MEDICARE A Profile MEDICARE ‘51:!“ u Es: > .3" ’4- ‘0 0* m u ",4 Health Care Financing Adminislralion .4‘ < 3, K 3 A, :2 Medicare 2000: 35 Years of Improving Americans’ Health and Security Health Care Financing Administration July 2000 PAGE 2 President Lyndon B. Johnson at the signing ceremony July 30, 1965, at the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. “No longer will olderAmericans be denied the healing miracle ofmodern medicine. No longer will illness crush and destroy the savings they have so carefully put away over a lifetime so they might enjoy dignity in their later years. No longer will young families see their own incomes, and their own hopes, eaten away simply because they are carrying out their deep moral obligations.” PROFILES 0F MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES Table of Contents Preface List of Figures Executive Summary I. A Profile of Medicare and its Beneficiaries Demographic trends Economic status Health and functional status Medicare spending II. Improving the Lives of Seniors and the Disabled Medicare has dramatically increased insurance coverage Medicare has helped to increase life expectancy Medicare has improved access to care Medicare has improved quality of life Medicare has saved millions from poverty Medicare has improved access to care for minorities Medicare has helped disabled Americans III. Improving and Modernizing the Medicare Program Changes in Medicare eligibility Changes in Medicare benefits Changes in Medicare payment policy Changes to protect Medicare patients Chronology of legislative activity PAGE 3 PROFILES 0F MEDICARE IV. Improving the U.S. Health Care System Protecting the health care safety net Training a new generation of providers Ensuring safety and quality Combating fraud and abuse Running an efficient program Serving as a prudent purchaser of services V. Improving Medicare for the Future Financing challenges Coverage for prescription drugs Improving access to preventive services Eliminating cost-sharing on preventive services Providing additional revenue Creating insurance options for early retirees Appendix: Overview of Medicare benefits, cost-sharing, and program structure Glossary Sources -2: .1 N : \ \ .3 , / \ 4P» : ‘ 3 y . \. BENEFICIARIES Preface Medicare’s enactment on July 30, 1965, followed several decades of debate over ways to meet the health care needs of vulnerable Americans. In 1952, President Harry S. Truman became the first President to ask Congress to enact a program to insure elderly Americans against the cost of medical care. The Medicare banner was taken up again by President John F. Kennedy in 1963 but did not pass the Congress until 1965, two years after Kennedy’s death, under the leadership of President Lyndon B. Johnson. Recognizing the enormous role that President Truman had played in placing the Medicare idea on the national agenda, President Johnson traveled to Independence, Missouri, to sign the Medicare bill into law and present the first two Medicare cards to former President and Mrs. Truman. “Medical care will free millions from their miseries. It will signal a deep and lasting change in the American way oflife. It will take its place beside Social Security, and together they will form the twin pillars of protection upon which all our people can safely build their lives and their hopes.” — President Lyndon Baines Johnson in June 1966, just before implementation of the Medicare program, speaking to the National Council of Senior Citizens Without question, Medicare has altered the lives of seniors and Americans living with disabilities. In the words of a Medicare beneficiary: PAGE 4 PROFILES 0F MEDICARE Well, I think its one of the greatest things we have. You know, used to be we didn 't have things like that to help pay bills years ago. During the past 35 years, Medicare has provided health care coverage to more than 93 million elderly and persons with disabilities, assuring them access to high-quality medical care and protecting their often-meager income and savings from the frequently devastating cost of illness. Today, more than 39 million men and women are enrolled in Medicare and that number is projected to nearly double to 77 million by 2030. In its 35-year history, Medicare has made important improvements in the health status of elderly and disabled beneficiaries whose health needs are greater than those of the general population. And, because of its significant role in the US. health care system, Medicare has made major contributions to the improvement of that system. In commemorating Medicare’s 35th anniversary, this report examines the role that Medicare has played in improving the health and well-being of America’s senior citizens and those living with disabilities. It looks at the impact Medicare has had on the US. health care system and the changes that have been made to the program to improve benefits, eligibility, and finances. Finally, the report examines the challenges Medicare faces in meeting the needs of future beneficiaries. It is my hope that, as we debate the future of the Medicare program, we pause to reflect upon the 35 years that Medicare has provided health security to our nation’s seniors and disabled. Nancy—Ann Min DeParle BENEFICIARIES Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. PAGE 5 List of Figures Number of Medicare beneficiaries, calendar years 1970—2030 The aging of the US. population, 1970—2030 Race/ethnicity distribution of Medicare beneficiaries, 1998 Poverty rates by age, 1965—1998 Medicare spending for fee—for—service beneficiaries by income, 1997 Living arrangements of Medicare beneficiaries, 1998 Distribution of Medicare enrollees by functional status, 1998 Medicare spending, fiscal years 1967—1999 Where the Medicare dollar went, 1980 and 1998 Sources of payment for Medicare beneficaries’ use of medical services, 1997 Type of supplemental health insurance held by Medicare beneficiaries, 1998 Distribution of beneficiary out—of—pocket expenses, 1997 Elderly health spending as a percentage of income, 1998 Percent of Medicare population with access to at least one Medicare Risk/M + C plan, 1993-2000 HMO enrollment growth, Medicare and non-Medicare, 1990-1999 PROFILES 0F MEDICARE Figure 16. Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. Figure 22. Figure 23. Figure 24. Figure 25. Figure 26. Figure 27. Figure 28. Beneficiary attitudes towards HMOs and fee-for-service, 1998 Rate of growth in per enrollee Medicare and private health insurance benefits spending, 1970-1998 Average growth in per enrollee Medicare and private health insurance spending, selected periods Life expectancy at birth and average remaining years of life at age 65, 1950-2030 National personal health expenditures by type of service and percent Medicare paid, 1998 National personal health expenditures by type of service and percent Medicare paid, 1970 Medicare administrative expenses as a percent of benefit payments, fiscal years 1970-1999 Medicare Part A cost per claim and number of claims, fiscal years 1988-1999 Electronic claims, calendar years 1990—1999 Female Medicare beneficiaries who report receiving mammograms and pap smears, 1992—1998 Medicare beneficiaries who report receiving a preventive service: flu and pneumonia vaccinations, 1991—1998 Female Medicare beneficiaries by race who report receiving mammograms, by race, 1992-1998 Medicare beneficiaries who report receiving flu shots, by race, 1991-1998 BENEFICIARIES Executive Summary One of the crowning accomplishments of the Great Society programs of President Lyndon Baines Johnson was the 1965 enactment of the Medicare program, providing health insurance to Americans over the age of 65 and, eventually, to Americans living with disabilities. As he signed the Medicare program into law, President Johnson said: ”No longer will older Americans be denied the healing miracle of modern medicine. No longer will illness crush and destroy the savings they have so carefully put away over a lifetime so they might enjoy dignity in their later years. No longer will young families see their own incomes, and their own hopes, eaten away simply because they are carrying out their deep moral obligations to their parents, and to their uncles, and to their aunts . . . No longer will this nation refuse the hand of justice to those who have given a lifetime of service and wisdom and labor to the progress of this progressive country.” In the 35 years since President Johnson spoke, Medicare has provided access to affordable high-quality health care to more than 93 million elderly and disabled Americans. Today, Medicare serves more than 39 million beneficiaries, or 1 in 7 Americans. In 30 years, the number of Americans covered by Medicare will nearly double to 77 million, or 22 percent of the US. population. Beneficiaries born in 1900, who enrolled in Medicare in its first year, 1966, are celebrating their 100th birthday this year. There are families with two generations, parent and child, both of whom are enrolled in Medicare today; some families have three generations enrolled in Medicare. Medicare’s importance to Americans will grow. Today, the Census Bureau estimates that there are about 70,000 Americans age 100 or older, virtually all of whom are enrolled in Medicare. Over the next 30 years, improved access to health care and continuing scientific breakthroughs are expected to result in more than 300,000 Americans living until the age of 100 or longer (Census Bureau, 1999). PAGE 6 PROFILES 0F MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES PAGE 7 I. A Profile of Medicare and its Beneficiaries In 2000, Medicare serves 39 million elderly and disabled Americans. Because of longer life expectancy and other factors, 57 percent of elderly Medicare beneficiaries are women. Among the disabled, however, men are 59 percent of the beneficiaries. The majority of elderly Medicare beneficiaries are white (84 percent), 7 percent are African-American, 6 percent are Hispanic, and 3 percent are members of other racial or ethnic minority groups. Minorities are a larger share of the disabled beneficiary population. 0 Economic Status. Most Medicare beneficiaries have relatively modest incomes, and Social Security benefits often constitute a significant portion of that income. The reliance on Social Security is considerably greater for single seniors living alone. 0 Health and Functional Status. Nearly 30 percent of beneficiaries report that they are in fair or poor health compared with 17 percent of Americans age 45 to 64. Health status is poorer among those over age 85 and members of minority groups. Nearly one in three seniors reports limitations in one or more activities of daily living (e.g., eating, bathing, and going to the bathroom). 0 Health Spending. In fiscal year 1999, Medicare spent an average of $5,410 per beneficiary, significantly more than is spent by those under 65. Medicare spending is concentrated on a small group of beneficiaries: more than 75 percent of Medicare spending is spent on the 15 percent of beneficiaries who incur costs of more than $10,000. PROFILES 0F MEDICARE ll. Improving the Lives of Seniors and the Disabled President Johnson’s predictions about the impact of Medicare on America’s seniors and society as a whole have proven to be remarkably accurate. Medicare provides a crucial role in: 0 Guaranteeing insurance coverage. Medicare has made a dramatic difference in the number of seniors who are insured against health care costs. In 1964, nearly half of all seniors were uninsured, making the elderly among the least likely Americans to have health insurance. Today, with 97 percent of seniors covered by Medicare, the elderly are the most likely to have insurance. 0 Lengthening life expectancy. The average life expectancy of elderly Americans has increased, in part, because of Medicare. A 65-year—old woman on Medicare today will live 20 percent longer than her counterpart in 1960. 0 Providing access to care. Medicare had an immediate and substantial impact on seniors’ access to high-quality medical care. In 1964, hospital discharges averaged 194 per 1,000 elderly Americans. By 1973, that number had jumped to 350 per 1,000. ' Improving quality of life. More important than simply adding more years to a senior citizen’s life, Medicare has helped to improve the quality of those years. By providing access to medical procedures such as cataract surgery, hip replacement, cardiac bypass, and organ transplants, Medicare has enabled millions of seniors to remain healthier longer, and to participate more fiilly in the lives of their families and their communities. For example, the number of beneficiaries undergoing knee replacement surgery more than doubled, from 2.0 per 1,000 beneficiaries to 5.2 per BENEFICIARIES PAGE 8 1,000, from 1986 to 1998. The number of beneficiaries undergoing angioplasty to clear blockage in their arteries and prevent a heart attack rose more than 600 percent, from 1.3 per 1,000 to 8.4 per 1,000, in the same period. Access to these and other services helped to reduce mortality rates and improve seniors’ ability to function. 0 Protecting seniors ’financial health. Medicare keeps millions of seniors from becoming impoverished as a result of illness or disability. Before Medicare, senior citizens were disproportionately poor compared with the rest of the population. In 1959, for example, 35.2 percent of Americans over 65 were living below the poverty line, compared with 17 percent of those under 65. Today, about 10 percent of seniors are living in poverty. Before Medicare was enacted, the elderly paid 53 percent of the cost of their health care. That share dropped to 29 percent in 1975 and to 18 percent in 1997. The elderly’s health costs consumed 24 percent of the average Social Security check shortly before Medicare; by 1975, that share dropped to 17 percent (Gomick, 1976). 0 Helping minority seniors. One in seven Medicare beneficiaries is a member of a racial or ethnic minority. Prior to Medicare’s enactment, many US. hospitals discriminated against African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities. Most minority Americans were denied access to these facilities and had to rely on separate and often inferior hospitals and clinics to receive care. By requiring hospitals accepting Medicare fimding to be integrated for all patients, Medicare played a powerful, but ofien overlooked, role in expanding access to high-quality care for minority seniors, and for all Americans who are members of minority groups. In 1963, minorities 75 years and older averaged 4.8 visits to the doctor; by 1971 their visits grew to 7.3, comparable to Caucasian utilization rates (NCHS, 1964 and 1971). PROFILES 0F MEDICARE - Improving access to health care for the disabled. In 1972, Medicare expanded to include Americans living with disabilities and those with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Today, more than five million people with disabilities are enrolled in Medicare. Since 1973, more than one million Americans have received life-saving renal replacement therapy, either dialysis or transplantation. Currently 350,000 Americans are alive on renal replacement therapy, and 90,000 of these persons have a better quality of life due to a successful kidney transplant (including some 20,000 whose medical condition improved so much that they lefi the Medicare program). Ill. Improving and Modernizing the Medicare Program When Congress created Medicare in 1965, it deliberately modeled the new program after the existing private health insurance market, allowing for a remarkably quick and efficient implementation of the program just 11 months later. Medicare’s benefit package, administration, and payment methods were modeled on the Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans then prevalent in the private market. Private insurance companies were hired to administer much of the program as contractors. A health insurance program designed to meet the needs of seniors in 1965 needs regular updating to keep pace with and set the pace for change in the private market. Since 1965, Congress and the President have made numerous changes to Medicare to continue to modernize the program. For example: 0 Eligibility. The original Medicare program only covered those Americans age 65 and older. Recognizing the significant health BENEFICIARIES PAGE 9 care needs, and the lack of access to private insurance of other groups of Americans, Congress expanded eligibility (in 1972) to include Americans with disabilities and those with end-stage renal disease. 0 Benefits. Medicare’s original benefit package was consistent with medical practices in 1965 with a strong emphasis on inpatient hospital care. Since then, Congress has expanded Medicare several times to include coverage of hospice care and preventive benefits. For example, in 1997, Congress expanded Medicare to include coverage of certain preventive benefits including prostate cancer screening, bone mass density measurement, diabetes self- management, and other services. ° Payment reforms. Medicare’s original payment mechanisms — based on actual costs — proved to be highly inflationary because providers were paid for their costs, regardless of their efficiency. Medicare has initiated a series of payment reforms for hospitals, physicians, home health agencies, nursing homes, and HMOs. Many of these innovations have been replicated by the private insurance market to help rein in health costs, making Medicare a widely recognized leader in developing payment systems. ° Patient protections. Medicare is a leader in protecting the health, safety and financial security of its beneficiaries. Medicare established strong federal standards for the quality of all hospital, nursing home, and home health care. It has set standards for the sale of private supplemental medical insurance—also known as Medigap insurance. Medicare has some of the strongest patient protections for beneficiaries enrolled in HMOs and other managed care plans. PROFILES 0F MEDICARE IV. Improving the Health Care System In addition to the improvements Medicare has produced for America’s senior citizens and people with disabilities, the program has made a significant contribution to the quality and stability of the American health care system. By providing a stable source of payment for a large segment of the population that has substantial health care needs, Medicare has made a major contribution to the recognized quality of the American health care system, including: - Ensuring a revenue base. Medicare finances a growing share of the nation’s health system—up from 11 percent in 1970 to 21 percent today. Medicare provides 32 percent of all hospital revenue in the United States and 22 percent of all spending on physicians’ services. The program pays a substantial portion of the revenues of home health agencies, hospices, renal dialysis facilities, and other services. 0 Protecting the “safety net.” Medicare provides special financial support to urban and rural health care providers (such as $4.6 billion on disproportionate share payments in fiscal year 2000), enabling them to provide free or discounted care to millions of uninsured and underinsured Americans while also serving the needs of Medicare beneficiaries. 0 Training for the future. Medicare plays an important societal role in financing graduate medical education by paying nearly $8 billion a year for the costs of training physicians and other health professionals at our nation’s academic medical centers. 0 Combating fraud and abuse. Medicare is a leader in developing systems to detect and prevent fraud and abuse, including Operation BENEFICIARIES PAGE 10 Restore Trust. Last year, the federal government recovered nearly $500 million as a result of health care prosecutions. Since 1996, aggressive enforcement has recovered nearly $1.9 billion. ' Innovative payment systems. By adopting innovative payment mechanisms such as diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) for hospital payments and resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS) payments to physicians, Medicare has paved the way for significant cost savings and efficiencies in Medicare and in the health care system as a whole. In recent years, Medicare developed new and innovative payment systems for home health services, skilled nursing care, and other outpatient services. Medicare is also a leader in risk-adjustor research for managed care plans. ' Reducing administrative costs. Medicare is the single largest health insurer in the United States, yet it operates at the lowest administrative costs of any insurer. Medicare’s overhead costs are less than 2 percent, far below the private insurance industry average of 12 percent. In other words, Medicare spends more than 98 cents out of every dollar it receives in tax and premium revenue on health care services for patients. Over the last decade, Medicare Part A claims have doubled and the cost for processing each claim has been cut in half. These administrative savings have been achieved in part by Medicare’s leadership in working with health care providers and others to computerize claims payment, which has paved the way for other payers to also computerize their claims payment. PROFILES OF MEDICARE V. Improving Medicare for the Future In its first 35 years, Medicare has accomplished a tremendous amount for America’s seniors and those with disabilities. In concert with Social Security, Medicare has made a huge difference in the lives of the people of this country. As President Johnson predicted, Medicare has positively affected the lives of not only those it directly serves but millions of other Americans who are the sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, and even the great-grandsons and great-granddaughters of Medicare’s beneficiaries. But Medicare—and the people it serves—cannot continue to thrive if today’s program remains stagnant. Medicare must be continually modernized to meet the needs of our seniors and those with disabilities. Medicare’s benefit package is now out of sync with what is covered by today’s private insurance market. In particular, the failure to pay for prescription drugs is a departure from the norms of medicine and private insurance. And while Medicare has provided peace of mind to those who are over age 65 or living with disabilities, millions of Americans with significant health care needs ——especially early retirees—remain unable to buy affordable insurance. Though Medicare coverage of preventive services has improved, it lags behind private insurance. In addition, the utilization of preventive services by Medicare beneficiaries remains low, especially among low-income and minority populations. This indicates a need to examine and eliminate any impediments to the use of these important services, including cost-sharing requirements, lack of public awareness, and the need for greater provider education and outreach. BENEFICIARIES PAGE 11 As Medicare enters its 35th year, President Clinton has proposed a series of Medicare reforms that will prepare this vital program and the people it serves for the 215t century. The President’s fiscal year 2001 budget dedicates $378 billion over 10 years to Medicare. This plan makes Medicare more fiscally sound, competitive and efficient, and modemizes the program’s benefits by including a prescription drug benefit. The overall plan includes: 0 Making Medicare more competitive and efficient Since taking office, President Clinton has worked to reduce the rate of growth in Medicare spending; eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse; and extend the life of the Medicare Trust Fund from 1999 to 2025. He has proposed to build on these efforts and save $38 billion over 10 years by expanding anti-fraud policies and enhancing Medicare’s competitiveness and quality. - Dedicating $115 billion over I 0 years to Trust Fund solvency. It is impossible to pay for a doubling in Medicare enrollment through provider savings or premium increases alone. To address the future financing shortfall, the budget dedicates $115 billion of the non-Social Security surplus to Medicare, helping extend the HI Trust Fund to at least 2030 and reducing publicly held debt. 0 Establishing a voluntary prescription drug benefit. The drug benefit, which costs $253 billion over 10 years, would be accessible and voluntary, affordable for beneficiaries, and competitively and efficiently administered. It would also provide high-quality, necessary medications. No beneficiary would pay more than $4,000 in out-of-pocket costs for needed drugs. PROFILES 0F MEDICARE 0 Improving preventive benefits. This proposal would eliminate the existing deductible and copayments for preventive services, such as colorectal cancer screening, bone mass measurements, and mammograms. ' Creating health insurance options for people ages 55 to 65. The plan would allow people age 62 through 65 and displaced workers ages 55 to 65 to buy into Medicare. It would require employers who drop previously promised retiree coverage to give early retirees with limited alternatives access to COBRA coverage until they are 65 and can qualify for Medicare. To make this policy more affordable, the President proposes a tax credit, equal to 25 percent of the premium, for participants in the Medicare buy-in and a similar credit for COBRA. BENEFICIARIES PAGE 12 I. A Profile of Medicare and Its Beneficiaries Today, the Medicare program provides health insurance coverage to a diverse and growing segment of the United States population [Figure 1]. Over its history, the people who are covered under the program have not only expanded in numbers, but have grown more complex in composition and health care needs. More than 19 million elderly entered Medicare in 1966; today, Medicare provides insurance coverage for 34 million elderly, or 97 percent of older Americans. The number of elderly and disabled enrollees has more than doubled to 39.9 million. The Medicare population is expected to grow from 39.9 million enrollees (14 percent of the population) today to more than 77 million in 2030 (22 percent of the population). [Figures 1 and 2]. Demographic Trends Because of their longer life expectancy, elderly women outnumber men in the Medicare program by 7 percent. The proportion of female Medicare beneficiaries increases with age: women constitute more than 70 percent of the Medicare population age 85 and older (Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey). Among disabled beneficiaries, however, men outnumber women by 9 percent. Older women are much more likely to be widowed and live alone than older men due to a number of factors, including women’s longer life expectancy, the tendency for women to marry men who are slightly older, and higher remarriage rates for widowed men. Among people age 85 and older, about half of the men were still married, compared with only 13 percent of the women (Forum, 2000). PROFILES 0F MEDICARE Among the elderly, 84 percent are Caucasian, 7 percent are African- Americans, 6 percent are Hispanic, and 3 percent make up all other racial and ethnic minority enrollees. Among disabled enrollees, Afiican—Americans make up nearly 17 percent and Hispanics about 11 percent [Figure 3]. The living arrangements of the elderly vary by racial and ethnic group. Older Caucasian women are much less likely to live with other relatives than older minority women (15 percent compared to 30—40 percent) (Forum, 2000). Living alone is a risk factor for nursing home placement as the elderly grow older. More than 13 percent, or 4.5 million Medicare beneficiaries, are over the age of 85, and more than 70,000 are over the age of 100. Economic Status Although the economic status of the elderly as a group has improved over the past 35 years [Figure 4], most elderly individuals have modest incomes. Correspondingly, most Medicare spending is for beneficiaries with modest incomes: 33 percent of program spending is on behalf of those with incomes of less than $10,000; 74 percent of program spending is on behalf of those with incomes of $25,000 or less; but only 10 percent of program spending is on behalf of those with incomes over $40,000 [Figure 5]. Many elderly Medicare beneficiaries depend on their Social Security benefits for much of their income. The reliance on Social Security income is greater among single seniors and increases dramatically as individuals get older. For example, Social Security benefits represent half of the average 85-year-old’s income. In 1998, Social Security BENEFICIARIES PAGE 13 benefits provided about two-fifths of the income of older persons (Forum, 2000). Nearly 30 percent of Medicare beneficiaries live alone, and beneficiaries who live alone are disproportionately female and poor: 72 percent are women, and 60 percent have incomes under $15,000. About 15 percent of those who live alone are over the age of 85 [Figure 6]. Because of their low incomes and high medical costs, approximately 6.5 million beneficiaries—0r about 16.5 percent of the Medicare population—are enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid. Dual-eligible beneficiaries are Medicare beneficiaries who also qualify for Medicaid benefits on the basis of financial need, including those that become eligible as they “spend down” their income because of high medical costs. Health and Functional Status In 1999, nearly 30 percent of the elderly reported that they were in fair or poor health, compared to 17 percent of those ages 45 to 64. The percentage reporting fair or poor health was higher for minority groups and increased with age: about 35 percent of those 85 and older considered themselves in relatively poor health (Health, US, 1999). Differences in self-reported health status are reflected in Medicare per capita spending. Beneficiaries who reported their health status as poor spent five times as much as the beneficiaries reporting excellent health. Medicare per capita spending also increases as fimctional status declines. Twice as much is spent on those with one or two limitations in “activities of daily living” (ADL), PROFILES 0F MEDICARE including bathing, dressing, going to the bathroom, or eating, compared to those with no ADL limitations. Beneficiaries with three or more ADL limitations had per capita costs more than three times as high as those with no difficulties with ADLs. Among the elderly, the incidence of chronic conditions, defined as prolonged illnesses that are rarely cured completely, varies significantly by age and racial group. For instance, about one in every 10 elderly Americans has diabetes. Both the incidence of diabetes and the mortality rates from it are higher for minority groups (Health, US, 1999). Nearly one in three of the elderly reported limitations with one or more activities of daily living (ADLs). About 11 percent of the elderly reported limitations in instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). About 30 percent of the disabled Medicare beneficiaries had difficulties with one or more ADLs. The contrast in functional status was more marked in the realm of IADL limitations, with 25 percent of disabled beneficiaries reporting trouble with IADLs, a rate more than twice as high as that of elderly beneficiaries [Figure 7]. Medicare Spending Medicare benefit spending for fiscal year 1999 is estimated at nearly $212 billion [Fig 8]. The largest shares of spending are for inpatient hospital services (48 percent) and physician services (27 percent) [Fig. 9]. In fiscal year 1999, Medicare spent an average of $5,410 per beneficiary. The amount varied on the basis of eligibility and masked considerable variation across individuals. BENEFICIARIES PAGE 14 A small percentage of beneficiaries account for a disproportionate share of Medicare spending. More than 75 percent of Medicare’s payments for elderly and disabled beneficiaries in 1997 were spent on the 15 percent of enrollees who incurred Medicare costs of $10,000 or more. Medicare is the single largest source of payment for beneficiary health care costs; it covers about half of the cost of health care [Figure 10]. Many beneficiaries have other insurance (e.g., private Medigap policies, retiree coverage, or Medicaid) to supplement their Medicare benefits [Figure 11]. Supplemental insurance reduces beneficiaries’ out-of-pocket expenditures, including Medicare cost-sharing. About 14 percent of Medicare beneficiaries have no supplemental coverage; groups most likely to rely solely on Medicare are the disabled, minorities and those with low incomes. Despite Medicare benefits and supplemental coverage, health care costs remain a substantial and growing burden for the elderly. Long-term care costs, followed by physician payments and outpatient prescription drug spending, are the three largest sources of out-of-pocket expenses [Figure 12]. The elderly spend a higher proportion of their income on health than the general population, both because they have higher health care costs (on average four times that of the under age 65 population) and because they have lower incomes. Lower-income seniors spend a higher proportion of their income on health than higher-income elderly [Figure 13]. PROFILES 0F MEDICARE The vast majority of Medicare beneficiaries (83 percent) rely on Medicare’s traditional fee—for—service benefits, while 17 percent are enrolled in Medicare + Choice plans. Nearly 70 percent of beneficiaries have the option of joining at least one managed care plan in their area [Figure 14]. Over the decade of the 19905, Medicare enrollment grew rapidly in managed care plans; such grth has slowed in more recent years [Figure 15]. Most Medicare beneficiaries, whether enrolled in fee-for—service or a Medicare + Choice plan, say they are satisfied with their medical care [Figure 16]. Medicare spending growth has often been compared to that of the private sector. Over the life of the program, both Medicare and private health insurance have grown at similar rates [Figure 17]. However, during selected periods, they have ofien grown at different rates [Figure 18]. BENEFICIARIES Number of Medicare Beneficiaries, CY 1970-2030 The number of Medicare beneficiaries will nearly double by 2030. 80 i. . i, ., .i iiiii 77-2 ..... . 70 60 50 40 30 MEDICARE ENROLLMENT (MILLIONS) 20 10 .0 . ‘.HHH _ “7.0 _ ...... 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 - ELDER“ E] DISABLENIESRD SOURCE: IICFA/OFFICE OF THE ACTUARY. PAGE 15 PROFILES 0F MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES The Aging of the U.S. Population, 1970 — 2030 The U.$. population will age rapidly through 2030, when 22 percent of the population will be eligible for Medicare. 25% ................................................................. . ................................................................... 20 ........................................................................................................... _ ........... . .......................... 15 10 PERCENT OF POPULATION 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 SOURCE: SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION/OFFICE OF THE ACTUARY. PAGE 16 PROFILES 0F MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES Race/Ethnicity Distribution of Medicare Beneficiaries, 1998 African-American and Hispanic beneficiaries are disproportionately represented among the disabled. ELDERLY DISABLED OTHER OTHER 2.9% 3.9% HISPANIC "'SEIsI'o/i 10.7% AFRICAN-AME;I%A(£ IER.|3A°/:HMERICAN WHITE 8323i 68.5% TOTAL = 34.7 MILLION TOTAL = 5.1 MILLION SOURCE: HCFA/OFFICE OE STRATEGIC PLANNING: DATA FROM THE MEDICARE CURRENT BENEFICIARY SURVEY. PAGE 17 PROFILES OF MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES Poverty Rates by Age, 1965-1998 Improvements in Social Security and private pension coverage are important factors in the decline of the elder/y’s poverty rate. IN POVERTY I—l U1 PERCENT 18—554 '- ............................ .‘ .....'.F9,!.-‘.-‘..-.,-..-.I‘mem,” |—| c III-I...-.....IIII“ U'l G 1965 '70 '74 '78 '82 '86 '90 '94 1998 — 65+ -—- <18 "" 18-64 SOURCE: US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE/BUREAU OF THE CENSUS, 1999. PAGE 18 PROFILES OF MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES Medicare Spending for Fee-for-Service Beneficiaries by Income, 1997 Seventy-four percent of Medicare expenditures are on behalf of individuals with annual incomes of $25,000 or less. $5,000 0R LESS 7% $40,001 on MORE $5,201- $10,000 10% 26/0 $25,001 — $40,000 16% $10,001 — $15,000 18% $15,001 — $25,000 23% SOURCE: NCFA/OFFICE 0F STRATEGIC PLANNING: DATA FROM THE MEDICARE CURRENT BENEFICIARV SURVEY. PAGE 19 PROFILES 0F MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES Living Arrangements of Medicare Beneficiaries, 1998 Nearly 30 percent of Medicare beneficiaries live alone. LIVE IILoNE 29% 60% HAVE INCOME < $15,000 ARE WOMEN 15% ARE OVER THE AGE OF 85 LIVE WITH SPOUSE 49% LIVE WITH CHILDREN/OTHERS 16% LIVE IN ch FACILITY 6% SOURCE: IICFA/OFFICE 0F STRATEGIC PLANNING: DATA FROM THE MEDICARE CURRENT BENEFICIARY SURVEY. PAGE 20 PROFILES OF MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES Distribution of Medicare Enrollees by Functional Status, 1998 More than one—third of the Medicare population needs assistance with at least one ”activity of daily living. ” ALL ELDERLY DISABLED - NO ADL OR IADL LIMITATIONS |::| IADLs ONLY E 1 — 2 ADLs 3 — 6 ADLs NOTE: AOL—ACTIVITIES 0F DAILY LIVING (E.G., EATING, BATHING) IADL—INSTRUMENTAL ACTIVITIES 0F DAILY LIVING (E.G., SHOPPING, USE OF PHONE, CLEANING) SOURCE: HCFA/OFFICE OF STRATEGIC PLANNING: DATA FROM THE MEDICARE CURRENT BENEFICIARY SURVEY. PAGE 21 PROFILES 0F MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES . Medicare Spending, FY 1967 - 1999 Medicare spending grew from $3.3 billion in 1967 to nearly $212 billion in 1999. $250 200 150 100 50 PAGE 22 PROFILES 0F MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES BILLIONS DOLLARS IN 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 1999 2002 SOURCE: “CPA/OFFICE OF THE ACTUARY Where the Medicare Dollar Went, 1980 and 1998 Medicare spending is shifting away from inpatient hospital services toward outpatient services and other providers. OUTPATIENT HOSPITAL AND , OIIAIEIIIAIIAIIHATIILIHIIHAIAILAINTII* . . OTHER OUTPATIENT FACILITY 5_3% - ~ 9.8% “I” SIAIITCISIINI ANIIIIII FACILITY‘ 2-2%* 27.2% PHYSIOIAON HOSPICE 24.1% 1.2% SI” _ HHA O 1.1% 61% INPATIENT HOSPITAL 67.4% $3? 1980 ' ° INPATIENT HOSPITAL 48.2% *TNE DEFINITION OF THESE CATEGORIES HAS CHANGED OVER TIME, 50 THEY ARE NOT DIRECTLY COMPARABLE OVER THE PERIOD. SOURCE: IICFA/OFFICE OF THE ACTUARV. MANAGED CARE SPENDING IS INCORPORATED WITHIN THE CATEGORIES. PAGE 23 PROFILES 0F MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES Sources of Payment for Medicare Beneficiaries’ Use of Medical Services, 1997 Medicare pays more than half of the total cost of beneficiaries’ medical care. IIITth MEDICARE \ 55.1% ($5,114) Vii 01m souncrs ”H 5.0% ($516) llijilllliillllilji 0"T-0F-PO0KET* 18.0% ($1,681) PRIVATE INSURANCE 10.0% ($922) MEDICAID 11.9% ($1,107) TOTAL AVERAGE SPENDING PER BENEFICIARY — $9,340 *NDTE: BENEFICIARY OUT-OF-POCKET SPENDING DOES NOT INCLUDE THEIR PAYMENTS FOR MEDICARE PART B PREMIUMS, PRIVATE INSURANCE PREMIUMS, OR HMO PREMIUMS. SOURCE: HCFA/OFFICE OF STRATEGIC PLANNING: DATA FROM THE MEDICARE CURRENT BENEFICIARY SURVEY. PAGE 24 PROFILES 0F MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES Type of Supplemental Health Insurance Held by Medicare Beneficiaries, 1998 Most beneficiaries using fee—for—service Medicare have private, supplemental health plans; however, most elderly beneficiaries enrolled in managed care plans have no other supplemental coverage. FEE-FOR-SERVICE RISK HMO MEDICARE ONLY MEDICARE ONLY O 14% 715H/ER INDIVIDUAL MEDIGAP 00 29% 3A EMPLOYER-SPONSORED MEDICAID 33% 7% BOTH PRIVATE rms BOTH PRIVATE was 5% 1% OTHER EMPLOYER-SPONSORED 2% 7% “NW” — INDIVIDUAL MEDIGAP 18% 8% TOTAL BENEFICIARIES TOTAL BENEFICIARIES = 33.3 MILLION = 6.2 MILLION SOURCE: HCFA/OFFICE 0F STRATEGIC PLANNING: DATA FROM THE MEDICARE CURRENT BENEFICIARY SURVEY. PAGE 25 PROFILES 0F MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES Distribution of Beneficiary Out-of-Pocket* Expenses, 1997 Institutional long-term care (LTC) services account for the highest share of beneficiary out-of—pocket payments, followed by outpatient prescription drugs and physician services. PHYSICIAN/SUPPLIER DENTAL 135% .l% HOSPITAL OUTPATIENT 4.4% HOSPITAL INPATIENT 4.1% PRESCRIPTION nnucs 18.7% HOME HEALTH 1.2% [To FACILITIES 44.0% TOTAL OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENDITURES = $66.8 BILLION *NOTE: BENEFICIARY OUT-OF-POCNET SPENDING DOES NOT INCLUDE THEIR PAYMENTS FOR MEDICARE PART B PREMIUMS, PRIVATE INSURANCE PREMIUMS, OR HMO PREMIUMS. SOURCE: HCFA/OFFICE 0F STRATEGIC PLANNING: DATA FROM THE MEDICARE CURRENT BENEFICIARV SURVEV. PAGE 26 PROFILES 0F MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES Elderly Health Spending as a Percentage of Income, 1998 Most elder/y households have incomes below $40,000 and spend a greater percentage of their income on health than more affluent elder/y households. PERCENT OF ELDERLY ELDERLY HOUSEHOLDS’ HEALTH SPENDING HOUSEHOLDS BY INCOME, 1998 ASA PERCENTAGE OF INCOME, 1998 40% 30% 36.3% 26.8% 35 25 30 26.7% 23.2% 20 15 9.8% 1° 4.0% 5 N O PERCENT OF ELDERLY HOUSEHOLDS PERCENT OF INCOME SPENT ON HEALTH <$ID $10-$19 $20-$39 $40-$69 370+