COMPOSITION OF FOODS BABY FOODS RAW ¢ PROCESSED ¢ PREPARED AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK No. 8-3 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SCIENCE AND EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION ret i LIEALTH | PUBLIC HEALTH | RY atl Ty ” no HON ARY ® Washington, D.C. Science and Education Administration UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ERRATA January, 1979 Agriculture Handbook No. 8-3 "Composition of Foods--Raw, Processed, Prepared--Baby Foods" Corrections should be made on LIPIDS, Fatty acids as shown in the following table: Page A C D E F 15 16:0 2.42 0.03 3 0.16 0.69 10.97 Monounsat., total 7.38 8.11 3 0.48 2.09 33.48 18:1 7.37 0.11 3 0.48 2.09 33.44 Polyunsat., total ¥.1} 0.03 3 0.07 0.31 5.03 16 16:0 1.54 0.03 3 0.09 0.44 6.98 Monounsat., total 8.98 0.09 3 0.54 2.55 40.74 18:1 8.98 0.09 3 0.54 2.55 40.74 Polyunsat., total 0.84 0.02 3 0.05 0.24 3.82 19 16:0 1.98 0.06 2 0.14 0.56 8.99 Monounsat., total 3.84 0.10 2 0.27 1.09 17.40 18:1 3.73 0.10 2 0.26 1.06 16.93 Polyunsat., total 1.29 0.04 2 0.09 0.37 5.87 22 16:0 0.35 1 0.45 0.10 1.59 23 16:0 0.44 0.01 2 0.57 0.13 2.00 Polyunsat., total 0.30 0.01 2 0.38 0.08 1.35 24 16:0 0.44 0.01 2 0.95 0.13 2.01 Polyunsat., total 0.30 0.01 2 0.63 0.08 1.35 66 16:0 0.25 0.00 2 0.34 0.07 1.14 Polyunsat., total 0.03 0.00 2 0.04 0.01 0.13 67 16:0 0.27 0.00 2 0.59 0.08 1.22 Polyunsat., total 0.03 0.00 2 0.07 0.01 0.14 79 16:0 0.52 0.00 2 0.67 0.15 2.36 Polyunsat., total 0.16 0.00 2 0.21 0.05 0.74 80 16:0 0.61 0.00 2 1.34 0.17 2.76 Polyunsat., total 0.19 0.00 2 0.42 0.05 0.86 85 16:0 0.28 0.02 4 0.50 0.08 1.27 Polyunsat., total 0.10 0.00 4 0.18 0.03 0.46 ERRATA CONTINUED Page A B C D E F G 90 16:0 0.74 0.06 11 1.26 0.21 3.37 Polyunsat., total 0.77 0.07 11 1.31 0.22 3.48 103 16:0 0.30 0.00 2 0.38 0.08 1.35 Polyunsat., total 0.30 0.01 2 0.39 0.09 1.38 104 16:0 0.31 0.00 2 0.66 0.09 1.41 Polyunsat., total 0.32 0.01 2 0.68 0.09 1.44 105 16:0 0.76 0.01 9 0.97 0.22 3.45 Polyunsat., total 0.36 0.01 9 0.45 0.10 1.61 106 16:0 0.89 0.01 9 1.90 0.25 4.05 Polyunsat., total 0.42 0.01 9 0.89 0.12 1.89 113 16:0 0.67 0.01 2 1.18 0.19 3.03 Polyunsat., total 0.33 0.00 2 0.58 0.09 1.48 18:2 0.29 0.00 2 0.52 0.08 1433 132 16:0 0.75 0.01 2 0.97 0.21 3.42 Polyunsat., total 0.50 0.00 2 0.64 0.14 2.28 133 16:0 0.72 0.01 2 0.92 0.20 3.25 Polyunsat., total 0.48 0.00 2 0.61 0.13 2.16 184 16:0 1.33 0.65 2 1.31 0.38 6.02 Polyunsat., total 0.24 0.32 2 0.24 0.07 Bill 187 16:0 1.48 1 1.47 0.42 6.72 188 16:0 1.80 i 1.78 0.51 8.16 190 Monounsat., total 6.92 6.50 1.96 31.39 Polyunsat., total 2:25 2.12 0.64 10.21 191 16:0 1.22 1 1.20 0.34 5.5) 192 16:0 1.40 1 1.39 0.40 6.36 195 16.0 0.65 0.04 10 0.64 0.18 2.93 Polyunsat., total 0.49 0.02 10 0.49 0.14 2.24 197 16:0 1.53 1 1.52 0.43 6.94 COMPOSITION OF FOODS BABY FOODS RAW « PROCESSED « PREPARED By Consumer and Food Economics Institute Susan E. Gebhardt Principal Investigators: | Rena Cutrufelli Ruth H. Matthews AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK NO. 8-3 SCIENCE AND EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION ¢ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON, D.C. REVISED DECEMBER 1978 On January 24, 1978, four USDA agencies——-Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Cooperative State Research Service (CSRS), Extension Service (ES), and the National Agricultural Library (NAL)--merged to become a new organization, the Science and Education Administration (SEA), U.S. Department of Agriculture. This publication was prepared by the Science and Education Administration's Agricultural Research staff, which was formerly the Agricultural Research Service. FOREWORD Agriculture Handbook No. 8 represents a traditional function of the Science and Education Administration of the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. The development of the basic food composition tables used in the United States commenced more than 80 years ago. Data on the nutritive value of foods were first compiled and evaluated in the Department by W. O. Atwater in the 1890's. This nutrition pioneer organized and became the first director of the Office of Experiment Stations in the USDA. In 1896, the now classic USDA Bulletin No. 28, "The Chemical Composition of American Food Materials," by W. O. Atwater and C. D. Woods was published. This document was the first in a long series of food composition tables that have been issued by the Department. The scope of succeeding tables has been expanded with the discovery of the presence and role of vitamins, minerals, and other dietary essentials in foods. Values from these tables have been used in many other compilations, both in this country and abroad. Nutritionists and health-related scien- tists depend on these composition data. Increasing emphasis on food and nutrition in national policies and programs has ac- celerated the need for comprehensive, up-to-date tabulations of the nutrient content of foods. USDA is continuing to expand and improve these food data. This publication is a major revision of the 1963 edition of USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 8, "Composition of Foods...Raw, Processed, Prepared," currently a basic source of food com- position data in this country. Dr. Atwater stated in Bulletin 28, "This table is intended to replace previous ones and to serve as a standard reference until it shall in its turn be replaced by a larger and more complete compilation." It is envisaged that this edition of Agriculture Handbook No. 8 will in its turn also be replaced. The task of deriving representa- tive nutritive values of foods is a historical responsibility of USDA. This task is never ending and is essential in provid- ing more complete knowledge so that we can use our food resources wisely. Horm T. W. Edminster, Deputy Director Agricultural Research Science and Education Administration iii 55 | 6A 1919 Publ AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK NO. 8 SERIES Series Food group Year No. issued 8=1 ceeccosccne Dairy and Egg Products ececcecccccce 1976 8~2 essscvecces Spices and Herbs c¢ecccecceccseccescs 1977 8-3 ® 000000 0000 Baby Foods ® 0 0000 00000000000 1978 iv Number of items 144 43 217 PREFACE Revision and updating of the major nutrient tables issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture are needed to provide cur- rent nutrient information on foods. This revision of Agriculture Handbook No. 8 is being issued in sections so as to expedite release of data to the public. Each section contains a table of nutrient data for a major food group. The entire series will cover a wide range of food products. To facilitate continuous, rapid updating, the handbook is being prepared in 1looseleaf form. Each page in the table contains the nutrient profile of a single food item, given on the 100-gram food basis, in two common measures, and in the edible portion of 1 pound (453.6 grams) as purchased, a format permitting a concise presentation of the data and comparison of values from one unit of measure to another. The scope of the nutrient listing has been enlarged. Values are provided for refuse, energy, proximate composition (water, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and ash), 8 mineral elements (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, and copper), 9 vitamins (ascorbic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin Bg, folacin, vitamin Bigs and vitamin A), individual fatty acids, total CREUHOEAT monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol, total phytosterols, and 18 amino acids. The nutritive values contained in the handbook reflect the increasing information available on nutrients and food products. It is hoped that the revised and enlarged compilation of data will meet the requirements for reliable food composition values, which are basic to nutritional and dietary evaluation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The principal investigators gratefully acknowledge the contri- butions of Judith S. Douglass, Betty P. Perloff, M. Louise Orr, and John L. Weihrauch, of the Consumer and Food Economics Institute, and Martha Y. Workman, formerly of the Institute. We are indebted to Jan L. Janiczek, of this Institute, for assist- ance in programing and statistical analyses. We express our gratitude to Robert L. Rizek, Chairman of the Institute, for his forethought and encouragement in establishing the Nutrient Data Bank, and to Frank N. Hepburn, Leader, Nutrient Data Research Group, for his valuable advice. We are grateful to the many individuals in various government agencies and private industry who supplied data and information used in this research. CONTENTS Page Sources Of data seeesevssesrsnnsssessssessssssssssessns Explanation Of table .csvesessesessassssessnsnssninssssos 0 of 1 1 Nutrients sovsvsesnsenivininsesssnisisvnsesiveesiososeseins Notes on Daby foods: cesessvssinnssnasosisvisnosvsievsaisessis Literature cited ecieeeceseeccstssscsescsscsessscsseneness ApPPendiX sesevedesceessenscecsstensenrenssseessisnsssnnee list of‘ abbreviations «esse ses esnnsisensssinsssseses Specific factors for calculating energy values ... Index to baby foods i eeess'snnnveininnsanensnssssionssiossess Table of nutrient data sesessesssssssessssensssesnssess Fado UU DLO pt vi COMPOSITION OF FOODS BABY FOODS RAW e PROCESSED « PREPARED This is the third in a series of publications designed to revise and expand the food composition values pub- lished in Agriculture Handbook No. 8, "Composition of Foods... Raw, Procegsed, Prepared," revised in 1963 (9)." The first two sections covered the subjects "Dairy and Egg Products’ (l) and "Spices and Herbs" (2). This section was pre- pared to serve as a basic reference for data on nutrients in commercial baby foods. Preparation of the table was computer assisted using the facilities of the Nutrient Data Bank (8). Data are presented for 217 items; only 58 were included in the 1963 edition. Several items in the previous edition are no longer marketed and have now been omitted. All items in this revi- sion are marketed products. SOURCES OF DATA The data used here were based on values obtained primarily from private communications. Only limited published data are included (3, 4). Sources of unpublished data include industry, government agencies, and studies con- ducted under contract with the Science and Education Administration. EXPLANATION OF TABLE Format Data are given per 100 grams of food, in terms of two common measures of food for most items, and as the amount in 1 pound (453.6 grams) of food as purchased. The measure and the weight are given at the top of columns E and F. Abbreviations are listed in the appendix. All items reported in this table have refuse values of zero since they are consumed as purchased. Statistical expressions of the data have been included. To meet the in- creasing demands by the users of the food composition table for estimates of the variability and reliability of the nutrient data, the standard error of the values on the 100-gram food basis and the number of samples have been incorporated into the table. lynderlined numbers in parentheses refer to Literature Cited, p. 4. Data in column B are the sample means. These are weighted means, ob- tained by weighting the mean for each major manufacturer by its percentage of the baby food market. Values in column C are the sample standard er- rors, which are also weighted. When the number of samples from any of the man- ufacturers was one, a weighted standard error could not be given. The standard errors are given to the same number of decimal places as the corresponding nutrient data in column B. Column D contains the unweighted number of samples used to obtain the weighted means. The number of decimal places to which the data are given may differ from that of the 1963 handbook. The decimal places shown are based on those in which the bulk of the analytical data was obtained. To preserve the appro- priate relationships among the different weights of a food item, the same num- ber of decimal places shown for data on the 100-gram basis was carried for data in other units of measure. The number of decimal places does not always reflect the accuracy of the data for all nutrients in all food items. Dashes denote lack of reliable data for a nutrient believed to be present in a measurable amount. Blanks in- dicate no data were available for that nutrient in the particular food. Calculated values are designated by footnotes. An alphabetical arrangement by group or type of baby food was followed in the table. Data are given for strained, junior, and toddler forms of baby foods. An index containing the name of the product, the corresponding item number from Handbook No. 8 (1963), the Nutrient Data Bank (NDB) number, and page number is included. A five-digit NDB number in the lower right-hand corner of the table is used for computer access to the data. The first two digits designate the section or major food group. The last three digits indicate the specific food. The NDB numbers are not consecutive. The page number is used to locate the food item in the table. Each page is dated by year of publication. When the table is updated or expanded, new pages will be issued with instructions for insertion. Nutrients Proximate components.--Data for water are given as grams in the edible portion of the food. Food energy is expressed in terms of both kilocalories and kilo- joules. The data are for physiological energy values and represent the gross energy value remaining after the losses in digestion and metabolism have been deducted. Specific calorie factors used for baby foods are given in the appendix. They are based on the Atwater system for determining energy values. Details of the derivation of calorie factors are outlined in Agriculture Handbook No. 74 (7). Factors for mixed dishes, such as dinners and desserts, were derived by using esti- mates of proportion of ingredients with the appropriate energy value for each ingredient and then rounding to one decimal place. Kilocalories were con- verted to kilojoules using the factor 4.184, The values for protein were calcu- lated from determinations of the content of nitrogen (N) in the food using the conversion factors recommended by Jones (5). The specific factor applied to each food item is shown in the stub of the table following protein. Protein values were calculated for mixed dishes. The carbohydrate value is the differ- ence between 100 and the sum of the percentages of water, protein, fat, and ash. This carbohydrate value in- cludes fiber. Proximate component values are rounded to one decimal place to reflect the limit of accuracy of analytical data. The combined error of the analyzed proximate constituents is introduced into the carbohydrate value, determined by difference. This error is not noticeable unless the carbo- hydrate content of a product, such as meat, is so small as to be practically negligible. Minerals.--Data on the content of eight mineral elements are included in the table. Zinc and copper have been added to the minerals that were reported in the 1963 handbook. The mineral data were obtained primarily by atomic absorption, emission spectroscopy, and flame photometry. The mineral values represent the total amount present in the food and include those amounts, if any, added to the product in prep- aration for the retail market. The values do not necessarily represent the amount of the mineral element available to the body. Availability is affected by many factors and a multi- plicity of conditions about which present information is inadequate. Vitamins.--Ascorbic acid values are expressed in terms of reduced ascorbic acid. The values for niacin do not include the niacin that could be contributed by tryptophan, a niacin precursor. The data for vitamin A in baby foods include chemically determined preformed vitamin A and provitamin A carotenoids. Vitamin A activity is expressed both as international units (IU) and as retinol equivalents (RE). For mixed dishes where vitamin A value is contributed by both preformed vitamin A and pro- vitamin A carotenoids, it is not always possible to convert to retinol equiv- alents because the proportion of vitamin A contributed by the two forms is not known. Where these proportions were provided, they were converted to retinol equivalents. One IU is equivalent to 0.3 mcg of retinol or 0.6 mcg of beta- carotene; one RE is equivalent tol mcg of retinol or 6.0 mcg of beta-carotene. One RE is equal to 3.33 IU of retinol or 10 IU of beta-carotene. Lipids.--Trivial or scientific names for the fatty acids have not been used because the values for the unsaturated acids include positional and geometric isomers. In the list of fatty acids, the first number refers to the carbon atoms and the second number to the double bonds in the chain. The values shown are for the actual quantity of each fatty acid in the food and do not rep- resent fatty acid triglycerides. Data obtained by gas-liquid chromatographic analyses are contained in this report. The only calculated fatty acid values used were for strained egg yolks. Amino acids.—-The data represent re- sults obtained using both microbio- logical and chromatographic methods. Amino acid contents of each food were calculated from the mean amino acid contents per gram of nitrogen using the protein content and nitrogen factors given in the table for the specific food. The amino acid values may be converted to the per—-gram-of-nitrogen basis by dividing the amount in a specific quan- tity of food by the nitrogen content of the same specific quantity of food. NOTES ON BABY FOODS Baby foods are presented alphabet- ically by food groups in this publication. They include baked prod- ucts, cereals, desserts, dinners, high meat or cheese dinners, fruits, fruit juices, meats and egg yolks, and vegetables. The nutrient data for dry cereals are given both in the dry form and as prepared with whole milk (U.S. Dept. Agr. Agr. Handb. 8-1, 1976, item No. 01-077). Since the 1963 Agriculture Handbook No. 8 was prepared, significant changes have occurred in the formulation of baby foods. The amount of added sugar has been reduced or eliminated in the fruit and dessert items, and the amount of salt has been reduced or eliminated in all food items. Monosodium gluta- mate, a flavor enhancer, has been removed altogether. Thus, the amount of added sodium has been reduced dramatically in processed baby foods. The effect of reducing these sodium- containing products on sodium content of baby foods was reported by Matthews and Workman (6). In general, the varieties and forms of baby foods, including strained, junior, and toddler, have increased greatly in the market. Values for nutrient content reflect the increased vitamin and mineral fortification of cereal products and added ascorbic acid in fruit juices and in some fruits. Values reported in the table represent the content of the added nutrients in the products shortly after processing. For some nutrients, values may be lower at the end of the prod- uct's shelf life because of losses during storage. In contrast to the 1963 handbook, the nutritive values of the primary forms--strained, junior, and toddler--are reported separately in the table because they often vary in the types of ingredients in the formulations. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) LITERATURE CITED Consumer and Food Economics Insti- tute. 1976. 1977. Deeming, 1978. Hoppner, 1977. Jones, D. 1931. Composition of foods: Dairy and egg products; raw, processed, prepared. U.S. Dept. Agr. Agr. Handb. 8-1, 157 pp. Composition of foods: Spices and herbs; raw, processed, prepared. U.S. Dept. Agr. Agr. Handb. 8-2, 51 pp. S., and Weber, C. Trace mineral content of commercially prepared baby foods. Amer. Dietet. Assoc. Jour. 73: (In press.) K., and Lampi, B. Total pantothenic acid in strained baby foods. Nutr. Rpts. Internatl. 15: 627- 633. C. Factors for converting (6) (7) (8) (9) percentages of nitrogen in foods and feeds into percentages of protein. U.S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 183, 22 pp. (S81. rev. 1941.) Matthews, R. H., and Workman, M. Y. 1978. Merrill, 1955. Nutrient content of baby foods. Amer. Dietet. Assoc. Jour. 72: 27-30. A. L., and Watt, B. K. Energy value of foods = basis and derivation. U.S. Dept. Agr. Agr. Handb. 74, 105 pp. (S11. rev. 1973.) Murphy, E. W., Watt, B. K., and Rizek, 1974. Watt, B. 1963. R. L. U.S. Department of Agri- culture Nutrient Data Bank. Assoc. Off. Analyt. Chem. Jour. 57: 1198-1204. K., and Merrill, A. L. Composition of foods... raw, processed, prepared. U.S. Dept. Agr. Agr. Handb. 8 (rev.), 190 pp. APPENDIX List of Abbreviations fl OZ ececcecocssssscsessses fluid ounce g seccccsssssssccacssscccsss gram IU cevscrssenensorssanersvss international unit kcal eccesccscsscssccssesses kilocalorie KJ cecescscscscsssscscsssess Kilojoule 1b ccccecccccssssscscscsesss pound MCG eeescsssccssscscssssesss Microgram Mg secsscesscsssscsnsssssscses Milligram N cessesssssesescecssssesess Nitrogen NDB ccescscscsssesssssssssss nutrient data bank NO ccsesscsssscesccscscsseses Number OZ sssescssssnsssescsssssssess OUNCE RE cccsccccsscsesscsssscssss retinol equivalent thSp csscceccccsecscscsssess tablespoonful Specific Factors for Calculating Energy Values Food group and food Protein Fat Carbohydrate (kcal/g) (kcallg) (kcall/g) Baked products .eececeseesssccss 4.0 8.4 4.1 Cereals: BaAnLEY ess visas cislerviateinie sininte ais wis 3.55 8.37 3.95 Cereal and €28 +sessssessnonss 4.2 8.8 3.9 Cereal with fruit vewsvsevesss ) 2) 3) High protein ssceesssvsenessss 3.5 8.4 4.0 Mixed Cereal +c. conse onivevinse 3.4 8.4 4,1 OAEMBAL Rv 'oin o ¥'s's v0.0 sis sain sin inivin es 3.46 8.37 4.12 RICE cessssrinnnnssinrenissnmnsen 3.82 8.37 4,16 Desserts: With 088 "s.cesivis vans sinvsininvinivne 4.3 8.9 3.6 With egg and milk seeecccecces 4.3 8.9 3.8 Without egg or milk eseeeeecess 3.4 8.4 3.6 Cottage cheese with fruit .... 4.0 8.7 3.8 Dinners: Legumes and meat ecececescsses 4.1 8.9 4.1 Macaroni and cheese ceeeeecees 4.2 8.8 4.0 C Mixed vegetable ceeeccecscccces 3.0 8.4 3.8 Pasta and meat sevesevessvssses 4.1 8.9 4.1 Rice and meat “ecevessneosreosns 4,1 8.9 4.1 Vegetables and meat ceeceeeeses 3.7 8.9 3.9 Dinners, high meat or cheese: CHEESE e's ssn oie sin sisis.oiess sain viene 4.0 8.7 3.8 Maat Cah eee vans erins an anon ineinias 3.8 8.9 3.8 Prults cass scion snssimioensissssnions 3.36 8.37 3.60 Fruit Juices ..esvesissasesisimsnss 3.36 8.37 3.92 Meats and egg yolks: Ege VYOlkS iver enssnninnnnsnnsssin 4,36 9.02 3.68 LIVEYr soessnesecoseansnnnnsves 4,27 9.02 3.87 Meat, POULILTY sssessnseinssssre 4.27 9.02 mie Meat or poultry sticks eeceees 4.0 8.7 2.7 Vegetables: Beans, corn, peas, spinach, SQUASH sie vssssnennsininssivioses 2.44 8.37 3.57 Beets, CATTOLS cssseseesseness 2.78 8.37 3.84 Mixed vegetables ecceeecceccccee 2.6 8.4 3.6 Sweetpotatoes ecececesccessscnss 2.78 8.37 4,03 Factors for items that are mixtures of foods have been calculated and rounded to one decimal place. 2Use the rounded factors for the specific cereal grain. ) 6 INDEX TO BABY FOODS AH-8 item (1963) Baked products: COOKIES eves ssesnesssssssinnvsiiscanonssvssiseisseessinncsscseecese Cookies, ALTOWYOOL sssisast ens snsisnssvscosssinssssvsessnionsessess Pretzels ivomssvensinsnsnsviorinesaanvisinsssvessine ses eossssiceeies sine Teething biscuits han ssisie vssinsan@evinsssuesivnnsrnsvessinisein 72 ZWICHACK steve nia siaas vis /siain uv siais viniaie’s v8 0's hin vu alas sisia'sie ns sin sieie o's Cereals: Barley: DEY + sisisslsia ss sisis's sinsinsinisinsinis sin'slsslains s/slnnisinises'snnsiveniasisins OF Prepared with whole milk seceeeesvsresssvsesssssssesessnsasnanes Cereal and eggs, Strained soe svsnesssvnsnsimsssssssisnnnsssoeses Cereal and egg yolks: Strained sc vs vie vinninins snenniosineenisionis vis sisinnins aisivis sissisiasnsine vies JUNIOT ceveeeececectsesccsseccccesncsccsccssecsscsscsscssssccscnsns Cereal, egg yolks, and bacon: SETALNEd isles se.sinninesivtinaaines sinatines sins ain sais sessiosssnees. +70 JUNIOL ans envniminnnnenisnsnssnnsinnssonsssassvesossaseneessine i176 Grits and lege yolks, Strained sees eisssessanssssossasssessasensse High protein: DEY io sisininn's ss Foisinie sn uninioin's sins vinnie 's'sisalaieionioin snes vies an sialsase’ OS Prepared with whole milk cesveienscesnsnssssnsassssannsssnssannse High protein with apple and orange: DIY seesnvecsesonsessessnscsosnsasosssssessssnssessacssssssosscne Prepared with whole milk sei essasssasssssvsronssvsssnnsansins Mixed cereal: DYY% e sisisie o's ols sinininls swiss s sini sie s ulnls slnie ois"s » v'5 sin sis 5 5 siainls o's ininis’ HOY Prepared with whole milk secs essinsainssssensssennsnnsessssvonsns Mixed cereal, honey: DIY esisoscsscsiosssssesioosnnsiosesnvosnsnsnosivissssincsesesseeses Prepared with whole milk sevesssssecsssssvssnsessssssnesssnnes Mixed cereal with applesauce and bananas: SETAINed sce sinessennnevesssitiailoinssnsssiveissssssoninnssinnesnsiys JUNTOT case vssentsnreseenssstresavssssssessnesessnrnnssoseessisace Mixed cereal with bananas: DIY a sscvenssonsssineesssmevieoivies sisisaensssnsiesnsnisionssiesesssses Prepared with whole milk eeseessssssesseressssssssssosssveses Oatmeal: DIY ie coidinessnniniensnsianinvonmismesvineinisssvesonsssnenssnasase 70 Prepared with whole milk seeissesssssssssissssnsnsesssvessvssssenee Oatmeal, honey: DIY cscscccscvesosonssossseesncsnssssessvssessseseseessessececssne Prepared with whole milk ..ceeesesseseserssssnsnssivesessesson Oatmeal with applesauce and bananas: Strained cecesscessrnssreesesnsseinininessanssiresssnsssnsesrsvenes Junior © © 000000 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000F" 7 AH-8-3 NDB No. Page 03213 03214 03215 03216 03217 03181 03681 03199 03197 03198 03201 03202 03203 03182 03682 03211 03711 03185 03685 03204 03704 03187 03188 03186 03686 03189 03689 03193 03693 03191 03192 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 AH-8 AH-8-3 item NDB No. Page (1963) Oatmeal with bananas: DIV ite a elniainiesic sioinio sos in a winiin si sisincuinln. os iein a wine ois sitio tieinie.s vain iv + Sinan 03190 46 Prepared with whole milk seeecececceccsccccecessccccscnccccsns 03690 47 Rice: DEY (4 vnisais sinus sisisieininininesieis s ais o.vioisisl a ein ale #isin s,s soit siv nisin siniwin i: 41 03194 48 Prepared with whole milk seeeeesseccecsscscecesssscscnsscccee 03694 49 Rice, honey: DIY: ic oisis'saleinicinnninine on ninisisinie visinin sis sine ss isisoie vis oi6 sisin vie siativie vioinie 03196 50 Prepared with whole milk seecesenssenssssosnninssoninesnsssvnnsivns 03696 51 Rice with applesauce and bananas, strained eececeececscccccccscss 03195 52 Rice with bananas: DEYE ec esi0is vise sins vissinsvsinssnannsisnnsensesnaesnessssvissessiosenss 03212 53 Prepared with whole milk sesssesssnsssnssnsinnssnosssives snes sess 03712 54 Rice with mixed fruit, Junior eceeeesecrescscsecssccccscsnsccnes 03210 55 Desserts: Apple betty: SET AITICA 4 aisninvivion ovine sis s vis soe vinisniow sis nine ennionine simon eioiviee 03218 56 JUNI OF See's olen vivian v ain aime vioiainiois in sa a's nis ons nn widiwinieiniainin winnie sinin e olen 03219 57 Caramel pudding: SErAINEd csthisnaeiseisesnisonsininsinninisninessninaieesensisisinsiesion sinless 03241 58 TUNTOT io visiw s:nininino alee 's sinie’s sin sin ninin 6 eis sles s o s'sin einis sate sain ioe s uivisin's 03242 59 Cherry vanilla pudding: SERAINGA ‘vss ss visions wsesvnsssssnsee sn sae osesssssonssioneanvmsess 03224 60 JUNTOT isiaisie vinivnissns veiso nas sine sisiansiisasnineseesvensesselssesess 03225 61 Chocolate custard pudding: SErAIned is cessinssinsnnsrinmssnsnsiassvvsinnsinsssisinn snes sennsnesi lS 03243 62 JUNLOT "ec eeississsssessssmevensssvavasssessssoassssssssosssns. 43 03244 63 Cottage cheese with pineapple: SErained: secessevissrsisnonsinenssssssnesisesininessnisessvess sess 03027 64 JURIOT seein sievr ars eeseessovsanivessvoisssoessisiesssoessevsssnesives 03028 65 Dutch apple: Strained ssvenssscrsssssnsvssassnansvesinnasessssresse session 03220 66 JUNI OT "essa nvoisiannsssosannnisineeessiossnsessissivenessomessvesss eis 03221 67 Fruit dessert: SETAINEA oasis wun ssinsinessssusinsiossnsieis esos siaiesiosssiesennnsle 03235 68 JUNI OT a's sinsininas sin sinismissniosive vsiosivisnseneainninesesiosssesesnsess 03236 69 Orange pudding, Strained .vesssessscesscssosssesnsoessvesn 4 03226 70 Peach cobbler: SELrAINed “vies s 00.00 o.000is:0i0is s 0 nin ininialn isn 0 alu 00 Sm WIEN. 03227 71 JUNIO Gee svsecninienessinianssoinionsnnssinsvenoninsie sisneesinsionsssnnms 03228 72 Peach melba: SErained uu ss nisaios sue vise sniovsise sive viene siesesesesiesse ee viess 03229 73 JUDTOT tax olsia nv oinminisiain o oios wiwiein.eieis ain o/s nabis aie @ oiaioemioio oe sie oheien violet 03230 74 Pineapple orange, Strained secssesssssenesnssiosnsssnnssnesnnonse 03231 75 Pineapple pudding: SELAINGA sive « sioin.cisinie sinie s.sinin, ois vies vine ool sece.e oiois eae onnie ssn AG 03233 76 JUNOT vu vss vino ns vvitinsie nee ssnsionssivesisisio sees sieteseesseessr. 4 03234 77 Tropical fruit, JUNIoT sesnissecosnoniosisies sine sssssssesesvesessss 03238 78 o 8 AH-8 item (1963) Vanilla custard pudding: Strained © © 8 0.0000 0 000000000 0000 O OOOO LOLOL OLR NSE LDNS OSSD 73 TUNVEOT ois c'e'a oisit a sierueinln es sinless sis’eiuis wis ein's's's a's a o's aie s'sisnwnsnnn 13 Dinners: Beef and egg noodles: Strained ‘vac e sss solos seitinsions sn site wines 8 0 ee eine a Sieve ln en aie Be AD JUNTOTE sinie sinisinienaivainaisioisioin sins aie sinus wisiv visas nvonisesvssnsneee 45 Beef and irice, toddler! va conics sesvseviovsavionssiessaienessesininssos Beef lasagna, todALar vio csinsesssninsssennnnsinie sss vessasssvennnios Beef stew, £0dd1ler «i. vsescosssvenioniniesssinisissiecenseinsaisinsiesees Chicken and noodles: Strained. ive vss'snvivaionseniinsons aa ene bie a A a ees wie a ale wm woe eS AT, JUITLOT o's vies sisisinca’s vie sian slain n'aloie's sian wate vinins sis o's so nninisin a vane = 17 Chicken soup, cream of , SErained s dese ssssivaisiossesssnsinessssises Chicken soup, Strained secesesesssssssssssstsssssssesssssssssssss Chicken stew, TOAALEr «sss vssrssrnossnssssssssrsssnosesssasessse Lamb and noodles, JUNIOT «ecesisssssvnnsssnsannsesssssnessssssens Macaroni and ‘bacon, JUNIOT «es vssslenssvnsnnsntvessssinansssesesie Macaroni and cheese: SEXained «seis sisisvnsions ss ssainieonininssne oss sisssie seis sissies visiorsisee JUNIOT seevecnenecettensencnesenessrsenstssessesssscsnncsnsses Macaroni and ham, JUONIoOr sess vesassinsesansssnissssnnsnvesssinnes Macaroni, tomato, and beef: SETAINEA: + alsisivie stein ain vinloie vivinieis a sitle mn niniae so vininiersinnie'sin sis ain a oie TD JUNIO co oe v'sis vos sinin'sin visio s sin sis nisininnninsninisns vonnnsssisssnsves 18 Mixed vegetable: Strained cess cessnsinsivvesiseoisivisioinnnssssssrevssresseinsinieeiseee JUNI OT: oe t0is sisinnsisia/sannsianononinnssnssnsinesssanenennesisisnioevnss Spaghetti, tomato, and meat: JUNIOL cevsv'erssnsnvinnsainnnes coisas Tee sets es snes ess ime ssinsciniee TOAALOT +'sisie sno s's'n's os ain's oinisna'siaiole’snnias nn vitine ss nannies ninsnnioneves Split peas. and ham, d Junior Jus conse ssa sees eissssrsvinssssnive is 19 Turkey and rice: SETAINed sevissnsivniainiss'ssisivininsisininninnis sista anes siameenseeesiasniinn Junior © 00000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000CO0COCOLIOCE Vegetables and bacon: SEFAained + ovals vsanivins ran sisisvisnieesinisivnnessaessinsesiainresne OO JUNOT sevsnsnnnssasvonnsnsssssresnssseesessnsssnennsssanss 30 Vegetables and beef: SLLAINEA iv.s sinie s sin einianiaisssinaistaininiainaelnn aie ssininies ss snninivinsinee 25] JUNTIOL ‘cvvvecseivssninsnssnsssinssvessinsimissssassnsvessisivssns © Bl Vegetables and chicken: SETained se vssvisisivevainivesaianaiviaviesininnne sss deren s sense DD JUNLOT “sede nisis'eninnivisioesninnissinensinnisivesaivesisnwnissinnsssessss D2 Vegetables and ham: SEYAINEAr wis ve si sine sinisnins ss sinvie oio 0 stin sessions vias viele soins seen i DS JUITLOT, isissleienieis sis s sie'e o's sisis'sinTnlnlnie s'slnin n siniv's sieinin u's sininninisanina’ * 83 Toddler © 0 0000000000000 000000000000000000000000060000000600000oO0 9 AH-8-3 NDB No. Page 03245 03246 03047 03287 03049 03043 03052 03068 03069 03071 03070 03072 03065 03056 03089 03090 03064 03044 03045 03278 03279 03050 03051 03058 03082 03083 03059 03060 03053 03054 03073 03274 03061 03062 03063 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 AH-8 AH-8-3 item NDB No. Page (1963) C Vegetables and lamb: SERAING o o'eii.o o.0.0.e7000 sinininioisio nv olorn us ivibiote oi n.0 v.0 0's wibinageiete sie e sii BH 03066 114 JUNHO sie eesinicsssvsisinnisnnnainonsnsnonssessseesssiessinenssessisDh 03067 115 Vegetables and liver: Strained «ss sncveccsssstineeransisasnnenenssanvesivess sinnssioe i B3 03087 116 JUNLOL sie 0'visin's sisisina oininiaininis sit inis nin uw alvin vinioteis swine vit nies site nneeid BD 03088 117 Vegetables and turkey: SErained oo vsvoisiaieceininssisin esis se vsisnicis vievnse sive vise ssn sions iBT 03084 118 JUNLOT tee vaevsvevenlonssinenio sins ainesnevisinionnesseseioss vos OF 03085 119 TOAALEr hase e cine sisis sinisinioininis sin sins o siainis sinininie's:s sia"win ainleie's o-uinteinioinin:s 03086 120 Vegetables, dumplings, and beef: SERIINEA ite 0 eivison sss 00 0s0in slaine nna soinisiois oo ann 0 ole 0 ve wt io ossin soins 03041 121 JUINLOL v coleasn suelo evens nnonvaniesisnesios nisss ssisies trains ioe sisvisin'sle 03042 122 Vegetables, noodles, and chicken: SELAIned «ees sooccscenosanscivessnosisieeninnessioesinsiossinneise ls 77 03075 123 JUNLOT weve evscsivesinessessveesssnovinsesisiesisinnsiseieinnseesioriviess 03076 124 Vegetables, noodles, and turkey: SETAINGA + siavvensisssnitiones sasnine es sins sain ols ss sais siniwotalois sini ioisisie 03079 125 JUNTOT aes vvionsesesocssivinsenesianionsssisinienisssisnnruiossisienssioens 03081 126 Dinners, high meat or cheese: Beef with vegetables: Strained seeccessvsensnnes Sve natin ny steiaininin vi nie Sin div 0 nate wine nee OD 03029 127 JUNTLOT anes esssissnsvcsanviveess vaasassenssimossensissaneiosess | OO 03030 128 Chicken with vegetables: Strained ® 8 0 00000000 0000000000 0000S LPO OOPLOILOOLEOLELESINLEOESLEOLEOSEONEDSNDOSDS 89 03037 129 Junior ® 0 0 0 0 00 00 000000000 ELLLRLOLIOEONLEPOSIOERLOSEPSEPOSTLOES 89 03038 130 Cottage cheese with pineapple, strained eceeecscecccccccccsccsscns 03288 131 Ham with vegetables: SErAiNed ie eeerrncnnvsinnsncesine since vinnie veisisivaes sine sienruinie 03033 132 JUNRLOT ein venssseivvinmeinseenetssingssinsasecivasneevnnsisisineessessss 03034 133 Turkey with vegetables: SERAIned He vise ne tie va as 2s 0isinvins sus sinininsioloisimininie sn amaminninee ve x30 03039 134 JUNTLOT (sn vieesssssnnessinneeeioss io snainoinesisisnnonsisssssnvose + 90 03040 135 Veal with vegetables: Strained ec.ccosienecsnsinnnive vss ansisaieeioninsnveesisinsssinneesst Il 03031 136 JUNIOT “soe eevessnesavesnvdsetessvonssvnsenssnnsessnsssnes 91 03032 137 Fruits: Apple blueberry: Strained «ove seco cnr sisinninio sins s sinininivienissaivinsisives sins sissies sisiaiene 03164 138 JUNLOT 5e'e sv.00's s.0 ins Senin vninainie vaisusnsisioie nie sesionsiossioenesssesss 03165 139 Apple raspberry: SETaIned: eicles sis sis vidio sins nininin viv 6 0.0 vis + S¥inieiote ohn vv 6 v.00 0initln nib iv is wins 03152 140 JUNIO svisnivennsessecssnivesnsonsinesssionssoensionsnesnsiseesionse 03153 141 Applesauce: SErainediescssiscocesssssvonsssss sian oioinninien vais sin sinisaineieis uO 03116 142 JUNIOT eswieins'atvnsscsssnnssitsnrnsssssvnsnnssnessiveansnvsse 22 03117 143 Applesauce and apricots: SUraIined cececess evsssnnias sists oie suis es sisesinis eens sionvississeisies II 03142 144 JUNLIOT cveniscaneensvesseessnesnsinesseinnssvesnnssaeinessvre 93 03143 145 10 AH-8 AH-8-3 item NDB No. Page (1963) Applesauce and cherries: StYAINEd sae sieeiscssnnnrasrnessnsnnssasnsinsissnssseeeresiweesens 03144 146 JUNLOY o's s.e'sieie sss’ veins ain vias sinio's vainine vis ins salsininieis onan sessinnsel 03145 147 Applesauce and pineapple: Strained .eecessccvecsnnseetorvsrsssivesssincessssessrsvecsivense 03150 148 JUNLOT aia ois sis s vis s's s'elate’s sinia's sin vielaie'sinse sisine sss s sinninies eines seiessns 03151 149 Apricots with tapioca: SLTAINEd ‘coer vinensisssssnninsessssnvesisiindansrsnsesnsressise 90 03118 150 JUNIO ‘asa vasnniales een saininn ees sinisinnion ss einesnssssnsviuinesnste 30 03128 151 Bananas and pineapple with tapioca: SELAINEA es esnsin ernie cnsinssiasinnnisisssssnssinnss eens sssnsiees ID 03156 152 JUNIOL caisie io sis nin visin sin siniaie sralnininininioioinis sista nin alnieinin als wien sania TD 03157 153 Bananas with tapioca: SETAINGA" os sloievvannsssinnoainissioinssmsists sis ves ssinee one ems sete y 03129 154 JUNLOL sae cvs sens nies eisninine e's snssonane sod ees sivee vases anveie I 03280 155 Guava and papaya with tapioca, strained .e.cececececcescoscccses 03160 156 Guava with tapioca, Strained ssssesssvsesseesssessssssssssevesece 03138 157 Mango with tapioca, Strained sescevssessssssvesesssenessssssnes 03140 158 Papaya and applesauce with tapioca, strained eecceccecccscocccse 03162 159 Peaches: SErAINGA eo veensshssssiasinnssninseosinsesssinasssss sss ssss ese: 197 03130 160 JULIO ss diss sis ninivsisisis sin a's eiois mais sain naisdn voiwessninss ess sinivees IF 03131 161 Pears: StTALNCA vote ec nsnsissvnnins sions s sisisinninssisisisanss sis sinsnieeee 38 03132 162 JUINEOY esis oie unin viv a.oie s'n'siainsiorsie siaialee e's sin sinin ste s nuns sroin anne oii O8 03133 163 Pears and pineapple: Strained s'dece sosive concen sine vinisalecevinies sin sine s sleioinis sie o siete. 0S 03158 164 JUREOT leis sins sivininaie 050s sinin wie nn eisisleieie oe uie nis vib ain sins ssn oriseinin II 03159 165 Plums with tapioca: Strained seve ssa ecevnracuvivsvisisaiceinsnassonevsssiaieessses 100 03134 166 JUNLOT ssveecessscscsessseovesssrsnsnscessssssesssssscesssessenes 03135 167 Prunes with tapioca: SETAINGD 4 aie ainvin vote 0 sina sie sss sinininoeisinsisins siels sais waives es varainl OL 03136 168 JUNIO “ee veis sivas ses sens nresaimesssvssssssssnesnnsseesevasss idol 03137 169 Fruit juices: APPLE esos sconinonsnsiviassninis vusisnnninneins ves sinessiselessiesae sissies 03166 170 APPL1E=ChETrTY seis sions vasa nvninssins venisisinisininsis ss vioisin se sialon sinsinsies 03268 171 APDDLE=BYAPE secon essnnnssnonssvnisisioninsessaiossssssinanisinesins esses 03265 172 APPle=peach tect eer enctssssnssssrissnsssnnsssessainsissestensveioee 03168 173 ApPDle—plull (cases ceesssssinssseossnsnsenetnneroesissinsievesssisneces 03170 174 APPle~prune seevececescecesscescscscsscsceessssssscssccnsscnsse 03171 175 Mixed Frulliiscessissniovinsivisssossinsssnosneimanstssevessvessonsese 03179 176 Orange cs esesedansnssesnssisscessnssssesistesevssssssnvsesnssene 03172 177 Oran E=apPle’ este a's ois sain ss sus sls vonisinssaionssnnessioisisevisavesaveese 03173 178 Orange—apple—banana ceccseceessssseesessscsecssssssscessssscccece 03174 179 Orange=apricCOt ov s's sin sitesi sisisasisisisnsvesisssssessessronsessssseionsse 03175 180 Orange—banana seeceseccccccserscssccsccssssssssscsssccsssssssssscsee 03176 181 Orange—pinecapple «.vescssonssssssossesssnssinissssssssssssisesesses 03177 182 PrUNE=OTANEE cesses seesssccssesssessssssessssssssesssssssecsscecs 03178 183 11 AH-8 AH-8-3 item NDB No. Page (1963) Meats and egg yolks: ® Beef: SE rAl ed tele o's sin s aisles vniss sie vimiss sees sivies voisiv oni sneswves se tr 102 03002 184 JUNOT oss sisiets sve sienna oniee esse resins ssmesaenssvsiesssene LO3 03003 185 Beef with beef heart, strained .ccceecececescescsccsscssseaecs 104 03004 186 Chicken: SETATNIOA Geieivieis ss vos siainn wis oioteleisre sin e:oio wenn ens siste.s siniele sun. 105 03012 187 JUITLOT He ose mniotsiv o sio's sa asain iene ssivisiness vinieseimisiesesess venus TOS 03013 188 Chicken sticks, JUNIOT cesvssesvssinsscrnsnnsssnssessssnnsecssoss 03014 189 Egg yolks i SEPAINGd is sa vie ens ssinsis sonnnnseonessasonnssssains 106 03018 190 Ham: SET ALNEA sis s:0 v3 sieiele visa sie sss 0:n's sisieieis vw » sjoin vin: ois's sTeini aise sivisie sie viele 03008 191 JUNI OT as sielninie sss 'sioine'sinie sins aslo noie’s o's siatt aisle viele sin s.0ie uo stele. sialeiaree 03009 192 Lamb: Strained vuisiessicesasviossions noes sie sinnives sioisnicinnsiensisensne 108 03010 193 JUNEOT 4 th ee isieisine ss snus cns vee saeiosseesivoisionsessone sess 109 03011 194 Liver Stained oe ouese vive aioe soi sinie seis sive vee vesiniven. 110 03020 195 Meat stick, IUNIOT sis e's'e sine sve rieosiveniess ssioiss oni pio visisiesin vines 03021 196 Pork, StTAINGd a e's e'sssis svisiain ss nisis sis sissies sissinesssaensse sss iislld 03007 197 Turkey: SETATNEd See osivinis as v ote sine sv oinies sinissleinteisinie sinie es sin sien 0 oie 's vin sinings y 03015 198 JUNI OL sv seine siannisins seis asnionssssiessionioioiriesienssiosessensessnsiosns 03016 199 Turkey sticks, JUNIOY ‘cavesscsnavesssininsnnssnsssisnssesnseseesee 03017 200 Veal: SETALNGA (siaisien siniesineis sioivinins sine e veitietsloioes sine sisinee safe seme JLG 03005 201 JUILLOT 4 sive vivsiare ois v.o'sinie sis no's ss a sins s sivisle es sluie vases sleieininin 115 03006 202 Vegetables: Beans, green: SELAINGA. cu vvissnessvessisivimns ve sine vio siniveniaaisaioissnines sins vas 116 03091 203 JUNL OT \vieiawis s ois s sinieis aie sis sin oitie 0's oiajsisisin vinnie n ois's v nis swe vie owen 110 03092 204 Beans, green, buttered: Strained ® © 0 0 0 0 00 000 0 000 0 00°00 SOOO OO E LENO LENE 03094 205 Junior ® © 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0000 SOOO OOP SON O 0 ONO0 POLES SNS NSPE 03095 206 Beans, green, creamed, Junior vessiseessesssssasvsrnnssissnseeses 03097 207 Beels, strained ..e..csssvssecsissesssceniovsioessnesioinesssive lls 03098 208 Carrots: Strained «vieenisisivivnie sielais sie vise visinintain vis elem aininie:s sisis diuie sin vie of +118 03099 209 JUNOT Hale oon ie vias « ois sins sin dinies sin no sis vo vio nwo n sions slow enon sve 118 03100 210 Carrots, buttered: SELALNOA oa sie ssisis 0 siniovinie s sisin'sisinieis sion sisivies sin ois vs e'sinin's wore ss sss bis 03101 211 JUNL OY Salevia 0's 0s. 075040" a sininis o's sissies swe sists nie sisis seis voisiains vision ssee 03102 212 Corn, creamed: SET AiNIEd eslsicnis co alors nt ois sian oiete vin vin 8 0 viuinieinieinin sain e's vaininivinesss sinie 03119 213 JUNTOY “eiein's.00it's 0 2 '0:0i8 vin isis 's sisters 'sioin is aslu'sin sivas v snisis sinlie vain s » elena 03120 214 Garden vegetables, Strained eserves essesssrsssinssssivanssssssses 03283 215 Mixed vegetables: SEPAIIIGAL eieioie-sia's sin oioin ss sine oisis sna ain aioimsioinosnnins seve osiesnsi I19 03286 216 TUN OT Geiss: oTaltin ale sv 0.0i0 in 0 0:0 sio-siniv-vialve vies sus v.sitieien svoineeves’: 119 03282 217 Peas, Strained. svsveves cosisesissonsiseinessnsesioesesesesssionssiilod 03121 218 ° AH-8 item (1963) Peas, buttered: STLAINEA sss 4i0aa.0 sau sina’ sin s's sinis sists sins v vie sine'sssssies ssisenesss JUNLOT cececsincinnsiosnnssesiosvesessonennssvesivionesiossiesseeivess Peas, creamed, StTAIned .ssesssonssssssssasssnesninssnisnessloninae Spinach, creamed: Strained ioe eves nsinesivie von seine sisio se siviavie nse esses ston veimote LI] JUNOT ss snsiseva'e snninnsivinsnnisnnsensvsoneisseesennsneinvess tile] Squash: Strained eve cin cscs sannsivoninsss avis ennsevsvensnaise eons U2 JUNLOY os ¢ soieis eo sinialsin sia sa 'ninis sss ssinntss se see sis vison ssinionesnve slog Squash, buttered: Strained. oc vsvesioennvniniansvanossesssitienesinimsneseneneessesenine JUNI OL Teele ve vosinivsineessaidoseensaiinnniossinnsssnensiossisinssioiseines Sweetpotatoes: Strained secs esses sisnnnisias ssinivie sins nisinninissenaiseimeinse sinieisst 123 JUITLIOT “sais eo 'sias siesia vs vinaisins o's voinfe'n voisen ois svssesineshiseesnese 12S Sweetpotatoes, buttered: SEYalned «ecescssecinees sins soesinnnisinne sis sve vieisisniaivies sins aisles ies Junior © ©0000 0000000000000 00000000000060000000000000060060000000 13 AH-8-3 NDB No. Page 03123 03124 03125 03127 03103 03104 03105 03106 03107 03108 03109 03110 03111 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 TABLE OF NUTRIENT DATA ’ ® BAKED PRODUCTS [I Page 15 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 cooky = 6.5 g 10z=28.3¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Watered," . Fe. wih & 5.9 0.7 7 0.4 1.7 26.9 kcal 433 28 123 1,964 Foodenergy «+ «i» + + ».» kJ. 1,812 118 514 8,219 Protein (NX 5.70) . . . . . g 11.8 0.2 11 0.8 3.3 53.3 Total lipid {fat}... . .", g 13.2 0.3 8 0.9 3.7 59.8 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 67.1 4.4 19.0 304.5 Fiber. 5 20. « © oh & 0.4 0.1 2 0.0 0.1 2.0 Bshiboie's Le wow wien g 2.0 0.2 7 0.1 0.6 9.1 MINERALS: CAI «5 thie 2m ae mg. 101 4 11 7 29 459 MOVE. Sole n+ hE mg. 4.18 0.60 5 0.27 1.18 18.94 Magnesium" ©. ov. eon mg. 49 3 2 3 14 223 PhOSPIOIUS. . (ivi + WF & mg. 179 7 2 12 51 812 ROGSGUME +85 oes son irl « mg. 501 43 2 33 142 2,273 SOU = 00000, pf Jor, mg. 192 A 3 12 55 872 DING Le finn say mg. 1.100 0.000 2 0.072 0.312 4.990 Copper SE he ae mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . 00. . mg. 1.0 0.0 4 0.5 2.0 31.8 Thiamin® J. ove ve mg. 1.459 0.000 4 0.095 0.414 6.618 Riboflavin? 0h... .0.0, 0, mg. 3.229 0.000 4 0.210 0.915 14.647 NiacinZB.". .". . . cd. mg 15.966 0.797 5 1.038 4.526 72.422 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg ViaminBg?. . >... . .. mg. 5.899 0.286 11 0.383 1.672 26.758 Folacin ss. phan ik mcg Vitamin B12 . . . meg 4.590 1.070 2 0.298 1.301 20.820 ari RE. 2 0 0 1 11 VitaminA . . . . . . . ww. 23 4 3 2 Z 105 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 3.70 0.05 3 0.24 1.05 16.78 AG F 4 620." | Sid as £ 8:0. . vi £ TOI. ol, ae, -, g 120. 0. va. 8 0.01 0.00 3 0.00 0.00 0.03 14000 d ~ £ 0.04 0.00 3 0.00 0.01 0.18 16:0 Lh i a ey 2 B00 et 8 1.14 0.02 3 0.07 0.32 5.17 Monounsaturated, total. |.” g 7.15 0.11 3 0.46 2.03 32.41 PR EE 8 0.01 1 0.00 0.00 0.04 IBIS oe, 8 7.15 0.11 3 0.46 2.03 32.41 ROY. lu Rr a £ VS Ww g Polyunsaturated, total. . .. # 0.56 0.29 3 0.04 0.16 2.52 182 is Mr a 8 0.99 0.02 3 0.06 0.28 4.50 OR £ 0.04 0.00 3 0.00 0.01 0.17 18d Lv eel g 20:4. NG. aN g 20:8, 1. Ce he he £ R25. RE £ 26.0. i hits 8 Cholesterollis. ~. . 0. = 2» mg. Phytosterols. , . .'. . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . 8 Threonine®. ... . . .'. .7 8 Isoleucine . ©... 0. £ LEUCINE, Lily © oii ha Sede g Lysine. ., E08 0 La 8g Methionine . . . . . . .. & Cystine... . . vase + » g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . Fd Tyrosing *... L CoarL tio. £ Valine *i %. «Fo Beda 0 8 Arginine. t. LEE. La. £ Histidine: . sedate «ele £ ARRINET: vw Bue nile g Asparticacid'. . 2. 0. 8 Glutamicacid. . . .". . .. £ Glyeines, . + ove vied 8 Proline ™, ' .. i ne ot & Serine i. vse. Low Bivona g ! Made with enriched flour. % Values based on data for products containing added nutrients. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03213 BAKED PRODUCTS Cookies, arrowroot Page 16 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 cooky = 6 g 10z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, 05 os, tine g 5.6 0.9 4 0.3 1.6 25.3 kcal 442 24 125 2,005 Food energy = = + « + + « - kJ. 1,849 102 524 8,388 Protein (NX 5.75). . . . . Zr, 7.6 1 0.4 2.2 34.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 14.3 0.0 4 0.9 4.0 64.7 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 71.2 4.3 20.2 322.8 Biber". ial, ow err £5 ASHE Les Se aan £ 1.4 1 dg.1 0.4 6.4 MINERALS: Calcium 4 JBN," ai mg. 32 1 2 9 145 Pome Ato) hers ae ee mg. 3.00 1 0.18 0.85 13.61 Magnesium . . . . . . . . mg. 22 1 I 6 101 PROSPROPUS. "280 fa" 5 aim iy mg. 133 1 7 33 526 Potassium . 25. » «0. Ys mg. 156 1 9 44 708 Sodium... i. «oN LL mg 345 13 2 22 105 1,676 BIN 0s in ale Hrs mg. 0.530 1 0.032 0.150 2.404 COPPRY. i ier v Si at ui tml mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . , . . . . mg. 5.5 1 0.3 1.6 24.9 Thiamin. . . ....... mg. 0.499 1 0.030 0.141 2.263 Riboflavin 5. 0d ei 5 od mg. 0.429 1 0.026 0.122 1.946 co mg. 5.739 1 0.344 1.627 26.032 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. Vitamin Be >. 5 de ve mg. 0.040 1 0.002 0.011 0.181 POIREIN «ci nn x meg ViuminBya.. ... . . a. mcg 0.066 1 0.004 0.019 0.299 Vitamin A... . LL RE IU. LIPIDS: Fatty acids: i low ok a g 3.33 0.04 3 0.20 0.94 15.10 0 ae a ete 8 B10. 5 Kad vs. we £ B20", LER 8 N00 eit a. nah g 120.501" Svs adm g Flee» ain 0s g 0.02 3 0.00 0.00 0.07 B10 Sve Ta leh ee £ 18:0... LL... £ 1.67 0.01 3 0.10 0.47 7.59 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 8.67 0.09 3 0.52 2.46 39.32 6:00 da g 187. Sided a & 8.67 0.09 3 0.52 2.46 39.33 20:7 le ef He rel g 22 el eee we g Polyuissturated, total . . . 0.42 0.18 3 0.02 0.12 1.90 18a thei vo ul g 0.78 0.02 3 0.05 0.22 3.53 a TT 8 0.04 0.00 3 0.00 0.01 0.19 18:4. La, Late, Abn g 20:47 we g 20:5, acest aah £ RS. wove wa g 26. vv ay a z Cholestetol Fu os ur 000i wg. 1.07 0.29 3 0.06 0.30 4.84 Phytosterols ., . . . . . 7. mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan. 50. . vi. zi Theeomines, . ~~. oo. = 8g Isoleucine . . . . «+L . Ls g Levcinen. Loc oo vw oe 8g LYSINE a av eid dee 4 Methionine . . . . . . .. g Cystine ,. , «3%: + o.o 5 3 g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . £ Tyrosine” Hn eG Wa g Valine". «th ate 8g Arginine.’ eis, owes g Histidine, . ‘vv « . Jw eu £ Alanine, Lh aha dS g Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . 8 Glycine*.". . 2 Ls soa 8 Proline’ .™, ... & 7a wis g Serine’ "t, . iu ili RE oe g ! Made with enriched flour. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03214 BAKED PRODUCTS Pretzels! Page 17 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 pretzel = 6 g 10z=28.35¢ A B Cc E F G PROXIMATE: WRIEr C0 ic arabs ou is 4.0 0.9 2 0.2 1.1 18.0 397 24 113 1,801 Pood energy, z.,> > «=~ 1,661 100 471 7,536 Protein (NX 5.70) . . . . . 10.8 0.2 2 0.7 3.1 49.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 2.0 0.3 2 0.1 0.6 8.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 82.2 4.9 23.3 373.0 Biber... = oF cA nl. af 0.4 0.1 3 0.0 0.1 1.6 Ash. ky oo SR, 1.0 0.2 2 0.1 0.3 4.5 MINERALS: CAICIUM vr ¢ Bd wiels ww 25 1 2 1 7 111 Bropisc8ip ’ x Byer 1,527 217 37 6,926 Protein (NX 5.83). . . . . goa 11.1 0.1 23 1.6 0.3 50.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . gal 3.4 0.1 23 0.5 0.1 15.3 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 2 + ah 75.3 10.7 1.8 341.4 Fiber R00, Lhe Rah £5 1.2 7 0.2 0.0 5.4 ASH degR Lo Ud gy 3.4 0.1 22 0.5 0.1 15.4 MINERALS: Caleiumibas~..', , , 00, mg 795 22 19 113 19 3,607 ORY RLS cs VA mg. i. 74.80 6.44 5 10.62 1.80 339.29 Magnesium, , mg. i. 115 5 3 16 3 522 Phosphorus” . . . ... . . . my. .°% 439 3 6 62 11 1,993 Potassium . . . . . . . . . mg. . . 395 16 56 9 1,790 SOUIUMY 5 ioe ye i oe ae mg. . . 47 17 7 1 213 Zine NE, A ET me 3.133 0.185 3 0.445 0.075 14.211 Lopper . . . . ...... mg. . . 0.467 5 0.066 0.011 2.118 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. Si, . . .. . mE 2.2 15 0.3 0.1 9.9 Thisminky 2. vis mg. . . 2.737 18 0.389 0.066 12.415 Riboflavink.*. co. WL, mg. . . 2.699 0.101 17 0.383 0.065 12.243 NizeinT* is he 5 ea mg... 35.988 1.785 17 5.110 0.864 163.242 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. . . Vitamin Bats. ©. mg. . . 0.374 5 0.053 0.009 1.696 Folacin od. 7a on oe meg ow 29.0 2.8 6 4.1 Os? 131.4 viaminBya Lo. «Aw ade mcg VitaminA . o.oo oo. ais 2. 2 Lo el =. LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . 8g Be a a Rei £ 6:00. eat Se, g B00 0 a vied g VOOR. 0 cv he £ Y2:000, 0 a’ owen £ M0. Le g 60.05 uo Bo Nal £ IB nn a ee g Monounsaturated, total. . . g j6:1. Net g IB: crtaiatn. + oo vids g 208) es 5 £ RNG. wl Ja ate g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g Idd ae 8g 185% Le ok g 18:4, .% irs g 2004 LE g tn LE SE SE Wl £ OBE, iN Hm g VEE rt a A 2th" Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. . . Phytosterole i. . «2 vs meg. AMINO ACIDS: Tymiophan six pv, ve $n 0.136 0.019 0.003 0.617 ONE, gate xx hs Blind 0.375 0.053 0.009 1.701 olelclnerel fl oon tt jae oe Figs 0.419 0.059 0.010 1.901 Leucine: ol aryl: ty TREN hele 0.810 0.115 0.019 3.674 Lysine: sisliaate +Fetelells AES 0.365 0.052 0.009 1.656 Methionine Sin site Wicn a gt 0.208 0.030 0.005 0.943 Cystine 0 a Ae lure 0.264 0.037 0.006 1.198 Phenyizlanine; 5... «+ 1. Shel 0.657 0.093 0.016 2.980 Tyrosine fir fine egg Lr soe Sa 0.409 0.058 0.010 1.855 Native Koger gg vs gps 0.592 0.084 0.014 2.685 Arginine RI 8 «da 0.566 0.080 0.014 2.567 Agha re on Ag 7 5 or 0.250 0.036 0.006 1.134 a. 2 2 atin 0.422 0.060 0.010 1.914 ee i fom: 0.640 0.091 0.015 2.903 ii a $ 3.184 0.452 0.076 14.443 me mp 5 0.422 0.060 0.010 1.914 Sine a Re na s 1.445 0.205 0.035 6.555 CAR Sol OF dg 0.478 0.068 0.011 2.168 ! Values based on data for products containing added nutrients. § 2 pashes denote lack of reliable data for a nutrient believed to be present in measurable amount. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03181 CEREALS Page 21 Barley, prepared with whole milk! 3 i i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of 3 : Amount in 100 grams, edible portion OMTOR hessires of food Vpound of food as purchased Nutrients and units = Standard Numer of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples Toz=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. oho i LL Yee Bie: Os 74.7 21.2 338.6 kal . . 111 31 503 Food energy» * Shh iv. 464 132 2,105 Protein (NX6.29) . . . . . gz. 4.6 1.3 20.8 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . el 3.3 0.9 15.2 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . ra 16.3 4.6 73.8 Iberian: Wo a To wile’ 5 or 8 in il 0.2 0.1 0.9 AE Ca C7 . 1.2 0.3 5.3 MINERALS: CCUM oy. 5 i od en mE. 230 65 1,044 fois’ Lr. Rei TE) mg. . . 12.34 3.50 55.97 Magnesium , . . . . . . . mg. . . 30 8 135 Phosphorus... . +4 . % mg... 150 43 680 Potassium. .... .n + #4 mg... 192 54 870 Sodium: LL. a a mg. . . 49 14 221 ZINC ats ai vl on mg. . . 0.832 0.236 3.774 COPPER. +» 5» sw sae mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . lad 0.3 5.0 iamive es. dete, B95 1, oe mgs. 0.481 0.136 2.182 Riboflavin, -.t AU. ha 4 mg. . . 0.578 0.164 2.622 Nien” JS ka Zier «oes WE i 5.984 1.696 27.143 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . MGs ve VitaminBg:. i. 0 LC. «Mgt 0.096 0.027 0.435 FORICIN. -. ois 7 5 Ee meg . . 8.9 2.5 40.6 ViaminByp . . . . . . .. mcg : 3 2 RE. ..% VIRMIDA ® TL ie kil we. 105 30 476 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . zy Ae, BE, Ch Bete g v% 00 ma i we £ GO ote ak g ¥0:0. aR Ly g B20." 00 he, g T8000 i oy ante 8g 16007. vn. -4 SDh £ 18:0. ... vv.» i on 8 Monounsaturated, total £ 6, nak 8 IB. os ane g RO: cs ie TE g RV AY Be et £ Polyunsaturated, total Mh PEE UBD, 5s feds g 18:3, of in iii Bt £ 18:4. uv vo g 208% x x we g 2 He CRE g 20S, Mai a g 226. Nn Zn ats Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. 4. AMINO ACIDS: Trypophan, i Lge bs a 0.060 0.017 0.272 Threonine Wek wo ie A atle Ben 0.186 0.053 0.844 Isoleucine Rl BY 4 wee FL, 0.235 0.067 1.066 Leucine: 3 Teen ww ee tein Zou + 0.402 0.114 1.823 Lysioe S00 wis x ve aia Eins 0.278 0.079 1.261 Methionine » ww seg ty g +s 0.103 0.029 0.467 Cystine Sit tin ee a 0.068 0.019 0.308 Phenylalanine 40a, | wie Salon g 0.240 0.068 1.089 Tyrosine te ee Le 8 0.200 0.057 0.907 aie i ge = St he 8 ears 0.281 0.080 1.275 Arginine, ful shee Ee wg ka 0.192 0.054 0.871 Histidine, ALAR 1 £.oec 0.115 0.033 0.522 Alanine eles alae fee ods 8 oul 0.163 0.046 0.739 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . ge 0.314 0.089 1.424 Slusmic acid. a,c ot te 5 5 8 Lop 1.099 0.312 4.985 Glycine NE ER 8 ais 0.127 0.036 0.576 Proline PLE AE ee & 0.504 0.143 2.286 Senger wiv ie o gin 2 3 0.228 0.065 1.034 ! Prepared cereal consists of 16.4% dry cereal and 83.6% whole milk. 4 _ 2 Value calculated from whole milk (U.S. Dept. Agr. Agr. Handb. 8-1 (1976), item No. 01-077). Product may contain additional vitamin A contributed by the dry cereal. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03681 CEREALS Cereal and eggs, strained Page 22 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28,35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: 5 . Water, 4 th a g 87.2 0.1 4 111.6 24.7 395.5 Foodenergy - +: + » : - - feet Protein (NX 6.03). . . . 2" Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 1.5 1 1.9 0.4 6.8 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . £ Fiber oncisy ".Y 5s Weds go BD nt ve g MINERALS: Calciymi, "i... a mg. fron oan. aE LN mg. Magnesium: . . ... . .. mg. Phosphorus +... 2%. 0. 5.5 mg. Potassiumi.” . iT. SN mg. Sodium’. & les Ray mg. LT WR CR en mg. TT RL A mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. Thiamin. ." 2% oi oi a mg. Riboflavin. . iy oi. fas mg. NEI. eee mg. Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. ViaminBg ... . . . +. No mg. Folacin ¥. ws, ai mcg 9.4 0.2 3 12.0 2.7 42.7 VirminByy o.oo. mcg i 7 RE. Vitamin A . . . . . . . LL vw. LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 0.49 1 0.63 0.14 2.23 BORE, ee 8 B10, So ei g FL 8 10:0. “Oh dl ol g 12:00 cia’ "ei en g TR a g 0.01 1 0.01 0.00 0.03 16:0, Na. aa g 18:0... . Auk g 0.12 1 0.16 0.03 0.55 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 0.61 1 0.78 0.17 2.71 TOL ors ool aie g 0.04 1 0.04 0.01 0.16 Bo ae g 0.57 1 0.73 0.16 2.59 205 g 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.01 RNS Hus eas 8 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 0.33 1 0.42 0.09 1.49 182. ales LN g 0.29 1 0.37 0.08 1.32 18:30. LF ce g 0.02 1 0.02 0.00 0.07 ABI mir ia ve x aa g TOM z 0.02 1 0.03 0.01 0.10 8 he ro 0 a £ 225050, oe aw g 226.0. Zo Cholesterol ™.o.: in i 4 mg. 51.40 1 65.79 14.57 233.15 Phytosterols .. . .'.°. . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptoplani.<. 5... . 8g Threonine..." u's £ Isoleucine =... +. ius 8g Leucinesi of, HE AN. & Lysine o,% uo alas VL 8g Methionine . . . ..... £ Cystine 9.0, .% « + +. g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosing™: .* . [F." . «ols g Valine =". 5.0 shee wi adn Fd Arginine Jl. E00, g Histidine A. JH... oN g Aphine Lb... 8a ia & Asparticacid . . LLL... 8 Glutamicacid, . . . . . . . g Glycing:. 5.0. vidi 8 Proline its ie 0 ar £ Serine: achB. The vse & AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03199 CEREALS Page 23 Cereal and egg yolks, strained . 3 i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of NUE Amaunt in-100 grams, edible portion iid measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased " Sundar Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 an error Sonar ljar=128g loz=2835g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water o5.0. 00. G00 Boal, 88.8 0.1 14 113.7 25.2 402.8 keal . 3 51 66 15 232 Food energy «= - - - + - + {ioe n 214 274 61 973 Protein (NX6.03) . . . . . 2a. 1.9 0.0 11 2.5 0.5 8.8 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 20. 1.8 0.0 9 2.3 0.5 8.1 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . ge. 7.0 9.0 2.0 32.0 Fer, Ry i 20 0.1 0.0 5 0.2 0.0 0.6 Ah LA ar sal zg 2.5 0.5 0.0 7 0.6 0.1 2.0 MINERALS: CACM. JE enn mg... 24 0 7 30 7 107 PORES = id Lh, ut mg. . . 0.47 0.05 12 0.60 0.13 2.11 Magnesium, . . . . . . . mg. 3 1 1 15 Phosphorus *. . . . . . mg. 40 1 51 11 179 Potassium 5%... . LW. oa mg 39 1 50 11 178 Sodium ih Bf PN me. 33 1 42 9 148 IRC eS oi a BF ais Lymm mg. 0.285 0.015 4 0.365 0.081 1.293 Copperi..0°.5. . +.% 0% mg. . . 0.022 0.003 3 0.028 0.006 0.100 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . 0.7 0.2 7 0.9 0.2 3.2 Thamina. 0. Vo. os me... 0.009 0.001 8 0.012 0.003 0.041 RIbOFIAVIN , Gl." ie mg. . . 0.044 0.003 7 0.056 0.012 0.200 NIBEIN rice 55% uke se mg. . . 0.049 0.002 7 0.063 0.014 0.222 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . meg... VitaminBg .0. .. . . ... mg. .v. 0.021 0.002 7 0.027 0.006 0.095 Folacind.. 28." he. vv & meg. . 343 0.4 3 4.3 0.9 15.1 VitaminByp . . . . . . . . meg . . 0.071 1 0.091 0.020 0.322 ir RE. .'. 40 52 11 184 NVIBMINA - '« 4.x x» ow» woo 141 19 6 181 40 641 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . 2%... 0.61 0.01 2 0.78 0.17 2.77 HOUT ee Bee aha BC rey 6:0 "a 2 a g 8:08. 0. 20. La £ 10:0. 5.5. cas on g 12:0... Kw... 8 ins M0. wg lets 0.01 0.00 2 0.01 0.00 0.03 16:0. SE Le anes £ aie 18:0. L.h. Blin 0.15 0.00 2 0.19 0.04 0.66 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . 0.79 0.02 2 1.01 0.22 3.57 161. ........ 8 ite. 0.05 0.00 2 0.06 0.01 0.22 BEL Bie. 0.73 0.01 2 0.94 0.21 3.33 B04: ii. es g Jute 0.00 0.00 2 0.01 0.00 0.02 2 te fo ve Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 0.15 0.15 2 0.20 0.04 0.69 2, ai 5 Ah 0.26 0.01 2 0.33 0.07 1.18 B5e ss a Taste 0.01 0.00 2 0.01 0.00 0.03 IB. dah JN 2x ris 2004, 00. Bed gis 0.03 2 0.04 0.01 0.13 20:5 maw JFL ZF ty 25.0% - LEE a g 26. ch, Aes g .Wts Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. . . 63.40 1 81.15 17.97 287.58 Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg... AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. FR 0.027 0.035 0.008 0.122 Threonine . . . . . . ... 8 Vey 0.082 0.105 0.023 0.372 Isoleucine Ean Cee woes $5. 0.100 0.128 0.028 0.454 Leucine. . . . ...... 8 vivo» 0.172 0.220 0.049 0.780 Lysine AREER 8... 0.127 0.163 0.036 0.576 Methionine . . . . . . .. g& 0.051 0.065 0.014 0.231 Cystine . . . ....... 8 . 0.028 0.036 0.008 0.127 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . Bikar Gs 0.092 0.118 0.026 0.417 TYIOSINET x, oes iiolin. a 8... 0.084 0.108 0.024 0.381 Valine . Lo... 2). fe 0.122 0.156 0.035 0.553 Arginine. . . . . . .... & “aa 0.104 0.133 0.029 0.472 Histidine. . . . . ..... g£ . .. 0.045 0.058 0.013 0.204 Alanine . . . . ...... Eis) - i» 0.084 0.108 0.024 0.381 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 + a 0.149 0.191 0.042 0.676 Gluamicacid. . . . . . . . gv ge 0.421 0.539 0.119 1.910 Glycine . . . . ...... 2p.» 0.056 0.072 0.016 0.254 Proline . . . . ...... 8 iss 0.161 0.206 0.046 0.730 SING. L.'s. ails wis 8 ine 0.118 0.151 0.033 0.535 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03197 CEREALS Page 24 Cereal and egg yolks, junior . © : Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of ; Amount in 100 grams, edible portion COMMON hearse of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - TE Standard Number of Approximate measure and weig| Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 213 g 10z=28.35¢ A B Cc E F G PROXIMATE: Water's = inh Ge ll 8 vy 88.7 0.1 7 189.0 25.2 402.5 kcal . . 52 110 15 234 Food energy «= + + + + + - 0. x 216 459 61 978 Protein (NX 6.03) . . . . . er 1.9 0.0 7 4.1 0.5 8.8 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 2%, 1.8 0.0 7 3.8 0.5 8.1 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . go, 7.1 15.1 2.0 32.3 Fiber 2 a8. rol. git 0.1 0.0 4 0.2 0.0 0.5 7 A CN SI 8 0.4 0.0 7 0.9 0.1 2.0 MINERALS: Caleium . Tai. « ah. Le me. 24 0 7 51 7 108 from tats, S80. TEE mg... 0.51 0.07 7 1.09 0.14 2.31 Magnesium , . . . . mg. 3 1 6 1 13 Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. 40 1 84 11 179 Potassium... iv, Dane Mes is 35 1 15 10 159 Sodiumb. vo, nr, Os mg. . . 33 70 9 149 ZUG a 5b 40s 0h vo ws mg. . . 0.290 1 0.618 0.082 1.315 Coppert. ©. na dE, mg 0.022 0.047 0.006 0.100 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . 0.7 0.2 7 1.5 0.2 3.2 Thiamini, 6h. vee mg. . . 0.008 0.001 7 0.017 0.002 0.036 Riboflavin s i. J he mg. . . 0.045 0.002 7 0.096 0.013 0.204 LT er HR SRR "mg. 0.048 0.002 7 0.102 0.014 0.218 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . VitaminBgs 2%. . ...". .". mg. . . 0.020 0.002 7 0.043 0.006 0.091 Folacin. 7s 5% 0 ci. meg. . 3e3 1.1 0.9 15.2 VitaminBy2 . . . . . . .. mcg 0.062 1 0.132 0.018 0.281 i RE.". . 41 88 12 187 Viti AL dos se a a w. 144 17 6 306 41 652 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . g 0.61 0.01 2 1.31 0.17 2.78 #0 LE £ 6:0. BSA £ 8:0. oe g 10:00, 00. Le 8g 12:0, . . 5 rg. 2 40... ....05% g& 0.01 0.00 2 0.01 0.00 0.03 610, iain ov 0d aw ALA 180. ........ g 0.15 0.00 2 0.31 0.04 0.66 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . v.79 0.02 2 1.68 0.22 3.59 161.00. EL, g& 0.05 0.00 2 0.10 0.01 0.22 181). ube ce Sa g 0.74 0.01 2 1.57 0.21 3.35 20:1, LL... & . 0.00 0.00 2 0.01 0.00 0.02 PY. a E50 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 0.15 0.15 2 0.33 0.04 0.70 18:2. ........ g . 0.26 0.01 2 0.56 0.07 1.19 18:3. ide. enn & 0.01 0.00 2 0.01 0.00 0.03 18:4. 0. «Paik gE 204. ........ g& 0.03 2 0.06 0.01 0.13 20:8, ve Tek Bah QS sik g QB ina i ig 2 Cholesterol . . . . . . . . mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ails wie Ne aie 8 vis 0.027 0.058 0.008 0.122 Threonine pores me Gal go hr 0.082 0.175 0.023 0.372 Isoleucine I ILE an aii 0.100 0.213 0.028 0.454 Leucine. hr Be oA a Tie el gh. as 0.172 0.366 0.049 0.780 Lysine Ee sy va 8g yale 0.127 0.271 0.036 0.576 Mothioning = . . vs '» Le eile 2 poi 0.051 0.109 0.014 0.231 Cystine «fay + Ae dye a 2" 0.028 0.060 0.008 0.127 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . Er 0.092 0.196 0.026 0.417 Tyrosine’ 60 tL 2. Le 8:5 =r 0.084 0.179 0.024 0.381 Valine ©, LL... Era: 0.122 0.260 0.035 0.553 Arginine tT inn aie ee £2 nah 0.104 0.222 0.029 0.472 Histidine, tu. ov nena oon Bee 0.045 0.096 0.013 0.204 Alanine , , . . vi. Lely Ero an 0.084 0.179 0.024 0.381 Aspartic acid elie ai Tie 0.149 0.317 0.042 0.676 Glutamic acid piel a Bory ve 0.421 0.897 0.119 1.910 Glycine HAR sen xn wile. x dn En ie 0.056 0.119 0.016 0.254 Proline eet ra Efe, » 0.161 0.343 0.046 0.730 Serine . . . ....... 2... 0.118 0.251 0.033 0.535 ! Values calculated from strained cereal and egg yolks. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03198 CEREALS Page 25 Cereal, egg yolks, and bacon, strained Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutrients and units common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.35¢g A B c D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, #80 oii VA ghia 85.9 0.1 19 109.9 24.3 389.5 keaton 79 101 22 358 Foodenergy =.« i+ + + + = 1 ky. is 330 422 94 1,497 Protein (NX 6.03) . . . . . Ze 2.5 0.0 16 3.2 0.7 11.3 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Ei 5.0 0.0 16 6.4 1.4 22.7 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 2 6.2 8.0 1.8 28.3 BIDBEE, antl sire oh % Lam 2 + Ah DNL ede g 0.4 0.0 16 0.5 0.1 1.8 MINERALS: Calcium 8.0, “BL LL. mg. . . 28 4 17 36 8 126 frond Xs oh ai mg. . . 0.47 17 0.60 0.13 2.12 Magnesium , . . . . . . . mg. . . 5 1 6 1 21 Phosphorus. . . . . . .. mg. . . Potassium. + «vv + wv mg. . . 35 1 13 44 10 157 Sodium BL LoL mg. . . 48 2 13 62 14 218 Zina. © Jena mg. . . 0.270 1 0.346 0.077 1.225 A mg. . . 0.020 1 0.026 0.006 0.091 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg... 0.9 0.0 15 1.1 0.2 4.0 Thiamin, F080 mg. . . 0.050 0.001 16 0.064 0.014 0.227 RIBOTIRYIN. 2 (ls «10 apace s 2 mg. i 0.077 0.001 16 0.099 0.022 0.349 INIREIY Tenia. «ois «Nelle als mg. . . 0.266 0.009 16 0.340 0.075% 1.207 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg 3 ViaminBg .. ... . vo mg. il PP meg . 4.1 0.1 3 5.3 1.2 18.6 Vitamin Bia. . . 5. . a. mcg Vitamin A + + + + « doi RE. .. 5 i. 7% 94 13 13 121 27 427 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 0 Le Can ee 8g 60a, 40, TR g B00 ly ee g 10:0... i. te Cn g 12:0. Tee lente g N4:0000, LL. Le g 16:0. Mc ie 2 ot £ 18:00 hei vie view 2 Monounsaturated, total g 1650, nt ve 8 IBA. 2 Le wee g BOY Sa eet g 2, a a es 8g Polyunsaturated, total eB IBZ hd ese a 8 8:3. re ean 8g 18247 es Me ii g 2004 SL S0W, ae g ie Sl A Le 5 £ 28. hie Ca en £ 22:0. Fv wt 8 5 vn Cholesterol’ . . '. 7". i. me. oi Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. 2 ero Tiveonine.: . >. ois. Zz isoleucine... oi. bl Pan g Levciner =. oh, Vy i ais ile g Lysine 2.000 al eS, 8g Methionine . . . . . . .. g Cystine ss ui, Jide avs ie 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8g Tyrosine... oF «hw iets g VAHRE = inv ae ahs 4 8 Arginine. . ... . . 0... g Histidine... ...% ics vou» & ARDINE ov 8 Asparticacidi. .-. . . vo. 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine..." .. .... .5 0 LL. 8g Proline.s. .. 0, ie vw & Serine. avis en cabs g AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03201 CEREALS Page 26 Cereal, egg yolks, and bacon, junior ; i; . Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion ion measures ol food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units = fret Tar Standard Number of pproximate measure and weig Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar =213 ¢g 10z=28.35¢ A B c D E F G PROXIMATE: Water', hal. oo Je Ga i 84.9 0.1 13 180.9 24.1 385.3 kcal . . 84 178 24 380 Food energy + “igs +i» +e { Lo 350 746 99 1,589 Protein (NX 6.03). . . . . gy AF; 2.5 0.0 13 5.4 0.7 11.4 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 2. 502 0.1 13 11.0 1.5 23.4 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gr 7.3 15.1 2.0 32.1 FIRES, a er ek 2 AS RE eae Ge 8% 0.3 0.0 13 0.6 0.1 1.3 MINERALS: CACM. ns ov % x bn MG he 25 1 12 54 7 115 fron 6a, ‘s'aiels 2% + wim mg. ON 0.50 0.02 12 1.06 0.14 2.25 Magnesium! |... |. mes. 5 10 1 22 Phosphorus." Le... mg. : Potassium E08, 7, La i ara 37 3 13 79 11 168 SOIR. 5 sh rs a we. . . 46 2 13 97 13 207 Zinetor onb DL mg. 0.287 0.611 0.081 1.302 Copper¥é ny. wi. NL mg. . . 0.021 0.045 0.006 0.095 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg... 1.2 0.1 12 2.5 0.3 5.3 Thiamin. . . ....... mg. . . 0.019 0.001 12 0.040 0.005 0.086 Riboflavinet\. =. , . 4.0, . mg 0.051 0.002 12 0.109 0.014 0.231 Nagin? "5, . 2 wg. . 0.161 0.013 12 0.343 0.046 0.730 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. i Vitamin Ble wv. iy iets ip mg. Folacind. hei. |, , «wi. meg. 4.4 9.3 1.2 19.9 ViaminBya:. . . . Mu. JL meg Vitamin A - . . . . . LL RE, iy ww, .. . 67 16 13 142 19 302 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g Bi ae oe 5 hie vane £g GO. Tt a hy £ BO Mc. g TORO Re “a0 es £g 1 A eh £ g AO, Te air dy dy 8g 16:00, 2. JB... . . 8g 18000 =. a Te. g Monounsaturated, total . g 16:1. Lo 8g 18 a i 8 20:0. Je va, RL g 2, LP, 8g Polyunsaturated, total ig Ly BY RE g I: LENS g 184. . La £ 20:4, ate. a £ 20:85. LN £ 2S A hea g 226 YT hl gv Cholesterol... ..'c . 0% mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . ., . Mme. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . Behe. Threonine... .... . 0. v's 2 Isoleucine i... TL wn £ beucines.! . “. 7. Lv ws £ Lysine ig Sb + v + xi x 4 Methionine . . . . . . . . g Cystine... Bs +. 3%". + +. g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine... . «Lan 8g Valine obs 4 adie 8 Arginines J... es g Histidine, 5, 7.50 Gd £ Alanine el. Je te cL, g Asparticacid. . . oN . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine," , . 2. g Probing: *,. «i. i. atv a g Serine vo L230 snl Sie g ! Values calculated from strained cereal, egg yolks, and bacon. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03202 CEREALS Grits and egg yolks, strained Page 27 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Standard Number of Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.35¢ A B Cc E F G PROXIMATE: Water. t. .o. Leh Ty 8 88.0 0.1 3 112.7 25.0 399.3 Food energy -+» » ~-'xte + pd giz Protein (NX 6.00) . . . . . 2 1.8 1 2.3 0.5 . Total lipid (fat) . } Kon g 2.3 1 2.9 0.7 10.4 Carbohydrate, total . . , . . £ BIOGEN oi «hv vs Ae ola ds ASHE oN ants a es 8g MINERALS: Calcium. . . iu oi ys mg. 28 1 36 8 128 3 HO ies Bc ar a a mg. 0.50 . : bi Dud 4 Magnesium , , , . , . . . mg. 5 PHOSPHORUS «+s «iv. 2 a mg. 36 0 2 46 10 164 Potassium . .'. . 5. L000 mg. 56 1 2 71 16 252 Sodium’ a mg. . ZING Rin iv ae eye oe ile yr 0.225 0.005 2 0.288 0.064 1.021 Copper. >.<’, li. «anh. mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacidisi. Go. LL ve mg. 0.5 1 0.6 0.1 2.3 Thigmin 2. oe ie be mg. 0.032 1 0.041 0.009 0.145 Riboflavin..." + 0. =. + .. mg. 0.072 1 0.092 0.020 0.327 NRG a vo Jat mg. 0.293 0.018 3 0.375 0.083 1.329 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. VianinBe oo os 1 ol 0.026 1 0.033 0.007 0.118 Folacin Jess vf. oo ius meg 2.9 0.1 3 3.7 0.8 13.2 ViaminBya i", =. Lo. 00 meg 0.039 0.016 2 0.050 0.011 0.177 bin RE. 30 39 9 137 VIBRINAG ? tar 5 «in vie oy 122 1 156 35 553 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g $10... oa g 60, EE 4 i £ 10:0.5, 0. 0. 8g 20.0.0 0 ee 8 LE Cr RSI 8 16:0. nN 8 180. 5 8 Monounsaturated, total. . . g BS hb 2 8 BAR. g 2000000 vv will ohn g UTE, ini g Polyunsaturated, total g IB tt eh hal 8 1:3. avy al g 18:4. 2". ne. g 2004.5. Lien, g 20:8 aT g eS ais met g 2206.0 SN. Sat To, Cholesterol: 7... ". 5% +. mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophans, . . .. .. . ge 0.022 0.028 0.006 0.100 Threonine..". . . «a LN 8. . 0.072 0.092 0.020 0.327 Isoleucine . . . . ..... g 0.087 0.111 0.025 0.395 Leucine. \," or, il ee 8 0.183 0.234 0.052 0.830 Lysine. tal te WORN g 0.111 0.142 0.031 0.503 Methionine , . . , . ., .. 8 0.054 0.069 0.015 0.245 Cystine Liv 6 wie «vie g 0.027 0.035 0.008 0.122 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 0.098 0.125 0.028 0.445 Tyrosine bo, 0. vio ae 8 0.089 0.114 0.025 0.404 Valine: 465. . . wk wa g 0.106 0.136 0.030 0.481 Ariane, 2 J. we a g 0.084 0.108 0.024 0.381 Histidine, 3. = 5 LL L0G £ 0.056 0.072 0.016 0.254 Alanine en 00S ie g 0.088 0.113 0.025 0.399 Asparticaeid’. . . . . «4s 8 0.144 0.184 0.041 0.653 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g 0.341 0.436 0.097 1.547 Glygine: 70 hy ied 8 0.051 0.065 0.014 0.231 Profinet A... SAE 8 0.172 0.220 0.049 0.780 Serine. oa et g 0.092 0.118 0.026 0.417 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03203 CEREALS Page 28 High protein, dry : " : Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Ommon Mesures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units = " rm Standard Number of pproximate measure and weig Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1/2 0z = 14.2 g 1 tbsp = 2.4 g A B 4 E F G PROXIMATE: Water Jd. FS, LL Tit 6.1 33 0.9 0.1 27.5 kcal . 362 51 9 1,643 Food'energy: "i sssicz. + 4» BI 1,516 215 36 6,875 Protein (NX 5.75). . . . . gi 36.0 0.3 21 5.1 0.9 163.5 Totaliipid{faty ... . ...".. En 5.9 0.2 21 0.8 0.1 26.6 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gh 46.7 6.6 l.1 211.9 Fiber, role ®, « wien ht 2.3 7 0.3 0.1 10.6 ASH. he aa gw 3 5.3 0.3 22 0.8 0.1 24.1 MINERALS: Callum 2 Sel me. 724 15 103 17 3,285 frond, Baan. nes, mg... 73.60 9.03 5 10.45 1.77 333.85 Magnesium , , . . . . |. mL. 228 11 3 32 5 1,034 Phosphorus. 0... . L5. mg. . . 607 10 15 86 15 2,751 Potrassiumpite “SA ey ma. bie 1,353 26 13 192 32 6,136 Sodium ti a, LC LE mg. 47 17 7 1 211 ZINES SE mg... 4.421 0.152 19 0.628 0.106 20.054 Copper .*. 1%. Scie a mg... 1.275 0.044 21 0.181 0.031 5.783 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 2.2 15 0.3 0.1 9.8 Thiamin} one Lou mg. . 2.668 20 0.379 0.064 12.102 Riboflavin, 40." 5 mg... 2.701 0.143 19 0.384 0.065 12.252 IGRI, eo mg. .. 34.063 1.078 15 4.837 0.818 154.510 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . ME oe VitaminBg™ 1.2. . aw ae mg. . 0.475 5 0.067 0.011 2.155 Folacin®= 5, oo, 25. 5 meg. 190.0 10.4 6 27.0 4.6 862.0 ViaminiByat 0) Ta mcg Vitamin A - + + . . . . fe 2 gis os win LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8g ALO cy oa en A £ B07 eas Tati eae £ Bille te £ MOE 5.5L wre g 12:00 ei 4 ww £ WEG 00N, ov ae in g NOH = ein a £ 18:0, (0 Te £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16: vi. 8 AB on: ail Taf o £ 20, Tole da £ REV, aa g Polyunsaturated, total Pilg ABE Te i 8 ABI eae ay g 18:4%.. 7%. «aa ais a £ 2004 Ms es g 1 ES £ R28 RE a £ 22:6. Lordi: hoes ga Cholesterol, .. 5. vv bo mg, Lo. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. .o. AMINO ACIDS: Yrypuophan «x «yin san kv 0.552 0.078 0.013 2.504 [Ihroomine sg « «in 'xi« « - on 1.461 0.207 0.035 6.627 le fer 1.755 0.249 0.042 7.961 Lencings sz Meise» «0s Rak 2.940 0.417 0.071 13.336 Lysine 1. Goi cop nen do 2.370 0.337 0.057 10.750 MeutoRings or hee Shit 0.608 0.086 0.015 2.758 Cystine SR see oe gr 0.727 0.103 0.017 3.298 Phenylalanine Re Me SE gia 1.893 0.269 0.045 8.587 Mata a Se 1.404 0.199 0.034 6.369 Yaline Er Bin a 1.856 0.264 0.045 8.419 rh a RE 2.796 0.397 0.067 12.683 a Wann : Tt 1.016 0.144 0.024 4.609 Aepartic acid RE TR g a 1.642 0.233 0.039 7.448 Char acl a ue s 4.413 0.627 0.106 20.017 Gicine: SGar es far 7 a . El 7.397 1.050 0.178 33.553 on fs ARUROR * gage oe ia 1.674 0.238 0.040 7.593 Serine SLC i ABE : ei 2.081 0.296 0.050 9.439 PIT ee a 1.925 0.273 0.046 8.732 ! Values based on data for products containing added nutrients. 2 Dashes denote lack of reliable data for a nutrient believed to be present in measurable amount. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03182 CEREALS Page 29 High protein, prepared with whole milk! : i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutri uni Alount in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased utrients andiunits Standard Numbor of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 oz =28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, WP. al. (FE Ta in 74.5 21.1 338.0 kcal. a 111 31 501 Foodenersy i ty ig Wo. on 464 132 2,105 Protein (N X 6.28) Aone Fa a gm 8.17 2.5 39.3 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 8 3.8 1.1 17.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . I 11.6 3.3 52.5 Bibers,:l ~X Br Ln 8 00 0.4 0.1 1.7 ASHE les nT Lt gL 1.5 0.4 6.7 MINERALS: CCIM. © Bp a iid mg. . . 218 62 991 Yront ve sil v. «J dine mg... 12.14 3.44 55.07 Magnesium “ , , . , .. .. mg. . . 48 14 219 Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. . . 177 50 805 Potassium . . . . . . uo. . mg. . . 349 99 1,585 Sodium, 00 S00 TV mg. . . 49 14 220 ZINC Salis ochre mg. . . 1.044 0.296 4.736 CoPpRE "oir uN we mg. -. . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . « . vv. mg. EN 1.1 0.3 5.0 Thismim di. . 0 wi. is mg. . . 0.470 0.133 2.132 Riboflavin". . .. + 0.0.0. mgt. 0.579 0.164 2.626 NGI oi, 1 PR, mg. . . 5.668 1.607 25.710 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg... VitaminBg' =. . 5.0 vg. 0.113 0.032 0.513 FOlREing: x Seas «. vies iv 4 meg . . 35.4 10.0 160.6 VitaminB1g. . . . .... mcg . i 2 RE... Vitamin A w. .. 105 30 476 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g2 . 0 sha Te B05 Ee Pr dan, We g 810%, wally EL 0 g 100 J a 8 W200 1 his NR. g 4:0, g 06:0. on 0 £ 8:0. 5 a g Monounsaturated, total. . . g NOT ais a ee a g Bel eve ih 8 20) itn in ieiv aT 8g A ls g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IB, oie vv woe 8 18:3 i re et g 18:4, se vn g 2004, LR £ 20:8. vr vv oa £ 2S Ene wee g 26% TT. 2 Cholesterol: « ..s + + + + a mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg... . AMINO ACIDS: TIYPRORKAN i Feite + ov » Shs 0.129 0.037 0.585 Yeoleueine OLE iy Bikes =.» 0.364 0.103 1.651 ETS rR Btn 0.454 0.129 2.059 Leucine. oC ahi vA BYR 8 oes 0.752 0.213 3.411 i TE SEE g 0.607 0.172 2.753 Methionine TC i IEE 8 ie vs 0.169 0.048 0.767 Cystine Furisle ole viele. Blab» 0.144 0.041 0.653 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . & Jie 0.443 0.126 2.009 in § Seas 0.363 0.103 1.647 oy REI AR am : ll 0.488 0.138 2.214 ki SER el Ret a ee 0.558 0.158 2.531 Jala A 3 RM 0.241 0.068 1.093 popu ss Ea 0,584 2.10% 3.55 Glutamicacid. . . . . . .. 8g ve 1.791 0.508 8.124 a NN $e 0.333 0.094 1.510 Srinath A Te TE $ bls 0.608 0.172 2.758 bir, thE 0.465 0.132 2.109 ! Prepared cereal consists of 16.4% dry cereal and 83.6% whole milk. : f 2 Value calculated from whole milk (U.S. Dept. Agr. Agr. Handb. 8-1 (1976), item No. 01-077). Product may contain additional vitamin A contributed by the dry cereal. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03682 CEREALS Page 30 High protein with apple and orange, dry . i : Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of ; : Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units — Standerd Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 ig “TPR j20z=14.2g 1tbsp=2.4g A B C D € F G PROXIMATE: Water. C5.» Done a AT 5.3 l 0.8 0.1 24.0 kcal . 374 53 9 1,696 Foodenersy < -¢+ fr +r Wii 14564 222 38 7,096 Protein (NX 5.85) . . . . . gi 25.4 0.2 4 3.6 0.6 115.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 2 6.5 0.2 4 0.9 0.2 29.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g Ou 57.6 8.2 1.4 261.3 FIBRP , 6c ura’ +. cv sihee lv. 4 sw 1.4 0.1 3 0.2 0.0 6.2 BY Te ye GE aa Btu 5.2 1 0.7 0.1 23.6 MINERALS: Calcium? . . cl. a. mg... 751 13 3 107 18 3,407 WOR of ie wae Oe sii mg... 87.50 11.09 5 12.42 2.10 396.90 Magnesium , , , . , HE. is 159 1 23 4 721 Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. 6 539 1 77 13 2,445 Potassium’... ..... . . vas mE 1,330 1 189 32 6,033 Sodium. . ........ mg... 104 0 2 15 2 469 Zine ........... mg... 2.700 1 0.383 0.065 12.247 Copperiter. + fk ve viv ol mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacidi... . LL." mg. . . 3.) 0.3 3 0.4 0.1 14.1 Thlamind ®ve. kOe mg. . . 3.790 0.210 5 0.538 0.091 17.191 RIbOHRYIN. 45 8liy + faites etss mg. . . 4.330 0.268 5 0.615 0.104 19.641 Niacin?" Lit, ie LL mg... 23.830 1.288 5 3.384 0.572 108.093 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg, 5. VitaminBg . . . . . . .. mg. . . 0.351 0.033 3 0.050 0.008 1.592 FoRcin.. cicr. + + 2h wie meg . VitaminByy . . . . . . .. meg . . 0.295 0.005 2 0.042 0.007 1.338 Aeapni RE. . . 1 0 24 Yilina stent 7» no hr 54 i; a 8 1 245 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g AO SH ae vs £g 6:0 of BETA Ew 8 810% Solid ate swim 8g 10:00 05, . B25, g [1 g 34:0, ree A 8 16:00, av ried ww 8 IO vii he g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16:1, Sn ea 8 TBH, ciation a we 8 mie dais REL, Zz rn CR Nes g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IBLE Ne of g IBD, ein a 8 BB. eh g 24; Cn Pe g 20:08: + % 0 vein ww £ NS ov we g RBI. vis Fel ile Cholesterol“, . . ..o avs I Phytosterols. =, . +, 5. mg. o-, AMINO ACIDS: 1 A A Enon Threonine. &. . : . . + +: g's 3 isoleucine . -. . . . . «ows F 4 Leucine “1 lp ein aie 4 Lysine ad, oY, ciate 8 Methionine . . . . . . . . 8 Cystine "=, ‘c+ 0 a's « +» 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine. . +. « sn « + x 8 Valineimt a vuln ae ww 8g Arginine. . .", . . . ... g& Histidine," ... '. 0. Oh wes 5. Aline vie i g Asparticacid . . . .'. 4 . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine... + + vide 8 Proline." te... .. , . 5 A g Serine Lt. LN. g ! Values based on data for products containing added nutrients. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03211 CEREALS Page 31 High protein with apple and orange, prepared with whole milk! Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion comIOn messures of food Nutrients and units a Standerd Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 an rror sa it pies 1oz=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Watera a vite vs 2 74.4 21.1 337.5 kcal 112 32 510 Foodenergy - + + - + + : + i. 469 133 2,127 Protein (NX 6.29). . . . . £ 6.9 2.0 31.4 Totalilipid {faty’. ». =. . ./. . 8 3.9 1.1 17.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 13.4 3.8 60.6 Fibers I, ih Zs 0.2 0.1 1.0 ASE CL RN an of g 1.5 0.4 6.6 MINERALS: TE mg. 223 63 1,011 ron... vi a we mg. 14.42 4.09 65.41 Magnesium , , , . . , |. mg. 37 10 168 Phosphorus wo. vd iv w mg. 166 47 754 PORRSSIUMY , , + atc sh 3's mg. 346 98 1,568 Sodium, lo gh ve wlan mg. 58 16 263 ZINC | 3 a we mg. 0.761 0.216 3.452 COppBEi., sy nen mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . .% . . . . mg. 1.3 0.4 5.9 Tiiamina aise dan mg. 0.655 0.186 2.971 Riboflavin "4. . +. 4 + a0. mg. 0.847 0.240 3.842 Niacigs 0 10, Ls, | La mg. 3.987 1.130 18.085 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. Vitamin Bg «7, ae mg. 0.092 0.026 0.417 FolacinPstr. vu 50. Jo & mcg ViaminByz . . .. . .... mcg 0.346 0.098 1.569 pao RE. 27 8 122 Vitamin A . . . . . LL. ww. 97 27 440 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . £ 4:0. ch oh £ 60... ae 8g B0vl. vs Slee ee Z 00.5. in oS £ 120. . «oa g M:0. 5 eae ew g 16:0. 4 aE, g 18:0... ... 25%, g Monounsaturated, total 8 YOY Sil ale g ISD, Sm veto tie 8 20, ol er 8g 2a. Ln. AUN g Polyunsaturated, total va WRT EE, 8g IB ie a 8g 18:4. 0. i aa z 20:4. «hw g 20i8. ov wo wi 8g RB, nel ele g 20:6... a. i gr Ta Cholesterol. , 7c ius wn 7 Phytosterols ." . ,'. .%. . . mg. J.» AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. g TFhreoninel.’ «i Woke oy g Isoleucinen. 5: x + Ss 4 8g i. Lu vas g Lysine Jb. i A. ie g Methionine . . . . . . .. 8 Cystine i 4, of Wh dials & Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Wyrosine =.5 wr. Ww » g Valine vie i": 2 va wy 8 AGING. 8, owes 8 HiStidINE For... « Ji .ov a g ARDINE i. ce i g Asparticacid . J... 0. . g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine." J et ae 6 g Proline... + nse g Serine’. LOWE £ ! Prepared cereal consists of 16.4% dry cereal and 83.6% whole milk. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03711 CEREALS Page 32 Mixed cereal, dry a & i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of : Amount in 100 grams, edible portion oHmIOn Theasurés.of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - 7 Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1/2 0z=14.2 g 1 thsp =2.4g A B c D E F G PROXIMATE: Water... et Naw by. Ld 2. 6.7 0.2 22 1.0 0.2 30.6 kcal 379 54 9 1,721 Food energy = + + + + + «= - Re 1,587 225 38 7,200 Protein (NX 5.90) . . . . . ei 12.2 0.1 23 1.7 0.3 65.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . a 4.4 0.1 23 0.6 0.1 20.2 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gH 73.3 10.4 1.8 332.4 Fibers. 2R.. 020000, Rn 1.0 7 0.1 0.0 4.6 AS SLs A re a ie gE. 3.3 0.1 22 0.5 0.1 15.0 MINERALS: GaleiumE tee” Fn, 0 asa mg. . . 733 14 104 18 3,327 I SA REN ef PI WE ih 63.20 1.15 4 8.97 1.52 286.68 Magnesium , , . . , , . . mg. . . 100 4 3 14 2 455 Phosphorus . +. oie’ own Eatin 392 18 15 56 9 1,779 POtasSiim =. %, Coie ot a ME. ie 437 37 15 62 10 1,980 Sod ic, SoM ake mg... 39 17 6 1 178 Zing J ast Bett 2 mg. . . 2.400 0.173 3 0.341 0.058 10.886 COPPErS +. «= x pt ise mg. 0.334 5 0.047 0.008 1.515 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. .... .". « . . mg. 2e3 15 0.3 0.1 10.3 Thiamin? 3.000%, |, Sane. mg. . . 2.438 19 0.346 0.059 11.059 Riboflavin +. 8, . «Joh mg. . . 24717 0.127 18 0.386 0.065 12.324 INReind ois Sa mg. . . 34.714 1.841 18 4.929 0.833 157.463 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. . . VitaminBg ic”, 57s shin» me. 0.189 5 0.027 0.005 0.857 Folaeintaliey, "0. 2. . dis meg. . 42.8 2.4 6 6.1 1.0 194.3 VitaminBj2 . . . . . . .. mcg VitaminA . . . . . LL 2 oly oa Re ie LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 #0 NW rT 8g OH ce ie ne wt £ 8:0 an ee ih g 10:00. Li. 5 Gh, g T2500 a £ WO. nls g 16:0. 0 ie Jinn, g V0. LF TS aia g Monounsaturated, total £ NOIR 0 al wal g ISA ot ea 8g 00 ee oe g 2:0. g Polyunsaturated, total PS 1:20 cals wnt 8 IBD soba te aie 8 IB ni te g 204, a g 208 ia. oes g 228 eee i'd MBs amc 2 AE, Cholesterol ints is + + mg. .i. Phytosterols ... .. . Li. mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan vw Ralieig or eid ls 8h o's 0.158 0.022 0.004 0.717 Threonine i i NE Bia 0.400 0.057 0.010 1.814 Isoleucine 'ulut «ge 2 ins 2s € x wie 0.477 0.068 0.011 2.164 Leucine: we ln we ale Taye 8» als 1.041 0.148 0.025 4.722 Lysine Wigs lel x uf wii BC 0.404 0.057 0.010 1.833 Methionine GaSe a ww ale Ee 0.240 0.034 0.006 1.089 Cystine fir ealletde. ale 4 8 in 0.346 0.049 0.008 1.569 Phenylalanine wrartingaiie ihe SE 0.672 0.095 0.016 3.048 Tyrosine ERE ev wl a Ban 0.491 0.070 0.012 2.227 Valine BE RO wiv. 8, “rola 0.653 0.093 0.016 2.962 Arginine ete ewe + Vg E rir a 0.703 0.100 0.017 3.189 Histidine pale iret ox we £ xine 0.286 0.041 0.007 1.297 Alanine ST ele CAE 80505 0.583 0.083 0.014 2.644 Aspartic acid frag th won lets £ Code ly 0.726 0.103 0.017 3.293 Glutamic acid EPR Aes als Ed +n io 3.184 0.452 0.076 14.443 Glycine sles re Balan £ vieis 0.551 0.078 0.013 2.499 Proline Eaetsie ¢ stipe Era 1.047 0.149 0.025 4.749 Serine . . . . ...... 8 vole 0.570 0.081 0.014 2.586 ! Values based on data for products containing added nutrients. 2 pashes denote lack of reliable data for a nutrient believed to be present in measurable amount. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03185 CEREALS Page ss Mixed cereal, prepared with whole milk? Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Amount in edible portion of tin 1 edible portion Afriount in, 100 grams, edible por common measures of food Nutrients and units Stacia Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 10z=28.35¢ A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water... vl" « + oii g 74.6 21.2 338.5 heal , . 113 32 514 Food energy i= iisads vv + PLEEY 473 134 2,146 Protein (NX 6.30) . . . . . I 4.8 1.3 21.6 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . PING 3.5 1.0 16.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . ga 15.9 4.5 72.3 el SE Se Ents 0.2 0.0 0.7 ASE a ie g 1.4 0.3 5.2 MINERALS: Calcium “oo X ld da mg. . . 220 62 998 EA PRR a mg. J. 10.43 2.96 47.31 Magnesiumie,. "Lo mg. oh 27 8 124 Phosphorus =. o'.' ou) iv 4 we. 5 142 40 645 Potassium’, . ol. ae. mg. . . 199 56 902 Sodium ok eT, mg 47 13 215 ZICH he mg. . O.211 0.202 3.225 Coppers 50." wi ow mg. he. VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid 0, LL. mg. . . 1.2 0.3 5.4 Thiamin. 2 0h. 0, . Weal s+ 0.432 0.122 1.960 Riboflaviy'. . .0. "0. 295 MG iva be 0.581 0.165 2.635 Nein fal oh Lar 4 mg, 5.775 1.637 26.195 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg VimminBgr™. \ 0. . Lo... mg... 0.066 0.019 0.299 Folaeiire «5 00 oA, meg . . 11.2 3.2 50.9 Vimmin Bor. 5. oe vs mcg ky RE VitaminA% - . . . « « . wv 105 30 476 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . g G10. ea a ee 4 80h, le aR Lc, pe 2 B10. £ BOO. ae uae g B20. a Ee £ 0 Fn ol ah a aa g 16:0). ime £ 18:0. eo fs £ Monounsaturated, total g POET ihe ee elie Z IB Pr 8 200 a Ee ee £ PUN g Polyunsaturated, total WINE Wt oo oN 8g sv Li I a g Sd ins, NF g 20:4. 5. AG a £ ET War Le £ 22S, Hi wae we £ 06%... a 2 es Cholesterol. .>, . . .. 5. mg. Phytosterols .- vn... ol. mg. . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. I 0.064 0.018 0.290 Threonineloliatie. vie + aia gL 0.190 0.054 0.862 Isoleucine ©. ie ove £. nes 0.244 0.069 1.107 Leucine: HE I TEA AR & grins 0.440 0.125 1.996 Lysine . . ........ 8" Man 0.284 0.081 1.288 Methionine 3 Guides ie) veo goin 0.108 0.031 0.490 Cystine wR pL Te 8 0.081 0.023 0.367 Phenylalanine wire © 0 dokitiew 2 0.243 0.069 1.102 Tyrosine + ete LYE & 0.213 0.060 0.966 Valingst, SPrdnge.~ Tg £2 0.291 0.082 1.320 i RE £ 0.214 0.061 0.971 Histidine lira, £ 0.121 0.034 0.549 Alaninel, obey vs vv» 8 0.190 0.054 0.862 Asparticacids, ©... 0. Lu & 0.328 0.093 1.488 Glutamic acid. ©. & . + oi. . £ 1.099 0.312 4.985 Clycinge. folios 1s ecioiin = 32 £ 0.149 0.042 0.676 Profing gel iele vel hile £ 0.438 0.124 1.987 Soins; mie ts ons a ihe ok 2 0.243 0.069 1.102 ! Prepared cereal consists of 16.4% dry cereal and 83.6% whole milk. 2 Value calculated from whole milk (U.S. vitamin A contributed by the dry cereal. Dept. Agr. Agr. Handb. 8-1 (1976), item No. 01-077). Product may contain additional AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03685 CEREALS Mixed cereal, honey, dry Page 34 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1/2 0z = 14.2 g 1 tbsp = 2.4 g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Watery io bed 0 TM, Qi ah 4.1 0.3 13 0.6 0.1 18.5 kcal . 391 55 9 1,772 Food energy.» = » = + =. ky 1,634 232 39 7,412 Protein (NX 5.86) . . . . . gl 13.8 0.1 13 2.0 0.3 62.6 Total lipid{fat}-. . . . ." . gl. 5.1 0.1 13 Oe? 0.1 23.3 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 rise oe 73.3 10.4 1.8 332.5 Fiber cE ht Las 2 ole Ashihara gs 3.7 0.1 13 0.5 0.1 16.8 MINERALS: Caleium®y ah Sy ve me, 1,183 20 13 168 28 5,368 frond, CORRE ILL oh mg. . . 68.34 1.17 13 9.70 1.64 309.98 Magnesium. oo... oor. mg. . . PhOSPROIUS «wid y= “vi mg." 649 11 17 92 16 2,943 Potassium’. 05 Le. mg. . . 269 13 13 38 1,220 SODURY het on oe ee mg. . . 44 3 13 6 1 201 Zinc Ea: vo ieee mg. . Copper sis. il le we mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid’, . vv ue mg. i 0.0 0.0 13 0.0 0.0 0.0 Thiamin, . . . ...... mg... 2.529 0.069 13 0.359 0.061 11.472 Riboflavink.. %) ig. 4 mg. . . 2.729 0.070 13 0.388 0.065 12.379 Wiagin ai lo dy mg... 37.662 0.618 13 5.348 0.904 170.835 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . Vitamin BERT» ie mg. Folagin™. '. 0.0... «oA mcg ViaminBya.... ov... 4 mcg tami RE 2 0 13 0 0 11 Yixanio Hi 23 2 13 3 1 105 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 0. Yas are BA £ 6:0, ate at Wee 8g Be. TY, Re g 0:0... ta es £ 12:0. . . ek, g Whe g 16:0. if, 3 nt, ed g 18:0... io. ve £ Monounsaturated, total g NOY Ne fry 8 ABE ine te, AT g 0: 8h a 8g 22:0. 0 a ie 8g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IBZ Bes, iN £ 18:3 ee et a ae 8g 18:4. 0. i oe we g 20:85 Er a g ROS LL £ 22:5. 5: ve ae g 2B. ee 2": Cholesterol". . i. . . . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan". ou. on v.o £ Threonine, oul 2" vs ite 8g Isoleucine . 5. 0. i. £ Leucine. LS, . «ih. wo & Lysine. 0, EL. ee 8 Methionine. . . . . . .. g Cysting =F uct. Joanie 4 0, 4 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Fyrosine Ws. oa. v ov 8 Valine 5. od. «ise co ane 8g Arginine t.vct, Dos 0 ate 4 Histidine, ii." GEt. LO. & Alpine 3, i ¢ SFely oo. 8 Asparticacid. . . . . . . . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine. Baus vv av aa g Proline 7", 200, Jit Pe g Serine... ape nN iy vs Hw g ! Values based on data for products containing added nutrients. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03204 CEREALS Page 35 Mixed cereal, honey, prepared with whole milk! i edibl : Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion COMIIOn hesstires of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units : = Standard Numbbarof Approximate measure and weight Refuse: Mean error samples 1 oz = 28.35 q A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. ob 38.0, 5.00 Bow 14.2 21.0 336.6 keal . 115 33 522 Food energy + + + «= + + + - a 481 136 2,182 Protein (NX 6.29) . . . . . A 5.0 1.4 22.8 Total lipid (fats, . .. . . . . gies 3.6 1.0 16.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 8 3 15.9 4.5 72.3 Fibers, =, "8. te wine Diath 2 ios Ashi wd. 7. Tha, Ev a 1.2 0.3 5.5 MINERALS: Calcium: «Br. sli hl mg... 294 83 1,333 on Sat. rae, mY: 11.27 3.20 51.13 Magnesium, , , . . ., .. mg. . . Phosphorus ', Hit, . Tes, me, 184 52 836 Potassium... 2.0. ih oe mg. . 171 49 771 Sodium. oR hin Lat. Mee. x 48 14 219 Zines or, Da. a LL mg. . . COPPRY lai vv iimsl ny ie mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid . “4, . LE, mg. .. 0.8 0.2 3.6 TRRININGS. LT (dy mgs 0.447 0.127 2.028 Riboflavin.» . . .% hw mg. . . 0.583 0.165 2.644 Nac ol EL LL mg. 6.260 1.775 28.395 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . wg... VilaminBg™. 54, Li. . JL mg... Folacinh. st, oC all. ws mcg . . viaminBya'« . . 0... meg. pi RE... 26 7 119 Vitamin A . . . . . LL Ww. 92 26 417 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . 8 a0, 5... z 60. Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g Ci ose 2% 018 9 203 eb de Ed 0.205 2.928 S550 Arginine, : g 0.283 0.080 1.284 Hsing: Suk + vive 8 0,102 0.052 0. 82¢ Alanine. 200 0 LL br g 0.126 9.036 0,572 Aspartic acid £ 0.166 0.047 0.753 oh SY RE 0.337 0.096 1.529 Glutamicacid. .-... . . . . 8 0.983 0.279 4.459 ig EE ACRE 0.119 2.034 2.34 RR 0.232 . 1.0 ! Prepared cereal consists of 16.4% dry cereal and 83.6% whole milk. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03686 CEREALS Page 40 Oatmeal, dry Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion nino Iretsutt of ood Nutrients and units Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1/2 0z =14.2 g 1 thsp = 2.4 g A B Cc E F G PROXIMATE: Water. Sov deo oe gn 6.2 0.2 24 0.9 0.1 28.0 kcal 398 56 10 1,804 Foodenergy = 2 x» = 4%) i. 1,664 236 40 7,547 Protein (NX 5.83) . . . . . £5 13.6 0.3 10 1.9 0.3 61.6 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 7.8 0.1 10 1.1 0.2 35.6 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 69.2 9.8 1.7 313.8 Fibers a ve a z 1.2 6 0.2 0.0 5.5 Ah cee) LN 2 3.2 0.1 9 0.5 0.1 14.6 MINERALS: Calcium? mg. 733 15 104 18 3,324 opt hse ey SET mg. 73.60 6.31 5 10.45 V.77 333.85 Magnesium ©. poco. mg. 145 0 3 21 3 658 Phosphorus... LL, mg. 499 5 15 71 12 2,263 Potassium .°, . LEE, mg. 470 2 2 67 11 2,132 Sodium, =, 0s. re JR mg. 33 9 5 1 149 Zine ........... mg. 3.687 0.106 18 0.524 0.088 16.724 COpPEri. "wii! SL0AE mg. 0.527 20 0.075 0.013 2.390 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . J, iii mg. 3.2 2 0.4 0.1 14.3 Thiamin. “wiih, Satan, mg. 2.889 19 0.410 0.069 13.105 Riboflavin’. . . . . . . .. mg. 2.607 0.117 18 0.370 0.063 11.825 Nips gi he LE U0 mg. 35.969 2.7125 17 5.108 0.863 163.155 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg . . . . . . .. mg. 0.153 5 0.022 0.004 0.694 Folagini. . .. ., . .% .. meg 35.3 2.7 6 5.0 0.8 160.3 ViaminByg . LLL LL meg Vitamin A." whi oa RE: 2_ i an pa LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 $20 Fh fa Lb gv B20 Wee ve gt, BO. - . vo ole g N00 0 ye g T0 etalon’ + tus £ VAO8 0 cones on a Wf F 4 16:05", en, RL 8g IB. ls a £ Monounsaturated, total g 3a SG I APNE £ VB ein hw Bee 8g BOT ine ee g 20 ee aa te 4 8g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g ABZ a Lt g 18:3 Ae g 18:4 RC oe g 20:4 80 Ll £ 20:8. any a wd £ BS. SE g 226. A GN en Zz Cholesterol .. . . . . . . . mg. Phytosterolssi: i.¢, . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan Lae rly g 0.177 0.025 0.004 0.803 Yousoniigie fee ts nn & 0.471 0.067 0.011 2.136 IIBUCIN i. + oie tel £ 0.550 0.078 0.013 2.495 Leucine. hehe lt + ae ede g 1.072 0.152 0.026 4.863 Lysine JH ae ee & 0.571 0.081 0.014 2.590 Methionine. «= + + 4 8 0.263 0.037 0.006 1.193 Cystine rr orgs a a watt & 0.485 0.069 0.012 2.200 Phenylalanine he elie ol 4 0.545 0.077 0.013 2.472 Tyrosine i a A £ 0.550 0.078 0.013 2.495 Valine, - i et £ 0.771 0.109 0.019 3.497 AIGINING uve oa Fee as £ 1.035 0.147 0.025 4.695 Histidine ede Bo ve mh & 0.240 0.034 0.006 1.089 ABDINBI - fg Hig os £ 0.662 0.094 0.016 3.003 Aspartic acid BRAY J edn g 1.156 0.164 0.028 5.244 Chupmiggeid. Js vv. "a 2 3.206 0.455 0.077 14.542 Olycinefsps cs iwbnte ins £ 0.725 0.103 0.017 3.289 Toling cab at aldia bu oor aii £ 0.697 0.099 0.017 3.162 Serine pte Le are 8 0.678 0.096 0.016 3.075 ! Values based on data for products containing added nutrients. . 2 Dashes denote lack of reliable data for a nutrient believed to be present in measurable amount. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03189 CEREALS Oatmeal, prepared with whole milk * Page 41 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean 10z=28.35g A B E F G PROXIMATE: Water ve. he ee 74.5 21.1 338.1 116 33 528 Foodenergy - ++ +.» = + 1 485 137 2,200 Protein (NX 6.29) . . . . . 5.0 1.4 22.6 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 4.1 1.2 18.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 15.3 4.3 69.2 Fiber 8. iy is Yn a wi 0.2 0.1 0.9 Ashi th i oe i.1 0.3 5.1 MINERALS: CalCIUNY. « vile Gis fain so» 220 62 997 ron." fe La LG + 12.14 3.44 55.07 Magnesium . , . . .... 35 10 157 Phosphorus. . . . . . . . 160 45 724 Potassium . . . . . . . . . 204 58 927 Sodiums. ii Sn LT, 46 13 210 ZING = Be sc wade 0.923 0.262 4.187 Coppers: vv. s + van VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . 1.3 0.4 5.9 Thiamin oo. eat 0.506 0.143 2.295 Riboflavin =. & . . . . +. 0.563 0.160 2.554 INJaCin oo. ihe be 20 ole «we 5.981 1.696 27.130 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . VitaminBg ©. . ©. . oats 0.060 0.017 0.272 Folaging: os tes on rina 10.0 2.8 45.3 VieminBya:.l, . ov oe parti 2 Vitamin AS... .... 105 30 476 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 0. ile ie 6:10... fiona ee BO. mean. so 100... i NAO. ae, fs he N20 Lh ele eae 18:00.» wie ole ws T8:00 cuits ne Monounsaturated, total LL I RE A IB ie ee is nal BOL wo el ei 22:0 ns mei ee Polyunsaturated, total IB ea IRBs dinates + 18d, os Be 20:4, rane 20:5 ov AN v3 i SS TUB. vhs ee Cholesterol. ©. 2.0% + . » Phytosterols .<, ., . i. . 7. AMINO ACIDS: VIYPUOBHAN ues e+ =» 0.067 0.019 0.304 | Jsonine RA 0.201 0.057 0.912 soleucine poate mv FN 0.256 0.073 1.161 Leucine , aie ta agua +s 0.445 0.126 2.019 LYSINE: nosis zs mv on 0.311 0.088 1.411 Methionine: ira a win ge 0.112 0.032 0.508 i 0.104 0.029 0.472 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 0.222 0.063 1.007 Tisai go. i ee 0.223 0.063 1.012 a ER ee 0.310 0.088 1.406 Sian A Be ge 0.269 0.076 1.220 Alpine de iy 0.113 0.032 0.513 atts. RM 0.203 0.058 0.921 Aspartic acid Iv peri a 0.398 0.113 1.805 Slughigacd Wty Seis. wv 1.102 0.312 4.999 ill fs = gs 0.177 0.050 0.803 Serine. Lord © CT Tul 0.381 0.108 1.728 oe ta 0.261 0.074 1.184 } Prepared cereal consists of 16.4% dry cereal and 83.6% whole milk. 2 Value calculated from whole milk (U.S. vitamin A contributed by the dry cereal. Dept. Agr. Agr. Handb. 8-1 (1976), item No. 01-077). Product may contain additional AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03689 CEREALS Page 42 Oatmeal, honey, dry i ao i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of : ; Amount in 100 grams, edible portion ommoniresuigs of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units y : Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: () Mean error samples 1/2 0z = 14.2 g 1 tbsp =2.4g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. 5h, oa govh 5.8 0.3 13 0.8 0.1 26.1 heal... . 391 55 9 1,772 Foodenergy - =» «+ * + * { A 1,634 232 39 7,413 Protein (NX 5.83). . . . . La 13.5 0.1 13 1.9 0.3 61.3 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 2 «a 7.0 0.1 13 1.0 0.2 31.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . TTR 69.3 9.8 1.7 314.6 7 2 A EC 2... i EIR EE 4.4 0.1 13 0.6 0.1 19.8 MINERALS: Calcium . a 000... mg. oi 1,154 13 13 164 28 5,235 A OS ng... 67.23 1.13 13 9.55 1.61 304.96 Magnesium , mee. v's Phosphorus . .°. . . . mg. . . 733 29 14 104 18 3,325 Potassium... SARS. mg. . . 259 8 13 37 6 1,177 SOI. es ile Lo xp %in me... 47 2 13 7 1 215 TNCs Se ATE we wg. « Coppers. vu. ou wn mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid..” . 5..." . iL a 0.0 0.0 13 0.0 0.0 0.0 Thamintt Ss . J30 LL mg... 2.711 0.061 13 0.393 0.067 12.569 Riboflavin ©. 0, 5 5 mg. . . 2.842 0.030 13 0.404 0.068 12.891 NCIC Sod Ba fue mg... 36.292 0.808 13 5.153 0.871 164.621 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . VitaminBg .. , ie mg.>sl, FOIRGIN ce ive + livin = mcg . . viaminByo', LT. J es meg .. Vitamin Ait i exit whe RE. . . 2 0 13 0 0 11 w, . . 23 2 13 3 1 105 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . £ BO va ah co ata 8g 610. “el FHge ihe vn £ 810. TN. RL g NOQ Fy i ino 8 12:0 oc 50 oho ale 2 M4:0.0.%. = oe vous £ 1610. . vv «so en £ IO. ile oo nite £ Monounsaturated, total . £ BBY 5 Te ea 8 MBA, te a at 8g RO = nd a £ 2h eh ee ee 8g Polyunsaturated, total 8 ABR 0 le g IBZ ev uy wl £ 18:4, 0% g 04. 6d. es g 0:8. La aa ws £ USE. iw ws g DB ia a we me B oie Cholesterol, ie mg, J. Phytosterols . . . . . . .. ng... AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . Eg wnt Threonine, , . . .".. . . . Li nak Isoleucine¥, .:. . .'. oh wx g Leycines,. sw: » . os 8 Lysine". . apviS aL ow g Methionine . . . . . . .. 8 Cystine =. o's aha vn tin ein £ Phenylalanine . . . . . . . & Tyrosine ss For oo ware oie 8g Valine . CE TE a it 8 ATGININE. ou. vie nv ve 8 Wistidioe.. . 00. Judes g ARnIng bis ovo an g Asparticacid.. . . . . +. g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . 8 Glycingh.. ii vive 0 + 5 on 4 8 Proline": Tew 0 av ae 8 Serine. on vce Lh 8 ! Values based on data for products containing added nutrients. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03193 CEREALS Page 43 Oatmeal, honey, prepared with whole milk? Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common isasures of food Nutrients and units Standiord Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 oz = 28.35 g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Wateride) Fo hy Spy Co Tn 74.5 21.1 337.8 Food energy = ales = = +» keal “0. 115 33 522 2, 481 136 2,182 Protein (NX 6.29). . . . . =. 5% 5.0 1.4 22.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Bis 3.9 1.1 17.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . ZT ors 15.3 4.3 69.4 Fiber Sei a sie coisa gous ASHE. ety 4 ee gw 1.3 0.4 6.0 MINERALS: Caeiuy an a a WT 289 82 1,311 fon Ns mdse BR Le mg... 11.09 3.14 50.31 Magnesium ©, ., G0 % men, Phosphorus i. & wv. « ain og. 198 56 899 Potassium. wo. 6 She wg. 170 48 770 SOdIUM fet 0 «0 oiiaie ta me. . 4 49 14 221 Zinc. as, LL al le mg, COPPBE. J, rn ole im mgt, VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. ..c. oh mg. WW, 0.8 0.2 3.6 Fhigmin 0 00 whe mg.) 0.487 0.138 2.209 Riboflavipes.., Lo he. me: 0.602 0.171} 2.731 Niacig ale © wv. Sia A mg 6.034 1.711 27.370 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . ME a VitaminBg .. . . 08.0. mg... Folacimgs 5 . . La. an meg. ViaminBjp . . . . . ale meg, 2s RE. . 26 7 119 Vitamin A j2= a 92 26 417 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g Bl, re ne aie £ GN Li a £ BO. 0 ca g OG. La g P20. She, add £ M0. ala ae g 16:0, Sled vind £ 18:0. a he F4 Monounsaturated, total. . . g VOL. a) Engg 2 a 8 TSR. rink spd g 20:0: Le a £ 22k. aa a g Polyunsaturated, total FEINENY BIT ne es ee £ 18:30, a rei A £ IBA Nase vs le ie 8g 0 ES DL g 20:8. el As £g 20S te ws or ate Zz 2B, ana 2 lh Cholesterol. . . . .'. . . . mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . J . .. mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptopham* i. . oy £ Threoninely . ... . ¥. . 8 Isoleucine’. . 7. fan YS, 8g Beueine ti. . . 4 a al & ystjes-.), Na 4 Methioning. .-. . . . . .. 8 Cystine 8, «2, x + « xia 4 £g Phenylalanine™ , . . . . . . 2 Tyrosine. 5. . . . 0 ve ow £ Valine: “sd Jails hie. £g Arginige. 8, "eo 2 LT 8 Histidine... a Be 00. LS £ Alanine’. 0. Ve & Asparticacid . . . . . . . . g Glutamicacid. '. . . . ._. . 8 Glycine. ¢.»,. , 8, g Praline sl. wisi. dG g Serine fh Cu Lin Whe g : Prepared cereal consists of 16.4% dry cereal and 83.6% whole milk. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03693 CEREALS Page 44 Oatmeal with applesauce and bananas, strained a ; : Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of ’ Amount in 100 grams, edible portion cONiMmon measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units = z Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: Mean error samples 1 jar =135¢g 10z =28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water 7 CT 82.2 0.3 37 110.9 23.3 372.8 Re OER od {= 73 99 21 333 o 8y kJ 307 415 87 1,394 Protein (NX 6.04). . . . . gz 1.3 0.0 25 1.8 0.4 6.0 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 8 ws. 0.7 0.0 25 0.9 0.2 Ph Carbohydrate, total . . . . . A 15.4 20.8 4.4 69.8 Fiber, il fet « a 5% LT 85. 0.7 5 1.0 0.2 3.2 is IRE NER gh iv x 0.4 0.0 25 0.6 0.1 1.9 MINERALS: CRICIUITY.. Ss i oi 4 mg 9 1 18 11 2 39 trong. Eo. FL fle a nl mg... 5.65 0.18 18 7.63 1.60 25.63 Magnesium , . . . . . . . Ie 11 1 15 3 51 Phosphorus =». . 0000 A 41 1 56 12 187 Potassium, dv. LL me... 47 14 63 13 211 Sodium, a. Lo mg... 2 18 2 1 8 BING. or a Se mg. 0.351 0.010 4 0.474 0.100 1.592 Copper .'. . . 4 hu mg... 0.073 0.005 3 0.099 0.021 0.331 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid? |. . ... . mg. . 21.8 3.0 4 29.4 6.2 98.9 Thiamin. hile no pe ai mg. . . 0.420 0.024 20 0.567 0.119 1.905 Riboflavin 1 re Leta Eo mg. . . 0.365 0.010 20 0.493 0.103 1.656 Nagin... . Ju siete mg. . . 5.042 0.075 20 6.807 1.429 22.871 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg... . Vitamin Bg 1.2 x wre aenailiella mg. . . 0.200 0.017 3 0.270 0.057 0.907 Folacin st. 6M, 80 | db meg. 3.5 0.1 9 4,7 1.0 15.7 VitaminBya'.i. LL. Ld mcg Vitamin Ace + ce a ’% 3 1 18 4 1 14 w 30 Zz 18 40 135 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8g 400.5. LRT 8g G0 at Ry 8g B10. Ly ed g 1:0... LS g F000 Ll £ 18:0. oo S50 tn «aie g AG:0 ah as g 18:0, z Monounsaturated, total . g 6S de ET g Ios ins Nel ie £ 20 Re TE g 2. ai ea 8g Polyunsaturated, total £ ARDS La a NT g NB Bb" fils rw cn 8 Id, Se, g 20:4. aR vd 8g 20:50. ie teat te g IIS a es 8g R26 Lc a HSE gL. : Cholesterol... v .:% ME ets Phytosterols .... ...". . J. gel AMINO ACIDS: Taploten i» « ors Li on 0.017 0.023 0.005 0.077 Bg ha ar ope 2 : Sha 0.046 0.062 0.013 0.209 Cede es whe " 0.049 0.066 0.014 0.222 Cie $F Ve iene + ISON Fh» 0.099 0.134 0.028 0.449 ar Hose pn RI Yt : fat 0.053 0.072 0.015 0.240 Cortina iis oo ie I i: RE 0.030 0.041 0.009 0.136 Famrlanin: 1 il i 0.029 0.039 0.008 0.132 ii EI Seige “ lita 0.066 0.089 0.019 0.299 Wii TOIT tn E y fo 0.052 0.070 0.015 0.236 Brains bl en ae : : : g 0.068 0.092 0.019 0.308 Hite fa a PLR 0.093 0.126 0.026 0.422 NIE PiRe or a TL i : ) : 0.034 0.046 0.010 0.154 Asparit acid at oo A ia 0.059 0.080 0.017 0.268 Clytioasid. ih et 2 0.111 0.150 0.031 0.503 Blame: & ih. z iE 0.287 0.387 0.081 1.302 Proline. © oo SE 7 wl 0.070 0.095 0.020 0.318 Serie Bh nae : Fd 0.064 0.086 0.018 0.290 PRT Re RY tat 0.062 0.084 0.018 0.281 ! Values based on data for products containing added nutrients. 2 This nutrient is not added to all brands. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03191 CEREALS Oatmeal with applesauce and bananas, junior Page 45 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 220 g 10z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: LT IE eT % 3 81.8 0.4 6 179.9 23.2 370.9 kcal 15 165 21 341 Food energy + + « = + - - il 315 692 89 1,42 Protein (NX 6.04). . . . . . 1.3 0.0 6 2.9 0.4 ol Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . $ 0.7 0.1 6 1.6 0.2 3.3 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 15.7 34.6 4.5 71.3 Fiber. 3a C8 AG UR, £2 0.4 0.1 4 0.9 0.1 1.8 rE SRIER, g 0.4 0.0 6 1.0 0.1 2.0 MINERALS: CACM TRL Ah vy a we mg. ao 6 1 7 12 2 25 frontage, © #0 Sas = mg ep 5.51 0.23 6 12.13 1.56 25.00 Magnesium , . . . mg... 11 1 24 3 49 Phosphorus, le: ov. a me. 41 1 89 11 184 Potassiume.. , \. . Ja mg... 48 1 106 14 219 a I mg. . . 31 4 6 69 9 142 Zing ge ns Loa, JL ig. 0.330 1 0.726 0.094 1.497 Coppert ot adil s ov oie mg. . . 0.075 0.165 0.021 0.340 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid? . . . . . . . mg. . . 19.1 3.5 5 42.1 5.4 86.7 Thiamine No 5 waell mg. oo. 0.242 1 0.532 0.069 1.098 Riboflavin’. . . . . . . .. mg... 0.484 1 1.065 0.137 2.195 Niagind™s 200 al, SL onlT vs mg. . . 3.350 1 7.370 0.950 15.196 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg... Vitamin Bg . . . . . . . . mg. . . 0.240 1 0.528 0.068 1.089 Blac? ods ules meg . . 3.5 7.8 1.0 16.0 ViaminByg. . . . . . ." meg... hi RE. 3 1 6 6 1 13 Vitamin A . . . . . {33 28 9 6 62 8 129 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . £ 0X a £ 6:0: a AR a 8g i RR EAL £ 0 SET SR Ui £ 1R:0. 70% LL LoS g V4:00 00 da, g R610. i g 18:0 .c0 sa g Monounsaturated, total £ VOI LY hs ht wl £ |. 12 r A AE 2 20:1. ant wie g 20... g Polyunsaturated, total Sonn, AB IBD, 0s ie ve 8g 18:30 Bo «wine 8 Id ucc tl . 2 aie g 20:4... i. aE 8 20:8.%. . Se... 8 25. kN £ 6.0 SLA gw Cholesterol ..%, .".". .. . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophangt. .'. . ... i. £ 0.017 0.037 0.005 0.077 Threonine... .. ., 5 ... 8 0.046 0.101 0.013 0.209 ISOIBUEINE w+ 5. i's votes g 0.049 0.108 0.014 0.222 Levcinevynlt. 8 wn wid g 0.100 0.220 0.028 0.454 Lysinelidh © . danas 8 0.054 0.119 0.015 0.245 Methionine: . . . a. LL 8 0.031 0.068 0.009 0.141 Cystinese®, 7 Je hee £ 0.030 0.066 0.009 0.136 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . & 0.067 0.147 0.019 0.304 Tyrosingg™. . « . +s oieie £ 0.052 0.114 0.015 0.236 Valine . . . ....... g 0.069 0.152 0.020 0.313 Arginine. 5. iT) LL LA g 0.094 0.207 0.027 0.426 Histidine. . . . . ..... g 0.034 0.075 0.010 0.154 Alanine . ,..°. . . .... g 0.060 0.132 0.017 0.272 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . g 0.113 0.249 0.032 0.513 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . 8 0.291 0.640 0.082 1.320 Glycine... +i. ss H 8 0.071 0.156 0.020 0.322 Profinel i385,» . « « . wis £ 0.065 0.143 0.018 0.295 Serine Sable “ul ee 8 0.063 0.139 0.018 0.286 ! Values based on data for products containing added nutrients. 2 Values calculated from strained oatmeal with applesauce and bananas. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03192 CEREALS Page 46 Oatmeal with bananas, dry 1 k y Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of : i Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Soman mesures.of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units . eT weroht Standard Nusmber'of Approximate measure and weig| Refuse:0 Mean error samples 1/2 0z = 14.2 g 1 tbsp =2.49g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, Goon ln Loa g 4.7 3 0.7 0.1 21.3 kcal," 393 56 9 1,784 Food energy "siv. + » + + +» kp. h 1,646 234 39 7,465 Protein (NX 6.04) . . . . . ger, 12.0 0.2 5 1.7 0.3 54.4 Total lipididfat) . ©... . . . 2 ou 6.0 0.1 5 0.9 0.1 27.2 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 85 73.4 10.4 1.8 332.9 Fiber Wal, ris a +a i. 481 136 2,182 Protein (NX 6.31). . . . . g - 3.9 1.1 17.8 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 3.3 0.9 15.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 17.1 4.9 77.8 Iberia ee ed 8 Athis id LA nade g 1.3 0.4 5.8 MINERALS: CACHE, Cocina 0 © tts mg. 291 83 1,322 HOR 20 hv vise nln ov ells mg. 10.81 3.07 49.05 Magnesium. 5 2d WK, CL mg. Phosphorus 0.5. . . 7. . mg. 181 51 822 Potassium. St seat mg. 141 40 638 SOA. | ove «vv, aiei mg. 49 14 221 inca," on J Sn a mg. COPDRY . Toihe voi x or wlin x mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 0.8 0.2 3.6 Thiamin. ss oe worn mg. 0.476 0.135 2.159 RIBOAIAYING » . + Wed il mg. 0.608 0.172 2.758 NEI ifs. 0 a mg. 6.083 1.725 27.592 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg. . . . + +. mg. Folagife. 0 ir a 0, mcg viaminBia . 5 5 LG meg ari RE. 26 7 119 Vitamin A . . . . . . . w. 92 26 417 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g BOR we ae ee z 6:0 oS. or ew ve g Bil, Lael g 0:0. + « bBo ¥ Ti £ V210,5. le shea & g V4:0% "cr ie g 16:05 5. Cini vie i 1:0. Joie. ons 8 Monounsaturated, total g 16. ung By le ON s 20:0. a en g 2 a aie ae g Polyunsaturated, total wie, LE IB. vs het Lh 8 AB: 5 ate eae 8g IB CS ove a5 g 2045 a WN £ 20:8, 0. LR g INS ee wa he g 2226. oan os Zi» Cholesterol. =, . . . .*:. . mg. Phytosterols . .i.'. . . .0. mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan’ , . . . . . . 8 Threonine £ .. 5. 0. 4s £ Isoleucine? S35. . i. Goal g Leucine’, "28, "Lat, or d & Lysine il, LoL Wr Th 8 Methionine . . . . . . .. £ Cystine S20 0. wo aims g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . £ Tyrosine. . . . 5 ix +.» g Valine hsv ave ve alee Eg Arginine... . LL g Histidine:t. . , . . AGN g Alanine tu oC. Ci. con g Asparticacid'. -. . . . . .. . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . £ Glycine .22". .. 2% 5 g Profine bal, Ll ou & Serine 5 te + oie piles & ! Prepared cereal consists of 16.4% dry cereal and 83.6% whole milk. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03696 CEREALS Page 52 Rice with applesauce and bananas, strained s i 5 Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Not ionts and uni Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Mtrients and units Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 135 g 1o0z=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, i200, oo SN Li 81.0 0.8 24 109.4 23.0 367.6 keal vo. 79 107 23 360 Foodensrayass i= « xp.» KY one 332 449 94 1,507 Protein (NX 6.00)... g 5 1.2 0.0 23 1.6 0.3 5.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 8 0.4 0.1 23 0.5 0.1 1.6 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Br, 17.1 23.1 4.9 77.8 Fibers fT apes aime Lon Soe 0.2 3 0.2 0.0 0.7 BSc, Sh wine E a ZF 0.3 0.0 23 0.4 0.1 1.4 MINERALS: Calcium. . oe. ns mg. . 17 0 19 23 5 78 front [0s Cok mg. . . 6.73 0.62 19 9.09 1.91 30.54 Magnesium , . . . . . . . we. . 3 1 4 1 14 Phosphorus. We, Li me. 12 1 16 3 53 Potassium Lvs Ju mg. . 28 14 38 8 126 Sodium’. , LHe aes mg. . . 28 19 38 8 128 ne a a xs we 0.080 1 0.108 0.023 0.363 Coppers Yar a Sl oe mg... VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid! . LL... . mg... 31.6 1.0 19 42.7 9.0 143.5 Thiamin } 2 Pes fe lele ub ute mg. . . 0.260 18 0.351 0.074 1.179 Riboflavin. .% i. mg. . . 0.422 18 0.570 0.120 1.914 Niagipti ses TUE mg... 4.017 18 5.423 1.139 18.221 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . meg." Vitamin Bg Bolin mg. . . 0.234 4 0.316 0.066 1.061 Folaginilis, “55, 0 aah meg . 2.5 0.2 6 3.3 0.7 11.2 ViaminByn i. ovina mcg Vitamin A . . . . . . . . RE. 2 0 19 3 1 9 1. 21 5 19 28 6 94 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 HQ SRE a ae 8g 6:0... 5. SMT £ 1 a A g 10:0. .%, 0 Les 8 V0 Lt ale g M05... SEAT 8 VGIOLY. 0 he g 18:0. a a £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16: ee 8 Willie, nw R re 8 RO, a £ Wt ones eral. 2 g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18120. Yale, 2 IStInt cand ou a ine 8g IS: 8 a i 2 20:85: "le £ 0:84 iw» Red £g AAS FS. as g 6 we vi Lo Cholesterol . . . . ... . mg. i. Phytosterols . . .'. ... mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Jrvpuphan Bisa pv Eat 0.012 0.016 0.003 0.054 AAS i an I) as By 0.040 0.054 0.011 0.181 CoiCine stn rr 0.048 0.065 0.014 0.218 Re inti : ng 0.116 0.157 0.033 0.526 Se is Fat . hen 0.068 0.092 0.019 0.308 Cittingila ba Loh od : ig 0.020 0.027 0.006 0.091 eu alaning pp many uy £ § Ne 0.014 0.019 0.004 0.064 el rs nN 0.058 0.078 0.016 0.263 No Lr Tea 7. f 0.056 0.076 0.016 0.254 ATE. 2. : : 0.068 0.092 0.019 0.308 Mstiding, 0 LG % on 3 0.040 0.054 0.011 0.181 Aliier oe rh 7 0.032 0.043 0.009 0.145 Asparticaii a: z 0.056 0.076 0.016 0.254 Clim sid. tar Iie 0.076 0.103 0.022 0.345 a a] 0.236 0.319 0.067 1.070 Profinet tis Salome 2 lin 0.028 0.038 0.008 0.127 RE NS hu 0.104 0.140 0.029 0.472 Pl A 0.052 0.070 0.015 0.236 ! Values based on data for products containing added nutrients. 2 This nutrient is not added to all brands. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03195 CEREALS Page 53 Rice with bananas, dry i i 5 Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of i : Aout in JOD grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units 5 = Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: Mean error samples 1/20z=14.2 g 1 tbsp = 2.4 g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water's leon Bone. Lin Qs 4.7 1 9.7 0.1 21.3 kcal . 404 57 10 1,832 Pood energy,» Sete + wI80 do. Th "1,890 240 41 7,666 Protein (NX 6.00). . . . . 25.0 8.7 0.2 4 1.2 0.2 39.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . gt 4.2 0.4 4 0.6 0.1 19.1 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . iain 79.9 11.3 1.9 362.4 Fibers, mote a i ge avi. 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.0 2.0 Ash eR te a gon 2.5 1 0.4 0.1 11.3 MINERALS: Galcium®®, Jil. | . ... . 2 mg. . 691 1 98 17 3,134 fronts ail mg... 66.90 10.11 5 9.50 1.61 303.46 Magnesium . . . . . . . . mg 141 1 20 3 640 Phosphorus. . . .. . . . mg. . 410 1 58 10 1,860 Potassium®.t . &. . Jo... mg. . . 769 1 109 18 3,488 Sodium... ....... mg... 96 12 2 14 2 433 en A EC EN mg, is. 1.500 1 0.213 0.036 6.804 Copper. Sc BAer, ar vw a ME. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacidh. oi Lb . wv une iE. 2.0 1.6 2 0.3 0.0 9.1 Thiaminda) =" mg. . . 3.970 0.335 4 0.564 0.095 18.008 Riboflavin..." LL. WS, mg. . 3.800 0.110 4 0.540 0.091 17.237 Niagint eS mg. 23.320 0.500 4 3.31) 0.560 105.780 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mew, VitaminBg = =... . .% . . mg. . 0.686 0.037 3 0.097 0.016 3.112 Bolacin..'.. 0 27... . meg oC. ViaminBya . . . . . . .. meg. . 0.205 0.005 2 0.029 0.005 0.930 Sea RE, .\. 3 2 0 0 13 NiaminA: {iz 29 22 i 4 1 132 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8g B08. 5 a ey g GI DR £ BO. i ae g 10:07. . wo as g 12:0... . . vy g 14:0. dy REL g 680. =. he x g 18:05. ow, £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g de nN RE g ISVs. A SEL Sa £ 20 Wh. g RAT 0 ey ale g Polyunsaturated, total oily 18 Rea Ba ie Z IBZ. Leas £ Bq, ron Le g 20:47. Ch g ROS... Sian Shen £ De vse rin £ DB. aie ve Pai as Cholesterol *"." . "5. Li.) mg... Phytosterols . .. . + +» « « mg. . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan i. vis ot eto's AEE 0.154 0.022 0.004 0.699 Thieoningl.op visa Eh dairy 0.444 0.063 0.011 2.014 ISDIBUERS er.» sri nd G2 0.464 0.066 0.011 2.105 Leucine: LE RR, Baxi 0.821 0.117 0.020 3.724 Lysine B. + wie + aie . Ea 0.452 0.064 0.011 2.050 Methionine NEN, gE Finis 0.229 0.033 0.005 1.039 CE a SRT Lia 0.184 0.026 0.004 0.835 Phenylalanine wie igint wired ih Lo 0.400 0.057 0.010 1.814 Yyrslae sap mre EF wa 0.368 0.052 0.009 1.669 alert walle ee ne 0.547 0.078 0.013 2.481 Arginine Jub x cle nig Bin 0.603 0.086 0.014 2.735 Histidine lett Jal Ny deli g& 0.273 0.039 0.007 1.238 Alig Jt iin 3 ng ths £ ey» 0.496 0.070 0.012 2.250 SpRrUsacl] imu Lode 0.857 0.122 0.021 3.887 Glutamic acid he ste en vi gn 1.523 0.216 0.037 6.908 Slyeineige toon afr Ars 2 a 0.364 0.052 0.009 1.651 Proling inl swims £0 Bia 0.418 0.059 0.010 1.896 Serine athe \ Rf. ble «na ee 0.467 0.066 0.011 2.118 ! Values based on data for products containing added nutrients. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03212 CEREALS Rice with bananas, prepared with whole milk® v Page 54 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean 1.02. .=,28.35 9 A B E F G PROXIMATE: Waters. inl % i. SLR gs 74.3 21.1 337.0 kcal 117 33 532 Foodenergy] «gv « "ses « + kJ. 490 139 2,223 Protein (NX 6.32) . . .. g . 4.2 1.2 19.0 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 3.5 1.0 15.8 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g . 17.0 4.8 77.2 A PR zn. 0.1 0.0 0.3 Ash: Somat nT, Es 1.0 0.3 4.6 MINERALS: Calcium Lm, LL, mg. 213 60 966 pon TR mg. 11.04 3.13 50.08 Magoesium i... LA. mg. 34 10 154 Phosphorus. “5. .~. hei mg. 145 41 658 Potassium ='". 0% LL LL. mg. 253 72 1,149 Sodium... 208, ol mg. 587 16 257 Zines ad SS a RE mg. 0.564 0.160 2.558 Coppers. i he vv ie mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid: . . o.oo. mg. 1.1 0.3 5.0 Thiamin. =f..." Lon, mg. 0.684 0.194 3.103 Ribofiavity, (Lon ho Th mg. 0.759 0.215 3.443 Niacin, WW 7. LLL. mg. 3.902 1.106 17.699 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VIBES © dd ates mg. 0.147 0.042 0.667 FolgeiniL 5 Vn. er, meg VitaminBya . = . «vi. 2» meg 0.332 0.094 1.506 Vitamin A . . . . . Lo. Re: 20 2s 320 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 BO Me ade Ea g 0 ai 8g B80. Hh a. g 0005 af, Lh a g 20 F Fn ia wits 2 BAO. sie aie £ 16:0 4, oR £ BRED Tu eT ak he 8g Monounsaturated, total. . . g JO ST 8g BEY oe lathe aE a a £ ROL .3. 0 aes ae g 2:1 sls BN £ Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18:2. a 0. bin £ a SR g E8240. a ui, g 20540, ES 8 20:8. A. JS See £ 228. ent 8 D0 whi Weis ns 5 Cholesterol .. . '. = 5 . . mg. Phytosterols, . . . . .. . mg. AMINO ACIDS: TIVRERAN 4p ke sel 8 0.063 0.018 0.286 iw Ey £ 0.197 0.056 0.894 onan lend gx 2 0.242 0.069 1.098 josens SRR g 0.404 0.115 1.833 ine sie AA i + £ 0.292 0.083 1.325 pin 2 Rl z 0.106 0.030 0.481 re Lor 3 0.055 0.016 0.249 enylalanine vrai, Ea g 0.198 0.056 0.898 iin i : 0.193 0.055 0.875 Aare i . 0.273 0.077 1.238 IS g . 0.198 2.086 0.838 Risial RE g 0.119 0.034 0.540 AIT Boi ro 0.175 0.050 0.794 particdeid . . Jo iS. 8 0.349 0.099 1.583 Stans 2. + +7 +13 - £ 0.826 0.234 3.747 Gee ir a : 0.118 0.033 0.535 TE : 0:53 i032 {1220 ! Prepared cereal consists of 16.4% dry cereal and 83.6% whole milk. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03712 CEREALS taseins Rice with mixed fruit, junic. i i i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of ; ; Amount in 100 grams, edible portion coinmon measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units = : Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 220 g Yloz =28,.35.9 A B C E F G PROXIMATE: Water, Jon's win hoa A Ur 79.6 0.2 6 175.2 22.6 361.2 heal . . 84 186 24 382 Foodenetgys=is + - = ia 5 5. a 353 776 100 1,600 Protein (NX 6.00) . . . . . goss 5 1.0 0.0 6 2.3 0.3 4.7 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . OR 0.2 0.0 6 0.5 0.1 1.1 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . A 18.7 41.0 543 84.6 FIORE. & lei Yrs is ZF 0.2 0.0 7 0.5 0.1 1.0 Ash . .......... g¥. 5s 0.4 0.0 6 1.0 0.1 2.0 MINERALS: CHIE oo hy ahve nie ail mg. . . 20 1 6 43 6 89 lromd. 5 8a sl es la nie mg. . . 4.71 0.69 6 10.36 1.34 21.36 Magnesium oo cra Ls me. 5 1 10 1 21 Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. . . 23 1 51 7 104 POIRSSIUMET ®ve mg. 33 1 72 9 147 SOU xe vv fan Pre mg. 4 11 1 4 24 3 49 aT ET SE HR Mees 0.180 1 0.396 0.051 0.816 Copper ." .%. JN ee mg. « . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid} .. . . . . . mg... 20.2 2.8 7 44.5 5.7 91.8 Thiamin , 0 0. Lod me. 0.251 1 0.552 0.071 1.139 Ribofigvintc. “8. «sv nie mg... 0.594 1 1.307 0.168 2.694 NRCS Ji dhs cil on me. 2.730 1 6.006 0.774 12.383 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg... . VitaminBg! . . . ..... mg... 0.247 1 0.543 0.070 1.120 Falaein' .. 8% 0. aad. meg. . viaminByg.. Jo ed mcg ere RE. 2 0 5 3 0 7 Vitamin A w 15 2 5 33 4 68 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . £ Bet aN «wre ow £ ES pe Sa g B10. Sf, ie van g 00 nN g T20 ete e ie 5 olin + £ 10. 5 dt g 16:0. 8.00 vonie ws 2 IB: se £ Monounsaturated, total . £ 1620 Be aes vw 8g | el Pa i RE z 20: ae £ i 1 TO CNEL £ Polyunsaturated, total 8 IB: te ins or re g IBD nr, ee a 8g Bhd cn g OAR ae ae a a g 20:5, |, es «a die £ PS ad Pate aie g 22:61, Si ee £ wg Cholesterol . . . . . . J" mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . .". . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Vivamplan aye viele jn Zh og 0.011 0.024 0.003 0.050 | Eons i Lata 0.037 0.081 0.010 0.168 SOIBLEMe ier v. ws wile + ud Bigger = 0 0.050 0.110 0.014 0.227 Leucine: , . . . . ..... £0 Aa 0.097 0.213 0.027 0.440 Lysine |. (lis +o vie Wate LR 0.063 0.139 0.018 0.286 WMehIORINE. os +n ala Tes 8 0.019 0.042 0.005 0.086 CYStiE dy = gue tee Hp Sas - 0.016 0.035 0.005 0.073 Phenylalanine vow ey 5.5 x 0.054 0.119 0.015 0.245 JYIOSINGL ox vi siiin dvs Liv vl 0.049 0.108 0.014 0.222 A A ght 0.063 0.139 0.018 0.286 CR I, Pe 0.065 0.143 0.018 0.295 pistigine ng ge $a 0.029 0.064 0.008 0.132 Ne Th *.” ata om 0.043 0.095 0.012 0.195 fpalgestd ie oni eng 8 el 0.091 0.200 0.026 0.413 QUiamieend. ov iafeie ey 0.199 0.438 0.056 0.903 paps dh x BE £ pas 0.036 0.079 0.010 0.163 eT Se et an 0.073 0.161 0.021 0.331 EIDE: soon) + Lye EE 0.048 0.106 0.014 0.218 1 Values based on data for products containing added nutrients. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03210 DESSERTS Apple betty, strained Page 56 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Stondard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 135 g 1oz=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water," 7 80 B08 g vo 79.9 0.2 13 107.9 22.7 362.5 keal 72 97 20 326 Foodenergyse ist + rin: == oe 300 405 85 1,362 Protein (NX 6.20). . . . . git.) 0.4 0.0 13 0.5 0.1 1.7 Total dipid {fat}, =. >. . [1 bg es 0.0 0.0 13 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g hi 19.6 26.5 5.6 88.9 Fiber Ate 2. vale Eh ASI FL Goce whe aie wows gk 0.1 0.0 13 0.2 0.0 0.5 MINERALS: Calcium coil ae LL mg. . . 19 13 25 5 85 OR oo mg. . 0.18 0.02 13 0.24 0.05 0.82 Magnesium , , , . , . . . mg. . . Phosphorus os. , 5. i WL mg. i. Potatsium. . 5, ei. oh mg... 50 2 13 68 14 227 Sodium)... Sal, © WE me. 10 0 13 14 3 47 Zinc, NEN LL Lil es mg. . Copper dist a es mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid! . . LL... mg. . . 34.7 1.3 13 46.8 9.8 157.2 Thiamin. be. ov wivkis mg. . . 0.013 0.001 13 0.018 0.004 0.059 Riboflavin + «wv vis 4. mg. . . 0.037 0.003 13 0.050 0.010 0.168 Niacin “viel. LoL mg... 0.046 0.003 13 0.062 0.013 0.209 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg... VitaminBg + = . LS. mg. Folgcinta tl, =. vi. ‘Lid. meg 0.4 0.1 3 0.6 0.1 1.9 VitaminBia i... oie Ls meg an RE. 2 0 13 2 0 8 VitaminA . . . . . {3 17 2 13 23 5 79 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 HOLE a g LL TE g BiG eh aa lS g MOS pave p00 wo £ A000 Cth g M06’. + Huw vd g 16:0:.5% a vo g ABI nd a g Monounsaturated, total . £ 161° UN Se g IB Glo a ANT A 8 RO Me ae aks 8g a. Nh, La, £ Polyunsaturated, total 8 Wi." £ WSC i £ IBA a g 20:4. oat. Suh. 8 20:5... «Aa. ie £ vy SR ign SA g 22:6... coi. a 2a Cholesteralo0" 5 «ait mg. Phytosterols™, . . . . . 0 . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . g Threonine... . L. Ji is 8 Isoleucine®. =." .. uf + 8g Leucine, 5.80", uv Via wie 8 Lysine. . os dr a lean fe 8g Methionine: “.. =, 0. a. g Cystine” SELL R00 wh a g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine =. "Sse in lini a 8 Valine s 0 Site ca a hw 8 Arginine, . CSL %E. £ Histidine. :, . .. J %0he yo, 8 Alanine)... . JTF LN Ea & Asparticacid .""." . ... . . . 8 Glutamicaeid.®. . . ... . . g Glycine Tn. a Shs 8 Proline of. SO Sls. Jt g Serine: ". . Nar rE 8 ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03218 DESSERTS Apple betty, junior Page 57 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 220 q 1 oz = 28.35 q A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: WRLEE. ©, as teil Te dads g 80.5 0.3 13 177.1 22.8 365.2 kcal 70 153 20 315 Foodenergy = - + ++ +» - kJ. 291 640 82 1,319 Protein (NX 6.20), . . . | g 0.4 0.0 13 0.8 0.1 1.7 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.0 0.0 13 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 19.0 41.7 5.4 86.0 Fiber, sar 0 ei iz . BE SE a se z 0.2 0.0 13 0.3 0.0 0.7 MINERALS: CACY Cr ow 5 an mg. 16 1 13 36 5 13 MORI: olin’ a ial eis le mg. 0.20 0.02 13 0.44 0.06 0.91 Magnesium. , , .... .. mg. Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. Potassium. .. . J... . mg. 53 4 13 117 15 240 SOG 222 = ah a 4400 ar on mg. 9 1 13 19 2 40 TINE. 25 88S Lvov sams mg. Coppers. «ivy «vss mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid ! . . . . . . . mg. 27.1 1.6 13 59.7 7.7 123.1 Thiamin, aidaite oo «ole mg. 0.011 0.000 13 0.024 0.003 0.050 Riboflavin... 0. JN mg. 0.051 0.006 13 0.112 0.014 0.231 Niacins™, sia. , JL. oh mg. 0.046 0.005 13 0.101 0.013 0.209 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. Vitamin Bg. vv xe mg. Folein®. J ve vn os mcg 0.4 0.9 0.1 1.9 VitaminBya. J. «oT. mcg oa RE. 2 0 13 3 0 7 IBAA x CHE Ww. 16 1 13 35 4 71 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g BOF. a let, Va id 8 8:0 4a hE as g BO ie ae wae g 00 hl ui oe £ 12:00", i £ 18:05. ic + ers g 16:0 .3.0% as sete sels 8 100 Bl «a CaN g Monounsaturated, total. . . g VB:Y seme fn ir hw g BN oe a wal 8g 205) i av ae ie g 221. aE g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 8:2. ae uy 8 IBZ kL see g 8rd 0 es ie g 20:4. es £ 20:8. Goal Dene i 25, wl aa vow hw gi. R26 itl a i Cholesterol .. . . . . . .. mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan , . . . . . .. gt Threonine . . . . . . . . . g Jsoleucine.<'. .. . © «oa v £ Leueings ss vou Th we g Lysine, uv + vow wile # 8 Methionine . . . . . ... £ Cystine . . . ....... 8g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8g TYrosing =. .. ie va oh 8g Valine >. Sli... de Ne Ti 8 Arginine. . 7... 2 AE 8g Histidine. . . . . .. . .. g Alninet.. . vv. we eh g Asparticacid .. . . .» . . 8g Glutamic acid. . . . . . . . & Glycine’ =. iut o 5 Vain g Proline i. ooh a Ble sn & Serine <5. 4 Cv vine vs g 1 values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. 2 Values calculated from strained apple betty. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03219 DESSERTS Caramel pudding, strained Page 58 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Stamland Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mesa or Spies 1 jar = 135g 10z=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Walon. Tas iat asviele f- 80.4 0.2 13 103.5 22.8 364.7 Food energy + + “Jnr » - pout J 436 92 1, $65 0 Protein (NX 6.33). . . . 2 1.3 0.0 13 1:3 0.4 9:4 Total lipid (fat) .... . wo. ls eA a 0.7 0.0 13 . aro 78.1 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Lvl 17.2 23.2 : Fibers, su? IE i v BSI svi i 5 al vee ea 5 0.4 0.0 13 0.5 0.1 1.7 MINERALS: . Caleiumys "SOPOT, LL. mg. . . 44 4 13 60 3 0s 202 79 IPOs aid 25, hat mg. . . 0.17 0.02 13 0.23 . . Magnesium , , , . . . . . mg. . . PhOSphOrUS + , lal + + ob = mg. . 70 15 235 Potassium. “0a LD. . owls mg. . . 52 1 13 8 125 Sodiumil’ . , uber 4 olan mg... 27 1 13 37 Zine iad ew 0, Sand, mg. ... COPRBr' a i a ats mg. . . VITAMINS: ; Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . ". 2.2 0.1 13 3.0 0.6 10.9, Thiamin, ule ooh we oy! 2 0.007 0.000 13 0.009 0.002 2.03 Riboflavin» >. .. .). . ... mg. . 0.083 0.004 13 0.112 0.024 A Niagin!'=, GE azn. , mg. J 0.035 0.001 13 0.047 0.010 . Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . VitaminBg . LL. Whos, mg. . . 2 0.3 4.0 Folacint hice «Ww 0 ef meg . . 0.9 0.3 3 1. » VitaminByp . . . . . . . . meg . . Am RE. 4 0 13 5 1 16 VitaminA . . . . . .. {Re 36 3 12 49 10 164 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8g 08s he, £ 6:0. 2 Suh ee £ B05, loadin wile aie g 10:0. Sie g 120 es g 4:0 ih avy ap g 16:0. "=, -... SO. g 8:0. 2 i £ Monounsaturated, total g 16:0. nm, i. ve 8g 18:0, ve a g 1 IRAN Sl A £ 28a NSE g Polyunsaturated, total 2 ail IB es el g 18:3 cE Vw g Bid. 0? x 8 20:4. civ tes aa g 0:57 ht 5 a Z RS ®ve ae Na 8g 22:6. ew eho. Cholesterol... , . + «4s . mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan... 0. 30.0 2 ein Threonine «ay wean» gar. . isoleucine." it. ate 8g Leucine.” . 0, vil. a g Lysine” "i. lah Lt Le 8 Methionine" "a0 oo... g CYSHING «vv. = = Saieil's = = g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine =. Lh, vids g Valine sv. . vo Je ew 2 Arginine. Jc 0s Linas. z Histidine, cx. J. Siew w 4 & Alanine. . We wh. 4 g Asparticacid . . . . . . . . g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine’. ill, Fike. 8 Proline... 05 "a% do « g Serine® Cue Lt. 4 bie g AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03241 * DESSERTS Caramel pudding, junior Page 59 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse:( Mean Standard Number of rior gles 1 jar = 213 g 1o0z=28.35 g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Waterl, ©. vs a ry 80.4 0.2 13 171.2 22.8 364.5 kcal 79 167 22 357 Foodenergy - - - - - - - - kl. 329 701 93 1,492 Protein (NX 6.33). . . . . 2% 1.4 0.0 13 2.9 0.4 6.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.9 0.0 13 1.9 0.3 4.2 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 17.0 36.2 4.8 77.1 Biber ir Si on ali a g Asha. oh, Ta as gz. 0.4 0.0 13 0.8 0.1 1.6 MINERALS: CAIN Lv 0 Pon idee mg. 55 3 13 116 15 247 Morte: iia Pn a nr mg. 0.16 0.01 13 0.34 0.04 0.72 Magnesium , |... . mg. Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. Potassium®, 7.0. LL ue mg. 58 1 13 124 16 264 SOdIUM. oF + «vo BN mg. 28 1 13 60 8 128 Zine En. SR Ge. mg. COPPELL. ae mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid’, , 1. ou. mg. 2.2 0.1 13 4.6 0.6 9.9 Thlamink sv. ed vs J vs dss mg. 0.007 0.000 13 0.015 0.002 0.032 Riboflavin... . .. .... mg. 0.069 0.002 13 0.147 0.020 0.313 Nisin. 0, LL RR mg. 0.037 0.001 13 0.079 0.010 0.168 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBgs'. .', +... mg. Bolacin® F57% + .7 «vv meg 0.9 1.9 0.3 4.0 ViaminBya . . . . .... mcg ry RE. 3 0 13 7 1 15 Vitamin A . . . . . . . .. w. 33 2 13 69 9 148 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g AQ, owt wy £g G0 Rs g Bo he g 10:02. 0; .%. 5 g 120.500 cn ar alas g 4. a g 60. oo is Ra g 18:10 cal. oe. g Monounsaturated, total . A 1 16:00 000 Le 8 Bate Talend g 0 ee hein wml d g 2 avi oe ie g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18:3. "a a 8g B33 fase g 1B... i as 8g 20:4. LL ee a g R085 ol. a a esas Zu Sy A 273 226. Bs ree 2" Cholesterol . . .', . . . . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . 8 Threonine . »» .. . . . vo. 8g Isoleucine... i. . . we. g Leucingr . J Ben Te ark g Lysine “ud, Cal, a. g Methionine: . . . . . . . . g Cystine, i, Lid i. g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g Tyrosine. . « 5. + « x + + » 8g Valine a... co el @ a a a ade 8g Arginine. oa sy ow ntels g Histidine... «. fete o pv 3 & AIRINGS. 7 v, Hl & Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine 5. wo edi cain g Proline”. >. .. un Sa 4 g Serine. oy de ah oo g ! Values calculated from strained caramel pudding. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03242 DESSERTS Cherry vanilla pudding, strained Page 60 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 135g 1o0z=28.35¢ A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Waterl Len i: 8l.5 0.2 4 110.0 23.1 369.7 kcal 68 91 19 307 Foodenergy + « + - - - + - 0 283 382 80 1,284 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . 2x. 0.2 0.0 4 0.3 0.1 0.9 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.3 0.1 4 0.4 0.1 1.4 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 17.8 24.1 5.1 80.8 Fiber, Besse gE g 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.7 Asia. TRAE Sh a g 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.8 MINERALS: Caleium, Hany Fae SR mg. 5 1 5 7 1 23 HOR: a Sh ite vw mg. 0.19 0.03 6 0.26 0.05 0.87 Magnesium. , . . . .... mg. 2 1 3 1 11 PHOSDROIUS *. oo.’ oe a mg. 7 1 10 2 33 Potassium’. whe’ oo. Be a mg. 34 1 46 10 155 Sodium: Ft i ke ried mg. 16 1 6 22 5 73 Ine on RE mg. 0.040 1 0.054 0.011 0.181 COPPBE i. ais oe oh whiten mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 1.1 0.0 6 1.5 0.3 5.1 Tamim Gn mg. 0.008 0.001 5 0.011 0.002 0.036 Riboflavin. =v. vv: vc 4 » mg. 0.011 0.000 5 0.015 0.003 0.050 Niacin el SRF, a ee mg. 0.038 0.003 6 0.051 0.ul1 0.172 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. Vining . . . . «4.5 mg... 0.011 0.001 6 0.015 0.003 0.050 Folacin « . 5 oo Wl. aes meg . . 0.3 0.0 3 .4 0.1 1.4 VitaminBiae. "vy cL. Ln mcg Vin AL va (RE: 20 2 5 27 6 91 amin . 200 23 b 270 57 908 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g BO al ee g 60, ee ae £ 8:0 Lt g 0:0... 5 iin g $0.8, same e 8 0. v Y 8g 16:0. . Jad a. 8g ABO 0 aati «gn g Monounsaturated, total 8 16:7. 0 RE g 1B iE oly oy g 20:0, et le £ 22th inl ex vn as g Polyunsaturated, total wp £ IB 0 iis oo fer g IIB nLite wd £ A84 i g 2004.7." vio. WA g 20:8% vv dn i as 8g R28. A Sa eS g 226. ihn £ Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. Phyosterols Us, LL. mg. AMINO ACIDS: Teyptophan: . . .:.0v v5. £ Threonine .... . « +. . 3» £ Isoleucine .... . 3. dvi £ Leucine. ., .. «vse oie g LYSINg 8 iy vn vail i 8 Methionine ., , . . .. .. £ Cystine." oo + ati wi’ 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g FYrosine =. ow Gets ie g NValiner> .: « oli a ww 8 Arginine. * Vo Te & Histidine, Jaf. . 0. g ALONG re ee ve es g Asparticacid . . . . . . . . g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . £ Glycine 258%. & leis ln nu g Profines. =. “o.. Jiis wie & Serine), . iv Season a g AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03224 DESSERTS Cherry vanilla pudding, junior Page 61 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 Standard Number of a or ples 1 jar = 220 g 10z=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, a Se i pl g 81.0 1 178.2 23.0 367.4 kcal 69 152 20 313 Foodensrgy is + ties = ie kJ 288 635 82 1,308 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . g 0.2 0.0 3 0.4 0.1 0.9 Totallipidtfat) . . . . «.. 2 0.2 0.1 3 0.4 0.1 0.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 18.4 40.5 5.2 83.5 FIbRr Sie? 0 iar ee gi 0.1 1 0.3 0.0 0.6 Aly nl eR g 0.2 0.0 5 0.4 0.1 0.8 MINERALS: CHEM Sr oo aie mg. 5 0 6 11 1 23 BON Vor icin 5 vate mg. 0.17 0.02 6 0.38 0.05 0.78 Magnesiom .'. . . .. .. mg. 2 1 1 10 Phosphorus'V..- . 5. cv + «7% mg. . 7 1 15 2 30 POLASEIUNY vs ane a mg. 33 1 73 9 150 SOAUM 5. ak vrloien ol mies me. 15 1 7 32 4 67 ZINE ies EE a mg. . 0.030 1 0.066 0.009 0.136 Copper amy « + « vou LT mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . 1.1 0.0 6 2.4 0.3 5.0 Thiaming., .. . .. ..5../% mg, i 0.007 0.001 6 0.015 0.002 0.032 RiboflaVive is. « «wo + 5's mg. + 0.011 0.001 6 0.024 0.003 0.050 NTBCINE “Se es oir 00d 4s mg... 0.038 0.003 6 0.084 0.011 0.172 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . ME VitaminBg .. © . .is . . mE. al 0.012 0.002 6 0.026 0.003 0.054 Bolagindiie o.oo cw x o mig 0.3 0.7 0.1 1.4 ViaminBya'.*. . . . meg . . SLs RE: 20 2 5 44 6 91 ie we... 200 23 5 440 57 908 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Satura' .d, total. . . . . . g $0.5" 5, a ale a Zz. B05 oe wae 2 80. le Re we wen g 1000.00 «ele 2 £ TOG. ah an g V0 2 0 0 a Shes g 16:0... "Nh wi “3 180.8". oops g Monounsaturated, total . £ M6: Ve 25% + vein g IS ar, TE 8g 200). a LUT. 8g BN thf ci, + g Polyunsaturated, total 8g 18: Dilcie vs 5 0% 3 g IBee vo we 8g 1B 0 eb g 20 ae g 20:5. «ov ov oe otal £ 08.00 on aera 8g AB. oe Se i Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan “2... “. .oow Fd Threonine. .". .. . +. £ Isoleucine . =. .. "ide Tie 8 Leucines:, & ov «wt 3 g LysineSias, +. 00 ase. 4 8 Methionine" »,. ...=% . . . . 8g Cystine, vv. Hoi a + g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g TYIOSIne". .. + "cdi na 8 Valine? 7, «er va lai 8 Arginine. . . . a 8 Histidine. ©, . ci. x wide os g Alanine. =, & le ba 8 Asparticacid . . . JD. + 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . £ Glycine'v", ". . .niave a 8 Proline, > iu. «SERN. & Serpe. lS eas g ! Values calculated from strained cherry vanilla pudding. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03225 DESSERTS Chocolate custard pudding, strained Page 62 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128g =28.35¢ A B C E F G PROXIMATE: Water Aan el, Lin 4 8 19.9 0.5 17 102.2 22.6 362.3 kcal 84 107 24 380 Food energy - «= = = - « - - kj. 350 448 99 1,589 Protein (NX 6.33) . . . . . g 1.9 14 2.4 0.5 8.4 Votalilipidi(fary..". . . . . . g 1.7 14 2.1 0.5 7.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . £ 16.1 20.6 4.6 72.9 Fiber. Jae 5. vad wi a. AS Eh ae Serie, 8 0.6 0.0 18 0.7 0.2 2.5 MINERALS: Caloiumy.. iid oad mg. 61 13 78 17 277 OR aks naeet 5 LM mg. 0.38 13 0.48 0.11 1.71 Magnesium . . . . . . , . mg. 10 1 13 3 46 Phosphorus «50%. . J... mg. 49 1 63 14 223 Potassium aos Sori Te mg. 86 14 110 24 389 SOIUME, +» Te 2 NE mg. 23 1 13 30 7 106 Zinger. ohn St, mg. 0.320 1 0.410 0.091 1.452 Coppers." .. .08s"s + vou mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 1.5 13 1.9 0.4 6.8 TPOTIMHY SRA et ona mg. 0.012 13 0.015 0.003 0.054 Riboflavin, . . ...... mg. 0.104 13 0.133 0.029 0.472 Niacin LL fl Lt mg. 0.098 13 0.125 0.028 0.445 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. viaminBght.s tv. . 5 Lo. mg. 0.013 1 0.017 0.004 0.059 FOREN, vin hs ar A 4 mcg 4.5 0.2 6 5.8 1.3 20.4 VitaminBys ... oo. mcg el RE. 5 13 6 1 21 Emons ae rh v. 46 13 58 13 207 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8g A000 Bie vr. x a g 61000 co vee aly g BO. nliee Hh oie g W000 , J a £ M200 vas sa g 10s 0s g 18K, J i + a we g V0 on a 5 ev aa g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 6, CE, g IB Rt «al 8g SOL a A g 20h a, 8g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 182.000 He LW g IBeTe. o Tend™ ain g TCT nla Fd 20:8 5 aa ve oes 4 20:5 Fides vb 8g U8. a vais ats Zi B06 ete Ve ha IB 7 Cholesterol "vs... . . + 4 4» mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . 8 TIEBIS 0 a & 0.087 0.111 0.025 0.395 Jsoleucingl 2 ele 4 + ins £ 0.101 0.129 0.029 0.458 Leucine. . . . ...... 8 0.182 0.233 0.052 0.826 Lysine . ......... & 0.135 0.173 0.038 0.612 Methionine. . . . . . .. 2 0.046 0.059 0.013 0.209 Cystine: cif ol diatln s a g Phenylalanine Ra ER 8 0.085 0.109 0.024 0.386 Trosing: dete n ini 2 0.069 0.088 0.020 0.313 hii: Tp 2 2 0.119 0.152 0.034 0.540 Argivive re ees ae a aa A 8 0.082 0.105 0.023 0.372 ine vii A 2 0.047 0.060 0.013 0.213 ys vm £ 0.069 0.088 0.020 0.313 SpaLesge ls + ed 2 0.173 0.221 0.049 0.785 Slur ech Slew «va g 0.368 0.471 0.104 1.669 YEine nein ty $ 0.047 0.060 0.013 0.213 SRE + Lge £ 0.142 0.182 0.040 0.644 RIDERS: «1 of wn arse he # 0.097 0.124 0.027 0.440 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03243 DESSERTS Chocolate custard pudding, junior Page 63 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 220 g 10z=28.35¢ A B Cc E ¥ G PROXIMATE: Water; 300 Sa ro g 78.5 1 172.7 22.3 356.1 kcal 89 195 25 402 Food energy + + + + + + - kJ 371 816 105 1,682 Protein (NX 6.33). . . . . z250 1.9 1 4.2 0.5 8.6 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . gS w 1.6 1 3.5 0.5 7.3 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gran 17.4 38.3 4.9 79.0 Fiber. V. cave «ne 2 a Ashby tah ov A LT g 0.6 0.0 5 1.3 0.2 2.6 MINERALS: Calcium <> 8 vd 7 61 1 134 17 277 drome. Pv ae mg. 0.40 1 0.88 0.11 1.81 Magnesium , . . . . . |. mg. . . 10 i 23 | 47 Phosphorus“ .+. . +... mg. . . 51 1 112 14 231 Potassium’, 8.7. LL... me... 89 1 196 25 405 Sodium. LN LA mg. . . 25 55 7 113 Zine Aud. mg... 0.330 1 0.726 0.094 1.497 Copper. i mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. .<. . . . . . mg, id 1.1 1 2.4 0.3 5.0 Thiamine... oe be, mg... 0.014 1 0.031 0.004 0.064 Riboflavin . . . . . .... mg 0.110 1 0.242 0.031 0.499 Niacin; dois ou, mg 0.109 1 0.240 0.031 0.494 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg: . VitaminBg 20.7. . 100. mg. . . 0.013 1 0.029 0.004 0.059 Folacin®.™ 5... “J... meg 4.8 10.6 1.4 21.8 VitaminBy3 . . . . . . .. meg Tos 2a: RE. 5 3 10 1 21 VitaminA . . . . . . . .. ww. 46 1 101 13 209 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 450. LAs La g B10 wo FC) oi ae g Bi. Ed TL g M0 g AOR. Na ol Tae g VEO. a a AR g 16:0. 50. JL, g 18:00 Fo Phe a g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16:1 un J A 8 18: g 20: Lei g 22: ee 8 Polyunsaturated, total He g IS Yb en Le wl 4 g 18:3 ut ey g 18:4.0.5 2 00. 8 20:4 ee g 20:5... RN g 2:8. i ie eats g NBT, Nee & “ue Cholesterol . . . . .... mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg... AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . .°. . .'. Vl Threonine oe Wane aw cali & - 0.089 0.196 0.025 0.404 Isoleucine We he. g 0.104 0.229 0.029 0.472 Leucine: Be Tota ©, L. #0. 1 87 WE." 0.054 0.003 23 0.073 0.015 0.245 Niacin 5, oy ABE, 00 mg. . . 0.038 0.003 23 0.051 0.011 0.172 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . ME VitaminiBg™"/ 0." i. 0. mg. 0.012 0.000 11 0.016 0.003 0.054 Folacinesnl its oo Ln , meg . . 4.5 0.5 6 6.0 1.3 20.2 ViaminByg ot. . . Lo. vl meg . 0.076 0.006 2 0.103 0.022 0.345 VitaminA . . . . LLL RE. 3 0 24 4 1 33 w..5 29 5 23 39 8 130 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g B00 os ny SR a £ 0." 5 eds a 8g 8:00. Pa vs £ VO00 He a ne i g 12:0, 3. or g 0G te condi o g 180.5. 00 tea ws £ 1810 se ie g Monounsaturated, total . 8g V6: vin Vs oi uw Do 3 pL Cr Sl g 200% Le aie ea g box HE Zn SRE g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g Bi Tah. er: 8g IB. a 8g NB n'si, of on Er AN g 20M. aR g 20:5. 75", EL an g RS le ahs ww 8g bo RIE (NY ges Cholesterol .. 7.5% .. « . « « ngs Phytosterols . . . . . . , . mg. . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan, “ow 000 JM, gy, Threonine . . . . . . . . . gh 0.073 z 0.099 0.021 0.331 Isoleucine’. "ov. 0 4. g 50. 0.098 0.132 0.028 0.445 Leucines. = 30, i ve a Lik 0.181 0.244 0.051 0.821 Lysine "LAC Le 8&8 0.141 0.190 0.040 0.640 Methionine... . . . . . . . 8 ns 0.026 0.035 0.007 0.118 Cystine «e's oie # +. sais in ws Phenylalanine . . . . . . . Zh 0.106 0.143 0.030 0.481 Tyrosine Ein SB Fa ut iN ga 0.081 0.109 0.023 0.367 Valine a tei oe elle ve en 8 in 0.118 0.159 0.033 0.535 Arginine Ria ya TY gv i 0.060 0.081 0.017 0.272 Histidine BE ai ae gh. 0.053 0.072 0.015 0.240 Alanine Ela oP elegy 4 8... 0.053 0.072 0.015 0.240 Aspartic acid TORE TR Ch gn 0.146 0.197 0.041 0.662 Glutamic acid eo Se Be TE 4 Z ars 0.410 0.554 0.116 1.860 Glycine . . . . ...... Ze one 0.036 0.049 0.010 0.163 Proline Ro lege a 0s eh 8 Tet 0.186 0.251 0.053 0.844 Serine as fl, chaAE, & 0.094 0.127 0.027 0.426 ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03027 DESSERTS Cottage cheese with pineapple, junior Page 65 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 220 g 10z=28.35¢g A B c E F G PR IAVE: HD A 2, 80.2 0.2 13 176.5 22.7 363.9 kcal 78 172 22 355 Foodenergy -4:'+ -'x +0.» Lr 327 720 93 1,484 Protein (NX 6.38). . . . . as, 3.0 0.1 19 6.5 0.8 13.4 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.7 0.0 19 1.5 0.2 3.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . £ 15.9 35.1 4.5 72.3 Fer i eT A a eke Zi 1.0 1 2.1 0.3 4.4 ASH as aes g 0.2 0.0 13 0.5 0.1 1.0 MINERALS: Caleiumly «5 + 5. ow mg. 31 1 16 68 9 140 Mop, oA ed a mg. 0.13 0.02 18 0.28 0.04 0.58 Magnesiom: 1, oo 00, mg. 4 0 2 8 1 le Phosphorus. iota Ts mg. 39 2 2 86 11 177 Pomtuiumm. as. 4! Jin. mg 42 1 15 92 12 189 Sodiumy oi. UN Ee mg. 51 6 15 113 15 233 Zing ii Cress ane mg. 0.175 0.015 2 0.385 0.050 0.794 Copper... a ae mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid!. . , . .. .. mg. 23.8 1.3 12 52.4 6.8 108.1 Fhigmin., rh LN mg. 0.015 0.001 16 0.033 0.004 0.068 Riboflavin, 20.0% 0G 5. mg. 0.048 0.006 16 0.106 0.014 0.218 NCInE os | Ged a mg. 0.045 0.005 16 0.099 0.013 0.204 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VimminBg 8. 0. . JO mg. 0.010 0.001 6 0.022 0.003 0.045 Folacin®e=." "0, a 5%, meg 5.1 11.1 1.4 22.9 Vitamin Byo2. oon J Lo meg 0.071 0.016 2 0.156 0.020 0.322 Eri RE. 2 0 16 3 0 7 Vitamin A 4. Ff © wi REG o. 16 2 16 35 4 72 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 AY Bans a £ 010. RN a 8 B00 TST g 100%. br. 4 we g B20 ha g 14:0. 00 Si ae g 1600. i ee g 18:0. sets £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g tee CLA g IB) hed £ 2000 en a Z A Fah sid £ Polyunsaturated, total x ll 18:2. Loa el, 8g {oe BE A 8g 1828, iu als SK z 204.0 GR, g 20:8, Nl 2 RAS. ud ant RR g 22:6. hy ER Zz Cholesterol. . . .. , wv. . mg. Phytosterols: .... . . . .., mg. 2 u 2 4 1 9 Phosphorus ...-. . . . . . mg. 4 0 2 8 1 16 Potassium ..* 2% «ob Co A mg. 37 1 2 82 11 169 A RA A mg. 16 5 36 5 74 LINEN. ma mg. 0.025 0.005 2 0.055 0.007 0.113 Coppert.. ii liad orte ut 2 mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid? 0... .. mg. 21.4 1 47.1 6.1 97.1 Thiamin. , . . . ...., mg. 0.012 1 0.026 0.003 0.054 RIbOMRYIN®S. iui mg. 0.014 1 0.031 0.004 0.064 Niacin. . wo. v0 mg. 0.048 1 0.106 0.014 0.218 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBe" Wii. J. ca mg. 0.012 1 0.026 0.003 0.054 FOIEEINE. oh SA meg 0.7 1.5 0.2 3.1 VitaminBya. «LL n meg rary RE. 5 11 1 23 NIRA ris 2 lie v. 50 1 110 14 227 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 0.62 0.00 2 1.37 0.18 2.83 AOL a when £ 0.04 0.00 2 0.09 0.01 0.19 B00. Ck sv ns £ 0.01 2 0.03 0.00 0.06 BO: Ln. 0. 8 0.01 2 0.02 0.00 0.05 10:0. Lain ol Shady g 0.03 2 0.06 0.01 0.12 120 Ney ne. 8 0.03 0.00 2 0.07 0.01 0.15 WO. 7 ee ss 2 0.10 2 0.22 0.03 0.45 6:0. hes Sei Lli y 85% 0.14 0.13 2 0.30 0.04 0.61 18:0 snl. RL, 8 0.10 0.00 2 0.22 0.03 0.45 Monounsaturated, total g 0.26 0.00 2 0.56 0.07 1.16 1B. in: 2 Rs g 0.02 2 0.04 0.01 0.08 IBA «veri 2 0.23 0.00 2 0.50 0.06 1.03 BOT ae g 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 2. ie aa g Polyunsaturated, total g 0.02 0.01 2 0.03 0.00 0.07 18:2, ......0.. 8 0.02 0.00 2 0.05 0.01 0.10 18:3 re £ 0.01 2 0.01 0.00 0.03 IB, Ga ee Ye a £ 2004.7, , 8 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 20:8. i kl £ RS. ae VAN g 22:6, es gis Cholesterol "ic ©. ics mg. Phyosterols |. . .. . . 0. . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . ... . 8 Wweonine™.... + ¢ «+ sw 8 fsoledeine’.’ i. «2 wiv in + 8g Leucinert: . ion. Jes 2% 8 Lysingie. i. 5, LAREN g Methionine . , . . .... & Cystine . . unio’ vs 4 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine. ca. wo atE g Valle Sade. ors’ ob rate £g Argipineg., i. Ja 8 Histidine, “8. 7 ov 0 os £ Alanine Lt. Gat 0 8 Asparticacid’. .. . . ov » 8 Glutamic acid.” . . . . . . . & Glycine. . .. . ov oh g Proline®e al. a ies & Serine" SENN Sd g ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. 2 Values calculated from strained Dutch apple. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03221 DESSERTS Fruit dessert, strained Page 68 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 mM Standard Number of ean error samples 1 jar = 135 g 1 oz = 28.35 q A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water sou fe g 83.4 0.4 17 112.6 23.7 378.4 kcal 59 79 17 266 Foodenergy - + + - + « - - foe 245 331 70 1,113 Protein (NX 6.25). e 0.3 0.0 15 0.4 0.1 1.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Zo + 0.0 0.1 15 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . or, of 16.0 21.6 4.5 72.7 BIBER i sr a CE. 0.2 0.0 2 0.3 9.1 1.1 Ash an hy thy LS Oi g 0.3 0.0 42 0.4 0.1 1.2 MINERALS: A CHelum Xs. aR, We me... 2 7 11 2 39 drome iE mg. . . 0.22 0.01 35 0.29 0.06 0.99 Magnesiumin. 5, 0 4, meg, 5 1 1 22 Phosphorus’: i cil. 708, mg. 1 1 9 2 32 Potassidany <8, Fats TAL mg. 94 14 127 27 425 Sodium 3b ALE ee mg. 14 20 18 4 62 Zinc, Toe me, 0.040 1 0.054 0.011 0.181 Copper... on ho Fu, mg. i. 0.030 1 0.041 0.009 0.136 VITAMINS: AscorbicacidX'. . Cl... mg 2.5 0.2 29 3.4 0.7 11.3 Thiamin. tall oR mg 0.016 0.000 38 0.022 0.005 0.073 Riboflavin.) i ut Tt. Sh mg 0.009 0.001 38 0012 0.003 0.041 Niagie vv 5, 10 Fie ond mg 0.143 0.007 10 0.193 0.041 0.649 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg Vitamin'Be "1 5.0. mg. 0.037 0.000 29 0.050 0.010 0.168 Folagin A L™, LC, Via meg 3.3 0.2 9 4.4 0.9 14.8 ViaminByg . o.oo. mcg a RE. 25 1 38 34 7 114 HaminA v6 «4a 0. 251 15 38 338 71 3,137 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 LA re IR £ 620% Dl a 8 i000 ART a g YOO Joe ie aa g cE eR g 14:0. . an £ 16:0 ..% 0 mm z™ 18:0, fe “ohanitie. feiss £ Monounsaturated, total . £ YE a a, Se £ 181, a g 20H ne aE £ 2:0. sa, BN 8 Polyunsaturated, total 8 PBT gr ve el £ IR oe wars g V818 ke nia g 20:4. 5 a ies £g 20:8. Nn i 8 228 aa g 2:60, oe els 2 a Cholesterol. © «+. su 4 ng. Phytosterols 0.0. wi. mes. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan’, ©... v «ow g Threonine. vit... oly £ Isoleuting . ~oioe Tia te z Leucines J, Lon CL a g Lysine, oe ai bial 5 £ Methionine", . '. . . . £ Cystine, LB. a0, wy g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine™, os, , . or. 0 8 Vine Eh Ss oo ase ow sw g Arginine. . “. C5 LL GF, g Histidine Ss ake + «sie eo 8 Alanings> aa... a Th & Asparticacid’, . . . .. .%. 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . £ Clyne”. =r oie: was 8 Proline 8.5 SW. . 8 SOIING 2 SN o's Ke onion bein & ! Values based on data for products without added ascorbic acid. Products made with added ascorbic acid contain 12.0 mg per 100 g. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03235 DESSERTS Fruit dessert, junior Page 69 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 220 ¢ 10z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water,e E00 60, on gi 82.2 14 180.9 23.3 373.0 kcal 63 138 18 285 Food energy dient 2-8 kj 263 579 75 1,195 Protein (NX 6,25). . . . . o 0.3 0.0 15 0.6 0.1 1.3 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.0 0.1 15 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gh 17.2 37.9 4.9 78.1 FIDE ve oh eile tes Wee & 0.3 0.0 3 0.7 0.1 1.3 IASG dtl, ape nd 8 0.3 0.0 42 0.6 0.1 1.2 MINERALS: Caleium:. . wi. Tuer he mg. 9 2 7 19 2 40 frond od GRR Le ae mg. 0s 21 0.04 7 0.46 0.06 0.96 Magnesium (50. LLL 0 mg. 5 1 11 1 24 Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. 8 1 17 2 34 Potassium... , oun LL mg. 95 14 208 27 429 Sodium... iN Le mg. 13 19 29 4 59 Zine RL. AL mg. 0.050 1 0.110 0.014 0.227 Coppeps. 5 (BE mg. 0.030 1 0.066 0.009 0.136 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid! . . . . . . . mg. 3.0 0.2 2 66.0 8.5 136.1 Thiamin. . . . . ..... mg. 0.021 0.000 11 0.046 0.006 0.095 Riboflavin . . . . ... .. mg. 0.012 0.002 11 0.026 0.003 0.054 Niacin 5, wipe vv Pun mg. 0.144 0.008 10 0.317 0.041 0.653 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. VitamimBe =.% 0.0.0 La mg. 0.033 0.000 2 0.073 0.009 0.150 Bolacin, "i t.ho, meg 3.5 1.7 1.0 15.9 Vitamin Bya 45. mcg Ham; RE. 24 1 38 53 1 108 Nims LT w. 239 12 38 525 68 1,083 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g A100% ig LE, LG. Zz GIL a. th ae Zw 8:0. LO. g B00: Gi ARs & g 10a easy Se g 14:0. 5.0, Sh g 36:05 ol 0 aay £ 8:05.50 00 al ee g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16:1. of. eA, Z IB ee ah g 20:0. Ne g 2 Yad Me ie g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g I EE Ca 8g IB. wi Senin g IS: in, eget RL g 20:48." - Rey el £ 20S Es a ie g . 2S Canis le g . 2:6 RT he a gl Cholesterol . *. %.% . 5 mg. Phytosterols .. .. 5, i. L°., mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan... .". . . .... £ Threonine’. ... "J . & g Isoleucine. “2500. J g Leucine, Bu c.f Th Te g Lysine. se Ree g Methionine JF, ©. 0, Lous, £ Cystine, 0nd Ta g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 RYIOSHe Eu. ee Te in ye g NValines's, v0. Wo £ Arginine: , ..5, BN A, g Histidine, , . 7. . .. . . & Alanings. v0. wn £ Asparticacid .". .. . sews + 8 Glutamicacid. .... . . . . . g Glyginer. '. hand we g Proline "xo... 5 RR g Serine gin Vl si ee g ! Values based on data for products without added ascorbic acid. 2 Values calculated from strained fruit dessert. Products made with added ascorbic acid contain 8.3 mg per 100 g. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03236 DESSERTS Page 70 Orange pudding, strained i i . Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of ‘ 4 Amountin 100 grams, edibleportion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - s Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar =135¢g 1o0z 28,35 ¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water a Stl oie g 79.8 0.1 4 107.7 22.6 361.7 keals J. 80 108 23 362 Food energy, cfs - nut kre 334 451 95 1,515 Protein (NX 6.33) . . . . . go 1.1 0.1 3 1.5 0.3 5.0 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Zhen 0.9 0.1 3 1.2 0.3 4.1 Carbohydrate, total , . . . . g wi 17.17 23.8 5.0 80.1 Biber, NEA CL VE Ad 0.4 1 0.5 0.1 1.7 A SR ER a gale + 0.6 0.0 5 0.8 0.2 2.7 MINERALS: Calefume, 0 Sy mg. 32 1 43 9 144 HORI hb. oe mg; . U.10 1 0.14 0.03 0.45 Magnesium , , . . . . . . mg. 5 1 7 2 24 Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. . . 28 1 38 8 127 Potassium; . LT ww wy mg. . . 86 1 117 24 391 Sodium. & ES ea a mg... . ZINE RN, SP mg. . . 0.170 i 0.230 0.048 0.771 Copper ?. ios & . hii vais mg. i. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . .. mg. 9.1 1 12.3 2.6 41.3 Thiamine od, "LEN 0 mg. . . 0.040 1 0.054 0.011 V.181 Riboflavin . . . . . . . . . mg. . . 0.057 1 0.077 0.016 0.259 NIZEINIE, “vs «se oldie mg. . . 0.119 1 0.161 0.034 0.540 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg... VitaminBg 5 « «v4» mg. . . 0.027 1 0.036 0.008 0.122 Folin. ~. Yes dh meg . . 7.8 0.5 3 10.6 2.2 35.6 VitaminBya . . Leh. is oy meg i. rami RE. . . 12 1 16 3 52 VIRIAL yet [ei wi... 115 1 155 33 522 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g A100. ath £ GOR, ee g 8:00 ul’ 2. oe £ BOO. Son Le A ae g 1200. Pre a a £ 18:0. 0 De ade g 16:0.) aS al uty in g 18:0: nie os g Monounsaturated, total. . . §g 16: 5B REY, Skat 8g 8: aa g 20:00 ie ss ed g vv BC RS 8 Polyunsaturated, total lies 8 8:2, 5. en A g 18:35, hl fw g 188 at Ne a. g 20:4 nel J are 2 20:5. vehae LLL, 8 AS. aN a £ 2X6." iN g cw Cholesterel’ . . . . wu. mg... Phytosterolsis, % . .. v «x mg. ... AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan *. . . . . .. . ig Threonine Pog on ns x alii & was 0.045 0.061 0.013 0.204 Isoleucine . 5... Loa. £8... 0.057 0.077 0.016 0.259 Leucine: , . . ...... 8% ot 0.113 0.153 0.032 0.513 Lysine". BL Cree By. 0.090 0.122 0.026 0.408 Methionine . . . . . ... Th 0.015 0.020 0.004 0.068 (Cystine. .5 0 ee ie Bs Phenylalanine why eee a Barta 0.042 0.057 0.012 0.191 Tyrosine . . . ...... £08 0.045 0.061 0.013 0.204 Valine A SET 8 Yulee 0.070 0.095 0.020 0.318 Arginine. . . . . ..... Eyal Ts 0.085 0.115 0.024 0.386 Histidine i SL ER 8 nie 0.031 0.042 0.009 0.141 Alanine , oo LoL se Bit ws 0.044 0.059 0.012 0.200 Asparticacid . . . . .. .. 2pm 0.132 0.178 0.037 0.599 Glutamic acid # Tegheiin (hy wom + § Sele is 0.225 0.304 0.064 1.021 Glycine . . . . . ..... 2 ns 0.027 0.036 0.008 0.122 Proline ATE Ce $0 via 0.118 0.159 0.033 0.535 Serine . . ........ B's uty 0.062 0.084 0.018 0.281 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03226 DESSERTS Peach cobbler, strained Page 71 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Standard Number of Refuse:0 Mean error samples 1 jar =135g 1o0z=28.35¢g A B Cc D € F G P : ROTI MATE Tak et SE %iy 8l.8 0.4 4 110.4 23.2 370.9 kcal 65 88 18 294 Foodenergy - + + - + + + - kJ. 272 367 77 1,232 Protein (NX 6.20). . . . . gz 0.3 1 0.4 0.1 1.4 Total lipid{fat) . . . . . .. . 2 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 17.8 24.0 5.0 80.5 Biber 0 Wl ene a 3 AH S05 a es £ 0.2 0.0 b 0.2 0.0 0.8 MINERALS: Calelomus has, J mg. 4 I 6 1 19 Irons, LR Ne she La mg. Lp ant wo mde Magnesium . . . . . |. . mg. Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. 5 1 7 1 24 POLASSIUMY. . “et ie va a hie mg. 54 1 73 15 246 Sodiumt. . . Joa ch, mg. 7 4 10 2 33 ZIG ah Cea ee we mg. 0.300 1 0.405 0.085 1.361 COPPELL iv uer.s = 5. mg. 0.190 1 0.256 0.054 0.862 VITAMINS: ; Ascorbicacid? . . . . . . . mg. 20.5 1 27.17 5.8 93.0 Thiamimaie "os 0, Goan, mg. 0.009 1 0.012 0.003 0.041 Riboflavin . . . . . . . .. mg. 0.014 1 0.019 0.004 0.064 Niacin as fee. Oi Me mg. 0.259 1 0.350 0.073 1.175 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. Vitamins“. . . . .. .. mg. 0.007 1 0.009 0.002 0.032 Bolg. te att i ooh mcg 1.1 0.0 6 1.5 0.3 4.9 VitaminByg . '. « «ih 5 meg Vitami RE. 14 1 19 4 64 itamin A . . . . . LL. w. 142 1 192 40 644 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8g AE fh WR g GU, Fre a se g B10. a eae g 10:00. iia we 8 300 g 4:0. S00, te Ch, g 6:0. Li. ie ae 8g 1B:0 5. wis BF g Monounsaturated, total g 16% Gee ie g IB. ns Teas g 20: de ee 8g 22h Cae wed 8 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g B12. vin a ae 8g ASA rh a g 18:4. aT Mis we g 2014 008 CL ne Te ml £ 20S Eis hw ee oe, 2S LE va wd 8. 26. a Z Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . Fd Threonine . ..\. 5 5 4 ve 8g Isoleucine . . . . . . .. . g Leuciners 6. Sd", 0 Gls £ Lysine Lith ee ee g Methionine . . . . . . .. 8 Cystine, 8 +8 vw 4 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 4 Tyrosine. 50 5 .7: ow 8g LN SR 8g Arginine." Jovi wie os os g Histidine: 0). 7. Ter 2 se 2 £ Alpine. LC se ws 8 Asparticacid . . . ou. 2. g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine”, JE, Ww. va % 8g Proline ic." . «0 uals & Serine, lc uaa a oe laite g ! Dashes denote lack of reliable data for a nutrient believed to be present in measurable amount. 2 Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03227 DESSERTS Peach cobbler, junior Page 72 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Me. Standard Number of wor Bk: 1 jar = 220 g 10z=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water gine. Sod a 2 5 81.2 1 178.6 23.0 368.3 _ [keal 67 147 19 304 Food energy kJ. 280 617 79 1,271 Protein (N X 6.20) CHAN Zz: U3 1 0.7 0.1 1.4 Totallipidi(fat) .-, . . . . . g 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 18.3 40.3 5.2 83.1 Fier. ~. 5% Mie ew aE, A ASNT. 2 eee £ 0.2 0.0 5 0.4 0.0 uv.8 MINERALS: Calcium: al i fete Pe mg. 4 1 9 1 19 POR Cas os Baia 4 4 mg. 0.10 1 0.22 0.03 0.45 Magnesium '¢, 0 LL La 8 mg. Phosphorus “%" *. Li, . . mg. 6 } 13 2 26 Potassium". &% cc . . Ws mg. 56 1 123 16 254 SOU 8. Toe soisiin ate mg. 9 6 20 3 40 ZINES 2 cv vain vs WE mg. 0.030 1 0.066 0.009 0.136 Coppehic.. <% +. vis vo mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid® , .., . . . . mg. 20.5 1 45,1 5.8 93.0 Thiamin thhetly ly pa Nati yw mg. 0.010 1 0.022 0.003 0.045 Riboflavin Wed Be) uw al mg. 0.015 3 0.033 0.004 0.068 Nagin 0. ov 0 es mg. 0.259 1 0.570 0.073 1.175 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. ViaminBg . . . . ... . mg. 0.007 1 0.015 0.002 0.032 Folagin®.. .". Li. 0 vw meg 1.3 2.5 0.3 5.1 ViaminBya v . «i. . sis mcg VHA A ade Terie oT ome Re, 14 1 31 4 64 1. 142 1 312 40 644 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . £ BO AFR £ Gili on Vw Arie i 8 8:0 fame Cae g V0:00 5. oF. le a £ 10.0.0 cs 50 £ V:0 rte he Te g 16:0 "26. "5 sire g 80... ne GT Ble 8 Monounsaturated, total £ 16:1 i ra £ 18:0. 20%... . g 200 a. We g in ET a. 2 Polyunsaturated, total . wun 18s we fen £ MBN in ale iw 8g ISH. oy Na 8 Wd. aie g ES, Ten A ee £ RSE, ian a 6 tb g 2290 snr x www s gs Cholesterol. . . . .'. . . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan 5.5. « « + J. £ Tiveonire . 300. 4 wiv 8 Isoleucine, .*. =. lls. . 8 Leucine. 5," Fate o Mtn 8 Lysine SB te i wen 8 Methionine . . a". . + +. 8 Cystine, ss, ov Win & Phenylalanine . . . . . . . £ Tyrosine" «oie wine 8g Valine®!. '. "vic « + oom +n 8g Arginine Src Fuh, LL 4 8 Histidine, .*. «ov 4. ere £ ARNINE .. Jae Te Wises & Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . £ Glycine. . "es wr 57% 0 £ Proline. . . vi eon wis on g Serine”, . wn STR BW & 1 values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. 2 Values calculated from strained peach cobbler. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03228 DESSERTS Peach melba, strained Page 73 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Me Standard Number of an error samples 1jar=135 g 1oz=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Waterss «05%. J. ine Bs he 82.9 0.3 13 111.9 23.5 376.1 Food Sheray. sis + 3 HE dpe fle .% 60 81 17 273 900 anarsy BY us 252 340 71 1,144 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . g Sh 0.2 0.0 13 0.3 0.1 1.1 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 2 von 0.0 0.0 13 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Bo nila 16.5 22.3 4.7 74.9 FOR." oars Gaile x + & pons Ash. tes ae ee a & . 0.3 0.0 13 0.4 0.1 1.5 MINERALS: Calcium. oh ay mg. . . 10 1 13 13 3 43 LE I Ea mg. . . 0.33 0.03 13 0.45 0.09 1.51 Magnesium ©, 5. cL. mg. . . Phosphorus. . .°. . . . . mg. . . Potassium © . . . ..... mg. . . 83 4 13 112 24 377 Sodium . . . ....... mg... 9 1 13 12 2 39 ZINC 2h" oh nw ea nie a me. Copperas. uit vw pe VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid! . . . . . . . mg. . 31.4 1.6 13 42.4 8.9 142.6 Thiamin. . . . ...... mg. . . 0.006 0.000 13 0.008 0.002 0.027 Riboflavin . . . . . . ... mg. .'. 0.036 0.003 13 0.049 0.010 0.163 Niggin . .. ....... mg... 0.343 0.026 13 0.463 0.097 1.556 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . ViaminBe "5. . +. ele mg. .-. Folacin®, . ,'... + » Jibs meg. 1.9 0.5 3 2.6 0.5 8.7 VitaminBys ©. . nv oy meg . . eam RE. . . 18 4 13 25 5 84 Viimios LY 184 39 13 249 52 836 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 5 0, les wes g 60. es ah, g - CE SE g 10:0. ie «oo nie 8 P20. ate v vr vo g 84:0. 2. « ils + 4 ens g 16:0. 7. . ue 8 $0 ly Ly vs g Monounsaturated, total . 8 Y6:0, ec. Cait a 2 IBM, mire eve 2 20:7... are sates g B20 nie, vee aa g Polyunsaturated, total £ B20 ov view 8 8:3... . Vu 8 184... sw 8 20:4... Cnc, Jah we 8g 20:8. one ow well 8 22:5. oe eae g 22:6. oi vf. ite 8s Cholesterol. . . . . . .. . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . g Threonine... .". . « + + g Isoleucine.“ . . .l.'. va 8g feucing "a. c Jie 0 wis g Lysine ier™., ©. lak wie id 8 Methionine . . . . . .. . g Cystine ' 2, yu von iin & Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8g Tyrosine” ." ... «+. SAT. 8 Valine. miei. so wae» 4 8 Arginine, = ty LT 8 Histidine, vio Wile eww & Alanine... «ian 8 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glyeine « coe + viv aia wo 8 Proline . uo ev avy d & Serine’. Loe He ws 8 ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03229 DESSERTS Peach melba, junior Page 74 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 220 g 10z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: . Water She tual ly « anu g 83.0 0.3 13 182.5 23.5 376.4 kcal 60 132 17 272 Foodenergy + - + + + + - - a 251 552 71 1,137 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . i. 0.3 0.0 13 0.6 0.1 1:2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g u.0 0.0 13 v.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 16.4 36.1 4.6 74.4 Fibers 2 ve ev Zi ASHES en, a BE Te g 0.4 0.0 13 0.8 G.d 1.6 MINERALS: Calcium be nt. fo. mg. 11 0 13 23 3 48 OR Sided salen on mg. 0.30 0.02 13 0.66 0.08 1.35 Magnesium -, ., . 0. Lo mg. Phosphorus." & J'ai mg. Potassium ub, a mg. 93 2 13 205 26 423 SOHUM Le vail anid nf is mg. 9 0 13 19 2 39 ZINC Ve. wba © sain AE a mg. CopperoGr. -.v, LY. Leth mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid? . . . . . . . mg. 26.0 2.7 13 57.3 7.4 118.1 Thiamine. *. oi cw ate mg. 0.007 0.000 13 0.015 0.002 0.032 Riboflavin. ci. re ious mg. 0.030 0.001 13 0.066 0.009 0.136 RE RR er mg. 0.272 0.032 13 0.598 0.077 1.234 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg oc... LL mg. Folacin®aliw, oo 5. « ah meg 1.9 4.2 0.5 8.6 viaminBys . . . . . . 4. mcg it RE. 20 4 13 43 6 89 Vinmioai oe. + «div 1. 196 40 13 430 55 888 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total, . . . . . 8 B05 rie vn a be £ 0. one hws £g BIO. 5 ne en g WRO.55 vers ails £ 12:0 ode wn SR g 14:0." . 5 aw ou £ 16:00. . +» Ni sire 4 £ 18:0. = 2 5h «nin £ Monounsaturated, total £ 18: cs Js «wisi x 8g IBM si ft a g 20: si Emi £ ihe lnm a ss £ Polyunsaturated, total £ IB, re £ BS. ee le siomnlie £ 184, ov ve £g 2004... «so vedaes £ 20:8. 5. LL us £ 2 AE EE UM | 2 2206. hie wr aw Fw £5. Cholesterol ic. +o. 'n 4 4 » mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . .. mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophah 25... oi o ox 8g Threonine . ... + i wv.» 3 8g Isoleucine: ..o.5. 4 wo 2. ew £ Leucine, oc % whee ® g Lysiive's, . hi wae 4 Methionine =. . . . « £ Cystine o 0" Jw daw 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 TYroRine "4. ania eee 4 Valine" is. + « « © 5x lew 2 ALGInING: i «vs wv won 8g Histidine..". ... . Jia ue £ Alafline: on a Ld 4 £ Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 Glutamic acid. . . . . . . . & Glycine. . .". « vo vs 3 £ Proline. . . «wba wus n g SHINE © uv dh ae & ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. 2 Values calculated from strained peach melba. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03230 DESSERTS Pineapple orange, strained Page 75 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Me Standard Number of an error samples 1 jar = 128 g 1 0z = 28.35 q A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Watert, . wer rT. La. gi 80.5 0.2 13 103.0 22.8 365.0 a) | keal 70 89 20 316 Food energy. « «ei, sithis - kJ 292 373 83 1,323 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . gZ 0.2 0.0 13 0.3 0.1 1.1 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . % 0.0 0.0 13 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 19.1 24.4 5.4 86.5 Fler yo 20 idl 5 as 2x Ash 00 en oh 8 0.2 0.0 13 0.3 0.1 0.9 MINERALS: Calcium . 0 ony Whe hs mg. 11 1 9 14 3 50 ron” fos 5.00 4 a mg. 0.18 0.02 9 0.23 0.05 0.80 Magnesiam'*., ', . . 54 mg. 4 1 5 1 18 Phosphorus .% .'. . .. . mg. 4 1 5 1 18 Potassium. «+ WF... . mg. 47 14 61 13 214 SOdIUME. Ca in, mg. 10 14 13 3 46 NETH NTF A own mg. Copper. 0. + oie hin mg. 0.020 1 0.026 0.006 0.091 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid® Re... mg. 14.3 1.0 6 18.3 4.1 64.9 Thiamin.’ . . . .%. .".% mg. 0.Ul5 0.001 10 0.019 0.004 0.068 Riboflavin . . . . ..... mg. 0.022 0.003 10 0.028 0.006 0.100 Nein use sn mg. 0.047 0.001 8 0.060 0.013 0.213 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg “. & . 7 es mg. Bolacinn8 0.0, 0.5 Le, mcg 2.6 0.3 3 3.3 0.7 11.6 VitaminBym 6, CL mcg Sans RE. 6 7 7 2 26 Vitamin A . . . “Ag. 57 7 73 16 257 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total... . 8 B20 LT Ls £ G10, oe Seale sate g B10 uk. ae a es 8 NOOB den Bs 4d £ 12:00 4 aL g M0 vi fi ae g 6:00 8.80, 8g 18:0... 5%. ha. g Monounsaturated, total . g 16°, EL 2 TBI "lilt, ote BG g 200 eR so 8 220. Teas g Polyunsaturated, total 8g 18: «ima he 8 PRB «hr a een £ 184. ie A a 8 20:4, . Ba ee £ 20:5. LL a £ 225. ST ee a a £ 226.00 es gy Cholesterol . . . . . . . . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . «8. .. . . £ Threonine . . . . . . . .. g Isoleucine . . oh LoL. Lo. 8 Leucine, . . . Jala - 5 g Lysine . . .. . V4 oon 8 Methionine . . . ..... g Cysting®s’. veh x5 2 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine. «5 «0 ov 4a 2 Valine. . . oe ans a a 8 Arginine, . "vi 2 oT nails g Histidinee. =» 5, « «« »% «5 & ABNINEL. "oon ae 8 Asparticacid .. » .", . . .. 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glyeine ." . "foal a a 8 Proline. ‘v.' & vw wpa & Serine “BL he eo £ ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03231 DESSERTS Pineapple pudding, strained Page 76 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Nutrients and units Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased i Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: lean rro m ii “me jar = 128 g 10z=28.35g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water 8. 0 Er vo 77.6 1.3 17 99.3 22.0 352.0 kcal 81 104 23 369 Foodenergy + + + +» = +» + wa 340 436 97 1,544 Protein (N X 6.20) . . . . . es 1.3 0.0 17 1.6 0.4 5.7 Total lipid (fat)... . . . . . gn 0.3 0.1 17 0.4 0.1 1.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Zheis 20.3 26.0 5.8 92.0 Fibert, Tl. iy 2 0.7 0.9 0.2 3.2 AS oe ATA 0.5 0.0 16 0.7 0.1 2.4 MINERALS: Caleium". . 2h 0h ives « mg. 31 4 16 40 9 141 TE RR oy a 0.18 0.02 16 0.23 0.05 0.81 Magnesium 00,00 tle me. a. 9 1 11 2 39 PhOSPhOrUS: «oi. Si te . mg. . . 31 1 39 9 139 Potassium™. ". 5.0. LT. me... 81 14 104 23 369 Sodiam”. 00 BT LL LT me. 19 1 15 24 5 84 TIN gh ee ee mg... 0.200 1 0.256 0.057 0.907 ICODPBE Soci , + nists mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid? . . . . . . . mg. . . 27.2 0.9 16 34.8 747 123.4 Thigmin oles 2. Lou. Faia mg. is 0.038 0.008 16 0.049 0.011 0.172 Riboflavin. 55: . . he vis mg. . . 0.046 0.003 16 0.059 0.013 0.209 NRG hh mie WE Xie 0.107 0.002 16 0.137 0.030 0.485 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. . . VitaminBg <. . . ... . .. mg. . . 0.040 0.003 3 0.051 0.011 0.181 Polen ie". vo TW 4 meg. 5.2 0.2 3 6.7 1.5 23.6 VitaminBy2 « « ... +. «+0 meg... 0.059 1 0.076 0.017 0.268 tami RE. . . 4 1 16 5 1 18 Vitamin A . . . . . . ... {xe. at 40 13 16 52 11 183 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 0. re a. 4 wi g 8:0. tw ene 8 $10 conn ul Pen g 00. le ws £ BRO. Be ae g B00 as £ 16:00 v0 i en g IB:0.%. sv oak « £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g TO ln why wv wen” 4 8g IBY Se. a ws 8 20:0 aE ies £ WL aD ha £ Polyunsaturated, total . . . g a te «he ay 8 IB ne cE. £ IB. is hn os £ 20: ve wh 8g 20:5.8.5, . .. 0 2 2s a es £ 22:8. Te ale es Ha ee Cholesterol... . . . «.. ss mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . ME AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan. .. vi. . . « gs Threonine vv .. «.+ « + + » ge vw Isoleucine . . .'. oo... g LOUCINeY.. , ". tinier + + Seva & LYSINE. vo lle ee 2 Methionine. , . . . . . .. & CYStING “iy o™ ue ova Ww 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 2 Tyrosine c. . «bw ude aii £ Valinex'vie « vivt bin 5 woe g Arginine Edad oni 0 & 5h ai Histidine, 0.0000, en 8". Alanine’, iL. LNW Le 8 Asparticacids .. ou oo. 8 Glutamicacid. , . . . . . . g Glycine .. . . vue + + x g Proline,” wc te iat & Serine" t." ue + in aha ab & ! Values calculated from junior pineapple pudding. 2 Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03233 DESSERTS Pineapple pudding, junior Page 77 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 " Standard Number of on mor Bpkes 1 jar = 220 g 10z=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water’. . han 20h ok 2. 76.1 1 167.4 21.6 345.2 kcal 87 192 25 396 Foodenergy ix: “re fv.» kJ 365 803 103 1,655 Protein (NX 6.20) . . . . . 2 1.4 0.0 3 3.1 0.4 6.4 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.4 0.0 3 0.9 0.1 1,8 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 21.6 47.4 6.1 97.8 Fibers. SU. so Late 25 0.8 0.2 3 1.7 0.2 3.4 ET ie . 0.5 0.0 3 1.2 0.2 2.4 MINERALS: Caleiom Loe a mg. 34 4 4 75 10 155 RONBLSE, "ital in ine x mg. 0.19 0.02 4 0.41 0.05 0.84 Magnesium , . , . .... mg. 9 1 20 3 40 Phosphorus: 0, : . ous mg. 30 1 67 9 137 Potassium. + u's . 4 4. mg. 90 l 198 26 408 Sodium. ti inl le mg. 22 1 48 6 98 Zing: iain ATL Lada mg. 0.190 1 0.418 0.054 0.862 COpPRr rs vn ve ws mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid® . ooo. mg. 26.7 1.1 4 58.7 7.6 121.1 Thiamin. «fie oh oa mg. 0.042 0.007 4 0.092 0.012 0.191 RIBOHAVIN... &Fs a o 4s wgars mg. 0.048 0.003 4 0.106 0.014 0.218 INREIRE A a aie % «arin mg. 0.123 0.006 4 0.271 0.035 0.558 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg -. . . . .'. 0 mg. 0.040 0.002 4 0.088 0.011 0.181 FolsoinZ™, . . . . hoa meg 5.6 12.2 1.6 25.2 VitaminByp . . . . . . .. meg 0.064 1 0.141 0.018 0.290 eas i RE. 4 1 4 8 l 17 Vitamin A . . «+. . . +... ww. 37 15 4 80 10 166 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g AXON. CL ee 0 aR £g 6:05 0h Ri a af g BOL Le es g 10:0... = i. os g B20 oe ke g 14:0. ns a g 16:00, Lovin a Liisa 8 8:0, ict. hts g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16:1. nl NL g IB der™ ae sa 8 OCU aE, Le 8g 92:Y as deta i ike 8g Polyunsaturated, total a O80. alin 44 in 8g mI, RY g Id... ae g 20:4. . . one wei g 20:5: oa g BES ee Ly ea g 6° LL ERL e . g Cholesterol . +-... . . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan: . =... Ji. 8g Threomine... “..". . : vi..4 4 g Isoleucine , "oo aE ays g Leucinens Din fe wb & Lysing.s" "158 oo, Lal 8g Methionine=. . ..0. wc v « £ Cystine™ ly 8% Lh ee g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8g [Tyrosine 5. vv & 4 g Valine: . . . RM. 8 Arginine. oC. Lad ce g Histidines .. . 2.0 cy WR. g Alanine. to . LT 0 & Asparticacid™. ... +... . . 8 Glutamic acid. . . . . . . . g Glycine 5. Wh aly g Proline, ov... SL ae 8 Serine t. ies ach vik 8 ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. 2 Values calculated from strained pineapple pudding. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03234 DESSERTS Tropical fruit, junior Page 78 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0) Mean Standard Number of rror sam, ig Pe 1 jar=220g 10z = 28.35 g A B Cc E F G PROXIMATE: Waterttn,, iL ila ai 83.2 0.3 13 183.1 23.6 377.5 Reali & 60 131 17 271 Foodenergy = « + + + + + - { kJ 250 550 71 1,134 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . 8 0.2 0.0 13 0.4 0.1 9.9 Total ipid{fat) « . . . . «0 g 0.0 0.0 13 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . £ 16.4 36.1 4.7 74.5 Fiber... a etels sem ‘ Ash LL ae nn Fh : 0.2 0.0 13 0.4 0.0 0.8 MINERALS: Clem," on LE ak me. . . 10 1 13 22 3 44 MOR EE ee Trine mg. . . 0.26 0.04 13 0.57 0.07 1.17 Masrasiumy,. 950 RoR mg... Phosphorus i. "oats « + + ia meh. Potassium os See n'y Mes oo 58 2 13 128 17 265 Sodium, WBS. LS mg. . . 7 1 i3 16 2 33 Zing ab Wn mg. . CoppBr sole Bann sles x mg... . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid? . . . . . . . mg. 18.8 2.9 13 41.3 5,3 85.2 THIN, Ca tre 2 no mg. . . 0.011 0.001 13 0.024 0.003 0.050 Riboflavin’ .* 28 . «7d ws ng. 0.031 0.004 13 0.068 0.009 0.141 INTagin® aha aie Ly mg. . . 0.080 0.003 13 0.176 0.023 0.363 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. i. VirminBg....", Ln Le JE, mg. i, Folagin..%.. "ie + 5% + + meg . ViaminBia ©. 0 a meg. LT ola rE: 2 0 13 4 1 9 aR AL tu Ww. . 20 2 13 43 6 28 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . £ WO, i A 4 6:0", LL A g 810.2 when J, NN £ HOT 5h a g 1220... vi ates g TQ. J wivis 5 nis £ 16:0. . Ba. ii g 18:0. 5 es JT 8 Monounsaturated, total . g Bow? be vn bs £ Wik = nein ns g 20:06. Bie Le ea £g Rs we £ Polyunsaturated, total g Ww Eh uy £ WBE Te LES £ NB ne vk g 0:4, oa a z2 2085. Thy rede £ AS, 2 ais ea £ 208, Emr ata he zg Cholesterol 5... .. 5 Ww." 7, mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . 70 a «vi. 8 Threonine”. . . . 5 Wt 2 Isoleucine . . ous uf 1 tals o g Levene, 0... oy wes & bysinesiiLas®, ight. £ Methionine . . . . . . . . & Cystine, 5. yo Sn 2h ah £ Phenylalanine . . . J... 8 Tyrosingos,. 8. . 00 £ Valine 8.8." % + «ania £ Arginine ol. 0, WS g Histidine... *. . 2 Si. & Alanine, five. i. eh 8 Asparticacidi.' . iL... . Jp g Glutamicacid. . . . . ... . 8 Glycine" .- 0% 0h. | © ar g Proline, ~. .. Loh, oo 9 £ Serine i. oe ile dn x & ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03238 DESSERTS Vanilla custard pudding, strained Page 79 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 1 oz = 28.35 g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. .. 58, 5 0 g 79.9 0.1 19 102.2 22.6 362.3 kcal 85 109 24 387 Foodenergys.- = + + +» «+ I. 357 457 101 1,620 Protein (NX 6.33). . . . | L 1.6 14 2.0 0.4 7.2 Total lipid {faty . . . .. . . g 2.0 0.2 16 2.5 0.6 8.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 16.1 20.6 4.6 73.0 Fiber =... . . +5 ee gn AiR: LL 2 0.5 0.0 37 0.7 0.1 2.3 MINERALS: CUCIUAIE ox oi se Bie mg. 55 1 36 71 16 250 ORG ES i Aer Te a mg. 0.24 0.01 36 0.31 0.07 1.08 Magnesium , . . . . . . . mg. 5 2 7 2 25 Phosphorus: . . . 5. . . ... mg. 45 2 57 13 203 Potassium" = 00, Lo. mg. 66 15 85 19 300 Sodium”. 25), Lin mg. 28 15 36 8 128 ZINE. Bray en mg. 0.280 1 0.358 0.079 1.270 Copper #5, , , ele mg. 0.050 1 0.064 0.014 0.227 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. .. . .'. . . mg. 0.8 0.0 33 1.0 0.2 3.7 Thiamin’ ito oot v0 ou mg. 0.012 0.000 36 0.015 0.003 0.054 Riboflavin: 5 Sb. alae mg. 0.080 0.005 36 0.102 0.023 0.363 Niacin "La PE LL .0, mg. 0.040 11 0.051 0.011 0.181 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. 0.250 0.010 4 0.320 0.071 1.134 VitaminBg . . . . .. .. mg. 0.020 0.001 18 0.026 0.006 0.091 Rolacinl"V'e vu viv as mcg 6.0 0.2 3 1:7 1.7 27.4 viaminBys.. . . . ... mcg ras RE. 6 7 8 2 29 MiBmin el) « ons w. 64 7 82 18 291 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 1.01 0.00 2 1.29 0.29 4.59 0 ry ee ed £ 0.05 0.00 2 0.06 0.01 0.22 600 ee wn a 8 0.02 2 0.02 0.00 0.07 BI0L uu i wes g 0.01 0.00 2 0.02 0.00 0.06 BOO, «vies he 8 0.03 0.00 2 0.04 0.01 0.14 120. ........ 8 0.04 0.00 2 0.05 0.01 0.16 0, Lees dan 8 0.11 0.00 2 0.15 0.03 0.52 16:00 2 nis oe Pile gt 0.26 0.26 2 0.34 0.07 1.19 180. ........ 8 0.19 0.00 2 0.24 0.05 0.85 Monounsaturated, total g 0.68 0.01 2 0.87 0.19 3.08 ISL Ca, Ls g 0.05 0.00 2 0.06 0.01 0.20 R800 JA ey 8 0.62 0 01 2 0.79 0.18 2.81 BO: YR lr ee g 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 BV saute win ues g Polyunsaturated, total g 0.08 0.08 2 0.10 0.02 0.37 18:2, ... LL. 8 0.13 0.00 2 0.17 0.04 0.60 3.00. 8g 0.01 0.00 2 0.01 0.00 0.05 18:4, nel La, £ 4 es 8g 0.02 0.00 2 0.02 0.00 0.08 20i8, A yw 8 Ee oN ee g R26. is ieee g - Cholesterol "0... . . fk. mg. Phytosterols °." . .. . ... : mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan. ... . '. . + + & g Threonine a eo a a 8 0.059 0.076 0.017 0.268 Isoleucine... J «dlp + vn g 0.075 0.096 0.021 0.340 Leucine. . . . ...... 8 0.059 0.076 0.017 0.268 Lysine SR SR A 8 0.114 0.146 0.032 0.517 Methionine: , . . . . . . 8 0.046 0.059 0.013 0.209 Cystine i. 5. 008 «a g Phenylalanine eh ny 2 0.073 0.093 0.021 0.331 Tyrosine, oo ies 20 wi £ 0.059 0.076 0.017 0.268 Valine ®ve. hv ore mle £ 0.088 0.113 0.025 0.399 Arginine TREJRET > 0 vx eRe £ 0.062 0.079 0.018 0.281 Histidine ee wee & 0.041 0.052 0.012 0.186 Alanine 80 Dee ev ea & 0.050 0.064 0.014 0.227 Aspartic acid hs Ny Gop A 2 0.130 0.166 0.037 0.590 Glutamic acid Waieits ew wel 8 0.291 0.372 0.082 1.320 Glycine . . . . ...... 8 0.033 0.042 0.009 0.150 Proline Bde Er ake ow ane 8 0.098 0.125 0.028 0.445 Serine . . . ....... 8 0.082 0.105 0.023 0.372 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03245 DESSERTS Vanilla custard pudding, junior Page 80 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Approximate measure and weight Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Refuse: 0 Maan Standard Number of ornot Bibles 1 jar = 220 g loz=2835g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, 70." oo 2 79.4 14 174.7 22.5 360.1 kcal 89 196 25 403 Foodenergy «=.» x «on 3 iy J, 372 818 105 1,687 Protein (NX 6.33). . . . . gr 1.6 14 3.5 0.5 7.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 2.3 14 5.0 0.7 10.4 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 16.2 35.7 4.6 73.6 Fiber, ©. Saar en 8£ Ashita g 0.5 0.0 37 1.1 0.1 2.3 MINERALS: Calelumy “0 a mg. 56 1 33 123 16 254 iron Cont WNL EON, a mg. 0.26 0.01 32 0.57 0.07 1.18 Magnesium . . . . . . . . mg. 5 1 11 1 23 Phosphorus = aod FL Le mg. 45 1 99 13 205 Potassium, 4. 0. CL mg. 62 14 136 17 280 Sodium Jar. wo wie mg. 29 14 64 8 131 Zinc» nlideh L000 Se mg. 0.276 2 0.607 0.078 1.252 ConparY. Fn, Rs mg. 0.051 0.112 0.014 0.231 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . .'. . mg. 0.8 32 1.8 0.2 3.6 Thiamine so Me Loy mg. 0.012 0.000 33 0.026 0.003 0.054 Riboflavin: So 5, LL, mg. 0.079 0.005 33 0.174 0.022 0.358 Nigeimess"6 LCL SL mg. 0.043 9 0.095 0.012 0.195 Pantothenic acid} . . . . . . mg. 0.255 0.561 0.072 1.157 VitaminBg 5. Lois mg. 0.019 0.001 19 0.042 0.005 0.086 Bolseiphis rt... 2, meg 6.2 13.6 1.8 28.0 ViaminBys oi los ae mcg ai RE. 4 7 8 1 16 ViaminA «+c 5 2 vo oun Ww. 36 7 79 10 164 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . zg. 1.18 0.01 2 2.60 0.34 5.36 A205 yy £ 0.06 0.00 2 0.13 0.02 0.26 604 sts aint oT g 0.02 2 0.04 0.01 0.08 1 REN a g 0.02 0.00 2 0.03 0.00 v.07 10:0.70 Lar. Le Ll g 0.04 0.00 2 0.08 0.01 0.16 120, .. . 800; 8 0.04 0.00 2 0.09 0.01 0.20 MB. Ge ae g 0.13 0.00 2 0.29 0.04 0.61 18:10. vhs "0 0 , & 0.31 0.30 2 0.68 0.09 1.39 18106 0 el ay £ 0.22 0.00 2 0.48 0.06 0.99 Monounsaturated, total 8 0.79 0.01 2 1.74 0.22 3.60 16:1, 0 en LT g 0.05 0.00 2 0.12 0.02 0.24 180 as rs 8 0.72 0.01 2 1.59 0.21 3.28 + 7 JEN EN 2 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 I ely Sw vw in g Polyunsaturated, total & 0.09 0.09 2 0.21 0.03 0.43 18: Deela wh ts 8 0.16 0.00 2 0.34 0.04 0.70 183 ev NA A 8 0.01 0.00 2 0.03 0.00 0.05 on NE EE I 8g 205 ee. 8 0.02 0.00 2 0.04 0.01 0.09 20:8. oil Ne le g 2 tes ha £ 22:68. ce. . g Cholesterol’ =. ©, (vcs + + mg. Phytosterols .... ...'. . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . 8 Threonine . . . . . . . .. 8 0.059 0.130 0.017 0.268 Isoleucine ae wy eae al g 0.076 0.167 0.022 0.345 Leucine: ex Cr Ee ay 8g 0.059 0.130 0.017 0.268 Lysine Shia at 8 0.114 0.251 0.032 0.517 Methionine ow Da ain vet & 0.046 0.101 0.013 0.209 1 a RY a = & Phenylalanine Pei AIS ui 8 0.074 0.163 0.021 0.336 Tyrosine . . . ...... 8 0.059 0.130 0.017 0.268 Valine pairs a Ya wn & 0.089 0.196 0.025 0.404 Arginine... ale ce 8 0.063 0.139 0.018 0.286 Histiling, | ooo ose oui & 0.041 0.090 0.012 0.186 Manine ial oie el 8 0.051 0.112 0.014 0.231 Aspartic acid fife. et Ge wg & 0.131 0.288 0.037 0.594 Glutamic acid i Te RN 8 0.293 0.645 0.083 1.329 Glycine . ... . ...... 8 0.033 0.073 0.009 0.150 Proline. . . ......... 8 0.099 0.218 0.028 0.449 SONIng ils oes ne wa 8 0.083 0.183 0.024 0.376 ! Values calculated from strained vanilla custard pudding. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03246 DINNERS Beef and egg noodles, strained Page 81 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Approximate measure and weight Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, "hae. Lr 2 8 Lae 88.6 0.2 44 113.4 25.1 401.8 kcal 53 68 15 242 Food energy «= - + + + - « - Fi 223 286 63 1,012 Protein (NX 5.98) . . . . . Fd 2.3 0.1 27 2.9 0.6 10.3 Total lipid (fat). . = .. . . 2. 1.7 0.1 30 2.2 0.5 7.8 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 7.0 9.0 2.0 31.8 BIORE oo. te ee ahi Zz . 0.3 0.0 10 0.4 0.1 1.4 ASE et ait Fee 8 0.4 0.0 36 0.5 0.1 1.9 MINERALS: Caleum. "0. . . 0, ne. . 9 0 35 12 3 41 | Ry BL mg. . . 0.41 0.02 37 0.53 0.12 1.88 Magnesium , , . |. mg. . . 7 1 9 2 32 Phosphorus “." © ,..v. . + 4 mg. 29 1 37 8 132 Potassium <0 cle a mg. 47 1 13 61 13 215 Sodiumice in. oi 2. ade mg. 29 18 37 8 132 Zing eh ooh ead mg 0.375 2 0.480 0.106 1.701 Copper”. . . . Hi... mg 0.030 1 0.038 0.009 0.136 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . 1.2 0.1 30 1.5 0.3 5.4 Thiamin... .... , . . . LL meg . . Bel 1.0 18 6.5 1.4 23.2 VitaminByg . . . . . . .. mcg 0.090 1 0.115 0.026 0.408 El RE. 110 141 n 500 Vinmin Aes, gir +R w. 823 26 1,053 233 3,732 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 30 Vai. nal g 610 ten x ma g 8:0 7, 0 A g ¥0:00, own at, g A200 Er Th g B40, on a es g 16:00. Fle. 8 1:0. vf g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 46:1. 0. hy al. 8g IB, 5 ve we 8g RN. ant ev £ BVT Dak g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 8:2. va ees Fd IRB. LN £ I, dc ad g 20:4, ne g 20:8. Lu Ja ter £ 22:8. vw od g BEG Baw ae g WY Cholesterol. . . . . . . . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . ... mg... AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan Bie 5 Ct ae fo 0.025 0.032 0.007 0.113 Threonine . . . . . . ... gr xis 0.089 0.114 0.025 0.404 Isoleucine . . . . . . . . . g 0.124 0.159 0.035 0.562 Leucine, . + ov ih ny 8 0.186 0.238 0.053 0.844 Lysine [ov van wee g 0.166 0.212 0.047 0.753 Methionine . . . . . . .. 8 0.047 0.060 0.013 0.213 Cystine..." , . , . 5s g 0.026 0.033 0.007 0.118 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g 0.105 0.134 0.030 0.476 Tyrosine rw wdieiten ody 8 0.083 0.106 0.024 0.376 Valine TR ta ire nie g 0.118 0.151 0.033 0.535 Arginine... LL LLL g& . .. 0.141 0.180 0.040 0.640 Histidine reid a en Bows 0.066 0.084 0.019 0.299 Alanine . . . . Lo... 8 0.134 0.172 0.038 0.608 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 0.197 0.252 0.056 0.894 Glutamic acid CR £ 0.464 0.594 0.132 2.105 Glycine Mette Sl wine 8 0.137 0.175 0.039 0.621 Proline ais 3 vies 3 wi 8 0.167 0.214 0.047 0.758 Serife an Cat oie a g 0.088 6.113 0.025 0.399 ! Values calculated from junior beef and egg noodles. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03047 DINNERS Beef and egg noodles, junior Page 82 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standord Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 213 g 1 oz = 28.35 ¢g A B Cc E F G PROXIMATE: Water A000. a 8 87.8 0.2 21 186.9 24.9 ig kcal 57 122 16 Food energy «= = + - + - - - { kJ. 240 511 68 1,087 Protein (NX. 5.98) . . .. g . .. 2.5 0.0 22 5.4 0.7 11.6 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g le. 1.9 0.1 23 4.0 0.5 30s Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 2.5 ak 7.4 15.7 2.1 3.4 Biber’, feel 3. 0 wd & Anti 0.2 0.0 5 0.4 0.1 . Ash, JERE, SR a 8 0.5 0.0 21 1.0 0.1 2.1 MINERALS: Calcium, FS yo sa mg... 5. 8 0 22 18 2 37 7 ce EET RK mea 0.43 0.02 23 0.92 0.12 1.9 Magnesium?'. . . . . . .. mg. . . 7 16 2 34 Phosphorus... .. . .. ... . mg... 30 1 64 9 136 Potassium’ , «i wld ee me. 46 2 i 2 13 2} Sodium. LT Ll m, 1 Tee eee fe 10.401 0.854 0.114 1.819 CopperYante ons i. i mg 0.032 0.068 0.009 0.145 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid, 5... . 0 swt mg 1.4 0.1 19 2.9 0.4 6.2 Phiamin Za. dla mg 0.028 0.001 18 0.060 0.008 0.127 RIBOFRYIN. + =" x ia bt mg. 0.036 0.001 19 0.077 0.010 0.163 Nizgin Boer vv wi ake mg. 0.582 0.018 18 1.240 0.165 2.640 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg... 0.230 0.025 4 0.490 0.065 1.043 Vitamin Bg ©. oc Be "gy... 0.031 0.002 6 0.066 0.009 0.141 Folaeint, 0, oi meg. . 5.5 11.7 1.6 24.8 Vitamin By... . meg . . 0.096 0.204 0.027 0.435 pos he RE. 88 187 25 399 Vimo ange tat siti {ie 656 38 18 1,397 186 2,976 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8g BO ie AR 8 B05. vy Bas g $00, oe 8g 0 vee . Js g 30 tw £ M0. ei g V6:0.00. 0 & Wt wy 2 IB, al Foil ov Siw a 8 Monounsaturated, total 8g 16) ae a 8 IVs a les £ 20:0, Lh See £ Bhi Ah aly £ Polyunsaturated, total whi 8 8:2 5 8 IBS lees or a aT £ 184. 0 ree g 2004 Rt sv vans £ 20:55. Ss Le 2 vc le) SN RR £2 RAG iu aw 2k. . Cholesterol. .......:f = iw me. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . me. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan =. +. 0. a 0.027 0.058 0.008 0.122 Threonine. >. . ... + + . 3 g 0.099 0.211 0.028 0.449 Isoleucine. . + 0." 2 g 0.138 0.294 0.039 0.626 Leveiner: co oul ads 8 0.208 0.443 0.059 0.943 Lysine gevedie yw Son» 3 8 0.185 0.394 0.052 0.839 Methionine.c...™, + v . ui» 8 0.053 0.113 0.015 0.240 Cystine . . . . ...... & 0.029 0.062 0.008 0.132 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g 0.117 0.249 0.033 0.531 Tyrosine . . . ...... 8 0.093 0.198 0.026 0.422 Valine . . ........ 8 0.132 0.281 0.037 0.599 Arginine. . . . . . . ... Eg 0.157 0.334 0.045 0.712 Histidine, . 5. oA, & elimi 0.074 0.158 0.021 0.336 Alanine... ....... & 0.149 0.317 0.042 0.676 Asparticacid .'.. . + «ov 8 0.220 0.469 0.062 0.998 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . 8 0.517 1.101 0.147 2.345 Slycinec, «ole => ls in s 0.153 0.326 0.043 0.694 Proline . . . . ...... & 0.186 0.396 0.053 0.844 BOING; svrie yee us £ 0.098 0.209 0.028 0.445 ! Values calculated from strained beef and egg noodles. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03287 DINNERS Page 83 Beef and rice, toddler 3 i : Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of 3 : Amount in 100 grams, edible:portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units = : Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: Mean error samples 1jar=177g 1 o0z = 28.35 g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: War, + Pa ei a ali gd] 81.9 1.0 7 144.9 23.2 371.4 keal! 82 146 23 373 Food energy «= - - - - - - - nd . 345 610 98 1,563 Protein (NX 6.14). . . . . wd 5.0 0.2 3 8.9 1.4 22.8 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 2 2.9 0.2 4 5.1 0.8 13.2 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . FRE 8.8 15.5 2.5 39.7 Fiberad fe hs nev a: ain Bho oi 0.3 0.1 3 0.5 0.1 1.3 a de ES To 1.4 0.0 3 2.6 0.4 6.6 MINERALS: Calcium. SE. 0 oh mg. . . 1} 1 3 20 3 50 HORE. bate oo SE, mg. ... 0.69 0.01 3 1.23 0.20 3.14 Magnesium . , . . . . . . my. 8 1 15 2 38 Phosphorus. ... . .". .. me... 35 1 62 10 158 Potassium: =5.5, .°. Lo. Wes 120 1 212 34 544 Sodiume. 0. Lia mg... 357 1 632 101 1,619 INCE he he hee mg: vie 0.917 0.013 S 1.623 0.260 4.160 Copper i. 2 iis 5 rs mgs oh 0.054 0.004 3 0.096 0.015 0.245 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid.. .... . . . . mg hv. 3.9 0.5 9 6.8 1.1 17.5 Thiamin, o. - . . wne. mg. 0.016 0.001 6 0.028 0.005 0.073 Riboflavin, . : ni. . Wie + mg. . . 0.069 0.002 3 0.122 0.020 0.313 Biacind iui oFs « Jl us mg... 1.343 0.018 3 2.377 0.381 6.092 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg... VitaminBg rf aR, mg. 0.139 0.022 3 0.246 0.039 0.631 Folacintl, 5 rom, LE meg . VieminBya u%, no. meg . Vitamin A . . . . LL. JRE. "i Wp. 502 100 3 889 142 2,277 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g OR ae Le, g 00. = it £ Bis herd wad g 10:0. ees Sl g 120.5. es gry g N40 SC aes g 16:00, inh Sa £ I8:0.0. 5c . voi £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g PO a a ern 8g 8: eles, 0.2 8 0: Sh wl. ene 8g Rs ea a Fd Polyunsaturated, total ae 8 A820 ae 8 18:3. . « Ah. a. g 18:4 ov, Ba E5 8g 20g. et g 08k. Le ae 8g 2B a ye g AWB pots ah en 2s Cholesterol! ©... . i... mg... Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan Cee eee & ny 0.046 0.081 0.013 0.209 Threonine iE ES JE i 0.200 0.354 0.057 0.907 Isoleucine . . . . ..... Baia 0.245 0.434 0.069 1.111 Leucine, , . . ...... AR 0.392 0.694 0.111 1.778 Lysine 0... .%..% ,.. ge 0.376 0.666 0.107 1.706 Methionine . . . . . . .. Ze, 0.123 0.218 0.035 0.558 Cystine (eh 0, Ly ai g x 0.054 0.096 0.015 0.245 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g& . . 0.197 0.349 0.056 0.894 Tyrosine . . . . ..... 8h rid 0.161 0.285 0.046 0.730 Naiing Js gn La eer 0.275 0.487 0.078 1.247 Arginine ble ee SP aie Ewe 0.338 0.598 0.096 1.533 Histidine. . . . . . . . .. 8. Le 0.128 0.227 0.036 0.581 Alanine io are ee v sie A 0.339 0.600 0.096 1.538 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . g 1% 0.464 0.821 0.132 2.105 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . gat 0.870 1.540 0.247 3.946 Glycine fae Tn a We alee £0 at 0.364 0.644 0.103 1.651 Proline Ge ian ak ww ae gu 0.306 0.542 0.087 1.388 Serine . ......... Bl 0.179 0.317 0.051 0.812 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03049 DINNERS Page 84 Beef lasagna, toddler : 5 + Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutrients and units Amount in 100 gram, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1jar=177 g 10z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: 0 al ar 82.3 0.3 3 145.7 23.3 373.3 eal 77 137 22 350 Food energy + + + + + + + - kJ 2 323 572 92 1,465 Protein (NX 5.98) . . . . . 2h 4.2 0.3 3 7.4 1.2 15.9 Toul lipid {fat} » - . . . . . Se jel 0.1 3 138 3.5 a HG SEE BO 0.2 0.0 ; 0.4 0.1 8.8 Ash OE eS Life g 1.4 0.1 3 2.4 0.4 6.2 MINERALS: ig 10 lle a La mz... 18 0 3 32 5 83 Eh SORE mg. . . 0.87 0.02 3 1.55 0.25 3.96 Magnesium . . . . . . . . mg. . . 11 1 20 3 51 PhospROIUS "vi 4 + 5% vs mgd. 40 1 70 11 180 Potassium RE LL Ln, mg. . . 122 1 216 35 553 Sodium. ah a ee mg 454 1 804 129 2,059 ZING Seep eis ails eo ale ng. 0.700 1 1.239 0.198 3.1715 COPPRE “i, oi nevin A «a mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . 1.9 0.2 3 3.4 0.5 8.8 THRMIN. «io. mg. . . 0.072 0.010 3 0.127 0.020 0.327 RIBOPYIR + vulva als mg. . . 0.089 0.008 3 0.158 0.025 0.404 IT OI i mg 1.353 0.050 3 2.395 0.384 6.137 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. ViaminBg . . . ..... me: oe 0.071 0.001 3 0.126 0.020 0.322 FOIE,» «fei « vain meg . . ViaminByn . iv « Who mcg VIBminA » isle ow wv we Re. : : 1,163 227 3 2,058 330 5,274 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 Ber ale atk g LE g 80. 0 Nile vue 8 10:0... + vv 00 g 12:0.:0. ov vm g M0. . a os vn g 16:0... 4 5 «0 von g 18:0, ooo a g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 167... J TE F 4 IBV. vo si wos £ 20:15 oni ede bn g RT a, Lal £ Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IB: i ae wee 8 IBZ o vw nleioie F 4 NB, det in vite g 20:4, a a 8 20:8. 0. aT £ R228. eh ea a g B06. nn via wie va Be Cholesterol , . . . .. .. mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. + AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . Zoo 0.047 0.083 0.013 0.213 Threonine . . . . . . . .. E Zals 0.163 0.289 0.046 0.739 Isoleucine . . . . . . ... g iS 0.206 0.365 0.058 0.934 Ledeiner, ©. "0. vie va gi.% 0.324 0.573 0.092 1.470 Lysine Fait, cw ( 0.297 0.526 0.084 1.347 Methionine . . . . . . . . Ets 0.082 0.145 0.023 0.372 Cystine, 5 «5. ves & nis 0.048 0.085 0.014 0.218 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . gv 0.182 0.322 0.052 0.826 Tyrosine =. . =. . ons + 8 0.132 0.234 0.037 0.599 Valine". ches ZN 0.231 0.409 0.065 1.048 Arginine, . . . ...... & "ee 0.253 0.448 0.072 1.148 Histidine." . . . + «0 son gv a 0.102 0.181 0.029 0.463 AlRRINe Sos «uw hs g. ot 0.265 0.469 0.075 1.202 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 2a. 0.353 0.625 0.100 1.601 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . gn 0.889 1.574 0.252 4,033 Glycine ®™. 2.0. w+ vs gah 0.279 0.494 0.079 1.266 Proline: "ov. viele g ota 0.326 0.577 0.092 1.479 Serine”. «iv 4 uy oes gw 0.120 0.212 0.034 0.544 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03043 Page 85 DINNERS 9 Beef stew, toddler i i . Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units 3 7 ciohe Standard Number of pproximate measure and weig| Refuse:0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 177 g 10z=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: WaLEr,, "ott oo x Bits or ins Lv, 86.9 0.6 7 153.8 24.6 394.2 kcal . . 51 90 14 230 Food'energy + + + + vv ov + Ble 212 375 60 962 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . Eh 5.1 0.5 3 9.1 1.4 23.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . gn 1.2 0.1 7 2.1 0.3 5.4 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . £4 5.5 9.6 1.5 24.7 Floer' 8" ok... Zn ws 0.3 0.0 0.5 0.1 1.4 A SR gb 1.4 0.0 3 2.4 0.4 6.1 MINERALS: ClEIUM ait ov oR mg + a 9 0 3 16 3 41 MOP, Sth, ade aie te a mg... 0.72 0.03 3 1.27 0.20 3.25 Magnesium =, =, "5, LL a 11 1 2 52 PhOSONOIUS® ov « 4 vx a i mg. . . 44 1 78 12 199 POTASSIUM. « ics = + wiv ol mE. i 142 1 251 40 644 Sodium ie: + Dien vb me... 345 1 611 98 1,565 Zinc Sead. oh MG kn 0.870 1 1.540 0.247 3.946 COPPBES 0 vs Fi vr aie mg. ix VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. .. .. . « . 4 me." i. 3.0 0.2 3 5.3 0.9 13.6 Thiamin, ®i. 0. Shoat. , ng. . . 0.014 0.000 3 0.025 0.004 0.064 Riboflavin e's «vv x 5 mg... 0.065 0.002 3 0.115 0.018 0.295 Niel ls ee iw mg. . 1.313 0.014 3 2.324 0.372 5.956 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. 1. VIRminBa » + +c viv vie mg... 0.074 0.001 3 0.131 0.021 0.336 FOREN... Ses tiie nih ina meg . ViaminByg3 . » , . . ... mcg Vitamin A . . . . . . . . RB wn... 1,649 210 3 2,918 467 7,478 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Sotwrerel, dora TER Eh 5 0.58 0.05 4 1.03 0.16 2.64 EO ed al allie Zoho B10. mh, Ly £ 80. vr ons & vir 10:0... ...... 2. 0.00 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 120. Lv. dy ae 8g... 0.00 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 4:0. ........ g& 0.03 0.00 4 0.05 0.01 0.13 160... ... «ok g& 0.08 0.08 4 0.14 0.02 0.37 180. ........ £ oc 0.22 0.02 4 0.39 0.06 1.00 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . 0.44 0.05 4 0.77 0.12 1.97 16]. eepieRe ie +» £ woo 0.03 0.00 4 0.06 0.01 0.15 18. Lo Ghee eh &"' xs 0.40 0.02 4 0.71 0.11 1.81 200. LL. Eig nye 0.00 4 0.00 0.00 0.01 20 del ee £0 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 0.03 0.02 4 0.05 0.01 0.12 182... ga 0.09 0.00 4 0.15 0.02 0.39 B18 0 i Mien eRe g ... 0.01 0.00 4 0.02 0.00 0.05 184.0%, 5 eters 2, 20:4... & 0.01 4 0.01 0.00 0.03 ROSE te a il Ei Ke INS, es £ BiB ite ov von ww Zo Cholesterol . . . . .... WES sies 12.53 0.84 3 22.18 3.55 56.85 Phytosterols . . . . .. . . me." AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . ... £ eye 0.053 0.094 0.015 0.240 Threona ini ial. « al gr 0.210 0.372 0.060 0.953 Isoledeing: 2 s¥ps ta te atin + 8 x 20s 0.246 0.435 0.070 1.116 Leucine: . . . . . ..... Sika vo 0.388 0.687 0.110 1.760 Lysine (Loos ese en 0.394 0.697 0.112 1.787 Metolonine i‘ « oly wes Eon 0.142 0.251 0.040 0.644 Cystine Si,’ «units v0 20» £8 pn 0.053 0.094 0.015 0.240 Phenylalanine oF hei els 8&8... 0.201 0.356 0.057 0.912 yrosiner=.5s of +p = « &inr 0.159 0.281 0.045 0.721 i ET fa 0.272 0.481 0.077 1.234 AIginine, Si Me + wise - 2 Si 0.353 0.625 0.100 1.601 Hlistitine, SI@Helt. ov be 0 2% 0.128 0.227 0.036 0.581 ALPINE Ts ui ve ela Bry 0.332 0.588 0.094 1.506 Aspationcid fhvie: ov vithy SL 0.485 0.858 0.137 2.200 Glutamic acid BT vo fable: ¥ g 0.823 1.457 0.233 3.733 Clycine oh © ene FS 0.351 0.621 0.100 1.592 A a Ea 0.321 0.568 0.091 1.456 Serine, TE 0 ges Fite 8 0.192 0.340 0.054 0.871 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03052 DINNERS Page 86 Chicken and noodles, strained 3 ” 8 Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of ; . Amount in 100 grams, edible portion comwnon meatures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Stantard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.35¢g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Walser: od doh bua gr 88.5 0.2 33 113.3 25.1 401.5 Fi 52 67 15 238 Pood energy. =. oi ra 1.7 ky ob 219 281 62 995 Protein (NX 5.98) . . . . . 2 5 kk 2.1 0.0 22 2.7 0.6 9.6 Totallipid (fat), . ... .. . LR 1.5 0.1 23 1.9 0.4 6.6 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . got wha 7.5 9.6 2.1 34.0 Fibgr t,o wits i ons 2 0.3 0.0 5 0.4 0.1 1.4 A ARE Le, yn ae | ga 0.4 0.0 21 0.5 0.1 1.9 MINERALS: CHIU E ov Sie ol: + i mg. . . 22 1 21 29 6 101 aR i IRE mg. . . 0.45 0.02 22 0.58 0.13 2.05 Magnesium™ 00 Lo a mg. 9 1 11 3 41 PHOSPHORUS « JJ isiinte « oon + mga. 24 1 31 7 109 Potassium .. BLL Li mg. 39 ; 13 50 11 178 Sodium uC ii XH 0 ae mg. . . 16 16 20 5 72 Zinedine A mg. . 0.300 1 0.384 0.085 1.361 EL LT Wen 0.040 1 0.051 0.011 0.181 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid., . . . . . mg... . 1.0 0.1 18 1.3 0.3 4.7 Thiamine i. . ides mg. . . 0.031 0.001 21 0.040 0.009 0.141 Riboflavin. vc. . & vv ace mg. . . 0.054 0.003 21 0.069 0.015 0.245 Nac ie ec 1 een me. . 0.466 0.012 21 0.596 0.132 2.114 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . ME ais VitaminBg . . . . . . .. mg... 0.034 0.003 13 0.044 0.010 0.154 Folagintu. *, 7, ov cote meg . . 5.4 0.8 12 6.9 1.5 24.4 vieminByg . LLL LL Lod meg ai RE, i: 112 144 32 509 Vinita» - 0: Bgis + wo 905 104 21 1,158 257 4,104 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 4:0... ea 8 6:0... ee a £ B10. Cu Wa £ 0 ke 5th £ TRO ie veiw 8g WO we oh ee g 16:0 ov vie Ty a g IB:00 watie aee A £ Monounsaturated, total £ GN ee a ie g IBIS har a te ye £ MO se oan el ages ty g Ih. 1a kA g Polyunsaturated, total oh IBZ. Le 8g IBB led ae ly g A814 Tor, a ae £ 2004. SL, a OT 8g 20:8, ti PAGS g 20:8 ie va g 008 hind SE ain 2 Cholesterol ©. 2c %: <5 5. .'n ME: Phytosterols . . . . . . .. mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. & 0.024 0.031 0.007 0.109 TIRONING 5 = wri + whim. Lap 0.088 0.113 0.025 0.399 ISpisucingises xiv sie wile » % oss 0.110 0.141 0.031 0.499 LOUIE, «obs 0 lp £4 0.180 0.230 0.051 0.816 Lysine . . ........ Lo tihoy 0.155 0.198 0.044 0.703 Meihlonine rin sl «ing nie at 0.042 0.054 0.012 0.191 CYNE of wn psx + dane oe 0.027 0.035 0.008 0.122 Phony IBIBRIng fl fev 7 g rng 0.098 0.125 0.028 0.445 STYIOSIAGL ey» ri ge gay 0.079 0.101 0.022 0.358 olin es » su Ly 0.125 0.160 0.035 0.567 A a a 0.137 0.175 0.039 0.621 isting lho ine! rhs £5g 0.052 0.067 0.015 0.236 ARISES vs oi» ai Biss whe 0.114 0.146 0.032 0.517 Asvallioged 1 + xxi 8, oh 0.197 0.252 0.056 0.894 uiaie8e. Sa unr ve of 0.430 0.550 0.122 1.950 Clysine Pres oF ni 2. 0.111 0.142 0.031 0.503 SAE ry wn Being 0.144 0.184 0.041 0.653 neg rn er Er Biri e 0.090 0.115 0.026 0.408 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 0308 DINNERS Pate 47 Chicken and noodles, junior 3 & y Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutrients and unis Amount in 100 grams, edible portion *ommon measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased " Standand Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 an Wi “TP yjar=213g loz=28.35g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: SR PO 88.7 0.2 21 189.0 25.2 402.4 kcal . . 51 109 15 232 Food energy «5s «=v + 20» TEE 214 457 61 972 Protein (NX 5.98). . . . . Za 1.9 0.0 22 4.1 0.5 8.7 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Zaid 1.4 0.1 26 3.0 0.4 6.3 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gu 1.5 16.1 2.1 34.2 Fiber, . Shu NE i a Li. ob 0.6 0.2 3 1.3 0.2 2.8 BS £0 0.4 0.0 21 0.9 0.1 1.9 MINERALS: . Calelumy. 00 vu SRE, mg. . . 17 0 23 36 5 76 Hom os Oy oh mg... 0.39 0.02 23 0.84 0.11 1.79 Magnesium * SR mg. 9 19 2 40 Phosphorus oo, AL, LW, mg.’ .% 24 1 51 7 109 Porssium: . ad, , iL mg. . . 35 1 13 75 10 160 Sodium... 0. Rel de. mg. . . 17 14 36 5 77 Zing? 2, WSL RN mg 0.294 0.626 0.083 1.334 Copper’... "Ju fs 20.0 mg 0.039 0.083 0.011 0.177 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid'sy, . 3. Lo. mg. . . 1.2 0.0 27 2.6 0.4 5.6 Wolamins = 5 4000 0 mg... 0.029 0.003 23 0.062 0.008 0.132 Riboflavin 4, . . 0. 5. . mg... 0.031 0.001 28 0.066 0.009 0.141 Nigga boc, 8 ot LL mg. 0.515 0.024 23 1.097 0.146 2.336 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBe oe 00 0 0 Vn mg... 0.026 0.002 6 0.055 0.007 0.118 Polacin¥a, vo. 0% meg. . 5.3 11.3 1.5 24.0 ViaminByas.lls VL Ln meg. Visi, RE. . . 107 229 30 488 itamin A... LLL. ne. 895 88 22 1,907 254 4,062 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 G0 de es g 6:0 Jimi? as 8g BO, bs ln £2 NOI0 vv ol Le g 12:0: . R@.0 5 g 34:0... "98. g Li Ts AAI 8 18:00, re, 8g Monounsaturated, total 8 16: dr aie 8 Ihc oaths oh 8 20:0. lL Ra a 8 BIN ah owt a 8g Polyunsaturated, total A IB. Se oie ate 8 18:3 LLL, 8g 18:40: 2 ov a g 20d. tL, ON £g 20:5... nn in g 2:5. 8, LN, 8g 228.5... \ . ais Bo Cholesterol. .. . . ... . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . i a Ag 0.022 0.047 0.006 0.100 Threonine . . . . . .... & fie. 0.081 0.173 0.023 0.367 Isolevecine’™. io: Jl g. aks 0.100 0.213 0.028 0.454 Leucine’, i.5. un aes g Sh 0.165 0.351 0.047 0.748 Lysinex 5.00 5, 8 Lo. & -.. 0.141 0.300 0.040 0.640 Methionine... |, ...¥a00 EH. 0.039 0.083 0.011 0.177 Cystine . . . ....... 8... 0.024 0.051 0.007 0.109 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 2) A 0.089 0.190 0.025 0.404 Tyrosine . . . . ..... g ... 0.072 0.153 0.020 0.327 Valine. 5 8, 0 oN, Zs fel 0.114 0.243 0.032 0.517 Arginine. . . . . . .... 8. nies 0.125 0.266 0.035 0.567 Histidine. '. .. ...-%.¢.. gS. 0.047 0.100 0.013 0.213 AlBiNe who (b's oo Te = in 8 ag 0.104 0.222 0.029 0.472 Asparticacid’. . ... . .. . gant 0.179 0.381 0.051 0.812 Glutamic acid. . . . . . . . gird. 0.392 0.835 0.111 1.718 Glycine is. % aha, 2. 0.101 0.215 0.029 0.458 Proline. Forty: Glam" on ly 0.131 0.279 0.037 0.594 Serine « t.cRY . W e gr, 0.082 0.175 0.023 0.372 ! Values calculated from strained chicken and noodles. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03069 DINNERS Chicken soup, cream of, strained Page 88 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased i. Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 an error samples 1 jar = 128 g 1 oz = 28.35 g A B Cc D E F G if : 7.1 1 11.5 24.7 i keal .'. 58 74 16 262 Foodenergy + «= - = + « « - ol 4 242 309 69 1,096 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . gr 2.5 0.1 9 3.2 0.7 11.3 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . gS 1.6 0.1 13 2.0 0.5 7,3 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 nan 8.4 10.8 2.4 38.1 Fiber, a Seni, RTL, gt 0.3 0.0 9 0.4 0.1 1.4 Amn Ry ot 0.4 1 0.5 0.1 1.8 MINERALS: Calciumy ein, B00, vA me... 35 1 15 44 10 157 pon LENE SL aS a mg. . . 0.30 0.02 15 0.38 0.09 1.36 Magnesium soci”. oot La me. 6 1 7 2 25 Phosphorus . . ..° . . 3%" mg... 29 1 38 8 133 Potassium, “Lal LGB, mg. . . 78 1 100 22 355 Sodium’ . Fa So Vw mg... 19 1 2 24 5 85 Zing. TORE AN mg. 7% 0.260 1 0.333 0.074 1.179 COPPRE 2" Jeol Pie ae din mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . ... mg. 4t, 1.3 1.0 9 1.7 0.4 5.9 Thiamin tein» Loy, mg 0.008 0.001 9 0.010 0.002 0.036 RIDOIVID +. oi kay on mg. . . 0.044 0.001 9 0.056 0.012 0.200 Nigh 2 Or le, a mg... 0.375 0.017 9 0.480 0.106 1.701 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mgt, Vitamingg 2%. . 1... mg. . . 0.044 0.003 11 0.056 0.012 0.200 Bolacinfi =o a meg. * ViaminByaii. . . 0. meg. . 0.055 1 0.070 0.016 0.249 ot, RE, 1% 116 149 33 527 Vitamin A% eis vie dive {Re 726 44 9 929 206 3,293 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . £ 0.400 a. £ 810.5. ee g 80. wl els nS a nits g 11 REO Sad WE ae 8g TR, a £ 18:0. co 0% cal, he 8g 18:00 ra 5 aa 8 AB: 08" LW AT g Monounsaturated, total £ 46:1. eA a £ IB. Nay are 8 20:0, lh a £ 2:0 NES Ls Ke £ Polyunsaturated, total yng 18:2 . ou Toate ES £ IBN yc te £ 18:40, "SL Ne £ 203 on a I J £ 2S es. SE £ 22:8: efietaits wt g 26, AES aw he. gin Cholesterolt . . ... . ... . mg. ’ Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mE. i. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan” ..: . .". i. hide 0.030 0.038 0.009 0.136 Yhreonine >: .. .... ais . oh gna 0.106 0.136 0.030 0.481 Isoleucine . . . . . .. .. S154 #N 0.122 0.156 0.035 0.553 LBUCINeY. oo, fehl Late gn 0.206 0.264 0.058 0.934 Lysine sc, 0m" ie ios g Finn 0.184 0.236 0.052 0.835 Methionine . . . . . . «. 8 wie 0.051 0.065 0.014 0.231 Cystine . . . ....... gE... 0.027 0.035 0.008 0.122 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8s s 0.107 0.137 0.030 0.485 Tyrosine &.50. . 5, 4 esas gt, 0.093 0.119 0.026 0.422 Valine:s.i.. . od L. g& . 0.143 0.183 0.041 0.649 Arginine." ho LT 3 0.154 0.197 0.044 0.699 Histidine... ©.%, Ng ate Zi 0.059 0.076 0.017 0.268 Anne i, a & . 0.133 0.170 0.038 0.603 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . go 0.227 0.291 0.064 1.030 Glutamic acid. . . .. . . . . g& 0.446 0.571 0.126 2.023 Glyeinesaw, JN Ne SAL, ee 0.131 0.168 0.037 0.594 Prolineli.s', i. "oie oui £5 on 0.158 0.202 0.045 0.717 Serine ®.. .'. LBC al 5 le 0.103 0.132 0.029 0.467 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03071 DINNERS Chicken soup, strained Page 89 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 1o0z=28.35¢g A B Cc D € F G PROXIMATE: Water, i. , LL. gs 89.1 0.1 6 114.1 25.3 404.2 kcal 50 64 14 226 Foodenergy + » +. + + + ~ + Z) 208 266 59 944 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . g 1.6 0.0 3 2.0 0.4 7.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 1.7 0.2 3 2.2 0.5 7.8 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 1.2 9.2 2.0 32.5 Foe. 8 Ca a TR Zz. . Ash Set 0 aa g 0.4 0.1 3 0.5 0.1 1.9 MINERALS: Calif ie ae win mg. 37 3 47 10 166 a 0 SLA RE mg. 0.27 0.01 3 0.35 0.08 1.24 Magnesiom' , . , ,. . .. mg. Phosphorus \™ 1. 3 ele. oon mg. Potassium. ,. . oe tea dla mg. Sodium Sis. a hin Cet mg. 16 1 20 5 13 Zine. 8, le. a mg. Coppers: ox oh Cc aia,l mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid, ial. ss mg. 1.0 0.0 3 1.2 0.3 4.4 Thiamin co's <0 « She cv mg. 0.017 0.003 3 0.022 0.005 0.077 RIbOFIavin. =.» v \ baal mg. 0.032 0.004 3 0.041 0.009 0.145 NFBEIVR svat 2 en mg. 0.293 0.020 3 0.375 0.083 1.329 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBe cof. oT Lv ee mg. Folaciy'. "asi. oa meg 52 0.6 3 6.6 1.5 23.5 Vitamin Bya®.0n, LS mcg VitaminA . . . . . . {Re w 1,384 119 3 1,772 392 6,278 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . g $10. wo ms 8 O10 hl A g Bi le Te Re x nl a g 10, NL 00 es g 2:0. a as £ 1 TE RE 8g M6002, oo Bs £ 38:05 ke le £ Monounsaturated, total 8 IW. 0. Se. 8 18:08. si g 20: LS £ Ys a 2 Polyunsaturated, total re ~ 8 VE:0e te ede, 8g Dy Way a ty £ IBA, Rie wn 8 20:4: Rant. Lan 8g 20:8. oR ee ly £ 20:8 it. SL g 286... > 5 ai nn 8 Cholesterol >, :, =, “ui, o, mg. Phytosterels™ vv. 5.0L) mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan... . 5. . g TFhweonines, “>. or, 3,5, J", £g Isoleucine. . . . ... .. . g leucine, . . i. . .iesain £ Lysine ©, cox, ath 8 Methionines. , . . 0. . oo. & Cystine=.ak. =, . . . ... J. 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g Tyrosine “5. 0 on va va g Valines® 0, So, oo. i 8g Argimine. ain as a g Histidine... J". . 5. ...% £ AlNInER. ®t he 2 ie £ Asparticacid . \. . . . .. g Glutamicaeid.” . . . . ... g Glycine is 210. Ln Tu wt & Prolinesis. . od. Jf. oy g Serine oi: LL J a g AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03070 DINNERS Chicken stew, toddler Page 90 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 170 g 1o0z=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. . cul Ly Bown 83.3 0.5 14 141.5 23.6 377.6 heal 78 132 22 353 Food energy «+ + + + + + - - x 325 553 92 1,475 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . 2 5.2 0.2 3 8.9 1.5 23.6 Totallipid{fayy. . . .. .. Te 3.7 Ue 2 17 6.4 1.1 17.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . as. 5 6.4 10.9 1.8 29.2 ROBE. oF, Lo Rt ee Ev 0.3 0.0 3 0.5 0.1 1.4 BYE ER En 1.4 0.0 3 2.3 0.4 6.2 MINERALS: Calcium ales = Tan w mg. a 36 0 3 60 10 161 ORS, ile SR, Ce me. 0.66 0.02 3 1.13 0.19 3.01 Magnesium. 5. S000 mg. . . 10 1 18 3 47 PROSPIOIUS 35 viv voy avs TT 51 1 87 14 232 Potassium... . hl. me 92 1 156 26 417 A i mg 402 1 683 114 1,823 ZINE + haar + ddA mg... 0.410 1 0.697 0.116 1.860 COPPRE Li aes a oo bead .. 0.020 1 0.034 0.006 0.091 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . , ... .. mg 1.9 0.1 6 3.2 0.5 8.6 Thiamine. "5, win vs mg 0.031 0.003 3 0.053 0.009 0.141 Riboflavin. “. , %% 5% + vis mg 0.074 0.001 3 0.126 0.021 0.336 Nigein 5, a m0, mg 1.153 0.009 3 1.960 0.327 5.230 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg VitaminBe. =, + Jos els mg. . . 0.046 0.002 3 0.078 0.013 0.209 FOIaRIn. +. onl ad meg . viaminBya . . . . 4 Ls meg Vitamin A... ...L RE w 1,010 105 3 1,718 286 4,583 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 275. . 1.10 0.09 11 1.86 0.31 4.97 BD any ah Zs Gill, AR £ BIO a a ee g 0.00 11 0.01 0.00 0.02 1000; . «Lh LL g 0.01 1) 0.01 0.00 0.04 20. . LLL 8 0.01 11 0.02 0.00 0.05 THO. 00 en Te an g 0.05 0.00 11 0.09 0.02 0.24 160.5 + oie ani 8 0.39 0.39 2 0.66 0.11 1.77 180 Lu 50 Se li 8 0.22 0.02 11 0.38 0.06 1.00 Monounsaturated, total 8 1.70 0.16 11 2.88 0.48 7.69 16:1. oho WB 8 0.14 0.02 31 0.24 0.04 0.64 Wh. 2. Sn g 1.54 0.14 11 2.61 0.44 6.97 20:8... LLP. 8 0.01 0.00 11 0.02 0.00 0.05 QA nh me 8 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 0.08 0.07 11 0.13 0.02 0.34 182, ........ 8 0.73 0.07 11 1.23 0.21 3.29 18:3, ........ g 0.03 0.00 11 0.05 0.01 0.12 IRM ors hs Be) Se g 204. ........ g 0.02 0.00 11 0.03 0.00 0.07 20:8. vas 2 Vy Ln OR AN NC g RUB .L0 e Re h Zs. 5 Cholesterol . . . . . ... mg. . . 28.69 1.50 11 48.77 8.13 130.14 Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan pie a Le a 8 0.057 0.097 0.016 0.259 Threonine Aa TER 8 0.221 0.376 0.063 1.002 Isoleucine ehietialse ode liels x 8 0.257 0.437 0.073 1.166 Leucine, , . . . ..... & 0.405 0.689 0.115 1.837 Lysine a a ra 8 0.410 0.697 0.116 1.860 Methionine 2 ately A pe 8 0.112 0.190 0.032 0.508 Cystine Cee 8 0.052 0.088 0.015 0.236 Phenylalanine wpm ty actin & 0.213 0.362 0.060 0.966 Tyrosine tomate el & 0.172 0.292 0.049 0.780 Valine silva sear de a Cs & 0.292 0.496 0.083 1.325 Arginine Ae eine Terie Sa ia 8 0.331 0.563 0.094 1.501 Histidine Aine Wading we 8 0.128 0.218 0.036 0.581 Alanine pli ag lieve i s 0.298 0.507 0.084 1.352 Aspartic acid ET a i 8 0.471 0.801 0.134 2.136 Glutamic acid Bath a ee 8 0.898 1.527 0.255 4.073 Glycine th eles age Le ale 8 0.295 0.502 0.084 1.338 Proline AUB ee ee etal 8 0.354 0.602 0.100 1.606 Serine . . Lo... 8 0.209 0.355 0.059 0.948 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03072 DINNERS Lamb and noodles, junior Page 91 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 " Standard Number of ean oor Bogle; 1jar=213 g 10z=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PRO MaTE: 8 86.5 0.2 13 184.3 24.5 392.5 RTI TI a. os 138 18 295 Food energy + + + + + + - - kJ 272 579 77 1,233 Protein (NX 6.14) . . . . . g 2.3 0.0 13 4.8 0.6 10.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . z n 0.0 13 4.7 0.6 10.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 8.7 18.6 2.5 39.6 Biber. vit wae 2. AER at, TL 8 0.3 0.0 13 0.6 0.1 1.3 MINERALS: Calelomy. 2%, 0 mg. 18 1 13 39 5 83 fron By LC ak. aes mg. 0.36 0.03 13 0.78 0.10 1.65 Magnesium... o.0., mg. Phosphorus“. . . . . . . . mg. Potassium. “atu 4 0 aie mg. 77 2 13 165 22 351 Sodium, |r, 0 LS mg 18 1 13 39 5 83 ZIRE 0, Ll el mg. Copper”. on Tacos iy oF nt ie mg. VITAMINS: > Ascorbic acid. 4: . viv ux + mg. . . 1.9 0.1 13 4.1 0.6 8.8 Fhiamin, “Xo. Ln. 00 mg. . . 0.036 0.001 13 0.077 0.010 0.163 Riboflavin:.~, .". Gin. 0. me. 0.065 0.001 13 0.138 0.018 0.295 INGCin 25, th mg, .. 0.670 0.019 13 1.427 0.190 3.039 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg... VitaminBg- . vv «os mg. Folacint. Loe ov, Lh mcg vitaminBya.. . LL. oo mcg VIGMINA ts hae 2 + wnt BE. +n : RL 783 60 13 1,667 222 3,550 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g RI NEE A, Ain g IB Ne Te arly g i Sl A g 30:0 at g H2:008, 0 li £ 34:0... 0 LE g B65 a hur Fd BO ts in vy g Monounsaturated, total. . . §g BG. lie. lS g IB as es £ 20:1... a ee. g B22. ees we g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IBC, ane vas g IB vo vate ee £ IB, . ve ad 8 20: 5. STE oe g 208 vB. ated at nb £ RUSE. cs was 8. PBs we www g Cholesterol > . . .. «ue « wis mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . = . + . +... £ Tiveonine:. .. 7... ... + » g Isolevcings, . «oie s+ 8g COUCTRBY Be ota se ba g Lysine: 7, ty a ey g Methionine. . ..\\« + wiles g Cystine™, 9%, a0 Gite « 4 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . £ TYIOSINE Sv ov che a ee g Valine." :"« lv. 4 were g Arginine, -. lait nw g fistigine. ©. So. Gale vos g Alanine’ i. LT. oh g Asparticacid:. . . . . +. . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . £ Glycine... . + an a sn 8 Proline. = i. LN 4 ean & Serine". . oc. vows g AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03065 DINNERS Macaroni and bacon, junior Page 92 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Me Standard Number of ” er mele ljar=213g loz=1235g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water cooled hy LL g 85.1 0.1 13 181.2 24.1 385.9 kcal 75 160 21 341 Foodenergy - + + - + - + - XJ 314 669 89 1,425 Protein (NX5.98) . . . . . g 245 0.0 13 5.4 0.7 11.6 Total hipidifayy . . ...'... . g 3.3 0.1 13 7.1 0.9 15.1 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 8.6 18.2 2.4 38.8 Biber. LNT al. gn BShiils oie in g 0.5 0.0 13 1.1 0.1 2,3 MINERALS: Calgiumi A ebis ie me. 71 13 152 20 323 OMB: oy Aa mg. 0.38 0.02 13 0.80 0.11 1.70 Magnesiumies, 0. LK mg. . . Phosphorus." . . . .-. . mg. . . Potassium... 050, 0. ou mg... 84 2 13 180 24 383 TE SE mg... 78 3 13 166 22 353 IE A sR as mg. . . Copperial «iv “oie Fw vn mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. , . . . . . . mg....s 241 0.1 13 4.5 0.6 9.5 Thigminet do =, 5 a8 mesh. 0.046 0.002 13 0.098 0.013 0.209 Riboflavin... . . . . . . . . mg, 0.084 0.002 13 0.179 0.024 0.381 Nisei Be olin a mg. . . 0.630 0.019 13 1.342 0.179 2.858 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . ON VitaminBg.. .F.. oo... mgt. Folaciny. oil. 5 amy mcg. ViaminByy ... lv 2 La meg VIMINAT ssi «od {RE nw. . . 1,160 40 13 2,471 329 5,261 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 HBO. RN Le wien g BBCN mre g BOs Fe ew a g 1010.75 . JX. 3ie o g A200. 00 ea Bt g TO. Pati ns Ne 8g 18:05. . «ow 5 Wl g ISO. ST Las 8 Monounsaturated, total g 18), 5 ca Je £ IBY, 50% ter wa g 2001 Ane ll Ul ov a 8g BYd i x wnt eel g Polyunsaturated, total viv £ 18:2. 0, Lit a A g BEI Ce nly ee 8g 18:45 5" ih vo £ 20:4 0%, ore Es g 20:80 Lx wld es 8g 280 + ee a g U6. Hint ha g Cholesterol. >". os 4 Wu » mg. Phytosterols. .i%, . ou . JN mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan. ..-'. . vou +» g Threonine... ...5 + + + » £ Isoleucine. . . . wv. ou g Leucine, . . . "JL. 8 Lysine “on St TN ern a 4 Methionine." . . ... 25. . & Cystine 5 oi... ov, Ne 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine. Li. dF + viol uke £ Valine “as Hs ei ea 8g Arginine... . LL . £ Histidine. oc. , «wie hide & Alpine . Cn tele wh g Asparticacid . oo. oo. . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine. =. vo wisn g Proline. No, 0 wr. a g Serinet®, LABRET ewe 2 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03056 DINNERS Macaroni and cheese, strained Page 93 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Approximate measure and weight Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1jar=128g¢ 1o0z=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. . na eh. Xo 87.1 0.3 4 111.5 24.7 395.1 kcal 59 76 17 268 Foodenergy =v +. « vs < * kJ. 248 317 70 1,123 Protein (NX 6.00). . . . . ga 2.6 0.0 6 3.3 0.7 11.8 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 2 2.1 0.0 6 2,7 u.6 9.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 5 7.5 9.6 2.1 34.0 Bibel i a g 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.4 ASE le ave ew g 0.7 1 0.9 0.2 3.2 MINERALS: CAIUS 20 + = ee mg. 54 2 6 69 15 245 io oy SS mg. 0.31 0.03 1 0.40 0.09 1.42 Magnesium , , , . . . . . mg. 8 2 2 11 2 38 Phosphorussi. . + « . +. mg. 57 1 13 16 260 Potassium . . . . . . . .. mg. 46 1 59 13 209 Sodium =. Tis wns a mg. 73 4 2 93 21 331 ZINCE ive x o'r 0 sa mg. 0.340 0.020 2 0.435 0.096 1.542 Copper! . .%. . . . Luu. mg. 0.020 1 0.026 0.006 0.091 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . ., . . . mg. 1.3 0.2 6 1.7 0.4 5.9 TORI + ofr aie 2 il mg. 0.054 0.006 6 0.069 0.015 0.245 RiboFaYIn.. . . vin vies mg. 0.067 0.003 6 0.086 0.019 0.304 NGRCIY Yoo id de a mg. 0.441 0.027 4 0.564 0.125 2.000 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg ov. LL. mg. 0.016 0.001 6 0.020 0.005 0.073 Folagini. .. , ww ox vite mcg 1.4 0.1 3 1.8 0.4 6.4 VieminByg . onc. Lae mcg 0.030 1 0.038 0.009 0.136 VitaminA . . . . . . {Re 5 7 1 23 : ; lh 27 10 6 35 8 122 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . 8 R00 ol ot £ BW: viv ww EY g 8:0. ore a wan a g B00. 0 ho. aah 2 Pt a va £ M0. .5 ne dS £ 36:0. . vv. an g 180... 5. g Monounsaturated, total g 16 oniiia ws 4» g 8. is es g 200. ees £ RI, Sma wie g Polyunsaturated, total 8g 18:2, vo we il. Zz ERB ibe ah A g I8idt, Silat. Le g 204... NL a g 20:8... Fa. 8 IS ite we g 2200s a Saw 2 Cholesterol . . . . . . . mg Phytosterols . . . . . . .. mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan Cee eee 8 0.032 0.041 0.009 0.145 Threonine oils wl ala a g 0.078 0.100 0.022 0.354 Isoleucine op mia ay wa g 0.130 0.166 0.037 0.590 Leucine, . . ....... 8 0.234 0.300 0.066 1.061 I aie pe me £ 0.148 0.189 0.042 0.671 Methionine Tn Ate Wr 1 g 0.090 0.115 0.026 0.408 Cystine . . , . ...... g 0.032 0.041 0.009 0.145 Phenylalanine wl Tae he g 0.132 0.169 0.037 0.599 Tyrosine bs Sein ae Ce Tet & 0.123 0.157 0.035 0.558 Valine... g 0.147 0.188 0.042 0.667 Arginine Sl Plo Bo Wak 8 0.102 0.131 0.029 0.463 Histidine NR rie www g 0.062 0.079 0.018 0.281 Alanine we $e At ee 8 0.085 0.109 0.024 0.386 Aspartic acid oie held ie 8 0.167 0.214 0.047 0.758 Glutamic acid oa 2 TAN 8 0.665 0.851 0.189 3.016 Glycine ALN aa g 0.058 0.074 0.016 0.263 TrOBDEIALE ota vey 2 0.293 0.375 0.083 1.329 Serine’. ©. Lh he a, 8 0.104 0.133 0.029 0.472 ! Values calculated from junior macaroni and cheese. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03089 DINNERS Macaroni and cheese, junior Page 94 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 213 g 1o0z=28.3g¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water Fl 0 ih Wein ve G i 86.5 1 184.2 24.5 392.4 kcal 61 130 17 277 Foodenergy - - + - + « . . kJ. 256 545 12 1,160 Protein (NX 6.00) . . . . . go, 2.6 0.1 6 5.5 0.7 11.8 Total fipid(fat).. . ". . . . . g 2.0 0.0 6 4.3 0.6 9.1 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 8.2 17.5 2.3 37.2 Fiber hl. % «went io gin 0.1 1 0.2 0.0 0.5 BT 8s hv «tw de 25. 0.7 1 1.5 0.2 3.2 MINERALS: CACTI 8s 1 vie ros mg. 51 2 6 108 14 230 fronBt RR as a mg. 0.30 0.03 6 0.64 0.09 1.36 Magnesium. ... 0.0, mg. 7 1 14 2 30 PHOSPhORUS: - .. 0" "Lh a, mg. 59 1 125 17 267 Potassium i Yor. 5 Le mg. 44 1 94 12 199 Sodiumt. a Ln mg. 76 163 22 347 Zinc lt. wnnden sal mg. 0.320 1 0.682 0.091 1.452 . . BoL mg. 0.021 0.045 0.006 0.095 VITAMINS: Ascotbicacid i." . . .'... . mg. 1.3 0.3 6 2.8 0.4 5.9 THERE al hia. or oF vies mg. 0.056 0.008 6 0.119 0.016 0.254 Riboflavin... . .- 0% 2, mg. 0.064 0.001 6 0.136 0.018 0.290 NICH 5 cme ide ae mg. 0.545 0.017 4 1.161 0.155 2.472 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg -.. ... . 7. LL. mg. 0.016 0.002 6 0.034 0.005 0.073 Folatintm ov . . WL un meg 1.5 3.2 0.4 6.7 ViaminByg . . . . . ... meg 0.028 1 0.060 0.008 0.127 Vitamin A Re. 3 e 3 hs PER HER wee i 13 8 6 28 4 59 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . Z 4:0... NC a gz, G0 Le oe g B05, oon owe 8g 0. ay g 2:0. NOL Lo. 8g WO ue ah g 6:0. «lsn: & + svsis 8g 18:0. 50, Ae g Monounsaturated, total g 16: LUE L, L eo, £ ISN. svn nw ve g v1) PIR So WY g 20 Tw ei vs 8g Polyunsaturated, total i 2 18:12 lee a 8 ABB ehh ye ems g 183. varie an i, g BOMELL ie oS g 20:8. Lo. Lhe. £g 248 hv ile wows £ B20. ees ee 2 Cholesterol. . . . . . . . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan A a ne g 0.032 0.068 0.009 0.145 Threonine... x. Jd. 4 g 0.078 0.166 0.022 0.354 Isoleucine. . . .. .... g 0.130 0.277 0.037 0.590 Ledeines.. . 7". . 5 Je. £ 0.234 0.498 0.066 1.061 Lys ous a wala £ 0.148 0.315 0.042 0.671 Methionine . . . . . . . . g 0.090 0.192 0.026 0.408 CYSHifie EL 5, oil 8 0.032 0.068 0.009 0.145 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 3 0.132 0.281 0.037 0.599 Tyrosine eid ww vw 2 0.123 0.262 0.035 0.558 Ville nl, Sa de, g 0.147 0.313 0.042 0.667 Arginine le a Se GH wa 8 0.102 0.217 0.029 0.463 Histidine AY sw ATE g 0.062 0.132 0.018 0.281 Alanine be wt 8 0.085 0.181 0 024 0.386 Aspartic acid NEE oo iby g 0.167 0.356 0.047 0.758 Glutamic acid ad ais: a8 ol g 0.665 1.416 0.189 3.016 Glycine . . . . ...... g 0.058 0.124 0.016 0.263 Proline *. ©. . ups. J g 0.293 0.624 0.083 1.329 Serine." . .. Fhe osu g 0.104 0.222 0.029 0.472 ! Values calculated from strained macaroni and cheese. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03090 DINNERS Macaroni and ham, junior Page 95 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased 0 Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 lean on Sb: 1jar=213 ¢g 10z 28.35 g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. & ehh, a g 86.5 0.2 13 184.2 24.5 392.4 keal 60 127 17 271 Food energy = - - - « - - - kp 250 533 71 1,135 Protein (NX 5.98). . . . . g « 3.2 0.1 13 6.8 0.9 14.4 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . £ 1.4 0.1 13 2.9 0.4 6.2 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g . 8.5 18.0 2.4 38.3 Fiber, 83. 0% 6 4 a 2 ASAE CL NLT g 0.5 0.0 13 1.1 0.1 2.3 MINERALS: Calelumal. wis ov «5 & 5 mg. . . 15 13 159 21 339 LL OR I mg... . 0.38 0.02 13 0.81 0.11 1.73 Magnesium ., . . ... .. mg. . Phosphorus .. . .i. . . .. me... POSSUM | of on ue mg. 106 4 13 225 30 480 Sodium ito 50 ol ai mg. . . 47 1 13 101 13 215 TINGE ota ote ae mg... Copper... aii «soi a mga VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. *.0.. . , . . . mE. a 2.2 0.2 13 4.8 0.6 10.2 ThiamineB.. o's 0s 2 ool mes. 0.057 0.003 13 0.121 0.016 0.259 Riboflavint,-. .. .*. «vo JY mg. . . 0.097 0.004 13 0.207 0.027 0.440 NIRGIN SEE 5s 0 a ne mg. . 0.812 0.048 13 1.730 0.230 3.683 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . meg. Vitamin'Bg + «+» 0 vn me. SN Folaginiss >. 55 a meg . ViminByg.\. Fee Se meg. Vitamin A . . . . . . . . . JRE. do R60 526 60 13 1,120 149 2,385 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g RO, a ae en g 0:0 i Xl ak g $:0-000.1 LT g OED, “ate aa, 8 20.0.0 g i LA TE £ JO, Cy Sr £ 18:0... ets oi 8 Monounsaturated, total 8g 16:0 5 oc a £ BBLELE, LS Lh £ BON ines ee ee £ BNL. ae, £ Polyunsaturated, total £ BB Tari od We a 8g IRB tare vn g 184... New as 8 20:4. oes eo. g FOS ee ele £ 28. x ile et itr + g ENGI vehi evs gn Cholesterol . . . . . ... . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . £ Threonines.. «=»... + + + » g Isoleucine nie, ov Jk 8g Levcines, ... . . WSN A 8 LYSINE. LAE, i ee 8 Methionine , . . . . . . . & CYSHNR ', oc ie «aren a g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . £ Tyrosingos.: ov oun nls & Valine” 2. os os mile 2 Arginine a. Th ous ww o & Histidine: .*.0, J... £ Alanine 0. 0, 0 TLL 8 Asparticacid . .. . . . . . g Glutamicacid. .. . . . . . . £ Glycine: 308% a «os oa £ Proline c.f. 5 <% ait x g SeringRlt oe fe ee 8 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03064 DINNERS Macaroni, tomato, and beef, strained Page 96 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Me Standard Number of an error samples ] jar = 128 q 1 oz = 28.35 gq A B c D E F G PROXIMATE: Werer sho So Ea 2 87.3 0.2 31 ng 24.7 395.9 kcal 55 71 16 251 Food energy «i» 1» + ni» wu « kJ. 232 297 66 1,051 Protein (NX 5,98). . . . . Zz 2.2 0.0 22 2.9 0.6 10.1 Total lipid (fa) . . . ... .. g 1.1 0.1 22 1.4 0.3 5.1 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 8.8 11.3 2.5 40.0 BIBEE is oie oles Te 2 0.4 0.0 6 0.5 0.1 1.8 TR EE g 0.5 0.0 22 0.7 0.2 2.4 MINERALS: CALCIUM ow Na eins cx tes er 5s mg. 16 0 23 21 5 73 POR 5a vor nds ie 0% = th mg. 0.49 0.02 28 0.63 0.14 2.24 Magnesium , . . . . . . . mg. 9 1 12 3 42 Phosphorus: . SE: .. + + » = mg. 42 1 54 12 191 Potassium . 00k We mg. 96 ¢ 13 123 27 435 Sodium’, % LANE. Lo. ue mg. 17 15 21 5 76 ZINC ee ak ie a mg. 0.310 1 0.397 0.088 1.406 COPPRI: «huts wile: vx mg. 0.040 1 0.051 0.011 0.181 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid, ?. . -.. 8h, mg. 1.5 0.1 22 1.9 0.4 6.6 Thiaminie.o. © = «0 & 5 = mg. 0.069 0.006 25 0.088 0.020 0.313 Riboflavine.. . . + + es mg. 0.062 0.002 22 0.079 0.018 0.281 NRC Re alia 0 i ws mg. 0.819 0.022 22 1.048 0.232 3.715 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. ViaminBe: . . ... iw. mg. 0.043 0.003 8 0.055 0.012 0.195 Folacind.™, . 4 o.oo uh meg 20.1 2.6 6 25.7 5.7 91.1 VieminByg oo... «oes mcg 0.230 1 0.294 0.065 1.043 VIamIDA + ~~ : RE. 90 116 26 410 YAR 1, 531 54 23 679 150 2,408 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g WO vee Re £ 80. vv ou we eH 4 BO. ie aw g 10:05. 0 5 5 vl We £ W000 7 vo dan g 14:0, .. . Soils s 40m g 16t00n 2 + fuss sus 8g We oo wile sv a g Monounsaturated, total g F615 4 ul i a 8 IB. Ba hha 8g 20: Venn, oo eh es g 2 hv ee oe £ Polyunsaturated, total o wig IB, oh he wa g 38:3. Fe RE 8g (7 EC MP 8 2004505 ss wwe ala £ 0:8. wiv wel vm 8g BS hae £ BB. ws g Cholesterol - . . . « « +. mg. Phytosterols ... . i... « . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan... . . . . . g 0.025 0.032 0.007 0.113 THISORIRE . . » . «x «+ g 0.081 0.104 0.023 0.367 Isoleucine . . . . . .. 8 0.107 0.137 0.030 0.485 Leucine. , . . ...... 8 0.179 0.229 0.051 0.812 Lysine . . . ....... 8 0.135 0.173 0.038 0.612 Methionine . . . . . . .. 8 0.036 0.046 0.010 0.163 Cystine . . . . ...... 8 0.031 0.040 0.009 0.141 Phenylalanine . . . . . .. 8 0.101 0.129 0.029 0.458 Tyrosine. 5 yin x viv oe & 0.074 0.095 0.021 0.336 Valine". . . «Lu. & 0.115 0.147 0.033 0.522 A g 0.120 0.154 0.034 0.544 Histidine. "0, LL g 0.058 0.074 0.016 0.263 ABIDE. aan ses 8 0.116 0.148 0.033 0.526 Asparticacid . . . . . . . 8 0.179 0.229 0.051 0.812 Gluamicacid. . . . . . . . & 0.559 0.716 0.158 2.536 Clyeioe . + oi \ Lee 8 0.114 0.146 0.032 0.517 Proline . . . ....... g 0.181 0.232 0.051 0.821 Serine . . . . . ..... g 0.094 0.120 0.027 0.426 1 values based on data for products made with soy and yeast. per 100 g. Products not made with soy and yeast contain 6.5 mcg folacin AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03044 DINNERS Macaroni, tomato, and beef, junior Page 97 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Approximate measure and weight Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Refuse: 0 ™ Standard Number of ean T m| x a 1 jar=213g 1oz=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Waller. ,0, Lote ye wis Biwia a 86.7 0.1 20 184.6 24.6 393.0 Real ., 59 125 17 266 Foodenergy + += + + = « * * Be 245 523 70 1,113 Protein (NX 5.98) . . . . . 2 2.5 0.2 28 5.3 0.7 11.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g& 1.1 0.0 22 2.4 0.3 5.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Ze 9.4 20.1 2.7 42.7 Fer 5h ty wa bn £50 0.3 0.0 5 0.6 U.1 1.4 Ast yi iy sw a 8 0.3 0.0 7 0.7 0.1 1.6 MINERALS: CCI, 2 Ti a tes 5 5. mg. . . 14 i 19 30 4 65 IE RE TR BE mg. . . 0.36 0.02 19 0.76 0.10 1.62 Magnesium , . . . . . . . mg. 7 1 3 15 32 Phosphorus. . . . . . . . mg. . . 44 94 12 200 Pomassiumy. LF Le 0 mgs 72 2 13 153 2U 326 SOAIINY or «it « & +E mg. . . 17 15 35 5 75 ZINE ain ew Be mg. ve. 0.363 0.011 7 0.773 0.103 1.647 COPPBE ~via 1s x nimi oe mg. 0.039 0.003 3 0.083 0.011 0.177 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . 1.5 16 3.2 0.4 6.8 Thiamin. Sadie vs mg. . . 0.048 0.003 20 0.102 0.014 0.218 Riboflavin . . . . . .... mg. . . 0.055 0.002 19 0.117 0.016 0.249 NBIC 150 pie iin vo aide mg. + 0.751 0.020 19 1.600 0.213 3.407 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . me. « ViaminBg . . en mg. . . 0.047 0.002 5 0.100 0.013 0.213 Folaginivde tin. + vs 5» 5 @ meg . ViaminBiot. vo « «+ oo meg. . 0.241 0.513 0.068 1.093 Vitemin Ac oF BL oNRA, RE. . . 109 233 31 495 w. .. 691 24 19 1,471 196 3,133 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . £ A ve ae a g 6:0 Tete as £ 80. ve es g V0 a wai oa ok on £ TRO. Senile a a on g 84:0... = «as g V6: «ix ie wren 8 10.0. vue g Monounsaturated, total 8g NOY Fie es he 2 IB, oh vee g 20:1 5 ss vow 8 Sele ale ae 2 Polyunsaturated, total oxi od 8:2. ov www es g 188%. 5 nm a ele g V8 ogy utin 2 5% g Wh. sess g 20/8. wn a ow a z IS. ie fe £ B63 AE Eww a Cholesterol’ .. . , + » + wu» mg. Phytosterols . . . .0s +. & mg." . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan vi a ha Se gn 0.028 0.060 0.008 0.127 Threonine ges mle wi Ty £ vin 0.090 0.192 0.026 0.408 Isoleucine . . . . . . . .. geen 0.118 0.251 0.033 0.535 Leucine. . . . . ..... g =i 0.198 0.422 0.056 0.898 Lysine ee wae va § jr 0.149 0.317 0.042 0.676 Methionine. . . . . . .. £. wp + 0.039 0.083 0.011 0.177 Cystine owe lease wis g ws 0.034 0.072 0.010 0.154 Phenylalanine ou ee ae g + +» 0.112 0.239 0.032 0.508 TYrOsing” ooo «wins we g& ... 0.082 0.175 0.023 0.372 Valine in a a 8 «wy 0.127 0.271 0.036 0.576 Arginine hiatrete vile x wwe gad 0.133 0.283 0.038 0.603 Histidine: 4 ote ww g& 0.064 0.136 0.018 0.290 Alanine sie fvia e Eri» 0.128 0.273 0.036 0.581 Aspartic acid wiper rs & ries 0.198 0.422 0.056 0.898 Glutamic acid £8 Ar RE goad 0.619 1.318 0.175 2.808 Glycine re Siem San wile Blige. 0.126 0.268 0.036 0.572 Proline Bred Rag, ae 8 edly 0.201 0.428 0.057 0.912 Serine . . . . ...... g Fuh 0.104 0.222 0.029 0.472 ! Values calculated from strained macaroni, tomato, and beef. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03045 DINNERS a Mixed vegetable, strained ; i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of 3 J Amount in 100 grams, edible portion comon messares of food 1 pound of food 3s purchased Nutrients and units r : Standard Nomber of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 an errof Spies 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water JE 2 dee vel in Bois “seis 88.7 0.2 16 113.6 2542 402.5 heal . . 41 52 11 184 Food energy + +*» - + + - Be ve 170 217 48 770 Protein (NX 6.07). . . . . 2. ole 1.2 0.0 13 1.5 0.3 5.3 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . £50 ns 0.1 0.0 13 0.1 0.0 0.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . a 9.5 12.2 2.7 43.1 Fiber a ee ee Ev 40 A rs: wi Th 8 ody 0.5 0.0 13 0.6 0.1 2.2 MINERALS: Callum. 25%. va me... 22 2 13 29 6 102 iC EI mg. . . 0.33 0.03 13 0.42 0.09 1.47 Magnesium , . , . ... . mg. . . Phosphorus odes ov mg. . . Potassium 5, Ha. owl. ness 121 4 13 155 34 550 5 SR I SA mes 8 0 13 10 2 36 ZINC: i ul vis tiln Ay wie 4 mg. . . COpPELy. o Ch 4 ele mg. + « VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid... . . . . . . . Wes vy 2.8 0.2 13 3.5 0.8 12.6 Thiamin. 5%. . . . «4, mg... 0.015 0.000 13 0.019 0.004 0.068 Riboflavin: 'v- . ou. mg. =, 0.031 0.003 13 0.040 0.009 0.141 INRREIISS Ev iv + nn athe mg. . . 0.502 0.036 13 0.643 0.142 2.277 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg... VitaminBg iv ele an mg. . Folagin. bv nl Jo, uaa meg. . 8.0 1.4 3 10.3 2.3 36.4 VitaminByp . . . . . . . meg. are RE. : x 273 27 13 349 77 1,237 Vitaminghis sie tee + ifs {ire it 2,728 274 13 3,492 773 12,374 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . 8 HB. oe es a £ Bile aia wR a 8 S00 vis g 10:0. . ... cad, g I ie vod rv hk 8g 00 tle 5 Na i ~ g 16:0 + + % inte 2 x 2 180. be in woke os » £ Monounsaturated, total 8g ¥6T at Bs hs £ We 2 ada daw g 20: 5 ad ea g MWh diva wy g Polyunsaturated, total £2 IBID oe 2 viv Wn ns £ BBL ey wes g Id." Th vee ws g 20:8. a a Sele g 20:8, ae ah we £ 28 vow a g 1 RC YN 2% va Cholesterol. . -.". a.s + + mg. . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan, .... 4b. 0s 4 5 £ Threonine's. .%, "c + « + % £ jsofeucine’, . . . i 4 aoa os z Leueiner, ". ; wv + vate 8 Lysine To 8. . wv a vw 8g Methionine . . . . .... £ Cysting™ ...%. «vd» wo g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 4 Tyrosine“. .". «« . + 4 g Valine “5, "cy ve een 8 Arginine. S.J Les 8 Plistiding,™.-". . «saa & Alanine: 0 LN, Ws oes 8 Asparticacid . . . 0. aL g Glutamicacid. . . ... . . . £ Glycine . . . «. « «.v « vu g Proline, «. . + ste wari & Serine 10. by ee g AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03278 DINNERS Mixed vegetable, junior Page 99 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased s Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Maa a samples 1jar=213¢g 10z=28.35g A B C D E F G PROXIM t DXWATE on a 90.6 0.1 13 195.0 45.7 #13.9 33 1 Food energy « - + + + «= - - he 140 298 40 634 Protein (NX 6.07). . . . . £2 1.0 0.0 13 2.1 0.3 4.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.0 0.0 13 0.1 0.0 0.2 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 7.9 16.8 2.2 35.9 Fiber. ak. ee ete we 2 . ASE ey oa Bs g 0.4 0.0 13 1.0 0.1 2.0 MINERALS: . CAICHIN oaths: «Voie os wi mg. 17 1 13 37 5 79 front. a 0 ll mg. 0.31 0.03 13 0.65 0.09 1.38 Magnesium... LL. mg. Phosphorus ™. 0. . . . mg. 0 Potassium”. |, vy. x reds or 112 3 13 240 32 510 Sodium. Te rn oi mg. 9 1 13 19 2 40 ZINE oui, ow oN: ein eo ete mg. COPPRY “Lk, ua i mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 3.3 0.6 13 6.9 0.9 14.8 Thiamin. «oe: ante mg. 0.014 0.001 13 0.030 0.004 0.064 Riboriavin "+s 1+ vis mg. 0.024 0.001 13 0.051 0.007 0.109 BEI 5.» to Teh, 4 All mg. 0.414 0.017 13 0.882 0.117 1.878 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. ViaminBe'.. . .... ."u 2. mg. Fong co SR 0 4 OR meg 6.7 14.2 1.9 30.3 VitaminByp . . . . . . .. mcg earn RE. 244 24 13 520 69 1,108 Vitamin A... oo. . w. 2,444 243 13 5,205 693 11,084 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 0 ey 8 6:0: wile vn 8 BIO. be aie 5 wee g 30:0. nis g 2:00" dae lw g 0, owen ee eon g 16:00. ov ew a g A800. ab de 8 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16:1... aes g IBS ee ans ea 8 20: ec Ds 8g BART ate Te g Polyunsaturated, total 8g 38:2 4 wo he waa 8 ISS. WA ke 8g 8:4. . in nn 8 2008.0. . hese £ 20:8. 0 oo i g ye LL) g 22:6. NV ey 2: + Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . g Viveonine . . : .:. <3. g Isoleucine . . . . . ... g Leuciner. .. . wi.% « o's & 8 Lysinersi, «8 a wane g Methionine . . . . . . . . g Cysting ov %, oop nik. g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g Tyrosine: . 5". + + ov + + g Valine“. ox vi we 8 Arginine... , HR, Law. 8 EC g ARNINE + ide ww a & Asparticacid . . . . . «0h 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . 8 Glycine." =. 5 + vss g Proline Jv + oon ave g Serine iL. 4 wie we g ! Values calculated from strained mixed vegetable dinner. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03279 DINNERS Spaghetti, tomato, and meat, junior Page 100 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 "a Standard Number of an error samples ljar=213 g 10z=28.35g A B Cc E F G PROXIMATE: Water's ov ihaey + vous 2. 85.5 0.4 21 182.1 24.2 387.9 kcal 63 135 18 287 Foodenergy t=» = +» nip kJ. 265 564 75 1,200 Protein (NX 5.98). . . . . Th. 2.5 0.1 22 5.4 0.7 11.4 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 13 0¢1 22 2+7 0.4 5.8 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . a 10.1 21.6 2.9 46.0 Flor.“ Bra eice ss +» & 2 0.4 0.0 8 0.9 0.1 2.0 AYE 8 RL ae 8 0.6 0.0 18 1.2 0.2 2.5 MINERALS: CACM se + ata Lon ae mg. 18 1 21 39 5 83 Wom. iets , imino mg. 0.55 0.03 21 1.16 0.15 2.47 Magnesium’ , . . . ... . mg. Phosphorus =. 3... % 0 mg. 37 1 79 10 168 Potassium . vv wha. mg. 108 2 13 230 31 489 SOU Shah oe ta. + a a mg. 20 14 42 6 89 ING ating Lt. oh ate mg. 0.420 1 0.895 0.119 1.905 Coppertace . . n'a mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid), . . ..4 won mg. 2.2 0.1 21 4.7 0.6 9.9 Thiamin... «ov 2 vs « mg. 0.065 0.002 21 0.138 0.018 0.295 Riboflavin vx. os + « wins mg. 0.069 0.003 21 0.147 0.020 0.313 Nii AR os a mg. 1.097 0.054 21 2.337 0.311 4.976 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. 0.180 0.010 4 0.383 0.051 0.816 ViaminBgo. « . . vox mg. 0.059 0.004 6 0.126 0.017 0.268 Folacin «Xv 's iv wds wre ue mcg ViaminBya «vor we ow mcg To RE. 133 284 38 +604 iii IE 1. 693 46 21 1,477 197 3,145 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g Bs tigate wn £g 3 LAL DRE ERY £ BIO, oh le £ 19:00, . «= + en g IO", ovale ed g NAO. Lo ov wir ate 2 06:0, 5 or wun xk g UBIO ov tips 8g Monounsaturated, total. . . g X60 Tie a a ae g BARS ew ww g 1 I EN SE g 22:0 icry «ais ie es 8 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g let a de ee 8 ABB. oo aw ae 8 8d. ov coniraie 8g 20:4; ok hisise wa 8g 0:5. . Bow eww g D218 id aR en en 8g 22:60 a A Cholesterol . . . ... .. mg. Phytosterols .. . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. g TIeoniNe:. ol oi os we g Isoleucine . . . . . . ... 8g Leucinedss "+ dh vv £ Lysine on. ov va Se wo & Methionine “. 5a vw & CYStNBGL 0 7a a 0 wh ne & Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8g Tyrosine ders, . ov « «ow £ Valine's, . . hie ss wm g AIGINING.+ «aoe» ai 5 wn a g Histidine, +. + + 4 «vl 8 AlRningss . 5 i is von wn 8 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine. . =. . uw ow 8 Proline. ». : wis vos os g SOHNE ov xr vx Yk 8 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03050 DINNERS Page 101 Spaghetti, tomato, and meat, toddler 3 i i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion eommon measures of ood 1 pound of food 25 purchased Nutrients and units = Toss rpm Stendord Number of pproximate measure and weigl Refuse: 0 an error fps 1jar=177g 1o0z=28.35g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Wath. 5 LT a te 81.6 x 144.4 23.1 370.1 kcal . . 75 133 21 340 Foodenergy » S+i= fag 2 oan 313 555 89 1,422 Protein (NX 5.98). . . . . Zo Sands 5.3 0.3 6 9.4 1.5 24.0 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Pd 1.0 0.1 6 1.8 0.3 4.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . IgE 10.8 19.1 3.1 49.0 Fiber + a ww. rn 0.4 0.0 3 0.7 0.1 1.8 ASRS Ce ee nee gd ods 1.3 1 2:3 0.4 5.9 MINERALS: RR mg. . . 22 1 6 39 6 99 ORB. Fly © SE WE is 0.90 0.02 6 1.59 0.26 4.08 Magnesiume'. . . . L708 mz.’ . 15 1 26 4 66 Phosphorus. &, 5.0.74 ov. is mg. . . 45 1 79 13 203 Potassium . . « «alu vu mg. . . 163 1 289 46 739 Sodium Katt corn 5. + es Tete mg. 358 1 634 101 1,624 BNC sea sa ah. mg, 0.480 1 0.850 0.136 2.377 Copper: . wv vr hae Te mg. . . 0.020 1 0.035 0.006 .091 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. -. . 0. LL, mg... 4,1 0.1 6 Z+3 1.2 18.6 Thiamin «++ iain vie « mg... 0.062 0.006 6 0.110 0.018 0.281 Riboflavin. , ».» « v4 » mg. . . 0.101 0.009 6 0.179 0.029 0.458 Nagin. wo. LL mg. 1.558 0.047 6 2.758 0.442 7.067 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. 5. VitamioBe "i . . 0 0. MG «ioe 0.083 0.001 6 0.147 0.024 0.376 BOlaCiVE: ee meg . vitaminBya. .: . oo... mcg VitaminA . . . . . LL. RB Yrs . .i. 443 116 6 784 126 2,009 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . gi» ats 0 we se 8g Ob A ae £ BO. % le he en g TR fe 2 12:0. 0 LA aE g Nae a ee g 16:00 ety, a a £ 8:0 i ay £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16: ee ae. g IS. ve an g 205. anh: ait g 5 aS SE g Polyunsaturated, total 8 FSET aR, g 38:3. Ln Da 2 1814. ©. EA g QO Lh ay g 20:8. Ls £ 008 itt a g 226... Laub Bess Cholesterol . . . . . . . . mg. . . Phytosterols .. . ...'.J . , . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: LE Ss 0.065 0.115 0.018 0.295 Thisonittge, oie visio sis Linge 0.197 0.349 0.056 0.894 Isoleucine «+ nie, +: rides Goo 0.268 0.474 0.076 1.216 Leucine: . . . . .. ... Las 0.413 0.731 0.117 1.873 Lysine . . . ....... TR 0.313 0.554 0.089 1.420 Methionine. . . . . . .. Bos 0.104 0.184 0.029 0.472 Cystine Ba Lut aw £ --- 0.066 0.117 0.019 0.299 Phenylalanine . . . . . .. Eis vi 0.241 0.427 0.068 1.093 Tyrosine Jt. 2 0.09 0.00 2 0.20 0.03 0.43 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . 0.55 0.04 2 1.17 0.16 2.49 Yoel vn eee g ... 0.08 0.00 2 0.17 0.02 0.37 a CE Eis a> 0.48 0.02 2 1.02 0.14 2.17 200 Ale Blt g ... 0.00 1 0.01 0.00 0.01 20 vi in gM, Polyungturated, total, .. “ig. + 0.16 0.16 2 0.35 0.05 0.74 180 airing he £ ok 0.30 0.01 2 0.63 0.08 1.34 a Lise 0.01 0.00 2 0.03 0.00 0.06 A8:4,. oo ein ee Zi ai a NC 2s a 0.01 0.00 2 0.02 0.00 0.04 20:8. oc lone Zh 225. oo oad ea g 22:80 viv eH 2 Cholesterol’, i. +5. + « . mg. 5 Phytosterols . . . . . . . . me... AMINO ACIDS: TVRRBHREY: tno «et oi 2) aa 0.019 0.040 0.005 0.086 FROME ante igs + us 8 os 0.074 0.158 0.021 0.336 x te el 1 Ta £ 0.090 0.192 0.026 0.408 Lencineiat it sian = 00> 2 2 0.144 0.307 0.041 0.653 Lysine oceans. ss xs £ 0.145 0.309 0.041 0.658 etiam ce ols «os £ 0.049 0.104 0.014 0.222 a 2 0.019 0.040 0.005 0.086 penvialaging feels sts wo £ 0.076 0.162 0.022 0.345 ea 2 0.065 0.138 0.018 0.295 valine Nhaprle oo Xs 3 0.102 0.217 0.029 0.463 PIR gE : 0.132 0.281 0.037 0.599 AAs, SL wan uy : 0.043 0.092 0.012 0.195 et ihe + 2 Was : 0.114 0.243 0.032 0.517 he $ 0.171 0.364 0.048 0.776 bioni Gie le l 5 0.300 0.639 0.085 1.361 Dyes dete + lela 2 0.115 0.245 0.033 0.522 ASE A : 0.107 0.228 0.030 0.485 PRallagly iy on 0.069 0.147 0.020 0.313 ! Values calculated from strained turkey and rice. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03083 DINNERS Vegetables and bacon, strained Page 105 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edibie portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 1 0z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water EL ea 2% 85.9 0.1 42 110.0 24.4 389.9 kcal 69 88 19 311 Boodienergy «i si» xin kJ. 287 367 81 1,302 Protein (NX6.25) . . . . . 8 - 1.6 0.0 21 2.0 0.4 7.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 3.3 0.1 30 4.2 0.9 15.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 8.6 11.0 2.4 38.9 Biber. . 2). Ta ete ge 0.4 0.0 6 0.5 0.1 1.8 Tn, g 0.6 0.0 21 0.8 0.2 2.7 MINERALS: Cale. > eS x a mg. 14 0 20 17 4 62 bonds sii. vie ven mg. 0.36 0.03 20 0.45 0.10 1.61 Magnesium , , , . , . .. mg. Phosphorus. . ‘. +e « +s mg. 31 1 40 9 141 Potassium, -. .'. . «obit. mg. 89 1 13 115 25 406 Sodium 55 Gade era mg. 43 2 13 55 12 196 Ane. ee ve mg. Copperli, L.A, uw ¢ «9 mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . , .. . . . mg. 1.3 0.1 19 1.7 0.4 6.1 Thiamin, on. LT Ws . mg. 0.033 0.002 21 0.042 0.009 0.150 Riboflavin i 00 ow Gries mg. 0.033 0.004 21 0.042 0.009 0.150 Nigcindtehi, oe, mg. 0.530 0.024 - 19 0.678 0.150 2.404 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg . .. . .. . mg. 0.080 6 0.102 0.023 0.363 Folacin®.ie 2%. . olive mcg 9.2 0.3 12 11.7 2.6 41.5 ViaminByy . . . . .... meg 0.100 1 0.128 0.028 0.454 Tie! RE. 298 382 85 1,353 Vitamin A... oo... ww. 2,663 273 20 3,409 755 12,079 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . 8 1.19 0.02 9 1.52 0.34 5.40 B10 in, es oe a g Bi A cL a 8g BON ier Ais £ 10:0. 0. . von 8 0.00 9 0.00 0.00 0.01 17 RRA A Zz 0.00 9 0.00 0.00 0.01 14:0. 0. . LW. 8 0.04 0.00 9 0.05 0.01 0.19 16:05 ov. ut he 2 180... . ...., 8 0.36 0.01 9 0.46 0.10 1.64 Monounsaturated, total g 1.59 0.02 9 2.03 0.45 7+20 BIN vnc + 0 vs g 0.09 0.00 9 0.11 0.02 0.39 Br. en. 8 1.47 0.02 9 1.88 0.42 6.65 200... pee 8 0.03 0.00 9 0.03 0.01 0.12 BN ee a Sree g Polyunsaturated, total g 0.04 0.04 9 0.05 0.01 0.19 18:2. ........ 8 0.33 0.01 9 0.42 0.09 1.50 183... 8 0.02 9 0.03 0.01 0.09 Id ae aes £ vt A VE £ 0.01 9 0.01 0.00 0.02 20:8 re LL 8 R28 A a une £ IB ov vege ga Cholesterol. ... .\ . .. mg. 3.20 0.09 9 4.10 0.91 14.52 Phytosterols:i.t +, . Wu + mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . ... 8 0.015 0.019 0.004 0.068 Threonine . . . . . . . .. g 0.054 0.069 0.015 0.245 Ipleucine, als ties ms 8 0.066 0.084 0.019 0.299 Leucines. . . . ...... 8 0.104 0.133 0.029 0.472 Lysine ld, , co vas vs & 0.085 0.109 0.024 0.386 Methionine . . . . . . .. g 0.032 0.041 0.00Y 0.145 Cystine . . . . ...... 8 0.023 0.029 0.007 0.104 Phenylalanine kM a A 8 0.062 0.079 0.018 0.281 Tyrosine 4s ox vo. vee 8 0.055 0.070 0.016 0.249 Valine... Lo... g 0.085 0.109 0.024 0.386 Arginine Some fe we 8 0.111 0.142 0.031 0.503 Histicine, |» oq mi tev +o 2 0.034 0.044 0.010 0.154 Alanine Snr ln me 8 0.087 0.111 0.025 0.395 Aspartic acid whit © WE meee & 0.204 0.261 0.058 0.925 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . 8 0.314 0.402 0.089 1.424 Glycine RAL Lh fp ne # 8 0.071 0.091 0.020 0.322 Proline s fie Lantatial be 3 0a, iw x 8 0.069 0.088 0.020 0.313 Serine . . . ....... s 0.060 0.077 0.017 0.272 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03059 DINNERS Vegetables and bacon, junior Page 106 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 213 g 10z=28.35¢ A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, “oe i cil, 8 86.2 0.5 21 183.5 24.4 390.8 kcal 71 150 2 320 Foodenergy = « + - « + - kJ. 295% 629 84 1,339 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . g aah 1.8 0.0 22 3.9 0.5 8.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Pa 3.9 0.4 22 8.2 1.1 17.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Z vt 7.6 16.1 2.1 34.3 Biber of Ry g i 0.2 0.0 5 0.4 0.1 0.9 Bf AD ha gH 0.6 0.0 21 1.3 0.2 2.8 MINERALS: Caleiumih.. Su vie. Th Ws 11 0 21 23 3 49 ont." rer Set » mes 0.41 0.05 21 0.88 0.12 1.87 Magnesiumiis lL La hs mg. . . Phosphorus... . nl. 4 + mg. . . 38 1 81 11 172 Potassiumel) °F mg. ... 86 3 13 184 2 392 Sodium, LC. CL mg 45 3 13 96 13 204 Ane ah ade Mes. on + Copper o' Td." «kx wn mg... VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid, |. , . ... . . mg 1.1 0.0 21 2.4 0.3 5.1 Thiamin tow ods, . « mg 0.051 0.002 21 0.109 0.014 0.231 RBOfaVIRR I © hie mg 0.030 0.001 21 0.064 0.009 0.136 NICS ts 2 BP elie Ags mg 0.546 0.018 21 1.163 0.155 2.477 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. - VitamioBg" . «ihe me. 0: 0.064 0.003 8 0.136 0.018 0.290 Folacin®, Re 23 ur, I meg . . 9.0 19.2 2.6 40.9 VitaminByjp . . . . . LL. mcg NitaiA RE. 218 463 62 987 edly ve v. 1,576 118 23 3,356 447 7,148 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . 8 1.40 0.02 9 2.98 0.40 6.34 BO NRC ee ee £ 60... ce, £ BOLI, cv a aw a g 10:0." vv non ws g 0.00 9 0.01 0.00 0.01 120. 5h ae g 0.00 9 0.00 0.00 0.01 M000. oa g 0.05 0.00 9 0.10 0.01 0.22 BO. tn rhe i Ld. vw 18:0... «ohh g 0.42 0.01 9 0.90 0.12 1.92 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 1.86 0.03 9 3.97 0.53 8.45 161, .. .% 8 0.10 0.00 9 0.22 0.03 0.46 1B... g 1.72 0.03 9 3.67 0.49 7.81 201. ........ g 0.03 0.00 9 0.07 0.01 0.15 nT ily vee 8g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 0.05 0.05 9 0.10 0.01 0.22 130. g 0.39 0.01 9 0.82 0.11 1.76 IBF inein v5 ante 8 0.02 9 0.05 0.01 0.11 184. . i wow 8 0M VL 2 0.01 9 0.01 0.00 0.03 20:8... 50. LL 0 £ tS Sa a a ae a F 4 IN i'n vo OE g te Cholesterol, .. . . . . + . mg. . .. Phytosterols . . . .. . . . me. « AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . ... 8... 0.017 0.036 0.005 0.077 Threonine . . . . . .. .. g 5%" 0.061 0.130 0.017 0.277 Isoleucine Ca rr ee ee 8 0.082 0.175 0.023 0.372 Leucine: PP Ce ey ew 8 0.128 0.273 0.036 0.581 Lysine .'......... g 0.109 0.232 0.031 0.494 Methionine . . . . . . .. g 0.037 0.079 0.010 0.168 Cystine . . . ....... g 0.026 0.055 0.007 0.118 Phenylalanine LEE a 8 0.077 0.164 0.022 0.349 Tyrosine . . . . ..... & 0.057 0.121 0.016 0.259 Valine . . . . LL... 8 0.097 0.207 0.027 0.440 Arginine Hale gan 5 8 aka 0.121 0.258 0.034 0.549 Histidine PARR aie g «tel 0.040 0.085 0.011 0.181 Alanine EEE 8 0.087 0.185 0.025 0.395 Aspartic acid Wigs isa te atts g& 0.203 0.432 0.058 0.921 Glutamic acid gE g& 0.358 0.763 0.101 1.624 Glycine Malini, wet w wey & 0.081 0.173 0.023 0.367 Proline *iARE Ln wee & 0.085 0.181 0.024 0.386 Serine . . . ....... g 0.069 0.147 0.020 0.313 ! Values calculated from strained vegetables and bacon. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03060 DINNERS Pass. 107 Vegetables and beef, strained 3 3 i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of i : Afioh Irv 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units N y Mo Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse:( i Bree umes tjar=128¢g loz=2.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. Zhi. os Lol ee bs £ 88.5 0.1 53 113.3 25.1 401.4 kcal . . 53 67 15 239 Foodienergy iv +b «+ +n BA. 220 282 62 999 Protein (NX 6,25) . . . . . Bw os 2.0 0.0 45 2.5 0.6 8.9 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . ge 2.0 0.0 45 2.86 0.6 9.1 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . A 7.0 9.0 2.0 31.9 PIB eon ii vv 6 a ls Liais: 0.2 0.0 29 03 0.1 1.1 AShER. of. ov SS Ln 0.5 0.0 44 0.6 0.1 2.3 MINERALS: CAlefime. . nis iv 5 ow uit mg. . . 12 1 43 16 3 55 WORE Bos so WEL 0.38 0.01 45 0.49 0.11 1.72 Magnesivm , . . .. ... mg. . . 5 1 7 2 24 Phosphorus “... . © +. . mg. qs 41 1 52 12 186 Potassium . , . ...... wg. . 101 2 13 129 29 457 Sodium... 0 a ve mg. i. 21 37 27 6 97 IEC ois oa 1 amie mg. . . 0.330 1 0.422 0.094 1.497 Copper =... i vais mg. . . 0.010 1 0.013 0.003 0.045 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . 1.2 0.0 44 1.5 0.3 5.2 LT mg. 0.021 0.001 47 0.027 0.006 0.095 Riboflavin; oii + vv a mg. x 0.028 0.001 44 0.036 0.008 0.127 Nagin ® 00 nw Ae mg. ; . 0.505 0.018 47 0.646 0.143 2.291 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg... 0.120 0.005 4 0.154 0.034 0.544 VitiminBgl . oe ee a mg. . . 0.054 31 0.069 0.015 0.245 Bolacint. "0d. lw va meg . 4.7 0.5 9 6.0 1.3 21.2 VitaminBya . . . .% « . meg . . 0.250 1 0.320 0.071 1.134 ar RE: .. 171 219 49 776 vitamin A «oe + SRE 40 44 1,520 337 5,387 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g BL al a g BOA oa £ SO, shi hee Z 10:0... « o 7" sas £ BRO. ov wl g MEO AR vl woe g 16:0. Sasd 4% vow» g 18:0: ai i ve g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16, nr ans £ IB. is «evan 3 20:80 oh ee 8 BAX lv iso ais vets £ Polyunsaturated, total £ 8:2. 5 vos sos 8 18:3 0 Av Fv o bw g 18:4... . o.5 8 20:4. adG sv en a g 2008... ian oo. £ 228. view ee. £ 226." ios ws Le Cholesterol . . . . . . . . mg. . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mes .. » AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan SE ee 8 8 jp oi 0.020 0.026 0.006 0.091 Threonine . . . . . .... £8. vs 0.071 0.091 0.020 0.322 Isoleucine... «+ +» « vile g ... 0.083 0.106 0.024 0.376 Leucine. . . . . ..... NRE 0.135 0.173 0.038 0.612 Lysiee .......... £5 0.140 0.179 0.040 0.635 Methionine . . . . .. .. & 0.032 0.041 0.009 0.145 Cystine . . . ....... le 0.019 0.024 0.005 0.086 Phenylalanine a Zanlin 0.068 0.087 0.019 0.308 Tyrosine’... . . ..... gles 0.051 0.065 0.014 0.231 Valine ©... ....... £0 fan" 0.100 0.128 0.028 0.454 Arginine. . . . ...... 8ilethe 4 0.118 0.151 0.033 0.535 bistiding. Lv 4. Ee: 0.044 0.056 0.012 0.200 ARnine 5. «LL. 8 tare 0.135 0.173 0.038 0.612 Aspartic acid Le sows v3 8 ik 0.195 0.250 0.055 0.885 Gluamicacid. . . . . . . . & Salis 0.359 0.460 0.102 1.628 Glycine . .. . . . ..... Be 0.154 0.197 0.044 0.699 Proline ... ........ £0 0.123 0.157 0.035 0.558 Serine '. ......... ie 0.072 0.092 0.020 0.327 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03053 DINNERS Page 108 Vegetables and beef, junior + . : Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error gemples ljar=213¢g 1o0z=2835¢g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, lx iy 87.9 0.2 28 187.3 24.9 398.9 keal . . 53 113 15 240 Food energy + + + + + + - - a 222 472 63 1,005 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . ZT . 2.4 0.1 22 5.0 0.7 10.7 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Toh 1.7 0.0 22 3.6 0.5 1.8 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gle 7.4 15.8 2.1 33.7 Fibers 0. es LN Ls gid 0.2 0.0 5 0.4 0.1 0.9 ASTIN ees vhs Biv atk 0.5 0.0 22 1.2 0.2 2.5 MINERALS: Calcium. 2 te mg. . . 10 22 22 3 46 rots dW Sr mg. 0.47 0.02 22 1.01 0.13 2.15 Magnesium: ©, a0 mg. . . 6 1 3 13 2 29 Phosphorus’ . . . . . . . . mg. . . 43 91 12 195 Potassium, Sets LL uw mg. « 105 3 13 224 30 477 Sodiom iy at. ea le mz. J. 24 32 52 7 111 LL BS oo IC my. . . 0.414 0.013 16 0.882 0.117 1.878 Copper, sc = +o v5. 0 5 mg. . . 0.039 0.005 12 0.083 0.011 0.177 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg... 1.5 0.1 17 3.1 0.4 6.7 Thm er oc vs oll mg. . . 0.031 0.002 22 0.066 0.009 0.141 RIBORBYIN., . “dori 5 9% i» mg. . . 0.031 0.002 21 0.066 0.009 0.141 NFRET A ae i a mg. . . 0.656 0.030 22 1.397 0.186 2.976 Pantothenic acid." . . . . . . mg... 0.125 0.266 0.035 0.567 VitaminBg 0... . mg. . . 0.064 0.004 6 0.136 0.018 0.290 Eolaeinf =, OF, CL he meg. . 4.9 10.4 1.4 22.2 Vitamin Byph LLL LLL meg. . 0.261 0.556 0.074 1.184 Vitam RE. . . 192 410 55 872 i RR w. 1,414 74 22 3,011 401 6,412 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 2 4:0; oe LC, hes g 6:0. « in nw £ 80s vv vow ee g 10:0, +i» « glut wluls g 110 | I LP A STR g $00 oo 2 wwe wk £ 16:0. vie vy 40 g I80te vr ov 20h 8g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 6:1 tty ne a 8g 18: svn 0 vw 5 nw x» 8g 20 or ee 5 a 8g 22 ens odin oa g Polyunsaturated, total g Bid ie a eh 8g 18:3. ei ww SAT, 8g Bin ov ea g vo a RE SE £ 20:8. lines ww g BUS = rh do vw kiee g UBS wal ark TAREE Cholesterol , . . . . . . . mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . .. mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. 8 Sie 0.023 0.049 0.007 0.104 Threonine . . . . . .... g 0.085 0.181 0.024 0.386 Isolevcine . . . .. o.oo. 2 alate 0.100 0.213 0.028 0.454 Leyeing ¥. 0. cw wea 8 vu 0.162 0.345 0.046 0.735 LYSINE Rates is oy sw nia & 0.168 0.358 0.048 0.762 Methionine. . . . . . . . gisialn 0.038 0.081 0.011 0.172 Cystine . . . . ...... Z ... 0.023 0.049 0.007 0.104 Phenylalanine . . ... . . ge 0.082 0.175 0.023 0.372 Tyrosine, +00 his vos £7 0.061 0.130 0.017 0.277 Valine te ojnieia sie + x LB, 0.120 0.256 0.034 0.544 Arginine... LL. LLL g -. 0.142 0.302 0.040 0.644 Histidine pe ele 5 ow 4 8... 0.053 0.113 0.015 0.240 Alanine) ate +a vas et 0.162 0.345 0.046 0.735 Asparticacid . . . . . . .. Ely ah 0.234 0.498 0.066 1.061 Clunmicaed. » + + 5. + 3s Ze x 0.432 0.920 0.122 1.960 Blydine;. aa 1 re ns Shvige 0.186 0.396 0.053 0.844 Proline . . . ....... & mye 0.148 0.315 0.042 0.671 Seringgn,: «le 5 a vie £ 0.086 0.183 0.024 0.390 ! Values calculated from strained vegetables and beef. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03054 DINNERS Vegetables and chicken, strained Page 109 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Approximate measure and weight Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean rior samples 1 jar = 128 g 1o0z=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: WALEr ov iv ve ww we 2s 90.0 0.2 24 115.2 25.5 408.2 kcal 43 55 12 193 Foodenergy + = = += «+ + + kJ. 178 228 51 809 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . gi. 1.9 0.1 20 2.5 0.6 8.8 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 1.1 0.1 20 1.4 0.3 4.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 6.6 8.5 1.9 30.1 i 8 - 0.2 0.0 4 0.3 0.1 0.9 ASRS os tS ae g 0.3 0.0 18 0.4 0.1 1.6 MINERALS: Caleiunyas, "0 oS mg. 14 19 18 4 64 Irongdeat: ahle be Wide egde mg. 0.27 0.01 20 0.35 0.08 1.24 Magnesium , . . . . , . . mg. Phosphorus i's Kui vw 5 » mg. 25 1 32 7 113 Potassium . . J. Wo. vos mg. 30 1 13 38 9 136 Sodigmie. . 0. i. Hie mg. 11 0 31 14 3 48 ZUNE 3 0 J ia an, AEE mg. Copper Be a mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 1.1 0.1 24 1.4 0.3 4.8 Thiamin, 0. %' eo . 2... mg. 0.013 0.000 19 0.017 0.004 0.059 Riboflavinz, <. +. « Jin mg. 0.019 0.001 19 0.024 0.005 0.086 IgE ot fc mg. 0.187 0.012 19 0.239 0.053 0.848 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. 0.200 0.010 4 0.256 0.057 0.907 VitaminBg: . . ov 2 iuie a mg. 0.021 0.001 6 0.027 0.006 0.095 Folacin =i Vain oa mcg 3.2 0.4 6 4.1 0.9 14.5 VitaminBya . . . .. . .. mcg vitamin A RE. 137 176 39 622 ed rat IU. 1,106 122 18 1,416 314 5,018 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g $10.00 . La £ BHT 3 a nd g 8207, iit is EE g WOO. ra wes g BO lr en 8 4:0. 5. Stns g W620 ovis wv wien wa 8 8:00 air ys g Monounsaturated, total. . . g HY ar Ress we wale 8g IB. an wacals £ 20:0. ie ae ae g RY he ie ab g Polyunsaturated, total g Bit ey ae £ ABB. vs son g 184. i va g DORA ke i x ee g 20:85 cL ves wate 8g 1 I PE g 22:6. WN zg Cholesterol. ' 5. «+ = 7% vs + mg. Phytosterols’ ....-. . + . + mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan # Xowcy ov mi x g 0.021 0.027 0.006 0.095 Threonine arrose g 0.069 0.088 0.020 0.313 Isoleucine . . . . . .... 8 0.091 0.116 0.026 0.413 Leucine: BR 1 Elise ul ee g 0.136 0.174 0.039 0.617 Lysine Sapien oo 8 aw 8 0.121 0.155 0.034 0.549 Methionine. . . . . . .. 8 0.036 0.046 0.010 0.163 Cystine ales, iv siadel ie Ve g 0.027 0.035 0.008 0.122 Phenylalanine er Seile Wan 8 0.078 0.100 0.022 0.354 Tyrosine wet mb ie 8 0.059 0.076 0.017 0.268 Valine 2 r & 0.104 0.133 0.029 0.472 Arginine... . . ...... 8 0.118 0.151 0.033 0.535 Histidine EAI A TR g - 0.038 0.049 0.011 0.172 Alanine el Hie ba wpe a Be & 0.108 0.138 0.031 0.490 Aspartic acid pi emily on el 8 0.151 0.193 0.043 0.685 Glutamic acid Gr ER 8 0.399 0.511 0.113 1.810 Glycine vSeRS wleoe ¥ lw El & 0.109 0.140 0.031 0.494 Proline oe Sep Lo BEET & 0.142 0.182 0.040 0.644 Serine . . . ....... 8 0.076 0.097 0.022 0.345 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03073 DINNERS Page 110 Vegetables and chicken, junior Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of Fonours n Hib Potion 3 Nutrients and units common measures of ood pound of food as pur Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples . 1 jar = 213 g 10z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water "Bo Geis: «5 as A 88.2 0.1 18 187.9 25.0 400.1 Beall 4 50 106 14 225 FOOU energy ‘adel + sv vie kr... 208 443 59 942 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . ® 5 tw 1.9 0.0 19 4.0 0.5 8.6 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Zi ovis 1.1 0.1 20 2.3 0.3 4.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gen, 8.5 18.0 2.4 38.3 i a RET g 0.4, 0.2 5 0.4 0.1 0.9 ASH. vale ts se iv 5 5 i 8 0.4 0.0 18 0.8 0.1 1.6 MINERALS: Calchumy «hale ©, aie Vg. «os 14 1 18 30 4 64 on nto 3 ns Fh iuinn mg... 0.30 0.03 23 0.64 0.08 1.36 Magnesium. Jon Tet mg. . . Phosphorus .. . . . . . .. mg. . . 26 1 55 7 118 Potassivm®. ak, LT La mg. . . 26 1 13 54 7 116 Sodium"; . 8% . 5. ves me. . 9 1 30 18 39 Ante Liars eS alls mg. . . COPPER v0 + ov wv on me, VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. i. . . . .. mg. . . 1.4 0.1 25 3.1 0.4 6.5 Thiaminet. «Ta. mg. . . 0.012 0.000 18 0.026 0.003 0.054 Riboflavin oo co a + wn LT 0.019 0.000 18 0.040 0.005 0.086 INigein co nie ais av mg. . . 0.334 0.016 19 0.711 0.095 1.515 Pantothenic acid) . . . . . . mg. 0.235 0.501 0.067 1.066 VitaminBg % + « +. vows mg. . . 0.037 0.001 5 0.079 0.010 0.168 EOISCINY, sie nies o arid suis meg. . 3.8 8.0 1.1 172.1 VitaminBy . . . . . . .. meg . Vitamin A . . . . RE. . . 148 316 42 673 al w. . . 1,195 74 17 2,546 339 5,422 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 M0. a EA g 005 a a vs cd 8 80.0 wie 0 ne @ 8 TOO 5 ou Mew aw £ 10.05 hee en g M02. re sae £ 16:0: vo + Fs 0 a £ 18:00" opin bs 45 g Monounsaturated, total £ 16H. . oF. oF wis 8g WH: cc snr sw g 200% wv eon £ 22: Vitey 0 He 4 aa 8g Polyunsaturated, total ME WP. vs coe ven 2 2 EL g BM. «6 owl £ B04. oa he g 2080 «ov ie ens £g NS we a a g 22:6. % . oon. A &. vie» Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . ME. «on AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. 8... 0.020 0.043 0.006 0.091 Threonine, .". . . .... £ vs 0.067 0.143 0.019 0.304 bsoleucing:." . . Lo. 2 ats 0.088 0.187 0.025 0.399 Leucine, . . . ...... 8 Te ns 0.133 0.283 0.038 0.603 Lysine eis a sae wv Eels 0.118 0.251 0.033 0.535 Methionine base nthe ol go g sir 0.035 0.075 0.010 0.159 Cystine . . . . ...... & rns 0.027 0.058 0.008 0.122 Phenylalanine pa wal ads be & ela 0.076 0.162 0.022 0.345 Tyrosine Rpktis SROR fo ght el 0.058 0.124 0.016 0.263 Valine IER els vivian EZ «raf 0.101 0.215 0.029 0.458 Arginine. . . . . . .... g » vs 0.115 0.245 0.033 0.522 Histidine SESS LR 0.037 0.079 0.010 0.168 Alanine . soe 2 2p nea & Wa 0.105 0.224 0.030 0.476 Aspartic acid alps se 0 x 4 8 «i 0.147 0.313 0.042 0.667 Gluamicacid. . . . . . . . ry 0.389 0.829 0.110 1.765 Glycine... . . . ..... 2 rire 0.106 0.226 0.030 0.481 Proline . . . ....... & nis 0.138 0.294 0.039 0.626 Serine . . . . ...... gx us 0.074 0.158 0.021 0.336 ! Values calculated from strained vegetables and chicken. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03274 DINNERS Vegetables and ham, strained Page 111 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 Me. Standard Number of on ator Sfaples 1 jar = 128 g 1oz=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. , «vos voile ai g 89.2 0.1 34 114.2 25.3 404.8 kcal 48 62 14 219 Foodenergy ++ + = + «+ 5. 202 258 57 916 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . Z 5 1.8 0.0 20 2.2 0.5 8.0 Total lipid'(fat) .. . . . . . . hwy 1.7 0.1 20 2.2 0.5 7.7 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . giv 6.9 8.8 1.9 31.1 Fiber. 5 hn La a Zui 0.2 0.0 6 0.2 0.1 0.9 Tr Bion a 0.5 0.0 19 0.6 0.1 2.1 MINERALS: Calcium..." bw wes mg. wi 8 u 17 11 2 38 POR... vs ele mg. . . 0.30 0.05 19 0.38 0.08 1.34 Magnesium , . . . . . . . mg. 5 1 6 1 23 Phosphorus. *.. . . . ... . . YE 23 1 29 7 104 POIRSSIUNY |e so dh avs 50 mg. . . 85 1 13 109 24 387 Sodivmyi.~. ULE LR TL Ln mg. 12 16 15 3 54 ZIMEEN.. 0 ove wis mg... 0.192 0.011 4 0.246 0.054 0.871 Copper. ih a a ME ses 0.029 0.004 4 0.037 0.008 0.132 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid .. . i.e hs mg. . . 1.6 0.0 16 2.1 0.5 1.4 Thiamin: oe dh mg. . . 0.032 0.000 16 0.041 0.009 0.145 RIBORVINEY. . oh 7 dae ty mg. 0.029 0.002 19 0.037 0.008 0.132 Niagimdlaatet . Jl. a. mg. 0.404 0.010 16 0.517 0.115 1.833 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . VitaminBg . . ee oo mg... 0.033 0.002 7 0.042 0.009 0.150 FolReinE sr, x aia meg . 4.9 G.3 12 6.3 1.4 22.3 ViaminByay . . . . . . ... meg yu RE. 95 122 217 433 Vitamin A . . . . LLL {Re 682 55 17 872 193 3,092 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8g EC INE F'4 G10: Stub ve £ BO. il wade g WED 8 J a ooh £ RO. eae o g M0. Wo vs 8 VORP ch ce 8g IB) Lh ie £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g Woke « ov said g Wl ae 8 2008". ee g 22:00 Sle us 8 Polyunsaturated, total v ra Rg B20. oot ak 8g 18:3... me £ 1B Cra a g 2004, vv ews g 20:8 LT £ 2S rr aw g 226. ae ae we gx oh Cholesterol |, . w..'« . + mg... Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan Wa ibe os Pos gab 0.018 0.023 0.005 0.082 Threonine Dis lieu ENN g 0.066 0.084 0.019 0.299 Isoleveine! v=. v0. LL £ 0.078 0.100 0.022 0.354 Leucine, 8... . oo. g 0.129 0.165 0.037 0.585 Lysine LE de ee 2 0.119 0.152 0.034 0.540 Methionine . . . . . . . . 8 0.037 0.047 0.010 0.168 Cystine e 3 late. & 0.018 0.023 0.005 0.082 Phenylalanine SR inal 8 0.066 0.084 0.019 0.299 Tyrosine se ee a a & 0.053 0.068 0.015 0.240 Valine “. . . ....... 8 0.092 0.118 0.026 0.417 Agpinediv FE. Lo, Ln g 0.116 0.148 0.033 0.526 Histidine les. wide A g 0.047 0.060 0.013 0.213 Alanine a RB 8 0.104 0.133 0.029 0.472 Aspartic acid lv a pe 8 0.158 0.202 0.045 0.717 Glutamic acid. . . . . . . . g 0.346 0.443 0.098 1.569 Glycine WAN wl ae g 0.087 0.111 0.025 0.395 Proline . . . ....... 2 0.093 0.119 0.026 0.422 SPINE tail oi. ty ww 8 0.067 0.086 0.019 0.304 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03061 DINNERS Page 112 Vegetables and ham, junior 3 ” i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of : : Amount in 100 grams, edible portion COMMON measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units 7 7 Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 213 g 1o0z=28.35¢g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water," Fhe. ae We £5 88.4 0.1 8 188.2 25.1 400.8 teal 52 110 15 234 Eoodenergy. . «=.» * 47+ feos kJ 216 459 61 978 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . rr. 2.4 0.2 10 5.2 0.7 11.0 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . ore 1.7 0.1 9 3.6 0.5 7.8 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gov 7.0 14.9 2.0 31.8 Fiber... i's iw iv aa gol 0.2 0.0 5 0.4 0.1 0.9 AS ater +. wie Cw Dain La 0.5 0.0 8 1.0 0.1 2.2 MINERALS: Calcium, “oo lS, YL Ly mg. 8 1 9 16 2 34 BON Dhl a ate vv vv a mgs 0.22 0.02 9 0.47 0.06 1.00 Magnesium™ . ), . . i... mg. . . 7 0 3 15 2 32 PhOSPROIUS: + tbe vw s+ a me... 26 1 55 7 118 Porassiumd. . 8. LL. mg 92 197 26 419 A mg 18 2 37 5 79 ZING TENG mg... 0.223 0.022 3 0.475 0.063 1.012 Copper? i. wa... mg... 0.031 0.066 0.009 0.141 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . , . . . mg... 1.3 0.1 6 2.7 0.4 5.8 Thiamine vey, wives o mg. . . 0.037 0.005 11 0.079 0.010 0.168 Riboflavin . . . . . . . . . mg. . . 0.022 0.000 10 0.047 0.006 0.100 Niacin ose ihe Gs vale ng... 0.351 0.015 10 0.748 0.100 1.592 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg.. « VitaminBg -.3: . w. « wile mg... 0.032 0.001 8 0.068 0.009 0.145 Folin, Ju weet s hn se meg . . 543 11.3 1.5 24.1 VitaminByp . . . . . . . . meg. ok RE. . . 81 173 23 368 VIHAMIA le ce x vv Rr 615 62 9 1,310 174 2,790 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 0 FE ee g BOL Varn Fe A £ 8:0, rie ve ce 8g ORE g 120 oo. «ovina g 0h ts a g V6: ob eo law g A800, 5. aeinin Z Monounsaturated, total. . . g 6 He en g 18: Ls vas aes 8 20000. viv xe vs £ 2d. a= ltd g Polyunsaturated, total 8g IS rs ae 1 g We ve g Bd. « «voile a 8 RO oii £ 20:3 Puan a ln ae £ 208. ain Wh os g 2265 nh vv ve Lh Cholesterol... Jha, mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. .%, AMINO ACIDS: Toypophan ui. te + «oi £ 0.026 0.055 0.007 0.118 Thieonine,. 10. © © 4 wie £ ... 0.091 0.194 0.026 0.413 Isoleucine Gre ls 5 bw We 2. 0 0.109 0.232 0.031 0.494 Leucine: tilalee se opie woe oe alt 0.179 0.381 0.051 0.812 Lysine oles ET we ee £1 aie 0.166 0.354 0.047 0.753 Methionine Boag Se ww we g& . . 0.051 0.109 0.014 0.231 Cystine . . . ....... Z x 0.026 0.055 0.007 0.118 Phenylalanine or shane gv wo 0.091 0.194 0.026 0.413 Tyrosine Tg I Zi wn 0.074 0.158 0.021 0.336 Velineg fora = airv 2 ol 0.127 0.271 0.036 0.576 Arginine, cto ole nw Elvis 0.161 0.343 0.046 0.730 Histidine a Efw oife 0.066 0.141 0.019 0.299 Alanine. (. oLaiwls v 2e 8 gr 0.144 0.307 0.041 0.653 Asrarlesdd se + vale agi 0.220 0.469 0.062 0.998 Say 2 se 2 HOR 0.480 1.022 0.136 2.177 Siycine Er su wits ee 8 ae 0.120 0.256 0.034 0.544 ig ys oh sata gx 0.129 0.275 0.037 0.585 OP es 8 hey ns oe ger. 0.093 0.198 0.026 0.422 ! Values calculated from strained vegetables and ham. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03062 DINNERS Page 113 Vegetables and ham, toddler i 0 i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutrients and-units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased oe Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 an error samples ] jar = 177 q 1 oz = 28.35 gq A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: WRTer En te 83.6 0.3 5 148.0 23.7 379.4 kcal 72 128 21 329 Food energy « « + = + - - - ~ 303 537 86 1,375 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . a 4.2 0.1 4 7.4 1.2 18.9 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . i. X 3.0 0.1 6 5.2 0.8 13.4 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . lat, 7.9 13.9 2.2 35.7 Fibers" 2 75 oie 3 Ash he es g 1.4 0.0 3 2.4 0.4 6.2 MINERALS: CCI 5m 3 i a + a mg. . 23 1 4 41 7 104 rome ila LL ae mg. . . 0.70 0.01 4 1.23 0.20 3.15 Magnesium , . , . , . . mg. . . 17 1 30 5 76 Phosphorus . . . . . . .. mg. . . 40 1 71 11 182 Potassium”. = WF, LE, mg. . . 153 ] 271 43 694 SOIUM. cic. «= «wt 0d vied TR 4 300 1 531 85 1,361 ZINC: 30 2 be mg. . . 0.470 1 0.832 0.133 2.132 Copperi. A oy wie oo Ta mg. . . 0.040 1 0.071 0.011 0.181 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . me. 3.7 0.3 4 6.6 1.1 16.9 Thiamin. -... 5 a mg... 0.043 0.002 6 0.076 0.012 0.195 Riboflavini.he . 5 lads Sh. mg... 0.055 0.002 6 0.097 0.016 0.249 INCI. Ze = os vel a mg. . . 0.699 0.043 6 1.237 0.198 3.171 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. ... VitaminBg: "20. 2 Fh mg. . . 0.086 0.006 4 0.152 0.024 0.390 Folaginl. =, 5%. >. meg . Vitamin By, . Loh ok mcg VitaminA . . . . . . . . RE, es wn. 355 25 3 629 101 1,612 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . Bit a 1.05 0.02 2 1.85 0.30 4.75 B00 LN, a ee 4 wiv + Lily RR IE he TT £ Bi. i et Zi. 2h V0:0: 1c 2 ished sop ta 0 x 8 as 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 0.01 2:0 LT $n 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 0.01 T40, pele ge 0.04 0.00 2 0.07 0.01 0.17 16:06. + .. . vn ni. Eee 18:0... , 0. Bis 0.31 0.00 2 0.54 0.09 1.39 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . 1.43 0.00 2 2.52 0.40 6.46 16:0. eh all g++» 0.08 0.00 2 0.15 0.02 0.38 180 0, i 2a a 1.31 0.00 2 2.32 0.37 5.95 20:0. Ll Le 8" us 0.03 0.00 2 0.05 0.01 0.12 de oo aa ah ld Ba. Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 0.17 0.16 2 0.30 0.05 0.76 18:2, ........ 8. hw 0.15 0.14 2 0.27 0.04 0.69 18:3. an ed Bw 0.02 0.00 2 0.04 0.01 0.11 18d 5 LC ea go. 2004007 5 Un, + apie 2500 <. 0.01 2 0.02 0.00 0.04 RO:5.% bla «we ws Bes R25. ve nara g 2260: a ages nis Entry Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. . . 7.70 0.10 2 13.63 2.18 34.93 Phytosterols . . . ... .'.. mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . ... 2 iby 0.057 0.101 0.016 0.259 Threonine . . . . . . . .. 8 oft 0.170 0.301 0.048 0.771 Isoleucine shel oy Sl 07 ieee 8 ni 0.209 0.370 0.059 0.948 Leucine: HE EE gle 0.325 0.575 0.092 1.474 Lysine . . ........ g 0.305 0.540 0.086 1.383 Methionine . . . . . . .. g 0.081 0.143 0.023 0.367 Cystine . . . . ...... 8g «in 0.047 0.083 0.013 0.213 Phenylalanine bit Ss le 8... 0.181 0.320 0.051 0.821 Tyrosine gw a vy 8 rl 0.142 0.251 0.040 0.644 Valine: 1, 0 welsh Tatinds 0.229 0.405 0.065 1.039 Arginine RE Sab Wt 8... 0.266 0.471 0.075 1.207 Histidine Tod 8 ei aie Te gels 0.114 0.202 0.032 0.517 Alanine AERP AE I Boirhs a 0.217 0.384 0.062 0.984 Aspartic acid TRE lr 8 ihe 0.473 0.837 0.134 2.146 Glutamic acid eal Si a BL Sek 0.702 1.243 0.199 3.184 Glycine Be lw YT ee Eons 0.200 0.354 0.057 0.907 Proline edie owl we a 8... 0.223 0.395 0.063 1.012 Serine . . . . . ..... Ba fnig 0.177 0.313 0.050 0.803 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03063 DINNERS Page 114 Vegetables and lamb, strained k . x Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of : : Amount in 100 grams, edible portion OImon messares of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 a Swart Na 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.35g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, or rein. «od 2 88.6 0.2 30 113.4 25.1 402.0 kcal. . 52 67 15 236 Foodienergy is. .- + + vx «ls iE 218 279 62 989 Protein (NX 6,25) . . . . . globe 2.0 0.0 27 2.5 0.6 9.0 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Z et 2.0 0.1 21 2.6 0.6 9.1 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 ven 6.9 8.9 2.0 31.4 Fiverl, ns . E gh 0.3 0.0 6 0.4 0.1 1.3 ashi, oath Lp, En 0.5 0.0 21 0.6 0.1 2.2 MINERALS: Calelumiy: «00 iy via ae Ws 12 1 25 15 3 53 bron BX. nF me... 0.35 0.03 26 0.44 0.10 1.56 Magnesium?! , \. .'.. . .. ng... 7 9 2 33 Phosphorus® . . . . . . . . mg. . . 49 63 14 222 Potassium a i hn mg. . . 94 2 13 120 27 425 SOtium i «han ee a mg. . . 20 16 26 6 93 Tingle uh mg... 0.216 0.276 0.061 0.980 Copper Loderst se duiix 4 + lin mg. le 0.029 0.037 0.008 0.132 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacids . . oul. mg. . . 1,2 0.1 21 1.5 0.3 8.3 HIBIN opts vo + coe fot mg... 0.018 0.001 26 0.023 0.005 0.082 Riboflavimi.®. . . ... + + me ius 0.034 0.004 26 0.044 0.010 0.154 WNisgin LL a. LL mg... 0.529 0.018 25 0.677 0.150 2.400 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . A 0.160 0.005 4 0.205 0.045 0.726 ViaminBgs. .... . 5 . . mgt 0.046 0.002 11 0.059 0.013 0.209 Folger, ites 30 ars meg . 3.6 u.5 9 4.7 1.0 16.5 Vitamin By LL. LLL. meg 0.159 0.204 0.045 0.721 Ai RE. . 283 363 1,286 Vitamin A 1. 1,995 130 25 2,554 566 9,050 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . Bitins 0, vo as gd vy G0. a 8 BW. wt. Le g 10:0. vv as g A220. 50 view law g 0. nw ve x 8g ¥6:00 tie via 8 8:0. 25.5% a £ Monounsaturated, total g 11 ENE RE 8 Be iis 0 wai sh g BO et el 8 py UO SR 8 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IR Hn Ne ie £ MBF edi. iv onda £ 18:4, . 7". «+b sn £ 2004, (rt via oS we £ 20:8 Xe ub g INS a RE, g 22:6. ears Eos ei Cholesterol . . » . . . . . mg.t. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan, «+s + +s fal 0.023 0.029 0.007 0.104 Threonine ile ade es « 3 » EEE 0.073 0.093 0.021 0.331 WOUSUEINE jo - = vv = [urs ial vce 0.090 0.115 0.026 0.408 Leucine, fe vis nin 4 Sie» g in 0.147 0.188 0.042 0.667 Lysine” . » %islins wis ele EB, wins 0.146 0.187 0.041 0.662 Methionine. . . . . . . . Efe. 0.030 0.038 0.009 0.136 Cystine , ......... Eo 0.017 0.022 0.005 0.077 Phenylalanine. . . . . .. 2 ess 0.079 0.101 0.022 0.358 TVOSI0R ade lin 2% 0.062 0.079 0.018 0.281 Yall] sas 0 20 os i 0.097 0.124 0.027 0.440 ATEININE LL fe foe init, ns,» gn 0.133 0.170 0.038 0.603 Hisdinerso¥. 0. 5 40 g 0.046 0.059 0.013 0.209 AIDE a 3 lp iar + 8 tarts 0.113 0.145 0.032 0.513 hi ARI £ Gr 0.198 0.253 0.056 0.898 DURCH, Js,» = + + +75 fms 0.397 0.508 0.113 1.801 Blycine’s 316s i" + win als Bre trte: 0.100 0.128 0.028 0.454 Proling oliugex + + = ows By 0.109 0.140 0.031 0.494 Serine fo Se 5 eee EDL 0.073 0.093 0.021 0.331 ! Values calculated from junior vegetables and lamb. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03066 DINNERS Vegetables and lamb, junior Page 115 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Me Standard Number of an error samples 1 jar = 213 g 1 oz = 28.35 g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water +o itis ov bk we Zi 88.6 0.2 25 188.8 25.1 402.1 kcal 51 108 14 230 Boodenergy =" «neg 02 kJ. 213 453 60 964 Protein (NX 6,25) . . . . . 2: 21 0.1 23 4.4 0.6 9.4 Total lipidifat) . . .'. . J. g 1.7 0.1 23 3.7 0.5 7.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 1.1 15.1 2.0 32.1 BIDET atts, vo vos gPie Z 0.2 6 0.4 0.1 0.9 ASE a 8 0.5 0.0 22 1.0 0.1 2.1 MINERALS: Calcium... 0%. allah mg. 13 0 21 27 4 57 bonsai, oT mg. 0.34 0.01 21 0.72 0.10 1.52 Magnesium... Lo. Ld mg. 7 0 3 16 2 33 Phosphorus. oi. + ve iets mg. 49 1 104 14 222 Porassium .. che se se mg. 95 14 202 27 431 SOAIIM . . LE ah ee mg. 13 1 15 28 4 60 ZING, «on ee mg. 0.221 7 0.471 0.063 1.002 IT PE mg. 0.029 0.003 3 0.062 0.008 0.132 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . , mg. 1.7 9.1 22 3.7 0.5 1.8 Thiamin, « . eh. mg. 0.021 0.002 20 0.045 0.006 0.095 Riboflavin™. . ."%. .0. Ls mg. 0.032 0.001 22 0.068 0.009 0.145 NBER, oti van waits mg. 0.554 0.016 21 1.180 0.157 2.513 Pantothenic acid.> . . . . . . mg. 0.159 0.339 0.045 0.721 YitaminBe sive» v0 vo mg. 0.044 7 0.094 0.012 0.200 Bolan st, of. «ue bt. mcg 3.6 7.7 1.0 16.5 ViaminByz'.'. . . viv 4. meg 0.159 1 0.339 0.045 0.721 VIRmIn Ais = ixawteiy so RE. 199 423 56 902 w. 1,483 129 23 3,158 420 6,726 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . £ 30 Ee ww £ G0, PER g BO tw er g JOO, Lite es £ 120. 5 g 0. . ee £ VB10 er 4 8 18:0. bn g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16:1... he he 8g 38: ie he £ 2051. ee te, a g BY, Eee pings eh £ Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IB, vs oa iwie g IBS: oi ive Nh g IB. alse inte wie g B08. Sw ew as 8g 2008. Je a g 28 he DT g AAR al) gz. Cholesterol =. ... « « , « » mg. Phytosterols . . . . . .. . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tivprophen:« o xis vs £ 0.024 0.051 0.007 0.109 hreonine .. . . . .... 8 0.077 0.164 0.022 0.349 Isoleucine .*.". . 5%. . 8 0.095 0.202 0.027 0.431 Leucine. . . . ...... 8 0.155 0.330 0.044 0.703 Lysine . ......... £ 0.154 0.328 0.044 0.699 Methionine! . Je. »e%s 2 0.031 0.066 0.009 0.141 Cystine . . . ....... 8 0.018 0.038 0.005 0.082 Phenylalanine © . 5. . . . & 0.083 0.177 0.024 0.376 Tyrosine fae supieneis os & 0.066 0.141 0.019 0.299 Valine lve ee 8 0.102 0.217 0.029 0.463 AGOING, oie wie eS apn £ 0.141 0.300 0.040 0.640 ia 2 0.048 0.102 0.014 0.218 Ale gv rally 2 0.120 0.256 0.034 0.544 ivi EE le £ 0.209 0.445 0.059 0.948 SaIgRER. ret £ 0.418 0.890 0.119 0.896 Sychsg ty p= £ 0.105 0.224 0.030 0.476 folings cists o. ¥ei's wits 8 0.115 0.245 0.033 0.522 Se. Lo a 2 0.077 0.164 0.022 0.349 ! Values calculated from strained vegetables and lamb. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03067 DINNERS Page 116 Vegetables and liver, strained i g 2 Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of : i Amount in, 100 grems, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units v = Standerd Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.35¢g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water 8 hap ae go 90.0 0.2 22 115.2 25.5 408.4 heals.’ 39 50 11 176 Foodenergy - - + + +» + + - ps 163 208 46 737 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . RETA 2.2 0.1 19 2.8 0.6 10.0 Total lipid{fat) . .. . . . . . 8 0.4 0.0 19 0.6 0.1 2.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . & 6.9 8.8 1.9 31.1 FIBRE rome a Tbe wa 21, 0.2 0.0 6 0.2 0.1 0.9 ASL denis LE TT le gv 0.5 0.0 19 0.6 0.1 2.1 MINERALS: Calcium’, .x-%. 5c is mg. . . 7 0 11 9 2 34 HOME Nard 3s ood a mg. 2.21 0.18 11 2.83 0.63 10.04 Magnesium ©: "JB 0b iT, mg," Phosphorus #.. 5." . . Fen me, . 40 1 51 11 181 Potassium. ois. 5. Ba mg. 94 1 13 120 27 425 Sodiumas Ber Le ee mg... 18 1 23 24 5 83 7b LE CRIS TE DL LA mg. . . Copper. oF. 5. viv Wa mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . .". ... . mg... 1.8 0.1 12 2.3 0.5 8.2 Thiamin os 8 LL mg... 0.018 0.001 11 0.023 0.005 0.082 RIBOFIRVIN. ., os 5 ie avid mg. . . 0.265 0.009 11 0.339 0.075 1.202 NRE le ST ed 0, mg. 1.200 0.044 11 1.536 0.340 5.443 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . VisminiBgs. 0. Le mg... 0.082 0.007 6 0.105 0.023 0.372 FolacinBeR ars, Xe, [ais meg . . 28.7 11.0 3 36.8 8.1 130.3 ViaminBya.v . Lui. meg. VibminA RE. . . 735 940 208 3,332 Rig ni wos 3,110 382 10 3,981 882 14,108 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . g 0 TAA 8 SOFT, ss Bh g 8:0. Nee g 100.5 ote ww Pur te 8 B20. te ai ee g IAD eal va g 180. aC oo a £ 18:0. .. vii vuoi £ Monounsaturated, total £ BOL ordain, 45 4» in 2 Pete. wlth ie 8 20: Vera LR wed 8g RN aT aE, £g Polyunsaturated, total x 8 WT oe ge writes + £ AIS am £ IS ah ie «Hw 8 20:4 de 4 g 20:5... 00... os £ Se tt, uh g 226). oud Ly z Cholesterol, . ...7. J... mg: . Phytosterols . . ... . ... mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. 8. vd 0.032 0.041 0.009 0.145 HL Ze 0.089 0.114 0.025 0.404 Isoleucine . . . . . . . .. gi wt 0.104 0.133 0.029 0.472 Leveines Ft, 50% 5%. » B vas 0.191 0.244 0.054 0.866 Lysines n'a Lo Ty vn g& - .. 0.163 0.209 0.046 0.739 Methionine . . . . . . .. g on 0.050 0.064 0.014 0.227 LT A En 8 ye 0.029 0.037 0.008 0.132 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 wins 0.104 0.133 0.029 0.472 TYPOSING, 'viviicn alle vl + vi goin 0.076 0.097 0.022 0.345 Valine . ......... £05 0.137 0.175 0.039 0.621 ATZININRL. rca ia te 8. 0 0.131 0.168 0.037 0.594 HISHOINE. 6 te +a + #u'n g 0.053 0.068 0.015 0.240 Alanineiiin oo u ov. Bie vis 0.131 0.168 0.037 0.594 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 wii 0.222 0.284 0.063 1.007 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . gH 0.324 0.415 0.092 1.470 Glycine LiL, Ch. 7 0.116 0.148 0.033 0.526 Proline. .i’.%. "5 vv «a ow g dan 0.117 0.150 0.033 0.531 Serine. cvs. wwe sie & def + « = » i 203 432 57 919 Protein (NX 6.03) . . . . . ip 2.1 0.1 4.4 0.6 9.4 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 0S Te 0.8 0.1 3 1.7 0.2 3.7 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Ln 8.0 17.0 23 36.2 LT ee A Bs AE. eee a & 6h 0.6 0.0 3 1.2 0.2 2.6 MINERALS: i mg... 14 1 3 30 A 64 HOR S30 Go adel Ge ev mg... 0.47 0.04 3 1.00 0.13 2.13 Magnesium , , . . . . . my... 7 0 3 14 2 30 Phosphorus oi." x. . oo. mg. ao. Potassium, 2, oA mg. eu SOUR . “eoia + 5 "a: 3. mE. 52 i 110 15 234 RL TT 0.327 0.027 3 0.697 0.093 1.483 Coppers, Toi: uu svi wie i mg, VITAMINS: AscorbicacidY . . . . .i. . "Ea 0.8 1.7 0.2 3.5 Thiamin, <5": = + 5 x 4 mg. . . 0.039 0.001 3 0.083 0.011 0.177 Riboflavin div. « ov ov + me. 0.036 3 0.077 0.010 0.163 Nigein. git, 2%0 5 10. mg. . . 0.490 0.010 3 1.044 0.139 2.223 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg VilaminBg '. . + . Lou mg, .. Polagin eu . . meg . . 7.4 15.7 2.1 33.5 vitaminBya . . «Lo. meg VitaminA . . . . . . . RE. coi 0... 660 49 3 1,407 187 2,995 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g $0... Fi vn a. £ GO Ee a £ SHEL a, 2 sw 8 BOIO%: oe AP £g 120... g N80, ou” oi + als g N60 ie’ ve Fd 1 A A EE g Monounsaturated, total . g J6:10. SA i £ IB an 2 ne on £ 20, Loa. ihe £ 2 a tas vein g Polyunsaturated, total g I ne TR 8 WI se. £ Wd oon eae g 208... . 0 0. g 20:85.% . eww g 2B. smo + g 216... ws boats A Cholesterol . . . . .. .. mg. Phytosterols .<, . . .:.v mg, AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan .". . . . . . g Tihreomine . ... . + « «x £ Isoleucine . .% . . . J... 4 Leyciner, .'% . . a wide 4 Cysing —viv's + wh woe Tahi 8 Methionine =... . . . & Cystine .", . + © viv tv wn 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 2 Tyrosines . = « v + v won g Valine™. . . + » «dies g ACHING. No i i 0 Td g Histidine, . . ow au 8 Alanines, co. YL wn ai & Asparticacid . . . . , . . . 4 Glutamic acid. . . . . . . . g LT g Proline... «ui. cnsie of # g on lr Se g ! Values calculated from strained vegetables, dumplings, and beef. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03042 DINNERS Vegetables, noodles, and chicken, strained Page 123 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 1o0z=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water vt, La aT 87.2 0.5 8 111.6 24.7 395.6 kcal 63 81 18 286 Foodignergy, = «= «>is kJ 264 338 75 1,197 Protein (NX 5.98) . . . . . 2 2.0 0.1 2 2.6 0.6 9.0 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 2.5 0.4 2 3.3 0.7 11.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 1.9 10.1 2.2 35.7 Elberta i LC eas gl 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.8 AShoue. "uve ns g 0.4 0.0 2 0.5 0.1 1.8 MINERALS: CRIEIUIY Fa dre’ vt mg 28 4 2 35 8 125 frome stay Lo mg. 0.35 0.04 2 0.45 0.10 1.59 Magnesium , , . . . . .. mg. Phosphorus? ., . . . ... ec. mg. 31 39 9 139 Potassium®. , . . . . . . . mg 55 70 16 249 Sodium... oiled. Sele mg 20 1 26 6 92 BIE Sah aria we a mg 0.250 0.010 9 0.320 0.071 1.134 Coppers.“ uiviis Vo vs mg 0.054 0.002 9 0.069 0.015 0.245 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid } . . . . . . . mg 0.7 1.0 0.2 3.4 Thiamin. o's ou oor mg... 0.032 0.006 2 0.041 0.009 0.145 Riboflavin . . . . . . . .. mi. % 0.049 0.003 2 0.063 0.014 0.222 Niacin wife vs me... 0.407 1 0.521 0.115 1.846 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mes 0.190 0.020 4 0.243 0.054 0.862 NitaminBgd.... 5 5. mg. . . 0.021 0.027 0.006 0.095 Folaciy . . iiis o*% + en meg. . 3.2 0.4 3 4.1 0.9 14.4 Vitamin Bol... LLL. megs. 0.080 0.102 0.023 0.363 NVIGAR «vv 47 1s x Joh RE wis : w. .. 1,417 12 2 1,813 402 6,425 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g #008, of A 8 BY, eis wie g B10. x shave TH g WO 5. Le g J2:058. he bie a g TR0.8, ties, ot g 16:0. . ciate g 18:00, ia areas 8g Monounsaturated, total. . . g WOE he os aha 8 IB. So Le ee 8g 200. or ee ve g RN aes ie g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g | SE RL SEI 8g 8:3. ON LARS g 188. cen vi g RO Ne Le auf g 20:8... ae £ 25.0 wv To £ ZUG. oe in 5 Cholesterol . . . . .. .. mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan: . . . .. . . g Threonine . . . . . . . . . 4 Isoleucine , . . J. LLL. £ Leucine. By ila « v « g Lysine... 5. ov % 2 www 8g Methionine . . . . . . . . g Cystine "pts , ie wince 8g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g Tyrosine . . «ov vw wus 8 Malle. . + utie se Xe. oni bn 8g Arginine.’%. . 24. 4. g Histidine... A, =. «os g Alanine. "vo «x g Asparticacid . . . . . . . . g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . 8 GlyCine , or» + ed 8 Proline... 4 wx ea g Serine. i. « LAN ww g ! values calculated from junior vegetables, noodles, and chicken. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03075 DINNERS Vegetables, noodles, and chicken, junior Page 124 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased - Stanioid Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 ean error samples 1 jar = 213 g 1o0z=28.35g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water... eK ee g 86.2 0.3 4 183.7 24.4 391.2 tie of she keal 64 137 18 292 Food energy kJ 269 574 76 1,222 Protein (NX 5.98) . . . . . g 1.7 0.1 4 3.7 0.5 7.8 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 8 2.2 0.3 4 4.8 0.6 10.2 Carbohydrate, total . . , . . £ y.1 19.4 2.6 41.3 Fiber", hae pO ey g QZ 1 0.4 0.1 0.9 ASH A et ae £ 0.7 0.2 4 1.5 0.2 3.2 MINERALS: Calcium.” wtedie fe + wv mg 26 2 4 54 7 116 Irom. pieiie cy «ov as mg. 0.49 0.06 4 1.04 0.14 2.21 Magnesium. =, =v ., LL. mg. Phosphorus." iid Ly mg. 33 1 70 9 150 Potassium ls & aiien ss x mg 59 1 126 17 268 Sodium, a ae mg 26 1 54 i 116 Zinc hatin vo mg. . . 0.320 } 0.682 0.091 1.452 COPPBE che bs vf a oti wi mg. . 0.058 0.124 0.016 0.263 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid’. hl. Lo mg. . . 0.8 0.1 3 1.7 0.2 3.7 By mg. is 0.042 0.005 4 0.089 0.012 0.191 Riboflavin.» . . . 4iv mg. . . 0.037 0.005 4 0.079 0.010 0.168 Niacin. . oe TE, mg. . . 0.675 0.106 4 1.438 0.191 3.062 Pantothenicacid.". . . . . . mg. . . 0.204 0.435 0.058 0.925 VitaminBeiaui os voor ote ote mg. . . 0.023 1 0.049 0.007 0.104 Rolcinie vin... vow 5 «in meg. 3.4 7:3 1.0 15.5 Vitamin Byg i. is eA meg. 0.087 1 0.185 0.025 0.395 ; i RE. .. Vitamin A . . . . . . . .. w. .. 1,051 12 4 2,238 298 4,765 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g ul, tl ate 8 BN Patil ve 8g a EE £ 10:10, Sab aid £g 20 Bat oie 4% 8g 4:0. 5 BN g 16:0..5. 7%, 7. Ww Nate £ IB10m. eh Sd £ Monounsaturated, total £ N80 da rele ene 8 IBLE. dl es g vt I UE g 2 GE ST A 2 Polyunsaturated, total “x8 BY ais Satur bn 8g A813 lai ww he g I SERENE 8g 20:40 Lt a g 20:8 rss a Tk £ AUS ne i ae g 22:6... uiiiake ees g Cholesterol". ok "wu win mg. Phytosterols. . .o. al. ow mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan '. .. v0. , £ Threonine™, <5 Ju J. 8g Isoleucine", & , «. . vu 4 4 g LEUCIRY, . nv fh lin 0 teria g Lysine es Lot, ih g Methionine ., . . . . . .. £ Cystine 05. iB iv monn 2 Phenylalanine. . . . . ..7. + gz Tyrosine i. . . Alia hee g Valine, +: aha alle 4 8g Arginine.» 0 Tee vie g Histidine, .. 2%. Wea, g Alanine iS a Lae g Asparticacid . . 0, . «oh 2 Glutamic acid. . . . . ... . g Glyciner =, . . 8 i ihe g Proline... LS eee Bs £ Serine... vv wie dei g ! Values calculated from strained vegetables, noodles, and chicken, AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03076 DINNERS Vegetables, noodles, and turkey, strained Page 125 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples s 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.3¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: . Water ot Cle 0 90.3 0.1 7 115.6 25.6 409.6 keal 44 56 12 199 Foodenergy - + + + = + « * kJ. 184 235 52 834 Protein (NX 6.08). . . . . 8.0 1.2 0.1 4 1.5 0.3 5.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 1.2 0.0 4 1.6 0.4 5.6 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 6.8 8.7 1.9 31.0 Fiber. GF... Jae gL. 0.2 1 0.3 0.1 0.9 ASHES Jo Je lot, caibar, N, g 0.4 0.0 4 0.5 0.1 1.9 MINERALS: Calcium 2", $1 oie. 5, mg. 32 2 4 41 9 145 Irons, cobain,” Tin oa mg. 0.19 0.01 4 0.25 0.05 0.87 Magnesium . . . . . . . . mg. 8 1 10 2 36 Phosphorus”... oh. mg. 25 1 32 7 113 Potassium 8d hailed vo mg. 63 l 81 18 286 SotIUM vs YL ers ie mg. 21 1 27 6 94 ine "oh de mg. 0.270 l 0.346 0.077 1.225 COPPRE ol i wv iar » mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . .. . mg. 0.8 0.2 4 1.0 0.2 3.6 Thiamin, =". . 5 Loo 0. mg. 0.018 0.002 4 0.023 0.005 0.082 RIBOFRYIN... 3: wie Beto mg. 0.044 0.007 4 0.056 0.012 0.200 NBCIARE, ia ss ees mg. 0.250 0.051 4 0.320 0.071 1.134 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg 5... . oul mg. 0.016 1 0.020 0.005 0.073 BOLE Ga. tits vs + arbs meg 2.4 0.8 3 3.1 0.7 11.1 ViaminBya'. + . ie oii mcg 0.100 § 0.128 0.028 0.454 Vitamin A . . . . . . .. RB, . U. 991 87 4 1,268 281 4,493 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . i $0 ee WANES Zi 80 DF a ee 8 BIO. a g 10:00, 0. + J 0 g PRO IN g V0. - fin «8 g 16:0. 50 + J¥elak, ) £ 18:0 re vals 8 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16: vr EYL g IB. ea, 8g 20: vss Te le £ Nn oa ain am g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IS ae a £ 18:3. 5 Eee ae £ 18: us, “ot a 8 204.5. Re g 20:8, 5 TR ie ee Zz .- 2S, fin eta An g R216. ink 5, va age gs Cholesterol... . . . . ai. mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . g Threonined. *. ., . . . . . . 2 Isoleucine . .'. « . . oan 8 Gouging. .. . ia iw Piba ly 4 Lysime™™, "ion nu ww Je 8 Methionine’ .. i... . wis & Cystine... . oo. 4 dl Tein g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . z2 Tyrosine ow oe vie a g Valines.U. NR. LL Wh 8 AIgInIng. J. vee le a g Histidine... h ote ule. g Alpine Le. LL 8 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 4 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g GlyoINE JX. uo a ae 13 g Proline halving g Serine ii... Beneshey lai & AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03079 DINNERS Page 126 Vegetables, noodles, and turkey, junior 5 : Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion SOmmon measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units 5 Nowa of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Meg ror Wipe 1jar= 213 g 1oz=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Waters, x au iteh TAR, dE 88.7 0.0 4 189.0 25.2 402.4 Food enerdv: =. +f + ube sox heal”, LY 110 15 235 8y Yio +n 217 461 61 982 Protein (NX 6,08). . . . . g 1.8 0.0 4 3.9 0.5 8.3 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 8&8 1.5 0.1 4 3.2 0.4 6.7 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . ein 7.6 16.1 2.1 34.3 Fiber: ih £0 of 0.2 0.5 0.1 1.1 Ah ole a ae 8 0.4 0.0 4 0.9 0.1 1.8 MINERALS: Calcium’, LCN a ee mg. . . 32 2 4 67 9 143 ron LR leis « vie oe mg. . . 0.26 0.02 4 0.55 0.07 1.18 Magnesium? | | we. 0, 9 20 3 42 Phosphorus! . . . . . . . . mg. . . 29 62 8 132 Potassium? cL . . mg. . . 73 156 21 332 SOM ile try os Te in mg.l. 17 1 37 5 79 Zine . ........ mg. . . 0.300 1 0.639 0.085 1.361 Copper «ov sae vn mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . 0.8 0.1 4 1.6 0.2 3.4 Thiamin. . . . ...... Lo EIR 0.024 0.001 4 0.051 0.007 0.109 Riboflavin . . . . . . . .. mg. . . 0.040 0.003 4 0.085 0.011 0.181 Niacin . ......... mg. 0.299 0.035 4 0.637 0.085 1.356 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. . . VitaminBg? . . . . J mg. . . 0.018 0.038 0.005 0.082 Folagind. ®. vw. -, 4, (00.50 meg . . 2.8 6.0 0.8 12.9 Vitamin Byl . LL... meg . 0.116 0.247 0.033 0.526 Ea ch RE. . VitaminA . . . . . . ... ww... 994 84 4 2,118 282 4,510 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . 8g B10, 50 ak Baie £ BIO. g 8:0, a age vy g 30:0 ie ae g 12:0, ak a, 8 g N40 rs yy 8g 18:0. «aX. oo. g 180 oo. ea a ie g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 18: TS a 8 ABN + or Tks fre wi 8g 2F. cle ae £ 22a, g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IB. Sl eit. g IB 0s vie 4 £ S48, 3. g 200d NT g 28h er £g 22:5 ah She ne ee g R26. i. 2 iY Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg... . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . Ens Threonine... «sos oinin RE Isoleucine . . . . . .... g Leucine... in. ol. Lo g Lysine ™" "5 Jil sa 8 Methionine . . . . . .. . g Cystine". ,. . of S80 Whe g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine, . "0" 5. on 8 Valine ot a a ve we 2 Arginine, 0... SNe g Histidine. . . . . . . . .. 8 Alanine: eit. 0 CLL nly g Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine." . 5 5) wie. vk Be g Proline. . oat 8. g Serine... Be eds vie a g ! Values calculated from strained vegetables, noodles, and turkey. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03081 DINNERS, HIGH MEAT OR CHEESE Beef with vegetables, strained Page 127 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 1o0z=28.3g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water... . ain, gv ot, 85.4 0.5 29 109.3 24.2 387.2 kcal 15 96 21 339 Poodenefy conte + 2 iis 8. 312 400 89 1,417 Protein (NX 6,25). . . . . gadis, 5.7 0.1 22 1.3 1.6 26.0 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Shri 4.2 0.2 21 5.3 1.2 18.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gh. 4.2 5.3 1.2 18.9 Fiber. "0 «oe sais ly on 0.3 5 0.4 0.1 1.2 ASE ENE, ee Wa g +x 0.6 0.0 20 0.7 0.2 2.6 MINERALS: CHE, os Ve St Tale mg. . . 12 1 19 15 3 52 brome, 0 te. he mg. 0.73 0.02 21 0.93 0.21 3.31 Magnesium oa ni. ake mg... 8 2 10 2 36 Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. . . 48 3 62 14 218 Potassium”. Rui. +. wv mg... 140 15 179 40 635 OT A A Me mg. . . 36 26 46 10 162 ZING ool Fete mg. . . 1.300 1 1.664 0.369 5.897 Coppers, 16, "Ji. ee me. 0.080 1 0.102 0.023 0.363 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . .. . . mg 1.9 0.1 20 2.5 0.5 8.8 Whiamin. ci. . 2°. mg 0.034 0.002 22 0.044 0.010 0.154 Riboflavin . . . . . . . . . mg 0.066 0.003 32 0.084 0.019 0.299 Niacin Fo eh mg 1.330 0.027 20 1.702 0.377 6.033 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg 0.240 0.010 4 0.307 0.068 1.089 Vitamin®Bg vv . ves mg. . . 0.088 0.003 6 0.113 0.025 0.399 Folagin'.. hoi ins meg . . 5.7 Oe? 6 1.3 1.6 25.7 Vitamin Bo: i lL con. mcg 0.510 3 0.653 0.145 2.313 MABIBINA « ote Toca 2 2, RE, 110 141 31 498 1. 784 33 20 1,003 222 3,556 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 2% i 4:08", el. Je Zia 60h a. ihe B 8:0 0. Fe HN g 0:10.85 vane oan ls £ N20. ae g 40... g Li Ci WR 8 18:0, . 5. Nn g Monounsaturated, total. . . g ey... . ... . rag 8. ae g 2000"... Rv 8 0 ih Th a g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g BZ, Lo Saree g 3.50.0 aa 8 18:45". . 00. g 20:40... Mata g 20:8, a he» £ Ru8. ve onde g 226... 200 oo. oN 2 wis Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan 8 0.046 0.059 0.013 0.209 Threonine , . . . ..... g vx 0.218 0.279 0.062 0.989 Isoleucine. , vo 2's vie vs 8 0.240 0.307 0.068 1.089 Leucine, . . . . . .... 8 0.425 0.544 0.120 1.928 Lysine . . ........ g 0.421 0.539 0.119 1.910 Methionine . . . . .... & 0.159 0.204 0.045 0.721 Cystine . . . ....... & 0.061 0.078 0.017 0.277 Phenylalanine LEER & 0.215 0.275 0.061 0.975 Tyrosine vv yee & 0.163 0.209 0.046 0.739 Valine B wiile vps HF 8 0.282 0.361 0.080 1.279 Arginine NER NL ge ty 0.351 0.449 0.100 1.592 histidine, .%. . «abe so gv 0.171 0.219 0.048 0.776 Alaines, ou Joy wis £ 0.359 0.460 0.102 1.628 Asparticacid . . . . . ... 8 0.518 0.663 0.147 2.350 Glutamic acid. . . . . . . . 8 0.838 1.073 0.238 3.801 Slycine ses 50 > «a 0% s 0.467 0.598 0.132 2.118 Proline Lk ge A SE ER & 0.337 0.431 0.096 1.529 Sorineceil ants gene £ 0.190 0.243 0.054 0.862 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03029 DINNERS, HIGH MEAT OR CHEESE Beef with vegetables, junior Page 128 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar =128¢g 10z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: : Water oe, a gr we. 83.2 0.4 20 106.5 23.6 377.6 kcal. . 85 108 24 384 Foodlenergy: «tix. «i» wis ry 354 453 100 1,606 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . ma. . 6.3 0.1 21 8.1 1.8 28.6 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . = chi 4.6 0.2 22 5.9 1.3 20.7 Carbohydrate, total . , . . . Bot, 5.3 6.7 1.5 23.8 Fiber, Siler v5 an. £ ix ave 0.3 0.0 5 0.3 0.1 1.2 Spee 1 Coll IR TY 2 Tein 0.6 0.0 20 0.8 0.2 2.8 MINERALS: Caleium, %. ., «od, dl Be wR 12 1 20 15 3 54 HON ie PN es mg. Lr, 0.79 0.04 20 1.01 0.22 3.57 Magnesiume™, kL oe mg. . . 8 1 10 2 37 Phosphorus. . . . . . . . mg. . . 52 1 66 15 235 Potassium. ®o.. Lo mg... . 149 14 191 42 676 Sodium. "ae, mg. . . 33 26 42 9 150 Zinch AN 0 es mg. . . 1.400 1 1.792 0.397 6.350 Coppers... rr wis uo . mg... 0.092 0.118 0.026 0.417 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . 1.9 0.1 20 2.4 0.5 8.6 THIBMIR = a ote ie ma... 0.036 0.002 20 0.046 0.010 0.163 Riboflavin..." wo. ugh, I 0.081 0.001 21 0.104 0.023 0.367 Nig. Se hall LA mg... . 1.424 0.032 20 1.823 0.404 6.459 Pantothenic acid} . . . . . . mg. . . 0.274 0.351 0.078 1.243 ViaminBg. .-. co. 0.» mg.v 0.086 0.005 5 0.110 0.024 0.390 Folagind. ou. meg . . 6.5 8.3 1.8 29.5 Vitamin Big . . . . . meg. . 0.583 0.746 0.165 2.644 Vitamin A Ra. es 98 126 28 345 AT hE Ww. .. 792 61 20 1,014 225 3,595 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 13 I, CE SE 8g B20 Lox, fh oe WN g BO Rete va ee g 100M ots, GE g 12:00 E50, Nh £ M4: Bile hr. g 16:0: =. airs, 005.0 £ I8:0. ta £ Monounsaturated, total. . . §g 180.5 0 8g TS c's ar chi ov a g 20:0 at g Nerd ovo 8g Polyunsaturated, total iw of IR, ae Co . 8 BB 8 8:4. hive hal, o 5s £ WA, La es g 20:5 i. cin £ BS, a g 2B. ee ig hat, Cholesterol. . . Ww... su mg. Phytosterols .. .. . . . . mg... AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. Biv 0.050 0.064 0.014 0.227 Threonine , , . . ..... CERT 0.240 0.307 0.068 1.089 Isoleucine . . . . . . . .. 8 win 0.264 0.338 0.075 1.198 Leucine: VEE, oy Te g& 0.468 0.599 0.133 2.123 Lysine . . ........ 8 +. 0.464 0.594 0.132 2.105 Methionine . . . . . ... 8. ie Buty 0.176 0.225 0.050 0.798 Cystine , ... ....... & 0.068 0.087 0.019 0.308 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . &. ae 0.237 0.303 0.067 1.075 Tyrosine bh ae ae & 0.180 0.230 0.051 0.816 Valine eA Rey Sh & 0.311 0.398 0.088 1.411 Arginine es a le g nik 0.387 0.495 0.110 1.755 Histidine etn oe a $a, 0.189 0.242 0.054 0.857 Alanine 3 et a ee 8 0.396 0.507 0.112 . 1.796 Asparticacidi.” 0, . i. raion 0.571 0.731 0.162 2.590 Glutamic acid oh Crs Bai a ah g 2% 0.924 1.183 0.262 4.191 Glycine Sate pA gt 0.515 0.659 0.146 2.336 Proline eh mE AN go ie 0.371 0.475 0.105 1.683 Serine S85. LE. oN g& 0.210 0.269 0.060 0.953 ! Values calculated from strained, high meat beef with vegetables. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03030 DINNERS, HIGH MEAT OR CHEESE Chicken with vegetables, strained Page 129 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Approximate measure and weight Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 1 oz = 28.35 q A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water’, . he Lal Th gt 83.7 0.2 49 107.2 23.7 379.7 [keal 78 100 22 354 Fondenscny © Sine kJ 327 419 93 1,483 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . g - 6.2 0.1 40 8.0 1.8 28.2 Total lipid (fat)... . +... 8 3.6 0.1 41 4.6 1.0 16.3 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 5.9 71.6 1.7 26.8 Finer... a ail Zz. 0.2 0.0 22 0.3 0.1 1.0 ar A NR 8 0.5 0.0 42 0.7 0.2 2.5 MINERALS: Calcium, =50 y +e, we nis mg. 52 2 47 66 15 234 ronnie ve oo «Sin teh mg. 0.99 0.03 41 1.27 0.28 4.50 Magnesium , , , . . . . . mg. 2 1 9 2 31 Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. 54 1 69 15 243 Potassium . . '.". . & ov mg. 59 14 76 17 268 SOAIUNM. © « iwi ty oe mg. 27 27 35 8 124 Tk ERIE ES mg. 0.950 1 1.216 0.269 4.309 COPEL. ai niin wn mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 0.7 37 0.9 0.2 3.1 Thiamin. . . . . ..... mg. 0.027 0.001 40 0.035 0.008 0.122 Riboflavint.t, . «2270s mg. 0.069 0.001 39 0.088 0.020 0.313 Nacho, ion 0 mg. 1.021 0.015 41 1.307 0.289 4.631 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. 0.320 0.020 4 0.410 0.091 1.452 VitaminBg . . . . mg. 0.060 0.002 22 0.077 0.017 0.272 Folacin . . . .. ..... meg 1.1 0.1 6 1.4 0.3 4.9 VitaminByp . . . . LL. eg 0.140 1 0.179 0.040 0.635 AIGA To vided hens . 83 106 24 376 Vitaming w. 576 27 36 737 163 2,518 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . : ce £ #0. aire aw £ B10k 2% te upd i £ B10. vn NRE £ WO ad oa oe g BLN. ots eB g WO, oh ie ate 8g O20," oie ee £ 180. aie es £ Monounsaturated, total £ 160.5 os Re 8 IBLE. hia iets oo, 00 8 BOY iia slid g 22 na are ee 8 Polyunsaturated, total vB ABI aw es 8 IB ood ae 2 Bh, "i'w sow vw 2 204. «iS ae a 8g 20/8. vex sos g 22:80. uN ae aS g BBL ine vA ed gr 3 Cholesterol™,, .*.'. . . . . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Teyptopasn A TER gr. 0.065 0.083 0.018 0.295 Le g 0.259 0.332 0.073 1.175 a SRE We 0.289 0.370 0.082 3311 ig ME silme wn 2 0.488 0.625 0.138 2.214 Le pein gh : 0.480 0.614 0.136 2.177 [Jefamne BR ie : 0.163 0.209 0.046 0.739 ai Fi vi 0.054 0.069 0.015 0.245% henyleilanine |. Jala «hs £ 0.241 0.308 0.068 1.093 Tote tn res : 0.180 0.230 0.051 0.816 ne d@nghe Ne 5 0.306 0.392 0.087 1.388 Thoin RISA te ee el 2 0.406 0.520 0.115 1.842 Hite BE afore + v2 ; 0.180 0.230 0.051 0.816 a Tarp : 0.359 0.460 0.102 1.628 ni Ae : 0.569 0.728 0.161 2.581 aie 3c) vie ph Ble : 0.973 1.245 0.276 4.414 ran A > 0.421 0.539 0.119 1.910 OT Sh rf te : 0.345 0.442 0.098 1.565 Rar (ONE lees 0.223 0.285 0.063 1.012 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03037 DINNERS, HIGH MEAT OR CHEESE Page 130 Chicken with vegetables, junior i 0 i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of ’ Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common essures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Sthndard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 an eres on 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water 5." cian hee haiie, s 82.7 0.4 21 105.8 23.4 375.1 Real! 92 117 26 416 Food energy «= « - - - + - = ks! 384 492 109 1,742 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . gh 7.0 0.2 21 9.0 2.0 31.9 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . oi 65.5 0.3 21 1.0 1.6 24.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . i 4.2 5.4 1.2 19.2 a A io ie & wii 0.2 0.0 5 0.3 0.1 0.9 ASH la a x plies Se g = +i 0.5 0.0 21 0.7 0.2 2.5 MINERALS: Callum’. of ath se mg. . . 43 2 26 56 12 197 POM tes ul ian uv Airs mz. . . 0.74 0.03 20 0.95 0.21 3.37 Magnesium . . . . . . . . mg. . . 7 1 9 2 30 Phosphorus. 5". « 5% . . + mg. . . 54 14 68 15 243 Potassium. «2 is «x a mg. . . 62 14 79 17 279 Sodium," LEE, Ln, mg. . . 26 0 26 33 1 119 ZING ue SAE a me... 1.000 1 1.280 0.284 4.536 Copper, 4, 5 a. os a mg..." VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . l.1 0.1 17 1.4 0.3 5.1 Thiamin’ ios." am oo PN 0.028 0.002 26 0.036 0.008 0.127 RIbOARVING. 0. “s+ 4 27s mg. . . 0.070 0.002 22 0.090 0.020 0.318 NRC S50 oe Ge mg. . . 0.987 0.021 21 1.263 0.280 4.477 Pantothenic acid.}. . . . . . mg. 0.340 0.435 0.096 1.542 VitaminBg . . Livi. 4. mg... . 0.039 0.002 6 0.050 0.011 0.177 Folin. inte. vi vis «x a meg . . 1.1 1.5 0.3 5.2 VitaminByg . . . . . . meg. . 0.160 1 0.205 0.045 0.726 Eval RE. .". 131 167 37 593 bi SR w. .. 837 53 21 1,071 237 3,796 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 WO adie g B10. "0 nae we g BIO. vines a wile ws g JO:0. 5 ol oo eee £g 120. . oss hE g JO. 5 vee one 8 160% = «50 oc ne g 18:0, nh tnt LS g Monounsaturated, total £ 6:0. er Tn g AN. ane 8 RVC a a a g 22h os TN 8 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g V8: wisi ai 8 IB 3 a ne ha g 384. wd g 20:4. o.oo Lt g 20:8. Nui vw re £ AS a ae va 8 B26 ely owe tik Blt vis Cholesterol . . . . ... a + « mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . .. mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan =, 5, arts 25s 0.073 0.093 0.021 0.331 Threonine pe, Hea ey Bret 0.293 0.375 0.083 1.329 Isolevcinei il. vis re g =e 0.326 0.417 0.092 1.479 Leucine: Loe NE a A gen 0.551 0.705 0.156 2.499 Lysine tk vps Bile pele EB Sex 0.542 0.694 0.154 2.459 Methionine vials File 8, vf. x 0.185 0.237 0.052 0.839 Cystine a RE § An 0.061 0.078 0.017 0.277 Phenylalanine wile asa ly Bolin 0.272 0.348 0.077 1.234 Tyrosine ERLE +g ine ile Ta g ial 0.204 0.261 0.058 0.925 Valine 3 jo Relig Beile Te. Tu x g 5% 0.345 0.442 0.098 1.565 AEININGAL ols. sis 5% + 2 sit 0.459 0.588 0.130 2.082 Histidine eile rir 0 0 2 ais Beal: 0.204 0.261 0.058 0.925 Alanine . Shem alviv v hie giv xi 0.405 0.518 0.115 1.837 Aspartic acid rire wre Sele & Nu 0.642 0.822 0.182 2.912 Gluamic acid... . . . . . . i cine 1.099 1.407 0.312 4.985 Glycine Peale ee 2 ea 0.476 0.609 0.135 2.159 Proline pe rence ele § siovs 0.389 0.498 0.110 1.765 Serine . . . . ...... & pelt 0.252 0.323 0.071 1.143 ! Values calculated from strained, high meat chicken with vegetables. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03038 DINNERS, HIGH MEAT OR CHEESE Cottage cheese with pineapple, strained Page 131 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: ( Mean error samples = 135 ¢ oz = 28.35 g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: . Water... . 505 as 2s 72.0 1 97.2 20.4 326.6 keal 116 157 33 526 Foodienergy «47+! x + = kJ 485 655 138 2,201 Protein (NX 6.38). . . . . zo 6.3 0.2 10 8.5 1.8 28.6 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 2.2 0.4 10 3.0 0.6 10.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 18.9 25.4 5.3 85.5 Biber TA Fe ae zg 0.9 1 1.2 0.3 4.1 Ash . .......... g 0.7 0.1 2 0.9 0.2 2.9 MINERALS: CRIETUIR Ln i oe os mg. 65 3 10 88 18 296 WORE. Mea we vy wus 3 mg. 0.10 0.02 10 0.14 0.03 0.45 Magnesium . . . . . . . . mg. 7 1 2 9 2 32 Phosphorus . .'. . . ... mg. 73 4 2 98 21 331 Potassium: . . « 5 ¢ cs mg. 95 7 2 128 27 432 SOIT. . +c + v duu 3 mg. 149 1 201 42 676 ZINC is a" we en mg. 0.285 0.015 2 0.385 0.081 1.293 COPPEE oie. ei vino iin mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 1.4 0.2 10 1.9 0.4 6.4 Thiamin. . . . . ..... mg. 0.038 0.003 10 0.051 0.011 0.172 Riboflavin . . . . . .... mg. 0.142 0.010 10 0.192 0.040 0.644 Niacin . . ........ mg. 0.107 0.008 10 0.144 0.030 0.485 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg . . . . . . .. mg. 0.047 0.004 10 0.063 0.013 0.213 EolcinYy . oa ms mcg VitaminBy3 . . . . . . .. meg 0.225 0.015 2 0.304 0.064 1.021 as RE. 8 2 10 10 2 35 VIIA « wile, oie Soe {f= 77 20 10 104 22 349 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 #0: oo iain WE n £ OD rie ner £ Bi Bap HE ou aa g 00. i a hoa a £ 320. .... « : 55 5a g MO. J. en sd g N60 eo: tiie: tibia g WO vo nnn g Monounsaturated, total Fd 6:1." «sot 8g IBY. os Cans g 20" ee as £ 22 on ae £ Polyunsaturated, total ses IBZ, ea g BEBE." a AN 8g i a 8 2004: JC ah vw £ U8. a ow ad £ 2B aril «eon ik g B26. 0. ¢ le go Cholesterol . . . . . . . . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan. « «ol 8 0.095 0.128 0.027 0.431 TOGO +" « = = « wigs = » £ 0.217 0.293 0.062 0.984 Isleueinglinty x « «+ vx £ 0.277 0.374 0.079 1.256 Longines, + ok + os aid, £ 0.557 0.752 0.158 2.527 Lysine vovie v eee £ 0.433 0.585 0.123 1.964 Methionine gh un & 0.198 0.267 0.056 0.898 Cystine, ov viv vv vw ny 2 0.045 0.061 0.013 0.204 Bhenyfaignin oy» +. vas £ 0.292 0.394 0.083 1.325 Tyrosine ects. vin « nine 0 2 0.300 0.405 0.085 1.361 Valine, i+ 1 ain a 2 0.351 0.474 0.100 1.592 Mgininey Srila vs on g 0.213 0.288 0.060 0.966 a : 0.176 0.238 0.050 0.798 Alanine fly vw eae 2 0.171 0.231 0.048 0.776 Aspartic acid Lr Tw #3 one 8 0.424 0.572 0.120 1.923 Glutamic acid dw fee g 1.274 1.720 0.361 5.779 Blveine ie ie . . . . . . g 33 U.1 27 4.2 0.9 14.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 6.1 7.9 1.7 27.9 3 RNY EN £ 0.2 0.0 6 0.2 0.1 0.8 RE 8 0.6 0.0 22 0.8 0.2 2.8 MINERALS: CACM *, alia iv.s Bele + mg. 10 0 22 12 3 43 fran, AL Ee fee mg. 0.59 0.04 22 0.76 0.17 2.69 Magnesium . . . . . . . . mg. 9 1 12 3 43 Phosphorus, » Li: +50 = » mg. 56 1 71 16 252 Potassiums’, % WF. . v. mg. 162 14 208 46 736 Sodiume. 5. Els bes mg. 22 1 13 28 6 99 ZIRE, dn Se ae a mg. 1.082 2 1.385 0.307 4.908 COPPBr “hoe. te Tins 3 sk mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 1.9 0.1 22 2.4 0.5 8.4 Thiamin, etl 2. SEATS mg. 0.108 0.003 22 0.138 0.031 0.490 Riboflavin iis, . 5 viv is mg. 0.086 0.002 22 0.110 0.024 0.390 INIRGINESS Lee + ve mg. 1.158 0.048 23 1.482 0.328 5.253 Pantothenic acid.> . . . . . . mg. 0.402 0.515 0.114 1.823 VitaminBg . . 4... ele mg. 0.095 0.003 8 0.122 0.027 0.431 FOlREinY, ois os be tt re vin meg 6.5 8.3 1.8 29.5 VitaminBypl LL... meg 0.277 0.355 0.079 1.256 faz RE. 67 85 19 302 Vitamin A... Lo... ww. 260 22 20 332 74 1,178 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . g 1.12 0.02 2 1.44 0.32 5.09 B10 he Se 8 610% oy aie ees g i 8:00 ov + sb0 sw oe 8g 1010.5. © oni 8 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 0.01 20... ...... 8 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 0.01 140. ........ 8 0.04 0.00 2 0.05 0.01 0.17 16:0." 0h. oh 8 180... Le, 8 0.32 0.00 2 0.41 0.09 1.47 Monounsaturated, total g 1.52 0.01 2 1.94 0.43 6.89 A TE RE 8 0.10 0.00 2 0.12 0.03 0.43 18,1. ........ 8 1.39 0.01 2 1.78 0.39 6.30 20:8. Lon NT a 8 0.03 0.00 2 0.04 0.01 0.13 2:0. a al 8g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 0.24 0.24 2 0.30 0.07 1.08 182. ........ g 0.42 0.00 2 0.54 0.12 1.91 BB. Lhe en 8 0.02 0.00 2 0.03 0.01 0.09 Bd... es cL 8 2004. yates 8 0.03 0.00 2 0.04 0.01 0.14 20:8. nate ea g AWS Fh i «ees g WB... ie 25, Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. 17.65 0.95 22.59 5.00 80.06 Phytosterols . . ... . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan Cee ee ee 8 . 0.062 0.079 0.018 0.281 Threonine . . . . . . ... g 0.248 0.317 0.070 1.125 Isoleucine . . . . . . ... g 0.281 0.360 0.080 1.275 Leucine: eae ae a g 0.475 0.608 0.135 2.155 Lysine Tow sige le g 0.497 0.636 0.141 2.254 Methionine ok ow En aba Ba & 0.157 0.201 0.045 0.712 Cystine . . . . ...... 8 0.073 0.093 0.021 0.331 Phenylalanine. . . . . .. & 0.225 0.288 0.064 1.021 Tyrosine vik ee wale & 0.177 0.227 0.050 0.803 Valine pire ree & 0.295 0.378 0.084 1.338 Arginine. . . . . ..... & 0.392 0.502 0.111 1.778 Histidine hifrgiel let a 8 0.227 0.291 0.064 1.030 Alanine Ft eb ve & 0.335 0.429 0.095 1.520 Aspartic acid goo oe ahs & 0.590 0.755 0.167 2.676 Glutamic acid die aw a g 0.961 1.230 0.272 4.359 Glycine gg ate tle we & 0.345 0.442 0.098 1.565 Proline... . LL. g 0.323 0.413 0.092 1.465 Serine . . . . ...... 8 0.208 0.266 0.059 0.943 ! Values calculated from strained, high meat ham with vegetables. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03034 DINNERS, HIGH MEAT OR CHEESE Page 134 Turkey with vegetables, strained i x i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion cOnWTIOn measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units A - eta Standard Number of pproximate measure and weight Refuse:0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 1 oz = 28.35.g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: LC ATR 83.0 0.3 28 106.3 23.5 376.7 keal . . 87 111 25 393 Poodienergy, p yooee » +112 kl o3 362 464 103 1,644 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . g - 5.6 0.1 23 7.2 1.6 25.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . gan s 4.8 0.2 27 6.1 1.4 21.6 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 ae ati 6.0 1.7 1.7 27.3 Fibers bu, “0S, 0 red i 0.1 1 0.1 0.0 0.5 Asher vob ll Gey g 0.6 0.0 22 07 0.2 2.5 MINERALS: Caleiums Std. vo uh mg. . . 62 5 21 80 18 283 MON Sie TW Nk ow me. . 0.69 0.03 27 0.88 0.20 3v13 Magnesium . . . . mg. . . 8 1 10 2 36 Phosphorus . . . . . . . . me... 70 1 90 20 318 Potassium. . a0 Ly. mg. . . 120 14 153 34 543 SORIUNTS, “oat 5 eo me. J. 30 20 38 8 135 Zine! Se, BALE, Je, mg. . . 1.000 1 1.280 u.284 4.536 Copper. . oJ L 4 vs mg 0.041 0.052 0.012 0.186 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . l.5 0.1 19 2.0 0.4 7.0 ThiamimSoli, ders v4» + me. .¥. 0.007 0.001 21 0.009 0.002 0.032 Riboflavin”... =. Yi. mg. . . 0.069 0.001 23 0.088 0.020 0.313 1 ES mg. . . 1.004 0.117 27 1.285 0.285 4.554 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. «oo. ViaminBg . 5.5. . mg. . . 0.038 0.004 5 0.049 0.011 0.172 Folagini. . WV. + . + wis meg . . 9.6 1.4 6 12.3 2.7 43.6 VitaminB19 . Ce. LL. mcg 0.440 1 0.563 0.125 1.996 ihr RE. . . 93 119 26 422 Yinmin As Lege it dn 328 29 21 419 93 1,486 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 0 Gad. WR ee 8g 620. re 8g BO Stet ee ww g 00: "fw ls Le, 8g 20 0B iione ov 8 M8100 n+ 5 vans 8 VEO dap sie: + wi is 8 A800 ae 8 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16 nia acs & Fie = £ IB: © nev ara 2 20:0 ries a ee 8 AAV. Le ne a g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g We oa ie in 8 BBA ab wi 8 IBA EL 2 20:4, 80 SL 0S 8 20:8. che wee 8g 20S. a nas wae 8g 22:6 Lr Le A aE g ah Cholesterol . . . . . . . . mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan Cee eee 8 «oh 0.060 0.077 0.017 0.272 Threonine oie Jae ov ws gee 0.237 0.303 0.067 1.075 Isoleucine or EA Bee 0.275 0.352 0.078 1.247 Leucine. . . . ...... B a pix 0.446 0.571 0.126 2.023 Lysine . . ........ 5 ee 0.443 0.567 0.126 2.009 Methionine woo niet a £ «vo» 0.146 0.187 0.041 0.662 Cystine . . . . . ..... 8 Sites 0.058 0.074 0.016 0.263 Phenylalanine hile fae. LER 0.230 0.294 0.065 1.043 Tyrosine Ge lh ane 8 Bs un 0.180 0.230 0.051 0.816 Valine Wer 2 Heh rer Ts Lup 0.284 0.364 0.081 1.288 Arginine riled saa ml gen 0.369 0.472 0.105 1.674 Histidine, soe vs 4 0s 8 [ru 0.193 0.247 0.055 0.875 Alpine . oo v. + ug 0.324 0.415 0.092 1.470 ASPITtCEEH ov « « ev nt 0.522 0.668 0.148 2.368 Glutamic acid plreil sigs or co Bs tue 0.891 1.140 0.253 4.042 Glycine AE BE £ “vn 0.337 0.431 0.096 1.529 Proline ha geen Ben 2th & si 0.308 0.394 0.087 1.397 Serine ike oo oc 0.204 0.261 0.058 0.925 1 values calculated from junior, high meat turkey with vegetables. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03039 DINNERS, HIGH MEAT OR CHEESE Turkey with vegetables, junior Page 135 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, . ...c vv x ma zg. 82.5 0.2 24 105.6 23.4 374.3 kcal 90 115 25 407 Food energy - « - =» - - - kJ 375 480 106 1,702 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . g i 5.9 0.1 22 7.6 1.7 27.0 Total lipid (fat) .". . . . . . g 5.0 0.2 23 6.4 1.4 22.8 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 5.9 7.5 1.7 26.7 EIDE a 5 eb ae a 2. 0.2 0.0 5 0.3 0.1 0.9 HERR § ERT, oN g 0.6 0.0 21 0.8 0.2 2.9 MINERALS: Qldum +. 5. aq Fin mg. 71 3 21 91 20 322 ron. a a eae mg. 0.78 0.03 21 1.00 0.22 3.54 Magnesium , , , . . . . . mg. 8 1 10 2 34 Phosphorus =. . .. . . »v + » mg. 63 1 81 18 285 Potassiomi. oho vo mg. 107 14 137 30 484 Sodium, he LER, mg. 43 1 21 56 12 197 Zs ip is oe wh mg. 0.908 0.026 4 1.162 0.257 4.119 Copper +". 5d vw ae mg. 0.042 0.005 3 0.054 0.012 0.191 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 1.3 0.0 18 1.7 0.4 6.0 Thiamin... oy mg. 0.007 0.000 21 0.009 0.002 0.032 Riboflavin." to 5.00 mg. 0.069 0.005 21 0.088 0.020 0.313 Nigel: cs a mg. 0.808 0.024 19 1.034 0.229 3.665 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. ViaminBg , "=. . 0. mg. 0.041 0.002 10 0.052 0.012 0.186 Foci 7. Bui oo 4 ink mag 9.9 12.7 2.8 44.9 ViaminByat . .o . . ., meg 0.453 0.580 0.128 2.055 IASI, sb RE. 111 143 32 505 1. 633 86 20 810 179 2,870 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . 8g 0. a a g 6:0. LLB a a £ 80. 0. ai ee ah g 10:0... . 0... «os g 220. «las 8 V0. REN g 36:0. . . Laces, £ 18:10. . 2 nate g Monounsaturated, total £ 6. ee g Wek. Lew i ave g 20:0 Lia Paw g 2 i a VE £ Polyunsaturated, total . 8 18:2." . 2% » mel g BiB in ele g 18:4, ot, g 204.08. vv. g 208, ee £ 2S. a se x 2 QB. oe oe isn 2 Cholesterol." . . . . . . . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . ... & 0.064 0.082 0.018 0.290 Thieoaines. =. + ~.v + « + » 8 0.250 0.320 0.071 1.134 bsoleucing =. ua 0 v vl a £ 0.290 0.371 0.082 1.315 Leucine: a ER 8 0.472 0.604 0.134 2.141 Lysine SER, sling x wo g 0.468 0.599 0.133 2.123 Methionine vb abate at a & 0.154 0.197 0.044 0.699 Cystine rei 8 0.061 0.078 0.017 0.277 Phenylalanine . . ..... 8 0.243 0.311 0.069 1.102 Tyrosine . ........ & 0.190 0.243 0.054 0.862 Valine sats ote hr 8 Me & 0.301 0.385 0.085 1.365 Arginine iA dR RE & 0.390 0.499 0.111 1.769 Histidine... ©. . Lo. LL & 0.204 0.261 0.058 0.925 ARAINE', up i ss & 0.342 0.438 0.097 1.551 Aspartic acid yw alan 2 Si & 0.552 0.707 0.156 2.504 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g 0.941 1.204 0.267 4.268 Glycine pile! wis almie on x & 0.356 0.456 0.101 1.615 Proline rE TE & 0.325 0.416 0.092 1.474 Serine . . . . ...... & 0.216 0.276 0.061 0.980 1 Values calculated from strained, high meat turkey with vegetables. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03040 DINNERS, HIGH MEAT OR CHEESE Page 136 Veal with vegetables, strained 3 i v Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of i : AMOURtin 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units . - Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.35¢ A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Waterat. . 0. . aie al Bey x A 84.6 0.5 21 108.2 24.0 383.5 kcal . . 69 89 20 315 Poodighergy, iii * oo. 0 Tr le ilies + 291 372 82 1,318 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . gt, Lis 5.9 0.1 24 7.6 1.7 27.0 Total lipid (far). ©, ..%. . . . aR 2.7 043 27 3.4 0.8 12.1 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 2h 6.1 7.8 1.7 27.6 Fiber, 8 ns bv 2 ve 0.3 7 0.4 0.1 1.3 ASE SER AE eve Zr 0.7 0.0 21 0.9 0.2 3.4 MINERALS: CABIUMIR 5 2 wins d+ 4 mg. . 9 0 20 12 3 43 WORE. Joe nile ot ys 5 mgs 0.60 0.02 22 0.76 0.17 271 Magnesium CL, LL Lo WE .v ~ 8 1 10 2 37 Phosphorus. oes ia v «13a mg. . . 54 2 69 15 246 Potassium. Lo. “alle vie th mg. . . 153 15 196 43 695 Sodium I8aC FL 08 ORLT, mg. 24 1 13 30 7 108 ZINC WB. le ae me. xs 1.000 1 1.280 0.284 4.536 Copper .F-.. nu. Tet mg. . . 0.100 1 0.128 0.028 0.454 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . 1.9 0.1 20 2.4 0.5 8.4 ham ht ae mg. . . 0.022 0.004 21 0.028 0.006 0.100 Riboflavin. fu only «Jains = vs mg - 0.074 0.005 21 0.095% 0.021 0.336 INEGI iE, CL mg. . . 1.613 0.091 21 2.065 0.457 7.317 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . 0.250 0.010 4 0.320 0.071 1.134 VitaminBeg .. =. : «os ow mg. . . 0.083 7 0.106 0.024 0.376 Folagin il. wiv sv ie a meg... Vitamins io. ov 0 000 meg. . 0.451 2 0.577 0.128 2.046 VIaminA + ods RE. + 75 96 21 339 XE for AT We x 273 23 21 349 77 1,237 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 0.0 LF 8g Oa. aa wv Fd B20, oe bh oN, £ 10:0... oh se ss g JRO. vv en we g VE os oa Se Em gz WBE, Pt Fr dv g 850 = 2 wns 3 £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g IGE ere hE a lhe g BB fo wen ow wie 8g 20a She. i 8g QW. atv athe ea 8 Polyunsaturated, total vs 182. fe a we. g IRB Re ab hs 8g date. 2 4 san 8 dts vo a g 208. % vu vv Bl £g 0S oso oem Ee ba g 226. ov. oa ws gw x Cholesterol . .... . . . . . mg. . . Phytosterols . ie ss uly vy mg. io. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan Who STs] AY x 8... 0.061 0.078 0.017 0.277 Threonine . . . ...... g& 0.240 0.307 0.068 1.089 bsoleucine uf we wr g . 0.268 0.343 0.076 1.216 Leucine: Pe wie fo rte x 8 a win 0.466 0.596 0.132 2.114 Lysine pr alte Fal ie ne gees 0.475 0.608 0.135 2.155 Methionine NE RR enh 0.136 0.174 0.039 0.617 Cystine ACT ES go 0.071 0.091 0.020 0.322 Phenylalanine ie an le oe & wis 0.230 0.294 0.065 1.043 Tyrosine italy ite ww & iw 0.173 0.221 0.049 0.785 Valine RGe ga F316 eee & ol 0.295 0.378 0.084 1.338 Arginine valu lel a ea & a 0.406 0.520 0.115 1.842 Histidine. . . . . ..... Z «40 0.191 0.244 0.054 0.866 Alanine . . . . . Lo. a 0.366 0.468 0.104 1.660 Aspartic acid SESE Eh 0.574 0.735 0.163 2.604 Gluamicacid. . . . . . . . & a 0.994 1.272 0.282 4.509 Glycine gk els le x a £7 hm 0.440 0.563 0.125 1.996 Proline . . . ....... £ eds 0.324 0.415 0.092 1.470 at ER gan 0.213 0.273 0.060 0.966 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03031 DINNERS, HIGH MEAT OR CHEESE Veal with vegetables, junior Page 137 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: WRLBE hae) x Fi a gs 84.3 v.4 24 107.9 23.9 382.5 Foo ietotay PA dane kcal 73 93 21 331 kJ. 305 391 87 1,386 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . 2. 6.1 0.1 23 7.8 1.7 27.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 3.1 0.3 26 4.0 0.9 14.3 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 5.8 1.4 1.6 26.2 PADRE as ain a a g - 0.2 0.0 5 0.2 0.1 0.9 Ashi 0 a ee ee g 0.7 0.0 21 0.9 0.2 3.1 MINERALS: CACM Ene TRE mg. 11 0 21 14 3 48 i EE WT mg. 0.89 0.08 22 1.13 0.25 4.02 Magnesium , . , . . . , . mg. 9 1 12 3 42 Phosphorus... . + « + . '& mg. 54 1 69 15 243 Potassium. Net, oo. LN, mg. 157 14 201 45 713 Sodium. Lak. , La mg. 25 1 13 32 7 114 Zine . o.oo mg. 1.100 1 1.408 0.312 4.990 Copper, alin. —. Ji mg. 0.102 0.131 0.029 0.463 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid’.”. . . . ..... mg. Ti? 0.1 21 2.1 0.5 7.5 Thiamin. . . . . ..... mg. 0.023 0.003 20 0.029 0.007 0.104 Riboflavin . . . . . . . .. mg. 0.082 0.005 21 0.105 0.023 0.372 Niacin. . . ga Ts mg. 1.542 0.067 20 1.974 0.437 6.995 Pantothenic acid." . . . . . . mg. 0.253 0.324 0.072 1.148 VitaminBg . . . . . . .. mg. 0.070 0.003 6 0.090 0.020 0.318 Folacinte =n, 5s 3 wii mcg VieminByol. 0. oh. mcg 0.457 0.585 0.130 2.073 FARINA S01: 5 TS RE, 79 101 22 359 Vitamin A w 425 27 20 545 121 1,930 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . 2 4:0, SNe gz GOB... 2h ole £ B10. a 8g DT US g Ln RT NL SE 8g MEO came oh g 16:0.%:55 7: . = . g 18:0... 0 hi Ah g Monounsaturated, total g AG re oe 8 IBV, en en g 208." sie g 2 a ine ee g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IBY. ven Shame 8g ABs Te g 18:45, 5, Vin, 1a as g 20:4... 0. As g 20:5: Ts eee en £ RS a ee 2: 22:60 ea gx Cholesterol: . .. . a 40st % mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: i Sh & 0.062 0.079 0.018 0.281 Tire wie a hn $ 0.244 0.312 0.069 1.107 Lone. yD ae 0.274 0.351 0.078 1.243 ae i an £ 0.475 0.608 0.135 2.155 AS A : 0.484 0.620 0.137 2.195 Cystine, vd iE 0.139 0.178 0.039 0.631 Phen Jalanine Be g 0.073 0.093 0.021 0.331 ey me gm ts : 0.235 0.301 0.067 1.066 —. a Sr hE . 0.177 0.227 0.050 0.803 TRIER eh op 7+ % 0.301 0.385 0.085 1.365 Histidine rt g 0.413 0.529 0.117 1.873 Aine i di. bl a” 4 0.195 0.250 0.055 0.885 Aspartic acid Er a # 0.372 0.476 0.105 1.687 Ghamic ac. . . on ali 0.585 0.749 0.166 2.654 GYRE : ob i are 5 1.013 1.297 0.287 4.595 Proline Lvl pe Se” 3 0.448 0.573 0.127 2.032 Sorinel ra ot MRT 7 0.330 0.422 0.094 1.497 BEE oar setae atl 0.217 0.278 0.062 0.984 ! Values calculated from strained, high meat veal with vegetables. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03032 FRUITS Page 138 Apple blueberry, strained ; ; ; Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of i ; Aion in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - : " Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 ean oltor Rhples 1 jar =135¢g 10z=28.35¢ A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Waters, SE Look CE 83.1 1 112.2 23.6 376.9 keal . . 61 82 17 277 Food energy. x)" + +i Te wi odvall 255 344 72 1,157 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . | is ih 0.2 0.0 6 0.3 0.1 0.9 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . gh ia 0.2 0.0 7 0.3 0.1 0.8 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Ein ves 16.3 22.0 4.6 74.0 Finer Kk Re LR z- .. 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.9 Ash Ae cL Tal g 0.2 1 0.3 0.1 0.9 MINERALS: Calcium. 6, 0, Lo U0 ME 4 0 7 5 1 17 ron’ huis cB a ala mg. . . 0.20 0.03 7 0.27 0.06 0.91 Magnesium... oian. Lo . mg. . Phosphorus. = ox. "0. uy mer... 8 1 5 11 2 36 Potassium... 1, LL, me. . 69 5 5 93 20 312 SOQIUM LR. wif J, uo et mE. , 2 0 6 2 0 7 ZING. Bers alae a ee mg.’ . Copper... '. 8%. Ll mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid 2", J. Lo, a. mg. . . 27.8 0.1 2 37.5 7.9 125.9 Thiamin. ios. ow mg. 0.017 0.001 7 0.023 0.005 0.077 Riboflavin 4. ,'y + vo wiu o mg. 0.034 0.003 7 0.046 0.010 0.154 Niger. Bias, ©, Stas mg. 0.120 0.009 7 0.162 0.034 0.544 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg- 2". LLL Loui mg. 0.037 0.003 7 0.050 0.010 0.168 Folacin «37 oh oh ota meg 3.5 0.3 3 4.7 1.0 15.7 VirminBya . «0. in mcg od RE. 2 1 6 3 1 9 Vitamin A . . . . . . . .. wv 20 6 6 27 6 91 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g ONS, wn a £ B10. et i a £ Bic wt ie g B00, al £ 1220. hE. ed g M8:B.0in is A wid £ WOH0 Eo i wane £ A800, i Cite £ Monounsaturated, total g M6. nt 8g AB nv di A 8g 1 Ly: SS WN WS § RE 8g ein ten: ow 8 Polyunsaturated, total vig ids le ve £ BB. er AR £ IB deer a wv ain 8 204, . . Juan. £ 20:8.0, . Nh 2 Sue £ AS Wi se. a £ 226 ime Ae ia gS. Cholesterol. . . ... . .'. mg. . . Phytosterols. . . . . . . . . mg. ly. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan," . . J... . 8g Threonine. , *. A. 5 ahs 2 Isoleucingiisy. « wv wie £ Leucine, boy ih 8 Lysines CFas, Ln ve 8 Methionine ... . . .o.. g Cystine bafta + « + sa 5 a 8 Phenylalanine . . . . , . . 8 Tyrosine ol," 5 JF Ve JT 8 Valine, “ale ela F 4 Arginine. 1, Ls va £ Histidine, 5. ov Ju 5s 2 0 & Alanine eR. 7. , ie WE da 8 Asparticacid . . 5. Lo... 8g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . 8 Glycine. Ys ini + = hase 8 Proling a. N..5 5: sss i a £ Serine 5th Ele iii d & ! Values calculated from junior apple blueberry. 2 Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03164 FRUITS Page 139 Apple blueberry, junior } i: i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of J 2 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - : - Standard Numiber:of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 ean aor Siples 1 jar = 220 g 10z=28.35g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water bd ikea, =r g 82.8 1 182.2 23.5 375.6 keal “7, 62 137 18 282 Foodenergy + + = = = + « * ao 260 572 74 1,179 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . gs 0.2 0.0 5 0.4 0.1 0.9 Total lipid(fat) . . . . . . . 2 vi. 0.2 0.0 6 0.4 0.1 0.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 2 Yi 16.6 36.5 4.7 75.3 Fiber FL af. | Sl. owl gay 0.2 1 0.4 0.1 0.9 Ashe Io, EE goa 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.9 MINERALS: Calcium." a Sk JE « handel w CY 5 1) 6 10 1 21 MONE shia aati tap win 4 mg. . . 0.40 0.20 6 0.88 0.11 1.81 Magnesium“, ion. LT mg... Phosphorus: 2%. . 5, ut mg. . . 7 2 5 15 2 32 Potassiam: ./.an. 1. J, me... 65 5 4 143 18 294 Sodium. A. La. mg. . . 13 12 6 28 4 57 ZINC Lh oR ah mg. . . Coppers. . . Gs 2%. vw ils mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid? . . . . . .. mg. 13.9 13.9 2 30.6 3.9 63.1 ThiRMIARR. «rex vx 23 me... 0.018 0.002 6 0.040 0.005 0.082 RIBOHYIN®, =. { ‘ia sie mg... 0.043 0.010 6 0.095 0.012 0.195 BEI. oS al mg... 0.103 0.015 6 0.227 0.029 0.467 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . VitaminBg . . . . .. .. mg... 0.042 0.005 5 0.092 0.012 0.191 BORER. =. a ed x meg . . 3.5 7.8 1.0 16.0 vitaminByg . 4 Le meg. 19 id RE... . 4 1 4 9 1 ymin A hf, Jo a: 42 8 4 92 12 191 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 ALR te £ 610 =n, aS £ LE Pa g YOO. Sais esis g 320 ov LO. Sl g RA a £ Li EE RR iv g Ln ime ANP g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 6, RL le 8 tgp NN ae g 20 Re a ad ew £g WV ara 8g Polyunsaturated, total v don 8 IB eA a 8 W300 La. 2 18:4. 9%. Bin 8g 20:4. 2 0.0L £ MWD TE 2 Se se ae g 22:65. ol ve Bly ov, Cholesterol. .c.0. . . . . . mE. Phytosterols . . . . .. . . mg... AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan’ . . "0... . E50 as Threonine . ..". . .. ie g Isoletcing =... . ihe des g Leyciner. ", . 4G. 00. g Lysinesiig. =, 0,5 Lh g Methionine ><. . . . . .% . g Cystine a. 00 acdc + woe g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine. . '. . Lv « «0 8g Valine oo des sie iv 8 Arginine. 5. luv a nv Ee £ Histidine. >, .5 00 oo eR £ Alanine. Ln. LTE, & Asparticacid 0% . . . La 4 Glutamic acid. . . . . . . . £ Glycine. .' +... J. £g Profingl . «fl. eta g Serine FA. Th ns Cee £ ! Values calculated from strained apple blueberry. 2 Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03165 FRUITS Page 140 Apple raspberry, strained 3 i 5 Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of ; : Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units = N Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean reov amples 1 jar = 135g 1oz=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water 0 3, en is aly a 83.8 1 113.1 23.7 379.9 kcal . . 58 79 17 265 RG fran 245 330 69 1,109 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . FE 0.2 0.0 19 0.3 0.1 0.9 Total lipid (fat)... ww gel." Oe 0.0 20 0.2 0.0 0.7 Carbohydrate, total * . . . . . Lire 15.7 21.2 4.5 71.2 Tr a ER € goo. Ash. 0k AS ae Sd sir Ll Ow? 14 0.3 0.1 0.9 MINERALS: CCIM = tv 4 72 its ge mg. ee 5 0 13 7 1 22 Jrone i 25 eC IR LE, mgs be 0.22 0.02 14 0.30 0.06 1.01 Magnesium... .. . .. mg. . . Phosphorus” . Wi. . 4 +... mg. . . 8 1 5 11 2 37 Potassium = S08 CT Li mg. . . 80 2 18 108 23 363 SOAIUMESE tin a i’ a nin oie mg. . . 2 0 19 3 1 9 ZINE. «oh ol lS is 5 usa mg. . COppeE RT iin mg. . x VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid? . . . . . . . mg. . . 26.8 3 36.2 7.6 121.7 Thiamin Swi, oC 00, mg. 0.014 0.001 13 0.019 0.004 0.064 Riboflavin... . . ..". i. mg. . . 0.028 0.001 13 0.038 0.008 0.127 Nigel LL LE a mg. . . 0.106 0.007 13 0.143 0.030 0.481 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . 0.090 0.005 4 0.122 0.026 0.408 VitaminBg . . . . . . .. mg... 0.034 0.003 7 0.046 0.010 0.154 Folacin' vi. Vaal 0 oc SL. meg . . 3.4 0.5 6 4.5 1.0 15.3 VitaminBya J. . 5. edhe . meg. Aiarmi RE. . . 2 0 12 3 1 10 Vitamin A Ww. 0s 22 2 12 29 6 98 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 0.0 hy LE 8g 810. oie Ne Fant 8 8:0." aE. £ 0:0, a £ 120% ab ads ie a g 0 ALE, LE g 16:00. =, aid g 18:0. ne. ade RR g Monounsaturated, total. . . g M6 Tele ce ae g ISIE. Ts ni le we 2 1 Te) eR TE g RY any ns g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IS dal, aa g IS: ns ate g 184.00 Se g 0:4 2a oo KLE. g 20:8 00. NEL Lk g 28. le ST g J RR PRIA TC NES grails Cholesterol. . ... . . . .. mg. . . Phytosterols . . ...i.... . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan: .. . -. "5 ih Eos vue Threonine , t.- .. WBE iy g Isoleucine." iid. NEA £ Gevciner.. .. 2a". Ave & Lysine So Chale”, ol Ta a a 8 Methionine ". . . .". ad. & CYStNG 5.18.0. i ie ie ae & Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine © .5% i. 2. Sin £ Valinet™. = + ele v2 0 8g Arginine, . 0.5 Lt, le 8 Histiding, "5%. L500. wah 8 ARNE EL. Ne a 8 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . g Glutamicacid.: .°.... . . . 8 Glycine 38: LY. ov JT £ Proline Si. ". 5g oie a wb 8 Serine oh so 4% Tea. £ ! Values based on data for products containing added sugar. Products made without added sugar contain 12.0 g carbohydrate per 100 g. 2 Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03152 FRUITS Page 141 Apple raspberry, junior i 5 A Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of § 3 Amount in'1 00 grams, sible: portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units = Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: Mean error samples 1 jar = 220 g loz=28359g A B Cc D E T F G PROXIMATE: , Water!, . bcos ein ie Ls 84.0 1 184.7 23.8 380.8 eal 58 127 16 262 Food energy - « + + + + - - & 242 532 69 1,097 ko ru 1 0.9 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . 2. La 0.2 0.0 19 0.4 0. = Yotallipid (fat) . . . . . . . Bie 0.2 0.0 19 0.4 0.0 0.7 Carbohydrate, total’ . . . . . gage), 15.5 34.1 4.4 70.3 Fiber. oie oils oom bile ign Ash Sel fle Mee n : alas 0.2 0.0 13 0.4 0.1 0.8 MINERALS: CAI ae we 5 0 12 11 1 : 22 WORE i va i ae gh 0.22 0.02 12 0.48 0.06 0.99 Magnesium , , , . . , . . mg. . . Phosphorus’. ii... « % Ws WET 8 0 5 17 J 2 36 Potassium... BF. . os mg. . . 72 3 18 158 20 326 SOU vcs ov v0 wri mE... in 2 0 19 4 0 8 Ane... i he Sr ME. Copper. Wal. Lh woes mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbloadid? 5, 0, bouts, mel. 28.9 14 63.6 8.2 131.0 Tham. fe Tee a rn mg. . . 0.012 0.001 19 0.026 0.003 0.054 Riboflavings . i. gees nga, 0.029 0.011 19 0.064 0.008 0.132 ING St. ve. mg. . . 0.104 0.005 19 0.229 0.029 0.472 Pantothenic acid.®. . . . . . mg. . . 0.088 0.194 0.025 0.399 VEminBs 0... mg... 0.034 0.002 6 0.075 0.010 0.154 Folaeind, 0, meg . . 343 1.3 0.9 15.1 VimminByy .-. . Ls mcg . . are % a 2 3 1 11 7 1 14 YiRmies on ne i a: 30 5 11 66 8 135 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . g Bal Cs a a g BI0. ales ae £ B10 ce a a £ 1O:0, tee g 120s. ee g 100. a Cae g B10 tee ie ee g 38:0. 20-0 ve Lwh g Monounsaturated, total. . . g V6 vs eee a ade a 8g IBA Cl a wee 8 200 isn doen wen g 220s is ah ein £ Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IBZ. avd a vir a 3 N83 A. LJ ets 8g IB... tie g RO cv ash. A g 2S chen dle ee g 2X aw mae g NG. 1 a ah ws 5 ene Cholesterol , . . . . . .. mg. . . Phytosterols. . (v.14 «lis mg... AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . ... 2 Xela Thieonine.. .. . . + « « « x g Isoleucine” «vv wi. g leucine: , 2 0 Noe g Lysineea.. . 0 iv oon va % g Methionine . . . . « . . g Cystine. eis vv 2 in 4 nln 2 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8g Tyrosine =. + + 5 how wate g Valine. 2 5c v4 a wien 8g Argimine.®, 4.00 J Lv. 8 HISUAING, o. + fons v0 x ws g ANNE i a wade 8 Asparticacid . 0. . vo. 8 Glutamic acid. . . . . . . . g Glycine, 6. "5% iets cas g Proline x «ce wil. wie g Serine ie». von Ewe aie g ! values based on data for products containing added sugar. Products made without added sugar contain 12.2 g carbohydrate per 100 g. 2 Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. ® Values calculated from strained apple raspberry. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03153 FRUITS Page 142 Applesauce, strained , ' 3 Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of NtTiehts ahi units Arment in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Nuinber'of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PRORIMATE: 88.6 14 113.4 25.1 401.7 ele he tater iinl a bn gre vs keal 41 53 12 187 Food'energy > «ir +» + aus B.A 173 221 49 784 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . A 0.2 0.0 18 0,2 Ou 0: Total lipid/(fa)’. . . . 7%", 2 0.2 0.0 18 0.2 0.0 0. Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Te 10.9 14.0 3.1 49.6 Biber, whe Rn adi 7 ee. 0.5 0.0 2 0.7 0.2 2.5 ASHE ALE ay ee a g 0.2 0.0 42 0.2 0.0 0.7 MINERALS: 43 5 1 19 Calcium. wn LR mg. J. 4 ae SEI, ee — -¥ 0.22 0.01 41 0.28 0.06 0.98 Magnesium , . .. . .. 0, mg. . . 3 0 4 4 1 14 Phosphorus . ov tue mg. . 7 5 9 2 32 Potassium Se, LL meg. . 71 0 1s 5 20 5 Sodiumis i ate Se me. . 2 Vi de ERA ar vid 0.023 0.004 19 0.029 0.007 0.104 Copper. . ws Bei Vow mg. . . 0.038 16 0.049 0.011 0.172 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid! , . . . . . . ney 38.3 1.3 36 49.0 10.9 173.7 Thiamine. . 8 a0. mg. '. 0.012 0.000 34 0.015 0.003 0.054 RIBOFIRYIN «200 Be + insin mg. . . 0.028 0.001 34 0.036 0.008 0.127 Nigcin "5... °F, UL. mg. . . 0.061 18 0.078 0.017 0.277 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . 0.110 0.010 4 0.141 0.031 0,499 ViminBe 0 ce mg. .- 0.031 0.002 35 0.040 0.009 0.141 Folagint.cio i. 6. 5. ata meg . . 1.9 0.1 6 2.4 0.5 8.7 VimminBya.. «'. . . . +. meg . . MP el 2 7 7 0 2 VitaminA . - + << «a. {XE ; 17 7 22 5 77 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . Zz". B00, a iw sees 8 010 1 ds g B80. . «visa 4 JO: iat opine ow vs g 100. in. 8 1:10.05. ov oh g 16810. . « % vu vin £ ISO ed g Monounsaturated, total g 16). ean g IBY. vw ete g 20: Se as g 2 Ni ak 8g Polyunsaturated, total g 820i ow oh g UB:3 vdieo ha wid £ A84 + Mie wed od £ 20:4, 5 eats £ 0:8.0 ci a Sa £ 2:8 tT ees g Br aide ces + DRE 2 ee a Cholesterol . . . ..... me... Phytosterols . .-. . . . . a me... AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . 2. by Threonine . . . . .. ... g Isoleucine’. i... ah £ Leucine’, 1". ake 0 + iis g Lysine. oe + 4 als leer £ Methionine . . . . .... 8 Cystine + "J ar es & Phenylalanine . . . . . . . & TR SAY 8 Valine’ vit. Laie sv mle 8 Arginine, J, LL wl. g Histidine. 5 v6 oi Tees g Alanine out, 00 Cd. . L 8 Asparticacid.'. . . . Lo. 8 Glutamicacid. . . ... . . . £ Glycings, v5. a wat g Profine 8 Lo. aieivee, £ Serine. 0", vw aie a g 1 Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03116 FRUITS Page 143 Applesauce, junior a i; . Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion cOmmaon measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 Standard Number of a Mean error samples 1 jar = 213 g 1 oz = 28.35 g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: WAlEP, ae ke gha% 89.5 14 190.7 25.4 406.1 kcal... 37 19 11 168 Poodepergy +e +f + v «nit rai 155 331 44 704 Protein (NX6.25) . . . . . 2°. 5 0.0 0.0 43 0.1 0.0 0.1 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . wa 0.0 0.0 43 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gin 10.3 21.9 2.9 46.6 EC rR Ey 0.6 1 1.2 0.2 2.5 BI, CE ey Eh 0.2 0.0 42 0.3 0.0 0.7 MINERALS: CaleImE,. oii vole mg. . . 5 0 46 10 21 WORE, ide oii ties mg. 0.22 0.01 40 0.46 0.06 0.99 Magnesium =. 1.0 da mg. . . 3 0 2 6 12 Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mE. 6 3 13 2 29 Potassium 3d +. me... 7 16 164 22 349 SOU... » Calon oi +40 4 mg. . 2 1 17 5 1 10 ZINES, Lt a a TR, a mg.’ . 0.040 3 0.085 0.011 0.181 Copper, . 0. ho vate mg. . . 0.035 0.075 0.010 0.159 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid? . . . . . . . mg. . 3 37.8 1.3 35 80.5 10.7 171.5 Thiamine ac. oh ea mg. . . 0.012 0.000 37 0.026 0.003 0.054 RIbOFIAVIA .. «oie ohie ois mg... 0.027 0.001 34 0.058 0.008 0.122 NIBEIn a i a ne... 0.063 18 0.134 0.018 0.286 Pantothenic acid.) . . . . . . mg. . . 0.100 0.213 0.028 0.454 ViaminBs. .-. . . i. wg. 0.030 31 0.064 0.009 0.136 Polaginl. =" 4 odes + « wis meg . . 1.7 3.7 0.5 7.9 VitaminBya . "Loh ws meg. rs RE: .". 1 10 2 0 4 Mian An Lo oH {v 9 10 20 3 42 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 0, EN ee £ 8:05: eis von 0 2 8:0... 8.5... g VOOM ts a ue g N20, Sn eT g 14:0. Le ee g 16:0... . . “whol g 18:0, . iol, oe g Monounsaturated, total g J6I ees 8g AB cs aie g 20:3. g Ri Ee ow g Polyunsaturated, total 8g AB: wns» WY, 8 1 i ARS g 18:4... ... vo ist g 20:4. i a as g 20:8," cof £ 28. eh ae we g DB hv a, a obi Bao Vn Cholesterol , . . «x + « + mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . g + Threonines., &. . . 78, g Isoleucine™,. ion. . a ous g Leucine. , . Ce SVs 8 Lysines Foun Liege v4 8 Methionine . . . . . . .. & Cystine is viv iv. ov x wis = 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosinge i ™. vid te Mie 4 £ Valine: =» oi Tih roe @ 4 AIGITING. voy ui vate 8 Histidine.~", “uM coe» & ABIDE 7. LB & Asparticacid v= . . . . . va 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . & Glycing's" ." . 5 Laue 8 Prolings. =. ohite Bo 4 a £ Serine. LL cies . ies ae os mg, 0.140 0.004 16 0.189 0.040 0.635 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . vVigminBg ©. .5.. LL mg. . . 0.030 7 0.041 0.009 0.136 Folacin'™> E50 Los meg. . 1.3 0.3 9 1.7 0.4 5.8 VitaminBya 8... LL, meg .. i eamak RE. . . 39 2 14 52 11 176 ViaminA a1 wR" ve. 387 24 14 523 110 1,757 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 2 10600 Lay, a, 8 810." oa NA £ Bi dt vo ats £ 10:00 er £ B20 cds ve g M0. Jar ee ee £ VEO Shen eT a a g M80 ete wake 8g Monounsaturated, total . 8g 16:8 ot amt LL 8 8 oo. ah g 0M fe wes g 2 a we 8 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18: SNL Lv 8g 18:3 ra SU, £ Ba, om, 0 Th g 200d. Aare «5 g 2005. ale vo Fd RAS Nn Se Rade g 22:6, He a SN, a Cholesterol, . .". . . » . mg. Phytosterols . . . . .s . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . ... ... . . gl Threonine: . 5. . . Js 5 a Isoleucine..." . . « +» 4 ov g Leucine 7, 5, 0 WT & Lysiness, +, Ak. ee 8g Methionine , . . . . . .. 8 Cystine voc on. Lh wins 2 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine . . ore 4 Valine, .c. .. «+ 5 Z Arginine, hy ee g Histidine. -% “7... C50. g ARNINES. . i ole ies g Asparticacid .\. . . ., . . . g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine's®,. . 5A 0 an g Proline ote. + Jobe. & Seringhainl, Ji. ath ve uns g ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03142 FRUITS Applesauce and apricots, junior Page 145 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse:() Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 220 g 10z=28.3g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: WATER oe ad a hh ve ta z. 86.9 14 191.1 24.6 394.0 keal 47 104 13 215 Food:energy = - + + = + » = kJ. 198 437 56 900 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . Zs 0.2 14 O.5 0.1 1.0 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.2 14 0.5 0.1 1.1 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 2% 12.4 27.3 3.5 56.3 Fiber SE, Z. 0.7 0.0 6 1.5 0.2 3.1 ASE: Sai oh 8 0.3 0.0 19 0.6 0.1 1.2 MINERALS: Calcium st, ott, da. mg. 6 0 18 13 2 27 oni. 8 2% ns Ws mg. 0.26 0.02 19 0.57 0.07 1.17 Magnesium. 5, 75, LL mg. 4 1 8 3 16 Phosphorus . . , . . . ... mg. 10 2 23 3 47 Potassium. . . . «+. i mg. 109 15 240 31 496 Sodium: . ate wre ae mg. 3 16 6 1 12 NCE ov Fa Cun a mg. 0.030 1 0.066 0.009 0.136 COPE Sl vii ae mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacidtey’, . . 0, , mg. 17.9 10 35.3 5.1 81.1 Thiswini 21a 00 UE mg. 0.014 0.001 18 0.031 0.004 0.064 Riboflavint. %) 2a oo mg. 0.030 0.002 17 0.066 0.009 0.136 Nagin CF Le mg. 0.145 0.005 18 0.319 0.041 0.658 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBe “... . ood mg. 0.030 7 0.066 0.009 0.136 Folacin® "... v. cL oi meg 1.4 3.0 0.4 6.1 ViaminByja . ... . . . . mcg Cia: RE. 34 3 17 74 10 154 VisminiAl Gn it og w. 339 34 17 745 96 1,536 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . , . . . . 3 R10. Hire las el gi B10 0 WR hays 8 RA g 10:0 4, "okie 0 J g A205, eae g 14:00. 0 ve, Lh, g 16:08 0. « .. 55. g B8:05, vt, an g Monounsaturated, total £ WG g 18:1. mt LE. ahs g 20:15. ee 2 20, aa a. g Polyunsaturated, total EA P82 Be. un g IB:3% we ne £ 8:4, ik aa 8g 208. 2. ne 8 20:5. OE as £ BIS ant ae g 2:6. es gi» Cholesterol *." ... . . . . mg. Phytosterols ve." ut vos mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . '. , .. .'. 8g Threonine Joh... wh 2a. £ Isoleucine... . ou £ Leucine. (ov + siisttetogr at & Lysine Sr et se. va 4 Methionine... . Li. 000s g CYSNBE. 0 nhs wie atin g Phenylalanine . . . . . .. g Tyrosine. vo 5% o ¢ bon 8 Valinest's cid: Bo i ew 8 Arginine. is de ei g Histidine. 500.0 ve oe $e £ Alanine, 0, 0. 6 8 Asparticacid ."..%. . . . . , 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glyciher, =". . «v4 a a £ Proline, of A on g Serving de ST ATe Ne aE & ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. 2 Values calculated from strained applesauce and apricots. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03143 FRUITS Applesauce and cherries, strained Page 146 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean Standard Norriser of error Dimple 1jar=135g 10z=28.35¢g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Waters 52 v0 LL Ea g 86.4 0.2 13 116.6 24.5 391.8 kcal 48 65 14 218 Foodenergy + - + - + - « - “l 201 271 57 911 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . 0. 0.3 0.0 13 0.4 0.1 1.2 Total lipid{fat) , . . +7. .-. g 0.0 0.0 13 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . £ 13.1 17.7 3.7 59+3 Biber, 0 1 Mig, aa, 2% Ah os LE g 0.3 0.0 13 0.4 0.1 1.3 MINERALS: Calcium 0%, 7, “0 mg. 10 1 13 14 3 4 bron Sata. ia ol mg... 0.39 0.05 13 0.52 0.11 1.75 Magnesivmn .",'. ... . .% me... Phosphorus s. fe 4 iia iy mg. 5. Potassium, LEN LoL oho, on A 96 2 13 130 27 435 SOMME 2 TE %eas +h iv re mg. 2 0 13 3 4 1 ZINC” re ey ol a a mg... Copperas 0%, 0. Ln mg. . . VITAMINS: 1 AscorbicacidL. i, . . . . . mg. . . 33.5 1.0 13 45.3 9.5 152.1 Thiamine Sail, 70 Lad mg... 0.016 0.000 13 0.022 0.005 0.073 Riboflavind..L ui, . mg. . . 0.042 0.003 13 0.057 0.012 0.191 Niacin, sosed, 0, Ls mg, Lh, 0.098 0.004 13 0.132 0.028 0.445 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . ViaminBg ". . . dh. Je mg... Folacin: A070 10, LY, meg.» 0.4 0.0 3 0.5 0.1 1.7 ViaminBya. © Ja meg... vibe RE. . . 4 0 13 5 1 18 lamin A « «ale oath a 39 5 13 53 11 177 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 Be oe vs g 68a. Tn A g Bi, ini er g YO: a a g 2:0." Se 8g YO Fs aia tins vie g 16:0. ..v. . ete g 18:10. 0. oo outs £ Monounsaturated, total . g 6:). 7 SE g Bt g 20:1... 5. TE es £ NY ea PS g Polyunsaturated, total £ 8:2. tik RL g 18:3. 0, Lo le g 18:45, 13.0. Flo 8g 20:4: 500 YL oR £2 20:8. Shs ae 8g 22:8 ais ea £g uBR gx Cholesterol J, ... . 0% We mg. Phytosterols . ... . . 4. mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan’, oo. . . . . . 8g Threonine 0. 5. + + + «' £ Isoleucine." . «ui. iu Loa. £ Leyciner', "CF, 00 chia. g Lysine SF .in «Geil 5 wm 3 Methionine . . .. . . .. & Cystine vould ve ee 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 4 Fyrosiness’s « o « «oll x £ VATNEES inl sn win wa 2 Arginine, iat. . ooh ain g Histidine, -. . .-. . 5.0. &% £ Alanine .... . Gow 4s g Asparticacid. . yh J 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine, ©. . . + «a £ Profine *. "tL." J + wuss g Serine. Gn nll Bed g ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03144 FRUITS Applesauce and cherries, junior Page 147 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Nutrients and units Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased . Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 go Ai we 1 jar=220g 10z=28.35g A B Cc D Es F G PROXIMATE: Water. ®, "0. 0h Les 2s. 86.3 0.2 13 189.9 24.5 391.5 kcal . . 48 106 14 219 Foodenergy + + » + + + + » kre 202 444 57 916 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . ge N 0.3 0.0 13 0.6 0.1 1.3 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Eh 0.0 13 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . ae 13.2 28.9 3.7 59.7 Fibers, er Lt, gE Ashlee ii Jv iis gas 0.3 0.0 13 0.6 0.1 1.2 MINERALS: Caleium . 50%. vv mg. . . 9 1 13 20 3 41 BION e000 ve aie ath a mg... 0.41 0.06 13 0.89 0.11 1.84 Magnesium , , . . . . . . me... . Phosphorus . . . . . . .. mg. . Potassium . . . . . .... ms. . . 97 2 13 214 28 441 Sodium =: .. . Loe a0. mg. . . 3 0 13 6 1 12 ZINE this) ie ae mg. COPORE: + ii ie 2 vin a mg... . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid? |, , , .. .. | 23.2 0.7 13 51.0 6.6 105.1 Thigminn is v's oie iad mg. . . 0.015 0.001 13 0.033 0.004 0.068 Riboflavin. . . . vs. vi mg. 0.046 0.003 13 0.101 0.013 0.209 INFRCIIE Trae si cn, ix ooh mg. lL 0.098 0.008 13 0.216 0.028 0.445 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg *% ..: . oc - mg. . . Folacin®. "wih. ius meg . . 0.4 0.8 0.1 1.7 VitaminByp . . . . . . meg . 2 RE. . . 4 1 13 9 1 19 VIBMINA «+ ~ « vn sie iy jo 41 6 13 91 12 187 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . To ne $0.5. abi 2 ne B10... leh li g BIO ov fs ae ee g 10:0. . aL 8 1220.00. 050i. 8 18:0 FNC tals g 16:0. 4.0. ek 8 AS: 0... 0, Ll. 8g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 1 EMEP STMEE ASE 8 BS Rete eh g ROL. el £ BY a a g Polyunsaturated, total 8 BIT oy athe Gl g {1 NEE 8 18:4. 000s wii ah g 20:4... cove on 8 20080 5 a 8 22:8. va eRe g 6, ultis ni Be gas Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . ... mg... . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . Thi » Threonine, . . . . uw. 4 8 isoleucine + oy Ware 8 edeine , Ll: te Gite a lel, 8 Lysine oy... Bh nel 8 Methionine . . . . . . . . 8 Cystine: 0. 0 sf vs 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine . « « ¢ + + 4 0s 8 Valine ~~...) + vs ste e 8 Arginine. 5. 2... oak g Ristidine. ons ee g Asparticacid . . . . .o.. 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . 8 GIYCIng so. ferale iw «on g Proline oi" vw 4 wna ts 8 Serine nc vide +5 £ ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03150 FRUITS Applesauce and pineapple, junior Page 149 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Me. Standard Number of - ad foieies 1 jar = 213 g 1oz=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water , . 7. GL Sad Cs g 89.1 1 189.8 25.3 404.2 kcal 39 83 11 177 Food energy cus * «x ie ky 163 347 46 739 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . g . 0.1 6 0.2 0.0 0.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 8 0.1 0.1 6 0.2 0.0 0.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 10.5 22.3 3.0 47.6 RIber Ran od z ASHE g 0.2 0.0 6 0.5 0.1 1.0 MINERALS: Calcium. AL, 050 0.0 mg. 4 1 6 8 1 17 WORSE oe eT mg. 0.10 0.03 6 0.21 0.03 0.45 Magnesium , . . . . . . . mg. 4 0 2 7 1 16 Phosphorus = J. A eis mg. 6 1 2 13 2 28 Potassium . . . ...... mg. 76 7 2 162 22 344 Soditur, Ln oe mg. 2 1 2 4 1 8 Zine SF Nd ee mg. 0.030 0.010 2 0.064 0.009 0.136 COPPER mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid} . . . . . .. mg. 26.8 2.9 6 57.1 7.6 121.6 Thiamin. . . . . ..... mg. 0.022 0.002 6 0.047 0.006 0.100 Riboflavin. % =. i aii o Lolly mg. 0.027 0.003 6 0.058 0.008 0.122 Niacin ©... ... v0. mg. 0.079 0.004 6 0.168 0.022 0.358 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg il Ln me, 0.039 0.003 6 0.083 0.011 0.177 FolacinGaas:, %," 8° J meg . . 2.0 4.2 0.6 9.0 VitaminBy2 . . . . . . .. mcg ai RE. 2 1 6 4 1 10 Vitamin A . . . . . ... {Re : 21 6 6 45 6 95 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . g £0,005 '. no £ 6:0... ae iene £ BO. uh ei g 10:00... nT, g 12:00 ss. a8, Te g M0, ie rn g 36:0 Sadia Lani 8g 18:0.% 5%, , Lak. 8g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 18:0 ve SSRs £ IB, peed g 20), a La £ RY vr ad g Polyunsaturated, total PE 182. LL oe 8g 18:30 ibe ie g Ig: cL a g POM ale ale. £ BOSE a £ RUS. ih Ha Bie Li g R26. ch aia hina Fit Cholesterol... . «+ .« «is mg. Phytosterols . . . . . ... mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan. . ivi. ov ois Bee ani Threomine .. . x, 5. ww oo 8g Isoletcine , @%. . lk He g Leucine, ilebals wih wl g Lysine... 00 aa LL Se 8g Methionine , . . . .... & Cystine”. oH woth ow Ja 4 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine” ou’. Soin ve g Valine... «0s ul ies g Arginine. .'. ...'. ..... g Histidine, ©. vat de Be g Anne . Liv. ae a g Asparticacid . . . . . . . . g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine... .'. . 00a. 8 Profine oi. "OeMELIE, g Serine, SR MEL. va 8 1 values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. 2 Values calculated from strained applesauce and pineapple. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03151 FRUITS Apricots with tapioca, strained Page 150 3 5 Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of ; 3 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion nin measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units g - ~ Srandard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 an error samples 1jar=135g 1o0z=2835g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. CE Z hes 83.1 0.4 17 112.2 23.6 377.0 kcal . . 60 80 17 270 Food energy, isis glee i's 3 249 336 71 1,130 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . g 0.3 14 0.4 0.1 1.3 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 8 0.0 14 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 16.3 22.0 4.6 73.8 Fiber... ©. "VSS Sl Lew 2. 0.3 0.0 2 0.4 0.1 1.4 ASHER hus iid hie pte g 0.3 0.0 18 0.4 0.1 1.5 MINERALS: Calcium Vv 5 ol ve mg. . . 9 1 16 12 3 41 ON 83 ct JF, ay 0 ule mg. 0.30 0.04 17 0.40 0.08 1.34 Magnesium? , ." , . , ~, , mg. . . 4 0 2 5 1 18 Phosphorus . . . .%\ . .. mg, uo 10 2 14 3 46 Potassium dr a LL mg. . . 121 15 163 34 549 SOU, Luni ty vay BA mg. . 8 1 20 11 2 36 PS fT tL SESE SN mg. . . 0.045 0.005 2 0.061 0.013 0.204 Copper." "0. c . i. hs MEL. 0.034 2 0.046 0.010 0.154 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid? . ... . . . . mg. . 21.6 1.8 11 29.1 6.1 97.8 Towing dh, NN EU mg. . kL 0.008 13 0.011 0.002 0.036 Riboflavin, JS, ", “, 4,50 mg. 0.013 0.000 15 0.018 0.004 0.059 CT ade ERR Mes i 0.195 0.004 16 0.263 0.055 0.885 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . 0.130 0.015 4 0.176 0.037 0.590 ViuminBe®. . . .'. 4, mg. oi 0.030 0.001 8 0.041 0.009 0.136 Folacintoon 5 5. meg. . 1.5 0.1 9 2.1 0.4 7.0 VitaminBy2 . . . . . . .. mg. VIB ara si RE. *s, 72 13 98 21 329 ws. 725 13 979 206 3,288 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . 8 0. i g 6:0, 7 a as g 0 Se Ca CR aad 8 10:00 5 hoi ah g 12800 5. a £ 30. PE g 16:0. « ooo a¥i ds g 18:0. = Slat vo 8 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 06. eh a. g ABS ey ke z 20: Ny Bo ne a £ 0 Ja a, 4 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18:2. ah, 8 Iie i Se 8 A845 Cas 8 20:4." el oe 8g 20:8 i. a kis Tee g BUS lide vin Hon g 26.5. Zo: ‘Cholesterol 7%, .. 4 4 i mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . g Threonine. i av o 30s Zz Isoleucine 5, “toi Ce «Vege od g Leucine, © ,.l. oT wie os 4 Lysine =. . Ha. La 8 Methionine: i." .. Ai 6 & Cystine t, io" iar iw Levis a 4 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g Tyrosine. “. WV 8s en 8 Valifie : 7 . eo ris 8 Arginine, 00 oT at g Histidine, . .".'. an g Alanine. . .F.0. o vow 8 Asparticacid'.-, . . 4 Jb 8g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . & Glycine... i. v's Wie aii g Proline", "5 4 + 2 les & Setive >." «Livi FY. g ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03118 FRUITS Page 151 Apricots with tapioca, junior i i i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of 3 . Amount in;100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples . 1 jar = 220 g l1oz=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water’, S05. oh a Card 82.1 14 180.5 23.3 372.2 kcal . . 63 139 18 287 Food energy, =i + ng 0 264 582 75 1,199 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . ZA uk 0.3 14 0.6 0.1 1.3 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 2. 0.0 14 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . go 17.3 38.0 4.9 78.4 Fiber. *0% ys Ae ovo gi is 0.5 0.2 3 1.0 0.1 2.1 Ash. Ses CAE g 0.4 0.0 24 0.8 0.1 1.7 MINERALS: Cale ole mE. 8 1 22 18 2 38 Pon“ Ne «os 5 ot SE mg. . . 0.27 0.02 22 0.58 0.08 1.20 Magnesium , . , . . . . . mg. . . 4 1 9 1 19 Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. . . 10 2 22 3 45 Potassium. 5.5% + «oe 4 mg. . . 125 15 274 35 565 Sodium ft. SF, CL 0h ME, 5s 6 1 17 14 2 29 Zine aml oi. in ae a mg... 0.040 1 0.088 0.011 0.181 Coppery. 5.0. ai’ + Ba mg. . . deen -—— -— -—— VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid? . . . . . . . mg. . . 17.9 1.4 23 39.3 5.1 81.1 Thiamin... °. . . 0 GLA mg, . . 0.008 0.000 28 0.018 0.002 0.036 Riboflavin . . . . . .... mg... 0.013 0.000 29 0.029 0.004 0.059 NBC! Geilo, ®. i. mg. v « 0.196 0.004 29 0.431 0.056 0.889 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . 0.138 0.304 0.039 0.626 Vitamin Beil, Le. + 25. 0 a mg... 0.028 13 0.062 0.008 0.127 Folagin 36, 25. viv uh meg . . 1.6 3.6 0.5 7.4 ViamiaByy .*. 0.x... meg. . os pd: RE." . . 72 16 159 20 328 VISInA “TR C8 Ww. 723 16 1,590 205 3,279 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g oS £ 6:0. Sor nd LG £ Bi... SLL 8 V0 ix g 2:00, oi, cis ee g 84:0... ws g 16:0. siet aui g 18:0... + vl ie ve 8 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16, ae he g 18:0, Re g 20:1 fen a GN, £ A iat, a ® 8 Polyunsaturated, total an EB 8:2, 0G LEE LAE, 8 I8:3% ats te g 8:4. 0 Ee Fab g 20:40 re. sede £ 20:8. aes a aes g 308. a rs g R226. ria Zz ul. Cholesterol! "5, . . . . 0. mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. .o. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . 0... g = ia Threonine . . . . . . . .. oe vy tsoleucine “oe oT. Tals g Leucines Jol." , . . oie Les 8 Lysine coe + ovine dW 8 Methionine . . . . . ... 8 Cystine, &oiv ov Wl 1a 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g Tyrosine . .. 5, a aisx 8 Valine st, =. « «te ee. 8 Arginine. t, .'. . . i... 8 Histidine, :. J. « «ov view & Alanine... . ... 0 Jost, 8 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycing.. «5% « «4 v 5 + a g Proling®. “oie we 8 Seringd 00 8 ! Dashes denote lack of reliable data for a nutrient believed to be present in measurable amount. 2 Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. ® Values calculated from strained apricots with tapioca. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03128 FRUITS Page 152 Bananas and pineapple with tapioca, strained i ; i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of : ) Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Omen measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: ew ioe ps Afar = 738 g 10z = 28.35 g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water.” Vs 7h RN Ue 8 ite 81.1 14 109.5 23.0 367.9 kcal . . 68 91 19 306 Boor ensrgyiit el Sina. 0 5. 25 283 381 80 1,282 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . fis th 0.2 0.0 17 0.3 0.1 1.0 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . ieee 0.1 0.0 17 0.1 0.0 0.4 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . LT 18.4 24.8 5.2 83.3 Biber 0 ZB. ide Ashiis viet ve nl Ce Ln oF 0.2 0.0 18 0.3 0.1 1.0 MINERALS: Calcium’. sion. wnat Lo. me. ch. 7 1 12 9 2 31 fron bev nd nl Lats Wg vis 0.13 0.01 12 0.18 0.04 0.59 Magnesium. ot, on, LT mg. i. 6 2 8 2 28 Phosphorus 5. Jia. LL mg. . . 5 2 7 1 22 Potassium hh 00 Ln ngs. 78 15 105 22 353 Sodium’, No. 0, LC, mg. . . 8 1 21 10 2 35 ZINC hl wits Ler Sits a mg. . . 0.031 2 0.042 0.009 0.141 Copper sh. 0% i, die My as 0.040 1 0.054 0.011 0.181 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid 2. , .°L. mg... 21.2 1.4 14 28.6 6.0 96.0 Thiamin. LL, , WL. mg... 0.015 0.000 14 0.020 0.004 0.068 Riboflavin . . . . ..... mg... 0.019 0.001 15 0.026 0.005 0.086 Niacin, . .. 0. 0... mg... 0.182 0.019 14 0.246 0.052 0.826 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg... . VitaminBg. . . . . .... mg. . . 0.092 0.007 6 0.124 0.026 0.417 Folens. ie od an, meg . 5.5 0.7 9 7.8 1.6 25.0 ViaminBya . hess mcg 3s Su RE. 4 7 5 1 18 VitaminA . . . . . LL. we. 40 7 55 11 184 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 4:0. ns nt, a £ B00 LR £ BIO. dv g 10:00 ln g 20. Sates vty ods g MLR NE, a £ 16:0 0s ci Je 8g 8:10. etl PL. g Monounsaturated, total g | 1 PT RR EE g 18, On ws g 20ST a 8g 220 g Polyunsaturated, total a B TR. on fry, g ISI. tN, es g CE RE 8 OE af, ath 2 20:8 oN ET a 2 2S. ie Te eee g RUG AE ple ee gi Cholesterol © . . xv via + mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ._. cv «4 » ie, Threonine '.. i JN. 0. vs 2 owe Isoleucine . . . . . .... 2 Leucine ie v aia Pq rls or g Lysine™=, . . oe Jaa, 4 Methionine . Li. . £ Cystine . o.oo Sv vate £ Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 2 Tyrosine. . art 5 2 Valiner™'.c. . . RELL a. 2 Arginine. oh. LN DG g . Histidine, "7. aL. a g ee Alanine, yn £ Asparticacids..'. . . 7. ..-, 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Clyne ok, ean a a 8 Profiness . 0 nl Mes a £ Sepifle Cl oleh 2 ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03156 FRUITS Bananas and pineapple with tapioca, junior Page 153 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 220 g 10z=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. WL LLL g 81.7 14 179.8 23.2 370.6 keal 65 143 18 295 Foodenergy + «+i vias ie . 272 598 77 1,233 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . go, 0.2 0.0 17 0.5 0.1 0.9 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.0 0.0 17 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . go 17.8 39.3 5.1 81.0 Fiber a rt se v2 zn Ashi. Lh a LT Z 0.2 0.0 18 0.5 0.1 lal MINERALS: Caleiumy.. % 0 wa a mel. . 7 0 28 15 2 32 MOR 3 aah ks mg. . . 0.23 0.02 28 0.561 0.07 1.04 Magnesium si ~, . . . meg. 6 1 14 2 29 Phosphorus i... . = . . '. mg. . . 5 2 11 1 23 Potassium =. .'. . ooh a mg. . . 68 15 149 19 306 Sodiumrct., L5G meg 6 1 19 13 2 27 BIE Bo 3 iw Fon un ie mg. . 0.040 1 0.088 0.011 0.181 Copper. i. op ioh ia 4 mg}. od 0.039 0.086 0.011 0.177 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid® . . . . . .. mg. 19.2 30 42.3 5.5 87.3 Thiamin. Mot. 0, LP mei 0.019 0.001 29 0.042 0.005 0.086 RIBOAAVIAN.T . ©. ven es i 0.019 0.001 29 0.042 0.005 0.086 Nigein®ilo ily + rh 2 WA mg. . . 0.168 0.016 29 0.370 0.048 0.762 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. Le, Viamingg ... . .. . .l. mg. . . 0.082 5 0.180 0.023 0.372 Folacint iti. ly wiv aly meg 5.4 11.9 1.5 24.6 ViaminBya'. . ...... meg. . VitaminA . . . . . LL. {5 oe 4 23 9 1 19 ls 41 23 90 12 186 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 Or, EL £ Gi hE Te 8 Bi a a as 8g 80:00. oe a £ 120. . adie g B00, ahaa g 16:00." hn Cee, £ 18:0 .¢ 5. eae g Monounsaturated, total £ 16:35. hs oa mie ws 8 ABI ve 8 0 en le 8 2:0. a. 8g Polyunsaturated, total 8g 2. 5 eee. 2 18:3, vie ow lal. g 1814. udev sv 0% g 20:4. Se g ROSA, re ee £ MS oe era £ B60 wel gr Cholesterol”. . . . .. .. mg. Phytosterols®, . .. . ., . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . .". oo. . . 8 Threonine" .. .&..0 5 Tote » £ Isoleucine”, . . ©... .. g eucinenses, lv hve BO 8 Lysine: 35800. 5 he le g Methionine" . . oi. ., 8 CYSHAR EIN, iy 0 ov lo iv. 4 g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8g Tyrosine "5 . dae g Valine « . "LS eae alee 8 Arginine. c. tel dx £ FSHAING. soese, verges 8 8 ARBNINE. o. 'y o E at g Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . & Glvcine . "re nies 4 tle g Proline: "5 ot bial ni 8 Serine. uli yl dha. g ! Values calculated from strained bananas and pineapple with tapioca. 2 Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03157 FRUITS Page 154 Bananas with tapioca, strained : i H Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of ; i Amount in. 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - " Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 an error samples 1 jar = 135g 10z=28,35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water.” 0 La Lh gas 84.0 0.5 17 113.4 23.8 381.1 keal . . 57 77 16 258 Foodenergy » coir r - ule ge 238 321 67 1,079 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . gh .4 0.0 15 0.5 0.1 1.7 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . gs, 0.1 0.1 15 0.1 0.0 0.4 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Zw te 15.3 20.6 4.3 69.2 Figs Son a, Ea 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.8 Ash oats, oun ould 0.3 0.0 18 0.4 0.1 1.3 MINERALS: Calcium. , S58 ois me » 5 0 21 6 1 21 1700 Pet PRE one me. 's . 0.20 0.02 24 0.26 0.06 0.88 Magnesium |, , . . . . . . mg. . . 10 1 14 3 45 Phosphorus .. %.%.0, . + .% mg... 7 1 9 2 32 Potassium™. L570. inn mg. . . 88 14 118 25 398 Sodium, on he. oh UL La mg. . . 9 1 15 12 3 41 Zinc. BE EY ir Wi mgs, 0.060 i 0.081 0.017 0.272 Coppers “uly v2 a mg. . . 0.040 1 0.054 0.011 0.181 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid? . . . . . . . mg. . . 16.7 9 22.6 4.7 75.9 Whiamins 4° A LL mg. i. 0.012 0.001 22 0.016 0.003 0.054 Riboflavin." . , . ... . . mg... 0.031 0.003 23 0.042 0.009 0.141 Niacin’ 28, +... . Ja, mg ii 0.183 0.006 24 0.247 0.052 0.830 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . 0.150 0.015 4 0.203 0.043 0.680 vitaminBg et. hes mg. 0.115 0.009 8 0.155 0.033 0.522 Folacln Ff, “5%, low meg . . 5.5 0.4 9 7.4 1.6 24.9 VieminBya oo. Le. mcg ak RE. 4 1 22 6 1 19 VIBMID AL ie v5 ana ie fre. 43 8 22 58 12 193 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . ga. 0, BO. te wv Ae PS Bi." an ve g SiO, he Ee ee g 10:0. "c+ fr. g 120. 57 wart Sle g 4:00 od Je £ 16:00 ce ave Shao g 18:0. Sidi ns 2 g Monounsaturated, total, . . g 0:0 a g Wve se an 8g 20:1 cal, 8 BY a ek g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18:2. CL Ln Nw 8 (0 I NAS g 18:45 0 FL 2 g 204. a ee 8 20:8. 00 vv va g 225i i Fes ah g 226, Te a Ne Zh... Cholesterol . , . . .. 5 mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. 0. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . gs als fPtveonine.. ... «... wes 8 PION. coh soe vin de ae g Serine... Sh a 8 ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03138 FRUITS Page 158 Mango with tapioca, strained 3 " Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of : ; Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units = : Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples u 1 jar = 135g 1o0z=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. “a 0%, VN g 17.17 1 104.9 22.0 352.4 kcal 80 109 23 365 Food energy «= + + + + + - - fra 337 454 95 1,527 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . igre? 0.3 0.0 2 0.4 0.1 1.4 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 2 0.2 0.0 2 0.3 0.1 0.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gon 21.6 29.2 6.1 98.0 Fiber os rl 0s Seki Zi 0.2 0.0 3 0.2 0.0 0.8 Ash dy ile ga g 0.2 1 0.3 0.1 0.9 MINERALS: Calcium, Ju, Sl. mg. . . 4 1 2 5 1 17 PON“. Rms sa ee mg. . . 0.10 0.05 2 0.14 0.03 0.45 Magnesium, . . . . . . . mg... 4 1 2 8 1 17 Phosphorus tuad’ v . + « « mg. . . 6 1 2 8 2 27 POtASSIUM iu iv ivi ie mg. . . 59 14 2 80 17 267 Sodium", TA ve a mg. . . 4 1 2 6 1 19 Ze. ll i ee mE 0.060 0.010 2 0.081 0.017 0.272 ODPL iy tvs» 5 Ne Th mg... . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid} . . . . . . . mg. . . 124.4 113.3 2 167.9 35.3 564.3 Thiamina i, 85, Fane Medi re 0.023 0.000 2 0.031 0.007 0.104 Riboflavips. ®ve ARE 0.027 0.003 2 0.036 0.008 0.122 NIEIR- 2a, oie oo vw mg... 0.253 0.052 2 0.342 0.072 1.148 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . me. Mitamin8e ~~". . . ... 5 Mme. oi 0.117 0.025 2 0.158 0.033 0.531 FPOREGIN < ou.» diwin «ois meg viaminBya . vy . 4... meg. vari RE. i . 67 35 2 90 19 302 Nismins ial oH w. . . 665 345 2 898 189 3,016 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . 2% i PR VP ed £ PI NRE | 8g 8:0... 5. Sal. oak £ WO. rev oie £ ABO vers wis g 10.0.0 «ie 8g 16:0. unl + 0 in 4 8g 180... a oy £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g 6: iran. . Lh g IRE we wis «aa 8 vn PC ES 8g vo Ly RY CS g Polyunsaturated, total 8 A al ee a 8 8:3, ond ve ee 8 18:4 0, eis wats £ 20:4. . gE £ 20:88 0 Fo £ 2S ar we g 26,.....% ER Cholesterol. . . . . . . 4%. mg. . . Phytosterols 0. .. . «.. + mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan..." . . . . Threonine .. +. + « « ov o%+ a 8g Isoleucine, *. J oniate 5 g Levene ®ve ued g Lysine "svn. «whet ae 8 Methionine . . . . . .. g Cystine . Giaw iv lo oF abuts 4 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8g Tyrosine ov vs oo g Valine * ..v "2 % « von 8 Arginine, . fy SRN 8 Histidine, 2 «ait AY £ Alarine oui. Lon aale 8 Asparticacid . . . . v0. . 8 Gluamicacid. . . . . . . . 8 Glycine ss iv + vii sii v g Proline s. i: .csimtagere g Serine’... oo aide wien g ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03140 FRUITS Papaya and applesauce with tapioca, strained Page 159 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Nutrients and units Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: Me Standard Nurser of an rror ? FS mples 1jar=128g 10z=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, 0 TN zg 80.6 1 103.2 22.9 365.6 kcal . . 70 89 20 315 Foodenergy oie = vi oiv v - x. x 291 372 82 1,320 Protein (NX 6.25), . . 8 0.2 1 0.3 0.1 0.9 Totaklipid (fat). &. . . . . gE. 0.1 1 0.1 0.0 0.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Eo eid 18.9 24.2 5.4 85.7 Fiber Salm se, oo ve Jie Jae Zw 8 0.4 0.1 3 0.5 0.1 1.7 Ash: Com 8 0.2 1 0.3 0.1 0.9 MINERALS: Calcium 7 v5 i Re mg 7 2 2 9 2 31 Bran 5 aie Reha wi we ne. Magnesivm , , , . .... mg... 1 2 7 23 Phosphorus. « .. viv iv v me. 5 1 2 7 2 25 Potassiuny, hv: Lo me, . 79 4 2 101 22 359 Sodifn, Sori LL ream LL mg. . . 5 0 2 6 1 20 iT Ee a A wg. 0.030 0.010 2 0.038 0.009 0.136 Copperii..... .7. ht a. mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid! . . . . mgs i. 113.1 98.1 2 144.8 32.1 513.0 Thiamin, .°. 5%". . . . mg 0.010 0.003 2 0.013 0.003 0.045 Riboflavin .. . . . . .... mg. 0.028 0.003 2 0.036 0.008 0.127 Niacin . . . ....... mg. 0.108 0.023 2 0.138 0.031 0.490 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg . . . . . . .. mg... 0.023 0.011 2 0.029 0.007 0.104 Foldein ou Seiten’ ec ws meg. . VitaminByaiw de®, . « . i mcg A RE 8 3 2 10 2 34 VARS a w 76 32 2 97 22 345 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 Bi SEE sw Tee Te 8 BO et lol, Lu Wn whe g B05. .0. oa e £ WOO Ee, ate alla 2 IROL. inde oa g 4: 000.. LL, £ ¥6:0... 5. ss vhs g 8:00. & nino» 5a £ Monounsaturated, total £ 16:0 RT ee 8 FBT shine wet ae £ 200.» ie af be 2g 2 ee el 8g Polyunsaturated, total oli 18:12. SN mre 8 ISB cw ve wt 8g 18:4... . . . . wan 8 20%... eR £ 20:8. eu 8 228: vv i + 5 rate 2 226% WN. . aes 2. Cholesterol ».. + + « «38 « mg. . Phytosterols “. . . . . . , . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Teyptophan®’, . . . « . + . £ Tiveonine .. . . 4.80 g isoleucine... ud «nn £ Leyciness, .' sv viv bie oie & LYSIS ov Beit otie ns let 4 Methionine . . . . . ... £ Cystine. "ii «i'd lee g Phenylalanine . . . . ... 8 Tyrosine. 5 5% «ume at & Valiec'.: 7% a wie an 8g Arginine..." . . Cu 4h 8 Histidiness, . Cube vo Ha £ Alpine 5. os g Asparticacid.. . . . «=. . g Glutamicacid. . . . .. .. . £ Glycine™." +." . +. Jie +s 8 Proline “sah whe «ov £ Serine Live vow evs £ ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03162 Page 160 FRUITS Peaches, strained 3 i i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of : ; Amount in 100 grams, edible portion COMIMon measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean Suna Name! 1 jar =135¢g 1oz=28.39g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. i RU TY Eos ais 80.1 1 108.1 22.7 363.2 kcal 71 96 20 323 Food energy +, « kJ 298 402 84 1,351 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . 22 0.5 0.0 20 0.7 0.1 2.4 Total lipid (fat) . yt hee $ ais 0.2 0.1 19 0.2 0.0 0.7 Carbohydrate, total ~. . . . . gh 18.9 25.5 5.4 85.7 EE a ERNE gn 0.7 0.1 5 1.0 0.2 3.3 i ARE IE TR Se £ “vin a 0.3 0.0 19 0.5 0.1 1.5 MINERALS: Caleiumi ®t, a, JT Te 6 1 20 8 2 26 ET IE AE mg... 0.24 0.02 22 0.32 0.07 1.08 Magnesium...‘ ... , .L mg... . 6 3 8 2 28 Phosphorus: . LG. i Lt mg. . . 12 2 16 3 54 Potassium . . . . . agile Mra 162 15 219 46 736 Sodium . . Js. sie nw mg. . . 6 0 15 8 2 26 Bing, Ls Ee mg... 0.085 0.007 17 0.115 0.024 0.386 Copper, 4 Sie mL 0.053 16 0.072 0.015 0.240 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid® Lo, . .. .. mg. . . 31.4 2.6 18 42.4 8.9 142.5 Fhiamin ii ied mg. . . 0.011 0.000 20 0.015 0.003 0.050 Riboflavin poate dete Jee ME. (+ 0.033 0.002 20 0.045 0.009 0.150 Nisin Site oop 55s mg... 0.609 0.042 25 0.822 0.173 2.762 Pantothenic acid Ea A nae mg. . . 0.130 0.005 4 0.176 0.037 0.590 Vitamin Bg Li ee aes me, 0.015 8 0.020 0.004 0.068 ROMAIN. al a oe at meg. 3.9 0.5 9 5.2 1.1 17.6 VitaminByg . . . . .. .. meg. . VitaminA . . . . o.oo. RE 16 2 19 22 5 73 w. .. 161 15 19 217 46 729 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . Tow A: Fe tie i 2 oe 020 ana Re Li 8 8:0. LR g FOIE i ae <0 a 2 INO... Ta g 1:0. . od. ee g 16:00, 0 Joi ee, £ 1810 aa et g Monounsaturated, total . g 16 LT Se ie g IB SE he 8g 20: Yi hire a vw g 220, iin ee So g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 1812. 0. . Lae 8g AB: dy" vi Cried £g IBN, J PE 8g 20:4.5% 0. eo Lai g 20:8 20 et ee £ 22:8. ibn he subs g 2216. iin ow is 8.0 ay Cholesterol , . . . . ©... mg." . Phytosterols. . . .'. 5 .c mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophaty i... 5. v.o% BT ie Tihveonine'./. . '. .". ics 2 «ns Isoleucine”. , . . . . . 8 Leucingr.. LL he eh ew g Lysine” wv eee g Methionine ., . . . . . .. & Cystine l, . cilidet ate +o » g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine! « .'. . « sia 8 MAINES . iv Fe aa 8 Arginine, J 0. GS EE un Histidine, -. . . . . . . 5 8 viv» Alanine. o.oo Be vis & Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Blyeine 2," . J 85d san 8 Profinet, hv. y wis vi ow g SOTINER", ite Gol vin wwii g ! Values based on data for products containing added sugar. Products made without added sugar contain 12.2 g carbohydrate per 100 g. 2 Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03130 FRUITS Peaches, junior Page 161 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 220 q 1.0z = 28.35 q A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: WALRE dda oa ee 4 8x 80.1 1 176.1 22.7 363.1 kcal 71 157 20 323 Food enstgy ess © = 0m kJ. 298 656 85 1,353 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . Zi. 0.5 0.0 20 1.2 0.2 2.5 Total lipid (fay) .. Je... . . g 0.2 0.1 19 0.4 0.0 0.8 Carbohydrate, total! , . . , . 2 18.9 41.6 5.4 85.7 FIRE Rt hu hy JR £7 0.7 0.1 5 1.6 0.2 3.3 AS ERT g 0.3 0.0 19 0.7 0.1 1.5 MINERALS: CAIGIUM Gl 5 x + ne mg. 13 11 1 22 ron a ae mg. 0.27 0.03 16 0.59 0.08 1.22 Magnesium , . . . . . . . mg. 5 2 12 1 24 Phosphorus. i. or Jaa mg. 11 2 24. 3 50 Potassiom ih. 5 mg. 155 15 342 44 704 Sodium. Ah we es mg. 5 1 15 10 1 21 ZINES Yoh rigid a is ls mg. 0.058 2 0.128 0.016 0.263 COPPEr ills «on i mg. 0.050 1 0.110 0.014 0.227 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid? , . . . ... mg. 18.9 9 41.5 5.4 85.6 Thiamin... °. «0 we. mg. 0.014 0.003 15 0.031 0.004 0.064 Riboflaving.. Soe. «ua ut mg. 0.032 0.002 15 0.070 0.009 0.145 NaCI eee mg. 0.647 0.052 16 1.423 0.183 2.935 Pantothenic acid.®. . . . . . mg. 0.130 0.286 0.037 0.590 ViaminBg “. =’. . . .0. mg. 0.018 0.001 7 0.040 0.005 0.082 Folacin. B00... . 0, mcg 3.9 8.5 1.1 17.6 ViaminBya . .. . LV. mcg Ar RE. 18 3 17 39 5 81 YEAR a Ww. 178 26 17 392 50 808 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 40, . 0. Bree £ G0, ie kn ree £ 8:00. Le g 0 rates 8 BR0" oa g TRO as g 6:00. Vuh. hea ul 8g 1820. Sa Ta oa £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g 6:8. J oh, 8 18 Lah. £ 20:0. LL ad g ROE, en ah g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18:20. 8 8 18:3. Fash eins g 84.4. ah 8 20:8. ce hae, 8g 20:5." ALT, Fah £ 208, aT eile Zz . 22:6, bt. my at Zi Cholesterol ~ . ,".". . « mg. Phytosterols . .. . . . . .. mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan. . . . . . . . £ Threonine, .. .n + oho 5% 8g Isoleucine: oo. 5. iu ®, ov . . g Leucine, Lm dwt nS g Lysine." old g Methionine . . . . . . . . & Cystine, 5%, fis Sele 4 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g Ryrosine =. Cat ade ie g Valine :. = « Jie sine = 8g Arginine, LTE LT 8 Histidine.&'. .'. J. « & ARNINE. Bit x £ Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine. . . “=z LF 8 g Proline. ols ue lait. 8 SOHNE “il nh eh ae eR 8 ! Values based on data for products containing added sugar. 2 Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. Values calculated from strained peaches. Products made without added sugar contain 12.7 g carbohydrate per 100 g. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03131 FRUITS Page 162 Pears, strained Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutrients and units Sommon measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number.of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.35g A B 4 D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. afd Ben Si are Eo. 88.4 0.3 17 113.2 25.1 401.1 F kcal . . 41 53 12 188 oodenergy + : + + + + +o: aL 173 222 49 787 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . gi 0.3 0.0 23 0.4 0.1 1.4 Total lipid (fat). . . ....". 8 ik 0.2 0.0 23 0.2 0.0 0.7 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gain 10.8 13.9 3.1 49.2 Fiber. RR, de. wa LN Ah het a 2S h 0.3 0.0 19 0.3 0.1 1.1 MINERALS: Calcium ots 5 i mg. . . 8 0 20 1) 2 38 fron. nied ce Ee ei mE. 7, 0.24 0.02 29 0.30 0.07 1.08 Magnesium , . . . . . . . mg. . . 8 2 10 2 34 Phosphorus ..5.\v. . + ilu mg. . . 12 1 15 3 54 Potassium?, 3084, ... ih. Gil 00 g 7 EE g ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. 2 Values calculated from strained pears. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03133 FRUITS Pears and pineapple, strained Page 164 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 gq 1 oz = 28.35 g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, Bf, ay ZL 88.5 14 113.3 25.1 401.4 (kcal 41 52 12 185 Poodienergy LE ne? kJ 171 219 48 775 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . 7 0.3 0.0 19 0.4 0.1 1.4 Yotallipid (fat). .... vn g 0.1 0.1 19 0.1 0.0 0.4 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 10.9 13.9 Sel 49.2 Fiber ous. ahah a a 0.3 0.0 4 0.3 0.1 1.2 Ash a a ED Re g 0.3 0.0 19 0.3 0.1 1.2 MINERALS: CAlGIUMY. HE ac We mg. 10 0 17 13 3 45 WOR lw aes 0 os mg. 0.25 0.02 17 0.32 0.07 1.12 Magnesium , . . . . . . . mg. 7 2 9 2 31 Phosphorus’ 3.5. & . Jiu mg. 9 2 11 2 39 Potassium oe. 8 UY Len. mg. 116 15 148 33 526 SOAS: Noe vo sl mg. 4 14 5 1 16 ZINC flat os wn van mg. 0.065 2 0.083 0.0 0.295 Copper . . . ....... mg. 0.140 1 0.179 0.0 0.635 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid! . . . . . . . mg. 27.5 1.7 12 35,2 7.8 124.7 Thiamin... o.oo mg. 0.021 0.001 20 0.027 0.0 0.095 Riboflavin . . . . . .... mg. 0.028 0.001 17 0.036 0.008 0.127 Niacin. . . . .. .... mg. 0.207 0.016 16 0.265 0.059 0.939 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg . . . . .. .. mg. 0.016 8 0.020 0.005 0.073 EOIRGIN shh sry + x x. aw mcg 2.8 0.1 9 3.5 0.8 12.5 VitaminByp . . . . . . . . meg tas RE. 3 0 12 4 1 13 Vitamin A . . . . oo... vw. 29 4 12 37 8 131 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g ee eid Tet £ GIO, Rm £ Bil . eae a g 0. iss cas £ 12:00 on g VA, bein ov ae Fd W610", GET as 8g 180. oF lied £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g BOT. Sr a Ln. g Bt athe ose ew 8 20:0. 3 eee g 223.5 eRe en, 8g Polyunsaturated, total wh onl Of IBID wir tet somata x re ih 8 18:30 Get A g 15:4, a FT g 208. Be ee zg 2088 Xr 8 22:8 he Tatar ww nea A 2B, eke w ge. Cholesterol =..." » + « 4.54 mg. Phytosterols .. .:. . .w . & mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . 8 Threonine . J. 70. uiun 8 Isoleucine ™. .. . 5%... 2 Letcinena= 0 05 Wh & Lysing lie, (ob, vn ie iy £ Methionine . . . . . . ... £ Cysting ot. . oti, wife leis g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g Tyrosine ™: + ow ox wos 8g Valine”. . 5. Jie St 8 Arginine... . a aide g Histidine, Fo 0 cd £ Alanine '. 7.8, ovis 8 Asparticacid . . . . . won 8g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . 8 Glycine... 0, Sie a 8 Proline". 50, Le os 8 Serine sv. va ow a 8 ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03158 FRUITS Pears and pineapple, junior Page 165 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 M Standard Number of ean tt Spe 1jar=213g 1 0z = 28.35 g A B c D E —_ G PROXIMATE: Water, af. RL i 87.8 1 187.0 24.9 398.3 kcal 44 93 12 199 Food energy = + + 2’ os Al 184 391 52 833 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . z.. 03 0.0 6 0.6 0.1 1.4 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.2 0.0 6 0.4 0.1 0.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 11.4 24.4 3.2 51.9 Fiber, i, ei gE. 0.3 0.0 5 0.5 0.1 1.2 Ah lie oe he ee 8 0.3 0.0 7 0.5 0.1 1.2 MINERALS: Calcium’. 255. we a mg. 10 1 13 21 3 45 UPOP 1st laaoiba on vw ait mg. 0.21 0.04 13 0.44 0.06 0.93 Magnesium , . . . . . . . mg. 7 2 16 2 33 Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. 10 2 21 3 44 Potassiumil.’ oo oi. boa mg. 118 3 251 33 535 Sodium Rat, mg. 1 0 2 2 0 5 ORE Ll "e 0.127 3 0.271 0.036 0.576 Copper . . . ....... mg. 0.105 0.005 2 0.224 0.030 0.476 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid *, vu. ', mg. 16.8 1.6 12 35.7 4.8 76.1 Thiamin. . . . . ..... mg. 0.024 0.001 12 0.051 0.007 0.109 Riboflavin . . . . . . ... mg. 0.023 0.001 11 0.049 0.007 0.104 Niacin . . . ....... mg. 0.183 0.006 11 0.390 0.052 0.830 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. ViaminBg.'.5. . . . . ... mg. 0.013 9 0.028 0.004 0.059 Folaging, =. 0, Lele, or meg 2.9 6.2 0.8 13.3 ViaminBya . . va. mcg 2 14 red RE. 3 8 7 ViminA -- gis soe be An 32 8 68 9 145 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 BO Po en £ 6:05 + lon a 4 G0. ha, g 0:0: ir i ene g 120. = 20 Pe wie £ MA, ene ate a g 16:07, i 6 ty £ ISO Na g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16: 0 oN ee, £ I8:F.. i Wa 8 2 rn ae g BAe, i g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g B12 ool Be ye Ve g 18:3. re hw 8g IS". . Nie wo g 204.5 vse brn 8 20:8. 00, 0% wa g eS ev oe a al ity 8 DB. iv Lek eae zg Cholesterol . . . . . . . . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . .. mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan .~. 5. uo 8 Toreonine'. . % . hii g Isoleucine... oo oo wwe 3 beucings. viv ov + «wow g Lysine or, “. iw iutii, aie wie 8 Methionine... ¢ J 8, £ CYStNB. . va 5 wine 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g Tyrosine: J ov at. Wo g Valine “+. = 2% + sie ws 8 Argitine, su vias bda g Histidine, . . . . . . .. 8 AIBNINGS. «+ lee i Yaaro 8 Asparticacid . ++. .. . hv. & Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . & Glycine sie os deiniss oh « g Proline WV. 4 vi a di g SANG E. i Lv 8 ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. 2 Values calculated from strained pears and pineapple. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03159 FRUITS Plums with tapioca, strained Page 166 : i x Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of NUTR ts and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar =135¢g 10z=28.34¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water 200,80 2 00 Si Bre 80.0 0.2 17 108.0 22.7 362.8 kcal . . 71 96 20 323 Foodenergy. - «= =r + . «2's Ve anid 8 PIONNG: tua. ov id on Nie g I PS Ls 8 ! Values calculated from strained plums with tapioca. 2 Values based on data for products without added ascorbic acid. Products made with added ascorbic acid contain 12.7 mg per 100 g. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03135 Page 168 FRUNS Prunes with tapioca, strained ; . i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutrients 2nd outs Amount in. 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased s Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mes aor Siples 1jar=135g loz=2835g A B Cc D E F G Bw at : 80.3 1 108.4 22.8 el kcal 70 94 29 Food energy + + + = + + « - J 291 393 82 1,82 . Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . g 0.6 0.0 17 9.8 2.2 0.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.1 0.0 17 0.1 . sae Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 2 18.5 25.0 5.2 ? Fiber ; 0.3 1 0.4 D1 3.5 PR ATs ns arn : 0.5 0.0 18 0.7 9.1 8.2 MINERALS: > Calelum .~. oo VS, mg. 15 11 20 4 8 58 EYE i SRY mg. 0.35 0.04 12 0.47 0.10 a Magnesium | , |, , , . . mg. 10 3 14 2 Phosphorus. m; 15 2 zl 4 6% phorus s.5 2 5, lag, ul, 8. 50 801 Potassium. Ah LL LR. Ll. mg. 177 15 238 Sodium’. a LL Le mg. 5 1 19 6 1 3 21 ZINC er. + iow winless wl mg. 0.089 3 0.120 0.025 2.404 Copper ov « Aatr e n mg 0.061 2 0.082 0.017 0.27 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid® . . . . . . . .8 1 1.1 0.2 3.8 Thiamin. . . . . . . .. 0.022 11 0.030 0.006 0.100 ; ; mg 0.021 0.340 Riboflavin... . v . . . is.. mg. ... 0.075 11 0.101 : LE Rr le mg. . . 0.525 12 0.709 0.149 24341 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . 0.140 0.015 4 0.189 0.040 2.935 VitaminBg . . . . . o.oo mg. 0.081 3 0.109 0.023 «3 FORGINEE 3 5 he x i meg . . 0.2 0.0 9 0.3 0.1 le VitaminBya.. . . +... meg. Z 13 61 13 206 7 TA (SC SEC i _ 13 612 128 2,055 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . 8 B04, Gels mre i ly g GIO tnt tab g Bintnnin, | i oa g 10:0... "om g W200, ey a 8g W410 hm we 8g WO. «vous ake 8 IO. oh AD g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 1650... TE g IB. ve eles 8 200 as os aed 8g 2 i ew 8g Polyunsaturated, total g CR g 18:3. wile i arts 8 18h. on ods J 8g B04 a a g 20:5, wins win A £ R28 re a ae g 226. oan ga Cholesterol. +...» % =e « a mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. g Threonine... i 2 Wl va g Isoleucine . . . . . i... g Levene. , cout Laas g Lysine le hu ain ae 8g Methionine . . . . .. . . g Cysting, uy ieiie a's +» » 8g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . & Tyrosine... + Ns, 0% 8 Valinesr sly ood « iiaite 0 8 Arginine. oui. al ve & Histidine. 2%. C6 GN. g ARNINE v6. «ce Sve sa a g Asparticacid . . . . ... .. 8g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine. . a ile ys orin g Profine -. “WS. Oy JTL LL Ga g Serine... vce wade g ! Values based on data for products without added ascorbic acid. Products made with added ascorbic acid contain 18.9 mg per 100 g, AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03136 FRUITS Page 169 Prunes with tapioca, junior g i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of 7 i Amount inti G0 .grams. edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - 5 Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 w- aioe WMP 1 jar=220¢g 10z=28.35g A B C D E F G bk iri KE su ler x g 80.1 14 176.1 22.7 363.1 keal 70 155 20 320 Food energy’ sis, + 7» «ies kJ. 295 648 84 1,337 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . g 0.6 14 1.3 0.2 2.8 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 2 0.1 14 0.2 0.0 0.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 18.7 41.2 5.3 85.0 Fibers, Ln and 2%. 0.3 1 0.7 0.1 1.5 Assi sve g 0.5 0.0 18 1.1 0.1 2.2 MINERALS: Calcium.’ . pL San my is 15 10 33 4 67 Bron Sl nA es mg. . . 0.33 10 0.72 0.09 1.48 Magnesium . . . . . . . . mg. . . 10 1 21 3 44 Phosphorus .'. . . .. .., mg. . . 15 1 32 4 67 Potassium... Lon mz, 162 14 357 46 735 SOU "ui Tile mg. wn 2 1 15 5 1 9 LAE ost Lio 0 mg... 0.100 1 0.220 0.028 0.454 Copper J." 0 «i el mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid? . . . . . . . mg. . . 0.8 1 1.8 0.2 3.6 Thiamin. © te . vo el me... 0.022 10 0.048 0.006 0.100 Riboflavin, 7... «<1 0500 mg. . . 0.083 11 0.183 0.024 0.376 Niacin. 5,0. BE 0, mgs. 0.526 11 1.157 0.149 2.386 Pantothenic acid” . . . . . . mg... 0.141 0.310 0.040 0.640 VitaminBg+ «i. . +. 4 a mg. « 0.086 1 0.189 0.024 0.390 Polacin®. "hut. td «aa meg . 0.2 0.5 0.1 1.0 ViaminBya..". 5. . 5000 meg . . Vitamin A RE. 41 14 90 12 185 i EG {v: 407 14 895 115 1,845 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8g 4:0: L0G as £ G0. B00 ee 8 Bil ints oo hie g 10:0. 50. «fede g ¥2:0. nl, g VADs, ols 0 a a g 16:0. GAL 8g 18:0 .0 faite vii RnR 8 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 0621 ci ay ES g ISN im. a g BOB. ae ae g Mh ee a g Polyunsaturated, total g IBN oy ae g 8:3. ails wie g 8:4, oR 8g 20045, EN eer 8 20:50, Ld £ B28 Ny ams & g B26. i, TE g Cholesterol . . . . .. .. mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan. 7». . 4 8 Mhreonine . "cuuin oo i 8 Isoleucine. or. woe ie 8 LBUCINer "ii, LY ees 8 Lysine... aha 8 Methionine“. . . 9%... g CYStNBL, « ov va #0 4% 4 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8g Tyrosine... ...7. ov o abe 8 Maine: . + veo REN 3 Arginine... . . . aE. 4 Histidine, v1 pn eat & Alanine ot. = 20010 av win 8 Asparticacid . . . .. 4 ove 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine i. oN 0 wl 2 Proline. . ..... wy 3h & Senne 1% el. ls bow on ahs & ! Values based on data for products without added ascorbic acid. 2 Values calculated from strained prunes with tapioca. Products made with added ascorbic acid contain 17.6 mg per 100 g. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03137 FRUIT JUICES Page 170 Apple A ; i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion connon mesures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Approximate measure and weight :0 ™ Standard Number of Prox 9! Refuse: on Bp 1jar=130¢g ¥ flcoz = 319g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water's. Bh eli, ts ev ¥ Zoot 88.0 14 114.3 27.3 399.0 keal . 47 61 14 212 Foodenergy «, + + « =: +: kr. 195 254 61 886 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . To lik 0.0 0.0 22 0.0 0.0 0.1 Totallipidifa)’. . . . . ... gi 0.1 0.0 22 0.1 0.0 0.4 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Ln 11.7 15.2 3.6 53.2 RIDRL I Gi wihheiinl «0 ve oiob Lh ie Ashi or Re eh ee A 0.2 0.0 18 0.3 0.1 1.0 MINERALS: Calcium. . ar, x00 mg, 4 15 6 1 20 Iron. deh Se Wh mg... 0.57 0.06 23 0.73 0.18 2.56 Magnesium... 0... iL mg... 3 0 2 4 1 13 Phosphorus ©.8. , . . ... 4 me, Ju 5 3 7 2 24 Potassium. A, 38 LL 0s mg. . . 91 16 118 28 412 SORE, a 5 ari ds eee mg. . . 3 16 4 1 13 Zed. 2 laliark un iitds ME 0.030 0.000 2 0.039 0.009 0.136 COPPRE 1s ul val. x «wp wi fs ME i VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid® . . . .. me. 57.9 9 15.3 18.0 262.8 Thiamire, Jb aie « a 0 ls mg. i 0.007 0.001 22 0.009 0.002 0.032 Riboflavin. . . . . .... mg... 0.016 11 0.021 0.005 0.073 Niacin, . Ji... « 00, «0s mg... 0.083 19 0.108 0.026 0.376 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg... . VitaminBg . . . . .. .. mg... 0.029 0.001 6 0.038 0.009 0.132 FOIaciny « ote ve write be meg. 0.1 0.0 9 0.1 0.0 0.3 Vitamin Brats. oie Se be meg ise RE 2 14 2 1 8 Yah mare w 18 14 24 6 82 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 A000. va Te wl Zz B10 a2 ee Ska at ol £ 8:10: = wilh. tv) £ PEO. whee ie ak g 12:0. as £ ¥4:0. . ib g 16:0. amt. AS. 00 £ IB0.T 50 ¢ sowie 8g Monounsaturated, total . g 6:10... » Magan 8 IB. oll. a] g 20:5 And g 2212 hes Nels 2 Polyunsaturated, total £ 18a ahs g 18:3 ral 70 5 RS g Bd 0, VL es 8 2008. « wo NN Z 20S Le Jad 2 vn To ih 0 £ v7 rE gy RE £5 Cholesterol ,". . 5. + o mg... . Phytosterols '. . . . . . JL mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . Jo. «ow £ Tiveonine... . . . . . . . 4 g isoleucine .: 0. ns athe ls £ Leucine. ”, . iv oe uly £ Lysine. 5, SE, ened g Methionine . . . . . . .. £ Cysting™ 20. vir vs wes 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . £ Tyrosine . Li. 0 ol. 4 g Valine! . ov vies a 3 40s 2 Arginine, 5 5 J. wlea ts 8 Histidine, . ou. wow. £ AlZping . wari wi a 8 Asparticacid . . . . . . , . 4 Glutamicacid. . . . . ... £ Glycine..." '. lee age 8 Proline. Li JSG. © ple £ Serine, . Slade EE. g ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03166 FRUIT JUICES Apple-cherry Page 171 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse:( Mean Standard Number of ri Siro ap 1jar=130g 1floz=31g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water... ees fee he oe 89.5 14 116.3 27.7 405.9 kcal 41 53 13 186 Food energy «= = + + - « - - kJ. 172 223 53 779 Protein (N X 6.25) . . . . . 25 0.1 0.0 18 0.2 0.0 0.6 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.2 0.0 18 0.3 0.1 0.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 9.9 12.9 3.1 45.0 Biber... 5 soe ds otis 2. ASE Sl vine £4 0.3 0.1 18 0.4 0.1 1.2 MINERALS: CRICIUY:. « o Sats oie oilh mg. 5 15 7 2 23 FONE 8 oe il mg. 0.66 10 0.86 0.21 3.00 Magnesium, . . . .... mg. 3 0 2 1 15 Phosphorus «5 = + mg. 6 3 7 2 25 POASSIUM ov civ ev ee mg. 98 16 127 30 442 SORT os ies mg. 3 14 4 1 15 ZINC ie oie aie ne mg. 0.030 0.000 2 0.039 0.009 0.136 Copper lenis wt hw oe mg. L.- — ite en VITAMINS: Ascorblcadd®.. ... J. i mg. 54.3 9 75.8 18.1 264.5 Thiamin... Lc. . . . mg. 0.008 0.001 22 0.010 0.002 0.036 Riboflavin... .". . . +. mg. 0.015 8 0.020 0.005 0.068 NRC is de” vv + 4 ox ed mg. 0.094 8 0.122 0.029 0.426 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg . . . « «4. mg. 0.031 0.002 6 0.040 0.010 0.141 Folagind. 5, “va 5 mcg 0.3 0.0 6 0.4 0.1 pM VitaminByp . . . . . . .. mcg oe RE. 1 14 1 0 2 Vitamin A . . . . LL w. 5 14 7 2 24 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 40. JF ea g 8:0. a. g SN he Sele he £ E05": ovis wane g 12:0.0..7 = «uo 5 8 FQ a We g 16:0. + LL ses g ISIN es wid win + g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 36: fin ses 8 IS enh es rhe 8 20:Y vb ed Eg QV p he i n 8 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g MBI ee Fe nw 8 BB, vaca g 8:4, pn ue g 20:4, g R028 ein i £ 2S tin at eal g WE. Sn ; Cholesterol . . . . .. .. mg. Phytosterols. . .|. . .. . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . g Threonine’. . . . . « . « « 4 Isoleucine . . . . ..... £ Leucine... , . .. . . lui. g Bysined io ov 5 Ge iia, g Methionine , . . . . . . . g Cystine... . or une vs 8g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8g Tyrosine’. . .: . 'v « 0's 8 Valine... vv whl g Arginine... J oe ba. 8 Histidine. t. .J0 v4 ee 8 Alanine 3. 0% ca eee g Asparticacid . . . . . . . . & Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine... Lo. 40 g Proofing... ... Cv «anit g Serine". Fo Li 8 ! pashes denote lack of reliable data for a nutrient believed to be present in measurable amount. 2 Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978), NDB No. 03268 FRUIT JUICES Page 172 Apple -grape Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Omircnfeatorss of food Nutrients and units Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: Mean error samples 1 jar =130g 1floz=3g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, J Le Sinise 88.1 14 114.5 27.3 399.7 kcal 46 60 14 210 Food enaigy. kJ 194 252 60 879 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . gi on 0.1 0.0 22 0.1 0.0 0.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 8 +. 0.2 0.0 22 0.2 0.1 0.7 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Fe eps 11.4 14.8 Se5 51.6 Fiber et a ape» Z Snide ASH beg Le gah 0.2 0.0 20 0.3 0.1 1.1 MINERALS: Caloiumy . ve Ta% rr i MY +a" 6 18 7 2 26 ron. ie wilt Be TG mg... 0.39 18 0.51 .12 1.77 Magnesium: LE Sn, ne, mg... . 3 0 2 4 1 15 Phosphorus - .. "0 Aud mg. 5. 5 3 7 2 24 Potassium. . 5 5. , mL, 90 16 118 28 410 Sodium ses, Alas ea ees 3 14 4 1 15 Zine. JRE. Linn mg... 0.035 0.005 2 0.046 0.011 0.159 Copper EP re ve mg, . Ye vein ——— -— VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid® LL LL mg. 53.6 8 69.6 16.6 243.0 Thiamin, . vu ow onan mg. 0.007 27 0.009 0.002 0.032 Riboflavin . . . . . .... mg. 0.021 10 0.027 0.007 0.095 a mg. 0.109 14 0.142 0.034 0.494 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . me... VitaminBg 1%. oll mg. . . 0.034 0.001 8 0.044 0.011 0.154 Folacin . . . . ...... meg + 0.3 0.0 9 0.4 0.1 1.5 Vitamin Be, Ya & ey mcg VitaminA . . . . . . . .. {Re 1 0 17 1 0 3 . 6 2 17 7 2 26 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 0 iia £ ca Tn, SR ES z 80. aes g M0. aie lid 5 vey g 32:0. 0 adn £ 14:00. 0 vv dew £ JOI0/, ove tia «x 4 18:0. ote betel oh g Monounsaturated, total 8g BBY Saari MG 2 g ASH san, i, SE 8 201% HL en g Were nsn ats iis £ Polyunsaturated, total £ 8:2 cE g 8:3 iy oa ie as g 8:4. i eas 8g W8., c Cn g 20:5. Nalin ou ah g BBS He aE g 22:65. oat wel or. Cholesterol .. 52%a + "vin + [u mg. Phytosterols . . . ulin mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . g TJhreonine . . °. . . . .. g fsoleucingt. wo aw WY, Lid £ Leucingri, ont ar Bari g Lysine. op. mht FL LT, £ Methionine . . . . . . .. 8 Cystine... ' «co abe ie % 3 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g Tyrosine 00 Wl ls ala» 8g Valine £.5. .. onevsl u a'h 8g Arginine. su. en 0 £ Histidine, “. 204L0 © ool, g Alanine Sa tee g Asparticacid . . . . . . . . & Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine, ou Lan Un g Proline. .” oo sre v0 lak & Serine, . LE. oh els & ! Dashes denote lack of reliable data for a nutrient believed to be present in measurable amount. % Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03265 FRUIT JUICES Apple -peach Page 173 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mei Standard Number of an error poi 1jar=130g 1floz=31g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water Al. 5 Yi are £ 89.0 1 115.7 27.6 403.7 kcal 42 B5 13 192 Foodenergy, ~ if > ox, se i 177 231 55 804 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . gs 0.2 0.0 6 0.2 0.0 0.7 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.1 0.0 6 0.1 0.0 0.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 10.5 13.6 3.2 47.5 Fibers .0; » . als 0. Lie ASH i eetiets vie g 0.3 0.0 6 0.4 0.1 1.3 MINERALS: Calcium = sw i ie ewe mg. 3 1 6 4 1 14 fron aes Lo. ail mg. 0.56 0.14 10 0.73 0.17 2.56 Magnesium , . . . . . | mg. 3 0 2 4 12 Phosphorus . 5. . . + 4 4 » mg. 4 1 2 6 1 20 Potassium’ 52.00% HL mg. 97 7 2 126 30 440 Sodiuny . oi 5a deel a hs a mg. ZINE, Giieieicn o's reniniis a mg. 0.025 0.005 2 0.033 0.008 0.113 Copperas. + 7 hike «Ta 4 mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid} . . . . . . . mg. 58.5 2.0 6 76.0 18.1 265.1 TRIARIAR Benieie oon + le mg. 0.008 0.001 6 0.010 0.002 0.036 Riboflavin". ii's 2%. a mg. 0.011 0.002 6 0.014 0.003 0.050 Niacin... . oo... mg. 0.213 0.006 6 0.277 0.066 0.966 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg™¥. . ..". «. . 2 mg. 0.022 0.001 6 0.029 0.007 0.100 Folagin si, . 0, Sua ake mcg 1.3 0.1 3 1.6 0.4 5.7 VitaminBya .. . . . . . mcg res RE. 6 1 6 8 2 28 ViaminA . . - + + «0... Iv. 63 12 6 82 19 285 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 gs NE £ 0:0 nies +50 ae mo ke g nt I RE SA g 0:00. nme Fe aa g 120% 5, LE g VAD. vi de SO TR, g 16:00 a6. =, L200 LY. g 18:00. all ak. 0 g Monounsaturated, total. . . g NOI. cnn oT ee g IB B.S T e g 20:0 lL es g RYN ae a g Polyunsaturated, total g BID ce De al x ee a 8 IBF tanto: Whe » £ IB. 0D en, g PO: ie. alee £ 20:8 Ze RAS Ao wn LE ave Zz", 2:6. Cit wi ae Lik iCholesterol® ote iv 's 4s mg. Phytosterolsis, =... “0. mg. AMINO ACIDS: Teyptoplan™.', . . . Jw.i. 8 Toreonine . . ... A, Lc. g Isoleucine .,. . . Leh oni g LeuCingr uti. lov Pe ai + g Lysinet. tu eanty . J Las 8g Methionine . . . . .. .. & Cystine, “oF. ee g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g Wyrosine™ J. lat ns g Valine «ov S50 wv Was 8 Arginine 5. LL 8 Yiistidine, . . i. 30k. « . . & Alanine. Ll 0LE el, 8 Asparticacid . .v. .'% . . . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . £ Glycine 25." Jy Loa, g Profine ox, © nc ie g SerineR®, Cla te a ee & ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03168 FRUIT JUICES Page 174 Apple-plum i i s Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of ) ; Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units = 7 es s Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 error samples 1jar=130g 1floz=31g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, oa V0 Nw. ae gk 87.3 1 113.5 27.1 396.0 kaal. . . 49 63 15 221 ok a Ki 204 265 63 924 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . E, 0.1 1 0.1 0.0 0.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . gi 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Ln 12.3 16.0 3.8 55.9 Fiber ii. a ee BC ae A, SUCH re ae a Ls 0.3 0.0 6 0.3 0.1 1.2 MINERALS: Calcium . iE ad mg. . . 5 1 6 6 2 22 TONY. Ea ua ae wide mg. . . 0.62 0.10 11 0.81 0.19 2.81 Magnesium, . . . . . .. Wes: a 3 0 2 4 1 14 Phosphorus: 0% . « 04 + mg. . . 3 1 3 4 1 14 Potassium. 2 ch os mg. . . 101 1 2 131 3 458 Sodium... . TL alle a mg. . . DINE os 5 0 ie me... 0.030 0.000 2 0.039 0.009 0.136 COPPBIE «vic Tole ra sie mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid! . . . . . . . mg. . . 58.2 3.9 6 75.6 18.0 263.8 Thiaming 0 ii. iw woe mgs ia 0.020 0.006 6 0.026 0.006 0.091 Riboflavin, 5x. + «ois mE Sos 0.017 0.001 6 0.022 0.005 0.077 Niger, wie vo mg. . 0.195 0.013 6 0.254 0.060 0.885 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. . . VitaminBlg .*. «0 mg... 0.028 0.001 6 0.036 0.009 0.127 PoRcin 3, 0 te 0 meg . . 0.2 0.0 3 0.2 0.0 0.7 VitaminByp . . . . . . .. meg . . Wr! RE. . . 4 2 6 6 1 19 Vind AL SE ane we. 43 15 6 55 13 194 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . i aie Bh ol ek vw Z i Dal ali, AEA 8g 8:0 ies all Ls g 10:0... nde at g V2:0.00 rth, il g 14:0, Vor, 5 af ats £ Fo ra SE ES a 8 18:0... 0 ici Nein» 8g Monounsaturated, total £ NBL PY 8 IS ve oe aaa 5 g 20:0 aes £ 200k bd ae g Polyunsaturated, total wif IBZ. a, a. 8 Wt Een 8 1 8 OA ty ha a ie £ 2018. a La £ 2S, 3 eer d 8 22:6... A ae or. Cholesterol '." . ... +. mg... Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan’. . .%.:4 + os = 5 Tireonine . .. . . %. Gt. g. 8. Isoleucine . . .. . . . . .. g Leveling, 5: wwe on 8 Lysine... as ote g Methionine, . . . . . .. g LT A EA g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine =. v3 as she sia 8 Valine... . 500 «edhe 2 Arginine, . oi ue. dR & Histidine: . oo V5 aie g Alanine™. . . . va 8 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine «fo tote, Maile ain g Proline ,°,". LGW lw 8 Serine, ov iv van iiania 8 ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03170 FRUIT JUICES Apple-prune Page 175 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1jar=130g 1floz=31g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water... scl. va Bois 81.3 0.3 4 105.7 25.2 368.8 kcal 73 94 23 329 Food energy «= = + + + + - - k 304 395 94 1,378 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . zl. 0.2 0.0 4 0.3 0.1 1.1 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.1 0.0 4 0.2 0.0 0.7 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g . 18.0 23.4 5.6 81.6 Fiera tJ. wes g . ASG. ro, EE: 0.3 0.1 4 0.4 0.1 1.4 MINERALS: Calcium, . 5%, 5 ae mg. 9 1 12 3 41 IPOmELES FS he mg. 0.95 0.14 4 1.24 0.29 4.31 Magnesium , . . . . . . . mg. Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. 15 1 20 5 68 Potassium. 4.07 wo. oS mg. 148 1 192 46 671 Sodium fal h , LA0L al. mg. 5 1 7 2 23 ZINCEI MR Cie beds mg. 2 Copper. . «ih. WWE as mg. -—— —— -—— -—— VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid? . . . . . . . mg. 67.5 3.9 3 87.8 20.9 306.2 Thiamin, LC. oY aie Lat mg. 0.005 1 0.007 0.002 0.023 Riboflavin . . . . . . . .. mg. 0.002 1 0.003 0.001 0.009 INJECT cds es 50 apie mg. 0.301 0.012 4 0.391 0.093 1.365 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg- + . +. i... mg. 0.035 1 0.046 0.011 0.159 FORCING. ©. ou Vi aides meg 0.1 0.0 3 0.2 0.0 0.6 VitaminBp . . . . . . mcg aunt RE. VitaminA . . . . . . . .. ww. LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g B,J ae ia 2 810. A eR ae g B10. 0% a star g V0 0s Lv «nr g B20." ee a g 14:0... . cs wns 2 16:0.%. Al... eds g 18:0. ..00 re « Hagin « g Monounsaturated, total 8 B6F0. Le g Biya ee 8 20S, CT Le g 2 a 8 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18:25. 1 Se, g 18:3, Skettis 0 £ 18:4. 7... g 204. ce g 20:8. . LL Sve £ 22ES vi Ae roping g 226... Zz. Cholesterol . . .'. . .. . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan. 5. 500 £ Threonine... . +'. ./. + & 8 Isoleucine, "cv el Tei g Leucine’, 00, on. 0 g Lysine si. ol. ein x 4 Methionine . . . . . . .. g Cystine. .o vo + + 0 oie 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine, iy «vo 8 Vale =v" ote a g Arginine. . . .. ... ... g Histidine. “5. 5 5 0 V5 g Alanine... ... LEE, & Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine, 80 «uF g Prolie.. oi buy 0 00 g Serine. vv. al enn g 1 pashes denote lack of reliable data for a nutrient believed to be present in measurable amount. 2 values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03171 FRUIT JUICES Mixed fruit Page 176 Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion ommonmeasuras of food Nutrients and units Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar=130g 1floz=31g A B Cc D E F G PN a. 87.9 14 114.3 27.3 398.8 sp keal . 47 61 14 212 Foodenergy « - = + + - + - { kJ 196 254 61 887 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . g 0.1 14 0.2 0.0 0.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 2 0.1 14 0.1 0.0 3.4 Carbohydrate, total . , . . . g 11.6 15.1 3.6 52. Fiera t se Nes : Achy Lo as : 0.2 0.0 18 0.3 0.1 1.1 MINERALS: Calcium oo. Saws. , a, mgs, 8 8 10 2 36 from: Jat mg. . . 0.34 0.05 24 0.44 0.10 1.52 Magnesium... 50 LUN mg... . 5 0 2 7 2 23 PhOSPROIUS unis i. iain: + mg 5 0 2 7 2 23 Potassium . ut LL. mg... 101 2 15 131 31 459 Sodium’. -Lo ES , 4 mg. 4 0 13 5 1 19 ZINC Rei? ode See eT a mg. oi. 0.030 0.000 2 0.039 0.009 0.136 Copper. 8.0 a i a mg. .Y, VITAMINS: Ascorbicacidh uv. ak. mee, 63.6 12 82.6 19.7 288.4 THING: doe 505 «date mg. . . 0.023 12 0.030 0.007 0.104 RIbOMRVID: we «iia ba a ME: hs 0.014 12 0.018 0.004 0.064 NRGinS ee 0-00, 0, mg. . . 0.123 13 0.160 0.038 0.558 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . Mgrs VitaminBg' » . . . . . i. mg. . . 0.043 0.002 6 0.056 0.013 0.195 PORCINE: danielle oo ai55. meg . 6.7 0.5 9 8.7 2.1 30.5 VilaminBya'.". . 4 Lo, meg... o % Tes Ng 4 7 5 1 19 Vitamin A... Lo. LLL Rr 42 7 54 13 188 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . Z. AO BT he ga 6:0 0, ers £ BO. wh a g BO:00 «foie a vide £ 20 nn LE g W0 ai v £ 18:0. . 2. toh. g 18:00 on Wt. g Monounsaturated, total g VGN ea an 8 18. avai, Jou 8 RON... a er. ds g 1 SU 8 Polyunsaturated, total g 1B .50 ie eu els 8 18S at, att, 8 18H Ct g 20:4 Fk a ee 2 20:5. 00. LL ah 2 2S. get os is g U6 Fry le ee £5 Cholesterol®' .'., © . + «1. mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan coo 5 nn woe g Threonine™, =. . . +i. . 8 Isoleucine... . «. . Le. £ Leucines $85. yas oo lens 8 Lysine’ =, 2, Ber. © Send 8g Methionine. “wii, 7.0 i 8 Cystine. ico Wi. wi ais 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine: ie, 0 dh a2 lh, fo) g VRHRBS «ui isin ante Sania x: 5 g Arginine... tai Lele & Histidine. "La. SL 00 & Alanine a. . Wh. CL 8 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 4 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . 8 Glycine .il. 5. a sh 8 Proline =. «. Sogo’ vo J std & Serine... 0 a OE, & ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03179 FRUIT JUICES Orange Page 177 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar =.730 q 1 fl oz = 31 q A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water 0.5, 1.50 oe Al 88.5 14 115.0 27.4 401.3 kcal 44 58 14 201 Food energy 8 3 07 TE kJ. 186 242 58 843 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . 2 0.6 0.0 21 0.8 0.2 2.8 Towallipid (far) . ... .7¢ g 0.3 0.0 21 0.3 0.1 1.2 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 10.2 13.3 3.2 46.4 Biber Sv. Al. i eB gol ASH BN a hi 8 0.4 0.0 17 0.6 0.1 1.9 MINERALS: Calcium. in. oh 0 mg. 12 19 16 4 55 from. ALL Ee mg. 0.17 0.04 24 0.22 0.05 0.76 Magnesium * RB. . JL 00 mg. 9 0 5 11 3 39 Phosphorus, . . + . . . . mg. ¥i 3 14 3 50 Potassium’. Bf. Le. mg. 184 16 240 57 836 Sodium 0% ve we wR mg. 1 16 2 0 6 NG: 55nd Sr ae RG, mg. 0.055 0.012 5 0.072 0.017 0.249 COPPEE 56." a ni te We wd mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicadigit.. LL my. 62.5 7 81.2 19.4 283.5 Thiamin. . . . . ..... mg. 0.045 0.009 25 0.059 0.014 0.204 Riboflavin . .. . . . .... mg. 0.028 0.001 25 0.036 0.009 0.127 NIREINIE sty 2 ae mg. 0.239 0.013 25 0.311 0.074 1.084 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg . . . . .. .. mg. 0.054 8 0.070 0.017 0.245 BolRcind. ov oie. 2s meg 26.4 0.5 9 34.3 8.2 119.8 ViaminByg.. . . .5% 4% mcg am RE. 6 1 18 7 2 25 Manse vt w 55 7 18 72 17 252 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g a Omg ORS £ 0100, Ea ed g BOh. Lie hate g 100. = Se eve g 120 en £ TAO oo 5 a vite 8g 16:00. 5. g BIO oe vin ernie ay g Monounsaturated, total. . . §g 1113 ER ESTAR TA £ IBV iis uv sida we 2 20) aa a. g 2 ee alr Pe Z Polyunsaturated, total . . . g VBR, wh fees 8 IBS. ov oe ee a 8 8:4. 0 i. RL £ 2004.5 wc en g 20:5... 0 hie. Zz. RS hd Ee ae Z = 236... lh ene ig Cholesterol... . ". . ie + mg. Phyrosterols. . . . + . . + . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan '*,. .~. . 2%, . 8 Threonine... « «0. g isoleucine... . va 8g LEUCINE» oy 4 vik wi es 8 Lysine, i he et 8g Methionine . . . ... .. & Cystine.!', 7 ead Cen ee 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g Tyrosine" X.A% . viv ait iv g Valine: . ov ws sea 8 Lt SI g Histidine. .. 00s he eis 8 ARNINE oii a awit 8 Asparticacid. . » 7. . . 4 2%s & Glutamic acid. . . . . . . . & Glycine ."« «i. "vides 4 Proline»... ..« « sures is & Serine 2%.» . Wa ei & ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorhic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03172 FRUIT JUICES Page 178 Orange -apple 3 i i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of : ; Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - " — ‘Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 an . WMP J jar=130g 1floz=31g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. ai. . . ou 2 88.9 0.8 3 115.5 27.5 403.1 kcal . . 43 56 13 194 Ecod energy = ox = fe he Hate 179 232 55 811 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . 2 0.4 0.024 11 0.5 0.1 1.8 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 28.» 0.2 0.026 7 0.3 0.1 0.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 Wiles 10.1 13.2 3.1 46.0 FIORE erie abe ts ova & her Ash 0" a BR Loo i 0.4 1 0.5 0.1 1.8 MINERALS: Calcium. LN Gn me. . . 10 2 4 13 3 44 MOR yw Seite. + Ne mga 0.20 0.05 6 0.26 0.06 0.91 Magnesium = Laas mg. . . 5 0 2 6 1 22 Phosphorus... ... . mg 7 1 2 9 2 32 Potassium. S10 0 0, mg. . . 138 10 2 179 43 624 Sodium. SLRS LT mg. . . 3 1 6 4 1 15 incu. . Jo. heh Ll mg. 0.025 0.005 2 0.033 0.008 0.113 Copper. 7." Je i mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid? . . . . . . . mE). 76.9 8.4 2 100.0 23.8 348.8 Thiamine." ©. co Gv. on mg. . . 0.038 0.001 6 0.049 0.012 0.172 Riboflavin , 7 chen 2, me. . . 0.028 0.003 10 0.036 0.009 0.127 NRC 5, CY ee mg. :, . 0.185 0.010 6 0.241 0.057 0.839 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . ViaminBg . . .'. i... me... 0.038 0.004 6 0.049 0.012 0.172 FOlEin «=, o's ile vie meg . . 12.2 0.4 3 15.9 3.8 55.4 VitaminByp.. . . . . . .» mcg es zo RE. . . 7 3 4 9 2 33 i A A lll we. 73 28 4 95 23 331 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g Oh ee ee g B10. i i wa 8 RR g ROI 5a ee a g 2:0, tab Sa 8 V0 Fe a 8 18:0: pi Ve al g TBO er ele g Monounsaturated, total , g 16:1 20. wih. vu, g 18 et ve a 8 BO ah «enter 8 22 a g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IB eh ae g PR, i a 8 18d, 0. Vee 8g 2008, odie von g 20:5. 0 an eins £ UB. tes we g RB ad aah a ek g Wie. Cholesterol , . . .. . .. mg... -. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan’, ... . .. ge. Threonine .' . ... . .. . .. g Isoleucine .:. . Lio. g Leucines. ..'y iu alia 8 Lysing . . LE. 5. WALL 8g Methionine , . . . . . . . 8 Cystine 2% Lh. Ls 4 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine “ic. o.oo. We 8 Valine ©... 50. Lat. 8g Arginine. . . . . ..... 8 Histidine. ...°0 55 Le amet g ARNINe . Su vt ote 8 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine™," sk. Soe a 8 Proline” Sh, os Bla he & Serine: LLB Loe 8 ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03173 FRUIT JUICES Page 179 Orange -apple-banana 3 i c Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutrients and units Affoulit in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Stndard Numbor of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 130 g 1 f1 oz = 31 q A B C D E F G al CR Lim 87.6 1 113.9 27.2 392.4 al 47 61 15 214 Foodenergy =.» - + + + + + {ir } 3 198 257 61 897 Protein (NX 6.25) | . | it 0.4 : 0.5 0.1 148 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . oo 0.1 1 ¢.1 3.9 0.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . ge 11.5 15.0 3.6 52.2 Fibers. cv. « wien Bn ata Ashi «Ph, Ls Be z ey 0.4 0.0 3 u.5 0.1 1.7 MINERALS: Calcium. J. 0.000. Lov, A 5 2 6 2 23 RIT Sh ET mg NL 0.35 2 0.45 0.11 1.57 Magnesiomt”. 5... .-. 5 mg. .. 6 0 2 7 2 25 PROSPHOIUS™, = .° v5. vw wie Mme. 8 3 10 2 36 Potassium: . “Fell, mes. 134 3 174 42 608 Sodium =. lo. coe mg. . . 4 2 6 1 20 le TERA RE my. . . 0.025 0.005 2 0.033 0.008 0.113 Copper... vo. oo # whe mg... VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid . . . . . . . mg.» 5 32.1 22.0 6 41.8 10.0 145.7 y Thiamin os % + + xe win mg... 0.043 0.001 7 0.056 9,013 0.195 Riboflavin’. ". . . . 5% . mg. . . 0.027 6 0.035 0.008 0.122 Niacin i da S83, Ll, mer. 0.263 2 0.342 0.082 1.193 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. . . VitaminBg su LC vse me." 0.062 2 0.081 0.019 0.281 Folacine.® 2 LY. . . wal meg . . 9.7 2.1 6 12.6 3.0 43.9 VitaminByate. ... 00, 4, meg . . oe Re 3 1 4 1 12 Vitamin A . « - LL... Se 27 1 35 8 122 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . Zar Bl oS wr £ BHO he a £ 8:0. Sh ae, g 0:0. 5%. Ge g 20. es te g 10... She oh g 18:0, . 5 0% 2 5 £ BO. LE 8g Monounsaturated, total . £ Be. a a g 8rd. ae g 20. es a PR AN 8g 2 ale vn nN g Polyunsaturated, total 8g IS Ll wae von g BIZ ie 5 ols tlle fine 8g 18:4. soni «5 Wn g 2004.0. oo a oR 8 20:8. 0. a en g idan wn 2 226. gp Cholesterol? .. . . ...". . . mg. . . Phytosterols o'. . 0... mg... AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan. .-. . ...« . 2 Threonine, . . . lL... 0% 8g Isoleucine, . . viene x g Leucine, Livi vo £ Lysine: .. A EB Les 8g Methionine . . . . . . . . £ Cystine: oon Jt AN £ Phenylalanine . . . . . . . $ Fyrosiner .,. . . . one £ Valine .o0% 0 Slelein aw g Argifing. | 0 TO g Ristidines W, .G, ete «iy £ ARIE «obi. ae. Lil ee 8 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . .. g Glycine. . 0.%. o.oo. g Proline “et, . “aici eats g SRF) rs Peli ee a g ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03174 FRUIT JUICES Page 180 Orange - apricot : i : Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of : Amount in 100 grams, edible portion COTITION festures of 1000 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units = ; R Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 ” hi odie ljar=130g 1floz=31g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water N=, vB, 8 gl 87.8 1 114.1 27.2 398.3 kcal 46 60 14 210 Food energy + «= + + + « + - { kJ 194 252 60 880 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . g 0.8 1 1.0 0.2 3.6 Votal lipid (fat) 5. is. zo. Ps 0.1 1 0.1 0.0 0.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . By aie 10.9 14.2 3.4 49.6 FIDBE.. ow oir Fae ow Zr... ASE ES RT g «nh 0.4 0.0 4 0.5 0.1 147 MINERALS: Calclum:. . . 7. Jali mg... 6 1 8 7 29 HON: 0% obit ov 4 aie + mg. . . 0.38 0.18 6 0.49 0.12 1.71 Magnesium “25a, CT, me. 7 1 2 9 2 32 Phosphorus." . To + ia a» mg. . . 12 2 2 15 4 53 PoBSIUM » & wie is os mg... 199 14 2 259 62 903 Sodium i 0s SL ul mg... . 6 1 7 2 25 ZI AR vn ae mE 0.035 0.005 2 0.046 0.011 0.159 Copper ..& oats civ, mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid}”, "LU mg..." 85.9 5.9 4 111.7 26.6 389.6 Thiamin ods wa... « &% 4h mg. . . 0.058 0.003 4 0.075 0.018 0.263 Riboflavin. vies viv v4 mg. . . 0.028 0.001 4 0.036 0.009 0.127 Niacin "lM he nL mg. =, 0.267 0.023 4 0.347 0.083 1.211 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. .i. ViaminBeg . . . 4 «15s mg. . . 0.056 0.005 4 0.073 0.017 0.254 Folacin 8, iui vis + 5ie meg . . 19.9 5.0 3 25.9 6.2 90.4 VitaminByai. tL o LL & meg . . Cars RE. , 22 1 28 7 98 Visamin Ase fide ois deh ws 216 1 281 67 980 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g OAC fn Lee £ 8:0. ah Ls 2 8g 8100. vin Va PR Ten 8g JOO, ol Cs 8 1207 2 14:0. 0 ow ss g 16:0: = vin bs wim ida 8 NBO, Led on i a £ Monounsaturated, total . 8 IBY ease, 3 0s g 18 rahe WE 8g 205. sil Ce. 8 I a g Polyunsaturated, total g 182, vt g IBIS ve fv ale g AB ole ie vin Ani 8 20:0 ihe 8g ROS. . co vs oa 8g INS. he a TW g R20 ul ier grin a eo wom 22 Rn. Cholesterol . . . . . . . . mg. . . Phytosterols , .'. . . . . mg. . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . ihe ea Yiveonine, . .-. +. 5 «x 8g Isoleucine. . . . . . . .. g Leuciner, . . . . . Ws 8 Lysine. oi oot ven w won a & Methionine . . . . .. .. & CYSHtiNe «". & sonnel ws g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 Tyrosine Cu Lolo NL uh, g Valine “x "28 «'% « + 40m 8g AgInINg. ... J kG 4 Histidine, . . .i5 ows g Anne . . Jie egy & Asparticacid . . . . . . . . g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine sry ots a vl war g Proline: oo visi ees Ba ue g Seriner” + oul SF. wet & ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03175 FRUIT JUICES Orange - banana Page 181 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Me Standard Number of of mm 1jar=130g 1flez=3g A B Cc D € F G PROXIMATE: Water ob mata, vo 2 86.9 0.0 13 113.0 27.0 394.4 kcal 50 65 15 225 Foodenergy + + + + + + + '« { i. 208 270 64 943 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . g. 0.7 0.0 13 0.9 0.2 3.1 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.1 0.0 13 0.1 0.0 0.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 11.9 15.4 3.7 53.9 Fibers = oc oars ele 2 Ahad” BL nS, of 8 0.4 0.0 13 0.5 0.1 1.8 MINERALS: CHIC oe, 7s 5 iy Fo me... 17 13 22 5 76 iro & Poet BUX NL CL, mg. . . 0.11 0.01 13 0.14 0.03 0.50 Magnesium, 5... mg. . . Phosphorus .u. . .. «i mg. ... Potassium i 4,50 ar a me... 200 3 13 261 62 909 SOQIUM: . ciate oo 3 Cais ME hin 3 0 13 4 1 14 ne; emma, VL MG oh Copper". 5 wie ibe mg. a VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid! . . . . . . . mg. . . 34.0 1 44.2 10.5 154.2 TRI. i mg. 0.051 0.002 13 0.066 0.016 0.231 Riboflavin. « . 0 « + 4. Meh 0.042 0.002 13 0.055 0.013 0.191 Niacin duet © al. 0 mE. “eis 0.180 0.012 13 0.234 0.056 0.816 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. . . VitaminBg . . » . i: . . mg. . . Folacin . 5 8. iis 5 + 4 meg . . 24.4 1.9 3 31.8 7.6 110.8 VitaminBy3.. . . . .. . meg . . Vitamin RE, . . 5 0 13 6 1 21 mn AT Re. 46 3 13 60 14 208 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 2 B00 oe ee ve Zz 6:0 5 ew ar zr, B10. he g 80:0. L000 5 at g 12:0. ws Leh g 4:00, 5, hh a g 16:0. 5.0%, voaivir 8 38:0... le £ Monounsaturated, total . g WSL, Wl Ye g 8k, ar ns g ROT, ate a 8g BV edi i onan g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18:20, iad ud 2 18:3 Fae g 18:80. Sh £ 20:4. i rs g ROS. la £2. 225 Na wR gi N06 oh leh Zz. - Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. Phytosterols . . . . . .. . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan: '. ... tive + + oe 2 Threonine, , ..... .L% 8g Jsoleucine .. . weet ov g Leucine, =<. = LA oa £ LYSINE" oth ely els g Methionine . . . . . . . . 8 EL a g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8g Yyrosine i's Mes vor ws 4 Vale © oi oc oi witata of a atie 8 Arginine. To Lode ait g Histidine, =. « oeleie © ou & ARDINE vi Sot uel wr g Asparticacid . . . ... .. . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g Glycine <2, hits g Profipe= i. =. fin vv 4 g Serine’. i. VE wid g ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03176 % FRUIT JUICES Page 182 Orange-pineapple ; y i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of ‘ \ Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purct 4 Nutrients and units : 7 Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 130 g 1floz=231g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water a ne. a he Ee ols 87.3 14 113.5 27.1 396.1 keal . . 48 63 15 219 Foodenergy + = + + + - ky Bis 202 263 63 916 Protein (N X 6.25) SA atu gui 0.5 14 0.7 0.2 2.3 Total lipid (fat), .. . . These 0.1 14 0.1 0.0 0.4 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Bisa. 11.7 15.2 3.6 53.1 ier dr ee by ay Le uli Ashi Co RES Ll 2 0.4 0.0 16 0.5 0.1 1.7 MINERALS: CACM Br vee ns "ny... 8 3 10 2 34 WOT Sl 2 ale ag. 0.42 21 0.55 0.13 1.92 Magnesium . . . . . . mg. . . 9 0 2 12 3 41 Phosphorus . . . . . . .. me. 9 3 11 3 39 Potassium... 0. LT mg. . . 141 16 183 44 638 Sodium’, 5 SLD eile a me. . 2 16 2 1 8 ZINGER iy LAR mg. . . 0.040 0.000 2 0.052 0.012 0.181 J mz... teen -—— -—— -—— VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid? . . . . . . . mg. . . 53.4 7 69.4 16.6 242.2 Thiam, av iat mg. . . 0.050 8 0.065 0.016 0.227 Riboflavin 4, 0 al. mg. . . 0.023 5 0.030 0.007 0.104 Niacipidorguldt 52 mg. . . 0.194 5 0.252 0.060 0.880 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . VitaminiBg sens =, LL, mg. . . 0.062 4 0.081 0.019 0.281 Bolatin = 0.080 on at, meg . . 18.6 1.2 3 24.2 5.8 84.5 VitaminByp3 . . . . .... mcg Vitamin'A RE. . . 3 2 4 1 14 MBNA, Hast 7 tr Ww. 5% 31 2 40 10 139 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 G0 he NR 4 6:0. i a. 8 B20 hate lin wes g W000. el. 8 12048... « “did. 8 M:0.5, Si, ais g 16:0. Ws Sli 8 18:0. ow AE 8 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16:18 Com ih, a 8 ABV, eI ae 8 AT ea a g QV, oi We 8 Polyunsaturated, total ie 8 18:2." See g IB ven 8g 184 TE ORL g 20:4. i. g 20:5 0A a £ 20:8 A. a ie g R228. a rie This « Cholesterol . . . . . . .. me... Phytosterols . .. .... . . .. . mg.te . AMINO ACIDS: Teyptophan ... . . . . .. g Threonine... . «=a 7, . + g Isoleucine . . ou... ns 8 Leucines,c .. oy i wae 4 Lysine iv ov vou ce a 8 Methionine . . . . . . . . 8 Cysting. i «tiie « alive » £ Phenylalanine . . . . . . . & Tyrosine’ . . "JE. Lae g Valine 4 an fre Pha 8g Arginine." . . Ln ie es g& Histidine. . «5%. Cou Beal ARGIBE ois” Vv ov Bn ar & Asparticacid . . . . . . . . g Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . 8 Glyeing*s" « «+ 's as aiie 8 Proline... eo 0h oa ee g Serine tv cL, LE ele 8 ! Dashes denote lack of reliable data for a nutrient believed to be present in measurable amount. 2 Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03177 FRUIT JUICES Prune-orange Page 183 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Maan Standard Number of ror Rie ljar=10g 1floz=73yg A B Cc D E —F G PROXIMATE: Waters atin i ee Zoli 81.9 0.3 18 106.5 25.4 371.6 bet © 70 91 22 319 Foodshergysr «© i ot i a 294 383 91 1,335 Protein (NX 6.25). Eaten 0.6 0.0 19 0.8 0.2 2.7 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . iF 0.3 0.1 18 0.4 0.1 1.4 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g van 16.8 21.8 5.2 76.1 Fibers vor Be oe a ha Za Behr 800,00 oi ol 5 1h 0.4 0.0 18 0.5 0.1 1.8 MINERALS: Calcium .° + om te ai mg. 7. 12 14 16 4 55 MOB fi ie ae mei 0.87 0.33 20 1.13 0.27 3.93 Magnesium 55. 5, oy mg. . . 8 0 2 10 2 35 Phosphorus, . .. . «iv « : . mg. . . 10 2 2 14 3 47 Potassium’ , wv. tL. Ls me. i... 181 1 15 236 56 822 Sodium La Bl, ves a mg. 2 0 15 2 1 8 ZIG Sr rte bare nS a mg... 0.040 0.000 2 0.052 0.012 0.181 COpPeE 5." JiR Siu ive ie mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid } oy Ee mg. ua 63.8 5.6 5 82.9 19.8 289.3 Thiamin, Sac wat mg. . . 0.044 0.000 18 0.057 0.014 0.200 RIDOFAVIRL 2 0 + aids mg... . 0.120 0.006 18 0.156 0.037 0.544 Niagineh Ah. Sie LS me... 0.396 0.036 18 0.515 0.123 1.796 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . me... . VitaminBg . . . . .. .. mg. . . 0.061 0.002 6 0.079 0.019 0.277 Folaciny ii. meade Ji, L7, meg . 13.1 0.3 3 17.0 4.0 59.2 VitaminBya'. ... + + Acs meg . . ViaminA RE. 5. 13 14 17 4 59 Ne Ww. i. 131 14 170 41 593 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8g B10 Ae STR Candie ats £g B10, Te 8 80. “ie a ay Fd MRO ai. LR g 320. Rin 8 14:0. oi ve ai 8 16:0, ons ts a 3 80. sew 8g Monounsaturated, total . 8g HEIL be aia Pee a 8 ISR. eas £ BOE es £ 221) hii Ney g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g ABR i wie ale a 8g 8B le wat g 1B, rR ee g 20d. te £ LL SR g 2S, al a oe 2 26 ir: ow en e Cholesterol . . .... . . . .'. mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Yeyptophan 0,0, 5. J 5N, 7. 2 Threonine . ,.. 0 « ee» g Isoleucine . . . . g Levcines.i., . 8 de eile g Lysine =. /, 5 “vw nln uke g Methionine . . .f0 . Sa. 2 Cystines Flo... v0 wun 8 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8g Fyrosine -. « «no shel £ Valine > ol. oo le fis g APSE 7.0 «i nnn Tells 8 HIStiding. JBoit, *e iy 0 40s £ Alanine... «sa. 4 Asparticacid .' . . Lo. oan 3 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . £ Glycine .5., 3k hove g Proline. Jiosikess vd a i £ Serine” v0 vu ne Whe £ ! Values based on data for products containing added ascorbic acid. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03178 MEATS AND EGG YOLKS Page 184 Beef, strained : i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutri J uni Amoynt in’100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased utrients and units Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1jar=99g 10z=28.35¢ A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Waters. ohil=. Leh p24 80.6 0.4 53 79.8 22.9 365.7 kal . . 107 106 30 485 Food energy + = + + + = - os we 447 443 127 2,028 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . gar vik 13.6 0.1 25 13.5 3.9 61.7 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Eos os 5.4 0.4 26 5.3 1.5 24.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8a 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Piberi cs, SLT JA Bei AIT SS St 8 0.8 0.0 29 0.8 0.2 3.6 MINERALS: Calcium. A208, oo. Ba, mg. . . 7 0 29 7 2 34 ol RN Md mgs 1.47 0.05 31 1.46 0.42 6.69 Magnesium , . . . . . mg. . . 17 3 17 5 78 Phosphorus... 0. CO mg... 84 2 83 24 381 POtasSIUM: 3 re mg... . 220 15 218 62 999 SOQ. +. vibe ionris Ae ly s mg... 81 18 80 23 365 ZING [35 2p, oe ws A mg... 2.455 0.116 21 2.430 0.696 11.136 Coppers 1 + viele wx mg... 0.043 20 0.043 0.012 0.195 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacidy ub.) L, mg. . . 2.1 0.1 24 2.1 06 9.7 ThiBmIwitell's oo ole. spun? v, mg... 0.010 0.001 24 0.010 0.003 0.045 Riboflavini 5,7, Cov ie a mg... 0.142 0.006 25 0.141 0 040 0.644 Niacin G0 Say mg; ns 2.849 0.048 25 2.821 0.808 12.923 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg... 0.340 0.015 4 0.337 0.096 1.542 Viamin Bett... . mg... 0.140 0.006 16 0.139 0.040 0.635 1 TE eR SE meg. . 5.5 0.3 9 5.5 1.6 25.0 VigminByg . . + il. on meg. . 1.420 0.580 2 1.406 0.403 6.441 ran RE. 55 28 15 55 16 251 Vim {iv 185 92 15 183 52 837 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Seouraled; tory a 8 2.58 1.25 2 2.55 C.73 11.70 PL wine, ow on 8g HP AEE 8g BO. rl. Law ga, 1010, otis Te i g& 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 0.01 B08 ceiteie so CREE 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 0.02 M0, whe leet ag ge 0.16 0.09 2 0.16 0.05 0.72 1800 Hm on leone 2 ies 1.01 0.99 2 1.00 0.29 4.59 I tit Buon is 0.89 0.34 2 0.88 0.25 4.03 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . 2.20 1.34 2 2.18 0 62 9.99 I ete lea br 8 vis 0.20 0.15 2 0.20 0.06 0.93 18 ir na Bike 1.91 1.07 2 1.89 0.54 8.64 20 tei ovine oe Boy 0.05 1 0.05 0.01 0.22 Ar th he 2. Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 0.20 0.16 2 0.20 0.06 0.93 Liha Stier 0.09 0.01 2 0.09 0.03 0.43 an ran Sie 0.05 0.04 2 0.05 0.01 0.22 134. En a Zale 204... Loe, gO gli Booty 0.05 0.04 2 0.05 0.01 0.24 RUSE, ails ee 8g Rue, aN ii es 25 asian Cholesterol] . oi. 35% mE. oi. Phytosterols , . . . . . .. mg... AMINO ACIDS: TAPORhI (Fir =n ashy £3 0.137 0.136 0.039 0.621 lia «cree Bi 0.597 0.591 0.169 2.708 MEIN fiir ne nn a & 0.619 0.613 0.175 2.808 yaueine on elt a Tins wiry gos 1.091 1.080 0.309 4.949 hd J EC RR ENR 1.133 1.122 0.321 5.139 Methionine tla 0a ww Ey 8g. wie 0.418 0.414 0.119 1.896 Ci i £ rah 0.159 0.157 0.045 0.721 pienyalanine tr SA LA $l 0.527 0.522 0.149 2.390 ane Ee Byer 0.453 0.448 0.128 2.055 a 15 Lt $ SE 0.688 0.681 0.195 3.121 Tae J: dk : 0.928 0.919 0.263 4.209 poe, 3 Dir age : 0.462 0.457 0.131 2.096 lutn moo gn ie : 0.858 0.849 0.243 3.892 OR .. >be : 1.198 1.186 0.340 5.434 Ee Bain ga : 2.069 2.048 0.587 9.385 Ti se Ly . 0.869 0.860 0.246 3.942 Sh CRE a : 0.682 0.675 0.193 3.094 AR Rrf wei sh mg, J 0.499 0.494 0.141 2.263 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03002 MEATS AND EGG YOLKS Beef, junior Page 185 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 » Standard Number of lean error samples ; 1jar=99g 10z=28.3¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water oh ih wide vie 4 g 79.9 0.3 20 79.1 22.6 362.3 kcal 106 105 30 483 Foodignergy. seit fer + vn kJ . 445 441 126 2,020 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . z - 14.5 0.3 20 14.3 4.1 65.7 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 4.9 0.3 21 4.9 1.4 22.4 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fiber 79." “i ws JR Z REE 2 sea iva 8 0.8 0.0 19 0.8 0.2 3.8 MINERALS: Caloiumy'. 5 @ ais mg. 8 0 20 8 2 35 from BSE CL LR ae mg. 1.65 0.07 22 1.63 0.47 7.48 Magnesium... ‘0h Lo. mg. 9 y 9 3 40 PHOSPROIUS «ets +e mg. 72 1 il 20 327 Potassium’, “aul iv 0 + vie mg. 190 14 189 54 864 SOUS ii aie oT mg. 66 20 65 19 297 ie EST a JE mg. 2.000 1 1.980 0.567 9.072 Copper. Xs Le a mg. 0.092 1 0.091 0.026 0.417 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. » . . . . . . mg. 1.9 042 22 1.8 0.5 8.4 Thiamin. o8 0, 5a mg. 0.010 0.001 26 0.010 0.003 0.045 Riboflavin... . . ..» % . +4 mg. 0.159 0.008 22 0.157 0.045 0.721 NTaGINE wih Bhs 5740s ran mg. 3.283 0.066 22 3.250 0.931 14.892 Pantothenic acid} . . . . . . mg. 0.353 0.349 0.100 1.601 VitaminBg, . « «vw mg. 0.120 0.009 6 0.119 0.034 0.544 FolzeinL. lh. vo ix ain mcg 5.7 85.7 1.6 26.0 VitaminBypl . . . . LL. meg 1.474 1.459 0.418 6.686 oS. a RE. 31 2 19 31 9 140 MiRTIA rege 1. 103 7 19 102 29 467 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 2.59 1 2.57 0.74 11.77 0°. La ee ae g 8:00, LE LT 8g BO de oo + a g 10:0. . ....... g 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.01 120... ...... g 0.01 1 0.00 0.00 0.02 18:00, + vou ibis win 8g 0.14 1 0.14 0.04 0.65 16:0. i wins vie noo g 1.24 1 1.23 0.35 5.63 1810... bey. cae g 1.01 1 1.00 0.29 4.57 Monounsaturated, total & 1.85 1 1.83 0.52 8.37 6h... .....% 8g 0.13 1 0.13 0.04 0.60 181... 8 1.66 1 1.64 0.47 7.53 20:¥. oe sles Ae g 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.01 BY taba lie nae £ Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 0.16 1 0.16 0.05 0.74 18:2, lee en g 0.11 1 0.11 0.03 0.49 LL a g 0.03 l 0.03 0.01 0.14 AB 0 2 204... 2 0.02 1 0.02 0.01 0.08 20:5. SLE. Van £ Fag BT z RBG wh a gs Cholesterol” , ov. vo ov mg. Phytosterols = 0... 4. mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . ... g 0.146 0.145 0.041 0.662 Threonine . . . . . . ... 8 0.635 0.629 0.180 2.880 Isoleucine & , L" pais ole £ 0.659 0.652 0.187 2.989 Leucine: Sr RE I g 1.162 1.150 0.329 5.271 Lysine . ......... & 1.206 1.194 0.342 5.470 Methionine, ... .. . +. . & 0.445 0.441 0.126 2.019 CySting , oolae + v0 ois » & 0.169 0.167 0.048 0.767 Phenylalanine . . . .. .. 8 0.561 0.555 0.159 2.545 Tyrosineiivs rele wants aie & 0.482 0.477 0.137 2.186 Valine tl. Li «avs oR 8 0.733 0.726 0.208 3.325 Arginine. . . . ...... & 0.988 0.978 0.280 4.482 Histiding. =, Lou vi ms + £ 0.492 0.487 0.139 2.232 Alanine . . . . . ..... & 0.914 0.905 0.259 4.146 Asparticacid . . . . . ... 8 1.275 1.262 0.361 5.783 Glutamic acid. . . . . . . . £ 2.203 2.181 0.625 9.993 Glycine . . . . ...... 8 0.925 0.916 0.262 4.196 Proline, « «ees. 8 0.726 0.719 0.206 3.293 Serine . . . . . ..... & 0.531 0.526 0.151 2.409 ! values calculated from strained beef. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03003 MEATS AND EGG YOLKS Beef with beef heart, strained Page 186 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Me Standard Number of n op mpl: 1jar=99¢g 1o0z=28.35g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: WEEE Wi ts var es we 2 82.5 0.3 11 81.7 23.4 374.3 keal 94 93 27 426 Food energy. - "=" = = @g¥i +" kJ. 393 389 111 1,780 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . a 12.7 0.1 5 12.6 3.6 57.5 Toul lipid{fary . . . . ./. . g 4.4 0.6 6 4.4 1.2 19.9 Carbohydrate, total , . . . . g 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Boers Lh lt Ce e". 0.1 1 0.1 0.0 0.5 Ash iS at ee 8 0.9 0.0 4 0.9 0.3 4.1 MINERALS: Calcium... ah. are mg. 4 4 4 1 16 MOR, ia a oe mg. 1.99 0.07 5 1.97 0.56 9.04 Magnesium , , , . . . .. mg. 12 1 12 4 56 Phosphorus. .~. 7. . . . mg. 94 i 93 27 424 Potassium, ou «0% wr il mg. 200 1 198 57 907 SOQIUM thio ov a he mg. 63 2 2 62 18 286 ZINE sy a a mg. 1.835 0.046 9 1.817 0.520 8.324 COPPRI hy "oh he, + he xe mg. 0.129 0.004 9 0.128 0.037 0.585 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid... hu. . mg. 2.1 0.0 4 2.1 0.6 9.6 Thiamin. ass ER, mg. 0.022 0.003 5 0.022 0.006 0.100 Riboflaving.'.. "= Aa. mg. U.357 0.030 5 0.353 0.101 1.619 INFICIY BT eds 4 rie a mg. 3.885 0.073 4 3.846 1.101 17.622 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. Vitamingg ..5:". .. Suk. mg. 0.118 0.005 6 0.117 0.033 0.535 FOIRCIN. Jo ha goivin f 5h 73 x meg 5.0 0.4 3 5.0 1.4 22.8 ViaminBia. . io 0 mcg i RE. 38 5 4 37 11 171 Vigna Aleit Ate w. 126 18 4 124 36 570 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 2.08 1 2.06 0.59 9.45 Bi ie £ BO. he dod 8g Ble aa g 10:0. 57, 0. g 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.01 120. . ....... 8 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.01 40, 5. LL 8 0.13 l 0.13 0.04 0.58 160. ........ 8 1.07 1 1.06 0.30 4.84 18:0... a. 8g 0.76 1 0.75 0.22 3.44 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 1.85 i 1.83 0.52 8.39 ARE RT 8 0.16 1 0.16 0.05 0.73 131, .. 0000. 8g 1.62 1 1.61 0.46 7.36 20:1. LLL... 8 0.01 1 0.01 0.00 0.03 220, Te NE a a g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 0.21 1 0.21 0.06 0.97 182. ........ & 0.16 1 0.15 0.04 0.71 13, Lh lel & 0.02 1 0.02 0.01 0.08 18:4. fen vA 2 204. ........ g 0.03 1 0.03 0.01 0.14 20:80 Vaca 00 anals £ 2S Ge g 2230.0. Ls Kad g Cholesterol, .. 3%: '» wiv ss mg. Phytosterols . . . .. . .. mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . ... g 0.126 0.125 0.036 0.572 Threonine . °°... . . . . 8 0.511 0.506 0.145 2.318 bsoleucing, ...0. Lainie oe 8 0.619 0.613 0.175 2.808 Leucine. . . . ...... g 1.010 1.000 0.286 4,581 Lysine ©"... ."% 4 wie sn ois 8 1.051 1.040 0.298 4.767 Methionine . . . . .... & 0.329 0.326 0.093 1.492 Cystine . . . ....... g 0.130 0.129 0.037 0.590 Phenylalanine . . . . . .. 8 0.523 0.518 0.148 2.372 Tyrosine . . . ...... 8 0.365 0.361 0.103 1.656 Valine paints win sale 8 0.690 0.683 0.196 3.130 Arginine. . . . . . .... & 0.832 0.824 0.236 3.774 Histidine, . . . .... os 8 0.339 0.336 0.096 1.538 ARDINE LS» “ile ie vr +o £ 0.866 0.857 0.246 3.928 Aspartic acid, . 5. . . . 2 1.173 1.161 0.333 5.321 Glutamic acid. . . . . . . . 8 2.017 1.997 0.572 9.149 Glycine . . . . ...... 8 0.822 0.814 0.233 3.729 Proline mth ape veal uC g 0.657 0.650 0.186 2.980 Serine . . . ....... 8 0.442 0.438 0.125 2.005 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03004 MEATS AND EGG YOLKS Chicken, strained Page 187 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 99g 10z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water .2. 00. G5 Lia lerh 25 17.5 0.2 53 76.7 22.0 351.7 kcal 130 128 37 588 Food energy: b+ = nia kJ. 542 537 154 2,459 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . 2 13.7 0.1 29 13.6 3.9 62.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 7.9 0.2 30 7.8 2.2 35.7 Carbohydrate, total i 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.5 Fibre, 0 a. 0 ine een 8 ASHES Ca Fe ee 8 0.8 0.0 28 0.8 0.2 3.5 MINERALS: CCI Ye mg. 64 3 28 63 18 288 BPO ie ae si Ne mg. 1.40 0.05 29 1.39 0.40 6.35 Magnesium , . . . .... mg. 13 1 2 13 4 57 Phosphorus... . : . .. mg. 97 1 96 27 440 PORESSIUM x cost ohv ois vn mg. 141 14 139 40 638 Sodium, Som LLY . «ME 47 32 47 13 214 QE Ee mg. 1.210 0.057 27 1.198 0.343 5.489 Copper:. x: ailei's 4 vis ns mg. 0.045 25 0.045 0.013 0.204 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. « . mg. 1.7 O.1 27 1.6 0.5 7+.5 Thiamin. 8.7, 0... + « mg. 0.014 0.001 28 0.014 0.004 0.004 Riboflavin. «+ + vis mg. 0.152 0.004 28 0.150 0.043 0.689 INJREIP™ a, mg. 3.255 0.050 30 3.222 0.923 14.765 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. 0.680 0.050 4 0.673 0.193 3.084 VitaminBg ov. . 4 «Vien mg. 0.200 0.010 14 0.198 0.057 0.907 Folging.8.v >5 cs iv ae meg 10.4 0.7 9 10.3 2.9 47.1 viaminBya . . . . «oa meg NiGinA Lote ty RE. 40 3 23 40 11 183 1. 135 11 23 133 38 610 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 2.03 1 2.01 0.58 9.22 BOF. i Ee g 8:0... wiadain a moa 8g B00 li Le ans £ 10:0. oon +2 vin» g 220. .". .... g 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.01 M0... Cy g 0.05 1 0.05 0.02 0.24 16:00, fs TN 8 180. ........ g 0.42 1 0.41 0.12 1.88 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 3.56 1 3.52 1.01 16.15 I. co... 8 0.29 1 0.28 0.08 1.30 181... 8 3.25 XY 3.21 0.92 14.73 201. WL... 8 0.02 1 0.02 0.01 0.08 225. Ne a g Polyunsaturated, total . . . §g 1.92 1 1.90 0.54 8.70 18:2. ........ g 1.85 1 1.83 0.52 8.39 183, ........ & 0.04 1 0.04 0.01 0.17 18:4.0.0 Ls. 8 20:4... ...... 8 0.03 1 0.03 0.01 0.15 20:8. a Re 2 RUS aie ee g BB ES wis a g£ Cholesterol” . «7. « Jus mg. Phytosterols. . fos. 40. 4 mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan Bi vlad el Hi 8 0.156 0.154 0.044 0.708 Threonine wie el Ee wile & 0.615 0.609 0.174 2.790 bsoletein fu; + 51 "ve irate 8 0.645 0.639 0.183 2.926 Leucine: erin xe wie ws 8 1.058 1.047 0.300 4.799 Lysine. , . Li... 8 1.144 1.133 0.324 5.189 Methionine op tlle: iv ghee 8 0.367 0.363 0.104 1.665 Cystine Shea fe pe aT ale 8 0.180 0.178 0.051 0.816 Phenylalanine. . . . . . . 8 0.558 0.552 0.158 2.531 Tyrosine. 5c ot. Te tiie 8 0.439 0.435 0.124 1.991 Valine roSelye Sal «iw Sle & 0.689 0.682 0.195 3.125 Arginine Bf NeCa nde ns & 0.957 0.947 0.271 4.341 Histidine py ellie te a yr Huet 8 0.415 0.411 0.118 1.882 Alanine pr Hw Go be or rR Ce 8 0.871 0.862 0.247 3.951 Aspartic acid Pipe Tu rae 8 1.269 1.256 0.360 5.756 Glutamic acid MT J & 1.982 1.962 0.562 8.990 Glycine ol ar wa eT 8 0.913 0.904 0.259 4.141 Proline he A ARR & 0.707 0.700 0.200 3.207 Serine i. Te bh ale vv 8 0.498 0.493 0.141 2.259 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03012 MEATS AND EGG YOLKS Chicken, junior Page 188 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 mM Standard Number of ean error samples 1 jar =99g 1o0z = 28.35 g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, Re a g - 76.0 0.5 22 75.2 21.5 344.6 kcal 149 148 42 677 Foodenergy + + + - + + « - kJ. 624 618 177 2,83) Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . Z 14.7 0.4 20 14.6 4.2 66.8 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 9.6 0.4 19 9.5 2.7 43.4 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fiber 20s Fe es fs Zs a YT TE SL g 0.8 0.0 19 0.8 0.2 3.8 MINERALS: on el rt RRR mg. 55 19 54 16 249 donno SE CRT mg. 0.99 0.04 20 0.98 0.28 4.50 Magnesium ho, LoL aL mg. 13 1 31 3 52 Phosphorus’... . . ... . mg. 90 1 89 26 408 Pomssiumv, oi 8 LL 0 ln mg. 122 14 121 35 555 Sodium: ina the mg. 51 23 50 14 231 ZINEN. 8.07. DES Wn mg. 1.008 0.085 4 0.998 0.286 4.572 Copperlei os. ULwiLe, mg. 0.045 0.006 3 0.045 0.013 0.204 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 1.5 0.1 19 1.5 0.4 6.8 Thiamin. tier. .0 0 Li. mg. 0.014 0.001 22 0.014 0.004 0.064 Riboflavin. . . . ..... mg. 0.163 0.003 19 0.161 0.046 0.739 Niacin. . . ag = mg. 3.420 0.070 19 3.386 0.970 15.513 Pantothenic acid.” . . . . . . mg. 0.726 0.719 0.206 3.293 Vitamin Bg LW, iL. Jt mg. 0.188 0.024 4 0.186 0.053 0.853 Folagin®", Wiles. isis 2 meg 11.1 11.0 3.1 50.3 Viamin Ba... 7.0L mcg tari RE. 56 7 24 55 16 253 VIBIDBAL fimiy oivteos w. 186 23 24 184 53 842 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 2.47 1 2.44 0.70 11.20 B00 a wh £ 60, a ERLE g BO. Cl a Ss oe g 100.008. art ae £ 120, i g 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.02 M0, win Lee. g 0.07 1 0.07 0.02 0.30 16:00, 42% Lb, Lun J g P80. Oh aR 8 0.50 1 0.50 0.14 2.29 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 4.33 1 4.28 1.23 19.62 16:1. LE & 0.35 1 0.34 0.10 1.58 Bl gin ke g 3.95 1 3.91 1.12 17.89 20:1 Ta ee, g 0.02 1 0.02 0.01 0.10 RUT ek tee eas £ Polyunseturated, total . . . g 2.33 1 2431 0.66 10.58 18:2, sul wth g 2.25 1 2.23 0.64 10.20 IB ae wl £ 0.05 1 0.04 0.01 0.20 1818. als ave £ 20:45 0, g 0.04 1 0.04 0.01 0.18 20:50, oH ATE £ 20:5. ran £ 26 ne a Z Cholesterol... .%. + + = » mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan Baw ar g 0.167 0.165 0.047 0.758 Threonine . . . . . . . .. g 0.660 0.653 0.187 2.994 Isoleucine Vhs 4 Wake 0 Se g 0.693 0.686 0.196 3.143 Leucine: Ret rar ov ele AAP 8 1.136 1.125 0.322 5.153 Lysine . . ........ 8 1.228 1.216 0.348 5.570 Methionine Arai erie ie # g 0.394 0.390 0.112 1.787 Cystine . . ........ & 0.193 0.191 0.055 0.875 Phenylalanine bre welds g 0.599 0.593 0.170 2.717 yrosines fete + + wei ls £ 0.471 0.466 0.134 2.136 Valinepatiuicns s + lex of e £ 0.740 0.733 0.210 3.357 Arginine, . . . . . .... & 1.028 1.018 0.291 4.663 Histidine ety He Tew Tea ww & 0.445 0.441 0.126 2.019 ABI I. bode ie vines 2 0.936 0.927 0.265 4.246 Aspartic acid or x elaiielhe i g 1.362 1.348 0.386 6.178 Glutamic acid heir ie Whar 8 2.128 2.107 0.603 9.653 i A 8 0.981 0.971 0.278 4.450 4s IR pe ea £ 0.759 0.751 0.215 3.443 Serine Botnet oe sn Ta 0.535 0.530 0.152 2.427 ! Values calculated from strained chicken. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03013 MEATS AND EGG YOLKS Chicken sticks, junior Page 189 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edibie portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1jar=71g 1 stick=10g¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Watep = 0,00. "La ah g 68.3 0.9 6 48.5 6.8 309.7 kcal 188 134 19 853 Foodenergy + » = + + + » © kJ. 787 559 79 3,569 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . z . 14.6 0.2 7 10.4 1.5 66.4 Totalilipidifaty, . . . . . . g 14.4 0.4 8 10.2 1.4 65.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 1.4 1.0 0.1 6.6 Fiber. Tea ¥ ei 00 i av mow zl, 0.2 0.0 3 0.1 0.0 0.9 rE RT A RR 2 1.2 0.1 6 0.8 0.1 5.4 MINERALS: : Calaiim ous + 58. at. mg. 73 6 / 52 7 331 bron 5 Ned LL a mg. 1.56 0.03 8 ¥.11 0.16 7.09 Magnesium | .., . . ... mg. Phosphorus 2.0. 4 wow mg. 121 1 86 12 549 POLASSIUNY 3 vv + vw mg. 106 1 75 11 481 Sodium alos vn iL wh mg. 479 1 340 48 2,173 ZEEE Nv ae mg. Coppers. & ov ve + vw mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 1.7 0.0 6 1.2 0.2 7.8 Thiamin. 5 ve mg. 0.017 0.001 7 0.012 0.002 0.077 Riboflavin, #5 o oo 0 von» mg. 0.197 0.008 Z 0.140 0.020 0.894 NIG Fels ov se mg. 2.005 0.065 7 1.424 0.201 9.095 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. i: VHIMINGG , + vi viv «oo. mg. 0.103 0.003 5 0.073 0.010 0.467 Folgein i", LX. 4 oe mcg ViiaminByat, . .V. ss mcg ars RE. 954 163 3 678 95 4,329 VIR Aves sixties «+ vn fos 3,178 541 3 2,257 318 14,417 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 2 Oe ae z . 60 Ti 2 4 B30. ev ee g WO. . tl al g 0 eis on vive g 14:0 onic ole 2 nats g 16:0. vv iv wow ws g UBIO Clan «ae g Monounsaturated, total. . . g HE. LN, Cy wen g IBN. hr Fee ae 8g 20:50 ev 8g 22 i oa 8g Polyunsaturated, total oo B IST, Ke a Z IB. ee ee al £ Bd viii rw vn g 20:4 en £ EB a en £ BUS sv wl wwe g BB. ee we z Cholesterol . . . % . + + mg. Phytosterols . , . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan... .'. . . . . g 0.117 0.083 0.012 0.531 Threonine . . . . . .... g 0.572 0.406 0.057 2.595 Isoleucine . . . . .. ... 8 0.729 0.518 0.073 3.307 Leucine '. "LL ee 8 1.142 0.811 0.114 5.180 Lysine ti. Sk: view eos wn 8 1.160 0.824 0.116 5.262 Methionine . . . . .... g 0.323 0.229 0.032 1.465 CyStings. ".. uh oe ue 8 0.127 0.090 0.013 0.576 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 0.673 0.478 0.067 3.053 THIOSNe = + iaiv alia + 4 3 £ 0.497 0.353 0.050 2.254 Valine . . . . ... g 0.764 0.542 0.076 3.466 Arginine... ii. od g 1.003 0.712 0.100 4.550 Histidine. « .. . "Lvs 4 8 0.462 0.328 0.046 2.096 Anne, i a 8 0.792 0.562 0.079 3.593 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . g 1.263 0.897 0.126 5.729 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g 2.201 1.563 0.220 9.984 GIYCINBE "aie ote 2 8 0.811 0.576 0.081 3.679 Proline... vv 2 0 a a 8 0.902 0.640 0.090 4,091 Serine 7. ii. oie le 8 0.534 0.379 0.053 2.422 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03014 MEATS AND EGG YOLKS Egg yolks, strained Page 190 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 94 g loz=28.35¢ A 8 C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, oly ih a ai g 70.6 0.2 34 66.3 20.0 320.1 kcal 203 191 58 922 Food energy «= «= + + + + « - i. 850 799 241 3,858 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . ¥ 10.0 0.1 25 9.4 2.8 45,2 Torallipidilfat) » =. . . « g 17.3 0.2 26 16.3 4.9 78.6 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gr 1.0 0.9 0.3 4.5 Floer luo. ohn: z . Ash So ee gn 1.2 0.0 25 1.1 0.3 5.3 MINERALS: Calcio + 5 soe a as mg. 76 1 24 72 22 347 oar GARR SEE SCM mg. 2.76 0.07 25 2.60 0.78 12.53 Magnesium , , , . . . .. mg. 7 2 6 2 31 Phosphorus e cs . » uu ’s 4 mg. 287 1 270 81 1,302 Potassiuvirlerin iets + 5 vv a mg. 17 14 73 22 350 Sodium, o +’ ww 4 ve mg. 39 14 37 11 178 Zick. les le ah x mg. 1.915 0.384 2 1.800 0.543 8.686 Copper site ons + sEuinah mg. 0.070 i 0.066 0.020 0.318 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . ., . mg. 1.4 0.1 25 1.3 0.4 6.5 Thiamin. Ji... un La mg. 0.072 0.000 27 0.068 0.020 0.3217 RIBOHAVIN..E ir « + ov 4 mg. 0.266 0.010 27 0.250 0.075 1.207 LT aN Vl ET mg. 0.025 0.000 24 0.024 0.007 0.113 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. 2.140 0.100 4 2.012 0.607 9.707 VitaminBg... civ vx ov. mg. 0.160 0.008 13 0.150 0.045 0.726 Folaeinee Fev Be Te a meg 92.1 943 9 86.6 26.1 417.7 VitaminByg2'-". Yu. 4 meg 1.540 1 1.448 0.437 6.985 a RE. 376 3 31 353 107 1,705 Vion Aw see ie is + wv. 1,251 10 31 1,176 355 5,676 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: 2 Saturated, total. . . . . . 8 5.19 4.88 1.47 23.54 cE 8 G0. ee a wl g 80a, «xu eld g 02 ohh vs £ 1280 evnis v5 ee £ ROT ah te g 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.18 160 Ges ws one = g 3.82 3.59 1.08 17.33 18:00. 70 vie vs g 1.32 1.24 0.37 5.99 Monounsaturated, total g 161... ws. g 0.57 0.54 0.16 2.59 BLS hie asa g 6.34 5.96 1.80 28.76 200, 5 wets woe g 2uV ais anew £ Polyunsaturated, total woo 8 182. ........ 8 1.92 1.80 0.54 8.71 | RT SN g 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.18 IBMa oo view Wis g 204, ........ 8 0.14 0.13 0.04 0.64 2S. a £ 2 wo ww g 230 ve ah g . Cholesterol . . . . . . .. wg. 786.00 738.84 222.83 3,565.30 Phytosterols . . . «eels mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ges Th at g 0.107 0.101 0.030 0.485 Threonine HM AE A g 0.461 0.433 0.131 2.091 Isoleucine’. ke hw vis 8 0.566 0.532 0.160 2.567 Leucine: eRe eee po & 0.846 0.795 0.240 3.837 Lysine an. pT Bias Hie Te & 0.784 0.737 0.222 3.556 Methionine ni IR & 0.271 0.255 0.077 1.229 Cystine nade we ae & 0.171 0.161 0.048 0.776 Phenylalanine Sh mie we & 0.414 0.389 0.117 1.878 Tyrosine REET Sp vw (ee & 0.414 0.389 0.117 1.878 Valine ln Rell viviei 8 0.641 0.603 0.182 2.908 Arginine shielias aisets simile & 0.700 0.658 0.198 3.175 Histidine Ble aan a we & 0.212 0.199 0.060 0.962 ANINE 2 «x eee 8 0.516 0.485 0.146 2.341 Aspartic acid AARC 8 0.953 0.896 0.270 4.323 Glutamic acid tp Jere A & 1.234 1.160 0.350 5.597 Glycine Es nae 8 0.277 0.260 0.079 1.256 Proline SE UE EE & 0.442 0.415 0.125 2.005 Serine... . ...... s 0.669 0.629 0.190 3.035 ! Values calculated from frozen, raw chicken egg yolk (U.S. Dept. Agr. Agr. Handb. 8-1 (1976), item No. 01-126). AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03018 MEATS AND EGG YOLKS Ham, strained Page 191 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Standard Number of Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar =99g 10z=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, a coal iv 79.4 0.2 23 78.6 22.5 360.2 kcal 111 110 32 505 Food energy = - « - - - - - kJ. 466 462 132 2,115 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . zg. 13.9 0.1 20 13.7 3.9 62.9 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 5.8 0.2 21 5.7 1.6 26.3 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fer, HE a el iz . BS ar et Xn agin ows g 1.0 0.0 19 1.0 0.3 4.4 MINERALS: Calelum a an as mg. 6 0 19 6 2 26 ronal 8, 5 os JV mg. 1.03 0.08 19 1.02 0.29 4.68 Magnesiom?™ . . . . . . ... mg. 13 2 2 13 4 59 Phosphorus". . . . . . . . mg. 81 1 80 23 368 Porssium®’, . . Ja Dh. mg. 204 14 202 58 925 Sodium RL mg. 41 1 17 40 12 185 Zinche., ha Se hn mg. 2.246 0.188 5 2.224 0.637 10.188 CoppeEE iY. i. |. oe. te mg. 0.065 0.004 4 0.064 0.018 0.295 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . .. ... mg. 2.1 0.2 20 2.1 0.6 9.6 Thiamin. . , . ...... mg. 0.139 0.010 19 0.138 0.039 0.631 Riboflavin. . . . ..... mg. 0.154 0.007 19 0.152 0.044 0.699 i I RR mg. 2.633 0.045 18 2.607 0.746 11.943 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. 0.510 0.040 4 0.505 0.145 2.313 ViaminBg . . «nv. 4 mg. 0.252 0.023 § 0.249 0.071 1.143 Eolasinll, Td rE Le meg 2.0 1.9 0.6 8.9 viaminBya . . .7. EL, mcg A RE. 11 4 18 11 3 52 VIEamIn AL = + «J ws oe 38 13 18 38 11 173 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 1.94 1 1.92 0.55 8.79 0. a a an £g 60, Ee 8g 80. Nes wy g 19:00. 0 Sh g 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.02 1200 le ea g 0.01 1 0.00 0.00 0.02 10.55 a g 0.07 1 0.07 0.02 0.30 16:0:.0, Sate £ ISL Laas, g 0.59 1 0.59 0.17 2.69 Monounsaturated, total g 2.76 1 2.73 0.78 12.50 16: ee g 0.16 1 0.16 0.05 0.72 BLL, LT Te g 2.52 1 2.49 0.71 11.43 20: Le, g 0.06 1 0.06 0.02 0.29 13 LR TR I £ Polyunsaturated, total g 0.78 1 0.78 0.22 3.56 1820 aa g 0.71 1 0.70 0.20 3.23 18:5 oF, aa g 0.03 1 0.03 0.01 0.12 ABE 0, as, aR £ 20:4. ie wiles g 0.04 1 0.04 0.01 0.19 20:5. ve a £ 2:5. MR, g 22:6. a ae Zz Cholesterol . . . , . . .. mg. Phytosterols . . . . . .. . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan SCRE Li g 0.138 0.137 0.039 0.626 Threonine TR SUR £ 0.603 0.597 0.171 2.735 jsolegcines, oc. "LN LL Gib £ 0.661 0.654 0.187 2.998 Leyaines st 60, LC se g 1.1711 1.100 0.315 5.039 LYSIRE Sa. he ae ve 8 1.180 1.168 0.335 5.352 Methionine . . . . . . . . g 0.355 0.351 0.101 1.610 Cystite.: , « .. « v'% +» 8 0.171 0.169 0.048 0.776 Phenylalanine v, elie Rial 0 «silly g 0.530 0.525 0.150 2.404 Tyrosine™ , o + '% aier’s + & 0.466 0.461 0.132 2.114 Yaling aii 2 2s 1s £ 0.716 0.709 0.203 3.248 Arginine. . . . . ..... & 0.940 0.931 0.266 4.264 Histidine. . . . . . .. .. 8 0.472 0.467 0.134 2.141 Alanine. uy aa 8 0.838 0.830 0.238 3.801 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . g 1.326 1.313 0.376 6.015 Glutamic seid.» 1s 500 + » £ 2.089 2.068 0.592 9.476 Glycine BPS, wie ee 8 0.796 0.788 0.226 3.611 Proline ot LIN SUSE, g 0.645 0.639 0.183 2.926 Serine: /. yy nn g 0.503 0.498 0.143 2.282 ! Values calculated from Junior ham. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03008 MEATS AND EGG YOLKS Page 192 Ham, junior Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of tin 1 , edible porti Amount in 100 grams, edible portion 1 pound of food gs purchased Nutrients and units Standard Number-of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar =99¢g 1o0z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: LL a SE AN EE 2.0 78.5 0.8 6 77.8 22.3 356.3 kent 125 123 35 566 Foodenergy - - - - - . . . kl 522 516 148 2,366 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . z. 15.1 0.3 4 14.9 4.3 68.3 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 6.7 0.2 4 6.6 1.9 30.3 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fibers Bair alii, 50 Zo ASH hh g 1.0 0.1 3 1.0 0.3 4.7 MINERALS: Qlelum Se. mg. 8 1 3 5 1 21 Iron i Sf ve mg. 1.01 0.06 4 1.00 0.29 4.60 Magnesium." .., . , , mg. 11 1 11 3 49 Phosphorus . . . . . . . | mg. 89 1 88 25 403 Potassium," a0 mg. 210 1 208 60 953 Sodium LoTR ee ay mg. 67 1 6 66 19 302 ZINE ea AEE LY mg. 1.700 1 1.683 0.482 7.711 Copper Last, Ci. mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . .. .. mg. 2.1 0.2 4 2.1 0.6 9.7 Thiamine 2, Lon. mg. 0.142 0.009 4 0.141 0.040 0.644 RIBOFAYINE. bee 5 oie ov mg. 0.194 0.014 4 0.192 0.055 0.880 Nizein oC cE, SAL mg. 2.840 0.114 3 2.812 0.805 12.882 Pantothenic acid.’ . . . . . . mg. 0.531 0.526 0.151 2.409 VitaminBgse 4% 0, a mg. 0.200 0.014 5 0.198 0.057 0.907 Folacin? V8 6, UF S08 meg 2.1 0.0 3 2.0 0.6 9.3 VitaminByo', 0, mcg Vitam RE. 10 4 3 9 3 43 TRAMINA «Ss + on allele vo Ww. 32 14 3 31 9 144 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 2.24 2.21 0.63 10.14 4100 er as g Gi i ah 8 BD ae g 0008" 0 iy ads g 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.02 P20 a g 0.01 i 0.00 0.00 0.02 0%. 2.0, g 0.08 1 0.08 0.02 0.35 18:0. LF. wis Sy g BIB ae, oh g 0.68 1 0.68 0.19 3.10 Monounsaturated, total g 3.18 1 3.15 0.90 14.43 16:0 a0 rn 8 0.18 1 0.18 0.05 0.83 ISLE ha g 2.91 1 2.88 0.82 13.20 Vd ha ee ba g 0.07 1 0.07 0.02 0.33 Tim er val F'4 Polyunsaturated, total g 0.91 1 0.90 0.26 4.11 BBL LL. 8 0.82 1 0.81 0.23 3.72 IBS dyna, Lo g 0.03 1 0.03 0.01 0.14 B46 LL an 8g RO. ph g 0.05 1 0.05 0.01 0.22 20:8. A, EL, g 22S iih ts isn g uN Zz .. Cholesterol: . . ... . .%. . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan, . , ... . . . . g 0.149 0.148 0.042 0.676 Tiweonine', ve". , ... g 0.656 0.649 0.186 2.976 Isoleucine . ... . ..\ .» g 0.718 0.711 0.204 3.257 Leucine ution, Nal iL, g 1.208 1.196 0.342 5.479 Lysine, Lotta © wi 2 1.283 1.270 0.364 5.820 Methionine . . . . . . . . g 0.386 0.382 0.109 1.751 Cystine gli BE, eli, g 0.186 0.184 0.053 0.844 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . g 0.576 0.570 0.163 2.613 TYIOsine Mur, oo iw val, g 0.506 0.501 0.143 2.295 Valine leet a wh a g 0.779 0.771 0.221 3.534 Agitine. LL, ie g 1.022 1.012 0.290 4.636 Histidine. 3, 2.3, 0X nk, g 0.514 0 509 0.146 2.332 Anne, ont, tL 8 0.911 0.902 0.258 4.132 Asparticacid .". .. .. . . . g 1.442 1.428 0.409 6.541 Glutamic acid. . . . . . . . g 2.271 2.248 0.644 10.301 Glyeinel. . 5.00. | ian 8 0.866 0.857 0.246 3.928 Proline.i ic nis Love vs g 0.702 0.695 0.199 3.184 Serine™ a's vldliin 5. 8 0.547 0.542 0.155 2.481 ! Values calculated from strained ham. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03009 MEATS AND EGG YOLKS Page 193 Lamb, strained 3 i i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of i k Amount in 100 grams exijble portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units z : Stendard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1jar=99¢g 10z=28.35¢ A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Watered or hil El. © LL ge vite 80.3 0.2 31 79.5 22.8 364.4 keal 103 102 29 466 Food energy ++ x» + + s+ ake 430 426 122 1,950 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . Zh oF, 14.1 0.1 25 13.9 4.0 63.8 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Ta 4.7 0.1 26 4.7 1.3 21.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . ET BN 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.3 Fiber le 3 PO Ashat p 20 0.8 0.0 24 0.8 0.2 3.6 MINERALS: CACIUM 18 oo + niin of ein mg... 7 0 23 7 2 31 MOBI har oo aise ea mg. . . 1.49 0.09 23 1.48 0.42 6.78 Magnesium _ ...'. . . . 4% me." . 13 3 13 4 61 Phosphorus” . = + + mes. . 97 3 96 27 438 Potassium. =a iv Ty ¥ mg. . . 205 15 203 58 930 Sodium. le, tC Lo «ae mE... 62 27 62 18 282 ZINC ay oh mie ve mg. . . 2.756 0.126 5 2.728 0.781 12.501 Copper, os + ods as wae mg, 0.055 4 0.054 0.016 0.249 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. i, 1.2 0.1 23 1.2 0.3 5.3 Taming. on eB. A 0.019 0.002 24 0.019 0.005 0.086 Riboflavin. « iv ov vn mg. . . 0.200 0.010 23 0.198 0.057 0.907 Niacin: XL, Lee JL mes, 2.925 0.113 23 2.896 0.829 13.268 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . 0.410 0.030 4 0.406 0.116 1.860 VIaMINBE 4. edie ve mg. .-. 0.152 0.007 10 0.150 0.043 0.689 En meg . . 2.3 0.1 3 2.3 0.6 10.4 VitaminByay «+ hs meg. . 2.190 0.290 2 2.168 0.621 9.934 VilaminA +: RE. . . 26 20 25 7 117 PE Re 3 we. ... 86 20 85 24 389 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . Zed 2.31 1 2.29 0.66 10.48 B30 dos oH NL Z heh 6107, 5570 ait ba & wile 8:0. iy i a 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 H0:0..0. sw Nie Lions i 0.01 1 0.00 0.00 0.02 RO. = FY Pu g& 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.02 140.5 eT £ Ae 0.11 1 0.11 0.03 0.50 16:0. , . . «os» Biv on 1.03 1 1.02 0.29 4.68 18:0. « Jie x sie iin g cuiisii 0.99 1 0.98 0.28 4.49 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . 1.87 1 1.85 0.53 8.46 16:0, Lf eens & 0.06 1 0.06 0.02 0.27 IST. 5 ade foe 8 pe 1.78 1 1.76 0.50 8.05 20:00. Le & wm 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.01 RWSL RE a Sa) ve Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 0.20 1 0.19 0.06 0.89 82. ess & Saline 0.13 1 0.13 0.04 0.60 BI. ed & 0.05 1 0.05 0.02 0.24 Ua Ta ee 2 ona 20:4. 0. EL 8: ies 0.01 1 0.01 0.00 0.05 20:85 es ae Sn 228. oo oT g AB... iy sen a ra gh a Cholesterol". 7; u's + + mgs. Phytosterols ©. . . ... .. . mg... AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan ha’ iy WEE Bh Tien 0.140 0.139 0.040 0.635 Threonine Se a ea eee 8 Salen 0.642 0.636 0.182 2.912 Isoleucine... . . . . . ga 0.662 0.655 0.188 3.003 Leucine, . . . . ..... gels 1.112 1.101 0.315 5.044 Lysipetel. 2% 0 eh as 8 vem 1.249 1.237 0.354 5.665 Methionine . . . . . . . . 8 ah, 0.441 0.437 0.125 2.000 Cystine lr, le, vial 8 wists 0.194 0.192 0.055 0.880 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 vox 0.554 0.548 0.157 2.513 Tyrosine . . . . . .... I 0.493 0.488 0.140 2.236 Valine pl a Te & nar 0.714 0.707 0.202 3.239 Arginine... . Hi. Jv. 8g 0.923 0.914 0.262 4.187 Histidine. . . . . . .... 8s oi 0.356 0.352 0.101 1.615 Alanine . . . . . ..... 8 «win 0.882 0.873 0.250 4.001 Aspartic acid ani «eA ln va 1.324 1.311 0.375 6.006 Glutamic acid A 8 sip 2.156 2.134 0.611 9.780 Glycine eee eee 8 ae 0.819 0.811 0.232 3.715 Proline giae ll wile & are 0.788 0.780 0.223 3.574 Serine . . . ....... &: +N 0.540 0.535 0.153 2.449 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03010 MEATS AND EGG YOLKS Page 194 Lamb, junior 5 ; ? Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutrients and units Amount in/100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Stendord Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 99 g 10z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. Sg lel tae, Ll, ZF 79.6 0.5 21 78.8 22.6 361.2 Food energy «= + + + + + + - keal . . 112 111 32 508 BY E55. 469 464 133 2,127 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . Zw 15.2 0.1 19 15.0 4.3 68.9 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . TRL Ee! ble? 0.3 19 5.2 1.5 23.1 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Eien 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fibers, ©. Sl a ake + Ziv au BSA BT i SES, AE g nis 0.9 0.0 18 0.8 0.2 3.9 MINERALS: Caleium.» sh, (on. he mg. . . 7 0 19 7 2 33 Iron: « Goffe aie s ln mg. . . 1.66 0.02 21 1.65 0.47 1.55 Magnesium." 0 J, J my, 10 1 10 3 47 Phosphorus .0. .. . . . «. mg. . . 91 1 90 26 413 POAC. ere sade 3 x: Te mi: . 21) 14 209 60 959 SOHIUMRL + raion: Te 0 bp vista me, 73 20 13 21 333 Zinc Hgthc hai dir 30s mg. . . 2.600 1 2.574 0.737 11.794 Copper”. I. vated nee mg. rn 0.057 0.056 0.016 0.259 VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid... vv + vv « mg. . . Te? 0.4 21 1.7 0.5 7.8 Thiamin, . . . ...... mg. . . 0.019 0.001 24 0.019 0.005 0.086 Riboflavin . . . . ..... mg. . . 0.191 0.010 21 0.189 0.054 0.866 Niacin. . . RS mg. 0. 3.193 0.088 22 3.161 0.905 14.483 Pantothenic acid.” . . . . . . me 0.424 0.420 0.120 1.923 Vitamin Bg LL mg. . . 0.183 0.017 4 0.181 0.052 0.830 Folacin Pe fee x meg. 2.0 0.1 3 2.0 0.6 9.0 VitaminBya lL LL 4 meg 2.269 2.246 0.643 10.292 Vitamin A «204 Ll dw 0 RE. . 8 1 17 8 2 37 1 27 2 17 27 8 122 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . Z J I 2.56 1 2.53 0.72 11.60 0 Les ete £ B10". 5 vi Ve Bu of Bie ede g RA 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 10:0, ........ Biss 0.01 1 0.01 0.00 0.03 180. obese XT 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.02 M0... a, Zeb 0.12 1 0.12 0.03 0.56 169.5 . Ape hia 1.14 1 1.13 0.32 5.18 ABO ro SE Bass 1.09 1 1.08 0.31 4.96 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . 2.06 1 2.04 0.58 9.36 15, Le re Ere vo» 0.07 1 0.07 0.02 0.30 LR OE 8 «+ 1.96 1 1.94 0.56 8.91 200 ie ve os a 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.01 N08, iets oi. Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 0.22 1 0.21 0.06 0.98 1812 eal vu ue Las 0.15 1 0.15 0.04 0.67 123. 0 on ehh. £ en 0.06 1 0.06 0.02 0.27 pL GL A Te Ln VO tl ede Be ROSEY, er a 601 1 biol 9:80 9405 AS. Calle Tia g 206.0 Ns a 2 cin Cholesterol, , .0/. . . Ju ME Phytosterols ".%"% . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: JOYPIPEN (op Hous rn DL 0.151 0.149 0.043 0.685 Roki, Tl ak tie Ennis 0.693 0.686 0.196 3.143 we Te dh 0.714 0.707 0.202 3.239 Cane, WR TL x xis 1.200 1.188 0.340 5.443 llr Sy Edie 2 1.349 1.336 0.382 6.119 A BELFER 8 Ae 0.476 0.471 0.135 2.159 PYRG Sr TO i BE a 0.209 0.207 0.059 0.948 Tate 01 SES ot LN 0.598 0.592 0.170 2.713 Dame uh Gy 0.532 0.527 0.151 2.413 ET £ coda 0.770 0.762 0.218 3.493 op. he Spe eee $ ashi 0.996 0.986 0.282 4.518 Co ASD . pe 0.384 0.380 0.109 1.742 Aarti atid PR a apy 5 re 0.953 0.943 0.270 4.323 Clotnle sad a : 3% 1.429 1.415 0.405 6.482 Cle TT an fhe i 2.328 2.305 0.660 10.560 RT $ fe. 0.885 0.876 0.251 4.014 Sering Jo thn wr wn : ey 0.851 0.842 0.241 3.860 Sn ares, ee Pi 7 0.583 0.577 0.165 2.644 ! Values calculated from strained lamb. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03011 MEATS AND EGG YOLKS Liver, strained Page 195 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Moan Standard Number of error amp 1jar=99g l.0z = 28.35 g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Waters, 5. . «oa g - 79.3 0.2 27 78.5 22.5 359.8 kcal 101 100 29 456 Pood energy. =>» x to Ria 421 417 119 1,910 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . £luit 14.3 0.3 8 14.2 4.1 64.9 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . hess 3.8 0.2 18 37 1:1 17.1 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . £.'. + 1.4 1.4 0.4 6.5 FiBerat. . 0. wi wie Lh Bln ie g 1.2 0.0 7 1.2 0.3 5.3 MINERALS: Cael. ns 5 bw as mg. . . 4 1 7 3 1 16 IPOS is a Rl ah Teo 5.29 0.40 9 5.23 1.50 23.98 Magnesium |, . . . . . . . mg. 13 0 2 13 4 59 Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. . . 203 2 201 58 923 Potassium. 2 0. ve ede ny, Ld 227 2 224 64 1,028 cE mg 74 6 73 21 334 TNE 0 all mg. . . 2.977 0.061 11 2.947 0.844 13.504 Copper’... 1. Wa mg. . . 1.985 11 1.965 0.563 9.004 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . .. meh, 19.3 1.3 7 19.1 5.5 87.5 amie. =r. he. eas me. . 0.049 0.004 8 0.049 0.014 0.222 RIBONBVI -.. =. ions’ soln mg. J. 1.814 0.140 8 1.796 0.514 8.228 INISEIn RE. ee Pate mg. . . 8.328 0.241 8 8.245 2.361 37.776 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg VitaminBg . . + i.e we... . 0.343 6 0.340 0.097 1.556 i EP, meg . . 337.4 15.6 6 334.0 95.7 1,530.6 ViaminByz . . . +... . meg 2.160 1 2.138 0.612 9.798 ViRminA RE. 11,452 1,083 7 11,337 3,247 51,946 ade le w. 38,135 3,607 7 37,754 10,811 172,980 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . gs a 1.37 0.06 10 1.36 0.39 6.22 HOP HN Te g G0, = i ai 8g 8:0, a 8 0:00.50 0 es £ PRO ake g 0.00 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50, Cy uh g 0.04 0.00 10 0.04 0.01 0.19 1800. i. ahs g 0.07 0.06 10 0.06 0.02 0.29 BOG g 0.60 0.02 10 0.60 0.17 2.74 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 0.78 0.05 10 0.77 0.22 3.53 18a, vin 8 0.07 0.01 10 0.07 0.02 0.32 ABI a g 0.69 0.04 10 0.68 0.20 3.12 200.0 2 es g 0.00 8 0.00 0.00 0.01 2 iit edie 8g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 0.06 0.05 10 0.06 0.02 0.29 AB an 8 0.22 0.01 10 0.22 0.06 1.01 18:30. iat g 0.05 0.00 10 0.05 0.01 0.23 ABA 500 mg. 12 2 12 4 57 PHOSPROIUS . ir oi ia ie se mg. 98 1 97 28 444 PORsSIUnY «La, he mg. 216 14 214 61 981 SOBA str cour 3 mg. 64 26 64 18 293 Zine aE mg. 2.000 0.100 2 1.980 0.567 9.072 COPPRE Lu Wa Ca vie oh mg. 0.040 1 0.040 0.011 0.181 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. '. . . . . . . mg. 2.3 02 16 243 0.6 10.3 Thiamin. cn + oo = 555 mg. 0.016 0.002 18 0.016 0.005 0.073 Riboflavins. « « « + + +s » mg. 0.159 0.014 17 0.157 0.045 0.721 NREINLE Bi, o 5 ees mg. 3.552 0.102 17 3.516 1.007 16.112 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. 0.430 0.005 4 0.426 0.122 1.950 VieaminBg . . . . « 54» mg. 0.149 0.015 9 0.148 0.042 0.676 Fofacins™, Uo de on meg 5.9 0.5 6 5.9 1.7 26.9 vitaminByy . « « sGEY . mcg VIMAR Te a es RE 14 3 14 14 4 62 w. 46 11 14 45 13 208 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 2.29 1 2.27 0.65 10.38 4 RE a SP g O:0.. Ce lek wh 2 8:0... a g YOO isi So wns oles g 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.01 120... ...... 8g 0.02 1 0.01 0.00 0.07 1 A UE OE £ 0.24 1 0.24 0.07 1.10 16:0... «oes 8 1.18 1 1.17 0.34 5.36 IB:0. «vb +k nie g 0.67 1 0.66 0.19 3.04 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 2.05 1 2.03 0.58 9.32 ML. ve we en 8 0.19 1 0.19 0.05 0.86 BY. o.oo ea 8 1.79 1 1.77 0.51 8.10 20:1... eh g 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.01 RES 0 ge wie ee g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 0.16 1 C.16 0.05 0.74 IB, re £ 0.10 1 0.10 0.03 0.46 BIB tke + ite ee 8 0.03 1 0.03 0.01 0.15 se TL £ 204. Lc chen 8 0.02 1 0.02 0.01 0.11 BOIS. 5 vine se a 8 22:8 dn hoe g 2B Ee in a zg . Cholesterol ».... vo + + 45 mg. Phytosterols . ... . . . . 5% mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan pve of 20 0 g 0.156 0.154 0.044 0.708 Threonine . . . . . . .. . & 0.564 0.558 0.160 2.558 Isoleucine . . . . . . ... g 0.610 0.604 0.173 2.767 Leucine. . . . . ..... 8 1.044 1.034 0.296 4.736 Lysine . ......... g 1.085 1.074 0.308 4.922 Methionine . . . . . . .. 8 0.298 0.295 0.084 1.352 Cystine . . . . ...... g 0.175 0.173 0.050 0.794 Phenylalanine. . . . . .. 8 0.523 0.518 0.148 2.372 Tyrosine . . . . ..... 8 0.432 0.428 0.122 1.960 Valine . . . ....... & 0.657 0.650 0.186 2.980 APSIIINR 52%, 0 s , 8 0.897 0.888 0.254 4.069 Histidine. . . . . . . ... g 0.415 0.411 0.118 1.882 Alanine . . . . . LL & 0.845 0.837 0.240 3.833 Asparticacid . . . . . . 8 1.193 1.181 0.338 5.411 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . & 1.939 1.920 0.550 8.795 Glycine . . . . . ..... & 0.927 0.918 0.263 4.205 Proline . . . . . ..... g 0.746 0.739 0.211 3.384 Serine . . . . ...... g 0.480 0.475 0.136 2.177 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03005 MEATS AND EGG YOLKS Page 202 Veal, junior i : : Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutrients snd units Amount in100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: ) Mean error samples 1 jar=99g 10z=28.35¢g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, (oC CY ee ies 79.8 0.4 13 79.0 22.6 361.8 keal 110 109 3 499 Food energy + «+ + + - {io 460 455 130 2,086 Protein (NX 6,25). . . . . he + % 15.3 0.3 71 15.1 4.3 69.3 Toullipid(fat} . . . . . . . Bo a 5.0 0.6 8 4.9 1.4 22.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gd, Jo 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fiber RE, ee 2h of 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.7 BCs iin ao x ala A 2 ih 0.9 0.0 6 0.9 0.3 4.1 MINERALS: Calcium... DY miei © wie mg... 6 1 7 6 2 29 MoH Li. Wop R Re mg. oy 1.25 0.01 7 1.24 0.35 5.68 Magnesium... . . .. . mg. . . 1 1 11 3 49 Phosphorus ©... . ov. + « mg. i 98 1 97 28 444 POLASSIUMY: , “5% Wiis wo mg... 236 1 234 67 1,070 BOUIN 2s oes ae mai ME. 69 8 68 19 311 ZINES hein: 4 xe Hn in oe me... 2.518 0.143 4 2.493 0.714 11.422 Coppetie: co 7s’ v wn 4 mg. . . 0.075 0.005 3 0.074 0.021 0.340 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . mg. . . 2.1 5 2.1 0.6 9.6 Thiamine 0. vie vv mg... 0.018 0.003 11 0.018 0.005 0.082 Riboflavin. .%. .* Ma, mg." 0.183 0.012 7 0.181 0.052 0.830 Niacin: oe WE: abe V. mg... 3.808 0.206 7 3.770 1.080 17.273 Pantothenic acid! . . . . . . HE ies bx 0.454 0.449 0.129 2.059 VitaminBg . . ...... mg... 0.118 0.004 6 0.117 0.033 0.535 Polat 's . Sai’. + 7% © meg . . 6.7 1.4 3 6.6 1.9 30.3 VitaminBya . . . LL... mcg VieaminA RE 15 1 3 15 4 69 AMARA, 8 wv i a 50 2 3 50 14 228 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . ig. 2.39 ‘ 2.37 0.68 10.85 B00, RSet nl z. Bu 5 ila x kee 8 B10. wt. fds one 870% a 10:0. , 0a gu is 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 0.01 VEO EO oe a 2 vs 0.01 1 0.01 0.00 0.05 M0. he Sade ni 2 0.18 1 0.18 0.05 0.82 180.3%, . Wo. zg. 1.22 1 1.21 0.35 5.52 B38. LN 2 vis 0.82 1 0.81 0.23 3.72 Monounsaturated, total. . . g . . . 2.12 1 2.10 0.60 9.61 1 a AR 0.18 1 0.17 0.05 0.80 Bas 3, WE, 8 + +h 1.88 1 1.86 0.53 8.51 2001. 0 is ee os 0.01 1 0.00 0.00 0.02 220. lS ee EY Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . . . 0.17 1 0.16 0.05 0.75 WI. a F. 2k 0.10 1 0.10 0.03 0.46 18:3, le « luvs in ga 0.03 1 0.03 0.01 0.14 18 a . WY $i as 08 cT Z =." ... .% J. zo 0.638 0.632 0.181 2.894 Isoledgin@& 4. any 2 asa 0.689 0.682 0.195 3.125 Legcinev re Lt, LL AL Suh 1.180 1.168 0.335 5.352 Lysine 2% itt 8 FA 1.227 1.215 0.348 5.566 Methionine . . . . . . . . gat 0.337 0.334 0.096 1.529 Cystine 3 Ar, Cal ats hie 0.198 0.196 0.056 0.898 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . Fiat 0.591 0.585 0.168 2.681 TYIONg Rav , vs vv us ££: 0.489 0.484 0.139 2.218 Valine -. . . ....... g 0.743 0.736 0.211 3.370 Arginine," tL LL 4 & ha 1.014 1.004 0.287 4.600 Histidine: 5." ov ata a git 0.469 0.464 0.133 2.127 Alanine Sv. TL gz at 0.956 0.946 0.271 4.336 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 ae 1.349 1.336 0.382 6.119 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . & «Sh 2.192 2.170 0.621 9.943 Glycine . .......... £ nha 1.048 1.038 0.297 4.754 Proline ERE ey aoe ST go 0.843 0.835 0.239 3.824 Serine. ". "ue odes & 0.543 0.538 0.154 2.463 ! Values calculated from strained veal. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03006 VEGETABLES Page 203 Beans, green, strained i a d Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of i 3 AmountinI00 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units z Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.35¢g A B C E F G PR : OXimare al a eer 92.0 0.2 34 117.8 26.1 417.5 kcal 25 32 7 115 Foodenergy = - + - - - - - if oh 106 135 30 480 { Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . Ev 1.3 0.0 25 1.7 0.4 6. Total lipid (fat) . 2 so 200 0.1 0.0 25 v.1 0.0 0.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . grat, 5.9 7.6 1.7 26.9 Fibers © tla norte 28... 5 1.0 8 1.3 0.3 4.5 RET i 7. u.6 0.0 25 0.8 0.2 2.7 MINERALS: Calcium 8, JS a mg. NE ASE SRR phon 28.5 0.6 3 36.4 8.1 129.2 MitaminByo .".". ... . . . mcg - RE. 46 2 13 58 13 207 Vitamin A «al cs oe Ww. 456 17 13 584 129 2,070 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g 8:0. «Flt, g B30. La 8g BD. fx Ran ae 8g YO. ent. i g 2:0. ".%. .% +. g OL 0 mE 8g 16:0. of al £ ABO aie as 8g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 6:0 oo 8 8A nel g 20:0 g isis lA a. g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g re ne ra 8 IBiBoin viv vo Hin g 1814. ve ais 8 20:4. in aoe Ae 8 0:50.00. he we 8 2BSrel ot i hea ew £ 22:6: a g % Cholesterol .. . .°. . .. . mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan. . . . « v2. g 0.014 0.018 0.004 0.064 Threonine . i. , « vv + g 0.051 0.065 0.014 0.231 fsoleucine <5, LL. g 0.054 0.069 0.015 0.245 edeinenal, =... ohdileiat)”) 8 0.078 0.100 0.022 0.354 Lysine’ 2h. CF LL ale 8 0.059 0.076 0.017 0.268 Methionine , . . . . . . . 8 0.018 0.023 0.005 0.082 Cysting¥ie, “ot, , . ls 4 g 0.010 0.013 0.003 0.045 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . z 0.049 0.063 0.014 0.222 Wyrosing ©. (% nis’ «isle 8 0.042 0.054 0.012 0.191 valine . ......... 8 0.065 0.083 0.018 0.295 Arginine dt, nh ab aed 8 0.066 0.084 0.019 0.299 HIStidIng.s i+ fo he's ui aie g 0.033 0.042 0.009 0.150 Alanine «ei. on So. 8 0.056 0.072 0.016 0.254 Asparticacid ... . . . , . . g 0.234 0.300 0.066 1.061 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . g 0.157 0.201 0.045 0.712 Glycine “i. ihe Lf 8 0.049 0.063 0.014 0.222 Proline. dete? 0 ut, 8 0.061 0.078 0.017 0.277 Serine’. Alle Yi 8 0.063 0.081 0.018 0.286 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03094 VEGETABLES Beans, green, buttered, junior Page 206 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 206 g 1oz=28.35g A B Cc D E F G ATE: PRO et pala. vv x 8 91.2 0.3 13 187.9 25.9 413.7 kcal 32 67 9 147 Foodienergy "ssf + pric gr ® kJ 136 279 38 615 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . g 1.3 0.0 13 2.7 0.4 6.0 Towallipid (fat)... . . . .' g 0.9 0.1 13 1.8 0.3 4.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 6.1 12.5 1.7 27.6 Fiber. %. aie a aie we gi. BSE rts atin te a» g 0.5 0.0 13 1.0 0.1 2.2 MINERALS: CACTI oo ori 0 oie a afi x mg. 69 2 13 143 20 314 PORE ee aie Meee” ec ir mg. 1.15 0.04 13 2.38 0.33 5.23 Magnesium: "00 TL 2 la mg. Phosphorus, Bate + Te vile mg. POTASSIUM." le a x aie mg 171 5 13 351 48 774 SOI nse 2 x wes a ns mg 2 0 13 4 1 8 ZINE Ah Raita Jal et fo 2s mg. Copper «Ue vx v0 vie ts mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid >." , . + iw mg. 8.6 0.3 13 17.7 2.4 38.9 Thiamin, . % 5 seis, mg. 0.013 0.000 13 0.027 0.004 0.059 Riboflavin... vx oat mg. 0.113 0.004 13 0.233 0.032 0.513 NREinER.... bate ail lev mg. 0.316 0.013 13 0.651 0.090 1.433 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg . . . . . . .. mg. Folacin Fer. orev hal meg 27.3 56.3 7.7 124.0 VitaminBya . . . . . . . . mcg ak RE... .. 38 2 13 79 11 173 Vitamin A. +. ooo... rg 382 25 13 787 108 1,732 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . 8g EG | OF J ge 810, Sean PEL g BO. Bri aw we 2 10:05 bite ve g 12:0. LE.00viy whv is» £ VRQ, oo wt wa g 16:05. 5. cv fa ool £ 18100 oer g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 6: wide g IB ge ree lie wv x Zz 200 ale de £ i oa eae g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18:2. vty + = Sohn £ ABB ia pw ve we g IBMes «5 ov ta g OR me x g OSs ler a g US. 0 0s wes g ABB. ar vie vo gs Cholesterol Liss oo « x + vs mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. 87 0.015 0.031 0.004 0.068 Theonine «x + «= « » FR 0.055 0.113 0.016 0.249 Isoleucine Lv «vv + 4 aie « gh Xe 0.058 0.119 0.016 0.263 Coueiier ab Soir wove g -.- 0.085 0.175 0.024 0.386 Lysine kitty ow «4 we gi 0.064 0.132 0.018 0.290 Methionine *, «iv . +» = + gov 0.019 0.039 0.005 0.086 CystinelTslnerly o o £5 0.011 0.023 0.003 0.050 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . CR 0.053 0.109 0.015 0.240 Tyrosine . . . . Lo. g 0.046 0.095 0.013 0.209 Valine = £8. wih pe Lats 0.070 0.144 0.020 0.318 Arginine. . . . Lo... g ees 0.071 0.146 0.020 0.322 Histidine. oi «o.oo g . 0.036 0.074 0.010 0.163 Alanine =. Ue FL 4 Nw gle le ls 0.060 0.124 0.017 0.272 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 Sein x 0.253 0.521 0.072 1.148 Glutamicacid, . . . . . . . gv vir 0.170 0.350 0.048 0.771 Glycine . . . . . ..... £ sie 0.053 0.109 0.015 0.240 i EE Ziv st 0.066 0.136 0.019 0.299 Serine . . ........ £ vd 0.068 0.140 0.019 0.308 1 values calculated from strained, buttered green beans. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03095 VEGETABLES Page 207 Beans, green, creamed, junior 4 ; 5 Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common feasures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Aj imate measure and weight : Standard Number of pproxima su gl Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1jar=213 g 1 oz = 28.35 g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. el vi ks ea Bie 90.9 5 193.6 25.8 412.2 heal 7, 32 68 9 144 Food energy’ c=» wv vo x Bi, 133 284 38 604 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . get 1.0 5 2.1 0.3 4.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 200. 0.4 5 0.9 0.1 2.0 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . ZL.» aly 7.2 15.3 2.0 32.7 Bier 0 Tr GT a 4 AT 70 FERRE uy 0.5 0.0 13 1.0 0.1 2.2 MINERALS: GHCIUII «2 + ov vv rhe a mg. . . 32 8 68 9 144 WEBRSS ot Erte Se a nara mg. . . 0.26 5 0.56 0.07 1.19 Magnesium , . . . . . . . mg. . . 7 1 16 2 33 Phosphorus . .. « «oo wg. +; 19 1 39 5 84 POIASSIOM "vi + « 5 + Wilcin: 65 1 139 18 296 SOA + « viv dw wie ew mg. . . 12 1 5 26 3 55 BIER sh agi: sf nte n V mE. oe 0.160 1 0.341 0.045 0.726 COPPBE: +1 "2 wibark 5 & #4 co VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . 2.17 5 5.8 0.8 12.4 Thiamin... 0. i. wk oi mg. . . 0.023 5 0.049 0.007 0.104 RIBOTIRVIN., ov wr ws MZ: ri 0.054 5 0.115 0.015 0.245 NBER i. oleae a 3s Re 0.233 5 0.496 0.066 1.0567 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. ViaminBg «vive ev ow mg. 2 0.012 1 0.026 0.003 0.054 BOlacin i. er oe bw is mcg. . VitaminBya . . . +. + vs meg. . minh. RE 15 1 17 32 4 68 FRE nL w=, 150 9 17 320 43 681 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . 8 BO: , ce wow ere g BI eR x g Bi Eee. vw sn 8g 00: oo ed g T2:00 ein ee g TO a Te adn g 16:0 2 nis a Pre g AB0 5, «sv is + 5s Z Monounsaturated, total g VOT Ful, ea 8g YS A. at Sees 2 20iY. nla 2 QV i ie g Polyunsaturated, total “4 EB IS Tn al a ny 2 IBF vv we wy 8 18:4. oa es 8 20:4, inline g 20:55, EY ee Wa g WB, Ss nn mw, g 226... we as 2 oes Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. & 0.015 0.032 0.004 0.068 Threoingd, >. 7 «ing gh 0.038 0.081 0.011 0.172 Isoleucine . . . . . . . .. Een oi 0.048 0.102 0.014 0.218 Leucine LL LL g oe 0.078 0.166 0.022 0.354 Lysine . ......... get 0.043 0.092 0.012 0.195 Methionine . . . . . . . . g 0.022 0.047 0.006 0.100 Cystine . . . . . . .... 8. al 0.011 0.023 0.003 0.050 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . ZN, 0.045 0.096 0.013 0.204 Tyrosine... . oo... g 0.043 0.092 0.012 0.195 Valine LL... g 0.058 0.124 0.016 0.263 MEINE, 0 2 wie we £ 0.048 0.102 0.014 0.218 Histidine aie: gh alien x be BL Sak 0.023 0.049 0.007 0.104 Alanine . . . . LL... 8 0.043 0.092 0.012 0.195 Aspartic acid Era hE £0 0.097 0.207 0.027 0.440 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . gE... 0.194 0.413 0.055 0.880 Glyelnela. Bais, ons g 0.033 0.070 0.009 0.150 Proline via alial wera a Bs vis 0.098 0.209 0.028 0.445 Serine . . ........ 8... 0.043 0.092 0.012 0.195 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03097 VEGETABLES Page 208 Beets, strained 3 3 i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of i : AMountin100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - rs Standard Numiber of Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 1o0z=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Gi DR Birels 90.1 0.5 16 115.3 25.5 408.6 Syke 34 43 10 152 Foodenergy - « - « : - + - ips 141 180 40 847 : i we 1.3 0.0 10 1.7 0.4 h PX aE) $e 0.1 0.0 10 0:1 0:0 0.3 ae iin Carbohydrate, total . . . . . ghia 7.7 9.8 2.2 34.8 Fiber ae or i 0.8 0.0 9 1.0 0.2 3.6 NS Cn TE 2 0.9 0.0 15 1.1 0.3 4.0 MINERALS: i mg. . 14 1 15 18 4 62 For sg Sug ¥ ett 0.32 0.03 17 0.41 0.09 1.46 Magnesium , . , . , ... mg. . . ie 4 $ 3 $ > ms re 233 52 626 Sodium®, cL % kL a mg. . . 83 4 106 - 24 376 Fines, sos fom nn fh TAS) 0.120 0.030 2 0.154 0.034 0.544 COPE as. Vin mg. . . 0.070 1 0.090 0.020 0.318 ii 2.4 0.2 10 3.1 0.7 11.0 Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . . s . : $ Thang ol Ls a ie — Sa 0.011 0.001 11 0.014 0.003 0.050 Riboflavin. oh. mg. a 0.043 0.003 14 0.055 0.012 0.195 NRE. ol St iid me. lS . 0.132 0.007 10 0.169 0.037 0.599 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . VitaminBg . . . . . ... mg. . . 0.024 7 0.031 0.007 0.109 Polat ae, a ore nts meg . . 30.8 3.6 6 39.4 8.7 139.5 ViaminBya ii + ci o.oo meg . 5 in RE. 3 X 10 4 ¥ 15 Vitamin A . . . . . LL. [22 33 5 10 43 9 151 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g Bil. i 8g 60 ae a g 80. Hee odie de g 10:0. g 120% Nt £ M0. nw soa 8g 16:0. i. vo swe g 180. Lice vie 3 Monounsaturated, total g 36 ate aire we 8g Wie evannis va #0 g 20:0 ws lie g 22 ie a he £ Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 182, a Ce 8 18:3. 550 wu vhs £ 18h by wy g 204.0 LR g 1 A A I £ PNB cw wh ls g 226s 4 4 2 ow vie g uy Cholesterol’ . . . '. ... . . mg. . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . ME. wis AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . ve dos 0.012 0.015 0.003 0.054 Threonine .. .. +. « + . + » PA 0.032 0.041 0.009 0.145 FSOlEUEING: 5 uv «+n x 4 & 15 0.038 0.049 0.011 0.172 Ceuaing rh, ey oe i 0.046 0.059 0.013 0.209 Lysine vol hv we we ER 0.034 0.044 0.010 0.154 Methionine . . . . . . . . Biwi s x 0.010 0.013 0.003 0.045 Cystine v2. «liv % « =i 8 Jaa 0.007 0.009 0.002 0.032 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . Biwi 0.018 0.023 0.005 0.082 Tyrosine". SN. Ls g ovie 0.035 0.045 0.010 0.159 VANE >= ie + 0 «x ie 8 wis 0.045 0.058 0.013 0.204 Arginings. . i. J oo. vo. oa £ als 0.030 0.038 0.009 0.136 Histidined.. oe, ae a a0 givies 0.021 0.027 0.006 0.095 Alanine. 20 Ls a's gah 0.054 0.069 0.015 0.245 Asparticacid.. . . . . x « 8. nw 0.086 0.110 0.024 0.390 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . Biot at 0.292 0.374 0.083 1.325 Glycine: 8500s", Le Zw ee 0.027 0.035 0.008 0.122 Proline: vical vv vi #84 an given 0.027 0.035 0.008 0.122 Serine Coto. hve gis vin 0.043 0.055 0.012 0.195 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03098 VEGETABLES Page 209 Carrots, strained : i i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of . ! Amount in100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units = - Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: ( Mean "we! Sables 1 jar = 128 g 1o0z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water i Shit 92.3 0.2 52 118.1 26.2 418.5 kcal . . 27 34 8 120 Foodenergy = «i= =i» = ole 8... 111 142 31 504 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . Fo 0.8 0.0 28 1.0 0.2 3.6 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . TE, 0.1 0.0 28 0.2 0.0 0.6 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . go tie 6.0 1.7 1.7 27.4 Biber 0 Ra Ew 0.8 0.0 12 1.0 0.2 3.5 BSH. aE en da os ££. 0.8 0.0 26 1.0 0.2 3.5 MINERALS: Caleiume, 7, Le dR oe mg. vs 22 1 29 29 6 102 PONE, Tae fe atv Sis wg 0.37 0.04 34 0.47 0.10 1.66 Magnesium , , . . . . . . mg. 9 1 12 3 42 Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. . . 20 2 2 25 6 89 Potassium"... JL own mg. . . 196 6 13 251 56 891 Sodium. EY a mp 37 18 48 11 169 ZINC. ay Goh Che mg... 0.152 16 0.195 0.043 0.689 COPEL oh ae oe vee Me ol 0.041 16 0.052 0.012 0.186 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . 5.7 0.3 33 7.3 1.6 25.8 filamin. oon ovo oo mg. 3 0.023 0.002 32 0.029 0.007 0.104 Riboflavin, t. . uae mg. .'s 0.040 0.002 28 0.051 0.011 0.181 Niacin s,s . mg. . . 0.463 0.032 30 0.593 0.131 2.100 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . 0.240 0.035 4 0.307 v.068 1.089 VitamiwBg' ". lain. as mg. 0.073 0.003 20 0.093 0.021 0.331 Folagin” 4 an NTL meg . . 14.9 2.8 9 19.1 4.2 67.6 VitaminBya . . . 0, meg... Vitamin A RE. 1,146 34 29 1,467 325 5,199 ir ae et. 11,461 341 29 14,670 3,249 51,987 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . g BHO ale aT ae 8g Gr Ek ea, 8g BE RR £ 10:0. 0800000 a £ A210, “0s othe ie g 14:0... Le £ G00, Se, g NB Fra wis 5 i 8g Monounsaturated, total £ 1 ENE VE g ABH nite RT g WY hale h 8 2227. es rw g Polyunsaturated, total 8 IB he fain oa 8 18: 0 on Wha vd 8 cL I CC g 20:4, Se, g 20:8 che iv Ws Te £ D8 ih Te i 4 waa g 2UB re ve Ee An Cholesterol” . . . . . . .. mg. vl, Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan wiles 8 wie sf 8's 0.011 0.014 0.003 0.050 Threonine $e Tale wim ie 2 ie. 0.022 0.028 0.006 0.100 Isoleucine . . . . . . ... £5. ~ i 0.024 0.031 0.007 0.109 Leucine, . . . ...... gE rats 0.032 0.041 0.009 0.145 Lysine. Sees a & 0.020 0.026 0.006 0.091 Methionine. wb, ew 4 git 0.009 0.012 0.003 0.041 Cystines. ul, 0, «0 oA gi 0.006 0.008 0.002 0.027 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . Spats 0.024 0.031 0.007 0.109 Tyrosine . . . . ..... & re 0.019 0.024 0.005 0.086 Valine Whe ew Selle EF ve 0.030 0.038 0.009 0.136 Arginine aii wie Nw sd 8 ie 0.050 0.064 0.014 0.227 Histidine Fe i a ttl 4 BS wit 0.012 0.015 0.003 0.054 Alanine . . . . ...... RC 0.040 0.051 0.011 0.181 Asparticacid . . . . . . .. RET 0.123 0.157 0.035 0.558 Glutamic acid or eis Hee Ty bre 8 Lge 0.218 0.279 0.062 0.989 Glycine hed fo ple eo x Si elke gl 0.021 0.027 0.006 0.095 Proline wales Se x wage [I 0.020 0.026 0.006 0.091 Serine . . . . ...... 8st ss 0.024 0.031 0.007 0.109 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03099 VEGETABLES Page 210 Carrots, junior : i : Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Nutrients and Units common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased "~ Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 on woe Biles 1jar=213¢ loz =28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water +. 0 aati gh 91.0 0.2 28 193.9 25.8 412.9 kcal. 32 67 9 143 Foodenergy..- > » + + +r kw. 132 281 37 598 Protein (NX6.25) . . . . . te 0.8 0.0 29 1.7 0.2 3.7 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . gh, 0.2 0.0 28 0.4 0.0 0.8 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . ge 7.2 15.4 2.1 32.9 Fiber. . av. oul hn A 0.8 0.0 12 1.7 0.2 3.6 ASR at, dah ole EH 0.7 0.0 28 1.6 0.2 3.4 MINERALS: CCIM. «5. od ier vial « mg. . 0. 23 1 24 49 7 104 BONE. Pelosi Lo we we mE, i 0.39 0.05 24 0.82 0.11 1.76 Magnesium * | mg. . . 11 23 3 48 Phosphorus. . . . . . .. Mg. a. 20 ] 2 43 6 91 Potassium." Sas eg, me. i. 202 7 13 429 57 915 SOU Sie ia a ev 8 mg 49 18 104 14 222 Zinetly oa +. mg 0.176 0.375 0.050 0.798 Copper. on «0. 000, mg 0.047 0.100 0.013 0.213 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg... 5.5 0.3 24 11.8 1.6 25.1 TIHamin. 5. Ta mg. a 0.024 0.002 23 0.051 0.007 0.109 Riboflavin oi. ov a0, mE. 0.041 0.002 23 0.087 0.012 0.186 Nici En. "onl, JE Lh mg. . . 0.497 0.032 22 1.059 0.141 2.254 Pantothenic acid.*. . . . . . mEae. 0.278 0.592 0.079 1.261 Vitamin Bg. . 5 Love i. mgr. 0.080 0.004 11 0.170 0.023 0.363 BolaginY, 50. LLL, meg. . 17.3 36.8 4.9 78.4 ViaminBya'Lo. LL LL. meg . VIEIRA + se RE. . . 1,181 45 24 2,516 335 5,357 Ro ays, 11,810 448 24 25,156 3,348 53,571 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 BOT rot ol Ne £ 6:0 eh. es g SO hs g 00. cv «ota Tdi a £ 12:0. ET is 8g 14:10. 5 NGL. g 16:0. . LR. g I8:0.. he g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 18: ee on Slain g 18%. «a AS g 20: ne We g BBY ty 8 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 18:2. 05.07 aS g 1B: ie i g R48 8 2014 sulial, sl 4 aR g 20:85. «wn £ RaSh el g 206 cx’ 1x pe rn cov 2. Cholesterol .. ..".. + : + mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . .. mg... . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. £5 wn 0.011 0.023 0.003 0.050 Threonine shall «fa isl vs goin xe 0.023 0.049 0.007 0.104 Isoleucine . . . . . .. .. & 0.024 0.051 0.007 0.109 Leucine, 00 vie 8 ing von 0.033 0.070 0.009 0.150 Lysine Sb SRE, oh va gah, 0.021 0.045 0.006 0.095 Methionine . . . . . . . . gg. .. 0.009 0.019 0.003 0.041 Cystine, Tv val hv a ££... 0.006 0.013 0.002 0.027 Phenylalanine, ". . . . . g& 0.025 0.053 0.007 0.113 Tyrosine . . . . .. ... JIE 0.020 0.043 0.006 0.091 Valine wr wl lu eile dai g Loin 0.031 0.066 0.009 0.141 Arginine. . . . . ..... 8 ti wy 0.052 0.111 0.015 0.236 Histidine. ". vl Lav. gin i's 0.013 0.028 0.004 0.059 Alanine . . . ....... & ... 0.041 0.087 0.012 0.186 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . Givi te 0.127 0.271 0.036 0.576 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . gw oe 0.225 0.479 0.064 1.021 Glycine ... . . ...... & cee 0.022 0.047 0.006 0.100 Proline’. . .... +... & livin 0.021 0.045 0.006 0.095 Serine . ......... g + 0.024 0.051 0.007 0.109 ! Values calculated from strained carrots. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03100 VEGETABLES Page 211 Carrots, buttered, strained i i i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of : Amountin 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Sornderd Nee oF Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 10z=28.3¢g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Ra, Fi 90.6 0.4 16 116.0 25.7 411.0 kcal 36 46 10 162 Food-energy: 2». -_ «lint, Ryo. 150 192 42 679 Protein (N X 6:25), Jos . El 0.8 0.0 13 1.1 0.2 3.8 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Tin 0.6 0.1 13 0.8 0.2 2.8 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Er al 7.4 9.4 z.1 33.4 | I ENE IEE Tk AS Rg aie 3 g wi 0.6 0.0 13 0.7 0.2 2.5 MINERALS: Caloiumy.ef in J, vs mg. ... 35 3 13 45 10 161 ole SEMI SI mg. 0.28 0.02 13 0.36 0.08 1.26 Magnesium >, 0, Wah, mg. . . Phosphoras =..%. . + . ss mg... 2 Potassium. “aie... « vv mg. 228 11 13 292 65 1,035 SOI «Le es alt mg... 18 1 13 24 5 84 re 5 2 a al es WLS Coppers hs «4 sianie. wv mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbic acid... . x ue mg. . . 9.1 0.8 13 11.7 2.6 41.5 Thiamin. 07. aves mg. . . 0.015 0.001 13 0.019 0.004 0.068 Riboflavin . . . . . . . .. MY, 0.055 0.003 13 0.070 0.016 0.249 on I I UL mg. . . 0.596 0.086 13 0.763 0.169 2.703 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg VitaminBg:. .. . . oul. mg... Folaeing.c wlio « vite win meg . . 9.4 3.5 3 12.0 2.7 42.5 VitaminByav'. . . . + meg . salst RE. . . 1,083 55 13 1,386 307 4,911 ails hie fg Ay W. 5x10 ,828 550 13 13,860 3,070 49,115 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8g AQ ay ei g OU, ny ante a £g B10: wit sais ow g 1000. ie ile +s g Y2O 5. ah vs a 8 PDL or nw d 2 16:00... ch iy ater 8 1810. . ofl Shia g Monounsaturated, total. . . g X61 5, wiv ids + 4 Bil a te g 0h vols a aes g 2 ee ey 8 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IB rs Flee Tein £ 13:3. 00 Se is g Bd, g Ai oe aes £ MSHS ni la wn 8g 25. vn. GS g 206. FL al a Zod Cholesterol..." . ... v.. . » mg... Phytosterols » . . ."... . ME. x AMINO ACIDS: Teyptophan . . . . . . . . a 0.012 0.015 0.003 0.054 Threonine . . . . . .. .. 8 oy 0.024 0.031 0.007 0.109 Isoleucine . . ... ... .. gat 0.025 0.032 0.007 0.113 euciner., 4 su fit atin gh 0.034 0.044 0.010 0.154 Lysine: ln ik. 5 ad eon Zito 0.021 0.027 0.006 0.095 Methionine", , . . 4... . gv 0.009 0.012 0.003 0.041 Cysting¥. aol, Laie. 5 £5 0.006 0.008 0.002 0.027 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . & » «. 0.026 0.033 0.007 0.118 Tyrosine is... FH vr ai 0.020 0.026 0.006 0.091 Valine, -. + 0 sieeve $l 0.032 0.041 0.009 0.145 Agi Ln «ai Ere 15% 0.053 0.068 0.015 0.240 Histidine, ". . .. , . « « . g lies 0.013 0.017 0.004 0.059 Alanine. . .. LE ws go 0.043 0.055 0.012 0.195 Asparticacid. +... . . . 4. ge. 0.131 0.168 0.037 0.594 Glutamic acid. . . . . . . . gv In 0.232 0.297 0.066 1.052 Glycine=. . 5, . +e v4 gn aN 0.023 0.029 0.007 0.104 Prolinetic + ~udeis + w 15s gn 0.021 0.027 0.006 0.095 Serine: 5.5. Co kee Jie gh 0.025 0.032 0.007 0.113 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03101 VEGETABLES Page 212 Carrots, buttered, junior Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion ONION Ihersures of fond Nutrients and units Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: Mean error samples 1 jar =213g 1o0z=28.3¢g A B Cc E F G PROXIMATE: Water. LR a 2 91.4 0.6 13 194.6 25.9 414.4 kcal 33 70 9 148 Foodenergy « «+ +s + + * i. 137 291 39 620 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . Zi 0.8 0.0 13 1.7 0.2 3.7 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.6 0.1 13 1.2 0.2 2.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 2 6.7 14.3 1.9 30.4 Fiber). Sve ie Ye g + Ash pir, AN, 8 0.6 0.0 13 1.2 0.2 2.6 MINERALS: Calcium, 9." 0 ope ova mg. 35 2 13 76 10 161 Iron’ Sek Tl, en mg. 0.31 0.03 13 0.66 0.09 1.40 Magnesium , . . Lo» mg. Phosphorus . . . . . . . . mg. Potassium”. ls i Tn mg. 145 8 13 310 41 659 Sodiuny dat Ls ES. mg. 16 1 13 34 5 73 ZINC S255 ale 4) vie a ae mg. Copper" . . a. mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid.”. . . .'.. . mg. 7.6 0.6 13 16.2 2.2 34.6 Thiamin.» "0, al Ln mg. 0.019 0.001 13 0.040 0.005 0.086 RIbOTIAVIAS 2 © vie els mg. 0.056 0.003 13 0.119 0.016 0.254 NGI ST Se mg. 0.516 0.038 13 1.099 0.146 2.341 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. ViaminBelnt. "CL. oo. . mg. Folacint. 2. .X, | ois mcg 8.6 18.4 2.4 39.2 ViaminBya. .. Lat mcg hn ee. Sy RE. 984 53 13 2,096 279 4,463 1. 9,840 528 13 20,960 2,790 44,635 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . gv 410. 7 Teta Zi G0 ee het Na ge Lia 8105.5. 2 oa as g W:0.. of g TR, g WO g 1:0. et ae 8 IB ev arate oF acon 8g Monounsaturated, total g 16:1 ae Wo 8 Pit hy, Ae g anal LL g Wt le eis ae £ Polyunsaturated, total and UBL. es We 8g BER it ele te a iS 8g 18. Sn g 0:4 LE JE Oh in g 20:5. ou. Ln 4 22:8. Gee a 8 vii ARR Ee 8 Cholesterol =’, 2.0, 5. oo. mg Phytosterols. . ... . 4 .. mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . 8 0.011 0.023 0.003 0.050 Threonine . . . . . . . . . g 0.023 0.049 0.007 0.104 Isoleucine . . . . . . ... g 0.024 0.051 0.007 0.109 Leucine: ahs Rata et oo NT g 0.033 0.070 0.009 0.150 Lysine . . ........ 8 0.021 0.045 0.006 0.095 Methionine . . . . .... g 0.009 0.019 0.003 0.041 Cystine . . . ....... 8 0.006 0.013 0.002 0.027 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . gz 0.025 0.053 0.007 0.113 Tyrosine . . Lo... g 0.020 0.043 0.006 0.091 Valine LL g 0.031 0.066 0.009 0.141 Arginine... LLL. 8 0.052 0.111 0.015 0.236 Histidine. Ta% 4a wets £ 0.013 0.028 0.004 0.059 Alanine . . LLL 8 0.041 0.087 0.012 0.186 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . & 0.127 0.271 0.036 0.576 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . 8 0.225 0.479 0.064 1.021 Clycing Zs stot ofienls alte 8 0.022 0.047 0.006 0.100 Proline . . ._. . . .... 8 0.021 0.045 0.006 0.095 Serine Lo. LL § 0.024 0.051 0.007 0.109 ! Values calculated from strained, buttered carrots. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03102 Page 213 VEGETABLES Corn, creamed, strained i x 3 Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of , . Aout in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and unite z Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse:0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 1o0z=28.35g A B Cc D £ F G PROXIMATE: WHIBE Ji. « 3m oe gus 83.6 0.8 26 107.0 23.7 379.1 kcal . . 57 73 16 258 Foodenergy + «= ©» 4 fina Zs. 238 305 68 1,081 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . CH 1.4 17 1.8 0.4 6.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Lise. 0.4 17 0.5 0.1 1.6 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 2. i 14.1 18.1 4.0 64.2 FIberT oid 2 ie ite NA 0.3 1 0.4 0.1 1.5 ASHE rallies hile 5% 0.5 0.0 22 0.6 0.1 2.2 MINERALS: Calelum v5: iT a wo me. + 20 13 25 6 89 HOR te iE aga we he MY ie 0.28 14 0.36 0.08 1.27 Magnesium, , . wi... mg. . . 8 1 11 2 38 PhOSPhOrUS a). % hv vv mg... 33 1 43 9 151 nl A I mg. . . 90 14 115 26 409 Sodium:'s mi a sf ails WE: 43 21 55 12 196 Zin Lie ew die mg... 0.190 1 0.243 0.054 0.862 CODPBE v + i wie oie mgs. . 0.034 1 0.044 0.010 0.154 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . wg. 2.1 13 2.7 0.6 9.5 Thiamin «oo SC a mg. . . 0.013 13 0.017 0.004 0.059 Riboflavin, '« « «. uh mg. lh, 0.047 13 0.060 0.013 0.213 INIEEIR RT) am a Ca mg... . 0.512 13 0.655 0.145 2.322 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg, 0.290 0.010 4 0.371 0.082 1.315 VitaminBg . «iv veiw mg. 0.041 1 0.052 0.012 0.186 Boat" ii: vo + ayia ow meg . . 11.3 0.7 9 14.4 3.2 51.1 ViaminBya . . . . «uv, meg. . 0.017 1 0.022 0.005 0.077 VIIA oH RE. . . 7 10 10 2 34 BW 30 75 10 96 21 340 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . ghey 0 Le eal g G0, a Tena we g Ct nS I hr ERT g 100.0 eo «ie 8 P2000 vies eee g M80 i idea a g 16:00. . ina. £ B10 of aca ae a g Monounsaturated, total £ X36.) 0 ia ees 8g WB «ine nia £ RO dee g PUN, i Lire bi g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g BBE, in ar eR £ IB ee asia ea g 18:4 ..% sce viv Sue Fd 20:4. oy ates vow a £ 208%, . Lou 4 ie 8g i LT I vi BAG: Hie ww WE gaz Cholesterol * . , . . . . .. mg. . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg... AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. go. 0.015 0.019 0.004 0.068 Threonine . . . . . . . .. gs. 0.052 0.067 0.015 0.236 Isoleucine . . . . ..... gi 0.065 0.083 0.018 0.295 Leucine: vw Te 8 Le 0.140 0.179 0.040 0.635 Lysine. . . . ... «00 8 hie 0.081 0.104 0.023 0.367 Methionine. . . . . . .. Ty aly 0.040 0.051 0.011 0.181 Cystine . . . . ...... 8 erp 0.018 0.023 0.005 0.082 Phenylalanine $e ete 3:8 0.049 0.063 0.014 0.222 Tyrosine ot pr WEE 0 fin A 0.067 0.086 0.019 0.304 Valine *. . ........ £ in sir 0.077 0.099 0.022 0.349 Arginine ikesnr: wa TA hitpoints 0.060 0.077 0.017 0.272 Histidine ik ER ote = 5 0.046 0.059 0.013 0.209 Alanine hpi x 2s wily Biers) 0.070 0.090 0.020 0.318 Aspartic acid Br in ae ie 2 ie i» 0.099 0.127 0.028 0.449 Glutamic acid PEE H 208 Wahl 8 En 0.275 0.352 0.078 1.247 Glycine HES gy, Le we er & ate 0.036 0.046 0.010 0.163 Proline tor ames Aone Ema 0.161 0.206 0.046 0.730 Serine“. le wie soning Z = 0.062 0.079 0.018 0.281 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03119 VEGETABLES Page 214 Corn, creamed, junior : i i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of 3 i Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units . : " Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: ” dd Rhea 1jar=213g 1o0z=128.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, ona rw 4 81.4 17 173.5 23.1 369.4 keal . . 65 138 18 293 Foodenergy = + + + + + « - kre, 27¢C 576 71 1,227 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . gk 1.4 17 3.1 0.4 6.5 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Bak 0.4 17 0.8 0.1 1.6 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gy 16.3 34.7 4.6 73.9 Fiber'.", .0. win ga 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.5 RE Tae ai 2. 0.5 0.0 22 1.0 0.1 2.2 MINERALS: Callum. «cashless aa mg 18 8 39 5 84 ron. 550 i TR ve mg. . . 0.27 8 0.58 0.08 1.24 Magnesium J, SRL LL RN 8 1 17 2 37 Phosphorus . . +. . . . . . mg. . . 33 1 71 9 150 Potassium ty UA LL a "eg. 81 14 172 23 367 Sodigm'LE, “iat ER mg. .. 52 19 111 15 237 Zinc, 0h Ce. mg), 0.230 1 0.490 0.065 1.043 Copper i hi ea mg. . . 0.038 0.081 0.011 0.172 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . 2.2 9 4.7 U.6 10.0 Thiamine bil, ee wo + via ma... 0.013 9 0.028 0.004 0.059 Riboflavit > av al vials mg 0.048 8 0.102 0.014 0.218 NJRCIN Saari, Te mg oi 0.504 8 1.074 0.143 2.286 Pantothenic acid} . . . . . . wy. os 0.327 0.697 0.093 1.483 VitaminBg «2. ou mg. 0.041 1 0.087 0.012 0.186 Faimainta te 0 Jaa meg . . 12.7 27.1 3.6 57.8 VitaminBya . . . . . ... meg. 0.023 1 0.049 0.007 0.104 a RE 8 5 16 2 35 VitaminA . . ... «+... ww 77 5 165 22 350 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . 8 B10 J NE ge 8 60. Cr - eel g 8:0..% vos 5a wae g 10:0. 80000, «hall g B20. ile ow vow £ 4:0. ou 0 wl g 16:0. oe J g B80 0. = ale avi a g Monounsaturated, total £ WO:1E os ene 2 Wile os vt, on 4 200). ona nae ew 8 NW ne a £ Polyunsaturated, total . . . g Wide Seb ere en 2 7 at TP EN g VBA, 7 ws hw F4 20S a a F4 20:5, «ae £ 22:8. 0k ei a Fd 22:6. oh. ins As gt, Cholesterol. 5%." ... . &% mg... . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan. . . . .. .. Lc ois 0.015 0.032 0.004 0.068 Threeites. pte x + +a £7 0.052 0.111 0.015 0.236 SOISUCING opivfss = = =i. + + E wei 0.065 0.138 0.018 0.295 Leucine: Rb, ol 8 iis 0.141 0.300 0.040 0.640 Lysine 8g sgv sv 2a 4 Eyes 0.082 0.175 0.023 0.372 Methionine . . . . . . .. go. 0.040 0.085 0.011 0.181 Cystine svi « ov ov & Drgiye 0.018 0.038 0.005 0.082 Prenyialzning vs, 7 . » $ oltre 0.049 0.104 0.014 0.222 Tyrosine Je u''s viv vv vi Ean 0.068 0.145 0.019 0.308 Valine iasele iSle Coch Lan" 0.078 0.166 0.022 0.354 Arginine ytioh - T-Shi 3a 0.060 0.128 0.017 0.272 Histidine. ibe «x rvs Bowie 0.046 0.098 0.013 0.209 AINE L | 1 being as 2s i 0.071 0.151 0.020 0.322 Asdantiegtidt 2 nes repos 0.099 0.211 0.028 0.449 A a £ oa 0.276 0.588 0.078 1.252 YORE oan ming» [ge dis fray 0.036 0.077 0.010 0.163 Proline iv a's + he ols ERLE 0.161 0.343 0.046 0.730 Boring! hls on pee Eine 0.062 0.132 0.018 0.281 ! Values calculated from strained, creamed corn. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03120 VEGETABLES Page 215 Garden vegetables, strained ¥ + Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of i ; AMO: in 100\rams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units v u Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 1o0z=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, CE. is Rh 90.0 0.1 19 115.2 25.5 408.2 kcal . . 37 48 11 170 Foodionergy + s= = is, + +! ole sn 157 201 44 712 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . g 2.3 0.0 17 2.9 0.7 10.5 Totablipid far). "cp. 5. BF 0.2 0.0 17 0.3 0.1 0.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . , 6.8 8.7 1.9 30.9 FIDL cor ole Se «sins 4 hE 0.9 0.1 6 1.2 0.3 4.2 ASHER 5 x oh a gh 0.7 0.0 13 0.9 0.2 3.0 MINERALS: Calcium. epngn. « H0u 0, mg. 28 3 17 36 8 127 bron Soh eee St al mg. . . 0.83 0.03 18 1.06 0.24 3.77 Magnesium, . , . . . . . mg. . . 21 6 2 27 6 97 Phosphorus... 8.05.» LT. me. 28 1 35 8 126 Potassium. .%."% kJ. 172 367 49 782 Protein (NX6.25) . . . . . g 1.4 0.0 7 3.1 0.4 6.6 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 8 0.4 0.0 6 0.8 0.1 1.8 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . g 8.2 17.4 2.3 37.0 gg SN ER go 0.5 0.0 7 141 0.1 2.3 Co UR, ORE EE g 0.6 0.0 6 1.3 0.2 2.9 MINERALS: Calcium. €.. 0," 2.500 mg. 11 7 24 3 51 Irom tel nt 0, 8 Shah mg. 0.41 0.03 8 0.87 0.12 1.85 Magnesium , . . . . . . . mg. 11 1 23 3 49 Phosphorus . . . . . . .. mg. 25 1 53 7 113 Potassium ss oh on es mg. 170 1 362 48 771 SOGIUIE, teh Tol, RE mg. 36 10 3 77 10 165 Zine ite VL mg. 0.270 1 0.575 0.077 1.225 Copperti¥i: . 0. vs vine mg. 0.041 0.087 0.012 0.186 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 2.5 0.2 12 5.3 0.7 11.3 Thiamin. . . . . ..... mg. 0.029 0.002 9 0.062 0.008 0.132 Riboflavin . . . . . . ... mg. 0.032 0.004 8 0.068 0.009 0.145 Nigein oi... LL. mg. 0.665 0.025 11 1.416 0.189 3.016 Pantothenic acid’ . . . . . . mg. 0.259 0.552 0.073 1.175 VitaminBg" 2. . .. . . mg. 0.081 0.013 7 0.173 0.023 0.367 Folacinl, “5.5% nv . La meg 4.1 8.7 1.2 18.4 VitaminBya .. Jv cowie mcg oe RE. 420 33 6 894 119 1,903 Vitamin A... . LL... w. 4,195 334 6 8,935 1,189 19,029 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . a AQ FL YL Ne a g . 6108, ue Lt 2% 8:0. . he A ek 10:0. 5. Sa, g . ¥30. era gin M00 Le es, 35 36:00 viol vO ie gia 18:0... ih nh gn Monounsaturated, total. . . g . V6: 0.0, a, in g- MWY eles oe Zi 20iY. i ae Le £" Lh a >. Polyunsaturated, total . . . g . j 1 a gis 18:3. bk. wai diN, gi 18:4. 5... .. . 5s Z- A004 BS ai a ATA g 20:5, Lil. ea 8 + US a ae ee 2, By ut Zz. . Cholesterol . '. ... .. . » mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. 8 0.015 0.032 0.004 0.068 Threonine fi 1 We g 0.045 0.096 0.013 0.204 Isoleucine . . . . LL. & 0.056 0.119 0.016 0.254 Leucine 8. «7... Ah Vis 8 0.091 0.194 0.026 0.413 Lysine . . ........ g 0.047 0.100 0.013 0.213 Methionine . . . . . . .. 8 0.021 0.045 0.006 0.095 Cystine . . . ....... g 0.028 0.060 0.008 0.127 Phenylalanine Ae te i g 0.055 0.117 0.016 0.249 Tyrosine . . . ...... 8 0.052 0.111 0.015 0.236 Valine "hs oe x vs wie 8 0.069 0.147 0.020 0.313 Arginine... . . saat 8 0.093 0.198 0.026 0.422 Histidine. . .... .. 0. 8 0.031 0.066 0.009 0.141 Alaninel, ooh se viene 8 0.062 0.132 0.018 0.281 Asparticacid ... .. . , .. . 8 0.165 0.351 0.047 0.748 Glutamic acid lie + 2 colimre 8 0.369 0.786 0.105 1.674 Glycine . . . . ...... £ 0.054 0.115 0.015 0.245 Proline Tv vie aR ile g 0.110 0.234 0.031 0.499 Serine . ......... & 0.054 0.115 0.015 0.245 ! Values calculated from strained mixed vegetables. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03282 VEGETABLES Page 218 Peas, strained : i : Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutri ; Amount W100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased utrients and units - - Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples . 1 jar =128 ¢g 10z=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water. = botnets od) pe 87.5 0.1 56 112.0 24.8 396.9 Rel, bh 40 52 11 183 Food energy t+ c+ + ies + xs RY ts 169 216 48 767 Protein (NX 6,25). . . . . BL 3.5 0.0 45 4.5 1.0 15.8 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Lita 0.3 0.0 41 0.4 0.1 1.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gL 8.1 10.4 2.3 36.9 Fiber, L8. only SER, Si 1.2 0.0 30 1.5 0.3 5.4 ASHE dill a, la 0.5 0.0 41 0.7 0.2 2.4 MINERALS: Calemine®, WBE . CT RN 20 1 50 26 6 91 LO RE NO mg. . . 0.96 0.03 45 1.23 0.27 4.36 Magnesium , , . . . . mg... 15 0 2 19 4 67 Phosphorus +. 365... mg. . . 43 1 55 12 195 Potassium? FLT Ln LAL mes, 112 14 144 32 509 SOT ix . Aina A mg... 4 1 13 5 1 19 Zine ® LE or ee mg. tb. 0.349 0.025 8 0.447 0.099 1.583 Copper 8 1. Fa ah mg. le 0.064 7 0.082 0.018 0.290 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid <5... . La mg. . . 6.9 0.3 50 8.8 1.9 31.1 Thiamin. oo , Lat oy mg... 0.081 0.002 44 0.104 0.023 0.367 Riboflavin! x. Ue oo 88 4 mg. . . 0.061 0.001 40 0.078 0.017 0.277 INIRCI SE eo ew we mg. . . 1.018 0.048 44 1.303 0.289 4.618 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. .N. 0.280 0.025 4 0.358 0.079 1.270 VitaminBg.. . 5... .. oboe mg. . . 0.069 0.003 30 0.088 0.020 0.313 Folacin . Log", La meg . . 25.9 0.3 6 33.2 7.4 117.6 ViaminBya .". Lo meg .t. ond RE. 56 2 43 72 16 256 Vasmin pe oi es Ww... 565 21 43 723 160 2,561 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . 8 B00 ee eA g B00. i g Si0eha ty, aN g HOO, 5. iL g 2:0. . 0. Fat, £ WO a dA, g 16:0 S.7... Lomi. 8 LL AR Rl £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g BS ads vhs yy £ | RSE EP) SO g 2077 Nl BL Je £ Bl ir aid Ta g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 1812 ar i 8 IR a g 18:4% i. . MA g 20:4. 00. ONL, 8g 20:8 LT ah Ce i, £ A Te a wn g 9006. rN i Zh Cholesterol .*. = 8%, , mg. ... Phytosterols ... . . . . .'. . mg na AMINO ACIDS: Tovpophani Jy 4. wai gE... 0.034 0.044 0.010 0.154 Threonine’. .(. . +. + + » 2. hak 0.136 0.174 0.039 0.617 Isoleucine PT LR Lg own 0.151 0.193 0.043 0.685 Leucine, SERA I CR Bix a 0.235 0.301 0.067 1.066 Lysine: o3ebia ts 2 aim oi nls £ oats 0.234 0.300 0.066 1.061 Methionine fier ~- 2 « 2 i 0.040 0.051 0.011 0.181 Cystine; (isqotiets oc so» £0 vd 0.026 0.033 0.007 0.118 Phenylalanine 5" 5". o il 0.143 0.183 0.041 0.649 i Bie jolts 0.119 0.152 0.034 0.540 Yalta. inten.» enna £1 2s 0.169 0.216 0.048 0.767 5 RE Ere 0.389 0.498 0.110 1.765 ie 2 0.075 0.096 0.021 0.340 ne lc ar Bh wig 0.185 0.237 0.052 0.839 RTE x ig Hind 0.311 0.398 0.088 1.411 SUBIGBER: 15. hs ob Rpg 0.507 0.649 0.144 2.300 gaan 2 yi e = + 3 BF 0.133 0.170 0.038 0.603 one gl ie oe, git 0.165 0.211 0.047 0.748 iid SEE Dall § sg 0.132 0.169 0.037 0.599 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03121 VEGETABLES Page 219 Peas, buttered, strained i x i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of 4 . Amountin00: grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units $ Nomberof Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g 1oz=28.35¢g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water Js, 0 we 2 84.2 0.3 16 107.8 23.9 381.9 keal . . 56 72 16 255 Food energy « » =e vise Alan 235 301 67 1,067 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . Gon 3.7 0.1 13 4.7 1.0 16.6 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 5 1.1 0.0 13 1.4 0.3 5.1 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 2 oii 10.6 13.6 3.0 48.2 Fiber... Coie tun do eid ain Ashi LR, Le. Bas 0.4 0.0 13 0.5 0.1 1.8 MINERALS: CEM. Jo viin sv 4% + = mg... 39 2 13 49 11 175 WOR recs. «20s wake 6 ng... 1.10 0.06 13 1.41 0.31 4.98 Magnesium... ule. meg. . . Phosphorus: . "oon vo + + » mg. . . Potassium. . itu. oa w mg. . . 97 3 13 124 27 438 Sodiumf. L500. wo. as mg. . . 8 0 13 10 2 37 Zine hee ae a mgs. Copper, 5%, oo fei mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg... 12.0 0.4 13 15.3 3.4 54.3 TWamin. 0 and 50 oi mg. . . 0.075 0.003 13 0.096 0.021 0.340 Riboflavin . . . . ..... mg. .. 0.070 0.001 13 0.090 0.020 0.318 Nagin =a 7. Lm a 5 mg. . . 1.368 0.061 13 1.751 0.388 6.205 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg... VIaminBg «vv «+ sie mg. . . Folacits "als vv woe ws meg . . 34.7 4.5 3 44.4 9.8 157.2 ViaminByg . ... .. . .. meg. ah RE. . . 33 2 13 42 9 150 Vitamin A... oo... wo 330 22 13 422 94 1,497 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . gs 0, in Se a £ 60: i oR hel g Bs 0 Serine a g 100 EY Le, g 12:0. J. Les g 14:0, . 0 . lili.» g 16:05: 2" won’ his 8 VB:0. vii 20nin oR 8 Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16:10 0 +o Hoare Wi, g MBV ie sve ns 8 20:0 as. vi ted £ Nir dae g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g I8:2.5% ov Rent 8g 8:3. 0 ea g 184... ee 8 20:4. ei 08 ane on g bo ERCHISSREL CL 2 028 «nich er a g 22:6. . i nae g's Cholesterol... . . +. « "mg. . Phytosterols . . .. . . . . mg... . AMINO ACIDS: Tryprophanc. . . x sie lv» g£ 0.036 0.046 0.010 0.163 Threonine . . , . . .... Ev vos 0.143 0.183 0.041 0.649 i i tk 8 he 0.159 0.204 0.045 0.721 Leucine, .. . . +. 00 «4 W £ tie 0.247 0.316 0.070 1.120 Lysine . ......... £7 gus 0.246 0.315 0.070 1.116 Methionine . . . . . ... £ ui 0.042 0.054 0.012 0.191 Cystine , . ........ Elo! vi 0.028 0.036 0.008 0.127 Phenylalanine “. . . ... . . gy 0.150 0.192 0.043 0.680 Tylosine Ue "yaa vis I a 0.125 0.160 0.035 0.567 Vans «i iv ee ie gy 0.178 0.228 0.050 0.807 Arginine. . . . LL... g 0.410 0.525 0.116 1.860 Histidine; oe 70 « ies $i 0.079 0.101 0.022 0.358 AIBHIR i; Loo nen vs A 0.195 0.250 0.055 0.885 Asparpicacid fia sie + vn 8 wo 0.328 0.420 0.093 1.488 Slusmicseidi.’s »'s +x 2 £0 0.534 0.684 0.151 2.422 Clycineits ulin wise ale 2% nit 0.140 0.179 0.040 0.635 Proling 0. e's 4 ay £7 eye 0.174 0.223 0.049 0.789 Seritigh r,t fe a ge 0.139 0.178 0.039 0.631 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03123 VEGETABLES Peas, buttered, junior Page 220 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean Standard Number of enor Biples 1 jar = 206 g 10z=28.35g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Waters, To" LPL a a 83.5 0.4 13 172.0 23.7 378.8 kcal 60 123 17 271 Food energy + + + + + + - = “. 250 515 71 1,133 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . 2 3.5 0.0 13 7.3 1.0 16.0 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 1.3 0.1 13 2.6 0.4 5.8 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 11.3 23.3 3.2 51.4 Fibers. ‘ot 0d, one's 2. ASH ie vale a ak g 0.4 0.0 13 0.8 0.1 1.7 MINERALS: Calcif En. mg. 45 13 93 13 204 ronal iis, Machin, BE mg. 1.04 0.03 13 2.14 0.29 4.71 Magnesiumpst, l, , © Lan, mg. Phosphorus .*%. . . « .0. mg. PORSHUME., tv ab vile. 43 mg. 117 1 13 240 33 528 TT SR Ter) mg. 5 0 13 11 2 25 ZC E.R i a mg. Copper i. Site + ls mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. , . . . 4.0 mg. 12.7 0.5 13 26.2 3.6 57.8 Thiamine: onc. nis mg. 0.073 0.003 13 0.150 0.021 0.331 Riboflavin, oie fe » v5 « mg. 0.078 0.002 13 0.161 0.022 0.354 Niacin aE mg. 1.377 0.055 13 2.837 0.390 6.246 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. Vitamin Bg oLe. “dL dh ee mg. To BE lt rE meg 36.2 74.5 10.3 164.0 Vitamin By. i. LL mcg wit RE. 41 4 13 84 12 186 VIR A i tame w. 410 43 13 845 116 1,860 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . g Be Pre ia we £ BHO Me a a ae we £ BO be aes Jel vine g RO iis oh gate 8 TO ve el g Ome, oie g VB:00 Ct a ve ee 4 1810 IL 50 ie a £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g ABV a a 8 18. ae Bl ai g 20:0 one SM ee £ Ahi vl ee g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g 182 WU, a. g IBD, Seis! la a g IB. Loh ae £ 20: ee a £ 20:5. SS LNT £ BB ra a Re £ 22:6. ‘ers is blend Zz Cholesterol. . . . . . . .. mg. Phytosterols™. ,\.. V'. . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan vole ust alle & 0.034 0.070 0.010 0.154 Threonine ri ERIN 8 0.138 0.284 0.039 0.626 Isoleucine + x WB ie g 0.153 0.315 0.043 0.694 Leucine: yi ire Cl a oh wR iy £ 0.238 0.490 0.067 1.080 Lysine . ......... 8 0.237 0.488 0.067 1.075 Methionine . . . . . . .. 8g 0.041 0.084 0.012 0.186 Cystine . . . . ...... 3 0.027 0.056 0.008 0.122 Phenylalanine We oie ol a g 0.145 0.299 0.041 0.658 Tyrosine RET CC 8 0.12% 0.249 0.034 0.549 Valine Eh ERS lg 8 0.171 0.352 0.048 0.776 Arginine... . LL. LL g 0.395 0.814 0.112 1.792 Histidine PTS mg «pet £ 0.076 0.157 0.022 0.345 Alanine EC RT g 0.188 0.387 0.053 0.853 Aspartic acid ST ry a 8 0.316 0.651 0.090 1.433 Glutamic acid s Te Ww wtih g 0.515 1.061 0.146 2.336 Glycine SEL ww abel Seale 8 0.135 0.278 0.038 0.612 Proline ip at wih ben 4 8 0.168 0.346 0.048 0.762 Serine . . . . ...... 8 0.134 0.276 0.038 0.608 ! Values calculated from strained, buttered peas. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03124 VEGETABLES puget Peas, creamed, strained 5 x a Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of a k Affiount in. 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units . - Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 128 g loz=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water! ELUCRCS Lg TRIE 86.5 1.0 7 110.7 24.5 392.3 kcal . . 53 68 15 241 Food energy. iehix +e +a > ky 222 284 63 1,007 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . 0 2.2 0.2 4 2.8 0.6 9.9 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . a, 1.9 0.1 4 2.4 0.5 8.6 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gx 8.9 11.4 2.5 40.5 FIORE oo a ite Ee 0.4 1 0.5 0.1 1.8 Asti Salil,” TL ae gs 0.5 0.1 4 0.7 0.1 2.3 MINERALS: Calcium. Yh. Be mg. . . 13 3 2 16 4 57 rome, ER mg. . . 0.56 0.01 4 0.72 0.16 2.56 Magnesium £..., o.oo. mg, . 5% Phosphorus. ©, .¢, , ZL... mg... 31 1 40 9 141 Potassium. i... LE mg. 88 1 113 25 399 SOB" . ot “nin oiiat 4 mg. . . 14 1 18 4 64 ZIRERERV =, 40 wl die et gL: 0.387 0.012 8 0.495 0.110 1.755 Copper Loi. 7 Uns vs mg. . . 0.051 0.002 9 0.065 0.014 0.231 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. . . 1.6 0.3 4 2.1 0.5 7.3 Thiamine. ah i, a mala ie Mae ie 0.088 0.004 4 0.113 0.025 0.399 Riboflavin... ... Ress MG 0.056 0.003 4 0.072 0.016 0.254 Niacin omeh. Ss ane my. 0.812 0.040 4 1.039 0.230 3.683 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mga. VitaminBg .. + +. 4% mg.y 0.047 0.000 3 0.060 0.013 0.213 Folge. 0h J ee meg . . 22.7 2.2 3 29.1 6.4 103.1 VitaminByy . . we... mcg 0.080 I 0.102 0.023 0.363 arn RE. .', 9 4 4 11 2 39 VIBMINA «vr wv ae 0 86 39 4 110 24 389 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . ive iON NG Tor Ln RRR eet 0 £ ve A g 10:0. .50 ei, g 10 es id dei g N40. oie ob iBitR ee or g 180, 5 ee ey £ 18:05 0A LT g Monounsaturated, total g 16:7 = SF z VB aS ee 8g 20 al ae be a g 22 alia a aa g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g Ly RS SR SR 8g 8:3. ahem ake g 184. 0 0 00 00 g 20M, NL a g 20:5... ee £ NB. a a g 22:6 Sats PNT dae RR Cholesterol... . « J. . mg. 5. Phytosterols *. .. . . . . . . mg... AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan “." , Wi. os id Lie x hreonines. . i... 0. is ZS 0. Isoleucine ..». « . i... Ll. g eucings.” .. . . 5 agi in g Lysine i on al ee 8g Methionine . . .. . .... £ Cystine... 0..." 2 et. g Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8g Tyrosine... 0° 5. oes 8g Valine"... iso sets Mei 8 Arginine... Lh. ah. Ziel Histidine, od) owl oy S25 ARNINE .. viv i 0 WS Swe 8 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 Glutamicacid. . . . . . . . & Glyeine wx. 4... JES, Lo g Proline. e.. % nes re g Serine i. Via eee aay g AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03125 VEGETABLES Page. 222 Spinach, creamed, strained i i: Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of : ; Amount in 100 grams, edible portion SBIION Mestares of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units y - Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean Soo mE 1jar=128g 10z = 28.35 g A B Cc D E A F G PROXIMATE: CT A 89.6 0.2 4 114.7 25.4 406.3 kcal . . 37 48 11 169 Rood energy ov i+ ate Rt 156 199 44 707 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . | gL 2.5 0.2 4 3.2 0.7 11.3 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 2 mn 1.3 0.0 4 1.7 0.4 5.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gh ol 5.7 7.3 1.6 25.7 Fer. cu oe ieee 2 0.5 0.0 6 0.6 0.1 2.1 NSO oo i ne oe as £05. 1.0 0.0 17 1.2 0.3 4.3 MINERALS: CaM, «ios sain s+ mg... 89 4 14 113 25 401 lon... ¥en a 0.62 0.06 17 0.80 0.18 2.83 Magnesium: =, oC. me... 55 ' 71 16 251 Phosphorus .c.' «sv 4 « « mg. . . 54 1 70 15 246 Potassium, i vine. mg. . . 191 1 244 54 866 Sodium", Li. vie a mg. . . 48 1 62 14 220 Ziel 5 aco shi ew mg. . . 0.310 1 0.397 0.088 1.406 Copper. Jy Sh ei mg. . . 0.060 1 0.077 0.017 0.272 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mgs. 8.7 1.3 8 11.1 2.5 39.5 Thiaminesah, as 2 ON mg... .\. 0.015 0.004 8 0.019 0.004 0.068 Riboflavin... . eit ov 40's mg. . . 0.104 0.010 4 0.133 0.029 0.472 oT SE a ES mE. 0.216 0.019 8 0.276 0.061 0.980 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. . . Vitamin®e “ . iis mg... 0.075 0.012 4 0.096 0.021 0.340 Folacimbe, oly sty leh 4 meg . . 60.8 1.9 3 77.8 17.2 275.6 VigminBain vs . LL 0, meg. ne RE... 417 35 4 534 118 1,892 VIRIIBA «af eholls wim + Ww... 4,170 347 4 5,338 1,182 18,915 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . Z vn BO Vy se ew a Zhe oo G0 is 8 BIB tr ss oe 8g 1000, oki vv vo g 12:0... 8. J. 8 VEO ete vv vi g 160.0 = vs « «i g 18:0. vc + ivnniels £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g BEE ae g IAS, Ree ee £ 00.50 fe sad £ 22 ns Tee ebislit u £ Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IT or Sein 8g 8:3 c-0 Sw wae g 18:4. Shiv ys Z «ini 20:4, ... leh Lh 20:5. vn ve We 2g 2B was A g R26. aa oe Ar Cholesterol. » . « v.vv + + mg. . . Phytosterols coo. % + . . ME. ie AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. ges 0.036 0.046 0.010 0.163 THe fet sys esx Wt 0.101 0.129 0.029 0.458 SO RUCING rte ale an uni + £ Seliiin 0.112 0.143 0.032 0.508 Leucine. . . . . ..... g ails 0.221 0.283 0.063 1.002 Lysine: , . ........ Lol 0.148 0.189 0.042 0.671 Methionine aioe ete + = ve 8 Cuisine 0.055 0.070 0.016 0.249 Cystine . . . ....... ry 0.031 0.040 0.009 0.141 Phenylalaning; . «. ~Telx ape Ege 0.096 0.123 0.027 0.435 Tyrosine . . ....... Bigs rn 0.115 0.147 0.033 0.522 Naling Suieel's in ix wpeciony + Ba 0.151 0.193 0.043 0.685 AGING. Li lav ky + ay 0.152 0.195 0.043 0.689 Histidine pe ir Ts £2 0.064 0.082 0.018 0.290 Alanine . . . ....... B Rel oln 0.117 0.150 0.033 0.531 Pralicacd ns oie agi 0.203 0.260 0.058 0.921 Sluice aC oa et £ gn 0.421 0.539 0.119 1.910 oi Sh mie Er lviicl 4 8 vei 4 0.097 0.124 0.027 0.440 SOME a Ae ea 0.207 0.265 0.059 0.939 IBA SERe diate vile ire BP 0.103 0.132 0.029 0.467 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03127 VEGETABLES Page 223 Spinach, creamed, junior + i 3 Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of nt in ms, edible portion Nutrients and units Amoi 100 grams, po omMon measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased "a Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 on ot pie 1 jar = 213 g 1o0z=2835g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Watepl 08 7, SL g 88.2 X 187.9 25.0 400.1 kcal . . 42 90 12 191 Food energy + + + = + + - - Rn 176 375 50 798 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . ea. 3.0 1 6.4 0.9 13.6 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Ee 1.4 1 3.0 0.4 6.4 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . ig 6.4 13.7 1.8 29.2 Pied C400, Sen Lain 0.5 1.1 0.1 2.4 Ash = aso lh WET gh 1.0 0.0 16 2.0 0.3 4.3 MINERALS: Calcium... 5. we. "E.. 113 1 240 32 510 MOR te ve ens mg. . . 1.40 1 2.98 0.40 6.35 Magnesium? |... mg. . . 63 134 18 284 PROSPROIUS 4% 'v. «Toes mg. . . 49 4 2 104 14 222 POLASSIUM hs oa liatiht oo mg. . . 221 11 2 471 63 1,002 Sodium." RES, mg 55 1 11 16 248 Zine. , | ELE mg 0.350 0.746 0.099 1.588 Copperl vii aie? mg 0.068 0.145 0.019 0.308 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 3.6 1 7.7 1.0 16.3 Thiamin Seder «0.00, mg. . . 0.023 1 0.049 0.007 0.104 Riboflavi’, .°% WS. nh oT mg. . . 0.086 1 0.183 0.024 0.390 NTSC, ise ede ee cate mg... 0.259 1 0.552 0.073 1.175 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. . . VitaminBg. Ln. i mg. . . 0.058 1 0.124 0.016 0.263 Eolacilt ols... LE, meg . 68.8 146.5 19.5 311.9 VitaminBya . . coh os. meg . hr RE... + 368 1 6 783 104 1,667 VItmin Als lag vie ie wa 2. 3,676 12 6 7,830 1,042 16,674 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 8 0 da Be g 6:0... Lo g BID. ied eee 8 10:00, “abi bev £ 1200 pie vids zg VRE Te, Ae 8 36:0. °.". . Ve. 8 1IB0L 00 age on we g Monounsaturated, total. . . g VBI Zens hats + z IS a, et a g 200, 0 et ees a g RR onl Seah 8 Polyunsaturated, total . . . g VBI ire aly 8g BB. Te es dw Gee eile g 1B 5 ive Ae 8 20:4, 2, LEE, g ROS he hee We 8g ov A RT, SE g 228, Nn Lia Bl als Cholesterol’. . iu vanin is mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. & 0.044 0.094 0.012 0.200 Threonine . . . . . . . .. 8 sis 0.121 0.258 0.034 0.549 Isoleucine Ay Cada adie s 2 WR. 0.135 0.288 0.038 0.612 Leucine: a of le & . .. 0.265 0.564 0.075 1.202 Lysine , ......... Bet, 0.178 0.379 0.050 0.807 Methionine. . . . .... JIE 0.066 0.141 0.019 0.299 Cystine . . ........ g ir 0.037 0.079 0.010 0.168 Phenylalanine . . . . .. . E, «ies 0.116 0.247 0.033 0.526 Tyrosine , , ..... £1 wine 0.138 0.294 0.039 0.626 Valine ~. . ........ & “dat 0.181 0.386 0.051 0.821 Arginine. . . . . ..... Eye, ats 0.182 0.388 0.052 0.826 Histidine I, TR Tu abe 254 ou. 0.076 0.162 0.022 0.345 Alanine . . . . . ..... g oki. 0.141 0.300 0.040 0.640 Asparticacid . . . . . ... 8: Pik 0.243 0.518 0.069 1.102 Glutamic acid. . . . . . . . RT 0.505 1.076 0.143 2.291 Glyaing + +. .iv + + woe £2 sing 0.117 0.249 0.033 0.531 Proline Badia vite ue ge lis 0.248 0.528 0.070 1.125 Serinets. Geokis +0 cine Bi Hila 0.123 0.262 0.035 0.558 ! Values calculated from strained, creamed spinach. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03103 VEGETABLES Page 224 Squash, strained : i : Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of : : Amount in 100 grams, edible portion oOTImOn sheasures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Approximate measure and weight Refuse: Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar = 128g 10z=28.35g A B C D E F G PROXIMATE: Water, .". RR, oa 92.7 0.1 45 118.7 26.3 420.7 en 24 30 7 108 Food energy + + = + = + « * Fh 100 127 28 452 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . 2 0.8 0.0 28 1.1 0.2 3.8 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Liiel vil 0.2 0.0 24 0.2 0.1 0.9 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 ie 5.6 71.2 1.6 25.6 RC ER Zo 0.7 10 0.9 0.2 3.3 AS: aE ATE Se g 0.6 0.0 22 0.8 0.2 2.7 MINERALS: Calcium’. 8h eal mg. . . 24 2 17 30 7 107 don: Tar me. 0.30 0.03 23 0.38 0.08 1.36 Magnesium , . . . . . . . mg... 12 1 2 16 3 56 Phosphorus... % Ji. 44. met 15 2 20 4 69 Potassium . 50. te. ws mg... 179 15 229 51 813 Sodium, Sw eis v ste mg. . . 2 18 3 1 10 ZING “0 is Helle 4 ae ira mgt a 0.141 0.035 17 0.180 0.040 0.640 COPPOIov, (+e i aie a las mg... 0.054 17 0.069 0.015 0.245 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid,. ... 0. ou mg. . . 1.7 0.3 17 9.8 2.2 34.9 TamIn LS vats, oh, ut I 0.011 0.001 21 0.014 0.003 0.050 RIOOMIAVIN v , vd my 0.056 0.009 19 0.072 0.016 0.254 Nisei tN mg. . . 0.354 0.018 18 U.453 0.100 1.606 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . ME 0.220 0.010 4 0.282 0.062 0.998 VitaminBg .. .0.%.' 50, mg. . . 0.063 0.007 11 0.081 0.018 0.286 Folaginuliech, ov, oy. , Lv, meg . . 15.4 1.0 3 19.7 4.4 70.0 ViaminBia.. . « . J 4. meg. A RE. . . 202 20 17 259 57 918 w. . 2,023 204 17 2,590 574 9,177 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . g R00 iW A £ 6:00 4 Lerten am £ BO. oi dela g 10:0... 0 ie g 12:00 2 oA £ Nas, rin, Sd g 1610 1 a wie 8 IB. Seis LS g Monounsaturated, total £ 16:10 i g 18 ein oy ain 8g 20k. ses Sais £ A ide 8g Polyunsaturated, total v set 18:2 5 RL g IB oe tes g 18:4... viv «ere v 8 B04. rn ae ed g Ee I 8g RUS LN a we diets £ 206.0 «0 id ee nr Cholesterol . . . . . . . . mg. . . Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryprophanc, = (70s ve g£... 0.012 0.015 0.003 0.054 Thisoninsioos + ole vv is Lira 0.025 0.032 0.007 0.113 ISSUING oa) +X 7 PRs Birr s 0.033 0.042 0.009 0.150 Leucine: Lela co fot 10] Whe a Bees 0.047 0.060 0.013 0.213 Lysine tie eile co le Se lee Bids 0.031 0.040 0.009 0.141 Methionine“. wu. «ooo «. sey 0.010 0.013 0.003 0.045 Cystine . vio fire ns Ef 0.007 0.009 0.002 0.032 Phenylalanive . . . .. . . CA 0.029 0.037 0.008 0.132 Tyrosine... Lv g ounce 0.028 0.036 0.008 0.127 Valnsiad ou var +14 lini RE 0.036 0.046 0.010 0.163 ATZINING a fes + +0 a os gee Pr 0.046 0.059 0.013 0.209 Histidine. 50 et ually Big» 0.016 0.020 0.005 0.073 AlBnine ysis 2% 0 while 8 dss 0.035 0.045 0.010 0.159 ATIC © viv. si ye £1 a 0.089 0.114 0.025 0.404 Slummic acids, vfs ov - gi 3 0.146 0.187 0.041 0.662 Glycine Rr Ln Eine 0.031 0.040 0.009 0.141 Proline ois Toleuiimiis lv aw + Bc 0.030 0.038 0.009 0.136 Serine ls wee oan gi 0.033 0.042 0.009 0.150 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03104 VEGETABLES Squash, junior Page 225 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Approximate measure and weight Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Refuse: 0 Standard Number of Mean error samples 1 jar =213¢g 10z=28.3g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE ne Aa at z- 92.8 0.2 20 197.6 26.3 420.7 eal 24 51 7 108 Food energy - - - - - - . - vor 99 211 28 450 Protein (NX6.25) . . . . . . 0.8 0.0 20 1.8 2.2 3.2 Total fipid{fay).. ". . ... .. g 0.2 0.0 20 0. 2. 8 Carbohydrate, total . . , . . 25. 3:8 0.0 9 12.9 03 ig Fiber. 0... 0h . 5 le. . * : 2 ? rs pn th mm i 0.6 0.0 20 1.2 0.2 2.6 MiEhas: oz 24 2 12 50 7 107 fron ere ia he 0.35 0.06 12 0.74 0.10 1.58 Magnesium "2... LS. mg. 3% } 2 3 73 PROSPHOTUS 0 "va al lish mg. . POESSIUM “lib Te a an mg. Bas 0 3 393 52 83] 5 rE 0.080 1 0.170 0.023 0.363 Copper)... «ae mg. 0.054 0.115 0.015 0.245 Ns: dit ” 7.8 0.4 12 16.5 2.2 35.2 TI RE ro 0.011 0.002 12 0.023 0.003 0.050 Riboflavin . . . . . . . . es 0.065 0.014 11 0.138 0.018 0.295 INGORE rd nt es 0.378 0.029 11 0.805 0.107 1.715 Pantothenic acid.? a 4 0.219 0.466 0.062 0.993 ain Be ye 0.069 0.006 7 0.147 0.020 0.313 Py SE ae me 32.8 4.4 69.8 Bolacinl, tr, meg 15.4 ViaminByg . io. Lan meg 201 22 11 429 57 914 MBIA: 0x0 + Calas w. 2,014 215 11 4,291 571 9,137 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g PR, kw a 8 G0 2b, LoL As, 8g BO ee £ 10:0 00x, os, £ 0. ah. we £ 0. Sn ve £ 16:00. . 5 Tam 8 18:0... 5 ail, g Monounsaturated, total. . . g M6: 0, Uf ae. £ Ie alte vc vy g WE. Se me k g BY a eR g Polyunsaturated, total ile Wl IB, i Er 8 B30 . oS. £ IB Td el he 8g 204 Ly ee 8 0:85 wv ove rive 8g ASE LL ee g RE... eat gis Cholesterol. . .'. . sn" mg. Phytosterols *. . . . .. . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . . . 8 0.012 0.026 0.003 0.054 Twreonine >... oy 0 g 0.025 0.053 0.007 0.113 Isoleucine...= 5.5. £ 0.033 0.070 0.009 0.150 Leucine, 0. 0. SL 0, z 0.048 0.102 0.014 0.218 Lysine |, Loo 8). Rta. g 0.031 0.066 0.009 0.141 Methionine . . . . . . . . g 0.011 0.023 0.003 0.050 Cystine +o te a sa £ 0.007 0.015 0.002 0.032 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 0.029 0.062 0.008 0.132 Tyrosine W.. 5, or RT Lem 8 0.028 0.060 0.008 0.127 Valine Then Jl 8 0.036 0.077 0.010 0.163 Arginine ds ov Lu Lh 2 0.047 0.100 0.013 0.213 Histidiness. 0°, ©. . ous g 0.016 0.034 0.005 0.073 ARNE Bn. he a g 0.035 0.075 0.010 0.159 Asparticacid . . . . . .. . 8 0.091 0.194 0.026 0.413 Glutamicacid. , . . .. . . . g 0.148 0.315 0.042 0.671 Glycine « +\: «= von whew 2 0.031 0.066 0.009 0.141 Broline®. ..% ake g 0.030 0.064 0.009 0.136 Serine’ oll Ne g 0.033 0.070 0.009 0.150 ! Values calculated from strained syuash. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03105 VEGETABLES Page 226 Squash, buttered, strained ; i i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion common Measures of 150d 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units A Tat Twat Stanciord Number of pproximate measure and weig| Refuse: Mean error samples 1 jar =128 g 1oz=2835g A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Water "50, cn. Fl 91.7 0.2 16 117.4 26.0 416.0 heal . 29 37 8 131 Food energy. + ub vis. > Gene kL 120 154 34 546 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . 2 0.6 0.0 13 0.8 0.2 2.9 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 2% ike 0.3 0.0 13 0.4 0.1 1.5 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . Eo 6.9 8.8 1.9 31.1 Fier. ae ite Tesh. SS a Zh BSR, EN dB 2%. 0.5 0.0 13 0.6 0.1 2.2 MINERALS: CAUCHIM IIL re WY ai lerin a me. . 33 2 13 42 9 149 opie ERS wi mg. . . 0.41 0.02 13 0.53 0.12 1.86 Magnesium , , , . . . .. mg. vou POOSPRORUS: os = slay mg. . . POLASSIUM. , «iv. + + sinc mg. . . 127 2 13 163 36 576 Sodium 3%. TL LA mg. 2 0 13 2 0 8 ZINC ily Sale + avila sian mg. .. Copper =... rao Lied mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid, . . . . . ... mg. b. . 71.6 0.5 13 9.8 2.2 34.6 sr A ER mg. . . 0.011 0.001 13 0.014 0.003 0.050 Riboflavin . . . . . . ... mg. . . 0.073 0.005 13 0.093 0.021 0.331 NIZE nes ie mE 0.356 0.047 13 0.456 0.101 1.615 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. . . ViaminBg 3%. Lo 4 mg. . . Folacin®. "ol, 2h ee meg. . 11.8 1.4 3 15.2 3.4 53.7 ViaminBya . .. «nl ss meg . . ody RE. 166 17 13 212 47 752 Yiamina Ww... 1,658 171 13 2,123 470 7,523 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . g $00. a £ G0 dens a g 810.0 vs oaks > g 10:05 v0 WT 8 VR. + FN wa g M0... «vn as g 16:0... «ae g 18:00. 0 ia wien g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 16:Y ea 8 BIN vd wa g 20:1. ae se g 2. Re dds ww g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IB 8g | DE RR g 1840. as 8g 20:4 a me 8 0:87 ne nee 8g 28 ie na 8g 26. es 8 ies Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. . . Phytosterols &. . . . . . .'. mgs. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan’ . . . . .. . . g ... 0.009 0.012 0.003 0.041 Threonine . . . . . .... gr 0.019 0.024 0.005 0.086 Isoleucine DH eh a Ba 1 0.025 0.032 0.007 0.113 Leucine. . . . ...... g ier 0.036 0.046 0.010 0.163 Lysine . . ........ or 0.023 0.029 0.007 0.104 Methionine. . . . .... 8 ral 0.008 0.010 0.002 0.036 Cystine, oo «o's via'e gr 0.006 0.008 0.002 0.027 Phenylalanine iors» «wise 2 al 0.022 0.028 0.006 0.100 Tyrosine 5.7. i av wv ie SR 0.022 0.028 0.006 0.100 Valine ea vt Ray he 0.028 0.036 0.008 0.127 Arginine. . . . ...... Lo a 0.035 0.045 0.010 0.159 Histidine.» 57's «foie les ri 0.012 0.015 0.003 0.054 AIRING J dadalte al = 12% £ ba: 0.027 0.035 0.008 0.122 Asparticacid . . . . . . .. Sr” 0.069 0.088 0.020 0.313 i ey £Neln 0.112 0.143 0.032 0.508 yOme sfc ve lapets «ine 2 par 0.023 0.029 0.007 0.104 Proline . . ......... i 0.023 0.029 0.007 0.104 Serie =. tale oF Hey 2? 0.025 0.032 0.007 0.113 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03106 VEGETABLES Page 227 Squash, buttered, junior : : i Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutrients and units AOL in 100 grams, edible portion common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: () Mean error samples 1 jar =213 g 10z=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: OXe Oa TR eR za 91.8 0.2 13 195.5 26.0 416.3 kcal : 30 63 8 135 Food energy + - + + - + « - hs : 124 264 35 563 Protein (NX 6.25) . . . . . go Ce 0.7 0.0 13 1.5 0.2 3.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . Bes 0.6 0.1 13 1.3 v.2 2,7 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . eo. 6.4 13.7 1.8 29.2 Fiber’. .&,) . SRR. 2h a Ashes, hetE. Ae Sk Te 0.5 0.0 13 1.0 0.1 2.1 MINERALS: 2 Calglumis 0 Ey Lo mg. . . 31 1 13 65 9 139 ron , , oman Se aN mg. . . 0.42 0.02 13 0.89 0.12 1.91 Magnesium |, |, . . , . . . mg. Phosphorus: .%.0. . «i... mg... 5 Potassium. . 7.6. Jb, a 135 1 13 288 38 614 Sodium. s. % al wee ME. inv Z 0 13 3 0 7 Zine. oo A RL oh ME vis Copper TEN etl mg. 8. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . .... . mE 7.6 0.3 13 16.1 2.1 34.3 TL I RN ME. 5 0.010 0.000 13 0.021 0.003 0.045 Riboflavint.' . . . Via mg. . . 0.066 0.003 13 0.141 0.019 0.299 Nlacivalt © 5, Lo RE, mg. . . 0.315 0.016 13 0.671 0.089 1.429 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg:', .. Wve ah MB niin . os Polen." i.e meg... . 11.7 25.0 3.3 53.2 Vitamin Byte Si. ov. eo meg . . Vitamin A RE... . 153 19 13 326 43 694 AmInA + [of vighe tv» "To 1,530 193 13 3,259 434 6,940 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . gn BORE BN ora ad 4am 4 Z| 8:00 Nl a 4 NS g BIOL. “Jv ae £ 10:00: 7 on i g 011 La GORE Eh Sy £ 14:0... 0.50 Lane g 16:0%" «5, . £000, g IB: SO £ Monounsaturated, total. . . g LT LR Ss a g BY. os Jas £ 20:1. Re iia wa g Wn. JEN. al g Polyunsaturated, total Al 18:20 a EE, g 18:3. lt, g 18:4 0.500 ve 8 20:4...» WN, g 20:8. LC ini a 8g 08, nA a SN, g 206i + aw a wpe gE Cholesterol . . . . . .... mg. . Phytosterols~, . . . . . mg. . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan, . Low... g's 0.010 0.021 0.003 0.045 Thvgonine..50'. . .%. 5 2 5 0.021 0.045 0.006 0.095 isoleucine. yo vw os BS 0.028 0.060 0.008 0.127 Levcinen, .., .t, FJ 4 gedit 0.041 0.087 0.012 0.186 Lysine halice. sv abies Te £5. he 0.026 0.055 0.007 0.118 Methionine =p. . "0, . . g 0.009 0.019 0.003 0.041 Cystine... das ov sini gai, 0.006 0.013 0.002 0.027 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8g ie 0.025 0.053 0.007 0.113 Tyrosine, oo... E iely 0.024 0.051 0.007 0.109 Valine -nt. os oo An ol &i tes 0.031 0.066 0.009 0.141 Arginine. 5... oo. - LL LL g& 0.040 0.085 0.011 0.181 Histidine. d. 8. ve enn Zu 0.013 0.028 0.004 0.059 Alanine’. 0, Lady ges 0.030 0.064 0.009 0.136 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . Bhi 0.077 0.164 0.022 0.349 Gluamicacid. . . . . . . . £8 ... 0.125 0.266 0.035 0.567 Clygine st. 2. i as 8 0.026 0.055 0.007 0.118 Profinesidy LJ... 0 Ca g JAE 0.025 0.053 0.007 0.113 Sergei hs a i Se gd, 0.028 0.060 0.008 0.127 ! Values calculated from strained, buttered squash. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03107 VEGETABLES Page 228 Sweetpotatoes, strained 4 i v Amount in edible portion of Amount in edible portion of Nutrients and units Amoutin 100 grams, edible pardon common measures of food 1 pound of food as purchased Sundar Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar =135¢g 10z=28.35¢ A B Cc E F G PROXIMATE: I Bo. So 84.8 0.3 50 114.5 24.0 384.7 heal a 57 77 16 259 Foodenergy « + + - + + « : AR 239 323 68 1,086 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . 2 Gos 1.1 0.0 31 1.5 0.3 5.2 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . & sin 0.1 0.0 26 0.2 0.0 0.6 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 20a 13.2 17.8 3.7 59.7 Fiber. ihe oo « vo @ 8 en 0.6 9 0.9 0.2 2.9 REA Sa Se ee rn £50 0.8 0.0 24 1.0 0.2 3.5 MINERALS: Calelumy, «Lh Be ee mg. . . 16 1 26 21 4 72 fron GR BEE dae mg. . . 0.37 0.04 26 0.50 0.10 1.66 Magnesium , . . .. . , .. mg... 13 1 2 18 4 60 Phosphorus . . . . . .. . mg. . . 24 2 32 7 108 Potassium’ . .5. 0... 2s mg. .. 263 15 355 75 1,194 Sodium. LotR LL, mg. . . 20 17 27 6 90 ZINE ae LA ap mg. . . 0.206 0.011 17 0.278 0.058 0.934 Copper ci nh rt a mg. . . 0.081 17 0.109 0.023 0.367 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 9.9 0.7 22 13.4 2.8 45.0 le RS mg. . . 0.028 0.002 22 0.038 0.008 0.127 Riboflavin . . . . . . . . . mg. . . 0.033 0.001 21 0.045 0.009 0.150 Niacin =.’ JREE, ow 0 mE: 0.358 0.026 19 0.483 0.101 1.624 Pantothenic acid. . . . . . . mg. . . 0.390 0.045 4 0.527 0.111 1.769 ViaminBe".".. .°. . ih, ne. 0.093 7 0.126 0.026 0.422 TOR er SR meg . . 9.8 0.9 6 13.2 2.8 44.5 VitaminBya Lb... oo. 4. mg . . Vitsmin A RE. . . 644 105 21 869 183 2,920 a TT ANE i, 6,438 1,046 21 8,691 1,825 29,201 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . Bi ne 0S, Be, £g GPs al a 8g BOL, 8g 10:00. Res 0, Le, g 12:0, 2 ade «ov 8g M00 7. Th 8g PE Si NE g IO Bey g Monounsaturated, total. . . g 36:0. AL EL Ca 2 PB A hw g 2000 at ate aie g UV. la ten ee 8g Polyunsaturated, total . . . g IB: i avila ale 2 7% He i 8 1818 0 Sian deine g 2004. Ln a g 20:8. oh g BUS se re £ R26. eh a Tor, Cholesterol . . . . . ... mg. . . Phytosterols =, ... #5 25, mg. . . AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan lene fee gh. 0.022 0.030 0.006 0.100 Threonine . . . . . . . .. Lid. 0.054 0.073 0.015 0.245 Isoleucine . . . . . . . .. Ein 0.051 0.069 0.014 0.231 Leucine, lv" dy wiv oles 8 0.078 0.105 0.022 0.354 Lysine: io os af gia ih Tei 8&8... 0.044 0.059 0.012 0.200 Methionine . . . . . . . . g& ... 0.024 0.032 0.007 0.109 CYSUNEE, 0 is wine ia g& . 0.015 0.020 0.004 0.068 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . gE ... 0.062 0.084 0.018 0.281 Tyrosine . . . ...... &.Cxle ts 0.041 0.055 0.012 0.186 Valine Par Rs Seieianle gE ... 0.073 0.099 0.021 0.331 Arginine aes We x TA 8&8 . .. 0.054 0.073 0.015 0.245 Histidine SRE NL Evite is 0.026 0.035 0.007 0.118 Alanine « glue oie ules 5.5. 0.061 0.082 0.017 0.277 Aspartic acid TL Er g& 0.199 0.269 0.056 0.903 Glutamic acid lie Earle ee 8&8 0.118 0.159 0.033 0.535 Glycine Ll ee, CR FERS 0.050 0.068 0.014 0.227 Proline Artis avin Se ri C8. 0.055 0.074 0.016 0.249 Serinede. he LaMar g& 0.051 0.069 0.014 0.231 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03108 VEGETABLES Sweetpotatoes, junior Page 229 Nutrients and units Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion 1 pound of food 2s purchased Approximate measure and weight Standard Number of Refuse: () Mean error samples 1 jar = 220 g 10z=28,35¢g A B Cc E F G PROXIMATE: Water", sadist g. 84.1 0.3 23 185.0 23.8 381.5 keal 60 133 17 274 Foodenergy « ix.» + : «7s - kJ. 252 555 72 1,145 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . 2: 1.1 0.0 24 2.4 0.3 5.0 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . g 0.1 0.0 23 0.3 0.0 0.6 Carbohydrate, total , . . . . g 13.9 30.7 4.0 63.2 BIDET, +L oh, er was 9 0.6 9 1.4 0.2 2.9 BEV ee 105 Si 8 0.7 0.0 23 1.6 0.2 3.3 MINERALS: Caleium "0 el a mg. 16 1 14 35 5 73 Brot en ae Wi mg. 0.39 0.06 14 0.85 0.11 1.75 Magnesium , . . . . . mg. 12 2 26 3 53 Phosphorus . . . . .. . . mg. 24 2 52 7 108 Potassium, 4°, . , .. mg. 243 15 535 69 1,102 Sodium se. Luh Te mg. 22 6 18 49 6 100 Zne® 8 sv en mg. 0.110 1 0.242 0.031 0.499 Coppers,’ &. . wv « mg. 0.100 1 0.220 0.028 0.454 VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. *. . , . . .. mg. 9.6 0.8 14 21.2 2.7 43.8 Thiamin, i. 'a0 00 oo hs mg. 0.026 0.002 14 0.057 0.007 0.118 Riboflavind. 0%. so «7 mg. 0.034 0.002 13 0.075 0.010 0.154 Niacin... ....... mg. 0.384 0.016 14 0.845 0.109 1.742 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. 0.408 0.898 0.116 1.851 VitaminBg . . . . .. .. mg. 0.113 7 0.249 0.032 0.513 Folacin®. ".: o 4. i JE meg 10.3 22.6 2.9 46.6 vitaminByy = oo. A, mcg ami RE. 664 104 13 1,460 188 3,010 Vitamin divine ops 8 e Le 1. 6,636 1,029 13 14,600 1,881 30,103 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . 25 B05. Nee Zz 6:3) on Je SE 2. SEI, (nk ree AY 10... he, gy V0 as ee, 2 14:10.0. No g 16:0. 40 ry nie: es i VB. ovbr ie wil « 2% Monounsaturated, total. . . g . 6: ee oh gh 18... ut ae 2. 0:1, . Lda a 2 Nh a a a zg Polyunsaturated, total de Bh IBID. aa & BE. 0 hie A iid g . ABE CLP ue g i i a ee g 20:5. de sn oa. ££ , R28. iw ae ale £ 226 arn ue ne Zz Cholesterol . . . . . . . . mg. Phytosterols. . . . . . . . . mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . ... g 0.021 0.046 0.006 0.095 Threonine . . . . . . ... 8 0.053 0.117 0.015 0.240 Isoleucine lea rr faite 8 0.050 0.110 0.014 0.227 Leucine, , , . ...... 2 0.076 0.167 0.022 0.345 Lysine . . ........ 8 0.043 0.095 0.012 0.195 Methionine: , . 2 «v4 g 0.023 0.051 0.007 0.104 Cystine. . oo cs ono 8 0.015 0.033 0.004 0.068 Phenylalanine . . . . . .. 8 0.061 0.134 0.017 0.277 YIOSIIGERy (rt a fo vs imine ‘ 0.040 0.088 0.011 0.181 VEINS iefinrn oer 0 ge £ 0.071 0.156 0.020 0.322 LA a RR £ 0.053 0.117 0.015 0.240 Histidine Ne uel es po te 8 0.025 0.055 0.007 0.113 (REL yo neue a : 0.059 0.130 0.017 0.268 Aspartic fl, 02 vee 3 0.195 0.429 0.055 0.885 Sluamig acids « + 0 os & 0.115 0.253 0.033 0.522 Slyeinssei dain 2 offs os £ 0.049 0.108 0.014 0.222 Proline ib\ airassv heise 8 0.054 0.119 0.015 0.245 pie ER 2 0.050 0.110 0.014 0.227 ! Values calculated from strained sweetpotatoes. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03109 VEGETABLES Sweetpotatoes, buttered, strained Page 230 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar =135¢g 1o0z=28.35¢g A B Cc E F G PROXIMATE: Water, . ar a aie g 85.9 0.1 16 115.9 24.3 389.5 kcal 56 76 16 255 Foodenergy » + =~ + + - + i 235 318 67 1,067 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . gu 0.9 0.0 13 1.3 0.3 4.3 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 8 0.7 0.0 13 1.0 0.2 3.4 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . gh 11.8 15.9 3.3 53.4 Fiber. . wh ah. aden 2. ASH. Si ee ee 8 0.7 0.0 13 0.9 0.2 3.1 MINERALS: CalEium, Tats ei A mg 21 13 28 6 93 rong oe a ee mg. 0.45 0.03 13 0.60 0.13 2.02 Magnesium >, . . . . .. mg. Phosphorus..." . « . ies mg. PORREIUMY, «0 vin we mg. 208 7 13 281 59 943 SORRY oo hen eo we mg. 8 1 13 11 2 36 Ze eh aie” Ta Lwin mg. Copper. ic". ae a «vas mg. VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid. . . . . . . . mg. 9.1 0.2 13 12.3 2.6 41.3 Thiamine is hh mg. 0.018 0.000 13 0.024 0.005 0.082 Riboflavin . . . . . . . .. mg. 0.040 0.001 13 0.054 0.011 0.181 Niacin... ....... mg. 0.272 0.010 13 0.367 0.077 1.234 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. VitaminBg a. oi ie mg. Foldein Con" on sh meg 13.1 1.2 3 17.17 3.7 59.6 ViaminBia. . 2. . mcg Vitamin A «+ +05 vx «ov RE. 681 20 13 920 193 3,091 lw 6,814 204 13 9,199 1,932 30,909 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . . . . . g% BO a an ia ee z. 610 STL Te 8 B80. «es oae g 0:0 faite el oa g 1B00 Lv ou abs g M0 he wa g 180. v « « «so ss 8 8:0. 5, i 8g Monounsaturated, total. . . g ABLE ova ake 5» 8 IB ls 5 vo avs a £ 0X. cre ew g RU lr al xi wR 8 Polyunsaturated, total . . . §g ABB Cpe as g 1B. es ww g AB: 00 Ye x a 8 20:4, oii ee g AES. ww a Zu 228, rin g Be mie vn g Cholesterol . . . . . . .. mg. Phytosterols: . . .. . : . oo mg. AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan RRR 8 0.018 0.024 0.005 0.082 Threonine . . . . . . . .. 8 0.045 0.061 0.013 0.204 Isoleucine .... . . . . . .. £ 0.042 0.057 0.012 0.191 Leucine: rr g 0.064 0.086 0.018 0.290 Lysine . . ........ 8 0.036 0.049 0.010 0.163 Methionine . . . . . . .. g 0.020 0.027 0.006 0.091 Cystine # wily ¥ walange Wiel 8 0.013 0.018 0.004 0.059 Phenylalanine oi NE g 0.052 0.070 0.015 0.236 Tyrosine SEER & 0.034 0.046 0.010 0.154 Valine i a & 0.061 0.082 0.017 0.277 Arginine a ae g 0.045 0.061 0.013 0.204 Histidine a & 0.021 0.028 0.006 0.095 Alanine . . . . . . 8 0.050 0.068 0.014 0.227 Asparticacid , oe 0 8 0.165 0.223 0.047 0.748 Glutamic acid i caTadts 4 i 2 0.098 0.132 0.028 0.445 Glycine . . . . ...... & 0.042 0.057 0.012 0.191 Proline . . ... ...... 8 0.046 0.062 0.013 0.209 Serinelr, its 3 uw be wo g 0.042 0.057 0.012 0.191 AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03110 VEGETABLES Sweetpotatoes, buttered, junior Page 231 Nutrients and units Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of Amount in 100 grams, edible portion pound of food 2s purchased Standard Number of Approximate measure and weight Refuse: 0 Mean error samples 1 jar = 220g 1o0z=28.35¢ A B Cc D E F G PROXIMATE: Waters. «ook dh 2 85.6 0.3 13 188.3 24.3 388.3 a 57 126 16 260 Foodienergy + *'+"» » + or hr 240 528 68 1,090 Protein (NX 6.25). . . . . gs a v.8 0.0 13 1.8 0.2 3.7 Total lipid (fat) . . . . . . . 2 0.7 0.0 13 1.6 0.2 3.3 Carbohydrate, total . . . . . 8 + ale 12.2 26.8 3.5 55.3 Fiber on a + 5% a £g WN oT ai se g 0.7 0.0 13 1.5 0.2 3.1 MINERALS: Caleiumy >, va ws Wer iss 28 13 61 8 126 nS mg. . . 0.40 0.03 13 0.87 0.11 1.80 Magresiom' , ; . 0... mg. Phosphorus’ , ... . +. % Potassiuny ‘wou iw mg. . . 216 3 13 474 61 978 Sodium, 05% vw oa wes me. 8 0 13 17 2 36 J AN PRE I mg. . . Gappera SR 0. a, Ba mg. . . VITAMINS: Ascorbicacid., . . . ... . WE. on 9.3 0.4 13 20.5 2.6 42.4 Thiamin. 5 ns einen, mess, 0.017 0.000 13 0.037 0.005 0.077 Riboflavine. «+ «ov os mE. vie 0.045 0.003 13 0.099 0.013 0.204 NaeinS: 2. oc ha. me. . . 0.296 0.018 13 0.651 0.084 1.343 Pantothenicacid. . . . . . . mg. J. VitaminBg . % +. mg. . . Bolacin®. ee so vs meg . . 13.4 29.4 3.8 60.7 Vitamin By « «Lee mcg ViBRAS So Tee RE 604 20 13 1,330 171 2,741 ww 6,043 202 13 13,295 1,713 27.412 LIPIDS: Fatty acids: Saturated, total. . . . . . g B02 wl a ge g QO Sai 4 ew 8 Bi. ee sale, 8g B00. a aa g 2:0: oo dh BR £ 34:10... Lon hak g 16:0. oo. wii Se, g 18:0, Jv SA. £ Monounsaturated, total . g BON te. vs via 4 Ith. oe ee 2 20:1. a es g 22Y ane i Lies 8 Polyunsaturated, total g BIT. Te si ae z I. a Tw g 8B Fe sleet 8 ORF. ame g Q0:8. 8 wv We we g BE yes ale g 26. vn EEL Toit 4s Cholesterol... . . . « viv + mg. Phytosterols . . . . . . . . mg. «i» AMINO ACIDS: Tryptophan . . . . . . .. 8 «vo 0.015 0.033 0.004 0.068 Threonine . . . . . .. .. 8 0.038 0.084 0.011 0.172 Isoleucine . . . . . . . .. g 0.036 0.079 0.010 0.163 Leucine: BE whe baile g 0.055 0.121 0.016 0.249 Lysine li) © 4" 0 a 8 0.031 0.068 0.009 0.141 Methionine . . . . . . .. 8 0.017 0.037 0.005 0.077 Cystine . . ........ 8 0.011 0.024 0.003 0.050 Phenylalanine . . . . . . . 8 0.044 0.097 0.012 0.200 Tyrosine... o.oo... 8 0.029 0.064 0.008 0.132 Valine Lo... 8 0.052 0.114 0.015 0.236 Arginine... . LLL 8 0.038 0.084 0.011 0.172 Histidine. . . . . . .... £ 0.018 0.040 0.005 0.082 Alanine . . . . LL... 8 0.043 0.095 0.012 0.195 Asparticacid . . . . . . . . 8 0.141 0.310 0.040 0.640 Glutamic acid RL a a g 0.083 0.183 0.024 0.376 Glycine . . . . ...... 8 0.036 0.079 0.010 0.163 Proline . . ... . ..... 8 0.039 0.086 0.011 0.177 Serine... ....... £ 0.036 0.079 0.010 0.163 ! Values calculated from strained, buttered sweetpotatoes. AH-8-3 (1978) NDB No. 03111 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES c095470023