystic kidneys, while in rats, fetal gastrointestinal hemor- rhages and increased ratios of liver to body weight were also noted. Highman and Schumacher (1977) later demonstrated that cystic kidneys in mice exposed to 2,4,5-T containing 2,3,7,8-TCDD were due to retardation in fetal renal development and downgrowth of the renal papilla into the pelvis. The results of this study demonstrated a retarded development of fetal renal alkaline phosphatase, and thus support the hypothesis that cystic kidneys in mice are a fetotoxic and not truly a teratogenic effect. Moore et al. (1973) proved that prenatal and postnatal kidney anomalies had a common etiology, and the incidence and degree of hydronephrosis* was a function of dose and of the length of exposure of a target organ. Other fetotoxic effects of 2,4,5-T and 2,3,7,8-TCDD include thymic atrophy, fatty infiltra- tion of the liver, general edema, delayed head ossification, low birth- weight, fetal resorptions, and embryolethality. Many studies have examined the fetotoxic effects of 2,4,5-T and 2,3,7,8-TCOD on various species. In a study of the effects of 2,3,7,8-TCDD on the rat, no adverse effects were noted at the 0.03 pg/kg level; but fetal mortality, early and late resorptions, and fetal intestinal hemorrhage were * Dilation of renal pelvis usually associated with an obstructed ureter. 181 observed in groups given 0.125 to 2.0 pg/kg, the incidence increasing as the dose increased (Sparschu, Dunn, and Rowe 1971). In the CD rat, 2,4,5-T was neither teratogenic nor fetotoxic; however, 2,3,7,8-TCOD produced kidney anomalies (Courtney and Moore 1971). In golden hamsters, 2,4,5-T containing 2,3,7,8-TCDD caused delayed head ossification in a dose-dependent fashion (Collins and Williams 1971). Neubert and Diliman (1972) determined that the threshold dose of 2,4,5-T that produced an increase in embryolethality was 10 to 15 mg/kg, whereas 2,3,7,8-TCDD doses of 4.5 pg/kg produced marked increases in embryolethality. in NMRI mice. Cystic kidneys occurred unilaterally in 58.9 percent and bilaterally in 36.3 percent of mice pups exposed to 1 pg/kg 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Moore et al. 1973). Murray (1978) reports a three-generation study of rats exposed to 0.001, 0.01, or 0.1 pg/kg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Through three successive generations the reproductive capacity of rats ingesting the dioxin was clearly affected at dose levels of 0.01 and 0.1 pg/kg per day, but not at 0.001 pg/kg per day. In the most recent primate study, eight adult female rhesus monkeys were fed a diet containing 50 ppt 2,3,7,8-TCDD for 20 months (Schantz et al. 1979). After 7 months attempts were made to breed the females. In this group there were four abortions and one stillbirth. All eight control animals reproduced successfully. In the dioxin-exposed group, two animals were not able to conceive and two were able to carry their infants to term. One study examined the fetotoxic potentials in mice of other members of the dibenzo-para-dioxin class of compounds (Courtney 1976). None of the dibenzo-para-dioxins studied were as toxic as 2,3,7,8-TCDD, and some of the compounds could be considered relatively nontoxic. Although the mixture of di-CDD and tri-CDD produced a slight increase in the number of abnormal fetuses, it is doubtful that the malformations were produced by the mixture. Most of the malformations (a mild form of hydronephrosis) were in mouse pups from one litter, and no malformations were observed at a higher dose level. The 1,2,3,4-TCDD compound did not increase the incidence of malformation at any dose level. Oral administration of 5 or 20 mg/kg per day of OCDD to pregnant mice did not alter fetal development. In summary, related dibenzo-para-dioxins were relatively nontoxic and were not teratogenic at the doses studied. CARCINOGENICITY Several studies of rats and one study of Swiss mice demonstrated an increased incidence of neoplasms in animals exposed to 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Van Miller, Lalich, and Allen 1977; Kociba et al. 1978; Toth et al. 1979). Van Miller and coworkers exposed rats to diets containing the dioxin at concen- trations of 1, 5, 50, or 500, ppt, or 1, 5, 50, 500, or 1000 ppb. In this study, the overall incidence of tumors in the experimental groups was 38 percent, with no neoplasms observed in the 1 ppt group. As indicated in Table 36, among the 23 animals with tumors, 5 had two primary neoplastic (cancerous) lesions. Ingestion by rats of 0.1 pg/kg per day 2,3,7,8-TCDD 182 TABLE 36. SUMMARY OF NEOPLASTIC ALTERATIONS OBSERVED IN_RATS FED SUBACUTE LEVELS OF 2,3,7,8-TCDD FOR 78 WEEKS Level No. of animals of 2,3,7,8-TCDD|{with neoplasms | No. of neoplasms Diagnosis 0 & 0 0 1 ppt 0 0 5 ppt 5 6 50 ppt 3 3 500 ppt 4 4 1 ppb® 4 5 5 ppb 7 10 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 He NH NS ear duct carcinoma lymphocytic leukemia adenocarcinoma (kidney) malignant higtiocytoma (peritoneal) angiosarcoma (skin) Leydig cell adenoma (testes) fibrosarcoma (muscle) squamous cell tumor (skin) astrocytoma (brain) fibroma (striated muscle) carcinoma (skin) adenocarcinoma (kidney) sclerosing seminoma (testes) cholangiocarcinoma (liver) angiosarcoma (skin) glioblastoma (brain) malignant higtiocytomas (peritoneal) squamous cell tumors (lung) neoplastic nodules (liver) cholangiocarcinomas (liver) 2 Source: VanMiller, Lalich, and Allen 1977. : 10 animals_per group. q 1 ppt =10 124 2,3,7,8-TCDD/g food. Metastases_observed. 1 ppb = 10 °g 2,3,7,8-TCDD/g food. 183 for 2 years caused an increased incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas of the lung, hard palate/nasal turbinates, or tongue, and a reduced incidence of tumors of the pituitary, uterus, mammary glands, pancreas, and adrenal glands (Kociba et al. 1978). Figures 26 and 27 illustrate the morphology of some of these lesions. In a recent study with Swiss mice, Toth et al. (1979) showed that 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy- ethanol and 2,3,7,8-TCDD enhanced liver tumors in male mice in a dose- dependent fashion. In this study, the increase in liver tumors was S191 stiaanty significant only at 2,3,7,8-TCDD doses greater than 0.112 Hg/kg. Multiple studies have examined the effects of 2,3,7,8-TCDD administered in combination with other known carcinogens in experimental animal test sys- tems. Two studies used the two-stage tumorigenesis assay of mouse skin (Digiovanni et al. 1977; Berry et al. 1978). Berry and coworkers noted that a dose of 0.1 ug 2,3,7,8-TCDD twice weekly was not sufficient to promote skin tumors in mice treated with 7,12-demethylbenz(a) anthracene (DMBA). Digiovanni found that at doses of 2 pg per mouse given concurrently with DMBA, the number of tumors observed increased slightly. These data suggest that 2,3,7,8-TCDD is a weak tumor initiator in the two-stage system of mouse skin tumorigenesis. In a more recent study, Digiovanni et al. (1979) found that 2,3,7,8-TCDD could strongly inhibit the initiation of skin tumors by DMBA in female CD-1 mice. In a study with mice that were genetically non- responsive to the known carcinogen, 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA), exposure to 2,3,7,8-TCDD markedly increased the carcinogenic index of MCA when the compounds were administered simultaneously (Kouri et al. 1978). These data imply that the dioxin could act as a potent cocarcinogen. GENOTOXICITY Only four of the dibenzo-para-dioxins have been subjected to geno- toxicity testing. These are unsubstituted dibenzo-para-dioxin, the 2,7- dichloro-isomer, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, and OCDD (Wassom, Huff, and Loprieno 1978). As expected, 2,3,7,8-TCDD has been the most extensively tested, but results of these studies are inconclusive. Information implicating 2,3,7,8-TCDD as a mutagen is scarce and conflicting. Mammalian studies with dibenzo-para- dioxin derivatives have been infrequent. To date, 2,3,7,8-TCDD has shown negative results when tested for dominant lethal effects in rats and weakly positive results when tested for the ability to produce chromosomal ab- berations in bone marrow cells of rats (Khera and Ruddick 1973; Green, Moreland, and Sheu 1977). Mutagenicity Table 37 summarizes the results of studies of the mutagenic effects of dioxins. None of the Salmonella strains capable of detecting base-pair substitutions were positive when tested with 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Some investiga- tions have obtained positive responses in Strain TA 1532, which detects frameshift mutations. Hussain et al. (1972) report the following results of mutagenicity studies with 2,3,7,8-TCDD (99 percent) on three bacterial systems: 184 FAT ray DROPLETS . CANCER CELLS Figure 26. Lesion classified morphologically as hepatocellular carcinoma in liver of rat given 0.1 ug of 2,3,7,8-TCDD/kg per day. Note adjacent fibrosis, inflammation, and fatty infiltration on left. H&E stain. X200. (Source: Redrawn from Kociba et al. 1978) 185 KERATINIZED Sits % =. MATERIAL Wf-idi Figure 27. Lesion within lung of rat given 0.1 pg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD/kg per day. Classified morphologically as squamous cell carcinoma. Note accumulation of keratinized material within lesion. H&E stain. X100. (Source: Redrawn from Kociba et al. 1978) 186 TABLE 37. MUTAGENICITY OF DIOXIN COMPOUNDS IN SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM? £81 Strains detecting base-pair substitutions? Strains detecting frameshifts® Nou G46 TA1530 TA1535 TA100 TA1531 TA1532 TA1534 TA1537 TA1538 Reference 2,3,7,8-TCOD 0 0 - 0 0 - [1] - - McCann 1975 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 - Nebelt 1976 0 - 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 Hussain 1972 = = 0 0 ? + ? 0 0 Seller 1973 0coD = - 0 0 - ? ? 0 0 Seller 1973 Dibenzo-p-] dioxin 0 0 o = 0 0 0 - - Commoner 1976 2 Source: Wassom, Huff, and Loprieno 1978. 0, not tested; -, negative results; +, positive results; ?, doubtful mutagen. Results obtained with different experimental protocols. (1) 2,3,7,8-TCDD significantly increased the incidence of reverse mutations from streptomycin-dependence to streptomycin- independence in the bacteria Escherichia coli SD-4 treated with 2 ug/ml 2,3,7,8-TCDD. This was the only concentration at which mutations were clearly observed. (2) Evaluation of reverse mutation from histidine-dependence to histidine-independence in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 1532 and TA 1530 indicated that 2,3,7,8-TCDD was positive in TA 1532 but negative in TA 1530. This finding indicates that the dioxin may act as a frameshift mutagen. ICR-170 was used as a positive control in the test with 1532, but no positive or negative controls were tested with TA 1530. (3) Slight prophage inductions in Escherichia coli K-39 were observed, although data were difficult to evaluate because the DMSO solvent used in this test caused cellular effects on its own. Seiler (1973) studied the effects of 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 0CDD in several strains of Salmonella typhimurium. The 2,3,7,8-TCDD was strongly mutagenic only in strain TA 1532, whereas the OCDD was questionably mutagenic in strains TA 1532 and TA 1534. McCann (1976) obtained no positive mutagenic responses in several Salmonella strains exposed to 2,3,7,8-TCDD, including TA 1532. Commoner (1976) demonstrated that unsubstituted dibenzo-para- dioxin was nonmutagenic in four strains of Salmonella typhimurium. Khera and Ruddick (1973) performed dominant lethal studies with 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Groups of male Wistar rats were dosed orally with 4, 8, or 12 pg/kg per day for 7 days before they mated. Although the incidence of pregnancies from all matings was reduced, there was no evidence of induction of dominant lethal mutations during postmeiotic phases of spermatogenesis. Cytotoxicity Highly purified samples of 2,4,5-T and 2,3,7,8-TCDD were evaluated for cytological effects in the African Blood Lily plant (Jackson 1972). The tests included treatments involving both compounds in varying proportions. In contrast to a no-effect result with a highly purified sample of 2,4,5-T, dramatic inhibition of mitosis was observed in cells exposed either to a 104 molar solution of 2,4,5-T containing 0.2 to 1.0 ug 2,3,7,8-TCOD per liter or to a 10~% molar solution of 2,4,5-T containing an unknown level of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Similar results were obtained when treatments were limited to 2,3,7,8-TCDD alone. These treatments also induced formation of dicentric bridges and chromatin fusion, with formation of multi-nuclei or a single large nucleus. Because these effects were not evident in the pure 2,4,5-T sample, Jackson concluded that the cytological effects were due to the 2,3,7,8-TCDD contaminant. Tests for cytological effects in a wild type Drosophila fly were con- ducted with 2,4,5-T containing less than 0.1 ppm 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Davring and Summer 1971). Twenty-four hours after eclosion the adult flies were exposed 188 to 250 ppm 2,4,5-T in their food. Results indicated that this formulation affected early oogenesis and caused sterility. It is not stated unequivocally that the observed sterility was of genetic origin. In an animal study (Greig et al. 1973), male Portion rats were treated with single oral doses (50 to 400 pg/kg) of 2,3,7,8-TCDD dissclved in either dimethyl sulfoxide or arachis (peanut) oil. In the rat livers, parenchymal cell structures were altered and many cells were multinucleated. No mitoses were observed, and there were occasional pyknotic nuclei. The investigators postulate that 2,3,7,8-TCDD interfered with the capacity of the liver cells to maintain their correct morphology and thus led to death or structural disorganization. Similar results have been obtained by others (Buu-Hoi et al. 1971; Kimbrough et al. 1977). Vos et al. (1974) suggest that 2,3,7,8- TCDD could be a hepatocarcinogen because of its specific cytological effects on the proliferating cells of the liver. Chromosomal abberations in bone marrow cells of 2,3,7,8-TCDD-treated Osborne-Mendel rats have ‘also been reported (Green, Moreland, and Sheu 1977). No chromosomal abberations or cytogenetic damage was found, however, in bone marrow of male Osborne-Mendel rats treated with 2,7-di-CDD or unsubstituted dibenzo-p-dioxin (Green and Moreland 1975). .2,3,7,8-TCDD may be mutagenic to humans. Chromosomal abnormalities have been reported in in vitro cytogenetic studies of human lymphocytes exposed to 1077 to 10-*m-molar solutions of 2,4,5-T that contained 0.09 ppm 2,3,7,8-TCDD (U.S. EPA 1978h). Breaks, deletions, and rings were observed. Chromatid breaks increased with increasing concentrations of 2,4,5-T. It was not possible to distinguish whether this was a toxic effect or a potential genetic effect. Pathophysiology Many investigators have tested apparently logical mechanisms of action for 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxicity. For ‘the most part, these investigations have served only to disprove proposed mechanisms of action (Beatty et al. 1978; Neal 1979). The following proposed mechanisms for toxicity induced by 2,3,7,8-TCDD have been disproved: Inhibition of protein synthesis Inhibition of DNA synthesis Inhibition of mitosis Inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation Interference with the action of thyroxine Interference with glucocorticoid metabolism 189 Increased serum ammonia levels Depletion of reduced pyridine nucleotides Production of superoxide anion Decreased hepatic ATP content Impairment of hepatic mitochondrial respiration The most promising explanations for at least the first step in the mechanism of 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxicity result from studies of hepatic ATPase activities (Jones 1975; Madhukar et al. 1979b). Jones administered 200 pg/kg of the dioxin to male albino rats, then sacrificed groups of animals at 24 hours and at 3, 5, 6, 8, 34, and 42 days. Hematoxylin and eosin stains of liver sections showed no abnormalities in the groups sacrificed in the 24-hour to 8-day intervals; however, in the remaining two groups (34 and 42 days) the liver sections showed centrilobular zone necrosis. As early as 3 days after exposure, a significant change in the pattern of .the ATPase reaction was seen in all animals studied. In an area five to six cells deep around the central vein, there was no reaction along the canalicular borders of the parenchymal cells. Similar results were obtained by Madhukar, who studied Na, K, and Mg -ATPase activities in hepatocyte surface membranes isolated from male rats given 10 or 25 mg/kg 2,3,7,8-TCDD. As early as 2 days after administration of the dioxin, all of the ATPase activities were depressed in treated animals. A dose-response relationship was observed only for depression of Mg -ATPase activity. In further studies, Madhukar demonstrated that ATPase depression was not produced by in vitro exposures to 2,3,7,8-TCDD. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES AND CASE REPORTS The most notable human exposures to 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin have occurred through accidental releases in chemical factories, or by exposure to contaminated materials or areas. Most of the studies reported in the literature, such as those cited below, are investigations of the effects of such exposures. General Acute Toxicity The immediate results of dioxin exposure are burning sensations in eyes, nose, and throat; headache; dizziness; and nausea and vomiting (U.S. NIEHS IARC 1978). Itching, swelling, and redness of the face may occur just prior to chloracne. Chloracne, similar to acne vulgaris, is one of the most consistent and prominent features of dioxin exposure, occurring within weeks of initial exposure (May 1973; Oliver 1975; Poland et al. 1971). Mclinty (1976) showed that as little as 20 ug of 2,3,7,8-TCDD on the skin can lead to chloracne development. Chloracne may appear first on the face and then spread to the arms, neck, and trunk (U.S. NIEHS IARC 1978; May 1973). Other symptoms of exposure include arthralgias (pains in the joints without asso- 190 ciated arthritic changes), extreme fatigue, insomnia, loss of libido, irritability, and nervousness (Ensign and Uhi 1978; U.S. NIEHS IARC 1978). High levels of blood cholesterol and hyperlipoproteinaemia may also develop (Oliver 1975). Other effects, which may be delayed or immediate, are porphyria cutanea tarda, hepatic dysfunction, hyperpigmentation, and hirsutism (U.S. NIEHS IARC 1978). Disorders of the cardiovascular, urinary, respiratory, and pancreatic systems (Goldman 1973), along with disorders of fat and carbo- hydrate metabolism also have been found (U.S. NIEHS IARC 1978). Emotional disorders, difficulties with muscular and mental coordination, blurred vision, and loss of taste and smell also may occur (Oliver 1975). Several deaths related to 2,3,7,8-TCDD have been recorded, some due to liver damage and others to chronic exposure to the chemical. Additionally, symptoms such as chloracne can be passed by an exposed person to close associates such as family members through clothing, hands, or other close contact (McInty 1976). General Chronic Toxicity Poland et al. (1971) studied possible toxic effects on 73 male workers in a factory producing the 2,3,7,8-TCDD-contaminated pesticide 2,4,5-T. The workers were classified according to job location. The medical or toxico- logical symptoms were grouped into three categories: (1) chloracne and mucous membrane irritation, (2) hepatotoxicity, neuromuscular symptoms, psychological alterations, and other systemic symptoms, and (3) porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT). Of the 73 subjects, 66 percent experienced some degree of chloracne, 18 percent of which was classed as moderate to severe. The presance of hyperpigmentation and hirsutism correlated with the severity of the acne. Among maintenance men, who were subject to the greatest exposure, the acne was more severe than that of administrative personnel, whose expo- sure was minimal. Urinary porphyrin values, although within normal limits, were elevated in the maintenance men as compared with the other workers. Although 2,3,7,8-TCDD and other chemicals produced in 2,4,5-T synthesis may be hepatotoxic in humans, demonstrable chemical liver dysfunction among workers in this plant was minimal. The toxic effect of 2,3,7,8-TCDD on three young laboratory scientists was reviewed in a case study by Oliver (1975). Two of the subjects worked with the dioxin for approximately 6 to 8 weeks, and the third, for approxi- mately 3 years before onset of symptoms. The latter scientist worked only with a diluted sample of the material, whereas the other two worked on the synthesis of dioxins. Chloracne was the first symptom experienced by two of the scientists. Two of them also suffered from delayed reactions, exper- iencing abdominal pain, headache, excessive fatigue, uncharacteristic episodes of anger, diminished concentration, other neurological distur- bances, and hirsutism approximately 2.5 years after exposure. None of the scientists showed liver damage or porphyrinuria; all three showed elevated serum cholesterol levels, evidence of hypocholesterolemia, and hyperlipo- proteinaemia. No other biochemical abnormalities were noted. Over a period 191 of 6 months (after the onset of the delayed symptoms), the symptoms sub- sided. All three scientists were aware of the danger involved in the sub- stance with which they were working; they wore protective clothing, gloves, and masks, and worked under a vented hood. The author speculated that the exposures must have been extremely Tow. Accidental release of 2,3,7,8-TCOD occurred in an explosion at a chemical plant in Derbyshire, England. This exposure of workers resulted in 79. cases of chloracne recorded approximately 3 weeks after the explosion (May 1973). Young men with fair complexions were affected first, but the symptoms persisted longer in sallow-skinned men ages 25 to 40. Chiloracne was present, in order of prevalence, on the face, extensor aspects of arms, lateral aspects of thighs and calves, back, and sternum. Most workers recovered in 4 to 6 months. Of 14 employees who were present during the explosion, 13 showed abnormal liver function and 9 developed chloracne. Those with chloracne had handled pipes, joints, and cables with bare hands and thus may have absorbed the dioxin through the skin; this finding suggests that excretion of absorbed dioxin or its products may occur through facial pores. Jirasek et al. (1973, 1974, 1976) cite many studies done on 80 indus- trial workers in Czechoslovakia who showed signs of intoxication from dioxin formed as a byproduct in production of the sodium salts of 2,4,5-T and pentachlorophenol. Symptoms included 76 cases of chloracne, ranging from mild to so severe that it covered the entire body and left scars. Twelve workers had hepatic lesions with symptoms of porphyria cutanea tarda. Symptoms in 17 of the workers included polyneuropathy, psychic disorders, weakness and pain in the lower extremities, somnolence or insomnia, exces- sive perspiration, headache, and disorders of the mental and sexual func- tions. One worker suffered and died from severe atherosclerosis, hyper- tension, and diabetes; two workers died from bronchogenic carcinoma (lung cancer) (ages 47 and 59). Periods of latency differed; in some instances severe dermatological and internal damage developed after brief exposure, whereas in others apparently long-term and massive exposure caused only mild symptoms. Another study (Poland and Kende 1976) deals with 29 workers who were accidentally exposed to 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Of the 29, all contracted chloracne, 11 developed porphyrinuria, and several developed porphyria cutanea tarda. The workers also showed signs of mechanical fragility, hyperpigmentation, hirsutism, and photosensitivity of the skin, in which sunlight exposure caused blistering. Measures were taken at this plant to decrease 2,3,7,8- TCDD production and worker exposure. Within 5 years there was no evidence of porphyria or severe acne, and severity of the other symptoms was also reduced. In all cases reviewed, an acute exposure to dioxins resulting in chloracne and other acute symptoms and followed by a period of nonexposure to the substance resulted in the disappearance or diminution of the symptoms. In early May of 1971, an accidental poisoning incident killed or intox- icated many horses and other animals that came in contact with the soil of an arena sprayed with contaminated oil. Investigators identified 2,3,7,8- 192 TCDD and polychlorinated byphenyls as the causitive agents (Carter et al. 1975; Kimbrough et al. 1977). A 6-year old girl who played in the arena soil developed symptoms of headache, epistaxis (nosebleed), diarrhea, and lethargy. In August 1971, she developed hemorrhagic cystitis (inflammation of the urinary bladder). The patient's symptoms resolved in 3 to 4 days and did not recur. Proteinuria and hematuria (protein and blood in the urine) disappeared within 1 week of onset. A voiding cystogram obtained 3 months later appeared normal; however, cystoscopy demonstrated numerous punctate hemorrhagic areas, especially in the trigone region of the bladder. The patient was reexamined 5.3 years after dioxin exposure. Physical examina- tion was performed, as well as urinalysis, a voiding cystogram, an intra- venous pyelogram, renal function chemistries, an electrocardiogram, stress test, liver-function tests, uroporphyrin excretion, and thyroid-function studies. Results of all tests were essentially within normal limits (Beale et al. 1977). Three other individuals exposed to the arena developed recurrent headaches, skin lesions, and polyarthralgia (Kimbrough et al. 1977). : In another sprayed arena, two 3-year-old boys developed small, pale, nonpruritic, firm papules covered by blackheads on the exposed skin surfaces. These symptoms arose 1.5 months after the spraying. They increased in severity and lasted more than a year before gradually subsiding (Carter et al. 1975). Perhaps the most publicized incident of dioxin poisoning was that in Seveso, Italy. On July 10, 1976, at a plant where trichlorophenol was manufactured, an accident created temperature conditions ideal for the formation of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Zedda, Circla, and Sala 1976). Trichlorophenol crystals and 2,3,7,8-TCDD in the form of dust were spread over the area (Hay 1976a). In addition to 170 plant employees, approximately 5000 persons were exposed (Zedda, Circla, and Sala 1976). Shortly after the accident, cases of chloracne were reported. Over the ensuing years more than 134 confirmed cases of chloracne have occurred in children, some of whom had not been in the area during July and August 1976. These latter cases indicate that enough dioxin persisted in the environment several months after the accident to cause the chloracne (Zedda, Circla, and Sala 1976). Reports of disorders among the 170 workers exposed include 12 cases of chloracne in directly contaminated workers, 29 cases of hepatic insufficiency, 28 cases of chronic bronchitis, 17 cases of arterial hyper- tension, 9 cases of coronary insufficiency, 8 cases of muscular astenia (weakness), and 3 cases of reduced libido (Zedda, Circla, and Sala 1976). Reported symptoms occurring among the exposed residents include chloracne, nervousness, changes of character and mood, irritability, and loss of appetite. Legal and illegal abortions were estimated at 90, and there were 51 spontaneous abortions (U.S. EPA 1978h). Several additional followup studies of the initially identified cohort have been reported recently (Reggiani 1978, 1979a,b; Pocchiari, Silano and Zampieri 1979). In 1978, Reggiani reported that chloracne had appeared almost only in children and young people. These cases tended to be mild, 193 and spontaneous healing occurred in most. Transient lymphocytopenia and liver function abnormalities were detected. Reports at that time indicated no overt pathology of the liver, kidney, blood, reproductive organs, central and peripheral nervous systems, or metabolism of carbohydrate, fat, or porphyrin. In 1979, Reggiani reported that the incidence of chloracne remained between 0.6 and 1.5 percent in the surveyed population and other toxic manifestations initially observed remained at subclinical levels. Pocchiari, Silano, and Zampieri (1979) reported a somewhat more detailed followup of the cohort. In the cohort with highest exposure, chloracne was identified in approximately 13 percent of the screened popula- tion. About 4 percent of the workers from the plant (Pocchiari sets the number at 200) showed signs and symptoms of polyneuropathy. Subclinical peripheral nerve damage, confirmed by nerve conduction studies, was also observed fairly frequently in nonoccupationally exposed groups, and the incidence ranged from 1.2 to 4.9 percent in the screened population. Of note, there were no documented immunologic alterations in the exposed popu- lation. Eight percent of the screened population showed hepatomegally of undetermined etiology, and some of the screened population showed elevated levels of liver transaminases. The long-term effects of exposure to 2,3,7,8-TCDD in Seveso are not clear at this time. An epidemiologic survey now in progress includes general and specialized medical examinations, laboratory tests, and data on the outcome of pregnancies. Data will be collected over a period of 5 years. Cancer registries, hospital discharge forms, notifications of infec- tious diseases, and birth and death certificates will be used to detect any abnormalities of the health of the community (Fara 1977). Fetotoxicity and Teratogenicity Hexachlorophene (HCP) is a derivative of 2,4,5-TCP that has been used as an antibacterial agent for the past 20 years. Although there are no reports of 2,3,7,8-TCOD contamination in HCP, this drug has been shown to cause fetal malformations, some of which are severe (U.S. NIEHS IARC 1978). A study of mothers who were nurses exposed to hexachlorophene soap during early pregnancy showed that of 65 children born, 5 had severe and 6 had slight malformations. One slight malformation was observed in 68 children of an unexposed control group. Five babies died who had been washed more than three times with 3 percent hexachlorophene in a hospital. Autopsies revealed considerable brain damage in each case. In 1972, many infant fatalities were reported in France. The cause was cited as a new talc powder called "Bebe," which contained 6 percent HCP (dioxin content, if any, is unknown) (McInty 1976). It is reported that the local spontaneous abortion rate has increased to twice the national level in Italy since the chemical contamination of Seveso in 1976, and that similar results have occurred in Vietnam since the spraying of Herbicide Orange (Nature 1970). Unfortunately, doctors in Vietnam are unable to document increased abortion and birth defects because of inadequate medical records (U.S. EPA 1978a). 194 In the sprayed areas of Vietnam, doctors have cited increased inci- dences of babies being born with extra fingers or without fingers, hands, or feet (Lawrence Eagle Tribune 1978). Recently, a group of U.S. military veterans who were in South Vietnam at the time of the spraying have reported birth defects in their offspring similar to those reported in South Vietnam (Ensign and Uhi 1978; Lawrence Eagle Tribune 1978; Peracchio 1979). An EPA study has been done on the relationship of dioxin-containing herbicides to miscarriages; specifically the study concerns the relationship between spraying 2,4,5-T on forested areas of Oregon and miscarriages among women living in Alsea, a town near a sprayed area. Scientists from Colorado State University and the University of Miami medical school compared miscarriages in the Alsea basin with those in a control area in rural eastern Oregon. The miscarriage rate in the Alsea area was significantly higher than in the control area, where 2,4,5-T was not sprayed. Miscarriage rates peaked dramatically in June of each of the 6 years studied, occurring 2 or 3 months after the yearly spring applications. From 1972 through 1977 the spontaneous abortion indexes in June were 130 per 1000 births in Alsea and 46 per 1000 in the control area. Although these data do not prove a cause and effect relationship, they are highly suggestive (Cookson 1979). A recent study deals with the relationship of neural-tube defects in New South Wales and annual usage rates of 2,4,5-T in the whole of Australia (Field and Kerr 1979). Table 38 gives data showing the annual New South Wales combined birth rates of anencephaly (congenital absence of the cranial vault), and meningo-myelocele (defect through which part of the spinal cord communicates with the environment), together with data on the usage of 2,4,5-T in Australia in the previous year. The plot in Figure 28 indicates linear correlation. Highest rates of neural-tube defects occurred for conceptions during the summer months, and maximum spraying of 2,4,5-T in New South Wales occurs during the summer months. Again, although these data are suggestive, they do not prove a cause and effect relationship. The linear correlation disappeared in 1975 and 1976; monitoring of 2,4,5-T herbicide was established in Australia to ensure that concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD remain below 0.1 ppm. Nelson et al. (1979) report a retrospective study of the relationship between use of 2,4,5-T in Arkansas and the concurrent incidence of facial clefts in children. Occurrences of facial cleft generally increased with time; however, no significant differences were found in any of the study groups. The authors conclude that the general increase in facial cleft incidence in the high- and low-exposure groups resulted from better case finding rather than from maternal exposure to 2,4,5-T. Among 182 babies delivered in Seveso in the 2 months after the acci- dent, only 16 birth anomalies were found. This level is not significantly higher than the national level. Women in early stages of pregnancy when the accident happened were not studied in this survey (U.S. EPA 1978a). 195 TABLE 38. COMBINED RATE OF NEURAL-TUBE DEFECTS IN NEW SQUTH WALES AND PREVIOUS-YEAR USAGE OF 2,4,5-T IN AUSTRALIA Usage of 2,4,5-T Neural-tube defects in Australia in in N.S.W., cases previous year, Year per 1000 births metric tons 1965 1.72 90 1966 1.77 105 1967 1.93 188 1968 1.83 213 1969 2.13 201 1970 2:37 282 1971 1.88 170 1972 2.15 256 1973 2.19 241 1974 2.27 287 1975 2.03 466 1976 2.30 482 : Source: Field and Kerr 1979. 2,4,5-T acid in equivalent metric tons. 196 L61 NTD, cases/1000 births 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 2,4,5-T use, tonnes Figure 28. Linear correlation of New South Wales rate for neural-tube defects with previous year's usage of 2,4,5-T in Australia. (Source: Field and Kerr 1979) 500 Carcinogenicity Ton That et al. (1973) report an increase in the proportion of primary liver cancer among all cancer patients admitted to Hanoi hospitals during the period 1962 to 1968; this increase is relative to the period 1955 to 1961, just before the spraying of Herbicide Orange began. Theiss and Goldmann (1977) trace 4 cancer deaths out of 15 deaths occurring in 53 workers expcsed to 2,3,7,8-TCDD after a manufacturing accident in a TCP plant in Ludwigshafer, Germany, in 1953. A followup study is in progress. Two studies show an increased incidence of malignant mesenchymal soft- tissue tumors in persons exposed to phenoxy acids or chlorophenols (Hardell and Sandstrom 1978; Hardell 1979). In the 1978 study, 52 patients with soft-tissue sarcomas and 205 matched controls were investigated in a cchort study. The incidence of exposure was 19/52 among the tumor patients and 19/206 in the tumor-free controls (p <0.001). Relative risks were deter- mined to be 5.3 for exposure to phenoxy acid and 6.6 for exposure to chlo- rophenols. In the 1979 study, Hardell prospectively studied patients with histocytic, malignant lymphoma. In the first phase of the study, 14 of 17 patients reported occupations consistent with the possibility of exposure to the chemicals under study, and 11 patients reported definite exposure to phenoxy acetic acids or chlorophenols. The median latent period between exposure and tumor detection in this group was 15 years. Rappe (1979) has reported an increased incidence of primary liver cancer in members of the Vietnamese population exposed to Herbicide Orange. Mutagenicity Chromosomal analyses in Seveso have shown an increase in chromosomal lesions in males and females aged 2 to 28 years. These lesions consist of chromosomal gaps, and chromatid and chromosomal breaks and rearrangements. Cytogenetic studies indicate chromosomal damage to cells in maternal periph- eral blood and in placental and fetal tissues studied following therapeutic abortions (U.S. EPA 1978h). In similar analyses, Tenchini et al. (1977) found a higher number of structural aberrations in the fetal tissues than in the maternal blood samples of fibroblast cells from adult tissues, but the frequency of these aberrations did not appear to be greater than expected to occur spontan- eously in cultures of comparable cell types. Tenchini et al. point out that these preliminary findings do not indicate whether the higher frequencies of chromosome aberrations in fetal tissues were due to chromosome damage caused by 2,3,7,8-TCDD exposure. In contrast, the chromosomes of peripheral blood cells from 90 workers at the chemical plant at Seveso showed no abnormalities; the same results were obtained in a sampling of the most severely exposed residents of the area (Wassom 1978). 198 Czeizel and Kiraly (1976) compared the frequency of chromosome aberra- tions in the peripheral lymphocytes of 76 workers employed at a herbicide- producing factory in Budapest with those of 33 controls. Among these workers, 36 were exposed to 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyethanol (TCPE) or Kiorinol and 26 to Buvinol. The remaining 14 workers had never been engaged in the production or use of either herbicide. The 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentration in the herbicide products is reported to be either less than 0.1 mg/kg or not more than 0.05 mg/kg. The frequency of chromatid-type and unstable chromosome aberrations was higher (p <0.01) in the factory workers than in the controls, regardless of involvement in production of the herbicide. 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Environ- mental Health Perspectives, 1:47. 240 INDEX Accumulation in plants, 129, 130 Acute toxicity, 169-173, 190-191 Aminophenols, 70 Aquatic toxicity, 169, 173 Bioaccumulation, 119-129 Bioconcentration, see bioaccumulation Biodegradation, 98-102 Biomagnification, see bioaccumulation Biological methods of disposal: Soil conditioning, 144 Wastewater treatment systems, 144, 145 Micropit disposal, 145, 146 Biological transport in animals, 118-129 Bithionol, 53, 54 Brominated phenols, 66, 67 Carcinogenicity, 182-184, 198 Chemical methods of disposal: Ozone treatment, 140, 141 Chloroiodide degradation, 140, 142 Wet air oxidation, 142 Chlorinolysis and chlorolysis, 142, 143 Catalytic dechlorination, 143 Chlorophenols, 14-63 Manufacture, 17-24 Production, 24-26, 60, 61-63 Wastes, 58-59, 97, 131-133 Chronic toxicity, 173-180, 191-194 Combustion residues, dioxins in, 70-74, 89, 118, 132-133 241 Comparative lethal doses, 169-171 Contaminated industrial wastes, 80-83 Cytotoxicity, 188, 189 2,4-D, 33-38, 41, 85, 86, 108, 122, 126, 134, 139 2,4-DB, 33-38 2,4-DEP, 33, 34, 36 DMPA, 39 2,4-DP, 33 Dermatologic effects, 174, 175 Dicamba, 56, 57 Dioxins produced for research purposes, 75, 76 Disposal or destruction of dioxins Biological treatment, 58, 143-145 Catalytic dechlorination, 143 Chlorinolysis and chlorolysis, 142 Chloroiodide degradation, 140, 142 Concentration, 136, 138 Incineration, 132-134 Landfilling, 59, 131-132 Microwave plasma, 136, 137 Molten salt combustion, 134-136 Ozonolysis, 140, 141 Photolysis, 138-139 Radiolysis, 139-140 Storage, 131 Wet air oxidation, 142 Dowlap, 57, 58 Embrotoxicity, 180-182, 194-197 Endocrine effects, 176 Enzyme effects, 154-157 Epidemiology, 190-199 Erbon, 46-48 Exposure, 77-97, 190-199 From foods, 86-88 From herbicide applications, 84-86 242 From industrial accidents, 77-80, 191-194 From transportation accidents, 84 From waste handling, 80-83, 97 From water supplies, 87 In chemical laboratories, 96, 97, 191 In other related industries, 94-96 Occupational, 90-97 Fetotoxicity, 180-182, 194-197 Foods, dioxins in, 86-88 Gastrointestinal effects, 179 Gross and histopathologies, 159-169 Hematologic effects, 179 Hepatic effects, 175 Herbicide applications, 84-86 Herbicide Orange, 33, 36, 41, 82, 85, 96, 99, 100, 108, 111-114, 119, 120, 122, 133, 194, 198 Hexachlorobenzene, 59, 64-66 Hexachlorophene, 50-53, 77, 89, 97 Hexachlorophene exposures, 89, 90 Immunologic effects, 176-179 Incineration disposal methods, 132-137 Industrial accidents, 77-80, 90-94 Irgasan B5200, 57 Irgasan DP300, 57 Isopredioxin, 8 Lipids, effects on, 157-159 Metabolism, 149-159 Miscellaneous pesticide uses, 89 Mutagenicity, 188, 189 Neuropsychiatric effects, 179, 180 O-Nitrophenol, 67, 68 Particulate air emissions, dioxins in, 70-74 Pathophysiology, 189, 190 243 Pentachlorophenol, 11, 12, 16, 17, 24, 25, 94-96 Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution, 151-154 Photodegradation, 103-110 Physical methods of disposal, 136-140 Concentration, 136, 138 Photolysis, 138, 139 Radiolysis, 139, 140 Physical transport in air, 118 Physical transport in soil, 110-115 Physical transport in water, 115-118 Plastic, dioxins in, 74 Precursors, 3, 6, 8, 11, 12, 19 Predioxin, 8, 10-12, 57, 64 Renal effects, 175 Ronnel, 48, 49 Salicylic acid, 68-70 Sesin, 54, 55 Sesone, 36-39 Seveso, 77-80 Silvex, 43, 45, 46, 84-86, 115, 126 Smiles rearrangement, 11 Soils, persistance in, 98-102, 110-115 2,4,5-T, 40, 41-44, 51, 81, 82, 84-87, 108, 111, 115, 117, 122, 123, 126, 127, 139, 195 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol, 27-33 Uses, 27 Manufacture, 28-31 Production, 31-33 Teratogenicity, 180, 181, 194-197 Transportation accidents, 84 Triclofenol piperazine, 55, 56 Tyrene, 58 Water supplies, dioxins in, 87 244 i a 2 L United States Industrial Environmental Research EPA-600/2-80-157 / Environmental Protection Laboratory | June 1980 > Agency Cincinnati OH 45268 Research and Development EPA Dioxins Volume Il. Analytical Method for Industrial Wastes DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT AUG 271980 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA U.S. DEPOSITORY AUG 6 1980 Wp RESEARCH REPORTING SERIES Research reports of the Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, have been grouped into nine series. These nine broad cate- gories were established to facilitate further development and application of en- vironmental technology. Elimination of traditional grouping was consciously planned to foster technology transfer and a maximum interface in related fields. The nine series are: Environmental Health Effects Research Environmental Protection Technology Ecological Research Environmental Monitoring Socioeconomic Environmental Studies Scientific and Technical Assessment Reports (STAR) Interagency Energy-Environment Research and Development “Special” Reports Miscellaneous Reports This report has been assigned to the ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING series. | This series describes research conducted to develop new or improved methods and instrumentation for the identification and quantification of environmental pollutants at the lowest conceivably significant concentrations. It also includes studies to determine the ambient concentrations of pollutants in the environment and/or the variance of pollutants as a function of time or meteorological factors. oP CoN AEON This document is available to the public through the National Technical Informa- tion Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. EPA-600/2-80-157 June 1980 DIOXINS: VOLUME II. ANALYTICAL METHOD FOR INDUSTRIAL WASTES Pe by T. 0. Tiernan, M. L. Taylor, S. D. Erk, J. G. Solch, G. Van Ness, and J. Dryden The Brehm Laboratory and Department of Chemistry Wright State University Dayton, Ohio 45435 Contract No. 68-03-2659 Project Officer David R. Watkins Industrial Pollution Control Division Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY CINCINNATI, OHIO 45268 DISCLAIMER This report has been reviewed by the Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. ii FOREWORD When energy and material resources are extracted, processed, converted, and used, the related pollutional impacts on our environment and even on our health often require that new and increasingly more efficient pollution con- trol methods be used. The Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory- Cincinnati (IERL-Ci) assists in developing and demonstrating new and im- proved methodologies that will meet these needs both efficiently and economically. This report is one of a three-volume series dealing with a group of hazardous chemical compounds known as dioxins. The extreme toxicity of one of these chemicals, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD), has been a concern of both scientific researchers and the public for many years. The sheer mass of published information that has resulted from this concern has created difficulties in assessing the overall scope of the dioxin problem. In this report series the voluminous data on 2,3,7,8-TCDD and other dioxins are summarized and assembled in a manner that allows compari- son of related observations from many sources; thus, the series serves as a comprehensive guide in evaluation of the environmental hazards of dioxins. Volume I is a state-of-the-art review of dioxin literature. Detailed information is presented on the chemistry, sources, degradation, transport, disposal, and health effects of dioxins. Accounts of public and occupa- tional exposure to dioxins are also included. Volume II details the devel- opment of a new analytical method for detecting part-per-trillion levels of dioxins in industrial wastes. It also includes a review of the analytical literature on methods of detecting dioxins in various types of environmental samples. Volume III identifies various routes of formation of dioxins in addition to the classical route of the hydrolysis of chlorophenols. The possible presence of dioxins in basic organic chemicals and pesticides is addressed, and production locations for these materials are identified. For further information, contact Project Officer David R. Watkins, Organic and Inorganic Chemicals Branch, IERL-Ci. Phone (513) 684-4481. David G. Stephan Director Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Cincinnati 205533 PREFACE This report is Volume II in a series of three reports dealing with a group of hazardous chemical compounds known as dioxins. This volume dis- cusses the development of a new analytical technique for identifying dioxins in industrial wastes, and presents a bibliography of other analytical methods for determining dioxins in various types of environmental samples. Other volumes of this series examine the occurrence, environmental trans- port, toxicity, and disposal of this class of compounds, the detailed chemistry of dioxin formation, and the commercial products with potential for containing dioxin contaminants. An extensive body of published literature has appeared during the past 25 years that has been concerned primarily with one extremely toxic member of this class of compounds, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Often described in both popular and technical literature as "TCDD" or simply "dioxin," this compound is one of the most toxic substances known to science. This report series is concerned not only with this compound, but also with all of its chemical relatives that contain the dioxin nucleus. Throughout these reports, the term "TCDD's" is used to indicate the family of 22 tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin isomers, whereas the term "dioxin" is used to indicate any compound with the basic dioxin nucleus. The most toxic isomer among those that have been assessed is specifically designated as n2,3,7,8-TCDD." The objective in the use of these terms is to clarify a point of tech- nical confusion that has occasionally hindered comparison of information from various sources. In particular, early laboratory analyses often reported the presence of "TCDD," which may have been the most-toxic 2,3,7,8-isomer or may have been a mixture of several of the tetrachloro isomers, some of which are relatively nontoxic. Throughout this report series, the specific term 2,3,7,8-TCDD is used when it was the intent of the investigator to refer to this most-toxic isomer. Since early analytical methods could not dependably isolate specific isomers from environmental samples, the generic term "TCDD's" is used when this term appears to be most appropriate in light of present technology. iv ABSTRACT The overall objective of this research project was to develop a unified analytical approach for use in quantifying part-per-trillion levels of tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (TCDD's) in various chemical wastes. The EPA provided Brehm Laboratory of Wright State University with 17 waste samples from plants manufacturing trichlorophenol, pentachlorophenol, and hexachlorophene, and from plants processing wood preservatives. The extraction procedure developed for isolating the TCDD's from the various types of sample matrices is fully described. Analysis was accom- plished using highly specific and sensitive coupled gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric (GC-MS) methods. Both low and high resolution MS techniques were employed. This methodology is also described in detail. The pro- cedures presented in this report were acceptable for most of the industrial process samples provided. TCDD's were detected and quantitatively deter- mined in several of the samples at levels in the ppt to ppm range. One sample, identified as a trichlorophenol stillbottom, was found to contain 40 ppm TCDD's. This method was not applicable for wood or woodlike products and difficulties were also encountered with some samples that were suscep- tible to emulsion formation in the preparation stages. The Brehm Laboratory submitted this report in fulfillment of a subcon- tractual effort with Battelle Columbus Laboratories, supported through a prime contract between Battelle and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Contract No. 68-03-2659). This report covers the period October 1, 1978 to March 31, 1979 and work was completed as of March 3, 1979. CONTENTS Foreword Preface Abstract Figures Tables List of Abbreviations Acknowledgment 1 Introduction 2. Analytical Background 3. Analytical Method 4, Discussion and Results 5. Conclusions and Recommendations References Appendix A. Principles of GC-MS Appendix B. Other Instrumental Methods Appendix C. Literature Review vii 13 43 45 49 57 60 Number 10 ii 12 FIGURES Mass chromatogram of extract of EPA sample 2 at m/e 322 obtained with High pressure High pressure Four-ion mass obtained with Four-ion mass GC-QMS. liquid chromatogram of sample 2. liquid chromatogram of 2,3,7,8-TCDD standard. fragmentogram of benzene solvent blank GC-MS-30. fragmentogram of 50 pg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 1 ng 37C1,4-2,3,7,8-TCDD obtained with GC-MS-30. Four-ion mass with GC-MS-30. Four-ion mass with GC-MS-30. Dual-ion mass with GC-MS-30, Dual-ion mass fragmentogram of sample 12700 obtained fragmentogram of sample 5 obtained fragmentogram of sample 2, obtained mass resolution 1:12,500. fragmentogram of 150 pg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD standard obtained with GC-MS-30, mass resolution 1:12,500. Mass fragmentograms using GC-MS-30 of mixtures of 2,3,7,8-TCDD with other chlorinated compounds. Mass spectrum of 2,3,7,8-TCDD standard and sample 2 (mass range m/e 330 to m/e 250). Mass spectrum of 2,3,7,8-TCDD standard and sample 2 (mass range m/e 250 to m/e 150). viii 16 23 24 26 27 28 29 35 36 38 41 42 Number TABLES Samples Used in Development of Analytical Method for TCDD's in Industrial Wastes Elution of TCDD's in Extracts of Sample 2 Content of TCDD's in Column Fractions for Sample 2 Elution of TCDD's in Extracts of Sample C04131 Results of GC-MS-30 Analyses of EPA Samples for TCDD's TCDD Isomer Content of Column Fractions of 2,3,7,8-TCDD Spiked Samples Recoveries of 2,3,7,8-TCDD Spiked Samples Following Alumina Column Chromatography Results of GC-MS-30 Analyses of 37C1,-2,3,7,8-TCDD Spiked Samples Relative Intensities of Major Ions Observed in Mass Spectral Scans ix 14 17 19 20 25 31 33 34 40 cm DDE GC-EC eV g GC GC-MS GC-MS-30 GC-QMS HPLC I.D. kg Ds m m/e ml ml/min mm MS ng PCP PCB Pg ppb ppm ppt PSIG 2,4,5-TCP TCDD's Hg uv V LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS centimeter 2,2-bis-(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethylene gas chromatography-electron capture electron volt gram gas chromatography gas chromatography-mass spectrometry gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (high resolution) gas chromatography-quadrupole mass spectrometry (low resolution) high-pressure liquid chromatography inside diameter kilogram lethal dose to 50% of test group meter mass to charge ratio milliliter milliliter/minute millimeter mass spectrometry nanogram pentachlorophenol polychlorinated biphenyl picogram parts per billion (ug/1 or ng/ml) parts per million (mg/1 or pg/ml) parts per trillion (ng/1 or pg/ml) pounds per square inch gage 2,4,5-trichlorophenol tetrachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins; 22 possible isomers microgram ultraviolet volt ACKNOWLEDGMENT This report was prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency by the Brehm Laboratory and Chemistry Department of Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. Dr. T.0. Tiernan was the Principal Investigator with Dr. M.L. Taylor and S.D. Erk as Co-Principal Investigators. Mr. Dave Watkins was the Project Officer for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. A review of the analytical literature for determination of TCDD's in various sample matrices was compiled by Battelle Columbus Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio, and constitutes a significant addition to this report. This material was used to develop Appendices B and C. Final compilation of this report for integration into the three-volume dioxin series was done by PEDCo Environmental, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, with Ms. M. Pat Esposito as Project Manager. Technical assistance was provided by Ms. Diane N. Albrinck. xi wv = 4 ile = El Lect SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION A dioxin is any of a family of compounds known chemically as dibenzo- para-dioxins. Each of these compounds has as a nucleus a triple-ring struc- ture consisting of two benzene rings interconnected to each other through a pair of oxygen atoms. Shown below are the structural formula of the dioxin nucleus and also the abbreviated structural convention used throughout the report series. 9 1 0 7 oO 3 6 4 Most environmental interest in dioxins and most studies of this family of compounds have centered on chlorinated dioxins, in which the chlorine atom occupies one or more of the eight substitution positions (Blair 1973; Lee et al. 1973; Nicholson and Moore 1979). The interest of health and environmental researchers in chlorodioxins arose principally because of the toxicity and distribution of one of these compounds, 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD),* whose struc- tural formula is as follows: Cl oO Cli *Throoahout Thi hroughout this report, the 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro isomer is specifically noted as 2,3,7,8-TCDD to differentiate it from the other tetrachloro isomers. In many cases, however, general reference is made to the family of tetra isomers as TCDD's because of the difficulty in isolating specific isomers. Refer to preface for further explanation. This is an unusual organic chemical, symmetrical across both horizontal and vertical axes. It is remarkable for its lack of reactive functional groups and its chemical stability. It is a lipophylic molecule, virtually insol- uble in water and only sparingly soluble in most organic liquids; it is a colorless crystalline solid at room temperature. Although 2,3,7,8-TCDD was first reported in the chemical literature in 1872, no major investigations into its toxicity were begun until the 1950's. Because of the remarkable stability of this substance in biological systems and its extreme toxicity, cumulative effects of extremely small doses are a major concern. For example, the LD.,* of 2,3,7,8-TCDD for the male guinea pig has been shown to be only 0.6 u8dkg or 0.6 part per billion body weight (McConnell et al., 1978). Fetal mortality has been observed in rats that had been fed 10 consecutive doses of 2,3,7,8-TCDD at the level of 0.125 pug/kg per day (World Health Organization 1977). It is reasonable to pre- sume, therefore, that the slightest trace of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in the environment may have adverse effects on the health of both human and animal populations. In view of these considerations, it is vitally important to scrutinize carefully the probable avenues of contamination of the environment with 2,3,7,8-TCDD. It has been recognized for some time that 2,3,7,8-TCDD can be produced in the manufacture of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol. Other dioxins are similarly produced in the manufacture of other chlorophenols. The amounts of dioxins produced depend on process controls such as temperature and pressure. Since dioxins may be present in these and other manufactured chemical products, it is also likely that they may be present in the chemi- cal wastes and sludges remaining from these processes. If this is the case, indiscriminate discharge of these wastes into the environment, or the use of improper disposal procedures could lead to the contamination of water, air, or foodstuffs. This might, in turn, result in widespread exposure of the population to TCDD's and other dioxins. Since 1972 the personnel of the Brehm Laboratory of Wright State University have been performing sensitive dioxin analyses under programs supported by several government agencies (U.S. Air Force, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of Agriculture), and the states of Michigan, New York, and Arkansas. In these investigations Brehm Laboratory has developed and applied complex analytical methodology for the determina- tion of TCDD's in many types of samples, including herbicides, industrial chemicals, soils, water, air, biological tissues and fluids (both human and other animal), and combustion products and related samples (Taylor et al. 1973; Taylor, Hughes, and Tiernan 1974a,b,c; Fee et al. 1975; Hughes et al. 1975; Taylor, Tiernan, and Hughes 1974; Tiernan 1975a,b; Tiernan, Taylor, and Hughes 1975; Taylor et al. 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979; Tiernan et al. 1979; Erk, Taylor, and Tiernan 1979; Yelton, Taylor, and Tiernan 1977; Wright State University 1976). The levels of TCDD's in these samples have ranged from high parts per million (ppm) to low parts per trillion (ppt). A sig- nificant number of samples examined have been found to contain % LD; : The administered dose of a substance which is lethal to 50 per- cer? of a test group of animals. detectable amounts of TCDD's. On the basis of these findings many investi- gators believe that TCDD's may already be widespread contaminants in the environment. The analytical techniques applied by Brehm Laboratory in these earlier dioxin programs have varied widely in terms of the complexity of equipment, sample preparation, and the overall sensitivity and specificity of the procedures. It is now apparent that a single basic technique, amenable to minor modifications, would be desirable for the purpose of characterizing various types of chemical samples, provided that such a technique could satisfy all the specified criteria for sensitivity, specificity, and other analytical factors. Sensitivity in the ppt range is required because of the potent toxicity of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. The current detection capability is approaching 1 ppt in at least some sample matrices and must be developed in others, particularly chemical process wastes and sludges. Accuracy is also important in these determinations, owing to current and potential regulatory actions that hinge on the analytical data. The Brehm Laboratory, in a subcontractual effort with Battelle Columbus Laboratories, supported through a prime contract between Battelle and the U.S. EPA, has undertaken development of new analytical techniques for use in quantitating ppt levels of TCDD's in various chemical wastes. The goal in this work was to develop a unified analytical approach to the handling of a variety of chemical waste sample types and matrices. The U.S. EPA supplied 17 test samples representing various types of chemical wastes or residues generated during the manufacture of chloro- phenols and related chemicals. These samples were expected to contain TCDD's and were used in methods development by the Brehm Laboratory ana- lysts. Presented herein are the final results of this work. This volume includes a background discussion of various analytical approaches to the detection of TCDD's, the newly developed and validated analytical method, a description of the procedures used in development of the method, and the analytical data obtained in applying the method to various industrial samples. Appendix A of this report discusses general principals of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Appendix B discusses other methods and procedures found in current literature which may be used to detect TCDD's in a variety of sample matrices. Appendix C is a compilation of references on analysis of TCDD's, categorized by sample type. SECTION 2 ANALYTICAL BACKGROUND* Analytical methods for detecting TCDD's in various types of samples involve extensive sample preparation procedures followed by highly complex instrumental analysis. This section discusses various approaches to the detection and quantitative measurement of TCDD's, which had been used prior to the inception of the present study in 1978. SAMPLE PREPARATION Because TCDD's may be found in a variety of matrices many different sample extraction/ preparation methods have been developed. Although they differ in complexity, most of these methods may be classified into two major categories: first, those characterized by a highly basic extraction step, and second, those involving only neutral extraction. The neutral extraction technique was developed to preclude the possibility that treatment with a strong base might generate compounds that could form chlorinated dioxins in the mass spectrometer. Following extraction, the sample preparation steps are similar for both techniques, differing only in the method of application and complexity. Both extraction procedures are described in detail below. Basic Extraction Method Historically basic extraction methods were first developed for the determination of TCDD's in environmental samples (Crummett and Stehl 1973; Baughman and Meselson 1973a; Baughman and Meselson 1973b). Such sample preparation techniques begin with digestion of a sample aliquot using alcohol and a strong base. This is followed by a series of organic solvent extractions to separate the TCDD's from the alkaline mixture. Solvents such as ethanol, hexane, petroleum ether, and methylene chloride have been used, either singly or in combination. The solvent extracts are combined and then subjected to a series of washings with distilled water and strong acid. The washed extract is then treated to remove all traces of water and passed through one or more chromatographic columns for removal of some co- extractants, primarily polar compounds. Instrumental analysis follows. * Supplementary information on analytical methods for detecting dioxins in various types of samples may be found in the appendices. An example of a typical basic extraction/ preparation technique for nonfat tissue consists of heating 10 g of sample with 10 ml of ethanol and 20 m1 of 40 percent potassium hydroxide solution for 30 minutes. After the solution cools, an additional 10 ml of ethanol is added and the solution is extracted with four 10-m1 portions of hexane. The preparation procedure consists of washing the combined hexane extracts with concentrated sulfuric acid until the acid fraction becomes only slightly colored. The acid wash is followed by a 10 ml water wash, followed by evaporation to dryness at room temperature with a stream of dry air. The sample is then redissolved in hexane and further purified by elution chromatography using sorbents such as alumina, silica gel, or Florisil, either singly or in combination. The final eluate is concentrated prior to analysis. Neutral Extraction Method The neutral extraction and preparation technique was originally devel- oped by O'Keefe, Meselson, and Baughman (1978). Albro and Corbett (1977) describe an alternative neutral extraction method. A typical neutral ex- traction technique for analysis of TCDD's consists of extracting the sample with 10 ml of hexane. The hexane solution is then chromatographed with a magnesia-Celite 545 column, an alumina column, an alumina minicolumn, and finally a Florisil minicolumn. The Florisil column is eluted with methylene chloride, and the eluate is concentrated in preparation for analysis. It has been asserted that neutral extraction methods are particularly effective for fish tissues and human milk (O'Keefe, Meselson, and Baughman 1978; Harless and Dupuy 1979). Chemical Composition of Extracts The sample preparation techniques described above are useful for destroying the integrity of the sample matrix and yield a small volume of organically miscible/soluble residue. The net effect of these clean-up procedures is the enrichment of the TCDD's relative to the natural compo- nents of the sample matrix, as well as other chlorinated environmental contaminants such as PCB's and DDE.* The latter compounds are often present in the sample in significantly greater concentrations than the TCDD's (larger by a factor of 10%) and, therefore, may not be completely removed from the extract at this point. In addition, it is unlikely that the fore- going procedures result in separation of 2,3,7,8-TCDD from its other 21 TCDD isomers which may have been present in the sample. ** * DDE, or 2,2-bis-(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethylene, is commonly found in environmental samples; it is a degradation product of the pesticide DDT. ** Subsequent to the completion of the work described herein, reports have appeared in the literature which describe methods for synthesis and isola- tion of the 22 TCDD isomers (Nestrick 1979; Dow 1980). Using such new analytical procedures it is now possible to isolate and quantitatively determine 2,3,7,8-TCDD in environmental samples even in the presence of the other 21 isomers. Consequently, detection and quantitation of TCDD's in general and 2,3,7,8-TCDD in particular in this "enriched" but still rather chemically complex extract can only be accomplished by using a highly specific and sensitive instrumental method. The method of choice, and that described below, is coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHIC AND MASS SPECTROMETRIC METHODS OF ANALYSIS* Because of its ready availability and relative ease of application, gas chromatography has been extensively used for the detection and quantitation of TCDD's (Elvidge 1971; Williams and Blanchfield 1971; Firestone et al. 1972; Williams and Blanchfield 1972; Crummett and Stehl 1973; Edmunds, Lee, and Nickels 1973; Webber and Box 1973; Buser 1976; Bertoni et al. 1978). In many instances, the authors cited above have found that the chromatographic methods lack the required specificity for determining TCDD's in complex samples. Consequently these researchers and others have sought more sensi- tive and specific methods of detection. At present the analytical method which is almost exclusively used for the detection and quantitation of TCDD's is coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry or GC-MS (Crummett and Stehl 1973; Tiernan et al. 1975; Taylor et al. 1975; Buser and Bosshardt 1976; Harless 1976; Buser 1977; Gross 1978). GC-MS is the only known method that can provide very high sensitivity as well as the required selectivity for TCDD's. A particularly sensitive and specific GC-MS technique which has been used entails low-resolution selective jon monitoring. In the case of TCDD's, fragment ions at nominal m/e 320 and m/e 322, as shown below, are monitored. ) a Be, o _ ig, Oo ey ® Cl 0 Cl Cl Oo Cl | 70 eV OM %01,0," = w/e 319.8966 (nominal w/e = 320) electrons I 35 ® 35 er 0 ci 0 ci eer | [Poe] Cl Oo Cl Cl Oo Ci J \o¢, 40% ,0," « m/e 321.8936 (nominal m/e = 322) ¥ A discussion of the principles of gas chromatography and mass spectrom- etry is presented in the Appendix. 6 The intensities of these ions are recorded as the TCDD's elute from the gas chromatograph. The ratio of the intensities of m/e 320 to m/e 322 is a characteristic indicator of TCDD's. Unfortunately other compounds which may also be present in the sample extract can also give rise to mass spectral ions at the same nominal masses (m/e 320 and m/e 322) as TCDD's. Two approaches can minimize this problem. The first approach utilizes high resolution mass spectrometry (M/aAM >9000) to increase the selectivity. The ions appearing under low-resolution MS conditions at nominal mass 322 may be produced from TCDD's which have C12H4C140, as their elemental composition and thus have an "exact" mass of 321.8936. Interfering ions such as pentachlorinated biphenyls may also appear at nominal mass 322, but their elemental composition is C;,H5Cls, and therefore they have an "exact" mass of 321.8677. Thus, using high- resolution MS these ions of slightly different mass are distinguishable, and so the dioxin component having the exact mass of 321.8936 can be reliably measured. Conceivably, ions having the C;,H4C140, composition can be produced from other compounds, but proper selection of chromatographic procedures maximizes the possibility of separating such compounds from TCDD's. The achievement of detection limits in the low-ppt range at high MS resolution generally requires the use of data acquisition methods which entail signal averaging (Shadoff and Hummel 1978; Gross 1978; Taylor et al. 1976). A second approach to the problem of separating TCDD's from closely related interferences makes use of low-resolution mass spectrometry but incorporates a more selective separation step prior to the mass spectro- metric analysis. Capillary column gas chromatography is useful for this purpose (Buser 1977), but Tiquid chromatography followed by capillary column gas chromatography has proved even more fruitful (Nestrick, Lamparski, and Stehl 1979; Dow 1980). In both the GC-high -resolution and the GC-low-resolution mass spec- trometric methods, internal standards are frequently used for the quan- tification of TCDD's. The analytical method developed in the present study utilizes an internal standard, namely 27C1,-2,3,7,8-TCDD. SECTION 3 ANALYTICAL METHOD* The analytical procedure ultimately developed and described herein for determination of TCDD's in various industrial process waste samples utilizes two separate GC-MS systems. A gas chromatograph coupled to a low-resolution quadrupole mass spectrometer (GC-QMS) is used for preliminary identification of TCDD's in the extracts of the waste samples. A second apparatus coupling a gas chromatograph and a high-resolution mass spectrometer (GC-MS-30) is used to confirm the results obtained with the GC-QMS technique. The analysis method entails two steps, sample preparation and instrumental analysis, as described below. It should be emphasized that, even with the elaborate separation techniques employed here, the 2,3,7,8-TCDD isomer is still not resolved from the other TCDD isomers if these are present in the sample extracts. As a result, the quantitative data obtained here for TCDD's must be considered an upper limit rather than an absolute level for any individual TCDD isomer. SAMPLE PREPARATION The following procedures were developed as an approach to preparation of industrial waste samples and have been successfully applied in this study. 1. Place a 2.0 g aliquot of the sample in each of the two extraction vessels. To each aliquot, add an appropriate quantity of 37C14- 2,3,7,8-TCDD dissolved in '"distilled-in-glass" benzene as an internal standard. Spike one of the two aliquots with an addi- tional known quantity of authentic native 2,3,7,8-TCDD at a con- centration equal to the nominal amount expected in the sample. 2. Add 30 ml "distilled-in-glass" petroleum ether to each sample and mix thoroughly. 3. Extract each organic solution with 50 m1 of double-distilled water and discard the aqueous layer. 4. Extract each solution with 50 ml of 20 percent potassium hydroxide and discard the aqueous basic layer. * This section presents the analytical method only; discussion of develop- ment of the method follows in Section 4. 5. Extract each solution with 50 ml of double-distilled water and discard the aqueous portion. Extract each solution with 50 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid and discard the aqueous acidic layer. an i Repeat step 6 until the acid layer is nearly colorless. 8. Extract each organic solution with 50 ml of double-distilled water and discard the aqueous layer. 9. Dry each organic solution over anhydrous sodium sulfate. 10. Quantitatively transfer each organic solution to another vessel, and concentrate to a volume of approximately 1 ml by passing a stream of purified nitrogen over the surface of the liquid while applying gentle heat (50°C) to the vessel. 17. Construct a chromatography column for each sample by packing a disposable glass pipette (I.D.= 0.8 cm) with glass wool and 2.8 g of Woelm basic alumina (previously activated by maintaining it at 600°C for a minimum of 24 hours, then cooled in a dessicator for 0.5 hour prior to use). 12. Quantitatively transfer each concentrated organic solution to the top of a column. 13. Elute each column with 10 ml of 3 percent "distilled-in-glass" methylene chloride in "distilled-in-glass" hexane, and discard the entire column effluent. 14. Elute each column with 20 ml of 20 percent methylene chloride in hexane and collect the eluate in four 5-ml fractions. 15. Elute each column with 10 ml of 50 percent methylene chloride in hexane and retain the entire column eluate for analysis. 16. Elute each column with 3 ml of 50 percent methylene chloride in hexane and retain the eluate for analysis. 17 Concentrate all six fractions in benzene to an appropriate volume (usually 0.1 to 1.0 ml) and proceed with analysis. INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS The application of GC-MS instrumentation methods for analysis of TCDD's requires knowledgeable and experienced personnel, dedication of the equip- ment, and significant capital and operating costs. The requirement for detecting Tow ppt levels of TCDD's in these analyses necessitates such a sensitive and selective analytical method. Because this is currently the only known method which meets these criteria, the relatively high expense is unavoidable. The following is a brief description of the instrumentation required for the analytical procedures developed herein. GC-QMS System The GC-QMS system constists of a Varian Model 2740 Gas Chromatograph coupled directly (no helium separator is required) to an Extra-nuclear Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer. The GC was adapted to include a sophisticated system of remotely actuated high-temperature switching valves (Valco Co.) and Granville-Phillips molecular leak valves, so that the column effluent could be readily regulated (Tiernan et al. 1975a; Erk, Taylor, and Tiernan 1978). With this arrangement, the total column effluent can be directed into the mass spectrometer ion source, or the effluent flow can be split, one portion going to the ion source and the other to a gas chromatographic detector, as desired. The use of a differential high-speed pumping system on the source vacuum envelope permits introduction of as much as 65 ml/min of effluent from the gas chromatograph into the mass spectrometer ion source. Admitting the total chromatograph effluent into the mass spec- trometer source enhances the sensitivity of the analysis. For purposes of instrument control and data acquisition, the GC-QMS system is coupled to an Autolab System IV Computing Integrator. Additional capacity for off-line data reduction is available with a Hewlett-Packard 2116C Minicomputer, which is programmed to accept data (punched paper tape) from the system when necessary. GC-MS-30 System The GC-MS-30 system used in these studies consists of a Varian 3740 Gas Chromatograph coupled through an AEI silicone membrane separator to an AEI MS-30 Double-Focusing, Double-Beam Mass Spectrometer. The mass spectrometer is equipped with a unique electrostatic analyzer scan circuit developed by Wright State University, which permits the monitoring of as many as four mass peaks, essentially simultaneously, by rapidly and sequentially stepping and switching between the masses of interest, while maintaining picogram sensitivity for TCDD's. The data are recorded by use of a Nicolet 1074 Signal Averaging Computer. Sample Analysis Analysis consists of three steps as described below. 1. Analyze each eluate fraction (collected in the elution chromatog- raphy separation of the sample) on the low-resolution GC-QMS, using the following operating parameters: 10 Varian 2740 Gas Chromatograph Column: Carrier gas: Temperatures: 2 m x 3 mm I.D. glass packed with 3 percent 0V-7 on Gas Chrom Q Helium at 65 ml/min (the total chromatographic column effluent is admitted to the mass spec- trometer jon source) Injector: 255°C Column: 275°C Transfer line: 295°C Quadrupole mass spectrometer Ionizing voltage: 23.5 eV Multiplier: 3200 V Resolution: 1:350 Source envelope pressure: 1.4 x 10 4 torr Analyzer envelope pressure: 8.0 x 10 © torr Masses monitored: m/e 320, 322 Source temperature: 250°C Analyzer temperature: 120°C 2. Confirm any samples showing positive levels of TCDD's on the low- resolution GC-QMS by analysis of the corresponding eluate fractions using high-resolution GC-MS-30 and the following operating parameters: Varian 3740 gas chromatograph Column: Carrier gas: Temperatures: 1.8 x 2 mm I.D. coiled glass column packed with 3 percent Dexsil 300 on Supelcoport (100/120 mesh) Helium at a flow rate of 30 ml/min Injector: 250°C Column: 240°C Transfer line: 285°C 11 AEI MS-30 mass spectrometer Resolution 1:12,500 Ionizing voltage: 70 eV Masses monitored: m/e 319.8966, 321.8936, 325.8805, and 327.8846 Temperatures: Membrane separator: 215°C Transfer line: 270°C Source: 250°C 3. Determine the overall recovery of the analytical procedure by measuring the amount of internal standard (37C14-2,3,7,8-TCDD) recovered. 12 SECTION 4 DISCUSSION AND RESULTS For use in developing and demonstrating the analytical methodology for determination of ppt levels of TCDD's in process wastes and related mate- rials, samples were provided that were representative of wastes from several different industrial chemical processes that might be expected to generate chlorodioxins. The samples were obtained by the U.S. EPA from plants manu- facturing trichlorophenol, pentachlorophenol, and hexachlorophene, and from plants processing wood preservatives. Initially, the nature and identity of each sample were unknown to the Wright State investigators, although infor- mation was made available early in the program about two of the samples originating from trichlorophenol manufacturing processes. Subsequently, identifying data on most of the remaining samples were obtained and are summarized in Table 1. Because still bottom samples collected at a trichlorophenol manufac- turing plant were considered of major interest, a sample of this type (EPA sample 2) was selected for use in preliminary investigations. The initial approach to analytical method development, based on the experience of Wright State personnel in chlorodioxin analysis, is outlined below. 1. If the sample is solid, dissolve a portion in an immiscible combi- nation of aqueous and organic solvents, such as water and petro- Teum ether. If the sample is a liquid, extract a portion of the material with a similar water-organic solvent system. In the absence of any prior knowledge about the content of TCDD's in a given sample, the quantity to be extracted must be selected on the basis of sensitivity of the overall technique (as indicated by previous experience) and the desired limits of detection. 2. Separate the aqueous component of the sample-solvent mixture from the organic phase and discard the aqueous portion. 3. Extract the organic fraction with sequential washes of acid, water, base, water, acid, and water (in that order), and discard the washes. 4. Concentrate the remaining organic phase to near dryness and elute through an alumina column, using appropriate solvents to separate the TCDD's and other sample components. 13 TABLE 1. SAMPLES USED IN DEVELOPMENT OF ANALYTICAL METHOD FOR TCDD'S IN INDUSTRIAL WASTES EPA No. Sample type Source and identity of sample C04130 Liquid slurry Givaudan: aqueous slurry of hexachlorophene C04131 Solid Givaudan: activated clay filter cake from hexachlorophene manufacturing C04132 Liquid Givaudan: ethylene dichloride recovery solution from hexachlorophene manufacturing 2 Liquid/solid Transvaal: still bottom from trichlorophenol (TCP) manufacturing 3 Slurry Transvaal: cooling tank bottom from TCP manu- facturing 4 Slurry Transvaal: discharge line from TCP manufactur- ing 5 Liquid/solid Transvaal: sludge from TCP manufacturing 6 Liquid Transvaal: type unknown; presumably TCP process sample 12700 Liquid/solid Reichold Chemical: sludge from intake of settl- ing pond, pentachlorophenol (PCP) manufacturing 12701 Liquid Reichold Chemical: sludge from discharge of settling pond, PCP manufacturing 12702 Solid Reichold Chemical: PCP manufacturing 11020 Liquid/solid Baxter: retort solids residue from wood pre- serving 11021 Liquid Baxter: storage tank solution from wood pre- serving 11022 Liquid/solid Baxter: cooling water solids from wood pre- serving 11023 Solid Baxter: treated wood from wood preserving 11024 Solid Baxter: soil from neighborhood of wood preserv- ing plant 11025 Solid Baxter: sludge from wood preserving 14 5. Concentrate the fraction containing TCDD's and subject it to preliminary screening analysis by use of the GC-QMS system, operated in the selected-ion monitoring mode and adjusted to detect m/e 322 and m/e 320, the two most abundant peaks in the isotopic molecular ion cluster of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. 6. If the initial screening indicates a positive level of TCDD's, then the level must be confirmed and quantitated by use of the GC-MS-30 system. This approach was used in analysis of sample 2. Subsequent modifica- tions of this initial procedure and other observations are discussed in following subsections. DEVELOPING SAMPLE PREPARATION TECHNIQUE Four aliquots of sample 2 were extracted with a mixture of water and petroleum ether. The aqueous portion was discarded, and each organic frac- tion was washed successively with acid, water, base, water, acid, and water. The samples were then concentrated and transferred to a 2.8 g Woelm basic alumina column (length 12 cm, internal diameter 0.8 cm). Large quantities of a white crystalline substance appeared in the column eluate. The column apparently was overloaded owing to the large quantity of this material present in the sample. This substance possibly accounted for interference in the mass chromatogram (Figure 1). Adjustments of the column chromatography procedure were therefore made in an effort to eliminate this crystalline contaminant in the fraction containing the TCDD's. A solvent screening study was done to evaluate the solubility of the contaminant and the potential for its removal from the sample matrix. Results are as follows: Solvent tested Solubility of contaminant 100% methanol STight solubility 3% methylene Solubility slightly greater than chloride in hexane in 100% methanol 25% carbon tetra- Solubility slightly greater than chloride in hexane in 3% methylene chloride in hexane 100% methylene Completely soluble chloride Next, elution characteristics of the alumina column were evaluated. Table 2 presents the solvents and the discrete fractions collected in determining the elution characteristics of the Woelm basic alumina column. 15 TCDD'S Y Figure 1. Mass chromatogram of extract of sample 2, at m/e 322 obtained with GC-QMS. 16 TABLE 2. ELUTION OF TCDD'S IN EXTRACTS OF SAMPLE 2 Total volume Volume of of column fraction(s) Set No. Eluting solvent effluent, ml collected Al 3% methylene chloride in 10 total 10 ml hexane A2 50% methylene chloride 13 1st 5 ml in one in hexane sample; 6th through 13th m1 in separate 1-m1 fractions B1 3% methylene chloride in 10 total 10 ml hexane B2 20% methylene chloride 18 1st 5 ml in one in hexane fraction 6th through 13th m1 in separate 1-m1 fractions; 14th through 18th ml in one fraction Cl 25% carbon tetrachloride 10 total 10 ml in hexane C2 50% methylene chloride 13 1st 5 ml in one in hexane fraction; 6th through 13th ml in separate 1-m1 fractions D1 25% carbon tetrachloride 10 total 10 ml in hexane D2 20% methylene chloride 18 1st 5 ml in one in hexane fraction; 6th through 13th m1 in separate 1-m1 fractions; 14 through 18th ml in one fraction 17 Selection of the solvents and the eluate fractions was based on earlier experience of Brehm Laboratory personnel in column chromatography with similar sample matrices. The eluate fractions were analyzed for TCDD's by use of the GC-QMS system. The results, presented in Table 3, show clearly that the best elution sequence involves the use of 10 ml of 3 percent methylene chloride in hexane, followed by 18 ml of 20 percent methylene chloride in hexane. This sequence yields TCDD's in a well-defined fraction containing few other contaminants. Use of all the other solvent pairs yielded fractions that generated interferences in the dioxin mass chromatogram which were as great as those shown in Figure 1 or greater. Application of Initial Procedure to EPA Samples The extraction and sample preparation procedure developed for sample 2 was applied to ten of the other industrial samples supplied by EPA. In these analyses some interferences were still present in the extract fraction which was thought to contain the TCDD's; the interferences resulted in a higher minimum detection limit (ppb) than was desired. Portions of these samples were also spiked with known quantities of 2,3,7,8-TCDD so that recoveries for the procedure could be determined. The recovery in GC-QMS analysis of sample 2 was 127 percent. Surprisingly, in analysis of the other ten samples by the same pro- cedure, none of the added 2,3,7,8-TCDD was recovered. The same procedure was then applied in analyses of spiked aliquots of these samples, but this time all the eluate fractions from the alumina columns were retained and analyzed for TCDD's. Again, no 2,3,7,8-TCDD was detected. It was necessary to further investigate the sample preparation procedures. Optimizing Sample Preparation Procedure Another sample (C04131) was subjected to the general preparation pro- cedure already described, up to the point of elution of the column. Then the sample was spiked with a large quantity of 2,3,7,8-TCDD by introducing it directly onto the alumina column. The column elution characteristics were then evaluated as before and the results are shown in Table 4. This procedure was repeated for all other samples and their column elution pro- files were determined. This study indicated that a general extraction and preparation pro- cedure must include a provision for assessing the elution characteristics of the alumina column for each type of sample matrix. Apparently, each type of sample conditions or deactivates the column in a manner peculiar to its matrix, and this conditioning in turn, determines the elution characteris- tics of TCDD's, which may differ markedly in different sample types. 18 TABLE 3. CONTENT OF TCDD'S IN COLUMN FRACTION FOR SAMPLE 2 61 Eluate fraction no.” Solvent set No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 11 12 13 | 14 | 15] 16 | 17 TCDD's detected Al Sk Lax fax oak fox fox fox | ook | oox | ox | oq 0 0 0 0 0 0 A2 +X +X +X +% +X +X +% +* + - - - - 0 0 0 0 Bl - - = = - - & - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B2 +X +X +X +X +X + + + + + + + + + + + + Cl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C2 XL ak | px ok |p bok |x | pk | oak | pk | oak | gx | gx |g 0 0 0 D1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D2 +% +X +% +% +X +X +X + + + + + + + + + + . Aliquots of EPA sample 2. Fraction numbers refer to those collected from each of the columns, as indicated in Table 2. TCDD's present in fraction. No TCDD's detected in fraction. Fraction not analyzed. Two or more peaks evident in mass chromatogram near 2,3,7,8-TCDD retention time. xO 1 + nn nu TABLE 4. RECOVERY OF 2,3,7,8-TCDD SPIKE FROM ELUATES OF SAMPLE C04131 No. of Volume fractions of each Solvent collected fraction Action Results 10 m1 3% 1 10 ml Discarded methylene chloride in hexane 20 m1 20% 4 5 ml Analyzed by No 2,3,7,8- methylene GC-QMS TCDD chloride in hexane 10 m1 50% 1 10 ml Analyzed by 80% 2,3,7,8- methylene GC-QMS TCDD chloride in recovered hexane 20 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE Research workers in several laboratories, including the Brehm Labora- tory, have analyzed various types of samples for dioxin content. Generally, the analytical approach to determining a chlorinated hydrocarbon of this type in a complex sample matrix has involved quantitation of the chloro- carbon by use of electron capture-gas chromatography (EC-GC) or gas chroma- tography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The studies at Brehm Laboratory entailed use of GC-MS and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). GC-MS System As described in Section 3, the GC-QMS system was used for initial detection of TCDD's in the fractionated sample. Then the GC-MS-30 was used to confirm the positive levels of TCDD's detected in the GC-QMS. In one procedural modification, a labelled internal standard, 87014 2,3,7,8-TCDD, was added to all samples. Also, the MS-30 high-resolution mass spectrometer was modified to permit essentially simultaneous step- scanning of four ions in the high-resolution mode. The ions typically monitored were: m/e 319.8966, a major molecular ion in the mass spectrum of 2,3,7,8- TCDD m/e 321.8936, a major molecular ion in the mass spectrum of 2,3,7,8- TCDD m/e 325.8805, a molecular ion indicative of interfering PCB's m/e 327.8846, a major molecular ion in the mass spectrum of 37C1,- 2,3,7,8-TCDD. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) In earlier studies aimed at determining TCDD's in environmental samples, concern has been raised that the presence of the so-called pre- dioxins (for example, polychlorinated phenoxyphenols) in the samples would lead to false positive determinations of TCDD's because the latter can be formed by cyclization reactions of the predioxins in the hot injection port of gas chromatographs. The present investigation ruled out potential false positive effects of predioxins by applying an HPLC analytical technique as a quality assurance measure. HPLC does not entail injection of the sample into a heated port and therefore minimizes the possibility of thermal cyclization of predioxins. The HPLC instrument used in these studies is the Model LC 5021 Varian. This microprocessor -controlled HPLC is both completely automatic and pro- grammable and incorporates a multiple solvent system. Three detectors are available: a fixed-wavelength UV (254 nm) detector, a variable-wavelength UV detector, and a fluorescence detector. A cathode ray tube (CRT) keyboard 21 unit displays operating parameters while a micropressor -based computing integrator (DCS-111L) stores the data and performs appropriate calculations. The parameters applicable to the instrument as it was used in this study are listed below: Column: DuPont Zorbax ODS (25 cm x 6.2 mm) Temperature: 50°C Starting Pressure: 952 psig Solvent: 100% Methanol Flow rate: 2.5 ml/min Detector: Uv (235 nm) Sensitivity: 0.02 absorbance units full scale/15 ng TCDD's Upon injection of a 10 pl aliquot of the sample 2 extract into the HPLC, a chromatographic peak having a retention time which was the same as that observed with the 2,3,7,8-TCDD standard was observed. Representative HPLC chromatograms are shown graphically in Figures 2 and 3, and these results indicate a readily detectable level of TCDD's in the sample 2 extract. It is apparent that the TCDD's detected cannot have been formed by cyclization of predioxins. Analytical Results Attempts were made to extract 15 of the 17 EPA samples by the pro- cedures described in section 3. The remaining two samples, 11023 and 12702, were not subjected to these methods. Sample 11023 was a section of wood, which the earlier experience of Wright State had shown is not amenable to a potassium hydroxide digestion process. Sample 12702 was not analyzed because of insufficient time during the contract period. Twelve of the fifteen samples were successfully analyzed by the Wright State procedure, with results as shown in Table 5. These data show that the procedure is applicable to samples exhibiting a wide range of concentrations of TCDD's from ppt to ppm (a factor of 10%). For those samples in which no TCOD's were detected, the minimum detectable concentration of TCDD's was in the low ppt range (45 to 140 ppt). Examples of mass fragmentograms obtained with the GC-MS-30 high resolu- tion mass spectrometer are shown in the following figures. Figure 4 shows a four -ion step -scan mass fragmentogram of benzene, the solvent used for dilution of the final sample residue. Analysis of a solvent blank is repeated before analysis of each sample in order to ensure that no TCDD's are carried over in the injection syringe. Figure 5 illustrates similar data obtained from injection of a sample consisting of 50 pg of native 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 1 ng of 37C1,-2,3,7,8-TCDD. Note that different attenua- 22 TCDD'S ¢ — lb A A 5 - 4 lh 1 A J TIME —> Figure 2. High pressure liquid chromatogram of sample 2. 23 2,3,7,8-TCDD t L A 1 4 1 A 1 A Ken J TIME — Figure 3. High pressure liquid chromatogram of 2,3,7,8-TCDD standard. 24 TABLE 5. RESULTS OF GC-MS-30 ANALYSIS OF EPA SAMPLES FOR TCDD'S Quantity of Minimum detectable TCDD's found concentration EPA sample no. Origin ng/g (ppb) pg/g (ppt) C04130 Givaudan ND? 140 C04131 Givaudan ND 70 C04132 Givaudan ND 50 2 Transvaal 40,000 e 3 Transvaal 675 e 4 Transvaal 22 e 5 Transvaal 0/0 e 6 Transvaal ND 50 12700 Reichold ND 80 12701 Reichold ND 75 12702 Reichold b 11020 Baxter ND 140 11025 Baxter ND 45 11021 Baxter C 11022 Baxter C 11023 Baxter b 11024 Baxter d © QO0T ND: no TCDD's detected in excess of the minimum detectable concentration. Not processed. General procedure could not be successfully applied to these samples. Not analyzed on GC-MS-30. An exact minimum detectable concentration was not recorded for these analyses; however the reported values for quantity of TCDD's found are well above the criterion of 2.5X noise. 25 m/e 327.8846 ATTENUATION: 512 m/e 325.8805 m/e 321.8936 m/e 319.8966 | Figure 4. Four-ion mass fragmentogram of benzene solvent blank obtained with GC-MS-30. 26 ATTENUATION: 256 m/e 321.8936 m/e 319.8966 m/e 327.8846 | ATTENUATION: 8192 m/e 325.8805 m/e 321.8936 bo — ol —/ s Figure 5. Four-ion mass fragmentogram of 50 pg 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 1 ng 37C1,4-2,3,7,8-TCDD obtained with GC-MS-30. 27 tions have been applied to the various peaks displayed in Figure 5. Figures 6 and 7 demonstrate similar four-ion step-scan mass fragmentograms obtained for two of the EPA samples. Although the fragmentogram for sample 12700 shows peaks at m/e 319.8966 and m/e 321.8936, their intensities are not greater than 2.5 times the background; this is one of the criteria applied for establishing the presence of TCDD's in a sample. Based on the recovery of 37C1,-2,3,7,8-TCDD from sample 12700, the minimum detectable concentra- tion (MDC) of TCDD's is 80 pg/g. The mass fragmentogram for sample 5 (Figure 7) shows peaks at both m/e 319.8966 and m/e 321.8936, and the intensities are well in excess of 2.5 times the background levels. After application of a recovery correction on the basis of the internal standard, these data indicate that sample 5 con- tains 70 pg TCDD's per gram of sample. Data similar to those shown in Figures 4 through 7 were obtained for the other samples analyzed in this program. Analyses of samples 11021 and 11022 were not completed owing to the formation of an intractable emulsion at the petroleum/ ether interface. Analysis of sample 11024 on the GC-MS-30 system was not attempted because a colored residue was visible in the final extract. Earlier experience had shown that such residues indicate that the sample extract contains gross quantities of compounds other than TCDD's, which lead to serious contamina- tion of the high-resolution mass spectrometer. A11 data in Table 5 were derived from analyses with the high resolution GC-MS-30 system. For each of the industrial process samples, the appro- priate elution chromatogram fractions to be analyzed were determined in advance in a series of alumina column elutions using an aliquot of the sample spiked with 2,3,7,8-TCDD standard; these elutions were accomplished in a manner similar to that described for sample 2. These elution test samples were analyzed with the low resolution GC-QMS system. Data pertinent to the determination of the elution characteristics of TCDD's in the various samples are shown in Table 6. The fractions collected for each sample in the elution experiments are as follows: 1. Fraction I - First 5-ml portion eluted with 20 percent methylene chloride in hexane. 2. Fraction II - Second 5-ml portion eluted with 20 percent methylene chloride in hexane. 3. Fraction III - Third 5-ml portion eluted with 20 percent methylene chloride in hexane. 4. Fraction IV - Fourth 5-m1 portion eluted with 20 percent methylene chloride in hexane. 5. Fraction V - First 10-m1 portion eluted with 50 percent methylene chloride in hexane. 6. Fraction VI - Last 3-ml portion eluted with 50 percent methylene chloride in hexane. 28 62 ATTENUATION: 512 m/e 319.8966 | m/e 327.8846 ATTENUATION: 8192 m/e 321.8936 m/e 325.8805 m/e 321.8966 m/e 319.8966 | | Figure 6. Four-ion mass fragmentogram of sample 12700 obtained with GC-MS-30. 0¢ m/e 327.8846 Y ATTENUATION: 4096 | ATTENUATION: 512 m/e 321.8936 m/e 319.8966 y m/e 325.8805 m/e 221.8936 m/e 319.8966 et hi AA \— Figure 7. Four-ion mass fragmentogram of sample 5 obtained with GC-MS-30. TABLE 6. TCDD ISOMER CONTENT OF COLUMN FRACTION SAMPLES SPIKED WITH 2,3,7,8-TCDD Quantity Quantity of 2,3,7,8-TCDD | of 2,3,7,8-TCDD| Minimum added to detected dn detectable EPA 2 ETuate sample, fraction, concentration, samples | fraction ng/g ng/g ng/g Recovery, % C04130 Iv 10.42 ND 0.5 V 10.62 102 VI ND 0.5 3 V 10.35 597 III 50.64 ND 3.0 Iv 46 V 625 VI ND 3.0 12700 IV 12.14 ND 0.3 V 8.4 69 VI ND 0.57 12701 Iv 12.84 ND 0.28 V 10.12 79 11020 Iv 9.86 0.56 6 V 8.68 88 VI ND 0.23 110249 Iv 3.71 0.29 8 Vv 1.09 29 VI ND 0.08 11025 Iv 6.54 ND 0.14 V 5.63 86 ? See Table 4-1 for description of sample. Designation of eluate fractions: ITI Third 5-m1 aliquot eluted with 20% methylene chloride in hexane. IV. Fourth 5-ml1 aliquot eluted with 20% methylene chloride in hexane. V. First 10-m1 aliquot eluted with 50% methylene chloride in hexane. z VI Last 3-ml aliquot eluted with 50% methylene chloride in hexane. ND: no 2,3,7,8-TCDD detected in excess of the minimum detectable concentration. Portion of sample was lost during preparation. 31 These fractions were analyzed with the GC-QMS in reverse order, begin- ning with the last fraction and continuing backward until the quantity of TCDD's detected in the several fractions was a reasonably large percentage of that originally added as the spike, or until a fraction was reached that contained no TCDD's. The data in Table 6 show that TCDD's are completely eluted from all samples prior to Fraction VI. In most cases the bulk of the TCDD's appeared in Fraction V, although in samples 11020 and 11024 the TCDD's were detected in Fraction IV. Table 7 summarizes the total recoveries of the added 2,3,7,8-TCDD spikes achieved by collecting the optimum column chromatography fractions of the various industrial process samples. These recoveries range from 60 to 102 percent, with a mean value of 85 percent. Except for sample 2, all of the samples processed in this investigation were also spiked with 37C14-2,3,7,8-TCDD. This compound was added as an internal standard in the analyses with the GC-MS-30 system. The mean recovery of 37C1,-2,3,7,8-TCDD for the samples analyzed herein was 74 percent with a standard deviation of 16.8 percent. The recovery data are shown in Table 8. Confirmation of TCDD's in Sample 2 Measurements in which m/e 320 and m/e 322 were monitored by the low- resolution GC-QMS system indicated that sample 2 contained approximately 40 pug TCDD's per gram of sample. The report of this high level of TCDD's prompted considerable concern both at EPA and state regulatory organiza- tions. This finding was also controversial because an earlier examination of this sample in an EPA laboratory had yielded no indication of the presence of TCDD's. It was obviously important, therefore, to more definitively confirm the initial Wright State analyses of sample 2; this was done by a procedure essentially the same as that which is described as the final method (Section 3). The sample was extracted, and the extract was subjected to liquid chromatography preparation. As mentioned earlier, the fraction of sample 2 that was eluted from the alumina column with 20 percent methylene chloride in hexane was determined to contain the bulk of the TCDD's. Accordingly, this fraction was analyzed for TCDD's by the GC-MS-30 system operated in the dual -ion monitoring mode (m/e 319.8966 and 321.8936 were monitored). The resolution of the MS-30 mass spectrometer was adjusted to 1:12,500 for this measurement. The dual-ion step-scan mass fragmentogram obtained with this sample extract is shown in Figure 8 and corresponding data obtained with an authentic 2,3,7,8-TCDD standard are shown in Figure 9. For EPA sample 2, 32 TABLE 7. RECOVERIES OF 2,3,7,8-TCDD-SPIKED SAMPLES FOLLOWING ALUMINA COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY EPA Quantity of 2,3,7,8-TCDD Quantity of 2,3,7,8-TCDD sample no. added, ng/g (ppb) detected, ng/g (ppb) Recovery, % C04130 10.4 10.6 102 4 12.0 8.4 70 5 12.2 11.0 90 6 10.4 9.7 93 12700 12.1 8.4 69 12701 12.8 10.1 79 11020 9.9 9.24 94 11024 3.7 1.38 37 11025 6.5 5.6 86 4 Portion of sample lost during preparation. 33 TABLE 8. RESULTS OF GC-MS-30 ANALYSES OF SAMPLES SPIKED WITH 37C1,-2,3,7,8-TCDD Quantity of 8701-2.3,7,8-7CDD Quantity of 8701-2,3,7,8-TC0D added, ng/g (ppb) detected, ng/g (ppb) Recovery, % EPA WSU sample no.| sample no. C04130 B-001C C04131 B-002A C04132 B-003A 5 B-006A 6 B-007A 4 B-008A 12700 B-009E 12701 B-010E 11020 B-012F 11025 B-017B 1.11 0.93 0.96 1.21 1.09 1.09 1.23 1.29 1.719 0.67 0.78 0.91 0.61 0.48 0.67 0.75 1.06 1.14 0.93 0.58 70 98 64 40 61 69 86 88 78 86 2 pata for samples 2 and 3 are not included because the ratio technique could not be used with samples containing high levels of TCDD. Sample 11024 is also omitted because the extract was not clean enough for analysis by GC-MS-30. 34 m/e 321.8936 m/e 319.8966 | nt Ma Figure 8. Dual-ion mass fragmentogram of sample 2 obtained with GC-MS-30, mass resolution 1:12,500. 35 m/e 321.8936 m/e 319.8966 | Figure 9. Dual-ion mass fragmentogram of 150 pg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD standard obtained with GC-MS-30, mass resolution 1:12,500. 36 the ratio of m/e 319.8966 to m/e 321.8936 in ‘the mass fragmentogram is 0.79, while that for the 2,3,7,8-TCDD standard is 0.84. Both of these values agree well with the theoretically predicted ratio of these two peaks, 0.77, which is calculated on the basis of the relative abundance of 35C1 and 37(C1 isotopes. Further confirmation that the unknown component in sample 2 is indeed a quantity of TCDD isomers is provided by the observation that the GC reten- tion time of the unknown component was identical to that of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD standard. This criterion is applied in all determinations of TCDD's in Wright State's Brehm Laboratory. The mass spectrometric resolution achieved in this program with the MS-30 Mass Spectrometer can be demonstrated experimentally by using the specialized step-scan circuitry developed by Wright State. The practical method of demonstrating the resolution is to obtain a narrow mass scan for a sample consisting of TCDD's in a mixture of other compounds that yield mass spectral ions whose mass is very close to that of TCDD's. In earlier studies we utilized a mixture of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, PCB's such as Aroclor 1254, and DDE* for this purpose. The latter compounds yield mass spectral peaks that are very near the mass of the TCDD's major ion (Aroclor 1254 m/e 321.8679, DDE m/e 321.9290, 2,3,7,8-TCDD m/e 321.8936). In order to obtain ions of approximately equal intensity from all these compounds, however, the quantities of PCB and DDE must be quite large rela- tive to the quantity of TCDD's. Figure 10 shows a typical mass fragmen- togram obtained during this investigation in analyses of two mixtures of 2,3,7,8-TCDD and DDE and a mixture of Aroclor 1254, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, and DDE. On the basis of the data shown in Figure 10, the dynamic resolution of the mass spectrometer is calculated to be 14,000 with 20 percent valley defini- tion. The data on sample 2 which were described above were based on monitor- ing only m/e 320 and m/e 322 in the mass spectrum of TCDD's. Our earlier experience had shown that the low levels of TCDD's that are usually found in environmental samples (low ppt) permit monitoring of no more than four mass peaks for a single sample injection, even with the sophisticated step-scan techniques developed in Brehm Laboratory. In this instance, however, the level of TCDD's (40 ppm) in sample 2 was very high and it was feasible to obtain an actual mass spectral scan as this component of the sample eluted from the gas chromatograph. Therefore the MS-30 Mass Spectrometer was set up in the normal magnetic scanning mode, and an aliquot of the extract of sample 2 was injected into the GC. At the appropriate retention time, the mass spectrum of the eluted component was scanned. Before this, we obtained similar mass spectra of a solution containing 10 ng of authentic 2,3,7,8-TCDD standard and of a solvent blank (benzene). The instrumental parameters applicable to the scans are as follows: * As previously noted, DDE is a degradation product of the pesticide DDT. 37 8¢€ 100pg 2,3,7,8-TC0D — m/e on) § 70ng DDE i NO. 1 m/e 319.9196 100pg 2,3,7,8-TCDD . m/e 321.8936 Te m/e 321.9290 70ng DDE NO. 2 100pg 45ng — 2,3,7,8-TCOD AROCLOR 1254 = #211 i 70ng DDE m/e WY) t m/e 321.9290 NO. 3 Figure 10. Mass fragmentograms using GC-MS-30 of mixtures of 2,3,7,8-TCDD with other chlorinated compounds. Scan rate: 10 sec/decade, beginning 190 sec. after sample injection Mass range of scan: m/e 130 to m/e 350 Mass resolution: 1:1000 GC retention time for TCDD: 195 sec. Other parameters: Same as described in Section 3 The relative intensities of the more prominent mass spectral peaks recorded in these runs are listed in Table 9. The mass spectra obtained for the 2,3,7,8-TCDD standard and for the extract of sample 2 are shown in Figures 11 and 12. These spectra obviously agree quite well. There is no doubt that the unknown component in sample 2 is a TCDD isomer and that it is present in a high concentration. Apparently some components of the extract of sample 2, other than the TCDD's, also contribute to m/e 194, 257, and 259, but these are not of concern here. 39 TABLE 9. RELATIVE INTENSITIES OF MAJOR IONS OBSERVED IN MASS SPECTRAL SCANS 10 ng 10 pl of 2.3,7,8-TCDD EPA sample 2 extract m/e standard Solvent blank (out of 2000 pl total) 326 10 0 12 324 50 0 48 322 100 0 100 320 80 0 80 318 30 0 25 259 23 0 47 257 34 0 48 194 18 0 30 161 21 4 25 160 17 4 20 40 Ly ATTENUATION i —— m/e328 — J CL 318 m/e —_— — 257 m/e 322 m/e 320 MASS SPECTRUM OBTAINED FROM 10 ng of 2,3,7,8-TCDD STANDARD ATTENUATION: 100 ATTENUATION: 10 a 1 al Wo m/e 324 hb, m/e 318 m/e go” Me 257 m/e 322 m/e 320 MASS SPECTRUM OBTAINED FOR A PORTION (5uf OUT OF 10 mf EXTRACT) OF SAMPLE 2 Figure 11. Mass spectra from scans of 2,3,7,8-TCDD standard and sample 2 (mass range m/e 330 to m/e 250). cv ATTENUATION: 10 ay Cd 161 160 m/e 194 MASS SPECTRUM OBTAINED FOR A PORTION (5 ug OUT OF 10 mg EXTRACT) OF SAMPLE 2. ATTENUATION: 1 ul m/e eed [ 194 161 160 MASS SPECTRUM OBTAINED FROM 10 ng of 2,3,7,8-TCDD STANDARD Figure 12. Mass spectra from scans of 2,3,7,8-TCDD standard and sample 2 (mass range m/e 250 to m/e 150). SECTION 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS As a means of assessing the levels of the extremely toxic TCDD's in process streams, wastes, and sediments from the manufacture of chemicals, a method was developed that proved to be applicable to about 70 percent of the industrial waste sample types examined in this study. These sample types are typical of those that would be collected in a routine chemical plant survey. The analytical methodology implemented in this study is summarized in the following five principal steps: 1. Preparation of a spiked and nonspiked aliquot of each sample in liquid extractable form (organic phase). A sample clean-up procedure that includes acid and base washes to remove the bulk of the sample matrix. An additional sample separation step using liquid chromatography. Screening of samples for detectable levels of TCDD's with a low- resolution GC-QMS system. This step is repeated with a spiked sample if positive levels of TCDD's are detected. Confirmation and quantification of the level of TCDD's by analysis of the samples with a high-resolution GC-MS-30 system. There are four major advantages with the implementation of this method: 1. The procedure offers a relatively rapid method for qualitative screening of a wide variety of materials for possible contamina- tion by TCDD's, through the use of low-resolution mass spectrome- try (GC-QMS showed a MDC of 1 ppb or less in 50 percent of the samples). Only samples in which the initial screening shows TCDD's need be confirmed by use of GC with high-resolution mass spectrometry (minimum resolution 1:10,000). Analysis by high-resolution mass spectrometry yields extremely high sensitivity as well as specificity. The need for both is indicated by the finding of minimum detectable concentrations below 100 ppt in more than half the samples tested. 43 4. The method warrants a high level of confidence owing to the use of an internal standard and application of the four-ion monitoring technique. Recovery of 37C1,-2,3,7,8-TCDD from spiked samples indicates a recovery range of 40 to 98 percent for the method. Further, by a procedure in which the quantity of native-TCDD's detected is proportionately related to the quantity of 37Cl,- 2,3,7,8-TCDD added, the data may be automatically corrected for recovery. Although the procedures outlined here are acceptable for analysis of many industrial process samples, they are not applicable to all sample types. Among those examined in this study, the samples that could not be suitably analyzed are of two types. First are those of biological origin, primarily wood and woodlike products. It is probable that for such samples an acid digestion step is needed to effectively destroy cellular walls and release any residue of TCDD's. Earlier work at Brehm Laboratory on wood and other biological materials confirms the effectiveness of such an approach. The other type of sample not amenable to the method is more difficult to characterize. Samples of this type formed emulsions in the preparation phase that could not be resolved. Use of several common emulsion-breaking techniques such as addition of excess solvent, did not alleviate this problem. Unfortunately, owing to the small number of samples of this type, no further information was obtained. 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Preliminary Results Obtained with New GC-MS Procedures Developed for Determining Tetrachloro- dibenzo-p-dioxin in Chlorophenoxy Herbicides. Dioxin Planning Conference, EPA, Washington, D.C. Taylor, M. L., B. M. Hughes, and T. 0. Tiernan. 1974c. Techniques for Analysis of Dioxin in Chlorophenoxy Herbicides. Status of Herbicide Orange Disposition, USAF Environmental Health Laboratories, Brooks AFB, Texas. Taylor, M. L., T. 0. Tiernan, and B. M. Hughes. 1974. USAF Analytical Methodology Developed for Characterization of Herbicide Orange, EPA, Washington, D.C. Taylor, M. L., T. 0. Tiernan, and B. M. Hughes. 1975. Analytical Tech- niques for Determination of Chlorodioxins. Proceedings, 1975 International Controlled Release Pesticide Symposium, pp. 401-406. Taylor, M. L., J. G. Solch, and T. 0. Tiernan. 1979. Advances in Analytical Methodology for Ultratrace Analysis of Tetrachlorodibenzo-p- dioxin, Presented at the Dioxin Implementation Plan Collaborators Meeting, January. Taylor, M. L., et al. 1973. Determination of Trace Quantities of Chloro- phenoxy-Type Herbicides and Related Chlorinated Residues in Soil Using GC-MS Techniques. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, pp. 336-339. Taylor, M. L., et al. 1975. Determination of Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in Chemical and Environmental Matrices. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, pp. 337-340. Taylor, M. L., et al. 1976. Levels of Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in Environmental and Biological Samples as Determined by Gas Chromatography- High Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Con- ference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, p. 595. 47 Tiernan, T. 0. 1975b. Applications of Mass Spectrometric Techniques for Pesticide Characterization, and Monitoring Environmental Effects. Interna- tional Controlled Release Pesticide Symposium. Tiernan, T. 0., M. L. Taylor, and B. M. Hughes. 1975. Measurement of Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins in USAF Herbicide Stocks and in Environmental Samples. Sixth Annual Symposium on Environmental Research, Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland. Tiernan, T. 0., et al. 1979. Methodology for Gas Chromatographic-High Resolution Mass Spectrometric Determination of Chlorodioxins in Complex Samples. 11th Ohio Valley Chromatography Symposium. Webber, T. J. N., and D. G. Box. 1973. The Examination of Tetrachlor- vinphos and its Formulations for the Presence of Tetrachlorodibenzo-p- dioxins by a Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Method. Analyst (London), 98:181. Williams, D. T., and B. J. Blanchfield. 1971. Thin Layer Chromatographic Separation of Two Chlorodibenzo-p-dioxins From Some Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorine Pesticides. Journal of the AOAC, 55:1429-1431. Williams, D. T., and B. J. Blanchfield. 1972. Screening Method for the Detection of Chlorodibenzo-p-dioxins in the Presence of Chlorobiphenyls, Chloronaphthalenes, and Chlorodibenzofurans. Journal of the AOAC, 55:93-95. World Health Organization, 1977. IARC Monograph on the Evaluation of Car- cinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Some Fumigants, the Herbicides 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T, Chlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Miscellaneous Industrial Chemicals. Lyon, France, Vol. 15, August. Wright State University. 1976. Annual Report on U.S. EPA Contract No. 68-01-1959. The Analysis of Environmental Samples for TCDD Utilizing High and Low Resolution Gas-Liquid Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry. EPA Office of Special Pesticide Reviews, Washington, D.C. Yelton, R. 0., M. L. Taylor, and T. 0. Tiernan. 1977. Ultrasensitive Method for Determination of Chlorodioxins in Commercially Produced Phenols. Proceedings for the 25th Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, p. 595. 48 APPENDIX A BASIC PRINCIPLES OF GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY, MASS SPECTROMETRY, AND COMBINED SYSTEMS GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY (GC) Gas chromatography is a special form of chromatography that is used to separate the components of chemical mixtures. Several excellent references describe the technique in detail (Dal Nogare and Juvet 1962; Littlewood 1970; Jones 1970; Ambrose 1971). In gas chromatography the mobile phase is a gas and the stationary phase is either a liquid or a solid, hence the terms gas-liquid chromatography and gas-solid chromatography. Gas-liquid chromatography entails the use of a separation device, which is a column containing the liquid phase (typically a high-boiling organic silicone polymer) distributed on a highly inert solid support. Figure Al depicts a typical gas chromatograph. The column is maintained in an oven, in which the temperature can be controlled precisely; through the column is passed an inert, high-purity gas (e.g., helium), called the carrier gas. The carrier gas is the mobile phase and the organic silicone polymer is the liquid phase. Typically, the samples are introduced into the column in 0.1 to 10 ul amounts with a micro- syringe through an injection port, which is a heated (100° to 250°C) inlet system equipped with a silicone septum. The sample is vaporized immediately upon injection, and The inert carrier gas passing through the injection port sweeps the volatilized, injected sample out of the injection port and into the gas chromatographic column. The volatilized constituents of the sample migrate through the column at varying rates because of variations in the physical and chemical properties of each component, such as boiling point, absorptivity, and solubility. The components are thus separated and emerge (elute) from the column at different times. In some samples the components are highly similar and are not effectively separated or may necessitate the use of extraordinary chromatographic procedures. More commonly, however, the components of a chemical mixture can readily be separated by fairly simple gas chromatographic techniques. As each separated component elutes from the gas chromatographic column, it is detected by one or more of several types of detectors. Among the widely used detectors are flame ionization, thermal conductivity, and elec- tron capture detectors. Other, more specific, types of detectors are also used in conjunction with gas chromatography; in particular, the mass spec- trometer has been used extensively. A discussion of the principles of mass spectrometry follows. 49 FINE ADJUSTMENT VALVE DRYING TUBE SAMPLE —4 PRESSURE REGULATOR CYLINDER CONTAINING CARRIER GAS Figure Al. MANOMETER OR PRESSURE GAUGE Wf FLOWMETER ~—— DETECTOR COLUMN ~=—— THERMOSTAT \_/ Apparatus for gas chromatography 50 MASS SPECTROMETRY (MS) Mass spectrometry is described in detail in several references (Beynon 1960; McLafferty (ed.) 1963; Kiser 1965; Roboz 1968; McFadden 1973). Figure A2 is a schematic diagram of a typical mass spectrometer; the principal components of such a system are (1) an inlet system (2) an ion source, (3) an accelerating system, (4) an analyzer system, (5) a detector, and (6) a data acquisition system. The functions of these components are described briefly. The inlet system is the means of introducing the sample into the ion source of the mass spectrometer. Inlet devices in common use include heated direct insertion probes and heated gas inlet systems (batch inlets), which are coupled to the mass spectrometer through a restricted fixed or variable orifice, often called a "leak." In recent years the gas chromatograph has been used often to introduce the sample and is coupled to the mass spectrometer--hence the term "coupled GC-MS." Because the iJon source, the accelerating lens system, the mass analyzer, and the detector of the mass spectrometer are all maintained under vacuum by a pumping system, the inlet system must admit the sample (and the carrier gas of a gas chromatograph) into the spectrometer at such a rate that the pumping system maintains the specified internal operating pressure of the instrument. The ion source (shown schematically in Figure A3) is typically main- tained at pressures of 10 3mm and lower (10 ®mm) and at temperatures of 100° to 250°C. The source is the region in which ions are generated from the volatile sample molecules admitted through the inlet system. The ionization of molecules in the gas phase is effected by bombarding them with electrons emitted from a hot metal wire or ribbon (the filament) and drawn through a set of slits for collection at an anode or electron trap. The energy of the electrons is controlled by the potential difference between the filament and the trap. As these energetic electrons either strike or pass close to the sample molecules, ionization occurs, producing a molecular ion that usually is fragmented further to yield other ions of smaller mass. The ion source produces both positively charged and negatively charged ions, and many mass spectrometers in use today are designed to detect both types. The ions produced are electrically forced out of the jon source and into the accelerating lens system, which generally imparts several kilovolts of energy to the ions, which then enter the mass analyzer section. The purpose of the mass spectrometer analyzer is to separate the ions according to their mass:charge ratios. Various types of analyzer systems are in use today, and the type of analyzer usually provides the descriptive name for each mass spectrometer system. Thus there are, for example, quadrupole mass spectrometers, single-focusing magnetic deflection mass spectrometers, time-of-flight mass spectrometers, and double-focusing mass spectrometers. Each of these systems is characterized by a distinct mode of ion separation, and each provides different capabilities. 51 SAMPLE RESERVOIR TO VACUUM Vd 0SCILLOGRAPH IONIZING ELECTRON BEAM | INLET REPELLER PLATE MOLECULAR LEAKS AMPLIFIER ACCELERATING REGION ION SOURCE COLLECTOR RESOLVING SLIT RESONANT ANALYZER ION BEAM TUBE MAGNET Figure A2. Schematic diagram of a Nier 60° sector mass spectrometer. 52 £9 — REPELLER FILAMENT — ELECTRON SLIT IONIZATION chameER FIRST ACCELERATING [su [~ SECOND ACCELERATING SLIT \ 7 N\ \ a. ‘ \ Aly 7 IN TO ANALYZER 24 IONIZING REGION MOLECULAR LEAK J _ y, ELECTRON on oY ION ACCELERATING ANODE REGION Figure A3. Electron-impact ion source and ion accelerating system. Source: Merritt and Dean 1974. The ability of a mass spectrometer to effect a separation of adjacent mass peaks (that is, to resolve these peaks) depends upon the analyzer. Resolution is defined by the equation, R = M/AM, where M is the mass of the first peak in a doublet and AM is the difference in the masses of the two peaks. An increase in the value of R (denoting an increase in resolution) indicates an increase in the ability to distinguish between very nearly identical masses. Of the several mass spectrometers mentioned, the double- focusing type affords the greatest mass spectral resolution, sometimes exceeding 100,000. At this degree of resolution, masses appearing at m/e 99,999 and m/e 100,000 would be distinguishable. An instrument capable of such high resolution is of course very complex and expensive and thus would be used only when such high resolution is mandatory for effective analysis. In contrast, a quadrupole mass spectrometer is much simpler to operate and less expensive but can provide only low resolution (m/Am = 500 to 1000 typically). Detection of the ions that have been separated is accomplished most often by use of an electron multiplier, of which, again, various types are in use. An electron multiplier produces current amplification of 102 to 108 with very low noise level and with negligible time constant or signal broadening. The amplified analog signal resulting from the ion impacting on the electron multiplier is finally routed to one of several possible data acquisition devices; among those often used are the ocillographic recorder, the analog recorder, a pulse counting device, or the digital computer. The data from a mass spectrometer consist, in the analog format, of a spectrum of peaks (the mass spectrum). The position of each peak on the horizontal axis of a graphic display indicates its m/e ratio whereas the amplitude of each peak indicates the number of ions (or abundance) of that m/e. The data may also be displayed digitally in tabular form. If more than one compound enters the mass spectrometer at a given time, then the masses detected are generally attributable to any or all of the compounds. Because it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to interpret the mass spectra obtained for mixtures of organic compounds, there is great advantage in admitting the compounds separately. Thus a gas chromatograph is used to introduce the separated components of a mixture sequentially into the mass spectrometer. Following is a simplified description of a coupled GC-MS system. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY/MASS SPECTROMETRY (GC-MS) SYSTEMS In considering the coupling of the gas chromatograph to a mass spec- trometer, one should recall that the source, analyzer, and detector of the spectrometer are all typically maintained at pressures below 10 °mm. Therefore, unless the mass spectrometer is equipped with a very high- capacity pumping system, the gaseous effluent from a gas chromatographic column cannot be admitted directly to the mass spectrometer source because this would increase the pressure to a level that would prevent satisfactory operation. Therefore, coupling is generally achieved by use of an inter- 54 mediate device to reduce the rate of flow of the sample and carrier gas stream. For this purpose several types of devices (called "separators") are used to achieve partial separation of the carrier gas (typically helium) from the gaseous sample molecules. Among these devices are (1) a porous barrier or effluent splitter, (2) a jet/orifice separator, and (3) a molecular separator that includes a permeable membrane. Some gas chromato- graph/mass spectrometer systems feature a direct coupling of the gas chrom- atograph with the mass spectrometer by means of a very high capacity pumping system. A system that couples a chromatograph with a mass spectrometer is a very powerful analytical tool, the only system that can provide definitive analysis of complex chemical mixtures. The separation capabilities of the gas chromatograph are complimented by the inherent specificity and sensi- tivity of the mass spectrometer. During analysis of a complex mixture, the components are separated gas chromatographically, each eluted component then passes through the interface (separator) and into the mass spectrometer, which provides and records a mass spectrum. Typically, the analysis of a mixture could yield several hundred mass spectra, each containing 100 to 200 mass peaks. Therefore, the computer is an ideal means of acquiring the mass spectra, reducing the data (converting the acquired data to actual mass spectra by comparison with calibrated reference files), and displaying the data. The minicomputer is an essential component of a modern GC/MS system because the analyses generate such sizable quantities of data. Use of a minicomputer can afford other advantages; for example, the computer can be programmed to control the mass spectrometer so that it monitors only selected masses typical of the compounds of interest. The computer also can be programmed to allow monitoring of different masses (corresponding to different compounds) at different gas chromatographic retention times. 55 APPENDIX A REFERENCES Ambrose, D. 1971. Gas Chromatography. Van Nostrand, New York. Beynon, J. H. 1960. Mass Spectrometry and Its Applications to Organic Chemistry. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Dal Nogare, S. and R. S. Juvet. 1962. Gas Chromatography: Theory and Practice. Wiley-Interscience, New York. Jones, R. A. 1970. An Introduction to Gas-Liquid Chromatography. Academic Press, New York. Kiser, R. W. 1965. Introduction to Mass Spectrometry and Its Applications. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Littlewood, A. B. 1970. Gas Chromatography. 2nd Ed., Academic Press, New York. McFadden, W. 1973. Techniques of Combined Gas Chromatography/Mass Spec- trometry. Wiley-Interscience, New York. McLafferty, F. W., ed. 1963. Mass Spectrometry of Organic Ions. Academic Press, New York. Merritt, W. H., Jr., and J. Dean. 1974. Instrumental Methods of Analysis. 5th Ed. Van Nostrand, New York. Roboz, J. 1968. Introduction to Mass Spectrometry. Wiley-Interscience, New York. 56 APPENDIX B OTHER INSTRUMENTAL METHODS FOR DIOXIN ANALYSIS Most of the current technology for detection of TCDD's is based on gas chromatography and/or mass spectrometry. However, a variety of other less specific techniques have been used including ultraviolet spectroscopy (Pohland and Yang 1972), electron spin resonance spectroscopy, and low- temperature phosphorescence emission spectroscopy (Baughman 1974). None of these methods provide both the high sensitivity and selectivity needed for analysis of most environmental samples. A resin sorption technique using XAD-2 resin has achieved a detection limit of 1 ppt for TCDD's in water; because this technique required a large quantity of sample for extraction, however, extension to other types of samples is unlikely (Junk 1976). Another technique uses PX21 powdered charcoal suspended on shredded polyurethane foam as the sorbant (Huckins, Stalling, and Smith 1978). The TCDD's were eluted from the charcoal column by use of a 50 percent solution of toluene in benzene and finally were detected by electron -capture gas chromatography. To enhance selectivity, an alumina column chromatography step is usually included after elution from the charcoal column. The detec- tion Timit of this method ranges from 10 to 100 ppb. Thin-Tayer chromatography has also been used for the detection of TCOD's (Williams and Blanchfield 1971). Two-dimensional development with two different solvents is used to increase selectivity. The spot corre- sponding to 2,3,7,8-TCDD is removed from the plate, extracted with benzene, and detected by electron -capture gas chromatography. This method has achieved a detection limit in the low ppm region. Steam distillation has also been tried (Storhen 1971), but was suitable only for levels of TCDD's in the range of 1 to 3 ppm and lacked the selec- tivity needed to avoid interferences. Recently analytical methods involving chemical ionization mass spec- trometry with negative ions have been published. An early communication by Hunt and co-workers (Hunt, Harvey, and Russel 1975) reported a signal-to- noise ratio of 50 from a 2-pg direct-probe insertion sample using oxygen as the reagent gas. A sensitivity 25 times higher than the direct-probe inser- tion method is reported for electron impact ionization. Hass et al. compare the relative sensitivities of various chemical ionization modes, including those of positive-ion versus negative-ion modes with methane, oxygen, and 57 mixed methane/oxygen as reagent gases (Hass 1978). Positive-ion chemical ionization affords the greater sensitivity, but does not produce ions indicative of the molecular weight. 58 APPENDIX B REFERENCES Baughman, R. W. 1974. Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Hass, J. R., et al. 1978. Anal. Chem., 50:1474. Huckins, J. N., D. L. Stalling, and W. A. Smith. 1978. Journal of the AOAC, 61:32. Hunt, D. F., T. M. Harvey, and J. W. Russel. 1975. J.C.S. Chem. Comm. , Vol. 151. Junk, G. A., et al. 1976. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. , 68-218. Pohland, A. E., and G. C. Yang. 1972. J. Agric. Food Chem., 20:1093. Storhen, R. W., et al. 1971. Journal of the AOAC, 54:218. Williams, D. T., and B. J. Blanchfield. 1971. Journal of the AOAC, 55:93-95. 59 APPENDIX C LITERATURE REVIEW This appendix is a compilation of references on dioxin analysis cate- gorized by sample matrix. The categories are given below: Air Hexachlorobenzene Biological tissue Insecticides Blood Milk or cream Commercial chlorophenols Plant material Fats or oils Soil Fish and crustaceans Urine Flue Gas Water Fly ash Wipe samples Grain Wood Herbicide formulations Air Oswald, E. 1979. Toxicology Research Projects Directory, Vol. 04, Iss. 07. Biological Tissue Baughman, R., and M. Meselson. 1973. Environmental Health Perspectives, 5:27. Bradlaw, J. A., et al. 1975. Proceedings of Society of Toxicology Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia, March. Freudenthal, J. 1978. In: Dioxin: Toxicological and Chemical Aspects, F. Cattabeni, A. Cavallaro, and G. Galli, eds. Spectrum Publications, Inc., New York, Chapter 5:43-50. Hass, J. R., et al. 1978. Anal. Chem. Vol. 50. McKinney, J. D. 1978. In: Chlorinated Phenoxy Acids and Their Dioxins. Ecol. Bull., 27:53-66. 60 0-Keefe, P. W. 1978. In: Dioxin: Toxicological and Chemical Aspects. F. Cattabeni, A. Cavallero, and G. Galli, eds. Spectrum Publications, Inc., New York, Chapter 7:59-78. Oswald, E. 1979. Toxicology Research Projects Directory, Vol. 04, Iss. 07. Rose, J. Q., et al. 1976. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 36:209. Shadoff, L. A., and R. A. Hummel. 1978. Biomed Mass Spectrom, 5(1):7-13, January. Tiernan, T. 0. 1976. EPA Contract No. 68-01-1959. December. Woolson, E. A., R. F. Thomas, and P. D. J. Ensor. 1972. J. Agric. Food Chem. , 20:351. Woolson, E. A., et al. 1973. Advanced Chemistry Series. Young, A. L. 1974. Report No. AFATL-TR-74-12, Air Force Armament Laboratory, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. Blood Hummel, R.A. 1977. J. Agric. Food Chem., 25:1049-1053. Oswald, E. 1979. Toxicology Research Projects Directory, Vol. 04, Iss. 07. Commercial Chlorophenols Blaser, W. W., et al. 1976. Anal. Chem., 48:984. Buser, J. R. 1975. J. Chromatography, 107:295. Buser, J. R., and H. P. Bosshardt. 1976. Journal of the AOAC, 59:562. Crummet, W. B., and R. H. Stehl. 1973. Environmental Health Perspectives, 5:15. Firestone, D., et al. 1972. Journal of the AOAC, 55:85. Higginbotham, G. R., et al. 1968. Nature (London), 220:702. Lamberton, J., et al. 1979. J. Amer. Ind. Hyg. Assoc., 40:816-822. Langer, H. G., et al. 1971. 162nd Meeting, ACS, Washington, D.C., Pest. Sec., No. 83. Micure, J. P., et al. 1977. J. Chromatogr. Sci., 7:275. 61 Pfeiffer, C. 1976. J. Chromatogr. Sci., 14:386. Pfeiffer, C. D., T. J. Nestrick, and C. W. Kocher. 1978. Anal. Chem. 6:800. Fats or Oils Campbell, T. C., and L. Friedman. 1966. Journal of the AOAC, 49:824. Firestone, D. 1976. Journal of the AOAC, 59:323-325. Firestone, D. 1977. Journal of the AOAC, 60:354-356. Higginbotham, G. R., et al. 1967. Journal of the AOAC, 50:874. Horwitz, W., ed. 1975. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, D.C., 12th Ed., Sect. 28.118, pp. 511-512. Hummel, R. A. 1977. J. Agric. Food Chem., 25:1049-1053. Kocher, C. W., et al. 1978. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 19:229. 0'Keefe, P. W., M. S. Meselson, and R. W. Baughman. 1978. Journal of the AOAC, 61:621-626. Ress, J. R., G. R. Higginbotham, and D. Firestone. 1970. Journal of the AOAC, 53:628-634. Shadoff, L. A., et al. 1977. Annali di Chimica, 67:583. Shadoff, L. A., and R. A. Hummel. 1978. Bio. Mass Spec., 5:7. Williams, D. T., and B. J. Blanchfield. 1971. Journal of the AOAC, 54:1429-1431. Williams, D. T., and B. J. Blanchfield. 1972. Journal of the AOAC, 55:83-95. Williams, D. T., and B. J. Blanchfield. 1972. Journal of the AOAC, 55: 1358-1350. Fish and Crustaceans Baughman, R. W., and M. Meselson. 1973. 166th Nat. Meeting, ACS, Chicago, Abstract Pest., 55. Baughman, R. W., and M. Meselson. 1973. Environmental Health Perspectives, Expt. Issue 5, 27-35. 62 Baughman, R. W. 1974. Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Fukuhara, K., et al. 1975. J. of Hvg. Chem., 21:318. Gross, M. L. 1978. Personal communication, November. Lamparski, L. L., T. J. Nestrick, and R. H. Stehl. Anal. Chem. , 51(9):1453-1458. Shadoff, L. A., and R. A. Hummel. 1975. 170th Nat. Am. Chem. Soc. Meeting, Chicago, Ab. Anal., Vol. 80. Shadoff, L. A., et al. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. In press. Flue Gas Frigerio, A., and M. C. Tagliabue. Impianti Incenerimento Rifuite Solidi: Prelievo, Anal. Controllo Effluenti, [conv.]; 59-71. Fly Ash Buser, H. R., H. P. Bosshardt, and C. Rappe. 1978. Chemosphere, 2:165. Hummel, R. A. 1977. J. Agric. Food Chem., 25:1053-1099 Isensee, A. R., and and G. E. Jones. 1971. J. Agric. Food Chem., 19:1210. Shadoff, L. A., and R. A. Hummel. 1978. Biomed Mass Spectrom, 5(1):7-13, January. Herbicide Formulations Brenner, K. S., K. Muller, and P. Sattel. 1972. J. Chromatography, 64:39. Brenner, K. S., K. Muller, and P. Sattel. 1974. J. Chromatography, 90: 382-387. Buser, H. R., and H. P. Bosshardt. 1974. J. Chromatography, 90:71. Crummett, W. B., and R. H. Stehl. 1973. Environmental Health Perspectives, 5:15. Edmunds, J. W., D. F. Lee, and C. M. L. Nickels. 1973. Pestic. Sci., 4:101. Elvidge, D. A. 1971. Analyst (London), 96:721. 63 Hackins, J. N., D. L. Stalling, and W. A. Smith. 1978. Journal of the AOAC, 61:32. Hohmstedt, B. 1978. In: Dioxin: Toxicological and Chemical Aspects. F. 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Van Ness, and J. Dryden 9. PERFQRMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT NO. The Brehm Laboratories and Department of Chemistry a 11. CONTRACT/GRANT NO. Wright State University, Dayton, Ohi 9 § Iniversity, Dayton, Gnie 48435 Contract No. 68-03-2659 12. SPONSORING AGENCY NAME AND ADDRESS 13. TYPE OF REPORT AND PERIOD COVERED Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Final, 10/78 to 3/79 Office of Research and Development 14. SPONSORING AGENCY CODE U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA/600/12 Cincinnati, OH 45268 15. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Volume II of a three-volume series on dioxins 16. ABSTRACT The overall objective of this research project was to develop a unified analytical approach for use in quantifying ppt levels of tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (TCDD's) in various chemical wastes. Waste samples from plants manufacturing trichloro- phenol, pentachlorophenol, and hexachlorophene, and from plants processing wood preservatives were provided by the EPA. The extraction procedure developed for isolating the TCDD's from the various types of sample matrices is fully described. Analysis was accomplished using highly specific and sensitive coupled gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric (GC-MS) methods. Both low and high resolution MS techniques were employed. This method- ology is also described in detail. The procedures presented in this report were acceptable for most of the industrial process samples provided. TCDD's were detected and quantitatively determined in several of the samples at levels in the ppt to ppm range. One sample, identified as a trichlorophenol stillbottom, was found to con- tain 40 ppm TCDD's. This method was not applicable for wood or woodlike products and difficulties were also encountered with some samples that were susceptible to emulsion formation in the preparation stages. 17. KEY WORDS AND DOCUMENT ANALYSIS a. DESCRIPTORS b.IDENTIFIERS/OPEN ENDED TERMS |c. COSATI Field/Group Organic chemicals Dioxins; 2,3,7,8-TCDD 07¢C Pesticides Analytical chemistry 07D Chemical analysis Hazardous waste disposal 13B Industrial wastes 18. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT 19. SECURITY CLASS (This Report) 21. NO. OF PAGES Unclassified 79 RELEASE TO PUBLIC 20. SECURITY CLASS (This page) 22. PRICE Unclassified EPA Form 2220-1 (Rev. 4-77) PREVIOUS EDITION IS OBSOLETE YW U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1980--657-165/0008 67 (028543380 id Ll