~ START MICROFILMED 1985 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY GENERAL LIBRARY BERKELEY, CA 94720 COOPERATIVE PRESERVATION MICROFILMING PROJECT THE RESEARCH LIBRARIES GROUP, INC. Funded by . THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES THE ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION Reproductions may not be made without permission. -CU-B ‘SN 008313 THE PRINTING MASTER FROM WHICH THIS REPRODUCTION WAS MADE IS HELD BY THE MAIN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 FOR ADDITIONAL REPRODUCTION REQUEST MASTER NEGATIVE AUTHOR: Central Factfic Puifroad Company. TITLE: The Central Peei€ic Railroad... PLACE: San Eranalseo DATE: 137 VOLUME HE279] ge 4S- CALLg3azy MASTE NO. 1379 X ~~ NEG. NO. 37%9 ¢ did i | { HE2791 Central Pacific Railroad Company. i | C3A24 The Central Pacific Railroad and leased lines. Rules and regu- 1879 lations for agents and conductors, In effectjuly lst, 1879, San x Francisco, H.S. Crocker & Co., printers, 1879, 16 p. 18cm. 3 Cover title. 88633 Gift C BHELY LST. FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA Sara JOB NO. 8|6 | oelof2 DOCUMENT — ‘SOURCE ~~ THE BANCROFT LIBRARY 10 Biz J BE uty te = I TA = N On flit iis MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 0 She ji = k= ll22 I 22 ip = se 22 Ii &. 20 fl No On lls lis MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) pa Retake of Preceding | RAITT. ROAD AND $i LEASED LINES. & RULES AND REGULATIONS Agents Wonductors. In Effect July 1st, 1879. SAN FRANCISCO: Retake of Preceding Frame J i k i 10 yf THE A Central Pacific RAIT.ROAD >" LEASED LINES. :< RULES AND REGULATIONS Agents © Wonductors. * > In Effect July 1st, 1879. ad fo entral Pacific railroad Si LEASED LINES. Re Office of the General Passenger and Ticket Agent, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. RULES s/o REGULATIONS FOR AGENTS AND CONDUCTORS. Coin Basis: I. TICKET AGENTS will sell Local Tickets at Cur- rent Tariff Rates in United States Gold Coin or its Equivalent in United States Treasury Notes, or in Silver at such rates as may be fixed from time to time by the Treasurer of the Company. Remistonces 2. REMITTANCES for all moneys received from the sale of tickets must be made to the Treasurer, under such instructions as he may give. Tickets pottobe 3. AGENTS must not sell tickets to any station by sold to certain 3 : . points. trains that do not stop at such station, as per time tables; but when asked for tickets at such way station, they will inform passengers of the proper train to take. Special Tickets. 4, SPECIAL TICKETS, SINGLE-TRIP OR ROUND-TRIP, will be sold only at such times and rates as may be given in special instructions from either the General Superin- tendent or General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Agents not having Special Tickets, Single-Trip, if directed to sell ‘“ SPECIAL TICKETS” only TO a certain station, must be particular Zo erase with ink the words ‘AND RETURN,” and to make the ticket to expire two (2) days after date of sale, unless otherwise instructed. Half-Fare Tickets, 6 [,ocAL HALF-FARE TICKETS will be sold to chil- to whom to be sold. dren not over twelve (12) years of age, and to adults presenting Half-Fare Permits. Special Tickets, Single Trip. HooPare Ticker 7, Agents in selling Half-Fare Tickets will collect an ? amount sufficient to make even change of not less than five (5) cents. Examples: Full Fare $2.75, Half Fare $1.40; Full Fare $5.55, Half Fare $2.80. Maltese Tikes, 8. Tue MINIMUM RATE of a Half-Fare Ticket, “ whether sold for the use of an adult presenting a Half- Fare Permit, or for a child between five (5) and twelve (12) years of age, will be twenty-five (25) cents. Rule No. 10 refers only to children who have not ar- rived at the age of five (5) years. Half Fare Tickets, Agents will not be excusable for the sale of Half- be sold. Fare Tickets to parties over twelve (12) years of age un- less they present proper Half-Fare Permits or Orders, and they must notify such parties purchasing Half-Fare Tickets that they will be expected to show their Permits or Orders to the conductor when called for. What Children 10. CHILDREN UNDER FIVE (5) YEARS of age will be Free. . . carried free when accompanied by a parent or other per- son in charge, but will not be allowed to occupy seats to the exclusion of paying passengers. Blanks on Bock Al. THE BLANKS on BOOK TICKETS must be filled be filled. in a plain, heavy and legible hand. This must be done in ink. A lead pencil must not be used for this pur- pose. Zhe Destination must be written zn Jull and on the back of the ticket as well as on its face. Tickets, how to 12, ALL TICKETS MUST BE DATED (unless pro- vided for dating by ¢‘ Punch”) by stamping them with the dating machine on the back. Zicket Stamps must be kept zn good order, and every ticket issued must bear a clear impression. Agents will change the dates of their dating stamps immediately after entering the closing numbers on their Daily Reports. Zickels must in all cases be dated with actual date of sale. Dating stamps or dies, when not in use, must be kept in a safe place, so that if any tickets are stolen they cannot be made valid by use of stamp. Overland Tickets, 13. OVERLAND TICKETS as far East as NEW YORK here sold. . - he are on sale at San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles, Stockton, Sacramento, Marysville, Colfax, Reno, Car- son and Virginia City, and as far East as CHICAGO and St. Louls, at Winnemucca, Battle Mountain, Palisade and Elko. Agents will not make any orders, by Express or otherwise, on these offices for Overland Tickets, but will refer applicants to nearest Foreign Ticket Office. Contract Tickets, Special First, Second, and Third-Class Tickets are y whom to be : signed. Contract Tickets, and can be sold only to the passenger in person, who must sign the contract in presence of the Agent selling the ticket. Contract Tickets, 14. Agents will in all cases enter in ink on the face howto be dated. ec 75 ied Time Tickets (if the form so requires) the [ 2 } actual date of sale as it is stamped on the back. Dating such tickets on the face with a date later than that stamped on the back—that is, the actual date of sale— will not be allowed. No renewal or extension of time will be recognized by our conductors, except such as emanates from this office. Tickets reduced, I Wholesto Halves, _ 15. AGENTS IN REDUCING Local Coupon or Foreign Coupon Tickets to ‘‘One-Half” Tickets will stamp or punch each coupon of ticket for ¢“ 15.” Adria 16. AGENTS OR OTHERS RECEIVING CIRCULARS, special instructions, blanks or other matter from this office requiring an acknowledgment, must be prompt in sending such acknowledgment written in ink, on letter sheet for filing, unless a receipt in blank accompany the package, when they will sign and return the latter. Vrmneveduestsfor 17. The U. S. Government as per General Orders o. 98, issued by the War Department, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, Nov. 14, 1872, in lieu of Transportation Orders issues ‘‘ Requests” which are to be treated in same manner as the former style of “Orders.” They are not transferable, and should be presented by the holder to Ticket Agent at starting point for a Military Exchange Ticket. Before tickets are issued or baggage checked thereon, Agents must re- quire the Certificate attached to the Request to be properly filled out and signed in ink by the party pre- senting same. There must be entered in the Certificate the actual number to be transported thereon, and the Extra Baggage (over 100 pounds per man) if any. If any allowance is named in body of request, the exact total weight of baggage should be ascertained to cover charges on excess weight. No officer is authorized fo increase the value of a request in filling up the certificate of same. Requests for South of Lathrop must read on or for ‘‘ Southern Pacific Railroad Co.” Redlegs tray 18. Requests for Sleeping Car Berths (limited to one erth to a person) must read on or for ‘‘ Silver Palace Sleeping Car Co.,” and must be separate from Re- quests for Passage. Requests for Sleeping Car Berths, other than those issued by the War Department, will not be recognized. ls 19. The Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Transportation. Affairs, issues Requests for transportation of its Agents or Commissioners on blanks similar to those used by the War Department. They are signed by the Com- missioner. Agents will honor these when presented by issuing regular Military Exchange Tickets, and send Request to Treasurer as cash. Should any of these (or any of War Department issue) call for A ROUND TRIP, Agents will, unless specially ordered, issue two Military Tickets, one from Milit. Exchange Tickets, how to be reported. Trans. of Disabled Volunteer Sol- diers. What Tickets to be honored via Vallejo. Redemption of Tickets. Requisitions for Tickets, when to be made. [ 2 ] point where presented to destination and the other from that destination back to starting point. 20. Agents will report Military Exchange Tickets on Blanks P. 52 or 53 and at local rates, unless otherwise instructed to give special rates, and remit the Govern- ment Request for Transportation to the Treasurer as cash, noting on same the amount reported for the Mili- tary Exchange Ticket issued. Ticket Reports must show the consecutive number of the Request. 21. The following is an extract from a Circular, dated November 30, 1870, issued by the Managers of «The National Asylum for Disabled Volunteer Sol- diers.” ““No person has a right to sign a Transportation Or- “der, or any Coupon attached thereto, save one of the ¢ Managers with his own proper hand as an autograph “signature. No officer or other person, except disabled ‘soldiers, will be permitted to travel upon or use any ¢“ Transportation Order, issued for, in behalf of, or in “the name of ‘The National Asylum.” The names of ‘the Members of the Board of Managers are printed at “the head of the Transportation Order, so that railroad “officials may see who are entitled to sign them.” Transportation Orders or Requests, issued as above, will be honored for first-class passage, by exchange for Military Exchange Tickets. 22. Agents and Conductors will take special care to notify passengers that no tickets will be recognized for passage on the trains and steamers of the California Pacific Railroad Co. unless printed or issued for that Company’s Routes, excepting C. P. R. R. First-Class Tickets from San Francisco to points East and North of Sacramento. Tickets of California Pacific Railroad issue, between San Francisco and Sacramento, are not good via Central Pacific Railroad. Tickets of Southern Pacific Railroad issue between San Jose and San Fran- cisco are not good for passage over Central Pacific Rail- road via Niles. 23. Should it become necessary for Agents to re- deem any ticket sold by them, they will carefully caz- cel such ticket by punch or otherwise ; deduct its value from first ticket report and send it to the Ticket Auditor with such report. Any cancelled, redeemed, expired, spoiled or mutilated ticket must not be resold. 24. AGENTS AND OTHERS MUST MAKE REQUISITION for any tickets they may require at least ten (10) days before same are wanted, and must in all cases return the receipt for such tickets by return train. Requisitions by telegraph ““D. H.” will not be recognized. This rule is imperative, and no excuse can be received for failure to comply with it. Tickets should be examined and counted as soon as received, care being taken not to Ticket Offices not [ 5 ] disturb the order of numbers ; numbers of missing tickets should be noted on the receipt, and duplicates, if any, returned at once to this office. Tet cesen. 25. TICKET OFFICES MUST BE KEPT OPEN thirty (30) minutes before card time of all regular trains carry- ing passengers. 26. CONDUCTORS WILL TAKE UP ALL TICKETS when their destinations are stations on their divisions or routes, immediately after leaving the station of embark- ation, in accordance with Rule No. 27. Should a passenger refuse to surrender the ticket when thus presented for passage, or refuse to pay the regular train rate, in the absence of a ticket (see rules 29 and 30), they will be authorized in ejecting such passen- ger from the train, under the provisions of Rule No. 58. 27. CoNDUCTORS MUST CANCEL ALL TICKETS, both card and coupon, thoroughly, and in the presence of the passengers, as soon as taken up, or upon examina- tion (if the destination is beyond their division or route). No excuse will be received for neglect to comply with this rule, which is imperative and must be observed. Tickets, when to be taken up by Conductors. Tickets, when to be punched by Conductors. Cancelled Tickets not to be hon- 28. ored. Conductors will not, unless so specially ordered by a proper officer of the Company, recognize for passage any ticket that may have been cancelled by the punch of a preceding conductor of the same route, said can- cellation being sufficient proof that the ticket has already been used for the passage it covered, and that, through some neglect on the part of the preceding conductor who punched it, or through refusal of the passenger to surrender same, it was not taken up. Conductors’ Col 29. CONDUCTORS WILL COLLECT AT TRAIN RATES, rates. in coin, from all passengers not presenting tickets, getting on at stations where tickets are sold ; and FIRST-CLASS TICKET RATES from all passengers gctting on at stations where the Company has no ticket office. Conductors must not collect fare beyond the termini of their routes, or the termini named on tariff for train rates. Conductors must collect sufficient to make full train rates from all persons over twelve (12) years of age, presenting Zalf-fare tickets without proper Permit. Conductors must collect passage money at regular rates from every passenger not presenting proper ticket. 30. Should a Ticket Office, whether by accident or some other unforeseen circumstance or by special instruc- tions, not be open at regular train time, whereby pas- sengers would not be able to purchase tickets, conduc- tors will collect fare of such passengers at ticket rates only, and report the fact to the Ticket Auditor and also to the proper Division Superintendent. 31. Each conductor will make a report to this office immediately after arriving at his Terminal Station, on the open, Ticket Rates to be collected. Reports of Troops carrie Chinamen in large numbers to be counted. Convicts and Lu- natics—when and where free. Tickets not dated. Tickets issued by Eastern Lines. [ © } blank furnished (P. 19), of all troops carried over his divi- sion or route, giving name of officer in command, num- ber of officers, number of enlisted men, and number of laundresses ; also whether traveling on Government Transportation Request (giving its consecutive number and name of officer issuing same), or whether presenting Military Exchange Ticket. To secure a correct report, especially in cases of large detachments, it will be neces- sary to count the number aboard the train after leaving the starting station, and again before arriving at the terminal station. Should any soldiers belonging to a detachment desert en route to the knowledge of conductors they will men- tion the same on their report, giving number deserting, at what station, and such other facts as may be of service in making final settlement with the Government for such transportation. No soldier of the U. S. A. must be carried on trains without presenting either Transportation Requests, Rail- road Tickets, or paying fare. 32. Conductors in charge of trains carrying large bodies of Chinamen on Special Tickets must count the number of same en route, while between the terminal stations of their route or run, and note such number in proper blank on the Through Ticket or Waybill, signing and punching same. 33. Conductors on Sacramento and Truckee Divi- sions, between Sacramento and State Line, will recognize the Commitment of the Court, properly signed and sealed, as sufficient authority to pass free, but between “STATE LINE AND SACRAMENTO ”’ ONLY, all CONVICTS going to the State Prison of California, and all LUNATICS going to the State Lunatic Asylum. Officers in charge are not included in this provision. Conductors will enter on their daily reports the names of the parties thus passed and the “history” of the Com- mitment, with names attached to same. 34. Coupon Tickets issued by this road to points east of Ogden should be dated on the back with the stamp of the office where sold. If any others are offered, con- ductors will telegraph to this office for orders, giving as full a description as possible. 35. Conductors will honor all regular tickets issued by connecting Eastern Railroads. CouPoN TICKETS read- ing FIrsT-CLASS or SECOND-CLAsS are good by any regular PASSENGER TRAIN. Second-Class Tickets will be good for passage in the Second-Class (or Smoking) Cars of the Express Train if presented within the limita- tion of time given in Contract. Emigrant-Tickets are good only by Emigrant Freight Trains. 36. Roads issue Second-Class Some Eastern may Tickets stamped ‘‘ Servant.” Such will be recognized as Do. Grade of Tickets cannot be raised. Coupons detached, not to be honored. Excursion Tickets and their Con- ditions. I 72) first-class tickets only when the holder accompanies a family as its servant. 7%is special arrangement is applic- able only to Trans-Atlantic and Trans-Pacific travel. 37. Certain Eastern Roads issue Through Contract Tickets, being a combination of Contract or Title Ticket, with attached coupon for this road. The Title, Contract or Stub portion of the Ticket without the coupon is not valid, and conductors will not honor the same unless a proper coupon is attached reading, “From Ogden (or Union Junction) via C. P. R. R. to destination.” 38. In examining tickets from foreign roads, conduc- tors must be sure of their destination. If a station on this road there should be but one (the Destination) ticket, and it should bear the signature of the General Passenger or Ticket Agent of the Company issuing such ticket. If the destination is a point beyond the line of this road the ticket should have a Check or Coupon for the C. P. R. R. attached thereto, the same as though it were one of this Company's issue over some connecting road or roads. 39. The following resolution was adopted at the Convention of the General Ticket Agents’ Association, held in New York, March 30, 1870: REesoLveD, That No TICKET shall be ALTERED SO as to RAISE its value and class. Conductors will refuse to honor any ticket for a higher grade or class than that for which originally printed, unless otherwise specially ordered from this office. 40. All CouroN TICKETS, ISSUED BY THIS OR FOREIGN RAILROADS, bear upon the face printed instruc- tions to Conductors not to honor a Coupon or Check when detached from the Terminal or Destination Ticket, as per following examples: “Coupons to be detached by conductors only.” ¢¢ Checks to be detached by conductors only.” «This Check will be refused for passage if detached from Des- tination Ticket.” “This Check will not be good under any circumstances if detached from the Original or Destination Ticket.” «This Check not good if detached from Ticket bearing the Signature.” : *: Conductors will refuse this Check if detached from the Ticket bearing the Signature.” “This Auditor's Check will be refused by conductors for passage if detached from Ticket bearing signature of the General Ticket Agent.” & This Check is of no value if detached from Ticket bearing Signature.” : ; © Conductors will refuse this Check if detached from the Ticket.” CONDUCTORS WILL DECLINE to recognize for passage any Coupon or Check of a Ticket issued by this Com- pany to a point off this road, when such Coupon or Check is presented alone or without the balance of the Ticket. 41. Excursion TICKETS issued by the Central Pacific Railroad, reading ¢“ San Francisco to Omaha and Limited Time Tickets to be carefully exam- ined. Special Tickets must be signed. Refusals to sign Special Tickets to be reported. Contract Tickets not signed or expired, to be reported. | 8) Return,” also those issued by the Union Pacific Railroad, reading ‘“‘Omaha to San Francisco and Return,” each bear a Contract in which are two conditions, to which particular attention of conductors is called, viz: ‘‘Not Transferable,” and ¢‘ Limitation of Time.” Conductors will use every possible means to detect parties presenting these tickets for passage, on which other persons’ names are written. If a case occurs, they will take up the whole ticket, collect full fare at train rates, and give the passenger a receipt (in ink if possible) for the amount so collected, and refer the party to this office. Excursion Tickets going East will be good only for the train and on the date as agreed upon and arranged for; but the holders can return, at their convenience, at any date within the limited time of the ticket. 42. Conductors must use great caution in examining limited tickets, especially those of Emigrant and Second- Class. These tickets are sold at less than tariff rates on the express condition that they shall be void unless pre- sented for passage at the Termini of the Union Pacific R. R. within the time specified. When such expired tickets are presented, they must be taken up and fare collected. Care must be taken to examine the dates stamped upon the back to see if they correspond with those indicated on the face, as the dates should be the same. 43. If Passengers present Special Tickets, Season or Trip, unsigned when the style of the blank requires a signature, conductors can take them to the first station, where they should affix signature in ink, though in ex- treme cases lead pencil may be admissible. 44. IN ALL CASES WHERE FREE PASSENGERS refuse to affix their proper signature, in accordance with the provisions and ‘‘ Conditions” of the Tickets, conductors will report in writing to their Division Superintendent the circumstances, giving Name of Passenger......ccoc ius creer Kind of Micket...........con inne an ous Number, if an Annual...........corsuvs Dateiof Expiration.............ccevnicees By whomiissued. .....c..oiilovic unis vininins Said report will be forwarded to the office of the Gen- eral Superintendent. 45. Should a CoNTRACT TICKET of any class be offered WITHOUT PROPER SIGNATURE of the passenger, or if expired, conductors should without delay com- municate with this office by telegraph, giving all circum- stances and particularly a full description of the ticket, viz: Road issued Dy... .....cicrssennninvioners ass, a Bor NOME fins vieiiin ovina aw avints Consecntive NUMDBET. ov. vss sinens sone Countersign IDIREE, €LC. .asiisisia vst misiein sinvaniv sinks manic ““ Through Tickets ood to and from arysville. Through Tickets not good to or from Visalia Div. What Tickets not good via Liver- more. Exchange Checks. Passengers hold- ing Exchange Checks, if de- layed. 19) Conductors must decline to honor any Special First, Second, or Third-Class Contract Tickets requiring the signature of the passenger to be affixed to the contract in ink unless so signed. 46. Through Coupon Tickets from Eastern Roads to Sacramento or San Francisco will be good for passage over the Oregon Division from Junction to Marysville; also, Through Coupon Tickets from San Francisco or Sacramento to Eastern Cities, if not already used from those points, will be good for passage from Marysville. 47. Through Tickets between points West and East of Lathrop will not be good to or from stations South of Lathrop. 48. Contract Tickets from San Francisco will not be good from San Jose or via Livermore route. 49. (a.) EXCHANGE CHECKS will be given to pas- sengers ‘‘ Westward bound” in place of First-Class and Original Emigrant Tickets. After leaving Ogden, con- ductors of the Salt Lake Division will take up all Orig- inal Tickets (First-Class and Emigrant), and give pas- sengers, in lieu thereof, Exchange Checks of the proper class. (6.) Conductors must take great care to properly designate the ‘‘history” of each Emigrant Exchange Check issued, punching the right DATE, the MONTH and the DAY of the month, the DESTINATION of the ticket, and whether it be for a whole or a half (}) passage. (c.) Conductors thus issuing Exchange Checks must write plainly on the face of each Original Ticket the consecutive number of the Exchange Check given for same, and at termination of their route or run must forward to the Ticket Auditor all Original Tickets thus taken up (after cancelling them with punch) with a statement, giving the commencing and closing numbers and numbers of Exchange Checks (both First-Class and Emigrant) issued on such trip in lieu of the Original Tickets so returned to the General Office. 50. Should a passenger en route westward—holding an Emigrant Exchange Check—Dbe delayed by an accident or illness at an intermediate station, beyond the time of expiration of the check, and should the passenger after such time tender such check for passage, the conductor will at once notify the nearest Division Superintendent by telegraph of the circumstances in full, who, if he finds or believes the statement of the passenger to be correct and satisfactory, will instruct the conductor to recognize such expired check. Under no circumstances will an expired Exchange Check be honored for passage, unless by special instructions from some proper officer of the Company. The same rule applies to Second-Class Tickets. £8 StopiOver Chischs, 31, STop-OVER CHECKS may be issued on all un- issued. limited First-Class Tickets. Stop-Over Checks must not be issued on Second-Class, Emigrant or Steamer Route Tickets. Stop-Over Checks must not be issued on Government Transportation Requests, or on Military Exchange Tickets, as they being limited to a certain number of days come under the head of limited tickets. If holders of such desire to lay over, conductors can endorse on back of Transportation Request or Military Ticket the station stopped off at, and affix their signatures thereto, with the date. Succeeding conductors will honor same, if pre- sented within the time limitation. ni Ea 52. Stop-Over Checks are good for one lay-over only. only. If the holder desires to lay over at any other sta- tion than that designated, he must surrender the check he holds and get a new stop-over check. When passengers ask for stop-over privileges, Agents must notifiy them to give ample notice to the conductor, that he may have time to issue the stop-over check prior to arrival at the intermediate station where they wish to stop. Agents must notify them, also, that the provisions embraced in Rules 26 and 28 being just and reasonable must be enforced by conductors. Tsguanicens Sep. 33 (a.) Stop-Over Checks must be issued for one * passage only—whether whole or half (4.) Ifthe } is not punched, conductors will recognize same for a whole passage. Great care must be taken in punching the numbers designating the stations from which and to which the check is good. In most cases but three pun- ches will be necessary, as succeeding conductors punch the Division cancellations. Stubs to be re- (4) When a conductor has used up a book of Stop- turned. Over Checks, the stuss of same (if any) must be returned, through his Division Superintendent, to the G. P. & T. Agent’s office. Sick he trans (c.) When a conductor leaves a division his “stock,” turned. if not broken, must be transferred to his successor only through his Division Superintendent ; if broken, it must be returned to the G. I’. & T. Agent’s Office. Reporting Stop- (@.) Conductors will account on blank [P. 49], for all Over Checks. Gto-Over Checks issued, in a manner similar to that used in reporting Sleeping Car Tickets, entering thereon the Book Number and the consecutive numbers of the Stop-Over Checks in regular order. (¢.) They will send with such report, in an envelope addressed to the Ticket Auditor, the Original Tickets taken up (cancelled as per Rule 60), and the Duplicates of the Stop-Over Checks, after entering on back of latter full description of former. £) They will enter zz ink on the faces of the Original Tickets both the Book and Ticket numbers of the Checks cc | ur } issued, so that the cancelled tickets may agree with the report. Ties sor 1096 54. Because of numerous frauds by forgery and from.” alteration, conductors must discontinue the practice of endorsing on the back of passage tickets “Good from aye wi Bt noite Station; ” and must issue a regular Stop- Over Check in accordance with Rule 52, whenever a passenger is to stop over at a station short of the destination of his ticket. Exception: Special Tickets (Passes). Slecpmg Car, gg. SLEEPING CARS.—(a.) Conductors of each divi- examined. sion will make a careful examination of the charts of all sleeping cars on their respective trains. Besides com- paring, signing and punching the charts, they must hereafter PUNCH THE SLEEPING CAR TICKETS when checking same with the chart, before arriving at the terminus of their route or run, and thus see that there is a ticket for each and every occupant of the sleeping car. Sige ingCarprv (6.) Train Conductors will have full charge of the Sleeping Cars while attached to their respective trains and will be held personally responsible for the care of and attention due occupants thereof, and must report any neglect of duty or act of incivility on the part of Car Porters. Tickets for Double Berths or State Rooms entitle the holder thereof to the exclusive use of same to destination. Double Berths or Seats will accommo- date two persons. Passengers holding tickets for same have the privilege of inviting other passengers to occupy such seats, at their pleasure, provided no improper char- acters are thus allowed. These Coaches are SLEEPING CARS AT NIGHT AND SPECIAL DRAWING Room CARS DURING THE DAY. Conductors must not allow other passengers to occupy same to the inconvenience of parties holding Sleeping Car Tickets. Sleeping Car Berth collections. (¢.) All collections made from passengers, not provided with Sleeping Car Tickets, must be made by Train Con- ductors in person. Porters will not be allowed, under any circumstances, to receive money from passengers for “Perth Tickets.” Great care must be taken by con- ductors when issuing Sleeping Car Tickets to punch them correctly. Sloopy Car (d.) Agents or Conductors will not be allowed to sell erths, to whom : , Ne . . . . tthe sold Sleeping Car Tickets to parties holding Second Class or Emigrant Tickets. In case a passenger holding a Second Class or Emigrant Ticket secures a Sleeping Car Ticket, the conductor will refund to such passenger the amount paid for such Sleeping Car Ticket, and then transfer the passenger to his or her proper car or train. Special (Passage) ; . y . Tickets not good (2) The courtesies of Special Tickets (Annual or Trip) for SI C ay : for Sleeping” Car voy the road do not extend the privileges of sleeping [ r2 | cars. When Special Tickets are offered covering Sleep- Car Berths, enter following on Chart : INITIO «oie ileus oininisio a sivitisis wi wimin ata alae By whom issued..............c0vvnn.. Season (Yor Trip(Th.....covvv.nnees No. Stanon from... cq... crerinnis sseses ING, SCRHON 0. co vvsviv ss ress sits iawn boy hese in} Agents and Conductors in selling Sleeping Car number of per- Tickets to parties of two or more must be sure that such sons parties pay for the room they must necessarily occupy, so as not to incommode other passengers. If a party of more than two persons (over § years of age) pay for one berth only, they must either occupy the other berth or seat, or encroach on the rights and privileges of the party who has paid for the exclusive use of such in same section. They must therefore use their best judgment in berth- ing, and be sure that passengers pay for sufficient room to make themselves comfortable and to avoid crowding out or encroaching on the rights of others. (g.) Conductors making transfers of occupants in Sleeping Cars from one berth to another must note same on backs of Charts, so that connecting conductors will have no trouble in locating the passengers. Car Porters to (%.) Sleeping Car Porters must collect all Sleeping return tickets : : conected, Car Tickets issued by Agents and conductors, and return same to the office of the Ticket Auditor, with the Car Charts at the termination of each round trip. Transfers in Sleeping Cars. Sleeping Car Tic. (7) Conductors or Agents east of Sacramento will not 28 fron S80 3 issue to stations west of that point, and conductors on Lathrop. Western Division, Train No. 1, will punch tickets, going east, as from Sacramento. ‘‘San Francisco” must not be punched on tickets to be used on the Visalia Division, but going south tickets must be punched as from La- oo pHROP, ond going north as to that point. Sigeplng Car Tice {/.) Sleeping Car Berths should not be sold to any sold West of Og- point west of Ogden for use of holders of Special First- : Class Contract Tickets Eastward, as such tickets grant no stop-over privileges. (4) The new Single Drawing-Room Sleeping Cars are numbered from 24 to 41 inclusive. Single D. R. Sleepers. Drawing Room Rates. (2) The charge for Drawing Rooms will be the same as for two (2) sections, ($24 between Ogden and Sacramento), and tickets issued for K. and L. will answer. Generally a Drawing-Room should not be sold for less than three passage tickets, though in case of light travel they may be sold for a less number. Con- ductors may sell ‘“berths” in unoccupied Drawing- Rooms on Atlantic Express after passing Reno, and on Pacific Express after passing Corinne. Sndling Room (m.) Berths in the Smoking Room should not be sold by Agents, but may be by conductors, and then only to way travel (To GENTLEMEN ONLY, AND IN NO CASE TO | 5 ) LADIES,) when needed to accommodate the same. In such cases conductors must especially inform the local passenger (unable to secure a berth in other portions of the car) that the Room must be used during the day by other passengers in the car for smoking purposes. The charge for berths will be the same as in other regular sections, and in case of any sales conductors can alter present tickets with pen and ink, or pencil, to read “ M” upper or lower, as the case may be. (7.) The Ladies’ Toilet is situated between the Draw- ing and Smoking Rooms, with door from the hall, and is for the use of all LADY 0CCUPANTS of the car. (0.) As the Smoking Room is set apart for that pur- pose, conductors will not allow smoking in any other portion of the car. Genll Supt's Cir 56. CoPY of CIRCULAR issued by the General Super- Sleeping _Cars, intendent, dated October I, 1874: Dulles i Owing to non-observance of portions of existing sleep- Portes. ing-car rules, published in 1872 (and as given in rule 41, Circular No. 2, January 1, 1874,) special attention is hereby called to certain important features therein. Train Conductors will see that Rules 3, 11 and 12 are fully complied with, and will report any disobedience of same. All cases of disputed location or errors in charts or tickets must be at once referred to the conductor, who will give his personal attention to their adjustment. CONDUCTORS WILL SEE THAT WAY PASSENGERS EN- TER THE ‘““ DAY” COACHES DIRECT FROM THE STATION (WHERE THE PLATFORM OR STATION GROUNDS WILL ADMIT) AND NOT BY PASSING THROUGH THE SLEEPERS. Conductors will be furnished with keys to night locks of Sleepers, to use in case it is necessary to pass through the same, and they will station their brakemen in such a manner that it will not be necessary for them to pass through during the night. Conductors will consider it a part of their duty to be among their passengers while the train is in motion, and are forbidden to remain in baggage cars longer than is necessary to transact any business they may have therein. Any conductor who hereafter makes a practice of riding in baggage cars will be considered as neglect- ing his duty, and his services will be dispensed with. Conductors will not allow any passengers, paying or free, to ride in baggage cars when there is room in pas- senger cars, nor in mail or express cars, unless they can show authority for so doing. At eating or other important stations, so far as possi- ble, the rear door of the rear Sleeper, and the front door of the front Sleeper, (if but one car, then the rear door) should be kept locked. This is especially applicable to Lathrop, Stockton, Sacramento, Colfax, Summit, Truckee and Reno. Ladies’ Toilet. No Smoking. Tickets lost by Passengers. Conductor's Duties to Passengers. [ 14 ] Porters, to prevent theft, will during night time keep the “night locks on,” as they will hereafter be held per- sonally responsible for the loss of any baggage or cloth- ing belonging to passengers occupying Sleepers. In case of loss of baggage or property from Sleepers, the value of the property missing will be held against the Porter's pay until it is proven that the loss was not through his negligence or carelessness. 57. While the officers of this Company sympathize with passengers so unfortunate as to lose their passage tickets, they must consider this Company no more re- sponsible to such passengers than had the loss consisted of an amount of money of same value as the lost tickets. In such cases conductors will collect train rates to the first Ticket Office Station, and request the passenger to purchase a ticket at such station to destination ; and, if desired, will give the passenger a receipt for the money thus paid, and request the Agent selling the ticket as above to do likewise. They will then refer the passenger to this office, asking that all particulars and a full des- cription of the lost ticket be given. 58. (a.) Conductors must observe great care in their deportment to passengers on trains and at stations, al- ways treating them respectfully and courteously, answer- ing all questions, many of which may be important to them, however trifling they may seem to you. (4.) Should there be any doubt in regard to a ticket, conductors will give the passenger the benefit of such doubt. Should it become necessary, for any reason, to eject a passenger from the train, before doing so con- ductors will bring the train to a full stop, and will explain to the passenger pleasantly what their duties are, and in a tone of voice so other passengers may hear. Conductors must remember, however, that it is not advisable to eject passengers except in EXTREME CASES, and must not at- tempt to exercise authority over them, nor allow them- selves to become angry, lest they exceed their authority and thereby compromise the Company. (¢.) In ejecting a party from a train, the law requires that it be done only at A STATION OR NEAR SOME DWELLING-HOUSE, at which the party ejected can secure meals, if necessary. A Siding or Side Track does not constitute a Station. (d.) Should a conductor eject any passenger from his train, he will without unnecessary delay report in writing to his Division Superintendent all the circumstances con- nected therewith, giving names and residences of party ejected and of the witnesses; date and location put off at; a complete history of the ticket offered, if any; its destination, name of road issued by, form, number and date ; also, such other information as may be of service to the Company in case of a lawsuit arising from such ejectment, [ 13 ] (e.) Conductors will take up any fraudulent, expired or transferred tickets, and attach to such statement. (£) The Division Superintendent, after noting any additional facts he may be cognizant of, will forward the report to this office. Te ted” 59. Conductors must enter in red ink on their daily reports (opposite the proper station) the number of tickets ‘‘taken up” (same as cash collections), thus showing on reports the starting point and destination of tickets collected. The red ink entries must agree with the total number of tickets sent the Ticket Auditor. Conductors will treat tickets from beyond the termini of their Divisions as though such tickets had been sold at the starting point of their trains. For instance, tickets on the Visalia Division destined to points on the Western Division will be treated as local tickets from Lathrop. Tickets to points on the Oregon Division from the west will be classed with those from Sacramento, and from the east the same as local from Junction. Tickets destined to stations beyond conductor’s Division or run cannot be entered on report, as such tickets being returned by the passenger are taken up by terminal conductor. Copeiation of n. 00. Conductors, before returning to the Ticket ductors. Auditor (with their Train Reports) tickets collected, must, in all cases, cut off with knife or shears from each ticket a good portion of one corner to indicate that it has been fully used and is worthless. Care must be taken not to cut off the Ticket Number or Office Letter. Conductors will decline to honor any ticket that has been cancelled by having its corners clipped off as above. Baggage Checks gy, Hereafter when it becomes necessary for con- fare. ductors to take from passengers their duplicate baggage checks to secure unpaid fare, the conductor will instruct the Train Baggage Master to attach to the strap check (if on his train) a Tag, stating THAT SAME isC. 0. D., and transfer to connecting conductor the duplicate checks, (taking his receipt therefor to be forwarded to the Ticket Auditor) with a ¢Gtatement ”’ addressed to the Station Baggage Master, at destination. Fach Conductor will enter on the ‘Statement P? the number of the baggage check and amount of fare due at train rates over his division ; will also enter same items on Train Report under head of *¢ Remarks,” thus notify- ing the Ticket Auditor of such C. O. D. : In case any conductor has upon his train a child for whose passage the parent or party in charge positively re- fuses to present a proper ticket, to pay cash fare or to sur- render duplicate baggage check as security for the latter, the conductor, on proof positive or entirely satisfactory to himself that such child should pay passage rate in ac- cordance with our rules, that is, under twelve (12) years half fare, and under five (5) free, will telegraph both this | 16 office and the Agent at the station (if not east of Ogden) to which the baggage is destined the name of the pas- senger having charge of the child, whether in a Sleep- ing Car, the amount of fare due, the numbers of the baggage checks held by such passenger (if he can in any manner secure a knowledge of such numbers), and any other facts connected with the case, and the Agent will decline to deliver such baggage until the amount thus made C. O. D. thereon is paid. When a C. O. D. placed on baggage by conductors is paid, the S. B. Master will remit amount direct to the Treasurer, and send the conductor’s statement to the Ticket Auditor. Tususporiation of 62, A Cosgesg, if in apparent good condition and ACCOMPANIED BY SOME PERSON in charge, will be received for transportation on regular passenger trains, and carried in the baggage car, upon presentation by the passenger in charge of TWO FIRST-CLASS TICKETS to des- tination, one for such passenger, and one for the corpse. The Agent, in selling such tickets, must write in ink across the face of the latter the words ** For a Corpse.” If a coupon ticket, the same must be written across the face of each coupon. The Station Baggage Master or Agent must take up such corpse ticket, cancel same by punching, and return it with written statement, by first train, to the Ticket Auditor. He will also make an Extra Baggage Way-Bill, which he will give to the Train B. M., entering in column of ‘‘ Amount prepaid,” the words, ‘‘ For a First-Class Ticket to destination, numbered ” (filling in its consecutive number). If the ticket is destined to any point east of Ogden, Agents will take up the Central Pacific Coupon only, giving the remainder of the ticket to the passenger in charge, and way-bill the corpse to ‘“ Ogden ” only. Agents must not sell ‘“ Local or Stage Coupon Tickets” for this purpose. The Rate for a Corpse of a child of five (5) years and under will be half first-class rates; of one over five (5) years, full first-class rates. CEH prctevvans APPROVED ; Genl. Pass. and Tkt. Agt. A. N. TOWNE, Genl. Supt. "END OF TITLE | END OF REEL. PLEASE ~ REWIND.