LEGEND + + Physical Features Limited access highway ___________ Street Railroad Parks, institutions, reservations and cemeteries Other features as identified Streams 1970 Census Boundary Symbols and Area Identifications UNITED STATES MEXICO WASHINGTON OREGON DE KALB CO, m m m mmhmw ■* m STEELE CO. International State County or equivalent area Census Tract Census Tract Number (Numbers greater than 9500 identify block numbering areas where no census tracts exist.) NOBLE Incorporated Place Incorporated Place Name Enumeration District (Other boundaries are also ED boundaries. ED boundary symbol is shown only where it does not coincide with other boundaries.) NOBLE* Incorporated Place coextensive with Minor Civil Division or Census County Division 1960 Incorporated Place boundary where different from January 1, 1970 boundary ED 50 S - ED 45 Ward or equivalent area Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District for which no boundary is shown (Usually a special type of dwelling, e.g., institution) Ward Number Block Number oooooooo Congressional District 15 Congressional District Number Asterisk indicates that this block number is repeated on an adjacent map sheet or elsewhere within the block Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Features crossed by these "Fish-Hooks" are not block boundaries Arrow is used to connect identification label to an area that is too small to contain the label. Urbanized Area Limit Unincorporated Place Rock Twp. Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Name DALE Unincorporated Place Name A A A A County Tie-In (Beyond this line ED boundaries are shown on other maps.) Selected Boundary Symbol Combinations Symbols can become confusing where several boundaries coincide. Frequently encountered combinations are illustrated. County and Congressional District ■Oaoao* Minor Civil Division or Census County Division and Congressional District Minor Civil Division or a Census County Division and Incorporated Place ■ ■■ ■ ■ Census Tract and Minor Civil Division or Census County Division 1960 Incorporated Place Limit where different from 1970 and Minor Civil Division Census Tract and Ward Minor Civil Division or Census County Division and Unincorporated Place Incorporated Place and County Tie-In Census Tract and Incorporated Place A A i Enumeration District and County Tie-In U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS METROPOLITAN MAP SERIES ALBANY, GA. URBANIZED AREA INDEX TO SHEETS 1970 Census of Housing BLOCK STATISTICS ALBANY, GA. URBANIZED AREA HC(3)—55INDEX TO CENSUS TRACTS ALBANY, GA. TRACT SHEET NUMBER NUMBER Dougherty County 1 2 3 4 5 2,3 1,2,3,4 1 1 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1,4 11 1,4 12 1,4 13 1 14 1,4 15 1,4 101 (part) 2,3 102 1,2,3 103 2 104 (part) 1,4 105 (part) 4 106 (part) 4 107 3,4 108 (part) 3 109 (part) 3,4 110 (part) 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This set of maps, and others in the series, was compiled by the staff of the Bureau of the Census, with assistance from a number of sources. The map compilation began with the quadrangle maps issued by the U.S. Geological Survey which provided the framework to which all other information was related. The staff of the USGS further aided this effort by modifying priorities to speed completion of those maps needed for the Bureau’s programs. Map information for this area, to reflect changes since the publication of USGS maps and to provide details, such as street names, not included in the USGS maps, was collected and sent to the Bureau by the Southwest Georgia Planning and Development Commission, Camilla. The State Highway Department of Georgia also assisted in providing reference data. The drafting work was performed by the staff of the Bureau and copies of the completed maps were sent to the Southwest Georgia Planning and Development Commission for verification and correction. Boundary data were developed with the aid of the Census Tract Committee and particularly the Census Tract Key Person for the Albany area and the assistance of municipal and county officials. This acknowledgment cannot begin to convey the warmhearted spirit with which aid was offered or the gratitude of the Bureau staff for the aid that was received. This map series was designed by the staff of the Bureau’s Geography Division while the production phases were carried out by the Geography Branch of the Jeffersonville Operations Division.sional Distr SURREY WORTH KEN GARDENS STUART WEX/FORD SHARON _trobr^c CASCADE Cong-re^si|Onah u ** o a 202 121 o itrict hillside [SPERING GEORGIA LAOY i |»RG IA . IONEL 12TH § CROWN HILL TROBR'i 11TH PARK 21 6* PINE NEEDLE LORETTA [ilwqrI park' jWILLOW fORE&T fP/NFSJ 'LAKE <$) ROSED SOCIETY RESIDE PARKER I SHACKLEFORD 1 ____EAR* J24 Residence^ FACTORY STATE •BROAD 102 « OGLETHOR HIGHLAN WEST! 978* 904 COVFNTRY pinetI Iree countrN L AX f 5 988* POPLAR, COLLEGE 308*' 903* CHOMLLrj WORLEY IUSLEY RO. .shanty theast EBENEZER CEM. cworth ennes ?5ANDY 'PLAINS CEM. V&MAOUAgl POZIER CHESTERFIELD COUNTY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT BOUNTY WEWTQN \LAKe. WHiTLOCK sylvan SMAOV Li |1 SYLVAN PAR) arietta ED 219B TV)*Ne. 6RQVER_ 'EOnont OCTAVtA NNESAW MOUNTAIN 219\\ *art \ ARIETTA INAL’-- BATTLI [LOCK ED 250A Part ED 22'6C--- Part iARIETTA :d!a Part . f? —v*' REVISIONS ED 230 33° 80' U. S. Deportment of Commerce Bureau of the Cemu^ Geography Division ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series 3000 MAP Cobb Co.. Go SHEET 1 L-22v>wR£ncevivV) 919* pleaSant\hill CHURCH \ 404* beaver Norcross Di Lawrenceville Di % NORCROSS * D3f f BEAVER RUIN CHURCU BEAVER Lilburn Div CREEK WOCKBRIDOE SINGLETON mockingbird LAKE GLOVER CHURCH CREEK SPENCES LAKE HHINUT 500F1 liA-wtsi)' >A5E HAP CflMBtfB l?M REVISIONS 33°54 902 901 927 U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census Geography Divisio ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET 0-23 ^“■"nett Co., Ga906* glen) 906* VERNON NEW HOPE ,6* CEM. VERNON. EDISON CEM' ■VEREUX 913* T>E KALB COUNTY WATER WORKS VALLE MEADOW LANE KINOSDOWN o OLSEN Df » 105 A moHAMFO^ 903* CARVER STREAM GASOLINE VALVJ GENTILLY GASOLINE IMURPHY^ L PARK LAKE WINDSOR MURPHY ^sj i CANDLER'' \ LAKE WALLACE DR. PEACHTREf Rustic ridgf 102 SHALLOWFO, BECKETT CHAUCERL LN fNS/GR VALLEY DR. t, JETT DR, DEKALB WAY 209 LITTLE LAWSON RUNNYMEADE DONALDSON. -Emo»iLS?M bubbling TALLY S\* PROSPERITY Tucker D lUENA VISTA ELIZABETK . WOOD Va JLLI07> 102 NORTHLAt iEWART PEARL MC CLAVEl [KADLEj 315 PEACHTREE GOLF COURSE 315* -Q-Z3 Cfie U. S. Department of Commerc Bureau of the Census. Geography Division ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET N-23908* 908* 930* 907* ED 205 IERWIO IILLW^ SEWEU. *' 909* jmoDEs_e.R 906* 908* 937* DALE 'JOHNSON FERRY BRIDGE LANDSOC 940* 908* R1VERSJJ •HISRERIN6 ^BERIQCE 906* /rtauntqn. ' 931 0B jAGAMORE^y 11LL OR^ ;fqxcrqf-cir Cobb D :aoow 7S?ek ZVi CT HiC 930* ional District 7 CHASE LA NO RO. UNDER coiewooo I ARROGATE LARKFIELD RIVERSIDE IV ' 402 lorell_ HEARDS 1 CEM. OVERMliL PAULEY 204* iKS HEARNE GREENHILL 3 WOOD MARYEANN* Greenland' [eachland ilLVERWOOQ 107 TIMBER laN^ OSNER OR. rWERVIEW_ UPPER GREENPINE 10NG_ [iUHOI \WAY / V 10l MONTf SPRUE, 'forest! VALLEY VALLI NANCY REVISIONS 927* 33 57 214* 405* 308* ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Ma[J Series U. S Department wr Commerce Bureau of the Census, Geography Division MAP SHEET M- 23 Cobb Co., Go. DeKalb Co., Go Fulton Co., GaNANCY Acworth - Kennesaw* Div. r_/pTJ 928* *cck\ MOnItEREY OR VALLEY 928* AcwortOS ■ ACKWELI ennesaw ED242A .Pari..-.; 306* 906* I220A KD 25< | [02405 a'/SjVNriELD LWOOO E WOOD CANNES »T 404 CITY CEM. ■EARWATER CEMETERY caIrrisqn dr. ; MARIETTA GOLF _____CLUB ;ngineers d> 314 DIXIE FREYDALE CLUB Dl LR2£Keri ITTLE RN TECMNICi «r. ED 234A_J Past. 234B ps*«v CARRINGTON WAY D 242A Part ... HENRY MAXINE 207* -gEECH Mariett AREA INDUSTRIAL ajagoojl US MILITARY RESERVATION 908* IARBER ENNESAW CAROLINA 304 .CONNECTICUT Lwoooi N«rtheas\ Cobb Div GEORGIA ED"24 ID Powder Springs Div RESERVATION FORCE BASE) ( DOBBINS AIR yrna q 908* PIERCE o^TIC AustellsoOiv BIRCHWOOO WHITFIELD 304* SHURMoop TuW ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series REVISIONS © Marietta Division (Port) MAP SHEET L-23 ’ l 25 L 2J 28 5 4 24 -K-M 6 1-24 7 M 24 320 * CASCADE 321 OR « 319 w > 322 mm ■ . 11 T sV £ 41 1 j s 412J =’"'" LARRY |j \ BELL 1 B 5 PARK J. J5 -V- 309 JR. I GLOVER L. ,,, p<2R -S.T WAY £y 203 < A siV r io6* s l-V MICXS dr TUMLIN DR a ~l PRINCESS LN i ^ \ « r 2,2 DR 1 < 1 JOHN^ - r„**ECH fPLENRQY DR Smyrna Div ^ ytOUN OAK TON <08 1 Smygna ^Dik 61-0 ; „ALC0TT pZpAK&V^ VALLEY MAGBEE 208* HONEVSUC*/ smerwoqo C LARWOOD [AUSTIN. LYNHURST 401* WESTWOOD VALLEY Vl( e£OM_ CT RUFF CEM*** 210* 1CONCORD CEM. it A UREL LAKE 905* ^ARADj; LUCINDA PL DONNA LOUETTA 905* ■IZZIE CIRCLE 904 906* 902* LAKE AVE KENWOOD PL ttWINOR 22i c DALE DR DRWY MABLE CEM \ PROSPECT RD lOOD^ MQNTICELLQ OR.* 207 MOSELLE DR-, 902* FERNDALE -^ONDA SUMHERUN *15310* | GERALD 119 MORRIS CARTWRIGHT 'UMMERV/^ C/RCLt 907* WAT*' Mableton Part 906. A^m ROBERTS corona oy a 103 COLLETT AVI 405* GASOLINE •• GASOLINf 306 407 IT^^RD LjKELANO DR. -VALLE- -A MOHT4R4 "r — CHEROKEE/ Jtown a ' .COUNTRY,' 'CLUB ( PACES HIGHLANO FER NCL.il PE CANTER 804 paces CRANE A(JSTE\> WAY BONVII LN Ibagley \\ PARK PEACHTREE nor^!I£n OELMONT x1tS0N, t(A»ENCH O&i INGS*^ ■ALEXANDER WESLEY WESLEY XENLO^ PEACHJREE •CjCHTRSS- E. WESLEY RO, L AKEVIEW ressional n\OOE JHOBERC 402 * ROANOKE iLLESL EY 409* .WOODLEY >DMONT CIR. _ _PEACHTRff 205 4/CARDOVA DR, 409" COLONIAL HOMES MEM Of sEN®£225— 202 .0SWOR^ IOdukhO- GOL^°^OURSE PARK | 8lonial FORK jtfTAL OVERBROOK BENNETT CAMOC CRESTLAWN ■ABOARD WOQSTWIAL CLVO- CEMETERY ECHOLS ST. CHANN/Nq 40 2\ .SlIRTZ » 403 BURTZ -L.OCAJL SPfelNfi. ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series B*» MAP LQMPIUP 19.64 REVISIONS MAP SHEET M-24 a K X a. -*] ofoS 10£ V) < o KIRBY aveJ log f • C X « § 312 | \ WIMBLEDON RD. 5 4 3 L-23 6 7 8 13 12 11 L-25 . "-25 CMATE AU * a: o 1 X 309 $ V 904y *ED ; biit964*^ 907* 906*' 2S/ ff Slfes ^ ^ 90c 104 /To3 / 11 / y * GOLF MBLEE ORTEGA WAY DAVID WO .DEKALB-PEACHTREE AIRPORT TOC***. HILLS 513 [tnewqod <3 'OGLE.THORPE COLLEGE 108 PARK ATLANTA COLLEGE FULLEI HENDERSON ROAD MAHVILLE M BRAITHWyp -TRENTWOOO, HJNLAnB k/t. .RICHWOOD DR iKYLAI [gRKS/DE m.329 ^CHTREE W^V. ILTSWALD ^S5«An PARK [lake m*oo£. ^225 \ \Ihqwm] 222 •tETHORl 904* I SYLVAN, SUNSET 103 * I •^PATTONjl L AVISTA OREENBlgii. SHALlWi^ ■INOENWOOD i I 404* Tucker COLONIAL tECHO \ -VENKINS Leadq*^ STANDARD GOLF -CLAIRMONT I PL GREENBHornf bfiBL brook’ ■fil^LLE ^09 • AIRMONT LaanflgL aJ 408 201 * iMlTHFiF, i DR 406 ACMfiSHr ALBERTA IIRKLAND DR. INWOOO RD. yp«u* :hilders ri 102 Jtomop JEIlson CASTLEROCK icANADIAN_ Saar'S ALTAMO», LALCAN KINGSLEY Stone ountain CITADEL TANGLEWOOD (STATE JS£BJNo ^»MLSON WOODS, CREEK (SOUTHLAND VISJA 920* /DEC/yruR [THOMPSON iPARK jARTESIA OtT WILLIVEE- DECA TUfr RESERVOIR 210* BtEkSfi °R -i^kLSl ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series BASE MAP COMPILED 1964 6000 FEET MAP SHEET N-24 DoKajb Co. Gw.innot Co.- 4 3 2 7 8 9 12 11 IL2S 10 _ -£bzal ||\Q7*f 201 j TER. *7 ill r GEORGIA^- 203 ° DUKE a 202 * F ¥ 204 | o 205 3 BRAGG tjj ,'2C){ ^ 213 {/ fj * iRAH’S IN. [z 211 \5 -,21 ! dr L 210 sable! *<] ac O 2 216 t i i 204 vJ F 101 W 102 I <^103 | PIPER DRJ WAY J® 104 ANTHONY DR. 106 FRANCINE P* 1 07 DR J ifii 1 iojj klNDOH 7~J^—I # CT. ROCKING 915* ,34. *UAN DR n 3i5*«/ * r^Kr ' IB* i?pi^ m*, JWL f= 205 bS 'a ntUri <202 1 ikJ 201LILBURN TUCKERSHAM \) ATLAS. ASHLET] THERESA r----CT PI NEC, ^S*F0RD_ RD. SMITH SONIA 302 ^IRCH 306 Lilburn HOWELL ^HANERed wood FLORENCE s>oe* ELMOALE SPRING VALLEY istricf ^4 920* 920* Mountain lMJTONWoc STONE MOUNTAIN MEMORIAL PARK 943* melwood CEMETERY STONE MOUNTAIN MEMORIAL PARK STONE MOUNTAIN MEMORIAL PARK 907* 910* 203 CASTLE PINES CT SnellvirTS>/ Grayson j0iv. 2^M 5.SS# J. S Department of Commerce Aureau of the Census, Geography Division ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET 0-24 DeKalb Co., Go. Gwinnett Co.. Ga.910* STONE KENILWORtl, torte Moun f>l HAfCPHriLtP HM MAP SHEET N-2S 7T\M 7 8 R.24 9 12 11 1° JL. 16 R-2* 22 _jfcH l.i° 5 l404^ 5 807 IRV* orV 80S 809 •WICK 806 M AiSn AVE 811 | |'I3IKV(3 1 812 12 li 519 CATALINA 1 109 m. S 518 ° MONTEREY 303 ; 302 M 7““N $/ 301J 304 £ itCAiug 305 j ^306® 309 / EXCHANGE / 308 Ml? AVE l/fei “LLk st yl r —icv SWET, /8? 1 CRESTvl J7*)9; ,c7.,0S 706 M MARCO 705 8 i KIATU. s s 1 307 J 306 lj, 308 OS 208 A 209 ¥ 229 1 Mi 306 f AVE >»TI MM 0 ua 3 u y ■ 'w 223* ] 1 MEMO wU EU £ 202 5 SAN JOSE OR b mi 15? Ss £1251* _BS 317* H ) ✓ T— / / 1 if 309 \ I ZHti&liLX— 1 / 3* *L 308 316 “■ 7° / RIDGE 317* * 4081. lo? X J5£5«j».n ^06^ ?g*H*WK KENNETH .*4*60 107* jett lake 904* gOLTON A? LEE D2 strict MOWELH CEM 'GARRETTS, BRIDGE JAMAICA Rj FULTON COUNTY AIRPORT SATURN allegro ■I^OUSTWIAL rAIRBU^, GREEN CEM. WENOFi, 906* LAKE CA EECA aakews TRIBBLE_____LN_ OAKC UFF OAKCLIFF RO. STATE TRAINING SCHOOL for girls CLEMENT TATUM 924* BUZZARD IFROOST [island^ 930* 906* Campbel CREEK WILDWOOD^ LAKE prings Div \SL A NO OR. 211 •ijpLLYOALE \LAKE LYNFIE LD 206* >AS£ MAT COMPILED 420 ED 319 20 T* 1344V U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Geography Division ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series 6300 FEET MAP SHEET L-25 Cobb Co., Ga. Douglas Co.,G Fulton Co.. Go 13Lithia Div OAHPORTH Lithia Div KINCSOALE OH. ,K!MSS LAKE ' USKtY LAK* IMMKLOCM \o \LOHONO \ . [lake yi VILLAGE, Campbell Part 407 INGLEDALE HILL ACRES ■g^ElGHTnii %+lXnl 212 LENARDO GILEAD 306 OWL ROCK CEM. CAMP GOLD<- •CITY OP"--- :EAST POINT -------.RESERVOII HAYOEH WALLACE lfern valley ■ATHEH_ CLUB KERRI LAKE TLANTA* BLACKROCK( LAKE l( iil^cHWooo goloe' :en valley cow a RT MT. GILEAD CEM. i^rcR (lake Fairburn Jnion City ED 837 PARK# gyjQLD AVC. ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET L-26 14 phy 53.55°405* / 301* -CANBV FONTAINE CIR- IRESTHAVEN jCEMETERY 401* 906* SHAMROCK- ■JOSEPH SKYHAVEN ORANGE BLO: PQ PLARCHEST 205*" , VALLEY OR. 906* \"» POWELL FOREST SARGENT 210 SPRINGSIDE CASTE MISTY WATERS ^country CLUB WHITES MILL LN. iMlSTY \909*, 'e astwyiTk CRESTKNCU 909* TIFFANY 204* \908^ .rEXFORD DR. 907* CLANTON 100LDERW00DS VISTA 108 CC^jjjF STAROUST CIR lLARIEI \ WAV BOULDERVIEW SHOALS WARREN BOULDERVII SHOAL 924 FAIRGROUNDS COMASSETT CT. ------ 920* LAURICE 909* CHESTNUT CEMETERY BORING APACHE ROOEO 202* C1 HILLCREST IgMATTj BAPPLI OAK GROVE CEM. 918* ssiona 933* US. HONOR FARM ECHAPEL ATLANTA Ignore 953* ■ihosoR 906* 906* ED432 906* ROVENA CONSTITUTION jfofaw. LAKE 930* L£°*H*TAN boulder 950* 950*" Constitution - Panthersville ED 434 948* CRAWFORD LANCASTER f 945 GRovt- -gE OAR 3 BOULDER-* I CREST vV, ! PARK 947* WARD LAKE 939* 84°20' ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET N-26 Clayton Co., Go. OaKalb Co , Go. Manry Co., Go. 12 M-15 11 N-ESj 10 «1, «N 22 18 M-27 17 N-27 ^NORGATE LnI & n* 1 1 \ *L a 5 "P X* 3 10 9* 108* S 107 PLUMA OR. 109* 8 106 POBBS E 105 KEY O o. g«as Biky BS B Ol REEN n ? cr B - o * 8*3 K a 601 HAVERFWO PARK- WAY OR 403 VICKI til i si LN. 402 FLI NTWOQD _ 404 \ “ \ 7 \ 701 i r \ 5 VELMA * CT % / 5 o 1 \ m I 1 H ^ r 1 If ~ J\ \ nr n / S ,/t J OSCORS RD fression al District 6S 310* — 9 13e|Campbellton D TRAIL. SUMERLEO L£arwel_o, FISH HATCHERY kTHCOCK FISH H ATCHERY SOUTHERN ™AMe/ UwENOOUWV Fairburn STONE -Pleasant ^ SPURGON COTTAGE GROVERS COLINA\ CT. OODSON RD. PARK turner ILONGINO ■IHEHURST HARRIS REVISIONS 905* 210 BURDETT RD DUNCAN MEMORIAL PARK J3 34 4° 36 • 4 29 U. S Department of Comma Bureau of the Census, Geography Division ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET L-27SHERWOOD MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY CUKES) POND/ RIVERDALE Fairburn (. 503 £ VILLAGE W 926* Jonesboro WARREN S$*!GHT [WALLIS CHURCH District Riverddle Div SOUTH SOUTH EXPRESSWAY AIRPORT WHALEYS PHILLIPS LAKE 1 *0*WM9 MUNDYS MILLPOND 84 °2I Morrow Div. 404.04 105.01\ Congressional District 5 626 33°3 d 33 50‘ US. Dapartmnnt of Com marc* Burtou of tha Cansus, Geography Division ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series Clayton Co., Ga. MAP - _ Foyatta Co , Go. SHEET Fulton Co., Go. M-28220* orrow Div ASKEW■ LAKES 908* 906* WRIGHTS LAKE STOO 914* 908* 908* '(ROCK HILL 1LAKE Jonesboro D ED5A -STEPHENS J-ITTLE COTTON Stock bridge SPIVEY S- THORNTON 0. ¥ McDonough Div i ADJOINING SHEETS 33P33 406.02 U. S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census Geography Division ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET N-28 Clayton Co., Ga Henry Co., Ga. 21920* JORSET WINS*'5 Lithonia 936*i 919* '/STEWART LAKE THOMPSON STRATFORD MILL CT Thompson W000ROW_ GREENVALE DR HAYDEN 3“**RY 944* ROCK lFOREST \ LAKE -SALEM ROCKLANO ersville Div Constitution ROCKl )ARABIA 'L AKE 930* N. GODDARD SOUTH ULAKE GODDARD Stock bridge iddle Rockdal ,3H(?ALS- *Q ftouth Rockdal^Div ockdale Div REVISIONS X.a6'df|n; -92Qlenwbod Div. isyosp_L— 235.03 CEM '-.Hoo/vr. Li FFt HARVEST HILL frT 5^39 Congressional District 6 84.20° |«*O.OOOFT {(A S. Department of Commerce, I U. 5. Department ot C Bureau of the Census '’raphy Division ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series DeKalb Co., Go. MAP T T ! MAP SHEET 0-26 Henry Co., Ga. Rockdale Co., GaPowder] Springs Div Austell Div AUSTELL GREYSTONE LAKE < Hiram AUSTELL .PENNS ) LAKE silver SHOES LAKE 0»OVf CHISM ^ LAKE brIOSL WILLIAM LAKl GROOVERS LAKE 1175* tOUGLASVILLE mill U. S. Department of Com Bureau of the Ceniui, Geography Division 24 1 6 23 13 14 5000 84°37 ATLANTA Metropolitan Ma AREA MAP 23 SHEET Doug Iding nazoED277, JENNINGS SHIPP. fED 277A Powder Sprii POWDER SPRINGS ED 276 HURT IMENT STATION POWDER ongressioiml District 7 Powdei/oprings Div, PINE ■gPOWNVIl I c CLAY ED315A :D279B Part / 2 912* 0 29 7A, SLOAN Si AUSTELL PART,- ED 279F Part \ Uhingto^ ED2#f Part fAustell Di ED 283 Part 912* I .* D 279 F Lithia S ATLANTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series (T)Mableton Div. (Part) (T) Austell Div■ REVISIONS MAP SHEET K-24 Hiram Div. 32 7* A22* ' 505^ 505 t^SOM I 84°44 4216 ILHAMS LAKE J ES 809A ROCK CRE ln: ^umsL Roswell Div POST Northeast Cobb haws Div □CEM lWILDWOOD LAKE Congressional pistrict 3 JOHNSON L LAKE STATE /AIKEN ^ I MEMORIAL \ CEMETERY South Div lAlkEN STATE JJAROLd [S C-SOUTH) 6000 FEET ncEM □ CEM CEM AUGUSTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP I SHEET 0-23Aiken / 808 (MISSISSIPPI rw5ll RIDGE JETHANY ' IEMETERY U 516* 'south /704 ICAgoufu a 301* SPAREST MUNICIPAL ip 325 C£ IIGHLANP// PART- f 404 HIGHLAND, Congressional District AIKEN MEAD GILBERT, KNOX I-MILLER. PALMETTO AUDUBON EVANS .HITCHCOCK # @ glenn] Aiken ]South D (HENRY WILSON POND 5000 CEM Par'f ED 13 -T. htAMPTnJ ED 72 -5g^STE. 902* EUCLID ED 60 ED 74 2 » / 306 (e I ue compj ED 101 903* 204* ■EAST) C-SOUTH) BASE MAP COMPILED 6000 FEET Meriwether Div Langley Div. 730,000 FT, (S C-SOUTH) Ij 1,730,000 FT.(S <;- NORTH) AUGUSTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census, Geography Division MAP SHEET M-24 Aiken Co., S. C. Edgefield Co., S. C Richmond Co,. Go.SUMTER NATIONAL FOREST Meriwether Congressional District 3 AUGUSTA CITY lLOCK AND DAM Evans Div ’MARSHALL POND Congressional Distric BO WEN POND 2037: 204 > JSPITAL GARDEN SPRINGS 'PARK LAKES MUNICIPAL HILLGIN- ■itiiLSINc 'vandiyere_ *hite :halk KISSING BOWER jlRLEY LAKE ROQSEV, EASY 908* ROCKY. ROSEDALE POND .STATE WILKINSONS POND 908* ■iiiiLEDGt 910* 909* ADAMS LAKE IIRG1NIJ ORDON TRUXTON LAKE 1 LOMBARD 520,000 FT.(GA-EAST) 550,000 FT. (GA-EAST)] BASE MAP COMPILED 1967 Evans Div. Harlem Div. 203* U.S. Department of C Bureau of the Census Geography Division AUGUSTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET L-25 REVISED APRIL 1972•Review ■CLEARWATER .\3LANE AVE 905* ED 101 BATH ED 54 WOOD ED 58 Augusta LIONS PARK * 601 WESTVIEW 101* CEMETERY ED 76 915* I JERRY c ST109- AUGUST^ ■^ED 47 Congressional District 3 TALMADGE MEMORIAL I PAINE fOSPITil Beech Island Div JED 90 90G* 904* Isville Div Congressional Distr ED 94 Part 902* South FT.(GA-EAST) C-S0UTH) BASE MAP COMPILED 1967 5000 6000 FEET REVI IONS I NORTH 1 asm SWELL LM 105.02 HOWARD 1ANADA CADDEN -Oiannf SILVEROALE CROSLEY ■MORGAN «ED117 105.03 D131 ED 141 STATE TRAINING SCHOOL Congressional District 10 Gracewood Div CARMICm POND STATE TRAINING SCHOOL TRAVIS STATE TRAINING -EAST) SSE MAP COMPILED 1967 6000 FEET lUo PART BOARDMANS ^ POND GORDON FORT FORT GORDON 108 _ MILITARY . RESERVATION Fort Gordon Div. EDI 11 1 hi 550,000 FT.(GA-EAST) AUGUSTA AREA Metropolitan Map Series U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census Geography Division MAP SHEET L-26 10 Richmond Co.. Ga540,000 FT.(S C-SOUTH) AUGUSTA* FIELD HORSE Gracewood Div ALLEN CHICHASAW LAKE CLARKES BAILEY point! BROWNS 1560,000 FT.(GA-EAST) ,700,000 FT.(S C-SOUTH) 1,730,000 FT.(S C-SOUTH)I 5000 AUGUSTA'AREA Metropolitan Map Series Richmond Co , Go. MAP MAP SHEET M-27 District 3 Congressional eech Island Div. JacksonLEGEND + Physical Features Limited access highway ___________ Street Railroad Parks, institutions, reservations and cemeteries Other features as identified Streams 1970 Census Boundary Symbols and Area Identifications UNITED STATES MEXICO WASHINGTON OREGON _ DE KALB CO. ""STEELE CO." International State County or equivalent area Census Tract Census Tract Number (Numbers greater than 9500 identify block numbering areas where no census tracts exist.) Incorporated Place NOBLE Incorporated Place Name NOBLE* OOOOOOOO 15 Incorporated Place coextensive with Minor Civil Division or Census County Division 1960 Incorporated Place boundary where different from January 1, 1970 boundary Ward or equivalent area ED 50 S - ED 45 Ward Number 245 Congressional District 223* Congressional District Number Enumeration District (Other boundaries are also ED boundaries. ED boundary symbol is shown only where it does not coincide with other boundaries.) Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District for which no boundary is shown (Usually a special type of dwelling, e.g., institution) Block Number Asterisk indicates that this block number is repeated on an adjacent map sheet or elsewhere within the block Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Features crossed by these "Fish-Hooks" are not block boundaries Rock Twp. Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Name Arrow is used to connect identification label to an area that is too small to contain the label. Urbanized Area Limit DALE Unincorporated Place Unincorporated Place Name ▲ A A County Tie-In (Beyond this line ED boundaries are shown on other maps.) Selected Boundary Symbol Combinations Symbols can become confusing where several boundaries coincide. Frequently encountered combinations are illustrated. County and Congressional District Minor Civil Division or mOMOmom Census County Division and Congressional District Minor Civil Division or a Census County Division and Incorporated Place Census Tract and Minor Civil Division or Census County Division 1960 Incorporated Place Limit where different from 1970 and Minor Civil Census Tract and Ward Division Minor Civil Division or Census County Division and Unincorporated Place Census Tract and Incorporated Place Incorporated Place and County Tie-In «An 9 Enumeration District and County Tie-In U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS METROPOLITAN MAP SERIES COLUMBUS, GA.-ALA. URBANIZED AREA INDEX TO SHEETS 1970 Census of Housing BLOCK STATISTICS COLUMBUS, GA.-ALA. URBANIZED AREA HC(3)—58INDEX TO CENSUS TRACTS TRACT NUMBER SHEET NUMBER 107.03 3,6 108 (part) 2,3,6 COLUMBUS, GA.-ALA. 109 5,6 110 4 Chattahoochee County Ga. TRACT SHEET 202 (part) 5,6,7,8 NUMBER NUMBER Muscogee County Ga. Russell County Ala. 1 4 301 4 2 1,2,3,4 302 4 3 1,24 303 4 4 1,2,4 304 4 5 4 305 4 6 4 306 4,5 7 3,4 307 4 8 3,4 308 4,5,6 9 3 309 (part) 4,5,6,7,8 10 3 310 (part) 5,8 11 3 12 3,4 INDEX TO BLOCK 13 14 3,4 4 NUMBERING AREAS 15 4 Lee County Ala. 16 4 18 4 9501 4 19 3,4 20 3 21 3 22 3 23 3,4 24 3,4 25 3,4,5,6 26 4 27 3,4,6 28 3 29.01 3 29.02 3,6 30 3,6 31 5,6 32 3,6 33 6 34 6 35 6 101 (part) 2 102 (part) 1,2 103 1,2 104.01 2 104.02 2,3 105 2,3 106.01 3 106.02 3 107.01 3 107.02 3,6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This set of maps, and others in the series, was compiled by the staff of the Bureau of the Census, with assistance from a number of sources. The map compilation began with the quadrangle maps issued by the U.S. Geological Survey which provided the framework to which all other information was related. The staff of the USGS further aided this effort by modifying priorities to speed completion of those maps needed for the Bureau’s programs. Map information for this area, to reflect changes since the publication of USGS maps and to provide details, such as street names, not included in the USGS maps, was collected and sent to the Bureau by the Columbus — Muscogee County Planning Commission, Columbus. The State Highway Department of Georgia also assisted in providing reference data. The drafting work was performed by the staff of the Bureau and copies of the completed maps were sent to the Columbus — Muscogee County Planning Commission for verification and correction. Boundary data were developed with the aid of the Census Tract Committee and particularly the Census Tract Key Person for the Columbus area and the assistance of municipal and county officials. This acknowledgment cannot begin to convey the warmhearted spirit with which aid was offered or the gratitude of the Bureau staff for the aid that was received. This map series was designed by the staff of the Bureau’s Geography Division while the production phases were carried out by the Geography Branch of the Jeffersonville Operations Division.tMo.opoy uu_ Columbus North B/GGERi PONG, mu LAKE/ MARY I) LOKEY .PORO TULAKE' BREWSTER i CT *7 BL ANCHFIELD DR — POND SPUN TY 923 MTNVIEfr Smiths Station - Salem BELGRAVE POMD -PARK RESERVOIR CROCK/ETT f ij 85°05' County lief In Line BASE MAP COMPILED 1966 6000 FEET ED 7A COLUMBUS D 14 107* 1 2 4 3 ZOLUMBUS, GA. AREA Metropolitan Map Series loo Co., Ala. Muicogtt Co., Go MAP SHEET M-24Waverly Half Div CEMQ STORY ) LAKE anthony LAKE Midland LAMBS LAKE J CHAPMAN PEASE LAKE CHAPLIN MUSCOGEE COUNTY FLATROCK PARK I FLATROCK PARK LAKE WHITTLESEY, •AUNG :metery Columbus BRADLEY HOLLAND TANK FARM FORT BENNING RESERVATION MUSCOGEE COUNTY 903* l*ncast^r BRITTON PONDS ED19 MUSCOGEE COUNTY 903* Harri* Co., Go. Muicogoo Co., Go. 2hi j- _L COLUMBUS, GA. AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET N-24.216* PtOUNTY AIRPORT FORT RESERVATION PARK MUSCOGEE COUNTY KING ARTHUR COLUMBUS .CARTER. Columbus Div 303*Yo, mm 204* Congressional LMITgHELL. 210*' 210* RESERVATION LANDING l STRIP 308* 20T ENCINA 202* ^ISAtIford GLENWOOD, MILITARY 120* WILLIAM LANDING STRIP .UMBUS 205* FortBenmng Div. U. S. Deportment of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Geography Division COLUMBUS, GA. AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET N- 25 cogee Co., Go.*301* [301*' Smiths _ftj2POSl_ 419* MOON LAKE p 301* SARK 407* 32ND 32 NO 204* 30TH. 905* 904* 26TH 326* 907* 904* 201* 107 20TH 907* 106> 109* " 302* * IPARK 107* 0* 408* 308* 201* 207* 40 7o 208*/ 304* 304*’ PORTERDALE ; CEMETERY 304* ~ 90'l*~ 1EMETERY 902* 901* 902* 85°05’ 85°00' 84°59 I240FT 85.00' 6000 FEET Spipi — LEE ^ i 904 ▼ A'X. 903 1 905 902 jgi figj. \ 910 7 \ V /91ll 906 909 907 | 1 (s S s S I 403 o 405 406 A l \ 28TH 1 SI— 402 407* EE 117* 39™ ST < O 11 19* 9 118 1 1ST 5L 120JI23 £ 2 >01 202 2 1ST 03 204 9 |208B "S® >A* - 3 2112 12 213 ST, 222 \g 211 B 216 7 fil \^k l / / 905 1 909 is 7TH % 6IH S3_> U a/ N.: 221 m 509 508 7 *881^ llfi-l ' . I 510 / 511 / 51 ' >21^/' 1 y' $1 \ y 211* 208* / 207 a&L-S / / W S _/ 204* 'sVlf ’'WUW :.yS / \ Biil >(910 n| 913* / llli / \ fc§| / 911 1 % \ ife _x /W 107 1 r 5 i4*vm2rf.1 / Mth pl/ / N 5TH_Pl=/ i.A ... I \ 103 \\\ M * 3 L_JI 109 S iSt : Irfe 901* RIVERDALE CE U. S. Department of Commen Bureau of the Census, Geography Division 202 s t 203 t 4TH ?0R* 207* ED 104 - COLUMBUS • Congrejsionc Districts COLUMBUS, GA. AREA Metropolitan Map Series Lee Co., Ala. Russell Co., Ala. Muscogee Co., Ga. MAP SHEET M- 25907* 206* '216 *^, 904* 902* er>y302 COLUMBUS PHENIX Cl 901* -10 TH_ 902* LAKE WILSONS POND KEYSTONE \lake POND \ Ladonia Div WARE ngressional Distri I SHEPHARDS LAKE Crawford Div. BROKEN 85°00‘ M0.6W FT 8505° 5000 S7B D 140 A ED MOB Columbus South Div ED 144 Srn -Fort Benni -JbD bt'"— niy / M l Ol|®J // RESERVATION / I FORT BE COLUMBUS, GA. AREA Metropolitan Map Series Russell Co., Ala. Chattahoochee Co., Ga. Muscogee Co., Go. MAP SHEET M- 26COLUMBUS PARK RESERVATION MILITARY FORT NICKERSON SI117C CARTER! *CT PHENI \^SWANN___ .GRAYOON/ AIRFIELD CALHOUN BENNING FORT RESERVATION GOLF COURSE ED 137B 6 201 MALONE RESERVATION MILITARY BENNING 102w FORT BENNING MILITARY RESERVATION ARROWHEAD. RESERVATION BENNING FORT KANDLE CREEK FORT BENNING MILITARY RESERVATION -Lwilight l \PlTn, ST HOFF FORT DIVISION GIBBONS division FORT BENNING MILITARY RESERVATION 937 Columbus South Div. 109 ngressional District ED 144 COLUMBUS, GA. AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET N-26 Russell Co., Ala. Chattahoochee Co., Go Muscogee Co., Ga.FORT BENNING FORT RESERVATION BENNING FORT BENNING RESERVATION RESERVATION BENNING MILITARY FORT >MC MUR RIN POND 'HARPS POND BENNING MILITARY RESERVATION OSW/CHEE^ FORT BENNING RESERVATION MILITARY U. S. Deportment of Commerce, Bureou of the Censusi Geography Division Chattahoochee Co., Go. Russell Co., Alo. FCRT BENNING Congressional District 3 . #/ Fort Benni Lado ma D v COLUMBUS AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEETFORT BENNING RESERVATION MILITARY FIELD RESERVATION Ladonia D, MILITARY RESERVATION _SWCETWA. 85°05' 7S0.000F1UU.A-EAS1 Crawford Div. X 310 U. S. Deportment of Commerce Bureau of the Census, Geography Division COLUMBUS AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET M-27 Chattahoochee Co., Ga Russell Co., Ala.LEGEND Physical Features Limited access highway ___________ Street Railroad Parks, institutions, reservations and cemeteries Other features as identified Streams 1970 Census Boundary Symbols and Area Identifications UNITED STATES MEXICO WASHINGTON OREGON DE KALB CO. ""sTEELE CO."" International State County or equivalent area Census Tract Census Tract Number (Numbers greater than 9500 identify block numbering areas where no census tracts exist.) NOBLE Incorporated Place Incorporated Place Name Enumeration District (Other boundaries are also ED boundaries. ED boundary symbol is shown only where it does not coincide with other boundaries.) NOBLE* OOOOOOOO 15 Incorporated Place coextensive with Minor Civil Division or Census County Division 1960 Incorporated Place boundary where different from January 1, 1970 boundary Ward or equivalent area Ward Number 245 Congressional District 223* Congressional District Number ED 50 S - ED 45 Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District for which no boundary is shown (Usually a special type of dwelling, e.g., institution) Block Number Asterisk indicates that this block number is repeated on an adjacent map sheet or elsewhere within the block Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Features crossed by these "Fish-Hooks" are not block boundaries Rock Twp. Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Name Arrow is used to connect identification label to an area that is too small to contain the label. Urbanized Area Limit Unincorporated Place DALE Unincorporated Place Name A A A A County Tie-In (Beyond this line ED boundaries are shown on other maps.) Selected Boundary Symbol Combinations Symbols can become confusing where several boundaries coincide. Frequently encountered combinations are illustrated. County and Congressional District Minor Civil Division or ■ QHO BOB Census County Division and Congressional District Minor Civil Division or a Census County Division and Incorporated Place Census Tract and Minor Civil Division or Census County Division 1960 Incorporated Place Limit where ■HBH K *■* X *!■* X *Hl&i different from 1970 and Minor Civil Division Census Tract and Ward Minor Civil Division or ■ mm HI ■ ■■■ HI Census County Division and Unincorporated Place Census Tract and Incorporated Place Incorporated Place and County Tie-In Enumeration District and County Tie-In U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS METROPOLITAN MAP SERIES MACON, GA. URBANIZED AREA INDEX TO SHEETS Culloden Bolin ibroke / / Zenith °S\ / CRAWFOF D CO.^'v PEACI CO. — HOUSTON CO. Warner Robins L^v—— 1970 Census of Housing BLOCK STATISTICS MACON, GA. URBANIZED AREA HC(3)—59INDEX TO CENSUS TRACTS TRACT NUMBER SHEET NUMBER Peach County MACON, GA. 401 (part) 5 Monroe County TRACT SHEET 503 (part) 7 NUMBER NUMBER Twiggs County Bibb County 101 1,2 102 1,2 103 1,2 104 1,4 105 1,2,3,4 106 1,2,3 107 2 108 2 109 2 110 1,2 111 2 112 2 113 2 114 2,3 115 3,4 116 2,3 117 2 118 1 119 1,2 120 1,2,7 121 1,2 122 1 123 1 124 1,4 125 1.4 126 4 127 3,4 128 3,4 729 3,4 130 3,4,6 131 4,5 132 1,4 133 (part) 2,3,6 134 (part) 1,7 135 3,4,5,6 136 (part) 1,4,5 Houston County 201 (part) 5 Jones County 301 (part) 1,2,7 302 (part) 7 601 (part) 3,6 602 (part) 3,6 Crawford County 702 (part) 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This set of maps, and others in the series, was compiled by the staff of the Bureau of the Census, with assistance from a number of sources. The map compilation began with the quadrangle maps issued by the U.S. Geological Survey which provided the framework to which all other information was related. The staff of the USGS further aided this effort by modifying priorities to speed completion of those maps needed for the Bureau’s programs. Map information for this area, to reflect changes since the publication of USGS maps and to provide details, such as street names, not included in the USGS maps, was collected and sent to the Bureau by the Middle Georgia Area Planning Commission, Macon. The State Highway Department of Georgia also assisted in providing reference data. The drafting work was performed by the staff of the Bureau and copies of the completed maps were sent to the Middle Georgia Area Planning Commission for verification and correction. Boundary data were developed with the aid of the Census Tract Committee and particularly the Census Tract Key Persons for the Macon area and the assistance of municipal and county officials. This acknowledgment cannot begin to convey the warmhearted spirit with which aid was offered or the gratitude of the Bureau staff for the aid that was received. This map series was designed by the staff of the Bureau’s Geography Division while the production phases were carried out by the Geography Branch of the Jeffersonville Operations Division.WD SHAKER N SEECHWOOD «F.SL£YAN_ FI 7 KENDALL H1LL_ GLENWOOD _*ATHRYN SPRUCEWOOD DR PINEWOODS LAKE k«pORT_ LATTIMQRE «inch6 aeon Div 122 i inches Ter ; ROCKETT lAUQUSON \ 107 R Averview ZEBULON Howard Div FOREST HILL aeon HEPZIBAH .£*000 FOREST EH&e \ APPLETON, \ Faia?J MAGO 'INEWOOP. NORTH 413 OVERLOOK AVE CANYON RD C3T7/^3\8* / N NANCE l STINSONVIl 316 c NEWTON 305^- J-AKEWOOP. *.CEM 317 PALACE EMPALE iERTHADALE iPARKER »VE Macon Div METHODIST ADUS 604* / 705 [MUTUAL ~707 tOOSEVi 708 lUGLASj ORPHANAGE / GEORGIA ’»r«ncu\3°4* ACADEMYV j M FOR THEX /fV | BLIND ***/ 1 ^p/ T /$/ 305 [308°- PONE- 617 | 61 HABERSHAM p AVE QAKHAVEN Macon CANDY IALKER hillcrestI -UASETER CARLI SL> TINSLEY 3AILEl PARA 216 .GREENbI CHURCHILL DIXON' meadow|brook 3t> MOSELV_ WILLO TOOLE 217 PARTRIDGE RICHA ----jn OAKDALE AVE 105 iTOVER BEuLS SUMNER ' f!L ilER ^13 : 1 MEMORIAL EUELL (INIFREC PARK |OXFORD iA-WEST) REVI IONS D 165 y - Griswold Div. Macon Div. .HO ED 164 ED 164 MACON AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET L-25 Bibb Co., Go Jones Co., GGriswold Div CREEK 4d 7\ ED 16 902* Congressional District (y ED 15 SARATOGA ijSESHOE jgAUJl -ALANDai.E 412 <£4ulap£^*- 414* BRIAR- , „ CLIFF ^OER IrELL 31 1 £ 3LIDAY °i CREEK, ED 44 FREEMAN LAKE ARROWHEAD 308 .AWRENCE SPRINGS ;HURLING 105 IQONE fBERTHA ---- DR HINSLEY AVE ?ENNIS 211 CORDELE AVE ELPIS, East wan. ^«A.VE ED 3 I 109 [DUBLIN -EXING- aHDALE COCHRAN AVE, wkinsvilleave FLEWELLYN PARK. aeon COWAN *.214 115 TEWART \STOR JJoakr WcemetI EMERY CEMETERY tj113* park' l SE HILL CEM^--' BETH ISRAEL CEM 919* ED 9 'FLETCHER l32K/STr‘ .LOMONO Mown NATIONAL MONUMEI SAWYER LAKE 103 ROSE PL AARON htOSPITAL ED 6 ^cemV V /V 904* ED14 -WEST) -WEST) U. S. Department of l Bureau of the Censu Geography Division )ASE MAP COMPILED 1967 6000 FEET Macon Div. ED 164 ED 165 MACON AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET M-25 Bibb Co., Go. Jones Co., GaED 10 HERBERT SMART AIRPORT^ J^OPlAR "203 RONALD, BLACK LAKE ED 13 OCMULGEE NATIONAL MONUMENT t HANSON «106 VELAND nocH ST 106 ANTIOCH AVILLE MEMORY MORELAND &£MainF, Swift Cr Congressional District PAINE FACTORY rOLD GAULL Macon and Div Twiggs South Div -WEST) U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census Geography Division iASE MAP COMPILED 1967 3000 6000 FEET REVISIONS TO ADJOINING SHEETS ED 1 601 Twiggs Narth Div ong re ssional\Di strict 3 ED 198 135 MACON AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET M-26 Bibb Co., Ga. Twiggs Co., Ga'“'"'".VjTpS1 SEMINOLE DAFFODIL MACON 203* oJ MEMORIAL 110* PARK st?(52 'colonial :oatei 204* FLETC 901* CRANFORD DENT . METRO HARRI: ATwoon 208 WHITFI '10 MONO* STAPLETON COBB LONG IN SON ROBESo., 308* * /franklin LEON CIR WALKER yWYNWOOD GRENADA 'GRENADA Macort DlV District _ORMfl] Hudson' DYKES LYNMORE O'HARA BEDDINGFIELD MORELAND ■ INOSEY _DHBGRAY 15 GREENWOOD, TER Y 109 'troupe LOCKSLEY J1ILLRIDGE / 116 'BURKE UCHARD DR IHATHAM toomb; TaR**" THOMAS PUTNAM 303 DAPLETCN 907* 907* 'gSiJitt ■fi-EASANr Jbrankston LAKE IGA-WEST! -WEST) )ASE MAP COMPILED 1967 4000 REVISIONS 905 FACT OR V MACON AREA Metropolitan Mod Series MAP SHEET L-26Macon /Div harh£1 golf course SUNSET DR ALLEN JgHITESJDF (CMILLIAN n» ROGERS HOLLEMAh TINSLEY S Rutland Div. v BRIDGE BRANCH GRIFFIN CHURCH SARDIS. WALDEN [NOU TRIAL , PARK AIR /PORT ^ INDulsTRIAL PA/RK Zenith Div rPAwroRD PEACH Congressional District 3 Warner (GA-WESTI -west: ifCOCHRAN FIELD) LEWIS B WILSON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT U.S. Deportment of C Bureau of the Census Geography Division MACON AREA Metropolitan Map Series Bibb Co., Go. Crawford Co., Go. Houston Co.,Go. Peach Co., Go. MAP SHEETNorth D Macon Div Rutlancl D Twiggs South Div AVONDALE AVONOALE (GA—WEST) MACON AREA EL> 1 135 Congressional District 6 n CEM (COCHRAN FIELD) LEWIS B WILSON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT U.S. Department of Comme Bureau of the Censut| Geog raphy Division Metropolitan Map Series 8ibbc-°“ IsheeTI A Twiggs Co., Go. M,7 %J H----h LEGEND Physical Features Limited access highway Street Railroad Power line Parks, institutions, reservations and cemeteries Other features as identified METROPOLITAN MAP SERIES SAVANNAH, GA. URBANIZED AREA Streams UNITED STATES MEXICO WASHINGTON OREGON DE KALB CO. "~STEELE CO* NOBLE NOBLE* 1970 Census Boundary Symbols and Area Identifications Census Tract oooooooo 15 Rock Twp. DALE AAA • ■ x 4Kt x x International State • County or equivalent area Incorporated Place Incorporated Place Name Incorporated Place coextensive with Minor Civil Division or Census County Division 1960 Incorporated Place boundary where different from January 1, 1970 boundary Ward or equivalent area Ward Number Congressional District Congressional District Number Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Name Urbanized Area Limit Unincorporated Place Unincorporated Place Name County Tie-In (Beyond this line ED boundaries are shown on other maps.) 586 ED 50 S - ED 45 fs-exA w Census Tract Number (Numbers greater than 9500 identify block numbering areas where no census tracts exist.) Enumeration District (Other boundaries are also ED boundaries. ED boundary symbol is shown only where it does not coincide with other boundaries.) Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District for which no boundary is shown (Usually a special type of dwelling, e.g., institution) Block Number Asterisk indicates that this block number is repeated on an adjacent map sheet or elsewhere within the block Features crossed by these "Fish-Hooks" are not block boundaries Arrow is used to connect identification label to an area that is too small to contain the label. Inset Map Limits Selected Boundary Symbol Combinations Symbols can become confusing where several boundaries coincide. Frequently encountered combinations are illustrated. County and Congressional District Minor Civil Division or a Census County Division and Incorporated Place 1960 Incorporated Place Limit where different from 1970 and Minor Civil Division Minor Civil Division or Census County Division and Unincorporated Place Census Tract and Incorporated Place momouom Minor Civil Division or Census County Division and Congressional District Census Tract and Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Census Tract and Ward Incorporated Place and County Tie-In Enumeration District and County Tie-In INDEX TO SHEETS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 1970 Census of Housing BLOCK STATISTICS SAVANNAH, GA. URBANIZED AREA HC(3)—60INDEX TO CENSUS TRACTS TRACT NUMBER SHEET NUMBER SAVANNAH, GA. TRACT SHEET NUMBER NUMBER Chatham County 1 2 3 3.99 5 5.99 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35.01 35.02 36.01 36.02 37 38 39 40 3.4.7 3.4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 3 3.4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 3 3.4.7 4.7 3 3.4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4 3 3.4.7 3.4.7 4.7 4.7 3 3.4.7 4.7 3 3 4.5 4.5 4 4 4 4.5 5 3.5.6 41 5,6 42.01 (part) 6 42.02 * 6 43 3,6 44 3 45 3 101 4,5 102 5 105 3,6 106.01 2,3 106.02 (part) 2,3,4,7 106.99 2,3,4,7 107 (part) 1,2 108 (part) 2,3,6 109 (part) 6 110 (part) 5,6 111 (part) 4,5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This set of maps, and others in the series, was compiled by the staff of the Bureau of the Census, with assistance from a number of sources. The map compilation began with the quadrangle maps issued by the U.S. Geological Survey which provided the framework to which all other information was related. The staff of the USGS further aided this effort by modifying priorities to speed completion of those maps needed for the Bureau’s programs. Map information for this area, to reflect changes since the publication of USGS maps and to provide details, such as street names, not included in the USGS maps, was collected and sent to the Bureau by the Chatham County — Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission, Savannah. The State Highway Department of Georgia also assisted in providing reference data. The drafting work was performed by the staff of the Bureau and copies of the completed maps were sent to the Chatham County — Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission for verification and correction. Boundary data were developed with the aid of the Census Tract Committee and particularly the Census Tract Key Person for the Savannah area and the assistance of municipal and county officials. This acknowledgment cannot begin to convey the warmhearted spirit with which aid was offered or the gratitude of the Bureau staff for the aid that was received. This map series was designed by the staff of the Bureau’s Geography Division while the production phases were carried out by the Geography Branch of the Jeffersonville Operations Division.Insert Idrakies point ONSLOW ISLAND ARGYLE ISLAND .CAROLINA tPort ’Wentworth L Div. »ED 12 \\ 5 art Porf Wentworth Div ISLAND Port Wentworth Div. | ED 1*2 Part ' ISLAND WILDLIFE NATIONAL SAVANNAH TRAVIS HELD FIELD TRAVIS District cj^DESDA1£ AVANNA Port WentwortfV Div TRAVIS FIELD KINGS ISLAND 106.02 LYNN GASOLINE TANKS ED 14A HUTCHINSON ED.32 ED.30 ity^-Div Garden City Div OIL TANKS MARSH POINT 106.02 PART ,ED 70B ISLAND (GA EAST) EAST)! ,C. SOUTH) REVISIONS 4000 5000 6000 FEET TO ADJOINING SHEETS D 7 | ED 5 'll \\\\ 4J. "n y 701. O — zzL ])) 1 M llO RO^—■ \ \ mz 1 \ 1— mV W -H U SAVANNAH (I NATIONAL JM WILDLIFE 1 RrlV'S REFUGE Insert ,^D 70E TRAVIS FIELD ED 70D Pooler—Burroughs Div. 108 iu u\ ^ s,-jL \\ "V II ONSLOW W ' \\\ U.S. Department of Coir Bureau of the Census Geography Division U> 2 3 L-25 4 M-25 SAVANNAH AREA Metropolitan Map Series Chatham Co., Ga. Jasper Co., S. C. MAP 1 SHEET 2 ! L- 24 1GARDEN ' ouisviu-E '•wiSr Garden LOUISVILLE SPIvey 80VERNOR, NOUSTry 213*°*] ^RPRISE [sr^dl *°°dlawi TvT 305 * canaT CANAL barber^ Reinhart- LYONS 30^ -PfXON 917*1 «iSt£AlR p^EANOB LAUREL GRQy£ 916* ■°EENRxDnf JODUBOhi 9urrou9^s ^iV 1913 * j ^ERQalf lMlTE^ STATE Savannah 0'v l46TH_ O/S^ W L^ASH 17 Hi RAW] QJ2GERAI LLoyp I^SKEgff ^ 'i^Eu { 2042? CIMarrom 1?CN£R .ALAWn Elton i^lSANT. ssionol OUU- — vpS0N JliSSAR Champtqm I^LDntm. RIMBALI [TATUW PINELANO ■ERman EENWJo serTl? HUNTER ARMY item” -gLINCAN SAVANNAH Jl'CKAM field Chalham 6000 EEET InoRTh) ■Rty^OR| I c^"'mel . n su s, BureauSOUTH’ ISLAND ^RNViEUL ISLAND BKRNVIELL ISLAND Gard®n RIVER •ED 990o ISLAND queens island ED 990 'FORT POLASM national M0' HASf^g VANNAH ■(hund®r^' CREEK ^SIDENI ^ENNSJXVAW rs? 1*90’ , CEW ?ERRy n Congre ■Wilmington / Beach ISLAND 'SEECh —7 H4«T 608 "• -Z*»ThQKW n-/®05 ^*£x:cnl 1a *o y ■austqk 0ATLAND (EG OR~L VANNAH *■ CLUB ) OATLAND 3\3* :METSRY ISLAND ion aHOLlC park ■oalims^ ft3n,rl BrASK4 6lJ r: i~Lt F^~ ED 206 [L0RIO4 / 602 .520 7-------- 903* GREENWICH CEMETERY _ sr LITTON, L^AMEEf pT~ ■TENNEsr 1*014*4 J E^vJ saff°l° field VENTURE IEMARSH 216* ;E(AETERy Island -temarsh (dog»Oo0 A avf7 N f \ \ 0 * < ED T72 *ort-hg4: L51ST r *02 ioT SAVANNAH ^'f0p0''rtKP "SOUTH’ >Ol* Reservation / 916* NAVAL RESERVATION 904* RESERVE 904* NAVAL Largs ongressio ED 213 RESERVATION FOREST 904* 904* 305 V leeward COMMUNITY ~ 306* NAVAL SUGAR MILL RESERVATION WAIPAHU HIGH SCHOOL . 105* SEWAGE \ .TREATMENT PLANT\ AND INCINERATOR 105 r" COURSE NAVAL 103 RESERVATION 908* ASH 'disposal SITE 902* WEST ED 243 906* PEARL 907* 903* 908* ARBOR 904* 909* 905* IASE MAP COMPILED I9SS HONOULIUL.I FOREST ED 198 U. S. Department of Comme Bureau of-the Ceniui, Geography Division HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series 300X3 MAP SHEET K-24 Honolulu Co., HawaiiAPOEPOE V-------res /akalakala 106 EWA FOREST RESERVE 101* 202* ! RESERVATION/ 906* I 2 Congressional Districts Ewa Div. Large ,^‘A RL HARBOR 157.99° r~ ^ 89.03 ED 210 NAVAL EWA FOREST RESERVE ED 225 —So* 299 67.01 HONOLULU* \ S-ED301 A Q Part ED 238 S-.BD 297 $i Part 8® MILITARY U. S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census, Geography Division HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET L-24ED 56 MOKU 0 LOE ISLAND MOKAPU, VALLEY KA N EO HE 212* 214* NAVAL 101* ' KANEOHE V STP ^ STATE 102* GOLF COURSE' RESERVATION 1 904 * STREA"_ NAVAL NEOME 107.02 ED 16/ '207* (EMORIAL PARK 207* 103.02 naSp 2 Congressional Distric s AtUarge WAN YOUTH (RRECTION FOREST 64.02 EH 335 rED 27 KAILUA ED 224 101* 21 40° ED 6 * ED 299 N 0 L U L U 67.01 RESERVE --“ ^dSL# HONOLULU* 101* ^FACILITY ED 66 157° 52 (Mofloorr.(H*«»ii| HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series U. S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census, Geography Division MAP SHEET M-24 Honolulu Co., HaNUUPIA POND MARINE MR ST/ KALUAPUH/ POND 901* RESERVATION KAPOHO PT POPOIA ISLAND .ALALA PT. KAWAWIUI FIELD MOKULUA ISLANDS MID PACIFIC COUNTRY ClUB HA ILEA PT. 109* ED 2 2 Congressional Distj^fs At Large 112.01 ED 67 Part ED 68 Part - 65 oolaupoko swa*w: ,J >/ 112.02 ED 68 Part l lWTl rHuiLl l l \~ MAUNAWIU / no y ED 66 u. S Deportment of Co Bureau of the Census, Geography Division HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET N-24302*] ED 78 0 L0 M ANA BELLOW S KAILUA GOLF COURSE FORCE BASE KAIONA MANANA ISLANP BEACH ED 26 Koofaupoko Div KAUPO Congressional Large BEACH 1 Y/\J LI OUOU •-.1061 PARK J-OREST SEA LIFE 128* \ PARK \COAST ED 255 1.03 HONOLUL -jt*AUNA sj / 103 [KALOPA ST / golfI I 105* ' COURSE ED 248 iOALENE'' KOKO HEAD IPAHUKULA, 107 1 10® KE0K1_ 157 75° )ASE MAP COMPILED 1966 INCH TO »OJOmn.G SHtiTS 6000 FEET Honolulu Co., Howai ED 38 -o 110 ED 66 ED 77 131 KAOHIKAIPU ISLAND ED 76 ED 261 D 257 263 D 265 57°40 57° 45 U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census_ Geography Division 3 M-24 4 6 5 9 M-26 10 N-26 HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET N-25208* 213* 901* ditch WAIMANALO FOREST RESERVE HONOLULU WATEl • REST RESERVE 104* S PR IN 6 ST REA*' >ED 287 1 213 flMANALO FOREST RESERVE OA-'HU >\Park WATERSHED FOREST RESERVE COgNTRY CLUB ED 75. EASY LULU* */ / 208 * Hono nuuanu a MEM. PARK A cem. 1 WATERSHED FOREST :serve '04*./ Congressional02’ Dist \CEM. $ FOSTER, BOTANIC S?®agRDEN ED. 28(K NATIONAL MEMORIAL 5 CEM ETI .THE PACIFIC &MANOA VALLEY Ll park . WATERSHED RESERVE rHONOLULU FOREST 101. 102* D508 102* .PARK ED 493 r >07 PACIFIC INSTITUTE ED 369 (AIOMAO/V <206 *y>JJ .VARNEY 'CIRCLE UNIVERSITY ED 433 201* ED 267 101* 301* WKEWALO ,00 BASIN'^ PA RK 202* ED 268 122 PARK ED4 35 I MO.OOOET (HAWAII) TO ADJOINING SHEETS REVISIONS 6000 FEET F°U QAF ' R MILITARY RES. STREAH ED 261 ED 26 ED 3 ED 9900 38.99 J. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Geography Division HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET M-25 Honolulu Co. , HawaiMILITARY RESERVATION FOSTER VILLAGE ISLAND FOR T^—" ‘SN AFTER MILITARY RESERVATI/ON 901* 208* sai z. r LAK E (AVAL STATION HARBOR H«PITAL COURSE GOLF 108* \ park U2Tt?09, ED 9950, J^o ONSBUBV LjM*203 SHAFTER RESERVATIi <2103., R£SErv, COURSE E© 541' -ZS*PAlo '■H3* \ /pARK / 227*' -HiL£N4 202* DEM., HICKAM 902* :ORCE BASE EAG 00 N 109 pV- HICKAM FORCE BASE Al R PORT ONOLU ED 9905 NAVAL RES E R VAT ION 103* KAPALAMA RESERVATION -*08CHEStcp ED 540 ED”S31 «A MEHAMEHA WORCHE3TER RES E RVATI ongresrsioTMil District At/vLarge golf COURSE NAVAL ..PESERVAT ION 3®* 905 4^ 902 military ESERVATlOf K AH A K'AAULANA ISLAND COAST GUARD ,910*| HONOLULU HARBOR ISLAND RAINBOW MILITARY 9( RESERVATION / NAVAL \ RESERVATION ED 512 JfS-ED X S233P(rED 9J952 S \ED t 181 7339 IROQUOIS POINT ETT242 / Epaft43 ED 543 Part / S L A N D ^ 4 507 U. S. Department of Commerce, BASE MAP COMPILES m6_ moo to «ojoihihc smuts Geography Division 7. . 0* TE IlfE , , , ;tyX> 2°?° »°° 5000 6000 FEET /\ 1 I 2 i?24 44= 0 -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .8 .9 1 MILE ^ InorthI 8 I 7 K-2»l L-25 t,. —*—h 9 HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series Honolulu Co., Hawaii MAP SHEET L-25OCH NAVAL \„' RESERVATION ^N AVAL 'n ' RESERVATION ^18* -2I»2I- ■S* .19 * RESERVATIOI AKAvjb^- [military Ireservatn • 932* I 914* MBT ROAD 2 Congressional Districts At Large iKA^ ! 02* GOLF COURSE 102* L**TCR OBSERVATORY TUULOAmpEACH PARK POINT STAT ION ISLAND NAVAL rASABLANCA STATION ■TRiPStS- BARBERS POINT C P C. PICNIC •ROUNDS COAST GUARD | AIR PARK1 E'D 235 I5«°00 •ro.oocr tihawai i i U. S. Deportment of Commerce Bureau of the Census Geography Division HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series Honolulu Co., HawaiiED 506 CRANt 101* ED 447 K Part ED 441a|^J &P442 C I ® S^hOtw OLULU PALEA POINT POINT ED 247 S7°40 U. S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census, Geography Division HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP I SHEET N-26 [ Honolulu Co., Hawaii»901* W AIAHOLE WAIAHOLE ^BEACH PARK VALLEY. 902* 902* 902* WAIAHOLE HOME STE ADS W A iAhOL E FORE ST RESERVE pULAMA AHU 0 LAKA ISLAND u, AHAKEA K AH ALU U POND PARK sWAlHEt, 90?* -i*dPELe WAIAHOLE FISHING PIER KEALOHI POINT jENEHi**- ED 58A ' 211 'ALLE' ^ED*4 KANEOHE POND TEMPLE'S THpV TEMPLES c A 103 ED 59 Part 103.01 ED 59 Part ED 60 Part Ewa Div. R E ED 219 ED 62 “ AREA J. S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census. Geography Division Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET M-23 ED 51iflail ELECTRIC KAHE KAHE POINT MAKAKILG' 2 Ccmgressional Districts At La BARBER POINT 1 SING " S-ED 194 NAVAL AIR STATION MALAKOLE MILITARY RESERVATION BARBERS POINT OIL TANKS JCAONJ. BARBERS POINT 11.01 ED 198 cm //reservation Ed 192 202 HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET J-25HILO, HAWAII HAWAII COUNTYT HILO, HAWAII HAWAII COUNTY 209 PART e 5000 ___1___ 1970 Census of Housing BLOCK STATISTICS SELECTED AREAS 'N HAWAII HC(3)—63 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 2 OF 3MAUI COUNTY, HAWAII AREAS Block Number 101 Census Tract Boundary Census Tract Number U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Incorporated Place Boundary----------- BUREAU OF THE CENSUS LAHAINA 1970 Census of Housing BLOCK STATISTICS SELECTED AREAS IN HAWAII HC(3)—63 3 OF 3LEGEND H-------1-------1------f Physical Features Limited access highway Street Railroad Power line Parks, institutions, reservations and cemeteries Other features as identified Streams 1970 Census Boundary Symbols and Area Identifications UNITED STATES ’’MEXICO WASHINGTON OREGON DEKALB CO. ’STEELE CO.” International State County or equivalent area Census Tract Census Tract Number (Numbers greater than 9500 identify block numbering areas where no census tracts exist.) NOBLE NOBLE* Incorporated Place Incorporated Place Name Incorporated Place coextensive with Minor Civil Division or Census County Division 1960 Incorporated Place boundary where different from January 1, 1970 boundary Ward or equivalent area Ward Number ED 50 S - ED 45 245 Enumeration District (Other boundaries are also ED boundaries. ED boundary symbol is shown only where it does not coincide with other boundaries.) Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District for which no boundary is shown (Usually a special type of dwelling, e.g., institution) Block Number 00GOOOOO Congressional District 15 Congressional District Number Asterisk indicates that this block number 223* is repeated on an adjacent map sheet or elsewhere within the block Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Features crossed by these "Fish-Hooks" are not block boundaries Rock Twp. Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Name Arrow is used to connect identification label to an area that is too small to contain the label. Urbanized Area Limit DALE Unincorporated Place Unincorporated Place Name Outer limit of block area (Symbol is shown only on sheets needed to indicate the report in which block statistics appear.) A A A A County Tie-In (Beyond this line ED boundaries are shown on other maps.) Selected Boundary Symbol Combinations Symbols can become confusing where several boundaries coincide. Frequently encountered combinations are illustrated. County and momo*Qm Minor Civil Division or Congressional District Census County Division and Congressional District Minor Civil Division or a Census County Division and Census Tract and Incorporated Place Minor Civil Division or Census County Division 1960 Incorporated Place Limit where different from 1970 and Minor Civil Division Census Tract and Ward Incorporated Place and Minor Civil Division or Census County Division and Unincorporated Place County Tie-In ▲ A A A Enumeration District and Census Tract and Incorporated Place County Tie-In U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS METROPOLITAN MAP SERIES HONOLULU, HAWAII URBANIZED AREA INDEX TO SHEETS INSERT - SEE SHEET 15 INSERT - SEE SHEET « 71 I PACIFIC OCEAN SHEETS 1 - 5, 8 AND 11 - 27 ACCOMPANY THIS REPORT TRACT 114, BLOCK 901 - CONSISTS OF THE OUTLYING ISLANDS WEST OF KAUAI CO. WHICH ARE PART OF THE CITY OF HONOLULU 1970 Census of Housing BLOCK STATISTICS SELECTED AREAS IN HAWAII HC(3)—63Map Index for Selected Areas in Hawaii AREA MAP SHEET NUMBER BLOCK STATISTICS COUNTY AREA MAPS METROPOLITAN MAP SERIES OTHER REPORTS Honolulu 1—5,8,11—27 HC(3)—62 Honolulu County Maui County Wailuku 3 GOLF "» )12* 909* 909* 9 MILITARY / RESERVATION I FOREST 916* NAVAL RESERVATION 904* 907* 904* 904* 904* 904* 904* ^Districts At ongressio ED213 904* KAMEHAMEH4 HONOULIULI FOREST 904* 904* 907* 305 LEEWARD COMMUNITY 904* 306* / * NAVAL / 306 915* SUGAR MILL RESERVATION 904* 'TREATMENT WAIPAHU HI6H SCHOOL , 105* SEWAGE \ TREATMENT PL,ANT\ AND INCINERATOR 105 r" COURSE MAVAL 103 reservation GOLF 908* ASH DISPOSAL SITE 909* 906* NAVAL DEGAUSSIf STATION N PEARL HAI NAVAL, 908* 910* RBOR 904* 909* REVISION ED 167 ED 198 38°05 LI, S. Deportment of C Bureau of the Centui Geography Division HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series 3000' - APOEPOE_____S3 •y'------105 /ttKALAKALA ST. 106 ANO TRAINING EWA FOREST RESERVE 101* 202*f reservation/ 906* / ,$£226 1 Congressional Districts Ewa Div. At Largfc KEAIWA heiau \state park FRANCIS BROWN WAIMALU COURSE *CAMP H. M. SMI MARINE CORPS PARK 905 LOCH 1LULU WATERSHED FOREST RESERVE 101# RESERVAT 311 \ MC GREW POIN1 harbor NAVAL RESERVATION \ 102* j ■SERVATf STATION LOCH IQLANI ^ RESERVATION TRIPLER ARMY\ HOSPITAL ^107 GOLF COURSE ( NAVA L AflT RESERN /moANALUA SUMARINE BASE NAVAL )RT SHAFTER BARBER POINT 'M80 ,RL HARBOR 89.03 ED 210 EWA FOREST RESERVE ED 225 f 299 67.01 * HONOLULU S-ED 301 i Part -t-ED238 S^ED 297 | Part V U. S. Deportment of Commerce Bureau of the Census, Geography Division HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET L-24MOKU 0 LOE ISLAND MOKAPU, VALLEY /OF KANEOHE ' PARK 208* nsJ POND 106 ^UAMOHALA. | 107__S] 101* ' KANEOHE v STP . NAVAL 102* GOLF COURSE1 102* NAVAL AWANENE NEOME ED 63 107.02 /207* .memorial park 208* 207* 103.02 HONOLULU 208* MlSP 208* PALI Istric, AtLarge HAWAII YOUTH CORRECTION FOREST __Z_ I_ I57B5® I57.80P ? I 26' ED 219 'ED 27 KAILUA 109.01 FACILITY ;. 157° 32 U. S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Ceniuii Geography Division HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET M-24 Honolulu Co., HawoiiNUUPIA POND marine KALUAPUH! POND KAPOHO PT. ISLANDS •UKAULUA PT POPOIA FORT HASE COVE ^ALALA PT. KAWAmUl FIELD COUNTRY CLUB POND RESERVATION NUUPIA CORRECTION FACILITY YOUTH FACILITY CORRECTION tInoisaE ED 2 108 ED 6 0 Part OCEAN 2 Congressional Distj^ts At Large 112.01 ED 67 Part ED 68 Part - 112.02 ED 68 Part ED 48 MAUNAWILI ED’66 U. S Deportment of Co Bureau of the Ceniu^ Geography Division HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET N-24 ED 38 ED 78 0 LO MANA BELLOW S AILUA O LOU AN A STREAM GOLF COURSE FORCE ED 70 MANANA ISLANp BEACH ED 26 Koolaupoko Div KAUPO Congressional P'Strict^ At Large .J MIL. I > BRAVO 2 Congressional Districts BITTERN OBSERVATORY ISLAND fASABLANCA_ •TBiSS^ BARBERS POINT CPC. PICNIC •HOUNDS COAST GUARD t AIR 103 'STATION 239 WE OCH NAVAL RVAT ED 202 5B°00 U. S. Deportment of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Geography Division HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET K-25 Honolulu Co., Hawaii1 >17 f£5i£*Ag u|l-, 902* 914* 902* 914* POINT ongrrssional Districts At Large 902* RESERVE FOREST 901* ^ALAIPALOA R*fc.POINT 901* \ANANU! 901* KAIPAPAU FORES1 .RESERVE ED 88 902* 102.01 KAWAILO 902* 901* 901 * 901* isr^ss1 6000 FEET 7 Part kuku KUKUIHOOLUA ISLET 102.02 ED 85 T\ Kool ED 95 100 5I+eA* Waialua Div. , ~ 010,000 PtjhmhJI U. S. Deportment of Commerce, HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series Bureau of the Census Geography Division MAP SHEET L-21 Honolulu Co.. Howai7 215* /PUPUKEA /BEACH KALU^ lUyKAUSi. 914* SCOUT PAUMALU --------) ^PUU 0 MAHUKA HE1AU (STATE HISTORICAL SITE) .maulukua 902* sfricts At 902* 903* DiAiTATlQtL 904* 904* 904* 904* 904* 904* 906* KAWAIHUI_ 914* ( \PUPUK RP /4/£V4 BAY ED 85 HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series U. S. Deportment of C Bureau of the Consul Geography Division MAP SHEET K-21 Honolulu Co., HawDILLINGHAM AIRFII 903* YMCA904*CAMP UKOA POND PUAENA POINT IALEIWA BEACH PARK/ KCW4U>j Tn] HALEIWA ARMY BEACH/4P KAIAKA POINT 906* LOOP AKULE KIAPOKO PLJ KIAPQKO 01 906* DILLINGHAM AIRFIELD ykLIUNA ?i 6r 99.01 ED 98 Waia ha Div. J5BB385M INSERT I SEE SHEET 16 ED 96 904* 100 W A / A L U A B AY Congressional Districts ^ Af Large HONOLULU IAREa...... Metropolitan Map Series U. 5. Deportment o Bureau of the C en Geography Divisi< MAP SHEET J-21 Honolulu Co., HowoiKAENA POINT t26_MAC£fiM£lU8—LZli— PB________ UAH. W J-21 16 17 25 tlL 24 —tn HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series902* 906* ST*t**_ 920* SUGAR k MILL 204* i'HOS- 1 IPITAL l 203* RESERVATION rynneL FOREST Congressional Districts At Larger MOKULEIA FOREST 903* Wahiawa Div RESERVATION 903* 903* SCHOFIELD BEAVER 903* 903* Div. -2i°3r EDI 15 Wa ianae ------------------Mto,OOO Ft IHAVAII) Honolulu Area Metropolitan Map Series U. S. Dopartmont of Co Bureau of the Cenius, Geography Division |. 15 U K-21 16 J 17 18 25 ] 24 23 MAP J-22 MILE Honolulu Co.. Hawaii904* 904* OPAEULA 2 RESERVOIR OPAEULA 906* RESERVOIR 906* STREAM^ At Large 908* 908* PUPUKEA HELEMANO RADIO STATION 1909* UPPER HELEMANO. RESERVOIR AVAL COMMUNICATION STATION - HONOLULU WHITMORE 904* Wahiawa Div 908* CITY a ^COUNTY OF''",'1 ^3 HONOLULU HI RESER VOIR 906* 907* 905* yRK1 901* SCHOFIELD/ SCHOFIELD RESERVATION SCHOFIELD IARRACKS IS8°00‘ 6000 FEET r - ED 95 A 145 1 95.05 ■ MM U. S Deportment of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Geography Division HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET K-22 18 kii K-12 Honolulu Co., Hawaii9Q2* WAIAHOLE ^BEACH PARK VALLE' 902* 902* pULAMA AHALUU POND PARK SSIO -MiPELE KEALOHI POINT ' 211’ 'ALLEY ir ED* 4 KANEOHE POND THE1- TEMPLES CEMETERY / C .fi 103 ED 59 Part 103.01 ED 59 Part Ewa Div. ED 62 U. S Dtporlmenl of l Bureau of the Censu Geography Division**JKAH£ Koolauloa Div 902* 902* RESERVE 902* SCHOFIELD BARRACKS RESERVATION CANON DAM 902* WAIAHOLE Koolaupokq FOREST RESERVE RESERVATION WA'IAWA RADIO TRANSMITTING RATION MILITARY RESERVATION HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET L-23 18 19 20 23 J 22 21 1 2 3 .. . Lzl* M-24 ♦904* 105* 908* 907* SCHOFIELD 108.**V BOTANICAL GARDENsT 103* 901* *AUKQh\ PARK > KU TREE RESERVOIR SCHOFIELD S- ED \p A Part/- 901* 901* Wahiawa Div KA LENA. HAPAPA_ RESERVATION COURSE 90-1* COURSE ■UDLOW •TRCR* 901* 903* R VAT I 0 N MILITARY RESERVATION 906 WHEELER 901* RESERVAT.il OPERATION. CONTROL, CENTFR PACIFIC 903* FORCE 902* 901* MILITOfY a RESERVATION/ 901* 907* 901* * EDr*14! WAiPian 901* 901*. HONOU LIU L 904* 904* 112* 901* YQft 911* 901* ▼ military RESERVATION 908* GOLF COUR TOWN 903* MILITARY RESERVATION 112* 112* 911* 904* 903* RESERVE 901* 910* 904* MEMORIAL gm. m '\ MILITARY® , a 2 Congy«»4ional Districts At Large 901* 910* 912* 904* ' MILITARY RESERVATI 912* 908^. GOLF 912* 910* 9 01* COURSE 904* 909* 912* U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Geography Division HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET K-23 17 18 19 24 23 22 26 1 2 K-A4 LiiA Lathews ave. c I SCHOFIELD B RE ARRACKS MILITARY E R.VATION \ \ 51* 1 ;jj|| v--v LEILEHUA GOLF r.miR«p iiTfiljWil^ 901* V* r\ , j L- 1 901* ' . c e M. 1 1 # F\5^ «• £^\xk. \ r 901* 1 / / i V. , ^ 1 — «* 1 MILE Honolulu Co., HawaiiSCHOFIELD BARRACKS FOREST RESERVATION SCmOF'IELD BARRACKS KAU*oruy. HONOULIULI 902* US NAVAL FOREST- NAVAL AMMUNITION DEPOT LUALUALE JCAUPUN^ A&s# KANE/UO PT ,LUALUALE/ RESERVOIR 909* T" LUALUALE I r0REST RESERVE SCHOFIELD BARRACKS MILITARY RESERVATION #AIA N AE ED 115 2 Congressional Districts At Large / STREAM ED 116 Ewa/Div. 86.01 ED 197 PACIFIC OCEAN U- S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Ceniui Geography Division eve.eee »t Mmnil HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP * Honolulu Co.,Hawaii SHEET O A J-23 tU —A 24IASE MAf COMPILED 1986 REVISIC NS ^ II£I 2* T« TYM ™J_ A HI L AH I POINT ED 106 WAIANAE 138*12' 138.20* HONOLULU AREA Metropolitan Map SeriesWAj9ANAE 97 ED116 chah"el LUALUALE I BEACH PARK D108 RESERVATION Wh»^5T ^jLoPlKA!*! ST ED120 NIULII NAVAL AMMUNFION DEPOT luAlUALEf NAVAI,RADIO STATION T".LUALUALEL FOREST RESERVE RESERVATION -----Tl8 >*L****^ \±9 SILlPARt-^ l--120 905* RESERVATION 905* [MILITARY [RESERVATION FOREST RESERVE 922 / MILITARY | RESERVATION NANAKULI / 2 Congressional Districts At Large Pnaval | tESERVATION NAVAL RESERVATION HONOULIULI FOREST RESERVE MILITARY RESERVATION MILITARY RESERVATION ELECTRIC POWER -o ED 197 86.01 Ewa Div. US. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census, Geography Division HONOLULU ARjEA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET J-24 Honolulu Co.. Hawoi 262l°2l‘ 21.35° P A C / F / C OCEAN ELECTRIC KAHE KAHE POINT 2 Cmugyressional Districts At La BARBER POINT J HQtfSING H CAMP NAVAL AIR STATION lOlVs MALAKOLE MILITARY RESERVATION OIL TANKS JCAOHJ. AREA ijCUHtLA. COAST] GUARD' BARBERS POINT MAKAKILO* Cf» A 11 RESERVATION "v 11 192 11* j* H ED 1 U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau ol the Census, Geography Division 138° 11' 07 honolulu’Xrea Metropolitan Map Series MAP Hawaii SHEET 07 J-2SLEGEND Physical Features Limited access highway ___________ Street Railroad Parks, institutions, reservations and cemeteries Other features as identified Streams 1970 Census Boundary Symbols and Area Identifications UNITED STATES MEXICO WASHINGTON OREGON DE KALB CO. • • m m I STEELE CO. International State County or equivalent area Census Tract Census Tract Number (Numbers greater than 9500 identify block numbering areas where no census tracts exist.) NOBLE NOBLE* IS oooooooo 15 Incorporated Place Incorporated Place Name Enumeration District (Other boundaries are also ED boundaries. ED boundary symbol is shown only where it does not coincide with other boundaries.) Incorporated Place coextensive with Minor Civil Division or Census County Division 1960 Incorporated Place boundary where different from January 1, 1970 boundary Ward or equivalent area Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District for which no boundary is shown (Usually a special type of dwelling, e.g., institution) Ward Number Block Number Congressional District Asterisk indicates that this block number 223* is repeated on an adjacent map sheet or Congressional District Number elsewhere within the block Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Features crossed by these "Fish-Hooks" are not block boundaries Rock Twp. Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Name Arrow is used to connect identification label to an area that is too small to contain the label. Urbanized Area Limit Unincorporated Place DALE Unincorporated Place Name ▲ A ▲ A County Tie-In (Beyond this line ED boundaries are shown on other maps.) Selected Boundary Symbol Combinations Symbols can become confusing where several boundaries coincide. Frequently encountered combinations are illustrated. County and Congressional District Minor Civil Division or a Census County Division and Incorporated Place 1960 Incorporated Place Limit where different from 1970 and Minor Civil Division Minor Civil Division or Census County Division and Unincorporated Place Census Tract and Incorporated Place MOMOmom Minor Civil Division or Census County Division and Congressional District Census Tract and Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Census Tract and Ward Incorporated Place and County Tie-In Enumeration District and County Tie-In U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS METROPOLITAN MAP SERIES BOISE CITY, IDAHO URBANIZED AREA INDEX TO SHEETS 1970 Census of Housing BLOCK STATISTICS BOISE CITY, IDAHO URBANIZED AREA HC(3)—64INDEX TO CENSUS TRACTS BOISE CITY, IDAHO TRACT SHEET NUMBER NUMBER Ada County 1 3 2 1,2,3 3 1,2,3,4 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 (part) 3,6 8 3,6 9 3,6 10 3 11 3,4 12 3,4 13 3 14 3 15 3 16 3,6 17 3,6 18 3,6 19 3,4,5,6 20 3,4 21 4,5,6 22 4,5 23 4 24 1,4 01 (part) 1,2,3 102 (part) 1 103 (part) 1,4,5 104 (part) 5 105 (part) 5,6 Acknowledgments This set of maps, and others in the series, was compiled by the staff of the Bureau of the Census, with assistance from a number of sources. The map compilation began with the quadrangle maps issued by the U.S. Geological Survey which provided the framework to which all other information was related. The staff of the USGS further aided this effort by modifying priorities to speed completion of those maps needed for the Bureau’s programs. Map information for this area, to reflect changes since the publication of USGS maps and to provide details, such as street names, not included in the USGS maps, was collected and sent to the Bureau by the Ada County Planning and Zoning Commission, Boise City. The Idaho State Highway Department also assisted in providing reference data. The drafting work was performed by the staff of the Bureau and copies of the completed maps were sent to the Ada County Planning and Zoning Commission for verification and correction. Boundary data were developed with the aid of the Census Tract Committee and particularly the Census Tract Key Person for the Boise City area and the assistance of municipal and county officials. This acknowledgment cannot begin to convey the warmhearted spirit with which aid was offered or the gratitude of the Bureau staff for the aid that was received. This map series was designed by the staff of the Bureau’s Geography Division while the production phases were carried out by the Geography Branch of the Jeffersonville Operations Division.<#A1ER^ CAPITOL BEACON BEACON FEATHER FLOATING FEATHER UNIOH FLOATING FEATHER AIRPORT BALLENTYNE CANAL STATE HWY Mlitvr, SYR INGA CANAL ARNOLD. SHIELDS BOISE MASON FARM CANAL ISLAND CANAL .CASWEU^ SU CKERS Meridian BARON CANA I r 110* BRADLEY FIELD AIRPORT ^ATTIE. GODDARD > ,/M.E MAN LATERAL ESTERFIELD LATERAL COUNTRY USTICK lateral slough HUNTER SETTLERS Meridia SWIFTS DOWNEY DOWNEY SUBLATERAL SUBLATERAL FOLK WESLEY ---MEADOWS ^^NFLOWER LATERAL HALSTEAD SLOUGI ICAROL EVERETT TERRACE LAWN MEMORIAL GARDENS COTTAGE CT CLOVERDALE 901 MEMORIAL FLORENCE WAY MERIDIA CANAL JERALD. nineaq. ■BROADWAY, DENTON TAYLOR CANAL RIDENSiySJ CITY' PARK CANAL CRENSHAW JSTATE RANCHITOS DR MONTVUE CASTLE *000 DR "cEDARWOOD :»« CREEK ?mile KENNEDY LATERAL OVERLAND WERLANO. i FT.(IDAHO WEST) BOISE CITY AREA Metropolitan Map Series ■l£H! NOURSE SOUTH 116.40° U.S. Deportment of Co Bureau of the Census, Geography Division CANAL LEMP 1 2 M-24 4 3 M-25 5 L-26 6 M-26 MAP SHEET 4 L-25 SOI'S E CITY VINCENT CRAWFORD [tarsee 1!££nbau( CANAL COLEEN. Boise C -££*mers VICTORY ■ICTORj VICTORY BURNETT IURCHILL RD LATERAL Meridian NEW CARLSO^. CANAL ^Gfj TMUf RAW5Q/V COLUMBIA HUBBARD Orchard Div 'HUBBARD, HUBBARD RESERVOIR IDAHO west: BASE MAP£SMPILED 1967 BOISE CITY AREA Metropolitan Mop Series REVI IONS MAP | SHEET 5 L-26 (1S3M OHVQI)•Id 416* CHAMBERLIN ROCKNEY ST SE^kBas; ELKHORr PENNSYLVANIA SPAULDING PALOUSE 208* E. M^R0S£. l-EXINGTOtt, CHERRY GALLAGHER LATfffAj CANAL RICHMOND BEDFORD 'ICTORY CATALI VICTORY El VICT &*EEM,iE VICTORY p^APSNa) 105 , i2£iMNDiy CANA ELDER CARTER WRIGHT GOWEN FIELD AIRPORT AIRPORT BERGESON BERGESON DIAMOND. INDUSTRIAL AREA 908 Boise Hills 0iv _F\yZMIl£ ELLSWORTH FAIRCH ILD HARVARD V, RESERVOIR 400,000 FT.(IDAHO WEST) BOISE CITY AREA Metropolitan Map Series : map i Ada Co., Idaho SHEET I £ M-26 Orchard Div. Boise CityLEGEND Physical Features H-----1----1----h Limited access highway Street Railroad Power line Parks, institutions, reservations and cemeteries Other features as identified Streams 1970 Census Boundary Symbols and Area Identifications This map set contains a large block numbered area in the central portion of the urbanized area which does not contain enumeration districts (ED's) and may be recognized by the absence of ED boundaries and numbers. This area is known as the "computer list" area for which addresses, recorded on computer tape, were used for the mailing of census questionnaires. For the area in which computer list enumeration methods were used, unpublished data are available by block group rather than by ED. Block groups are not defined by symbols on these maps, but each block group within a census tract can readily be identified by the first digit of the block numbers. For example. Block Group 3 in Census Tract 22 consists of all blocks in that tract with numbers from 301 through 399 that are not identified as being within an ED. UNITED STATES MEXICO” WASHINGTON OREGON _ DE KALB CO. _ STEELE CO.”” NOBLE NOBLE* OOOOOOOO 15 ■ ■ ■ ■ Rock Twp. DALE A A A ▲ International State County or equivalent area Incorporated Place Incorporated Place Name Incorporated Place coextensive with Minor Civil Division or Census County Division 1960 Incorporated Place boundary where different from January 1, 1970 boundary 586 ED 50 S -ED 45 Ward or equivalent area Ward Number Congressional District Congressional District Number Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Name Urbanized Area Limit Unincorporated Place Unincorporated Place Name County Tie-In (Beyond this line ED boundaries are shown on other maps.) S-ED Census Tract Census Tract Number (Numbers greater than 9500 identify block numbering areas where no census tracts exist.) Enumeration District (Other boundaries are also ED boundaries. The ED boundary symbol is shown only where it does not coincide with other boundaries except that it always appears to separate the computer list area from the ED area.) Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District for which no boundary is shown (Usually a special type of dwelling, e.g., institution) Block Number Asterisk indicates that this block number is repeated on an adjacent map sheet or elsewhere within the block Features crossed by these "Fish-Hooks" are not block boundaries Arrow is used to connect identification label to an area that is too small to contain the label. Outer limit of block area (Symbol is shown only on sheets needed to indicate the report in which block statistics appear.) Selected Boundary Symbol Combinations Symbols can become confusing where several boundaries coincide. Frequently encountered combinations are illustrated. County and Congressional District Minor Civil Division or a Census County Division and Incorporated Place 1960 Incorporated Place Limit where different from 1970 and Minor Civil Division Minor Civil Division or Census County Division and Unincorporated Place Census Tract and Incorporated Place ■OBQBQB l > I > I I Minor Civil Division or Census County Division and Congressional District Census Tract and Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Census Tract and Ward Incorporated Place and County Tie-In Enumeration District and County Tie-In U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS METROPOLITAN MAP SERIES AURORA-ELGIN, ILL URBANIZED AREA INDEX TO SHEETS 1970 Census of Housing BLOCK STATISTICS a nc a AURORA-ELGIN, ILL. URBANIZED AREA HC(3I—65INDEX TO CENSUS TRACTS TRACT SHEET NUMBER NUMBER 8521 31,32 8522 31,32 AURORA-ELGIN , ILL. 8523 32 8524 (part) 31,32 8525 32,33 8526 32,44 TRACT SHEET 8527 32,44 NUMBER NUMBER 8528 32,33,43,44 8529 43,44,45,56 Cook County 8530 44,45 8042 (part) 10,18,21 8531 45 8043 21 8532 45 8044 21,30 8533 44,45 8045 21,30 8534 45 8047 (part) 21 8535 45 8048 (part) 21,30 8536 45 8537 45 Du Page County 8538 45 8539 45 8412 (part) 33 8540 45 8413 30,33 8414 33 8541 45 8415 33 8542 45 8416 33,43 8543 45 8544 45,46 8417 (part) 33 8545 (part) 32,44,45 8418 (part) 33 8426 (part) 33,43 Lake County 8461 (part) 43,46 8462 (part) 46 8643 (part) 10 8464 43,46 Me Henry County 8465 46 8711 (part) 9 8712 (part) 9 Kane County 8713 (part) 9,10 8714 9,10 8501 9,10,18,19 8502 18 Will County 8503 18,19 8504 18,19 8801 (part) 46 8505 18,19,20,21 8803 46,59 8506 19,20 8507 (part) 8508 9,19,20,31 20,21 INDEX TO BLOCK 8509 20 NUMBERING AREAS 8510 20 Kendall County 8511 20 8512 20 9501 (part) 45,46,59,88 8513 20 8514 20,21 8515 20 8516 20 8517 20 8518 20,21,30,31 8519 20,31 8520 30,31,32,33 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This set of maps, and others in the series, was compiled by the staff of the Bureau of the Census, with assistance from a number of sources. The map compilation began with the quadrangle maps issued by the U.S. Geological Survey which provided the framework to which all other information was related. The staff of the USGS further aided this effort by modifying priorities to speed completion of those maps needed for the Bureau’s programs. Map information for this area, to reflect changes since the publication of USGS maps and to provide details, such as street names, not included in the USGS maps, was collected and sent to the Bureau by the Chicago Area Transportation Study, Chicago; the Northeast Illinois Planning Commission, Chicago; and the Lake—Porter County Regional Transportation and Planning Commission; Crown Point. The Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways also assisted in providing reference data. The drafting work was performed by the staff of the Bureau and copies of the completed maps were sent to these agencies for verification and correction. Boundary data were developed with the aid of the Census Tract Committee and particularly the Census Tract Key Persons for the Chicago and Gary—Hammond — East Chicago areas and the assistance of municipal and county officials. This acknowledgment cannot begin to convey the warmhearted spirit with which aid was offered or the gratitude of the Bureau staff for the aid that was received. This map series was designed by the staff of the Bureau’s Geography Division while the production phases were carried out by the Geography Branch of the Jeffersonville Operations Division.2 000 00Q FT.(EAST) (ILL.)________________________________________________________________________________________ _________201 n FT_______________________________________________________________________________________________2 020 COO FT. (EAST) (ILI CRYSTAL LAKE AIRPORT ACKMAN ACKMAN ALBRECHT Algonquin Tw PERSI ED599 ALLEN i ■■-■I REED WALNUT c.1 OAKWOC DELAWARE ALGONQL ALGONQUIN ED589A Part ROGER 'SPRING ^ERWew ED599 “— cpescent COMPILED 1965 2000 4000 -►CARY302 I !► Congressional Dis Grafton Twp ED 601 8714 p.h L- 1ED587 „ Y 318 NORTHWESTERN BLOCK AR * ED 59 Par iTwp. ED317 Congressional District 15 ED310A 8501 V V ED311A Part 8507 Dundee Twp CHICAGO, ILL. - NORTHWESTERN INDIANA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET H21 AURORA-ELGIN URBANIZED AREA12000 000 FT. (EAST) (ILL ) Algonquin 945* INDIAN LAKE /). LANDING STRIP PARK OAKCREST WAGNtU FRANKE Algonquin Twp SOUTH NORT LAKE HARBOR 'CubaTwp OEVERQ„ C/R -'O-HNs n»|l PtEASANTj^°RGE SK// BILTMORE '2' Nfc^&OPATRj^ COUNTRY CLUB ED 360 Part COUNTRY RIDGELAND : ?10* CONCORD TThooT ONONDAGO- (STATE WAGON. _SURPj ST. JOHNS CEM. SPRING SCOTT 927* ALGONCIUIN ED359 Part BARRINGTON HILLS Lhorf NORTH ARR/jNGTON PART SPRING SPRING TAYLOR CHICAGO-NORTHWESTERN WAVERLT NORTH SIDE MRRfl S>N | PARK onquin Twp 930* 403 INC,TON 40? \ RANI (COUNTY ■ "ATION MUD LAKE incoli ED 1212G LINCC LAKE MELISSA J .. DANA SW 1216H ft Partw ( ™ (SPRING CREEK VALLEt TWIN 420 DONLEA DANA MIRROR LAKE STUPTZ ■IU l SIDE FOREST PRESERVE 'PCRDEEjj. 520 000 FT.(EAST) (ILL Chicago, III. northwestern Indiana area Metropolitan Map Series REVI IONS MAP SHEET 1.21 AURORA-ELGIN URBANIZED AREA 9 H-21 10 11 J-21 19 H-22 18 1-22 17 J-22 217 A* 2*1 1 « 1 £ 1 HARDI I G1 970 000 FT, (EAST) (ILL_ 402* BarringtonTwp ED &A0A *fi22££! DONLEA SEMINOLE BARRING IC^N HAWLEY SANTA SPRING CREEK VALLEY fNTERSVl FOREST PRESERVE 205 WALNUT QUEENS CT. BARRINGTON HILLS ED 1216 H Part Barrington Twp. -IOPEKA_DF -gERKLjj ED 1216G Part INVERNESS FOREST SPRING CREEK VALLEY BRADWEL PRESERVE 406* FOREST PRESERVE ,PI YMOUTH- 1213G ED 1216 G Part / 406' KINGSTON ( LAKE 406* 1 INOICOTT 1RISTOL BRISTOL BERKSHI 3ERKSHIRE 2'^*-cT \ WAKEFIELD C BARRINGTO Dundee Barrington Twp JLENNv GO-NORTHWESTERN fNPtAfflbfltOO* mm 938* 947* LINCOLN EAST UUNDEE DUNDEE CEM. | 901* i 964* SOUTH BARRINGTON 964* 964* RICHARDSOr Barrington Twp 956* IUNDHANK ICAGQ-NQRT-HWESTER i INDIANA URBANIZED AREA —— Barrin 9 76* |ED 1216H I HOFFMAN 966* 1 -p.-. - ED 313A ESTATES HOFFMAN ESTATES 550 000 FT (EAST ) (ILL.) 520 000 FT. (EAST) (ILL.) 88^ J DDU UU CHICAGO ILL NORTHWESTERN INDIANA AREA Metropolitan Map Series 6000 FEET MAP SHEET 1-22 9 H-21 IjLu 19.. 17 J-22 20 H-23 21 1-23 22 23 REVI IONS )ATE TYPE '*’E T'« - TYPE B — 302 j / nnnK°-3 RD~ z ! , j' -y--- £ 30 7 108 RD. 109 MADERA /Ensenada's/ 1121^ , , , o . , n -SIESTAS. S'l r ,K> tCT jg\ Jr, GRANADA 111 ? 114 RD J KINGS 116* rd. 1 15 1 AMARILLO1 DR . | H7 1 201 * f AURORA-ELGIN URBANIZED AREA1,970.000 FT. (EAST) (ILL.)____________________ _________________ _________________________________________________ 1,980 FT.__________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________1,990,000 FT. (EAST) (ILL-) ED 310A ■ASTLE• 3 Part I.PI ETREE. MEVORv. 'uisa 904* 1D302 Part r vi/indingJ LAKl KINLE1 OCUST PARK GOOD_ TEMPLAR PARK NOR TH 'i- ^TH j-lQEM/jT ^im ns_ 902* I^VTON. 520* Geneva Twp CKad GOLF CLUB ' 5; Blackberry Twp CHEEVER SACRED HEART SEMINARY A STATE GIRLS SCHOOli -Southwfsi FOREST VIEW 406* GARDEN. FOREST 406* 406* 209* 406* 403* 115 [’.'•MM J D361A Batavia Batav 510 000 FT. (EA^ST) (ILL. COMPILED 1965 REVISIONS 3000 St. CharlesED 34 JTwp. part l I m>w mni Compton Twp. —8524 336 art 8522r i .901* | fflaaili. m m W « 901* p harles Twp. ED 340 Part 8545 D 353 8528 490 000 FT. (EAST) (ILL.) CHICAGO, ILL. - NORTHWESTERN INDIANA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET H- 25 32 AURORA-ELGIN URBANIZED AREAr.HIPPI WA WYNNE AVE. LIMITS ST. CHARLES BlVD 907* ST CHARLES! J^ORTh Wayne r WAYl*wo. CHICAGO-NORTHWESTERN INDIAN ■ &URDr t , j b 419 )ROWN DONALD I 403* BEECHfn WHEATON 207* AURQRA-ELGIN BLOCK AREA 207* CHICAGO-NORTHWESTERN INDIANA ^ANCHjj ED 647A Winfiel ANCISC gCONVEI 550 000 FT. I EAST) (ILL) 520 000 FT. (EAST) (ILL.) NORTHWESTERN INDIANA AREA Metropolitan Map Series CHICAGO, ILL 5000 2000 MAP SHEET 1-25 AURORA-ELGIN URBANIZED AREA 31 H-24 30 1-24 29 J-24 32 H-25 33 1-25 34 J-25 44 H-26 43 1-26 42 J-26 207* § ,-4- ,'cEM! 4117 1 16 1 r* DO® ef d"! J "* §1 120E 1211 122^ 1231 870 000 FT. (CAST JLatavia WHEATON LOWPEN AVE 929* CANTIGNY 930* PUBLIC PARK AND MUSEU WALLACF WALLACE RD eo7< —^ i x FORESTVIEW --J---- 1 'T31, II ACKHAWJj. WAVER] Winfield Twp KILTER t^BDENl CONNOLLY MALLARD FOREST PRESERVE 7 c: ED640B ED 64 IB . : M EADOW . ARROWHEAD IERRICKS LAKE CALUMET : COUNTRY RENVIL PRAIRIE CLUB FOREST ^PRESERVE \ NO.10 STATEJjWY_5L JACKSOI ■ALBRIGHT ED677B Part NAPERVILLE PART Napervill^fWp ED_r«f- 677BX_^ 906 .ITARY RES. 907* 30-TQLL CHIC/ uAURORA ! PART ED364A Part TOLLWAY CD 675B Naperville Twp m\tkm MCDOWELL FOREST PRESERVE NO. 20 901* ARGYLL Cl LISTER '-N, BURLINGTON — pejrvHje Twp BASE MAP COMPILED REVI IONS 2000 4000 Lisle TWp. ^ Pirt 8461 NAPERVILLE PART •1 (71 <----- I i — 520 000 FT.(EAST) (ILL.) muuuum. (EAST) (ILL. CHICAGO, ILL. - NORTHWESTERN INDIANA AREA Metropolitan Map Series ED 648 A ED 361 Part .ED364A Part MOLITOR AUROR7T\ ej5§IVa " Part D368C Aurora Twp. ED367A Part Part Congressional District 15 8529 ED367A 32 H-25 33 1-25 34 J-25 44 43 42 J-26 45 H- 27 46 LIZ 47 J-27 MAP SHEET I- 26 AURORA-ELGIN URBANIZED AREA 1 870000 FT. (EAST) (ILL )_________________________________________________________________________________________|l 880 000 FT. (EAST) (ILL ) STATE CHESTI BELLEVUE 212* SANITARIUM El)357A 1U6 r BATAVIA Blackberry ED 361A Part RIVER HILLS UAL PARK 90S* MOOSBHE IOME 924* FOX VALLEY COUNTRY CLUB -SHARON ED 361B ..BRIAR "state ED 364B 103 ASIDE ED367B / Part /'kinceton" ED367A Part oi Aurora Twp EXPOSITIOI PARK Auror Auro? ADELINE -WEST .TOLLWAY, AURORA AIRPORT 202* ED3J54C MOLITOR MAPLE SCHOMER GILMORE INDIANA 7ED j k]367A£ ▼ Part AURORA PART AUDREY DOUGLAS AUTOMATION .OVERDALE vST. JOSEPI-j V CEM. J 301 ARLON Aurora Twp MARYWOQi feD364A P £11 truRNE^ * a D375A ED364D VICTOR. CEDARDA AURORA PART 907* Aurora TwpA 41°47 •"“Aurora Twp: [)364C i Part RQRA PART Aurora Twpi 'AURORA -'PART Aurora'll 490 000 FT. (EAST) ILL.) 510 000 FT. (EAST) (ILL. CHICAGO, ILL NORTHWESTERN INDIANA AREA Metropolitan Map Series REVISIONS 4000 MAP SHEET H-26 [north I AURORA-ELGIN URBANIZED AREA 32 33 44 43 1-26 45 H-27 46 1-27 j ORPHANS /and dep^ :ndents\ 93 ! 9J9 1 — ' 93s 9-18* J 936* j 1 942 ‘Ml \fli/ gfak * w 1 i/ it|i rtitwt„. f/7  MICHAEL: CEM.420 Aurora Tw STEPHEN ROBERT Atfrora "1 Aurora Twp. L GARFIELD j ll 02* PARK I Al/ftOR>J MONO.. 6LADST0 PART I OSEPH 303 304 J ROB ROY 3 PARK | INOIS ROANOAK 712 j WEST A j AURORAij I CEM. \ 5 607 S PLEASURE 602 609 EDGELAWN CT CHERRY 406 .WALNUT yWNER [walnui -DOWuci . SCHUt F.R -HA Rfi, Aurora Twp. IRINNE. 203* griffi PARK fARCHFP KENILWORTH 404 [CLARK LENWOOO CT. , 2 3 | EASURE VIEW RIDGEWAY Second KINGSBHps HEATHER ST. CHRISTOf )URTH AURORA COUNTRY CLUB INGSWAY ; : RATHBONE FITCHOME ST. 3SWAY CT. SUND OWN FORGE "GOLFVIEW IMIQDI.EFIF.LD 1ARION JERICHO ZIEGLER IDENWOOC SPRING LAKE H DARTMOUTH AVE_ ifta Twp MASTODON LAKE 204 PHILLIPS PARK MONITI kEQ*. -RiVERsmi MONTGOMERY PART 405* 406* HENRY CT. / *17* (/ CEMETERY BARDWELL SI ;^a=»Ai,r°p] MERY Aurora T JT. PAULS CEM. CREEK. ■HONTGOMERV. WHEATLAND ’WO GARDEN l YIPTON Oswego Twp LINCOLN MEMORIAL 118 CRESC CRESTM CHICAGO, ILL. - NORTHWESTERN INDIANA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET H- 27 AURORA-ELGIN URBANIZED AREA If,. 43 1-26 45 H-27 46 88 H-28 59 n r i * § 301* H ijl p g ll g I® 109* £ s 109*' . ■■■' '% SHEFFER r. 108* 714* 715*1 Umi 716 1—« 717 712 > PARK 709 «« 'A I i/W -107" / /tsvmy* 1 AI 401* STS. PETER AND PAUL CEM. Naperville OREST ErESERVE NQuS, Iwp. STEPHEN ST M FHANKI || FOREST 111* IENION NAPERVILLE A 7; fmiKfcN ' AVE ;vens ST 414 zl it GATE] *9>r ED 368B Part PORTER 301+ NAPERVILLE CEM. 'Congressional District AURORA-ELGIN URBANIZED AREA trvilleTwp 'fJI AWN . aurora (i76A' 303* FERNWt FOREST PRESERVE NO. 18 ED 680 Naperville Twp I 519 HLN'per Congressional District 516* Itureeq 904* CHICAGO-NORTHWESTERN INDIA! BLOCK AREA uror AERO AIRPORT AURORA-ELGIN BLOCK AREA ED 4 MEADOW Congressional Dis Wheatland Twp MATTER AIRPORT 88.20° 540 FT. 3ASE MAP COMPILED 1965 000 FEET ED 367A Part — BLOCK AREA ED 366 AURORA PART / 9501 Congressional District ED 51 520 000 FT. (EAST) (ILL.) U. S. Department of Commerce, 1J_____I 88.15° AGO, 550 000 FT. (EAST ) (ILL CHIC Bureau of the Census Geography Division ILL. - NORTHWESTERN INDIANA AREA Metropolitan Map Series Kane Co., Ill Will Co., Ill Du Page Co., Ill Kendall Co.. Ill MAP SHEET 1-27 AURORA-ELGIN URBANIZED AREA1 810 000 FT. (EAST) (ILL.) MATTER AIRPOR' 103RD ’WHEATLAND j CEM. Wheatland Twp, DITCH _ Naausa PLAINFIELD REVISIONS 3JOINING SHEETS ED 7 A 8801 Congressi&na! District 15 Du Page Twp Oswegb Twp ED 8A 8802 8805eD 22 Lockport Twp. LI_____ l| 88.15° [ago, 550 000 FT.(EAST) LL ; CHIC ILL. - NORTHWESTERN INDIANA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET 1-28 AURORA-ELGIN URBANIZED AREAJ-IGHT pleasa] CEM » DAVIS Oswegsilwp COLLINS COLLINS SIMONS MORGAN. MORG WAY RESERVATION RESERVATION RESERVATION WAISH - KEE - SHAW FT. (ILL-EAST) -EAST) ED 12 ED 6 BristoI Twp CHICAGO, ILL. -NORTHWESTERN INDIANA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET 88 H-28 AURORA-ELGIN URBANIZED AREALEGEND Physical Features Limited access highway ___________ Street Railroad Parks, institutions, reservations and cemeteries Other features as identified Streams 1970 Census Boundary Symbols and Area Identifications METROPOLITAN MAP SERIES BLOOMINGTON-NORMAL, ILL URBANIZED AREA This map set contains a large block numbered area in the central portion of the urbanized area which does not contain enumeration districts (ED's) and may be recognized by the absence of ED boundaries and numbers. This area is known as the "computer list" area for which addresses, recorded on computer tape, were used for the mailing of census questionnaires. For the area in which computer list enumeration methods were used, unpublished data are available by block group rather than by ED. Block groups are not defined by symbols on these maps, but each block group within a census tract can readily be identified by the first digit of the block numbers. For example. Block Group 3 in Census Tract 22 consists of all blocks in that tract with numbers from 301 through 399 that are not identified as being within an ED. UNITED STATES Mexico’ WASHINGTON OREGON DE KALB CO. ’STEELE CO.' International State County or equivalent area Census Tract Census Tract Number (Numbers greater than 9500 identify block numbering areas where no census tracts exist.) Incorporated Place NOBLE Incorporated Place Name NOBLE* Incorporated Place coextensive with Minor Civil Division or Census County Division ED 50 Enumeration District (Other boundaries are also ED boundaries. The ED boundary symbol is shown only where it does not coincide with other boundaries except that it always appears to separate the computer list area from the ED area.) Enumeration District Number 16 oooooooo 15 1960 Incorporated Place boundary where different from January 1, 1970 boundary Ward or equivalent area Ward Number Congressional District Congressional District Number S -ED 45 245 223* Special Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District for which no boundary is shown (Usually a special type of dwelling, e.g., institution) Block Number Asterisk indicates that this block number is repeated on an adjacent map sheet or elsewhere within the block Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Features crossed by these "Fish-Hooks" are not block boundaries Rock Twp. Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Name Arrow is used to connect identification label to an area that is too small to contain the label. Urbanized Area Limit Unincorporated Place DALE Unincorporated Place Name County Tie-In (Beyond this line ED boundaries are shown on other maps.) Selected Boundary Symbol Combinations Symbols can become confusing where several boundaries coincide. Frequently encountered combinations are illustrated. INDEX TO SHEETS County and Congressional District Minor Civil Division or H I} H Census County Division and Congressional District Minor Civil Division or a Census County Division and Incorporated Place Census Tract and Minor Civil Division or Census County Division 1960 Incorporated Place Limit where different from 1970 and Minor Civil Division Minor Civil Division or Census County Division and Unincorporated Place Census Tract and Incorporated Place Census Tract and Ward Incorporated Place and County Tie-In Enumeration District and County Tie-In U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 1970 Census of Housing BLOCK STATISTICS BLOOMINGTON-NORMAL, ILL. URBANIZED AREA HC(3)—66INDEX TO CENSUS TRACTS BLOOMINGTON-NORMAL, ILL. TRACT SHEET NUMBER NUMBER McLean County 1 1,5 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1,5 11 1,2 12 1 13 1 14 1,2 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 1 19 1,2 20 1,2 21 2 51 (part) 1,5,6 52 (part) 1,4,5 53 (part) 1,2,3,4 54 (part) 1,2,6 56 (part) 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This set of maps, and others in the series, was compiled by the staff of the Bureau of the Census, with assistance from a number of sources. The map compilation began with the quadrangle maps issued by the U.S. Geological Survey which provided the framework to which all other information was related. The staff of the USGS further aided this effort by modifying priorities to speed completion of those maps needed for the Bureau’s programs. Map information for this area, to reflect changes since the publication of USGS maps and to provide details, such as street names, not included in the USGS maps, was collected and sent to the Bureau by the City of Bloomington Engineering and Water Department, Bloomington, and the McLean County Regional Planning Commission, Bloomington. The Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highway also assisted in providing reference data. The drafting work was performed by the staff of the Bureau and copies of the completed maps were sent to these agencies for verification and correction. Boundary data were developed with the aid of the Census Tract Committee and particularly the Census Tract Key Person for the Bloomington — Normal area and the assistance of municipal and county officials. This acknowledgment cannot begin to convey the warmhearted spirit with which aid was offered or the gratitude of the Bureau staff for the aid that was received. This map series was designed by the staff of the Bureau’s Geography Division while the production phases were carried out by the Geography Branch of the Jeffersonville Operations Division.EDrT24TTParf Normal Twp. ‘—Part 910* YUKON \5 328 1 [PLYMOUTH; sional District 17 Norma ILLINOIS Normal T “ Part FAIRvIlEW fairviev GOLF SUMMIT ILLINOIS Li_____- PARK ED 123 A Part AND SAILORS UNIVERSITY CHILDRENS HOME FARM FORT E- SYCAMO w SYCAMORE- W POPLAR. CORP PORTER CYPRESS CRESTLINE I COTTA GE OR H 214 •" RANDALL )03*£ STATE 1RCHILD LOCUST LINDA CO.lege ILLINOIS l coll! STATE PARK 121“ KAR11 IIVERSITY Normal Twp. Part MORGAN g. u3' PAYNE, HOVLY AVE 111 ____ST STRIEG iL CT MAPLEWOOD WOOD Wch. PARK CULLOM MARKET^ HARRIS- JERSEY L. Ieisenhower /EWING wn$ Twp BLOOMINGTON - NORMAL AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEE‘ M-26USVB-Tm'id OOO'OLE V u Dale Twp. ED 146 igressional Distri ► ■ ► ■ (► ■ > ■ ► ED 145 — Mount Hope Twp w + U.S, Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census Geography Division 270,000 FT, (ILL-EAST) BASE MAP COMPILED 1967 n %mx“ BLOOMINGTON - NORMAL AREA Metropolitan Map Series McLean Co., III.xNORTH STATE HWY Danvers Twp Congressional District 17 ry Grove Twp tl£EM FT. (ILL-EAST) (ILL-EAST) )ASE MAP COMPILED 1967 REVISIONS 5000 6000 FEET 53 Dale Twp. ED 146 Ailin Twp ED 145 U. S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census Geography Division BLOOMINGTON - NORMAL AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET L-25 McLean Co.. IllNORTH _LOCUST MARION ;ULTON CHESTN J1 SOUTH Normal _CO_HWV. ED 124 B zvPart ri ■ ■■ 1 m I n»* f NORMAL 310,000 FT. (ILL-EAST) (ILL-EAST) IASE MAP COMPILED 1 9§7 5000 6000 FEET Congressional l District Towanda Twp. Dry Grove Twp. ED 128 89.05* U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census Geography Division McL White Oak Twp. Money Creek BLOOMINGTON - NORMAL AREA Metropolitan Map Series Hudson Twp. ED 108 MAP SHEET 5 M-24 MONEY. Towanda Twp STATE Oldtown Twp ‘H/C^3r 370,000 FT.(ILL-EAST)! (ILL-EAST) 6000 FEET CEM ' Blue Mound Twp Congressional District 17 ED 122 ED 162 Dawson Twp. LOOMINGTON - NORMAL AREA Metropolitan Map Series l). S. D e p a rt men t of Commerce, Bureau o.f the Census, Geography Division MAP SHEET N-25 Co.. IllLEGEND Physical Features Parks, institutions, reservations and cemeteries Other features as identified Streams 1970 Census Boundary Symbols and Area Identifications This map set contains a large block numbered area in the central portion of the urbanized area which does not contain enumeration districts (ED's) and may be recognized by the absence of ED boundaries and numbers. This area is known as the "computer list" area for which addresses, recorded on computer tape, were used for the mailing of census questionnaires. For the area in which computer list enumeration methods were used, unpublished data are available by block group rather than by ED. Block groups are not defined by symbols on these maps, but each block group within a census tract can readily be identified by the first digit of the block numbers. For example, Block Group 3 in Census Tract 22 consists of all blocks in that tract with numbers from 301 through 399 that are not identified as being within an ED. Limited access highway Street H---------1- Railroad Power line UNITED STATES ’"MEXICO WASHINGTON orIgon DE KALB CO. "STEELE CO. International State County or equivalent area Census Tract Census Tract Number (Numbers greater than 9500 identify block numbering areas where no census tracts exist.) — • —■ ■ Incorporated Place Enumeration District (Other boundaries are also ED boundaries. The ^ ED boundary symbol is shown only where it NOBLE Incorporated Place Name does not coincide with other boundaries except that it always appears to separate the computer list area from the ED area.) NOBLE* Incorporated Place coextensive with Minor Civil Division or Census County Division ED 50 Enumeration District Number oooooooo Rock Twp. I960 Incorporated Place boundary where different from January 1, 1970 boundary Ward or equivalent area Ward Number Congressional District Congressional District Number Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Name S -ED 45 245 223* Special Enumeration District Number Special Enumeration District for which no boundary is shown (Usually a special type of dwelling, e.g., institution) Block Number Asterisk indicates that this block number is repeated on an adjacent map sheet or elsewhere within the block Features crossed by these "Fish-Hooks" are not block boundaries Arrow is used to connect identification label to an area that is too small to contain the label. Urbanized Area Limit Unincorporated Place Unincorporated Place Name County Tie—In (Beyond this line ED boundaries are shown on other maps.) Selected Boundary Symbol Combinations Symbols can become confusing where several boundaries coincide. Frequently encountered combinations are illustrated. DALE A A A A ■ County and Congressional District momomom Minor Civil Division or a Census County Division and Incorporated Place 1960 Incorporated Place Limit where different from 1970 and Minor Civil Division Minor Civil Division or Census County Division and Unincorporated Place Census Tract and Incorporated Place Minor Civil Division or Census County Division and Congressional District Census Tract and Minor Civil Division or Census County Division Census Tract and Ward Incorporated Place and County Tie-In Enumeration District and County Tie-In U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS METROPOLITAN MAP SERIES CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, ILL URBANIZED AREA INDEX TO SHEETS 1970 Census of Housing BLOCK STATISTICS CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, ILL. URBANIZED AREA HC(3)—67INDEX TO CENSUS TRACTS CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, ILL. TRACT SHEET NUMBER NUMBER Champaign County 1 1,4 2 1,2 3 1,2,3,4 4 3,4 5 1,4 6 1 7 1 8 1,2 9 1 10 1 11 1,4 12 1,4 13 4 14 2 11 1,4 12 1,4 13 4 14 3,4 51 2,3 52 2 53 1,2 54 2 55 2,3 56 3 57 3 58 2,3 59 2,3 60 3,4 706 (part) 1,2,4 107 (part) 2,3 108 (part) 3 109 (part) 3,4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This set of maps, and others in the series, was compiled by the staff of the Bureau of the Census, with assistance from a number of sources. The map compilation began with the quadrangle maps issued by the U.S. Geological Survey which provided the framework to which all other information was related. The staff of the USGS further aided this effort by modifying priorities to speed completion of those maps needed for the Bureau’s programs. Map information for this area, to reflect changes since the publication of USGS maps and to provide details, such as street names, not included in the USGS maps, was collected and sent to the Bureau by the Office of the District Engineer — District 5, Division of Highways, Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Paris, and the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission, Urbana. The drafting work was performed by the staff of the Bureau and copies of the completed maps were sent to these agencies for verification and correction. Boundary data were developed with the aid of the Census Tract Committee and particularly the Census Tract Key Person for the Champaign — Urbana area and the assistance of municipal and county officials. This acknowledgment cannot begin to convey the warmhearted spirit with which aid was offered or the gratitude of the Bureau staff for the aid that was received. This map series was designed by the staff of the Bureau’s Geography Division while the production phases were carried out by the Geography Branch of the Jeffersonville Operations Division.Somer Twp a hornet Twp WALLACE 905* 903* 320*^ GARDEN HILL L PARK 420* E F F I E LD ALABAMA 207* )RADL ’ i 204*!; >EARDSLE' 201*1 PARK! 207* BEARDSLEY ARDSLEY AVE 210 EUREKA BEAR[ SLEY HERWOOD | 209* INDUSTRIAL 113 1)4 TREMONT V ST 211 TREMONT 218 MONT V TREMO 1 18 HARVARD AREA TARVARD 912* MAPLE VINE 302* COLUF ASHINGTON WASH WASH I NGTOf _ | GLEN DAVIDSON CHURCH’ CHURCH _CHURCH UNIVERSI’ IIVER SJ CLARK :lark JEFFER 340* FT.(ILL-EAST) 3000 2000 4000 REVI IONS Hensley Twp. ED 3 ED 340 905* Scott Twp MAF SHEET CHAMPAIGN - URBANA AREA Metropolitan Map SeriesjAy/vf Congressional District WALLACE AIRPORT BRANCH 905* 906* 903* 904*, 903* Urbana Tw Part 213*/ 904* CHAMPAIGN Jmmmm Champaign City Twp. WOODLAWN 904* URBANA CEMETERY COUNTRY CLUB BEVERLY ,RANCH PERKINS BRAD I 101* COUNTY i EUREKA 2|do2ugla: -I PARK (FAIRGROUND^ 102* I \ 214*" GROVE saym .PARK [FRANKLIN WASHINGJ MBS!'.1?. • • URBINA* 307 * CHURCH 201* WALTER AT OLIVEJ :emetery! ^TOUGHIj 1 10* 4000 6000 FEE" Somlt r Twp ED 340 904 ED 383 ED 382 Stanton Twp. St./Joseph Twp U. S. Department Bureau of the Census Geography Division REVISIONS 1 FT.(ILL-EAST) CHAMPAIGN - URBANA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP Champaign Co., III. SHEET N-25103* giPARK' CREEK "healey STOUT DR GREEN 204 CALIFORNIA NOIS 406u> 5C5 OREG 210 LIFORNIA OREGON S1 NEVAD INGTON 101** l>AJGN 102 a) LANTE.^ 'S613 | 612 Ipark <405 ,/fORES> 104 LORADC 302* .siflsco!; PENNSTLV/U,, U«baME TWtiFFart1 BLAIR 507 PARK 303 DELAWARE 707 DELAWARE 509o 902* 109* _bur*522H- ^GREEN \ CT JAPING .Brighton HAZEL CT MUMFORD 306 ELLIOT ei309*|| henry;' 309* REVISIONS ED 376 Part ED; 68 UNIV ERSITY 903* 112 UNIVERSITY ILLINOIS EMB4# ED 376 Part ED 378 St. Joseph Twp. ED 379 ED 377 Sidney Twp. PhiloTwp 540 FT. CHAMPAIGN - URBANA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP 5HEET502* [blair REEN §109 201 DANIEL WILLI CHARL 509* tAINES 610 o [OXFORD COUNTY 222 a AVONDALE l< STADI 103* COUNfiY CLUB ■A SELL -^CROFT FIRST CENTENNIAL HESSEL PARK CROFL 30DDS CEDAR 7 202 I L^ArkdaleI 'CONNOF |VENTURA CLOVER _ ICYPWESS RAINE CT .LAKE SHORE DR SQUTHMOOR SLENOAK 8ARBARRT 905* S0ME«5ET '■^221* HARRINGTON BRANCH IANCH VALLEY BROOK PHINNEY BRANCH WINDSOR WINDSOR champaign ional Distric r SAVO -EAST1 6000 FEET \kUiS£, ILLINOIS ■375 Pari Scott Twp ■v>. 905 Urbana T.wp Part ED 376 Part 37 7 358 Part Colfax Twp Philo Twp UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AIRPORT // U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census, Geography Division CHAMPAIGN - URBANA AREA Metropolitan Map Series MAP SHEET M-26 Champaign Co., Ill