EX Libris BEATRIX JONES 9 ' 3" a mull-mm II \“lxnmllllllm’ I.‘ 7. , ‘v ,, _ . O a - , '”) - I. . @2127" erg/léaazz/e, , ( #7 ‘ ' . x . é/72’flf72% — I , ‘1 / , ' ( «- ‘ REEF POINT GARDENS LIBRARY I The Gift of Beatrix F arrand t0 the General Library I University of California, Berkeley A LIST. OF Mr. Dixon, carpenter Mr. Geo. Dance, junior, furveyor Mr. Thomas Davis, mafon E. Edward Eyles, Efq; Mr. William Eyles Mr. Reuben Ettie F. George Flower, Efq; Rev. Mr. William Flower Mr. John Filkes, two'books Mr. John Feakins ‘ Mr. Alexander F ordyce Sir Francis F uf’r, Bart. Mr. Fennel G Edward Goddard, Efq; Thomas Hunt Grubbe, Efq; Charles Garth, Efq; Capt. George Garth Mr. Benjamin Glanville Peter Gauilen, Efq; Andrew Girardot, Eliq;~ Mr. Edward Gray ‘ Mr. John Henry Grofc Philip Griffin, Efq; H. Mr. John Horton Mifs Hafkett John Huger, Efq; lVIr. John Hicks Chril’copher Hake, junior, Efq; John Butler Harrilbn, Eifq‘; Mr. Nathaniel Hammond Richard Hoare, Efq; Henry Hoare, Efq; Benjamin Hopkins, Efq; Mr. John Hunt .SUBSCRIBERS. Mr. Henry Holland, junior Mr. John Hurf’c Mr. John Hanfcombe, carpenter at Clapham Mr. Francis Hiron, of. Warwick, ar- chiteé’r Mr. John Harrifon I. Rev. Mr. Innes, Devizes J. John Jacob, Efq; Rev. Mr. Henry Jacques Mr. William James Mr. John Jee Mr. Charles Jewfon K. Mr. William Keeling L. Thomas Liddyard, Efq; William Long, Efq; Wadham Locke, Efq; Mr. William Lander Lyonel Lyde, Efq; Nicholas Linwood, Efq; Mr. John Locke James Haughton Langfion, Efq; M. Paul Methuen, Efq; Mr. James hiaynard William Burrel Mafiingberd, Efq; Mr. John Mayo Mefii's. Merril, bookfellers in Cambridge N. Dr. Edward Nicholas P. Lady Pococke Edward Payne, Efq; Henry Plant, Efq; [ 8 ] PLATE IV. A fummer-houfe I 2 feet fquare Within ; the front is rul’ticated after the manner of an antique temple, and crowned with a pedement. 'PLATE V. A rotondo 14. feet diameter within the walls, with four ruf’ticated frontifpieces to the door and Win- dows, and a hemifpherical roof. PLATE VI. Another rotondo of the fame diameter, but orna- mented with Ionic pilafiers fupporting pedements over the door and windows, and covered with a dome. P L A T E VII. VIII. Plan and elevation of a circular temple, 16. feet diameter Within, adorned with a portico of the Doric order, and covered with a dome and cupola; the Whole height is 4.1 feet. PLATE IX. Section of ditto {hewing the manner. of decorat— ~ mg the infide with pannels of fiucco work 5 the four circular [ IO ] PLATE XV. Defig n for a keeper’s lodge 1n a park, with one room below and a chamber over it; the buildingi is circular and rullicated, and the door and windows arched; at a dif’tance it will have the appearance of a little cafile; it is 16 feet diameter Within the walls. PLATE XVI. An alcove with a Venetian entrance of the com— pofit order, the front is adorned With medallions and feftoons over them, and finifhed with a pedement crowned with three bufis, and in the tympan is a fhield with foliages. PLATE XVII. Plan of a fquare monoptere temple, having a group of five columns of each angle to fupport the roof, 1 which 1s iemiciicular. PL A T E XVIII. Profile of ditto, 1n the center of which 1s defigned a fiatue of the Belvidere Apollo , the four frOnts are alike, each hav1ng a frontiipiece of the Corinthian or— der, and it is afcended to 011 every fide. 1 PLAT l ‘2 ] PLATE XXIV. , Plan and elevation of an hexagonal temple in the like fiyle, with a window in each fide; it is 14. feet diameter, may be built with timber and Pcuccoed ' Within and Without. PLATE XXV. Plan and elevation of a banquetting room, 20 feet fquare Within the walls, with the addition of four de- mi octagons to the fides ; a battlement runs round the Whole adorned with twenty pinnacles. PLATE XXVI. A fquare temple flanked with buttrefles after the manner of fomc Gothic Churches 5 ithas a raked battle- ‘ ment in the front, and is 14. feet fquare, as marked in the plan. P LA T E XXVII. Another {quare temple in the like fiyle, With a carved pier at each angle crowned with ornamental pinnacles 5 the entrance is by a rich frontifpiece. . . P L A T E XXVIII. An alcove, decorated with coupled Gothic pillars, crowned with pinnacles and a battlement 5 the mea- fures are marked in the plan. P L A T E I4] tIement runs round above the cornice, with plain pin- nacles at the angles, and falfe windows in four of the 1 {ides to correct the appearance of too much dead wall. P L A T E XXXIV. Plan and elevation of a cott defigned. for Edward Goddard Efq; to be built under C/zfllydl—Cop fe in the county of Wzlts , the walls may be built with fueh Prone as the country aflOrds, and covered with rou gh call the roof to be thatched 5 in the front there 1s an octagonal room IO feet diameter which commands an extenfive profpeét 5 the meafures are marked in the plan. PLATE XXXV. ' Plan for a {mall Villa of two Ptories 5 the rooms are, 2 3 feet 4. inches long, and I 8 feet 8 inches wide, with the addition of two femicircular wings 3 in one is a handfome flair cafe, in the other the chimney, with {pace fufiicient for a large light Clofet behind. it. P L A T E XXXVI. Elevation of the foregoing , the finiilnng is with rough called itueeo, and rui’ticated windows; a Go- thi c zDbattlement runs round the whole, with pinnacles at the angles, to give it greater elevation. PLATE [ I6 ] PLATE XL. Elevation of the cal’tle comprehending two fiorie's befides the turrets, which are covered with waved roofs, adorned at the angles with crokett.work, and the Hair cafe, which is in one of the little towers, leads to the top of the building; the height to the top of the turrets is 4.2 feet. P L‘A T E XLI. Plan of a Villa built for Mr. Maymzrd near Devize: in the county of Wilts 3 the fituation is on the edge of a hill, which commands a fine profpeét of the ‘ country as far as Barb on one fide, and as far as Tet— éury on the other: as the ground was uneven, I have added the plan of the afcents on each fide from the lower to the fecond fiory 5 a circular quickfet hedge is planted round it, which feparates it from the com— mon field: the plan of the building is an equilateral triangle, couped at the angles, {0 as to leave {pace fuf~ ficient for a flair cafe in one angle, a chimney in ano- ther, and a large clofetin the third 3 the room is a re- gular hexagon as appears by the dotted circle, and I 5 feet diameter. PLATE XLII. Elevation of the foreooin ' the lower fiorv is ruf- . , 0 g ’ - 1 J treated, in front : all the other fides ol tnat {tory are environed [ fl ] vant to attend in 3 and on the left another for retire- ment; each IO feet wide, and 12 .long. 2? L A T E XLV‘II. Elevation of the foregoing 'deifign, the front is di— \ vided into three parts, correfponding with the divi— fions in the plan, and each crowned with a pedement 5 it extends 40 feet. P L A T E XLVIII. Plan for a temple of Fame, in a circle 20 feet dia— meter within 5 has four arched windoWs, and two tiers of niches between them as may be feen in the feelion. Ihave fuppofed the fituation to be fome~ what elevated, and the front afcended to by an eafy Hope, Which is expreffed in the plan. PLATE XLIX. Elevation of the temple of Fame ; the entrance is by a large frontifpiece of coupled columns to the C0- rinthian order; a ballufirade runs round the building, and a {latue of Fame, as if founding her trumpet, 1s placed on the top of the dome. PLATE ta. .m n“ K . m \ 1 Ba: ,3 .; ~2- \ ‘ «6 M f, s ? (. ’ i § 3 ‘ \y...,4._,-._,._ ,A...“ \ :2. ,. -: - . _- n5 . . \ ~ , r~~v- - I¢f~vqfixfl w~mnw A; ”4‘.- ....... 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