@575 fé 00.375 Paleocene Flora of the Rocky ountains and Great Plains GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 «‘59 .4 a; x .VI 337'5 EARTH SCIENCEG LIBRARY Paleocene F lore. of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains By ROLAND W. BROWN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 A stitaj/ 0f170 éiiia’s off/ants aiiaI tae strata t/zatyie/a’ t/zem, s/zowitig flow t/iey appiy iii t/ze delimitation of t/ze Paleocene series UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1962 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director The U.S. Geological Survey Library has cataloged this publication as follows: Brown, Roland Wilbur, 1893—1961. Paleocene flora of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Ofl“., 1961. iii, 119 p. illus., diagrs. 29 cm. (U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 375) Bibliography : p. 97—106. 1. Paleobotany—Paleocene. 2.‘ Paleobotany~Rocky Mountains. 3. Paleobotanwareat Plains. I. Title. (Series) For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, DC. CONTENTS Abstract ___________________________________________ Introduction _______________________________________ Geological background __________________________ Acknowledgments _______________________________ Historical review of the subdivision of the “Great Lig- nite” ________________________________________ Early observations ______________________________ The lignitic strata from 1890 to 1912 ______________ Effect of the discovery of mammals in the lignitic , strata _______________________________________ ‘The Cannonball marine strata ____________________ \Formula” for locating the Cretaceous-Paleocene con- tact _________________________________________ Paleocene-Eocene contact ________________________ Summary of Paleocene stratigraphy ___________________ Limits of the Paleocene in specific areas- _ _._______._1. Montana ______________________________________ Canada, North Dakota, and South Dakota ________ Wyoming ______________________________________ Colorado and New Mexico _______________________ Arizona ________________________________________ Utah __________________________________________ Gulf Coast _____________________________________ Atlantic Coast __________________________________ Pacific Coast ___________________________________ Page town—- 0303 11 11 14 14 18 2O 23 27 27 27 28 28 /‘= ,1. V {x} .1}- / 9 P4 v, 3 75“ am / ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates 1—69 follow index] PLATES 1—3. Views of Paleocene strata. 4—68. Megascopic Paleocene plants. 69. Megascopic Paleocene fossils. SCIENCES LIBRARY Page Limits of the Paleocene in specific areas—Continued Arctic regions ____________________________________ 28 Europe ________________________________________ 29 Asia _____________________________________________ 29 South America _________________________________ 29 Africa _________________________________________ 30 Paleocene localities ____________________________________ 30 Methods applied in the study of the plants _______________ 35 The Paleocene flora _________________________________ 38 Systematic description of the megascopic flora __________ 39 Seedless plants ___________________________________ 39 Seed plants; ___________________________________ 47 Objects of uncertain classification __________________ 88 Miscellaneous leaves, fruits, seeds, flowers, roots, and probable animal remains _______________________ 90 Other objects of uncertain or mistaken identity_____ 92 The microscopic plants ______________________________ 92 Fossil wood ________________________________________ 93 Suggested rejection of some names _____________________ 94 Composition and ecologic significance of the Paleocene flora _____________________________________________ 95 Paleocene animals of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains ___________________________________________ 96 References cited-_-__________________; ______________ 97 Index ______________________________________________ 107 FIGURE 1. Diagrammatic cross section from Sheridan, Wy0., to Mandan, N. Dak., showing cor- relation of Cretaceous and Tertiary forma- tions as interpreted by the writer ______ page Iv 196 2“va .5595 ava $28 In: a . mEoB 3% azalmzmooozo as :mme .8. £8885 . 835m 3 O O 3 N 3 E25 :Eoz 59:5 :55: ESE onz >> 252$). oz< 28mm: oz< IEEEE oz< Eu mugs. 525.332 95:3 m3 zEzEm ESm >858 NEE $2.55 oz< osmmmom oz< 895% oz< 235% PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS By ROLAND W. BROWN ABSTRACT The description of the Paleocene series as a whole and par- ticularly the determination of its lower and upper limits in the Rocky Mountains and the adjacent Great Plains have been matters of practical interest since the late 1850’s. As this series contains much of the coal in that area, its mapping for the purpose of classifying the public lands has necessarily in- volved consideration of its boundaries; but, until recently, no general agreement prevailed about the position of these limits. Since 1929 a reexamination of the Paleocene strata has resulted in the collection of much additional and more precisely located fossil material and in the conclusion that the Cretaceous- Paleocene boundary is at the base of the first coal zone not very far above the latest remains of dinosaurs. Representa- tive collections of fossil plants from above and below this level can usually be readily distinguished, but fragmentary collec- tions may not always be distinctive. More species crossed the boundary than was formerly supposed and indicate that no radical break in the floral sequence occurred, just as, at many localities, the stratigraphic succession continued unbroken from the Cretaceous into the Paleocene and beyond. The upper limit of the Paleocene, the Paleocene-Eocene boundary, can be detected locally by the presence of an obvious unconformity and of distinctive mammalian fossils. The flora of the early Eocene, however, except for a species of the fern Salvim‘a and perhaps a few others, does not seem to be greatly different in general composition from that of the late Paleocene. The restudy of the Paleocene flora has revealed many syno- nyms and has thus reduced the variously published estimates of its size to a tentative list of 170 recognizable species or forms. The presence of palms and breadfruit on the one hand and of birches, hazels, maples, and ashes on the other suggests either that remains from different ecologic habitats in a warm temperate to temperate environment mingled or that some Paleocene species were adapted to environmental niches differ- ent from their comparable living descendants or relatives. INTRODUCTION GEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND This paper is the outgrowth of an investigation I was asked to make when I joined the staff of the US. Geological Survey in 1929. W. C. Mendenhall, then chief geologist, specifically instructed me as fol- lows: “Your job, in part, will be to solve the long- debated problem of the Cretaceous-Tertiary contact in the western interior. In doing this you will be concerned with the “somber beds” and their fossils, principally in the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado.” That summer, and many succeeding field seasons, often and for long intervals interrupted by other work, found me mapping and exploring the strata involved in this problem. Eastward for distances of as much as 500 miles from the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, the Great Plains area, extending from central-western Canada to New Mexico, is underlain beneath its Quaternary or other cover by Cretaceous and Tertiary coal-bear- ing strata. Erosion has carved this area into low, roll- ing hills, wide and narrow valleys, and in some 10- calities, fantastic and colorful badlands (pls. 1—3). The marine and nonmarine strata thus exposed, and once collectively called the “Great Lignite,” aggre- gate thousands of feet in thickness and comprise soft or indurated, sometimes conspicuously crossbedded sandstones; carbonaceous, calcareous, and sandy sha‘les; clays; and coal beds, in more or less repetitive se- quence. A diagrammatic cross section showing the stratigraphic units involved is given in figure 1. Comparable correlative strata occur, in somewhat isolated patches, high in the Rockies close to the con- tinental divide in North, Middle, and South Parks, 0010.; in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming and its northwestward extension in Montana; in the Wind River Basin of lVyoming; and on the west side of the Rockies from Mexico northward through the San Juan Basin of New Mexico and Colorado, and from south- western to eastern Utah, northwestern Colorado, and western Wyoming. Seen close at hand on a drab or rainy day, most exposures of the nearly horizontal lignitic strata above the Fox Hills sandstone (Upper Cretaceous) in east- ern Montana, eastern Wyoming, and adjacent areas are monotonously similar to one another. Their gen- eral color tone is dull, gray or even dark, from which they have been characterized as “somber beds.” The subdued or dark colors of the carbonaceous shales and coals contrast with the lighter colored, yellowish sandstones and, here and there, with the pinks or bril- liant reds of the baked and sometimes fused rock (Collier and Smith, 1909, p. 45; Rogers, 1918) above burned coal beds. The coal outcrops were ignited for the most part spontaneously, but sometimes perhaps 1 2 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS by lightning or by fires resulting from human negli- gence. The uninitiated often mistake this clinker or scoria for volcanic rock.1 From a distance, however, and on a clear, bright day, thick, well-exposed sequences above the Fox Hills sandstone in any part of the area, but particularly in the eastern part of the Yellowstone Valley, can be divided roughly by eye into a number of contrasting light and dark zones beginning with a dark zone at the bottom. This lowest zone is coal barren except at the very base and is chiefly brownish sandstone or sandy clay characterized by a tinge of greenish rusti- ness and by the fact that it contains the last, and locally abundant, remains of the horned dinosaurs. Above this dark zone is a light-colored, yellowish se- quence consisting principally of sandstones, shales, and coal beds. This is overlain by a dark zone, whose duskiness can best be described as livid, or grayish black. Near its base is a thick coal bed or carbon- aceous shale—the Big Dirty—which is continuous over many square miles and serves well locally as a strati— graphic marker. This dark sequence is capped by a notable light-colored, yellowish group of sandstones, clays, and coals, making a zone that is conspicuous on all the higher hills and peaks along the Yellow— stone and its tributaries from Forsyth to Sidney, Mont. Overlying this light-colored zone is a some- what darker lignitic sequence exposed typically at Sentinel Butte, N. Dak., and at the original type section of the Fort Union formation on the north side of the Missouri opposite the mouth of the Yel- lowstone. Perhaps no better description of all these conditions and circumstances has been given than that by Leonard (1908; 1911). For further details on spe— cific areas, the reader is referred to the US. Geol. Survey bulletins on the coal fields of the western interior, the latest list of references being by W. W. Olive (1957, p. 5), and W. C. Warren (1960, p. 563). To the west in the direction of the source of the sediments that became these strata, the older light and 1 In his lively and entertaining book, “A Ghost Town on the Yellow— stone,” Elliot H. Paul described the extinct town of Trembles, in existence for about 15 years (1907-22) on the left bank of the Yellow- stone River, 6 miles southwest of Sidney, Mont. He painted a stirring word-picture of the landscape from Glendive to the mouth of the Yellowstone but repeated two commonly held errors, namely, that the red rocks of the badlands are volcanic (p. 32) and that the lower end of the valley, in relatively recent prehistoric days, was a favorite haunt of dinosaurs (p. 6). The red rock, as explained, is clinkered sedimentary shale and sandstone. The uppermost Cretaceous strata that contain remains of the last dinosaursfltrachodon, triceratops, and tyrannosaurus—crop out in the badlands on the flanks of the Cedar Creek anticline near Gloudive but dip eastward to hundreds of feet below the surface at Sidney and the mouth of the Yellowstone where they are covered by Paleocene rocks. Therefore, the dinosaurs once existing in that area wandered around on a terrain antedating the present surface of the YelloWstone Valley by at least 60 or 70 million years. dark zones for the most part lose their distinguishing colors and merge into a greenish or gray sandy se- quence with little or no coal. In the easternmost areas farthest from the source of the sediments, color distinction between these zones is also either impos— sible or very unsatisfactory. Except that they are lignitic and may be somber- colored, the correlative strata in some adjacent re— gions cannot be so readily characterized. Each area has variant lithologic and structural features peculiar to itself. The mapping and classification of these lignitic strata were accompanied by much speculation and discussion about the respective limits of the several postulated large geologic units and particularly about the position of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic boundary, which was suspected early of being present somewhere in the sequence. Four reasons for the warm debate about these matters can be cited: 1, Among the earlier in- vestigators there was a tendency to generalize without completely understanding the significance of the lim- ited data in hand. 2, There was confusion, pointed out by Marvin in 1874, in considering lithologically similar strata, although geographically distant from one an- other, as contemporaneous and correlative. 3, The third reason was the dogma that unconformities of considerable magnitude are necessary to mark sys- temic and series boundaries. 4, No good formula, ap- plicable in the field, as to the probable position of the Mesozoic—Cenozoic boundary, was proposed until 1912. This was not tried out deductively and unani- mously by all mappers in the pertinent areas but was more or less neglected until recently. On the map by Brown (1949) both the lower and the upper limits of the Paleocene strata of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains are shown in the light of reconnaissance studies to that date. Since then, more detailed mapping by others indicates that in some localities the boundary lines need minor read- justment. The principal assumption in this study is that the last dinosaurs in the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains region vanished some time before the extreme end of the Cretaceous and that some species of plants, now regarded as strictly Paleocene in age, left no apparent antecedent records in that region in the Cre- taceous. Nevertheless, I admit the possibilities that fragmentary dinosaur bones may have been reworked into Paleocene deposits and that antecedents of the Paleocene plants may be found in the Cretaceous. Unless the principal assumption be granted as a fac- tual, working hypothesis I can at present see no other satisfactory, concrete basis for agreement on a HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE SUBDIVISION OF THE ”GREAT LIGNITE" 3 solution of the Cretaceous—Paleocene (or Mesozoic- Cenozoic) dating problem. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The help of my field assistants is gratefully ac— knowledged, as follows: K. J. Murata, 1931; F. S. MacNeil, 1936; C. W. Mumm, 1938; T. D. Lance, 1939; C. E. Staudte, 1940; and H. R. Christner, 1952. T. W. Stanton visited localities in North Dakota with me in 1931. C. E. Dobbin accompanied me to localities in Wyoming, Montana, and North Dakota in 1936; in Colorado in 1938 and 1939; and again with George Horn, in northeastern Wyoming in 1948 and 1950. F. M. Van Tuyl and J. H. Johnson also guided me to localities in Colorado in 1938 and 1939. Bryan Patterson visited localities in the vicinity of Rifle and DeBeque, Colo., with me in 1939 and C. L. Gazin examined Colorado localities with me in 1940 and 1941. Chiefs of US. Geological Survey field parties who helped me in one capacity or another were: W. G. Pierce, Rosebud coal field, Montana, 1929 and Cody, Wyoming, 1940; C. B. Hunt, Mt. Taylor coal field, New Mexico, 1930; F. W. Parker, Mizpah coal field, Montana, 1931; D. A. Andrews, Lovell, Wyo., 1936; W. H. Bradley, Rock Springs, Wyo., 1941; R. P. Bryson, southern Montana, 1940, 1941, 1946; C. H. Dane, Durango, Colo., and Cuba, N. Mex., 1940; W. C. Warren, Broadus, Mont., 1940; T. A. Hendricks, Billings, Mont., 1944; C. E. Erd- mann, Great Falls, Mont., 1944, 1947, 1948, 1949; W. E. Benson, Hebron, N. Dak., 1947, 1951; R. W. Lemke, Minot, N. Dak., 1947, 1955; R. C. Townsend, Crosby, N. Dak., 1947; Garland Gott, Culbertson, Mont., 1947; Fred Jensen, Fort Peck Dam, Mont., 1948, 1950; J. D. Love and Raymond M. Thompson, Lander, Wyo., 1944—51; W. T. Pecora, Havre, Mont., 1948—55; W. W. Olive, Spotted Horse coal field, Wyo., 1948; W. J. Mapel, Buffalo, Wyo., 1949; N. M Denson, Buffalo, S. Dak., 1950; P. W. Richards, Billings, Mont., 1950; Roger Colton, Wolf Point, Mont., 1949—51; R. M. Lindvall, Big Sandy, Mont., 1949—53; N. W. Bass, Glenwood Springs, Colo., 1951; George Pipiringos and Harold Masursky, Wamsutter, Wyo., 1952—53; M. R. Klepper, Boulder, Mont., 1953—54; and D. M. Kinney and W. J. Hail, North Park, Colo., 1956. Local residents were uniformly cordial and helpful, but in particular the following: George Fountain, Circle, Mont.; Dell and Edwin Lewis, Glendive, Mont.; George Newlin, Ashland and Billings, Mont.; W. H. Peck, Ekalaka, Mont., and A. C. Silberling, Harlowton, Mont. In the office and elsewhere many colleagues have contributed valuable criticism during this investigation. The photographs of specimens were made chiefly by N. W. Shupe. Unless otherwise stated all the photographed speci- mens here reproduced are deposited in the US. Na- tional Museum. HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE SUBDIVISION OF THE “GREAT LIGNIT‘E” EARLY OBSERVATIONS The evolution of ideas about the appropriate divi- sion of this great group of lig'nitic strata into iden— tifiable, mappable, and datable parts, according to the general geologic column, is a long story involving many actors and the interplay of much fact, fancy, and opinion. Accounts of this development may be found in the writings of G. M. Dawson (1875, p. 182— 202), L. F. Ward (1886, p. 406—436), G. P. Merrill (1906, p. 647—658), F. H. Knowlton (1922 a, p. 3—81), L. S. Russell (1932 a, p. 121—156; 1953, p. 106—113); R. L. Nace (1936, p. 66—87), and E. M. Spieker (1946, p. 135, 142—160). As my immediate concern here is to produce and discuss the evidence that purports to establish the position of the boundary limits of the Paleocene series only, I shall not attempt to recount all the details of the progress in classifying the en- tire lignitic sequence. I shall not cite all the litera- ture, but shall confine myself to a statement of only those opinions and decisions that resulted in positive action or that had a distinct influence toward clari- fication in delimiting the Paleocene series. In 1854 and the immediately following years, F. V. Hayden and his colleagues explored large parts of the coal—bearing terrain of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains, particularly the region accessible from the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers in Montana , (Hayden, 1861; Raynolds, 1868). They accumulated fundamental data about the general stratigraphy and made collections of fossil vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants. Because of the coal seams, Hayden at first called these strata the “Great Lignite” group, but later he and his chief collaborator, F. B. Meek, substituted for it the more specific name, F ort. Union group (Meek and Hayden, 1862, p. 433). More par— ticularly, this term applied to outcrops, now known to be only a part of the “Great Lignite,” on the north side of the Missouri River between the present Snow- den, Mont., and Buford, N. Dak. (pl. 1, fig. 1).2 mm, located on what is now the Montana side of the line, was erected by the Northwest Fur Co. in the 1820’s. In 1867 when the fort was razed, some of the material was purchased by the Fed- eral Government and used in building Fort Buford across the line in North Dakota. See “Tales from Buffalo land. The story of Fort Buford,” by Usher L. Burdick, 1940, Wirth Brothers, Baltimore, Md. 4 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Among Hayden’s collections in 1854 were dino- saurian remains from the Judith River region of Montana; and in 1872 Meek found part of a saurian skeleton (Agathaumws syZ/vestris Cope) in lignitic strata near Black Buttes Station, Wyo. In conse- quence there was general agreement that the older parts of the “Great Lignite” are Cretaceous in age. The fossil plants taken from the upper part of the “Great Lignite” by Meek and Hayden were iden- tified by J. S. Newberry in 1868 as Tertiary in age. Thus, at an early stage of exploration and discovery in the western interior States and adjacent parts of Canada, geologists recognized that the Mesozoic—Ceno- zoic boundary lay somewhere between the older dino- saur-bearing strata and younger plant-bearing strata of the great lignitic sequence. In 1876, Clarence King, without designating a, spe- cific type locality, introduced the term “Laramie” for lignitic beds on the Laramie Plains of Wyoming and thus, although denying identity of the Laramie and Fort Union strata, unwittingly complicated the Cre- taceous-Tertiary boundary discussion because shortly the “Great Lignite” of Hayden (including the Fort Union group) was being referred to loosely as the Laramie group. Not until 1910 were the terms Lara- mie and Fort Union divorced, and Laramie was re- stricted to strata conformably overlying the Fox Hills sandstone in the Denver Basin of Colorado. This Laramie was conceded by all to be Late Cretaceous in age. The paleobotanist Leo Lesquereux had no clear idea about the age of the “Great Lignite,” for his publi- cation, “The Tertiary flom” (1878), included notice of many plants now known to have come from Creta- ceous strata. Indeed, there was a vigorous exchange between Lesquereux and Newberry concerning the age of some lignitic strata in New Mexico and ad— joining portions of Colorado, Newberry insisting upon Cretaceous and Lesquereux upon Tertiary age. New— berry (1888, p. 329) strongly maintained however, that “The Fort Union group * * * in my judgment, should be considered the basal member of the Ter- tiary.” As late as 1883, C. A. White, on the evidence of nonmarine invertebrates, regarded the “Great Lig- nite” as transitional between the Cretaceous and Ter- tiary and, therefore, partaking of both. This idea was accepted by the paleobotanist Lester Ward (1886, p. 435) who, after examining the opinions of Newberry, Lesquereux, Cope, White, and others, commented: The discussions with regard to the age of the Laramie group which have been rapidly passed in review have, perhaps, suffi- ciently shown that it is impossible to refer that group either to the Cretaceous or to the Tertiary and in so doing harmo- nize all the facts that the group presents with those in con- formity with which other deposits in other countries of the world have been so referred; but they have also sufficiently shown that this is not the fault of the investigators, but so to speak, of the facts, and the real disagreement is in the organic forms and the nature of the deposits, so that omniscience itself could never harmonize them with all kinds of forms and de- posits in all parts of the world. It is, therefore, futile and indeed puerile, longer to discuss this question, and we can well afford to dismiss it altogether and settle down to the more serious study of the real problems which still lie before us. After sounding this discouraging note, Ward, not realizing the age significance of the compositional differences be recognized between the floras of the “Wyoming and Colorado Laramie” and the “Fort Union Laramie” (1886, p. 438, 439, 1887, p. 1; New— berry, 1890, p. 529), but still persuaded that “Lara- mie” was synonymous with “Great tLignite” and in— divisible into formations of different ages, proceeded to confuse the situation still further by lumping plant collections from many localities and widely spaced stratigraphic levels in his “Types of the Laramie flora” (1887). This “Laramie” flora, as we now know, is a composite of items representing floras from Mesa— verde (Upper Cretaceous) to Wasatch (Lower Eo- cene). Newberry (1888, p. 329), who was probably the first to perceive a marked difference between the floras of the lower and upper parts of the “Great Lignite,” referring to Ward’s paper, remarked that: It [the “Laramie” flora] contains few of the Lower or true Laramie plants, and is chiefly descriptive of the Upper Laramie or Fort Union flora, of which it affords the most important review yet published. The flora of the Lower or true Laramie has been made known to me by collections from * * * Black Buttes, Walsenburg, Canon City * * *, etc. These show that there is almost nothing in common between the Fort Union and Laramie floras, and that the two divisions of the so-called . Laramie group, judging from the fossil plants, which are very numerous, must be regarded as distinct formations. This opinion was reiterated in 1890 (p. 525). In 1940 and 1942 Erling Dorf published a preliminary comparison of the Lance and Fort Union floras show— ing that, with increased knowledge of these floras, Newberry’s original opinion is in large part still per- tinent. The reasons for the general mixed state of opinion about the “Great Lignite” in 1890 lay, contrary to Ward’s statement, not with the facts, but with the interpreters and appliers of the facts. The paleo-' botanists, for example, had not worked out or agreed upon a satisfactory American standard of comparison to cover the floras in question, but, with the exception of Newberry, as just stated, persisted in assuming that the flora of the “Great Lignite” is an indivisible unit. Furthermore, no geologist or paleontologist pro- posed and applied a good working formula for iden— HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE SUBDIVISION OF THE tifying the probable position of the Mesozoic—Ceno- zoic boundary in the western interior States and Canada. Some of the critical stratigraphic sections also were not carefully measured and compared. Here, to cite an example, Ward erred in regard to the geo— logic situation on the west flank of the Cedar Creek anticline, 12 miles southwest of Glendive, Mont. In a discussion of a paper by Newberry (1890, p. 531) he said: I have one fact of my own observations which may be worth stating and which may not be known to all. About 15 miles above the town of Glendive, on the right bank of the lower Yellowstone river, there is a cliff, known as Iron bluff, which is colored very bright red from having the carbonaceous mat- ter burned out, and which is full of fossil plants . . . This bluff is right on the bank of the Yellowstone river, and the railroad cuts through it, which makes the cliff conspicuous. Immedi- ately below (east) there is a short anticline‘ (Cedar Creek anticline), and apparently a little island about a mile in extent, filled with characteristic Fox Hills Cretaceous fossils. I have been on the ground and collected large numbers of them, and everywhere we meet with them: the wheels of the wagon as one drives over them crush the shells, so abundant are they; and there is no doubt that this is a typical Fox Hills bed, in Dr. White’s understanding of the term “Fox Hills.” Now, so far as I can tell, and so far as he could tell from a careful study of the ground, this Iron bluff deposit—this Laramie or Fort Union leaf-bed~rests directly and immediately upon the Fox Hills bed. If there is any difference of age there is no indication at that point * * *. The sequence of strata at Iron Bluff, as measured by me in 1936, is as follows: Section on the west flank of Cedar Creek anticltne, 12 miles southwest of Glendtve, Mont. Thickness (feet) 4. Fort Union formation: Light-colored shale and sandstone, coal, plants___ 50+ Somber carbonaceous shale, sandstone, coal, plants ______________________________________ 224 Gray shale, light-colored sandstone, coal, lowest bed locally clinkered, plants, fresh-water shells- 170 3. Hell Creek formation: Rusty green to gray carbonaceous shales and sandstones, three thin coal seams in basal part, dinosaur bones, fragmentary plants __________ 385 2. Fox Hills sandstone: Gray to light—colored shales and sandstones, capped by the white Colgate member, appar- ently barren of fossils at this locality ________ 140 1. Pierre shale: Dark-colored marine shales, with concretions full of fossils ____________________________________ Base of section. Ward’s “Fox Hills” with Cretaceous fossils is thus seen to be whatis now called the Pierre shale, and the lowest burned coal bed with plants is near the base of the Fort Union formation. Therefore, instead of resting directly upon the fossiliferous marine Pierre 75+ “GREAT LIGNITE " 5 shale, as averred by Ward, this clinkered bed is sep— arated from it by at least 525 feet of Fox Hills and Hell Creek strata, the latter containing diagnostic dinosaurian remains. THE LIGNITIC STRATA FROM 1890 TO 1912 F. H. Knowlton succeeded Ward on the US. Geo- logical Survey stafl’ as paleobotanist in the study of Mesozoic and Cenozoic plants, and from the early 1890’s until his death in 1926 greatly influenced the opinions pertaining to the age of the “Great Lignite.” He, like his Survey predecessors, made a number of field trips into the disputed areas and obtained numer- ous collections. Stanton and he (1897), after a study of the terrain and fossils on Lance Creek, in eastern Wyoming, differentiated the Upper Cretaceous Lance formation, with its primitive mammals, dinosaurs, non- marine invertebrates, and plants, from the overlying Fort Union formation with its invertebrates and flora, but no dinosaurs. Had this initial example been fol- lowed in subsequent years during the mapping and correlation of strata in adjacent areas, there might have been little difficulty about the Cretaceous-Ter— tiary contact; but in areas to the north, particularly in northeastern Wyoming, Montana, and the Dakotas, strata that looked lithologically similar to those in the upper part of the Lance, except that they con- tained coal seams, a Fort Union flora, and lacked dinosaurs, were assumed to be Lance. In many papers they were called Lance or Upper Lance (Eocene?), with much resultant confusion. This condition was aggravated by Stanton’s misidentification of the Can- nonball marine strata in the Dakotas as Lance (Up- per Cretaceous) in age (Lloyd, 1914, p. 250; Stanton, 1921, p. 18). A correlation sketch that illustrates these opinions and practices was published by Winchester and others (1916, p. 15, fig. 2). A similar sketch by me (1948a, p. 1266, fig. 2) reproduced here as figure 1, shows the present conception of the same situation. The mappers in Montana and the Dakotas had by this time begun to recognize and name the local zones of light-colored and dark-colored strata in the upper part of the “Great Lignite.” The designation of these zones, beginning with the lowest and oldest, resulted eventually as follows: Hell Creek formation (dark); Tullock member (light); Lebo member (dark); Tongue River member (light), which for a long time was itself erroneously considered synony- mous with Fort Union or upper Fort Union; and Sentinel Butte member (dark). This nomenclature was found convenient in local mapping, but most ob- servers discovered that color contacts between some of the contrasting zones are evanescent and migra- 6 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS tory, both vertically and horizontally (Rogers, 1913b, p. 719—721; Pierce, 1936, p. 60; Brown 1948a, p. 1270—1271). This is particularly noticeable from the vicinity of Miles City toward Glendive and from Miles City toward Ekalaka and Baker, Mont, and Marmarth, N. Dak. In those directions, zones recog- nized as more or less distinct west of Miles City become increasingly difficult or impossible to separate. For this reason the Lebo and Tullock in the eastern part of the area were lumped as the Ludlow lignitic member. In the vicinity of Glendive the base of the otherwise light-colored Tullock equivalent appears darker than the underlying Hell Creek formation be— cause its strata consist of closely spaced dark carbona— ceous shales and coal seams. In 1909 Knowlton and Stanton separately published preliminary opinions on these strata. Knowlton (1909, p. 180—193, 237) divided the sequence above the Fox Hills sandstone into an “upper” and “lower” Fort Union. His “upper” part, a light-colored unit, cor- responded to that now called the Tongue River mem- ber. His “lower” part comprised the “somber beds” underlying the Tongue River member; that is, the Lebo member, Tullock member, and the “Ceratops beds” or Hell Creek formation, as now known. In thus lumping the dinosaur-bearing Hell Creek with the remainder of the non—dinosaur-bearing “somber beds” he originated an error that led to and was comparable with another made by the mappers, namely, in applying the term “Upper Lance” to the “somber beds” (chiefly the Tullock member) overlying" the Hell Creek. In consequence of all this, Knowlton did not distinguish the flora of the Hell Creek and of the correlative Lance in Wyoming from that in the re— mainder of the “somber beds” and “upper” Fort Union, but regarded all as a unit, Tertiary in age. This position, so far as I know, he never changed (Knowlton 1911, p. 358; 1914, p. 325; 1922a, p. 31). Thus, the confusion of floras remained much as Ward left it in 1887. It is now evident that Knowlton’s conception of the stratigraphic situation along the lower reaches of the Yellowstone Valley was not sound in that he did not differentiate the two dark zones of his “lower” Fort Union, the Lebo and Hell Creek, and did not realize that strata now called Tullock lie between the Lebo and Hell Creek. Thus, concerning the outcrops at Miles City and Glendive, respectively, he said (1909, p. 186): With the exception of some unimportant alluvial deposits in the valleys, all the rocks of this region [around Miles City] were found to belong to the Fort Union formation, which is comprised of two members. The lower member, which corre- sponds to the “Hell Creek beds,” is about 500 feet in thickness, but the base is not exposed; however, from the comparison of the Miles City section with that at Glendive, it is inferred that the base is not very deeply buried. What are the facts about the correlation of the sec- tions at Miles City and Glendive? The strata ex- posed in the bluffs on the left bank of the Yellow- stone River at Miles City belong to the so-called Tul— lock and Lebo members of the Fort Union sequence. , The base of this sequence, and hence the top of the Hell Creek formation, is about 100 feet below river level. The Hell Creek, according to a well log taken 12 miles west of Miles City approximates 500 feet in thickness beneath the Fort Union formation under Miles City. At Glendive the lowest strata exposed in the bluffs south of the city contain distinctive Up- per Cretaceous plants and abundant ceratopsian bones and thus belong to the Hell Creek formation. Only about 100 feet of the top of the bluffs belong to the Tullock member, which lacks dinosaur bones but con- tains Fort Union plants (pl. 3, fig. 2). These defini— tive stratigraphic facts, however, were never, so far as I have been able to learn, recognized by Knowlton, but T. W. Stanton (1909, p. 286) remarked: Doctor Knowlton’s statistics show a close relation between the flora of the lower Fort Union and the upper Fort Union; if, however, comparison were made between the Ceratops beds that have actually yielded dinosaurs and the typical or upper Fort Union [Tongue River member] the figures would possibly be different, because in many sections such as those of the Bighorn Basin, Red Lodge, Sheridan, Fish Creek, and prob- ably along the Yellowstone, he has included more than the Ceratops beds in his lower Fort Union. Had Knowlton acted on this cautious suggestion and reevaluated the fossil and stratigraphic situation, particularly along the Yellowstone River between Miles City and Glendive, the Laramie—Fort Union or Cre- taceous—Tertiary problem might have been solved at that time. The Hell Creek beds were named and described by Barnum Brown (1907) from the type section on Hell Creek, north of Jordan, Mont, and were unequivocally correlated with the Lance formation of Wyoming (B. Brown, 1914, p. 356). Brown was particularly care- ful to point out, by italicizing the statement, that the latest remains of dinosaurs in that area were con— fined to these strata, because after 5 years of fieldwork he and his party failed to find any evidence of dino- saurs in the overlying lignitic beds that contain the Fort Union flora. The Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary at the contact between the Hell Creek and Tullock in the region immediately east of Hell Creek was shown on the map accompanying the description of the coal resources of McCone County, Mont, by Col— lier and Knechtel (1939), although the ceratopsian HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE SUBDIVISION OF THE Hell Creek and lignitic Tullock, or basal Fort» Union, were, according to prevailing custom, referred to the Eocene( '9). EFFECT OF THE DISCOVERY OF MAMMALS IN THE LIGNITIC STRATA Perhaps the first illuminating clue to the position of the Cretaceous~Paleocene contact in the western in— terior came from the San Juan Basin of Colorado and New Mexico. There in 1880 and subsequent years, distinctive Tertiary mammals (Matthew, 1937) were found in the Puerco and Torrejon formations, which overlie strata containing dinosaurian remains. By con- trast the lignitic strata of the Fort Union sequence in Montana yielded no mammals until Earl Douglass in 1901 found the first specimens on Fish Creek just east of the Crazy Mountains. In the following years this area was thoroughly explored, chiefly by A. C. Silberling of Harlowton, Mont., under the inspira- tion of J. W. Gidley, who began a study of the fos- sils that was completed later by G. G. Simpson (1937b). That part of the geologic section pertinent to this discussion, as generalized by Simpson and amended by me, is as follows: Generalized section east of the Crazy Mountains, Mont. [Adapted from Simpson, 1937b, p. 15] N o. 3 Melville Dark shales, greenish or gray with 5,000 numerous gray to yellow sand- +ft. stones. Mammals, plants. N o. 2 Soft somber greenish, sandy shales and gray sandstones. Mam- mals, plants. 8501‘t. Lebo Fort Union 5% Somber shales with some hard brown sandstones. Mammals, plants. N0. 1 500 ft. Alternating pale crossbedded sand- stones and shale. Rare turtle bones, etc. No dinosaurs (ex- cept possibly reworked frag- ments) or mammals. Plants. 500—600 Bear ft. Pale, variegated clays with some 2,000 gray sandstone. Dinosaurs. ft. Hell Creek Simpson concluded that the paleontologic evidence from that part of the Fort Union he called No. 1 Lebo was inadequate for exact correlation, but tenta- tively assigned these strata to the middle Paleocene or Torrejonian of the vertebrate paleontologists. Con- cerning the next immediately underlying beds, which he called Bear, he pointed out that this sequence overlies the dinosaur-bearing Hell Creek formation at a rela— tively sharp and observable contact, that it contains no dinosaurs except possibly reworked fragments in its basal part, that the invertebrates are Paleocene forms, and that, therefore, it is likely the Bear is Tertiary rather than Cretaceous, and probabiy in part equivalent to the Tullock or basal Fort Union farther east. Accordingly, on his chart Simpson assigned the “GREAT LIGNITE" 7 Bear to Fort Union or Lance. In 1936, I obtained a satisfactory collection of plants from the Bear in SW14 sec. 29, T. 6 N., R. 16 E. Of the 10 species present, few seem referable to the Cretaceous, but nearly all are present in the basal Fort Union in the vicinity of Miles City and Glendive. On this and the stratigraphic evidence I am convinced that the Bear belongs with the Tertiary sequence and that the con— tact between it and the Hell Creek marks the Cre- taceous-Paleocene boundary. The scarcity or lack of mammals in the Bear of the Crazy Mountain region is matched by a similar con- dition in the Paleocene sequence of extreme eastern Montana and the adjacent Dakotas. So far as known, the eastern outcrops have yielded only a few speci— mens, representing six genera: Titanoides primaeous Gidley from Buford,, N. Dak. (Gidley, 1917. Near Vernon Bailey’s original find, Glenn Jepsen and Theo— dore White recovered additional parts of skulls of T. primaevus) ; Tetraclaenodon Sp. and Pantolambda sp. from southwestern North Dakota (Lloyd and Hares, 1915, p. 538); Aphmnorus sp., an unpublished in- sectivore tooth from Donnybrook, North Dakota; and Olaenodon sp., Tricentes sp. from Medicine Lake, Mont. (pl. 69, figs. 9, 10). In 1926, Dr. J. C. F. Siegfriedt, of Red Lodge, Mont., discovered another locality that has yielded significant mammalian remains. It is the roof of the Eagle coal mine, 1 mile south of Bear Creek, Mont., at a level about 1,500 feet above the base of the Fort Union formation. These fossils, according to Simp- son (1928; 1929), indicate a fauna that inhabited a heavily forested and swampy region and that was dif- ferent in facies from the fauna on Fish Creek, no genus being common to the two. He conjectured its age to be late Paleocene and approximately that of the Tiffany fauna of southwestern Colorado. The first mammals from the lignitic strata of the Big Horn Basin were discovered in 1881. Since that time, active exploration has resulted in the accumulation of much paleontologic and stratigraphic information, giv- ing a fairly clear picture of the geologic situation in that basin. All this has been summarized and dis- cussed by G. L. Jepsen (1930; 1940) and is indicated on the correlation chart compiled by H. E. Wood and others (1941). Jepsen gave a new name to the Paleo— cene section in the Polecat Bench area—Polecat Bench formation. At that locality he found no angular un— conformity between the dinosaur-bearing Lance and the Polecat Bench formation, but the contact may be locally undulatory. Elsewhere in the Big Horn Basin, however, an unconformity marks the Cretaceous-Paleo- cene boundary, as for example, on the south side of 8 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Dry Creek, 5 miles west of Greybull, Wyo. Similarly, Hewett (1926, p. 30—40) found an angular uncon- formity separating the Cretaceous and Tertiary beds on the southwestern side of the basin. In 1933 Bryan Patterson reported the finding of large titanoid mammals in strata southwest of De Beque, Colo., which in 1936 he proposed to call the Plateau Valley beds. These beds, according to the fauna, are of late Paleocene age. My finding of mammalian remains in 1939 and 1940 at several strategic localities in the Denver Basin, Colorado, helped materially to restrict the position of the Cretaceous-Paleocene.boundary in that area (Gazin, 1941a; Brown, 1943a,). Gazin (1942; 1956c) reported late Paleocene mammals from the Almy formation in southwestern Wyoming, (1956a) a large fauna from late Paleocene strata in Bison Basin, on the north border of the Red Desert, Wyo., and (1956b) a Tifianian fauna from Fossil Basin, west of Kemmerer, Wyo. In the vicinity of Hoback Canyon, south of Jackson, Wyo., Dorr (1952; 1958) found significant mammalian remains in what he and Eardley call the Hoback for- mation, a possible northward correlative of the Evans— ton and Almy formations near Evanston. During the summer of 1958 A. E. Roberts, of the US. Geological Survey, found a portion of the jaw, with three teeth, of a Paleocene condylarth, Tetraclaenodon symbolicus Gidley, in strata 011 Willow Creek, 9 miles north of Livingston, Mont. This find is stratigraphically close to the tentative Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary I drew (1949) in the Livingston area and narrows materially the search for the exact line. The recent discovery of fragmentary vertebrate remains in the Medicine Rocks area north of Ekalaka, Mont., by members of the Carter County Geological Society, has led G. L. Jep- sen, of Princeton University, to further prospecting in those Paleocene strata. In a personal communica— tion he states that the unpublished material now in- cludes fish scales and teeth, amphibian and reptilian vertebrae, and mammalian teeth and jaws, indicating a probable middle Paleocene age. In Canada the Paskapoo formation, which at some localities in Alberta is clearly unconformable on the Edmonton formation (Upper Cretaceous), contains fragmentary remains of Paleocene mammals (Russell, 1929, 1932a, 1932b, p. 137), associated with fishes, amphibians, and reptiles. A general survey of Paleocene vertebrate faunas was published by Simpson (1936; 1937a), and Van Houten (1945b) has reviewed the latest. Paleocene and early Eocene mammalian faunas, with suggestions about the associated climatic conditions and deposi— tional facies. Thus, the revelation of the mammalian evidence has helped greatly in dating parts of the “Great Lignite” and in narrowing the quest for the lower and upper limits of the Paleocene series. THE CANNONBALL MARINE STRATA Not long after the finding of mammals in the Paleo- cene rocks of the Crazy Mountain region came the un- expected discovery of fossiliferous marine strata inter- calated in the lignitic sequence near Mandan and southwestward in North and South Dakota. Specu- lations about the age of these strata soon produced a name that caused much discussion—the Cannonball marine member of the Lance. In 1907, before the main discovery in 1912 by Lloyd and Hares (1915, p. 523), A. G. Leonard, exploring the steep bluffs along the Little Missouri River south of Yule, N. Dak., found an oyster bed (Ostrea glabm Meek and Hayden) lying between two coal seams about 150 feet above the river (pl. 2, fig. 2). This was later interpreted as a brackish- Water tongue of the Cannonball member. In 1931 I discovered a second and lower brackish-water tongue at river level one-half a mile south of Leonard’s oyster bed locality (pl. 2, fig. 3). It contains species of Oorbulw and Corbicula. but apparently no oysters. These tongues of the Cannonball, which were probably deposits in estuarine channels or embayments of the Cannonball sea, interfinger with the nonmarine strata of the Ludlow member, which has never yielded any authentic indigenous dinosaurian remains but contains abundant specimens of the typical Fort Union flora. , T. W. Stanton concluded that the Cannonball fauna has a general Tertiary aspect because of the absence of the exclusively Mesozoic forms and the presence of many long—lived modern forms; but that it has a closer relation with the Cretaceous because 24 of its species (40 percent of its known molluscan fossils) were identified with species found in the Late Cre- taceous formations of the same general region (Stan- ton, 1914, p. 351; 1921, p. 13). He, therefore, re- garded the Cannonball strata as Cretaceous in age. The element of doubt that this fauna might after all not be Cretaceous in age lay not only in the absence of ammonites but in the presence of the mollusks Calyptmphorus and Cyliclmella, the former occurring in North America only in strata ranging from Midway (Paleocene) to Jackson (Eocene) in age and the lat- ter with no definite record older than Tertiary. Soon after Stanton’s paper on the Cannonball ap- peared, Charles Schuchert (1921, p. 45, 47) reviewed it and forthwith advocated that the line between the Cretaceous and Tertiary be drawn at the contact of the Fort Union and overlying Wasatch. Knowlton, HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE SUBDIVISION OF THE “GREAT LIGNITE" 9 after reading Schuchert’s proposal, remarked that “If the Cannonball marine member is Cretaceous then both Lance and Fort Union are Cretaceous, for there is no stopping point short of the top of the Fort Union.” The reason for this statement was Knowlton’s be- lief in the existence of an unconformity of great pro- portions at the contact of the Fox Hills sandstone and Hell Creek formation, and this being the only such purported, available unconformity known to him in the “Great Lignite” he picked that contact as the Cre- taceous-Tertiary boundary. Investigation of this al— leged unconformity, mainly in eastern Montana and the Dakotas, resulted in the publication by Dobbin and Reeside (1929, p. 25) of observations tending to explain the phenomena at the localities they examined as local channeling, minor faulting, crossbedding, or slumping. This conclusion harmonized with the pre- vious opinion expressed by Barnum Brown (1914, p. 357) about stratigraphic relations along Dry Creek, north of Van Norman, Mont. However, Dobbin and Reeside cited Bauer (1925) as reporting that he had traced around Freedom Dome, south of Jordan, Mont, a stratum of coarse material consisting of quartzitic and other pebbles, at the base of the Hell Creek for- mation. Only Dobbin checked this report, finding some evidence of channeling, but both Dobbin and Ree- side (p. 17) concluded: “As the conglomerate occurs only in this small area, its presence affords little proof of the existence of a major unconformity at the con— tact of the Fox Hills and Lance.” Fieldwork by Fred Jensen, Roger Colton, and me in 1950 and subse- quently (Colton, 1955) indicates that this channeled contact cannot be dismissed as a local condition. It is much more widespread than was known to Barnum Brown, Dobbin, Reeside, and Bauer. We found it at numerous localities over hundreds of square miles of the terrain north and south of the Missouri River, east, west, and south of Fort Peck Dam, and southward as far as Forsyth on the Yellowstone River. The con- glomerate consists mainly of quartzitic and porphy- ritic pebbles, cobbles, and boulders, occasional worn dinosaur bones, shark’s teeth, and rounded pellets of wood and lignite. Moreover, the interstitial sand of this conglomerate and that of the immediately over- lying beds is somewhat yellowish brown with a liberal sprinkling of black grains, so that once seen at a typical outcrop it can be readily recognized elsewhere. This characteristic, friable, salt-and-pepper Hell Creek sand appears abruptly above the contrasting grayish- white upper Fox Hills strata. Thus, although the transition from Fox Hills to Hell Creek is physically and lithologically sharp over a large area, the debate about the nature, magnitude, distribution, and correla- tion of the unconformity may go on. On one point, however, there is certainty—this unconformity, how— ever interpreted, did not mark the end of the Cre- taceous and the beginning of the Tertiary. Fieldwork by Laird and Mitchell (1942, pl. 1) and by me since the publication of Stanton’s paper shows that the Cannonball member at most localities rests upon a tongue of the lowest coal-bearing zone of the Ludlow member, exposures ofpwhich can be seen be- neath the lower brackish-water tongue of Cannonball deposits on the Little Missouri River, south of Yule; along the upper reaches of Cedar Creek, a tributary of Cannonball River; and north of Cannonball River across the southern part of Morton County, N. Dak. This 50-foot zone has yielded collections of typical Fort Union plants but no dinosaurs. Finally, S. K. Fox, Jr., and R. J. Ross, J r., reported that “an analysis of 64 species of Foraminifera indi- cates Midway (Paleocene) age for the Cannonball beds of North Dakota” (1940, p. 1970; 1942). This study apparently climaxes the search for evidence necessary to settle the question of the age of the Cannonball member, and also that of the Ludlow mem- ber and equivalent beds with which the Cannonball brackish—water tongues interfinger. As early as 1931, I had become convinced of the Paleocene age of the Cannonball member and its correlative nonmarine equivalent but first expounded this opinion in detail before the Geological Society of Washington on March 9, 1938 (1938, p. 421). FORMULA FOR LOCATING THE CRETACEOUS- PALEOCENE CONTACT Just as the phrase “somber beds” occurs repeatedly in this boundary discussion, so another is also much used, namely, “the loWest persistent bed of lignite,” invented by W. R. Calvert (1912a, p. 196, 197). Cal— vert observed that in the vicinity of Glendive, Mont, the latest dinosaurian remains are found just below (he says “above,” but this is erroneous, as explained in what follows) a “persistent bed of lignite,” or per- haps better, a persistent lignite zone. Coinciding with this level locally, a marked change in color takes place, from the dark Lance (Hell Creek) to the yel— lowish basal Fort Union. This is the first clear hint of a practical formula for locating the Cretaceous- Paleocene boundary in the lignitic sequence east of the Rocky Mountains. This lowest lignite zone, indicating the renewal of coal formation after a long coal-barren interval, rep- resents a widespread, simultaneous phenomenon throughout eastern Montana, Wyoming, and the Da- 10 kotas (Winchester and others, 1916, p. 19; Laird and Mitchell, 1942, p. 12; Denson and others, 1959, p. 16). Can the base of this lowest coal zone be mapped and, therefore, be accepted as a close approximation of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic or Cretaceous-Paleocene contact? To answer this question several conflicting published statements must first be considered. Calvert (1912a, p. 197 , 198) reported dinosaurian remains from above this lignite zone, as follows: One collection from a horizon just above the lowest persist— ent lignite bed [sec. 36, T. 13 N., R. 59 E., 11 miles south of Wilbaux, Mont] represented the following forms as recognized by C. W. Gilmore. [Here follows a list of turtles, crocodiles, Champosaurus. and a caudal vertebra of an undescribed dinosaur.] He also ventured the opinion that such remains may occur through perhaps 500 feet more of overlying strata. Were these statements correct, the detection of another usable contact» would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, because the color and lithologic com- position of the strata above the basal coal do not per— mit satisfactory distinction for mapping purposes. The field notes of neither Calvert nor his assistant, Hance, yielded any further clues about the dinosaur vertebra. My examination of the area in 1941 showed that with the exception of a small patch of Lebo in the southwest corner, all the strata in sec. 36 belong to the Tongue River member. Therefore, the dinosaur vertebra could not have come from “just above the lowest persistent lignite,” for that lignite is not pres- ent in sec. 36 but occurs 500 feet lower stratigraphically than the lowest stratum cropping out in that section. Some mixup in locality citation or in the fossil col- lections probably accounts for this erroneous record. Another report that dinosaurian remains occur above the basal coal zone is that cited by Rogers and Lee (1923, p. 34), who mapped the Tullock Creek coal field, Montana: The single bone fragment found was identified by C. W. Gil- more as a section of a supraorbital horn core of a ceratopsian, probably Triceratops. This fossil which was collected [by W. 0. Mansfield] in sec. 22, T. 5 N., R. 35 E., was found associated with other bone fragments on the surface of a steep slope about 50 feet above the base of the Tullock member. The base of the Tullock here was considered to be at a coal seam called coal A. In 1941, I visited this locality and found that Rogers and Lee had stated the field re— lations correctly and that the steep slope mentioned in the locality citation does indeed yield dinosaurian bones. Coal A, however, crops out near the top of the hill, and in the strata above it I found only turtle remains. Subsequent examination of Rogers’ field notes covering this locality revealed on page 1028 of notebook 2745 the clarifying and saving statement that PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS the horn core fragment was picked up 50 feet below coal A and that other bone fragments, presumably of turtles similar to those I also saw, were found above coal A. These dubious or erroneous records have had mislead- ing consequences. Thus, in describing a new species of Triceratops from What he called the Torrington member of the Lance in Goshen Hole in eastern Wyoming, Schlaikjer (1935) said that the skull was found in the upper strata of a 240 to 425-foot sequence of shales, sandstones, and a brackish-water bed, which overlies a lignite seam at or near the contact with the Pierre shale or perhaps Fox Hills sandstone. In- fluenced by the geologic similarity of the upper part of this section to that in the blufi's of the Little Mis— souri River near Yule, N. Dak., and unaware that a second brackish—water tongue of the Gannonball mem— ber occurs 150 feet below the oyster bed originally reported at Yule, he concluded that his Triceratops postdated the Cannonball deposits. In support of this conclusion he cited the dinosaur bone reported by Cal- vert but misinterpreted Calvert’s statement to mean that “* * * in eastern Montana ceratopsian bones were found in beds which are supposed to be stratigraphic- ally higher than the Cannonball.” Calvert, however, stated specifically that the bone came from “a horizon just above [below] the lowest persistent lignite bed.” This, as has been shown, is a position just above the top of the Hell Creek formation and represents a level below, not above, the base of the Cannonball mem- ber. Schlaikjer (p. 54), it is true, recognized the pos- sibility that the Goshen Hole tongue of brackish- water deposits may represent an earlier extension of the sea than the Cannonball tongue on the Little Mis- souri River. As the Lance of Goshen Hole lies (un- conformably according to Schlaikjer) upon Pierre or Fox Hills strata, it invites comparison with the basal rather than the upper part of the true Lance in neigh- boring areas. In the Lance Creek area, 100 miles to the northwest, a lignitic zone and brackish-water bed occur near the base of the Lance or top of the Fox Hills (Stanton, 1909, p. 242; 1910, p. 187), and this lignitic zone appears at approximately the same level in other parts of eastern Wyoming and western North and South Dakota (Shaw, 1909, p. 158; Wegemann, 1912, p. 446; Laird and Mitchell, 1942, p. 8). In the Cannonball River region of North Dakota, a thin marine tongue, called the Breien member, in the basal part of the Hell Creek formation may be the equiva- lent of the Goshen Hole brackish-water stratum. This correspondence in lithologic composition and strati— graphic position suggests that the Lance in Goshen SUMMARY OF PALEOCENE STRATIGRAPHY 11 Hole is basal Lance and that Schlaikjer’s dinosaur is an early rather than a late form of Triceratops. No other published reports of the occurrence of in— digenous dinosaurian remains above Calvert’s “low— est persistent bed of lignite” have appeared, so far as I am aware. That reworked fragments may, how- ever, occur in the basal Tertiary strata is quite possible, but diligent search by myself and field parties I have visited during the past 20 years has brought none such to light. My conclusion is that the last dinosaurs disappeared, for causes unknown, from the western interior area at or somewhat before the time when the latest sedi- ments of the Hell Creek and Lance formations were deposited, and new environmental conditions were in- augurated. The depositional area began to subside, and the low flood plains of the Late Cretaceous changed to widespread Tertiary sloughs and swamps in which vegetation accumulated to form lignite. Spe- cies of a characteristically new flora and fauna ap— peared, so that when good representations of their fossilized remains are now found they can be easily distinguished from Late Cretaceous assemblages. Calvert’s basal coal zone, as proved at all localities east of the present Continental Divide and north of the Colorado-Wyoming line to the Canadian border, can, with a little experience, be detected readily and mapped satisfactorily. When the paleontologic evi- dence from above and below this zone is compared with that from strata in adjacent or distant areas where the coal zone does not occur, those strata can in accordance with their fossil content be identified as Tertiary or Late Cretaceous, respectively, and the con- tact between Mesozoic and Cenozoic beds can usually be fairly closely determined. In general, the horizon of the contact is nearly everywhere marked by changes, either subtle or obvious, in lithologic composition and color features that become more distinct as familiarity with the strata grows. PALEOCENE-EOCENE CONTACT Before use of the term Paleocene became common, the earliest Tertiary of the western interior was called Eocene, but the strata were regarded by many geolo- gists as transitional between Cretaceous and Tertiary, and the upper limit of this transitional series was considered to be the true Cretaceous—Tertiary boundary. The oldest strata overlying the Paleocene, conformably or unconformably, in many parts of the Rocky Moun— tains and the Great Plains, are conglomerates, sand— stones, clays, shales, and coal seams, sometimes re- sembling the underlying‘ beds in general aspect but more often being coal-barren, sandy, and varicolored. These strata are commonly called the “Wasatch” for- mation, and pending a restudy and possibly a renaming of much that is now called Wasatch, I shall here use the term only in a general identifying sense. For a review of the mixed situation involving the term Wasatch, the reader is referred to publications by Nace (1936, p. 120446), Jepsen (1940, p. 223, 224), and Van Houten (1944, p. 172—174). The upper limits of the Paleocene have been deter— mined in part by lithologic changes and in part by mammalian and floral remains. Thus, when examin- ing a given terrain for this contact, the geologist, find— ing relics of the early horse, Hyraoothefi/Mm (eohip- pus), and of the floating fern, wavz'm'a preauriculaita Berry, will know that the upper limit of the Paleocene has been passed and that the containing strata are Eocene. Specific references to this contact will be found in the discussions of the Hanna Basin, Powder River Basin, western North Dakota, etc. SUMMARY OF PALEOCENE STRATIGRAPHY Because my chief purpose in this paper is to discuss the plants of the Paleocene and the evidence pertain— ing to detection of its boundaries, I shall not here review Paleocene stratigraphy in more than necessary detail. Readers interested in the minutiae of thick- nesses and lithologic variations of strata should con- sult the numerous pertinent coal and other reports. As now recognized, the Paleocene units or forma— tions and their members in the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains are: Canada: Paskapoo, Ravenscrag, Willow Creek (part). Montana, the Dakotas: Fort Union (Tullock, Lebo, Ludlow, Cannonball, Tongue River, Sentinel Butte members), Wil- low Creek (‘2 part), Livingston (part), Melville of Simpson (1937), Bear of Simpson (1937). Wyoming: Fort Union, Polecat Bench of Jepsen (1940), Ferris, Evanston, Almy, Hoback of Horberg, Nelson and Church (1949). Colorado: Denver (part), Dawson (part), Coalmont, Middle Park, Plateau Valley of Patterson (1936), Raton, Poison Canyon, Animas (part). New Mexico: Raton, Animas (part), Puerco, Torrejon, Tiffany of Granger (1917). Utah: North Horn, Dragon of Kugler (1953), Henefer. In particular, the Fort Union of the northern areas, having been the subject of so much dispute and be- cause the type section is not typical, has been rede- fined as follows and is thus virtually synonymous with Paleocene series in that region: The Fort Union for- mation in eastern Montana, western North and South Dakota, and eastern Wyoming is typified by the se- quence of lignitic strata exposed in the right bank of the Yellowstone River from the top of the Cretaceous dinosaur-bearing Hell Creek formation at Glendive to 12 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS and including the original type section (pl. 1, fig. 1) in the badlands on the left bank of the Missouri River, opposite the mouth of the Yellowstone River. The top of the formation is the base of the Golden Val- ley (“Wasatch”) formation (Eocene) in isolated out- crops in western North Dakota. The Paleocene series of the western interior in— cludes coal seams, sandstones, conglomerates, shales, clays, thin impure limestones, and in some areas, ig- neous rocks or the products of igneous activity. The series attains a thickness of 5,000 feet or more in the Hanna Basin, Wyo., the Crazy Mountains, Mont, and North Park, 0010., but in most areas less than 2,000 feet remain. Eastward, or seaward, from the moun— tains the strata thin and decrease in coarseness. Where the strata now lap against the mountains the sand— stones may be coarse to conglomeratic. Some channel deposits within the sequence contain fairly coarse ma— terial at a considerable distance from the assumed source (Lloyd and Hares, 1915, p. 538, 539). Hewett (1926, p. 30—40) reported conglomerates in the Fort Union of the west side of the Big Horn Basin in Wyoming. The terrain that received the Paleocene sediments was physiographically a vast low—lying and inter— mittently subsiding flood plain over which flowed meandering and braided streams through poorly drained inland swamps and marshes, with shallow bogs, sloughs, low moors, ponds, lakes, and lagoons, where, during sediment-free intervals, peat-forming processes were active. The piedmont portions of the flood plains nearest the sources of the silts and sands that buried the subsiding accumulations of vegetable remains, lapped against the flanks of the mountains and received the coarser detritus. Crossbedding of the sandstones, channeling, overlap, and interfingering sug- gest intermittent diversion and change of the inflow- ing sediment-bearing currents that buried the subsid- ing, incipient coal beds. With the exception of the coal, all these sedimentary deposits may be said to be of fluviatile origin (Davis, W. M., 1900). Generally, but not always, the coal seams thin out and disappear by lateral gradation into carbonaceous shales. The coals may be underlain by light—colored or bluish un- derclays that were in part the soils or substrates for the coal—forming plants. Besides this peaty material, the abundant plant remains in the sandstones, clays, and shales show that vegetation was more or less luxuriant on the higher parts of the flood plains and in the highlands. Van Houten (1945a, p. 444; 1948, p. 2121), discussing depositional conditions in this general area during the early Cenozoic, suggests that the gray strata, because they contain small arboreal animals, probably accumulated in heavily wooded low- lands or swamps, Whereas the variegated strata, con- taining remains of ungulates and carnivores, probably accumulated on flood plains, piedmont areas, and val— ley flats, and reflect a grassland or savannah environ- ment. Today, in few localities do these Paleocene strata retain their original more or less horizontal attitudes. All have been raised vertically, and in many localities they are now tilted, the steepest inclinations being on the flanks of anticlines or Where they lap against the mountains that had intermittent uplifts during or af- ter the deposition of the sediments. Viewed in large perspective, most of the Paleocene strata in and around the Rocky Mountains lie in synclinal basins such as the Williston Basin in North Dakota, Powder River Basin, Bighorn Basin, Wind River Basin, and Han- nah Basin in Wyoming, Denver Basin and North Park Basin in Colorado, and the San Juan Basin in Colorado and New Mexico. Such folds as occur in these large basins are, for the most part, fairly gentle, such as Porcupine dome (Bowen, 1916) and Cedar Creek an— ticline (Erdmann and Larsen, 1934; Dobbin and Lar- sen, 1934) in Montana; Nesson anticline (Collier, 1918) and Keene dome (Nevin, 1946) in North Da- kota. Many minor unnamed swells are found in nearly all the basins. Other deformations of not clearly ex- plained origin also occur (Townsend, 1950). Over large areas on the Great Plains east of the Rocky Mountains the general attitude of the Paleocene strata superficially seems to be that of horizontality, but in reality there is, particularly in Montana and North Dakota, a low dip to the northeast. Faulting is comparatively rare, but slumping and landslipping are common, particularly where thick coal beds have burned. Some sediments were covered, intruded, or otherwise affected by igneous activity, as for example, at Golden, Castle Rock, and Walsenburg, Colo.; in the Crazy Mountains northeast of Livingston, Bearpaw Mountains south of Havre, and Smoky Butte west of Jordan, Mont. Some of this igneous action, particularly in Colorado, occurred during the Paleo- cene. The age of that in the Bearpaws is Eocene, but of that in the Crazy Mountains and near Jordan is indeterminate. On the Little Missouri River, near Yule in south- western North Dakota, the early nonmarine Paleocene sediments interfinger with brackish-water strata that probably represent former estuarine channels of the Cannonball sea in which, near Mandan, about 300 feet of marine sediment comprising the Cannonball mem- ber was deposited. The fact that brackish-water ton- gues of the Cannonball member (pl. 2, figs. 2, 3) lie h SUMMARY OF PALEOCENE STRATIGRAPHY 13 in the midst of thick coal seams indicates that those and most likely all the Paleocene coals were paralic, that is, they were deposited at or near sea level in extensive coastal swamps and marshes that may at times have been considerably inland from the open coast. These marshy basins subsided intermittently and locally for a total of thousands of feet in the course of millions of years, but the subsidences were interrupted by periods of relative stability permitting vegetation to grow and its remains to accumulate as peat that was eventually transformed into lignite beds (Thom, 1929, p. 19; Stutzer, 1940, p. 162) after burial under a cover of sand and mud. The repetitive oc- currence of coal beds through the Paleocene sequence into the Eocene suggests the inference that not only before and during Cannonball time but for a long time afterward an open sea, perhaps extending from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Ocean, occupied, more or less continuously, an unknown area not far to the east or northeast, where, however, there are now no marine strata left to testify to its former presence. There is perhaps no exactly comparable existing sit- uation on the same scale. The Dismal Swamp area of Virginia and North Carolina (Osbon, 1920) may be cited, but it is small compared with the Tertiary lignitic area of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains. I gather that conditions of sedimentation in the basins of the Amazon and Parana Rivers of South America may approximate those of the early Tertiary in the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains, for large areas on both sides of these rivers may be inundated during flood stages. Peat, I am also told, is accumu- lating in many of the swampy localities there. If the inference that all the Paleocene coals were formed at sea level is correct, the difference in level between the average base of the Paleocene (about 5,000 feet above the sea) in the plains just east and west of the Rockies and its average base in North, Middle, and South Parks, now high (about 8,000 above the sea) in the Rockies near the Continental Divide, in- dicates a differential uplift by folding and faulting of the park areas above the plains of at least 3,000 feet and a total uplift for some outcrops of at least 8,000 feet since Paleocene time. The general similarity in the composition of the floras from several basins now separated by mountain ranges also suggests that the basins were once more or less continuous or were at least not separated by barriers that prevented in— terchange of plants. W. T. Lee (1915, p. 27, 56) claimed there is lithologic and physiographic evidence that all the Upper Cretaceous formations from the Dakota sandstone through the Laramie once covered the Rocky Mountain region, the source of the sedi- ments being an ancient landmass occupying the pres- ent site of the Great Basin and portions of the Sierra Nevada. On the other hand, Lovering (1929, p. 88 fl’.) states that “there are a few places in the Front Range where the evidence strongly suggests that Dakota sand- stone was never deposited,” and that “some areas of the Front Range highland were above water at the close of Dakota time.” The inference is that they remained above water and were never again com- pletely covered by sedimentary formations. I am in- clined to the opinion, after seeing the coarse andesitic and arkosic conglomeratic material in the Paleocene of the Denver Basin and Middle Park, Colo., that during most of Paleocene time the present site of the Rocky Mountains was occupied by an emerging chain of large hilly islands separated by shallow channels and fringed by very broad unstable coastal areas and that these landmasses contributed a fair percentage of elastic sediments to the making of the Paleocene foré mations. Some sediments, however, very likely orig- inated in the ancient landmass still farther west and southwest. Intermittent orogenic uplifts of the ancestral Rocky Mountains core during the continuing so—called Lara- mide Revolution were reflected in the elastic sedi- ments deposited near the source of supply by resulting unconformable relations between the strata. Localities or regions where the Paleocene strata overlie older strata unconformably may be seen on Dry Creek, 5 miles west of Greybull, Wyo.; 2 miles southeast of Black Buttes Station, Wyo. (pl. 1, fig. 3) ,' in Rifle Gap, 6 miles north of Rifle, Colo., in North and Middle Parks, Colo. (Beekly, 1915, p. 20; Grout and others, 1913, p. 36, 37); and on Cimarron River, northeast of Ute Park, N. Mex. (Lee, 1917, p. 69—74). At the close of Paleocene time, uplift in the Bighorn Mountains in Wyoming resulted in the deposition of conglomerate on both flanks of the mountains. This basal Eocene conglomerate, called the Kingsbury con- glomerate member of the Wasatch formation on the east flank, is unconformable on Paleocene lignitic strata. Although locally, as in eastern Montana and adja- cent areas, the Paleocene series has been divided into members of the Fort Union formation, largely for mapping purposes, these divisions (Tullock, Lebo, Ludlow, Cannonball, Tongue River, Sentinel Butte) cannot be extended as such into all areas by either lithologic or paleontologic means. The fossil floras, for example, are notably different in the basal and upper strata—a condition that should not be considered un- usual because the long time interval separating them made changes in the composition of the flora at any 14 given locality inevitable. Intergrading floras, how- ever, connect the two extremes. Moreover, collections from widely separated localities, latitudinally, although from the same general stratigraphic level, also differ notably, as might be expected if climatic zones pre— vailed in the Paleocene as they do today. No sharp distinctions can be made stratigraphically within the Paleocene at any given locality on the basis of the floras. Such distinctions as have been made on the basis of mammalian remains in the Crazy Mountains, Polecat Bench, San Juan Basin, and Bison Basin are to the point and may be useful some day in many other areas that have not as yet yielded such fossils. The differentiation of the several members of the Paleocene by comparison of their mineral constituents has made little progress, except perhaps, locally, as, for example, in its application to the Lebo shale mem- ber. Stone and Calvert (1910, p. 753) described the Lebo in the Crazy Mountain area of Montana as ande- sitic in character and as passing westward into the Livingston formation. Eastward, Woolsey and others (1917, p. 25) found the Lebo still andesitic in the Bull Mountain coal field, and Rogers and Lee (1923, p. 36—40) detected a similar condition in the Tullock Creek coal field. North of the Yellowstone River in the Sheep Mountain coal field, between Miles City and Terry, Rogers (1913a, p. 171; 1913b, p. 723) re— ported what he considered to be andesitic material in the Lebo. On the other hand, chiefly south of the Yellowstone River, between Forsyth and Hathaway, Renick (1929, p. 17, 19, 21) found no essential differ- ence in mineral constituents between the Hell Creek formation and Tullock member of the Fort Union formation. These formations, besides being very ar— kosic, contain quartz and volcanic debris. He found that the Lebo also contains considerable amounts of arkosic material and some volcanic debris, but did not consider the term “andesitic” as applicable. In short, he found that the Lebo is not. markedly differ- ent, mineralogically, from either the Tullock or the Tongue River member. Andrews (1936, p. 387) and others concur in Renick’s opinion that analysis of their mineral constituents seems at present ineffectual for differentiating these several formations in extreme eastern Montana and adjacent terrain. Although Stow (1938) made numerous heavy-min- eral analyses in an attempt to distinguish the Cre— taceous from the Tertiary and the several divisions of the Tertiary from one another in the vicinity of Red Lodge, Mont. the results were not definitely conclu- sive. Marie Lindberg’s more recent study (1944) of the Cannonball area southwest of Mandan, N. Dak., ————" PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS divides the section from the Fox Hills sandstone through the Cannonball member into nine mineral zones and finds that the Fox Hills and Cannonball contain a high percentage of green amphibole, whereas the Hell Creek formation differs by its characteristic epidote, garnet, and sphene content. Whether these conclusions are of more than local application re- mains to be tested by a similar investigation of the correlative strata farther west in the valley of the Little Missouri River in western North Dakota and elsewhere. LIMITS OF THE PALEOCENE IN SPECIFIC AREAS Inasmuch as this paper is concerned principally with the strata at the boundaries of the Paleocene series, I shall here center attention on that phase of the stratigraphy. It seems appropriate to begin with the areas at first largely involved in the debate about these limits and then develop the subject from these focal points. MONTANA Glendive.—Mention has already been made of the fact that Calvert considered the Cretaceous—Tertiary boundary as at or just above the level of the highest dinosaurian remains, which are found below the “low- est persistent bed of lignite” in the vicinity of Glen- dive. This horizon is just above the level of the city water tank, about 100 feet below the top of the bluffs south of the city. If, on a clear day and preferably in the afternoon when the color of the bluffs is not modi— fied by shadows, one views this line of bluffs from the north side of the Yellowstone River at a distance of approximately 1 mile, one can pick out this horizon by eye and follow it around the crests of the highest badland hills. On the outcrop itself, one can follow the “lowest persistent lignite zone” southeastward around the tops of the hills at Graveyard Coulee, thence around the hilltops on the west side of Glen- dive Creek to a point 5 miles out of Glendive on US. Highway 10 toward Wibaux, where, by reason of the gentle northeastward dip of the strata away from the Cedar Creek anticline, the lignite zone crosses the highway. In the badlands on the east side of the highway, this zone is burned at a number of exposures. Looking southwest from this point toward the bad- lands and mesas in the escarpment on the left bank of Glendive Creek, one can readily pick out the same lignite zone. Plate 3, figure 2 shows part of this view. It will be noted that the strata (Tullock) in the upper fourth of the exposure are darker, that is, more coaly, above a fairly sharp line, the “lowest persistent lig- nite zone” in this area, below which the strata (Hell Creek) are distinctly lighter in color, a local reversal LIMITS OF THE PALEOCENE IN SPECIFIC AREAS 15 of the usual color distinctions. I collected dinosaur bones from beds about 50 feet below this level and Fort Union plants from the carbonaceous shale just above, not only at this locality but everywhere in the Vicinity of Glendive; and I conclude, therefore, that this level is the closest mappable approximation of the Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary that can be found in that area. The boundary follows the base of the hills on the right bank to a point 4 miles down the Yellowstone River from Glendive, where it crosses the river and reappears in the low bluffs just northwest of a point on State Highway 14 to Sidney, 3 miles from the Yellowstone bridge. The horizon is marked by the red clinker of the “lowest persistent lignite bed.” Here I found triceratopsian bones 75 feet below the coal, and Fort Union plants in the clinkered shale. This zone can be traced around the hills to the north- west. At a point 8.5 miles along State Highway 18 from the Yellowstone bridge toward Circle, a clinkered coal can be seen in the ridges one-half mile to the west. As these strata are on the east flank of the Cedar Creek anticline, the coal bed can be seen dip- ping across the highway just one—half mile ahead and from thence can be followed at the base of the low hills to the east. Here, however, another thin coal seam occurs about 25 feet below the clinkered bed; and in the carbonaceous shale just above the coal, I found typical Fort Union plants, but no dinosaurian remains, from which I infer that the Cretaceous~Pa1eo- cene boundary is at the level of the lower coal seam. Graveyard Coulee, extending southeastward from Glendive, is the location of the city dump. The sur- rounding eerie, somber badlands are, however, notable for the even more ancient relics that may be found in and on the almost bare outcrops. Dinosaur, turtle, and crocodile fragments are plentiful in the lower exposures of Hell Creek strata. These beds also yield such typical Cretaceous plants as Sequoia dakotensis, Brown, Ginkgo lammiensis Ward, Ficus eemtops Knowlton, Vitis stomtoni (Knowlton) Brown, Drye- phylbum subfalcatum Lesquereux, and Cissus margin- ata (Lesquereux) Brown. From the same strata. on Glendive Creek, southeast of Graveyard Coulee, Dell and Edwin Lewis of Glendive, collected several mul— tituberculate mammalian jaws and the problematical plant, Paleowster inguirenda Knowlton; but in the overlying basal Tullock in Graveyard Coulee I col— lected the following Fort Union plants: Thuju inter- mpta Newberry, Paranymphaea erassifolia (New— berry) Berry, and Viburnum asperum Newberry. I have already (p. 5) discussed the section and situation on the west flank of the Cedar Creek anti~ cline, 12 miles southwest of Glendive. Northeastward from Glendive the average dip of the strata of about 15 feet to the mile, about six times the gradient of the Yellowstone River, brings higher and higher strata to the level of the river, so that at the original type locality of the Fort Union formation in the hills on the north side of the Missouri River opposite the mouth of the Yellowstone only the highest beds of the forma— tion can be seen and all or nearly all of these belong to the Sentinel Butte member. Tullock Greek coal field-G. S. Rogers and Wallace Lee in 1923 divided the enlarged but ambiguous Lance into a lower part (now the dinosaur-bearing Hell Creek formation) and the Tullock member. The lat- ter, a light-colored, yellowish zone, with coal beds, was separated from the Hell Creek at the level of the lowest persistent coal seam—bed A. This, from what has just been said about the Glendive area, is the level of the Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary. Baker and Ekalaka.——From Glendive, on the east flank of the Cedar Creek anticline, the Cretaceous- Paleocene boundary strikes southeastward toward Marmarth, N. Dak., and Buffalo, S. Dak. On the west flank of that anticline it runs southeastward toward Baker and Ekalaka. Ten miles north of Baker it crosses State Highway 7 (pl. 3, fig. 3). Here, as at the locality 5 miles southeast of Glendive, the lowest Tullock strata are highly carbonaceous and coaly and, therefore, appear darker than the under— lying Hell Creek formation, in which, a quarter of a mile west of the highway and 25 feet below the base of the Tullock, I found a leg bone and part of the skull of a Tm'e‘em‘tops. Along the border of Montana and South Dakota, east of Ekalaka, there was, until the dinosaur-lignite contact formula was applied, considerable uncertainty as to the position of the Cretaceous-Paleocene bound- ary. Thus, much of the area along Coal Bank Creek formerly mapped as Hell Creek (Bauer, 1924, pl. 33) has extensive outcrops of coal or clinker, said, how- ever, by Bauer (1924, p. 239) to be in the upper 100 feet of that formation. Search of the area by me through the sequence of strata from the base of this lignitic zone upward, and interviews with the ranchers in the vicinity, proved negative in the finding of dino- saurian remains, which, however, can be had at nearly every good outcrop beneath that zone, showing that the true Hell Creek does not include anything above that contact. South and southeast of Ekalaka are high forested buttes of Paleocene capped by later-than— Paleocene strata. Southwest of Ekalaka the Cretace- ous-Paleocene contact swings around the rim of the 16 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS escarpment facing Spring Creek and the Powder River valley. Powder River region.——Northeast of Powderville on the east side of Powder River the Cretaceous—Paleo- cene boundary follows the rim of the badlands east of Spring Creek and eventually descends to and crosses Powder River about 6 miles southeast of Mizpah. Thence it passes in and out along the hills and coulees on the left bank (pl. 3, fig. 1) to a point about 14 miles southwest of Powderville, where it crosses to the east, following a zigzag course almost directly south and keeping to the east side of the Little Powder River. About 4 miles east of Biddle it crosses Ranch Creek, where, in the Hell Creek formation on the south bank, I found a large dinosaur vertebra, and in the overlying Tullock cropping out in the hills to the north I found specimens of the Paleocene flora. The map accompanying the description of the Miz- pah coal field by Parker and Andrews (1939, pl. 16) correctly depicts the Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary, although the legend to the map does not name it so. The contact as mapped is between Tls (sandstone member of Lance formation) and Tlsh (somber—col- ored beds). The latter strata, according to the map legend and text description, are said to include at their base about 300 feet of beds equivalent to the upper strata of the Hell Creek formation as mapped in the adjacent Rosebud coal field (Pierce, 1936) to the west. In 1929, I assisted in mapping the Rosebud field and have reexamined both areas a number of times since. No part of the basal coal-bearing strata of the Rose- bud field is equivalent to any dinosaur-bearing part of the Hell Creek formation. No dinosaur remains have ever been found in the 300 feet of beds in ques- tion, but on the contrary, these strata have yielded satisfactory collections of Fort Union plants. The upper strata of the Hell Creek formation, however, do crop out along Resebud Creek in the northwestern part of the field. West and southwest of Powderville toward Coal- wood, Broadus, and on to the Montana-Wyoming line, the altitude of the terrain increases and younger strata of the Fort Union formation appear (Bryson, 1952; Warren, 1960). Red Lodge and Li/virngstoa—The folded and faulted coal-bearing strata in the vicinity of Red Lodge and Bear Creek are in the upper part of the Fort Union formation. Just west of Red Lodge the upper beds of these strata, perhaps in part equivalent to the Sentinel Butte shale (Thom and Dobbin, 1924, p. 496; Simpson, 1929, p. 8), are cut by the Beartooth fault that strikes northwestward. Northeast and east of Red Lodge and Bear Creek, the lower limit of the Paleocene, because of the folding, faulting, and lack of fossil evidence, is not as closely located as is desired in that area. From such reconnaissance studies as I have been able to make and with the few collections of fossil plants that have been gathered, I infer that this eastern boundary enters Montana from Wyoming in sec. 34, T. 9 S., R. 23 E., Mont., passes northwest- ward through a much-faulted area (Wilson, 1936, fig. 2) about 4 miles west of Bridger and about 3 miles northeast of Absarokee (Stow, 1938, pl. 1) but loops around about 4 miles east of Reed Point without cross- ing the Yellowstone. North of the river the contact encircles a large patch of Paleocene and in the Crazy Mountain region becomes the Hell Creek—Bear con- tact. Gradually along the western boundary of the Paleo- cene in the direction of Livingston and westward against the Bridger Range (McMannis, 1955) lower and lower strata appear. In 1908, about 3,700 feet of older beds underlying the productive coal strata in the vicinity of Livingston, and originally assigned to the Colorado and Montana groups, were definitely de- termined to be of Colorado age on the basis of marine invertebrates. This sequence, for convenience of discus- sion, was divided by Richards (1957) into 10 units, which were tentatively correlated with similar Colo- rado units elsewhere in Montana, South Dakota, and Wyoming. The 800 to 1,000 feet of conformably over- lying coal measures, originally called Laramie, were found to include marine strata containing invertebrates identified by T. W. Stanton as a lower Montana fauna, indicating probable equivalence to the Eagle sand— stone or to the Mesaverde formation as developed in Colorado and Wyoming (Stone and Calvert, 1910, p. 660, 738; Calvert, 1912b, p. 388). The dark-colored remainder of the section above the coal measures, west and south of the Crazy Moun— tains, is an apparently conformable sequence and com- prises from 5,000 to 7,000 feet of greenish- or somber- colored andesitic and tufi'aceous sandstone and flinty shale (Weed, 1893, p. 21; Stone and Calvert, 1910, p. 662; Calvert, 1916, p. 202; Wilson, 1936, p. 1165— 1166) , including a lens of conglomerate 2,000 feet thick where it is cut by the Stillwater River. These ande— sitic beds were called Livingston beds and later the Livingston formation (Richards and Prichard, 1950). The rocks of more strictly volcanic derivation included in this sequence have been studied by Parsons (1942). Conformably overlying the Livingston formation are 4,000 feet, more or less, of light—colored sandstones and gray shales acknowledged to be of Fort Union age and, from the contained flora, are equivalent in part to the light-colored beds east of the Crazy Moun- LIMITS OF THE PALEOCENE IN SPECIFIC AREAS 17 tains called “Melville” by Simpson (1937b) and of the Tongue River member of the Fort Union farther east. If, therefore, the several thousand feet of somber— colored andesitic beds between the lignitic Eagle and the light-colored Fort Union are in conformable se- quence, they must represent the time equivalents of the Claggett, Judith River, Bearpaw, Fox Hills, Hell Creek, and early Paleocene units. A diagram purport- ing to represent the probable relations of these strata was published by Woolsey, Richards, and Lupton (1917, p. 26, fig. 2). The resolution of this apparently homogeneous lithologic sequence into its component parts constitutes the “Livingston problem.” From a number of scattered localities about 1,200 to 1,500 feet above the Eagle sandstone, Stone and Calvert gathered invertebrates and plants identified by Stanton and Knowlton, respectively, as of Judith River age. The fossils, it should be stated, came principally from strata in the northern part of the area that are laterally equivalent to a level at or be- neath the horizon of the lenticular agglomerate that is said to rest unconformably upon underlying beds in the southern part of the area. A good section of this agglomerate, about 50 feet thick can be seen along US. Highway 10 on the south side of the Yellowstone River just west of Springdale. I have found only a few fragmentary plants (Amuca’m'tes sp.) in it, and they appear to be Cretaceous forms. The beds overlying the agglomerate, although still somewhat greenish, gradually become brownish to som- ber up to the transition into the lighter-colored, gray- ish beds of the Fort Union formation. From the highest locality yielding marine inverte— brates, about» 2,500 to 3,000 feet (according to Stone and Calvert) above the Eagle, came a collection iden- tified by Stanton as being near the top of the Bear- paw. At this locality, sec. 25, T. 4 N., R. 8 E., about 5 miles north of Wilsall, there is an anticlinal struc- ture exposing Bearpaw (Pierre) shale and higher, sandy beds in the top of which in 1949 I found dino- saurian bones. Such remains were also found by McMannis and party (1955, p. 1408) in outcrops 3,200 feet above the base of the Livingston formation, 13 to 16 miles east of Bozeman, and were tentatively con- sidered to be Lancian in age. My saurian locality is 3 miles west of the outcrop of the base of the light- colored Fort Union. The 4,000 feet, more or less, of strata in this 3-mile interval are shaly and sandy, but they evidently include time equivalents of Fox Hills, Hell Creek, and early Paleocene beds. Knowlton, Berry, and Stanton in 1913 collected fossil plants on Brackett Creek in sec. 9, T. 1 N., R. 7 E., southwest of Wilsall. I made similar col- lections in that vicinity in 1940. These collections, however, are not strictly diagnostic but contain spe— cies found in the Bear and Lebo on the east side of the Crazy Mountains. My tentative conclusion, pend- ing receipt of more informative collections, there- fore, is that about 1,500 feet of the upper part of the andesitic Livingston unit are basal strata of early Paleocene age, but are not now clearly separable from the underlying Cretaceous beds by recognizable lithologic differences and well-distributed unequivocal fossils. If this be true, the Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary roughly parallels the Livingston-Fort Union contact as mapped by Stone and Calvert (1910, pl. 7) but at some indefinite distance west of their line. The boundary probably crosses the Yellowstone River at or just a little west of Big Timber, undulates almost directly westward to the northeast corner of T. 1 N., R. 7 E., and then curves northward and northeastward around the north end of the Crazy Mountains. Confirmation of this assumption and the fact that the upper part of the Livingston forma— tion is Paleocene in age was made during the sum- mer of 1958 when A. E. Roberts, of the US. Geo- logical Survey, found the jaw of a Paleocene condy- larth, Tetmdaenodon symbolicus Gidley, in strata on Willow Creek in the NW‘14 sec. 4, T. 1 S., R. 9 E., 9 miles north of Livingston. The thick Fort Union sequence in the Crazy Moun- tains is preserved by intrusive igneous rocks. Simp- son (1937b, p. 15) reports a thickness of more than 5,000 feet for the Melville or his Fort Union No. 3. If to this be added the Lebo and the Bear, a total of more than 6,800 feet is indicated for the entire series. As mammalian remains have been found in only the lower 3,000 feet of the Melville, the age of the upper strata of this unit is conjectural. Whether or not any of these upper strata are Wasatch equivalents remains to be seen. Bull Mountain coal field—The authors (Woolsey, Richard, Lupton, 1917) of the bulletin dealing with this coal field say little about the stratigraphy of what they call the “Lance” formation but report that coal seams occur in its upper portion. This fact, judging by analogy with the situation in the coal fields farther east, suggests that the Cretaceous-Paleo- cene boundary at a number of localities is slightly below the contact of the “Lance” and Fort Union as mapped by those authors. In 1936, I studied the section from Big Timber to Roundup, and found that the outcrops of the strata between the Bearpaw and Fort Union—that is, of the “Lance” formation—are poor in every respect. Consequently, no satisfactory 18 evidence seems to be available now for locating the boundary precisely in parts of this field. Beampuw M ounth'm.——In small, faulted patches on the northeast, west, and south sides of the Bearpaw Mountains are outcrops of lignitic strata of Fort Union age (Pepperberg, 1912; Bowen, 1914; Reeves, 1925; Brown and Pecora, 1949). Collections of fossil plants from a number of mines and prospects, par- ticularly from the Vicinity of the Mackton mine, 6 miles east of Big Sandy, contain Glyptostrobus da— koteusz's Brown, M etasequoia occidentalis (Newberry) Chaney, Carcidiphyllum araticum (Heer) Brown, Platomus nobilis Newberry, Viburnum antiquum New- berry, and Viburnum aspe’rum Newberry. Beneath Fort Union outcrops east of Big Sandy are sev- eral hundred feet of Hell Creek equivalents (Brown and Lindvall, 1953), and faulted against Fort Union in some localities are remnants of the variegated Wasatch formation with diagnostic plants and ani- mals. The preservation of these relics of Late Cre- taceous and early Tertiary formations now exposed at or near the level of the Great Plains suggests that a stratigraphic sequence probably exceeding 5,000 feet in thickness has been eroded from north central Mon- tana since Eocene time. Browning—A narrow synclinal strip of variegated beds, called the Willow Creek formation (Stebinger, 1916, pl. 15) extends from a point about 10 miles north of Browning deep into Alberta, Canada. As the underlying beds, the St. Mary River formation, con— tains dinosaurian remains, they are reliably regarded as of Late Cretaceous age. The Willow Creek forma— tion, at least in its upper part, has yielded no dino— saurs but an essentially Fort Union invertebrate fauna; and the strata, according to Williams and Dyer (1930, p. 61), L. S. Russell (1932, p. 140), and E. T. Tozer (1956, p. 27) are in part, at least, equivalent to the Paskapoo formation.' The flora from the latter at Calgary, Cochrane, and Red Deer River, Alberta, as listed and reviewed by Penhallow (1908, p. 13—15) and Berry (1926) is clearly a Fort Union flora, and the mammalian remains (Russell, 1932, p. 137-138) are considered to be undoubtedly Paleocene. The Cre- taceous—Paleocene boundary, therefore, would seem to be at the contact of the St. Mary River or its Ed- monton equivalent and the Paskapoo or its Willow Creek equivalent in Alberta. However, according to Rutherford (1947) who has studied the Cretaceous- Tertiary boundary question in Alberta, there remain unreconciled lithologic and paleontologic anomalies. Tozer (1953) and Thompson and Axford (1953) think that the lower part is Cretaceous and the upper part is Paleocene. PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Scobey—Collier described the geology of north- eastern Montana in 1919 (p. 17—39), and in 1925 (p. 165) he reported the geologic section in the glaciated Scobey lignite field to consist in part of Hell Creek, 150—180 feet; Tullock, 30—40 feet; Lebo, 200—275 feet; and Tongue River, 600: feet. His Hell Creek in- cludes lignite bed A in its upper part, and bed C marks the base of his overlying Tullock. He did not state why bed C was chosen as the level for separat- ing Hell Creek from Tullock, and in particular, he reported no dinosaur remains from the strata between bed A and bed C. Bauer (1914, p. 298) drew the boundary at the con- tact of somber-colored beds (“Lance”) and yellow beds (Fort Union), but this, from what has already been said about the unreliability of colors in these strata, is not a satisfactory solution. From Penhallow’s (1908, p. 9—13) review of the fossil plants contained in the lignitic strata of southern Saskatchewan adja- cent to the Scobey lignite field, I conclude that most of those plants are Fort Union species. Further, the absence of any authentic dinosaurian remains strongly indicates that all these lignite—bearing strata both in Saskatchewan and in the vicinity of Scobey are Paleo- cene in age. Southwestward toward Wolf Point and Fort Peck, Hell Creek strata appear in the valleys of Wolf Creek and Poplar River (Colton, 1955; Colton and Bateman, 1956). CANADA, NORTH DAKOTA, AND SOUTH DAKOTA The strata of the Cannonball and Tongue River members that may be seen along the bluffs of the Missouri River west of Bismarck, N. Dak., pass under a cover of glacial debris east and northeast of that city. In 1947 Richard W. Lemke and I (Brown and Lemke, 1948) discovered isolated outcrops of the Can- nonball member near Sawyer and Velva, 55 miles northeast of the nearest previously reported outcrops at Washburn, N. Dak. From the well log records ac- cumulated by Virginia Kline (1942) it appears that any Paleocene rocks, if ever present, were removed before the Pleistocene from the terrain east of the 100th meridian in the central part of the State; but the Turtle Mountains of Bottineau and Rolette Coun- ties in the northern part are an elevated, more or less flat, isolated area in whose south-facing escarpment the bedrock contains lignite of Fort Union age (Hen- dricks and Laird, 1943, p. 593) underlain by brownish Cannonball strata containing foraminifers (Lemke, 1960, p. 28, 31). Thus, it is probable that subsurface records may reveal the presence of Cannonball deposits even farther north in adjacent parts of Canada. LIMITS or THE PALEOCENE IN SPECIFIC AREAS 19 The Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary, so far as can be determined in the glaciated area, is an undulating line running northwestward to the Canadian border and thence into Saskatchewan and Alberta. The Canadian strata chiefly involved are the St. Mary River, Edmonton, VVhitemud, Paskapoo, and Ravens- crag formations, succinctly reviewed by E. W. Berry (1930b), W. A. Bell (1949), and L. S. Russell (1953). The Ravenscrag has been divided into a Lower and Upper Ravenscrag. The Whitemud yields a charac- teristic flora of F 0X Hills age, whereas the Lower Ravenscrag is coal—barren (Fraser, and others, 1935, p. 39) but contains plant and dinosaurian remains. The Upper Ravenscrag is lignitic, lacks dinosaurian remains, but yields the typical Fort Union flora. Its base is marked by a coal seam called the Ferris or No. 1 (Fraser and others, 1935, fig. 1). .- The earliest account. of these differences in stratig- raphy and paleontology appears to be by G. M. Daw— son (1875), who described the geology along the 49th Parallel for the British \North American Boundary Commission. On page 104 he gives a section which he illustrates in plate 7, figure 2. The B portion of the section is the critical part and consists of an\ up— per lignitic sequence with Fort Union plants, and a lower nonlignitic arenaceous sequence with dinosaurs, turtles, garpike scales, and a fruit which he called Aesculus antiqwus (his pl. 16, figs. 8, 9). The latter, although not identifiable as a species of Aesculus, is an index fruit that occurs abundantly with dino~ saurian remains in the Hell Creek formation 3 miles southwest of Glendive, Mont, and elsewhere, but not in any Paleocene strata so far as I am aware. This contrast between the lower and upper parts of Daw- son’s B division clearly indicates the Cretaceous- Paleocene boundary, which here, in modern terminol- ogy separates the Lower and Upper Ravenscrag. This, however, was not. Dawson’s conclusion (p. 183—202). He located the boundary between what would now be called Eastend and Whitemud plus Lower Ravens— crag (Hell Creek). Fraser and others (1935, p. 37— 55, and map, fig. 1, opp. p. 24) accept the top of the Lower Ravenscrag and base of the Upper Ravenscrag as the Cretaceous—Paleocene boundary. In northwestern South Dakota, in a gentle syn- clinal basin 12 to 15 miles north of Camp Crook, the Lance as mapped by Winchester and others (1916, pl. 1) contains coal seams in its upper strata. My ex- amination of this area in 1950 showed that no dino- saur bones occur above the base of the lowest lig- nite zone but that such remains are abundant be- neath that zone. Further, the Fort Union flora oc- curs in the shales above the base of the coal zone. The Cretaceous-Paleocene contact, therefore, is at the base of this zone, and none of the sequence above this contact. is Lance. The upper limits of the Paleocene are present in the high buttes in the contiguous areas of Montana and North Dakota and at a few localities farther east, near Dickinson, Hebron, and Beulah (Benson, 1951; Johnson and Kunkel, 1954; 1959). In western North Dakota is the conspicuous mesa called Sentinel Butte, whose lignitic strata are the type Sentinel Butte mem- ber of the Fort Union formation. This unit overlies the Tongue River member and underlies a massive sandstone that may be Eocene in age, and a thin bed of fish-bearing shale of White River (Oligocene) age, that caps the butte. The further distribution of the Sentinel Butte member in western North Dakota is described by O. A. Seager and others (1942, p. 1417), and Collier and Knechtel (1939, p. 13) thought that 50 feet of shale: on Antelope Mountain in T. 18 N ., R. 50 E., 10 miles southeast of Circle, Mont, might be Sentinel Butte. If the coal bed at the base of the Sentinel Butte member be traced northwestward to the Yellowstone and Missouri River valleys, its gentle northeastward dip of about 15 feet to the mile brings it or its equivalent horizon into the low hills north of Bu- ford, N. Dak. Consequently, some of the strata ex- posed there in the bluffs on the north side of the Mis— souri River (pl. 1, fig. 1), that is, at part of Meek and Hayden’s original type section of the Fort Union group, are laterally equivalent to the Sentinel Butte member. One Paleocene mammal, Titanoz’des pri- maevm Gidley, was found in this type section. 0. A. Seager and others (1942, p. 1416) and Laird (1944, p. 7) were inclined to accept a Wasatch age for the Sentinel Butte shale on the basis of their areal studies in western North Dakota and adjacent ter- rain, where they found Leonard’s (1911, p. 535) additional but. undifferentiated light-colored unit, hav— ing an approximate maximum thickness of 100 feet, lying above the Sentinel Butte shale. This unit they regarded as the younger member of the Wasatch. An attempt to reinforce the Seager classification and clarify the position of these stratigraphic units was made by R. V. Hennen (1943) who compiled a series of columnar sections across western North Dakota which he correlated by means of a so-called marker bed of grayish-white quartzitic sandstone containing a zone of silicified wood. At the west end of Hennen’s group of sections, near Sentinel Butte, this bed is about 90 feet below the large coal seam that was considered to be the top of the Fort Union formation. Unfortunately, this “marker bed” was mistaken for another about 100 feet higher in the sequence near Sully Springs station 20 southeast of Medora. This mistake invalidates the correlation and the structural deductions based on it. As similar quartzitic beds have been reported from both lower and higher horizons in the Fort Union formation in southwestern North Dakota and north- western South Dakota (Winchester and others, 1916, p. 30; Bauer and Herald, 1922, p. 115, and sec. 5, pl. 16); Johnson and Kunkel, 1959, p. 12), and as they indicate repetition of similar silicifying condi- tions at intervals over a long period of time, corre- lations based on them across long distances of cov— ered strata must be received with caution. For a full discussion of these siliceous beds, see Hares (1928, p. 34—36). The present stratigraphic and paleonto- logic evidence indicates that the Sentinel Butte shale belongs with the Paleocene sequence (Brown, 1948a). The beginning of the Eocene is marked by the strata of the Golden Valley formation containing the float— ing fern swam preaum'culata Berry, not hitherto found in the Paleocene of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains. WYOMING E astem Wyoming—The broad basin of northeast— ern Wyoming, drained by the Tongue, Powder, Belle Fourche, and Cheyenne Rivers, is a continuation of the Plains region of southeastern Montana and dis— plays thick outcrops of the same sedimentary forma- tions (Brown, 1958a). The Lance Creek area north- west of Lusk, on the discovery of dinosaurs and oil, was the first part of the basin to receive close geologic attention. Hatcher (1896), and Stanton and Knowl— ton (1897) made close determinations of the limits and distribution of the formations, naming the 1,650 feet, more or less, of dinosaur—bearing strata first Cera- tops beds, then Lance Creek beds, and finally Lance formation. The immediately overlying strata, with diagnostic plants were referred to the Fort Union formation. In following years when coal—mapping parties investigated the contiguous areas to the north toward the Wyoming-Montana line, the Lance unfor- tunately was made to include much of the somber- colored sequence of strata (called Fort Union on Lance Creek and Tullock in the Gillette coal field) overlying the typical dinosaur-bearing Lance. How- ever, plates 9 and 10 accompanying the report on the Gillette coal field by C. E. Dobbin and V. H. Barnett (1928) show the position of the “lowest persistent coal beds,” a zone, the base of which marks the posi- tion of the Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary, continu- ous with that originally determined by Stanton and Knowlton in the Lance Creek area. In 1938 and 1948, I studied profile sections at spaced intervals from PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Lance Creek to Moorcroft and found that dinosaurian remains and typical Cretaceous plants are present in the Lance up to the lowest coal zone of the overlying strata. Dorf (1942) has studied the Lance flora at length. No dinosaur bones were found above the Lance, but the Fort Union flora could be had at every favorable locality. Thus, the boundary runs irregu- larly northward from Lance Creek through points about 4 miles west of Clareton and Moorcroft, thence northwestward, keeping to the east side of Little Powder River to the Wyoming-Montana line (Love, Weitz, and Hose, 1955; Dobbin, Kramer, and Horn, 1957). The Cretaceous—Paleocene contact strikes southwest on the west side of Lightning Creek, western tribu- tary of Lance Creek in eastern Wyoming, and passes through the town of Douglas, thence westward, cross- ing the North Platte River about 2 miles east of Carey- hurst. For several miles east of this point, the basal 500 feet of the Paleocene are reddish as though dis- colored by particles derived from erosion of a red Chugwater (Triassic) source. Seven miles north of Glenrock the basal Paleocene is marked by openings on a large coal seam. At the M—C mine on Sand Creek I obtained Fort Union plants. Northwestward the strata adjacent to the boundary were mapped and described by Wegemann (1912; 1917). In his opinion the Lance comprised about 3,000 feet of gray shale and buff sandstone with coal beds in the basal and uppermost parts; and the Fort Union included 2,000 feet of white sandstone and interbedded gray shale topographically expressed as a prominent pine-cov- ered ridge (“Great Pine Ridge”) which is transected by the Powder River east of Kaycee. Of Wege- mann’s 3,200 feet of Lance, only the lower 2,000 feet (about 2,400, according to Horn, 1955) contains dino- saurian remains. The upper 1,200 feet has yielded no vertebrate and only a few plant fossils. One collec- tion of plants, from the north side of the highway 7 miles from Kaycee toward Sussex and 200 feet below the white sandstone, contains Paranymphaea massi- foliw (Newberry) Berry, which is a characteristic species in early Paleocene rocks. Thus it is clear that Paleocene time began earlier than the deposition of the white sandstone and that the Cretaceous-Paleo- cene contact is several hundred feet lower in the sec- tion; that is, at the level where coal formation was resumed just above the top of the dinosaur—bearing coal-barren sequence. Thus the upper 1,200 feet of Wegemann’s Lance, with coal beds, must be added to the Tertiary sequence, making the Fort Union ap- proximately 2,900 feet thick in that area. LIMITS OF THE PALEOCENE IN SPECIFIC AREAS 21 For about 25 miles from a point southwest of Buf- falo northward to a point west of Banner, the Fort Union, except in the Mowry Basin (Mapel, 1959, p. 61), does not crop out, being either absent or Widely over- lapped by Wasatch strata, thus breaking the otherwise continuous outcrop around the Powder River Basin. The upper limit of the Paleocene 0n the west side of the Powder River Basin between Sussex and Buffalo is marked by a slight angular unconformity with the overlying coarse conglomeratic Kingsbury conglomerate (Gale and Wegemann, 1910, p. 143—146). This basal conglomerate of the “Wasatch” format-ion does not occur on the east side of the basin, but at numerous localities on the west side, tongues of it can be seen interfingering eastward into lignitic strata. Notable among such localities are the right bank of Powder River at Sussex, hilltops 5 miles east of the point where US. Highway 87 crosses the south fork of Crazy Woman Creek, and hilltops and roadcuts south and east of Banner. That the Kingsbury conglomerate is definitely of Eocene age was first suggested by Wegemann (1917), who reviewed the fossil-mammal evidence as of that date. Jepsen (1940, p. 240, 241) concurred in this assignment. In 1941, I found additional Coryphodon material as well as a fragmentary jaw of Hymc‘o— therium (eohippus) in the Kingsbury conglomerate member on a hilltop 4.5 miles southwest of Buffalo (Brown, 1948b) and a jaw of Hymoothem'um about 200 feet above the conglomeratic base of the recog- nized varicolored Wasatch on the east side of the Carl Volkner ranch, 5 miles north of Sussex. At localities on the west side of the basin where the Kingsbury conglomerate is absent and lignitic strata of the Fort Union and Wasatch are apparently conform- able, the Paleocene-Eocene contact was tentatively con- sidered to be (Baker, 1929, p. 28; Thom, 1935, p. 66) at the top of the Roland coal bed. This bed, named by Tafi' (1909, p. 100) from a mine 2 miles northeast of Dietz, has been traced more or less confidently around most of the Powder River Basin and some of the higher parts of adjoining Montana on the divides be— tween Little Big Horn and Tongue River and between Tongue River and Powder River. In areas of the Spotted Horse coal field, Olive (1957, p. 10—20) found that the Roland coal is discontinuous by reason of an erosion interval and, therefore, chose as the Paleocene- Eocene contact the top of a limy shale and sandstone containing many fresh-water invertebrates, from 5 to 65 feet above that coal. Yen (1946) identified the mollusks as Paleocene in age. The most notable change in the fresh-water invertebrate fauna appears 593121 0 - 62 ~ 2 about 200 feet above this level, and there, just below the Felix coal, I found the first evidence of Sahim'a preauriculam Berry in the sequence. It may be that the strata once or now present between the Roland coal and the Felix coal represent the time equivalent of the Sentinel Butte member in western North Dakota. The boundary, it would thus seem, is a little higher in the section than the Roland coal, the level previously assumed. Hanna and Carbon Baszlm.—In 1918, C. F. Bowen reviewed the stratigraphy of this area, the map and description of which accompany the fuller report by Dobbin, Bowen, and Hoots (1929). Bowen’s particu- lar purpose was to Show that A. C. Veatch’s great un- conformity between the Medicine Bow formation (“L0wer” Laramie) and Ferris formation (“Upper” Laramie) is actually 6,000 feet higher in the section and separates the Ferris and Hanna formations. The Medicine Bow formation plus the lower coal-barren 1,000 feet of the Ferris formation comprise a dino- saur-bearing unit, with Cretaceous plants (Dorf, 1938; Brown, 1943a), between the Fox Hills sandstone and the base of the Paleocene, which here, as in eastern Montana, is marked by the appearance of lignite beds after a sequence of coal—barren sandy and conglom— eratic strata. In 1938 and 1940, I found typical Fort Union plants immediately above these basal lignitic beds. The Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary, therefore, cuts through the basal part of the Ferris formation in the Hanna and Carbon Basins. Only a small triangu- lar patch of what in my opinion is Paleocene Ferris remains in the Carbon Basin just south of Como. The remainder of the Ferris in that basin appears to be the equivalent of the coal-barren Cretaceous Ferris in the western part of the Hanna Basin. One collection of apparently brackish-water invertebrates I found in the old railroad cut in NW% sec. 30, T. 22 N., R. 80 W., 4 miles west of Carbon, is, however, not diag- nostic. As stated, an unconformity representing erosion that truncated the edges of 20,000 feet of gently in- clined strata separates the Ferris formation from the overlying Hanna formation (Bowen, 1918, p. 232) in the Hanna and Carbon Basins. Most of the present productive coal mines in these basins are in the Hanna formation, now believed to be of Wasatch age. In the Rock Creek oil field, southeast of the Carbon Basin, Dobbin, Hoots, Dane, and Hancock (1929) mapped areas of the Hanna formation but found no definite evidence of the presence of the Ferris forma- tion. 22 Great Divide BasiaiTen miles west of Rawlins westward—dipping Cretaceous strata are succeeded by the coal-bearing Tertiary of the Great Divide Basin. The Cretaceous—Paleocene contact is just east of Knobs Station on the Union Pacific Railroad, at the base of conglomeratic beds just below the first lignites of the Tertiary sequence. E. E. Smith (1909, p. 233), dis- cussing the lignitic zone above this horizon, called it “undifferentiated Tertiary,” and found that it was mappable for a considerable distance because there occurs at its top a distinctive conglomerate with granite pebbles which he regarded as the base of the coal—bearing Wasatch. On the west side of this basin, that is, on the east flank of the Rock Springs uplift, the Cretaceous- Paleocene boundary crosses US. Highway 30 at a point 7 miles east of Point of Rocks. There the tran- sition from the somber-colored Cretaceous to the lighter colored Paleocene is plainly visible in the ridge north of the highway and is at the contact of the Black Buttes coal group with the Black Rock coal group as mapped by Schultz (1909). This contact, as noted by Schultz (1909, p. 264) and Stanton (1909, p. 273), is similarly clear about 2 miles southeast of Black Buttes Station (pl. 1, fig. 3), where the some— what conglomeratic basal white sandstone of the Black Rock coal group overlaps unconformably the shales of the Black Buttes coal group (Cretaceous). No diagnostic mammalian remains have been found in the Cretaceous and Paleocene strata of this area. North of Wamsutter, part of the Great Divide Basin is called the Red Desert. Its uranium-bearing strata (Masursky and Pipiringos, 1959) are Eocene in age, but on its northern border is Bison Basin, an eroded anticlinal structure exposing late Paleocene strata overlain by younger rocks. In 1952 I was pres- ent at and in part responsible for the discovery of a rich mammalian fauna in the Paleocene strata (Gazin, 1956a). A few plants were found in surrounding cor- relative beds. Rock Springer—The city of Rock Springs is under- lain by the Mesaverde formation on the west flank of the Rock Springs dome. In 1952, on Killpecker Creek, about 3 miles northwest of Rock Springs, I found fossil plants indicating that 1,000 feet, more or less, of the nonmarine lignitic strata above a brackish- water sequence of the Lance formation are Paleocene in age—the first time strata of this age were recog- nized 0n the west flank of the uplift. Outcrops of these Paleocene strata appear northward from Kill- pecker Creek to about 3 miles south of the Boars Tusk, from whence they strike northeastward and pass under a cover of younger sediments. To the PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS south the unconformable contact of Mesaverde and Tertiary can be seen (pl. 3, fig. 4) just east of Little Bitter Creek, at a point 2.5 miles above its mouth. These Tertiary strata may be divided into a lower, somber-colored lignitic series and an upper, coal—bar- ren, variegated sequence. The lower strata here, as well as on the southeast side of the Rock Springs dome just north of Vermillion Creek, yield fossil plants of Fort Union aspect, but the only mammalian remains I have found in them are fragmentary teeth of Com/phodon? sp., which are not diagnostic. From the overlying varicolored sandy nonlignitic strata, I collected in 1941 a skull of ZlIem'seotherium as well as other mammalian remains diagnostic of Wasatch age (Gazin, 1952, p. 13, 62). Until further evidence is found, the probability that the Paleocene-Eocene boundary separates these two lithologically different zones of strata must remain conjectural. West of Comma—With C. E. Dobbin and F. S. MacNeil, I examined the Cretaceous-Paleocene section on Poison Spider Creek in 1936 and found Paleocene plants in the strata previously identified as Fort Union. In the Wind River Basin, isolated patches of Paleocene rocks make an irregular elliptic pattern along the border of the Wind River formation (Eocene). At Twin Buttes, 30 miles northwest of Riverton, the outcrops yield shark teeth, indicating an origin com- parable to that of the Cannonball member in North Dakota (Keefer, 1961, p. 1315, 1322). Southwestern Wyoming—The Paleocene of south- western Wyoming includes the Evanston and Almy formations described by A. C. Veatch (1907) and Tracey and Oriel (1959). The Evanston yields diag- nostic plants in the vicinity of the coal mines near Almy and in a Union Pacific Railroad cut about 1 mile east of the Evanston station. Strata in Fossil Basin probably equivalent to the upper part of the type Evanston contain Tiffanian mammals (Gazin, 1956a), and the Almy formation on La Barge Creek near La Barge yields mammalian remains said by Gazin (1942; 1956b) to be Clarkforkian in age. Northward in Hoback Canyon a thick sequence of sandstones, conglomerates, and shales, called by Eard- ley and others the Hoback formation, contains only fragmentary plant remains; but Dorr (1952; 1958) has found a considerable mammalian fauna indicative of Paleocene age. It seems likely that these strata are in part, at least, correlative with the Evanston and Almy formations to the south and with part of the Pinyon conglomerate just south of Yellowstone National Park. In the latter at. Whetstone Falls on a tributary of Pacific Creek, J. D. Love and I found well-preserved Paleocene plants. LIMITS OF THE PALEOCENE IN SPECIFIC AREAS 23 Overlying the Almy formation is a unit composed of light—colored rhyolitic ash and thin fresh-water limestones, which Veatch called the Fowkes forma- tion. The limestones contain invertebrates, fish re- mains, reptiles, and a few plants. One of the latter is a fern, Aorostz’cham hesperz’am Newberry, a species unreported from pre-Eocene strata. This occurrence suggests strongly that the Fowkes is of Eocene age and that the Paleocene-Eocene boundary separates the Almy and Fowkes formations. Bighorn Basm.—Jepsen has called the Paleocene strata in the northwest part of the Big Horn Basin the Polecat Bench formation. Of its boundaries he says (1940, p. 232) : No angular unconformity between the Cretaceous and the Paleocene sediments has been detected at Polecat Bench, al- though the fossils suggest a disconformity or hiatus. At the top of the Polecat Bench formation there may be, locally, angu- lar unconformities between it and the overlying Gray Bull beds, but in most places where the contact has been deter- mined the units are conformable. Conglomerates and thick beds of coarse bluff sandstones mark the base of the Gray Bull in several localities. On the other hand, Hewett (1926, p. 38) reports the following conditions in the southwest part of the Basin: The upper limit of the Fort Union is the basal sandstone, generally conglomeratic, of the Wasatch formation. This sand- stone is unconformable with the Fort Union, for it may be traced from the northeast corner of T. 48 N., R. 100 W., Where it overlaps the base of the Fort Union formation, both north- ward and eastward to points where the Fort Union is about 2,000 feet thick. Here and there the surface of unconformity is readily recognizable * * *. [See Hewett, pl. 16.] More recently, Van Houten (1944, pl. 7) has mapped the Eocene formations above the Polecat Bench formation in the Bighorn Basin as the Will- wood and Tatman formations, the base of the Will- wood being regarded, at least locally, as the Paleocene- Eocene boundary. The upper part of Van Houten’s Willwood is equivalent to those strata generally under- stood to be Eocene “Wasatch,” but the basal strata contain Clark Fork or upper Paleocene mammals. Van Houten’s comparisons with other areas, however, do not include any reference to the Wasatch east of the Bighorn Mountains in the Tongue River and Powder River Basins, but this Wasatch appears to be stratigraphically, lithologically, and paleontologically of the same age as that part of the Willwood above the zone of Clark Fork mammals. COLORADO AND NEW MEXICO Denver Basia—The strata (table 1) involved in the location of the Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary in this area crop out in a roughly oval, synclinal basin ex- tending from Brighton to Colorado Springs and from the Rocky Mountain front to points 50 miles eastward on the Plains. TABLE l.—Latest Upper Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary formations in the Denver Basin, Colorado [Dotted line indicates the position of the Cretaceous-Paleocene contact, according to Brown (1943a, table 2, p. 78)] North South Denver formation (400-1200 ft): Arenaceous clays, shales, basalt flows, andesitic sandstones. Dawson arkose (2,000ift): Arenaceous clays, shales, coals, rnyolite flows, andesitic and arkosic sandstones, Arapahoe formation (500:1:ft): Conglomerate, arenaceous shales, conglomerate, arenaceous shales, Laramie formation (600—1200 ft): Laramie formation (300ift): Sandstones, shales, clays, coals. Sandstones, shales, clays, coals. Fox Hills sandstone (800 it): Arenaceous marine shales, sandstones. Fox Hills sandstone (200—300 ft): Arenaceous marine shales, sandstones. Along the western side of the basin, there lies upon the Laramie formation a conglomerate, called the Arapahoe conglomerate, whose vertical to gently dip- ping outcrops can be seen at intervals from Golden to Jimmy Camp Creek, east of Colorado Springs. It is inferred that this conglomerate reflects diastrophic movements to the west and represents a change from the lignitic conditions of the Laramie, but it is not clear how much erosion of the Laramie occurred be— fore the conglomerate was deposited. Emmons, Cross, and Eldridge (1896, p. 29, 31) estimated that prob— ably 600 feet may have been removed locally. Be- cause this erosional contact offered the first visible evidence of discordance after the deposition of the Laramie, it was made the upper boundary of that formation in accord with King’s definition that the Laramie comprises the conformable lignitic strata above the Fox Hills sandstone; and it also became to many geologists the Mesozoic-Cenozoic boundary, de- spite the fact that remains of ceratopsian dinosaurs were known to occur indigenously in the base of the Denver formation several hundred feet higher in the section. The fossil plants found in the strata between the conglomerate and those containing the latest dino- saurs were originally referred to the Tertiary flora, whose remains, however, in this area are now known only from the Denver formation and Dawson arkose above the dinosaur-bearing strata. The paleozoologists were reluctant to include any dinosaur-bearing beds in the Tertiary, and conse- quently the question of the location of the Cretaceous— Paleocene boundary remained under active discussion and investigation. In my fieldwork in the Denver Basin, I applied the same methods I had used suc— cessfully in Montana and Wyoming, namely, a con- 24 centrated study of the zone in the vicinity of the latest dinosaurian remains. On June 13, 1939, on the bare slope on the southeastern flank of South Table Moun- tain, in the SWlflLNWIA sec. 31, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., about 3 miles east of Golden, I found some mammal jaws and teeth, together with fragments of turtles and crocodiles, and impressions of Tertiary leaves in light-colored sandy clay just 50 feet above an outcrop of drab-green sandy beds containing the highest dino- saurian remains in the Denver formation. In 1940, I found additional mammal specimens at the same spot. These, together with others, found at approximately the same stratigraphic level, but in the upper part of the Dawson arkose, in SW14NE14 sec. 6, T. 13 S., R. 64 W., on Corral Bluffs, 11 miles east of Colorado Springs, were identified and described by Gazin (1941b) as Paleocene forms, indicating an age equiva- lent to the Puercan or oldest division of the Tertiary in the paleozoological standard. From this evidence, checked by that of the fossil plants, it is possible to locate the Cretaceous—Paleocene boundary in the Denver Basin fairly closely (Brown, 1943a, fig. 1), but this contact is not marked by an evident unconformity nor always by distinguishable differences in lithologic composition. The youngest indurated strata of the Denver Basin occur in the Vicinity of Castle Rock and were origi- nally called the Monument Creek group. Subse- quently, the upper part. of this group was differen— tiated as the Castle Rock conglomerate of Oligocene age, whereas the lower part was included in the upper part of the Dawson arkose. This phase of the Daw- son arkose has been described as unconformably over- lying Laramie, Arapahoe, and Denver strata (Em- mons, Cross, Eldridge 1896, p. 195—199). No mam- mals have been taken from these beds, and such plants as have been found are equivocal, although they indi- cate that the strata are not much younger than the underlying mammal and plant-bearing Dawson and Denver. The base of these strata may mark the Paleocene-Eocene boundary, but tentatively I regard the Paleocene as extending upward to the base of the Castle Rock conglomerate. Walsenbm-g, Trinidad, and Bottom—Along the Rocky Mountain front west of Walsenburg and Trini— dad, Colo., and northwest of Baton and Cimarron, N. Mex., is a dissected elevated area that includes the Raton Mesa and adjacent coal fields. The sequence of sedimentary strata in this region, pertinent to the present discussion, has been classified as follows, be- ginning at the bottom: Pierre shale, Trinidad sand— stone (100 ft:), Vermejo formation (425 ft:), Raton formation (1,800 fti), Poison Canyon forma— PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS tion (2,000 fti), Cuchara formation (500 ft:), and Huerfano formation (3,500 ft:). The chief concern here is with the coal-bearing Vermejo and Raton for— mations. Between these formations W. T. Lee (1917 , p. 55, 56) recognized an erosional boundary that was magnified into a considerable unconformity and stated to be the line separating the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. From several weeks’ field study of Lee’s sections, I confirm the presence of the unconformity and the dis- tinctness of the basal conglomerate of the Raton for- mation as compared with any other coarse sandstone or conglomerate in either the Vermejo or Raton. There is an indefinable “sugary” texture and aspect about the matrix of this conglomerate that, once seen, may be readily identified wherever the conglomerate occurs throughout the area. Depending upon Knowl- ton’s study of the floras, Lee held that the Vermejo formation is of Montana. and the Raton of Tertiary age. So far as I am aware, no mammalian remains have been found in these strata. Additional collec— tions and a restudy of the floras indicate that Knowl- ton’s conclusions need amendment and that, although some of the earliest strata now assigned to the Ver- mejo may be of Montana age, the bulk of the forma- tion is of Laramie age (Brown, 1943a, p. 82). Imme- diately above the Vermejo-Raton boundary is a se- quence of relatively barren deposits, but overlying this zone are the productive coal measures of the Raton formation from which the greater part of the Raton flora was described. No one questions that this is a Tertiary flora, but doubts arise concerning the age of the relatively barren basal strata. In these, at the Bowen mine, locality 109 (Lee, 1917 , p. 128, 279), and at locality 30 (Lee, 1917, p. 90), about 50 feet above the basal conglomerate of the Raton, was found the problematic Upper Cretaceous plant, Paleoaster in- quirenda Knowlton. As this plant has never been collected elsewhere from strata proved to be Tertiary, it may indicate here that an indefinite thickness of the basal Raton is Late Cretaceous in age. If so, the ero— sion interval between the Vermejo and Raton forma— tions, while appreciable, does not mark the end of the Cretaceous but represents only an episode in Late Cretaceous history and is apparently correlative with the similar interval that preceded the deposition of the Arapahoe conglomerate (Cretaceous) in the Den- ver Basin. In the Raton Mesa and adjacent coal fields, the Raton formation is overlain unconformably, according to Johnson (1958; 1959, p. 101), by the coal-barren massive coarse-textured sandstones and conglomerates of the Poison Canyon formation. However, except for the lack of coal in the Poison Canyon, the two LIMITS OF THE PALEOCENE IN SPECIFIC AREAS formations resemble one another in general color and lithologic composition. No mammalian fossils have been taken from the Poison Canyon formation, and the few collections of fossil plants are similar to those from the Baton, or can be duplicated from the Paleo- cene in adjacent regions. The probabilities favor the top of the Poison Canyon formation as the Paleocene— Eocene boundary. The Cuchara formation (Johnson and Stephens, 1954, 1955), unconformably overlying the Poison Canyon formation, is generally regarded as of early Eocene age, because the next overlying beds, the Huerfano formation, contain Bridger or middle Eocene mammals. Canon City coal field—This field occupies an iso- lated Cretaceous-Tertiary( ?) area midway between the Denver Basin and the Raton Mesa coal field. The critical physical feature here, as in the Raton field, is an unconformity between the Vermejo (Laramie) for- mation and overlying conglomerate (Washburn, 1910, p. 348—350), which can be seen clearly in the vicinity of Alkali Gap south of Canon City. The conglomer- ate occupies the same stratigraphic position as that at the base of the Raton formation in the Raton field, but its lithologic composition is notably different. On the other hand, it also occupies the same stratigraphic position as the Arapahoe conglomerate in the Denver Basin and is remarkably like it in lithologic composi- tion. It would seem, therefore, that orogenic move- ments on the west side of these basins of deposition in the later part of Vermejo and Laramie time were re- flected in erosional activity on the upturned edges of the sediments and in the subsequent deposition of con— glomerate on the eroded surface. The small patches of strata overlying the con- glomerate in the Canon City field were called Den— ver( ?), but as I found no identifiable fossils in them, I am uncertain of their age. North, Middle, and South Park—In North Park, according to Beekly (1915), from 4,000 to 5,000 feet of fresh—water beds, called the Coalmont formation, lie unconformably on the marine Pierre shale (Creta— ceous). In some parts of the area, they underlie varie- gated sandy beds believed to be Wasatch (Eocene); at others they underlie whitish beds that may be White River (Oligocene); and at still other localities they underlie the sandy tuffaceous North Park forma— tion (Pliocene?). The lower 3,000 to 4,000 feet of the Coalmont are dark colored and coal bearing, whereas the overlying 2,000 feet are light-colored bar- ren sandstones and conglomerates. Beekly suggested that these lithologic differences might serve to distin- guish two formations, but confirmatory paleontologic evidence for such a division is lacking. The fossil 25 plants on both sides of this tentative boundary are identical Paleocene forms. No diagnostic animal remains have been taken from the upper beds. This suggests another interpretation of the twofold char— acter of the formation, namely, that the total 5,000 feet, more or less, of the Coalmont may be equivalent to the Paleocene part of the Ferris formation in the Hanna and Carbon Basins across the Colorado— VVyoming boundary to the north. The Paleocene Fer- ris approximates 5,500 feet in thickness and also has a lower coaly part overlain by an upper part that, with the exception of one or two relatively small seams, is nearly coal barren. Tentatively I am re- garding the entire Coalmont formation as of Paleo- cene age, but the discovery of some species of pollen in the upper part of the formation may, on further confirmation, indicate that that part of the Coalmont is Eocene in age (Hail and Leopold, 1960). Middle Park is separated from North Park by the Continental Divide, the former being west and the latter east of the Divide. About 5,000 feet of strata composed of a basal breccia and conglomerate, ande- sitic shales and sandstones, and thin coal seams are called the Middle Park formation. These beds, at least in part, are lithologically similar to the Denver and Coalmont formations and contain a similar flora (Cross, 1892). They are of Paleocene age and lie unconformably on marine strata of Montana age. Narrow strips of Paleocene outcrops may be seen between Jefferson and Hartsel on the east side of South Park, which lies east of the Continental Divide. These are dark, sandy, and conglomeratic strata that overlie lignitic Laramie and underlie light-colored tufl’aceous beds that may be somewhat younger than Paleocene. Chiefly through the efforts of J. H. J ohn— son and C. H. Behre, Jr., collections of fossil plants have been made that indicate close similarity to the flora of the Denver formation (Stark and others, 1949). Rifle and DeBeque.——The Grand Hogback extend- ing from New Castle on the Colorado River, north— westward to Meeker, is largely composed of the Mesa- verde and related coal-bearing formations (Gale, 1910). Unconformably upon these strata, lie approxi- mately 1,200 feet of drab and varicolored beds, which in turn are overlain by the more distinctly yellow, red, and green beds of the typical Wasatch. A small col- lection of fossil plants was obtained by T. W. Stanton in 1907 in Rifle Gap, 6 miles north of Rifle, in gray sandy shales at a level 170 feet above the top of the Mesaverde formation; and a larger collection was ob- tained at the same locality in 1937 by Bryan Patter- son, of the Chicago Natural History Museum. In 26 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS 1939 and 1940, I obtained additional material at the same locality. Many species in these collections also occur in the flora of the Denver formation, indicating Paleocene age. These and especially the immediately overlying varicolored beds are apparently the strati— graphic equivalents of similar beds (Plateau Valley beds of Patterson) in the Plateau Valley southwest of DeBeque, that have yielded upper Paleocene mam- mals. Patterson’s Plateau Valley beds are the Paleo- cene portion of Whitman Cross’s Ruby formation the base of which may be, in part at least, equivalent to the Ohio Creek conglomerate. Along US. Highway 24 at the first hill east of DeBeque is an outcrop of carbonaceous shale about 100 feet beneath yelow sand- stones of the Wasatch formation. The small collec— tion of fossil plants obtained there in 1939 proved not to be diagnostic. From DeBeque westward to the Colorado-Utah line, the Paleocene is apparently represented by an unfos- siliferous sandstone—shale unit, 155—370 feet thick, lying unconformably between the Hunter Canyon for- mation of the Mesaverde group and the varicolored Wasatch. This unit was described as Tertiary(?) sandstone by Erdmann (1934, p. 53). I conjecture, but have no fossils to substantiate it, that the Paleocene beds of the Rifle Gap section, or their equivalents, may be present, although perhaps intermittently, along the west side of the Grand Hog- back to Meeker, thence to the west of the Danforth Hills and around to Rangely west of Cathedral Blufi's. The Ohio Creek conglomerate in the Anthracite, Crested Butte, and Grand Mesa regions (Lee, 1-912, p. 48) is a conglomeratic sandstone 100 to 200 feet thick, occurring in isolated patches and said to rest unconformably upon Upper Cretaceous strata and to underlie the Wasatch formation. It has been assigned to the Tertiary, but the only fossils found in it have been fragments of carbonized wood. Consequently, its equivalence to the Paleocene of Rifle Gap, to Erd- mann’s Tertiary( ?) sandstone, and to Fisher’s Tuscher formation of the Book Cliffs in Utah, though strati— graphically indicated, is not proved. Northwestern. Colorado—In the region extending east and west of Cedar Mountain, 5 miles northwest of Craig, is a 2- to 3-mile-wide belt of coal-bearing strata, about 800 feet thick, assigned originally to the “post-Laramie,” now Fort Union (Gale, 1910, pl. 16; Sears, 1924, pl. 35). The basal strata of this sequence are coarse sandstones or conglomerates that lie uncon- formably on Upper Cretaceous rocks of Laramie (now called Lance) age. No mammalian remains have been found in these strata, but such vetebrates, inverte— brates, and plants as have been collected, particularly in the sandstones, dark sandy shales, and clays crop- ping out on the hillsides in secs. 28 and 29, T. 8 N., R. 93 W., indicate Paleocene age. Overlying the Fort Union of this region are the variegated sandstones and shales of the Wasatch (Sears, 1924, p. 292). Southwestern Colorado and New Mamba—In 1874, E. D. Cope discovered and named the mammal—bearing Puerco formation in the San Juan Basin of Colorado and New Mexico. The strata were described by Gard— ner (1910b) and Reeside (1924), and the mammals by Matthew (1937). Reeside (1924, p. 34) suggested that the Puerco formation is possibly equivalent to the upper beds of the Animas formation, a conclusion that appears to be confirmed by the fieldwork of C. H. Dane (1946) and also by the evidence of the fossil plants from both formations, the bulk of those de- scribed as Tertiary by Knowlton (1924) from the Animas formation having come from the upper beds. Dinosaurian remains have been taken from the lower beds of the Animas and their lateral equivalent, the Ojo Alamo sandstone; but only a few fragmentary, indeterminable plants have been found in these basal beds. It seems most probable, therefore, that the Cre- taceous-Paleocene boundary passes through the basal part of the Animas formation and is the lower limit of the Puerco formation. The variegated clays and sands of the Puerco and Torrejon formations are not readily separable litho- logically, and together the two formations are some- times called the Nacimiento group. This group is overlain by the “Tiffany beds” now assigned to the upper Paleocene, and these are covered by Eocene beds that Simpson (1948) proposed to call the San Jose formation. In the Cerillos and Hagan coal fields, New Mexico, the Mesaverde formation is unconformably overlain by varicolored, sandy, and conglomeratic strata called the Galisteo sandstone. According to Lee (1913, p. 288, 1917, p. 184) some petrified wood and fossil leaves were found in these beds. Similarly, a small area on the southeast side of Elephant Butte Dam displays an exposure of reddish beds overlying coal-bearing strata and containing large quantities of fossil wood and some dinosaur bones (Lee, 1907, p. 57). Because of this resemblance Lee was disposed to regard the two occurrences as of the same age, namely Late Creta- ceous. Recently (Stearns, 1943, p. 310; 1953, p. 467), however, mammalian remains, particularly of the tit- anothere Teleodus and the carnivore Uimavcyon, have been found in the uppermost beds of the Galisteo sand- stone. They indicate a probable late Eocene age for those strata. As the Galisteo at some localities is 4,000 LIMITS OF THE PALEOCENE IN SPECIFIC AREAS 27 feet thick, its lowermost beds may be considerably older. Southwest of Gallup, Winchester mapped a number of outcrops which Sears (1925) has designated Ter- tiary undifferentiated. Whether any of these strata may be Paleocene has not been determined. ARIZONA From the Navajo country of Arizona and New Mex- ico, Gregory (1917) reported outcrops of unfossili- ferous sandstone and shale, which he called Chuska sandstone and Tohachi shale, the former being re- garded as of Wasatch and the latter of Puerco and Torrejon age on stratigraphic and lithologic grounds. Until fossils are found in the remarkably barren Chuska sandstone, its age will continue to remain doubtful. The Tohachi shale, however, is now known to be Late Cretaceous in age (Repenning, 1954). UTAH The Cretaceous and Tertiary formations of the Wasatch Plateau in central Utah were described by Spieker and Reeside in 1925 and by Spieker in 1931. At that time, a hiatus was recognized between the Cretaceous Price River formation and overlying beds mapped as Wasatch. Since then, the basal part of this “Wasatch,” beneath the Flagstaff limestone, averaging 1,500 feet in thickness, has been called the North Horn formation. The lower 800 feet of the North Horn has been found to contain dinosaurian remains indicative of Cretaceous age (Spieker, 1946, p. 134). The upper 600 feet has yielded mammalian remains described by Gazin (1941a) as the Dragon fauna in- termediate in development between the Puerco and Torrejon faunas. According to Gazin, “the variegated clays of the Paleocene series [called by Gazin the J oes Valley member] resemble those in the lower por- tion of the North Horn formation but are usually not so thick and appear to be more gaudily colored and with conspicuous white channel sands.” The only plants found in the North Horn are macerated, un- identifiable fragments of dicotyledonous leaves. Eastward in the Book Cliffs toward the Utah-Colo- rado boundary, Fisher (1936) mapped intermittent ex- posures of a light-colored unfossiliferous sandstone and shale unit, 130 to 600 feet thick, apparently dis- conformable between the Cretaceous Price River for- mation and the varicolored Tertiary Wasatch. He called this unit the Tuscher formation and suggested that it might .be the equivalent of the Ohio Creek conglomerate in the Anthracite-Crested Butte region of Colorado. Tentatively, I am regarding the Tuscher formation as probably of Paleocene age and perhaps equivalent to the similarly situated unfossiliferous unit in Colorado immediately east of Fisher’s area which Erdmann (1934, p. 53) called Tertiary(?) sandstone. It should be stated, however, that Erdmann (p. 51) considered the Tuscher formation, in whole or in part, to be equivalent to a portion of the Hunter Canyon formation of the Mesaverde group. Westward from the outcrops of the Wasatch for- mation described by Spieker and on the west side of the Sevier River valley in the escarpment of the Gun- nison Plateau are outcrops assigned to the Tertiary. Richardson (1906, p. 281) described these beds as light—colored, gray, and red shales with interbedded limestones and sandstones, approximating 2,000 feet in thickness. How much, if any, of this sequence is Paleocene remains to be determined. In the vicinity of Henefer and Coalville, Summit County, are outcrops of variegated shale, sandstone, and conglomerate that Eardley (1944, p. 840) called the Henefer formation and correlated tentatively, on stratigraphic grounds, with the Evanston formation (early Paleocene) of southwestern Wyoming. Above the Henefer is a conglomeratic sequence with shales and coal seams that he assigned to the Almy forma- tion (late Paleocene). GULF COAST The lower limits of the Tertiary on the gulf coast have been described chiefly by Vaughan (1900), Ste— phenson (1915), Trowbridge (1932), and Gardner (1935). The Paleocene there is comprised in the Mid- way formation which is reported as unconformably overlying the Cretaceous, and also at most localities as unconformably underlying the succeeding Eocene deposits of the Wilcox group. The Midway is almost entirely marine, and has yielded few fossil plants. Simpson (1932) has reported the almost miraculous recovery of a Paleocene mammal, Andsonchus for- tunatus Simpson, from probable Midway strata in a core from a depth of 2,460 feet in the Junior Oil Co. Beard No. 1 well, sec. 9, T. 18 N., R. 16 W., Caddo Parish, La. The only correlation, therefore, between the Paleocene of the Gulf Coast and that of the west- ern interior is in the faunas of the Midway and Can- nonball which are said to have a number of genera of mollusks and species of foraminifers in common. In the trans-Pecos region of Texas, particularly in the vicinity of Fort Davis and the Barilla Mountains, Upper Cretaceous sandy and shaly limestones identi- fied as Taylor marl are unconformably overlain by variegated deposits of calcareous clay and volcanic ash interbedded with other volcanic rocks (Jones, 1938, p. 1432; Ives, 1941, p. 343). The basal tuifs of 28 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS the latter strata contain fossil plants in the area of the Barilla Mountains. Six species of these were de- scribed by Berry (1919), who concluded from them “that the basal tufl's in the Barilla Mountains are post- Cretaceous and pre—lVilcox in age and that they and the volcanic activity which they represent were prob— ably contemporaneous with the floras and similar vol- canic activity reflected in the Raton and Denver for— mations and elsewhere in the Rocky Mountain Re- gion.” As the plant specimens are fragmentary and the species indicated few, comparisons with the floras of the Raton and Denver formations are dubious and inconclusive. ATLANTIC COAST The age of the Vincentown sand of New Jersey was long in dispute. Greacen (1941) reviewed the whole problem and, although inclined to regard both the Vincentown and the underlying Hornerstown marl as Tertiary, did not decide whether they should be called Paleocene or Eocene. Cooke and Stephenson (1928), however, assigned them to the Eocene without qualification. Spangler and Peterson (1950) inclined toward allocating the Hornerstown to the Paleocene. Near Brightseat in Maryland, strata overlying Up- per Cretaceous beds contain foraminifers and mega- fossils said to indicate Paleocene age (Bennett and Collins, 1952). Previous studies by Shifilett (1948) and Cushman of drill cuttings from a water well near Upper Marlboro also revealed foraminifers probably of Paleocene age. However, none of these writers sug- gested correlations of the Maryland deposits with the Hornerstown marl to the north or the Midway forma— tion to the south. Johnson and Richards (1952) sug- gested that the lower part of the Hornerstown is Mid— way (Paleocene) and the upper part is Wilcox (Eo- cene) in age. Loeblich and Tappan (1957) referred the Hornerstown and Vincentown to the Paleocene, but Miller (1960, text fig. 2) concluded that the bulk of the Hornerstown is Paleocene and the uppermost part is Eocene in age. PACIFIC COAST Resting upon a basement of igneous and meta— morphic rocks, the Swauk is apparently the earliest Tertiary formation of Washington. At some localities it contains leaves that inclined Knowlton to regard the formation as probably of the same age as the Denver and Fort Union formations (Weaver, 1937, p. 47—49). An Eocene age appears to be a more likely assignment. In 1939 the US. Geological Survey recognized the Martinez formation of California as Paleocene in age. It is probable that nonmarine deposits containing leaves near Elsinore, Riverside County, may also be Paleocene. ARCTIC REGIONS Greenland, Alaskan—On the west coast of Green- land, particularly the south coastal region of the Nug- suak peninsula, which is just north of Disko Island and well within the Arctic Circle, there are outcrops of a Cretaceous—Tertiary section that have been ex- amined by a number of explorers and geologists (Berry, 1916b, p. 186). Accounts of the geology and paleontology of this area are to be found in the pub— lications of Oswald Heer (1868—83), White and Schu- chert (1898), Seward (1926), Seward and Conway (1935), Imlay and Reeside (1954), and others. The generalized section for the Nugsuak peninsula includes the following strata, beginning with the oldest Cre— taceous: Kome (said to be Lower Cretaceous), Atane (approximately middle Upper Cretaceous), Patoot (Upper Cretaceous), lower Atanekerdluk (Upper Cre- taceous), and upper Atanekerdluk (Paleocene). This sequence, comprising shales, lignites, sandstones, iron- stones, and thick beds of basalt, lies unconformably upon an old crystalline metamorphic basement and is intruded by many dikes. Fossil plants have been collected from all the named divisions of the sequence. The Atane beds, or their equivalents, have also yielded marine invertebrates that Stanton identified as be- longing to the Senonian of Europe, approximately equivalent to the Montana group of the Western United States (White and Schuchert, 1898, p. 356). The Patoot beds likewise have yielded marine inver— tebrates, but Stanton considered their evidence some- what equivocal (White and Schuchert, 1898, p. 362). Heer, however, assigned these beds to the uppermost Cretaceous. Their flora is relatively rich in species and bears considerable resemblance to that from the Laramie, Lance, and Hell Creek formations of the Western United States and to the Late Cretaceous of Alaska. The bulk of the “Miocene” plants described by Heer from Atanekerdluk came from the strata not far above a 125-foot conglomeratic sandstone that crops out 1,000 feet above sea level and overlies the Patoot beds. White and Schuchert assumed that this sandstone probably marks the base of the Tertiary. As pointed out by Saporta, the flora of these Ter— tiary beds resembles that from Sezanne and Gelinden in the Paris Basin and is of Paleocene rather than “Miocene” age, a term used by Heer apparently in the sense of early Tertiary rather than in its modern specialized meaning. Except for a few insects, no animal remains have been reported from these beds. That some of the highest Tertiary strata of this series LIMITS OF THE PALEOCENE IN SPECIFIC AREAS 29 may be of Eocene age is a probability that should be considered by future collectors. Cretaceous and Tertiary deposits occur on the east coast of Greenland. Mathiesen (1932) contributes ref— erences to descriptions of this terrain and a report on some of the fossil plants found in those strata. He concludes that the plants with which he was con— cerned indicate an early Tertiary age. The Cretaceous and Tertiary floras of Alaska have been described chiefly by Hollick (1930, 1936), al- though a. number of other paleobotanists and paleo— zoologists have contributed identifications of Alaskan fossils. P. S. Smith (Hollick, 1936, p. 24; Smith, 1939) has reviewed the areal geology. Concerning the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary G. C. Martin (Hollick, 1930, p. 36) concluded: Upper Cretaceous time ended with the complete withdrawal of the sea from the Alaskan area and probably was closely followed by the folding and erosion of the Cretaceous rocks. The Cretaceous rocks of Alaska are highly folded everywhere, and many of them are cut by intrusive rocks and by metal- liferous veins. In many places it is not possible to determine the exact date of the folding, intrusion, and mineralization, especially as some of the Tertiary rocks have been similarly affected. It is believed, however, that at least part of the folding, intrusion, and mineralization dates from about the end of Cretaceous time. The earliest post-Cretaceous rocks in most of Alaska are the widespread Tertiary coal-bearing beds. Although these rocks are highly folded in some places and have been cut by dikes and veins, they are in general notably less indurated, folded, and altered than the Cretaceous rocks. In some places there is clear proof of an unconformity at the base of the Tertiary rocks, and the writer believes that the Cretaceous rocks of Alaska were uplifted and eroded, if not folded, immediately at the end of Cretaceous time in all parts of the Territory. The Cretaceous plants described by Hollick are said to be from two distinct horizons (1930, p. 34) the upper of which, according to the correlation chart facing page 34, is considered equivalent to the Lance and Laramie formations of the Western United States. The flora of this division comprises many species iden- tical with or at least closely related to species in the Lance and Laramie floras. The Tertiary flora described by Hollick and gen- erally considered Eocene in age is a composite of a number of floras whose separation has not yet been attempted, and may not be possible until additional fieldwork supplies further stratigraphic and paleon- tologic information, particularly mammalian remains. EUROPE The Paris and London Basins, as well as a few other areas in Europe, display contiguous outcrops of Cretaceous and Tertiary strata. Unfortunately, but quite naturally, different parts of the sequence are present at different localities, and these are diversely fossiliferous, so that matching of the several sections paleontologically is not altogether satisfactory. Con- sequently, Europeans have had a Mesozoic—Cenozoic boundary problem known as the Danian—Montian ques- tion. The strata and fossils involved in this prob- lem have been discussed by Saporta and Marion (1873, 1878), Kayser (1908, p. 531—539), Berry (1917, p. 175—185), Simpson (1937a, p. 6), Wells (1938, p. 193—202), Tromp (1949, p. 673—676), Hofker (1960, p. 584—588), Jeletsky (1960, p. 1896), Brown (1961, p. 632—A), Chandler (1961, p. 16—23), and others. The consensus now seems to be that the Danian, in whole or large part, is early Paleocene in age. Although Kayser considers the Sparnacian to be the upper stage of the Paleocene, Simpson, supported by Wells, assigns it unqualifiedly to the early Eo- cene. In the London Basin the Sparnacian includes the Woolwich and Reading beds. Beneath these are less than 100 feet of the marine Thanet sands, which Kayser assigns to the middle Paleocene, but more recent correlators to the upper Paleocene because the Cernay conglomerate in France contains a very late Paleocene mammalian fauna. At Ardtun Head, Island of Mull, Scotland, plant remains have been found in the sediments intercalated between lava flows and have been interpreted as Thanetian in age but are probably Eocene or Miocene. Whatever the final conclusion about the limits of the European Paleo~ cene may be, there are fossil—bearing beds near the middle of the sequence that contain plants and ani- mals sufficiently difierent from those of the Creta- ceous and Eocene to warrant the term Paleocene series. ASIA No extended study of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in Siberia has been made. Kryshtofovich (1918, p. 7—9) reports that on Sakhalin Upper Creta- ceous strata are conformably overlain by Tertiary conglomerates, sandstones, shales and lignites. Simp— son (1937a, p. 9) reports that a Mongolian forma- tion called Gashato has yielded 11 genera and 12 species of fossil mammals that seem to be definitely of Paleocene age. Young (1934) discussed the uncer- tainties about the early Tertiary of China. The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary is involved in the history of the Deccan traps of India. Sahni (1940; 1943) has reviewed the situation and concludes that the evidence points toward an early Tertiary age for the first outpourings of the Deccan lavas. SOUTH AMERICA The most likely Paleocene strata in South America are those called the Rio Chico formation in Argentina 30 (Simpson, 1937a, p. 10). This formation has yielded a variety of mammals described by Simpson and 11 species of plants described by Berry (1937). AFRICA Nakkady (1957) has attempted a correlation of the late Cretaceous and early Paleocene deposits of Egypt with those in other parts of the world. He con- cluded that the Danian and Montian of Egypt are early Paleocene and are comparable to the lower and upper parts, respectively, of the Midway formation of the Gulf Coast of the United States. This paper contains an extensive and helpful bibliography. PALEOCENE LOCALITIES, EXCEPT AS NOTED [Many locality numbers in the text are not listed: some are under a prior number, as 8663 under 317, 8196 under 2416] 229. 2 miles west of Wales, San Pete County, Utah. 317 (320, 321, 322, 324, 8663). South Table Mountain, Golden, Colo. 318. Northwest side of Green Mountain, Golden, Colo. 323. Bluff one-fourth of a mile south of Reform School and two-thirds of a mile southwest of South Table Moun— tain, Golden, Colo. (Probably Cretaceous.) 325. 3,000 ft east of Douglas (Lehigh) coal mine, 3 miles west of Sedalia, Colo. 326. Sandstone at coal seam in Laramie at Morrison, Colo. (Cretaceous. ) 331. 1,900 ft east of Douglas (Lehigh) coal mine, Sedalia, 0010. 333 (334, 335, 8788). North side of Potato Hill Gap, 2 miles east of Hot Sulphur Springs, Colo. 336. Near Sheriff’s coal shaft on Sheriff Creek east of Hot Sulphur Springs, Colo. 337 (338, 8787). Mount Bross, Hot Sulphur Springs, Colo. 436. Red Lodge, Mont. 541. At head of Buck Creek, Niobrara County, Wyo. 607. On Sweetgrass Creek, west of Porcupine Butte, Mont. 750. Fossil Forest Ridge, Yellowstone National Park, Wyo. (Eocene) 1468. On Lightning Creek, 2 miles above mouth of Walker Creek, Lance Creek, Wyo. 1471. Coal mines at Almy, Wyo. 1474. At mine N0. 5, Almy, Wyo. 1502. 2% miles southeast of Black Buttes, Wyo. 2414. 24 miles northwest of Glendive, Mont. 2416 (2426, 8196). 6 miles above the mouth of Sevenmile Creek, northeast of Glendive, Mont. 2417. On Crackerbox Creek, 18 miles northwest of Glendive, Mont. 2420. Left bank of Yellowstone River at Burns, about 30 miles below Glendive, Mont. 2421. Iron Bluff, 12 miles southwest of Glendive, Mont. 2422. 2 miles east of Gladstone, N. Dak., on north side of Heart River. 2423 (4984). Bull Mountains, 40 miles north of Billings, Mont. 2424. Near Medora, N. Dak. 3653 (5538, 5542). Union Pacific Railroad cut, 1 mile east of station, Evanston, Wyo. 3658 (5539). At mine No. 7, Almy, Wyo. 3661. snaswu sec. 19, T. 16 N., R. 120 W., Almy, Wyo. 3667. 3728. 3852. 3963. 3979. 3980. 4005. 4010. 4028. 4029. 4031. 4035. 4050. 4256. 4264 4265. 4268. 4272. 4273. 4280. 4293. 4310. 4311. 4315. 4323. 4325. 4334. 4368. 4369. 4395. 4404. 4421 4468. 4474. 4571. 4514. 4515. 4570. 4582. 4617. 4618. 4620. 4625. 4626. 4661 4665. PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS SW14 sec. 33, T. 16 N., R. 120 W., near Evanston, Wyo. Williston, N. Dak. 0n Meeyero Creek, 8 miles southwest of Winchester Post Office, Wyo. Southeast corner sec. 24, T. 22 N., R. 83 W., Wyo. Signal Butte, 5 miles southeast of Miles City, Mont. Left bank of Yellowstone River at Miles City, Mont. West flank of Cedar Creek anticline, 12 miles southwest of Glendive, Mont. 4 miles southwest of Winchester Post Oflice, Wyo. On Turner ranch, 20 miles northwest of Jordan, Mont. 13 miles north of Jordan, Mont. At Kern ranch, 24 miles northwest of Jordan, Mont. About T. 14 N., R 42 E‘., Mont. Three-fourths of a mile east of Florida River crossing, east of Durango, Colo. 11/2 miles northwest of Coleharbor, N. Dak. (4262). Bluffs on west side of Little Missouri River, 2 miles south of Medora, N. Dak. Bluffs on Little Missouri River, three-fourths of a mile south of Custer Trail ranch, on Davis Creek, 4 miles south of Medora, N. Dak. Face of Picket Butte, facing Little Missouri River, 4 miles south of Medora, N. Dak. One-fourth of a mile southeast of mouth of Davis Creek, south of Medora, N. Dak. On Davis Creek, south of Medora, N. Dak. Bank of Yellowstone River, 10 miles northeast of Glen- dive, Mont. Hedges coal mine, left bank of Yellowstone River at Miles City, Mont. 3 miles north of Clyde Park, on east side of Shields River, Mont. 2 miles north of Clyde Park, Mont. Sec. 24, T. 8 N., R. 49 E., 18 miles east of Miles City, Mont. NEl/4 sec. 20, T. 8 N., R. 48 E., Mont. Signal Butte, south of Miles City, Mont. Sentinel Butte, N. Dak. NE14 sec. 32, T. 8 N., R. 93 W., 1 mile north of Emerson ranch, 6 miles north of Lay, Colo. Sec. 5, T. 19 N., R. 90 W., north side of Separation Creek, Wyo. 20 miles southwestpf Rawlins, Wyo. NW1/4SE1/4 sec. 27, T. 33 N., R. 72 W., Wyo. (4882, 8666). Sec. 16, T. 33 N., R. 73 W., at mine south- west of Inez, Wyo. SE14 sec. 31, T. 33 N., R. 2 W., Colo. SW14 sec. 24, T. 51 N., R. 99 W., Wyo Sec. 36, T. 6 N., R. 26 E., southeast of Roundup, Mont. Sec. 21, T. 7 N., R. 10 E., 3 miles south of Lennep, Mont. Ridge crossing near the mouth of Shields River below Livingston, Mont. Sec. 22, T. 7 N., R. 26 E., 3 miles from head of Razor Creek, Mont. Sec. 34, T. 6 N., R. 27 E., 6 miles east of Buckey, Mont. 3 miles southeast of Lennep, Mont. Lebo Creek, Mont. 0n Lebo Creek, east of Crazy Mountains, Mont. 9 miles west of Miles City, Mont. SWM sec. 22, T. 8 N., R. 47 E., Miles City, Mont. (6666). SW14 sec. 5, T. 45 N., R. 97 W., near Ilo Post Office, Wyo. 2 miles north of 110 Post Office, Wyo. (Cretaceous. ) 4674. 4676. 4694. 4696. 4699. 4725. 4843. 4860. 4870. 4871. 4874. 4875. 4876. 4877. 4878. 4881. 4892. 4896. 4897. 4898. 4908., 4909. 4910. 4974 4975 4977. 4981. 4984 5025. 5029. 5030. 5043. 5046 5063. 5094. 5099. 5121. 5132. 5133. 5134. 5137. 5139. 5140. 5142. 5144. (4976, 8563) . (8567 ). (4985, 8568) . (5122). PALE OCENE 0n Shoshone River, Cody, Wyo. East side of divide between Red Lodge and Bear Creek, Mont. Roof of Black Diamond mine, 3 miles north of Meeteetse, Wyo. 9 miles southwest of Bridger, Mont. Fort Keogh Military Reservation, Miles City, Mont. South center sec. 25, T. 19 N., R. 100 W., Wyo. SW14 sec. 23, T. 22 N., R. 104 W., Wyo. Sec. 6, T. 55 N., R. 85 W, three-fourths of a mile north- west of Beckton, Wyo. SW14 sec. 12, T. 57 N., R. 85 W., Wyo. Sec. 2, T. 57‘ N., R. 85 W, Wyo. Sec. 13, T. 57 N., R. 85 W., about 5% miles east of Ran- chester, Wyo. Sec. 13, T. 57 N., R. 85 W., one-half of a mile west of 4874. Sec. 10, T. 57 N., R. 85 W., 3 miles northwest of Mon- arch, Wyo. Sec. 14, T. 57 N., R. 85 W., 214 miles northwest of Monarch, Wyo. Sec. 19, T. 57 N., R. 84 W., near Monarch, Wyo. South side of sec. 20, T. 57 N., R. 84 W., 11/; miles southeast of Monarch, Wyo. 2 miles southeast of Carneyville, Wyo. 1 mile southeast of Dietz, Wyo. SW14 sec. 2, T. 57 N., R. 84 W., on west side of Tongue River, Wyo. Sec. 13, T. 57 N., R. 84 W., 3 miles east of Carneyville, Wyo. Southeast corner sec. 15, T. 57 N., R. 83 W., one-half of a mile east of Prairie Dog Creek, Wyo. Three-fourths of a mile east of Prairie Dog Creek in southeast corner sec. 15, T. 57 N., R. 83 W., Wyo. Near Decker, Mont. Sec. 33, T. 6 N., R. 16 E., in sandstone capping Bear Butte, near Melville, Mont. Sec. 29, T. 6 N., R. 16 E., northeast of Widde- combe ranchhouse, Wyo. Sec. 25, T. 5 N., R. 15 E., Mont. Sec. 23, T. 8 N., R. 25 E, one-half of a mile northeast of Roundup, Mont NEIASWIA sec. 23, T. 5 N., R. 26 E., 2 miles south of Buckey, Mont. 2 miles east of Black Buttes, Wyo. 35 miles southwest of Black Buttes, Wyo. Sec. 35, T. 15 N., R. 102 W., Wyo. One-fourth of a mile north of center sec. 32, T. 19 N., R. 100 W., Wyo. 5 miles above Aguilar on Gonzales Creek, Colo. At Bud Kimball mine in SW14 sec. 33, T. 46 N., R. 89 W., Wyo. At Bowen mine, 200 ft above lowest coal, Bowen, Colo. Floor of Fishers Peak mine, 3 miles southeast of Trini- dad, Colo. NEIA T. 32 S., R. 66 W., Colo. Norman ranch, 12 miles east of Baton, N. Mex. Sec. 30, T. 32 N., R. 25 E., N. Mex. Yankee mine No. 5, near top of section, Raton, N. Mex. Near Yankee, N. Mex. On ridge east of Yankee mine, Raton, N. Mex. Honeyfield mine, Yankee, N. Mex. Sec. 29, T. 32 N., R. 25 E., N. Mex. In Tin Pan canyon, northwest of Raton, N. Mex. LOCALITIES 31 5147. West side of Dillon canyon, 1 mile north of mouth of Coal canyon, N. Mex. 5151. South end of Baton tunnel, Raton, N. Mex. 5194. Sec. 30, T. 6 N., R. 2 E., Wyo. 5236. Spring canyon, Vermejo Park, N. Mex. 5255. Sec. 12, T. 16 N., R. 102 W., Wyo. 5259. NElANElzr sec. 27, T. 16 N., R. 102 W., Wyo. 5291. About sec. 14, T. 31 N., R. 22 E., Red River canyon, 1 mile east of Jones Canyon, N. Mex. 5300. Sec. 9, T. 6 N., R. 28 E., near head of Cow Gulch, about 7 miles southeast of Fattig Post Office, Wyo. 5321. Sec. 16, T. 16 N., R. 105 W., Wyo. 5322. North of road across creek at big bend in road, sec. 35, T. 16 N., R. 105 W., Wyo. 5332. 4 miles east of Parkman, Wyo. 5374. NW% sec. 10, T. 14 S., R. 65 W., east bank of Jimmy Camp Creek, Colo. 5385. River bluffs, right bank of the Missouri River, south- east of Brockton, Mont. 5387. Near mouth of Smoke Creek, sec. 3, T. 29 N., R. 54 E., Mont. 5388. 2 miles east of Ralston ranch, south of Brockton, Mont. 5389. Right bank of Missouri River, south of Brockton, Mont. 5437 (5438). NWlAz sec. 5, T. 129 N., R. 88 W., N. Dak. 5455. Sec. 31, T. 35 N., R. 6 W., Colo. 5456. Sec. 15, T. 35 N., R. 6 W., Colo. 5458. NWIA sec. 30, T. 35 N., R. 6 W., Colo. 5460. Southeast from center of sec. 19, T. 35 N., R. 8 W., Colo. 5461. 110 ft below 5460. 5469. At Bowen mine, 5 miles north of Trinidad, Colo. 5480. Minturn, Wyo. 5495. Sec. 18, T. 22 N., R. 80 W., 5 miles east of Hanna, Wyo. 5509. 8 miles northeast of Parkman, Wyo. 5512. 7 miles northeast of Parkman, Wyo. 5526 (9112). NEIASElA sec. 22, T. 1 N., R. 2 E., east of Ethete, Wyo. 5551. 150 ft above coal at mine No. 9, Almy, Wyo. 5555. Mine No. 8, Almy, Wyo. 5557. Ridge above coal mines No. 1 and No. 4, Almy, Wyo. 5578. 4 miles southeast of Black Buttes, Wyo. 5579. 11/; miles east of Black Buttes, ‘Wyo. 5582. 2 miles east of Black Buttes, Wyo. 5594 (5595, 5596). SW14NW14 sec. 28, T. 31 N., R. 19E, south of Chinook, Mont. 5609. 2 miles north of Musselshell, Mont. 5612. NWIANWM sec. 13, T. 9 N., R. 29 E., Mont. 5613. SE14SW14 sec. 15, T. 8 N., R. 31 E., Mont. 5618. Sec. 15, T. 52 N., R. 72 W., Wyo. 5619. At mouth of Elk Creek on Little Powder River, Mont. 5667. Top of Animas beds, Ignacio quadrangle, Colorado. 5678. South side of Cucharas River, 3 miles southwest of Walsenburg, Colo. 5679. One—eighth of a mile northeast of Rockland mine, 3 miles southwest of Walsenburg, Colo. 5683. Canyon west of Old Rouse, Colo. 5684. Dump of Green Canyon mine near Aguilar, Colo. 5686. One-half of a mile east of Abeton, Colo. 5687. 1 mile north of Trujillo, Colo. 5688. Apishapa Canyon, 3 miles northeast of Abeton, Colo. 5689. 1 mile northeast of 5688. 5690. At Delagua mine west of Hastings, Colo. 5695. 3 miles west of Bowen, Colo. 5697. Sec. 9, T. 33 S., R. 64 W., Colo. 32 5699. 5701. 5711. 5712. 5714. 5716. 5720. 5721. 5738 5760. 5796. 5798. 5799. 5803. 5826. 5831. 5835. 5836 5837. 5838. 5839. 5840. 5842. 5863. 5882. 5885. 5886. 5889. 5905. 5911. 5917. 5987. 5994. 5997. 6000. 6005. 6006. 6050. 6051. 6057. 6083. 6084. 6099. 6102. 6103. PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Riley canyon, one-half of a mile north of Cokedale, Colo. Riley canyon, near Cokedale, Colo. One-half of a mile north of Wooton, Colo. Wooton, Colo. At Turner mine, 11/.) miles north of Wooton, C010. 14 miles east of Douglas, 2 miles north of junction of western and middle forks of Shawnee Creek, Wyo. Sec. 27, T. 34 N., R. 68 W., Wyo. Sec. 35, T. 34 N., R. 68 W., at Sunset mine, Wyoming. (8656). In clinker above burned coal at top of a conical hill, three-fourths of a mile south of a dry hole in NW14 sec. 33, T. 9 S., R. 61 W., 6 miles northwest of Ramah, Colo. 11/2 miles east of Old Washakie Station on north side of Muddy Creek, Wyo. 11/.) miles south of Starkville, C010. Dump of mine at Primero, Colo. 5 miles northwest of Weston, Colo. Tercio, Colo. Sec. 36, T. 30 N., R. 19 E, on Vermejo Creek, N. Mex. Six-tenths of a mile north of Richfield Springs ranch, 9 miles east of Colorado Springs, Colo. 1 mile east of Richfield Springs ranch on Jimmy Camp Creek, Colo. (8655). Railroad cut three-fourths of a mile west of Falcon, C010. 1 mile southwest of Calhan, Colo. Dump of Mosby coal mine, Mosby, Colo. Sec. 27, T. 11 S., R. 61 W., one-fourth of a mile east of Purdon mine, Colorado. 4 miles south of Ramah, Colo. Sec. 2, T. 5 N., R. 58 E., 16 miles southwest of Baker, Mont. Center sec. 9, T. 47 N., R. 70 W., Wyo. Sec. 36, T. 12 N., R. 52 E., on O’Fallon Creek, east of Terry, Mont. Sec. 14, T. 10 N., R. 58 13]., near Terry, Mont. NE14 sec. 17, T. 10 N., R. 59 E., Mont. Sec. 32, T. 11 N., R. 59 19., near Terry, Mont. Sec. 2, T. 53 N., R. 71 W., Wyo. Sec. '29, T. 47 N., R. 81 W., Wyo. T. 42 N., R. 78 W., Wyo. On west side of Illinois River, southwest of Walden, Colo. SWI/LNWIA sec. 2, T. 10 N., R. 80 W., Colo. SE14 sec. 31, T. 10 N., R. 81 W., in North Park, Colo. SE%NW% sec. 28, T. 9 N., R. 80 W., 7 miles west of Walden, Colo. NW14NW14 sec. 19, T. 9 N., R. 80 W., in bluff on north fork of Platte River, Colo. NEIA sec. 14, T. 7 N., R. 81 W., Colo. SW14 sec. 7, T. 49 N., R. 68 W., Wyo. NEIASEIA sec. 6, T. 49 N., R. 68 W., 6 miles west of Moorcroft, Wyo. NEIA sec. 13, T. 46 N., R. 70 W., 20 miles southwest of Moorcroft, Wyo. SE14 sec. 20, T. 45 N., R. 69 W., Wyo. Sec. 3, T. 42 N., R. 67 W., 20 miles above Hampshire on Black Thunder Creek, Wyo. NPR/181914 sec. 9, T. 7 N., R. 81 W., in bluff 3 miles northwest of Coalmont, Colo. SEIANEIA sec. 30, T. 6 N., R. 80 W., Colo. NEl/LNEl/t sec. 19, T. 6 N., R. 79 W., 0010. 6105. NEl/L sec. 25, T. 7 N., R. 80 W., about 3 miles north of Riding ranch, in North Park, Colo. 6107. SW%NE% sec. 36, T. 8 N., R. 78 W., Colo. 6110. SE%SE% sec. 29, T. 9 N., R. 78 W., near Capron mine, Colorado. 6113. Head of Wolf Draw in about sec. 24, T. 17 N., R. 9 E., S. Dak. 6114. Sec. 7, T. 17 N., R. 11 E., S. Dak. 6116. Sec. 17, T. 17 N., R. 13 E., S. Dak. 6117. Sec. 17, T. 21 N., R. 16 E., S. Dak. 6131. NEl/t sec. 20, T. 12 N., R. 50 111., near Terry, Mont. 6142. 214 miles southeast of Monument, Colo. 6154. Sec. 1, T. 17 N., R. 7 E., S. Dak. 6155. Center sec. 1, T. 17 N., R. 9 E., S. Dak. 6156. Sec. 12, T. 17 N., R. 7 E., S. Dak. 6161. Sec. 25, T. 19 N., R. 7 E., S. Dak. 6171. North half of sec. 24, T. 50 N., R. 100 W., Wyo. 6173. Sec. 31, T. 50 N., R. 99 W., Wyo . 6176. SE14 sec. 6, T. 49 N., R. 99 W., Wyo. 6215. Sec. 36, T. 136 N., R. 105 W., south of Yule, N. Dak. 6219. Sec. 6, T. 137 N., R. 102 W., N. Dak. 6225. SW14 sec. 7, T. 134 N., R. 102 W., N. Dak. 6297. 3 miles north of Craig, Colo. 6299. 7 miles northwest of Craig, Colo. 6309. One-half of a mile downstream from station at Pagosa Junction, Colo. 6344. SWIANWML sec. 22, T. 33 N., R. 73 W., 2 miles southeast of Inez, Wyo. 6359. Near center sec. 14, T. 51 N., R. 100 W., Wyo. 6360. Sec. 24, T. 50 N., R. 100 W., Wyo. 6376. SW%SE% sec. 33, T. 132 N., R. 91 W., 10 miles south of Bentley, N. Dak. 6377. See. 6, T. 133 N., R. 88 W., 1 mile south of Kayser, N. Dak. 6382. 3 miles east of Scranton, N. Dak. 6384 (9125). NW% sec. 34, T. 22 N., R. 9 E., at Anarchist Butte, S. Dak. 6416. NW14SW14 sec. 24, T. 23 N., R. 84 W., Wyo. 6417. SE14SE% sec. 23, T. 23 N., R. 84 W., in north bank of Big Ditch, Wyo. 6419. NW14SW14 sec. 26, T. 23 N., R. 84 W., Wyo. 6420. NW%NW% sec. 16, T. 22 N., R. 83 W., Wyo. 6428. SEIASWIA sec. 11, T. 23 N., R. 84 W., Wyo. 6431. SW%NE% sec. 27, T. 23 N., R. 84 W., Wyo. 6437 (5994). SW14NW14 sec. 2, T. 10 N., R. 80 W., Colo. 6440. NE%SW% sec. 24, T. 7 N., R. 81 W., Colo. 6443. 1 mile northeast of Pagosa Junction, Colo. 6444. 1 mile northwest of Pagosa Junction, Colo. 6525. South bank of Heart River, one-half of a mile south of Mandan, N. Dak. 6592. Sec. 4, T. 7 N., R. 94 W., 0010. 6594. Sec. 2, T. 7 N., R. 94 W., Colo. 6598. SW14 sec. 3, T. 131 N., R. 85 W., N. Dak. 6625. SE14 sec. 29, T. 23 N., R. 83 W., Wyo. 6630. NE14NW14 sec. 12, T. 22 N., R. 84 W., Wyo. 6652. NE14 sec. 30, T. 136 N., R. 82 W., N. Dak. 6667. North of 110 Post Office, Wyo. 6668. 200 ft above base of Fort Union, 110 quadrangle, Wyo— ) ming. , 6669. Near 110 Post Oflice, Wyo. 6738. SW14 sec. 9, T. 35 N., R. 75 W., Wyo. 6765. Railroad cut three-fourths of a mile south of Wilsall, Mont. 6765.11. Three-fourths of a mile north of Wilsall, Mont. 6767. 6845. 6892. 6905. 6943. 6944. 6971. 7004. 7005. 7371. 7480. 7481. 7483. 7484. 7485. 7495. 7496. 7498. 7538. 7547. 7548. 7552 7623. 7659. 7662. 7663. 7685. 7688. 7695. 7776. 7839 7989. 8163. 8164. 8165. 8166. 8167. 8187. 8188. 8190 8191. 8193. 8199. 8200. 8202. 8203. 8204. 8205. 8206. 8212. 8213. 8215. (8540). (8249). (8542). PALEOCENE 0n Brackett Creek, 12 miles west of Clyde Park, Mont. Sec. 1, T. 27 N., R. 90 W., on Coal Creek, northwest of Rawlins, Wyo. , SW14 sec. 14, T. 139 N., R. 84 W., N. Dak. SW44 sec. 22, T. 138 N., R. 85 W., N. Dak. One-half of a mile west of Ramah, Colo. Coal gulch 2 miles northwest of Ramah, Colo. NWI/t sec. 34, T. 22 N., R. 82 W., east of Dana, Wyo. Sec. 33, T. 37 N., R. 47 E, Mont. One-half of a mile north of northwest corner of sec. 4, T. 37 N., R. 49 E., Mont. 3 miles southwest of Farmington, N. Mex. Top of hill west of Talian mine, 5 miles north of Pagosa Junction, Colo. Above Talian mine, 5 miles north of Pagosa Junction, 0010. 41/2 miles north of Pagosa Junction, Colo. Near 7483. Near 7483. 1 mile northwest of Ojo Alamo, N. Mex. One-half of a mile west of Pagosa Junction, Colo. On Cat Creek, 1 mile north of Pagosa Junction, Colo. SE14 sec. 22, T. 16 N., R. 33 E., Mont. NWIASEIA: sec. 22, T. 3 N., R. 16 E., 14 miles northeast of Big Timber, Mont. . NW14NE14 sec. 4, T. 2 N., R. 16 E., 14 miles northeast of Big Timber, Mont. At clay pit, 1 mile south of Dickinson, N. Dak. (Eocene) Sec. 35, T. 9 N., R. 89 W., at Pugh’s place, northeast of Craig, Colo. South half sec. 7, T. 1 N., R. 40 E.. 10 miles west of Colstrip, Mont. SE14 sec. 36, T. 1 N., R. 39 E, Mont. 4 miles west of Camp Crook, S. Dak. NEIA, sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 43 E., Mont. Sec. 20, T. 6 S., R. 43 E., Mont. Sec. 20, T. 6 S., R. 43 E., Mont. Near 7688. 2 miles southeast of coal mine at Black Buttes, Wyo. 2 miles southwest of Edwards, Mont. Weldon, McCone County, Mont. SW14 sec. 12, T. 5 N., R. 43 E., Mont. Sec. 23, T. 3 N., R. 45 E., Mont. SW14 sec. 15, T. 5 N., R. 47 E., Mont. Southeast of Colstrip, Mont. Southwest corner of sec. 35, T. 3 N., R. 44 E., Mont. NW1}; sec. 30, T. 11 S., R. 60 W., Colo. NE14 sec. 25, T. 11 S., R. 61 W., south of Ramah, C010. 1 mile north of Intake, Mont. 0n left bank of Yellowstone River, north of Burns, Mont. Right bank of Yellowstone River, east of Sidney, Mont. 4 miles north of Stipek, along Sevenmile Creek, Mont. 3 miles up Clear Creek, west of Glendive, Mont. In left bank of Missouri River, 10 miles north of Sanish, N. Dak. Between Sanish and Hoflund, N. Dak. Near 8203. 18 miles along river road from Sanish to Hoflund, N. Dak. 6 miles north of Armstrong, N. Dak. Near Elbowoods, N. Dak. 5 miles southeast of Elbowoods, N. Dak. 9 miles north of Sixmile Creek, Armstrong, N. Dak. LOCALITIES 33 8220. At Hoffman, west of Sanish, N. Dak. 8222. Blue Buttes, near Keene, N. Dak. 8224. At Brittian mine, 6 miles southeast of Mott, N. Dak. 8225. At Hoffman mine, right bank of Missouri River, across from Sanish, N. Dak. 8227. In North Dakota, 3 miles north of Watauga, S. Dak. 8230. Near Grassy Butte, N. Dak. 8231 (8232, 8233). Near Bicycle Post Office, N. Dak. 8234. West of Grassy Butte, N. Dak. 8238. In clinkered sandstone and shale near top of Sentinel Butte, N. Dak. 8239. Left bank of Little Missouri River, three-fourths of a mile south of Yule, N. Dak. 8210. On Little Missouri River, 3 miles southwest of Yule, N. Dak. 8245. One-half of a mile north of Ekalaka, Mont. 8246. Left bank of Yellowstone River at Terry, Mont. 8247. Left bank of Yellowstone River near 8246. . 8248. At Roberts coal mine, 3 miles west of Amidon, N. Dak. 8250. Signal Butte, southeast of Miles City, Mont. 8252. 8 miles south of the mouth of Armell Creek, west of Forsyth, Mont. 8253. 2 miles east of Powder River bridge, Mizpah, on road to Ekalaka and Ismay, Mont. 8255 (8520). Colstrip, Mont. 8256. 8 miles south of the mouth of Armell Creek, west of Forsyth, Mont. 8257. 5 miles northeast of Kinsey, Mont. 8258 (8259, 8549). 1 mile east of Hathaway, Mont. 8261. 2 miles west of Cap Rock, 18 miles northeast of Miles City, Mont. 8262. At Cap Rock, on north side of the Yellowstone River, 20 miles east of Miles City, Mont. 8307. NW14 sec. 7, T. 12 S., R. 61 W., southeast of Calhan, Colo. 8426. 6 miles south of Como, in South Park, Colo. 8447. 6 miles south of Como, near 8426. 8493. 6 miles south of Como, near 8426. 8516. 1 mile east of filling station near Dana, Wyo. 8517. North side of US. Highway 10, in bank of Moon Creek, 10 miles west of Miles City, Mont. 8519. Hillside south of U.S. Highway 10, 25 miles east of Miles City, Mont. 8521. Near top of conical hill, sec. 23, T. 2. S., R. 44 E., Mont. 8522. On Dry Creek, 5 miles west of Greybull, Wyo. 8523. Sec. 19, T. 5 N., R. 13 E., on Sweetgrass Creek, Mont. 8526. 600 ft south of J epsen mammal quarry on Polecat bench, west of Frannie, Wyo. 8529. 10 miles east of Roundup, Mont. 8535. On Poison Spider Creek, southwest of Casper, Wyo. 8545. Sec. 23, T. 4 N., R. 40 E., east of highway Forsyth to Colstrip, Mont. 8547. Near top of “Bear” formation on south side of Lebo Creek, Mont. 8548. Near center of sec. 10, T. 22 N., R. 82 W., near Hanna, Wyo. (Eocene) 8550. 18 miles northeast of Miles City, Mont. 8551. On Sand Creek, 7 miles north of Glenrock, Wyo. 8552. 3 miles west of Marsh station on Northern Pacific Rail- road, west of Glendive, Mont. 8553. West of Cap Rock, about 18 miles northeast of Miles City, Mont. 8554. 25 ft above Big Dirty coal, on north side of Yellowstone River at Terry, Mont. 34 8556. 8558. 8566. 8652. 8654. 8660. 8662. 8668. 8669. 8670. 8672. 8673. 867 7 . 8678. 8774 8775. 8776. 8777. 8779. 8780. 8781. 8786. 8881. 8882. 8884. 8885 8886. 8887. 8888. 8893. 8896. 8897. 8898. 8899. 8901. 8910. 8913. 8917. 8920. 8921. PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS 10 miles north of Terry, Mont, in sec. 19, T. 13 N., R. 50 E. Near center of sec. 21, T. 6 N., R. 13 E., Mont. In clinker near Wyodak coal mine, 4% miles east of Gillette, Wyo. 2 miles southeast of Black Buttes, Wyo. South side of US. Highway 30, 71/2 miles east of Point of Rocks, Wyo. Above coal at mine 1 mile northeast of U.S. Highway 30 at Hadsell, 10 miles west of Rawlins, Wyo. In bluff on north side of Big Ditch, in sec. 32, T. 23 N., R. 83 W., Wyo. 10 miles south of Rozet, Wyo. 4 miles west of Bayfield, 0010., in dump from large roadcut. At mine N0. 1, Almy, Wyo. Sec. 36, T. 2 S., R. 66 W., in bank of Second Creek, 10 miles east of Derby, Colo. Sec. 3, T. 35 N., R. 66 W., west of Lance Creek, Wyo. 8 miles west of Clareton, Wyo. Near 8677. (4370, 4457). In almost vertical beds 170 ft above top of Mesaverde formation, on south side of creek in Rifle Gap, 6 miles north of Rifle, Colo. Nigger Hill, 1 mile east of DeBeque, 0010., along US Highway 6. 20 ft above level of Cucharas River, 11A) miles west of Walsenburg, Colo. (Cretaceous) West side of Platte River, near Colfax Pressed Brick 00., Denver, Colo. Three-fourths of a mile east of ranch on Jimmy Camp Creek, 9 miles east of Colorado Springs, Colo. South side of Beebe-Powderville road, 4 miles west of Powderville, Mont. 2 miles up Little Powder River from junction with Powder River, northeast of Broadus, Mont. SW14 sec. 27, T. 5 S., R. 50 E., about 6 miles southwest of Broadus, Mont. One-half of a mile west to northwest of Ramah, Colo. One-half of a mile east of Purdon mine, 5 miles south- west of Ramah, Colo. 2 miles east of Ohlman, Wyo. (6342). Makton coal mine, 7 miles northeast of Big Sandy, Mont. NWIA, sec. 23, T. 7 S., R. 45 E., west of mouth of Cub Creek, on Otter Creek, Mont. Sec. 33, T. 8 S., R. 46 E., Mont. 5 miles northeast of Kinsey, Mont. North of center of T. 46 N., R. 81 W., Wyo. North side of Yellowstone River, at Big Timber, Mont. 81/.) miles north of Glendive, Mont. 2 miles west of Douglas, Wyo. South of highway at Gwynn ranch on Grass Creek, Wyo. East side of Graveyard Coulee, south of Glendive, Mont. NWV; sec. 11, T. 8 S., R. 49 E., 11/2 miles north of Traub ranch on Bayhorse Creek, Mont. Above coal in small hill to north of road leading up to Sentinel Butte, Sentinel Butte, N. Dak. 3 miles east of Black Buttes, Wyo. Sec. 13, T. 15 N., R. 105 W., one-fourth of a mile north of gate on road, 20 miles south of Rock Springs, Wyo. Sec. 14, T. 16 N., R. 105 W., southwest of Antelope Butte, Wyo. 8922. 8928. 8930. 9056. 9071. 9072. 9084. 9085. 9092. 9104. 9109. 9111. 9129. 9130. 9131. 9132. 9134. 9141. 9180. 9193. 9194. 9196. 9198. 9199. 9200. 9201. 9202. 9203. 9204. 9205. 9206. 9207. 9208. 9210. 9235. 9236. 9237. 9239. 9248 9249. 9252. 9253. 9322. Sec. 26, T. 16 N., R. 105 W., east of Bacon ranch, east side of Bitter Creek, Wyo. Sec. 2, T. 7 N., R. 92 W., northwest of Craig, Colo. 7 miles east of Point of Rocks and 1 mile north of US Highway 30, Wyoming. About 17 miles southwest of Musselshell, Mont. Sec. 16, T. 41 N., R. 110 W., about one-fourth of a mile east of mouth of Buck Creek, Wyo. NEil/L sec. 32, T. 1 S., R. 50 E., 11A) miles southeast of Coalwood, Mont. NWIASwlé sec. 16, T. 142 N., R. 91 W., N. Dak. Near Young Man’s Butte, 21/2 miles east of Richardson, N. Dak. SE14 sec. 15, T. 55 N., R. 75 W., Wyo. above Roland coal. At coal mine in NWIA, sec. 4, T. 36 N., R. 52 E., Mont. NW1/,,SW% sec. 29, T. 1 S., R. 6 E., 13 miles east of Riverton, Wyo. East of Little Dome, Carter Oil site 2, north of Lander, Wyo. SE1/,,SE% sec. 36, T. 35 N., R. 91 W., Wyo. SW14 sec. 31, T. 34 N., R. 92 W., Wyo. NE14 sec. 20, T. 6 N., R. 1 E., Wyo. Center of south half SEMLNWIA sec. 35, T. 6 N., R. 1 E, on southwest side of Shotgun Butte, Wyo. At Blue Pony coal mine in SW14SW14 sec. 25, T. 29 N., R. 14 E., Mont. SW14 sec. 30, T. 11 N., R. 1 E., on Cedar Creek a tribu- tary of Salmon Creek, Wash. (Miocene) In carbonaceous shale west of Killpecker Creek, 3 miles northwest of Rock Springs, Wyo. Whetstone Falls, on a tributary of Pacific Creek, north- east of Moran, Wyo. NW%NW% sec. 1, T. 17 N., R. 7 E., at Mendenhall mine, South Dakota. NEMSEM sec. 17, T. 6 N., R. 1 E., Wyo. SE14 sec. 8, T. 20 N., R. 90 W., Wyo. Sec. 33, T. 1 N., R. 47 E., Custer County, Mont. 8 miles south of Taylor, N. Dak. Sec. 24, T. 28 N., R. 14 E., about 4 miles east of Mack- ton coal mine, east of Big Sandy, Mont. 3 miles east of Fort Stevenson on north side of Missouri River, 71 miles north of Bismarck, N. Dak. 1 mile south of Como, Colo. Sec. 14, T. 4 S., R. 41 E., Mont. NEIA, sec. 18, T. 142 N., R. 90 W., N. Dak. NEIA sec. 31, T. 33 N., R. 55 E., Mont. Near 9109, but stratigraphically below. South half of sec. 15, T. 34 N., R. 91 W., Wyo. SE14 sec. 26, T. 18 N., R. 100 W., Black Buttes, Wyo. About 2 miles east of Viola, Wyo., on north side of road along LaBarge Creek. NW14NW14 sec. 22, T. 12 N., R. 100 W., Colo. Hiawatha Unit well 2. Above white sandstone of “Castle Gardens” on Muskrat Creek, south of Moneta, Wyo. NE14 sec. 10, T. 9 S., R. 47 E., Mont. (9334). East side of Smoky Butte Creek, 14 miles north- west of Jordan, Mont. Southeast corner of sec. 10, T. 16 N., R. 38 E., Mont. 1 mile above mouth of Powder River, 6 miles southwest of Terry, Mont. West side of Little Powder River, near Biddle, Mont. At Eagle coal mine, 1 mile southwest of Bear Creek, Mont. About 50 ft METHODS APPLIED IN THE STUDY OF THE PLANTS 35 9342. Sec. 28, T. 8 S., R. 93 W., one-half of a mile south of Blevin mine, Colo. 9398. SW14 sec. 20, T. 142 N., R. 90 W., N. Dak. 9399. NE14SW14 sec. 15, T. 6 N., R. 1 E., Wyo. . 9400. About 2 miles southwest of Black Rock, which is north— east of Point of Rocks, Wyo. 9401. See. 2, T. 9 S., R. 62 W., about 5 miles northeast of Fondis, Colo. 9402. About 5 miles southwest of Bridger, Mont. 9403. North side of highway, 5 miles northwest of Rock Springs, Wyo. 9404. About 3 miles west of Elk Basin, Wyo. 9405. Center of sec. 32, T. 6 N., R. 3 E., Wyo. 9421 (9180). NEl/L sec. 22, T. 19 N., R. 105 W., about 11%; miles north of Rock Springs, Wyo. 9445. Sec. 9, T. 4 N., R. 81 W., about 1% miles northeast of Whitely Peak, Colo. 9446. NWIANEl/i sec. 35, T. 9 N., R. 78 W., at Marr coal mine, Colorado. 9476. At Nygard coal mine, about 5 miles northeast of Big Sandy, Mont. 9477. NE%NW% sec. 33, T. 27 N., R. 95 W., Bison Basin, Wyo. 9478. SE14 sec. 11, T. 27 N., R. 95 W., Bison Basin, Wyo. 9479. Center of sec. 14, T. 27 N., R. 95 W., Bison Basin, Wyo. 9482. NWVLSWl/i sec. 10, T. 34 N., R. 90 W., Wyo. 9488. NE%NW% sec. 19, T. 27 N., R. 15 E., Mont. 9489. SW14 sec. 18, T. 27 N., R. 15 E., northeast of Ryan Butte, Bearpaw Mountains, Mont. 9490. NWI/LSwl/L sec. 12, T. 27 N., R. 14 E., Mont. 9491. NWIA, sec. 26, T. 28 N., R. 14 E., Mont. 9492. On west side of highway, 31/; miles north of Pagosa Junction, Colo. 9501. NW% sec. 16, T. 9 S., R. 97 W., along highway on left bank of Colorado River, 4 miles southwest of DeBeque, Colo. 9502. See. 15, T. 50 N., R. 68 W., 4 miles northwest of Moor- croft, Wyo. 9532. Center of SW14 sec. 27, T. 33 N., R. 95 W., Wyo. (Eocene) 9533. See. 10, T. 42 N., R. 108 W., Wyo. 9540. Northeast of Muskrat Creek camp at cabin, on road to Riverton, Wyo. 9554. 2 miles north of Highway 94, 3 miles east of bridge over Jimmy Camp Creek, 9 miles east of Colorado Springs, Colo. 9558. Center of NE14 sec. 36, T. 21 N., R. 117 W., Wyo. 9564. See. 2, T. 130 N., R. 104 W., 8 miles south of Rhame, N. Dak. 9565. Sec. 7, T. 30 N., R. 7 W., 1 mile above confluence of Los Pinos and San Juan Rivers, N. Mex. 9566. 3 miles west of Douglas, just north of US. Highway 20, Wyoming. METHODS APPLIED IN THE STUDY OF THE PLANTS The numerous collections of Paleocene plants used in this study differed greatly in quantity and quality of specimens. Some comprised a large assortment of well-preserved leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, pollen, spores, and wood; but many consisted of only a few specimens, often very poorly preserved. Nevertheless, Whatever the condition of the collection, the first step in its study was the trimming and preliminary sort- ing of the specimens and the assignment of a locality number, which was put on each specimen. After a general survey of the collection to get a tentative idea of its contents and of its approximate place in the geologic column, I began concentrated examination of the specimens to fulfill the threefold purpose, as I see it, of studying fossil plants: first, to segregate and identify the kinds as accurately as possible in order to establish their place in the evolution of the plant kingdom; second, to find items of restricted geologic range for the determination of the relative age and correlation of the containing strata; and third, to infer from the composition of the flora the probable ecologic conditions that prevailed when the plants were alive. The process of identifying fossil plants is fraught with many difliculties. Chief among these is the com- parative scarcity of satisfactory specimens in many collections; and second to this is the often poor quality of types and their illustrations, if these are still avail- able. Not all fragmentary specimens, however, are useless, for some may retain the very features neces— sary for their identification. Sometimes the fragments have proved to be worse than useless, for species founded on them have caused endless quibbling and frustration about their identities and the priority of the names given to them. In my opinion many paleo- botanical names are invalid because they apply to frag— ments that were not and cannot be adequately char- acterized for practical use. Instead of scarcity there may, on the other hand, be a surplus of good but variant specimens, and this may compel the identifier and describer to be a “lumper” or a “splitter.” Fortunately, for this study of the Paleocene plants of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains, I had at hand for comparison in the US. National Museum collections most of the type specimens described by previous writers. To these, as a result of many field trips during which I became intimately acquainted with the pertinent fossiliferous strata, I was able to add a large quantity of supplementary material. Unfortunately, I have not had an opportunity to see some types now located at other museums but have had to depend on the published descriptions and illustrations. Particularly is this true of all foreign Paleocene collections, more especially those described by Heer from Greenland, Watelet from the Paris Basin, France, and Saporta and Marion from Gelinden, Belgium. This foreign material is illustrated chiefly by drawings, for the most part beautifully done, but. how faithful to the specimens I do not know. For this reason I have refrained from adopting the names 36 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS of some of those types for American specimens even though the latter may seem, superficially at least, in— distinguishable from them. A considerable number of the foreign types, as identified and illustrated, seem not to be represented by similar specimens in the American Paleocene flora. In any case, identifications will depend largely upon the identifier’s knowledge of the morphology, classification, nomenclature, geographic distribution, and ecology of living plants, and his familiarity with paleobotanical literature. At the heart of all this will be his native botanical capacity and his philosophy about species, living and fossil. On theoretic grounds I have difficulty in accepting the proposition that species, considered to be groups of closely related individuals having in common a multiplicity of features, are discrete, natural entities. However discrete such species may seem to be now, their discreteness vanishes when they are viewed in the perspective of their ancestral history. If the parade of organic life—every individual plant and ani- mal that has ever lived—were passed in review from the beginning to the present before a competent biolo- gist, could he, except arbitrarily, classify the colossal array into species, genera, and families? I doubt it and I deny that any of his arbitrary species would in actuality be a natural entity. If only one individual of Ginkgo biloba Linnaeus or one individual of the passenger pigeon, Ectopis‘tes migrato'rius (Linnaeus) Swainson, remained, those specimens would simply be the last of many millions that preceded them in an un- interrupted line yesterday and ad infinitum into the limbo of the past. In the fossil record of Ginkgo many “species” appear, but it is now manifestly im- possible to circumscribe those “species” exactly and to decide upon the precise genetic moment when one evolved into a new “species.” As I conceive it, the organic world from the beginning to now has been like a continuous tapestry, a fabric woven without ob- servable natural breaks and obvious seams. The only separations are the purely arbitrary ones that have been invented and applied for practical, talking pur- poses. Repeatedly, therefore, in the following systematics I point out that the species I recognize are not neces- sarily natural but are in many instances dubious and are chiefly form or practical species. For example, some such aggregates are: Ginkgo adiantoides (Un- ger) Heer, Gemidiphyllum Motion/m. (Heer) Brown, Ampelopsz's acem'folz'a (Newberry) Brown, Platanus mynoldsi Newberry, and Viburnum antiqumn (New- berry) Hollick. These species, as I treat them, in- clude a large variety of leaf forms. Within this vari- ety, however, in each species there is a mode or norm that I visualize as the average mature leaf of that species. My synonymies, consequently, indicate a tendency to “lump” rather than to “split,” and my species names are merely labels for identifying recog- nizable, usable combinations of form and organiza- tion. I practice this method because, after long ex- perience with the publications and collections of “splitters,” I conclude that upon the latter rests the greater burden of proof that they have erected valid, usable species. I find it much easier to justify a norm, with its variants, as typical of a species or a geo- graphic race than to define many similar though slightly different leaves (or other parts of plants) as separate species because they have somewhat different shapes and some divergence, more or less, in the num— ber of marginal teeth. Over-refined species in an abundance of material seem difficult to define, com- prehend, and use, even by their describer. On the other hand, a common but sometimes deceptive prac- tice in paleontological work seems to be: the fewer specimens a student has the more species he is likely to make! In many instances named species are considered du- biously identified, but question marks are not used. This practice may be condemned on the ground that all such species should be assigned to Phyllites, Gar- pites, or similar catchall form genera. Nevertheless, it seems to me that a usable distinction in the degree of doubt can be made. For example, a leaf may have nearly all the features of Quercus, and Quercus could be an item of the flora, but the student may still have reservations because no acorns or other remains of Quercus have been found in the same strata as the leaf. Why should he relegate this leaf to Phyllites? If, however, the leaf has no features definitely sug- gestive of Quwms or any other genus known to him, he should not assign it to Quero‘us even with a question mark. I hold that binomials, especially when used as center headings in publications and in systematic lists, should be kept as free as possible of question marks and parenthetical or other material that prop- erly belongs in the discussion of the species. The descriptions of species sometimes leave much to be desired. Some students think they have done just— ice to a specimen when they have described it minutely to the last millimeter, marginal tooth, and surface hair. Although for some specimens this may be ap- propriate, I consider that it is more important. to be told concisely by what particular feature the spe- cies differs from those with which it might be con— fused. The detection and clear description of specific distinguishing features is the nub and hardest part of METHODS APPLIED IN THE STUDY OF THE PLANTS 37 paleobotanical work, but it emphasizes the fact that publication is intended for the benefit of others rather than as an outlet for the author. Casting about for help in identifying his material, the paleobotanist consults type collections, botanical manuals, herbarium sheets, seed collections, and ex- perts. In my studies I have been privileged with the opportunity of using the US. National Herbarium and the US. Department of Agriculture seed collection, to whose courteous and helpful stafl's I am greatly in— debted. Despite all this help I have been disap- pointed many times, and my failures to find satisfac- tory comparative living material together with the pos- sibility that many fossil specimens may represent ex- tinct taxa, have caused me regretfully to relegate numerous items to the catchall genera Oarpz'tes, Phyl- lites, etc., and to leave many unnamed. Another source of frustration is the not infrequent wrong citation of the locality of the type specimens in the older paleobotanical publications. Nevertheless, specimens of different ages and localities were thus mixed, some so much so that they have not been and perhaps never can be. correctly placed geographically and stratigraphically. Still another annoyance derives from the fact that the drawings in many paleobotanical publications are of doubtful merit and are often misleading in that they do not show the outlines, margins, and vena- tional details of the specimens accurately. Sometimes the specimens were not adequately cleaned and pre- pared before being handed to the artist, who, al- though professionally skillful, was most likely not a trained botanist and, consequently, could not be ex- pected to recognize some significant details. Thus, for example, the figure of Camus mwbewyi Hollick (New- berry, 1898, p. 124, pl. 37, fig. 4) illustrates a speci- men as having an entire margin. However, when I cleaned the specimen, well—defined marginal teeth emerged (pl. 28, fig. 1), necessitating its reallocation. In the figures of Lastrea (Gom'optem'g) palypoddoides Ettingshausen (Lesquereux, 1878, p. 57, p. 4, figs. 11, 12), the venational details are altogether misleading. Although the specimens are poorly preserved, careful inspection with a good lens in just the right light shows that they are examples of the same species of Woodwardia as illustrated by Lesquereux in his plate 3, figure 1a. Numerous other examples could be cited, if it were necessary to emphasize this point. Prac- titioners of paleobotany, it would seem, may learn several lessons from such mistakes: specimens and especially types should be studied first before relying on illustrations. If an artist does the drawing or re- touching, the figures should be checked minutely against the specimens before publication. In lieu of the best photographs, the most faithful drawings pos- sible should be made. Even with the best photographic technique, satisfactory illustrations cannot be made from fossils, and recourse must be had to drawings. Because the purpose of illustrations is primarily for the reader’s benefit and not to display the author’s photographic skill, I have little patience with those paleontologists who stubbornly insist upon no retouch- ing of photography. True, if retouching is necessary, it should be done accurately. To say that reasonably accurate and Satisfactory retouching is impossible is sophistry based on the platitude that no one is perfect. Should retouching be done with a steady hand and keen eye for morphological details, such slight devia- tion from the truth as may occur is likely to be im- material as compared With the benefit to the reader from having legible and informative illustrations. The treatment of the names of some species calls for a statement of my policy in this respect. When species based on obscure, atypical, and perhaps now lost fragments, have been given names that are in— appropriate and misleading, and if better specimens have been described subsequently under more appro- priate names, I have sometimes waived priority in favor of the better specimens and names. If the facts are stated clearly in each instance, I deny that this practice leads to confusion. For consistency in typography I have decapitalized all specific terms, no matter what their source, and have reduced all personal, specific terms ending in 732' to 2', except where id is absolutely required gram- matically. A fossil flora from a given area was preceded there yesterday by a flora only slightly, if any, different; but could one examine the continuous record backward for many millions of years great differences in floral composition would be apparent. These differences may be inferred to have been caused by the evolution, emi- gration, immigration, and extinction of species, cli- matic conditions, and physical avenues or barriers. Consequently, in the study of a collection I have be- gun by comparing its composition first with that of the flora living in the area. Such comparisons, how— ever, often prove futile, and one must look for clues in exotic floras, perhaps in distant parts of the world. The composition of the distant flora or floras may in- clude species that give clues to other unknowns in the fossil flora under examination. By inference, all the satisfactory identifications together permit the formu— lation of a reasonably probable concept about the 38 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS ecologic and climatic conditions that prevailed at the time the fossil flora lived. Some species may seem to be restricted to the fossil flora and its correlatives, thus serving as indices to relative age. These “index species,” however, must be accepted with reservations for they or their tentatively indistinguishable ancestors or descendants may sub- sequently be found in earlier or later strata. Further, the absence of a species or species from a given flora in which they apparently should be present must like— wise be accepted with caution. In brief, to determine the relative geologic age of a flora, not only the “in- dex species” but the whole flora must be evaluated, particularly in the light of its immediately surround- ing relatives, predecessors, and successors. The terms lower, middle, and upper following the formation name under each species description refer to general approximations within the Paleocene series and do not indicate definite stratigraphic limits within the Paleocene. THE PALEOCENE FLORA Distribution of the species is indicated by initials following their names, as Almy, AY; Animas, A; Canada, CA; Coalmont, CT; Denver and Dawson, D; Evanston, E; Ferris, F; Fort Union, F U; Livingston, L; Middle Park, MP; Puerco, P; Raton, R. See page 11 for names and distribution of formations and mem- bers. The Paleocene flora, for practical reasons, is here treated as a composite unit instead of by florules taken from the separately identified but fairly closely equiva- lent formations. SEEDLESS PLANTS C'here spp FU Fungi FU Marcher/me ligm‘tice (Ward) Brown, 11. comb ____________ FU peelei Knowlton ___FU Preissites werdi Knowlton FU Hypnnm coloredense Brown, n. sp _______________________ D Mm'em montenense Brown, n. sp _______________________ FU Hymenophyllum confnsnm Lesquereux ___________________ D Allentodiopsz’s erose (Lessuereux) Knowlton and Maxon ________________________ A, CT, D, FU, MP, R Blechnnm enceps (Lessuereux) Brown, 11. comb _____ D, FU, R Dennsteedt'ie emericene Knowlton _______________ CA, D, F‘U Dryoptem'is lekesi (Lesquereux) Knowlton __________ D, FU, R meeteetseene Brown, n. sp _________________________ FU serrete Brown, n. sp _ __ D, FU Lestree goldiene (Lesquereux) Lesquereux ________________________ A, CT, D, FU, MP, R Onoclee hespem‘e Brown, n. name ___________________ FY FU Seccolome gerdnem’ (Lesquereux) Knowlton ______ AY, D, FU Woodw‘erdie erotice (Heer) Brown, 11. comb____D, F, FU, MP Gleichem‘e hespem‘e Brown, n. sp _______________________ FU Anemia elongate (Newberry) Knowlton___A, D, FU, L, MP, R Lygodt’um coloredense Knowlton __________________ CT, D, F U Osmunde greenlendice (Heer) Brown, n. comb ________ D, FU mecrophylle Penhallow ________________________ CA, FU quisetem spp _________________________________ D, FU, MP Isoetites ham’idns (Dawson) Brown _____________ D, F, FU, R Seleginelle berthoedi Lesquereux _________________________ D colliem’ Knowlton _________________________________ FU monstrose (Hollick) Brown, n. comb ________________ FU SEED PLANTS Gymnosperms Zemie coloredensis (Knowlton) Brown, 11. comb ______ FU, MP wyomingcnsis Brown, n. Sp _________________________ FU Ginkgo edientoides (Unger) Heer ____________________ FU, L Amentotexns cempbelli (Gardner) Florin ________________ FU Amecerie longifolie (Lesquereux) Brown, n. comb ________ FU Glyptostrobns nordenskioldi (Heer) Brown, 11. comb __________________________ CT, D, E, F, FU, L, MP M eteseqnoie occidentelis (Newberry) Chaney____CT, E, F, FU Tea/"O‘dt‘um olm‘ki (Heer) Brown, n. comb _______________ FU, L Fokiemie catenulete (Bell) Brown, 11. comb __________ CA, FU Thuje interrepte Newberry ________________________ D, F, FU Monocotyledons Spergenflem entiqnnm (Newberry) Berry ____________ CT, FU Alismephyllites grendifolins (Penhallow) Brown, n. comb FU, R Segittem‘e megesperme Brown, 11. Sp ____________________ FU Hydromystrie expense (Heer) Hantke _________ CT, D, F, FU Grasslike monocotyledons Chemeedoree denee (Lesquereux) Berry __________________ R Peloreodoeites plicetus (Lesquereux) Knowlton ________ D, R Sebel greyene Lesquereux ______________________ D, F, FU, R imperielis Dawson _ ___ D, FU powelli Newberry ______________________________ FU, R Thrinee- dorfi Brown, n. sp _____________________________ FU Cenne? megnifolie Knowlton __ FU Zingibcrites debi’es Lesquereux _ D Dicotyledons Selim equiline Brown, n. sp ____________________________ FU (Jerye entiqnorem Newberry ______ A, CT, D, E, F, FU, MP, R JnglendtceM/e spp _ _ FU Jeglens berryene (Knowlton) Brown, 11. comb __________ A, R teerine Brown, D. Sp ______________________________ FU Pterocerye glebre Brown, n. sp _________________________ FU hism‘de BroWn, n. sp __________________________ CT, FU Bet‘ule stevensom’ Lesquereux __________________ CT, E, FU, L Coryles insignis Heer _______________________________ FU, L Cestenee intermedie Lesquereux _________ A, D, F, FU, MP, R Querces esymmetm’ce Trelease __________________________ FU greenlendice Heer _____ __ A mecneili Brown, n. Sp ______________________________ FU sellyi Newberry _r___-_' _______________________ CT, FU yulensis Brown, n. sp_ __ ____ __FU Celtis newberryi Knowlton and Cockerell ________________ FU pereceminete Brown, n. sp _________________________ FU Plenere mtcrophylle Newberry _______________________ D, FU Ulmus rhemrnifolie Ward _______________________________ FU Zelkove pleneroides (Ward) Brown, 11. comb _____________ FU Artocerpns lessigiene (Lesquereux) Knowlton__A, D, FU, P, R Ficus ejfinis (Lesquereux) Brown ____________ A, DY E, FU, R ertocerpoides LesquereuX ____________ E, F, FU, L, MP, R minutidens Knowlton _ A, R plem'costete Lesquereux ____________ A, D, E, F, F U, P, R SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA 39 Ficus afiinis (Lesquereux) Brown—Continued subtruncata Lesquereux _______________________ D, F, FU uncata Lesquereux __ R Morus montanensis Brown, n. Sp ________________________ FU Platanus nobilis Newberry ______________ CT. E, F, FU, MP, R raynoldsi Newberry __________ CT, D, F, FU, L, MP, P, R Oredneria? daturaefolia Ward __________________________ FU Cinnamomum sezannense Watelet ____________________ D, FU Laurophyllum caudatum (Knowlton) Brown, n. comb ____________________________________ E, F. FU, R perseanum Brown, D. Sp __________________ CT, E, FU, R Laurus socialis Lesquereux ______________ A, CT, D, E, FU, R Lindera obtusata (Ward) Brown, n. comb __________ A, F, FU Persea brossiana LesquereuX ____________ A, CT, FU, L, MP, R Sassafras thermale (Lesquereux) Brown, [1. comb___ CT, E, F, FU, MP Cabomba inermis (Newberry) Hollick ___________________ FU N elumbium montanum Brown, 11. Sp _____________________ FU tenuifolium Lesquereux __ A, D Nymphaea leei (Knowlton) Brown, D. comb _______________ R pulchella (Knowlton) Brown, 11. comb ________________ D Paleonelumbo macroloba Knowlton ______________________ FU Paleonuphar hesperium Brown, 11. Sp ____________________ FU Paranymphaea crassifolia (Newberry) Berry ____________ FU Cercidiphyllum arcticum (Heer) Brown ________________________ CT, D, E, F, FU, L, MP, R Magnolia berryi (Knowlton) Brown, n. comb ____________ A, R borealis Brown, n. name _________________________ FU, L magnifolia Knowlton _______________________ A, D, FU, R regalis Heer _____________________________________ D, R rotundifolia Newberry ______________________________ R Hamamelites inaequalis (Newberry) Brown, 11. comb ______ FU Liquidambar dakotense Brown, 11. Sp ____________________ FU Eucommia serrata (Newberry) Brown, 11, comb ____________________________ CA, CT, D, F, FU, R Hydrangea antica Brown, 11. Sp _____________________ FU, MP Asimina vesperaiis Brown, 11. Sp ________________________ FU Oercocarpus rauenscragensis Berry ______________________ CA Prunus carwhurstia Brown, 11. Sp _______________________ FU coloradensis Knowlton D, R corrugis Brown, 11. Sp _________________ AY, A, CT, F, FU mclearni Berry _____ 0A perita Brown, 11. Sp__ _ FU Bauhinia wyomingana Brown ____ FU Leguminosites coloradensis Knowlton ________________ FU, MP williamsi Berry _____ CA Mimosites coloradensis Knowlton ________________________ CT Robinvia wardi (Knowlton) Brown, 11. comb __________ CT, FU Staphyiea minutidens (Knowlton) Brown, 11. comb _________ R Acer fragile Knowlton R newberryi Brown, 11. name __________________________ FU silberiingi Brown, 11. Sp ____________________________ FU Spp. _____________________________________________ FU Sapindus A [finis (Newberry) Brown ___________________ D, FU Koclre'uteria annosa Brown ____________________________ FU Ilea' artocarpidioides (Lesquereux) Brown, 11. comb ________ D Paliurus? Sp. Berry __ ______ __ ____CA Rhamnus cleburni LesquereuX ____________________ D, FU, R goldiana Lesquereux ___________________________ A, D‘ R hirsuta Brown, n. sp _______________________________ FU Zizyphus fibriliosus (Lesquereux) Lesquereux____A, D, FU, R Zizyphoides mackayi Bell ________________________________ CA Ampelopsis acerifolia (Newberry) Brown, n, comb ____________________________ CT, D, E, FU, L, MP Cissus marginata (Lesquereux) Brown, n. comb ___________________________ A, CT, D, F, FU, P, R Cissites rocklandcnsis Brown, n. sp _______________________ R Parthenocissus ursiua Brown, n. Sp ______________________ FU Vitis lobata (Knowlton) Brown, n. comb ______________ A, FU olriki Heer ___________________________ D, E, FU, MP, R SD ______________________________________________ FU Dombeyopsis magnifica Knowlton _________________________ D Pterospermites cordatus Ward _____________________ D, FU, R Dillenites garfieldensis Brown, n. Sp ____________________ FU Myrtophyllum torreyi (Lesquereux) Dorf __________ A, D, FU Trapa angulata (Newberry) Brown, n. comb __________ CA, FU Trapa paulula (Bell) Brown, n. comb ________________ CA, FU Melastomites montanensis Brown, 11. Sp ________________ F. FU Cornus hyperborea Heer ___________________________ FU, MP nebrascensis Schimper _________________________ FU, MP Nyssa alata (Ward) Brown, n. comb ____________ D, F, FU, R borealis Brown, n. Sp ____________________________ F, FU Nyssa? obovata Knowlton __ __D Kalmia elliptica Brown, n. sp ________________________ D, FU Framinus eocenica Lesquereux _____________ CT, D, E, FU, MP Apocynophyllum lesquereumi Ettingshausen ________________ R Viburnum antiquum (Newberry) Hollick ______________ F, FU asperum Newberry ____FU cupanioides (Newberry) Brown, n. comb _________ CA, FU tilioides Ward _ A, FU Macclintockia kanei (Heer) Seward and Conway___Green1and Phyllites demoresi Brown, n. Sp ________________________ FU disturbans Brown, n. Sp JU pagosensis Knowlton __________________________ A, D, R Galycites hewaphylla Lesquereux ______________________ E, FU polysepala Newberry ______________________________ FU Carpolithes spinosus Newberry ___________________________ R Nordenskioldia borealis Heer _______________________ CT, FU Palmocarpon commune Lesquereux _____________________ D, R compositum Lesquereux R lineatum Lesquereux. D subcylindricum Lesquereux _____________________ D, FU truncatum Lesquereux _ D Viburnum goldianum Lesquereux _________________________ D solitarium Lesquereux _ _ D Ophiomorpha nodosa Lundgren __________________________ FU Fossil wood and miscellaneous objects of uncertain affinity. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA SEEDLESS PLANTS ALGAE Chara spp. Plate 5, figures 1—6 Characeous oogonia, probably representing several distinct Species, have been found in the Paleocene strata of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains. One collec— tion, made by Donald Duncan, of the US. Geological Survey, contains Spherical oogonia (pl. 5, figs. 2, 3) averaging 1 mm in diameter. These resemble in size and number of sheathing cells or spiral ridges those (pl. 5, fig. 1) of Chara compressa Knowlton (1888, p. 156, 157), now called Aclistochara compressa (Knowl- ton) Peck and Reker (1948, p. 87, pl. 21, figs. 31—33), 40 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS from the Flagstaff limestone near Wales, Utah, and the Willow Creek formation in Canada (Bell, 1949, p. 36, pl. 22, figs 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8). They also resemble those described by Watelet (1866, p. 50—56) from the Ter- tiary of the Paris Basin. Somewhat similar specimens (pl. 5, figs. 4—6) were collected from about the same stratigraphic level in the Fort Union formation in North Dakota by W. E. Benson, of the US. Geological Survey; and by R. B. Colton, also of the Survey, from a slightly lower stratigraphic level in N E714 sec. 31, T. 33 N., R. 55 E., Sheridan County, Mont. These smaller specimens ap- pear to me to represent a different species than those in the Duncan collection and are perhaps close to Aclz'stocham mitella Peck and Reker (1948, p. 89, pl. 21, figs. 16—20) from the Evanston (Hoback) forma- tion in Hoback Canyon, Wyo. Another species, A. 001-- omta Peck and Reker also from the Evanston forma- tion, is intermediate in size between A. compressa and A. mitella. I have seen none such in the Fort Union formation. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 9206; (upper), 229 (fig. 1), 9204 (figs. 2, 3), 9205 (figs. 4—6). FUNGI Round or irregular spots occur on many species of Paleocene leaves. Oswald Heer described the follow— ing from the Paleocene strata of Greenland: Depazea gro'nlwmlica, Rhytisma boreale, Sclero‘tim oimwmomi, S. populicola, Spham'z'a ammulz’fem, S. aretz'ca, and S. imterpmgem. Those called Sclerotimn mbeZZu/m Les- quereux (1874, p. 35, pl. 1, fig. 2) occur on the leaves of a palm; and those called Sclerotites? cypem‘co‘la Knowlton (1930, p. 16, pl. 1, fig. 7) and 8.? hespem'us Knowlton (idem, pl. 1, fig. 6) on sedgelike leaves. Doubtless some of these spots were caused by fungi or bacteria, but others may have been caused by insects, worms, or mechanical wear and tear. I have made no effort to study the spots microscopically by peel or other methods and have found no satisfactory criteria for distinguishing them megascopically. Consequently I offer no identifications of them. On the contrary I consider it best that such objects be not named unless characterizable spores are found. Notice of them may well be confined to the description of the foliage on which they occur. What purports to be the context of a bracket-fungus was described by Heer as Po‘lypom'tes sequm'we (1874, p. 48, pl. 83, fig. 10). This dubious object also might better have remained unnamed. Spores of fungi occur in the Paleocene coals, as found by Wilson and Webster (1946, p. 271, fig. 1) who described Brachyspofium sp‘. from near Red Lodge, Mont. HEPATICAE Marchantia lignitica (Ward) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 4, figures 4, 6 Fucus lignitum Lesquereux. Ward, 1886, p. 549, pl. 31, fig. 2; 1887, p. 13, pl. 1, fig. 2 [not fig. 1, which is Trapa, angu- lata (Newberry) Brown]. Ward’s illustration (his fig. 2) of this species (fig. 4) does not show a feature present on the specimen when cleaned up, namely, the distinct areolation, similar to that on the upper surface of the thallus of a living liverwort of the family Marchantiaceae. Reexamina- tion of the specimens illustrated in Ward’s figures 1 and 2 shows that they do not represent the same spe- cies of plant. Specimen 1 was collected from Upper Cretaceous strata at Point of Rocks, Wyo., and is the dissected, submerged foliage of Trapa? angulata (New- berry) Brown, whose typical floating rosettes are also found at the same locality. Specimen 2 is from Fort Union strata at Burns Ranch, on the left bank of the Yellowstone River, 30 miles northeast of Glendive, Mont. As these are fresh-water deposits, the specimen cannot be a species of Fucus, which is a genus of marine algae. The size of the thallus, surface mark- ings, and general habit resemble those of the living Marchantia polymorpha Linnaeus. The areolations of the related Uonocephams are considerably larger. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (middle), 2420 (fig. 4, 6). Marchantia pealei Knowlton Plate 4, figures 1, 10 Marchantia peeled Knowlton, 1908, p. 157—159, pl. 25. Marchantttes pealei (Knowlton) Steere, 1946, p. 305. This species resembles Mamhamtia ligm'tica (Ward) Brown but apparently.» lacks the areolations of the latter. Hollick (1930, p. 37, pl. 1, fig. 2) described M. yukonensz's from Cretaceous strata in Alaska. It also lacks distinguishing surface features and may be related to M. pealei. The transfer to Marchmtites was a futile gesture. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4293 (fig. 10, a reproduction of Knowlton’s type), 8517 (fig. 1), 8258; (upper), 8202. Preissites wardi Knowlton Plate 4, figure 7 Preissites wardii Knowlton, 1894, p. 458—460, pl. 219, figs. 1—3. Marchantites wardii (Knowlton) Steere, 1946, p. 305. The thalli of this species were represented as having “lines” simulating secondary veins branching from the “midrib.” These “lines” are folds or wrinkles in the troughs of which some carbonaceous matter is pre- served giving the appearance of veinlets. As no fruit- SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA 41 ing bodies have been found on these specimens, there remains some doubt as to the affinities implied in the generic name. The transfer to Marchantites by Steere, in my opinion, was needless. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 8252; (middle), 2420 (fig. 7) ; (lower), 8252; (upper), 9125. MUSOI Hypnum coloradense Browu, n. sp. Plate 5, figure7 This is a leafy sterile shoot, of probable procumbent habit. The leaves are narrow ovate-lanceolate in out- line, sharp—pointed, with costae. Sporophyte lacking. Occurrence: Dawson arkose, 5738 (fig. 7). Mnium montanense Brown, n. sp. Plate 5, figure 12 Leaves ovate, acute, entire, in two rows. Costa fairly strong ending in the apex. In the absence of spore capsules and other distinguishing features, it seems futile to compare this species with any living species of Mmlum. Resemblances to species of Fissidens are suggested. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 8519 (fig. 12). FERNS HYMENOPHYLLACEAE Hymenophyllum confusum Lesquereux Plate 6, figure 9 Hymenophyllum confusum Lesquereux, 1878, p. 51, pl. 2, figs. 6-621. Knowlton, 1930, p. 17, pl. 1, fig. 4. Knowlton’s figure of this species is perhaps a little clearer than Lesquereux’s, but all the specimens are poorly preserved, so that the species is difficult to characterize. Occurrence: Denver formation, 317 (fig. 9). POLYPODIACEAE Allantodiopsis erosa (Lesquereux) Knowlton and Maxon Plate 5, figures 13—16 Allantodiapsis erosa (Lesquereux) Knowlton and Maxon. Knowlton, 1919, p. 61. Knowlton, 1924, p. 78, pl. 6, fig. 1; 1930, p. 24, pls. 4, 5. See synonymy. Bell, 1957. p. 21, pl. 3, figs. 3,6, 9. Asplenmm remotidens Knowlton, 1899, p. 669, pl. 80, fig. 7. Osmtmda (minis (Lesquereux) Lesquereux, 1878, p. 60, pl. 4, fig. 1. Pteris pseudopennaeformis Lesquereux. pl. 75, fig. 1b. Saccoloma gardnem‘ (Lesquereux) Knowlton. p. 26, pl. 3, fig. 4. [not other figs] Hollick, 1936, p. 39, Knowlton, 1930, Not much can be added to the description of this species except the record of new localities. Apparently only one fruiting specimen—that illustrated by Knowl- ton (1930, pl. 4, fig. 1)—has ever been found in Paleo— cene strata. The features that distinguish this species are: pin- nules large, coarse, serrate with cuneate bases more or less petioled; secondary veins almost at right angles to the midrib, widely spaced, not anastomosing, branch— ing once near the relatively slender midrib and some— times again near the margin, with occasional un— branched intermediaries; vein terminations in the mar— gin not conspicuously swollen; sori large, elliptic, astride the distal branch of a secondary vein near the midpoint between midrib and margin. This or a very closely related species occurs in Upper Cretaceous strata in the Rocky Mountain region; and possibly the same or another species occurs in Eocene strata near Mitchell, Clarno, and Comstock, Greg; on Skookumchuck River, Swauk Creek, Fletts Creek (near Wilkeson), and other localities in Washington. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 7663, 8551, 8884; (upper), 8774; Animas formation, 7496, 8447 ; Coalmont formation, 6105 (fig. 14) ; Denver for- mation, 317 (fig. 15), 318 (fig. 13), 325 (fig. 16, Knowlton’s fruiting type reproduced), 8777 ; Middle Park formation, 326; Raton formation, 5826. Blechnum anceps (Lesquereux) Brown, n. comb. Plate 6, figures 3, 4 Salpichlaena anceps (Lesquereux) Knowlton, 1930, p. 27, pl. 7, figs. 1—3. [Omit all but last item of synonymy, for they are Allantodiopsis erosa (Lesquereux) KnoWlton and Maxon.] Pteris linearis Knowlton, 1917, p. 284, pl. 54, fig. 3. From such fragments of this fern as are preserved, it would appear that the frond was branched and relatively open, like the living Osmw’nda regalis, with the pinnules widely spaced and approximately at right angles to the rachis. The pinnules have entire or sub- denticulate margins, and rounded, cordate, or auricu— late bases. The midvein is slender, and the secondary veins, although simulating those of Allamtodiopsis 6mm, are more closely spaced, the distal portions be- ing directed almost at right angles to the midvein, and the vein terminations in the margin are con- spicuously enlarged or club shaped. No fertile re— mains of this species have been recognized. Blealmum is now the accepted name for these ferns. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 8666, 8678 (figs. 3, 4), 8928; Denver formation, 322, 6142; Raton formation, 5099. 42 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Dennstaedtia americana Knowlton Plate 6, figures 1, 2, 5—7 Demzstaedtia amem’cana Knowlton, 1910, p. 492, pl. 63, fig. 4; pl. 64, figs. 3—5. Berry, 1935, p. 16. Dennstaedtia crossiana Knowlton, 1930, p. 21, pl. 2, figs. 7—9. Dennstaedtia blomstrandri (Heer) Hollick. Bell, 1949, p. 39, pl. 24, figs. 1, 4; pl. 26, fig. 5. Knowlton’s types from North Dakota include both fertile and sterile fronds, and similar material, as illustrated, from other localities confirms the charac— terization of the species. The venation of the fertile pinnules consists of veins to the sori only, whereas that of the sterile pinnules is considerably more dif- fuse and forked. The relationship of this species to the sterile foliage from the Tertiary of Greenland and Alaska called Demstaedtia blamstromdz’ (Heer) Hollick, and to that from the Upper Cretaceous of western Alberta, called Sphenoptem (Denmstaedtia?) burlz'ngi Bell, is prob- lematical. Many of those specimens are fragmentary, and their characterization is difficult. This, or a close ancestral species occurs in the Cretaceous of northern Alaska. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (upper), 4273 (fig. 1, Knowlton’s type reproduced), 4334, 5029 (fig. 7), 6084, 8222 (figs. 2, 5), 8231 (fig. 6), 8913; Dawson arkose, 325; Paskapoo and Ravenscrag formations, Canada. ’ Dryopteris lakesi (Lesquereux) Knowlton Plate 8, figure 15 Dryopterts lakesii (Lesquereux) Knowlton, 1930, p. 18, pl. 1, figs. 1, 2. Asplem'um? primero Knowlton, 1917, p. 285, pl. 54, fig. 4. Knowlton’s figure 2, from the Denver formation, shows a fruiting specimen, the numerous sori being small, round, and evenly spaced on both sides of the ultimate veins. Knowlton’s figure 1, the specimen of which I cannot now locate, appears to be misleading in showing excessively forked venation. In most speci- mens the ultimate veinlets are simple, and enter the apexes of the lobes. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 7538, 8899; Denver formation, 317 (fig. 15); Raton forma— tion, 5798. Dryopteris meeteetseana Brown, n. sp. Plate 5, figure 17 Frond at least twice divided, anadromic, that is, with the first pinnule closest to the main rachis on the upper side of the pinna axis. Proximal pinnules free or almost free, but distal pinnules more or less united. Pinnules with rounded lobes each of which receives a vein. Astride the veins are round sori, but no spores are preserved. Occurrence: Fort Union formation, 4694 (fig. 17). Dryopteris serrata Brown, n. sp. Plate 8, figure 17 Frond at least once divided; lowermost pinnae petioled, parted to the midvein into rounded obtuse divisions; uppermost pinnae becoming more and more sessile and less divided. Margins serrate. Lowest secondaries of the almost free pinnules thrice forked, the next, twice forked, and the rest once forked. Simi- larly for the undivided pinnae. No comparison with a living species is sugested, and the reference to Dryoptem's is entirely nominal. The species may be the same as Hemitelites torelh’ Heer (1871, p. 462, pl. 49, figs. 1—5a; pl. 55, fig. 2) from Atanekerdluk, Greenland. Occurence: Fort Union formation (lower) 8519, 8678 (fig. 17); Dawson arkose, 5836. Lastrea goldiana (Lesquereux) Lesquereux Plate 5, figures 9—11, 18 Aspidium goldiawum Lesquereux, 1874, p. 293. Lastrea (Gom'optem‘s) golditma (Lesquereux) Lesquereux, 1878, p. 56, pl. 4, fig. 13. Lastrea (Gonioptew‘s) fischeri Heer. pl. 50, figs. 1, 1a. Newberry, 1898, p. _10, pl. 48, fig. 6. Lastrea (Gonioptem‘s) Icm'ghm'tma Newberry, 1883, p. 503. Asplemum‘? penhallowi Bell, 1949, p. 41, pl. 26, figs. 1, 3, 4. Dryoptem‘s? cladophleboides Knowlton, 1917, p. 284, pl. 54, fig. 1; 1924, p. 78, pl. 6, fig. 2. Dryoptem‘s integm Knowlton, 1930, p. 17, pl. 1, fig. 5. Dryoptem‘s lesquereuwii Knowlton, 1922a, p. 109. Dryopten’s richardsom‘ana Knowlton, 1930, p. 20, pl. 2, figs. 3—5. Lesquereux, 1883, p. 239, The type specimen of this Species, originally called Aspidz'um goldianum, is now poorly preserved but may have been in better condition when first studied and figured. In 1922 Knowlton (p. 109) recorded this specimen with the Laramie flora of the Denver Basin, but in 1930 (p. 20) spoke of it as being from the Denver formation although he did not list it as a spe- cies of the Denver (Tertiary) flora. Examination of the matrix, however, confirms the latter assignment. The few to many equally spaced gracefully forward- curving, rarely forked, secondary veins of the entire- margined slightly falcate pinnules, characterize the specimens assigned to this species. Fertile pinnae are scarce (figs. 9, 11; and Knowlton’s Dryoptem 73n- tegm), but when present have small round sori on the secondary veins midway between the midrib and mar— gin. The relationship of this species to Dryoptem's Zam- mz'emis Knowlton (1922a, p. 109, pl. 1, fig. 5) from SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA the Laramie formation in the Denver Basin; to Heer’s Paleocene specimens from Greenland called Aspidz'um esckem', A. beam”, and A. meyem'; to Saporta’s Also— phila thelypteroz’des (1868, p. 324, pl. 3, fig. 1); to Knowlton’s Eocene specimens from Yellowstone Park, called Asplem’um iddingsz', Dryoptemls weedi, D. wom- tholithensis; to Berry’s Eocene species, Gonioptefis les- guereum', from the Wind River Basin in Wyoming; to Hollick’s Tertiary species, Asplemlum alaskamom and Dryoptem's meyeri, from Alaska; to Heer’s Lastrea fischeri from Miocene lakebeds at Oeningen, Germany; and to specimens from many Eocene localities in Washington and Oregon, is difficult to evaluate, for in many instances the figured specimens involved are poorly preserved and provide only tantalizing re— semblances. The Eocene specimens, however, appear to be somewhat larger, with more secondary veins in each pinnule. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4661, 8258 (fig. 18); Animas formation, 7484; Coalmont formation, 6105 (fig. 11); Dawson arkose, 325 (figs. 9, 10), 5738; Denver formation, 317; Middle Park formation, 333; Raton formation, 5803. Onoclea hesperia Brown, n. name Plate 7, figures 1, 4 Onocl‘ea sensibilis fossilis Newberry, 1868, p. 39; 1898, p. 8, pl. 23, fig. 3. Knowlton, 1902, p. 705, pl. 26, figs. 1—4. Berry, 1935, p. 16, pl. 1, figs. 2, 3; pl. 2. [From Berry's synonymy delete the items Woodwardia, latiloba and W. latiloba minor, which are W. arcttca (Heer) Brown] Onoclea hebm‘dica (Forbes) Ettingshausen and Gardner. Bell, 1949, p. 40, pl. 20, fig. 5; pl. 24, figs. 3, 5; pl. 25, fig. 2. This species is represented by characteristic sterile foliage at many Paleocene localities, but fertile fronds have been reported from only one locality, along Sweetgrass Creek, west of Porcupine Butte, on the east side of the Crazy Mountains, Mont. (Knowton, 1902, p. 705). Similar fertile fronds, originally called Gau- Zim'tes fecmda, were described by Lesquereux from the Laramie formation at Erie, Colo. The sterile fronds most likely to be confused with Onoclea are those of Wood/wardia. However, if the margins are well enough preserved, those of Omelea Will be entire, whereas those of Woodwardzla will be minutely serrulate or serrate. If the venation is clearly preserved, the veins of Onoclea make a more uniform pattern of anastomosis, even close to the margins, than those of Woodwardia, which, after one or two anasto- moses, tend to be forked to the margins. This species is distinguished from the Cretaceous species, Onloclea fecunda Knowlton, in having more elongated, pointed, marginal lobes. It may be equiva— lent to 0. hebridica (Forbes) Gardner and Ettings- 43 hausen (1879, p. 68) from the Eocene Ardtun beds, Isle of Mull. A new name is hereby proposed for this American species, because the original trinomial is misleading, unnecessary, and inappropriate. First, there is no as— surance that this species is identical with the living 0. sensibilis Linnaeus, however closely they may resemble each other; nor that it is a variety or subspecies of 0. sensibilis, as indicated by the third term fossilis. Moreover, every fossil species of Onoclea deserves the adjective fossilis. Finally, trinomials are unnecessary in paleobotany, for they suggest a degree of refinement in identification of fossil plant remains that is neither achieved nor even possible of achievement. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4029, 5842, 7004 (fig. 4), 8897, exact loc. not stated (fig. 1, Newberry’s fig. 3 reproduced); (upper), 607, 5322, 8212, 8917, 8921, 8922, 9072;,Ferris formation, 6419. Saccoloma gardneri (Lesquereux) Knowlton Plate 5, figure 19; plate 6, figures 12, 13 Saccoloma gardnem' (Lesquereux) Knowlton, 1919, p. 560; 1930, p. 26, pl. 3, figs. 3, 5—8 [not fig. 4, which is Allan- todiopsis erosa (Lesquereux) Knowlton and Maxon]. Bell, 1957, p. 20, pl. 1, figs. 6, 8. Phanerophlebites pealet Knowlton, 1922a, p. 110, pl. 3, fig. 5. Pteris goldmam Knowlton, 1922a, p. 111, pl. 2, fig. 3. Saccoloma, sp. Knowlton, 1930, p. 27, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2. The distinguishing features of this species are: pinnules sometimes longer and larger than those of Allantodz’opsis crow and Blechnmn (weeps; margins entire or slightly undulating; bases rounded or cune- ate; midrib stout; secondary venation somewhat re- sembling that of Allmtodz'opsz’s erosa, except for fre- quent anastomoses; in sterile pinnules the veins ter— minate in the margin without conspicuous thickening, but in fertile pinnules the veins terminate in round to squarish sori that unite to form a marginal border. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4029 (pl. 6, fig. 13), 6845, 7538, 8678 (pl. 6, fig. 12), 8897 (pl. 5, fig. 19) ; (upper) 5030; Almy formation, 3667; Dawson arkose, 325, 5738, 5831, 6142. Woodwardia arctica (Heer) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 7, figures 2, 3, 5 Woodwardites Motions Heer, 1868, p. 86, pl. 1, figs. 16, 16b; pl. 45, fig. 20; pl. 48, fig. 9; 1871, p. 462, pl. 40, fig. 6. Woodwardia latiloba Lesquereux, 1874, p. 391; 1878, p. 54, pl. 3, figs. 1, 1a. Woodwardia lattloba minor Lesquereux, 1874, p. 391; 1878, p. 54, pl. 4, figs. 9, 9a. Woodwardia latiloba serrate Knowlton, 1930, p. 22, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2. Woodwardia mamom Knowlton, 1910, p. 489, pl. 63, fig. 3; pl. 64, figs. 1, 2. Berry, 1926, p. 95, pl. 10, figs. 2, 3. Dryopten‘s polypodioides (Ettingshausen) Knowlton, 1930, p. 20. 4:4: PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Lastrea (Goniopteris) polypodioides (Ettingshausen) Lesque— reuX, 1878, p. 57, pl. 4, figs. 11, 12. Onoclea sensibilis Linnaeus. Hollick, 1936, p. 35, pl. 2, figs. 2—4. Onoclea sensibilis [aretica] Heer, 1883, p. 48, pl. 70, fig. 6. Pteris pseudopennaeformis Lesquereux, 1878, p. 52, pl. 4, figs. 3, 4. Sterile leaves of Onoclea and Woodwamlia may re— semble one another closely, a circumstance that renders fragmentary fossil material of these genera difficult to distinguish. In general, however, the leaf-margins of Onoclea are entire, whereas those of' Woodwamdia, except for some fertile fronds, are either minutely serrulate or conspicuously serrate. Thus, Hollick’s fig- ures of Onoclea sensibilis from the Tertiary of Alaska give the impression of having entire margins and therefore of being assignable to Onoclea. His speci— mens, however, particularly that of his figure 4, show clearly serrate margins, and therefore, they are trans- ferred to Waodwai-dia. In Lesquereux’s figures of Ptem's pseudopenma‘efonmis the venation is incorrectly illustrated. Practically, the misidentification of one for the other of these genera would probably make little or no difference for ecological or climatic inter- pretations. The relationship of this species to Woodwandia cre- nata Knowlton (1900, p. 22, pl. 3, fig. 3) and other Cretaceous and post—Paleocene species is conjectural. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4661, 6116, 7005, 8519 (figs. 3, 5), 8852, 8666, 8897; (upper), 5030 (fig. 2), 6420, 8652, 8913; Denver formation, 318, 8447; Ferris formation, 6420; Middle Park formation, 333. GLEICHENIACEAE Gleichenia hesperia Brown, n. sp. Plate 8, figures 11, 12, 16 Pinnules long, relatively narrow, squarely sessile on the rachis at right angles or nearly so, with crenate or rounded marginal lobes pointing slightly distad. The notches between the lobes do not reach the rachis, as in most fossil species of Gleichenia. The venation of each marginal lobe consists of one somewhat un— dulant vein and its two or three branches. No sori have been found. These specimens are only nominally assigned to Gleiehenia. Somewhat similar material from the Cre- taceous of Greenland was called Phegoptem’s jorgenseni Heer (1883, p. 32, pl. 35, figs. 1—3), and later Sphenop— Item's jov‘genseni (Heer) Seward. Saporta and Marion (1878, p. 16, pl. 1, figs. 2—3), described a comparable fragment as Beniteia minima from the Paleocene of Gelinden, Belgium. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 8519 (figs. 12, 16), 8897 (fig. 11). SCHIZAEACEAE Anemia elongate. (Newberry) Knowlton Plate 6, figure 8 Sphenopteris (Aspleninm) elongatnm Newberry, 1863, p. 511. Anemia elongata (Newberry) Knowlton, 1922a, p. 112, pl. 2, fig. 2. [In the synonymy, under Anemia perpleaa Hollick, omit pl. 63, figs. 1—4.] Aneimia eocenica Berry, 1916a, p. 164, pl. 9, fig. 7; pl. 10, fig. 2; pl. 11, figs. 1, 2; 1930, pl. 47, fig. 1. Anemia grandifolia Knowlton, 1924, p. 78, pl. 5. Anemia lanceolata Knowlton, 1930, p. 29, pl. 8, fig. 10. Anemia mosbyensis Knowlton, 1930, p. 28, pl. 8, fig. 9. Anemia occidentalis Knowlton, 1917, p. 285, pl. 54, fig. 2. ‘ Anemia snpercretacea Hollick. Knowlton, 1917, p. 248, pl. 30, fig. 5. Anemia sp. Knowlton, 1916, p. 87, pl. 15, figs. 6, 7. Anemia sp. Knowlton, 1916, p. 333, pl. 84, fig. 4. Anemia sp. Knowlton, 1922a, p. 113, pl. 2, fig. 1. Anemia sp. Knowlton, 1930, p. 30, pl. 8, fig. 7. Aneimia sp. Dorf, p. 44, pl. 1, fig. 8. Asplenium eoliyniticnm Berry, 1961a, p. 167, pl. 11, fig. 3; 1930c, p. 62, pl. 8, figs. 2—4. [Not A. eoligniticnm de- scribed by Brown, 1934, p. 52, pl. 8, figs. 3, 4. This is probably A. hurleyensis Berry.] Diplaeinm crossii (Knowlton) Knowlton, 1930, p. 23, fig. 6. [See synonymy.] Lygodinm? compactnm Lesquereux. pl. 1, fig. 1. Pteris pennaeformis Heer. Newberry, 1898, p. 7, pl. 48, fig. 5. Ptei‘is pseudopennaeformis Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1902, p. 22. [Lesquereux’s original specimens are Woodwardia arc- tiea (Heer) Brown] Berry, 1916, p. 168, pl. 9, fig. 6. Pteris rnssellii Newberry, 1883, p. 503; 1898, p. 7, pl. 61, figs. 1, 1a. Knowlton, 1922a, p. 113, Anemia is sometimes spelled Aneimia. Originally Swartz spelled it Anemia, but in a footnote gave the derivation as from the Greek aneimon, unclad, naked. The correct ultimate transliteration, therefore, would be Animia. The reference of these Cretaceous and Tertiary ferns to Anemia seems to be justified, following the discov- ery by Andrews and Pearsall (1941, p. 168) of what purport to be the fertile parts of Anemia fi-emonti Knowlton from the Frontier formation (Cretaceous) in western Wyoming. No such fructifications have yet been found or reported from later formations con- taining sterile fronds. Collectors, however, should be on the alert for such remains. The synonymy given here is the writer’s opinion only and rests on no definite characters that ally all these specimens as one species. That a number of species may here be mixed is quite probable inasmuch as the range of specimens extends from uppermost Cretaceous into Eocene. It will be noted that in general only fragments, usually the tips of fronds, are figured. Knowlton’s Anemia grandifolia, from the Animas formation, is SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA 45 the largest figured specimen, and inspection of it re— veals the great variation in degree of dissection of the pinnules. It is for this reason that the long syn— onymy includes species with pinnules that are prac— tically entire, and others that are dissected almost, if not entirely, to the rachis. The relationship of Anemia elongate to A. fremonitz‘ Knowlton of the Colorado group and to A. delicaitula Brown of the Green River and related formations, is obscure. Gradations from one to the other seem plaus- ible but hardly demonstrable. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 2421; 4028; 7538, 8928; (upper) 1502, 2416, 4369, 6084 (fig. 8), 8678, 8775, 9532; Animals formation, 7481; Daw- son arkose, 5738, 5836, 8188; Livingston formation, 8896; Middle Park formation, 333, 335, 337; Raton formation, 5697. Lygodium coloradense Knowlton Plate 8, figures 9, 10 Lygodimn coloradcmse Knowlton, 1930, p. 30, pl. 8, fig. 8. This species was based upon a single specimen whose base was deeply scalloped and venation widely spaced. Material collected subsequently from other Paleocene localities indicates that not all the specimens have bases like that of the type but that some may be cuneate. The relatively Widely spaced and generally less forked venation, however, seems to be a persistent and distinguishing feature. The American Eocene species, Lygodium neuropteroz'des Lesquereux [1). kaul— fussi Heer of authors], has more closely spaced vena- tion, giving the pinnules a less coarse appearance. Fertile pinnules (fig. 9) of Lygodz'um aolomdense occur in the Coalmont formation of North Park, 0010., but these do not appear to be significantly different from those of Eocene species. No authentic remains of Lygodium have been reported from Laramie, Lance, and Hell Creek strata, the specimens from those for- mations alleged to belong to Lygodium being frag— ments assignable to other genera. The earliest known American climbing fern is L. pumilmn Brown (1943b, p. 141, figs 1—5), with delicate, small pinnules, from the Montana group near Casper, VVyo. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 8678 (fig. 10) ; Coalmont formation, 6105 (fig. 9) ; Dawson arkose, 5738 (type). OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda greenlandica (Heer) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 5, figure 8; plate 6, figures 14, 15 Pteris gro'nltmdica Heer, 1883, p. 49, pl. 70, figs. 1—5; pl. 107, fig. 1. 593121 0 - 62 - 3 Ptem‘s oem’ngensis Unger. Heer, 1880, p. 9, pl. 3, figs. 2, 3, 4, 8b. Cladophlebis groenlandica (Heer) Bell, 1949, p. 38, pl. 26, fig. 2. Pinnules 2 cm long, somewhat broad falcate in out— line, entire or only slightly crenulate, pointed, and separated from one another by narrow, rounded sinuses reaching to within 1 or 2 mm of the rachis. Secondary veins openly spaced, once forked near the midvein, and rarely forked again near the margin. No fertile fronds assignable to this species have been found. It can be compared with Osmunda claytom’oma Linnaeus, of the Eastern United States. The specimens described by Heer as Pteris grom- lcmdica from Paleocene strata at Atanekerdluk, Green— land, have only slightly smaller pinnules than those of the Montana specimens here figured as the same species. The relationship of Osm/zmda greenlomdica to species described by Hollick (1936) from the Tertiary of Alaska as Pteris imequilatemlis and Osmunda du— bio‘sw, is problematical. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 8519 (figs. 14, 15), 9253; (upper), 8774, 9238; Denver for— mation, 317 (fig. 8). Osmunda macrophylla Penhallow Plate 6, figures 10, 11; plate 8, figures 7, 8, 13, 14 Osmunda. macrophylla Penhallow, 1908, p. 65, text fig. 15. Bell, 1949, p. 38, pl. 24, fig. 2; pl. 25, figs. 1, 3, 4. Osmunda heerii Gaudin. Heer, 1868, p. 88, pl. 1, figs. 6—11; pl. 8, fig. 15b. Pinnules oblong, broad at the somewhat auriculate base, sessile, rounded at the apex. Margin crenulate. Secondary veins twice or thrice forked, undulant. No fertile fronds assignable to this species have been found. The species may be compared favorably with the royal fern, Osmundw regalis Linnaeus, of wide- spread occurrence. This species apparently lived into Eocene time and perhaps later. It may be the same as Osmunda e0- cemlca, Saporta and Marion (1873, p. 30, pl. 1, fig. 2; 1878, p. 18, pl. 1, fig. 1) from Paleocene strata at Gelinden, Belgium. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 8519 (figs. 10, 11); (middle and upper), 8220, 8248 (fig. 13); 9084 (fig. 8); 9085 (figs. 7, 14). EQUISETACEAE Equisetum 5111). Plate 8, figures 1—6 Remains of E quisetum in the Fort Union and related Paleocene formations include portions of sterile aerial shoots with sheaths, underground stems with tubers, and cross sections of both aerial and subterranean 46 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS stems. One object that may be the fruiting cone of an E quisetum has been found (pl. 67, fig. 43). The following species have been described: Egm'se— tum alewoensis Bell (1949, p. 36, pl. 22, fig. 4; pl. 23, figs. 5, 7, 9: pl. 67, fig. 5); E. amticum Heer (Bell, 1957, p. 37, pl. 23, figs. 2, 4, 8) ; E. boreale Heer (1868, p. 89, pl. 1, fig. 17; pl. 45, figs. 10, 13c, f); E. colo- mdense Knowlton (1930, p. 31, pl. 8, figs. 1—6); and E. globulosum Lesquereux (1883, p. 222, pl. 48, fig. 3). When, however, these species are examined in the light of the material now on hand, they do not seem to be readily distinguishable. Size of stem, number of teeth in the sheaths, shape of the tubers——all vary so greatly, with gradations from one to another, and with no apparent constancy in any set of features, that I shall not attempt to define the species. Occurence: Fort Union formation (lower), 7538 (fig. 3), 8678; (middle), 2414 (figs. 2, 5), 2417 (fig. 1), 4474; (upper), 8164 (fig. 6), 8204 (fig. 4), 8774; Dawson arkose, 5838; Middle Park formation, 333. ISOETACEAE Isoetites horridus (DaWson) Brown Plate 9, figures 1—8 Isoetites horridus (Dawson) Brown, 1939c, p. 268, figs. 3, 6. [See synonymy, and correct Xantholithes to Xantho- lithusJ This species was characterized as having leaves (sporophylls) whose spatulate terminations had en- tire margins. A few specimens have since been found that have minute obscure teeth which are not nearly as conspicuous as those of [soetites serratm Brown from Upper Cretaceous strata. Additional collections also now permit illustration of the complete leaf, with its undulant margins and the ligule (figs. 1, 2) above the basal part contain— ing the sporangium filled with spores. Some of this new material is from Eocene strata. Figure 4 shows the rosette of leaves around a center that is a mass of megaspores. The genus [soetites was already in existence in the Triassic as shown by a species called I. circular-2's (Emmons) Brown (1958b, p. 358, figs. 5, 8, 9, 11, 13), represented by specimens from the Pekin formation in the Deep River coal field, North Carolina, and the Chinle formation in the Petrified Forest National Monument, Ariz. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 2432 (fig. 8), 5437, 8517; (middle), 2420 (figs. 4—6), 8535 (fig. 3); Dawson arkose, 8881 (fig. 2); Ferris forma- tion, 5255 (fig. 7); Hanna formation (Eocene), 8548 (fig. 1); Raton formation, 5144. SELAGINELLACEAE Selaginella berthoudi Lesquereux Plate 4, figure 9 Selag nella berthoudi Lesquereux, 1878, p. 46, pl. 5, figs. 12, 12a. Knowlton, 1930, p. 33. U‘ T is species has larger, more ovate'leaves, and a more spreading branching habit than Selagz'mella col- Zieri Knowlton. Oc urrence: Dawson arkose, 8779 (fig. 9); Denver formation, 317. Selag‘inella collieri Knowlton Plate 4, figures 2, 3, 8 Selagi ella collieri Knowlton, 1916, p. 201, pl. 1, figs. 1—6. There is nothing new to add to Knowlton’s descrip— tion of this species except to cite localities where it has si ce been found. This species may be related to S. be thoudz' Lesquereux from the Denver formation, but d fiers in having smaller, more acute leaves, and appar ntly in the habit of branching. Occ rrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 6215, 7004 figs. 3, 8); (middle) 2420 (fig. 2). Selaginella monstrosa (Hollick) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 4, figures 12, 13 Anoma ofilicites monstrosus Hollick, 1916, p. 474, pl. 31, figs. 1—3. Hol ick described this species from sterile fronds as a s ort or monstrosity which he likened to some illustr ted specimens of Nephrolepis ewaltam (Lin- naeus) Schott. Apparently the feature of these spe- cimen that caused him to think of them as monsters is the,fact that the side branches differ greatly in length.) In neral appearance the sterile shoots are not un- like so e mosses, but unfortunately the ultimate de— tails a e not clearly preserved and under magnifica- tions f more than 5 or 6 the leaf details fade into the background of the matrix. However, the leaves appear to be sharp pointed. With these sterile shoots are here associated fertile shoots 1that come from the same strata in Garfield Count , Mont, but not from the same locality. The belief hat the sterile and fertile shoots belong to— gether ‘5 based upon the resemblance in general habit, both ki ds of shoots having branches differing greatly in len th. The hort ultimate branches carry sporangia bear- ing nu erous megaspores (10—15), but no details of the megaspores can be seen clearly. Scattered along the main rachis are a few small ovate, hairy(?), pointed leaves. Comp arison of this species with any living species of Selagz'nella is not suggested. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4031 (fig. 13), 8249 (fig. 12). SEED PLANTS GYMN OSPERMS 'GYCADACEAE Zamia coloradensis (Knowlton)" Brown, 11. comb. Plate 10, figures 6, 9, '12, 13 Chamaedorea? coloradensis Knowlton, 1930, p. 40, pl. 10, fig. 3. Podozamites lotipennis Heer. Brown, 1939b, p. 246, pl. 49, figs. 1—4. Since my first report on material of this species, I have found additional specimens at other localities and have concluded that the fossils do not represent Podozomites latipennis Heer, described from Creta- ceous strata in Greenland, but are more likely a spe- cies of Zamio. The leaflets are linear, somewhat curved in outline, pointed, entire and are attached by either a broad or narrow base, depending upon their position on the main rachis, which is broad and stout. There is no midvein. The thin parallel veins arising from the base of the leaflet fork near the base and anastomose several times thereafter on their course through the leaflet. The palms of the genus Ghamaredoreo have neither forked nor anastomosing veins. Heer described a fragment from strata at Puilasok on Disko Island, that he called Poacites nielseni (1874, p. 19, pl. 4, fig. 1) in honor of Jens Nielsen, a Dane who lived at Atanekerdluk and collected the first fossil plants in that area. Of him Heer said simply “Er verungliickte auf der J agd und liegt in Atanekerdluk begraben.” (He met. misfortune while hunting and lies buried at Atanekerdluk). This frag- ment is from a blunt-pointed leaf with parallel veins that, according to the illustration, fork and anastomose —a feature not found in grasses. I suspect, there- fore, that this specimen represents a cycad, but cannot identify it as definitely belonging to Zamia colo- rodensis. I have no reason to abandon my hypothesis that the objects (figs. 12, 13) originally figured as the fruits of this species are properly allocated, for similar fruits have been found associated with the foliage of this species at three additional localities in the basal strata of the Paleocene series in Wyoming. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 8551 (figs. 6, 9, 12, 13), 8884, 8893, 9130; (upper) 9195; Middle Park formation, 333 (type). Zamia wyomingensis Brown, n. sp. Plate 10, figure 1 Rachis stout, pinnules abruptly contracted near the base, but attached to the rachis by a broad insertion. 47 Size of pinnules unknown. Veins widely spaced, fork— ing near the insertion, and again, in some instances, farther along toward the apex. Anastomoses not pres- ent in the specimen. This species differs from Zamia ooloradensis (Knowlton) Brown in apparent. lack of anastomos— ing veins and in having broad-based insertions of the pinnules. It resembles Geratozamia wrighti Hollick (1936, p. 42, pl. 12, fig. 6) in general appearance, but in 0. wrighti the veins do not fork at the base of the pinnule, and the pinnules may have scattered, marginal teeth distad. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (upper) 5911 (fig. 1). GINKGOACEAE Ginkgo adiantoides (Ung‘er) Heer Plate 10, figures 2—5, 8 Ginkgo adiantoides (Unger) Heer. Ward, 1887, p. 15, pl. 1, figs. 5, 6. Berry, 1926, p. 190. Ginlcgoites adiantoides (Unger) Seward. pl. 32, figs. 1, 3. Bell, 1949, p. 43, In previous papers (Brown, 1939a, p. 246; 1943b, p. 862) discussing Ginkgo Zammiensis Ward, I ex— pressed my views on the distinction of fossil species of Ginkgo and concluded that the fossil record of Ginkgo indicates an evolution in leaf form from the deeply lobed, digitate cuneate in early Mesozoic strata, through entire or bilobed cuneate in late Mesozoic, to entire or bilobed reniform leaves in the Cenozoic. As is well known, the only living species, Ginkgo bi— loba Linnaeus, may produce all these leaf—forms on a single tree, or given trees may specialize in any one of the three kinds. In short, at any stage in the history of Ginkgo that stage may produce leaf forms occurring in its ancestors .but will have few hints con- cerning the shapes of leaves to come, and thus, a good collection of Ginkgo leaves from a given geological level may provide a useful clue to stratigraphic dating. As the first well—developed reniform leaves of Gink- go appear in the Paleocene, I favor restriction of G. adiantoides to the Cenozoic. This species, however, like G. bilobai, may include leaves having the form of the Cretaceous G. Zammiensis and the Jurassic G. digitata. When, therefore, these kinds only are found in a Paleocene or later collection, they can, neverthe- less, be identified as G. (Idiantoides, on the presump- tion that they are such variants. Certainly less harm, if any, is done by this practice than, for example, to identify simple, undivided cuneate Ginkgo leaves wherever found, whether in Mesozoic or Cenozoic strata, or even on the living tree, as G. Zara/)niensis/ 48 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Except apparently during Eocene time, species of Ginkgo graced the landscape of the Northwestern States from the Jurassic to the late Miocene, but G. adiontoz‘des was present in Alaska and probably Brit- ish Columbia during the Eocene. Hence its apparent absence from the States during that epoch invites speculation about the possible reasons for this ab— sence. Is the fossil record incomplete or was Ginkgo actually missing for climatic or other causes? During the Paleocene G. adiantoides lived in the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, and perhaps Colorado. At a locality on the south side of Dry Creek, 5 miles west of Greybull, VVyo., the leaves are thickly matted and mixed with those of many other species of trees. Oval bodies (figs. 3, 4) chiefly internal molds of nuts or pits, are found among these leaves and presumably are the seeds of Ginkgo. Similar seeds associated with Ginkgo leaves have been found on Sevenmile Creek, east of Glendive, Mont, and at other localities, in— cluding Alberta, Canada, from which Bell reports one as Garpolz'thus (Ginkgoz'tes?) selrwgm' (1949, p. 45, pl. 66, fig. 1). These objects may on the other hand, be the stone fruits of other plants, such as Prunus, etc. The specimen reported from the Denver formation at Golden, 0010., as Ginkgo? macaw (Les- quereux) Knowlton (1930, p. 34, pl. 9, fig. 3) is very suggestive of Ginkgo, but no leaves of Ginkgo have been taken from that formation. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4661, 5526, 5721, 8256 (fig. 2), 9196, 9208, 9334; (middle and upper), 2416 (figs. 4, 5), 6219, 8522, 8786 (fig. 3), 9109 (fig. 8), 9125; Livingston formation, 6765, 6767. PINA OEAE N o foliage, seeds, or wood, attributable to the genus 13mg, have been found in the Paleocene strata of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains. Oswald Heer, however, reported needles, purporting to be those of Pinus, from the Paleocene strata at. Atanekerdluk and vicinity, Greenland: Pious hagesioma Heer (1883, p, 66, pl. 71, figs. 13a, 14, 14b), P. hyporborea Heer (1868, p. 94, pl. 17, fig. 5f; 1871, p. 465, pl. 44, fig. 5; pl. 56, fig. 9c; 1874, p. 16, pl. 2, fig. 12). As un- doubted remains of Pinus have been found in the Upper Cretaceous and Eocene of the Rocky Mountains and Plains region, the apparent absence of the genus from the Paleocene is, like the similar absence of Saki/mid, cause for speculation. CEPHALOTAXACEAE Amentotaxus campbelli (Gardner) Florin Plate 14, figures 7, 8 Podocarpus campbelli Gardner, 1886, p. 97, pl. 26. Amentotawus campbelli (Gardner) Florin, 1940, p. 163, text fig. 1. Bell, 1957, p. 30, pl. 13, figs. 3, 4. Amentotaa-us fiom‘m‘ Krausel, 1935, p. 137, text figs. 1, 2, 5—8. C’ephalotawus califomica Potbury, 1935, p. 61, pl. 1, fig. 2. Needles elliptic-lanceolate in outline, 3 to 6 cm long, 4 to 10 mm wide, with sharp-pointed apexes and with bases narrowed to a short, stubby petiole. Stomata in two broad bands. These needles resemble closely those of the living Amntotawus argotaemlw (Hance) Pilger, from south— eastern China. Comparisons, however, may also be made with those from some of the larger leaved spe- cies of Uephalotomcus. As only needles are represented, the foregoing synonymy may have to be changed when and if seeds, wood, and other material are found. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 4696 (fig. 8); (upper) 9109 (fig. 7). .ARAUCARIACEAE Araucaria longifolia (Lesquereux) Brown, :1. comb. Plate 13, figures 1—7 Sequoia longifolia Lesquereux, 1878, p. 79, pl. 7, figs. 14, 14a; pl. 61, figs. 28, 29. Sequoia acummata Lesquereux, 1878, p. 80, pl. 7, figs. 15, 16, 16a. Dorf, 1938, p. 45, pl. 2, fig. 1. Sequoit‘tes artus Bell, 1949, p. 47, pl. 4, figs. 7, 8; pl. 16, fig. 2. Abietites tyrellii Dawson, 1887, p. 17. Arwucaria hatchem‘ Wieland, 1910, p. 80, fig. 2. Amucam'tes longifolia (Lesquereux) Dorf, 1942, p. 130, pl. 4, fl . 9. Cunninfhamites? sp. Knowlton, 1900, p. 29, pl. 5, fig. 3. Cunninghamites elegans (Corda) Endlicher. Knowlton, 1905, p. 135, pl. 15, fig. 1. Cunninghamites recurvatus Hosius and von der Marck. Knowl- ton, 1905, p. 136, pl. 16, fig. 6. Torreya borealis Heer, 1883, p. 56, pl. 70, fig. 7a. Torreyites tyrrellii (Dawson) Bell, 1949, p. 45, pl. 7, figs. 3, 4; pl. 8, figs. 1, 4. Branches with spreading, recurved, lanceolate, pointed, apparently veinless, sometimes wrinkled needles, 2 cm or more long. Stomatal lines, about equally spaced and diffused over the surface of the needle. Base of the needle expanded, so that on its fall there remains a large obovate, smooth or striated scar. Cones 6 to 8 cm long, 3 cm wide, with many scales, apparently without spines but with rhombic, outer faces of apophyses. No detached scales or seeds were found. In the Cretaceous of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and the western interior occur foliage, cones, and twigs that, at least superfiicially, appear to be related to those here described. These remains have been vari- ously referred to Abz'etites, Amman-71a, Amuomtes, Gepkalotawopsis, Uephalotamus, Gunningkamites, Dam- SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA mam, E latocladus, Geiuitzia, Podocai'pus, Sequoia, Sequoiites, Torrey/a, and perhaps others of which I am not aware. Even casual inspection makes it apparent that several genera are represented by these fossils, but distinguishing features, such as stomatal lines on the needles and cones attached to twigs, are rarely found. At least three species and perhaps genera, however, can be predicated provisionally: (1) that here identi- fied as Arauoam‘a longifolia, having lanceolate fairly flexible needles with diffused stomatal lines, and cones without apparent spines on the persistent scales; (2) that having long, fairly straight, lanceolate, flexible needles with two stomatal lines in broad zones near the margins of the needles, exemplified by Sequoia magnifolia Knowlton, and probably Gephalovtawus cola— rademis Knowlton; and (3) that having crowded, stifi, arcuate needles tapering to a broad base, and cones with readily deciduous spine-tipped scales, ex— emplified by Geiuitzz'a formosa Heer, Sequoia reiohen— baohi (Geinitz) Heer, and Dammam aeiculai'is Knowl— ton. The foliage and cone features of Amuoamia lougifoi’ui are closely comparable to those in living araucarias, and there seems to be little doubt that the species is an araucarian. It ranged across the Cretaceous—Paleo- cene boundary. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 5886 (figs. 6, 7), 6738, 8519 (figs. 1—5), 8678. TAXODIACEAE Glyptostrobus nordenskioldi (Keer) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 11, figures 3, 7—22 Sequoia nordeuskioldi Heer. 1871, p. 36, pl. 2, fig. 13b; pl. 4, figs. 13., 1b, 4—38; 1874, p. 9, pl. 1, fig. 30. Newberry, 1898, p. 20, pl. 26, fig. 4. Sequoia afl‘iuis Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 33. Sequoia couttsiae Heer, 1883, p. 63, pl. 68. fig. 6b. Sequoia laugsdorfii (Brongniart) Heer, 1883, p. 61, pl. 68, figs. 6b, 6c; pl. 70, fig. 12; pl. 86, fig. 2b. Sequoia stembergi Goeppert. Heer, 1883, p. 63, pl. 70, fig. 13. Cryptomerites lambii Bell, 1949, p. 49, pl. 29, figs. 2, 4; pl. 30, figs. 1, 3, 4, 5; pl. 31, fig. 4; pl. 32, figs. 2, 4. Elatociadlus (Cryptomerites?) uordemkioldi (Heer) Bell, 1949, p. 50, pl. 31, figs. 2, 3, 5. Giyptostrobus dakoteusis Brown, 1936, p. 355, figs. 2—4. Glyptostrobus europaeus (Brongniart) Heer. Newberry, 1898, p. 24, pl. 26, figs. 6—8a; pl. 55, figs. 3, 4. Hollick, 1936, p. 51, pl. 10, fig. 3b; pl. 17, fig. 1 (part), 2, 3, 4, 6; pl. 18, figs. 1—5a; pl. 19, figs. 1, 2; pl. 104, fig. 7b; pl. 109, fig. 11. Glyptostrobus uugeri Beer, 1883. p. 61, pl. 70, figs. 9, 10; pl. 85, figs. 6—8. Taaodium distiohum mioceuum Beer, 1871. p. 32, pl. 3, figs. 19, 20, 26; pl. 4, fig. 13b. Occurring with the three kinds of foliage—cryp- tomeroid, cupressoid, and taxodioid—commonly seen on living Glyptoetrobus, are fossil cones, cone scales, i 49 and seeds, the latter here identified for the first time as belonging to Glyptrosirobus. Heer assigned seeds of this kind and perhaps some cone scales, associated with Glyptostrobus foliage (called Sequoia Harden— skioldi) to Tamodium distichum miooeuum from Spitz— bergen and to Pterospermites oagans from Oeningen. In 1936 I suggested several reasons for regarding the American species as distinct from G. eumpaeus, which is typically developed in the European Miocene. The winged seeds are shaped somewhat like a boom- erang and, except for size, resemble those of species of Sagittai'ia. The nutlet occupies a large, elliptic area from which a short, pointed wing extends at an oblique angle. In the only living species, G. pemilis Koch, of southeastern China, the wing of the seed is only slightly oblique to the nutlet. By contrast, the seeds of Tamodium, a close relative, are irregular, un- winged, somewhat triangular objects, in which the nutlet is not clearly defined. Staminate catkins, not identifiable as those of Meta- sequoia or Tau-odium but associated with Gbyptostrobus foliage at Elbowoods, N. Dak., are here assigned to this species. Remains similar to those here assigned to G. (rim-deu- skiovldi occur at many Eocene localities in Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. The American Miocene spe- cies is G. oregouemis Brown. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 4571, 5063, 5579, 6154, 7005, 8245 (fig. 17), 8249 (fig. 20), 8549 (fig. 12), 8552 (fig. 3), 8677 (fig. 14), 8781, 9104, 9180, 9192 (fig. 9), 9334; (upper), exact loc. un- known (fig. 22, reproduction of Newberry, 1898, pl. 26, fig. 4), 2416, 4625, 5194, 8193 (figs. 11, 16), 8203 (fig. 8), 8206 (fig. 21), 8212 (figs. 15, 19), 8224 (figs. 10, 18), 8521, 8529, 8786 (figs. 7, 13), 8885, 8917, 8928, 9125, 9135; Coalmont formation, 6105; Dawson ar- kzose, 5836; Denver formation, 317, 8493; Evanston formation, 8670; Ferris formation, 4661, 4694, 6971; Livingston formation, 6765; Middle Park formation, 337. Metasequoia occidentalis (Newberry) Chaney Plate 12, figures 1—14 Taaodium occidentale Newberry, 1863, p. 516; 1868, p. 45; 1898, p. 23, pl. 76, figs. 143; pl. 55, fig. 5 (part). Berry, 1935, p. 19. Metasequoia occidentaiis (Newberry) Chaney, 1951, p. 225, pl. 10, figs. 3—6. [See synonymy.] Eiatocladus (Taaodites?) tinajorum (Heer) Bell, 1949, p. 51, pl. 32, fig. 5. Juniperus graoilis Heer, 1883, p. 57, pl. 70, figs. 18—20. Sequoia brevifolia Beer, 1874, p. 5, pl. 2, figs. 7, 8. Sequoia laugsdorfii (Brongniart) Heer. 1868, p. 91, pl. 2, figs. 2—22; pl. 47, figs. 15, 151); 1871, p. 464, pl. 40, fig. 5b; pl. 43, figs. 1—3; pl. 46, figs. 1a, 7b; pl. 55, fig. 3a; 1883, p. 61, pl. 68, fig. 8. j 50 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Sequoit’tes langsdomfli (Brongniart) Heer. Bell, 1949, p. 46, pl. 29, fig. 5;; pl. 30, fig. 2. Tawites olriki Beer, 1868, p. 95, pl. 1, figs. 2431, b; 1874, p. 16, pl. 1, fig. 9. Tam'tes validus Heer, 1874, p. 13, pl. 1, fig. 11. Tawodium distichum miocenum Heer, 1869, p. 463, pl. 43, fig. 4c; 1874, p. 9, pl. 1, figs. 13C, (1, 15b; p. 19, pl. 4, fig. 5; 1883, p. 60, pl. 70, fig. 11; pl. 87, fig. 7; pl. 88, fig. 21); pl. 96, figs. 8, 9. Tawodium dubium (Sternberg) Heer, 1868, p. 89, pl. 2, figs. 24—27; pl. 12, fig. 1c; p. 156, pl. 30, figs. 3, 4. The verification in 1946 of the occurrence of living trees called shuihsa, discovered in 1944 in a small area south of the Yangtse River in Szechuan and Hupeh provinces, China, and having foliage and cones similar to, if not identical with, fossil remains identified as Metasequoia, focussed attention on this genus and re— sulted during the next 5 years in many papers dealing with the living and fossil species. The data were summarized by Chu and Cooper (1950), who described the ecology of the living species, and by Chaney (1951), who restudied the fossil species. The distinctive feature of the living tree, Metalw- quail; glyptostroboides Hu and Cheng, also seen in the fossils, is oppositeness, the twigs, needles, floral organs, and cone scales being opposite one another in two ranks. Here, to keep the record straight, it must be stated that Metasequm'a is not the only conifer with oppositeness. Amentotawus and Uephalotawus also have opposite needles, although these are in general much stouter than those of Metaseguoia. Nevertheless, con— fusion of the three genera is possible when dealing only with their fossil foliage. The needles of Metasequoz'a are lanceolate to elliptic in outline, variable in size, and slightly rounded at the base, which is twisted and decurrent diagonally on the twig. The cones are pedunculate, relatively small, averaging less than 2 cm in length, with about 24 scales that, because of their decussate arrangement, give the cone 9. squarish appearance when viewed from above. The peduncles may be several centimeters long with little or no trace of foliage or foliage scars. The seeds are winged, flat, and irregularly oval in outline, with wings as wide as the nutlet or wider. They re— semble those of the Sierra redwood or Big Tree (Se- quoia gagarrttea) closely, and are somewhat larger than those of the coast redwood (Sequoia sempemirens). It is difficult to distinguish the wood from that of Sequoia and Tawodz'um. The ecological studies by Chu and Cooper (1950) indicate many interesting associates of the living tree, including katsura (Uercidiphyllum) and others that, according to the fossil record, were companions of shuihsa in other parts of the world millions of years ago). Indeed, shuihsa and its associates today may represent a relict Pliocene flora. In its native habitat shuihsa lives at an altitude of about 3,000 feet and prefers a slightly acid soil along stream banks or wet places at the lower end of ravines and seepage areas at the foot of slopes. Climatic conditions there simu- late those of the piedmont areas of the Southeastern United States. The planting of shuihsa in many places outside of China will, in the course of time, reveal the most suitable area for the tree and thus supply fur- ther data for speculation on the altitudinal, zonal, physiographic, and climatic requirements of its fossil antecedents. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4661, 5063, 7005, 8240, 8249, 8551 (fig. 9), 8899, 9193, 9334; (upper), 2420 (figs. 13, 14), 4264 (fig. 5), 4582 (fig. 6), 4984 (fig. 2), 5595, 8165 (fig. 11), 8196, 8212 (fig. 12), 8238 (fig. 3), 8521 (figs. 1, 8, 10), 8550 (figs. 4, 7) 8556, 8786, 8885, 9101, 9135; Coalmont formation, 6000; Evanston formation, 3563; Ferris formation, 6173, 6176. Taxodium olriki (Heer) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 10, figures 7, 11, 15; plate 11, figures 4—6 Twites olm’ki Beer, 1868, p. 95, pl. 1, figs. 21—24 c; pl. 45, figs. 1a, 1b, 1c; 1874, pl. 15, pl. 1, fig. 10. Elatocladus (Tamodites?) tinarjorum (Heer) Bell, 1949, p. 51, pl. 16, fig. 3. These alternate, more or less pointed needles, in- serted on the twig with their petioles decurrent paral- lel to the axis of the twig, make it appear that a species of Tawodz’um is represented. N0 seeds, how- ever, have been found that confirm this suspicion. The twigs are somewhat rare, suggesting that the species had not yet become a dominant part of the swamp forests. The description of Paratawodium wiggz’xnsz' Arnold and Lowther (1955) from Upper Cretaceous strata in Alaska characterizes what may be a possible ancestral link between Metaseq‘uoia and Tamodzium. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4661, 4984, 7548 (pl. 11, fig. 5), 8549 (pl. 10, fig. 15; pl. 11, fig. 6); (upper), 2420 (pl. 10, figs. 7, 11), 2416 (pl. 11, fig. 4), 8522, 8899, 9125; Livingston formation, 6767. CUPRESSACEAE Fokienia catenulata (Bell) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 11, figures 1, 2 Androvettia catewulata Bell, 1949, p. 46, pl. 15, figs. 1—5; pl. 16, fig. 4; pl. 27, figs. 5, 7, 8. This species, well characterized by Bell, was identi- fied by him as an Androvettm, similar to A. caro- linensz's Berry, A. elegans Berry, and A. statcnemis Hollick and Jeffrey, from Upper Cretaceous strata of the Eastern and Southeastern United States. Super- 7i SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA 51 ficially, the comparison is apt, but on closer examina- tion significant differences become apparent. Hollick and Jeffrey (1909, p. 22), describing A. statenensis, remarked about its fernlike appearance and might have assigned it to the ferns but for the fact that sections of the stems indicate close affinity with the conifers. The Paleocene specimens differ from the Cretaceous examples in being much less fernlike and in having a more pronounced jointed or segmented appearance. At some localities separate segments rather than twigs are the rule. For these reasons and their striking likeness to the foliage of Fokiema with at least two living species in China, I am inclined to refer them to the latter, although admitting the possibility that Androwettia; may have been in their ancestry. Similar segments and twigs have been referred to Libocedm, and Watelet (1866, p. 108, pl. 32) ascribed some to Callitrites. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 7548 (figs. 1, 2), 8256, 9300; (upper) ; 9135, 9532; Evanston formation 9558; Paskapoo and Willow Creek forma— tion, Alberta, Canada. Thuja interrupts. Newberry Plate 10, figures 10, 14, 16 Thuja interrupt!» Newberry, 1868, p. 42; 1898, p. 25, pl. 26, figs. 5—5d. Berry, 1935, p. 21, pl. 3, fig. 1. cussion.] Thm‘tes interruptus (Newberry) Bell, 1949, p. 52, pl. 27, figs. 1-3. Thujopsis europaea Saporta. 11 a-c. ' Biota borealis Heer, 1874, p. 7, 13, pl. 1, figs. 13—29; 1880, p. 9, pl. 3, figs. 5, 5b. Libocedrus sabinicma Heer, 1871, p. 34, pl. 2, figs. 6—15; pl. 4, fig. 4d; 1883, p. 58, pl. 70, fig. 17; pl. 86, figs. 1, 2; pl. 87, fig. 8. [See synonymy and dis- Heer, 1868, p. 1, pl. 50, figs. There is considerable variation among the specimens of this species taken from different localities in the Paleocene strata of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains. One specimen from the basal Fort Union north of Glendive, Mont, has branchlets whose leaves appear not as sharp pointed as those of most speci- mens and resemble those of Cretaceous species of M om'oomla and Bra‘chyphylbum. A species, Th/wja colgatensz's Brown (1939, p. 247, pl. 48, figs. 2—4) from the Upper Cretaceous Colgate member of the Fox Hills sandstone, southwest of Glendive, Mont, is most likely in the ancestral line of T. intermpta and differs chiefly in having longer internodes between leaf pairs, but intergrading specimens are likely to be found. No cones or seeds attributable to this species have yet been recognized in the collections from the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains. Heer, however, illus- trates a branch and cone from Greenland. There may here be a mixture of Thujw, Ohamawyparis, An- drooettia, and other genera. Some examples may be the cupressoid foliage of Glyptostrobus. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4028, 8239, 8258, 8897 (fig. 14), 9194; (upper), 4395, 5030 (fig. 10), 7989 (fig. 16), 8222, 9180; Dawson arkose, 8882; Ferris formation, 6420. MONOCOTYLEDONS SPARGANIACEAE Sparganium antiquum (Newberry) Berry Plate 14, figures 4, 5 Brasenia? antique Newberry, 1883, p. 514; 1898, p. 93, pl. 68, fig. 7. Spargamum antiqumn (Newberry) Berry, 1924, p. 342-348, 7 text figs; 1930c, p. 64, pl. 8, fig. 5, text fig. 5. Spargam’um stygium Heer, 1868, p. 97, pl. 45, fig. 2a [probably not fig. 13d] ; 1871, p. 467, pl. 42, figs. 4b, 5, 5b. Ward, 1887, p. 18, pl. 3, figs. 6, 7. Berry, 1935, p. 22. Plattmus basilobata Ward. Bell, 1957, p. 58, pl. 43, fig. 1 only. The identity of the specimens of Tertiary age now assigned to Sparganmm has become somewhat mixed. Heer described several species, among them 6'. stygium and S. maldense from the middle Tertiary of southern Germany, but all may represent a single species. He identified somewhat similar material, including sep- arate foliage and fruit, from the Paleocene of Green- land as S. stygiwm to which Ward and Berry also re— ferred specimens from the Fort Union formation of Montana and the Ravenscrag formation of Saskatche- wan. All the Heer material from Greenland except the fruits (1871, pl. 42, fig. 5) is fragmentary and in- decisive. There is little questiOn, however, that the fruits are identical with those figured by Ward and Bell, but that all these should be identified with S. stygz’um of Europe may well be questioned. The fruits are born in racemes of pedunculate heads composed of numerous ovate to lanceolate long-beaked nutlets. Often the only part left is the small recep- tacle showing the attachment scars of the nutlets. The Eocene specimens described by Berry (19300) as Spargam’um amvtz'quum (Newberry) Berry from western Wyoming have sessile fruit heads with obo- vate angular unbeaked nutlets, borne on stouter branches of a fruiting stalk. It is perhaps possible that Berry’s specimens represent only the uppermost fruit heads of the fruiting stalk or that they may be immature, and that the lower fruits may have been peduncled as they sometimes are in living species. The peduncled heads of Spargam’um antiquum re- semble superficially the heads of Platanus, Liquidam- bar, E chinodorus, and others, but both the receptacles 52 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS and the nutlets have features that seem not to be matched even remotely in those living genera. This species ranged into the Eocene at numerous localities in Wyoming and in Yellowstone National Park. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 9197; (upper) 2416 (fig. 5) 5594, 8230 (fig. 4), 8556, 9109, 9125; Coalmont formation, 5987. ALISMAGEAE Alismaphyllites grandifolius (Penhallow) Brown, n. comb. Plate 15, figures 1, 4, 6 __Maitmthemophyllum grandifolium Penhallow, 1902, p. 54, text fig. 5. Bell, 1949, p. 80, pl. 63, fig. 2; pl. 64, figs. 1, 3; pl. 66, figs. 2, 3. Alismaphyllites crassifolilum Knowlton, 1917, p. 286, pl. 55, fig. 1. Ulintom'a oblongifolia Penhallow, 1902, p. 55, text fig. 6. Ovate leaves with entire margins, probably reaching a length of 30 cm and width of 10 cm. Midvein at base of leaf a composite of closely spaced veins giving it a stout appearance, but these veins separate in the body of the leaf and become 10 or 12 widely spaced, parallel veins that converge toward the apex. Closely spaced forked veinlets connect the main parallel veins. These leaves may be compared with those of some species of Alisma, Aponoyeton, Echinodom, and Potamogeton, but as no fruits assignable clearly to any of these genera have been found at the same 10- calities as the leaves, there is some uncertainty in the assignment. The regular, parallel, tertiary venation eliminates them from the liliaceous genera Maianthe- mophylbwm and Olimom'a. This species is apparently closely related to Alisma macrop‘hylmm Heer (1877, p. 66, pl. 26; pl. 27, figs. 3b, 30, 4—7) and Po‘tamogetan nordemkio-Zdi Heer (1868, p. 157, pl. 30, figs. 1b, 5c, 5d, 6—8; 1871, p. 52, pl. 4, figs. 18b, 19; pl. 8, figs. 9, 10; pl. 15, fig. 5110; 1877, p. 66, pl. 27, figs. 1—3a), but these are consider- ably younger and may well be different species. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 8567, 8227 (fig. 6); (upper) 7004, 8206 (figs. 1, 4), 8922; Raton formation, 5099. Sagittaria megasperma Brown, n. sp. Plate 68, figures 14—16 Achenes 2 cm long, asymmetric, winged, with beaks 4 mm long turned to one side, in dense heads borne on long pedicles. Wings with a few conspicuous parallel veins reticulated near the (margin. Ultimate surface pattern minutely papillate. No leaves identifiable as those of Sagittaria were found with the seeds; but foliage assigned to Alisma- phyllites occurs at a number of other Paleocene locali- ties. The relation if any, between these leaves and the seeds here called Sagittaria remains undemon- strated. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (upper) 4268 (fig. 14), 9129 (figs. 15, 16), 9400. HYDROCHARITACEAE Hydromystria expanse (Heer) Hantke Plate 16, figures 1, 3, 8—11 Hiraea ewpansa Heer, 1859, p. 65, pl. 121, figs. 16, 16b. Hydromystm‘a expanse (Heer) Hantke, 1954, p. 81, pl. 14, figs. 9—12. Lemmt (Spirodela) scutata Dawson, 1875, p. 329, pl. 16, figs. 5, 6, 7a; 1887, p. 23, pl. 1, fig. 16. Ward, 1887, p. 17, pl. 3, figs. 4, 5. citation in Ward’s synonymy.] Spirodela, scutata Dawson. Berry, 1935, p. 182. Bell, 1949, p. 82, pl. 63, figs. 1, 3; pl. 67, fig. 1. Nymphaeites browm' Dorf, 1942, p. 142, pl. 10, fig. 9. Oarpites verrucosus Lesquereux, 1878, p. 305, pl. 60, fig. 3. Dorf, 1942, p. 157, pl. 17, fig. 7. [Exclude Lesquereux This was a creeping or floating aquatic with more or less asymmetrical, orbicular to reniform, cordate, fleshy, hairy, entire leaves, sometimes in pairs, one often smaller than the other, sessile or nearly so at nodes on a succulent prostrate stem or runner. Feath- ery rootlets may sometimes be seen at the nodes. The venation consists of 10 or more parallel veins that arise from the top of the petiole and converge toward the apex. Between the veins is a network of relatively large uniform areoles that probably were air cham- bers. In fossilization these spaces filled with mud that hardened and, after the residue of carbon was removed, caused the surface to be papillated, tubercu- lated or verrucose, deceptively like the surface of some seeds or fruits, whence the erroneous identification as Oarpites Iver-120008148 by Lesquereux. Oswald Heer also identified as fruits some similar specimens he found in the Miocene strata of southern Germany. Hantke, after restudy of this and addi- tional material, assigned the species to Hgdromystm'a, a genus of the Hydrocharitaceae, which is a family of aquatic monocotyledons. Hydromysm'a includes only a few species that are distributed from Mexico to Paraguay. I do not regard the assignment to Hydromystm'a as completely appropriate. Neither does Tilo N6tzold (1957, p. 95, 96). One objection is the fact that the leaves of living species of Hydromystfia. are long petioled, whereas those of the fossils are sessile or nearly so. An assignment to Limobimn, also in the Hydrocharitaceae, would be open to the same objec- tion. Pals-tad, an aquatic in the Araceae, almost meets the requirement of matching the fossils, but its leaves differ notably in shape. Lemma, in the Lemnaceae, is too small. Thus, no closely comparable living coun- terpart seems to exist. The assignment to Hydromys- trad may be retained as a working hypothesis until SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA 53 Leaves pinnate or feather-shaped, with very gradually taper— ing rachis: Pinnules linear, narrow, not decurrent ___________________ Phoenicites integrifolius. Pinnules linear, broad, decurrent _____ Chamaedorea danae. Pinnules elliptic _________________ Paloreodomites plicatus. further enlightening evidence accumulates. The fossil species ranged from the Late Cretaceous into the early Eocene in the United States and Canada and to the Miocene in Europe. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 2421, 4031, 5512 (fig. 10), 6652, 6667, 8519, 9402, 9403, 9404; (upper) 436, 2420 (fig. 8), 4897 (fig. 1), 4974, 5321, 6376, 6985, 8191 (figs. 9, 11), 8196, 8212 (fig. 3), 8224. 8556, 8786, 8920, 8922, 9109, 9405; Coalmont forma- tion, 6005; Dawson arkose 8881; Denver formation, 9401; Ferris formation, 6417. Grasslike monocotyledons Plate 14, figure 3; plate 16, figure 7 Fragments of linear strap-shaped leaves with closely spaced parallel venation have been described from Paleocene localities as species of Gamay, premcites, prems, Iris (cf. Iris 8;). Newberry, 1898, p. 33, pl. 22, fig. 6), Phragmites (cf. P. wlaska/na Heer in Ward, 1887, p. 17, pl. 3, figs. 1—3), and Poacites. Associated with this foliage (pl. 14, fig. 3) at the same localities are rootstocks (pl. 16, fig. 7) or rhizomes identified as CauZi/nites and Calmites. At present there seems to be no reliable method for distinguishing such remains as grass, sedge, iris, or something else. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 8519, 8678 (pl. fig. 7); (upper), 2417 (pl. 14, fig. 3). PALMAGEAE Students of fossil palms recognize the difficulties in identifying such remains in terms of living species. Consequently, arbitrary working classifications are necessary and herewith is such a key to the foliage of Cretaceous and Tertiary palms of the Rocky Moun— tains and Great Plains region. Leaves fan shaped, with radiate venation: Apex (acumen or hastula) of upper and under side of the petiole wedge-shaped, very stout, much prolonged, with fairly straight margins _______________ Sabal imperialis. Apex of upper side of the petiole short, wedge-shaped, an- gular, with inside angle of less than 100°; apex of under side moderately prolonged with concave mar— gins ____________________________________ Sabal powelli. Apex of upper side of the petiole irregularly rounded or only slightly angular, with inside angle of 100° or more; apex of under side moderately prolonged, with concave margins Sabal grayana. Apex of both sides of the petiole very short, rounded Thrmaw dorfl. A number of Paleocene seeds (Palmocarpon) have been described as those of palms, but most of these are doubtfully so assigned. See the discussion (p. 89) under “Objects of uncertain classification.” Palm wood (Palmowylow) is present at a number of Paleo- cene localities but is relatively rare, except in the Den- ver Basin, Colo. On the southeast-facing slope of South Table Mountain near Golden, I have seen a small palm stump in place, with adventitious roots running down into what was once the soil in which the tree grew. The fragmentary foliage described by Heer (1883, p. 69, pl. 68, figs. 5, 5b, 6, 7;Kp. 70, pls. 140—106, fig. 1) as Flabellom'a grb‘nhmdicw and F. johns‘tmpi, from the Paleocene of Greenland, is indefinite, though perhaps not improbably palmaceous. No seeds or wood have been reported that might confirm the identification. Rejected palm names The binomials attached to the following fossil palm remains from the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains region are here rejected for naming purposes because the specimens described were mere fragments or were not figured. Flabellaria. communis Lesquereux, 1876, p. 385. Flabellam‘a zinckem Heer. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 110, pl. 9, figs. 6—8. Geonomites goldianus (Lesquereux) Lesquereux, 1878, p. 115, pl. 9, figs. 9, 9b, 9c. Knowlton, 1930, p. 39, pl. 10, fig. 12. Geonomites graminifolius Lesquereux, 1888, p. 44. Geonomites tenuimchis Lesquereux, 1878, p. 117, pl. 11, fig. 1. Knowlton, 1917, p. 291, pl. 62; 1930, p. 38, pl. 6; pl. 9, figs. 1, 2, 6. Geonomites schimperi Lesquereux, 1878, p. 116, pl. 10, fig. 1. Mam‘cam‘a haydem‘ Newberry, 1898, p. 31, pl. 64, fig. 3. Palmacites goldianus Lesquereux, 1876, p. 385. Sabal rigida Hatcher, 1901, p. 263. Sabal communis Lesquereux, 1876, p. 385. Chamaedorea danae (Lesquereux) Berry Calamopsis danai Lesquereux, 1863, in Dana, p. 513, fig. 795. Lesquereux, 1869, p. 411, pl. 14, figs. 1—3. Chamaedorea damn (Lesquereux) Berry, 1916a, p. 179, pl. 12, fig. 4; pl. 13, figs. 1—3. “Geonoma” gigantea Knowlton, 1917, p. 291, pl. 61. Geonomites haydemii (Newberry) Knowlton, 1923, p. 152. The remains assigned to this species are fragments of more or less pinnate leaves. Characteristic features of the leaflets are their somewhat decurrent attach- ment to the rachis, and the comparatively slight de- 54 velopment of their midribs as compared with the flanking veinlets. Compared with the leaves called Phoenicites integri- fo-li/us Ball (1931, p. 35, pls. 42"; 47, fig. 1) from the Indio formation (Eocene) of Texas, the latter have narrower, linear leaflets, attached by conspicuously constricted bases, not noticeably decurrent on the rachis. Occurrence: Raton formation, 5679. Paloreodoxites plicatus (Lesquereux) 'Knowlton Plate 15, figures 3, 7 Orcodom'tes plicatus Lesquereux, 1883, p. 122, pl. 18, figs. 1—4. Knowlton, 1917, p. 287, pl. 63, fig. 1. Paloreodoan‘tes plicatus (Lesquereux) Knowlton, pl. 11, figs. 1—4. Brown, 1956, p. 208, pl. 33, fig. 5. 1930, p. 41, The relation of this species to living palms is un- certain because it is not known definitely whether or not the imprints are leaves or leaflets. The presump- tion is that they are leaflets of a pinnate palm, but they may represent some other monocotyledon than a palm. Occurrence: Dawson arkose, 8188 (fig. 3); Denver formation, 317 (fig. 7); Raton formation, 5803. Saba] grayana Lesquereux Plate 15, figure 5; plate 16, figure 4 Sebal grayana Lesquereux, 1869, p. 412, pl. 14, figs. 4—6. Sabalites ymyanus (Lesquereux) Lesquereux. Berry, 1916a, p. 177, pl. 13, figs. 1—3; pl. 14, fig. 1. Knowlton, 1900, p. 32, pl. 6, fig. 5; 1930, p. 36, pl. 9, fig. 5. Sabal campbelli Newberry, 1989, p. 27, p]. 21, figs. 1, 2. Dawson, 1985, p. 142, pl. 5, fig. 7. Sabalites campbelli (Newberry) Lesquereux, 1878, p. 113. Sabal grandifolia Newberry, 1898, p. 28, pl. 25; pl. 64, figs. 2, 2a. Sabal inquirenda Knowlton, 1917, p. 288, pl. 56. Sabal powelli Newberry, 1898, p. 30, p]. 64, figs. 1, 1a, only. Sabal? rugosa Knowlton, 1917, p. 288, pl. 58. Sabal? ungem' (Lesquereux) Knowlton, 1917, p. 254, 289, pl. 59. Sabah‘tes eocem‘ca (Lesquereux) Dorf, 1938, p. 48, pl. 2, fig. 6; pl. 3, fig. 3; 1942, p. 131, pl. 7, fig. 1. Sabalites florissanti (Lesquereux) Berry, 1930c, p. 66, pl. 9. Flabellaria alaskana Hollick, 1936, p. 57, pl. 22, figs. 23, 3; pl. 111; pl. 112. Flabellam‘a eocenica, Lesquereux, 1878, p. 111, pl. 13, figs. 1—3. Flabellaria. fiom’ssanti Lesquereux, 1878, p. 144, pl. 24, figs. 1, 2, 2a. Hollick, 1936, p. 56, pl. 21. This fan palm with large many-rayed leaves differs from others discussed here as follows: The apex (acumen or hastula) of the petiole on the upper side is short, more or less rounded to slightly angular, with an inside angle of more than 100°. On the under side the hastula is moderately prolonged or attenuated, with concave margins. The type is from the Eocene of Mississippi. PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS To this species probably belong the Greenland speci— mens named Flabellcmla grfinlamiz'm Heer (1883, p. 69, pl. 68, figs. 5, 5b, 6, 7) and F. johnstmpi Heer (1883, p. 70, pl. 104; 105; 106, fig. 1). However, a few paleobotanists, including Potonie and Gothan (1921, p. 14), Kryshtofovich (1929, p. 306), and Berry (1930d, p. 13), have expressed doubts concerning the identity of these specimens, as also of those from the Jurassic called Propalmophyllwm. liasz'num by Lig- nier (1908, p. 121—152, figs. 1—6), some holding that they are not plants but rill or ripple marks. If Heer’s specimens do not represent palms, one fre- quently used argument for a relatively warm climate in Paleocene time within the Arctic Circle in western Greenland, loses its force. On the other hand, the undoubted palms reported by Hollick from the Ter- tiary of Alaska came from localities only a few hun- dred miles south of the Arctic Circle. The only palms so far reported from Canada are Sabal impefialz's from the Upper Cretaceous at N anaimo on Vancouver Island and S. grayam (called S. campbellz' by J. W. Dawson) from the Tertiary on Burrard Inlet near Vancouver, British Columbia. Thus it appears that inland from the Pacific coast the northernmost limit for palms was in the latitude of the Yellowstone River in Montana. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 6051, 8526, 8545, 8567; (middle) 2416; Animas formation 6443, 6444, 7480, 9565; Denver formation, 317 (pl. 16, fig. 4), 8672 (pl. 15, fig 5); Ferris formation, 8662; Raton formation, 5094, 5139, 5142, 5467, 5469, 5712, 5827. Saba] imperialis Dawson Plate 14, figures 2, 6 Sabal imperialis Dawson, 1883, p. 26, pl. 6, figs. 23, 231); 1894, p. 57, pl. 14, fig. 61. Newberry, 1898, p. 30, figs. 6, 6a. Sabal monttma Knowlton, 1916, p. 335, pl. 85, fig. 2; 1917, p. 253, pl. 32, fig. 3; 1922, p. 119, pl. 3, fig. 4. Sabal grandifolia Newberry, 1898, p. 28, pl. 63, fig. 5 only. Sabal? leei Knowlton, 1917, p. 289, pl. 60. Sabal sp. Knowlton, 1916, p. 336, pl. 85, fig. 1. Sabalites gnu/anus (Lesquereux) Lesquereux, 1878, p. 112, pl. 12, fig. 1 (fig. 2 of doubtful nature). Gecmomites imperialis (Dawson) Bell, 1957, p. 37, pl. 22, fig. 5; pl. 23, fig. 2; pl. 24, fig. 3. Geonomites lungem' Lesquereux, 1878, p. 118, pl. 11, fig. 2. This fan palm with large, many-rayed leaves differs from others discussed here as follows: The apex (acumen or hastula) of the petiole on both the upper and the under side is unusually stout, greatly pro- longed, and with relatively straight margins. The species was most abundant in the late Creta- ceous, but at some localities it ranged into the early Paleocene. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA 55 Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 5886 (fig. 2); Dawson arkose, 8188 (fig. 6); Raton forma- tion, 5146, 5147, 5679, 5826. Sabal powelli Newberry Plate 16, figures 2, 5, 6 Sabal powelli Newberry, 1883, p. 504; 1898, p. 30, pl. 63, fig. 6 only. Sabalites powelh‘ (Newberry) Berry, 1930c, p. 67, pl. 10, figs. 6, 7. Sabal? ungem' (Lesquereux) Knowlton, 1917, p. 289, pl. 57. This fan palm with large many—rayed leaves differs from others discussed here as follows: The apex (acumen or hastula) of the petiole on the upper side is short and wedge shaped, with slightly concave mar— gins and an inside angle of about 75° at the tip. On the under side the hastula is moderately prolonged with concave margins. The species was first described from the Green River formation (Eocene) of Wyoming. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 8519 (figs. 2, 5, 6), 8673; Raton formation 5112, 5142. Thrinax dorfi Brown, n. sp. Plate 14, figure 1 Small fan palm with orbicular leaves, approxi- mately 30 cm in diameter. Rays 30, radiating from the short rounded apex of the slender unarmed petiole, which is 5 mm in diameter. This is apparently a smaller leaved species than Thm'naw eocemLaa. Berry (1914, p. 136, pl. 25) from the Eocene of Georgia, but the leaf has more rays. The genus 7'th includes a number of living species growing near the coast from southern Florida through the West Indies to Central America. The species is named for Dr. Erling Dorf, of Princeton University. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 8256 (fig. 1). CANNACEAE ‘Ganna? magnifolia Knowlton Plate 15, figure 2 Canna? magnifolia Knowlton, 1917, p. 254, pl. 36, fig. 3. Carma? sp., Knowlton, 1917, p. 255. Cyperacites? tesselatus Knowlton, 1922a, p. 117, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2. Ganna cf. 0.? magm’folia Knowlton. Dorf, 1938, p. 49, pl. 2, fig. 5. Cannophyllites magnifolia (Knowlton) Bell, 1949, p. 81, pl. 64, fig. 2; pl. 65. There is little, if anything, to add to Knowlton’s description of these monocotyledonous leaves. I can detect no constant differences between the specimens from the Vermejo, Medicine Bow, Laramie, and Fort Union formations. The type specimen from the Ver- mejo formation (Upper Cretaceous) is not well illus— trated, much of the blade having been erased from the photograph. Furthermore, the heavier widely spaced veins appear somewhat exaggerated in the photograph, but in reality are comparatively subdued, and in some parts of the blade, as also in the Paleo- cene specimens, are not readily distinguishable. The thin veins are closely spaced and may number six or more between the slightly heavier veins. The genus C’cmnophyllz'tes was instituted by Brong- niart in 1828 for a Paleozoic plant, 0. mlrletti, from the Stephanian of the Loire Basin in France, and considered by him to have been a monocotyledon. Later it was found to be a fern. The term, therefore, cannot with propriety be applied to the monocoty- ledons described here. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (middle and upper), 9134, 9200 (fig. 2). ZINGIBERACEAE Zingiberites dubius Lesquereux Zingibem'tes dubius Lesquereux, 1878, p. 95, pl. 16, fig. 1. Dorf, 1938, p. 49, pl. 2, fig. 4. The upper half of Lesquereux’s specimen is not as illustrated but appears to represent a fragment of wrinkled bark. The lower half is undoubtedly a por- tion of a monocotyledonous leaf. This specimen is from the Paleocene Denver formation. Dorf’s small specimen from the Medicine Bow formation appar- ently resembles the lower half of the Lesquereux specimen. Occurrence: Denver formation, 317. DICOTYLEDONS SALICACEAE Salix aquilina Brown, n. sp. Plate 61, figures 1—3 Leaves linear lanceolate, acute at apex and base. Margin with numerous crenate, gland-tipped teeth. Secondary veins widely spaced with a tendency to form closed loops. Intersecondaries obscure. These fragmentary leaves are referred to Salim with some hesitation. If this plausible assignment holds, they are the first representatives of the genus and family to be recorded from the Paleocene of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains. Occurrence: Fort Union (lower), 6592, 8678; (upper), 9322 (figs. 1—3). JUGLANDACEAE Carya antiquorum Newberry Plate 17, figures 1—7; plate 18, figure 4 Game antiquorum Newberry, 1868, p. 72; 1898, p. 35, pl. 31, figs. 1—4. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 289, pl. 57, figs. 1—5; pl. 58, fig. 2. Ward, 1887, p. 34, pl. 15, fig. 2. 56 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Oelastrim'tes insigm's (Heer) Bell, 1949, p. 71, pl. 57, fig. 4; pl. 58, fig. 2. Dryophylbum aquamamm Ward. Knowlton, 1917, p. 299, pl. 70, fig. 2. Hicom'a amtiquom (Newberry) Knowlton, 1919, p. 319. Juglans lecontecma Lesquereux. Bell, 1949, p. 54, pl. 57, fig. 1. Juglans m’gella Heer. Lesquereux, 1883, p. 235, pl. 46A, fig. 11. Bell, 1949, p. 55, pl. 57, fig. 5. Juglans schimpem‘ Lesquereux, 1878, p. 287, pl. 56, fig. 10 [not other figures]. Prmms dakotensis Lesquereux, 1883, p. 237, pl. 46A, fig. 8. Quercus valdensis Heer. LesQuereux, 1878, p. 153, pl. 19, fig. 8. So far as I am aware there is no reliable method for distinguishing between the many fossil leaflets assigned to Cary/a. and Juglam. Consequently, those here called Cam/a may represent several species of Oar/"ya, or a mixture of 0273/55, Jugloms, and other juglandaceous genera such as Engelhardtia, Platy- carg/a, and Rkoz'ptelea. In general, however the leaf- lets of Cow-ya antiguomm, especially the terminals, have an elliptic rather than a spatulate outline, and the marginal teeth appear to be more evenly sized without a marked tendency toward doubling. The leaf called Jwglam schimpem' by Lesquereux, from the Evanston formation, contrary to the illus- tration, has a serrate margin, but the teeth are not well preserved. The leaf, Pmmus (id/70015671858 Lesquer- eux, as illustrated, has too many teeth. The teeth are fewer, coarser, and more unequal in size, as here illus- trated (pl. 17 , fig. 7). This dentition and a sugges- tion of asymmetry indicate that the specimen is a small leaflet of (Yam/a, antiquomm. Knowlton’s illus- tration (1917, pl. 70, fig. 2) of Dryophylhmo aqua— mamm shows many coarse teeth. Actually the speci— men is poorly preserved and no teeth are clearly dis- cernible. The difficulty in distinguishing the leaflets of Oarya, and Jugloms is duplicated for the nuts also. The latter are here assigned to the form genus Juglamdi- cam/av. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 541 (p1. 17, fig. 1), 2432, 4688, 5259, 5526, 6299, 6738, 8551, 8660, 8884, 9112; (upper) exact loc. unknown (pl. 17, fig. 4, reproduction of Newberry’s pl. 31, fig. 4), exact loc. unknown (pl. 17, fig. 7, reproduction of Lesquer- eux’s Pmmus dalcotensz's), 4262, 4898, 5905, 8195, 8206 (pl. 17, fig. 2), 8222, 8224 (pl. 17, figs. 3, 6), 8234, 8523, (pl. 17, fig. 5), 8566 (pl. 17, fig. 5), 9125, 9501; Animas formation, 9565; Coalmont formation, 5987; Dawson arkose, 5836, 8307; Evanston formation, Les- quereux’s figures; Ferris formation, 6625, 6971; Middle Park formation, 3361; Raton formation, 5711 (pl. 18, fig. 4), 5712. Juglandicarya spp. Plate 19, figures 5, 7—11 Molds of that part of the cavity of a nut, exposed when the nut dehisces naturally into its two halves and loses the meat, have been found at a number of Paleocene localities. These molds represent the yoked halves of the two cotyledons. The cotyledons them- selves would be at right angles to them. As no husks or exteriors of shells seem to have been preserved, definite identification of these nuts, other than they belong to the Juglandaceae, does not seem warranted at this time. The different sizes and shapes suggest that different species are involved, but whether or not the differences are really specific or represent degrees of maturity is conjectural. Reid and Chand— ler (1933, p. 140) proposed a form genus, Juglandi- carry/a, to receive similar remains from the London Clay (Eocene), and Kirchheimer (1935, p. 82) pro— posed Uarg/ojuglam for equally unassignable nuts from the German brown coals (Oligocene). The status of Juglamdicarya was discussed by Scott (1935, p. 667; 1954, p. 73). Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4876, 5526, 5917 (figs. 5, 10), 6738, 9112 (figs. 9, 11); (upper), 8910 (fig. 7), 9198 (fig. 8). Juglans berryana (Knowlton) Brown, 11. comb. Dryophyllum berm/(ma Knowlton, 1924, p. 81, pl. 8, fig. 2. Juglans rugosa Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1917, p. 293, pl. 112, fi . 4. M agnoli: angustifolia Newberry. Knowlton, 1924, p. 88, pl. 10, fig. 3 [counterpart of Dryophyllum berm/and, pl. 8, fig. 2]. Nectcmdm lancifolia, (Lesquereux) Berry. Knowlton, 1924, p. 87, pl. 13, fig. 1. Rhus coloradensis Knowlton, 1924, p. 90, pl. 10, fig. 4. These are long elliptic to oblanceolate leaflets with inconspicuously toothed margins. The secondary veins are widely spaced, parallel, looping near the margin. The items Dryophyllum berry/(ma. and Mag- nolia, angwtifolia. were based inadvertently by Knowl- ton on counterparts of the same specimen. Occurrence: Animals formation, 7496; Raton for- mation, 5679, 5714, 5797. Juglans taurina Brown, n. sp. Plate 56, figures 4, 8, 9 Berchemria multinervis (Braun) Heer. Ward, 1887, p. 73, pl. 33, fig. 1. Broad ovate entire asymmetric leaflets with blunt to acuminate apexes and cuneate-rounded bases. Petioles short. Secondary veins numerous, sometimes branched, looping near the margin, with a tendency to branch from the midrib at right angles near the base of the blade. Tertiary connecting veinlets nu- merous, diagonal, conspicuous. SYSTEMATIC DE SCRIPTION Occurrence: Fort Union formation (upper), 2423 (figs. 4, 9), 4262 (fig. 8), 5595, 6342. Pterocarya glabra Brown, n. sp. Plate 18, figures 1—3, 5—9, 13 Leaflets elliptic spatulate, smooth, serrate with small, moderately sharp teeth. Petioles rather long, unless all the leafllets seen are terminals. Secondary veins numerous, closely spaced. Tertiary veins very numerous. Some of these leaflets are scarcely distinguishable from those of Pterocamya hispz'da Brown, except that under the magnifying glass they appear to lack the glandular dots of that species. Associated with these leaflets are nutlets (figs. 6—9) whose wings are 8 to 10-lobed. These are tentatively assigned to this species. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 8930, 6594, (upper) 8921 (figs. 1—3, 5—9, 13). Pterocarya hispida Brown, n. sp. Plate 18, figures 11, 12'; plate 19, figure 1; plate 68, figures 12, 13 Leaflets ovate to. ovate spatulate, covered with minute, glandular dots, serrate with rather small, blunt teeth. Terminal leaflet long petioled, side leaf- lets short petioled. Secondary veins numerous, closely spaced. Tertiary veins very numerous. Some of these leaflets, on the basis of shape, serra- tion, and venation alone, apparently are indistinguish- able from those of Cam/a antiquomm Newberry and Pterocm-ya glabm Brown. Associated with them, however, are entire-winged fruits (pl. 68, figs. 12, 13) similar to those of the living Pterocarya paliums Batalin, and these are tentatively assigned to the same species. They are gland dotted, like the leaves. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 6839 (pl. 68, figs. 12, 13); (upper) 8910 (pl. 19, fig. 1) 8920 (pl. 18, figs. 11, 12); Coalmont formation, 6005. BETULACEAE Betula stevensoni Lesquereux Plate 20, figures 1—5, 7—9 Betula stevensoni Lesquereux, 1878, p. 139, pl. 18, figs. 1—5; pl. 34, fig. 1b. Betula gc‘ipperti Lesquereux, 1878, p. 138, pl. 17, figs. 21—23. Betula vogdesi Lesquereux, 1878, p. 137, pl. 17, figs. 18, 19. Alnus americtma Ettingshausen, 1883, p. 115. Alums kefersteim'i G6ppert. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 140, pl. 18, figs. 6—8. Cassia, concmna Heer. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 299, pl. 59, figs. 8, 8a. Cassia evanstonensis Knowlton and Cockerell. Knowlton, 1919, p. 146. Corylus macquawii (Forbes) Heer. pl. 18, fig. 10. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 144, or THE MEGASCOPIC‘ FLORA 57 Framinus denticulata Heer. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 228, pl. 40, fig. 1 [probably not fig. 2]. Rhus evomsii Lesquereux, 1878, p. 291, pl. 58, figs. 5—9 [not pl. 50, fig. 4, which is Castwnaca tntermedia Lesquereux]. The foregoing synonymy may exceed the bounds of probability that all belong to a single species. How- ever, many of the types are based on battered speci— mens that scarcely permit typification of a species, but if more than one species is represented the distinction must await the finding of better material at those localities. These betulaceous leaves differ from those assigned to 0077/2778 {Insignis Heer in having basal secondaries with less pronounced tertiary branching and margins with more numerous and less coarse teeth. No fruits and seeds of Alnus, Betula, or Campinas have been found in association with the leaves, but catkins were found at localities 4661, 8551, and 9109. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4661 (figs. 1, 3), 8551, 8893 (figs. 2, 4) 9104, 9180; (upper), 2423, 4984 (fig. 8), 5905, 8522, 8917, 9109 (fig. 7), 9199 (fig. 9); Coalmont formation, 6110; Evanston formation, 3658, 3661 (fig. 5), Livingston formation, 6767, 8896. Corylus insignis Heer Plate 21, figures 1—11 Com/lus insignis Heer, 1871, p. 469, pl. 49, fig. 5. Com/m8 macqruarm'i (Forbes) Heer, 1868, p. 104, pl. 8, figs. 9—12; pl. 9, figs. 1—8; pl. 17, fig. 5d; pl. 19, fig. 7c; 1871, p. 469, pl. 44, fig. 11a; pl. 45, fig. 6b. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 144, pl. 18, fig. 11 [not fig. 9, which is Viburnum asperum Newberry; not fig. 10, which is Betula stevensoni Lesquereux]. Ward, 1887, p. 30, pl. 13, fig. 7. Newberry, 1898, p. 61, pl. 32, fig. 5 [not pl. 48, fig. 4, which is Tilia oregona LaMotte]. Com/1748 fasten" Ward, 1887, p. 29, pl. 13, figs. 5, 6. Corylrus americana Walter. Ward, 1887, p. 28, p. 11, figs. 3—5; pl. 12, figs. 1, 2. Corylus americana fossilis Newberry, 1898, p. 60, pl. 29, figs. 8—10. Corylus orbiculata Newberry, 1898, p. 62, pl. 32, fig. 4. Com/ms rostrum Aiton. Ward, 1887, p. 29, pl. 13, figs. 1—4. Corylus rostrum fossilis Newberry, 1898, p. 63, figs. 1—3. Com/lites fostem' (Ward) Bell, 1949, p. 53, pl. 33, figs. 1—5, 7. Betula basisewata Ward, 1887, p. 32, pl. 14, fig. 4. Bet'ula coryloides Ward, 1887, p. 31, pl. 14, fig. 3. Betula, prised Ettingshausen. Ward, 1887 , p. 31, pl. 14, fig. 2. Pterospermites whitei Ward. Bell, 1949, p. 69, pl. 47, figs. 1, 5. The leaf originally identified by Forbes from the Ardtun beds (Miocene) of the Isle of Mull as Alm'tes macguam’ii is fragmentary, but upon it Heer estab- lished Corylus mcgmwiz' represented by equally frag- mentary specimens from Atanekerdluk in Greenland. On the basis of a leaf from the same strata, Oorylus 58 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS insignis Heer is a less controversial name for these American specimens. Although this species is represented by an abun— dance and variety of leaves in the Paleocene of the Western States, only one nut (fig. 6) has been taken. This is small, being only 5 mm in diameter. Perhaps some shrinkage occurred before fossilization. One male catkin (fig. 9) has also been found. The relationship of this species to those identified by Hollick as Corylus in the Tertiary floras of Alaska is not clear. Some Alaskan Tertiary species of Alma; and Betula may also be confused with Oorth. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 8224, 8519 (figs. 9, 10), 8551, 8552, 8897, 8930, 9104; (up— per), 2414 (fig. 5), 2416 (figs. 1, 6, 11), 8979, 4974, 8281, 8255 (fig. 4), 8921, 9072 (figs. 2, 8, 8), 9202 (fig. 7) ; Livingston formation, 4310, 6765. FAGACEAE ‘Castanea intermedia Lesquereux Plate 22, figures 3, 4, 6, 7—10 Castanea intermedia Lesquereux, 1878, p. 164, pl. 21, fig. 7. Knowlton, 1917, p. 297, pl. 68, fig. 2; 1924, p. 81, pl. 8, fig. 1. 1930, p. 50. Dryophyllum moom' (Lesquereux) Berry. p. 299, pl. 70, fig. 1. Rhus evansi LesquereuX, 1878, p. 291, pl. 50, fig. 4 [not other figures]. Knowlton, 1917, The type of this species, it should be noted, is from the Paleocene of Middle Park, 0010., and not from the Oligocene at Florissant, 0010., as listed in LaMotte’s catalog (1952, p. 106). In general the leaves here assigned to Caster/aw are relatively long and narrow, with fairly sharp, slightly hooked marginal teeth. Notably, the sinuses between the teeth are deep and angular below. The specimen described but not figured by Knowlton (1930, p. 50) is somewhat atypical in having one secondary vein that is forked near the midrib, and a number of sec— ondaries that are forked near the margin, sending short branches into teeth. No fruits or nuts recognizable as those of Oas‘tama have thus far been found in American Paleocene strata. One specimen of 0. ungem' Heer (1883, p. 84, pl. 69, fig. 3), from Atanekerdluk, Greenland, may belong here. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 541 (fig. 7), 6344, 8928 (figs. 3, 4, 6); (upper) 8521, 8774; Animas formation, 7485; Dawson arkose, 5836 (fig. 9), 5839; Ferris formation, 5495 (fig. 10), 6428, 9203 (fig. 8); Middle Park formation, 333; Raton forma- tion, 5712. Quercus asymmetrica Trelease Plate 22, figure 1 Que/r0778 dubiar Newber‘ry, 1898, p. 73, pl. 37, fig. 5. Quercus asym‘mctrwa Trelease, 1924, p. 27. [Homonym.] These fragments have the appearance of belonging to the Fagaceae but may, when adequate material is found, be assigned elsewhere. Occurrence: Fort Union formation, exact locality un- known (fig. 1, reproduction of Newberry’s type). Quercus greenlandica Heer Plate 19, figures 3, 6, 12; plate 22, figure 5; plate 40, figures 1, 2 Quercus groenltmdica Heer, 1868, p. 108, pl. 8, fig. 8; pl. 10, figs. 3, 4; pl. 11, fig. 4; pl. 47, fig. 1; 1871, p. 56, pl. 12, figs. 1—4; p. 471, pl. 45, figs. 4, 4b; 1883, p. 89, pl. 69, fig. 4; pl. 89, figs. 1, 2; pl. 91, figs. 1, 2a. Quemus furoinervis Rossmassler, Heer, 1868, p. 107, pl. 7, figs. 6a, 7a; pl. 45, fig. 1d; pl. 46, fig. 6. Quercus steenstmpiana Heer, 1868, p. 109, pl. 11, fig. 5; pl. 46, figs. 8, 9; 1883, p. 92, pl. 69, fig. 5. Castanea ungem‘ Heer, 1883, p. 84, pl. 69, fig. 3; pl. 73, fig. 14; pl. 88, fig. 3; pl. 89, fig. 4. Fagus castaneaefolia, Unger. Heer, 1868, p. 106, pl. 10, figs. 7a, 8; pl. 46, figs. 1—3. Fagus dentuta Unger. Heer, 1868, p. 106, pl. 10, figs. 1, 2, 7b, 9. Fagus deucaliom‘s Unger. Heer, 1868, p. 105, pl. 8, figs. 1—4; pl. 10, ,fig. 6; pl. 46, fig. 4; 1871, p. 470, pl. 46, fig. 9; 1875, p. 5, pl. 3, figsbll, 12. The numerous specimens here referred to Quercus and hitherto identified variously as Oastama, Fagus, and Quercus, are characterized particularly by large, more or less rounded teeth between which the sinuses, although somewhat scalloped, are nevertheless slightly or noticeably angular. Several species and genera may here be confused, but, in the absence of con- firmatory seeds or fruits, I do not see how they can be separated satisfactorily. Probably the fragmentary leaves identified by Heer from the Paleocene strata at Atankerdluk, Greenland, as Fergus macrophylla Unger, Quercus? Mama Heer, and Quercus drymeia Unger, also belong here. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4010 (pl. 19, fig. 3), 5526 (pl. 40, figs. 1, 2), 6171 (pl. 19, fig. 12), 9111, 9208, 9482; (upper), 4878 (pl. 19, fig. 6), 9132, 9196; Animas formation, 9549; Coalmont formation, 6000 (pl. 22, fig. 5); Evanston formation, 5551. Quercus macneili Brown, n. sp. Plate 19, figure 2 Leaves elliptic in outline, with cuneate bases. Mar- gin with coarse toothlike, sharp-pointed lobes, sepa— rated by angular sinuses. Secondary venation some- what irregular, the veins entering the marginal lobes. Surface pattern a quadrangular meshwork. This species is a representative of the blackoak group. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC‘ FLORA 59 Named for F. Stearns MacNeil, 0f the US. Geo- logical Survey. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 8239 (fig. 2). Quercus sullyi Newberry Plate 23, figures 1—7; plate 27, figure 9; plate 57, figures 6, 7 Quercus sullyi Newberry, 1883, p. 506; 1898, p. 79, pl. 60, fig. 2. Quercus artocarpites Ettingshausen. Hollick, 1936, p. 102, pl. 43, fig. 1; pl. 56, fig. 6. Quercus chamentem’ Heer, 1883, p. 93, pl. 73, figs. 11—13; pl. 74, fig. 9. Quercus conjunctiva Hollick, 1936, p. 101, pl. 42, figs. 3, 4a. Quercus furoinervis Rossmassler. Heer, 1883, p. 89, pl. 74, fig. 8. Quercus juglandmw Heer, 1883, p. 89, pl. 71, fig. 19; pl. 74, figs. 4—7; pl. 76, fig. 12; pl. 102, fig. 9a. Hollick, 1936, p. 101, pl. 42, figs. 1a, 2; pl. 43, fig. 2. Quercus laharpi Gaudin. Heer, 1883, p. 92, pl. 74, figs. 1—3. Quercus lw‘um‘folia. Newberry, 1898, p. 76, pl. 59, fig. 4; pl. 60, fig. 3. Quercus lyelli Heer, 1883, p. 87, pl. 72, figs. 1—10; pl. 73, figs. 1—6. Quercus meriam' Heer. Hollick, 1936, p. 102, pl. 44, fig. 1. Quercus penhallowi Trelease, 1918, p. 499. Andromeda denticulatw Heer, 1868, p. 116, pl. 50, figs. 11d, 11c. [Specific term preoccupied by another fossil oak] Aralia. taurmensis (Ward) Sanborn, 1937, p. 27, pl. 10, figs. 1, 2, 4. Dryophyllum aquilom‘um Hollick, 1936, p. 104, pl. 43, fig. 6. Framinus juglwndma Saporta. Hollick, 1936, p. 163, pl. 42, fig. 4b only. Ilca' lomfifoh‘a Heer, 1868, p. 124, pl. 48, figs. 3~6; 1871, p. 481, pl. 50, fig. 17; pl. 56, fig. 1. [Name given to a dubious Miocene fragment from Italy.] new? reticulum Heer, 1868, p. 124, pl. 48, fig. 7. occupied by a living oak.] Ilea- triboleti Heer, 1883, p. 129, pl. 72, fig. 10b; pl. 73, figs. 7—10. Jug‘lcms bilim‘ca, Unger. Heer, 1883, p. 100, pl. 69, fig. 8. Juglans crossi Knowlton. Hollick, 1936, p. 80, pl. 44, figs. 3, 4. Jugltms denticulata Heer, 1871, p. 483, pl. 56, figs. 6—9a. Jugltms heem‘ Ettingshausen. Heer, 1883, p. 102, pl. 76, figs. 2—11. Juglans sp. Hollick, 1926, p. 42, fig. 1b. Myriad acuminata Unger. Heer, 1883, p. 78, pl. 71, figs. 6, 7. Myrica. lan-geana Heer, 1883, p. 78, pl. 71, figs. 1—5; pl. 86, fig. 5. M yrsme grénlandica Heer, 1.883, p. 111, pl. 81, figs. 4—8; pl. 85, fig. 4. Populus meedsii Knowlton, 1893, p. 34, pl. 1, figs. 1, 2. Protoficus inaequalis Newberry, 1898, p. 89, pl. 60, fig. 1 only. Primus scotti Heer, 1871, p. 483, pl. 55, fig. 5; 1883, p. 137, pl. 84, fig. 13. Pterocarya denticulata. Heer, 1883, p. 102, pl. 76, fig. 1. Pterocarya. septentm‘o’nale Hollick, 1936, p. 84, pl. 40, figs. 5—7. Sapindus undulatus Braun. Heer, 1883, p. 127, pl. 84, figs. 1—3. [Name pre- Well-preserved impressions of these elliptic-lan- ceolate entire to toothed leaves display several charac- teristic features that render identification easy. The sharp, somewhat dentate teeth, when present, are separated by scalloped sinuses; the prominent forks of the undulant secondary veins connect to form loops near the margin; and the minute venational surface pattern makes a conspicuous, quadrangular network. Although these leaves have been variously identi- fied, as shown by the synonymy, there is no certainty now that they represent Quercus. The species re- sembles variants of the Late Cretaceous Dryophyllum subfwlcatum Lesquereux and may be descended from it. The resemblance to fossil species of Uelastrus and Viburnum is more remote. The latter have rounded or sometimes cordate bases and more numerous teeth which are serrate, not dentate. The species left abundant remains at many localities, but particularly in the late Paleocene and early Eocene. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4289, 6602, 8239 (pl. 23, fig. 4; pl. 57, figs. 6, 7) 8253 (pl. 27, fig. 9), 8552 (pl. 23, fig. 3); (upper), exact local- ity unknown (pl. 23, fig. 2, reproduction of Newberry’s type, pl. 60, fig. 2), 436 (pl. 23, fig. 1), 2414 (pl. 23, fig. 5, reproduction of Knowlton’s pl. 1, fig. 1 of Populus meedsz'i), 5582, 6985, 8257, 8885, 8886 (pl. 23, figs. 6, 7), 8913, 8920; Coalmont formation, 6005. Quercus yulensis Brown, n. sp. Plate 19, figure 4 Leaf elliptic to obovate in outline with blunt apex, large rounded teeth and narrow, deep sinuses between the teeth. Secondary veins few, widely spaced, sub- parallel, and entering the teeth. The fewer secondaries and larger teeth readily dis- tinguish this species from Quemus greenlomdica Heer, another member of the White oak group. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 8239 (fig. 4). ULMACEAE Celtis newberryi Knowlton and Cockerell Plate 27, figures 3, 4 Celtic newberryi Knowlton and Cockerell. Knowlton, 1919, p. 160. Celtis parvifolia. Newberry, 1898, p. 84, pl. 53, fig. 6. Camus denvere’nsis Knowlton. Bell, 1949, p. 76, pl. 56, fig. 5 (lower leaf). Leaves more or less asymmetric, with slightly rounded bases and acute apexes. Margins entire or with coarse, serrate teeth. Venation incipiently palm— ate, with a miror, pair of subdued veins between the primary pair and the top of the petiole. Primary and secondary veins enter marginal teeth and emit branches to subsidiary teeth. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (middle), exact locality unknown (fig. 3, reproduction of Newberry’s type); (upper), 9109 (fig. 4). 60 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Celtis peracuminata Browu, n. sp. Plate 20, figure 6 Leaf ovate lanceolate in outline, with rounded base and attenuate apex. Margin withshort serrate teeth. Venation palmate. Basal primaries curve narrowly upward toward the apex, their numerous branches forming conspicuous loops from which minute branches run into the teeth. Veinlets connecting the major venation relatively coarsely spaced. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (upper), 7688 (fig. 6). Planera microphylla Newberry Plate 24, figures 1—11, 13, 15, 16 Planem microphylla Newberry, 1868, p. 55; 1898, p. 81, pl. 33, figs. 3, 4. Rhus? nervosa Newberry, 1898, p. 114, pl. 33, figs. 5, 6. Rhus unitus Knowlton and Cockerell. Knowlton, 1919, p. 553. Ulmus antecedens Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 62, pl. 23, fig. 7. Most of these leaves are symmetric or only slightly asymmetric, with cordate bases. The marginal teeth are single, double, or mixed. The striking feature of the best leaves is the notable forking of many secondary veins at some distance inward from the margin. Because no characteristic fruits of PZomem have been found with these leaves the identification should be regarded as tentative. The leaves may represent Uhaetoptelea, U lmus, Zellcova, or some other ulmaceous genus. A suggestion of an ancestral form may be Pkg/Mics sp. (Dorf, 1942, p. 156, pl. 17, figs. 5, 13), from the Lance formation (Upper Cretaceous) in eastern Wyoming. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 5385, 5387, 5885 (fig. 10); (upper), 4264 (figs. 3—5, 8, 9, 13), exact locality unknown (figs. 6, 16, reproduction of Newberry’s type of Rims? 71767100811), 4898, 5300, 6225, 8206 (figs. 7, 11), 8166 (fig. 15), 8255, 8523, 8885 (figs. 1, 2) 9398; Denver formation, 317. Ulmus rhamnifolia Ward Plate 24, figures 17, 18, 21—23 Ulmus rhamm'folia. Ward, 1887, p. 45, pl. 23, fig. 5. Ulmus orbiculam's Ward, 1887, p. 46, pl. 23, fig. 6. Leaves relatively large, more or less asymmetric, with rounded double marginal teeth. Secondary vena- tion curving, equidistant, as in living species of U Imus. Fruit obovoid, with the seed about the width of the wing, resembling that of the living Ulmus japonica Sargent of eastern Asia. The present correlation of leaves and fruit seems reasonably certain because no other elmlike leaves or leaves of any other family having elmlike fruits occur at these Paleocene localities. Heer’s Sombus gramdifolia (1883, p. 483, pl. 54, fig. 4) is fragmen— tary, but it and his Ulmxus fruit (1883, p. 94, pl. 75, fig. 12), from At’anekerdluk, Greenland, probably be- long with this species. Newberry (1883, p. 508) de- scribed but did not illustrate some large leaves from the Yellowstone River region of Montana, as Ulmus grandifolz'a. These were probably the same as U. rhanmifolia, but were never again alluded to, and their whereabouts is now unknown. As their identity cannot be established, the name is rejected. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4620; (upper), 2414 (fig. 21, reproduction of VVard’s type of Ulmus rhamnifolia), 8910 (figs. 18, 23), 9109 (fig. 22), 9207 (fig. 17). Zelkova planeroides (Ward) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 22, figure 2; pl. 24, figures 12, 14, 19, 20 Ulmus planeroidcs Ward, 1887, p. 44, pl. 23, figs. 1, 2. Ulmus minima Ward, 1887, p. 45, pl. 23, figs. 3, 4. Ulmus wardii Knowlton and Cockerell. Knowlton, 1919, p. 636. Planera cremata Newberry, 1898, p. 81, pl. 67, fig. 3. Planera lingualis Knowlton and Cockerell. Knowlton, 1919, p. 464. Quercus castanopsis Newberry, 1898, p. 71, pl. 56, fig. 4. Quercus praegroenlandica Berry, 1935, p. 26, pl. 3, figs. 3—7. Bell, 1949, p. 53. The best preserved of these leaves are comparatively long and narrow, with cuneate or rounded, not cordate, bases. The teeth are rounded, generally single, but may occasionally be double. . Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4035 (pl. 24, fig. 12), 4620, 6154, 8163, 9104; (upper), 2414 (pl. 24, figs. 14, 20, counterpart of VVard’s type), 3979, 5613, 7662, 8196, 8255, 8521, exact locality un- known (pl. 24, fig. 19, reproduction of Newberry’s type of Quercus castawapsz’s), exact locality unknown (pl. 22, fig. 2, reproduction of Newberry’s type of Planem crenata) . _ HORACEAE Artocarpus lessigiana (Lesquereux) Knowlton Plate 25, figure 7 Myrica? lessigii Lesquereux, 1878, p. 136, pl. 64, fig. 1. Artocarpus lessigiana (Lesquereux) Knowlton, 1893a, p. 24; 1922a, p. 128, pl. 12, fig. 1; pl. 22, fig. 4. Berry, 19163, p. 194, pl. 26, fig. 1. Ball, 1931, p. 52, pl. 37, figs. 1—3; pl. 38, figs. 1—8; pl. 39, figs. 1, 2. MacGinitie, 1941, p. 109, pl. 15; pl. 16, fig. 1. Artocarpus dicksoni Nathorst, 1890, p. 1—10, pl. 1, figs. 1—4. Artocarpus dissecta Knowlton, 1917, p. 67, pl. 42, fig. 6. Artocarrpus? gigantea Knowlton, 1930, p. 75. Artocarpus lim‘odendroides Knowlton, 1922a, p. 129, pl. 21, fig. 2. Artocarpus pungens (Lesquereux) Hollick, 1899, p. 281, pl. 38, figs. 1, 2. Berry, 1916a, p. 195, pl. 25, fig. 1; pl. 27, fig. 1; pl. 29, fig. 1. Knowlton, 1924, p. 85, pl. 12; 1930, p. 73, pl. 30, fig. 2; pl. 32, figs. 1, 2. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA 61 Artocarpus similis Knowlton, 1917, p. 306, pl. 77; pl. 78, figs. 1, 2; 1930, p. 75, pl. 32, fig. 6. Artocarpophyllum occidentale Dawson, 1894, p. 60, pl. 12, fig. 51; pl. 13, fig. 52. Aralia puugens Lesquereux, 1883, p. 123, pl. 19, figs. 3, 4. Quercus uugustilobu Braun. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 161, pl. 21, figs. 4, 5. Quercus pmeaugustilobu Knowlton, 1922a, p. 126, pl. 5, figs. 6, 7. Sterculiu coriaceu Knowlton, 1917, p. 272, pl. 48, fig. 1. Phyllites sp. Knowlton, 1924, p. 98, pl. 19, fig. 1. I have found no satisfactory method for distinguish- ing species among the materials here synonymized as Artocaipus Zessigiama (Lesquereux) Knowlton. It, however, seems somewhat improbable that only one species prevailed over the range of time and space indicated by these specimens. Nevertheless, I can duplicate almost exactly Nathorst’s A. dicksoui from the Upper Cretaceous of Greenland with a specimen from the Denver formation (Paleocene) on South Table Mountain, Colo. N0 fruits comparable to those illustrated by Nathorst have yet been found in the United States. Thus far, also, no leaves recognizable as those of Artocurpus have been reported from the Paleocene of any locality in the Rocky Mountain region north of latitude 43°. This or a similar species was present in the Eocene of the Gulf Coastal Plain and of Yellowstone National Park. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 9237; Animas formation, 7496; Dawson arkose, 8779; Den- ver formation, 317 (fig. 7), 8777; Puerco formation, 7371; Raton formation, 5799. Ficus affinis (Lesquereux) BroWn, n. comb. Plate 27, figures 1, 2, 5; plate 43, figures 7, 8 Cinnamomum ufiiue Lesquereux, 1878, p. 219, pl. 37, fig. 5 [not other figures except the unnumbered one below fig. 1]. Cinnamomum? ficifolium Knowlton, 1917, p. 318, pl. 90, fig. 3. Cinnamomum lanceolafium (Unger) Heer. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 219, pl. 36, fig. 12. Cinnamomum liuifolium Knowlton, 3—7; 1930, p. 86, pl. 59, fig. 3. Dorf, 1938, p. 59, pl. 9, fig. 1. Cinnamomum polymorphum Braun. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 221, pl. 37, fig. 10. [Same as C. ellipticum Knowlton, 1893, p. 54.] Cinnamomum salicoides Knowlton, 1924, p. 88, pl. 15, fig. 2. Cinnamomum? sp. Knowlton, 1930, p. 87, pl. 36, fig. 4. Ficus cannoui Knowlton, 1922a, p. 136, pl. 6, fig. 3; pl. 10, fig. 1. Ficus dalmaticu Ettingshausen. Knowlton, 1922a, pl. 21, fig. 9; pl. 22, fig. 5. Ficus huddeni Knowlton, 1917, p. 260, pl. 38, figs. 6, 7. Ficus ueopluuicostatu Knowlton, 1930, p. 69, pl. 29, figs. 3, 4. Ficus plan/icostatu problematicu Knowlton, 1930, p. 71, pl. 28, fig. 2. Ficus pop-uloides Knowlton, 1900, p. 44, pl. 8, fig. 3. Ficus positi‘iuemis Knowlton, 1922a, p. 136, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2. Ficus pruetriuei‘uis Knowlton, 1917, p. 263, 304, pl. 41, figs. 1—3 [not fig. 4, which is F. plauicostata Lesquereux]; 1930, p. 71, pl. 28, figs. 8—10. 1917, p. 319, pl. 88, figs. Ficus pseudopopulus Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1917, p. 304, pl. 72, fig. 2 [not figs. 3, 4, which are F. planicostuta Les- quereux]; pl. 73, figs. 1, 2; pl. 112, fig. 3; 1924, p. 83, pl. 9, fig. 3. Ficus triueruis Knowlton, 1900, p. 42. Lee, 1912, pl. 20, fig. 1. Dorf, 1938, p. 56, pl. 6, figs. 1, 4. Ficus sp. Knowlton, 1930, p. 72, pl. 30, fig. 1. Malapoemiu louisuillensis Knowlton, 1922a, p. 144, pl. 7, fig. 5. Phyllites herbaceu Knowlton, 1924, p. 97, pl. 15, fig. 4. Platcmus platauoides (Lesquereux) Knowlton, 1930, p. 82, pl. 36, fig. 5. Populus arctica Heer. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 178, pl. 23, fig. 4. [Locality dubious, but not Spring Canyon, Mont] Populus? distortu Knowlton, 1922a, p. 126, pl. 4, fig. 6. Zizyphus lauceolatus Knowlton, 1924, p. 93, pl. 15, fig. 3. Zizyphus minutus Knowlton, 1922a, p. 158, pl. 18, fig. 1. These triveined leaves, hesitantly assigned to Ficus, differ from those called Ficus plam’costatu Lesquereux chiefly in the conspicuous decurrency of the lateral primaries into the petiole. Both species however, as now set up, include specimens having almost similar venation, so that choice of allocation is sometimes dif- ficult and the result arbitrary. Both species range from the Cretaceous into the Paleocene and are asso- ciated at the same or nearby localities in correlative strata. Some extremely narrow specimens, formerly called Uiimamomum Zinifoluim Knowlton, are here reas- signed to Ficus afiuis, because they seem to be variants of this species and are found at the same localities. As this species was based by Knowlton on one of Lesquereux’s types of Uimmmomum afl‘iue, its proper name, instead of Ficus ti'immis Knowlton, should have been Ficus afiuis (Lesquereux) Knowlton, n. comb. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 4625 (pl. 43, fig. 8), 5194, 8899; Animas formation, 7481, (pl. 27, fig. 5), 7483; Dawson arkose, 5374, 5831, 6943, 8779, 9554; Denver formation, 317 (pl. 27, figs. 1, 2), 325, 8672, 8777; Evanston formation, exact locality unknown; Raton formation, 5683, 5684, 5686, 5699, 5796 (pl. 43, fig. 7), 5826, 5827. Ficus artocarpoides Lesquereux Plate 28, figures 1—7 Ficus artocurpoides Lesquereux, 1878, p. 47, pl. 47, figs. 1—5. Knowlton, 1917, p. 300, pl. 71, fig. 3. Camus? fosteri Ward, 1887, p. 54, pl. 25, fig. 5. Camus uewberryi Hollick. Newberry, 1898, p. 124, pl. 37, fig. 4 only. M eliosma cuneatu (Newberry) Berry, 1939b, p. 377 [not text fig. 1]. Parrotiu cuneatu (Newberry) Berry, p. 71 [not pl. 12, fig. 10]. Phyllitcs retusoides Knowlton, 1917, p. 349, pl. 102, fig. 5. Pi‘otophyllum cauudensis Berry, 1935, p. 31, pl. 4B. Protophyllum sp. Berry, 1926, p. 194, fig. 1. 1916a, p. 219; 19303, 62 I’ALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Ptcrospermites dawsoni (Knowlton) Bell, 1949, p. 70, pl. 47, figs. 2, 4; pl. 49, figs. 1, 2. Pterospcrmites pcnhallowi Berry, 1935, p. 49, pl. 13. Quercus bicomis Ward, 1887, p. 24, pl. 9, fig. 3. Qucrcus darwsoni Knowlton, 1898, p. 191. Qucrcus plataniu Heer. Dawson, 1889, p. 72, pl. 11. Rhumnus cannoni Knowlton, 1930, p. 107, pl. 46, fig. 5. Rhamnus cleburni Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 104, pl. 46, figs. 10, 11 only. Rhumnus goldiunus Lesquereux. 101, fig. 4. Viburnum cuncatum Newberry, 1883, p. 511; 1898, p. 130, pl. 57, fig. 2. Knowlton, 1917, p. 332, p1. The types of this species, unfortunately, are frag— mentary, and their present location is unknown to me. They are depicted as oval, blunt at the apex, cuneate, rounded, or cordate at the base, with entire margins, and long, stout petioles. The venation is pinnate, the secondaries evenly spaced, camptodrome, and con— nected by numerous parallel diagonal veinlets. The lower secondaries may be branched near the margin. Collections from other localities in the Fort Union of Montana, particularly locality 8910, contain leaves that would be identified with the original Ficus uric- carpoides, but they also include toothed leaves that have been identified as Viburnum cuncutum, Quercus duwsoni, Cornus ncwbcrryi, and Ptcrospcrmitcs pen— hullowi. As all these differently shaped specimens, however, have identical venation and as they occur together at a number of localities, I am inclined to regard them as representing a single species; but, al- though their features are suggestive, I am not certain that they represent a species of Ficus. Except that these leaves are less coarse in every respect—size, venation, and dentition—they seem to be clearly descendant from Ficus preartocarpoidcs Brown (1939b, p. 249, pl. 53, figs. 3—5) and its syno— nym, Aruliucphyllum artocurpoidcs (Lesquereux) Dorf (1942, p. 147, pl. 13, fig. 4) from the Hell Creek and Lance formations, respectively. Indeed, some of the Paleocene leaves may, by atavism, match those of the Late Cretaceous. Most of the Late Cretaceous leaves display an indefinable irregularity not found in the Paleocene specimens. The original illustration of Cornus newbcrrg/i' Hol- lick should be compared with that here (fig. 1) made of the same specimen after the margin was cleaned, showing that the leaf is toothed, not entire. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4570, 4625 (fig. 6), 4860, 4876, 4984, 5839, 6117, 6668, 8246, 8551, 8552; (upper), 2416 (fig. 5,, reproduction of Ward’s type of Qucrcus bicorni's), 4369 (fig. 3), 4676, 5760, 8261 (fig. 4), 8774, 8910 (fig. 2), 8922, exact locality unknown (fig. 1, reproduction of Hollick’s type of Cornus newbcrryi), exact locality unknown (fig. 7, reproduction of Newberry’s type of Viburnum cuncutum); Evanston formation, 1474, 3653; Ferris formation, 6630, 6971, 8516; Livingston formation 4311; Middle Park formation, 337 ; Raton formation, 5711. Ficus minutidens Knowlton Plate 48, figure 8 Ficus minutidens Knowlton, 1917, p. 305, pl. 71, fig. 2. The distinctive feature of these figlike leaves is their dentate margin, with scalloped or angular sinuses between the teeth. The venation is essentially pin- nate but with a suggestion of a tendency toward palmateness. Acceptance of these leaves as Ficus is made with reservations, because they also resemble somewhat the leaves of some species of Hydrangea, Morus, Populus, Tiliu, Viburnum, and Vitis. Occurrence: Animas formation, 7496 (fig. 8) ; Raton formation, 5711. Ficus planicostata Lesquereux Plate 26, figures 1—8 Ficus planicostutu Lesquereux, 1878, p. 201, pl. 31, figs. 1—8, 10—12. Lee, 1912, pl. 20, fig. 2. Knowlton, 1924, p. 82, pl. 9, fig. 2. Dorf, 1938, p. 53, pl. 5, figs. 3—5, 7; 1942, p. 136. Ficus planicostatu clintoni (LeSquereux) Knowlton, 1917, p. 303, pl. 76, fig. 3. Ficus planicostatu goldianu Lesquereux, 1878, p. 202, pl. 33, figs. 1—3. Knowlton, 1930, p. 70, pl. 28, fig. 5. Ficus planicostatu magnifolia Knowlton, 1922a, p. 133, pl. 10, fig. 3. Ficus berm/and Knowlton, 1922a, p. 139, pl. 11, fig. 11. Ficus cockcrclli Knowlton, 1922a, p. 132, pl. 12, fig. 2; pl. 23, figs. 1, 2. Dorf, 1938, p. 55, pl. 7, fig. 2. Ficus dawsonensis Knowlton, 1930, p. 67, pl. 26, fig. 1. Ficus denccriana Cockerell. Knowlton, 1917, p. 302, pl. 75, fig. 2 only. Ficus impressc Knowlton, 1922a, p. 134, pl. 7, figs. 1—3. Ficus leei Knowlton, 1916, p. 338, pl. 90, fig. 2; 1917, p. 261, pl. 39, figs. 1—6; pl. 40, figs. 1, 2. Ficus neodulmuticu Knowlton, 1922a, p. 135, pl. 7, fig. 6. Ficus neoplanicostutu Knowlton, 1922a, p. 303, pl. 73, fig. 4; pl. 74, figs. 2, 3; pl. 76, fig. 4; 1924, p. 82, pl. 9, fig. 4; 1930, p. 69, pl. 28, figs. 3, 4, 6, 7. Ficus occidentulis (Lesquereux) Lesquereux, 1878, p. 200, pl. 32, fig. 4. Knowlton, 1917, p. 302, pl. 72, fig. 1; 1924, p. 82, pl. 8, fig. 5; 1930, p. 68, pl. 26, fig. 75. Ficus pagos‘ensis Knowlton, 1924, p. 84, pl. 11. Ficus pracplanicostatu Knowlton, 1922a, p. 133, pl. 22, fig. 2. Ficus practrinercis Knowlton, 1917, p. 263, pl. 41, fig. 4. Ficus problematicu Knowlton, 1900, p. 46, pl. 9, fig. 3. Ficus pseudopopulus Lesquereux, 1878, p. 204, pl. 34, fig. 111 only. Knowlton, 1917, p. 304, pl. 72, figs. 3, 4 only; 1930, p. 66, pl. 25, figs. 3—5; pl. 26, figs. 2, 4 only. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA Ficus richardsoni Knowlton, 1917 , p. 304, pl. 76, fig. 1. Ficus schimpcri Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1917, p. 304, pl. 75, figs. 3, 4. Ficus speciosissima Ward, 1887, p. 39, pl. 21, fig. 3. Lee, 1912, pl. 19. Knowlton, 1916, p. 90, pl. 16, fig. 3. Ficus squawosa Knowlton, 1900, p. 45, pl. 48, fig. 2. Ficus tiliaefolia Braun. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 203, pl. 32, figs. 1—3; pl. 63, fig. 8. Knowlton, 1930, p. 67. Ficus wardi Knowlton, 1900, p. 48, pl. 9, fig. 1. Ficus cf. mississippicusis (Lesquereux) Berry. Bell, 1957, p. 44, pl. 33, figs. 1, 5. Ficus sp. Knowlton, 1924, p. 84, pl. 6, fig. 7. Cinnamomum mississippicuse Lesquereux. p. 320, pl. 89, fig. 2. Cissus coloradcnsis Knowlton and Cockerell. Knowlton, 1930, p. 112, pl. 47, fig. 6; pl. 50, fig. 2. Cissus iaevigaia Lesquereux, 1878, p. 238, pl. 40, fig. 13 [not fig. 12, which is Platauus rayuoidsi Newberry]. Knowlton, 1917, p. 340, pl. 103, fig. 1. womus studcri Heer. Knowlton, 1917, p. 342, pl. 109, fig. 2. Dombcyopsis obiusa Lesq‘uereux. Knowlton, 1922, p. 162; 1930, p. 124, for reference to USNM 281d. Hedera rotuudifolia Knowlton, 1917, p. 272, pl. 47, fig. 8. Juglaus thermaiis Lesquereux, 1878, p. 287, pl. 56, fig. 4 [not Knowlton, 1917, fig. 3, which is Sassafras thermaie (Lesquereux) Brown]. Laurus utahensis Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1917, p. 318, pl. 70, fig. 4. Phaseolitcs coloradeusis Knowlton, 1930, p. 97, pl. 45, fig. 1. Phyllitcs eocenica Knowlton, 1924, p. 96, pl. 18, fig. 4. Phyliites sp. Knowlton, 1930, p. 130, pl. 56, fig. 3. With the exception of the first and a few others, the citations in the foregoing synonymy concern specimens from known Paleocene localities. The first cites Lesquereux’s types of this species from the Upper Cretaceous at Black Buttes, Wyo. Other cita- tions for Cretaceous localities have been published by Dorf (1938, p. 53; 1942, p. 136). These synonymies indicate that this species, if it is a single species, comprises leaf specimens illustrating great variety of outline, but with virtually the same venation. The latter consists of a pair of strong lateral veins arising from or near the top of the petiole and curving up- ward toward the apex. These primary veins have relatively numerous, closely spaced, parallel side branches. Between the midvein and secondaries and between the secondaries are numerous, more or less closely spaced, parallel connecting veinlets. The apexes of these entire ovate to ovate-lanceolate leaves may be blunt rounded to long acuminate, and the bases may be strongly cordate to cuneate. The leaves from the Paleocene seem to average somewhat larger and are perhaps more acuminate than those from the Cretaceous. However, it seems that this species crossed the Cretaceous-Paleocene contact with only slight change, if any. r—ir 63 The Cretaceous specimens called Ficus chi and F. speciosissima have strongly cordate bases but are otherwise like typical F. piauicosiata. Moreover, they occur in association with the latter and, I suspect, are merely extreme variants of it. Many items such as Hedcra rotuudifolia, Jwglaus thermaiis, and Phyllitcs sp. are fragments that might better have been left unnamed, or at least they should have received more careful scrutiny before being named. The relationship of Ficus plauicostata to the E0— cene specimens called F. wyomiugicma Lesquereux and F. mississippiensis (Lesquereux) Berry is not clear but may be close. The assignment of all these figlike leaves to Ficus, although plausible, is not confirmed by authentic as- sociated fruits. The Cretaceous specimens named Ficus ceratops Knowlton are still controversial. Hence, there is an open possibility that F. plauicostata, as well as F. afliuis, may belong to some other genus and family. The following statement of occurrence indicates that, so far as known, this species was absent from Paleocene areas north of the latitude of Terry, Mont. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4876 (fig. 6), 6057, 8246, 8666; (upper), 8774 (figs. 2, 5, 7, 8; fig. 2 is in Chicago Natural History Museum); 9501; Animas formation, 5456, 7481 (fig. 3) ; Dawson arkose, 8188 (fig. 4); Denver formation, 317 (fig. 1), 325, 8777; Evanston formation, exact locality un- known; Ferris formation, 8516; Puerco formation, 7371, 7495; Raton formation, 5046, 5132, 5147, 5236, 5678, 5679, 5684, 5687, 5688, 5689, 5711 5799. Ficus subtruncata Lesquereux Plate 25, figures 1—6 Ficus subtruucata Lesquereux, 1878, p. 205, pl. 30, figs. 7—9. Knowlton, 1919, p. 289; 1924, p. 83, pl. 8, fig. 3; 1930, p. 63. Ficus auriculata Lesquereux, 1878, p. 206, pl. 30, figs. 4-6. Ficus martini Knowlton, 1930, p. 69, pl. 40, fig. 5. The assignment of these specimens to Ficus is un— satisfactory, but I have no better suggestion. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 6598, 8227 (figs. 1, 4), 8551 (fig. 2), 8901 (fig. 5); Animas formation, 7483; Denver formation, 317 (fig. 6) ; Fer— ris formation, 8516 (fig. 3). Ficus uncata. Lesquereux Ficus uucata Lesquereux, 1878, p. 197, pl. 35, figs. 1, 121 only. Ficus duplicata Knowlton, 1917, p. 302, pl. 74, fig. 1. Populus mouodou Lesquereux, 1878, p. 180, pl. 24, figs. 1, 2. Quercus? ucomca-icaua Knowlton, 1917, p. 298, pl. 70, fig. 5. Magnolia cordifolia Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1917, p. 315, pl. 86; pl. 88, fig. 1. M aguolia rotuudifolia Newberry. Knowlton, 1917, p. 314, pl. 83. 64 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS These leaves resemble those of some species of 00m- bretum and Magnolia, and their present allocation is dubious. Occurrence: Raton formation, 5142, 5684, 5714. Morus montanensis Brown, n. sp. Plate 20, figure 10 Leaf ovate, with cordate base and abruptly attenuate apex. Margin with numerous small rounded slightly crenate teeth, except in the region of the apex, which is smooth. Venation palmate with one pair of curved strong basal primaries, which have numerous side branches that connect near the margin to form loops. The first strong secondary branches from the midvein well below the middle of the leaf. Also branching from the midvein are short intermediates between the second— aries. I have found no lobed leaves like those from the liv- ing species of Moms. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (upper), 4032 (fig. 10), 8920. PLATANACEAE Platanus nobilis Newberry Plate 29, figures 1, 3—6 Platanus nobilis Newberry, 1868, p. 67; 1898, p. 106, pl. 34; pl. 50, fig. 1 only. Dawson, 1886, p. 24, pl. 1, fig. 7. Platanus basilobata Ward, 1887, p. 35, pl. 17, fig. 1; pl. 18, figs. 1—3; pl. 19, fig. 1. Berry, 1935, p. 32, pl. 6, fig. 7. Bell, 1949, p. 58, pl. 42; pl. 43, figs. 1—3. Acer trilobatum tricuspidatum Heer. Ward, 1887, p. 66, pl. 29, fig. 3. Aralia acerifolm Lesquereux, 1883, p. 232, pl. 49, fig. 5 only. Aralia dakotcma Knowlton and Cockerell. Knowlton, 1919, p. 82. Aralia, digitata Ward, 1887, p. 62, pl. 27, figs. 3—5; pl. 28, fig. 1. Aralia? gracilis Lesquereux, 1878, p. 236, pl. 39, fig. 1. Aralia looziavna Saporta and Marion. Ward, 1887, p. 61, pl. 27, fig. 2. Arctic notatar Lesquereux, 1878, p. 237, pl. 39, figs. 2—4. Ward, 1887, p. 60, pl. 27, fig. 1. Aralia wardiana Knowlton and Cockerell. p. 87. Sassafras selwym‘ Dawson, 1886, p. 28, pl. 2, fig. 13. Viburnum oxJ/coccoides Dawson, 1886, p. 29, pl. 2, fig. 15. Knowlton, 1919, The consensus seems to be that these leaves repre- sent Plazfomus rather than Aral/m, despite the fact that in minute surface features and general outline they differ somewhat from those of living species of Pla— mnus. Their gross architecture, however, is strikingly like that of the living leaves. In particular the fork- ing of the lateral primary veins at a short distance above their emergence from the top of the petiole is matched in living leaves having five or more lobes. Some of the fossil leaves, like the living (fig. 2), have conspicuous basilar lobes that sometimes cover the top of the petiole. Lester Ward (1888; 1890) illustrated these features and speculated that they pointed to— ward the origin of stipules. That stipules arose in this way seems doubtful because it is anomalous that living leaves with basilar lobes have stipules in addi- tion. When marginal teeth are present the sinuses be- tween them are scalloped, as in living leaves. This combination of features is not, so far as I am aware, matched in any other living genus. A number of fossil species, somewhat like P. nobilis, have been described from Eocene and Oligocene strata in the Southern and Western United States. No authentic seed balls or seeds of Plateaus have ever been reported from the same strata that contain these Paleocene leaves. The seed balls identified by Bell (1949, p. 58, pl. 43, fig. 1) as belonging to P. basilobam are instead the fruiting heads of Spar— gan‘ium antiquum (Newberry) Berry. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 8567 ; (upper), 2414 (fig. 3, reproduction of Ward’s type of Aralz'a digitata), 2416 (figs. 1, reproduction of Ward’s type of P. basilobata, 4), 4984, 5594 (figs. 5, 6), 7695, 9109, 9125, 9322; Coalmont formation, 6103, 6107; Evanston formation, 5539; Ferris formation, 7548, 9531; Middle Park formation, 337 ; Raton formation, 5134. Platanus raynoldsi Newberry Plate 30, figures 1—4; plate 31, figures 1—6; plate 66, figure 8 Platanus mynoldsi Newberry, 1868, p. 69; 1898, p. 109, pl. 35. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 185, pl. 27, figs. 1—3. Ward, 1887, p. 37, pl. 20, figs. 2, 3. Knowlton, 1917, p. 324, pl. 95, fig. 1; 1930, p. 77, pl. 35. Bell, 1949, p. 59, pl. 37, fig. 2; pls. 38—41; pl. 34, fig. 3; pl. 60, fig. 3. Platanus raynoldsi var. integrifolia Lesquereux, 1878, p. 185, pl. 26, figs. 4, 5. Platanus aceroides Giippert. Heer, 1868, p. 111, pl. 12, figs. 1—8; pl. 32, figs. 1, 2; pl. 47, fig. 3; 1883, p. 96, pl. 97, fig. 1. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 184, pl. 25, figs. 4—6; 1883, p. 227, pl. 49, fig. 1. Knowlton, 1917, p. 321, pl. 63, fig. 4; pl. 97, figs. 2, 3. Platanus accroides czmeata Knowlton, 1917, p. 321, pl. 113, fig. 1. Platanus aceroides latifolia Knowlton, 1917, p. 321, pl. 92; pl. 93, fig. 3; pl. 94. Platanus coloradcnsis Knowlton, 1930, p. 82, pl. 37, figs. 1, 2; pl. 38, fig. 1. Platanvus guillelmare Gtippert. figs. 1—3. Ward, 1887, p. 37, pl. 20, fig. 1. Knowlton, 1930, p. 76. pl. 34, fig. 1. Platrmus hag/(lent Newberry, 1868, p. 70; 1898, p. 103, pl. 36; pl. 38; pl. 56, fig. 3. Knowlton, 1930, p. 79, pl. 36, fig. 1. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 183, pl. 25, SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA Platanus nobilis Newberry, 1898, p. 106, pl. 37, fig. 1 [not pl. 34; pl. 50, fig. 1, which are Platanus nobilis New: berry]. Plateaus regulerts Knowlton, 1917, p. 325, pl. 113, fig. 4. Acer arcticum Heer. Lesquereux, 1883, p. 234, pl. 49, figs. 7, 9. Acer gracilens Lesquereux, 1883, p. 234, pl. 49, fig. 7 only. Acer indicisum Weber. Ward, 1887, p. 66, pl. 29, fig. 5. Acer trilobatum tricuspidatum (Braun) Heer. Ward, 1887, p. 66, pl. 29, fig. 6. Acer sp. Knowlton, 1930, p. 101, pl. 45, fig. 6. Ampelopsis montanensis Cockerell, 1908, p. 103, for Vitis cus- pidata Ward, 1887, p. 71, pl. 32, fig. 8 only. Aralia coloradens'is Knowlton, 1917, p. 241, pl. 107, fig. 2. Amh‘a reesidei Knowlton, 1924, p. 94, pl. 17, fig. 3. Aralia? serrate Knowlton, 1917, p. 341, pl. 108, fig. 4. Oelastrus taurinensis Ward, 1887, p. 79, pl. 34, fig. 5 only. Oiss‘us grossedentata Knowlton, 1917, p. 340, pl. 104, fig. 1. Cissus laecigata Lesquereux, 1883, p. 238, pl. 40, fig. 12 only. Cissus parrotiaefolia Lesquereux, 1878, p. 239, pl. 42, fig. 1 only. Ficus tiliaefolia (Braun) Heer. Ward, 1887, p. 40, pl. 22, fig. 1. Grewiopsis platam'folia Ward, 1887, p. 89, pl. 40, fig. 1. Grewiopsis populifolia Ward, 1887, p. 90, pl. 40, figs. 3—5. Grewiopsis vibwmfolm Ward, 1887, p. 89, pl. 40, fig. 2. Liquidamibar? cue-hams Knowlton, 1917, p. 320, pl. 91, fig. 6. Populus balsamoides em’mia (G6ppert) Lesquereux, 1883, p. 226, pl. 46A, fig. 10. Populus nervosa Newberry, 1898, p. 48, pl. 27, figs. 2, 3. Poplulus subrotundarta Lesquereux, 1878,.p. 173, pl. 24, figs. 6—8. Knowlton, 1930, p. 59, pl. 22, fig. 9. Quercus negundoides Lesquereux, 1878, p. 161, pl. 21, fig. 2. Quercus platam‘a Beer, 1868, p. 109, pl. 46, fig. 7; 1871, p. 472, pl. 46, fig. 5; pl. 55, fig. 3c; 1883, p. 91, pl. 68, fig. 1. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 160, pl. 21, fig. 1. Rhus? vibumoid‘es Knowlton, 1917, p. 328, pl. 98, fig. 5. Ste'rculia berm/(mu Knowlton, 1917, p. 337, pl. 102, figs. 3, 4. Sterculia? heterodonta Knowlton, 1930, p. 117, pl. 50, fig. 5; pl. 51, figs. 4, 8. Viburnum antiquum (Newberry) Hollick. Berry, 1925, p. 58, pl. 17, figs. 1, 2 only; pl. 18, figs. A, B. Viburnum lakesi Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1917, p. 348, pl. 110, fig. 4. Bell, 1949, p. 78, pl. 14, fig. 3; pl. 37, fig. 1; pl. 58, fig. 1. Phyllites pellucidus Knowlton, 1930, p. 130, pl. 39, fig. 2; pl. 56, fig. 4. The somewhat arbitrary synonymy here proposed may seem too inclusive for one species of plane-tree or sycamore. However, after observing the great vari— ation shown by leaves from living species of Plenum, I am amazed that paleobotanists have had the temerity to describe as many fossil species as they have. Ward (1888), Berry (1923, p. 157—164), and MacGinitie (1941, p. 126—128) have discussed the frustrating diffi- culties attending the unraveling of this tangled situa- tion. The synonymy includes the names of many odd— shaped and abnormal specimens, as well as readily recognizable ones, but with some peculiarities. Com— ment on all or many of these seems unprofitable at this juncture. 65 The illustration of the type specimen (Newberry, 1898, pl. 35) shows too many teeth and the sinuses between the teeth as angular, whereas they are typi— cally scalloped. The leaves of P. mynoldsi are in gen- eral not strongly lobed, and they resemble the terminal leaflets of 07588758 marginam (Lesquereux) Brown so closely that separation of the two species, especially when the specimens are poorly preserved, is virtually impossible. When well preserved and well developed however, both the lobed and the unlobed leaves have strong, basal, lateral veins that usually branch at wide angles frOm the midrib at a noticeable distance above the base of the blade and top of the petiole, but in 0488748 the corresponding veins are conspicuously de- current into the petiole by relatively narrow angles. The surface of Platomus leaves also, when well pre— served, is distinctly roughened by a minute but promi— nent quadrangular meshwork pattern. In Cissus this feature is subdued or absent. It is not unusual to find characteristic, finely corrugated impressions of the in- side layer of Plateaus bark, but so far no definite seed balls or seeds have been found in the Paleocene strata. However, wood purporting to be that of Plateaus was collected by Ross Johnson from the Raton formation in SE14 sec. 24, T. 34 S., R. 68 W., near the mouth of Leon Canyon on the South Fork of Purgatoire River, Colo. This species doubtless evolved from a Cretaceous ancestor in an as yet unresolved complex of numerous identified forms. It may have been in the ancestral line leading to P. appendiculam Lesquereux, in the Eocene of the Sierra Nevada in California, the Cas- cades of Oregon, and the petrified forests of Yellow- stone National Park. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4032 (pl. 31, figs. 1, 5, 6), 4404, 4625, 4661, 5609, 6057, 6113, 6297, 7538, 8199, 8556, 9180 (pl. 66, fig. 8) 9334; (up- per), 2414, 2420 (pl. 30, fig. 2, reproduction of Ward’s type of Grewz'opsz's cibumifolia; 3, reproduction of VVard‘s illustration of Platamzs guillelmae), 2424 (pl. 31, figs. 3, 4, reproduction of Ward’s illustration of A067“ trilobatum tricuspidatum), 4369, 4897, 4910 (pl. 31, fig. 2), 4974, 4979, 8257 (pl. 50, fig. 4), 8774, 8888, 8913, 9109, 9125, 9501, exact locality unknown (pl. 30, fig. 1, reproduction of Newberry’s type of Plaflmus ray- noldsi) ; Animas formation 6443, 7463; Coalmont for- mation, 5994, 6004; Dawson arkose, 5835; Denver formation, 317; Ferris formation, 6417, 6625, 6971; Livingston formation, 8896; Middle Park formation, 337; Puerco formation, 7 371; Baton formation, 5134, 5141, 5679, 5700, 5701, 5711, 5718, 5715, 5798, 6535. 66 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Gredneria? daturaefolia Ward Plate 18, figure 14; plate 32, figures 1—5 Credneria? datumefoliu Ward, 1887, p. 97, pl. 42, fig. 4; pl. 43, figs. 1—3; pl. 44, figs. 1—3; pl. 45, figs. 1—3. Knowlton, 1919, p. 200. Populus? datumefolia (Ward) Cockerell. pl. 24, figs. 2—6. The identity of these leaves remains as doubtful as when Ward described them. Some or all of those identified by Bell as belonging to this species may be variants of Platcmus mynoldsi Newberry. The species ranged into the Eocene (pl. 32, fig. 2). Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4975 (pl. 32, fig. 4); (upper), 2416 (pl. 32, fig. 1, repro- duction of Ward’s pl. 44, fig. 3), 8164 (pl. 32, fig. 5), 8205, 8920 (pl. 18, fig. 14). Eocene, 7552, at clay pit, 1 mile south of Dickinson, N. Dak. (pl. 32, fig. 2). LAURACEAE Bell, 1949, p. 56, Cinnamomum sezannense Watelet Plate 66, figures 1—3, 6, 9 Ciimamomum sezauueuse Watelet, 1866, p. 175, pl. 50, fig. 2. Saporta and Marion, 1878, p. 60, pl. 9, figs. 2—6. Knowlton, 1930, p. 86, pl. 38, figs. 7 [same as pl. 59, fig. 2], 8. Cinnamomum affine Lesquereux, 1878, p. 219, pl. 37, figs. 1—4, 7 [not fig. 5, and probably not the lower left—hand leaf on the block with fig. 1, which are Ficus afliuis (Lesque- reux) Brown]. Knowlton, 1922a, p. 145, pl. 8, fig. 4; pl. 17, fig. 6. Dorf, 1938, p. 60, pl. 9, figs. 3, 4. Brown, 1939a, p. 250, pl. 53, figs. 1, 2. Cinnamomum dubium Watelet, 1866, p. 176, pl. 50, fig. 4. Miuuamomum ellipsoideum Saporta and Marion, 1878, p. 61, pl. 9, figs. 7—9. Cinnamomum formosum Watelet, 1866, p. 175, pl. 50, fig. 5. Ciimamomum heem‘ Lesquereux. Newberry, 1898, p. 100, pl. 17, figs. 1—3. Berry, 1914, p. 118, pl. 21, fig. 8. Uiuniamomum iuaequale Watelet, 1866, p. 174, pl. 50, fig. 1. Cinnamomum lomceolatum (Unger) Heer. Ward, 1887, p. 49, pl. 24, fig. 2. Cinnamomum larteti Watelet, 1866, p. 173, pl. 49, figs. 9—13. Cinnamomum middendorfensis Berry, 1914, p. 55, pl. 8, fig. 14; pl. 9, fig. 1. Cinnamomum uewberryi Berry, 1911, p. 150, pl. 16, fig. 3; 1914, p. 54, 117, pl. 9, figs. 12, 13; pl. 21, figs. 9—11; 1916a, p. 860, pl. 71, fig. 6; 1919, p. 118, pl. 21, figs. 6—9; 1925, p. 75, pl. 16, fig. 5. 0. uewberryi ellipticum Berry, 1925, p. 77, pl. 16, fig. 7. 0. n. lanceolatum Berry, 1925, p. 76, pl. 16, fig. 4. 0'. u. minimum Berry, 1925, p. 77, pl. 16, fig. 6. Cinnamomlum pauciuemum Watelet, 1866, p. 176, pl. 50, fig. 3. Cinnamomum polymorphum (Braun) Heer. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 221, pl. 37, fig. 6 [not fig. 10, which is Ficus afi‘iuis (Lesquereux) Brown] Cinnamomum scheuchzeri Heer. 37, fig. 8. Cinnamomum wardi Knowlton, 1898, p. 69. Cinnamomum sp. Knowlton, 1930, p. 87, pl. 39, fig. 1. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 220, pl. Cinnamomoides buckhami Bell, 1957, p. 491, pl. 35, fig. 1. Ficus dalmaticu Ettingshausen. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 199, pl. 63, figs. 3—5. Ficus eucalyptifolia Knowlton, 1916, p. 340, pl. 87, fig. 2 only. Laurus asimiuoides Berry. Bell, 1957, p. 50, pl. 36, fig. 4. Laurophyllum insigue Dawson, 1894, p. 61, pl. 7, figs. 24, 25. Bell, 1957, p. 51, pl. 26, figs. 1, 2; pl. 37, fig. 1; pl. 65, fig. 3 (upper leaf). Smilaw inquireuda Knowlton, 1922a, p. 118, pl. 4, fig. 5. In these ovate to elliptic entire leaves the large pri- mary veins normally branch from the midrib at an appreciable distance above the top of the petiole. The few secondaries above the primaries are generally con- fined to the uppermost part of the leaf. Short branches from the primaries along the margin are numerous and evenly spaced. Thus, these leaves are much like those of Ficus pluuz'cosmta. Lesquereux, Ficus afim’s‘ Les- quereux, and the unlobed leaves of Sassafras thermale (Lesquereux) Brown. Distinction between some of these closely similar leaves is practically impossible. Reference of these leaves to Cinnamomum is more than conjectural, for it is now known definitely that one or more species of cinnamon were present during the Cretaceous and Tertiary of the southern and west- ern United States. Berry (1925, p. 77, pl. 16, fig. 7), for example, reported a twig with opposite leaves from the Ripley formation (Upper Cretaceous) in Tennessee; and in 1955, in company with C. A. Repen- ning, I had the good fortune to find in the Mesaverde formation (Upper Cretaceous) at Black Mountain (Mesa) about 40 miles southeast of Kayenta, Ariz., several twigs of a species of Cinnamomum having opposite leaves. One of these is here illustrated (pl. 55, fig. 5). The identification of these leaves as Ficus is not indicated because oppositeness in figs is ex- tremely rare and in the extant species, F. hispi'da Lin— naeus, the opposite leaves are toothed! On the other hand, in most living cinnamons the leaves are oppo- site and all are entire. No fruits authentically as- signable to cinnamon have been found with the Cre- taceous and Paleocene leaves here referred to Cinna- momum. The long synonymy of varied leaves from strata of different ages may be criticized as unrealistic. Does the speciation exemplied by Watelet in the Paleocene of the Paris Basin and by Berry in the Upper Creta- ceous of Tennessee, inspire confidence in the validity of their many species, particularly as these came from the same localities? That specific differences between these many species might have been recognized, had one seen the living trees, is granted, but until a work— able method, not solely based on segregated areas or strata, appears for detecting recognizable, constant differences in the fossils, it seems more feasible, for SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA descriptive purposes, to regard the specimens as vari- ants of a single species. The species sezannense is se— lected as the name bearer because it is the best known and is geographically descriptive. The relationship of Oinmmomam sezannense Wate- let to the ubiquitous U. polymorphum (Braun) Heer of Europe, and to 0. dillem’ Knowlton in the Eocene of the Western United States, is unknown. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4571 (fig. 2), 4725 (figs. 6, 9), 8652; Dawson arkose, 5835, 9554; Denver formation, 8426 (fig. 1), 8777 (fig. 3). Laurophyllum caudatum (Knowlton) Brown, 11. comb. Lawns? caudata Knowlton, 1917, p. 316, pl. 89, fig. 1. Lawns socialis Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1917, p. 317, pl. 91, fig. 5. Andromeda? lanceolata Knowlton, 1917, p. 344, pl. 110, fig. 1 only. Carapa colignitica Berry. Knowlton, 1917, p. 327, pl. 69, fig. 2. Cassia lancifolia (Lesquereux) Berry. Knowlton, 1917, p. 327, pl. 96, fig. 1. Magnolia angnstifolia Newberry, 1883, p. 513. Knowlton, 1917, p. 309, pl. 79, fig. 1; pl. 80, figs. 1, 2; pl. 81, fig. 1. Magnolia attenuata Weber. fig. 6. Magnolia lanrifolia Lesquereux. 106, fig. 2 only. N ectandra lancifolia (Lesquereux) Berry. p. 318, pl. 90, fig. 2 only. Quercns? ratoncnsis Knowlton, 1917, p. 298, pl. 69, fig. 6. Sapindus candatas Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1917, p. 330, pl. 100, fig. 2. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 250, pl. 45, Knowlton, 1917, p. 309, pl. Knowlton, 1917, As the name angnstifolium, which this species should take, is preoccupied, caudatmn seems next in order. The leaves have attenuate apexes, strongly cuneate bases, and somewhat irregular secondary venation, thus simulating those of some species of Magnolia. The species apparently did not reach the northernmost areas of the Paleocene terrain. Inclusion of speci- mens from Eocene strata of the gulf coast may be unjustified. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 8677; Evanston formation, 3658; Ferris formation, 8516; Raton formation, 5140, 5142, 5690, 5712, 5714, 5798, 5826, 5830. Laurophyllum perseanum Brown, n. sp. Plate 34, figures 3, 5 Asimina eoocnica Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 94, pl. 40, fig. 4; pl. 43, figs. 1, 2 only. N ectandra lancifolia (Lesquereux) Berry. p. 318, pl. 90, fig. 1 only. Knowlton, 1917 , Lanceolate leaves with blunt to acute apexes, cu- neate bases, entire margins. Petioles 1 to 2 cm long. Secondary veins evenly spaced, branching from the midrib at about 30° and somewhat decurrent on it. 67 Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 3979, 8567; (upper), 2416 (fig. 5), 4661; Coalmont forma- tion, 5994, 6102; Dawson arkose, 5738; Evanston for- mation, 3661 (fig. 3) ; Raton formation, 5236, 5826. Laurus socialis Lesquereux Plate 27, figures 6, 7 Lawns socialis Lesquereux. 1878, p. 213, pl. 36, figs. 1—4, 7. Lawns primigenia Unger. Heer, 1880, p. 12, pl. 3, figs. 8—13; 1883, p. 104, pl. 77, figs. 8—13. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 214, pl. 36, figs. 5, 6, 8. Knowlton, 1924, p. 86. Laiuras ratonensis Knowlton, 1917, p. 316, pl. 91, figs. 1—4. Berchemia mnltinervis (Braun) Heer. Knowlton, 1917, p. 333, pl. 101, fig. 5. Cassia paryearensis Berry. 1, 2. Ficus? smithsoniana Lesquereux, 1878, p. 200, pl. 32, fig. 5. Quercas simplea: Newberry. Knowlton, 1917, p. 298, pl. 70, fig. 3. Knowlton, 1924, p. 90, pl. 14, figs. Lesquereux likened the type of this species to the living Pea-sea borbonia (Linnaeus) Sprengel, of the Southeastern United States, but perhaps the best that can be said is that it has a general lauraceous aspect. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4325 (fig. 7), 4696 (fig. 6), 4877, 8551, 8567; (upper), 4974, 8922; Animas formation, 7496; Coalmont formation, 5993; Dawson arkose, 8307 ; Evanston formation, 3658, 3661, 5555; Raton formation, 5134, 5140, 5711, 5826. Lindera obtusata (Ward) BrOWn, :1. comb. Plate 43, figure 1; plate 66, figure 10 Diospyros? obtnsata Ward, 1887, p. 105, pl. 49, fig. 5. Diospyros? ficoidea Lesquereux. Ward, 1887, p. 105, pl. 49, fig. 3 [not fig. 4, which is Viburnum antiqnnm Lesque- reux]. Chrysobalanas coloradensis Knowlton, 1930, p. 95, pl. 43, figs. 5, 7 only. Cornns student Heer. Knowlton, 1924, p. 94, pl. 13, fig. 2; pl. 15, fig. 1. Oreodaphne pagosensis Knowlton, 1924, p. 87, pl. 15, fig. 5. Leaves elliptic to ovate, relatively broad, with cu— neate bases and attenuate apexes. Margin entire. Sec- ondary veins few, branching from the midrib at about 37°, curving sharply upward near the margin. Sec- ond pair of secondaries with conspicuous branches in the marginal area, a characteristic of some lauraceous genera, particularly Lindem and Persea. Occurrence: Fort Union formation, (lower), 5720 (pl. 43, fig. 1), 6057, 8666; (upper), 2416, 2420, 4323 (pl. 66, fig. 10), 5618; Animas formation, 5455, 6443; Ferris formation, 6971, 8516. Persea brassiana Lesquereux Plate 34, figures 6—8 Persea brossiana Lesquereux, 1874, p. 407. Knowlton, 1930, p. 85. 68 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Lauras brossiana (Lesquereux) Lesquereux, 1878, p. 216, pl. 36, fig. 9. Corn‘as rhamm‘folia Ltsquereux, 1878, p. 244, pl. 42, fig. 6. Magnolia angustifolia Newberry, Knowlton, 1924, p. 88, pl. 16, fig. 5. Nectandra lancifolia (Lesquereux) Heer. p. 318, pl. 90, fig. 1 only. Rhamnias eridani Unger. Heer, 1868, p. 123, 153, pl. 19, figs. 5—7 ; pl. 49, fig. 10. Knowlton, 1917, These are long, oval or slightly obovate leaves with cuneate bases and abruptly acuminate apexes, The evenly spaced secondary veins curve upward near the margin to the secondaries above. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4661 (fig. 7); (upper) 4582, 5612 (fig. 8); Animas forma- tion, 7496 (fig. 6) ; Coalmont formation, 5987; Living- ston formation, 6767; Middle Park formation, 337; Raton formation, 5236, 5826. Sassafras thermale (Lesquereux) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 33, figures 4—7; plate 34, figures 1, 2, 4 Jaglans thermalis Lesquereux, 1878, p. 287, pl. 56, fig. 3 [not fig. 4, which is Ficus plam’costata Lesquereux] Litsea carboaeast's Ward, 1887, p. 48, pl. 24, fig. 1. Malapoenna carboneasis (Ward) Knowlton, 1919, p. 378. Malapomzna praecarsoria (Lesquereux) Knowlton, 1919, p. 379. Malapoenna sessiliflora (Lesquereux) Knowlton, 1898, p. 142. Platanus raynoldsi var. integrifolia Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 78, pl. 34, fig. 2. ‘ Sassafras ferretiarmm Massalongo. Heer, 1871, p. 474, pl. 50, figs. 1, 2; 1883, p. 103, pl. 97, fig. 5. Tetranthera praecursoria Lesquereux, 1883, p. 288, pl. 48, fig. 2. Tetranthera sessiliflora Lesquereux, 1878, p. 217, pl. 35, fig. 8 only. These leaves display considerable variation in size, but internally they are fundamentally similar in hav- ing a system of venation in which the first strong pair of basal secondaries emerges sharply from the mid- vein usually at a point 1 cm, more or less, above the top of the petiole. These secondaries are seldom de- current along the sides of the midvein into the petiole as are the corresponding veins in Melastomz'tes mon— tanensz's Brown. Further, S. thermale has a weaker, sometimes almost invisible, pair of basal secondaries generally close to the margin, as in nearly all Lau- raceae, but this pair is lacking in M. montanesz's, al- though the latter may have a faint, irregular vein formed from the union of the outer arcs of the branches from the primary veins. For some distance above the first strong secondaries, the midrib of S. thermale lacks branches, but at or below the middle of the blade secondaries reappear at regularly spaced intervals to the apex. All these, except those entering lobes, loop near the margin. The various objects identified by Lesquereux with the leaf, Tetranflier‘a' sessiliflora, on the block of his plate 35, figure 8, are probably not organically related to the leaf. The four—parted involucre on the petiole of the leaf is, on close inspection, seen not to be at— tached to the petiole. Moreover, the basal secondaries of the leaf are not accurately depicted, but are oppo— site one another. Thus, the leaf appears to be a small, entire leaf of Sassafras thermale. Because the margins of all the latest Cretaceous and Paleocene specimens here synonymized are unlobed, I long regarded the species as probably referable to Cinnamomam, Laaras, Litsea, Malapoierma, Oreo- dapime, Ocotea, or other lauraceous genera. In J anu- ary 1944, however, I discovered in a collection from the Fort Union of the Big Horn Basin, a specimen (pl. 33, fig. 4) with two conspicuous lobes well toward the apex of the blade. Oddly, these lobes receive the first secondaries from near the middle of the blade instead of the strong basal secondaries, as is normal for the three-lobed leaves. However, this condition, though rare, sometimes appears in living leaves (pl. 33, fig. 1). I am inclined, therefore, to believe that the fossil leaf is an incipient three-lobed leaf of Sassafras, and that all the unlobed leaves in the synonymy are to be referred to Sassafras. Lesquereux referred char- acteristically three—lobed leaves from the Dakota sand- stone of Kansas to Lindera vermsta and a leaf from the same Kansas locality, similar to the lobed speci— mens from the Fort Union of the Big Horn Basin, to Cinnamomam sezanmeme. The association of entire and lobed leaves of this kind in strata of different ages strengthens my conviction that they represent Sassafras or a primitive ancestor of Sassafras or Lindera. Berry (1902c) discussed the ancestry of Sassafras. Occurrence: Fort union formation (lower), 3852 (pl. 33, fig. 6), 4665 (pl. 33, fig. 4.), 4874 (pl. 33, fig. 5), 4876, 5720, 6057, 6083, 8551 (pl. 33, fig. 7), 8928, 9111; (upper), 1502, 5578, 5618, 8887 (pl. 34, fig. 1) ; Coalmont formation, 5594, 6102, 6105; Evans- ton formation, 3653 (pl. 34, figs. 2, 4); Ferris forma- tion, 6431; Middle Park formation, 336, 8787. NYMPHEACEAE Cabomba inermis (Newberry) Hollick Plate 35, figures 5, 6 Psilotam inerme Newberry, 1868, p. 38. Cabomba inermis (Newberry) Hollick. Newberry, 1898, p. 92, pl. 22, fig. 2; pl. 23, fig. 2. Cabomba grac/ilis Newberry, 1883, p. 514; 1898, p. 91, pl. 22, fig. 1; pl. 23, fig. 1. Cabomba grandis Newberry, 1883, p. 514. Although these specimens suggest Cabomba, no en- tire, peltate leaves attached to the stems bearing these dissected leaves have been found. The foliage may SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA 69 belong to some other aquatic genus, such as Ceratoh phyllum. Occurrence: Fort Union formation, exact locality unknown (fig. 6, reproduction of Newberry’s pl. 22, fig. 1), 4272, 9072 (fig. 5). Nelumbium montanum Brown, n. sp. Plate 35, figures '2—4 Nelumbo tenm’folia, (Lesquereux) Knowlton. 1935, p. 37, pl. 7, figs. 2, 3. Nelumbites protoluteus (Berry) Bell, 1949, p. 64, pl. 63, fig. 5. Berry, Orbicular leaves sometimes 10 cm in diameter. Margin entire or slightly undulate. Radial veins 24 or thereabouts, considerably forked. Fruit receptacle 3 cm or more in diameter. The folded condition in which most of these leaves are found suggests that in life they were somewhat cupped as is the habit of living species of this genus. Although assumed by Berry to be the same as those formerly called N elumbo tenm'folia (Lesquereux) Knowlton and N. lakesiama (Lesquereux) Knowlton from the Denver Basin, Colorado, this species differs in having twice as many radial veins, which are usu- ally four-forked dichotomously, whereas those of the Denver species are few and appear irregularly branched rather than dichotomous. Some variation in number of veins is to be expected in any species, but the wide disparity here seems to indicate more than intraspecific variation. Berry’s specimens from the Ravenscrag formation of southern Saskatchewan agree in all respects with N elumbian moatanum from the Fort Union formation. The identity of these leaves with Nelum-bo proto‘lu‘tea Berry, from the Eocene of Mississippi, as averred by Bell, is doubtful. The fragmentary fruit receptacle found with the leaves at locality 8282 was evidently somewhat squeezed during fossilization, as the casts of the seed cavities are considerably flattened and distorted. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 3980, 4315, 6667, 8227 (fig. 4), 8786 (fig. 2), 8897; (upper) 8262 (fig. 3). Nelumbium tenuifolium Lesquereux Nelumbium temu'folium Lesquereux, 1874, p. 402; 1878, p. 253, pl. 46, fig. 3. Nelumbo temu’folia (Lesquereux) Knowlton, p. 26, fig. 7; 1930, p. 92, pl. 41, fig. 2. Dorf, 1942, p. 141, pl. 10, fig. 10. Nelumbium lakesiammz Lesquereux, 1874, p. 403. N elumbium lakesii Lesquereux, 1878, p. 252, pl. 46, figs. 1, 2. Nelumbo lakesiana (Lesquereux) Knowlton, 1917, p. 308; 1924, p. 88; 1930, p. 91, pl. 41, fig. 1; pl. 42, fig. 2. Nelumbo crossi Knowlton, 1930, p. 93, pl. 41, fig. 3. 1922a, p. 141, The leaves of this species have 15, more or less, radial veins that are not conspicuously dichotomous 593121 0 62 » 4 but give rise to a few curved lateral branches. The margin may be entire, slightly undulate, or almost lobed. There appears to be a close relationship be- tween this species and Paleonelumbo macroloba Knowl— ton, and the former may be merely a variant of the latter. Occurrence: Animas formation, 6309; Denver forma- tion, 317. Nymphaea leei (Knowlton) Brown, 11. comb. Castalia leei Knowlton, 1917, p. 307, pl. 79, fig. 3. This fragmentary leaf with cordate base is the only one of its kind so far found. As the margin is largely missing, its character, whether entire, sinuate, or toothed, is unknown. Occurrence: Raton formation, 5679. Nymphaea pulchella (Knowlton) Brown, 11. comb. Castalia pulchella Knowlton, 1930, p. 94, pl. 42, fig. 1, a restora- tion of pl. 57, fig. 3. This specimen is thus far the only one of its kind known from Paleocene deposits. It has a notched base and sinuate margin with moderately large teeth or lobes. Occurrence: Dawson arkose, 5831. Paleonelumbo macroloba Knowlton Plate 35, figure 1 Paleonel‘umbo macroloba Knowlton, 1930, p. 93, pl. 39, fig. 3; pl. 42, figs. 3, 4 [.which is the base of pl. 39, fig. 3]. The specimen figured here is only half the size of the types from the Denver formation but apparently agrees in all other essential respects with them. The number of radial veins varies from 9 to 11. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 8673 (fig. 1). Paleonuphar hesperium Brown, n. sp. Plate 35, figure 7 Leaves large, 20 cm or more long, 15 cm wide, cordate, with a deep sinus. Margin entire, slightly undulate. Midvein stout. Secondaries widely spaced, once or twice forked toward the margin, the ultimate branches joining to form intramarginal loops. This species resembles Paleonuphm inapina Hollick (1930, p. 75, pl. 40, fig. 5) from the Cretaceous of Alaska, in general outline but is larger. The second- ary veins of P. inopima fork and loop considerably farther inward from the margin than those of P. hes— pefium. The living red-disked pond-lily, Nuphar rubrodis- cum Morong, is comparable to P. hespem’um. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4877, 7538 (fig. 7). 70 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Paranymphaea crassifolia (Newberry) Berry Plate 36, figures 1—5 Catalpa crassifolia Newberry, 1868, p. 56. Aristolochia crarssifolia (Newberry) Cockerell, 1908, p. 90. Knowlton, 1919, p. 96. Berry, 1930a, p. 20, pl. 6, figs. 1—3. Pamm/mphaca crassifolia (Newberry) Berry, 1935, p. 39, pl. 7, figs. 4, 5; pl. 9; pl. 10. Bell, 1949, p. 68, pl. 50, fig. 3; pl. 52, fig. 5. Aristolochia cordifolia Newberry, 1898, p. 90, pl. 39; pl. 40, fig. 7; pl. 60, fig. 4. Cercis borealis Newberry, 1883, p. 162. There is little to add to previous discussions of these leaves except to note a feature not heretofore reported, namely, that these leaves were minutely hairy, particu- larly along the veins. This hairiness is best shown on leaves preserved in fine-grained rocks. Several of the leaves described by Heer (1868, p. 99, pl. 7, figs. 2~4; pl. 50, fig. 9) from Atanekerdluk, Greenland, as Populus gaudz'm' Fischer, and that called Am’stolochz’a pagei Hollick (1930, p. 74, pl. 40, fig. 3) from Alaska, may also belong with this species. North of the latitude of mid-VVyoming this species appears to be confined to basal Paleocene strata; but a fragment identified as Menispermites knightii Knowlton by Dorf (1942, p. 143, pl. 10, fig. 11) may belong here, and, if so, would indicate that the species was already in existence farther south in late Creta- ceous time. The specimens identified as Uocculus h‘aydem’anus Ward by Knowlton in collections made by Hewett (1926, p. 28, locs. 6667, 6669), and identified as coming from the Lance formation, 30 and 60 feet, respectively, below the base of the Fort Union formation as mapped by Hewett, were taken, at least at locality 6667, from blocks of talus that had dropped down the slope from the Fort Union formation above, as I verified by a visit there in 1940. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 2432 (fig. 1), 4625, 6154, 6667, 6669, 8517, 8519 (figs. 3, 4), 8553 (fig. 2), 8567, 8673, 8678, 8780, 8899, 9334, exact locality unknown (fig. 5, reproduction of Newberry’s type of Am'stolochia cordifolia, pl. 39). CERCIDIPHYLLACEAE Cercidiphyllum arcticum (Heer) Brown Plate 37, figures L24; plate 38, figures 1—17; plate 52, figure 9 Oercidiphyllum arcticum (Heer) Brown, 1939, p. 492, pl. 53; pl. 54, figs. 1—7, 12, 13, 17; pl. 56, figs. 1—6a, 10, 11. [Delete from the synonymy Populus newberryi Cockerell (for P. accrifolia Newberry), Populus smilacifolia New- berry, and Zizyphus mecki Lesquereux. Ward, fig. 6 only.) Cercidiphyllum ellipticum (Newberry) Brown, 1939a, p. 491, pl. 52, figs. 10, 11, 12, 14—16; pl. 54, figs. 8—11, 14—16. [Transfer from the synonymy to that of 0'. arcticum the following: Berrya racemosa Knowlton, Carpites lakesi Knowlton, Oercis coloradensis Knowlton, Legumi- nosites? arachioidcs Lesquereux, Legummosites Machi— oides minor Berry, Nyssa? racemosa Knowlton, Piper hceri Lesquereux, I’opulus arctica Heer, P. gland'ulifera Heer, Sabalites? fructifer Lesquereux, and Zizyphus hesperius Knowlton]. Dolichites de'usseni Berry, 1916a, p. 14, pl. 3, fig. 3. Jenkinsella erotica (Heer) Bell, 1949, p. 57, pl. 44, fig. 1. Leguminosites? borealz’s Dawson, 1889, p. 72, pl. 10, fig. 7. Orites sp. Chandler, 1926, p. 47, pl. 8, fig. 6. Pali'urus? borealis Heer, 1868, p. 122, pl. 19, fig. 1. Populus nebrascensis Newberry, 1898, p. 47, pl. 27, figs. 4, 5. Smilaw grandifoli‘a Unger. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 94, pl. 9, fig. 5, Trochodendroides erotica (Heer) Berry. Bell, 1949, p. 56, pl. 20, fig. 3; pl. 44, fig. 2; pl. 45, figs. 1, 2; pl. 46, figs. 1—3 only. Zizyphoides colombi (Heer) Seward and Conway. Bell 1949, p. 73, pl. 50, fig. 1; pl. 51, fig. 1; pl. 52, figs. 2—4. Since my publication on Oerrcz'dz'phyllum in 1939, I have collected at many more localities in the lower Paleocene and have found that here and there deltoid leaf forms appear among the abundant elliptic forms generally characteristic of that time. As the emer- gence and predominance of the deltoid norm was con- sidered indicative of Clerc-idiphyllum arcticum, I now find it difiicult to justify the assignment» of many Paleocene items to 0. ellz'ptz'cum (Newberry) Brown. Therefore, as a workable arbitrary line must be drawn somewhere, I propose that the name 0. ellipticum be restricted to the elliptic specimens of the Upper Cre- taceous and that it retain all of the original synonymy except the items transferred in the present synonymy. Carcidiphyllum arcticum is characterized by having a leaf norm that is deltoid in outline, with a crenate margin, but, associated with examples of this norm are variants suggesting the norms of 0. ellz'ptz'cum (Newberry) Brown and others in its ancestral line. Some of these variants, like those on the living 0. japom'cum Siebold and Zuccarini (Swamy and Bailey, 1949, p. 188), are so astonishingly different from the norms that the possibility for misidentifica- tion of single given leaves is very great. Some of the elliptic leaves resemble those of the living Tetracentron sine/rise Oliver, of western China. ' The fruits and seeds are little if any different from those of U. ellipticmn and descendant species. N o twigs with attached leaves and fruits have yet been reported but in the lower Tertiary strata of the London Basin, England, Chandler (1961, p. 70, pl. 6, figs. 4—7; p. 84, pl. 8, figs. 18—20; p. 85, pl. 9, figs. 1—5; p. 113, pl. 12, figs. 8, 9) found among the typical sepa- rate remains two fruits (p. 298, pl. 30, figs. 1—7, text fig. 43) that, fortunately and as originally postulated, contained the characteristic winged seeds. In her opinion, however, these fossils do not represent 06r— c'idépizyllmn but some genus in the Hamamelidaceae. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC‘ FLORA 71 The item, Populus nebrasoonsis Newberry, was founded on specimens collected by F. V. Hayden from “ferruginous shale, banks of the Yellowstone River.” (Newberry, 1868, p. 63, 64.) Both the locality and material from the same collection examined by New— berry is, however, clearly Ceroidiphyllum arotéoum and not the same as the many specimens from the Denver formation called Populus nlebrasoensis (Knowl— ton, 1930, p. 55—57), which, in the present paper, are assigned to Ampelopsis aoem'folz'a (Newberry) Brown. The item, Populus wilmaz‘tae Cockerell (1925, p. 3, pl. 2, fig. 8), included in my previous synonymy but from the Green River formation (Eocene), may in— deed be a Populus, but further collections and study will be necessary to determine this point. The fossil species of Oeroidiphyllum have been com- pared with the living 0. japonioum, of eastern Asia, which in Shuihsa Valley, Hupeh Province, China, is associated with Metaseguoia glyptostroboédes Hu and Cheng, at 3,000 feet above sea level, where, according to Chu and Cooper (1950, p. 267), frosts and snow— fall are rare. As 0. arotioum was associated with M. oooidentalis (Newberry) Chaney in the Rocky Moun— tains and Great Plains region during the early Ter- tiary, the probability seems strong that the latter re- gion also had a mild climate at that time. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 1468, 3852, 3981 (pl. 52, fig. 9), 4625, 4661, 4674, 5063, 5437 (pl. 37, figs. 4, 7, 14), 6131, 6154, 7547, 8188 (pl. 37, fig. 9), 8227 (pl. 37, fig. 5), 8517 (pl. 37, figs. 19, 20, 22—24), 8519- (pl. 37, fig. 15), 8545, 8551, 8567 (pl. 37, figs. 13, 18), 8673 (pl. 37, fig. 3), 8781, 8884, 8893, 8896, 8899, 8928, 9130 (pl. 37, figs. 12, 16), 9334 (pl. 37, figs. 8, 10, 11, 17), 9530; (upper), 2416 (pl. 38, fig. 1), 2420,» 4032, 4256 (pl. 38, figs. 5, 6), 4264 (pl. 38, figs. 7, 8, 10, 14, 16), 4881, 4892, 4908, 4909, 4974, 4975, 8167 (pl. 38, fig. 11), 8234 (pl. 38, fig. 2), 8255, 8556 (pl. 38, fig. 12), 8774 (pl. 38, fig. 17), 8885, 8910 (pl. 38, fig. 3, left column), 8913, 8921, 8922, 9056, 9072, 9109, 9125 (pl. 38, figs. 3, 4, 9, 15); Coalmont formation, 5987, 6107, 6110; Denver formation, 317 (pl. 37, fig. 21), 8672 (pl. 37, fig. 6); Evanston for— mation, 3653 (pl. 37, figs. 1, 2), 3661, 5539, 5555; Ferris formation, 6415, 6420, 6971; Livingston forma- tion, 333, 337; Poison Canyon formation, 5121; Raton formation, 5137, 5140, 5826. Eocene, 8540 (pl. 38, fig. 13). MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia berryi (Knowlton) Brown, n. comb. Plate 39, figure 1 Juglans bew‘yi Knowlton. Berry, 1916a, p. 183. Knowlton, 1917, p. 293, pl. 63, fig. 3; pl. 64, fig. 3; pl. 73, fig. 3; 1924, p. 80, pl. 6, figs. 5, 6. Fagus crossi Knowlton, 1924, p. 81, pl. 19, fig. 2. These leaves are elliptic to obovate in outline, with long petioles, a feature not characteristic of living species of Julglans. Further, they do not seem to be leaflets of compound leaves, but in form and venation they suggest a species of M agnolz'a. Occurrence: Animas formation, 5455, 7496; Raton formation, 5679 (fig. 1), 5799, 5826, 6535. Magnolia borealis Brown, 11. name Plate 39, figure 3 ; plate 66, figure 11 Juglans ungeri Heer. Ward, 1887, p. 33, pl. 14, fig. 6. Ficus monoclon (Lesquereux) Berry. Knowlton, 1924, p. 83, pl. 10, fig. 1. These are broad ovate to elliptic leaves with cu- neate or subcordate bases and acute apexes. Margin entire. Secondary veins few, evenly spaced, regularly curved, and forking well within the margin. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (middle), 2420, 5579 (pl. 66, fig. 11), 8523 (pl. 39, fig. 3); Livingston formation, 6765. Magnolia magnifolia Knowlton Plate 39, figure 4 Magnolia magnifolia Knowlton, 1917, p. 311, pl. 84. Magnolia hilgai'diaua Lesquereux, 1878, p. 249, pl. 44, fig. 4. Knowlton, 1917, p. 310, pl. 79, fig. 2; pl. 85, fig. 1; 1924, p. 89, pl. 16, fig. 4. Jl'agnolia laui'ifolia Lesquereux. fig. 2. Magnolia leei Knowlton, 1917, fig. 2; pl. 81, fig. 2. Magnolia losleyana Lesquereux, 1878, p. 248, pl. 44, figs. 1—3. Knowlton, 1917, p. 313, pl. 82, figs. 1, 2. Magnolia teuvuinervis Lesquereux, 1878, p. 249, pl. 45, fig. 2. Ohionauthus membranaceus Knowlton, 1917, p. 345, pl. fig. 2. Ficus aguilar Knowlton, 1917, p. 300, pl. 71, fig. 1. Ficus denvei'iaua Cockerell. Knowlton, 1917, p. 302, pl. 75, fig. 1. Ficus pui'ycai‘ensis Berry. 1, 2. Ficus sp. Knowlton, 1924, p. 84, pl. 7, fig. 3. Juglans? innominata Knowlton, 1924, p. 80, pl. 7, fig. 2. Juglans schinlpcri Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1917, p. 296, pl. 64, fig. 1. Juglans sa-pindiformis Knowlton, 1917, p. 295, pl. 65, fig. 3. Quei'cus? ratoncnsis Knowlton, 1917, p. 298, pl. 69, fig. 7. Knowlton, 1917, p. 309, pl. 85, p. 313, pl. 64, fig. 2; pl. 65, 108, Knowlton, 1930, p. 7-, pl. 29, figs. The species here synonymized are based on large leaves that appear to be magnolialike in form and venation. Many of the illustrations of these fossils look much better than the specimens themselves, for the latter, as a rule, are very poorly preserved, so that more than cursory identification is practically impos- sible. Knowlton’s name Magnolia magnifolia is chosen for the species. It was instituted for M. tenuz'nenvz's Les- 72 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS quereux, one original Paleocene specimen of which is preserved in the U.S. National Museum collections (Lesquereux, 1878, pl. 45, fig. 2, from South Table Mountain, Golden, 0010.). As Lesquereux included a mixture of diverse Cretaceous and Tertiary leaves un~ der this name, Knowlton proposed that the term tenm'nenvz's be restricted to Lesquereux’s plate 45, fig- ure 4, from the Laramie formation at Golden, Colo. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 3852, 4665, 4694, 9111; (upper), 4882 (fig. 4), 8196; Ani— mas formation, 5455, 7481, 7496; Denver formation, 317; Raton formation, 5046, 5133, 5137, 5142, 5684, 5690, 5697, 5699, 5798, 5826, 5837. Magnolia regalis Heer Plate 39, figure 2 Magnolia regalis Heer, 1877, p. 81, pl. 20. Knowlton, 1917, p. 314, pl. 87. Ficus aguilar Knowlton. Knowlton, 1930, p. 65, pl. 24, fig. 4. Ficus uncata Lesquereux, 1878 ,p. 197, pl. 35, fig. 1 only. Knowlton, 1917, p. 301, pl. 76, fig. 2. The leaf identified by Knowlton as Ficus agailar from the Dawson arkose is apparently not conspecific with the type of that species (herein referred to Magnolia magnifolz'a Knowlton) from the Raton for- mation but seems to be only a small specimen of Magnolia regalz‘s. Heer’s specimen is fragmentary, thus leaving the original identification somewhat du- bious. Perhaps assignment to Ficus would be more appropriate. Occurrence: Dawson arkose, 5839; Denver forma- tion, 317 (fig. 2); Raton formation, 5465, 5689, 5799. Magnolia rotundifolia Newberry Magnolia rotnndifolia Newberry, 1898, p. 95, pl. 59, fig. 1. Oreodaphne? mtonensis Knowlton, 1917, p. 318, pl. 88, fig. 2. These leaves have features suggestive of some Lau- raceae and Moraceae, but I cannot place them more definitely. Occurrence: Raton formation, Fisher’s Peak, Colo. (type specimen), 5687. HAMAMELIDACEAE Hamamelites inaequalis (Newberry) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 40, figures 4—6 Protoficus inaequalis Newberry, 1883, p. 512; 1898, p. 89, pl. 58, fig. 2. Hamamelitcs fothcrgilloides Saporta. 29, fig. 1. Ward, 1887, p. 64, p1. These leaves resemble those of the witchhazel, H amamelz's nirgz'm'ama Linnaeus, but neither fruits nor seeds have been found to confirm the identification. They compare well with those called H. fathergz'lloides Saporta from Sezanne in the Paris Basin, but differ in being somewhat broader with fewer, more widely spaced cross veinlets between the secondary veins. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (upper), 2416 (fig. 5), exact locality unknown (fig. 4, reproduction of Newberry’s pl. 58, fig. 2), 4977 (fig. 6). Liquidambar dakotense Brown, n. sp. Plate 68, figures 23, 24 Winged seeds, 7 mm long, the seed itself about equal to the wing in length, pointed at the proximal end, rounded at the distal end. The seeds of Liquidambar are much like those of the closely related Ewbaclclandz’a, but no foliage or fruits surely attributable to either genus have been found in association with the Paleocene seeds. Liqui— dambar, however, is found in the Eocene of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains, and Ewbacklandia in the Oligocene and Miocene of Oregon and Washington. That Liqadambar existed in the Paleocene of North America is further suggested by the presence of a Cre- taceous species, L. fontanella Brown, from Fontanelle Creek northwest of Kemmerer, Wyo. (Brown, 1933, p. 8, pl. 2, fig. 3, text fig. 2). Occurrence: Fort Union formation (upper), 9125 (figs. 23, 24). EUCOMMIACEAE Eucommia serrata (Newberry) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 44, figures 1—6; plate 45, figures 1~7 Alnus sew‘ata Newberry, 1868, p. 55; 1898, p. 66, pl. 33, fig. 11. C'elastrinites insignis (Heer) Bell, 1949, p. 71, pl. 36, fig. 4 [part]; pl. 53; pl. 54, figs. 1—4; pl. 55, figs. 1, 2; pl. 56, figs. 1, 3, 4. Oelastrns carvinernis Ward, 1887, p. 82, pl. 36, figs. 3, 4. Celastrns ferr'uginens Ward, 1887, p. 78, pl. 34, figs. 1—4. Oelastrns grewiopsis Ward, 1887, p. 81, pl. 36, fig. 2. Oelastrus montanensis Knowlton and Cockerell. Knowlton, 1919, p. 159, for C'. alnifolius Ward, 1887, p. 80, pl. 35, figs. 1, 2. Oelastrns pterospermoides Ward, 1887, p. 80, pl. 35, figs. 3-6. Oelastrus serratvus Knowlton, 1917, p. 329, pl. 98, fig. 3; pl. 99, fig. 4; pl. 100, fig. 1. Oelastrns tamincn‘sis Ward, 1887, p. 79, pl. 34, fig. 6. Oelastras wardii Knowlton and Cockerell. Knowlton, 1919, p. 160, for 0. ovatns Ward, 1887, p. 81, pl. 36, fig. 1. Celastrus sp. Knowlton, 1917, p. 329, pl. 98, fig. 1. Elacodendron polymorphnm Ward, 1887, p. 84, pl. 38, figs. 1—7. Elacodendron sew‘ulatmn Ward, 1887, p. 83, pl. 37, figs. 3—5. annymus splendcns Berry. Knowlton, 1917, p. 329, pl. 69, fig. 1. I Enong/mas a‘antholithcnsis Ward, 1887, p. 82, pl. 37, figs. 1, 2. Grewia cclastroides Ward, 1887, p. 86, pl. 39, fig. 2. Grcwia pealei Ward, 1887, p. 87, pl. 39, figs. 3—5. flew insignis Heer. Hollick, 1936, p. 131, pl. 73; pl. 74, fig. 1. Jnglans nigella Heer. Ward, 1887, p. 33, pl. 15, fig. 1. Magnolia elliptica Newberry, 1898, p. 94, pl. 12, fig. 1. Monimiopsis amboracfolia Saporta. Ward, 1887, p. 51, pl. 25, fig. 2. Oreopanaa- sp. Bell, 1949, p. 76, pl. 59, fig. 3. i SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA 73 Populus anomalaIWard, 1887, p. 23, p1. 8, fig. 7. No calyces identifiable as those of Hydrangea have Iopullus maeaualls Ward, 1881. p. 34. pl- 9, fi’?’ 2- yet been found in the Paleocene strata of the Rocky Quercus looms Ixnowlton, 1930, p. 03, pt. 18, fur. 3. 7W t . d , _ Viburnum finale Ward, 1887’ p. 115, pl. 57, fig. 5. .L oun ams an Great Plains, but authent1c leaves and Berry, 1930b! p_ 27, pl. 5’ fig. 4. calyces have been taken from Eocene and later strata . In Alaska, California, Colorado, Oregon, and Wash- Although these leaves resemble superficially those intrton g . 0f some living species 0f OelastWS and Prunus, they Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4661 compare most. strikingly with those of Eucommia ul— (fig. 5); Middle Park formation 337 (fig 3) moides Oliver, a dioecious, monotypic tree of Central ' L ’ ' ' China. The characteristic fruits of Eucammz'a, al— ANNONACEAE though present in some American Eocene and Oligo- ASimina VGSDeraliS BrOWn, n. Sp- cene floras (Brown, 1940, p. 349), have, however, not Plate 46, figure 4 yet been reported from the Paleocene. The fact that Leaves obovate, with entire margins and cuneate they occur in slightly younger strata in the Southern bases. Secondary veins widely spaced, slightly de— and Western States suggests strongly that a concen- current on the midrib and forming loops near the tl‘ated search for Paleocene examples could be suc— margin. Petiole short, thick. cessful. The presence 0f Eucammz’a ”1 the Paleocene N 0 seeds characteristic of pawpaw have been found 3:)? toli: Afrinerlca 115 mm; :1”: rlsinfesgntaing :feofgec: in the strata containing these leaves. The assignment . c . c 1 2 - u . . _ a IS ora a SO con n r p to Aszmma, therefore, 1s tentative. Some spec1es of living Asiatic congeners: Gin/7500, Glyntostrobus, ll . _ . 7' " . z (1 7202205 have leaves that match the . f l 1 . leetaseguom, Pterocam/a, Zelkova, Uemzdzp/Lyllum, Ogceurrence' Fort Union formatioeife(alry )0 05:17); Kaelreutem'a, etc. ' / ' upper a The species ranged from New Mexico to Canada and (fig. 4) ' probably Alaska during the Paleocene. It may have ROSACEAE arisen from the Cretaceous species Uelastm’m'tes alatus ‘Cerwcarpus ravenscragensjs Berry knowlton found in the Laramie formation of the Cercocarpus rarcnscmgensis Berry, 1930, p. 23, pl. 5, fig. 6. Denver Basin. The leaVeS 0f the latter average some- This leaf, the only one of its kind so far seen in the what smaller in size, with more numerous and more Paleocene strata of the Rocky 019881)’ spaced secondary veins that emerge from the Plains, purports to be a species of Cercocarpws. midrib at a smaller angle and are more consplcuously Occurrence: Ravenscrag formation, SE1/4 sec. 22, T. directed toward the apek 0f the blade. 7, R. 22 W., third meridian, on north branch of Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 2421, Frenchman River, Saskatchewan Canada , . (pl. 44, fig. 1), 2423 (pl. 44, fig. 4), 4005, 4565, 4617, 4625, 4626 (pl. 44, fig. 5), 4699, 5388, 5389, 5885, 5889 Prunus careyhurstia Brown, n. sp. (pl. 44, fig. 2, pl. 45, fig. 4), 6598, 7004, 8190, 8227, Plate 42, figures 2, s 8239, 8240, 8249, 8253, 8258, 8512, 8530, 8547, 8550, Leaves lanceolate elliptic, 8552 (pl. 45, fig. 3), 8568, 8677, 9193, 9301; (upper), 2416, 2420 (pl. 44, fig. 3; pl. 45, figs. 2, 5—7), 2422 (pl. 44, fig. 6), exact locality unknown (pl. 45, fig. 1, reproduction from Newberry, 1898, pl. 12, fig. 1), 4369, 4661, 4908, 5480, 5595, 5760, 6156, 6161, 7685, 8206, . . . . 8224, 8888, 9239; Coalmont formation, 5994; Dawson “mung vemlm Clehci‘te’ 01989” Spaced’ 811.110“ hon" arkose, 8881,- Ferris formation, 6971; Raton forma— zontal when leaf 1s Viewed In upright pos1t10n. tion, 5140a 5151, 5712’ 5798; Ravenscrag formation, Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 8666 Alberta and Saskatchewan. (fig. 2), 8552 (fig. 8)- SAXIFRAGACEAE Prunus coloradensis Knowlton Hydrangea antica Brown, n. sp. Plate 42’ figures 3’ 4’ 9 Prunus coloradensis Knowlton 1917 p. 326 pl. 96 fig. 2. Plate 41 fi ures 3 5 ’ ’ ’ ' ’ g ’ O Prunus dcnverensis Knowlton, 1930, p. 97, pl. 44, figs. 3, 4, 6, 11. Leaves lanceolate With rounded—cuneate bases and Juglcms acummata Brown. Knowlton, 1917, p. 292, pl. 65, fig. 1. acute apexes. Margins with low relatively few ser- Mums Mimi/Cilia Unger. Knowlton, 1930. p. 83, pl. 38. figs. Mountains and Great but shape of the base and apex not definitely known. Margin finely dentate to serrate with scalloped to angular sinuses between the sharp teeth. Pinnate secondary veins strongly curved rate teeth. Secondary veins widely spaced, campto- 5, 6 [not fig. 3, which is Lamws socialis Lesquereux]. drome with short branches into the teeth. Connect- These leaves lack the acropetiolar glands usually ing veinlets diagonal, parallel. Petiole 1 cm long. but not always present on the deciduous, serrate leaves — 74 Their resemblance to the serrate leaves of other genera, particularly Oarya and Salim, empha- sizes caution in accepting them as Prmms. The sec- ondaries of this species are less numerous, more widely spaced and irregular than those of Prunus careg— hm‘stia Brown. The intersecondaries, however, are more numerous and prominent than in the latter. The leaves identified by Knowlton as Laums primigem'a are not entire, as figured, but have minutely serrate margins. Occurrence: Dawson arkose, 5738 (fig. 3, 4), 5836 (fig. 9), 5838; Raton formation, 5714, 5799. of Pmmus. Prunus corrugis Brown, n. sp. Plate 67, figures 1—4, 8 Impressions of nuts, broadly elliptic, rounded at one end and rounded to blunt pointed at- the other. Length, 1.5 to 4 cm, width to 2.8 cm, diameter about 1 cm. Outer surface slightly concave, pitted and ir- regularly furrowed; inner surface slightly convex, smooth or reflecting the features of the outer surface, with a smooth flange about 1 mm wide. Although in some respects these fossils suggest wal- nuts, their affinity seems more plainly to be with the Amygdalus or almond section of Pmmos. They are somewhat more elliptic in outline than the specimen from the Eocene of Tennessee called Amygdalus wil- comiana Berry (1930a, p. 72, pl. 12, fig. 1). Just what Paleocene foliage belonged with this species is a moot question. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 541 (fig. 8), 4984 (figs. 2, 3), 8660, 8668, 9540; (upper), 9132; Almy formation, 9235; Animas formation, 4050 (fig. 4), 5460, 9492 (fig. 1) ; Coalmont formation, 6005; Ferris formation, 9209. Prunus mclearni Berry Prunus meleami Berry, 1935, p. 41, pl. 11, figs. 1, 2. These lanceolate, acuminate leaves resemble those of Prunus careyhurstia in venational and marginal fea- tures, but are more lanceolate and long acuminate. Occurrence: Ravenscrag formation, sec. 29, T. 3, R. 24 W., second meridian, Saskatchewan, Canada. Prunus perita Brown, n. sp. Plate 43, figures 2, 3 Leaves 15 cm long, 4.5 cm wide, elliptic, narrowed at base and apex, which is somewhat attenuate. Mar- gin serrate, with numerous low, blunt regular teeth, separated by angular sinuses. Venation pinnate though obscure, the leaves apparently having had a thick texture. Secondaries evenly spaced, forming loops well within the margin. Some intersecondaries present. PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY ———'—" MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS The features of these leaves suggest those of the evergreen section of Pmnus that includes the laurel— cherries. However, I find no clear evidence of glands within the blade near the midrib, as often seen in living species and in the Oligocene specimens from Oregon called Primus prisz‘éna Brown (1950, p. 323, text figs. 1—3). The relationship of P. perita. to the species described by Heer (1880, p. 16, pl. 6, figs. 2, 3) as P. soottz' is problematical. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (figs. 2, 3). (middle), 8552 LEGUMINOSAE Bauhinia wyomingana Brown Plate 43, figure 10 Bauhmia wyommgana Brown, 1956, p. 104, text fig. 1. The deep sinus and bilobed outline of this leaf, to- gether with the venational details, strongly suggest the assignment to 1255555501. Since this species was published, large pods have been found in the same collection that yielded the leaf, but whether or not the pods, Leguminosz’tes colorademis Knowlton, belong with the leaf is uncertain. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (fig. 10). (lower), 4877 Leguminosites coloradensis Knowlton Plate 68, figures 1, 3—6 Legummosites? coloradcnsis Knowlton, 1922a, p. 147, pl. 19, fig. 9. Impressions of the interiors of large capsules which were attached by broad bases to a stout petiole. Valves with broad flanges, blunt pointed at the apex and rounded at the base. Some specimens show cross wrinkles, folds, or striations. The type specimen, described by Knowlton from the Laramie formation at Marshall, Colo., is only the api- cal end of what evidently was a large pod. That these pods are leguminous and belong with some one of the described Paleocene legumes, or to some other family of plants such as the Bignoniaceae, is uncertain. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 3852, 4877 (figs. 1, 6), 5526 (fig. 3), 5918, 8551 (fig. 4), 8884, 9130, 9221, 9566; Middle Park formation, 336 (fig. 5), 337. Leguminosites williamsi Berry chuminositcs williumsi Berry, 1930b, p. 23, pl. 5, fig. 1. No further specimens assignable to this species have been found, and no new light has been shed on its generic identity. Occurrence: Ravenscrag formation, SE14 sec. 22, T. 7, R. 22, “7., third meridian, on north branch of Frenchman River, Saskatchewan, Canada. i SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA 75 Mimosites coloradensis Knowlton Plate 43, figures 12, 13 JIimosites coloradensis Knowlton, 1923, p. 166, pl. 40, figs. I~3. Brown, 1934, p. 59. As only two specimens were collected from the Coal— mont' formation, near Coalmont, 0010., and as these can be matched by specimens from the large collec- ' f Green River formation, it would seem that they should be assigned to this species. Occurrence: Coalmont formation, 6440 (figs. 12, 13). Robinia wardi (Knowlton) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 43, figures 4—6 Acacia wardi Knowlton, 1899, p. 730, pl. 98, fig. 7. Acacia lamarcnsis Knowlton, 1899, p. 730, pl. 98, fig. 6. Acacia macrospcrma Knowlton, 1899, p. 729, pl. 98, fig. 8. Robim‘a mesoaoica Cockerell, 1912, p. 32, text fig. 1. Of the pods described by Knowlton as Acacia from the Eocene of Yellowstone National Park, that called A. wara’i is represented by the best specimen. Al- though the specimens here assigned to Bobi’m’a wardi differ somewhat in size and shape, they can be matched readily in every respect by pods from the living black locust, B. ' ' The leaves de— that might belong to this species are scarce at Paleocene localities, but the fragments here illustrated (pl. 43, figs. 9, 11) may be such. The specimens described by Cockerell as Robinia mesozoica and here refigured (fig. 5) are parts of two pods, slightly different in size, one representing the proximal and the other the distal half of the pods. The proximal half ends in an abruptly tapered sym— metrical base somewhat extended to the point where it was attached to the peduncle. The distal half ends more bluntly except that the wide flange running along the upper or placental margin of the pod curves down~ them the appear— ance of the blades of carving knives. The lower mar— gin of the pods has a narrower flange. Cockerell’s remark that in his pods “the seeds are placed very obliquely” and that this distinguishes them from those described by Knowlton from Yel— lowstone National Park, is not strictly correct. In all the pods here synonymized with Robinia wardi, the (upper), 9109 (figs. 4, 6) ; Coalmont or Middle Park formation, 9445 (fig. 5, Specimen in University of Colorado Museum) ; Eocene of Yellowstone National Park. STAPHYLEACEAE Staphylea minutidens (Knowlton) Brown, in. comb. Juglans minutidens Knowlton, 1917, p. 293, pl. 55, fig. 3. Juglans izrigclla Heer. Knowlton. 1917. p. 292, p. 55, fig. 2; pl. 63, fig. 2. The long petioles of these leaflets are not harmonious with an assignment to Juglans, whose leaflets are gen- erally sessile or nearly so. Occurrence: Raton formation, 5686, 5714, 5799. ACERACEAE Acer fragile Knowlton Accr fragilis Knowlton, 1917, p. 330, pl. 101, figs. 1, 2. Qucrcus fisheriana Knowlton, 1917, p. 297, pl. 68, figs. 3, 4. These fragmentary specimens, as stated by Knowl— ton, are at least superficially aceroid in appearance. That they represent a species of Ace?" may be doubted. The reader after inspecting Knowlton’s figures of Accr fragility (pl. 101, figs. 1, 2) may question the relationship of the two specimens. Figure 2, unfor— tunately, was retouched, so that it does not show the well-defined rounded sinus between two lobes in the uppermost portion of the blade to the left of the mid- rib. All the specimens here synonymized are from the same locality. Occurrence: Raton formation, 5099. Acer newberryi Brown, 11. name Plate 46, figures 2, 3, 6, 8 Negimdo triloba Newberry, 1898, p. 115, pl. 31, fig. 5. Aralia triloba Newberry, 1898, p. 123, pl. 40, figs. 4, 5. The specimens here assigned to a species of boxelder— maple are fragmentary and are not accompanied by appropriate samaras. As an earlier described fossil maple is called trilobatmn I give the present speci— mens a new name. 76 Occurrence: Fort Union formation (upper), 2420 (figs. 2, 6, 8, reproductions from Newberry, 1898, pl. 31, fig. 5; pl. 40, figs. 4, 5), 4871, 8910 (fig. 3). Acer silberlingi Brown, n. 51). Plate 46, figure 7 Leaves palmately three—lobed. One specimen shows two pairs of primary veins indicating that there may have been an additional pair of existing or incipient basal lobes, but the margin of the specimen is broken so that this assumption cannot be verified without further material. The lobes are attenuate pointed with margins having large, coarse unequal teeth. N0 samaras were found with these leaves. Without samaras it seems futile to suggest the mod- ern affinities of these leaves. There may be some rela- tionship between this species and A667 disputabilis Hollick (1936, p. 134, pl. 74, fig. 4) from the Tertiary of Alaska. No undoubted leaves and fruits of A067 are known from the Paleocene deposits of Greenland, but Heer described such remains from other areas and ages in the Arctic regions. The specific term honors A. C. Silberling of Har- lowton, Mont., whose labors as a collector of fossil mammals in the Crazy Mountain region contributed greatly to knowledge of Paleocene vertebrates. In 1936 he guided me to the plant locality where A067 silberléngi was found. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), (fig. 7). 8567 Acer sp. Plate 46, figure 5 Samara 3 cm or more in length, with greatest width of the wing 7 mm. Only half of the seed portion is present, the point of attachment not being preserved. The only maple leaves found at the locality that sup- plied this fruit are those assigned to a boxelder type, Ace?” newberryi, but the fruit may not belong to that species. Occurrence: (fig. 5), 9532. Fort Union formation (upper) 8910 Acer 51). Plate 46, figures 9, 10 Samaras up to 5 cm in length, with large elliptical seed heads 1.3 cm long. Wing slightly constricted just behind the seed head. In life the twin samaras di- verged at an angle of about 160°. No leaves were found with these seeds and no modern affinities are therefore suggested. Occurrence: Fort Union formation, 9109 (figs. 9, 10). A...— PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS ————7 AND GREAT PLAINS SAPINDACEAE Sapindus affinis (Newberry) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 47, figures 1—8 Sapindus afi‘lnis Newberry, 1868, p. 51; 1898, p. 116, pl. 30, fig. 1; pl. 40, fig. 2. Ward, 1887, p. 67, pl. 30, figs. 1, 2. Sapindus alatus Ward, 1887, p. 68, pl. 31, fig. 3 only. Sapindus angustifolius Lesquereux. Ward, 1887, p. 68, pl. 31, figs. 5—7. Sapindus berm/(mus Knowlton, 1930, p. 101, pl. 46, figs. 1, 2. Sapindus glendivensis Knowlton, 1919, p. 579. Sapindus grandifoliolus Ward, 1887, p. 67, pl. 30, figs. 3—5; pl. 31, figs. 1, 2. Sapi'ndws? membranaceus Newberry, 1878, p. 117, pl. 30, fig. 2 only. Sapindus obtusifolius Lesquereux, 1878, p. 266, pl. 49, figs. 8—11; 1883, p. 235, pl. 48, figs. 5—7. Lam‘us resurgens Saporta. Ward, 1887, p. 47, pl. 23, fig. 7. The large amount of variable material found at each locality yielding these leaflets makes the distinc— tion of more than one species difficult or impossible. On such fairly complete compound leaves as have been found, the leaflets are alternate, opposite, or mixed. Despite all appearances it is still uncertain that this foliage represents Sapindus. Suggestive comparisons can be made with Bursem, Phelloden‘d'ron, Bhus, and X anthowymm . Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 3728, 4315, 8517, 8519, 8523 (figs. 2, 5), 8654, 8678 (figs. 7, 8) ; (upper), 1502, 2416 (figs. 4, 6), 2422, 5578, 8206, 8920, 8921, 9180, exact locality unknown (figs. 1, 3, reproduction from Newberry, 1898, pl. 30, figs. 2, 1) ; Dawson arkose, 5839, 8188. Koelreuteria annosa Brown Plate 59, figures 8, 9 Koelreuteria annosa Brown, 1956, p. 107, text fig. 3. The leaflet (fig. 8) here assigned to this species was not found with the capsule (fig. 9), but at a locality on the Little Powder River, near Biddle, Mont. It, however, seems to be an authentic Kocheutem'a leaflet. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 9253 (fig. 8) ; (upper),9344 (fig.9). ILICACEAE Ilex artocarpidioides (Lesquereux) Brown, n. comb. Celastrinites artocm-pidioides Lesquereux, 1878, p. 268, pl. 35, fig. 3. ‘ Celastrinites populifolius Knowlton, 1930, p. 100, pl. 40, fig. 1; pl. 45, fig. 11. ' Celastrus gaudim Lesquereux, 1888, p. 54. Knowlton, 1930, p. 99, pl. 45, fig. 3', pl. 45, figs. 3, 4 [not fig. 9, which is Oissus marginata (Lesquereux) Brown]. Hem? ovate Knowlton, 1930, p. 102, pl. 46, fig. 4. Quercus celastrifolia Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 54, pl. 18, fig. 5. Q'u’ercus leom‘s Knowlton, 1930, p. 53, pl. 18, fig. 3 only. i SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC‘ FLORA 77 These leaves resemble the smaller leaves of Eucom— mia serrata (Newberry) Brown, but differ in having conspicuously cuneate bases and more open secondary venation which, in the better preserved specimens, has connecting loops between the secondaries well within the margin. Occurrence: Denver formation, 317, 318. RHAMNACEAE Paliurus? sp. Berry Paliurus? sp. Berry, 1930a, p. 25, pl. 5, fig. 7. This specimen was described as a disklike fruit re- sembling that of some living species of Paliurus. If correctly identified it is the earliest good evidence of Paliurus in the Tertiary strata of the Rocky Moun— tains and Great Plains. Occurrence: Ravenscrag formation (part of which was formerly called Estevan on the Souris River) in SIV14 sec. 6, T. 8, R. 3, W., fourth meridian, Alberta, Canada. Rhamnus cleburni Lesquereux Plate 42, figures 1, 5—7 Rhamuus clebumi Lesquereux, 1878, p. 280, pl. 53, figs. 1—3. Knowlton, 1930, p. 104, pl. 40, fig. 6 only. Rhamuus? discolor Lesquereux, 1878, p. 280, pl. 52, fig. 17. Rhamuus iuaequalis Lesquereux, 1878, p. 279, pl. 52, fig. 16. Camus deuvereusis Knowlton, 1930, p. 119, pl. 13, fig. 1. Camus impressa Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 118, pl. 51, fig. 1 only. Camus lakesii Knowlton, 1930, p. 119, pl. 50, fig. 1. Camus ucamewiaauu Knowlton, 1917, p. 342, pl. 109, fig. 1. Camus studei‘i Heer. LesquereuX, 1878, p. 244, pl. 42, fig. 5 [not fig. 4, which is Rhamuus galdiuuu Lesquereux]. Ward, 1887, p. 55, pl. 26, fig. 1. Ficus calamdeusis Cockerell, 1910, p. 223. Knowlton, 1922, p. 134, pl. 22, fig. 1. Ficus crassii Ward, 1887, p. 39, pl. 21, fig. 2. Dorf, 1938, p. 56, pl. 7, fig. 3. Ficus deuceritma Cockerell, 1910, p. 224. Knowlton, 1930, p. 64, pl. 24, figs. 2, 3 only. Ficus ii‘rcgularis Lesquereux, 1878, p. 196, pl. 34, figs. 4—7; pl. 63, fig. 9. Ward, 1887, p. 38, pl. 20, fig. 4 only. Ficus rliamuaides Knowlton, 1916, p. 339, pl. 87, fig. 3. Ficus spectabilis Lesquereux, 1878, p. 199, pl. 33, figs. 4~6. Ward, 1887, p. 38, pl. 21, fig. 1. Ficus uucata Lesquereux, 1878, p. 197, pl. 35, fig. 2 only. Papulus uugeri Lesquereux, 1878, p. 175, pl. 24, fig. 5. Lesquereux’s types of this species, like those of B. goldiamu, came from the Denver formation that crops out on the slopes of South Table Mountain near Golden, Colo. Except that they have a cuneate base, the leaves of B. clerburm' are much like those of R. galdz'auu, and it is probable that both kinds may have come from. the same species of tree or shrub. For the present, however, I shall regard them as having origi- nated from distinct species. That these were in fact species of Bhamuus is uncertain. The leaves of B. clebumz' have some of the aspects of those borne by living species of Cornaceae, and particularly of Camptat/Leca ucumiuata Decaisne, of western China. representing Upper Cretaceous specimens. Dorf’s synonymy (1938, p. 67; 1942, as Dillem'tes clebumi, as E. rectal/Lamas Heer, P... brittoui Knowlton, and B. mars/Lialleusis Knowlton. These three, however, in my opinion, after comparison of the types with those of 13. salicz'folz'a Lesquereux, also from the Upper Cretaceous, should be referred to the latter species, for some of the specimens of all these species have definitely toothed margins. Thus far I have seen no leaf, authentically comparable to the types of B. cle- bumi, with a toothed margin. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 8901; (upper), 5863; Denver formation, 317 (figs. 5, 7), 6145, 8672 (figs. 1, 6 , 8777,- Dawson arkose, 5838; Ferris formation, 6431; Raton formation, 5464, 5687, 5826. Rhamnus goldiana Lesquereux Plate 48, figures 2, 5—7 Rhamuus galdiauus Lesquereux, 1878, p. 281, pl. 53, figs. 4—8. Knowlton, 1924, p. 91. Rhamulus clebumi Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1924, p. 90, pl. 17, fi . 4. Bercheufia multiuervis (Braun) Heer. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 277, pl. 52, figs. 9, 10. Ward, 1887, p. 73, pl. 33, fig. 2 [not fig. 1, which is Juglaus tauriua Brown]. Camus studeri Heer. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 244, pl. 42, fig. 4 [not fig. 5, which is Rhamuus clebumi Lesquereux]. Ficus irregularis Lesquereux. Ward, 1887, p. 38, pl. 20, fig. 5. The distinguishing feature of these leaves is the conspicuous cordate base. Of perhaps minor impor- tance is the presence of short branches from the first secondary veins above the base. In other respects, particularly the spacing, delicacy, and regularity of the veinlets connecting the secondaries, the leaves of E. goildiaua and R. clebumz' are closely comparable. Living species of Bhamuus may have leaves with en- tire margins, but in general the margins are serrate or serrulate. No species, however, so far as I am aware, has leaves with strongly cordate bases and incipient palmate venation. Occurrence: Animas formation, 7481, 7496; Denver formation, 317 (fig. 5), 8774 (figs. 2, 6, in Chicago Nat. History Mus, 7) ; Raton formation, 5291. Rhamnus hirsuta Brown, n. sp. Plate 49, figures 1—10 Leaves elliptic in outline, short and wider through the long and narrow, or middle. Base cuneate, — ————' 78 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS apex blunt pointed. Petiole short. Margin entire to Bell as coming from the Post-Brazeau Paleocene strata coarsely serrate. Surfaces rough hairy. Venation in Alberta, Canada, do not seem to be matched by any pinnate with evenly spaced curved secondaries that found in the Paleocene rocks of the United States. may or may not be forked near the margin. Some in the latter that bear a superficial resemblance There is some doubt that these leaves represent to Zizyphoides mackayz’ and were formerly referred to Rhamuus. However, they resemble in many respects Paliurus or Zizyphus have been found to be variants those called Rhamnus margiuaitus var. apiculatus Berry of OercidiphyZZu/m arcticum (Heer) Brown. The clos- (1922, p. 15, pl. 11, figs. 2, 3) from the Wilcox group est comparable specimens from strata in the United in Louisiana, except. that the latter are described as States are those called Zizyphus cinnamomoz'des Les- having entire margins and attenuate apexes. quereux from the Eocene Green River formation in Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 8519 Wyoming. Is it possible that the Canadian specimens (figs, 1—10), 8677, 8897, are from Eocene rather than Paleocene strata? Zizyphus fibrillosus (Liesquereux) Lesquereux VITACEAE Plate 50, figures 5, 6, 10, 11. Ampelopsis acerifolia (Newberry) Brown, 11. comb. Oeauothus fibrillosus Lesquereux, 1873, p. 381. Plate 51, figures 1'18; plate 52, figures 1-8, 10; plate 59, Zizyphus fibrillosus (Lesquereux) Lesquereux, 1878, p. 276, figures 6, 11; plate 66, figure 7 pl 52, figs. 1—6~ Populus acem‘folia Newberry, 1868, p. 65', 1898, p. 37, pl. 28, Knowlton, 1917! p. 335’ pl. 102, fig- 1? 1924, p. 91? 1930’ figs. 5—8. [Cockerell in 1906 changed the name to . p. 108’ pl..46',. figs. 6’ 9‘ P. uewbewyi, but acerifolia is here retained because thyphus beckwithu Lesquereux, 1883, p. 125, pl. 19, fig. 5. that term has not been used with Ampelopsis.] . hnowvlton, 1930, p. 110, pl. 47, fig. 3. Acer articum Heer. Bell, 1949, p. 71, pl. 48, fig. 2. Zizyphus corrugatus Knowlton, 1922’ p. 158’ pl. 17' fig' 3' Ampelopsis bruueri carboueusis (Ward) Cockerell, 1908, p. 103. Zizyphus daphuogeumdes Knowlton, 1924, p. 91; 1930, p. 109, Ampelopsis mou-tanensis Cockerell, 1908, p. 103' . p1. 48': figs. 5’ 6' Ampelopsis wautholithensis (Ward) Cockerell, 1908, p. 103. thypl'vus dlStOVt’LLS Lesquereux, 1878, p. 275, pl. 51, fig. 7 only. Cercidiphyllum ellipticum (Newberry) Brown, 19393’ p. 491, Knowlton, 1930, p. 110, pl. 47, fig. 2; pl. 52, fig. 1. pl. 52, figs. 13’ 17 only. Zizyphus heudersom‘ Knowlton, 1922a, p. 157, pl. 15, figs. 1, 2. Cissus? camwm' Knowlton, 1930, p. 113, pl. 47, fig. 5' Ficus pseudopopulus Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1924, p. 83, pl. 7, Cissus lcsquereuwi Knowlton, 1930’ p. 114’ pl. 48, figs. 3, 4_ fig' 4; 1930’ p. 66’ pl' 26’ fig' 3' Cissus lobato-crcnata/ Lesguereux, 1878, p. 240, pl. 41, figs. 1-3 Ficus wardi Knowlton, 1917’ p. 266, p1. 42’ fig' 2' [fig. 1, from Upper Cretaceous strata at Black Buttes, Paliurus zizyphoides Knowlton, 1917, p. 334, pl. 104, fig. 2. Wyo.] Phi/””63 trillioides Dorf, 1938’ p. 78’ pl. 17’ fig- 3' Cissus tricuspidata Heer. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 240, pl. 41, So far as I can see, the unusually fine specimens I figs- 4‘7- [Fig- 4, Middle Park formation? figs- 5, Gv found in 1939 in the upper strata of the Vermejo 3:13:31" formatlon" fig'7’Upper Gretaceous’BlaCk Buttes’ formation (Upper Cretaceous) 0n the SOUth Side Of Dombeyopsiis uebmscensis (Newberry) Bell, 1949, p. 62, pl. 2, the Cuchara River, 1.2 miles west of Walsenburg, figs. 1, 4; pl. 9, figs. 1—3; pl. 10, fig. 1; pi. 12, figs. 9, 10; Colo., cannot be distinguished from those called Zizy- pl- 19, fig. 1; p1. 20, fig. 1; p1. 22, fig. 6; pl. 46, fig. 4; phus fibuillosus Lesquereux, occurring in the Denver 91- 48’ fig' 1- . , . . Populus craspedodroma Ward, 1887, p. 21, pl. 8, fig. 3. formation (Paleocene). Inasmuch as the VermeJO, 1s, POW,” Momma Kn’owlton, 1930, p. 60’ pl. 22' fig. 5. in large part at 192L513» equivalent to the Laramle for' Populus smilacifolia- Newberry, 1898, p. 53, pl. 29, fig. 5. mation, it seems highly probable that the poorly pre— Populus whitei Ward, 1887, p. 22, pl. 8, fig. 4. served leaves from the Laramie assigned to Z. 007'- Populus zaddachi Heer. Knowlton, 1930, p. 60, pl. 22, fig. 8. mgatus, and Z. heudersom' also belong with Z. POWlu'S Sp" Khowiton, 1930' F” 57' pl‘ 21’ fig' 9' Trochodendrmdes uebrascenszs (Newberry) Dorf, 1938, p. 61, fibmllo‘ius' . ~ _ _ _ pl. 11, figs. 1, 4, 6, 7. [Include entire synonymy, except The identification Of these leaves as Zzzyphus 15, 1“ Populus ucbrasccnsis Newbei'ry, 1898, p. 47, pl. 27, figs. my estimation, somewhat, dubious. 4, 5, which is Ccrcidiphyllum arcticum (Heer) Brown] Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 8928; Viburnum anceps Lesquereux, 187 8, p. 227, pl. 38, fig. 11. _ . . V'b u lk ”L. ,‘ Bii 49 i. 0.1- . , Animas formation, 7496; Denver formation, 317 (fig. i W 3:: :31 :8” Rommel“ 9 l 19 l p 61, fie ‘ pl 62 11)) 8774 (figs. 53 6) i Baton formatlona 5690, 5712; Vibumum trincruis Berry. Bell, 1949, pl. 61, figs. 2, 3. Vermejo formation (Upper Cretaceous), 8776 (fig. Vitis bruneri Ward, 1887, p. 69, pi. 32, figs. 1, 2. 10)_ Vitis carboueusis Ward, 1887, p. 70, pl. 32, fig. 3. Zizyphoides mackayi Bell Vitis cuspidam Ward, 1887, p. 71, pl. 32, figs. 6, 7 [not fig. 8, which is Plateaus mynoldsi Newberry.] Vit'is wautholitheusis Ward, 1887, p. 71, pl. 32, figs. 4, 5. Zizyphus distortus Lesquereux, 1878, pl. 51, figs. 8, 9 [not fig. 7, These elliptic remotely dentate leaves, described by which is Z. fibrillosus (Lesquereux) Lesquereux.] Zizyphoides mackaw Bell, 1949, p. 74, pl. 19, figs. 2, 3; pl. 20, figs. 2, 4. #— i SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC‘ FLORA 79 These leaves or leaflets, as the case may be in some Alnus carpinifolz‘a Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 49, pl. 15, instances, have large, rounded, sometimes notably un- fig‘ 2' 1 ' 1 h d b 1 Betula beatrioina conformis Hollick, 1930, p. 68, pl. 35, fig. 4. equa margma teet 1 separate y more 01' 658 0011- Betula bromgniarti Ettingshausen. Heer, 1883, p. 81, pl. 96, cave to slightly angular sinuses. In appearance the fig. 3 only. better leaves are maplelike. (See Ace? arcticum Heer, Betula fallax Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 50, pl. 15, figs. 1876, p. 86, pls. 22, 28, 24, figs. 1, 2; pl. 25, figs. 1—3.) ' 7—10? 131- 19 figs- 1, 2- Bctula schimperi Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 49, pl. 15, figs. 3, 4. Oelastrus gaudim’ Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 99, pl. 45, The primary veins are in general fairly straight but may, in the more elliptic specimens, be somewhat curved. As evolution proceeded, the tendency toward fig_ 9 only, lobation became more marked, the later leaves being Oissus corylifolia Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 113, p1. 47. distinctly more maplelike than those from the early fig- 4; Pl- 48’ fig- 1, 131- 49. fig. 1- Paleocene Cissus grossedentata Knowlton, 1930, p. 112, pl. 48, fig. 2; ' pl. 51, fig. 10. Th? _Vamants among these leaves Sllggest. thos'e Of Cissus hesperia Knowlton, 1930, p. 112, pl. 47, fig. 1. the llvlng Part/267100288758 (14.177319162019828) tmcuspzdwta Oissus lobato-crenata Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 114, (Siebold and Zuccarini) Planchon and Ampelopsis pl. 49, figs. 3, 4. brevipedunmlata Koehne, of China, and the early DOI'fv 1942110310391. 16’ fig- 3- leaflets on seedlings of the Virginia creeper Parthe- Crataeyus myrwmdes Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 96, pl. . . . . ’ 44, figs. 7, 10. ”00388748 quenquefolm (Llnnaeus) PlanChon' Some Fagus [Jam/raced Knowlton, 1917, p. 297, pl. 68, fig. 1. also resemble strongly those of a number of spemes of Ficus? lakesi Knowlton, 1930, p. 60, pl. 28, fig. 1. Viburnum, particularly V. acerifolz'um Linnaeus, a mevi‘WS SD. Knowlton, 1930, p. 124, pl. 58, fig. 7- shrub of the Northeastern United States and Canada. Grewz‘opsis tenuifolia Lesquereux, 1878, p. 258, pl. 40, fig. 14. . . . Knowlton, 1930, p. 116, pl. 50, fig. 3. Because some .0? these leaveé are Stnklngly hke Negundo decurrens Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 100, pl. 45, variants of Oerczdzphg/Zlum arctzcum (Heer) Brown, fig. 10' there is likelihood that they may be misidentified as Phyllites deiwerensis Knowlton, 1930, p. 130, p1. 59, fig. 5. the latter and vice versa, particularly when both are Phi/111168 herbacea Knowlton, 1924, D. 97, pl- 15, fig. 4- found together. Thus, a number of specimens for- Phyllftes l6“ K’}°“'1t°n’ 191" p' 280’ pl‘ 49’ fig' 8‘ . . . 7 . Phyllttes pelluczdens Knowlton, 1930, p. 130, pl. 39, fig. 2; merly ass1gned to Oemwliphg/luum are here reasmgned. _ , pl. 56, fig. 4. Occurrence: Fort Unlon formation (lower), 4625a I’latmms aceroides latz‘folia Knowlton, 1924, p. 86, pl. 13, fig. 3; 4699 (pl. 51, fig. 10; pl. 52, fig. 7), 4877, 5063, 5437, p1. 14, fig. 4; 1930, p. 76, pl. 33, fig. 1. 5718, 6154, 8163, 8227 (pl. 52, fig. 1), 8240, 8517 (pl, Platanus amnis Lesquereux. Bell, 1957, p. 52, pl. 37, fig. 5; 52, figs. 2, 3, 6, 10), 8545, 8673, 8780, 8884, 8893, 8899, p; t Pl- 391;? 1, :3??? 4;, fig-1:83 96 1 97 fi 6 _ a anus {/m (3 mac ‘opper . ‘eer, , p. , p. , g. ; 8928, 9104, 9130 (pl. 51, fig. 17), 9301, 9334, 9502, 9530, pl. 98, figs. 1’ 2; pl. 99, fig. 1; pl. 103, fig. 4. (upper), 2420 (131- 51, figS- 8, 15a 18; Pl- 52: fig- 4; 131- Knowlton, 1917, p. 322, p1. 93, fig. 1; 1930, p. 76, pl. 33, 59, fig. 11), 2432, 4974 (pl. 51, figs. 3, 7, 12), 5333, fig. 2. 6359, 7659, 8225, 8255’ 8521 (pl. 51’ figs. 2, 13), 8523 Platamts quillelmae hceri Knowlton, 1917, p. 323, pl. 96, fig. 5; 1. 51 fins. 1 16 8552 1. 59 fi . 6 87 4 1. 51 P1-97yfig- 99198952- gp 4: ’11” 8922 )’1 51 2p 5 ’ 6 g9 1); 970899092, Platanus heem‘ Lesquereux. Ward, 1887, p. 37, pl. 15, figs. 3, 4. gs. ’ )’ (p ' . ’ gs. ’ ’ ’ )’ ’ ’ Platanus marginatar (Lesquereux) Heer, 1883, p. 97, pl. 98, 9477; Coalmont formation, 5994; Dawson arkose, 5837, figs. 3-5; p]. 99, figs. 2, 3; pl. 101, fig. 5. 8188; Denver formation, 317 (pl. 52, figs. 5, 8; pl. 66, Knowlton, 1930, p. 81, pl. 36, figs. 2, 3. fig. 7), 8447; Evanston formation, 3653, 3658; Living- Platanus? newbew‘yana Heer. Hollick, 1930, p. 83, pl. 46 ston formation 311 6 6 ' ‘ l ’ figs' 2’ 3; pl' 47’ fig' 3‘ ’ 4 ’ 7 7’ Mldd 6 Park formation’ Platanus? newberryarna conditionalis Hollick, 1930, p. 83, pl. 47 333, 337. fig 4 Cissus marginata (Lesquereux) Brown, 11. comb. Plateaus platanoides (Lesquereux) Knowlton, 1917, p. 323 .7, .; ,.14,l. ,fi.1;130,.82 Plate 53, figures 1—4, 6; plate 54, figures 1—4; plate 55, 311 SE5) 1:? 54 19223 p 6 p 13 g 9 p fiu‘es4,6,7 "b" g 1 Platanus rhomboidea Lesquereux, 1878, p. 186, pl. 26, figs. 6, 7. Viburnum marginatum Lesquereux, 1873, p. 395; 1878, p. 223, Knowlton, 1930, p. 75, pl. 32, fig. 3. D1. 37, fig- 11; D1- 38, figS- 1—4 [110t fig. 5, WhiCh is a Platanus sp. Knowlton, 1930, p. 83, pl. 38, fig. 2. small leaf 0f Ficus plmzicostata Lesquereux] Pop'ulus denverensis Knowlton, 1930, p. 61, pl. 23, fig. 5. Dorf, 1938, p. 73, pl. 15, figs. 3, 5; pl. 17, figs. 4, 5; 1942, Populus knowltom Berry. Knowlton, 1930, p. 61, pl. 23, figs. p. 150, pl. 14, fig. 3; pl. 15, figs. 1, 5. 14, Brown. 1939b, p. 252, pl. 59, fig. 7. Qucrcus celastrifolia Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 54, pl. 18, A097" WNW”. HOHiCk, 1930, D- 99, D1. 78, fig. 5. figs. 4, 6, 7 [not fig. 5, which is [low artocarpoides (Les- Alnus amum‘a Knowlton and Cockerell. Knowlton, 1930, p. 49, quereux) BI‘OWDl- pl. 15, fig. 6. Quercus purdonensz’s Knowlton, 1930, p. 52, pl. 17, fig. 2. 80 Quercus viburnifoiia Lesquereux, 1878, p. 159, pl. 20, figs. 11, 12. Knowlton, 1930, p. 50, pl. 16, figs. 3—8; pl. 17, fig. 1. Dorf, 1938, p. 53, pl. 6, figs. 3, 5, 7; 1942, p. 154, pl. 16, figs. 5, 7, 8. Quercus whitei Lesquereux. fig. 3; pl. 18, fig. 1. Rhamnus cleburni Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1917 , p. 332, pl. 113, fig. 3. Rhus? viburnoides Knowlton, 1917, p. 328, pl. 98, fig. 5. Sophora puryearensis Berry. Knowlton, 1930, p. 98, fig. 8. Uimus quercifoiia Unger. Viburnum antiquum (Newberry) Hollick. p. 96, pl. 18, figs. 1—3. Bell, 1949, p. 77, pl. 61, fig. 4. Viburnum contortum Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1917, p. 346, pl. 108, fig. 3; 1930, p. 127, pl. 55, fig. 1. Viburnum crassum Knowlton, 1917, p. 277, pl. 52, figs. 3, 4. Viburnum dichotomum Lesquereux, 1878, p. 225, pl. 38, fig. 6. Viburnum lakesi Lesquereux, 1878, p. 226, pl. 37, fig. 13. Knowlton, 1917, p. 348, pl. 110, fig. 3 [not fig. 4, which is Platanus raynoidsi Newberry] ; 1930, p. 128, pl. 55, fig. 3. Viburnum magnum Knowlton, 1917, p. 347, pl. 110, fig. 2. Viburnum marginatum ravenscragensis Berry, 1935, p. 58. Viburnum melaenum Knowlton and Cockerell. Knowlton, 1930, p. 128, pl. 55, fig. 5. Viburnum montanum Knowlton, 1900, p. 73, pl. 19, figs. 1, 2; 1917, p. 276, pl. 52, fig. 2. Dorf, 1938, p. 75, pl. 17, fig. 2; 1942, p. 150, pl. 15, figs. 2, 3. Viburnum platanoidcs Lesquereux, 1878, p. 224, pl. 38, figs. 8, 9. Viburnum? problematicum Knowlton, 1900, p. 71, pl. 19, fig.,4; 1917, p. 276, pl. 49, fig. 9. Viburnum richardsoni Knowlton, 1930, p. 126, pl. 52, fig. 8; pl. 53, figs. 1, 3—5; pl. 54, figs. 2, 3. Viburnum rotundifolium Lesquereux, 1878, p. 225, pl. 37, fig. 12; pl. 38, fig. 10; pl. 61, fig. 22. Knowlton, 1924, p. 96, pl. 16, fig. 1. Viburnum simile Knowlton, 1917, p. 277, pl. 49, fig. 3. Viburnum speciosum Knowlton, 1917, p. 347, p. 111, figs. 1—5; 1924, p. 96, pl. 16, fig. 3. Viburnum whympcri Heer. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 225, pl. 38, fig. 7; pl. 61, fig. 23. Knowlton, 1900, p. 72, pl. 17, fig. 1; pl. 18, fig. 1; pl. 19, fig. 3. Viburnum sp. Knowlton, 1917, p. 278, pl. 44, fig. 3. Vitis? piatanifolia Knowlton, 1917, p. 339, pl. 103, fig. 2. Vitis stantoni (Knowlton) Brown. Bell, 1949, p. 75, pl. 3, fig. 3; pl. 9, fig. 5. Wincheliiu triphyila Lesquereux, 1893, p. 209, pl. 8, fig. 1. Knowlton, 1930, p. 53, pl. 17, pl. 45, Knowlton, 1930, p. 62, pl. 23, fig. 10. Knowlton, 1924, The well-preserved ternate or trifoliate leaf (pl. 53, fig. 4), called by Lesquereux Winchellia triphylla in a posthumous publication, adds new information on the mixture of many-named Cretaceous and Paleo— cene leaves variously assigned, as seen from the synonymy, to the alders, birches, beeches, maples, grapes, sycamores, viburnums, and others. This fine compound leaf, it now appears, is not the only one of its kind known, others being N egundo decurrens Les— quereux (Knowlton, 1930, pl. 45, fig. 1), Platanus guillelmae Goppert (Knowlton, 1930, pl. 33, fig. 2, in which the right—hand leaflet is obscure), and some not ———7 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS hitherto figured (pl. 54, figs. 3, 4). One unfigured specimen, collected by me in 1930 from the Aspen shale on Fontanelle Creek north of Kemmerer, Wyo., is also now in the US. National Museum collections. The normal terminal leaflets of this species have the appearance of partly opened fans and are incipiently to strongly three—lobed like some maples and Vibur- nums. However, many of the figured single leaves, purporting to have been terminal leaflets, may in real- ity have been simple leaves, for they show no evi- dence of leaflet scars on their long petioles. More- over, some of the assumed ancestral, simple, Creta- ceous specimens (pl. 55, fig. 2) have remains of narrow acute stipules. It seems evident, therefore, that 0. marginata had both simple and compound leaves. Associated at all localities with the characteristic terminal leaflets are the more or less asymmetric, peti- oled, lateral leaflets, of great. variety in shape, vena- tion, and marginal features, causing much diversity of identification as illustrated by the extensive sy- nonymy here proposed. Perhaps I have included in this species some aberrant specimens that properly’ belong elsewhere, for I have no infallible method of classifying such disputable material. The venation of these leaves is fundamentally pin- nate, but the tendency toward palmateness is unmis— takable, the first pair of basal secondaries being, in many specimens, especially strong, so that they should probably be called primaries. These veins have nu- merous lateral branches from the lower side but some- times give off a strong branch or two from the upper side. Most veins and their branches terminate in marginal teeth that differ greatly in size in different leaves. The prominent, fairly straight primaries are decurrent at acute angles into the top of the petiole, or, if they appear to "branch from the midvein a lit- tle higher, are decurrent on the midvein into the petiole. This feature helps to distinguish these leaves from the normal leaves of letanus raynoldsi New- berry in which the curved or bowed primaries branch from the midvein at greater angles and at a centi— meter, more or less, within the blade above the top of the petiole. Otherwise, the general venational pat- tern, the overall outline, and the teeth, separated by smoothly scalloped sinuses, are very similar in both species. The teeth of, this species, however, are, with few transitional exceptions, sharp pointed and are thus in contrast with the blunt, rounded teeth of an associated vitaceous species, Ampelopsis acerifolia (Newberry) Brown. A canvass of the possibilities among plant families having species with features comparable to those here i SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC‘ FLORA 81 described suggests that this species most likely belongs in the grape family, Vitaceae, rather than in the Caprifoliaceae or Platanaceae. Among living Vita- ceae, Blz-oicissus usambm-emis Gilg, from South Africa, is a fair match for this species, but difficulty in ex- Choice of Ampelopsz's or T766733 also seems less appro- priate than Cissus. Further, although these leaves are here called Uz'ssus, their resemblance in many particu— lars to those of Plateaus prompts the needed Caution of looking for examples of compound leaves in the ancestry of Plateaus. So far, after examining many seedlings, suckers, and young shoots of living species of Plutamus, I have found no compound specimens that could be regarded as possible atavistic throw- backs. rip/zylla and the deerfoot or vanilla—leaf, Achlys tri- phg/Zlu DeCandolle, of the barberry family, found in the Pacific Coast region from California to British Columbia. Except for the trifoliateness, however, the two are in other features not closely comparable, and the assignment to the Berberidaceae is After exhaustive comparisons between Cretaceous and Paleocene assemblages of these leaves, I have rounder in outline, with the apical lobe less pro— nounced. The terminals of some Paleocene speci- mens show a stronger lobing or tendency to be ace- roid or platanoid in outline. Closely similar to this species is the Upper Creta- ceous Vitis stuntom' (Knowlton) Brown, ' fers chiefly in having leaves that are broad rounded, and usually with cordate bases. Perhaps this species should also be reassigned to Uissua, although no com- pound examples have been reported. The more distant ancestors or relatives of this spe— cies may possibly be found among the many de- scribed forms of Aspidiophg/Zlum, Betulz’tes, 675882.568, Orutuegus, Grewz'opsz's, Hedem, Plamuus, Populites, and Viburnum. These occur in the Cretaceous of Greenland and Alaska, and notably in the Dakota sandstone of Kansas, Nebraska, and Minnesota. A few are figured here (pl. 55, figs. 1—3) for compari- son in shape, venation, and marginal dentition with the corresponding features of the later species. The specimen (pl. 55, fig. 7) from the Cretaceous at Par- owan Gap, Utah, is noteworthy in showing a rounded base with a perfoliate petiole, thus simulating some leaves of fossil and living Plateaus. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4280, 4976, 6297, 8551, 9193, 9252 (pl. 53, fig. 4), 9334; (up- per), 8774; Animas formation, 5455, 6309, 6443, 7485, 7498, 9565; Coalmont formation, 6107; Dawson arkose, 331, 5783, 5835—5840, 8187, 8307; Denver formation, 317 (pl. 53, fig. 1; pl. 54, fig. 3), 5738, 8672; Ferris formation, 3852, 4369, 5494, 6416 (pl. 53, fig. 6; pl. 54, fig. 2), 6431 (pl. 53, figs. 2, 3), 8516, 8528, 8660; Puerco formation, 7495 (pl. 54, figs. 1, 4) ; Raton for- mation, 5154, 5679, 5683, 5701, 5711, 5714, 5802, 5826. Cretaceous localities: Pl. 55, fig. 4, Mesaverde for- mation, south of Gallup, N. Mex.; pl. 55, fig. 6, Hell Creek formation, east of Glendive, Mont; pl. 55, fig. 7, Kaiparowitz formation, Parowan Gap, Utah. ‘Cissites rocklandensis Brown, n. sp. Plate 27, figure 8 Large ovate three~lobed leaf, the two lateral lobes relatively small or incipient. Venation with two large primary veins that rise from the top of the petiole and run toward the lateral lobes; and second- ary veins, widely spaced from the middle of the blade to the apex. Margin entire. Base somewhat cordate. Superficially this leaf resembles those called Ficus plam'costam Lesquereux, but I have never seen any lobed specimens of the latter among the abundant material in the collections of the US. National Mu- seum. Cretaceous species that may have been ances- tral to Uissz'tes rockhmdemz's are 07:886t68 colgatensis Brown, 0. lobatus Dorf, Bombay/029823 obtusu Les- quereux, D. trivialis Lesquereux, Phyllites dombeyop— soides Knowlton, P. populoe'des Knowlton, and P. tri— uemis Knowlton. Occurrence: Raton formation, 5679 (fig. 8). Parthenocissus ursina Brown, n. sp. Plate 48, figures 1, 3, 4 Leaflets 12 cm or more long, 5 cm wide, narrow elliptic in outline, blunt, pointed at the apex, and cu- neate, more or less asymmetric, at the base. Second- ary veins relatively few, widely spaced, with some in— tersecondaries, slightly undulant and forming loops but with small branches into the marginal teeth. Mar- gins serrate with large teeth and angular sinuses. Texture apparently thin. No complete leaflet or compound leaf was found. The fragments, however, suggest comparison with the leaves of the living Purt/tenocissus guiuguefolz'a (Sie— — 82 bold and Zuccarini) Planchon, of the Eastern United States. The species seemingly was larger and coarser than the delicate P. tertiam'a (Lesquereux) Knowlton from the Eocene Green River formation in Wyoming. Occurrence: Early Paleocene, 8547 (figs. 1, 3, 4), in the Bear of Simpson, Crazy Mountain area, Montana. Vitis lobata (Knowlton) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 56, figures 3, 7, 10 Aralia lobata Knowlton, 1924, p. 93, pl. 17, figs. 1, 2. Aralia sp. Knowlton, 1924, p. 94, pl. 6, fig. 4. The specimens from Montana figured here resem— ble closely those called Aral'ia by Knowlton from southern Colorado, except that the lobes of the latter are apparently not sharply toothed. This may be a local variation, but it may also mean that two species are involved. The Montana specimens, under mag- nification, show some evidence of having been glandu- lar or at least somewhat hairy. There is a suggestion of relationship between this species and the Upper Cretaceous Cissites pandumntus Knowlton (1917, p. 274, pl. 49, fig. 10) from the Vermejo formation in Colorado. Leaves of the living Vitis W-bra Michaux [or V. palmata Vahl] match those of V. lobata fairly well. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 8519 (figs. 3, 7, 10); Animas formation, 7483. Vitis olriki Heer Plate 27, figure 10; plate 59, figure 10 Vitis olriki Heer, 1868, p. 120, pl. 48, fig. 1. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 241, pl. 41, fig. 8. Knowlton, 1930, p. 115, pl. 49, fig. 6; pl. 50, fig. 4. Vitis erotica Heer, 1868, p. 120, pl. 48, figs. 2, 2c; 1871, p. 478, pl. 55, fig. 1. Vitis inominata Knowlton, 1917, p. 339, p. 107, fig. 1. Vitis leei Knowlton, 1917, p. 338, pl. 66, fig. 4. Vitis sp. Beer, 1871, p. 478, pl. 55, figs. 5d, 6 (seed). Ficus deiweriana Knowlton, 1930, p. 64, pl. 24, fig. 1. Populus cordata. Newberry, 1868, p. 60; 1898, p. 38, pl. 29, fig. 6. Populus richardsoni Heer. Knowlton, 1930, p. 62, pl. 23, figs. 6, 8. Tilia speciosissima Knowlton, 1917, p. 336, pl. 67. These are relatively large leaves with cordate bases and entire or toothed margins. Between the rounded teeth are smooth concave sinuses. The seed Vitis sp., figured by Hear and found associated with a leaf of that genus at Atanekerdluk, Greenland, probably be— longs with this species. Occurrence: Fort Union format-ion (lower) 8517 (pl. 27, fig. 10), 8899, 9104 (pl. 59, fig. 10); (upper) 2414, 8921; Dawson arkose, 331, 5837, 5840, 8447; Evanston formation, 3653; Middle Park formation, 337; Eaton formation, 5679, 5684. ‘4.— ————'——f PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Vitis sp. Plate 53, figure 5 This rounded seed with the two prominent adja— cent cavities clearly belongs with the Vitaceae. As such it is the first to be reported from the Paleocene strata of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains. However, as no leaves were found with the speci- men, it cannot» be plausibly assigned to any one of the vitaceous leaf species here listed. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (fig. 5). (upper) 9132 STERCULIACEAE Dombeyopsis magnifica Knowlton Dombeyopsis magnifica Knowlton, 1930, p. 125, pl. 54, fig. 4; pl. 55, fig. 4: pl. 57, fig. 1; pl. 58, fig. 8. Dombeyopsis grandifolia Unger. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 255, pl. 47, fig. 6. Dombeyopsis? sedalicnsis Knowlton, 1930, p. 126, pl. 56, fig. 5'. pl. 59, fig. 1. Ficus sp. Knowlton, 1930, p. Phyllites ai‘istolochioides Knowlton, only. 72, pl. 29, fig. 5. 1930, p. 129, pl. 57, fig. 2 The implication that these leaves are related to liv- ing Dombeya seems to me farfetched. They are some— what like Oissiites steenstmpi Heer (1883, p. 118, pl. 81, fig. 1) from Greenland. Occurrence: Dawson arkose, 325, 5831, 5839; Den— ver formation, 317. Pterospermites cordatus Ward Plate 41, figures 1, 2, 4 Pterospermites cordatrus Ward, 1887, p. 93, pl. 41, fig. 4. Ficus bei‘thoudi Lesquereux, 1888, p. 49. Knowlton, 1930, p. 65, pl. 25, figs. 1, 2, 6. Ficus mtonensis Knowlton, 1917, p. 306, pl. 74, fig. 4. These large, entire-margined, heart—shaped leaves re— semble some described as Ficus, Paranymphaea, 000- colobis, Dombeyopsis, Oatapr, and others, but differ in venational and other features from all these. The regular parallel interconnecting tertiary veins are par— ticularly coarse and widely spaced. I doubt that this species is allied with the genus Pterospermum but have no better suggestion to make. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4625 (fig. 4), 6892, 8678 (fig. 1); (upper) 2416, 7776 (fig. 2), 8190, 8774, 8921, 9109; Dawson arkose, 325; Den— ver formation, 317; Baton formation, 5140. DILLENIACEAE Dillenites garfieldensis Brown, n. sp. Plate 57, figures 2, 5 Leaves large, elliptic, with cuneate to rounded bases and acute apexes. Length of petiole unknown. Mar- gin beset with mammilately rounded to pointed, un— i SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGAS‘COPIC FLORA 83 equal, serrate teeth separated by angular sinuSes. Venation pinnate, the numerous equally spaced sec— ondaries curving gracefully away from the midvein into the larger marginal teeth and sending incon- spicuous branches into the subsidiary teeth. Second— aries connected by closely spaced diagonal parallel veinlets. This species differs from Dillem'tes microdentatus (Hollick) Berry in the Wilcox group of the South— eastern States and in the Tertiary of Alaska by hav- ing subsidiary teeth in addition to the main teeth and in having the teeth rounded instead of acute. A fur- ther study of Hollick’s four species of Dillenites from the Tertiary of Alaska may prove that they are only a single species, as he himself intimated. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (upper), 8774 (figs. 2, 5; specimens in Chicago Nat. History Mus.). MYRTACEAE Myrtophyllum torreyi (Lesquereux) Dorf Plate 50, figures 1—4, 7—9 Myrica torreyi Lesquereux. Dorf, 1938, p. 49, pl. 6, figs. 1—3. Myrtophyllum torreyi (Lesquereux) Dorf, 1942, p. 146. [See synonymy.] Apocynophyllum wilcomensz’s Berry. pl. 14, fig. 5. Myriad sp. Knowlton, 1930, p. 44, pl. 11, fig. 7. Knowlton, 1924, p. 95, Except that the intramarginal vein is more sub— dued and sometimes absent, these Paleocene leaves with eucalyptoid venation are scarcely distinguisha- ble from their Cretaceous predecessors. Their refer- ence to the family Myrtaceae may be appropriate in respect to venation, but the general absence of mar- ginal teeth in leaves of that family is discordant, thus raising doubts about the present reference. I have not seen the specimens called Oelastrophyl- Zuvm benedim' by Saporta and Marion (1873, p. 67, pl. 10, fig. 6; pl. 12, figs. 1, 2; 1878, p. 86, pl. 14, fig. 2) from the Paleocene at Gelinden, Belgium, and am not certain that the venation is accurately drawn, but there is a strong suggestion of resemblance between them and the leaves of Myrtophyllum torreyz'. The leaves described by Heer as Elms holbo'llz'cma (1883, p. 134, pl. 59, fig. 7) from Atanekerdluk, Greenland, are also similar, and favorable comparison can be made with leym'ca 10270090671823 Berry (1916a, p. 188, pl. 18, fig. 1) from the Eocene at Grenada, Miss. The illustration of the leaf called Apocyaop/zy/Zlum wz'Zcoac- 6718229 Berry by Knowlton is retouched and is inaccu- rate in showing numerous regular, evenly spaced sec- ondary veins; but these veins are irregular and un- evenly spaced and they unite near the margin to form an obscure intramarginal vein. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 8196, 8551 (figs. 2, 7), 8666, 8677 (figs. 3, 4), 8899, 9210 (fig. 1); Animas formation 7483; Dawson arkose, 5738, 8188 (fig. 8), 8881 (fig. 9). TRAPACEAE Trapa angulata (Newberry) Brown, n. comb. Plate 58, figures 1—12 Neuroptcris angulata Newberry in Ives, 1861, p. 131, pl. 3, fl". 5. Trapa? tcuneata Knowlton, 1900, p. 64, pl. 5, fig. 6. Trapa? microphylla Lesquereux, 1878, p. 295, pl. 61, figs. 16—17a. Dawson, 1887, p. 31, pl. 2, figs. 19, 19a. Ward, 1887, p. 64, pl. 28, figs. 2—5. Knowlton, 1899, p. 661, pl. 77, figs. 3, 4; 1900, p. 62, pl. 5, fig. 7; 1919, p. 627. Hollick, 1930, p. 109, pl. 84, fig. 4. Berry, 1935, p. 61, pl. 19, figs. 1—11. Brown and Houldsworth, 1939, p. 336—339, text figs. 1—9. Fucus lignitum Lesquereux, 1878, p. 42, pl. 61, figs. 24, 24a. Ward, 1887, p. 549, pl. 1, fig. 1 only. Knowlton, 1900, p. 17, pl. 3, fig. 4. Nelumbites striata Berry, 1935, p. 38, pl. 8, figs. 1—3. Nymphaeites angulatus (Newberry) Bell, 1949, p. 64, pl. 17, figs. 4, 7. Xymphaeites striatus (Berry) Bell, 1949, p. 67, pl. 17, figs. 1~3, 5, 6. Berry (1935, p. 61) and Bell (1949, p. 64) have summarized the history and information concerning this species, but Bell did not cite the report by Brown and Houldsworth (1939) of fruit-bearing specimens from the Ravenscrag formation in southern Saskatche- wan, Canada. These fruits have been found at nearly all localities that. have also yielded the characteristic leaves. Nelumbz‘tes stream Berry from the Whitemud for- mation (Upper Cretaceous) in Canada has all the features of the typical compound foliage of Trapa angulam except that the leaflets tend to be eccentri— cally peltate, the blade being attached to the petiole near the margin or some distance inward. Such leaf- lets, wherever reported, as at Point of Rocks, Wyo., are found associated with the typical floating foliage of Trapa angulaita, thus, together with the similari- ties in anatomy, arousing the suspicion of close rela— tionship, if not identity. The National Museum’s collection of Trapa angu- laita includes many almost perfect rosettes of this plant both from Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene strata. Inspection of these rosettes shows that the leaflets near the center tend to be reniform, rounded, and peltate, and those farther out, spatulate, rounded, truncated, cuneate, and attached basally. The margins are ser- rate with sharp teeth. The secondary veins or their branches do not, as a superficial glance might indi- 84 PALEOCENE FLORA cate, enter the marginal teeth but run into glands at the bases of the teeth at the angle of the sinus. The affinity of this species with living Trapa may well be questioned, and comparison with water—cress, although attractive so far as habit is concerned, is otherwise untenable. The fruits lack the conspicuous “horns” of the liv— ing species. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 2421, 3980, 5438, 6360, 8229, 8673, 8678, 8677, 9180; (upper) 2420 (figs. 3-5, 7—12), 8550; Ravenscrag formation, sec. 4, T. 2, R. 22 W., second meridian, Saskatchewan, Canada (figs. 1, 2). Trapa paulula (Bell) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 58, figure 13 Adiantum? paululum Bell, 1949, p. 41, pl. 1, figs. 2, 4, 6, 10. Legummosites stagnum Bell, 1949, p. 68, pl. 1, figs. 8, 9. This species differs from Trapa angulata (New- berry) Brown in being notably smaller, with floating rosettes not distinctly four—parted and with cuneate leaflets throughout. The submerged foliage is many times dichotomously forked into filiform divisions. No definite midvein is discernible. Most of the veins arise from the top of the petiole and fork several times, thus simulating roughly the venation of some ferns. The marginal dentition is blunter than that in T. angulata and is confined to the apical half of the leaflet. The figured specimen shows the thickened subsur- face portion of the stem that bore the floating rosette of leaves. Farther down the stem are remains of the filiform submerged foliage. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (fig. 13) ; (upper), 4896. MELASTOMACEAE (lower) , 7004 Melastomites montanensis Brown, n. sp. Plate 56, figures 1, 2, 5, 6 Leaves ovate lanceolate, attaining a length of 15 cm. Apex acute, base cuneate. Margin entire. Venation composed of a strong midvein flanked by one pair of strong primaries that arise from the top of the petiole or from the midrib a short distance above the top of the petiole and upward, extending to the very apex of the blade. Branches from the primaries coalesce near the margin to form a minor pair of intramar- ginal veins. Midvein, primaries, and intramarginal vein connected by closely spaced, more or less hori- zontal veinlets and secondaries, as in Sassafras and Cinnamonum. Surfaces of the better preserved leaves display minute dots, about 300 per sq cm, that were probably glandular. Petioles 2 to 3 cm long. —————7 OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS These leaves are somewhat larger than but resem— ble those of M elastomz'tes rams (Berry) Berry, orig- inally Cinnamomum 067a Berry, from the Eocene of the Southeastern States. They may be compared fa- vorably with those of a number of species of Tower). from South America. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 5716, 7005 (fig. 6), 7662 (fig. 5), 8519 (figs. 1, 2), 8897; Ferris formation, 6420. CORNACEAE Cornus hyperborea Heer Plate 59, figure 1 Camus hyperborea Heer, 1871, p. 476, pl. 50, figs. 3, 4. Leaves ovate, with cuneate to rounded bases and acute to blunt apexes. Margin entire. Secondary veins usually four on each side of the midvein, curved strongly upward toward the apex. For more than half the length of the leaf, no secondaries branch from the midvein, and there are no branches from the secondaries toward the margin. The tertiary vena- tion is composed of more or less parallel veinlets, 1 or 2 mm apart and at or nearly at right angles to the midvein and secondaries and practically horizontal as viewed by the observer when holding the leaf up— right. These specimens have all the earmarks of being an authentic species of Corr-nus. However, no flowers or seeds of 00mm have yet been found in the Paleocene strata of the Rocky Mountain region. The flower de- scribed by Knowlton as 000mm spe‘ciosissima (1922a) from Converse County, Wy0., although superficially comparable, is very likely not that of a dogwood. Moreover, the locality is in the Lance formation (Up- per Cretaceous) and is in T. 34 N., not T. 33 N., as cited. Numerous fossil species of 00mm, based chiefly on leaves, have been described~some authentic but most of them probably spurious. As the colored involucral bracts of the flower-heads fall separately, it is most unlikely that the usual four—parted flower head would be preserved intact. If it should be preserved, the center, composed of a number of flowers, would add a characteristic identifying feature. Most so-called fos- sil dogwood flowers lack this conspicuous center and hence seem unconvincing to me. This species resembles Camus platyphylla Saporta (1868, p. 391, pl. 11, figs. 8, 9) from Sezanne in the Paris Basin. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (upper), 4871 (fig. 1), 9109, and an inexact locality in Montana; Middle Park formation, 337. é SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA 85 ‘Cornus nebrascensis Schimper Plate 59, figures 2—5, 7, 12 Camus acuminata Newberry, 1868, p. 71. Camus ucbmsceusis Schimper, 1874, v. 3, p. 54. Caruus imprassa Lesquereux, 1878, p. 243, pl. 42, fig. 3. Camus uewberm/i Hollick. Newherry, 1898, p. 124, pl. 37, figs. .2, 3 [not fig. 4, which after cleaning shows prominent teeth and is Ficus artacarpoides Lesquereux]. This species differs from Camus hyperbarea Heer in having somewhat smaller leaves with more second— aries in the apical halves. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 3980, 4626 (fig. 5), 5389 (fig. 12), 5720, 6765, 8567 (figs. 2, 3, 7), 8781, exact locality unknown (Hollick’s speci- mens of Camus uewberryi); (upper), 8195 (fig. 4), 8920; Middle Park formation, 337. Nyssa alata (Ward) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 60, figures 1—4, 6 Sapindus alutus Ward, 1887, p. 68, pl. 31, fig. 4 [not fig. 3, which is Sapiudus alfiuis Newberry]. Andromeda scripta Knowlton, 1917, p. 344, pl. 112, figs. 1, 2. Apeibopsis ueomeayicaua Knowlton, 1917, p. 336, pl. 101, fig. 3. Chrysabalauus calaradcusis Knowlton, 1930, p. 95, pl. 40, figs. 2, 3; pl. 43, figs. 3, 8, 9 [not other figures]; pl. 44, figs. 1, 2. . Chrysobarlunus? luuceolatus Knowlton, 1930, p. 96, pl. 44, fig. 5. Camus emmousi Ward, 1887, p. 55, pl. 26, fig. 2 only. Caruus impressa Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 118, pl. 51, fig. 2 only. Diospg/ros brachysepala Braun. figs. 1, 2. Knowlton, 1930, p. 121, pl. 51, figs. 5—7, 9; pl. 52, fig. 3. Ficus? alata Knowlton, 1930, p. 64, pl. 23, fig. 9. Ficus aocideutalis (Lesquereux) Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 68, pl. 27, fig. 4. Ficus auulis Lesquereux, 1878, p. 198, pl. 30, fig. 2. Inga heteraphyllu Knowlton, 1917, p. 327, pl. 54, fig. 5. Laurus socialis Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 85, pl. 38, fig. 4. Nyssa luuccalata Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1917, p. 343, pl. 108, fig. 1; pl. 113, fig. 2; 1930, p. 120, p]. 52, fig. 2. ?Sapiudus obtusifolius LesquereuX. Knowlton, 1930, p. 102, pl. 46, fig. 3 [same specimen as Ficus occidentalis, pl. 27, fig. 4]. ’ Sophom richardsoui Knowlton, 1930, p. 97, pl. 45, fig. 7. Phyllites calhaueusis Knowlton, 1930, p. 130, pl. 56, fig. 1. Ward. 1887, p. 104, pl. 49, The assignment of these leaves to Nyssa is uncon- firmed by any authentic seeds suggestive of the genus. The leaf identified by Lesquereux (1878, p. 245, pl. 35, fig. 5) as Nyssa lamealuta, from the Denver forma- tion at Golden, 0010., is a leaflet of Frawiuus eocem’ca Lesquereux; and the seed, identified with the leaf (renamed by Knowlton, 1930, p. 120, as Nyssa deu- ueriaua), is so poorly preserved and the artist’s draw- ing of it (Lesquereux, 1878, pl. 35, fig. 6) so idealized that only confusion can result from retaining it as a named object. The leaves of Nyssa alum can be matched by the smaller leaves of the black tupelo, Nyssa syluatica Marshall, of the Eastern United States. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (upper) 2416 (figs. 2, 4, 6), 5388, 5609, 8224 (fig. 3), 8250, 8257, 8542 (fig. 1), 8774; Dawson arkose 325, 5837, 5838, 8672; Denver formation, 317; Ferris formation, 5971; Raton formation, 5679, 5683, 5704. Nyssa borealis Brown, n. sp. Plate 61, figure 4 Leaves elliptic, with entire margins. Secondary veins widely spaced, branching from ‘the midrib al- most at right angles and joining the secondaries above in conspicuous loops well within the margin. These leaves resemble those of the water tupelo, Nyssa aguatiaa Marshall, of the Southeastern United States. Occurrence: Fort Union formation, 4981 (fig. 4); Ferris formation, 8516. Nyssa? obovata Knowlton Nyssa? obovata Knowlton, 1930, p. 121, pl. 54, fig. 1. No further light on the identity of this specimen has appeared. Occurrence: Denver formation, 317. ERICACEAE Kalmia elliptica. Brown, n. sp. Plate 40, figure 3 Leaves elliptic, with entire margins. Secondary veins conspicuously decurrent at the thick midrib, somewhat undulant or irregular, forking and looping near the margin. These leaves compare fairly well with those of the mountain laurel, Kulmia latifalia Linnaeus of the Eastern United States. Occurrence: Fort Union formation, 4661 (fig. 3); Denver formation, 317. OLEACEAE Fraxinus eocenica Lesquereux Plate 57, figure 4; plate 62, figures 1—7 Fruwiuus eaceuica Lesquereux, 1878, p. 229; 1883, p. 123, pl. 20, figs. 1—3. Knowlton, 1930, p. 123, pl. 52, figs. 4—6. Aralia alezroensis Bell, 1949, p. 76, pl. 56, figs. 2, 5 [upper leaf]; pl. 59, fig. 1. Celasti‘initcs insignis (Heer) Bell, 1949, p. pl. 59, fig. 4. Juglans dcn-uerianu Knowlton, pl. 13, figs. 2—4. Juglaus rugasa Lesquereux, 1878, pl. 55, figs. 1—9. Knowlton, 1930, p. 46, pl. 14, fig. 1. 71, pl. 58, fig. 3; 1930, p. 44, pl. 12, figs. 1, 2; p. 286, pl. 54, figs. 5, 14; 86 Juglans sp. Knowlton, 1930, p. 48, pl. 14, fig. 5; pl. 15, fig. 1. Ng/ssu lanceolayta Lesquereux, 1878, p. 245, pl. 35, fig. 5. Knowlton, 1930, p. 120, pl. 52, fig. 2. Pterocarya? retusa Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1930, p. 48, pl. 14, figs. 2—4; pl. 15, fig. 5. Quercus leonis Knowlton, 1930, p. 53, pl. 18, fig. 2 [not fig. 3, which is Eucommia. serrata (Newberry) Brown]. Quercus stramiuea Lesquereux, 1878, p. 151, pl. 19, fig. 6. Quercus whitmani Knowlton, 1930, p. 52, pl. 17, fig. 5. Sapindus caudatus Lesquereux, 1878, p. 264, pl. 48, fig. 6. Knowlton, 1930, p. 101. The leaflets of this species are entire or remotely toothed, asymmetric, ovate lanceolate, elliptic, or ob— lanceolate in outline, petioled, with acute or attenu- ated apexes and cuneate to rounded bases. Frag- ments of the compound leaves with three leaflets still attached have been found, but no seeds attributable to Framinua have been recovered. Some of the specimens here assigned to Framinus eocenioa were originally identified by Lesquereux as Juglans rugosu and came from a locality doubtfully considered to be Evanston, Wyo. The complicated history of J. rugosa, was discussed by Knowlton (1930, p. 46). Other correlative specimens, however, were identified simultaneously by Lesquereux as F ruminus eocenica, from the Denver formation at Golden, Colo. This seems to be a more satisfactory allocation. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4626 (pl. 62, fig. 7), 4661, 8165; (upper), 5760, 8234 (pl. 62, fig. 1), 8774 (pl. 62, figs. 3—5; pl. 57, fig. 4) ; Coal— mont formation, 6105 (pl. 62, fig. 6); Denver forma— tion, 317 (pl. 62, fig. 2); Evanston formation, 3658; Middle Park formation, 337. APOCYNACEAE .Apocynophyllum lesquereuxi Ettingshausen Apocynophyllum lesquereuwi Ettingshausen, 1883, p. 132. Knowlton, 1917, p. 345. Apocynophyllum linifolium Knowlton, 1917, p. 346, pl. 104, fig. 3. Apocynophyllum wilcouensis Berry. Knowlton, 1917, p. 345, pl. 103, fig. 3; pl. 105, figs. 1, 2; pl. 106, fig. 1. Quercus neriifolia Brown. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 150, pl. 19, fig. 5 only. The published illustrations of these leaves are for the most part unsatisfactory and misleading. In ac- tuality the secondary veins are numerous and fairly closely spaced but are unequally parallel, and with the intersecondaries, are quite irregular and variously branched or interconnected, and are united to form an intramarginal vein. As remarked by nearly all students dealing with these leaves, their affinity is more probably with the Myrtaceae than with the Apo- cynaceae, but, lacking suggestive fruits as evidence, doubt about their correct allocation will continue to be entertained. Occurrence: Baton formation, 5611, 5684, 5701, 5798. PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND ———" GREAT PLAINS CAPRIFOLIACEAE Viburnum antiquum (Newberry) Hollick Plate 63, figures 1—8', plate 64, figure 4 Tiiia antiq‘uu Newberry, 1868, p. 52. Viburnum antiquum (Newberry) Hollick. p. 128, pl. 33, figs. 1, 2. Berry, 1935, p. 58, pl. 17, fig. 3 only. Viburnum betulaefolium Ward, 1887, p. 114, pl. 57, fig. 4. Viburnum dakotense Lesquereux, 1883, p. 231, pl. 46A, fig. 9. Viburnum dentoni Lesquereux, 1883, p. 231, pl. 49, figs. 2, 3. Viburnum elongatlum Ward, 1887, p. 112, pl. 54, figs. 4, 5. Viburnum limpidum Ward, 1887, p. 110, pl. 53, figs. 3—6. Viburnum macrodontum Ward, 1887, p. 110, pl. 53, fig. 2. Viburnum nordenskioldi Heer. Lesquereux, 1883, p. 230, pl. 49, fig. 4. Viburnum oppositinerue Ward, 1887, p. 112, pl. 55, figs. 1, 2. Viburnum perfectum Ward, 1887, p. 109, pl. 52, figs. 3, 4; pl. 53, fig. 1. Viburnum perplemum Ward, 1887, p. 111, pl. 54, figs. 2, 3. Viburnum iohumperi Heer, 1869, p. 475, pl. 46, fig. 1b. Ward, 1887, p. 111, pl. 54, fig. 1. Alnus serrata Newberry. Bell, 1949, p. 52, pl. 33, fig. 6. Corr/ins macquarrii (Forbes) Heer. Lesquereux, 1883, p. 223, pl. 49, fig. 4. Diosm/ros ficoidea Lesquereux. fig. 4 only. Ficus uiburnifolia Ward, 1887, p. 42, pl. 22, figs. 4—8. Grewia obovata Heer. Ward, 1887, p. 88, pl. 39, fig. 7 only. Hedera paruula Ward, 1887, p. 57, pl. 26, fig. 4. Monimiopsis fraterna Saporta. Ward, 1887, p. 52, pl. 25, fig. 3. Populus grewiopsis Ward, 1887, p. 23, pl. 9, fig. 1. Newberry, 1898, Ward, 1887, p. 105, pl. 49, In this synonymy I have grouped those Viburnum- like leaves having a broad-ovate, elliptic, or cordate outline; a margin with large, rounded, dentate t0 ser— rate teeth; and secondaries widely spaced, somewhat irregular and undulating and conspicuously branched. Exceptions to this general statement appear to be Diosypros ficoideay, Ficus uiburnifolia, and H edera paruula. These I regard as extreme or abnormal vari— ants from the general average. Diosypros ficoidea was figured as an entire-margined leaf. The type speci- men, however, is not as perfect as the sketch, much of the margin being missing, but on that which is pre- served, undulations may be seen which suggest rudi- mentary teeth. F icus uéburnifolia, (VVard’s fig. 8) has an entire margin and resembles H edera. paruula. Both seem to me to be abnormal or malformed leaves. The normal leaves of V. antiquum find matches among those of several living species. The seeds found at locality 4264 in association with typical leaves of this species appear to be more clearly referable to Viburnum than those identified by Ward as V. tilioides. These seeds were flattened and had four longitudinal furrows. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (pl. 63, figs. 1—7), 2416, 4264, 4974, 8166 (upper), 2414 (pl. 63, fig. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION or THE MEGASCOPIC‘ FLORA 87 8), 8230, 8255, 8523, 8774, 9071 (pl. 64, fig. 4), 9125; Ferris formation, 6971. Viburnum asperum Newberry Plate 64, figures 1—3, 5, 7—11 Viburnum asperum Newberry, 1868, p. 54; 1898, p. 129, pl. 33, fig. 9. Ward, 1887, p. 113, pl. 55, figs. 4—9. Berry, 1935, p. 56, pl. 16, figs. 1—4. Bell, 1949, p. 79, pl. 62, fig. 2; pl. 67, figs. 4, 6. Viburnum castrac Knowlton and (lockerell. Knowlton, 1919, p. 641, for V. lanccclatum Newberry, 18981, p. 131, pl. 33, fig. 10. Berry, 1935, p. 56, pl. 15, fig. 5. Viburnum erectum Ward, 1887, p. 112, pl. 55, fig. 3. Viburnum ncwberrianum Ward, 1887, p. 113, pl. 56, figs. 1—6. Viburnum nordenskioldi Heer. Ward, 1887, p. 114, pl. 57, figs. 1—3. Viburnum antiquum mut. trinerrum Berry, 1935, p. 60, pl. 7, fig. 6; pl. 15, fig. 6. Alnus nostratum Unger. Heer, 1868, p. 103, pl. 47, figs. 12a, b. Amelanchier similis Newberry, 1898, p. 111, pl. 40, fig. 6. Cornus dcnvercnsis Knowlton. Bell, 1949, p. 76, pl. 56, fig. 5 [part] Ficus limpida Ward, 1887, p. 42, pl. 22, fig. 3. Rhamnitcs concinnus Newberry, 1898, p. 118, pl. 33, figs. 7, 8. Rhamnus goldianus Lesquereux. Knowlton, 1917, p. 332, pl. 112, fig. 5. Tilia weedi Knowlton, 1902, p. 706, text fig. 1. Ulmus praecursor Dawson, 1886, p. 28, pl. 2, fig. 11. The striking features of these leaves are the re- markable smoothness and grace in the curvature of the many secondary veins; the numerous closely spaced connecting veinlets; the regular, rounded to pointed, crenate-serrate teeth; the tendency to have strong basal secondaries with many branches; and the lanceolate-pointed shape with rounded or cordate sometimes slightly asymmetric base. The leaf called Amelanc/Lier similis Newberry is ap— parently somewhat abnormal, and this, together with the fact that it was incorrectly illustrated in critical details, almost masks its relationship to Viburnum asperum. Its venational and marginal features, how- ever, on close examination are distinctive. The leaf described as Tibia weedi Knowlton (fig. 11) is an un- usually large example of V. asperum. These leaves resemble those of the hamamelida- ceous species Oorylopsis sinensis Hemsley, but partic- ularly those of the cornaceous Duoidia inrolucrata Baillon, of western China. The species, with other associates, is a fairly reli- able index for the Paleocene of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains. At only one Upper Cretaceous lo- cality, about 4 miles east of Reed Point, Mont., have I found probable ancestral specimens (pl. 64, fig. 6) that simulate the leaves of this species, except that they are smaller and somewhat more asymmetrical. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 8519, 8558, 8654, 8673, 8678 (figs. 7, 8), 9056 (figs. 9, 10); (upper), 607 (fig. 11), 2417 (figs. 1, 3), 2422, 4871, 5194, 5882, 6377, 8166, 8192, 8213, 8222, 8520 (fig. 5), 8885 (fig. 2), 8921, 8922, 9322. Viburnum cupanioides (Newberry) Brown, 11. comb. Plate 46, figure 1; plate 57, figure 1; plate 65, figures 1—8 .th/llitcs cupanioides Newberry, 1868, p. 74; 1898, p. 135, pl. 41, figs. 3, 4. Pterospermites cupavnioides (Newberry) Knowlton, 1893, p. 35, pl. 2. Celtis rugosa Newberry, 1883, p. 510. Celtis lingualis Knowlton and Cockerell. p. 160. I’hz/llites carneosus Newberry, 1898, p. 134, pl. 41, figs. 1, 2. Phyllites curneosa (Newberry) Bell, 1949, p. 55, pl. 35, figs. 1—3; pl. 36, figs. 1—6. Phyllites venosus Newberry, 1898, p. 136, pl. 30, fig. 4. Pterospermites minor Ward, 1887, p. 95, pl. 42, figs. 1—3. Berry, 1935, p. 48, pl. 11, fig. 4. Pterospermites whitei Ward, 1887, p. 94, pl. 41, figs. 5, 6. Bell, 1949, p. 69, pl. 4, fig: 3. Rhamnites marginatus (Lesquereux) Bell, 1949, p. 73, pl. 61, fig. 5. Sapindus? membranaccus Newberry, 1878, p. 117, pl. 30, fig. 3 only. Viburnum paucidentutum Newberry, 1883, p. 511. Knowlton, 1919, The general outline, marginal dentition, and vena- tion of these leaves can be matched most readily in Viburnum. Indeed, several specimens assigned to this species might serve as connecting links with Viburnum uniiguum ( N ewberry) Hollick. The leaf described by Newberry as Celtis rugosw, renamed 0. Zinguuli's by Knowlton and Cockerell, and that called Viburnum paucidentatum were never il— lustrated or again referred to by Newberry; nor is the present location of the specimens known. The descrip— tions, however, suggest their assignment to this species. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 4514, 4625 (pl. 65, fig. 6), 5885 (pl. 57, fig. 1), 5889 (pl. 65, figs. 5, 7), 6050 (pl. 65, fig. 2), 8519, 8521, 8627, exact locality unknown (pl. 65, fig. 1, reproduction of New- berry, 1898, pl. 30, fig. 4); (upper), 2420 (pl. 65, figs. 3, 4), 5324, 8190 (pl. 46, fig. 1), 877 , 8910, 8920, 9322; Paskapoo formation, Alberta, Canada. Viburnum tilioides Ward Plate 67, figures 18, 19, 24, 25, 30, 31 Viburnum tilioides Ward, 1887, p. 107, pl. 51, figs. 4—8 [not other figures, which are V. antiquum (Newberry) Hol- lick]. Carpitcs sulcatus Knowlton, 1924, p. 96, pl. 19, figs. 3, 4. As at least two authentic species of Viburnum and one species of Nyssu are represented by leaves from the same strata at or near the same locality that yielded the types of these seeds, there is reasonable 88 doubt concerning the relationship of the leaves and seeds. The seeds may not even be those of Viburnum or Nyssa. Some may well be mistaken for those of Tmpa angulam (Newberry) Brown. Others bear con- siderable resemblance to the cornaceous seeds assigned by Kirchheimer to M astimia, from the brown coal de— posits of Germany. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower) 4626, 5509, 5619, 8519, 8554 (fig. 25); (upper), 2414 (fig. 19), 2424,8196 (figs. 18,24), 8225 (fig. 31), 8774 (fig. 30) ; Animas formation, 7496. OBJECTS OF UNCERTAIN CLASSIFICATION Macclintockia kanei (Heer) Seward and Conway Macclmtockia kanei (Heer) Seward and Conway, 1935, p. 24, pl. 2, figs. 16, 17, 20, text fig. 9. Cocculus kam‘i (Heer) Saporta and Marion, 1873, p. 63, pl. 10, fig. 1. Daphnogene kam’i Beer, 1868, p. 112, pl. 14; pl. 16, fig. 1. Saporta and Marion, 1873, p. 65, pl. 10, figs. 2, 3. Macclintockia dentata Heer, 1868, p. 115, figs. 3, 4. Macclmtockia lyallii Heer, 1868, p. 115, pl. 15, figs. 1a, 2; pl. 16, figs. 7a, 7b; pl. 17, figs. 2a, 2b; pl. 47, fig. 13; pl. 48, fig. 8. Macclintockia trinerm's Heer, 1868, p. 115, pl. 15, figs. 7—9; 1883, p. 95, pl. 77, fig. 8. The spelling [semi for this species is here used as being more appropriate to the dedicatee, Dr. Elisha Kane. Heer, in my opinion, was not justified in defining three species of dentate-leaved M acoleintockia from the same locality; and for defining entire leaves, having the same texture and internal architecture as the den— ‘ tate leaves, as a species in a different genus and fam— ily. All these leaves appear to be variants of a single species. No authentic Paleocene 21150525550555 foliage has been reported from the mainland of North America. Daphnogene kamii Heer, reported from the Eocene of Alaska by Hollick (1936, p. 121, pl. 67, fig. 11), al- though somewhat like Heer’s types, differs by having its pair of primary veins arise from the midrib at a considerable distance above the top of the petiole. Similar leaves occur in the Eocene lignitic strata of Washington. The Uocculus kam’z’ specimen reported by Berry (1926, p. 111, pl. 16, fig. 2) from the Eocene at Kitsilano, British Columbia, appears to have the form of Macclz’ntockia ka‘nei, but venational details are missing, so that no definite conclusion can be drawn. Heer, on the basis of fragments, reported two spe— cies of Macclintockia from the Upper Cretaceous of Greenland at Igdlokunguak on Disko Island: M. ore- taoea (1880, p. 70, pl. 36, figs. 1, 2a; pl. 37, figs. 2—4), and M. appendéculam (1880, p. 71, pl. 37, fig. 1). If ————i PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS these fragments, as illustrated, are authentic, they may represent forerunners of the Paleocene M. kami. M acclimtockia loomed differs little from M. heersz'en- 87:8 Saporta and Marion (1878, p. 55, pl. 9, fig. 1) from the Paleocene at Gelinden, Belgium. No satisfactory conclusion has been reached about the botanic classification of this species. Comparisons often made with C’occulus laumifoléus DeCandolle, though suggestive, are not completely convincing. Occurrence: Atanekerdluk, Greenland. Phyllites demoresi Brown, n. sp. Plate 61, figures 5—8 Leaves ovate to ovate lanceolate, with rounded bases and acuminate apexes. Margin entire. Petiole slend- der, more than 3 cm long. Venation pinnate, with secondaries widely spaced, forming conspicuous, closed loops well within the margin. Intersecondaries com- mon. Named for the Marquis DeMores, who founded the town of Medora, N. Dak. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (upper), 4264 (figs. 5, 6, 8), 4879, 4892, 8196 (fig. 7). Phyllites disturbans Brown, n. 51). Plate 60, figures 5, 7—10 Leaves elliptic, with acute apexes and cuneate bases. Secondary veins evenly spaced, camptodrome. Mar- gin entire or very obscurely, distantly, and minutely toothed. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (upper) 4262 (fig. 7), 6342 (fig. 8), 7659 (fig. 5), 8563 (figs. 9, 10). Phyllites pagosensis Knowlton Plate 18, figure 10 Phyllites pagosensis Knowlton, 1924, p. 97, pl. 16, fig. 2. Ulmus Sp. Knowlton, 1917, p. 300, pl. 70, fig. 4. The leaf fragments here cited and figured seem to be closely related morphologically. Their margins have large double teeth, and their slightly arched secondary veins enter the major marginal teeth. - Branchlets from the secondaries enter the subsidiary teeth. Ulmaceous affinities may be indicated here, but some rosaceous genera also have leaves displaying somewhat similar features. Somewhat comparable leaves called Ulmus s‘orbifolz'a Gtippert (Hollick, 1936, p. 106, pl. 57, figs. 3—5) occur in the Tertiary floras of Alaska. Occurrence: Animas formation, 7496; Denver for— mation, 317 (fig. 10) ; Raton formation, 5695. ‘Calycites hexaphylla Lesquereux Plate 4, figure 11 Culycites hemaphylla Lesquereux, 1873, p. 402. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA 89 Diospyms hewaphylla (Lesquereux) Knowlton, 1919‘, p. 238. Diospwos wodam‘ Unger. Lesquereux, 1878, p. 233, pl. 59, fig. 13. The lobes of OaZycites bewaphg/Zla differ from those of 0. polysepala Newberry in being longer, slightly spatulate, and finely striate. The unlobed portion is smaller and has a central, craterlike depression. No remains of stamens or pistils are present. Lesquereux’s figured specimen of Diospyros woda/m' fortunately retains a long peduncle. Excavation of the upper part of the peduncle and the bases of the six lobes shows a true six-parted calyx underneath, 8 mm in diameter, and having short pointed lobes that al— ternate with those of the “corolla” above. The speci- mens, therefore, are gamopetalous flowers, with the 6 petals and 6 sepals, respectively, united near their bases. The affinity of these flowers is uncertain but may be with the Lauraceae, species of which are rep- resented by leaves in the Paleocene flora. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 9248 (fig. 11), 9249; Evanston formation, 1471. Calycites polysepala Newberry Plate 4, figure 5 Calycitcs polysepala Newberry, 1898, p. 139, pl. 40, fig. 3. Newberry’s type has seven lobes. Other specimens in the collection have six, seven, and eight lobes. The sinuses between the lobes are rounded, not sharply angular, but there are no discernible definite markings on the lobes. The unlobed central portion of the specimens shows a broad, shallow, saucerlike depres~ sion, with no apparent diagnostic features. No ped- uncle has been seen but a central pit or scar may represent the point of attachment of a peduncle. Superficially, except for the rounded sinuses, these specimens resemble species of earthstar puffballs (Geaster) somewhat like the doubtful Geaster floris— santensz’s Cockerell from Oligocene lakebeds at Floris- sant, Colo. Smaller specimens bearing the names Antholithes browm' Berry (1930, p. 77, pl. 15, fig. 8) and A. fremontensz's Berry (1930, p. 78, pl. 15, fig. 2), which are clearly synonymous, are known from the middle Eocene of the Wind River Basin in Wyo- ming. Other and more suggestive comparisons could perhaps be made, but the true affinity of these “caly— ces” remains for the present unknown. Occurrence: Fort Union, exact locality unknown (fig. 5). One specimen from an unspecified locality near Dickinson, N. Dak., was collected by R. L. Coville. Carpolithes spinosus Newberry Oarpolithes spinosus Newberry, 1898, p. 138, pl. 68, figs. 2, 3. Occurrence: 2Raton formation, North Fork of the Purgatoire River, Colo. Nordenskioldia borealis Heer Plate 67, figures 13, 45 Nordenskioldia borealis Heer, 1871, p. 65, pl. 7, figs. 1~13; 1880, p. 13, pl. 6, fig. 8. Bell, 1949, p. 80, pl. 18, fig. 2; pl. 21, fig. 3. Carrpites cocculoides (Heer) Schimper. Lesquereux, 1878, figs. 32~35. Oarpites cocculoides var. major Lesquereux, 1878, p. 307, pl. 60, p. 307, pl. 60, figs. 38, 39. Carpolithes cocculoidcs Heer, 1871, p. 484, pl. 52, figs. 9, 9b. Diospyros brachysepala Alexander Braun. Heer, 1868, p. 117, pl. 47, figs. 4b, 5, 5f, 5g. The surface markings of these lunate impressions are veinlike, diagonal, and forked. Thus, there is a superficial resemblance between Nordenslcioldz’a and the capsules of Oemz'dz'phyllum, and inasmuch as both are found together at many localities, there is likeli- hood of confusion if the specimens are not carefully examined. In outline, Nordens/cz'oldia impressions re- semble seeds of persimmon, Diosg/pros, with one side practically straight and the remainder of the border arched. The seeds of Nordenslcz'oldia, however, were packed around a central axis like those of Mellow, and the fruits were sessile, alternate, and opposite (fig. 45), at intervals on a long rachis. There seems as yet no inkling as to the correct botanical affinity of N ordenskioldia. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 4661, 5509, 5918, 8240, 8654, 9130; (upper) 2420, 4870, 4892, 5618, 8167, 8234, 8236, 8887 (fig. 45), 8910, 8913 (fig. 13), 8917, 9125; Coalmont formation, 6110. Palmocarpon commune Lesquereux Palmocarpon commune Lesquereux, 1878, p. 119, pl. 13, figs. 4—7. Palmocarpon memictmum (Lesquereux) Lesquereux, 1878, p. 119, pl. 11, fig. 5. The identifying feature of these roundish flattened seeds is the somewhat narrow elliptic scar (perhaps a raphe) with a nipple in the middle of the broader end, well illustrated in Lesquereux’s plate 13, figure 7. What species of living palm, if any, produces seeds of this kind? Occurrence: Denver formation, 317; Raton forma- tion, exact locality uncertain. Palmocarpon compositum Lesquereux Palmocarpon compositum Lesquereux, 1878, p. 119, pl. 11, fig. 4. Euphorbocarpum Mchardsom’ Knowlton, 1917, p. 328, pl. 96, figs. 3, 4. The assignment of these specimens to either the Palmaceae or Euphorbiaceae is unconfirmed by con— vincing evidence. Occurrence: Raton formation, 5046, and an. uncertain locality. 90 PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Palmocarpon lineatum Lesquereux .Palmocarpon lineatum Lesquereux, 1888, p. 44. Knowlton, 1930, p. 42, pl. 11, fig. 5. Assignment of these seeds to. the Palmaceae is dubious. Occurrence: Denver formation, 317. Palmocarpon subcylindricum Lesquereux Plate 6", figure 37 Palmocarpon subcylmdricum Lesquereux, 1878, p. 121, pl. 11, fig. 12. Knowlton, 1930, pl. 52, fig. 3b. Lesquereux said of his specimens that they were split in two at the top. Careful excavation of these objects, however, shows that the tops are three-parted and that the bottoms have a well-defined roundish attachment scar. Knowlton’s plate 52, figure 3b, il— lustrates a specimen with a broad euplike base or a thick peduncle. Something about these objects sug- gests that they are empty calyces of some flower. That they belonged to palms seems doubtful. Occurrence: Fort Union formation, 4901, 5918; Denver formation, 317 (fig. 37). Palmocarpon truncatum Lesquereux Pa‘lmocm‘pon truncatum Lesquereux, 1878, p. 120, pl. 11, figs. 6—9. Ginkgo? truncata (Lesquereux) Knowlton, 1930, p. fig. 3. 34, pl. 9, The long peduncle (see Knowlton’s pl. 9, fig. 3) of these specimens seems to rule out assignment to the palms; and the “fleshy cup” referred to by Knowlton seems on examination of the specimen itself to be a remnant of a once larger enclosing sheath or calyx, thus casting doubt on the assignment. to Ginkgo. More- over, no foliage attributable to Ginkgo has yet been found at the plant localities in the Denver formation on South Table Mountain near Golden, Colo. It is probable that these objects belong with Palmooowporn su‘boyh’ndricum Lesquereux. Occurrence: Denver formation, 317, 325. Viburnum goldianum Lesquereux Viburnum goldiamlm Lesquereux, 1878, p. 227, pl. 60, figs. 2, 2a—c. Nothing new has been learned about the true identity of these seeds, but reference of them to Viburnum is questionable. Occurrence: Denver formation, 317. Viburnum solitarium Lesquereux Plate 67, figures 33, 34 Viburnum solitarimn, Lesquereux, 1878, p. 227, pl. 60, fig. 3. Carpites rhomboidalis Lesquereux, 1878, p. 306, pl. 60, figs. 28, 29. These small seeds had ovate kernels, apparently en— closed in a bivalved shell whose suture in fossilization made a wide flange, squarish at the top. The assign— ment to Viburnum is dubious. Occurrence: Denver formation, 317 (figs. 33, 34); Laramie formation (Upper Cretaceous) for 0. Thom- boidale’s. Ophiomorpha nodosa Lundgren Ophiomorpha nrodosa Lundgren. H'antzschel, 1952, p. 148, pls. 13, 14. [See synonymy and discussion] Halymonites major Lesquereux. Brown, 1939b, p. 253, pl. 62, figs. 1—7; pl. 63, figs. 1, 2. Thus far the only specimens of this kind found in the Paleocene of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains were taken from the sandy facies of the Can- nonball member of the Fort Union formation by T. W'. Stanton in 1913 in the right bank of Heart River, one- half a mile south of Mandan, N. Dak. They are fragmentary but characteristic. In Europe, VVatelet (1866, p. 24, pl. 4, fig. 1) reported a specimen from the upper Paleocene of the Paris Basin, which he called Phymatodemna dienoalz’i, now synonymized by Hantzschel, with Ophiomorpha nodosa. As stated in my study of H aly7nenites major in 1939 and by Hantzschel in his review of Ophiomorpha, in 1952, there is strong evidence that this supposed alga represents the burrow of a marine animal, probably a crustacean. As yet, however, no remains of the pur- ported burrowers themselves have been found in or directly connected with the burrows. Field geolo- gists and collectors should keep this problem in mind and be on the lookout for such conclusive evidence. Occurrence: Fort Union formation (lower), 6525. MISCELLANEOUS LEAVES, FRUITS, SEEDS, FLOWERS, ROOTS, AND PROBABLE ANIMAL REMAINS Plate 57, figure 3 Leaves large, ovate, with cuneate bases and rounded or blunt apexes. Margin with minute scattered sharp- pointed teeth. Venation pinnate, the secondaries evenly spaced, camptodrome. Intersecondaries com- mon. Veinlets connecting the secondaries subparallel, oblique. Fort Union formation, 8774. Plate 66, figure 4 Palmately veined leaf, with cordate base, and a few coarse marginal teeth. Fort Union formation, 8920. Plate 66, figure 5 Narrow elliptic leaves or leaflets with undulate to toothed margins, but teeth few, blunt, and serrate. Venation obscure, but apparently palmate with the veins extending well toward the apex. These may SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE MEGASCOPIC FLORA 91 be leaflets of Trapa avngulam (Newberry) Brown. Fort Union formation, 6215. Plate 67, figure 5 A five-loculed fruit, pentagonal in outline, simu- lating the seed case of an apple after the flesh has been removed. A somewhat similar fruit was de- scribed by Reid and Chandler (1933, p. 469, pl. 26, figs. 31—38) as Sapoticampum Zatum, from the Eocene London clay. Fort Union formation, 8247. Plate 67, figures 6, 7 Winged, maplelike samaras, but with long peduncles, thus suggesting some genera in the soapberry family, Sapindaceae. Fort Union formation, 9125. Plate 67, figures 9, 14, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 27 Ovate seeds with a thin shell or skin whose outer surface was fairly smooth but whose inner surface was marked by closely packed papillae, squarish pro- tuberances, or cavities as the case may be. Seeds of Actim'dz'a might leave such impressions. Fort Union formation, 4031, 4320, 4896, 4901, 5438, 6215 (figs. 15, 22, 23, 27), 8519, 8550 (figs. 9, 14) 8910, 9109, 9236 (figs. 16, 20); Denver formation, 317. Plate 67, figure 10 A flattened carbonized specimen, elliptical in out- line and showing irregular angular divisions as though it represented a multiple fruit. The surface of each division is marked by two overlapping depressions, one smooth and shallow, the other with a central pit. Whether this object was originally round before be; ing flattened is unknown. Fort Union formation, 6382. Plate 67, figures 11, 12, 17 Narrow wrinkled specimens, blunt rounded at one end and squarish, fringed at the other. Possibly a fruit, topped by the remnants of a calyx. Fort Union formation, 4626 (fig. 11), 8547 (fig. 17), 8566 (fig. 12), 8917. Plate 67, figure 21 A spike or catkin of 'seedlike bodies that are some— what lunate in shape with two or three concentric folds. As these catkins were found with matted palm leaves, there is some suspicion that they may have been parts of a flowering palm spadix. Fort Union formation, 8519 (fig. 21); Evanston formation, exact locality unknown. Plate 67, figure 26 Ovate seeds with longitudinal rows of pits. Fort Union formation, 4618 (fig. 26), 8551. Plate 67, figures 28, 29 Oval seeds with five or more conspicuous longi- tudinal ridges and furrows with scattered glandlike marks on the surface of the furrows. Fort Union formation, 4264. Plate 67, figure 32 Flat heart—shaped apparently two-lobed fruits, oc- curring in clusters. Fort Union formation, 8519 (fi . 32), 8775. Plate 67, figure 35 An elliptic flat object, divided into two equal halv s by a median, longitudinal line. Numerous fine hairs radiate from the margin. The specimen is somewhat like the Upper Cretaceous Uarpolithus hirsutus New— berry. Fort Union formation, 4977, 8522 (fig. 35). Plate 67, figure 36 An oval fruit, which, according to the longitudinal ridges, may have been multilocular. Fort Union for- mation, 8167. Plate 67, figure 38 Oval seeds with wide flanges, rounded at both ends. Animas formation, 5667. Plate 67, figures 39—42, 47 These are apparently burs, with a few relatively stout, sometimes branched, sharp-pointed spines. In figure 47 the burs are definitely associated with round fruitlike bodies. They may be the fruits of a sandbur- grass, Oenchms. Fort Union formation, 2427, 7538 (figs. 3942), 9109 (fig. 47). Plate 67, figure 43 An elliptic body covered with roundish projections. This object may be the fertile cone of a species of Egm'setum. Fort Union formation, 6905. Plate 67, figure 44 This fragment appears to have been a cylindrical object originally, and is now studded with bilobed projections. Fort Union formation, 9130. Plate 67, figure 46 Small calyces, with five blunt slightly unequal lobes. These resemble the calyces and corollas of elderberry, Sambucus. Fort Union formation, 5194, 8774 (fig. 46). Plate 68, figures 2, 7—11 Roots, with rootlet scar pits in three or more longi- tudinal rows. Specimens have been taken from nearly every formation from the Upper Cretaceous to the Eocene, but to What plant they belonged is unknown. Fort Union formation (lower), 5614; (upper) 8668 (fig. 10) ; Animas formation, 5458, 5461, 8669 (fig. 2) ; Ferris formation, 3963; Livingston formation 6765 (fig. 11); Middle Park formation, 337; Raton forma- 92 tion, 5129. Upper Cretaceous, Fruitland formation, 4468 (fig. 7); Eocene, lVind River formation, 9533 (fig. 9); Fossil Forest Ridge, Yellowstone National Park, 750 (fig. 8). Plate 68, figures 17—22 Two-winged seeds, simulating those of catalpa and other Bignoniaceae. A seed similar to these was de- scribed for Géppert by Weber (1851, p. 233, pl. 25, fig. 5) and called Dipterospermum bignom'oz'des, from Oligocene lignitic strata near Bonn in the Rhineland. Reid and Chandler (1926, p. 129, pl. 8, fig. 20) also described a similar seed, Bademaahem pulchm, from the Bembridge beds (Oligocene) of the Isle of Wight. Fort Union formation, 8910. Plate 68, figure 25 This small roundish square-beaked seed is probably a stone—fruit of some kind. Fort Union formation, 8913. Plate 68, figure 26 This boat-shaped object resembles the glumes or bracts of some grasses. Fort Union formation, 8913. Plate 68, figures 27—29 Small pedicelled fruit or flowerlike objects. Fort Union formation. 5595 (fig. 29), 9109 (fig. 27), 9125 (fig. 28). Plate 69, figure 1 Feather of an unknown bird. This feather is pre— served in the pinkish baked shale from above a burned coal bed about 10 miles north of Glendive, Mont. It was found about 1930 by John S. Larimer, former jeweler at Glendive, and given to me by his son in 1950. Bird feathers and down have sometimes been mistaken for plant remains, as for example Les— quereux’s supposed moss, Fontinalz's pm'stz'na (1883, p. 135, pl. 21, fig. 9), from Oligocene lakebeds at Florissant, 0010., and Cziffery-Szilagyi’s Donacites erdobengensis (1955, p. 164, fig. 7, on p. 31) from the Miocene of Hungary. Plate 69, figures 15—19 Ropy striated concretions blunt pointed at both ends when perfect. These are found with others that are more irregular, warty, and without striations. Figures 16—19 represent specimens from a clayey, silty stratum in the Fort Union formation, 8 miles south of Rhame, N. Dak. They are composed of limonite and are rusty brown on the surface. That they were chiefly siderite before they were oxidized to limonite is inferred from the fact that the comparable speci- men, figure 15, from Miocene strata (Roberts, 1958, p. 35) on Cedar Creek, a tributary of Salmon Creek, Wash, is still largely siderite, without discernible PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS organic matter, like most of its kind at that locality. These come from a bluish clay containing some woody material and, locally, well-preserved leaves and seeds. Speculation has ranged Widely in attempts to account for these objects, but the most persistent hypothesis, based on their shape and their occurrence in fluvial deposits, is that they are coprolites, perhaps of large fishes, turtles or other reptiles. OTHER OBJECTS OF UNCERTAIN OR MISTAKEN IDENTITY Besides the foregoing illustrated objects of uncer- tain though most likely of organic aflinity, the Paleo- cene collections contain many other seeds, fruits, flow- ers, and problematica not here described or illus- trated. Many of these are not well preserved, are not good subjects for photography, and, although excit- ing curiosity and stimulating much thought without definite classificatory results, are here deemed best to remain temporarily nameless. Some objects hitherto thought to be seeds, fruits, or other parts of plants, are now known to be of inor- ganic origin. Thus, for example, Ward (1887, p. 14, pl. 1, fig. 3) described a specimen he identified as an alga, Spiwam's Martha's. This is a concretion, showing the original bedding planes of the sandstone that gave Ward the mistaken impression that these were spirally alined. On revisiting the locality I found similar specimens and verified their identity as concretions. Stainbrook (1924) described an object he thought might be a fossil fruit, from Chimney Butte in SW14 sec. 29, T. 139 N., R. 102 W., North Dakota. At this locality on September 7, 1949, I found numerous simi- lar specimens. All are concretions, the centers of which in many instances are somewhat septarian thus giving the deceptive appearance of being locular fruits. THE MICROSCOPIC PLANTS Although plant microfossils from Paleozoic coal seams and associated strata have received considera- ble attention, those from Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata have, until recently, been more or less neglected. Led by the investigation of the pollens and spores in Pleis- tocene and Recent peat bogs and the microfossils of the middle Eocene Green River formation, the trend now seems strong toward a comprehensive study of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic microscopic flora. E. L. Miner (1935) found numerous spores in the Creta- ceous coals of Montana and one species, Selaginellites mimbilz's (now TMZetes mimbilz’s (Miner) Schopf, Wil- son, Bentall), in the Paleocene coal at the Homer mine, Bear Creek, Mont. Subsequently, Wilson and Webster (1946) reported the following species from * FOSSIL WOOD 93 the Kolarich coal mine (Paleocene) in sec. 25, T. 7 S., R. 20 E., 2 miles east of Red Lodge, Mont: Alnus speciipites Wodehouse. Wilson and Webster p. 275, figs. 10, 11). Betvula claripites Wodehouse. fig. 12). Brachysporium sp. Wilson and Webster (p. 271, fig. 1). Cam/a veripites Wilson and Webster (p. 276, fig. 14). Oarya viridifluminipites (Wodehouse) Wilson and Webster (p. 276, fig. 13). Cycadopites folliculm'is Wilson and Webster (p. 274, fig. 7). Deltoidospom diaphana Wilson and Webster (p. 273, fig. 3). Laevigatosporites gracilis Wilson and Webster (p. 273, fig. 4). Laevigatosporitcs ov‘atus Wilson and Webster (p. 273, fig. 5). Momipites coryloides Wodehouse. Wilson and Webster (p. 275, fig. 15). Piece grandivescipites Wodehouse. (p. 275, fig. 8). Quercus priscipites Wilson and Webster (p. 276, fig. 16). Sequoia larpillipites Wilson and Webster (p. 275, fig. 9). Sparganium globipites Wilson and Webster (p. 276, fig. 18). Sphagnum mztiquasporitcs Wilson and Webster (p. 273, fig. 2). Tamodium hiatipites Wodehouse. Wilson and Webster (p. 275, fig. 6). Typha latifolipites Wilson and Webster (p. 276, fig. 17). Study of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic plant micro- fossils may prove helpful in checking the identifica- tion of the megafossils and in the correlation of strata, but the writer, for a number of cogent reasons, has not attempted this study. No diatoms have been re- ported from Paleocene strata in America. FOSSIL WOOD Silicified and carbonized woods are locally abundant in the Paleocene strata, the silicified material being found chiefly in the shales and sandstones and the carbonized material in or near coal seams. In the vicinity of Medora, N. Dak., in the badlands along the course of the Little Missouri River, and also in the right bank of the Missouri River between Elbo- woods and Sanish, N. Dak., silicified stumps and logs are plentiful. (See illustrations on pl. 21 of US. Geol. Survey Bull. 726, 1922, and pl. 4 of North Da- kota Geol. Survey Second Bienn. Rept., 1902.) Most of the Paleocene wood is in prostrate position, but at some localities, as in Roosevelt State Park, just east of Medora, and near Sully Springs station on the Northern Pacific Railway, southeast of Medora, up- right stumps of swamp forests may be seen in place. The uninitiated traveler may sometimes be deceived by objects that look like prostrate logs when seen from a distance. Thus, along and on the east side of US. Highway 85, south of the bridge over the Little Mis- souri River, south of Wat'ford City, N. Dak., and also on the hillside east of Seven Mile Creek about 6 miles north of Stipek, Mont., long gray loglike sandstone concretions, simulating fossil wood in appearance, 5931210 ~ 62 — 5 ( 1946, Wilson and Webster (p. 275, Wilson and Webster may seem to the observer to resemble, except in color, the prostrate trunks in parts of the Petrified Forest National Monument near Holbrook, Ariz. Most of the Paleocene wood is coniferous, but oc- casionally pieces of palms and dicotyledons may be found. One undescribed piece of a sycamore (Pla- tamus), for example, was found in the Raton forma- tion on the South Fork of the Purgatoire River, Colo., by Ross Johnson in 1950. The following woods have been described, but it should be noted that some of their names have since been changed by Krausel (1949) : Uupressz'nowylon brevemi Mercklin. Cramer in Heer, 1868, p. 167, pl. 42, figs. 11—17. Sinikfik, on east coast of Disko Island. Uupressinowylon dawsom' Penhallow, 1903, p. 46, figs. 9—11. The describer concluded that this wood represents a species of cypress (Oupressus), probably related to 0. macrocarpa Hartweg. No cones sug- gesting the presence of Uupressus in the Paleocene strata have yet been found. Southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Unpressinoxylon elongatum Knowlton, 1888, p. 7, pl. 3, figs. 1—4. Knowlton cited the locality for this wood as “Tiger Buttes, Dawson County, Mont.” and concluded that “its age is, without doubt Laramie, as it is not far from Glendive from which come typical Laramie plants.” The term Laramie as used by Knowlton means Laramie group in the old sense of Great Lignite. As I have not been able to relocate this locality to determine its stratigraphic position, there must remain some doubt as to the source of this wood and its age, whether Cretaceous or Paleocene. Uitpressinowg/Zon ucmm'cum Goppert. Cramer, in Heer, 1868, p. 168, pl. 34, fig. 5; pl. 38, figs. 7—12. Atanekerluk, Greenland. Palmomylon camwm' Stevens. Knowlton, 1930, p. 43. Denver formation, 317, South Table Mountain, Colo. Much palm wood occurs in the Paleocene of the Denver and adjacent basins, but I have made no attempt to study and classify it. In 1939, near the mammal locality on South Table Mountain (Brown, 1943a) I found a small palm stump in place, with roots penetrating the clay that was once the soil in which the tree grew. Pityoacylon Icmusei Felix, 1886, p. 48, pl. 12, figs. 1, 2. A radial section shows two or three pits on the side walls of the ray tracheids. A tangential section shows rays nine or more cells high and one resin canal. The transverse section is not illustrated, but the description of it records the presence of numerous resin canals and parenchyma cells. The name was changed to Coniferomylon [amused (Felix) Beck (1945, p. 69, 94). 94 Fort Union. formation, northeast of Medora, N. Dak. Pityomylon sp. Torrey, 1923, p. 65. The specimen was said not to be well preserved and was not illus- trated. It was cited as coming “from Cretaceous Lara— mie deposits at Sentinel Butte, North Dakota.” As there are no Cretaceous outcrops at Sentinel Butte, the wood if the locality citation is correct, must be Tertiary in age, and presumably Paleocene. Podoearpowylou dako‘teme Torrey, 1923, p. 73. Not illustrated. Torrey is “inclined to believe that this twig may have belonged to one of the many ‘sequoias’ ” described from the Great Lignite. Tertiary (not Cretaceous Laramie, as cited), Sentinel Butte, N. Dak. Pseudotsuqa miooena Penhallow, 1903, p. 47, figs. 12—13. The describer regarded Tamowylou sp. Daw— son (1875, p. 331) as synonymous with this species. Southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Rhamnaeiuium poreupiniauum Penhallow, 1903, p. 48, figs. 14—16, 21, 22. The describer compared this wood with that of the Salicaceae but concluded that its relationship is with Rhamnua. Southern Saskatche- wan, Canada. Rhamnaeiuium ti'iseriatim Penhallow, 1903, p. 54, figs. 17—20. The describer separated this species from B. poreupiuiauum by alleged differences in the rays as seen in tangential section. Southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Sequoia Zauqsdorfi (Brongniart) Heer. Penhallow, 1903, p. 41, figs. 2-4. This wood was probably misiden- tified for that of Metasequoia oiooideutalis (Newberry) Chaney, whose twigs, cones, and seeds are common at many Paleocene localities in Canada and Montana. Southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Sequoioa'ylou burgessi (Penhallow) Torrey, 1923, p. 79, for Sequoia burqessi Penhallow, 1903, p. 42, figs. 5—8. Penhallow, because the bordered pits in this wood are chiefly in two rows instead of one, concluded that its affinity “appears to be in the direction of Sequoia qigantea.” The presence of fusiform rays, seen in the tangential section, raises doubt about the reference of this wood to Sequoia. Penhallow’s mate- rial is from southern Saskatchewan, Canada; Torrey’s is from a lignite mine, locality unspecified, near Colo- rado Springs, Colo. The latter may, therefore, be from Cretaceous rather than Paleocene strata. Sequoiowylou dakotense TOrrey, 1923, p. 77, pl. 10, fig. 24; pl. 11, figs. 25—28. Fort Union formation (not Cretaceous Laramie, as cited), Wilton, N. Dak. Sequoiomylou Zammeuse Torrey, 1923, p. 78, pl. 11, figs. 29—31. This is said to differ from S. dakotense in having far more abundant wood parenchyma and in lacking the small pits that characterize the tracheids of darkoitense. Fort Union formation (not Cretaceous Laramie, as cited), Plentywood, Mont. PALEOCENE FLORA OF ———i THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS Sequoiowylou moutaueuse Torrey, 1923, p. 74, pl. 10, figs. 19—23. This species was considered not to be iden- tical with Sequoia Zamqsdorfi (Brongniart) Heer. Fort Union formation (not Cretaceous Laramie, as cited), bank of the Missouri River, Culbertson, Mont. Tamodium distichum (Linnaeus) Richard. Penhal- low, 1903, p. 36, fig. 1. As both Tamodium and Glypto— strobus are represented in the Paleocene strata by twigs, cones, and seeds, respectively, there is some doubt about the correct assignment of this wood. Southern Saskatchewan, Canada. SUGGESTED REJECTION OF SOME NAMES Because they are poorly preserved and sometimes badly illustrated or because they were named but never illustrated or because they are now probably lost, the following leaves, fruits, and seeds are herein disre- garded as name bearers: F ious ei‘austouensis Knowlton and Cockerell. Knowlton, 1919, p. 276, for F. (Protoflcus) nervosa Newberry, 1883, p. 512. Said to have come from Evanston, Wyo., but no specimen corresponding to Newberry’s description is now in the Evanston col- lection of the US. National Museum. I Zero mierophylliua Cockerell, 1911, p. 264, for I. mierophylla Newberry, 1883, p. 510. N0 specimen. Laums palaeophila Knowlton and Cockerell. Knowlton, 1919, p. 347, for L. acumi/nata Newberry, 1883, p. 511. No specimen. Rhamnus uewberryi Knowlton and Cockerell. Knowlton, 1919, p. 548, for Bhamuus pamifolius New— berry, 1883, p. 511. No specimen. Ulmus qraudifolia Newberry, specimen. Viburnum grandidentatum Newberry, 1883, p. 511. No specimen. Viburnum paueideutatum Newberry, No specimen. C’arpites eofieaeformis Lesquereux, 1878 (p. 303, pl. 60, figs. 6, 7). 0. coryloides Knowlton, 3—6). 0. costafus Lesquereux, 187 8 (p. 303, pl. 60, fig. 5). U. laurineus Lesquereux, 1878 (p. 304, pl. 60, figs. 20, 21). ZUarpites Zineatus Newberry. (Lesquereux, 1878, p. 302, pl. 60, figs. 1b—1d; Newberry, 1898, p. 138, pl. 40, fig. 1). 0. mvinutulus Lesquereux, 1878 (p. 305, pl. 60, fig. 25). 0’. myriearum Lesquereux, 187 8 (p. 303, pl. 60, figs. 8—11). 0. oviformis Lesquereux, 1878 (p. 302, pl. 30, fig. 6a). 1883, p. 508. No 1883, p. 511. 1930 (p. 132, pl. 58, figs. é COMPOSITION AND ECOLOGIC SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PALEOCENE FLORA 95 0. rostellatus Lesquereux, 1878 (p. 303, pl. 60, figs. 12, 13). To this probably belongs Palmocarpum cor- mgatum Lesquereux, 1878, p. 121, pl. 11, fig. 11. This irregular, angular object may be an inorganic effect. 0. triangulosus Lesquereux, 1878 (p. 302, pl. 60, fig. 4 [USNM 496]). The numbered specimen does not seem to be that illustrated by Lesquereux, but is a fruit of Uercidiphg/Zlum arcticum (Heer) Brown from the Denver formation, 317, at Golden, Colo. The other specimens, plate 62, figures 19, 20, said by Les- quereux to have come from the Upper Cretaceous strata at Point of Rocks, Wy0., are missing from the U.S. National Museum collections. 0. utahensz's Lesquereux, 1878 (p. 305, pl. 60, fig. 22). Nyssa lanceolata Lesquereux, 1878 (p. 245, pl. 35, fig. 6). Tetranvthera sessilz'flom Lesquereux, pl. 34, figs. 1c, 1d only). See rejected names for palms (p. 53). 1878 (p. 217, COMPOSITION AND ECOLOGIC SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PALEOCENE FLORA Some of the named and described items in the list (p. 38) and foregoing systematic treatment of about 170 species of the Paleocene flora are not classified with certainty. The remainder are considered to be placed fairly closely, at least generically, and show that a respectable variety of seedless and seed plants was present in the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains region over the span of some 10 million years. Dur- ing this interval there were noticeable changes in the flora, so that a good collection from a given locality in the early part of the epoch can be distinguished from a similarly satisfactory one in the later part. Formerly, in various publications, the number of species in the Paleocene (that is, Fort Unionas then understood) flora was given as about 500~—a too-gen- erous estimate based on overspeciation and guess- work about the known specimens. Nevertheless, the present list of about 170 is doubtless too small, for, had a botanist been present to take a complete census of the actual flora, the total would, by comparison with the floras of assumed similar areas and environ- ments today, be very much larger. It is interesting, but perhaps futile, to speculate about what species were present or should have been present in the flora, though not now represented in the fossil record. Formerly, also, it was thought that there was an al- most complete floral break at the close of the Late Cretaceous. Now it is apparent that many early Paleocene plants cannot, with assurance, be distin- guished from their Late Cretaceous predecessors; and that species thought to be restricted to the Paleocene must be cited with cautious reservations. Among the latter the following, not singly but in combinations of two or more, are characteristic and common enough to be useful for tentative age determinations: Ly- godz'um colorademe, Isoetites horridus, Ginkgo adi- antoides, Glyptostrobus nordenskz'oldi, Metaseguoia occidentalz's, Tamodz'lam 0272705, Til/aja intempta, Saba! grayana, Oar-ya antiguomm, Pterocarg/a glabra, Pterov- oarya hispida, Betula steeemom', 6’0me insignia, Uastanea intermedia, Qaemus greenlandica, Quercus sullyz’, Ulmus rhamnifolz'a, Platanus naibilz's, Sassafras thermale, Paranymphaea crassifolia, Eucommz'a ser- mta, Sapindas afim’s, Rhamnus goldicma, Fran/nus eocem'ca, Viburnum antiguum, Viburnum aspemm, and Viburnum cupanioc'des. Some of these, it should be stated, ranged into the early Eocene, or at least had very close relatives in the flora of that epoch. Inspection of the items in the Paleocene list shows that the seedless plants include algae, fungi, liver- worts, mosses, ferns, and fern allies; and that the seed plants include cycads, ginkgo, conifers, water- weeds, palms, willow, hickories, walnuts, birch, hazel, chestnut, oaks, hackberries, elm, zelkova, breadfruit, figs, mulberry, sycamores, cinnamon, laurels, sassafras, waterlilies, katsura, magnolias, witchhazel, sweetgum, hydrangea, cherries, legumes, maples, koelreuteria, buckthorns, grapes, dogwood, black tupelo, ash, and viburnums. Suggestions about the possible relation- ship or likeness to modern species have been made in the discussion of each item, but these must be taken with the customary grains of salt, for no human ob— server was there to note some of the significant and perhaps evanescent features of the now extinct plants that, if known, would be most helpful in making com- parisons with the assumed comparable living species. Many of the species, it will be noted, have counter- parts, or similar relatives, in the temperate floras of the Eastern United States and eastern Asia, thus re- flecting the similar aspects of these modern floras. A glance at the dicotyledonous leaves of the Paleocene flora shows that those with toothed margins far out— number those with entire margins—a significant indi- cation of adaptation to a temperate climate. Inter- mingled with the temperate species, however, are some ferns, palms, breadfruit, and figs (if they are figs) that were relics or adaptations from a warmer, sub- tropical flora. The Paleocene flora was essentially a lowland flora that extended for hundreds of miles inland from the open sea to the foothills and mountains that were the sources of the sediments in which the plant debris was entombed. Most of the fossils, it should be noted, were collected from strata that were formed at or near 96 sea level; and there are very few, if any, that can be singled out as having been collected from strata formed at higher elevations. That such strata, how- ever, may have been in existence for a time, but were removed by erosion, is quite probable. From the aspect of the flora it would appear that many species were adapted to drier hillsides at some distance back from the swampy lowlands and that their leaves, fruits, seeds, and wood were borne by streams to the burial ground in the lower areas of deposition. Some of the trees, particularly the conifers, were of large size, as shown by the remains of their 4- to 6-foot silicified trunks and stumps that may be seen, for example, in and around Roosevelt State Park, east of Medora, N. Dak. Some of the stumps are still upright and, from the fact that they rest on clays or carbonaceous strata associated with coal seams, are without much doubt relics of a swamp forest like that of the bald cypress areas around the Dismal Swamp in Virginia and North Carolina. Comparing the Paleocene plants from the several areas, north and south, one is struck by the fact that some climatic zoning is clearly evident. For exam- ple, the remains of breadfruit (Artocm-pus) and cin— namon (Uinnamomum) are limited to central Wyo- ming and southward. Nevertheless, palms are pres- ent as far north as the Yellowstone River in Montana. On the other hand, the ginkgos, birches, hazels, ma— ples, and viburnums are limited to the areas north of the Colorado—Wyoming border or to what were pre- sumably high areas near the headwaters of the south— ern terrain. Taking a broad view of the situation, the flora may be said fairly to have been a mesophytic one in a warm temperate environment with a medium amount of precipitation well distributed through the year. This flora and its environment were similar to those that existed in the Paris Basin in France at the same time, if one may rely on the description of the geol- ogy and the reports on the fossils of that area. Com— parison with the Paleocene situation in Greenland is somewhat obscured by the lack of detailed geologic information about the strata and by the numerous probable misidentifications of species. Precise com- parisons of the plants with those of the American Paleocene are not always possible, but in their larger aspects the two floras seem to be closely comparable. PALEOCENE ANIMALS OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS The Paleocene sedimentary strata of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains are mostly nonmarine, but about 400 feet—the Cannonball member of the Fort Union formation—is marine, with a few brack- —————i PALEOCENE FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND GREAT PLAINS ish tongues. The fauna of the Cannonball, conSISting of foraminifers, corals, mollusks, crabs, and sharks, has been described by Stanton (1921), Fox and Ross (1940, 1942), and Holland and Cvancara (1958). It was a fauna of an epicontinental sea that was open ocean probably to the north or northeast, and perhaps also toward the southeast Midway invasion of the gulf coast. The fauna from the nonmarine strata includes mol— lusks, insects, crustaceans, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. The fresh—water mollusks have been described in part by Meek (1876), White (1883, 1886), Russell (1931), Henderson (1985), Yen (1946, 1948), and Tozer (1956). Remains of insects, usually not well preserved, have been found at many localities, chiefly in carbonaceous shales. Although amber is sometimes present in these shales, I have never found any that contained insects or plants. Of the Paleocene insects only the wing of a cockroach has been previously figured (Brown, 1957, p. 341, fig. 1). Those illustrated here are listed by common names only (pl. 69, figs. 2, 3, 4). Wings of beetles are perhaps the most common insect remains found. Scattered occurrences of ostracodes, some not iden— tified (Lemke, 1960, p. 30), are known. Other crusta— ceans include some crabs from the Cannonball marine member reported by Holland and Cvancara (1958). Fishes are represented by scales (pl. 69, figs. 7, 8, 14), teeth, separate bones, and partial skeletons. Amphibians, apparently, left only footprints, such as Amrmoibatmchus montanens’is (Gilmore (1928). Reptiles such as turtles and the crocodilelike Champsosamws left abundant remains (pl. 69, figs. 11—13). One feather (pl. 69, fig. 1), not identified, is at pres- ent all that represents the birds. Locally, mammals left relatively numerous remains (see p. 71f; and pl. 69, figs. 9, 10). These have been treated by Russell (1932b), Matthew (1937), Simp- son (1937b), Patterson (1939), Jepsen (1940), Gazin (1941a,b, 1942; 1956a,b, c), and Van Houten (1945b). Problematic objects (pl. 69, figs. 15—19) that may be coprolites are the bizarre and perhaps only traces of some unidentified aquatic or land vertebrate. From this survey of Paleocene life in the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains, one may draw several inferences. First, the number of species now known must be only a fraction of the total that actually ex- isted. It is clearly not reasonable to conclude that because one feather was found only one kind of bird existed at that time! The great number and thick- é REFERENCES CITED 97 ness of the coal beds, however, does not mean that the number of species of plants that contributed to the formation of the coal must necessarily have been large. A few species may have been so luxuriant as to have supplied most of the material. Second, most of the species now known must have been adapted by indi- vidual qualities or by favorable habitats for getting into the fossil record. This perhaps is more particu- larly true of the plants than of the land animals. REFERENCES CITED Allan, J. A., and Sanderson, J. O. G., 1945, Geology of the Red Deer and Rosebud Sheets, Alberta: Alberta Research Council Ann. Rept. 13, p. 1—109. Andrews, D. A., 1936, Suggested Lance—Fort Union correlations in adjacent parts of Montana and North and South Dakota [abs]: Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 26, no. 9, p. 387— 388. Andrews, H. N., and Pearsall, C. S., 1941, On the flora of the Frontier formation of southwestern Wyoming: Missouri Bot. Garden Annals, v. 28, no. 2, p. 165—192. Arnold, C. A., and Lowther, J. S., 1955, A new Cretaceous conifer from northern Alaska: Am. Jour. Botany, v. 42, no. 6, p. 522—528. Axelrod, D. 1., 1952, A theory of angiosperm evolution: Evolu- tion, v. 6, p. 29—60. Baker, A. A., 1928, The northward extension of the Sheridan coal field, Big Horn and Rosebud Counties, Montana: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 806—B, p. 15—67. Ball, 0. M., 1931, A contribution to the paleobotany of the Eocene of Texas: Texas Agr. and Mech. Coll. Bull, 4th ser., v. 2, no. 5, 175 p. 1939, A contribution to the paleobotany of the Eocene of Texas, pt. 2: v. 10, no. 3, 54 p. Ballard, Norval, 1942, Regional geology of Dakota Basin: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull, v. 26, no. 10, p. 1557— 1584. Barnes, Harley, 1953, Geology of the Ignacio area, Ignacio and Pagosa Springs quadrangles, La Plata and Achuleta Coun- ties, Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey map OM—138. Bass, N. W., 1932, The Ashland coal field, Rosebud, Powder River, and Custer Counties, Montana: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 831, p. 19—105. Bauer, C. M., 1914, Lignite in the vicinity of Plentywood and Scobey, Sheridan County, Montana: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 541, p. 293—315. 1924, The Ekalaka lignite field, southeastern Montana: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 751, p. 231—267. \1925, Quartzite pebbles at the base of the Lance forma- tion in Montana: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull, v. 9, p. 344—346. Bauer, C. M., and Herald, F. A., 1922, Lignite in the western part of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation south of Missouri River, North Dakota: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 726, p. 109—172. Beck, G. F., 1945, Tertiary coniferous woods of western North America: Northwest Sci., v. 19, no. 3, p. 67~69; no. 4, p. 89—102. Beekly, A. L., 1915, Geology and coal resources of North Park, Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 596, 121 p. Bell, W. A., 1949, Uppermost Cretaceous and Paleocene floras of western Alberta: Canada Geol. Survey Bull. 13, 231 p. Bell, W. A., 1957, Flora of the Upper Cretaceous Nanaimo group of Vancouver Island, British Columbia: Canada Geol. Sur~ vey Men]. 293, 84 p. Bennett, R. R., and Collins, G. G., 1952, Brightseat formation, a new name for sediments of Paleocene age in Maryland: Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 42, no. 4, p. 114416. Benson, W. E. B., 1951, Geologic map of North Dakota south— west of the Missouri River: U.S. Geol. Survey. Berry, E. W., 1901a, Notes on Liriodendron leaves: Torreya, v. 1, p. 105—107. 1901b, The origin of stipules in Liriodendron: Torrey Bot. Club Bull, v. 28, p. 493—498, pls. 41, 42. 1902a, Additional notes on Liriodendron leaves: Torreya, v. 2, p. 33—37, pls. 1, 2. ‘ 1902b, Notes on the Gaz. v. 34, p. 44—63. 1902c, Notes on sassafras: Bot. Gaz., v. 34, p. 426—450, phylogeny of Liriodendron: Bot. pl. 18. 5‘1911, The flora of the Raritan formation: New: Jersey Geol. Survey Bull. 3, p. 1—233, 29 pls. . ' 1914, The Upper Cretaceous and Eocene floras of South Carolina and Georgia: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 84, 200 p. 1916a, The lower Eocene floras of southeastern North America: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 91, 481 p. 1916b, The Upper Cretaceous floras of the world: Mary- land Geol. Survey Upper Cretaceous v., p. 183—341. 1917, Billy, a fossil lake: Sci. Monthly, v. 5, p. 175—185. 1919, An Eocene flora from trans-Pecos Texas: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 125, p. 1—9. 1922, Additions to the flora of the Wilcox group: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 131, p. 1—20. 1923, Tree ancestors; a glimpse into the past: Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins Co., 270 p. ~\1924, A Sparganium from the middle Eocene of Wyo- ming: Bot. Gaz., v. 78, p. 342—348. , 1925, The flora of the Ripley formation: U.S. Geol. Sur- vey Prof. Paper 136, 94 p. 1926, On fossil plants from the Paskapoo formation of Alberta: Royal Soc. Canada, Proc. and Trans, 3d ser., v. 20, pt. 2, sec. 4, p. 189—209. 1927, Links with Asia before the mountains brought aridity to the Western United States: Sci. Monthly, v. 25, no. 4, p. 321—328. ~——1930a, Revision of the lower Eocene Wilcox flora of the Southeastern States, with descriptions of new species, chiefly in Tennessee and Kentucky: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 156, 196 p. ‘%1930b, Fossil plants from the Cypress Hills of Alberta and Saskatchewan: Canada Natl. Mus. Bull. 63, p. 15—28. 1930c, A flora of Green River age in the Wind River Basin of Wyoming: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 165, p. 55—81. 1930a, The past climate of the North Polar region: Smithsonian Misc. Colln., v. 82, no. 6, p. 1—29. 1930c, Fossil plants from the Cypress Hills of Alberta and Saskatchewan: Canada Natl. Mus. Bull. 63, p. 15—28. 1935, A preliminary contribution to the floras of the Whitemud and Ravenscrag formations: Canada Dept. Mines Geol. Survey Mem. 182, pub. 2397, 107 p. 1937, A Paleocene flora from Patagonia: Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Geology, no. 12, p. 33—50. 1939a, Fossil plants from the Cretaceous of Minnesota: Washington Acad. Sci. Jour.. v. 29, no. 8, p. 331—336. 98 Berry, E. W., 1939b, A Meliosma, in the Wilcox Eocene: Wash- ington Acad. Sci., v. 29, no. 9, p. 377—379. Bowen, 0. F., 1914, The Big Sandy coal field, Chouteau County, Montana: US. Geol. Survey Bull. 541, p. 356—378. 1916, Possibilities of oil in the Porcupine dome, Rosebud County, Montana: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 621, p. 61—70. 1918, Stratigraphy of the Hanna Basin, Wyoming: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 108, p. 227—235. Brown, Barnum, 1907, The Hell Creek beds of the Upper Cre- taceous of Montana; their relation to contiguous deposits, with faunal and floral lists and a discussion of their correlation: Am. Mus. Nat. History Bull., v. 23, p. 823-845. 1914, Cretaceous-Eocene correlation in New Mexico, Wyo- ming, Montana, Alberta: Geol. Soc. 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Phragmites ____________ alaskanum, Asplenium alata, Ficus ______ Nyssa _________ alatus, Celastrinites. . _ Sapindus ___________ alezoensis, Aralia. Equisetum ______________ Alisma ............. macrophyllum _ _ _ _ Alismaceae ____________________________ Alismaphyllites. crassifolium ________________ grandifolius _________________ _____ 38, 62; pl. 15 INDEX Page Page Alkali Gap, Colorado ........................... 25 annulifem, Sphaeria ______________________ __, 40 Allantodiopsis erosa ............... _ 38, 41, 43; pl. 5 anomala, Populus __________________ 73 Almy formation". _________________ 8, 22, 23, 27 Anomalofilicites monstrosus. 46 alnifolius, Celastrus. ___ 72 antecedens, Ulmus _____________ 60 Alnites macquarrii _______________________ _ 57 Antelope Mountain" ____________________ Alnus ............................. 57, 58 Antholithes browni _________ americana ________ 57 fremontensis ___________________ auraria. . .. 79 Anthracite region. _ _ __________ carpinifoiia 79 antica, Hydrangem. kefersteinii 57 antiqua, Brasenia.. 51 nostmtum ............ 87 Tilia ___________________ 86 serrata ........................ 86 antiquusporites, Sphagnum ________ 93 speciipites ................................... 93 aniiquora, Hicoria .......................... 56 Alsophila ihelypieroides ............. 43 antiquorum, Caryau . 38, 55, 56, 57, 95,185.17, 18 amboraefolia, Monimiopsis _____________ 72 antiquum, Sparganium __________ 38, 60, 51, 64; p1.14 Amelanchier similis ........... 87 trinervnm, Viburnum _______________________ 87 Amentotazus _________ 50 ViburnunL. 18, 36, 3 , 65, 67, 80, 86, 87, 95', pls. 63,64 argotaenia. 48 antiquus, Aesculus ......... 19 campbellL. , 14 Apeibopsis neomezicanm“. 85 florini .............................. 48 Aphronorus sp ____________________________ . 7 americaua, Alnus ..... apiculatus, Rhamnus marginatus ______ A 78 Apocynaceae .......................... 86 Apocynophyllum lesquereuxi__ ___________ 39, 86 fossilis, Corylus__.. linifolium ............... 86 Ammobairachus montanensis ........... wilcaxensis._ Ampelopsis .................... Aponogeton “097 11’0”“ -------- 367 39, 71’ appendiculata, Macclintockia ___________ brevipedunculata ________________________ 79 Plawnus ____________________________ 65 bruneri carbonensis... __________ _ 78 aquamarum, Dryephyllum... ____________ 56 montanensis .................... aquatica, Nyssa __________________________ 85 tricuspidata, Parthenocissus _____ aquilina, Salim: ____________________ 38, 55, pl. 61 zantholithensis ............... aquilonium, Dryophyllum .............. 59 Amygdalus _______ Araceae ________________________ 52 wilcoxiana ......................... arachioides, Leguminosites... 70 anceps. Blechnum ...................... 38, 41, 43; pl. 6 minor, Leguminosites. Salpichlaena. ...................... 41 Aralia __________________ Viburnum _________________ 78 acerifolia ______ Andromeda denticulata _____ aleroensis- lanceolata __________ coloradensis._ scripta _________ dakotana _______________________ Androvettia _ ._ . digitata _______________ 64 carolinensis. gracilis _________ 64 catenulaia... 82 elegans ............ 64 statenensis ______ 64 Aneimia ........ pungens __________ 61 eocenica. . reesidei ___________________ 65 Anemia ______ 65 delicatula __________ 59 elongatu .......... 75 wardiana __________ 64 sp ___________________________ 82 . 44 Araliaephyllum artocarpoides ____________________ 62 mosbyensis --------- 44 Arapahoe conglomerate _____________________ _ 23, 24, 25 occidentalis ............... 44 Amucaria 1 > _ _ _ 48 perplera ______ 44 ‘. """"""""""""" hatcheri ____________________________ 48 supercretacea _____ 44 . . 44 longifolia __________ Animia. Araucanaceae ______ angulata, Neuropieris __________ Araucarites: ______ Tmpa _______________ 39, 40, 83, 84, 88, 91; p15. 58, 66 “Mi/‘01” ————— angulatus, ,_.. 83 SP ----------- angustifolia, Magnolia ______________ _ 56, 67, 68 arctica, Jenkinsella. ————————— Sapindus _________________________________ 76 Populus .............. angustiloba, Quercus _________ 61 Onoclea sensibilis.. 44 Animas formation ________ 26 Sphaeria ———————————————————————— 40 Anisonchus fortunatus 27 Trochodendroides --------------------- — 7 Annonaceae __________ 73 V itis ................................. 82 annosa, Koelreuteria ____________________ 39, 76; pl. 59 Woodwardia ...................... 38, 63, 44; 131- 7 107 108 INDEX Page Page Page arciicum, Acer _______________ hem/anus, SapiuduL. caii/omz’ca, Cephaloiazus _________________________ 43 Cercidiphl/iium __________ _... ___________ 18, berrqi, Juqlaus.... Callitrites ____________________ 36, 39, 70, 71, 78, 79, 95; pls. 37, 38, 52 Magnolia _____ Calvert, W. R., quoted ________ Equiseium ____________________________ 46 berthoudi, Ficus ....... Oalycites hemp/ulna... arcticus, Acer ___________ 78 Selaqinella .......... polqsepaia. . . ..... Woodwardiies _________ 43 Beiula _____________________ Caiyptraphorus _________ Argentina __________________ , 29 basisermta ........... campbeiii, Amentotazus ....... argotaeuia, Ameuiottuus _________________ 48 beatriciua conformis... Podocarpus ______ Aristolochia cordifoiia ............ 70 brouqniarli __________________ Sabai.... crassifolia ................... 70 claripites _____ Sabaiites.. ____________ paqei ______________ 70 coryloides. .. Campioiheca acuminaia. . . - aristoiochioides, Phylliies ....... 82 fuller _________ Canada, Alberta ____________ Arizona, Navajo country .................... qopperii ________ Alberta, Calgary. ________ artocarpidioides, Celastriniies ....... prism ___________ Cochrane ............... Ilez _________________ schimperi. Red Deer River __________________ 18 artocarpites, Quercus.-.. sieoeuaoni __________ Saskatchewan ________ _. ______ 18,19 artocarpoides, Aruliaephyllum. ooqdesi..- canadensis, Protopllylium . 61 Ficus ..................... Betulaeeae ______________ Cauna mayuifolia _______________ Ilez ...................... beiuiaefoiium, Viburnum- sp ________________ Artocarpophyllum occidentale ...... Betuliies ___________________ . 81 Cannaceae ............... Artocarpus ................ bicomis, Quercus. _______ 62 Cannonball fauna _________ ________ 8, 27 dicksoui ..... Big Dirty, the _____________________________ . 2 Cannonball member _______ . 5,8—9, 10, 12, 13,14,18 dissecta ..... Big Horn Basin, Wyoming ______________ 7, 12, 23 Cannonball Riven. gigantea ......... 60 Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming ________ 13,23 cannoni, Cissus... lessigiaua ................... 38, 60, 61; DL 25 Bignoniaceae ______________________ _ 74, 92; pl. 68 Ficus ___________ liriodendroides. ................... .. 60 bignonioides, Dipterospermum ________ .. 92; pl. 68 Palmorylou _____ pungeus ............. 60 bilinicu, Juqlans __________ Rhumnus ........................ similis ........... 61 biloba, Ginkgo ______ Camzophqliiies _____ anus, Sequoiiies.. ........ Biota barealis. ... magmfolia ______________________ Asimina ......... . Bison Basin, Wyoming..- virieiti .............. eoceuica ................ bioalvix, Spritzxis ........... Canon City coal field.... vesperalis ................ Black Buttes coal group _____ Caprifoliaceae. . asiminaides, Lamina. Bleclmum .................. asperum, Viburnum... Carapa eoiigniticu auceps ........ Aspidiophyilum. blomstraudi, Deunsiaedtia. ...... Aspidium escheri Book Clifis, Utah ..... goidiauum._ borbonia, Persea._.. heeri ..... boreale, Equiseium ...... meyeri ................. Rhyiisma ......... Aspieuium aluskunum —————— ~- horealis, Biotu._ careyhursiia, Pruuus ...... eoliguiiicum .......................... Cereis... ........... caraeosux, Phylliies ...... eiongaium, Spheuopteris ....... . Legumiuosites ............................ caroliuensis, Audroveitiu.... iddiugsi .................. Magnolia..- carpinifoiia, Aluus ........... peuhaiiou'i. ..... Nordmskioldia. ..... 39, 89; pl. 67 Oarpiuua ............... primero.. ..... .. Nyssa ........ ..- 39,85; pl. 61 Carpites ................ remotideus .......... Paliurus .............. cocculoidex. . ....... asymmetrica, Quercus ..... Torreya ........... majori ................... Atane strata ................ Brachyphylium ......... cojfeaeformis. . Atanekerdluk strata ........ brachqsepula, Diospg/ros... coryloities ........ lower .............. Brachz/sporium sp ......... costatus. upper ........... Brackett Creek, Montana- lakesi..- ataoa, Quercus.. ....... Braseuia antique ......... laurineus. attenuata, Alaguolia ...................... breverni, Cupressiuozylon.. iineaius... auraria, Alnus .............. 79 breoifoiia, Sequoia ............ minuiulus. . auricuiata, Ficus ................. 63 breuipedunculala, Ampelopsis.. myricarum._ Bridger Range ....... ooiformis ...... B britioni, Rhamnus... rhomboidaiis- bronguiurti, Beiuia.._. rosteilaiua ..... balsamoides ezimia, Populus ................. brossiaaa, Laurus ..... sulcaius ______ Barilla Mountains, Texas Persea .............. iriauguiosus.. basilobata, Platauus ........... browni, Autholithes.. utaheusia ........ basiserraia, Betula. Nymphaez‘ies ..... _. ....... oerrucosus ......... Bauhim‘a .......... bruneri carbonensis, Ampelopsis. Carpoli'ihes cocculoides.-.. wyomiugaua. . Viiis ........................ spinosus ............. Bear member ......... buckhami, Cinnamomoides ..... Oarpoiithus (Giukqoites) selwz/ui Bearpaw formation ............ Bull Mountain coal field ...... hirsuius Bearpaw Mountains, Montana ...... burgessi, Sequoia _____ Bearpaw shale ........ Cari/a. _...._...__ ....................... Sequoiozyiom. - . .. .. beatriciua conformis, Beiula. ................ .. 56, 74 ______ antiquorum... -__ 38, 55, 56, 57, 95; pls. 17, 18 ...... burlinqi, Spheuopieris (Dennetuedtia). oeripiies......... .-__ 93 beckwiillii, Zizi/plzus ............... Bursera ......................................... oiridifluminipites 93 Belle Fourche River .......... Oaryojuglans .......... 56 benediui, Oelusirophyilum ........... C Cassia conciana ...... 57 Beuitziu minima .................. Cabomba. ......................... eoansionensis ....... 57 Berberidaceae ............ ...- ....... qraciiis ................. iaacifolia ............. 67 Berchemia muliiuervi8.. ._. 56, 67, 77 qrandis ............. puryearensis.. Berrqa racemosa ............... ._.. 70 inermis ..... Cusialia leei.... Dem/and, Dryophyllum. .. ........ 56 Calamopsis dauai... pulcheiia ...... Ficus ............... 62 calhauensis, Phyllitesn Costumed iutermedia Juglaus. .............. .... 38, 56‘ California, Elsinore... Castaueu ..... Stercuiia ............. 65 Riverside County ———”f INDEX 1 09 Page Page Page Castanea—Continued Chrysobalanus coloradensis ______________________ 67, 85 coloradense, Equisetum __________________________ 46 ungeri ................................... 58 lanceolatus _______________ 85 Hypnum _______________________ 38, 1,1; pl. 5 castaneaefolia, Fagus. ............ 58 Chuska sandstone _________________ 27 Lygodium ________________ 38 46, 95' pl 8 castanopsis, Quercus ............ 60 Cimarron River, New Mexico-.. 13 coloradensis, Aralia ______________ Castle Rock, conglomerate ................ 24 cinnamomi, Sclerotium _______________ 40 Cephalotarus ________________ castrae, Viburnum ........ 87 Cinnamomoides buckhami_. ________________ 66 Cercia _________________ Catalpa ........................... cinnamomoides, Zizyphus. __________________ 78 Chamaedorea ________ crassi/olia .................. 70 Cinnamomum... ________________ 66, 68, 84, 96 Chrysabalanus. catenulata, Androvettia...- ......... 50 ___________________ 61, 66 Cissus ..... Fokienia ........................... 38, 50; pl. 11 67 Ficus __________________________________ 77 Cathedral Bluffs, Colorado ________________ _ 26 66 Leguminoxites _________ ._ .._ 39, 74; pl. 68 caudata, Laurus ....................... . 67 ellipsoideum..._ 66 Mimosites ___________________________ 39, 76; pl. 43 caudatum, Laurophyllum _______________________ 39, 67 ellipticum _____ 61 Phaseolites_. 63 caudatus, Sapindus ............. 67, 86 ficifolium. Platanus _________________ Caulinites _______________ 53 formasum... Prunus ___________________ fecunda ____________ 43 heeri ______ Rhus _____________ Ceanoihus fibrillasus ............ 78 inaequale.. _. Zamia ____________ Cedar Creek, North Dakota __________________ 9 lanceolatum ____________________ Colorado, Brighton __________________ 23 Cedar Creek anticline, Montana. .. 5, 12, 14, 15 larteti ________________ 66 Canon City _________________ . .. 25 Cedar Mountain. . ..... ____________________ 26 linifolium ____________________ 61 Castle Rock ________________________ 12, 24 celastrifolia, Quercus. ______________ 76, 79 middendorfensis ______ 66 Colorado Springs..._ Celastrinites alatus ________________ _ 73 mississippiensis__ 63 artocarpidioides _______________ newberryi ______ 66 insignis ______________ ellipticum. _____ 66 populifolius _________ lanceolatum ________________ 66 celastroides, Grewia.._. ______________ minimum _______________________ 66 Jefferson _______ Celastrophyllum benedini _____________ paucinervum.___ _______________ 66 Meeker _ _________________________ Celestrus .......................... polymorphum. 61, 66, 67 New Castle. 25 alnifolius ............ salicoides.._. _______________________ 61 Rangely _________________________ 26 curvinervis ________________________ scheuch zm' _________________________ 66 Rifle ________________________________ 13, 25 sezannense .................... 39, 6‘6, 67, 68; pl. 66 Trinidad _________ 24 wardi ____________ . _ _ 66 Walsenburg. _ . _ ______________ 12, 24 new _______________________ 84 Colorado River..- ________________ 25 montanensis _________________ 3p _________________________________ 61,66 columbi, Zizyphoides _____________ _. _ 70 ovatus ........................ . circularis, Isaetites ..... 46 Combretum _____________________________________ 64 pterospermoides. ____________ . 72 Cissites ______________ 31 commune, Palmocarpon..._ ___________ 39, 89 8917111511.... colgatensis... 81 communis, Flabellaria. ____________ 53 serratus... lobatus ___________________ __ 81 Sabal _______________________________________ 53 taurinensis _________ panduratus" ____________ 82 compactum, Lygodium _____ 44 wardii ............ rocklandensis ________ .. 38, 81; pl. 27 compositum, Palmocarpon-_ 3? -------- steenstrupi __________________________________ 82 compressa, Aclixtochara" Celtis lingualis._ ............ Cissus __________________________________ 65,81 Chara __________ cannoni ______________________ 78 concinna, Cassia. pawifolia .............. coloradensis. ___________ 53 concinnus, Rhamnites _____________ peracuminata ____________________ . 38, 60; pl. 20 corylifoiia _______ conditionalis, Platanus newberryana ............. 79 Tuoosa ................ _... 87 grossedentata.... ______________ conformia, Betula beatricina _____________________ 79 Cenchrus ........ 91; pl. 67 hesperia__ __ ______________ confusum, Humenophgllum _______________ 38, 41; pl 6 Cephalotaxaceae. ____________ 48 luevigata_ _ _ ____________ Coniferozylon krausei ____________________________ 93 Cephalotazopsis.-.. ______________ 48 lesquereuzi _______________ conjunctiva, Quercus ____________________________ 59 Cephalotaxus ....... 48, 50 lobato—crenata Conocephalus ______________________________ ._ 40 californica- 48 marginata _________ contortum, Viburnum._ .. 80 coloradensis. ............ 49 parrotiacfolza. Corbicula .......................... 8 Ceratophyllum ................ 69 tricuspidata... Corbula ______________ 8 Ceratops beds .......... Cladophlebis groenlandica _______________________ 45 cordata, Populus ..................... 82 ceratops, Ficus ..................... cladophleboides, Druopteris 42 cordatus, Pterospermites._.. _____ 39, 82; pl. 41 Ceratozamia wrighti. Claenodon sp _________________________ . 7 cordifolia, Aristolochia“ __________ . 70 Cercidiphyllaceae _________ Claggett formation ..... . 17 Magnolia ________ Cercidiphyllum .................... 50, 70, 71, 73, 79, 89 claripites, Betula ................. 93 coriacea, Sterculia . arcticum-. 18, 36. 39, 70, 71, 78, 79, 95; pls. 37, 38, 52 claytoniana, Osmunda __________________ 45 Cornacea‘e... ............ ellipticum ______________________________ 70, 78 cleburni, Dillenites.... ............. 77 Cor-nus ________________ japonicum. ____________ _. 70,71 Rhamnus ______________________ 39, 62, 77,80; pl. 42 acuminata __________ Cam's ___________________ 75 clintoni, Ficus planicostata ................... 62 denverensis ........ .— 59,77,87 bor ealis ................ 70 Clintonia _____________________ . _ . - 52 emmonsi _________________________ 85 coloradensis..-. ______________ 70 oblongifoliu __________________________ 51 fosteri _________________________ 61 Cercocarpus ______________________ 73 Goal Bank Creek, Montana. ............ 15 hyperbarea.. ................ 39, 84, 85; p1- 59 ravenscragensis ____________ 39, 73 Coalmont formation. 25 impressa ............... —_ 77,35 Cerillos coal field ........... 26 Coccolobis .......... 82 lakesii ............. Cernay conglomerate ..... 29 cocculoides, Carpites ..... 89 nebrascensis.. Chaetoptelea .......... 60 majori, Carpites ......................... 89 momezz‘cana ..................... Chamaecyparis .................. 50 Carpolithes ......... 89 newberryi ................ .... 3161,6185 47 Cocculus haydenianus ............. _ 70 platyphylla ........ 84 kanii .................... 88 rhamnifolia. . . _ laurifolius ..................... 88 cockerelli, Ficus ........................ 62 studeri ....... cojfeaeformis, Carpites.. 94 coronata, Arlistochara ........... Chara compressa. ...... Colgate member, Fox Hills sandstone. 5 Corral Bluffs, Colorado ..... 24 spp .................. colgatensis, Cissitcs ................. .._. 81 corrugatum, Palmocarpum ......... 95 charpenteri, Quercus... 59 Thuja ________________________ 51 carrugatus. Zizyphus __________________________ 78 Cheyenne River _________ 20 collieri, Acer ........................... 79 corrugis, Prunus ............. 39,74: 91- 67 Chionanthus membranaceus ..................... 71 Selaginella ............................ 38, 46', pl. 4 corylifolia, Cissus ............................... 79 ‘— i 110 INDEX Page Page Corylitesfosteri ____________________________ 67 dakotenais, Glyptostrobus .................... Dombeyopsz‘s ________________________________ coryloides, Betula __________________ 57 Pruuus .................. grundifolia ______ Curpites. . . __________________ 94 Sequoia ............. magnifica ___________ Momipites.. ____________ 93 dalmatian, Ficus.. nebrascensis ___________ Corylopsis sinensis.. .......... 87 Dammara._..._.... . obtusu _______________ Corylus ________________ 58 acicularia ......... sedalieusz‘s- . . __________ americaua ....................... 57 dunae, Chumaedorea ......... trivialis ......... fossilis.._. __________________ 57 danai, Calamopais ............ dombeyopsoides, Phyllites“ fosteri __________________________________ 57 Chamaedorea .................. Donucz’tes erdobmyensis. . ____________ insignis _______ ...- 38, 57, 58, 95; pl. 21 Danforth Hills, Colorado ........... dorfi, Thrinaz ................. ..- 38, 53, 65:pl.14 masquarrii ________________________ Daphnogem kam’i .................. Dragon fauna ____________________________ 27 orbiculata _________________ daphnogenoides, Zizvphus-. .............. Dry Creek, Wyoming... _____________ 8,9, 13 rostrata.. 57 daturaefolia, C’redneria ..... drymeia, Quercus ____________________ 58 fossilis- 57 Populus ............................. Dryophyllum aquamarum.. Coryphodon ______ 21 Davidia involucrata ................. aquilom‘um _________________________________ sp _________________ 22 Dawson arkose.... 23,24 berryana ______ _ costalus, Carpites .......... 94 dawsouemis, Ficus ....................... 62 moori ___________ couusiae, Sequoia .............. 49 dawsoni, Oupressinozylonu 93 subfalcatum _________ craspedodroma, Populus __________ .... 78 Peterospermites .......................... 62 Dryopteris ________________ crassifolia, Aristolochia. Quercus .......... 62 cladophleboides __________ Catulpa _______________ Deccan traps, India. . .. integra __________________ Parunymphaea ___________ decurrens, Negundo ......... lakesi ________ crassifolium, Alismaphyllites _____________________ 52 delicutula, Anemia ................... lakesii _______________ crassum, Viburnum... 80 Deltoidospora diaphana ................... 93 laramiensis __________ Crataegus _________________________ 81 demoresi, Phyllites ............... 39, 88; pl. 01 lesquereuxii- - myricoides ____________________________ 79 Denustaedfia americana. .... 38, 42:1)1. 6 meeteetseamz _____ Crazy Mountains. . . . ...... 7, 8, 12, 14, 16, 17 blomstmndi ........................... 42 polypodioides _____ Crazy Woman Creek, Wyoming. ____________ 21 burliuai, SphenOPteris... 42 richurdsoniumz ______________________________ Credneria daturaefoliu _______________ 39, 66; pls, 18, 32 crossiuna ............. 42 serrata____ crenata, Planera. . . . 60 dentata, Fugus ......... 58 weedi _____ Woodwardz‘a _________ 44 Macclintockia .................. 88 zantholithensis- _ Crested Butte region ................ 26, 27 demiculata, Andromeda .................. 59 dubiu, Quercus ______ cretacea, Macclintockia .......................... 88 Frazinus. .. . .......... 57 dubiasa, Osmunda ______________________ crosai, Fagus ....................... . . 71 Juglamr. . . . 59 dubium, Cinnamomum ............. Jugluns ________________ 59 Pterocarya ........ 59 Tazodium __________________________ Nelumbo. ........................ 69 denlo’lti, Viburnum ...... - 36 dubius, Zingiberites _______________ crossiaua, De'nnstaedtia ........... 42 Denver Basin, Colorado ......... 4, 8, 12, 13, 23, 24, 25 duplicam, Ficus ___________________________ crossii, Dipluzium.. 44 Denver formation _____________ .._ 23, 24, 25, 26, 28 Ficus ___________ 77 denverensis, Camus. ............. . 58, 77, 87 E Cryptomerites lambz’i ...... 49 Phyllites .......................... 79 Eagle coal mine -------------------------------- nordenskioldi, Elatocladus. 49 Populus... Eagle formation... Cuchara formation .................. 24 Prunus..._ Eagle sandstone ----- cucharas, Liquidumbah . - . _ .......__ _____ 65 deuveriana, Ficus Echinodorus ------------------------ Culmltes............................-. . 53 Jugluns ________ Ectopistes migratorz’us ................... cuneatu, Meliasma ............ 61 Nyssa _______________ Edmonton formation ---------- Parrotla ......... 61 Depazea grdnlandica ..... Egym ------------------------------- Platauus uceroides 64 deucalionis, Fagus ______________ ElandefldTOfl polymorphum ------------ Trapa ............. 83 deusseni, Dolichz’tes ................. 70 serrulatum —————————— 72 cuneatum, Viburnum ...... 62 diaphana, Deltoidospora.- 93 ElatoCladW --------------- 49 Cunninghamites ....................... dichotomum, Viburnum .................... 80 (CryptomeriteS) uordenskialdL ------- 49 elegaus ..... dicksom', Artocarpus _____ _.__ _________ 60, 61 (7111041188) timzjorum --------------- 49, 50 recurvatus ...................... Dicotyledons ______________________________ 38, 55 eleguns, Androvettia ----------------- - 50 sp ................. dienvalii, Phymatodermu ........... . 90 Cunninghamites ................. 48 cupunioides, Phyllites. ..................... digitatu, Aralz’a _________________________ 64 Elephant Butte Dam --------------------- 26 Pterospermites Ginkgo _______________________________ 47 ellipsoideum, Cinnamomum ....... 66 Viburnum ...... Dilleniaceae_. _______________ 82 elliptical, Kalmiu ......... Cupressaceae ......... . . Dmmites. _ _ . __________ _ 83 Magnolia ........ C'uprexsiuozylou brevemL. 93 cleburnL. ____ ________ __ 77 ellipticum, Oercidiphyllum.. dawsom' ................... 93 garfieldensis ______________ 39, 82:13]. 57 Cinnamomum ........... 61 elongatum. . . . ................... 93 microdentatus ________________________ 83 Cinnamomum newberryi ............... 66 macrocarpa.. .. ............ . 93 dillerz', Cinnamomum ______________ 67 elongata, Anemia ..................... 38. 44v 45? 131- 5 ucmm’cum ...................... . 93 Diosypros _________________________ 89 elongatum, Cupressiuozylon ............ 93 Cupressus ............................. 93 braghysepala ___________________ _- 85,89 Sphenopteris (AspleniuM)—. 44 curviuervis, Celastrus ....................... 72 ficoideu ___________________________ 67,86 Viburnum .................................. 86 cuspidata, Vitis ........................ 65,78 hezaphylla_ __________ 89 emmomi, Camus. 85 Cycadaceae ............................. 47 obtusata _______________ 67 Engelhardtia ...... 56 Cycadom‘tes folliculurz's. . . 93 wodam' ................... 89 44 Cyliclmella... ............ 8 Diplazium crossii. ................. _ 44 67 Cypemcitesm 53 Dipterospermum bignom'oides. ............ 92;p1.68 -———---——..-- 54 tesselatus. -.. .. . 55 discolor, Rhamnus ________________________ 77 Frazinus.. .......... 39, 85, 86, 95; p1s.57,62 cypericola, Sclerotz’tes.. ............ 40 Disko Island, Greenland ____________ 28 0smuuda-. 45 Cyperus ——————————————————————————————————— 7 , 7 _ 53 disputabilis, Acer _______________________ 76 Pill/111'!“ ......... 63 dissecta, Artocarpus ................. _ 60 Sabalites ......... 54 D distichum, Tatodium .......... 94 Thrinar ............................... 55 Dakota sandstone--- ...................... 13 distichum miocenum, Tazodium ________________ 49, 50 eolignitica, Carapa ............. 67 dakotana, Aralz'a .......................... 64 distorta, Populus ____________ eolignilicum, Asplem‘um. ............... 44 dakoteme, Liquidambar .................. 39,, 72; pl. 68 distorlus, Zizyphus Equisetaceae ------------------------- Podocarpozulon ..... _ 94 disturbans, Phyllites_. Equisetum ................. Sequoiozz/lon ______________________ - 94 Dolichites deusaem‘ .................. alezoensis. ------------ Viburnum __________________________________ 86 Dombeya ...................... arcticum_. _ . .............................. Page Equisetum—Continued boreale ______________________________________ 46 coloradense... _. 46 globulosum ____________________ .. 46 spp __________________ 38, 45: pl. 8 erdobenyensis, Donacites ___________________ 92 erectum, Viburnum _____ Ericaceae _____________________ eridani, Rhamuus _____________ erosa, Allantodiopsis._.. escheri, Aspidium ________________________ eucalyptifolia, Ficus Eucommia..__ _ serrata" uimoides ___________ Eucommiaceae ________ Euouymus splendeus zantholitheusis ____________ Euphorbiaceae _________________________________ Euphorbocarpum richardsoni _________ 89 europaea, Thujopsis ___________________ 51 europaeus, Glyptostrobus.. _____ evansii, Rhus _________________ Evanston formation ___________________ 8, 22, 27 evaustoueusis, Cassia.. _______________ 57 Ficus ________________________ 94 exaltata, Nephrolepis. ____________ 46 Ezbucklandia __________________________ 72 ezimia, Populus balsamoides.._. __________ 65 ezpausa, Hiraea ________________________ 52 Hydromystria ____________________ 38, 62: pl. 16 F Fagaeeae _____________________________________ 58 Fagus __________________ 58 casiaueaefolia _______ 58 crossi _________ 71 58 58 macrophglla.._. 58 papyracea _______ 79 fallar, Beiula“. 79 fecuuda, Caulinites ___________ 43 Onoclea ________________ 43 Felix coal ____________ . 21 Ferns ______________________________ _ 41 ferreiiauum, Sassafras ___________________________ 68 Ferris coal seam ____________________ 19 Ferris formation _________________________ ferrugineus, Celastrus. ._ fibrillosus, Ceauothus. __________ Zizyphus ______________________________ 39, 78; pl. 50 ficifolium, Cinnamomum. . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 61 ficoidea, Diospyros __________________________ 67, 86 Ficus ____________________________ 61, 62, 63, 66 affinis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 38, 61, 63, 66; pls. 27, 43 aguilar. _________ __. 71,72 alata ______________________________ 85 artocarpoides ......... 38, 61, 62, 85; pl. 28 auriculata _______________________ 63 herryana ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 62 berthoudi. 82 cavmoui ,,,,,,,, ceraiops __________________________ cockerelli.. ,,,,, 62 coloradeusis ______________________ 77 crossii ________________ dalmatica _______ dawsoumsis . - _ _ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 62 denueriana. . ____________________ 62, 71, 77, 82 duplicata ________________ 63 eucalyptifolia _______________________ . 66 evausto nensis _ _ haddeni ____________________ hispida ___________________ impressa ___________ irregularis _______ lakesi ______ leei ...... lig‘niiam ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, INDEX minutideus _______ mississippieusis.. mouodon ______ ueodalmatica _________ ueoplauicostata _ occidentalis ______ pagoseusis. . . . planicostata _________ clinioui _________ populoides ___________ postiriuervis ________ praeplauicostata. praetriuervis. _ _ - _ preartocarpoides. problematica ______ (Protoficus) nervosa _______________ pseudopopulus ________________ 61, 62, 78 puryeareusis ___________________ 71 ratoneusis __________________________ 82 rhamuoides _______ 77 richardsoui... . 63 schimperi.-. 63 smithsouiana _____________ 67 speciosissima ...................... 63 spectabilis ............. 77 squarrosa ________________________ 63 subtruucata. fischeri, Lastrea.... Lastrea (Gauiopteris) ___________________ 42 Fish Creek, Montana. .. 7 fisheriana, Quercus _________________ 75 Fissidens ....................... 41 Flabellaria alaskaua ________________ 54 commuuis _____________________ 53 eocenica .......... florissanti __________________________ grénlaudica. johnstrupi. ziuckeui ________________ Flagstaff limestone _____ floriui, Ameuiotazus . . . . florissantensis, Geaster florissauti, Flabellaria ________ 54 Sabaiiies ................................... 54 Fokienia_._. 50 caieuulata _________ _ follicularis, Cycadopites... foutauella, Liquidambar ____________ 72 Fouiiualis pristine __________________________ 92; pl. 69 formosa, Geiniizia ______________________ 49 formosum, Cinnamomum ______________ 66 Fort Peck Dam __________________________ __.. 9 Fort Union flora... _ 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Fort Union formation __________________________ 5,7,11,13,14,15,16,17,18, 19, 20, 21, 28 Fort Union group _________ 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 17, 18, 19, 26 fortunaius, Anisonchus_. ____________________ 27 Fossil Basin, Wyoming" fossilis, Corylus americaua , 8, 22 57 Corylus rostrum ..... 57 Ouoclea sensibilis ................. 43 fosteri, Camus _________________________ 61 Coryliiies ..................... 57 Corylus ....... ’_ ______________________ 57 foihergilloides, Hamamelites ______________________ 72 4.— 111 fragilis, Acer _________ fraiema, Monimiopsis ____________ Fraziuus __________________ deuticulata. eocem’ca ...... juglaudiua..- _ sp ______________________ Freedom Dome, Montana fremomeusis, Autholithes fremouti, Anemia ................... fructifer, Sabalites .................. 70 Fucus _________________________________ 40 lignitum __________________ 40 Fungi ________________ 38 furcinervis, Quercus ____________________ 58,59 G Galisteo sandstone ______________________________ 26 oardneri, Saccoloma _____________ 38, 41, 43; DIS. 5, 6 garfieldeusis, Dilleuites. _____________ 39, 82; pl. 57 Gashato formation ............ . .- 29 aaudiui, Celastrus._ . 76,79 Celastrus ....... _. 76 Populus ______________________ _ 70 Geaster .............. 89 fiorissauteusia __________________ 89 Geiuitzia ............................... 49 formosa .............................. 49 Gelinden, Belgium, Paris Basin ..... __- 28, 35 Geouoma gigautea .............................. 53 Geonomites goldiauus .................. 53 grami'nifoiius ........... 53 haydeuii _______ 53 imperialis.__. 54 schimperi. _ 53 tenuirachis. 53 ungeri ........................... 54 gigantea, Artocarpus 60 Geouoma ................. 53 Sequoia ............................ 50, 94 Gillette coal field __________________ 20 Ginkgo ........................... 36, 47, 48, 73 adiantoides.. ______ 36, 38, 47, 48, 95', p1.10 biloba _______________________ __. , 7 digitata. ____________________ 47 laramiensis ............ 15, 47 truncata ..................... 48, 90 Ginkgoaceae ................... Ginkgoites adiantoides ...... selwyni, Carpolithus. . . glabm, Ostrea ........... Gleicheniaceae ............ 44 Glendive Creek, Montana ..... 14 glendivensis, Sapiudus ___________________________ 76 globipites, Sparganium... ............... 93 globulasum, Equisetum ................... 46 glypiostroboides, Metasequoia ......... 50,71 Glyptostrobus ____________________ 49, 50, 73, 94 dakotensis._ __________ 18, 49 europaeus .......................... 49 nordeuskioidi ________________ 38,49,95; pl. 11 oregouensis. . . . pensilis.... uugeri .................................. Golden Valley formation. _ __. goldiaua, Ficus planicostata _______ Lastrea _______________ Lustrea (Gouiopteris) __.. Rhamnus ______________________ 39, 77,87,95', pl. 48 goldiauum, Aspidium ________________________ 42 Viburnum .................................. 39, 90 goldianus, Geonomitesnn 53 Palmacitcs .................................. 53 112 Page yoldianus—Continued Rhamnus ............................... 62, 77 goldmani, Pleris _________________ 43 Goniopleris lasquereuzi ____________ 43 fischeri, Lastrea.. __________ .. 42 goldiana, Lastrea. 42 knighiiana, Lastrea... 42 polypodioides, Laslrea.. __________ 37, 44 gopperli, Betula ........................ 57 Goshen Hole, Wyoming _________ 10 gracilens, Acer ................... 65 gracilis, Aralia _________ 64 Cabomba __________ 68 Juniperus. . .. ..................... 49 Laevioatosporites ____________ .. 93 graminifolius, Geonomites. -.- 53 Grand Hogback, the __________________ . 25, 26 Grand Mesa region _______________ 26 grandifolia, Anemia- ______________________ 44 Dombeyopsis..- __________ 82 Sabal ____________________ 54 Smilax... .......... 70 Sorbus-.. .................... 60 Ulmus ............................. 94 grandifoliolus, Sapinaus .............. 76 grandifolium, Maianthemophyllum ....... . 52 granaifolius, Alismaphyllites.. ........ 38, 52; pl. 15 grandis, Cabornba .................. 68 grandivescipites, Picea .......................... 93 Grasslike monocotyledons ......... 53; pls. 14, 16 Graveyard Coulee, Montana ................... 14, 15 arauana, Sabal .................. 38, 53, 64, 95; pls. 15,16 orayanus, Sabalites .............................. 54 Great Divide Basin. ...................... 22 Great Lignite, the ....................... 1,3, 4, 5, 8, 9 Great Pine Ridge, Wyoming.. .............. 20 Green River Basin, Wyoming. ............ 12 Greenland ........................... 28, 29 greenlandica, Osmunda. ............ 38, 45; pls. 5, 6 Quercus ........... .. 38, 58, 59, 95; pls. 19, 22, 40 Grewia celaslroides.- 72 obovaia ...... 86 pealei ....... 72 Grewiopsis ........ 81 platonifolia ......... 65 populifolia ............ 65 tenuifolia- . . .......... 79 viburnifolia. . ............ . 65 grewiopsis, Celastrus. ............ . 72 Populus ....................... 86 groenlandica, Cladophlebis.. ............ 45 Quercus ............................. 58 grdnlandica, Depazea ........... 40 Flabellaria ....... Myrsine ........................... Pteris ............. grossedenlata, Cissus. . guillelrnae, Platanus ........... guillelrnae heeri, Platanus. ....................... 65, 79 .-. 64, 65, 79, 80 79 Gunnison Plateau .............. 27 Gymnosperms ................................. 38, 47 haddeni, Ficus ......... Hagan coal field ....... Halz/meniies major ..... Hamamelidaceae ........... Harnamelis virginiana .......... Hamameliies fothergilloides. inaequalis ............. Hanna Basin, Wyoming. Hanna formation ........ 21 halcheri, Araucaria .............................. 48 haydeni, Manicaria. .. 53 Platanus ........... 64 haydenianus, Cocculus .......................... 70 haydenii, Geonornites ................ . 53 hayesiana, Pinus... ........................ 48 hebridica, Onoclea ............................... 43 INDEX Hedera ............. parvula ........ rotundifolia ........ heeri, Aspidiurn .......... Cinnamomum ............. Juglans .................... Piper ....... Plalanus .............. guillelmae- . -. . heerii, Osmunda ............. heersiensis, Macclinlockia ....... Hell Creek formation Hell Creek, Montana .......................... 6, 15 Hernitelites torelli ..... hendersoni, Zizyphus Henefer formation-.. Hepaticae ............... herbacea, Phylliles .......... hesperia, Cissus...- H icoria antiquora .......... bilgardiana, Magnolia ...... Hiram expansa ...... hirsuta, Rhamnus ..... hirsulus, Carpolithus. hispida, Ficus ................ Pteracarya ................. Hogback Canyon, Wyoming Hogback formation _______ holbo'lliana, Rhus .......... Hornerstown marl .............. horridus, Isoetites ................ Huerfano formation . ..... Hunter Canyon formation. Hydrangea ............... antica .................. Hydrocharitaceae ................ Hydronu/stria ............ erpansa ............ Hymenophyllaceae .......... Hymenophyllum confusum ......... hyperbarea, Cornus ..... Pinus ............ Hypnurn coloradense ........ 38, 57, 95; pls. 18, 19, H yracotherium .................................. 11,21 I iddingsi, Asplenium ............................ 43 Ilez arlocarpidioides.... ..................... .. 39, 76 artocarpoides ............ 79 insignis ...... 72 longifolia ......... . 59 microphylla .................... 94 microphyllina ....................... 94 ouala ......... 76 reticulata. 59 triboleti ............ 59 Ilicaceae ............................. 76 imperialis, Geonorniles ...................... 54 Sabal ..................... 38, 53, 54; pl. 14 impress‘a, Cornus ................... .-. 77,85 Ficus ............................... - 62 inaequale, Cinnamomum._.. 66 inaequalis, Hamamelites ................. 39, 72; pl. 40 Populus ....... 73 Protoficus ...................... 59, 72 Rhamnus ........................ . 77 inaequilaleralis, Pteris ........................... 45 66 68 ............ , 6, 7, 9,10,11,14,15,16,17,18,19, 28 Gleichenia ................ Onoclea ............ .. 38,43; pl. 7 hesperium, Acrostichum.. ................. 23 Paleonuphar ......... .. 39,69' pl. 35 hesperius, Sclerotium. 40 Zizz/phus ......... 70 heterodonta, Sierculia._ 65 heterophylla, Inga ............ 85 Hewett, D. F., quoted ....... 23 hezaphylla, Cali/cites .................. 39, 88, 89; pl. 4 Diospyros ........ 89 hiatipites, Tazadium. ............... 93 — India ............................ indivisam, Acer...- inerme, Psilotum... inermis, Cabornba ....................... 39, 6'8,- pl. Inga heteroplzylla ....... innominala, Juglans ......... inominala, Vitis ............ inopina, Paleonuphar- inquirenda, Paleoaster Sabal.. ........ Smilax ........................ lnsz’gne, Laurophyllum ............ insignia, Celastrinites 6 35 ................. 56, 72, 85 Corylus ................. 38, 57, 58, 95; pl. 21 Ilez ................................ 72 integra, Dryopteris ..................... 42 inlegrifolia, Platanus raynoldsi... ._.- 64, 68 integrifolius, Phaenicites ................ _-.. 53, 54 intermedia, Castanaea.... Castanea ........... inierpungens, Sphaeria ......... inierrupta, Thuja ............. inlerruptus, Thuites ..... involucrata, Davidia Iris ...... sp ..... 40 5 irregularis, Ficus ..... 77 Isoetaceae ........... 46 Isoetiies.. 46 circularis. 46 horridus.. ' pl. 9 serratus ..................................... 46 japonica, Ulmus ................... japonicurn, Cercidiphyllum Jenkinsella arciica ......................... 70 Jepsen, G. L., quoted ................ ..- 23 Jimmy Camp Creek, Colorado. ........ 23 J oes Valley member ...................... 27 jahnslrupi, Flabellaria ............. .-- 53,54 jorgenseni, Phegopteris. - 44 Sphenopleris ....... . 44 Judith River ............ 4 Judith River formation ........ 17 J uglandaceae .................... 55 Juglandicarya._.. ................ 56 spp ............................. 38, 56; pl. 19 juglandina, Frazinus ..... Quercus .......... acuminala .............. berryana. - berryi. . . . bilinica. . crossi .......... denticulata ....... denveriana ............. heeri ..................... innominata .............. leconteana ........................ minutidens ..... nigella ................... rugosa ................ sapindiformis. schimperi ....... taurina ........... thermalis. . ungeri. . . . sp ........... Juniperus r/racilis K Kalmia elliptica .................. lalifalia .................... kanei, M acclintoclcia.. .............. kanii, Cocculus ......................... Daphnogene ...... Page Keene dome, North Dakota ____________________ 12 keferxteinii, Alnus _____________________ 57 Killpecker Creek, Wyoming. ._ 22 Kingsbury conglomerate __________________ 13,21 knightiana, Lastrea (Goniopteris) _____________ 42 knightii, Menispermiies _________________ 70 Knowlton, F. H., quoted 6 knowltoni, Populus ________ 79 Koelreuteria _________________________________ 73, 76 annosa __________________ 39, 76, pl. 59 Kome strata _________________________ _ 28 krausei, Coniferorylon ______________ _._- 93 krausei, Pityorylon_______., ______________________ 92 L La Barge Creek, Wyoming _____________________ 22 78 laevigata, Cissus ____________________________ ._ 63,65 Laeviqatosporitez gracilis.. 93 ovatus ________________________ _ 93 laharpi, Quercus_. 59 lakesi, Carpites __________________ 70 Dryopieris ___________________ 38, 1,2; pl 8 Ficus _______ Viburnum____ Zakesiana, Nelumbo ____________________________ 69 lakesianum, Nelumbium _____ 69 lakesii, Cornus ............. 77 Dryopteris ....... 42 Nelumbium ................. 69 Virburnum. . . . 78 lamarensis, Acacia _____ 75 Leguminosites ______ 75 lambii, Cryptomerites . _ _ 49 Lance Creek, Wyoming __________ 5, 10, 20 Lance flora _____________________ Lance formation 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 26, 28, 29 lanceolaia, Andromeda _ _ . . 67 Anemia _____ 44‘ N yasa ___________________________________ 85, 86, 95 lanceolatum, Cinnamomum. 61, 66 Cinnamomum newberryi _____________ 66 Viburnum _________________________ 87 lanceolatum minimum, CinnamomunL. 66 lanceolatus, Chrysobalanus___. _____________ 85 Zizyphus _______________________ 61 lancifolia, Cassia _______ Nectandra _____ langeana, Myrica ___________ langsdorfi, Sequoia ______________________________ 94 Ianqsdorfii, Sequoia- _ ________________ 49 Sequoiites ......................... 50 lapillipites, Sequoia ___________________ _ 93 laramense, Sequoioxylon _________ _ 94 Laramie, “Lower” ______________________ 21 Laramie formation ____________ 23, 25, 28, 29 Laramie Plains, Wyoming ______________________ 4 Laramie strata ____________________ 4, 6, 13, 16, 24, 25, 26 Laramie, “Upper” ________ 21 laramiensis, Dryopteris __________________________ 42 Ginkgo __________________________________ 15, 47 larieii, Cinnamomum ______________________ 66 Lastrea fischeri __________________________________ 43 goldiana _____________________ 38, 42; pl. 5 (Goniopteris) fischeri __________________ 42 goldiana ___________________ 42 knightiana _____ _ 42 polypodiaides _ _ ______________ 37, 44 latifolia, Kalmia ______________________ _ 85 Platanus aceroides_- ____________ _ 64, 79 latifolipiies, Typha ........................... 93 iatiloba minor, Woodwardia ______________________ 43 serraia, Woodwardia _______________ ___ 43 Woodwardia _______________________________ 43 latipennis, Podozamites __________________________ 47 iatum, Sapoticarpum _______________________ 91', pl. 67 Lauraoeae ................ 66, 68, 89 INDEX Page laurifolia, Magnolia _____________________________ 67, 71 Quercus _____________ 59 laurifolius, Cocculus. 88 Zaurineus, Carpites _____________ 94 Laurophyllum caudatum ________________________ 39, 67 insigne _________________________ 66 perseanum _______________________ 39, 67; pl. 34 Laurus ____________________ __ - 68 acuminata. . ____________ 94 asiminoides. ..................... 66 brossiana ___________ 68 caudata ___________ 67 palaeophila. _ _ 94 primigenia _______________ raionensis... resurgens ........ socialis _____________ utahensis. _____________________ Lebo member. ._ ____________ leconteana, Juglans __________ leei, Castalia _________ Ficus __________ Leguminosae _____________ Leguminosites arachioidesflfl 70 arachioides minor ______________________ 70 borealis __________________________ 70 coloradensis __________________ 39, 74; pl. 68 lamarensis-___ ______________ _.- 75 lesquereuziana _______________ stagnum ___________________ leonis, Quercus _____ lesleyana, Magnolia ___________ 71 lesquereuzi, Apocynophyllum __________ _ 39,86 Cissus ____________________________ _ 78 Goniopteris ________________ _ 43 Zesquereuziana, Leguminosites. lesquereuzii, Dryopteris ________ lessigiana, Artocarpus... lessigii, Myrica __________________________________ 60 liasinum, Propalmophyllum 54 Libocedrus __________________________________ 51 sabiniana ________ 51 Lightning Creek, Wyoming ....... 20 lignitica, Marchantia _____________ 38, 40; pl 4 lignitum, Ficus __________________ 83 Fucus ___________________________ 40 Limnobium ______ 52 limpida, Ficus _____ 87 limpidum, Viburnum ___________________________ 86 Lindera ____________________________ 67, 68 obiusata ___________________ 39, 67,1315. 43, 66 venueta. _ _ . ____________ _ _ 68 linearis, Pieris ................. _ 41 lineatum, Palmocarpon ______________ 39,90 lineatus, Carpites ________________ 94 lingualis, Celtis _____ 87 Planera _____________________________________ 60 Zinifolium, Apocynophyllum._ _ 86 Cinnamomum ______________________________ 61 Liquidambar.._l-_. cucharas _________________________ dakotense.. fontanella ______________ liriodendroides, Artocarpus. Little Big Horn River ______ Little Bitter Creek, Wyoming ________________ 22 Little Missouri River _______________ 1 8,9,10,12,14 Little Powder River __________ ___ 16,20 Litsea ____________________________________ 68 carbonensis _______ 68 Livingston formation ___________________________ 14, 16 4—— —’ 113 Page lobaia, Aralia ___________________________________ 82 Vitis ____________ _. __ 39, 82; pl. 56 lobato-crenata, Cissus ____________________________ lobatus, Cissites __________________________ London Basin, England ___________ ._ lanqifolia, Araucaria __________________ 38. 48, 49; pl. 13 Araucarites __________________ 48 Ilez ______________ 59 Sequoia... 48 looziana, Aralia" 64 Louisiana, Caddo Parish ________________________ 27 louisvillensis, Malapoenna. 61 Ludlow lignitie member ______________ 6 Ludlow member ______________________ __ 8, 9, 13 lyallii, Macclintockia __________ lyelii, Quercus ______________ Lygodium ___________ coloradense._ . _ . _______________ compactum. _______________________ kaulfussi. ___________________ neuropteroides __________________________ pumilum ___________________________________ 45 M Macclintockia ___________________________________ 88 appendiculata ________ 88 cretacea ______ dentata ____________________ heeroiensis- kanei. _ lyallii _________________________________ \ trinervis ____________ 88 mackar/i, Zizyphoides. ........ macneili, Quercus _____________ ._ 38, 58; pl. 19 macquarrii, Alnites..__ Corylus ________________ macrocarpa, Cupressinoqucm ___________ 93 macrodontum, Viburnum _________ 1.- 86 macroloba, Paleonelumbo _______ ._ 39, 69; pl. 35 macrophylla, Fagus _____________________ 58 Osmunda __________________________ 38, 45,- pls. 6, 8 macrophyllum, Alisma. 52 macrosperma, Acacia ______________ 75 magnifica, Dombeyopsis _______________________ 39, 82 magnifalia, Canna ______________ 38, 56; pl. 15 - 55 Ficus planicostata. _________________ ___ 62 Magnolia _________________ 39, 71, 72; pl. 39 Sequoia _________________ 49 Magnolia ___________ angustifolia..- _________ ___. 56, 67, 68 attenuato. _ . ______________________ 67 berryi _________________ __._ 39, 71; pl. 39 borealis _________________ 66 cordifolia ______ elliptica ______ hilgardiana_ iaurifolia _________________ leei ____________________ lesleyana _________________________ magnifolia... ______________ _ 39, 71, 72', pl. 39 regalis _____________________ 39, 72; pl. 39 roiundifolia __________________ 39, 63, 72 ienuinervis __________________________________ 71 Magnoliaceaeuu _ 71 magnum, Viburnum ______________ _ 80 Maianthemophyllum ____________ 52 grandifoiium _________________ 52 major, Halymenites _______ 90 majori, Carpites cocculoides. 89 Malapoennahn 68 carbonensis. 68 louisvillensis ___________ 61 praecursoria _________________________ 68 sessiliflora. _ _ Malva _________________________ Manicaria haydeni _______________ Marchantia liqnitica _____________ pealei _______________________________ 38, 40; pl. 4 polymorpha _________________________________ 40 114 Page Marchantia—Continued yukonensis ____________________________ - 40 M archantiaceae. . Marchantites ________ pealci _____________ wardii ________________ marginaiu, Cissus _____ 15,39, 65, 76, 79,80; pls. 53. 54, 55 Platunus............. 79 marginaium, Viburnum ___________________ 79,81 marginaium ravenscmyensix, Viburnum __________ 80 marginaius, Rhamnites _____________________ 87 marginaius apiculatus, Rhamnus.. _____ 78 marshallensis, Rhamnus _______________ - 77 Martin, G. 0., quoted _____ - 29 Martinez formation.. _ 28 martini, Ficus ______________ . 63 Maryland, Brightseat. - 28 Upper Marlboro ........... 28 Jvlastiziu .............. 88 mazoni, Woodwardia._ 43 malearni, Prunus __________ Medicine Bow formation ........ Medicine Rocks area, Montana. ______ 8 meedsii, Populus _____________________ meeki, Zizyphus ____________ meeteeiscana, Dryopieris _____ megaspcrma, Sagittaria melaenum, Viburnum. Melastomaceae ______ 84 Melasiomites moniunenszs. .. .. 39, 68, 84; pl. 56 verus __________________________ _-. 84 Meliosma cuneaio ________ Melville strata....- ........ membranuceus, Chionanthu3_. Sapindus __________________ Mcniscotherium _________________ Menispermites knightii ............ meriani, Quercus ...... Mesaverde formation. mesozoica, Robinia ______ Metasequoia ____________ gluptastroboides __________ occidentalic _______________ meticanum, Palmocarpon _________ meyeri, Aspidium _______________ microdentatus, Dillenites ____________ microphg/lla, Ilez‘. - Ploneru ______ microphyllina, Ilex ________________________ middendorfensis, Cinnamomum ________ Middle Park, Colorado __________________ 13, 25 Middle Park formation.. __________ 25 Midway formation ___________________ 27, 28, 30 migratorius, Ectopistes.. ______ 36 Mimosites coloradensis._ ________ - 39, 76; pl. 43 minima, Benitzia _________________ _... 44 Ulmus __________________________ 60 minimum, Cinnamomum lanceolaium..-. 66 minor, Leguminosiies arachioides ___________ 70 Pierospermitcs _______ Woodwardia lutiloba. minutidens, Ficus ________ Juglans ______________ Staphylea. minutulus, Corpites _______________ minuius, Zizi/phus ____________________ 61 miocena, Pseudotsuga ____________ . 94 miocenum, Taxodium distichum.. ________ 49, 50 mirabilis, Selaginellites _________________________ 92 Triletes ______________________________ 92 mississippiensis, Cinnamomum ______ 63 Ficus _____________________________________ 63 Missouri River _____________________ 2, 3, 9, 12, 15, 18, 19 miiclla, Aclisiochara. _______________ 40 Mizpah coal field _____________ 16 Mnium .............. 41 monianense ______ .... 38, 41; pl. 5 Momipites coryloides _________________________ 93 Mongolia _______________________________________ 29 INDEX Page Monimiopsis amboraefolia ______ fraternal ____________________ Monocotyledons ______ monodon, Ficus... __________ Populus _______________________ monstrosa, Selaginello. . - __________ monstrosus, Anomalofilicitcs.. __________ montana, Sabal _______________ Montana, Absarokee. Baker ___________ Bear Creek ______ Biddle ____________ Big Sandy ..... ... Big Timber ___________ Bridger. - .. Broadus_. Browning._ Circle ______ Coalwood.... Ekalaka _____ . . Forsyth...._... Fort Peck.....- Glendive ______________ Harlowton _______________ Hathaway. ______ Havre.... ______________ Jordan __________ Livingston ______ McCone County._.. Medicine Lake ______ Miles City... Mizpah. _.. Powderville. . Red Lodge... Reed Point ..... Roundup. . _..- Scobey ........... Sidney ............. Snowden ........... Springdale. _ - .......... Terry ....... Van Norman. . Wibaux ..... Wilsall ........ . Wolf Point. .. . Montana group ..... moniancnse, Mnium... 5, 6, 7, 9,11, 14—15, 19 Sequoiozylon ........... montancnsis, Ammobairachus. - Ampclapsis ................ Celasirus ................ Melastomiies.. ...... 39, 68, 84; pl. 56 Morus.. ..... ....... 39, 64; pl. 20 monianum, Nelumbium ............... 39, 69; pl. 35 Viburnum ....................... 80 Monument Creek group.. 24 moori, Dryophyllum ................. 58 Moraceae ...................................... 60 AIoriconia ....... 51 Alorus ........................ 62, 64 monianensis .................... _..- 39, 64; pl. 20 mosbyensis, Anemia.. 44 multinervis, Bcrchemio... 56, 67, 77 Musci ......................................... 41 Myrica acuminoia ...................... 59 langeana ............................. . 59 lessigii ............................... 60 torreyi .................. 83 wilcozensis ..................... 83 83 myricarum, Carpites ...... _... 94 myricoides, Crataegus .................... . 79 Myrsine yrénlandica ............ Myrtaceae ...................... Myrtophyllum torreyi ...................... N N acimiento group .............................. 26 — ________ 38, 50 i Page nebrascensis, Camus ...................... 39, 86; pl. 59 Dombeyopsis.... Populus ........ Trochodendroides“ .................. 78 Nectandra lancifolia... ............. 56, 67, 68 Negundo decurrens .................... 79, 80 iriloba ................ 75 ncgundoides, Quercus ........ 65 Nelumbian lokesianum ........ - 69 Nelumbiies protoluieus ................. ‘69 striaia ....... 83 Nclumbium lakes". ................ 69 montonum ..... 36, 69; pl. 35 tenuifolium.. ................. . 39,69 Nelumbo crossi ................... . 69 lakesiona. . . 69 protoluiea... 69 tenuifolia .............. 69 neodalmaiica, Ficus. 62 neomezicana, Apeibopsis ............... 85 Cornus ...................... 77 Quercus‘. ........... 63 neoplunicosiaia, Ficus. _-.. 61,62 Nephrolepis exaltoio ....... 46 neriifolia, Quercus ......... 86 nervosa, Ficus (Protoficus)... 94 Populus ....... 65 Rhus .................................... 60 Nesson anticline, North Dakota.. ........... 12 Neuropteris angulata ..................... 83 neuropteroides, Lygodium .............. 45 New Mexico, Cimarron ............ 24 Gallup ................ . 27 Navajo country. _ 27 Raton .................. . 24 Ute Park .............. . 13 newberriunum, Viburnum.. ._.. 87 Newberry, J. S., quoted ..................... 4 newborn/and conditionalie, Platanus... ........ 79 Platunus ...................... 79 newbem/i Acer ........................ 39, 75, 76; pl. 46 Celtic .......................... 38, 59; pl. 27 Cinnamomum. .................... 66 Cornus ......................... 37, 61, 62, 85 ellipticum, Cinnamomum... ............. 66 lanceolatum, Cinnamomum ................ 66 Populus ........... Rhomnus .......... nielseni, Poaciies ........... nigella, Juglans ........................... 56, 72, 75 nobilis, Platanus __________________ 18, 39,64, 65, 95; pl. 29 nodosa, Ophiomorpha .................... .._ 39,90 nordenskioldi, Elatocladus (Crypiomeritcs). .._ 49 Glypiostrobus ...................... 38, 4.9, 95; pl. 11 Paid mogeion. _ . _ 52 Sequoia ....... Viburnum ........ Nordenskioldiu .................. 89 borealis ...................... 39,89; pl. 67 North Dakota, Beulah ................ 19 Bismarck ................. - 18 Bottineau County .......... _.. 18 Buford ................................. 3, 7, 19 Dickinson ..................... 19 Donnybrook. Hebron ...... Mandan._.. Marmarth.. ............... Medora ........... 20 Morton County ....... - ............. 9 Rolette County ......... . 18 Sawyer ............................ 18 Sentinel Butte .............. 2 North Park, Colorado ............... 12, 13,25 North Park Basin, Colorado .................... 12 Page North Park formation... _________________ 25 North Platte Rlver... _______________ 20 nostratum, Alnus... . 87 notata, Aralia ___________________________________ 64 Nugsuak peninsula, Greenland_. 28 N uphar rubrodiscum _____________________ N ymphaea leei _________ pulchella ___________________ N ymphaeites angulatus _________ aquatica __________ borealis .......... racemosa _______ _ sylvatica ____________________________________ 85 obtusa, Dombeyopsis. obtuaata, Diospyros ______________________ 67 Lindem ________________________ 39,67; 1315. 43, 66 obtusifolius, Sapiudus. _____________________ 76, 85 occidentale, Artocarpophyllum. _______ 61 Tazodium __________________________________ 49 accidentalis, Anemia_. . 44 Ficus ____________________________ _.- 62,85 Metasequoia.. _..- 18,38, 49,71, 87, 95; pl. 12 Ocotea _________________________ 68 omingcnsis, Pteris ___________ Ohio Creek eonglomerate.. 010 Alamo sandstone _______________ _. .. Oleaceae... ______________________________ 85 olriki, Tazites.. ______________ 50,52 Taxodium ___________ .. 38,50,95; pls. 10,11 Vitis ____________ ..- 39, 82; pls. 27,59 Onoclea __________________________________ 43,44 fecunda..- _________ 43 hebridica ....................... 43 hespeiia... ............. 38, 43; pl 7 sensibilis.. ___________________ 4 ,44 [arctica] 44 fossilis.-. _____________________ 43 Ophiomorpha ____________________________ 90 nodosa ______________________________ 39, 90 oppositinerve, Virbumum _______________________ 86 orbicularis, Ulmus ______________________________ 60 orbiculata, Corylus..- 57 Oredorites plicatus ______________________ 54 oregona, Tilia ___________________________________ 57 oregonensis, Glyptostrobus _______________________ 49 Oreadaphne _________________ 68 pagosensis __________ 67 ratoneusis ___________ 72 Oreopauax sp ________________________________ 72 Orites sp ________________________________________ 70 Osmunda affinis ___________ 41 claytouiaua .......... 45 dubiosa ________ 45 eocenica _______________________________ 45 greenlandica. ________________ 38, 45; pls. 5, 6 heerii _________________________ 45 macrophylla _____________________ 38, 45; pls. 6, 8 regalis ............ _.. 41,45 Osmundaceae ________ 45 Ostrea glabra ____________________________________ 8 ovalis, Ficus ___________________________________ 85 ovata, Ilex.... 76 ovatus, Celastrus ______________________ 72 Laevigatosporites _____________________ 93 oviformis, Carpites ................... 94 4______-_ INDEX P pagei, Aristolochia. pagosensis, Ficus.. Oreodaphne ______________________ 67 Phyllites _____________________ 39, 88; pl. 18 pulaeophila, Laurus... _______________ 94 Paleoaster inquireuda _____________________ 15, 24 Paleonelumbo macroloba _______________ 39, 69; pl. 35 Paleonuphar hesperium..._ _ 39, 69; pl. 35 inopina _____________________________________ 69 paliurus, Pterocarfla. -. 57 Paliurus _______________________ ..__ 77,78 borealis.. .......... 70 zizyphoides _______________________ 78 sp _________ 39, 77 Palmaceae _________________ , , Palmacites goldianus_- _ 53 palmata, Vitis __________________________ 82 Palmocarpon ______________________ commune ___________ compositum... Zineatum ______ mericanum _____ subcylindiicum... truncatum _______________________ Palmocaipum corrugatum ........ . 95 Palmoxylon __________________ cannoni __________________ Paloreodozites plicatus. panduiatus, Cissites. Pantolambda sp... papyracea, Fagus ___________ Paranymphaea ______________ cmssifolia ___________ Paratazodium wigginsi __________________________ 50 Paris Basin, Franc/9.. _... ___________ 28,29 Parrotia cuneata ....... 61 parrotiaefolia, Cissus ____________________ 65 Parthenacissus (Ampelopsis) tricuspidata. . 79 quinquefolia ______________________ .. 79,81 tertiaria ______ ursiua _____________ pawifolia, Celtis _____ .._ pawifolius, Rhamnus parvula, Hedera _______________ Paskapoo formation ______________________ Patoot strata_ ______________ paucidentatum, Viburnum __________ paucmewum, Cinnamomum. . _ _.. paulula, Trapa _______________ paululum, Adiantum_. ___ pealea, Phanerophlebites pealei, Grewia _____ Marchimtia Marchantites _____________ pellucidens, Phyllites _____ pellucidus, Phyllites-... ________________ penhallawi, Asplenium ____________ Pterospermites ______________________________ Quercus ________ 59 pennaeformis, Pteris ___________________ pensilis, Glyptostrobus. ________________ peracumiuata, Celtis ........... perfectum, Viburnum _____________________ peritu, Pruuus _________________ 39, 74; pl 43 perplexa, Anemia _______________________________ 4 perplexum, Viburnum ___________________ _. 86 Persea _________________________________ _. 67 borbonia..._...._ _________________ 67 brossiana ____________________________ 39, 67; pl. 34 perseauum, Laurophyllum ________________ 39,67; pl. 34 Puerco formation ___________________________ 7 Phanerophlebites pealei._ __________________ 43 Phaseolites colorademis ______ 63 44 76 53, 54 53 alaskana..-. 53 115 Page Phyllites ________________________________________ 36, 37 aristolochioides _____________________ 82 calhanensis ____________________ 85 cameosus ____________ 87 cupam'mdes..-. S7 demoresi. ._. ____________ 39, 88; pl. 61 denverensis ______________________ 79 disturbans _____________ 39, 88; pl. 60 dombeyapsoides. . .-... 81 eocenica _________ 63 herbacea ..................... 61, 79 leei ............................. 79 pagosensis ................ 39,88; pl. 18 pellucideus ......................... _ 79 pellucidus. _ 65 populoides ..................... 81 retusoides __________________________ 61 trillioides. - .__.._ trinervis. . .__._ venosa ..... sp ........... Phymatoderma dieuvalii ................... 90 Picea grandivescipites- . . _____________ 93 Pierre shale .......... 17, 24, 25 Pinaceae . . _.. 48 Pinus ........ 48 hayesiaua-.. 48 hyperborea ..... 48 Pinyon conglomerate ............ 22 Piper heeri ............................. 70 Pistia ............................. 52 Pityozylou krausei ..... 93 sp ............. 94 Planera ......... 60 crenata. . 60 lingualis-. 60 microphylla ................... 38,60; pl. 24 planeroides, Zelkova._ ........ 38,60; pls. 22,24 planiwstata ciintoui, Ficus ...................... 62 Ficus .............. 38, 61.62, 63, 66, 68, 79, 81; pl. 26 goldiana, Ficus _______________________ 62 magnifolia, Ficus .................. 62 problematica, Ficus. Platanaceae ___________________ platania, Quercus ____________ platonifolia, Grewiopsis" ............ Vitis ................. platauoides, Platauus. . P basilobata ______________ colaradensis ______________________ guillelmae ...... heeri ................ heeri .............. margiuata ..................... newberryana.. .......... conditionalis ................ nobilis ......... - -__ 18, 39,64,65, 95; pl. 29 platauoides ..................... 61, 79 raynoldsi ............... __ ............... 36, 39, 63, 64, 65, 66, 75, 78, 80; p15. 30, 31, 66 integrifolia _____________________ 6 ,68 regularis ..... 65 rhomboides ___________ sp ................... Plateau Valley, Colorado. Plateau Valley beds ....... Platycarya .................... platyphylla, Camus. - _ plicatus, Oiedoxites ................ Paloreodoxites. __ Poacites .................... nielseni _____________________ 47 116 Podomrpozylou dakoteuse Podocarpus. _ _ campbellL. ___________ Podazzzmites latipeum‘s ______ Poison Canyon formation _______ Poison Spider Creek, Wyoming Polecat Bench ___________________ Polecat Bench formation_. ..__ polymorpha, Marchautia ______________ polymorphum, Cinnamamum. Elaeodendron ____________ Polypodiaceae _____________ poll/podioides, Dryopteris _____ Lastrea (Gouiopteris) _______ Polyporites seguoiae_-________1__. polysepala, Calycites _____________ Poplar River, Montana ___________ populi‘cola, Sclerotium _______ populifolia, Grewiopsis.- populifalius, Celastriuite3._ Populites ____________ populoides, FicuL... Phyllites ____________ PopuluL..- craspedodroma. - datumefolia _______ dermerem’is.~ gaudiui __________ gla udulifera ______ lacoeaua. _ meedsii _____ mouodon. _ . . uebrascensiaw uervosa _________ uewberryi _________ richardsoni __________ smilacifolia __________ subrotuudata _________ uugeri _____ whitei ______ wilmattae._ zaddachz‘ ___________ sp ___________________________ Porcupine Dome, Montana ......... INDEX Page Page pristina, Fautinalis ________________________ 92; pl. 69 Quercus——Conti.nued Prunus _____________ greeulaudica ______ ___ 38, 58, 59, 95; pls. 19, 22, 40 problematica, Ficus _______ gromlaudica.... 58 planicostata _________ juglaudiua __________ 59 problematicum, Viburnum_, _ laharpi__._ 59 PropalmophI/llum liasiuum_. laurifolia __________ _ _ 59 Praloficus iuaequalis __________ leom's.... __________ 73, 76, 86 uervosa, Ficus_. lyelli.__ ______________________ 59 macueili _________________ _. 38, 58,- pl. 19 meriauz‘ _____________ 59 ___________ 65 ueomezicaua. ________ _ 63 ________________ neriifolia.....____.__1_____. _ 86 careyhurstiu ___________ penhallowi ...... - 59 caloratteusz‘s _________________ 39, 73; p], 42 platonia ________ 62, 65 corrugis ___________ ,_ 39, 74; p]. 67 praeaugustilaba...-_ 61 dakotensis. ,,,,,,,, 56 praegroenlaudica _________________ 60 deuvereusig ______ 73 priscipites _____________ 93 mclearm‘en purdoueusis. _.__ 79 perita ______ ratoueusiazw __._ 67, 71 pristiua__.__. simplex ________ scotti _________________ steeustrupiauae pseudoacacia, Robim‘a ____________________ 75 stramiuea ______ pseudopenuaeformis, Pteris ..... 41, 44 pseudapopulus, Ficus _____________ 61, 62, 78 Pseudotsuga mioceua ..... 94 Psilotum inerme ___________ _ Pteris goldmam' ______________ gronlandicao . - linearis _____ oeuingmsis. _ penuaeformis ___________ peseudopenuaeformis ______ russellii ________ PterocarJ/a _________ deuticulatu _______ glabra _______________________ 38, 67, 95; p]. 18 hispida-.- 38, 67, 95; p15. 18, 19, 68 paliurus._ __________ 57 refuse __________________ septmlriouale ______________ Pterospermites cordatus __________ cupauioides ___________________ dawsom‘ ........ minor _____ penhullowi. vegans ....... whitei ........ pterospermoides, Celestrus... Pterospermum ________________ Puerco formation ______ pulchella, Castalia _____ 86 yuleusis ____________________ .__ 38, 5.9,- pl. 19 quinquefolia, Parthenoci’ssus ___________________ 79, 81 R racemosa, Berrya ____________ 70 Nyssa ____________ .n. 70 Radermacheru pulchru_._ 92; pl. 68 Ranch Creek, Montana _______________ 16 Raton formation ............ _ ________ 24, 25, 28 Raton Mesa __________________ 24 Raton Mesa coal field Laurus _____ Oreodaphna Quercus ________ Ravenserag formation raveuscrageusis, Cercocarpum. ________ 1. 39, 73 Viburnum margiuatum __________________ 80 raynoldsi integrifolia, Platanus, ________ 64, 68 Platauus ___________________________________ 36 39, 63, 6’4, 65, 66, 75, 78, 80; pls. 30, 31, 66 Reading beds __________________________________ 29 rectinerm‘s, Rhamnus ______________ _ 77 recuroatus, Cunninghamites ,,,,,,,,,, 69 Red Desert, Wyoming” _______ 1 8,22 porcupiniauum, Rhamuacianum ______ Nymphaea _________________________ 39, 69 reesidei, Aralia _________ posttrinervis, Ficus ........... pulchra, Radermachem ____________________ 92,- p]. 68 regalis, Magnolia ......... Potamoyetou ...... pumilum, Lwodium. 45 Osmunda ............ uordeuskioldi.. __________ pungens, Aralia___ 61 regularis, Platauus ......... Powder River ___________________ Artgcarpu3.__ 60 reichenbachi, Sequoia ....... Powder River Basin, Wyoming _____ pmdonensis, Query/“L 79 remotzdeus, Aspleuium _________ Powder River region, Montana.“ ________ 16 puryearensis, 00mm _ _ _ 67 resurgem‘, Laurus ....... Powder River Valley, Montana ________________ 16 Ficus ______ 71 reticulum, Ilex ___________ powelli, Sabal ................. 38, 53, 54, 55; pl. 16 sophormu _____________________ so retusa, Pterocarila ......... Sabalites ................... 55 retusoidea, Phyllites _______________ praeaugustiloba, Qucrcus ______ 61 Q Rhamnaceae __________________________ pmecursor, Ulmus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 87 quercifolia, Ulmug __________ Rhamnaciuium porcupinianum ........ praecursoria, Malapoerzua _______________ 68 Quercus _____________________ triseriatim. .1“--. Tetranthera ........... 68 angustiloblL _______ 61 rhamnifolia, Coruus.. praegroeulundica, Quercus. artocarpites__ _______________ 59 Ulmus ____________ pmeplanicostata, Ficus... asymmetrim ________________ 3g, 5g Rhamnites cancz‘unus... ................ praetrinerviS, Ficus ....... atamL _ _ _ _‘_ _ 58 marginatus. _ . _ __ ....... preartocarpoides, Ficus ..... gimme“, ______ _ 62 rhamnoides, Ficus ................. preauriculata, Salvim‘a ................ 11, 20, 21 Mudflaps-1'3"“ __________ _ 60 Rhammw ____________________ Preissites wardi. ,_ . celagtrifolm ___________________ 76, 79 brittoui ________ wardiz __________ charpeuteri ________ 59 cauuoni. Price River formation conjunctiva ________ cleburui..- primaevus, Titanoides- __________ dawgonz'u discolor“ primers, Aspiem‘um-.. (in/men“ eridaui ________ primigeuia, Laurus _____ dubia____ goldiana.__ ________ 39, 77, 95; PL 48 prism, Betula ............... 57 fisheriana__ goldz‘anus- .............. 62, 77, 87 priscipites, Quercus ............. 93 furcinervim" hirsuta __________________ __________ 39, 77; pl. 49 Page Rhamuus—Continued iuaequalis _________________________________ 77 marginatus apiculaius. __________________ 78 marshallensis. . 77 uewberryi._ 94 * parvifolius ______________ 94 rectinervis _______________________ ... 77 salicifolia ________________________ 77 Rhoicissus ________ 81 ‘ usambarensis. 9 81 Rhaiptelea ___________ 56 rhomboidalis, Carpites ________________ 90 rhomboides, Platauus... evausii ___________ holbolliaua _______ nervosa. ..- unitus _____ viburuoides ______________ Rhyiisma boreale ____________ richardsoui, Euphorbocarpum _____ 89 Ficus _______________________________________ - 63 . ’ - 82 85 Viburnum _____________ 80 richardsouiaua, Dryopteris ........ 42 » Rifle Gap, Colorado __________________ 13.25, 26 rigida, Sabal _____________ 53 Rio Chico formation... 29 Robiuia ............ 75 mesazorca.-. ............ 75 pseudoacacm _____________________ ... 75 wardi ....................... 39,75; pl. 43 Rock Creek oil field. .'.. 21 Rock Springs dome... ______________________ 22 rockla‘ndemis, Cissiies __________ .. 39,81; pl. 27 Rogers and Lee, quoted ________________________ 10 Roland coal _________________________ 21 Rosaceae ____________________________ 73 Rosebud coal field... 16 rosiellatus, Carpites ........ 95 rosirata, Corylus ..................... 57 fossilis, Corylus.. .................. 57 rotuudifolia, Hedera. .... 63 Magnolia ................................ 39, 63, 72 rotuudifolium, Viburnum... ......L._ 80 _, 21 40 rubra, Vitis .................. 82 rubrodiscum, Nuphar ........................... 69 . 26 ._ 87 56, 85, 86 ........ 54 44 S Sabal campbelli 54 communis. 53 ‘ grandifolia .............. 54 grayana ...... .. .. 38, 53,54,95; pls. 15,16 imperialis... ................. 38, 53, 54; pl. 14 inquireuda.. .................. - ....... 54 leei ......................................... 54 moutana ............................... .. 54 powelli ............ 38, 53, 54, 55; pl. 16 rigida .............................. 53 rugosa ........................ ‘ ......... 54 ungeri ......................... 54, 55 Sp ............... 54 Sabalites campbelli. 54 7 eoceuica. 54 florissauii. 54 fructifer ............. 70 grayauus .................... 54 powelli ..................................... 55 sabiuiaua, Libocedrus .................. 53 , 7 Saccoloma gardueri ......... .... 38,41,43; pls. 5,6 sp .......................................... 43 593121 0 — 62 ~ 6 INDEX Page > Sagittaria .................................... 49, 52 megasperma .................. - ._ 38, 52; pl. 68 St. Mary River formation..- Salicaceae ............................. salicifolia, Rhamuus ...... salicoides, Ciuuamomum ....... Salit _______________________________________ , ‘74 aquilina.._- ..... 38, 55; pl. 61 Salpichlaena anceps ..................... .... ~ 41 Salviuiapreauriculata. ............ __ 11, 20, 21 Sambucus ............ 91; pl. 67 Sand Creek, Wyoming ....... 20 San Jose formation ....... -.- ........ 26 San Juan Basin, Colorado.- ............ 7, 12, 14, 26 Sapindaceae ................................... 76, 91 sapiudiformis, Juglaus ........... _ 71 Sapiudus ................................... 76 aflinis .............. alatus .............. augustifolia. . (Jerri/anus” cau'datus... gleudiveusis. ._ grandifoliolus ................. membranaceus. _ obtusifolius.. .......... uudulatus .............. Sapoticarpum latum._ Sassafras ...................... ferretiauum ...... selwyni ...................... thermale.. 39, 63, 66, 6‘8, 95; pls. 33,34 Saxiiragaceae ............ 73 scheuchzeri, Ciuuamomum ........ 66 schimperi, Betula ............................. 79 Ficus ............... 63 Geouomiies ...................... - 53 * Juglans .................. 56, 71 Schizaeaceae ............... 44 9 Scleroiites cypericola. .............. 40 ’ hesperius .................... 40 Sclerotium ciuuamomi ................... 40 populicola .......... 40 rubellum ..................... .-.. 40 Scobey lignite field ................. 18 Scotland, Ardtun Head, Island of Mull ......... 29 scotti, Pruuus .......................... - 59,74 scripta, Andromeda ..................... 85 scutata, Lemua (Spriodela) ........ _ 1 52 Spirodela ............................ 52 sedalieusis, Dombeyopsis- _ _______ a 82 Selagiuella .............. .-. 7 46 berthoudi.._... .......... . 38, 46,: pl 4 collieri...... . 38, 46: pl. 4 _ moustrosa. ............. 38, 46,- pl. 4 ‘Selaginellaceae. ...- ‘- .- 46 Selaginellites mirabilis.-.-..-._....-.. ._ 92 selwyni, Carpolithus (Giukgoites).-. ...- 48 Sassafras ............................. 64 sempervireus, Sequoia ........................... 50 Senonian group ............................ 28 V sensibilis [arctica], Ouoclea ................. Ouoclea ......... ' fossilis, Ouoclea ............... Sentinel Butte, North Dakota ................. ‘. 19 Sentinel Butte member.. .......... 5, 13, 15, 16, 19,21 Sentinel Butte shale.... ................ 16, 19, 20 septeutriouale, Pterocarya ................ ... 59 Sequoia .................................. _ 49, 50, 94 ‘ acuminata ....... 48 afliuis ..................... 49 brevifolia. 49 burgessi ........... 94 couttsiae. . . 49 dakoteusiu..- .......... . 15 - gigautea ..... 50, 94 laugsdorfi. ................. 94 laugsdorfii ..................... 49 lapillipites .............. 93 117 Page Sequoia—Continued , longifolia .................................... 4s ........ _-- 49 49 reichenbachi... 49 aempervirens" 50 sterubergi. . . _ .- 49 sequoiae, Polyporites ............... 40 Sequoiites ............ 49 artus ............................ 48 langsdorfii ....................... 60 Sequoiozylou burgessi .......... - 94 da kotense. . . -.- . 94 ‘ laramense. moutaueuse ............. serrata, Aluus .......... Aralia-_.-. ..... Celastrus ............... Dryopteris.. .................. 38, 42; pl. 8 Eucommia ............... 39, 72, 77, 95', pls. 44, 45 Woodwardia latiloba ......................... 43 serratus, Celastrus ..... 72 Isoetiies ................... 46 serrulaium, Elaeodeudrou ....................... 72 sessiliflora, M'alapoeuua... - 68 Tetranthera ....................... - 68. 95 Sevier River valley ...................... 27 Sezanne, Paris Basin-.....-.. .; ....... 28 sezanuense, Cinnamomum..... 39, 66, 67, 68. pl. 66 Sheep Mountain coal field.. ........ -. 14 Siberia...-.......--.- --...._- ............ 29 silberlingi, Acer... .......... . 39, 76: pl. 46 simile, Viburnum-. .......... similis, Amelauchier ......... Artocarpus .......... simplex, Quercus ....... sineuse, Tetraceutron siueusis. Corylopsis ........... smilacifolia, Populus .................... Smilax grandifolia ............. _ 70 inquireuda .................... 66 smithsouiana, Ficus ............... 67 Smoky Butte, Montana...- 12 socialis, Laurus. .......... - 39, 67, 73, 85; pl. 27 solitarium, Viburnum .......... 39, 90: pl. 67 Somber beds ......... Sophora puryearensis. ~richardsoui .............. sorbifolia, Ulmus. 88 Sorbus grandifolia..-. 60 South Dakota, Bufial0.. 15 South Park, Colorado..................... _____ 25 South Table Mountain, ‘ 24 Sparganiaceae..........._...._..‘ ..... _ 50 S'parga’flium.......:_..___ .....2... ... 60 ‘ autiquum ................... 38, 51, 64', pl. 14 globipiies... ...; ....... 93 stygium... ................. 51 valdeuse ..................... 51 speciipites, Alnus.--. ........ 93 speciosissima, Camus ........ ‘. ..... 84 Ficus .................... 63 Tilia .................. 82 speciosum, Viburnum.... 80 spectabilis, Ficus ...... 77 Sphaeria auuulifera ................. 40 arctica. . . -. ...... 40 inierpuugens .......... ‘ 40 Sphagnum aniiquasporiies..._ . 93 Spheuopteris (Axplenium) elongaium ............ 44 (Dennstaedtia) burliugi ..................... 42 jorgeuseui .............................. spiuosus, Carpolithes ..... Spiraris bivalvis .................... Spirodela scutata ....... 52 Lemua .............. 51 spleudeus, Euouymus ................ 72 Spotted Horse coal field . ................ 21 Spring Creek, Montana.. 16 squarrosa, Ficus....._..1_......_._._._...._.,... 63 118 INDEX atagnum, Leguminoaites Page Tilia—Continued ungeri, Castauea.....-.. 53 Stanton, T. W., quoted.-... . oregano ___________________ 57 Geonamiles ............ 54 stantom‘, Vitis _________________ speciosissz’mm. 82 Glyptostrobus ________________ 49 Staphyleu minutideus __________ weedi ___________ 87 Juglans... 71 Staphyleaceae __________________ tiliae/olia, Ficus _________________ 63, 65 Populus. 77 statenensis, Androvettia _____________ tilioides, Viburnum .................... 39, 86, 87; pl. 67 Sabal-... ___________________ 54, 55 steenstrupi, Cissites ........... .... tinajorum, Elutocladuvs (Tazoditex) ______ .-.. 49,50 unitus, Rhus _______________________ 60 steenstrupiaua, Quercus _______ Titauoides primaenus _____________________ - 7, 19 ursina, Parthenocisms ........ .... 39, 81; pl. 48 Sterculia berryana ________ Tococa ____________________ usambarensis, Rhoicissus 81 coriacea ____________ Tohachi shale.. Utah, Coaivilie ....... heterodonta ___________ Tongue River... Sterculiaceae ____________ ___________ Henefer... .....- Tongue River Basin ............ atembergi, Sequoia ___________ 27 ______ 23 Summit County. 27 .............. Tongue River member...... 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 utahensis, Carpites....- 95 steveusoni, Betula ___________ .. 38,67, 95; pl. 20 torellz', Hemitelites ___________ Laurus .............. 63 Stiliwater River, Montana. ... .......... 16 Torrejon formation straminea, Quercus ................... 86 Term/a _____________ V striata, Nelumbites.- ........ 83 borealis _________ vagam, Pterospermites __________________________ 49 striatus, Nymphaeites. - - ...... 83 term/i, Myrica ________ vuldense, Sparganium __________ 51 ”mini, Camus _______________ 63,67, 77 Myrtophg/llumun valdmsis, Quercus... 56 stygium, Spargauium ................ 51 Torreyites tyrrellii ,,,,,,, validus, Taziles... ______________ 50 subcylz‘udricum, Palmocarptm _____________ 39, «90; pl. 67 Trapa ___________ veuasa, Phyllitea.. . . ______ 87 subfalcatum, Dryophyllum. . . _______________ 15,59 angulata___ veuusta, Linden. ..- 68 subrotundata, Papulus ______ 65 cuueata ________ ocra, Cinnamamum ..... aubtruncata, Ficus ___________________ 39, 63; pl. 25 microphyllum veripites, Carl/u ________ sulcatus, Oarpites ___________________ 87 paulula_._. Vermejo formation.... sullm’, Quercus _________________ 38,69, 95; DIS. 23, 27, 57 Trapaceae _____________ aupercretacea, Anemia. . ....... 44 Vermillion Creek, Wyoming ________ verperalis, Asimina. verrucosus, Carpites __________ Swank formation. . . sylvulica, Nyasa _____ syluestris, Agathamus trianoulosus, Carpiles Tribalelz’, Ilez ,,,,,, Tricmtes sp _____ Tr' at verus, Melastomitea ______________________ wer ops _________ . . . . aymbolicuz, Tetraclaeuadon tricuspiduta, Cissus. ___________________ 73 “bug“fdf‘l' F’”“"~-~ :2 s s ...... Purthenocissus (Ampelopsis)... ______ 78 (21:21:22: I 80 T tricuspidatum, Acer trilobatum _______ ._._ 64, 65 , . ““““““““““““““ Tatman formation _____________________________ 23 Trim” mimbim ______________________ _ mbumazdes, Rims ............................. 65,80 lamina, Juglans ____________ . 38, 56‘, 77; pl. 56 trillioz'des, phi/[mes ________ Viburnum ................. 59, 62, 79, 81, 86, 87,88, 90 taurineusz‘s, Aralia... ........... 59 triloba, Aralia... acerz'folz'um. _______________ ._ 79 Celastrus _______________________ 65, 72 Neguudo.. __________ auceps __________________________ .. 78 Tazites olrz'ki .................... 50 trilobatum tricuspidatum, Acer autiquum..--l8, 36, 39, 65, 67, 80, 86', 87, 95; pis. 63, 64 validus ...... 50 triuervis, Fm“ __________________ trinervum ______ Taxodiaceae.. _____________________ ... 49 Macclintockia __________ asperum _________ ( Tazodites) tinajorum, Elatocladus _____ .-.. 49, 50 Phyllites.... Tazodium _______________ 49, 50, 94 Viburnum-. ___________ castrae ________ distichum ------------ - 94 trinerpum, Viburnum antiquum contorlum. distichum miacenum _____________ 49,50 Trinidad sandstone _____ crassum.. ____________ dubium..- 50 triphylla, Achlys ______ cuneatum. hiatipites. 93 Winchelliu ________ cupanioides. occidentale. ““ 49 triseriatim, Rhumnaciuium._ dakoteuse. . Olfiki ________________ 38, 50, 95; p15. 10, 11 trim'alis, Dombeyopsis _______ deutom ______ Tazozylou Sp’ '"' 94 Troohodendroz'des arctic/z _____ dichotomum.. Taylor marl ...................... 27 nebmscmm __________________________ elongatum _____ Teleodus .......................... 26 human, Ginkgo ________________ erectum .......... tenuz‘folia, Grewiopsz‘L. ..... 79 truucutum, Palmocarpou __________ finale .............. {Velwbo- ------------ - 69 TuIIock Creek coal field ______________ 1o, ”WWW“ ----------- “WWW“: NWWWW - 3”" Tullock member __________ 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20 lakesf: ------------ teuumems, Magnolza ...... . 71 Turtle Mountains, North Dakota ______________ lakes” ..... teuuirochia, Geonmuites. _ - - . 53 Tuscher formation. lanceolatum. ........ tertiarm, Partheuoczssus _____________________ 82 Tupha latifolz'piles._. limpzdum... . tesselatus, Cyperacztes ______________ 55 lyrellii, Abietites _______ macrodontum. Tetraceutron sinense ______ 70 ------------ Torreyites....-_.. ... Tetruclaedou sp _______________ .-.. 7 marginatum ______ Tetraclaenodon symbolicus _____ 8, 17 U ravenscragensi3_ Temmthera praecursorz‘a. 68 melaeuum. . ..-.. ........ sessiliflora ------------ 68, 95 ucram'cum, Oupressz'nazg/lon ____________ 93 monttmum ------------- Texas, Fort Davis. 27 (fl-”Megan ______________ 26 uewbern’anum ........... trans-Pecos region. 27 Ulmaceae ______________ 59 nordenskioldz' ......... Thanet sands ............ 29 ulmoides, Eucommm___ 73 oppositiuerve ......... thelypteroz'des, Alsophila.. _._ 43 Ulmus __________________ 60 paucideutatum ......... thermale, Sassafras....... ... 39, 63, 66, 6‘8, 95; pls. 33, 34 antecedens. _ 60 perfectum... thermalis, Juglans. . ”mum-font, ______ 94 perplezum.. _________________ Thriuat .......... japonica.. 60 plalanoides.. . ........ dorfi ........ 60 problematicum eocem’ca ------- orbicularis. - ........ 60 "'0’!”de —————— Thuites interruptus- praecursor _____________ _ _ _ _ g7 rotuudifolium. _. Thuja ----------- querci/glia____ SiMile --------------- colgatmsz's ...... rhamnifolia.... . solitarium ....... interrupta ....... sorbifolia _______ 88 speciosum ........................... Thujopsis europaea- _. . wardiL. 60 tilioz‘des ............. Tiffany beds ........... Tilia ......... 88 .......... 39, 6‘5, 72, 77 ............................ 59 ——'——’7 Drum; 119 Page Page Page Vincentown sand ______ 28 Wilcox group ____________________________ ___ 27 Wyoming—Continued virginiaua, Hamamelis. 72 wilcozensis, Apocynophyllum _____ . 83, 86 Sussex ______________________________________ 20,21 viridifiummipites, Carya _______ _ 93 Myn'ca ____________________________ 83 Wamsutter. _________________ 22 virletti, Caunophyllites ___________________________ 55 wilcoxiana, Amygdalus... wyomiugana, Bauhinia ___________________ 39, 74, pl. 43 Vitaceae _______________________ 78, 81,82 williamsi, Leguminosites ______ wyomingensis, Zamia._ __________ 38, 1,7; pl. 10 ___ 62, 81 Williston Basin, North Dakota _________ 12 womingizma, Ficus ______________________________ 63 _____ 82 Willow Creek formation........._-. .. 18 bruneri ______________________ 78 Willow Creek, Montana ________________ 8,17 X curbouensis. . . Willwood formation ........ . . _ , h A ______________________ Cuspldata _________________ wilmattae, Populus _____ rum oltthenszs, mpelopms 1: iuomiuata ______ Winch-elliatriphylla... Euonymus ____________ _ 72 ___. 82 wodam, Dwspyros ___________ Vitis __________________ _ 78 ___ 39, 82: pl. 56 Wolf Creek, Montana .......................... Xanthory—lu—r-n ' ' ' " 76 39, 82: pls. 27, 59 Woodwardia ___________________________ 37, 43, 44 """""""""""""""""" ______________ 82 arctica..._...._...._.._.._.._._._._ 38, 43, 44; pl. 7 Y crenata. . . . _______ 44 latiloba __________________________ 43 Yellowstone National Park _____________________ 22 stanton ___. __________ minor ________________ Yellowstone River _______ 2,3,6,9,11,12,14,15,16,17,19 xantholz‘thensis __________ serrata ....... Yellowstone Valley _____________________________ 2, 6 sp ______________ mazeni. _ . _________ yukoneusis, Marchautia ___- 40 vogdea-i, Betula ........ 57 Woodwardites arcticua. yulemis, Quercus ________________________ 38, 59, pl. 19 Woolwich beds _______________ W wrighti, Ceratozamia ________ Z Ward, Lester, quoted ___________________________ 4, 5 Wyoming, Banner ______ zaddachi, Populus._._ _____________________ 78 wardi, Acacia __________ __ 75 Black Buttes Station... Zamia _______________________ .- 47 Cinnamomum _______________ _ 66 Boars Tusk ....... coloradensis“ ____________ . 38, 47; pl. 10 Ficus .............................. 63, 78 Buffalo _____ wyomingensz’s _______________ -. 38, 47; pl. 10 Preissites ______________ ___- 38, 40: pl.4 Careyhurst. Zelkova ______________________________ 60, 73 Robim'a _____________ .. 39, 75; pl. 43 Casper ______ planeroz‘des ________________ 38, 60; pls. 22, 24 wardiana, Aralia ______________ ___. 64 Clareton: ____________________ zinckem’, Flabellaria _____________________ 53 wardii, Celastrus.. ____________ . 72 ........ Zingiberaceae... . 55 Marchantites ________________ 40 Douglas ....................... 20 Zingiberites dubius ________________________ ._ 38, 65 Prez’ssites _____________ 40 Evanston __________ 8 zizyphoides, Paliurus... ___________ 78 Ulmus _________________ ___- _____ 60 Evanston station.. Zizyphoides columbi..__ __________ 70 Wasatch formation... 8, 11, 12, 13, 18, 21,22,23,25, 26, 27 mackayi ______________________ 39, 78 Wasatch Plateau, Utah _________________________ 27 Zizyphus ........................ 78 weedi, Dryopteris ................................ 43 beckwithii ............ 78 Tilia ............ 87 cinnamomoides 78 Whetstone Falls ..................... 22 corrugatus ______ 78 whitei, Populus ...... 78 daphnogenoides,. 78 Pterospermites ........... distortus ___________________________ 78 Quercus .................... 39, 78; pl. 60 Whitemud formatiom. hendersoni ........ 78 White River formation. ............ hesperius ....... 70 whitmani, Quercus .................. Point of Rocks ................ 61 whumperi, Viburnum ......... Rawllns ........................... 22 7o wigginsz‘, Parataxodium ........ Rock Springs ............................... 22 61 // PLATES 1— 69 tes 4—69 are natural size unl ess otherwise indicated] ing to numbers see list on page 30. All figures oh pla [For locality details correspond //// t the Western outcrops of the type locality of t Snowden, Mont. 9) he Fort Union Marmarth, N. Dak. LATE 1 PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 P GEOLOGICAL SURVEY VIEWS OF CRETACEOUS AND PALEOCENE STRATA PLATE 2 FIGURE 1. Looking West at Cretaceous-P south of Fort Peck dam, M0 aleocene contact indicated by arrow 2. Pick rests on 0 , 13 miles ntana. 1948 (p. 1, 11). yster bed of the Cannonball member of the Fort Union formation, 150 feet above the Little Missouri River, left bank, 3 miles southwest of Yule, N. Dak. 1936 (p. 8, 12). 3. Right bank of Little ' shown in fig. 2. Bel n the middle of the bank and river level annonball member of the Fort Union forma- Corbula and Corbicula. 1936 (p. 8, 12). gue of the C It contains species of R 3’75 PLATE 2 PROFESSIONAL PAPE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY VIEWS OF CRETACEOUS AND PALEOCENE STRATA , west side of , Mont. 1946 (pp. 11,16). ', 5 miles southeast of Glendive, Mont. 3. Looking north at eocene contact indicated by arrow, at base of whitish beds in south face of , miles north of Baker, Mont. 1941 (pp. 11, 15). Looking northeast at Cre south of Rock Springs, Wyo. taceous—Paleocene 1941 (p. 11, 22). PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 3 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 4 VIEWS OF CRETACEOUS AND PALEOCENE STRATA FIGURES 1, 10. 2, 3, 8. 4, 6. 5. 7. 9. 11. 12, 13. PLATE 4 Marchanlia pealei Knowlton (p. 40). 1, 100. 8517; 10, 100. 4293. Selaginella collieri Knowlton (p. 46). 2, 100. 2420; 3, 8 (X 2), 100. 7004. Marchantia lignitica (Ward) Brown, n. comb. (p. 40). Loc. 2420, 6 (X 3). Calycz'tes polysepala Newberry (p. 89). Exact locality unknown. ' Preissites wardz' Knowlton (p. 40). Loc. 2420. Selagmella berthoudz' Lesquereux (p. 46). L00. 8779. Calycites heavaphylla Lesquereux (p. 88). L00. 9248. Selagz‘nella monstrosa (Hollick) Brown, n. comb. (p. 46). 12, Ice. 8249; 13, 10c. 4031. PAPER 375 PLATE 4 PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS 4...— FIGURES 1—6. 7. 8. 9—11, 18. 12. 13—16. 17. 19. PLATE 5 Oogonia of Chara spp. (p. 39). X 15. 1, 100. 229; 2, 3, 100. 9204; 4—6, 100. 9205. Hypnum coloradense Brown, n. sp. (p. 41). L00. 5738. Osmunda greenlandz'ca (Heer) Brown, 11. comb. (p. 45). Loc. 317. Lastrea goldiana (Lesquereux) Lesquereux (p. 47). 9, 10,10c.325; 11, 10c. 6105;18(>< 2) 100. 8258. Mm'um monlanense Brown, n. sp. (p. 41). L00. 8519. Allantodiopsz's erosa (Lesquereux) Knowlton and Maxon (p. 41). 13, 100. 318; 14,100. 6105; 15,100. 317; 16 (fertile), 100. 325. Dryopteris meeteetseana Brown, n. sp. (p. 42). L00. 4694. Saccoloma gardneri (Lesquereux) Knowlton (p. 42). Loc. 8897. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 6 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS FIGURES l, 2, 5~7. 3, 4. 8. 9. 10, 11. 12, 13. 14, 15. PLATE 6 Dennstaedlia amen'cana Knowlton (p. 42). 1,100. 4273: 2, 5,100. 8222; 6, 100. 8231; 7, 100. 5029. Blechnum anceps (Lesquereux) Brown, n. comb. (p. 41). 100. 8678. Anemia elongata (Newberry) Knowlton (p. 44). L00. 6084. Hymenophyllum confusum Lesquereux (X 3) (p. 41). Lee. 317. Osmunda macrophylla Penhallow (p. 45). L00. 8519. Saccoloma gardneri (Lesquereux) Knowlton (p. 43). 12, 100. 8678; 13, 100. 4029. Osmunda greenlandica (He/er) Brown, 11. comb. (p. 45). L00. 8519. 5 PLATE 6 PROFESSIONAL PAPER 37 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 7 FIGURES 1, 4. Onoclea hesperz‘a Brown, n. name (p. 43). 100. 7004. 2, 3, 5. VVoodwardz'a arctica 8519. 1, exact locality unknown; 4, (Héer) Brown, 11. comb. (p. 43). 2, Ice. 5030; 3, 5, Ice. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE ‘7 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS FIGURES 1—6. 7, 8, 13, 14. PLATE 8 Equisetum spp. (p. 45), showing underground tubers (1, 2, 5), and stems with sheaths (3, 4, 6). 1, 100. 2417; 2, 5, 100. 2414; 3, 100. 7538; 4, 100. 8240; 6, loc. 8164. Osmunda macrophylla Penhallow (p. 45). 7, 14,100. 9085; 8,100. 9084; 13, 100. 8248. . Lygodz‘um coloradense Knowlton (p. 45). 9 (fertile pinnule), 10c. 6105; 10 (sterile pinnule), 100. 8678. . Gleichenia hespem'a Brown, 11. Sp. (p. 44). 11,100. 8897; 12 (X 2), 16,100. 8519. . Dryopteris lakesi (Lesquereux) Knowlton (p. 42). Loc. 317. . Dryopterz's serrata Brown, n. Sp. (p. 42). Lee. 8678. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 8 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 9 FIGURES 1-8. Isoetz'tes horridus (Dawson) Brown (p. 46). l, corm with sporangia tipped by ligules, 100. 8548; 2, detached sporangia, 100. 8881; 3 (X 3), corm with circle of sporangia containing megaspores and microspores, 100. 8535; 4, corm with rosette of leaves, 5, tip of leaf, 6 (X 15), surface pattern of leaf, 100. 2420; 7, corm with leaf scars, 100. 5255; 8, corrn with rosette of leaves showing rectangular depressions, the external indications of collapsed in- ternal air spaces, 100. 2432. ———7 PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS #— FIGURE 1. 2~5, 8. 6,9,12,13. 7,11,15. 10, 14, 16. PLATE 1 0 Zamia wyomz’ngensz’s Brown, n. sp. (p. 47). L00. 5911. Ginkgo adiantoides (Unger) Heer (p. 47). 2, Joe. 8256; 3, 100. 8786; 4 (X 5), 5, 100. 2416; 8, 100. 9109. Zamia coloradensis (Knowlton) Brown, n. comb. (p. 47). L00. 8551. Taxodium olriki (Heer) Brown, n. comb. (p. 50). 7, 11, 100. 2420; 15, 100. 8549. Thuja interrupta Newberry (p. 51). 10, 100. 5030; 14, 100. 8897; 16, 100. 7989. —'——'—7 PROFESSIONAL PAPE R 375 PLATE 10 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS 593121 0 — 52 - 7 ‘________ PLATE 1] FIGURES 1, 2. Fokz'em'a cate nulala (Bell) 3, 7—22. Glyptostrobus 100. 8245; 20, 100. 8249; 21 4—6. Taxodz'um olriki 6, 100. 8549. '75 PLATE 11 PROFESSIONAL PAPER 3 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 12 FIGURES 1—14. Metasequoz'a occidentalz's (Newberry) Chaney (p. 49). 1, (foliage and seeds, X 2), 100. 8521; 2, 100. 8550; 5, 100. 4264; 6, 100. 4582; 9, 100. 8551; aments), 100. 8212; 13, 14, 100. 2420. 8 (cones), 10 238; 4, 7, Ice. 12 (staminate 4984; 3, 100. 8 11,100. 8165, PLATE 12 PROFESSIONAL PAPER 3'75 Y E V R U S L A C I G 0 L 0 E G MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS and foliage), 100. 8519; 6 fig. 6), 100. 5886. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 376 PLATE 13 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 14 FIGURE 1. Thrinax dorfi Brown, n. sp. (p. 55). L00. 8256. 2, 6. Sabal imperialis Dawson (p. 54). 2 (X }§), 100. 5886; 6, 8188. 3. Monocotyledonous leaf (p. 53). L00. 2417. 4, 5. Spargam'um antiquum (Newberry) Berry (p. 51). 4, 100. 8230; 5, 100. 2416. 7, 8. Amentotaxus campbellz' (Gardner) Florin (p. 48). 7, 100. 9109; 8, Ice. 4696. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 3'75 PLATE 14 Y E V R U S L A C I G O L O E G ANTS MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PL PLATE 15 FIGURES 1,4,6. Alismaphylh‘tes grandz'folz‘us (Penhallow) Brown, n. comb. (p. 52). 100. 8206; 6, Joe. 8227. 1, 4, 2. Carma? magm'folz'a Knowlton (p. 55). L00. 9200. 3, 7. Paloreodoxz'tes plicatus (Lesquereux) Knowlton (p. 54). 3, 100. 8188; 7, 100. 317. 5. Saba! grayana Lesquereux (p. 54). L00. 8672. 5 1 E T A L P 5 7 3 R E P A P. L A N 0 I S S E F O R P GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 16 FIGURES 1,3, 8—11. Hydromysm‘a expansa (Heer) 8212; 8, 100. 2420,- 9, 11, 2, 5, 6. Sabal powelh‘ 4. S Hantke (p. 52). 100. 8191; 10, Joe. 5512. Newberry (p. 55). Loc. 8519. abal grayana Lesquereux (p. 54). Lee. 317. onocotyledonous rootstock (p. 53). L00. 8678. 1, Joe. 4897; 3, 100. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 3’75 PLATE 16 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 17 quorum Newberry (p. 55). exact locality unknown; FIGURES 1—7. Carya anti l, 100. 541; 8224; 4, 2, 100. 8206; 3, 6, Ice, 5, 100. 8523; 7, exact locality unknown. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 17 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 18 FIGURES 1—3, 5—9, 13. Pterocarya glabra Brown, n. sp. (p. 57). L00. 8921. 4. Carya antiquorum Newberry (p. 55). L00. 5711. 10. Phyllites pagosensz‘s Knowlton (p. 88). Loc. 317. 11, 12. Pterocarya hispz'da Brown, n. sp. (p. 57). L00. 8920. 14. Credneria? daturaefolz'a Ward (p. 66). L00. 8920. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 18 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ALEOCENE PLANTS MEGASCOPIC P PLATE 19 FIGURE 1. Pterocarya hispz‘da Brown, n. sp. (p. 57). Loc. 8910. 2. Quercus macnez'lz' Brown, n. sp. (p. 58). L00. 8239. 3, 6, 12. Quercus greenlandica Heer (p. 58). 3, 100. 4010; 6, 100. 4878; 12, 100. 6171. 4. Quercus yulensz's Brown, n. sp. (p. 59). L00. 8239. 5, 7—11. Juglandz'carya spp. (p. 56). 5, 10,100. 5917;7,loc. 8910; 8, 100. 9198; 9, 11, Ice. 9112. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 3'76 PLATE 19 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS 8893; 5, 100. 36 his peracumina 10. Moms montanens . 1, 3 (catkin), 100. 4661; 2, 4, 100. 61; 7 (catkins), 10c. 91 09; 8, 100. 4984; 9, 100. 9199. la Brown, n. sp. (p. 60). L00. 7688. is Brown, n. sp. (p. 64). L00. 4032. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 20 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY J, MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 2] FIGURES 1~11. Corylus insignis Heer (p. 57). 1, 6 (X 3) (nut), 11,100. 2416; 2, 3, 8,10c. 9072; 4, 100. 8255; 5,100. 2414; 7,100. 9202; 9 (X 2) (catkin), 10, loc. 8519. 75 PLATE 21 PROFESSIONAL PAPER 3 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 22 FIGURE 1. Quercus asymmetrical Trelease (p. 58). Exact locality unknown. 2. Zelkova planeroz‘des (Ward) Brown, n. comb. (p. 60). unknown. 3, 4, 6, 7~10. Castanea intermedia Lesquereux (p. 58). 3, 4, 6, 100. 8928; 7, 100. 541; 8, 100. 9203; 9, Ice. 5836; 10, 100. 5495. 5. Quercus greenlandica Heer (p. 58). Loc. 6000. Exact locality PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 22 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS 593121 0 — 62 - 8 PLATE 23 7‘ Quercus sullyz‘ Newberry (p. 59)‘ 3, 100. 8552; 4, Joe. 8239; 5, 100. 24 FIGURES 1— 1, Ion. 436; 2, exac t locality unknown; 14; 6, 7, 100. 8886. .33 “— PROFESSIONAL ?APER 375 PLAT“ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 24 FIGURES 1~11, 13, 15, 12, 14, 19, 20. Zellcova planeroz’des (W ard) Brown, 11. c 4035,- 14, 20, 100. 24 omb. (p. 60). 12 10c. 14; 19, exactl ocality unknown. ————7 PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 24 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS ‘________ PLATE 25 FIGURES 1—6. Ficus subtruncata Lesquereux (p. 63). 1, 4,100. 8227; 2, Ice. 8551; 3, 100. 8516; 5, 100. 8901; 6, 100. 317. 7. Artocarpus lessigz'ana (Lesquereux) Knowlton (p. 60). Loc. 317. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 25 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS 4....— PLATE 26 FIG URES 1—8. Ficus planicosmta Lesquereux (p. 62). 1,100. 317; 2, 5, 7, 8, Joe. 8774; 3, 100‘ 7481; 4,100. 8188; 6, 100. 4876. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 26 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 27 FIGURES 1, 2, 5. Ficus afim‘s (Lesquereux) Brown, 11. comb, (p. 61). 1, 2, 100. 317; 5, Ice. 7481. 3, 4. Celtis newberryz‘ Knowlton and Cockerell (p. 59). 3, exact locality un- known; 4, loc. 9109. 6, 7. Laurus socialis Lesquereux (p. 67). 6, Ice. 4696; 7, 100. 4325. 8. Cissz'tes rocklandensis Brown, n. sp. (p. 81). L00. 5679. 9. Quercus sullyj Newberry (p. 59). L00. 8253. 10. Vitis olm’ki Heer (p. 82). L00. 8517. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 2'7 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 28 FIG URES 1~7. Ficus artocarpoz'des Les 100. 8910; 3, 100. 4369; unknown. quereux (p. 61). 1, exact locality unknown; 2 4,10c. 826]; 5, 100. 2416 ; 6, 100. 4625; 7, exact locality 8 2 E T A L P 5 7 3 R E P A P L A N 0 I S S E F O R P GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 29 FIGURES 1, 3—6. Platanus nobilis Newberry (p. 64). l, 4, 100. 2416; 3, 10c. 2414; 5, 6, 100. 5594. 2. Leaf of the existing Platanus occidenta/is Linnaeus, showing busilar lobes (p. 64). PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 29 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 30 FIGURES 1—4. Platanus mynoldsi Newborry (p. 64). 1 , exact locality unknown; 2, 3, 100. 2420; 4, 100. 8257. m E T A L P 5 7 3 R E P A P L A N 0 I S S E F O R P GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 31 ynoldsi Newberry (p. 64). FIGURES 1—6. Platanus m 10c. 2424. 1, 5, 6, 100. 4035; 2, 100. 4910; 3, 4, PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 31 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 32 FIGURES 1—5. Credneria? daturaefolz'a Ward (p. 66). ‘ 4975; 5,100. 8164 l, 3, 100. 2416; 2, 100. 7552; 4, 100. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 3‘75 PLATE 32 Y E v R U S L A C I m 0 E G MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 33 FIGURES 1—3, 8. Variant leaves of the existing Sassafras albidum (Nuttall) Nees (p. 68). 4—7. Sassafras lhermale (Lesquereux) Brown, 11. comb. (p. 68). 4, 100. 4665; 5, 100. 4874; 6, 100. 3852; 7, 100. 8551. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 33 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 34 FIGURES 1, 2, 4. Sassafras thermale (Lesquereux) Brown, 11. comb. (p. 68). 1, 100. 8887: 2, 4, 100. 3653. 3, 5. Laurophyllum perseanum Brown, n. sp. (p. 67). 3, 100. 3661; 5, 100. 2416. 6~8. Persea brossiana Lesquereux (p. 67). 6, 100. 7496; 7, 100. 4661; 8, 106. 5612. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 34 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS 593121 0 - 62 - 9 !_____ PLATE 35 FIGURE 1. Paleonelumbo macroloba Knowlton (p. 69). L00. 8673. 2—4. Nelumbz'um montanum Brown (p. 69). 2, 100. 8786; 3 (fruit), 100. 8262; 4, 100. 8227. 5, 6. Cabomba inermz‘s (Newberry) Hollick (p. 68). 5, 100. 9072; 6, exact locality unknown. 7. Paleonuphar hespem'um Brown, n. sp. (p. 69). L00. 7538. —'—'—" PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 35 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS 4— PLATE 36 FIGURES 1—5. Paranymphaea crassifolia (N ewberry) Berry (p. 70). 8553; 3, 4, 100. 8519; 5, exa 1, 100. 2432; 2, Ice. ct locality unknown. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 36 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 37 FIGURES 1—24. Cercz'dz'phyllum arcticum (Heer) Brown (p. 70). Leaves (8—11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22); fruits (1, 14, 23, 24); seeds (2—7, 12, 16, 19). 1, 2, 100. 3653; 3, 100. 8673; 4, 7, 14, 100. 5437; 5, 100. 8227; 6, 100. 8672; 8, 10, 11, 17, 100. 9334; 9, 100. 8188; 12, 16,100. 9130; 13, 18,100. 8567; 15,100. 8519; 19, 20, 22—24, 100. 8517; 21, 100. 317. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 37 22 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 38 FIGURES 1—17. Cercz'diphyllum arcticum (Heer) Brown (p. 70). Leaves (1, 2, 7—14, 16, 17); fruits (5, 6, 15); seeds (3, 4). 1, 100. 2416; 2, 100. 8234; 3 (left column in 3, 100. 8910), others, 100. 9125; 4, 9, 15, 100. 9125; 5, 6, 100. 4256; 7, 8, 10, 14, 16, 10c. 4264; 11, 100. 8167; 12, 100. 8556; 13, 100. 8540; 17, 100. 8774. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 38 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS i . 4 “w: ’3 i 4 ‘ :3: 3 :2 L5- 4 3% 9 «3' .. 3L ,‘ 4' r m.) 0 l .r a : ~ . g . 3 W, 17?: (g, 1. W ‘ H \ ,.. n, 42: «v . , H , , v PLATE 39 " FIGURE 1. Magnolia berryi (Knowlton) Brown, n. comb. (p. 71). 1100.5679. 2. Magnolia regalis Heer (p 72). Lee. 317 . ' ‘ ‘ 3. Magnolia borealis Brown, 11. name (p. 71). L00. .8523; ’ 4. Magnqlia magnifalia Knowlton (p. 71). Loc. 4882. ‘» . g. 3% 3 ti 43 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 39 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 40 FIGURES 1, 2. Quercus greenlandica Heer (p. 58). L00. 5526. 8. Kalmz'a elliptical Brown, n. sp. (p. 85). L00. 4661. 4—6. Hamamelites inaequalis (Newberry) Brown, 11. comb. (p. 72). 4, exact 10- cality unknown; 5, 100. 2416; 6, 100. 4977. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 3’76 PLATE 40 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS 3‘.‘ » . . V a» / gay J. "m . ’ v P as “5" & x ‘ . w C 1 1‘ , PLATE 41 Emfflzfis 1,2,4 Herospemim mam Ward (1). 82). Mac. 3918; 2, loc.-7y7761~;.4,rlaé“ i1 . 4625;, ~- , , ‘ ‘ ‘ ,_ , Bmv‘m, n. Sp.» (p.- 73). ‘3,.;5c;_133‘7,; 5; too, 4661 ‘ PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 41 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 42 FIGURES 1, 5—7. Rhamnus clebmm’ Lesquereux (p. 77). 1, 6, 100. 8672; 5, 7, 100. 317. 2, 8. Prunus careyhurstia Brown, n. sp. (p. 73). 2, 100. 8666; 8, 100. 8552. 3, 4, 9, Pmmus coloradensis Knowlton (p. 73). 3, 4, 100. 5738; 9, 100. 5836. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 42 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 43 FIGURE 1. Lindem obtusata (Ward) Brown, n. comb. (p. 67). L00. 5720. 2, 3. 4—6. 7, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12, 13. Prunus perita Brown, n. sp. (p. 74). L00. 8552. Robim’a wardi (Knowlton) Brown, 11. comb. (p. 75). 4, 6, 100. 9109; 5, 100. 9445. Ficus afiim's (Lesquereux) Brown, 11. comb. (p. 61). 7, 100. 5796; 8, 100. 4625. Probably a leaflet of Robim'a wardz' (Knowlton) Brown (p. 75). L00. 6440. Bauhim’a wyommgana Brown (p. 74). L00. 4877. Probably a leguminous leaflet (p. 75). L00. 8556. Mimosites coloradensis Knowlton (p. 75). ' L00. 6440. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 43 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 44 FIGURES 1—6. Eucommia serrata (Newberry) Brown, 11. comb. (p. 72). 1, 100. 2421; 2, 106. 5889; 3, 100. 2420; 4, 100. 2423; 5, 100. 4626; 6, Ice. 2422. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 44 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 45 FIGURES 1—7. Eucammia serrata (Newberry) Brown, 11. comb. (p. 72). 1, exact locality unknown; 2, 5—7, 100. 2420; 3, loc. 8552; 4, 100. 5889. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 45 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 46 FIGURE 1. Viburnum cupam'oz'des (Newberry) Brown, n. comb. (p. 87). L00. 8190. 2, 3, 6, 8. Acer newberryi Brown, n. name (p. 75). 2, 6, 8, 100. 2420; 3, 10c. 8910. . Asimz’na vesperalz’s Brown, n. sp. (p. 73). L00. 8774. . Acer sp. (p. 76). L00. 8910. . Acer silberlingz‘ Brown, n. sp. (p. 76). L00. 8567. Acer sp. (p. 76). L00. 9109. 4 5 7 9, 10 PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE I16 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS 593121 0 62 - 10 PLATE 47 FIGURES 1—8. Sapindus afim’s Newberry (p. 76). 1, 3, exact locality unknown; 4, 6, 100. 2416; 2, 5, 100. 8523; 7, 8, 100. 8678. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 376 PLATE 4'1 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 48 FIGURES 1, 3, 4. Parthenocissus ursina Brown, n. sp. (p. 81). L00. 8547. 2, 5—7. Rhamnus goldiana Lesquereux (p. 77). 2, 6, 7, 100. 8774; 5, 100. 317. 8. Ficus minutidens Knowlton (p. 62). L00. 7496. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 48 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 49 FIGURES 1—10. Rhamnus hirsuta Brown, n. sp. (p. 77). L00. 8519. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 49 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 50 FIGURES 1—4, 7—9. Alyrtophyllum torreyi (Lesquereux) Dorf (p. 83). 1,100. 9210; 2, 7,100. 8551; 3, 4, 100. 8677; 8, 10c. 8188; 9, 100. 8881. 5, 6, 10, 11. Zizyphus fibrillosus (Lesquereux) Lesquereux (p. 78). 5, 6, 106.8774; 10, 100. 8776; 11, 100. 317. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 50 10 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 51 FIGURES 1—18. Ampelopsz's acerifolia (Newberry) Brown, n. comb. (p. 78). 1, 16, 100. 8523; 2, 13,100. 8521; 3, 7, 12, 100. 4974; 4, 11, 100. 8774; 5, 6, 9, 14, 100. 8922; 8, 15, 18, 100. 2420; 10, 100. 4699; 17, 100. 9130. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 51 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 52 FIGURES 1—8, 10. Ampelopsis acerifolia (Newberry) Brown, 11. comb. (p. 78). 1,100. 8227; 2, 3, 6, 10, 100. 8517; 4, 100. 2420; 5, 8, 100. 317; 7, 100. 4699. 9. Cercidiphyllum arcticum (Heer) Brown (p. 70). L00. 3981. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 52 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 53 FIGURES 1—4, 6. Cissus marginata (Lesquereux) Brown, n. comb. (p. 79). 1, 100. 317; 2, 3, 100. 6431; 4, 100. 9252; 6, 100. 6416. 5. Seed of Vitis sp. (p. 82). L00. 9132. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 53 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 54 FIGURES 1-4. Cissus marginata (Les Joe. 6416; 3, 100. 317. quereux) Brown, 11. comb. (p. 79). 1, 4, 100. 7495; 2, PROFESSIONAL PAPER 3’75 PLATE 54 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PLATE 55 FIGURES 1‘3. Betulz'tes sp. Lesquereux, (pp. 80, 81), from the Dakota sandstone (Upper Cretaceous), Ellsworth County, Kans, for comparison with Cissus marginala. 4, 6, 7. Cissus marginata (Lesquereux) Brown, n. comb. (p. 79). 4, from the Mesaverde formation (Upper Cretaceous), south of Gallup, N. Mex.; 6, from the Hell Creek formation (Upper Cretaceous), east of Glendive, Mont.; 7 (X )é), from the Kaiparowitz formation (Upper Cretaceous) at Parowan Gap, Utah. The petiole is perfoliate. 5. Twig of Cinnamomum sp. (p. 66) with opposite leaves, from the Mesaverde formation (Upper Cretaceous) at Black Mesa, south of Kayenta, Ariz. ER 3'75 PLATE 55 PROFESSIONAL PAP GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS ‘; PLATE 56 FIGURES 1, 2, 5, 6. Afelastomz'tes montanensi 100. 7662; 6, Joe. 7005. 3, 7, 10. Vitis lobata 4, 8, 9. Juglans law .9 Brown, n. sp. (p. 84). 1, 2, 100. 8519; 5, (Knowlton) Brown, 11. comb. (p.82). L00. 8519. ina Brown, n. sp. (p. 56). 4, 9, Ice. 2423; s, 100. 4262. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 66 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS FIGURE 1. Viburnum cupanioides (N 2, 5. Dillenites garfieldensis Br PLATE 57 own, n. sp. (p. 82). L00. 8774. 3. Leaf with minute teeth (p. 90). Loc. 8774. 4. Probably a small leaflet 6, 7. Quercus sullyi Newberry of Frazinus eocem'ca Lesquereux (p. 85). (p. 59). L00. 8239. ewberry) Brown, 11. comb. (p. 87). L00. 5885. L00. 8774. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 3:75 PLATE 5‘7 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 58 FIGURES 1—12. Trapa angulata (Newberry) Brown, n. comb. (p.83). 1, 2, with purported fruits at centers of the rosettes, Ravenscrag formation, Saskatchewan, Canada; 3—5, rosette and separate leaves, 7—12, fruits, 100. 2420; 6, rosette showing fimbriated submerged foliage, from the Meeteetse formation (Upper Cretaceous) in SEM sec. 10, T. 46 N., R. 98 W., Wyoming. 13. Trapa paulula (Bell) Brown, I]. comb. (p. 84). L00. 7004. —7' PROFESSIONAL PAPER 376 PLATE 68 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS 593121 0 - 62 711 4—— PLATE 59 FIGURE 1. Camus hyperborea Heer (p. 84). Loc. 4871. 2—5,7, 12. Camus nebrascensis Schimper (p. 85). 2, 3, 7, 100. 8567; 4, 100. 8195; 5, 100. 4626; 12, Ice. 5389. 6,11. Ampelopsz's acerifolia (Newberry) Brown, 11. comb. (p. 78). 6,100. 8552; 11, 100. 2420. 8, 9. Koelreuterz‘a annosa Brown (p. 76). 8, 100. 9253; 9, 100. 9344. 10. Vitis olm'ki Heer (p. 82). L00. 9104. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 59 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 60 FIGURES 1—4, 6. Nyssa alata (Ward) Brown, n. comb. (p. 85). 1, 100. 8542; 2, 4, 6, 100. 2416; 3, 100. 8224. 5, 7*10. Phyllites disturbans Brown, n. sp. (p. 88). 5, Ice. 7659; 7, Ice. 4262; 8, 100. 6342; 9, 10, 100. 8563. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 60 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 61 FIGURES 1—3. Salim aquilina Brown, n. sp. (p. 55). L00. 9322. 4. Nyssa borealis Brown, n. sp. (p. 85). L00. 4981. 5—8. Phyllites demoresi Brown, n. sp. (p. 88). 5, 6, 8, 100. 4264; 7, 100. 8196. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 3'75 PLATE 61 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY at! if. F!!!" MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS '1, me. .5234: j ‘ PLATE 62 ; 7, ion. 4626. 8774, 6-, 10¢ .6105 m m x u m‘ L m , w, Fr 7” _ L. . S , m , m. F_ PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 62 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS VPLATE 63 _’_,.Ezaénms 198.7Vz'bumm: antiqaum (newbeny) Hollick (p. =s§)5.,t;1+77,71¢§ 8166. ' PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 63 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 6 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 64 FIGURES 1—3, 5, 7—11. Viburnum asperum Newberry (p. 87). 1, 3,100. 2417; 2, 100. 8885; 5, 100. 8520; 7, 8, Ice. 8678; 9, 10, 100. 9056; 11, 100. 607. 4. Viburnum antiquum (Newberry) Hollick (p. 86). L00. 9071. 6. A probable ancestor of Viburnum asperum (p. 87) from the Upper Cretaceous, 4 miles east of Reed Point, Mont. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 64 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS PLATE 65 FIGURES k8. Viburnum cupam'oides (Newberry) Brown, n. comb. (p. 87). 1, exact locality unknown; 2, 100. 6050; 3, 4, 10c. 2420; 5, 7, 100. 5889; 6, loc. 4625; 8, exact locality unknown. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 65 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS FIGURES 1—3, 6, 9. Homfltflrfi H)... PLATE 66 Cinnamomum sezannense Watelet (p. 66). 1,100. 8426; 2, 10c. 4571; 3, 100. 8777; 6, 9, Ice. 4725. . Palmately veined leaf, (p. 90). Loc. 8920. . Serrate leaf, (X 2) (p. 90). L00. 6215. . Ampelopsis acerifolia (Newberry) Brown, n. comb. (p. 78). Lee. 317. . Small leaf of Platanus raynoldsi Newberry (p. 64). L00. 9180. . Linden; obtusata (Ward) Brown, 11. comb. (p. 67). L00. 4323. . Magnolia borealz's Brown, 11. name (p. 71). Loc. 5579. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 66 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS FIGURES 1—4, 8. 5. 6, 7. 9, 14—16, 20, 22, 23, 27. 10. 11, 12, 17. 13, 45. 18, 19, 24, 25, 30, 31. 21. 26. 2s, 29. 32. 33, 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39—42, 47. 43. 44. 46. PLATE 67 Prunus corrugis Brown, n. sp. (p. 74). 1, 100. 9492; 2, 3, Ice. 4984; 4, 100. 4050; 8, 100. 541. A five-loculed fruit (X 2) (p. 91). L00. 8247. Maplelike samaras, but probably of sapindaceous affinity (p. 91). 6, 100. 9201; 7, 100. 9125. Seeds with papillose inner surface (p. 91). 9, 10 (X 2), Ice. 8850; 15, 22 (X 2) with small snail at left, 23 (X 3) same as fig. 15, 27 (X 2), loc. 6215; 16, 20 (X 2), 100. 9236. Flattened, carbonized fruit with scars (p. 91). Loc. 6382. Probably fruits with remnants of calyces (p. 91). 11, 100. 4626; 12, 100. 8566; 17, Ice. 8547. Nordenskioldia borealis Heer (p. 89). 13 (X 3), loc. 8913; 45, 100. 8887. Viburnum tilioides Ward (p. 87). 18, 24,100. 2416; 19, 100. 2414; 25, 100. 8554; 30, 100. 8774; 31, 100. 8255. Spike or catkin of seeds (p. 91). L00. 8519. Impression of a seed (X 2) showing pits arranged in longitudinal rows (p. 91). L00. 4618. Seeds with ridges and scattered glands (p. 91). Loc. 4264. Heart-shaped fruits or seeds (p. 91). L00. 8519. Viburnum solitam’um Lesquereux (X 5) (p. 90). Loc. 317. Elliptic fruit with a fringe of hairs or filaments (p. 91). L00. 8522. Oval fruit with several locules (X 2) (p. 91). L00. 8167. Palmocarpon subcylindricum Lesquereux (p. 90). Loc. 317. Oval seeds like figs. 33 and 34 but rounded at the top, not squarish (p. 91). Loc. 5667. Burlike objects (p. 91). 39-42, 100. 7538; 47, 100. 9109. Probably the fertile cone of an Equisetum (p. 46,91). L00. 6905. Longitudinal hollow studded with bilobed projections (p. 91). L00. 9130. Calyx of a flower (X 10) (p. 91). L00. 8774. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 67 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS FIGURES 1, 3—6. 2, 7—11. 12, 13. 14—16. 17—22. 23, 24. 25. 26. 27—29. PLATE 68 Leguminosz’tes coloradensis Knowlton (p. 74). 1, 6, 100. 4877; 3, loc. 5526; 4, Ice. 8551; 5, 100. 336. Roots with rootlets (p. 91). 2, 100. 8669; 7, 100. 4468; 8, 100. 750; 9 100. 9533; 10, 100. 8668; 11, 109. 6765. Pterocarya hispida Brown, n. sp. (p. 57). 12, 100. 8910; 13, 100. 6839. Sagittaria megasperma Brown, n. sp. (p. 52). 14, 100. 4268; 15, 16 100. 9129. Two-Winged seeds (p. 92). L00. 8910. Liquidambar dakotense Brown, n. sp. (p. 72). L00. 6384. Probably a stone fruit (X 2) (p. 92). Loc. 8913. Probably the glume of a grass (X 2) (p. 92). L00. 8913. Pedicelled flowers or fruits (X 2) (p. 92). 27, Ice. 9109; 28, 10c. 9125; 29, 100. 5595. ! ! PROFESSIONAL PAPER 3'75 PLATE 68 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE PLANTS FIGURES 1. oust/etc 5, 7,8 9,10 11,12,13 14 15—19 PLATE 69 Feather of an unknown bird (p. 92, 96). From a locality of clinkered shale about 10 miles north of Glendive, Mont. . Dragonfly (p. 96). Loc. 8190. . Wing of a cockroach (p. 96). L00. 8556. . Wing of a caddisfly (X 2) (p. 96). L00. 4976. . Views of a Champsosaurus vertebra (p. 96). Froma locality south of Watford City, N. Dak. . Gar scales (p. 96). Loc. 9342. . Tooth at left in fig. 9, Aphronorus, from Donnybrook, N. Dak. Third tooth from left, Tricentes, and all the remaining teeth in figs. 9 and 10, Claenodon, from 8 miles west of Medicine Lake, Mont. (p. 96). . Reptilian remains (p. 96). Teeth, 11, 12; claw, 13. Loc. 9342. . Scale of Amid (p. 96). L00. 8519. . Probably fish or reptile coprolites (p. 92). 15, from the Miocene on Salmon Creek, Wash.; 16—19, from the Paloecene at 100. 9564, 8 miles south of Rhame, N. Dak. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 375 PLATE 69 19 MEGASCOPIC PALEOCENE FOSSILS U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1962 O - 593121