START MICROFILMED 1985 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY GENERAL LIBRARY BERKELEY, CA 94720 COOPERATIVE PRESERVATION MICROFILMING PROJECT THE RESEARCH LIBRARIES GROUP, INC. Funded by THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES THE ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION Reproductions may not be made without permission. THE PRINTING MASTER FROM WHICH THIS REPRODUCTION WAS MADE IS HELD BY THE MAIN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 FOR ADDITIONAL REPRODUCTION REQUEST MASTER NEGATIVE NUMBER 9c-34,05 AUTHOR : Montan : a Montangy, Stax < Guvers’ TITLE: Brand bosk_of the ... PLACE: Helena, Mont. DATE:I903 vou JME F132 CALL 23 MAST dl ER 2605 NO. MéS 1903 NEG. NO 3, F732 Montana stock growers! association. 2 + Brand book of the Montana stock growsrs! HES association for 1903. Seventh publication. 103 -133ena, Mont., Independent publishing CO. ! 259 p. illus. 20cm. ; Ruled blank pages at end. E 78815 Purchase March 1954 rf. __AHELF LIBY oe -—— ; : on ieem DE ae ~e— ——e- . FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY CA 94720 soeno. 8/6 0525 DATE 11 8/5 REDUCTION RATIO 8 y r DOCUMENT A SOURCE THE BANCROFT LIBRARY Oo N On MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART eas jas 22 ie fl22 fl 22 lez EE iw lI = he [l2o 1: | fl lis lis NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) LLL LL pl a 1" "1 fr t= "BRAND. BOOK Ma £ ps MONTANA . k Growers’ Association SEVENTH PUBLICATION HELENA, MONTANA INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING CO. 1903 ES BRAND BOOK MONTANA “ Lo Brock Growers’ Association SEVENTH PUBLICATION HELENA, MONTANA INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING CO. 1903 Retake of Preceding F BRAND BOOK MONTANA Stock Growers’ Association SEVENTH PUBLICATION HELENA, MONTANA INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING CO. 1903 EE | nn mara SS IY pe - 4, , Wa Py 8c is vee SAE ed v Foy K roe 5455, £. - TOWEer tion socia 9 : fis HELENA," MONTANA ENDENT PUBLISHING CO.~ gp 2 0 E oC at Li. on E Retake of Preced Helena, Montana, July 1st, 3 It has been our aim and desire to have this bran complete in every detail and free from all errors, but} we have sent out repeated notices to members urging to send us their brands for publication—many of them did not respond and we were compelled to publish them the same as they appeared in the last book, or according to the way their brands appear on record. There were, however, sev- eral members whose brands were not recorded and who made no response to our notices—and we were therefore un- able to insert any brands at all for them—merely publishing their names in the index as members. We have taken every precaution to guard against omis- sions and errors in this publication—and trust it may meet with the approval of the members of the Montana Stock Growers’ Association, in whose interests it is published. W. G. PREUITT, Secretary-Treas§ » OFFICERS President: JOS. T. BROWN, Birney. First Vice-President: . DAVID FRATT, Billings. Second Vice-President: JESSE I. PHELPS, Helena. Secretary and Treasurer. W. G. PREUITT, Helena, 425 Power Block. Ass’t Secretary and Treasurer, C. C., SMITH, Helena. we have sent out repeated notices to members urging to send us their brands for publication—many of them did not respond and we were compelled to publish them the same as they appeared in the last book, or according to the way their brands appear on record. There were, however, sev- eral members whose brands were not recorded and who made no response to our notices—and we were therefore un- able to insert any brands at all for them—merely publishing their names in the index as members. We have taken every precaution to guard against omis- sions and errors in this publication—and trust it may meet with the approval of the members of the Montana Stock yrowers’ Association, in whose interests it is published. W. G. PREUITT, Secretary-Treasyté e of Preced 2 1 ing Frame Montana Stock Growers’ Association W. G. PREUITT, Helena, 425 Power Block. // OFFICERS President: JOS. T. BROWN, Birney. First Vice-President: DAVID FRATT, Billings. Second Vice-President: JESSE 1. PHELPS, Helena. Secretary and Treasurer. Ass’t Secretary and Treasurer, C. C. SMITH, Helena. etake of Preceding Frame Helena, Montana, July 1st, 18 ¥ It has been our aim and desire to have this brand 9 we have sent out repeated notices to members urging them to send us their brands for publication—many of them did not respond and we were compelled to publish them the same as they appeared in the last book, or according to the way their brands appear on record. There were, however, sev- cral members whose brands were not recorded and who made no response to our notices—and we were therefore un- able to insert any brands at all for them—merely publishing their names in the index as members. We have taken every precaution to guard against omis- sions and errors in this publication—and trust it may meet with the approval of the members of the Montana Stock Growers’ Association, in whose interests it is published. W. G. PREUITT, Secretary-Treasurer. Montana Stock Growers’ Association OFFICERS President: JOS. T. BROWN, Birney. First Vice-President: DAVID FRATT, Billings. Second Vice-President: JESSE 1. PHELPS, Helena. Secretary and Treasurer. VW. G. PREUITT, Helena, 425 Power Block. Ass't Secretary and Treasurer, C. C. SMITH, Helena. Retake of Preceding Frame Montana Stock Growers’ Association ITelena, Montana, July 1st, 19030 It has been our aim and desire to have this brand beek OFFICERS complete in every detail and free from all errors, but, while we have sent out repeated notices to members urging them . . . . . . resident: to send us their brands for publication—many of them did Presi t not respond and we were compelled to publish them the JOS. TI. BROWN. Birney. same as they appeared in the last hook, or according to the way their brands appear on record, There were, however, sev- Iirst Vice-President: cral members whose brands were not recorded and who made no response to our notices—and we were therefore un- DAVID FRAT, Billings. able to insert any brands at all for them—merely publishing their names in the index as members. . . . . Second Vice-President: We have taken every precaution to guard against omis- sions and errors in this publication—and trust it may meet JESSE I. PHELDRS, Helena. with the approval of the members of the Montana Stock Growers’ Association. in whose interests it is published. . TQ re Secretary and Treasurer. W. (I. PREULTT. Scecrctary-Treasurer. A ‘ G. PREUITT, Helena, 425 Power Block. Asst Secretary and Treasurer, CoC SMITH, Helena. Retake of Prece Montana Stock Growers’ Association t .. . t ~~ ar ; : : i { } { i co "- Helena, Montana, July 1st, 1908, = <¢.4 nit = ¥ Ist, 1902.05 | \t-has been our aim and desire to have this brand ‘book 3 | ~. complete in every detail and free from all errors, but, while : | FFICERS = We have sent out repeated notices to members urging them - 0 ER i FI send us their brands for publication—many of them:did :: nt. respond and we were compelled to” publish “them the. * ‘ame as they appeared in the last book, or according to the “vay thelr brands appear on record. There were, however, SO ral inembers whose brands were not recorded: and Whol made no response to our notices—and we were therefore un-“ | ra able to insert any brands at all for them—merely publishing i DAVID FRATD Bilings thelr names in the index as members. : if We have taken every precaution to aga Bh 3lons and errors in this Fe onteneg Binet omisy Ty with the approval of the members of the Montana Stock: Giowers’ Association, in whose interests it is published. 2: w. G. PREUITT," Secretary-Treasurey™ RY i Secretary and Treasurer. President: JOS. T. BROWN, Birney. { { { JESSE 1. PHELPS, Helena. W. G. PREUITT, Helena, 425 Power Block. Ass’t Secretary and Treasurer, C. C. SMITH, Helena. Executive Committee BEAVERHEAD COUNTY. D. E. Metlin. ’ J. E. Morse. BROADWATER COUNTY. Jno. O'Connor. CASCADE COUNTY. J. T. Stanford. Jacob Sieben. C. H. Austin. CARBON COUNTY. J. N. Tolman. J. W. Chapman. CHOUTEAU COUNTY. C. J. McNamara. Jas. Townsend. John Harris. G. B. Bourne. S. Pepin. CUSTER COUNTY. J. M. Holt. O. C. Cato. L. W. Stacy. A. R. Farnum. E. H. Johnson. DAWSON COUNTY. A. E. Aiken. P. Wibaux. IE. H. Brewster. Geo. McCone. F. P. Fleming. DEER LODGE COUNTY. D. D. Walker. FERGUS COUNTY. S. S. Hobson. R. S. Hamilton. Oscar Stephens. N. M. McCauley. C. M. Goodell. FLATHEAD COUNTY. J. A. Ford. GALLATIN COUNTY. H. H. Sappington. Chas. Anceney. GRANITE COUNTY. Jas. McDonell. JEFFERSON COUNTY. Ed. Ryan. J. J. Garbutt. LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY. J. T. Murphy. D. Flowerree. J. H. Freeser. J. 1 MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. MADISON COUNTY. W. Raymond. S. R. Buford. MEAGHER COUNTY. Len Lewis. George Lyons. MISSOULA COUNTY. J. A. McGowan. PARK COUNTY. J. L. DeHart. ‘J. M. Conrow. POWELL COUNTY. Jno. Bielenberg. Con Kohrs. RAVALLI COUNTY. W. M. Franks. ROSEBUD COUNTY. J. S. Hopkins. J. T. Brown. L. W. Carpenter. S. L. Busby. P. W. White. SWEET GRASS COUNTY. J. N. Kelly. ~ Jake L. DeHart. TETON COUNTY. W. K. Flowerree. F. Truchot. Thos. Brooks. SILVER BOW COUNTY. Dan Tewey. VALLEY COUNTY. : M. E. Milner. T. L. Blackmon. H. H. Hedges. YELLOWSTONE COUNTY. D. Fratt. Thos. McGirl. P. McCormick. WYOMING. J. B. Kendrick. * NORTH DAKOTA. W. L. Richards. SOUTH DAKOTA. G. A. Pemberton. NORTH WEST TERRITORIES. W. F. Cochrane. Board of Stock Commissioners President—J. T. Murphy, Helena. Secretary—W. G. Preuitt, Helena. Clerk—C. C. Smith, Helena. County. Name. Beaverhead .. D. E. Metlin. Broadwater... .... J. E. O'Connor. Carbon J. N. Tolman. (OF: F=Ter- Xs {= JR J. T. Stanford. Chouteau .. James Townsend. Deer Lodge Flatnead..... .... ceoveieiriireerieiinoeeensnnenns J. A. Ford. Gallatin H. H. Sappington. Granite .... Jas. McDonell. Jefferson .... John Flaherty. Lewis and Clarke ........cccoieiiineiennennnns J. T. Murphy.| Madison .... Winthrop Raymond. Meagher .... Len Lewis. Missoula .... J. A. McGowan. Park .... J. M. Conrow. Powell Jno. Bielenberg. Ravalli . M. . ranks. Rosebud .. Silver Bow ...Dan Tewey. Sweet Grass Henry Schrader. W. K. Flowerree. M. E. Milner. Yellowstone D. Fratt. BY-LAWS of the Montana Stock Growers’ Association Adopted April 3, 1885 Section 1. This Association shall be known as the Mon- tana Stock Growers’ Association. Sec. 2. The object of this Association is to advance the interests of the stock growers in Montana and adjoining ' States and Territories, and for the protection of the same against frauds and swindlers, and to prevent the stealing, taking and driving away of cattle, horses, mules and asses from the rightful owners thereof, and to enforce the Stock” Laws of the State of Montana. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Sec. 3. The affairs of this Association shall be conducted and managed by a President, First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Secretary and Treasurer combined, and an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall con- sist of one member each for Flathead, Granite, Missoula, Ravalli, Broadwater, Deer Lodge and Silver Bow counties; and for Wyoming, North and South Dakota and Northwest Territory; two members each for Beaverhead, Sweet Grass, Powell, Meagher, Carbon, Gallatin, Jefferson, Madison and: Park counties; three members each for Cascade, Yellowstone, Teton and Valley counties; five members each for Custer, Dawson, Chouteau, Rosebud, Fergus and Lewis and Clarke counties. Seven members shall constitute a quorum. All regu- lar officers of the Association shall be ex-officio members of this Committee. These officers and above-named Committee shall be elected at the annual meeting in April of each year, and shall serve until the spring meeting following their election, or until their successors have been elected. Written proxies, approved as genuine by the Executive Committee and made within sixty days, may be voted at all meetings. The Executive Committee is empowered to fill any vacancies that may occur, by death or otherwise, in their own body or among the officers of this Association. and the person so appointed shall hold office until the next regular election. The executive committee are empowered MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCAITION. to provide representation on their committee for any new counties which may hereafter be created. DUTY OF OFFICERS. Sec. 4. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association. He shall see that all the By-laws, resolutions and regulations thereof are faithfully executed, and per- form such other duties as may be required of him in these By-laws, as well as such as may be necessary to secure the objects and best interests of this Association not ‘herein otherwise provided for. Sec. o. The First Vice-President, in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of the latter, and if he shall be absent, the Second Vice-President shall act, and if both be absent at any meeting, a President pro tem may be elected. . Sec. 6. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep accurate min- utes of the transactions of this Association. He shall keep a roll of members and a correct account of all moneys re- ceived. He shall write and send all communications for the Association and such as he may be directed to write and send by the Association or Executive Committee. He shall pay all bills when directed by the Executive Commit- tee, and he shall make a full report of all the transactions of his office at each annual session, and at such other times as the Association may direct, producing therewith vouch- ers for all moneys paid out. He shall deliver to his suc- cessor all books, papers, moneys and other property in his possession belonging to the Association, and perform such other duties as may be required by these By-laws, resolu- tions and regulations, or by the Association. He is author- ized to employ such assistance as he may deem necessary at a reasonable rate of compensation. He shall keep a record of the brands and such other information concerning the members, stock, range, etc., as may be furnished him by the members. He shall give bond to the Association in such sum and with such sureties as may be required by the Executive Committee, conditioned that he will faithfully perform all acts and things required of him in this section, and he shall receive such compensation as the Executive Committee may determine. Sec. 7. The Executive Committee may meet immediately after their election and at such other times as they may be called together by the President. The President or Vice- President shall preside at all meetings. The Secretary- MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Treasurer shall act as secretary of the Committee. The Committee shall have entire control of the employes and all the business of the Association during its adjournment. It shall audit all accounts and order the Secretary-Treasurer to pay all bills. They shall represent the Association before the State Board of Stock Commissioners, Boards of County Commissioners and the Legislature, and in other similar positions, during adjournments of the Association. At each annual meeting this Committee shall make a report to the Association in regard to matters requiring their attention, and shall recommend such measures as they deem neces- sary. Each member shall report at the meeting of the Committee such matters as require attention in his locality, and shall look after and give attention to the interests of "the Association for the county he represents. Sec. 8. The annual meeting of this Association shall be held on the third Tuesday in April, at 10 o'clock a. m., in Miles City, Mont., at such place as the Executive Committee shall determine, due notice thereof being given. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, or in his absence by either of the Vice-Presidents, and shall be called whenever requested by seven members. Twenty-five members shall constitute a quorum for business at all meet- ings. The call for a special meeting shall state the object and place of such meeting, and no other business shall be transacted at such meeting. At each meeting of the Asso- ciation it shall be the duty of the Chair to appoint a com- mittee of five members, to whom all resolutions offered shall be referred without debate, except such as come from the - Executive Committee or Board of Stock Commissioners with their recommendations for adoption, which shall be put to vote without reference to the Committee on Resolu- tions. ’ ORDER OF BUSINESS AT MEETINGS. Call to order. Calling the roll. Reading minutes of last meeting. Report of Secretary-Treasurer. 5. Appointment of committees—Resolutions, Nomina- tions, Membership. 6. General business. 7. Report of membership committee and election of new members. 8. Report of resolutions and nominations committees. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS' ASSOCIATION Election of officers, including Executive Committee. Unfinished business. Adjournment. MEMBERSHIP. Sec. 9. No person shall be a member of this Association except a stock grower, as defined by the following, viz.: A person owning or controlling cattle, horses, mules or asses, and engaged in the business.of breeding, growing or raising ne same for profit. To become a member of this Associa- tion, all persons must be proposed by a member. Each proposition shall be accompanied by a fee hereinafter speci- fied, together with a statement of the number of cattle, i.orses, mules and asses owned or controlled by such person or his firm or company, with all the brands and marks of such stock; also the names of the individuals comprising his firm or names of all the officers, if a company, and the postoffice address of each, and his application shall be re- ferred to the Standing Committee on membership, consist- ing of three members of the Executive Committee and the Secretary and Treasurer of the Association, who shall exam- ine said application, and if they deem the applicant a proper person, the Secretary shall so notify him and place his name upon the list of members. All persons admitted as mem- bers bind themselves and their employes to the observance of all By-Laws, resolutions and regulations of the Associa- tion that are now in force, or that may hereafter be adopted, on a penalty of forfeiture of membership. Mem- berships must be personal. , Sec. 10. The annual dues shall be five (5) dollars, payable at the April meeting of each year, and no one shall become a member without such payment. Any member failing to pay his dues on or before the next spring meeting, when the same become due, shall cease to be a member until such payment has been made. Any member who shall be in arrears for more than one year for dues or assessments shall be dropped from the roll of members. All members shall be subject, not oftener than once per annum, to an assess- ment not exceeding one cent a head on seventy per cent of all cattle, horses, mules and asses, of which each person may at that time be the owner, and no resignation shall be accepted until all dues ard assessments are paid. This as- sessment may be levied in the discretion of the Executive Committee, and shall be payable when called for. Failure to pay on or before the next annual meeting following date MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. of such assessment shall work a forfeiture of membership. The fund so assessed shall be collected by the Secretary and Treasurer, and shall become a part of the common fund of the association, subject to the same regulations as before provided. Sec. 11. Any member who shall divulge the proceedings of or action taken in any meeting of the Association to any person or persons, or do any act calculated to, or that may injure or defeat any proceedings or action of this Associa- tion, or officers thereof, that may be instituted for the pur- pose of its protection or that of any of its members under the laws of this State or of these By-Laws, resolutions and regulations, or that may be subversive of the interests gen- ~ erally of the Association, shall have a fair and impartial hearing at a special meeting called for that purpose, or at the annual meeting, and if found guilty by a majority of the members present, :shall be expelled. Sec. 12. Any member of this Association who shall be expelled therefrom as aforesaid, shall not again be received as a member thereof, and stock growers generally shall be notified of such expulsion. Sec. 18. Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of any member of this Association, that any person or persons are engaged in stealing or killing stock of any kind, he shall immediately notify the Executive Committee of the Associa- tion, who are hereby empowered to act in such manner as will, if possible, bring such person or persons to justice, and recover said property. Sec. 14. These by-laws, regulations and resolutions shall not be annulled or amended except at the annual meeting, and then only by a vote of two-thirds of the members pres- ent. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCAITION. to provide representation on their committee for any new counties which may hereafter be created. DUTY OF OFFICERS. Sec. 4. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association. He shall see that all the By-laws, resolutions and regulations thereof are faithfully executed, and per- form such other duties as may be required of him in these By-laws, as well as such as may be necessary to secure the objects and best interests of this Association not ‘herein otherwise provided for. Sec. ». The First Vice-President, in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of the latter, and if he shall be absent, the Second Vice-President shall act, and if both be absent at any meeting, a President pro tem may be elected. Sec. 6. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep accurate min- utes of the transactions of this Association. He shall keep a roll of members and a correct account of all moneys re- ceived. He shall write and send all communications for the Association and such as he may be directed to write and send by the Association or Executive Committee. He shall pay all bills when directed by the Executive Commit- tee, and he shall make a full report of all the transactions of his office at each annual session, and at such other times as the Association may direct, producing therewith vouch- ers for all moneys paid out. He shall deliver to his suc- cessor all books, papers, moneys and other property in his possession belonging to the Association, and perform such other duties as may be required by these By-laws, resolu- tions and regulations, or by the Association. He is author- ized to employ such assistance as he may deem necessary at a reasonable rate of compensation. He shall keep a record of the brands and such other information concerning the members, stock, range, etc.,, as may be furnished him by the members. He shall give bond to the Association in such sum and with such sureties as may be required by the Executive Committee, conditioned that he will faithfully perform all acts and things required of him in this section, and he shall receive such compensation as the Executive Committee may determine. Sec. 7. The Executive Committee may meet immediately after their election and at such other times as they may be called together by the President. The President or Vice- President shall preside at all meetings. The Secretary- MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Treasurer shall act as secretary of the Committee. The Committee shall have entire control of the employes and all the business of the Association during its adjournment. It shall audit all accounts and order the Secretary-Treasurer to pay all bills. They shall represent the Association before the State Board of Stock Commissioners, Boards of County Commissioners and the Legislature, and in other similar positions, during adjournments of the Association. At each annual meeting this Committee shall make a report to the Association in regard to matters requiring their attention, and shall recommend such measures as they deem neces- sary. Each member shall report at the meeting of the Committee such matters as require attention in his locality, and shall look after and give attention to the interests of the Association for the county he represents. Sec. 8. The annual meeting of this Association shall be held on the third Tuesday in April, at 10 o'clock a. m., in Miles City, Mont., at such place as the Executive Committee shall determine, due notice thereof being given. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, or in his absence by either of the Vice-Presidents, and shall be called whenever requested by seven members. Twenty-five members shall constitute a quorum for business at all meet- ings. The call for a special meeting shall state the object and place of such meeting, and no other business shall be transacted at such meeting. At each meeting of the Asso- ciation it shall be the duty of the Chair to appoint a com- mittee of five members, to whom all resolutions offered shall be referred without debate, except such as come from the Executive Committee or Board of Stock Commissioners with their recommendations for adoption, which shall be put to vote without reference to the Committee on Resolu- tions. ’ ORDER OF BUSINESS AT MEETINGS. Call to order. Calling the roll. Reading minutes of last meeting. Report of Secretary-Treasurer. 5. Appointment of committees—Resolutions, Nomina- tions, Membership. 6. General business. 7. Report of membership committee and election of new members. 8. Report of resolutions and nominations committees. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION 9. Election of officers, including Executive Committee. 10. Unfinished business. 11. Adjournment. MEMBERSHIP. Sec. 9. No person shall be a member of this Association except a stock grower, as defined by the following, viz.: A person owning or controlling cattle, horses, mules or asses, and engaged in the business. of breeding, growing or raising ine same for profit. To become a member of this Associa- tion, all persons must be proposed by a member. Each proposition shall be accompanied by a fee hereinafter speci- fied, together with a statement of the number of cattle, .orses, mules and asses owned or controlled by such person or his firm or company, with all the brands and marks of such stock; also the names of the individuals comprising his firm or names of all the officers, if a company, and the postoffice address of each, and his application shall be re- ferred to the Standing Committee on membership, consist- ing of three members of the Executive Committee and the Secretary and Treasurer of the Association, who shall exam- ine said application, and if they deem the applicant a proper person, the Secretary shall so notify him and place his name upon the list of members. All persons admitted as mem- bers bind themselves and their employes to the observance of all By-Laws, resolutions and regulations of the Associa- tion that are now in force, Or that may hereafter be adopted, on a penalty of forfeiture of membership. Mem- berships must be personal. \ Sec. 10. The annual dues shall be five (5) dollars, payable at the April meeting of each year, and no one shall become a member without such payment. Any member failing to pay his dues on or before the next spring meeting, when the same become due, shall cease to be a member until such payment has been made. Any member who shall be in arrears for more than one year for dues or assessments shall be dropped from the roll of members. All members shall be subject, not oftener than once per annum, to an assess- ment not exceeding one cent a head on seventy per cent of all cattle, horses, mules and asses, of which each person may at that time be the owner, and no resignation shall be accepted until all dues and assessments are paid. This as- sessment may be levied in the discretion of the Executive Committee, and shall be payable when called for. Failure to pay on or before the next annual meeting following date MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. of such assessment shall work a forfeiture of membership. The fund so assessed shall be collected by the Secretary and Treasurer, and shall become a part of the common fund of the association, subject to the same regulations as before provided. Sec. 11. Any member who shall divulge the proceedings of or action taken in any meeting of the Association to any person or persons, Or do any act calculated to, or that may injure or defeat any proceedings or action of this Associa- tion, or officers thereof, that may be instituted for the pur- pose of its protection or that of any of its members under the laws of this State or of these By-Laws, resolutions and regulations, or that may be subversive of the interests gen- erally of the Association, shall have a fair and impartial hearing at a special meeting called for that purpose, or at the annual meeting, and if found guilty by a majority of the members present, shall be expelled. Sec. 12. Any member of this Association who shall be expelled therefrom as aforesaid, shall not again be received as a member thereof, and stock growers generally shall be notified of such expulsion. Sec. 13. Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of any member of this Association, that any person or persons are engaged in stealing or killing stock of any kind, he shall immediately notify the Executive Committee of the Associa- tion, who are hereby empowered to act in such manner as will, if possible, bring such person or persons to justice, and recover said property. , Sec. 14. . These by-laws, regulations and resolutions shall not be annulled or amended except at the annual meeting, and then only by a vote of two-thirds of the members pres- ent. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Members Adams, F.J.... ...... Adams, J. C Anceney, Chas Andrus, W. W Andrews, D. H. . Atkinson, J. L Auchard, D. Mrs..... Austin, C. H. Allison, J.P... Altenbrand, Henry es Alling, Ira M....... Allard, Jos.. Amadeus, Sister Mary Armstrong, C. C Aiken, A. E Arnett, A.H ......... Allerton, S. W Bailey, CW Barenger, jose. Baker, J. A... ioe Barrow, G. WwW... .. Bauer, Jacob ....... Blackmon, T. LL Barrett, M . Ira M. Alling... INDE X. Firm or Companies Represented 'U L Catttle Co.. J. C. Adams.. Chas, Anceney, L.& L.S. Co... . Miles City.. . Andrus. . Andrus. ‘&R. Co... . Atkinson & Bawden, C. H. Austin.. Allison & Bent. . Manhattan Maltin C Co.. Jos. Allard... The Ursuline ‘Convent... C.C. Amsiong A. E. Aik C. W. Bailey .. T. L. Blackmon... .... Mike Barrett .......... . Cannon Ball Co.... ee. _.. Beebe & Blodgett .... Allison & Bent + Jr... Bennett Willard . Brewster, P. O.. Beach, E Brewster, G. W...... Belcher, Mrs. T..... Bircher E............ Bickell, J. H...... Biddle, S. F.B.. Elslenbetg, John... Bright, E. G Brockway, N.C Brooks, Thos. . . Jr.. Willard Bennett. . . B.;:E. Brewster, Tr. E. Beach.. .G.W, Brewster... . Mrs. T. Belcher.. ‘ Emil Bircher........... ain k H.Bickell........ ccc vverenen Biddle Cattle Co.. Kohrs & Biclenberg... E. G. Bright.. N.C. Brockway... .. Brooks & Lehr.. .. Burke Bros.. . G. W. Burt.. Bowden & Calvin. H. P. Brooks W. H. Bullard J. M. Boardman & Co..... . The Bloom Cattle Co.. J. T. Brow Bar- Cy Cattle Co.... . . B.E. Biownson .. Bourne & Hamilton Thos, Brown.. S. R. Buford & Co.. it The ihe .. Bryan & Badgett.. Brewster, E. H Bradshaw, W. J Bain, J.C........ Billings, J. 0.. Bishop, J. F Bo hain. Nick Busby, S. L.. Butc er, E.H. Clay, John Jr Clary, Thos........ +. M. Barrett ess es sece W., J. Bradshaw. . The Lundquist Cattle Co ...... Billings & Niles . J. F. Bisho Buttelman Bros. E. H. Butcher: Clay & Forrest Thos. Clary & Son........... dive Address . Great Falls Sun River Salesville.. Crane Lake, 1 N. ‘Ww. T.. ... Poplar.. D. Auchard Estate... "eo sewenne Fulton.. vee Cascade. . .. Cody, . Man \attan .... Ridgelawn ..... .. St. Ignatius.. . St Wyo.. ... L. A. and Jno. Barenger & Son . Lee .. J.A. Baker.. . G. W. Barrow... rive rene nare . Jacob Bauer & SONS. .... oo ous oe . toot. . Chinook.. Culbertson | . Blackmon........... rons Long Vonks, Cal. . Miles Cuy:. Teedee.. . Graham . Deer a earn weeny coe FOITY...conun consents .. Baldwin.... ..... "ee Catean. ... . Jiogan.. . lerry Mites City... Lewistown... Miles City.. . Helena.. PRE . Trinidad, "Colo. . “ine . Birney.. ove amen Benton. . Hil.. Faeni Lethbridge, ‘N.W.T. .... East Helena.. rev enon ... Virgina City.. Gilt Edge . Powderville . Lemon Soe, Cal. . ei veeee...... RedRock : E. H. Brewster. . sone ave sen Wibaux . Knowlton . ees i ge Kenneth. . . Fergus Falls, M Minn. ..... Dillon . i rn Glendive . Busby & Davidson. be aise icago, Ill......... Ft. Benton. ....... MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Members Firm or Companies Represented Cameron, E. S.. . E. Cardwell, B.. eens Address Firm or Companies Represented Address . D, Fratt... cesses sevuvecse BININES. . .coeensesvesns . Fletcher BIOS... vos veeeerenes Minneapolis, Minn. Members Fratt, D.. Fletcher, H. E.. $. Cameron . ES Cardwell, . Cato, O. C.. Cass, W.E.. enter, L.W.. Caren C. Begg rsreen Conners, M., . Conners, Geo. G Couch, Thos. Jr.. Coburn, Robt .. .. Cornelius, Newton Comstock, W.G Cooper, F.D... Cochrane, W, F | vee Cruse, Thos. ... Cummings, T. A. Curtis, F. H.... . Cutler, Chas. .... Carroll, J. V Calvin, J. M.... Cannon, Henry. Crawford, J. To Clement, H. F Choisser, J. E.. Coil Van. Corbett, David. Chambers, Alex Cameron, John Cowles, Ww. H Conley,’ Frank.. Cooper, B. G Crossen, Hugh Cushing, Thos. . Clark, W, S Chrisienson, H. C.. Cox, Z. Co) Bs Patrick. y, B.... Sele Crk, L 0... srl Dalit? F.. . Dalgen, S. T. Davidson, A. T.. De Hart, J. L De la Motte, Geo Dion, Henry. . Dowson, P. S.. Damm, John.. Dane, Seymour. cone Davis, A. A... Darnall, Stephen. Darnall, J.F Darnall, H.B.. Drosde, "John. DeVitt D, M Damiani, Re) Dawson, B. Derbel, Rudolph Edwards, JE Ellis, Wyman. Evans, R. J... Egeler, John.. Ettien, Wm. . Eckford, A. HO Eckert, IL Farnum, A. R . Cato & Johnson. . . Case & Truscott. . L. W. Carpenter. Catlin L. . Conners Bros... Conners Bros . Thos. Couch Estate. . . Coburn Cattle Co . Newton Cornelius.. Nebraska Lana & Keeding Co.. . F.D. Coo . Cochrane NY oy . . Thos. Cruse. . . Thos. ‘A. Cummings... Mee & Carroll... . Bowden & Calvin... . Russell Bros. . . Cannon Sheep & Cattle Co..... Cooper. Car «3 M. Sore Bro.. . B.Clar 25. Clal Bros. . 50, Cameron, .... W. H. Cowles..... . Conley & McTague .. B. G. Cooper.. .. Hugh Crossen.. . Thos. Cushing Clark Bros Z.T. Cox wn Pen and Key R Ranch. SUI . B. Cody . . cen Curtis Bros... . J. S. Day... . P. F. Daly.. S.T. Dalgen.. . Empire Cattle Co.. Dehart L.& Co.. Stet ool .. . Henry Dion... . P.S. Dowson. . John Damm . Seymour Dane.. . Davis Bros.. Stephen Darnall. J F. Darnell. . «. HH. B. Darnall .. . Drosde & Bonney. DeVitt & Flato.. Jake L. DeHart. A. B. DeLong... David Dowd... John Duffy.. » Holy. Family Mission ...... Dawson.......... R. Deibel Yellowstone Cattle Co . Wyman Ellis. . . R.]J. Evans. . John Egeler......... . Wm. Ettien.. . A. H. Eckford .. Lenard Eckert EG on Jgnatios Mission adi ees . St. Ignatius ............. . Glendive . Jefferson Island... ‘Miles City.... . Miles City.. Lee . Ww. ’s, Springs... .. Spearfish, 8. D. nN Spearfish, 8. D.. _— Sunnyside 230 sess» . Great Falls . Helena.. Ellsworth, Neb. . Cascade.. . Macleod, N. Ww. T.. Helena. . on . Ft. Benton.. . F.H.and Mrs. F. E. ‘Curtis .. . LB. Satie: & Son . cee ee . Waterloo.. . Helena... au noo . Ft. Benton. . Miles City.. Helena.. . Chinook Billings... . Forsyth.. cen Billings... .. Miles City.. ... Missoula , 1s cues es .. Che Wyo. ... Garland . . «..... Kibbev . .... Gold Butte............... ... Nashua ................. Deer Lodge.............. ... Kismet ........c.e00ueee . Choteau .... Culbertson Dickinson, N.D....... . . A Poplar... coos . Helena . . . Henrietta, Tex . ... Culbertson.. A. Ashland........ 0 Miles City.. eee.... Malta., cee Livingston. Miles City ... Jordan,, . Miles City. Miles City.... Texas,. ... P.O. Box 260 Ft. Worth, “ven Big Timber. oe .. So. Omaha, Neb . ceee St, Ignatins . Silver.. Famil .. Glend Miles City. . Fogyeh.. . Helena.. oon 2 ... Clyde Park.. esse HCE, . High River, NWT. Rancher ik 1} | i. } hi ¢ | ! { { Ct —— Fergus, ‘Andrew .. Freeser, J. H..... Findlay, Geo Flowerree, D. A. G.. Flowerree, W, K Foerster, E...... Ford, Mrs. D. Flynn, John.. Flanagan, Pat. Frederickson, A. A. Freeman, Thos.. Finch, CG. P........... . Jno. Tod Ford, J. A ... Flaherty, JOO ........ Fleming, F. P Fraser, R. A Fant, J.J . Freeman, Ww. H. Galvin, W. J Gray, B..o.. sone o Gray, F.Z.. Forges Woeennennns Fergus I.. S. & Land Co .. J. H. Freeser.. 2% gene Wm. Fergus.. Capitol ¥F. L. & 1.'Co. | Flowerres C. Co. & Fiore Sheep & H. Co....... ..entt Ww. K. a . E. Foerster Ford & Hill . ve -- 4989 Flynn . Pat Flanagan. ee . A.A. A & Co. GQ. P. "Finch.. F. P. Fleming The Cascade Read Co. -and J. { ‘& veiieeees.. Helena ...... . Helena ..... . Wibaux .... A.M. Gans.. oe J.J» Eant,, , W. H. Freeman .. : W. J. Galvin, on, pos ... B.Gra rain on eer BF. Z, A Sy ... N. J. Gould, Sec'y..... ' . M.S. Gunn 7 J.). Garbutt C. W. Gray... J. H. Green.. N So oo H. C. Gelder... a Gdrdon °]. T Galbreath JS Galen, A. J..ccevvnen. Garrard, Wm......... Geier, Burkard ...... Gould, E. E Gupton, M.] Harrison, W. A, Hauswald, F.E.. Hamilton, 3 T. J Harris, W.E Hardin, S. H.. Harris, John Hamilton, G. de S Hamilton, R.S. Harding, John Hays, uke C. Estate. Hedges, C. F..... . Hilger, SE cebu ew : . Seven Mile Cattle ¢ Co... . Jos. Holtz ...... seine . C.T. Herring... Head, C. H.. Holtz Jos. . Herring, C.T....... Heren, R. P Hedderich, G. M Hedges, H. H. Hitzfeldt Fred. Holt, J. M Holt, ‘E. B.. C. M. Goodell.. . Wm. Gordon.. Gordon & Ironside, B Box x 273. J. S. Galbreath . Herrin & Galen ...... Wm. Garrard ........ M. J. Gupton W. A. Harrison.. . - RoHS Gulch Ranch Co......... WwW. S, Haley. T, Hamilton Harris & Kimes...... . S. H. Hardin & Co.. John Harris.......... G. de S. Hamilton . R.S. Hamilton John Harding Luke C. Hays Estate ..C. F, Hedges.. Fergus & Hilger... R. P. Heren.. Hedderich Bros.. .. H. H. Hedge ges : Loud & Hitzfeldt.... Howes, A. # raat Howes, L..S ... Hopkins, J. S Hodson, A Hogan, D.J.... Hotchkiss, A. N.. Huckvale, Walter. . Hunter, Jas. .... Holmes, U. M Holmes, J. K...... : Hopkins & McDonald Alvin Hod ..D.J. Hogan. . A, N. Hotchkiss. Walter Huckvale. . .. Jas. Hunter . . J. K. Holmes.. Armells . Geyser........ ve Powderville. Helena. . os sawn Chinook... ao ... Utica.. Tokna eee Williston, N. 1 D. ... Garniell.. ... Kalispell.. casa bmaive : Cold Springs... sans. Glendive . cess HCA anaes . Tee Dee .... ... Ashland...... ve vo HElONA coivrvans savnsees Helena.... ... Winston..... . Belleview ... Ft. Benton....... a. Ohinook es : .... Philbrook.. . Ubet.. Winnipeg, Canada are .. Browning . .... Helena... win 44 WiaHY Sheridan, Wyo. . . Burkard Gelert... , cove vs rene .~E. E. Gould & Bro.... " ... Miles City.. . Ranchester, Wyo.. . Ft. Benton Gillette, Wyo 1 Havre... . Miles City .. Lewistown.... ...... .... Glendive we.... Kismet........ reaneesees «» Miles City Shepherd & Heldt.. Great Falls . Williston, N.D...... ... ... Garland.. « Utica.. . Miles City.. . Miles City.. ty.. _ Medicine Hat, N. W. T. . Ekalaka Kirby 29 Kirby... chs ssinne MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Members Horkan, Geo folien N.B Hedge, W. § Heinrich, F. M.....-.. E Hughes, Lee Huidekoper, E. C Hysham, C. J Herrick E. 3 Huntley, Annie D. Irvine, Wm.. Ingersoll, G. F.. Johnson, C. LL... Johns, Wm... .. Johnston, J. LI... Jaff rey, E. G Jackson, Wm Jefferies, A.N...... Johnston, Wm _, Jordan, Ww. A. ol .e Josuchs, Ea... .. Kraft, Jno .. Knapp, Dan . Kempton, H. N .. Kesel, Jos.. Kennie, AW Kirwan, G. M Kimball, W.N.. Kircher, Albert. Kendrick, Y B.. Klein, Henry. ave Kelty, D.C... Kennett, S. H.. Kelly, Mrs. R. L..... Kohrs, Conrad. Krug, Chas. Kyle D. C.. irby, cen Kirkaldie, Eliz. F Laird, John.. Largent, J. L.. Lewis, Len., Lewis, Edward A LeBarre, i ’ Lowther, H Loeb, A.T........ i oly Bas seses Liscom, G.W . E.H. johnson... . Jr ins Cee . Wm, Johnston... . W. B.Jordan.. Cee oe Jones Bros. . terete t sevens. Dodson... ces . Ed Josuchs .. teertr irene. . John Kraft. . I 0 1 {I oe Ww. N. Kimball. . . Albert Kircher ... Pioneer Cattle Co ... Chas. Kreg trsns tren swe see DWC, “Kips. ceeess feeee.... Saco.. Fiz Ta r . Len Lewis. . eee.... Load & Hitzfeldt.. Yon fields Ranch Co . . A. I Loeb . Ferdinand Leulz.. Firm or Companies Represented Address Geo. Horkan.. ceceees.. Stacy...... Holter, MeNinch & Monroe. . Helena Jacob Hoyem.. . CHa D. Hope . Cutbank.. .... Helena....... .. Gulbertson. ... Glendive . ... Chinook . . Slack, Wyo . Lincoln Tusonnt E. S. Herrick Handel Bros.. S. A. a H. H. Hunter . . South Omaha, Neb Glendlve .... : Musselshell .. . Hurd Bros... . A.D. Huntley .. . Wm, Irvine.. Atlantic L. S. “Co. —Rea C. ‘Co. & G. F. Ingersoll.. «ees... Miles City Harris, Franklin & Co.. Deadwood, S. D soe .«... Miles City. . Miles City Chas. L. Johnson... . Cascade... ... Wm. Johns.. . Johnston-Penwell L. 'S. Co." Thistle Cattle Co.. Wm. Jackson, .. eee Drehton: N.D.. ... St. Peter.. .. .. Miles City... Ss; Johnson .. .. D &F. W. - Johnson. as: oe Ceres . Bellfield, N.D. Dan Knapp.. . H, N. Don .. Jos. Kesel.. A.W. Kennie & Co... | ; Miles City... . Kirwan. ...... eveee... Etna,. ... Miles City. Miles City.. iles Cit; C. Koehler.. ee.... Blue Si Stadler & Kaufmann. .... Helena...... Frank Kramer. M. L. Kramer.. eee . F, J. Keene. . J. B. Kempton & Sons... . J. B. Kendrick . Gans & Klein. , Otter S H. Kennett, Agent. Mrs. R.L. Kelly ... ........ Helena.... . Glendive, Wm - Kipp .. ‘ Coutts, 'N. W. T.; Billings. . . Avg “ne ugusta JL. Largent .. reves im : ny ‘von ye Lewis. . Edward A. Lewis... .. St Peter. . Bruno & LeBarre .. Roundup Helena... Two Dot.. verson., revel +ess...... Hebron, N.D., The ND Cattle Co.. ees... Havre. G. W. Liscom.,. ............. Terry.......... re oj Stock Yards, Kansas City, . Rie eo RE . Ft. Benton...... ...... . ve Ft, Benton. wipes le . Miles City,.............. . Merrill... .... nn av Brandenburg... Fett perros Members Lingquist, F. W Lyons, R. I Lane, Geo Jarvie W. R Luppold, Wm Lemmon, G. E l.acy, Frank Lovell, Philip McMillan, A McKennan, S McAusland, A. T McNeill, D.. McCuistean, J P. McCauley, N McNamara, C.J McMillan, Angus .... ... G. P. Moorhead, 114 So. 0. ibs St. Moorhead, G. McCormick, Paul. McKay, Chas ya McLean, A Mcl.ean, Kenneth .... McKelvey, Jud........ McCone, Geo McCarthy, Chas MacDonald, , Jas McKay, |. R McKay, John ,. McGraw, Jas. Marohl, R. LL Maxwell, Ww. I Mackie, Thos Meade, T. M,: Millard, A. TR Miller, J. M.. Miller. Matthew .... .. Minar, Ww. J Morse, Sherburne Morrison, J. R...... .. J. Morger, F. ] Moore, C, LL Myers, Geo. W . Marlow, T. Mendenhall, C.B Mead, D. B. ve Milner, M. E. Miles, G,M .. Moore, J. T.. Moncriéffe, Wm.... Moran, Thos Morrow, W. T.. Murphy, J.T... one Murphy, Pa Murphy, F. J.. Mishper. Lewis. Miller, G j Mercer, Li Jr Morse, Mosig eas, Jos... Miller, H. A... aurer, Mrs, Elion... . Clifford Martin.......... Martin, Clifford. . “\Mouatt, Wiis Newbary, C } . Chas. McKay.. . L.]J. Marion............ vee Bu)e Murphy .. ... Lewis Mumper.. . G. F. Miller.. Firm or Companies Represented F. W. Lingquist R. I. Lyons & Co.. .. Geo. Lane , or res vr J. K. Laporte... C. T. Langley & Co.. . Arthur l.arvie Larson Prl s Cattle Co Wm. Luppol cers ernanse Lake, Tomb & ‘Co Erank Lacy Philip Lovell. Andrew McMillan’ McKennan & Bogart . A. T. McAusland............... . D. McNeill J. P. McCuistean.... .... . N. M. McCauley... McNamara & Marlow .. Thos. McGirl, 4 sae os ans Angus Mc Millan | cee Custer CattleCo .... A.J. McLean ............... McLean, Kenneth Jud McKelvey........ Geo. McCone Chas. McCarthy .... Jas. MacDonald J. R. McKay.. . John McKay.. . Jas. McGraw W. C. McDowell............... T. E. McKoin & Son .... Maddox Bros............ R. L. Marohl...... F. M. Malone.... vou W. I. Maxwell....... A. & H. Mackie..... Address, } Calgarry, NU i . Russell, N. Dickinson, N, D’ Ronan ..... . . Harlem, White Sulphur Springs... Ft. yates, } N.D Birney. ....... . Dillon McMillan... Helena... Miles City.. ..... Grass Range.... ,....... .... Big Sandy............... ... Billings . Lewistown Qi, Neb.... .. ...... Billings...... age “reve ... Lethbridge, N, W. T... Miles City . Ashland Tokna . .. Maple Creek, Canada’... Niles City. i as yth Brandenburg .. Gilt Edge ... Grassrange .. Polson.. ‘ ... Sheridan, Wyo... vee... Miles City . .... Ekalaka.. ors . Coutts, N." ‘W. T.. po Shelby. . .. Kinsey.. . Lloyd.. Matthew Miller...... W.]J. Minar........... Sherburne Morse R. Morrison & Co.. F. J Morger.. oo C. L. Moore.. . McNamara & Sis ‘and Mrs. C. A. Broadwater C. B. Mendenhall... . Douglas & Mead.. Milner Live Stock C Co. . Miles & Ulmer.. J. T. Moore............ a } Moncrietfe Bros Thos. Moran . Wm. T. Morrow.. rie The Montana Cattle Co. & N. W. Cattle Co.. Pat Murphy.. Jno. Mercer, Jr. . Ajax Live Stock Co . Jos. Morigeau .. . H. A. Miller Brown Ranche Co.. woes Mrs. Ellen Maurer ....... Wm. Mouatt.......... .. 3 . Buford Horse Co Browning... vee... Mernll.. esmrranh Ft. Benton... ........... Browning ................ . Landusky.... ........... . Ft. Benton .... Miles City....... Big Sandy............... . Springdale.............. . Glendive.......... cecees Ft. Benton.... eee..... Ft. Benton.. veso.. Mizpah ve..... Beatrice........... ..... Belleview . Baford, N.D.. Dillon . . Camas. Culbertson’ ro : Ekalaka . . Cardston, N. WT .... Kibbey wo Ete Benion. | .. .Rancher. . Ekalaka... RR MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Members Nield, Thos........... Thos. Nieid.. Nelson, Fred Fred Nelson. Noble, C. S........... C.S. Noble & Bro... Nohle, A. F Prouty & Nohle.. Neace, J. C.. .. Neace Caitle Co Neidringhaus, H.F. H.F. Neidringhaus Nelson, H. H. H. Neison Sheep Co Otten, Herman Herman Otten Overfield, Geo. I. .... + Gerd L. Overfield O’Donnell, I. D. .... . D. O’Donnell.. O’Connor, J. E.... ... . O'Neil, John.......... John O’Neil.. Olson, P. A P. A. Olson.. J. B. Cattle Co. Pischek, Jno Jno. Pischek.... .... Pope, G. B............ G.B. & G. L. rope... Pollinger, E. M....... E. M. Pollinger.. Patterson, Jesse....... Jesse Patterson.. Power, C. B Phelps, J. I . Preuitt & Pheips.. Preuitt, W. G W. G. Preuitt Preuitt Bros, .. Prouty, E. M Power, T. C Poindexter, P. H Prescott, A. K Prouty & Noh . iE Meontle "& Cattle Co. AK. Prorat cee Pemberton & Cowden ... Simon Pepin J. E. Phelan.. N. Patroni . R. R. Purcell. . .. M. F. Quinn Quuaintance, A. C./ 7 .... A.C. fuaintance, cece nees Ramer, Jno. eeses.. JNO. Ramer.. , Retnicke, Ed.. . ‘Ed. Reinicke.. cee Reid, Frank Madison Live Stock Co. Reynolds, G.T Reynolds Cattle Co Ross John...... Jno. Ross Rumney, Benj Mo. River Live Stock Co. . Russell, E.C.......... E.C, Rosse) . Rue, J. S.............. RueBros.. Ryan, Ed......... ... Ed. Ryan.. ...... Ramsey, Fred.. . Fred Sosy Reser, A. H A. H. Reser Reed, O. L.. O. L. Reed ceee Robertson, F.C F.C. Robertson, Roney, B B. Roney.. Rowe, Wm.. . Wm, Rowe. ... Ld Ryan, Je an Bros. Cattle 0. L. releals” By L. Richards A. B. DeLong Re . S. G. HR Syaals... L F.C McGee & Roll.. Roche, J. ].. . J.J. Roche. . ne Staubach, Val. Valentine Staubach Shannon, G. W Stacy, L. W L.W. Stacy Sawyer, . F Stevens, G. H Sims, Jos Sudduth, W. X..... Strong, Wm Stevens Cattle Co. . Jos. Sims,..... . _ Musselshell C. Co. Sung Beating... Scoffin, C,R.... coffin. feiaane » Staudaher, G. J Sg 3. Staudaher .... .... Sanford, Wm anford Bros. . Strevell, J. W. Estate. 5 W. Strevell Estate... Seyler, J. T y Swett Ww. C. Swett Estate Stephens, Oscar Oscar Stephens Sieben, Henry Sieben, Jacob Jacob Sieben. B.F. Stickney .. Stickney, B. F Simpson, C. M C. M. Simpson Firm or Companies Represented Sun River Stock & Tand Co ol . Address . TON xq ve . Culbertson... Sunnyside ............... .. Buford, N. D Ft, Benton.... . Billings. . , Canton. . Helmville. . Miles City............... ... . Fallon . Twin Bridges.. . Boulder Helena... . Helena. ..... eee eeea eas Phillips.. Ft. Benton. . So. St. Paul, Sie Spearfish, S.D.. Havre . - Dickinson, N. D . Miles City.. . Sunnyside. , . Twin Bridges. . " Albany, Texas . Miles City. . Box 1788, Spokane, Wash, . Birney . Ft. Benton.. . Leavenworth, Kansas. Dickinson, N. . D ". Crow Agency . Birney. . . S. Jiaiis, Neb... og Creek . Miles Cit Twin Bridges.. . Helena Ft. Maginnis... Helena Sands, Morris. .. ..... Spragg, F. A Spragg & Kierstead Original Defective MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Firm or Companies Represented John Simpson N CL Smith Address izp teense Preuitt & pmah & F. E. Martin. Miepa F.]J. Stieh pdkt, Stephen Ste dtenberg, H.F Stapford, ).T $ Somad. Shecls Cattle Co Conrad- Harris Cattle Co ; Sands Cattle & Land Co Shanley Bros. . «JR Sherburne. . . Jno. D. Single ... Spear Bros. Cattle Co. J. M.. Shelton .. Geo. Sheetz.. W. E, Savage. . G. E. Sudlow. . «.. W.D. Smith , W. C. Scott , C.R. A, Scobey .. ooo osser, Adam Adam Schlosser ........ vant, Jno..... ers Snyder Bros.. Miles City Culbertson. . Browning. . Grassrange. . Morehea "ie niin Shamrock, “Texas .. Miles City rir rere ess Miles City. ........ . Miles Caty........... . Miles Lith. . Terry., . Poplar. . so vodlsiee Dragseth.. M . y : . Musselshell. . . Bitter Root Stock Farm va ny Hamilton. . 3a lway & Morse. . W. F. Schmalse. .. C. F. Sa ker. ... H. H. Sap ington... : Seo, S, Spen diff . weetman Jorn Spencer .... . ... Sam Spencer . New Oxley Ranche Co. . Frank W. Smith ... G. W. Trask.. Tanner & Manning. A. H. Terrett. . . I B rie PP, . ri ve dell, Louis. Louis pi ue jompson, C. P C.P P, Thompson nsley, Ben ...... Ben Townley . James Travis. . . Ed. Tomans, ‘Trustee . WwW. P. Tamer Jr. > Tomer . J. N. Tolman .. Henr John 8. Truscott........... . St. Paul's Mission, , B.E. ’ San on a Live ‘Stock Co.. Brgken...ovcveer enon : “ue eink, sors dvanmesives Watkins, Chas. ...... Mary Watkins... Fo Westfall, Jerome. ..... Jerome Westfall... atin niin Western, Joe.......... Joe Western .. .. Yehinger, M... Cons Ibur, Frank,..... . Frank Wi RE we vaens ive M, Vo ehinger. Coie coo ese ... Billion ....... ps . Miles City. . . Miles Catv _ Big Timber... . Sand Creek.. PR Musselshell.......... ytle. veces . New Oxiey, Canada SS Wibaux . . Brandenburg . » Mavissdale’, vw Badissturg,. . Cascade . . Cascade . . Beatrice , Big Sand ’ ga Red Lodge Miles City . Miles City. inne Lancaster, Mass Choteau -- Jordan S3esier suis vemeesibe . ‘St. Paul’s.. BOE vane vee . Red Lodge . Helena ...... . Miles City........ . Miles City, svhissntiss ve Miles City. . sevsieninonse ue wees Graham ,....... ees 0sve ne Retake of Preceding Frame MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Members Nield, Thos........... Firm or Companies Represented Thos. Nieid.. F red Nelson. Prouty & Nohle . Neace Cattle Co Neidringhaus, HF Nelson, H. H Otten, Herman Overfield, Geo. 1. O’Donnell, I. D. ...... O’Connor, J. E.... ... . H. F. Neidringhaus HH. H. Neison Sheep Co.... Herman Otten George L. Overtield.... ........ I. D.O'Donnell............. ... O'Neil, John......... Jc Olson, P. A Patch, R.E........... Pischek, Jno Porter, T. ) Pope, G.B............ Pollinger, E. M. I Patterson, Jgsse.. Power, C. B Phelps, J. I. Preuitt, Ww. G...onnnn Phillips, B. D Price, C. Ww Power, T.C.... ...... Poindexter, P. H Prescott, A. K Pemberton, G. A Pepin, Simon Phelan, J. E Patroni, Nicol Purcell, R. R Quinn, M. F. Quaintance, A.C. Ramer, Jno.. Retnicke, Ed.. Reid, Frank Reynolds, G.T Ross John............. J. 'B. Cattle Co. Jno. Pischek.. G. B. & G. LL. Lope. E. M. Pollinger.. . Jesse Patterson. Sun River Stock Ka and Co .. . Preuitt & Phelps... cee .e W. G. Preuitt, Preuitt FLL . Prouty & Nohiz Judith Mercantile "& Cattle Co. & T. . K. Prescott . Pemberton & Cowden. Simon Pepin J. E. Phelan.. N. Patroni ...... es R. R. Purcell. A. C. Quaintance....... ... Jno. Ramer.. vee . Ed. Reinicke. . Madison Live Stock Co.. Reynolds Cattle Co Jno. Ross Mo. River live Stock Co..... .. E. C. Russell ,. . Rue Bros Fred Ramsey........ .. A. H. Reser... . O.1.. Reed Robertson, F. Cc. Roney, B Rowe, Wm. Ryan, 'Jepp. . .. Richards, Ww. 0 ceenen . S.G. Tyna. rove res enone Shannon, 'G. Stevens, G. H.. Sims, Jos. Sudduth, WwW. X. Strong, Wm Scoffin, C,R Staudaher, G. J Strevell, J W. Estate. Seyler, J.T Swett Estate Stephens, Oscar Sieben, Henry Sieben, Jacob Stickney, B. ¥ Simpson, C. M F.C. Robertson, CL B. Roney....... . ... Wm. Rowe. . Ryan Bros. Cattle Co.. . L. Richards A B. DeLong McGee & Roll.. J.J. Roche. . . Jaluntine Staubach. .W., Shannon 5 F. ‘Sawyer. . .. Stevens Cattle C o. .. Jos. Sims,. . _ Musselshell C. Co. Strong & Dearing . C. R. Scoffin cee G. ). Staudaher .. ............. ... Canyon Creek .. Miles Cit Twin Bridges............ Sanford Bros. . . J. Y Strevell Estate. J. T. Seyler Ww. C. Swett Estate Oscar Stephens Henry Sieben Jacob Sieben... ................. B. F. Stickney C. M. Simpson Address ... Townsend...... «... Culbertson ............... Sunnyside ............... .. Buford, N. D Baldwin, ....... St, Louis, Mo... N .. Cl . . Cascade Ft, Benton............... Billings... ............. ,Canton............ ...... ... Helmville . Culbertson Poplar Miles City.. Fallon. . Twin Bridges. oo Boulder Helena.......... Phillips LL Ft. Benton.. So. St. Paul, Minn. Helena Dillon... .. Helena.. ) . Spearfish, SD Havre ... . Dickinson, ‘N.D. ... Coutts, N. W.T. . Helena aR ALR To Le Boulder.................. .. Boulder................ . .. Miles City .. Sunnyside.. Twin Bridges. . Albany, Texas Denton... .. Cascade Graham, ... ... Miles City... . Box 1788, Spokane, Wash, .e Birney Ft. Benton.. . Leavenworth, "Kansas . Dickinson, N. D Crow Agency ... Birney. . S. Omaha, City... I.ombard.. . Towner, . Lavina. Lavina. Miles City. . . Conrad Helena Ft. Maginnis Helena. cee. Cascade... iw agg, F. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. Members Simpson, John Silve, N. M Stiehl, F. J Scott Joseph Scott, Stephen Firm or Companies Represented John Simpson N. M. Si Address Mizpah .. Preuitt & Smith & F. E. Martin. Helena F.]. Stiehl Stoltenberg, H.F..... H.F Stanford, J. T Sands, Morris. hanley, Walter Sherburne, J. H. Single, J. D. ear, W.M.. wri J. M. Sheetz, Geo. .......... jyavage, W, (Sudlow, G. E. Smith Scott, W.C...... .... Scobey, C R. A Schlosser, Adam Sarva, ore Say, M 4 Y, J. b Shy: E. Snell. W. S......... Smith, E. G.. Stocker, C. F.. Sappington, H.H . Spenddiff, Geo. . Sweetman, L.D. Spencer, John Spencer, Sam Springett, A. R. Smith, F. W Trask, G. W., Tanner, Chas. Terrett, A. H Tice, H. W, Tripp, L. E. .. Trudell, Louis. . Thompson, C.P Townsley, Ben ...... Travis, James. . Tomans, Ed . Turner, Ve 5 Jr.. Turner, J. C Tabor, J. Pp Terrett, W. W Thex, C.H. Tingley, Clark Estate. Townsend, Jas Tolman, J. N Tusler, THenr Truscott, d Ss. True, N. Truchot, Frank. Tuttle, EF Varo, H. B. Vasta, Rev. I. A Vail, 'B. E . Walters, N. Pp. . E. G. Smith Live Stock Co. { Conrad-Circle Cattle Co 1 Conrad- Harris Cattle Co . Sands Cattle & Land Co . Spragg & Kierstead .......... Shanley Bros. . . J. H. Sherburne, . . Jno. D. Single ... Spear Bros. Cattle Co. . J. M. Shelton Geo. Sheetz.. Ww. E. Savage. KE. Sudlow. . wv. D. Smith W. C. Scott , C.R. A, Scobey . Adam Schlosser ...... Jno. Survant. J. . . Snyder Bros. Cees Bitter Root Stock Farm Selway & Morse. . .e W. F. Schmalse. ...... W.S. Seine oe J H. A. Smith C. F. Stocker . H. H. Sappington, . Geo. Spenddiff L. D. STSEIMAR 11s saris John Spencer .... ........ . Sam Spencer . New Oxley Ranche Co. . Frank W. Smith ... G. W. Trask.. Tanner & Manning. oo A. H. Terrett, . ee ... H.W. Tice.. .. L. E. Trip I.ouis LT oo . C. P, Thompson Ben Townley . James Travis. . . Ed. Tomans, Trustee . W. P. Turner, Jr.. J. C. Turner ............. John P, Tabor W. W, Terrett................ . TIM Cattle Co Clark Tingley, Estate James Townsend..... .... J. N. Tolman . Henry Tusler Estate John S. Truscott. . N.S. T . Tuttle Bros..................... Peter Yoliton H. B. E. Van .. Canyon Creek Live Stock Co.. B. Warnken.. cece . Waite Bros. . West! » Jerome. Western, ,Joe.. Weh hinger, M Wilbur, Frank. cee .. Mary Watkins . . Jerome Westfall... . oe 3 avon I Western .. .... M. Wehinger. CLT Frank WHDUT cur at vers crane Miles City Culbertson .. Browning .. . Grassrange.. . Morehead . Shamrock, Texas. . . Miles City . Miles City. . . Miles City. Miles City . Terry . Poplar. ...... +e coves Dra gusth.... on alta. . een y.o . ee eihaii Hamilton. . Dillon .... . Miles City. . . Miles Citv.. Miles City ... Butte.. Big Timber . Sand Creek... Musselshell...... Milton, N. D . Coutts, N. W. T.. Lytle. . I . New Oxley, Canada’ eels Wibaux . . . Sapphire | ce Brandenburg .. . Martinsdale . . Kismet } ... Malta, Melville . cevse vanes Cadersburg .. . Cascade . . Cascade ...... . Galata....,. .. Beatrice St. Peter .. Brandenburg Big Sandy . Ft. Benton Miles City . Miles City Lancaster, Mass Stanford . Red Lodge. . Helena ..... + Jsiena, ees .. Fallon... Miles City...” . Miles City, ... Miles City............ . ... Graham Members Firm or Companies Represented Address Nield, Thos........... Thos. Nieid.. C eeeeeeaenaes TONDIE0A 00 er i Nelson, Fred Fred Nelson. ieee . Culbertson .. RT, i i! N Jha Simpson Noble, C. S........... C.S. Noble & Bro. Sunnyside .. 4 Nohle, A. F Prouty & Nohle.. “ee . Buford, N. D.. Neace, J. C.. . Neace Cartle Co Baldwin, . Neidringhaus, MH. F. H.F. Neidringhaus St. Louis, Mo.. Nelson, H. . H. H, Neison Sheep Co.. .. Cascade Otten, Herman Herman Otten Overfield, Geo. I Serge) L. Dugiaeld.,. Bitngs ContaaCircls Battie Co ? .D....... 'Donn SIs illings , - ocd, F b cee ee . cosyie [! Canton. ves senn Sens Stanford, J. 1 1 Conrad-Harris Cattle Co O'Neil, John iloeeeiiiiiennnnn. # Sands, Morris. . .. Sands Cattle & Land Co Olson, P. A . eset esse cten nnn Shag, F. A. ods Spragg & Kierstead J. B. Cattle Co Shanley, Walter Shanley Bros. . we suns ee Jno. Pischek.. a H. . J. H. Sherburne. . Soimalse. ts sees vse. Miles Ci Crs ue Phelan, J. E J. E. Phelan.. sone ue . Dickinson, N. ‘D.. Lo Sael eS rene rennse vs renee ronson Miles City, Patroni, Nicol N. Patroni ............... . Coutts, N. W. T Sm 3 .. H. A. i : Purcell, R. R + R, vecsssesscs-a...... Helena , trees senees © .Sa Firm or Companies Represented Address TB rm ST RTA CR ¢ , M ives Preuitt & Smith & F. E. Martin. Hewes F.]J. Stiehl tt Joseph Northern Cattle Co Miles City ~Sedtt, Stephen Stephen Scott Culbertson. . Stoltenberg, H. F H. F. Stoltenberg ML AE Sy TNR Ie A, Pe wy > re i CORP Boulder. eee eens 5 Sl EE vser ren. 8 Big Timber... Quaintance, A. C. A.C. Sugintance, «e...... Boulder................ . gt .H.... H. H. Sap ppington.... veee... Sand Creek.. Ramer, Jno.... ....... Jno. Ramer.. ee renens . Miles City . Geo. Spenddiff Musselshell .......... Reinicke, Ed..... .... Ed. Reinicke.. «ees .... Sunnyside.... .... L. D. Sweetman Milton, N. D Reid, Frank Madison I.ive Stock "Co. . Twin Bridges. . .. John Spencer .... aie Reynolds, G.T Reynolds Cattle Co " Albany, Texas .. Sam Spencer Lytl wenive; 1 Ross John.. eee... Jno. Ross .. Denton v Sp New Oxley Ranche Co.... .... New Oxley, Canada’ rr Rumney, Benj | Mo. River Live Stock Co. .... .. x mith, F. W Frank W. Smith Wibaux . .o voy Russell, E.C.......... E. C. Russell 1 i rE « Wooiieeo.. Go. W, Trask.. Bue hay RueBros.......... ...cccoeettn v won sucuvane sien FE Ta > ey ding. ‘ : Ryan, Ed.. . ... Ed. Ryan.. ...... ............. Bo chert irre errr renns SY . AH, Terrell, votre vens ener voce Brandenburg .. Ramsey, Fred. Fred Ramsey OY. .cot connie. pe Of 5 adem ween on weesee.... Martinsdale . Reser, A. H . H. tees sent enensenns bn, «oe. LE. Tripp ..c...cevvvvene..... Kismet Reed, O. L.. ..... O.L. Reed veierieeeenas... Miles City 8 Hoop, | Louis. . Louis Trudell ..... 0. 0.7" Malta. Robertson, F.C. F.C. Robertson, ees +...... Box 1788, Spokane,Wash, 17. a Tompson, C.P C. P, Thompson Melville | Ronev, B B. Roney... cereeseaeesas. Birney . gwnsley, Ben ....... Ben Townley Radersbury Rowe, Wm.. .... Wm. Rowe.. Ft. Benton.. . 7 © "Dravis, re vees -ees James Travis,.................. Cascade . Tawa Ryan, Jep "i + Ryan Bros. Cattle Co........... Leavenworth, "Kansas . Xi «Te Ed. Tomans, Trustee , «eeee. Cascade ................. Richards, L. veers L. Richards Dickinson, N.D NR 3 W. P. Turner, Jr. Galata.................. . 214 A.B.Delong .........c.u...ue 3 Y J.C J. C. Turner . coeeeses...... Beatrice .... ............ 214 . S.G. RSyaekes... vhs nine ; oe. ....... Crow Agency h. abor, J. P John P, Tabor. 3 : ‘ee 20) Roll, F.C McGee & Roll.. ceeeseeess. Birne : J ve sun 44 ] a . Ww 209 Je J.. vee J. Je Roche. . S. Umaha, ‘Neb... | © Thex, C. H. oO \ 2 Staubach, Val. WIL 06 3.4 Swan b aley, Clark Estate. Big Sandy 2 Shannon, G.W . W. Sh 1 , p. pr asend, ,Jas J d....t .... vue... Ft. Benton. vr eeenies Stacy, L.. W . S can anes ve F lman, J. N J. N. Tolman Red Lodge. . 208 Sawyer, E. +P, yer... Ceeeesenns 176 0. Per Henr ... Henry Tusler Estate Miles City.. wrineee B12 Stevens, G. H Stevens Cattle Co.. . Suns , et Dvirrrrness ..Fruscott, J. John 8S. Truscott................ Miles City 212 Sims, Jos.. ve Jos. Sims,....... I Hien nas pane Sods i. True, N.S N.S ".. Lancaster, Mass 213 Sudduth, W. X _, . Musselshell C. Co. Aruchot, Frank. . Choteau 213 Strong, Win Ss Dearing i Gens Suns nya e ir L Tuttle, E. F.. 211 Scoffin, C,R coffin....... Fone ver © d g Valiton, Peter... .... Deer Lodge 216 Staudaher, G. J G. J. Staudaher ................ Di i Varney, H. B Jordan... eeaenee. 217 Sanford, Wm Sanford Bros. «ess... Canyon Creek ©. Vasta, Rev. I. A...... crnnie, Sto PIS. ou. rir rr neeeses B10 Strevell, J, W. Estate. J. W. Strevell Estate.... ....... Milés Cit Vill, B.E ...... E. Vail oe . Red Lodge 217 Seyler, J. T J. T. § yl Twin Bridges alters, N. ovo Can Jon Creek Live Stock Co.. Helena. ............... 2 Swett Helena arnken, B. argkeén.,........ ... Helena . . . 21 Stephens, Oscar Ft. Maginnis. vi aite, W. T Bi Bros. . Cee ee ve Graham. alea i Sieben, Henry Henry Sieben Helena atkins, Chas. ...... Mary Watkins... he Fallon,.......... Sieben, Jacob Jacob Sieben.,.................. estfall, Jerome.... = Jerome Westfall... sessees +» Miles City... Stickney, B. F B.F. Stickney .. IE vin nso re - Vestern, Joe. . es... Joe Western .. .. ve . Miles City. Simpson, C. M C. M. Simpson , Wehinger, N.. sive My Voehinge: sess eesesseeee or MilesCity........ ‘Wilbur, Frank........ Frank Wilbur...........o... «+. Graham , Retake of Preceding Frame MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Members Nield, Thos....... Nelson, Fred Neidringhaus, HE Nelson, H. H Otten, Herman Overfield, Geo. 1. o’ Donnell, I. D. oN John Olson, P. A Patch, R.E........... Pischek, Jno Porter, T. J Pope, G. B............ Pollinger, E. M....... Patterson, Socer, cee Power, C.B........\. Phelps, J. I..... “renee Preuitt, W. G Preuitt, E. K Price, C. W........... Power, T. C Poindexter, P. H Prescott, A. K Pemberton, G. A ..... Pepin, Simon cees Phelan, J. E Patroni, Nicol Purcell, R. R Quinn, M. F. Quaintance, A. C. Ramer, Jno.. Retnicke, Ed.. Reid, Frank Reynolds, G. 1 Ross John............ Rumney, Benj Russell, E. C Rue, J]. 5S... . Firm or Companies Represented Thos. Nieid.. Fred Nelson. C. S. Noble & Bro.. Prouty & Nohle.. . Neace Cattle Co "HL. F. Neidringhaus . 11. H. Neison Sheep Co... Herman Otten George L. Overfield I. D. O'Donnell... LJ. E. O’Connor John O'Neil.......... J. B. Cattle Co Jno. Pischek.... .... . & G. L.. Pope E M. Pollinger-.... or carpe ean . Jesse Palterson...... Sun River Stock & I.and Co Preuitt & Phelps... Preuitt Bros........ B. D, Prouty & Nohle Judith’ Mercantile "& Cattle Co. & T. C. p A. K. Prantl Pemberton & Cowden. ... Simon Pepin J. E. Phelan........ R. R. Purcell. ... . A. C. Quaintance... . Jno. Ramer.. Ed. Reinicke.. Madison Live Stock "Co. Reynolds Cattle Co . Jno. Ross Mo. River live Stock Co. . E. C. Russell ,. oo Rue Bros.. sets srs enen ue . Ed. Ryan... Chee Fred Ramsey..... Ce A. H. Reser . O. IL. Reed Robertson, F.C. Ronev, B Rowe, Wm........ .. Ryan, Jepp....... .. Richards, WwW. L....... F. C. Robertson, J B. Roney... . Wm. Rowe. . Ryan Bros. Cattle Co... W. L. Richards A. B. DeLong . S.G. Reynolds. . Staubach, Val... Shannon, G. McGee & Roll.. J.J. Roche Valentine Staubach G. W, Shannon I.. Y Stacy . E. F. Sawyer. Stevens, G. H Sims, Jos.. Sudduth, WwW. X.. Strong, Wm Scoffin, C, R Staudaher, G. J Sanford, Wm Strevell, J. W. Estate. Seyler, J. T Swett Estate Stephens, Oscar Sieben, Henry Sieben, Jacob Stickney, B. F Simpson, C. M Stevens Cattle Co.. Jos. Sims, . _ Musselshell Cc. "Co. Shpng & Dearing C. R. Scoffin G. J. So bers Sanford Bros. . J. W, Strevell Estate. Wr Hoar ‘Sie yen Jacob Sieben. B. F. Stickney. C. M. Simpson © seve cen W. G. Preuitt ...... FO Address .... Townsend...... ... Culbertson............ . Sunnyside ............... . Buford, N. D Baldwin, ...... St. Louis, Mo Ft, Benton............... .. Billings... ............. eo... Canton............ ...... ee... Helmville.... ........ ... Culbertson Poplar . Stroud, N. D Miles City.. Fallon... . Twin Bridges. . .. Boulder Helena...... Phillips Ft. Benton... So. St. Paul, Minn, Helena Dillon... . Helena.. Spearfish, SD Havre . Hast ssen eens Dickinson, N. ‘DL N.Patroni .........convvnenn... Coutts, N. W.T . Helena ....... Boulder.... i oo .. Boulder................ . .. Miles City .. Sunnyside.... .......... . Twin Bridges. ...... .... Albany, Texas........... Denton . Kirby... coo... Chinook... ........ ... Miles City . Box 1788, Spakatie, Wash, 2 . Birney Ft. Benton... . Le venworth, "Kansas . Dickinson, N. . Crow Agency .. Birney. . S. Jniaha, ‘Neb... Winston.. Miles City... . Lombard . Foumen N.D. . Lavina . Lavina. Miles City. ... Conrad a Canyon Creek . Miles Cit Twin Bridges... Helena Ft. Maginnis. . Helena “ # MONTANA STOCK GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. Members Simpson, John Silve, N. M Smith, C.J............ Smith, C. C Stiehl, F. J Scott "Joseph Scott, Stephen Stoltenberg, ILF Stanford, J. T Sas, Moris, - Shai: Walter Sherburne, J. H. Single, J. D..... Spear, W.M Shelton, J. M. ........ Sheetz, Geo. ......... Savage, W. E Sudlow, G. E. Smith, W. D.. Schlosser, Adam Survant, Jno Shy, M Shy, J. D. Snyder, E .M.. Snell, W.S........... Smith, E.G... Stocker, C. F.. Sappington, H. H Spenddiff, Geo. . Sweetman, L, D. Spencer, John Spencer, Sam Springett, A. R. Smith, F. -¥ Tripp, LE. Trudell, Louis. Thompson, C.P Firm or Companies Represented John Simpson N Address Mizpah.. Preuitt & Smith & F. E. Martin. Helena F.]J. Stiehl Northern Cattle Co Stephen Scott H. F. Stoltenberg { Conrad-Circle Cattle Co 1 Conrad- Harris Cattle Co* . Sands Cattle & Land Co.... opragg & Kierstead ..... Shanley Bros....... . J. H. Sherburne. ......" . Jno. D. Single ....... Spear Bros. Cautle Co. . J. M. Shelton . Geo. Sheetz.. W. E, Savage. . . G. E. Sudlow. . W. D. Smith . W. C. Scott ess resssinteeseaees eel C. R. A, Scobey........... : Poplar. ......... L100 «..e.s. Dragseth..... Adam Schlosser ...... PP oe —— Snyder ron ces Bitter Root Stock Farm Selway & Morse. . W. F. = Schipalse.. . Dillon ... Miles City.. Miles City Culbertson . Browning . Grassrange.. . Morehead . Shamrock, Texas. Lo . Miles City . Miles City. . . Miles City.. ... Miles City Terry.. y.. . Musselshell. . Hamilton. . se. vess se ....... Miles City vereee. E.G. Smith Live Stock Co. ...... C.F. Stocker . H. H. Sappington. . Geo. Spenddiff L.. D. Sweetman John Spencer .... . Sam Spencer . New Oxley Ranche Co. . Frank W. Smith . G. W. Trask.. ve wown gain Tanner & Miso. . . A. H. Terrett, . .. H.W. Tice. . L. E. Tripp . I.ouis Trudell . a ee weno C. P. Thompson vale, Ben ....... Ben Townley Travis, James. Tomans, Ed Turner, W. P, Jr Turner, J. C Tabor, J. P Terrett, W. W Thex, C. H. . James Travis. . Ed. Tomans, ‘Trustee eeee a WwW. P. mii J. C. Turner . John P, Tabor. TIM Cattle Co Tingley, Clark Estate. Clark Tingley, Estate Townsend, Jas Tolman, J. N Tusler, Henry. Truscott, J. rue, N. S Truchot, Frank. . James Townsend J. N. Tolman .. Henry Tusler Estate John S. Truscott. . N.S. T . Frank Truchot Big Timber . Sand Creek... M usselshell. Wibaux . . Sapphire | rr Lytl . New Oxley, Canada". coun : Spandenpure.. .. Martinsdale . . Kismet ... Malta, Melville ceeeeean Radersburg Cascade ........... Cascade . Galata... .. vans . Beatrice .... ....... Big Sandy Ft. Benton hoteau Tuttle, E.F... .. RE uttle Bros..................... Stanford Valiton, Peter.... .... Varney, H.B Peter Valiton H. B. Varney Vasta, Rev. I. A...... St. Paul's Mission Vail, B. E , B.E. Vaill ........ Deer Lodge Jordan ...... Walters, N, P.. . Canyon Creek Live ‘Stock Co. . Warnken, I B. Warnken............... Waite, Ww. T .. Waite Bros......... Watkins, Chas. ...... Mary AHINS fron asa ves reo uces Westfall, Jerome...... Jerome Westfall....... .. .. Miles Clty... roses Western, Joe.......... Joe Western .. ................. Miles City. . Wehinger, M,.... |... M. Wehinger. ................. Miles City..... Wilbur, Frank........ Frank Wilbur.................. Graham sc eese #0 scces cs conse *r seve ee *eeee vere er vans se 18 MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Members Firm or Companies Represented Address Page Nield, Thos........... Thos. Nieid. Townsend...... 151 Nelson, Fred .... .... F red Nelson. .. Culbertson ., 143 Noble, C. S........... C. =. Noble & ‘Bro.. .. Sunnyside ... 152 Nohle, A. F .......... Prouty & Nohle. . Buford, N. D........ 105 Neace, J.C... . Neace Carle Co.. CL. Baldwin, aera eee. 149 Neidringhaus, TEI IF. Neidringhaus. cee... SE, Louis, Mo..... 151 Nelson, H. H_....... I. H. Neison Sheep ¢ Co. . Cascade ............. .. 130 Otten, Merman’... .... Herman Otten, . .. . Cottonwood............. 155 Overtield, Geo. I... George I. Ov ertield | It, Benton............... 153 O’Donnell, I. D. ...... IL. D. O'Donnell. .. Billings... 154 O'Connor, J). K.... ... J. E. O’Connor....... ... Canton. 154 O'Neil, John... ....... John O° Neil. .. Helmville, ee. 154 Olson, DP. a Cee eee . A. Olson. ewei........ Culbertson... ... . 0 150 Patch, R. EK........... yy B. Cattle Co... 00 Poplar .................. o7 Pischek, Toe Cee eee Jno. Pischek oo. coo ooo... Stroud, N.D.... ........ 157 Porter, Toy. ei iiiaeee iit eeeeeese.... Miles City, oo Pope, GB... G.B. XG, Pope... ....... Fallon. 106 Poilinger, E. M....... E. M. Pollinger...... .......... Twin Bridges. 103 Patterson, Jesse....... Jesse Palterson...... ...... .... Boulder...... ceee eee. 157 Power, C. B..... .. Sun River Stock & Land Co .. Helena.......... ........ 109 Phelps, Ja veees. Preuitt & Phelps..... .......... Helena...... ............ 1601 Preuitt, W. Wo GG Preuitt 0... Helena... .......... 102 Preuitt, E. K cevev... Preutt Bros... . Maddux................. 100 Phillips, B.D. ...... .. B. D. Phillips. ... Phillips... 101 Price, C. W. .... Conrad- Price Cattle Co... .. Ft. Benton. . 40 Prouty, EM. Prouty \' Nohle | . So. St. Paul, Minn, 105 Power, T. C.... ...... Judith Merc: intile & C: Atle Cc 0. AT. Co Power. ooveun.... Helena. ....... .......... 104 Poindexter, P. 11... .. Poindexter & Orr... ........ Dillon...... ...... ...... 160 Prescott, A. K........ A. K. Prescott ..... .. Helena................... 150 Pemberton, G. A ..... Pemberton & Cowden. . Spearfish, S. D. 157 Pepin, Simon ......... Simon Pepin........... ...... Havre .... 150 Phelan, J. E.......... J. IE. Phelan.................... Dickinson, N. D. 150 Patroni, Nispl eee N. Patroni .......... .. Coutts, N. W_. I"... .... 150 Purcell, R. R......... R. R. Purcell............... 0. Yelena ..oeuenr ono vuinn, 105 Quinn, M. mn .. M.F.Quinn........... .. Boulder.................. 107 Quaintance, A.C. . A. C. Quaintance. ....... .. Boulder................ . 107 Ramer, Jno.. eo... Jno. Ramer.. .. Miles City............... 163 Reinicke, Ed.. .... Ed. Reinicke . Sunnyside.... ........... 100 Reid, Frank .... ...... Madison Live Stock Co. Twin Bridges. ... ce. 134 Reynolds, G,'T'........ Reynolds Cattle Co. . Albany, Texas........... 170 Ross John............. Jno. Ross . .. Denton........ eee. 172 Rumney, Benj ... .... Ne River Live Stock ‘Co. . Cascade cee. 133 Russell, E.C.......... . Russell |, . Helena... oll 173 Rue, ].S.............. Kine roe : . Graham. ... ...........0 173 Ryan, Ed....... . ... Ed. Ryan.. ...... .. Boulder.................. 173 Ramsey, Fred.... .... Fred Ramsev................. Kirby.... ............... 108 Reser, A. H.... ...... A. HL Reser. . Chinook.... ............. 171 Reed, O. L. .......... O.l.. Reed viieeeenea... Miles City......... ...... 100 Robertson, I. C ...... Ie. > Robertson, ceii ees ene... Box 1788, Spokane, y Wash, 172 Ronev, B..... ........ 3. Roney... SEIN . Birney. . Lo cL 172 Rowe, Wm........... Wm, Rowe. ........ . Ft. Benton. ees 174 Ryan, Jepp....... .... Ryan Bros. Cattle Co.. l.eav enworth, ‘Kansas .. | 174 Richards, W. L........ W. L. Richards .............. Dickinson, N.D ........ 171 Redman, G. A ........ A.B. DeLong ............... Dama... .. 10 Reynolds, S.G........ S.G. Reynolds. . teiiiiiiiieiae.. Crow Agency. teen 170 Roll, F.C ............ McGee X Roll.. ..... Birney.. 123 Roche, J. J ..... . J.J. Roche. . ... S. Omaha, Neb... 171 Staubach, Val.... .... Valentine Staubach... Winston................. 151 Shannon, G. WW. .. ., G. W. Shannon. . ... Chicago, Ill... .......... 150 Stacy, I.. WW... .... I. by Stacy... . Miles City............... 182 Sawver, E. F.... ..... E. F. 8S: awyer.. veeiieeee.. Lombard... LLL i760 Stevens, G. IH. . A Cees Towner, N.D........... 150 Sims, Jos. .. Jos. Sims.. .. Lavina. 191 Sudduth, W.X _ Musselshell C. .. Lavina........ ... ...... 148 Strong, Win. . .. Strong & Dearing. ... Miles City. .............. 108 Scoffin, C.R.......... C. R.Scoffin......... ..Conrad.................. 100 Staudaher, G.J........ G.]. Staudaher Cees .Dillon................... 177 Sanford, Wm, . Sanford Bros. ... Canyon Creek... ....... 170 Strevell, J. W. Estate. J. W, Strevelil Estate. . . Miles City............... 181 Seyler, J. T.... ....... J.T. Sevler................... Twin Bridges. . 178 Swett Estate.......... W.C. Swett Kstate......... .. Helena. 187 Stephens, Oscar... ... Oscar Stephens... ...... .. .. . Ft. Maginnis . 189 Sieben, Henry. .... Henry Sieben... ........... .. Helena. . eee... ISS Sieben, Jacob. ... ..... Jacob Sieben. ................... Cascade.... ... ... 100 Stickney, B. F..... .. B.F.Stickney.................. Craig..... .. ........... 104 Simpson, C. M........ C. M. Simpson... Beebe. .......... ....... 189 Retake of Preceding Frame MONTANA STOCK GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. 19 Members Firm or Companies Represented Address Page Simpson, oon. ee John Simpson... ................ Lewistown..... 190 Silve, N.M... .. N.M.Silve................... .. Geyser... .... .......... 101 Smith, C.J .. .. C.J). Smith..... ceo... Mizpah oo... 000000 192 Smith, & C.. .... Preuitt & Smith F. E, ‘Martin. Helena.... ..... ........ 100 Stiehl, Joo F.J.Stiehl.................... .. Buford, N.D.... .... .. .. 100 Scott oii . Northern Cattle Co............. Miles City. 153 Scott, Stephen . , Siena Scott. ce viiive.... Culbertson... .... 193 Stoltenberg, HL Ie... HH. . Stoltenberg . cee co... Sheiby................... 197 " | Conrad. Circle Cattle Co % 10 Stanford, J.T... ..... 1 Conrad- Harris Cattle Co" **** Ft. Benton............... 38 Sands, Morris. . ... Sands Cattie & Land Co........ Helena .................. 177 Sprag, F. A......... Spragg & Kierstead ........... DEON, rerares sarnue seus 180 Shanley, Walter ...... Shanley BS Tn irre sunsunes Nashua., cereseee. 179 Sherburne, J. H....... J. H. Sherburne... . Browning . . cere ae... 183 Single, J. D........... Jno. D. Single .................. Grassrange NT —— 192 Spear, W.M.......... Spear Bros. Cattle Co ..... Morehead . ceeee.. 183 Shelton, J. M. ........ J. M. Shelton .... .............. Shamrock, Texas... ... 184 Sheetz, "Ge. vee... Geo. Sheetz.. ceri eeee ee... Miles City . Savage, W, EU 3. oe . Savage. ets vt trent nny ve Miles City. .............. Sudlow, G. E. 2. . Sudlow. ... Miles City ............... Smith, W.D.......... v. . Smith | .. Miles City. .............. 193 Scott, W. C. .... W.,C. Scott , sesnrareie eee, Terry. cerieeieeeea.. 195 Scobey, C R.A... C.R. A, Scobey oA, Poplar. ....... 10 195 Schlosser, Adam...... Adam Schlosser ..............., Dragseth...... cieeeees IGO Survant, Jno.......... Jno. Survant.. oo... LLL MAIR sinrnrnesnne ee. 199 £4 M.D ..coivvnnna. M. D.Shy....veiiuivnnnan.... Jordan. 197 vy, J.D... Lo... D. Shy . ... Stacy,. 197 ShYaer. E. MM... Snyder Bros .. ........ Musselshell, . 200 Shannon, P.J......... Bitter Root Stock Farm ........ Hamilton. . a 18 Selway, E. O......... Selway & Morse. ... eee... Dillon Loo 17s Schmalsle, WW. F...... W. F. Schmalse. .... ee eeevnn.. Miles City. .............. 176 Snell, W.'s..... 1. wis. Snell.............. ...... Miles DEY rm ssnans scan 178 Smith, H. A.......... H. A. Smith.................... Miles City. . 191 Smith, E.G........... E.G. Smith Live Stock Co. .... Butte.. 190 Stocker, C. F. . C.F.Stocker.......... ........ Big Timber... Sappington, HH HOWL Spningtan... ... Sand Creek. 182 Spenddiff, Geo. . Geo. Spenddiff . .. Musselshell.......... "7 180 Sweetman, I, Dp... I. D. Sweetman .. ... Milton, N.D............ 187 Spencer, John, ........ John Spencer .... «eo. Coutts, N. W.T., ....... 185 Spencer, Sam | _.... Sam Spencer... ................ Lytle. . eee. 184 Springett, A. R., New Oxley Ranche Co. . . New Oxley, Canada’ ee. 152 Smith, F. W.. .... Frank W.Smith........... .... Wibaux . Ceeerereae.. 103 ‘Trask, G. W.......... G. W. Trask.. . Sapphire ................ 201 Tanner, Chas......... Tanner & Manning. ... Saco. 200 Terrett, A. H......... A. H. Terrett. . ‘oe Brandenburg .. cv... 208 Tice, H. Y H.W. Tice....ooovvvvinun.... Martinsdale ............. 206 Tripp, I. E... ... LLE. Tripp .. . . Kismet ............ ..... 209 Trudell, Louis. . Louis Trudell ..... "0" Malta............... 212 Thompson, c.v C.P, Thompson................ Melville ............ 207 Townsley, Ben ....... Ben Townley.......... ........ Radersburg.. . 210 Travis, James. .... ... James Travis. ...... ... Cascade ................. 202 Tomans, Ed .......... Ed. Tomans, T rustee . .... Cascade ................. 210 Turner, W. P, Jr...... W. P. Turner, Jr...... ......... Galata.................. . 204 Turner, J. C..oos LLL. J.C. Turner .................... Beatrice .... ........ 214 Cabor, J. P............ John P, Tabor .... St. Peter................. 201 Terrett, W. W ... W. W. Terrett . Ca. Pr adeniury Ce ee 200 Thex, C. H. . TIM Cattle Co. «eo...... Otter. 207 Tingley, Clark Estate. Clark Tingley, Estate... . |. Big Sandy vere sans enya 203 Townsend, Jas.... .... James Townsend .. i .. Ft. Benton. 217 Tolman, J.N .. . . N. Tolman. vee... Red I. cdge.. 208 Tusler, Ienry.. +a _ Henry Tusler Estate... Miles City... 212 Truscott, J.S.... ..... John S. Truscott. . .... Miles City. . 212 True, N.S............ N.S. True.. ... Lancaster, Mass. . 213 Truchot. a weve... Frank Truchot.... 0 Choteau..... ............ 213 Tuttle, E. F.... ...... Tuttle Bros..................... Stanford.......... ...... 211 Valiton, Peter.... .... Peter Valiton........ .......... Deer lLodge.............. 216 Varney, H. B......... H.B. Varney .................. Jordan ...... ............ 217 Vasta, Rev. I. A...... St. Paul’s Mission, . St. Paul’s. ve 210 Vail, B.E ........... B. E. Vaiil ..... . Red Lodge. . Cheer ea 217 Walters, N. P.. . Canyon Creek Live Stock Co... Helena 3 Warnken, B.o......... B. Yraghen sensu ... Helena ........ ceeess 218 Waite, Ww. T........ .. Waite Bros. . . Graham.................. 218 W atkins, Chas. ...... Mary Watkins eesereee... Fallon, 219 Westfall, Jerome...... Jerome Weatall..... eveeens.. .. Miles City. . . 222 Western, Joe.......... Joe Western .. . .... Miles City. . - Wehinger, M......... M. Wehinger. ................. Miles City. .. 221 Wilbur, Frank........ Frank Wilbur............ cessor Graham .,,,............ 222 MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ Members Nield, Thos... Nelson, Fred . Noble, C. SN. . Nohle, A. Neuce, J. Neidringhaus, : Nelson, H. 1... .. Otten, Herman Overtield, Geo. O'Donnell, I. D O'Connor, J. I< O'Neil, John Olson, PP. . Patch, R. I<. Pischek, Jno. I Jorter, 1. J. onary Patterson, Jesse... Power, C. Phelps, J. 1... Preuitt, W. ( Preuitt, KK. Kk... .. Phillips, B.D I'vice, C. WW. , I routy, EE.) Power, TI". C Poindexter, P. . Prescott, A. K Pemberton, G. . Pepin, Simon .. Patroni, Nicol... . Purcell, R. R Quinn, M, EF, | Quaintance, A. (, Ramer, Jno. . . Remnicke, Ed... Reid, Frank Reynolds, o. 1 Ross John, Rumney, | Russell, 3 C Rue, J]. 2 Ryan, Kd. Ramsey, Fre J; Reser, A. H Reed, O. L.. Robertson, I. Ronev, I} ol, Rowe, Wm Richards, W. Redman, G. A... : .S. GG. Reynolds. ........... Revnolds, 5. G..... Roll, | ! Roche, J. J............ Staubach, Shannon, (i, Stacy, LW Sawver, kK. Stevens, Gr, Sims, Jos. Sudduth, W. XT Strong, Wim... Scotlin, C', R.... . Staudaher, G5.) Sanford, Wm, Seyler, | J. Swett tate Stephens, Oscar | Sieben, Henry Sieben, Jacob Ntickney, B. I Simpson, C. M . George TL. Retake of Preceding Frame Firm or Companies Represented Thos. Nieid Fred Nelson. C. Noble \ Bro. Prouty A Nohle Neace Cattle Co. HLF, Ncidringhaus . HL. Neison Sheep Co Herman Otten Overtield I. D. O'Donnell... ......... J. E. O'Connor. John O'Neil. ... P. A. Olson Jno. Pischek.,... cece. sees es G. B. XG. LL. Pope LE. M. Pollinger Jesse Patterson... .. Sun River Stock A | Preuitt \ Phelps | W. GL Preuitt Premtt Bros... ............ B.D. Phillips . Conrad Price C attle Co. Proutv \ Nohle and Co ASSOCIATION. Address Townsend . Culbertson... ........... Sunnyside Buford, N. Baldwin, eee St. Louis, Mo. ... Cascade It, Benton... Lo... Billings. ... Canton Helmville Culbertson. .. Poplar . Stroud, N Miles City Fallon. . | . Twin Bridges Boulder Melena.......... ....... Helena Helena. ....... .......... Maddux... ... Phillips... It. Benton. So. St, P aul, Minn. Judith Mercantile & Cattle Co. AT. Co Power. oo... Poindexier \ Orr A. K. Prescott : Pemberton & Cow den. . Simon Pepin Phelan, J. E.... cv X I<. Phelan. - Patroni . R, 4 . Rae AL C. Quaintance Jno. Ramer. I< d. Reinicke Madison live Stock Co. . Revnolds Cattle Co Jno. Ross Cee. No River lave Stock Co. . Russell is Bros.......... trisssr antes Ed. Ryan. . Fred Ramsey. } . » ~ oo ~ A. HUH. Reser | I.. Reed I¢. C. Robertson, . .. 13. Roney. CW Ryun, Jepp....... LL. Rvan Bros. Cattle Co W. L.. Richards A. B. Delong McGee & Roll. J.J. Roche. v alentine St: aubac ho . W. Shannon.......... ’ Wo St: ey. I. doer (Co. Jos. Sims. . Musselshell C. C °. Strong \ De aring | Co C. R. Scotlin.... ....... .. G. J). Staudaher . Sanford Bros. Strevell, Jy Ww. 1 st: ite. J. W, Streveil Lost: ie J.T. Seyler. . Co W. C. Swett 4 state. . Oscar Stephens. |. Henry Sieben Jacob Sieben || B. I. Stickney C. M. Simpson Helena... Dillon, Helena. eee Spearfish, SOD Havre Dickinson, N. Coutts, N. WW, Helena Boulder . . Boulder Miles City. . Sunnyside... ooo Twin Bridges. . Albany, Texas. .. Denton... oaoes ool . Cascade Heiena Graham, ... Boulder, ... Kirby.. Chinook . | Miles C ity Box 1788, Spokane, Wash, Birney co It. Benton... l.eavenworth, Kansas Dickinson, Dama | . Crow Age Birnev. S. Omaha, Nebo Winston, Chicago, ni Miles City... l.ombard, Towner, N. D. [.avina I. avina Miles City Conrad. Dillon. Cen Canyon Creek Miles City... ... Twin Bridges... Helena. Co Ft. M: aginnis So Helena Cascade Craig Beebe. = 1 = Sersit esis — Save eon ve ty ~1 Shasto~isrsysrsy MONTANA STOCK GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. Members Simpson, John. Silve, N. M Smith, C.J... .. Smith, C Co Stiehl, I.) Scott Joseph Scott, Stephen Stoltenberg, 11. Stanford, J. 1 Sands, Morris, | Spragg, IF. A... Shanley, W alter Sherburne, J. HH. . Single, J.D... Spear, W.M., Shelton, J. MO Sheetz, "Get, .. oe LR. Savage. W, K Fudion, G. EK. Smith, WW. D | Scott, hij C..... Scobey, C R.A Schlosser, Adam a Shy, } Shy, J. b. Snyder, | Shannon, Selway, E. Schmalsle, \\ Snell, W. S.... Smith, HH. Smith, K.G.......... Stocker, C. F........ Sappington, IL. H .... Spenddiff, Geo. ....... Sweetman, I., D Spencer, John, Spencer, Sam Springett, A. Smith, IF. W | Trask, G. Tanner, Chas Terrett, A. H Tice, HH. Y- Tripp, I.. E.. Trudell, Louis” ‘Thompson, J Townsley, Ben .... Travis, Then, Tomans, Id. Turner, WwW, ferrett, W, Ww, Thex, C. Tingley, Clark Estate. Townsend, Jas... . . Tolman, J. N Truscott, J. True, N.S. ‘I'ruchot, F rank . Tuttle, E. FF. . Valiton, Peter, Varney, H.B.... Vaiil, 'B. E........ WwW alters, N. WwW arnken, i Waite, WwW.’ Watkins, on: 1S... WwW estfall, Jerame.. Western, Joe. . ee Wehinger, M. SR Wilbur, Frank,.... ~ Pris \ Smith \ ¥. hb) .. L. Brig SOP louis Trudell ...... .......... C.P, THO es Cert mnenees Firm or Companies Represented John Siapsea.. N. M. Silve. C. J. Smith. .J. Stiehl. . A el Cattle Co | Stephen Scott . H. IF. Stoltenberg... . v Conrad-Circle Cattle Co i Conrad- Harris Cattle Co" Sands Cattle & Land Co Spragg & Kierstead . Shanley Bros........... J. H. Sherburne. ...... Jno. D. Single ..... ce tee eu . Spear Bros, C: autle Co. Cees J. M. Shelton (Geo. Sheetz | W. Lk, Savage G, ke. Sudlow. .............. NE Smith canna hg? A JA. Scobey pi Schlosser a Jno. Survant M. D. Shy J. D. Shy. . Snyder Bros | Bitter Root Stock KF. arm . Selway & Morse. .............. W. IF. i eee . W.S, Snell. IH. A. Smith .. E. G. Smith Live Stock Co. C. I. Stocker H. Hl. Sappington ...... Geo. Spenddiff .. ............. I.. D. Sweetman... . John Spencer .... Sam Spencer. , New Oxley Ranche Co.. Frank W. Smith G. W. Trask. .. Tanner & M: inning A. % Terrett, . I. Tice. Ben Townley, . James Travis. 12d. Tomans, Trustee W. P. Turner, Jr J]. C. Turner John P. Tabor. . ST a W. W. Terrett. TIM Cattle Co. . Clark Tingley, Est: ite James Townsend . . . . J. N. Tolman, Tusler, Jleny. PRE. ag Tusler Estate Jonsy . Truscott. . S. T rue. 4 rank Truc hot Tuttle Bros....... Peter Valiton I. B. Varnev Vasta, Rev. I. Aa... St. Paul's Mission B.E. Vaill ........ CC anyon Creek Live Stock Co o. B. Warnken. Waite Bros. .......... voaen wine . Mary Watkins. ............ Jerome Westfall. ..... . Joe Western .. ............ .. M. Wehinger. ... Frank Wilbur,... . Martin. . Graham Address LLewistown...... ... . Geyser... Mizpah Helena... .. Buford, N. D Miles City Culbertson . Sheiby It. Benton... Helena . Denton. ...... Lo Nashua.................. Browning... .. . Grassrange........ ..... Morehead .......... . Shamrock, Tex: Miies City ......... Miles City Miles City .. Miles City, Terry...... Poplar Dragseth Maita Ce Jordan... ............... Musselshell... ET Hamilton, Dillon Miles City... 0007 Miles City... 07 Miles City. . Big Timber Sand Creek Musselshell. Milton, N . Coutts, N. W, Lytle ..... . New Oxley, a Wibaux .... . aw Sapphire sess tari ar anes . Saco. Brandenburg . Martinsdale ...... . } . ves X Kismet .. | Malta... ... Melville ...... Radersburg.. . Cascade ,................ Cascade . Galata... een Cl Heatyice C108 mes wr wary BD rdontnii BN Otter . . Big 8: indy Lo Ft. Benton . Red l.odge . . .. Miles City Miles City... .. | l.ancaster, Mass. Deer lodge... .. Jordan .. St. Paul’s . Red Lodge .. . Helena ...... Helena ... . granan.. . Fallon. Miles C ity. _ Miles City. Miles Citv.. 20 MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ -_— Members Wiliams, Clinton Willey, A. I Wright, Alfred. Whitbeck, J, K. Wright, H. G Wirt, Wm Wells, H. R Willis, John Walsh, r Williams, FB. M7" Wormser, A Wasesha, J. B Weaver, A. D White, P. White, J. H. Witt, Wm Wigmore, J. C Witmer, J.’ R Wilson, G.R Whitney, A. ] | Alfred Wright J. K. Whitbeck. 1" ASSOCIATION. oo i Firm or Companies Represented Address Clinton Williams, ......... Willey ....... H. G. Wright m. Wirt, ..... “eesti neni eae Scott & Robertson John Willis T, J. Walsh F. M. Williams" 770 A. Wormser B. Wasesha......" J. A. D. Weaver, . .. sale P. W. White... [le J. He White H. Williams estate cee. William Wallace, Jr Il. F. Wegner : 8 . Williams & Bent ... Pierre Wibaux John Wilhart, . Woolman. . ... B. H, Woodcock... |. McC. Wininger . .. Maple Creek Cattle Co., Ltd. - J.J). Zimmerman .. Miles City -«... Willow Creek ........... -+++. Sheridan, Wyo Sandstone Forsyth .’,... . Ekalaka ...... [7 . Miles City. .......... Glasgow Helena... .. Willow Creek. .... ... Wormser Miles City . Kalispell... .....""""" 5 Maple Creek, Canada. . .. 1 Five Mile BRANDS AND MARKS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE tana Stock Growers’ Association. 1903 . EAR MARKS SHOULD READ AS FOLLOWS: LEFT EAR Ce RIGHT EAR = MONTANA STOCK GCOWERS’ ASSOCIATION MONTANA STOCKGROWERS'’ ASSOCIATION. P. O. Address, Sun River, Montana. is : / + P.O. Address, 710 Old Colony Building, Chicago, 111. V/ Range between Sun River and Teton. : 8 | } Ira M. Alling. P. O. Address, Ridgelawn, Montana. Range, Dawson County. Left ribs I and hip NY, on left Vent for horses, Oe = Shoulder, an A. E. Aiken. Other Brands on Cattle P. O. Address, Glendive, Montana. | ld : 3 Earmark, EY A Range, Red Water. % g Vent for cattle, bar Other brands on cattle, some cattle branded bar on right beneath or through brand shovlder beside the Vent for her Jor 3K SN cit thigh Other brands i JAW left shoulder for horses, Fe Vent bar below brand. 0 Shh Ai Y i pion y : i 0 Gi Ho GaPA 0, Ff i = HE Ajax Live Stock Co., Dillon, Mont. Ne PIS, os op) ny, RE J. E. Morse, A. J. Noyes. Range, Big Hole Basin LPR 3 3 : > \ 3 p i STE Ne Earmark 2% brands on | Joa A Vent for cattle and horses horse Tr 18 bar through brand. ” RA ER TY, ny es a / ps [| Retake MONTANA STOCK GCOWERS’ ASSOCIATION J. C. Adams. P. O. Address, Sun River, Montana. Range between Sun River and Teton. Earmark Left rib Other Brands on Cattle rR er hip s on left . . Other brands houlde Vent for | on horses, & ry r, on left hip on left J shoul- der. A. E. Aiken. P. O. Address, Glendive, Montana. Range, Red Water. 3 Tm... wet MTR mre rte nlf Peano PAI of Preceding Frame -MONTANA STOCKGROWERS' ASSOCIATION. S. W. Allerton. P.O. Address, 710 Old Colony Building, Chicago, 111. N Why, SA ~y Ra alitt Wa Vine Ira M. M. Alling. P. O. Address, Ridgelawn, Montana. Range, Dawson County. Earmark, > Other brands on cattle, some cattle branded bar on right JA : beneath or through brand shoulder beside the Vent for . Other brands ] horses left thigh for horses, left shoulder Vent bar below brand. Ajax Live Stock Co., Dillon, Mont. J. E. Morse, A. J. Noyes. Range, Big Hole Basin Vent for cattle, bar thiied SR] ¢ We a TAT ON ee Earmark ~ Vent for cattle and horses bar through brand. 0 ON i i i . \ Nl i J ov AN ft i brands on or ge I horse 1gh Retake MONTANA STOCK GCOWERS' ASSOCIATION J. C. Adams. I>. O. Address, Sun River, Montana. Range between Sun River and Teton. Mo, aed NO; SY pe on left hip on left shoul- der. Ls Left ribs Other Brands on Cattle ol and hip NN on left Other brands ler Vent for horses, + 's shoulder, on horses znd A. E. Aiken. P. O. Address, Glendive, Montana. Range, Red Water Preceding Frame \ MONTANA STOCKGROWERS' ASSOCI ATION. S. W. Allerton. P.O. Address, 710 Old Colony Building, Chicago, ks nig? Ira M. Alling. P.O. Address, Ridgelawn, Montana. Range, Dawson County. CN 50 : nn nr i Ul Earmark, i ’ 3 Other brands on cattle, some Vent for cattle, bar - cattle, beneath or through brand cattle branded bar on right i > shoulder beside the . Other brands . i left thigh for horses, JA left shoulder Vent bar below brand. Vent for horses Ajax Live Stock Co., Dillon, Mont. i. Morse, A. J. Noves. Range, Big llole Basin - NL RE T Earmark 2% Vent for cattle and horses bar through brand. brands on horse thigh 7 TE or Se —SIRTET MONTANA STOCKGROWERS’ ASSOCIATION Allison & Bent. P. O. Address, Cody, Big Horn Co., Wyoming E. M. BENT, J. P. ALLISON Range, Clark’s Fork, Heart Mountain and Pat O’Harra Creek. a Earmark. Other marks, wattle right jaw. ‘Other brands on cattle on i — IA left left = i rs nu side hip left left Other brands for horses left thigh @ left hip T E= left shoulder * MONTANA STOCKGROWERS' ASSOCIATION. Joseph Allard. P. O. Address, St. Ignatius, Montana. Range, Flathead Reservation (east side Flathead river). Earmark aE Other marks wi on left ribs Charles Aneeney Land and Live Stock Co. P. O. Address, Salesville, Montana Foreman, C. L. Anceney, Salesville, Montana Range, Elk Creek, Gallatin and Madison counties. Aa CL LARRY Earmark ro: J og Othe 5 Vent for cattle, 15: original Brande. Fy 0) less on cattle 5 W. W. Andrus. P. O. Address, Miles City, Mont. Range, H. A. Smiths, near Sheep Mountain. A. H. Arnett. P. O. Address, Dickinson, N. Dak. MONTA A STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. C. C. Armstrong. P. O. Address, Culbertson, Montana. Range, Hardscrabble and Charley Creek, Dawson County. Otnervrands, [SRY ee ribs. 1 left shoulder horses ™ left shoulder. BR leit ribs cattle; left shoulder horses Other brands for horses, left jaw Atkinson & Bawden. P. O. Address, Poplar, Mont. J. L. ATKINSON, J. H. BAWDEN. Foreman, J. HL BAWDEN, Poplar, Mont. Range Redwater and Sand Creek, Dawson county, and head of Big Muddy, Valley county. Earmark, &e£ Vent for cattle and horses, |} below original. EE \ Other brands on cattle, on left side. ii right shoulder. - MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Mrs. David Auchard. P. O. Address, Fulton, Mont. Range, Dearborn. Mark for cattle, dewlap hang- ing down. Vent for cattle KOR : P. O. Address, Cascade Mont. Range, Chestnut and Sweet Grass Vent for cattle Earmark ag i " We Other brands T Ee left ribs. eal left shoulder NE a ’ Vent, same. Horses . Wm. H. Austin on left hip. vent, left stifle I on eft ribs Ruth Austin [ed Vent, same EE on hip. Horses, left shoulder. Vent, left stifle. left hi Sarah E. HGH +r. P Xostin § Vent on shoulder. Horses, left stifle. Vent on shoulder left thigh : on left stifle Gertrude Austin. Jamul’ Vent same on shoulder Vent for horses, MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. C. W. Bailey. Forsyth, Montana. Range, Liscomb and Beaver Creeks,on the east side of Tongue River Olher brands on cattle, a on left side Vent for horses, 3 on left shoulder Bar Eleven Cattle Company. Fort Benton, Montana. CHARLES E. DUER AND DAVID G. BROWNE. Foreman, G. R. MALONE, Shelby, Montana. Range, Marias, Sweet Crass and Milk River. ’° Other brands on cattle, Vent for cattle, and horses El rlbs and hips or right ribs t MONTANA STQCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. G. W. Barrow. P. O. Address, Chinook, Montana. Range, Bear Paw. AT p IN on i brands on SVEN right a 8% cattle Dc | % ~ = WN © = lef SPA right hip. cattle, Earmark ( £2 left ribs K left jaw anywhere on animal A and thigh : 3 left ribs, clover leat left ear ’ left ribs, cattle = Jess rive 2 left thigh, horses Other brands on horses. Left shoulder left Be vent, left shoulder =< shoulder Willard Bennett. P. O. Address, Helena, Mont. Range, Crow Creek. oF i cattle and horses, HG left hip. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Jordan N. Bean. P. O. Address, Bowler, Mont. Range, Piney, Sage Creek and Pryor Mountain. Earmarks 2a Vent for cattle, same brand. Other brands on cattle, shoulder Vent for horses, bar under brand. Other brands for horses | on left thigh. Beebe & Blodgett. P. O. Address, Lewistown, Montana. ’ MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. G. W. Brewster. © P.O. Address, Birney, Montana. i Range, Tongue River, south of reservation and Hanging Woman. and tributaries. Grace S. Brewster owns right hip on cattle and horses Brewster & Lee right ribs steers Wm. Bell, Jr. P. O. Address, Ronan, Mont. Range, east side of Flathead River, Flathead Reserve, Mont. Earmark a Vent for cattle, bar below brand. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Mrs. Theresa Belcher. P. O. Address, Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., California. Range, Milk River and Bear Paw. Nn if Earmark eg ’ Vent for cattle and horses bar across top of brand. E. H. Brewster. P. O. Address, Wibaux, Mont. Range, Beaver Creek, Dawson County. Thoroughbred Herefords only. B. E. Brewster, Trustee. P.O. Address, P. O. Brewster, Cheyenne, Wyo. Foreman, Robt. Devine, Camp Crook, So. D. Range, Box Elder Ck. and Little Mo. awl en 2 hit J HN y RTL . aL B — Other brands on cattle § = (REE cit side TE 1 | — MONTANA STOCK GROWERS'_ASSOCIATION. Biddle Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Graham, Montana. S. F. B. Biddle, Manager. Range, Little Powder River. RY : Fir. Earmark Other brands on cattle Vent for horses John F. Bishop. P. O. Address, Dillon, Mont. Range, Beaverhead or Sweet Water Basin. Mark on cattle, double dew- lap, one cut up and one down, Vent for cattle left shoulder Vent for horses, left thigh / MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Billings & Niles. J. O. Billings. W. H. Niles. P. O. Address, Fergus Falls, Minn. Range, Kidder Co., N. Dak, -, Emil Bircher. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Ww Fie dl | Earmark gz Vent for cattle left hip. For horses, left shoulder \ Bitter Root Stock Farm. Estate of Marcus Daly. P. J. Shannon, Manager, P. O. Address, Hamilton, Mont. Range, Upper Bitter Root Valley. Foreman, Joseph Ray, Hamilton, Mont. Earmark & & . Vent for X Af on left shoulder. cattle : Other marks, dewlap just above brisket, hangs pendent. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION E. G. Bright. P. O. Address, Terry, Mont. Range, Fallon Creek. © A yf Vent for horses left shoulder Bourne & Hamilton. P. O. Address, Hill, Montana. GEORGE B. BOURNE JAMES E. HAMILTON Range, Sweetgrass Hills Earmark Vg Vent for cattle, right hip. Other brands for cattle, let ribs | | Vent, left hip. Vent for horses, left hip. Bem" AI ry MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, J. M. Boardman & Co. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. Range, Redwater and tributaries, Dawson County. Foreman, Wm. Butler, Wolf Point. 2 \ : Rp aE oitt WN Sn pi Vent for h left shoulder. orses MONTANA STOCK ode ASSOCIATION. Jos. T. Brown. P. O. Address, Birney, Mont. Range, Upper Tongue River, Rosebud Co., Montana. Earmark & 4 right ribs oi left shoulder, ribs and hip. P. O. Address, Miles City Montana. James M. Calvin T. H. Bowden. on left ribs and 1) & on right jaw. Brooks & Lehr. P. O. Address, Choteau, Mont. T. BROOKS, W. COOK, L. W. LEHR, C. P. CRANE. Range, Teton & Sun River, Teton County. Vent for col below ~~ Brooks IH right ribs cattle and horses | original Crane right thigh horses’ Cook Jil left ribs cattle Vent below original. & [Pam left thigh horses Vent below original. Brooks [SN Brown Ranche Co. WALTER ROSS, THOS. H. MOFFATT, President, Sec’y and Treas. and Foreman P. O. Address, Cardston, Alta, N. W. T. Range, St. Mary’s River. Earmark & & : Vent for cattle, on right shoulder La . Other brands on cattle, on right ribs or hip Other brands for horses, bn on right jaw. Vent for horses, Brand upside down on right jaw MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. B. E. Brownson. P. O. Address, East Helena, Montana. Range, Gold Creek and Little Blackfoet. Vent for cattle, Buford Horse Co. "P. O. Address, Virginia City, Montana. Foreman, C. D. Newbary, Ekalaka, Montana. Re, Song Creek, Coster County, Mont. Earmark Sa d4e Vent for horses Thomas Brown. P. O. Address, Lethbridge, Alta, N. W..'T. Range, Big Bew River and Blood Indian Reservation. PIAA Ni : ” J Lad bi LNT ET Vent for horses on left thigh : Bruno & Le Barre. P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Montana. MAX BRUNO FRED LE BARRE Foreman, Fred Le Barre, Range, Marias. Earmark ad Vent for cattle, brand upside down. Other brands In Right thigh W. H. Bullard. P. O. Address, Miles City, Mont. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, W. C. & G. P. Burnett. P. O. Address, Giltedge, Fergus County, Montana. Foreman, G. P. Burnett, Gilt- edge, Mont. Range, Ford’s Creek and McDonalds. Earmark Bw Other brands on cattle and horse HB re left ribs Burke Bros. P. O. Address, Hogan, Mont. J. H. Burke and E. Burke. Range, Sun River. Earmarks ede Other brands J right side on cattle of neck. Vent for horses George W. Burt. P. O. Address, Terry. Range, Fallon & Whitney. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIAEION. N. C. Brockway. P. O. Address, Baldwin, Montana. Range, Big Bend of Musselshell and Willow Creek. boi : pte Earmark ae Vent for cn [EN left shoulder, for horses left thigh. S. R. Buford & Co. P. O. Address, Virginia City, Mcntana. Range, Madison Valley, Madison County, Mont. Earmark a Vent for cattle and horses left hip. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Busby & Davidson. S. L. Bas, Sheridan, Wyo. John Davidson, Lee, Mont. oreman, S. I.. Busby, Sheridan, Wyo. Range, Upper Tongue River, Rosebud County, and Big Dry, in Dawson County. Other brands , Left ribs. Other brands - on horses JES Vent on shoulder. Buttelman Bros. Nick Buttelman, John Buttelman. P. O. Address, Glendive, Mont. Range, Bad Route, Dawson County. Earmark >L€¥ Notch in brickett left thigh above original. Other brands on cattle, PN i in across under =~ tail. and Right ribs. \. Vent for horses, {| above brand. Other brands on horses, left shoulder. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. E. H. Butcher. P. O. Address, Wolf Creek, Mont. Range, Rock Creek Basin, Vent for cattle and horses, har below brand. Other brands on cattle, Yh left jaw. Wd CERIN El Ww AN ¥ Ni ; HE Other brands for horses, left shoulder Bryan & Badgett. P. O. Address, Lemon Grove, Cal. T. J. BRYAN. L. S. BADGETT. Range Manager, L. S. Badgett, Ashland, Mont. Range, Otter Creek, between Tongue and Powder River, Custer County, Montana. Earmark &e left shoulder. John Cameron. 3 Cannon Sheep and Cattle Co. 3 lena, Montana. P. O. Address, Gold Butte, Montana. ] P. O. Address, Helena, Montana a Henry Cannon, President. C. W, Cannon, Vice President. Massena Bullard, Sec’y. Range, Sweet Grass Hills. . = Foreman, John Hughes, Adel, Mont. Range, Cascade County. below original. Mark for cattle, N WW \ Other ll left hip. Vent for horses, left shoulder wattle. i for 27s left hip. brands on = = vent, left for = 5 I cattle cattle shoulder horses Cannon Ball Co. : Canyon Creek Live Stock Co. P. O. Address, Bismarck, N. D. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. O. W. McConnell, President. N. P. Walters, Secretary and Treas. Manager, I. P. Baker, Bismarck, N. D. Foreman, Wm. A. O’Connell, Canyon Creek. Range, Cannon Ball River. Range, Upper Canyon Creek. Other brands on cattle fii : Vent for horses d horses below original. and horses left hip and cattle 1 Vent for cattle an ors De g - Cato & Johnson. Ed. Cardwell. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. P. O. Address, Jefferson Island, Montana. Range, North of Yellowstone River, XIT Ranch. Range, Yellowstone and Jefferson Counties. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCAITION. Catlin Land & Live Stock Co. P. O. Address, White Sulphur Springs, Mont. Geo. J., E. H., Chas. B., J. K. and Jno. I. Catlin. Foreman, Chas. B. Catlin, Address, White Sulphur Springs, Mont. #/ Range, Smith River Valley. Earmark ae & Other marks, wattle under jaw (for stock heifers). right shoulder. Vent for | \/ horses, catle left thigh. V)e. Other brands on cattle, Registered Herefords, for sale and exhibition, are branded with 2 inch LY brand under right foreleg, on brfsket. J. M. Carey & Bro. P. O. Address, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Foreman, Robert M. Divine, Ashcroft, South Dak. Other brands on cattle, 2 left ribs, cattle, Bl left shoulder, horses. QA left ribs, cattle, wa ) left shoulder, horses. — Seal cit ribs. NAR] left ribs, cattle @) ici: hip, horses. We run the following brands, 2 | left side. left side. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. L. W. Carpenter. P. O. Address, Lee, Montana. Range on Rosebud, Greenleaf, Bl and Miller Creeks. Earmark = Other brands on cattle, on left SE | der N on hip. | I Other horse brands, AN cit jaw, or [EEE left SW eft hip. ON hich, vent, left shoulder. Vent for rors [1 left thigh. Case & Truscott. W. E. CASE. J. S. TRUSCOTT. P. O. Address, Miles City, Mont. Range, Big Dry Creek. Other br X left hip, cattle 8 orn [RO left neck, horses MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Capitol Freehold Land & Investment Co., Ltd. P. O. Address, 148 Market Street, Chicago, Ill. Manager, George Findlay. Foreman, O. C. Cato, Miles City, Mont. Range, Muster, Sand, Cabin, Custer, Cherry, Cedar, Bad Route Red Water, and Clear Creeks, in Custer and Dawson Counties, Mont. Other brands for horses on right shoulder Chambers Bros. P. O. Address, Kibbey, Mont. Alex Chambers, Jr., John Chambers, Davis Chambers. Foreman, Alex Chambers, Jr. Range, Otter Creek and Arrow - Creek. gm Vent for cattle AC Other brands on J ight rib cattle, thus + On right ribs E. S. Cameron. P. O. Address, Terry, Montana. Range, Pine and Cottonwood River, Dawson County. Earmark AR] Vent for cattle and horses, Ea over brand. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. A. B. Clarke. P. O. Address, Garland, Mont. Tongue river, between Garland and Brandenburg. Earmark “adi Other marks, wattle under jaw. Other brands for horses, 1 : : Vent for cattle I$ dor 5] left jaw. ] No horses sold unless vented on left shoulder J. E. Choisser. P. O. Address, Forsyth, Mont, Foreman, W, E. CHOISSER, Jordan, Montana Range, Missouri Brakes, De- vils Creek, Dead Man Creek, Old Range Lower Rosebud river. Earmark SC Other marks, chin wattle. Thos. Clary & Son. P. O. Address, Ft. Benton. Earmark &e Other brands on cattle, left ribs. Other brands on horses, © left thigh. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION Cascade Land Co. P. O. Address, Helena, Mont. R. A. Fraser, Secretary. Foreman, Warren McNinch, Gt. Falls, Mont, Range, between Sun River, Missouri River on south and Teton on north. From Mouth Teton west to mountains. SATE Earmark & 4 Vent for cattle Janell below other Other brands =i left and horse peg brand on cattle bl thigh Vent, inverted left shoulder. Clark Bros. Walter S. Clark, Manager. P. O. Address, Bynum, Teton County, Montana. Foreman, Link Humble, Dupuyer, Mont. Range, Muddy Creek and Upper Dry Forks of Marlas. Earmark Other brands on cattle, on left ribs and left shoulder. | J on left hip and Nad shoulder. Vent for horses, on left shoulder. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. ~ Clay & Forrest. P. O. Address, The Rookery, Chicago, Illinois. Foreman, J. T. Craig, Belle Fourche, S. D. Range, Little Missouri. A) A ; 'D LAE AN ff SEE Cos ed Earmark Bag Other brands on cattle, left side and 18 hip, or 7 left \VAAVA right side = J |B 1 right ribs : hip . ~ WESTERN RANCHES, Limited. left side or or left side Earmark & a / Horses left shoulder and hip. MAJ. J. S. SMITH. 2. = v ™ i i BM cither loin. BN hip Es SMITH & ROBINSON. left shoulder, side and hip. MATADOR LAND & CATTLE CO. right side right shoulder = left shoulder. ROBT. ROBINSON ESTATE. alan left side. = left shoulder Horses, [el left hip. E I side and hip. MRS. JOHN ROBINSON, JNO. PLOY ART, | I] 4 \ Ly Left shoulder, horses. PR hoth sides. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. H. F. Clement. P. O. Address, Billings, Montana. Foreman, G. W. JORDAN, Flatwillow. Range, Flatwillow and Fergus '] County, Montana. Vent for cattle and horses on right thigh Cochrane Ranch Co., Ltd. Manager, Wm. F. Cochrane, P. O. Address, Macleod, Alberta, N. T. Foreman, A. Fleming, Macleod, Alberta, N. W. T. Range, Belly and Kootenai Rivers. Vent for cattle, left shoulder. (NG Mark for cattle, double down cut dewlap. Other Brands, = left ribs cattle. / left hip horses. left ribs cattle. Vent for horses, left hip MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. H. C. Christensen. P. O. Address, Dickinson, N. D. Range, Mouth of Little Mis- souri River, and North and West for 20 miles. Earmark a AJ ET Other brands on cattle, left side or both Jobs and p £05 left hip Concord Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Supt., A. R. Farnum, Miles City, Montana. Range, Lower Powder and Yellowstone river, and Cottonwood Creek, Custer county, Montana. Earmark ae a Vent for cattle and = £ horses, mm ‘* Other brands on cattle, left sid 03h o od HG . Sl ct side I eit thigh } 2 left side. LY as left side. RT a : MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Conrad-Circle Cattle Co. Coburn Cattle Co. Robt. Coburn, R. J. Coburn, W. D. Coburn, W. M. Coburn. P. O. Address, Great Falls, Montana. i PO. Ad G all I Motta. M i! t Falls an alta ontana as. T. Stanf d, S Ln . Le . y ’ € . . ress, Grea ’ . J ord, Sec’y.-Treas. John Harris, Gen’l, M’gr. B Range, Little Rockies. Range, Marias. ER . i oc - >€ Earmark — a — Qiher brands on cattle, i Ta a i 4 | | Vent for cattle, 3 = left shoulder. | Brands on horses and cattle EB > & - rnd 4 Fo CONRAD-HARRIS CATTLE CO. | : Van Coil. P. O. Address, Terry, Montana. left ribs and = left shoulder Range, Terry and vicinity. Conners Bros. M. C. CONNERS. GEO. G. CONNERS. P- O. Address, Spearfish, S. D. v Range, Powder River. Earmark a @ : re . v Other brands on cattle, on left hip. Vent for cattle, Bar across brand on left side Vent for horses V. Other brands for horses on left Was] on left Bon left hip Y&R shoulder PAR jaw oo! i MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Conrad-Price Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Montana. C. W. PRICE, President, W. G. CONRAD, Sec’y and Treas. CAPITAL STOCK, $350,000, Foreman, C. M. Williams, Range, West and North Fork Milk River. Earmark Ea Vent for cattle and horses a left shoulder Other brands on cattle, i left shoulder and thigh = right side BW side NN left hip left thigh Conley & McTague. Frank Conley, Tom McTague. P. O. Address, Deer Lodge, Montana. Range Tin Cup Creek, Powell County, and Big Dry, Dawson county Earmark Vent for horses, bar under brand. Other brands [NPM left Se right on horses shoulder i shoulder MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. B. Cody. ‘ P. O. Address, Helena, Montana, Range, Ten Mile. “ f yo = rd y ho ant LEE an TL Rye Mark, wattle on brisket B. G. Cooper. P. O. Address, Kismet, Montana. Range, Squaw Creek. ge Earmark ad E. N. Cooper. P. O. Address, Billings, Montana. Range, Yellowstone county, south of Yellowstone river. Other marks, necktie wattle on brisket. Vent for —~ cattle 22 below brand Vent for horses ! ; 2 ad \ lt ¥ ; 3 A ei, D NYY nN ok Other brands on cattle, left ribs MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, F. D. Cooper. P. O, Address, Cascade, Montana. Range, St John’s Creek, or wherever brand is found. Mai d Ye AY KW. WOT oh Earmark ia Vent for [== below Vent for Jig below cattle WA brand horses x E brand Other brands on horses on the left thigh. Charles L. Cowell. P. O. Address, Missoula, Montana. Range, Missoula and Powell counties. under original . Vent for cattle Vent for horses and cattle, below original. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. William H. Cowles. P. O. Address, Nashua, Montana. Henry Brockschmidt, Foreman. Range, Forks between Milk River and Missouri River and north to Canadian line. Earmark & % RT, TRAN Other brands on cattle 27 0 JR David Corbett. P. O. Address, Hyde, Montana. Range, Pale Creek and Lower Madison Valley. E3ARN i | HE TR Other marks, Wattle on Left thigh. Earmark, a 45 Vert tor | left thigh. cattle and horses B= N. L. Cornelius. P. O. Address, Helena, Mont. Range, Cutbank, with Flow- erree Cattle Co. 3 - . - MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, Curtis Bros. J. O. Curtis, J. W. Curtis, T. A. Curtis. P. O. Address, Henrietta, Texas. Foreman, Nate Smith, Baldwin, Mont., care Ryan Bros. Range, Ryan Bros’ Range, on the Musselshell river. Earmark (Gr) About 1,000 3-year-old heifers right have hip, BE right ribs, or Bh m- ll 4 i i Earmark aT right hip About 500 steers have and side. the above brands on them with the addition of a circle on right shoulder, and about 2,000 steers have on right shoulder, the with the various old brands on them. 5 right shoulder is the The J{@ holding brand on everything with the exception of heifers. Earmark & 5 We sold C. D. Prather. Laurel, Mont.. some calves in 1902 bear- ing above brands. Estate of Thos. Couch. P. O. Address, Sunnyside, Montana. Foreman, Thos. Couch, Jr., Sunnyside, Montana. Range, North of Sun River. Earmark MR A Other brands on cattle, Vent for ia Vent left ribs cattle Ly I left thigh for NWA left thigh | V horses MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIAEION. Thomas Cruse. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. Foremen, W. J. Sweeney, Grass Range, and Frank M. Carr, Manhattan, Montana. Ranges, Fergus and Dawson Counties, Montana. Other brands on cattle, { CA right ribs. shoulder or hip. left ribs. m right hip. Brands for mules and horses RVR (cit hip. left shoulder. Custer Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Billings, Mont. PAUL McCORMICK Foreman, Geo. A. Blake, Billings. Range, Crow Reservation. Earmark es ; Vent for cattle and horses MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION L. L. Curl. P. O. Address, Miles City, Mont. Sunday Creeks and Little Dry. o Earmark { RK | Vent for cattle and horses, bar through brand. Other brands on cattle, He left shoulder of ( lett ribs, cattle and horses I cattle. Thos. A. Cummings. P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Montana. Range, South side of Missouri river, Shonkin and Arrow Creek ranges. Hiss 3 ! AS MAN 3 E Other brands on cattle, left shoulder left hip left ribs and hip ~~ Vent for cattle B left shoulder and horses [ae — left shoulder MARY G. CUMMINGS, Trustee. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. F. H. and Mrs. F. E. Curtis. P. O. Address, Waterloo, Montana. F. H. Curtis, M’gr., Waterloo, Mont. Range, Bear Paw and Madison County. Mark for cattle, wattle under chin. Other brands, RVNaal left ribs. EES} left hip, cattle. = left thigh, horses. Hugh Crossen. P. O. Address, Choteau, Montana. P. H. Crossen, Foreman. Range between Birch Creek and Sun River. Earmark Vent for cattle same as brand, Vent for horses, same on left reversed. thigh. Other brands on cattle, | p] right hip. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Thomas Cushing. P. O. Address, Culbertson, Montana. Range, Wolf Creek and Big Z. T. Cox. P. O. Address, Birney, Montana. Range, Hanging Woman Creek. Earmark & © i uk AR 3 NAN ; : y \ | ie NW 4 Othe ~ . — or nds [SY ett ribs. left ribs = CB hip. I. B. Cutler & Son. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana, Box 56. Vent for cattle and horses left shoulder Other is = left @©) right 5 Bl shoulder. he shoulder.’ MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. John Damm. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Vent for cattle and horses. Bar through brand. Seymour Dane. P. O. Address, Malta, Mont. Range, Whitewater Creek. Earmark, k=“ ‘Other marks, tags or button. Vent for cattle and oe below Other brands a horses, original. on cattle, left ribs. Alfred B. DeLong. P. O. Address, 436 Board of Trade Building, Omaha, Neb. G. A. Redman, Dama, Mont. Range, Mizpah, Sand and Spring Creeks. / Mark, wattle on left jaw. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. R. Deibel. P. O. Address, Miles City. Range, Cottonwood, Little Cottonwood and Powder River. AR SA WHR - Earmark dig Other right shoul- brands on a on left AN der, cattle cattle, shoulder. and horses. DeHart Land & Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Milwaukee, Wis. J. L. DeHart, Manager, Livingston, Montana. left shoulder of horses. Earmark “2d Other brand on cattle RE left side. Jake L. DeHart. P. O. Address, Big Timber, Montana. Range, Big Boulder and tributaries. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. John Duffy. P. O. Address. Silver, Montana. Range, Little Prickly Pear. Earmark Wattle under chin. P. F. Daly. P. O. Address, Ashland, Mont. Range, Otter Creek, East Fork, and Home Creek. Earmark = da Vent for cattle, bar. : on left == on left Other brands on cattle. shoulder. = side cattle. left shoulder, horses.’ Other brands on horses FE left hip. Henry Dion. P. O. Address, Glendive, Montana. Range, Fox Creek, Dawson County. brands ribs. Vent for cattle and horses, [@SH left hip Other BS cn CE ih SE) i BEE Tay oe wo U0 4 EI Ly SLi LAS EE SHEER MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. R. Deibel. P. O. Address, Miles City. Range, Cottonwood, Little Cottonwood and Powder River. Earmark Other se — > shoul- brands on SARE on left | der, cattle left shoulder cattle, NE shoulder. and horses. of horses. DeHart Land & Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Milwaukee, Wis. J. L. DeHart, Manager, Livingston, Montana. Other brand “ Other brands on cattle i a left side. on horses MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. John Duffy. P. O. Address, Silver, Montana. Range, Little Prickly Pear. Earmark Wattle under chin. P. F. Daly. P. O. Address, Ashland, Mont. Range, Otter Creek, East Fork, and Home Creek. \ BT Ng ARN ay f 3 We : TS hd - Earmark Vent for cattle, bar. 5 : pl on left on left Other brands on cattle. == shoulder. side cattle. left shoulder, horses. Jake L. DeHart. P. O. Address, Big Timber, Montana. Range, Big Boulder and tributaries. Henry Dion. P. O. Address, Glendive, Montana. Range, Fox Creek, Dawson County. Vent for cattle and horses, | I eit hip Other right : : brands ribs. 52 TE RB sap Tr eyo > Lh 4 WI) i SAS ER iE Ta MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCAITION. S. T. Dalgen. P. O. Address, Ubet, Montana. Range, Ross Fork Creek and Dawson County. ST Earmark “@e a Vent for cattle KMD) left ribs, horses, left shoulder. Douglas & Mead. P. O. Address, Glendive, Mont. Manager, D. R. Mead. Foreman, J. W. Clopton, Glendive, Mont. ‘Range, Redwater. | C | Vent for cattle left shoulder. Other brands for cattle, AWA both sides © [REN right shoulder. right hip or left hip. HUBBARD & SAMPSON. right ribs and, AVA left shoulder left hip, : ; kK all Texas cattle. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS' ASSOCIATION: 53 P. O. Address, Dama, Montana. - D. Dowd. P. O. Address, St. Ignatius, Montana. Range, East side of Flathead River, Flathead Reserve. Earmarks @ Vent for cattle Range, Mizpah Creek, Custer Co. Other brands on horses, left jaw Sand and Jett shoulder Vent on hips. also left shoulder Ee ‘John Drosdy & Bonney. P. O. Address, Miles City, Mon- tana. Range, Pumpkin Creek, John- son and Dry Creeks. Vent for cattle, left ribs. I——————r a IEEE = DR EF 5 ob eS it aa MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Stephen Darnall. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, both sides Tongue River and Swan Creek. Earmark é&e £8 Vent for cattle 4 ll on left hip H. B. Darnall. P. O. Address, Miles City, Mont. Range, Squaw Creek and Tongue River. Davis Bros. . P. O. Address, Livingston, Montana. Foreman, A. A. Davis. Range, ten miles northwest of Livingston. Vent for cattle and horses, bar above brand. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. J. F. Darnall. P. O. Address, Jordan, Montana. Range, Missouri river from mouth of Snow Creek to Round Butte. Earmark &-€ : Wattle on brisket. Other brands on cattle on right shoulder Vent for horses, same below original. on left hip J. S. Day. _ P. O. Address, Culbertson, Montana. Range, Charlis creek. ' : yey ATE ano Earmark 4 FE | Other brands on cattle, on left hip. pS on left Nal shoulder cattle. 3 right thigh ¢- ~ horses. EE FT AT SETTER LF PA A ERE MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. B. F. Dawson. P. O. Address, Glendive, Montana. Range, Burnes creek. Earmark fe Other brands on cattlg, BB on left or right hip iE on left hip 23 left hip 1 Leonard Eckert. § | P. O. Address, Rancher, Mont. i Range, Muggins’ Coulee and Froze to Death Creek. Other Brandes on cattle i= Other brands J A for horses, {i on eft 1 shoulder. 2 AEE John Egeler. : P. O. Addrsss, Clyde Park, Montana. Range, Park County: Vent for cattle and horses EC ———— MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. 57 Empire Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. W. A. Clark, Pres. J. K. Heslet, Vice-Pres. A. J. Davidson, Sec’y. and M'gr. Foreman, Range, B. W. Jacobs, Malta. Foreman, Ranch, Cal. C. Shuler, Chinook. Range, South-east of Malta. Other brands . on cattle, left thigh, horses left shoulder. 8 “hing Vent for cattle ke and horses, [FEES below a original. A. H. Eckford. P.O. Address, High River, Alberta, Canada. Foreman, K. McLean, High River. Range, High River and Little Bow. right shoulder. - Other brands on cattle, right ribs fl right hip. and hip. : right ribs. left ribs. DG i Vent for left thigh. horses, Other B- Bl thigh. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. | PR FF TE AT SETTER LAF Fa A AAW HEE P. O. Addr ww Range, Sweet Grass County. Wyman Ellis. ess, Helena, Mont. . Foreman, Ralph Jarrett, Springdale. Vent for cattle, ol \ oN up on P. O. Address, Glasgow, Montana. Other brands P. O. Address, Utica, Montana. Range, Judith Basin. R. J. Evans. cattle, et hip. Brands for horses right thigh. Wm. Ettien. Earmark é&e4f Other brands, EN oft right ribs. . = shoulder. ; same, left thigh é | MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. 59 John J. Fant. P. O. Address, Helena, Mont. Range, Blossburg to Beartooth, and Gravel Range to Medicine Rock and Seven Mile. Vent for cattle and horses, A TER Harris Franklin & Co. (Inec.) Harris Franklin. : P. O. Address, Deadwood, S. Dak. Manager, Wm. C. Irvine. Other brands for horses, right thigh. left ribs and hip. Other brands on cattle, brands on §@ cattle left hip u- left side el left hip BN - either side left ribs ————— FT rrp SER eal EEE #5 EER MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. John Flaherty. P. O. Address, Cold Springs, Montana. Range, Jefferson and Broadwater counties. Earmark a dE Vent for cattle EW horses, left thigh. left ribs owt left ribs and thigh Other BNE cattle; left thigh brands horses. Vent, same below brand. Pat Flanagan. P. O. Address, Utica, Montana. Range, Upper Judith. ol Earmark tea Thomas Freeman. P. O. Address, Williston, N. Dak. Range, on the Little Muddy to Canada. Other brands for horses, Other ands on cattle, left shoulder jl left hip left libs. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIAEION. Fergus & Hilger. P. O. Address, Lewistown, Montana. David Hilger, Mgr. Foreman, Max Mass, Lewistown. Range Dog Creek, northern Fergus county. A [ oe / i 4 : \ J / Hy MH No M7 iv 4 / Fp 0 oN - yt Vents for cattle, right shouldér. left hip. Wm. Fergus. P. O. Address, Geyser, Mont. Range, Basin and Shonkin. Earmark : Other brands left *| Vent for cattle 2 ma left for cattle, ja vent, left and horses, shoulder. thigh. F. P. Fleming. P. O. Address, Glendive, Montana. Range, Clear Creek. Other brands on left. ribs on cattle, I and left jaw horses. PE FRY AT SET ERI LS PA TAA ER MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, P. O. Address, Minneapolis, Minn. | Foreman, T. W. Longley, Forsyth, Montana. : Range between Crow Reservation and Rosebud Creek. | Fletcher Bros. Vent for cattle and horses, left thigh. Bg: John H. Freeser. P. O. Address, Twodot or Helena, Mont. Foreman, James A. Freeser, Jordan, Mont. Range, Big Dry and Lower Musselshell. Other marks, waddle under Vent for neck, cattle, left shoulder. Other brands on cattle, on left ribs, or left N= hip cattle, and left i shoulder of horses. = on right side. ei ee i MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. 63 D. Fratt. P. O, Address, Billings, Montana. - Other brands on cattle, Individual interest in left ribs and hip JAWRY left thigh and 3 Half interest in En left ribs B- side. Fratt & O’Donnell left side. own BE Fergus Live Stock & Land Co. P. O. Address, Armells, Montana. Andrew Fergus, President and Manager. Foreman, Oden Romundstead, Armells, Montana. Range, Judith Mountains to Missouri River. Earmark “3 : Other marks: Lump wattle on nose NEE loft hip Vent for horses Other brands on cattle, all right right = fo ribs ribs above Otherbrands right original. for horses shoulder right ribs cattle left thigh horses left thigh MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, Fletcher Bros. P. O. Address, Minneapolis, Minn. Foreman, T. W. Longley, Forsyth, Montana. Range between Crow Reservation and Rosebud Creek. Vent for cattle and horses, left thigh. John H. Freeser. P. O. Address, Twodot or Helena, Mont. Foreman, James A. Freeser, Jordan, Mont. Range, Big Dry and Lower Musselshell. cattle, . 3 . : : J / . [ f) “a / 7 / Other marks, ; waddle under Vent for = left shoulder. neck, Other brands on cattle, on left ribs, or left NH hip cattle, and left shovlder of horses. om on right side. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. D. Fratt. P. O, Address, Billings, Montana. | A oe yu pw. 9 Faw “ALTO ph - Other brands on cattle, Individual interest in left ribs @N 2d hiv JAW left thigh man and Half interest in i ith ide. left ribs M- er si Fratt & O'Donnell + left side. own Fergus Live Stock & Land Co. P. O. Address, Armells, Mon*ana. Andrew Fergus, President and Manager. Foreman, Oden Romundstead, Armells, Montana. Range, Judith Mountains to Missouri River. Earmark a 9% Other marks: Lump wattle on nose Other brands on cattle, N20 ci: [obedl right RCA right JEN right ribs cattle CIR 2 ribs 2 ribs [I left thigh horses Vent for = above Otherbrands jl right a left horses SE original. for horses shoulder [fil thigh MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. John Flynn. P. O. Address, Chinook, Montana. R. W. Jacobs, Foreman, Malta. Range, cows North side of Milk river, steers south of Malta. Earmark & a Vent for cattle NR on left and horses shoulder. ’e alt ORR pipe Other brands on cattle, lefi ribs. Frederickson & Co. P. O. Address, Tokna, Dawson Co., Mont. E. J. LINDSEY. A. A. FREDERICKSON, Range, Burns Creek to Crams Creek. 0 SRN el LS HE 7 ATL gd - Earmark a | Vent for cattle and horses, bar through brand. Other G. brands on 2, = left right < left iF right cattle © J hip hip hip shoulder MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION: J. A. Ford. P. O. Address, Kalispell, Montana. Range, Tobacco and U pper Milk River. Earmarks > Vents for aga cattle E. Foerster. P.O. Address, Powderville, Montana. Range, Powder River and Six Mile timber. Other brands [a= on left for cattle BE shoulder 03m lel He Earmark Baw by Other brands on cattle, Ay on left hip. = B® Vent for horses, same below original * brand. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Geo. P. Finch. P. O. Address, Garneill, Montana. Range, Ross’ Fork, Judith Gap and Mussellshell. ESA NN £ # a Vent for cattle << left and horses shoulder Other brands for horses or left thigh No horses sold without venting. Mrs. D. A. Ford and Mrs. A. F. Hill. P.O. Address, Helena, Montana. Range, Sweet Grass and Marias. Earmark 4 Other brands on cattlc, FEE left ribs R. L. Ford. ni Other brand on horses AWWA .:. ictt thigh or flank. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Flowerree Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. LRRAN 2" WH Earmark =a Other brands on cattle left ribs. FLOWERREE-LOWRY & CO. Range, Teton to Milk River Ridge. Vent for Eg below horses brand FLOWERREE SHEEP & HORSE CO. P. O. Address, Lowry, Montana. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCAITION. W. H. Freeman. P. O. Address, Wibaux, Mont. Foreman, Nic Voltz, Wibaux, Mont. Range, Beaver Creek. 0 Shp DG Vent for cattle and horses same brand below original, but no branded stock sold. W. K. Flowerree. P. O. Address, Lowry, Mont. Range, Teton County. Earmark =< J. & A. M. Gans. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. R. A. FRASER. Range, Bear Paw. Earmark 9 WA right shoulder cattle, right hip, horses. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. John S. Galbreath. P. O. Address, Browning, Mont. Range, Blackfoot Reservation. Earmark, metallic tag left ear. Vent for cre left hip; for horses, on left shoulder. Other brands, bats shoulder. or left ribs and left shoulder Gans & Klein. P. O. Address, Helena, Mentana. LOUIS GANS. HENRY KLEIN. Foreman, J. H. FREESER, Helena, Montana. Mark for cattle, wattle on nose Vent for cattle and horses, Other brands on cattle, leit hip. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. William Garrard. P. O. Address, Sheridan, Wyo. Foreman, Guy T. Garrard, Decker, Mont. Range, Tongue River, in Wyoming and Montana. k Ty Bh Earmark = 4 Vent for Fo horses. Vent for ¥ cattle. Graffam & Newell. P. O. Address, Ashland, Montana. P. E. GRAFFAM ano SYLVESTER NEWELL. Foreman, Ves. Newell, Ashland, Mont. Range, Otter Creek and Tributaries. Earmark Vent for Vent for . cattle, S left horses, left shoulder. shoulder. Other brands a left side. on cattle, — MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Ww. J. Galvin. P. O. Address, Hassel, Montana. Crow Creek and Broadwater County. Other left thigh right hip cattle brands on iE cattle and right shoulder horses cattle horses. Vent below original. Chas. W. Gray. P. O. Address, Belleview, Montana. Paimark aE Vent for horses, = Vent for above cattle, original. William Gordon. P. O. Address, Ubet, Montana. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Breathitt Gray. P. O. Address, Utica, Montana. Range, Judith Basin. Vent for cattle and horses, H. C. Gelder. P. O. Address, Chinook, Montana. Range, North side Milk River on Shonkin. Earmark ée £5 Vent for cattle, @) on left hip. for horses, right shoulder. Gordon & Ironside. P. O. Address, Box 273, Winnipeg, Manitoba. J. T. GORDON, Winnipeg. . IRONSIDE, Hockelaga Stock Yards, Montreal, Canada. Foremen (JOHN DOFOE, Calgarry,) Gordon & Gordon, Medicine Hat. CHAS. MCCARTHY, Maple Creek. Brands on other cattle, WIEN right ribs Bl right ribs PAS 1S / | RE = and hip : right ribs right il shoulder — i n >7 dri right Ed . hip MONTANA STOCK GROWERS' ASSOCIATION J. J. Garbutt. P. O. Address, Winston, Montana. Range, Beaver and Spokane and Mitchell Creeks. - Earmark Fra TN : y Wind Vent for se left hip. Other brands cattle, M@@N horses, left on cattle, BEER lcft jaw. shoulder. | Burkard Geier. P. O. Address, Silver, Mont. Range, Prickly Pear and Canyon Creek. Vent for cattle and horses, ¢ » below original. N. J. Gould, Secretary. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. Manager, John Willis, Glasgow. Range, Missouri River, Big Dry to mouth of Little Dry. Vent for cattle BE right: a thigh. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION F. Z. Gray. P. O. Address, Tee Dee, Mont. Range, Trail Creek and Sheep Creek between Powder River and Fallon Creek. Earmark Other marks, bar on shoulder of Steere. Or ee below original. ) Vent for Other brands Pe cattle, Ly below original, on cattle, [EEE on cows on ee right hip. J. H. Green. P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Montana. Range, Shonkin and Milk River, Earmark de Vent for cattle, FG left shoulder. Other brands on cattle, BR left ribs B Vent for horses jiaaSl below brand : Green & Frields MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. C. M. Goodell. P. O. Address, Philbrook, Montana. Range, Judith River to Wolf Creek. pus Earmark | Vent for cattle = above Other brands i right hip and horses brand on cattle Other 4 O brands on i= on left or Pg on left horses shoulder thigh M. J. Gupton. P. O. Address, Wibaux, Mont. Range, Head of Pennel and Cabin Creek, Custer County. Earmark ag i ad ER 'y’ Other brands fa for horses, = left me shoulder. Other brands on cattle, J A \VAPAY 2nd L left ribs. Vent for cattle and horses, Bar through brand. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, E. E. Gould & Bros. P. O. Address, Forsyth, Montane. Range, Great and Little Porcupine Creeks. Earmark Vent for cattle and horses below original R. S. Hamilton. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. Range, Moccasin. Vent for [IR cattle, IEE left hip. Other brands on cattle, Ho olin EE all on left ribs. left hip. Earmark & Eg Vent for horses, neal lcft shoulder. Other brands on horses, MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. W. S. Haley. P. O. Address, Terry, Montana. Range, North side of Yellowstene between Terry and Fallon. Earmark ait Vent for cattle 2 Other brands |i and horses, [ARNE left for horses, ONE left hall shoulder. BE shoulder Other brands on cattle, on left side. on left hip. S. H. Hardin & Co. P. O. Address, Ranchester, Wyoming. Foreman, Eugene Haynie, Crow Agency. Range, Crow Indian Reservation, Montana. Note.—Address all communications to S. H. Hardin & Co. Ranchester, Wyoming. Earmark Other brands on cattle “mn D = left side Also LIT left side, with = or =F on left hip either an MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. J. T. Hamilton. P. O. Address, Stacey, Mont. Range, Big and Little Pumpkin Creeks, Custer County. ia At RANE, Nn SE Wp Earmark ag 22 de Other brands, [pJA\Rg on right original. on cattle, side. right shoulder. John Harris. P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Mont. Range, Marias and Highwood. EAN i Vent for horses, SR left thigh. (> C. F. Hedges. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montano. Range, on Tongue River, in Rosebud county. Vent for =z below original cattle wh MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. John Harding. Postoffice address, Havre, Montana. Range, between Milk River and Canadian line north of Havre. 3omaN aL i Fh ANN f : WWII Earmark 2g EE } Vent for caltle’and horses, same below original. W. A. Harrison. P. O. Address, Grey Cliff, Montana. Earmark “ae 8 Vent for cattle a Other brands on cattle left ribs Alex. D. Hay. P.O. Address, Whitney, Montana. Earmark a8 : WHY VLSI Vent for horses and cattle below original MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Luke C. Hays Estate. C. H. Barton, Administrator. P. O. Address, Harlem, Montana. Foreman, James Morgan, Harlem. ar right left hip Vent for Se above Other - shoul- horses original brands der, horses ‘Hedderich Bros. P. O. Address, St. Paul, Minn. G. M. HEDDERICH, St. Paul, Minn., 248 Sibley St. iC, J. C. HEDDERICH, Williston, N. Dakota. Foreman, S. P. MITCHELL, Culbertson, Mont. Range, Little Muddy, Shotgun and Lake Creeks, Valley County, Montana. pp Ron. WW Earmark “aE Private age brand, last figure of the year. Other brands BH jaw iE right ribs ws left ribs yy right ribs Vent for horses = right thigh i a MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. G. de Saumarey Hamilton. P. O. Address, Gillette, Wyoming. Foreman, M. H. Swartz, Gillette, Wyoming. Range, Elk, Bitter and Omstead Creek, Little Powder River. Earmark “i< ar oe rill Vent for cattle Qther brands on Ne and horses same, on cattle, = left ER@) ribs on brand underneath. : thigh. some. Other brands pA left = left on horses, 3 shoulder. =f thigh. BE left deck on shoulder John M. Holt. P. O. Address, Miles City, Mont. Range, Powder River, near Powderville, Timber, Crow and Stump Creeks. Vent same, left thigh. Other brands on cattle, left BE it hip side BN left left left ribs EN right ribs. left hip, cattle left shoulder, horses. Other brands for horses, right thigh MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. F. M. Heinrich. P. O. Address, Slack, Wyoming. Range, Crow Reservation. Other brands on cattle, 2 0 wn & George Horkan. P. O. Address, Stacey, Mont. Range, Pumpkin and Mizpah Creek. \ LAN: w * y AAR TH Earkmarks a4 Holy Family Mission. Rev. J. Damiana, S. J. P. O. Address, Family, Montana. Range, Teton county. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. S. S. Hobson. P. O. Address, Utica, Montana. Earmark - dg Vent for ': left Other brands left shoulder J cattle hip on cattle : Ei Vent for BE right Other brands z shoulder horses thigh on horses j Jos. Holtz. P. O. Address, Dawson County, Mont. Range, Carrell Creek and Red Water. Earmark “a Sa Vent for cattle 4 left hip. BBR for horses, below original. : | Other brands en right thigh. N right ribs, vent on cattle, GN Vent, right shoulder below original MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. E. S. Herrick. P. O. Address, Glendive, Mont. Range, Upper Redwater. Earmark Yl Other brands on cattle Other brands on horses \W left shoulder 4 left thigh Bl James K. Holmes. P. O. Address, Baldwin, Montana. Range Alkali, Lost Horse, Horse Creek and Carpenter Creek and Musselshell River. catty ps Earmark kK Vent for "Vent horses, EA below -. for | below original. cattle, [ig original. Other brands ; left jaw. on left on horses, 2 vent SECON shoulder left hip. Bl blade high up - Other a Z brands on SY on left — left SE right hip. cattle, BN hip, al side. Pall All with MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. : D. L. Hope. P. O. Address, Cutbank, Mont. Range, Marias. : y Ha gg W \ AS Other brands on No Vent for cattle | } left hip. cattle and horses, [PENN left and horses, het vent MER shoulder. a= left hip. Alvin Hodson. P. O. Address, Cascade, Montana. Range, Sweet Grass and Cascade. Ear Mark led Vent Bl left for ask shoul- Other brands = shoulder or left cattle der on cattle left side and thigh Jacob Hoyem. P. O. Address, Howie, Montana. Range, Lower Sweet Grass. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. Levi S. Howes. P. O. Address, Otter, Montana. . Range, Otter Creek. Earmark. / HOWES & CROWELL. on left side CA or right side. Vent for ; horses, JANES right shoulder. HOWES & STREVELL. Earmark a EJ side. Augustus F. Howes. P. O. Address, Otter, Montana. Range, Otter Creek, Custer County, Montana. pune A wb Other brands Vent for on cattle, Rp part of horses, Bl left side. Other brands - |B ! for horses, [IN left A left A+E left ET jaw. a thigh, a thigh. / ey rw a rs i TE Ere MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, S. A. Hotchkiss. P. O. Address, Brandenburg, Mont. Range, Tongue River. Earmark ah Vent for cattle [jj Other brands and horses, EE@= on cattle, Ys left OF REE — el ribs. ribs. A. N. Hotehkiss. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, Big and Little Pumpkin Creeks. Earmark Other brands Vent for horses, [kn on cattle, Lt “+ RIZ{ left FANE Tem side. side. x H. H. Hunter. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, Box Elder Creek, near Ekalaka. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Lee Hughes. P. O. Address, Lincoln, Montana. Range, Blackfoot River. Ae \ ih yi ih [i Vent for cattle © right ribs Hurd Brothers. C. S. Hurd, W. W. Hurd, Henry Hurd. P. O. Address, Glasgow, Montana. Range, from the Little Rockies to mouth of Milk River. Vent for cattle aa on left thigh brand Other brands on left ribs on cattle © Vent for horse Ml on shoulder brand = MINS IRL 0 VS brands on left thigh on horses or right thigh on left thigh BB on left jaw. = on left T on fl shoulder : thigh on left shoulder -on left thigh MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. G. F. Ingersoll. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, North of Yellowstone River. 3A i’ Earmark = Other brands on cattle, Other horse left or brands jaw ATLANTIC LIVE STOCK CO. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. G. F. Ingersoll, Manager. Range, Little Porcupine to Custer Creek and Yellowstone River to Little Dry Divide. Vent, bar left thigh through brand 0 Shop} i aie Mark, wattle on chin. Earmark Go Vent for horses, bar threugh brand MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. REA CATTLE CO. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. G. F. Ingersoll, Manager. Range, Little Porcupine to Custer Creek and Yellowstone River to Little Dry Divide. pal i Earmarks “a \ Other . Other / brands =i left brands ro Vent for on cattle thigh on horses [a horses C. J. Hysham. P. O. Address, South Omaha, Neb, Range Crow Reservation. Py Ea LT pn Earmark “pp Brand any plac® on cattle for on the Other 4s: cattle animal brands Cattle and horses right ribs = left shoulder MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Mrs. A. D. Huntley. P. O. Addrsss, Toston, Montana. Range, Horse Shoe Bend, Missouri River, Sixteen Mile and Crow Creek Valleys. James Hunter, P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, Little Beaver and O'Fallon Creeks, near Ekalaka. ANA wy A Vent for cattle left hip. Horses below original. Other brands Ses either jaw, cattle or on left jaw for horses horses; vent, both jaws.: or shoulder Walter Huckvale. P. O. Address, Medicine Hat, N. W. T. Earmark B= Vent left shoulder. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Wm. Irvine, P. O. Address, Ronan, Montana. Range, Flathead Reservation. RE Earmark * =< Vent for cattle on left shoulder Vent for = on left horses shoulder J. B. Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Poplar Montana. Range Fort Peck Indian Reservation. Vent for cattle and horses 15 same brand below original Wm, Jackson, P. O. Address, Culbertson, Montana. Range, between the Big Muddy and Dakota line. Te ht oy LS aT NTU i nis Earmark id MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION Jefferies & Higgins. P. O. Address, Dickinson, No. Dak. A. N. JEFFERIES, C. F. HIGGINS. Range, Bowman and Billings counties, N. D. TL \O Y M [ 11 Wd fod ay rl J B a) ’ y RY a d Ni brands on x left shoulder cattle > or § left side, or NZ cit side and left shoulder = or left side W. D. & F. W. Johnson. P. O. Address, Los Angeles, Cal. Geo. A. Pemberton, Manager, Spearfish, S. D. Range, Powder River, East Fork and Willow Creeks. Other brands on cattle, \W left side = left shoulder. XY. left thigh and various other brands. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Wm. Johnston. P. O. Address, St. Peter, Montana. Range, Benton Flat. Earmark o> Vent for cattle gK below original. ~ Vent for horses o on right Other brands = right thigh. for horses mm shoulder. E. H. Johnson. P. O. Address, Miles City, Mon- tana. Range, ranched by J. M. Holt, Powder River. i ® Le it of Wi v, RA pA te = George Johnson. P. O. Address, Terry, Montana. Range, Whitney, Ten Mile and Cole Creeks. Earmark “Hi-<) Vent for cattle Otho | E L on left horses TE below n cattle hip right hip [sll original } : | 3 ) : i ) DR A TR ER Cd BRE re MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Jones Bros. P. O. Address, Dodson, Montana. D. JONES, Manager. Range, north side Milk river, between Harlem and Malta. ey al ! We ¥ CAT hot Earmark 2 Other Vent for cutie fag pio original. ands on = TE ; cattle right ribs. Other brands for horses right shoulder Chas. L. Johnson. P. O. Address, Cascade, Montana. Foreman, J. S. Sandlin, Cascade. Range, Chestnut Valley. Earmark ae Vent for cattle §@ = right shoulder Vent for [mu left horses shoulder Other brands ® right thigh cattle left ribs. Ell left shoulder horses MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Wm. Johns. P. O. Address, Silver, Montana. Mark for cattle, dewlap in brisket. Johnston-Penwell Live Stock Co. James L. Johnston, Manager. P. O. Address, Shannon, Montana. ten BO aT np Earmarks Go Ba Vent for cattle, bar below brand, some vented with bar through brand Jl left ribs cattte and left hip horses Other brands ge on cattle bE i on same brand left thigh. left hip cattle; vent same brand left ribs right ribs EN left left shoulder cattle cattle BR ibs ‘left shoulder MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. ‘W. B, Jordan, W. A. Jordan. W. B. Jordan, P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. left hip horses. Vent on shoulder Other brands for horses, Range near Ekalaka. AN @8 left thigh. Vent same. left and = left or = left 2 left gl thigh shoulder thigh shoulder left and [OREM left or EQ left and : thigh shoulder shoulder Range a cit near AY cit BRAM leit Malta hip thigh Shields River Park Ranch. P. O. Address, Meyersberg, Montana. Foreman, Peter Nesson, Meyersburg, Montana. Range, Upper Shields River. horses MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Jordan & Hagan. P. O. Address, Glendive, Montana. T. F. Hagan, W. F. Jordan. Range between Yellowstone and Redwater. Other brands on cattle, left ribs and i horse brands right ribs cattle, right % shoulder horses. T. F. Hagan individually. Brands for horses, riight left jaw 01 shoulder = for mares horses left thigh Edward Josuchs. P. O. Address, Belfield, Stark county, N. Dak. Range, head of Hart River, Billings County, N. Dak. 03h vi id ik pe Other brands on cattle, right ribs MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Daniel Knapp. P. O. Address, Oswego, Montana. Range between Poplar and Big Porcupine, Ft. Peck Reservation. | XO Vent for cattle same as brand reversed. Other brands 4 on cattle, ¢ | right 3 left 7S shoulder. shoulder. Vent for horses on right jaw. John Kraft, P. O. Address, Otter, Custer County, Mont. Range, Otter Creek and tributaries. Earmark -3 La Other brands cattle and 98 on cattle, a ich side. left horses, side. H. N. Kempton. P. O. Address, Terry, Montana. Range between Powder River and Fallon Creek. Earmark if Vent for cattle, IN 2 under brand. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Frank Kramer. P. O. Address, Jordan, Montana. Range, Seven Black Foot. CAT ag 3 Other brands on cattle, or Jott For horses, | B Sv left thigh. - right ribs. M. L. Kramer. P. O. Address, Jordan, Montana. Range, Big Dry. Vent for horses, below original. Other brands for horses, on left thigh. = on left thigh. G. Maitland Kirwan. P. O. Address, Etna, Montana. Range, Tongue River and Moon Creek. Earmark i ji Vent for cattle MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. F. J. Keene. P. O. Addresss, Canton, Montana. Range, Broadwater county. Earmark Vent for cattle and horses on left shoulder MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. D. C. Kelty. P. O. Address, Otter, Montana. Range, Otter, Lion and Stag Rock Creeks. Earmark “Sg Vent for [IPN under Other brands [@JIM left ribs or left cattle KC original on cattle ribs and thigh Vent for horses under original = left ribs A. W. Kennie & Co. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Foreman, Bert Wright, Miles City. Range, Custer Creek. Other brands right Vent for cattle on cattle hip and horses Joe Kessel. P. O. Address, Sabra, Montana. Range, Eagle Creek. y \ N he =x: SR id Ww i LOR pn Earmark & & Kirkaldie & Wallace. P. O. Address, Coutts Alta, N. W. T. W. H. Kirkaldie, R. C. Wallace. Range, Forks of Milk River. Earmark — = B Vent for cattle =. left AR shoulder MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. G. B. Kirby. P. O. Address, Billings, Montana. Range, Upper Rose Bud and Tongue River. Earmark ) Other brands, left BRE i XY left shoulder ribs shoulder left or Tr left a Cit left ribs ribs ribs hip and hip colts and geldings, left hip; mares, left thigh. Rose L. Kelly. P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Mont. Foreman, E. J. Kelly. Range, Teton Marias to Canada line. Other brands FK right hip on cattle, and ribs. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. J. B. Kendrick. P. O. Address, Sheridan, Wyoming. Range, Hanging Woman. Earmark Other brands aS neck, ribs on cattle and hip J. B. Kempton & Sons. P. O. Address, Terry, Montana. Range, Ten Mile and Whitney Creeks. Vent for cattle, a) below brand. Other brands for cattle, = side : side. ip. bo LULA EE a” SER =: hip. Fibs Fad pi Cat 5 hip, ribs, Earmark i Marks for cattle, wattle on nose. Vent for horses, | below brand Other brands on horses, left ( 2D shoulder. NR MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. S. H, Kennett, AGENT FOR CLAUDIA KENNETT. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. Range, Sweet Grass and Marias. } Wi : 3 SR) : h Vent for "right thigh. horses, BICKETT-KENNETT LIVE STOCK CO. Vent, below brand. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, C. Koehler. P. O. Address, Blue Hill, Nebr. Foreman, Ira Douglas, Melville, Mont. Range, American For Ranch. Vent for cattle, below original. Vent, right thigh. W. N. Kimbell. P- O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range around Miles City and Squaw Creek. mr Earmark eg William Kipp. P.O. Address, Kipp, Teton County, Mont. Range between Cut Bank and Two Medicine. Earmark 7 A A horses. \ Other brands right side of cattle, on cattle, EEN and right thigh SR Vent for horses and cattle, Ta under brand. Albert Kircher. P. O. Address, Miles City, Mont. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Charles Krug. Elizabeth F. Kirkaldie. P. O. Address, Glendive, Montana. P. O. Address, Augusta, Montana. Range, Dawson County. Robert S. Kirkaldie, Foreman. Range, Sun River. favo NE JIS Ce Ta FAN BIE No Mv Earmark ae Earmark ae %S \ pp Other brands on cattle gt 2 Vent for horses, above brand. left Bl either oS ii - ribs side ? = Kohrs & Bielenberg. a oy P. O. Address, Deer Lodge, Montana. on right shoulder Li RR CRONIN LN a Conrad Kolirs, John Bielenberg. Range, Deer Lodge Valley. D. C. Kyle. P. O. Address, Saco, Montana. Foreman, Al Shaw, Saco. Range, Willow Creek, Valley County. ® 1 : AR; NR \ RN 4A 0 wu WNW ; & y Vent for horses above brand Arthur Larvie. P. O. Address, Ronan, Mont. Range, Flathead Reservation. on left SD on left HT on left ribs ~ ribs ribs 0 SHp 1 [§ : he MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. John Laird. P. O- Address, Augusta, Montana. Range, Willow Creek. Earmark >D>T Other brands 2 left thigh Nr’ across hams under on cattle the tail Joseph L. Largent. P. O. Address, Ulm, Montana. Range, in the vicinity of Ulm and Sun River, Cascade County. A 3VRAN Earmark S-& Vent on cattle 2 on left Other i= left and horses shoulder brands ribs Frank Lacy. P. O. Address, Birney, Montana. Range, Hanging Woman. Vent left hip Earmark a ge ‘Other brands for horses left thigh MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Lake, Tomb & Co. Kansas City, Mo. G. E. Lemmon, Manager. P. O. Address, Fort Yates, N. Dakota. Range, Big Dry. Lo ” AT LT Earmark Other brands left side, = } right on cattle loin or hip a i side Some by right right right 2 = right mistake side side and hip ribs Vent for Other brands {BENE right hi horses for horses J. K. Laporte. P. O. Address, Russell, N. Dakota, Foreman, George LaPorte, Plentywood, Montana. Rsnge, Big Muddy and Poplar River, Valley county. NT Whi Ne Lin Be left hip or Other brands [EEE left EIN ribs or left = BY left on cattle, BN hip J right thigh ] ct Bl hip — on back Ell loft [EEE rich: JE loft all [RPM of right hip leg rump with hind leg MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCAITION. George Lane. P. O. Address, Calgary, N. W. T. Other cattle brands, Pa." left sid left. fe Ba - left sid left sid i right side E! left hip Other brands for horses, left thigh left shoulder Larson-Phillips Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Helena, Mont. W. R. LOGAN, Harlem. B. D. PHILLIPS, Phillips. JOHN BRINKMAN, Reidel, Mont. Range, Cow Creek, Bear Paw Mountains and breaks of Missouri Earmark ‘S<£€ Te left ribs right hip Vent for horses right hip MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. C. T. Langley & Co. P. O. Address, Dickinson, N. Dak. Range, Stark and Billings Counties. marks Ea | A) J 7 =, 7 J f fon , A n Other brands I, on left ribs cattle Uy left ribs )% right shoulder horses - Other marks, Ferdinand Leutz. P. O. Address, Hebron, N. Dak. Range, Western North Dakota, Elm Creek, Mercer County. Other brands on cattle, right hip or anywhere on animal, Len. Lewis. P. O. Address, Lewis, Meagher Co. Range, North from Fort Logan. Earmark fg Vent for cattle, on right ribs. Dulap cut down. : . and for horses, on left thigh. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, Edward A. Lewis. P. O. Address, St. Peter, Montana. Range between Dearborn and Sun Rivers. SAT Sad 13 cattle, below original. Vent for horses, bar through brand. Geo. W. Liscom. P. O. Address, Brandenburg, Custer County, Mont. Range, Liscom Creek, east side of Tongue river. pend FAG iy Earmark » Vent for Other brand horses, on left for horses, 5 shoulder. A. 1. Loeb. P. O. Address, Helena, Mont. Range, Avalanche Gulch. Vent for cattle =k N Fs below original.’ Earmark tii 3 Other brands [NSBR right N shoulder 4 i ® left ribs, cattle, AWN right shoulder, horses. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS' ASSOCIATION Little Beaver Creek Cattle Co. E. A. Mulkey, Mgr. P. O. Address, Ekalaka, Mont. Vie Vent for cattle JR left ribs, cattle. and horses, below 7A original. left hip, horses. - MULKEY & BARBER. Brand for cattle = Other brands and horses, @ left shoulder. on horses, left | . EE vent below brand. hip. Little Missouri Horse Co. P. O. Address, Yule, North Dakota. EARLE C. HUIDEKOPER. Foreman, W. G. Clark, Gladstone, N. Dak. Range, Little Missouri River, Buffalo Creek and Box Elder. Wd, ! IY) ¥ N . x - Other brands for horses, either stifle. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Frank W, Lingquist. P. O. Address, Helena. Montana. Range, Smith River, Bear Tooth, Oxbow Bend and Clancy. ! i pA 3 Earmark fg Vent for cattle | Other marks, Dewlap. and horses, right or left shoulder. Other brands } on cattle, “5 left left = @8 right Ss right Co 2 ribs. a hip. = hip. = = right side S right ribs ~~ Other brands either of neck. and hip. on horses, jaw, Ea Vent for horses, 0 on left shoulder. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Philip Lovell. P. O. Address, Dillon, Montana. Other brands rm left hip. Loud & Hitzfeldt, P. O. Address, Miles City or Garland. C. H. LOUD. FRED. HITZFELDT. Foreman, Fred. Hitzfeldt, Garland, Mont, Range between Tongue and Powder Rivers. Earmark Other brands on cattle, on left side. on either or I both sides. on right side. Olof Lofverson. P. O. Address, Merrill, Sweet Grass Co., Mont. Range, Between Yellowstone and Stillwater. Vent for cattle and horses William Luppold. P. O. Address, White Sulphur Springs, Montana. Range, Smith River, Battle Creek, Sixteen Mile Creek. Earmark B= right ribs cattle Vent for = cattle and right Other JEG and left shoul- horses shoulder brands = 88 der horses MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. George Lyons. P. O. Address, Two Dot, Montana. Range, Musselshell. Earmark ee 9% Other marks—wattle below shoulder Vent for cattle and horses on left shoulder R. I. Lyon & Co. P. O. Address, Forsyth, Montana. Range, Big Porcupine Creek. Earmark ea MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Charles McCarthy. P. O. Address, Maple Creek, N. W. T. WN TO yg Earmark Vent for cattle, bar.over Other brands =| NIBI@ left Vent for 2: right hip on cattle ribs horses 22 L Other brands [ESE right hip JEAVAY 1cft thigh z left hip for horses a ge = McGee & Roll. Manager, F. C: Roll, P. O. Address, Birney, Rosebud County, Montana, * Range, Lee Creek. Earmark 2g : Other brands on cattle, left side. BR richt ribs All increase "brande ribs and "B right hips Vent for cattle and horses, EE right thigh ZN RAR i BM rs eter ws A RR i TR i winds est MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. N. M. McCauley. P. O. Address, Grass Range, Montana. Range, Flat Willow and McDonald Creek. Earmark 3 Vent for cattle and Other on horses, horizontal bar cattle = left and thus 3 on left through the brand. brands ji hip hip Thomas McGirl. P. O. Address, Billings, Montana. Range, North side ot Yellowstone, from Cow Gulch to Billings. Earmark fe Other brands on cattle & left side Vent for 2 left thigh horses McKennan & Bogart. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. S. McKENNAN. FRANK BOGART. Range, Bear Paw Mts. Vent for cattle, Z below original. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. W. C. McDowell. P. O. Address, Brandenburg, Montana. Range, Tongue River and Beaver Creek. Earmark & Other marks, wattle, left cheek. Owned by Miss Maude J. Wilson, Other brands ge & on cattle : 3 Helena, and Mrs. W. C. Mc- Dowell, Brandenburg. Alex, T. McAusland. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. _ Range, Little Pumpkin Creek, Custer County. Vent for cattle and horses ta below original All registered Herefords MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. James McGraw. P. O. Address, Forsyth, Mont. Range, Big and Little Porcupine and Froze to Death Creek. Earmark Ee-£ ! Other brands | 3) left thigh of cattle right hip of horses Vent for cattle and horses, bar below brands. J. R. McKay. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, Tongue River. Vent for cattle and horses, 8 below original. Other brands, left ribs cattle, Lt e left thigh horses J. R. McKay, Jr. right ribs cattle right shoulder horses, Scott McKay. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Charles McKay. P. O. Address, McKay, Montana. ¢ Other brands on cattle, left shoulder. John McKay. P. O. Address, Lee, Montana. Range, Rosebud and tributaries, North of Indian Reserve. Earmark Other brands on cattle, left hip. Jud McKelvey. P. O. Address, Ashland, Mont. Range, Otter Creek and tributaries. Earmark ad Other brands = Vent for cattle -on cattle, IES and horses, MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. T. E. McKoin and Son. P. O. Address, Giltedge, Montana. T. E. McKOIN. C. E. McKOIN. Range, Fords Creek, Boxelder, Crooked Creek. ; A 3 at < i BNE WY A | : Earmark & 5 t f ttle left shoulder. Other left hip, cattle. Vent for ca y brands JE@A left shoulder, and horses, left thigh. horses. George McCone. P. O. Address, Tokna, Montana. Range, Burns Creek. PRN # ute TE MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. A. J. McLean. P. O. Address, Lethbridge, N. W. TT. Range, Belly River. 0 SURRY \ . ; 0 . Ww . 3 a NT uA \ Earmark >a i i \ Other brands [5S for horses, §@ right : Y thigh. Vent for cattle, left hip. Other brands on cattle left ribs. left ribs. Kenneth McLean. P. O, Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, O'Fallon Creek. right side of neck Other brands right or left BOE oft side on cattle = shoulder of neck .J. P. McCuistean. P. O. Address, Kismet, Montana. Other brands on cattle n left ; Iam hip MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. McNamara & Marlow. P. O. Address, Big Sandy, Montana. » Foreman, S. A. Miller, Big Sandy. Range, Marias River and Bear Paw Mountains to British line. Earmark && Se Other brands on cattle, = VN JST Flcokiisvio la fake ZN on left side or right EGER: JH: BN right | RE left left ribs RRR) et BS: IN EN Mo BR left ribs right hip Vent for below brand horses Other brands on horses left shoulder Mrs. C. A. Broadwater and 'lcNamara 3 S. A. Miller, Big Sandy, Montana. & Marlow. Brands on cattle left ribs and thigh Earmark ee MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Daniel MeNeill. P. O. Address, Boulder, Montana. Range, Comet, Wickes and Beaver Town. F8 {hil oan WN NS Earmark =a AENEAN \ % s BF JN Fin ay by RR BN > NE ! Other brands for horses a on left shoulder Andrew McMillan. P.O. Address, McMillan, Montana. Range, Cherry Creek. Earmark fe Other mark, wattle Other brands oS left ribs on cattle : R. L. Marohl. P. O. Address, Sheridan, Wyoming. Range, Young Creek and Lower Tongue River. ae : AR pA WAH . Earmark ae TO EN NE I PORE MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. A. & H. Mackie. P. O. Address, Coutts, Alberta, Canada. Foreman, Jas. N. Hamilton,” Coutts, Alberta, Can. Range, North and South Forks, Milk River, Alta. END DO RRA 3 N hh A NJ i Earmark Wg PHY MAR Other brands on cattle, mo EB left ribs, ‘HB leit ribs. James Macdonald, P. O. Address, Poplar, Mont. Range, Reservation. Earmark és Vent for cattle and horses, below original Other brands on cattle, Sie oe 1 left side Other horse brands, left neck left hip MONTANA STOCK GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. = L. J. Marion. P. O. Address, Polson, Mont, Range, West of Flathead River, Flathead Reserve. Earmark & d= Vent for cattle, Manhattan Malting Co. P. O. Address, Manhattan, Montana, HENRY ALTENBRAND, Pres. Foreman, G. M. Lewis, Manhattan, Mont. Mark tor cattle, waltie 0 right side of neck. Vent for cattle and horses, left thigh. F. M. Malone. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Ranged by O. C. Cato, Miles City, Mont, Range, North of Yellow- stone River, on Cato & John- son’s Range. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Madison Live Stock Co. P. O. Address, Twin Bridges, Mont. FRANK REID, Pres. A. J. WILCOMB, Sec’y.-Treas. Manager, J. C. Wigmore, Whitlash, Mont. Range from Sweet Grass Hills, south. Other marks, double dewlap. Other brands on cattle, left jj left or left ribs, ribs, Ml and right a right or ribs left ribs ribs, alone. and right thigh. Maddox Brothers, P. O. Address, Grass Range, Mont. WM. J. MADDOX. GEO. A. MADDUX. Range, McDonald Creek, Elk Creek and Blacktail. Vent for cattle and horses, a same brand on right thigh. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, Maple Creek (Canada) Cattle Co. Ltd. P. O. Address, Maple Creek, N. W. T., Canada. D. I. WYLIE, Maple Creek, N. W.T. Foreman. S. Gooch, Maple Creek. Range, Battle Creek and Davis’ Lake. AT WEE Earmark “de Vent for cattle and horses, Other brands on cattle, left ribs. left ribs. left hip. C. Martin. P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Montana. Range, Marias. Other brands on horses, [Emm left hip. Earmark Other i, for horses, on left a thigh. Brand for . cattle, +H on left ribs and right ribs. on right on on left ribs and = on left and left hip. left ribs. thigh. Vent for cattle and horses, plain bar. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION Mrs. Ellen Maurer. P. O. Address, Kibbey, Mont. Range, Otter Creek. Vent for cattle, AVA below original. Mee & Carroll. P.O, Address, Fort Benton, Mont. JOHN F. MEE, Dantown, Ohio. Range, Marias and Shonkin. Other brands Vent for on cattle, Rd left ribs. horses, left shoulder. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. John Mercer, Jr. P. O. Address, Buford, N. Dak. Foreman, W. T. Gallegher, Buford. Range, Big Muddy to Dakota line. : Vent for cattle, bar through rand, a. brands on cattle, either left side. shoulder. left left shoulder, hip. side and hip. Earmark - JOHN V."CARROLL, Ft. Benton, Mont. Thomas M. Meade. P. O. Address, Shelby, Montana. Range, Teton and Choteau counties. Vent for cattle, | 9 under original. Other brands on cattle, on left hip. H on left ribs. G. M. Miles. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. ~ G. M. MILES, G. H. ULMER. Range with Concord Cattle Co. Other brands on cattle, in left side | Other brands Vent for EN right for horses, or left horses, ‘shoulder. thigh. Matthew Miller. P. O. Address, Merrill, Mont. Range between Stillwater and Yellowstone. Earmark Lee Vent for cattle, left thigh. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCAITION. C. B. Mendenhall. P. O. Address, Springdale, Montana. Range, Custer and Dawson Counties. A Vent for horses and cattle, = W. I. Maxwell. P. O. Address, Ekalaka, Mont. Range head of O’fallen creek. Earmark Ba Other brands, BE left shoulder, cattle and horses. vent left thigh. 3 left ribs, cattle. VA vent left thigh. Vent for cattle for horses, underneath =e left thigh. TE MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Milner Live Stock Company. P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Montana. . M. E, MILNER, Pres’t., Treas. and Mgr., Fort Benton, Ment. Range from Bear Paw Mountains to Fort Peck, between Milk and Missouri Rivers, also between Belt and Arrow Creeks south of Missouri River. Shonkin Range. Other brands on Earmark cattle, old brand = left side only or on left hip. is left side, only mostly JEEHN on left on cattle, branded hip. Other horse brands, gY left thigh. Vent inverted below brand. right hip, rk RA 3 cattle and horses. M. E. MILNER, personally. H. A. Miller. P. O. Address, Culbertson, Mont. Range between Red Water and mouth of Yellowstone River. Earmark te SaL A Vent 5 for =e on left Other brands T on right cattle, = shoulder. on cattle, shoulder. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. A. E. Millard. P. O. Address, Kinsey, Mont. Other brands Vent for cattle 4 BN right thigh. on cattle £1 left hip. and horses, and horses, MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. J. M. Miller. P. O. Address, Browning, Mont. Range, Cut Bank and Milk River, Blackfeet Reservation. Earmark ie +2 WU HS BN & 4 Other brands Vent for cattle on cattle, 4 left ribs. and horses, ~ W. J. Minar. P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Montana, Range, Shonkin. Vent for horses, same, Vent for cattle, same, below original. below original. George F. Miller. P. O. Address, Belleview, Mont. Range, Teton County. Earmark aa y Vent for cattle and horses, Other brands A same, left shoulder on cattle, = left thigh. inverted. Frank J. Morger, P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Montana. Range, Shonkin. Vent for on left cattle, shoulder. Other brands on cattle, 4 mn ) wv - ES oa left hip. aT WR } Earmark eg Vent for horses, below original. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Minnesota & Montana Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Culbertson, Mont. Foreman, Oscar Hage, Culbertson, Mont. Range, between Big and Little Muddy, north of Missouri River, to Canadian line. CAT Vent for Other brands on cattle left ribs horses and cattle Moncreiffe Brothers. P. O. Address, Big Horn, Sheridan Connty, Wyoming. Foreman, C, P. Robinson, Range, Dutch Creek, Sheridan County, Wyo. Earmark & Other brands on cattle, on side or neck. on side or neck. NT Other brands for horses, on any part of animal. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Miller Bros. P. O. Address, Lloyd, Montana. . G. MILLER. C. W. MILLER. Range, Bear par. Earmark 2 FRAN : : : Other brands Vent for cattle S/ below on cattle, O= on left and horses, original. shoulder. Missouri River Live Stock Co. P. O. Address, Cascade, Mont. BEN]. RUMNEY, Pres., S. F. RUMNELY, Vice Pres., A. L. PALMER, Sec. & Treas. Other brands on Em or Oc 5 left side of neck. ribs Thos. Moran. Range, Sun River. : P. O. Address, St. Peter, Mont. Vent for horses, bar through =“ brand. BAAN left : shoulder. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. John T. Moore. P. O. Address, Lewis, Montana. Range, Smith River. Earmark 24 Vent for cattle, right shoulder. Other brands } for horses, left thigh. Ghat, ng Wattle right jaw. G. P. Moorhead. P. O. Address, 114 So. 38th St., Omaha, Neb. Range, Otter Creek, Tongue and Powder River. Earmark (i-<@fP Vent for cattle and horses, Pa¥ below brands original. on horses, Other brands left on cattle, [RGM either side. [RMSE ibs and left thigh. left shoulder, side 74 left ribs. and thigh. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Ww William T. Morrow. P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Montana. Foreman, Wm. Rouse. Range, Shonkin and Arrow Creek. Earmark RAN) “aa \ Other brands >w hip. Vent for on cattle, horses, — left thigh. Frields & Morrow. —— Sherburne Morse. P. O. Address, Browning, Montana. Range, northwest part of Teton county and Blackfoot Reser- vation. Other brands on cattle, dE nn left side. vH ee, Mien /, \ left ribs. Ron" SoS? Vent for horses, By on right jaw. Other brands for horses, 2 Jeft thigh - left shoulder Vent, bar over brand. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. J. R. Morrison & Co. P. O. Address, L.andusky, Mont. J. R. MORRISON, GEO. JONES, WM. E. HEILES. Range, south side Little Rockies to Missouri River. Vent for horses and cattle Kl ) right shoulder C. L. Moore. P. O. Address, Glendive, Montana. Range, Clear Creek, Dawson Co., Montana. Earmark ig Other brands on cattle, E> sides right hip ~~ |{G§Hll left ribs left hip Ba ribs left shoulder side left hip Other brands for horses J ll on left thigh MONTANA STOCK GROWERS ASSOCIATION. Jos. Morigeau. P. O. Address, Camas, Mont. Range, Camas Prairie and Little Bitter Root. Mauk, two dewlaps on neck Vent for cattle and horse William Mouat. P. O. Address, Rancher, Mont. Range, Alkali and Muggans Creeks. Vent for cattle left hip Other brand = left ribs 1 22 Patrick Murphy. P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Montana. Range, Marias. Earmark a4 Vent for cattle, inverted left shoulder. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. F. J. Murphy. P. O. Address, Mizpah, Montana. Range, Mizpah and Powder River. (LL DE : PER Ri ov Earmark 2g Other brands Other brands for on cattle, right horses and cattle, i shoulder. Musselshell Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Billings, Montana. W. X. SUDDUTH, Pres. Range, Upper Musselshell. Vent for cattle and horses, Fred Nelson. P. O. Address, Culbertson, Mont. Range, between Redwater and mouth Yellowstone River. Earmark (Qf Vent for cattle, same below original. Other Bl cit or brands on [JANA right NaEEM side cattle : side and hip Vent for horses same inside original. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION Lewis Mumper, P. O. Address, Beatrice, Montana. Range Marias and Teton and Willow Coulee. Earmark T&S Other brands on horses left thigh, horses. Vent for cattle Other left ribs, and horses, AE on left brands 8 cattle, shoulder. _ a Neace Cattle Co. P. O. Address. Baldwin, Mont. J. C. NEACE, Mgr. Range, Musselshell. A SDR Vide FN : A 4 : Other brands, right hip. left ribs. left ribs. B in right ribs. Na right ribs and left hip. : horses left shoulder. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. P. O. Address, Ellsworth, Sheridan County, Nebraska. BARTLETT RICHARDS, Pres. WILL G. COMSTOCK, Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr. CHAS, C. JAMESOX, Secy. and Treas. Vent for : horses, a on left Other brands Za Sm) = TE hip. for cattle, KEN. :- Other brands [JR for horses, ~ a jaw. H. H. Nelson Sheep Co. P. O. Address, Cascade, Mont. E k armar ge Ro Vent for cattle, he on Other on left shoulder or shoulder brands on thigh. Vent, same brand on shoulder Mark for cattle, dewlap cut up herses, C and thigh. in brisket. NB on left shoulder or on left jaw or thigh @ thigh. Vent, same =e Vent, same brand he brand on shoulder on jaw and thigh. and thigh. : MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Thomas Neild. P. O. Address, Townsend, Montana. Range, Broadwater County and Milk River. Earmarks od Mark for cattle, dewlap under chin. Fa Vent for horses, Henry F. Niedringhaus. P. O. Address, 2nd and Cass Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Edgar H. Niedringhaus, Foreman. Address, Blackmon, Mont. Range, Hungry Creek. Earmark Ea Other brands on cattle, Other brands for horses, right hip NEN or IN | is cattle BNE left thigh horses MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, New Oxley [Canada] Ranch Co., Ltd. P. O. Address, New Oxley, Alberta. A. R. SPRINGETT Range, Porcupine Hills. Earmark p AR DR ) Vent for cattle = left shoulder horses left thigh Dr. Charles S. Noble & Brother. P. O. Address, Sunnyside, Montana. Manager, David A. Noble, Sunnyside, Cascade Co., Mont. Range, Sun River and Teton. Earmark Bia Other brands on cattle, on left ribs & on left hip. on left ribs. INN leit thigh, cattle right thigh, horses MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Northfields Ranch Company. H. LOWTHER. C. T. CLIFTON. P. O. Address, Roundup, Mont. Range, Musselshell. Earmark ad Other brands on cattle, lett thigh. [RENN lest left side. a hip. = Or left hip pd | left side. and thigh. Northern Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. JOE SCOTT, Manager. Range, Powder River, Little Powder River and tributaries, Tongue River and tributaries. Vent for cattle and horses, Vent for horses, same, brands Marks for cattle, wattle on shoulder. uader chin. Other brands left jaw. left left thigh or ) : on horses, Be right thigh. Other brands +H left side or = | left left on cattle, both sides. hip. side. Road [NESW left I) SQ cit side [NEN left side brand, shoulder. e side. and hip. a and hip. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. John O’Neil. P. O. Address, Helmville, Mont. Range, Big Blackfoot. Other brands on cattle and horses, right hip. J. E. 0’Connor, P. O. Address, Canton, Montana. 3h ye Ie ” Earmark & Double dewlap. Other brands on cattle, left hip. I. D, O'Donnell. P. O. Address, Billings, Mont. Range, Canyon Creek and Lake Basin. \ MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Herman Otten, P.O. Address, Cottonwood, Mont. Range, Moccasin. LIRA Fab Vent for . cattle, HO left shoulder. Other brands on cattle and horses right horses, [SE@) left ] AN shoulder. shoulder. Vent, right thigh. Geo, L, Overfield, P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Mont. Range, Shonkin and Marias Range. Earmark > Other brands I left ribs and hip 5 left thigh. on cattle, [SN or right hip. > and xt right Vent for, 0 left RN @ Rd ribs. cattle, shoulder. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. P. A. Olson. P. O. Address, Culbertson, Mont. Range from Big Muddy to Dakota line. eo 1 z it oom re Ta Earmark p AR ETN HUNAN AY Vent for Vent for horse, below cattle, SV left original. shoulder, Other brands on cattle, on left hip. left ribs. A. K. Prescott. P. O. Address. Helena, Mont. Range, Lower Marias. = TB AS Other brands on cattle and horses. J. E. Phelan. left ribs. P. O. Address, Dickinson, N. D. Range, West of Missouri River in North Dakota. Other brands on cattle, recorded on any part of animal ex- B= cept right hip. a any part of animal. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Jesse Patterson. P. O. Address, Boulder, Mont. Range, Jefferson County. Pemberton & Cowden, P. O. Address, Spearfish, So. Dakota. Manager, Geo. A. Pemberton, Spearfish, So. Dak. Range, South-east corner Montana, Re oN aD BAAR y g Earmark aa p= 211 on Vent for horses, aN Other brands [RENAN TA] + EE ’ on cattle, SEN ide. Other brands [i for horses, IRIAN left 2g on RAN eft ~ shoulder. : neck. side. John Pisheck. P. O. Address, Stroud, N. Dzk. ” A iii a ~ mig ee = ; Other brands ge on cattle, SENSE left hip. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. C. T. Herring. P. O. Address, Kismet, Montana and Vernon, Texas. Foreman, W. G Russell, Kismet, Mont. Range, Dawson and Fergus counties. 5 @ on left side. - "\ WN ORR left side, & left shoulder and thigh. & u left hip, 2 left thigh. Other brands on horses, £8 on left shoulder. left shoulder, but all have the 2 on hip or thigh, M. S. Gunn. P. O. Address, Helena, Mont. Range, Bear Paws. Nicol Patroni. P. O. Address, Couts, N. W. T. E. D. Wayne, Foreman, Address, Coutts, N. W, T. Range, the Forks of Milk River. Earmark (

a ho be left rump Other brands on horses, left shoulder left shoulder ‘ Pen and Key Ranch. P. O. Address, Poplar, Montana. PATRICK COLGAN & SONS. Foreman, GEO. H. COLGAN, Poplar, Mont. Range, south side of Missouri river, between Red Water and Chauley Creek. Vent for cattle, same on left hip Other brands 20 on right ribs on cattle and rump. Other brands 5 SH on right on horses shoulder MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION Pioneer Cattle Company. CONRAD KOHRS, President, J. M. BOARDMAN, Gen. Manager. P. O. Address, Helena, Mont. S. J. Scott, Foreman, ‘Oswego, Mont. Range, north from Yellowstone River to Missouri River, in- cluding Big Dry Creek and tributaries in Dawson county. Earmark ‘aa PER Other brands ; 223 left side cattle left shoulder horses Y Nal iE 1 Sawin [ a Nf : 2 Earmark & a i al x rw Vid : C left 5 left z left i left shoulder thigh shoulder thigh left thigh or left side Vent for horses, over brand left thigh E. M. Pollinger. P. O. Address, Twin Bridges, Mont. Range, Parsons Bridge to Wisconsin Creek and south sides of Jefferson River. Other brands on cattle, wattle under throat. Vent for horses and cattle, horizontal bar through center of brand* T. C. Power & Co., Ltd, : Prouty & Nohle. P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Mont. P. O. Address, Buford, N. D. i E. M. PROUTY, So. St. Paul, Minn. A. F. NOHLE, Buford, N.D. Range, south of Missouri, east and west to Yellowstone river. 3 7 7 a : RW i i kN a Other brands left ribs, cattle ’ J wp ph Earmark - al T. C. POWER, individually. Other brands B left El ribs oo ribs or on left ribs left ribs cattle | Ww left thigh horses Ea left ribs cattle | sel right hip @ left shoulder : left thigh horses horses MULLEN FUEL CO. A. F. NOHLE. Blossburg, Mont. 75 left ribs cattle, left shoulder horses JUDITH MERCANTILE AND CATTLE CO. Judith, Mont. G. R. Norris, Manager. | ye Range, Arrow Creek to Armell Creek, south of Missouri. (i fd \ CR Earmark -< Other brands left ribs Horses NY left left shoulder cattle. jaw R. R. Pureell. P. O. Address, Helena, Mont. Range, Bear Paw Mountains. oat Ah Earmark &e8 WE LE VN - Vent for cattle, Vent, Pp left hip cattle 4 left shoulder horse below brand. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. G. B. & G. L. Pope. P. O. Address, Fallon, Montana. Foreman, G. L. Pope, Fallon, Mont. Range, O'Fallon Creek. Vent for cattle Vent for Tal Other brands = horses [E—. for horses, Poindexter & Orr. P. O. Address, Dillon, Montana. P. H. POINDEXTER. W. C. ORR. Range, Beaverhead County. Earmark Sg Mark for cattle, dewlap two up cuts. Vent for cattle, Ne right Other brands left shoulder. on horses, ola thigh. Other brands on cattle, i left hip. + right thigh. Y right hip, cattle. 1894 colts XY left jaw. left shoulder, horses. branded, MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. A. C. Quaintance. P. O. Address, Boulder, Montana. Range, Lower Boulder. \ NT F Vent for cattle, JEe@ on the neck. Mark on cattle, dewlap on brisket, cut up and down. right or left ribs. M. F. Quinn. P. O. Address, Boulder, Mont. Range, Boulder Valley. Vent for horses, on neck. Earmark fe Other brands Vent fo} ON right ior hs § on right cattle or horses, #55 ar, ’ shoulder. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, J. A. Ramer. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, Sand Creek, a tributary of the Mizpah, Custer County. Earmark Other > ribs, cattle. brands, ie left cattle and hip. left shoulder, horses. horses. Other Brands for increase right jaw on gelding. horses, branded left shoulder on mares, Vent Et for Bl right left left horses, A hip. thigh. y G shoulder. Fred Ramsey. P. O. Address, Kirby, Mont. Range, Upper Rosebud. sn 4 Earmark al Vent for horses, same Other marks, stripe across brand on left shoulder. buttock. left side, cattle. | | | left H, left left hip, horses. side. side. Other brands on cattle left side. hip. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, 0. L. Reed. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, North of the Big Dry to the big Missouri River on Snow and Shel! Creek. Earmark Vent for cattle under Other brands and horses, large hip for horses, brand. Other brands on e Non right cattle, side. Ys on left either side. side. left = onright side. hip. on left side. ] We Edward Reinicke. P. O. Address, Sunnyside, Montana. Range, Sun River. h 5 Vent tor cattle and horses below original brand MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. | MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION S. G. Reynolds. A. H. Reser. P. O. Address. Billings, Montana. ‘ P. O. Address, Chinook, Montana. Foreman, John V. McVay, Billings. Range, north side Milk River. Range, Thirty Mile Ranch, Bull Mountains. 5 Earmark an ATOR RR Bd Vent for 5 1g or a0 on shoulder cattle Brand for cattle 0 on shoulder, ribs or hip ef either side B ’ Other brands left Vent for left on cattle ; ° Im | 1 01 ribs horses thigh Reynolds Cattle Company. W.L.R . L. Richards. G. T. Reynolds, President. P. O. Address, Dickinson, N. Dakota. P. O. Address, Albany, Texas. Foreman, G. E. Reynolds, Malta, Montana. Foreman, Alex. Fowler, Oakdale. Range, Dunn County. Range, on north side of the Missouri River and south of Malta. Wt 5 Path gfe I Earmark Fl Earmark BB oe Other brands for cattle | =, John J. Roche. P. O. Address, South Omaha, Neb., care of Omaha Cattle & . : I, on left jaw l.oan Co. : ENE Th Range, Wyoming and Crow Reservation. Vent for cattle on left side : = : . 1% =r oy RL pe . lb right thigh Earmark ee % hn : 5 Other brands on cattle ) i i \ J, ane sa . on right ribs or right thigh MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Frank C, Robertson. P. O. Address, Box 1788, Spokane, Washington. B. Roney. P. O. Address, Birney, Montana. Range, Hanging Woman Creek. oat EN fa Earmark ae Vent for cattle, same Other brands on cattle left shoulder Vent for horses, bar above brand. Sos John Ross. P. O. Address, Denton, Montana. Range, Wolf Creek to Arrow Creek. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. 173 Ed. Ryan. P. O. Address, Boulder, Montana. Range, Jefferson County. Earmark Vent for right shoulder Vent for left thigh cattle horses A ° Rue Bros. J. S. RUE, F. W. RUE, G. .H. RUE, A. W. RUE. P. O. Address, Graham, Montana. Range, Little Powder River. 7 7 olf J) ) Wh Earmark 24 q . Ch ) Vent for Other cattle and NA below brands Bigs left ribs a horses original on cattle Edward C. Russel. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. Lessee, B. F. Gordon, Ubet. Earmark F Dye FA MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Wm. Rowe. P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Montana. Range from Belt Creek to Arrow Creek, south side Missouri river. Earmark Other brands 51 ribs left ribs a p right thigh Vent for 48 on left Vent for horses ES left shoulder cattle shoulder and cattle BR Ryan Bros. Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Leavenworth, Kansas. Jepp Ryan, President and Manager. Range, Musselshell, Willow and Flatwillow, east to Big Porcupine. Jw brands on cattle, Earmark a left side left hip lett side Ir left side left side Other brands on horses left thigh AN Sal All cattle sold in Montana have Murphy Cattle Co. or Custer Cattle Co. brands on them. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Russell Bros. J. W. Crawford, Manager. P. O. Address, Chinook, Mont. Other brands for cattle, 1 both sides Hi EPA VAOYA | cit ribs i Selway & Morse. E. O. Selway, J. E. Morse. P. O. Address, Dilion, Mont. Foreman, E. O. Selway, Dillon, Mont. Range, southern part of Beaverhead and Madison Counties. Earmark =e Other brands for horses, left left shoulder shoulder oti sigh i left shoulder Bs thigh % left shoulder ~~ BB ih MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCAITION. William F. Schmalsle. P. O. Address, Miles City, Mont. Range, Moon Creek, Custer County, Mont. E. F. Sawyer. P. O. Address, Lombard, Mont. Range, Horseshoe Bend, Missouri River, Gallatin county. old OS 3 Mark for cattle, two cuts in dewlap A NON 3 i 4 A A Hide NR and a Vent for cattle left shoulder Sanford Bros. P. O. Address, Canyon Creek, Montana. William Sanford. Range, Cascade and Lewis and Clarke counties. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Sands Cattle & Land Co. MORRIS SANDS. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. Foreman, Emanuel Jacobs, Choteau. Range, Teton County. Soh i Ni Other brands Me left right Vent for horses on cattle shoulder hip bar across brand G. J. Staudaher. P. O. Address, Dillon, Mont. Range, Centennial Valley. Earmark Other marks, wattle on both lower jaws. Vent for cattle, above original and across original. Other brands on uy left shoulder 3 on left hip BIg side and left hip left side. Other brands NEI Vent for horses, same across original. for horses, a left a thigh MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Jno. T. Seyler. P. O. Address, Twin Bridges, Montana. Range, Rochester, Basin and McCarty Mountains. Earmark tee Other sean [Jen ribs horses and on left shoulder cattle d W. S. Snell. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, Bull Creek, Wilson Creek and Sunday Creek. avon NP d AY aL pA Earmark =< Other brands on cattle left shoulder St. Ignatius Mission Indian School. REV. GEO. De IL.a MOTTE, Superior. Range, Flathead Reservation. Earmark &% MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Seven Mile Land & Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Helena, Mont. C. H. HEAD, President. MARY BELLE HEAD, Sec’y. Foreman, PETER SANBORN, Helena. Range, Seven Mile. . ’ - eH I 7 ) ey , ; , i siat Vent for cattle and rors | across original Other brands left hip cattle and horses. Vent below original Shanley Bros. P. O. Address, Nashua, Mont. W.SHHANLEY. F. J. SHANLEY. F. V. SHANLEY. Foreman, F. J. Shanley, Nashua. Range, Mouth of Milk River west to Willow Creek and south to Missouri River, and on Big Porcupine Rivers. Earmark + Vent for cattle, below 2 original. A | EB} original. Other left ribs, cattle. Other brands 3 brands, | for horses, Euuglll right left thigh, horses. x jaw. M on right od fl on left shoulder. = shoulder. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCAITION. Geo. W. Shannon. P. O. Address, Union Steck Yards, Chicago, Illinois. Foreman, Joe King, Lewistown, Mont. Range, Judith Basin. hi Fly Mark for cattle, wattle on left jaw. | right side and hip. No cattle sold in Montana. &e-€L Spragg & Keirstead. P. O. Address, Denton, Montana. MRS. ANNA SPRASS, BRUNDAGE KEIRSTEAD. RANK A. SPRAGG. Foreman, Brundage Keirstead, Denton. Range, around Denton for ten miles. oy hoi cattle, P= under brand. Vent for = horses on right Other brands EQPM on right Oo shoulder. for horses, © shoulder, and © on left Vent, same under brands. shoulder. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Stadler & Kaufmann, P. O. Address, Helena, Montana, L. E. KAUFMANN, Range, Bear Paw. L. STADLER, Earmark Other brands on cattle, nu left hip. V. Staubach. P. O. Address, Winston, Montana. Range, Beaver Creek and Bear Paw. Vent for horses, Vent for cattle, Ey ribs. J. W. Strevell Estate. P.O. Address, Miles City, Montana MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Henry H. Sappington. P. O. Address, Sand Creek, Montana. Range, Antelope Creek and Jefferson River. 0 SWANN f Fils pa Cat Earmark & Vent for cattle and horses, left thigh. L. W. Stacy & Company, P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, Little Dry, Dawson County. Other brands Other brands AVA either for horses, 2 UJ right hip. on cattle, Eel side. on left hip or thigh, = = right either or ml 2150 bar on left jaw. side, both sides. MRS. L. W. STACY, Miles City. = left or right ribs, cattle. ha right hip, horses. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. J. H. Sherburne. P. O. Address, Browning, Montana. Foreman, Sherburne Morse, Browning, Mont. Range, Blackfoot Reservation. Fl NY ATL Vent for cattle and horses, : below original. Other brands : for horses E on left Other brands thigh. cattle, right jaw. == Ee right ribs, a vent, right thigh. 2 Beil on leit thigh. cattle and horses. on’left side. Spear Bros. Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Morehead, Montana. W. H. Spear, Morehead, Montana Range, Powder River. Earmark Other brands 1 Other brands [ASSEN IES 7 -DWID t or horses AN left on cattle, hip. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, Sam Spencer. P. O. Address, Lytle, Montana Range, Marias. Earmark aa | Fa Other brands on cattle, on left side and hip J. M. Shelton. P. O. Address, Shamrock, Texas. J. O. Loudermilk, Jordan, Montana. Range, Big Dry, Montana, Earmark a Other brands on cattle, [GI left side and left hip. a each side. each side. each side, (SE left hip and right side, MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. John Spencer. P. O. Address, Coutts, N. W. T. Range, from Sun River to Milk River and Canada - i NN J 4 N Vent for cattle, reversed on left loin DeVitt & Flato. P. O. Address‘ P. O. Box 260, Ft. Worth, Texas. D. M. DeVITT. F. W. FLATO, Jr., Kansas City, Mo. Manager, Geo. A. Pemberton, Spearfish, So. Dak. Range, Powder Rivers, Box Elder, Willow to Little Missouri Montana. / i AT pip Earmark Lge) Other brands principal Texas (“mallet”) for brand, 2 on right ranch i= ns cattle, ml shoulder. brand, left side. Other. brands, left left left - : side. shoulder. = hip. DB fow TR thigh MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Stevens Cattle Co. G. H. STEVENS, H, DEFIELD, President and Manager. V. President and Treas. P. O. Address, Towner, N. D. St. Paul Office, 45 East Fourth street. WM. HAMM, Geo. Spenddiff. P. O. Address, Musselshell, Mont. Range, Musselshell River and Fattic Creek. am , o, A RA a ST Wi! i Vent for cattle left shoulder _ . Other brands E left side cattle lc left shoulder left shoulder horses or thigh left hip right hip Sl both sides Other marks, dewlap Vent for horses, let thigh MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Secretary, W. C. Swett Estate. MRS. V. E. BICKETT, Admx. P. O. Address, Helena, Mont. Foreman, W. D, BURCH, Cascade, Mont, Range, Chestnut, Cascade County, Mont. A i ul om RETR TT Earmark & 4 TN : : Vent for a left Vent for horses se cattle shoulder a ZN . . Other brands on cute [fr = left hip L. D. Sweetman. P.O. Address, Milton, N. D. R. A. SWEETMAN, Buford, N. D. Range, Little Muddy, Valley County, Mont. Earmark a Vent for cattle, under brand Other brands on cattle, > on left hip across and thighs Vent for horses, left shoulder Other brands for horses, left thigh u left thigh left shoulder in in left Seed thigh MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Shepherd & Heldt. P. O. Address, Great Falls, Mont. Range, Sun River and Marias. Earmark ef Other brands on cattle, \W/ left ribs and on hip er thigh, Henry Sieben. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. Range, Sweetgrass and Big Muddy. Earmark 8 } Vent for cattle left shoulder Ne : g : A = Vou WEA SE ay and EB right ribs — . left ribs Other brands on horses, MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Oscar Stephens. P. O. Address, Ft. Maginnis, Montana. Foreman, Frank Stephens, Ft. Maginnis. Range, from Dog creek to the Musselshell. CA Earmark 2a Wattle under chin. Oihst Brands right hip and right side. cole, = left ribs. left ribs. right ribs. Chas. M. Simpson. P. O. Address, Beebe, Montana. Range, Pumpkin Creek. left thigh, cattle. Other brands Vent, EAs for horses, M@@W left left shoulder, horses. thigh. left ribs, cattle. Other brands [MSI left ribs. on cattle, [mm MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION Jacob Sieben. P. O. Address, Cascade, Montana. Range, Northern Montana. f/ d \ \ 4 ) ) : | ™ ! ; 1 Other brands on cattle, = left shoulder. left ribs John Simpson, P. O. Address, Lewistown, Montana Range, Judith Basin. ny 3 4 Nev - . To : Earmark | Vent for cattle, left shoulder. Vent for horses, 7 left thigh. E. G. Smith. P. O. Address, Butte, Montana Range, Headwaters of Black Tail and Little Pipestone Creeks Twp. 1 and 2 of R. 6 and 7 w., Silver Bow county: ) att SN Vent for cattle a and horses, 8 3 below original Other brands on cattle, [RE left hip left hip MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. H. A. Smith. P. O. Address, P. O. Box, Miles City, Montana Range, head of Cherry, Custer and White Creeks. Vent for horses, Jos. Sims, P.O. Address, Lavina, Montana Range, Musselshell River BAA da MW wt? Other brands left hip. on cattle, C Vent same, AWA left ribs or left hip : left shoulder. [ms only N. M. Silve. P. O. Address, Geyser, Mont. Range, Judith Basin, between Judith and Missouri Rivers. left ribs cattle left shoulder horses MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. John D. Single. P. O. Address, Grass Range, Montana Range between McDonnel Creek and Flat Willow. Fh ¥ Earmark ews \ Vent for Vent for horses, on left cattle, on left thigh shoulder Other brands on cattle, on left ribs C. J. Smith. P. O. Address, Mizpah, Mont. Range, Powder River, below the bridge. 7 Earmark & a Other brands on cattle, 30 on left hip Vent for horses, below original MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. W. D. Smith. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Run by JAMES WELCH, Miles City, Mont. Range, Cottonwood and Spring Creeks, Custer Co. Vent for cattle Other brands on Texas cattle, left side >) 2 Frank W. Smith. P. O. Address, Wibaux, Mont. Foreman, C. Mallet, Wibaux, Montana. Range, “Big Beaver”, 20 miles south of N. P. R. R. in Custer Co Earmark dee Other brands on cattle, age brand en left jaw of all calves from 189s. Vent for horses, ‘Age brand on left lower thigh of all colts from 189s. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Spring Gulch Ranch. P. O. Address, Helena, Mont, MAX ASCH, F. A. HAUSWALD, A. TESKEY. Foreman, A. Teskey, Wickes, Mont. Range, Spring Gulch, Jefferson Co. Other brands on cattle, BJ hip vented ® HEE Vent for cattle and horses, below original Other brands for horses, B. F. Stickney. P. O. Address, Craig, Montana. Range, on east side of the river, from Beartooth to Halfbreed rapids. en SR fF TET ange Other marks, dewlap down. Vent for horses and cattte MONTANA STOCK GROWERS®' ASSOCIATION Ww. C. Scott. P. O. Address, Terry, Montana C. R. A. Scobey. P. O. Address, Poplar, Montana. Range, Ft. Peck Indian Reservation. Scott & Robertson. P. O. Address, Milés City, Montana. Manager, H. R. Wells, Miles City, Mont. Range, Timber Creek and Big Dry. pm ie] q¥ : Vent for Other brands a horses, jaw on cattle, Walligy Other brands [JE : for horses, \X/ and left Saddle BENE on left gl shoulder. horses, Ml hip MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Frank J. Stiehl. P. O. Address, Buford N. Dakota. Range from Culbertson to the Dakota line. Earmark = 0 RC RR {i "Vent for cattle [iB Other brands 5 . and horses, N° below on cattle, = on left original shoulder C. R. Scoffin. P. O. Address, Conrad, Montana apy Other brands on left shoulder. under brand. on horses, 8 5 Vent, same, on Vent for 1 ) For horses on left thigh. cattle, left thigh. Adam Schlosser. P. O. Address, Dragseth, Montana. Range, North fork of Sheep Creek. Earmark i 1 Vent for cattle and horses, mg on right shoulder ~ MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Millard D. Shy, P oO. Aldges, Jordan, Montana. ange, Hell and Snow Creek, and as £ i od mouth of Frazer to mouth of Steves Fork. 85 Southias Bi Degyttom Earmark _ a Vent for cattle, bar through hip brand. H. F. Stoltenberg. P. O. Address, Shelby, Montana. Range, Marias River. Vent for horses, bar above brand. Earmark &e% Other brands on cattle, x right hip. % left ribs J.D. Sh P. O. Address, Stacy, Montana. Y Range, heads of East Fork Otter Creek and Beaver Creek. &y pi : aT to Earmark a ig Vent for cattle Oth = er on left and horses, below brands @R:houl- [§ original on cattle ji der. J MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCAITION. Stephen Scott. P. O. Address, Culbertson, Montana. Range, Wolf Creek. Earmark Vent for cattle, horses, below original Other brands on horses, right shoulder Strong & Dearing. WM. STRONG. G. W. DEARING. P. O. Address, Miles City, Mont. Range, Lower Tongue River and Moon Creek, Montana in i at Sh Earmark ag ¢ mE Other enn : § on right brands eft hip, cattle. horses: thigh. : left jaw, horses. gm . . Other brands for horses, on right thigh. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Sun River Stock and Land Co. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. T. C. POWER. C. B. POWER. Foreman, Robt. Cameron, Sunnyside. Range, Sun River Vent for cattle Other and horses, [lA above brands = left Vent wm original on cattle, hip, 9 John Survant. P. O. Address, Malta, Montana. Range, Valley County. x ki 7 7 Earmark kL Other brands on cattle, right shoulder Ba hip. @W right hip EWM right a and shoulder left ribs Other brands for horses, left shoulder = left shoulder | | | i MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Snyder Bros. P. O. Address, Musselshell, Montana. E. M. SNYDER. J. A. L. SNYDE. Range, Musselshell River and Fattig Creek Earmark &e-2 Vent for cattle and horses, bar under brand. Other brands for horses, “Other brands on cattle, right right EN [cit ribs. En left hip shoulder. thigh left shoulder J, 2 right side of neck Tanner & Manning. P. O. Address, Saco, Mont. CHARLES TANNER. C. E. MANNING. Range between Bowdoin Lake and Hinsdale on Milk River. Earmark “ag Other brands } } for horses, on left Other brands CG on right hip hip. on cattle, Vent for horses and cattle, L.% on left hip. same, below original. Vent, same, on shoulder MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. J. P. Tabor. P. O. Address, St. Peter, Montana Range, Flat Creek and Dearborn Earmark 4d Vent for Mon Other brands cattle, Hight on cattle, = for ip. ibs. i horses, George W. Trask. P. O. Address, Sapphire, Mont. Range, head of Judith river. \) 1 J ) ih IX) Other brands on cattle left shoulder right ribs Vent for horses, same brand on left thigh. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. James Travis. P. O. Address, Cascade, Mont. Range, Chestnut Valley. Vent for horses on right hip — The Bloom Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Trinidad, Colorado. FRANK G. BLOOM, Gen. Mgr. Foreman, JOHN SURVANT, Malta. Range, Milk River. Ear- raaks x Other brands on cattle, left side EE@ YB left hip and hip side ml All cattle bought branded © right hip or side Cattle of our own raising have tin label, “B. C. Co, Trinidad, Col.” in left ear. Other brands on horses, left hip. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. The Canadian Land and Ranche Co., Ltd. P. O. Address, Crane Lake, N. W. T., Canada. D. H. ANDREWS, Manager, Crane Lake, N. W. T. Foreman, F. W. CRAIG, Crane Lake. Range, Swift Current Creek and Crane Lake, N. W. T,, Canada. Earmark 2 Other brands on cattle, Other brands on horses, left shoulder - The Hereford Herd. P. O. Address, Powderville, Mont. JOHN H. BURGESS, Manager. Range, Hay Creek and Pilgrim. ow ~ Vent [MMM left thigh cattle left shoulder horses Other brands on ol left ribs BA hip cattle V left fy h h gh horses MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. The Montana Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. JOHN T. MURPHY, President. Capital Stock, $500,000 Earmark dl Other brands on cattle, = or behind left an shoulder high up iE ty 3 or ve left ribs left ribs \ i CE hip or hip I. left side left side left ribs left ribs and hip and hip Other brands x left shoulder on horses left jaw INA left shoulder NORTH WESTERN LIVE STOCK COMPANY. Range, Shonkin. Range, Montana. Earmark -—a “ MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. —T The N° Cattle Co, P. O. Address, Havre, Montana. JAMES LENAHAN, Pres, and Treas. Manager, M. B. Casey, Havre, Montana. Range, Bear Paw Mountains. vi 7 a, be AANA Earmark >>€C CER Vent for below Vent for below cattle, i= original horses, INp¥@ original on left ribs. on left hip. Other brands \ WW Vent, same, NB¢ Vent, same, on cattle, below original. Bl below original The Ursuline Convent of the Holy Family. P. O. Address, St. Peter’s Mission. SISTER MARY AMADEUS | al Vent for cattle 5% E left hip and horses, ind Other brands left ribs of cattle and left on ee shoulder of horses at Ash- cattle, land, Custer County. left hip cattle and left ribs cattle and X right shoulder on TH left side of neck on horses. horses. at St. Ignatius Mission. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, Henry W. Tice. P. O. Address, Martinsdale, Mont. Range, South Fork Musselshell. Wattle, under jaw. Vent for horses, Vent for cattle, horizontal bar over brand. ‘bar on left shoulder. MRS. MARY B. TICE. Cattle, oe on left hip. Thistle Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Wishek, N. Dak. E. G.JAFFRAY, Pres. THOS. CHAMBERS, Secy. and Treas., No. 10 Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis, Minn. Foreman, Herbert C. Chambers, Wishek, N. Dak. Range, Clear and Green Lake, N. D. Earmark & & Vent for cattle and horses, ott Sa MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. TIM Cattle Co Pe O. Address, Otter, Mont. 2 ange, head of Ott site on v2) side. er Creek, Powder and Tongue Rivers, oppo- SRP RY “\ \ pA "i 1 Earmark p—-" ) TH \ ' 4 d je : Othe wend X| EX : - The Lundquist Cattle P. O. Address, Kenneth, + wey co Foreran, J. C. Range, from Williston, N. Dak., io Big ‘Muddy, Mont. Ay Na Wattle under chin NR MY Other brands for vores [A Pigat flank Vents C. P. Thompson. P. O. Address, Melville, Mont. B ig Vent for cattle and horses, right thigh MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. - Clark Tingley Estate P. O. Address, Big Sandy, Mont. J. T. STANFORD, Exec., Great Falls. Foreman, R. S, TINGLEY, Big Sandy. Earmark Rh a a J ) \ INE ; Other brands B left Vent for horses, | left shoulder ribs on cattle Other brands for horses, | left thigh J. N. Tolman. P. O. Address, Red Lodge, Montana. Range, Clarks Fork River. 4) Vent for cattle BN loin Other brands on = left side and 0 left tigh and ; shoulder Vent for horses, left shoulder Az Other brands on horses, left jaw or thigh NM - shoulder, left 0 . thig MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. W. W, Terrett. P. O. Address, Brandenburg, Montana. Range, Beaver Creek. Earmarks Si her brands [R Other bra } nds on horses, left jaw on cattle, left ribs ’ A. H. Terrett. P.O. Address, Brandenburg, Mont. Range, Tongue River. BINAN H : Wi LL aggpeti Earmark a Vent tor cattle, Vent for bar under brand. horses, on thigh L. E. Tripp. P. O. Address, Kismet, Mont. Range, Dawson County MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Ben Townsley. P. O. Address, Radersburg, Montana. Range, Jefferson and Broadwater Counties. / Earmark & ££ Other marks, wattle on right jaw Vent for cattle, right shoulder Vent for horses, right shoulder Other horse brands, right thigh Ed. Tomans, Trustee. P. O. Address, Cascade, Montana. MARES BROS. TOMANS BROS. Earmark -_ ug Wattle under chin. Other brands on cattle, left side left hip og E left shoulder =~ 4 right hip Vent for horses, left shoulder. TRE MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. James Townsend. P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Choteau County, Montana. Range, Choteau County. Earmark aa “ | Vent for cattle left shoulder ape A For horses left thigh aL yi EG AY Other brands on cattle, left ribs right ribs Tuttle Bros. P. O. Address, Stanford, Montana. E. F. Tuttle, Manager. Range, Bear Paw. Earmarks, a A Other brands on cattle, left side - B= left or hip. ribs. Vent for cattle and rors CE Other brands on horses, MERE left shoulder or left thigh. WB left thigh. 2 MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION Henry Tusler Estate. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, Powder River. a . Vent for horses, left thigh. ent for horses g Louis Trudell. P. O. Address, Malta, Mont. Range, south side of Milk River between Alkali and Peoples Creek. wn - aT Fo ow. 5 a LFA ope AAR iY arth & 4 Ra a v ‘ Vent for cattle and horses, on left thigh John S. Truscott. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Other brands for cattle, Other brands | on either 2 right on horses, [lllgll on any part side. 8 ribs. of animal, MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Frank Truchot. P. O. Address, Choteau, Montana. Alex. Truchot, Choteau, Mont. Range, from Sun River to Marias. Earmark = Dewlap cut down Other brands Vent for cattle and horses, half on cattle and left circle above or below original. . horses, shoulder. Other brands = on left shoulder. for horses, N. S. True. P. O. Address, Lancaster, Mass. Range, Bear Paw. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. W. P. Turner, Jr. P. O. Address, Galata, Montana. Range, Marias River to Sweet Grass Hills. . a WE ow. A 5 AT UE H Earmark = gk Wattle, right jaw. | Vent for Vent for . horses, d. under brand. cattle, [Qi under brand. Other brands for horses, Other brands on cattle, BH leit shoulder. TCE | Bees ribs. highup. James C. Turner. P. O. Address, Beatrice, Montana. Range, from Teton to Sweet Grass Hills. Earmark &%£ CC R OW jp BRE SY g Vent for Wis o cattle, inverted on left shoulder, 2 cattle and horses. Other brands [j= Other horse on cattle, [BN left hip. = left hip. AVN brands, left shoulder. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. H. P. Brooks. P. O. Address, Lewistown, Montana. Range, Judith Basin. Earmark ag Vent for cattle right shoulder Other brands = lett shoulder left hip on cattle ; Time Angus MeMillan. P. O. Address, Lewistown, Fergus County. J Range, Judith Basin. Earmark eau. Vent for cattle, ih ZL Vent for horses original Other brands on cattle, left side Vent for horses, el right thigh MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. UL Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Great Falls, Montana. F.J. ADAMS, Pres. JAMES O'GRADY, Sec’y and Treas. Foreman, W. M. McGinniss, Kismet, Mont. Range, Crooked Creek, Fergus County and Cow Creek to Glas- gow south, Malta, Missouri river. ) \ Nye We Earmark & 2 Other brands right shoul- Vent for cattle, om left hip. on cattle, = der. - Vent, right hip. Peter Valiton. P. O. Address, Deer Lodge, Montana. Range, Deer Lodge, Silver Bow and Jefferson Counties. Earmark & & Vent for cattle and horses, ZY Rev. IL. A. Vasta, S. J. P. O. Address, St. Paul’s Mission, St. Pauls, Mont. Range, Bear Paw and Little Rockies. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. B. E. Vaill. P. O. Address, Red Lodge, Mont. Range, between Rock Creek and Yellowstone River, Carbon County and Beaver Creek and Little Missouri south-east of Wibaux. in, ik Wee rks, double dewlap. Wattle, on left side, neck. Other brands on left on right hip \ Co on cattle, a side and = or left ribs FE right BW shoulder. [ml or left hip. ribs. H. B. Varney. P. O. Address, Jordan, Dawson County. Range, Squaw Creek and tributaries. db Ail Vent for cattle, left shoulder. Earmark taal 2s Vent for horses, left thigh. Other brands INARI (=X GA on cattle, 3 N = = , 2 E IR IA / MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. . T. J. Walsh. P. O. Address, Helena, Mont. | Range, Bear Paw Mountains. Waite Bros. P. O. Address, Graham, Montana. W. T. WAITE. C. W. WAITE. C. B. WAITE. Range, Little Powder River. karmark ie + NR ; Vent for cattle BS Other brands tor and horses, gl below horses, 2D on left shoul- original, der or jaw. Other brands on left ribs, cattle. on left ribs, cattle. on cattle, D) 4 left shoulder, ow left shoulder, horses. horses. B. WarnKen. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. Range, 16 miles north of Helena. Vent for cattle and horses below original MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. John B, Wasesha. P. O. Address, Alma, Montana. ‘Range, Milk River. WW Earmark é& 4 Vent for cattle and orcs [Rc shoulder Mary Watkins. P. O. Address, Fallon, Montana. Foreman, Chas. Watkins, Fallon, Mont. Range, between Fallon and Cabin Creeks. Earmark Vent for cattle Lh H Vent for horses Other brands for horses {MIWl right jaw Vent bar below MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. A. D. Weaver. P. O. Address, Belgrade, Montana. Range, East Flatheam. Earmark Bs Ye J A \ ) WAR ’ a ! Vent for horses NJ left shoulder Other brands VaV) on left hip for horses. J. F. Wegner. P. O. Address, Craig, Montana. Mark for cattle, dewlap. Vent for cattle 1] left shoulder AA "a h | Vent for horses Western Beef Co. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. H. K. HOWRY, Gen’l. Manager. Foreman, John Lowdermilk, Jordan, Montana. Range, Big Dry, Dawson County. Earmark =< MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. #% Mike Wehinger. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, between Yellowstone and Powder Rivers. Earmark Vent for cattle and horses ix Other brands FIR hip on cattle G. R. Wilson. P. O. Address, Two Dot, Montana. Range, Upper Musselshell. A A ! WW! Ty WN \\ ; 3 A [ I fil TL {! ha A Other brands on horses or 5 left shoulder VA right : 4 MI shoulder MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. * Wm. Wallace, Jr. P. O. Address, Helena, Mont. Range, Sweet Grass Hills. _— Jerome Westfall. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, Lower Tongue River and Moon Creek. Marks, tag in left ear with name and P. 0. below Vent for cattle, i right hip. brand. OW MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, Williams & Bent. H. G. WILLIAMS. P. O. Address, Billings, Montana. Foreman, Burt Bent, Bowler, Mont. Range, Sage Creek, Carbon County. Other brands on horses, left side, cattle. 5 left hip. | . Horses Pd left hip on left thigh. ’ or shoulder. H. G. WILLTAMS, individually, WILLIAMS & BENT. Frank Wilbur. P. O. Address, Graham, Montana. Range, with the Biddle Cattle Co., on Little Powder River. EN = id A ” : ; We o Earmark 2 Other marks, wattle under the jaw. Other brands Vent for cattle BS on horses, left jaw. and horses, Pierre Wibaux. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Run by Case and Truscott, Miles City. Range, Big Dry and Little Dry. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. Willow Creek Stock Co. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. J. R. WITMER, President. M. A. WITMER, Secretary. Range, Sun River. Earmark & 4 Vent for cattle and horses, 6 below brand. Lois lud | Other brands on cattle, y Lg & on brisket of throughbred Cp ca. ver Herefords left ribs right shoulder ofS right i left shoulder ribs. Other brands for horses, left shoulder. left jaw. Vent, left thigh. P. W. White. P. O. Address, Ashland, Montana. Range, Cook and Poker Jim Creeks. a PAYS Bon: | Earmark > Other brands on cattle 58 right side . right ribs Vent for horses CD left shoulder MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. + John Wilhart, P. O. Address, 723 south 11 East street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Range, Bear Paw. ti : Clinton Williams. P.O. Address, Willow Creek, Mont. Range, Cardwell Basin and Jefferson River. A, J. Whitney, P. O. Address, Lethbridge, N. W. T. Foreman, C. Johnson, Fort Kipp. Range, in the vicinity of Kipp. RTE ; Earmark aaa MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. H. Williams Estate. P. O. Address, Butte, Montana. Range, Deer Lodge Valley. Vent tor cattle and horses right thigh John Willis. P. O. Address, Glasgow, Montana. Range, from Missouri River up the Big Dry to the mouth of the Little Dry. Vent for cattle and horses, same brand below original. right ribs cattle Other brands on cattle, Co left shoulder JEON left shoulder horses. McC. Wininger. P. O. Address, Kalispell, Montana. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. F. M. Williams. P. O. Address, Willow Creek, Montana. Range, southern part of Jefferson county. Earmark oa 8 Vent for cattle [NEE left Vent for iE left shoulder horses 1g shoulder Alfred Wright. P. O. Address, Sandstone, Montana. Range, O'Fallon and Sandstone Creeks. AY / WV Earmark a & : ha Vent for cattle ond horses below original William Wirt. P. O. Address, Ekalaka, Montana. Range, Buffalo Creek, tributary of O'Fallon. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCAITION. J. K. Whitbeck. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, Pumpkin Creek. Vent for cattle and horses ae) Harry G. Wright. P. O. Address, Forsyth, Montana. Foreman, J. F. Rogers, (Horses) Hathaway, Montana. Range—Cattle north and south side Yellowstone River, in Rosebud county; horses on Moon, Iron Jaw and Graveyard Creeks, Rosebud county. CAT Earmark ag LN Hy NN Other brands on cattle on left ribs ; ; Cm ; on left Vent for PB Other brands 4 left shoulder 9) shoul- horses hal ©On horses or hip der J. H. White. P. O. Address, Oelrichs, S. D. Range, East Fork, Bell Creek and Little Powder River, Custer County. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION William Witt. P. O. Address, Fort Benton, Montana. Range, between Arrow and Belt Creeks. Mark for cattle, Vent for cattle 3 = on right shoulder wattle on brisket 4 Other brands right Vent, same, on Mark, wattle on right on cattle hip right shoulder rump Vent for horses, = left shoulder A. Wormser. P. O. Addres, Wormser, Montana. Vent for cattle and horses below original: MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, A, L. Willey. P. O. Address, Sheridan, Wyo. Cattle run by G. B. Kirby. on left side. J. C. Wigmore. P. O. Address, Twin Bridges, Montana. Range, Bear Paw Mountains and headwaters Ruby River. Mark for cattle, wattle on left jaw. Vent for Vent for cattle, Sw) horses, 5 right thigh. B. H. Woodcock. P. O. Address, Miles City, Montana. Range, Yellowstone River at mouth of Custer Creek. Joseph P. Woolman. P. O. Address, Helena, Montana. Foreman, Grand B. Christian, Augusta, Mont. Range, North Fork of Sun River in Teton County. Other brands for cattle, Other brands for horses, left left ribs. shoulder. ga left - 0: shoulder. hip. Pell left shoulder, Eo cattle and horses. Vent for A left thigh. horses, Yellowstone Cattle Co. P. O. Address, Forsyth, Montana, J. E. EDWARDS, W. L. LINTON, E. A. RICHARDSON. Range, Rosebud County. Other brands on cattie, JAIN left hip MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. J. J. Zimmermann & Son. P. O. Address, Five Mile, Montana. OLA ZIMMERMAN, MISS LEONA ZIMMERMAN. Foreman, OLA ZIMMERMANN, Five Mile. Range, Little Missouri River, Short Creek and Cottonwood. Earmark “a Other marks 24 Other brands on cattle left left side left + hip | >| LE: side Vent for horses, Other brands on horses, =F left thigh or left shoulder = bil left hip. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, INDEX TO BRANDS. 182 4-40-71-115 8 124-188-190 4-10-17-31 51-57-58-87-93 99-109-166-168 178-186-199-207 7-86-98-146 217-230 ..7-9-26-35-37-38 77-108-123-142 179-181-183-187 188-189-207-215 ..130 132 . 131-181-224 206 150 115-139 MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. 153-170 71-90-121-153 vs + 6% . nme Ime Y a . 63-148-199 DAL & ™ — + ENEaENEEEEE EEE MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. - 35 ..35-69-98 108 57-119-199-204 146-185-187-230 41-60-86-90-199 MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION, MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. td tO At ft ER cloaleds] rr) 6 > del . [ BREaBRESNAEEAIERERRE TF 2 2 2 EE 2 2 FE ET TT - = — - — ft — Lo] — - — — = — et — . - 1 . . i ui . 9 i . . - il | . | : . .! i) . w Oo " ; NEERRDE SNARE HEEE d |= il Cid 1" | — Vie Wn ot haley ti ) ia 2 a on on = O 0 AN O O O O \O 8 oO O O — — - et Lo - - — —- Lo — ~~ — - . . . . . . 162-180 | Fog =p aN aN a a > 0 em] 1) ig ue of lr Dig, P48 TIP 22 [NY] ~ wt on 5 aN od aN no «0 Oo \O r~ aN Oo a : 0 on — — —t —- =~ aN oN . . . . . . MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. 7-43-63-77-92 214 . 92-110-187 . . . : . . : : . 0) . . . : ; - : : : : ae i ~ Ail os 17 ; li! | ! ill WL UE i | ir Wt ¢ > Tq ~~ ! i : li i a IAN Z ¥ € ¢ ¢ + © § §¥ °¢ g ® : 2 QD on 4 - — — ro N aN aN —- rt . . . . . . ' . -167-18 144 NJ aN t+ ) ile i lg Soil i dows li PEATE ERSEE Se ¢ ¥ & ¥ ¥® kK KE MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Hii li N dl PRS. ii id iin Whi it al a TT si — fie | ni] Jal 6 SoBe [hy Lh eal Tl Tl 0 ll 34 il i ne 3 y eo i ~ | ® J all fel i a MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. . 92-112-187 i x ) ik >: < = wl 4 il — J \/ UD ™ oe 1 3S ® 3 3g o wy — on " ¥ ie - - : . on on 17-111 _- d : © N 4 : CT a A PP ES FF CIE EEE a a ee. .11-12-28-37 3862-63-98-99 . 25-130-163-174 . > — fas i = Fo + 2 © © — \ hod > wi a 2 8 ' g g 0 . . ' . i I dE PR MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. . 55 ..53-82-128-144 ¥) aed ) IC 2 EL EE 2 - o hg 3 Xa . . . al hs il Fd lw tw ii L REESE EEE : Cs ; : : ki . : : > ; ! a . i a 1 - H A 2 5 5 8 52 1 1 EE MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. ..28-36-48-93 105-1 13-158-163 . 29 29 168-177 185 Ll as pt a a pi pEREEnE 2. oC rl ~ 8 g Q 0 % oy oS = ® e ~ = - - . . . . - - . . ! 0 3 1 1 EE EE EC ES EREEERNE NE RNRE Pa ° x - 5 ig > = 8 a . . . . . . . . . 7 123-174-189 . 11-47-63-66-6 227 a I e ° 2 - —t " a ~ 4 or ig > > -~ 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. Ol i nA 0100 PP HC oh oS 2 ..18-208-217-230 - = = o n 2 i y Ly LL) o I~ MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. NEEIERESEED ESAS E EE . 115 111-132-145-183 | J BREE 2 ol 8 e o . . . . . . ED; 154 |} . 154-174-175 7 =n | VV wi 3 MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. DAREMA EES SEENON —— wy <= o E . . . : i i fan ) il L (rn aS Ene zm as O et Ne wn) OS bud ~- = o . . . MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. 97-122-130 .. 97-102-184 .11-81-91-114-117 120- 184-185-223 -» 33-93-130 aL am MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. i iy MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION 183 11-81 93-154-177 23-50-66-71-104 5 - B- B- iH nm EH = E- iE a 61 62 cee. .84 86 ..86-115-137-151 152-165-189 rt © - —- HE, EEE EE EEE MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. 102-105-128-140 OQ A ®, 0 ie ee. lie AA mem I — wy wn) A ~ on MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION MONTANA STOCK GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. a Hit EEEREREEEE NS — x v > a Q a a . si 2 i — ji Jil Si J i i 1 i | af po lh rg : Co i | | | {(). a. (C hi i 5 wn wn oO O on en + 9 rn S o . I~ wn 1 Q on »- ' AN i= wn) bi EEEEEEEEE ERE 3 e Oo . . cn EETNEEEERERUERETE 40-44-72-93-137 . 9-20-35-38-44 48-52-63-77-94 95-102-113-119 126-150-194 1977-202 (MD a E i A wi J Al e oS a ee 8 R ry . o . . . . “ EEREREDEDE EEE NE MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. . 4-20-58-86-93 102-109-137-146 157-168-185-2¢8 ..35-56-130-150 | AEEEEEENE 1 1 FE A Jl A LL LL — i - © o a ~ SEE PY Up) S— & A A A . 63-110 161 126-177 210 i oe 8 a MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. . 42-52-112 ..59-158-189-190 3 ri lh Fy ..31-89-98-165 188-225. . .15-53-59-88-220 MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. . 29 162-170-187 1-35-39-44-52 232 - — — EEE he aT IMMEBRERNREINEE NRE NUEEREBEEEEEEEE ER ee = ® & P% ® 8B FF 8 & 8 8 — — a : \O wn — — ~- aN oN aN oN aN oN aN aN aN oN a oN jitit 9 a) o a nll dl i ( b HELLA @ il [ai D) Vs A kh SB IS IS Pe TER [oe [oT icq ij 7) i )) BE EEER wr) i | i Jo ) Tw © 2 8 5 5 5 5 ©¢& © = ©» = 2 5 x © % MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. : y : y nN ; ov : . » Wi : a bl i i : HESEHAANEREEEERRSE _ _—_—,.ee ri es MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. MONTANA STOCK GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION. hi: ell do PEARDEHNEENE 9-20-38-40-44-86 151-204-232 : be wa = Ml AN N Ni o [ g v pi ns a 5 © A N . ' \ -119-204 . 116 0 ES FS 18 ..28 ..30 . 20-175-227 . §52-158-202 $ ° — . — a | ii 34) 2 | | 3 y ! z : 0 O AN - EnEERESEEEAEEEEREG 14-37-59-72 ..32-51-98-110 170-193-217 on wn a aN a a 8a , a «a v8 8 a. CL. . 2 Poor rr | h, | Pp, J —— BEG ue BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA END OF TITLE ' END OF REEL. PLEASE REWIND.