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A *—“==-=-——€E' gWJ—E-fiizfii "ASE? 53 1109522 man The strong and fortified city was surrendered on the season of the Passover. Midian was destroyed by the cake of barley bread, like the offering of an omer of bar- ley on the Passover. The mighty men of Pull and Lud were destroyed with burning conflagration on the Passover. And ye shall say, this is the sacrifice of the Passover. The King abode yet in Nob this day, till the time of the Passover. The part of the hand which wrote the destruction of the foundation of the empire of Babylon, on the Passover. Even the time when the watch was set, and the table prepared on Passover. And ye shall say, this is the sacrifice of the Passover. Esther gathered the con- gregation to fast three days on Passover. The sworn enemy (Ha- man) didst thou cause to be executed on a gallows of fifty cubits high, on the Passover. These two things shalt thou bring in a moment on Utz, on the Passover. Thine hand will then be vic- torious, and thy right hand exalted, as on the night where- on was sanctified the festival of the Passover. And ye shall say, this is the sacrifice of the Passover. my; WE. “139.7? ms 5‘53: 317?: new: man any ”1.1372, 7151 515 am}; new mos 11,279”: mos n2: Dmnzsl army? :13; mm 11;: mos my my; we?» no; 1:09 moan-a 5a: may, wast! ring mpg: WW0 mos n31 omnm w‘bw‘p nova neg: 573p, mos; my raw; mm W: W mop-3... Biz/7.2L? Viz; 8‘25 m H.525 W was: may? ' 5152: WWW“? Wm - zoos no 2/an zoos; n21. amen 11D2 5112 11111 52 Thou didst reveal to the Oriental, (Abraham), the mi- racles performed in the midst of the night of Passover. And ye shall say, this is the sacrifice of the Passover. Thou didst appear unto him in the heat of the day, on the Passover. He entertained the angels with unleavened cakes on the Passover. And he ran to the herd, as a memorial of the offerings of othe Passover. And ye shall say, this is the sacrifice of the Passover. The inhabitants of Sodom provoked God to anger, and they were consumed by fire, on the Passover. Lot was delivered, who baked unleavened cakes for the Passover. Thou didst sweep the land of Moph and N oph, when thou didst pass through on the Passover. And ye shall say, this is the sacrifice of the Passover. O Lord! thou didst wound the head of the first-born, on the night of the observation of the Passover. O Omnipotent! yet didst thou pass over thy first-born son (Israel) being marked with the blood of the sacrifice of the Passover. 2 And ye shall say, this is the sacrifice of the Passover. 1111111 11111155 11152 :1122 515 :HD@ 1121135779131 D1111 D1112 121221111151 :2222 1111122211211 1131211 :11D22 111-1112 11111.5 111.11 1111.1 51:11 :DD2112 MD? 1721 DD'IDKSl. 12.251 D11211D 112311 :11D2 111112 111-11121 D1112 1215115111 :11D21122 .122 21111111211121111211121112 11222111112 :1122 112; DQ112151 11211121111 52 21:11 11: :1'1D2 1112112 51.52 111122 1122125111122 .11D2 D _2 11251111121'12111111153‘? :11D221111122 :11D2 1121 21112151 A 51 nos 52) mm The Agagitc cherished cn- mity and wrote letters at night. And it came to pass at mid- night. Thou didst awaken all thy conquering power against him by disturbing the sleep of the king in the night. Thou wilt tread the wine- press, when saying to the watchman, what of the night? Let the watchman (Israel) say aloud, the morning is come after night. And it came to pass at mid- night. 0 may the day draw nigh, that is neither day nor night. 0 thou, Most High! make known that under thee apper- taincth the day, and also the night. Appoint watchmen to thy city (Jerusalem) all day and all night. 0 illuminate as the splen- dour of the day, the darkness of the night. And it came to pass at mid- night. On the second night the following is said:— And ye shall say, this is the sacrifice of the Passover. Thy mighty power didst thou wonderfully display on the Passover. ‘Above all solemn feasts didst thou exalt the Passover. 2091 was no; first? :nbt‘zz. we: whim ”3:32. ”7,121 . rim mm mm tn??? mm m: wow? qmn we :nbz‘zrz no mas rim m“: ms: :nbz‘z cm 1p; :nbij ’30.: Tu 8‘7 mm was or 21,2 :n‘gjb $1, or am a? ’2 mm m :nbzba a? as T132. 717.973 mm?” :n ‘20 59mm 5:9 mm; cur-11x29 was tn??? :nbsz ’31:; ”U21 .ar vmh ’2: 5,53 met; my, 2313779131 pm gaban arm-n2; ma :noaa mm: 5:; rim: mop; :3ij ° no; 522 man 50 Thou didst threaten the . king of Gerar with death, in a dream by night. Thou didst terrify the Sy- rian in the dead of the night. And Israel wrestled with an angel, and overcame him in the night. And it came to pass at mid- night. The first—born of the E gypt- ians didst thou crush at mid- night. ' Their strength fOund them not when they arose at night. The swift army of the prince of Haroshet didst thou tread down with the stars of the night. And it came to pass at mid- night. The blasphemer who im- agined to lift up his hand a- gainst my beautiful habitation didst thou frustrate by the number of his slain in the night. , The idol Bel, and its sta- tue was overthrown in the darkness of the night. To the meritorious man the secret was revealed in a vis- ion of the night. ' And it came to pass at mid- night. He who got drunk in the holy vessel was slain in that night. He (Daniel) who was de- livered from the den of lions, interpretedthe dreadful dreams of the night. m m, v.22; or». :nb: . U 2’79}??? ”73113 13705977 :nfpjfi 53:15:35 122353134711, :nbgb 15 :nbij ’30; win. came ’11:; 3713. :nbzba ”ED; 030?; amp; mgr; 85 ohm :nbz‘p; mgr-1r; w; new tn??? ”ma:- we :n‘pzfia ”so; n21 was man? man Viz: :nbzb; may 5:42:er 31w‘~s;12$m 5:; 371; :nbzb ruin; mnng 2233.5 :nbgb mm m :nbzba no; n21 w‘jp m want/Jr: $1535; 13 31.1 mus “113?: m: :nézb var-1y; m 49 non 5w mm and praises, of thy servant David, the son of Jesse, thine anointed. May thy name be praised for over, our King! the Al- mighty, the King, the great and holy, in heaven and upon earth; for unto thee apper- taineth, O Lord, our God! and the God of our fathers, song and praise, hymns and psalms, might and dominion, victory and power, greatness, adoration, glory, holiness and majesty; blessings and thanksgivings are thine from henceforth to everlasting. Blessed art thou, O Lord! Almighty King, great with praises, Almighty to be ador- ed, Lord of wonders, who hast accepted songs of psalm- ody, King, Almighty, who livest eternally. This is said on the first night: And thus it came to pass at midnight. Then didst thou perform abundant miracles in the night. In the beginning of the first watch of this night. The righteous professor of God (Abraham) conquered when he divided his company at night. And it came to pass at mid- night. 4 ~22? 3;, an minawm mam my. unbmybapwnzorzfl mm 5173p 15m k{:1 nm‘rsrizsamwa 1~w’w3~minz~5fl§1.ufl§;2 a mu am now 7157.4 mm, Wham 21mph] nbnm njmn hm; ma‘prga mtg-mp :abw‘ywmnmypmwm Biwaqbpfisunomm; nix-gm 5:3 momma 1mm mix‘pma 317.3 in ‘72:; 1‘??? mm. ”1’27: . :D‘whya .or mint 03th 5’53 :nbz‘aa'm; ”mama . when D‘Djfflltfi \ :nbzba my; mama; was; :nhzba m: min P13 as 31753515 :nbsz '30:; m ‘ me So min mendous God! most high God possessor of heaven and earth! we will praise, adore, glorify, and bless thy name; so saith David :—bless the Lord! 0 my soul! and all that is within me, bless his ho- ly name. ' ,OGod! who art mighty in thy strength! who art great by thy glorious name! migh ty for ever, tremendous by thy fearful acts. The King! who sitteth on the high and ex- alted throne, inhabiting etern- ity, most exalted, and holy is his name; and it is written, rejoice in the Lord. 0 ye right- eous, for to the just praise is comely. With the mouth of the upright shalt thou be praised;blessed with the lips of the righteous; extolled with the tongue of the pious; by a choir of, saints shalt thou be sanctified. And in the congregation of imany thousands of thy peo- ple, the house of Israel, shall thy name, 0 our King! be glorified in song, throughout all generations, for such is the duty of every created being, towards thee, 'O Lord, our God, and the God of our fath- ers,to render thanks, to praise, extol, glorify, exalt, ' ascribe glory, bleSs, magnify, and adore thee, with all the songs 8 4 mm WSW W1 oar/“3.? aw ms p.291 ”Wm ‘21; min “mag; and ms mp 591 12‘ ms mm: 5m :m, :apw’112;251wga a132,, N11301: n33? 1mm 3mm 15.7973 aims-313; mm in so: 531 mm our; 73232.12; raw-13am 2m; 4m mm: mm new 1:: ems may: .53 mam am; ”1.7.131 opium mm 31225:! WWW 5‘27""? 312??! anymzmmfiapm 1:52:17 rm; 5s7221n~2 1m wiwbngfimpw manta 5; min 3:92.? um m :2 M? 557.15 m‘n'nb wants cum-15 use? r1222"? Dfipblnbszbmfimb WW“ "m 5;: “-237. 47 me 5w mm Lord, our God! didst redeem us from Egypt, and release us from the house of bondage; in time of famine didst thou sustain us; andin plenty didst thou nourish us. rl‘hou didsb deliver us from the sword; saved us from pestilence; and from many sore and heavy dis- eases hast thou Withdrawn us. Hitherto thy tender mercies have surpported us, and thy kindness has not forsaken us. 0 Lord, our God! forsake us not in the future. Therefore the members of which thou hast formed us, the spirit and soul which thou hast breath- ed into us, and the tongue which thou hast placed in our mouths ; lo! they shall wor- ship, bless, praise, glorify, eX- tol, reverence, sanctify and as- cribe sovereignpoweruntothy name, our King! every mouth shall adore thee, and every tongue shall swear unto thee; unto thee every knee shall bend: every rational being shall worship thee, every heart shall revere thee; the inward part and reins shall sing praise unto thy name, as it is written : all my bones shall say, 0 Lord, who is like unto thee? who de- livereth the weak from him that is too strong for him; the poor and needy from their oppressor; who is like unto thee? who is equal unto thee? who can be compared unto thee? great, mighty and tre- ymw war-3;: 232:1; .uzabrnzweouebabz new new 12w 137.:um'5w‘2r9mw3n s51 wen-1 ammnm mm “mummy: 3:: 537. mm? was 12' mm on; 0455?: mm; W515? DUE—3M ”7924’? mm new we Iiw'ia mm mm W m VJ amm mam mm flew ms Wm Wm ofl'ffi‘fi‘? mg: ‘7; ‘2 may; 5:1 am a‘? 21W? 5:1 WP 521 mm #17,; “7;: mam-m m? 31.2 521 mm: mm? marwfimwbm ”0172332 ‘73; 3mm We may: :jnmgsn immune: Plow-:37, m a? r1797), v; their: Ra amnimbnw ‘71:: 813301qu 57ng W51 aw WP W532, ms 522 mm 46 deemest, deliverest, maintain- est, and hast compassion over us, in all times of trouble and distress; we have no king but thee. Thou art God of the first, and God of the last, the God of all creatures; the Lord of all productions: thou art adored with all manner of praise: who governeth the Universe with tenderness and thy creatures with mercy. Lo! the Lord neither slum- bereth nor sleepeth, but rous- eth those who sleep, awaken- eth those who slumber; caus- eth the dumb to speak; loos- eth those that are bound; supporteth the fallen; and raiseth those who droop: and therefore thee alone do we worship. Although our mouths were filled with mel— odious songs, as the drops of the sea; our tongues with shOuting, as the roaring bil- lows thereof; our lips with praise, like the wide extended firmament; our eyes with sparkling brightness, like the sun and moon; our hands ex- tended like the towering ea- gles; and our feet as the hinds for swiftness; we, neverthe- less, are incapable of render- ing sufficient thanks unto thee, O Lord, our God! and the God of our fathers; or to bless thy name, for one of the innumerable benefits, which thou hast conferred on us and our ancestors. For thou, O mua‘pmfiwumm 55mm mm ‘7; ms 2mm ningzzm in; vmw was. my 851::13185‘31 @5301; aw: 17.1mm .222“? mm 'D‘DWJV‘PKJUI mums warm ’D’DW 17:21:01 @5913 animal was an? #7 mm: miw‘sbmrmfisomm wanton; nwnwbmgz 9:01;; my; wmnem WWW-'9 WW1 '33P? m1] mm mm: @77ng no); him-13 ray; :nbzs; 1115.2 Wm m-n'nb amen: urns onrmmwkumwgab ms Bygam‘ns 11.351 @958. ”958 aim we nmmmygmmm mmwmmnmwr uu‘mzzimbmnm more can-337.. mm 45 nos ‘72? man To him who divided the Red Sea: for his, 820. And made Israel to pass through the midst of it: for his, 850. But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea: for his, 850. To him who led his peo- ple through the wilderness: for his, &e. To him who smote great kings: for his, &C. And slew famous kings: for his, 850. Sihon,king of the Amorites : for his, 8.50. And 0g, king of Bashan: for his mercy endureth for ever. And gave their lands for an heritage: for his, 820. Even an heritage unto Is- rael, his servant: for his, 850. ‘Vho remembered us in our low estate: for his, 830. And hath redeemed us from our enemies: for his, 850. \Vho giveth food to all flesh: for his, 850. 0 give thanks unto the God ofheavens: for his mer- ey endureth for ever. The breath of all“ living bless thy name, 0 Lord, our God! the spirit of all flesh, continually glorify and extol thy memorial, 0 our King! thou art God from eternity to eternity; besides thee we ae- knowledge neither king, re- deemer or saviour; thou re- :1“on @5137? ‘3 12m “7mm ram morn ubiyb *3 mo :11; 151171 713719 1323.1 :r-iprj D5137? ‘3 :m",5"21;7r321m3m‘51mb :05": unwannfipmnb at": mnwzmmn :rJ".5":nr2§Wrafin‘Db m: ma 1er :1in tab": fibnfinmzmi :rn".5"=:i'-I:yk12'15ni7t3; :n"‘2":: in? 12.: mam tub": my: man tab": m... 525005153: :0“): Dmrg‘a 513‘; mm ms mm in 5mm 5; mm mm :2 WM mourimwmra; new In "vars um .53 fir-3:3 (:5er am W m 3‘8 ram Sigma r1119 373mm 5:513 213.53,; mm 0mm 1 2; is? as new in: mw‘main‘ ":nasxfis nos 5:0 mm 44 ' All thy work, 0 Lord! .shall praise thee; thy pious servants, with the righteous, who perform thy will, and thy people, the house of Israel, with joyful song, shall give thanks, bless, praise, glorify, extol, reverence, sanctify and acknowledge thy kingly name, 0 our King! for to thee it is proper to ofi‘erthanks- giving, and pleasant to sing praise to thy name: for thou -s art God from everlasting to ' everlasting. 0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. .' ' 0 give thanks unto the : God of gods: for his, 830. 0 give thanks unto the gut; Lord of lords: for his, 820. " To him who alone doeth i". great wonders: for his,-&c. : To him who by Wisdom _"’ made the heavens: forhis, &c. E '. To him who stretched out - the earth above the waters: 3, for his, 850. . . To him who made great lights: for his, 850. The sun to rule by day: ’; i for his, 850. The moon and stars to rule "3.” by night: for his, 850. ’3 To him who smote Egypt ,1 _'- in their first-born: for his, 850. And brought out Israel . from among them: for his, 850. . ” _ With a strong hand, and with an outstretched arm: for his mercy endureth for ever. mm mm mm m2». nw‘um my.“ :1me *3; mamas 1:915 nsgqu‘fia mam-1‘7 :knmsnbimnbwz 21m *3 min”? min :i'npm c2513)? ’2 mt": n'nkankbmn :rj'banuwga'mbmn 1—1157; 111:4th r1237? :mn r1513)? ‘3.- 172‘? mm: awn mic/37.5 mom $1be :2er 5y. 1/1.:er yen? morn 2:51:25 :2 :n'bbwr‘émumnw? fizz/7979‘? mm ms anon 551325 :2 ma; mum's} mm m :U"‘?‘"2n>??3m‘7¥fm§? mum: mm nan? mom my? ’3: :05": nmmka'mm rum mm new 73:; mm ubiy‘p *3 WEBB we a: 1.73:? 43 no; 5w mm Lord hath done valiantly. I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. He hath indeed chastised me, but he hath not given me over unto death. Open the gates of righteousness for me, that I may enter through them, to praise the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord, into which the righteous shall enter. I will praise thee, for thou hast answered me, and art become my salvation. The stone, which the builders rejected, is become the corner head- stone. This is from the Lord; it is marvellous in our eyes. This is the day, which the Lord hath appointed, we will rejoice, and be glad thereon. O Lord! save us now, we beseech thee. O Lord! save us now, we beseech thee. O Lord! send now pros- perity, we beseech thee. O Lord! send now pros- perity, we beseech thee. Blessed be he who cometh in the name of the Lord; bles- sed are ye from the house of the Lord. God is Lord: and it is he who hath granted us light. Bring the sacrifice, bound with cords, to the horns of the altar. Thou art my God, and I will praise thee! O my God! I will extol thee. 0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. mmzw’bimzuém n; :74: 7171's a; any; :1: m: wmgvbwm‘a 9‘? Will 931393.193. T973 m; m mm min 2"st: my; mum sin Minx-31:1 1: mgr; w my, m usury; nabs; rum my, cm W :1: wow 8; WW 12m 83, WW :2 ms :mmbmzzm trauma :2 82;: 12:22.2: Nan am 12% :1: mm mm: mmyymwpmbwsn ”525 r toxemia-1,1732 . ”1751}: mm WEN ' .3 1:5 mm a. @3me mm morn 551375”; 3m 5; 62> arms :2 $5327.12 D‘Pus mm: mm; on may. 521 agar": “31:7 mm W .191; 51.312”, 1133 53 111311 42 Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Let Israel now say, that his mercy endureth for ever. Let the house of Aaron now say, that his mercy en- dureth for ever. Let those, who fear the Lord, now say, that his mercy endureth for ever. In distress I called upon the Lord, and the Lord an- swered me with enlargement. As the Lord is for me, I will not fear; what can man do unto me? the Lord is with me, and those who help me: I therefore shall see my desire on those who hate me. It is better to trust in the Lord, than to rely on man. It is better to trust in the Lord, than to rely on princes. All nations compassed me about, but in the name of the Lord will I cut them off. They surrounded me; yea, they compassed me about, but in the name of- the Lord will I cut them off. They compass- ed me about like bees; they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the Lord will I cut them off. Thou hast thrust sore at me, that I might fall, but the Lord sup- ported me. The Lord is my strength and song; he is be- come my salvation. The voice of song and salvation is in the tabernacles of the right- eous; the right hand of the 51111111 1.13 113111 :11313 35131513 11.115 1113 113 1113111 :11313 35131513 1,111,111 :13 1113111 :11313 35131513 13331113313133.1113 311,111: 215151,:1 113311.33 1511. 11111 15111111111: :133131311111113111111313 1113313 113 111335 3113 113 1113115 313 :31153 311353 :3131133 313313 :35113151311 31113 1.11333 1131313131333 3313133- 3113' 313133 :35133313 1131413 313113 1113313313: — 1331111 .1111, :3511315, 13 1113111131, :1311 _1115335 131513 113111411 51.111111 11131313113115.1113331111111 11131311 111131513 11313111 1111335115 151131113131 311111131 :.11 11113113 1333331 111.111.1113 :15 1111351 .11 13131131 17171 l'llf'l 1713'! 41 173353 .7717 O my soul: for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet f1 om falling. I yet will walk he- f01e the Lord, in the land of the living. I firmly believed, and the1 efore have I spoken with confidence, although I was greatly afflicted. In my haste I said, all men are liars. What shall I render unto the Lord, for all his benefits towards me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call up- on the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows unto the Lord, now, in the presence of all his people. Grievous, in the sight of the Lord is the death of pious servants. O Lord! truly, I am thy ser- vant; I am thy servant, the son of thy handmaid, thou hast loosed my bonds. Unto thee will I ofier a sacrifice of thanksgiving , I will also call on the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows unto the Lord, now, in the presence of all his people. In the courts of the Lord’s house, in the midst of thee, O J erusa— lem. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord, all ye na- tions ; praise him, all ye peo- ple. For great is his merci- ful kindness towards us; and the truth of the Lord endur- eth for ever. Hallelujah! 0 give thanks unto the 1711,37 13 11131, 1711, 171.33 75.171711137131517 1711 13113.7 1773-7113 1,1 1135 311 73711, 13 117131117, 11773111111 171131171111, :33 3711.7 53113173 573 1,15 31311 1'73 17111131373 11511137573117 177111173111133137113111 ' 535 111 .7711 35311, 115 31713.7 11 ,111173 731, 11311 1111 13 1,1 .7111 11171335 71731113 77311111177317 173111 75 11737351717173 1117311113337 .7773 1731, 111 .7711 35311 1,15 1771 111713 17773173 17311535 1.717557 353771 1337173 3171 53 1,1, 1711 755.17 13 13131117 537 1.7117311] 11 173117 77317 711512, 731 1.711557 357115 313 13 115 777.7 1111 177317 35711513 nos 5w mm 40 shield. Ye, who fear in the Lord, trust in the Lord, he is your help and shield. The Lord hath ever been mindful of us, he will bless us, he will bless the house of Israel, he will bless the house of Aaron. He will bless those who fear the Lord, both small and great. May the Lord increase you more and more, you and your chil—' dren. Ye are blessed of the Lord, who made heavens and earth. The heavens are the heavens of the Lord; but the earth hath he given to the children of man." The dead praise not the Lord; nor they who descend into the silent grave. But we will bless the Lord, from henceforth, and for evermore. Hallelujah! 0, how I love the Lord! for he hath graciously heard my voice and my supplica- tions. For he hath inclined his ear unto me: therefore Will I call upon him, whilst I live. The struggles of death . compassed me, and the pangs of the grave seized me; I was entangled in trouble and sor- row. I then called upon the name of the Lord: 0 Lord! I beseech thee, deliver my soul. 'The Lord is gracious and righteous; yea, our God is merciful. The Lord pre- serveth the simple; I was brought low, and he saved me. Return unto thy rest, mm mm amynjm mm; mm: run: an: :mn cuppa my, ms p.22: m: up: m. as mgzbmwmu D‘mazmwzm Drama” :DWU my. D‘Jmtnauzbmna‘bsz. :V'utsznvzzmwyrfinm 321.1301 ”:5 mm mm mom 8‘7 mtg: ”4:53:33, ’73" ‘7; 851 nza‘fi‘mz n: 112-; mm mm :ny‘afia 1:513; 13217113ng ms may“? *2 mm ms non ’2 zigmm ’51P was mass ”m "7 ‘71sz um my; ban mm 272:1 my mm :2 m2: «Rips :2 cm P73123130 $222); 71:95:: wow :30er arms] zyrw‘1n2*51’n5mznrw :2 ”:2 WW? ”2/2; W mam”: mam .-._.. 39 ms: 5w n-un Drink the third cup of Wine—Open the door and say: 0 pour out thy wrath upon the heathen who know thee not, and upon the kingdoms who invoke not thy name; for they have devoured J a- cob, and laid waste his beau- tiful dwelling. (Pour out thine indignation upon them, and cause thy fierce anger to overtake them ; pursue them in wrath, and destroy them from under the heavens of the Lord.) SAYING THE HALLEL. Fill the fourth cup and say: Not for our sake, O Lord! not for our sake, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mer- cy and truth’s sake. Where- fore should the nations say, where now is their God? But our God is in the heavens, and hath made whatsoever he pleased. Their idols are sil- ver and gold, the work of men’s hands. Mouths have they, but speak not; eyes have they, but see not. They have ears but hear not; nostrils have theybutsmell not; neith- er is utterance in their throat. Those that make them shall become like them; so shall all those who trust in them. Is- rael, trust thou in the Lord, he is thy help and shield. ' O house of Aaron, trust in the Lord, he is our help and 3357.3 rpm!) 3ch :31: ran)? mun 5:5 mpg jazz] L721 am: s5 ms 8"? am: am 1'11:pr 1mm 535 *2. mp. “=12“? margin in}; mg an: m w: Baby. rig; rpm :CDA‘WZ :1: primer: worm mm 1:1: mm) 5‘30 qu'bimsbx‘vgnfiw “w. mm 532.712; 3:?) niumwnwnrg‘; tyrants: 4mm, :nzrrjbgs a; nag Var: ms 5: mm; mm: uni-7431mm DU? mg: 1573‘s ‘71”2'3133 x51 :55 aura-121: x51 851 DUE? mus tam? twnuzx’anabnxmw’. D0591 3mm: 851nm: Ingmzmzx‘mbmxSi 53 mm: mi 20172:; 5&2”? tan; an: wt: 5.3in mmnm on: me; 31.11:: h”; :Nan no; 5:22 Min 38 vation : and may we find grace and good understanding in the sight of God and man.' 071 the Sabbath: May he, who is most merciful, cause us to inherit the day that is entirely Sabbath, and rest of everlasting life. May he, Who is most merci- ful, cause us to inherit the day that is entirely good. May he, who is most merci- ful, make us Worthy to be; hold the day of the Messiah, and eternal life in the future state. He giveth great sal- vation to his king, and show- eth mercy to his anointed: to David and his seed for ever. May he, Who maketh peace in his high heavens, grant peace unto us, and all Israel, and say ye, Amen. Fear the Lord, ye his saints, for there is no want to those Who fear him. The young liOns do lack, and suffer hunger; but they Who seek the Lord shall not want any good. Praise ye the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy en- dureth for ever. Thou Openest thy hand and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. Blessed is the man who will trust in the Lord, and the Lord Will be his trust. May the Lord give strength to his people. May the Lord bless his people with peace. Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the Uni- verse, Creator of the fruit of the vine. 52,221 in 8m maze“: :n-m niuhs w; m 15.73;;- nr wing: mm 173ng ms mafia 115'? mum mw’ Dr nbm: mm 379mm mm mm“: mm 152:4! ”in? mm mm #52:: “71747; mgr: {2:513:73 we new 13.57:: mar-1w: 731 1377151 71.15 irr‘wrp‘p rmwmnbwnzfyznbiy 5371 u’byp‘i‘vcp na'yjsan quasi-1pm 531,227 5; V13 ’3 ramp 12m; it“? mm :rsjfi‘p 11cm; x5 :2 my um m *2 ~35 n'n'n :21105; mom: 0:319 :1?ch 225137“; .3. mm ”a 5;“? 32:22.2??? T3: ms was, am am mm, mm: 1: mm ”:3. m3: ms “in: r. in. 1:22? iv :1 1:315ng 172;: ' ' 15.7.9 unkzznrars v12.- Weaa ”'19 m ma 37 nos ‘72) mm merciful, break the yoke of captivity from off our neck, ,and lead us securely to our land. May he, who is most merciful, send us abundant blessings in this house, and on this table, on which we have eaten. May he, who is most merciful, send us Elijah, the prophet, of blessed me— mory, to bring us the good tidings of salvation and con- solation. May he, who is most merciful, bless my honored father, the master of this house 3 and my honored moth- er, the mistress thereof: their house, children, and all be- longing to them; us, and all belonging to us; as our ances- tors Abraham, Isaac and Ja- cob were blessed, with all and every good: thus may he bless us altogether with a complete blessing: Amen. May they in heaven show forth (his hand) our merit, 'for a peaceable preservation: and may we receive a blessing from the Lord, and righteous- ness from the God of our sal- and let us say: mm; mm: Nan m, 113w: mm mm m5? mm 151,813 5371;; immammbnrmp r1211; m: W? W 771.105??me n72: Wmmmm‘mw mgr: 713‘»; m5 u‘pnbw", ub 7232’? :n'mb m; mm: mm mm mzmwmzmw ma 5312:1172 (using; mm (ma) 11:31 r110 nmnowzanuanbya ‘72; m mu: m an”: 5:2 M31 mm on? v.28. mm 1m; vb 7:4»: P03750128 Wm 11.22325253n5221m mpg: 70: an; unis :Ims mm mm m5}; nub: mango: ”mm? mm Wm W21 C2152! mam? ulspnpmzmm: nos 5w man 36 0 build Jerusalem, the holy city, speedily in our days. Blessed art thou, O Lord! who in his mercy buildeth Jerusalem. Amen. Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King, Strength, Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier; the Sanctifier of Jacob, our Pas- tor, the Shepherd of Israel; the beneficient King, who dealeth beneficiently with all; for he hath been, is, and ever well be, daily, beneficient to- wards us. He hath dealt boun- tifully with us, as he doth now, and ever will: granting us grace, favor, mercy, en- largement, deliverance, pros- perity, blessing, salvation, consolation, maintenance, and sustenanee; and may we ne- ver want mercy, and a peace- able life, with every good. May he, who is most merciful, reign over us, for ever and ever. May he, who is most merciful, be praised in heaven and «on earth. May he, who is most merciful, be adored throughout all generations, be eternally glorified amidst us; and be honored amongst us, to all eternity. May he, who is most merciful, maintain us with honor. May he, who is w'jpa'vynbrp'a‘nngm nowmmmm awn: mm; mg: :2 3791‘s twnbrunmu; um mg: 5er abuzz: pips; am: uni-1:5: jpym‘mg mummy a‘zm Esqwinyn mm 5233;; 5:5 mom mm mm mm mm "or; or mm m? mm: mm mm; Nan mm mm mm; 190‘? in“; W32 vhf-:24”. .1530 nnbi mam? mm. 7121-?- Wow r1295: mom mum 5:31 ohm mm Dm'n :u'jmz‘m 21:9 Sara-721m WWW w 1790.10 WI mm mamas??? :V'rsm mm: mm ‘117‘7 mama]? «an gnu-1.3 mu? m; 1:591:11 mu an? in; mm our; mm :mfim‘ayw 35 r1133 51:) .1111 and holy Sabbath; for this day is great and holy in thy presence, thereon to rest, and be at ease, in love, accord- ing to the precept of thy will; and in thy good will, suffer no trouble, sorrow, or affliction, to affect us on our day of rest; and show us, 0 Lord, our God! the consolation of Zion, thy city, and the structure of Jerusalem, thy holy city; for thou art the Lord of salvation, and the Lord of con- solations. Our God, and the God of our fathers, shall cause our prayers to ascend, and come, approach, be seen, accepted, heard, and be thought on; and be remembered in remem- berance of us, and in remem- berance of our fathers, in re- memberance of thine anointed Messiah, the son of David, thy servant, and in remem- berance of Jerusalem, thy holy city, and in commemo- ration of all thy people, the house of Israel, before thee, to a good issue: with favor, with grace, and mercy, to life and peace, on this Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. 0 Lord, our God! remember 11s thereon for good; visit us With a blessing; and save us to enjoy life; and with the word of salvation and mercy, have compassion, and be gracious unto us. 0 have mercy upon us, and save us, for our eyes are. continually towards thee: for thou, O God! art a merciful and gra- cious King. 311 13 .1171 131117-711 5111.71 11313.71 331125 711135 1111 1311171 5111 .11 1113-1313133 13.111313 r1115113 11513 111.151; 11, 112 17111.1 71113713 c3113 1111.31 11,111. H13 1.7111 DDTlJD lJ‘1'l\_T “ lJNWUl lJDl'llJD 1111 13513111 111331 11111 1113 ‘77113 N11 r1111; 13 11317 2311311171 51131 313131.71 1111:1131; 7151;111:151; .11.;7111 11,1111 113,11 .1511: “313717.971 1719142711 “1313.1 111311 11111731 11.11131 13 17111313111311 1111:1131; 13151311: 111311 171311111 1131153111311 1131131131 11135 L7.111.137 1—113 13115111533135.131535 13151351 131115 3113111151 11131111111133.1133113 1.117311713113513111.7151;11 131131113111 1.13135 13 my1wj13131 :311115 3311 1111,11 3111 311311711 1151; 13 1131713111 111511 31111 11.11 51:; 1,3 1111131 371315 non 5w run 34 give thanks unto thee, and praise thee; blessed be thy name continually, in the mouth of every living creat- ure, for ever and ever; as it is written: when thou hast eaten, and art satisfied, then shalt thou bless the Lord, thy God, for the good land which he hath given thee. Blessed art thou, O Lord! for the gift of the land and for the food. 0 Lord, our God! we beseechthee,havecompassion on thy people Israel, on J eru- salem, thy city, on Zion, the residence of thy glory, and on the great and holy house of David; thine anointed; and on the great and holy house, which is called by thy name. Thou art our God, Father, Pastor, and Feeder; our Maintainer, Supporter, and Enlarger. Enlarge us speed- ily from all our troubles; and suffer us not, 0 Lord, our God! to stand in need of the gifts of mankind, nor their loan: but let us depend on thy full, open, and extensive hand; so that we may not be put to shame, nor ever be confounded. On the Sabbath say: Be pleased, O Lord, our God! to grant us rest in thy commandments, of the seventh day. even this great new swimmers .0 5:; ~23 WW man? mm mm? W: emanmyamm rim V1§U5WU5§ZZ not: an; .1520; 12»: mm 51mm 537.: 5§1W’.53733‘U5§110m w awn: 5:21 any. 537.1 mm: 3227?: 31335321 mm; m w; mm 22mm 5113:? man 5321 link :vbmew mm mm mar my: was mm mm mm 5;»: mar; wow :3 as? nmm L»; x; 3me mm; ’7“? s5 nuSgs 1: umbmfiwnmm When w «:8 ’3: y—zgfiwpm mama s51 221:; 8522' ngmm mm 05117.5 5.5;; .m Dumb n35: aJ‘ngg 13 ngw‘pggg my} ”Sm-JD Di“ new when; ‘ mm". ‘x." ' “it? 33 nos 52/ 7mm verse, who feedeth the whole world with his goodnes, and with his grace, kindness, and mercy, giveth food to every creature: for his mercy en- dureth for ever. And as his abundant goodness has never been deficient towards us, so may we never be in want of sustenance for ever and ever; for the sake of his great name, for he is the God who feedeth and sustaineth all, and dealeth beneficiently with all; and 'provideth food for all the creatures that he hath created. Blessed art thou, O Lord! who giveth food unto all. We will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, our God! for having caused our ancestors to inherit that desirable, good and ample land; and because thou hast brought us forth from the land of Egypt, and redeemed us from the house of bondage; and for thy co- venant which thou hast sealed in our flesh; for the law which thou hast taught us, and for thy statutes which thou hast made known unto us; and for the life, kindness and mercy, which thou hast graciously bestowed upon us, and for the food wherewith thou dost feed and sustain us, continually; every day and hour. And for all these things, 0 Lord, our God! will we .3 15:: Dam ms 3173 cam 790-“.- ‘ V33} mo; 00‘; mu m D’Dtflm WWW”: we :35 TEE) 517353 mom mmbworjz‘amnbwom 1m] my; my; abut; omega 3: mm *2 51730 31er ram 525 mafia? to; 7%: mm 52‘? :5373 rim-1:1 was an; 531 mm :3 a? mi: N mm? 0.50m 5m rum we mm: mirth: 1: maxing; WWW 57137.9 WW4? Wm: 5:21 D’mflm 37.1 mm: 1379502! 5:21 WW awn mum naming; rpm 37.7. mam "7901 l0 n was? I“??? firms 5;; we an»: enema my}? 59:33 21325an Links mks; 1; 53:1 5321 no.9 5w man 32 EATING THE HORSE-RADISH. The master of the house then breakes the undermost cake; takes a piece of it, with some bitter herbs of a different kind to the first, eats them together, and says the following, in commemoration of what Hillel did: Thus did Hillel during the time the holy temple stood: he took the unleavened cake and bitter herb, and eat them together, that he might per- form what is said: with un— leavened cake and bitter herbs shall they eat it. BRINGING THE MEAT, &0. After supper, the master of the house takes the half of the middle cake, which he laid by, and gives every one a piece of it. . Then fill the cups with wine, and say the grace which is said after meat. FORM OF THE GRACE AFTER MEAT. ,, It is the custom that he who says grace, says: “gentlemen, we will say grace, ’ and they answer: Blessed be the name of the Eter- nal from henceforth and for ever- more. If the company be ten or more, then he who says grace, says: We will bless our God, of whose bounty we have been satisfied. The others answer: Blessed be our God, of whose bounty we have been satisfied, and through" whose goodness we live. Which he repeats: Blessed be our God, of whose bounty we have been satisfied, and through whose goodness we live. Blessed be he; blessed be his name! Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the Uni- Tll: ”373 :DiP. WWW “mm: 111m mgr; (one) same" no nap? ant; zin‘gssinflhmmsnby W W ’o 7:: .055: 193155 own orbmh '3: 7pm .lon’Ev 03mm iii-'33 _ mm 53M wuss DDDDD up: amps vnbbw .7Dbi 7% 535 gm imp’DbS m: T??- .z'lfDD D333 7731): may v.21; 5.5a new, 3: hump 75’: pm» pm» not: 15:1»: MS; 3.11 new om man 3‘: an amt 31mm :D‘giv 7y] may; 1113:; 3; or; man) ‘1');3 : 5 , mm: vmh 3mm :ng2); ”5.7%? crabs gm o’s’nm saws) WW; new D’SlDDDl ism 1534»; 33:73:? (bring; in orbs qt or: owmvo 531) 33‘??? 1113231 1h: DDfi’l 1339’ on on onions (21m :15in wan mm (ll‘ujefi) a“; 7mm 3mm 7mm mun meg-i 15:42:; #32er 21mg? $113 «an mu; Webster-.781“: 31 non 522 mm Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the Uni- verse, Creator of the fruit of the vine. WASHING THE HANDS. Wash your hands, and say: Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the Uni- verse, who hast sanctified us with thy commandments, and commanded us to wash the hands. SAYING GRACE AND BREAKING THE CAKE. . _ The master of the house then takes two whole cakes and the broken one in his hand together, and breakes the upper cake; but he must not eat thereof, till he breakes a piece off the broken one, and says the following blessings, and gives a piece of each to every one at table, who will say the same blessings, and then eat both pieces together. Blessed art thou, 0 Eternal, our God! King of the Uni- verse, who bringeth forth bread from the earth. Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the Uni- averse, who hast sanctified us with thy commandments, and commanded us to eat unleav- ened cakes. THE EATING OF THE BITTER HERBS. The master of the house then takes some bitter herbs, dips it into the mmn and says: >- Blessed art then, 0 Lord, our God! King of the Uni- verse, who hast sanctified us with thy commandments, and commanded us to eat bitter herbs. He then cats it and gives some to every one at table, who say the above blessing before they eat it. 117:: Welshman was “in 8113 4:?er :Efm: wee: 3mm V01 .0033!» cm, 0’51»: 73 7M” onbiyai‘zsim‘szm mm: may. m mm: mm Mam n32; war: oo’rsc Demo on: mine '3 1,7,3 rmt mvSvnp 125131 05p :15,in 5m 'fr‘mvo 173m .7D’3 05mm WV: 3”: Domain m3 onbiymbmrnkm “ with v.9 Dab Wm robiyatmrnsztsa ram amp was . mgr; n5”: 557nm my; Bum fmwS rapt: an» m: i’” 'p we: ,DJ’DD ’53 15mm r5121) DDDD 3mm norm: spy 153m mm rabiyaibmmkm mm: we we :Wi'v; tubing 53733131 m: a: 7mm mmnno ohm in n “-np' :3”an ma: 18531 513:: t5: 7m: 0531!» m3 :an; meet-'19:. nos 5w mm 30 and fled; Jordan retreated; mountains skipped like rams, andthehills likelambs. What ailed thee, 0 ocean, that thou didst flee? Thou, O J or- dan, that thou didst retreat? Ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams, and ye hills like lambs? It was from the pres- ence of the Lord! quake thou earth from the presence of the God of J acob, who turned the rock into a pool of water, the flint stone into a fountain of waters. ‘ Blessed art thou, O Eter- nal, our God! Sovereign of 'the Universe! who hast re— deemed us, and our ancestors, from Egypt; and causest us to attain the enjoyment of this night, to eat thereon un- leavened cakes and bitter herbs; 0 Eternal, our God! and the God of our ances- tors, mayest thou thus cause us to attain other solemn fes- tivals and seasons, which ap- proach us: that we may re- joice in the building of thy city, and exult in thy service: and that we may there eat of the sacrifices and pashal lambs, whose blood shall be sprinkled on the sides of thine altar, that they may be ac- ceptable: then will we give thanks unto thee with a new song for. our deliverance and redemption. Blessed art thou, 0 Eternal! who re- deemeth Israel. - mm z'n'ngz‘; mm: 13.33 was mum-Wm our; *3 D373 at; m; as}: mung-7 mm min cat‘s; min @1730 ”2225?: M up: aw mwm‘mman mas WU ”DEW :jpy; m; isjizp‘? 22%pr mg m unkmwn 5m was m my: @713?er arming m5- 5;§i7 ma fibzbb mm my}; :1th 71-3791: syn: arming ma, mums wfimmmw‘?‘ 2:15:42? urns-3,25 22mm D‘E’WTWIJDQDWW in my 5:201 away; ir'mnmmm may: 172 531mm 3733.: WW WWW 4121‘? my “an mm 5:2.- 58-3 :2 W W- mm 97$ij 29 no: 522' mm glory is above all the heavens. “Tho is like unto the Lord, our God, who dwelleth on high? Who condescendeth to view the things transacted in heaven, and on earth. He raiseth the poor from the dust, and exalteth the needy from the dunghill, that he may set. them With princes, even with the princes of his people. He enlivens the house of the childless woman: she becomes a joyful mother of childern. Hallelujah. When Israel went forth from Egypt, and the house of Jacob from a barberous people, Judah became his sanctuary, and Israel his do- minion. The ocean beheld it, .0?) pm ow: 1:50 56w ’33: 2:; v; tum 2179:4273 my? mum m7»; Dim-f2. mm“) ”beam '71 19:71:: we :msm am; can: mam; D32 am; Dy ”mu? WWMWD 37mm”? mm mm as man :nthU‘ mm: Ema? n83; my; :in my]; 2,331an mm mm mm: 551171131 Dir] mam/r97; .o’o Tm: 0’75» Db 'D wan ‘f‘w-zxuu; _. _, i HOB 522 mm 28 did for me, when I came forth from Egypt. It was not our ancestors only that the Most Holy, blessed be he, redeemed from Egypt, but us also did he redeem with them; as is said: and he brought us from thence, that he might bring us to the land which he swore unto our fathers. Then take the cup or glass of wine in the hand, and say: We therefore are in duty bound to thank, praise, adore, glorify, extol, honor, bless, exalt, and reverence him, , who wrought all the miracles for our ancestors and us: for he brought us forth from bondage. to freedom; from sorrow to J oy ; from mourning into holydays; from darkness to great light; and from ser- vitude to redemption: and therefore let us chaunt unto him a new song, Hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord! Praise, 0 ye servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name of the Lord, from henceforth and, for evermore. From the rising of the sun, until the going down thereof, shall the Lord’s name be praised. High above all nations is the Lord, 'his m; x") :mgrzr: ”I383? wmafisa'cg‘pmrmzs no»: as 8513 «mm; ummm‘caeyka ma 13722.5 Dram mm rm m5 vb no? ms arms? 3732):. was: :17’3 DDD 5’3)” 2‘2er was 1:95 mare"? “75.7% mm? 1 marinfimubwb new v.2? ‘0‘an H51? ‘7; has #351 immb assign "1%er D‘Dflfj m: «was? may]; .2129 mfi‘mm moat"? 3-7173, was? mama 179m) #3535 733mm mm W2» 1:25 :r—mbfga :ovpm mbpn ohm own map hbrjzzuam‘abmy‘péo unwzznw’nztzznwns mm @5137 7311711332}; , nw‘b‘mmmmymw 5y; 3: D113 ‘7; 531m, :13 27 HDD 522 :‘fiJf‘l Then take hold of the cake in the dish and show it to the company as a memorial of our freedom, and say : These anleavened cakes, wherefore do we eat them? Because there was not suf- ficient time for the dough of our ancestors to leaven, be- fore the Holy Supreme King of kings, blessed is he, ap- peared unto them, and re- deemed them; as is said; and they baked unleavened cakes of the dough, which they brought forth out of Egypt; for it was not leavened, be- cause they were thrust out of Egypt, and could not tarry; neither had they made any provision for themselves. Then take hold of the'lettuce (or green top of the horse-radish) and show 'it to the company, as a memorial of our servitude, and say: This bitter herb, wherefore do we eat it? Because the Egyptians embittered the lives of our ancestors in Egypt; as is said: and they embittered their lives with cruel bondage, in mortar and brick, and in all manner of labOr in the field; all their labor was imposed upon them with rigour. It therefore is incumbent on every Israelite, in every generation, to look upon him- self, as if he had actually gone forth from Egypt; as is said: and thou shalt declare unto thy son, on that day, saying, this is done because of that, which the Eternal 531 was my awn-L37; 85:47 me 531 m7; m2} i2*n1=§5wnmap‘mn oa’bymwurmab mam ”217?; i512 @5153 sun and; rot-1,251 P320 ms mm. mm” :2nger awn-1 was ’3 mm s5 *3; mm; my, #5:: 851 mm: awn: s5 n13 on momma? :nab my, Syntppimaszmmwr; may naw‘bygnr; mm anus *er m3; ammo mpjmgsggf samba WI? ”1337.; DB”??? NS am am Wen: ‘7; has flit-z; r1133; DU? my, 1% 001337, :37??? mag :30 ‘11'71 1115;; mm‘as;1w3ypsmm$ Warsaw omnsm s3; mm or; an? mm “7 13.1to, n; magma? 13133 3112 1131.3 26 used on the Passover, hath not done his duty; and these are they: the pas-hat lamb, the unleavened cake, and bitter kerb. The pashal lamb, which our ancestors ate during the existence of the holy temple, What did it denote? It denot- ed that the Most Holy, bless- ed be he, passed over our fathers’ houses in Egypt; as is said: and ye shall say, it is the Lord’s Passover, because he passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians. and delivered our houses. And the people bowed their heads and wor- shipped. 113 11333 1311 121333 1.3 13151 1113111 1'11 1131 1313131133113 1133 31331113131311331111'133 .313 13331313 131313 11313 113311131111331113313 511 1133 311 1113 3133 11213313 31311313 31331331313131: ' 11L1 111131133 1331313313113 133 1133 515 11133 31315 1111133333131113331131111 31311 131133 11111 3133113 111131311111 13113 3,311 115 111.3 1133 33713 33513131 331533 313311 3313111) ,11311 1531113 3331 I ‘- ,. .. ..__._...—_—————A 25 nos 5:22 min given us his law, it would have been sufficient. If he had given us his law, and had not brought us to the land of Israel, it would have been sufficient. If he had brought us to the land of Israel, and had not built the temple, it would have been sufficient. ’ How much then are we in- debted for the manifold favors the Omnipresent conferred on us? He brought us forth from Egypt; executed judgment on the Egyptians and on their gods; slew their first-born; gave us their wealth ; divided the sea for us; caused us to pass through on dry land; plunged our oppressors in the midst thereof; supplied us with necessaries in the Wilder- ness forty years; gave us manna to eat; gave us the Sabbath; brought us near to mount Sinai; gave us the law; brought us into the land of Israel; and built the chosen holy temple for us, to make atonement for all our sins. Rabban Gamliel saith, that whosoever doth not make mention of the three things .n'p'm as m; #58 Banz’im.§bnso~ipnxbi aha? V7.8? mm #8 ms if; 71;; x51 51::ij :uz'i moan m mam: nap: ms 537.. magma was; mm aiming; 42%, mm? :30; rig-m mum: onm‘z: mm mm vb 30.31 mm m m; as? 371,21 any; ms mm; 1313232511 our? m yer/‘1 flan; am; pm mm; ma Dix-31:3 Wm m m ms imam amp}: ohm: mg n: ms whom "I: mzb m5 mm mm w; my; if; rum 37m??? “-7.2 mm? mm arms: d. mix rum Bahama-1 flaw was $521 ‘7; nos 5w mm 24 If he had executed judg- ment upon their gods, and had not slain their first-born, it would have been sufficient. If' he had slain their first- born, and had not bestowed their wealth on us, it would have been sufficient. If he had given us their wealth, and had not divided the sea for us, it would have been sufficient. If he had divided the sea for us, and had not caused us to pass through on dry land, it would have been sufficient. If he had caused us to pass through on dryland, and had not plunged our oppressors in the midst thereof, it would have been sufficient. If he had plunged our op- pressors in the midst thereof, and had not supplied us with necessaries in the-wilderness forty years, it would have been sufficient. If he had supplied us with necessaries in the wilderness forty years, and had not fed us with manna, it would have been sufficient. If he had fed us with man- na, and had not given us the Sabbath, it would have been sufficient. If he had given us the Sab- bath, and had not brought us near to mount Sinai, it would have been sufficient. If he had brought us near to mount Sinai, and had not mum; r1273; #12: +132? amp; n": 851 8'5] amp; n: #58 mm DEW; ms is? 35-3 mam; my; amp; 1513 :an agar-ism: 371.2 851 mgr: 11;:in 321,? #8 tan; imam: SL7; mm mm; mm; imam us m1 we 851. mm am 1:111; mam my 37W +98 am: my Pan 851 m my: mm mm; umpam‘as x51 «we Imam :m V90 many—71:50 w; ms ubmsa #58 :mnw‘ansufimzéi margin m5 is? in; his! as 1:1 21:5 imp. x51 H.337. an: waggfiummbs :uzjminansubzch‘az 23 non 5w n-un three, and SENDING EVIL AN- GELS four. Hence, it is de- ducible, that in Egypt they were smitten with f0 rty plagues, and at the sea they were smitten with two hund- red plagues. Rabbi Akceba said: from whence can it be proved that every plague, which the Most Holy, blessed be he, brought upon the Egyptians, in Egypt, consisted of five plagues ?— Answer.—From what is said: he sent forth against them the fiercencss of his anger, wrath, indignation, and troub- le; also, by sending evil an- gels among them. N ow, the FIERCENESS OF HIS ANGER is one, WRATII two, INDIGNA- TION three, TROUBLE four, and SENDING EVIL ANGELS five. “Hence, it is dcducible, that in Egypt they were smit- ten with fifty plagues, and at the sea they were smitten with two hundred and fifty plagues. What abundant favors hath the Omniprescnt conferred on us! For if he had but brought us forth from Egypt, and had not inflicted justice upon the Egyptians, been sufficient. _ If he had inflicted justice upon them, and had not exe- cuted jugdment upon their gods, it would have been suf- ficient. it would have - use; r1052»: WSW ”5313777315 $737553?! mm W cam: apb :2ng “-2371 4112?; mm; mm; 373—79 we: RQ‘PVJET max] 7137;: my; ‘7ng 531 Nan an: 22mm mm uni-13¢; D‘”.1¥?.DTJ wage? omzr; war: 5142' mamas 3111:: a; nbzfi r1052”: 71-131 mm 1m: 3111:; mm ”2.15er 5373.1 ‘5‘}??? ”13.37...‘W3§ on ma .225? cm ”not: nnbzfr: may]; 1mg «our: Dram ipb mm apb (:3ng 5m ram; mm: 51mm mom were new; me; why, mpg-:5 $51 .unmmssimnm tun. mow are We: flow on; may, #58 :an um‘m; neg; 2451 me 522 man 22 Rabbi Jose, the Galilian, said: from whence art thou authorized to assert that the Egyptians were afflicted with ten plagues in Egypt, and upon the sea they were smit- ten with fifty plagues? To which he answeres: in Egypt, it says: and the magicians said unto Pharaoh, this is the finger of God; but at the sea it says, and Israel saw the mighty hand, where- with the Lord smote the Egyptians, and the people feared the Lord, and believed in the Lord and his servant Moses. Now (Rabbi Jose argues thus), if by the finger only they were smitten with ten plagues, hence, it is deducible that in Egypt they were smit- ten with ten plagues, and at the sea they were smitten with fifty plagues. Rabbi Eliezer said: from whence can it be proved that every plague, which the Most Holy, blessed be he, brought upon the Egyptians, in Egypt, consisted of four different plagues ?—An s w er.—From what is said: he sent forth against them, the fierceness of his anger, wrath, indigna- tion, and trouble; also, by sending evil angels among them. Now, WRATH is one, INDIGNATION two, TROUBLE mm ”Stan ”m" ‘2': W272 153:: rig-31:: 37272 awn-.1372: mama apt D37] 5321 4-1137; mm; 4113?; mm mm arm's Nan m; yam-132129 car-2mm 71:; 5355321 :an wnj‘azs: nsfimwmjmmsmn :3 mm m ”573.0 7:0 13m? 532:? mums-7:2 Wm, was; vb new: mm: 1mg 4-1137; 4113?; amp? 1:11-13:23 :mzapwwpmpbngn‘am 313).: firms 113275133 ’3'1 8:27.72] mm rm; 5w ‘32 Nan am when 71:33.3 mm; ammo Wfiéwomznyam ‘72? fij;32,15§]11t3 a; nbzfj mm man can H1232, mm ”:13er my] @752! mm was 21 non 5w mm There are the ten plagues, Which the Most Holy, blessed be he, brought on the Egypt— ians in Egypt, viz., BLOOD, FROGS, VERMDT, MURRAIN, A MIXTURE NOXIOUS BEASTS, BOILs, HAIL, LOCUSTS, *3 DARKNESS, and SLAYING THE FIRST-BORN. Rabbi Judah formed the initials to serve for an. index, thus: .n’hm w’Hy 1’31 ,; A f , . __~ V, ‘1 , i i‘ (9.5%" 3” \ t. u ‘ 1?: ‘ 1,! 9.5” ‘ ”1;! ,‘i’ :4 ’il 3% _- 3-2.59 - ,{‘ ‘5; m»; ‘-' ‘ ‘ _ ”' P_ :1;- g ‘- 3;. "~ " ‘Iz - —. .5 ' “ . ; ‘ ‘. _ 7--A ‘ l .. - . h: ‘: MIMI-('0 7 ~- , A < - , ' - ~.- 5 "5’:— ' mm man: 12:232. N58 537. Nan am, 2mm WWIIDTWDQDWSEU '373'193 ‘51 *DT'WT @243 ’3‘“? ”2'1 wants .71; mm; mar; "=1th an; m 71:0 mm: ”2'1 mm was; W”"337_,‘=1”3'? nos 5:52 Min 20 ...... .on‘m pt: msm nrn mmb nb mum: "' § a I H . "fl, .2: mean": v. . \~. .. .{Z‘ . . fl “ , a 'I "gin: ; .. . Vt -‘i‘ I . ~l" “3%m‘... Ll ' ‘- 1 r. . . 0-,: flan—A: _ n4 , F '1 ' . » . . ,3 '(l b d l ' - “ m —i—Il—|— l'. ‘. infirm uuuuuuuuu And with prodigies; this denotes the miracles per- formed with the rod; as is said: and thou shalt take this rod in thy hand, wherewith thou shalt do the prodigies. And with wonders; this denotes the plague of blood; as is said: and I will show wonders in the heavens, and on the earth, blood and fire, and ascending pillars of smoke. It may also be explained thus: with astrong hand, de- notes two plagues. With an outstretched arm: two plagues. 'With great terror: two plagues. With prodigies : two plagues, and with won- ders: two plagues. ohms n: omnsm 771.5373 m5? 7793.555}? 77793 “@7135 WE? ”P17“ 7710 :n‘n'sa 11:31: mam-3 cam my, magma ”DD-31 7791532? mp; ‘l’Tfiz‘Ql BTW: mm Mammal @131 '5'? ”PEG 7’9 "m3. ‘2‘. mum 3mm .Emtp’ .me'fiwgsjnmm‘szf mannerisms-ism :Dmf . .. .____-__. .__A..._< _.-_ ._- A a 4 19 1133 51:2 .1111 And I will pass through the land of Egypt, I myself, and not an angel ; and I will smite all the first-born: 1 my- self, and no seraph; and on all the gods of Egypt will I execute judgment; I myself, and not a messenger; I am the Eternal ! I am He and no other. With a strong hand; this denotes the murrain; as is said: behold, the hand of the Eternal will be upon thy cat- tle which are in the field, upon thy horses, upon the asses,up- on the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the sheep; a very grievous murrain. And with an outstretched arm; this denotes the sword; as is said elsewhere on such an occasion : and a drawn sword, in his hand, stretched out over Jerusalem. And with great terror; this denotes the appearance of the Divine Presence; as is said. 01 hath God assayed to go and take unto him a nation f1 om the midst of another na- tion, by proofs, signs, and wonders; by war, and amigh- ty hand; by an outstretched arm, and great terror accord- ing to all that the Eternal, your God, did for you in Egypt, before your eyes. 1.11:; 3113.13 11.15; 11113331 .1133 531111111 .7351; 3:151 W555 5231 4111;) 851 118: 1-13 .D‘L’JDW 11122125} D‘WBD 11:5 1.1.1115 1115133 1551 :11115 2551 151.1 11:17.3 11 1112113 732:1- 1? 73 ”317 W133i? 7179? 111111.: “W8. 1317.793 ”‘37" 13151313 31113113 3113133 133 133. 111-331 11333 :11313 «313311.31131111131 131111 11315313 1-1133 5;: fi11131 1113 1131513 351.1111 115111 .511 1111331 11: 1131513 .1133 41113131 1111.35 £5135 31.1555 11131.1 113133 111 311313 111 15 1211311331 1'111N3 mm 1131 7113351331 3115111331 .1131 3711131 .1311; 1131.15 533 £21511 3113133 331151; 11 1335 71-1315 nos 52: mm 18 333,513» mfva 715:5 pa 5:: w _n . elfl‘e U2" x . f - . .2 a --r _ J. - ,/—_: ., inn?» "n " ’ I-_V ‘ ' ( I m . , -2- 7. HI ' 7’- ' . m l r L1 ‘ 5' v {gm , - v f' l l l 4 "l l Mummy" ,E‘r 5‘ "Ir???- E us forth from Egypt, with a strong hand and with an out- stretched arm; with terror, and with signs and WOnders. And the Eternal brought us forth from Egypt; not by means of an angel, nor by means of a seraph, nor by means of a messenger: but the Most Holy, blessed be he, himself, in his glory; as it is said: and I will pass through the land of Egypt this night; and I will smite all the first- born in the land of Egypt, both of man and beast; and on all the gods of Egypt will I execute judgment; I am the Eternal. And the Eternal brought 1’: ranger: 1: Mum-13m; 37:17:33 71ng :ninp'mn mum “in, +D713ED3313§33131 531851 41:55:: ”7153185 outruz‘nmamw mu an; 22'1“:ng was 7791.59? my; 1713;: 2113?: mm ”mi-7:21 Wizafirmmnianbzb; 7m aw: our: rm my: ”ribs 59m nan; 31? ”3’5; ETD???” ”4.8% 17 non Sw rmn And we cried unto the Eternal, the God of our an- cestors; as it is said: and it came to pass in course of time, that the king of Egypt died, and the children of Is- rael sighed by reason of their bondage; and they cried, and their cry ascended unto God, by reason of their bondage. And the Eternal heard our voice; as it is said: and God heard their groaning, and re- membered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and with Jacob. And he saw our aflliction; this denotes their being de- nied the company of their wives, . to prevent propaga- tion; as is said: and God looked upon the children of Israel, and God had know- ledge of their affliction. And our grievousness; this denotes the destruction of the male children; as it is said: every son that is born, ye shall cast into the river, but every daughter ye shall save alive. And our oppression; this denotes fatigue; as itis said: and I have also seen the op- pression with which the Egyptians harras them. 2 was :2 5&5 1737.331 172m an: arm: mar: mar: am; ”my: mm mm 15.7.; ma: ruin-m v.2 5812’? ”A: 52;: some? 5:11:31 pm :njzynm n‘njfigsa WP ms were: D‘nkywuvasawnm m “121:1 was; ms mm ms 1m: m5 upmmswmmr at 4:13:32, m5 mu m; rats W. mm; ms was; m 172m tarts refine“. *3; Ms when: {—1215} 5; ram rm mar: 711827] Wit-am $373 tram-a 521 WW am 71:43me ‘0‘“: DJ? 77995;??? ”7:3? mm: was who ms :nnx mirth me 5:2) mm And they afflicted us; as it is said: and they set over them task-masters, to afflict them with their burdens, and they built for Pharaoh store- cities, even Pithom and Ra- amses. And they laid heavy bondage. upon us, as it is said: and the Egyptians made the children of Israel serve With rigour. And we cried unto the Eternal, the God of our an- the Eternal heard our voice, and observed our cestors ; affliction, our labor, and our oppression. 16 missions; 431337.21 war: ”'12: via; wig/3:. 1:»: cam: my. 13219.5 ms H3212? mm ”1.32, zoom: £1131 one; was; my, um. mar 71792; have u; m; any; mm 1m: Mia”. ”7.15:5 5&5 1737.351 my; :3 3779:4251 minus my my ms; x111 ubjp :umb meg ubrgyfl .mépo nh 1’1 021 a: pa .przmn nbi om nb 33’: \\Q:‘ I‘ u - 1,.3 ~.‘_-,‘ ‘ . , . , ”>5 ‘51? I l/’ ’r,~.~ ‘7 , U 1/ i . / . , F _ ’ _ - ,. , U , "C 3', ' .1», f..- ‘_, _ A _ , _ ; _ w , Lu" - _ _~. “ "‘ ' Nd- __ —.—.._. a“ :. . __.____._- ————_— ./\ —"—“" ___.__—.__ - . . ( _________ —————-,______ —. ___._____""""——- 1' ~ — ' —-——‘ 4 .1._.__ ___,_.__.= _ \ f \ \ =ig==_— ._..... —-;-—=——-.——— v _._____._ -:—~.=== / \‘\\ ——._"—~l'—’-'—— TM .__....... “—-"—-——-—- ’\ _ “fin—M 75% % r—-—__——__. _ M—WM- ._ “— ‘—-——— — “—— W ‘ _~__ v -—-—-——-—. _ __ _ I _ _ P... m ’__..___-'—~‘ .7 .0- _.:B___._‘ W , —__- - .__.__ _. 3.....V._ - 't: 4 ——————— .— — - ' .l._"_ _::-:::: ‘ “’ __"‘— K ,. m r: - ' w ....___‘ —— ~— :._—_‘ ‘- ' w -—.— ~ . “:23: - - -— -— . m— ‘a —I’—- —.~'- ..___ - —~———- ‘ \ ~ m._f_ = h—é ~— ‘ . ._.__—' —»-.~ = “—H—fi _.._.—’ ”5:: .I _ “1—...“ __ __—=; ‘ ——-———-.— _...__..__.______.__-.____ f A, _ 2 —_.__--:—_:_—__.—~_-—-.—_———:_ é-M—Eé _ I .71 '== k.“— —‘ -—___—_._—‘-- —-—-—_...- F ————__..__ ( - m... ’/ {WW/”Wm lWW/ -,. ,minim!incliliugfillflgyuu 1 fig __ x ' 2:?! ‘ ,L'i.'r7! 7‘, '1 \ ‘i l‘ "‘qu .i"'» ”‘m i “"81"." mm! W“ ’ll'zi-s.‘ ’ .1 . M" '57 {J \\ . .1! | 15 nos 522 mm \Vith a few persons; as it is said: with three—score and ten souls thy ancestors went down into Egypt; and now the Eternal, thy God, hath made thee as the stars of heaven for multitude. And he there became a nation; by which we are in- formed, tl at the children of Israel deistinguished, even in Egypt, as a peculiar nation. Great and mighty; as it is said: ~"and the children of Is- rael were fruitful, and increas- ed abundantly, and multi- plied, and waxed exceeding mighty, and the land was filled with them. And populous ; as it is said: I have caused thee to mul- tiply as the vegetation of the field, and thou becamest con- siderable and great, and ador- ned with many beauties; thy breasts are fashioned, and thy hair grown, yet thou art naked and bare. And the Egyptians ill- treated us, afflicted us, and laid heavy bondage upon us. And the Egyptians ill-treated us, as it is said: come on, let us deal wisely with them, lest they multiply, and it come to pass, if it chance to be a war, they might also go over to our enemies, fight against us, and so get them out of the land. fl??? @3739. W93 W93. 3’932’3 779$? Warm rams m: was as? mm :11? organ ”291:; .517; in?) my $131 answhz‘wuww‘zs WDQSQZ/"Wg; am, my mm m 5:512”. w m; asp: mm] mu maxi/1m mm mm mm: .211 mm was: 7122-1 Hum mm TDD; 3’th "7.37.9 ’N'DE‘I 0793 my?" m; on? WNW. 5737.031 aismaugrammmy-Jg1 :nrzg‘p, njzyjrbyjm‘l mums um: man. man was was: mm mm is 15 .1793er ammbbmmm organ: imam “mm D; trim in. rum in: nos 5:22 min 14 also: for not one only hath risen up against us, but in every generation there are some who rise up against us, to annihilate us; but the Most Holy, blessed be he, hath delivered us out of their hand. Set the cup on the table again. Search, and inquire, what Laban, the Syrian, intended to do to our father Jacob; for Pharaoh decreed the de- struction of the males only; but Laban intended to root out the whole; as is said: a Syrian had nearly caused my father to perish, and he went down into Egypt and soj ourn— ed there with few persons, and there became a great, mighty and populous nation. And he went down into Egypt, compelled thereto by the word of God, and sojourn- ed there: by which we are taught that he did not go down to settle there, but only to sojourn; as is said: and they (Joseph’s Brethren) said unto Pharaoh: to sojourn in the land are we come: for thy servants have no pasture for their flocks; for the famine is sore in the land of Canaan: now, therefore, we pray thee, let thy servants dwell in_the _ land of Goshen. sbmrmbfiubnwex mm 1171 11-4 5232]! W'i‘tfém arena? ruby; :mjp Laban; m an; 207;)»: mtpo alum own no» 3;? WP: m; new as 2pm?- W’wyb mm 1; S5 wage“ was was 3251mm 532.858 magi: .530 ms 11.337}; 77.7.1 ”EN 731* ”73113 ”no: my 1311,1an 5m in? at? ”7.121 mm; ' :31; my, cams “7931379 77.7.1 one-13,31 :‘wma .5 532 1.332; 71: s52; 77;“??? mm; mm? was mew m“ “m? was 1an runs 5:5 has”: mm vs ’2 m vars; ina’zmaszW'tmb mm 232;: V1.23: 2m vars: mam W: m. g 13 nee 522 mm raham from the other side of the flood, and lethimthrough- out all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac; and I gave unto Isaac: Jacob and Esau; and I gave unto Esau mount Seir for his possession: but Jacob and his children went down into Egypt. Blessed be he, who strictly preserveth his promise unto Israel; blessed be the Most Holy, who premediated the end of the captivity, that he might perform what he had promised to our father Ab- raham, between the parts* as is said; and he said unto Ab- raham, know for certain, that thy seed shall be strangers in a land that is not their’s, and shall serve them, and they shall afflict them four hundred years. And also that nation whom they shall serve, will I judge; and they shall after- wards go forth with great substance. Lift up the cup of wine and say: And it is this same promise which hath been the support of our ancestors, and of us was 1332?; snags zmmsbwm W518: 1'5 ms: 1:21: ms was m5 P0315 30’45117037535 mam Jeannine oim'x nm‘; 1322210 mg; 157137-73 ”7’. W21 51737-33. imam were an"; «in am. +7512”? we am am 22mm W9? mm? was ms was smash 1121652} Guzman r2. was: 2138‘? was: mm 331317710173. ’3 -13 315: 0-172me N m: man 37313 has um 12:12.3 mu as on may 3:. mm miss 3: my; 9717; was mg: :wfn :71pr beam 17’: 1313651313 Wits? mm m. 7253 was ssz 4351 “ Between the parts—The covenant made with Abraham, when he was commanded to divide the heifer. goat and ram; through which a smoking furnace and flaming lamp passed; by which the covenant was made between God and Abraham; and is therefore called’ “the covenant made between the parts.” - - nos 527 man 12 which it is to be inferred at no other time but When the unleavened cake, and bitter herbs, are placed before thee. Our ancestors were ancient- ly idolaters, but at present the Lord hath brought 11s near to his service: as it is said, and Joshua said unto all the people, thus said the Eternal . the God of Israel, your an- cestors dwelt on the other side of the river (Euphrates) in old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor; and served other gods. And I took your father Ab- .‘9DDD 7333 ”mm: s5 .11 my; mm W mm W twp? amp 11mm ”11337.: ”7.3137 Want: mm mm; m m: away: :11pr mm 5:5 mnwxmm ”7.155;; 1:172:35 n: @325: 5:; W: mm 1:32: SW”. mm @513»; taming mm ”2151 DITA: ”335 :mrjzs D‘U5§l72371i W13 EDDIE? m5 ”13-151 omsb 73v» 11 me 5:22 n-un by this service? By the ex- pression you, it is clear, he does not include himself; and as he hath withdrawn himself from the collective body of the nation, it is prOper, that thou retort on him, and there- fore answcr him thus: this is done because of that, which the Eternal did for me, when I went from Egypt: i. e. for me, but not for him; for had he been there, he would not have been thought worthy to be redeemed. The simple son artlessly observes, what is this? Then shalt thou answer him; for with a strong hand the Eter- nal brought us out of Egypt, from the house of bondage. But as for him, who hath not capacity to enquire, thou must begin to discourse: as it is said, and thou shalt show thy son on that day, saying, this is done because of that which the Eternal did for me, when I went forth from Egypt. Possibly you may think that he (the father) is bound to explain this from the first day of the month Nissan; therefore it is said on that day; yet, as it says, on that day, it might be inferred that it must be whilst it is day, but as it is said, this is done because of that, &c., from on}; map? new mam m5 mung; w «15 851 *‘Pyavza‘vmmw 1*;sz m5 mm nor; am navy. 7*: my; 1‘5 m *5 @712;er m3; *‘7 :2 x") oozing-,1 at»: «1‘: s51 5:53.: mm ’ mg “1791:: mm no no '1: WWW 231mm cum :3 uNm’n :z:*'z;y_:n*2r.2 “778275 3721’ DWI". mm .15 on; mas ‘ mm m. mm? mm :2 firm; at my; wash mum: m3; *5 .w'jn 22'st ‘71:; 21*; 1:215 amt-723 NWU C21”; ‘8 *MHU Dr 713737,: ‘71:; .711. my; "1:215 W255 nos 522 mm Blessed be the Omnipres- ent; blessed is he who hath given the law to his pe0ple Israel; blessed be he whose law speaketh distinctly of four children of different dispo- sitions, Viz., the wise, the wicked, the simple, and he 10 omnqmmwgmm my}? mum mtg! am w: W in; em», W121. can; mm 70431 mm W mm “W? :53? “’08? ‘37??? ~— who hath not capacity to in- . . . ‘_.3 . , . We. $1wa y_ ,0 use; r j .‘mw'a y'w umw on Dan ”’6‘ r 4' ///I// , hwy/um, “4,: ,1 ‘_ \ ~ 1: , I \\ ‘9 l ’1 t n I’ll! {I 1 . ‘ f V/l/I‘II mil“? - I//’«"/ 94., i 4: 1 /{,,,',,.u//U/////////// , I- \ fl / \ \ \ / ~< \\\¥\\\‘\ \ \ Z ‘ ”3' A I" // The wise son thus expresses himself: what mean those testimonies, statutes, and judgments, which the Lord our God has commanded us? Then shalt thou instruct him in all the laws of the Pass- over; also, that we must not have a dessert brought to table after the paschal lamb. The wicked son expresses himself thus: what mean you 77?; “11318. N71 I'll; DQU ‘3‘an Hum :2 my 1% mama was an mm isn‘vs‘ neg-:0 mafia; 15 ms mom was mm vs . terms .17; T918 mm 717; yen 9 nos 5w mm from Egypt, ought to be re- lated atnight,* till expound- ed by the son of Zoma; after this manner it is said, that thou mayest remember the day of thy going forth from the land of Egypt, ALL the days of thy life.” From whence he observed, that the expression of, the days of thy life, signifies the days only; but ALL the days of thy life, denotes the nights also. But the sages say, the days of thy life, denotes this life only; but ALL the days of thy life denotes even at the time of the Messiah. 5713?? “W? “7.9%? 32.. wwvnmrv’fia mm? mm New TM? av ms; warn ”r2: 5: 37-137.: mm :mza am a {are 4-115”er my: ”@153 in: camp»: Emu-31 5: ma c2537.? [warn rm“: mob am 7; zo’wna (.02: 09123:: p: of» no .a’w p 7:th ’37 wb) x \ \ ~ ~ \ _ \ a“. ~ -~ ‘\‘\"~ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ ‘: \ \ \\‘ , \ ‘\ \ -. \ ‘3‘ \ ‘ \ ex \\ -. ‘x- \\ \ \ ~ \\ ‘ ' \‘\‘\\ \ ‘\ \ _ \ § ‘ [l I l L 5;" ‘ l } ‘ " annex-1 .' -- , , H ' , ’ ‘ t s X \\ HEW \ Fulfill! 9W, Willi ' , "“1" ll Wig: " * ' I I ‘A 1"» \\‘\ ll “3' 1’ * Rabbi Elazar refers here to the 4. Book of Mos'es, 15, 38—41. 1133 331 .1111 ' s most Holy, blessed be He! had not brought forth our ancestors from Egypt, we, and our children, and our children’s children, had still continued in bondage to the Pharaoh’s in Egypt; there- fore, although we were all wise, all of us, men of under- standing and experience, all of us having knowledge in the law, it, nevertheless, is incumbent upon us to dis- course of the departure from Egypt; and all those who largely discourse of the de- parture from Egypt, are accounted praiseworthy. And thus is related of Rabbi Eleazar, Rabbi Joshua, Rabbi Elazer, the son of Azaria, Rabbi Akeeba, and Rabbi Tarpon, that they once met (on the night of Passover) in p13 and continued discours- ing of the departure from Egypt, all that night, till their disciples came, and said: “instructors, it is time to read the morning 11133.” Rabbi Elazer, the son of Azariah, said, "verily, I am as a man of seventy years of age, and have hitherto not been able to proof, that the narration of the departure 111.1 1113 31113.3 11731.1 711 37131313 11711131; 111; 13713 7131 137131 13N 1111133111711 3713113113 11331373151 12713133 371131 1.133 33713311 37111171133 371311333 1.17311 .1133 11131.1 .11; 1371313 11117373 13333 1333 133113.11 L331 H1. 713 371.313 11157373 3131313 1111731; 7313 31371113 13 111131,; 7311 1131137731 7311 11373117311 .171131, 7.133 173313 17.1121 11313 2713313 17m1 «1313 11111; 33 371313 1111373 1N331 111 113'373m 3.13 111331 3171713311 1115713 1131 3171.1 11711131 31711113 331 111331 13 1111331,; 731 1131; 133 711; 711 1371111 7117311131 1.1.131" 3711331 7 11111 511 .1111 enter, and eat thereof; and all who are necessitous, come, tand celebrate the Passover. /At present we celebrate it here, but the next year we hope to celebrate it in the land of Israel. This year, we are servants here, but the next year we hope to be free- men of the land of Israel. Then fill the cup with wine, the second time, and take the dish from the table; then the youngest in the company asks :— Wierefore is this night distinguished from all other nights? On all the other nights we may eat either leavened or unleavened bread, but on this night only unlea- vened bread; on all the other nights we may eat any specie of herbs, but on this night only bitter herbs; on all the other nights we do not dip even once, but on this night twice; on all the other nights we eat and drink, either sit- ting or leaning, but on this night we all lean. Now put the dish on the table again, and the whole company answer:— Because we were slaves unto Pharaoh in Egypt, and 9 the Eternal, our God, brought us forth from thence, with a mighty hand, and an out- stretched arm: and if the 11111, 11111 571 «5111 . «1.1 anm «1111 f 1111151 #113111 11112257 N11111r-1 573114211 m:.~;1.1 M11225 11131 1111.111 .11111131 on 51111111151 1115131 51219 0112170 1171» :11111111 1111 11mm .111 1515.11 111111411 1111 5111;; 11151511 5111 1111111151119; 111; 11151511 151 W11 11515.1 1.111111 111;; 1115151 5111:} 11111 .15151 1111111111; 11511:; 1115151511122 :11111.11.1 1511131511111; 11:; 111.9; .111 1515.1 mm; 1111 51111:; 1:111:11 111121 111 11511:; 111.9; r11515.1 11515.1 1111111111 1111 :11wa 115—1 .1111 .1511” 0111.111 111517.11 ,nmppS 11111.1 1111119 .111115 1311.1 1:11.111 11 1.1N121111 21111111 .11111111 112-211 111.1519; 815151.11, 1111111 1111111 non 5w man s Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the Universe, who hath made a distinction between holy and not holy, between light and darkness; between Israel and other nations; between the seventh day and the six working days. Thou didst also discriminate bet- ween the sanctity of the Sabbath- day, and the sanctity of other holy days, and consecratest the Sabbath- day in preference to the six working days; thou also separatest thy people Israel, and didst sanctify them with thy holiness. Blessed art thou, 0 Eternal! who maketh a distinc- tion between holy and not holy. Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the Universe, who hath preserved us alive; sustained us, and brought us to enjoy this season. WASHING THE HANDS. Drink the wine of the sanctifieation, then wash your hands, but do not say the blessing. TAKING THE PARSLEY, &c. The master of the house then takes some parsle or chervil and dips it into vinegar, or sa t-water; and having distributed some to every one at table, they all say the following grace before they eat it. Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the Uni- verse, Creator of the fruit of the earth. BREAKING THE MIDDLE CAKE. The master of the house then breaks the middle cake in the dish, and leaving one half of it there, he lays the other half by till after supper, for Oph'ikomon. THE SERVICE FOR THE PASSOVER. Then take the bone of the lamb and the egg ofl‘ the dish, and all at table lay hold of the dish and say:— Lo! this is as the bread of affliction, which our ances- tors ate in the land of Egypt ; let all those who are hungry, a; was :3 no: in: Sin? wjp pg Briana n‘girg .DInvémerm: timber: I: raw? was 6:1" 1*: ms: new 1‘9 Wm my: .nfmn aim or ramp?) amps I: mgr»: ”mg—Ia or W: a”??? 9:12: M: w: ‘. some: 5:122? W??- W“??? 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King of the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine. Blessed art thou, 0 Eternal, our God! Sovereign of the Universe, who hath chosen us from among all people, and didst exalt us above all nations, and didst sanctify us with thy commandments: and with love hast thou given us, 0 Eternal, our God! (on the Sabbath say, Sabbaths for rest, and) solemn days for joy; festivals, and seasons for gladness: (the Sabbath—day and) this day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the season of our freedom: a holy con- vocation, a memorial of the depart- ure from Egypt: for thou hast chos- en and sanctified us above all people: and (the Sabbath and) holy festivals hast thou caused us to inherit with (love and favor,) joy and gladness. Blessed art thou, 0 Eternal! who sanctifieth (the Sabbath and) Israel, and the seasons. Blessed art thou, 0 Eternal, our God! King of the Universe, who hath preserved us alive; sustained us, and brought us to enjoy this season. On Conclusion of the Sabbath say:— Blessed art thou, 0 Eternal, our God ! King of the Universe, Creator of the radiance of the fire. :th g’b’nnp ms: wjp Diner} #921 :wwn :31» was 52?: fare-retrial. "we 3:12.852: ms Dr: L723: mm or; dimmer 312:1 Int/11 was its“??? war/:31 ”vixen Duns was, innxm‘bgp nary" 1’: *3. 1m ' :ni‘r’zzifiz await; tang-waft; :th rb’nbp n3: ’bbibs 1h 5m: . i a; ma :2 “as an; 1393:} we s11: chirp we was “as W, m; Saxons-123; Wit/'13. n§1rr3 new 3122:: 5.37; imam ninja: :1 #2 tan: mom: 537315-731. nmm‘: innate ring-.33 ms W? war mi- “new? WEED Jlj nv nm run nnwn D1” {